HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 1 LOT 43 LEGALDesign Review Board ACTION FORM Demrtsnent of Community Dstelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 td : 970.479.2139 laxl 97O.479.2452 u,eb: www.d.vail.co. us Prolect f{ame: SIAMPP RE-ROOF DRB l{umber: DR8050217 Prct€d Deccrlpdon: RE-ROOF.SHAKES TO ASPHALT TO MATCH NEIGHBORHOOD Pailldpante: owNER SrAMpp, RTCHARD LEE 0512012W5 PO BOX 2000 AVON co 81520 APPUCANT STAMP, RICHARD 05/20/2005 Phone: (970) 949-,+886 PO BOX 2000 AVON @LORADO 81620 Llcense: 347-L CONTRACTOR STAMP, RICHARD 0512012005 Phone: (970) 9494886 PO BOX 2000 AVON coLoRADO 81520 Llaense: 347-L Pmtect Addr€ca: 1835 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Locauon: 1838 W. GORE CREEK DR L€gal Dg3crlpuon: Lot: 43 Blod(: SubdMCon: VAIL VIUIGE WEST FIL 1 Parcef lf umberz 2103-t23-070t-2 Comm€nti: SEE @NDmONS Va^t nttn7, gu#t'"1 / /'r (3 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motlon By: Acllon: SIAFFAPR Second By:vob: DabofApprwal:05/20/2005 Condltonr: Cond; 8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vall staff and/or the appropriate rs/iew @mmitree(s)' Gond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constltute a permit for bullding. Please snsult with Town of Vall Building personnel prior to construdion activlties' Cond: 201 DRB apprwal shall not becorne valid for 20 days follorrring the date of apprwal. Cond: 202 Appm4t of Orls project shall lape and become riold one (1) ycar tutbuulng the datedftal appronl, unless a hriHlng pennft ls lssued ald coniduOon ts onnnened and ls dlllgendy pnrsued bnnrd compledon. PLenru: Joe gthcr DRB F.e prldr f2o.oo oO T*,Nm^#1**+#*ff;li#'"iF,i,;#t web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a buibing permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one yeal of the approval. Description of the Request:RERoof Location of the Proposa l: tot:43 ebctr:subdivision: Vlrf L Uil(rq GL w Eif fi!,1 Physical Address:RE Parcet No.: ato3 l]30 70 tl (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:0u (LEX Name(s) of Owner(s):Richnrd I- \+*u(( Mailing Address: E-mail Address: x,6tot1 o (v -t \, Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs D Conceptual Review E New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) .3El Minor Alteration (single-family/du plex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 Plus $1.00 per STAFF: Construction of a new An addition where square is added to any commercial building (includes & interior conversions). Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Owner(s) Signature(s): ?{^,lar- MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTALREOUIREMENTS** ,d Stamped Topographic Survey* d Site and Grading Plan*,{ landscape Planx.( nrchxedural Elevations* .F Exterior color and material samples and specifications./ { Architectural Floor Plans* / '{ Ugnfing Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures ! .Jf Title report, including Schedules A & B to veriff ownership and easemenbx\. Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. TOil'NM p Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable/. Site-specific Gmlogical Hazard Report, if applicable*{ The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). xxFor interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project 13o Contractor Date Signed Page 3 of l3lL2l0ZlO4 Topographic survey:. Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor. Date of surveyr North arrow and graphic bar scale. Scale of 1"=10'or l"=20). Legal description and physical address. Lot size and build able area'(build able area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40o/o, dnd floodplain). Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey. Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationshio to the established corner.. Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve informaton.. Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions.. Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.o Topographic conditions at two foot conlour intervals. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunk with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. . Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, , etc.).r All existing improvements (including foundaUon walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).. Environmental Hazards (ie rock fall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils)r Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback) ' Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed seruice lines from their source to the structure' utilities t%i#iii sewer Gas. Telephone Water Electric. Size and type of drainage culverB, swales, etc.. Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from property. . Site and Grading Plan:. Scale of l"-20'or larger. Property and setback lines. Existing and proposed easements. Existing and proposed grades . Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.. All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height.. Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade. . A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction,. Locations of all utilitieis including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures, Page 4 of t3lL2l02l04 fta***l*taf***at|+*'3aaa*alaaaa*afaalaa*{ra***la*****t}l+*+tt*+l**t***************ltttttf*ltttt TOWNOFVAII4 COIORADO Strt€mont 'saaaaa*'taatlllllllltltf**fl*tttltltrrllllraaffffll*****rlt*rl*lt+{r+**a+a+falrlltlltf*ttt*a*+{.4 Staten€nt Nunber: R050000651 Arnount: $20.00 0S/2O/2OO5O4222 Pti Paltment Method: Check Inl.t: iISNotation: 5090/RICHARD STAII{PP Pemit No ! DR805021? T)De: DRB-Mlnor Alt, SFR,/DIIP Parcel lflo! 21O3-],23-O7OL-2 SiTe AddreEr: 1835 CIORB CREEK DR VAIIJ IrocatLon: 1838 w. @RE CRSBK DR . TotaL FeeE: $20,00This Palzn€nt: $20.00 TotaL AIJIJ PrntE: $20.00Balance: $0.00taaaffltall*al*'i*aaaafff'|lltllllll'irlf*!r*f**ffl'tt+a*r+*******lr*ll+lflllfarrrrrlllttllllll*a ACCOI,JNTITELI LIST: Aceor.rat C. ode Deecrlptlon Current hts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGIN REIITECI FEES 20.00 Lof '( s ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT Permit #: 8054116 Job Address: 1836 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Iocation.....: I838W.GORECREEKDR Applied..: 05120/2N5 Parcel No...: 2103123W012 Issued . .. : 0512412ffi5 ProjectNo i -l)-. Expires. ..: lllz0l20fJ.5rrJou4t69 owNER STA!!pp, RTCITARD IrEE O5/20/2OO5 PO BOX 2000 AVON co 81620 APPT,ICANT STA!4P, RICHARD Os/20/2O05 phone: (9701 949-4886 PO BOX 2000 AVON coIJoRADO 81520 License t 347 -It CONTRACTOR STAMP, RTCIIARD Os/2o/2oos phone: (9i0't 949-4886 PO BOX 2000 AVON cor,oRADo 4L620 Licenee:347-IJ Description: RE-ROOF-SIIAKES TO ASPIAIJT TO MATCH NEIGIIBORHOOD Occupancy: Type Corntruction: Valuation: $3,000.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplace lnfomntion: Resriced: Y # of Gas Appliames: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY Building---- > $83 .25 Resuannt Plan Revicw- > Plan Check-- > $s4.11 DRB Fee-------------- > So. oo Tolal Calcxlated Fees-- > 9140 .35 $0.00 AdditioDal Fees----- >$0.00 O DE'ARTMENToF coMMUNrrCvsLopMENrTOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 nM79-2t38 \).--\\).L(''1 tJ'-aA NorE: THIS pERMIT MUST BE posrED oN JoBsITE AT ALL TIMEs o-{^ \ t Inv€sdgrtion- > Will Call--- > So. oo f,gcrstien fee------ )> 53.00 Clean-upDeposit------> 90. oo Total Permit F€e---- > $140.35 $0. OO Paymeots---------- > 5140.35 TOTAL FEES------------> s140.35 BALANCE DUE-------->$0. 00 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEIf,I 05/20/2005 JS Action: AP Item: 05400 PITAIiINING DEPARII{EMI o5/2o/2oo5 Js Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARII.IENT Iten: 05500 PITBIJIC WORKS ****r******t***rr See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to ttris permit. DECLARATIONS I lcreby rcknowledgc that I havc r*a u,llLfi."t*, filled out in tutl tbe ioforrnatifiq,rir"d, coryletcd aneccurete plot plan, and stetc that dl tbe informetion as rcquircd is correct. I agree o comply with the inforuration and plc pla4 to coryly with all Town mdirnrres ard staF law8, rnd to build this stntctur€ accoOing to the towns mning ad subAivisi@ codes, design rcrrbw ryrovo4 Uniforn BuiHing Code end other ordinances of thc Town applicable frcreo. RqIUESf,S FOR INSPBC1ION SIIAII B8 MADB TSIBNTT.FOUR PM. AT 479-2149 OR AT OI'R OFFICE TNOM 8tr AM - 4 TTJREOFOWNEN ANDOWNER. PAGE 2 ***'|.,|'|.**'}*'i*****'r'f*****:t****|'{t*******'t*!t*!t*'|3l.**:t*'t'f:l.|*'t,f***********'f****l'!t*i.'}!tltl.*'|3*'|.*:|3l[{.********* . CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 805{116 asof05-24-2fi)5 Status: ISSUED +'lt't't'f't'|:t**t*****'|t**'tl**'|'|**:}'t't*'ti*|t'}'3't|***|'f:t{.,|t*'t*:t*:t,}:t*'t*:*:t'|t:t|t,t:B***** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BLJILD PERMIT Applied: 05120120fl5 Applicanl STAMP, RICHARD Iszued: 05l24l20f.Jls (970) %94885 To Expire: Lll20l2m5 Job Address: 1836 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 1838 W. GORE CREEK DR Parcel No: 2l03n3070n Description: RE-ROOF-SHAKFS TO ASPHALT TO MATCH NEIGTIBORIIOOD *'|***************{.*|''}**|''t*'l*'t*'***'|!t**'t't'i*'|*'|t{r'ti**Conditions{.:*{.l**:*|.1t|.**{t't.!**,t|.*l*****,ll.'i*|i*'****** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQURED TO CHBCK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQIIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVBRY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.1 OF THE 1997 T]BC. a*a+a'll**+*{'*+'t***+*taatalaa*rfa{'**t*att++t'**t+rf*++faa+++*t++***a+**++*+++++**t******a***** TOWNOFVAIL, COITRADO Sraftment tal++ttaaal9+**+*+++aaaa*****fal'a****+l++a*{r+**+t*+*alt****t++*+f*+**+**+*a++**a+*+*++*+**l* gtatenent Number: R050000522 Anount: 9140.36 0S/24/2005022O2 pN! Payrnent Method: Check Init: DDGNotation: Richard Staqrp 5093 Permit No: 805-0116 Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUIIJD PERIIIT Parcel No: 2!O3-123-O7Ot-2 SiTe Addreas: 1835 GORS CREEK DR VAIIJL,ocation: 1S38 W. @RE CRBEK DR Total FeeE: $140.35ThiE Payment: $140.3G TotaL ALL, pntE: 5140.36Balance: 90.00***+f*ll'**a+a***ft*+:t*a**'i*****ta+*+***+***9+*+t*lf+ftttftfff****'|*'ttl,|f'tta*ff*f*f*++ll+*+*+ ACCOTJNT ITEM IIST: Account, Code Description eurrent PmtE BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUIIJDING PERMIT FEES 83.25 PF 00100003112300 plrAilr CHECK FEES 54.11 YIC OO1OOOO31],2800 WIIJIJ EEIJIJ INSPE TION EEE 3.OO AppLrcATrofilrLl Nor BE AccEprED,r,*.o*rrrt* r*, I AIL re requi CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUA S FOR BUILDING PE Biii!?.!?#x*# APPLTCATTON bing, mechanical, etc.! 49:,-f 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Project #: own of Vail Req. No.:lact and Phone #'s: '7')o - ? Vq-Email address: RMIT Labor & Materials BUILDING:o ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $Y:Sooo oo For Parcel # Contact Ea e Coun Assessors Offic e at 970-328-9640 or visit www / *************i***********l************FOR OFFICE USE O N Ly**********+*************+*******r***** 8]en4er Sign-off: , . 07t28t2004 !,1o z (,/3 rs )o JobName: R s Roof Job Address: Legal Description Filing:Subdivision:Ufrr( ers Name: ' 8e Loo{ Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( )Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo ( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior Q{ e"il.( )Does an EHU exist at this location: yes ( ) No (X Type of Brdg': singre-famiry ( ) Two-famiry qg n,'..,rti-r"-ry ( ) commerciar ( ) Restaurant ( )other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buildino:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: ( ) Wood/peltet ( ) Wood Burni OT ALLOWEDa Fire Alarm exist: yef1X|-@ Does a Fire Sprinkler Svstem FlUsersUSutheAnewBLDGpERM.DOC t'10*' ,-;) Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depatment of Community Dorelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Oolorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 lax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.\rail,co. us Prctect Name: SIAMPP RE-ROOF DRB t{umber: DR8050217 ProJect Descriptionr RE.ROOFSHAKES TO ASPHALT TO MATCH NEIGHBORHOOD Participants: owNER STAMpp, RICHARD tEE 0512012005 PO BOX 2000 AVON co 81620 APPLICAUT STAMP, RICHARD 0512012005 Phone: (970) 949-4886 PO BOX 2000 AVON coLoMDo 81620 License: 347-L CONTMCTOR STAMP, RICHARD 0512012005 Phone: (970) 9494886 PO BOX 2000 AVON coLoMDo 81620 License: 347-L Pr,oject Address: 1835 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Locatlon: 1838 W. GORE CREEK DR Legal Description: lot: 43 Block: Subdivlslon: VAIL VII.J-AGE WEST FIL 1 Parcel ilumber: 2103-123-0701-2 Comments: SEE CONDffiONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By! Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Apprcvalz 0512012005 CondiUons: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PIAN): DRB apprwal does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB apprwal shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Appftnal t?o o* rhatt hpse and beome votd or*i*, "ttorlirc the dae of final apprcval, unless a building permit ls lssued and consilllcdon is ornmened and is dlllgendy pursued toward compledon. Plennen Joe grther DRB Fee Pald: $2O.OO RequecF Inspec,t Dsb: lhursd.y, August 04, 2m5- lmpecton ArE : JS Sltc Addressi 1836 GORE CREEK DR VAIL 1838 W. GORE CREEK DR A.BtnLD Silrt$: ISSi ED ln4r ^-.e-^' O llme Erp: Requestd Tlme:' PlDm: Enbr.dry 00:30Af . 970'9.19.1800LIUTNN I /7 Lr/kil 4 0'67 lf V lscp€c0on Hllbr 10mc) 50 60 70 BLDG'I,EG.,$ BLOBFh.Iti F[N.it.e Founomon Ptan 22 PLAl.f-lLC 9lb Plan50:l Pur+TElF.c/o 584 Pt/tN. FIIUL OO lbm: l5ml lbm: lbm: llrm: bm: lbm:lbm l!.m: lldr|: liem: REPT131 Run Id: 3195 fvlu\ fSlna/Lo /v,v be # ol cloEl''-olPLl.d(ts| >lrdlt(Jot x'Pl ()PI(UlrF -l o ..lE Li +rFo(uz.E o.|-,4+t!o5r6ol.sgo.IZ6zc6C' I I l_ IEro I I I I I, IFt< IFlv)z t= lz sf t\ g .ds- an ,ttEo3F tuJIF lo I I I I I Il- r(J IE,o t!J uJU' = E,oll.coFo c zoo o t!o uJ F (sir)r-(O (!00 (osf oxPct ccto-JI c(6 .d +, A) vl o(IJ EIJlL =at.|JOod.l->\ o o tuI 0, -o(oo o) al,oo a;ooo C) .9 .9 .=o -oto 1t 6 ot'- oN aF () o o)c E ooo(5 E o <t, .9c I f -o E (! ./t!o (D?.: c,'= o (r, I8Ecou,.e; I69ca.= (u F5E6PEc-o'.3s :EFd'l =c9G EE5 E E-seoo i=o Easr! c.:- 6 o-(o o- sEE(,,-o.s*e E6:EE Eoot EE i -vC6 0'-5ae gE€ =6>,9 6a Hfi EhtP9t6.o PEg -o6 t^ o .t-, ct.IJ g =oq- (U .u (u o (t uJ|lr lJ- = = UJ o- -t Fo F l(u 1.6lr- l8la l=lEl- IE ig)E:(I, )'t-is-(n:adiEIforEi tL:a6iF.3C,io, 5l.Flarlrv/El N1Jl:-l ; ;Z!-oo6z>9 ao uJo g. uJzul zq F^ qro 0()ozr!<o*io;oFO .i$i OO oo (\j (f, UJ .. >loul IJJulzaF uJ(L .J z E o llt:) = IT ao r,uz :< rF or Id. (t) I E I l"ol96l: () < '!ll{!ls) llJotL-o r.o a) L PP -o +,+)(d (f Jt! tt,J B F llJ o E J z E z E IJJ FJ I d /1 q/ ts =t LIJL 'f-a4 t sr sr(\l r\ IJJFo @oazo Fo- UJY uJo oF tr =E trJ o- lto o-oo I LuFoz Ll,F o z zn )i =< =z O- lJ- "dg =*iA;E tr =(r ulo- t!ofulE9E<ol6Ane.E9Ei 5EE dLE h=E :g: >c: ouE oo9 I u.rE Xo-t x>I q-o -'i!tr uJ ao ID'- ts =E UJ o-zoF C)fE 6zo(J !n! ?lol uJl :l al>l I I J dl u.tl cEl ilttlol pl i ol =.1oluII :l <l>lttlol zl 3lolFI o +) E (d {Jtn o.c aJ', ii =z -) F (J I I Il' I Jt\l'i'lE CIol{J EO _lLr)Iorl 1 olzl olrJll :l <l>lr!lol zl FI s-oE c, a6 av tr ,-l*l +rlrnl sl (Ul('t .ol,-l =l=l Fl IE oz Lt- co I I c"rl*l 5 tIirg+&Ft-o2 FF uJ) uJ z tr) = d E, -rO<FEC)uJ<ztnntr oo Project Applicatlon Proiecl Name: Proiecl Description: Contact Person and o^," l lllY'l (l lnr h Owner, Address and Phone: )Clll\w- Archilect. Address and Phone: rl'7 Legat Description: Lot r -) , Block Commenls: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL \:r,lt\{i Town Planner""," :\/ i\f.({ 0,rL { t,.u Approval Lr.s7-'o_l i44 r6R tArs l,lr lill'll: 1)l'. t'l{0.; I;C'l' 'L\' Thc fol lor+i ng inforrnat i.on is Board bcforc a final appToval A. BUILNIN(; MA'TERIALS Roof Siding Other l9all Materials rcqtritcd for subrni. t tal by can be givcn: Type of ltltclllal thc applicant to the Dcsign Rcvicw Color Fascia Soffits Windows l{indow Trirn tt^ ^*-. Lrvva 5 Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues FlashJ.ngs Chiriureys Trash Enclosures Greenhous es Other B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name Corrnon Name Si ze4h'fQuant'i ty -"{ SHRUBS GROUND COVERS SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION SQUARE Fo0TAGE s0D 5DJ 'QUARE FoorAGEgdgjryA--T--T I TYPE SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Other Landscape Features hnru \!r\\ \0 \ortr c.(retaining walls, fences,swiruning pools, etc.) please a1tr$r> o E- "\'\ '*]f'd l'l:-nt*J. Eil aZ \ -5 t' I I 1 I I I I It \, Vl\t. t r_$-'- $) ?-A1tv?aJ,2t-. g 6 t-- Itlj I I i $ttt * -{s j-S- FUV)\b E! F-I \5 'It bj\B{. k "$ 1a\\ .d rx \'= { \as'- atg -r< Ua I -.l .i s7LI oF It1rcR lALS NAi'll: t)l; I'R0,iL:C1' Lj:(i^r, DtisctuPTI Dtisctu t,'l'10:{ oF oN: t,o't'L{9 ul.ocK l r r. I Nc JSL _gtrq6f_glfl__frU5-&L PR0.JI:C1' The follorving infonnation is Board bcfore a final approval A. BUILDIN(; MA'TERIALS Roof Siding Other l'Jal1 Materials Fasc ia Soffits Windows I'lindow T'rim Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flash5.ngs Chirureys Trash Encl osures Greenhous es 0ther rcqttircd for submi.ttal by thc cun be given: Tyge of lnlat_crial applicrrnt to thc Design Rcvicw Color B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS Botanical Name Cormon Name Quanti ty Si ze TREES isTi! SHRUBS Project Application Prolect Name: r ro,"", l"lr" l, l,' o,l,'^l Contact Person and Phone ''---' --*-..--*---;i 1 )r,i Legal Description: Lot Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: \.\i ,nf --' ,/- - ./r V'Date / ,/ ^ // (; ../ 'r '/ Seconded by: APPROVAL 1'r,j-ti\ DISAPPROVAL I nlt,, l. l, .i-,r,11 []l(.. 1il.+ Town Planner .1 f j r/r,{nrtp' t ,, ,lJ I E Statt Approval ,-taelNrA\ *t ir ,11 trutss l. ,\aT /,'rt.u,tUy.o- il-\ J {*dd{!^-' l^J otr*t'rsltftd lrr.^,r,.h*A for SFR, R, R P/S TOIIE D]STRICTS t Ll: Block Fi'ling Archi tect Proposed Use Zone District ,f Lot Size 0"toL L a ndscapi ng Parki ng Cred i ts : Garage leisnt JffirotalcnFA@ jiiz- Primary GRFA Un*lI" l(LlL Secondary GRFA Ur\rl_b lOln Setbacks: . Front ?0,'Sides 15, Rear 15, l'later cours. . .,_. (30) (50) Site Coverage. arL, 1DLO wffiry) tfll"#*,-|rrm+r"Q -+ X L q#bdrase (300) (600) (eoo) (lzoo) l'lechanicat (50) (100) Airlock (zs) (s0) Storage (200) (400) So] ar Heat Sto ra ge ,is o r,f#ffi o UiIAW8 Co;;:nts: Proposed ,.{ Drive: Slope perni tted Yo/d Slope Actual Environmental/Hazards: Avalanche Flood plain Sl ope t!_\r,t rud rrhry Da te:Zoning: Approved/Disepproved |tvtpFlovsrvrilur LcrcATtot\t cenrtFtcATtcl Aase /eeeg ?8, 6g4c ?arb ,_ --- (f) 'wr tr l).,^r'.,:t-l) /^()L 'l (:A I lJv | -- tu. 4tW.93' i\ {er-ue{ev leat4/-. IH REBY CERTIF L THIS IMPROVEI'EI'IT LOCATION, TTET R0v CERTIFICATE WAS T LOCATION tsEING PRTPARTO FOR BASED ON R CERTIFY3- t14b TIIE RTTi 9 FU TE AN OR I I1 IS I'IOT TO BE RELIIjD' UPO TI{E ESTAIJLIS}TMENT OF FENCE, FU?URE ]IV1PROVEMENT I,INES. t BUII,DINC, n b-THAT THE II\trROVEMENTS ON THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL ON THIS _-, EXCEI'T UTILTI'Y CONI'|ECTTONS, ARE ENTTRELY I/ITHIN TllE PARCEL, EXCEI'T AS SltOl{N, THAT THERE ARit NO ENCROACHIvIENTSTTIE BOUNDARIES OF UPON THE DESCRIBED AS IIIL''ICATED, AND PREMISES BY II{PROVEMENTS OTI ANY ADJOINING PREMISES, EXCEPT THAT THERE IS }IO EVIDENCJJ OR SIGI,I OF ANY EASEI'IENT CROSSING OR BURDENI}IG ANY PART OF SAID I'ARCEL, EXCEPT AS NOTED. E *=o vv. rtAtrrso^rs -/o.o.Er.x ,.4=.9,rtrEru.,EFl,co LJ-- FucK rfEFt]<t^ts ,/ aoe.oa / :,=o.:.t@.LEeAL trlEsc.FupTroN n scALE: lt--?o' Lot *9, /ot> /t*Aqall/.ygr, EIATE : 3'e-7a V;u1ilQ,'* l, pdaw' /aiiq', r"ro=Z' oo*, cp*KfuEal.a, .,- .. .'t!:,f,f;", vmw \\ a"iii;) io+oz ? e. ,t:7ffi.iE COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of LANDTITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY l? lnd Tirle Cruerantce Company 537 P. O. Box 357 108 So. Frontage Rd. West Ud, Colorado 81658 Representing: frrr-e lrusunaruce fionenruv or l[rNruESorA o, ioNVUnsNl rrrrlvrosrn|r I lll ro,lruva rruoN fI?loJJeS 7'FV!_ ',{ro1zu31s pozuoqln? reqlo ro rocglo Eulrprpl e ,{q pauErsralunor uoq^r prF^ eg ol 'y eFpaqcs uI u^toqs ol?p oql uo sretuJo pezuoglnE ,{1np s1t .,(q pexgJu olunoraq aq 01 Fas pu? aueu alzrodroc sll pasnsc s?q elosouull4J Jo ,{ueduo3 alu?lnsul elUI 'JOAUSHA\ SS1INUAI NI 'luaurlnuruoJ snp {q pareroc uooraql aEu8uour ro lselalul ro al?lse eql enFA loJ procar 3o serrnbcu pernsur posodord aq1 alep oql ol roud lnq Joeraq el?p e^IltaJJe aql ol luanbesqns 8utqcu11e JosptoJet bllqnd aqf ur Euueedde lsrg 'polzero 'fuu gt 'sra11eur loqlo ro srulelc asrelpe 'socu?lqurntue 'sueq 'slceJaq 'S 'sprorar c11qnd oqt fq unoqs lou pu? /(BI ,tq pasodrur 'paqsrwnJ roueaJaq Jo aroJolereql lDtrolsur ro roqel'sacl^tos toJ'uol e ot tqSlr ro'ueq fuy 'n 'sprocer c11qnd aqt ,{q ulroqs tou oIB r{crq^\ puu esolrslp ppor* sesnuard oql Jo uottcadsul pue .,{e,gns lceuoJ e qrrq^\ slreJ ,{ue pue 'sluaurqc?oJJuo '?et? ut eSelroqs'seu11 frzpunoq u slctguoc 'sarcuedorcstq 't 'sprocer c11qnd aql fq u,rotp lou 'sluaurosee Jo surclt ro'slueuras?g 'Z 'sprocer cylqnd aqt .4q uirloqs 1ou uo;sassod ut salgud 3o srurcyc ro slqEgg 'I :duljnolloJ ar0 ol lcatqns osF sl luolul$truoJ sF{l.ol paJJaJar a,roqa aSeteao3 ruo{ suorsnlJxg pue suoltelndn5 pu? suolllpuoJ 6ql 14 paqBluoc slalleu aq} 01 uorllpp? uI SNOIId3CX3 OUVONVIS 'luaulluttuoc sr-ql3o suolsl,rord eqt ol tcofqns e$ pu? uo p30Eq aq lsnu luaulluruoC s5rll Iq pararroc uoaraql eEuElrour eqt Jo snlsls_eql ro lsaralu! Jo 3l4s-a aql ol ellll aql Jo snlu$ eqt Jo lno tris.ue ,tusdruoJ et{|lsupS? Euljq feur ro a,req r(uru parnsul pasodord aql l?ql uotlcz;o s1q3u ro suollJ? ro uollcu i(uy 'V 'urareq paglporu ,(lsserdxo se ldarxa lueulptutoC sFIl Jo u?d E epsu pup acuaraJar Iq palerodrocul fqaraq an qrl{_^r pamsul pasodord aql Jo ro^eJ ul roJ-poltpu .uoc sagcllod ro ,6[od Jo ruroJ aqi yo atere,ro3 uorJ suonnlJxa aql pu? suottelndllS pue suolllpuoJ aql pue suolslAord trnmsur eql of ijfqns sg ,(14qai qcns pue ro; pallputuoc satcllod-ro- fc1;od aqt rol V alnpaq]S ul Pelels lunourt ar{l paacxa A1tgqe11 qcns 1lutp lua,re ou q 'lusrulFuruoC slql i(q peraaoc uoaraql oSuElrour Jo lsaralq Io al?lsa oql oleerc_ro upbcu o1 (c) to 'g alnpeqJs III u o,{, suorldecxa a}?uJr!fie o1 (q) ro Sooraq sluaurannbor eql WI/r flduroc ol (r) ,{tlu poot ut Euqulrepun uI uoaraq ocuDll -er uI pernru! ssol pnlJ? ro; ,t1uo pu? roJ pallllxuroc salclod ro /bllod Jo turoJ aql u! pemsul Jo uoq|uuap ar{l rapun papnlJ -r4 sailred qcns pue pernsul paodord peureu eql ot .,(;uo aq IIBr{s luaurllruuloJ sgql rapun fuzduro3 eql 1o {1qtqer. 1 '€ 'suollupdgg pue suoll1puo3 esaql Jo € qdertered ol luensrnd perrncul Aysnonard I1J;1qeq uor; i(uedruol eql a allar tou WrF luorupuoue qtns lnq '{18u1ptocce luaulltuuoC sr-qr Jo g elnpaqcs pueu? ^Buruoiiaio lU rr iueduroC aqr i.ra11eur raqlo Jo TuIBIJ asroApe 'aousrquJncue 'uaq 'lleJep qc-ns fue go atpal,noul ;en1cu sarmbce asr,n -ra!1o fuiduro3 aq1 gi ro ',(ueduo3 aql ol ctpal.v'oul qcns asoloslp llBqs pernsul pesodo.rd aql 31 'aEpa-1,troul qtns esoltsry os ol perirsul pasodord 5qf 3o arnley ,(q pacJpn[ard- s1 i(ueduoC_ar{l lua}xo €91_ol uoeror{ otueller ;o lce Iue uto:g tutllnsar aEeiuup io ssol ,(uu .lo; ,(1111qe1i urory p5,ra.r1ar ag Jpqs ,(ueduro3 eqt 'Eullpn ul ,{uuduro3 aql ol atpal,uoul qcns esolcsrp ol lt?J IIBqs pu? .Jooreq g aFpaqJS uI u,noqs esoql uur{l raq}o luorulprugC slql 4q pareAot uoeleql aEe8uou: ro lserolw ro elpTa eql tu;tca.ge .rirreurrJr{rb io ri:r.ep asrerrpu'acue.rquncua 'ua![ 'pagap ,(ue ;o atpa;mou1 ;en1cu sarrnbce Jo ssq pamsuJ pasodord aql ;1 'a 'lueulnrlsur {lgncas raqlo ro 'poop lsnrl '}srul Jo poap epnlcu pqs 'qaraq posn uoq^\ '..aButlrour,, urlel orlJ ' I sNo|lv]ndlls cNV sNorrroNoc 'Iuuduro3 eql go llnq er$ 1ou sI sarcgod ro ,(oqod qrns anssr ol ernllq aql lBql pepnord 'stncco lsrlJ re^eqrlqrn 'onssl lleqs roJ pell$turoc selcJlod ro ^cqod aq1 uatl,$ ro Joereq o-lBp o llceJJo ot{l ralJs sqluotu xls alsunrual pu?_as?ec lpqs rapunereg suoll -ei;1qo pue ,(1rpqeg1 p pur ecusmsq a1t;t;o salc;1od ro ,(cgod qtns Jo ecu?nssr aql ol ,fteunuqerd sr lueulnuuoJ slql 'luauaseJopue luanbmqns {q ro lueutlluuoc slrJl Jo ecuEnsst eql Jo eurl aql le reqlla'Iu?druo3 aq ,{q Soateq v eFlaqcs q poussul uaeq a sq roJ Paluuuoc sercllod ro ,{iqod iq1 3o tunourB eqt pu? pansul pasodord erp go ^Utuepl eql ueqn fpo a lltaJJa oq [I?qs lueulFlruroC qt1l joareq suoJlqndlls pus suorlryuoJ eql ol puB g pu? V solnpaqcsJo suolspord aql ol loafqns 11u:roJaraql sefuEqc p_ne_srunrurerd aql go 1uaur,{ed uodn 'y aFpaqcs u! ol pe!-aJar io paqpoiap fuiiaq ur fqeraq para,ror lsaratq ro eplsa eql go aete8pour ro rau/$o sp 'v alnpaqcs u! peusu pamsug pxodord arll Jo roAE u.r 'V alnpeqos uI paunuopr s? 'acusmsu allll Jo salJlod ro fclod sl! ensst ol slnuruoc {qaraq 'uotlerapnuoc alqunpa e ioy'ruudtuo3 aql peIIBr ugaraq'uollerodrot eroseuull4l s 'yroSiINNIl^t co ANvdlrloJ aJNvunsNI :ITr[ B|oseuullil'slpdeeuulw lo AuBdrloc lcols e vrosrNNr|1lil ro ^Nvd^ol roNVUnsNl rurl '^eU 0261 - lN3lllll,llytlOC NOII-VICOSSV 3-lIlI ONV] NVC|USI lV gIlZ Zg9Z ur/oJ t/{lI ,o A L T A'-* Cl l"l l"t I T I't E N T sIHENULE A Appl i cat i orr No, VO0C,66CI!3 F,rr Inf arnration Onlv - tlharses -fturner Pol icv PRELIH REPORT *5P. CIt) --TCTTAL-- $50,cto l,lith r"our rerrittance please Fefep trl VOOO6'4'OS. 1, Effective nate: .tLlNE 13, 1?84 at gr0(r A,H. 2. Pol i c'r ta be issuedr ittr rl prolrr-rsed Insur.ed: rrALTArr Furrer.'s Pa l i cy Fsrm B-1?7O (Arrended 1t)*17-70) Prc,rc,sed I nsur'ed i TBTI 3. The estate or' irrterest irr the land descr.ibed c,r. refer.red ta irr this Cc,mmitmerrt arrd cover.ed herein is: A FEE 4. Title tc, the estate c,r' irrterest c,rver.ed her.ein is at the effectivedate hereof vested in! .ICIAN S. ENSSTRCII"I SHELSTA ANd RCIBNEY L. SHELL1TA 5. The Iand refer'red to irr this tl:onrmitnrent is described as follaurs: LOT 43' VAIL VILLAGE WEsT, FILING NI:I. 1, ACCL:IRIIING TCI THE FECCIRI'ETI PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE I]F L:fiLCIRATIN. ,o ALTA l:: r:ll"lMITl'l ENT 5I:HETIULE B-1 {Requir'emerrts ) Appl icatir-,n N,:. VC}O(!6&OB Tfre f c'l I *uring ar.e the requirements t,: be cc,mp1 ied urith: 1. Pa'vment t ,.-r t,r' f or the accBUrrt c,f ttre gr.arrt*r.s c, r. m,rr.tgaEc,r.s c'f the f tll I cc,nsideratiorr f *r. the estate c,r irrter.est tc, brt irrsured. 2. Pr't per' instr'unrerrt ( s) cr'eatins the estate *r. irrt*r.est ta le i rrsr:r'ed tTrust be e:q(.cuted and drJly filed f c'r. r.ec*r.d, t,:,-trlit: o ALTA CCt T'II'1 ITHENT :JCHENULE B-: (Enceptic,rrs)Appl icatic'rr N{,. V(:rOCr660* The pol icY c,r p.rl icies tn be issr.rsd uJi l1 {rrrtairr exreptians tn the f ol I aurirrs unless the sam€ ar.e dispased c,f t,r the satisf act ir-,n og *n* f,omparrY: 1. Starrdard Exceptions l thrc,rJsh.F rr'inted on the cr,ver'sheet. 6. Ta:qes and assessrrents nnt yet due or pa'rab I e arrd special a.ssessnrentsrrot yet cer.tif ied tc, the Tr.easurer'"s affice. 7. Arry urrpaid taxes Dr. assessrrents asairrst said land. 8 Lierrs f c,r urreaid uater' arrd seuer. char.sgs, if arr'y. 9. RIfiHT flF I.'AY FOR NITIJHE.S L'lR I::ANALS [I]N5TRU*TEI' FY THE ALITHORITY TIF THE LINITETI 6TATE5 A-d RESERVEN IN UNITEN STATES FATENT REI:CIRNE 'LICTIIBER 04, lplB, IN Bltt:'l{ 1?3 AT PAEE 301. RESTRIT-:TIVE ETIVENANTS, I"JHIC:H T'B NI:IT I:BNTAIN A FORFEITLIRE BR REVERTER IJLAUSE, BIJT SHITTING RE:3TRII::TILIN5, IF ANY, BALiEN TIN RAI::E, CTILBR, RELIfiIFN' I:IR NATICINAL TIRII:iIN, A6 C:I:INTAINEN IN INSTRLII',IENT RECORTTET' E*TI]BER 25, 1?63, IN EII:IOK 1713 AT PATiE 14? ANN A',J AI",IENNEN IN INGTRLII'IENT RECORNEN IIECEI.'BER c,6, l?/f.'3, IN FIIN}.: T7P., AT PASE 345. TITILITY EASEI"IENTS FIVE FEET IN bJINTH ALflNE ALL REAR ANtr ,slftE LOT LINES A5 RE-qERVEN TIN THE PLAT I:IF VAIL VILLAIJE hIEST FILINCi N8. T. nEEtr LlF TRI-IST ttATEtr :]EPTE|"!BER ?6, 1?83, FRr:ttY .l[AN 5. ENr:i5TR011 SHELSTA ANN RI:INNEY L. SHEL,STA TCt THE FUBLIC: TRLI.;TEE CIF EACiLE COUNTV FOR THE LISE fIF WORLTI :3AVINIi5 ANN LfiAN A5:3I:II:IATIL'1N T':I 5EI::LIRE THE SUI'4 nF $118,5(rO,OCr Rpg6*OEn n[:Tt:rBER 12, 1?133, IN Bcrfl.: 370 AT pACiE ?B?, 10. 11. 1?. Recorded rt --- --_---o'elock____ M.. P.eception tfo t - THISDBso, Mrdethis 5th dayor September ,le 83 bctween Harold D. Engstrom and Joan S. Engstrom ofthe Couirty of Eagl g and stare of Colorado. of the first pert, and Joan S. Engstrom Shelsta and Rodney L. Shelsta whoselegaleddressis P0 BOX 446, Vail, C0 8'l 658 . of the County of and state of Coloredo, of the second pert, WTTNESSETI{, That the said part y of t he fi rEt part. for and in considerat ion of t lre su m df rho hnown as street and nrrrrrber To HAVE AND To HoLD the same' toFether u'ith all and singular the appurtenances end pririleger ther€untobolonging or in enywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate. right. titlc, interest and elgim whrtsoev€r, of thesrid part -v ofthe first part, either in lan'or equity. to Lhe onll proprr use. benefit and behoofofthG srid prrt_ ofth? recondpart, lfigfpirs and assigns forever. JgS lN WITNESS WHEREOF. The said J,art y of rhe firsr parr haS end seal the day and ye.r first 8bove i,ritten. Signed, Seeled end l)elivered in t he pre:rence of STATE OF COLORADO. counryor Efl6L€ Thr foregorng instr umen! rras acltnr,g,.le '-..4 Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration--- ----- DoLL^Rs. to the ssid perty of the fiBt.prrt in hand laid by the said part i gs of t he second part. the reccipt wh.rcofis hereby confersed and aekhowredged. he 5remised, rereased, sold, convcyed and eurr cLATMED, and by therepresents d€S remise' release' aell, eon\.ey and QUIT cLAl M unto the said parti gg ofthe cecond ptrt,lfigj p heirr,successori end *signe' forever' all the right, title, inter€st, claim and denrand which the said prrty ofth€ firlt prrthr g in and to th€ follo*'ing deccribed rot or parcer of rand situate, rying and bei ng in the countyoI Eagl e end State ofColorado, to s.it: Lot 43' vail village }Jest,^Filing l'lo. l, according to the recorded platthereof, County of Eag'le, State of Colorado. - - i, I li 't t; :, l: I I I ""'l dged heftrre me this bfn rlal.of rs t3. uy'Haro1d D. Engstrorn and Joan S. tngstrom My commissron e xpires Q -fi .Pt 3 $ i,n"". ml' h3n(! arrd official stal. 5 e471*,*[s, '' ';t ' I Il"l x#, ,? so Pli'83 Datc: .-&l,i Eagle County StatoDoo. Fec \o.9.1f,. \-" / t {,Q {: €.s t.. I= l. 10 I I I i z ' ; I .l I I j 7. h It, o 6l i I I Iol?t 3l8;tr. Z' |v: td .ETIU'I I I I I I. l:_It) l) g n , E (l) a, F -frl fEl,^ EF{ Fl() F{ Yg i',tt I) \ tw,t b. \S )J kl -q # ia + (} =I I I x r r r'