HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 2 LOT 18 LEGALTOIJN OF VRIL C01.f -DEV 'r, t3O3-479-2452 a . zol! cmcKpon 9iagle Frmlly REll.dcnce, Dup16x, pr Z(h|E DIgTRICTA Tota]. DArEr@ 8/r/"e I,DDRE88: OYIIIER FHONE IJEGIIT DESCRfPTIOI{: fJOg atoax?Eg:I snbdlvigio@ |e/r^A ,r^r'{ :: ta1,! no.-,,d4!ia{,Altoud aljtseil s,ov; p (30)CO SEP 9s 8:58 No .OO2 P .O2 /secondary t lmary pgoNE 1t4.Ffl4. aq6 EUIIJDABI,E Ed,4[[c(?. I.O! ARIA Propoaed ...#lYy.C O^Q a ,WL L eqq i3 serbacrrs dlo,eJ us tx S ctz^/ vy.:* TOTA1 GRFA. PrlmarycnrA @ ? -4-aeera Pendtted glope -t- Propoeed slope tlf-* @ pt rgfrr€ YES- 1) Flood, Ptain Nd 2) Percent 91ope (< > 3Ot) NO 3) ceoLoglc rfazardsa) snor Avalancfre NO ,, -b) Rockfall FlAcl Dobri6 Flovt .- --FIn 4) wet,la$da NO No$- Jqoed this resueat iavolve a 250 Addition? fln --lh //4 rront 8l.des 20, 15t .Rear 15 t.(i#i./ euu autr,a*i"l"' )(z"tt) "ZHffi r,417' tat.q 7F?'8 gige Covorage r,rndscapind cah r t, tZ t 4:' '(ss/o o/etU aJRetaining Wall )|eigllire PartlnE GlaraEe Crcdlt Drlve: ?rE 1tA.b cJ|6*.rv+ Co[plias witJl T.O.v. L,lghtlaE ordlnance Wager Course Setback (301 15s1 Do Flnich Grader E (ceed 2r1 (50t) EavLronnental Atacardr : AC e'li*livq i-T. { ,lt4'/'t' l.i' ,no"'*fuf, q}?lal&eJfirrq ! tm.w 1r4.4 g-qa rridceWAo4j2fi6 jLpnc;. xo_Na- Vlew CorrLdor Ensroacl|rnEnU: y6s (3OO) (6OO') (9Oo) (1200) Previoue condieioos of approval (check property f,L1e): TOUIN OF VRIL COM-DEV i 503-479-2452 tur.l UDnl Dlarof rrEElr mtrnD trtr.rctlrq . siltt op DAT! RECETV@r DIEA OF DIB lrtEETIttGt:taatalraal} tttrraatrr vo "aE. !YP3 0r hovne ot wV? If prop.rty Is derorl,bed bydercrLptlon, pleaiq provide sEPllP 16:02 No.005 P.01 vlft, oortrlDo I. A. c. D. E. F. G. II. I. it. +la\ wadob r{sr @nrtEuctlon (f20O.OO} X-fcfnor ALtgratl,oB 020.00,, rddttlon (0so.O0) jcoaeeprult Revlew af0) IDDRISS: Ibt6 uh'4+ aara,.O?zalL ffiwe^ Block @ra,l 1 -I,ECAIJgubdlvlstoa a neetg and boundr loEal oa a scparata sbBcts and aLtechto thl! aDpllcatLon. ZollMGr ^Pil'Z0^ErQilg tltlil. r/o! DE Eaod.!.ggEb TIQEOW O[.tlla.'8 glffiEmt CoadmlnLutr ADlrroval lf altDUcable. DRB trlBr DtlB fses, ar gborm atove, are Lo be pald at Lhettne of EulmitLal of the DRn epglicrtLoa. Lter, wbenattrlyl,ng for a buildlng pErmit, please ideutif,y the acc-rrrlcevalurtloB of Lhe Droporal . Tlr€ Totrn of, vail vill adjutt thefee acqordLag to che table bclow, to ansure gh€ correcb fgeia patd. llE EIIDI I CIEIGf, ltr DlllE: BY! rnorF+ rfrommrc3 NArdE Ol SfNEn(8) r ElE-Sq@qLEi VAIJUATION0 0-l 10,000 s10.001 -l 50,000f50,001 -f 150,000 f150,001 - f 500,000 f500.001 - 11,000,000f over 01,000,000 DISIS tll,iEHl EOrrD lPtl0tillJ tIPrrtS lPPn0gltr. W'E88 A EltIIiDDlg EIEEE 18?t ti|ltr||ltt- FEE $ 20.00s s0.00 1100.00 f200.00 s{oo. oo f500.00 or! Yrlf, lFFn rnrl& rSsutlD ilfD cfi8![nltgllor{ TOIJN OF VRIL CON-DEV r&ir.d tl|'t lta ?303-479-2452 g.g. WarE Cmrnicat,ionb t5S-5860 or 9{9-C530 PUbl,lc Sgrvloe co[pany 9t9 -6135 oery Hall/Rlch Cooley !!oly Crosr Elict,rl,c Adaoc. 949'589e bgiscrrinE DoDB. T.d Surky/t'tlcbagl r,averty .eTCr Cabllvirion of the Rockler 9a9-1'221llatk Graver ..tlpDer Eagl, G valtey wrtore SaatEatlon Dl.t,ricE .r 476-748OgElal Haalsl lrcElEr 1. SEPT 8:57 N0.002 P.01 ttrE form ie usad to verify eerviqo availability a:rd location. :Ihiarbould bc ueed tn coujurrcBion rrltb DreEarlttg your utllity plctr lads.ctbfirliag inttBlletiona. Fgr lrly ncw conttruc3loD proporrl.. Ghe aD!,lleant Dust prqvlde e coq}tctod utlllty verificatl.oa loru. Ehr locatlon and avall.ablllEy of ugiliti€s, t'tbether they br maintrunl liacr or prolrretl lineE, mrrt be alxtroved anal Terifled by thefolloetDg utlutt€s for thc aoooaguaylng liBe p1|n. All eutborlllag rlgneturcr neel to bE orlgtDalE. @ DnIe r.t tltr 91aa lr rtquLrrd. Phyrlcal loaatio[ oi kaora ugllltler nrtE bo |Dora oa tb. ettc p!.al. ut!.l'tty looatsionr Ery or Dry DoC -of,tcr ccnricg to the proprity rlar. rqt uglJ'lgy rtt|lrlloE requlred thrll bc tDc B||lro[ribiltw of ghe ltEql]ertv orDer. rf a utlllLy c@Erany has concorns witlr bbe propoted constructlon. thc utility repreEenLalive ehouldl llot directly on thG uttlity verLflcation fora ghac tbereir a pr-obls rthlch nesdt to be rsgglvEtl. The isruc sbould ttrcn bE 8ps11ed out Ln deEail ia aa at taotrod lEEgEr to Ehe Toryn of vall- ltootever. pleare keep la ulndt that, lt is the rerponeJ.blltty of the utilitv coqpany to resol.ve identified problens. ff the uEtltty v€rlflcat,ioD fotm has EtgDaturea frc'Bt each of gba uttu,ty cmpalles, and no soltrngnbg are nrde dlsestly gB the lotm' the Tqltn wlll prlanne ChaC chere gre no ptoblsnE and Lhat Ehe developn€nt can proceed. These verlf,lcationc do not relieve tbg cqDlractor of 2, bis regponsibtflty bo obtala B strEEt f,8om the Born of vaiI, DeDartmont of cut paruit Rr.blia works and to in thE lf osn of vail. t[ffi ol vryr. orrfLr4r r6cr[ rof, !,tn!!Jc,l:[to!r Ftnlf 3. e rtreet cut pernrl t mueC bC obcalDed 8€garagoly. '' l|rx*tff.g'"lrxlt,H*lt:.*" €:q'sass asd r:" {i..\. $r ioV ?2,--la ?J.-tV - -- \-, \ -' \-s t f..,-t -\N .q N ,' l- il i:*,-\_ ri dhr 9lir \fr ir I(z':-)>P | /'4'eat, t .'- -cqa i A 'onol,7. rlriw ParAiag 2 I I I I t I I I | ' !r"i"''l i I ' t 2 'at'I ?.2 NSy*N RN 4Or?€C.E€EK;;; (so,S _ rordN 0F vRrL cor.t-DEr 1J'uo.-orn-103 *r, seeJs troRgl,ngle Frolly Rorldence, Dqrlax. prlnarlr/gssondrry ZMIE DISTRICTS ARcHrrED J.l.A.F radueet FAIA ,.,_ pHoNE 1t4,h1of aqlA BoNa Drsrn.rcr ?ru,narg@nA ftet&t*ial f/t61frd pRoposED u* ?edchrdi.l - ,*r*rt rcl srzr I I , l.'? l.q fi,- - , -- EmT.DABTJE .Allowed EffugiSC Heishr, (30)(Aj\ v Total GRFA,,zErllrl'll.g* , Zr*r,H 4llo + liur =3!2F,.@ {A - 426.@ 20. 15' 15r ?.H'A QAB.4O 3'/6' 8 :58 No .002 P .02 DATIET I/ECAI l,llDRE88: OTNER subdlvlsion@ FHONE IJO! AruA EEcDaffn ..fu,n^c + 2rB Z??JE_ a4. alr4i131 t4t q?atrl*,ly3 TotaL Prlnary GIiFA Eecondary GRFA Setbaeke Front 8idec near gite CovrreEc hDdreop{nt. Ga x ll 1 t7t 4: Retaining Wall tleighec ParhlDg Garage Crcdlt Drtv6: L4 ret.w 't.4F l#,9 1r4.4 zJE 114.b p.rlolf4? Coq)Iies witb T.O.v. t iEhLlaE Ordlaance Yfat,er couEre Setbaak (30) (s0) Do Flnlgh Orad€! Exceed 2:1 (50t) EtrvLroDnental /Hastrdt I 1) Plood, Plain Vlew Cori.d.or uucroacbmst,: yes Prgvious conditloos of approval (ohect property flle): -4--n"sra g -qz wi4aeWtosridi\ _.llrncl (3Oo) (6Oo) (9OO) (1200) NA PerrtilE€d slope -t- Propoaed glope ilf * 1@ prrrehtQ No NA YEs- !|o-l{a- NA 2) Pereent glope (< > 3Ot) NO 3) eeol.oglc Hazardsa) -gootr avalanshe--i:lo-b) RockfalLcl Debris P[ss --.- Nn 4) tfetlBnda NO no$- uoeg this regueaE involve a 250 Additiqn? Na -.-rbHow nuclr of bbe alloued 250 Addlbioa is ueed'wiBh thi6 rsque8t?..,:Z-E_ ZONE CHECK fUK SFR, R, R P/S ZOITE DISTRICTS ii::;n'<.flrr-'*ro.-r-r[EaqL dEscniPTioi'l: Lot G' /?'n Block 6 Filing Va:l l/;thq' W'sl IL-tY AOt)RESS: Ol,lNER ARCH I TECT Phone ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE Ti'-ul*t"t = Dd*l lnaL{le"*l. 2645 t ?38 '-u7" * t3z2vz / t176 f zs'|tL> 2o33Vz t/ €* - a(soo)(e00) (soo)(1200) (so)(too) (2s)(so) ( 2oo ) (4oo ) Slope Actual L}T SIZE--2 ut trt, s (r T'l,c. "L'4/ 6''"'tt) Hei gh t loEa I bKrA Primary GRFA SecondarY GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/ Reta i ni ng Aval anche F'lood Plain A] l oled 3(:3) il t?,2 20' l(l 1ql (30)(so) /oec"l 2, Tarcyall @t ',r', ,j+u*) # +ro*".-l 23' C,'\ 'dal I Hei ghts Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Mechani ca I Ai ri ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: SloPe Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : Slope }letl ands Geol ogi c Hazards Comments: Zoning: Approved/DisaPProved Date: staff Signarure /ln'f<e;nts ; (.r{u/''^*/) Krs{,. cAnnine/ bPou' - (.1'n< V-)Booue - ft<l*../ ltT t^b - 1'r}l +,IJo>oEoU .,lF.Fsc >o .uo Llt +, E ;t,E Euy|5!'q-.F tt tt+,-g oU'.'JLSLe=ggg.eOUtl3aJC,.PU!EEEtr(,.Fc'o,oo,lt a.P (l,.{- 5 Lt o.rr co.Ettr,lTt.!.€Lc,G>r.F Ul +t EoErFd I!, |lt 4lootu = t- -GLEc'CC''t3t>9E=8 'b tEe!t +r ,! (, .tJo o,rF c€+rur|,6>!,u -3o FEEg l- 31'F.F E td trt .!,!toor! LL'F>Eooo.tJ a oc, uo .Crito.lr>o FGl,>+,.E.lJ > L.. 'GD o,=rFlr, 0,C raO(J F.F G'FJ GEUIO'F >.1, .r *lOB.FEGa - .! ! F..aJ!, 3% %:i.. i... :.'.':. ...! s- $! :... il, :... ... -' ,/// ?*o % lt t;.tEc a,|! o,€ t I rJ rO-a+lr, l a.ttt O Ci€ A'l C!6OO rrt .ohor, F ! 'r 6rr. (, \O a a OCL Otr-l .€lra O€'ao>trr>c€a €d-lq. r.OIrrt Or, ra!Ot C-rO €! A oLt! O O u.{13 O'{ |, q tat .E .r o > u tsl aa qo9!rr9! roX OCr! C O t ! r, O tl r.,r{ ait ! 9.c a E u { l.arFa Otr ! At:. .l€a! rr. |. Ar., l ar-l tOaA6 tlsal.0 C?.CCr. O a > a U t r, rareo It oar o{oaocF.oxtaa -l€rc, .ol.a 13.OO{'Ol .+.O'O ar.Ctrra O t.J-a l!ra gE+l € +aOilth tl E.ra.aat u-a C 'lt U! O O l-l r,+l r. O { L ,r{ F{ €.rir.. t Fa o I o lr. xFa tYlr{t T.AOOO -O aOYJaraat,l: a!. >{DYljJA': !rar.O r, -€l-l5oe o 4l.cr. oob-,o olc3rrorra l.tsa\<.rro o I g .l ar{rc > > n ar| o c2O C u O -a O a tr a ..{>r- '. a o r o !4 c ! *.JO€o.gO{, lrl! O9.\)C l I Lo.o F{ O!l\u o l|{ o ! E r. lr l.o O'a al. l. € 6 r{ o O-,Fl a llr{{ errarJOrrLlara g r<,..rtrltOGO -O a i. r.\lca rr.ot!!! o -0 a ! t '. O O ! a r.Sl r ar. k.o o t t l ! orEJt4 U tias ae <> a ar r. a 3 tr u tr ll at:o c o o1 'a r. .'. Q-l'-]...1 !.!1t!r g€O r, Irrr-l"E3ro8.ir EtEbrl -{ tr. t € O .!..,.LO! a!a g etl.asI { rr o ! ! I a o o<ra !r .l Cr{ r, a r| l. .i E d. tc!o o o tr^.rraotJ aor. c t\E q.dtlo o ol^g r, lta lrd.€ l, t rl I lrlla a|C| a-t X f, O.ci. lrl4.lt>'{ 6}.\aO t OtOc\'.'BtoEg.l ob&^E t\ l|l!oagtO C CrJv!{ I .r o c o t ! t.tl).,a {rfi.c oco ! o aotrlrr€gaOa '{O O .r{.t!Aagtr.Ol {Ol.'\alOl6OtlCOt\ r.C!(r-aaat Ig r. tl --ftr.O.aAt lr EO\ItraO r.aL Ll.t>-o i9r. o.C C Er. a O C=!glo:S.€o 'tt\a lrr. rr r|l.Cle a!OEA Y C a t a.'. I rl t O*lBl€gf,gt F86g $E F1 5F FH RiJ $! P ..Mett9 "!t?is;l il I ! El t0 E.l sf, ft ot .l!i '\'. .!o>o I eEdl :igE -%Ji+o \t\ -"""-$ ,9* ffit_,/* --"$" 1*o ,t*=$( ,a zLG r9 El^,FF{l z.{:c-r-t E z8o to F z/Eb9 ''r *B ot eE oR J rl ) SE o ul \l F,i\ s:P9z' 2oZ. sg)o9 F F)(Lz 3'-- 3-s.o -q 70<t I(DN (1, rn Iz =,o F o TonN 0F vHIL con-DEv Jsos-4?s-24s2 see !; !|lIG Ot Pn0atlCtls noot sldtag Oth6r wrll Faacla Eoftitr l0l,Ddovr6 r#l.rr o|| l|l|!!rilL3 Lrtertal!NA 16 :07 No .003 P .07 to tbo DesLqE gqfl, ual 13 e-ding. 3T31::'L,1{f=-;.1a1$ t *no'r sr w wryU-ran t4ou,L8!nEr e rsg! lellz- W, ear.,lg.rf,*&.,F 've . I Thc follortag iaformaglon lg r€qui,red for suhit.tnl Rgrrler Boaril brfor€ a flaal alrDrorral caa bc giwenr A. Elt'Dlll0 ntlllrl.Ss ttpt OF xilglntAIr ltlDdoY Trlrn Doors Door Trfi! Hanal gr Dsck RalI! lluar FlarhJ.ngr Chtrncy! ffeSb &tclorurea Graoboufcr RetalnloE wallc Eiterl,or &lgbctDg OLhrr a6u/uv+ FVuy t- "'t*)n a.Ff'. wl*t{e wood.drta,i a^e.u** 4o w'v>iah.F -'a-*oo+ Xk?b" aer"r\ N& aa.hv+ NA NA NA Dssl.gner: PhoDr: wod eLgrl<i *o v"',o'&r B.LAIDSEAPIIIG! N.r|nE Of, ToIJN 0F vRIL con-DEu ]sos-4zs-24s2 ser] Botlnicel lle$A errrion Nline Cl[nt:l tw g:LFe* rltldlcate callDca for doclduous tree!. EfEIA|B_cll-lDetfor.Oectduou! r?eer ia 2 Inahet- fndicrtC Ueffit fo-ooDr r erour ttagg. lllElm|n hql_dht f at?. Fonif aro 6 . rlDdlcatse rlre of prolnrtd, ehnllrr. HintnrrF.lLze of rhnrbre Lrs gql;.dr- t{aLa i lhis ie an a$*iryr Aatelo?^a,6I ha-e wra]. ,o l*aA trtapk^ar. T ItDT 16 307 No .005 P.08 Pl.llll! llATlRI,tLSr PNODOSED TRIIA, ItD gHRt'Ds GBmD CO\ttR8 soD 8TD TTDIor rnRrcrrBtotf IYAE OR ltElHOD OFrRosr(trf coD[fnor, gqurre Foof,Jrda C. rJAIDSCAPE rrr@ilffNoi ff er.Cerigr llght,lng le propoeedr plelaelhoil tbe Dlrrber of lLxturet and locatlons on a ieDarateughtlaE plen. rdcDclly ereb flxture fru the titbttng ptan 19 the aDace below aad provide the belghL above qrrad6, Ll4,e ofllgbt propoard, lrrno output, lunlssus area aad i eut ehllc oeLb€ ugbt flxrure, (gocrlon 18.st.0s0 o) O[:Eln IrAlDdClpE FEtfl'f,ts (rcbaiaing walls, fencel, ar5.urtngpoglt, Etc.) Plearr rpcclfy, rndlcate beightr of ratalnlngralls. Mr:ri8rln hetgbt of wallg wl,gbln cb€-froDt, sstback ii3t. Laxl,Drrn belght of nlfu clserrbere on tbs property Ls 6l D. t ZONE CHECK . FOR sing1e Family Residence, Duplex, ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: I,EGAIJ DESCRIPTION:IrOE l(- Block- -l Subclivision ADDRESS: OWNER PHONE PIIONEARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE Primary/secondary t/ rz' IJOT SIZE 'tGienc r51'sgu1 6*tO r=-Frinary GRE'A .--Secondary GRFA E= Sebbacks FTONL Sides Rear --J site Coverage ET Landscaping 'detaining watl Height's r4rarking rdlarage Credit iDrlve: Allowed (30) (33)/?0 +w + 425 20, 15' 15' 3'/6', i compLies with T.o.v. Lighting ordinance ; waLer course SeEback (30) (50) pdo Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50t) EnvironmenLal/l{azards: 1) Flood Plain 5 neqrd 1 7*^- (300) (600) (900) (12001 P/'l- Permit,t.ed slope t ProPosed 4-c+L@ Yes YES..-. Encl In-d €-e4-r-1.<_ Slope J- t NO n4 ota-f- 6 percen!, slope l. > loil-&- 3 ) Geol.oglc Hazards 'A Snow Avalanchq b) $ockfallc) Pebris Flow No.,,L NO ,-d"-- 4) Yes Wellands ,dtew Corridor Encroachmenl : 6oes this dow much Previous requesL invoive a 250 irdditir;u? A, -of [ne al].owed 250 Addition is used r"it'h Enrs condiEions of approval (check properLy file): BUIIJDABLE IJOT AREA # Existinq ProDosed rotalProDosed fotal reguesL?-i#:i)_ t 8tb( btr9 /) , '4X/-J>-P h't t'-/ il7y'r^ /o - b,y' .'/'/ ^ V"--'ztzL-'t7'v-rt /'1.("u @.r' J"-r'r/ ,? & *4 ^-H ,f-V-J--*t d Ta )>,*v.rr>y' - / ,o!y'* 7,s W *" /:f f* ,,Jo+t e ,/ T=fs W -F WdD @ /'*rq *) \, lr.)-d ^./ "lif v -i -\o,.ry tf !-^,rr* @ .r' Z / =f 4 >')'''b,Lrvi $'o'-'ry A -s b-r/-// Proiect Application 2-sO A"l"(; l;ox 7,5'Y7 Proiect Name: Proiect Description: coniacr person and pr,on" SA.p-), .l fun; *l^n ot Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Addr€ss and Phone: Legal Description:t-ot lF ,etocr F'rins VA, t l/t'tl4Je Wal -Tf , ,on" P/' Com ments: Design Review Board Motion by:h ( cl--Jz Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Summary: I I fu*na-*- Town Planner '/.b,Y1 E statt Approval +,o>E=oC, o,rF.F=E>O .rro, Llt { E;rSElJst!l|ll}..FUtt.u -c (lvt.lJLgLE.9 38=-8'\.o+rurccc>(,.FOOc'o tt 4.,1, c'.9- 5 LI Oa' E !,ntTrvl!tGGL!,€>i.F U| +t E€Fs.8rI€ t LtEsgEE'FC\ E8 'b EEs!t.P .! u.uC' o,IF E|!.P 9r it >!, c, -5-FEEt L Cl .F.F c,! >ro +tE9Eg"bo+, a(, E HE.!.t r-G O ).|J.!.P>L.. .o[t l, tt-trl |,C !|c'lJ .-.F C'F. JECUt.,F >r.a, .F,lt e €E,:5 € 'o $ u\ll I\ # $ll € rS l-\ % ll n o{ \, \,cu9\,rttIr€€ q, P{Uq uo {lt :... q> t FL $ .Q + 9& ?., ("}\ v i/ ts!l,4!! cd 0t! r, I r,| !!.|4i.trla.ltl.OC.c A-l C! l! !! O C .tI .rot\Ol, L .lt t\ lr.. (, }rOa CoOI c, rrJ - 13 g .| O C+lotorrt\aoa Eradl.l.o}.et or, {!ot o+.O C€ A IIr.€ a O u '1 E Od O E aO l! r. o > !, ts OOl.rtr,L r, oox act! g O t a s J g l.rlai.d t ! a au { !|g-€i"*., l5i tEtA€ tOAOl.a Crl€cr. o a > a (, 5 r, +l339-5fl98: !t3tGt ..1.* lb-OO.O.O..,{O! ar.Cu'l 'o r''{ E'l ! cl"l.a -rOaO'\ a t3'.a(rt-a€.ttar!la r.l rrd-!=.1'-- *=5ltlia ! r. A a O O ! a O lrlrr a clr.€i o9 It.,b€"8"2i2i €blRU Ol €d aar a l-LaY-r.a O l. r a l|*ctr t r. o.&r a c-OEUO-lO at\ r.H5.rlaOr.C !!E lt =s o' 'l o. o a o rr tr ! r. -\,aa lr.f a dO!l\(, O a+. a+a r! I r, g IO ar.'l o.r. !. C 6 r. O O{-{ a auad !lrgJO.J r.!'E a Ci ad'r|r,{tO€q:O arJrSCq .r! t'lt1t! O otliitSoSi !":tJtE g Sa9 au <rt ! ^, l, a a .r (, !, q at:O C a O.€ 'a L d Q.l'-L.rt lt.€ .lt.r E€ o slsr,l"53.oB5o EBIBra Fl >rl t C O ari..r. ita ra O err. l-Itra9OaglaO Oi('ta !, li Ot{ r, 6 s l. -i E Fl . t€..O O O trF.rrl|o.oo {at c a\E !ttrlO lJ ct^r, ., }risd.ct lrr l!\lc at 3 t I r, o l:rr.ull: ! > '{ g }. a O € O t Oc\'5ltoEt.t oB5^c > o!o6gno ocus,r.. t s l! € O O u t.t\Jra Otl .€ Od .! i! O Il{u!O3Oa r{O O 'l ft!CAO!r.Ol r{ O1.\oo!6o.tco> rtr g(,-a ll{l > IC: r.d '\,- tr.O.oAn elttlxoO r. lI '.!!>! I r.r. o'3 a Or.. a O g=ggTo59"5o "3t\our{rJ el.cc a!ogtE"8ltlE5 iol&F.aOlt Irr+ra F..Ot akzv" +od li, :-. 4) ,a. oay :r.. i.- i::. ...: s^ o o - - ".:.'-. :.......-' .,lljil: :, : : : ,l:'.':. -l !" -: '-.,':i:"i' - ,'-.l -f :t -l''::.. 2:"- t!r. -' (. . --'.- -'.1 t f ltr- 'Zrt,';.>j;.::t.{ . . ..'. .'- " s'7'))':t i'fitl\'Li's"tU 'tlllllrt\1$$\" "\,*:t '4n \ \t.. ,/. )ro :x"> t(ii o Q\l B a t I tlt oN rl I t \ : a I s\id I I tF .qi I I I rl I I N N $ 8 E E )f 3I l{ d fi 3 b =P :!i?!lil ttfI I :I;I ::tl E? E B El. g c I o APPLICATION FOR PROPERTIES IN FCR ADDITIONAL GRFA EXCESS OF ALLOWABLE GRFA Date of Date of Appl ication---_r!!| tFt DRB Meeting PRE-APPL ICATION CONFERENCE A pre-app'lication conference with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additional GRFA can be addedto a site. It should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each property an additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance al'lows forgg to 250 square feet if certain conditions are met. Applications for additions under this section will not be accepted unless they are complete. This includes al'l inforrnation required on this form as well as Design Review Board submittal requirements. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:d /" ec. c. B. LOCATION OF Address Legal Description: .4Louz_q]ock__.@_F'i1i Zone Di stri ct P. NAME OF Address APPLICANT: Signatu Address F. Filing Fee of $100.00 is required at time of submittal ne_41-y'zy'z- E. * yetfn7 C,, be D. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S RERREfHNTATIVE: :' ,A,nr<- rqs @Ctrs OdeUK , -B e_V&a,- ' 1- Address NAI4E OF OWNER The fo]lowing infornation, in addition to DRB required with th'is submittal: l.' Verification that the unit has received 2. Names and mai'ling addresses of:adjacent units on the same lot. This information Assessor's office. 3. Condominium association approval (if applicable). 4. Exist'ing floor p'lan of structure. G. Your proposal will tre reviewed for compliance with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. e-4?6:/z/'- f/.;* submitta'l requirements' shal'l a final certificate of occupancy. property owners and of owners ofis avai'lable from the Eagle County ry'*D noy*r*) JUNG€ B€ICH MRG€€ 4I4I RRRPRHO€ RV€NU€ 4r, dooTen- ,/"f o/f 6 Taos RIR RRCH]T€CruR€ 6 PMNNING BOULD€R, COLORRDO EO3O3 PROF€SSIOf{RI. CORPOfiRTION . 303 444-2987 PUBIJIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY cMN that the Design Review Board of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing on July 5, 1989 at 1:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request to add 250 additional gross residential square footage on Lot 18, BJ-ock 5, VaiI Village West Filing No. 2. Applicant: #6r+, and Ab.r?I, UrLtgltnd i 2. A request to add 250 additional gross residential sguare footage to Unit #28, Vail Village rnn phase rr. Applicant: Josef Staufer 3. A request for a sign variance for the Kitchenworks shop in the Vail Village Inn Phase II building. Applicant: Kitchenworks The applications and infornation about the proposals are available in the zoning administratorrs office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOV{N OF VAIL COI'{ItlttNITY DEVELOPI,IENT DEPARTMENT Published in the Vail Trail on June 23, 1989. Prolect Appllcation Proiecl Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Architect, Address and Phone: (2"t,/ Legal Descripti on:tot /{ , alocx Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: r/ / /r_ (_df t-\ Gc L, / Town Planner,^," r// ?/F/fr"u Approval { *fi*o* FoR Emt*rroN nsolr **Oy'"r sugDrv:rslou nEGIrL,ErrotE , Puruuntt to &ctlon 6.0L atr the &gle cotrnty subdivlsion Begulattons; Ebdn a- Jedrsl tirdilder and onner, hereby applieg fc erenption from the po- vlslonsird.tlr eaid reguJ.etloas. es to ny pnoposed deveJ.olrent kaowu a,E $rbdivle- lon Eagle Count'y, Coloradlor, aad cou- ptstng .261 acres mqr6' or Lees to be clivlded lnto two Lnterests for the fojLl- o{lng r€atort to rclce posslbile conyelranc€ Ln fee silple, of one-balf of a:dup1ex gtructurs: erccted o saLd real. poperty. It ls urderstood tbat any actlon by thle sconnisgiea graottng eaid negueet fo ssld reguJ.ations exeqtion appller, onty to the paroposed deveJ.opurent as, ahcfi! oD the, dcetch plan or other lnforuE:tion ettached hereto. IIATID;" / 0. 414-l /2 t /,YJ U4. RECEIVEilIT P"* EDtsIN' Bri nEsq[uTroil of Tbe fccgolhg appllcation bas'been considered by the Boa:d l,*rta 2?/ day , L975, shlch flni.s and deterrnlnes tbat this Dlvtslon of Iayrds l.'g not rri{rtn the prposes for uhich the gubdlvisim regulatLons uers, adoptedt a.nd therofcE sal.d appLlcation ls grantedl. Rsewrded fc appaewal by.,t66 Eagle Gouaty Hlinntng Conurl.ssion at: tbelr rcgul.rr rcetlng j8jilg_, fgts SOARD OF COUNTT,' SOMMISSIONERS otr'EA0tn cout$Y i.*,- l^.-ry RECEIVED APR 4 1975 Dept. ur rir,l; ,J ., .,cl,;EXY//t'. ry&- zr'-zs Rod Slifer, Chairman o= "o*,t*, or'SXl5*i-%Tffi o= u=tr =',Eagle County Annex P. O. Box 789 Phone 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado 81631 28 May 1975 Ed Jenks Box 1281 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: File No. Se-94-75 Exemption Jenks #1 At their special meeting on 28 May 1975. the Board of County Commissioners granted approval of your appl ication for exernption from the Eagle County Subdivision Regulations. Said approval includes the conditions (if any) shown on the enclosed appl ication form and attachments thereto. tf you have any questions, youtre welcome to contact this off ice. Best Regards, Eagle County Department of Plahning and Development oM/kt cc: Board of CountY Commissioners Qfdnfin Mitchell, Jr. Planning Assistant, DE PARrtr or?i;*-' ^;- o* o o= u=Or = ", FlleNo.@ Name Date of County Approval : 28 May 1975 Conditions of Approval : 1. that the 5r drainage easement be legal ly provided along the western property line.' You and the County Engineer can get together with the County Attorney to arrive at a form. 2. that the lot size variance sought be granted. 3. that al I utillty separations be located outside the building DEPARTMENT OF PLAIWI}'IG AND DEVELOPMENT Esglo Oounty AtvrEx P. O. Bcx 789 Pfrone 320-6338 Eaglor Golor* 6t631 22 Mry t9?E ed Julkt Box 21281 Villr Oolof* 81667 fur Flb fl6r. ga-P{r?t Epnptlon Jerdra #r At lhclr trgulr rnrtfrU on ll May 19?3, tr Eqlr Oomty Plilrlne Oommlrl*r lwrrvrm*d Sp{oA/.| of your Exrrrptlm Appllc4lon, wlth thr llollarlng ondltlonrt t. Thd lh.8r #rqr n*rrurt br fcgrf ly pmvldrd tfong thc urudm pf€ptrty llr. You md thr Cotnty Erplrur oa got foOetner wlth thc Aow*y Attornry toarrivodaiorrn. 2. Thd tht lot rllr vqluct ELEht bc grnlrd. 3. Thd dl utlllty apration* bt tooatod outrldr tho hJlldlrg. Tlrr rcornrnrrddlom wltl bo prerntod to tho Beard of Cornty Oornmi$lorrrr d tholr T.ol.l mcftlng on S May 1975, beglmlrg d 0100 A.M. In Rm 0r d Of ESfr Oqrty Arrur, 3t0.Broa6/vay, Eqlo, Colof*. : ll fer.r hwc rrry cprtforrr, yourrc raolcorna to contmt thlt offlor, 6ed Frecnb, Qrrrrtln Mltdrll, Jr. Flrnfng Arl.trrt OM/At oct Eoard of Ooutty Oornmlerlomra PLANNING STAFF INFilON SHEET (1) (2, (3) (4) Significant Physical Features: None (5)Surrounding Land Uses AII residential (6) (7) (8) (e) ( 10) (11) Location: Lot 18, Vail Village West, Filing 2 Size: .261 acres (11,370 Sq.Ft.) Proposed Action: Exemption from Subdivision duplex on the lot, which will be divided. Regulations to accommodate (600' or more, as signif icant): '. Uti I ities (Availabi I itylLocations) : Al I avai lable Roads (Types,/Locations) : Residential roads Current Area Zoning: RSM : Other Signif icant Conditions: None Staff Comments: TRC comments included: (a) make utility separations outside building; (b) move building and parking furthei into lot so parking and turning is off-street; (c) on plat, show division line and approximate sizes of lots; (d) a grading and drainage plan is needed, with a5' easement on weStern lot line;(e) a snow removal pl an is needed. Staff Recommendations and Conditions: Approval , given satisfaction of the above, and that the requested lot size variance is granted. The number of units is in compl iance with the original subdivision approval ?*- RtCt.fAQD O. LAMMW Governor JOHN W. ROLD Dirsctor COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 254 COLUMBINE BUILDING - 1845 SHERMAN STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80203 PHONE 892.2611 YIay 12, L975 l,lr. Michael- S. Blair Eagle County Dept. of Planning and DeveloPment P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear l"lr. Blalr: RE: SE-94-75' JENKS Upon review of thls exemption we f,eel that the only possJ.ble geologlc constraint could be the possibility of f1-ooding from Gore Ck. We reconlnpnd that if the Gore Creek dralnage study is conplete before constructloo starts, that thls lnvestigatlon be checked and Proper Pre- cautions be carried out. Sincerely,sk*a L. R. Ladwig Associate Engineering Geologist LRL/Je cc: Land Use Conmission R:Cr:' j:D MAY 1 4 1975 [.iept- 0l P]anrrng & uevel. faSle County, Coto. GEOLOGY SToRY OF THE PAST . . . KEY TO THE FUTURE 4- Box 386 Eagle, Colorado 81631 w t, tc75 lfi*;e &laia, Ea4Le Cout4 ?Iannc,L clo Eagk AutrtA PInniA 0ept. Bor- 789 Eagle, Coloaado tl63l gealt llike: The Ed lutfu ae4uctt [ot exenpti.otu lL'duplex and. btiplexl we.tu lubni,tlnt tn the Ea4Le Coutrtg Soil Couawa.tLon Oiabniet. (ot rcvi-en afi' cl.r;r,rrt. l0e lwve rc ryeol(ic enrma*l enncetwing thue exe4tiont. SineeLe.Lg, ./-)t&f {4"*4e- Rou E. Chaffieta ?ttui.dutt, -".'t:D iJAy i 3 19/5 t'"1,;i ?;;;ri, ;,;.",., oS;-. *t," COLORADO DEPARTME]IT OF HEATTII 42IO EAST IITH AVENUE . DENVER,COLORADO 80220 . PHONE 388-6t11 Edward G. Dreyfucr. !1.D.; ll.P.B.;E:tecutLve Dircctor N[ay 7, L975 RFC5/y/:D tvtAy 1 z tgls * o'd; u'.;: ;:; ;, r,,,,, Mr. Michael S. BLair Director, Eagle County Department of Planning and Development Eagle County Annex P.0. Box 789 Eag1e, C0 81"631 Re: F1le No. Se-94-75 EXEIIPTION FROM SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ED JENKS, JENKS CONSTRUCTION COMPAITY Dear Mr. Blair: The Colorado Department of lleal"th has reviewed the above-referenced docrnent and offers the followlng conments: It has been deternined that there would be no effect on waterquality, nor any addltional alr quality lmpact. Thank you for the opportunlty to review thls document. AssLstant Dlrector, Department of llealth Eovlronmental Health RDs/p1- ,ri'' EAGLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT ff PIJNNING AND DEVELOPMENT Eqle County Annox P. O. Box 789 PtFm 328-6338E4lc. Colorado 8t631 2"May 1975 Ed J.nke Box 1281 Vall, Oolor* 81657 Ro: Fllo l.lo. So-94-75 Eprmtlorr Drplex D.r Ed! At th.lr rnertlng m 1 May 1975r un Tcctnlcal Rcvlrvv commlttor (a gnr.rp ort chnlaal dvlrn lrom varlour p.trllc agcncba) ravlernnd your apllcatlon ad oflr tho ftollotlrp aomrrnrtr rrd rccomrnrnddlorrs !o you and thc Pltrrlrp Oommlulon for oanrlchlrg +Ptovd rtd ulo of tho pr€porty. r md(o utlllty atpratlonr oubldc h.rlldlrp In carc rrrtrrlrp lt dralnd.' - mov. hJllcllng furthrr Into lot o that tha parklng .nd tumlng ca bo 6nr . ofl tfit road. - $o$, tb propored dlvlalon llnc rrd mroxlmdo rlao of lote', - a lot rla vrlrrcc lr a condltlon. - a grdlng ad <fdnqo pln la naaff, wlth a 5r rurrrnt qn wcltrn llnr. - t 6rE'|y nenpval plan ia n#. fhrec rtatcrnnto *lll bo fonrrdrd to th. Cornty plrnlng Comml$lm urd P|lvrlrg Oportrncnt ior thclr colrrldrratlon by thc rncrtlrg on 2l Mry 1975, bcglrnlng at E:0O P.M. lf you havc cry clryllon, 1nllro rruolcomo to srtact thle olflcr. Bcot Rrggrdr, Qumtln Mltc*rdl, Jr. Plrrrlrp A.rl.trrt oM/ld ce! Eoe{ of Oourty Commlrrlomn (tb F United States Department of the Interior BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Glenwood Springs Resource Area P.O. Box 1009 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 April 22, 1975 Michael Blair, Planning Director EagLe County Dept. of planning & Development P.O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Mike: We have reviewed the alenks request (Se-94-25) for exenption and have no cctrunents or reconunendations to make at this tirne. Sincerely yours, &ratufu Sterdart A. Wheeler, area lr{anager h,l IN IAPLY IIFEI TO t7a5.2 RECEIVED APR 2 4 '1975 D.pt. 0t Plannlng & drnL t glo County, Cdh, ,2* -&t"I* CIVIL ENGINEERING . PIJNNING . SURVEYs 5UBD|V|S|ONS . WATER & SEWER 5y5Tt/ 5 Box 1908 Voil, Colorodo 81657 Phonc 476-5072 DcnvcrlIlQ0)ilX 893-l 531 April 22, 1975 Mr. Michael S. Blair Planning Director P.0. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Re: File No. Se-94-75 Exemption Lot .|8, Vail Village West Filing No. 2 Duplex Structure Upper Eagle Va11ey Sanitation District Dear Mr. Blair: The Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation D'istrict will be able to provide sewer service for the proposed Duplex on Lot 18, Vail Village l,lest Fi'l'ing N0.2.If the units have basements, the service line wil'l probably connect up to the existing District's main just North of the Northwest Corner of this1ot. There is sufficient capacity in the existing line and in the District's sewage plant for this service. The standard tap fees and service chargeswill app1y. Additiona'l plant improvements and infiltration and line repairs are being made by the District this year. Si ncerely, Engi neer E. Richards for the District KER: cr cc: Al Flewelling, Superintendent Jim Col l ins, Manager John Amato, President Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District Ed Jenks (0wner) o/o &gtrrt"o,TS \ Konnah E, Richordc Rcairlorcd Prolcrsionol Enginccrr Rcgirtcred Lond Surveyorr REGEIVED APR 2 4 1975 DePL Ol Pht)/Ing & Devel.rrgte County, Coto. n** I 1 1 I IBattlc Mountaln Ja - 8r. Hloh School ulorum, colots.to lllntum ElementarY Mlnturn, Colordo Rod Ctllt ElementarY Red Cilil, Cotofsdo Msadovr - Mountaln ElsmsntJy ttlnauili:;@lotcdo E!ol. vrllry .lr. . ea mtoi Sctroot- (,$gaum'co.tottdo bolcVr[cvElementriY- Eagt , e'ototado ' UocoYEhmenfgrYn&!.blorarto "Pno,,,Yfur*.{t;Robert G. Cordts Fac llltles Coordlnator ,&-*r tYe hlzllrita- -fu-.o, aatra ql {i?* to.4rnety' EAGLE COT]NTY SCEOOL NTSTRICT ITE 5 32&634 Eagle, Colondo 81631 Qllla ot lhe SuPe ntandana Deg,t. of ftanlc you. ,'--"- \t'jr L€-lrgfr Slncerelyr Ilate: ilrf/ft r"erlewed fil,g aod rc$rtr.s ,.r ' '1*:1..;[ APR 1 6 1975 ,e!t. 0t t,i8;njDg .r uevd. &gtr Coudtt, Coto, ltre Eag1c County Sctrool Dtstrict Re5QI no.(s) {,E qrr - c/'z - et) ' 'i4 a EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT RECEIVED OF $1t Build inq Permit Fee Appf ication For i- x I ,'' ;1 1,.iy, Subdivision Appl ication Zone Chan ConCitionat Use Spec ial Use Variance Appeal Fee Code: (Buitding) (Zoning)(Su bd ivision) Tgtal Received All items are ,eceiued-lol no-payment oi any item. - EAGLEcouNTY a DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Eagle County Annex P. O. Box 789 Phone 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado 81631 11 April 1975 Re: Fi le No. Se-94-75 Exemption from Subdivision Regulations Appl icant: Ed Jenks Jenks Construction Co. P. O. Box 1281 Vai I, Colorado 81657 Enclosed herevrrith is an application and plan submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for review and recommendation at their regular meeting on 21 May 1975. In accordancewith C.R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33 and 106-2-34, 1963, as arnended and Eagle County Subdivision Regulations Section 6.00 1972, you have 24days from date mai led within which to respond or the request wi ll be deemed to have been approved by your a€tency. The Planning Commission would sincerely appreciate your comments and recommendat ions prior to the meeting date. lf you desire additional information or time, please advise this office. Thank you very much, Michel S. Blair D irector MSB/KI Dtrn'r;\/':nI \ LL.r:- ! v !:/ JUN 6 - i975 DiPi. 0f Pliliirl'ii1 ii '-'el' Eagle County, colo. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. Karln Scheidegger - Consul DAfE c.c. Brildlng Inspector, Ilrgire Covrtty t'/ (I) THE VAII, VILI,AGE WEST ARCIIITECTUNAL CONTROT col.{t'lITTEE TOr ilr. Ed Jenks l,Ie hereb5r approve your P1ens sutnitted for a duplex 9n I'ot 18' VAIL VILLAGE ffiSi; FninS'#2, fisfe 'Cormty, CoLorado rrith the folloring stipulationsr 1.1{oaddltiorralllvtngunitsshal]-bedevelopedwlthin these structureg. OrtsLde ftnlsh is to be netural- red wood rith dark trln ]do cars or olher obstruc.rtions on cor:nty road, whlch must .be conpletelY cl6ar at all tines. Iandscaping - Flt Ln as nuch l-endscaping as pos:lHt?: .. P;;.p" pfJ"t sone trees on east and west slde of butldlng' CuiLverts of 18 lnches dianeter or mors should be lnstall-ed ;;"; errd of parktng area and county road meet' Srposed foundEtlon ls to be stuccod' If tbls is not corFect' please get back to us. Not no| 6lJh-Ij7 ?hitctYb FarL FCafS .9{ SArrr-rrr lg'*'ttllt'- n- A/r, f(-ALLj. Sf|s*u Fgt\' A*Asu Cou-*t,.tct\ .2 lL tld''ou6t' B*tt*t, Fe-rt*l * twtt €HAHC|:. hfni,,Jiu ,utztr6,tT f\' ll'"' fnr 6lr€ ftpt" 48 fhvf Morter \ t",. 1oo.r 11-73 itoRD.i FioM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF aUILDING/OFF surrDfto PERMTT APPLrc;toN Jurisdiction of Applicant to comptete numbered spaces only. pst: rrtec* to s*ertt 's, IICENSE NO. at cr'r ttEc T ol DEStcNER !ICEN3E NO. ErlGINEEi 5- MA IL ADOFESS I {PHONE LICENSE NO. lExoai MArL ADDi E SS BiANCH 6 a^-r,,,.v U!E OF !U ILDI N C 8 Clasolwork: Etnew nADD|T|0N EALTERATIoN DREPAIR DMoVE DREMoVE 10 Change ol use from PERMIT FEEll Vafuationofwork:$ LlO, O OO eeeru cnecx ree .fi Occupancy Group Type of Const. SPECIAL CONOITIONS: Siz€ ot Bldg. (Total) sq. Ft. Flre SprlnklerS Requlred EIV€3 ENoAPPROVEO fOR ISSUAiICE 8Y OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTIC E SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WOBK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENOEO OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREAY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHEN SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. FIRE OEPT. SOIL REPORT oTHER (SP€clfY) PLAN CH VALIDATION cK. WHEN PROPERIY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT ON c4.fLIDATI'a4: LtlrclALs. ,oft" fNSPECTOF f '-y'oo 3 ,-?q- .Jr|" MILL rOAD. Wr{r?Ttri. C^r.rt. raaol INSPECTION APPROVALS FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT. LATHING OB DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC. o ,MBIN Jurisdiction G PERMIT APPLI toN a CAT Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT //,. 1[se : errecaeo sxeerl ZIP PIIONE LtcEnsE 110 . AFCHIIECI OR D ES IGN ER IICCNSE NO. MA IL AODN E3 S PHONE L rc ENSE ltO, MA IL AOORE S 3 EFANCH us€ oF 9!rLDrNc 8 Classof worK: KruEW ! AODITION tr ALTERATION tr REPAIR (., ,1' / ./,,'a (..J,'/.. Typ. of Fixtura oi lt.m WATER CLOSET (TOILET)SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH AASIN) KITCHEN SINK & OISP. APPLICATIOA/ ACCEPTEO BY PLANS CHECX€O AY LAUNORY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFI€D HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. URINAL ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR SINK OR ORAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INT€RCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK A PIT Form 1oo.2 11-73 PERMIT VALIDATION "ffiY" INSPECTION REPORTS DATE ITEM REMAR KS INSPECTOR USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo RECEIVED CASH Pernilt Fee Subdivision IConditional Use AMOUNT ry ITEM lication :V Appeal Fee Code: (Buildin (Su bd iv ision) and this receipt shall be crncellsd tor -\D-\'\<'\.,. .trt s--. '..$ )' EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT ouru 3-V{ , L RECEIVED CASH ITEM Buildins Pltttllgg lication For Subdivision AP lication Zone Change Conditional Use Special q:9- Appeal Fee Code: (Building otal F&991Y99 ffims-t"ms ute received no'Payment of any item' i,J: 448 :or',ty und-tn it '"c"ipt AMOUNT ffi-Elcuncetl"d lo' 0d collectaon BY EAGLE cou- BUTLDTNG pERMrr ^(DrrcArtoN Review Routing Form icant Permit No. Location Please review the attached application and return it and this completed form to the County Building Off icial within 6 working days. Planning Commission File No. Planning: Compl ies with: Subd. Regulations Zoning Regulations Comments: County Engineer: Boads Grading Drainage Approval 2' G*(t tT a0rrxturDztE '.t/A-D YesFEt t_fg L-Jt=rftf a/utt:|rff*ltl Nowwfltl dwa ate L't rt D Recommend FRZa,e rA County Health: Comments: 4f,/.2f.4t Sanitation Water Recommend Approval Ttl T Comments: '4./ Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. BUII-D! a I{G FEIRilil t AF"ilL!ATICN Jurisdiction of .ll-lt.Ltt- Qr**roT-: 1 t : [, a j 3 L. t. I. WHEN PROP€RLY VALIDATED (lN THtS SPACE) TlltS ls Y otr l-!! r t{I t M.O. ] - ir 11. 't,5'' Ltcl Sa No. LICE||IE XO. ^icxr TCct 0tr 0E!lcf{Ei tL a00tgss u9i ot aulLol{q tr ALTERATION N BEPAIR E] REMOVE l0 Change of use from PERMIT F€€PLAN CHECK FEEll Valuationofwork:$ 9e, Ce O SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of Bldg. (Tolall Sq. Ft. Flro SDrlnkl!lt Reoulred [ye5 !1eAPPROVEO FOF ISSUA'!CE 8YAP'LICATIObACCT?TEO BY: OTTSTNECT PARKING SPAC€S: Covered I Uncoveted NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUM8. ING, H€ATING, VENTILATTNG OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERNNIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDEO OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 1?O OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED.t HER€BY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINEO THIS AipLrcArroru ANo KNow rHE sAMe ro BE TBUE Aryo coR REcr' icLL bRoVrstot\s oF LAws AND oRolNANcEs covERNING THlsrvFs oF woRK wrLL BE coMPLtEo wlrH WHETHER sPEclFlEoirhErn on Nor. THE GRANTING oF A PERMIT DoEs Nor it[EsuME To ctvE AUTHoR|TY To vloLATE oR cANcEL THE i'iioVisrorus oF AN\/ orHER srAlE oR LocAL LAw REGULATINGcoxsrhoctrolt oR THE .PERFoRMANCE oF coNsrRucrloN. !9rGnaTuia oa aotrTtac '/' l,',, ./,.J .3 '2.'r .? f }IEA LTH OEPT. FIRE OEPT. SOIL REPORT oTHER (sDcclry ) PLAN CH CK VALIDATION cK./ 1 - ,.t );' /f'y tc.-,uT:l t t147, ' /l,li ,,./r., 1,/,1 ,... r;.d, r, t ELECTRICA L PERMIT APPLI toN I CAT Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only, PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O. VI'HEN PR@ERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI TI{IS IS YOUR PEBMIT PERMIT VALIDATION cK. Z./3 2t M.O. CASH INSPECTOR FEORDER FROW: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDINC OFFICIALS ' IO !O. (I 19 EE AT.TACHED sHEETII oEscR. 2 fo reuKs 8cr HtT""'76" 5/ ni^ht?^T*ot r.l c ENsE No. 3 Te-ee ARCHITECT OR OES IGN ER MA IL ADDi ES 5 G/a'>t 5(J. zt''"LICENSE NO. ENGINEER L ADDR ESS - PI]ONE LtcENsE No, MAIL AOD F ESS BiAIICH, /d USE OF EU ILDIN G7 Pestb€M- taL D()- 8 Class oI worK: frruCW D AODITION tr ALTERATION tr REPAIR TotalRECEPTACLE Oulets SPECIAL CONDITIONS: TotalLIGHTING Fixtures FIXTURES RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR. NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONEO FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW R€GULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. GARBAGE DISP. STA. COOK TOP OISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. V, H.P. MAX, TEMP. POWER APOLE PERMIT ISSUING FEE Form lOO.3 9-69 43r USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES. FOLLOW.UP. ETC.