HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 2 LOT 19 LEGALDescri pti on: LotLegal 0r'ln e f Zone Di stri ct Lot Si ze He j 9ht To-ral GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: for sFR, R, R P/S 7{)tlE bt0cK DISTRICTS Filing . Al I oved (30)(33) 20' 15' 15' (30)(50) ( 3oo) (600) (eoo) (l2oo) ( so) ( rbo) (2s)(so) (2oo) (4oo) Arch i tect Proposed use tr,40o 4 /o( &#ffi d( \ rt? T7rqd 1r{o gl;u. o| J itut vtlwtt 0 Ptl^tT Slope Actual Aval anche Flood Plain S looe ,1@.a, /vlMJ LUel"'yf N'Vtt- r Co::::i:nts: , - EL-FA -- tutfio* (t= l lf. v' '" ,rny ga6&rl = ztLt'ft ,hog' 5.4. 2 ?roE6y' ^ta. L.4. = l.zog F \'t\ "dtri h,[*l Front Si des Rea r l.!a ter Cours e Site Coverage Landscaping Parking Credi ts : Gara ge .l{ntffil t{n .-Aj+fot:b r,tp Stoiaoe ?rp #.tn-rsft N/n -sroraoe N/A Dri ve : Sl ope Perr,li tted E nvi ronman ia I /Ha za rds : Zoni ng: APPro';edlDi sePProved Date: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT \>^*\ O,\-* Q"n -4. u^r t \.oPtqTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 TOV/Comm. Dev Clean-up Depo,sit Refund lpproved 4L t* Addressc rezs-w-EonE cREEKftmgunt Jfr>: Location... irazs w coRE CREEK NOTE: TH]S PERMIT MUST PROJECT TITLE: aon/ar,t sFR BUILD Restuarant Ptan Revi err--> 8.?5 DRB Recrcation FeF---------> Cl,ean-Up Depos i t--------> TOTAL FEES----- ON JOBSITE AT ALL Permit # BE POSTED PERMIT .m .00 100.00 276.?5 DR DR Dept DAVIS Dept Dept Dept Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. . ISSUED 06 /26 /ree7 06 /26 / reeT L2 /23 /ree7 TIMES B97-0181 276.25 .m 276.25 276.25 .00 i.qie ceL No..: 2103-123-06-035 Project. No.: APPLICANT BETTER HOME IMPROVERS 2695 SOUTH FRONTAGE RD, VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR BETTER HOME IMPROVERS Phone: 9704764712 Phone t 9704764712 OWNER 2695 SOUTH F'RONTAGE RD, VAIL CO 8165? HOOPER CLARENCE JR & JUDITH ANN 1342 TROQUOTS, WTCHTTA KS 67203 Description:REPLACE DECK eaos w/f'OoTINGS & SONNumberSof DwelJ-ing units: 002 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 6,000 Fireptace lnformation: Restricted:#0f Gas Apptiances:#of Gas Logs:flOf tlood/Pal, Let: ffi*trt*'tt**tJrttft*ffi*t***t**ffi***S*i*i*ttfftt* FEE SUlll,lARy *ff****fftr*ff*****ff**t*t*ffiff***ffi*tff***ff*ff*** Bui tding-----) PLan check---> lnvestigation> .00 105.00 .00 Total. Catcutated Fees---> tli tL CaL t---->5.m ***ffill|tttlt||rt***tt**ffiffi**ft****ffitrt*ffi*f,t**#****i***ft********ff*t*ffff*****rrt********ff******ff**t*********H*** Additional Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- ITem: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTo6/26,'t997 CHARLIE Action: AppR CHARLTEItem: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT 06/26/ 1997 CHARLTE Acrion: eeeR u/nITem: C5600 FIRE DEPARTMENT06/26/'.997 CHARLTE Acrion: AppR N/AITem: O55OO PUBIJIC WORKS06/26/t997 CHARLIE Action: APPR Ni/A BUILDING Division PLANNING Division FIRE Division PUB WORK Division fi***i****tffiffi*ffi:t****ffi*****ff*******ff*************t***********H***ff****ff****t***ff**************ff***fr********* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditi-ons that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknwledge that I have nead this appl,ication, f iLl,ed out in fuLl. the information requined, coopteted an accurate ptot plan, and statc that sl' t' the information provided as required is corrcct. t agree to compLy lrith the information and ptot ptan, to conp[y uith a(l' Ioun ordinanccs and state [aws, and to buil,d this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev appnoved, Uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Town appticabl,e REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TI'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send C lean-Up Deposit To: BETTER HonE IfiPROVE ENTS OUR OFFICE FROII SIGNATURE OF OI.'NER OR CONTRACTOR H II.ISELF PAGE 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVALPermit *: 897-0181 ae of 06/27/97 status: ISSUED *******!t***t********tl************************************************************ Permir.Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUrr.,D PERMTT Applied: o6/26/t997applicant: BETTER HOME TMPROVERS reeued: o6'/26'/L997Job AddresE: 1825 W GORE CREEK DRLocation: 1825 W GORE CREEK DRParcel No: 2103-123-06-035 ***********!t**********************:l********************************************* CONDITIONS******************************************************************************** 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. o *************** o ************* o *********** Statemnt ************************* TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-O293 Arnount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #4185 276.25 06/27 /97 13:46 Init: DDM 27 6 .2s **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Addrees: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 0L 0000 41336 897-0181 Typer A-BUILD 210 3-12 3-0 6-0 3s 1825 W GORE CREEK DR 1825 W GORE CREEK DR ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PE 27 6 .25 276.2s .00 Amount 105.00 68.25 100.00 3.00 Total Fees:Total ALL Pnts: BaLance: Deecription BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS VIILL CALL INSPECTION FEE ooo '1.o? ,oo-ort : l.ozOD.oo(J ail EI C'o c)o oo C)o o o 6 olr'q Il.l o8g ..t o L3O.{rrqr,r E{ro a&t t oqd(. E:E Eor.l @oB S8 'l6I d o o o o<t o 6 II{I- CIHg El0It F F (., FI(ql ciEl. !lgu 6 F' !l I at F l.-2,iEItHcl qlE8!tHc|0 OHa, IO az E L tl.2Z&oIOF- Bd EE.Di9H'.oITA FF.HE 8BAIE'a qlr E t E F. 6 xl. IHIt{!!qIUataEI ocHtP PB E 68 AH Fgt B qt ED Hd tsHc a Ic HlaITo 1: 1: orD !t 6-> lil I 'rca o4Uao Iro tA|ct oA&H , APPLTCATION MUST BE FILI,ED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED X***************************** PERMII fNFORItfATfON *****************************tlr fl,/l-guitaing [ ]-Plunbing [ ]-Erectrical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other Job Name: 1^-r-- D+.n Job Address: Legal Descri.ption: Lot{ Block_: Fi]'ins A sulrlrvrcrolrh;/l/4?4 1 -. 1ohtners Nane: ( /+"r+-" Un^for Address3 /.Tn.Zm?oitt4tlt,lt t,,,^qt pn&!3LSc,ZJ1 Architect z ztz/fl Address:Ph. Generar Descriptionz P+)r.e. dc"L. r'-olc v.&+nN .c"nolube $#^rF work class: [ ]-New I l-Alteration 1 ]-Additionat lf-Repair [ ]-other Number of DwelLing Units: ,/Number of Accommodation Units: 2 !I*o"" and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances-_o_ Gas Logs 0 wood/pellet J_ |'t********************************* VALUATIONS ********************************* BUILDING: } 6On_EI,ECTRICAL: $OTHER: $pLUlrBrNG: T'- Contractor: Address: 2LS5 t ,-tA Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUILDING PERMTT FEE: PLUI''BING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Reg. NO. /zorPhone Number: 9"6 - 4-r/2. Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUIIJDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLT'MBTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PIJq,N CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: rOTAL PERMIT FEES: FOR BUII.IDING: STGNATURE: ZONfNcs SIGNATURE: 11o"7., D-.L R.p,n ^ ,L'ntt I D*k {' [2t rc/or<''J / /' l. CrriIYL\ 6o(e LcQ-F t- q g" l"by 1'ot-' Ilv .,/ lL" 7' o+'L*- ..t B -A 2 rzbqf / | z-/{nr* ,,7,zc a4 n4 Tovrn of Vall OFFICE COPY REI..] I31 TilNN OF VAIL. COLORADOIE,/A?/'A E7ZIJIA REOUi!5TS FOR INSPECTIOI\I I^JL]RR sHEETs Ft]R;IE/ 'Z/98 Descri pt r on(REtrLACE DECK F,RDS AppI icant r BEftE FA6E 1T AREA: D5 Acbivity: 897-O181 LEI 3./9S fype; A*BUILD Status; IS$UED Constr: ADUtrQddressr 1835 t, ITURE trREEK DR Locabion: l8e5 W GORE CREEK DR l:' a r c e I ;-*1.83-.:f?Ht6:€r35-i pt r on\lEtrLACE DECK F,RDSCE DECK F.RDS W/FOOTINGS & SONO TUBES )ffi-..-_-- Fhsn€-:-97e+r7+zte Owner: I{OOFER CLARENCE JR & JUDITIJ ANNContractor: BETTER HOME IHtrROVERS F'l-rone: Ftrone t 97647647t2 Inspect i on Requeet lnf orf at i oJt -_-*Reqr.rss;or; CHflRLES / r-,ncrnt\949-.7e54 iieq Ti me: Ol :O€r Cornu{en*.s r DECK ARSUND T}.lE HOUSE-WI/L CALL I t e rrys.-riEQ'u6T eE-t o -E-Jlbr+ s pM n#Time Exp rara sted to be tZt BLDG-Final Inspection Hi5tory. -.,. It em r A051gt dri veway grade f irral Iten: AO0lra BLDE-Foot inqs/Steel A-/ / Liu/17 InsPeetr:r; L'Flt Item : rZrGlAgA BLDG-For'rndat ian'/51 eel Item; lzroSea FLRN-ILC Site Flart Item ; rzlgroso BLDG-Framing Ltem! OOgl4A * * Not lln File * * Item : Aqt€t5Q BLDG-Insulation Item: rZrOBEgt BLDG*Sheetrock Nail Item: rAO06U * * Not On FiIe * * Item I tdo676 BLDB-Misc' Item : 0gila9'Zl BLD6*Final Itemr AO53O BLDG-TenP. ClO Item I oel54rzr BLDG-Final C/'O oz t =E uJo- (\l o o(> (\I o osr (\l 6 IJJ uJu- tr = uJ(L ( d1.'(+-\ fr t1.o/o/f AaeFil T)\ \i Ni\i 1i ili NI )l $l sl t\kcoo <\l O] N+) !JCl. 6str(ot.L .PO(, zt6szJ IJJF k Fq z zz o+,(, s- +J Eo(J ;;a 1I|'FFooza,- a!:lo =.hoJ+l =q-oo c6 r- z => P(d +-, c an tn (d (d uJIt-oz rrt Olr-{(\l xo I or-ov 'r@: tll6 r.O Fl>coc, !-Oct c) (dtu ioo+, cal= Eico.d#aocL_(u- ;=0r+,to,E! o c) o 11) !6 .9a fit c!?<t- () a\-c\:\o an()() 6 F h o-i=\o E (tt o! o o) ==o F.'ioo+, =co !ico.dioE!cL_(u- ;=0r+,'to,o! '6, o.lttr .;l €i 8iclo-l'6i >lE'-or Ol Itr Gl o.C,'E, olN1 -at ;c3ioF oc+,: o EDc E.o E((s o. oJ( <t o -c. D. .o o ! (! tti ''6 o (it o ! (t, o(Do 6 € o c;oF (' o- Eoo o -g CL oE Ec(g o (d o .; =] ->o. Eoo o q) E CDo :g?i (it og'to O(t, :s9c.=6 -o (5C-,t6.o!tF'5=gco5 E';E>FEEEooEo'-ooe5i =-E(!o Zeio..o 9o(oC6c tr.Yo_E EE +,c aeo,- EE3]o>r5Ectrt!: RE 6BEo EEooo(! o E r E o 6 E .; c 5oo _.!9 ; o.o.6 g, E o(g E o 6 GE ootoo '.Y G .o Eo rr,|r) ^:sf Or Oq ro(r) oO oco o <f, t\rl) <\l r..)(\J Lr)(\J rr, oot tr EEgJ z -J Y uJ (J z c J 9EF C) uJJ UJ z = oz (,) uJ UJlUl!z tr UJ U E o.o =g uJ z a IJJ Fo uJ z UJ x F ul.n sItlu- F =G uJ CL J FoF oz J @ IJJJ uJ (,z co = G J z uJE NOtrvntv^ l-lEl i:lcl (d:Y< -l* *Y G,filq! ur EEI: : :e.lg Eo. =9.z z !- t-)o o oEI i =EEfr E - Epa, fiEb{ i.: i H frE +,(ts o z E J tt q o UJtL F cn c\.1 4J x cl uJ J z E z tr E UJFJ 3uJz !)FzlzOo <oo< SEx|r-o<z U)F 2,. 2= EO3tr t] iJ tl l-Jtoltol1,.-l llll = ct a IJJzY9It- IJJ(l- z F oz l@t?l* I--]-ll= | (\ll- I I I -f-I l.lJl+rl.!l- I------T------'ql <l31,' xlOurli! -l I Ilo 619 I Il Fl F Jl<l :-. I zl zl .. >lout ul UJzoF .E u.l.L J z Eo rF I (n tI l*r; lEaE oz a J oz Y o- (n I d C) @ @ "-{Oc) IIJFo Coo-zo Fo- IJJY UJo oFt =EulI ttlol>+l+€l(_) \l(f 0.1 - \.1r9 ,H H'z6 z o9z-<!oo =z o-- P ..i6\;, t9 = =FeQt:ri;'ii o3;E F =tulo- ltoEgE3€frE9!tr .EF E f -=ut:-: b=o dil: Eo.i 8sE :Tr x>o:iiFlL- €= HoF E =E, UJo-zoF()fEFazoo trtr! @osFt\ Io)sro) Ifor-l(\l(o I @(\l(7' Isl ! sl uJl cEl Jl H E ! 5 o- .tJ ul Eod. tr .l =.1ol IJJI 1l <l>lttlol zl 'lolH I I I olzl olull :l al>l *l:l =t 3ol r!FIF I I-lrr)lorlFrl .Iot =.1 OI uJl 5l <l>l r!Iol FI a (u o (t .U tr Oc!C!O I O)sr Or I I-lrr)lsfl-l I .lol =.1 OIrul 5t sl bl zl =lolFI +)(., o, LJ l- OJ P = Ic{l*l Plol slrl a =l5l F (o (J =lJ- @ I I I.lI 5J (IJ (ue. !-(u oo ui z co -) ! o) oo () o!(6 (J uJ z (rJ F <) g) ! €)c, lrl o =tr oN (\l I Lo- sf o(J =o!(o (I, =lrl c'.)<fr-l l-E irg+EFt-o2 E2? =< a'6 E -rO<F(r(J r.! <zG,LUFtqZo J tr. llJJ uJ <oo?.3H 'i , nn! tr l-1,^.l.-\| ( /AlL3 bcny'e engineering, inc. 143 e. meodo,v dr. suite n-10 crossrmcls shopping cenler r,loil, colorodo 81657 w3/4762170 Scptenbcr lt, 1984 Coy Brct t horst Mcl"li I lan Claln Servlcc P.0. Box 1389 Elcnr,rood Springs, C0 81602 SubJect: 1825 6one Creek Orive, Vail, Colorado Dean Mr. Bretthorst, This lctter uill conf irrn that this office has inspected the fine danage in the above noted structure. These are our findings. The structure in placc at the tilre of the fire ulas not adequate to nect currcnt butlding code structural nequirenents. To rrreet nininun requlrcncnts, lt must be rrrodif ied as f ollor,rs. The ?xE rafters at 24' o.c. should bc {2)2xE at 24" o,c. The 2x4 collar tles at 24^ o,c. should bc 2xl0 glued and nailed to each rafter and also supported at the party uall. The ccntnal panty r.ralI should be continuous to the ridge nhere thc raftcrs r^rtll bear on its top plate. The 2x4 kncc r.rall at nldspan of the ceiltng frawring should be sheathed with t/2" plyr.rood glued and nalled to cach framlng nenben. The expoged beans abovc the living roon shoutd bc spaced at 2t-O' o.c. raiher than at 6'-0" o.c. as they currently are, These rrrodlf ications to the existing system urilt provide a roof ctructune uhich neets current rcquirenents. As an altcrnativc, the noof structure noay be replaccd r.rith a system of 2xl2 at 12'o.c. spanning fron the party r^rall to the exterior uall. Pleaso call if you have any questions concerning this matter. Sinccrcly yours I Staff Structural Enginecn cc 3 Clarencs Hoopcr Hamy 6ray--Vail Uatley Buildens o o-Project Appllcation Project Name:*t.\- r Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: , zone - Design Review Board Motion by: i-j i '. i" ,l : I ' ,^Date 'l'\r; ' .t Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: { st"rr Approval \uA[t tTAllttEV Peg+i n-FPf DAiilA6'6 eeiDe - &) ul r{.) d) Cl 4rr*;t hi'^c@ utizir<-. C,) leWn tufl T-Lwz;ab. C) Be.^t€ fie"ft^G, +cttW *jH#?%qs vArL c(L9nADo 81657=# cF USPLY-. (.eUotr 6Xse?'foe Qsr,V €t1s'Ez4 ' (ePuftg Booe witrl ltr4F tip9r baipoit't pflp lcpf- ol 1D QOF fietAJNo rD 94t 6acxu* FiPa. . Tt:sttct- NAp 6,',4 1Qt-tto brT Ablf €ys:5vva r O-ttiu$ 424t. hoa /z 41Tf p as'rtt,,-3 LtfuUn, /4^, : ta %CE:, tA nfl.rh enli*j &otr. tr?b,?.7 4 4 lzao * at, lPif 1.qL FrAL + 'o /{);ii - {i:!-LK for sFR, R, R P/S 70i1E tegal 0vlnef Zone District Lot Size Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA 20, 15' 15' (30) (so) & \ 'tFr? "tdArihoh^ol J lbt n/nrJl______rF_ a ,h{h Rfi^ p, m,\ 3oo) (600) eoo) (1200) (so)(1oo) (25) (so) 2oo) (4oo) Slope Actual Aval anche Fl ood P'l ai n S'l ope' | ,t -----T- l.\dn NNttnqI -' I t D]SIRICTS F'il i ng Archi tect Proposed Use Al'l or.red ( 30) ( 33) JJT?.1tH@ lffirnil#h*.'- \d\ "ttli \ +*tuA't Setbacks: Front ' Si des Rear l.la ter Course Site Coverage Iandscapi ng Pa rki ng Credi ts: Garage l'lechan i cal Ai rl ock Storage So]ar Heat Storage Dri ve: 51 oPe Pemi tted Env j ronmenta'1,/Ha za rds : Co;r:nts: Toning: APProved/DisaPProved Da te: I U^4fr 6/a, t[uf ')E tTunr v"* 8 6ll, f 6rJ r -]E rw+r /;,rr/J.&t !4 ,"aJwro'l r'{*Y,I /6+w 4^^'+