HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 3 BLOCK 1 LOT 4 PERMITS 2003 - 2007 PART 2 LEGAL6.ctlon 106.4,3, t.:.. :cr Or granting of a p.ri:r.t or dull not be const:-r- i tc llly of thc provision:; cf Thc is:!:rce of a ;-:::::t lol Drcvcnt the builij.r3 Pcrmir prcsumi:rg t: J rvc @de or othcr ord,la::-;.] cf A!TPROV-'\ -,:u..rv D3veloi : Depan. it,- .JCa:ciy&Inspec I T6rn'n ^l Vail OFF,".-" GOPY lt r_,_,[ I I e crrors i:r ..-:J pl:.:11i, opc:.::--1 I -;rg 111.. _{:..i. INITiALS: 1/8'= 1 foot ---1- ,') t LIPL C F l-I)ffS-rrZc-r cltovel USU = Kl --'i -I vl)tcrfit--. - ftu- tVot-l - Cou traatYtLfi'> Dkcrt",tzd buer MG Wt kuP56 k- Cor_tSrPo Ct:aw-t St!-rAc Fe FPAsan h-o +^-t W/Lauu ^rrnte{9'7 u K-. S{ 3/03 permit fof, 6 m approval or of any othcr ordinancc tc violab or c$cel the jurisCiction shall not be on gl:ns, spncificatiors vhcn rn vi,-ll:.o:r NOT TO SCALE 1"1:[r''- t*t5 -Y \+ friolini5 Coo&\tons Unit 589 114" = 1 foot t,\A( cwtt( frL- ' ''u>-*lou tT /2 {a u tt6{) Existing exposed Twin T's ,*tf N"* 2" wall .#k Existing exposed twin T's A t-l LlAce A=sahtBcJ' H/k-e Bt MoK.l- (a u,B'ryrr1 0^-tsr0uc1dt\J n-* E Bz t-Ha Frlta- #)bssnuE r"ruSn2,ffidVq7 da 9c't-6-A Existing Drywall Ceiling Existing Drywall Ceiling Drywall Ceiling (futurcA q_ /T .A-/.1 Qr/1?_,4)Unit 589 114" = 1 foot Eriell-a CaoSt$o'rs Unit 587 114" = 1 foot New 2" wall of new FCU Existing exposed twin T's Unit 587 114" = 1 foot Roeoceog 5qeBi$isq,\\or,_5) 'l 1/8'= I fuol NOT TO SCALE ,::ff,! il*o' '#St AV \+ frieli,.-5 Qoo&s*onS Unit 589 114" = 1 foot Existing exposed Twin T's 0,;?tuo N"* 2" wall {& T; ^f{*|- Existing exposed twin T's # Existing Drywall Ceiling Existing Drywall Ceiling Drywall Ceiling Qrogose-dl o Unit 589 114" = 1 foot Erig}i-b CanStfbqs Unit 587 114" = 1 foot Existing exposed twin T's New 2" wall ocation of new FGUUnit 587 114 = 1 foot ?"oeogeog fnoBi$ico.\\o.'5i /5 NOT TO SCALE %r[] 6rn' $*' AV \+ $siclin-5 Cen&\"otts Unit 589 114" = 1 foot Existing exposed Twin T's I e*p-f N"* 2" wall {r 7;*"s*J- Existing exposed twin T's s.K, ,lao \# Existing Drywall Ceiling \i criir N EX|SUng Drywall Ceiling .5 Es?. Unit 589 114" = 1 foot 6 Erieli.g Ca.'9t$ocs Unit 587 114" = 1 foot Existing exposed twin T's .ff \r\r.ttt tv- 5 A , New 2" wall ocation of new FCU ,tt5? Unit 587 114" = 1 foot Roeoceog cnoB''$lc"*-.-:r Page 1 of3 Parcel Detail NW ' | | ,- nor"ll s,t"ina.*ll toun'v ton'"tt'lI SEAR6H t '" -'- -. .'.nal*]" Count9 servlces v Visitort v CommunitY t Eleded officials't Eagle CountY Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Datail Informatlon Assessorrrreasurer propeny search I Assessor subset Query I Assessor Sales search Basic Building Characteristics | - Tax Information Sales Detail I Value Detail I Residential/Commerctal improvement Detail I Land Detail owner t{ame and Address Location 210107205008 TOOLE, TERENCE & EVELYN ']T NOLULU, HI 96821 Legal D€scriPtlon NDO: I4ARK LODGE UNIT:4-E BK-0247 ra-T uw uor,rsHeAo!! tltt!!1E.-}41! Property Tax Valuation Information http://www.eagle-county.com/Goodtums/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumb er-2l0lo7205 "' 1'0110/2003 Itarn>k - 1. Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: ROOFTOP HOTTUB ADDmON DRB Number: DR8030364 Project Description: ADD ROOFTOP HOTTUB ENCLOSURETO BUILDING 1 Pa]ticipants: OWNER HMC ACQUISffiON PROPERTIES 108/2612003 Phone: C7O MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL ONE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 938.01 WASHINGTON DC 20058 License: APPUCANT VAIL RESORTS (VAIL CORP) 0812612003 Phone: 970-845-2354 P.O. BOX 959 AVON, CO 81620 License: CONTMCTOR VAIL RESORTS (VAIL CoRP) 08/2612003 Phone: P.O. BOX 959 AVON, CO 81620 Licensel 115-A Project Address: 715 W UONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: 715 W UONSHEAD CR Legal Description: Lot: C&D Blodc Subdivision: MORCUS SUB. Parcef Numberz 2L0l072O7OOt Comments: See conditions in the file BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprcval: 10/08i2003 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond; 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not aonstitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0006170 Approved per plans submitted and noted in the file dated 10/08/2003 Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $250,00 TOI{VT) Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparfnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 f ax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us Project Namer ROOF TOP HOT TUB ADDmON DRB Number: DR8030354 Project Descripdon: ADD ROOFTOP HOTTUB ENCLOSURE TO BUILDING 1 Pafticipants: OWNER HMC ACQUISffiON PROPERTIES 108/2612003 Phone: gO MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL ONE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 938.01 WASHINGTON DC 20058 License: APPUCANT VAIL RESORTS (VAIL CORP) 0812612003 Phone: 970-845-2354 P.O. BOX 9s9 AVON, CO 81520 License: CONTMCTOR VAIL RESORTS (VAIL CORP) 08/2612003 Phone: P.O. BOX 9s9 AVON, CO 81620 License: 115-A Project Addrcss: 715 W UONSHEAD CR VAIL Locataon: 715 W UONSHEAD CR Legal Description: Lot: C&D Block Subdivision: MORCUS SUB. Par€el Number: 210107207001 Comments: See conditions in the file BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval: 10i08/2003 Conditionsr Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005170 Approved per plans submitted and noted in the file dated 10/08/2003 o Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 o Appfication for Design R evrew Department of Community Development 75 Sor.rth Froniage Roarj, Vari, Cotorado [il657 tet: 97Q.479.2139 f ax: 97 0.479.2457 web; www.ci.vail,co.us I0l4'N General Information: All- projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to the submittal requirements for the pariicular approval that is requesied. nn afptication idr oesign nevlicannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departmlnt. TheproJect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission.Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences withinone year of the approval, Description of the Request:P.e Location of the Proposall tot:C I D ebck:Subdivision: lY{OPCUS_ Physical Address: Parcel No.r 2 lol O? 21'Ioct l- 3.9 (contact Eagle Co, Assesscr at 970-328-8640 for parcel no,) Zoning:LHMIJ.2 Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: P.O Owner(s) Name of Applicanti Mailing Address: L- E-mail Address: Type of Review and Feel lJ Signs C Conceptual Review n New ConstructionD Addition $ t"tinor Alteration (nrulti-family/commercial) lviinor Alteration (single-fa nrily/duptex) Changes to Approved Plans q,.r\:. r.rii.rn Ppnr rp<i $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $250 $20 retaining walls, etc.$20 For revisions to plans Design Revierv 8oard. i'lo Fee Phone: Phone: q'?A.' g'7 G- l 1r.41 Fax: 41O.1411- tbtz Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a For an addition where sqrf*dVXtftlfiftsaVA&o any residentiat or ;:tffi :?':*lliJP,F$ffi rsF#ffi *tHpdRFHfi :i:*) iliSflTlf ; j,,Ts#lY rdtffld{'ca pi ns, fences and For minor cnanQes to buildjncs ar:d sit ie r':ofi ns, pa;nif,tANlGf;[acerid : l BIbAO already aoproved by Planning Staff or the o | \ l | | -:, I APPROVEDBYTTIE TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEWBOARD o rEt-!-9J-8JeE- n-rHNeR-4.3- i.l + -<r TTTTTT \TTTTTT\TTTTT\rtrrr TTTTTT'IiTTTT TTTTTTiTTTT-r -r -r _r _r- _r 1t -1- '1-rjl T T T T T TIT T $l }| flg r$l rl HI 4l gl sl l\ .'!.!r\ <r $*\s Y F tL .0 $ -1, z & -q<d k= dffUV ovuulu^ d$ fif o- - - - - - - - - _ _-l - - _- _ -'- I I OL Eg frF .ffi n A g r{ T '$l,l ?t t, '-7|'-ge o ,ffi ?l tl TI al =l 3lt {ls F EI !l fl zlp AIT {l=* Po,,4 eii E=. a'P $$ vu. HR0-/\ ,Ju -lj Es.,o r= ofi Pf frH et;!d 1f i2 :3 Hs odIL $\ a a rs u.lIL 0-," R. {g ilE6u 9doio 2u H6 *q oQ1= |n-qxil I rt)uv HR S; ia 'oo T{ t-z aI UJq lu lu6 N R.o Itr--rI t-t IILJIr--J t-ll-l ru Pot7p6 uil x1 uz ll lL-----lF---+---T-----t lt| ------- lltlL_*___J 9d,'iH0 9bu\ ruu August 25,2OO3 George Ruther Town of Vail Community Development Department Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vail Marriott Mountain Resort Proposed Artinian hot tub enclosure on 81 roof Dear George, As discussed in our on-site pre-application meeting, we are submitting to the DRB for their review of the proposed rooftop hot tub room for Mr. Artinian, a condo owner in Building ! of the Marriott. This room is not really visible off site as it sits behind the Bl turret and is shielded from the east and south by existing building elements. A Title Report is not being submitted since it has been submitted by VRDC for the combined MarriottMest Day Lot projects. The changes reflected in the attached plans and elevations are as follows: 1) The project is a 426 sf hot tub enclosure and deck addition on the roof of Building L To our knowledge, it is not visible from any adjacent property. 2l The ridge height is below the Absolute Maximum Height of 82.5'. 3l The use of Kalwall roofing material and all walls being glass was discussed and should not pose a problem as long as lighting that makes the roof "glow" is avoided. There will be lighting on the north wall of the addition and we are currently proposing to use simple cylinder downlight sconces. We are hoping to receive final DRB approval on the 17s of September. Please advise if you feel this is not going to be possible. I will not be attending this meeting but Denise Carey from my office will make the presentation. Sincerely, GWATHMEY PRATT SCHIILTZ ARCHITECTS, P.C. l00O South Frontogo Rood West, Suiie 102 . Voil, Cololodo 81657 . lel: (97Or 476-1147 . Fox: (970) 476- 1612 ' Emoil: gpsxvoil@ol.com ** * * t' *{.{. * ** * * * *+ * *,} *l' '}* * ** * * * *+ + + + *++ * *** +* t * * | f* *** * **** * * **** * * ** '* 't t'} *'l '} * * ** * * * ** * * l' *'} * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 08-26-2003 at 08:30:27 0812612003 Statement ** ** ** *+ + * * +* {. 't * *** * * * * *** ** * * * ft + ** * ** * * + * *:} r} ** * ** * **,} ** * * * * ** {. * +'}+,} + * * +* * * * ** ****t****+* ** statement Nuriber: R030004559 Amount: $250.00 0e/26/2OO3O8:30 AM Palment. Method: check rnit: DF Notatsion: Permit No: DR8030354 q/pe: DRB-Minor A1t, Comm/Multi Parcel No: 2LOLO72O7OOL SitE Addreee: ?15 VI IJIONSHEAD CR \TAIIJ Location: 715 Vf IJIONSH AD CR Total Fees: 9250.00 This Payment: $250.00 Tota1 ALL, Pmts: $250.00 Balances $O.0O ***** ** * *******+!t + * t{' * * * *+******** * ******** + + t * *+ +** * ***** * **1.{.:t:}** * * *******+**** *+ * * ******* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Curnent Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEIJ FEES 250.00 {OYA{OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD veil, cb brosz 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN'I fl/.cr.,t t^ot\ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADDiALTMFBUILDPERMIT Permit #: 803-0175 Job Address.: 714 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status.....: ISSUED location......: 714 W LIONST{EAD LJNIT # 583/638 Applied...: 07/1012003 Parcel No....: 210107205016 Issued ...: 07/15/2003 Project No...: Expires...: 0llll/2004 owNER ARTTNTAII, RoN 07/to/2003 phone: 5 BRISTOI, DR MANHASSET NY l_L03 0 License: coNTRAcroR cEoRcE SHAEFFER coNsrRuerroNoT /L0/2003 phone: P O BOX 373 VATIJ CO 815s8 License: 129-B APPIJTCANT GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTTON}T /!0/2003 Phone: 970-845-5656 P O BOX 373 VAIIJ CO 815s8 License: Desciption: INTERIORNATURAL GAS LINE HOOKUPS FOR COOKTOP,LOGSETS AND BBQ Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family Type Constuction: II FR Type II Fire Resistive Type Occupancy: '!''! Valuation: $l1.000.00 Fireolace Information: R€stricted: Y f ofGas Appliances: 0 AddSqFt 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Peller 0 FEE SUMMARY *:tr*!tt.a,trll**t**tt.ar.*a*'l'r'tt+a.a:r+iar*a:iaaa....t.t..t..t'|'l S0 .00 Total Calculst€d Fees-> $325.16Building--> $195.25 Rcstuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> 9125.91 DRB Fe€-> Investigation-> Will Call---> $0. o0 Additional Fees->$0.00 $0.00 Recreation Fee---.> $0. O0 Totrl Permit Fe€-> $325 .16 $3.00 Clean-up Depnsit---> $0.00 Payments..-_----1 $325.16 TOTAL FEES--------> 5325.16 BALANCE DUE > $0. 00 Approvals:Itsem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTI{ENI o7/L5/2oo3 JRII Action: AP Item: 05400 PIJAIINING DEPARTMEIIT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARII'IEIII Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS .|*:}|.||.'..*|'|.*.t..|*|ll|*+|||t||l|ll.t|.1ltl|l|l|t+l|||l.tlt1||||*|'.''|'t...|'l.|* See pagp 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge ftat I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQTJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOI.JRS IN ADVANCE IELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OLrR OFFICE FROM t:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 ****t**:f:t*'f*'*,*'|t'|.t,t*:f*'|*|*'}**+,*'t:t't*,l*lt,|t|.,|***+1.:}*,t*'t**'|**|:|+********,|**'|t|,***'|***!}'tt'}*|t't*'|l** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL' Permit #: 803-0175 as of 07-15-2003 Status: ISSUED '|*,l't'}**{t,}'},|.,}{.'},}'l'}**t****+.**:f***{t'}'!t**'}*'}********'i+:i*!t***'}|*.*****!***{t*'i******,****l''t||l|t*****+ PermitType: ADD/ALTMFBUILDPERMIT Applied: 0711012003 Applicant: GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION Issued: 07/15/2003 970-845-5656 To Expire: 0111112004 Job Address: 714 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: 714 W LIONSHEAD LJNIT # 583/638 Parcef No: 210107205016 Description: INTERIOR NATURAL GAS LINE HOOKUPS FOR COOKTOP.LOGSETS AND BBQ Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE BJQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.9.1 OF THE I997 UBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Town ofVail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (LaboT & MateTia|s BUILDING: $ 3 frOO.oO ELECTRICAL: $ JoO,00 OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ 5. OOO.oa MECHANICAL: $ l. mO,OO TorAL:$ ll nOn Oa tg 5e+. For Parcel # Conhct Assessorc Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit Parcel # (applicatioii will'not be'acceited vtithriut parcel number) Zl 61 612 fr<O I Qr lob Name: frl;niart /ds l;n e JobAddress: l/dl y'/arr;al1 ilrils SS3ltSt Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners Name: h r, A,1;n;on, ll Address: 5 7r:4^t i),:nn il-/.a^l nvrro,ll Phon"' 9r-rJ7 1qll" ArchitecflDesigner:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work:.-. OltX6Vrll_ | b,C/-'L-t r\-, ,4ry'r/ oo/""o/ ,rrr /;oo JnVlt ,ro;J <',t>;>,/,t;nt lm/Ln. -! nt</tn so/t r / At4. WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodelld Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior pQ Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-familypQ Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/TyDe of Fireolaces Existinq: Gas Aooliances (o) Gas Loos (n) Wood/Pellet (O) Wood Burninq ( No/Tvpe of Fireolaces Prooosed: Gas Aooliances ( 6) Gas Loqs (1) Wood/Pellet ( O) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ?Q No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes Q) No ( ) Parcel Fees: F :/everyone/forms/b ld gperm of Construction: *************r**t****!r************r***FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****t*********************J.*********** Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 IOl,l']V Department of Community Development / This Checklist must be comoleted before a Buildino Permit aoolication is accepted. o All pages of application is complete R Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form ( o I Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex o Complete site plan submitted 4|-*lblic Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) h Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,oarkinq or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aporoval c-Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurrinqo Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi tafitlyl I Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) FIAIIDdAW and door schedule p+ll€tructural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) e-Strudural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Fsoils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection e4ieresistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated s--Smqke detectors shown on plans +-Tr?es and quantity of fireplaces shown Appficant'ssisnature: . l-'r't .{r/ / / u: ,fuU', 4rr* (". 7/r/oS Date of submittal: F :/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: ,A-,-Nt) nm0EvAnly HOW DID WE RATE WTTH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Departnent Russell Fomst, Director, (970)479.2139 Check all that applies. 1. Which Departnent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmenhl_ Housing_ AdninPlanning DRB _ PEC 2. Was your initial contacl wiilr our staf immediate dow or , ' ' ' , no one avdlable-? 3. lf you were required to waif how long was it bebre you were helped? 4. Was your project reviarred on a limely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5, WasttrisyourfirsttimebfleaDRB4p_pECapp_ ;,BldgPermit-t\1/A . i ''.' r" il 6. Please rate fie performance of tre stafi person who assisled you:51321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availabilrty) 7. Overall efiec{veness of frre Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 I 1 8. What is the best time of day for you to use fre Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenb you have which urould allow us b better serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We ue commitbd b improving our seMce. BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Depaftment review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Depaftment, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. t Agreed toby: -ftt'cle//< Eudt--- --7 Prlnt ndt I rc y'/ frr /u /st(Sionature // Project Name: oate: Z/a,//t< F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 \ \ +;n-'+o ullf ae-c.o.u6L.t- ) t1lto0 6tW ?\0!q t t4e N/ t' Ir5tt t'6s. er43l*/. e o? eAglltlt/ 6fFo* d ilffiel -$ +f?4 i seqau-A'jxrA I>FcF,fr r)&Q. IFL 0 716 ?own of Vall 1L'o pl oq'6tl rlb btl AlblAt? ribt*, Navv-W oftra'Hu ---tv $$$ d Aad aew4Dq.fa$ra.+.. t""^'clr rv4Fl/; apa,xstof e#xnret b,?reo, q Fet lo,a7pa,.7 H_ -ftourAu tolo&,-< . 4,tlad.Qf',l b*r)^ tarl ee^,\i"'\ 12nlrr..[A- LOFT PLAN and viriry ;;;;;";;ff;e=; Main entry door shall be icloser, astrgal and f Iusharrowance of $3 r 000.00 innardrrrare wiII be chosen dr Piovide an allowance of g1cif washer and dryer. rLi -t'..''lr-^ atz Nqr+v ltte (*tW|fr+n ft lttt 4wree1 'tito era r$qtoe, o|€aVtrtU- d4ttf-*f @4e- 2a p sh, t, br,t*/04,49 7s r-4\F{Y{ I I It--__* _,_. t-- _ bI? w, T0 ,tb.q/?f |fr-to orL f.D. (interior dt l-avout. AJJ- b,-ol b(*tc,; Wvw 4u l.o$rtitl r<tvVQa(t- !:r (/rl ,TOWNOF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.]NITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 e7Q-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 803-01l9 Job Address: 714 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 714 W LIONSHEAD IJNIT # 583/638 Applied . . : 08/01/2003 ParcelNo...: 210107205016 lssued. .: 08107/2003 ProjectNo: Expires..: 02103/2004 owr{ER ARTTNTAN, RON 08/OI/2OO3 phone: 5 BRISTOIJ DR MANIIASSET NY 1103 0 License: CONTRACTOR GORE RN{GE ETJECTRTC 08/01./2003 Phone: 970-s24-LLa8 1-5794 COTJORADO RIVER ROAD GYPSI'M, CO 4L637 License:135-E APPIJICAIIT GORE RANGB EIJECTRTC 08/0L/2003 Phone: 970-524-tLrB 15794 COLORADO RI\IER ROAD GYPSI'M, CO 4t637 IJicense: 135-E Desciption: wire 220 volt cook top to gas and add I l0 power for 2 fireplaces __::::_::::__*__._::0..:::_:._.**r,|:r,,,r,,r+,,,,:r,,1,,,,*.+i.,,.,.r,,,.,, FEE suMMARy Electrical-__> lRl fss-----.-.> Investigation-> wi[ cbll-> TOTAL FEES-> sso. 00 $0. 00 $0.00 53 .00 $53.00 ss3.00 90. 00 $s3.00 $s3.00 $0. o0 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fe€s------> Total P€rmil Fee-------> Ps)ments-_--.-_-> BALAIICE DUE--> Approvals:Item: 06000 EITECTRICAIT DEPARTMENT Oe/OL/2oo3 DE Action: AP -1--.:}-..o-::.o.:..::::':::*TlT'...**.',.,.i*|'.l*'}.+*'l+|..a**.**:|'|*.t'.'|a'+*++|.,':},3.*|.+|+.+*.*.+*t+.t+....:t,|:t*1'}:t|.'}*lt.*t++*+. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEI.TD I}ISPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAI{CE' lt r ++ti +r*tr tr* r* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fult the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unifonn Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry.FOUR HOURS IN ADVA LEPHONE AT 47t/2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF * *** * *** t * * +i** * ******** **********!it ++*r|++ ** **** f,+t 'i +**t+*f*********+a *'l ++ + +** **** * ***** + *'l * TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement * +* * | * + * * I * ** * * * ** * * * a t | + * * * * + + + * ** +* * * * * ** t * * * * t ** * * + + * + + * * + * * * ** * *ri {' + * * * * ** * * *** * + * '} + + l'} ** Statement Nunber: R030004449 Amount: $53.00 08/O7/2O03L1 :51 AM Palment Method: Check Inits: DDG Notation: Gore Range EIec 92 51 Permit, No: 803-0119 Type: EIJEerRICAIJ PERLT Parcel No: 2LOLO72050L6 Site Address: 714 W IJIONSHEAD CR \AIIJ Location: ?14 W IJIONSHEAD ITNIT * 583/638 Total FeeE: $53 .00 ThiE Payment: $53.00 Total J{I'L ttntg: $53.00 Balance: $0.00 | * + + !t * * +** * t * * * f, * * * ** ** * * * ** *** *** * * * * * ** * * + * i ** * ** * * * * * * + t* * ** * * *'|+* + t* * ** ** 't't+*** * ** * * | *:t* ACCOIJNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Curnent Pmts EP 00100003111100 TEMPOMRY P0!,JER PERMITS |/IC OO1OOOO31128OO I,IILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 50 .00 3.00 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR U Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: W 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) TVWT{OFYIN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CoMPLETE SQ. FEET EW BUITDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICALVALUATION: $ ry *N,9 Contact Assessorc Offtce at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel#-e / O t D7 )O,t e / 6 * JobName: /nimn+a, ,<H-JobAddress: /Icxs"*- (b t8 - d-8,3'* *--"2a."t2t cti )rs^ c.s /.r-,- Legal Description Lotl Block:Filing:subdivision: A tca-/' owners Name:h,n 4at,h )o^- ll Address:- Frar.,s / Dr?turr, ll Phone: Engineer:Address:rnu An*. r* rrl, tl. ll thon"',2 r o * Detaileddescriptionof work: f&-,,n 7to uo4f A,*e{zl>VndJ t/r) P*n,. Jo aL:,> ffi- ecttk--{op Fiu-a /t*-tg fc-> //a G qs WorkClass: New() Addition( ) nemooelld Repair( ) TempPower( ) other( ) Work Type: Interior 9d Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Duplex( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial lXl Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) f,lo ( Vf Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (lJ No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: veslO No ( ) ************rr***********r.****r(*!r*'rr(****FoR oFFrcE usE oNLy**************,.ffiCD-rtUt*3,*1-1009V-* Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees3 Accepted By: Planner Siqn-off: \WAiI\dAtA\CdCV\FORMS\PERMITS\ELECPERM, DOC C'Df 0ir26t2002 o,,ft\ TO\I/,N OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMTJNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M03-0127 3CB-otrs- Job Address: 714 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 714 W LIONSHEAD UNIT # 583/638 Applied . . : 07123/2003 ParcelNo...: 210107205016 Issued. . : 07/28/2003 ProjectNo I j1;.37,3-olX1 Expires. .: 01124/2004 ovltNER ARTINIAN, RON O7/23/2OO3 Phone: 5 BRTSTOI-, DR MA}THASSET NY 1103 0 Lricense: CONTRACTOR wHrTE WATER PL,UI{BING 07/23/2003 Phone: 97o-328-3708 P.O. BOX 4290 EAGIJE, CO 81631 License: 255-M APPITICANI WHITE WATER PIJTMBING 07/23/2003 Phone: 970-328-37o8 P.O. BOX 4290 EAGITE, CO 81531 L,icense: 255-M Desciption: ADD GAS LINE FOR I COOKTOP,2FIREPLACES.lBARBEQUE Valuation: S5,000.00 Fireplac€ Informalion: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 Mechanical-> 9100 . oo Restuarant Plan Review-> Plm Check-> Investigation-> Will Call--> $25.00 DRBFee---------> So. oo TOTAL FEES- > S128 . oo Tolal Permit F€e_-.> $128 - 00 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of wood P€llet: 0 FEE SUMMARY rtaaltt'trr*aa'rt***aartar+r,rt:t*ta:rttat'rr'rra'rt't't*t:l*:r**t:r**ar+ So. o0 Total Calculated Fees-> $12e . 00 S 0 . o0 Additional Fees---->$0.00 Pa)'ments----> S128.00 BALANCE DUE_---> $O. OO $3 .00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTI{EI{I 07/28/2003 df Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENr CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BL.,DG. ) : FIEI-,D TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAI{CE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 70L oF THE 199? IMC. Cond: 23 (BL,DG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTIJRES INSTRUCTIONS AI{D TO CHAPTER L0 oF THE 1997 UMC, CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 1nr'ne .): c'AS APpr.rrAllcEs SHAIJTJ BE \rENrED AccoRDrNG To cHAprER I AND SHATJL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED rN SEC.805 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF firE 1997 rMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.):, ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMET\IT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 At{D S8C.1017 OF THE 1997 I'MC A}ID CIIAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BI-,DG. ) : BOILERS SHALI-, BE MOITIi|IIED ON FL,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. t]NLESS I,ISTED FOR MOI'MTING ON COI'IBUSTIBI,E FI,OORING. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PLANS AI\ID CODE ANAI,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECEAI\IICAJ, ROOM PRIOR TO A}I TNSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAINAGE OF MECIIN.IICAI ROOMS CONTAINING HEAT]NG OR HOT-WATER SITPPLY BOIIJERS SHALIIT BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. L022 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR :-:.::]-T-.T-:.1;.:-.:j..:T-.'..,.3.],-.1Tl;-.----{|.**:t*|'l**.,3:}'**:})|||*|,ltt|l}t{*.| DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS oR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. src TURE OF OWNER OR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET * *** **+**f ++ 't ** ** ******l **f*******t *****+ ** | l**f**l **f********** +'i + + + *++*t f* * * '} ** {t * + ***,ltt+t * 'TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement + * * * + * 'l' + * * * * {' * * * * * * + 'f * t t t *'i** * **** * * * *** * ** t * * | * f*t * t + * ** * **'t** +*** *** * l' + l'+ + * * **** * *+** r* * * * statement Nudber: R030004388 Amount: $12s.oo o7/28/2oo3o2:01 PM Palzment Method: Check Inits: DDG Notation: Whitewater 106 54 Permit No: M03-0127 TIT)e: MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101072 05 015 Site Address: 714 Yl LIONSHEiAD CR VAIIr Lrocation: 714 W ITIONSHEAD I,NIT # 583/638 Totaf FeeE: $128.00 ThiB Payment: $128.00 TotsaI ALL Pnts 3 $128.00 Balance: $0.00 * * * * * + * * {l* + + + * * * 'i + * * 't** * **,i * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * ** * * t * f + ** +* * * * * *.i.i * + {. {.:} | * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * f * * ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current ftnts MP OO1OOOO31111OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 1OO.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 25.00 |,llc OOIOOOO3iI2BOO t.lILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO APPUcATIoN wILL Nor BE ACcEPTED IF INcoMPLErFol;iWfE: Ory Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O-47 I -2L49 (Inspections) 75 S. Vail, will not be Room Room Duct Calcs. Cut/Spec CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE V TION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials Town of Vail Reg. No.: Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit ***x ******* *************FoR oFFICE USE ONLY** *** for Parcel # \Wail\data\cdcv\FORMS\pERmTSUUECHPERM.DOC *************** \.,f1q zl12- (\ - Eu'tld thqGt ;* t/*u?qr1o't" Atn€ Fx|>fin3 l,/'ue ila l(N""l l'14 ry"li''re Ua; | /Unrriot h,ts 5YsY 6sr frru, op to neut) CsoV 6oP 9qsoo aYUP '/a ,$,te /0q0oo, Fil)s Urtft 587 50 I I ' Uft douJ rt to ? /u,/tu// l2{,,N0 %rj TO\4}I OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M03-0136 913-or?5_ Job Address: 714 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 714 W LIONSHEAD UNIT # 583/638 Applied . . : 08/0t/2003 Parcel No...: 210107205016 Issued . . : 0810112003 ProjectNo : 3fi63o2A1 Expires. .: 0ll28l20$4 owNER ARTTNTAN, RON O8/0L/20O3 phone: 5 BRISTOIJ DR MANI{ASSET NY 1103 0 Iricense: CoNTRACTOR HEARTH Et(CHAl.rGE, rNC. (rHE) 08/01/2003 Phone: 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MIMTI'RN, CO 81545 License: L74-M APPr-,rCANr HEiARTH EXCHANGE, rNC. (THE) 08/01/2003 Phone: 970-a27-9623 P.O BOX 670 MrN:ruRN, CO 8164s License z r.'14-M Desciption: CONVERSION OF 2 WOOD BURNING FIREPLACE WITH GAS LOG SETS Valuation: $3,714.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet; 0 FEE SUMMARY **t *.'r t:lt.'l:rI +.i.'r *t '|:rt 'l Mechanical-> Plan Check--> Invesligation-> Will Call--> 580. 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> s20. 00 DRB Fee---------> $3 .00 So. 00 Total Calculated Fees---> $103 . 00 SO. OO Add'r'onal Fees___> (9103.00) S0. oo TOTAL FEES-------> 5103. oo Total Pennit F€€---->$0.00 $0. 00 90.00 Payments------;' BALANCE DUE_-_-> tt * +r ri t tt ti *rl. ** * Item: 05100 BUILDTNG DEPARTMENT 08/o!/2oo3 DF Action: AP ItCm: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BIOG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IANCE. Cond: 22 (BI.,DG.): COMBUSTTON AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 I'MC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTITRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I'MC, CIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BL,DG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHAITL BB VENTED ACCORDING TO TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED I}I SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR Cond: 29 (BI-,DG.),: ACCESS TO HEATIIiIG EQUIPMENI MUST COMPIJY WITH TT{E 1-997 T'MC AIID EHAPTER 3 OF THE 199? IMC. Cond: 31 (BI-,DG.): BOII-,ERS SHALL BE MOIINTED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNI-,ESS I-,ISTED FOR MOUI{:TING ON COMBUSTIBI,E FI.,OORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AIID CODE AI.IAITYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECI{ANICAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO AI{ INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRjAINAGE OF MECIIANICAIJ ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOII,ERS SHAI-,L BE EQUIPPED WITH A FI.,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 TTMC, OR :'-::]::-::.::-.-:.:j--lT--i-i3-l--]j'l;-*'|'|tlt|.|:|*'|.|..lt'|lt|tt'*|t*|i.,li''**ltl'*..|'''l'|.|:lt*.**i..l|+i'.+4 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full tlre information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHAI-L BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNA WNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE}. CHAPTER I ArD SHALIT CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. CI{APTER 3 A}ID SEC.1.017 OF ,t{Ifr*W 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 8 Building Permit #: Permit will not be Room QQI\TRACTOR INT'ORMATIO N Mechanical Permit #: o : I Flud Vent rl c Equlpment Cut/Spec Sheets Mechanical Conrractoi Town ofVail Reo. No.:Contact and Phone #!:'a/{ &2 7 CoMPLETE VALUATTON igR MECHANTCAL !g1!or & Materials) ConbdEaole Asq sorc Office at 97O-328-86,10 orvisit forPatel #Parc-. -e-reffigorc Job Name: ,/ . -.4rfza /o-t /a1,fi-<e:'2 'f -4oat ,/-36 f-O-Ci-r$ Addrgs: 41uq' ?-ta Detailed ascnptto@ ?- u<.* L.-zza?7..-V4.,<. e/a:, /, S<ts WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration0O Repair( ) fther( ) BoiierLocation: Interior( ) exteriorl 1 Otnerl )Does an EHU o<ist at this location: yes ( ) No ( ) Tvpeofgldg;single-familv( ) Duprex( ) Murh'-family(Ja) commerciatl l nsarrant( )oher( ) No. of Exrsting Dwelling Units in ths buildino:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Is flris a conversion frlm * * * * !* * * ** g::3: :: * * *** rFoR oFEICE' \ - -L- .:.,-f :lTffi.$fiiiffifE F: / rrery!ne/fonnr /n*tfi F:.rrrr ONLY** t *** *:fi *r***,t **********,t** * * * .- ULTIMATE MODELS 18'' I2I" 124" FOR YOUR SAFETY WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS DO NOT TRY TO LIGHT ANY APPLIANCES, DO NOT TOUCH ANY ELECTRICAL SWITCIIES; DO NOT USE A PHONE IN YOUR BLIILDING. IMNTEDIATEIJ CALL YOIIR GAS STJPPLIER FRONT YOUR NEIGHBORS PHONE. FOLLOW YOUR GAS SUPPLIERS INSTRUCTIONS- IF YOU CAN'T REACH YOUR GAS SUPPI-I,,IT. CALL YOUR FIRE DEPARTMENT. FOR YOUR SAFETY DO NOT STORE OR USE GASOLINE OR OTHER FLAMMABLE VAPORS AND LiQiiiDS ii\ TtiL VICINIiI L,i 'l'iifuS UR ANY OTHER APPLIANCES. CAUTION. THIS LoG sET Is To BEUSED IN A FUi'.:_','ENTED NON.COMBUSTIBLE, W OOD-BURNING FIREPLACE. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE proper gas local codes, setset type. This log in the absence set is designed for use of local codes. with the with natural 11g1is13l fr'.t gas only. t-rs rfde, l. 2. .1 J. A.-t. 5. GAS LOG SIZE 18" 2L" 2t" 30" FIREPLACE MINIMUM DIMENSIONS WIDTH DEPTH HIIGHT 24" 26" 36" 14" 14" 14" 14" 20" 20" 20' 20" 4. Do not obstruct the ignition hole at the base of the scent holder with embers. 5. The front base log and the rear base log have to stay where indicated, however, you can rotate the trvig logs around for a different appearance. (, L', rlllrlio:. *ii::r::l:",:.i-lr-.: :l;'lutonehour. Dii;biechcckallwork. If nt.lrexpericnced,callyouritlcalfreplace shop for installation service. Note: Installation should be done by a licensed or qualified gas man. Fig. 5 REAR EMBER PIT EMBERS LAVA noctol _\r :.--:'-=--4<" D ; LAVAj- nocx "'PROP,ER*Q USING THB SCBNT HOLDER Place one stick into the "hollow" center grate bar. Push in 1" past the bend in the grate bar. The scent stick will light automatically. When the scent stick is consumed, pull out the handle and discard properly, make sure the scent stick is completely extinguished. Scent ashes exit at rear of tube. One stick lasts 10 -20 minutes, but the aror":r -'.'ill 11r11 ,i -5 hours. The aroma will emanate 5Vo into the room and 95Vo outside. for a stronger aroma in the room, puil out tire lit scent stick and hold it in the roonr for about 15 seconds, then return it to the holder and enjoy the real 4 R E A! 6. 7. 8. closing manual shut off valve during any pressure testing of the gas supply system at test pressures equal to or less than % PSIG. i 9. Do not use this appliance if any pru't has been under water. Immediately call a qualified ser-'rice technician to inspect the appliance and to replace any gas control which has been under water. CARBON MONOXIDE POISONIN(; MAY LEAD TO DEATH! WARNING WHEN USED (XXIR,LESS, POISONOUS AND FOR COMBUSTION WITHOUT FRESH AIR, UNIT MAY GIVE OFF CARBON GAS. YOU MUST MAKE ADEQUATE PROVISIONS FOR AND VENTILATION AIR SUPPLY. MONOXIDE, AN ACCESSIBILITY l 4. 7. TOOLS RECOMMENDED Adjustable Wrench (6") Open:End Wrench (7 I 16" ) Pipe Thread Sealer (Non-Hartlening) j,' INSTALLATION Remove all ashes or debris from fireplace. This is also a good time to check the damper for proper operation and be sure the gas supply valve is in the "OFF" position. Position the damper stop over the edge of the damper blade and tighten bolt. This should hold the damper partially "open" position, in case of an accidental closure (Fig.l). ) Remove log lighter from fileplace trying not to disturb gas pipe in wall. , Place the bulner pan assembly in the fireplace with tlre scent tube towa-rd you. The vertical baffle should Ue"irlline with the chirnrrey (Fig.2). Apply pipe thread sealel ro rhe supply line coming inro rhe fir'eplace tnl teigl f)l';[.!!iiio the %" pipe on rhe bunrer (Cl tn'ig. 3). Install brass supply fittings (B) & (.D) and tighten (Fig. 3). Install ahrffi\m connector'. r'ttc et:d to fireplace supply (E) and the orlrer end to the 90 deg:pe elbow (F) (Fig. 3). ""r'{# J. connector'. otte encl to fireplace supply (E) and the orlrer end 1o the 90 a,".gpSl"J_U*y (F) (Fig. 3). " ', iilir:fii.-.' When cornpicte check gas connector for'leaks using a SOU7 l,Jp!,.1,iit11p/ t_dtiloiition. Brush over fittings. o!gg.b!r for bubble s. [f seen, further ti-uhten if required. floneywell Y8610U liltrj!'ffillttent Pilot Hetrofit Kit r' af 11 "rlf - ;wl iilrft Each kit includes: - 5861OU lntermittent Piiot l''lcru -'' - VR83O4M Dual Valve Comblnatlon C'ls Ccnlrol' - 392431 lgniter-Sensor. - 394400-30 !g.i1rcn a't'l:- - 393691 Natural to LP Gas Conversion Kii' - Wiring Harness. - :gSOg-0-tq Straight Flange Kit (3' 1 in'' ' - Reducer adapters lor gas controt' - Adhesive mounting oplion for 586i 0' - Inslallation hardware. Temperature Raling: - vilasoq[4: -40'F to 175 F (-40 c io ;9 c). - 58610U: '40'F to 165 F ('40 C to 7l C' if n::in valve current is 1A or less. I75 ,' ., - amoient applies.) I,iIODULE. Uses rectification principle for flame senslng.. Provides 13 kV peak capacilive discharge spark .-...-,,1 ':- ' : rad\',-rr-r \er GENERAL The Y86l0U iS a ccrnclete Ktt +or converting conveniion3l standing pilot systems to intermitienl piiot systems lt s used on gas-iired atmospheric lurnaceE' Doilers. and heating 3oo.iances. Not ior use cn di.rcct venl or power burner ',,:r. rrrgrr \,4eerr ANSI 221.71 staodad for autornatic -':i:nrilen: ;ilal .?iirticn svslems ior field ins:allatlons. F- I -l t'rtF-ii':;.\tUfiE: . Y8610U kits can be used with either natural or LP gas. . Y8610U provides a 90 second maximum ignition trial. shuts olf.'r,/aits six minutes nominal. then reinitiates the : rlot ignition sequence. The ignition trial. shutoff . and wait cycie repeat until the pilot lignts or the call for heal ends. ' Y8610U kits can be used with either natural or LP 3as: ; !'r'..', .:s '.-,.'jr trr3l for ignition and 100 percenl pilot , :L.-ii .n .-...; cf ;lame. GAS CONTROL. Straight through body pattern.. VR8304M capacity at 1 in. wc pressure drop (0.25 kPa pressure drop is izo ft3ihr i7.6 m3,hr;.. Manual ON-OFF valve blocks gas f low into the las control when in the OFF position.. Two main automalic valves-one '!^r ""' J'a'orat id. and one a servo-operated diaphi;, IGNITERiSENSOR. Single electrode made ol Kanthal provides both ignition and f lame sensing.. Rated Ior 1775'F (968'C) at electrode tip. 1250 F (677 C\ at ceramic insuiator. Contents 1 .2 '2 5 f, IJ illlll l.rlul |r|lll lllll lrlll iilll lrll illlil illl lill Y861(iU INTERMITTENT PILAT REIBOFIT KIT SPEC!FlCATIONS IMPOBTANT =he specifica ons dve. in 'his auDlicatian dc not' . .:a a)rn'3i ,.:,,- ;iac:t; .je :cterances. Therelore, ..; .s inrgnt not me;ch ihe isten sDeeifications exactly. Also. units are tes;ed ano calibrated under e losely contro eo conoittons. ant san€ :nncr differences in peiormance cen ee sxpected if thase conciitions are changed. SUPER TRADELINE@ Models SUPER TFADELINEO modeis are selecieo ano Dackeced for ease ol handling, ease of slocKtng, and rnax,Fium iepioiement value. SUPER TRADELINE@ model specrflcations are the same as i!.lse of slandard models, except as noteo. SUPEF THADELINE@ Model Available: Y8610U Intermittent Pilot Retrofit Kit:. Meers ANSI 221.71 Automatic tnierrnrrtent P iot lanrlcn Systems tor Field Installation.. c,-r naiUral Cr l-P OaS aaCli^3ri^^. '.'.''.. mtnutes noTntnai. lhen reinittales :ie :11 ii i::. : ,.' iha,^n,r;^^tnat. i'tulci.. :10 ...,<i.i -, -1 repeats unlrl the ptiot lrqhts or rhe ca,l ior neat e: 100 cerc:nr prlor sh,..:lolf on loss Ji iiame.. S86, )U lnlermltt;.nr Pilot MoCule.. VR8304M Dual Valve Combination Gas Controt.. Rerer to Fig. 1 for other componenrs. Ambient Temperature Flating: '/F,33C+i,l: ..1C F ic 175-F r-;0'C:r l: -'l 58610U: -40"F to 165'F (-40'C to t-l C) ilf m, . ,al,.,e current is 1A or less, 175'F (79.C) maximum ambient aoPlies.) Also reier to lgntler-Sensor spectiica::t s Electrical Ratings: Voitage and Frequency: 20.5 to !3.a Vac 124 Vac nominal), 60 Hz. Current Ratin3: 0.74 (includes both mooule and Thirn:c:lar,,r.rtlicipator Settin-o: O.:A olus cur-' " 'r::r--:s -'f otner oevrces In the thermoslat coni-ol clrcLr:. Relative Humidity Rating: 5 to 90 oercent at 95'F (35'C) Thermostat Compatibility: 'Jc,mpatible with any Honeyweil 24V therrrostai and vi15 competitive 24V thermostats that are powereo rncepencer:ll of lhe mooule. Trlnsformer Sizing: ACC current ratings of Y8610, vent damper. ano an'i li.' :: control system components. Multioly this tolal b',/ 2.iV :: Cetermine the transformer VA requtrement. ,Virino Connections: Beiween the module and gas control: 30 'n. (762 '1n^ ' wiring harness wilh 1/4 in quick-connect termlnals Betrveen the module and the igniter-senscr: 30 - \762 mm) ignition cable with stud termrnal ano , - qurck-connect termlnal. Intermiltent Pilot Module Specilicalions: 58610U Intermittent Pilot l,lodule. lc' ^2.'.ir'':ri ': Lp 'l:l: 3tpircations onl!'. Dimensions: Flame Failure FlesPonse Time; 0.8 SeCOnO maxtmum 31 I C uA 'ame al-ri: :: 'gnition Timing: .j-rcvrdes a 9o Second maximum gnllron irril.. jhJ:s alf. .. . j six mtnu(cs nominal. then reinitiates the pllot lgnrlion seouence. The ignrtion trial, shutoff. wait cycle 'epeals '- n: ine prlot lights or lhe call for heat enos. Durrng :ne shLrls:: sequence, gas is shut ofi 100 percent. Mou411ns3 MOunts in- 6ny position except with terminals up. Recommenuo4 mounting position is with terminals down t0 provide maximunr Frotection lrom dripping water or dust accumulation. Faslen v.ith No. 6-32 machlne screws or No. 3 sheet metal screws of apprcnriate length. Reier to Fig. 12. Spark Generator OutPut: 13 kV peak at 25 pF load (16 kV peak opcn !,i-. Terminals: 1./4 i1. maie quick-connecls. 58610U has l.lo:ex otuo'or ccnnection to Honeyweil D80D Vent Damcer' Once lhe 58610U has powered a vent damper. the mccuLe '/'/orks :^1,' if the venl damper ls connected. ORD EHING i ?'IFORMATIOi\I For oroerinq Informatron lrhen purchas;nc :3giacement and mccernizalion oroducts f rom your TRADELINEI "Ir'oiesa er '1 :-i ;;t;;i;;. '"oi.erto the TFADELjNE3t Cai og or price sneels for complete oroerrng number' or specrfy: 1. SUF :ii -:'i-f :-tNE:r oroer:'umoer. ll .iou have aodittonal questions. ;')e€a jJliher information. Or want lO COmment On OUr OrodUCIS Or sen/lceg ii:::: " :- -'' ohcne:- i. -your local Honeywell Home a.nt S.rLcing Contror sales oflica (check',vnite pages of ohone cirec:or',') 2. Honre and Burlding Ccnt'ol C-::.Ter L:gistics Horrevv,.:il lnC.. 18d5 ;''- Jlas Drive North Minneapolis. lvlinnesota 55'!21-'!: 3E (612) 951-1000 - l:rc:-:.- roir:. . : - -.....1t -.nit:se. i55 Gordon Baker Boao ilcrth'/orx. Cnlar o i',12H lC3 it:i:::c-r' l'-: ::-c Se: .ce ,;iiL:es , .. :- -. ir-i, i::,3: tl lne ,../ortd. t"tanuiliru '',ng in AuSii'alla. Canada. :iniano. :.ancg :;r-"- ' i::^ '.r,:tlt:. l?ir,.-i iic3. sc: r -- " ' - ,--.aa 'i' niccrr. J 3..-. Y861OU INTENMI;:-..17 ;:L)T qETi,CFiT K,,- S8610 INTEFMITTENT PILOT MOOULEWITH WIRING HARNESS -1 i4 392431 IGNITEF.SENSOF ns-.91.,!Ft.Y f, .^ ---- " {'n ALSO INCLUDED: ' riadoi-J- r,,l; -il --aL: i! .r1 , ;oa :in ) '393630.1.1 SiFArG.iT FLANGE {lT .3936S1 NATUSAL .AS TO LP CC:']VEFS OTl K ; 'FEOUCEF BUSI]]NGS FOR GAS CCNTROL ' ,irfiE f.;Jl ; :i, I: .. --........._] Fig. l. Y86i O retrofit kit components. Honeywell Fig. 2. 58610U module dimensions. Y861OU INTERMITTENT PILOT BETROFIT KIT Dual Valve Combination Gas Control Soecifications 'Model:' VR8304M Dual Valve Comblnar,on Gas Controi. Ambient Temperature Rating: -40'' to 175'F i-.10'to 79'C). Capaqilya: 27O ttr lhr (7.6 mr,/hr) at 1 ,n, wc i0.25 kPa) pressure drcp. Pipe Sizeb: 112 in. x 3!4 in. NPT iniet x outlet. a Based on 1 .000 Btunift3. 0.64 specific gravity natural gas at 1 in. ',vc pressure drop i37.3 MJ, rnJ. 0.64 speciiic gravity . natural gas at 0.25 kPa pressJre droo)." With a 112 x 314 ln. stra gnt i ange lincluded). - ':. :::--':: Mounting: Can be mounted from 0 tc 90 cegrees. .n anv direclon. trom the gas control upncnt pos iron. Pressure Hating: Ve psig (3.45 kPa) inlet pressure. Terminals: 1/4 in. male quick-connect terminals. lgniter-Sensor Specif ications Model: '92431 lgnitersensor. Includes igniter'senr^' ;round rod, and adapter (refer to Fig. 1 ). Dimensions: Refer to Fig. 4. Eleclrode/Flame Rod Material: Kanrnal. Maximum Temperature Flatings: Grourld Fod rip:177a'= 1968^ C) Ceramrc Insulator: 1250 F (677 C). Mounling: ReolaceJthe thermocouple on the existing pilot burcer' UNOEA CAP iCii:,'r ' . aa\vE'.:=t\c: oFT a:rAi-) , ;?ral\G :E3i,1NA :l I ouruer 'PrLor ourLET \ prLcr ;olus -'.lElr ",J|JOEA CAP :;)l) !NLE']- ol,rc^.:3N'rE:- -.t rur-rr I . GAS ac)TFoL <frCB ) ,'t't irg. 3.'rii330.rl', ,ncunting dimensions in in. (mm)' l.-4_i --l r'i t+I lLrsrr ;ic.:in in. (mml. Y86 1 OU I NTER M ITTENT P I LOT RETRA F'' PL,\i\INI I'IG TH E I NSTALLAT! OiI Iniermittent pilot systems are used on various types ol centralhearing equipment and on heating applianc"s d,i.n uicomI..r9r'c:ai i:cKers. agricultural equipmenl, lncus:rral neatrng equtpment, and pool heaters. Some of these aDol caiirins.c:n make heavy demands on.he controls, either aa.a ' :_: I i:-c.t.-iatnt cycling or because of -:, - ..3. corrcstvec;.en.c;:s, Jui:, .ir excessive heal in the 9:.r ,-,r. .-enl. lnthes! r:clicaticns. special steps could be re. ji .; ,6 plevent i.rui 'i"5 snr'rcalvns and premature controt r:i, . .. -ltese aDpt|.rations reouire Honeywell Home and Butlotng Control cncrneenng revlew: contact your Honeywell Sates Representative for assistance. Frequent Cycling orovide covers for the module :.r3'le fas control that 3' environmental contamtniii - '. -r ,:l : ercicstiie i recommended for the Igr' :;: : ':ll :::€ ::'e El:;:rc:' : lgniiion Service Manual. form 70-6604. Heat The controls can be damaoec bv ".'ici\.';r': rioh temperatures. Make sure .': -' ';l : " '-' =' . at the control location oc,' : J ' l-l .. i -: control. lf the apoliance norr.ai / ' 'lles .jl very h c1 iemperalures; insulation. sniei'J '- i i,r 'rr-'!ra, ' ' r: b:) necessiiry to protect ll'e c: n' : s. :' .): :'r ' - .'. - - shielding should be orovrc:'J b, '" :oc: .':9 :---,' :::'. make sure adequate air clrculatrcn rs malnlalneo 'vnen :. aooliance is installed. When Installing this Product,.. . Da?,.1 t!.4c?: ^..r.,^+i^^c.^rdi|i'., ::;;, ,? -- !- u,\./ ,-ciiilqge .. i; , t--*-. condition. 2. Check the ratings ,: . trooucl to ensure : applrcatlon. lnstaller musl be a tratned. -6xpeflenceo ser.'ic3 technician. After complettng installalion. use rhese irlrii.. .. - - check oroduct ooerali.r. IMPORTANT 1. lnstaller must comp'v ,/,/tik ): .:c_3s and ordinances of the Nationat ruei vode (ANSI 2223.1-NFPA No. 54) and Nationat Electricat C (ANS| NFqA No.70).2. lnstaller must fill in and attach label to aopliance Deng converted. 3. Use Y8610 Retrofit Kit ont,t ,.,ith atmosDn. - : burners. Do not;.. , :: power burners. 4. Do not use the Y8610 Retrofit Kit with mercurv 3 or 250 to 750 mV pitot systems. Water or Sieam Cleaninc Once e :'nodule or gas conrrci ,a! .1. t can ooerater.i,r:i ,-:Jiv and must be replaced. ,, -:e is ileaned ',vrlt ,valer or steam, :he controls -. . . ,.eo.",irrno - should be covered so water or sleam flow cannot rei.l tn",The controls should be high enough above ::re cabinel bonom so flooding or splashing water can not reach them dunng normal cleaning procedures. lf necessarv shield the controls to protect them frorn :,. -ing waler. A NE:,:A .. enclosure is recommended for the rgnition module; see the Electronic lgnition Service Manual, forr -3.6604. High Humidity or Dripping Water uver llme. dripping water or high ''nbienl humidity can create unwanted eleclrical paths on rfte module circuit board, causrng the module to lait. Never install an aooliance where "va,er can drip on the controis. In addition. high ambient humidity can cause the gas control to corrode. and finally to fail. When the appliance is installed in a humid armosphere, make sure air circulation around the module and qas control rs adeqLate to prevent condensation. lt is also- important ro regularly check out the system. A NEMA 4 enclosure could be neeCeo: see the Eiectronic lqnition Service Manual, form Z0-6604. Corrosive Chemicals CJrrosi;rt ahemtcals can alSO attaok the module and gasic-rr:r ano eventually cause a fajlure. Where chemicajs areusea rouiirely lor cleaning, make sure the cleaning soiution cannot reach the controls. Where chemicals could-be suspendec in air, as In some industrial and agricultural applrc€tions. protect the ignition module f.om exposure with a NEMA 4 enctosure: see the Electronic lgnjllon Servlce Manual. form 70-6604. Dt: ^t lr ^re? .'e AcCUmUlatiOn , ....,rn of dust or grease can cause the controis to i'riGltu;tcl jon. ',vhere dust or grease can cause a oroblem. A A wnnNtNG FIRE OR EXPLOSION HAZ,AFD CAN CAUSE PROPERTY DAI.lAGE. SEVEHE INJURY, OR DEATh. Follow these warnings exacfly: 1. Disconnect the power supply before wiring lo prevent electricai shock or eauioment damac:2. TO aVOtd dangerOrrs .^^.,,nUlati^F ^r ,..-' .-,:i. turn off gas sur. betore startinE - ....: .;" ^ l-.""k Tesl immeotately tottowtng the Inslallat:c,3. Never insrall where water can flood. drio. or condense on module or gas control. Never usimodule or gas control that has been wet. Il we conrrots can malf unction and lead to an , accumulation of explosive gas.O ?,o_l?, light or operate eleclric switches. lightsaopl,anc€s until yc:.: jie jure ..., ippliance ;i.,rs-lree of. gas Liqueiied pelroteum (Lp) gas rsheavier than arr and does nor vent uoyraidnaturail\1 Y861OU INTERMITTENT PILOT RETROFIT KIT Perform the Preinstallation Safety Inspection The preinstallation checks described in ANSI Standard221.71 .in the ANSI Standards section musibe b"rf*rn.O ,before_installing the yg6iO. lt an unsate conOitiSi'i. O"i*t.orne apprrance should be shut off and the owner advis"O oi rn"uns_afe ccndition. Any potentialty unsafe condition ;;;f t;corrected before proceeoing with the Installation. Maintenance Requirennents in Severe EnvironmentsRegutar preventive rnarn:enance ls tmportant in anyapplication, but especially in commerclal cooking, igriculturar,and jndustrial applicatiors because:. ln thesJ icplicatlons .ne :jcurD;rienl operates .100.C00 to2oo,0cil cvc jes.per i._,-r j, Such nu"uy iy.iing-""-;*# ortthe gas conrrcl in one to two years.,q nbrmil lorced air lr1.ll:: ],1" originat appticatii,n ror' t,e contr;i;i;;,;;, "operates less than 20,000 cycles per year.. Exposure to water, dirt, chemicals, anb heat can damaoe!L. ,n^-t In ^'.r-- .--. .:^,:^, -..:.' - - iystetil. ,{ NEivlA + enclosure can reouce exDosure toenvironmenral conraminanls. See EtecrronJilti;;-Service Manual, form 70-6604. ;o TFANSFORMER lo. F A:.] S FC NI,l EF :! ',: - r; TO THE.I:.!OS- -IO TPANSFCRMER .nu.*our "r'";;;;;'; ;" "n;;;"ri.""t; :r*'*: r'i:'' '1 sprce rogerner *,h-on' o, ,n" *,r" nuts oro\'cEc. A @ l-abel and remove:ile remaining wires.A WARNII.jG A F'REcRExpLosroNHAZARD a wnnNlNG CAN CAUSE pROpERTy Olfr1;lOE, Do not bend the pilot gas tubing at the gas controt cr SEVEBE lNJURy, OR DEATH. a1 the pilot burner to prevent gas leakage at the Do not attempt to disassemble or clean the module. connectron. lmprooer reassembly and cleaning ""n ".r""--- - unreliable ooeration. q! '|v v'vq' "' 'v eo' I (-ctuse O Disconnect the pilot tubing at the gas control. Cut otf and discard the compression fitting. Do not disturb the Marntenance frequency rn rjsi be determined individually fo. cofilpta55isn fitting or pilot tubing at the pilot burner. each application based on: (l 9isconner.'t the thermocouple teia at md gas control.. Cyiting trequencl4 Appliances fhat cycle more than 20,. {hr @ Disconnect the q9-piOing at the gas contiol. tirires innually stioutd'be checked monthlv. 'ev @ Discard the gas contral.. lntermiftent use: Appliances that are usedseasonally ,r-_-..^ ?L-__ -should be checked before shutdown and again before the RgmOVg ThefmOCOUple nefi use. nscrew or snap the thermocouple out of the pi:.. Consequence of unexpeeted shutdowniWhete the cost oi discard. See Fio. 6. an unexpectcd shuidorvn is high, the system should be checked more often. NoTE: lt could be necessary to pull out the main burner for' Dusty, wet, or corrosive environmenf. Because these access to the pilot burner. Do not move or retocate theenvlronmenls can cause ihe conlrols to deteriorate more pilot burner. Do not bend tubing near the pilot burner.rapidly, the system should be checked mofe often. Any control should be replaced it it does not perform properly during Checkour or Troubleshooting. tn additron, replace any moduie if it is wet or looks like it has been wet. proiective enclosures. see Planning the Installation, are recommendeo regardless .f c reckout frequency. Remove Standing Pilot Gas Control O lf the gas control has a common termrnal(s). rernove BEf,!OVE IHEBMOCOI.]FIE Shut Dow,t ,lppliai::e Turn off the gas sLpDty at the appliance service valve. Do nol use the gas control knob. Turn off the electricity at the service entrance. Check Appliance Wiring The standin j oilot gas control wires are used with the yg61O i<it. Carefu I .tentif,.f 'j i?g the yrircs before disconnecting. See Fig. 5 ior rhe rn.it cc;nmon :,.:es of terminal arrangemenls. o @ M6852 Fig. 6. Bemove thermocouple from pilot burner. Y861OU INTERMITTENT PILOT RETROFIT KIT SNAPPEO ONTC] ;tIE PILOT BUFNER OR /TS GAS LINE, unt grcund rod on pilot burner. lnstallthe Gas Control A wnnNrNG FIRE OR EXPLOS]ON HAZARD CAN CAUSE PROPERTY DAMAGE, SEVERE INJURY, OR DEATH. Follow these warnings exactly: 1 . Do not bend the pik-'t ' ' - :r :re r:s control or at the pilot bu, .. 'e compression fitting is tighiened. Gas leakage at the connection can result. 2. Always install a sediment trao in the gas supll'/ line Io prevent contamt.ition ol::e gas ;cltral. 3. Oo not lorce the gas col)lrol kn:5. '''se only your hand to turn the gas control kncc. il lire gas control knob does not operate by nand. ihe gas control should be replaced lv " lL:: 'iei service technician. Force or attemi,.ei i-,';lt ca|] r.1s.i,! rn a f ire or explosion. IMPORTANT These gas controts are shiDDed with grcieciive see,s over the inlet and outlet la;;.rl;;:. Do 1ot rcmove L\e seals until ready to connect the ototnc. Converting Between NaturarciriJ LP C'-' A wnnNtNG FIRE OR EXPLOSION HA71PN CAN CAUSE PROPERTi' SEVERE INJURY, OR DEA..1. Do not attempt to use 3 g.is ccrtrc,sel for nalural gas on LP gas or a gas control set for LP gas on natural gas. 2. When making a conversion, main and pilot burner orilices must be changed to meet aoplianle manufacturer soecific:. '- :. To convert from natural qas to Lp Conversion Kit that is indtuOed with rhe irc.--,...,,Iittenr Pilot Fletrofit Kit. To convert from Lp to natural gas. use the 394588 Natural Gas Conversion Klt (ordered sloaratelv). Step-opening gas controls cannot be converted. To convert control from one oas to another: Q Turn off the main gas iupply to:i.' -;:r,a.ce.@ Remove the regulator cap scr: .. _-- l ^ regulator adiusting screw. See Fig. j. @ Remove the existing spring.O insen the replacem6nt spring with rhe taperec end down. See Fig. 9.O Install the new piastic pressure requtato. ?C:, s.---. screw so that the top of the :: the top of the regulator. Turn thc Jr.- . r . .;\r. ..,r adluslment screw clockwise six comolete turns. This nroygCgg a pretiminary pressure sening of about J 0.0 rn. )1c !?..s k?a) for Lp regutaror and 3.5 in. wc (0.9 kpa;tor nalural gas requlator. Gl Check the regulat-or setting either with a manometer or ^ by clocking the gas meteiSee rhe Checkout section-?, Insla Ine new cap screw.o Mount the conversion label on the coni:" .tz| ,lt]3! ]!" controt and appriance accoro.nq :o ihe appttance manufacturer tnsiructjons. SLIP NUT OFFADAPTER ANO CLAMF GROUNO ROO IN P!LOT WITH SHOULDF^ ABOVE CL{IIP AS S!/OWN AE SUFEiHE GFOUNO CLIP tS Fig, 7. Mo MOUNTING IGNITEF.SENSOA STUD TEPI.4II.JAL orLCT iL t::.:: - GFOt, N D aoo cLrP PII.OT GAS TUSING f,le86: rod. lnstall lgniter-Sensor Assembly {t Insilit ihe gJround rod, if needed. Sei fig. Z.. t"icuirr aoaprer to the ground rod, if n6eded.. Alrgn ihe ground rod so the clip huqs the oilol blrner and keeps rhe ground rod from rotiting. See rig. 3.. :r:cn lhe ground rod in place of the thirmocrupre on rhe pilot burner. push the ground rod all the rvay up and fasten as shown in Fio. 7. @ Slice ihe igntter-sensor mountini bracket ov,.- .l .to of lhe ground iod. @ Adjust the electrode position so the electrode tio and spark gas are in the pilot flame. TUrn the orouno roo to mo', e rhe rgniter-sensor up ano down. @ Chect< that the chosen position allows room to con eci the 'gil|tion cable to the stud terminal.O ;ighlen the selscrews on the mountir,i. it,acket usingthe hex wrench provided. PUSH-INTYPE |l L.J fln NH Gic! ,o Fco SCREW.IN TYPE CLAMPTYPE Fig. A. Fasten igititer-sensor lo ground Y8616U 'I,ITERMITTENT 'ILCT RETROFIT KIT Install Adapters to Gas Control (if used) 39369!-14 Straight Ftange (3/a in,) Remove the seal over the qas conrrol inlet or ou et. Make sure that the O-rrng is fitted in the rlange groove. lf the O-nng is not artacn-eo Jr missino. do not use the f lanoe. O With the O-ring facing the gas control. align the gas control threaded holes with the flanoe clearance holes.O lnsert and tighten the screws provid-ed with the flange, Tighten the screws to 25 inch counds ol toroue lo provide a gas tight seal. Bushings It) Ren:ove the seal over the qas control iniet or ou:let. €) Apply a moderate amount 6f good quality pipe compound to the bushing, leaving the two end threacs bare. For an LP installatron. use l comoound resistan{ lo LP gas. Do not use Teflon tape. @ Insen the bushing in the gas control and thread the pipe carefully into the bushing untrl tight. oo NATRUAL SILVER STAINLESS Fig.9. Installation of conversion kit in regulated gas conlrol. Install Gas Control Piping All pipe must comply with local codes and ordinances or with the National Fuel Code /ANSI 2223.1 NFPA No.54), whichever spplies. T.ubing inslallai'rn must compiy with aooroved :tanoards anx :r;.a irces. (l Use new. properly reamed pipe free f rom chips. lf tubing is used, ensure that ends are square, deburred, and crean. All tubing bends must be smooth and withcut deformation. @ Run the new pipe or tubing to the gas conlrol. When tublng :s used. ..:t'un a tul - -ro-pipe coupling to cor. ect lhe lub'r' :,' :" -., ' r conlrol. €) In.-iall a sedimenl li'ap n i" , ;as supply line. See Fig. 10 I- !-i -:l I oLl eelos ttt nlETALt',o TUBING SHOULD 8E SMOOifl A ^^,,.,^". cu' 'r OFF TqE MAIN GAS SLPPL" eEFCFaa liX "ilj j'cnevENr GAS FRoM FTLL.NG rhE woFn rn-; i6jI J^3 lenx.roe wHEN tNsrALLAlcN rs coMp-E-E. CAP SCFEW REGULATOF ADJUSTING SCREW g',- t- Vt'-' SjI :.t-1t;; Fig. 10. Install sediment trap. Mount Gas Control O The gas control can be mounted lrom 0 tc l in any direction including vertically' from the uprrght posuiorl ef lhs gas control knob. O Mount the sas control so the gas flow is in same direction as the arrow on the gas control bottom. @ Thread the pipe as listed. in Table 1 . NOTE: See Table 1 for maximum pipe threaiing depth. lf the pipe is inserted t',.- the gas control, the second ma,r, .. salety valve can dlstort or malfunction. Apply a moderate amount ol good quality pioe compound to pipe only; leave the lwo end ::'':?- I -:'3. Do not use teflon tape. ln LP installations. us: j compound resislant to LP gas. See Fig. 1 1 . Remove protective seals over the gas conlrol inlet and outlet, if necessarY. o o ) tl. t:e '.1) Table 1. NPT pipe thread lenglh (in.). Pipe Size Overall Thread Length Maximum Depth Pipe Can Be lnserted lnto Gas Control 3/8 9/16 3t8 3/4 3t4 13/16 3t4 Y861OU INTEBMITTENT PILCT RETROFIT KIT TWO IMPEFFECT THREADS ' GAs coNTRoL ---Tn^""a". t -_}f.\^fair4r a| '|''| I I'i i{il I\ ' ,prpE'[,1rt--l"^,;;,$J O------hr$J-ilFEA; pr.E aaRFEcr L[:.JGT; AppLy A ^/.DERATE AMouNT oF ilff "?"ffs:l'" lfl fll'" 3 \",., Fig. 11. Use moderate amount of pip" "orpou'iat G) Connect the pipe tc the qas control inlet and outlet. Tighten ihe inlet ano outlet connections usinq a rvrench on the gas conlrol projecting wrench boss. S-ee Fig. 3. Connect Pilot Gas Tubing O Cutfhe pilot gas tubing and bend as necessary for routing to the pilot burner.. Do not make sharp bends or deform the tubinq.. 3: -:i _tno ine iuDing at the gas control a,: i:ne compression nut has been tightened; gas leaKage at lhe connection can result. MOUNT IN ONE OF THESE POSITIONS Square off and remove the burrs from the tubino end. Unscrew lhe brass compiess'-r, . - '.om oiloi oas outlet (see Fig. 3). Slip the titting ,.-i ...; oriot oai tubing and slide out 01 the way. NOTE: When repiacing a gas contrc:. .5e old compressjon litting and replace vv,i,t - e new compression fitting provided on the new gas control. Never use the old compression fittjng as it might not provide a gas tight seal. See Fig. 12. Push pilot gas tubing into the pilot gas tappins unlil it bottoms. While holding the tubing all the \ydy in, slide the compression fitting inio clace ano enr,l:ge threads. Turn the fitting until finger rigirt -rse a wrench to tighten one more turn. Do not overrighten. Connect other end of the pilot gas tubing to the pilot burner according to pilot burner manulacturer instruciions. Fig.'12. Always use new compression fitting. Meunting 58610U Intermittent Pilot Module Se:.;cr e rocalion close to the pilot burner to allow the ignition cable to run to the igntter-sensor. The ambient temperature and other conditions should malch those listed in the Soecificalions. ',Ve recaminend mounting the module with the terminals down so :ne ierminars are protected from dripping water and dust. tr can also be mounteo,,virh the terminals on eilher side. Do not mount the a:1Jr1i3,vit!'i5" teiminals pointing up. See Fig. 13 'ct | ^.c- '' j .ions. Fasten the module securelv ,vrih four l{o. 5-3: r ialn;ire screws or No. 8 sheetmetal scre',vs of aDDrooriate lenolh. oo a o DO NOT MOUNT WITH TERMINALS FACING UPt Fig. 13. 58610 mounting recommendations. Connect lhe lgnition Cable {) Connect one end ot the ionition cab . .- --.: - connect SPARK terminal on the i,;.: . _ r. @ Connect the other ignttion caDte eno to rne J9243.1 lgniler-Sensor. Connect the Vent Damper The D80D Vent Damper can be used with all ionition modules. although the Molex plug provided on some mo-oules simplifies wiring connections when used with the D8OD Flr.^.i.r Vent Damper. Once a module wrth a venr damper ::_- ,s [.c.v€re!a vent damper circuit. it cannot be used in a qaslvstern withour a vent damper. A non-replaceaole iuse n thJmoolte blows on TERMINALS FACING DOWiI .].]GHi!I/ N!-IT CIJE TUFN BE /CND;:IiGE; TiGHT FITTING BREAKS OFFANO CLINCH€S TUBING AS NUT ISTIGHTENED Wiring the System A CAUTION Disconnect the power supply oerore r,'iak..tf ./ri:- connecrions to prevent electlicar shock or equ,pment damage. Y861CJ iNTEFlvttrTZ:,iT FtL)T RETROFTT KIT initial oower-up. Once this fuse has blown, the module does not work untess the venl darnoer is ccnnected. To connect the plug-rn vent damper:(D Remove and discerd the vent damper plug from rhe module lerminal strip. @ Usrng the wiring ha:'.ress suoplied, insert the marching prn olug into the r:.: totacre on lhe module and the other end to the venl Oamper. To connect the D80B ,/ent Damper, foilow the wiring olagrams supplied with the vent damper. Connect SE610 l'lodule (D Connect the gas control and other remaininc svslem components to the ignition module terminals- ai shown in Fig. 14 through 1 6:. Fig. 14 shows a basic circuit for a healino on:v atmospheric burner system.. Fig. 15 shows a hearing oniy atmospheric burner system with a D80D Vent Damper.. Fig. 16 shows a hearing onty system with a D8OB Vent Damper. O Adiust the thermostat heat anticipator to match the system current draw. The current draw equals the total current required Jor the ignition mod:la 10.2.4) plus the gas conlrol and any other auxiliary equipment in ihe control circuit. Connect Ground Control Systenr The rgnrter, flame sensor, and rgnilion mcd' j!- ,nusi sitare 3 common ground wilh the main burner. O Connecl the ground wire with ihe fer , ' ''{ .n. :uick' connect terminal to the male quick-connect GND iBURNER) terminal on the ignrlion modlie. A SinD the other end of the wire and f:i:i:r ' .rii:ef '.:-c gn[er brackel mounting screw. . f I]! ce js-rr ',/, .:j0 i shield to protect the ground wire from radlant neat. O The burner serves as the common grounding area, if there is not a good metal-to-metai contact betu/een burner and ground, fun a lead from the bi.,rner l: qra!no. NOTE: Earth ground is not required. a' lt Th EqMosT A LIMIT CONTROLLER COVi EF SUPPLY PFOVIDE DISCONNECT I\IE!NS A]\]O OVEPL'AD PROTECTiON AS FECUIRED AL:EFNATE - MIT CONTROLLEF LOCATION. CONTROLS ]N 24V CIRCUIT IvIUST NOT 8E J\ GRCLiiD L€G TO TCATISFCFI'4ER ;U"IPEi i'/]RE FFOI\,4 CIRCU T SOABD TO SENSE C3INECTCF FELTAINS IN PLACE, ',''E6I A Ar----\ /;r At_l_\ \ VENT ::.ro -rrv 9Af'1:ER.,1y.,7 ",7 ;.lppp, iic '"v -"-t, F--G sE\sE SoaF/ Fig. 14.Y8610 in typical atmospheric burner heating system. Y861OIJ INTERMITTENT PILST RE'TROFIT KIT /\ u.* cjg_. __. 11: -.. .,',.* - Bf,ff* I aowen sueerv. enovlDE DrscoNNEcr MEANS aNo ovERLoAD PnorEcrloN As REaUIFED A ,TLTEF'{ATE L i,tII CONTFOLLER LOCATION A coNTRoLS rh i4v crBcurr MUST Nor BE rN GRoUND LEG To raaNSFoFl''lEF I aer.toue cruc l'ru , , ,,ENT oAMpEF FUSE BLows oN STAFTUP wftEN PLUG is FEMovEo ANo vElT - oA[rPER wr8,r'o ' ' -r:LEo iieri,r-o-o-uribpirieies oNLY WHEN vEllT DAMPEF lscoNNEciED A ,urra, ru,^a r""' '..'O SENSECONNECTOR FEMAINS IN PLACE' Fig. 15. Y8610 in typical atmospheric burner heating system with D80D Vent Damper' ENO SWITCH LIMIT CONTFOLLER 7\ eowen sueerv PRovloE olscoNNEcr Ma{,{s ANo ovERLoao PRorEcrloN As FEoUIBED I oate"*ote a,t ,t coNTRoLLEF LocarroN A ""na"oaa," aou "laculr MUsr Nor gE tN GRouNo LEOro TRANSFOFMEF' [ "o*|,!.C' U.'' OO"PER TEFMINAT I To TH.W. LEAVE24V OPEN' OO NOT REMOVE VENT OAMPEF PLU6' a\ co.o"s "rae" to *rRE HAFNEss rF usEo. i\ .r""a* un'"e t"otn ciFculr BoABo To SElisE coNNEcroB aEMAlNs lN PLACE Fig. 16.Y8610 in typical atmospheric burner heating syslem with D80B Vent Damoer' ..Y8610U INTERMITTENT PILOT RETROFIT KIT CHECKOUT Check out the gas control system:. At initial appliance installation.. As pan of regular mainlenance Drocedures. Maintenance intervals are deterrnined by the application- See Planning the Insrallation section lor more iniormation.. As the first Troubleshooting slep.. Anytime work is done on the svstem. A wenNtNG FIFE OR EXPLOSION HAZARD CAN CAUSE PROPERW DAMAGE, SEVERE INJURY, OR DEATH. 1. lf you smell gas or suspect a gas leak, turn off the gas at the manual service valve and evacuate the not touch any electrical switch or telephone in rhe buiiding until no spilled gas remains. 2. Perform the Gas Leak Test after initial lnstallationrir :n\,+i-O,r/C-k iS ira:-:r r- -,- -- -i.. -^ STEP 1: Perlorm a Visual Inspeclion.. With the oower ofi, make sure ail lviring conneclons are clean and trght.. Turn ofi .rl power to aopiiances and the iqnition module.. Open manual shurott vatves in rne gas lirie to the applrance.. Perform Gas Leak Test. AIA WARNING FIHE OR EXPLOSION HAZARD CAN CAUSE PROPERW DAMAGE, SEVERE INJURY, OR DEAT {. Check for gas leaks with soap :nd water solution anytime work is done on a gas control. Gas Leak Test (D Paint all orpe connections upstream of the gas control with a rich soap and water solution. Bubbles Indicate a gas leaK. €) lf a gas leak is detec:::, :'. ilen ii,e il.pL -.r''.."3t,on. O Stand clear while lighting the main burner to prevent injury caused trom hidden gas leaks, which could cause flashback in the appliance vestibule. Light the main burner. O With the main burner in operation. paint all pipe joints (including adapters) and gas control rnlet and outlet with a rich soap and water solution. O lf another gas l-"ak is detected. tighten the adapter scre$:. icinlg :n1 pipa connections. @ Replace the part if the gas leak cannot be stopped. STEP 2: Beview Normal 0perating Sequence and Module Specitications.. See Specif ications and Operation sections. STEP 3: Reset'he r.'1:rle' . Turn the rnernro:tat to its iowest setting.. Wait one minute. As you per{orrn Sleos 3 thr.r':h 9. watch for points where operation oer./lalss ifcn 'ir::']ai. See the Troubleshooting Guide. Fio. 1 9. to correct the oroblem. STEP 4: Check Salery Shutotf operation. Turn the gas supply off at the manual shutoff '.'3lve. Set the thermostat or controller above the roon temperature to call lor heat. walch ior spark at pilot burner. Time spark from start to shutoff. See Specifications sectton. Open the gas control knob and ensure no gas is flowing to the pilot or main burner. Set the thermoslat below the room temperature ano walt one minute belore continuing. STEP 5: Check and Adiust Gas Input to Main Eurner. A cnuloN 1. Do not exceed the inpul rating stamped on the aooliance nameolate. or manutacturer o o o onf ice(s) useo. MaKe sure the matn ourner primary air supply is properly adjusted for complele combustion (see the appliance manufacturer lnstructions). _..1,]]!]i'-.J.-. MaKe sure that the only gas flolv througn the meter is that of the appliance oelng :;si3... Make sure that other appiiances are turned otf 2pd that the pilot burners are extinguisi- "-: ior deduct the gas consumptions from the meter reading).. Convert the tlow rate to Btuh as described in the Gas Controls Handbook, totm 70-6202 and compare to the Btuh input rating on the annliance nameolate. 3. lf checKrr,g gas inpu. wttn a manometer (pressure gauge):. Make sure the gas control knob is in the PILOT position before removing the outlet prescure tap plug to connecl the manometer'. Turn the gas control knob back to PILOT when removing the manometer and replacing the outlet pressure tap plug.. Shut off the gas supply at the applie- c-' service valve or, for LP gas, at the - ., before removing the outlet pressure tap plug and before disconnecting lhe manometer and ''eplacing the outlet pressure tap plug.. Perform the Gas Leak Tesl at the inlet pressure tap plug. The gas control output pressure should matcn the manifold pressure listed on the appliance narneprate. With the main burner operaling, check the gas conlrol flow rate using the meter clocking method or check the gas pressure using a manometer connected to the gas control outlet pressure tap. See Fig. 3. lf necessary, adjust the pressure regulator to match the :^^li.^^a r.li^^ Gas control oullet pressure is normally set at 3.5 in. wc (0.9 kPa) nominal for natural gas. lt can be adjusted irom 3 to 5 in. wc (0.74 to 1.2 kPa). Gas control outlet pressure is normally set at l0 in. wc (2.5 kPa) nomrnal for LP gas. lt can be adjusted lrom 8 to l 2 in. wc (2 to 3 kPa).a. Remove the pressure regulator adlustment cap and screw.b. Using a screwdriver, turn the inner adjustment screw clockwise to increase or counterclockwise to cecrease the main burner gas pressure.:. .\lr,avs reDlace the cap screw and t ghten iirrniv. Y861OIJ INTERMITTENT PILOT RETROFIT KIT , @ ll the desired outlet gas pressure or gas ilow rate cannot be achieved by adjusting the gas contr6l, check the gas conlrol inlet pressure using a manomet€r at the inlet pressure tap. lf the inlet pressure is in the normal range, replace the gas control; otherwise. take the necessary sleps to provide proper gas pressure to the gas conlror. STEP 6: Adjusl Pilot Flame. The pilot llame shoulo envelop 318 to 112 in. (10 to 13 rrm) 0f the ground rod and tip of the igniter-sensor. See Fig. 17to aciiust the oilot f lame. IGNITER.SENOR TIP IN PILOT FLAME GROUND ROO . Make sure the main burner lights smoothly wilhout flashbacK'. Make sure the main burner operates smoothly wilhout floating, litting, or flame.rollout to lhe furnace veslloule or heat builduP in lhe vestlDUle'. iiin" qu. line has been dislurbed, complete :he Gas Leak Test lo-llowing SteP 1 .. Turn the theimostat or controller below the room temperature. Make sure the main burner and pilot {lames go out. OPERATION system operation is ciividec into two stages: 1. Trial for ignition. 2. Main burner oPeralion. See Fig. 18 for the normal operating sequence Trialfor lgnition Pilot lgnition Following the call lor heat, the module energize3 ihe f irst main valie operator. The lirst main valve opens' which allows oas to llow to the pllot burner. At the same tl:"r- j. :ire ?lecir:nic ;park generator in lhe module produces a htgn voltage sp3:k pulse output. The voltage generates a spark at the igniter' sensor thal lights the Pilot. lf the pilot does not light, or the pilot llame current is not at least 1 .O uA and steady, the module can not energize the second (main) valve and the main burner can '.1'rraht. After 90 seconds maximum, the syslem shuts .ll, .-. . .',.- pilot valve closes; trial for ignition restarts after a minimum of five minutes (six minutes nominal). lgnition, shutoff, and wait sequence repeats until pilot lights or call for heat ends. Main Burner Operation When the oilot Jlame is established, a :'.r ^ .- ' :;'-:i^n circuit is completed between the sensoi ..' - The flame sensing circuit in the module detects the f lame current, shuts off the spark generator and energizes the second main valve operator. The second main valve opens and gas flows to the matn burner, where it is igniled by the pilot burner. When the cail lor heat ends, both valve operators are de- energized, and both valves in the gas control close. PROPEFI FLAME AOJUSTIT4ENT ELECTROOE SCFEW IGNITER.SENSCR ASSEMALY TERMINAL Fig. 17. Proper llame adiustment. Remove the pilot adiustment cover screw. see Fig. 3. Turn the inner adiustment screw clockwrs€ to decrease or counterclockwise to increase the pilot flame. Always replace the cover screrv atter adiustn:cnt and tighten firmly. STEP 7: Check othet System Componenls. On Fumaces: Make sure the limit controller and fan conlroller are operating in accordance with the appliance manuf acturer instructions.. On Boilers: Make sure the circulating water pumps, low .. 1i9r cutofts, autom3lic '?ed controllers, pressure and :- roerature limit contrcirers, and reliel valves are operating in accordance with the appliance manuJacturer recommendations. STEP 8: Check Normal operation. Sel the thermoslat or ccntroller above the room temperature to call for heat.. Make sure the pilot lights smoothly when the gas reaches the Dilot burner, oo o Y861OU IT'ITERMITTENT PILOT RETROFIT KIT START {/ STAGE 1 -FIAL FOR IGNIIIION STAGE 2 MAIN EUFNER OPEFATION Y END Fig. 18. 58610 normal ooaratlng sequence. TROUBLESHOOTING MPONTANT 1. The following seNice prccedurcs are provided as a geneal guide. Follow appliance manufacturer service instructions if available. 2. Metet readings between gas contrcl and ignition module musl be taken within the tial fot ignition period. Once the ignition module shuts off, wait for rctry ot rcset at the thermostat. 3. lf any component does not function properly, make surc it is correctly installed and wircd betore replacing it. 4. The ignition module cannot be repaired: if it malfunctions, it must be replaced. 5. Only trained, experienced service technicians should service intemittent pilot systems. Perlorm the Checkout (see Checkout section) as the tirst step in troubleshooting. Then check the appropriate lroubleshooting guide (Fig. 19) e.no ti'e schematic diagram (Fig.22) to pinpoint the cause ot tne problem. When troubleshooling indicates an ignilion proorern. see the lgnirion Syslem Checks section lo isolate ano correct the problem. Following troubleshooting, oerform lhe Checkout procedure again to be sure system is operating normally. lgnition System Checks STEF 1: Orck lgnillon cable. Mal(e sure: O lgnition cable does not run in contact wilh any metal surlaces. O Connections to the ignition module and to the igniter or igniter-sensor are clean and tight. O lgnition cable provides good electrical contln . ' ' SrEP 2: Check lgnitlon system grounding. IVuisance siutdowns arc olten caused by a poot u emtlc $ound. O A common ground, usually supplied by the pilot burner bracket, is required lor the module and the pilot burner/ igniter-sensor.. Check for good metaFto-metal contact between the oilot burner bracket and the main burner.. Check the ground lead lrom the GND (BURi\iR) terminal on the module to the pilot burner. Make sure connections are clean and tight. lf the wire is damaged or deteriorated, replace it with No. 14-18 gauge, moisture-resistant, thelmoplastic insulated wire with 105"C (221'F) minimum rating. - Check the ceramic llame rod insulatcr 'ci :-lcks or evidence of exposure to exlreme heat, wntch can permit leakage lo ground. Replace the pilot burner/ igniter-sensor and provide a shield, rf necessary. - lf the flame rod or bracket are bent out of oosition. restore to corect Position. rfl EFr|OStAt (CONTnOLTERI CALIS FOR HEAT Fl.st valv6 (piloo ope€lor op6h! PILOT EURN€N OPERATION Pilot bum€r lighls. Atter 90 sEcln& marimum. sygtem shulg oll and prlot Modulq s€n99s OR vah6 ctosgs: tdal lo, ignition rostans aft6r minimum ot llam6 current. 5 manutgs t6 manugs rcrninal). tgn[ion, shutolf. wait s€quenco t6psaF ur{rl pilol lighls or call for hsat ends. ' Sgark gEnorato. off. ' Second valv€ op6rrtar ,..rhl POWER INIERFUPNON systom shuts oll. restians when powea ts rqslorod. PILOT FLAUE FAILURE Main vatg ctoses. Modure stans tnal lor qnrtion. MAIN EUFtIER OPENATIOII lrocule monrtors Oilot llamg Vglvos close oroi cti: ::latn bum€as are otf. Y861OIJ INTERMITTENT PILOT RETROFIT KIT STEP 3: Check spark ignition circuit. You need a short jumper wire made {rom ignition cable or other heavily insulaled wire. I Close the manual gas valve.r a;-^^^n-.^. .-i ,^ii'i^^ ^"F)le at the SPARK termina! On {neJ - rsrJur rr r(,L . s :g',r(rul vou ,ttodute. A, wanNrNG When oerforming the foilowing steps. do n.l i.!cn stripped end ol jumper or SPARK terminal. ;ire ionition circuit generates over 10,000 volts and electncal snocK can iesull. I energize the module and immediately touch one end of the rumper firmly to the GND terminai on ihe module. Move the lree end of the iumper slowly tc ';:.rd the SPARK terminal until a spark is established.I Pull the jumper slowly away from the terminal and note the length of the qao when sparking stops. Check table below Check external fuse, if Provided. Venty power at module Lnput lerminal. Reolace module if fuse ano power are oKav. I Ensure adequate flame current as follows:- i"irr" "f me furnace at the circuit breaker or fuse box' . Cf""n tn" lame rod with an emery cloth' . il"[" iti" tne electical connt'c'i c 'r3'-:":' : lnd I ?rt' irJJ6t" a".ag"d wire rrrrh i:'ri::r' - :'3 : : : ' c' 3 wrrb rated for conlnuous dt.,i'l u; :'r 1l':'C - I :)' . Cnecf< for a cracked ceramic rlrsulator' wnic: can cause Jnotiioltouno, and replace the igniter'sensor' rf necessary.. niin" gai control, disconnc:: :ll: ra'n '/al\';e wrre rrom the TH or MV terminal'. irin bn tn" power and set:he therrnostat to callJor- heat. The pilbt should ligh! 5ut the main.it:rner iemair's ofi be"ause the main valve lctualcr is disc3nnecteo' . 6f ,""f tn. pilot flame. Make sure it is blue' steady ano envefops O)a to 1i2 in. (10 to 13 mm) " ihe ilame roo See Fig.20 for possible flarre :'rc ''-: inelr causes.. tt-n"."tt"ty, adiust the pilot llame by turning the pilot adiustment screw on the gas control JlocKY"lse l3 decrease or counterclockwise to increase lre :l -: flame. Following adiustment, always replace the prici adjustment cover screw and tighten f irrnly to assure orooer qas control operatlon'. 'S"t thelhetmostat below til rocin :e'r:el'ature to en0 ,h.. .^ 1l t^r hAat No arc or arc less than 1/8 in. (3 mm) STEP 4: Check pilot and main bulner lightoff. J Open the manual gas valve. I Set the thermoslat to call for heat. -l lvatch the ptlot burner during the 'lri''cn sequence to see ]t; . ignition spark continues after:i:,-' i,.,.t is lit;. prlot lights and the spark stops, but main burner does nol light. le.::;';x ll';i, en se:-':n;a - - . iieconnect the maln valve wlre' . Set the rhermostat to call Jor heat' . Watch the ignition sequence at the burner' . lf spark still does not stop atter the pilot liglrts' the ignition module'. lf the main burner does not ' liohts but svstem shuts dowr-. wire, and g'as conlrol, as descrtb':i ,,; it' ' troubleshooling guide, Fig' 19. I .l Arc 1 8 in. \ i ii.ri:: ) iJnger, Y861OU INTERMITTENT PILOT RETROFIT KIT START TIJFN OFF GAS SUPPLY, TURN THERMOSTAT (CONTROLLER) TO CALL Chsck line vollago pow6r. iow vottaga ranslorm€r. limit controtler. themostal (clntroilo.j and wi.ir 9. chock thal v€nt damp€r (if useo) ,s op€n and end gwitch i5 made. Pul qn lion lead and checK sparx at rnodul€. On mcdels wilh venl damper olug, maxe sure venl oamcer has nol b€en install€d. :hen .€moved. Replace venl da|nocf rJn oirer ro,lels. .eolace modui€. 3PA;..;C' - rURN ON GAS SUPPLY . check lhat ali manual gas vatves are open. suppty tubang and pr€ssures are gooct. and palot bumer oriiice rs nol blocked. . Check el€ctrical conneclons belw€en modulg and ptlot operator on gas conlroi. ' Check lor 24 Vac acfoss PV-[{V/PV terrnrnats on moou e. ll vollage s okay, reoiace gas conroli f nol, 160tace module. . Ch€ck tor24 Vac across MV-MV/PV lomnals. It no voltage, replace modut€- . check e€ctncal connoclions bolwoon rnqlute and gas control. It okay, replace gas control ot g6s conlrol oD€aator, SYSTEI,I RUNS UNTIL CALL FOR HEAT ENOS? NOTE: gefofe iroubleshootina, larhdhrizg yoursolt wrb th€ stanlp and chgcxout proc€dure. ;park okay? . Check ignition cable, ground winng, ceramtc insulator and gap, and correct.. Check bool ol the ignilion cabl6 tor sqns ot mellrng or buckling. Take proteclive acion to snleid cable add boot lrom e:ce:5tv€ temperatures. 'Check conlinurty ol ignttion cable and grcund lvire. 'Ciean flame ro4 ' -' , ;a: . .^- :.1 .rs oelw€en 3me roo ara n ooLlle ' :,r(i^ i.:i ca::-,.,-i -:, ,..a i Jine rOO insuialor ' ChecK thal prlot llame co!€rs ltame rod anc,s stea(ry and blue. ' Adiust prlotflame. 'Il problem persists. .ep'?.'. .tluts. . Check contrnufy or ,9,, i on cablo ard groond wrro. NOTE: ll ground is poor o, e,ntic, shutdowns can occua occasionaily even lhough operation is normal at th€ time ol ch€ckoul. . Check thal pilot llame covers llamg aod and is sleady and blue. . il checks a.e okay, €place modll€. ';ALL FOF HEAT EIiOS . Check ior pfoper lhormosiat (contrcll€0 operal on . Femove MV lead at modu ei rt valve ctoses, recneck lemperature contao ler and wrring; il not, repiace gas Reoeat crccedure unlil troublelree ooeralron rs oblarleo. Fig. 19. 58610U troubleshooting guide. Y861OIJ INTEBMITTENT PILOT RETROFIT KIT APPEARANCE CAUSE Adjust Pilot Flame Current The pilot tlame current must measure at least 1uA and steady or nuisance shutdowns can occur. Use a Honeyweil W136 to adiust the pilot llame current. I Di."onnea the lurnace power at the service.enlrance' @ Disconnect lhe control module green ground wire' 6 Connect the microammeter negative lead to the control- module GND (BUFNER) terminal a:td the pcsitive leac to the green ground wire (see Fin I {'t' @ Discon-nect the red wire from th"' ;'rJ jc!:iroi TH or fu1V terminal to disable the gas conlrol. @ Loosen the set screws holding the igniter-sensor on the SMATL SLUE FLAME CHECK FOR LACK OF GAS FAOJ,' . CLOGGED ORIFICE FILTEF . CLOGGED PILOT FILTER . LOW GAS SUPPLY PFESSUFTE . PILOT ADJUSTMENT AT fulINI]II U]\/1 CFECK FOR L\CK OF ^iR FFC , . OIRTY OFIFICE ' DIFTY LINT SCFEEN. IF USED . OIRTY PRIMARY AIR OPENINC, IF THERE iS CiIE . PILOT ADJUSTMENT AT MINIMUI',I NOISY LIFTING ELOWING FLAME CHECK FOFI: . EXCESSIVE DFAFTAT F I.OT LOCATION . f EclFauLA-r-rNG PFrocLrc-s OF COI,l1BUSTION CHECK FOF . HiGH GAS i:RE9I : @o @ o ft o oround rod. Flestore power and set the!'r.cslat io tail iJr ne:-'. Wait until the pilot lights and sparKing siops. ihe marn burner can not light. Adiust the igniter-sensor posilion a:i " .itci :he microammeter reading. When you find the igniter-sensor poi:til:1 lhal gtves the maximum microammeter reading, tighten the setscref' s to lock the igniter-sensor in place. This reading must be at least 1 .0 uA and steady. -^,: : -i powci. '-:':- :-'"1'.a'^ --' red and green leads. Perform Checkoul orocedures. HARD SI.IARP FLAME t\ THIS FLAME IS CHAF]ACTER]S] C OF MANUFACTURED GAS CHECK FCP: . HIGH GAS FRESSURE . ORIFICE TOO Si,!A .L Fig. 20. Examples of unsatisfactory pilor flames. W136 TEST I,4ETEF . 1, . 3ii iEI-SENSOA UNTIL FLAf"lE CIJFRENT EQUALS Ar LEASI 1 0 FA (AND STEAOY). Fig. 21. Adiusting flame current. ,.,Y86IOU INTERMITTENT PILOT RETROFIT KIT 4r la I VENT DAI{PEF aPowER suPPLY. PROVTDE DTSCONNECT MEANS AND OVEFLO.ID pROTECi|ON AS BEOUIRED, lA ALTEFNATE LrMrT CONTROLLER LOCATION. A3.o AMp NoNREPLAoEABLE FUSE. FUSE B!,ows wHEl. ,:frr :.^\,rpER ts PLUGGED rN. Fig. 22.Y8610U schematic diagram. Y861OU INTERMITTENT PILOT RETROFIT KIT ANSI STANDARDS Exhibit A Recommended Procedure for Safety Inspection ol an Existing Appliance Installation as a Preliminary Step to Applying an Automatic Intermittent Pilot System The following procsdure is intended as a guide to aid in Cetermining that an appliance is properly instari.:: 3.,' is in a safe condilion for continuing use. This procedure is predicated on central furnace and boiler installations equipped with an atmospheric gas burner(s) and nol of the direct vent type. lt should be recognized that generaiized test proceduies cannot anticipaie all situations. Acccroingly, In some cases, deviation from this procedure may be necessary to determine sale operation of the equtpment.a. This procedure should be performed prior to any attempt ai modification of the appliance or the installation.b. lf it is determined there is a condition w,r :h coujd resuli in unsafe operation, the appliance should be sirur orf 3.0 the owner advised of the unsafe condition. The following steps should be followed in making the safety inspection: '1 . Conduct a Gas Leakage Test of the appliance piping and control system downstream ol the shut-off vaive in the supply line to the aopliance. Visually inspect the venting system for proper size ::lnd horizontal pitch and determine there is no blockage cr restrlctrons, leakage or corrosion or other deficiencies which could cause an unsafe condition. Shut off all gas to the appliance and shut off any other tuel-burning appliance within the same room. Use the shuloff valve in the supply line to each appliance. lf a manual gas valve is not in the gas supply line within 6 feet of :he applrance In an accessible location, one shall be installed. Inspect burners and crossovers for bloci -re and conosion. 3. A 5. 7. Applicab!e only lo lvarm air heat .g .;. Applicauie only to boilers. Inspect for Inspect heat exchangers for cracks, openings or - water or combustion product leaks. '10. b. 11. 12. lnsotar as is practical, close all building o,,u,s;nd windows and all doors between lhe space in which the appliance is located and other spaces of the bullding. Turn on clothes dryers. Turn on any exhaust fans, such as range hoods and bathroom exhausts, so they will operate at maximum speed. Do not operate a summer exhaust fan. Close fireplace dampers. lf, after completing steps 7 through 12. rt is bblieved sufficient combustion air is not avail.lltre. -efer to 1.3.4 ot" : n' . .:.:;: ir..:: ,L-.^ .l;:: (Zll3. i ) ior ouidance. Place in operation the appliance berrrg inipecled. Follow the lighting instructions. Adjust thermosta. -.., .-rrrance willoperate continuouslv.a' Determine thai the pilot is burning 1.. -"rlv and that main burner ignition is satisfactory by interrupting and ri. . establishing the electrical suppty to (iic dppliance ih any convenient manner.b. Delermine manifold pressure in order to match inout afier the new control is installeo.a. Visually determine r:'rt main burner gas is burning properly; i.e., no Jloating, lifting or flashback. Adjust the primary air shutter(s/ as required. lf appliance is equipped with high and low flame conlrol or flame modulation, check for proper main burner oDe:'a,;ofr at low tlame. Test for spillage at the draft hooo reliei opening afler 5 minutes of main burner operation. Use a drafl gauge. ihe ilame of a match or candle, or smoke from a cigarette, cigar or pipe. Relufn doors, windows, exhaust fans, firerr.r:e :aripers and all other tuel-burning appliances to their previous conditions oJ use. Aoplicable':nly lo warm air heating appliances. Check both limit controller and fan controller for prener oDeraticn. Lrmit controller cDeration can be checked by temporarily disconnecting the eleclrical supply to the blo\..'. determining that the limil control acts to shut off the main burner qas. 14. Applicable only to boiters:a. Determine that the circulating waler pumps are in operating condition.b. Test low water cutoffs. automatic feeC controls. pressure and temperature limit controls and relief valves jn accordance with the manutacturer's recommendations and inslructions to determine thev are in ooeralno condilion. Exhibit A of ANSI Standard 221.71 tor Automatic Intermittent Pilot lgnition Systems for Field lr:iailation. . .Y86,t0U TNTERMTTTENT ptLOT RETROFTT KtT Exhibit B Procedure for Installing Automatic Intermittent Pilot Systems Prior to beginning this procedure, a preliminary examinallon of the appliance and the automatic intermittent pilot system should be maoe to determine that the automatic intermittent pilot system can be properly applied to the appliance. This proccoure is jntended as a gurcje to aid in sately installing a listed automatic interminenl pilot syslem on an existing listed aopliance equipped /vrth an almosphenc oas burner(s) and noi ol the diiect venr rype.This procedure is based on lhe assumption that the history ot the speciii; installation has been one of safe and satisfactory operation. This procedure is predicated on central lurnace and boiler installations, and it should be recognized that generalized procedures cannot anticipate all situations. Accordingly, in some cases. deviatlon from this procedure may be necessary to determine safe operatlon of the eoutoment. The following steps should be followed in makino the modifications: 1 . Perform a satety inspection of the existing- appliance installation. See Exhibit A for a recommended procedure for such a safety Ins0eclron. 2. Shut ofl all gas and electricity to the appliance. To shur otf gas, use the shutofl valve in the supply line to the appliance. lf a manual gas vaive is not in the gas supply line within 6 feet ol the a,pliance in an accessible location, one shalt be installed. Do ncr use the shutoff valve which is provided as part oJ a combination convot. Install the automatic Intermittent pilot system in strict accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. Turn on all gas and electricity to the appliance. Determine that the appliance translormer has adequate capacity by following the steps outlined below: a. Compute the approximate current draw by adding the current draw of the automatic intermittent pilot system to (1) the current draw of the associated valving, and (2) the current draw of any relays or other devices operated by the transformer.b. Multiply the total current draw as computed above by 24 V to determine the total VA (volt-ampere) required.c. The total VA (volt-ampere) requrred should be equal to or less than the VA rating of the transformer.d. lf the totai VA (voll-ampere) required is greater tran the VA rating ofthe transformer, the transformer must be repiaced with a Class 2 lransformer of adeouate ralino. 6. Ch€ck the heat anticipator in the comlort thermos -i. . ,n ine if it is properly adjusted to the current draw of the conuot -,,iem. Forlclv lhe thermostat manulacturer's :nstrrctions.7. Make certaln wiring connections are tight and wires are pobr,loned and secured so they will not be able to contact high temperature rocaltons. 8. Conduct a Gas Leakage Test of the appliance piping and conircl system downstream of the shut-otl valve in the supply line to the aoollance.9. a. Adjust the thermostat to its highest temperature setting, and test manifold pressure and adjust the pressure re: '1, lo nralch original input as required (refer to Exhibit A, steo 9b).b. Visually determine that marn burnet is burnin. -roperty; i.e., no ttoating, lifting or ftashback- Adjust the primary air shutter/s) as requtred. 10. lf the appliance is equipped with high and low llame cr' ,rr flame modulation, check for proper main bumer operalion at both high and low flame. 11 . DetermrnE lhat the pilot is igniling and hr.rrning prop€rly and that main bumer ignilion is satisJactory by interrupting and reestablishing the electrical supply to the appriance ,n -,ny convenient manner. Make this determination with the appliance burner both cold and hot. Perform this step as many times as is necessary to satisty yourself hat the automatic intermittenl pilot system is operating eroper \'. 12. Test the pilot safety device (1) lo determins if it is operaling properly, and (2) for turndown characteristics according to the manufacturer's installation instructions. No adjustments should be made other than those recommended by the systen i . i r' ' r " 13. Sequence the appliance through at least three oDe'ating cycles. 14, Applicable only to furnaces. Check both thelin:rrcr ' :rierandlh6fan conlroller for proper operation. Limit control operation can be checked by blocking the circulating air inlet or tempori, ,y orsconnecting the electrical supply to the blower motor and determining that the rrmit controller acts to shut off lhe main burner gas. '15. Applicable only to boilers.a. Determine that the circulaiing water pumps are in operating condition.b. Tesl low water cutotfs. automatic feed water controls, oressure and temoerature limit controllers and reiief valves in accordance with the rranufacturer's recommendalion to determine they are in operating condition. 16. Add the rabels (see 1 .6.1 -n and -o) on the appiiance. 71lo 3. ^ 5. Ilome and Iluilding Control Honcvs c il I r; --. Honcvs cil Pl..-::r P.O. Box 5l{ !l inncapolis I,1N 55408-051.1 Honel srll Lltin ,\merican Division !1iami Lakes Headquancrs 11505 Comrnerce Wav Suilc :ij() \lirmi Lrkes FL 33016 Home and Building Control Honevrvell Limitcd-Honeyrvell Limiree 155 Gordon Baker Road Nonh York. Ontario M2H lcg Honeywell Europe S.A. 3 Avenue du Bourget B- I 140 Brussels Beigium Honeywell Asia Pacific Inc, Room 3213-32?5 Sun Hung Kai Cenrre No. --10 Harbour Road Wanchai Hong Kone Honeywell ornleo atec.,c ed:roer aanltr n ra;lt r::. . : i -t :.ir)r -l::,f -i:.. f o, /" rco127 : ARThTAN,RON: \,YI{TE WATER PLI..hIHTIIG YYT{IE WATER PLtnH{O ADD OAS IJhE FOR t COOKTCP2FNEPLIICES.IBIRE€OIJE ROUTED TO .JR FOR REVEIY - DFLORES RtolnctdlntotclbdEl tErw 3e0 tEcHflndRoqur$c X.\,b-EhdnComL AcrbncdTo: JilOt\DR GCTN- Aaflon: R.$I.tbrt hp.at prta: Fqldry, Ar|glrct15, mcl- lnfoadilon An* JR Slb Addmrc: 7|4 lI LK|{SHEAD CR VAL 7I4W UCFISHEAD UNIT' 'GUET'ArPrD lnbflnrtlon *1H: ^*t'etlt|li lsST.EDl|.pAn: .R Fhonr: 970'3t!&3708 PfFne: 9i'S'fr183708 Reqt|.rmTlm.r' Phorx: Enbtrdq,l ))z,\W / ",/ 0E:00AIT ,/ /37&3469- OGOLOEN K Tlnr E)e: lnrp.oilq|Hlsbrl l.m: a,O fccll-RonghIn: 310 ilEcl}Hdr!fm: 315 PUiFGaPAm "ADDrolt(l- O?rJYIB lmF$r:'-JRM Coflurrnb: lStAnTEST lcdon: LPAFFROTJED lrn: 330 frEcll-E,6.rd Floodr$P r|ECH€uDrUAr 34O tffC'tl-tlEc.- 3qt uEcr+Fk|| Lor: bm:bm: \N'J\ \)P .t\$"?'f*'5F \t:-)- \' -l REPT131 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD \VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 (YJa'rr,olt DEPARTMENTOFCoMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT /OT Z Action: AP NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E03-0218 j63-o S\l Job Address: 714 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 714 W LIONSHEADLJNIT#587/589 Applied.. : 10/22/2003 Parcel No...: 210107205008 Issued . . : 11/26/2003 Project No , p R: OS<, q to Expires . .: 05/24/2004 ov{NER DARNELTL, pHyLLrs A. ro/22/20o3 phone: 614 BRAINARD CIR I.iAFAYETTE CO 80026-3408 L,icense: CoNTRACTOR PATTERSON EIJECTRIC CO TO/22/2OO3 Phone: 97O-468-6L65 P O BOX 483 DII-,LON CO 80435 License:208-E APPLTCAITT PATTERSON ELECTRTC CO ]-0/22/2OO3 Phone: 970-468-6L66 P O BOX 483 DILLON CO 8043 5 License : 2O8-B Desciption: RUN WIRING FOR 2 NEW FCU IN UNIT Valuation: $l,000.00 ltll1t*l'+i'***t||.|tt|t.rt.*lt**lt|ttl|||l.1|.t*t||l|*|tt*lti+tt*itrFEESUMMARY*l|*1''**.*'t*:}|:tt**.,t't:}l|*ii**.*| f,lsctrical-----> 950 . 00 Total Calculated Fees-> 953 .00 DRB Fee---> g0 .00 Additional F€€s------> $0. OO lnvestigation-> 90 . oo Totd Permit Fee---> 953 .00 Will Call---> 93. oo Payments------_.-1 $s3.00 TOTAL FEES_> S53 . oo BALAIICE DUE___-> S0. 00 Approvals:Item: 05000 EI-,ECTRICAI DEPARTMEMI LO/22/2003 DF IEEM: 05600 FTRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEI.D INSPECTIONS ARB REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI.IA}.ICE. **arttrta ta a:r:l'l ** a:ll all +,1laa ral'l*a **a'tt *.t tla * a:ttta'|:| a**a tl t t*,|rt* a *t *a lll a*:r:i *'r1t*'t *+ al*1,.'|l'l**a**a *t *ai DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ** t*,1* + +****** f, * *+ t***t *lr**** * ** * * * * *t I * t +*+** f ++t i * * +* + * **+*** *{"t'}{.+ ++ ****** f, ** * * * ** **** * * * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement * * * **** f+ I +**t '+1.** * * *+** * * +****+*'it * *{"t*r*** * *** *{"t'}***t++ + ++ * * * *+ * * + +* * + + ++ + **** ** *+ I * * *** * Statement Nuhber: R030005205 Anount r $53.00 LL/26/2OO3l0:34 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Patstseraon Electric 4856 Permit No: 803-0218 UE)er ELECTRICAL, PERMIT ParceL No: 210107205008 Site Address: 714 l{ IJIONSHEN) CR VAIIJ Location: ?14 W LIONSHEAD IJNIT +587/589 Tota1 Fees: S53.00 Thia Palment: $53.00 Total AJ,L Pmts: $53.00 Balance: $0.00 ** ** ** * **+t * *f* f, + t*i tt |}*{'{.'l'}* {' * * ** *'}** *{' * * **+** ****{' {' * *'}+ {t***+ * * * *t + * * *+** * ** {' '} + *+ f, + * ++ * * *+ f ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniotion Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31111OO TEMPOMRY POhJER PERMITS WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 50.00 3.00 PKID3 -cr-l /c.$aa APPLICATION WILL NOT " O'yffiN COMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project *= 8oz- o3 t-7 Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 970-47 9-2149 (Inspections) MVTiOFUAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 8 INFORMA COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) and Phone #'s: 4a-aa Town of Vail Reg. No,: sog E E-Mail Address: AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATIoN: $ I 6O7) for ParcelContactAssessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit # Parcel # g/oi AZ ?, c>gOog .a rob Name: prfto(e= Po GV"uh"no aoar ess rfo,8{-*? t 2r^, *.e Legal Description ll toE ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: Owners N"t"'A,T.r;\=_Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: oeEifed descaipfioi@s NEa FCL( r d rld r\-r WorkClass: New() Addition( ) nemodel $ Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior K) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) rypeof Blds.: Sinsle.family( ) Duptex( ) MultFfamily( ) c"tt";i.rtf,1 X1Xt41i[L*otner( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes (*oX Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes X ) No ( )Ooes a fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes fi) No ( ) ***rr****:t******************rr**tr*tr******FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**************** \Wai|\data\cdev\FORMS\PERM ITS\E LECPERM, DOC ********** n o o o Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-6. Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical disfibution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easilv accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be oermitted with the Town of Vail. o All installations of not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). o If this permit is for installation of an elterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. o If this permit is for installaUon of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verifli that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. a If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. I have read and understand the above. Signature Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, pfease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2L47. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will callyou back. O B hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will 75 S. Front gc Rd. Vall, Colorado gl65t L42 FAL ECI A'? 'g'3 LLt24 APPUCrrtorr wrtt r{or 8E AGCIPTEO tF tt{coilprETE oR urstcrrED Prolct #: Suildlng Permlt #: Itlechanlcal Pcrmlt #: e, o- 47 s - 2r3,o 1 rnspccr6iij--_ Permit will not be .rccepted without the Room Lryout to Dlmenslong Duct Slrc Duct Slzo Line COI'IPLETE V LUATION FoR ttlEClfAttlICAL PERttllT (labor e ilatedal3) Job Name;Job Address: 7/S 7y S1 irc-k workOass: Na!() Addldon( ) Attendon[4) Repatr( ) Ottrer( ) Eoiler tocatfon: tnterfor ( ) Er<terlor ( ) Ottrerf t Does an €HU exist at this locatlon: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typcof dd9: Skrgl+hmlty( ) Orrphx( ) MuH-famity( ) CornmcrEiat( ) Rc*aurant( ) Otrcrly No, ol Exlsffig Durclllng Unlts tn this butldtrq:tlo. of Accflnrnodatbn Unlts h thls bulldlng: NoFypc of Hreplres Prcposcd: @s Appllanccs ( ) Cas Logs 00 l{lodlPelht ( ) Wood Eurnlng (NOT ALLOWED) t nood bumino flrrglacc to an , C)A CO ilTRACTOR I N FOR,TTIATIO t{ D{echanlcal ( Kod F iontractor: la (l Co Toryn of Vall Reg. No.: /57.J- /L'l Contact and Phonc #t: Lrrtcla- 303'11-7 7 ?OO Contractor Slgruturc: rlc: Ti ![!r!!re gil.tr alt.t.aara.rralrr.r....a.rrr.r.r..r..r.FOR OFFICE USE Ol{LYrr..-.1....1.r...a......ra......t1trr TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMML]NITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S,FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M03-0197 Job Address: 714 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 714 W LIONSHEAD CR #589 MARRIOTT Applied . . : l0/08/2003 Parcel No...: 210107205008 Issued . . : 1011612003 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 04/13/2004 O$INER DARNEIJL, PITYIJIJIS A. !O/08/2O03 PhONE: 614 BRJATNARD CIR I,AFAYETTE CO 80026-3408 Iricense: CoNTRACTOR ROD HALL COMPANy L0/08/2O03 Phone: 303-777-77OQ 255 WYANDOT STREET DENVER, CO 40223 License: l-50 -M APPI-,ICAI{IT ROD I{AIJL COMPA}Iy L0/08/2003 Phone: 3O3-777-77OO 255 WYA}TDOT STREET DENVER, CO 40223 Iricense: 150-M Desciption: convert from wood to gas Valuation: $1,500.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # of0as Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY +r.:|'|**'ii.*++*:|**:rt:l*:l.bt***:l**'r:*:*r:l*t:ia*,1+*.ll+*****.'l,l*:f****1.t So. oo Total Calculated Fees->$s3.00Mechanical--> Plan Check--> lnvestigation-> Will Call--> $40.00 Restuarant PIan Review-> $10 . OO DRB Fe€_.-----------> $0.00 TOTALFEES-------> $3.00 So.oo Additional Fees-----> ($s3-00) s0.00 $0-00 $0.00 S53.00 fefal Psrnil f6g-_'-"-> Paym€nts---------------> BALANCE DUE.-----.-> ftem: 05100 BUTLDING DEPARTMENT ao/o8/2o03 DF Action: AP ItEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUfRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUTRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1-997 UMC' OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (BLDG. ) : INSTAI-,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 T]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC, Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPTJIANCES SIIAITIJ BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFTED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 I]MC. OR CIIAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. tond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUTPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1017 OF THE 1997 T]MC AND CIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOITNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI-,E CoNST. IINLESS I.,ISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BI-,DG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANAITySIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECI{ANICAIJ RooM PRIOR TO AN TNSPECTION REQT]EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAI-, ROOMS CONTAINTNG HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOII-,ERS SIIAI,L BE EQUTPPED WTTH A FI.OOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OE THE 1997 UMC, OR :-":::f-"T-l"1--l.--o'T--IT*"--'*1i-l--]J-l;*+i*|*.|*1*|'.**t'|)tt'|'t++*lt||.**l'|''***+*|+*+.* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM - 4 PM. ,.1 , c*'- [+q--'\*\ SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR H]MSELF AND OWNEF 't2-17-2043 6:54 am AJP,D lnllorm.Uon tiO$01S7 Tlp€: SMECH Occuprircy: DARNELL, PT{YLLIS A. ROD I-IALL COMPA}IY ROD F|JALL COiIPANY coft€d from nood to gEs Page 18 : AlrlF Sbtrs: [9.9UED; Insp fu€€: JRM Inspection Request Reportlng ----l[AlL-CQ-:lOl!llltOE- .- * R€quest€d Inslrect Oate: Wednerday, Oecember 17,2N3 lffio€cdon Area: JRltlslb Address: 71,0 w UoIISHEAD CR VAIL 7t4 ff uol{SHLAD CR f58s I{ARRIOTT /ActMtY: Cons[ Tn6: OrYn€r: Applhant: Conlrador: D€Ecrlpdon: Typ€ Ltse Reouested Insocc{or|{ sl ttemi 390 ilEcH+lnrl Requedor: ROD HALL cOMPAt\tY *,nHolf,: JMoNDRAG Phofle: 303-777-7700 Phono: g}3-777-77fi) tt-tj,Dl l/"l,n' i l' ''J /WA Requesed Time: 08:00 AIU .'-'' I' Phone: 3G3.777-770Q -or- F9$' ErrlsredBy: ffi-o"" l(\ ll€pcgdon Hlstorv Jr'-r MECFI-Rouoh MECH-Hellno PLfeGas PFlnq 6 AppoyBd * 11QAn3 lnsisctor: ' 'JRM Commonts: 151AF TEST MECH-ExharEt Floods MECI-FSuoolyAr MECH-Mlsc. - MECI-l-Flnrl Item: 20O It€m: 31O Itom: 315 tlom: 3m Itom: 3t) ttem: 34t)lbm: 3!X, Actlon: APAPPROVED rfrne Exp: - 1{2- REPT131 Rnn Id: L476 ft\",^l^"{\ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BLIILD PERMIT Perm:it #:803-0324 Job Address.: 714 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: 715 W LIONSHEAD CIRCLE #2-D Applied...: 70/1.6/2003 Parcel No....: 21,01,07205001 Issued ...: 11,/04/2003 ProjectNo...: ?RIOS-OI(1G Expires...: 05/02/2004 owNER KUSHNER, SAIiIDRA R. - KASDAN,LO/t6/2003 phone: C,/O ROTHMAN GoRDoN FoREMAN & GRoI,DINE Pc THIRD FLOOR GRANT BUIIJDING PITTSBTTRGH PA L527-9 I-,icense: coNrRAcToR MATTHEW NEWBORN t0/t6/2103 Phone: PMB 328, PO Box 7399 Breckenridge, Colorado 4o424 License: 760-B APprrrcAr{T MATTHEWNEWBORN t0/!6/2O03 phone:. (970)453-2326 PMB 328, PO Box 7399 Breckenridg'e, Colorado 80424 License: Desciption: INSTALLFCU,CONVERT FRIEPLACE TO GAS ELIMINATE EXISTING BASEBOARD HEATERS Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family Type Construction: II FR Type II Fire Resistive TypeOccupancy: ?? t* TOI^/N OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Valuation: $16,400.00 Fireplace Informatiorr Restricted: Y DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Wood Pellet: Building--> i2'1 9 .25 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check--> 5181-51 DRB Fee--------> AddSqFr 0 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of So. oo Total Calculated Fees-> 5463 -16 lnvestigation-> Will Call--> $0.00 RecreationFee.----------> $3.00 Clean-uPDePosit-----> So - oo Additional Fees--->$0. 0o S0 . O0 Total Pemrit Fee-> $463 ' 75 go.0o Paymentr----> 5463.76 TOTAL FEES;._-----> 1463 .7G BALANCE DUE----> Approvals: Iderm: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENI 11103/2003 ,JRM Action: AP rtem: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEMT rtem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEIIT Item: 05500 PUBLfC WORKS $0-00 See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read ttris application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plary and state that all the in-formation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS tN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 TI.JRE OF OWNERORCONTRACTOR FOR PAGE 2 Permit #: BO3-0324 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 11.-04-2003 Status: ISSUED PermitType: ADD/ALTMFBUILDPERMIT Applied: 1.0/1.6/2009 Applicant MATTHEWNEWtsORN Issued: 71,/04/2003 (970)453-2326 ToExpire: 05/02/2004 Job Address: 714 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: 715 W LIONSHEAD CIRCLE #2-D Parcel No: 210107205001 Description: INSTALL FCU,CONVERT FRIEPLACE TOGAS ELIMINATE EXISTING BASEBOARD HEATERS Conditions: Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALTS,CEIUNGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond:15 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.9.1 OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CANBE STARTED. * f ******** * **+******* *****+** ***f + i ****{r * * ****** * *** * * * ** * '1. * *{. *t *** '1. {. 't '} *,1. '1. * * * i. 'N( * *+,r* * *{.'1.*'}* * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *********'t ***,t****'i*** *********** ** ******** * * * * * + * * * * * +'* * * *+ * * * ***'1.**** ****** ***********++** Statement Number: R030005065 Amount: 9453.75 LL/05/2OO305:20 PM Payment Method: Check Inits: LC Notation: #104/Matthew Newborn Permit No: 803-0324 TIG)e: ADD/AJ,T MF BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2l-0107205001 Site Address: 714 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: 715 W LIONSHEAD CTRCLE #2-D ToEaI FeeE: i463,76 This Payment: 5463.?5 Total ALr., Pmts: $453.75 Balance: 50.00 * * * * ** * 'l ** * * ++* * * {,* * * * ** * * * ** * * * ** * * * * ** * *,t *+* *** *********,t *,s * * * * * * * * * * * * 't:t * * d. * ***:}* * !t{.*:f *+ * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO3i111OO BUILDING PERI'IIT FEES 279.25 PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 181.51 t,JC OO1OOOO3112BOO I^IILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO ,l q+uT'e ApplrcAroN wlLL Nor BE ACGEPTED lF INGoMPLFTE oR uN:.ffi=ilL II mvl{uvvln 75 S. Frontage Rd' Vail, Colorado 81657 for INFORMATION Cei\ q10'3qQi63ac'\ll"v L: [U e.r: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (L *no^u, $ f ftac=ELECTRTGAL: $ / n(n OTHER: $ pLuruetNo'$f' e,jCLi MECHANICAL:$/lq4:rornr,$ 4f6,%D. For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970321'8!40 pr visit *****************tt**************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*'Hll*ff.*****r*.!l********t******r*!r *to lo *1l-oVoot Lolee ot't& 9- 0 JobAddress: 118-r Lu Lio,'is\ooi C,r-deJob Name: kosgo*383 i"iitl FC,-r ce,ruot\ Fi"ctrlccr \., .ro., q\l-,n.^k er.:'*.n., b..' WorkGlass: New() Addition( ) nemodel QA Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Do"s "n EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: lnterior$1)-- Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( )Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Twofamily ( ) Multi-family ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: cas Loqs ( ) woo44qlgl(_)gg GasLoqst ) Wood/Pellet( )WoodB \wail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERM ITS\BLDGPERM DOC 07 t26t2002 s Project Name: Project Address:\tg W. !\c,ng\",.,S <>'.bc\e r' This Checklist must be ompleted before a Buildina Permit aopliation is acepfud. fitt pug"tof application is complete {n t DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form tr Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Ea-Complete site plan submitted F Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) tfStaging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster.oarkinq or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulderc without written aooroval d-Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring az'grchitecl stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) {fAt floor plans including building sections and elevations(S sets of plans for MultFFamily and Commercial Buildings) n -Window and door schedule {futt structural plans, including design criteria (i,e,loads) gzStructural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) d-Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection {-Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated 6- Smoke detectors shown on olans-/'t{Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: Questions? Callthe Building Team at 479-2325 ll Depaftment of Community Development 'K.=e*.-,3tLs 5 s \Vail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC Received By: \O \B--O.3 04t02n003 rumt0F BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Depaftment review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Depaftment, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements, Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by:Cflc-\+o,: Ne.i\cr<r Print name Signature Project Nur"' k.^*.!o.. jti /ggl, - Date: \O" f\6 cs F: everyone/forms/bldperm3 HOW DIDWE RATE WTTH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Departnent Russell Fonest, Director, (970)479.213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which Department(s) did you contac? Buildin&X_Environmenbl _ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB _ PEC 2. Was your inilial contact with our staff imme di*e4dow-or no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wail how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why nof 5. Was this your first lime to fle a DRB app- PEC app- Bldg Permit N/A 9. Any rorrnsnrt you have which would allow us b beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are commited b inproving our service. Lr 6. ,PQase rate the performance of,he ptaf pprson who assisted you: { S)l 3 2 1 Name: Chc''l,€ 7.&i, \-i'- lknowledge, responsiveness, availability) 7. Ovenllefiectivenessofthe FrontSewiceCounter{/ 4 3 2 1 8. What is he best time of dav for you to use fie Front Service Counter? 6o,"/q /(krtuuol WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE REA? AND CHECK OFF EACfi OF THE FOLLOMNG QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT": D Is this a new residence? YES o Does demolition work being peformed public property? NO_L :r'riJR* "f the Right-of-Way, easements or No&o o D Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved?No u" ?---z $\e*r\osr 38s is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES- NOjl- Is any drainage wor$.being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property?yES_ No__\_ Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required?YEs- Nol- Is the Right-of-Way., easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES- NO D( If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YEs_ No_*_ if you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Work at 479-2L98. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS, --=* 'rQ Date Signed: F :/everyone/forms/bldperm4 fllc-\t\o.^: \o-\qc3 Company Name APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 - pw*:I f -[ n I I Parcer#:I I I ! - I X I - I [' I I n Brds.Permit#'E n I,f I I I r 1.Job Name Strogt Mdress nnn-ll (llunknownc€llI ll rr | . | 479-2138ext.0) Excavating Contrector Nems Maillng Address TOV Contractor's UcEnee Number REQUIREO PhonE #zlpCity 4. Slarl Date Work is for lcircle onel Other' Complation Date Water Sewer Gas Electric Telephone CATV (P€rmit Expiralion Dale) Landscaping Temp. Site Access Trench-width (min.4') Bond Amounl $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC JOB IS STARTED. 7. 8. Bubber out-riggers are required on Asehalt surfaCes undemeath the A signature below indicates a signatures are obtained, permittee necessary Town of Vail signatures. BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE working on asphalt, at all times. utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company application through the Public Works olfice to obtain the up to one week to process. Depth Total SF $ Total LF $ Permit Fee Total Permit Fee $ Public Service Company (1 Public Service Natural Gas Group (1-800-922-1987) U.S. West (1-800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (1-800-922-1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (970-476-7480, 6xt. Holy Cross Electric Company (1.800-922-1987) Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town of Vail lrrigation (970-479-2158) Town of Vail Public Works Construction Inspector (970'479'219e') THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction trafiic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 't 8" of utilities - (Senate Bi|| 172)' Failure to notify ihe Town will result in forfeiture ol Oond rnoney. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspeclion fee. 12. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 8 - Public Ways and Property, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required' 9. 10. 11. Contractor's Signature ol Agreement ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT' Prinl name clearly Date of Signaturs Whits - Public Works Yellow - Contractor 'L Iflrfitl0FYt PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. D Notice sign-ofb for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifu (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. > A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.), This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. > Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. D The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. ) As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit", ) NOTE: The above pr(rcess is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and understand the above. /a /vc: F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 Date Signed DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: o The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. o The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site, Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Depaftment for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice, o Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culveft installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Ceftificate of Occupancy issuance. Agreed to by:fl c-+\-r-...q.; f\e.-bogt Print Name : Signature k".*E.,^ 383/.<gs \o-\ts -o? Project Name: Date Signed: F :/everyone/forms/bldperm6 IOVq{0F Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete telc are available upon request) CODE 5-2.10: DEPOSITS ON PUBUC WAYS PROHIBTTED o UnlaMul deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposil or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, rnud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. o Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Work may notiff and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may €use any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notifed. a Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violaUon hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. o Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7.3A.1 AND 7-3A.3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED D No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 1) o Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any seCtion of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the condiUons prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or c:ruse it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord, 2(1968) $ 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions:fl\c-\\\.*, (\er,.'b<>r<r. Position or Relationship to Project: Date Signed:\o' \"-, -o ] F:/everyone/forms/bldpermT C".l*-\.,r Signature oFfr&"*?ioy l PARTION WALL TO 387\ll\tl 4cft-""''*1';]*111:.". /.'uPbqr-t t' EXISTINGCONDffioNS HALLWAy6ORRTOOR LrNtT 38i' 1/8' . t FOoT ,#y'g \vt allEderior \l l'lall!€y oonidor pROpOsEDWoRK - UNIT 383 1/8"= 1 FOOT CONVERT WOOD BURNING I 4- Exterior Partion wallto 383 Partion wallto 387 EXISTING CONDITIONS UNIT 385 114" = 1 FOOT t----] + Hallwaycorridor Exterior Partion wallto 387 LOCATION OF NEW FCU PROPOSED WORK UNIT 385 114" = 1 FOOT Partion wallto 383 Hallway corridor TOWN OF VAIL' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 803-0250 b6S oSt.1 Job Address: 714 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 715 W LIONSHEAD CIRCLE #2-D Applied . . : 11118/2003 Parcel No...: 210107205001 Issued . . : 11126/2003 ProjectNo: fifr63-O\te Expires..: 05/24/2004 owNER KUSI{NER, SANDRA R. - KASDAN,LL/18/2O03 Phone: C/O ROTHMAN GORDON FOREMAN & GROUDINE PE THIRD FLOOR GRANT BUII-,DING PTTTSBTIRGH PA ]-527,9 License: CoNIRACTOR PATTERSON EIJECTRIC CO LL/L8/2O03 Phone: 970-468-6L55 P O BOX 483 DILLON CO 8043s License:208-E APPLICANr PATTERSON ELECTRIC CO LL/L8/2OO3 Phone: 91o-468-6L66 P O BOX 483 DILIJON CO 80435 I-,icense: 208 -E Desciption: ELECTRICAL FOR FCU,CONVERT FRIEPLACE TO GAS ELIMINATE EXISTTNG BASEBOARD HEATERS Valuation: $ 1,000.00 t +t +a t t ++ llt f:i + t *t,t +:| t +t + + tt +,t 't a:i * Total Calculaled Fees--> S53 - 00Electrical---> DRB Fee-----> Investigalion-> Will Call----> TOTAL FEES.-> s50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3.00 ss3.00 Additional Fees----->$0.00 Total Permit Fee---> 953 .00 Palme nts----------> S53 .00 BALANCE DUE.------->$0.00 at,t:ta *+t *a,l *:r *:r*1*'ra l* *';'r:ll *:ta:|:l t:*,|l t'|a l* ll*l l*,lil+l l*+l'l:llta | *:l+li**a** Approvals:Item: 06000 EITECTRICAIT DEPARTMENT LL/L8/2OO3 Jwt ftem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 ,l?li*"-;]-;--T--t::--:-T:::::---o-::--H,.:::JiH:-J:--:.lt-,"-i--::l-.:."-?-:,,-":Y-",llT:-t-*.*.**.***********,,,...*,,,***,1,+ DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review .,{ approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCEB AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF * *** * +t 'i * +*** * ** * * ** + ** +* * + * +* * * * *i * * l. * * * * * * * * * * *:1.,i * * * * * *** **+***** ** * * * *+{.***{.'1.**+:l{. +*{.**+* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * * i ++ ** ** * * * +* ***+ + * + ** t * + ** i ** ** * t + +*** ** ** *** * ** +* * * ** + +:lr +*:|t {. * ** l. * * i* {.,|t tt *t:1.:t * ++:} + +* * * * * + * '} Statement Nunber: R030005204 Amount: $53.00 tL/25/2O03r0:32 Alrt Pa)tment Method: Check Init: DDG Notsation: Patterson Electric 4855 Permit No: 803-0250 TIG)e: ELECTRICA! PERMIT Parcel No3 2101072 05 0 01 Site Address: 714 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: 715 W LIONSHEiAD CIRCITE l+2 -D Total Fees: $53.00 This Pa)ment: $53.00 Total ALL Pmts: $53.00 Balance: $0.00 *{' ***,t* * * * * * * * * * * * + * * i * + * * i * * * * * * * !t * * * +:t' *:t * * * + * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * +* *********,}*** * *+*{.'}+** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31111OO TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS I^iC OO1OOOO3112BOO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 50.00 3.00 APPLICATION WIIL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNE Project #:rry-avlL Building Permit #zB6a - O32 Electrical Permit #: 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections)6o>-ot,o TVWT]OFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORM Town of Vail Reg. No.: AtB E- Contact and Phone #'s: trlr/ Qzo-4aq-bt6L E-Mail Address: -^ ,.-""_tr "-",Hr%)- COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUITDS and VALUATIOITS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materiats) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION : $ Contact Assesnrc Office at 970-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel # Job Name: *l lut\Job Address: LesalDescription ll tor ll eloct: ll riting:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer: lf dAress;Phone: Detailed defliption oj work: JH,on Ud,?/fl<J 4^to ilal /a4/ 4;/ /-;,,+ Work Class:New( ) Addition${)Remodel ( )Repair ( )Temp Power ( )Other( ) Work Type: tnterior fl) Exterior ( ) Bott( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Duplex( ) Multi-famiV( ) Commerciat fS Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No M) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ({) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (fif No ( ) ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy************************************* Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:Accepted By: Planner Siqn-off: \\Vail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\ELECPERM. DOC 07n6D002 a1' TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 9'10-4'79-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M03-021 I 3o3ov1 Job Address: 714 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 715 W LIONSHEAD CIRCLE #383/385 Applied . . : 10/1712003 Parcel No...: 210107205001 Issued. . : 11/17/2003 ProjectNo : ?ttTO34(tG Expires. .: 05115/2004 oIdNER KUSHNER, SANDRA R. - KASDATI ,t0/!7/2O03 Phone: C/O ROTItr',tAN GoRDoN FoREMAN & GRoUDINE PC THIRD FIJOOR GRANT BUILDING PITTSBIIRGH PA L521-9 Li-cense: coMfRjAeToR MoI'NTAIN WEST METAL SYSTEMS, L0/L7 /2OO3 Phone: (970) 468-L945 PO Box 25690 Silverthorne, Colorado 80497 License : 279-M APPLTCAIfT MOUMTATN WEST METAT, SYSTEMS, L0/L7 /2003 Phone: (97O)468-L945 PO Box 25690 Silverthorne, Colorado 4o497 License : 279-M Desciption: INSTALL DUCT AND NEW FAN COIL I-INITS Valuation: $3.500.00 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 So - oo Total Calculated F€€s--> 5103 . oo Fireolace lnformation: Rest cted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 Mechanical-> Plan Check--> lnvestigation-> Will Call----> $80.00 Restuarant Plan Reviev,,-> $20 .00 DRB F€€---------->90.0030.00 AdditionalFees---------> $0 - 00 TOTAL FEES-------> $103 . 00 Total Permit Fee------> $103 . 00 $3.00 Payrnents_----------> S103 .00 BALANCE DUE-----> $o. oo +'t'ljt*'lt+t+a+tt,t'llt,lt:lt*****al.ltl.t,tt+li.*+t*tt*l.*l'l*l*t**+,t't,l*|*art t * * 't:t* * * ** * 1,. 'r:i *t* at* at * *:| r:*,r **tr.** t+a+l ++'*a * * Item: 051-00 BUfLDfNG DEPARTMEMT to/27/2oo3 JKII Action: AP Item: 05500 FfRE DEPARII{ENI CONDITION OF APPROVALCond:12 (BI-,DG.): FIEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TI{E L997 IJMC, OR SECTION 701 OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): fNSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AIiID TO CIIAPTER 10 OF TI{E ].997 I'MC, CHAPTER ]-O OF THE L997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BIJDG. ) : GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VEMTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AIID SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TI{E ]-997 I'MC, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND S8C.1017 OF THE 1.997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF TI{E 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG. ) : BOILERS SHALL BE MOIIIi|IIED ON FTOORS OF NONCOMBUSTTBLE CONST. UNLESS I-,ISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG . ) : PERMIT, PLANS AND CODE ANAIYSIS MUST BE POSTED fN MECHANICAT-, ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BI-,DG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOIL,ERS SIIALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR :"*:::i-.,1.t1.-.;i-"."i,-IT..t*1,t]-,lT,l;.+,+,,:i.+,,1:,{,,.,i,} DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. a) SIGNATURE O WNER CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF * ** * * * ****** + * * *+ * *+** ****t**'|.*{r* *********************+*********+**+**l'**,}+********+****+*** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * +* * * +*t* ** * * * ** * ***+* ** *+lli ****t* ***************************'l**+***+++********************** Statement Number: R030005149 Amount: $103.00 IL/77/200303:19 PM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Mountain West Metal Systems 5L91 PermiE. No: M03-0211 T)4)e: MECHANICAL, PERMIT Parcel No: 2 L01072 050 01 Site Address: 714 W LIONSHEAD CR VAII-, Location 3 715 W LIONSHEAD CIRCLE #383/385 Total Fees 3 $103 .00 This Pal'ment: $103 .00 Total ALr, Pmts: $103 .00 Balance: 50.00 *'i**:f i* {r ********** * ***,t' +*+!t******* * ** * * * ** * * ** *+ i* * * ** {. r. ***i ***+{.** * +* * * * *+ r. * **!* * * ** l. {. tt * * * '1. * ACCOI,]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descrjption Current Pmts l'4P OO1OOOO31111OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 8O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 20.00 l^lc OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPTETE OR Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O - 47 9 -2149 (I nspections) ?ilJ/WT{OFYIIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Permit will not be accepted without the following: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUA FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials 5(! Duct Size Line Town of Vail Reo, No,:2-7f - l Contact and Phone #'s: E-Mail Address:a o Conhct Assessors Offie at 970-328-8640 or visit for Pattel # Pare # 2lOlOTzOfOo//x*svr n AnD / 'oo*u "vu4/L n4HRPbTr Job Address: .^NrT 3t 3/ 385- 715 w,LloNsl/FnD rtP t)At/, .,c Legal Description ll Lot: ll Btock ll riling:Subdivision: owfrnP? ) tw, REtasl llo98li", -? vAtt co 8tL58 llenone:Engineer: ll Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: -7/1/5//Zl '?ucT ]4/f2 /1/EU y'y',t/ <ott urJ/7t WorkClass: newf{ Addition( ) Atteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) O$er ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noffype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas ADDliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buminq ( Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) ***********************xFoR oFFICE USE ONLy***************************** Other Fees:Planner Siqn-off:Accepted BY: DRB Fees:Date Received: \Wail\data\cdcv\FORMS\.PERMITS\MECHPERM. DOC 07 t26t2002 Ktfsn€*t, 3ffi/egf AppucArroN wrlr Nor ,, o"rrf#6(#{&plErE oR ,N'TGNED Project #: TOW[{0Fytn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9-2149 (Inspections) Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:o Mechanical Room Dimensionsa Combustion Air Duct Size and Locationo Flue' Vent and Gas Line Size and Locationo Heat Loss Calcs.o EquipmentCut/SpecSheets CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: '(nunn 47J.4utt i(',|Ai- E-Maif Addresst mt{(,np,hi n rclnvrAtrc - , TION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT bor & Materials ************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy**********************r****** Other Feesl Accepted BY: DRB Fees:Date Received: Assessorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit for ParceI # ,Farcel # ) Job Address:-llq -,^/\ 1 )thslrt s Cu t L Legal Description ll Lor ll aOcrr ll ritinsr Subdivision: ryY Nu ettr Lt*il,r-;.,t,Address:.p5 5tt d3k{Phone: Engineer: ltAdaress:Phone: '""'5o-{t#ln "b}"'* fc "nWorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) o*r"*"4{ nepairlJ otii"6 BoilerLocation: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Mutti-family(l Commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noffype of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Aopliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood buming fireplace to an EpA phase II dEvicE yes ( ) No ( ) \WaiI\daIaKdev\FoRMS\PERMITS\MECHPERM.Doc un6n002 D(TERtOR -I ll il IL lilllr-rlll - tr_:-=jt COMBINED UNITS 3A3 AND 385 NO SCALE HALLWAY CORRIDOR I EXSTll,lG@tlDlTloNs HALLWAy@RR1DgR UNIT 383 1/8" = 1 FOOT Ex|erior \l ffi rln 1it Lo rl \x\lu N Hallv,€y conidor pROpOSEDWORK - UNIT 383 1/E'= 1 FOOT COIft'ERT WOOD EURNING ,' I, Exterior Partion wallto 383 Partion wall to 387 EXISTING CONDITIONS UNIT 385 114" = 1 FOOT t-----] -+ Hallway conidor i' I ' Partion wall to 383 Exterior Partion wallto 387 LOCATION OF NEW FCU 7r'&1 * ,faa lltut fl/t /o"t PROPOSED WORK UNIT 385 114" = 1 FOOT Hallway corridor al TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMLINIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8t657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M03-0216 D6 3_63{ q Job Address: 714 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 715 W LIONSHEAD CIRCLE #2-D Applied . . : l0l2l/2003 Parcel No...: 210107205001 Issued . . : ll/13/2003 ProjectNo: (qf63-O1\e Expires..: 05/ll/2004 owNER KrrsHNER, SANDRA R. - KASDAN,LO/21-/2003 Phone: C/O ROTHMAN GORDON FOREMAN & GROUDINE PC THIRD FI,OOR GRANT BUIIJDING PITTSBURGH PA L52T9 License: coNrRAcToR ROD HAI-,L COMPANY LO/2L/2OO3 Phonet 3O3-777-7'10O 255 WYANDOT STREET DENVER, CO 80223 License: 150-M APPLTCANT ROD I{ALr-, COMPANY 1,0/2L/2003 Phone: 303-777-7700 255 WYANDOT STREET DENVER, CO 80223 License: 15O-M Desciption: FIRE PLACE WOOD TO GAS CONVERSION 75K BTU Valuation: $ I,800.00 Fireplace Information: Resficted: # ofcas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 i of Wood Pellet: 0 + + ** 't* * *:* * *,t * *,1*'r * ** * **:i * *:t* * * +,t t + Mechanical--> S4o . o0 Restuarant Plan Revie\ .-> So - oo Total Calculated Fees--> S53 . 00 PIan Check--> $10. oo DRB Fee-----------> 90. oo Additional Fe€s----------> ($53 .00) Investigation-> $0. oo TOTAL FEES--------> $53. o0 TotalP€rmit Fee------> S0.00 Will Call---> 93 . oo Palments------------;' $0 . 00 BALANCE DUE---------> 9o. oo Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENI Lo/2t/2oo3 ,JRM Action: AP LO/2L/2OO3 dEI[ ACTiON: DN SEE FIRE DEPT FOR BTU I-,IMITS Ll/L3/2oo3 cd Action: AP per charlie this has been approved Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEMT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BL,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. ?01 oF THE 1'997 VvtC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BL,DG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER |' I 1.0 OF TTTE 199? I'MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE ]-997 IMC. Cond: 25 (B]-,DG. ) : Gi]\S APPI,IANCES SHAI,I-, BE lrEt(TED AccoRDING To CHAPTER 8 A}ID SIIALI-, TERMINATE AS SPECIFTED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE L997 VMC, OR CTIAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC, Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEJATING EQUIPMEITI MUST COMPI,Y WTTH CIAPTER 3 AIiID SEC.1O17 OF THE 1997 I]MC AND CIIAPTER 3 OF THE 1-997 TMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SIALL BE MOI]NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS I-,TSTED FOR MOUI{I]fING ON COMBUSTIBLE FI,OORING. Cond:32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE AI\IALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIANICAI ROOM PRIOR TO AI{ ]NSPECTION REQUEST, Cond: 30 (BI-,DG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAIJ ROOMS CONTAINING HEiATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOII,ERS STIALI-, BE EQUIPPED WITH A FI.,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. TO22 OF THF, 1997 IJMC, OR :.-"-:::::-.T,1,n.;,1-,3-l..lT.-1.1-11.-lT.l;,*+**+***,i,*++,*, DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE A.T 479-2I49 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI 259 PBl oCT 16 '83 !4t52 ,5 S. Front qc Rd.Vall, Colorado g16 'Eyvtyil1lotoe@ /- ( lZ- ta Da,r\ ,'}l o c.i t1 f-l at Equipmcnt Cut/SF€c Sheets t:'-"'*'fri"tno lJ # -grg tt/ooa/ +a Work Classj Ncw ( )Artdltton ( ) AtterauonlgJ Repalr( ) O$er( )Eollerlocatbn: tn@ Does an EHU exist at this locadon: yes ( ) No ( ) lpeorlUe: Slngbhmlly( ) o'Rcstaurant( ) othcrg() No. of E<tsdng Dueltng unltsGEE@:No. of AccommodaUon Untb In thls bulldlng: Iolfvec ot nreetaces ero JobAddressr 1(S tv Ltunahea4 CO]IIPLETE VAIUATIoT FoR TIIEGHANICAT PERilIT (Labor & Matedals) COTITRACTOR tlf FOR MATIOTT k,nda 3oS 0Z?."7 rur.......rFi0R0FFlcEUs-Eo[|LVrrrrrrr.r..l*.|.t.l..lt.....rll.l.tlr ' c--,2.,^y'---a 7 " (4J-UJ 4'76 PaL Rod Holl(ompcr,1 4F vrYANoot sT,, o€il\rEe €oLo. ffi13,- | - ?hz 3O!1777'77OO ,, \ \r"' -'' Fax 303/777-tt69 | * ,i n,-7 \\j \ lr'- t, lvlv ., |-l'-'r i \tr-''. \., Fax T raasnic cel NoU ElS '43 1A:54 ATIN: FA"t FRO}I: PAGES INCLI'DINC TNANSUIrIIAL rl lf,ERE AnE A.!rY quesrloNs cArL (303) 771-3234. o*r. ll-s-o3 TII{E I A.Y P}T OR PROBLEUS RECISVING TBIS FAI(, PLEASE TTIANK YOU ')'/Wz--tu n/'.tfirrtlt-/dx- a 4?6 Pa,z NEU AS '43 14351 BOBERT H.PETERS(XU CO. E"h"iM ruo 14724 Erdr hoclor Awnw, Gtv oJ lndust'y, cc 9l?tl5 . (6261 3€9-5S5 ' rAX (626) 369-597!' November 3,2OO3 Attn: Dave Hall Colorado Comfort Products 255 Wyandot Street Denver, Colorado 80223 Fax# 303) 777-1169 Re: Gas log set for Closed Doors Fireplace Application DearMr. Hall Per your request the attached ar€ test result lirr the log set sy$tsm input rated ut.;L9!:Pj}- model uumber GI-18 for installation in solict fi.rcl burning fireplaces iwith permanently closed glass doors. I have also included anexploded view drawing of thc bumer system,assembly, and pbotos oft}e achnl tcst units for reference, and including thr installrtion instnrctions front page for your revicw and comments, the complete set of installarion hstructions will be send to you upon complction- All test where performed at the Robert H Peterson Company C.S.A uccredited laboratory, by qualified technicians. Should additional information be required, l.'eel frce to contact me at,626) 369-5085. Sinccrely,w Product Engineer unrru.rhpeterson.com Manutachnen of I'Fire lrhgic' Barbecues. 'Real'Fyre" and "Htrllrnarkn Flearlh Products 4?6 P@3 MASTER OATASHEET DATA IN YELLO\I/ HIGI{LIGHTED I\REAS ONLY t,mu ffi 'E.3 1@:51 Technician Fuel: PROPANE NAT PI.ACE mmffiffi.,F'{ tr-ft$-'r-Wn Hgi,llr'$l1ii,*..ii.ltiil Earomelrb Prs*sure Meler Prsssur€ Total Pressjre l-leatiq Value (SlG ilA) Gas Tetnpetalure Conection Factor Conected Heating Value GasMeteri€rist No. Effi@fi # il6 orlf. Flue Gas Analyzer Used Horiba No. oofiiry,fiffil z:RH Infrarcdl(ftiiinii#:,r:S Modd 30ofi,ffi-ffiml SIGMACelorimelerSeridrNo.12622FF-ii}-3EF,,m Regulato: Fixed ffi Adruslablo ltr:-ffi'Hl{cne Fl..ffi.ffi.f, setting(inchesw.c) tfiffi-.Wffi HEATING VALUE' CORRECTION FACTOR RATE ' GOMBI.ISTION TESTS Valve Temgs. Top =114 Boftom = 106 r;t L uw Teet Unit l4odd No. Valve Mfg,/ Type Pilot MfE. /Type 4?6 PA4 NoU AS '43 LAt=z>. l, lnstaller: please leave theee instructione with consumet WARNING: lf the information in this manual is not followed exactly, a fire or explosion may result causing properly damage, personal injury or loss ol life. Do not store or use gasof ine or otherflammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. WHATTO DO IFYOU SMELLGAS. Open a window.. Do not try to light any appliance.. Do nol touch any electrical switch; do not use any phone in your building. ' lmmediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor's phone and follow the gas supplier's instructions.. lt you cannot reach your gas supplier, call tha fire dopartment. Insrallation and service must be performed by a qualilied installer, service agency orthe gas supplier. ROBERT H. PETERSDN C:O.|leal-Flfe" INSTALLATTON & OPERATING INSTRIJCTIONS Consumer: Please rcialn lor future reference. IMPORTANT IRCAO THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE STARTING NS'ALLAI'ION OF YOUB LOG SET This Peterson Real'Fyre Gas Log Setisto be installed only in a soti&fuel burrningfi rephce wilh a working flue constructed of noncombustible material. lt may also bs installeci in a flrerplacewilh permanently closed glass doors. Solic tuals shall not be bumed in a fireplace udEre thi:t gas log set is installed. The installation, including provisions lor combustion, ventilation air and rerquired minimum permanentvent opening, mr:sl conlorm with the National Fuel Gas Code (ztz31) and applicable local building codes. A Darnper Stop Clarrnp is included to mainta,n the rninimum porrnanent vent opening and to prevent full closure of the damper blade. The chlmney Damper should be fully op,:ned when buming the log s€t- Your log set ls designed to bum with yellow flames; thus adeoluate ventilation is absolutely neceEeary, IMPoHIANI; For safie ".15j^T111gd_proper perfornance, Ol{LytRobert H- peterson partssnd acc€asorise musa te irsed with lhis gfas ftry set a tldustry, CA 91746 4?6 PAS NOU ffi '43 1@153>.,, NoU 65 '63 LAt5,4 l ;i;*tt F 4 Jcrl =l.lltna4 E UJz. l6I -Lct 4?6 W r'i.,Y t b )"-.i(O1\::,,r,n,l'/ \I Icql\._.' )Ii-) :K,J/ ,e I Ic (' J r!O i-l '''. 12-18.2403 Inspectlon Rer;uest Repodlng _ __ uAil-_cg:r,QYlttfQF_- Requested lnspe<t Oale: Thursday, December t 8, 2003 InsFecton Area: JR srre Address: lli fi H8il:ilEi8 8ftIs*, ArPrD |nformruon AclhrlM 8030324 Tvr]€: &MF Sub TvD€: d\l\.|F Smls: ISSUED Const Tyl6: Occupa'ricy: Ose: ll FR lmp A66' 1t Orrier: KUSHNER, SA,{DRA R.. RASE'{I.I, JUDY A. Applkant: MATTHEWNEWBOffN Phone: (97o)4532326 Cclibaclor: MATTHEW NgWB€nN Dcctlp{on: lNST,tL FCU,COI'|1GRT FITEPLACE TO cAS ELlllltIATE EX(STIITG BASEBOARD HEATERS cominent: RourEDroJR-oFLoREs 3g-r f 3 gJ- Reouesbd Insp€cdon(sl Page 23 Item: 00 BLDG#lnal R€qu61of : NEWBORN, IUATTHEW AsshN€dTo: JMONDRAGON- Actlon: Requeeted Tlme: 08:00 Atr, Phone: 39S6324 Entared By: DGOLD€N K Thle fxp: .,em'-- Aclho: AFAPPROVED Acllon: Pl PARnil- ll.lSPEC:TtOhl Aclhn' AP APPROVECT Hftnovt/r,z / Z- -/8 "o7 i Inspcc.don Hlstgry Item: 226 FIRE DEPT, }.JOTIFICATION\ ltem: 10 BL DG-FooUno6JSl€€l' nem: :'o BlfJGFounc6lbrvsl€€l It€m: ff) BLDG-Framrng " Appfored "' 11r l9(R Itr3pecto{; G'CD Commonts: FRAMII-|G FOR FCU CLOSHTS ,t m: 50 BLDC-lnsulaton nem: 60 BLDG'Sh€etrock l,fall * ADD{or6d '= 11t21t8 In6p€c{or: C{B '' Commerit3: rcU eLOSET O'htLY I 1/25/03 Insp€cto{: C'CDItsm: 70 BLDC'-MIsC. ftsm: q) BLDG-Flnslnem: 2 t PLAN-ILC Foundatlon Plan ll€m: 22 PLANILC glte Flrn i''Et, c M tc r7]1 Ft M utt- [2ei A D;")i-'( t2o3- o75o REPT131 Run Id: L478 |}F, 12-17-2AOg hsDestlon Reauest Reoonlno -6-ff-en-- - ---"--: vArl-c.o-;rolmN-bF- " Requested Inspect Date: Insp€ctiorr Area: Sltc Address: ArPrD Infiormafron ActMty: irolo2ll Tvpe: &MECI-IConstTvD6: Occupeircv: Oi}'ief: KUSHNER. SANDRA R.. RASd,CNI, JUDY A. ADpllcant: lrot NTA|N WEST tvlETAL SYSTEMS, ClN. Cc'ir.clol: iIC,IJNTAIN WEST METAT SYSTEMS, CIN, Dccrlpdon: INSTALL D(fT AI\P t{EW FAhl COIL UNTTS Coflmant: ROUTEDTOJR - D,FLORES Reou€sted Inso€c6on(s) Page 19 llr€dnesdey, Oecember 1 7, 2oo3 JRT 714 W UONSHEAD CR VAIL 7'5W UONSHEAD CIFCLE ffi83':t85 ItPm: 390 ilEcH.Flnll Sub Tvoe: Al{F Sirh,E: ISSUED(lre: ktpfue.: JRM Phofte: (970YF$192F Phone €70146&19.15 /^, tQ r, ? 'l/,,;-! /-u__ ,rvl4_ Requested Tlme: 0l:00 Ftlf .// i' Phone: 46&49n4 (--'/ EntercdBy: DGOLD€N K APAPFRO\/ED tt fti: 20O MEcl.l-Rouoh * ADofo\€d - 11l21iil{ tnspec{or: GCD' ' Acdofl: Commonts: HSAT AND CHILL LlllES 6Opet TEST MECH-Fhatna PLM$GasPif,m ilEcFtEtdlault lloods I,ECH-Supply Air MECH-Mlsc- MECH-Rnal It€m: It€m: ngn: llem: Item: It ||r: 310 315 320 330 340 390 REPT131 Rrrrl Id.: L476 F l} 12-1 6:54 7-2003 am Inspection Request Reportlng --ltAtL*gO-:lQlllllLOE * - R€guested Inspect Oate: Wednesday, December 17. 2003' Inspechon Arear JFt Slte Address: 71tt W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL 7I5 VY UONSHEAD CIRCLE #O Page 20 ArPrD Intormauon Acttultv: Itr()&O216 TvDe: BMECH Sub Tvoe: A,SF St8tr3: SSSUED Const T146: <xcupahty: [ise: lmp Area: JRMolmel: KUSHhIER. SAI.IDRAR.. I(ASUAN. JUDY A. Appfhant: Rq)MLLCOfrtPAilY Phon€: fi3-lT7-77OO Conlraclor: RCD l{Att COUPANY phooo: 30}777-7700 D.scriptlon: FIRE PLACE WOOO TO GAS COI'f\|ERSXOSI 75K BTU Requestedtnsoecton(st /7-t/- O3 lbm: 390 *IECH+lnd Requested Tlme: 08:00 Aif Requesior: ROo l-|ALL COMPANY Phon€: {.J-^777-770o or- 390. Assigned To: JMoNDRAGoN AL) / .<' Enterad Ry: ffitotl, *- Acrbn: flr Tkrr Erp _ /- _ltUq'' I urE ErP _-j_ -ry,uzq .1-r'ttd.- /,' \-J,+-4.."4/ lnsD€cdon Hlstorv MECH-Rdrah MECH-l-t€allno Pl-MB-Gas Pidhg " ApF o'rrod * 11/2lYB lnsbectot: "JFIM CornmenE: AtR TEST t53lE CH-ExlEurt Flocdi MEcH-SupdyAft MECFI-Mbc. MECH-Flnrl nom: 2m nem: 310l€m: 315 Item: 32Onom: 330 It€m: iXOlbm: 39 Actlon: AP APPROVEI) REPT131 Rtrn Id: L476 t*o-ts.to ? B(tc t rowNdrvan 75 S, FRONTAGEROAD VAIL CO 81657 970-479-2138 Plan Check-> Investigation-> Will Call---> so. oo Additional Feee..---*->$ss.00 $0.00 S3 5 . 00 DRB Fee------> s3.00 BAL,ANCE DUE_-----> Item: 05100 BUIITDIIIG DEPARTMENr o6/a9/2oo3 DF Acrion: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FrELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED fO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI.,]ANCE. Condt 22 (BL,DG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 70L OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTIoN 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (BLDG.): INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTIIRES I:NSTRUCTIONS AlnD To CHAPTER 10 OF TI{E 1997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 OF TI{E 1997 IMC. S0 . 00 TOTAL FEES---> S1?8 - 00 Total Permit Fee---> 5233 . 00 Paymenle-----1 $233 - 00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT \)c.^\ L\.rf.a[.-[ :4 * t*rts c- J -D NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE T,OSTED ON TOBSITE A'I ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: N/i03-0087 Job Address: 714 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Stafus . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 714 WLIONSHEAD CIR Applied. . : 06/19/2003 Parcel No...: 210107205015 lssued . . : 0t'/19/2003 Project No : Expires . .: 12/1'6/ 2003 owNER IIMC ACQUTSTTTON PROPERTTES tO6/t9/2OO3 Phone: * MARRIOTT INTERI.IATIONAI, ONE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 938.01 WASHINGTON DC 20058 I-,icense: coNrRAcToR AITITIANCE MECHANTCAIT 06/L9/2OO3 Phone: 970-328-0303 P.O. BOX l-855 EAGIJE, CO 81531 L.,icense : !47 -P APPr-,rcAr\rr Ar,lrAl{cE MEcHAI{rcAr, 06/1"9/2oo3 Phone: 970-328-0303 P.O. BOX 1855 EJAGLE, CO 8L631 License : t47 -P Desciption: PHASE I REPLACE EXISTING GREASE TRAP WITH SAME FOR SAI4E Valuation: $6,500.00 Fireplace Information: Restricbed: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Cas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet Mechanical-> 5140.00 Restuarant Plan Review->$0 . 00 Tota! Calculated Fees-> $178 . 00 Condr 25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPIJIAIICES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED TN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR CIIAPTER Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEMT MUST COMPLY WITH CIIAPTEF" THB 1997 UMC A}ID CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BI-'DG.): BOILERS SHA[-,L BE MOI]Ii|IIED ON FL,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE IJISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBI'E FI-'OORING. Cond: 10 (PLAN): ATTIC SPACES SHALIJ HAVE A CEILING IIEfGIIT OF 5 FEET OF- LE.SS, AS MEASIIRED FROM TIIE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTTIRAI, MEMBERS OF THE FI-'OOR TO THE UI.IDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAI., MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DTRECTLY ABOVE. Cond:32 (BLDG. ) : PERMIT, PLANS AND CODE ANAI-,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQIIEST. Cond: 3O (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAIJ ROOMS CONTAINING HEATfNG OR HOT-IdATER $UPPI,Y BOII,ERS SHAIL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FI,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 I'MC, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F THE 1997 IMC. Cond: CON0005944 NON CONMFORMING CODE ITEMS REQUIRED TO BE UPDATED TO T'HE UPC CODE DECLARATICNS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fulI the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inJormation as required is correct. I agree to comply vvith the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stluctrrre .lccordlng to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and othei ordittances c-rf the Torvn applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS lN ADV.{NCE BY TELFTHONF ^T 479-2719 oF. AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8;00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNA F OWNER OR COI..ITFA FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF 8 AND SIIAT,I., 8 OF THE ]-997 TMC. 3 AND SEC.1017 0F coNST. tlNtESS TWtl0F 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 ED IF INCOMPLETE OR - Project #: Building Mechanical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 -2149 (Inspections) Permit will not be accepted without the following: to indude: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town ofVail Reg. No.: ,6)-C S- MECHANICAL: $ Z{e?) COMPTETE VATUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT bor & Materials Contact Assessorc Offie at 970-328-8640 or visit for Patel # Parcel # WorkClass: Neiw() Additidfi( ) Alteration( ) Repair@,f Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Boiler Location: Interior Ql Exlerior ( ) Other ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial 0,r- Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: GasLoos( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBu Nofiype of Fireplaces Proposed:.@ianccs( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood Urrrning+rcptaee+e-an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No WAil\dAIA\CdCV\FORMS\P ERMITS\]VIECHPERM. DOC 07/26t2002 T2:l-9-20E4- -tntpeciifiRequart Reffriing -lJ!_en__ _ __vAl!-*cQ_.IOW[oF_ Requested lospect Date: Inspecfion Area: SitE Addressl Thursday, February 19, 2004 7I4 W UONSHEAD CR VAIL 7I4 W LIONSHEAD CIR A/PrD lntormsuon Acth/ny ConstTn6: otflner: Appllcsnl: Crnbac{or: Descrlpdon: MO3-fl)87 Typa: &MECI-I HMc AcnuLsrtoN "ffiF*f&=,*ALLIANCE MEC}IANICAL ALLIA' ICE MECI'IANICAL Strtu!: lrtsptu€c: ISSUED GD Phone: 97S3?&0303 Pbono: 970.32&0303 PIIASE I REPLACE EXISTING GREAS|E TRAP wlTH SAME FOR SAME Reouested Inso€cion(sl lbrn: 390 iilEcH-Fifial R€qrcdor: ALLIAI'ICE MRCI{AI.|rc'AL Asslgnod To: GDEl.,cKtAil/-LL) Acllon: _ f \l Tlm€ EIp: YrlY tnar lnipecton HlstorY tl) **,*i*rJjJ,' Phon€: 977-6255 ( \ EntetedBy: DGOLD€N K - I ttam: It€m: tbm: Item: ttam: tbnr: nent: 3q) MECI-l-Fhsl 20O MECI-l-Rcuoh 310 MECt-Fl-baUna 315 Pl-MB.GosPidno 32O MECH-Exhauh t{oods 33O MECI-l-Supply Alr 34O MECI-I-MFc. Oai21lo3 lnsp€ctor: GCD Actbn: CR CORRECTION REOUIRED Commsnts: TH}s SHOULD OF BEEN A PLUMBING PERMl"t. -fPROVIDE 1/4. PER FOOT GRAD€ AT NLET TO GREASE TRAP. 2.PROVIDE INSTALLATICN INSTRUCTIONS/SP€CS FOR'TXIAP. :\ sub rJffi: AcoM REPTl31 Run f;1: 1636 TOl'NOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2738 DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NIry DEVELOPMENT f Uc^^\ (^ t\ j.d /\^.-"-o+ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M03-0210 Job Address: 714 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: unit #493 and 495 Marriott Hotel Applied . . : 1'0/1'6/2003 Parcel No...: 2101.07205006 Issued . . : 72/01'/2003 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 05/29/2004 ovilNER CAPLA, TOIUAS ir. & iII'DITH J. aO/L6/2OO3 Phone: 25OO 'TOHNSON AVE RIVERDAI,E NY 104 63 License: coNrRAcToR cr,rMATE coNfRor, co oF Gws Lo/L6/2oo3 Phone: 970-945-2326 P O BOX 1042 GIJENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 815 02 License: L29-M CoNTRACTOR D'AGOSTTNO MECHANTCAIJ CONTRA11,/o 6 / 2003 Phone : 913 -384-5170 4440 OI,IVER STREET KANSAS CTTY, KS 6610 6 License: L48-P Desciption: adding 2 enviro tec a/h to stubbed in cold and hot water supplier and returns. untt #493/ 495 Valuation: $6,500.00 Fireplace lnformation: Restricted: Y # of Gas Apptiances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet **** FEE SUMMARY Mechanical-> 5140. 00 Restuarant Plan Review->so. oo Total calculated Fees__> s178. 00 Plan Check-> lnvestigation-> Will Call---> So - oo trdditielf Pses->s0. 00 $3 .00 BALANCE DUE--_>$0. oo Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMENT La/o7/2oo3 ccD Action: AP Itemr 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD IIISPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. Condz 22 (BL,DG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMC' OR SECTION 701_ OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (BLDG.): INSTAI-,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTIIRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER s35. 00 DRB Fee-------'.-_> $o . oo TOTAL FEES------> $1?8 . 00 Total Pemrit Fee-> $178 . 00 Paymmts-> $1?8.00 10 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 TMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPIJIANCBS SIIALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR CHAPTER Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATTNG EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITI{ CHAPTER TIIE 1-997 UMC A}ID CIIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHAIJIJ BE MOITNIED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI-,E I.,ISTED FOR MOI'}f,TING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLAIIS Al,lD CODE AIiIAIYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO A}T INSPECTION REQI'EST, Cond: 30 (BI-,DG.): DRiAINAGE OF MECHANICAI ROOMS CONTAINING HEiATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOII,ERS SIIAI.,IJ BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. tO22 OF THE 1997 I'MC, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read ttris application, filled out in full the information required/ completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plaru to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stmcture according to the towns zoninS and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATUREOF CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI AND SHALL 8 OF T}TE 1997 IMC. 3 AllD SEC.1017 0F CONST. UNI-,ESS mvNwvilL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 APPLICATION WIIL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97O- 479-2149 (Inspections) TOWN OF VAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Permit will not be accepted without the following: Room Di Air Duct ent dld Gas CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE V TION FOR MECHANICAT PERMIT lfum Labor & Materials Town of Vail Reg, No.:Contact and Phone #'s: MECHANICAL: $ 6,r2f Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel #7to/o>2o 9aa6 rob Name: cfipL*robAddress: 7 /q mJftio'^Iircm Legal Description ll Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners Namerrf L*/tA llAddress:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detaifeddescriptionof workr a/4/.ry (\ €avrltTT€C /4/./i. fu Sru6g4r4 /1 Cok ,1. Ao f hr4+8. topti/bf *AeruatJ , urtni qq 3 +.1E{ WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Alteration(;{ Repair( ) Other( ) BoilerLocation: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family (1 ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Type of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( Nofl-ype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) '.**tt*Other Fees:Planner Siqn-off:AcceDted By: DRB Fees:Date Received: \Wail\data\cdev\FORM S\PERM ITSW ECHPERM.DOC 07t26t2002 Town of Vail Mechanical Codes and Desiqn Criteria You must obtain Design Review Board (DRB) approval if any of the mechanical work will involve ANY exterior work. This includes and is not limited to removal and replacement of driveway snow meft systems. Please contact a planner at 479-2L28 before submitting your mechanical permit application. The Town of Vail has adopted the 1998 International Mechanical Code (IMC) with the 1997 Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) as an acceptable alternative. All new construction within the Town of Vail is considered to be of unusually tight construction, thus all combustion air is required to be drawn from outside the structure for mechanical equipment. Reference the 1997 UMC Sec. 7OL.2. Town of Vail Fireplace Ordinance In September of 1991, the Vail Town Council adopted an ordinance which restricts te construction and use of open hearth fireplaces within municipal boundaries. Since that time the ordinance has undergone numerous changes and revisions, striving for compromise, yet effectiveness in addressing the air quality issue. Therefore the following criteria has been adopted: o Construction of open hearth wood burning fireplaces is no longer permitted within Town of Vail municipal boundaries. . Dwellinq Units - Each new dwelling unit may contain: One (1) EPA Phase II certified solid fuel burning device and no more than two (2) gas appliances (B vent) OR Two (2) gas log fireplaces and no more than two (2) gas appliance fireplaces (B bent). . Restricted Dwellino Units - Each new restricted dwelling unit may contain: One (1) gas log fireplace and not more than one (1) gas appliance fireplace. . Accommodation Units - each neu, accommodation unit may contain: One (1) gas log fireplace or one (1) gas appliance fireplace. r If two or more separate dwelling units or accommodation units are combined to form one larger unit, the combined unit may retain one woodburning fireplace (if one already exists) and no more than 2 gas appliance fireplaces, or may convert up to two existing fireplaces to gas. . If during the course of a remodel an existing woodburning fireplace is altered or moved, the unit must then comply wath all provisions of the ordinance. That is, the fireplace must be converted to natural gas or replaced by an EPA Phase II certified unit. F: /everyone/forms/mechperm N0V-00-2003 THU 06r54 All CLIIIATE CoNTRoL FA}( N0, 9709458128 HEATING - IVC VENTILATION SHEET METAL GAS FIBEPLACES P, 0l 1537 County Road 130 / P.O, Box 1042 Glenwood SpringF, Cqlorado 81602 Tclephone: 970.945-2326 Fax: 970-945-8128 LIMAjEotrrfroL OMPA'I'Y of Glenwood Springs November 05, 2003 Town of Vail Building Liaison Officer 75 South Frontage Road Vail Cq 81657 J1\,,\ Atnr:.drn0enckla VIA FACSIMILE: 970.476-4890 Re: Dr. Thomas & Dr, JulY Capla Marriott Towers unit 493495 716 W, Lionshead Road Vail Co 81657 Dear Glen: This tettcr is to confirm trat dimate Control Company is no longer associated Wth the above-mentioned Project' Ifyou have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at any time' Respectfully,o /&-,tuf* Ken Wyman Sales Manager BESIDENTIAL EOMMENCNL SENVICE CONTFOLS ,ercCA. ft4ditlonh! CqokickE olArn€ el Ynt t- mfrkAt orT TD uJ e IrJ FOR (TO)/-oct<- o f? + JOB (SUBJECT) AftY O UT"&uyy " /-f L oercft:29-Qj /Y?T rc 5c4t'u- NoT ltccu AftI€ B4rH f/r?lL Orav. P*.r:1r urtcg,eL bq 9r.,vrduTe,r,+Sr, nJ.o, S.^4pl/ 4. R"frrnr Pcr 11ur;rLl */- l2ol.la.s APPRAVEE Comrrunity D:vclopment Dcpartment Bulldng Safeb & lnsPection Services Loq<a S tutttT Ke l, LOt) Az.,,n-{ol,*.a. firt- Pz,-srshue-. 4'tco^*rurhon' ?zr 91tl-ge Sz'e-' ,to1 Dills ltrofr*r Cerlt^a. fire. St"p &f"kJ,"n RFO RAOM UN rT Be b *oorn Sufftt b+fA ( lYt'Nu Office Gopy lectton t05.43 Un|lotD hlq Clat Wfty ol Perrntt fhc issu'l€ o, grantins of a pcrmit or apFovd of Pbt' tPd6cations and crmpuul@ hit nor u'" conitrued to bc i pcnnil for' c u aPProval ot, anr- violation d uy of rhe tro'isions of this codc 6 of |lty otbcr ordi:nancc of thc judsdictiot F-rmits pr,xuming to gv€ authority lo viohE or canc€l thc provisions of tiir code or other ordinances of thc juridicdoo eball not be valid' BY (FROM) rJ6oCL TOWN OF YAN IaLIMATE l.r,OnlTROL[-OmPANY RIGHT.J SHORT FORM Entire House Job: 10-16-03 For:capla Htg CIS-19 9570 7589 20.M -28 Infiltration Outside db ("F) Inside db ('F) Design TD ("F) Daily range Inside humidity (o/o) Moisture difference (gr/lb) Method Construction quality Fireplaces Simplified Average 1 HEATING EQUIPMENT Make Trade nla nla Efficiency Sensible cooling Latent cooling Total cooling Actual cooling fan Cooling air flow factor Load sensible heat ratio COOLING EQUIPMENT nla 0 0 0 622 0.048 Make nla Trade nla nla Efficiency Heating input Heating outsut Heating temperature rise Actual heating fan Heating air flow factor Space thermostat TOTALS nla nla nla 0 0 0 622 0.029 Btuh Btuh.F cfm cfm/Btuh Btuh Btuh Btuh cfm cfm/Btuh 84 o/o 820 213/.9 15433 Bold,/ltalic values have been manually overrldden Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 7th Ed. 622 622 ROOM NAME Area (ft ) Htg load (Btuh) Clg load (Btuh) Htg AVF (cfm) Clg AVF (cfm) ONE BEDROOM LIVING ROOM 120 700 13144 8206 4576 8429 383 239 219 403 Entire House d Ventilation air Equip. @ 1.00 RSM Latent cooling 820 21349 0 13005 0 13005 2429 622 622 g rnrrlghtsoft Rishtsuite Residentialm 5.o so RsR2o427 2003.Oc{-16 07:53:38 Page I4CN C:\My Documents\CAPLA ONE BEDROOM.TsT RIGHT.J WORKSHEET Entire House Job: 10-16{3 1 3 I,IANUAL J: 7th Ed Name of room Length ot exposed wall Room dimensionsCeilngs I Condit. Option Entire House 24.0 fr. 80 fll d ONE BEDROOM 10.0 ft 10.0 x 12.0 tt 8.0 ftl heaucool LIVING ROOM 14.0 ft 17.5 x 40.0 ft 8.0 ft I heaycool ryPE OF EXPOSURE NO. HTM Htg I Clg Area (ft") Load (Btuh) Htg I CIS Area (n") Load (Btuh)Hto I Clo Arca (fr1 Load (Btuh) Htg I Cls Area Hts cls Gross Exposed \rYalls and parlitions a b d t 14C 6.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0_0 0.0 192 0 0 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 112 0 0 0 0 0 Windows and gtass ooors Healing b c d I 32.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 84 0 0 0 0 0 2699 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1349 0 0 0 0 0 42 0 0 0 0 0 1349 0 0 0 0 0 7 Windows and glass doors Cooling North NE/NW E/vV SgSW South notz 0.0 0.0 64.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 84 0 0 0 0 0 5376 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2688 0 0 0 0 0 42 0 0 0 0 2688 0 0 0 6 Other doors o c 100 40.9 0.0 0.0 10.9 0.0 0.0 2A 0 0 1 146 0 0 304 0 0 2A 0 0 1146 0 0 304 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nel exposed walls and partitions a o c d e f 14C 6.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.0 80 0 0 0 0 o 548 0 0 0 o 100 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 o 70 0 0 0 0 0 480 0 0 0 0 0 88 0 0 0 0 0 10 Ceilings d I 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Floors (Notei room p€nmerer is displ. for slab tloorc) a b c o e t 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 lnfiltration a 1v 10.8 112 '15015 1205 70 93E4 153 42 563'1 452 13 14 15 Subtoial loss=6+8..+1 1+12 Less eKemal heating Less iransfer Duct loss Tolal loss = 13+ 14 100/, 19409 0 0 1941 21349 10y, 11949 0 0 1't95 13144 1O'/ 7460 0 o 746 8206 ot '16 17 1E 19n Int. gains: People @ 300 Appl. @ 1200 Subtol RSH gain=7+8..+ 12+16 Less external cooling Less transfer Duct gain Total RSH gain=(1 7+18)'PLF Air required (cfm) 6 1.00 'r 800 3600 12385 0 0 619 13005 622 0 501 1.00 600 0 4356 0 0 218 4576 219 3 5a/, 1 .00 239 1200 3600 8028 0 0 401 u29 403 o/ Printout certified bv ACCA to meet all reouirements of Manual J 7th Ed. 3 r^zrrghtsoft Right€uite Residentialr! 5.0.30 RSR2O427 2003-Oct-'t 6 07:53:38 Page 1/4, C:\My Documenls\CAPLA ONE BEDROOLr.rsr RIGHTJ SHORT FORM Entire House Job: t0.16{3 For:capra Htg Clg-19 95'rfl 'rE 89 20.M-50-28 lnfiltration Outside db ("F) lnside db ("F) Design TD ('F) Daily range Inside humidity (%) Moisture difference (grilb) Method Construction quality Fireplaces Simplified Average 0 HEATING EQUIPMENT COOLING EQUIPMENT Make nla Trade nla nla Efficiency Heating input Heating output Heaung temperature rise Actual heating fan Heating air flow factor Space thermostat TOTALS nla 0 0 0 199 0.028 Btuh Btuh.F cfm cfm/Btuh nla 0 0 0 199 0.048 Btuh Btuh Btuh cfm cfm/Btuh Make nlaTrade nta nla nla Efficiency Sensible cooling Latent cooling Total cooling Actual cooling fan Cooling air flow factor Load sensible heat ratio 84 o/o 242 Bold./ltalic values have been manually oveddden Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 7th Ed. 7059 4001994938 ROOM NAME Area (fr") Htg load (Btuh) Clg load (Btuh) Htg AVF (cfm) Clg AVF (cfm) LOCK-OFF 242 7059 4169 199 199 Entire House d Ventilation air Equip. @ 1.00 RSM Latent cooling 242 7059 0 4169 0 4169 769 199 199 E \ /rlghtsoft Risht-suile Residentialt^r 5 o 30 RsR2o427 rcC\ C:$,]ty Docurnents\CAPLA LOCKOFF.TsT 2003-Oc1-16 07 :46147 Page 1 RIGHT.J WORKSHEET Entire House Job: 10-16{3 [/ANUAL J: 7th Ed. 1 Name of room Length of exposed wall Room dimensionsCeilngs I Condit. Option Entire House 11.0 ft 8.0 fll d LOCK.OFF 11.0 ft 11.o x 22.O ft 8.0 ftl heat/cool TYPE OF EXPOSURE CSI NO. HTM Htg I Clg Area (ft') Load (Bluh) Htg I Clg Area (ft") Load (Btuh) Hlg I Cls Area Ht9 clg Area Htg cl9 Gross Exposed walls and partitions b e I 14C 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 88 0 0 0 0 0 88 0 0 0 0 0 6 Windows and glass doors Heating b c d f 3D 32.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 42 0 0 0 0 0 1349 0 0 0 0 0 42 0 0 0 0 0 1349 0 0 0 0 0 7 Windows and glass doors Cooling North NE/NW EryV sgsw South noz 0.0 0.0 64.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 42 0 0 0 0 0 2688 0 0 0 0 0 42 0 0 0 o 0 2688 0 0 0 It Other doors b c 10D 40.9 0.0 0.0 10.9 0.0 0.0 28 0 0 1146 0 0 304 0 0 28 0 0 1146 0 0 304 0 0 I Net exposed walls and partilions a o d I 14C 6.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0,0 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1E 0 0 0 0 0 123 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 1E 0 0 0 0 0 123 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 Ceilings a b c d e t 0.0 0.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Floors (Note: room perimeter is displ. for slab floors) a o d e t 0.0 0.0 0.0 0_0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 lnfiltration 54.3 5.1 70 3798 356 70 3798 356 '13 14 15 Subtotal loss=6+8..+1 1 +12 Less extemal heating Less transfer Duct loss Total loss = ,13+14 'loy, 4417 0 0 642 7059 10 0t 6417 0 0 642 7059 v, 16 't8 19 20 Int. gains: People @ 3oo Appl. @ 1mo Subtot RSH gain=7+8..+ 12+16 Less extemal @oling Less lransfer Duct gain Total RSH gain=(17+'1 8)'PLF Air required (cfm) 0 501 1,00 199 600 0 3970 0 0 199 4169 199 0 1.00 199 600 0 3970 0 0 't99 4169 199 o/, Printout certified bv ACCA to meet all reouirements of Manual J 7th Ed. g r^zrrgl.rtso'ft Right-Suite Residertiatn 5.0.30 RSR2&27,4q Clty'y Documents\CAPLA LOCKOFF.TsT 200&tu-16 07146:47 Page 1 -t Pagp 5 ArPn) lnlbrm.tl,on Ac{rrlty: rm}@1o T}Dc: BM€CH Consl Ty116: Occupcrrcy: O$,nef- CAPL\, TOMAS J. & JUDITH J. Cmlndor: D GOSThnMEC}|AISCAI CCNTRqITORS Reguested tnsp€ct Dab: Ylfednesdry, Oec€rdb€r 03. m03 lnsocctlon /Ve.l GD SibAddress: 714 W LJOI{S}IEAD CR VAIL unlt *ag3 tnd .{}5 l$.rrlctt Hobl Bubrlffi: AnF Plrofte: 91&38i1-517O Pborp. 970-94$2326 Slfils: lnsp trp6, ISSUED GD ReouerbdrnEoec'on(s! l\$pYour?v 3?0 - poqT ccrb{on: dffiffiF'F./h to strbho<l In coH and hot vv€br sugpller or|d rsturns. unl *4(8496 t{otce: Rscefied new corSaclor lnformetlon and letlu dadng that C[nrah codrol h no loogpr th. contraco{ fot thb fobond gAgcEfi|o ts tltlng osr the Job and p.fii[ apdh.ibo - GD€I.ICKLA conrrnrrnr: ffifif;;roenEcFefiEvrEw n ,r A?t,illbm: 39o tlECH.Flnrl l/ t I Reque3bdTlm€: 99.o9_f1{Rrqurapr QILIATECONTROUCoOFGWS _ . PhorF: €L?q!Z' Enlsred By: DGOLD€N KAsrigned To: GD€rcKLA Aadon: _ Tln|e Exp: frMtl\-c lnsp.cllon HlibrY ax) 310 315 3a0 330 340 380 llem: na|fr:lhn: lErr: llom:tun:lhn: ..'-1..t i'o,t6{* REPT131 Rnn Id: L457 ''! T A,A?rl r .-,-r tr V,,r i MEMORANDUM TO: Legal File (Lots 4 & 7, Block l, Vail Lionshead 3'd Filing and Lots C & D, Morcus Subdivision) FROM: George Ruther, Chief of Planning DATE: October30.2003 SUBJECT: Vail Marriott Mountain Resort Existing Unit Count @ensrty) Vail Resorts Development Company is proposing to remodel the interior spaces of the Vail Maniott Mountain Resort. The proposed remodel would include the conversion of existing or approved accommodation units to dwellings and the construction of new accommodation units. As the Zoning Code does not permit the conversion of accommodation units to dwelling units, the result ofthe proposed remodel must not decrease the existing number of accommodation units in the hotel. To ensu€ compliance with the applicable regulations, the staff completed an analysis ofthe existing unit count (density) conditions of the Vail Marriott Mountain Resort- Attached to this memorandum is the final approved unit count for the Vail Maniott Mountain Resort. These unit counts shall be used in the calculation of development potential for the development site. .. at altrr) !^ d;s - t-r trO. 5 tt)glrl oal 1-< 'tr @Y 0) .:j a EP rJ radbOU €tr: A YO X =9 E<) ,:, Gl.Ee c...1 I E>t xltz<l 6<l F.rrSAl C{ f.) .:{ 'J>l r r HEAl i,^ ai,,tJ>)V(lal t-rz -v QFt t&1 4At);t eril 4xlizlE?t x t-{ | lrl c.l71 2R5l is >lErl =6Frl Zlbl 95 -t-ill&ta<t I>l ajl F)?I Y>l ez Fia -X EI , H s fi I 9 5 d { I Il ! n o tl = $ IE a F J t i?d ?d =nr llu i?a zI IL ILo aIL I oz 6J fn oo *i-+ ------dtHf lImUrot l_ ,. i.--1,L--;--B-- @ r- r rl iaa 'T'' '-i:rl {.i.t t: Itris? N.,rt ?B <-d E!€?Ir&---) i?d ,EU??:jH R- r tl iaB fEr:ift---t Sn ll ed <-d naeqm-+ [rN ! lr iaa $ ul + P 3fo,';":'Hx' T. T. 9- ! ltr iaa oft r rt iaa Qn t [r i?a r-fl r lr i?a ;[n Efii -tl.l! :)E* Pa e Ei""r Y lii r ] ps ? -- 2lol Y L:JB t fia 9rrE EI Hi$n ? Trr! E] H 3 Sn ? t-lls[ ? ?ilE Ro f trr i?d E IL + J5n tr""'1 Y E]Hi n$ :r EIH @a e @n ? 9rrE EHi I fia fia tr---r !l E]HtSn ? [El r ]L-J ,r-r ! Ei *i -9 EJ I ? a{s On tr llll i?B I z 5fo o= iE c o-d - li 9 -.E-erkEi6 E.s;5 3-1 ;6,'!PE€ E b'5=JiEbD>. 3 U€€ d c >.9 .! E:'- (,r:f - = v f s9 g3 6 = U F 9Ei€.*Eri; ;" -- 6.=.!gFE!+F,Ei==sErf - o\: !,^ trq0j e U v.= o o F c C u -- - ,.r.: g'3; E:'€h!:;EE? ?' 'r.1 U (t) f) (r) c] >\F tltltltlI col | !-r ItYt -l c-ll tl'I.. I rDl rrX n5t,2 Yi4 -' n- I I I*lrol.YIr-lcol a'l rrl ul ';l >l t'-l xl r^' I n.l I H a-.1 r\l l-l I \-/l a)l a1l ol (-) |>l0)larl .l.r I ol qJl -l i,; <n 0) E 'd (g AJ i-. a) !.ilocr I >!la1 I I o. l >\tr | IE.E bb I P -+.E I !'n _9 | vgd IbO (',) ., Ie-D F I€ =E Iul,)!. IE e€ I l-83 '-liE i +li=earl'=^= 6l J ,n'F OlCJ lg V t-li>tEl :gE ^61.:=xHl 7uQ :fl6?9p .91F;f il =E F >I HI99bD 'Fl; E.E iI .e ge I |q- I I ;9! -ugEE S +&= Hr x == o 6':e ?.et8 6.2 19 5-s;E 3 ,e';,p F =e-r=q,+.5 u tPil3 rd tn-.= | A!9 IEF> > YF Z >{Uz4A DUUo tqo HHdUH F{H Ht f:lU 'P '{, .H- !ts 3t N.9 S\tr)5 *\: \Oli ^- o t'<,XlJXco -J..|-.^..,.1sFdb.-!.P:S( g $.R €ra- 9 H. Ss-F*S.\ Lt :t-e 5.i\d --ii'SnH =\;NJS,!: :PF :: r--.1s FJ-r =, =F< U '6. v)rh OJ "d'f1 )-.y'qIj "< b*€p b bv - Pi 9 -,n h.9 *= 9SEofEE,i=Q.-E=-' :;o:rPr;E;6EEEFP> 3.:r;€-E,!c >.9.EE-*'iPE.l:5" 9ts ie s =UF9Ei€: E t;'; 3"I€'H.E.=egE9*F-i EE€igHEi 9ts a.s EtI o!-..{.,Fotre'--- ": e 3 b E s'E bEAEEEa ^f)\..i \\ i_r N li z oj t-. 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