HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 2 LOT 10 LEGALDesign Review Board ACTION FOR]II Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado E1657 tef: 970.479.2139 tax:97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Proiect Name: MARQUEZ NEW SFR Project Description: ProjectAddrcss: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: DRB Number: DR8080017 OIl28l2O08 Phone: (970) 376-5444 RNAL APPROVAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW SFR Participants: owNER MARQUEZ, CHARLENE &JOSEPH S 01/28/2008 1785 GORE CREEK DR VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT DANTAS BUILDERS, INC 1936 WEST GORE CREEK DRIVE VAIL co 81657 License: 290-4 CONTMCTOR DANTAS BUILDERS, INC 0LlzelzOOB Phone: (970) 376-5444 1936 WEST GORE CREEK DRIVE VAIL co 81657 License: 290-A lT95GORECREEKDRVAIL Locatlon: 1795GORECREEKDR. LoB 10 Block Subdivision: VAIL VILHGE WEST FIL 2 2103-123-0500-9 SEE CONDMONS BOARD/STAFF ACTTO]'| Motion By: Plant Second By: Gillette Vote: 4-0-0 Gonditions: Actaon: APPROVED Date of Approvalz O2l20l20OB Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Entry: O212012008 By: Rtf Action: COND 1. The applicant shall move all prcposed trees that are within the site distance triangle closer to the house and out of the site distance triangle per Town of Vail regulaUons. 2. The applicant shall uUlize a mahogany colored stucco trim for windows on stuc@, a stone or wood header and stone sill on windovvs on stone walls, and mahogany wood trim on windows on wood walls. 3. The applicant shall utilize a continuous header above the three-pack of windows on the east elevation. Cond: 0 (PIAN): DRB approval does not consUtute a permit for building. Please onsult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to consbuction activities. Cond:201 (PLAN): DRB apprwal shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of apprwal, pursuant to the Vail Town @de, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEAIS. Cond:202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0009762 Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72 (2002 edition) and VFES Standards. Planner: MCHEL FRIEDE DRB Fee Paid: $650.00 New Construction Application for Design Review Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, teli 970.479.2128 faxi 970.479 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design rwiew must receive approval prior to submitting a refer to the submitbl requirements for the particular approval that is requested. cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the one year of t{re approval. DescripuonortheReque*z Qt'twt ?la?hbg Sut6b /?rqtvl WltW oe LocationoftheProposal: Lot: lO Bbck: project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission' 'D"oign re"iew apprcval tapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences withln a N a) ae oo -\, icErvER J*l;i-1,::: ,"uj Physical Address: Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle @. Assessor at 970-328-86'10 for parcel no.) zonins: ttt$tgY.bt/anrpt .trbqrVh9fi^v Name(s)of owner(s): nntAOb+., C'fhPttltt- b lorrb(*I. Maifins Address: l?(fi (nlt' tlt& Vt . tlnv, u Qlb9l = = . Phone3 Owner(s) Signature(s): tr s Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs Concepfual Review New Construction Mdition Minor Alteration (m ulU-family/commercial ) Minor Alterauon (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residenfial or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improrements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and rebining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Revie Board. No Fee tr o Status: I Approved Corrnuuuw DEVELopMENT Rourtruc Fonrvt J Approved with conditions 8 Denied Routed To:Public Works Date Routed:01/30/08 Routed By:Rachel Friede Date Due:Feb 8, 2008 Description of work: New Sinqle Family Residence Address:1795 W Gore Creek Drive Legal:Lot:10 Block:Subdivision:VailVillase West Filing #2 Gomments:Date Reviewed: 2-04-08 Need additional review by Fire Provide a stamped enqineered drawinq for boulder retaining wall proposed at 6 ft. Landscape plan: Move or relocate trees that are within the site distance requirements per the the Town of Vail desiqn standards. As vou exit out of Shasta Place. Provide an Revocable ROW Permit when the building permit has been applied for or issued' Provide a title re Revised 2-13-08. lsandoval 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 ' 97 0 47 9 -21 38 I 47 9 -21 39 F4X.970479-2452 February 6, 2008 CarlMueller Sent via email to: muellercarl@comcast.net Re: Marquez Residence 1795 West Gore Creek Drive Lot 10, VailVillage West Filing 2 Dear Carl, Thank you foryour design review application for a new single family residence at 1795 West Gore Creek Drive. I am writing to provide comments on the submifted application, as follows: Please label 'West Gore Creek Drive" accurately on survey The address will need to be changed to Shasta Place. Please contact Sean Koenig, TOV Gf S, at (97 0)477 -3504. Please show limits of disturbance fence all the way around the property. Obtain sign off from utility companies Ensure all utilities are buried from source to house. Please show outline of snow storage areas. ProMde stamped engineer drawings of boulder walls and combination walls prior to building permit submittal. 8. Railings may be required per building code on patios near the window well. 9. Please provide additional trees to screen patio areas from street 10. The front setback is along the entirely of Shasta Place. Please conform to the 20 foot setback along the entire frontage of Shasta. 11. Please show outline of parking spaces on site plan. 12. Please show wildlife proof trash enclosure/containers. 13. Please show details on how stone terminates into comers. 14. lt is suggested that the windows be more uniform in design. 15. Unless functional, please remove shutters. 16. Please provide more detail on chimney caps. 17. Fire alarm system is required, but sprinkler system is NOT required. 18. Provide or show positive drainage or drainage pipe for window well on site plan. 19, Move or relocate trees that are within the site distance requirements (as you exit Shasta) per the Town of Vail design standards. 20. Provide a Revocable ROW Permit when the building permit has been applied for or issued. 21. Connect concrete pan with east driveway and show on site plan. Keep in mind, concrete will need to be installed with the radius of the culde-sac. 22. Currently, it seems that you are over on site coverage slightly. Please refer to the definition of site coverage for further clarification: 't. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. SITE COVERAGE: The ratio of the total building area of a site to the total area of a site, expressed as a percentage. For the purposes of calculating site coverage, "building area of a site" shall mean that portion of a site occupied by any building, carport, porte- cochere, arcade, and covered or roofed walkway constructed at, below, or above grade as measured from the exterior face of the sheathing of the perimeter walls or supporting columns. For the purposes of this definition, a balcony or deck projecting from a higher elevation may extend over a lower balcony, deck or walkway, and in such case the higher balcony or deck shall not be deemed a roof or covering for the lower balcony, deck or walkway. In addition to the above, building area shall also include any portion of a roof overhang, eaves, or covered stair, covered deck, covered porch, covered terrace or covered patio that extends more than four feet (4') from the exterior face of the perimeter building walls or supporting columns. Please respond to the comments with a new set of plans by next Wednesday, February 13, 2008 at 12 pm in order to be placed on the Wednesday February 20, 2008 Design Review Board agenda. lf you cannot meet this deadline, please let me know so that I can move the item to the next DRB meeting. lf you have any questions before this coming Tuesday, please call my cell phone at (970)331- 2595 as I will be out of the office until Monday afternoon. Othena/se, you can email or call me at the office. My direct line is (970)479-2440. Best. Rachel Friede Town Planner Status: Z Approved Goruutuury DEVELopMENT Rounno Fonut n Approved with conditions 8 Denied Routed To:Public Works Date Routed:01/30/08 Routed By:Rachel Friede Date Due:Feb 8, 2008 Description of work: New Single Familv Residence Address:1795 W Gore Creek Drive Lesal:Lot 110 Block:Subdivision:Vail Village West Filing #2 Gomments: Provide a stamoed enoineered drawino for boulder retaininq wall proposed at 6 ft. Landscape plan: Move or relocate trees that are within the site distance requirements per the the Town of Vail desiqn standards. As vou exit out of Shasta Place. Provide an Revocable ROW Permit when the buildinq permit has been applied for or issued. Provide a title Revised 2-13-08. lsandoval \ Status: I Apprcved Conlnltunry DEvELopMENT Rounruc Fonna n Approved with conditions fr Denied Routed To:Public Works Date Routed:01/30/08 Routed Bv:RachelFriede Date Due:Feb 8, 2008 Description of work: New Sinqle Family Residence Address:1795 W Gore Creek Drive Legal:Lot:10 Block:Subdivision:VailVillaqe West Filins #2 Comments:Date Reviewed: 2-04-08 Fire Need additional review bv Fire Show limits of disturbance fence on site plan. Provide a red drawino for boulder retaininq wall proposed at 6 ft. or show or drainaoe oioe for window well on site plan. Landscape plan: Move or relocate trees that are within the site distance requirements per the the Town of Vail desiqn standards. As vou exit out of Shasta Place. Provide an Revocable ROW Permit when the buildino permit has been applied for or issued. Provide a title concrete pan with east driveway and show on site plan. Keep in mind, concrete will need to be installed with the radius of the cul-da-sac. lsandoval *ffi UTILITY APPR,OVAL & VERIFICATION This form seles to raerify that the proposed improvemenb vyill not impad any e\isting or proposed r-rtility veriry service a!'ailability and location fior new @nstrudion and should be used in conjunction with preparing scheduling installations. A site plan, induding grading pian, floor plan. and devations, shall be submitted to the fbr approval ard verification. PLCASE ALLOW UP TO 2 wEEt(S FOR AppROvAL oR cotu$tEt{Ts FRoil COt{PAftlIEs. If }'ou are unable to obtain cornments within thnt timefrErne Dlease contact The Torvn of Vail. Dcye{og b Provide Ld Addrw Infqnation: L.ot Addr€ss: QrrF-ST Comm€nls t/1I\J DateAuthorlzed SiqnaturE 970.468.6850(tel) 9ru-468.0672(fax) C.ontacts: Sam Tooley samuc!.tooq@swd,sala XCEL I{IGH PNESSURE GAS 970.262.,(y6 (teD 970.468.1401 (fax) Contad: Rich Ssneros ridratdsisneros@xcelenerov.co m Develope/s Signafure F:\cdev\FORMS\Peffi its\Flarrning\DRB\Utitity Approvslo&2847.doc d K t/rlaf HOLY CROSS EIIERSY 970,947.s471 (tel) 970.945.11081 (fax) ConEct: Dbna Golis dcdis@hofucross.com XCEL Eneryy 970.262.4038 (fax) 970.262.4024(d) Contacts: Kit Bogert Kathrw. EogerI@XCELENERGY. com EAGLE RilERWATER& SAIITTATIOT{ DISTRICT 97o.476.7,180 (tel) 97t).476.4089 (rax) Cnntact: Fred Haslee ftaslee(.DefwEd-Alg COIITGAST GABLE 970.418.8248 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: David Evans david evans-@cable.comcast.corn NOTES: 1. If the utility apprwal & verifrcaticn form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, or no action is taken within 2 weeks of ttre Utilrys receipt of the form without explanation the Town will presume that there are m problems and the de\relopment can proceed. 2. If a ublity company has conems with the poposed consb"uction. the utility repftsenldtive shall note direcuy on the utility vedfication form that there is a problern which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. Howaner, please keep in mind that it is the r6pomibiliry of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verificatircns do not relieve the contsactor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from ihe Departrnent of Public Work at the Town of Vail. lltilitv locations must be ob{ained before 4-r'oaino in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A lruildino oermit is not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained seoaratelv, 4. The De€loper is required and agrees to submit any rs/ised drawings to the uutities for r+approval & re-verification if the submlued plans are attered in any $/ay after the authorDed signature date (unless otiErwise specfiGlly noted within the comment area of this form). ^6 -: <\J nnn N! l$H{ also tor flEftino ulillles ffiILirtll rE-- J s LLozl =lPI l-l 19 SfIXS1A Pt- subaiui"ion, V U w67 ftk^r6'*Z.o.n. z <r oa looooo92. 'oN/oz:a 'Lsal-aiat eooz z! g3l<3fta> Date 3|{ttoH llGrr\1 | s l€i3h|' rroLr *m WbWtdN*frtE'ntfrt Ldldd* QwEgr urlLIrY TPFTOVAT T YERITIGIIIOTT Er"o,**n. /h1+4:- *, /4 Astro4Ed siE€ftrrc gffitFtrt D.tE TftbtomsenEsbw$ryftd$emtrH lmprncmurtsvflrs'Fnpa.tilry€rislirg r pr@ utifitltaYi(Eif ?F flFb vqtrVseryhandtty-rna toUinirrsAtducdod ntd*torJd berrertrroni.nannvril*t prepilitg]rcJt uftypq-l$ garsihftg hlt{Hiqru, A sils plnr, fradfrg g]rfig Cil, frs phn. and dadian$ dtal E stttibd b fie fu{ariu tfiites fur mrpial ard redficatlon, p|.E|6= errOt tlp rc Z W=e*S FOR AFPIOYIL On OOHIfEXI1F Fl0tl THE UTILfw 6pdnfn12S. If vog are rrratte b o;bin orrmrentc rd$ln &at tifir€rhamr Fles* conffi ThE Tottn of Vail. vro,{68.6850(rd} 97S,.168,0672(far] Cqt#j Sar'r Toolly sftrclboleYtaoucsLdn Xft-IIIGH PNEH'R,EGT8 970.26e.m75 ftdlg?t.{€E fiOr (fdocffi Rlch stsn€rcritt d.5bt€|EMer'€]!Y'otti HOLYCNOES ERERG{ E 0.$t7.5.{7r (tel) 9m.9{s.{08r (tuo Conta.f: OltnE Gofg eofis6holtso+cott XCFLEnc|tU 970.r6E.t039 (fiilr) 970.264401.f (ieD Contarls: lot Bogrrt@ ET€|tFN'ERWATSf,A EtilrTATlOfl DrgfrtcT 970-476.74fl) (bl) 970/475.4o6e {a) Gcrtact Ftd ltaeleeffiacnugts QOlfilFf GrBr.E 9io.{1&8218(s} 970.e40.9138 (fEx) Cd|ia(tr David EvarB dwid $'tm@€He.oomcast crn idsrlifid pmble||l8'ffi,ffiffi* do not relsre tlre cffractor of rne tEs9on6ft[Ey to obqln t tubrp $tEy Petndt fttfii dre Denrtn€nt of - -!I- -!-L! -tJ.-.' -' A.Ia tublb Wg|b tt tE Toiltr sf Vd.h sfiy Frblh right-oa{tEy or #nEtt rYiffii t tc Tonfl dv!i"if tre+ the tfareloF b ]€sid {|d ag[t€r b any tlrlceO Orawtrgs totE uflili€s Fr 'L rrE UFEWF F rEqgre -d 3v€ E -*"rr r"' '"- ffi;GE tunfi sfterwce sfrdT€ry n#d wltfiin tt€ aotnm€nt srbmfitsfil drm arc altlcd h any wry frrr tfie stJtts&d dgu raa cf tfiit ffrm). DaE F:lcdslFon gPerttlB$liltitElDFilJditv Aptttt c-G"f,&$f'doo ffi * *"*r a v€dh€tion form fifi iEnaune6 frctn €adt *. t*dtfty- coawris, and no (o,,ments ae made cgredly ; il'ifi;;;6 trhn ttatF; iuil,in z i-=.ri ot ure wrvt reo.tst * tr.io- iryiurorrt erchnnEon !|e rov{n wfl pr:rume trat dlert ie no prtblanc and ttre dcrnbpnent en prcceed. g r a |lfrly {$tnpilry hc cona€rnB wifi $e Fopo6ed cornrucnxr, the rltfty rysll -ttadt'€ dd ooE ttt€dy m fie utfiry vedfidin ftrm ihd n*e c a ffE;-id'kh-d;[ b-b"-#"i€d.-iili*,r -Jo.r{i mr be dcftited h an ffichGd l6it' b u'€ Torn d vA[ Ho$'eJs, pbd ksp-il-"hd ulst -.t b t" ,iepa,ffii or t. ,mty cofltDafly efld dl€ aFdhlnt tD ]solv€ TO'.1 gg:5 8n0z TT qe{TOhTR9FO/6T: xel tH +D{-t{tx:lrt-tTs ffi UII|ITY AP?ROYAL I I'RIFIC.ATIOX f s fir|n *rrt'b l'! fy ltr tt|a pmpo.lrt trnlm.rtE'rt3 tr! not tmprct uV ffiig or propoed u6lty g;e+ lrd & b btfddf*ilsf !^rrsr- Aq*r.e,r.g,, olc..lsdrllom-Y!!!!!gl:jls-de=L Ld:L- &!bq!!l!h!tfit!t comr.i. plQ ecr 970.158.6860(H) 970,.158.6r{boCffi Srn Toby stmrd-to*triaTlGtamrcEtmtFttErnlctE 90.262:r0i6 (td) 9r0,.l6&l.Ot ('4 Conbcb Rtn Sbre yE y srlYle anlbuGt lDrl lEuo|| llor r€rv d|tlhEtlon rd :hou|d ba uJ€d tr cotdurr0on wl'i p.!06n|e fnr udtrt phn !ddEd ng hsf.Ulfrc!. A # plrn. lrdufig grrdtrg phn, ioor pbn, rnd dG/atons. Crdl b. rltmtEd O is Uowiri rrfOcelb aptrdal ard yutldo|. Plt S tu.otI UPTO 2wtt!t6 IOR ttfnovll On OO||ttHnS tlo THE IIMTY OOmP TCle trtlrl'€unadebobhd rstt8 wiln tftnndh.|r pb$ cdrEct Th6 Torrn dt!|. hnw b ?ro tth Lat Mts ffi nttt'&n t idrd-Carrdtd|ew.cdrl IFLYCi6SlEaY crr0.9r5+71 (!d) 970.9G.161(@cd|ffi Dh e& ddh6lEc.6rrcll-arft 9mr6L,O38(tbo 9m.264402t (d) Cd|b.ls |(tBog€rtKdrim,Bdtllxfe-EE6t-a l ETAIiITRUAIBTAITITAr! EIRET 9r0./f,]6,7+m (d) E 0.,116.1089 (fa)'cqlEe ru lbdeeftac.aerrd.otooorrSrcrlr s704rMa/s@ 9r0.9{g.t1i! (fd) ffi D E B,a|B deiru aEilat'lladrE{.loan f,olt$ **t*,d."^,^ ^r -25-oB L t tls utty remrd g ydncat|o|r bm h- dgnebre3 ltsr E.n d the dk cfiDsnl€+ rnd m o|tr:rts !r€ n* ilcdy on the tbnL q rp d(n ts taksr ntfth 2 w* of dE (,dllys l€ebt d d|e fun el'lltt €ehortbt th€ Tos|| wll grslrrEtirt tlrf! !r! tF FobLrns rd t}r dcl,*trrg|t dt t!Gd.Z If t oUiV snFry hs €omln|g t||0t thG p|opod qlstu.do, th€ uilty nfl€*rdt e $at nob &edy d| !B uutytlgffioo ftrn $*rh{f! b r,roblcm r*tdr n* b b. |t oh'd. Thc lq|G Crdld thrn b3 d.trfd h rtbdti{ leserto d;Tgtq-d Vf. Hoscr, dc lccp h nld ti* tt b thr |!6pfisuty d !r uufy ompury and tt|c .p qt to nsrlkkffed ptlttlcms 3. If|e- ygfi6ion6 & not rdar! th.onFrtr ol thc |l3pontu|ty b ohh ! publc Wry Ent frun $6 Derltncr* d HiHc I'Yods st lhe T$n d Wl. Udfrv hcrd.|t |trua ba oHnd f.br. ddt! h ;ny publc rlgfiF,of{ni, d 6!tnc $lU n theTmn dvd. r l!fili! aodt lr nr e puhtla wlv lrrnh rird ir* bc obilid rro*Il - 4.-The D€Ebp€r b rEq €d and 4rG to s.tlntt ary rEbed dawhgs b $e u||nC fu ]erporat t |l.rerttuOn f mcfinbd tla|sars ahecd In rryr,ry rE dt€ althorbd dtftre fr (unbss Orcwtx $ddcatyned xdtt tfie d ng|t area of tib brm), D€rrdop!,8 ggrdm FLdor/rFoRltsPsfln dPbt{lr{1oRs\ut||ty ApprDvrLoS-28.07.d0c Jan.29. 2008 6:44A}l| *m ilo. 0176 P. 1 UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATION ThlS form Serves b vertff that 0re proposed imgovemenb will not impact any a<isting or propoad utilily servi@+ and also b verify service availability and location fot new constrtrction and should be used ln conJuncton vrlth Feparing your utility phn ard schedulhg lnstaflatlons. A slte plan, Including grading plan, fioor plan, and elemtions, shall be submitted to the blbtving udlftles for appoval and verificabon. PLEASE AT LOW Up TO 2 WEE!(S FOR APPROVAL OR GOMITIEilTS FROM THE UTILITY COMFAT{IES. If lnl are unabb to obtaln commenb within that timefiame please contxt The Tqrvn of Vail, DevB@cr ta kadt e lot Addre'5 Informatiott:I Lot Addr€s! |1115 Vl hW tQ6sLJY suur,uor: VAu{ r uu/\6. tZ h/466 AuthorEad €lonetu?e Commelrtg QWE5T 9m.46s.6860(tel) 970,{68.067lifax} Cjonb{ts: Sam Todey sEmuel. tool:rrdoweit.ctrYl XCEI, HIGIf PRESf,'RE CAS 970,252.4075 (br) 970.468.1401 (fax) Contad: Rich Si$eros rlchard.sisnercs@rcdenera\Laom }IOIY CROSS ENER,CY 9ru.947.5471 (tel) 970,945.408t (fax) Contad: Dkna Golis dodisohotrrsors.mm XCEL Brerly 970.262.4038 (fax) 970.26r.4024 (tel) 0ortacBr Xit Bogert l.i',r'r.lr EAGI"E Rn|ER'I'|ATER& SAI{TTATION DISIRTCT 970.476.7&(En 970:476.4089 (fax) ConEF. Fred ikde ftesNe€oe'rr5d.oru COMCASTC'BTE 970.416.E24E (teD 970,949.9138 (rax) Contact: David Evans davld evans@cable,mncastrom NOTIST 1- ff the utility approval g \redfication Fofln hc signatures fiom eacir of [tre uUfiy @mprnies, and no csmmenE are fiEde drcdly on the forn, or no sdion is bal€n within ? weels of the Utlli$s recdpt ot tfie form wlthout. erghnatlon tfie Town will pr€sume that there are no pmbhnr3 Bnd [re develognent can poceed 2, If a utilty csnp3rry has conems wih the propoced bnstrucBon the udllty reprcsenbnve shel note diedy on the udlity veilncathn tuim that tiEre c a problern $rhich rEeds b be resolved, The issre shor{d $en be &talled ln an altactted bs€r b he Town of Vail, Howwer, pleae keep h mlnd thst lt ts the resporuibility of the utility mrnpany and tre applicant b rcsolye ldenHfled prcblems. 3. These verifications do not |tlie{r€ tie 6nh?ctor of the reponsibilig to obhin a Public trYay Pennt from the Departmenr of Publk Wotlcat the Totatn of Val. utility locstions rnrst hs oblained b€fore digqino In any prbllc rlght-of.way or easanent wihin he Toryn of Vall. 4, The Deteloper is requlr€d and agr€es t0 submit rny revised drawirgs b the uulltles for |13-appioval & submithd phnt ar€ altercd ln any way aft€r he author?ed signature date {unless otrswise specificalh if dte specifically noEd wtthin the ctmmert erca of ttls fom). Develope/s Signature F:\cdovlFORMSnPemlr\PtaDnhglDEE\u ul[y App|prid_09-38-o7doc Date 970-476-4089 11:56:12 28-01-2008 UTILIW APPROVAL & VERIFICATION Thls form serves to vedry that the proposed imprcrrements wlll not impad any odsting or prcposed utility services, and abo to verity seryice arallability and bcauon fcr new constnrction and should be used In @njunctlon wlth pr€prirg your utility pbn and scMullng insbllations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor pbn, and dewfons, shall be submttred to tfE follorvtng utilities for approral and trerifi(ation. PLEASE ALLOIil UF lO 2 WEEKS FOR APFROyAL OR COI||MEHTS FRClll THE UnLITY COMPANIEIS. If you arc unable to obin conunents wlthin that tinEframe phase contact The To,vn of Vail. Dercloper to Provlde bt Ailres fnformation: Lot Adalre$l QWESr subdivisron: v V illAil FJ* lot*, Authorlzed Slqnature Comments 970.a68.6850(tel) 970,,168.0622(fao conhct: Sam Tooley samuel.toolesroo\ffestcorn XCEL HIGH PRES$'RE GAS 970.262.4076 (bl) 970..158.1401 (fao Contact Ridr Slsnems richard. sisrero@<celenergy-com IIOLY CROSS EI{ERGY 970.947.s47r (E,l) 970.945.408r (fdo Conbct Diana His dgolis@holvcross.com XCEL Energy 970.262.,1038 (frx) 97O.26L402+ $d) Contacts: Kit Bogert Kathrvn. BoqeLt@XCELENERGY.com EAGLE RII'€R WATR, & SAIIITATIOT{ DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (E't) 970.476.4091 (fao Conbct: Fred Hadee fhadee@er$rsd.ora COITICTISTCABLE 970,418.8248 (bD 970.949.9138 (Fax) Contact David Evans david evansocable-@ncast-com OTES: 1' If the utifity approral & verification form hds signatures from each of the Uiliry companles, and no cornments a€ made diredy on the fiorm' or no adion is bkefl within 2 weeks of the Utlltfs r€dpt of the form wlthorft o<planation the TovD will preqfie that there are no problems ard the develofnrert can trocd.2' If a uulity company has cmc€ms w{th the proposed orstructlon, the utiliw representativ€ $all note dir€df on f|e utifity verincation form that therc ls a pmhlem which rreeds to be resohrcd. The isstE shorjld then be detalled ln an atbdrd tehg: b tE Torvn of Vail. Hotvewr, please keep In mlnd that lt -rs the responsibifity of the uulity company ard Sre applicant b r€solve identlfled problems, 3. These verif,cafpns do not relie,\re the contrdcior of the r€sponsiblllV to obbln a Public Way Permit from the Departnent of Publlc Works at the Town of Vail. Utilitv loations must be obtaind before dr-qqlns in any public rightrf-way or ease[Ert wlthh the To ,n of Vall. A bulldlng permlt ls not a Pnblk Way @rmit and msst bs obirad seoardtelv, 4. The De\reloper ls rcgulred and a$ees b $bmft any rwised &aruirEs to the utilities for re-approral & rer,gnicafion if ttrcglbrnlted dans are altered in any way afur tie arlfnrized signaure date (ur ess othelwise speciFcally nobd within the conment area of this form). -ffi, /-&8-o8 Develop€/s Signafure Flcdav\FORMS\Permlb\Plam inglDR 8\Utfi ity ApprovaLOS-28fi .dgc i1q6 t^) Date 0z/LLtz0rg roN Iu116 FAX 970925{r06 CO!{CASI CABT.E t4001/0or *m UTILITY A PFROVAL & VERIFICATIO II Thb brm terves b verlfy that tfE proposed lmtrweme$s wlll nor impaft any €sdsHrT s proposed uHllty senrlces, and also b verfy servlce avrllability and locauon for nev{ conshlc on and sttcrld be used in senjungftn wftlr preparirg your utitity @r a,rd schedulhg fstdbtlons. A site dan, krludlng grading plan, fbor phn, and ehvations, $atl be clbmtrH to the ffiowirE uHit€s fior sppmvd end verificttion. ptEAsE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEI(S FOn APPRWAL OR Oo0{}|E[{TIS FIOM THE UTltttY @tlPAI{lES- If pu arc unable b obbln dnrnenE wlthh that dmeharne ple€$ cDnbdThe Tolvn of Vail. DMtoN b Pmvfu Loc Afus lzftnatiofi : lot Add]?ss l?fs 5tas1'(toro ,V,V,V6:t F,aoa 2 w* / O Autlrorizad Sianafu|r Cornmenti Dete eufEsf 970.468.6860(Er) 970,46&0674f"x) Corbcts: Sm Tooley sarruel,tooler@ovrEst com xcEL t{tdl pREgsuREGAs 970.252..fin6 (Er) 970.468.1{01 (far) Ontact Rich si$crs rlc?unt.dsnem@Felenenov.COm HOLYCR(xtsflENGY 9m.947.5{A (ED 970.945.,f081 (fsr) Contac* DbtaCdE dgn*s6hofusossom ICTL En€.!y 970.26e,+038 CeO 970.252.40a4 (ED Contrtf, Kit Bogctt Katkm. Becrt@)rcElFtr{EBgY,corn Erl TRIYERWA?ER& SAIIrTATIOI'I DISTRTCT 92r.476.7480 (H) 970.{76.{0es (hx) Cmbcn Fed tladee fhd*oeFrrsd.ofi co{crsrcAsr erc.4l8.Ea+E (d) 970.9#1.9138 (fao CortboE David B,ans 4:/r*on l. If the uUlty apprqal & wdncation tbnn ltas dgnahrcs hom dl d dre udity cornpenies, and no corffnenb are made dinecdy on the form, or m actitfl b bken wiBdn 2 reks of dE Udqfs receipt of the't- i.ri*rotit exptanab'on the Ttrn will pesrrni that here are no prubl€rns aM the deyelopmem can troceed. 2. If a uUnV oflptrry h6 concefis wfth the pmposed Gersuctton, the utility rcF€senffive sfia! noh diredy m tl€ uuty vedncadon forin tiat fiere i9 a prouem whlch naeds to be resoh/ed. ftre issue sirurti tfien be &taled ln an aaaareo tetcr u niT(,tm d Wll Howe\rcl, pleitse l(eep b mhd $at ll ls the rusponsHlty of fte udJiry canp{y and the ;pdtdft to re$he ldenufied problems, 5, These vedfications do rFt rclleve $e contrcbr of dlc nspomibility to obbin a fubIc W?y permft hom the Department of Public Wor|<s at UE Torm or Va[, Utilitv loc*iotr; must b€ ohitrcd b€fu]€ dggino h any publ'tc rigfrt-of-way or easnentrvfl n U€ ToMrn of Vifl. A beriuing o€lt it is ilt e Pnblh wnrJlemnit ild must be obtaln€d s|'e|aEly. ' 4- The Delreloper 15 regulred and agrees b c|bmt any r€vlsed dBwlngs to rhe ttitiues ror r*apprwat g rFverin6Hon if lhe sjbmiHed dans are albred in any way after $e aufndzed dgmhlrc drte (unless odrcruisc 5dici6@lly noted wfthln the comrnent ar€a of tftls form), 4a!dd__EcGi@rrhle. mmcerLcom IIOIES: Devdoperrs Slgahne FlcdctlFORMS\PcrmlE\Plfin:'GlDRBtUltHty ApFrD\€t_O&?rrO7-d gq DeE Status: I Approved GOMnauTITY DEVELoPMENT RourIruC FONNA I Approved with conditions fl Denied Routed To:Public Works Date Routed:01/30/08 Routed By:RachelFriede Date Due:Feb 8, 2008 Description of work: New Sinqle Family Residence Address:1795 W Gore Creek Drive Lesal:Lot:10 Block:Subdivision:Vail Villase West Filing #2 Gomments:Date Reviewed: 2-04-08 lssues.Need additional review by Fire Show limits of disturbance fence on site Provide a for boulder retainino wall prooosed at 6 ft. Provide or show positive drainaqe or drainaqe pipe for window well on site plan. Landscape plan: Move or relocate trees that are within the site distance requirements per the the Town of Vail desiqn standards. As vou exit out of Shasta Place. Provide an Revocable ROW Permit when the has been applied for or issued. Provide a title Connect concrete pan with east driveway and show on site plan. Keep in mind, concrete will need to be installed with the radius of the cul-da-sac. lsandoval Page I ofl Rachel Friede - DRBOS-OOL7 (Marquez Residence) From: David Rhoades To: Rachel Friede Date: 0t13012008 3:35 PM Subject DRB08-0017 (Marquez Residence) Here are my notes. Thanks. Approved as noted:l. Monitorcd fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72 (2002 edition) and VFES Standards. David Rhoades Flre Inspector Vail Flre and Emergency Services 970-4n-3454 drhoade@vailgov.com file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administator\Local Settings\Temp\)Ggrpwise\47A0993CVAIL-COV... 01/30/2008 *tafa*'l****lll*l*l'tl*l*a*tl't'}at***larrll'tf*'|l****'}tlaaf**+**|ta**a!al*'laa*a'ta'la*fata*faaf|tffaa TOUTNOFVAII" COIORADO Stdcmcotlflttlllf**aaaffllllttaft'lt*l'}ftlattflflfaattf**ll*r+af*ttft*ltt*ttt*tttftfftltttlrlltllttlll Statenent tlutrdcer s R080000100 Amount ! $GSo.00 OL/2g/2OOBO9:30 A Palment Metlrod: Check Inlt: iIS Notation: 2278,/DANEAS BUIIJDERS Pennl.e No: DR808001? T!t)e: DRI - New Construction Parcel No3 2103-1.23-0600-9 Site Addregs: 1?95 CIoRE CREBK DR VAIIJ IJOCAtION: 1795 GNRE CREEK DR. Tota1 Fees: $650.OO T'hia Paltment! $650.00 Total- AL'[, PmtsB: $650.00Balance: $0.00 laaaaf*ffttaa*afaaaaa*a***a+faft'}aa**aafaaaaf**++ata*t+afaa*tt**{r**+***+**t+++t*a+++++ltlt*+ ACCOT]NTITEMUST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3TT22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 650.00 *m NEW CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: The review process for new construction normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual review and a final review. Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal at a minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS'T* ,d Rtl pages of Application is complete / Checklist is completed and signed ,4 Stamfd Topographic Survey*y' Site and Grading Planx 1/ Landscape Plan* d Architectural Elevationsxy'- exerior color and material samples and specifications. .d Architectural Floor Plans* A Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures F title report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements* o Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. o Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable o Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable*o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the malerials noted with an asterisk (*)- **For interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable, I have read and underctand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: Contractor t F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\Od forms\drb-new-construdion-8-28-2007.doc Page 3 of 14 NEW CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Topographic survey:r Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surueyor . Date of survey. North arrow and graphic bar scale . Scale of 1"=10'or 1"=20). Legal description and physical address, o Lot size and build able area (build able area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40o/o, dtrd floodPlain). nes to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the surveYr property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner. . Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information' . Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as. indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions. . Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot. r Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals o Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. . Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc,).o All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, ek.). r Environmental Hazards (ie. Rock fall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) o Watercourse setback, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback) . Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include:. Cable Wo Telephone Sewer Water Gas Electric . Size and type of drainage culvefts, swales, etc, . Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from property. r Site and Grading Plan:o Scafe of t"=20' or larger ;. Propefi and setback linese Existing and proposed easements. Existing and proposed grades o Existirig and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge'with a solid line. o All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height. . proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the propefi line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade. . A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction. F:\cdev\FoRMs\Permits\Planning\Old forms\drb-new-consfuction-8-28-2007.doc Page 4 of 14 Buildino Materials Roof .. ;'_ '' t . 5rorng Other Wall Materials 't:' Fascia Soflrts Windows WindowTrim - Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Fxterior Lighting Other PROPOSED MATERHLS Tvoe of Material c*o t tp - (,elLry+fItol I Color ,nttuarn q}4t- cAoa* c*41ttt" Qo*n U.ea epuua uroaO ' Woog $lp.rry n$ftr, $tJO.-o buu00* Notes: please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip' ,rrift. r/h.{+ F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\Od forms\drb-new-conshuction-8-28-2007.doc Pue 7 ot L4 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common l{ame QPa- Ouantitv IIPROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Size tlb EN 5 qrl.----a-w@w-l*lFoUll EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" CaliPer Coniferous Trees - 6' in.height Shrubs -'5'Gal Tvpe Square Footaoe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please speciff other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc') F:\cdev\FoRMS\Permib\Plannlng\Old forms\drb-new-construction-8-28-2007'doc Page 8 of 14 UTIUTY APPROVAL & VERIFICATION This form serves to veriff that the pioposed improvements will not impact any existing br proposed utility services, and also to verify seMce availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing ylur utility plan and scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilitiet for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COI.IMENTS FnOU fne tmUfV COupnNIEs. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please conbct The Town of Vail. Developer b Prcvide Lot Address fnformation: -ffi Lot Addr€ss: Authorized Siqnahrre Comments Lot#:- Date g*o(r\ QWEST ;'i:;. 970.468.6860(teD 970.468.0672(fax) Contacts: Sam Toolev fsaCItrcFdev@swe$,@-7 XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tet) 970.468.1,101 (fax) Crntact: Ridr Sisneros T.#- richard.sisneros@xcelenergv.com HOLY CROSS E]{ERGY 970.947.5471 (tel) 970.945.4081 (fax) Contact: Diana Golis doolis@holycross,om XCEL ENERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) 970.252.4024 (tel) Contacts: Kit Bogert Kathrvn. Booert@XCELEN ERGY.com EAGLE RTVERWATER& SAilTTATIOI{ DISTRICT 970A76.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee fhaslee@erwsd.oro COMCAST CABTE 970.418.8248 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) 9(ttc NOTES: f . If ttre utitity approval & verification form has signatures from eadr of the utillty companies, and no comments are made direcdy on tni form, or no action is taken within 2 weeks of the Utilitt/s receipt of the form without explaination the Torm will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed' 2. li a utility company has concems with the pmposed mnstrudion, the uUlity representative shall note direcdy on the utility verificauon form that there is a poblem which needs to be resotved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the mntractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from tfie Departnent of Public works at the Town of vail. lJtdlg_lgcaggnt-lEc$-bi!-@leilec-DefGiisgiEg in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail, A buildlno oermit is not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained seoarablv. l. ftre Oevetoper is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval& re-verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the comment area of this form). Develope/s Signature F:\cdev\FoRt{S\Permits\Planning\Od formsvrb-new-consfuction-8-28-2007.d0c davidbvan Page 9 of 14 NOTES TO ALL APPLICANTS Pre-apolication Meetino A pre-6pplication meetlng with Town of Vail staff is encouraged. The purpose of a pre-application meeting is to identify any critical issues pertaining to the applicanfs proposal and to determine the appropriate development review process for an application. In many c;tses, the pre'application meeting helps to expedite the development review process as critical issues are identified and dealt with in the preliminary stages. A pre-application meeting may be scheduled by contacting Joe Suther at 970-479- 2128 or jsuther@vailgov.com Time Requirements The Design Review Board meets on the lst and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Departrnent prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at http://www.vailgov.com/subpage.asp?page-id=80 For a new residential development, the application deadline is typically 3.5 week prior to a Design Review Board hearing. Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Title 12, (Zoning Regulations) and Trtle 14 (Development Standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal C,ode. Requirements for prooerties located in hazard areas If a property is located in or adjacent to a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rocKall, debris flow, floodplain, wetland, poor soils, etc.), the Gommunity Development Deparunent may require a site-specific geological investigation. If a site-specific geological investigation determines that the subject property is located in a geologically sensitive area, the property owner(s) must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult w1h Community Development staff prior to submitting a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. Reouired Plan Sheet Format For all surveys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvement plans, all of the following must be shown. 1. Plan sheet size must be24"x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed. 2. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale' 3. Graphic bar scale. 4. North arrow, 5. lltle block, project name, project address and legal description' 6. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number' 7. Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates. 8, Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000'or larger. 9. Sheet labels and numbers. 10. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5"' 11. Names ofall adjacent roadways. 12. Plan legend. F :\cdev\FoRMS\Permits\Planning\Old forms\drb-new-construction-8-28-2007.doc Page 10 of 14 As Plcturcd: POSS WALL rH 3llt l2th 312'l lTth 3l3l 19 3141 22 WP 7rh St,, 97 l1 8rr. l3 l0 3ll2 l?th ?ttt g 3122 l5frr 9 17,t, 3132 19 ll tSth 3142 22 13 16 CHAIN 31I4 'l.2tu 3724 lSriz 3134 r9 3144 22 Zt\Eq. 9 sq. 1l sq. 13 sq. . ?'^r lt eow Pgg a\ UP fbz(fio) OgU;;r+i*+**z 3113 9729 9I33 3143 l5rrr lSttz 22r4 26 7thrq, 9 sE. ll s4. 13 rq. 1 i {:-{ lti ./,;;, d ,I ilqf Style Number: 3113-5 Seedy Land Title Guarantee Gompany Ihtel 04l4Wl To: DANTAS BIiILIITRS Atb: MIXEDAI{TAS Iq'6 WESIT G.'ORE CNEEK DRWE YNL, CO E165? RE: V5lXI2ll6t4 Land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIBT'TION bte: @-21-?frUl hopcrty Ad&tss: TOT IO, VAIL VILLq,GE WEST FILING 2 VAIL, CO 81657 OurorderNumber: V5fiD0684 If you hgtc ory inquirtes or require further assistancc, please corxad one of the nnnben below: For Title Asirtrncc: Veil Tirb Dept. Chris McElveny rOE S FRONTAGE RD W 'IO3VAIL, CO E16C' Yholle:$|EaIIGXEI Fsff: llIO4I64ltL EMnih cmcelvrny(lltgc.con DANTAS BI,IILDERS 1936 WEST GORE CREE( DRIVE VAIL. @ 81657 ftm: MIXEDANTAS Pbone: 91G376{l I I Sem Via US Posral Scrvice PEAK I.AND CONSULTANTS IOM UONSRIDGE II)OP SIJTTE 38 VAIL,CD EI657 AM: XRISTIN DEGENHARDT Plrctne.- 9704763644 Far.: 9D.,1768616 Copies: I EMail: kristin@pcakland.net Linkc{ C.Drnmitment Delivery Land fitle Guarantee Company Ilate 0Y27-2WI OrOrd€rNumb€r: V5flID684 %l ilffii nrono" wesi nuNc 2 vArL, co sr657 Buyer/Borrower: JOSEPH S. MARQUEZ AND CHARLENE MARQUEZ Sdler/Orvner: TOSEPH S. MARQUEZ AND CHARLENE MARQUEZ tol. dtlrCt Oaloa Need a map or dlrecdms for yorn upcoming dming? Chech out Land lltlers web site st www.lec.com for directions to rny of o|tr tf otfe locatims. ESTIMAIE OFTTTLE FEES Information Binder 8783. OO .If 'ard tltl. oo.r.rt.. cq'at, rttl b oLotlry tDt. t.rlar.cttd, .bv. t.e. -tLl b @ll.oEd rt tf,lt ttF- iI.83.AO Tf,ANK Y(RJ FOR YOTJR ORDER: TAilD TITTE GUARAilTEE GOIIPAIIY ItIU0tGE Owncr: TOSEPH S. MARQT EZ AND CHARLENE MARQUEZ Pioperty Address: I-OT 10, VAIL VILL-AGE WEST FILING 2VAJL- CO E1657 Yiur Refertoce No.: When referring to this order, please refercnce our Order No. V50020684 .CSARGES- lnforoatbn Bindcr $r83.00 -Totsl-$183.00 Please Fake c.heclis payable to: Iand fitle Guarmtoe Coryany P.O. Bor 5440 Denver, COW2l7 Chicago Title lnsrance Co'Amy ALTA COMMTTMENT Schedule A I Property Address: I.oT IO, VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIUNG 2 VAIL, CO 81657 orrOrderNo. VsflW|6E4 Cnst. Ref.: Eflective llate:September 18, 2007 at 5:00 P.M.l. 2.Policy to be Issue4 and Propmed Insued: Information Binder Proposed lnsured: IOSEPH S. MARQUEZ AND CHARLENE MARQUEZ $0.00 The estate or interesil in the land described or refeired to in thts Commitment and covered herein h: A FEE SIMPLE fitle to the estate or intertst covered hercin is at the effective date hereof vested in: IOSEPH S. MARQUEZ AND CHARLENE MARQI'EZ 5. lAe hnd refemed to in this Cmmitmcnt is desibcd as follorrs: I.OT IO. VAIL VILI.AGE WEST, FILING NO. 2, ACCORDING TO TIIE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COI.oRADO. b. 4. ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section I (Requirunents) The lollowing are the requiremeots to be complied with: Our (hd€r No. V50(D0684 Item (a) Fafnent to or for the account of the grantors or m)rtgagon of the full consid€rdion for the estate or int€rest to be insured. Item O) Pmper instrunen(s) creating dre estate or interest to be inzured trrust be executed and duly filod for record, to-wit: Item (c) Paprcnt of all taxes, charges or assessnrents levied and assessed against the subject prearises which arc due and payable. Item (d) Additional requirements, if my disclosed below: This product is for informariond purposes only and does not oonstitute atry form of title guarmtee nor insurance. The liability of the coryany shall not exoeed the charge paid by the applicanr for this Foduct, nor shall the compmy be beld liable to my party 66[e:r rhan 1fog 4plicmt for rhis prodrrcr. THIS COMMTTMENT IS FOR INFIORMATION ONLY, AND NO POUCY WILL BE ISSUED PI,RSUANT HERHTO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Ex@iom)Ou(HerNo. V50@684 The poliry or policies to be ilnrcd witt oontrin exceptims to Jfof|oriog rmless thesrm are dirsped of to the caffdrction of thc Cmpony: l. Rigbts or claim of parties in possession mt slpvm by the public records. 2. Easmr;, or clairm of easms, not showo by the public records. 3. Discrcparcies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in arca, €o.aoac.hrcnts, and any facts which a correct survcy od inspection of the pcmises would disclose and which are not sbown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for sen ices, labor or matcrial th€fiotofore or hercaft€r fumishod, inpoaed by law end not shownby the public records. 5. Defocts, liens, mtmbrmces, adverse clainrs or other matters, if my, created, first epearing in the prblic rccords or attaching subsequcnt to tbe eff€ctive dare her@f but prior to the date tbe propocod insued acquires of reoord for vdue the estate or interest or mrtgage theron oovercd by this C.ommimt. 6. Taxcs or Wocial assesmts which ae not shoum as existing liens by the public records.o the Tleasuer's of6ce. 7 . Licns for unpaid wrtcr d scwcr chrgcs, if my.. 8. In additim, the owu's polfoy will be subject to the mtgage, if my, noted in Section I of Sc.hedule B hcrof. RIGHI OF PR.OPRIEIOR OF A VEIN OR IJODE TO HTTRACT ANDREMOVEHIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD TIIE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTER.SECT TIIE PR,EMISES AS RESERVED IN T'MIED STATES PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 04, I9I8, IN BooK 93 ATPAGE3OI. RIGHT OFWAY FOR DITCHES OR. CANATS CONSTRUCTED BY TI{E AUTHORITY OFTTIE UNTIED STATES AS RESERVED IN T'NITED STATES PATENT R,ECORDED OCTOBER 04, IgIE, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 3OI. RFSTRICTIVE COVBNANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITT'RE OR REVERTER CI^AUSE, BUT OMITIING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED T'FON RACE, COI,OR, RELIGION, SEX(, SEKT'ALORIENTATION, FAMILIALSTATUS, MARITALSTATUS, DISABIUTY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOTJRCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTII IN APPUCABLE STATE OR FEDERAL I.AWS, EKCEPT TO TIIE EXffBNT TIIAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTTON IS PERMITTED BY APPUCABLE I^AW, AS COMAINED IN INSTRUMEM RECORDED TT'LY U', 1965, IN BOOK I9O AT PAGE 56I. EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESIRICTTONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON TIIE PLAT OF VAIL VILI^AGE WEST FILING NO. 2 RECORDED 'ULY 7, 1965. 9. 10. ll. 12. ALTA COM M ITM ENT ScheduleB-Scction2 (Btcepions)Ourord€rNo. V5fiI10684 The policy c policiec to be iriled will contain srcepdrtrs to the fol,owing unless the same rne dirpced of to the satidactfun of the Conpany: 13. RIGHTSITND EASEMENTS FOR NAVTGATION AND FISHERY IN FAVOR OF THE PUBIJC WIIICH MAY HCST OVER THAT FORTION OF SAID LAND LYING BENEATII TTIE WATERS OF GORECREEK. 14. UTILITY EASEMEITIT AS GRANTED TO UPPER EAGLE VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL 24, l97O, IN BOOK 217 AT PAGE ,189. 15. TERMS, CONDTfiONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEMENT GRANTED TO T'PPtsR EAGLE VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT RECORDED APRIL 24, I97O IN BOOK 2T7 AT PAGE 4tr7. 16. TERMS, CONDMONS AND PROVISIONS OF ACqESS EASEMENT REC{)RDED SEPTEI{BER, 12, ZXt AT RECEPTION l{o.Nlf2gtgil. (AFFECN LiOT l5) T7. NOTICE OF ENCUMBRANCE AND RESOLUTION RECORDED ruNE 6, 1996 I'NDER RECEPTION NO. 5!14}13 AND RECORDED DECtsMBER.2I, a)OI UNDER RECEPTION NO. 78O8iIT. LAND TITLE GUARANITECOMPANY SNd LAND TITLE GUANANTET COMPANY - GRANDJTJNCTION DIS}CII)SURE STAIEMENTS Note: hrsuant to CRS lGll-122, noticc is hcreby given that: The subject real property rnay be locatod in a special Uxing district' A Certific*e of iob O* nrti"g each taxfug jurisdiction rruy be obtained ftom the County Treasurer's anthorized agent- The hformation tegrAing special districts and the boundaries of such districts my be obtained from the Board of county comissiomrs, the county clerk and Recorder, or the county Assessor' Note: dffective September l,lryl,CRS 30.1G406 requires that all docurnenrs received for recording or filing in the clerk md recorder,s ofEce shall contain a top rnargin of at least one irch ald a left, rigbt and bottom margin of at least one half of an inch. The clerk "t a te"ona". -"y refrtse to recold or file my doctlment that does not conform, erc€,pt that, the requirernent for the top margin shall not tp?ly P.do"t*ts using forms on which space is provided for recorCing or filing information at the top nurgin of the docrmnt' Note: colorado Divisioa of Insurame Regulations 3-a'1, Paragr4h c of Article vtr requires that 'Every title entity shall be rcsponsible for a11 mders vthicn apper of rocord prior. o thetim of recording wheoevef, th title entity conducts the clooing md is rcsponsible for recording or- filing of legal doqrrEnts rcsultiDg from the tmosetim which was closed'. hovided that knd Title Guarmtee corrpmy conducts-the closing of rhe ins|red md is rcsponsible for recording the bgd 6oimm6 ftom th€ dacdon, .'c@tion oumber 5 will trot 4pear on the Ormcr's Title Policy md the l,enders Policy utten issued Note: Affirmtive dmic's licn protectiol for the owncr rnal' bc available (typically by dclcioa oiE ".pti* *. 4 of Schedule B, 3:ectim 2 of thc Conmitmt from the Owner's Policy to be is$ed) lpon mryli@ wilh the following conditiom: el nc rina ocscritco in sc,bcdule A of this oor|miffiot mu$ be a singte fmily rcsidre wtich includes a condmiaium or townhorure rmit' B) No labor or materials have been fimi$ed by mechaics or rnatcrial-mo for purposes of construction (m fre lad dcecribed in schcdule A of rr'is comrnitrmt wirhin tbe prt 6 rnnfts' C)TheCoryanyrnstreceivem4prqriateafEdavitindecrnisingtheCorrymyagainsttntsfiled mEhaoic's and mlerial-m's liens. D) The Coqmy ttnlst rcceive paymt of the @ropriate pranium' E) If there has been construcd;, iqrcv@ts or major repairs underUken on the propcrty to be purchased within six mooths prior o rhe Dare of the c,ornmitment, the requiramts to obtain aoverage for rmrecorded lieos will inctuds disclosure of ccrtain construcrion inforrration; finmcial information as to the seller, rhe builder anil or the contractor; paym€nt of the aPpropriate premium fully executed Indemity Agr€emeots satisfactory to ihe coryany, and' any:dditional requit@ts as may be necessary aher m exmination of the aforesaid information by the Corymy' No mverage will be given rmder aoy ckcumstaoces for labor or material for whie'h the insured has codracted for or agrtcd to YaY. Note: Pursrant to RS 10'11-123, notice is bereby giveo: This notice 4plies to owner's policy conrnritmcots containing a mineral sevef,ece instruIffirt excqltion, or exceptions, in Schedule B' Section 2' A) ltat tb€re is recordi er.iOence that a mineral estate has beeo severed, leased, or otberwise conveyed ftiom the surfaE €state d thd thcfe is a substantid likelihood that a thfud palty holds sonrc or all hterest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal energy in rhe Foperty: md B)Thatsuchmin€ralestatemayincnaeoerigltto€ntermdusethepr0pertywithoutthc surfre owner's Permission- Nothing herein conrained will be deecrd o obligate the corryany to provide any of the coverages referrcd to ncrein unless the above conditions are firlly satisfied' Forn DISCLO$nE glg1l0? A) B) c) NOTICE OF PN'IVACY POLICY Fidelity National Financial Gronp of companies / chicago fitle bsrnance company Socurity Uniotr fitle Insurance Compony July l,2lXll #rffiffi trffi Hiiyffi ffi *tr"t;;*ffix.fu*Trffi ffi.ffi.ig"Hffi # that we serve. This privrcy siltiiliifr'"i il*-uiii *pti"atkr.-i6 -rcservtthi right to chmge this hivacy - Sildfiffiiliime o tinfo mneist€ndwith 4plicable privacy laws' In the cOnse of our business, we mly collect Fersonal Information about you fmm thc following sounoes: From applications or other forms we reoeive ftom you or your authorized representative;^Fffi;il"jfiiraii;ftrn *ith;dr"Ifiith.';Ji.es 6elnC-p6rtomre0 by' us, our affiliates' orothers; Fmm 6ur internet web sites: Fiiii ii,i p,iui" *iitras-friintained by goveinmtal entities that we eitber obtain directly ft'om those entities, oir from orn ffiliates o.r others; ad From c6nrusrcr or other nporting agencies- Orn Folicies Regrrding the hoteotion of the Confideotiality and Seority of Your PersoNrd Intomation We maintain physical, eledronic md procedural sq&guards to protect your Personal lnformation fi'orn uoauthorized access or inrrirsion. We limit'#iffrdifiEsotrifi6?;;t6fi;it t6 th"se.*ryloyees who nced such access in ;ffiffiffiiffift;iff;doduc1g oi services to you or for other ligitimate business purpooes' our Policies and kactices Reg[rding the shrtring of Your Pertonal Information We nay slare your Personal Idorm*im witl o|x'-a$liales. such as itrsurdce coilpmics' agents' and other real €state seru€rDe servrce proviEil' we Aso malt Osctose ydur Fersonal Informarion: to ag€nts, brokcrs or rcprescnnrives to prowide you with services you have rcquest+; . ro third-Darty ooilr*los or ff#ff"ii;*tfi-pi6"id;i'irvii6 or perforni matriing or othcr tunctiontodorbehdf; md to others with whom we coter into joint na*eting agrmts for producrs or services that we believe you may find of interest. ,F"?lStShH.Tl##".nX ',&h$_trfflp'ftIffiSil-T* liformation when orherwise;ffiftfi'ilffilidirfi pti"a"v tad;-fu as,Joi eiafrnple, wheh disclosurc is rceded to';ffiilffihilfiiliE 5i6r-inv;{,ffint, rans*tion or relarionship with yon. one of the irrportatrt responsibilitieq of sory of our. affiliaredcoryanies is to recnrd documents in the public domain. Such-docwnentS may cotrtaio your P€rsotrar lfiorm'non' Right to Accesc Yorr Fcrsond Information ud Abiltty to Carect Error€ Or Requ€6f Changes Or Ddetim Certah stat€s afford you the right to access your Fersoul lnformation ard, ugler-certaig cilcuostanoes' to fitrd out 6-ifrt^ililr}Eiotilrrlffir#ffi;las b$iusctrieo, lltso, certaitr $atd afrord.vo-u the risht to rcqu€st c<rrrectiori. amendnpr or deilti;;;f vd; pe..-ai-[ili"'-rdi9* i/g rescntthe rieht' wte|rE perdttd by law' to ffi8";-*"sonab[f 1oi i6 cover-tnec6ss hcun€d in rcsponding to such requess. AU requ€sts submitted to the Fidelity N4ional linancial Group of C-onpanies/Chicago Title Insurme Corymy shall ti in writing, md delivered to the lbllowmg addess: PrivrcY CorPliance Offrcer Fidelitv National Financial' Inc' ffiE*f.l#cful"'?A' Multiple hoduds or Scrvices If we orovidc you with mre than one financial- produd or service, you may reeive mrc rh'n one privry notice ftom is. We ailologize for my inconvenience ttrs rnay curse you' * * * t * 'a* * Form PRIV.PoL -C$l NOTICE OF PRTVACY FOLICYOF I-ANDTITLEGUARANTEECOMPANY,INC.,ACOIORADOCORFORATION AND MERIDIAN LAND TITLE, L.L.C., A COLORADO LIMITED LIABLITY COMPANY' D/B/A LAND TTN.E GUARANTEE COMPANY - GRAND JUNCTION This Starcment is provided to you as a orstoffi of Land Title Guarmtee Conpmy' a Cotorado corporrion ad Meridim Land Title, Lljc., dlbla l.md Title Guarantce Corpmy - Grand Junction. We want you to kDow that we recognize md r€spect your privacy erqectations and lhe requirerrents of federal il rtrr: pritry laors. Information-security is ore of our highest prioritirx. We recognlze that rnaintaining your tnrst md confid€oce is the bednrck of our business. We maintain and regularly review intenral md external safegurds against unauthorized access to non-public personal information ('Pemonal lnformation"). In the course of oru business, we ltuy oollect FeGonal lnfonnarion about you ftom: * ryplications or other forms we receive from you, including comatrications $€nt thrcugh TMX, our web-based transrction managmt syst€m;* your transrtions with, or from thc scrvices being pelformed by, us, our affiliates, or others; r a coosuns reporting agency, if such iaformation is provided to us in connection wifr your transaction; md* fb public records mrinrair€d by gov€r tr al entities that we either obtain direaly from those eutities' or ftom our ffli*es md no-affiliatcs. Our policies regarding tbe prctection of be confidfotiality and secuity of yor Permnal Information re c follows:I We resfict acccss to alt PeGonal Information about you to tbo6€ eqloyees who Deed to ktrow thtr infornation in order to provide products aDd services to you. * We mintain physical, electronic md p'moee[at safeguards ltd oo'ryty with fodefal stmdrds to pfiotect your Personal Information ftom unauthoriad access or intnrsion' * Eryloyees wbo violate our strict policies and procertures regfiting privacy arc subjod to disciplimry rtion.* We regularly acf,e8s secrnity standards md procedures to prrotect against uoauthoriad acc€ss to Fersoml lnfiormation. Consisteot witb applicable privacy lars, there are sorne sihEtions in which Personal lnformarion may be discloaed. We may disclose yo*-P.t*otal lnformation wheo you dir€ct or give us p€rnission; when we ue required by law to do so, foi exarnple, if we are served a $bpoena; or when we suspect fraudulent or criminal activities. We atso may disctose your Personal Infonnation when otherwise permitted by applicable privacy laws such as, for exq e, when disclosurc is needed to enforce our rights arising ort of any aglffint' transdion or rdatiooship with yott. Our pollcy reg{ding dispute resolution is as follows. Atry conuoversy or claim arising ort of or rcldiDg to our privrcy polid, o, rL tto"n thoeof, sball be settled by arbitration in acordaoce with the rules of the Arericm -etUttiti-* essocittion, md judgment upon tbe awad reodered by the a$itrato(s) rmy be entcred in any court having judsdiction therof. fom PRlv.F .LTG.l Suruey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov,com *This dre*Iist must be submitTed prior to Public Works review of a prcposed developmene Owners/Project Name: Project Address:l?19 rrr. 6otb d2* D t{A Applicant: t \rfltl Alu9llrf,i tlJc, phone Number,fu-??bt+++ Submittal ,E Stamped survey of property F Civil/Site plans Sqrvev Resuirements: d Surveyo/s wet stamp and signature Date of survey North arrow Proper scale (1"=10'or L"=20) Legal descripUon trft ,t .4t Fta Basis of bearings / Benchmark Spot Elevations { Labeled right of way and property lines; ,{ including bearings, distances and curve / d Landscape plan Jt Title Report (Section B) o Environmental Hazards (ie. rocKall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) Watercourse setbacks (if applicable) Trees Labeled easements (i.e. drainage, uUlity, pedestrian, etc...) Topography Utility locations Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown fior a minimum of 250'in either direction from property. informaUon.d Lot Sizep Build able Area (o<cludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain) Site Plan Reouirements: I. Acess (check all)y' Driveway type and finished surface are shown on the site plan. lf, Unheated o Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone) ,d Snow storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (307o of driveway area if unhmted; 10o/o of driverryay area if heated) ,a All driveway grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Det/elopment Standards, p. 11. Steepest Section Driveway Grade (not the average grade):- ,d Parking spaces and Urning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standards, pp.12&14 II. Construction Site (check all) ,d Location of all utilities and meter pits are shown on the site plan. .d Limib of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan. I I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic Control Plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Dwices, will be necessary prior to construction. 6 I am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction. Page 12 of 14F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\Old forms\drb-new-constructon 8-28-2007.doc Desion Review Board Meetinq Reouirements For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The ippficant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow' All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting' The applicant, or their representative shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicants wno tiit to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be po5tponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished' If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a bullding permit. Staff Approval ih" Ad:-ffi;i-""r (a nrembdr of the planning staff) may review dnd approve Design Review apphcations, approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Review Board for a decision. All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. Additionat Review and Fees ff Uris apptication requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not fimited to: Colorado Department of Hlghway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 4O4, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees in excess of 50o/o of the application fee, If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re'published, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have design, land use or other issues, which may have a significant impact on the community, may require review by external consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by Town staff that an extemal consultant is needed, the Community Development Departrnent may hire the consultant. The Department shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. The applicant shall pay expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the application to the Town within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will be returned to the applicant upon review completion. F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\Old forms\drb-new-construction-8-28-2007.doc Page 11 of 14