HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 2 LOT 41 42 43 HAMLET CONDOMINIUMS LEGALll Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Ilamlet Condominiums Project Description: Exterior Painting Owner, Address and Phone: The Hamlet Condo Association, PO Box 1292rYai1,4764300 ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: same as above Project Street Address: 2014 West Gore Creek Drive Legal Description: Lot42, Vail Village West Filing 2 Parcel Number:BuildingName: Comments: Change to allow for buildings to reverse trim and body color Board / StaffAction Motion by: Action: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Entire complex must be painted, per submittal Minimum of 2 buildings to reverse trim and body Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: September 14,1998 F :\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\98\hamlet.wpd DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 Questions? at" Planning Sbaff at 47g-2L38 APPLICATION FCIR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENEML INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review appmval. Any project requiring design review must recetve Design Raniew approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific informauon, see the submittal requiranents fur the particular approral that b requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required infonnation is submltted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. B. c. D. E. F. G. LOCAION OF pROpOSAL: t}t 4L BLOCK:_ FrLrNeVAlo U/e(Al"€ Ws:, tr 2 PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING: HUATI MME OF OWNER(S): MATuNG ^DDRESS: p.0.at/, /LqL/ WqQl (/bw PIIONE: owr{ER(s) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAIUNG ADDRESS: PHONE. 77b-v30) H.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: llew Construction - $2OO Construction of a new building. f50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are b be paid at the tirne of submittal. Later, when applying br a building permit please identify the accurate valuation of the prcject. The To^rn of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project \6luatbn. PTEASE SUBMIT Tt{rS APPUCATIOI{, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMET{TS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMEI{T OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, tr tr F Addition - Minor Aheration - DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAil-, COLORADO 81657. trigo Review l.3oo Form TOWN OF'VAIL Project Name: Hamlet Condominiums ProjectDescription: ErteriorPainting owner, Address and Phone: The Hamlct Condo Association, po Box l292,yril,47G43o0 ArchitecVContact, Ad&ess and phone: seme as above Project Street Address: 2014 West Gore Creek Drive Legal Description: Lot 42, Vail Villege West Filing 2 parcelNumber, "uilding Name: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: stafTepprcved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Entire complex must be peinted, per submittrl Town Planner: Brcnt Wilson Date: Scptember L4,lggE DRB Fee pre-paid: S20.00 F:\EVERYOIiRDRBV\PPROVAL9S\HAMLET.WPD ., -'- l Town of Vail -nment of Community Development - 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 o aeceiptxo.ST'f3f a^r"7 r/4rt0 Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No-Item No.Code #Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 1110 Zoninq and Address l/aps z $s.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume i&2 bcu.:tc 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 3 |$s7.20 001 0000 314 1112 International Plumbing Code - 1997 $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 lnternational Mechanical Code - '1998 $3s.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1997 D.J'J.OU 001 0000 314 1112 Unifom Fire Code t/6 DJO.UU 001 0000 3141112 lNatbnal El€ctrical Code I 001 0000 314 11 - 001 0000 314 11 001 oo0o€14 11 001 0000 314 u 001 0000 314 1t 001 0000 314 11 001 0oo0 314 11 001 0oo0 315 30( 001 0000 311 23( 001 0000 31s r0( 001 0000 312 300 001 0ooo 312 400 oofoob6s124oo 001 0000 311 220 001 0000 315 3001 001 0000 240 330( 001 0000 312 100( 001 o0o0 230 2ooc.00r 0000 201 1oo .001 o0oo 310 11ol oen, f;rv#fiufufi"t'o" ,,mffiffinr ffi,ffi TI€: H$.*" & |?e.n l?:f9:18 .* €0.m 001 0000 311 2500 nfl$ YOI Fon Y{ilR pRYXB{T| rrrw n/PLlGATlOll FEES \, tl BF XG MS MS PNrr OH ^l SP SP DR PN AD NL SA TP w MS 37.00 $9.95 10.00 tz.t3 $?-00 $0.2s 40.00 .00 001 0000 311 2s00 Additional GRFA - '250'PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Conditbnal Use Permit PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 so. ft.PV s200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - More than 100 sq. ft.PV $500.00 001 0000 311 2500 SDecial Develooment Disbict - NEW PV s1,500.00 001 0000 31 1 2500 Special Development District - Maior Amend PV s1,000.00 001 000031 1 2500 Special Development District - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Subdivision Fees PV 001 0000 311 2500 Variance PV-$2s0.00 001 0000 31r 2500 Zoning Code Amendments PV $2s0.00 Re-Zoninq PV $200.00 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Program )ther -MS TOTAL:EAO- Comments: Cash _- Money Order #ReceivEd Oy, &Check # ltll F:/Ev€ryons./Formsisalesacl.exe 2110t99 .t Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Hamlet Condominiums ProjectDescription: ExteriorPainting Owner, Address and Phone: The Hemlet Condo Association, PO Box 1292,Yai1,476-4300 Architect/Contact. Address and Phone: same as above Project Street Address: 2014 West Gore Creek Drive Legaf Description: Lot 42, Vail Village West Filing 2 parcel Numbe., "uilding Name: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: staffapproved Seconded by: Vote. Conditions: Entire complex must be painted, per submittal Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: September 14, 1998 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 l' :\EVERYON E\DRB\APPROVAL98\HAIULET. WPD -r-Qu.r,io,trll thc Pllirning StatT:ri .i7:r-l i2.J APPLICATTON FOR DESICN REVIE}V APPROVAL TOWN OF VAIL CENERAL INFORMATION This. application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv npproval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigrr rcvicrv rrrust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicrv approval prior to subnritting for a building pcrnrit. For spccific infornration, scc thc subrrrittal rcquircntcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application connot bc acccptcd until allthcrcquircd infbrntatiorr is subrnittcd. Thc projcct nuy also nccd to bc rcvi*ycd by thc Torvn Council and./or thc planning and Environ rtlcllta I Corttnrission. Dcsign Revlov Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval untcis a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is startcd. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: CT/*II'< B. c. D. E. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:_ BLOCK:_ F|LING: PFIYStCAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #:Contact Eagle Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-328-8640 foTparccl #) ZONINC; F. C. NAME OF OWII{ERIS): MAILINC ADDRESS: OWNER(S) SICNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: -&€ MAILINC ADDRESS: H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncrv Construction - $200 Construction of a nerv buildinc. PHONE: tr Addition - \linor Altcration - $50 Includcs any.addition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or cornrncrcial building. $20 Includcs rrrinor changcs to buildings and sitc inrprovcnrents. such as, rcroofing. painting, rvindorv additions. lmdscaping. fcnccs and rctaining walls. ctc. DRBfccsarctobepaidatthctintcofsubmittal. Latcr,rvhcnapplyingforabuildingpennit.plcascidcntify tlic accuratc valuation of thc projcct. TheTorvn of Vail tvilladjust the fcc according to thc projcct valuafion. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREf\{ENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPIVIENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL, COLORADO 8I657. d i\. NUII DTNG MATERIAI S: , Roof ,----X( Siding )t"---.-__-rl Othcr Wall Materials Windows Wirrdow Trinr Doors Door J'rinr lland or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chinrncys -Trash Enclosurcs Grecnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** Othcr LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:CQIOB:* /+n7tc4TO i Pleasc specif5' thc nlanufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip ** All cxtcrior lighting nrust-rneet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). Ifexterior lighting is proposcd, plcasc indicatc the nuntbcr offixftlrcs and locations on a separatc lighting plan. Identif cactr Rxtuie type and provide the height above grade. luntcns output. lunrinous arca. and aftach a cut shcct ofthe lighting fixtures. UDdarcd 6197 o o w-La-Lg'g/a w..45Pn RERLW LTD,TO 4?92452 P,At September 10, 1998 Mr. BrentWilsdl Cornnrunity Dcvelopmcnt Departn€nt Tovmof Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Re: The Hamlet Aseociation 201419. Gore Creek Drive Rcqucst forBxterior Colc Change ViaFacsimilq 479-12452 DearMr. Wilson: I Thc purposc ofthis lensr is to:convey thc approval of Ttre Hamlet Assirciatiou of the color change application filodwitt you today. ; The Boad ofDirectors met in:August, in their capacity of Architectruril Conbol and approved the colors submitted. As indicated in our discussion, theso coldrs will bc those nscd by all owners as they enaount€rtbe need to paiut thcir etft€trior$- Please call ifyou havo auy questions. Sincercly, {tr4 Bill Sargsnt Cros$oads Roalty, L,td. lYlmagi'tg Agant ThcHenletAssociation : Copy via US Mail: Ms. lpriise Frrnk ri P.O. Bor 12t2, Vail. Colorado 81658 / Cnrssroads Shopping Center / J4, L lileadowlorirle-Sutte itgtA i ctv4t64$O/FAK.no{,79,qr34 !iomail: home@crossroadsrealryvail.com website: wwrr,crossroadsrealtyvail.com :i FROH CRT}SSR(NDS O ffi TOTA- P.61 o 9V HAMLET FILE t0/24/ 9L Phone cal.l- from Lance Buetell Lo Betsy Rosolack: Lance objected to not being able to rent a garage at the l,lanlet. His landlord had explained to him thaL the Town of Vail could not allow the rental of garages in this zone district Buetell felt we were discriminatory, and that we should aUovr hip\to rent the garage because he was not storing dangeroua material . - Betsy explained that it lras not what was being stored in the garage, but the fact,that the gTrage was being rented fpr storage / .Dthat was ilfeoal .,,A-L oy'pEt +/-nt > t- c-<Lt/ n2p'vL..- fL"--*u-171fr^A / 1.--^V - 45 H 7t.h-{ >t 'f-t'! c:-<''^:'1 .'--.4 J **-,"/:&7 ^, | / -r'f c'1 t rt 'r 4r,.- ?"-, c t/4/u'*,['"" P;'./ Urn-k"" "1 fL '"y'r::)' ,nn .l sa..5r' t^ -, t, * / r/-/ ty' z''-"Lr'-' /-* / / fir ;lt l'lh l/' cLi':ra* '/ {r L / ./ r ._, ,,"(rl^^ l" 4 L"u rty'nr"y tt"tg tu "'-' utr-P' f 6v 4t-"t- {' ', "l a".L '()" J1 c-' l-o-' 7/ / t0lt4/91 llAl.{LE8 Betsy malled letters to Hanlet owners on 10/8 elplaining thatrental of garageg for conmercLal storage wae agalnst the zonlng code. Betsy received a phone calL on L0/L4/9L from BlIl Sargent (476- 4300) who waa representing Kehl,E two units. He stated that KehI was rentLng tuo garages out to people to store furniture in. I explaJ.ned the code, and Sargent, st,ated that he wouLd glve thepeople 30 days' notlce. (,{) ras not in our gBrage, ard qe rrtrere unahiame that the zoning did rpt permit ttre kind of occupancy you had. Your lease ocpired May 1, J_991, and tlre lease provides that your tenanqp j_s ncr,.r nrcnttr to nonttr so, regret- fully, lre ask pu to leave at tLre end of this npnth. your last npnth's rent, paid ln advance, will be refunded. ) / u,z, &-fti l, ,,e k /'a "ttg/(*- / - ,, a1 ../.f i4( ; Pr'*A/'t L ,M '" "' 6r.",1"0 KD--^.^ ^.t'Y , C lr iltffl'U UtJ I i' U lrJl JoSEPH F. DoLAN r3lot S. CC,LORADO BLVD. ENGLEWOOD. COLOR^DO AOI tO 11 October 1991 (. I t\I i* Rosolack 75 roulh honttgp road Y.ll, colo.tdo 81657 (30:t) 4792138 (3dt) 4792139 otfce ol communlty develoPment October 81 1991 Joseph and Martha Dolan 4101 South Colorado Boulevard Englewood, Colorado 80110 Re: Commercial storage in Hamlet garages Dear Mr. and Mrs. Dolan: It has come to our attention that many garages at the Hamlet have been leased for commercial storage. We rnust inform you that the Town of Vail zoning code does nbt permit conmercial storage in garages in this zone district. Furthermore, a safety issue was discovered when t,he Hamlet had a recent fire and the Vail Fire Department discovered that paint w1s stored in one of the HamLet garages. If the fire had reached the garage where the paint had been stored, the fire would very likely gone out of control because paint is flamrnable. We are requesting that all Hamlet owners imrnediately cease the practice of leasing their garages for storage. thank you very much for your cooperation. questions' please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, -ru,d"tJ Begsy fosolackPlannfng Technician If you have any 75 routh tronbgF road Yrll, color.do 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) {79'2139 oflice ol communlty deYelopment October 8, 1991 Berlin and Harriet Fayne Jack Harmon and Victoria Ann Dunn 162? Auburn Drive Colorado Springs, Colorado 80909 Re: Commercial storage in Hamlet garages Dear Hamlet Property Owners: It has come to our attention that many garages at the Hamlet have been Leased for commercial storage. we must inform you that the Town of Vail zoning code does not permit conmercial storage in garages in this zone district. Furthernore, a safety issue was discovered erhen the Hamlet had arecent fire and the vail Fire Department discovered that paint was stored i.n one of the Hamlet garages. If the fire had reached the garage where the paint had been stored, the fire would very likely gone out of control because paint is flammabLe. We are requesting that all Hamlet owners immediately cease thepractice of leasing their garages for storage. Thank you very much for your cooperation.questions, please do not hesitat,e to ca1l. If you have any Sincerely,4a,c"/JBetsy Rosolack PIannj-ng Technician 75 |outh tron|lgp rcad vdl, colorado 81657 (30:r) fi92138 (3Cl) 479213s olflce ol communlty deYelopmenl October 8, 1991 Joseph and Martha Dolan 4101 SouUh Colorado Boulevard Englewood, Colorado 80110 Re: Commercial storage in Hamlet garages Dear Mr. and Mrs. Dolan: It has come to our attention that many garages at the Hanlet have been leased for conmercial storage. $fe must inform you that the Town of Vail zoning code does n-ot perrnit commercial storage in garages in this zone di.strict. Furthermore, a safety issue was discovered when the Hamlet had a recent fire and the Vail Fire Department discovered that paint was stored in one of the Hamlet gariges. If the fire had reached the garage where the paint had beLn slored, the fire would very likely gone out of control because paint is flammable. We are requesting that all Ham1et owners immediately cease the practice of leasing their garages for storage. Thank you very much for your cooperation. questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely,/, . -/) t I/<.,2 ,6slenl-/Yt-7t ----- Betsy fosolackPlannlng Technician If you have any luwn 75 roulh ItonLg3 toad vall, cobrado 81657 (30:t) 4&213E (303) r79213O office ol community deYelopment October 8, 1991 Ms. JoAnn Swift and Mr. Donald J. Ferkin Route 2, Box 28A warrenton, Virginia 22L86 Re: Comrnercial storage in Hamlet garages Dear Ms. Swift and Mr. Ferkin: It has come to our attention that many garages at the Hamlet have been leased for commercial storage. gile must inform you that the Town of Vail zoning code does not permit commercial storage in garages in this zone district. Furthermore, a safety issue was discovered when the Hamlet had a recent fire and t,he vail Fire Department discovered that paint was stored in one of the Hamlet garages. If the fire had reached the garage where the paint had been stored, the fire would very likely gone out of control because paint is flammable. we are requesting that all Hamlet owners immediately cease the practice of leasing their garages for storage. Thank you very much for your cooperation.questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, If you have any e,66'il Betsy lRosolackPlanning Technician lnwn 75 routh |tonbg€ totd Y.11, colorrdo 81657 (3qD 47+'438 (3fit) 47$2139 olllce ol communltY develoPmenl October 8, 1991 Dale w. and Loraine C. Kehl L4297 West Virginia Drive Lakewood, Colorado 80228 Re: Commercial storage in Harnlet garages Dear Hamlet Property Owners: It has come to our attention that many garages at the Hamlet have been leased for comrnercial storage. We must inform you that the Town of Vail zoning code does not permit cornmercial storage in garages in this zone district. Furthermore, a safety issue was discovered when the Hamlet had a recent fire and the Vail Fire Department discovered Lhat paint was stored in one of the Hamlet garages. If the fire had reached the garage where the paint had been stored, the fire would very likely gone out of control because paint is flarunable. We are reguesting that aII Hamlet owners immediately cease tbe practice of leasing their garages for storage. Thank you very much for your cooperation.questions, please do not hesitate to ca1l. Sincerely, If you have any ,"t,4K# Planning Technician hwn 75 louth hoilrg€ rc.d nC[ colorado 81657 (3$) 47$438 (3dr) 4?9'2t39 office ol communlly devslopm€nl October 8, 1991 Vail Ski Rentals 254 Bridge StreetVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Commercial storage in Hamlet garages Dear Vail Ski Rentals: It has come to our attention Lhat many garages at the Hamlet have been leased for comrnercial storage. tile must inform you that ttte iown of Vaif zoning code does nbt perrnit commercial storage in garages in this zone district. Furthermore, a safety issue was discovered when the Hamlet had a recent fire and the VLil Fire Department discovered that paint vtas stored in one of the Hamlet garages. If the fire had reached the garage where the paint had beln slored, the fire wouLd very likely gone out of control because paint is flammable. We are requesting that all Hamlet owners immediately cease the practice of leasing their garages for storage. Thank you very much for your cooperation. questions, please do not hesitate to ca11. Sincerely, IfurA/'J Betsy Rosolack If you have any Planning Technician 75 routh frontagc rcrd vdl, colorado 81657 (3Ct) {7}2138 (303) 4?92139 offfc€ ot community develoPmenl October 8, 1991 Mr. Ray Brenner and Mr. Ross Davis Box 190Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Commercial storage in Hamlet garages Dear Ray and Ross: It has come to our attention that many garages at the Hamlet have been leased for commercial storage. we must inform you that the Town of Vail zoning code does not perrnit commercial storage in garages in this zone dist,rict. Furthermore, a safety issue was discovered when the Hamlet had a recent fire and the Vail Fire Department discovered that paint was stored in one of the Hamlet garages. If the fire had reached the garage where the paint had been stored, the fire would very likely gone out of control because paint is flammable. we are requesting that all Hamlet ovtners immediately cease the practice of leasing their garages for storage. Thank you very much for your cooperation.questions, please do not hesitate to call.If you have any Sincerely, k*.k"t"'(Planning Technician 75 louth lrcntlg. rc.d Y!ll, colorado E1657 (303) 47$438 (3Ct) 47$'2139 otfice of communlty d€veloPment October 8, L991 Ms. Sandra Wolfsberger 2705 Davos Trail #13Vail, Colorado 81557 Re: Commercial storage in Hamlet garages Dear Ms. Wolfsberger: It has come to our attention that many garages at the Hamlet havebeen leased for commercial storage. We must inform you that theTown of Vail zoning code does not permit commercial storage ingarages in this zone district. Furthermore, a safety issue was discovered when the Hamlet had arecent fire and the Vail Fire Department discovered that paint wasstored in one of the HamLet garages. rf the fire had reached thegarage where the paint had been stored, the fire would very likelygone out of control because paint is flammable. We ar9 requesting that all Hanlet owners immediately cease thepractice of leasing their garages for storage. Thank you very much for your cooperation.questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, If you have any Planning Technician I I TYPE OF LTCENSE APPLIED FOR:- E nerRII SALES TAx LIGENSE ls quired hr any person to engago in 0re busires ol selling hngble pemonat prqerty and certain seflices al relail and lor both merdunts locaed wilhh the Torm of \hil and those rnerdnnts wlhout lhe Town..but who male sales ard delircdes ol. hngble porsonal.prcpeily lnlo lhe tonn ol \hil by mail, @rnmon car er or lheir own conveyance, .. E} BUSINESS LICENSE ls rEuired kx any petsm to maintain"oisale, oondud or eng6gp in any business adivity on prembes r-ilhin the Toum oI Vail. EXEMPT INSTITUTION LICENSE Basic activity? HAtnrr'a(. .. , , ls requked lor nooorofl, dpdtaHe and bcal governmenl organizatirrns, whhh are oxompt ftom payhg sales tax, ht rny be rEuited lo coilecl sales lax. Financial dalem€nb.showing ources ol lunds and expnditures lherirof anichs ol hcorporation and by'ana may be requ€stod w'ilh ttUs applcatkxr. o- TowN 0F vAtL, C0L0RAD0 APPUcATToNFoRBUS|NESS^i3'r.$,Sl.rllH"riExEMpilNsTrTuTroNucENsE A sopalate appllcadon must b. fflcd tor each businesr bcaim h Vdl. Appllcadm must bo typed or prlnted, ad complole|y Rlled out trairro: ltu.q*' ' '. Town of Vail lW)|f}lf Sales Tax Professional 75 South Fronbge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 . (303)479-212s .. RETAINACOPYFORYOURRECORDS rJf Type ol Ornetstrip; _ Sole Propriebr Trade Name ol Bu$ness: olorynership (if olher han fade Business . Snte ol Colorado Sales Tax # Local Business Phone # .,-olher /':,#\7 SALES TAX REMITTANCE INFORMATION Name of prson preparing Sales Ta< Return: Ctnoseone:_Employee _AccounlanuBookkeeper -Other(specify)Business Phone # (il ditlerenl han above): DoyoUarenuy|ileyourstatesa|estaxtorm:1ouarter|y-Month|y_Other -over- Formeroilnels l,lane .STAFF APPROVALS FOR zuSINESS LOENSE ONLY: tleeFggdorp€earyot {'rulb. F|mLg{! r.eonfI. b !,|hr.,lr.o r., prtr, oflcr, *,} Signed: o c o N srR u crt o N/ArHL Et'.t8tt tJrS[* u c E/H o M E o c c u pAr o N1991 FEE SCHEDULE FOR BUSINESS LICENSE/I'ARKETING (Requlred by Ordlnance #3g,.Series of 19gg) TRADE MME MAILINGADDRESS A" DETERM|NEZoNE ,lF Zone I - Cascade Virhge to Marror vait (southside of tnterstate 70.)X Zone 2-West Vail, Sandstone, Golf Course Clubhouse, East Vail. rorALFEEDur = o l\?,so_.,Fro o\tr\rrt -^. i ,\ ,orro (L),-_o t\-$ oo* zru\q tTnE PH.NE Anu-sag r TOtfN oF VAIL, COITRADOlppllcatlon for HoDe Occupatlon Perult Requlred by VAIL UUNICIPAL CODE, Sectlon 18.58.130, a auppleuentatfo::n to the Bustnesg and Sales Tax Llce.nge. . ItN.tE oF BusrNEsss -*Oa,z-oJ?r^lrilsG , r/a'sPCYSICAIJ IOC,ATIONS UIIIJNC IDDNESSS xAuE oF colrTAclt prnsox: lppll.cant'e Statenertg . . ln$rer the lollowlng queetlons Ln detall on a seParate abeet, and attacb to apptlcatl,on tor Buslnees and Sales Tax Llcensb. 1r 2.: 3. a. ' 5. 6. .8ully descrlbe tlre tlpe and nature o! tlre buslness. Nunbcr of enployees. 8our8 of operatton. EqulpDent/uachlnery to bE used.littllpat-ed nuubet'o! cuatouers, cllents, or atudents. Antlclpated nuober of vebl,cle trlps generated to and trcro the bueiness location on a dally and ueekly.bael'e. Parklng provlslons'lor gustouerir cllenta, or atudenta.Il residlnE l,n townhouse/eondo, attach latter of a.ppioval tiou assoclatloh. It iesl.dlng'ln rented house/ duplex, attach letter of approval trom landlord. APdECATION IS: l/ ApProved r ,7- t' Denl.ed Condltlons of approva{reasons tor denlal: *ut"/c '. . t ^. ?/rf,/?/ I .J Sandstone 70 Condominium Association P. O. Box 1206 Vail, Colorado 81657 // 3 /,/7 /f in h*, ol ur,/ Srrosl,, 7cl C'oo kot' /o* Gtuan) p eR rn rss /o ,t) {}, Dar,o //,* / o f //* ' t:o' ' ?r,,r/,; o / o can oae/ /as'-es {}o- /'o Coiloo aru,/ //D, L(/e ,/oru a* Oarr,o //-r h /iil* /t fu/es ol fl" S'noufin€ 70 8l ./'t*s */ ,/u C ont/ag/r* b r" /.1,,''.".,s frfu - / 'J co Nao' f,,u^ oz t =t UJo- c F )) ah IJJultL F = IJJo- lttrh #TD qE'5' t /I Jaacrt ct IH I I I I I-r/t Itdl t{Z d--.r 54=J =o>=lE i>.ro >,4doUs=4 IJJF o o FLz = zz U' UJFoz ozoJ o € =zo ulz3o ulI z o E o, q) -c oEoo o)c E dl E o =c oo oo (E '.9 E c .9 at,o!, F o o o) : (! o o o (t, .c E'=Jlt o E o ah 3(! o 6 o '-oo#5i -66cL Er+, CL9o6C-o6 rC-.o ot_ 6 EEo-.! o'-ago: EE 3B()>6a FF H6qo EoEEOo)o6 p o) i .9 6 .9 o- CIo .9.c oqt E o) 6 : 6E oo!o 3ocJo .E o Eo F (6 (, q) o6ooo o 0tE c o o F{ c\l oro o ro (9 E =uj (,zoJfto YollJ-()z J d C) trF uJJ IIJ oz to Jo Iz Io UJ = u,lBll!z tr uJ uJ 6 oo =uJ llJ z 6qJ F R uJ o- 2 ut o x F UJol o UJ!Jlt E =E UJo FoF <lz J GF uJJ IJJ oz ao E)4 = o uJ = ) NO[Vn'rVA lz = lc ?9o li = ur dn l-= o . l, E!;_z z |,J-:o o o-tr ^ 6 z- P ; = FE6 6 A=6 d it:I e 5e F i #!a5 i,=H N o! zo J l! .E o c uJ F oo orr|r\ uJ J z Fo = l\tltltltl U'trzlzOo <oo< =HYr!Eci<z (t) E3; 2= EO3tr a IJJzY iF u,l F t '&^ |(?- | IidlFl Iztl I-l zll -l,l.. >l Io_JuJlslzly)l =lHl.--rl<lzlolE 3l O Fl< ol ( -< z F Jo ol<r4tx ul th f,u-(>og (') I z F- uJ 3qJz 0l lql < l<l{l Fl}1,,,. Zl ; I d I P t (D FlF(\l C)(:) luFoooazo F(L uJY ul c0 oF F G UJ o- lLq 3So- c{ Y{rl Hruakz,o z ,r9ze roO =zll dP :fEJ i"i'i o A;E t Eul o-lto EUE<a.f€8B9t,L 5gE dEE h=o Jii: >o-; 8BE 5pE ;TEu{€= UJ @oF E =E, lrJ o-zIF() q EF CNzoo trntr l;Il=l ;HI l=loD >'lsf cv> T-fOstzF-i9il 6oz = 4.Jc)o l,! =z d] -., -. (ol -l ^lxl-l :l =4 o,/ A,4 '/1 /> Eo =tr ul o = o. F F tJ1zo(J d.lrlu-l! IJJ -(n E tr I O) C\I z olllE J l|- z3 F ((utlIl Foq ui uJF E tr oz. out 5 tl z;oF =tr z o uJ ar rl- z; F tr o2 ct r.lt CE z3oF =tr o z. o uJl 1l <l>l t!1oziI uJJ uJF t t uJz = F C) UJF () E -..r O<FtE c)uJ<zE I.LJ F.42 )E<oOF trs \2Eo2 z6 = Jc t ; , ix }:F7<)a<+c Y,Z =g l-E irg *E FOzo J<()o ..?.1HEnt 2-t9*5 ti;t!> 7t1'ew:,2) +a+;+rrE Best cop)' Available a Best Cop)' Available ,//' l a) Project Appllcation Proiect Name: Proiecl Description: Contacl Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner I s,.tr Approval d-f PROCEDURE z+.4nd other significant features; ( Hr,Other conditions on adjacent land; for the first two hundred - feet from subdivision boundary, approximate direction and gradient of ground slope, including any embankments or retaining walls; location and character of nearby land uses and buildings; owners of adjacent land; adjacent platted land including zubdivision name, recording date, and ,a number; f,Q Zoning on and adjacent to the tract;( J.) Key plan showing location of the tract. Yora. 40970)Art.3 $ l(r).) 1nF luM, A/*r/tJh 6arral%S (Va 2.81) PrrenUe, 6€freiE fl4vrL 44US - e&fiDhffi Mrltz*o oo furtuMrtf tu&/ef r Yt VV ,trhpwing the following: fat5lBoundary lines (approximate); (REasements, location, width, and purposes; fC. /Streets on and adjacent to the tract; their name or names; - the width and location of the right-of-way; the type, width and elevation of surfacing; the curbs, gutters, sidewalks and 6-./,Ji[:ion .nd adjacent to the tract; the tocation, size, andV invert elevations of sanitary sewers, storm drainage'facilities, and water mains; the location of gas lines, electric and telephone lines, fire hydrants and street lights. If water main, sanitary sewer, or drainage facilities are not on or adjacent to the tract, the survey may indicate the direction and distance to, and the size and invert elevation of, the Anearest extensions of such utilities; LE<lGround elevations on the tract; 1" FJprainage conditions on the tract; location and extent ofVwater courses; low areas subject to inundation on a outline development plan- or licensed engineer, or, altematively, topographic data compiled by photogrammetric methods shall be prepared fifty-year storm frequency; perpetual drainage easements; Other conditions or features on the tract; rock outcrop, wooded areas, isolated preservable trees; existing buildings a2a?uila\rrs F74)moilS ar oRDrNAl,lclt iio. Series of Zg 1A?fl AN EI'IIERGENCY ORDINANCE A]'1Ei'IDING TITLE 1? OF THE VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE BY TIIE ADDITION OF A CTTAPTXR .1?.40 RELATI}{G TO CONDO}'IINIUI4S, CONVERS]O}.: OP RENTAL UNITS TO CONDOI{INIU}TS OR NON-RENTAL UNITS; SETTIN.G FORTH DEFINI- TIONS, REOUIREMEIiTS FOR THE TENTATIVE }IAP AND PF.ELIIiII'lr\RY Ir{AP r REQUIRDI'IENTS F'OR THE FINAL }L\P AND PARTIAL YIAP, SPECIFYING . PROCEDURE FOR REVIEIT OF THE PROPOSED CONVERSIOiI AND SPECIFYING THE TYPES OF SECUP.ITY THAT THE TOIJN MAY IIEQUIRE FOR IMPROVEMENTS; STATING THE DETAILS REQUIR- ING THE IIr'd'{EDIATE ENACTI.IENT OF THIS ORDI- NANCE AND DECLARING THIS ORDINANCE TO BE AN EIvTERGENCY ORDINANCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 4.1I OF THE CIIARTER OF THE TOWN OF VAIL; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN RELATION TO THE FOREGOING WHEREAS, the'Town has not previously regulated or controlled conddmiiium developments, but Lhe Town Council is of the opinion that the building of condominium units and the conversion of rental units to condominiums has the potential for adversely affecting the public heatth, safety and welfare; WHEREAS,thedecreasingavailabilityof.rentalunits has become an increasing problem within the Town of VaiI; I^THEREAS, in partieular, the avaj.lability of 1ow anci noderately priced rental housing.has been declining within the Town of Vail until now the tack of housing for low and moderate income residents is at a crisis Point; WHEREAS, the increasing lack of availability of lol'r and moderately priced rental units for residents has resulted in the following inrpacts to the communitir: (a) The population of the Town of Vail is changing significantly and dramatically with employees of private and public.enterprises being forced to live out of the Town of Vail bccauseofthelackoflorvanq.moderatc,rentalhousing.In addition, existing fow and moderate priced rcntal, housing is being converted to condominiums for sale at prices that cannot beaffordedbylowandmoderateincomepeopleandforsalein interval ownershiP. OO'ord.Page 2 (b) Public and private enterprises have found it increasingly difficult to get and )<eep employees because of the lack of local. low and lnoderately priced rental housing' (c) rhe effect of converting rental housing units to condominiums has been to remove from the market housing for residents and in place thereof, to Provide transient hous- ing for short-term rental to visitors or interval ownership. (d) Ttre loss of employee housing has had the impact of removing from the Town of VaiI residents that are necessary to provide Leadership and support for the Town' WHEREAS, the Town Council is of the opinion that in order to lessen the impact of rental conversions on the Town of VaiI and to Protec! the public heal-th, safety and welfare of the residents of the Town of vail that a review process is required to control rental conversionsi NOT{, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY OF THE TOWN OE'VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: ' Section 1. Titte 17 of the Vail l"lunicipal Code is amended by the addition of chapter 17.40 to be entitled "con- dominiums and condomir.iurn conversions" vrhich will read as follows: L7.40 CONDO}IINIUMS AND CONDOMINIUM CONVERSTONS THE TOI{N COUNCIL 17.40.O10 l'lfrPose I iis ordinance has been adopted in accord- ance with tl,l provision of the Local Government Land Use Control :-nabling Act of L974, as found i1-C'R'S' 29-20-101, t;:. seg- as more Particularly.spelled out in C.R.S. 21 -20-1d4 to regullte condominium develop- lnents which ey result in-significant changes in the foputation , : the To*n of Vail and to control the-irir""i trru, f on the Tor,qn of VaiI and the surround- ing areas. rrl€ Tor.rn of Vail finds that this ordinance 'is necessar for the Protection of the public health' . safet-v anri lfare to accornplish the followinq PurPoses: To ensure the Ferf,ormance'of,*main-' tgs3ngg&€c,'.*irSibili-ties, in . condominiums and converted' condominiur ""a"[" promote the public health' safety and rve 1f arc ') To ensure that rental units being con- verted to c ilominiums tneet }' iat0s:*.s tc ired by subdivision and building codes adopted bY .e Tohtn of Vail'. income units available in that the Town may take measures housing crisis. I'ar:r 3 ro fffi ilsgabttr'a the residents of renLal units bcing convcrted to con- dominiums, and to assist these residcnts in meeting their future housing needs reserve a reasonable lffiffiSF and to maintain the o ('c)' supply of low to. moderatethe Town of Vail - (e) To @soto avoid a worseninq 17. 4 0. 020 Definitions The folLowing definitions shall apply to the interpretation of this Chapter: (a) BY-Laws: BY-1aws chapter shall reE6i-E6-the by-laws association or corporation. as used in this of the unit owners' (b) Condominium Unit: Condominium unit means an individual=E space unit together with the interest in the cotnmon elements aPPurtenant to such unit. (c) Community Apartrnent: Community apart- ment is defined @ which there is an undivided interest in the land coupled rvith the right of exclusive occupancy of an apartment located therein. Community apartments shafl be subject to the same restrictions and conditions set forth herein for con- dominium units. (d) Condominium Conversion: Condominium conversion is de@t or use of the Iand and existing structures as a condominium project regardless of the present or prior use of such lands and structures, and regardless of whether substantial improvements have been made to such structures. (e) Condominium Project: Condominium Pro-ject is defined @1 of rea'l property, including all structures thereon, to be divided into t!,to or more units for the purpose of constructing or converting existing structures to condominium units- (f) Declaration: A declaration is an instrument record-Ed--pE?EIE6t to the statutes of the State of Colorado and which defines the character, duration, rights, obligations, and limitations of condominium ownership. (S) Individual Air space Unit: An indivi- dual air spaie u@inV-Enclosed room or rooms occupylng all or part of a floor or floors of a ' building oi'- one or nore fLoors to be used for residen- tial , professional, commercial or industrial purposes,' which has access to a public street. {h) }loderate Income: Moderate income shal be as defined fr5fr':€iffi-E6-Tfrne by the council .: 17. 40. 030 fr,,lj:11lgf11 t'19.e condominium project. tion, the prelirninarY shal,l" include: Psoc 4 to that informa- corrdominium Project oo ,fftr AII proposed conclominium Projects shall iubmit the preliminar map, , as may plicable to the ProPosed (a) Amap showing@ F-,gAt?,Bof the building and grounds, and plans for1n;bWfo*s*E9'tJeu*+dr-sq showins hori - zontal and vertical boundaries of aLl untts' %f/ ?@N', to the condorninium Project' (c) A copy of the . The by-laws shall contain the int6rmation required by the Condo- 17.40.050 Review Procedure ^irrirr* Ownership Act of the State of Colorado' +11 condomini,.r* proie"ts shall comply with this reguire- ment. 17.40.040 Final MaP ' The final map for the condo:ni*-!U,.-{9;ect s h a 1 I c onta in ral-':1nf66etiitri.a€HtriI€tiTbrr;'CliEFt€E ii;ie"Oi.ltrtij:,ti.tats"I7 as the same may be applicabre io the condominium project. h..adq+li9n,,..if .!l:-1" are anv *estrictivb -covenantsr'cbnditions "or 'res: iiial ii;st"litei:Cna":rspe c ifi ea-"in r:the -deilaratio:r3 tfr"v-"nitl be filed coircurrently with the final map' (b) A copy of the f€egAEgUlt$r applicable procedure for condominium -p-ro--Lor,.ret=ions shall be ffiffiffifrll!The review j ect s and_con{o,min i9n map for the ciffi]7. 17.40.060 Conversion to Condominiurns In addition to any other applicable reguire- ments contained in this Chapler, condominium conversion ;;;j;"4. shall "omprv rvith 3ecti'on 17'40'080 throush L7 .40. I30. 17.40.070 Additional Rectuirements - Condominium Conversr-ons The applicant conversion shall proposinq to make a con- ^ orbvioe - ttre lGiRlgiso (a) , liiting alI builiing II;:"TfrTItGi t, ] ire- coEE viora t ions a nd re rated violations which are detrimental to the health' ;;i;!\' and welfare ot the-pubric'. the "Y?llll ill;il";:.;;;";;-;;-tn.-u"uaine: - rhe appli:u::. sharl il;"-;;;ir;;1"-;"J inirr proi'iae copies "r :!l:iup"ti to aII pt"tp".!ive^ purchasers of condorninium ,ttrits or interest in the condominium project' dominium .r(1 . '(b) ffirir@including the following inforrnation: of present(r) tenants. (2) present The tenants. of (3) @; whetherrents include or exclude utilities; date and the anount of Last rental incr'ease. (4) A summary of the fEG@; if the units will besoltfas time-share or interval ownerships; the approximate proposed sale price of units and financing arrangements to beprovided bv the applicant.- fl fui€ PeeuAimaT /4nt/ET vAti+ (c ) irmwnaaa*pr#etff"i'";ffe@the following will be performed: a variance therefrom is granted to the appli- cant by the Town Council in accordance with the variance procedures of this Title 17. The Town Council may, if it deems necessary, require additional parking facilities to meet reguirements of owners and. guests ofthe condominium units. (2) et'r,€Hiffit. 5fihli6lla!15'ffisHttrrr*rtJrc-Tp.mrffi@Uvthe Building Inspector. ai;t€68 for heat and fire tems. detect:ion devices and sys- (4) Condominium projects shall havepr each unit; water may be oD a comtnon meter if appropri.ate agreement.r are included in the covenants, decLarations, conditions' and restrictions. Segg13''The :applicant arn6-uht egual to the (3) .shall be cr ited in the corresponding fee ' tax to the ?ovrn .of VaiI whe buiIt. 17.40.080 Actio@ "charge that was paid --he building was :t ;:'. |: ,.) (1) To cncouraqc cdltLirruation of 3i@i*r'ffif.-"1aF in the Town of Vail througb a variety of housing types. O (3) for the of jobs who will (b) The To achieve Town of Vail by and the supplyhold them. t ncreasrn9 of housing the number for peopJ-e (c) The Planning Commission lEre$Pthetentative or prel-iminary map S6h%d$ffitiffi$ that: (f) Based on the information required Commission by 17.40.070 and on the vacanqy,-5:t-9_for rental housin 3ehed,l$hgUEi$tg. A rental vacancy rate below five percent (5t) based on the most recent Town iurvey shall constitute a hoirsing' emer- gency situation. (2',) Nrn !ts:- rbu1tt31ti+|.{r€ittic€dl&:';.1-6 ss*::tlihn-.'.fwbEt+#i €ive Bercerit,l:,(2 5cJijjt'gh€:.-tcit'al-:Suhber;:ofr tswe11ing ;units;,i.n.rtlle-.Goi'e..iVal]ef , from Dowd Junction east to the base of Vail Pass, with no replacement rental housing being provided. 17.40.090 Preli@ (a) @Sto rlannlng Commission at its public hear- f arnil ies . (b) Existing tenants sha4-be 3ot'{li9d- of the proposed sale price. 17.40.100 Final MaP be filed by the aPPlicant shal1 contain 130 relating cabfe to the information,certification to s[baivisions as the same may be appli- adopted by the Town of VaiI or the ing t VaiI Fire Protection Districtr been entered .into with the Town Protection District conccrning condominium projecL. [ilffitr]to tha'- the applicant shall obtain the follovring to be filed with the fj,na1 maP: or that agreements have of Vail or Vail Fire said structure and units. -,rd. 17. 40.110 until the obtained. L7 .40.I20 epP a Final i']-' riPl-rr<;v;r I I';rge 7 In the case nf aparcels or lesE a maD. t7-4o.r3o@] may reguLre which shall the Council 'Securit under the improver The Planning Commission and the Town Councila security to be posted by the applicantconsist of one or more arranqements which Fon'pf r=the:pqndpt$@l;*rr,i icinntit shalr nol r6quire sccur-r-ufIat: - I'lo final or partial map shall be gpprovedcertification required in 17'.40. 100 is Subdivision Pub1ic ReDort lwffiry?-f? l{ithin five (5) days of issuance ofthe subdivision public report, the applicant shallnotify the tenants of the folLowing: (a) The date of issuance of the report. (b) The right of occupancy specified above. (c) That no repair or rbmodelling willbegin until at least thirty (30) days after the dateof the issuance of the subdivision public report, orthe date of notification, whichever is later. consistin of four aII mee re r aPprova e shall accept I The improvementsecurity may incJ.u e an], one or a combination.of the typesof security or co1-:ateral. listed in this paragraph, andthe applicant rnay substitute security in order to releaseportions of the condominium project for sale. (a) Re'trictions on the conveyance, sale ortransfer of any un: L within the condominium project asset forth on the f:iral rnap. (b) Pe: iormance of property bond. (c) Pr"rate or public escrovr agreement. (d) Lo ;r commitment. (e) As gnments of receivables (f) L: :s ol property. (g) L :rs of creCi*-. (h) Dc sits of security funds; or other sirnilar surety attt :nents other than plat reslrictions, reguiredrt security ty with collatcri arranqcmcnts i.n excess of the actual ( p,1 Paqc I . cost of construction of ti)., irnprovemcnts. The amountof security may be incrementaliy recrucecr as subdivi-. sion or condominium improvements are .comple.ted. 17.40.I35 Exemptions The terms of this ordinance shall not applyto developments or structures of two .units 17. 40. 140 Applicabiliry ?he terms of this ordinance shall be appti-cable to condominium projects that are conmenced or' converted after the effective date of this ordinance. The Town Council finds that an emergency exists for the following reasons: . (a) The decreasing avaiLability of rental units has become an increasing problem within the Town of Vail. (b) In particular, the availability of ]ow.and moder- ateLy priced rentar -housing has beel declining within the Town of vail untir now the lack of housing for l-ow and moderate income residents is at a crisis point. (c) At least one large project, Apollo park, and other smal.ler projects have been sold or are to be sold .shortly, and the rentar units will be removed from the moderate and low incorne ren- tal market to be sold as condorainiums or time-share units. The ross of these units to moderate and low income residents will push a crisis situation to the emergency 1eve1. (cl) The rate of conversions of rental units will esca- late upon the notice of this ordinance Therefore, based on the above, the Tordn Council finds and is of the oginion that an emergency exists, that this ordinance is ilrmediatery necessary for the protection of the pubtic health, safety and weLfar€r ?Dd the provisions of the r..rithin shal1 take full force and effect immediately as an emergency ordinance in accordance with the Charter of the Town of Vail. Section 3. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, crause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason heLd to be irwalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the rcmain- ing portisn,s'of this srdinancei and the Town council hereby decrarcs Section 2. Ord.oo of Pagr' 9 it tioulcl tr-'re passed this ordinance, and each part, section, sub- section, sentencer cfause or phrase thereof, rdgardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or .phrases be cleclared invaLid. TNTRODUCED' RgqD As AN EiqERGENcy ORDTNANCE, AppRovED, AND ORDERED PUBLTSHED oNcE. rN FULL, this 5th <iay of september, -.,. 1978. ATTEST: ADOPTED AS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE - first reading only. ARCHITECT'S FIETD REPORT AIA DOCUMENT C711 PRO Hamlet Chal co ndomini-um Conversion FIELD REPORT NO: One ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: :n- E COttSUlnNr EFrEr-D tr DArE 21 Nov. 83 rtvr WEATHER TEMP. RANGE EsT. % OF COMPLETION CONFORMANCE WITH SCHEDULE (+, -} WORK IN PROGRESS Beview of building noting PRESENT AT SITE GarV Murrain Burlin Fa JMP, Ann UBC deficiencies OBSERVATIONS 1. Close penetrations in Earage w./drvwall/sea1 all penetrations 2. Provide combustion air grilles in mechanical room. 1 sq. in. per 1000 BTU input. 150 sq. in. gri1le 12" from the ceiling; 150 sq. in. gri11e 12" from the f1oor. 3. Extend drip extensions on P.T. relief valves to within 6" of the f1oor. 4. Stair treads to be secured/ secure stringer. 5. Assume fireplace alright. 6.Smoke detection lbattery operated Unit 6 7. Verify 5/8" rock throughout the building. 8. Repair exterior wiring on east deck 2nd floor. 9. Return handrail to wa11 in common staj-r top a.nd bottom. 10. Replace entry door to Unit D with rated 20 min. door. 11. GFI receptacles in all bathroom outlets @ the vanities. L2. Replace window in bedroom of Unit D for egress. 13. Smoke seal stripping on entry door/door OK Unit A L4. LTwo smoke detector/ by each bedroom Unit ilDrMsrovrntrv Verify that retaining waIl is structurally sound. 16. Closet light is within 18" of shelf; switch to fluorescent fixture or bulb. INFORMATION OR ACTION REOUIRTD L7. Vacuum breaker on dishwasher Unit A 18. Verify mechanical flue clearance through soffit. lfrrncnutNrs Smoke detector Unit B. REPORT BY:John It[. Perkins AIA DOCUMTNT G7't1 ' ARCHITTCT'S IIEID REPORT' OCTOSER 1972 EDITION ' AIA@ ' @ 1972 THI AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVE., NW, WASHINGTON, D.C.20006 of a:AHrli.st.rtltztr Par APPLICATION FORI.I FOR CONDOMINTUM CONVERSION This procedure is reguired for the conversion of any existing units, regardless of their present use, into condominiums. The applicationwill not be accepted until all information is submitted. A.NAME OF..APPLfCANT 8""1f" l'"y." i$ o ,[i,t? t $V'W):r;tlry fi r,::4r,1 t'/ /.1.7at B.NAIttE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATM.iee-€ircdbe*r-+.6.*Attoraev at Irrt ADDRESS c.AUTHORTZATTON OF PROPERTY OVINER4 SIGNATURE ".,1 "2 (-c .-1 ADDRESS 1527 Auburn Dr. Co1o. Spgs.pgONE 597-7874 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ../.. N)DRESS The Hanlet 81a"., C LEGAL DESCRIPTTON-LOT BLOCK FILING (SEE ATCIT.) rEE A list subject ADDRASS PHoNEIgL?g?4__ $100 ptus an anoun t equal to the thgn..eulrent rirst-class postagerty ouner to be notifieil...herermder.rat-e for each property ouner to be_ notifieil.iof the name of oivners of all oroperdof the name of owners of. all properdy adjacenF to the ,/,.t.' t I. /1.-t L' .,,;,fJ{,a:lKd7,Lv,t'.9 tt .. Colo. Spgs. , Co E. F.property and their addrespes. (SBo ltctt) \ \. ::-)---r. tr., Caattar, C, tSCTtOd -.tt , t tt, , R, at ar, tcaRt\t O;2.'ta'W - ut.tr' Cr) \.'\ N {' ,--\-14fu^ -<<l\ ^a'tto*-=.r*= *ftg' *.-' i'' \-a l7J,.fco.4 C-^- -- s._ _... t1 - I r 4#.t! 5,U RVEYOR.S AFFI DAVII' l, Tr ao r .: G : T::",. :'': :':"- i",;T,"il1:.^,:il,:;.'' "il:l: ., ' '(o (\".) /\:* :;:::?==E: .1 -. i..;iri. a I, Cr 7r|nttti itI ?F \;; + \ i.{ { d"t J]?\ FT\c ht t \-\ Or $$ l$ A\ *\q, rr\1 {t !l' i !! il:!; i'! i: t' "'. l: r llillr lilfiil :ll:l , !:rI ..jd! !ltrtl:!!l :3.!t 9!rI-rl:Ei.'rat3i .il!:.! .il. Iiltil'.;: Ilt !.: ll:l I liiri!E!l:ll":..: cL?! rErrl rhi;la!!l a::ls E1!:t Ii::;!L b! i!:li :ii:! :.il ir::li!: E !l: lrrlli'il, Btl iridLbt !- lI ii:! IrEtt . :.- Blt iri,rB.iF .cL :rE itL t8l !+ 3Et ftr ir!li;ftl loi ll:ti':ii !EigE- .:i: i l:: r e:! tiii I!; ti!rli i:i :tlrli ri! rtl rt! r-teiiat;.,i t.t:. i.t,t rlE:t. ili ili taIt.l: tri oo (.4$vodd 6;Ulq>'.Fs3 !notsoY5 0 td Fa9. ug 9,,JZ >tr J s -(J z,oa o GI:)a lrJG l-ldJ =I lrJI F- firil ifi*fifil ifilffil .. iili i; ], ,t , Xf,3UJ I I I /xtu . trJ ,o I , I I t t t-!. \r\ \I I P It fr6 i?<lc ,! tt !t II sl}#q i'l$iN .it,!r r! il.l r:!!'E? lF.ihl!-{'! :!!!t': :iiIE; tti*i c..tt'lit"r. Ht;:: lii:ll 3r 1i; I irifui tit:it ;;' tf,o I ri: --------. tr! tn $ -rFaF-- oz E =E, UJo- U € to Ptf) : vt Lljulu- F =t lrJ.L I I I I Ns \\q I $ IEiot(.',zl6 uJ F F FI = (,zz anutFoz z 6J f @ .d z 2 J UJo:i Goti G,oF(, EFzoo Go ulz =od l! gI6z;t(E \J f,uJFI<F YZ(,< a;;9s €€cEf; E;EgE =Ei:F:0.8e- :.F:Fa :c Et.: eesPE r"; S-g €o:-o"(E:o-E gE;gT 96 (! 6 5 iiE;:(!o'-!-5ag.os - e,tEf€ : c 1*l iBiEg o,J \,r n) s N \\I s r.i m E =euto-oz -Jo Youl c) z. o- J 9 F() ll,J uJ oz dt = J 9z ot! = UJulu-zo lu u.l B uJ uj z 6tllo trano uJ A z tlJ x ul(t,l anulultLt =Eu,o. FoF o =o =gt I F u,,-)qJ (,z 6 = E oz oqJ = NOTIYn'lv I I I c'l-9tr({a;PJ" :d- -\.v7rZ !->o o'g "=Hof,- 8., fit a< _gF0c eG = Bj zIho-ie.nO66()zu-<o*u.l ti9Ei-oj<ri I I [i lcdla Da ||: zo F fJ t! uL F ) Qo H I E uJ J z Eoo z F- c uJF 3 u.lz tlttlltl tsz z tru,<oo<o* =FRE6o<z (n Fz,. 9z iFtro}EOI ul)- <t)(t uJ2x - zI l z B Fxtrl ooo-at JI<l FI 2l zl .. >lo uJo IJJtuzotr ul J z 9 F 6 z o tf l"l*tgt6 l''' l- Flo-u-<l:og t'-r';) ''r) -lif-l UJ Eoclo? zo E u.lY UJo oF F c Hnn tt' I'o0q a tl =JTr-r -]l r-flguJ '^F(.r' <zo z oPzzc)o2Z dP J E*= A;E t ujo.lto IIJoz anIoF GI o- JFUl-h=\EE tJ.,:c Ol!ooi r.u;o-x>EFJJ IL ulooF tro Eeo o o1' 'e =€ Eoa, o --€ E =E 1lIo-zoF C)f,EFozo() ntD a I JI ilzl BIg ,lol uJl(El -:l 3l bl 5l g ol uIFIF UJ =z clo-') \tFi -o- !| c s Eo I vl il lq 1 E c\l{ ( (t - z (( l,( { a o- n cjlzl cil uJl cEl JI ?l>l bl EI z Io IJ,J = r.bg+EFFOz.oo o O zo -J F F C) UJ E 9P s3 d- =oo -.1 O<F uJ<ZE, (rzoO tr!D I I I I -l I I I I ! I I I I I I .{ x t€ €. g {r3,-asttt\ LErs2.<'€. :_ €s<2,- *5 J.-\--ir I .rP(f -<'%,oo s{ *d'?.sE 7d'af '., F -r._,cr d :r; li. .i CL CJ 'il-n ii oI CD P9^ =.- !!a 6) Ec,:lO 5= d= @= = i:n il !t1 i:, il'.: t;:, :.: !:. ,. - '-; -l :_: l-J t-l 'T| Lr LJ a DATE READY FOR LOCATION:(i JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON \,r"u*l&* CALLER IUEb /y'/ / SPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL -."1.a-,iz/fi t ,t =, ,{-"n ,t AM PMWED t t{ a-Ll <.,. / BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr E tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL {tr Vrrruel tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr o ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIB '..-.?tr FrlyAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR .t -'r)-t,/[' r.'.;r-iltcroN' TOWN OF ,tr - "v \0 REQUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ..4 :(' MON TUES WED THUR FNI AM PM BU trl trl al -l-l ol trl tr ILDING:PLU[IBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr r-r trtlr'tal MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAIL ING I NSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDEI: APPROVED...-F. CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR z ze 60>z JO(L IL E*= -! -'i Lrl6il> ==ul t!o uJ z q)IoF(r E o- JFuJ-l-= o- ul =o-O|!9o - tIJ :>rJ t-uJ JIL lu oF co Eo -9o Ett 'E 5 EtoIJ o F Lr.lo z. J(J :z co tt ./l :iovt) -lr!l -J{i:* cl*-l I(ul'clu{ =l.J DI l! l,lJ rJt;o F. =o L!r zLJ =a =LdJ Ll_t E2 z-f \-.Jdo-O LrJ-ot>- izJEif =pEl- <an eez--J TtrN 'F I 2 I I 'iu t<to I I I tE t? laz l=to lotz z ltJ auo = IL F (r Fz o tr NO[Vn]vA Y 3zz9-o ootr ^ 6zq 5 :eF9 of, oodZ\-C)oajA<)zXtL< EH6 sto=f q fti(\lo .ll E.*l<t olqt dEl flsl-l El fl;l+f (rlUIEI f,.;l.d OrlErlNpl dot .+l pl€t4 l5l(Fl oot ol:l ol .rrl!13 E 'l.P> !l .dcl +)l L -{ sl +tl(l)l (, s6:;6b 3 u,t .S =d!al <t ; F IU zl .. >io u.lo uJt!zoF (r qJ (L J z Eo o- h-eulI t{ $ A cvlt,lvl\tl.\IA:t\.++(Jtz.!--i\J J IJ- L rdo-o ! o) !-(l, (F o = ui =z d)o--) Lo(') Loovl b =(o!o a6n u., =4 +ca!(J I ol(5l sl- 6lN q) m 6Io<l I = <\lOlo)(O ic rO E t!Eo ) o o P(J =!.t-.' v, oc) o.o!t(uz. = tr I E l =lr.ul E. J al>lttl 9l 3l FI =tr oz o UJ = oz 3 ttr o l!E J a t!oz3It- =tr oz ou,E) l! ol zl =lH =E o uJi <1 t|-o 21 31 91 lllJ uJ Eutz = F 'UJt- Xr\iE + ur<zE IJ.I F(1 Z O <oOF FS LUil= -O t 9P 6Y =d -* zo <t :1 t-7<)<f iz =g t ir *E L.o2<oo9:Ha EUtr o--.++ Project'Applicalion ti | \', r)1't r .. *' rif €t)a , lps,p-l r:v I ii(r, , '--, '. d aip *-ci tq-8 1 Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and 7t -5 3(, owner, Addressand phone: (]r^,1)ra LL,alls lir,,,,rer )oitf (xtie Crr-k' l*,",. l.,a,l,(a 1t("i 7 t7G-L19,f Architect, Address and Phone: 4t "ro"r iJn' I Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPBOVAL NtD I ^4osT /rl4Tctl r v tsT t<) t: . AEtlvVe- A vrcn^lu /teq4u /<v>F , ) -b(*oo,"*' t L--l'x \ J'n2.2 2c>1 /:.' i Vt-; Lr 'E- /) I I I I --_-l oz ==t uJo- rn6 N aul UJl! E = UJ /tu/alol/4e -zlL bLZt o\o\ N ts zz E Fl V p $r tr z 6 |IlI loll=l-ltot Ali r{l Flu lFrl I: IHIEI- tAt zt . t(,)t trrt aI Zl Al trllHl olFI I lII1I Al cal FlI Fll Hl trrI r4t tEI Ht Flt O I it3t, l9rC)l c)lr t< F | ;fi13 * | 61lu = | ;n"lH o | .ddl(a : I EE]Hz I At4lv)I I VEI< G llJz Bo uJr z ,s \ d J C] t:lj l!Julq) i F Fzoo o u- IJJ fF s i\: .J so *3. -\ ^o lo o o) o-c o o o (l). a (6 .g /6'o o. o o == E =c: !o o (! 3 .9 o at, c) ,i q) o .9 o c cD oN -a 3 'l ; (Jo (D f at, v, '5 ((t o;(g o t'i qt '=o(/t *!o E8E E2R,'!r E E:F O YEc"oc:;-x;d'S =c9G EsE_F>!l $=:EFeoo €ee1!: c.:- ([ o-(5 o-36: {aPo-Ego -(5CE6:EE bo(!=:;E.EG: veC(6 o'-c; q) drCr!o,E sE=;;6>,o(g: .Y;E3i8.it s9EoEEEr-o6) N @\'e.l o.lN r*! =gl z o d) x UJ z E F I.!J IJJ z 6 =J(L ) (J z I uJ uJ UJ z tr UJ ot! ; UJt z 6 LlJo E ll, A z UJJ x F tua a/)tu UJtL L =G u.l(t- F F z o =3g) --) =F IJJJul oz co =f IIJ5 NOr].VnlVA F 7F tr F F z H A :< B LL z F uJ luz uJ >E -r(') =loGr zz io- 6 Xf,r9ot> oz>- QZt! <(o* i6FO ;N z tr f -i tT o f E0 luo- rn @ e.l E z E >(X zo F E llJ 3 z tzlzOotr lrl<(Jo< > iii>ERl6o<z Fz,ff,9zir-IdoBtro:i I l 'f I t2 I l= rT-llil!f 12 xl3pl* l e z (Jr F c z F laz rl<l,-l z z .>lo uJou, uJz U)L (r UJ(L J z EooH*il-o9i .li I "l>l3l |t- 4{ c(at IJJFa(Do.) zo F utY uJo F '-rF6i =-'G l,.lJ rno-N lL.. !,, ul;ot,z uo tZIH Hurbkzo utrl lr.l zo .- O lrl\J;- 6 =2. I(D0 =z .$ =l F{ (l. t! c\l ..i3\., \,,, = =83dd= L LU(L lto.r. ujCo2ZE<aloy)EYB9tt; ctr =>= uj :-E b=(, dtr: >o- E 66 9 \utE Xa!t x>O :r'i F o"1tt; UJ d) F E-I I ts =E,lrl o-zIF(JfEFazoo NTtr 4rcJA z H MA U) tl L) !(J tlt&llalrl.zl I r'l IiEl trlll F1l< |ztlEIF\ I<lGt IFl\o Il-{ |ztlHl ,/,1r-t I (/)l oz I rlllrdl qidt E,J A =t dzz &H 0r & >r 2Et-l zt{ h il z -) z =t! rn .il Io\.$ o\ lll<nlt*l l(.)ltltltollzl,^l cil 9ql5t iltsl >l 81 5ltzl>t 3l0(l oltrl Fl ol =,|(rl ql <l>l bt zl 3lolFI I I I I "l=.1 uJl 5l al>l ttlol zl 3lIFI =.1ol uJl 1l-l>l |Il ;l BI 9lFI I I I I I Iolzl ol IIJIql <l>l tl.lolzt ..:3t :ol uJFI F >Y =<1EfF?z|J-o FO Fz z 'r uJ !-Eir = \JZ F IJJF E. <F t!<ZE LIJ F(rZoO o E. UJ E ? <-:(5 u)rrr LU ---r- O |Rlnn ;16 PERMIT OJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL O REINSPECTION REQUIRED WED THUR PMAM '3(s X\PPRovED tr DISAPPROVED OFP / CALLER BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEH" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr POOL i H. TUB tr FINAL $LECTRICAL: 'tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST"' PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: OFP INSPECTION: f) OJEC 1/) T JOB NA R BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - BOOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL i H,iTUB O SHEETROCK D FINAL ELECTR!CAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 6 f., /- ^ 4 /2 'D^rE /L- L t -"/ |, '|INSPECTOR 5t z5- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE /"/ E ql CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: i'tt 't',ttrr',4 TUES WED THUR FRI AM BUILOING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL B UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOoD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trcl FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL t' neenoveo CORRECTIONS: T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE /-7t c,/INSPECTOR CHECK REQADST PREPARED BY:sr{DArE: 6T--M VENDORNAME: / (--) // J c<nsL,,+..- z(--t VENDORNUMBER: DESCRIPTION oF EXPENSE: CLEAN up DEposrr REFUND FoR Bp # B sz- or NAME OFJOB: ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0l 0000 22002 AMOUNTOFREFTJND: $t /oo,6 ) DATEAPPRoVED: 1- f,q APPROVAL SIGNATURE: , ,l\Jl, fu.//,6-b f oa-<-' Dt t,t a_?.-r> r { 91,'{2, U U,tl Llor+ z- :' TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT ADD/ALT MF MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL BUILD PERMIT Permi-t #: 897-0148 TIMES Job AddressLocation... Parcel No..Project No. 1859 MEADOW RIDGE SUNSHINE BUILDERS 1859 MEADOW RIDGE HAMLET CONDO ASSOC 2OI4 W GORE CREEK 2014 W GORE CREEK DR Status.. THE HAMLET 2014 W GORE CRAppIied.2103-114-18-000 Issued.. Expires. SUNSHINE BUILDERS .TN F'I' ISSUED 06/0e /res7o6/oe/ree7 t2/o6/ree7 ROAD, VArL CO 87657 ROAD, VAIL CO 81657 DR, VArL CO 81657 Phone : 30347 624].7 Phone: 30347 624]-7 Description: ROOF REPAIRS Occupancy: RL Multi_-Family Type Construction: V 1-HR Type V l-Hour Type Occupancy: Valuation: 8,000 Add Sq Ft: Fifeptace Information: Restficted:#Of Gas Apptiances:#Of Gas Logs:fOf tlood/Pattet: *******tr*ff*********************************************** FEE SUt'['tARy ***************************t****************************** Bui tdi ng-----> PLan Check---> Investigation> l.liLt CaLt----> 125.00 61.25 .00 3.00 Restuarant Ptan Rev i eu--> DRB tee-------- Recreation Fee----------> C Lean-Up Deposi t--------> .00 Tota I Catcutated Fees---> .00 .00 100.00 Additionat tees---------> Total. Pernit Fee--------> Payments------- 309. 2 5 .00 309.a5 **************************r***********ll]ll*liii;;;;;;;;;;;;iii**********ll?;i?******?lHHi-lIl;;;;;;;;ii**ii************ill*** Item: .05100_9UIIJDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:06/09/1997 CHARLTE A-eioil: ApFn cHanLrE DAVISItbm:'05400_PI,ANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division:o6/09/1997 CHARLIE Aariont EpFn ll/lItbm:'05600_FIRE DEPARTMENT ' Dept: FIRE Division:9p/os/L22Z cU[nfuE- Eeai-oii: AppR N/A :-'.' _ -_" __ ::Item:'.05500_PqgI,IC wORKg Dept: pUB WORK Divj_sion:06/09/]-997 CHARLIE action: AppR N/A *********************************ff**********ti***ft****************************************************************************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoH(edge that I have read.this appLication, f il,l,ed out in fuLL the infofmation required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the infornation provided as required is cofrect. I agree to compty Jith tire information and pl,ot itan,to.comPty vith aLt Town ordinances_and state [avs, and to buiLd this structure according io-the Tovn,s zoning and subdivis.ioncodes, design revieu approved, tniform Buil.ding code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabl.e thereto. REouEsrs FOR INsPEcrI0Ns SHALL BE l'tADE TIIENTY-fouR HouRs Ill ADVANCE By TELEPHoNE ar2 4 tcE FRotl Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: SUNSHINE BUILDERS OIINER OR CONTRACTOR I{SELF AND OIJNER *****************************************************************!*************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 897-0148 ae of 06/09/97 Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permir-Type: ADD/AIT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: O6/09/L997Applicant: SUNSHINE BUILDERS rssued: 06-/09-/199730347624L7 To Expire. t2/O6/L997 Job Addrees:Location: THE HAMLET 2014 W GORE CREEK DRParcel No: 2103-114-18-000 Description: ROOF REPAIRS Conditions:1. FIEIJD INSPECfIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPTIANCE.2. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COTJOR,ADO************************************* Statemnt Number: REC-0284 Amount:30e .25 06/09/97 15: 15Init: CDPalrnent Method: CHECK Notation #3899 Statemnt********************** ADD/ALT MF BUITD PER **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Addreee: Location: Thie Payment Account, Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 897-0148 Type: 2103-114-18-000 2OL4 W GORE CREEK THE HAMLET 2014 W DR GORE CREEK DRTotal Fees:309.25 Total ALL Pnts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS!{ItL CAI.,L INSPECTION FEE 309.2s 309 .25 .00 Anount 12s.00 81.25 100.00 3.00 .t ,*contacc Eagl-e Councy A"""""otfi"" lril,t"3loo?3f"{!o lE :"i7*oh.t tggil o" vArL coNsrRucrroN t - __ _L _ tro _ \rv v ""*ilr3l63?H 'o* PERI-IIT , APPLICATIoN I'IUST BE FILIJD oUT CoMPLETELY OR IT l,tAY NOT BE AccEpTED 'If***************************** PERMIT INFORMATTON *****************************rl I J-Building [ ]-Plunbing [ ]-E]ectrical [ ]-Mechanibat [ ]-other Job Name: Legal Descript Block Orrtners Name 3 Architect: Address: Address: ceneral Description: work cl-ass: [ ]-New [ ]-Alterat,ion J l*Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of DweLling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: ^ Ilpnber and rype of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances-_ cas Logs_ wood/perret_vtrt********************************* VALUATTONS ********************************* l,,arPYIIPIIGT nr,Ecrnrcal: $ orHER: $ &*r^ \PLUMBTNG: $ MECHANrCAI,, $-__- - TOi;i; tW l************************t't* coNTRiq,cToR INFORMATJON ***************************rEeneral Contractorz --9.zucl')a- k::-07:-; --'-"-*-'-- .,.,,^,,.. a€ \'ri1 D^- r'.tAddress: /<ff Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Etectricat contractor: ' b??'O t{Bt;oEi i-/r. -_ Town of Vail Reg. NO.Aclctf gSS : Dh rrna Nrrrrrlrar . Plurnbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MEC}IANTCAL PERUIT FEE: EI.,ECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK TEE: MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN T'P DEPOSIT REFUND TO: REFT131 T0WN 0F VAIL, C0LnRADO O7/Al/97 A7:57 REEUESTS FUR INSFECTION I,JORH SHEETS FDR: 7/ I/97 F.A6E 6 flREA: DS flctivityt flddr"ess r Locat i on : Frarce I : Deseription: Appl icant: Owner: Eontraet or: 897-O14S 7/ l/97 Type: FI-MF EIA14 H 6ORE CREEK DR THE HAI{LET gO14 I^I GORE CREER DR e103-r 14-la-004 ROOF REF.AI RS SUNSHINE EUILDERS HAMLET CONDO ASSOC SUNSHINE FUILDERS Status: ISSUED Constr: AMF Oec: Use: U l-HR Fhone t 3il347624|7 Fhone: Fhone: 3O34761417 In6petrt ion Request Requestor: RANDY Req Tine: Itens l equested to oOOgCI BLDE-Final Infor.mation...,. Conments r HAMLET be Inspected... F,hone z 476-24L7 OF 3 BUILDINGS f,omments F'ARTS Act i on Inspeet ion History..... Item : o'AA36 BLD6-Fr'aningItem: AAATA BLDG-Misc.Iten: 0069A BLDS-Final History.....