HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 3 BLOCK 1 LOT 4 PERMITS 1992-2002 3 OF 3 LEGAL . . 1� l � 9� �`��� �� z�� }� 3 �,� � � v� -� � . ` . , � � " ��� N{7TE: THIS PERi�iIT �'lUS"�' �3E A'�]S'X'El7 ON JC7BSITE AT ALL TINdES r� TV�'VNQFYt`�.�� ADi��'ALT car� suzL� ���T P�r��� � : B��-���� 75 S�urh �',rr��3trxge Road Departrnent af Cvrramttnity D�vedoprnerrt Yail, C"al�rado 81 b57 JQb Addres s : Status. . . : I SSUED 970-479-Z13&,,/479-�'139 Location. . . : MARK R��LIRT & TEATNIS CLL7BApp].��d, , : 1(],/Zfi,f1995 FAxs�(1-4�9-z4sz Parcel I�o. . : 2J.o1-a7�-1�-a�,3 zssuea. . . : 1�/��/19�5 Prflject N�a. . E��ir�s . . . �5,/05/1996 APPLICANT RTl?�Y �ONTRACTGRS Phone: 3d�39253655 P O BO� 9 9 9, EDTia'ARI}S Ca 81�3 Z CC?NTRACTaR RI�PY CON�'RACTORS Phone: 34392�3655 P (] BOX 9 9�. EI�WART3S CC� 81 b 3 2 , OWNER HMC AC�[]ISZT�DN PRt]PERTIE� INC 144�60 FEFt�IW�7C?D RD, 'WASHIN�TQN DC 2(}012 Descript�.r�n: SAL�i� AX I S (]ccupancy: TYPe Constru�tion: I� FR �'yp� II �'�re Resis��v�: Type (7ccupa�cy: B2 Nat in takal�e! Va�uatic��: 17, 30p Add Sq Ft: Fir�ptac� InformationF Restr�eted: t10# Gas AppLiances: lJOf Gas 4.cigs: #!�€ I�oadfPallct: 5k�it�ltkatir��kir*irir,t#-�tir**ic*#,t***�tkiririr*��kir,tir,t*##kir#*iriHk,t�tir#rRit-kkic#ir FEE SUMHARY �t'kAlrstttrtint*irit**ir*,1�k**#ir�t*#*ttir�eik*#*irdcict*R**�t°�t#ir��#'kk*�kirak Building____�.? �25.D0 R�stuarant �l�n Revic�ar--] .00 Tt�tat CaEcutated Fees—> 524.,25 Plan Check---] 14b.25 oRB Fer-r--_.,.__---------> SO.OD Additivnal Fees--------y .OS7 InWest'igatiorU .00 Reereation Fee---�-------� .QD 7otal Parmit Fee--------� 524.25 41i1L Call----> 3.fJ0 Clean-Up Deposit-----___} 14�D.C1D Payments----_-__-__.._..__� 524.25 ' TOTAL FEES-----_______°-] 524.25 HRLANCE DUE- -> .[SQ **#**�tir�Y**�t##*�ir**k�rk*rF�4'kk'kk�kiett'k�ci�* #�r�k�k***#*�kk***�it�*k*##***#******ie*#*Y1*****'k'k*atak9k'k#***isic*******atsk �tez�: d51�(� BC]ILD�NG DEFAftTMENT 1]ept: SLIILDIN� Di��.sian: �.D��G�`1995 CHUCK Ac�ir�n: APPR �tem: �54(]b PLA�'NING a�PARTMEi�T Dept: gLAN�3'ING L3ivisian: 1a,,I25,,/I995 CHUCK Ac�.ion: A�PR It�m: 056QU FTRE I�EPAF�TMEN'� Dept: FFRE D�vision: 1l�/z�6/�.9�5 cxucK Ac�tian: APPR IC�m: fi5500 QUBLIC W�3RKS Dep�: Pi38 WQR�i ���isian: la/2�6/2�95 cxUCx Action: AFFR �*�*�**�*������*�r���r*���r��-�r�x�����****�x�*�**�,�***�r*,r**���r���*****��*� S�e Page � af this �ocuznen�. €or any cQnditions �h�� may apply ta �.his permit. DEC LARA'T I�1V S I hereby atknowledge that I have read this applica#ion, filled nut in fult #he in�6artmation required, campleted an securate p[at plan, and sxate that aLl the in#ormatian pP8V1dS�� es re�guired is carrect, i agree to camply w�ith #he informativn and plot plar�, ta eamply uith ell To�+n �rdinances and state Laus, and tm tsuild this stru�ture accarding to Lhe 7avn's zoning and subdivisian codes, design review approve4d, I�niforw 8uildir�g Cade an�l ather ordinanees of the Tou�r applicable thereto. R€G�UESTS FOR IN5PELTI�NS SHALL �i� �SARE TIJENTY-FflUR H�3l1RS IH RQVAHfE �Y T€LEPt14NE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR QfFICE FR�hf 8:W AFf 5:00 PFf -�+�f l Stnd Ctesn—LNp pep�sit Ta: SIG ATiJR€ (?F QLfNER 0 CQNTRACT F�R HIMS��F AN6 04lHER ��ItE'C'Y'Ci.EFiYAf'ER _ . � . . � � �i� 1� ir�r�r���i�� �k k 9F yk 9k sk ir�k�k ik�c�k�Jt tfs��k�k ir rok�ly de aIr�k�4�k�k�le Jt�t�1'yk 1r�c�4*ir*ir�le dk 3e�k�k�!e k�lr&�Jr�Ir�Ie�Pr ir�c 9r�4 sk�c*�k�Y 9r�lr 7Y 75 Sauth Frantage Road C(}I3D I T I+QNS 17epariment af Cc�mtnrtnity I?evelopment '�8��c�ltar�[o�1&�'-0379 as af l 1�C1�',/95 S�a�us . IS�ilET3 **'J�It�-#3'9�'�1k3�j'�2"I�3�"*****�r��r*�r*�r***�r*��r�*�*�r�r*�*�***�r*�r�x**���r***���**��r*x���**,���* FAX�7C]-479-2�52 Permit Type: ADI3/ALT Car�M sU�L�7 PExMT Appli€�d: �.(3/26/1995 Appli�cant: RIP�Y C(]NTRACTa�tS T��ued: I1,/�7/19�5 �0��2�3��� T� �xpir�. a�/a�/1��� �'ob Address : �ocataon. MARF€ RES�RT & TEN�'I5 CLUB Farc�l No: 2101-(}72-12-C�13 e� Description. S�Lt)N a�x z s Conditivns : I . FIRE DEPARTMEN°I` APPAC'7VAL IS REQUIRED BEFdRE �NY �r+T�RI{ GAN �E STARTEI?. 2 . FIELI7 INSPECTIQNS ARE 1�EQUIRED TD CF-iECK FQR. CdDE C�MPL�AN�E. � . FIRE I7EPT MUST �� NOTIFIED PRI(3R TO STAR'I'ING WORK �4 , FIRE RETAI�DAP3T Wf]�7D REQ[]IRED IN NQI�-BEARING INT�RIQR WALLS ���REY.'1'CLElYPA�f'F.�R e ! , 1 • � � ',�'',�''k x'p`'a''�''k"k�y''k'k.�'A`,�'',�'�"�"'x'',�'�''A'�,',�''A''k'�'��'�'�'k'�''A''ki'k'A''k'k'k'A''!�'�,''a''*'k'k',�L'A''�`.x.",�"'.,�'�'A''�''k',�''A'�''k'Nr'k* TdWN �� VAIL, COLORADd Statemnt ��r*��*�******�r���*��*�*���r�r,�*�,�**�**�����r�*�r��**���r*�r****��r��r*�* 5tat�mnt Number: R�C-0{��5 Amount: 524. 25 11�(77,/95 I0: Q4 Fay�ent Methad; CK No�atian. �6i�8 Tnit: JR Permit lria: B�S-D379 '�'ype: A-CC1MM AD�,/ALfi CC7MM BUILI� F Par�el Nr: 21Q1-p72-�2-013 �ocation: NIARK �S(]RT � TENNIS GLUB Tratal FeeS: 5�4. 25 This Paym�nt 524.25 Tatal ALL Pmt�: 524. 25 Balance: . 40 �**���,�,�**�*�*�**��**�*****��*�***�**�**�*��r***�**��*��******�,�* Acco�nt Cade pescripti+a� Amo��t O1 000a 41310 �3UTLDING FERMIT FEES 2Z5 . 04 Ql �}0{l(} 4�33�. UESIGN REVIEW FEES 50. 0(] ��, 4tJf�0 4��32 PLAN CHECK F��S I4fi. 25 (l�. �O+JO �2i3Q2 �LEANUP L7EPOSITS 14�3. O�D OI OOG�Q 4I336 Wx�L CALL INSPECTION F`EE 3 . 0{l . , � � r�.��.�i�'�.,<!f ,�n,.�°���� � • NDTE : TH�S PE��'� Mi]S'T B� FbSTED QN JOBSITE AT ALL '�`IMES A1�D�''ALT C�3MM BCTILF7 �ERMT Permit #« B9�-(}37� Job Address : itatus , . . : APPRt�VED Loc�tian. . , : MARR RESC}RT & TEN�IIS G�UHApplied. . : 10�'26�'1995 Parcel Nv. . . 2101�U72-�12-013 Tssu�d. . . ; 10,/26,/I995 gga���� r�fl� : �xp���� . . : a�/z�/a��� ���z.�ze�N�r RIPPY cor�T�,��a�s �none: �o3gz����� � o �ox ��s, �r�w�,�vs co a���z CONT�t.ACTClR RIPPY Cd1�iTRP,CTaRS Phone: 3CD392fi3655 P G Fl�� 999, E�WARDS CO 8I632 f7�T1�TER HMC ACQUISITTQN PR[3PERTIES I1�iC 14444 �'E�1�WOC}D RD� WASHTI�GTON DC Z4�12 a�s�riptivn: SAL�N AXIS Occupancy: Type Constrr�c�ion: TI FR Type T� �'ir� Resistive Type mccupancy; B2 Not in table! Valuat�.on: 17, 300 Add Sq Ft: Fireplacr Irrformetion: R�stri�trd: �{Q# Ge� kpplinnces: Ilf9f Ges Lcx�s: I10# IJo�idf Petl�t: *�*�#ir#1r#�t*�k�r��k*�He�ie*ir�tirir�nt FEE SUMF�ARY ir*irlr . 8uilt#ing---�---> 225.OQ Restuarant �lan Re�ieu--� .00 TotaL Cal�ulat�ed Fees-°? 524.2� �lan check---> '14b.25 6RB fee-----------------? 50.4Q Additicanal Fees---------y .U4 Investigativn> .OD Recreation Fee-�---_-----> .dQ 7atal Permit Fee--------> 524.2� �i�l Call----> 3.W Cle�n-lJp �eposit______--> 1[i0_00 Payments-- > .(3Q TOTAL FE£S--_______e____y 524.25 BAIJINCE DUE------? 524.25 �#** �k**#�t*�**#*#*sk**ir'k*'k7kA'irkrks�'krt'k*inhk Ttem: �S�I]0 BUIL�IING dE�ARTMENT dept: BUTLL3ING L7�Vi5ion: zo/z�/i��s c�ucx ���i�on: AP��. Item; C�540f1 PLAtV1�It�G DEPARTM�NT Dept: �LANNING ai�ision: i o,�2 s/���� cx�rcx A��.�on: �.��R Item: 455f}f? �'IRE DEPARTM���` Dept: FIRE I�ivisi�an: �0�'2 b�"19 95 �HUCK Action: APPR Tt�m: OaSQ�] PUBLIC WC�R�iS �3�pt. PLIB WQRK D��ision: 1d��b�I9g5 CHT�CK Action: APPk *** ���r��**�x*�r * See P��ge 2 af this Docur�ent �or any car�di�.icrns that may app�y to this p�erm�t. DE CLARP,�I�4N 5 I hereby ackna�rledge tfist i Fsave read this appEicatian, #�lle� out in ful[ the wnfnrmation required, compteted an accurate ptat plan, and state that all t#te infiormation pro�ided as required is cc�rr�ct. I ngree to comply wi#h the �nfarmatinri and plot plan, to Gamply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to huild thia structure �ccording to the Taun's xoning and subclivision codes, design reuie►r apprsrved, ilni#orm Building Cade and other ardinances o# the 7oun appticable thereto. REQiJESTS FmR INSPECTI47NS 5i1ALL �� MA17€ T4�ENTY-FqUR M011RB IN ADVANC£ BY TELEPHQNf AT k79-29�8 �R AT �UR 4FFICE F�tON 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Send Clean-Up Deposit T4: S&GNATURE OF pWh6ER OR CLN�TRACTQR Falt H%MSELF AND o1JNER . . Y � � - ° **�*�**�*�x�x*******�r���r�**�*��r****�*�***��**�r*�*��r*��*�,�,�*�**,�**�*�**�**�r�*���*� CQt�TI}ITIC7NS P�r�,it � : Bs�-a��� as o� �.Q/2�/s� s�.�tu� : APPROVED *,�*�***,��,��****,�����*�*�*x**�**�**�r***�r�r�**�**�*a��**��**�**��***���r*�**�r�r��*�r��* Permit Type: AL�D,/ALT CGMM BUILD P�RMT Applied: 1fl�26,/�995 Agpiicant. RIPFY C�NTRACTi�RS Is�ued: I0,/26�1995 �0��2����� mp �X����: a�/2�/�9�� Jc�b Addre s s: Locatic�n; MARK RESCIRT & TE1�1�iIS CLiJB P�r��*I No: 2101-072-12-013 Descrip�ie�n: SAL�A1 A}�I S Condit�.ans: 1 . F I RE DEPARTMEI+1`'�' A.PP�tC}VAL I S ,REQ�7I RED E3EFaRE A1sI' WC}RR CAN BE STARTED. 2 . FIELI7 INSPEC'fiIUNS ARE RE�UIRED TC7 CHECK F[?R C(7DE �QMPLZANCE. 3 . FIRE �3EPT lyffC]ST BE NDTIF'IED FRIOR �[7 STARTING Y,TORK 4 . FIR� RETARDANT `VJC3QE3 i�EQUIRED IN i+I(�N-B�ARING INTEFt�OR �++1'ALLS , � � ����r�� R�I� �+A T i� ���C�'� �"t?U+��i 4�M F�E:C��II�' AF'PLIt..AT�I��f �`�l��f RAi�CEL #2iid1dd7212�Df3 �AT�: 10J';3J95 APP�.I�A'��t7��E MiU�?` E3E FILG�� t�UT �t7MFLE`FELY OR IT i�AY 3��T BE A�,GEP7'EU r�r►s� ss �4r+r*��rr*�# r*+r*a�� *+r�.E'E6�TSIT IMF(�RMA7'EM3��*#** *******rw +��rs�rwr�r��ar�r�rt*�rr* [ K] -Buildinq C X]-Flumtr�nq L K� -�l�cki�+c�l C .1-Mechariic�l [ 3 -Clt'hc:r .7ot� d+lam�: 5AL�7i� AXI� Jokr Addre�s: 71'� W L�17NSHEAD GZI��LE �.e+q�l. Da�cri�t�on: �..4t. .__..- �lock Filing�iARK_��SQ�T__P�IASE I. _.�._ - Dwn+�rs �i�me.l"[A�2FtIC�T`F R�SCiRTS A,dd�r���; 715 WI LIf_7�[�HEAD �GIRGLE�'h, 47�-6964� . � _ _ �_.. _ _ . ._ � _ _ ---- -._�_ ..�_-_ __V A I L,�.CU__ f�1557---. Archite�t: Id/A Ad�ir�ss: �h. � G�P1ex al. Ll�*9�1�'ipt�o[1:R�me�d��_�f existinc�tertant fin,#.sh_Abe�t�ty_ �'3�]c_o�1 f�ork �Class s C ] -N�t�r C K 1-Alt�r�ati+an [ ] �-Ac[r�ltic�r��� C ] --R�pair C J -�th�r_ �iumb�r of C�vel.�ing Uni't�: _97._.. Humb�r af A�GCOm+�r�a�ior� IJz'lits: �D Numb�r and T�pe c�� F�r�p�ace�: Gas Ap�iiancesN/A Ge� L��sAIlAWaQd/['�11�tC�lR r rttw* �� �r or�• ��r�+r�#�F�r�4s�s*r►► wr�r�rrr�fAr..�ATI�I�ES$�erK�rrrr�r,r*w� lRfi1F!^RbRlA���9F1F*• 8�J I E,L��H�. _1.+�,_�►dv� EL�GTR ICAL: 3�74� _._ �THE�i: P�.LI!'�8I NG: i �L��F __ t��CH�wNI�LAL: _ __ __.__ _ _ ---_.. � ._r_��,. �. _.._ �E7TAL: r+rst+rw�t �rr: *4•��rrrt�*fr�*w+�xrtrrl�Q�'(`(�Idl���'l�� ���1�{�C(,t�1�'�1��►• *str+ •• rkRRRIF61F1►1FikfIFIF1F1i General �Lont�actvr: _Ri_upY_ C_an�rac'Fv��l_ _ In�, _ Tcawn r�f Vai1, Re4. ido. 1�4--�3 Adc[rr�s�: -P. C�._��ax--99"�� E�vrard�� CI�_, b4(�� ����j' Pric+n� �fur�ber • _��E�-�65� T ' -- _ -_ ��''S _ Eiectric�l Cantract,ar z L�ctric_Unlimi�ed, Inr�. Tawc� of Vail, Re+�. �lra. _2_��►�� -- . __._ Address: _176� Al_pir►e_ L?.ri�+e.r _ #.l��Vail.._� 81E�57 _ Phora� Mumber: 47[��1�4E5 _� _ .� f'�'J `���� P1u�t�inq Cont��,ct�r.�r�aw Cnunkry Sex�v��s ____. Town af Vail. Reg. f�(r�. 1�.'��-'.� Adc�res:�: P. L7. Bcax _15? Av6n. +�l] 81620� .���� Phone I�urn�,er : 9��-7�`l� � ��y.. - -__ _ . . ..�. E�echsnical Contractvr : »�.._..y�.�._�_ ____ '�ow�, crf i�ail Reg. �'cr. � ____. Adclress: �'t��rte Nurnber: r+rar�rRww���rvrx�rn�x�r�vr�rker�r�r+r+►�r�ar�r�+�*wFk�� 17�F°�C'E �,1'�iE�►�►�r�����r�r�x�a��rrs***�r����*�a�* �UILC►IHG P�hMI`� F'E�: �UILG�iNG PLAN CHE�.:1S ���: _..-- -- - -.__ €'�UHBI�iG P�RMI't FE�s PLUMEING PLAF� �HE�,K �EE: �4E:CHA,�f��,:AL 't'�Rl4IT �'��.: M�CHAEI�GA�.. �LAriI �.HECK FEE; -- . _ _ __ , _. �LECT�2ICA1� F"E�': E��GR�A`��L7H F'��: � ...._.�_.__ ___ 01'N�R �''fPE l7F F'�E: GLEAI�--L1P L�EPC���'T. ---.___ .. __ _ .____. AR8 �'�� ; 'C'f�TAL FE�t�tIT FEE s: __ _..�r�._�.__ �._ �.._ _.. ._ �_ _ �----�- - -— -� - 'T'YF"� �TGRCII.kF 5�1. FT. � VALUATTC1t� � �3UII.:IT)HG: ��� � �.._ SIGNATLIR�; __T__���....._ _________ --,.�_,.._ _- _ .__ �.�_ _. ..._ _....-- -__----- �+ ��INI'�IG: - , ..---_. . ...- -- �. _.-�� ` Y.-. ._�..-_�_. �� . . y-! .. .. . . _ _. _ . . .._ _. _ �3��?�A�l�+�..��L+i 'nmm�»n �: _ ��.. _���-� � ,. ---- _ � _ _ _�rr �. ---- --- - _ _ -��«_ ___� __ ' E CLEA_�3__I�F� UEP_CI'SI'�__F�EFL!l�I� TG: RI�PY CO'h�T"RACT��t� �^<Cl, BC]X 9�'9 EDI�ARDS. 8.1632 v. • � � + �.ett�r of A��thorization Ta Whom it may concem: I, 3++�ar� E loffman, Genera] Manager of tI��Marriatt's i�'aii Mot�ntain Rcsort, hereby autharize S��on Axis, Inc. t€s rer�c�vate th� salan refiail space with tenant ft�ai�hi[ngs which Salraij Axi�, Inc. leases. The said salr�n ret�il sp�ce c�nsi�ts afa��prnxirraately 5(]0 se�uare fect in the I�Tr�r�theast carner ofthe Pviarric�tt's Va�[ MQ�rntain Resart on tt�e Mezzanine ievel. I further autho�ize Sa1C+n Axis, In�. ti� �c�n�uc#this renovatit�n af tenant fi�shings utiiizin� any cnntractor 1"rcensed in the tvwn of'�Tail, Colorada, including, l�ut n�t timit�d to, Rippy C�ntractors, tl�e�enera� cc�ntrac�ar obtained t� p�erf'arm sucl7 renc�vacinn. 5igned: � �' �+ � �r �� . Date: 1 �tir-.�.�~ Nfarc HnFfrt�an �enera� Manager, Mamatt's V�il M�untain Resc�r� . . � � ~ � � JL�?t+U1ME :�ALC.}hJ F4?CI`..a _ __.__ KIhSu ! '�+� p i- � ���� �� W��� , �JfIT��OC7t71� � � � �+ .��� P«�,x ����,,����� �,��z _1 � �.�'�� �� V��� PnRC��# zr��o�ziaa�s _,� .�.��_���5 �.LS:�+ � l'7� W l_Ir3N51�-tEAC] 4-IFZC1 � �; � PLF�JTYFE CfKVST_ �A'I'E a�`a SG4LE 319`�1 -�� -- �---�---- - ' � _ _- - ----- - �.... ---- -- ___�_ �UwRt s3t Vdl4 i:.[rfi►Tt1Uii�k� � � _ _ _- - vNCri�,rr�r�in�i��►I�r , _ — ____._ _ -- _ . . �evelv��en -- -- . _ —__� .. -...� . .�—_ _. _ �Pan �ukSd Haa1t,� ��a � - -- � _ ��' � � � ,� _ ._. ��or�v�d J . , -- ``� .w ..� i� - C� �� __ L;Cn€��1 :_.f i ry - , (�� �� '� '_=� C�� ValAdity of Permit ` � ,�V SeG 3G3 (�:; 1=3 U.6 C. � ¢r�st;t or �t?'P � � �` ;rsar�ce a� �r�nt4n� at a �., rovai af pians an� � �n � �I � 4`� �+ , 'sii�R� 4i1'fi f1GS l�r �0^Sffi.tLv �� 13B �7 CY�t'Plltl �D�. 6 �+ � '"� :;i; UF �'1 J tia 1�.9i?�i ui 'tt 0'� i'�� g7fOVi5i4f�5 t3� th,IS C�dF� 't�,, �' .� � y , , Y a � C�'} � ;, 3�fi}E�' r7��ki+yr�w5 4x ilti6 jR3i�s��9�2ii1Cr1. ���$ t5513df1C2 Ul �`�. a � �" ,' �,��� e��;,J� �rr�ns, s;��rific�tic;os ard vi��r c4ata sh��` � . �f� , � �. `'�--� ,� �t �t�e �, os�,,,� ��,i�ial i�a;n tt��reaiter rsquirirg tii. ;—�.=_ , __I_ � __ - �"� �. �� � ��, �/f� � � l",�1] \�,, 13�1+���11L�1f1.)�C V�� YY�Rf\ �' Fii::!1 '�� °1�{Ci� ltt S:#!t� 'Si1f15� S�J�CIjIC3�i4iIS c7[1C� iOt�F' �'�.�' - � '1 �' ° - I. � 1 �RYWAL��11�� E7�15�1��C�ILII�GS � r-�.� •�%�� �' c� -�� � 2 RE��7Cf�T���ISTif�G 53�JK��ATIflNS ,�r �'�,,/f"''''�'' �' ��. <�'��..—�' ; � - _- � �C�NS�RI��T'I�VASHER DRYER C�4SET ca �;—., , - 'ti �9N5TALL'�C3Q��LOORiNG � ' r �:� 1:%'`� -; 'ti 5�NSTAL�GLASS B�.dCK KNE�WALL � ' � � i 6 US� E�41S�iNG EL�CTf���AL � : .-� . t ,I�IIN�SP�I[�KtER SYSI��i��N�3 G GE� .���. ` �, , : � . , ��,, � � I _',(�`'+' . n, �.,� ��'`� � S�I�K � ��," � STATiCJ N S � ; ___ � 1 _ �,_��� � p i {+ Q � P':� q �A" � �_� � �-� +4"; tF��',��� �`. ., � �L T� E SFA I S �" -°-• : ,r ," � .... ..,.. VEi�T LCGI�' `:�'� � ______ l .��� � � _ ,� �F ��--- - ---��`---��- r � � � ` �wr�5r�a[r�trE� � ____`___ s 1_ 4 __ ��! �,��� ; s-r�,cK � *F ,' � .' � �..�.; `'• �' __ _ � �", � ' ��,,�# !j � r , --' -- --- _ -- r a�s' '. � - -- � , f � � ,� 4..Jf-��E..����[J�i�l f PREPI�E�BY: �� ��'��'.c.t �7ATE: /,�� �� � �- � VEND(7R NAM�: C�,� �,��-� VEN�C7R NT��BER: �"a,�,�' �G�,� 1��SCRIP�'ION OF E�P�ISE: CI,EA.I'�7 UP DEP(]STT REFU�'vvD F+t}R BF #�`�,S=C�3:��' N� �}F JOB: ��- �r.�,r-�—� A.CCQUNT h'�CfihTBER 41 U+OOQ ���42 AM�CCTT;^�1iT�F REFU�D: '�,�`�-�7 ��T��p�.ov�r�: � j 7- 9,� A�"PR�V�. SIGNATURE: �. - ; . . � • . " s _. . . - . , . ,. , ' �s : � . � � +. Ni7TE: Ti3�� PER.MIT ML1ST BE PQSTED �N JOBS�TE A'� ALL TIM�S _ �'� ?'�l�dl� Y�[IL ��n/��T car�rz Bu��� g��T Permxt # : a��-���s 75 5�urh Frvr�tage Ito,ad I�epartrnent vf Gammuniry I3evelvprn�nt V`r�il, Colorado 8165� Jvb Address : 715 W LTfl1�S�dEAD �R Status , . . : TSSUED 970-�79-�13�479-2139 �vcation. . . : MAR.RIOTT Appli�d. , : II,/t33�'19gG FAX97L?-479-2452 Farc�l No. . ; 21(D�.-072-(�7-0�11 Issued, . . : 1�.�'3Q�'199_° Prv��ct Nfl. . Expi.res . . : 45�Z8�199@ APPLgCA�TT �.A�.RTOTT INTEI�ATIOT3AL Phc�ne: 97Q-476-4444 715 W L�(13�1'SHEAD CR� �+I�.IL CC} $I657 Ct?NTRACTUR F�ZARRi�O°I'T INTERI�ATIONA.�, Ph�rie: 37t1-475-4444 715 W LIQNSHEAD CR, V�IL CQ� 81657 C�4+TNER HMC A,CQ�TISTTIC�N PR�PERTIES INC �i34Q�i FERNW'f}aD RD, WASH�NG�'Ol� DC �[1012 Descrip�ivn: KITCH�N REMD�EL Occugancy: A2 Asserably �1040 with stage '�y,pe Const�uctivn: 11 1�HR NQt in table! Type Occupancy: ValLlatitala; 1(], �OQ Ad� S+q �`t; Fereplac� Infarmation: Res[ritted; Haf Gas Appliances: q�f Gas �ags: 114f woad�Pallet: *ir�rrk#�ri{`�'k***�-�t�Y�hta1-kiFk*�r°kkk*ic*#ir#***�r�k#�tit*ir�7k**�kkir**�r*ir#**�k�t FEE SUHMARY **�***intak*3t#�t##***#�Y*#intir�t�rF*�#ic7k'Ir##*##*�r�k�Firintit#�k*#*#*�ak* 6u9lding---] 145.Dp Restuarant Plan Re+riru--> .E1C? Total Calculated Fees---> 342.25 �lan Check--5 94.25 DRB Fee--------------�-> .QR Additsonal Fees--- > .p(3 In�estigation] _60 Recreation Fee-----------> _OQ '�ota4 Pe�'mi# Fee--------y 3L2.25 wiLl [atl----> 3.(?0 Clean-U� Depasit-----_--> �ofS_cla Paymenrs-___�_�__�___-y �4�.25 TOTAL FEES-----�°-------3 342.�5 BALANCE DUE--- ---? .{]0 ****�t-�*ir*itirah#�kir*�tint**at�l-i!**lrrt*�**ink�rtir*1r***#*�t******irich*#��r�c�r**#ir*****�tdnkiti it#i ti#�t*�kir#***�k�t**�t**inFlnk��l�1*�Ir*�k�lr�**xt�k#ytat*ir*�t�l-k�k*irint Iter�.c �5I{�4 �[]IL�7ING L�PART�lENT Dept. BUILDING Division: �1/'i73�1995 �]AN .Act�.an: APPR �tern: 054i}{� PLA��TNG D�PARTMENT Dept; FLAN�iI1�fiG i]iv�.sic�n: 11,1fl 3/'19�5 ➢AN Ac�ion: APPR Item: �S�U{l F'IRE ]7EPARTMENT L��pt: FIRE I3ivision: 11,f03�+'1945 T}AN Actic7n. APPR �tem: 055t10 PUBLIC WORKS Qept: �'EIH Wd��€ Div�.sion: ��./a�/i��� ��r� Action: APPR ##�t,t�*yr�r*�t#�4*M�I�,r�r�ratil-*irx�****,ht�tar***�rat**ir,t**,t,t*rk'�t�*at**k*��*�-,t�l x,t*�*��****,t*#irt**�x*it**�kil-it****ic#��**,c,rir******�k-�t�,r**�tk�inhr See Page � �f t�t�s Dacument for a�y conditiflns tha� may apply tca t�is permi.t. DE CLARAT I f.?N S I hereby acknouled�c that I haW� read this ap�lieatian, fiil.td aut in full the in#ormatian required, caapleted an azcura#e ptat plef7r 8nd state that aLl the informat�or� pravided as required is correc#. I agree ta comply uith tShe infarmatian end plot plen, ta ecrmpiy uith ell �'own ordir4arsces and stat+e Laus, snd to 6ui ld this 5truc#�re aecard'inc� to the 1"oun'$ atsning and suhdi�isian eodes, design reniew appra�red, IJnifarm Buslding Cotie end other ordinanEes of the 7aun applicable thareto. REL�SIESTS FQR INSPE[TICST�S SHALL B� MADE TWEHTY-FOUR WOURS IFI ARYAh10E BY TELEPHSiN AT 479-213$ QR AT fll1R OFFILE FRC�M $:OQ AM S:CIf} PM ✓t����� � � �._ Send Gtean-Up Deposzt To: 5I6N11T�1RE (!� 017NER c3 �CsNTf�,G74R Fd HIlISELF ANt1 q4�lVER ��►t�}'CLED Pllf'F�.tt � � , + . �1/ l� **�������� �*�************��****����*****�**��������������***�*�*�***���* 75 Sout)t Fr�rrtrrge Rand CCJNI7 I T 3 DNS De�¢rtrrrenl of C+am�rai�nitJ=Devetaprnertt �d��'i��rr� ��5�D395 as of 1Z,/3(7/'95 Stat�s : ISSL�ED �*�9�`J*�'"2''f�1�/#°�9`-'�I��r`'**���*�a�*�r�**���**�***�r**��x�*�*����*���*��r*��r***��*�r��,���*�*� FAX 97(1-�79-2�52 Permit Tyge: AF7�3�ALT CaMM BTJILD PERMT Apgl�ed. 11��}3f1995 Appl�cant: MARRI�TT I1�TERNAT��NAL Issued: 11�3i7�1�95 97(�-476-4444 Ta Expire: 05�28�'3996 Jab Add�`ess ; Lvcatxon: MARRI�TT F�rcel Na: 2�.�11-Q72--Q7-�41 ��scriptic�n: K I TCHEN A�MC7DEL Canditicans : 1 . FIk�E DEPAR".�MEPiT A,S�PRC}VAL IS REQUIRED BEFi?R� ANY W�RK CAN $E STARTEF]. 2 . FIELD INSPEGTI�NS ARE REt�UIRED TO �"HECK FQR CODE COMFLIAb10E. 3 . 'T°H I S' PERMI T I S ��QII FC]1� BC7�Lp I1�TG REM�DEL �F �I�'CH�N �NLY SEPERA�°� FE'RMITS ARE REQUIR�D FOR APdY PLUMBTNG,ME�HAMICAL, C!� ELECTRI� W4�RK. 4 . F�RE DEL�ARTMENT CaNDIfiT�I�S: A. APFROVAL T7C3E5 N�T EXT�NE3 TC] ANY CHAGES OR AI]DITI�NS TQ �LASSS I HaOD SYSTEM DUCT OR EXHA[7ST. B. �LATdS DD Nf7T INCLt3DE SPECIFICATIC�P�iS IMPR+DVEt�lE�iT �A CHANGES TC? MAI{E-UP AIFt. C. ANY CHAI�G�S Td FIRE �XSTIN�UISHIx+7�G SYSTEM IN D[l�T WORK MUST BE 1��VIEWED A�i� APPR�VED BY P.NSUL C�RP OR CHA�iGE THE EN"7["TRE SYSTEM ACC�RDING TO NlANUFACTL]TtES SFEC'S ANFJ REGIS'I`ER F�RE PRC3TECT]CQN EN�GINEER. D. �UBMIT FIRE SPRINKLE3�. AND �'�RE ALARM F�ANS . � E . EGR�SS FR.f�M SERVICE Ct�RR�]7flR NC3T SHt]WN. F'. RES4LVE CONFLICT WJCTH QD�R SGVING. ���t RECrr.ces,�,�r� M' _� , �' ' . ' � � a� NO"�E•. THIS PERMIT MLIST $E POSTEI} {7N J(�BSITE AT ALL 'T'IMES �� �{���,� ����, ADD�iALT COMM BiTILI7 �ERMT Fermit # : 8�5-4395 75 SourTr Franrage RQ�d Depart�r�eni of C'animunity Dee�elapment Vail, Colorc�da 815�7 ,�ob Address : 7�.S W LIDNSHEAD CR S�atus. . . : ISSUED 97f1-47'�-2�38/479-2139 Locatian. . , ; MARR�OTT Applie�i. . : 1��O��I99� FAX 97Q-479-24.�2 Parcel Nm. , : 2141-{172-a7-Dd1 Issu�d. . . : 11,/30�I99:: Project No. : Expires . . : 05�28�199i A��LICANT MARRI�TT II�7TERNATItINAL Phor�e: 970—�76-4444 715 W LI(]NSHEAT) CFt, '�TAIL CO 8Z657 CONTRACTOR MARRIpT� I�TERNATI[7NAL Ph�ne: 97Q-476--4444 715 W LIDI�SHEAT} CI�, VAIL CO 81557 C}WTTER NMC A�CQUISZTIC3IIaT PRGPERTIES I1VC 1 D 4 C10 FE�.I�TWCIQI3 RD� WP,SH INGTf]N DC 2 i�012 Description: �I°I`CH�N REI�fiOI?EL Occ�pancy: A2 As�embly �1Q�� with stage Typ� �ons�ructic�n: �.1 �.-HI� Not in t:able! T�pe C]ccug�.ncy: Valuation. 1a, {?(7� Adr3 Sq Ft: Fireplace Infnrmation. Restricted: �Of Gas Appliances: p4f Gas Logs: 11af 4food/P+�llet: *k�tirk#at*irik#*ir*aY�k#irskkkfrirbt*k�-A-�t#*�kirik*�k�ci�►r**�r�t*irk**k�kirir*iririrk* fEE SUMhEARY '��'��t*�/rrkirinhk'kic**�t*�r*�k�k#*ie:Fikisfc*ir*ir**#*****1r*it*�**#ir#k*�t euilding-----3 945.00 Restuarant Plan ReWieu--> .00 Tate1 CaLcuLated Fees---� �42.25 Pi.an Check�> 94.�5 DRB fee-------___�_____} .4p AdditSonal Fees-------_-� .pp Investigatiort>� .04 Recreation Fee----------> ,4C} Potal Permit F�e------> 342.�5 Will CaIL----] 3.0� Clean-�#p f3eRosit°-�---> 9t]q.QO Payments--------------� 342.25 TOTAL FEES-------_�___�� 34�.25 BA,LAhtCE aUE------------�-? .D17 irit**�r *rY*#*trlr*�irir*********at�t*�kirir�t*�k***it**�k-k�***�i-t!*i�-k*ir****�r*ir#�k**ir�e***ir**kir*1r�t**ir�lArtt*t##�k*ikitak�t*�kakit*�t**ic#ic�rk�k**�*'k*** It�m: 451170 BU�L�I�IG �EPARTMENT Dept: FiU�LDTt�G Divisic�n. ll�lt�3,/1995 DA.N Acti�sn; APPR Item: 0�40t] PLANNI�TG 3�EPARTMENT Dept: PLANN�NG Tivisi�sn; llft]3,/�99� !]AN Ae�ir�n: AF�R , Item: t�56Q{� �"IRE DEPAR�'MENT Degt: FIRE Da�vision : �.1�'`43,,1��95 DAN Actirll: Ai�PFZ Item: Q550{] �U$L�C W�RKS Dept: PUB W�RK I�i�vision: �.1r03,/1995 DAN Ae�ion: APPR �a�t���,� ��*�-��-�r�**��*�-,+��x�������,���r,t�r�t��**,r,r*�-��t*�r*��r����r�r�r�r* �ee Page Z o� this �ocumen� £or any condit�.an� that may apply to this permi�. DE CLARAT I C7N5 I hereby acks+ouledge that I hswe read this applicati�n, fitled oui i�n #uEL the information required, ccHnpleted an aecurete plrt plan, and s#ate that alE xhe inftira�saxion prouirfed as rec�uired is cvrrect. I agree to ccmply uith #he in#�srmation and pLnt plan, to cvmply uith all To�n ordYnances and state laus, and ta build this struc#�tre atGVrsiing tn thc Traun"s zcaning and subdivision c+ades, desig� review approvecl, Unifora� Buvtc�ing Code and other ardinances of the 7awn appticable thereto_ RE�iUE5TS F�R IF€SPECTIbNS SMALL &E FSA�IE v4lENTY-F4UR HC�URS IH ADVANCE eY TELEPH4N AT k74-213$ oR AT OUR BFFIC� FR[�S 8:U0 AM 5:p� PM ����� ' � � 5end Clean-41p De�osit 70: SIGMATU�� �F OGMER 4 C�NTf�GTOR FQ HIkSE�F AN� pIJNER ��HEC}'CIEAPM£R � � ' ' �+ �► �� *��r��li'�'L��"��� *��*,��******��****���r��**�x��r�r�,��*�r**��r�*���r*�:*���*�r��*���***x 7S S�auth Frontcrge Road C�NDITIt31�TS I3epariraa�nt afCanr�r��cnityDev�loprrrerrt ���i'n�rc#f�affi'�5�039� as of 11/3Q,/95 Status : �SSUED �*��r1*�'"l��g/��9=�1�.3'4"`���*��*�a�*�**����x�r�*�*���***��**��r�***��r**�*****��r��x,���*x��* F'AX 97�1-47�-�45� F��m.it T�'p�: ADD�A�T C�MM BUILD PER�iT �gplied; 11./43 f 1��5 Applicant: MARRIdTT �1^�TERNA,'.�'IC3NAL Issue[i: 11�/'30�'�995 9"](1-476-4444 '�4 Expire: �5,/�8�199C Joh Address . Lcacatian. MARR�QTT Parcel �'o: 2101—D72—D7-0(31 D�:scriptian: K I TCHEtJ REF��L�E L Conclitic�ns : l . FIR� DEPARTMEN'I` APPROVAL I5 REQUIRIE�7 SEFQRE ANY WURK C13,N B� STA�TE�]. � . FIELD INSPECTIdAiS ARE REQTJIRED TO CH��K FdR C�DE �UMPLIA�l'CE. 3 . T�IIS PERMTT IS G{30D FOR B�]ILDING ItEM(]DEL +�F KITCHEirr� ONLY SEPERATE PERMITS ARE RE(�UIR�T3 F{]R At�TY PLUMB�NG.MECHANICAL„ C?R �L1ECTk�.I C T+�'dRK. 4 . FIRE DEPARTMENT C�N�ITIaNS : A. APPF�OVAL I}��S NC�`I' �XTEND TQ �i+3Y CH.AGES C7R ,A�D�]ITIC]NS TQ CLASSS 1 HQCIQ SYSTEI� DL]CT Q�R EXHAUST. B. �"LA�iS DO NQ'�' INCLU�E SP�CIFICAT`ItJNS TMPRQVEMENT C]� CHt�GES Tt] t�lAKE°UP ATR. C. ANY CHAI3GES TL� FZRE �XSTIN+GCIISHING SY'�'i'EM IN DUCT W{]RK MUST BE REVIEWEIJ AND ,FIPPRO�Ep BY AIVSUL CORF OR C�iANGE THE Ebi'�'IRE SYSTEM ACCORI]�1�IG TD MANYJFACTUKSS SPEC'S AND REGISTER FIRE Pft{ITE�CTIQN' ENGINEER. D. Si3BMIT FTRE SPRII+�KLER AIdD FIRE A�ARAI PLAN� . • E. EGRESS FR�]M SERVICE C(�Rf��bC3� �C}'I` SHQWN. F. RESO�LV� C£�NFLZCT WITH DO�QR SW:CN�G. ����H�YCLEl�PAf'ER . �" ' ' � � *,�**�***����**,�*�r*�**��***�*,���r�r�r�*�*�rx,�*�r�***�r*�*���**��***�*�* TaWN aF VAIL, C�L�RAI)0 S�a�emn.t ��*��r��r�****�**�r*,�,�,r****�r*��r�t�**x***�r��**�r*��r�x��r*��**��*�r�**���* stat��t rr�r���: ��c—o1o� �o��t. 3�� .�s �,�./�o/s� �.0:2� Payment Method: CHECR NQ�at�.on: ���2�486� In�t: LRD � __ -gerrn�t�N�►: �95-d395 riTYPe. A-Ct�MM rA�I�,/ALT COMNf �UILI] P Parc�l Nor 210�.-072-(�7�4d7. 5ite Addre�s : 7�5 W' LIf3NSHEAI] CR Lcxcatic�n: MARRIDTT Total Fees: 342 .25 This Payment 342. �5 Total ALL P€a�ts : 342 .25 Balan�e; .40 . �***�******��**�*��**�r��r�r���*�*��r����****��x�*�*****����***���*�� Accaunt Code Description Amaunt (?1 OD00 �131a BU�LI]I�l�G PERMIT FE�S �94 .25 D1 4�4Q ���3� PI.AN CHECK FEES Q1 +OOQC1 220f�2 C�EANUP DEFOSITS �Od .Q4 O1. OQOU 4133fi _+__'�++Z�LL�CALL�I1w3SPECTIQN FEE � • aa . ' � � ' � /� • 1�30TE: THIS PERMTT MLTST BE FQST'�D mN afUBSITE AT ALL "Y'TI�':ES ADD�ALT CC�NIM BUILD PERMT Permit # . B95--Cl395 Jola Addre�s. 715 W LIa1�SHEAl] CR Status . . . : �PPRC?V�D �ocation. . . : MA�tRIOTT App�.ied. . : 11,103/'1995 Parcel Nc�. . : �101-07'2-U7-A�O1 Issued. . , : 11/'�3�'�995 Project No. : Expires . , : �lS,/�11 f 1996 APPLICAhIIT M.�RRIC3TT INTERNATI�}NAL 1�hC�ne: 97D-476-4444 715 W LT(JNSHEAD CR, VAIL CO �3��657 CC3NTRACTaR MARRTOTT INTERNATIDNAL Phone: 970-476-4444 71'5 W LIUNiHEAI) CFt, VAIL �C(J� $�£a57 C3WN�R HNiC AC�Q[3IS�TIC3N 1�Rf�P�R'PIES I�TC 1(340L► FERNWC}{7D 1�, WASHINGTC�N DC 2�41,� Descrip�avn: KITCHEN REMUDEL �ccupancy: A2 Assez�ly �l�t�� with stage Type Cpnstruction: 11 I-HR Nc�t in table? Type �ccuparacY= Va�uation: 1+�, (lQ{} Add Sq Ft c Ftr�place Informatian= Restricted. #Of Gas Appiiances: N6f Gas L4gs: If�1� SJaad�Pallet: �L**�kkir*-k*�k�irkir*****'k�*ir�tr*�**�k�k*'k�*i�*�k'Mk�A�t*�k�lrk8rkir FEE SUMMARY ��'�" �it *�Hr Build�ng---,-Y 145.40 Restuarant �`lan Reuiew--> .OiD 7otaL Calculated Fees---> 34P.�5 Rl�n Check---> $4.25 DRB Fee----------�-��--------> .QQ Addit�anal Eees----------> .[30 In�estigetion> _4k� Recreation Fee--- 3 .� Tetal Prrmit Fet--------> 342.�5 uill Call----? 3.00 Clean-up Oeposit--------? TOQ.00 Payments--------- ] .dU 7O7AI. FEES____..__�__.__> 342.�5 BALRNCE D4JE-- ----7 342_25 9ric*�Ir�kir** * ir *�t'k�t��r**d'irtk*�t7k*k�*�^k�t�eir��[�tk* �Arrkir�ft Etern: 051�]47 H[3ILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BCJILDING Divisi�n: �1/03��.935 I7AN ac�ion. APPR Item� 054f10 P`LA�T1�iING DEPARTM�NT Dept; PLAI�NII+�G Divisian: 31�(]3�I995 I]AN A+�tion: APPR Itcm: 056�]0 FTRE �3EPARTMENT Dept: F�F�� �ivisic�n: 11�Q3�199� 1�RN Action. APPR It�m: 455Q4 PUBL�C WORKS Dept. PUB WC3RR Divi�ion. ��/v��i��5 ��r A�t.���: �pP� �� se� Pa�� 2 af thi� Dvcument for any Conda,tions �hat �ay apply to this permit. DECr���Txoavs I hereby eekno�alcdge tha�t i have r�ad thia epplication, fille�cf ouf in full the in#csrmetian required, ca�Leted en eccurate plo# plan, and state tFat all the information prvvided ss required is correct. I agr�e to comply with the informetion and �tot plen, #o GPR1PLy uith aLt i�avn prdinanees and state taus, and to build this structure according to the Foxn's zanting e�nd supdivision ar�des, design r�vieu appr�sveti, Unifara� Huilding code and other ordinances ef the Taun applacatalt ther�to. RE�ilE5T5 FOR IHSPECTI4Ft5 SHRLL BE MAUE TIJEHTY-FOUR ti{Sl1RS IN AUYANCE HY 3ELEFF40NE AT 479'-2138 OR RT OUR OFFICE FROlI B:QU A!1 5:f10 FN Send C lean-Up �e�sasi t To. SiL`rHAT�JRE (1F CIWNER OR CaH7tt,AL'fDR FdR HIMSELF A!Na �?WNER r � . � ' F � � � *���r**��r****�**����*��*�x**�;*�*�***��*��*�*��r���r*�*�t;�*,���*�e�r**�e�r�r�r*�r**�r*******�** CC3NP]ITIdNS Pe�mi� � : $'�5-°-[1395 as of �I��3/95 St�3tus : �PP�OVED �#**�*�r�r,r��**�r�*�***�r*�***�r****�***�r*�**x******�**+�*�*�r��*****�*****��-�****�*�* Permit '�ype: ADD�'ALT COMM BUTLD PERMT Appli�d. �.1fC13�/1995 Applicant: MARRIt�TT ���"ERNATi�NRL Tssued. lIl(?3�1995 97[3-47fi-4444 To Expire: 05,/[?1/199� Jab Add�ess : �acation: r�ARRIOTT P�rc�l Not 2141-(17�-47-00�1 �esc�ip�.ion: xz�rcx��r RE�'+iCII�EL Candi�ians . 1 . FIRE IaEPRR�NT APP�t�VAL IS REQLIIRED BEF+�RE ANY Wt]RK �A,N BE START�D. � . �'IELD x�SPEGT�DNS AR.E RE�}i�IR�D TQ CH�CF: FDR COT3E COMFLIANCE. 3 . THIS PERI'�TT IS GC]Cll� FQR BLFILD�:NG REM[7T�EL dF �iITCHEN fl1+�LY SEPERATE PERMITS ARE RE4i7IREl7 FCJR ANY PLUMB�N'G,MECI��iICAL, OR ELECT"RI� WQ�R. 4 . FIRE DEFAF�TMENT CONDITTQ�TS:. A. APPItOVAL DCrE S NC3T EXTENI3 TO ANY CHAGE S C}R ADD I'I'IC1NS T�Q CLASSS 1 HO�£1 S`YSTEM DUCT OR ��HAC�'ST. B. PLA�S DO 1+�f3T INCLCIDE SFECIFICATIO1dS IMPROVEME�T�' �OR CHANGES TC} MAKE--UP AIFt. C. .►�NY CHANGES "I'U F�RE �XSTINGUISHING S�i'S"I'EI+�I IN D�fiCT `SrJC]RK MUST BE R�VIEWED At3D APPRaVED SY ANSTJL CC]RF �1"� CHANGE 'T'HE �NTIR� SYSTEM ACCC�RDING TQ MANUFACTTJI�E� SPE�'S P,1�3'I) REGI�"FER FIRE PRC?T�CTIQI�T EI�TGIi+TEER.. D. SUBM�T �'IFtE SFRINKLER A3�iI7 �'�RE ALAF.A^I PLA�3S . �. EGR�SS F'T�dM SERVICE COftRID�R NOT SHOWN. F'. RE S�LV� CONFL�CT W I'�'H Df�OR 54+1IN�. � �� �� '� `� `"������ � ^� y �� 1 µ � - - .�� '�r��� s�i. � - �r �, : , �4�. +. • - „ ,T�WN (`�`' VAIL C9t+TSTRUCTIt]N ��� �'�It.I��IT �'r' ; FARCEI. #: �'�� � � �MIT APP �CATIDN FQRM � � �E'"�� �'�';�, r �"` t '�T�: `" ���" ; ; _ �' �,�y t����`Il� �,,P��' . � fik.�: � `!�s�'`; APPLICA'FIf?l� M[JST #3E F`�LLED DLFT �GC7MPLETELY 0At 'I�.' N�AY NC]T BE �,:C��I?'TE❑ "j�I1}y 'fJ1 3 ;� z F � t�d t ` ���'^ }` � �� r- 1 � '`_F . *�r�***����*�t�r�*�*�t�*��r***��* PERri��' INFt3R1�+IAT1t7N *�***',����*��`��r��'���`*����*�r�*�� r�1-Bui�.ding G 1-�1ur�,bing [ ]-Electrica� � J-Mechanical � ]-ath�r �'��=a�7�"" .��??-:��--`�- ,`�•`..� �/�e7"�ra,�.J�'�r_✓ �",�� Jc�b Naree: / iY'',r*,�f{3,rp +C�'��,�-�-, �7flb Address: !!c2 r1' ,.!�U r[- J � � � LegaZ I�escrip�ion. Lot Slock Filing suBDi[� SI�R: _ fT'���-EU�`�' ��,►tT��? �'�'.�';� �''d3 �`s�` �r��s E.'�d .'rY.; � Qwne�s Name: �-�'' ��-r� Ac3dress: l�c.�r� C.'v ��' Ph.'����''Lf'�7`� ,B�a�rr?�'.;� c�,��. _ �'�c�. ,�1'; � A��hitect� ���S,Clf� �' ,���i�,� Address: 1�l,�✓'t� , �`CJ� ��'�,�� Ph.��'y--�"!o�" � General Descrip�iot�: ��'C�C� l�%''l.ls�-Ol;�t,��� ,��h r���,�P �J1� �; 'Work C�.ass: [ ]-New �]-Alterati.on [ ]«Additicsna]. [ 3-Repa�,r [ ]-�ther Numk�er of Uwe�l�rag Units; N�tmber of Accommodatian �]nits: N rnber and Type r�f Fir+ep�ac�s: Gas Agp�ianc�s Gas Lags Wc,od,/Pe�let **����r,��*�r*���a���*�*��t*��r*��*�,�** V'A�.�iATIONS ������r��r*�����**�*����r�*�*****��r* BUTLI7Il�G: �,���t`.�'�1[}, �iJ ELE�TRICAL: � dTHEFt: � PLCIM�ING: $ _ MECfiAriT�CAL: � TJT�L,: $ " f � � � � j Y: ���**���*��*** *� F�s�*��,� C.�Lr3NTRpACTOR, INFQ�"�IOI�' ���**�r��,t*�*****��r*�*��**�� enerai �QI1'�lrt'3Ctt]r:�a��'�Y�L►�T`�"��'"�j!''�c!i� �C1�Il C3� ���1 �fZC�. �Q.������ Addre�s: ;i/'���'G�'. L/+�371� ° . �'°'►� .� !�� .� .S'"" Ph�ne N�mbe�: ?��- +- ;� Ele�t�ical �ontractc�r; '�ff � G -' � �- Z'own of �Tai� Reg. N{7. Add=ess: Phone Numb�r: P�.tzmba,ng Contractor: 'T's�wn a� Vail Reg. N{�. Address: Phc�r�� tJumb�r r Mechanical C�ntractor: �'awn of Vail R�g. td[3, Addressz „ Phone Numbert *******��**���**�����*�r�**��***,r FOR �FF�CE U5E *,t��*�**��r�r���,�*�***��**,�,a�r,���r* BUTLT]ING PERMI'I' FEE r BUILDIN+G PLA2� CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PE�++IIT FEE: PLUMBING FI,AI+i �HE�� FEE: M�CHAI�IICAL PERM�T FEE; ME+CHAititTCAL PJJPiN GHECK FEE: �LECTRICAL FE£: RECREATION FEE. dTHER fiYPE OF F�E: CLEAN-U'P LI�P�S IT: DRB FEE: "TdTAL PE IT FE S: TYPE GRi]UP SQ.FT. VALUATI�ON' BUILD�NG: �l"� � , _!'' / 'fY �' ';'�'' " �' �..� S I�NI�"T'iJFtE t �OI�ING. S T GNA�U�: �c�rnments: CLEAN ifP �l�F'.osiT F�EFUl�7 T(?: M� � MEMORANDUM � � . . TC?: ALL CUNTRACT+C�RS � FRQM. T�WN OF VAIL P'UBL�C WC?RKS DEPAl�TMENT UATE; MAY 9, 1994 RE: V'�I'HEN A "PL�BLl+� WAY P�R�S�T' IS Ft�QUIREt3 J�b Na e• /�''-?'rtv i�.�.:�%�,�'i;�''��i ����a3�� f�a#e: % �`� �_ /� S"_ Ple�s ara er fhe oPlowin9 questio�na�re �r�gardir�g t�� n�ed f�r a "��rbl�c 1Nay �ermil"; YE� Na y} !s th�s a new r�sadence? � �} �s c�ema�ition wark �eing per�oran�d � that ret�uires the u�a s�f �he right of way, eas�men#s �r publi� prvperty? 3} !s ar�y utafity wvr�t needed? � �} 1s ihe d�ivew�y bein� rep�v�d'� � 57 fs different access r��e�fed tc� s�te � ot�e� ihan exi�tir�g drivew�y? �) is an �raina e wor� ��;r� done � Y 9 9 af�ec�ing the right o4 way, easern�nts, � �r public �rrpert�r? 7} Is a "�Re�acable F�ight C?f Way Permit" re�uired? 8� A. Is tF�e right of way, eas�emenfis c�r �� p�blic �roperty to be €�sed for staging, . parfcin� ar fenc�ng? . B. !f r�o tn 8A, is a par�cin , sta ir� � 9 9 � or fencing pfan requ�r�d by Cor�mu�'r3y ❑evelopment? Jf yv� a�swered yes to any ai th�se q��stians, � "�ubfi� Way Fermit" must be �btain�d. "Pc,blic Way Permit" ap�licatiar�s may be abt�ir�ed at the �ubfic Wark°� a3fic� or at +�omm�rr�i#y �evel�pmenf. fi ya� ha�+e �ny ques�ion� please c�fi Charlie Davis,the Tnvw� � of Vail Canstruction Ins�ector, at �479-2�55. I have read a�nd �nswered al� the above t�u�stivns. /,!/`C�+�'t T�f'��r�`'�4' �x/� � . �•�.s r'� `���c'r � .'• '^� .�' _ ,�� ���� Job Name Contrac�t�r's S�gnatur � t r .F - � � ► PUBLfC �V��iKS �ERMIT PF�aGESS How it relate5 ta Bu�lding Permits. 1} Fill out �ur ct��ecl� fist provided wi�h � bui�d�n err�it a li�atic�n. ff yes was answer�d #a any af the abvve questians the�r a "Public Way"' is required. 4'vu can pick �p an appiicati�n at either Community Qevel�prr-�ent, located at 75 5. Fror�t�ge Road o� Publi� Works, located �t 13C�3 Vail Valley Dri�re. �� Noti�e �ign offs for �tility campanies, All utiGties must fiefd ueri#y [�aeate} respective utilities priar tc� signir�g application. St�me �tility camp�r�ies require up t� a 4$ haur �atice ta schedule a Focate. 3� A constructit�n tra#fic c�rr#r�llstaging pla� must be pr�pared an a separ�te sf��eet af paper.An apprvved site ,plan may al,�o be u�ed, This pfan will sF�vw l�cat�ons of all tr��fic �or�trol dekices(si��,s, cones, ef�..} ar�d the wo�rk zc�ne, (area of C�nst�uctivn, Staging, et�.,}. This plan wil� expir� on O�t. 1�th, ar�d will n�ed ta be resubmi�ted far app�c�v�al through the wint�r. 4) Sketch af work beirtg performed must be su�mit#ed ir�dic�tir�g dim�nsivRS �fe�gth„ width & d+�pth of work}. This rnay �e dr��uvn on t�e traffic cc�n#rol pf�n �r a sit� pfan f�r the j�b. 5} 5ubmit c�mple#ed app�i�atic�n t� the Public Works's c�ffice fQr re�+ievy. If requ�red, locates will b� sch�duled fc�r th� Town af Vail Eiectriciartis and Irrig�,t�c�n crew. T�ae M�cates take pface in tt�e mc�rr�ing but, may require �p tv 48 haurs to perform. �} The Public Work's �onstruction Inspectar wilf r�view the app�ication and app►ove t�r disapprove the permit. Yau will '�� cont�c�ed as to the st�tus �nd any that may needed. Most permiis ar� reP�ased wit�►in �8 haurs �f being received, but p�ease � allaw �p to c�ne week tc� pracess. 7} As s[r+�r� as the {�errnit is prac�ssed, a copy will be fa�ced t+� Cc�mmunity Dev�lapment alfawing ih� "'Buildinc� PermiY" tcr be released. Ple�se do �at c�nfuse the "Pu�lic W�y permit"' w�th a "��ilding P�rmit° t�r dv w�rk t�n � project it�el�. FJCITE: "' Th8 above prvicess is for work in a public way only. " Public Way Permits are walid anly untii I�avember 15th. " A new Public W�y Permit i� requir�d ea�h year i# work i� no# �omplete. cdlpway � ` � °. ��� � , �,�� r� �'UN�i�`f�F Y'AIL 75 5�11�tl: Frnr�tu�e Road Deparrmc�lpr nf Crxraarau�iir�• l7e��elr,,�,rre�rt Vcril, Cralc�radv 81 fi57 303-479-?I38/�'79-2139 FAX 3(��-479-2452 IHFOR�SA".�IfJN NEEQED WHEN APPLYING F+dR A HECHA�r4ICAL FE1tMIT 1 . ftEAT L05 S CALCC7LAT I C►N S . 2 . T{) SCA.LE FLOO1� PLAN O�` NiECHANICAL RDOM WITH EQUIPMEtd'T I7RAWN IN T� SCALE, WTT:i PHYSI+CAL DIMENSI[3NS AND BTi3 RAT�NGS QF ALL EQUIFMEtwT�' Tt�' MECHAI+�ICAL ROC7M. 3 . SH�W ST�E �I+II7 LDCATII�N aF" CQMBCTSTIL7N AIR DLTCTS, FI.,UES, VEN�' C4NNECTORS AND GAS LINES. 4 , N{7TE WHETH�R. ELEVATOR EQUTPMEI��' WI�L ALSO HE II�'STALLED II'� MECd�ANICAir R�LM. FAILTIRE �O P�ttlVll]E THZS INFt?RMATI{)1� W�T,I, DELAY YOi]R FERMIT. .+ � � � ��', � � ��°, 7t ���� O� ��I 7S sovth trcr�tage road offi�ce of�communi#y develo�amer�t vall,cdnrada Si657 (30�)47�2138 (303}475�2139 z�vTZ�� �a cc�rrT�c���slaw�� �v2Ln��.� Effecti�e June 2a, � 991, the T�awn of Vail Bu�,I.ding Deparfi.ment has develop�d the fo�lowin� procedures �o ensure that new canstruction sites h�ve aciequat�ly esta.�lished prc�per drai,nag� from building sit�s along and adjac�nt to Tc�wn o� Vail raads �r streets , The Town Q€ Vail p�l�l�.c in�orks i]epartment wil� �re requi�c�d to insgeCt and approve drainage adjacent tQ To�rn �f Vail raads or s�re�ts anci ti�e instal.l�tivn c�f temporaa�y ar permanent euiv�r�.s �t �ccess pr�ixx�s frvm the re�d c�r street on to the cr�nstru�+�ioxt site. Such apprc�val rr�ust be c�tainec� pri�r �o any reque�t far insp��ti.[�n by the Town of V�i1 S�il�,ir�� L�epartment for fc�atinc�s r�r tem��rary el�ctri�al or any �the�- inspectian. Please caY� 479��16� �a request an insp�cti.on �re�m tr�� Public W�rks L�epartment . Allow a minimum of 24 hc�ur notice . P.ls�, the 'Fown a� Va�il Public W�r)�s Department will be ar�prc�ving a11 final drainage and cu].uert i.nstallativn with resulting r�ad paLCh�ng as ���cessary . Such app�a�al must �re obtained �rior ta F� nal ��rti.�icate sf �c�upancy issuan�e . � � � �. � i��� ta�� a� �ai �_ PS sauth }rontage rnad vait, coforado 81fi57 {3oa� 419-2i.�8 or 479-�I39 offlce o} cammunity d�relopment TO; AI,L CONTRA�T�?RS C'[TRREPd'�'LYL RE�GISTEREI3 WZTH fiH� TdWN OF VATL " FROM: TQWti OF �J'AIL Pt7HL�C WORKS f COMM�pNITY DEVELt�P1+qEI�IT DATE: MARCH I.�, 1988 SUBJECT: CONSTRU�TIdN PARKING & MATERTA�., STQR.AGE In summary, �7rd.inance Nv. 6 �tates that zt as unlawfu� fc�r any per�on ta litter, track or depc�sit any sail, rock, sand, dek�rzs or materia�, �,���uding trash dumpsters, portabTe toilets and wnrkmen Vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, all�y r�r �txl�lic p�ac� or any p�r�ian therec�f. The right-vf=way c�n all T�wn af Vazi streets and r�oads is apprdximately 5 ft. ofr pavement. This €�rdinanc� wiZl he stra.ctly enforc�c� by the Tvwn af �Tai� Public works Aep��tm�n�. Pe�sons fcaund vialat�.ng this ardinance will be giv�n a 24 haur written notice tr remove said zn�terial. In the event the persan sa natified daes nr�t c�rmp�y with t�e nQtic� within the 24 hour time speczfied, the Pub�ic �Tr�rks �epartiment will remave said m���rial at the ��pense o� person nc�ta�fi�d. The praz,risirans c�f ��iis vrdinance shall not be applicable to c�nstruction, maintenarrce �r r�pai� prc�jects c�f any st�eet or alle�* ar any uti�it�es �.n the right-�-way. To revi�w �rdinance N�. 6 in full, p�.eas� stop by the T�wn c�f Ua�,I euilding pepartment t� c�btaa.n a capy. Thank yo� fo�r your c�operat�.on �an this matter. � Read and ac wledged by: � ,�� _ e �., � � ,� C `-' ''7 ��' Y ���'t/.�'?,r�J'J� �� r�? ��,� jri%��. ��s ' �i.an/Reiati�nshi t4 Pro 'ect P 7 (i.e. ccantr�Ctnr, �wner� svf. �' �'� /'��..� a�e � F � � � a � — - ,��r n �] 7 �U�ii �� ��� T5 south front�ge road vail, cploradv $1557 (3�3) G79-2138 vr 479—�139 office �f carrtmur�f#y der�loprne��t f Bl1ILDING �ERr;IT T55UANCE TIME FRAP1� Ff th�� p�r�ni,t req�i res a T�own vf Va i 7 Fi r� Depa r'tment Approval , Engineer'•s �,Pubi�c Wr�rks} r�view and �ppraval , a Plannir�� �ep�rtment review or Fiea7t� Depar^tment revfew, and a r�view by the Btailding Depart�nent; the estimated time for a totai r�view may �a�ce as 7�ng a5 three w�eks, A71 cflmmercia� (�large c�r sma7T } and al] multi-fam�iy permits wi�� have to fo7��w th� abave mer�tic�ned maxfmum requiremen�s . Resident7aT arrd sm��i pro jects st�oul d take a l esser amaunt di ta�ne. H4w�ver, i f residentlal e�r s�na77er p,�pj�CtS TR1�7d�L �h�2 various ��vve m�ntit�r�ed � departments with regard tc� necessary rev�ew, tFres�e projects may a7 so take t�ie ti�r�e w�ek �eriod, Every at�empt w��ll he made by this d�partment ta expedit� th�s per�m�t as sc+on as pdss�#�1�, . I, the uridersigned, unde�rst�nd the plan check procedure and t�rne fr�me, f � � :��- � , Ac�r�� to y, r � ��''!!J��S-��TL��/�E�-�''a ���..51'��`'j Pr~o ject Name _ ��,� �� �9�s� � ate Work She�t wa� turned into t e Communi ty D�vel�pment f}epartr��nt. . !� �� ; • # � �f f � cf�r��.��c�r�.�sr �: ���r���t�n �v; �` ' -- �--�--�,� % �s �-�"��, r���,�: � � y � `'� � v�Naor�t��.t��.: �� �� f , � � � � - � � ��.�-E_ � �-E �� �� � � VE�3DOR I�Ii1Mi3CR; � ��3 . y :; ;� DESCiR1f'TION �i�'LXPEI�ISE: CLEAN UP DE�'�OS�'T RE�'UND FO�. �3P t��9 r����, �� � � NAME C?#�JC3B: � L �-� E . .�, �t -F h � !�.� c� � � � ,AC+�UUNT hIUMII�s`R; []1 (3Q00 2�@C�2 . i . ' :s AMOtJN`!`C?F RE��UND; / c��3, [� �J -, T�A7'� AI'PFt�vED: .� r �! 7 APPRCIVAL SIGi*iATURC: ;y-,;�� ;__= S � . � r�rep�ace ifI7QT�Aai1QM1: #tCST�lc4eci: nv� �..., .,,,r......,,..... , irirtc**�t�h***irk***lkk**�e**�kir*#*�*�S*rk#strt*ic�t**#**ie�k*#**xhk�4ir*#ic*** FEE SIJMF'IARY *#*ii**�k�k**kir*ietr****ic**�k�trtir�Yk***3r*f��k�*�***��Sit#k�**�k**ir***^�* Building-----} 345.DL7 Rrstu�rant Pl�n Rrvieu--? . .0{} Tfltal faiculated Fees---> 34�.25 Plan Check---> 94.25 DRB Fee--�--------------} .DO pdrlitional Fees-°-------y .Ofl In�restigatton} .0(3 Recreation Fee----,-----> .fff} Tvtal Parmit fee--------} 3��2.z5 ui l l Ca l 1----a 3.d4 C lean--llp depasi t---___--} 1(1U.QO Payments------_�____.__---> 34�.25 TaTAt FE�S-__-----------> 342.25 SALhNCE QUE_��____-� .€lQ *is�***#*rk�***�ir*r4#�tlt�*�k*i�*ir�#*iririr*#ic**;tir�*ir********#9tk*it**ihYk**kr4**#it*irit*irk#**�k�*****#*rk rk rt****fc*#****k*#******ic�eir**a1-*�t**ir**#�**ic# Itern: f351i�0 BUILDI�IG DEFARTMENT Dept. BUIL�3It�G Di.visie�n : 11;/413�19�5 DAN A��a.�n : APPR �tern: f?540(l �'LAI�NIN� DE�'AFtTME�IT D�ept: FI,Al�TN�NG 1�ivi5iC►n: 11/'�13�1995 17AN Action: AFPR . Item• �?56Q4 �'I�.E bEF�+,�Td�TENT Dep�: FI1�E �ivision; 11�'03�1995 DAN Act�.on: A,PF1� Tt�m: 055[}C1 PUSLIC W�RKS Dept: PU$ WO�RK D3.vision. a.�/o�/�.s�� D��r ��tior�: APPR *��*��***������**��**��*�*����*��*��*��:�*����*�����*��**�**��*�-������**�****�*������*�**�*** Se� Pag� 2 0� this I3�acument �v� any condi�ians that may a�p�y to this permi't. i7ECLARAT I JN S I hereby aeknv►rledge that I have read this appliea#ion, filled out in fuEl the infermation required, cc�mpteted an accurate plot pian, anrt3 stete th�t �ll the in#ormatinn providrd as required is ccarrect, I agree 4o comply with the in'fvr�atian and pltit plan, tv campty uith ali 7nwrs ordinantes and stace laus, and ta kwild this s�rutture according to the Tacrn's zoning and subriivisiors ccndes, design revieu� approt�rd, Unifar� B�ilding C�+de and ether arclinances et the �ovn applicabls tkseretv. R£RUESTS FOR IHSPECTI{SHS SFiALL BE FEADE '�WEN7Y—fdUR HQURS IH A�VANCE E3Y 7El.EPHpN A3 4T9-2138 OR AT 4UR DEFICE fR4�M 8:00 AM 5.OU �'M ��t��-�C-� f� -�•_ -1 Serad C�Can—Up ITe�osit Ta: SIGNATURE 4F OLIH�R 0 [D�ITF�LTOR FCs HIMS�LF AHD 0'�NER �� RECYGL#jDP.iPER � + .� � � �� ��� I�TC}TE: 'PHIS PERMIT MUST BE POS'FED {?1�I JCIBSITE AT ALL TIMES � �� �`[�WN�F Y'AIL �n�/AL�r c�r� HU I LD ���T Permit �: a��-o��� 75 Sauth Fror�tage Road l,�epr�rrmenr of��rr�murtiry Devel�pmenr Y'ail, Cv�c�rdda 8JS57 Jab AddreSS : 715 W LIOI�TSHEAD CR St�tus , . . : ISSLdED 97q�479-,2I38f479-2139 Loca�ion. . . : PaC7L �pp�.ied. . : 06,/�2/'1995 FAX 974-�79-2452 P�reel Nc�, . : ��oi—a�z—o�—�a�. Isst���d. . . : f�6�21�"1995 �rojec� �ro. : p�,���-oaso �xpires . . : iz/1e/i��� APPI.,ICANT MAXIMUM CC]MF�7RT POOL & SPA ��one: �Q394�f339 F O BC3� 2666, VAIL CO 8�658 Cdt�iTRACT�]R MAXIMUT�I CC7MFflRT POC�L & SFA Ph[��1e: 3�139495339 P [� B[7X 2666, VAIL C� 81658 QW1�3E1� HMC ACt�U�SITI(3N PRC]PERTIES T�1C 10 4 0 t3 FERNW{3C7i} RI7, W,�1S H I NGTC}N DC 2�Q 12 D�scraptic�n: eoxsTRVC�rQr� a� ouTSZnE spA �Dccupancy; Typ� Canstructior�: N�/A 1��T APFL�CABLE Type C]ccupan�y: Valuation: 15, �Ot] Add Sq Ft: Fit�eptace In#ormstion: Restricted: k4f Gas Apptiances: #!Of Gas Logs: #43f uood�Paltet: *ieir**k***a1k**�3tk*irintrtat�tirinkit*ic#�*��F�kirk*�k**'kk�t�k#�r*ik*it#*ir*ic**at FEE 54JMNARY **'��**�at*rkft�k�a�FiY�k�t*#ie#�t*k�t*****ir*�I-�t�t�irir;k#irir�rk9t9e'k�kk**ir#*it*#* Building-----> 195.[3d Restuarsnt PLan Rewieu--i .IX] Total Galculated Fees----> 424.75 Plan Check---> 12I.75 Da8 Fee--_____r..___-----> .fH7 Additional Fees-----_..__5 .40 Tnvest�ga#ipn> .pq R�creation Fee----------> .a{1 Total Pererix Fer--------> 42G.75 4�iLL Ca,ll___-T 3.DD Ctean-!9p �e�sit----_--� 1[7Q.6Q �syments------_----------> 424.75 TS7TAL FEES--------------? 4c'4.75 BALANCE p€1E__�__,____�__y .0�0 *irir*int*ir�ir*itic*ir�t�trti�**intirieirieir*rk*�k*�kk***#**ie#�e**#***rk r�***ir�k**�ck*##***�rk�k****irie**�k##ki****ir�F#*ir*ak*#*iric*#�k###rd^k�****R�nktir**irrt�hk�'ikyrk I��m: {l5100 BU�LDING �EPARTMENT Dept: SUILDING Division: Q�/16,/1995 �ARY Action• APPR Itern: Q5440 PLANNING DEPARTMEN`� Dept: PLANhI�1VG ���ai�icsn; D6,/�.6�i'1995 GARY Act.irn: APPR N�A It�m: Q�504 F�RE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: 06./'16�''1995 GARY Action: APFR N,/A Item: 05500 PLTBLIC ti�Di�KS L]ept: FUB W�JRK Di�v.��ivn: �06/�fi,�19ss GARY Action: APPR rr/R ****�*��r*�r**�r�x***�x*�x�*�*#�r�x*******���*�**�*��*�*�**����*�r:�r�r*��r���*�*�****�,��x**�x��x See Page 2 af this I�ocument far any conditions that �ay apply tc� this p�rmi�. D1�CLARAT xC3NS I here6y acknuuledge ihat T hav� read this appEication, fiLled out in fuil the information requirrd, coospi,eted ars az�ur�te plvt ptan, and atate that aE! the informati�ss provided as requirr�i is Gvrrect. I egree to mply with the anformation and ptat pLan, tcs comply �+ith afl Yo�rn ordinances and state laus, and to buiLd this stru�ture co din t4 the 'Fvun's zoning snd subdiuisian codes, design reuiew approved, Uni#arra 6uilding Code and c�ther ardin�nce 4 To n a [icahle th=r�to. REGlJESi"S F4R iH5{'ECTI�1�iS SHA�L B� FIJkaE S1IEHTY-FOUR HDI�RS FH APYRNCE BY TE EPH6 E � Z 3$ QR pT 4UR OFFICE fRDN9 8:D0 AR 5:00 PI� Send Ctear�-Up Deposit To: MAXIFtU�4 COMFORT URE a7F Ok OR CaNTRAC R FDR iiIF�SELF AHP 041NfR ��kEY7'CLEd1 Pr4Pe1R 1 � � f A �ry l �ti/�'���'�,j }i �F 1k�C i V 1 I 1■ ����. ��t''lk�'fk*''!��]t'7�7k�'�['k'��*'7k 5�!"'f�"�C*7Y[*�'k 7�[�'1t[***5�7k']ti]�1�C 7�f 7t'�['f�[*]k 7�7�°1�7Mf YTf�74 7�'7�'*'7k'!�'1�'t�''A'9E'�1'3t}F 7t']k 7k'!k 7S Soutla Fr�r�rage Ro�d CONi]ITIC]NS De�a�rrmenr n�fCn�nmur�iry Devele�pmenr ��a2brc�h'tr8���0�79 as of C�fi�21,/95 �tatus : �SSUED *�''�1�F�t�'�-�#3�8'p'�79�����a��*�*�*�*,���***�*�**���*�*�*,���*�*�*,��***��,r**�r�r**,�***��**** FAX 970-479-�452 Permit Type: Ai7DfALT �C�Mt�i BU�L�3 P�RMT � Ap�lied. D6�'J.2 f 199� Apglicant: MAXIMLrM C(3MFaRT PdC7L & SPA �ssued: 06,/21/'1�95 3�3949633� To Expire: 12/'18�1995 Job Address: Locatio�. F�aL Parc�l Z�Io: 2101-�D72-07-[}O1 aes cza.ption: CC}1�FSTRUCT��N nF OU'I`SIDE SPA Cc�nditivns : 1 . FIRE L7EPARTME�1'I' APPRf]VAL �S RE�JUIRED BEFQRE ANY WQRI. CAN BE STARTED. 2 . FIELD INSPEC'I'IC7N5 A�E REQUIRED �C] CHECK FOR CODE CL7MPLIANCE. ��!�£C?'G'LED FAPF,H � � r I ' 1 a, N�TE: THIS PERMI'I` NIiIST BE PQSTED C}N JC]BSTT� AT ALL '�'�M�S • ,�'1 T���V OF�'AIL r��cx�rc�� �E��T �ermi�t # : r���-oa�x 75 Sc�uth Fronta,ge haad Department of Cdntnauniry�ev�lopanent L'Q�l, �olorada 81�f57 970-4���2138/�79-2139 FA�970-479-2452 �J�b Add��SS. . . : 7�5 W LI�7NSHEAD CR 5t�tus. . . : IS�U'ED i�ocation. . . . . . : P+QQL & MECH. RO�M Applied. . : 46,/l�,/1995 F'arcel Ne�. . . . . : 2101-47�-07�417� Iss�ed. . . : 46/'21,II995 P�c�ject Number: PRJ9�-OQ80 Expires . . : �2,/18�1995 �,PPLYC�,N'�' MAXIMUM COMF�RT FC70L & SFA Phorie: 3f139495339 P �3 BOX 26�56� VArL CC7 81�58 �aNTRACTC�R MAX�F�C]M C�MFQRT PpC}L & S�A Phc�ne. 3 0 3 9 4 9 b 3 3 9 P C} BOX 2656, 'JAIL C(� 81658 QWN�F� HMC ACQUISxTION PR�PERTIES �N� 104Q0 FERNWC?C}D RD, WASHII�GTC7N DC 2C1012 �escr�ption: Va�.ua�.ian. �, DC1� . C}0 M�CH. W4i�K F'CJ�i. StJ'TSIDE SFA Fire�lace lnfvrmat#an_ Re�trict�: #Of Gas Appliances: #Of Gas �.vgs; pOf Wod�fPallet: 'k�k**irirk*it**#�tintintinkrk�t�trt#ir*#irk**�***irirlc�ttkinklt##�it**�***�* FEE SUdif1AI�Y *******�Air*�#ir�t***,t#�e***�Hr**#istkirir***�r#3t**i&******�Irx'k�t'kk*** Ytiec4t8nical---? 6i].00 Restuaranfi PLa�n Review--> .C?0 Total Calculated Fees---> 78.04 Plan Check---? 15.DD pR6 Fee_..__________w_---? .0�} kdditional Fees-------•--> .410 Tnves[igation? ,C30 T6tAL FEES---�-----------7 7$,bCi 7otal Permit F�e---------� 7$.G�3 Lli l L Ca L L---�] 3.{?C� P�ymen4s�----------------} 78.0� S+�LA�dCE PUE------------> .OQ ***�1-k***ir***#**�lir***�tir****k*ir7Y�k*****�r#*#irik�k'kk*#�k*ir*#�r**�kk***k********k*#**#ir#�t^k*#;k-�t****#***�'k�k***#***�tk*#*�kk*#*�t***;tfrkir***�***'k Stem• D5140 Bi]ILDI�� I7EPARTMENT ,�ept: BUILLIN� Div�si�n: 05,/1�,�1�95 GARY Actian: AP�'� Ttern• 054Q0 PI�AI�NING DEPARTM�NT Dept: PLtiANN'�NG Division: 06�1fi,,11995 GARY Action: AP�R N,IA CUNI�ITI�C}}t+3 DF APPROVAL *���*�**��*�*���*����x*���*��**�r*���**,��*�**�x��,r�*�r�**��,��***����r**��****�*****�� 3�E CLARAT I C31�S I hcreby acknoulerJge #hat I have rcad this app�,ication, filled o�t in full, ihr infarasat-�on reqvired, comp�eded �n acturate ploL plan, and state that all tho informstion prcvided as required is correct. � I agret ta eomply uith the in#ormation end plflt plan, ta compLy uath a�,t Town ardinances and state Laxs, and to build this structure aecording ta� the �oun's zaning and subdivision codes, desigrr revieu approvsd, Wniform Building co�de and or'l�ier ardinan4es f the "fioun apptiCab'l� thereta. REQU�S75 FOR IHSPEC7iQN5 SkALL BE hlAkE 1'1��NTY-FOUR �OUR5 I At1�AH� B 7 LE ON� AT 479-213$ flR AT Ol3�t f1F F�CE FROH 8:�Q AMI 5:00 PM S�G�iATt1RE [�F {�Y�lER dR CONT�ALTQR FOR HIMSELF ANa BukER. ��REY7'GtJsS�PRPER � � � r . � �� 1`��ITE: TH�S FERMTT Mt�ST HE POST�LI [�N J�BBITE AT A�,� �`IM�S • �'� �`�W�'Vr�F �AIL ADD,IALT +�C7MM �uz�� P�FU�T p�r��� #: $�5-0��� 75 So,uth Frorrtage Raad £]�epartrnent o�'Communiry Devedopment Yai[, Cvl�rado $I657 J�b P,ddx-�ss : 715 W LI{7NSHEAD CR Status . . . : ISSU�D 97{]-4�9-213�1479-2P39 Location. . . : P�}DL AppT.�.ed. . : D6�'�2�1995 F'AX 970-�79-,Z452 I'�rce�. No. . : 2101�-072-�7-��J1 Zssued. . . : �16�'21/'1995 Proje�t Nt�. : PR,T95-OQ$0 Expires . . : 12�1��`1�95 AgFI,ICANT MAXIMUM CQM�`�RT PaC}L & SpA Phors�: 3�39446339 P (7 B(7X 2666, VAIL C� 81558 CON�'RA�CTDR MAXIMUM CDM�`4R�' Pc�C?L & S�A Pho11e. 3(]39496339 k� U BOX 2656. �IAIL CQ 81558 c�wrr��, xn�c �.cQuxs:tT�oN ��o���TZ�s z�rc 1040Q FERNWC3Q�} RD. WASHIN�TOI�I DC 24012 Descr:ip�ican: �DNS"I'R[]CTION OF OCTTS TDE SPA Uc��pancy: fiype Con�tr�c�ian ; N�`� N�T APPL�CAHLE Type C�cc�pancy: Val�ation: ].5, 004 A�id Sq Ft: FireplLace Irsfo�rmation: Res#ricted: flof Gas Apptlsnces: SfOf Gss �oga: JiOf WaodfPalleL: *�rr1-�k*�l-,t***,F*ik#-It****-k�t*-at#***A-k4�k�t***k*�t�tir**�t�t�t*t**Airit3t*�t�t*�!* �EE $UMMARY �`��**��*'+�***�'k*�rk�k*it***�tir**lrint�k��tirinr�irfr'A`1t1t*°k�r*ie�t�Irk�lrrt*irir*ir* Bultc3ing°----> 995.DL7 Restu�rant Plan Re�iex--> .DO 7atial LaS.culaxed Fees---7 424.75 Plan Check---> 126.75 OR� Fee-----___�_-----� .00 Additional Fees---------] .p0 Investigation> .QL3 Recreaticn Fee----------T .DU 7crtaL Permit Fee°--�-°-? 424.75 4fitl Cati----> 3.i34 Clean-Up 4epcsiL-___..__�> 1DO,170 Psymentis__�_____________? 42G.75 TSTAL FEE�S--------------� 424.75 BAIANLE DUE-----___�---> .C]0 `kk**�kk***�kka1-k**�t****fnk**�*�Hntsrk*****itir'k�t'i�****ik*t*�r#****�lririr#rk�k*&**fr**�-k***�k int****#it*ir**�I Itlrrt*x**#"k'kk*#*�#**ik*ie-kik#**i�*t*ieir*****lrirat* It€�rn• Q514Q BUILDTNG D�PARTMENT Dept: IIUILL]I1�G Di�isian: Of�'I6,IT995 GARY Ac�ivn: APPR It�m- 05440 FLANI�ING DEFARTMENT pept: PLANNING Llivisic�n: a���s,l���� GARY .������. ���� r�/.� It�m: C�56D� FI1�E DEFARTt�l�NT Dept: FZRE Div�.siont 05,/15�I1995 GARY Actinfl: AFFR N,/A It�m: d554(3 PUBI,IC 'WC}RFCS Dept : PU� WC�RE[ Di�rision: 06�'1��1995 GA�tY �c��on: AI�PR �1,JA *�***��r�r*�r�r*�,r�*�r�r9r�r��r*,r���,h�r***��***�x�►r*��t,�,�r,�*�*���r��r�**�***�r�x**�***t����***�**�**�**���k�*� Se+� Fage 2 of �his D�ocument �or any +�onditi�ans that ma� apply to this permit. �i�C�,ARA,°T�Q�IS I herray ackrcowledgg that I heVe read tf�is applicatian, fil4ed put in full t'he informativn required, comple#ed an sccurate pC,pt plen, and state that all the infarmation garflvided as requirtd is cvrrect. I sgree to mply uith the information and p{ot pLen, t� cemply wi#h all Tt,un vrdananc�s and state laus, and to build thls s#ructure cv din tv the t'oun's xaning and subdivision cairs, �esign rrviru approved,� Unifor�a 9uil,ding Cvde and ather or�inane� ih Ta n a g[ieable ihereta. RE�UE5T5 FOR INSFECTIONS BHAL� BE �9ADE TiJEMTYRF�l1R H4URS TN ADVAINCE BY TE EFH4 E T 2 3 AR AT OUR CYFfIGE FR�M 8:176 AN� S.Ot] PN SeRd CLean-Gp i7epos'it To: HAXIMUM tOFlFL7R7 TURE OF 041 R DR CONTRA R FOR HIM$EL� AN� (7WhIER ���ftECYGLEDYAPE7P � � . . x . l ��� ***����'��� **�r*****�r*������**��*���*����*�**�***�**�*�r��*���,r****�**�*,r*�r�r 75 Sauth 1�'ront�ge ftoad COND I`��UN S I)eparrrne�nt of Comm,�nit�y�Jev�Fopment �trevo�T�'os���vi�� as v� o�,/z�/�s status; xssu�D a��'�'ii�—''#''l�'��.#�'�79*Z"I"3�+****x��r*��x���r����*�r�r*,�*�**w****�**�*��w*���t***�r**�**,�**�,t�*��t FAX 970-�79-2452 Permi� Tyge: PipDfALT CON��T BUILD P�RMT Applied: 4f,1],2,/1995 AppliCant: MAXINiLFM COMFQRT PO�� & SpA IsSLted: �£�2��I99� 3C139496�39 T� Expire: �2f18/'�995 3a�a Address . Lc�cation : PC+�L Parcel No; 21�R1--b72-{17-f1Q1 I��scripti�n: CO�15�"RL3CTTUN �F CIUTSII]� SPA Conditi.cans : 1 . FxR� DEPARTM�NT AP�RQVAL IS REQUIR�D BEF'OA� RNY WC]RK CAN B� STA�TED. 2 . FIET.,I� INSP�C'I'Zf7NS ARE RE�USRED TO CEi�C�: FOR CDDE CUMPLIAN�E . ,��`r��tcrcr.�crr,sr�e A' . k- � � a 1k 11k 4k'k'k 7k'!k�lr Yk•Jr�Ir SN�fit t4!r 74 1�C ik!k 7k rk fh'k''k'k*+Y�pr�Ir 5k dc aF fk�ik'iA�sF a�yF 7k�F iF'k'�4 7k 7�r'k'k�A''ik 7k 7fr#fe�k 5k�e'k*#'*�le tk vF 7k TOWN t�F VATL, cc�LO��a stat��nt *�*�******�**�*****�*������***,��,�*,��,�,�,�***,��**�***���*�����,�**** 5tatemnt Number: REC�O(}39 Amvunt: 424 .75 45�21/'95 14 : �2 Paym�ent Method: CH�CR Na�ativn: �14910 Init; LR�7 P�rrnit Nc�: B95-d�7� 'I'ype: A-C�]NIM ADI}�'�T C�3MM BUILA P Par�e1 Nc�: 2101-072-07-00�, Site Addr�ss : 7�5 W �,IC}NSI�E,�I� C�. La�ati.on: POOL Total Fees; 424 . 75 Thia Payment 424 . 75 Tata�. ALL Pmts: 424 . 75 Balance: . 00 �r���******���***�*��**�r******,�*�*�*�***�*�*,��**�*,�*����r�*���**�� Accc�unt Cc�de Descript�.an Amount Ol (}CY00 41:��.C1 BUILI}�NG PEf�MZT FEES 195. 0�1 Q1 (}OO�J 413�2 P�,AN CHECK FEES 12fi.75 O1 Of�f�{� 22fl0� CLEANUP I]EPO�ITS 1C1C1 .4U �k1 (�+Q�4 4133fi WILL CAI.L INSPECT�DN FEE 3 . �Q � � �' . � - ��, NQTE: THIS PERM�T MUST BE P�STEA QN J(]BSITE AT ALL TIMES �y �'�'�'VN�F�'AII, ��cx�rr xcr�z� ���zx ��r��� # : r���—o a s� 7S Svteth Frontnge Rr�ad Depr�rrmerra oJCammuniry Develcrpment i/ail, Cr�lorado 8f b57 9?�-47�-213�I479-2139 F'AX 47(1-479-�452 ,�'c�� Adcc�„r�ss . . . : 715 W LIDNSHEAT7 CR Sta�uS . . . : ISS�I�D �ocation. . . . . . : POQL & MECH. R�Q�i Appl].ed. . : 0��12�'1995 Parcel I�io. . . . . ; 21�1-072-417-U41 Issued. , . : (�6�2I,/1995 �'raj�ct N�mbe�: PRJ95--408Q Expir�s . . : 12/"1�,/1995 APP�ICANT MAXIMUM CflMFd�T PU(3L & SPA Phane: 3039496339 F +0 BaX 2f56, VAIL Ca 81658 CC7NTF�ACT�R NiAX IMUM CC7MFU�T P�lC?L & SPA Phone: 3 Q�9 4 3 6 3 3 9 P 0 BCIX 26Gb, VATL CC7 81658 �WNEFt HM� AC4�zSIT�4Td I'ROI'ERTT�S INC 1a4[l� FERNW'�C1� RD, WRSH�NG�'Ol`T DC 20[112 D�scr�ption. Valua�ian: 3 , �[J(�. �C? MECH. WORK FOR SLITSIDE SPA Firepi�ce Informeiion: Restrieted: �!D# Gas Appti�nces: NOf Gas Logs: qaf WoAdJPaltet: �k�**�ht�,r*ir�^,t�Jrk*�e�C*ir�F***�***�t***�ht***�tkrEatrti;**ikk**#�*****�* EEE 5UMHARY °k***�k*�nt*##**�#�t***,t��*i�***ir,r#,hk-k**�t**�k*�*�ti�**i�*rk***�kirr��F* hlethanical--Y 6(l.(XD Restuarant Plars Re�+iek--) .00 Tvtal Calculatecf Fees---> 78.[K1 Plan Check---> '�5.40 pR9 Fee-----------------> .Oi6 additional Fees---�°----7 .QO InVestiaation� .dQ TOTAL FEES--_.._..__�-----> 78.U17 Total Permit Fee---------7 78.(}Q Uill Cell----] 3.(K} Payments--------°-------> 78.6d BALkNCE DUE-------------> .CYt} *fe*******i�'*�rk***i�##�a***ir�k***�**�***�t�Y�t***�t*******�******#***-k*�****ir****R'k�ti�'k**�kir*ir***9r VttF�*irir ir�'R*ir'k�'kt�rkk***#irk*k*�tare#*#ie*ir**ir*ir�hk*�Y �t�m: 45],�0 BUILI7ING DEPAFtTMENT Dept; �CT�LDING Division: 0��16�1995 �ARY Act�on: APPR It�m: 454D�1 FLAI3NING DEPAR'�MEI�T I)ep�: �'LAI�NING D�vision: f�6�'16�1995 GARY ACtion: APPR I*i�A � CCIN�]ITIOt3 aF APP�tOVAL ����**���r***�r*���*�**+**�*��*��*�****��*�*��;r�*��r*����*,�*��r�****��**,�*���*��r**** I�E CLARAT I ON S I hereby ecknc�wledge t#�at Y haVe read thtis application, fi�ted out in #uL1 the iniorsratian rec�uired, tivmpleted an accurate plet plan, and sta#e ihat al�, the informat7on pravided as requ�red is cqrrect. � I agree to compLy �with tfie iniormativn and plot ptan, to comply wash alL Toun ordinarrces and sxate laws, and to truild th3s struc ure according to thr Toun's zmning and subdi�ision codes, design review approved, Uniforr� Huilding Cade and o�s�r ordinances f xhe Tawn 8p��iL�I�I.E thereto. REQU�575 �f�R IN5PECTIONS SHALL BE MA�E 7L►EI�TY-FQUR HOURS Y AU A aE 9 T LE 4NE AT 479�213$ DR AT OtlR OFfICE FRflM 8:4d A!1 S:Ob PM1 SIGNATURE ❑F OuiVER DR C4HTRACTOR F4R FiIMSELF RtJU CIWNER �#REtiYCLED F11!'Elt *�� � � s *ak�k�r#�r*ir*�r�k�Irefr�Jrai��k*�Irak*�1r*�Ir�lr**ir�fe�riric�Fir�t*iF�r*�k�ir#�Irk*al��k�kdr�trk�k*•JF�k**�k*�Ir�k�+F/r7t�ek ��� '�� ��i�L� �.��+�Rpl�d �t�t�mn� �F�k#iFikSfr*#*��r��k�r*trF��airakvl��lr*�k3r�Pr*�ir�rsk*fr#�Yi4s�*�kir*i4�kaY�kir-k�r�k�k'k�lctk-k k�k�kir�k3r'kir�!'�k Statemnt Number: fiEC-O[l39 Am�sunt. 78 . 00 4��21f95 �4 :54 Payanent Method: CHECK I�atation: #1491�M In.it: LRD Fermit I�o: M�5-Q491 Type: B-MEC�i NiEGHA.t�TICAL PE�MTT Parcel No; 2101-072-�7-�7G�1 Si�e Addr€�s s: ?15 W LICINSHEAD CR Location: P£7C7L & MECH. R❑O� '�'O't�� F�ES : �� . �1� Tni� P����t 7s. �oo T�rtal ALL P���; ��.oa Balance: .40 *,��***��a��*���,�**,�����*�*�x�*�*��***��**�**���****��***�***�x***� Accoun� Gmd� Deseript�on Amount �1 OdflO 4131� MECHAfi1ICAL PEI�MIT FEES ��.{]�l O1 +0000 4133� PT.�AI�i CH�C�C FEES 15,i10 O1 C�O�{10 4�335 W�LL �A�L �NS�ECTTaN FE� 3.I]0 � � •. i. ` NC]TE. THTS PER�+I�T M[]ST SE P05TEI3 ON J(3BSYTE 11'I` ALL 'T�MES P.DD f ALT COMM HUILD PERM� Yezm�.t # : 895-C}17� �7ob Address: 715 W LIONS�IEAD CR Status . , . . A�PFRC}VED Lc�catie�n . . . ; PUC]L App�.ied. . : d�6�'12�`1995 Parce� NQ. � : 210�.-072--07-�01 Issued. . . : 46�'16�199�5 Froject 1�Io. ; PRJ95-Ofl84 Expires, . : 12�13,J1995 AFFLICANT MAXIMUM CO�+IFC3RT ��OL & SPA Phon�: 3039496339 P 4 B4X 2666, STAIL CC► 81558 C�NTRAGTQR MA�INiUM CaMF(]RT POflL & SPA Phone: 3Q39496339 P �D �C7X 26b6, V�1IL CO 81b58 O'V��P]ER HMC A�Qi]FSITT{]N PR{]PERTIES INC 104(}4 F'�RNWC70D RD, W.A,SHTNG'I'C?N 1JC �OU12 D�scriptian: CC]�l'STRUCTIU� G1F +DUTSIDE SPA Occupat�cy: Type Cvn�truc�:iat�: I��A NC3T APPLICABLE Type C]ccupancy: V�luation: I5, �ao Add Sq Ft. Fire�rl�ce Inform,�tian: Restricted: �af Gas Appliances: #Of Gas Lags. k�Uf 4fcrod,�Pali,et: **k�k**�tirir#**A-�ir9r*## FEE 51J'MMARY *ir**akintiricrYk**�k�k*�Ir'kkk*s�F�ttir*#3k�k�t 6ui lding-------> 195.570 f�estuarant PCara ftevieu--? .04 T4tal Calculated �ees---> 4�4.75 Plan Check---] 72b.75 pR� �ee------ —> .D6 Additi�aneL Fees-_..._-�-> .d0 Investigation> .DO Recreation Fee----------� .QQ Total PeC'mit Fee----��----> 424.75 �i l l Ca L 1----? 3.OU C leae�-up pepos it��----°-} 1f]t}.E30 Payments-°---------_�..__> ,C)t3 T4TAL FEES---------------? 424.75 6ALA�ICE Ol}E------> 424.75 *rtir*******#**ft�ltst'k k'IHryrint*�ir*�A-k*�tk*�tk*******ic*k�¢°k#i�****�kir�ktt**iek7E*yk�Fak'kft°#�t ir Ztem` O�I4� BUILDII�G I3EFAR�`ME1�T Degt; BUILL�ING Di�i�i+�n. �15�"16,/1995 GARY A,�ti.or�: APPR �tem: �54�Yq PLANNING aEPARTMEI�3T Uept: PLAN;C�TING �]ivisi.on: U6/16/1995 cARY Action: APPR �I/A �tem: p56{7U FIRE I�EPA�TMENT �ept: FIRE Divisivn: 06,/'1�,1�.995 GARY ACt1�n: AF'PFt �+i,�+'A Item: 4�50Q �U�3LIC W(}RK5 Uegt: P[TB WQRK Di�ision: Q6/'16�'1995 GARY Action; AFPR N�''A **�**'k�t*�r�x�**�t�**�#**�t,t,t****�nt,t,t,k�t�**k*rF`lr,t�t�k*k�hYrFt�°►c�cirJr#�*�k# See Fag� z vf this Do�ument for any c�nditions that m�y apply to �his permi�. I7��CL�RAT IONS Y here6y acknotrledgc that I hev�r read this applicetior�, fiilled au# i� fu�.L the in#ormation requrored, eompL�[ed an �ecurate plot p�'enr end state that aLl thr 7raformation pr~evided as required is torrect. I agree ta can�ly uith the ir�far�netion and plax plars, to con�ly u�#h a�l Tawn ordinences and state Laws, and #v build this strusture aecording to the Ta�rn"s zoning arrd subdivision cc�des, design revieW �pprav�ed, llnif�arm 8uilding Cvde and other ordinsnees o£ the Tvun appl�stsble thtreto. REQIkESTS FQR ��ISPECTIahiS SF#kLL BE F�A17E TiJENTY-F�IIR F�OURS ptJ ADVANCE BY TEI�f'FfOME AT 474-2138 OR k7 O�JR OFFiLE FRON $:W AF! §;00 P�I Send Glean-Up Deposit 70: NAXII�UM C�MFURT SIGNATURE OF QWNfR OR CpNTRACTfSR FQ3t HIMESELF kHD 04�HER • .. � � �**�r�,�****x�r*x**�**�*��***�*�r*****�r***��*�r***���**��r��r�*��*��***�����r*�ar��****�* CC7NDITI{7NS Permit # ; 895-1�179 as r�f 0�6f1�,195 5ta�us : APFAb�TED ����r***�*��r�r��*****�*�******�r*�***��r�r*��*�*��*�**,���r�������,��,�*�r*��r�r�***�,�*�r*�** Fermit Typ�: ADD�ALT COM�I BUILD PERMT App�t�d: 4b�12,/'1�95 Applicant, MAX�MUNi COMFC)RT P{7DL & SPA Issued: I]8�16�].995 3(7�9A�96339 To Expi��: Zz/13/1995 J�1� Address : Locatian: Pt30L Parcel �'a: Z1D1-47�-07-0(ll i�escxiption: CC]1VSTR[JCTI[7N OF GIUTSI�E SPA Car�diti.cans : 1 . �'IR� A�PARTMENT APpR�VAL I5 R�Q�IIREF3 B�Ft�R� P.idY W�RK CAl�i B� STARTED. 2 . FI�I�D INSPECTI{}l�TS AFtE REQUIRED T4 CH�CK �'OR CQI�E COMPLIANCE. � � Pd{?TE. THIS �ERMIT M[JST SE PaST�l7 C}1'�" .7QBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMT'� Perntit #: M9�-0091 Job Addresa. . , ; 715 W' L�DNSH�AD GR Status. . . ; APPROVEI� Lc�cation. . . . . . : POOL & ME�H. RaflM Appliec�. . : d6,/�2/"1�95 Parc�l NQ. . . . . : 210]�-C}72-07-�3�1 Issu.ed. . . : D6,/�5,�1995 Project Idumber: FRJ95-UQBi} Expire� . . : ��,/13,/1995 APF'LICANT �IA��MLTM COMF�RT PdC?I,, & SPA Fhc�ne: 303949+��39 P O 8C)X 2bfi6� VAII., CO 81fi5$ CQNTR.A.CTOR MA�IMLTM C(]1�IF�RT PCl(7L & SPA Phone t 303949G339 P C� BOX 2666. VAIL CQ 8�.558 OWN�R HMC ACQUISIT�Dt+T PR[7PERTIES I1�9C 104(30 FERNW�DIJ RD. WASH�NGTDN DC �0012 D�seriptiQn: Val�atian: 3,44d . af} NiECH. WORK Fl7K SU`�S IDE SPA Fireptace Infer�tian: Reatri�trd: IF�f Gas ApplianC�S; SfOf Gas Lags: �Af W�3o¢IfP�llet: *�k�r*�kieir*******�tiHrk *�A-k**sk�t�kiricirkir*aFiri��rl'�`�itrY ¢EE SUMMARY ** Mechanical--°} 6f1.00 Restuarant Plan Revieu-v7 .DO Tatal Calcul,�Yed Fe�s---7 T$.L7U PCan Check---7 15.00 aRa Fee�--�__-------�------y .CDU Additianat Fees---------> .0{� Yn�estigativn> .04 T4TAL FEES-------�----] 78�C1Q ToCal Permit FCe-------_°> 7g 06 61 i L L Ca L L----> 3.00 Payment s-------------�-..--? .QQ BALkF�CE DL4E -------3 7$.QO *** #�tk��trt*�k7t �*irir*#7k�tir Item: t?5141� BUILDII�G �EFARTME�T Degt; B�ILDII�G DiVisi�n: D6�15,/1995 GARY Action.: APP� It� ' 054�4 PLANNING DE�'�RTMENT Dept: PLANNTNG DiviSian: �6�b,/1995 GARY Ac��on. APPR �,IA CONAIT�ON �]F APIPRC�4'AL �*�*����***���*�r�r��***������*�r�r,�*��**�x��*�r�x*�*�*�***�**�*��r�**��**���**�r*�*��,��� D�CLARATI�NS I hereby ecknvwlydge that I have read this applica#ian, filled out in fult the information rrquired, ct�onplet+ed �n accurate plot plan, �nd state that all �ht in#ormation pro+u3ded as eequireci is �orreot. I sgree to coraply uith #he infcr�etian �nd pLot plan, ta to�ly with all Tawn s�rdinences and staCe las�s, end to build this sxructure accarding ta the Tasrn's xoning and suhdi�risian codes, design revieu apprnved, Una#orm �uilding Gade and vther ordinan�es o# #he TOkfl app4icable thereta. REQUESTS �OR INS�EGTIONS SHALL 6E FFA@E TWENTY-FallR H4UR5 I� +4DVANCE BY T�IEPHONE AT 479�'�138 DR AT OUR aFFYCE FRAM $:t�'1 AH 5:�N6 PM SIGHkTURE QF 4WNER OR CO�iTRACTUft FOit HiMSELf ANR 44�NER �i � '� ����. � �}���� , * �• �� �c�/: � , . T4�+FN OF VAIL C�NSTRLI�CT�C7A1'-. ,PEk�tYT �� ���c�L '�; ���rtz� APPLI�A'I'Xt�N Fo�irt .��I� 1 2 1��� DA'.�'E' �'�2 � r` �' r <�; � APPLICATX�I�I MUST �3� FILI,.EI] C7UT C(3MPLETELY O� ��t MA°1���� ���ACCEF'�'ED ��r�r*�*�*��r�t*�����t�x�r*�*�t**�**�� FERMIT YNFdF�MAT�ON ,����t��c�k�r��r*��,t��r*���******��� [ ]--H�il�ing [ }-Plumhing [ ]�Electrical [ ��lyiechanical [�]-�ther �P' fP Jab Narne: �A�ID� �'GS�,�.'t� �Job Add�ess: �E S V����L�'c�nJS}}�_,4� �.t'+�C� [�' Lega�. Les��iptinn. Lot 8lack Fi7.�t�g S �L�IVISIQ�'; owners Name: �f�j� �-�CC3S.'r �J�.Address: ���--- �� �r P�. �T �r �r�nit���: t�"IA��rat-r �.►+�,I��aaar��s: �n. G�neral l7+esca�i.p�ivn: C�,r�Sr���:� E�u'`�" �� �, � Work Class: [�-New j ]-A�.terat�.on [ ]-�,dditianal [ �-R�pair [ ]--C]ther Number o� Dwelling Units: Number of Acc�mmo�Iation Unxts: N �ber and Type Q� Fi��p].aces: �as Appliamces Gas Lc�gs Wooe�/Pel�.et ��**�*��r*�*�����r*��r�**�*�r�r�*�*��� VALUATIt�NS �����**:����r�r�*��*���t�*�r,���������� �,� �" Y i� �'�.,p�1�!/ �� ;rc�r"�� �_ BUTL37TNGt $ ,DOC� ELECTRZGAL: �+ � 93��: � f�� c'�c� �LLTMB�NG: � M�CHANTCAL: � �CJoC.� T4'I"�1L: � **�r�**��r�x*��r�r�c�e�e***�r**��**;k CUNTRACT� IIwiF �'TIC�N *����***��*ar*�r*����r�*�t��**�e � Contzactc�r: C"`�I�Kt1��JM[��Lt�i ���,�' Af.�'�Tawn a� V'ail Reg. NQ. ZGT�B Address: •�. �� x?��� �, ►��� . c� � _ Phane Nurnb��c: 9Y�i-r� 33 ►� Electrical Contractar: Town �f Vail Reg. NQ, Adaress: Phone Num��r: Plumbing Cantractcsr: Town c�f Vai.l Reg. N�. Addr�ss� Phnz�� �'umb�r: ,Mechar�i.ca� Cantractc�r: �'own a� Vail Reg. NC7. Address: Phvne Numbez: *���r��r��x����x�r�������**�*��*�r*�*� F+QR OFF�CE USE ��������*�*��*����*�*�*�r��*�t��� BUILLITNG PERMYT �EE: �t��Li}Ii�F�G PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUM�IN4; PER?�YT F�E e FLUNtBING PLI�N CHECK FEE: NfECHANIGAL PER,l+'�IT FEE: MECHANICA�, PF�A.N CI�ECK FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: RECREATI{]N FEE: {}THEFZ TYP� +C}F F�E: CLEAN-U� DEFDSIT: DRB FEEt T�TAL FERMIT FEESt ' TYPE GRC�U�' S'(�.FT. VALUA`I'It7N BL�'�LE]IN�G: S IGN,�,TURE: __ ZUNING; sz��r��u�: c��m��t�: CLEAN IIP DEP€1SIT REFETND T{}: M"I�r�C k Ik+�l�J� G@ el�r��T �?1 c.— � .�F�� � �a( ��+r�+ Lf�4/c- . � ��''"6—f.�� � � � . ' -- . � , MEM4RANf3UM 70: ALL Gt�NTRACTORS FR�'�J{: T�'W� C3F VA�L PUBLlC WOf�KS pERARTMENT DATE: MkY 9, �994 RE: W�iEN A "PClBLIC Wl�►4' PER'�+11T' �S REt��JIRED Jo� IVame:��,��So�=� � sr�'�' Date: C� -f �- -�1 f-- Pl��s� ansu�rer t�e f���owing questionr�air� regarding the need far a "Pu'�Zic Way Perm�t"; YES NO 1} f5 f'�is a new ��s��den�e? � �) iS d�lY3blltiqCi W(7!'k f381fig p2r�Ofl712C1 t��t rec�uires the �se c�i the righ�f y� vt way, ease�merr#s or public pr�,�er�? 3} fs any ut�lity �rc�r�c n�e�ed? �C, 4� 1� t�he driveway b�ing rep�ved? � �} Ps diiier�nt access need�d to site ,�.�, �th�r th�r� �xisiing driv�way? 6y !s any c�rainage w�rk being don�e � a�ect�r�� the rigt�t of wayy �t�������5� . or ,�ublic property'? �} 1s a "RevocabCe F;�ght C7f Way Permit" ��`•. requir�d� S} A, Es ti�e rig h# �# w�y, easements or � public prQp��#y to �e used far staging, par-�inc� or tencing? - a, I� no to 8A, is a parkir�g, s#agin� � or �er�cing plan reqs�ire� �y Cvmmu�ity Dev�lopmen�? �f y�u �nswe�ed y�s to any �f these que�tions, a "Pc��lac Way P�rmi�" must be Qb�ai�ed. "Public Way P�rmit" ap,��ications r�ay be abtain�d at the F�ubEic Work°s office or at �ommu�nity DevePapmen4. !t you t�a�r� any qt��s#i+ans please ca[I Charlie Davis,the Tc�wn � ot Vai� Canst��tiar� �nsp��tor, at 479-2�58. I �ave read ar�d answ�r+ed all t�e abor� � estions. �'JZ rca T1` `�°'`� '.� l� Job �am+e CantYaetar�s Sigr�ature Qate � � w �UBLIC ►�"VaRK� PERMI7 PR�3CESS How it relates to Build�ng f'ermits: 1) Fill e�ut our +check list psc��vid�d with a buifdinq qermit applicatian. If yes was ar�swered ta a�y o# the a�ave qu�stians t�en a "P��lic Way" is required, Yr�u can pick up an application at either Cc�mmunity Qe�elaprnent, located a�t 75 S. �rontage Raad ar Pu��ic Wor4��, locat�d a# �3Q9 Vail Valley Drive. 2} hlatice �ig�n af#s for u�il�ty campani�es. �111 utilities must fieid verify �lacate� r��pective uti[iti�s prior t� signing a�plicatic�n. Sc�me utili�y c�m�ar�ies requir� up to a 48 hour r�atice tv schedu�e a kocate. 3) A canstructi�an traf#ic contr�llstagi�g pl�n must be prepare�i on a �epar�te sheet vf p�per.An apprc�ved site plan may also b� used. This pfan wifl shQw la�atia€ts caf ail traTfic c�ntral de�ices�signs, c�nes, et�..} and the wark �os�e, �area ofi Cc�nstr�ctir�n, �tagir�g, �tc..}. This �ian wi11 expi�e c�n tJct, 15th. and wili need to be res�bmitted #or approval through the wir�ter. 4} ��etc�a of wark being per#ormed �ns�s� be �ubmitted indicating dimensic�ns �len�th, widt� & e�epth �� uvork}. T�ris may be drawn c�n the tr�ffic �ontcal pl�n flr a sii� �far� €�r the job. 5� Sulamit c�mpleted appf�eatic�n tn the Fublic Wc�rks"s affice f�r review. lf required, kt�cates wifl be scheduled f�r th� Town of Vail Elec��'iciar�s an� 9rrigafivn crew, The le�cates take place in the mc�rning but, m�.y requ6re up tc� 48 haurS t� perform, 6} The Public Work's Constrvction fns���tvr wifl review the application and �p�rove a�r disappr�v+e the permit. You will be c�ntacted as t� the status and any th�t may n�eeded. Mast permits are r�l�as�d with�n 48 hc�ur� �f being receiwed, but please allc�w up ka one week to proces�. 7} As sc�or� as t�e permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to �om�r'ttanity DeV�lopment allc�win�the '"Bu��dir�g Permit" ta be released. Pl��se +dc� not confus� the "Public V'U'ay f�errnit" wi�h a "Building F'ermit" to do work on a praject itself. NC}T�: * The abov� proc�ss is for w�rk in a �rablic way �nly. * Pub�ic Way Permits are �alid only until November 1�th, * A r�ew Public Way Permit i� required �a�h y�ar if wvrk is no# camplete. �,��y � � F � . � �1+ l� �(�i�OF YAIL � 7S Sn�et�t Frortrn�e. �nad De,parti�te�at af Comrizrr�tity I)eve[op�nerrt VQiI, Cnlarado 81b57 3D3-479-2138 f 479-2139 FA7�3�3-479-245� INFORMATI4N' N'EEDED WHEN APPLYINC� F�R �1. ��HA�NIC.AL P"E�NIIT 1 . HEAT LOSS CALC�'LATIOI�S. 2 . TQ SCALE FLO�R P�AN OF MECT�ANXCAL R�L7M Wx�'H Ef,�i]IPMENT DRAWN IN Tfl SCALE. WI"I":i PT�YSICA� DIMENSI(?N5 AN97 �TC] fiATINGS [3�" A.LL E�QUIFMENT IN M�CHANICAL RQOM. 3 . SHUW SIZE ANL� L�CATIC]N DF CCJMBUS'�'Z❑N ,A��R DUCTS, FLUES, VEI�1T CONNECTbRS A1�D �A.S LI�T�S. 4 . NCIT� �++1HETHE� ELEVAfiC3I�. �Q[1IPM��1fi WILL ALSC] BE �NSTALLED II+i M�CH�N'LCAL RBQM. FRI�.URE 'TQ PRQVIf.]E �H��a �NF4�I�+IATIDi�i WILL fl1EI.AY Y�iI� PER�. L�. � � . �', "�.. _ +�� ��w� of ��i� �� 75 south�rontage road oHbce crf c�mrnunity develQprr�snt v�ii,cnlaradQ 81657 {3Q3}4T9-�138 (303�479-21�9 N�3TICE TO C�NTRA�TCaFtS/�JW�?EA BL7ILDERS Effec�ive June 2Q, 19�1, the T�wn of Vail Building Departmen�. has a�evelc�g�d the fallowing procedures to ensure that new canstru�t�on �ites have ac�equately established p�roper drainage fr�am bui�ding si�.es �Yonq and adjacent to Tawn af V�il. rc��ds or s�reets . The Town o� Vai}. �?'ulclic Works D�p�rtr:e�nt wi�.l b�*. required to inspec� and approve dr�.inage adjac�nt to Tow'n o� Vail roads c�r s�r�ets� and th� ir�.sta�.l.ati.an �af temporary c�r perman�n� culve�ts at a�cc�ss points fr�z� the road �ar str��t �n to the coflstruc��.c�n sate. S�cYi �pp�oval m�ast b� ok�tain�c� pric�r to any request fer insp�ction by th� Town c�f Vai1 Buildir�g Departmen�. fc�r foc�tings c�r tempar�ry �1�ctra.c�1 or any ather insp��tic�n . Please ca�l 479-215[] tc� requ��t an inspect�on �rorn �.he Pu�alic Warks Department . Allaw a minimum �f 24 haur nc�tic� . Also, the Town of Vail Pu�a�ic Warks Department will b� ag�rc��ing all fa.nal d.rainag� anr3 cu�vert instal�atian with resu7�ting roac� pa�.ch�ng as nec�ssar� , S�ch apprr�ral must be obt�in�d pri�r t� F� na� �erti.fic�te �f Occupancy iss�a�nce . • � � . � . ,��+ . ��� ���� �� ��� 75 sQUth#rvntage road vail, calprado $7fiS7 (ao�) 479-21,�8 or 479-2I39 ofttce oi comrraunlly devel�prr�ent TC1: �LL C(3NTRACTORS CURREN'"I'LYL �{EGISTERED T�]'ITH �'HE T[�WN OF VAIL FROM: TUWN �3F VAIL PUBLTG W�R�fSf CQMMUI�'�TY DEVEL4PMENT DATE: MAR,CH 16, ].�8$ SU&7ECT: +CI�NSTRUCTI�]N FARKING & A'lATERIAL STORAG� In s�ar�mar�, Ordin�nce N4. 5 states '�hat it is ur�].aw��zl far any p�rsvn to lit�er, track or deposi� any soil, rc�ck, �and, de�ris c�r material� zncluding trash dumpsters, portak�le tail��s and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewal3�, a�.3ey c�r P�blac place or an� pc��tion thereof, The righ��vf-way on all T�wn of Vail streets �nd rn�ds is appra�imately 5 ft. +�ff p�vem�nt. This ordznanee wi�.� be s�r�.etly en�'ar�ced by the Town of '�ai� Pub�.ic Works Departmen�, Persons found viola�irsg tha.s c�rdinance will be giV�n a �4 h�ur w�itten notice to remove said mater�al. In the even� th� p�rson sa nctified does nat cram�ly with the natice within t�e �4 hcsur time specified, �he Public Wc�rks Department wil]. �emou� s��.d material at 'the expense of person nc�tified. '��Se provi.sic�ns nf this ordinance shall n�t b� applicab].e ta �an�t�uctic�n, main�enanc� or repair prcajects a� any str��t ar al�ey c�r any utilities in the right-a-w�y„ Ta re�iera Ords.nance Ncs. f in ftall , pleas� stap by th� Town af Vai� �uild%ng DEpartment to obtain a cvpY- Thank yvu for yaur eaaperatzon an this m�tter. �ead an� ed by; �r� � -��Z�� �eas.�tion Relat�.Qnshi ta Frr� `e�t / P 7 (�..e. C�]7'�r�C'�OY'� c�wner) ��3"�B � ��� . �' � . . _ . �'��� t [� �� 1��� O 1�� T5 svuth frontage raa�# �ail, Co�c�rado 81657 (3�d3) 479-2138 �r 414--2139 CfIIC@ O'I �O[!'��ITFUI'1I�]/ [IF.IY�Ifl�fT1@31� �u��arr�� ���r�z�r zssu��vcF ���� ��r�� If �lhis perm�.t requires a �own �f Va�i Fi�e aepartmen� Approva� , �r�gi�n�er'•5 �.PU�3�1C Warks} review and approval , a PTanning a�part�en� r�view vr Hea�th D�partment review, and a revi�w by the Buiidir�g �epartment, ttie est�mated time for a tc�ta] revaew may take as long as t�iree weeks. All cvmmercial �large ar sr�a11 � arrd a�T multi-fam�iy perm�ts wz]1 have to �vZ Tpw ti�e ab4ve ,ne�tioned max�mum requi rem�nt� . Resic�entiai ar�d s�naT7 prajects s'hou1� take a iess�r ��naunt of tim�. However, if resadential or smal�er p�c�j�cts 7mpact the various �bave men�ion+ed departments with regar�c� t� ne�ess�ry review, the�e prcjects may a7sc� take ttie three week period. £very a tt�m{�t wi71 h� made by this department to exp�dzte t�is pe?°mit as. soon as possible. � I, t�� und�rsigned, under�tand the p�ar� ch�ck procedure arid time frame. � �r� �— ��= - ,. Ac�r�ed tv y. ��.��P.����7-� �S`�.�' -c���,� •�'Q�.. Fra�ect Name �yr� �� �ate Wc�rk She�t was turneti i r�to t � C�mmur�i ty �ev�l apmer�� aepart�rner�t. k- � '� �� k! ``�- . � � � � � �� � � �� �.� � � � � i 4 �� ..� � � � � � � � � � � �U � � �� �� � �► �'� ��,,` � ��t -- � �t � 5� � � `� �-\ � � � 1 � � � � � � ��� � s � � �� � � ��`�� � � � � � $ �' � 3 �, L"��' � ��`�' � � ; �-° � � 3 � ��Q � '� ��'�� � t�,l� � � ��.°�, `'�`-' ��•,� -.# , � � �.1 �`�, c� � � �. � � ���. y `�' � � ^ � ~ , iy{'ti Y � � � � �"�, � � 1 � �� ` � � �`� � , �, �, `�� '� �' `�, ,,� � `ti ,.� !r�P�"+. � r,� ��i -. � `� � � �' v 1 �'� �' � �,; � � � � � �. ,� � �� � � � r � � � � �`'�� � � � �� � � ow � � � ' � ;� � ����a���41 _ 7.- � �� ���°� � � � � �f� a.�� � � ,� ' � � � . yA+ �j �^ V'V' _ ._ . ____. � � � ' . � � - a € 4 L.��IL��1;��i [1l.:iJ� � ✓ ��° PRE�APED BY: -'F .-�f . i DAT�: _ ` � ;� - � , . , _ _ . , � _ � �.x VENI�CDR Nt�MFs: '1 '' �. , ' - '� �: ,;.� �, : _,. ��____ �-��_ ` _ ' V�1�II7�I� NUMBER: :", �": , ; .� J � ''� , �; � � D��CR1P"F1C3N C}F EhPEI`�5�: CLEAN UI' �EP+�SIT REFC]N�.�UR BP # �r1 �f.;�4 f•. ,�; {` � -' `d ��. �a _ � � � l�IA.Iv1E fJF JC��3: F 'f ' j� �_ � � .a � .`F . _ , --?`-. �� ��� '�,, i � ,' �• - ' - - �S - ,,ff � � � � k I ACC(]UNT�lUMI3�`R: Q 1 OQ�O 22�02 ------ --- -�. —----- -- ._ ___ _- � ' � APviClLIItiIT O:�R�FUI�D: °r, ___ y . _� . .:.�� I�AT� APP�UVECJ: ' ",� ;;�°,� �_ - APPR+�VA.L.SI�fi�ATURE: " � t" r. ! �j L� � � �'��1..4��' �'���..�'—�a�}� ' �I� r "�l �€��{ � _ `�� - i `~-- .� __ _ � , , � �� 6 i� f E �exEe�����u�s� ' �' PREPA�ED Bl": ' / � ..� ��e•�• -> S ���-�;.�� .�l�7'E: 3/'�� � / � � , _ # r4 � 'JEN�LIR NAME: � Ct x r Y�-a c.� �--, ��'�— c,�-. � t {r q �! C.,�� Y I�.1�i Q V P. 1'f�..11KJ�7�l'L. f�'[_3 . � � � � �1 ; ,y � I]ESCRIPT�f?N O� E}tiPiENS�: �CLEAN UP DEP�SiT�E�+UN�D F�JR BP #� �.s'_� f� � � � 1 ; � �• NAM� (JF JO$: ;�' � � �- '` G Gc `�}.�-;,�� ���' �-.�t �-�.`�7� c�ct`�c �.�.� .� r-� �� -z �� � .�AC�t�UNT NUM}3��: (l� +DO�i{� 22d�2 � � . � , • AM�}LTNT C7�FtEFUl�1`�; ���, �= � e Q �, � . ,� -� I�A'I`�i AI'PRC?V�D. .�� I y APPRO`JA.L Si�iNAT'�J�E: ' � irlcic*irirk*kirk*ir�l^kk#ic*ic�kk�t**ic�k*�t�t*ir**�4�k+k**'k*st**i#*�ikRlraF��h*#*** FEE 5l1MMARY *****intic�!-t�htlkitirshk��lr�tirtst**�Irkir�rirk�lr*�icir***�Eicatiririr Suilding-----> 'i95.OD Restuarant Pian Rev7ev--> .{X] Trotal Calculated Fees-°> 424.75 Plan theek---? i26.75 DR8 Fee---------°-�------> .U{3 Additianai Fees---�-_---� .00 InvestigatinN .DO Recreaiion Fee----------> .L7a Total PeCmit Fee--------7 424_75 41i11 Cat!L--> 3.04 CLa�n-Up Arpasit--------? 1C�(}.OQ �ayments--------________3 424.75 F�TAL FEES-_____��___y 4�4.75 8AU1�aC€ pvE_____________] .(yp #***ak�k**lr�kk�k�k***********x***�k�*�icik rk�E*Jr#ir�*�kk***�Fk�k*****##**�k**�k�r rt k�'r�F�Eit�*�k�t'kir�ric#�Jcrt**ieie#�r#****inHci�e*irJe inF�ratic�t�t°�k�Y**�ki�'k*ir�Y***ir*ie�kicir* Item: ��1(lQ Bi�ILDING DE�AATME�ifi D�p�: BvILL}ING Dzvision : 06�16��595 GARY t�,cti.on: APPR Item• (]54Q{D PLANNiNG DFPARTMENT i3ept: P�,ANNING D�.vis�.on: 06�'15�1995 GARY A�tifln: APPF� N�'A Iter�• 05544 FIRE �7��ARTMENT pep�: FIRE Division: 4s/ZS/199� GARY ��tion: APPR 1�,IA, I�em: C155a1� FUB�;�C w��tKS Dept : PUB V�C7�K b�trisic�z�: Ob�/16�'1995 GARY Action: APPR N/'� *���t��t�x*�x�r*�**��*;��***�r��x*�*�-x��*�e�r��*�,r�****��**�*��r��*�x�r�r���*��t�c*��:r�x��x���,t�����**��*��� S�e Page � c�� this Document for any cr�nditians that may apply ta thi.s permit. DECLAF,.�,TIt�NS I here�iy ackrvawledge that I ha�ue read this applicatian, fiiLCed ou# �n full the infnrmation required, compieeed an accurate plot plan, and state xhat all the in€ormation pravided as required is carrect. 1 agree to �r�ply vith the informatio� and ploi plan, to camply uith all Toun ord3nantes and state taus, and to buitd this structure co din ta [he Tavn`s zcning snd subdivisian cotles, desigrs revieu approved„ llraitflrm Build7ng Ccade and other ardinance xh To n a pLic�bte Lherrtn. �tEQUE5T5 FQR IF�SPECTIOAk5 SIiALL BE t1A0E T�fENTY-FC3UR HOl3R5 IH A�YANCE BY TE Ei'Hfl � T 2 38 L1R AT QLIR 4FFICE FFtDM 8_{H] AM 5:{1�k F'M Send Clea�n-Lip beposit To= MAYIMUM CaMFaR�' UREI`SF 0u �R CON7kAC R F�R HIMSELf AN6 �]W�tER �� RE'{'YC7�APrlPER ;�7�=�' � r I � � ��l l " 4!" 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"� ' $ �C `� � ,� C � � --� _ r - - -_ � r t� 4� � • � � � �:.3 E� ; � � � � � !� y � ,� " � _,' ~�, � ,� Q � tL � � � i ^°` T � Y J J J � ..i � '�� �I ]� � F^ (r - +• y �' � €� � �' � c`a � U � � � F u. F r�- — Q �'` � �C � Q d � � D LL Y—� � C� .� � !Y ^� � � `� � p t�i u� � ui {a � C� ¢ O 'C7 f3 '� p � �r� � � W � m u�'.F �,� 4 ac � � � � c�.3 � t�.� � � � r.�3 . � � .a � w � F. � a � ¢ ¢ . �" '�,.r" � � j���' � � � � � � c�r W � � � � � � a�c ` � o C J o � � a � r° w � � � �" ° � C m � I � � - +r.��► �� �/ � � . — ,t��► 7 taw� a ��� 75 svuth ironfage road va#I, c�lvrado 81fi57 (��ap 479-2138 ar 479�-21,34 otiice af commur��ty devetoprnai4t ,... BfJILDI�iG PERP�9IT I55UANCE TIME FRAPi� If �h�.s permi.t r�quires a �`owr� of Vail Fir� �epart�ent Appr�va7 , E�g i neer'•s (Pub�i c Wark�} rev i ew a nd approval , a R1 a nn�ng Departanent review vr Heal�h Departrnent review, ar�d a rev-�ew by tf�e BuiTding Department, tfi� estamat�d t�me for a t�tal review may take as iang as �liree w�e�k�. R7] camm�rc3a� (Targe �r sma71 } a�d alT mu1 �i-family perr�it� w�1T have t� foliow the a�c,ve� m�ntioned maxim�m requiremer�t5 , Residentia�l an�i smal ] projeets shr�uld take a lesser ar�ount of ti�ne. H�wever, if resi��nt�al or �mal�er pr���c�s im�act the various �b�ve ment�4n�d d�par�me�ts with regard ta necessary review, th�se pr�c,jecCs rnay a]sa take tti� t�iree week peri�d. Every attempt wii 1 be made by thi s departmen�. �o �xpedi te tl�i s perm�t as �c�or� as passi 6�e. I, the undersigned, understand the pT�n ch�c�C prvicedure and tir�e frame. � .�" ,�� = '� � �1 -'��-- - ���.��.� 1�� •-iX��` -�.��-_ tJt"2e t[k=- ,y. � �r�t �'-��' �' ,E�C.��C�!'�� �-- �, �. Praject Hame � . �, ���'�`'�=� � � i� � �- aa e 'Wari�� 5heet was tur�ne� �nto t � Cammuni�y �evel�pm�nt Department. � � : . ` fi�}w f ' ' `7 LU 11� O! ��� 7S sauffi� frontage road ►rail,cotvra�fa �8t657 [303� 479-Z138 or 474-21,39 ottice ai community dev�lapme�t T+�: ALL CC?NZ"RACTC7RS Ci7RRENTLYL REG�STERED WITH THE 'TC?WN C�F VAI L �'Rt]M: TQWt�TT 4F VA�L P�IBLIC Wc3RF:�/C(?�+i[JNIT�' DEVELOPMENT DATE: MARCH 16, 1988 SII&TECT: C[7N�TRUCTIQN PARKING & MA'I"ERTAL S'�"�R�1GE In su�unary, t��dinance Na. 6 stat�s that it is unlawfuT for any p�rsan tca litter. track o� depasit any soil, rc�c}�, san�i, debris vr materia�., includ�ng trash dumpst+�rs� portabI.e tailets and war}u�en veh�.cles ugon any s��ec�t, �i,dewalk, alley ar° �ub3i� pla�e or any portion thereQ�. The right-�f-way �n al� Tc�c�n of Vai�, streets and roads is �ppraxim�tely 5 ft. off pavement. This vrdinance wil�. be �trict�y enfc�rc�d by the Town of "Vai� P�zblic Warks I]�p�rtment. P�rsons f�aund violating thi.s �ard�,nanca will be gaven a �4 hour written nvtice t� r��tove saa.d mater�.�l. In the event the p�rsan so notzfied d�oes not camp�y with t'he nc�tice within the 24 hc�ur t.�me specifi.ed, the Public Wr�rlks I3epartment will remov� sa�d materiaT at th� expense nf person nati�ied. Th� p�-c�visiflns a� this ordinance shall nat be appiicable ta cvnstructivn, maintenance or re�rair projects of any stre�� or a�,Iey c�r any utilities in the ri�ht-a-�way. Tr� `revi�w oraina�ce �a. G in fuiZ, please stop by the Town o� Vail Bu�Idinq [7epartm�nt tc� obtaa,n a copy. Thank you �ar your coo�erati�n on this matter. Reac�and acknaw���dg �d .tyy: �'' - -,�'�--p- -�, �-G�—,�-- ,rr-°��� ..� ,� L `�;�-�:-�.�� -_�=_�; P�s�.tic�n/$�lation�hip �.o �roj ect (i.e. contraetor, vwner} � �`��_:�f'�-- �- - Date ;F _ -�-` � _- `._ ' !'-''��.y�.--. �.��%' .�-�'�-�7�_� �'. --- ` � f� � JF . r_. ..--%' �_-�°��' __-- INS CT���I REC�UEST, PEFtM1T NUMBER OF PROJECT TQWN C7� V,AIL , � � , _. - � �-.t- �9� ` � "F , CJA°�E Jf]fl NA14'EE . ! `:' "� "� '� � ����� �' � � CAt�LER �. y,t�.� �� �"` ����� �'�� �` . FRI .A�.PM READY F�R 1h�S�ECTIUN; M�N 4 �tJES W�D TH�� , , . � f d f^' ,�% J �r" . � J . LCICATIC�f�f' ` ,- . , � _. t� . _ 1f: _ � � , � . -- - _ �`, F .� � r � 1 ! BUILL7ING: PLIfM�ING. Cl Fd�7TI�JGS 1 STEEL 0 UNp�RGRt)UNQ C7 F�IUNLATIOFJ 1 STEEL , 0 R(7UGF� 1 D.W.V. ___..__ _..---------- -- - '"FRAMING _.. 0 ROUGH 1 WAT�R � ' i�C�F & Sk�EER p GAS P1PlhlG PL'YIN(]CJC} f+lAlLING � Ih,�Sl.1LATION Cl PQC�L 1 H. 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Residential and s�a17 pro,jects should take a Tesser amaunt of tzme. H�wever, �� resid�ntlaT vr smal�er projects impac� the var�ous above mer�t7ar�ed dep�r�ments w�th r�gard to necessar,y r�ev�ew, th�s� prcjects may �a1sQ take the thr�ee week perifld. Every attempt will be made by this departrnent to ex�edite this permi t as svvr� as p�ssi�1�. I , th� und�r�igr�ed, und�rst�nd th� plan check prncedurc and time frame, _�� r7 M,�'j �'����.�,� �— , c�reed y. /�"�A ..�raTT �r� �C>tc�cy� Pro,�ect Na�e Date Work Sheet was turned inta t �e Cor�mur�ity Develppr�en� Department. . � � a r � � +�t�' tn n n � LU�11 U� ��� 75 saufh iror�tage road vail, colarado 87857 [3n3) 419-�138 or 47g�-2139 o�fl�ce cf community d�rre�npment �Q: ALL �UI�TRACTCIRS CiTRRENTLYL F2EGISTEFtED WTTH THE T�WN OF VAIL F�tflM: Tt�WN D� VAI� pi]BLIC Wt7I�KS/�c]P�[JNITY L3EVELQPMENT 'E7ATE: MARCH 16, 19 8 S 5UH.7E+CT: C[3t�TSTRt�CTION PARKIIdG & M,ATEFtI�,L STC3RAGE �n summarY, �rd�nance Nc�. �6 states that i� �s unl,awf�xl for any g�rsc�n to li�ter, track �sr depo�i.t any sc��.1, rack, sand, debris ar materzal, including trash dumpsters, �artable toil�ts az�d workmen v�hic�.es �pan any str�e�, �idewa2]�, a��.�y cr� public p��ce �r �r�y part�,c+n there�f. The r�g�t-a�-way �n a�.l Tnwn af Vail str�ets and �-r�ads is approximately 5 f�. off pavement. �`his ordi�ance wi�l be strict3y enfor�cel by the '�awn o� Va�i Public Wc�r]ts Departmer�t, Persons f�und vicsiating this ordinance will be �given a �4 hour written notice to remo�re said matexial. In th� event the persan so natifiec� cio+�s not comply with the n�tice with.�n the �4 hc�ur time specifaed� the Publi� k�'arks Department wiTl remc�v� said material a� th� exp�nse pf pe�son nvti�ied. The prc�vasians v� this �rdinance shall nv� b� ��aplicable to COI3S�.�1,1CtlC]Il� ma�ntenance or repair projects af any �t�reet c�r all�y �r any uti�.ities in th�e r�.ght-a-way. T+� �'�Vl�W �rdin�nc� Nv. 6 in fu�.l, please stop by the Tc�wn of Vail B�ilding IJegartr�ent tc� cabtain a cnpy, Thank y�u far yc�ur ccaaperation on this mat�er. . Read and acknowledged by: .- /'r�-- �,�� � i� r'��, ,� ' Fr�sitic�n/Re1�t�Q sh'p ta Prcaj ect [i�.e. �ontractar, ow�ez� �-/� y'z.- Date � � � 4 � � • • II�SPE�TTC3N REQ[TIRII��N:i'S � � . Th� fallor,aircg is required at all times wh�n ca�.ling in far an insp�ct�.�n request. Spec�.fic times will nat �e t�ken during the busy summ�r months, only AM (8:3�l to �2:fl0) & PM (1:�4 tc� 5: �JQ j can be reque���d. . FQr inspections ca11 473-2138 �r 479-2139. �. PERMI`I' # IS A NIUST! 2 . JO B P1Afi��. 3 . STR.EET ADDRESS C)� CONI7C3MINTLTM NAl'�E A,�JD i]NIT NETMBEFt. 4 . ALL INSPECTIal�#5 MUaT BE CALLED IN A D�Y INd AIDVANCE. 5. ELECT�ICAL INSPECT�ONS MUST BE CALLE� IY`d BY THE ELECTRICAL CQNTRACTOR �N�Y! Bui�.ding insp�c�.xons are done Monday - Friday by T�an 5tanek El�c�.�ic ir3s�ections are c�r�ne Mondayr W+edllesdc�y & F:�iday }�y Err�st Glatzle. Your cac�pera�i�n in fo�lowing the instxuctions would be gr�atly appreciated. Thank yau, the �'awn of Vail Building L�epartment. � � � ! ,, —�•+r�.-��;.. - _ _ r � �_. � � � � "'�`' IhIS �GTI�fV REQUE�"� �'� PERhAIT 6VUMB�� PFtQJ�CT .�,, TC�WN C�F UI�,I€� `'"'. � f,.� � i; r i , " `� r �_� [7ATE � � t'` -` �- JC)B NAM� r� �r= ' . c. ' �, y..�- � �� ` ' '�,� __ , ';.,-L,�'i� CALLER �� � � � �.�� �'�' � �.��C�"�, � �;1 ��' . , �EADY F1')R I�ISPEGTIC7N: M{?hl TU�S WECa ,, THUR FRI_ -' �. _. AM PN9 ��c�ca�ia��v: �� � �_� ti��s ) '��`;�� �� ��c-�:�� r��,,� � - .� �111Lf]�NG: P�LUMBING: � FC7Ql'ING� I ST�EL ❑ Uf�D�R�F�C]tJMI� ____ -- -- � ' � FG�UPJ�3ATIOI�i / STEEL � RC)iJGH / a.W.V. ❑ FRAMiPJG _— .— C] Rl7UGH 1 WATER - ' ROO� � �HEER -�.. `, '' � � , ,� _ C] GAS PIPIN� J�LYWt"J�?Cl IVAILING ; i °' �_° � IhtSULATIClN ' I� PC�OL / H. T11� [�] SHEETROC}� NAIL O ❑ . .__ o ' d�£NIaL � �:�� l �^,�". -. ;__ _ __ �7 fCN,fiL� ,E�k�CT�d�GA�: __ ' M��HANICA�.: ❑ �EMP. P�WER __�___ �__ ❑ HEATII�BG p RG7UG1-� 0 EXHAUST HdaDS - ❑ CC]Nt7UIT ❑ SLJPPL'� AVR -,--. 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The ri,ght�i-away on a3.I fi�:ry a� �f�il ��.r�e�.s ��d roac�s is� aFproxf�a�t,e�y 5 �t. v�� pa��e�en#.. - s'his erdir,ance afl� be atric�ly en_`nrc�d t�► the '�os,m �� �"�iL I�Y���c liar_ts ne�artment. Pe�sans �aund vic�la�inq this or��aance r�fl]. be givers a 24 ht�ux- writt�n natice ta remov� sai� rn�.terial.. xn che �vent tY�e per,sc�n so nati�i�d dcses ncxt t�amgly r�i�h t.'�e � not.ice �r�,thxn, tkxe 24 hour tlne speci.fied, t3ae Pui?al.�� w�rkg .�.�c ' 1lepartayen'� wi12 remava said �atar.a�l a� �e �e o� pet�sa:� no;i t'ied. Tt�e pravis ivns vf th is or+d�n.nat�oe �ba3.l t�at Fa� � aFA 1 ica�3 e ta con�tru�t iori, °rga int�n�n�e ar rspa ir pszsj ects o� - any stre�t crr alley �r ara�r �a:ti1S��.es in the rigbt-$-w�y►. w � w T� review Or�inan�e 1�0. � 3,n l+�31, p3aase s�ap t+v tivr �swn a� -� vail BufldSng Aep�rt�o�nt ta c2�tatn � capy_ �anlc ytxi fnr g�;�r cr� cno�erat�vn an th�� �a,tter. � , cn � . 1�a�,t�. t�tlnt,� ar�nc�w].etig� hy: r � �'---�� �-�-�.� ,� , rt_ ����:�-� - . LIYtIAL�CTI`tIC �C)MPA�Y/___C�C}}�TRI�CTC?F Fosition/Rr3ati.onstu.p ta �'�'o��t �'f.e. C�r�'�zactor, vw�er} ] 1-7-9b Date `T? � �y� , � • . INS CTf�f'�l RE�UEST . PERM�T �IUMBER QF PRf�JECT TOW'I'V D� VAIL , ' 4 , C]AT� ,__ } , ,. � _ JC3B NAM� `=.``, = _ ,�"` °:� .�l ,:`�. 4 �'`k�� '.;'�;�,'�.. '-- �;� +� _'��ti���� � * , � CALLER `,_ READY FI�R INSP�C�1`ICIP�I: MC3N T�3E5 'WED Tf�UR FFtI. �' AM .'� PM �, ; `, , _ ,� `�' .�, ,, � � -- LfJ�ATIC�N. � ; �- _�. � ``�. � ::.. ,;� • �..._�_ _�_____ '°. w BUILQING: PLUMBINC: ❑ FC3s�TItJCS ! �TEEL _ [� UhJ�EFiG�t+OUN❑ ❑ F(JUN�ATIQP+! / S�E�L ❑ ROUGH 1 D.W.I/. ❑ FRAMI�G Q �C3UGH / LNATER � RC?C3� & �H�ER _ Cl GAS PIPING I��YWDO� tVAILING _ ❑ iNSULAT�t7N _ L7 RO�L I I�. TUB C] SH�ETRCJGK NAIL ._-__ � ,�a� CJ _ _ ❑ — - ❑ FIh1AL Q �1NAL ELECTR�CAL: f111ECHANiCAL: C] TEMP. PQWEF� - . 0 HEATING RLtJGH � E!{HAUST hiC7C�DS �pl�lDUIT Cl SURP�Y AlR 0 � C] FINAL a. ❑ �RhIAL A�'PRC]VE[] fl I7ISAFPRUVEa � REINSPEC�IfJN REOUIRED CORRECTiC7N5: _ _ ,� -- ,. _, - . ��' �, r � �,,��� ' � r ;r � •�, -�,� _.a. , -.. �ATE :�`�° `-_�-_ � .�"` �°� iNSPECTQR � �=�� i ,� � � ����„�� � � � � F:- ��c�'`� / /� i '� � � � � � l�l���' ��.r"��':#'�' I I w w � � ���,� � i.. ,(r� � o� c� t� r� a �7 � � ¢� � � . ' I,' � cr� 4 cr+ � [7 H � �.., �-n � i C� .-� � � d y o G O L.�i � I� 'S. �1 U] ✓^ � tJ c0 �� [t Cf] � C] �� ul�� � � L7 f=�+ p'y �� � {� n7 a N � �' O � C? • � � �� � � � C Q t 7 tl u'r �? 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A3T commerci�T (Targe or sma�l } and al� m�a�ti-family permits wil� have to fo7law the above r�er��ivned �naximum requir�emen�s . Res��ential and smaTl pro,�ects �hauid take a ��sser amount �f tim�. H�w�v�r, �f r��ident�aT �r sr�aller projects impact the vari�us ab�ve rn�ntianed departments with r�g�rd to n�ce�sary revi�ew, these pro,�ec�s r�ay al so ta ke the t}�ree �reek peri od. Every atte�pt wil� be made by th�is department t� expe�ite thas �ermi t as sQOn as pos�i bl e. I, tfie �,ndersigned, understand th� �lan check pracedur� and time frame., � c�re� to y. Pra j ec t hlame �atQ �Cork She�� wa� turned int� t e Camr�un�ty Qevelopment pepar�ent. . � � . f ` ` � ■ � 4��i �a�� �t Va� � 75 sauth trontage rdad vai[,�olorada 816�7 {3�3y 47'9-2A.38 Qr 479--2I39 ottica o! cmmmunixy develapm�en# TC1: A�LL C�N'I'RACTGRS CURRE�TLY�, RIEG�ST�RED WTTH '�HE Tt]WN aF` VP,IL FROM. TC]W1V dF VAIL PUBLIG WO�tKS/'CONiMi]NI'FY DEV�LOPMENT 'LQATE: MA,RCFi 16, 1�8$ SUBJECT: CC7NSTRUCTI�N PARI�IN� & MATEFtTAL S'I'QRAGE In summary, (3rdinance N'ca. 6 st�.te� that it i.s unlawful far any persan to litter, track or ciepe�sit any soa.l, rock� sand, de�r�.s vr materi.al, including trash d�mpstersr partabl+� toilets and wvrkmen vehicles upQn any street, sidewalk, all�y t�r pub3ic pla�e ar a�� pvrtian th�reof. The right-af-way on a�ll Toc,rn af Vai3. streets and roads i� app�c�x�mately 5 ft. aff pavement. This ordinarrce will be �trict].y �r�forced by the Town of Vai1 Publxc Works Department. P�ersons faund vic�l�ting this axdinance will be gfven a 24 hnur written nc�tic� tv resnove sazd material. Ir� the �v�nt �he p�rson sca natified 4�f7E.'S not com��.y wAth th+� �oti�e with.zn the �4 haur time spec%fied, �he P�b],ic Wor}cs Department will remove said material at the e�ense o� person natif�.c�d. The prov�sions of this +�rd�nar�ce shalZ not be app,�icak�Te to �c�n�tructic�n� maintenance or repair grojects of any s��eet ar alley ar a�ny utilities in th� ra.ght-a--way- T�x review []rdinance No. 5 in f�Il , pleas� stop by tha To�an af Vai�l Hui�ding ]7egartment tv Qbtain � �c�py, Than�€ yau far your �naperation on th�s mat'��r. Ftead and acknawledged by: Prasiti�rn/Re�atzc�nship to Pr��ec'� (i,e. con�ractar� vraner} T?a�.e , � � . . - � � � Plan R.�view �ased on the 1988 IIniform Code� PRQJECT 1'�JCTMBER, $2�91 �I�ME: MARRTQTT ADL}RESS: 7�5 W. LInNSHEAD CR I�I�TE: $-2a-91 CC7I�ITRACT�fi: AMER�CAN MC?TEL RENC3. O�C[.TPANCY : R-1 ARC�3TTECT: FR�NCH TYPE QF CUNSTRU�TTC7N: 1I ET�TGIIVEER: BC}YER DRB APPR�}VAL REQCJIREE7 : FLA1r1S EXA.MINER.. DAN STAT3EK Cf]RRE�TIONS R�+;�UIRED The items listed �e�or,� are no� intende� to be a camp.�ete listisg af sIi pc�ssible code requireme��nts a.n the a��pted cc�des. I� is a guid� tQ selected secticans of the cades . The fvli��inq is nvt ta be cc�nstrued to be �n ap�roval af any vicalat�.r�n vf an� vf �h� pro- visivns Qf the aclQpted cades �r any �rd�.nance af tJ�Q Town c�f Vai1. 1 . A.LL WQOD Tfl BE TREATED �7t�N-Ct?MBUSTIBLE LdNLESS OTHERWISE APPRO�+'Efl BY TC7V Ei]ILDING L�EPARTI�IENT. 2 . ALL VENTIL.ATION SYS�'EM5 TO �E CC3MF�,ETELY iEPARATF FR�M ANY {3THER SY�TEM,. 3 , NC7 E,XTERIOR. GHANGES APPRdVED WITH °FHIS PERMIT. 4 . N� ADL7�TI(7NAL GRFA APPROVEI] WITH THIS PERNiIT, ANY AND ALL CHANGES TC} THIS PERM�T 1�CIST BE SUBMITTEI3 AMD APPROVE�, ��--. � :<'{�,.. ��'�_ ,!'�� :�, � �� ' � -- INSPECTi(]h�l REQkJEST PERh+Il�' NUMBER dF PROJ�CT _ TC�WN C�� VA�� ,.� ` , � ;, / p �. DATE ,. a JCiB NAM� ��/ , ,�l ; � � F°� ,� y �- - -�. - --- CALLER _ .'c" c,f`� � � s,�;,��L ,',� �_,_._ ,� -r READY �(7R 1NSPE�TIC3N: MON TUES INED .TF�iUR �Rf _ AM PM LC3CATION: �3 ' _ ��' BU�fLC]ING� P�.UM81f�1G: C�J FC]QTFNGS 1 '�T�EL _--. ❑ lJh1�ERGF�OUND - - C] FQUNDATIC)hJ ! STEE� L] RDUGH A C].W.V, � FRAM�NG E=7 RC]UGH / tNATER _. — _._�_. Q #�C?OF & 5HEE1� C7 GAS PIPfiVG PLYWQC7Cl (VAILING - ❑ lP�SULATI�7N �] Ft�OL 1 H. TL1B ❑ S�E�TR�CK t+�AIL � ❑ _ _.__ r] 0 FlNAL � F1NAL. ELECTRiCAL: M�CHANICAL: ❑ TEMP. POINER _—..____ _ d7 HEATING _ _.._ ,�..... _____ � R�UGH _ _._ C] EXHAUST HC3��S � G+DN�UIT ' "�- - - � '� `, r `:'-� CJ SUPPLY AIR ❑ C3 _.—__ _ _-- E�i �INAL. ❑ FINAL [.�`APPRDVED �I DISAPPROV�D ❑ REINSPECTION R�C]UfRED ' C{��RECTyDI�#S: _—._._. _.�__._-_,_.....__—._ I • �___ r - y ,� ,,. � , . .�' �r DAT� `,� `' IP�SP�CTOR - "`�:�'��--;._,�f —�- ,r ,. � .r �.. a��°ns+� ' „ � � , ����- � _'_-- - I['+�SPECT��I"�l �E+QUEST PERMIT NUMBEFt C)F PRpJECT TQVIIN C)F V�IIL / //, // � , f __ , - � '� ! � Jf�P 'u � / �; � �. .- �� I .��1 .J_ . .. DATE _ ` d�'"° �I � .4QB NANkE ' � ':'4� � �a� � � � C.ALLER . - � � � – ,��� r�'Lf t1'��' READY FQR IhISPEC7IC)PJ' �i/1C�N � T"UES WEb � THUR FRI r�,qM 1 P�III � � f'� " t ` y � �.-'._. LQ�ATIC?N: �'_ �"r-� ���..%!°�_�° 9�r �` [ :-'� � - � r' # � �? ,]�.h�. �.. I � - ��r�D��Ca: ='� �l.�rll�����aa: � ❑ FO�]TINGS 1 STEEL -- ___._ — ❑ Uh1C3�RCFC+DIJNQ _ Cl FC)U�C�A�TIC]N I STEEL ❑ R�UGH ! D.VN,V. L] FRAMIN� ------_�_. ❑ RfJUGH I WA7ER 0 RC)C?F 8 SNE�F� C� GAS PIPIh1G F�LYINC�C7f.� NAI�IIVG C] ilwtSUI�ATi(]N C9 P�QL I H. TUB � SH��TRC�GK I"�lAIL d , � � r �� J ' -..., r, r, :* � � ----�------ — - -----� 1,f,� - �.y. �4_.-, v�-_ {� L"���..�,''i-�. �' i' . 0 FIl�,tA#� _ _ -- CJ FINAL �LE�CTRICAL: MECHAh1ICA�: ' C� TEMP. PdWEF� _.�_v.�._. ❑ HEA�"ING ❑ RC)U(aH .�.. . Q EXHRf�JST HQ�DS ❑ C�N�Uf7 ---.__ _____. -----e_� � �IJPPLY A1R p _ O � _ C� FII'�AL C] FINAL APPRC)VED C] DISAPPRQVEb ❑ REIh9S�'ECTIQN REQUIREQ C R�Gl`8C11�S: `_ ,. � 4 '� _ --� __ �-.� ., � , ,� �. ,,r� � . �f DATE `� �`'�.,� ._�� iNS�ECTC7R �`� —... -- � ��� � � - �' �_ � IN�PECTIC7►l�l RE�lUEST� P�I�MIT hJI�MBER O� ��C}JECT . TOW�'�I C3F VA1L . �'l�i` �,� . � . UATE � � - , '_� - ,�' �� JC78 NAME �� ? �. Uy�� _ ' CALLE� ��`t'4] r' �1 r_�f.�, .r_--�`�,�G� ��t J �. _----- �i'— READY FC]FR INSPE�`fI�O�J: MC?N '��TUES WEEa THUR F�i4, t A;" PM LC7CAT1�'1hf: ���% �� I�r �� ) u. C,�c � r! - _�,�� ;"'.�--�`i� �,�',���C�.•�.,�.� BUfLtJING: R�UMBING: 0 �C](�TINCS 1 �T��� _ � U�JQERGRC7UND _—�___ � Ft7U�Il�AT1Qf� / S�TEE� _.__ C4 RC3UGH ! a.W.V. .__-__.�_ _ � F�AMIf�� __..-.� __ -- � RL�UGH 1 WATER _ _ � RC7faF c`� SH��R Ll GAS �'IPING —... PLYW�db NAILih�G C� IN�ULATIC]�I _ ❑ PC7C7L / H. 7"uB ��IµfEE"�'�(]Cf( NAfL '`��_°� kt`:�, � � , p -- __ ._. .___ 0 ❑ �I'�JAL CI F11�fAL _ __ ELECYRI�AL: f4�ECHANICAL: C� TEM�?. PQWER .._ ❑ HEATING �._�.—_--__.___. C1 F�(�UGH _. -._._. ❑ �xHAUST Ht7C3DS Cl CC?NQUET ❑ SUPPLY AIR ❑ __ __ ❑ .... ____._..__.. ❑ FI�JAL ❑ FVNAL APPRC3!JE€J ❑ DlSAPPRt�VE� 0 REINSP�CT1CaN RECtUiFiEf� C RRECT�CJt�JS: __ _,._�_ _ - �, � .� _ __ - - _ ,;_ 1 ,' �, : +_� ; , oa,TE � ��. �� iovs��cTa� -_�_Yf��'. �-' �;�.�� _ _ �"-" '� ��� � � � r��� Profes�sivnal Service Ind�ustries, [nc. � F���I-Kimbrell Diuision {�ctaber 4, 1991 Gary Mc�rran chief Bui�.ding Inspe��or City of �'ail Vail, Colora�3cr Re: Asbestos Abatement TEl�i Cl�arartce Marrio�t Mark Hvte� 7�5 W�st Lionshead Circle Dear Mr. Mv�rran: Pr�af�ssi�nal Servic� Ir�dustries, Tnc. , �epresents the awners af the abovt mention f�c��.iti.es a� Proje�t D�signers and cansultants, ou� function rtas k�een to ��rers�� th� proj�ct, c�nduct air monitoring during abatement and cr�nduct Transmiss�.qn El��t�on Miczosco�ay {T�M} clearance sarnpZing. The sampling has be�n Cc�ndu�ted a�cord�.nc� to Madifi�ed A,i-iERA Le�ael II st�i�,r3ards. �hese standards allc�w clearance, re- oecupancy, �pon asb�st�s canc�ntrations o� an average af less than 7Q structures per � squar�d. The follow�n�g is a sum�a�y �� cl+ea��nces canducted tn date. AREA Sampl� � I�ate s/sq/mm Gth f�.crvr, Phase 3 1$4 l0/�7�91 sAs 185 1�/3.'1/�� 23 . D 18�6 lf�/17/91 6� . [} 30. 6�b 5tn flc�or, Phase 1 259 1+D/23,191 46 . � 260 10/23/91 137 . '� 2C1 ltl/23/�3 �l 46. 12 9th flvar, Phase 1 313 14�/29/9� �3 314 1(}/29/�1 �G 315 1Q/29/91 �A5 Z3 3333 Queb�c, Su'ste 4a8U � Denyer, CO 8(12U7' r Pha�ne:3�C31394-2411 � � Gary Mvx'r�n Octobex' 4, 1991 page 2 If you t��ve any qu�sti.ons, fe�l fre� to ccrntact us in Denver, at 1-3(��-394-2411. R�speetfu�ly Submitted Prvfes ional Ser�ice Industries, Inc. ,� Charles L[awe, Division Manager � � �, � � o 0 L � � � � ! � � � � � J N N � � 8 y N 6D � C7 � "'' ' a .. .�, :? � r � ; � �° � � ° ° ' " � � � � c� c � . � � � U Z . � � r � � � �"' UNNC�E � �` .*=' � Q f'.�J O � `� � � C O G7 ' � � � � � Q � tL W G� � �..� � � � � � � � � y � � � y {�.? U � � � � � � � � U a.�.� y � � L � � � � � � CT � � � � d � � j cn � � � o � � � c�7 D@ `� Y � c � o �a c� a+ � u � '� t� `t E ?' -- c� m .- M �r .- ,-- � , � �c � .�,,' � `p �^ �'`� N� C� � � � i 'C3 Q � �} �I �` � �,f � �' r @ � p�_, V � ,� i4 Z7 '� 9Y — - �^ a � � � N � �3 C} C3 Z � ~N m C1 � � � � '� � �, C1 O �J � C] .� � �" r• � �C rR U O CJ `' `' V � �: ±: ,� ti � � � � I*' � � v 'c�. li. �l � a � �� � a�i u� � �, -� � v c� n a� c� o G� � I.� .r� v a c'� c� •� W � '� �' � � � � '� r. r� r� r. r• ?' C� � ga � vlHCa � trsc4rocc+ cfl •� cn � � � � � � � � u� wwww � „�� ... 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'u. w � a � � � = 4 � � � � � a w � e1� N � � � � � a a aMS om'r � � � � a � e�Dil7 �ic�a � tGtDracGVS '� :� � d � � � � � � � IiJ � W W Lii � � �7 «+ � r [V fi7 '� tLf � � U � L�} e�3 �1 t"� C*1 � � � � �� � � � � C � v 'Z �' r,�, K� � � � �. � c � � � Z �� � W � � o � � � �' � Z 2 � � � � � � � li II � H � � � C q F�- � � m � � �, � � oc, �.' � � `t � m � � � � � � � � � a � v es [D � '� � C7 N � °`•j d �y � rn p a m � '� wr c y o � ❑ Q � c� � U � � � @ � � � � � �' � c*� c� cv W a- .�' N GQ.� C.r C�7 � td y � C7C> O c � �J � CA � W L� ` � � � � m 4 � a�s � ct N A n �U � t' i' +-' � w r �l7 q� �n � U � � �L f" .A � �.1 w�.� � � � o � � d � � � v�7 � `� � � � � � � � � � U � r'S p � ,4 � L �' � �; cc �o � � u �c� CC .� � ,�v 4 � Q `� o °o °o � cy � � � a E cv � cv �� L Z m `� ar � ,� il L d Z '" �s � �.�, W � o r U � 2 rJ� � "� t7 C7 O a� � i�. . V} Q C] y� Ch � � �` � r� � � � �, � n. � a� � °� ¢ � � c� o0 oa � � � � � � � � �, �. c� cac� •.; � � � � r C v� O C7 C7 � q`�a v Q � ti � CC z d 7 � �� .a ii u= u � � ,� �nl c+5 �t � � � � � w � s� � QOQ W � � � � � i � � € CCI G� i70 r � Q Lr � '� 'V,� J t0 � C�3 iD C4 '� �N �C � W W N.i � � � � �y � SU ,V k � � � � �� C� i� � � y �' � � �' � U � � � C � � � "' Q � � L7 C�.� CY O t�f1 � {,�� C � T' � '� C' � C CV SV N � � � . � ` O O O � � � � *, � f/� �� � � � il � � � � H aC3UGdH Z � m -3_�r��s�.. , � C�*�'�� � _. .- IMS�P�CTIi]N RE+QL�EST P�RMiT Nl1MBER �F PR�,JEGT T�WN OF VAIL �,,4 ����'� .�Q Q � � � �'--"4�' 'l� �`�_ t:�A T� � �� (U A tWl E �.`•�� .�_�. `, h���``e�`_'�..� � �'-` ..--s;''�' - —_ G,+4 L L EFi _�� ��'�•:'�T�����,�.'�� ,"�;'�,5.,.,'�,��`��. R�A�Y FOR 9NSF'EGTI�)N: MC1N TUES V'u""ED THUR F�tl �`4- �' AM �{'M`,� LGJCAT4C3N: �UfLDING: PLLIMBlN�: ❑ FQC�TIN�S 1 S7E�L _ I� UNQERGROUf�D ❑ FC�l1P�DATIC�N ! STE'�L _._ C� RC�UGH / D.W.V. C7 Ff�AMIN� _.__ _ — — � RC?U+�`aH I WATER - _ _ � � RCJ[7F & SHEEF� L7 GA5 PIPIh�G PL'YWC}f?d NAiLIh�G L7 IIVSULATfO�I �'] PQOL I H. TUB o sH��r�a�� t�ai� -,� �a � ---_ ❑ - ❑ F#f`+lAL f� FINA� �_ ___ _ ELECTR�CA�L: MECHANICAL; C9 TEMP. Pf7WER _ _ �,AT19�f� ..�_.;�.� : ! ❑ RC)U�H - --____ -. ❑ £XHAUST HOC�QS _ - ❑ eC�hIDUIT Cl SUPPLI! AIR . � �' , ` t d .. � 0 ___� ...�_�_..., G i�;' i � ���^+��I L _ . i�r+�, IIV Idl� '�APPRC�VED C7 QISAPPROV� CI R�iNSPECTI(Jhl REQUfRED . , I C4R€�E�TI�NS: ___ r r� �� .�'" o ar� � ,l'-'�t�- � �1'°r'� i tv s��c r o� _ �,,�-'�' __ ''�.� - - — r' � _ �;�;�,o�� a �. � � � - �—����.� --_ INSPECTfCJN REG�UE�T P�RMIT,_[VUMBER C�F PRC7JECT Tt7WN C}� VAIL \ �,� , . i, � ,.,. t ( t �" ` _ ., °'�. C]A7 E _. ," � � � _�`�_�``� J Ca�' N,A M E �`������..� ��,:� \��,'`�"'� � '��� �_,�`,� '" ���,, ,., . ' '�,��J. '�— , ,,� , `.�,. � ��,���� �-��, e � 4, F��ADY F(�R INSPECTIO�J: MC7N TUES WEC7 THUR �.'�FRI �` "�'" � AM '�M _ ,�"'�" '' ��s�—E:� •'_�,: �f h � :, LC]CATI�N; �f '-- �'�''' - �- _�_--- — BUILDING: PL�611ABiNC�: Q F(�OTIf�1C�S f STEEL ❑ UNDERGRC7UNQ ---- � FC}Ui'd[}ATfCIN 1 STE�L �._. _ ❑ R�}UGH ! Lt.V11.1/. _—.A Q FRAMING _ m� _ — ❑ RQLlGH I WA`1"ER � f�C�C�F � SH��R ❑ GAS PIPING PLYW(7(�D NAIL�h�G C� I{'JSU�.ATIUN ❑ PQOL f H. TUB �. �7 SHEETRC)CK NAI� _.__- - ❑ ---- Q _ -- � - CI FINAL �7 FItV,4L ELECTR�CAL: 14+IECHANfCAL; Q TEMP. P+'�WEf� ___ __ _ _ CJ HEATING _ _ _. ..__. �� OLJGF-1 ___ _�. _ 0 �?4HAUST HQC3C3S -- � CONf]UIT _._._�.�._ _ � SUPPLY AIFi p _ _._ _ . ❑ _.... _ R FINAL ._---- ❑ FINAL �'`APPRC)V�[] ❑ DESA�'P#�QW�D � REI�JSPECTlON REC�UIREC3 CQRRECTiC)N5� __ � ,` F � '� � �At ! { =' � � �-'� �'�1 D►�T`E �` �— •' � �'� _._ _ __ _ INSPEGTC?R � �`�- _ i= - r ; l� ��€rs.:r � � � _�� _�-_ IiWSP"�CTIC)h� ��Et�UEST P�RMIT h1l.1MBER C]F PRC7JECT , .� . ,�T'QWN, �� VAI L : � � -_ - � �- ��,� �`C � �,��,-- , ;�� []A7� '� '' -'�� ��� .�C3� hIAN1E _..�_ � � f �` �� C, GALLER y �_'� � �- ��- � , ,�i f/`"'. ..��-�----.. �, .REAC�Y FfJR INS�'ECTIfl�J: MQ�[j�,>-��TUES INED THUR FRI —.._.. --_ AM �PM 1 ,� �'� �M1-�_�� r �„ ',�y-' L�CATIdN: f' :�` '! !` r .`--f �.'--�—` �=�`�"" , �i, 4�� BUILD�xNG: PLUMBIPSG: � F7C�T3�JG� / ST`EEL C7 UND�RC;R(7UNC7 _..__ . _.---._.-_. �_ ❑ FC�UM1lDATIS�hJ ,/ ST��L � ❑ Rt7UGH I D.W.V, ❑ FF�AMlhJG __ � RQUGH A WATER Rt��F ,� SHEER _._-- C, G/AS PIPiN�G � PLYW'GC]E7 NAILING - ❑ INSULATlU�J . � ❑ P(.7CJL I H. TU� SHEETRC)GK NAiI,. ��� �•__, � ���-"�.��~ C� . p --- - ,_ �� �_ C7 _ ❑ FINAL � __. � F1f�AL �LECTRICAL: MECHAlVICI'�L: p T���'. PC�W�Fi � °' -.- ' C7 HEAT'lNC _.—_--- � R�IJGH _ .._ � EXI�Al1ST HC7C7QS C7 COhJC]UlT � �fJF'F'LY RIR _ _ ❑ 0 _ + --i ,, -� �„� , FINAL _... �F�P�fALs_ ���� `_'���.'..�'r--�`���°. ❑ APPRC7VED D DISAPPR�V�� � 9�EINSPEC�IDN R�QUIREC� �C7RRECT�phFS: ,. , f — . ._� ., � r'�'%f-��.�!.��!'�,�,rt .�.�.-�.;� � . �; , ' �✓� ��,/ �r �...,.� - - - - —--- J � ��� �� ---._ .__/' -- � r f,• � �7ATE �`� _-_ _ 1'�SPECTC7R �_ �e,-s�.-� � � ��� � I�JSP'EClT'1�1� i�E�I�E�T PERMIT Nl1M�ER C7F PJ�QJECT T�W14 C�F VAIL� .- r -, ; . ,� _ � , , .�..3 r • . _ �� J'� � � ; f� , � 1 ., � � + -r f; aA7E � " �i � ! JOB NAM� � � f ,; ,'� �'�r �_ - -. -_ -- „ -�` — CALL�R � �-�}`�-- _�-��-C�� ,�.____�. P _ REAf?� .F�1R INSF�E�TlC��,�y � TI�ES W�ED TH'UR FRI Ahli * PM4 l�C3 GAT 4 U N: f � �,;'�� � -"`s-��,�rC' .� "_ti.�� .�.,r�.�-� —,- E3l,J�L[}ING: �'LUMBI�"JJG: d FQQTIF+SG� 1 iTEEL _ - ❑ UNL7�RGROUND � FQU€�IQATI�N 1 STEE� -� � FfDUGH / G.W.V. ❑ �f�AM I�+1 G � ❑ R 4 U G�-i 1 W,��°�R �.__._.- .---- - 0 R(7C�� & SFfEEk� p GAS PIPIN� _ PLYW�(JD �tAILING C] li'�JSULATIC�N Q POQL I H. TIJB < ,, � SH��TR�GK NA€L . � , ' {'"� ❑ � __ _._,.. - --_ ❑ � ---___.. ❑ FINAL ❑ FINAL .._ _- _ - ELEC7RfCAL: IWIECF�ANICAL: ❑ TEMP. PC�W��i ___ � HEATII�G . __._ �I RC�UGH C1 EXHAUS7 �!C}i3DS C] CC]�1[7�UIT _ Q SL�PRLY AIFi ❑ - C] � _.__. ��,F ' ._����,. ��--- - FINAL , . 0 FINA�. C] APPRDVEC3 �y �ISAP�R041EC} {.�I�.RElMSPEC�IQIV I��C�I�I�i�D � C�RRECT1C7N5; � -_.—_ __---..—.. f _ ' r . ,,, . - . ; f �'.-� � /��f -'� � � "��� vt • f� ��'r��. .-'1'�'� -��� "� �,-�..� , ----_ - - _ . / a_ �,,.�..�:_��,._._ r ;-'�` F? .. . _. { �� �r'f�� - �' , � , � , - , r , ,� � f�ATE r .r, ' _ _ IN�PECT�R _ ._�•, __� ' ` ,- -� �' ' �:��..� �. � � '�` � � �����'��`�� ���V�S� P�RMIT �+JUM�3�,R DF PRC�JEC1 .� , TDWN C7F VAI� DAT� � JOB hJAME ,� ' � ;� � i f �: P^ , '�, /tr / L f � � � �''�� 'L���/���� � /'�/� ` f� i ` /F_ C A L L�R _._ � " ' � f�"� �_�`y�--..,� READY F'�R INSP�G'TIUhJ: MON ,� �` TLJES''}� WED THUR FR1 AM �, PM`} :_ / � + �! �; � W _. -� �� ��DCATIC]f�,ll: � : _. " `' ' .''�_,lfC� A� �—t � � , __ �UfLDIh�tG: �LUfV1BING: ❑ �{JCJTII'ri(�S / STE�L � ___�s. 0 UN�7ERGRt]Ud�Jb __�----. ❑ �C]U�JC�ATIflN I STEEL � R�?UGH � �.W.V � _ ❑ �RANiiM11G C] RC}L�GH I WATER .. RC�C�F & SH€�� __,___.._ II GA� PIPIf�i-'a � F'l_�'WOC�D t'tlAfL1NG _ l� I�`JSULATI�N --- ❑ P�OL 1 H. TUB � �`�' __ , sH��r�c�c� r��a�� ��F�'� ❑ __.____ __ _ o _ � -- �� � ���I�L ' � ❑ '���J�� ..____ —... �s. --�. . ���CTRICA�L: MECHAN�CAL: Q TEM�'. Pt�W�I� -- ` ___-- ❑ H�A�ING ` CP RC7UGH ❑ E?(HAUST HO�DS _ -- — C] Ct�N�UIT __.._ ` _...._._._ _ ❑ SUPPLY AIR . � _ � �-- _�a �,< :�- ,�.� � �� r . i — --- _ _ " ❑ - .�._. ❑ j �f j � �;�r':��.�a` , C7 �INAI� ��E�lAL � ['s �._ I � �. , — �A�'#��QVED ❑ D15APPi��]VEb 0 REIf�1SPECTIC3N REQUIRE❑ Cc�RRECTIQ�IS: ; , __ — -.-. �.y� �,,, - ,� �' �7ATE �;� - .�,�'��'�� _ ir�s��cra� _ �'`' ����� _-.._ . _ .- � ���,:�� t i1 l � � ����``�- _ _ If'�J��'ECTIC3hJ REQU�ST ��== PERMiT h�UM�ER UF �f�,t7.l�CT T�WN '�F VAIL � '�,`..A 1 � •. "„ � �y k DATE� ���.� � ''k� � ,��, JC3B PhIAME � �'�"�.�'�: 1''��..,��.:`�'+i Y� ``'�-. `"�4y'�`°_ CALLER �'`� �� � --- f���. READY F4R I�IS�'�CTI(�f�l. MC)N TLJES `�+1fED � THUR FRI Ah/� PM L(7GATIQN: _.—___ BUlLDING: PLUMBIN�G: � ❑ FCaC�TII`�lGS / STEEL C] U�J[]ER�RpUNf� __.. � F�!UNqATid�1 I ST�E� ❑ �iC�UGH / �.W.V. ❑ �RAMING ---__.._...-- - - � RC7UGH / Wl�7�R � R�7�F & SHEE� p GA5 PIPING PLYlNQ�7C3 NAILING � iI�ISULATiC)N C� PUC�L / H. TU8 _ p SH��TRCICK NAIL 0 , -- C7 ---___. -- � I� �l�I A L _ _—..-._._�_� C� F I i�`�l A! --- ELEC�RI�Al.. MEC�-IANICAC.: ❑ T�MP. � P(7WER , ❑ HE,4TII�G __ -- -_.._ '�ii.�+ CI F�UUGH ' ---_ _ _ ❑ EXHAUST k�C��DS � CQNDUIT - C� SL1PF'LY AfR �_ ._ , � _.�..-. ❑ - ' � ' '` 1 . r - - - .- w� � F11+JAL ��`, m. � ,�ti ,�,� ;�. i '��'�..�.._ 0 FlNAL --- ---__. � I �''�A�'PRQVED -; � �;e" � ❑I�APPFiC]VED ❑ RE81'+1SPECTIC7N REC�IJIREd .� ,. "' `+ GGRRECTIDN�: �.— _. -..__ � -.. ... _ -..._._ � `' , � , ', , �:� • :, � �� . �ATE ,. � �� r �' INSPEGTdF� _��'�1 ,.�e! ''r �, . --� - - �. __. �,• _� �M� ... +.. ° _ 1 is' F$F it 5.i,7 .u._. �. " �. ..�4. .11. „ . � ._<oi6:�. , . . � � � �� ," �ti- �` ' lNSPECTf�N R!EQlrIEST PEi�M1T NUMBER Q.F PR�7JECT _ TDW�J C]F V�41L ] r r E f f.r,� '� g ��! � ,°--� e-.... � . . , / .� dATE "� �� � —_ JC)B �JAME f �� -'"���g �'1 ° - : '- `w'2'�- �,.� �A�L.��t _ �;'L•s � ___ " �°� .��--, , ��F�.#� � �.._, R�ADY FOR 01'�15PEGTIC��1: MC7N TUES 1NED THUR �'��Ff�l AM .L#'M ,� 4 , . r � F , �, � f L�CA�I(�hl: ---,_ ��i� ��� {'�`'�� , /a�,.. P � �!�:-. L_is . B�1lLD1htG: PLUMBfNG: ❑ FOQTIN�G� I STEEL — .. _ ____.... Cl U�9DERGROUd+JC1 ❑ F(7UNI�ATI�7N ./ S7�EL C] R(JUGi-� r' [7,W.V. ❑ FRAMING C] Rl7UG�-I I WAl`�R __ - �_--_----_._._.__. ----- � R(?4F & SH�EP� p C�AS PIPIN� PLY1N��t7 NAILI�9G ❑ Ii�SUtATIC]N O PQ�L I Fi. �UB ❑ SHEETRQCK NAI�. ____ ❑ _ � _ _ __ _____ .__._.-m._.�... ❑ CJ F i N A L __�____. _ ❑ F i N A L ..�._ ELE�TRICAL: M�CHAlVIGRL: CI TEMP. POWER __.__ .._ ___ � HEA�`ING � R4]UGH . _ ----._. ❑ EXHAUST HflC)❑S C� CC7NaUIT C7 SUPPLY Alt� p _ � • -�__x __ ---... _ �, �.- , __ �,r�'} � r��_ ', -1 _ ❑ FIfVAL ___ FINF+L --� __ r.�' ��=, ,��_ �F'PRQVED _ l7 D3SAF'PRUVED 0 REINSPECTIQN REQUIREa � Ct`�RR�CTIC)NS: �.__.. _ _ ;-� _ __._ .__ � � , [7ATE ?f` ..� t .� C� , _ Il�JSPE�CTQR ���n�� � { ,� ,� ,.,-,`� �.- t _ F'�_hTSf}�i' _. t, � � -- ��� -,'� __-� ����E�T��� R�Q�E$Y P���n�T r�u�eER aF ��Cr,��cr T�VVN UF VA�L D AT� �`� u V�- ��,��� J(�8 P�JJ A M E \�.�.�`:��`����' ``� , �,'; ''� � � �,, ^', �.�..`.. , �.', � � CALLER `� ' � • ' , REALY F(JR �NSI'ECTIC)hJ: MfJN TU�S W�D TF-{L1R �+ F�I AM`F�� LCI�ATI{�IV: �UfLl71NGi: PLUM�3ING: C7 FQC7TING5 �' STEEL ____ _ , C] Uh3��RGR(3U1�[� � Q FC7U€VDATIOCV / STEEL ❑ R(�IJCaH I tJ.W.V. _ ---. ❑ FRAMI�VG 1.7 RQUGH / WATEi� —_ _ . -- 0 RC7C]� � SHE�R � GAS PIPING F�LYWC�O�? NAILING � INSEJLATi{7N _ ._.._ _ :__ - ❑ PC+�L f H. TLJB _. ❑ �HEETf�C3CK NAIL _..__ C] I� �._� -- 0 0 FENAI, � Ff�fAL -. . __ ELECTfiIGAL: �IECHANICAL: CJ TEMP. PQW�R .�__ _.. ❑ HEATIh�� __ Cl �tC7UGH _..-- - —_._ ❑ �XHAiUST HC?ODS � GC7NQtJ1T .�_____.. C] SUPP�Y .AIR �.� '� . ,. ,� , _. , C7 _ _ , � � w; � �`� �.:.= ,, � � � _ _ ��-�--�----- _.� . a �iN�� _ o �irvA� �� `� . "�APF'ROVEf] C� LISAPPROVE� O REIhJSP�CTIC�f� RE(�I�IREE� , GQR�tECTIC?NS: -._ __ F;. _ _w,..�.. _. _ ,_— � _�_.__ � tP.. _ _ � Ir DI�,TE _..,�`f i L - INSPECTQR ��.��.��ff- -°'- >>� ���rA. �.. ;_,, _ . . ,- , � ��-� -���._ 1NS�E�T1�N RE�QUEST PERMIT NUM�ER C}F �'RQ.�ECT � TOWiV QF VAIL - � -, <',4 f� `l.� '. ',,,�,. r t . � ^ t dATE �" . °� � � ,`��'`y, JUB lVA,M� \�°.�.',44. t��� .,�. .w...i� � ` � �;r4',�` � `, �`�_,�, "' CALLEFt � �� REA[JY �OF3 RNSPEGTICIN- MO�I TUES W�C� THUR FR AM ,�'��r� ' L(7CATIOhJ: --. — - � BUILDl1V�: PE.I}NIBEN�G: , � �c7UTINGS / ST�EL __._.. [] l�['�iDEFi�RC}UND Ll �Ql}hJ�ATl�l�6 ! ST��L ---....—...—._.n - C] F�C]UGH 1 #�.W.V. C} FRAMING __ .._. !� RLU�H / WA1'ER RQ�JF & SH��R � P�YWO�](� f�fA(LIfVG Q GAS PIPING �r:. ' C] 1N5LfL.ATIQ�! C� PLOL 1 H. TUB , . ❑ �HEETRC��K �rtAIL _ �' � C7 � �'� � �Il�AL -----. _�_ ❑ F1I�AL _ � EL��CTRlCAL: MECHANiCAL: ' Cl TENlP. 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R�AC�Y �C�� INSF'ECTIUN: (�,M�N f� TUES W�b THUf� d FRI �' ,AM y PM �', � � ` �`,.� ' %' �y f s--�' LC?CATIC�N; 1 I s' ��, 1 - 1 '- _ � . . .. � BUILCII��: P�.L1M'�I�IG: � F�C7�TINGS �' STE�L _ � Uf�DERGR�C7U1Vi3 � C� F�UN�ATIQN J STE�L . __ _. C] RC�I�(�H / t],W.V. ' O FRAMI�lG _..._— � RC3L��H / 1+1fATER d �C?aF 8� S�E�R o GaS PIPi�1G — PLYWC3C]D NAILING —_ _ __ Q INSULATIC?N � _ ❑ PC7(7l. I H. TUB _ .... , 0 SHE�TR(7CK NAI� �__.__ ❑ . _ _ ._ : _. _. . k �'{ ''.,.:. 'LJ _.—.. . .. . � . __ _ .. . _ ..... . Ci �tNAL _ _ _ I� FINAL _�. -- �EE.ECTRICAL: MECFiANI+��L: ❑ t�MP. �0'WER _._ _ _— ❑ HEATft�IG ._ . _,__.._ Cl RQ�1Gt-i l� EXHAUST W�C)GS p �C7hlC]UIT ❑ SUPPLY AiR ❑ --�'.-� '�` __. p ,�,. -- . _ � _ t`Y--���� - ��,�.� �._ � �r FINAL �'� ' (� FINAL ,� . .�4i�,PPf��VEC3 `',� 17 DiSAP'�ROVE[� Cl R�IMSP�CTIQ�I F�EC�IJIREC:� /'�`, CORRE�TIQI'YS: - —_ �, ' C�. �' � c��,- � _ �-� �'�GR.x'�� _ - - � __ . . �,`,. - � .: __. _. _._ � .- ; : - . r _ .� " ,/� y1 �',�1�� /'f � ~ � �f ���J������i ��'�-If�r � /�r-'"y ,,�7 i. ! ,y�f jf F� �� ���a9� ., j � _e �_ r.-`l ! � INSP�CTl+D�"�+I REQU��T PERMIT NUM6E�f Fj�PRQJ�GT ; _ Tt�W�I �F VAI L ^ f '�� �� _ � � � : ' 7� I' f ;• � � '3'--�-� .,� Y!.-_' LA7E I `." . '<' 1 �` ,J(7B fVAME _.._�� v'�`+�'��z; � �• '" ,+�r ..��`'`�1�. �`�J CALLER ,�� � �"�' � ��", �,.`'�_.';,��-s...�3`"1JR'� • F��R�Y fiaR IfVSPEC7!�� �'k. T �,S W�[? T�I �3 FRI AM ,� i�M �-: �. ,, , ._ ,_ L�JCATIO�1: �' - . ,,.. ��;`� ` _. �,+�° . j _._ � i ��_ '�l1(� � � BUI�.C7E�+1�: PLUMBING: C3 �(�t77lh1GS / STEEL _ CI UNC7�I�GRC]Uf�lD _- Q F�UNf7ATIL'�N A STE�L C� Fi�L�GH I �3.W.V. _' _ C� �R'AMIIWG �_. _. C� RdUGH 1 WATER � RC)C}� 3� 5'�EER CJ GAS F�IPlNG _ P�YWOfJ� IVAILIN�:, ❑ in�su�a��a� _- a �oc��r H. �u� 0 SH��TRC7Gf� R2AIL _._. _.. _ 0 _ O _ -- � � f����,�'�'.�� � � � � a;FINAI. _'� Y.• lC- �' _.._ C�����]f+IAL � EL�CTRIG�#�: M�CHANICAL: ❑ TEN1P. Pf�WER _ _ CI HEATINC ❑ RC)UGH _ 0 EXHAUSfi HUG�L75 �---- - 0 GahiC]UIT ❑ SUF'PLY AIR _. ----- �I � _. � �INAL ____ _ .__ _.. �'�;�FINAL —_.._ p �1F'F�RUVED ❑ �ISAI�PRC)VED ❑ REINSP�C7IC�N R�QUIRED CC3RR�CTICJNS: .�.__.. . _._.... f°r � '�_P' ! ��� ..�c.- � ��;�y ��-�-�_ f,1.e/'�`".i,�/� ��, w _��� � _ �9� __—._.__ ---- -W- , i —- ' �-. �,.�.' r � E�ATE � � ` ..� �__° 1�15PECT(�R '���,1/�';����. ---- - - -- ,���:� � � .� �.��.�`� ___ �IVSPECTi'Ll�l REC�U�ST ���nni� r�ur���� o�= ��a,�EC� TOWN OF VAIL � �",� � �-�=- [7ATE � .__ ,._r ' / JC7E3 NAM� �'.1..!��`.�' ' C t'��'`.�.!'.�' - � , -�- CALLEft '''.� _�..rc:r r'�E.� �,;.. r' r�'_.;t<. L,. � } REAL3Y FQR INSPECTI�N: �vl�Qfi�l i LJES '' 4'��C7 . ,ifiH�.1R .� FRi P�M , 1�M; ;^0 - �, ' , - ,"�, � , , �-- L�iCATI(7N ,�P`! `�• r�� � � � ,`z.��' � tC`i'_I���.� .�--_'�.�r � '�- BUII.DING: P�191�u�'�ING: ❑ FOClTICUC`a5 1 STEEL. __ ._ . _ ❑ �1hJDERGF�C�UNI� -- ❑ FC�UN�ATIQN / S"T��L Cl RCIUGH / O.W.V. __ ❑ FRAMINC� � ❑ RUUC�H 1 UIIATER RCJaF & SH�E� - � �?LYW(.��7D N,AILIfi�G —. ❑ GAS F'If'IfVG l7� INSULATlQtV' _ _� ❑ PC1c�L f N. �UB ❑ SHEETi�U�iC fVal� �-��r_ Q � - � p FIhJAL ' ❑ F19'+.IAL __ __— ELE�C�F�iGAL: MECH�+,lVICAL: I� TEMP. F'(7WE�FI .� - --_. ______ CJ HEATI�IC`a .. ❑ Ft�I.IGH ,. __ ----- __ G) E7�FiAUST H�C?�5 - _ - - - C] ��3NDL11T ___. C� SUF'PLY AIR ,.� r � �*✓, � ,r� � . � � , ❑ —.__ _ � ❑ �'i�' '�,"�,r :�.; ..� ..� -' +�' @ C] FI�IAL � FINAl� _ _ ._ .._ _ ,,,�,�. L, �APPROVED L� DISAPPRUVE❑ ❑ REINSPECTICIN R�QUfFiEQ C(7��i�CT[GNS: _ �.. _ _---_— _—_._......,�_ ,., ,�:��,'.,�`',�r �, _...__.__ _ _ _ __ �� ~ �t� _ f'*f'� �� '" ,,� " DI�TE . � ,�� __. INSPEC��R _��_. _•� , - r�.,e�e���,c _ � � � �" -�� �� INSPECTIQN RE�UEST PERMfT �JUMBE� C'lF PRQJECT T�1Vif('� C�F VAIL ; � rr ��'�� � � + I / ' r � , �_ ; , � �� � � � � d AT E ` ` ' —. J C.�F� hJ A M E � ..�{_l�- , a , � I cf �,�-- , '� �-�� I � ' ..�J.� f _... .." ._ _ c" r'� A� � ,. 'GALLEf� , � J . .i.% '1-�, ,'��"1 'r'_°_`� -� REAC3Y FC�f� tNSPECTid�: N10N TIJ�S _,W�17 TI-iIJR .--�F�1� _.-. �.� AAI� '€�M ,� L C��A T"I C�hl: �� � �� :�'� -�� �� `---_, � C-� b�4 ��s1 . - � c:-- �UILD�NG: PLU}u�IB�N�: ❑ FC]t�TINGS I S7�EL -_---- -------._..____..._.. ❑ U�JDERGFCt�6JNl� ---- ---- �] FC7UN�ATIdI� / ST�EL � RC7UGH / Q.V+J.V. �I �RA[VkING ____..... _ __ � RC}UGH I WA1'ER � R'C7C�F & SHEEI� O �`aA� �!F'ING PLYWC7C71� IVAIL3NG C7 INSULATI(71� � POOL l H. TUB D SHEETRf7GK NAIL � _ � __ � �.�_.`�_.., � - T_ ❑ ------ ❑ FIhiAL Q FINAL. �LgC7RlCAL: M�CHANICAL: L] TEMP. PC3INER, _ : � — __----- O H�ATING _ , , �ou�� ��' � ' f L''�. �'� _ ❑ EXHAUST ��oos r � CC3NC7Ul7 C7 SUPPLY AfFt ❑ -------- — C] �–•- Cl FINAL _ �1 FINAL _._ '� � APPROV�L �� ' Cl i715APPRC?V"ED ❑ R�I�JSPECTIQIV REQUII�Ed CORRECTI�JNS;'� - -__ �_.__�.,.—. J ,�� .. � r ��� CJATE r_�� r'f�'f.--� �_ VNSF�CT�]I� _-' �`' �_... __ _ __ _._--- �;����� ,�",.�'p'-- �s�-`= ——r;�-�rr��F•s . . _ . ^ � -- "' � � � � �'���' �� -- INSPEGTI(]N REQ�UEST PERMIT NUM�ER �� f'R(�JECT TQWI� C}F VAII. I'� �� ` ', L�:r`�'��,..�`� ' �.� �a�� �-`� ,��8 �vann� .-- � �� ..�_ ' ��� � �. � � � � ..��. ___ ; ca�.��R _ ��.-I _ � ���?I`' READY �QR 11'�JSf�ECTIUN: MON 7UES WE� THUF� �RI _____ AM PM � r � � � ;.. ..v� � i , � « " i L4CAl"1�7N: �f � r_: - �-`.�- _� —�:_-�-r:°�°�—.a_.1�E �r _ SI.�ILi?#MG: PLUMBING: CI FC�OTING� / S�TE�L � 0 Uf�lD�RGRC)IJIVC) _----- C� Ff��IVC�ATIC7N 1 STEEL � �C7UGH 1 �7.W.V. �1 FRAMING 0 i�UiJCaH i WAT�f� 0 F3GOF $ SHEER C� GAS PIPII�.t``a PLYWC]GC7 f�f�IfLIF+3G ❑ IF�#SULA�IQN — -- - _.__ C7 P�C]C7L l H. TUB ❑ SI-�E�TRQ�FC N,41L ____ _ _ C] _. ❑ Q - - -- C7 F k N A L ___.__._��. _..�_.� � F I f�A L _ ELECTRICAL: MECHAMICAL; � TEM�'. F'OWWER - __ �] HEATIIVG C3 Ft�3UGH 0 EKP-1AUST HC)OC�S � CC3NDUlT -- ❑ SUPPLY AIR ❑ _ � "::_ °� . !'' ��' �,�� '�FINAL f`-�- _� - _ C7 FIV�AL — `iA�PRC]V�D �i 0 l�iS�4PP�iCJVED � FiEINSPECTIt�N REQUIRED Y � Gt�t�R�GTIC]NS: � _ __ _._. _ _._ _ . _�— �.—.._.._ �. ,r7 _ _ ___ � ` DA�"E � `''��,� � �� __ INSPECT{7i� .y-f-`-��:r�� •' {'" —{ - . ���,� - i . -' _ �. � � � ��'�-��� �' __ _ If�1�PE�TIOh! ��QU�ST . PEFtMiT NUMBER f]�F PF�t7J�CT T(�WIV �]F VA1L ,,-. 7 i �. �'' �I �� �l� JC]g hJ1�ME `f '� ,'� `'' �'�J -.i-°� _ > C�ATE � ._ _ � �: - , � ,r�/y ` CALL�ER �{ , �..�''� _,[+`� � . . . . . I - � �iEAC7Y FdR INSf ECTIGN; MC�N f,, T1J�S WED 7HlJR 'f FR€ _a AM PNl LC�CA T I C7 h!. � `�,� ,��"?_�_ �'� -, f�� ,�" -�-��-�.�' r'{-,�``�� [a�"{ '_ _ --. � _ � -r~-'��- ==-r_ BUILDIN�: PLUMBIIVG: p FQ(�TI�tGS I STEEL _ � EJNDERGRDUhJL7 ___. _ CJ FC?UfVDATIQM I sT�EL CI RUUGH J �1."�4',V_ _ _ �1 FRAMING ❑ FiC.]IJGH ! WAT�Fi _ ❑ RflE77� S� SHEER � CaAS P1Pl�JG P�YWC7C?Cl NAILING - _ 0 INSULATP(]IV � __ C} F'UCJL 1 H. TUB __.— -- Q SH�ETRC7�K NAIL _— ❑ � C3 �� � _� _ �� -- - r�FIf��L � ' '�� . '� Lr'_�!�- ❑ FlfVA� —_ _�� --...�. __._�_ f � �L.ECTRICAL: " IIA�CHANfCAL:. CI TEMP. PC�WER . ' �. _ 0 HEATIP�G a �ou�H o �xH�,us�r �aa�s C7 CUk�CIUIT �_ � ❑ SUPPLY A!R � _- --- - -..- ❑ _�.._ . p FINAL O FIfVAL �.... APPRC}V�[7 ❑ DISAPPROVECI �J REINSF'�CTII'7hl R�QU�REC] �-_ �{}�RE�T9C3NS: _ `� -. I. I' __._ _ _ _. _ _� - - - —_ _ __ — - _ � '- -, � QATE �'����~��, _ INSPEGT(]R �.r � .,�.._ T Hz�`r`n4�[p _ rv � � '� �` � � _ _ II''�ISI�'ECTIC)f'�1 REQUEST PERMIT NL�MBER C]F PRf�JECT TL WN UF IJ`AI L ; . , . � � �. ' �f�--( �"����� � ' [�AT� " ; r' _,,� ! JQB NAME ��,�i '��� � � � �A � �� � ,� � R , ` _ , �AI���R .�. r' � y,� -, ' .�"`L�'.' ,r f t_.tfi,� � R�A[7Y FdR tIVSP��TION: ' � N1t�N- �,�kJ�S W��] THUR , FR !',AN1 '''�, F'M �' ,-= L.UCAT4UN: � I� Y .�i't..�.�f'`t_ , '',,t , -. BI11L.€31NG: PLUMBPNG: ❑ FQC?T11�6GS 1 S�EEL _ ❑ E�fVI3ERGRC7U�EC} _.__. � FO�II'v1aA1"I��i i STEEL �_ __ _ ___._ ❑ F�C]IJGH I [�.W.V. Cl FFiAMING _ _ _ CJ I�OUGH / WATER m_-_. _ .._�. �. --- � R��F 8 �HE�� ❑ CaAS P1Pi�EG PL.YWQC7C3 NAILING C7 INSULATIQN —.. �'J �QOL l F-f. 7U�3 � SH�ETR(7CK NAIL CJ � ____ _ i� �,m C! FINAL _._ __ �._ ___ �] FIhJA� __._ _ E1.ECT�ICAL: hAECHAI�ICAL: ❑ T�MP. P�C3WER � 0 H�ATIhJG --- --- '�....-'� .__�l'C% Y' � �--�' }'��'''�'��'�'-�� �UGH Cl EXHAUST HOOC7S �' � �(JNpUET _ _ _ � SUPPLY AIR --- C7 -- Q -- --— ❑ FINAL _._ � FiNAL __. ,�7�APPRC]1f�D L ,? � ❑i�APPRC]11�fJ Cl R�If�1SPECTIC�N REC}UIR�[J �' f� CQRFiEG"fIC7NS,. __ _ . _ .�_ __.__ _:. ,� � ,: ', y . r. - �f� .. _�' n .-� ., , ��,r� �� , ' -- _ �r�s��cTO� _ -- , �'� �: ,,/ �.�, �_ __ �,:�,� � � % f_F�- .� T,, - - -_ . iNSRE+CTIC)I'�J REQUEST �E�n�i� rvu�n��� ca� �R .�EC-� _ . ��w�v �� �u��� ; .: � : _ r y ,r - � '.:� r I /'� '� ,' .";� :t + i` a��E _ �;1 � ,�QB svann� 1 ,���.h.��'�_ � r �' � ,�' ; " � � � �— �' �'�t--�,a4— CALLER • { - . - �r ' t � . �1 �#EAC7Y F�R INS�'ECTIQh#: MON TtJES WED T�iUR FR�I �AM ! PM LQCATIC)N. _-.:��1 ����i��lt. �.-��„�_�� ° i�`f,., - BU1LD11''JG: PLUM��NG: � FQC7TIi`�lG� 1 ST��I� �. _. _.� C1 UNDERGR(�UND CI F4l�NDATlQ�1 f S1��EL . Q Fi�UGH I f].W.V. __ 0 FF3AMIi�G _ __.._. __,- -- C7 RQU�GH I WA7EFC — � Fi�QF & SHE�R p GA5 �IPIG�C PLYWC]C}L� NAILIhJG -- C] INSULATION =�_. � f'C�OL 1 H. T�1L' � SHEETRC�CK NAIL _. .� 0 -- --_ �i _ � _ C] FINAL _.__.. _ _ ❑ FEhAL _ _ _- ELEGTFi I CAL: MECFIAN ICAL: C� TEMP. FCjWER ----- --_ _.._ ❑ WEAT�hJG __ o �au�� --- — _ ❑ �x�au�� �a�as _ ' ❑ CC}�1DUIT _ _ ❑ SUPPLY' AIR .- _� C1 �� ��_%�� ❑ _. _ . ., __ _ �`FIhJ,AL �%:� �' '� " ° ".`�"'�__ 0 Flf`JAL _ �'�AF7�ROUEU' . �.r ,��� ❑ [71SAPF'R�VED l� REIt'JSPECTiQN F3E!C�UIRED C(]RRECTIC)NS: __ _ �_._ __ _ _ _ _ — _,� _.. , ,r _i ' � a `� / � ^' �' - �- � '! �. 4�r", ' � f.•'fE 7 C3ATE ' ' � °' - -�...,,�---- _ _ INSPECT�R --- ���_�_� c�:�,-�� - -- � � � -��' �'.=� l� I�J S P E CT[C)hJ R E C�u EST PERMIT NUFJ1f3�Fi C)F �3�,lECT TC�WP'+1 C�F VAIL �. �' � „ i {p. „ 1 �Y' , � �.� � �� '%�� � q� � OAT'� �.: � _— JC7� hiAM� � � .. �..r'�.-(> .�- � � � f ; �4 �__. 1 , , - -- r � , ,. GAL L�R - ' _ ��+..� � _ � ._/._�..J�*�,'�?�- Ft�ADY FC?R INSPECTIClh�: MO� 7 �S W�p 1'HU� FF�P �� �,��,A `., PM .,�_° ' ,�� , LOCATiC�N: , �-._�''._ �. �_ �, � _. =f,�,a �--- r�; � BUILDfNG; PLLIMBING. �1 ��70TING5 ! S�'EEL _ _ ❑ LINDERGR�JUIVI� � t❑ �C?U�JDA�I(JI� / STE�L —. _._ _ C] F�UUGH I D.kN.V. —._ _ ---.. __— _ Cf FRAMI�dG —.�... _ _ . ❑ RC3Ut�H 1 WATER _ � �tC70F & SHEER ___ ❑ GA� PIPl�JG PLYWC3QD fVA�LIt4G _ � INSU�ATIC}hl . ❑ RQC}L / H. TUB C3 SHE�TRt7CK �JAIL __ CJ _ __ -.- � c'� s Cf - --_ — - INAL � � . �J , ^ � ' ` ��� •"� y° —._ ❑ FlhlA� __. �. �LECT#iICAL: 11AECHAf�JlCAL: . ❑ TEMP. PGW�R ._ _ � HEATiNG `��,,,�::_ ❑ Fi�UGH CI EXNAUST`"�i(�C3�S � CDN[7UIT _.._ I� 5UF'PL,Y AV'�i ❑ __ _ _.�.. ._. C� __._ ❑ F1�1AL D FINAI. �` APPRC7VED O D15APPRQVED 0 Ft�I�SP�CTl01,1 REQUI�iEC7 CC7RRECTIC�N�: __ _ _ � : �_ --- — ;. r ,. I� r ,!' h� C ��_�. �tL�C _-'�� �;�..r��r<<��I� � .... . _. ._ �fY��C.���� �..� _��� . �__.. H-��Gk�P T-- , �-.rr-+.�x.t ,..`�.,r.,.•,r . . .- . .. t. -�.,�„�;. -.. . � � � 1 '��� �^� � INSPECTIC�N R�Q�JES7' PERMI� MIUMBEFi OF PR!�JEC7 TQW N L7F,_ VAI I� _, } : - aATE I ��` '�� �_ JCIB NAME �� _ . _ ..�-���'-'I�'" C/ALLEF3 � - f - � ,r"` '�` _ '�F��ADY FO'� INSPECTI�N: MC�N TUE� W�D .? THUR FF�t- �AM ` � '. - � / ,� . LC+CATIt3N: � �,��� , ��',f ;�.-_� - ;��-- �.�a'� ?-J.r�..�---T— _ — .�,.�.�_�' , , �� �-_��,,' Btl6LDIfiIG: PL[J1�+181NG: [] FC7iDTiNGS i' STEEL _. _ �-- _— ❑ l�1VD�F�GRC]U�C} __—_ . CI FC?U�lQA7IC)N �` 5TE�L _ __ ❑ RC7UGW r' D.W.V. __ p FRAh1EING _._ _ .._ __ ❑ RUUCaH 1 WATER � RaL F & SHEER p GAS P1PI�JG F'�YWO�D NA#LfNG ❑ INSULATION __ C] Pt�QL 1 I-I. TUE3 _ _ . �1 SHEETRC7CK �JAIL __ ___-- � -- _ _ ❑ �_..__ __ �. ❑' . __ _ __ ❑ FINAL __ __._ ...— ❑ FI�lAL _ ELE�"C'RICAL: AIIEGHAIVICAL: Ci TEN1P. �'OWER —..__ — 0 HEATIEVG __._ -- , , . , R(7UGH ��,'�i- �-'�t.+�'Y' �' �� C7 EXHAUST HOC)�S _ _ ❑ GC]F�JDLIIT ��L-/�f� �l'���_r � � SIJPPLY AIR _ _ ❑ _ ❑ C7 F1NAL 0 FI�JAL -- . �'APPRC�VED � "�,���'',r� ❑ [7ISAPPRQV�D ❑ REIN�PECTION REQUIRE� J � CORRECTiCJNS: _._ _. _ _ ` ,� � :F'�, - C}A-f`� '� ' - �,`�,�, . ;;1 — 4NSf'�CTC)Ft _- '�'� r..-��" �1' ,,r [,�✓� �y - fiRT.aTaM]1' � � ��°�� �:t� fNSPE+�T�C]N �E�tJEST PERMI�f hdtlM�3�R C}F PR(]JECT �C)V'U�V U� VAfL a ; � ~ -.�_ C1AT� .'� - �`x _— JC7B �iAME !�� ` _' �_��.�._-_- `"' " I : � �F1�LER �7'_° ,,�a� ��.c'�� . ;� — ('_�=,��r' r - - ac �`;?�°-•(-�.�'. � � READY FC1R �NS�ECI"ICl�I: MC�N i UES W�D T'HUR �,"FR� T AN! PM . . f �/� . ,.•n���- . LC]I;ATIC)i�l. �__ =� •': 1 ' '' _ ' � _.__ __ _.__ f3LlILbIN�: '�LUM�ING: � �QC)TI�1G51 STEEL ❑ IJhJDERGR(��1[Vl7 LD FOUIVQA�AON J STE�L _ _ � RC}UCN ! Q.W.V. � FF�AMING _.� � RJUGH / WF,TER � Ri�G+�` t� S1--IE�f� O GAS Pt�ING _ PLYWi7C�C� IVAIL3NG �_ . __ �. CI INS�LATI�JJN _- __ ❑ POOL 1 H. TU6 O SHEETAUCK I'�AIL ___ Q ___ __. __...._. _. . C7 _. __ .. ❑ -- _ Cl FIf�,4L _ _ _ ❑ FlNAL �LECTRfGAL: MEC�iANaCAL: C] T�MP. P4W'��i ---_.._ _ 17 HEATiNG _ _ C.� R�UGH _ _.-. _ 0 E�HAUST N�?OC)S ❑ CONpUIT _ -- � SUPPLY AiR _ _ ❑ _ _ r._._.._. ❑ _ __ �._ .. �I�7 FIIVAL �` � . '�:. .`': t� r � �ENAL -, :. _ '. --- � 'APPROVED '-���� � aISAPFRC7VE� C1 RE1NS��C1"3�N �?E{�UIFiED l,�.� �,,• cc�R�E�rior�s: �__ _� - - �_, __ ._. _ _ . � F ,. i . �r.....� /� � .-� 1 %? :' ' �j .�.��, .d" ' � 'Ql��� ��' 1'' �-, t.��f . ..._— ���J���i�Q� _. 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PQWEFi _ Q HEATII�G -- - ❑ R{]UGH - --- __ �,7 �XHAUST HC)ODS , ❑ C��JQl11T — L SIJPf'LY AIR ❑ _ � - - -_ �NAL ___ 0 �I�IAL _. , _ _ __ �APp�iaQVED f,'``�:` � �IS.I�PPRC7VEC7 ❑ RE1�35PECTIQN FtEQUIRE� CC]RRECTlQI�fiS: �.__ _, � ; � : ,, � � , . . .�'� - �� � � � . r+c.�f �-?�.- ff� ,� �, ,� ,,. -L -- . � ----- ..__ ___. � __ �� : ,�;i �.__ {� � �/ :� f ���- _��� P �,; dA`fE ,i. / "�,; :' --- IP�JSPECTCJR '{`t-7'�' ' '. �r �_ r - - - . x- �_.� - 3��� _ . :7 _ ,:.� _. . ,� ,� — � . _ � ��"� �� �' ����E'�i���� ��4�VE7� PERMIT Nl.1MBER �� PROJ�CT • TC}INI�,I �� 11AI1, [7AT E +f�,°�/�i' r'" 1 /�'£.�-�,�C•�'�''. � , � _�[.� JOS NAME �. _. __�� J' l `.-- C A L L EF{ { ' !� �L-�l�'%z.�. . ��' .t�{,[��� � _ �_.-� _ �_ ' ` '"fJ- R�ADY F�?R INSPECTIf7N: Ni�N TUES WEa TFiEJR �R�,� �_._�AM�� PM �.._ - > , �,� �,- �-.._� � , . L.G C A T I f��,I .!. . `_°y`'�r�;� :, E,:=.°` c ='"�.���-t� BU1Li]tN�G: PLUMBING: � FC)OTihlG� 1 STEEL _ _.__ C] UNd�RGRQLJND -- _ ❑ Ff�Uf�L�ATIC?N I �7EEL �. ❑ �iC7�.1GH i C3.W.V. � FRAMIfVG _ __ __ I� RC�lJGH i WATER � � RC�QF & SH��R ❑ GAS �'IPIh�lG F�LY'WC?C7Q �VAILIfVG C3 IiVSL1LATI�N -- __ ❑ P(7�L ,� N. TUB _._ --__ ❑ SNEETRO�K NAIL __ 6� _ . C� �77 __.._ -- - Q FINAL _.. ___ ❑ FfNAL ELECTRIC►4L: ME�CHANwCAL: ❑ TEMP. Pl7W�� _ C] HEATIfVG - -. _`_� ._; ,�� . Z�t� � CUGH _ ❑ EXHAUST I��C7�]S . _ ❑ �(3NDUiT C] SUPPLY RIF� -- ,� _ 9-_. _.. — C7 _�_. __ p FINAL ._ __ _ Q �INAL _ � ��APPRCJVE❑ -''�:.. _ p DISAPf�FtC�VED 0 R�INSPECTICtN REQUIRED .�, GORR�CTlQNS: `� ____. . _...._. __ ___ .__.._ __ , -. — , , , � �''' � � _ T �� �+� C7�1TE �' `� '� �' `"a ' �� INSPECTO� �_-" ` ����' � � � � '� � „� . ��. �;f` Paa°:�rsa�cv d � � �.� �' =� ( ,. ��hJSP�CT���I REQUEST PERAAfT NUMB�R OF PRC�JECT - _ TC�W1V C)F VAIL j { ___v ',�,��� ` - � . oa,rE �fle n�ann� .�''�-��� ��j� ���- ��.�„�� , .,, ..�,.. . . � - - r ca��.�� r£:� ' , � f�EADY F�]�i IN�PECT1�}h3: MC1�J TUES ,,`WED THUR FRI _ 4'�AM ,, � �X _ . ��'` , ; x� , f -. •. -w- �, � ;;--;� `_�' �'fi' s,� �--__ .. �''` , LaCATI(aAf: -''_ _ . _:!.�. � f .�,_ . . , ��, _ -- '� - - BUILI�ING: PLUMBfNG: ❑ FC)C�TI�lGS J STEEL _ --- C] UNaERGRC�tJND _ ❑ FQUNDATIQ�I / STEEL __ - -- ❑ R(7UGH 1 D.W V �] FF�AMIfJG � -- __- � RCJUGH I WATER _._ 0 R(�C}F � SfiiEER p GAS PiPING _ PLYWClC]D NAILkN(a C] IIUSULaATIQI'V _ -_._._ ❑ �'�C�L ! H. TUB p �H��TR�CK �OAIL __ CJ ------- � _. _ � - I� F3NAL _. d FINAL E�ECTP�lCAL: MEGF#AI'�fICAL: Cl TE�IIP. POWER _____--. �7 HEATING ����� � _ _ R�}UGH �"��-'� ����`��` ❑ EXHAUS7 HOCl�]S � ______. � CC}�+4�UIT _ fl SUPPLY AIR [� _ �°"�.`�`,-f-� '� 0 �- � -r. - -- . _, ._ �.'�,.....— _ . r._. F3N�IL ' `-__ F � C,�~ -�_.__. _ � FIN,�L _ i . �� � � ' r Af��'FiCaVED � � � I�lSAPPFiOVEC7 ❑ �tESNSPECTION REGlUIRED r �;,��' �_��, G�RRECTIQ��: _ - _ _ _ __ -- �X. ,, �,; � - ,. tl i r_., �;.{, ' �" ' dAT� '�f� •`'' � ' r'r INSPEGTC�#� r�'..:- _ -; � ,t- .�`'. :�r�. _ __ -- - , � �'. �'�T�,�t� � _ � � t � . ,`�i'�r/�c�^`�5�`�� � � ' �'I�SPECTI�N REC�U�ST _ __ � __.e.__. �__ __ P�RMIT NtJMBE�t �F PR�JECT _ _ TC7'�NN UF V�II�. ,; �' � � f ��� i�n . An � /�/ ����� �,r��—y F ` . QATE �� � JOB NAME _, l ,_ �,,�',,.� .�� -���� � � .,'�� CALLEFt ���� „y- _� ,R�AE7Y F�Fi INSPECTION� MC�9V TU�S ��� HU FRI � AM �,� / ` � � / �"' � , : _ __ ,;' -• �,_.. ._ _ LL GA°I�ICaN: ��l` � C,; —.�-�r.',_�-.��'r�"-�-'�.'�--- _ ._. �..- - BUILL7ING: RLUMBING: 0 FOQTINGS 1 STEEL _— ❑ U�J[J�FiGRQUND __. � FC3LlhIDf�T��3N I STEEL _. 0 RC_3U�H �' L�.W.V. p �i�AMING __. ❑ R4UG�I ,r WATER ._ �, RQ[]F $� SH�ER ❑ [;AS PIPfhlG PLYWGLD NAILfN� — C� INSIJLATIC7�J .�_ _ O PO(JL f H. TU� _ � SH�ETRC7CK �JA1L - � �.._�.--__ __. ❑ � �- ��'�` � p � '�FIf�AL� f ' - ❑ FENAL — -_ . �LECTR�C!CAIL; ,. 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FERMIT APFLICATIQN FC7R.M � DATE; ��'.„�-`�',� , A�PPLICA'�'�C�l�i MtJST 8E FIL�',ED (�t7T �GM�LETELl� +dR TT MAY Nflfi $E ACCEPTED �*��*t�**�**�**�*,�*�*�***�**�� �ERMIT IN�'ORM2�TTON �#��**��,�,�**��**�a**�**�����** I l"Building [ 7�P�.umbing �-Electr���]. � ]-Mechanica� [ }-Qther J+�b �Ta�e: r�A�'� ��''���� ��'Gf/�'jt�f/` J�b Address: � 'fl� �'�"�'���`��;f� [��'� ��' ,`�r,�j�i Legal D�scra.p��c�n: Lvt Black Fi�.irtg �ti�Div�s�ort: Ucan+�rs idar�e: ,,�G�y'�'` ��J�� , Address: �I'�-p' .��`�?/�s�;'�'. �ca�r'��"G� _Ph,�! �'�'�'�� Archa.�ect; ,�1��/``� Address: Ph. f�v',�' Genera�. �escrip��,an: '~..,e��n!'-e�r,f ����r � ,l�f ��� �vi' �',�;�!Y��.����r���f� . � Wt�rk Class: [ ]-1�Few [ ]-Alterat�on � ]-Addi'�iQnal, [ J-Repair [�j-�Qther � ,�-r/ �' N�mb�r e�f ]�we].ling Units: � Number a� Accommoaa�.far� Units; '`�-'-`" . t3 r�h�z �nd. Type of FiarepZaces: Gas Appl iance� /YC7 Gas �,+ogs� Wood/Fel let �� **�*�*������*�*�*�����a�*�**��*�r*� VALLIAT�QI�S �*�**�r*��**���r*�*�r***�**��****���r �UILUING: $ E�ECT�tICAL: $ ��'Q�'. �� �fiHER: � PLUMSINf�: � I�'fi�CHANICAL: $ TC]TAL: � �t�r***���a�*�*�**�,��#����*,��,� Cf?NTRACT�R INFORM�TI{�N ***�t�****�r**����r*�r������*�* ener�l Contraetor. _ Town af VaiZ R�g. NQ. Address: Phone �'um�rer. Elec'�r���l Cc�ntractor: ��. � ,�fa��f�f,'�-r�,� -.��C�a Tcswn �f �lail Reg. N�3.� A�idress: f'���JI'I t�l_�s��f C'� 8 I�a �`7 Phone Number: �-�-i'- 77�'f � Piumbing Can'tractvr. 'Y'sawre a� Vail Reg. N�. Addr�s�: Phr�ne Number: Me�hanical Cvntractar: Tawn af Vai1 Reg. �iC3. Adda�ess: Phone Number: �,��r�r�r***��*��r�*��*�***�����***�t* FDI'� t�FFICE U�� �**��****,��**�**��*�r*,�***��*�*# BUI�DING PERMIT FEE. IIUILDING P�AN �HECK FEE: PLTJMBING F�RMxT FEE; PL[JM��N�G FLAN CHECK FEE: d�ECHAl�l�ICA� Y�RM�T F�E: MECf�ANICAL PLAN CHEC�C F`EE: EI��CTRICAL �'EE. � • �'C? RE�REATI[]I�i FEE: O�'HEI� TYFE C3�' FEE: -=s' �: �`,��r "r`i/f:�� CLEAN�UF DEFOSIT: �RF.� FEE: T(?TAL FE�MIT FEES: �°� � TYFE �1�flUF S�),FT. VALUATIC?N Si�JILI?�NG: � SIGNATURE: �ONINC; S TGt�ATURE: Cvrnments: � �T.F�T IIP DEF.QSYT �I�iIND Ttl� � 1 �� ���il ai �ill 75 south fronlage raad vait, cvlarado 81657 (303] 479-2i38 or 473-2139 oftfce �f cammur►lty develcspme��# BUI�DING P����IT iSSEJANCE 3'IM£ �RA��E I� ti�i.s perma.t requi.res a Tawn of Vail Fire 1�epartment ApprQVa7 , Engi r�eer'�s 4.P�b�i c 4�Qrics} re+�i ew a�d a pprova7 , a P1 a nni ng Qepartrn�nt rev�ew Qr N�alth �epartment review, and a review by tF�e Building department, t}ie e�timated t�m� for a ta�a� revi�w may take a� lang as t�ir�e weeks. AlI commercz�T (�7arge ar small } and aZ] multi-famiiy permits w711 F�ave tQ fol�c�w the above ment�one� maximum requirer�ent�, Resider�tial ar�d smaZ 1 pro jeets shaul d ta�ce a �e5�er amour�t c�f time. However, i f re5�de�tiai or smaller proj�ct5 impact the variaus abav� m�ratianed departments wi'th regard ta necessary review, thes� projects may also take tf�e three week period. Every a ttempt wi11 b� ma�e 6y this d�part.rnent tc� expedite thi� permi t as. 5�an �s pQSSi�]e. I, the undersigr�ed, und�r�tand the pian �heck pt�o�edur-e ar�d time I 1�1/1�t � ! c�r�e �Q y. ��ro ject Name �Dar e�t was t�rned �nto � e te b�o � Sh Cvmmun�ty Dev�eZognient [�ep�rtrnent. t � � � ► � . � � - - ���► n 1 7 �����! Q� ��! 75 sauth trantage road vaat,calorado $1857 (3�3) 47�-2].38 �r 479-2139 offl�e af cam�munlly deve�opm�nt Tt]t ALL CONTRACTC]RS CI3RR�N"I'LYL R�GTSTEREi} 4VIT`H �HE TaWP+i QF VAIL FROM: 'I°QWN OF VAIL PUE�LIC WC3RKS/�C7MMFJNI`I'Y DEVELQP�IENT DATE: M�.RGH 3.b, 1988 5LIBJECT: C�C}NSTRU'�T�C7N PAR�{ING & MATER�AL STDRAG� In suz�ary, f}rdinan�� 2�0. 6 states that �t is unlawfu�, for �r►y gers�n to litter, trac� or deposi.t any sail, rockt S�3)'lt�r debris ar mate�ia�., �.n��.uding trash dumpsters� pc�rtab].e tailet$ and wo�3�mmert vehic��� upon any strect� sidewalk, aZley or public pZac� ar any por'tian thereaf. The righ�-��-way ota al� Town of Vail s�reets and raads is appraximately 5 ft. vff pa�rement. This ardinance wil� be strictly eflfor�ed �y the Town af �l'ail Pub.iia Wcarks Department. Persans fo��id violating this ordinance wi�.� be giv�n a 24 �our wri�ten n�tice to rem�ove said mater�al. In t�e event the per�on sa nr�tified does nQ� Gom��y w�.th the nvtice within the 24 hour �im� specif.ied, the Fu3�lic W��ks ��partm�nt w�ll remvv� said material at the expense of persvn n�ti�ie�i. The provisi.ons of this ordinahce shall �at be applicab].e to �anstru�tion, a�aintenanc� or repair proj+�cts Q� ,�ny street or alley ar a;ny utiliti�s in the right-a-way. Tv reyi�w vrdinaance No, fi �n �ull , lease �to b the Tow P p Y n �f Vail. Bui�,ding oepax-tment tc� c�btain a co . Thank au far pY aur Y Y cvc�peratiot� on �his m�tt��^. Read and ackn 1Qdg by: �' � ,� �; � �.1� �y _ '�� �- f`�..� '�-t�°� ,��=��� vsition/Re].at onship tn ]�r+��ect �i.e. contr�ct�r, awner l ►�D���� � ` �'� � .. • '�'' �� ,�, '� ��'��r� ��'`����' , INSP�IC](� REQUEST ` �",r; _ _. �' ,� � T�Wfrl UF VAIL � , PERMfF f�lUMB�R OF PRC+JECT ,, 479-2�38 � f � dAT� ' �•-�'� �r�j� JQB tVAME '�,�`'�.�✓✓.�N ;� �,`'�,_rL't��':_,v'V� J' � CALI.ER '��' -:, �,.. �:/'�� ./i'�� �%r`;� '�-� �- �.`,a ;r���,� � �.� REAQY FOR INSF'EC7iC7N: MQN � TU�i W�a THUR :.r �RI ��'��?�'��' AM � ��� � .�,. -- `�-.�..- �- _ -_ ,_ ., LC�GATlt71�f: � - - _ _ ,�.�_ � _ .--� , _ � �� �:-' r� - � _-� , - _ f �. ,_:.� BUILOING: RLUMBING: � FC?ClTI�G5 / STEEL 0 U�[7�F�GFi{�UND C� FQLJNOA7IC]Iri / ST�EL � RC3UCaH 1 f�.W.V, � FRAMING 0 FiC}U�CT,H / WAT�R ��_ �. __ � F�dt�F & SHE�R C7 GAS PfPIIVG F'LYW�JC�D I'�AlLING C] fh1SL1LATIC7N f� PCICIL I H. TI�B ❑ SHEETRDCI4 hJAIL p ❑ C� � � FfEVAL ❑ FINAL E��CTflrCAL: M�GHAAJICAL: � TEMP. P(]WER L� HEATCNG C] RJUGH Cl EXHAUST P-iC�l�DS � C�NDU17 ❑ SUPP�Y AIR ❑ C3 � ,a ;`` � , ,�FII�JAL ��,� �`�,� �]%{� �,!',�'_�_ — C� FINAL � ' _..- - p AF'PRt7VE� ❑ �?ISAPPRUVED � REIh�SPEGTfQI� REClU�REQ CORRE�TfUhIS; DATE INSFECTUR �.� ��� � �° ,�, _ � I (.���/ � � �� � C � � � � �a.°i � I �� �"' � ° � � �4 �� � � .�] I �,,, .. U � ya� . a �.. �, � �v� h � :� o �fa I� Qv � cs 4� r'' � ��n � a� cUr� � c3 o i _ �s m c � o c� �-� { �'� c a� � � I a•-.� _ � o � r`�- .-� � �� ! c ` �'� 4 , a�[ w ,� ,� c,., . �n � � w � � p � � � I ca � �� c�` � � � $ U � � � ~ � — U�F4-- �' �, , _ � � cn M � ! � W .� '� -�� ''...� C3 � � «w ,-c � � I � ,4- � g lp � � . ,t [C fY � �w a � w � p z a� [n,,._ � z � F � � . � � I d Z �4 � C tA Q � a g '��. � ¢ � �{� I� � � � c�� � r �� �� Z � Z 1` � ,�' U t7 U d' � � +� ' c�`d�i i � m '� o Q� � . �� ��� � � .�' � 2 2�.. � Z Q ? 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Q { '� �Q � `� � li 1'-'�O�p W �y � 7 CC � � w � � � � Z '� Z w 4 � � -, L] eC � U �j � � U � O� Q � �` � � L � - ,�+► 7 �ow� a ��� 75 sau#h irantage road vall,cvlar�da B1B57 ��cr�} 474-2138 �or 479-2],3� aMtca �af�annmunity daveiopm�nt S" BUILIJi�IC PERtfiifi ISSf�aI�CE TIME FRAh1E I f th�.s per�na t requ�res a Town o�' Va�i� Fi re �epa rtment Rppr°vval , �Engi neer�'�s {Pub7 ic Wprk�} reyi ew and appr�va7 , a P1 ar�ni ng U�partment review 4r Hea�th Department review, and a review by the BuiTding Departrster�t, tFie estir�ated time far a �vtal review ma,y take as �or�g a� tf�ree weeks. Ai7 �cammercial (�arge ar small } and a]7 �nulti-famiTy per�its wi7T have to fo]Zaw the abave mentioned maximur� requiresnents . Resident�a7 and 5maT1 projects should take � lesser ar�ount of tim�, N�wever, �f resi�ential ar smaller proj�Gts ��npact the variQ�rs ab�ve cnent�on�d d�partments wi�h regard t� nec�ssary review, thes� �rc,��cts may a�so take ��ie tihree week �eriad. Every a ttempt wi 17 be made t�y thi s depa rtmer�t to expe�i te th i s permi t as sr�or� as possi b7 e. I, the ur�der�igned, under�tand th� pi�n checic procedure and ti�e frame. � e _ Y• , . � ���I���� � � - � ��L�l�r+�� �7�¢'Y �T"C?��EG'� �di�4 ��• i/ � � �.� r�``�?'' � '�ate�1or�C Sheet wa� �urr�ed �nta t�— ��' Con�muni ty Qevel opment Departm�rtt. `��� y� '�° ` �J,,� � . � � � � � � - +��a � t� ���Y� 0� v�� �' T5 svuth [roniage road vail, colorado$�657' (303) 4�9�Z138 or �79-213� vnlce ot Comm�rtlty deY@lopment T(?: ALL CDNTRAC'I'tJFtS CURRENTLYL REGTSfiEF�ED WITH THE T(�WN C}F" VA�L FfiOM: TaWN C?F VAIL PUBLIC WURKS/+C+D�N�TY DE'ti7ELOPMENT DATE: MARCH lf, 198� SCISJECT. CQNSTRi7CTTON PARKING & MATERIAL ST�7RAGE In summary, C�rd�nance l�a. fi st�tes tk�at it is unl,aw£ul for any p�z�san ta la.tter, track or depasit any s�i�., rock, sand, clebris ar mate�aal, including trash dumpst�rs, pr�rtable tvil.�ts �nd wo�km�n �ehicl�s upon any street, sidewalk, a11ey or publie place c�r an.y pvrtian thereof. Th� right-vf-way csn alI Tvwn af V�il streets and roads is appraximat�ly � ft� of�' pa�rement. Thi.s vrdi�nanc� wri11 be s�.xi��ly enforced by the T�wn c�f Vail Public wor1:� Depa,�tment. P�.rs�rns fc�und vi+�lat�,ng this ordinance will be given a 24 h�ur wr�tten, ncatie+e to r�mv�re sa�d material. In the �ver�t th� person s+� notified do�:s nat cr�mply with the notic+� w�thin th� 24 he,u� tim� specifiec�, the P�ubl.ic W�rks ❑epartment �iii rem�ve said rnat���.al at the expense o� person noti�ied. The prc�visions of �.his vrdinan�e shall not be �pplicable tc� cvnstr�ctie+n� �naintenance or repai.r prQjects r�f a�ny street or alley or any utilities in the righ�-a-taay. To r+�view a�dinance No. 6 in �u1�, plea�e stop by the Tawn of V�il Buildinc� �epa�m+�nt t� obtain a capy. Thank yau �ar your eoe�peratican on this m��te�. Read �nd a�knawle+�ged by: � l'��.7�".�r�� osati�r�/Re�atian�hip to Project �i,e. cantractar� owne�) � � �Da e . � � � ' M n . FRANK CaNSTRU�CTI�hT � UET+IE�AI. BtJfLDlhf�: CC7N'I'RA�:�'C]R �L P.f?. �OX fril nwnr�. ca e�san 7��� w,, � � �''�-� 1 t��a, ��-��� �'r��, 1�.�r--� ��-�-�..� �� /�.�'�.s��� ►�.�sa�- '�— �v'� , J �� �-�s � �� , � ��� � ��' -���-- � f 5-�- c-���s�'�� �� �-��`e,. 1/�'��`,� , ��. �''�'��? T-1�.��.e L� �, �a-�-s �r�� ��-. �� � �'`�.. �f v Q,r--. �s -�- �--4-� �.�.�►�5��. r������- t.��. ; r �� � �..-�--�� t.s � ���� �M'c�.-�-r v►�..s t'a.c r-��- �. � � w�. �,�s � �.-e r t`�r,��.�` ���''�`�-1( ►� �c�l c��r�+� c.��.a�c G-e r�r w�, rnc +� �5 w ct�,� �C�v w+ti m��I�,� ��rn�, v:.� � !� C,C�-�,�a�c `� ��- �P L� c� :` �...1( �,.-{ .�.-�- � ��e+�ra e v°�'. � t � � e e� d � ��d s � U`� �cc�-► c � � �-C�, s v� ��� c� ����+�� �a� �c,��..�Ic�,.c�e. ��i�� 1��.��c.�,��. �cr�d �r � +�t+�'�..p�c� c-�� � � 14. w ��� �'�-�, `�-�..rti+�� c.�. ���,..C,_ . �Df�l�3�-rF7.� f^l�c��J[R.t_¢_, f"G�+-rc�ll+'t S . �+� s�'�'� -�-�..►r-�S�,o [� S e.r ►-�d��- c�..�.� � S "� Ir�-�1 �,..� �.� . � � f x• Plan Review �i�se€� on th� 1'�9� Unifarm Codes N�1ME; GRINB�RG RENIC�UEL L?ATE: 4-14-�33 ADDRESS: 715 W. LI(JNS�IEAI� CIR CnNTRACTC3�: FRANK C+C�INST. VAII., CC�LCJ�A171'� A�C�il`f'�:+C��'; N4NE C}CCU�'IINCY: �-1 ENGI�IEER: �IC�II'�F TYPE {JF CC)NSTI��JCTI[�I�i: 1 ]FR FLANS F:XAMINER: DAP�1 S'I`AI'�J�K [;[)RR.��'TI()1'r15 RE[,�L7IRE� "�`�e iEem� liste� belc�►�v are r��t intendcd t� �ats � �r�n���lete liskin� �f all �assil�ie coc�e requirements in the �dcrpted cvdes. It is a guide to selectec� �ectior�s �nf the cc�des. `fhe fc�Clt3win�; is n�t ta l�e canstr-ue� tv be 7n a�pro�ra� nf an,y viu[<�ti�n vf any c�f tl�e pra�visic�r�s of tlae ad�apted cucles +��r an!v nrrlin�nc�e rrf thc "I`own aaf V�iL �, FIR� DCPnRTiVIENT INSFE�TION �1NI� APF'RfJVAL NE�I?Eb B��"C�RE ANY WC7f�K CA1�I BE STARTEL). 2. SM�KE DE"I'f:CFC]RS REQi]IRE[J /15 PER SEC.121(] C)F T�-�L 1��1 [�BC. 3. F�LLL7 INSF'E�'I[?l'd �.E(�UIREI7 FQR CODE CQMi'LiANCE. �. IN'�`EF:IOR NON-S°I'3�i�JCTUA,L. W+DRK C�fV 13E I�(�NE 'NI'CH TEiI� I�ERMIT ONLY. . � � , . . . , . ' � . ,�-�` �,� lNSPE+CTfC3N RE�UEST PE�MIT fVUMBER C1F Pi�QJEC� TC�WN flF 11AIL : � _ ; �3AT� � ,' � b ., : ,_ JU'B NAME ; . ; �;� . � �_ __ � ` � ° '�� ;�. � {`- : �ti �CALLER ---, � : . � ;_ , REAaY FC}R INSPEGTIC�N: MUEr! TUES WED THUR �Ri —. AM.' PM � , ; o- ' �''. � ��. � . „� . �. - ; " r, _..�._.. -- _ . LaC�TIdN� �.. .'_" ----- -- �. ; ' SUII.D�ING; P'LUMBlNG: ❑ FC70�"INGS 1 S�EEL _ --- i7 UNDERGRC�UND _ ❑ FDUN'�ATIC�N 1 STE�L � �tC7UGH I f�.W.V. _ ❑ FRAMINC �J RLUGH / 1NATER �� _ � R�]QF & SHE'�� C1 GAS P1R1hJG PLYW4OCy RIAILI�I� Q IhJSULATIC7hJ _._...— C� PC7�7L / H. TUB d SH'E�TRC7CK NAIL ___- L7 _----- ❑ _ O __.__--- ___--__ . CI FINAL ___ ❑ FlNAL ELECTRICAL. MEGHI'�NI�AL: � T�MP. PC�WER _ -_- L� HEATIh1G 0 RC3U�H _ ❑ ExF-�lAUST HQaDS Q C�NQUIT _ . _ _ G7 SU�'PLY AIR ----- �1 0 --- - p FINAL� C] �INAL . _ p;AP�FROUE� CJ D15APF'�tOVED ❑ REINSPECT9t�N R�C]U1FtE� CC7RRECTIDNS: � � ,�r, �� f�� _� . - __- �s __ , _ -;' ,,� i � � � t CIATE !� ' ' ' _'�' °�"'� IIW�P��TC7R �i-': _ ` �m�� f � � �1 �. }�, 1�'�' �,r� ' � � � I .�- � � � � � I � u �.� � �— � ,�-�� �a � � I ,� _ �` � � !�, � umv;s ¢ � ir, rn 9w� �� � � u�.� -� o LC7 -�. o ra I � ° • - � � �°, °1 � c� c � r3 0 0 �° � RS � � ,c] � �`a c � � ca c� o � ar c � o c-a r i � � o. ' �n ca Cs o r'i I U c7 �`Q"in [L i � t+ � ��. �F7 �.7 N � ,. N t�1 � � � � Q } {�, � � � � �' , r � � � �� � � , � , � , � Y m � N � � O � p p [� � I � a�i � v�~ �� C� W d• , Cj W � � ` H� � O iss � � .. � � � � � � � � � CLl � I R� � J7 . p_.� �� �°ti LLl � d � W ' Gl l �j C i � � p � �. C� � � u� � 4 E- 47 G � ���.� � +,�ti � (J '� F w ft] u� 1- , � �-+ Q�C � � �'� T,� � v Q� -9 � -'¢ � LL � d � cn �� �n �3„� U�i ��y w •� p Z � c:r U � � W �e J � ' � � � t'r � � � � � � Ew � W3 0 ? � m a '� � W � c� c� �? w a u� � �LL � � � � O �� c ¢Q F. ° t, � U � z a � � z a z ? ¢ a ' � �° I o as �. ,� � ta � ...� �u: � � � � �+ � o c' � � x � ca z � ,� z � [7 '� .a y °� �+ a H � Y77 W C1 '� � J 2 C7 '� F j 4 IY3 � . �"° I� � � � +'� II W � �j W 41J -�A (1? Q �." f[3� ,C � '�. �f� � m i w a � cr o cs � 4 �� � o y �'— �s.� u'�� � PJC?IlbflltlA ap � �,�+s p,"' �- � _ C2.« .,, p O � �L��� F' � � ` �,�,��„ �:�c��s F- M � M � d` � �� � €s3 C�"� � � � i- I a E 9 � �,�^„ � m � O C} � ,_y � 4� � ���' rfl � 57 U G dJ{� � � � �- 7 2 � � Q C7 7 � +--f d. w ,p � $ � � � � iG� � �. 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C7 ¢ � � ` •- � � C] O ❑' { W z m � � �� E'� Z � t� � � p h � � � i W o c�a��m r� � rt� � p p �� a � ci � "� a� � � � � +�ir i�7 a(,1 � �1 � � � � Q V � � � [1 C23 U i!� c�.z � � � vQi a �.m p C lar C� w � M � � J � LL d 0 � � � .�7 ' eI� '� 61 O. G7 � '� � � � � 2 ? ��- � � p c� �y m ,'� m wi G? � � z � oCn,� � � � } � 2 � � � � ai t'S � O � W w k- � � y� t] — c.l cG_ � �y �- O u�C� • r � 7'r ur � � � 4 � C1 uo O � � 4 u�i '�'7 1.1 _" 'q+ �y . . .. ' .� G I � � w ¢ F- 2 d +A tC! GL td W � � � �,., �- �; � � � � � � � �` � =s , � �. � F- � � ��� � �c � � � ti C� E � �- Q.' � � � � ���� 0. � � ,r � � � �� � � ,� � x z � � � � � � � z � G►� � o ' � `��` � o ��' � ur � � � � c` � � ;`� � � � � � , r� �, � � � � � Q �, `, � -y � r� 4 � � � � � � � � '� � • � � � � � � O ow B� � � �' J � Z�. � � � � J ,�"" J J � 'J. '� � �. J "� — � p a � " _ � � Q � � � � � i� � � � �. F- � .� . _ �'y- � � [) ��`' � � J � �yA (� J � � � � 4.�7 � Q � S + �r r � � � rt" � � � � C,7 � C? �y L] 2 t..7 � C3 �A J � � � • J �� � �� Z �.z � � � � � � Q�' � � � � L�. Co1 [ri 'C.) Zyd �- � i--� � � �y � �-^ � '� � C7 � p C � p � � � p u°,' p � p . ' C7 ' � U U � U U .�,. � � , � � . -- - i'�a y n a � ���11 � �U� 75 sauth fra�ntage road v�ll. �oltrradts 81$57 (303) 479-2138 �r 479�I,3� s�nlas of community c#�r�bpm�i�t �ur�.oirr� ���r;i� i�su�r�c� �rlr�� ��r�� if th�s per�ni.t req�ires a Tawn of Vai1 �ire Departm+�nt Ap�r�va1 , '�ng�in�er'°s (.Publ ic �lvrks} review an�d �ppraval , a Pianr�ing Department review or HeaT th Departr�en� review, and a rev-i ew �y tt�� Bui 1 di ng �lepart.�ent, the estim�ted time f�r a tota7 r�view �nay take as i�ng a s tliree weeks. All cvrr�nercial t�arge or sma�l ) and ,a17 multi-famiiy perm�ts wi71 �ave tv follow t�e �bove mentianed maximu� req�irement� , Ftesidentiai an� �rna2 T pr��ects s�ould take a 7 esser amount of t�me, However, if re5ident�al or �ma37er projects i�pact the variaus a��ve ment�oned de�artme�ts wit� regar� t4 n�cessary review, these projects may �1sa take t�ie three week �a�eriod. Every attempt wi7i be made by thi;s dcpartrnent to ex�edi�e th7s permit as soan as possi�T�. I, the undersigned, un�erstan+d the pian chec� pro�cedure and time f ra r�e. �� � � e�reed t� ,y. e � �c� �Sfio� f��'��"� �.1�� �Praject Name . �� ��'�."�� I Uat� Wflrk Sh�et was te�rned a n� e Commranur�i ty DeveT apment pepartm�ent. . ' • � � 1 � `1 ■ y — - ��1 i f � ���� �1 ��� 75 south frontage raad v�il,cojorado 81657 {303) 4i9-Z138 0� 474-2139 ofif[ce oC ccmmunity development TC�: .A�LL �CC3N'T'RACTQRS CL7RRENTLYL REGISTEREi7 'WITH TI-IE T{]WN (7F VAIL F'RC}M: TOWN UF VAIL �USLIC WaRKS/CON�irJNITY DEVEL�PMEN'1C DAT£e MARCH 16, 1988 SUBJECT: CC]NSTRUCTI42�3 PARKIN� & 1"'IATERIAL �T�RAG£ In s�rnmary. �rda.nance No. 6 s�ates th�t it is un�.awful fv� any pezson to �.itter, �rack ar depasi� any soiZ, rock, sand, debris or m�terial, including trash dumpst�rs�, partak�le tvilets and warkmea� Wehicles upon any st�e�t, sidewalk� alley �r public �].a�e �r any pprti�n thereof. The right-af-way Qn �1� Tvwn �f Vai1 streets and raads is ap�roximateiy 5 ft. off pavement. This c�rdinaa�c� wi11 b�e stri��ly en€orced �y the Tnwn af Vail Pu�alic Works Depa�rtment. Persan� found vioZating this ordi,nar�ee will be qiven a 2� hpur written natice to rc�ma�e s�id material. In the event the person sa natified daes not +�omp3y Wl�h the notice with�n the 2� hnur time specified, the �ubtic 'Warks Department will rem��� said �a��rial at the expense vf p��cson nati�ied. The pro�risions v�' this c�rdinance shal� nct be appli�ak�le to cc�r�struc�ie�n� main��nan�� vr repai� proje�ts of an� stre�t or alJ.ey or any utili�ies :�n the �ig�t-a-way. Tv re�iew r�rdi.na�ce No. f �n full, pleas� �tr�p by the Town af Vai� Suilding D�partment �o vl�tain a �mpy. Thank yvu for yvur Cos�peratic�r� on th�s matter. Rea a ackno edged by: � �osition/Relationsh�p tv Prvject (i.e. contra�tor �wner � � � ��� �� � �Date � � � ['1"r'C 1� '7J J.iG•Ji t v1�.n u naa��u..rs.� .���._ w . � . �a ti � . �{��S'C "�� � —._. -- .; . ' � �1Gt�1 1� '�Pll�ls.�"�Q .. � ' �'E'4�1 �Pt��t�KL'E1�- . ' � ' 'N,�s�t� 1 t+1 Lr�r� . C�11�1l+lt. ��4.. �� r� .-------• � • ❑ � � �f"•/�Gi'' W �t� � � . � �� . � ,, _ .. ... .�A'��SS.�N. . ._��,�C��T ., ... .....__. �� E G� �.�►►'� � ��C��. � �L���!�"C�F�, . L.C�"l�Y�� R�M t�17.�l.�...._,. �` a�'�"� �" � �recha�r�ka� ,/�ectr��aJ � a�fa ��t e�w cr�ar ar�t ,k 1CaT�5 e.��� �a �x�. .�a� �i �.` P.�, &�x 3?�14 �►�. CD d��ti� �,Tt����1� WTl���f�� �C. JW—�—t��1 fmc 9�9--?95� � �� �r w ► e. . c o a e � w, a o L�enwr Glroa�L Lirr; &'3^Dd�T ! - �, r^�p� __�A._1._._ .. �� �'���� Cpt.'�� dat� � drawn b de�igned b che,cktd b . �. �-�-9� v�r �s t►��� , � . 1 . ` '� � M�R 10 '9�'3 10�52 YflAER �J'IGIS� VATL P.3/3 � . . ' i � _ •�„c+C1,tLf'1�i i���A�'I I{'��/.ti�}��L,r`�+i�l��� ' .t'`.,GL�7� 1"r`�Q �Wf.I�T� � � . ���S�C� IN�C�NI��SG��"� . � �,.�'��!��� ��..��. _._..., . • ���.�'..�. �,�'�"k.��-�+-.. , � • ' � ', t 4 � � t �t� 2L7 A.�� �': +CIi�CL,li"� . ' ��2. ��N P�.1E�.. `1�f'�' �ST�t.�. PlEt� i�EP'�L�. ' �� �xis7��a �-�ox ��ur� ��r�cu�T Tv �� ��w ��� � ��T►�.�:L.' 1�5::�Q.k� . . , � � � �.�t�l��t� �5�1�.'�' �a w �rQO �L�v�T'v�, Lt���Y ����l��L. `�..�' H E'�T ,��r�` $�s��,��� �`,� , � MecJr�lca� /'flacfrlod an�a ��t�,�r aadr e��d. . �� �x�, �ar. .�o� � 1 �r ��715 '4` . �a e��s��► �t+� oa er�o �l�t��f�}9 I�IStJ���t}� �RG ,�a�—sf����t �mc ��rs� �`aj�„� ���� v 1► i t . o cr �. � w w o a �nwx 1i�#�r B23-G06,.T � ^�fOwl4t� _ �f��,F�0�'�'��� �'0t`� drawn b d�s�gned by checkeci b � �—���� a�r ���' t�c�� � : - . Plan Review Iiased nn the 1991 `�Jniforrn +Cc��ies NAME; RADI550N REMl��3EL DATE: 3-1U-�3 �DDRESS: 71S W. LIC3N5HEAI]� �C�l'+�iTRACTU�: RAI]iSS[3N V'AIL, C�L�RAi�{3 ARG�IITECT: NC3NE (JCC�,TFANCY: A ENGII�trEEi�; YQDER. T'YP� t3F CQNSTRUGTI�I�: 11F12 PLANS EXAMTNE�: DA�N STANEK CORRECTIONS 1��[�UIRE� The items listed i�elow are r�ot intended to t�e a cample�e listin� af�ll possible code requirem+�nts in the adopted cvdes. It is a �uide ta selected sectians of the c��es. The follawin� �s not ta be canstrued to be an approvai vf any r+�olatioi� of any vf the pravisions af t�e a+dvpted cDCies or any o�rdinance vt' the Town of Vail. �. k`�RE ALA�M Z+CJNING NEEI] TO BE INSPEC'�'ED Ai�l APPT�QYED BY THE FIRE I�EPARTMEI'�"f. 2. MECHANICAL VENTILA'FIC3N 4�1LL F3� R_E(�U1�U IF FIRST FLQ�R LC3BBY LACKS ADEQC]rA1 E VF.I�TII.ATd{]N AS A 1�SULT [7F II�STALLIN+G WALL IN SECC}7'�1D �I,(�R. LC�]BBY A1�E�h . 3. SP�INI�LER SYST�M 'i`+C) BE APPR+QVED �Y FIRE D�FA�TMENT. � � � � � � �. - � �I�+�ISPECTIC.}�1 RE+QUE�T �'�RMiT NUNtBER C7� Pf�t�.t�CT TDW�J C7F 1IAfL � �� �., �i��' � C�A`f E '��I � ' -' i ' - _ J C3 B N A M� >'' , • _`-�_"�'��.°. � �--�. _ -- f ` GALLER � �I,�.— �' o '' T'� /, �:.�;,��. � �_�,_. _... - :� � .�- _. REA�Y F[7R Ih15PECTIQN: Mi71� "�TUES' W�CI THL1R FRI � �AM�> F'M ,. L�CATIOI�: ; - �U�L�fMC: �LU�IABIMG: ❑ FC]UTkE�GS / ST�EL _ C] Uf��QERGR(]UNI� _ L7 FL7LJ'N6�A�'IC��I I STEEL � RC]lJfa�i / i�.W.V. _._.......-.----_.._ f FRAMING _ __._ a F�OUGN I WATER �, � RC?�F � SHEER � GAS PiP�NG PLYWQC3C7 NAILItVG a INSULA71f]N _ � P�C1L f H. TU8 , ❑ SHEETRO�K NAI� __ __— ❑ _�_ _ --_ ...._ o _ . . o CJ F�NAL _.__. — _ � FII�AL _— ELECTRfCAL: ME�GHAF�i[CAL: ❑ T�MP. POW�R — _ ❑ H�A�CING ___ _ _...._ 0 RC7U[aH _ 0 '�7{HAUST HQClC3S ❑ CC�P+�DU[T � � SIJPPLY AlA —__ p � ❑ �INAL _ ❑ FINA� ___._ �''��S Af'PR4�V'E17 ❑ Q�SAPPROVED ❑ REINSPECTiQN R�QUIRED � I' CC�3�I�EC714�NS: —_ _��_.—_..... L7ATE � �' J ' _ __ It�SPECTI'7R �,:' � ; '• �mwrsa,� � � " � . t' + ._ ,'-}, . INSPE�CTIrD� REt�UEST �ERM3T NI,JMBER C?F PFiC7JECT TC�WN UF '1lAIL ' � ; . � � _ �,. , � , �ATE ___-- JOE3 IVAM� _ _. �r .�-!.�_. �` _I, : � _. r _�' `� �.-�..:i. ' _ ' r:'�,> f%�+�`4�� __�__.,.,.._.- � � - �. ' f �/ ` ' C A L L E R �.i�,-� '`-f /� �r� �f-"� �',� J°�-- i , �, READY F(7R INSPECTION: MCJN Tl.lES W�C7 THU�i FRI 4 AM PM LC)CATIQN: - - � ` _ _ � � , ; . .- , ,� Fr _. _._ --- : _ � ; �UI'�D![VG: PLIJMBING: i' . .__._.. - FC3C}TINGS f STEEL - ❑ UNDERGRCJUNC] � FCJUf�DA�IC�IV 1 SfiEEL ❑ Rf]UGH # �7.W.V. __----- C4 FRAMING O RC?UGH A WRTER � ROC�F 8� SHEER O GAS PIP�NG - PLYINC?OU f`��AILI�JG ❑ IhJSULATfQN ❑ P�C7L 1 hi. TUB � C] SNEETRt7�3� NA9L ❑ - ; r � ` � , - C7 F!tJ A� �._--.__ ._._._... ❑ F I N A L --•- Ei.�CTRICAL. MECHANfCAL; [� 7'EMP. 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Sn summary, [3rdinance No. C� sta�es t�at it is unl�awful fvr any person to �itt��, tr�ck or dep�sit �ny sai3, rc�ck. sand, debris or material, incZuding trash dumpsters, �c�rtable �Qa,�.�ts and warkmen vet�ieles �pon any stre�t, side��ral�, a�Iey' or public _ _� place or any pvrti,on thexec��. The rigt�t-t�f-way on a13 'T�wn raf Va�.�, stre�ts and �e�a�.s �s appraximately 5 f�, vf� gavement, This vrdinanc� wilz b� strzctly enfarced by the 'I'awn vf V��,1 Public Works Departrnen�. Persvns fpund v�.c�lating thzs orc3inance will. b� given a 24 h�ur writ�en natiGe �c� r�mov� s�zd material. Tn the e�rent the pers�n so n�ti,fied dc�es n�t comply with the �a�ic� within the �4 hc�ur time speez�i.ed, the Pub��.c Wor3�s Depar�n�nt r�ril�. remove said ma�keria� at the �xpense of person not��i�d. The pravi.sions of this ozdznance shall nc�t be app�,icable tcx cnnstr�action, n�a.�ntena�ce car r�p�i� pro�ects of any �treet or al�e�` or any ut%liti.es �.n the right-a-way. Ta revi�w ordinanc� Nc�. 5 in f�ll, pl�ase s°�op by tr.e To��rn af Va�l Beailding Depaztment to abtai.n a copy. 'Thank y�u for your cc�c���ration an this raatter. , Read an� ackx�owZedged by: � ��� f���� �-_ � �� ��, �., �s�� . pos.��zc�t�JRel,ationship to Praject (�.e. contractc�r, c�wne�r} // - /�' - ;%' � � �a�e • �II , - � � '` . T , - — �i� `, ,�'� ��W�l 0� ��1 '�� 7S south trontage roac! vail, �olorado 81657 (ao3) �i74-2138 or 479—��39 oiilce oi cvmmunity �eveloprr�e�tt ,., BUIL��'h�G PER��I1" ISSUA�lCE TIM� F�2A1�1E { . If t�h�.s permi,t requtres a Towra of Va�l F7r� C7epartment Approva] , E�+gineer'�s [_Public Works� re�+�ew arad appr�val , a P�anning Departm�nt review €�r �1eaZt� Departr�ent revi�ew, and a review by the B�i7ding Departm�nt, tihe estim�ted time for a tata� review may take as ivng as ttire� wee'�s. A7 i �cvmr�erc�al [�1 ar�ge vr sr�a�3 ) and a17 muI �i-tami 1y permi ts wi 11 ha�e to fat�vw t'�e ab�ve rrtentior�ed maximum requirem�nts. Residentia� and smal7 pr�o�ects sh�uld tak� a les�er a�nount af time. Haw�ver, if resi.den��a1 vr �malier �r�jec'�s ir�pact t€�e vari�us �bave mentior��d d�p�r�en�s wi.th regard to necessary review, th�s� project� may a�so take t�e t�ree week per�od. � �very attem�t wi�l b� made f,y this deparfinent to �xpe�ite tkais ;�erm�t as. s,�an �as pos�ible. I, tfie underslgr��d, understand the plar� c��ck prac�dur�e and t�sne frarne, . ,���.��_ � ��! .�� �,�� , Rc�re� t�'�y, , , . . . — � / � , r-? .Sc-•r t , ��'�'�'c- -�' ..._ �')"D,J@C"� �dR1E // -/�> .__ `� � ` �7ate 4�ork S�h��� was turned into t e Community Uevelapment Depar�rnent, �V f� '� 08�16 YOD�R '�h�IE�F�.'5 'V�1�L �-9�91959 P.�,�2 � � � , . r '� _ ' r � �„ . - � � �� ■- � ■ ■ � . � � :.,i �� . ����_ '��#�L4�r���i ���� �4 ������ ���! � ` ' ��r�i .�iQLO:Ir�kl� . . . w : �,�,_. � " ��.��s � �1 'R� — --' .. .. p� � p�o��c� �;: /10�� y� . + . .. 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Valir��xy af Perm�t _ _ Sec. 303 {C) f� �+.B.C. � ihe 'r��r��c� ,�F gr�,�tin� af a p�rmf� ar appr�va! ot plar�s and . s��r.�f�ca!iaas shaP! r�oc �� c r�s:ru�� 4o be a perr�if fcar, or an ap,�rov��t�;, �any v�alati�n ff�ar�y�a#�i�s prcv+seo�s of this eoc�� 0� D'�a�ly+l]����.i?rtlirl�lrfee vf-##��JurtSd9��tic,�. 7hB l�St�I1Ce �; S �7�rrviji �3�5$d U�14n �?��[TS� S�l9CIfICa�l4f1S 2lif� 0#�Q� d3i� Sh�II r�at prever�t � bUilding oifici�i frQm t��re2�fter requiring the carrec#tor�f,�_,��rprs in 5aid pf�r�s'� �ata.'" �'; - A�+frqtDans and athe+� � , � , !7�7TF� ��. ;, . t" , , ,r. . . ' ' �.. . , �i ' '�' ' .r" I * P. ..-.� , i�[7V 1� '9� f�C�15 Y�1?�R �l�ER5 VRIL �03-9491959 � . P.3.r3 . . 1 ' � r Y . ' . ` , ���� ��k7� IJLJ,'�41./yl�..IT.. ` , CtlR� {P��'�''�.��.L�W/ 1�8J�4VQOh� �?Cl5?!MG �'�CE4 STF�}PE} '� . TR�45H �tiUTE i�US'1" ��AVE t�i�E HflUR ' �EIAt. AT CEIL1t�TG A�['� Fl...�C�R OF TH1S � LE�fE� L_1 1 � �.,:�. . � _ 4�t� Ht�UR� L4B�f,�p , l74E]R A�S�+l�L:Y �,�... w,�LS ���uNn . . � I�b�bM l�U�'f' B� 7NE . . N(7UR A�S�MB�Y . � . ,�►��� ��� Y � ����� �f���! ' � ����� ��� '�" ° . ._.....,...- ..� . • �� Y l����� ��.+�! � i . � � ��"4�' ��� 1�$' —�`--��' �}�'J�IQ}�t1�8�i . ". — fiP�n Busld . ..�fe�i�h ' Fire •�AA�oved - ;j 4 ,�,�' _ ._. .._ . ... a _ . . �:� �r'�''=d' ... __ :r� ❑ Oeneed ::C;�: +� .. — . � . �' . � . �,: � ' � Val�r��ty ot Permst + � � r ' ` $BC. 30� �Cj 7 Q �1.�.�. r ��he r�suance or qrantin� �i � p�tm;t ;,p� 3��r�yV21 �}f �1far1S �Rf1 s��;cffi��tiotrs shali not be constr�r� t� � � per�fr for, flr an ��prav�ld of, any vi�ladiGri �1!arry ot t�`18 �rOVistOfis Uf thiS GD�6 Of Qf r�f��r Q�hBf afEfl�l�3nC9 0f t�� fUlftSdiC�ZiUfl. ��B t�SiJr311C8 �}� , � p�rmit �asetf up�rr plans, s�eci€icatiorrs and adYr�r �ata sh�ll - � nat prevent t�le;ba:ildir�g �ffiGi�I {rorn tF�et9after� r�q�sittng tl��� �orreCtiarl 'of���fiorS irt said pfans, 5��tiCati��S.�rI�F�ot�t . °3ara.,. �., . . ,_�- �?A�"E: � '�r,���� , ,' . � � � . � , P3.an Revi�r�r Based arl the 1�91 II�ifr�rm Codes NAME:RAUYSSQN MECH T]ATE: 11-11-92 ADDRESS : 715 W. LI�]1�ISHEA.D Cd�+iTRACT{]R;RK �iECH VAIL■ CC3L{7RADQ ARCHITECT:NC��IE (]C�tJPANCY ;A� $,,R ENGINEER:XQDEFt ENG. TYPE C7F CC]NST'F�UCmT0I�7: 1�.FR PLA�3S EXAMYNER:I�AFJ SmANEK CORRECTTa3�T5 REQOTRED The items listed b�larr are not intande�d tv be a complete listing of ali possi�le �vde re�quisements in tha advpted cvdes . It is a guide t�► selected sectivns vf �h+� cod�a. 'The foil.owiang is r�ot tv be construeti ta ba an appro�ra.� of any vialation of any of the pro- visicans v� the adoptad cvd�s c�r any c��dinance af the Tnam of Vai]L. PHASE 1—LOWER & UPPER 1 . TWt7 EGR.ESSE� IN L{7WER MECHANICF�� R�OM NE�D T� BE �PERATIi�NAL. 2 . DC7Cl1�S NEEI7 TC7 SE �HR FIRE RATED AND SELF CLCISING. 3 . LAUNDRY CHUTE NEEDS "F{] BE SEALED C3FF. 4 . ALL WRLLS NEED TC� BE 1� HR FIRE RATED . 5 . NE�D CERTIFI�ATIC}3� F'R�M WEL�ER O�` GAS LII+iE. 6 . GAS LI]N� I�EEDS '�{] �� 'I`�S'CE�}. 7 . SUPPC3R:T5 NEEDEI7 UI+]'D�R GAS �INE. 8 . 1$" �UF�B NEEDED FROM THE �AF�.AGE TC1 ME�HANT�AL RQc71�i. 9 . ALL PEt+TETftATIC}NS �E�D T{? BE FTLLEQ W�TH APPRQVEI] MATERIALS, 1 f} . FLO�7R QRAIN I+�EEdE�7 . 11 . EM LIGHTTNG REQUIRED IPd B�7TH MECHANICI�,.L F��OMS . PHASEII 1 , P,LL PEtrTETRAT��t�15 TC? BE FTLL�� WITH AN APPF�4VEQ MATERIA.L. 2 . CC7MBUSTT JN ATR 3�lEEI7S T{� BE RESTZED TO �IEW APPL:CANCES . PHASE111 1 . ALL FENETRATIQNS fiQ BE FILLED WITI°i AN APPRQ'JED MA'PERIAL. 2 . CEILING TQ BE ONE H�UR FTRE RESISTIVE �QNSTFZUCTI�3N. r.,.�, - � 67�1 wast A3smN(3V 1� '92 10�� f7K MECf#IN�GI� �C�A��{�#� � • P'�` �$9(�7 ° Lalkeyr�dt�,Ccl�eydo�G��6 � tl. �G'H�CK N ' Rnana: �303)�38-4656 � INVG1 C . " � 'lN1,Rdt��" . ;�, . ;. .. •_ , +r-� �:. : . . . - � NY M � '1' � � DE�Cifif?�14h1 . INVfl�IC�'AM+OL]N7 � ' �aW�i OF VAIL $4,160.i]4 RADIS�C3N P'ERikSIT F�AI�T� • _ } �LEAS�DS7,�CH pEF�}AE ��P081TIN0 (hACM XENI3{ 11$T} . . .. �� y .. _.—�- -- ,, � . ' , . .-, . .. . - �-1�1}!��i�1ed;LlxltdrtOrl N�lip���k . • � ' � ' ' � ,'�QRR�'RATE13FF3C£ � .. �r�? 80`x324•(34.,'�7D5��f'' . 87Qf HI€SiT ALAM�DA AVE:� . . . ���tflatdn;CO 841�0-�7 . . • . ;�,���� . 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U � � p � � � � af ��,� � E Q F � � � LL � � � .r.'- Q Ly � � q � U d � ��t� C � 2 Z LL � Q � � � L � LI.I T W y � ��_ F- � a Q �. z � � p � � a v`� z ":� I d � 3 c� a�,'3 ti Z � � � O p 'C' � . � � I � � C ��1� � C+7 � � � � � ! � � � x � '� pQ py u, ca � o � �, � a � m'a �°, a � Q � � � �'� y� r w us G. �.� p C � � w � � Z � �i .r � u. ,4 �? � a � � 'C3 � � m � � � 3 � �� J (� 41 f// Q) � � � y d _ J � � C3 � LL � ~ � � t�!} Y O � U R9 � i � �� � � � � ` 3 3 w � Q � o i � � � � � c � � �, � � ? a x � u, a � _ ¢ .n co a � �. � � � � ° � � , � � - � Q � � � � � � � � � � � e� g �,._ � � � m C3 - � Q, � 2 � � , � � � _ � z � a � \� x �/y � � � [} C . fl � . Q. ?� W ^r v r a ,� � a� c� � ar ,� z � �d❑ � �+ � a, 3 � � � � �, � � � 7 � � � � r � � � � u� u. R+� � � C] O } 2 � �j � � � � �, "� �� !�- SX F . Q� W � �y. W W � � �y, v� � � �` �r � � � , .� L} iS � � i-� � F ,H�� F- � F- F�. � � � UJ � U T J u- r.`, � GC J a CC � [� [7C �,'',f . (� 0� LSJ � W �y J C? 'Q C.y � O � CJ l� \ f � � � _J � � H L.7 � � � C"] � F-. w I� CO LJJ �� Q 'y� ~ 11J Q � Q � Q � Q � � � f��� ��j; � � � � LL �L--.�l._7� (� C!3 . m � (� � � � � � � � � � � � � J � q � t� C7 � J � � � ay � 4 � Z ����� � �� � � � u� C� �` D � � ,�� � ` _ -. .ss � � . , `�`r� �a��Ml� � ��I � 75 south fr�vntage rosd vall, colarado 81557 (3p3) 479-2i38 ar 479--2�39 offtce of community development �... su��o�t�c ���r•�z�r �s��s�KC� �z�� F���� If th�,s perrri7,t requires a Tawrr of Vai� F�r� D�partment Appr�rvai , £ngi neer'�� (Pu�l i c Wcar�ks) revi ew and appr�val , a Plar�n�r�g Departrtaent rev i ew or Ne�T�h �}epartrnent rev�ew, �r�� � r�ev i ew by+ the �u a i di rtg �e�artment, the e�timated time for a total review may take as long as t�ree weelt�. A�1 Gomm�rCia� (Targe �r s�ma�1 } and al i mul ti-fam�iy perr�i ts ►vi l l have to f�llow the abc�ve €nenti�n�d maximu�r require�nents . Re�identia� and s�al ] projects shauTd take a lesser amo�nt �f time. Hnwever, if residentiaT ar smaller projects impact the v�riaus ah�ve mer�tianed departmerat� w�th r�egard tv necessary review, the�� prcjects may alsv take the three we�k p�ric�d. Every attem�t wili be made 6y thi� department to ex�edate this perm�,t �s soor� as passi�Ie. T, t�e undersign�d, under5tand the p�an check proc�dure and �ime frame. -��� ��'� , c�r�d to�y�;` � — ,���'�i-�-� Prtiject Name �late 4�ark 5heet was turned anto t e Co�nmuni ty Devel op�tent �epartment. . , "'� , � . �� � � 1 _ . ��!► � ���� Q� ��� T5 sauth frantage road vaif, colaradQ 81657 (3p3� 479-2i38 or 479-2139 ofi�fice cf community deve�apment TC}: AL� C�N'TRA,CTD�tS CURRENTLYL R�GISTE�t£Ll WITH THE TC}'WN UF VATL FRC3N!': '��WN f�F V`A�L PUBLIC W{��KS/C��lML]NITY DEVELDPMENT DATE: MARCH 16, Z�88 SUBJECT: CaNSTRUG�'IDN FARKIN'G & �SATERZAI, STORAGE �n summary, �?rdin�nce Na. G states that �t is unla►aful �'or any p�rsvn tfl Yitter, track or �i�posit any svil, r�ack� sand, debri� or m�terial, �.nclud�.ng trash dump�t�:rs, portabZe t�ilets and w�rkm�n Uehicles �pQn any street, sidewalk, all�y r�r gu�Zic p�a�� ar any g�rtion th�reQf. Th� right�of-way an al� Tawn of Va�l streets and roads i� �pprnxa.mate�y 5 ft. off pavemen�. �`has ardinance wi]�1 b� st��.ct�y enf�rcec� by the T�awn of Vail FuUlic Works aepartm�nt. Pr�rsc�ns f�und v�.calating triis �rdinanc� will b� g�ven ,a 24 h�ur written natic� to ���c�ve said naat�rial. ;En the �vent the per�Qn sa notified does not cc�mply with the notice within the �4 hour ti,me specified, the Pub3ic Works De�artment will remc��e said m�te�ia]. at the ��pense �f person nvtified. The provisi�ns c�f tha.s ordinance �ha11 nat b� applica�le �a CC7I]S�rL3C�1Cii1� main�,�nance vr repair prajec�s o� an�t street r�r alley ar any utilit�.es in th� r�ght-a--way. Ta revi+ew �rdin�nce �io. b in fu11. gleas�e stap by t�ie To�c+,►n of Va�.l Suilding a�paxtm�nt t� vb�ain a cvpy. Thank yc�u for y�ur coc�perat�on on thi� r��►tter. - Read and acknowledged by. .�� _, � F�sition/�te.laticanship ta Projec� (i.e. contractc�r, +awner} �~-/�.�� ;%' �- o�t� _ . R � � � ��y ��� 7 . � � � � ' ~f �?f{4�� J���, �.�,�+'.�, f � A , a4 l�.:,'x 1 ��-'f �-` �� 1 � ��: °' � J ?�� � a� �, � ._ �, � I ! � �oc � � � �.C� I ��, ,� � � �s v;s � cv �u, �-- y C i!+ � °' ,,,, �s � C� tT � �� �-? G7-� U p �3y i'` � � ��'s ab C] -`��` I r� I � � �t � �� sc � �+ E7 C � � `j c � r,� C3 d� .-a ,.I � Cj �'� v�i [i � � � � � ` '3 c � g'� G`i t� d � � �I � � � � 0 � C� r� � � � � y � � � � � d � � I � � � ��� �� � 11J [� 11.p r� , � �--� � t` � csi � �" � 4 � W I �[r � A cz� �� Z u� o � �._ � � � � t°� ,�, °m � � �G I C� z� a° ��c tn �1 r7 ° -� � � w � � � � �� �� ° Q � �� ° � �". �� � t� v � r`-� �1 w sc 1 ¢ Z � '�'B C� � x j fs+ = ti. � � cv w� z z d a c3 a ' c� u,, ur F �u. i �� p � � �D � �' u � � F' z = � � i q `� � � a- `n'�c� !o ae � c c U 3 � w � c? m a ,,, � � � � c�•' 4 � - o o �, � x ri � +� ? � � `a � = c� z � � � z c�w � ..� � �` a�- � �W w a r � �� J � � �� w w w 1 � ~ p 4� �� �� � � � � `-- � �� fG il lu � '� Cr O U � � � �� � C3 � � � �'� r V7 Q m a�l �kC711tlf1ltlA Q �� a'� C��`' q a 1 C1+-� ... d �' - c4 � C3 "' B � 6t , . , i� ( � � ��� H Z � �1 �� I I 'I Y �� � � � � � a �; i � p `� I I � in � p � R�'' � C] y� d � F cG A � M�-7 y a C3 ? O � - � � a � I `�'D•� m � C3 ",� v1 � � } � �� a � � ,��..�.—.. � � � � (6 C '� W W O H � °' � I ' � �� � P � o - m � R7 '� ¢ c� �W I I 7 � 3 zl DC �C �C ;DC � $Q U ._ � � � - � � ¢ �z� � � � m � � c� o � - a - � ° o � �; w � � o - �a � �, '�� w Q � � � � �_� � _��,�i � >, ; � � �� � ia C°.ti Cr „ w m � ��' ""�"f [r °a � o I~ '� , I � f ` i �''� �� � r`�-�,� � � � o 0 0� � �� , z � I -- �, � ; � � �•� � � �o � ZH CJ � w � f{ � � � S' v 7,�� 'D ,�p � � 5 �?H dy a ; � I i4 ii, �- � � `� a�� � .. � � � a�' °- °- i � i , 'I t; ¢ i :t � Y � E o � CS � � -� n_ �-+ a � �c�,a w � a� � �" I I � � � 1 3,`.�' o� ro � w� � � � ��� .ra� -- m � � a �� � a �' w ',�' � ; I � � � vi1� _ 3 � p �. �Pi c: � F � I � � y � ¢� cn m I a � �w� � , � � � � � � � l3 � ll w �I F ? � � � � a ��'� � i � � � � `� �, r� c� � a. � ¢ ra � .a ry � w � � � 3 w � � r�c ❑ �� } O � G r�- j � ¢ iu I U 4i `y t� � W 'C� S !�� � w ! tT II i- S � en m a n � � � ~ � � � � I 6 Q � � � � o I°� ° � � �` m � � sn � W ,� � -•.. 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C L fl•y Q 1�` F�- � � � �� � ,�` �� L�4. �r� �{ + �'�' di S4 �"� C �� '� �,.a #_ ' - '�'. 9 �1 .� Y� � � � �� � h � _ � ` — �.�, � � �7 e a � � `'�„l � W aJ w�7 � �~ �. p" W i �� � C � ,.. et � 'y' u7 ,� � W =\ ti 4 I� � � � �`_ �� �v x m � � 11 I0 � �; � C " C Q � p �- w �,, h, '�,'}° � ? � �� y,� � �, p t� � � ''{� �s a� �w � � G� Ga �' � LL �y � 3C..� �PrJ � .; � �' �� _ �Y Z` t►.e i �`\' � '� LY p'y L ,�t,y, Yj � t7 C] '� a ' W� .,].� .� m •� `�,� O' '� � 1``\'q O � 1� � � _ � Z Z �- � 3"p G' �C3 +� ''. C C U •Z fs'"a �W , �. �. - d � � � �++ � � � m $ � z H '� ° � � (7.. Q�y O O� �t r Y na iu r� � � � � � � w � c�ia ~ _-= I i � ` �� c F-- 4 2 O � N IlVf1lVA � � w a � tic [.t � � �j � , �l._� �?= c� .�t �� G} ti� Cy'• ..' t1+• .., p Q Q'".! �� o `�� �"'7 � eri '� Ey C� • � � � � a � i�e� � ''{ � �-. � � � � �� � in t6 CS O � � {y �^ � � �. � z �� � �U l ,, a, �' � � z ¢ � �•- Qi tn 4" d.t � = ny a � z p , 7 � tfl 'y C � � � `- � L � � �� ?^ � w N p`� * Q � � � ° ZI — �° � � � � �, z ,� .c z � � �m `� � - �a ., Y v -.) Q v � � � T� ��-y s`�n � c'�� I ° -� c � ° `� ~ o aa�r��� � � � z �." �+ ; � � z w � ���� :. � � O G O _ '� y � 2 V � ' 1-�-E `� � �w. � rin� x Q, y� � Cl ],'�Z] C? y C3 z > f. O ��� p� C!� --a � � � � � �� /` � C7 � � r ti � "� .C � '�' p O � _'�' c"�n ca or� `r c� �:,� a r� � a w m� c°� .' �- O U y .`� �1 � r �' r w us � 7,� p [ m ` U � w C' � 2 � � -� .� y W u. C �..,. _ L � � Q i� J � � C1 m � � C3 a x � ,� !r.� ' � a, vi '� '� � ua +� '� '�: '�- r 4 .[ � � ? '� � L � �'- � 2� ,� °` �� � W t? � �] � w w r �' c�.� v�i i€ o � � � as � � w � � � � 3 w �V3 O x d � D u�J d � � � W � � '� h1 e� � o a ,? i us r� � � ¢ rn m Q a� . 4' � ".;m, �:.� � Q ' . � 4 {�;y �JJ � � 4 � +Q � _ - �a '�— `; ; � o �,. � m � : � � � "`t ` �� �i � z ,� • � w� c� — '�'4 � �� � x = o r��n � .� a+� � c� a r,� . � �' � a '�..: � � m' � `�`� ,� z '`�� z z i °z � D •..� � 5 -�- . `_ � � � � � � � �- `�1 �°- � a � � dt � '.`�'^1❑ ,� ...t „r ..r . 'C � :- - ' �J i 1 C� E � � L_+ '� �- � �- LL ' � � � � ; � � � = j �� a o ;ti o � � c� � �' z � � g 3 u� � u� �; � �► � 3 � � � � Y1 ' t1 L7 W' � O W . _ � �D � � C� � 0 J � ta � U +-- �- h r o� F- F- H �F' r � O � � J � � � � � � � ,� � � O �, � C7 � � � F- 07 W ��y � � � �' L�6E Q '� Q � ¢ $ � � d r '� � J ��� ¢ C3 �= 2 �• pC �' pC � (r � pC � C� � � l�Lt � m "�r CC � ~ � F � � � � � � , �y,{ O � � � � Ct �4 � � � � � p � � O . � � � fF ' . a��` I 1 ���� � ��i 75 aoulh ironlage rnad rafl,cefarado 81657 [3D3) 479-2i3� o� 479 21,39 o#�lca of community ders�opm�itt BUILDIFJG PERFiZ� ISSUAN�'E TIME FFt�A1+9E Tf this permit requires a Town of Va�� ��re De�artment A�pravaT , �n��neer`�s �Pub7ic �lorks} review and approval , a P�anning Department revi�w or� HeaZth Department review, and a rev�ew by the Building pe�artm�nt, the e�timated t�rr�e f�r a t�tal revi�w may take as To�g as tt�ree wee�s. AT� �vmmercial {7arge or sma�l ) and a]� r�u�ti-family permits wiT] have to foTlaw the above mer�tion�d m�xir�ur� requirements. Resident�al ar�d smal � pr�v,�ects shouid take a ie�ser amount of t�me. �Eawever, if residential ar smaller praject� impact �he various ah�v� mentioned department� w-ith r�gard ta n�cessary review, t'�ese pra�iec�s may a�sv take tlie three w�ek perit�d. Every a ttempt wi'I 1 be made by t�ri s depa rtment t� exp�edi te th�s permi t as st�or� as passi�]e. I, ti�e under�i��ed, underst�r�d �he plan eheck proce��re and t�m� f ram�, ��`���` �1 ��� ..''�� . c�r�e o�Tay�. ~ �' � � ,�;���,r=����d i i �' �? j _ �'� ' Pr�ject �tame �-�,/ . � � `� � L pate Wor�C� 5heet was turned into t � Cornmun;ty Deve�opment ��partment. r . F 4 � � � ' w � , � ��i� ���� �+ ��� 7 TS aauth frDnlage raad vail, col�rado 81&57 (3D3) 479--2138 or 479-2I.�9 oif�ce c1 cnrnmunl#y derelaprnent T(7: ALL CQNTRACTC�FtS CURR�NTLYL ItEGISTERED WITH TH� TC3WN (3F VAIL FR+�M: TaWN QF VAIL PUBLIC WQRKS�CC�MMUUNiTY D�VELDPMENT 'I}AT�: M,ARCH 16, 138$ S�7&TECT. CrJ3+1STRUCTION PAFtKiNu & MATERIAL �T4R�SGE �n summary, OrdinanGe Na. 5 s�ates that it is unZawfu�. �dr any persan ta l�,tter, tr�ck vr de�osit any soil, ,�rQ�k, sand, debris c�r materia�, , in�ludxng trash dumpst�rs, portal��� tvilets and wo�km�n vehicles upvn any streetr Sid�w3lkf a�iey or public place a.r �ny g�rtivn thereaf. The right-of-way on all Town c�f �iai7. streets ar�d roads is approximat�3,y 5 ft. vff pavement. This ordinance wi11 be st�ict3y enf�arcer� by the Town af Vai1. Fubl�.c Wcarks I3epa�rtment. Persr�ns found viQlating this c�rdinanc� will be given a 24 h+�rzs wri��en notice tc� remoye said material. In the event the person �o nvtified daes neat comply with th� �r�tice r�,rith.in, the 24 hour time specifxed, the �ublie Warks Depa�-�men� wi�l remav� sa%d material at the e�ense c�f person notifi�:d. The prcrvisia�ns c�f this ordinance shall, na� b� applicable tc� c�nstructian, mai�ntenance or r�pair prajects €�f any �ta�eet o�- alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review t?rdinance 2�0. 6 in fu12, pleas� stop by the Tawn of Vail Bu�.�ding Depar�ment to obtain a copy. Thank you f�r yQ�ar cc�r�geration on this ma��er. Rea�d and acknawl�dged by: %.�',����" �'� :�--�`'�� _ ���-= 1� F-�_ -,��, .� � �,����� Pasitic�n/Relationsh.�p cat Pr�;ect�(i.e. cc�ntract��, owner} �/.� ��� Qate � � � r � P�S� R�V1�W �d8�� O� th� 199� Uniform C�des NAME: MARIaT� #483-�85 DATE: 7-6-92 A�DRESS: 715 W. LIDNSHEA� CO�TR�ICT�R; UAIL MANAG. Ca, VAZL, C�LaRAD� ARCHTTECT: N�NE �C�UPANGY: �-1 ENGIN��R; N�NE �YPE OF CO�STRUCTIDN: 1�-FR PLANS �XAMI�ER: aA� STAN�K co�R�c��o�s ��QUrR�� �he items listed ��law are nvt intend�d to b� a co�plete listing af aIl possib�e code requir�rnents in th� adop�ed codss. It is a guide tv selected sectio�s of the codes. The fol�owing is nat �o �e cvns�rued �o be an �pproval af an� violation of any vf th� pr�- visi�ns af the a�opted co�es or any �rd�nanae vf the Town of Vail. 1. FIR� DEPARTME�T ��SPECTI�N REQUIRED BEF�RE ANY WORK CAN 8E STARTE�. 2 . SMa�E aETECT�RS R�QUI�ED IN ALL BE�Rfl��S AS PER SEC. 1214 Z�91 UBC. 3 . ALL PE�ETRpTI�N� I� FL��R, CE�LI��. AN� WALLS T❑ BE SEALE�. r ' � � � � - ��'�,� ���7��L+fi�Q� Ri�Q�E��* P�R�J11T NUMBER C]F f���JECT TC�Wl�J C7F 1JA�L C]ATE — - �laB NAME _ ---- - -— . � _ CALL�I� _._ -- ___._ f�EA[�Y FC}R IhiSPE�TI�N: MC}N TU�S WED TNUR �RI AM PM LC3CATIOfV; _.._-- BL1tLC]I�JG: PLLJMBING: � Ff7UTf�JGS / STEEL _ ❑ UNC7��tGRQUtVD ___.__._. 0 FC7U1'J�ATIC7N / STEEL 0 RUU[aH f D,WW.V. t3 FRAMING __.� � RC3l1GH 1 WATER � � R�C�F 8� SHE�l� _,--� _ C7 GAS P�RIhJG PLYWC)Q[J N�IILING _ C7 I�+fSUL,ATIl7N ___.._ ❑ PC]UL f H. TUB ❑ SFiEETRC?C� I�AIL � �1 �-_n. C1 ..�... ---- - Q FIAJAL ❑ �II'JAL ELECTRICAL: M�CHANICAL: ❑ TEMF'. F'C]W�R � F�3EATIt�iG E] R�OUGH ❑ E?(HAUST HC)O�S _ -- C7 CdNI�UIT ❑ SUFPLY A1R � . _ f� � FfNAL ___ � FINAL �s p A�'_F'RUV�D ❑ DiSF��PPR�VEd 0 REIhJSPECTI�N REC1lJIRED �� C�3RREGTIQ�JS: —.._� _ . €]ATE � _ _ INSPECTQI� rt �,.��, ��� ,' . ; � � �. � k 1 �— �u � �. C� - :='"=_ 1 ���;- � � 1 I � � `� .c�° a � � Q � -ov � � LC7 � �u, `� �' �°s � ui � c� Q o .-r ir�- I a �' � `n "'� " . {,��. � � � � c7 -� r3�i d�] � f�s� ia� � �� �'� � 3l1� C7ti £��� C11 � I C�'. � �� � � � � N f+ .� ,� N � 7 C U � 4 0..` � � � ..� � � � �� � � � I � ,p"j o. � � � U � I � ,ar m � � c �'�` p � � ' � � � � � p N Q � 'U � � �H � � w Y .� � d �J �' UJ '�,, �j � F�^°� G 43 N`� �� w" �. w tL e} w �� �E-� � a,� w m � � r � � � � = c � °e'n , ` 3 (.� � h' W C3 u� � � � �� � � T L�y-° `Q CL �r � "aC"i J �+ CJ W [� � Q +[ � tL � 4 C7 U � u- w ,�„ � W �C� ��" � ils � Q- ^° C Z Z c� c.s � � � x � a � y p � � s� ? � = � °n cti (} � OC m ,� 6J C �y t, Cy �u � � W �i� � i � ' "- C? 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Z Z 2 Z � � � ¢ � O E� F� p � .� � i7 C7 � w u1 s.0 Z j�' Q � LL .. ...I H � H CIS ¢ �[r7 G7 i�. q Cj � .dl. � � � � � � � a � „ ' 00 H � P�i V � � Ct�i �"i � .'� � 7 t� ? �' }� 7 J � J__.J�....; O � � � � J 4. t�f �., LL LL 1L L� �� H ,�, C� G-7 � C7 04 l'^J O O Q � g a W � `z � C7 � �- � � � 3 w � w � "� � � � 3 J `�-• a; q � � 'C7 '�% � � q � ce � C] u�i � u�r' 3 `�a w a �G u� � c � C7 � � � � J s� � � u. � r u. H � � �- - r � LL +- F � ` f� I � � � � � w � J � � � ....i C7 4 C] C7 � '� C7 �? i J �a � � � � � � � �" QH U � � H � � � t� d F- CO u.� � � Cy � Q C� � � [.: � C.i � C] � C.3 � 4� J � � � L� ! � Ca � � 2 � � ~ p�C � � � (7'�C Z � � ,� ]�J i .1 � �, � � �, ,� w � � � � ; � � � yy� W � � � � (� Z J z J Z � � � � tp � CJ � Q ¢ � L7 �- � L7 O O U C.3 � U �? , � ! . r � � �'"'. <U C J . � � I � Gi :�'o�i N Q� � G7 � � ��'] S] ` I � D C � L7 � tl1 � � � I`� C '� Vf�, '�° � � P CS �'C] i7 O 61 �''6 4 q � � � � E � C oy�? c� '�''`g i o ¢�a'u,a vs �► i ! c � �� �' ►- i4 '�- �` � � �tio �a 3 c°� � � • � � _ �� � b � � � l ,� �•o� o � � r�'i w �� �� � � �� �� � � `^� a � � ? Cy � a';,_""`ti � � '.�E � ; �y �.. ,,�i �N � � � �a rCV � � . � � � . � � l� �_ � _ E � � � � 47 U � y� � � � - � j'g �� � � �� V5 � W�. '� � � �S � . C7 uJ U � � � � � �� �C � � C� U . ��W � —� � � t..1 � C�.1 � f,� . +�L y�J � �I . a L3 L CJ � d �FS- � W � � �. � z ' F Z 9p '�. qa � W I'd Ill O� � � � �� W � � U LLF � k"' � 1 Z � � a�+ � � m a uJr t� � � [J.) � Q � 2 V"` 'I� �C.0 P" � p Q ��r.. m NplildfllVA a p�,�' r p O �p eal O ""� � � y����C .. � CY . v� � �Tj 07 � � � � � I 1 F � w+ � K� C3 � �,,i U W (� � � � S � ��C O R�s� y `�' J 2 �Lt N '�p " C � 4 '� � i � 47._ µ. 7 � n7 } � 2 � �. RS � � "' '� � L � ° � '� � =� ° � N ` g �� � �� ��_ �. � m � .� c� � c� � �m a �. �e � � '4 � '�, ° � a �a ,.l �a � � E U d �' �- r � � iy O � � W � � � ui0 � 4 iL' a � O W ��r •. C L11 Z � � � ,f a Z W y 3 ��7 �"" I�kl � O 0 u+ � � L.�} ]+'j� � � "` a � � � �r � O Rt 4.� OT Z Cl � D C] 'a � 0. � � � ~ L> � � Y � � p � � � � � � �'� L1, �vr c3 Es d a � w p w �� rJ"O Cl Z y. C? CC � � +- W '� 0. ]..-�� Q C QJ � � � � � Z 2 � � � � " m Lr Z p a ' 7 c�. ��y � m � 41 fi m � tr. 4 � C? 2 � �� � � z �' q� '� �� � � � W b 6 � W C7 � � � � .�R 1L [. �� V N � Q � C? W � �Q..1 � �- t7 w � ~„ 3 , 3 w 2 ° � o r a u, c w J R W � -+ cv [� su � 2 c�. ur ¢ r I �[ an m a G Z W C� ~ � �: ¢ W � � a � � � � � � � � � ° � � a � � � � � � . � , � tL ° a � � � � � � z Z H � � � c!� � o � ° � � } � � � '� _ � ❑0❑ � � � ' y � a � � � � � � J 43 �'� � O 4 � � J ' u! W � W o'� Gs � a ^'''7 U� Z � � � G W � l4� w � uu � � W �, C� lL � � � F' J , GJ ri. t] � � . 1� 1— F° � �� � �, �-'" � � � � +" � Q � � @, c� ac � � +r r� '� � a � .� U C J •• �' � t? Q C� � C7 `� C� C� � a' ua+ �u LL+ �U ,q � U H � t- r? N- �^ .r' � � � mw � � �� fr � � U Cp U � C3 w � �' � � � ��� � f� � � � � � � � � � 1" � = tY � J � � � � � r ,� �' �CJ � Z c7 � W � C� m � ❑ � p � p � C7 � �7 � � � Z . . � (} t? C.) � �"-� , � . _ � � � � � � � . — - �'��� ��W� 0 ��I '� T5 acru#h fron#age ro�d vaii,C9laratln 81657 �343) 479-2138 or 479-2139 alflca aT cornmunity develaprne��t B�IILDIfVG P'ERt�IT ISSEJA�lCE TIW1E �i�AA1� If thi.s permit requires a Tawn af Va�il fire Departm�nt Appr4va3 , �ngine�r'�s �Pu�� ic Wvr�CS) review and approval , a Planning Departmer�t r�view or ki���th �epartm�n� r�view, and a r�v�ew by the Building Department, ti�e estimated tim� for a t�tal rev�ew rnay ta4c� as long as thr�e weeks, AlI camr�erc�al ��arge or sma11 ) �r+d al� multi-family permits wi�T have to fal l aw t'he a b�ve menti or�ed maxi m�rri �^equ i rements . Res i d�n�i a T and small prc�jects shoulrl �ak� a lesser amc�unt of ti�e. However, if r�sidential or s�nalTer prr�jects impact the various �bove mentioned de�artmserrts wi th regard tv ne�+�ssary review, tt��se pr�,�ects r�ay alsa take tF�e thre� week perivd. Ev�ry attem�t wiil b� made by t�is de�art�nent to expedite this per�ti� d5, SOfl�1 a5 �ass�ble. I, the undersigned, unders�and th+� plan check praceciure and time f ra r��, e�ree tv y�. ' Pra�ect Name aat� Work �heet wa� turned �r�to t e Carmn�nity Deve4apment �epartment. � � � • . . r - ,�i► . '� �U��� 0 ��� 75 sauth frontage rcad va{I,calarada 81657 �3a3y 473-2I38 ar 479-2I�9 afiice af community development Td. ALL C�NTRACTORS �CLTRREI3TLYL REGISTERED '�I'�'H TfiE '�OWN OF VAIL FROM: T�}WN OF VAIL PUBLIG WaRfCS/Cf]NIriT.JNITY DEVEL(3PMENT DATE: MA�.CH 16� �.9 8 8 SLIBJEC'�': CONSTRU�TIC�N PARI{IN� & MA'I`ER�AL STpRAGE �n sumanary, ardinanc� N�. 6 states that it is unlawful for any persnn to litter, t�ack or d�pas�t any sc�il, raele, sar�d, debr�s ❑r �aterial� incZudi.ng trash d�mpsters, por'��ble t�i3ets and workr�►ert vehicles upon any str��t, sidewalk, a�.ley o� pula7.ic place or any pnrtican there�f. The riqht-af-way on all Tc�wn a�f Vail streets and roads is apprvximatel�y 5 ft. aff pavement. This ordinance will be st�ictly �nfcarcec� by �he Tawn o� Vai7. Public Works L?�partment. Persons fc�e�nd vio2.ating this ordinanc� will be given a 24 hour w�a�tten nr�ti�� ta remc�ve said material . In the ev�nt the pe�rs�n sa natified �3aes r�ot cc�mply with the rtvtic� within �he 24 hour time sp�ci�ied, the Public Wvrks Departm�nt wx�l r�me�e said materia�l �t the c�xpens� caf persan n�t�.fied. The gravi�ians of this ��d�r�ance shall n��. !�e appli�able to construction� maintena�nc� or repair presjects vf , any stre�.t �r a1Tey 4r any ut�l,�.ties in th� right-a-way. �r� revier,+r 4rdinance Na. 6 in ful�, p�.ease stop by th� Town of VaiZ �uilding �epartment to abtaa.n a ecapy. �hank yvu f�or your �ac�p�ratian �n thzs matter. . Read and acknowl�dged by: Posxtian/R�lativnship tc� Pra�ect (i.e. contractc�r, own�r� Da�� r 4 1 r � ' � _ _ � � _ CO ,j�^' , ` ,!�{- �";�1 p � . "' Q, ; � - I � v �._ �„ � .� �, �„ �, o `, v� � � � � �v m ti IS� � I �� �' ° ,� �; v � m L7 � fW � c .� ws� � o � � � � la �� Qm � � � � �y � � p R+ t� t� C1 U'f � I E � � O °a . U OrJ u'1� V1 Q tS'���'� � d ii� U '� �,. . f � � fs] I � C p > �r�.., � � � � I I n� � C � � C3 � � � 3 j � � � _ a� a��.A � E � � � � .� �� a'� ca � w c� ,w �, � r � � .�_Y � w � � � w I �� � a� � � a � ~ � N I� � a4 � cq ` `.V � m � � � � a � ,�, � � �,� � � � � �� '`° � � � .. 4 ¢ c� �y °C � "- u, � � �T �C7 � �'L> � tn � a � �_ p� 2 ca c.3 z �" x J a � 5 a � c� IcL e' a � = � E cn � .�` � (� � � � 4 a C) a t9 U a ,;u a tl.r f 4 � pp '� O C7`c c i �t7 a � � � 2 s � � � ¢ � ' X �- � � � I� � � � � � -�; �� a � � � � a � � � � w � � Q � � w� �, Q a � a w m � a � � z U � � � `� 4 �, � � �a � �, .���.-_ �� � w � �, � � � � I q ca �� � �� .� ��- - � p � s�i � w ti � � � � � O WI3 � Z � U� �� ��- ,� p � Np11Vf11t1A m fl �p°� �i'-' [� FC�--� �. 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U � � - _ . � � � � � ° , _ . +y��� t� �U 1111 a ��� 75 south irantage rasd vall, coiorada 81fi57 (303} 479--2�.3$ ar 479-2�34 alflce o1 commurtlty derekapme�rt BIJILDII�G PERw�IT I55EJAN�E �II�� FRAPIE If �h�.� permi.t requires a T�wn of Vai] Fire De�ar�ment P�ppraval , Engir�eer`�s �aPub] ic Wvrks} review an� approval , a �"1annin� Departr�ent revfew or Health Department rev�ew, an� a review by the 6uildi�g Depar�m+�nt, thie �stirr�at�d time for a tnta� revaew may take as Tang a� thre� we�ks. R1 I c�mmereia� (l arge or smal l ) and ai 1 m+�l ti-farrii Ty permi ts wi 1� have �a fo�7ow the abov� me�rtione� maximum reguirements , Re�ider�ti�T and smal] projects sh�uld tak� a lesser ame��rnt �f time. Hawever, if residential or smaller pr�jects �mpact the varivus �h�ve m�nti�n�d dep�r��e�ts wi�� regard to necessary revi�ew, the5e pra,�ec�� may al so taSt� tfie t�iree w�ek period. Every att�mpt w��l �e made hy thi� dep�rtm�ent ta �xped�te this permit as, sc��on as pas�ible. T, the undersigned, understand the plan c�eck pr�cedure ar�d ��me frame, , �a�e� ta� y�. Proa�ct Name Date Wark Sheet was turnec� i ntc� t � C�mmunity aeve�+a�m�nt aepartment. . � � , . . . � : _ , t��� . �,!� ����� �� ��� ,� 7S saufh frantage road Waii,cCiorado 81857 (303� 47g�21.38 or 479-2I39 off€ce af cnmmunity develapment T4: ALL C�AiT�ACTaFtS CURRENTLYL REGISTER£� WITH 'THE TOWN f3F VAYL FR�M: TOWN C}�' VA7�L PCIBLI� W(3RtiS/C�NII�IUNITY DEVELt3�ME1'�'T DATE: MM�,,RCH 16, I988 SU&7ECT: CGNSTRUCTTON PARKING & MA.T£R�AL STORAGE In summary, ord.ina�ce No. 6 states that i� is unl�aw�ul, �ar any �erson to litter, track or depc�sat any sflil, rcack, �and, de�ris ar material, inelud3ng tz�ash dumpsters, pc��tabl� toil�ts a,nd workmen vehicles �ap6n any street� sidewa�k, �lley vr publ.ic place or any p��tion thereaf. The right-of-way c�n ali T�wn ra� Vai�. str�ets and roac�� is approxirn�tely 5 ft. c�ff pavement, This o�dinance will Yse strictly �nfor�ed by th� T�wn of Vail Public Works L3epar�m�nt. Persans fr��nd vic��ating thxs ardinance wi1.I be gi,veR a 24 h�ur wz�.tteR n�tice to remrave saitd m,akerial . In the event the persvn sc� notified does nr�t comply with the nati�e wi�hin the �4 h�ur tzme spec%fiec�, the Public W�ork� �epartment will rem��re sa.a� material at th� exp�nse of person nvtif ied. T�e presvis�.ons o� this orc�inance shall nat be a�plical�3.e to cvnstru�tic�n, maintenance or repair pro�ects af any street ar alley or any utiliti�s xn the right-a-way, Ta� r�view Ordinance No. � in ful�., please stop by �h� T�wn vf Vail Building o�partment to cbtain a �rpy. Thanl� you for yvur covperation on this matter. Ft�a�i and acknvw�edged by: P�sition/Relationship ta Proje�t (i,�. c�ant�a�tor, c��rner� nate . _ � �1�IAL I�+TSPECTIQAi'S COi�'LEfiED � . The ite�s bela�w t��ed to be �o�sglete be��re giving a perruit a final C af �. Please check o�f is� the box pravided, f � ����.� ������� DATE: �� FI�iAL MECHAATICAI., DATE: � j II��tOV�ME�T �URVEY KESID. NAME. .a \ "°p ]7ATE: _ �� , `� � , � , � F`INAL �LECTItICAI�. �- if�- :%_ ��C , ��'A,��, _. ,�'� D�1.'I'E t 1'� ��� FZNAI. BUILDIN�G EAST SIi��. WEST SIl}E; � ' � - ,ti t, , U'�fi E: '`� ��;�„ `\�'-`_� ,`\ i � I TEMPf3RARY C DF (] �?AT E: �� C�FLTIFI�A�E aT QCCUPANCY DATEt E�.__- { LAI�3?S�APIfiTG DT3E DATE: , - .� . , . _ �� �� ��.-�`� FIL� ��E:�1�; ''���-�� �� �`�- '•Y- '�`,'�y ,i �'-.� , r� �+1 r�, `�'�� �'�'��'. . ��-�. �., � � � � �`� �� �' �l�SPECTI+C]�'+J REQIJE�T F�ER�NIl` NUMB�R (aF PRC}J�CT fiQWI'� f.�F VAIL DAT� �.: r'� `,%.� T.%''�� JC7B NAME �/%�C?��f � � J���� __.:_.�_. .__. .� .. ., CALLER __ �1'�'�',.-,.t G�',�'�"�. --- /�`�/���',�r.0 �;, . F�EAClY FC3R a�lSP�CTIUN: MQN TUES WEt� THUR FRd — AM PNl L(]GATI(7�W: ._ __ _.._ _ �?� BUIL❑ING= PLUNCBINC`a: r C7 �QC7TIf�lGS / ST��L __ . _ __,.�� 0 UNDERCRt��I��} . ❑ �C}IJfVDATIQ�I 1 STEEL — ❑ RC�UGh�C / C�.W V. .— — .—_-- _ ❑ FRF�MIF'�!G __ _._ ❑ FiC}L1CH I WATER � RO�F & SNEEI� ._.. ❑ CaAS PI�'ING PLYW�C)d NAIi�.IN�'u _ C1 INSUi�ATIC�N — __ ❑ POC}L ! H. 7'�18 _ 0 SHE�TRC7CK I�AIL 0 �---- — p _ _ � _- � F1NAL _._ _.._._ ❑ FENAL __. .__ - -- - E��GTRICAL: MEGHANICaL: ❑ TEMP. gC}V'VER _ __ � HEATING _— � RO�..IGH __ ❑ E1CNA�JST HOC)Q5 0 GOt`JDIJIT --- �1 �UF'PLY AIR _ ❑ —..— — ... __.- O __._ _ ' ❑ �I�,AL __ ❑ �IhJAL ° _ : _ ,�--, �t��R�.�V�D � �� ,"�-0 DkSAPPR(�V�D `j� REINSPECTIGPd k�E{�UIREO � � i ��_. � C�C7RRECTiQNS: , , � � ��__ ,{;�,- --_..� ,� �—� � _. / `` ` , ,{ �j _ ____ _ �as'-7 �r.'"1� �-G. �_ � ��? �f L e?-j . r' �;�.u...`-�-,�r J�-�-�—� M �, �.. ..__. .� °_ / _�_ � --_ _ __ - �'.. C�y �`' � - __ ,� - ,- /y'-x�r'._ ,6;.�,�,►-, ,._ -��� rv-� � 4{"+ , , ,,r� ���, - - y �,�� �` ;� �- � . [J R T E °'� `�- 'w _..,,,_ �' _ __ I IV S E�E G 7 Cb F� �--.�._� t''� '�'`�_r =, 2 �,:TBnar f � � � � ` ,��=�`` �'`=�' Ih1SPECTIC)hJ F��Q�JEST PfRNEI�T NU111�8ER �F PR�J4IFGT T�UVI`�1 �UF 1lAlL �� � D AT E ,✓� �`� _� j� J O� N A M E L��. ✓,�`�r��.�= _ ,�'.�x:�'t�-. _.. C/ILLER �� " �� -_ - READY F(�R I�JSf'ECTICJ�I: MQIV TUE� W�D THUR � _ - _ _ AM +!�'� LCJCATf[�fV: �"'d/�� ` !-�-:��-�'�-�• .����;�'r���'�i _ BUiI.DING: PLUMBING� ❑ FOC]TINGS 1 STEEL _.. __. E7 Uf�t}E�GRC7Uh1❑ 0 F�UNC7ATIC}N / ST�EL ___ C7 RCILIGF-i i' D.VwI.V. �Ah+ll�lG _ _.._... ❑ FtC?�1GH �' WAT�R RC�C3F & SHEEFt �1 GAS PIPIlVG .� PLYWdC��7 NA1k�1NG . _. — :- � I�ISULATIC3N I� PC�C�L ,� H. �UB _ 9 .�' ' 0 SHEETRC�CK I�AIL _ �' ❑ � __._.. ,� �, '� r� _- __ n� -- - 17 FINA4� _. __ 0 FINAL __ �L�CTRICAL: MECHANICAL: � �EMP. PC3WER _ _._ _ ❑ HEATING --- ❑ RQUGH 0 E�HAUST H�C)�]S _..—. --- �, ['� GDNdUIT —_ �. Cl SUPPLY AIFi CJ �w __ � _ �� �� ❑ FI�'+IRL _. _ ___.. C] FII'+fAL � �lq IaPPRC]VED ❑ C�15AF'PROVECI 0 R�INSF'E�GTIiJN R�OUIRED , i,' ',, " _ ,, �oRR��cr�ar�s� 1=;,,, ��--�L�- � -- -_._. �, . , _ _ . _ � � . - .c�� ' -- ��-�- �'' , , , , .� � � - ___._ .-- � � _�r�, :�- � ;� ___� ..�� °�� � r' _._. - - ___�_ _ A- . .. __ . ,._.._._,� . _ . .___ ' �. " ___- .s �. i l� : _,,r�-a_ ;�f,,•% . ���,"' ,;v r �,, DATE �:__ ,• -��' ,;�' �_: {�ISP�CTC7Fi _� '" _�,. —r' �±F�'r�ca � . ,_ _ IAISPECTIC]N �E�L�EST ��RM1'� I'�lUhrCBER C}F PRfl,1EC7 TC�WN C7F VAIL DA7E . ° _ _� JC�E3 NAME — �__ . CALL�R _�. — -- °'--:;�; . R�A[]Y FOR ENSPECTIDN: MI�N TIJES WEJ THl,.3R FRI AM f�M LOCATIC)f�l: ��_ �` °-� � BUlLDING: PLUM9ING: ❑ FC.)C]°�INGS 1 STE�I� _ ___.__._ C! UN�]ERGR{�UNC7 0 FDUNDATIQN 1 STEEL O RC"IUGH I D.W.V. � FR�4M1�G _ ❑ RQUGW / WAT�R -- Q RQ�F � SHE�R F p �AS f�IPINC PLYWCJGD NAIL41'v1G ❑ il't1SULATdCIhJ ❑ PCJUL J H. TUB ; CJ SH�ET�i�Ci� IVAIL .,. — �] � ___ —._ C1 _—.. ❑ �II'JAL _ C] FINAL �LECTRtGAL: #NECHAN#GAL: � TEMP. PC}INER ❑ HEATING —_ C3 Rt7UGH Q E?fHAU�T HC)UDS � CC7Nf�Ul7 . __..__. __ C3 SUPE�LY A�R p _.._.. � _. 'Q FINA�. � FINAL �,�# APPROVE� — , C7 LiSAPPROVEl� Cl REiNSPECT101�I R��UlR�� ` C�Rf�EGTIC]NS: �' _ --- DATE _� ` INSPE�TfJR :�, ' �h��R , � . ,� .. � .. �� � ,< _�� .� � �.N . w, ,�� ,., , �.; ,��, TOWN OF VAIL � � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SALES ACTION FORM �l 1i DATE• . I ''. . ACCOUNTN0. � � � ITF.M � � �� •�O. �.. COSTEA. ���TOTAL p1000041330 COM. DEV. APPLICAi70NFEFS Ol 0000 41540 7ANING AND ADDRESS MAPS 55.00 pl 000047A15 UNIFORM BU1I.DING CODE 550.00 O] 000042415 UN�ORM PLUMBING CODE 536.00 '.��.- Ol 000042415 UNIFORN. tv1ECHAMCAL CODE $32.00 �'.' Ol 0000 42415 UNIFORM FtItE CODE 536.00 �&` OIOD0042415 NATIONALELEI,'I'RICALCODE 530.00 Ot W0042415 OTHERCODEBOOKS 01000041548 HLUEPRINTS (MYl-.ARS) 57.00 01 0000 42412 XEROX COPffS / STUD�S 80.25 O] OW042371 PENALT7 FEFS /RE-INSPECf70NS � L ' "- 01000042322 OFFHOURSINSPECI70NFEE5 01 000041412 COMRACTORS UCENSES FEES 01000041330 OT}iERFFES Ol 0000 41413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE $Z�'� Ol 0000 r -}� � ,.,c I� �t- :. COMMENT& ' I l� �� ( � ��\ \ `/ � .. �� ��'rI I° �J \\� \Iti1���� - 2� � �. a.. .a , ..,�.. �. . _. . :r;r>" . . < :. - w.�.... ,... ,�.. .. [-k.,, .�„ � .: . ..: .. .. _ � P�: � � „ � . . ,, .... • � � , . . � ) � � -- - ---- -- --- --- - TOWN OF IJqIL I Miscellaneous Cash I _- 12-18--1-- --_ _— _ Ci3oL0: 99- - . . � I ReceipC N HS[9F�3 Rccount N CK # t?03 fiF.RVSTONE CON�TRUf,TION�.RE-1NSPECTIUN - M NRPIpTT�FarY.inq Co��pon � t7niount ten�iered i 47. U� � . Iten paid Fhiamt paid 010NEi042371000 4290 Change returned ? C��. O�J THRNK YOU _ — —_ Vuur ca3hier STEFHRNIE - —"'— - � . _ ._ . - .. . . .a'f.._......:.n..�.�" �� � . • kr? �� �=�-��. � � ' - � '"�,` ��i�P E+CT I C)N R EQ LJ EST �ERMIT NL�dvIBER QF PR�JECI" ` ___._, � - T'C�W N C7F VAI L � ,w_ � z __ CJATE � _ •'°` �°r' JC7� 9WAME*,,�— -- ',,�/.=`,� -` /�/''� c��`i�_." � -'-� ' � GALLE�i . ,.� ` ; ,.r�.7.�e ,-1 ` � ,erCill �'.rr �t..�.� __� �;��. - — ��aov �o� �rvs�ECr�arv: �a�v Tu�s - w�o �rr�u� ��i �r`� ^ ;�'{ �M.._ �r� ;. � � r� ` - L�CAT40fV: _-,� � ;'� ,�` BfJIL�ING: PLU�,IiBI�IG: � FCJQTI�I�S 1 �TEEL Q iJNDEFiGF�QLlNL7 C� FQtJN�AI`fQN A STEE� ❑ F�C]IJC�H �' d.W.V — C7 FRAMING _ I� Ft�?U�H I WATER � R(]�]F & SH��R _ _ f� GAS F?1�31�G PLYWOC)� NAILIf�lG - _ ❑ INSUL.ATIC?3V __ � �'GCJL I H. TU8 .� _. _ ❑ SHEETRQCK NAI� _._ --` � ' ❑ _ __ _ . .. -- f-1 __ — _-� ❑ FII�AL __� ❑ FINAL _. _��.._ ELE+CTR I CAL; M�CHANI CAL: ❑ TEI�tP. POWE�i _ __ 0 HEATINC _ _._.. `� RC?l.1GH F � ��(HAIJST HQf��S _ � CI CQI�l�JUIT — ❑ SU�'PLY AIFi ❑ O - --_ _ _ � Flf`�AL _ ._ -- � FINAL ,- APP4�t]V�17 .'�;;��+ ❑ C115APPR(7UE[� ❑ REI�JSPECTIC�N RECtU1REfJ C47RR��T6�N�: :F'A __ .� — — __ — _ r`_ xs f / �,-� , . �_ �-- ,, ;� . � � ,�` `� --� _ ,l . �",i - , ��.,+,, r .._ ..�ir'�.,��-- ❑A7'E `� INSF'�CT�R � r-� �- �R�N�'t3i�5' 1 � � � + • . �_ -r � _ INSPE+CT��N REQIJEST � PE�MIT NUMBE� OF PRQJEGT F7 T'OWfV U� VAIL C3ATE 1 '� f t��. '�I �rr � ` �1`' � Gi .�" ;1'__•-�t r d 1_ .IdB NANiE __ � _ + � CALLER -' ,•e�'� c : _ _ '�-,- ti;, � �� ' i�EADY FfJ'�R INSPECTIC}N: MC7hJ TkJES WED TNUR FRI AM PM . , s ,: , � � � L{;7GAT1t�hJ: J_ -.�.� k' �" ) - 1 �� � '^ - r. ' ; ;.' ,,�_.. Bt11E..[?ING. PLUMBING: ❑ F�]OTINGS / STEEL ____ � L1N�3ERGFi(7UNf� __ �.— __ � . 0 F(7U�IbATiC�N �' ST�El� _ _._. Cf R�UGH I D.'4^�'.V. _. ` __. f� Ff�A�+11NG � ROUGH ! WATER 0 RC7�� & SH�El� - _ L7 G�AS PiP�N(i �-- PL�'WOC]D NAIl.I�1G _ __. ----� ��:.� ❑ II�!lSULATIUN .._ _ '. ❑ �'(�t�JL ! H. TU8 ..+�+' -- ��J SHE�TROCK NAI� -- -- � - ----------.� _- -- -- � r ; p _ _.,, _ _ . _ C! - --_ __ ❑ FlNAL _ � _�. _ _ C] F�NA�, _— EI.�CTRICAL: � MECHAAIICAL. � T�MP. Pl7W�� ---- -- 0 HEATIh1G --... _ ' ❑ RC}UGH _. -_ 0 EXNAUST H(70[3S � C3 G(]I�dl7U1T _. � SUPPL`( A�R -- —_� Q � --- - - —� ❑ _ -- [� F1NAL _ _ ❑ FtlNAL �A,Pi'R(�V�D ❑ D15APPRQVEf,] ❑ R�II�lSPECTIiDhJ REC�UIRED �, CURR�CTIC]NS. -__. _ - - . _._ �{ � _ - -- /�:� ; / � DAT E r``�.� '''F�'� ''f I N S P E C T J R d�..,,a�'�=-+�'-��''�'h� _"' � � x'.�-� _f. � " �.. � , 1 t mHE RAI]ISSON RESr3RT VAIL tVAIL, +CQI.,oRAD� ' �EPLAGEMENT Cl F � �o�r� af Ya}� Cammunfry Gf�V�IcTpr�br�t HE�,T1N[y Bai�E�t� PHASE I �TEEt NfEA'TERS �HASE I P�an #�u�l� , #�le�lfh �; �. GI�'ER HEAT�RS PHASE l i a�;;�;:��ed i� � ; , � � Gc����tl `� �t �� � CDNTE�ACT SPEC�F'ICATIC�Na ' 11Y,.� 9�.i:�.Y v{ ::��i7:t �rc ;��3�i (c1 l9 U.'�.C. ,"r:,� ;..�:����Y ;�f ;ras�ti,�,� �! M �,ermit �r 3�Gro�a�l �i ��a�s ar�� � �-:�`.tii� �h�1� liiit �:"a' �:G'•f�if+3°''� iZ ��' 3 �'%Ie"I�ltlt Y'Oii 0� 3R � ' ,� J yV� !hF�,!t +f {I �/J � ,,�v. � t��. a�;•�r iUE2 ,�r wf �i�y i �i�i; �ruvisfa�s c�t t=��� ccx:� ��������r _ t' ,t��� f i�`l:( OC�1'ailvFl a 1 ?�'? �,1! 'ti:Cu�v�(9i1. �i�lL' 155,LL���Q �� f � Y . (�i ���'.t11,��� ll�t� IJlPl�ri �F!�Fl C 5=ill .•f � : :�,� �s�s�u , ��.�� � �{� �• ��,� ,� �, r ���,�� � r ,-�rerlf ?�� ,'�i�;��,f;��� r,t<<;:;�,I � .,,,� 'l�rf��iter t�q��t�,r �� L. Y�b `�c.r �, v ;�cci��� oi err4rs in sa�:i c°a!��� �{�'iri�t�ons a � �tstE ��'�' t�� �,�'� r,!�3 � '�' r �,� � � ��� ��� � rj ?�, � � -- ,� � T 5 "� � ���. � � ; � t� q�..� � �a � �����o�r����'�� `�� `�;;''� �` a�ti ,��,��s � �TE c��G4�-`�4� �'F � �i�L�� .� ' �re�are�d By � Y�od�r �nqirteer ing Consultants, Inc . � 48 $ea�rer Creek Blvd . , Sui�e 307 �,van� Cola�a�o S1&2� � { 303 } 945-1197. �eptember 1992 � � --� �-,,; �� � � �� -� � ��`{y�r '�' � � � � T VAI� THE �:ADTS�DN RESi?R VAI L, COLC�RADC3 � SOILER & WATE� HEA�ER �EPLACEMEN`T � TABLE oF C4NTENTS � P A+GE S � �10TICE T� C�1VTR�ICTORS . . * . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . �� 1 �rr���ue�z�rr �o g�a���s . . . �� i-� PR[]P[]SI�L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 1-3 � Cf?NTRACT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � -6 �PERFaRMA�NCE Bf3ND. FB 1-2 VENER�+,.E.o CC]NDITIQN� , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . GC �.-�32 N(3TICE C�F AWARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . , N�A 1-2 � N[?TYCE T(] P�taCEED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N`i"E' 1 WC]RK 4]IftECTIVE CHANG� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � WDC 1-2 APPI.�I CATr ON F"OR FAYM�N`T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , AP ]. � CHP,�i�E �7RDER. . . . . , . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . CO 1-2 DIVISION 15 - MSCHANiCAL � SECTiON 15014 - GEHERAL PRE�4'ISiC]NS . . . . . . . . . . . . 1°�fi 5ECTIC}N 15�8D - GENERAi� RE�UIREI�EN"�iS . . . . . . . . . , . 1�-9 � S�CTIC►N 15400 - PR��UCTS � . • ' . . . . . . . . . . ` ' �-5 S�CTION 15fi0Q - HEAT GENERA'I'ION . . 1-2 SECTIC7N 1.57041 - MECHANICAL E�1UIf�MENT BCHEDt7L�S . . . . . . 1-1 SECTI��E 158{}Q - AIR I�Y�'I'E�ISUTIC7N . . . . , . . . • • . . • �-Z � SEC`I`IQN 15900 - GC�NTRQL,S . . . . . . . . � . . . , . . . �.-2 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAi. � SEE f]RAWING E - i � � � � ' � � � N�T I�E T(] CL�N'i"RACTOR S � s�a�.ed bi.d� will be recei�`�d by The �adissora R�sprt Vai}�, Vail� Cb�.OLiC�C�r far �h� conscre�ction of: � BC�iLER � WATER HEATE�i REPd�AC�ME�iT Bids w�ll be in accor�a�ce with plarss and s�ecifica�ians � prepar�d by Ya�3er Eng�.r�eering Cor��altants, Inc. , Avan, Cala�ada. ��.ans may he ab�ained frvm Yoder Engineering Cor�suitants, Inc. upora request. Return of the drawin�s and spec�fi�ations in good cnndition withi� ten t1Q ) days of the bid Qpeninq is requir�d by � �11 whc� have requested p�ans . Sealed bids will t�e reG�ived until 1Y :00 A.M. � Fridc��r � Segtem�ier 25, 1992 . Tt�e Radi�son Re�ort Vail seserv�s th� riqh� ta re�ect arsy ar a11 bids ar t�s w�ive any tc�rma�i�ky +�� teehnic�ixty in i�h� � int�r�st of �t�e Clwner . T� �b�ain pl�ns, cant��t Ycrder Engineersng Cansultat���■ � Inc . , 8�hchmark Plaza, Suit� �47, P .O. Box 5740, Auon, Colarada, � 30� 1 ��9-1]91 . � All bids are to� be �ea�ec� a�di deli�aered ��r: Mr . Ed Waxren„ Uirector o� Engine�ring 3'he Radis�an Resort Vail � 715 W. Li4nshead Circie Vail, �0 81657 � marked: Hc�ile� & Wa�Ce�r Hea�er Replacem�r�t gid . The Mect�anical C�ntractv� wi�l �e �he Prime Contractor . He � shal� as��mble suk�-bids, if any, and include as part af his proposal . Tt�is r�qu�rt for proposal is tQ the fallawing ct�n��actors : � FtK 'Mechanical Denv�x . Summit Mech�nical, Gler►worad !I � Luns�ord Brathers M�c�a�nical, Grand Junct�an €�ue ��ro tirne constraints, prequalffi�atic�n of adtiition�l � bidder� �an nat he cc+nsiderec3 . � `THE RADI55QN �ESORT VAIL VAIL, C(7LC3�ADC� �'�-1 � � ' � II�i5TRl7GTI(?N� '�(} BIDf�ERS �' 1 . t�RA�WINGS A�I�i� SPEGIFT�ATZC�NS � Drawings an� spe�aficatiarss may l�e obtained f�r�m Yod�r Enc�inee�ing Co�rsul,tants. Any �erso� ar firm who re��ins a set of drawings and spec3£ic3tians long�r than ten ( ��71 day� after th� bid dat� and £ails to subr�it a propoaa� on the � wark indicated by thase d�rawings a�d spe�ifi�atians in st�ict ac�c+�rdar�ce w�th the instruc!�ivns he�rein, o� fails to re��rn to the Er�gineer w�thin ten ( �.0) days afi�+�r the �ime � set for receiva.ng bids the comple+te se� of dr�wfngs and speci�ica�ions in gaoc3 conditi�sn, will nat be natifi��l d� future pro�ect� �y �the Engineer . � 2 . �'RQPOSAL�� Be�are sulamitting a proposal, each l�idder shal�. ��refully � exat�ine th+� drawings. sp�cificaticsns and other ct�nt�act daeur�e�ts; �hall vi�it the site of the work; shall fuZly infQrm him�elf as to ai� e�cisting can�iitiflns and � li�itations; and s��Yl in��ur3e in ttre prapmsa� �he cost of a�l item� ia�clud�d in th� cant�act . � 3 . G TRACT I� BD Th� ccan�ract agreemen� will be on a form sirnilar �o that whi�h is baund ia the specifi.cations . The compl�t�c�n date � of constructir�n will be as indica�ed in the proposa� . The successful '�idder, simui.l�aneausly with the ex�cution �f �he con�rac°� agr�em�ent, may k�e �cequ�.red '�o furni�h a perf�xrnance � band and a payment bond i.r� an amaunt equal to one hundred per�ent f10��) �f �h� can�ract price . A space is p�qvided in the bid dr���am+�nts fQr a separate £ixed pra.ce deduct �ar tne E7wner reiinguYShSng ei�her ar both Iapnds . Said bcsnd� � sha�l be see�tred frnm a campany s�tistactary �v �he Owner . 9 . "�ING SLJI�C A � Trie ex�erience and responsi3aility af subcontractor� may have bearia�g an the �haice of a cvntractor hy the Owner an+� � �ngineer . Bidde�� shall �ttac� to their prc�posal for the �wr�er 's cansi.deratian a list of �he names af subcrantractvr� to be fuxnished fQr each af the prirsc3ga]. paxt� of th� worls and the c+�rrespvnd9.ng dflllar amcaun�s. Each pzi�ncipal part �, shall mean a subccantra�� do�lar value ia� exc�ss of 52,flD0 . Such list sha11 he binding upon the contracl���; hcawe�+�r, the Qwner ha� the righ� ta re7ect any or ali subcontract�x� � liste+� ar unlisted wh� C�wn�ez� and/or Engineer ��els are �nqualifi�d ta do the work . � �g6i � � � �wner may +with�s�ld aw���ing contract ta any p�rt�+�u�ar � bidd�r if oz�e or rnore of his �ra�os+�d subcantra�tors are considered by the Assa�ia�ian ta be unyualifi,ed. � 5. I NTEhPRETp,TI ON �lF PLA�13 AHD SPECI FI CATI t7N5 If �ny pers�n cant�mplating sa�hmitting a bid far the prapaser3 cvn�ract is in doubt as tcr the true meaning c�f any � p�rt o€ the drawanc�s. specific�tions or flth�r pr�apas�d �eant��ct dcacumen�s, he may fax to t�re EngineeX a Hrr�tten requ�st for an anterpzetati�n tl�erevf . The person � submit�ing the rec�uest will be res�sonsibl� for it� prompt deliv�ry. Any in�erpre�.ation of �l�e prr�posed documents will �e m�de anly by fax�d respor�se to each person rece�ving a se� of t�acuments . Mei�her the C3wner nvr the Engine€r wil.l � b� r�sponsible fa� any ot��r explanaitivras or interpretati�ans of the propQSed docume�tt� . � 6 . AI}DEI�[7A C1R HULLETINS Arsy addenda c�r bulletin� issu�d c�urinc� the �time of h�.e��ling � sha11 become pa�t �f the c�ncuments laaned tc� �hs bidders �ar the �x�p�ration af tMe bid, sha�i be c�vered in the bi�, an� shall be �nade a part of the c�ontrac�t. � 7 . �w�� o� caN��AC� The cnntrac� w�.11 be ��aarded as ss�c+rt as pas�ible to the � lc�w�es� responsiks3.e and resp�nsiue bidde� , provid�d the bid is r@a�onable an� it is at� the in��rests of the awtaer to ac�ept it, Th� i3wner reserves �h� right tc� waiv� any techr��c�lities c�r farmalit��s in any bid or in the bidding. � � . OUAL,YFICATIG� � T�i+e cvntractar 's and subcar��ractor '� pa�t ge��armanc�, o�ganiz�t3vn, equipment and abil�ty t4 ger£erm and compiete th�ir con�tracts in the m�r�ner and withit� �h� time iirt�it � sp�c�fied �ai�l l�� elements, along with the cash am+our�� of the bid, w,�ich will be cvnsic�ered by the ��rner in the �etting af tt�e con�ra�t. '�he cortt�acto� sha}�1 +�vmply with � �nd req�i�e a�l af his subcontxac�ars ta camply w�th the license laws �s required by the '�+�wn o� Vail and any ather legak entity ga�verning at the locatiQn c�f the wa�k. � �I � � IH�2 � � � '9 , �[]�T �Ft�W� � Tt�e cont��ctcrr �hal�, befcrre �tartar�g his v�a�k, submit ta the E�r�in�ez a ca�t hreakd�wn s�rowint� the �vst o� �rar iaus 5egments c�f the work according ta a specificati+an heaain9, � t�te tot�l amcrun� �qual ing the c�ntra�t gr ice . T�tis breakdawn s�tall be used as th� basis fvr the paym�nt r�� estimates as s�ated ln the contr�ct da�umett�s = � 10 . RI�GH'T TQ RE�ECT Pf�CDPC7�ALS � The �wa��� r�:serves the r ight �v re�e�t any or al�. prapc�sal� , 11 . W�T�dRAWAL (]F BIDS � Bic7s maw be w�thdra�wn c�n w�i�ten ar telegraphic F�quest �e��ive�d �rom bid3ers priv�e �o �che �ime fixed fo� a�eninq. Teleg�aphic request must be receiv�d bv Owner in written � �orm hefore '�id ap�ni,nq. Negligence on th� nart o£ the hidders in preparing the bid canfer� no ricrt�t for the withdr��ral of the bid after �,� has been ooened . � 12. S�SE_BID A�i[� ALTERN1�iTES � Contractors must bid the cs�ntra�t dn�uments as a base bid. Any materia?� ar �qui.prnent specffied by bra�d name anr3 rnadel number sha].1 be in tt�e ksase �id . � Substitutions an�i alternates aasd "QZ eqe�ivalent�" will be cansider�d vnly i€ a +�educti�e (csr �dd#.tive! price �,� presentec� in the space prca�vided c�n �he bid form at �he time +af bidding, '�he enti�e co�t and designJspace imgacts must �, l�e i.nciu�ied �.n the a}.terna�e �id amount. Nate alsv the completion tzrne ��quirements . � �e prepared ts� irn�e+diately pro�vide Eull d�ta an �quinment alternates if accepted . � 13 . CC�ORC7INATIL3N 4�" ��UTD�3W�f t7F SE�tV�CES 'The �w��r wi�.l keep �he ho�e1 in opera��.on �nd will � caQperate wi�h the cnntr�ac�or 4�y r�locating guests ta portions af the bu�ldinq with full �ervices . it is� i.r�perativ� the cont�actar schedu�.e ari+d coflrdinate hi� we�rk with the 4wr�er . � � � I B-3 � � � � 19 . LI UID TED �_ AGES � The work sh�l�, L�e srabstantially cQmplete Lheating and d�rrnestie hc�t water equapment �nd piginq in fu�l op�rationl Navemb�r 9, 199� with final wa]�kthrough and r�view �ovembes � 11, �992 and pra�ect 100� completian Nov�mber 13, �99� . mhe �Owner will assess dama�res in the �moun� of $�, G�Q . 4� �or each day oz pvrti�n ther�of that the prr�ject is net � �amglete, � � � � � � � � � � � � � IH-4 � � � �'ROP{}5AL � BOI i�ER & WATETt HEAT�R REPLA�C�MENT � 'T0: The R�dtssan Resor°� Va11 Vai.l, CO1D�ca�c} $1657 FUEi; I��atia�c3 $oi�ers ar�d W�ter H�aters, � piping �e�i�ions �nd AC1dl�ifli'1S � PZ0�7�5r31 F'ram: t fir�nl (adrir�ss ? � 4Cityr st��e� zig] � The un�e�signed bidder, ha�rinq �arefrally r�ad and �xami�ed the Bid po�ume��s, sit� �anditians, ar►d �11 i�formation av�ilable for � the abvve-d�signated work does hereby propose �o perfgrm the work �nd prc�vi,�e the services set f€�rth in this proposal in accordance with �h� a�tached schedu}�e. Th� follawing addenda are � acknowlec�gecl: � � _ 'The r�nders�gned Bidder dec�.ares that ft�� the price lis�Ced bel�w, allowances have t�een made fvr and a].1 expenses have been ineluded � far the com�plete and satisfactc��y installatiQn of alI r�ate�ials� 3ab�ar, ��nerai Candit�ons applic�b3e tv this work, ternpa�ary tacilities as may be need�ed to impl�rnernt this wa�k bi�i upvn, , � �n�uranees, taxes, fees, assessmen��, st�pervision, freightt �anloadin9� Prv���tivn af the waric while b�ing in�tall�d, shoring, t3�+e�Glile�� h+D�S�1Tl+g� "4+t8d�l'leL �3L0'CEC't1D�1� dI1C� ���. ].�E3ri8 Z����f;Ca 't[3 � the cc�mplete instal�atian of the wor� bid upfln . Thi� �rapasal is in strict �ccordan�e wx�h the B�d T]o�ument� is�u�d �iy Yod�r Engineering, and de�ic3nate� far this pra]�ct . t�o � assum�p�ions have be�n made, and no ver�al instructians t�ave been u�ec3 �c� �repare this k��.d . Any exception tv th� ahove is speci.fical�y noted in c�rit�nq and ��tached herewith. our � P-1 � � , prvpasal is vali� and wi13 nat l�e w�thd�awrn for a perifld of 5U day� from the date of bic�. � If requested by the Owner ' s s�pre�eni�a�ive, we wi11 grovid�, within 10 days, a lOQ� Pe��orm�ance Band �nd �.DO`� Labo� and � Ma��ria1 Payment Bond in the fu�.1 amc�unt vf aur proposal , The 5urety wiii be a recoqniz�d and acceptaDle Surety licens�� and regi5tered in the State of �olQrada, �, Th� base propasal is for th� wrark as d��crzbed and s�ecified in the �aad �acumenit�. Alternate materials c��c ec�uipment are �4 tre pricec� as listed in �he a�propri.ate section vf thi;� p��pasal . � �a�e P�oposal of Ica�n�xactorl � F4r 'T�e Hai].er an� Wat+er Heater Replac�ment Pra7ect The Sum rf r3o11ars �nd cents . � &ic3d�rs authari�ed signatur�e : � �Carp. 8��1 � tNarne and Ts�l� l � I� �wner waives �t�e 10(}�s Performanc� Bonc� delete do�lars and cen�s fr�m the �ase �rapasal . � If fl�rner waiv�s the 1�0�, Laba� and Ma�erial Payment Hond del�te dc�llars and �ents �rom th� �ase � pro�oosal . Bidder px+��oses the f�llowin�x alternative� . His price includes � all nece�sary �u�mi�tal in�orm�tit�n �ncludina d�awi,ngs, Ca�C43�.c,1�14t7Sr etC. �S Ze+que�ted by E3[lqiileeX f6r �ev'i.ew �Yld r�can�er�daticans !�x Engineer ta r�wrr�er . Na �xtensi€�n e�f t�me is reguested . II � Alte�nate A: Descriptinr� � Amourtt af add car (dleduc�) S - � Al��xna�e �: pescxiptivn � �oun� af �cid o� �deduc�� S � g�� � � � A�ternate C: Descxiptiran � � Amc�unt of add �r [dedu�t) � _ Alternate D: Descript��n � _ P,mount c�f add or {deduct 3 S � �fiC. � � � � � � � � � � � � �6� � � � EJCDC � STANDARa Fc7�l�M OF A�E2�E�EN'F BETWE��I OW1�ER ANI] Ct3N'�RACTt51� 0� THE BAS I S f}F A STI PL�LA�'�D PEtI CE � THIS AGREEMENT is da�ed a� af the day crf in the yea� 19 by and be�ween _ _ � ihereinafter calle� OWNERI and � [her�;inafter called CoN'CRACTt�R1 . aWN�R and CONTRACT�R, in �onsic�eraticrn �f t�e mu�ual coW�nant� � hereinafter set farth, agree as follaws: ArtACle 1. W(3RK � �ONTRRCT�R sh��.1 ct�mplete all Wark as sDecified or indicat�d in �he Contrac� i�vc�rn��ts , The Wa�z�c is g�ne�ally des�r�b�d as fallow�: � Boiler and miscell.ane�rus pipinQ revisions and r�p�lacemen�� a� Th+� �as3issvn Resv�t Vail zn Uail, Cfliorado . � 3`he Prc�3ect �or which the w+�rk unde� the Cvn�ract Do�umen�� may be the whole or anly a part is qenerall�+ descrzbed as fo�ltrws : � NIA Aati�le 2, E�+IGINEE� � The pro�ect has be+�n desicznes� by Yoder Enginee�inv Co��ult�nts, In� , , Vail, C�lorado ,� whv is to ��t as dWI�ER' S �epreser�tativ�:, assume a1.1 dut ies an�d r+esz�ons i bi l i�ies and ha^ve the r iqhts and auth�r i�v assigne�, to �:�iGINEER in the Coni�r�ct � �ocumen�s in canra�e�tian with the corn�letion of �h� Wor1c in accvrdanc� wittr the C+�ntra�t Dacuments . � A�rticle 3. �C�ft�'�RAGT ��ME 3, � The Work wil�. b+e suhstantially �ompleted +�n az befar+� � November 9, 1992 �nd cr�rnplet�d and readv fr�r fin�l pa'�nent in a���rdance with pa�agr�ph 19 . 13 vf the G�ne�al Ccrr�ditie�ns on or befcr�ce �(avember 1�. �992 . � � C-1 � � � ,�rticie �!. CONTRACT FRICE � �4 . 1 t�WP1ER shall pay �CON'�RACT�F� �or comQl��ion of the Work in acc�r+dance wi'�h the Cor��ract Document� in �urrent funds: � i�c�l lars Cents. Refe� t� �xhibit A�, Contr��t�or ' s Bir� . � Art�c1� 5. PAF�SHT PR�p�a[J�ES � G�bNTRACT[3R s�a11 �u�amit Applications far �ayme�t in accordance wi�h Arti��e 14 of the General Conditions » Applicati.ons for P�yment wii� be pr��e�sed by Engin�er as pro�ided in the General � Canditions . 5 . 1 Progress Paytnents . C?WNER sh�11 make prvgress payments can acc�unt of the Cantract Price vn the basis s�f � �C72�TRAC'�aR's Appl i cat i on� f crr Bayment as r ecc�anmended bv EHGIN�ER, on or abt�ut �he �5th day of eact� mont� du�ring �anstruct�on as gsovide trelow. A31 progress paymen�� will be on the basis c�f the pr�gress �f �he W+ark mea�ured b�+ the � schedule of value� established in parar�ra�h 2 ,9 af the Ge��ral Cc�nditions, � 5. 1 . 1 Frivr ta Su��+stan��a1 C�or�c��.eti.an, praaress p�yments will �e made in an amou�t equa� t+� the pe�centaae andlicated below, �t�t, in ea�h caser l�ss the ' �9gr�gate c�f paymen�s �revious�v mad� and l�ss se�ch amounts �s EttGINEER shall determine, ar aWNER may withhold, in aGCard�n�ce with paragragh 19 . 7 of the � General Canditieans. 90`� Qf Work complet�c3 . I � Work has been 5i]� co�tQleted as determined by ENGI�IEERr �nd if th� � character and prr�gress of the Wark have been sa�isfactory t4 OWN�R and ��1GiNE��� 4Wt+tE�. an �tecammendation vf ENGI�EER, may d��erm9ne that as � long as the characte� and proqres� tif �he War� re�c�ain s�tigfacta�y to them, ther� wi�3. be n� addi�i�r�al �c�tainage on accaunt of Wark �amg}��ted � in which �ase the remaining �rs�c�res� paymen�s �rivr t� Suhstanti,al Cc�mpletic�n w�ll be in an �xnour�� equal �c� ���D$ �f th� Wvrk �amglet�d , � 8�� af materials and �quip�ntent ndt incarporated ir� the Work fbu� delivered, s�aitab�y s�o�ed and accnmpanied b�r docum�nCatit�n s��isfactory �a t3LdNEFt � as �rrovid�d in paragraph I4 .2 af the Gene�al �Condit�.ons 1 . � ��� � � � 5. 1 .2 Upc+n subs�antial Campletion, �.n ar� amcaunt � �ufficient t� increase tcstal payments ta Ca�Tf2ACT�R to 95� c�f t�e �Can�ract Price, less such am�un�s a�s ENGIN�ER sha�l determir�e, a�c OW�I,�'� may withhaid, in accorda�c� wit� paragarap� �9 .7 af the Gene�al � Conditions . 5. 2 Finai Aayrnent . Up�n final comple�ion and �c�eptance af � th� Wo�ic in accordan�e with ��ragrat�h }�4 . 13 af the Gene�a�� �Canditions, f�WNER shal� �ray th�e rexnainder af the CDn�raG� Pr�ce a� reco�me�►r�ed by ENGINEER as provided in said � garagraph 19 . �.3. A.rticle 6. I1+TTERE3T � Ail mcrneys nat gaid wh�n due as provide� in Arti�cl� 14 �f the General Conditivns sha].1 t�ear int�rest �t the rate of 1--114� �er manth. � � � � � � � � � II � � �_� I � � Articie 7.COl'�CTRACf(�A"S REPR�SENTATIQNS. . ; , In order to induce�3WNER to er�ter into this Agrecment C�31�[�'TRA�+�"I'�DR rriakes t�ie fflllc�wing repres��t�tions; 7.i.CONTRAL'TE}R�as farrii�iarized i�seEf with thc natvre and cxtent of tt�e Con�ract Documcni�,Wor�C. sitc. iaca�'ity, snd a11 lve�l caaditinns and Laws and �.�gulations that in any mar���r �ay a�fcct cost, � �rogr�ss;Pc�f�armaa�ce vr furnishing of the YVork. - 7.2.CE}NTRACT(7R t�as st�rdiec# car+ef�aily ali rcports of cxplc�ratians and tests of s�rbsurf�ee�ondit�ans -. � and drawings uf physical eonditions which are identii�ed in thc Supplemcntary Cor�ditions as provided itt � ' paragraph 4,�nf 1hc Gene�tl Cor�ditic�ns,and accepts ih�c determsnation set forth in p�ragt`aph SiC-4.2 vf the Supglementary Condi�ions caf the extcnt of the techr�ical data���ataineci in such reparts and d�awing� � up+�n which CC3NZ"RA.+CTd�is+entiticd ta r�piy, 7.3. CDl'dTRA�"�]R has nbtained aad carcfully studxed (ar assumes respnnsib�iity f+ar t�bta'rning and . earef�slly studyinga all su�h axami�ations, invcsti�atians, explarati+�ns. dests, rcpnrts and �tudEes (in � addition to or te supplemcnt t�ose ref�rted t4 ir�paragraph 7.2 at�ave}vrhich�eri�in ta ihe suhsurface or physie�l cot�ciitiores at c�r cc�ntiguaus to the sxtc or othcrwise may affect th�c4sz. Progress. perforrsiance c�r furnis�is�g af thc Wvrk as C�t"�I�'RACTOR considers necess�.ry ft�r the �erfaranancc ar furni�hing ot' � tho Wurk �t t�e Ca�tra�t Friee. within the Contract`�ime and in acc�rdance w�th the oti�er acrms and eanditians of the Cantract I�ocuments, includirsg specifically the provisior�s af paragraph 4.� af ihe Geatcra� Condit�c�n$;and no additionai exarninaaiQns, investiga€�ons, explorations, t�scs, repons,studies � or similar irsforanatic�n oc data are nr wiil bc req�ired tay CI�N`T'RACTOR far such�urpases. 7.4, �C]I"I�'FtACTQF� has reviewed arsd cfiseeked �1I ir�fflrm�,tion and data sho`vn ar indieate�i on the. Contra�i �acuments wil� respect ta existing Under�round Facilities at ar cantiguous ta zhe sile and � ass�mes r�sponsibility far the a�c�rate�c�cation v�'said Under�round �'ac�lities, Na additional examina- tions, investig�tiran�,explflrations,tests.regorzs, siudies or sirnilar in�arnnati�n ar data sn respect af 5aid t]nder�,round Facilities arG or will be required by CUNTRACTCSR iri arder t� perform and furnish the �.s Work at the Canttact Price, wit�in rtae C�ntraci Tirr�c and ia ac�ordance with t�e other terms and cvnciltions of t�te Car�tract Documents, inciuding specifically the provi�ions Qt' para�r�ph 4.3 vf the Gtnera!C�r�ditians. � ' � "�,5. �4�N'I'F.ACT�dR has correi2�t�d lhe results of all sueh o'bservatiorts, examinations, investigatit�r�s, expioracions, tesis, repc�rts and studies with the terms�nd cc►ndi�ic�ns of lhe�at�tract Do�uments. '� 7.b, C[}i`�TRACT�f� has given ENGINEEI�►+veitten natice of aIl con�licts, errvrs or discrepancies l�sat he has disc�vered in tt�e Cos�tract �7ocums�t5 and tf�e written resalutian th�seof by E�GINEER is acceptablc to C4l�T"&ZACT�R- � Artiele S,CO'N"fRA�:I'DC3CUMENTS. � The C4ntr�e4 Dac�rnents wh'reh cvanpnsc the tntire agreernent b�iween-�WNER and CI�NTRAC'I'QR csanc+�r�r�ing th�Wflr1�co�nsist of tha following: � &.1.T'his Agrccm�nt{Pa�es 1 to , i�clu�ive). � $.2. Exhibits to this Agreemeret(pages ta ,inclusive). 8,3. Perfcsrmance and ather Bands,identified�s exhibits and consisti�s�Qf � p�ges. 8.4.flotice of t�lwazd. � 8.5-GeneraE C�n�icians f pagcs tfl , inclusi�c]. 8.6.Suppl�rnanta.t`y CQndiiior��(�a$,c5 to .inclusivc}. � C-4 . � . � 8.7.Specificatinns b�ar�ng th�tit�t . . . � and c�rnsi�ti�g of divisior�s and pages,as listcd in table af c�nt��tts,thc�cof.'. $.8.Drawings,eansistit�g of a ca�++er shcct and sheets numbered thmt��gh .iacl�sivc wzth � eaci�shect b�aring tho followin�general titie: � [Fi!! ir�,and, If a set Qf�rawi�gs is not atta�hed ta eacf� signGd count�rpari af Agr�errsent, sa � indicate,in which case C�'VVN'ER and C4NTRACT{�R sh�ruld inii�al or ocherwisz app�rop�i�tely identify a!i�7rawings.] '�.9.�ddenda�umbers t� ,ir�ciusivc. � "s B{d a es tv � ,inclusive�marked exhibit 8.14. CONTRACT4R (p � � [Atta�h�id�arm�v�ly in special circuinsfazices.) ' 8.l I. I]a�umentation submitted �y CC3NTRACTDR privr to Notice of Award (pages ` to � . .ittctusiVe). 8.I2,'�hc fQilowing which may be deli�vered v['is�ued aftet'the Effe�ti�e I)a[�of the Agr�ement and ara � not attached hesetc�; All Written Amendrnents ar�d v�her dacum�nts amending, m�difying, or supple- menting t�re Cantsact IJncum,erats purse�anc to paragrapt�s 3.4 and 3.5 of the G�eneraE�ond'atians. + 8.13. "I'h� doc�rr�Gnts 1'rsted in paragrapl�s $.Z et scq, abov�e as'e attached tv this Agrc�ment (cxcept as � ex�res�ly noted atherwise abQVe�. Thera ar+e no Cvntract Dacumencs ather than thcsse listed abovc in t[�is Articie$. "T'he Contraet Dacuments . rn�y anty be amended. madificd or supplesriented as pzc�vid�ed �n paragraphs 3.4 aad �,5 of ihe Ge�cral � �; Cnndit�ons. � Article g. MIS�ELLANEDUS. ' � 9.Z. Terms r�scd irr this Agrcement wt�ich are defiraed it�Articic 1 of the�Gen�ral�on�itians will f�ave the � meaniri�s indicated in c�re General �C�nditions. 9,2. N�assignment by a�arty hereto af any righls under+�r inter�s�� ir� the�antract Dacuments wifi be � binding urt anothcr garcy hercto with�ui the writtsr� cv�nser►t of the pany sought t� be bound; and speei�icaily �ut without li�itation mvncys that may bccome �ue �nd moneys thai are due may not be assigned withaut sueh cansent �excepc ta the extent that thc�ffect of this restriction may �e lirnited �y � Iaw),as�ci unless specifica�ly statcd to the cor�trary in ar�y writt�n eostSent to an a�si�nmer�t no assignmet�t wili releasc ar d'tscharge the a�ssignar from any duty ar respvnsibility ur�der the ConEract I)ocusnents. 9.3.C)'W'�tER and CI�NTAACTfl�each binds itself,it5�artncrs,�uceessors�assigns and�egal represen- � tatiwes to the�ther party hercto, its partncr�,sueces��ars,assigas and tegal represer�tatives in respect vf all coycnants,agre�inents ae�d c��Iigatians co�tair�ed ir[ihe Contract Docusnents. � � � , _ � C-5 � Articia lA.OTHER PRUVISIrDNS. . ` � � � � � .. � . � . . � , � . � - � � � � � � . � . � Il� WgT'NES� WHEREC�F. O'"�VNER and CQ�ITRA'L�F'(?R ha�� si�ricd this Agreement in tri�licate. �7nc countespart eac�t has been slclivered to OWN�1�, COI�TRACTt7R and ENGINEER. All portians oF lhe � Cantract �Dacuments havc becn si�raed os identi�ied by�WKER an�i��7NTRACTdR or by �t�dG1NEER va their l�ehalf. '1"t�[s Agreement will be effectkve o� , �9 ' � (�WNER C{7NTRA�TOR - , - �? sy �y _ - � TCORPORATE S�AL� [CC1RP�l�4T£SEAL] . � 1�d.it�5[..._ 1�►iI+CSt Address for giving nvtices Address far gia�ng natices � - � (If QWI��A is a public body, attact� evidencG �f �.icense I�[o. 'a�utherity ta sign�nd resaIution or vthcr dacumcnts �z�ti�orizing�x�cutiar�of Agree�ncnt.) A�er�t far servsce of praccss: � {IF C�NTR�C�TOR is a earporat'ran. atcach evi- � denc�Qf au�ho�ity to sign.} � . � � � � ��� � ���truction g�rfor�manc� $�nd . � ' . - , Any singu}ar ref�r�nce tn Contract�r�Surety,�wner ar ather paz�ty sha11�e c�nsidcr�d plural where applicablc. � CUN'TAACTCDEt(Name and Address}: 5[DRETY(1�'aitzc and Principa�i Flace af Busiaessa: , 1 . . . _ _. . _ _ _ � _ _ 1 OWNEA(Name and Addsess}; � _ � � CUNSTR�.ICTIC�I'� CC�NTRr�.CT i)ate: Arnount: � I]escri�tinn(Name and Lacatir�n?: � BC�NF� . Date (Nat carlier thaA C�nstructian Cantract Date): � �mount. Modifications tu this �an�Form: _ � � �aNT�craR As�RYr�c�pAL s�REr�r Co 5eal} Cam an (�Cocp. Sead] Coc�[pany: ( �� � Y� Signaiure: Signature: � N�me and'�it1e:. Name and TitPe: � CC3N�CTdR AS P�tT1�iCIPAL SUR�'I'Y i Cc�mpany: �Cot'F. Seal} Company; [Cor�r, Seal) � Sigr�a�ure: Signature: - Name and Title: Name and Title: � � � lE7CDC Na. 1910-2$A(19$4�ditio�) �repared lhraugt�thc j�int efforts of The Surety Assnciatirar�caf Am�rica,En,gineers']aint Caatract I7ocutnents Comiruttee,The Associstea ficntral Contraetors of Amcrica.and tht Hmerican Institute of Archiiccts. ' FB-1 � • . � -- �����ii1�11 � �`: r: � 4����1� ���i 1 I��� � � c�� Tr� +��1►NST�',[J+�TI�]�I Cf�l'�T�tA�C'�" � Prepared by � En�in�ers' J�int Cvntr�ct �Q+cumen�s Committee ��� � . � Issued ancf Pu�iish�d Jaintly By � • �r�ls �f�y� AtdERiCAH �ccu�rar,o,� �' '� � ; 5L7CIEFT�F '� « .•. � 4, r' C11111 �' ,��� •, � o }� ; EkG{NEE�S � ����lJ„�� � �' �' FOSlxoC� a+7+y �w ,yi' � fi52 '�i CoflM�`� � � � PRDFESSIQNAL ENGINEERS IN P�IVATE PRAC7'TCE A,prc�ciice u+ivisrra�t of tl�e dVATiQNAL SQCI�T1' fJi= PI�QFE55I�71�AL ET*IGINEERS � AMERICAN CC]NS�JLTI�'�IG ENG11�E��RS COUNCIL � � AMERtCAN SC?C1ETY QF'C1VIL ENGINEERS '� • CflNSTRi�GTION SPECIFICATTt3NS INSTiT�J'T� � This documenR has bees�apprave�and endorsed by �s-'` , ' '"'� �,.��" � The Asso�iat+�d�en�ral '°;�'�_ �ontractcars of Arneri�a � li � � � Nd. 19iE�8 i1483 Fiii�iun] � � � . . . � 1 � ' TA�LE 4�F C�1�dTE�`�1T5 �F GEN�RAL CC�NDITI�INS ' ArtiCl p f l�lrrmber rrf� Pr�,�E l D��II�iTTO?V 5 .................................��..........,........ 7 ' ? PRELi�ii�lAl�Y AiATTERS ..........„............................ 8 3 C01�'I'RACT DQCUt�tENT�: � INTENT.AhiEI'JfDlt�lG �.ND REUSE ............................... 9 ~ a AVAIL�SiLI'fY c�F LANaS;PHYStCAL Ca��f�'1QN5: REFERENCE FOli�TS .............................................. ]Q � 5 8{7NDS AI��3ItdSUHANC� ...............,......Y.....,........... lt b CONTRAC'�"(7R'S RESP(3N51BlI..ITI�S ............................ !4 � 7 OTHERtiVOitK ..................................................... 18 8 Oti'f1N�R°S R�SPON53B�L1TiC5 . 19 9 �N,f.FINEEFt'S S'i'ATUS DURINC CONSTRUCI'IC`T�I .............. l9 � l�D CHANGES INTH�W(]ftK ......................................... ?l 3 9 CHAI�GE flF C(�NTRAGT'T'ItICE .................................. ''1 � 12 CHAIVGE OFC01'JJ'1`�,AGTTIME ................................... ?�# i3 WAARANTY AND GLIARANT�E:"�`ESTS AND INSPEC�'[ONS; CQRRECT!(7N. R�M�VAL QR 1 . ACCEPTAiVC�OF DEF�CTiVE WQRK ................•........., '4 l4 i AYMENTS T(7 ��NTRACTOlt AND C{7MPf.�T�(7t�I ,. 2b � l5 SUS'i'ENSIOI� (�F�'�Qk�K AND T�R�IiNA'Y`t(��f .................. '-9 ffi ARBITRATI�N �ti ll MISCELi..ANEOUS ................................................. 3? I � � � � � � a � INI3EX T� GENER.AL �COI�ID�ITIC�NS � Arficle or Prercrgrr�pla ' Ntuatber �4ceaptartce of lnsurarrcc ............................. 3.t 3 CQntraclvr"s Wunanty af�!!r ..................,.,.,. 1�t,3 Acccssta the 1�ork .................................. 13.2 Cvntractors--c3�h�r .....................,...,.,........,. 7 !� Addenda-�dcfinitiars oC{see deFinition vf Conta-actual L►abili�y [nsuranr� ........ ....,....,.� 5.4 Spccif�eat�ons} ........................................ i Caas'dinatin�Contractas�iefinitipn ot .,...,,....., 7.4 Ageement-de�initEO�of ................................ 1 Cooraiination .._..............................»........ l.� � A11 Risk lr�suranre ................................`.... 5.G �ogics v�'DQ�uments .........,....,................. � � Arnendment, Wrr«cn f,3,1,� Carrectior�c�r Rcmovai nf Defcctive Work i 3.i 1 A�pli�a�ia�far Paynient---definition of ...............,.. ! Cotsecsian Periad.Onc Ycar ........................ 13,1? Ap��iC�CtQ�1�Of P`3yfIlCF�t, F'inal ...................... �4.l2 Correction.Remov;sl vr Aerep�ance o!'�lefectsve � Applicatian For F�agsess Faymcnt .................... E�.Z WQr�-in generai.....,......................,13'1•1-13.�4 Applicatia�for Pro�ress Paymcnt--reWie�v c�f ,... 14.4-14.7 Cast-net dec�ease {1,6.� Arbitration �............................................ 16 Cast of Wrrrk ............................,....,.. 11.4-I1.5 � Authnri�ed V�riacic�n in Work.......................... 9.S Costs,Supplern+ental ...,.,..,...............,...a... 1 i.4.5 Avai�abiiity of Lands �•1 Awarci. �otice of--Jefincr! .............................. [ 1Jsy��finitoon af .........�....,........................ l Dcfrclro�e-�cle�initiort of ................................. l � 8efore Ssanin�Corsst�uetivn...............i........ .5.?.7 Urfrc�ri+�� Wask. Accaptance of........•-.`.......... 13.13 F3id�le,init�on of 1 F��fec•rr��e 1V�rk. Currce�svn ur Itemo►��l�f� k3.61 Soads and Insuranc�-'srs&eneral ••-•.........,..�....... 5 Defes•tirc Wnr3c--in�enera! ............... �:3, 1�.7, Z�1.9 i E3onds-cieCinitian vf..................................... 1 Ucfcrrrre Wark. Rejeeting ....................,......,. 4.� � ' ....................... __. ?.1.5.1 Definitians ._.........a.�...,...•.....,.......,....._.... l B�qcis. !]elivery af Z.C Bonds. Per�ormancc and (][hcr ............... ... S.t•5.? [lc{ivcry�f 13s�ncis .,....,,....... L}clerm�natson frar U nit Pricex ....................•-.. 3.C(? � Cash Allowvanccs ......................................l I.8 Qisputes. Decisia�ns tay En.gincer............,.... 9`f i.9,f� Change C7rder-ciefinition flf . 1 ;Dacuments.C:opics of . '- '- Chan�e�]rde�s---�o bc exccate� ...................... �{3.4 I�ucram�nts.Rccorc� .,...................,........_... 6.l�l Chat��esin th�li�'c�rk ................................... l�i Qacumcros. Rc�sc ...,...,....,...,.......,.......�... 3.b � Claims.l5�ai��eraf-an Final Paymern ............... i4.tb Drawings�-cleFanizion�f ..,.,..,..................,.,.... 1 Clasificacians and TnterprecaciQns ...................... 9.4 C�eaning ............................................. fr.17 Easements ..,....._................................... �i,l � Completaan....�........................................ [�# Effecaive date af A�re�ment�icfinitic�n e�f......,........ i Completion.Substanual 14.8-14.9 �mer�cncies . b." Canference.Preconstrt�cz:o� .......................... Z.B Engir�eer---cie�in':tia� of ..,..»....,.,....................� l �C�nFiict. Error. Discrcpancy---�antraetar Engineer's Decis€ans ..........................�. �1.1 D-9.f? � to Re�son ........._............................ 'L.S. 3.3 Engineer`s-�lQticc Wc�rk ss A�cepcat�le ............. t�3.l3 C�astruction h�tacni�acry, Equipmcn�,ete. ........ 6.4 E�gineer's Reesa�men�latior�of Paysnc�t ...... 1�.4. 14.i� Continuing',Vork ..................................... 6.29 En�incer's Responsibilities, �.imitations �oncract �ocumtnts-amendirsg and on ...............,...,.............. b.6.4.3 l.'�.13-9.{fi ` " supplementing .................................. 3.4-3.5 En�ineer's Status fJurin�Construr�ian-;n�e�eral ...... 9 Contract D�taments�icFsnitic�n u�' ......----•.......,... l Equipmenl. Lab�r. �iateri�ls anst . 6.3.b.6 Gontract T7gcument�-Ia�tent ...................... 3.1-3.3 Equivslent A�Sa[erials and Eq�uipmen� ........._........ 5.? � Conira�z �7aeumentsj-Reasc Rf.........................3.b Explarations c�f physical cvnditis�ns ................... �.? Cun�ract Price.Chan��of E i Contraet Priee-Kl�:ilr�iii�n ............................... I Fee.Contraczar's-Cuscs Flus ........................ 1 l.G Contract Tim�.�faan�e uf .�....�..............•--...... 1' Field Order.-ciefinitiun c�F ....,......,.................,. ! � Caolraet Time.C4Ff147"tt�lCCtll�'l71+4f......................�.3 Fief�d Order--issued by En�ineer,.,.....,.... .. �.'S,C.t3.5 Cas��ract'Timt-c7efis�itian of l I=inai Applie�tion fdr Paymen4 ��.1' C�nteactor-cief�ni[i�n uF ................................ f Fann! Inspectian ...........,........,.....,.......... 1�.1E ', � CQntracCor M�y SCap Wc�rk tir�Fermin�tc ............. 9 5.5 Final Paymerat and Acccp4�r�cc ..........,....,...... 14,l3 �ontractor's Continuing C)hiigation .................. l4,t5 �inal Payment, ltecommcnc�ation af ........... 1�.13.1�1.13 �nntractor's f�uty ta Re�+�r6 Discr��:sncy in DuC�aments .................................. 2.5. 3.2 �eneral Provfs�inns ..................,.,....,.... 17.�-17.�3 � Contractor"s Fec-c;ost P3us ... 11.4.5.{�. 11.5.C. I l.b-t!.7 Gencral Reyuirement�-ctcfinitian c�(..................... 1 Coc�tr.�civr's �.iabiliiy lnsurance ....................... 5.3 Generaf Requiremcn�s-�rincipz►! Contr-,sctor's Respt�nsibiliii�.s-in�cn�raf ................ F► reicrcnccs t❑ ................, d.�i.4.�1.6.�.#�.f�•��.7.(,.'3 � 4 � � Givin�Ncatiee ........................................ 11.I Payrnenis tu�onrractor w{�cr►c�ue ...,,.......��3`4r l4.13 Guarant�e of Wor�-hy CUntr�ccar. , 13.1 Paymcnts to Contractor-rvithhc�ldin� . 14,7 Perfarmanre and o�her Sonds ..................... S.I-S.? �nctemnificatian ........... 6.3Q-5.32,T.S ��ermits................................................ fi.�3 ..,............... � lnspectian.Final .................................... 14.11 Physica!Canditi��s ..._..,.....,............,......... 4.? �ns�+e�tion.Tests an� . . i3.3 P�ysical Cond'rtions-Engineer's review . . •3?.� Insuraac�.Sands and-in gcr�erai ....................... S ��ysical Cvnditrnnc-exes�in�:�in�catrres ...... , a.'!.r I,�surance.�'criifira�s�aC ........................... �.7.S Physicaf Condit�cans-rxploralivns and r+�pvrts ....... �.?.1 � Ir�suran�ce�--tnmpletcrf operalians ..,...�............... S.3 Physical Conditions��assibl�clsxument chan�e ...., 4.?.5 Insurance�Contractor's Liability ...................... 5.3 P�ys'scal Conditior�s-prscc��d time adjusamta��s .... �#.'_.S Insuranee,CantrrFSCSU�! C.iatriliiy ....................... 5.4 Physir.��Conditi�ns--repor�of s3ift'�ring ,............ �t.?.3 � lnsurancc,+Dwncr s Liabi3�ry........................... S.5 Physic�l Con�#isions-Undergrflunc! Faci[itics .......... �#.i �nsutan�e.Prnpe�ry 5.b•5.13 Pre�onsaru�tion CanCerenc� ?.8 �rasurance-=Wai�er of Rig�ts .„...................... S.!1 Pr�liminary Matters .......,....,....,............_...... 3 6nGCnt af Co�ntrat�Documcnts ................... 3.3,9.14 E'remises, Use oF ................................ f�.16-6,l� � interpreiations�nd CiariFicacions ...................... 9.�d P�ice,Chan�e af Contract ................,.......,...., 1 l Invcscigatioas of physica9 cvnditivr�s . , 4.2 �'riee-CQrstract-cicfinit��n of I Progress PAyment.A�aplicatipns far ................... I�.? � L.abar. Mttter�a3s und�quipment ...................C�.3Yfi.s P'rogress Fayment�retarna�e :..........,'.,..+.....I�#.? !.:►w�a[�ci Rc�ula[ions-•-de�tnitioR oF. 1 Progress s�hedule ?�.6.�:4,b.6.6.?9, 1S.'.6 I.aws and Regulations-genera� ....................... 5.E4 Fraject-defiait'son of............. l Lia�ility Insurance�-�+Cantractar's ..................... S,3 Projcc� Rep�esenta�ian�pr�vision for ....,..........,. 9.3 � Liability ins+aranc:eJ(3+�.ncr.s.......................... 5.5 Prnj�c!Represent�tivc. R�sidcnt�ie�rnition c�C........... 1 �icns-�.Eefinitir�ns ot 14.i Yroje�t.Start�ng th� -.� Limitations an Enginecr"s Progerty lnsur�nce ............................... 5.6-5_13 Rcsponsibilities ..................... Fr.b,9.1 I,9.13-9.1 b Prop�erty Insuran�e-�artssl U[ilizati�an ..,........,.,. 5.1� � • Yroperty insurance--Receips and Appfic�tion Matc�i�ls a�nd equipment�furnishcd by Contr:�ctor ,o.. b.3 of Protccds ......,••.......................... S.1*_-S.li Materials ana�eqs�ipment�nat Prateciion, Safcty:�nc1 .................�....,.,., C.:Q-6.?G � incorparated'rr�Work ..................... ...1A.2 Punch Iist .....:....,.............»......_........>.. 14.�I M;slerials vr eq�aipment�quivaient b.7 Mis+�e�Earteous Prawisions ............................... 17 Rtcamrnencia[iqn oF Payment ..._.�............ 1�#.4. 1-�.13 i�lulti-prime ContraCtS .,...��............................ �i �tcsorr�Da�ur�encs ........,.,....�,.....,............ b.19 � ,.........,.......................... R��'er�en�e Points ...,,...............................,. 4.4 �Iotice.Givin�of 17.1 Regulations.La�vs and 6.1� �Yatiee of r��ccptability af Froject ................... 14.i 3 Re,}ectin�ac�jerrr��ct Worl: ,............,............... 9.b Votice nf Awara�lzfinition af .......................... f Relatrd Work at 5ite ......................,....... 7.t-7,3 � i*1r�Ei�e tc�PrQCeed�itfinitiar�r�f .,..,�..........,........ 1 Remedies Not Exclussve ............................. �7.�i Natiec co Prvcced-gi�vin�af .......................... Z.3 Rert�aval ar Correctian af Defectr�•r�'ork .--•,...-.. l3.[1 Aesiden[ Proj�ct f�epreserss�[iVe-cie6rsition v!' ....,...... 1 ' "Qr-Equal'.items ..................................... 6,7 F�.CS1dGF1I PT(IJCCk RCPCGSCi�t�[IVt-�?C8�'1S1C�[1 fOf.....,....� 3 �ther can[r�etors 7 R�spansib'slitaes.Coneractar's�-in gencral • 6 t]ther work .............................................. 7 R�spfl�sibilit€es, Eng'sneer's-in g�nernl ...._............ 9 Ovcrtime Worl��prohibition o�'........................ b.3 Resgonsit�ilit�cs,C}►++ner's-in gen�ral .......,.....,...... 8 � f3�wner-dcfinirion of ,,.........�..•....................� ! Re[a'snage ..,_..........,..............................�4? �wner M�y Ct�r�tct ilcfecrrl�c Wark 13.14 Reuse of Documenzs 3.� O►vner�4ay 5sa�s W�r� ........................... !3.l0 R�ghcs af Way ......................,...,.....,........ 4.1 (]wncr:�iay 5usp�nd 1Vork.Terminate .......... 15.l-15.4 R4yalt'ses. Patent Fees and ........................... 5.1? ' {7wncr's Duty to�:xecuu Change[7rde�s ............. 1�.8 �wncr's Liability Ensurance ........................... S.S 5afety an�i Prateccion..................,......... 6.?4-6?[ Qwner's Rcpresr�ta�ive-�-Enginc�r ta serve as _......, 9.1 Samples ......................................... fi.?3-6.?8 ' �wncr's Respansih�9iti�s--io�eneral .................... 8 Schedule o�"pr�gress ........ ?.b.�,8-?-9,6.b,5.29, l5.?.b Qwner's Separate Rcprc5�nfativc a[5ite ............... 9.3 Sche�ulc of Shop Drawing suhmissina�s ...................... ?.5.?.8-?.4.fa,?3. 94.1 � Partia[ Uti[i�tion .............'...............,......14.IU Sckaeduleaf'values ....,--....,.....'i1...'.b.? 8-?.4' I�.G F;��ti:il Utilizatiors-�rJcFiraiti�n of 1 Sched�sles.Finalixing . '-.� Fartial Uti[3zation-Pra�crly Ir►surance ............... S.CS ��o� [?r�wings d�ed Samplcs .....,....,........,. 6.23-b.?$ Patent Fces c�nd R�ya3ties ............................ d.I y Shop [3Cawin�r��leFsnitian uf..,...................,..... 1 Payment�. Reeammendatiun of ........... l4.4•�4.7, f4.13 ��lQp C�I.15Yi11�4.L15�LO.ip�rowc Pa mer�ts ter Cesnsr:�c�or-in�er��e�l .................... 14 suhstitutions .....,........,........,.............. b.7.3 I Y 1 � � a � sits 4ci--U �n neer ........................... 5�.? Time,Ccam�ut�tivn of .....,....».............,..,...,.�7? Siia.Vi Y 6a S Timc.CantraCt�icfr�itian of. � Speri�ications�-�1G�initiar�af ............................. 5tar�ing Construttion.Bef�rc...................... �.5-2.8 � SFarting tha Prr�ject ...................................+ �-4 Uncavcri�g Work .......,........................�i €t:13.� S4op�in�Wotk-by Cantractor f 5.5 Unde�m�und Fa�ikities�-�cieFinition af ! 5i�pp�ng Wark�y�wner .......................... t3.10 UndergrcaunS Facilities-+�+�t sha►4n�r in�iic:Ec��i .,... �.:�.? Su�OC�n�rae�or-�rfini�ion vt................,.....,..,... l Uade�ground Fa�i6ities-�rotection vf ........... 4.3.�+.'t1 � Subecanlructars--in�cneral ....................... b,8-b.l i Undtrgruund Facilities-sh�wn or indieatecl,..........-�`3,i Subcontrac�s--requircd provisio�s ..,.........5.{i.1,b.I! �Jnit Price Work-ciefinition of t 11,4.3 i�nit Fricc Wqrk-�gcner�l ................. 1 k.9. l4,1. 1d.5 � Sub�tantial Comp�etia�--certi�iCation of ...............1�.8 Ur�i[Yrices .,........,.,... .........,.......,.....,.i 1.3.1 Substantia{Campletiora-defin'ition af. 1 Unit Pr'rces� aeterrnR�tatio�s for. . 9.EO 5ubsiitutz�r '4r-Equa1" Itemx ....................... b.7 L1se of Premises ..................,..,.... ...,.. 5.i5-b.18 Su�surface Conditians.......................,..... �6..'.-4.� I�tility awnera ..........,.............,. 6 �3.F�.?Q.T,3•7.3 � Supplemcntal Costs ......................�...........1 t 14.5 ...,....,................ 5uppiementary Co�ndicions�icfinitiran of 6 Vaiues,Schedule of '.5.'_.�. I�.! S�uppl�mGntary Condi�ians--prirscipai Variations ir�Work Au[harixCC� ..,..<..,... b.25.6.'7.4.5 � rcYaren��s to ..,,�5.3,fi.13.6.73, Visits t�r 5ite-by �n�in�er ..................... .f... 9.: ..7.4.9.� S�pplcmcnaing Cantr�ct Dorutne�ncs ............. 3.4 3.� Waiv�r vf Claims.--on Final f ayme�rt ............ l4.lb 5uppaier�--cieFin�tinn of....................... .......... 1 1Yaiver of Righcs�y insurcd paRies ............. 3,lf�.b.f l � Supplier principal rcfer�nces ta .,. b.7-G.�,6.�0, 1�larranty and Guarantec-iay Contr'actar ............. !3.1 b.24.9.13,9.1b. �3,$. 13.4, 1�.12 l�arr.�ncy�f"fitic.Cuntra�sur'S ....................... 1�.3 Surety-canses�t t:a p:�yrnent .................. �4.�2, l4.Rd Wark.Access to ......,,.................�....,.,,... d 3.2 5urety,���gincer h�s no duiy to .....�...... ........ 9.13 Work---hy athcrs ..........,..................... ...... 7 � 5urcly'�-nauce tv ...................{.......�,o,':10.5, 15.? Wark Continuit�g Dur�ng Disputes........., ..... �.. �.�9 S�rety�--c;uaiifi�atian of ............ 5.1-5.2 Work.Cost csf .....,.. I l,4-1!.5 5a�spending VVark.byflwner ......................... �S_1 Wark�-dc�niti�or�of .,.......,,.,...............,....,,.. Z � Suspcnsion of Vif ar�t enr!Terminatign-in gencrai .,...., 15 Wvrk �irective Chan�gc-�cfefinicior�of ................... ! Superintendcnt--Co�ntractor's ......................... ��� Wark Qirc�tive�hangc-principai 5upervisi�,n arid Superi�stcndence .................. b.1-6.2 rrt'erenees to ........,,........,,........ 3.�.3. ld.l-�D,? Warir, Ne�lce�cd by Contractor ....�..........,...., 13.14 ' Taxes--P�ymcn4 by Cantractar....... ............... �'.1 S Wark,5t�3ppin�bY CAntractar....'..,............'.... 15.5 Terminai'san��y Canir�cE�r . IS.S W�ark.Si�pping k�y�Jwncr 15.1-35.4 Tcrmissatian�by i3wncr ......................... 3 5.?•15.� Wri[ten Amenr�menc.--�lefinician of .........,........,.., 1 Termination,Susptn�ian of Wark and-ira gcneraL .,.... 1S W�tt�r�Amendment-princi�al i Tests and lnsptccions ........................... 13.3-13.7 referenees tv .......,............. 3.�,1, l0.1, 1 l.'. 12.1 T`ime.Chan�e of Contract .............................. I? � S � � � ' � i � � . � GEN ERAL CSNDITIC7��I5 �'�J'cr•riti•�—An nd�ceti►�e���hsch when msf�lify'sn�,thd��r�r�i wcarl; r�Cers cc� Wark that is unsat�si`ucsory, luuity ur r�cficicm.ur AR'i'ICLE 1—��Fl�l'1`IONS draes n�t cc�c�f�rm t� ahe Ccantc��t Dncumenty. ur�iues nut � meet tf�c reqe�iresatcnts[+f'tlny inspecfian,rcCerenCe stans3ar�1. '�yh�rever urec�ir�th�sc�acncral��anc3itions Qr in thg oah�r c�st or appraVal re�errcd lo in thc Caatract l�ocurr�cnts, or h;�s been damagcu pri�r to ENG1[v��rc , rccvrnm��d�ttiun Cantrar� [3cieuments 4h�fc�llc�tving terms hav�th�nicunings uf�raal p.�ymcns f«r.lr�h res�an��hilily�csrlhc p�r�,t�cricm rh�rcr�I" ir��'::atCu u•hi�h arC��tplics�bie fi�httth lht;sin�,ula�r ane[pla�r.�l has bcen a�sume�i Esy(}LVNCK at Substantial Cum�lctinat in � ch�resrf: accordarsce wish paragraph 14.8 or l�.lq). �ddrrrd�r--�4+ritten ar�raphic instrvments issued priar to the p�.,���,r�rgs�Thc dra�vin�s►+�hich show the c�.�r�cter and scopc � apea�irrg e�f SisSS�whieh clariCy,currcet or change ih�e bidding �f the Wark tu d�e perfarmed and which i�ave bern pr��are�f d�cumcrsas or the Cuntra�t Qocurocnts. or approved �y �NGINE�R:�nd�rc r�f�rred io in ahC Cur�- tract D�cumen�s. A�;yre�rrae�ar�--The written agrcemez�t beswecn OWNER arsd � CONTRAC`C�R eovering lhe 4Vark tc� bc peri'v�m�cd; at'hcr �jrJ'irlis•g Dcrlc uf tlre A,t+•rc•�r+c•►rt�--Thc cl;�f� in�lic.s94eS ic� 4hc Contraci I]ocumerrts a�e attaehed to t3�e Agrc�t�er�i and made p���,����E Qn whi�h it�ieconzes�f'Fe�ti►+c,but if nu suc6�af���c a parc l�creaf as psovided therein. is indieatcd it meuns �he r3at�: on ►vhicit the A�rcement is � signed anc3 s�e6iver�si by thc:last of thL tt�°u parrics tc�'si��t�tn� A�p[frer►iru� frrr Per}�mrr�r—Thc form aceepted h}• E�lGI- �{,�lkver. N EE�t►+�hich is tu E�e used by Cf7N'�'ltACTQFt in req�sesczng progress or final paymcnts and+�vhielx is to include such sup- L•'N'(;I,IV£�'ft—The pr�rs�n.ficn�pr�t�,rp��;tti�n nam��as�such � poniarg �ucumentation as is rcquircd tsy ihc Can�r,sct in xhc A�r�emtnr. C7vcuments. Firfe!+Orcic�r—A writ[tn �rr�cr istiu�rl �aS' GI`1Gfi�EEK �rf}ich f�i�!The nffer+�r pro�asal r�f the ais�der su:hmitsee# on chc �rd�ers minur�ha��es in ihc 14'nrk in :secord:�nee ���iih para- � �ces�ribecl form set[ir�� fanh ihc pricc� f�r zh� I�s�r�: to b� g�ph 9.5 but�v�sich civ�:�r�n�inWcsl�e z�e�angc ir��h�:C�ss7tr�ict �rformed. Price or ihc Coasar�ct Tirnc. � !3�►rds—Bid. P�rfoemanec and paym�:nt bonds an�i �ther Ge►rrrral Rpc�rrirr��rcarrs—Se�ticans of Di�isaon l of[h�Sp�eci- inssruments af secursty. fieatior�s. Clruar�;e{lydrr Ado�umcnt rccomrrsen�fed�ay ENGiN��R. Lcr�vs crlicf Regrefarrr�rrs, Lu�t•s or Re�rr�uli�,r,s—L:►►vb, rtrles, � witich is s��ned hy Cdhl'tRACTC?R and D1'VNER and ap[ho- F�Sulatians,€rrdinances,rodes andfor c�rdess. rizes an aeidition, deletic�rs ar re�isian in the Woric. 4r an adjustmcnt in thc�an�rac�F'ric�ar tl��Gontract Z�ime,issucd �'r�rir� �rf�1tis�tird—Ths: s4�ritten �iaticc �Y a1Y�1ElZ l�r ch�: on c�r afECt the EfF��tive i]ale of the Agreement. �pR�frnt succcsst�ui bi�id�r ssa�ing chat u�an compli�ncc by � the apparent succcssful bidcier�vith thc�ancfitiarss pr�cede:nl C`rf�ttrrar��Da�r►+raerr�rs—Tht Agrtemert�.,�dciznsla(whicd�pc:r- �n���rated therein,wit#sin thc tim� speeifed,4WN�R �vili tain tu i(�e Coniracc Du��mzn�sl, CC3tVTRACi`OR's Die3 518n�nc1 deDivcr t�c�,gre�mcr,t. � (incfuding daeumentation accompu�ying[he F3id and any pasa- �f�11rer rt� Prcrc�e�r�!.a, �a•��att�n izutict �iw�en oy C}W NCFi �u �3id do�t�merstatior�s��mitted priar to ihe Notice oi'Awarcl} �4N.T.RAG.I.OFt�u.ish a cn}�y to E1+1G11yEEft]fix�n�thc d:�ce vvhen aitached as an exhibit to th�: A�rccmcnt, th� Bonds. on which thc Curstr.xct Z'ime wilf �aammence ta rrsn an�i �n thescC"icneral C�ndilians.�h�Sup�slcrncnt:�ry Ct�nclilic�n�,lhc which C[�N1"RrLC"f'�}� shc�ll st.�rt !� �cr�'c�rrrz �:C�l'�'I'HAC= � SpceiFic�t'rans ancd [hc t3rawings �s �he sam� arc more spc- •�.Q�.������������ uncScr th�c Contra�t T7ocumcn[s. �ifieally idcntihed in the Agrcement,togethcr►vit3�a[S amend- ments, mcadificatians and su�plcmcnts issued pur5uant to p«+�ER--Ti�c gub�ir bo�y 4r authcsri�y, cor�oraasdn, assa- ' paragraphs J.� and 3.S on or aftcr tkte �f'�cctive Date of Ehe ciation,6rm orpersos�wi�h v��hom C��rlT1�ACTDH has�ntcrcd Agreernent. into the A�reement and f�r whom thc Wurk is tr�6c prr�vidcci. Con�racr Pricr—The mon�ys payablt by OWNER io�QN- Prarrru!Urifitnrin�r—P3lcing a porti€tn v�lf�e�Vor'�in ser��iez i � TRAGTOR under tt�e GontCac[ Documer�[s as s4a[ed ir� t�tie {'�r x��purposc!'oe whieh it is inten�icd iar a rclated�urpuse� Agrcemcnt{sr��ject ra the provisions of paragr-aph 31,9.1 ir� ��fore reac�sng Substantia�Compiccian t�sr ui!the 4Y�rk. thc cas�c�f Unit Price W�ark}. � Pr�jerr--7`he tatal cc�nsir��tic�n at� titi�h'sch t3�L Work to bc Canrrncr Trrrir—The n�mber af days frc�m�utcd as pravidcd prawidec� undes th�Contruc[ D�rcumerrts ntay+ b� thc whule. in paragraph 17.3}er�he c�ate state�i�thc A�reemena for th� or a�S�rt as indi�ated elsewh�rc in tt�� �c�nu��t Dt�cum�nts, c4�plexion of the Wark. R'esidr�rr Prr�jrc�t l�c�)�rec��rltrlr`re�--"�'hc authorixed repr��en- ' CpJWT�►�tC�OR—Th�:pc�san,firm or cas-�oratinn wich wham tati►�e af EI4GIN�E�wtsa is assigned to�he sitc or any p�trt OWNER has rntered into the Agreemc�ar. chrrcof_ � � i - ' S1�ap Artr�ti•i�i�s--Ail druwinss, �iasra¢ns. illustr�atians. orciering �n a�Sdition, delctian ur rc�isiosi in thc W�r�. ur sc�edulcs and oth�r da[a whicE�arc��ecifically prc�ar�cl by respanding tn difE'cr�e�g pr unfore�cc�physie�!c�r��itiana un�ier or f�r CON�"RAL'!'�1�tv iilustrate so�nc portinn af thc Wa�rk w�ich the 1�'ork is€o�c perf'ormcd�s pr�vide�t in pa�s�raph � anr3 �ll il6rastrati�ns. broch�res, scandard schedules, perf�r- 4.2 or 4.3 or to er�tes'gEncies un�ler p�r;i�r�ph b,?:, A iVas�: m3nce charts, inst�ctions. diaerasris and ocher infosrnn�ian Direeci��e CE�an�e may noi chan�c the Cvnsract Pri�c vr ih4 prepared by a 5upp14�er�nd sufamittecl hy CO�TRACTC}R[n Contract 'time. br:t is ���ci�r�ce �hat thc �+artic5 �x�cct tt�at iltusiC►te rnateriaiorequi�ment fiarsamL porti+an afthfi Wurk, the chan�.� clirrct`d or r�acumcnt`a ts�� .e 1�'��rk I7i�crtiWC: � Ch�n,�c�ti�ifl h�irccrrparater!in a�uka�eyucntly itir�e��i Ch.�n,�c .Sprc•�j�irr�tiw+is�–Those pn�iians of kh� Cc�r�traet Docurnents �Jl'�ICC�0��014'1[3�S1C�4Il:illl7f15 U}�I7�: ��11'I3Cti'l4 tU klS LI�C4l if cansisting of w�ili�n technical �4escriptir�ns of rnattriafs, �ny, on th�{Co�sir:►�:t Price or Con�r�ac� Ci�ie us prt�vic3+=a in � equipmtnt. eonstna�xi�n systerns. SI�71I1C1.7Ct�S �il[I LVCII'�it173[1- �3C3}�'LA�i�'1 IL}.3. ship as appiicd to�hs Work and certait��dministrstivi t�ctai#s appli�able tt�creto. Wrirtrrx Aa�ze�rrl��rs��+t—A �►+ritten 1nlendmen!nf�he Cnnlracl nncumcn[s, si�nccf by 4kVN�li�ncl CON'I'RACf`�K un or � 5rrbcaer�rrr�°rnr�An individuak,firm or carporatian h�ving a aftct'thc'Ef!'c:Gtivs;Date 4f ih�A�re�tn�nt.ea�ci narma�i},�d�;�f- dir��t�ontract r��i[h C(]t'tTR.ACI'dR or with any othcr Sub- ing w's€h lhe Gs�»�s�,��n���ti�S��'nnnt�clznical r.zther thG�n s�rictl}� canl�ctar for lh� p���rrsiance vf a p�srt oCthe Wurk ac thc Work-rek;lt[i�a5�}�C4S OI�lE1C CO[���%SCL �'C1G1�f�]CR[S. ' SIIC. ! Srrbsru��tralCc�rrrplrriQr��Tlic�'IMork{ara specified part th�reof? A�TICLE 2—PfZ�LIA91Nr�RY �9AT1"�RS has pr�,�ressed ta th` point wherc, irs ihe apin'son vf�NGt- � NEEA as �vid�nced by �N'L�II�IEER's defir�itive certifieate vf 5uhstantial Comple[iun. iT is sufficiently campketz. in �elivery of 13orxds: accordance with th�e Conlract DaCUmcnts,sa thai �t�e Work �,1. When CD�1TItAC'I'Q�tfe3iti��rs the e:cecuted A�rcc- � (ar sp�cified parG)rr3n bc u�ilized f�r thc purp�scs f�r which rncnts to ���'NE:4�. CC3�ITR�C7'OR ah�Gli al;a ci�:ii►+4r �c� it is int�nd�d;or if cl�ere 6e no such certificatc issued,v�xhen linal paymen[is duc in accor�ance�vith paca�ra�ah C4.13.The �]�'NEIt s�el� 8antis as CONTRAC"I'�R rEt:sy be r�c�uirzd tw terms "s�abstaotiaily campl�te'" and "substan�ially ev�i- f�r�ish in arearc4ancc►ui�h paraer�ph 5.1. ' ple�cd"as appkied ta any Wark refer to Substantial Comp€e- tion ihertof. Cvpres r�f,aacurne►ar.s: 2.�. OWPIER shaii furni4ki �o COi�T��C'fC7�t up la ten Sirpplrnacr�rury C'o�rdr'rrnns—The part of she Cvntract i?o�u- ca�ics(unicss olh�r�wise speeif�ccf ir�nc�:5u��pltnientary C�n- � rtvents w�i�h amersds or sup�l�ments these Gcnersl +�onrli- d'stions} of the Canlract f7ocurr��n�s :�s ;src res�r�nak�3y ne:c- tiorsa. cssary fat'[he ex�;cuts!an uC the INori:. r1ilc�ilsunal Cu�sies►vill ' ,5rr�rPfr'rr A �anufa,cturcr, fa�rieator, supplier. disk�ibutor, �e fut`�ished, upon req�e�t,at the cosl u�'reprt��fu�tiran. materialman crr vendus. Carryrncr�cerne►rr of Co,erroet Tiruc;�Varire rA Pr�recd: U�ader�rarrnrlFacidiares—rL�i pipeiines.ca�nduit�,ducts,cable�. 3.3. Th� C�ntract Time wil6 camm�nce to sur� +an t'�e ' wires.rsaanholes,waults,lank�,lut�nels 47�'Olhs:�SuCh f�cifit's�s thi�tielh i3:►y ai�er:h�: Effecti:e D;�te of lh� :1�reement.ar. if or attachmenrs,ancf any e�eaSerriCntS containii7g 5uch €�eil- a tiiotiCe CD Pt'uCeesi is ����in, s�n tfsL cl3y ind'scatccl in tlic ities wh's�h liaVe b�en instail�d�ndcr�c�un�!to furnish any a� ;�Iaiice io Procccc�.A Natice to Proee�d m:6y f]C�IWCT{:u�r�y the follvwin�s�cyiees ar m�+t�rials: �3ectrici�y.�ases,5��:�cn. �imc within ahirty days��fYer ih� ElTe:ctive �a�e of tt�e �.�.ree- t Eiquid peira4eam p�'n��cts, tetephor�e vr other communica- mcnt. In s�4 cvent �4•ili the Cantra�t'�'inie cs�rt�mrnce to rt�r� tians.cabfe tcicr�ision, se►va�c and d�air►agc removaE, tr'a#�fic I�ter thar� ih�sew�ntY-���h ���y a�ter thc day vi C�isl opzrrin� or athc�ton[rql systems ur water. �ot c3se thirti�eth c�ay after shi EfFec�ive i3asc ut'the A�Br�cm�n�. which�.�er date is aarli�r. ' r' r Wnrk—Wark zs� bc paid for an ihe k�asis of unit �/rri! P rr �T��'�s• S[arling t#te Prajerl: ' i�or�—Th�e ea�tir�cosnplcted constnsCtion Qrthe var'saus scp- '?,4. CQN'CRACTC3R s'half s�arc cv ncrform si�e ��'c�r�:on arateiy identifiable parts �7t�reaf rcquired ta bc furnishcd the date �vdzcn ttre Cc�ntract Tirnc ec�mmence�ta run.but na �nder the Contraet [3dcumcnts. «'ork is t��e resul[ �sf per- ti�'ork shall be s�g��at thc site pricsr lQ tlte datc Un ��hi�h che � �urrriing serWices, furnishing fabor arsci f�srnishin�,and incar- �ontra�t Cim�co�nn��nees ta run. poraUng materials and equipmen� 'snco rhe canstruCtion, a1l as required by ihe Cantract Do�urr�cnzs. Brjore Sturtr�r�C�ns�rucrivrr: � ti�'trr�Dire.�ctr�•e Clruirgc—.'���•rittcn ciirc:c['se•e to CONTR��iC- ?.S. IIc€`are u��fcriakin= c.�ch �+,G�-t uf 4Fse LVt�r�. C'il�!- TOR.assued on vr afecr the�'1Tec�ive Datc n�'t'�e A�rcemer�t TRAC`F'L)R shall carcCully study ;tnci eocnpar� ti�e Cantract ,and si�necf by UWNEA and recQmmcncfec�k�� E�G1�lE�R. C7ntt�mwnts snr� check us�d ���:rif7• �et�tincnt fi�:►sre� ,lauu� � 8 � r � Ehercon and al]appiicahte f�eid mea�su�crr�ents. CUNTRAC- graph 2.6.T'hc finaliie�i progress schedul�e will bt��zept;�6le T(JR shal! pr[�mptly ne�Qrt in wnding to �NGrAiEER any #o ENGINE�R as providing an nrd�rly prugrtssinn uf i�c canElict, errar or discrapar�cy which �G1�TKACTOR raiay ►�Vork to c�mpletion ►vithin ihe Cuntract Time, but such � �fiscaver and shali dl�tain a written interpr+�ta�ifln ar clarifi- �ceep�ance will nei�h�rimpase on ENCf i�EEP�responsibilily catron !'rom ENGiI*IEE� beforc pra�ceding}vith any War�, fbr the pr+a�res5 ar schec3uling of thc Wc�rk��or relie►•c COIe• aFfeeled thereby;hawcver.C(]NTRACTOR Shal6 nvt b�lia- TRt1CTC�R 6rarn f�zll res�orssihifity tt��ref�+r. Tf�c ftn:�lirecE ble tn ()WtVER ar E£�Gt�IE�R for fuilurc tc� report any snc�dul�c�f Slicap ar.��ving sutamis5icrns wi]E trc a�cep�abl�:tu � evnHi�et, crrar or ctiscrepancy t� the Contrac! Do�umtnts, ENGINE��as pr�vid"rng a tvvrk:rble arran�crnent for pr�- unlcss CC}N7RACTOR fsa�ac�ual knowleclgt thcrcaf orsh4ul�f cessing the submissians.Thc finalized sch��iuCe csf va[ues►►�ik1 reasonably have knawn thereof. i�e acce�table to �NGINEEA as ta form and substance. � '?.S. �'Jithin ten days after thc EfFcc[ivc I]atc of the Agr�c- ment d�nless aahcrwise spGCifsed in the Caenerul I2equirt- ,qRTICLE 3--COI'�17RAC? 37C'�CUM��lTS: iNT��IT.. ments), C(?I�lTAACTt3R shall submst to �NGIk��GR for ,q,M�NI]ING. R�L�SE � revicw: 2.fi.1. an esiimatcd progre�s schcdule 'sndicating the Iriten�: � startin,�and ca�pletian dates oi'thc varivus sta�cs o�[hc �,1. TI3e Consract Dacument�comprise the enti`re a�r�e- 4Vork; ment betwcen�WN£R and CDNTRACT�7R cancernin�thc: Wnrk.Thc Contrac[Documenls arc cr�mplcrrjentar��:whai is 2.6.2. a preliminary schedu[e of 5hop Drawir�g su3�- ��lte� for by on� is as bindins as if c�tlled fc�r by alf. �"h� � missians:aasd �ontsa�t Doeurr�en[s wiil he cs�nstrue� in accar�iante v�•i�h �.6.3, a preliminary s�hedule of�aiues fvr alI of the ��e ia"��f the p�acz c�f thc Pra�ect. Worfc wt�'sch tivill include qnantities and �arices of it�ec�s � ti ��i���y�is�tcnt af sh�.Cant:�.t�t Documznts to describc ' ag�egating thc Cvntrac�Pricc and���iil subdivide the Wcark � ��n�tian�lly ecamplete Fruj�ct �ar�sart thereofl tc� he can- int� �omponts�t gasts in suf�i�ient detaii ta scrvc as the �€ructeci in ucenscianc� �+tith thc C�rntract i�c�cuments. Ar�y basis tc�s pro�ress payrr�cnis dur'rr�g conscrucu�n. Such �vt'k.rna[ctials or equi�me:nt th�t[n�y rcasanahly be in�'Err�� ' prices will include an apprapriace amount oFnverhead and frarn tt�c Consrac[ E3c�ce�mtn4s as 6cing required tcs �rrodu�r prv�ii applicabFe t��ach it�m af�Voa-k which wiU b�c4n- t���nt�nded r�csu�lt w%3l bc supplicc4��hether c�r ne�t sp�tiftcally firrt�ed in ►vriting by �'ONTRA�CT[lR at the �irne nf sub- �ailed fc�r. �Vhen ►a°ords which hav� a tivel6•kno�+°rs tcchni�;s! ����1On' ar trade m�eanin� are �scsl t+� cfes�ribe 1Vc�rk, rnr�criais vr 1 eqni�rnent such�vords sh�il be interpret�,c1'sn aCec�rdancc�vith Tt)1�shall du�ivcr ta 4WN�R.with a c�py tu E E�H, t�at meanin�. Rcfcrcnce to Stan�.ird S�SeciCcltirrns. :nan�r•.tiEs certi�i�ates {and other e�,�idcncc o�' inss� requested by orcc�des at'any techni�al soei��y,or��.+nizatian+�rsssuci:�[ian, � p Wd�FER}wh�ch CprITRACTQR' quired t�pt�rch�se and ar to thc Laws ar�tegulatiors�uf ar►y gvvernmental authariiy. wh�thee such rc�e�enec �� spcciiic or hy irnpiicatrorr, sh:,ll rr�aintain in aecordance �v' aragraphs 5.3 and 5.4, and mean th�:latest standard s�ccitica�iun.manuai.codc c�r Ls�vs (]Wi�lEA sh�ll delirr o CC]NTRAC`fOR certifical�s fand or Re�u�atiarrs in etPect ac the time af�peni��of Bi�1y iur,��� � azher evidcnc rnsvr�nce reqt�cstcd by C01�37RA�7flft) ��� �ff�ctir•c Dat+;r�f thL A�r��ctscnt i!'thdr� wzre nfl [3is�.j, r+mhich ER is rgq�ired ta purchase and maintain in extept as rnay l�e vtherwise speci�icaily stated. Huwe�cr.nc� , . . pravision of any refcrcn�cd standard w�eci��atian. ny:�nual orcocie CW+hether Qr nvz specificai3y inca�pnr.��c�l�y ref ercncc � Precarrstructiare C�nJ`rrcner: in the Contrac� i]oct�mez�tsl si�all bc c�fecti�e ta chan�t thz duties an� responsibi�i�ies af�1'l'NE�t. C�NTRACTOR ar 3.8. Wilhit� nventy days aftcr the �ff�ctive Date 4f th� ���t�E��,��.��y qf their consWtars�s,agents ar empio}• � A�rtetn�cr�t, but �efare CC�NTRACT'OR stans thc War�: a[ ���irom tktose set forth in the Cantr�et Docurrrec�zs,nor sh�31 the si[e,a cor�fierence attea�icd by CC7i�TIZ�CTUR, ENGi- it bc ef�'ectivs to 3ssi6n �a £3*iG1�lE�R, o�' any u� �1VG1= NEER and o[hers as ap�ropriatc wiI3 b�: held to discuss the g,��ER"s rr�nsultaRts. agents flr empl�)'ees, a,ny �uty or sct�et�ules rcferrcci�o sn paragra�h 2.�,co discuss pr�ccdc�res ��r��rity co superwisc or dirctt the furnishine or perforrn�ncc � frar hanc�lin� �tsop �irawings anc� other submittals and for Q�'ttte �i��r�;or arty d�ty or auth4�ity tc�ur�dertai:e respansi- proccssingApp€iea�iDns forPayrrsenc,a��i to ast��blish��s warki�g ����ty car�trary to the pro��isivns �t'paragraph J.l5 or�.16. undcrstandin�amaag the p�rtics as ta the Wc�rk. ClariFicatio�s and anterprct�tiorrs af thc Contrtct Dvcumcnts shall be issucci t�y EhlG[NEEf�.�s pro^�ici�d i�paragraph 9.4. I Fi��[irirrgSch�rdulcs. 3.3. IF,t�urin�the performancc ofthc Wari�.Ci�NTR�C- 2.9. At least te�da}�s befflre sutrmission o�`t'�e first A�pli- TQR fincis a con�ict, crror or ci�3cre�ancy sn the C�ntract � cacion Cor Paymcnt a con6erenee a[ccndcd by CONTRAC- �orumcr�ts,C(�1'tiTRACTQR sh�il sn r�pvrt ta E'.*tGl*IEER TflR. ENGINEE�and nthers as a�prapri�tc►�ilE be hclt�to in writin�at c�nee:�nd heforc procccdin,��vith th�1�'nrV:affectcd Finalizc Gh� schedules ss�bmit€cd in aCCVrd�nc� with par'a- th�rcby s3iall s�btair� a written interprcta�ion ar clarificsaian � � � . � �rcam �I+tG�NEEA: hnwewer, C[3N7"RACTOFt shall nvR be such ather iands w��cF+ arc designutet� for�he use of Ct}N- liable to OWT�EK or �t�[GIN��R Far fa'slurc lo repart any TRAC"l`OR. Easemen[s Car perms+r��r�L structures or p�rma- con�ict. errar or diserepanty in thc �or�tract Ducumcnts nant cha��zs in esistin� fa�ili��es w`s3f bc ob�:sined snc� p��ref 1 unlessCUNTRA�'TORhadac�ualkna►vledgctherc�ft�rshauld fro��y��}fl���f�'�"7NTR 1CTt}R�bp e+es hat any del iy�in reasonably have icnown rhrreuf. £�WNE�'s furniehic�� ths5c Par�dy. r`s�hts-aC-ws�y ar c:sy�- ntcnts 4nti�S�� CCJiv'1'lt.1C"P'UP� t� :;a ��t�.n�iun c�f Ihr C�crn- � Ame,ndirrg ar�d S,upplrmrnring Gonuac�Llatuments: tract Time. GCl�l1�`ft,+��"fl€� muy m�kc a cl��m ihe�ei'vr as 3.4. The t�u���,a�.s u�+�.++«,�.s,4� :b°tay �c a�.««ded to pra- Provided in Art'scle I?.CpN`[�RAC�C3ft sfiall�arovide�`r�r ull - r�ide[or additions,del�tior�s and revisions in the W oefc ar tr� additiorsal kands and access ctrerctQ th�t mey h�.rcquired for � trlodify the itrnts and epnditi�ns therea�in one or mvre of tcm�orary cvns�ructian facilities ar stnra�e a�'mat�rials an� the Followin�ways. equipment. � 3.4.1. a formai Writ�en�►men�n��nti, Physecu!Gondirio+�s: 3.4?. a Char�sc C7rder ipursuant to paragraph 10.4�, �i,Z.l. �.rplr�ratiuns cr�rr! Reprrrt:s: Refe�nce is maa34 to the Suppietnen�ary Conc�itirrs�s Cur i�#cr�ti�ira�iun oE'�h��e a� rep�orts�Ce�;piorat'sons and[ests af subsurface eor�ditic�ns � 3.4.3. a Wor!€ f3irecai�e Cha��e {Pursuani to para- at thc site that hawe b�en�stilized by E;VGIi�IEE1�in�sep- ���h �� �y aration of the Contract Documents.CONTE�r1��`OR may rely upr�n the accs�r�ey af'the tcchnscak c�.zta contnincd in � As indicated in paragfaphs 1 l.2 and 12.1.Cantract Price�nd such re�arts, hu�not �pan nontechnicai d:ata.intcr�rez.�• Contratt T°smeRnay only be Ghangec4 by a Chan�e Qrder ar a [�r�eaf Cor�CONTRACTpR'srpurpases��Ex��tlas�iradi Wrilte�Amcncirnen�. rece�ing sent�nce and in �:�r:t- � cated in thc smmcc�iate9y p 3,�.'In a�dizion,the rec�uirernents af[he Cankr�ct I]�cu- graph`t'•�.b.CQ�"rR�1'C70R shal4 hav�fuil respo�5ibiiity mtnl5 may bc supplementeci,and minor varsativns anci�ievia- with respcct tra sul�svrface cor�ditic�ns csi lhe:�itc. tions in the Wor�C tnay be�u�hvriz�d,jn aste°r morc aF the 4.�.�. �l'f5111tk Sf1'f!G'11l+��S: RCP�CCt1CC l5 S3l3t�G ta �he � following ways: �upp����ntary Cos�diticrns for icl�;ntificatiQn uf ���se }.g.�, a Fie(d Orcler[pursuant to par'agr�ph 9.5), drawings of phYsical cos��itions in ar celat'sn� ta cxistin� s�srfa�e an� subsurfac� stnsetur�.s �cxcep� Unclergrc�ur�d � 3.5.?. EI�IGII�IE�R's ?pProv:s{ of a Sh�p Drawing or Facalities rclerrcc� ta in p�+rasraPh 4.31 14�ri4C�t srC ��l �r sampie{Pursuarst to paragraphs 6.?5 arsd 6.27},os' contiguc�us ro the sitc that have bccn utilizc� by '�!VGI- NEER in prapara[ion+af she Cc�ntract I�ocurnen�s. CC)N- 3.5.3. EI�PGINEER's written intsrpr�eiation or cl:u�i�� TRACTDR a�ay rcly upon the accuracy af thc tcc�nica! � cation[pursaan►ta par�$r�+Ph 9•41• dat�containcd in Such druwings.bi�t not fvr thc c�m�rl4tc- s►�ss thcreof Ccar C{]�I`I'RIkC:"I�C7It'S ,�ur�auscti. L:sce�,� :r� indi�ated in the irnmediately precetiin,� s�ntcnce unc! in � �ituse of l7acumerrrs: paragraph 4.2,6, CONTf�ACTf7R sha11 h:�ve full res�ns�- 3.6. Neithcr{C{3I�°I'F�ACTOR n�rr any Subcontracior car sibifity wsth respcct to phys'csal et�nciitians in ar rclalin� S�spp9ier ar �ther perso�t or or�anizacia�s perfiarming�r fur- to such scruczures. � nistairag�nY oC thc Work under a direCi oa' in�irect e�antra�t �`�.3. �{, pPf Qf D! err"ra Curcclirr'u►ts:If CONTKAC- with�W NEl�,shail hav�ar acquirc any titic Eo csr ownership P �� � righ�s in any of the Drawings, Specifications or Q�hcr docu� T(3R belseves[hat: sn�nts�or�apies ❑f any thcrcat� preparcd by 4r bearing R�� � se�l of EAPGIN�ER;and they shall not reuse any of ttresn ot7 &.2.3.1. ��ny technical data vn which CC3t�TF�AC- cxtcnsivas pf the Pro,�eet o�any oaher project withaut w�tten ']"UR is cfltitlec� tn rely as�rov'sdccf in pssa�raph�4.2.C �onsent af QWNER and ENGINE�R anc3 specsfic �vrtitten arsd 4.2.2 is inacct�ratc�or � ���ifi�catian ot adaptauan by ENGINEER. � �i�;�l conditian uneovese�i or 4.2.3.''. �nY P Y revealed ac the s'stc dif�'crs �rs�censily frvrn that indi- eazcd, reflccscd ar re�`erred tc, in thc Cantr�et Ducu- ARTZCLE A�—AVAiLAB1Li"1'Y C]F LANDS; PHYSICAL �en�s, � CC7N�lTI�NS;RE�ERENC�Pf)1NTS CDII�tTRA�OR shall. promptly �ftcr t��cc�min� ��rare Av�s#1"cbi�ty ojLunds: thrreoC and befare perfarmin� any 1�Jo�k rn conncctsvn ` q,,1, pWNER sha�i furnish, as indicat�d in the�vntr�ct thereww'sth(�xcept in an enzcrgcnc}� �� perm'stscci by P�+r�l- D�suments, �hc lands u�on rvhi�h the 'Nos�k is ta be pec- �raph 6•�2�. stnzify �'�NNER �nd ENGIN�ER in wrni�r� fcsrmad.rigi�ts-af-way and easCmcnts Fvr access theretv.and ahvut thc tnnc�ur�ey�r d'afCcrcnce. � �(� � � 4.3.4. ENGINF'El�'s Rrti•re��•: ENGINEER wi[I detcrmine ihe extent �o which ih� Guntr�ct Dacum�ents prvrtnpify rewieuv ih+: per�inent conclitio�s, +��«srnine �hc shpui�i be tnodified tn reilcet an� ducunstnt the eanse- nccessity oFot�taining additis�nal exploratior�s dr tcsts with qucnccs of the existence of e[�c U�e�er�rot�rtd Faeifiry,ancl re�pect ihrrettr and aefivicc�WN ER in wri�irs�f With a eopy thc Cc�rsl�-acs Dacurnents will be arzienr�cd c�rsuppkmeated ,,r, za CC)NT€�ACTAR) nf ENCr9�EEER's findir��s and �t��- Co the ex�err! necess�ry. During such �ime. C�3�!'Ci�.'►C- �� -�-•-'-- '�n�;,",..!! �c res�ansi�+lc Fur thc:��fety:�n�l pr�iec�abn of ,���v,� 4uch Un�ier�rounsi F€acility as�Srtaui�lca in�r�ir�y�-s�h b.��. �3.�.3. Ar�rsThfe l�rrc•rrnrrrrr �`l,r�►rRre: li ENG1F^�EEK ►.Ci�1`Y'wr`.4'Ol� sha3! h�sllo�reti an ir�creasc in [hr C�rs- � ca��lucies 4hat �hrre is a mater�al errdr in the Cor�tract ir:tCt Price ar�n exiensivn vf the Cantract Time,ar ba�h. I]a�umenas or that because of rsewly dis��t�'eced con�i- ta tfac cxl�cY[that they arc attrihuta€�fe tu shc etiistcn��of� �ians a changc in thc Cantr�ct Pacumes�ts is requircd. a any Undergrvun�Fa�ility that wras not sha�vn 8r indicatcd � Wurk Qirectine Chan�e ar a�hzsagc(7rdcr will 6e issusd in the Contrac! Docurrzcnts ancl which C(7i�3TfiAC'�CJR as pro►�ielc�! ir� Ae�i�le CO [a r�cllrc� ancl doc�mcnt ths cauld not reasun.►hiy hav�.becn ex�er�ed [�b�:a�uare of. conscqucnces of 4t�e inac�curacy vr�fifCerence. Tf th�pa�lies are unablc to agree as t�th�€�mount crr Ien�th ihereof. CONTRACTdk may �sa€;c :� clairn tf:crc!'c�r as � 4,3.6. F�ssrble Prrc•e a��d rx�ae rl�'jrrsr�rrer�rs:In�aCh pro�idcd is,Anicl�s I i and 1?. s�ch ease. an incrcas� os ci�+cre�se as� �'rti�: �.+�nu�:��:t Yri�� ar a��xte�sian ar shanenir��of�h�Contrar[Timc,c�r any ����re��,��,arnr.�_ eor�binatinn 4�ereof, w'sl� bc allowable to ttsc excent that • � they ar�e attri�utable cv any sach inaccuracy ordiff�rencc. 4,�1. �}WN�F�shal#prv�idc ersgin�rrin�sur�cy�s[o caaab= ]f OWNER anc!CON�'�rtC'f4R�re unablc tv a�ree as ts� lish referenc�puints 9'orcur�ssr�ctis��s��•hsch in Ei�GIa+l��R'� thc amoun�arle�sth ttacreof,a claim may bc made th�rCf4r jud,�ment am s�ecessary tv enu�le CQi1'TftACtOR to pr���ed � as provided in AstiClcs t 1 and 1?. ��ri[h lh�Work.Cd�ITRAC'�"f��t ahall bc resp4nsihke far lay- ing out tl:� 1�+vrk[unless ntk�cr�^�s� s�s�cif�c�3 in the G�ntra� Rtqus'rem�nts}. sh�ll protect and pre�,zrve the cs[ablishe�i Ff:��strit Condilro+�s—U�rder�round Faeifitirs: reFcrencc pr�ints anc� shall make no �han��es or r�eloc�tivns � 4.3,�. S1ro�ti�er nr l�rdicare d:The inSarma�ion and data withaut the pri�r wristen appra�ai ef 01�?+I�R.CQ�lTAAC- shown or indic�ted in ihe�Contract l7a�um�nts►vi�h respect T�� ��all repart ta E�lGdNEER Gvhenever any rcfcrc:nce ta cxisting LJnder�round Facilit'ses at ar conti�u�aus tc�thc Faint is iost or d�stroyed or requires rclaea�ian h�cause of � siiG is based an infarmatian and data�'urrsished to Q1VN�R necessaryr changes irs grad�s ar lo�ativns.and shalk be r4�spun- z�r ENGII'�IEER by t�e ownersnFsuei�Uncler�raun�Facil- �a'�dc for the accurate rcpEaccment or r�locatioa of s��ch ref- iaics or by ot�crs. Unless i[ is athen��ix� e.r'pr�ssly prc�- ��ense pvincs by professior�ally qu�rli�iesi persannc{. �ides! in�he Supplementary Cvr�diCions: �' 4.3.I.1. OWNEft and �:�GINEER s'hall n�t bc �RTICL�5—�3t�Ni�S r1I*1I3 INSUft?.NGE ccsp�nsihlc for the accuracy ar cvmpleiertess of any � suGh inFnrmation or cfata;and, ,�erforrnQrrcr ai�d 0�l�er 13o►r�ls: 4.3.f.?. CQNTRI�CT�R shall ha�+�: f'ui1 respor�si• 5.1. �[]NTRACTUR shnll furnish performance:�nd paY- bil'ity for reviGwing and checking all such inforrrmation r�tent Bands,each in an amount as fe�st equ�►1 Ca lhe��ntract � and ciata,f�rla��lin�aif Uncl�r�;raus��i�'acililies sh�wn PriCe as�ecurity fur the!':sithl'ul p�s�fvrnsasicc sncl pna�ai�ut u#' ar pndicated in thc�or�tracc Dacurnents, for�oordina- al[ CONTRI�C'I�CJtt's obl�galivns �snder the Cc�n[ract i�c�cu- tion n#'thc 1Vvr3c with th�e awngrs af sueh lJncizrgr�und ments. Tfxese 13and5 s�all remain in e(fieet aa 1e,�5t until c�r�e � , Facilities durir�g cvrssEruc�iora, far thc safety and pra- ycAr�f'ter thc ciate wt�cn tinnl payrrient bccomcs due.except Eeetian thereot as prraWSdc� in paragraph 6.?4 and as otherwise pravidec� Lsy Law or Resulatic��ar by tMt Cun- repairing a:�y dam�ge theteto result'sn�frorn ihc Work, tract I?acumcncs. CC��Z`�.�CTDR sh�ill alsu furna�ts ,u�h th� �ost of all ot'which will �e ccsnsid�red �s having vth�r Bands as are required by the Suppkmznt,iry C�na3i- b�e�ineluded in the Can�ract�ricc. tivns. A�1 8onds shall be in the forms prcticritrcd by La�v uur � ' Re�ulativn vr by the Cc�ntract 13s�cumen�s�nc1 �c cxrcu�,ecl 4,3,?, Not Sl:otit�n or i�rdre°ut�rl. If an Under�rvun�i �y such sureties as are named in tl�e c�srr ena list �� "�'um- Fac`slity is urttavtred nr r�veakcd ai or carsti�uous �o thc p�nies Ho3din�Ccrtificates nf Authoricy as�cccptablc:5isre:- � SscC wh"reh w,�s r3U3 ShAwn or inciica(ed in [he Co�ttrurt lies an Fetler~al �onds and as Accept:sblc R�i�saurin� Cnm- Documents and whi�l�CQNTPiACTGft coudd nnt reason- �anies'" �s published in�ir�ular 5i(�(;�m�nJ:ed)by th�Auciit ably l���re bcen cxpeeted ta be aware of.C+D�ITF�A�'1'�1R Sta�'Bure3u af Aeeoun4s. U.S. 7'r�a�sury Cle��nment. �dl shall. promptly aftcr bccorning atvare thesea�an�i bef�r� B�hds signtd by ar�a�ent rnust b�accon��:�niec�by a ccrtit�ed � performi�gany Woc�affectcd thereby f�xcept dn�n�mer- c�py oC nc�autharity to act. �ency as p�rmittccE by paragraph fi.221,iJentiFy che awncr ofsuch[]ndergr�ound Facili�y and�ive��riit�n n��i��ethcrcuf 5.�, lf thG surcty an sny }3un�l Curni�hed b}•CON7"R.�C- � to that v►vner and to 0'►VI�LR a�d ��'GI"�l�LR. ENGI- �"C]R is de�lartd a bsn�rupt�r bc�omes insvl�'es�t or its s'i�ht NEEk►vi�l y�rom�tky revicw thc �nder�rvund Faei�ity to tv c1a� business is [trrr�itsate�l in :��ty �trite ��•h�r� nnv �.zrC �+i` � 11 � � � the Praject is locat�d ar it re�ses �o mcet thc requiremenzs thirty days' prior►vriticn nocic�has�cen given to�11�+NEFt vf parag�api� 5.1. CONTRACTOR s�tat� within five days and ET�EGI�IHER by ccrtificei mail. ali such insurance sha61 chare�fter suUstitute�nother Bond ar�d 5ureiy,bnth afiµ'hich rema�n in efi'eet us►til final paymeni and at a81[imas thercafter � must bc acceptak�lc ta QI�NER. when �C�}I'+lTRACTOF� may bc earrectin�. �emcaving or rcplacin�r{efec•ai>>e 1�aric in a�evrd�nce��ith paragrap3t 13.1?. In additivn. C�NTRAC�'flR shail maintain suci�complct�d Conrracrar'r Lr'abilirylresura�ire: apt°r�ciuns insurancc 1"vrn[be;sst�wcr'��u�,:�iterfina!{���yment � 5.3. CONTRACTQR si�afl purehase and maintain such an�i furnish �WN EK►v�th evi�icnce r�f ccanti�nuation oi'sucli camprehensi�c gcneral liability ar�d eiher insurance as is insurar►ce at�inal pays�nent as��f ane ye�r[hereafter. apprvpriat4 t�r[ht Wark treing perf'oam�d arsd furnssh��i and as wiEl providc QroteG[ion fr+�m c[aims set farth below whiCh � rnay arisz out o�or resulc from C0�lTRACTCJR's perfOY- �Cpr�lrarrrruf L[ab�lity Irrsurrtnce. rr�ancc a�nd i'umishing aF the Worlt and C{]NT�2,ACTC]R"s �,� ���arrrprehensivegcner�4liability'snsurancercquir�d �thcr abligatsons under the Contract Docum�nts,�vhetf�er it ��, ���.���.��� �.� ,�ill includ� �anarac�ua! liaf�ilicy i�ssuranc� � i5 to be perfarrsttd ac Furnished by CC)N?RACTLIR,by any ap����aL�fc toC�NTRACTOR"s otrligations un�i�rparagraphs Suhcvntractor,by anyone d'srectly ar indirecliy�mpioyed by �,�{���d 6.3[. any af ihem to pes-C`orm or Furnisit any of[h� Work, ar by anY�n���r«'���e a�ts ar�y of them r��y 1�e lialai�: � Ow,ner'r Gia�ilily T+�surq�nr�: + 5.3.1. Clairns under warlce�s�flC WDCICL]'lC[{'s�ornpen- sa�ion,disabi.lity beneF�ts and a�hcr sisnilar employee��n- �•�• ���'��� shall be res�or�sihlc far purchasins �nd �Yit acts, maintairtir�g OWitit��2's awn liabi3ity insurance anci. �t � QWNER`s option, may purchase ansi maintai� su�l� insur- 5.3.2. Clair�as ior damagcs hecause af badily injury, �lncc as;-�ilk prQtect UWN ER a�ai�si tl�►irns�vhich rnay arise accupati�rnal sicS:�ess or cti5casc,t�rdcath af CD1�lTRAC- ��am opesat"sorts undcr the�vn�caci [lacuments. � TC}�t's empiuyees; 5.3.3, Claiats Eor damagcx beeause �F taadily inj�sry, Properry f�tsurance: sickness or disease, or cie�th of any person athec than �.�, Linless �[henvis� provided ia the 5upplecrsentary � Ct�NTR.A�`UR's emplo)��es; CoaditiQns, CJWN�� shall purchasc and Gnaintain prvpercy insurance upvn ttse�Ys�ric at[he sitc to che full insur�bic value 5.�.4. CIai�'ss fr�C damages insurer� by persvn�l irajury therec+f(suhjee� lc� 5uch deductibl�arnaurtls as rrtay be pro- � l'sability coverage ►vhi�h are susiairsec{ (a) by any persors vidtd in [he Suppiernentary Cos�d�tion�ar ccquired hy Lawti as a result +�f an affenst dsrectly or indirec�iy reiated to ,�n�g ��gulations), This in�uran��e shall incl�sde the interests Che cmnloymcnt af such person by C4�lTR:1CTOR, �r ,�,�Q4y;��,�,�p;,�'��A�T�7R.5ubcc�niractars.C�"�P�INEER [bf by�+ny attser p�rsvn fvr any athzr reasan; and EIk1.�'aINEER's consultants iG�the Work,all safwhom sh;�41 � bc listecl�s insureds os as�ds'tianal insured parsies,sha11 i�sure 5,3.5. �lairr�s For �lamasc:s, dthcr �h�n t� �he l�ark dg�}nst [he �erils of Fre �nd cctcnded ea�rera�e anel shalf itscif.'�ecanse of injury to or dc:structiva crf tangib{e:pr�rp• include "�l1 risk" insuranc� fnr ��ysicsl ioss anc� dama�r � erty �vhecevcr lacated, inciudin� lvss of use fesul€ing in,���d�n� thcff, vand�lism and n�alicibus misehief, cvilapse �herel�om; and w:�ter dama�e,an�i such other peri[s a5 may be providcsl ir�tht Supplcmentary Cc�s�dition�,and shall include dasr���es. 5.3.b. C�aims arisir��out�f a�eration af i,aws or Rcs- tosses and�xg�nses arising out af�rr resuiding Fram any insure�l � • ukations far damagcs 6e�ause af bodiiy injury or dea[h of lass o� incurred 'sn tho repair or rrp�acemenl af eny irrxurcd any person vr far s�amage ta�property;and praperty (inelucling hut not limited to fees anci ehar�cs af engsnctrs, archicccis. attorneys and ather profcssionaltil. If 5,3.7. Claims for dama��s bccatGSC of badily in�ury or nat cca�ercd under she "all sisk'"insurancc or otherrvise pra- � d�ath o€any person or proper[y d�magc arising auc of tkse �ided in the Suppiementary Conc�itians.CC]�*ITR�CTOK sha3! flwnersh�p,main¢enancz or use�f any rnoto.�v�hicle. �urchasc and maintain simi��r prn�crsy insuranee on pArtions of zhc Work st�red crn and aff the site or in t.rar�sit r�+hen s:ucFs � The insurancc required by �'his par�sraph 5,3 shall include patEivns�f the Worlc are to�e i�clude�i'in�n A�plicatian f�r (he specific caG�erages and l�e �vritten f4r not I�ss than the Pay�ent. firnits c�f lia�iliCy and cover�ges prvui�ed in the 5u}aplcnien- tary Cc�ndicions, ar rc�qu'sred t�y law, whichc.ver is �rea�cr. S.T. C)WN��k sh�ii3 purchase:snsi m;sinc��in such hr�ilcr,rn�i � The c�r�prehcnsi�•e ger�eral [iabi3i��; insurancc shall inclu�c ma�hinery insuran�e�r�cldi�ion�l prop�r[y insurance a�m.�y �nmp3etcd vQcrat�ons`srisurane�. rlll af the �Salic'ses�f insur- bc•required by thc 5uppiementery Conclirions ur I.���'s an�f ance sv requir�d to t+e purch�sed a�� msir�taincd (or th� Ftegulations ��hict� +uill include thc s`n�crests ot` QWI���- cenifscates�r ochcr evidence chereQi] sk�alf eon�ain a pre�vi- CONTKACTC�R. S�bcori�racte�rs, ENGI�iE�R AN D � sian ar cnd�rsement that thc c�v�erage affc�rdec� wi11 rs�t k�c �AiGI,l�Eit`s c�nsul�n��¢s in nc� Wcrrk,nll�sf�.e�hom s�r.�i3 bc c�csCClled,materially ch3rl�sd[�rrcn�•val refuscd un[¢!Atle�st liyted as insurcd ar acldi�ional insured�r;ir3ics, �� l 2 � � S.$. ARl [he policies vf insurancc (or thc ccrtifiCatCS or such tivaiver forms are req�sired ot� �t�y �uhcantracl��r, nther evider�cc lhcrto�] requiced to he purch�scd and main- CC]N'{`RAC'I�C]R wiil abtain the same. taittcd by t]WN�FL in accordanc� wixh paragraphs 5.6 and � 5,7 will eontain a pro�uisirsn ar endv�sement that thu covera�c � aff'orded wi{[rsot be eancelled or materiaily cl►an�cd or rene�vai �e�rr`pt and.�pplicuainn rrf Prvcrcds; refusrd until ac leasE ths�ty days'�+rior writt�n notice has bcer� 5.12. Any insured loss under thc q�alicics c+f inti�r.�ncc �io•cn �n CDNT'�ACTDEi by certifiect rn.ul �nc� wsil c�nl.utt rcquircd bp pur�grap�s S.b .�nd S.7 wi6i hc .uljuwreel ►��ith waivtr pravisions in a��ordanee wich paragraph S.l 1.?. p1VNfiR and made payafolc tv C3WN�R dx trustte t'or th� � ir�5ur�ds,As theirint�rests nzay a�s�ear subj�ct scz rtsc rcqu�r�- 5.9. [)WN�R shal{ncrt he resp!ansi�ale for purchasin�and rnents af any a�plica5le mortgagc el:�use anci of part�r�iph main[ttinin,�any proper[y insurance tD prottct [he inter�stS �,�3,�p+�+'���shail dcpe�siE in a separale ac�aunt any mvney � oCCOI�i�"RACTOR,Subcantractors ar o�hea�s in lhr 1Vork�a S� t�,eeived, and sh;�l1 di�lril�ut� it in acrard�nc�e ►vi�h such the extent af any dedu¢[il�1c arnouncs that are�rr�vided irr�hc agreemen� as ihe par�ies in interest may reach. 11�no uther Supplemcnsary Cvndilions. The risk of loss ►viThin tt�e special agreemcnt is reachec3 lhe ciarnage�i V4'urk sh:tll h� decluctibVc amount,will be horne by CON'TRACF(JA, 3ub- rcpaire�i ar replacrd, the mancys :��a r�r�i�er� u�:pl��d nn � ccntraetor or atS�crs s�ffering any such ioss and ifany of tt�em �,��a�n� tihereaf and th� 1Vark and th� ca�l therevf�o�•�r�ti wisE�es pruRcrty insuran��ca�era��t�ishin the limits af such by�n appropria�c Changc 4rder�s V►'ritccn Arnen�lm�n�. amounts.caeh may purchasc ar►d maintain at at tt�e pur�has- • cr's own expense. S.I3. 01ilNER as truste� sitaii hav�4 pt�t�er tu acljust ar�cl �, setcle any loss with the insurers uniess or�e af thc �artie� in 5.14. If C�NTRACT{}R requests in writing that o�her inteses� shal] �bject in writinS ti��iz�in fiftcrs� days nfter th+: speGiad insurancc he inc3uded in tht proptrty insurance pvi- o�currence uf 14ss te� d'��iVER's �x�rci�e af t�is pvwcr. 1f � icy, +01�'�N�R sha31, ii'possible. includ� such insuranee� :ir+� such obizecson b� rnad�, QlVis1L-I�as crust�e shcill mrke scl- rhe cast ihcreof wi�l be charged tcr COI�TRACT�7R by appro- t�ement Evitt�thc insur�rs in accore�ance wit�su��a ar,recment �riatz Change Order or Written Amcndment. Prior to cam- as t�te parti�s in inter�st may reach. ff req�ired in writsn�tsy � rnencemenc oflhc lifc�rlc az thc site.aWN�R shall in wriiin� any pany in intcrest. 01YNER as trust�e sha!!. upun the ad�isc CQI�TRAC"fOR whe�her t�r nor such other'snsurance �C�u���y£e of sr� irssured loss,�ive band far[ha proper per- has been procurec�by C���'�ER. farm�n�e v�such duties. � 1Yafver of Rigfrts: Aeeep�aRCa nf fnsursanee: 5.!1.1. �WN E�,and Ct7I�7RACTflR�+�aive�l!ri�hts 5.14. I€'OWN�R ksas any abjection tu the toverag�affotc4ec3 against eaCh o4her far al1 fvsses aad r�am.tgcs caus�etl by by or Othcr pro►+isions of thc 'snsurancc tcqLired cv bc puz- � any csf t�se pe�i3s covcrtd by �h� pa3icics a€ insurance chascsi anc! mairs«ined by �CC�NT4�ACT'C)R in a�fic�rdance pro�id�d in respuns4 Eo �aracraphs �.b dszd 5.7 anci �iny with par:i�raphs S.3���si�.�on the hasis r�f i�s ssot co�ply'sn� aaher pr�perry insuronce applic�ble tc�the Wark.an�f aisa wi[h the Can[ract Documenis, f}°WNER shall notify C�7N- � �u�ivt all �vch rights a��iinss tI�c SubcQrstractors, �?�Gi- T�tACT�R i� writing tF�sre�t'�+�i[hin tcn d�ys�af thc date: of NEER. ENGINE�K's cansultant� �uz�f sll c�ther purties e�elivery Uf suth ecrlifeaste� t�i�1'JNL•�2 in acc�rr�l�rsc� �w'ith named as rnsu�e�Ss ir�such pelicies Cor l�rsses and d��iag�s �lragranh 2.7• 1C CUN'I�RACTOR h;+s any� oE�jec�i�n �o th� so c�aused. As required 6y paraer.iph b.6 f. cacli suhcon- cavcra�e a!t'forded by vr aGher prv��4ions a3' thc policies c�i' � cract bct�veen CC1I�1'RA+�'T'4R ar�d a 5uhc�ntractc�r ti�iil insurance re�uir�d to be purchaseci anc!ntsintsii�de�by�'��'N�� cca�aain similar ti��aiver provisiails by thc Sub�ontrzctt�r in in aecordartce ►�•ilh pas'agezphs 5.6 aod �.7 ors thc b:ssis af favorai'OtiUN�R.CONTI�AC�dit.CNGIN�Ef�.�h�i!- lh�sr not cc�rnpiyin� with the �Ccsnsr:�et Documcnts. CrJN- � , 1�[��,R's corssul[ants and all atherparties r+a�ned as insureds, TRACTC}�t shalf natify 4]WNEA in wri�irs�thcrec�f���iiF�in ten Nane of�he above waivers Sh�ll exkend 4D lh� rl�h[s that days af the date of d�li�ery 4f su�h cenifi�ates to C��1- any of t�e ir�sure�4 p�nies may havc to the proccc�ls pf TRACTCI�i i�ti actorc�ance w�sih �rara�ra�h?.7. �WN�R=tr��i ins�rance he�d by C�'+'VNER as trustec vr s�therwise puy�- CC?N7'�,�C'TL7R sha11 each pravide to tht �sher such ��1�1i- � ablc under any policy sa issucd, ti+�nai informazion in respect crf insurance providcd ay rach as the at'�er rnay rcasanably rcquest. F�'slurc by aWN�R�rr 5.l f.?. C71VN�R and C�NTRr�CTOR intcn�that any C�tVTRACCC}R ta�ir�e any suth rtatice of ak�jeetion »•ithi� �Sqlicics pruwidec3 in respvnsc ta para�raphs �.b anci 3.'T thc �ime prcav�d�d sha[l canstituze asccp4�ncc ef such 'snsur- � � shall protect ail vfthe parts`es insur�c��nd provide prir�ary ance pur�l�ased by the oaher us cornplying with�he C�nsr.►ct ca�eragc t'or all ltssses;�nd c4urna�es �ausc�l �y thc perEls T7�cum�r��s. rover�cd �hereb5'•Acc�rJingly..sq!such pu�icies sh�sll cun- t�in prc�vss¢vns tu thc cffee3 Shat in tht event ��payrai�nt P��.�,iu!Udilr"�,crdro���-Praperdr l�arasrafrcc: � of any loss �ar damage fhe insurer ►viil hawe nu ri�k��s ot' . . rcccavcry a�eainst any of the �anies n�mzd as snsureds �ar S.15. �f OW��K ���� i� +�eL��";•«�' l� �'��tr�'y �� {'se a a�idit`sanal in�ured:+. an�i iF the snsur�rs require separa�c portion ar�rortions oC¢h�Wurk priUr to Subsias�cial C�>m�rf4- � w;siv�r turra�s io hc si�nc�l t�y �1�EGINCE� nr �NCi1- tion c�l'al� �h� IVork. such us� ur uccu�unc}� m,�}� he,«rc�n�- NEER's tun�ul[ant (]Wi�E£t�+•ili nhc��in the san1�, ansi if pli�hcd in acc�r�anrc�vikh rar:3�,rsph 3�#.14:prn�•i+1�cllh:s�nu � 13 � . � such use ar ascupancy shall c�mmcncc bcfare �h� intiur�rw 6.5, A1i matcri.�is�n,�equi�me�t shail hr u��uuclµu:cliti), provi+#ing the pr�p�rty insurance h�ive aci:rsawfedg�d notice 4ind n�w,ezcc�E as c�thcrwise�roviel�e� in the Cur�tr.�ct �u�- thertof arad ir��vri[irtg eff�ctc�thc e�anges in en�era�e neces- umcn�s. �f�equired by EMGIN�l��t. C(�NTkACI'Q'� ,h.tyl � �itat��i tl�cre�y. Thc insurees prs�vi�[i��; Kh� pr�peny insur- furnish satisfacto�'y ��'�d+�nce liil�lud�n� r4parts uf r�ytiiK�c1 ,incr Sh.�li r��,�«+�t h.r en�inr�cment nn the naficw c�r pofieies, tcstsl�5 to the�:ins1°�r�d quality r�f m�aer���ti �nd c�ui�mcat. �u�lhe property insurance shall naC be ca�scellcc�or lxpse u� All malcri�ls anc�equ�pnte�st sh�li be a�nlfLa.ins�ullc.d.ctan- account ul any sucf��:isai:rl u,L�r v�4upa+r.:y. accte�i.ercctcd,nsca,c:lctancd an�1 ccrn�litic�nrs!in nzec�c�.tr�c� � ►vith the irts[ructrans of rhe applieable 5uppiier excr:�st c�s • �thcrwist pruvisiccl in che Contract C3�cun�es�ts: �ut �u pr�- visivn oi'�ny such instru�lior�s will bc: ef�S�zcciv� �a assien lu ARTICL�f�C�NTRA�T{7R'S A�SPOl`�I5I8ILITI�S ENGINEER.orany of ENGINGER"s cortsu{��n�:;.u��ntr or � cmployeGa, any dusy or uuthoriiy tv 3uper�+isc or ciirert th� Curr�RShis�g or performanrc c�f t�c Wor�:or any duty�ar authur- Supervasrort arrd Scrperinrender�re; rty tn uncie�tskc res�onsihility contr�ry �+a �he pru�°isi�n, �Pf � +5.i. CONTRACTOR sha31 su�erv':se and dirc�t the Wnrk paragraph 4,15 or 5�.3 b. �ompetently and ef�tC�ently,d�vaiing 5s�ch attention thercto �rad�pplying sueh skills an� �expertise as may be s�eeexsary Ca perfo�m the Wark in acc�rdan�ce wi�h the Cantr�acT C�oc- �djusting Pragress ScheduJe: � � urncr�ts. C�NTR�.CTOR st�aU �e svl'ciy respo�ssi�lc fv�r thz �.�. �p��Rp�T(3R shalk submis F� Eh'i:�1�lEE1� Cur ntea�as. meth�ds, techniqu�s. sequences and pro�eedures of a�Ceplancc �la �he extent i�di�atc�f irr ��r:�grtG�h?.9'1 adjts�[- cansts'uctinn, bu[ CD�TRAC`1"C7R shall not hc responsibl'e m�n[s in �hc pro�ress schcdssZe to refteet the im��ct theceon far thc ne�li�cnce af othcrs ir� the desi�n �ar select'san oC� of nesv dcveln}�ments; these ►ti�ill cunt�}rm �en�raily to �hc � sQccific cncans, niech�d, [�;chniquc. s�equence or pruccdurc p«�r�5������{�I�then in,cif�ct anc�aci�ii�iunally will co���ly �f ca�struciion �whic�s is indicated in and reepuired by the with as�y provisia�s of'the General R�quircments�sp�ficahle !�ontract l�ocuments. CUN"�RAC'fOR shalf �e responsibIc thereto, � to see that �he Finished W+ark c�rtzplies aceurately +vish thc Contract i�ucusncnts. Subsii�fueea ar`"OrL�q�rc!"fcems: £�.�. ["_{3I*iTRACTQR shall kecp an the Worlc at all times b.7.i. Whenev�r materi�fs�r�equipment are sp�ci�cd � ciuring its prn�ress a e�mP�tcnt resi��nt superinte�denc,v�•ho or desfirihed'€s�the Cuntr���T]ocumet�ts by usin�che n�me shall not be replaced wichout writ«n nociee ta QWNER and af a prapri�tary itcm�r the narr�c a#'a parti�ul�r Su�plier ENG[N EER exccpc unr�erextraordinary circumstances.Tt�e ��� n��;n�of the itcm is intended to estaiadish the lypt, supesinten�icnt ivili bc C(7NTRAC`�'OR`s rcpresen��tive u� �unc�ic�n and qu�lity rcquirec#.Ualcss titc saame ia f�llo+�c�! ' ztte site anci sliall have auth�trily tv acs on 6ehalf of CC1N- �y W�rds indicatin� that nn su�rstisussan is permittcd. TR,AC`I�D1�-�tll eommuniesu�ns�i��rs tt�tf�e su�crintencl�:nt ��;erialsarequipm�nt�f uther5uppfiess rnay bea�ce�ted shal!be�s binding as if�,i�en to�O�iTRA�TC?fL. }�y �t,tG1N�ER if suffscier�[ infarin�ti�n 'ss suhm:ttcd hy �, CONTR,�CI'C3R to allc��v �NGIt�EER t�cicterminc th.tit �'ht matcri.al or�qui�ment�rupotieci is equiv.�lcnt or�qu;�l LabQr,,lfalerrals and Eqrriprr�er:t: to that nameci.T tze proce�lure for reVietia bY ENGiNEE4t � �i.3. CDN�'FtACi'�3K shall pr�vide �camp�tent. suita�lv wiCl xnclude the Fc�l}owin�as sup�lcrn�nted fn thc Gener�l qu�lified persvnnel [o survey�nd lay au�shr Work ana! per- Requirefnents. ftequests far revi�w cs€s�bsti�vtg it�rr�x of fat'm cvnstructian as reqe�ired l�y the Coniracz Docurntnts. material and equipment �vill nvt be aecep[ed 6y ENG1- G�3l�iTR�CT{7R shall at all tirncs m;sintasn gc�od rJiscipline I�IEER fr�rm anyone othcr than CC7NTR.�'.+C"C{)K.jf CON- � `;�nd ar�fer ac the site. Ex�c�t in cannectran�vith the safety or TRACTQR wishes to furr�ish ur use a svbsticute i[em of protcction a�'persvns or the Wcrrk�r propeay ac the site vr rnaterial or equiprncnt, CONTl2ACT�R shall n�ake ►arit- adjaccnR ihereto, and except as otherwise indicate�i in the ten applic�tion xcr Et�fG[I�E�R far ;�cceptanCe ttseres�f, Contra�t D�eumenss,all LVcsrk at the 5'ste sha�t be per!'ormc�i �rrtifying that thc prc�pascd substitut� wi�l perfasrm adc- � durin�re�ular working 3�QUrs,and CONT'R�CT��i will nol q�,�tely the functions�nd achicve the results callesf for l�y �Sermit Q�zr�ime wori� ar ihe perfor�nance o�'v'�1nrk or� Sat- thc general clesisn, bc similar ane! of�qual suhs�ancs: tg u�day. S+snc#ay or ar�y 3ega1 ho�iday►vichoul OWNER's 4vrit- that spcca�sed anc# be suited to thc s.�m�use as ahat spec= � ten cansent�ivcn a�ter prior writ�en noticc�n E',�1Glt�l�ER. [fie�. Th� application wilf sta�e that the ev;�luation and ac�e�tanee vf�he }�roposed sut�stitute +vall nut pre3udite 5.�. Unlcss otherwise spccified in [he Generak Require- CC?NTRr'1CTC7R's achievernent af S�sbstantiui �omplc- menss,CpN`�"RACT[?A shall furnish�n�i as�ume full cespon- sian�n �ime, wk=e�h�r tar nvt acccptsnce of the substi�ucc � sibility far al1 rnascrials, Gquipmen�, �abvr, transpon��i�n, for us� iri thc Work will scquire a cfia��e irr any vf ihe canstnsctivn equs`pmc�t and c+'�aehinery, 4001s. a�,plsances. Cantrac[ I7ocuments (ar "sn �h�e pr��isivns af aa�y �r�her Cucl.potiver. li�ht,heat,telcphvnc,waeer, san'stary faeilit'ses, direci�osacrac4 with C3WN�R fa�r wark an the Projeetl ta � t�mparary ��csYiCics and a!f achcr facilities and ineicicntals adapt the desi�n to the propvsed subrtitute �anr1 whcth�r necessary i'or the iurs�ishing. perfprmanre. �estin�, st:rrt-u�r or not incorpc�ratior�or use c,f che subsutu�c in con�c�tic�n and campictioc�t�l`�he Wark. with the Wnrk is subjcct to�a��men[Q[�ny I�c�s�se fcc �r � S4 � � royulty.Ali vari�tiansaf the prapnsed subs�itute from that OWNER and ENGtNC�i� anci it' C�NYftAL:TOR has speeiFsed►vilE 6c icltnlificc� in ahc a��rlication ancl avail��le submittcci a ['ss� �here�af in �ecard�nec �+�iih the Su��+lc- m�intenance,re�sair and re���ctmcnt serv'sce svil!1�� in�li- men�ary Canditians.QWNEft's+�r�NG1�l�E�['s�ccepa- � �ated�The appl":cacio�weil also cantam an�le�mc�e�i esti± �neey{escher�n��riting ar by faili��to`snakc�vri�tes�ubjec- .vfry'#1 .1... II ��`.1: I � I. r, L,. L. .L.J�., .e; �r� ,1 ,� �p ti�.r ��L4� a�cegtanee o�`such substitute,including coscs of rcdessgn t�an in the biddin�documents arthe Contract�atumentsl an�l �laims rai o�h�r eari€r�eiors al�t'e�CLJ by the resuliing vf any such �ut�cantrac[ur, Supplirr r�r othrr �,�rsc�n ar � char��e,a31 o�;vhich shail be c�ansidered by '�I+lGi�EER ar��nizatioc� sn ideniified may bc reuokcd c�n the basis uf in eva�uatin� thc proposed substitui�. Et+EGIN�ER may reasans�rle ohjcctis�r�afterrlu�in��rsti��tiora,in�+hi�h casc rcq�ire C(3NTRACTflR �o furee�ish ac CONTRA�T'OR's CCJNTR.ACTOR sha11 submit an.�cc��tabl�sub�tit�te.th� � expense aciditianal dala abaut lhe propased substituic. Coneract Price wili be in�reaacd '�y �h� ciiffertn�� sn the cost accasion�� by s�sch sulasti[utivn and an apprapri�te C�.7.?. If a specift�ss�cans.mtthacC.teehniq�e.sequencc Ct��n�e Orde���ill�c s55Ucsi Or��ri�sen Amen�im�nl sieRCSi_ or pra��dure�+#�construc�ivn is indicated in or rcquired by No acccptas�cc hy�'�VN LR vr CNGIN L•ER uf any such � the�antract Docum�nts,C�NTRACrOR may I'ucnish ar Subconer�cwr, Sup�lier car �th�r rersnn a�r ur�anizasiun uti[izc a sut7stiwtc rtze�ns, rncshvd, sequcnec, techrsique shalf tvnstitu4�a v��aiver c�Cas�y risht oi'D4V�IER r��ENG1- or pro�edurc af cs�nstruction acecptablc to �I�GIN�ER. NEEI�to rejeci cJcJi=cfrr�c�Work. iF CC3�lTRACTC}�.suhmits suffici�nt infarm�tion tfl aklo�v • � ENGI�VEE�io ciet�rnzi�c that the subsiitut,: proposed is 6.9. Cf]I'aTR�4L I''C)R.sh:sil b�:fuil�res�ronsibic tra(JWN�R cyuivalen[ sc� that in�icateri �ar requirea by thc Cantract and ��lGIiJ�;�R far ��1 �cts anci antissioras vf t'hc Suhccyfl- l��cumcnt�, Tlae prvicedurc far revietv by ��lG1NCCR craetors.Su�plitrs anc�otlicr�ers�ns�sn� u��:fni�a�icYn� �rer- '� tivill be sin7il:sr�o�h�t omt�ic��d in pur.�er��h E,.7.I .es a€��,l�ed C�rming csr furnishi�g any �sl' Ihe V�'sirk un�icr si dir�ct c�r �3"}� ENGII'�I�E�3{SSS:15�11�1}��l' tiU�1(]�L�'fl"1Cfll�l� lil 1�1C CfL[]- li7L�YCL'C[ C011[3'°a'Ct 1V3C�El CUi�I����e'3CI�UI��llti[ :is. CUN'fitAC'- �era�kicquirctncrits. TOK is tesponsiblc forC�I�TRAC1'C�R's o�vr�a�ts xinv umis- sitans. Nathin� in the Contract Ducumcr�ts .yh�ll cre.��L anv '� 67.3. ENG�NEEft wi31 be allcau�ed a reasanable iirnc cantracsual r�ela[�anship benveen UWi'JER or Ei�Gi�1EE42 wi�hin whsch i�ev�luate each prc�poscci subsUCUte. EF�CI- �snd any such Suhcantra�tor, 5u�rplicr i�r �t�er �crs�sr� �rr N��K will b� tht sr�le ju�ge of acceptab's3ity, ancf no arganazation,nor shall it crea�e any obli���tion�n the pEtrt�f � substicute �as31 be ordered, insta�ied or utilized �vitf�ouc C3W�[�R or ENG�NEER to pay ar�a s�e ac7 �he �aym�m of �NG[t�EER't�rior xvrittcn acccpcan�e�vhich wiEl bc cr�i- any moneYs duc any su�h Sul�cnntr.sc�nr. Sri,�Plirr nr nshrr denad �ry ei[her a Ciaange Qr�lcr or an ;tp�art�vecf Sho� persvr�or ocganization except:�s n��iy a�l��r�ti�iye Uc r�quire�i Dr�wing. [?WN�R may require C(]NTR�C3'4R to fur- by Laws and Reglilarians. � nista a��O�ITRA�O,R's expe�sc a speciaf p�er�ormance ,�uaranrce+or ather surecy with respcct to arsy substi[��tc. 6.14. The d'swisiorss a�td sections vt thc S{�tcift�aTianc ssnd ��+C;fi��Ef� ►��'sfl rtcord timc rcqusred by ENCIN�EIt the ide�tific:�isons c�C any f3ra�v'sng� shali nul �untrol CO�!- � and Et�GINEER°s cansul4an[s iR evaluati�g Subst�tuticrrts �'R1+�CT�R in diwi+3in� the Wark urnone Suhcontraetors ar gt°oposed by CC7��Rr�CT7ft s��d in rnaking chsrsges in St�ppliers or �tciincating che Wvri: « bc p<riormcd by any the Cnntra�c lJvtumcn�s occas:onecf �hereby. 1'Vhethcr ar speCiFi� [rati�. nnt E�GI:HEER accepts a propvssr3 subs�isute, CL}N- � T�tAC:TOR shaU rcimburse c]'+�I�fF'R for thc clr.ir,�es of fi.9[. A!I Y+j�rlc�erfs�rmcrJ fur�:DN'T�aCT'JR b��a Su6- �NGINEER and ENGINEER�S£4[SSll143i7�5 F47C C4��luat- consractar will be p�rs�ant to an ��prapriate a�reemcn� in�each prvposed subsEi[utc, betrween C4NTRAC7�R and �he Subeun�ract�r whicts ti�:e- �ifieally binds zhe Subcantr�ct�r Ea�he a��lieabi��erms and � � condstions af ihc C�ntract �ucuments fvr thc bcnc�t aC Cancrrnang SuGta�+trarrars,SupplFers und Olhers: QW��R �nd �ENGIN�E� and contasns �Waiver prawisions 5.$.i, CQNTRr�CTIJR shall not employ any Subcor�- as requirec� by paragraph 5.i I. C�i�1TAACT�]R shal6 p.iy, tractor,Supp�ieroraiherpersorsorarganixatiori(s`ncludin� each SubcQntractor a�ust share of any iftisuranct r,ianeys � those acceptabPe t4 Ol'VNER anci ENGlN�ER a�s i�cii- reeeived by CONTRACTOR an accoant aflusses unaicr�a!- catcd in paragsaph�S.$.2}, �vhcthcr initiall}+or as a su�asti- icies iss�ed pursuanc co paragrap�ss 5.6�nd 5.7. t�cc, againsc �vhr�m OV41d�iER vr ENGINEER may have � reasonable otsjeccion.C{JNTRACI`4�R shall not be reqasred to ecnploy any Subcon�ractar,5upp�ier or ather persor�or Patenr Fees arrd Ro��alrier: orgarrizatiar�Ro furnish t�r perfvrm any of thc Work agains� �,�� �p�TRACT�7R shali p�ty all licensc fees�nd soy- wh�m CQ�17'RACTOR has r�aspnable abjcction. aitics and ass�me ail costs incident to ihe use in ahc �erf�r- � 5.8.2. �f the 5upplemcntary Conciilions require the rnans�vf thc 1Vca�rk or ih� inctir�osatian in th< <V�rk ot any identity af certain Subcontractors,S�pplicrs ar o[her per- inventinn, c�esign, process, prvciucl (]C tlCti�ic4 u'hich is the So�ls or org�[1i��sti0n5 4inclU�ing thr�sc t��hc3 arc t�+ furnish �ubject of pssten� r��hcs C1f CO(7�+ri�hlS �IC�[� ��' atf�tz�. 1T a � tt�c�rincipa�itcros aC rr�atcsials and cqui�+mcn�l tc�bc:+uk�- p�rticular in��cRtiu�i, �lcsign, ��c��4s4, �rc��iuct �r �14ti•i�c is rnit�ed�a+QWNEA in advancc oS the sperif�d c�a�e prsor sp�ciFi�d in thc Concr,��t Dc�c�mencs far �s�� �►� t�� f�����- to�hc E'�cctivc �3atc of�he A�recme�t!'or acccptance b�� ri��CICC of the`�Yvrk anci i�io ifaC 1C[vai�nowi�cls4 of C7�V�i CIZ � 15 � i � or�N�Gi�f E�R its use is subyert co patent ri�hcs or copyri&3�ss pla��c c�F tfte F'raje�t ���Itich ar� applie:sl��e durin�the p�rfar- calling for i#�e payrraent oFany iieense fee ar royal4y to others, mAr�ec di th�Work. the existtnce afsueh ri�hts shall bc disclosed hy OWN�R in , � thc Cantract �ocume�ts. C(7N7'RACTOI� shall sndett�nsfy and h�l�t [cai'i�riCSS C`�';�E ti and �NC;I:'.��'� �n� �n,�v^� �'se njPremizer: � directly ar indircc�ly empinyed by eiihcr�f them fra�m and � t� ��}�y�RAC'T�]R shaE1 cnnflne ennsln�ctic�n �quin- � a�ainst ali claims, ciamases. loss�s anr� expenses l4nciuding ment, ihe siar�ge af rriaierials and rq►iipnis:nl �r�d �he c�{�cr- attorneys`fc�s anr�court aand arbitratio�coats]arisang ou[of��ions vf workers tv the Prcrject sitc ancl l.rnc!�nd are:�s id�n- any infringcment of patent rights ��' copyrrghcs incident to ��ft�d in anci permitted by ahe Coe�lra�t Documents�rsci a�her the use ira the�erforman�e ot`the Wark or resu€ting from the land a�d ar�as pereni►4ea h�y Laws anc� l�e�ulaii�r�s. ri�i�ts- � incorporatiQ�in the Work at`any invention.design,pr��ess, ���,�,�y� ��rmits ansi tasements, nnd shal! r�ot t�nreasvnahky product ar devicc not spccificd in the Cantract Dacurnents. �ncumberthe premises with construetic�n equipmcnt or o[i�er anci shall deFen�afl such claims in eocart�ctian with:�ny alleged ��[er�als or equipn�►en�. CiDI*1?R;r�C."1�L)R shall assurne full � tnfrin�er�ent of such ri�i�ts. respansibility f�r uny damage to:�ny�surh lun�i Ur arcn.�r tu ihe�wner+or accupan[thereuf or o1'any l�snd or arcas cc�nti�, uous theretu, resultin� from che �a�rFc�rm�tnce �f the ti'�uri:. Permirs: 5hould any ciaim be madc agsinst+Qk�N�.R or �NG1NEk�K � 6.13. U�less othertivise prc�videci in che 5uppltn'rcntary �Y��Y$�C�►a�"'�er or accupan�bteausv v'F the �Lr�'urinanc� Cs7nd°stions.CC7AJTRAC:1'DA s'�ali obtain and pay for al!can- �f����ark.C(7NTRAC'�'C7R shali prontipilY a�t<<n�st t�scstl� struciion permits and ficenscs. 0'�'�N�R shall assist CO3'�I- '+'f���►suc�other p�rty by a�reement c�r vcfi�r4visc resul�•r�hc TRACTf71�.w'htn necessary, in abtair�ing s�sch permits a�i�l claim hy :sr�itr�tion or�ti� !�s~v. C()N'1'i3:lC"4'ClR �h,tfl_ la thc � {ic�nscs.CO�*1"1`ItAC�'fC3R sh;�ll p;Ey ali guvernn�enl,si charFcs lullcsl c�fCnl �crnliil�� by l..t�rvs ar7cl Ite�ulatic�nti,iiiJtmnil`y and inspection fees nectssary for che proserutian o#'lhe W'�rk, �n�n����'''���H ancl Eirl�;1NL�12 harnzlrss frUni and a�:unai which.�re appiiCl'�le aI ihe tsme of apening pf Bids.arif tttcre aU eiaints, d:sma�es. lossc5�rsd��pcnscs Iin�lu�iin�. ��tt nut ;�re nfl �ids csn thc E1Tcciive Date Qf thc Agreement. C{71�- limited ta, fers s�f ci7r�inczr�. ar�hisc�ts,c�t�rarn�7�s�rna t�tl�cr � TiiACTQR shai[ pay al! charges of'util�ty tiwners far can- F���essiunals ancS court an�arbitrass�t��c�slsl aritiing�iir��tly. r�c�tirans to lhc Wark. anw� 01VNER sh�ll �ay all charges of indirr�tly Qr cransequcntially oui caf ar�y.�L�it�n.ic�,al ur c yui- su�h ulility owners f4r ca�ital c�sts r�4lted thcrct� such as ��b��� �rr�u8�� �Y 1�Y suth �th�r parly a�ai��st U�Vid�.lt�yr � �las�t investmenl F�es. LI*lGli`IGER to �ne �:�c�nc �a��a �� � cintn, �ritiin� c�u� krC C(]NTIZACTOIt'S periarmancz of thc 1�'s�s'k. � l,aws and,Reguldrtarrs: fi.17. During [he gragress oC�hc Wrarf�, CDNT�iACI'f}K 6.i4.1. Cd]NTRACT�(� shalf giwe all �otices and shaf! kecp t}se pretniscs Frtc from ac�urnu3�tivns c�t' wassc comply with ail Laws and Rc�u�atiarss appiieable to fur- ��ters�is, rubbish ancd other ae�ris resul�in,�frvm th�1�t'urk. nishin�anci performan�c of the Wor�C. Cxecpi whcre a[h- At the comp3etion nf the Wsark+Ca�!'L'Rr�C1'O;�sha}I r��nc�v� , cr+.+�i�e expressfy required by applicablr Laws anci Regu- a�� +v3s[e n�atcriafs, riahbi�h and �ebris from an�i about thL lations,ntithe�O�ViVEf�nc�r ENGFI�EER shzll be res�vn• P�emises as weil�s all tno�s,a�apliance5,car��tructiun�qui�- sihEe f�r moniEOring CQNTRAC�'C1R's c�mpfianee w�ith �en� �nd inachincry. .snsi sut�i�ts mss[eri*ils.a�ci sh31i lLa��� any La�ws or Regvlatians. the site clean and ready for occ�ap�sncy try C)1VI�lEK. CC3\• � TRACTq�shalk restare tu cariginsl ccrndi�iun afl proPerty r�c�� fi.i4.2. IF C(3NTRACT{7R absen�es lhai the Specifa- designaled far a1[eratiun by the Crantraci D�cumrnts. Cations nr Dra�vings are at varianee �vith any L�ws or � ' Re,�uiatians. CUN'7'RACT{JR sha�ll &iae ;�NGINEEft 5.18. CQ�ITRACTaR sh:�ll not Ic�ad nar permit any p�+rt prr�mQt 3►+riticn noticg thereof.�nd any n�cessary chan�es ofany structure so�e loaded'sn any rrz;�nner that��•ill endun�e� will bc a�thorEZed by onc af the mcthotls indi�ated in chc szructure, nor shall CC��TR.�CTQR +u�ject .�ny �sart oi' � paragraph 3.�� If CQNTRACTQft perfarms �+ny 1Vrark zhe Work ar adjacent prv�er[v tu ssres.Lw e�r pres�ur�s tt�:�t kncswsng or having reason tp knaw t�a1 it is c�rrtrary to wiil endanger it. such Laws �r Reguiations, and withaut suc�� IILZIICC C6 ENGIt�EER,�C}i�1TRAC'�C]R shall bear all costs arising � t�ercfr�m;hc�v��cver.`st shali aoC be CONTRACT�€�'S pri- h'tcord Dacu►neiits; roary resporssok�i3ity tc�make certain that the Spccilieativns �,.lg. �p�TR.ACTO� shall n�ain�nin in a �afr y�l�s4c aA and L7raw'sngs are is� aceorc�unce ���ith such Laws ansd thc site ane rccvrd rrr�y aC all GraLVin�::. 5pecifica�ic�n�. Rcgu§acioa�s. Adclen�ia. Written �mendmcnts. Chan�e Clrc�ers. 1�'urk � D`sree�dv� Cha«gcs. Ficicl Or�iers;�nd�wrstten i«trr�rct:scii�ns and clarrfic.sii�ny{i„ue�l �uryuanl tc�ptir:��:rriph t3.�) ir3�t�uJ Taxes: arder and ��r�n�tate� t� sho►�• ;sEl ch.�f�fic, m�r�ir +�urin���3n- � 6,I5. CONTRACI`C'}!2 sh,+ll��ty 1�1 s7lcs,c�nsurr:er. use �sr€�cs€nn.The�c rccUrd s�n�urncnt,fuecthcr�ti�ith all.i��rr�.-tiJ and uther similar taxrs requireci ta bc pa':d bY �ONTRA�- s�►mplc� and a countcr}�:�rt nf alf .���ruvea Sh�,r t�r,��►�iR�, 'T�'1R in aficvr�3ance e��ith the Laws :sn�S Rrgu4atbon:� c�f Ehc �viii bc awail;shlc 4�: E�GI�IEL"•R C�3r rr!'crciic4_ L1�,an Tnc3i- � l fi � : � p�etion of zhe Work, t�csc rccord docurrscnts, s�m�[es and Lrr�rrgeneies: $hop C'yrawings will i�e dciiw�rcd!o EN+GINEER for OWNER. ��2. In emer�encies aff'ec[ing thc:Safcty ar prateetian of persor�s s�r t�se Wvsk or propt�ey at the siic or adjacsnt there4a, C�NTRACTOR.withou[special inStCUCiidn oraulhcsrizati4� �, c.�r.��.,��r r►.h�..�����. frotn ENG[NEER tss'C7WNE�2,iti nhlsgated to�tt t�sarevenE " threatcned�ama��,injury or�oss.GQI�lTRACTC}R shall give fi.20, COF'�TRACTOR shak� be responsi�ie f�ar iititrati:�g, �NGPN G�R psvmpl w�'itt�.�i n�7liCe ii'CO,"�i i�iL.:�iais uuii��c:, � ms�in�air�i�g and sc+�crv�song aIl safecy �reeautions and pro- that any signifteunt cE�angcs in ihe Work or var�alians �rom ,�rams in cvnrs�ctian titi�th the �+'+'arlc. C�NTRACT{3R shali ihe CUni�`3Ct D��unten4s have l�c4ncauscci t9�crtby.lf El��il- take al6 neccssary prec3uuons far thc safety af, a�d shs�l ��ER determines that a change in the Cantract Doeuments proaide thc neecssary prvteexion tt� pre�+enC dxmags, injury �s required becausc ot' thc actior► t:r6cen in respunse co an � or toss tv: �rn�rgency,a Work Direeti►+e Change ar Ghange prder�vfil b.?D.I. a[1 trrsployees an thc Wvak and other ner:cnnc bC issued to dpcument the consequers�cs nf thc chan�cs ar .:►ria[ians. � and or�niza�ions wh�may be affeeted thes`elsy; G,2�.2, alE lhe Work and rrsateria]s and equi�ment ta Sherp Drawirr�s axid Su,apler: bc incprporated iherein,wheth�r in sCOragt oc�or oCf the 6,23. Af[er eheckin$and werifying all field me,�surrrssents � sits,and aRd after complyin�wilh applsca6le praccdures s�ecili�d an the Gcneraf Requirements, C�NTRACTOR shall subnzit to 6.2fJ.3. other property at the site ar adja�+en[ [here�p, �������R for r��+iew asid appra`�ak in accordance with the i�eludir�g trees, shrubs, [a►vns, walks, pavemcnss, raad- ;���epted schedule +�F Shap Drawin� submi�sio�s fsee ps�ra- � .�ays,s�ructurts,sstilitics and lJnc�ergrauncl F.tciPitics not graph �.9), �r ic�r othrr appra�ria4e actiu� s�`so incli�.��tc�J in +3csignatcci for renlaval, relocaiion os replaccment in thc r���SU�plementary Cond'stians,f�ve cnpies(unl�ss otherwis� course c�f eanslru�tinn. S�SGG=fscd in thc�cncral Requircment5)of all ShoQ L�rav�+in�s, � s which wiii b4;ar a stamp or specs�i�c E��ritien indic�tion that CQIVTRACTC}R shall comply wi[h a11 agpfi�able Laws and �p�Tg,�+��T4R has satis�t�d C4]NTRr�C"I'Of2`s res�onsi- �eguiations of any public bvdy having jurisdiction for ttae hilities uncfer the C�IZl1'3[[ 'E}flCll[S1C37[5 wi�h res��ct tv the safety vf personsorpraperty orta prattet them frarn ciama�e, ��;y{�bY O�Z�SC S�1L]!1]1S5i0l1, r'�1II SU�}fl'L{SSk4C15 '�ViI� t3C Ir.�Cf1IIFlL'CE � injury or loss; and shall erecz anci maintain all ncccssa�Y as ��G[NEER r�ay require. TILC dat� shown oa� th� Shu�r safcg�aards for su�h safcty ar�si prvtecti�n. C(�N'i'RACT�R Dr�aw"sngs�v'tli 6e complete wsth respcct tu quanc�[ies.dem�n- shall natify o�vness of adjac�n�prap�rty anc�taC Uncicr�rvunai sians, sgecaFied �rerf4�mance an�i d�sign crit�ria, n�aterials � Facilities and nti3ity owners w3sen prnsec�scian af'the Wor�C and similac data [o enabl� ENGINEER tc� r+�view thc infa�- rnay af�'ect Ehem, and shall cquPera4e �vit� [�em :n thc �ra• mation as requircd. tectian, rcrs�avai, rclocatiar� �nd replaeement vf th�ir prc�p- erty. All damage. in}�ry or loss [o any prapercy referrcd �a {.Z4. COT�ETRACTCJR sz��l1 atso subm�t ta ENGINE�R � in paragraph fi.?0.2 �ar 6.?U.3 caUSCe�, clireesly or indircccly, for eevicw and appraval w•ith such ps�omp��ness as tc� cause in tivholc or in par[.hY�'4NTY�ACT�R. a�y 5u�cnrstra�tar. n�t delay in k�'ork.all sampd�s rcquired by the Corrotraes i]c�e- 5upplizr or ar�y�ther persan or or�anixjztian directiy vr indi- ����ts. Al� sam�sles wml� havc be4n ch�ckcci by anrl aec�an�- rectly employed by any of them to perfarm ar furnish�ny of panied k�y a sp��ific �vritten inciicatiars lhat CqI*I"i'RAC'I'ClR � �#te Wc�rk or any�sne for whase acts�ny ot:lhern rnay be liable, has satis€�ed C(7N1'R�CTOR's res�os►sibilities us��l�r the shaE1 b�remsdicci by CaNTRACTOtt[excepc d�mnge ar dass Cantract I3oc►smenls with respecc to thc revi�w vf thc sub- atSribu[able tu the f�uit af l�rsryings or Sgcri�ications or co missro�i ans will bc identificc3 cl�ariy a�[v matcrial.Su�r�rlicr, � . [he�cts or amissions af�JWNER ar ENGINE�R or ar�yone p��inent�luta such as catafc3g num�i�rs and dhe us�lor�vhiGh ernployed by cithGr of�hem or anynne !ar whase accs cither intended, vf therri rnay be liabl�,and not attri6ut,�b[e,direstly or indi- rectly,in whnle or in part,tr�tt�c faui�or ne�ligence of C(JN- {.�5.�, �efnre submissios� af cact� Shop Dr�win,� ❑c � TRACTL�R1. C�NTRr'�GTC�R's duties :snci CGSp()RSi�]11SClCS samplc Cdt3iTRACT�7R st�ail haue determined and �er's- for fhc safety and prQtectian of the WQrk s3�all continuc unti� 65ed all quantitics, ciimes�sians, specafi�d perforrn�sn�e cri- such time as all the Work is cvmpl�ted and �NGf NEER�as t���, «astallltian rcqusremcnts. rrtasenals, ratalc�,� nr�m- issued a natice to C3tiVI�lER as�d COI*lTRACTQR in a�ccord- bers ar�a �imi[ar data wsth respect thcretv :�ncJ re�i�lve�S � ance►vi�h para�raph]4.f 3 thnt the 1Vork is accept�ble(except or eaorciinztcd �:ach St�a� Drat��ing 4r sa�plc with vther as o[henv�se expressly provide�i in conncciit�n with Substan• �h4p Qrawissgs an�i sampics ansi FGith thc requ'srements vf tiai�amplet'sar�?. the Wc�r1c and the Cantract f]�cumcnts. � b?l. CQNTRACT�3F2 shaEl cfetiignatc a responsit�le rep- 6.25.?. �t thc lime �f cach Submistiivn. C�NT�tAC- resent�iive at the silc whasc duty shali t�c thc pre�cnti�n uf Ti'��tshsli�ive ENGiN�.EKs�rccific writtcn no�ice c�fe�ch accidencs. This persan sha11 be C�QNTRACTCI�'s supersn- varia�ian th�t ihe 5hap Drawir�gs or s:rm�les may have � leneirnt t�nlcss osheewi�:e �l�signa�w�i in writin� by f:C]N• Craiir �hc requiremenca of thc: Cpc��ract Ducursccs�ts, .snsi. TRA['I'flR tv Oti'�NER. lil c1+�c�f[lCMl7, shall rause ��gtcifie nat�tion tp bc m�dc un � 17 � T � cacF�Shop Drawing subrni�tc� ca ENGINC'�R E'rar review pravic�cd ttsat anY such�laim.damagc,fcss^;��r�:xncnsc I,�1 iti and ag�pravai of eRth such variation. atteibutnble to iaodiGy injury,sickncs�,t�iticaac:ur�c�th,ar�u injury to vr dcsKn+�tic�n al"t.�nbible �ra�rrty Sut�cr thao �hc � fi.26. ENGIi+�EER�+il! �evie�Y�,nd approve with Xeasc]�i- '��'Ork�tse��i�icludir�g lh�l�ss oC u!,e r�sulling 4hcrcfr[�m an�i abte prflmptness Shop I3ra�vin�s a�c# sam!��es. t�ut E�GI- (b) 1S C�l[15Ct� in whole or ira �sa� �y any ne�iig�nt ��ct car 1�EER's revicw�nd �pprovni will be anly for canfor�ance amissian af CONTRAC�iQR,uny Sulxar�tr;�ctor.any p�r�ayo with the desi�n cs�nee�i u!'�he Prnject an�i I�r rc�mpiiancc: urcargani,cu�ic�rtiuir�e��yursi��ii�-6�ljycsiy�luYexlhy.�ny�lCll��m � wi�h the int'arnt�tio� �ir+cn in thc Contracz Documents a�rsd tv pc�form �r furnish any uf lhe VV�rk ar anyanc for�vhu+s: shall nvt extend to mcans, methods, techr�iq�ses, SSqIiCI�CCS ��ts�ny��tlxem may be lictible.rc��►rdless of whethtr r�r nnt orproce�ures ofconstructivn iexcepe w�ere a spccific mcans, i�is cause�l°sn part by a party indtmnifie�3 hertun�ier or Fariscc � methad,C�ch�'squs,sequcnc�car praced�r�ofcanstruction is by or �s imposcd by Law and Re�uCati4ns regardlcss aC the indlcat�d ia or rcquireci by the Contract Documencs} tsr ca zte�ligcnce af anp auch Q:►rry. safety prcca�tians or pra�rams incidcnt thereta.The rewie�+ and approval of a sc�aratc itcr�'� as such w'sll not indicate 6,31. Ii1 any and all claims a�ainst [7'+'YNEA or E�G[- � ap,praval c�f zhe assemt�ly in evhich the icem i`unetions.C�3N- NEE€�nr arsy of`sherr ca�,sultants, agents ar cmpkuy��ces by TRACT{]t�shall ma€ce cor�ecticsns reqs�ired by EN�IN��R, any em�aloyee of C01'�ITRACT�'JR, any Sul�cantr.��tc�r, any and sha�Y rett�rn the required number oC carrectcd copics crf person or Qr���raixassan�ire�tly vr in�lir�c�ly em�rioyeci by Jny 5ho�Drawings and submit as rrquired nsw sarnplrs for review af't�em to�erfarrn c�r furniyh any o#'�nc Wark ar anygne f�r � and approval.C�]�JTRACTC7R si�all direct specifie at[er�tion whvse acts any nf them may be 3it�6ie„ the indeninificatic�n in writin� Co revisions olhcr than [�c corrcctions cnlled fc��° o�s!igatian un��r para�raph 6.3Q shall rioc bc: 4imitccl in any by �NGINEER ors prtFSOUS submittals, �vay by any limitadian ars the amvunt or �ypc df darrrl�es. � corn�ensatian or�enefi�s puy,�hlc tsy r�r f'vr�rJNTRACTCJFi 5.2T. �I�GINEER's rev'sew an�i approval of Sht�p Draev- or any s�ch Suh�cuniractor vr o�h4r persun Ur or�anizution ings or sarr�pl�s shall no� re:licve CC3N"TRACTtJR frt�m �sncfcr �vorkcrs' or warl�mtn's c�mpe�ssscic�� acts, disa�ilit�� sespc�nsibllity foc any variativn�rorn the rcquirenics�[s of the bc�efit ac�s or ather�e[r�pivt+e�benefit ae�s. � Coriiract Qocurncn[s unlsss CC]NTRAC'IOf� has ir► �vsiting called E�GINEER'S altenlivn 4D CaCh Such variaiiQn at khe 6,32. TFic obli�ations o� CQ!�T1�r�CTl7R und�r p�ra- time of submissivn as required hy para�raph �6.25."? and �raph 6.3d shall nc�t cxtend �a th� liability of ENGINE��R, � ENGIFJEER�as given writtcn appraval of ea�h such �aria- Et+1GINEER's cons�ltants. agen[s or cmpioytes.:�isin�out tiQn by a spcCsfiC wrilttn np[�tiUn ihercvf inc�rpara[cd in or caf the prcparativn ar approval of n��1ps, drativings,opinivns. accompar�ying the Sht�p l7cawing ar sample 7pproval: nor reports,surveys,�'han�e C1r�i�:rs,designs or s�e�ifications- wifl any approwa! Gy ENGTNEEft relieve C{?d'�TRA�TOR � frt�m respansibi3ity fc�r errors or omissions in the Sftrap I3ra:w- 'sngs or frc�:n responsihiiity f4r havin�eomptie���+�s`ch the pres- ����C�E�_,p�HE�R�'VOi�K visions af paragraph b.25.1. j6.2$. '��'hcre a Sttop Ds�awirsg ae sample is requireci by the Re+fn�ed ii'ork ar Sire: Spccifiedtiuns, :�nY rei�teci 1York �crformed priur iv Et'�EGI- � 1. (}WNER�iay�crfvrm c�ther�+�ark rciatcd ta thc Praj- iVFE.I�'s reuie+vand approva!oFthe pertiner►t subr�siss.ie�n�4•ill �c[ ac the ss'ce by C?1'JNER's own furces. haWe a�her w�srk � i�e chc sole expense and respansi6ility oFC01*lTRACTI�R. ���o�ed byutiEityp�s�nersarlctc�therdir�ctc�untractsthrreCar which shal3 cQr�t�in General Cc�nditiuns sim'sl�r tu thcse. lf Canlirtuing�hr iYorlr: i�t�f�ct that such U[h�['�`'ork is to bc�crFormed wns n�rt note�i in ehe Cor�trau Docu�ticnt�. writtcn ncssie� thercnf ivill t�c � (�.29. CONTRAC'f'C?I�shall�arry on thc Wvrk and acih�re ��ven �� CC3I�t'Tf2ACTC1[L priar tu startin� any such c�th�:r ta the pro�ress schedule during�,11 disputcs or disa�recments �,ar�; ���, if CC3N'�'RACTCIR belie�es tha� su�h per9'or- with DWtJER.�lr�Wark shall bc delayed ar�osrpnncd pend- �y�ance wiii involve adcliciona9 tx�casz so C(3i�ETRRCTC3R ur � in� resal�rtion of any disputes or disa�rcernencs, cxcc�t as r�,��yr�� additianal �im� and tl�e parties ar� un�blc to ��ree permirsed by para�raph 15.5 or as CC)NTRACTQR anci as to the ex�ent thereof,�ONT�ACTOR ra�ay make a ckEum C1'4i�1*IER may otherwise�grce in writis��. ttaeref�r as pravic3ed in Articles 4! sn�i 1?. � 7.2. CC]IVTAACTaR shail afforsl�ach u�ility cs4��s�er and Indemm'frcarror�; othcc eantractar Fvho is a pariy to such a�iirecc c4r�sract(or 6.30, Ta the fullesc axtent permirted by Latiys and Regu- �C??WNER,iC QWt�!£R "ss pes��srrning the additional war�:u�ith � lat'svns CflI�'�1�AGTC�R shall inclemnify and hvl� harmless OWt�lER`s empiuye�es�Proper and safe aczess to the site asaci pG�NER and E?�GI�IEER and sheir evnsultla�ts.a,�ents an� a rcasvnablr appartunity for tt�e oncroduetic�n .�na s�oraE�of cm�layees frnan a�nd against al] claims. demages.losses ar�cl rnaceriais and equi�am�nt anci the ex�cuiian nf such��•ork.an�! expens�s,direct,indirect or ronsequerrtial firscluding but not 4fiall�Src�perly connect and ctaotdsn�tc the 1Var�s with theirs. � Simited to�ccs and char�e��f en�ineers,architccts,a�ivrrreys C(72+JTRACTt�R shall d� all �uttin�t, �itt'ss�� anci �;Y�chin�c�l' ar�d vther�rofession:sls aa�d cour�and arbitrativn casts)aFis- [he Work that maY be r�qt�i�-ec�4o rnuke iEs scvcrai pares comt sng out of mr resukting fram the perfGrmancc of thc ��'Qr'k. tc�Scth�r properly�nci in�eSr.alc��ith stfch�rther��•a�ri�,C(]W- � 1$ � ` � TRACTC?R shall not endangcr any work of others by cut[ir�g, is�res which h�v� bcea utiliYCd �y �NGINEER in preparin,� ex�a�sting ar otherwise altt�ing thefr wvrk and►►rill onfy eu! the Drawings and Specifieataans. car alter their wark wiih the wri�ter� cvnsent of ENGiNE�R � 3RS�lt1C Of�iEPS WI7S35C W`Q�'� ►vii� b�aCfected. Tli�. duties and 8.5. C3Wi�I�R's respon�ibiliti�s irt re:spcct c�f purci�asin#; resp��ssihi�itics ot`C[JNTRACI"�R undcr this parh�r��rh are and maintainine 6i�hifitw anci nrvpcny ins►arar�cr are sra i'nnt� ic�r the beneFic nf 5uch utility 4wncrs an� ather contr�ctors in para�raph4 5.5 lhrt�ugh 5.8. � ta the cxtent lhat ihere are �omparable �rowisirans f'ur �h� �enetit af C[?tVT��CT0�2 in said dircci contr.�cts �ct�uee� 8.5. UW N�R is obli�ted t� execute Chan�e Or�er� �x QVVF��R and sueh utility owr�ers and 4z�rer contractoss. indiea€ed in para�ra�h l(1.4. � ?.3. If�ny part of C�i�ITRACT(]R's Work degends for �•�• �'�'����Fs responsibiliEy in resp�c� of ctrtain prvper rxect�uoon or resuits apern��e rvc�rk aCany such s�tFser insprttions.icst5 anci�opprovafs ix�s!1'orEh in paragr.�ph 13.4. contraCt4r pr ukility owner(aT O�VI'r1ER1, �QNT�ACTt7R $ $. 1��onne�tion with UW�ER`s rigtst tp stap Work nr shall inspect and promptiy rcpart to Ei'�CINEER in ��riting � � any delays, �efe�ts Qr de5cier�cics in such wark that render S'�SF�nd W�rk,sec par�graph�13.10 arsd 1�.1.ParagTaph l5.� it unauailab�e or uns�it�blc for su�h proper execuiian and '�G�ls with �W1+IER's ri�ht to tcrm�nate services of C4N- resuCls.CQNTRACI'�R's fsilure so ta report wil{cvnsticute ��''��TDR uncidr�c�'t�in circurnstances. � an acceptanee af the othcr�voric as fit and praper far inlc�ra- , [svn with CC7t�TEtACT{�R's L'Vvrk except for latcnt ar nc�n- apparcnt clefects and defei�neies in �he v�i�er�vorl�, ARTI�LE 9—�i�lGINEER'S STr1TUS i�URING C(}NST1tI1CTI0N � Cnordirsuliarr: 7.4. lf OkVEV�R cor�tracis wili� athers far the perfor� ��`riP�s'�rprescttldtive.: � manc�of o[her work on the Projcct at shc��te,thc person ar 9.l. �I�IGIN��R�vil! be {)l'JN�R's re�rresznt�ti�e dur- ncg��a��atic�n who d+�ill have autharity and respQnsibiiity for ing the co�sstructit�n }�zriad, The duties and respansibili�ic� coordins�tion a�'she uctivities anaang thc varaous prirn� cnn• and Ihe limicatiuns�Caulhori3y�f EI�IGIN��R a,�C)WNE.R's crac�Q�s►vil! l�e idcn�ified in the Supplcmen�ary Con�Eitions. represcnt.�tivc�iuring construc�s�n are set farth in she C�n- � and ti��specofic matters to be cowtred by such�uthority anci tract D�c+�mcnzs and shall naa be extencted wi[�aut ►v�i�t+�n respor�sibility wii]be ieemi�ad.and 3hc extent of such author- Gansent of QW?r'�R ar�d ENG[�lE��. ityand respansibiCities tivill bc prc��idtd.in cheSupplem�.ntary Conditians.L�rrless o[herwsse pr[�vic�ed in ths 5upplert�enkary y�rils rn Srre: � Cvnciitians,neitherQ�V1�ER nor EI*lGIN'�ETt,h;si�hawe sny au�hvrity or respvnsibilitw in respect of saich coardin��inn. 9.2, �NGIhlL•�R x�ilf make vssi�s tca th� si�e at in[ervals a{�propri�te to che various stagcs o�conaiructic�n to vbscrwe the pro�rtss and quality c�f ahe exccuted 4�,�arlt and tu �et�r- � A�iTICLL 8-�—OWT�'ER'S RESFONSIBILT71E5 �rn�• i� Seneral. sf the 4�'vrk i5 proceedin� in accorclai�ce with the Contract Ducumcnts,C'�IGINE�R+�ill not be reqtssrcd to�sake e�haustive ur cvntin�ous on•�ite ins�sectsons to�h�cl: � $.!, Q'411N�R shafl issue all camm�sni�atina�s so CtJN- dhe quality or quantity c�f the Wnrk. EI'�GIN�ER"s e#`farts TRA�`TQR through�NGIiJEER, wi31�e disected�o�vai•d prQVidin,�for�4V�ER a grcacer de�rcc ok`confidence that zhc carsiplece� '1'Vas'k will conforrn tn thc 8.2, In ease af'termi�ation of the esnployment of E,AiGI- Contract Documents. Qn the basis af such visiss aiid �n-site � t�1�EER, C�WN�Ft shai� �ppoint an cn�eir�eer a�air�st wham abservsti+�ns as an experiencecl and qualified ciesi�,r� profes- CDI�TRAC'T'i�R makes ncr reasonable objec[iQra,�vhosc sta- sional,EI*1GI�lLER tivill kccp[34VI+lEf�infs�rmcd of the pro�- [us ur�der the Cantract Document�shall be that nf lhc fnr�ner ress af the Wflrk and wiil en�ea�or ko suarci[3tVNER a�ainst � �NGINEE�i. Any dispuzt in cannection wi[h such appoint- de€e�ts and deficicr��ies sn tt3e Wark. ment sihall be subjest t�arbi[rati�n. 8,3. C3WN�R s3�all furnish thc data requircd af U'W�lER F`�������pr��������arr: � underthc Cnntract floCUments pr�mpaly arsd shall malce pay- 4.3. If O!�'N�R and ENGIi���R agrce. E1�IGINEE€t m�cnts to CC]I�TRACT"On �ramptly after they ase due as wiU f�rnish �1 E'Z4'Sl('IL'flf Frojecs Re�resentativc to assi�t �rvvicicc#in pa�agraphs 1�.4 and 14.(3. ENG�NEER in c�bservin�;thc percarmar�re aFthc 1�"ark.Ti he du�ics, resporxsibilities and qimitations af authc�ri[y tif any � $,4, Q1TYI�l�Fi's dusies in respcct of pro�iding la�ds and such F�esident f'rojeet R�psescntatiwe a�nd �ssistlnts �,aill hv easements and pravsdin� cr�,�ineering sur►reys to estat�iish as prc�vicied in the Supplemcrttar}+ Casrdition�. lf f��VI'�fEft reCerence paints are sc4 farth in par:��rap�s 4.l cind�.4. Para- c#esignates another lceiu t4 represcnt Qti��ER ar the sice � gr�p�t 4.2 rcCcrs to �11V1�FR°s icientifying and ma�.ing avail• .vho is nflt E1�GIN�ER's a�em rar em�inaec. ihc dutics. a6le to C�NTl�ACTf]R eahie�af rc�arts ot"exp3oratior�s and responsiholi�ies and limit�cinns a3� sushorGty ot 4uch other l�sts of subsurf'acc cvnJition5 a[zf�e site ant�in exist¢ng struc- persvn�vil1 bc as proviJed ir�rhe Supq�lemcns,sr�'C�}nciic��+n�. � l9 � � � Clar{;�ea1r`onsandlr+t�rpteuuiar�s: tc� ENGII�IEER wriccer� �,c�tice af ir�lent€on to appeal from 9.4. �NGdI'�l�Elt will issue with re�stsnable prampcness �uc�a d�cision. such �r�iten ciarificacians or interpretati�ns 4f tht require- . � rn�nts of the Contra�CZ �ocumenes (in the forrn of�rawings 1)ecisinnr o►e lJispucesc ar o�herwise)as EAIGINE�kZ may�ietermirra n�c��s:uy,wt�iah 9 �j ����N��� ��,ii1 bc the initial inctr-�relcr of thc sh�i6 b� cc�nsistent with ar reasc�nably inferable from the . . . oueraii inte�sc vf the C�nir�ct�7oeumenca.ifCaN'fitACl'L7tt requirement4 af th� Cc�ntr:�c:t llucuu�.;i��, .e,�u����w ,�+ �,,ti � belicves lha�a writtcn clarifi�ation or ir�Ecrpretation justihes ��'��4�'t�'bs`lr`�y nf the `'��rk ihcr�uneScr. +Cl�ims. �ispule!;:�n�i an increase in ih� C411S��CL Pr`sce or an extens`son of the �ther matters r�4at'sr��to thc aecept:riaility of thc Work ar the Cantract Time and thc parties ara unablc to agree to the ��tcrpretativ�n b[the rcquirements of th�Ctrr�E�'act Dacuments amount or extent tltercof,G�N`f'RACTUR may make a cl�im �etainiflg to lhc performance�,n�Furnishing of the Wark and � ther�far ds prowided ir�Ariicle I 1 c�r Article 12. ciai�ts utsder Articles 11 and E2 in respect nf cS�anges in thc Cnntract Pricc or Contract'T`ir�e►vi11 be rcfers'ed initialdy tc� E1VGINE�Et in writinb with a rCquest for a farma6 decisian Au�t�ora'zed Variarions i�Work; is� �ccordance �vith this paragraph. whic3t EN�IN�E�2 u�ill � 9,5. ENGINEER may autharize minor variat'sans in the ���$�r«��'��;in��within a r�asoriahlc iime. lVritsen notsce uf Work frars�the requiremcnt�af th�Gantract Bocurs�es�ts wfaach �aeh such ciaim, dispute and olhcs matter u�411 be cielivered da srat invoive �n adjustmcn[ sn �hc C�ntract Price nr tt�c by che clairr�ant t:a �NGtNEER and t11� a[her�sny,so ttsc � Cta�Eracc T`ime and are consistent ^wich the overall intent of ��r�����t promPT1Y 4but in na cvcnt later�t�an thirty da�y�} the Contract I�oeurnenss. �"hese may 6c accompli5hed �y a �f���' the t�ccurrenc� af �he eveat �;i�+ing r,se thtreto, and Fie3d Orcier and wiii 6e binciin� o�� �?'��JNE€�. an�i alsv on written supportia�slata w�ifl b�submitted to�NGI�lEER and CON'CRACTC}R �vtav shaii pe�farm the ti4'csrk invc�lve� ���4ther�arty within s7xty daYs.sitee such accurrenee unless � Prvrnptly. If CONTR�'�CTDR helieves �hat a Fic�►1 C]rder ���IN�EA allativs an addi[ic�nul pc:rias!c�f lsrnc lc�ascc�xairt jusFifies an sncrrase in�he Cor�traca Pricc 4r�rr cxtension of morc accurate data in sup�ort of the cl�im. the Con�raci Time and thc partics are unable to asr�ee as sa g.�� �,�h�� ��inetionia�� as is��erprcter anc4 judgc und�r � tha as�3ount vr cxtts�t ihercof, CONTI'tACTQR may nzai�e a paragraphs 9.IQ �nd 4.!1. �i�G[iVE�R wiil nc�t s�a�v n:ir- claim iherefo�as prowideci ir�Artscfe I1 ur l2. si�lity ta OWNCk�c�r CON'1'ftAC'l'OIt unJ rvi11 noi tsc liahlc in c�nne�tis�n u�i�h arsy interpretation or cl4cisi�n rendercd in � RejecFtrrg Defrclivc Wnrk: good faich in such capacity, 'I'�re ren�crin� vf a deeisiun by 9.b. ENGiNEER evill hawe a�thority to d'rsapprovc or ���';��E�'p��S�°�'nt to para�pt�s�.l[]and 9.�1 with resp�cl rcj+eet War4c whieh�NGINEER bclieves ta be rlcjecri,�e,and t4 ar�y such clai�z�,dSS�llli:Or OI�YCS iT1clll�f(C:iCC�[�1[l�+H'�{1C�1 � wiil aisa have authvrsty to require special inspectiun or testing h����een tivaiveci by the m�,kis�s vr acc�psancc of 5nal pay- vf the 1�'ork as pro++i�icd in paragraph 13.9, whether or not �'��'� �'� P='�vidcd in paragraph 14.1�i] �Vill be a canc��tian �he Work is fabricatcd,installe� ar eompletcd. preceri�nt t� anp exercisc bY d`W��� �� �����.�'���� af such�i�,hts qr rcmedies�s�i�her rraay othcrtivise have under � iht Cc�ntra�t Documcnts oc by Laws or Re�ulations ir�respeet Shap Drawinrs,Cha�r�e Urders and Parrnen�s: aC any such clairn,dis}�ut�or ather mattcr- 9.7, 1n�onneeriaa wiih ENGINE�R"s respanssbii'sty f�r � 5hop Dra�vs`ngs and sampl�s, see p�rags-�phs 5.?3 lhrosl±,�h Li►rtit'acia►fs orr�E�'GINEER'a Rrsponsil�ili�ies: �,'�9 inc�usiwe. 9.13. Neither '�NG[I�JEER's authority ta acc undee ti�is 9.8. In cannection with ENGf�I]�ER's res�o�sibiliti�s as Article 9 ar eise�u�erc in �hc C�ncract Dacumcnts na� any � [�Chat�gc C]rders.sec Articles �4, [f and l?. dccision macle by��lGlh1 EER in gavd faith either to exercise or not ex�rcise such auchority sh�il giae rise in any duly or 9.9. In cannee[ion with ENGi�+f E�R's respansik�iliti�s in respansihility c�F ENG�i'�EE�i ta Ct]iV1'RACTOR.any Suh- respect of Applications for Payment,ete.,see Articic 14. cos�tractc�r,any�u�plier.or any v4her pzrson ar or�,anizatian � perfarmin�any af lhe'Work.or to any suret7�frsr any�f them. Delerminarians for Ur�i�Prices: �.ld. ��hcnet+ef in the��antraci L7t�curnencs[t►c te�ms"as � 9.1d, EI'�Cs[NHER wall determine iYI�C �C[t183 [�u�IliitlCS or�ir�ed•,, ..:�s dirvCted"..'<ss r�qt�irzd", ..as allawec!'. .'�s and cixssi&eatians of�Jnit Price Work pesfarmed by CQN- �ppro�ed"` �or tcrms af likc effect or irnport ar�e us�ci,ar th� TRACTOR. EIw1G1NEER will review with Cf7NTRAC1QIt �dject'sves"rcasonahie", 's�ita�le","�cc�ptab3e.. ..pra�r,. L1�GII�IEER's preliminary dettrm`sn;��iaz�a vn such matters c�s- "satist`�ctt�ry" Qr acijertive� of like eCfcct ar import are � before renderis►g a writtcn �iecisian [liereon (hy recon�mer�- useei ta�cscribc a requir�rnent.directiur+,r�wic��orjuci�rrics�t �iatian of an App�ica�ion far Payment �r�thenvis�]. �NGt- o� �NCiiNEEF� as tu �hc Work, iz is intended that such N��R's written decisians thercon wii� be fina4 an� 6inding rcquirerrzent, �irection, rcvic�E�or,juciemcr+�w+�i31 be a�l�:ly xa � upon UWNER arsd C4NTR.4CT[��.unlcss,wilhin ten��ys e�a9uate thc G�'nrf� for cvmp$ias�cc wi4h thc Contr�e� Dcacu- after thc date of�n}r sueh d�cis�vn,eithcr C7WNE4�or C{3N- ments (unless tt�cre is A specific staicmenC indic�tsng olher- 'fiRAC'[`�R delivcrs�o the othcr party[v ihc A�rccmersL an�i �4�ise1. Thc �rse c,f ��ny sUCh Zcrm �r a�ijcc�ivc sh�il not hc � �a � � et�'ecti�c tv assign ta EF�IGI'M�ER any duty or autharicy to i0.4.3. chan�es in Ehe Cantra�t Pricc or Contraet 7ime . supervase ar siirect t�ae fvmisf�in�v�p��f'arman�e oFthe Wark which cmbocfy th�substan�c�Af ar►y v��riTten decisic�n ren- or any duty arautharity tv�andertake respanss`bility cantrary dered by ENGi�JEEit pursua�t ta paragraph 9.11: � Io the prowisi+ans of�aragraph 9.ES ar 9.1b. prawided tha�, in lieu of exeeucing any su�h Change (7rder. .::r�}�Y�al may 3se caicen from any such ciceision in accocd:�nct �.i5. �I�C"iiiVEER tivill nat b� re�ponsible for CflN- wilh thc pr[�vis'tonsof thc Cantr.act�7ue�mvnt�unci appfi�ablc � TRACT�Ii`s rnc��ns,nzcih�ds,tcehniques,sequenecs csr pru- ��,�; �nd ltegulalirans, buc �lurin� any sueh a�a�c,il, C�UN- cedures ot eonstru�tion, ar l�e sd�"ety precsu[ians and prn- TFiACTCIft shAil tarry ost!hc We�ric�ind t�dhere so[f���ro�- �rams iacident thereca,ancf ENGiI�iEEf��ui�l nuc bc respan- r����chedulc as pr�vided in paragr.aph 6.29, • sible for G(3NTI�AC"I'UR's failurc to perforr�or furnish thc � Wvrk in accordance tivi�h the Cuntruct i��cuments. I4.5. If notice of any�3�angc af5eeting the generai sc+o�e csf th� ti'Vork or the prcaVisiens nf the Cantra�t Documeats , 9.l6. ENGINEEA will not bc responsible fc�r the accs or �a�cludiss�, hut not iimised to, Cantr��t �t1CC or CvnKra�� omissions of CClNT4�AC7C1It ar af any Sub�vntracs4r, �ny Time) is requir�ci by thc pr�visions af any Bc�n�i w hc gitixen � Supplier,vr of any ather�ersor►or arganixatson per�`ormin� �,���urety,the gs�ing o[�any such no�irc will be C[]N1"�tAC- or furn�shir��any af 4he Wvrk. TC}R"s responsibiliCy,and ahe amovnt vf each ap�iicublc 8c�n� +�vii]he adjusted aeeording�y. f � ARTICL� 1[�—�CHr1i�IGES II�THE WC7R!{ ARTICLE 1 I--CHAl�GE C5F Cd;tITR�CT PRiCE � 1Q.1. Wilhoutinvafidatir��theA�r�eFnentaexdwitho�atnalieG tv any sur�ty, aWNEFf may, �t any tirne or 9'ram simG to ��•I� T�� '���+trac[ f'riee canstituse�: lhe tvt�sl cc�nipen- lirne, �r�fer additi�a�s, d�ILtians or revisiuns in the Wark: s��tfon fsubjecc [o aulhorized adju�tm�ntsl �ayablc to CC7i�- � thcse�vili be�uthariacd by:� Writtesr Ar�ren�irnent,a Ch;�nge T��'�T�A for p�rformsn�thc: �Vark.All ciuties,respQn:�ihii- C�rcicr,Qra tiVoric FJirectivc Ch;��ge. Upon reccspt csf.sny sri�h ilies anc� o�lig�.tion� as�sgned t� or unci�rtr�kcn hy CtIN- �vCUmen�,CUN�'f�AC"i"(�R shall promptly pr�c4cc1 with thc �"'�AC�{}R s�tall be a� his expense �3�ithau� chan�t is� ihc � Wvrk invalVec�wi�ieh�vill be performcd s�nc�er she app�icab4� ��nEract Pcice. cundicions of th� Contract Uocusr�crsts f�xcepE 3s otherwise spc�iiicafly�rovi�i�ci1. 1 i.?. The Cont�cf Price rna�o�ly�rc char,gccl by a Chanec Ordcror�y a WriCtcn Amendment.A�y claim f�ran in�festic � l0.�. lf 04VN�R and C�NTfZACFUR arc unable t4:sgrec ar ciecrcase in �he Canxraet Price shsii bc bas�ci un evrittcn as to thz ext�iil. if any, c�C a�i i�zcrcase �r c�+:crease in ihe noticG deliver�d by ihe party makir�e the cl3im to the �ther Contra�t 'Price a�r an extensian or sh�rrtening�rf th�C�ntract '�arty an+�to'�NGiNEER prcemptly{l�ut irs no c�cnt later th�n Time thas sh�uld be allc�wed as a rest�IC of a FVock Directive Fhirty cSays) aftcr the occurren�e �sf the eveni siving ris� tu � Chan�s,a cl��sm m.�y b�rnade shereiar as�rvvicied in Ar�icl� th�claim and statin�t'hc�esaeral nature af ihe��ain�, I�o[ir� vf the amnitnt af th� �lasm �vi�h supparsing c1,�aa shal� bc I I r�c Arti�lc I'_. deiiverec� wiihin sixty ctays aCt�r such v�currerscc (u�3la�ss � ENC;INEER all��vs an ar�ditiQnzl period of tirnc ts�ascrs-sais� 1Q.3. CQNTRACI'OI�sh311 not be erstitl�:s�to ars ine�ease �ore accur�te da4a ir� s+sppc�rt uC th� rlaiml and shall ba in the Cor�tr�sct Price or an �cxtensivn of the Contract Timc �C�r�mpanied by claiman['s written statement shat the amount tivith rsspect to any�'+'ork perfarmed that is i�ot reguired by claimeel eovers a11 knOwst amcsunts fdirec�,indirect aiid+�on- � thc Contract Doct�ments as amendc�, modified and supple- ����e�tial�tc�which �he claimant is encicicd as a cesult ot'th�: rncr►ced as pr�avided irs paragraphs 3.� and 3.5,except is�thc Q,�CS�rser�ce af said event. Al! claims far acijust�ncnt in the case t�F an �merg�ncy as proyi�ieci in paragr3ph b.2? and �Q�x�tt Price shal6�e decermined by Ei*IG1�IEER in accor- exscpt in the casc oP uRCOVCSine 1V�srk as pruvicicd in par<i- dancc avith para�ra�rh 9.1 i if C)W�1�R�n�i C[7NTRACTOfi � grapi� i3.9, cas�not othcrwisc asree on ihe amaunt in�oi��ecl. ho c3aiin for an ��ijustment in ihc Contr��t Pricc +uali be valid if ncat ;Q.�f. Q�i�NER and COtV`F'AAC7`C1'F�shal!execuic agpro- subm't€tc:d is�a�c�►rdatace with this paragsaph 1 l.?. � priatc Change Orders{or L�'zi[ten A.mendmenssl ec�vcrin�; 11.3. Tl�e rraiue of any 1'�'�rric ce��vcrcd by��hansc�'1r�icr IQ.d.I. char�gcs in �he 1Vorfc Gvhich arc r�sc3creci by or oP any cla'sm for ao incrc�se ur �iecrease in ti3}e C:arttract C}W�f ER pursuant to par sgraph 10.B,are requircd beCaus� ���e shall bc deterrnsned in vne vf`[he�`ollowin��++�aws: � of acceptan�c af�f�fi�rl�s�c''�Iork under p�ragra�rh 13.13 or carrectinfi cfrfrs•ri+•r '4Vmrk uncier�r,sra�rl�h l3,i4, vr arc 11.3.1. 1Vhcre lhc Wnr�: in+���lvcd i� cn�ere:d by unit �greeci t�o by�t�c�arc'ses„ prices corscained in the �ontract C��7c��ments. by a�,�,lic,3- � iion of un'st �rices sg the quantstics vf t�se i�en�s inv��{���d 1(}.+3.3, rhan�e�s in lhc Corltr:trt Pricc nrCnntr.sct Time fsubacct tv the provi�iQns c�f�:►rctgr:rphs l 1,9.f. thrr�ugh �hir�are cx,�rcctl ta by thc parsies:anci 1 1.9.:�, iotirlu�+ivc}. � ?1 � y � l i,3,2, $y tnu�Ual acc�ptasicc of a lump sum�which tU tttc other provisic►ns of the Cor�truct Qucurs��nts insuf:�r may include art allowance fQe overh�cad a�sc� pzQF�t n4t as appiic�blc, � neecssarily in accardance�vich paragraph !1.6.?.1]. ' - l 1.4.4. Costs of speci�l consultants(in�luding but not l 1.3.3. Oa �ht basis of[he Cast 4f thc '4Vcark (cietcr- limited �a ec��incers,archite�ts,t�stin�labW�,:.::,: �. v:.. �Zincd as {�ro�•idc�! in paragrap�5 11,4 anci E 1.5) plus a '�eyors,a�torneys ar�d accoun[ar+tsl esn�loyed Far scrviccs � CC�1'+CTAAC"i�R's Fec far a�erhea�i and profit (s�cttr- spae�fically r�elatcd Co thc Work. mined as�rv►+idcd is�paragra�hs 1 l.b an� !I.31. l 1.4.5. 5uppkement:tl��sts`sncluciing the fs�lluu•ing: � 11.4.5.E. The propnrtian csF necessary transporta- Cas�ojtke Wvrk: tion, trav�l a�ci subs'sstenec cxpenscs of CCIN�'RAC- � f 1.4. 7hc term Cust r�f the Wo�k mearss thc sum of ull Tp�•$��zp�ayees incurred in dis�harge caf duties con- � costs ncr�ssarily pncurred and paid by CdNTRACT4l�, in s�ected with ahc Wark. the prQ{�er performance oF the 'Nork. Exccpt as athcnuise may�rc agreec�tv in wcitin�by IJWNER,such cvs[s sha€1 ba l i.4.5.2. Cost. yncludin� transpvrtation and main- in amounis no hi�har than c�ose prevailinr� in the lo�ality oF K���nce.of al!mat�riais.s�sp�rlies.equipment.macl�in- � the Psvject, sh:zSl inciu�le or�ly �he foliawin� i�ems ,ind sh�tii �ry, ;lpp;`sa►nces, t�f�fyCe anrS temporary faCi�s4i�zi the n�st include arsy of the casts itcrrsi�ed in paca�raph !1.�: s'ste and hanci taols not ow�nec4 by thc ►v�rkers, ;�hich areeQnsume�in the pert'�rrnancc oCihc'�Nork,and��st (i,�.I. Payroil ctssts tar emplv5'e'�S��the direct cmploy less maeket va4ue a�'sueh itcros used hui nat canst�mcd �� ���pt?VTRACTqR in the�erformancc af lhc Wor'k tis�ci�r which remairr the property of C�1��rRAC'CQ1�. schedulcs oC joh classii�eations a�rccd upvn by C]WN�R and CQNTRACTC�A. FayrolE cQSts fcrr employees nvt f Renta[s o�ald construct�vn eq��pment ana � employed futl time an the Work shall be appvrcione� c�n machinery anc� ihc parts thercof►d'hether rcnttd fram lhe basis of the"sr time sper�t an the S'+t6rk. Payroik cs�szs C�P�ITRA�Tf�Ft or others in accarcianc� w�ich rental shall includc, bus nat be limited to, salaries and +v��cs agrecsnents approved by OWi�1EFt with the advice of p�us lhc ccast af Crin,�e benefacs �vhich s31a�1 incluc3e soci�l �NGIN��R.and thc coszs of transportauars. loading, � sc�urity contri�uzions.«nempkoyrnent,e�cise and payrvli �nlaading. inst�llatian. ciismantling and rtrr:ov�l tax�s, workers' or workmen's co�rspensation, health and thgreof�at# in ac�ar�anee �►�sth �erms of said rentai retirement bene�its.6unuses,sic'�lcavc,��acatian an�i hul- asreernen[s.The r�n€ai af arty such equi�mcr�t,maehir►- id�y pay applicable thtreta.Such e�nployces shall inclucle ery ar parts shall cea�c when tf�e use theccof is no lon�cr � ss�perinte�dents as�cl fc?remen at thc sitc. "Thc expenscs of neccssary for 4he Wor�t• pcs�'orssting 4'Jo�k aftcs resuYar ���orF;ing haurs. on S�tur- day, 5unday or legai hoiidays. sha4i bc included in the 5alcs. consumer. use ar similac taxcs � ab�ve to thc extent authorszesi t�y C7'WI�f�R- rel�ted tv the 1'�vrk,anc�Lur�`hich C{3�`r`�ACT�R is liablz,imp�s��i by L��;�s and Rzgulaticsns. 31.4,�, Cast of all materiais an�i equiq�ment furnishcs� and irrcarporated in thc Wnr4c„ ir�cluding cvsts vf trans- l 1]epo�its 3vst Fvr causes other�han ncgii- � portatian andstor,�ge therecaf,asrci 5uppli�rs'fi�1�is��vicca gen�c: caf�L��'rF�AC'TC�R, �tiy Subcontractor or any_ required in evnnects'ran therewith.r131 cash dis�ounts sh�li pne dir�ccly or indire�lly emplaycci hy any �f therr►ar �GCrue¢a CpNTR.4C'�C)fL unlcss{3WT+l Eft sleposits Cuncls for whUSe acts any of thern rnay he liabl�.and rpyalty . with CQNTRACTOR v��ith which to make paymcn[s, in payrnencs arsd fces for permits ans� licenses. � which case che eash dis�nunss shall atcrue: ta L�w1`�ER, Afl trade discat�nts, rcbaces anci refUnds �nd all t�cturns i Losses and damages (and related frvm salc of surp�us materiaEs and equipr+zent shail accruc expcnses).noz compensate�t�y insurance ur othe�wise. , � to C3WN�A, and CC]tVTKACTOR shal! m��e pro��sions ta the Workarc�therw'sse suscained hy�01"+tT�iACT�R so thac chey may bc oblainc�l. 'sn eannectivn �witE� �hc perfc�rmance anJ furnishing of thc Work t�'���R� I��ses and dam�ges wi�hin lhc l t.d.3. Paymcnts made by COI`�TttACTaR to thc deductible amounts nf prvperty `srasurancc cstat�lished � Subcas�tractors for Wflrk perfvrmGd by Sul�eontractars. by C?WNER 'srt accordanee with par�graph 5.9}, pro- If required by OWI�ER, CONTRACTCIR shai� ob�ain vided xhc)� h�Ve resulted frpm �auscs ��hcr than the c�mpeti[i�e bids frcam Su�rcnn�r�ict�rs accc�pzable to COl'd- ne�lig�nce of Cl�NT1�ACTQR.anY Subcon�rrtccvr,ar � TRACTOR ansl sh�sll dcli�er ru�h bids to OW1'�I'�1� who anyc�n�directly ar indirce�ly employed by any ai them will thcn dctermi�e.with the acivice of ENGI�IEER,wh'sch ❑r tc�r 4'V�1t75C �C�S any df zhem may h� iiablc. 5ucts ' �ids will tse ac��pted. If a subevaztract provides that �hc l�sscs sh;�l! ¢rsclud� setticrst��ts ma�le w'sEh the wri[ten Subcnntractor is to be pa#d na the basis of Cast of che consent and a�proval af O'�'�NEft. i�v su�h tasscs. � '4tiUY'k Plu� :s '�ec� thc 5u'��a�tractar's Cast of the 4Vorfc �'arna�es ancf expenscs shall bc included in�he Cast af shat! k�e detcsminc�i in the sa�s�e manncr�s C�[]NTRAC- tha Work fa�tihe purpvsc crFd�termini��;+CC31`I�'�tf1'C° 7Ql�"s CQSt af che Work.�11 sub�ontracts shaYl be subjcct TQR's I'ce. If, hv�ver•er, any such lflss or c[amage � 22 � � � requires recanscruction anei CONT1tAG C'OR is pl�cc+� C�NTR�ICT"(�R'r Fer: in titargc thereoE, �C)MTRACi'aR shsEt ba q�id Cor �� � �c CCMNTRACTOR's Fce allowcd to CQNTRA�C- services�fce pr�pvrtionate[o cltat sta�ed in paa�gt`,�ph T+f3R fof ovenc�ad and profit st�all be dztermined as f�{iows:. � 1 LC.3. ' 1 E.�.S.l. Tht cnst of utili:ies. fuel and sanit.iry l 1.6.9. a mutually acccptablc fixed fc�;or if non��un fasilitics cit thc sitc. he aF,re�d upon. � l 1,4,5.�. +titinor expenscs such as tclesrams. lang 1{,6.2. a fea b�scd vn tt�e CvliUwing perc�nt,a�cs olf the distance zelephonc calls.Yclephocae szrvic�a� shc si[�. varivus�artiqns of thE Cost aC lhc 1��ark: expressagc ancl similar pctty cash iterns in ca�neetian � wich��e Wask. 1 E.+5.2.I. ['c�r cvsts�ncurred ur�d�r para�raphs 1 i.4.{ and l E.�3?, the CDNT'RAC I'DR's Fcc sh�ll be fi€'�een , i I.4.5.9. Cast ot` prernis�ms for aciditional Bonds perc�nt; and insuranco requi+rcd beCausc ot'c�aangws i�th�Wprk � and prcrniunrs far prflpertv insurancc coytta�t within 11.G,2.2. farcoscs incvrrcr�under�azagrapf�E l.�i.3, t�ra limic5 0�' the dcd�s�tible amounls cstab�ishc�l hy tht CQNTRAC`TQR's Fce shall be�vc�erctn�;and if t}WNER in�ccardarsce wi�h paragriph 5.9. a sulacontract is�n thc hass"s of Cost of�hc Wor1� i'lus � n Fce. thc maxirnum aliowabl� to C(7f�TK.4CTQR on 11.5. "Che term Cost�f¢he Work sk�all nac i�cludc any tif a�c�unt �sf overhead and prQfi[ af all S►��E�nlr�acic�rs the fc�llo�•ing: shull be C�fteen perccnt: � i!.5.E. Payr+�il cos�s and ailser cvmpes�sacaon of C�3t�i- 1 l.b.?.3. Rv Ccc shai] bc paya�lc vn the basis af TRACT(7R's ol��ers, �xecutirres, printipals to�partncr� c35ts itcrz�ized undcr p=�r�grapli5 I 5.�3,�. 1 I.�.S snci t 3.5: ship and sole pr�priceorships), Se�eral mana�crs, cn�¢- necrs,at�hitcct�,estimatvrs,attvrr�eps,audi�ors,accaur�- ��,�,�r,,�, i�e n�t�t�i�� ot crrd'rt to b� �sllow�d h7� � [a�rsrs, Purchasirr� and contractin� dgents. �:xpec3itors. ��}N��p�-{�g�p(�WI4EE�tcar:��y such change,�•�irh tsmckeepers. cicrks a�d athec �acrsonn�l cnaplvyetl by resvl[s in a nef d�erca5e in cax[ wF11 �e thc cimouni c�f +CONTftAC"�'QR ►vhcther ai thc site or irs CDN`�'RAC- the actu�l net decreasc plus�cieductian in CQI�T�AC- � TQR's pri�cipol or a�s:�nch vffice for gener�i adntinistra- -�Q�"� ��� �y �,� ��aunc cqua� to ten per�tnt of�hc tion oitht Wark and ne�t speei'�c�lly incius�ed in the as��ee1 ��f,���r,���c:and upt�n schedvle of job classiFicativns referred to i� para- graph I l.4,1 vcsp�cifically cavcr�d by pura�raph 1 l,�t.� r 1.�,.2.�. when both ad�itians �nd crcdit5 ac`c � all t�f �vhic�► are iu be c�Ons�cicrecl admini:�trative co5ts invoEved iat �ny one change. che :t�juctmes�t irs CC}N- cvver�d bY the C(]N'TRACTI��`s,Fee, 'CRACTC3R"s�ee shall be�com�u4ed vn the basis uE'thc i 1.5.2. Expens�s rf C�N�F'k�ACTOR's prsncipal an�1 �sct thange in actart#ancC �vsth para�raphs l 1.6,',� hran�h ot�i�.es other than C{3�JTR,4CTDR's ofFiee at ihe ��ro�gh !l.6.�.4. inclusive. � site. i�,7, E�+����vrr the east of any'wV'ar�e i�t�be ciciermine�i 11.5,3. Ar+ypartofCON7R4C"fQR'scapitalexpertses, }�ursuant flo garagr�ph l�.�t or 11.5. �CL?N'TRACTC]R ���ill � incku,�in�inl�rest c�n LD;�T�.6'�CTOI�'S�apilal emplt�yrd ��b�st in form acceptahle ta �NGiNEER an itemizeci �ast for the Wosk and charg�s against +CD�TRACTOR [�r �reakdown tv�e[hcr with suppartins ciata. `. de�inqUent payrnents. � Crrsh Adlowcrrrts: 11,5,4. Cc�st of prcmiums far all Bands and �'r�r adl insurance wh�ther ar nc�t CO�!`I'RACI`UFt is sequircd h}+ ��•$• ;��s sandcs'stood �hat C�NTRACTOR�as inclu�ed tht Contract �locvmez�ts t+� �aurchase and maintair� the ���he Cc�ntraet Price all aliowanccs so named in[he Contracc same [excepz far the cast of presmiums covered by sub- Docurszencs ar�d shall eause the Work so cavered Ro be�one ,� pasagr-aph 11.4.5,9 above), hY such Subcnrziractnrsor Supgliers:ind f�rsu�h suans within �he limit af the aliowan�es as may be a�cccptable t� ENGI- i 1.5.5. Costs due to the neglisence of CONTRAC- ����. ��MTRACTCIR agrecs lhat: � 'TOFi,any Subcontract�r,ar a�ayon��ir�ct�y or indirectly +�m�loyeci by any o�them ar for w�has�aets any of c��m 11.3.1. The allowances 'snelude the ros� co COl'+1- may be!s`ablC,snrluciin�b�sc nat lirnite�!to,the carrection ��A'�����Er����nY�PPli�ahle [rac�e discaunLS] af mat`- r�f rlcf�cri��r Work, ,3ispasa� of materials �r eqs�ipr���nt rials�nd�qu'spmcnt required 6y tltc�llov�rances ct�b�dciiv- � wran�ly suppi'secl and making�oo�# any danla�c to prop. eres��t th�site�and al!applicable taxcs;an�i eny. 1f.8.2, C[7N7RACTCI�.`s cas[s for unla��ins �nd Il.5.6. t}ther nvcrhezd vr �ener7l expensc evsts af handlirsg �n the site. labc�r, installation to�t�. nvrrhes�d. � aoy icind nnd the costs vf any icem not specifically and prafii anci other ex�senses�ontemplac�d for tha alluwan�es expressly includeci in paragraph t 5.�. harre been inciud�d in tht Cuntrsct Priee and no� in lhe � 23 � � � a�lorwa�ces.I'Zd ders�d far additional paYm��t on account shali bc dcterm"rn�d by E�GINEER in accor�ancc with p<+r�- af any�hereoC tivill bc va�i�i. �raph 9.[1 if Oli�N'�R and CDNTRAC't'C3R��nnot otheru�osc a�ree. No cla'sm for an adjustrnent in tfte �ontract Ticu�e will � privr to�inaf payment,an appro�rsaCt+Changc�rder��"sIl�se be valxd if not submittcd i�at�ardance+�''sth the requirements issucd as rccvmmcndzd hy ETYGINELR to r�f#ect actual of this para�ranh 3?.�. amaunts cluc C+�N7Rr�CtL3�.on account oF Wark c�vered � by allo�vn�sces, and the Ct�ntr�ct P�iec shall hc carrew��t�ts�- l'?.2. Th� Contr3ct Time wiil bc ��ctcs��scd in an s��tiuun:t i�gly adjusled. equai to timc Itist due[o c�`lays hcyunc3 th�cos�trvl o€�CC)N- TR�C'i'{7R i€'a claim 'ss macic therefar�►s prc�vicied in para- �;raph E2.1. Suth deiays shail includ�, b�t nat hc lirr�ited lc�. � Un+tPrrre�i�vrk: acts �r nes{cet �Y OWNEIt as oihers performsn�,aciditianal 1�.g,1. 4Vhere the ContraCt �3acumc:s�ts �ravide that �G'�����s c�nter�yplale[i by Article 7.or ta fir�s, floQC�s.faUor all or p�rt of the Woc� is tc� bz �+'nit 1'ricc 1i'uri�„ initi:�lly ciisptstes,ePi�iemics.abnvrrna!'�easi�cr cond°scions or acts�i the Coritract Fr's�c �yili be dcG�red ta inetudc far ali Unit God_ � PRCC Wark ar�arnauns cqua9 t�o�lie sum vf th�estab�ishcsl unit prires for eash separately identified itLm of Unit i�ric� 1Z.3, All time lirnits staced in che Cancract Documents ►Nt�rk tirrses cht estimatec! quantsty of each "stenz as incti- �s'e of the es�`nce of Che A�seement. "I'h� prat�isius3w caf this � cated i�the.q�reCmessc.Tk�e eslimatcc!q�d:�ntities ot itcnis ,�rticle f?shall not e�cciucic reeovery for d.tma�es(in4lud'ss�� af LJnit Fricc Work arc not gu�r�snteed an�l a�c sc��ely t"or but no[ lirszst�� tu fecs and cfsarges s�f cn�ineers, arch'stects, the purpnsa oi�camparison of BscSs ant� �1e�erminin� an attorncys and c�ther pi'��essiosrals astd eourl .�nJ arG¢tration initia!C�ntr�ct Price. I7ct�rminalions of th4 a�tu�i quan- cQSts}fc�r dcisy by either pasty. � tities�nd classifcations�!Ur�it Priee'►�l�ir�perfurnr�eci hy Ct7NT1�ACTOR �vill }�c ma�ie by ��1GP;�tL-�R `sn accor- danee with Para�raph 9.i 0. � 1��.?. Each unit price �vil! bc dcemer3 ta include sn ARTICLE 13�—�VAFiRAI��'Y AN�3 G€JARAN`�EE: arztount cvnsidcred by CONTE�ACTflR to bc adcquate to TESTS AND 1NSP�C'i-lOt�S; ca�es CdNTRACTClA's o►•erheaci a�d pro�is tore�ch sep• C{3RI2ECTI(�N. R�1�iQV'AL QR � asauly identified ittsrs. r1.C�EP"fiANCE OF I3EFE�TfVE ti'VOAK f 1.9.3. Where the qusnssiy ot a�y� item a[Unit Price S4'arrana urrd Guarar�tee: � W'v�fc perfQrmed hy� C�QNTRACTOR d`sffcrs matcrially Y and significznt�Y irom lh��stima[erJ quantity uf sueh itcm �� ! �pq�'�'�Zp,�7'(7'� w.srr:in1� ,rnd �u:sranites tv in�iic�szed ira �fz�Abrcenicnt an�i thcr�i� no�orresponciin� Q�V�yc� ,����, ��;G1N�ER l�.tl :tli 1'�'ork �+�sll kre in ;s�cc�r• adjuslment w{th res}��ct [c���Y othcr itcni o$GVork;�snci if �}ance�vit�clic C�ntnCt Ducuments.sstcf�viil nvt be c[cjrrrit•c. � CC7NTI�ACTDR be�ieves tt�at CONTI�r�CTOR has �rom�sT s�oticc af a3l sJcfccts sha11 bc �i+��n �c� CQNTRAC- incurre�i a�clitfvn�f ct�ense as :s re,ult therec�i. C�I*E- `!'C}R. A1i rlcjc�c�ri�•c� Wor�:. �vh�.thec ��r no� iss ,�f�ce, m:sy be TiiACTC]R may make a cl:�im tc�r:cn incr�.�sc dn ih�Con- rrjes:Eecf.cc�s'r�et�sl�r acec�te�i a�pruvisJ+:�l i�a�his r4riitl� 83. tract Pri�e in a�cardance �vi�h rlrti�.le !1 it'thc par�ies arc � un�hle t�agree as tu th�a�noun4 ot:�c�y 5u�:h incrcase. rlccesa[��Yark: 13,2. ENGIN�Eft �nd L•NGlNEER'� representKtirres. � r�RTICL� l_'--CH;ttiGE OF�C3NTft,�CT'T1hIG other represcrsta4ivc:� ul(JWI�CER. tcztin�,s�rncie�:4na;�civ. crnmensal a�enci�:sµ'ith jurisdi�tiunaC inl�rc5lst++iV1 ha�•e acccwy ta�f�e W�rk at reasonablc times for their ubsen'a�son_insP�ctln� i 2,1. The Contsact Time n�ay only bc chan�cd by a Ghange an�i t�stin�. CC)NTRACTC]R sha�l pro�ide �r�Qer ��n�i s,�f� � (7rdcr or a'+Nrittes�r�n�endment.Any e��txn for an extensi�n candiaiuns fnr such�cecss. or shc�rterssn�o�'the Cantract Time shall be base�o�avrattcst nvEic�delivere+� by the party naakirrg the cla�m to thc other Tesls and farxpe�tivrrs. � pany and t�EN�INE�R prom�tiy it�ut in no e.°cnt I�tzr than t�sirty days) �Irter ihe occ�srreare af the zvent giving ris� t� 13.3. CQ?�1TRAC1'OR shall�e'sv�:El*1Glt�lE�Rtim�Iy nutice [he claim and stating�he gencral n:�turc�at thc cl�im. �:atice oFreadiness of che 4'Vork far all r�quired iils�tcti�nti.teti��c�r af the extent vf tha cfaim w�ith supPvrlis�g�iata shall i�e eleli��- apPro��t3s. � ered within sixty� days aftcr such tsecurrerscc funicss F�lG6- NE�R allu►+��s a�additian�i perind o�f time to ascertasm m�re l�.d. If La^�vs or '��:Fulstians nf;in�� p�i�lic had3° h.aFine accu�ate data in su��+ort �f the claiml an:d shail �c ��c�m- jurisdiction�zquire:�ny W�rrk fur purt llicrc��l�tu s�eciti��sil�• �ranied E�y the claiman['s ►�•rit�cn �t:�temcns'sc3��ihe ciai�n�iti as�.unic Cull espanw�sl�il iy�thrr�fc7r ��.1�s!c,c���inc n���h�'In � mcnt ciaimed is thc entire aci}w��nie�7� to r h has re:�son to�ei'revc it'ss esrtitieei.t;�a reseEit nf tlle�cctis�ence there�vith and t't�rni�h EVOIN[iEEt the rcq��irc�i �cri��i�:tt�, of said e�•eot.All�I:�ims Eur esdjustment in t'hc Cr,iu�uct Trmc �f i�s�ecis�n.tetitin�ur�fnpznvul.C`U;V'l'}�.�C'l'O�t�t7all ul;c� � �� � . � be�espansih[e For and shall pay$l!casts in Connectian wiih chGrGOf,CONTItA�"I'aR maY m�ke a claim therefor s�s,�sro- aoy insptstidn or tes�ing requir�cd in�vnncctivr�wieh QWPY- vided in ArticEes l 1 an�i 12. �R's ar EI�iGIthEEER's��c�eptancc o�'a Supplicr oF m�terials � or cyuiprrsent propased to b�in�arpcara[ed ia the Work.vr af C?wner hfuy 5rvp rha Wnrk: • materials vr equipm�nt submitted it�ra�proval{arior to CON- [3.lD. iY the Wvrk is dcfcctirc, or C�JN'['ftAGTQR fails TiZACT�1�'s purchase lhestaf fvrincr�rpura[iv[�in[he lYark. �a 5����y ���fcienc skillcd war�:crs vr suitabBe macerials ar The cost af alt inspe�tians,trsts and approvals in additmara co t�uipment,or!`ails [o�'u�nish e�r perform the VVork in�uckr a � Ch� abo�e which are required hy thc Cantract Documcn[s �,,f�y ifiat the campfcic�l Work wii! cvn�'orm to the Contr�ct shall E�e pai%d by QWAiEft(unlcss atherwis�spzcsficd)_ J�a��n,1e��s,�WN'ER may order C[?NTRACTC]R to s[op[he � W'ork,ar�ny portie�n theren�",untii the c$use for sucia order � 13.5. A�1 inspe�ciqns, tests or appsc�vais othcr than thase has been elia€€inatod;hawevtr, this righc of(�WNER to step required by Laws or Rc�ula€icrns of any public bady havin� ���"�'�rk sh�l�not giv�ris�ta an}r duty an thc parr of Qi�1�!ER jurisdiction shall �re performed 6y nrganii�tians acceFtablc �� �xeresse ti�i� ri�ht for tha benefit of CQNTRAC�+�Et �r to (7��'NEF� and CQh1T'RACTtJR [or hy �hlGiN�E£� if sc� �ny oth�r party. � spe�i�sed}. 63.€r. If any 1'Vark (incEuding che wvrk of athe�sy that is Ccrrrerfiorr orRemavurl ofT)efecri►r Wark: � €v be inspected,tested pr approved is car�^cred u��i�hauz�vritten 13•1 t. I�'required by�NGI�iEER,CONTRA�"GC}R shal! cancurrcnee a€EI�GI�l��R,i[rnust,af requeszed hy Et�lG�• promp�fy, as cSirecced, eicher roCttct all clefertrve '4Vc�rk,. I�E��t,bc urs�overed'Forabsetv�tit�rt.Su�h urscovcrin�shall tvhettser 4r nat fabricat�c�, install�d or romplcted, or, if the be aC CO;�ITR4�CTC3R`s exP�nsc unlcss CQ�1'fRr�C`fQR has '+�"�r4c iias btien rejected hy ENC;tNEER,remot�e iE frQm thc � �sven ENGiI�EER[icnely n�aziee of CON`I'KACT�R's in�c:�- si�e and re�IRCe ic with rrn�rcdefec•ri�•e Wvrk. C(3NTRACT�C3R tion �o ec�ver the samc and ENGI�IE�it kras nnt acte�f tvhh Stsal!btas ail direct, indire�t and consequcnti��costs of such rc�sonable pr�rmptness in respanse io such notice. c8riccii�n or remv�+al fincludirtg but noz limi�ed [a fees and � ct�ar�es of ensineers,arc#�it;cts.atEorrseys and u�'�er profes- l3.'7. Neittser obscrvat'snns 1�y �P�'GI�IE�R nor i�spec- siar�aEs}made necessary chereby. tions, tests c�r approvals by ather�sh�ll re6ieve C4NT1�C- TO;R from CON'�RACTC7�i's vbif��tions[n periorrn�he Wark � �n accordance�vith i3�G Conlract Dacumen[s. 4�a Year Currectiorr Ptriodr l3.1�. If within anc year aFscr the date of Substan[ia� Cvrrspiecsan or such longer �rcri�d of ume as rt�ay he pre- � scsibed by Laws ar�.egulaticans vr by thc[crm5 of ar�y�ppli- Uncavering Work: eabPe spcci�sl gua�an[ee required by the Conira�a lpoeumen[s 63.8, ICany`��°nr�:ss co�erc�i euntrary lv�hc w��i�ten r�quest °�by any s�ccific prov�isian af thc Cc�ntract Documcnis,any ot' �NGI�IEEi�, it must. sf requeslecti �y EI�CsINEEF�, bc ti�nrk is fnund so k��drfe�•rrrc.C[�NTf�AC'I'OR shall#�romp�ly� � uncQwered toE ENGIitiIEER's abservation and repl�iced at �'��'��ut eost zo CIWI'J'ER�Rd in accosdancc«+ith C3WN�fZ`s C€7NTROtCTdA's cxpcnsc, writ[ciz instructions.ei[hec CnrrcCt such rlcfecrati�e Work, vc, a�it has been rejcc��cl by C3GVNER, rcnro�c it from thc si�� 13.9. If ENGI�I�ER consic3ers it nccessary ar a�ivisablc and replace it with r�u�:defrrrir�e Waric. Cf C4)NTRACT{3�2 � that co�ered 5�ark t�e�bserved by E�iGIi1L-E�or irr�p�ctea +���s nat pron�pz!}r com�ky�vit�thc terms af such instru�tions, oe tested by [�the�'s. C(3NT£�r�C'1'(JR, at EgIGINEE�'s ��`�an emcrgency wh�ce delay w4uld tause seriaus risk nf rtqucst, shail un�aver, cxpose vr othcrtuise ma�c �v:,i�ahf�: lass ar damage.t7WNER ma�y havc the�tefecriti�e Work cvr- � ,for nbserr+ation, inspectson or tcstin� rs �NGI�EER m:,+y ��ctcd or the ce,�ected 1Vvrk remawe�i and repiaced. �nd a3t require, that portion vf the '4�Jork in c�uesxion, furnishing all ���ect, indirecs and cansequcnti�l costs of such remova!a�r1 necsssary {xbo�. matesial and cqui�mcrtt, tl'it is found th�z r�placemer�t(ittcluding f�ut nos limired to fees and ehar��s t�� such'�Var�is cfefeeti,�r,CCJ�TRACTQ[2 shall,bea�rall��reci. '��'�3���rs,archite�ts.a[torneys and other proCtssion�lsl ti�:'iiF � indirect a�s� consequential casts �f such uneav�a�i�g, ex�o- ���aid hy C[7NTRACTOR. It1 5pecial cir�umscances where sure, observation, snspection and testin� ar�d of satisfactary �P�n'rcular itcrn af eq+aipment is placec�'sn eantinu�us service reconstruttian,(includin�but nvt limis�d[o f�es and c3sargcs '���°r���bstantial Cs�mpietian oFall the Wark,the carrectivn nf engineers,architeccs, at�o�ncys anti olher professivnais}, Period for that stem rrray st�r� to run From an earfier date if � and OLYNER shall bc enti�lcd ta an t��prnpriatc decre�sc ir� so provsded in t�e 5pecsfica4ions arby Writien Amendmcnt. the Contract Price, aad, iF th��arties arc unable ca asrce as tca thc amvunt thercof,sn�y make a cEaim tl�crcC4r as pr�vided ' � in Article !1. if, ho4vever, surh Wark is not #'oUnd tv k�� Arcep�Rnce°f�rJ'PGtis�e tiYvrk: rlefec°tr►�r, C{7NTRACTOR shal3 b� all��ved an increase in 13.I3. If, instead �oF requiring correctior�vr removal and t3�e Contract Price or an ex�cnsian of ihc Contract Time. ❑r rcpiaccmcnt of dcJ'eerix•e Wor�t, CT1�4'NEK (and, prsor c[a bo�h. t�irectly attributslble to sueh s�ncUVesin�, exposur�. �NGiNEER"s rcc�rrimcndatiort c�f fina� �aym�nt, alsa � ubs�r4•:�s'son. insp�etic�n, tcsaiiig ancf rccc�nstruc:ti�n; ancl, if �i�dGINE�R}prcCers to crcccps it.CltiS'NER ma5 cfa tio•C(l"�- thc parties are un:��Ee to �rg�ec as to the amovnt ar cxtent T'�ACT`C34� shall 6car all c1ire��, kndir�ct anc� �arrsequtr►�dai � �S � . � � � �asts attributat�le ta Q'�yNER"s evalssa�tian vf nnc4 determi- ARTICL� 14—PAYMEN'T5 TO Ci'�NTRA�TOEt AI�(I? n:atian t�ucecpt suctr rlrl'c•ti�;r We�rk[such casts tc�be ap�rraveci �Qh�1 f�LE'f 1DI+! by EIw1�IN!�ER as lu r�:as��:►bl�ns:ss:►nd to inclucic hut nca! � be limited�a f�es and charges of err�ineers.archikccts,a�tor- Sclieduf�aj'Val.uer: � neys and other pr�rFessivnals).lf any such�cccptar�ce oc�urs �4 ! '1'hc sehe�iulc vC v�Eues cstablishes as prouitJcc� in priar to ��lGlNE�12's rccummendaticrn�C tinal p.�ym�nt, a Ch�n�e 4rdsr►vili be issued incc+rporat9r��the necess�ry revi- R�����h �•g will xen+e �s the basis fur �srca��rtis �aymGntti � sions ir� th�Cvn[ract Dacurnsnts►vish respccl to thc Work; ��'� '�'�11 lae incarprrr�acecf inlu a form vCA��+�ic:stivn far Puy- ment aceeptablc to EN.�iINEER.. PSS7�'FC5� �aym�nt� on and OWNER shali �e entiticd to ar►a�propriate decrease in account oC Unat Price Wnri: will be �:+se�i on tl�4 numhcr ui' thc Can4ract Price,and,if the parii�s are unable tu a�;rc�as ��its ec�r�p[eted. � t4 �he amc�unt therevf.(JWNER may ma'ke a claira� [herePor as pr�wided in Arsic�e i 1.Sf the acccptan�e vccu�s after sUCh recarnmendatinn. ar� apprc�poristc amouni �°ill bs paid '�y r�,ppficafiort fvr Prngress�Paymtirrs C(3NTItA�T'OR to oYVNLR. 14.Z. A�Itast itiVCnty days befort each pro�rzss pay�ment � is seheds�led(but nac mvre uften l�an orzce a munahl.CON- TRA�TDI�shall su�mit ta ENGf�I�ER��vr revieur an Appli- �pif'NER.'�?ay Carrecx f3ejeelirc IYnrk; cati�n Far Payment ftllcd out and�i�ned by COiVTRACTf�R � 1�.1�#, If CQNI�R�CTOR f�'sls vvi�hin s reasonabfc cime ������������ark completec�as af thc date af the�p�l�atior� and aeeompanied by sueh supparting �4c�mentai`ron as is afterwratten nocice t���NGINEER to pro�eed to ccrrrect anci reqvircd tay zh�ConSrac�Doeurasents.!f nay�ment'ss requestcd t�r�arrect clrferrii-e"4�'ork ar to rernc�we and repiace rejectcd ��y �h� �,�5is o!"matcrials ancl equirrn�nt nca[ incor�ac+ra�cd in � Work as rcquir�d hy E`�GI�CER in aceaeciance �ti�ith psra- ��� �y,,�y�� b�st dekivered anci suils�ly st�red a�t lhc si�e or:�� �raph 33.11,ar iC CaNTRACTOit 1'�ails tu perFurm ihe `�4'urk �nothKr locaiic�n �grced �a in �Vritin�. th� A�plicatiun Cur irt ac�rardance ��ish the Contr�cc� DacUments, ar if Cl�l�!• p�yrnG�t s3�a11 als�r be ascompanicd by a bi�l of sale,invoicc TRACTQR fails [t7 comply ti�'iih as�y olher pra'visiun vf the �r other dcreumentation w:�rr:tnting�hac Ot'JNER has rzccsVCCI � Contrac?Doeucttersts. ��'�1�El�may,after scven days` �vrst- zh`��s��;�s ancl cquapmcs�c frc�anci clear of a�11 Siens,char�e+. ten na['scc tc�CC7N1`Rr�CTC3R.currer�nnc!rern`dy�n}+suc� ��eusi[y intere54� a�nc! cncumbrances fwhi�h :sre hercir��t�tcr dc�iciency. ln exer�ising the righ[s and remed'ses uncler this i�y t�y��� �,eneraf Conditians referrc�! to as "Licns"} and � para�rapi�{]'41'NER shafi profceci expc�itipusiy.Tv che txtent iyi���y�� that the m:�ccrials and tquipmGnt arc �overed tay nc,�cssarytaeornpietecorrcc[ivearsc4rcmedialK�ction,C}1VI�EK ;�p�r�,priatc prap�rty irrsur.�n�c srsc� r�Thsr asrsn�cments tu rrsay excluci���JNTRA�T�f�from all or p�n Uf che sitc.lakc p��Rect C3WN�f�"s incerest therein. all of which will be s�t- po5s�ss�Qn of alf ur �r�rt flf the �'Vi�rk, and suspenc! C+CJN- isfaCt�ry tc�f]'�T+rl'�IER.T��e arr+ounQ of retains�c wich respect � TR,4CTClf�`s scrvaces rela[cd thcreto. �ake �osscssivn of ���rogress p�ymcnts wiii be as stipula[cd in the Agrecrstient. CpI+1TRACTQR`s tor�is,a�pplianees,constructian equipmcnt ar�d machincry at t!'�c si�e ana incarporatc in thc W�rk �!l � mai=riafs�nd equipment scrared at the site or far which f]WN�R� �ph�7'�,.SCTOR's Wrrrrurrty of Title: has paid CQt+I'FI�:�CT[�R buz which are starcr� elsewhcre, �4 'i. Ci3NTRAC'l"[7R►v�rrr�nts anci guurant�e4 4hat citic CC3NTf2ACTC}f�:,hait a6luw 01'JNEk�.Oti�'N L"•�',r�presen- le�all ti�'ur�:. n�a�criu}�:in�+:quipmcni �c���rc�1 by any A�S�?fi- tatives,ag�nss�.�s�d cmploy�ees sueh access[o tinc sitz us may Ga�"sa� for Pay�mcrrt, 4�hethcr incvrporased in zhe P'rvject or � 'be necessar}� c� cnabie C?�'�'*1ER ta escrcisc the rs;hts and �yo�� �,�yil pass tu f7�VNE�no la�c:r thar�tfie linxe of payment. remedics under this paragsap3�. f�ll direcs. indirC�z ar+ri con- �'rce�nci c3ear v€'all L'scns. scquential eosts af C]Wt�ER izr �x�rcisin� such riehts and � re�tscciies 4��ii1 be ttsargt��gainst CONTRf�,Ct"�1t in an ampunt �pp��rved a�tc�reasosaabEenes�s by ENGf�EER,and a C'han�e Revicrv of Agplrcalions jor Frvgress Pra}•rr�errr: O�der�4Fi11 bc issucd incarparating the�cccssary rewisions in �q.�, ���Z���� will, within ten da}�s after re+�tipt of che Contraet Do�umeats with �espect to the iVcsrlc; and ���� ,�pplic�tign 6or Fayanent. either i�dicate in writing :� � OWNER sha�l be cntitled to an �pproprias� �iecreasc in [he r�����cndation af g�ayment arsd preseni tlne Applieat`son to CpqiraCt Price, and, if the parties are unabl� co a�rec as �� p�y��R,or rewrn the A}�plicatiQn to C(3N°CRACTtJf�and€- ihe amounr thereoF,{7'�VtdCR rraay makc a clairra thcrefar as ��t�n�,x� ,�,�-3ting ENGIN�ER's reasons fur refusing to rec- pro�idcd i� Article 31. Suct�dircct. ind'srccz and conscquen- �,rnmend pay3men[. In thc l�tter case. CON�`R�CTQR m;�y � tia!�asiS w'il! include bat rirrc be limic��i' ta fees and char�c�s r��ke thc necessary cc�rrections and resvbmi[ the Applica- of ens'snecrs, architeeis« �Yit7I[1C�5 �ltic� s]ihC� pCqfCSSlOfidlS, [Id3ti.Tcn days afscr presentation of the Application for Fuy- afl caurt arsd arhitr-atian eosts and al� costs af regair and znent with �NGINEER's recammcnda�fvn. �he amouni rec- � r�placement of �{�ark of others descroycd vr dama�ed b} csmmenc�c�i��°ill Isubjece tcs tht pr�visions of the lz►st senience c4rrcctior+, remov�l or rep�acem�nt v#' CC1I'd`CRACTOR's of para�raph 14.71 h�cc�me d�ie and w3�en duc�4•i€1 t+e paid�y rfefec7r�•r Wark. CQI�TRACTOl� �izall nat tre allc�wcc� an f3WNER ta CO�lTR:4C`TClR. exitnsit�n of the Canir�ct°I�irne 4ecause vf any delay in per- � ic�rmuncc of Ehr�G�U�N;ilL48�1liYil���'.�f7 d�144 CXC{�ZS1L'�'1]��1I�I,�CFZ 1�.5. �NGt?�EER's recom�s+tn�latiun of :zny q�:�ymcnt cif�IYNFK"s ri�ht;�n�i remeciies hercun�fc.r, re�uts4c� in �n Ap�lre�[iort for Pa��mcnt ���ii] can�ti�utc a � 26 � � r�e�resentation�y ENGfNEERtv(J�'�NER.based vr�ETfG[- OWNEEt tv a sct-off a�sins� Ehe amasant rceornrn�cnded. but NEER's on-site v�servations uf tht W�ork in pra�,ress:rs an {3WNER must&ive C{3t^J7"FiAC70R immediate written rs�tiee �xp�:ricnccc�anc�qu:�lifre�4�csi�;n professrorral an�l�n ENGI- (►vith a copy to ENGIN�ER) stating the rcasans fnr sn�h � �lEE�'s review +at� tt�e Ap}�licati�un for Paymet�t and ihe 7cii�n. • accompar�ying data anci schedu�es that the Work has pro- gress�d ca th�: pe�in� ii3�fica[�d; thctt, t� t?�� �est ef EI�CI- Substaataaf�'ornplstr'an: ,NE'E�'s icnvwled�e. is�fc�rmation anJ b��ici, xhe quality of � the Wurk is in aeeordanee with �he ConlracC [7�cumenss €�.8. When CUNT�ACTOR considcrs t'h�e tntire Wori; (subject�c�an eval�atiun of the Wark aS a functianin�whc�fe ready Car its intcnded use CC?NTRACT[]R sh�1f natiCy , priac�o or u�an Subs�antiaf Cor�tipl�zian.Qo the results 4f any (?WNER and ENGiN�ER in writing th;�t�he sn�irc v��,r�:is subsequer�!ttses cailed for in zi�e Contract �Q�amenEs. ta a subst�ntially camplete(exeep!fvr iiems spccifica�ly fist�d k�y � [inai dctermination af q�aan�ities and clas5i�icuti4ns for Usait CQNTR,s►CI"QR as incarnpf��e3 and s�cquGSt that ENGI- Price 1Vcrrk under par�graph 9.3{�, and ta arsy ather quafifi- NEER issue a certificaEe of 5ubsxa�tial Completion. l�lithin ' �atinrrs st�ted i:s the:�te�rnrr��ncisati«n!�arsd that CaNTiiAC• a reasanabl�:tirne ahcrcaCtcr.(J1iIN�I�,�CC3�ITRr4CTf?K ar�d � TUR is entiticd co paymcn� of the amv�int recu�mrriendrel. ENGlNEER shali rnake an insper�ion of zhe W'c�rk to�icter- Hcaw�e�cr.3�y recQmmending=�ny such�ayment �I`dGINEEf� mine thc status of completion. !f EN�iINEER daes not con- wii! nflt therevy be deeraycci tv�Savc repres�nted that exhaus- sicicrt�e W�rk substantiai3y�vmplete,EI�GINEER�,'kI�Ci0[{F]+ ti��c ar cotttinuot�� an-sitc inspectiQns have becn rnadc 4o CQNTRACT'C3R in wr�ting �i�^ing th� re�sor�s lhcrei'vr. tf � ch�eck th� qualit�r or the quantity flf 4he li�vrk beyond thc ENGIr`dE�R considcss the Va'urF: substantiallyl campicte. �respons�bsiitics sp�cifically assi�nc� tn ENGT?�1��R in the �t�G[NEER wiil prepare an��icliver ta OWNER a[eos�.its�•e C�antrart l�ocume�ts or that tt�erc may n�� �e osher mat4irs eertific�ste al�Subslarsciai Corr�pleti�sn�vhich shall��thc da�r �r issucs bsiwczn the parcies th�s migln cnlit�4 CC�N'1'E:AC- of Sw6stantial Campl.:tiun. Thlre shall be �rs�a�ch�cf tc� �hc � 'CQi� to bc p:sid :s�fdstianal4y i�w Cl'�VNER ae OWNEIt co ccrtificate a tcr�taaive �15I ��itttll5 i0 hC COrnQIe:[CC� 11C Cizr- withhoid paymeni [o�ONTR�C'FL7R. rectec�beforc�Snal paYment. �WN�R shai3 ha�°e seMen days a€'t�r reccipt oitihc t�r�t�siv�ccrtil5cace durin�e�w�hi�h tu rn.►k� � Isi.�. ENGI;�EER's rrtUma��n�iatian r�C final paymens �vri�ten a�jectivn to ENGIrif�ER as tc�any pro��s'sonw�s�'thc will ec�nstitute �rs additivnal rzpresencation by ENGINEL•R certificate ar attacf�ed 3ist. 1f, al'cer consi�lcrin� 4uch objc�- to D�'1�l�K that rhe conditians pr��ccrfcnc �a C+ONTRA�- sions, �NGIN�ER cunclustcs �hat thG 'Work is na� :��bst;sn- TC1R"s bein�entitle�i Iu final paymcnt asscr f�onh in para�raph 3F��y cmmplcte, ENGINEER �►�ili within fourEeen cl��ys uli�r � I�1.i3 hawc[�een fulfillrc�. subm'sssian aF lhc tentatsve cenifscat�: ta UWi�IER natiFy C4NTRACI'ClR in writing. statins 3hc �cas�ns lhrrefat. lfi. l4.7. �MGINEER ntay cefus� to r�cc�mmen�i the wl�r�lc after conssd�r;mtion oC f71VNEI�'s objectians. ENGj���R ar any part c�f�+ny paymcnt iC. in EN VINELR's opinzon. it considers t�t Worlc subxianrialZy Com}�}ete.EI'�f G�I'�1��R►vill � wvould be incorrcct tp make such ceprescntaticans to C]1��'N ER, �yiihit� said fourzeen days exec�ste �nd deii�rer Ea �C?W'N�.H �NGI�lEEFt may also rcC�ss►: t� rs�omcnenci any sssch pay- ��d ���TIt.aCTQR a definitive ccrtif�cat� of Substsn�iai rncnt, ar, be�a►sse af suhs�cquenlly diseovered evidcnee vr �°�����'so�{►vit'h a revased tcntatiWe list c�f items�a be cam- � the r��ults of subsequent�nspet�ions or scsts.rrul�ify any su�h P��ied or ct�rreeud}r�e�ec�ing such chang�s from thc ttntatiVe p�ymcnc previousiy recornrrscncie�i,to such e�tcnt as mcty bc �eriif�G�ste as �NGINEER t�clie�res jus[i�ed at'ter evnsicic:r- �ccess��`Y in E`ICi1N k:ER"s vPinio�Y tu�rocc�t OEVN£R from auon vf any abje�ci�ns�`rorai C�WN ER.���tfte�ime uf rleliv�sy lvss beeausc: vf the centati�e certifieat� of Substartia�C4mp�etian �NG1- � NE�R��ill dclivcr to�7SVN�I�and CO;`�lTR?�CTOR a v�ritten f4.7.1. the Y�'ork is rlrfe��ctr�•e, c�r cornpicted�York has r��'���e���`��°� �s tc� diwisi�n af respansita`s'liTies pcnding �cen dama�cci requirin���rree�idn ar rcp�accmerst� final �+ayrneat betwecn O"4V�lER a�d CONTf�ACTQR tvith respe�t to s�cus?ty, oper��ion, safety, mais�zenance. hcal. � 14,7.2. lhc Contraet Price has tae�n reduced by Writ- �tiiities, insurance anci t4arranti�s. Unl�ss Q1�''NER and ten rlmendment ar�ha��e Qrder. �Q�T���T�� agre� other�uise in wriiin� and sca irsform ENGINE�R pCi(3�' id �NGINEER's sssu:ng thc d��inisive � 1d.7.3. C]�VNER has heen requs'rcd td c�rt'ec€ clefc=r certificalc oF Suhstan�'sal Completian. EN,�aIN��R's afore- rii�e Wack or carr�plete W�rk irt aceordanc�wi[h paragraph saic�rceorr►mendutior�will bt bindins on Q'V+rN�A and CC�I�i- 13.i4,nr TRACTQ�t until Fsnai payrnen[. � 14.7.4. of ENGINEER's a�tual �nowledge Qf thc t4.9. DWNER sttalt have tha ri�h[ to exc�uci� �Q+`"Z- Qccu�rencc aFany�i"thc events enutt�erated in para�raphs T�''�T��frtrm the W`ark af[er the dace vf Subs[antial+�am- 15.2,l thrQ�s�h �S.�.g inclusive. piecias�,but�WNEIZ shall alfo�v C4tVTRACTC7R reas,anatrle access ta complete dr ecrrrect�tetns on t�c tcntaci�•e l'sst. � OWNER rna�y rc�'u5e t�a make p�yment o�'th� full amount resammended by ENGINE�R bc�ause cfaims ha�e been parlrnl UdFli;.alia►a: madc���ixyst DW1WEf�on accaunt of C+�t�1TRACC(]R`s per- � fU�m�nc�ar Furnistsin�aF�he '+�Vor�;ar Licns h�ve been filcd I4,l{�. Usc hy QW:VER of`any Fisfsshed part c�f lha l�'or�;. in connertiora�vith ihc Work or ihere ar�a€hcr ilem:�cntiE�ing «•hich �as s�ecifi�ally bcec�ideati�ie� in the Contract antu- 2? � � f � ments, or which i7WNER. �NGiNEER and C�]T�ZTRAC• 14.10.3. Nn occupar�cy or s�parate operatinn af part °FOR a�ree car►stitutes a sepa�'ds�ky Cunctiuning and useat�le af the'�''�arfc wi�l�e aecorn�lished priar t��tnmpiiance with parc Qf�l�e l+Vork that can he used by�''�'NER without si�- the r�equ':rements df para�ra�h 5.iS in cesPcct of pra¢erty � nificant interferencc wslh COI�'1'RACTO€�'s peri�armance of ins�urarsce. �hc rernaindcr of the Wqrk, maY be ac�omplisher3 prior to 5ubstanziat Cam�!=tion of a!1 the WQrk strbje�t t�the fokBo►w- Flrrrr!ins�rec�iun: � �ng. 14,S l. Upon writien noticc E`rs�srz.�C[7NTFtAC'C�R that che 64,io.�. aw��� at any time may request CO�- C��rr Work or an agrecd portion t�ereaf is comQiete,ENGi- TRAGT�R i�wrizing tn permit OWNER td use any sufih �*[�ER will make a finat is�spection with CMWNER aind CON- � part t�f th� War�:►s�hach C)WN'�R bclie��es�v ba rc�dy fpr '�'RACT�R and wifl noti�y CQNTRACTC]R in►s�ritin�of�Ik its intznded usc an� subs�antially complett. Tf GaN- p�rticuiars in ►vhicts lhis inspect'son rc�eais �t�at the 1V'ork is TgpsGi'pfta�rccs,CUNTRACIC)RwillccrtifytaC?WNER incompletc or drf�rriti�e. C{�N"7"RACT�3fZ sh�ll immediately and ENGIN EER t�at said par!of the Work is subs4antia3ly takC ss�ch m��s�res �s are necessary to remedy suGh dcft- � compietc and rtquest ENGINEER to issue a certificate o� cieneies. Substantia{ Complct'son Far that parZ �f the l�+�ark. CON- TRACT�R at any tima inay nv[ify �7WN��and ENGI- � N EER in wri[ing that C�}N`['RA!C'g'�Ft eansiders any such Finrrl App[Fration far Pu}vrrenrr ' pa�t t�f ihc W'pr�; ready t'p�its intended usc an�i substan- t'sal4y evm�slete and request ENC�I�f EER ta sssue a ccrtif- 1�.12. Aftcr CC'JI*1T�tACTaR has campl�ted all such car- icate af 5ubst�nti�i Camp�etion for thas part vf lhc Wark. rc�tiuns to ti��t sat�sfacciars of��[GINE�.R and�deli�ersd:si'1 � Withinareasr�nabietimcafccrei�hersuchreqUCSt.�}W`�1EI�, mainttnancc and +operacis��inss'r�ctpar�s, Schedufes, �usr.�m CONT}�ACCC7R:�nd ENG1N'EER.shall mak�an in;+pec- �ees. Bonc�s, ccrtific:�ses �f ins�«tion. ni:rri:esl-u� res:urd ts"on af tlaat pa�t of thc 1'Jork ta dc;t�:rmine its stata�s of c�o�uments �as Provided in p�ragraph b.i9} and other cfca�u- compJci'son.if ENGINEEf�dtses ncat�or�sider th:�t part of mcnts—all as required by ch�Contract Dvcurnents.and�fter � thc Work 4u hc substan�ially�vznpletc, EiVC+[NEEA wilf �:fi7GINE�1�has indica�ed that thc Worl:is acceptatsle tsu�- raotify�L?WE�E,�and CC?NTRAC�"aR in wri�ing�i�ing th� �ect to the prov€siQns af Fara�raph I4.ifi). Ct'�N�'KA�C}R reasvns thercf�r.If EI�G[NE�R eonsiders that part o�f thc �aY maltc �pplicativn for f�nul p:�yment folla►vin� [he pro- Work tq tse substantially ecsmplete,�he pro�is`sons of pa�a- cedurc for gra�ress paymCn`s_Ttse fin�l Applicatian for�ay- � ��ith res�ect to cert'sfieatia�n merit shall b� acec�mpanied by al� dc�curnentatian eailed !'or graphs t4.8 and 1�.9 wiil apply in ti��Contrac€�Jaeu�snents,to�eiher�vith cornpl�te and ic�:�lly af Substa�ntia�l Completian eC that par�of the'+'�ark and chc ��ec[ive rek�ases ar wai►+ers(satisfa�tory ar��'�'����1 oi'nil � divisinn af respo�nsibil'sty 'sn respect si�ereaf and ��cess thezezo. Liens arising out nC or�iled in coaneetivn�vith the Work. !n lieu thereof and as approved bY dW���. �D�'��A[;T(]R 1�4,14.2. 0�1i�lEF� maY a� ar�Y tim� request �ON- may furnist�reeeipts�r releases in S'uil';�n aCf�davit uf CC]�- T'RAC�'C}R in ���ting to perrsyit 0��'NER to 6akc ouer TFtACT�7�t that lhc rCieascs and reeeipts inelus�c u!f l�'�or. � o�eracion af any such part af th�Work aith�ugh it is nat scrvfces. material and eqs��P���t far which a 1.ien eould be substantiaEiy complcte. A c+�py uf such request +�s11 be fi1e�S,and tt�at a�l payrs�ils, rrsates-ial ans� equipmcnt bills..inci senc ta �NGl1��ER and within a re�son:�'�1� timc ¢here- uther indebtedn�ss conneccec4 wiih thc W'ark tor �u�hi�h ;aCtcr O'�''?JER. CCfI�T1�AGT�]R anci ENGINEER shall (7WN�R arflWNER"s property mi�ht in any��ay be s-espvn- � rnaice aR inspection af that part o�'the Work to deterrnir�e sible. ha�e 6een paid or otherwise s.i[i�fied: and ccsnsess€ of its stat+as of completivn and will prepare a list af 1h�itcros Ehe surety, if any, to final p�yment. !f any 5ubcnntnc�r�r o� remaining ta b� completed ar corrcctcd shereon befoce Su}�pl`ser fails ta Curnish a rele�xse vr rece'spt in t'ui1. �C3N- � � finai p�yment.If CONTftACTOR daes r►c�t obyecc in r,vrit- TRACTaR may furnish a B�and or oltrer�c�1t.�terul s�tis�`ac- ing [a OWNE1� anci ENGTNEER tha[ such part af the tary to OWNER zo ir�dcmniCy OWNER against any Lien. Wark is nnt ready €'�r separate QPcratior� by QWNER, � ENGINE�R will finaliae ttse list of icerns to be cvmpie�td Finei Pa��ment a��d Aeceptance: vr ct�rrected and w�lf dcli�er such l`sst tv OWNER and CO�NTAACI'CYR ta�etherwith a written reeon�rner�daticrn 14.13. If, an the basis �€` ENGINEER`s t�bserwatic�n of as to���divisian of resp�ansibilitics pe�ding final paymes►t thC ��'ork duri�� cvnstruction and fin�l inspectian, ar�d � bctw�en {7Wt+�E� and C+[)NTR�4C"�OR wil'h respect ta �NGfNE�R's revie�v ��[he finul .App3ic�atian far Payment security, aperation. safety, mais�icnan�c, u[`sfitics, insur- and accornpanying documen��ti�n--ail as requsred by lh� an�e.�varran[ies�nd�uararstees fvr that part of t3�c Work Co[ttract I]ocu�ncnts�E1�GINEER is satisfied�ha�the'4�'fl y �vhicl� �viil became �indirig upan OWI*iER and CO�1- has ks�en co�npleted and CC}N`FF�AC'I'C?R's ail��r ablig. � TRACC�?R ac the time wher� +D1'�NER sakes ower such �ancicr che Cvntracc T7o�urn�n�s hawe be�n fulfilfed. ENGI- ��erativn ts�nlcss Khcy shal!hav��othcr�;�ise ags'eed in�writ- 1'�i��R wiVl. �vizhin tcn days af[er rcreipi uC tMe final Ay�pki- ing and so'snfornzed�N�'slT*PEER).Durine suc�s op�erac"san casion fnr Payment, indicatc i� writ°s��; ���Z����'S r�c- :and prior tv Substantial Compl�etir�n csf�u�h part oC thc c�mmenslatic�n of payrnent anci �re:�cnt the A�}�licaiian l� � 1VUrk. C74VtVEI� s�ail alsvw CUNTRAC"1'C}R rcasa�n:�bie CJ1Vi�'�R Cur p�ym�ent. �1�hcG'cuPz�ss CNCiI�+iEER �ti�i11 giti•e ;�cccss to camplese �r corrrcc itcros on sai�i lsst ;�nd tv written nouce tv�DWNL•R:snd�CON�KAC7°�K that thc 1i'urk c�mplett otfier re4a[sd Wark. is aCCCpcabl� subject to the provisiUns cif para�raph 1�,lb. � 2$ � ' � ^ (]therwise,ENGII�I�ER wiii recurn thc Applicatirsn to�(7N- CONTRACI'DR's Cv�isnaing abligatinns under thc Can- � �"E�A�C"f`��.indicating in►vriting the reasori�fot rcfusing to tratt I7ocum�nt�;and rccorz�rnend C�nsi paymcnt. in avhict� �asc Cf3NTRAC['CJ�R sha�f ntake ihe r►e�essary eorrectians�nd resubmit the Appli- 14.IG.2. a wniver af aE! �laims by C(]NTRA�TCIIt � ca�ion. Ttsiny days after prasc�iaci�n to 0 WI��R of the ag�inst��'�t�t�R other than thvse pr`eviousky ma�de in writ- ApplicaCion�nef�ccornpanying doeurr►entatior�. 'sn apprapri- ing and stilk unsectle�i. ate fa�`mm�nd substance.�nd with E1�IGl1'�E�R's reeamrnen- datian an�nat'sce nf acceptabili�y,lhe amaunt rcror+�mes7deci � by�NGINEER wii!�ecpmc due and wikl be paid lay(�W�1EE� ARTTCL� i5—SUSPENSIQIV t�F WC}RfC AND to CC3NTf�AC70R. T��Nt1NATi0M � l4.f�, If,through no fault o��C7NTRACTC)lt.Fsnal cam- rn�{yp�,rk: pVecian a� zhe lilorit is si�r►ifieantly delayed anct i� EI�IGI- �"'���rMaySusp IviEER so confirms, ��VNER shall, upon rcceipt af CC}N- 1�.l. C7Vkl!'�iER rrsay,at any timo�nc# without cause.sus- TRACTtIR's finak Appki�aeien for Fayment and recar�men- pend Chc Wcrrk ar any p�]rc'san thcreof for a period of not mare � tiation nf Et�iGINEEA, and without terminaun� th� A�ree- lhan�in�ly d�ys hy naticc in�vriting td Cf]NTl�ACT+QR and mcnt, make paymcn� QF thc h�la�re due f+ar that pvrtion of ENG[NEER which �viil fix t'he date on which Wesrk wilk be th� Work fully eorst�leted and a�trpted. lf zhe semaining resumed.�t7t�17'R�►CT[]R sha51 resumc tt�e Ws�rk a�a�tine datg balancc tcr be held byf OWItifER for W�ork not fu11y svmpleted so f�xGd. CO��'�.�CTDT�shali'�c 7iin���cd ars irser�asr:in t�� ' �r corrscted is iess thnr►ihc rct�ir�age stipulated ir�khe A�rec- Contract Prieti or a�exiension of the Contr�ct Tirr�c.ur buth. ment.and if Hcsrsds h�ac beei�furnished as r�quired in para- direct4y attributablc to any suspens�an if �ONTRA�'3'ClR �;rapla 5�1. cl�e ►vritten cnr�s�nt�i the s�r�ty to she payrs�ent rr�akcs an a��pra►+cd ciaim th�refor as�rt�videci in Ar[iclts I 9 � uf �he ba�ance due for that portion af 4he 1�Jc�r�: Fu[ly eort�- �nd 9?. pleted an+i accepied sha�l be submit�cr� by CC7NTRr�CTdR to ENGiNEER wiih t�se Application for such payme�nt.5uch OwrrerA�'ay Trr�rr��+ar�: � payrr�cnt shalE be made under the ter�ns and conditi4ns�oa- crnin€ final pay�nent. cxcept that it shall nc�t ronsrizute a l5.2. Upon th� �ccurrence csf�ny arsc ur marc nf the wviver of claims. fall�wi��;ewen[s: � iS.?.t. if C(�NT�AC'�"t]R cvmmcnccs a voluntary case Catalr�r�ar°s Cottlfnuirrg CJlydigulion: urtder any chc�ptcr of the Sankruptcy Ccxie 2Tit1� 1 i,United 1�.lS. ��DI�ITR,��"t'OR's obli�alian tp perFarm and com= Scatcs Code). as now ar hereafter in e£fecc. or if C��- pletc th�1Vork in a��arc�ance wiih lhe Cdncract E]4eumcnts TRACT{�R takcs any e�usvalent ar simi3ar actic��hy liling � shafl bc absaiute. :°:�ither r�c�mmendatian ai`any pro�ress a peticiar� ar o��tenwisc under �ny c�ltser C4Jer�l ur ti[at� c+r Final payment by '�1�GINEER.nor�he iss�anec r�f a ccr- la►v in efCec� at such tim� relatin¢ ta the ban�:ruptcy �r tificatc c�f S�bs�antial Campletifln. nor any payment 6y €r�svlv�ency; � �7WNER to CQNTRAC7Of�undes rhe Contract�ocurn�nts, �iar any use or accupancy vi t'he Wark c�r any part thcrGaf�y f 5.?.2. if a peiitiost is fil�d agains[ CC�I�iTRA�TC7R D�VN'ER, nor any a�t raf a+�ce�tance by CIWNER nur any under any ch�pttr of the Bankru�tcy C��� as atv�v vr failt�rc ta da sa. nor anX sevicw and appro�a3 of a Sh4p ksetnafter in efCect ai the time Q#��i�ing. ar iF a petixion is � [�ra�4°in�or sarnpfe submission, nar thc issu�ncr �f a natsce filed scc�ing arsy su�ch equi���lent ar simsiar re[fef agairsst �Facceptability by ENGlNE�R Rursuant tc�para�raph !�.k3. C�I`�"FKAC7'C3R undcr any vther fec�cral ar state law in nor any correc[ion vf dcfecrrt�e'�'ork by t)WNER will con- efFeet at the t�mc rcla�ing to laankruptcy or insokwency; � siirure an aeceptance of Work not in accordarsce �vith th� Cantract �Jocs�ments oc a rele�se of COt+fTRACTI"lR's ab�i- 15.2.3. if C�INTRACTt3R makes a general�ssignment gation to perform thc�'nrk in accor��stcc with thc Cunsract fve the hene�it of ere�itors; L'�ocarrscnts 4except as pro�ridcd'sn para�raph 34.1b?. � 15.2.�. if a truste�. r�reiver, custods'an ar agent c�f CpNTg,p�CTpf�fs appointcd unc�er applicabie law or Under ��aevrr af Cluims: eofitr�,ct, whose appaintment vr authcaricy to take char,�e 14.t6. "C�he maici-n�and acr�ptanct csf�s�al p�yme�c w'rll af property of GC3�ITRACT�R is fs�r �he pur�rase of � cansiiESStc: enforcing a Lien agains[such prvpertY�s°foe the pur�ose �€�eneral adn3inistr�stioa of suc� propcnty fc�r the bencfit l�.l6.1, a waiver o€ all claims by [?WNER 1�ainst s7fCC3NTRAt�TOR"sereditors: CQ1VT�is�CT�R, tx�epc cCairris arisin� #rom �nsettied I.iens. fram cicJ'rcti4•r �Vork appearing after tin�l insp��- 15.2.5. if C�7NT,Rr�CT�R admits in writin�an inabil- u I � ra ts 14.1[ or frorn fai�uec ta corn ly ity to pay its dcbts�crserally as tliey becorne d e: �ion pr�rsuanf ta�ara� p P wish t�e Conttaet Doe�sments or tt�e �erms csi any s�reciai � gllar,n�t=s s�+ec�ficd cherein:hvwcWer. it wili nat consti- 15.2.b. "sf CONTfiACT{]K�ers�stentky fails tc��crfarm rurt� s ti�'aiva� by OIVNER c+f any an��+ts.in resp�ect of tts� Work in acc4rdanee wiah [tac C�ntracs Do�cumenis l9 � � - _ � (iaclrsding. but not Iimited to.failurt tc� supply auffici�n4 15.3. �1,+hcrc C+�NTRACT[7R's services havs heen �u skiiled ►ti�oric�rs c�r suit�ble m�terials or �guiprrlcn� or terminacecl by OPVN ER, thm terminati�n wiil not affect any �a�iILICC 10�dhCfC�C7 CEiC�1(`�7�'�CSS SG�lC(�iIIC CSI��r�PSE7CCI lS[3tSr:I �ighEs+��remcdics af QVYN�R s�ainst C��1"L'RAG'�"flR then � paragraph Z.9 as revised from timc tv timc]; txistin5 c�r tvhicli mAy thcreaiftcr aiccn,�, Any retentc�n pr payrnent of maneys due COIwETFCrLCTQl� by OW'N�R ti�ilf [S.?,7. if CQN`�ftACTOR disr�:�araSs Caws or ftegu- nr��releasc COi'�`1"RACTQR C�•srx�i 3iabifm�y. la�ions Qf any pu6lic l�cr�iy havin�jurisdiction; � 1S.d. Upnn scvcn d:ays' �vriiten sso�ice: to CON'I'�ir�C- �s.z.s. �rcarrr��rra�a�s�G����s�t�����n����or TOR ancf ENGINEER, {�1�'VN�R r�suy, rvichaut cause anc! ��IGxN EEF�;ar without pr�judic�to�ny othr:r ri�h�c�r reme:dy,eE��cc ta a6art- dan the Work and termit�ate thc Agrecmenl. irs su�h G�sc. � 15.�.9. if COl'+17RAC7`CIR atherwisG wiolatts in any CC?NTRACI`+DR 5ha11 ba paid for�Il Work e±cecuczd and�ny substanti�k way any pr�visiQns nf the Gontract ��acu- expense susca'sned�+lus reasor�ablc tcrmination cxpenses.���hicfit mcnis; ►vill incfude, but ��t bc limited ta, direct, indircct an�i cs�n- � �equentia!casis[ineluding.�ut nat limited eb,fees and,ch�t�es C}WN�R m�y,afser giving Cf]�iTF.A.�TC�R{�nd t�c sutety, caf enfiinecrs archit�cts. �ttc�rncys ant! at�c;r prafe5sio�a{s if chere be oncp scven days' writtcn notice anci�t�the extent ancE Caurt anri arbiir�ation costs}. p�rmitted by Laws and Re�ulations, [�rminate the services � ai CQI�TRACTQR, exc�ude C�NTRACTQR from ihe s"stc � and takc possessson of thc Work an�3 vf ail CC]NTRACT�R's �Q��ructor lfap Slop��'ark or�errni�tale: tools, ay�piia3�ces, construtiis�n equipn�ent �n� �nachin�ry at 15.5. IS', through r�c� act ur lau[t ul"CC7NTR.ACT�R. th� the site an�l usc thc s�mc to il�c full exterrc they cauld 6c uscd ��ork is sus�en[1cd for a perintl ai morc lhan nincly d�ys by � by CCJt�'I'f�ACT�}R(withoti[[fiabi[ity to CONTRACTOR far C�«'NEi�crr uncier a�nrder al�cnurt orother p�sblic�su�hvrity. trespass or cvnversia�l,incarporacc in t'�r�W�rk afl ma4crials or ENG�I�EER fssifs tc�aet on s��y Appli�ataon Sur P�y�ment and equip�asent sEOred ac thc si[e or far r�vhich C�WI�I'ER has with°sr� thirty days aFter it is suhrni[teci, Qr+C)1VNC12 fails far � paid C(�fl7`RACT[7€� but which are stored clscwherc. and ihirty days trs p:ay C��ITRACT(}�� any sum fin�liy ci�:��r- finish the Work as t7��N�R may deen� ex,�et1'sent. !n such mi�oed to bc duc, then C�NTR:1C'C(}�t m;�y, upon se�en �asG CQIVTRACI"Oft sha3� noi be cr�tstled t� i•e�tivc any �iays�WfIIICGI�7plFCC tU UWNE�iS11lS ES�iGII`IEE�,tcrniinutc furthcr �ssymcnz until thc Wurk is f�nishz�k. If the r�np�ic� Ghe Agr�cmen� an�3 r4cavcr f'rom UWNEIi p:�ymcr�t f�ar :klf � balarsee nf the Cantraci Fricc exceecis ttse�iirect,sndirecs arsd Wurk executed and any �:xpersse sustain�d pius re3sana�Ie cvnsequential casts af completing the 1Vork dirs�[uding but terminatian exp�nses. 1n acic�ition �nd in lieu af tfis-minatin� not limite�ta fees an�I char��s o�cn�ineess,;�rchite�:is.atlor- the rlgreemcnt, if�i�GfNEEK has fail��i w act on an App�i- n�ys and btl�er prdFcssionals ancl court and arbitration costs) catiQn fnr Paymcnt or QWi�ER has f:�iled t� rr�ake:�ny p�y- � such cxcess rvii[ be pc�id Gc� �C�NTI2ACTQR. If sueh costs iT1CR4 as aLaresaid. CO?�'�f2.�CT�f� rn�ty upon sc�+cn slays' cxcee�l sueh unpaici balan�e. CtJNTRACTaR shall pay thc �vri[ten no�ice cv Cl��'N�R ��ncl E�lG11`�tEER �tap [hc 1Vurk d'sff'crcn�cc to C7WI�ER.Such costs incurred by�C?1VNER�+�iMl untsl paym�nt af ai]amoursas 4h�n d�e.Tl�e prvyisios�s uf lhis � be approwcci as ta rcasvnablcncss by EiV+G1NEER and incar- paragraph shall nQt rc3icvc CQNTRACTOR a[`thc c�hli�ati�n:� pprated �n a Changc Ordcr, but when exercising nn,y rights under p�s�a�raph 5.29 to carry �n thc 4Vnrk in a�cnrelanc� or rernc�iies ur�d�rthis�ara�raph�J1'JNERshc�ll nvt t�4 r�quired «�ith th�pres�ress schcdule anci�ti�irhou��iel<<y durir�g siisputes � sa vblair�thc law�st pri�c fvr t��c Wark perforrned. and c�isagreemer�ts with C3WN�R. ; � � � � � ' � 30 MEDIAT�flN METHODS SHALL � � �E U'�ILIZEL3 ARTiCLE 16--AR�ITftATIQ2*� I S L�PT2 pNAL Americ:�n Arbitracivn Assaciatron,�r�d a�vpy will be sent to � ENGINEER for informatios�.The�emaad fos`ar�itration wilj I5.1. Alt ciaims, dispuces ar�d othEr rr�atters in questian � ����''"�'�thin the thirty-day or t�n-d�y per�od speeificd in betweca ()WN�R $nd +CONTRA�"I'[3R arising out of, gr Paragra,�h lfi.2 as appficab�c,and in all other cases within a �casonable tim� after the claissi, disputa or�ther mattcr in � relating zn the CQntra�� I]c�cnmersCS ar the brea�h thEr�vf q��siion has arssen,and in no e�cnt shall any such d�rnan.d (exCept for clai�rns�+hich hat+e bten waived by tht mafcing or �����e ��r thc date�whea institutic�n of legal br equitable acccpta.ncc af Final payment as prc�vid�d bY��B�P� l4.I5? w�i{I bc deeided by art�itrativn in accar[iance with thc Con- ��e�����5�����'�n such clairrz,disputc or athcr ma�tter in struct'son Industry Arbitration Rufes pf the Amorican �4rbi- �uestion wo�xld be b�r�'ed by the applicab�e statute of limi- � tativns. tratian Assoc�atian then abtaining subject to the Iimitations of this Article 16. This agxeemeri[ so t4 arbiTsa[t and any � oth�r agreement ar conscnt tta arbitrate entcred inta in accar- �fi.4. No arl�itration ar%sing out of or relattn�to the Con- dance herewitEt as providrd in this ArtEC1e 16 will he sp�cifs° tract Dac�rr�cnts sh�ll include by cvnsolidaiivn,joinder or in cally enforceable undcr th�prcvailing law nf any cvuek haying anY other manner any other person or entiry (inciuding jurisdicFiart. ENGINE��, �tdGINEER's agents, einp[ayees or consut- � tants)�who is not a par[y to ti�is cuntraet unless: 16.2. 1'�o demand for acbitratic�n nf any claim,dispute or other matter that is tequired 4a be r�eferred td ENGINEER l�,q,�, �}��irsclusion of such other pe�sor�or entity is in'stiaUy for decisian irs accordance with paragraph 9,11 wwill necessary if comp4ete reli�f�s to be afforded among�hose � �e made unti�[ht easlicr of 4ay che date an which ENGINEER �,vhc7 are alreac�y paxties to[hc arb�tration, has renderec� a decisivr�or{b)the tenEh day after thc parxies " have presenced the`sr evidsnce to ENGINEEd� if a writteri decision has nvt bcen res�desed by ENGINEER befare that I5.4,Z. such other perstsn nr entity is st�bstantialEy � date. No demartd fcsr ari�itration vf any su�h clair�s, dispute inva�ucd in a questivn a�`Iaw or faci which is cammvn so or other rnatrer will 6e made lat�r than thirty d�.ys afur the chasG whv are already parcies to ths arbitration and which datc on whieh ENGI?`1E�R has rendered a wnCten deeisi�r► ��fl arise in such prveeedings,and � in r�spcct thercaFin acco�dance with para�raph 9.t 1�and the failure to d�rnand arbFtration withirt sasd thirty days' period �,�4p�, �h��,ritten consent of`the othar pers[�n or entity shall result in ENGIe�I£ER's de�ision being final and t�irsding 5����� �a �� inct�aded and nf�WN�R and CCENTRAC- upon pZ�NER and CC)wT'RA.CTC)R.If ENGHNEEFi rendcrs TUR ha5 been obtained for such incl�ssinn,r�'hich consent � a decision aft�r arbitntion proceedings ha►re €�cen initiatcd, shall r�rake specif�c reference io shis paragraph- but na such decssian may be tntcned as evidence but wilf not supersedc such cansent shalk consticute cvnsrnt tv arb�traaion nf any the arbitratia� pro�cedrrrgs, except wh�rc the decision is d'rsp�te nnt specifi�al€y deseribed in such sansent ar ta � aeceptabl�to the pasties conccrned.No demand f�r arbitra- �bitraeion r��it�any party not specifically idt�atified in sUCh ti4�n oF any writte�t �ecision of ENGI2`3�ER rendered ist Gonsent. accordance with paragraph 9.I0 wiil be mac�c later thar►ten . , days after the party malcing sufih dema�d has delivered u�it- - � ten noEice of intentio� to appral as provid�d in paragraph �b.5. The award rendcred by Che arbitratars wi11 bt f�nal, g 10 judgment may be entered up�n ic in any court Fravrng juris- di�tion thcrevf, and wiC@ not be subject to modificativn vr 16.3". Noti�e of the demas�d far arb9tratidn will be�Sled in appcaf exGept to the extent peemitted by 5eetians 1[}and I 1 � wniting with thc�ther�rarty to the A�recmcnt and with zhG of tl�e Fcderai Arbitr�tion Act{9 U.S.C. �§iU,11). � , , � � - � � 31 � . � M � ARTiCLE 17---MiS�CELLANE+DUS sion or sscf of the ather p�rty c�r of any af!he other party's emplvyees or agen3s or athers#'or whoso a�ts the other p:is�ty ��yx�g,�y�ricE, is te�al�y iiable, +claim will be mad� in writing to th,c ot�er I7.1, Whenever arsy provision of the Contract Docu» �`�'�"'�di�hin a rcasonab[c time af the I�t'st vk�servance af suc� � mcnts require&thc giving af writte�notiec.it will be desm�d injury ar ciaaraa,�e.The provisionx of lhis patagrap�17.3 sh�il co ha�e heen va�idly given if c��livcred an persan to �hc indi- �°t 6e constnscd as a substit�ate for ar a waiver af thc pra- �idu�l az to a mctnber c]f Ehc firtn ar tn an off3eer c3f ih� yisions of any app3ic�hic stacule vC IEmi[ati�ans or repos�. � ct+rp�oratian fnr w�om it is inten�iec�,or�f del'rvered at vr sent by r�,�stered or ccrtified mail, postage prcpaid, to th� last I7,�. The duties and abEisatiosss imposed hy thesc ��n- bu5iness a�ddress ks�own tv the givcr o€the noticc. eral Conciiuons and the righis axld remedies awailablc here- c�nder to tho parties hcrctv, as�d, in pa�tacular but withdut � G'ampre�i'ion af Trme; limitatian, t'he warr•anucs,guarantees�nd+�bii�atiflns i�paset! i7.3.1. When anY Period of zime is referrtd ta 'sn the upon C�NTRACT{3R by,p�ra�ray�hs G.��,i3.1� 1�.i2, 13.14, Cot�traec f]�cuments by days,it widi be C4mputcd to exclude l4.3 and 15.2 and agl of the riehts and r�mcdies avsilmbie to the first and include t�e Is�st tf�y nf such period.TF�hc last �W�1ER and �NGINEER 4he�°eundc�, $�C iT1 ��[IiS10Cl [Oa � day of any such p�nod fa€ls oc�a Saiurday ar 3unday ar and are not to be constrr�ed in any way as a limitatips�af,any or�a day made a lcgal Y�atic3ay hy thc law of the applicahfe rights and remedies availa�lc zo any or all af therr�whieh arc jurisdictian, su�h day will 'be arnitced from th�Goritputa- otherwise`smpas�d or available by Laws 4r Regu3ations, hy � kion. special warr�nty or guararste� ar by ath�r proviss`ans of thc Contract �ocurnents, and the provisians of shis parasrapi� 17.2.?. A calcrs�tarday aftw�nty-€'our hours measured will be as ef�'ective as if re�sea��d sperifically in t��e Contract fram midnight tQ the nexc mid�i�ht shali corasti►ute a tiay. po�umersts in connection with each y�articular duty, o�ii�a- � tian. sisht:�nd remedy ta w�5ieh they appiy. A19 re�resen[a- ���rf�i: tions, 4uarr�nties and guarantees made in ihe�ontra�i 1?oc- i7.3. Should [14V,�ER or �ON7RACC�R suffer injury umcnts wiil surviVe final paymcnt and terminati4� or com- �r da�aa�c ta persvn or property b�causc�f any crrt�r,omis- �latio�of th���r�emcnt. � � � � � � � � � � � � 32 � � NOTI+C�C1F AWAT�D _� .=�; _—.�.�__ s . . , .-- 1fR►4�� . y �7 -���- - ��-.. __ __.a..�_...-._� � . ..,^–..._ ------_'- --- _. ..... --•— " TQ: --�_._._.-- _ - -__ - �-- ----- � __ _.._...__ - -- — __... _ caiD°�} .-- ___ _ __ _... ._ _ �._.._. _ ____._� ADDRESS: _ _.. � -- ------�-- . _ .._��_ ---------� OWNER'S PR(��ECT I'�0. -- -- _ - -- 1 .�_�. _ _.._ _ ._ __._�.- PR+�JECT _ �_ .__ ._ ---___ . _. � . -- -- - - -- C?WNER'S CONTF.A�T ND. __ -- CC�NTRACT' FaR � ..qla�en.r�fmC oi Cunuacl n u appcan m ihc Bkddi�g[)ocumenzs] ' __ --------__�..... 198— fvr the abov� Yvu �are nt�ufied that your B�d dated , Cantract h�s beer� cansidered. You are th�e apparent successful bidd�r and hawe been � awarded a contract fc�r . � [tadicau wW,H+ock.al�csrcwccs w tieciwna a[Work awutilWl - The Cantract Price of ya�r cvntract is _ Dollars (� )• � Three cnpies of each af t�e propased C�rr�tracc Dacuments (except Drawings) accom- p�.ny this I'datice of Awart�. Three sets r�f the Drawings will be delivered s�parately or , at�terwise made a�raiiable to you immediately. Y�u must compdy with the fall�wing eortditions pr�cedent withir� fifteen day� of the � . date of ihis Notice af Awartt, that is by , I9$�.. 1. Y o u m u s t d e l i v e r t o t h e Q W N E I�t h r e e f u l�y e x e�u i�d c v u n t e r p a r t s o f t k t e A g r e e r�e r�t including all th� Contract �oce�menis. This includes the tri�ticate sets of i]rawings. � Each of tl�e �ontra�t Dcrcuments must hear ya�r signature on (ttte eover} {e�ery� page. � 2. You must t�eliv�r with the executed Agreement the Cc�ntract Security (Bar�ds) as spe�ci�ied in the Instructia�ns to Bidders (garagraph lT), Generai Cc�nditic�r�s (�ara- graph 5.1) and Suppiemeantary Conditivns �pau'a�raph SC-5.1). � � �cnc rr�. 1910-32(1983�dition} � Pr�parecB by ehe En�nters'laint Contract A�ueumanrs[:amevttee and sad4rscd hy'F'tse Assaciatad Geneesl Contra�tors ot Ametic,�. � NOA-1 � � r�o���ro��ac�n n�r�d , 1� � TO�: tcorrr��ecrv� � ADD�iESS: � OW�EP�'S FROJECT I�It3. � �^RO�'ECT aWNER'S CC�NTRACT NO. , C(]N'TRACT FC3R - (In�ert o�une a#Convac[as it�parra m�hc Bdddiey�aac�me.nssl � Y�u are�toiifi�d thai th�Cantr�ct Time e�nder the above cc�ntract will commence to run +qr� _, 19—. �y that d�xte, you are to staz`t perforzr�ing your obli- � gati�n� under the CQntract Uacuments. Ir� accordanee with Ar�icie 3 vf the Agreement the dates c�f Substantial �c�rnpleti�ar� and Final Compietic�n are , Y9—ant# , 1�.�, respe�tavely. � Befare you may start any Wc�rk at the site, para�raph �.7 vf the General Canditin�s pzovides that yau and flwn�r must�ach deliver t� ihe nther(w�th copies ta ENGII'�1EER) ce�rtificates t�f insurance which each is required ta purchase and maintain in a�cardance with the Contrdtct Dvcument�. � Also before you may starE any Wor�C at the site, you must (�rfd other rcquisxaieata1 � _ _ _ � � , � Cnpy to El'�GINEER ('Use�Gertified Mail, Return Receipt Requested} � �vwr��e� � �y fAU�CHQRIZF.�StCsP(A7URL>1 fII3'LE9 , E7CI.7C i91+[�23 41983 EditiQn) Preparod by t�a Eu�oeera'Jnint Caatr�t 1]oeuments Commituc and eadoiaed by TCse Associaeed CrensnJ Coatr+C�on af Amcnca. � NTP—'1 ' , �r - - - W'�1tK DIRE+CTIY�CHA�I�GE .;'� _ _:'srik _ ;.x'�i3� � �IriStlliCtlOriS UR��V��S� Sld�� ___�� Na _ _ r _ PROJECT: � � DATE OF ISSC�AN�E: � (�WNER: . : �� .. ... . _� _�� �. _ .r`_�. ..f,_�:: f _ (Name, .: . _. : . . : � £::i��, .. ._� . �.. . . ,�s�! W .�� � Address) . - _ .� 'r ..� ' ,w �.. , : . �, . ,.. . COriwi'TYtACTt]R: [3W'�TER's Prvje�t Itio. i - � - . ` ?�,T�Ti^�EER: ' f- .�, � �� :.. CQE�1'I'RACT FUR: EI�T{GINEER's Prvject No. — ' . . , . . Yau are directe�d to proceed promptiy�vitii the fvilawdng change(s): � I?e�cript'rvn: Pur�vs�e vf Wvrk Directive Change: ' � . .._.. . Attachments; (Iist dc�eurn�nis supparting ct�ang�) - � � If a ciaim is�made that the�bave char�ge(s}have affected Contract Price or Gontraet Time, � any claim f�r a�Iaange ❑r�er taased �t�ere[�n wi11 inVVive+�ne of the fai7owing methods of det�rmin.�nS th�e effect at the change(s). � Method+af ei�tetmining cha�nge itt Methad of d�terminin�ci�an�e in Contra�t Price. C�ntract Tim�: [;] Ti�e and materials ❑ Contractar's records , p Unit prices ❑ Engin�er's recc�rds � CQSi pius f�xed fee � �Qther � . p C}ther Estimated incre�se {decrea�e) in Can�ract Estimated incr+ease (decrease) in Contract Pric�: � . T`ime: days. If the change If t��change invol�+es ar�incre�s�,tt►e�sti- in�oives an increas�,t�e estimated time xs ' rnated amount is �aat to be exceeded with- nvt tca t�e cxceeded wiih4uc furiher autho- aut furt�er authvri�ation. rizati�n, � � RECUMMEI'�DEI]: AUTHC�RI��D: �'I � �y �y � � � ' FJCDC No. 1910-8�F"(19$3 Editiart? prtpas�d by lbe En$iaeee�a'Iniat Coasrrce i]o¢um�o�a C4minictse and e�orsed by t1u Asm�ciattd Gessera!Coatra�tots af Amsrirx. �r Z ' ; . �PPLICATIt7N FD�PAYMENT N+�. � �,�o _ [)WNER) CoQU�act for _ • ' OWNE1t'S PtQJCC�N4. .ENGIN�ER's Pmj�ct No. ; �'or Work a�compiishsd thmugh t4�e date af �ON'CRACFrRR's Sche+rlule ai Yalua� work Comp�ed � � Uou Price Qu.ntitx Amcrunt �u�Y � � � � � . � � Tatal x 3 ' � (Qrig.Contracc) C.❑.Nu. 1 C.C?,No.2 � A�tam�ying E�acumer�tatian: GROSS AM(?1..1t�IT DU� ....................... � 1 _ LESs� - 9'o R�'AINA+GE ..�................ S AM�?CENT DUE T�I3ATE ..................... �..�� L�SS Pft�VIOLiS PA�'MENTS ................ 5�.�-- � AM�UNT DUE THiS APPLICATION ...,..... S- , C4NTRAC'I"OR'S Cectification: The un�crsigneci CQN"I'R,ACI'�JR cGrtiC�es that 41) � PrGVious progress payments rece�ved from ��NNE�dn account nf Wark done undsr the Contt'a+�t referred co above have becn applied to dischargG in fr�11 all vbfigatians af CONTRACf"C1R � i�eurred in cannecuon with Wark covtrcd by prior Appli�atior�s for�aymcni s�umhered 3 thrvragh�. �ncltisiv�; and C�f title to a!1 materia3s and cquipmcnt'sneorpvrated in sajd Work ar othcrwise iisted in or cavtrcd �y this Applicatian fcrr Payment �iEl pass ta�7WNER at time�rf paymeat fr�G and cicar af all iiens,claims, security 'snterests arid encumhrar�ccs � . {ex�cpt such as eaNer�d by Sand acceptablc to C3WNEi�). ' Date� * �� car�cra� By � , . � ' Payment vf the a�ovc AMUUNT I5�?E THIS APPLTCAT'IQN is recornmendcd. � Datesl , 19 �+��r�een By � E]CI)C Nv. 191a8•E(1983 �dition) pn�ued by 1he Fn,�neen�'1ain�ConCrsc�I7acvmeata CommiCtte and c�uSorsrd hy The A�sorc�ted Ger+etxC Cflntrattars a[A�ryc� • AP-1 � CNA�fiE I�RDE� . . ' , r_ - -.�>> _ :j"� (Ir�sstructiQns oa rcverse side) N�: � - :., .,: ... .�,,....:.. PR�IECT: ---- -...._— _�----- _---DATE CJF ISSUANCE:' ---— ---- �('`�:': „ ,: _ : . QWN�R: . . 1 . . • _ . t {Name, '__:. .;..... _ . ._ ;i :.- - . ; ._ . .. . . . ._ -T Address] ' _�..� ._ . -� � ._.:.! ..__ _... � �. . :. .._. ...:- . . ,. ...a _ :! , a..._ " . - - . . . _ ,,- . - '" -- •- �C1I+i'�"RACTDR; C}WNER's Pr�ajcct No. - � :i.- "E��JWE��: :r.t. . . . .. . . .� . _ . ..:�-.. . . . - ---' � C��.1'��".�Q�: • - - . ... , ,... .' : . . . ..,...Y . . �r +'f: `.� , I ' ���' ' . . . � � - �N.1^iINEER's Froject Na. . .. . . Yau sre dirccUCd tv ma�lce#he follvwing changes in the Cnntract I]ocuments, _� �� � Deseriptiamm: , . � Purpt�se of Change�rder: � Attachmcnt�:(List dacuments suppa�rting change) ' CHAI+FGE!23�ON'I"RA�T PRICE. CHAP3G�IN C�NTAACT TIME: � Originai�ontract�rice (lri&inal Cantract�'irrie � - �,.ri m�.�a ' Prtviaus Change Orders No. to No. t�Iec change firnm pre�ious Changc Orders $ ,�Y# � Contrac�Price pr�vr to this Change 4rder Contra�t Time Privr ta this Change�Qrder ' �' � dsrs ar date Net Incr�ease(de�rease}of this Change C}rder Net Insrease(decrease)of this Ci�ange Order 1 $ �,�„ � Conzra�t Price with all apprvved Change C7rdcrs �Contraci Time with all approved Change Qrders � �y.�a� � REC�}MMEN QED: APPR(]V��1: A�PR�V�D: ' �Y �Y �y• sracuu � U�wm�a �an ' FJ�I7C�a. 191�-$-B(1983 Ediuor�) Pe�p�rod by�he En�necrs'loint Contrac�Documents Cammitsec and eradaned hy Ths Assaeisted Gcncral Caa��rartors uf Amenea,� ��1 � � V I 3 I(3N 15 MEaCNAN I CAL UI � SECTION 15fl10--[3ENERAL P�tUVY�ICIN�: � THE DE�AWTt�GS �IQ S�E�IFICR"�'EOi�S �'DE� `i"HIS PROJE�'i" l�RE QRQT�CTED U1�DEE� THE COMMON i�Fi4� COPYR�GHT. COPYRIGHT E� 1992 Yt3D�� ENGINEERING � CG3N5ULTANTS, Ii+#C. ALL Ri G�TS RESERVED• PART 1.0+�--�Gi�'�ER � 1.41 sCOP�E ol� WoltK ' {,�7pRI4 SHp,i,L Cfl1�iSI3T OF �`tJf�NISHI�� AL�. LABdR AND MATE�tII�LS �ECEsSARY �QR 'I`HE YNSTALLATICIN QF Ct]MPL�TE A1�L� �PERATING MECHANi�AL , SYSTEMS . 1 .D2 PI�f]VI�IONS: � A. WORK PER�`OR�IED U1dbER `�'HIS T�IVIBI�}N t�F THE SPECIFICATI�NS SHAI.,� �CONF(7�M Ta THE f��QUIEtE�[�NTS �rF THE GENEI�AL caNDiTi���, THE � �fECHAN F CAL DRAWI NGS AND P,LL C�THEE� I TEMS HEE�EII�1A�'TER SPECI F'I EU: 1 . DETAILS : MINGR DETAI3�S �(OT [�SUALL7� S1�OWN E3Et SL�ECI - FTED BUT I�ECESSA�tY F'OR THE P�tU�ER I�9S�ALLATIQN AND UpERATiON A�lDIOR � �C7NFORMANCE WITH �.�?�ES C�R STANDARDS LIS`�ED HEREIt�, S�iALL SE I NCLUD�D 1 N THE WC1FkK . � 2. DFiA4JI NGS : I�RP.WI NUS Ai�E DI AG�tA�SMA^F I C AI�D i ND3 CATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS �F` SYa'�'EMS AND Wf�RK . bQ I�4T SCALE [3RAWINGS . E�AI�I1�E ALL DRAWit�GS T� VERIFY AIVD C(�C�RDII�A'I'E SlPACE C�ND�TIQNS ANI7 � 1��4UIREMEN'I'Sr C3�EARANCES, FICVISH�S, ETC. A. �7R�,WIN�GS AI�D SPECIF�CATI4]NS AR� ��ITENDEU "T'Q �E COMPLEMEt�TARY AND '�dHAT I S CRLLE� F(3R BY QN� SHALI� BE AS CALLELY FC3R ' BY Bf3TH. BRI�G DISCREPAt^�CIES, C�N�LICTS C�F� DIFFERENCES I� 3[7B CONDTTIONS A.ND L�RAWINGS TC7 THE ATT�N'FZQN OF THE Et3GIN�ER FC7R CLARIF'ICA'�I£7t� BEFt]RE BILl1�ING ,AND PRDCEEDING. � 3 . EQUIPMENT AN�? MA'�ERYAfi�: BAS� �ID FC7R EQL�IP�[Ei�T A�ID MATEFtIAI� SFE�CIFIED f3Y MAt�1UFACTURER' S �I�M� IS TC3 ESTABLISI� ,A QUAI�ITY �NE} �RICE STANDARD . E�UIVALEN�Y UF SUB�aTI'�LJTIt]NS W�LL BE � DETERMIt�ED BY THE UWNER AND ENGIk�EER AF°I'E� �.[7N5IDERATION cJF ALTER�IATE PRICE A�D QtJALITY . ,il ' 4 . MOC7IFIGATID�iS : 1°IAK� REASGNABLE !"lO�I�'ICATI�NS IN LAYaUT, ARf�AN�EMENTS, A�'TACHMEN'I'�„ ETC. '�'0: � THS RAI�ISSQN RE�D��" VA�L SEPTEMBER 19g2 150id � 1 � � � A. MAI NTAI N l�iAX I MUM CLEARANCE FDFt HEADRD+(7lrf TO � ESLP�S�D WtIE�K . B. ESTABLIS�I A�E(��JA,T� +Ck�EAH�NCES FOR THE T�STAL- LATId�i Q�' SUSFENDEI� C�TLI�NGS AND �IMILAR WaF�i� . � �. V�RIFY SHR�`T„ �HASE AND aC?LtBL� PARTITTQN +CLEARANC�S . :3PAC� TC7 BE A�]EQk.��,TE �"�Fi I N s'f`ALLA'�'T ON, BL1T MI N I MA�I,. � D. NOTIFX ENGINEER IMt�3EL�IATELY CJF Ai�1Y +C�NFLTCTS . � �.�3 SUSHIT'T'AI.3: WITFiIN 24 HDURS A�'T�R AWARD �]F `i'HE CC�NTRACT, SUBi�iifi 5 C�PIE'� ❑F THE FoLLOWING TD TH� E�CINEER FaFi REV�E�J: � A. A Ct3M�"LETE r HCrUN D I�EA�AI+�UAL C1F ALF.� MAiJ OR T TEMS C3F EC}�!I'�MET�T AN[? MATERIALS TC3 BE FiIE��fIS�iED ANT� iNS�ALLED QN `f'kiIS PftOJECT. � B. I DE�3TI�'Y EP+CH I'I'EM BY M�,I�iUFAC'I'URER� SRAND AND �'RADE NAtfiE, �itJMBER,. SI ZE, RAT�N�C AND WHATEVER 0`TH�R L�ATA �S NECESSARY �'0 PRt]P�RI�Y I�ENTIFY Al�i3 CHEC�C MATER�ALS At+fb EQUIPMENT. � THE WDRDS "AS SgE�IFIE4�" WILL I�dT BE C�HSI�ERED SUF'FICIEtJT �DEN- `�'IFI�ATIDN. � C. �HQP URAL�I NG� : CO'�TRACTCIR AGRE�S THAT S H�P I?RAWING SUBMIT`FAL� PROC�SSE�1 BY THE ENGI�€E�£� ARE NC7T CH�hiGE ORL�ER�; THAT TH� FURAQSE C]F SHC7P DRAWING SUBMITTALS ITY THE CDNTRACTt7R I S T� DEM(7NSTRATE TQ THE ENGI�IE�R 'PHAm THE CO�VTRACT�R [1NDERSTANF3S T�IE f UES I GN COh1GEP',['� `P'HAT HE pEMbN 5'�RATES �i I S L�NI��Ft�`FAlVD I NG BY YNDICATING WHICH EC?U�PM�N'I' AN� MATEI�IAV kiE INTENI:lS 'i'� �'UR�I��1� AND INSTAI.,L A�D �Y I�ETAILING �"�E FA��;ICATiO� AND TIVSTALLA'�IC7N t�fETHODS � HE TN`TENQS �'O L75E. �t]I�T�tACTC��t �1JRTH�R AGR]�E� THAT IF DEVIATiONS, DISCRE€'ANCIES, OR C+�7�iF'I�ICTS B�TWE�l� 5�ic�P L7R�WI�iG SUHMITTA�,� �ID THE c�ON7['RACT DOCtJMENTS IN THE E'akl� C}F' DESIG�# DRAWINGS AND � S�ECi�ICATIONS AktE DISCOVEF�ED ET�'HER PRI+�3R TJ (7R AFTE1� SkfQP �7.�AWING SUBMI'�TALS ARE PROL'�SS�� �Y TH� ENGiN�ER� `�'1�E DESIGN �RAWINGS AI�l� SPECIFIC�TIONS SHAI�L COi�Tf�c]�, AHD SHAL� BE FC1LIaOW�D. � 1 .44 �'LUS'HING„ CLEANING AND �'�Ei�IL�ZI�#G � A, A�'TER �'LU��➢ING, S�Ek�ILIZE 'THE DOM�STIG WATER SYSTEM. H. $EF4R� FINAL CCINNEC'�IONS R�E MA,.DE IN THE PIPIl�G SYST�M5. � ALL PIPING SHP,LL HE �LO�W�1 �[�T WITH AIR AND THEN G�ASiiED AU'� WITH APPRO�RIAT� CLEAAIIi�G CC�MPaUNDS . GE�EAN THE BOILER BY TkE SAME PR�CEI][]RE. � � fiNE RADI SSQN RESURT VF�I L 3EP"T�liBER 1�9� k 541I� - 2 � � � .Q5 TESTING 1 � A. TEST ALL I3RAIN AN[7 WA��E �I1��ES WITIi STAN�ING WATER TES'3"' C]F TWELV� �"EET OF HEAD M I�i IM[�M/�U F�ET MAX I MUM, H�LI] LC]NG ENC3UGH �O INSPECT �ACH JC3TNT �R �4 HQURS WiTH Nt] DROP WHEN ALL JQIt�TS ARE NaT � EXPCJSE�?. $, 'TEST Ai�i� WATER F�i�TNG, BE�F�]R� CQMN�C�ING T�J UNIT5, AT 150 � PSiG HYI7RQSTA`I'IC PRE�SURE. C. TEST �L AIR A1�D G�3 PIPING UND�R 50 �Si�G AIR Pf�ESSE�RE. � D. ALL `�EST REQUIREI3 BY CC7DE �ICIST �3� C}ON� Ta THE SATISFAGTIQN OF `I"HE I,QCAi� AUTfi�RITIES HAVIN+G ,�U1�ISDIC�'I(]N f3EFaRE C(7VEkT1+IG. � E. ALL HYC�£�C7S'TATIC TESTS TL} BE HELG F�DR �, MINIMUM �]F SIX HOURS . AIR TESTS TC� 13k. l��LD Fc�R A MI NI M'UM �JF TWU HOURS . � �..41b BALAI�iCING A. THE BAL,�NCZN� OF THE SY�TEM SHA�.L BE Pt�iRT OF 'I`�iI5 �(3IV'i'RACT � AND INCL4JDED I1� BI i3. �. AT `PHE CUMPLET i ON �F '��iE I N�TALLA'�I C7N 3'HE P�6ECHAN I�I�L � SYSTEMS S�-d.AL,L BE ADJUSTEI� A�1D BALAN�EL� BY THE �L�N'�RACTQR . C. FURt�ISH AN� If�STALL SLl�C'H ITEMS AS THERMOMETE'R WEI.��.S, PR�SSUR� 'I'EST COCKS, AC�ESS DUORS, ET�G. , AS REQ1JIREI� '�fl ALL{3G�1 TESTS � AND �,bJ�JST'3yIIENTS TQ BE MADE. D. AD,IUST Af�1] 'BAIyP�NGE ALL �ZR AND WATER SYSTk�MS . CHECiC, � AA.�US�` AN�3 �ALAi�CE ,ALf� SYS'T'EMS TQ MEE`P THE U�SIGN CCI�IDITI(�N� AND 'FP�BUI,A�'E ALL I�lFC1Rt�lATibN O�i ACCEPTAI3L� Ft��MS . ALL �YSTE1�fS SHAT.,L BE �f�EC�ED Ft7R Qt�O�ER �ER�'�f�MA,NCE AT �E3 I GN �C(3ND I`I'I C3N S WHEN PRACT I CAL . � �. .47 O��RATING AND MA7.NTL�NANCE INST�UCTit1N5 � D�LI VEl� AN QPEFtATING AND M,AINTENANCE �SANUAL AI�ID iP�STR[3CTI01�[� TO THE C7WNE� UPQN C�tfi'FLETIC7N OF THE W�I�lC At�D INSTRLiCT OW'AiEE� II� �Bf�PER L?FERAT�DN . � 1.(�S FIARR ANTY � A� ALL MATER I�LS AND E�QUI PME�1T �HALL BE NEW UN��S� �TH�RWI SE SPECIFFEiD. GUARA�+iiT�E A�,L WO�KMAI�SHIP, MATERIAL �NA EQU�PMENT Ai�fl R��'I,ACE ANY FOVND �7k�FEC`FIVE WITHQUT GC]�T Td 'rI�E OWNER, FOR C7�IE YEAR � AFTER FiNi� ACC�PTANC�, AS DEF�NEU IN GEl'�E[�AL CC�NDITI!C�NS . � 'THS RADISS�IN �tS5�]�tT VAIL ���TEMHLI� 1'�92 1,rQ1Q — 3 � � � H, EACF� WARI�ANTY FOR I,�NGER THAt�1 THE C7t�E YEAR DESGR��ED A�3QVE �THAT C�MES WITH EQUIPMENT USED t�I3 TH� �34B1 SFdALL BE PASSEl7 QN TC1 � THE flWNE� W�`�H DA�ES QF START AAlD END QF WARR�NTX. � 1.09 PL�OJECT RECORD URAWINGS �'RQV�DE THE E�1GI�#EER WITH �SNE GLEAN SET [7F PLANS A1�T3 �PECI— F'ICA'TIC3NS COI�RECTED UP—T0—[�A'�E AS J0� �I�+(�GRESSE� . � 1.10 ELECTRICAL CaNNECTI(}MS: AI�� M+J�"ORS AN❑ C�NTR�L� SHA�L BE � FUE�N�SHEI�, 5ET IN �LI�CE AND WIRED �N ACCOF�DI�C� WITH �'H�S� �PECT— FTCATI�NS �NII THE I�ATIdNAI� ELECTRiC CD[?E. � PRQS7T Q� MOTOf�S Al+iiD E�UI FMEN`� FQR (]�iLY '��30SE CUf��tENfi CHARAC— TERISTICS INf7ICATE� 01� THE DRI�WII�GS � IT IS T�fE I�i`FENT �7�'' THIS f�IVISION T�3 REQUIRE C�7MPL�TE �YSTEMS PER `�H� CCJNTRACT [7oCU�fE�(T5 . C�mRDIN.�s�l'E ALL EC,�[]IPMEIYT R�'C�UIRII�G �LECTRICAL Pt�WER, REGARDLE�S t�F � UCIL'TAGE, WITH C�T1��Ft 'i'i�AUES, SO THAT t�L,L SYSTEMS ARE Ct�MPLETE �t�l!? CIPERABLE. � 1. 11 IDL�t�TIF�CATIQHS � [J(]M�STIC Ct]LD WATER, DDMESTIC Hc]T �]AT�R� HE,ATING SUPPLY AN�? £�ETURN, AND AL�, �AS pI�iNG AN1� VALVES SHA�f� BE IUENTIF'iED BY B1��S5 QR PT�ASTIC D�SC WITH �SESCRIPTIClN aF SERVXCE PERMANENfiI�Y IMP�INTEQ. IDENTIF`Y AL�, PIPING WITH PAIt�TEE7 �OLORED �ANDS AI3D F'LClW ARRl7WS PER � A5AA13 . �. , AT MAXIMi�M 30 �'T. INTERVALS ON �TRAIGHT �T1�E f�UNS, AT T�E�, AND WHE�tEVER �IPIN� E�iTERS CC}NGE�+,LEI] S'PACES OR PA55E5 T'�E�DU�H W,A�T�S, CEII.,I�+1G5 DE2 FLflC]RS . � 1, 12 ACCESS DQORS , FURNISH ACG��5S D�bRS c]�` TY�E S[JITABLE m0 ENGINEER. ACCESS U0C3RS ARE T{� B� PR�3VI DED I N ALL Lt]CATIOt�S WHERE SEf�ViCE ACCESS I 5 REQUIREA. IF INS`I'ALLLD TI� �+, FIRE RA'T�D SU�FACE, THE ACCESS DC�OR IS � TO CARRY TH� PR(3'PEE� U .L, L I STED RAT I NG. � � 1.i3 CODLS AND STl�NDAHDS CGI�f�LY f+�IT�TI-t AI.L AF�PLICABLE CO�ES, LAWS, Il�DU3TRY STANDARf�S ANL3 1 I�TII,ITX CQMPA�[Y �+EGUI�A`PIc7NS . � � T�iE R�+iDIS'3(}N R33SaRT 'iJA1L SEFTG�N�4E�! I99� 15�3U — 9 � � � 1.1� I H�'�ALLAT�DN 1�ML� A1.ZR,�iNGE1fENT � INST`AC�L ALL WORK `i'Ct PERMI�` R�MOCTAL C�� �C(]LL�, SHAFTS, WH�ELS, FILTEf�S,, ANf� ALL �C]�THEFt PAR`I"� 43HICH MIGHT REULIIRE PEfti(]Gi�: RE- PLACEMENT DR MAIi�ETENANCE. � 1.15 @EE�NIT3, FELS, AND N[��ICES � P.AY F'�R A1�iI� SEC[JRE ALL P�RMITS, �"EES, LICE�tS1�S. AND INSPEG- TIQ�S FOR THIS PR�bJECT . � �..�� Ea�.�a��T��rr �F ���K���s � VISIT '��iE PR�MISES B�FC31�� S[lBMiT'��1VG BID AS Ai4 E}CTRAS WILL SE ALL[�W�i3 FE}R LACK OF fCNOWLEDt�E �� EXISTIN� CC7NI7ITIONS . � 1_17' FOUNUATIONS A1dU SI�QFORT� FU�.NiSH ANL7 INSTA3�L ALL FOUNf7�aTIt�NS, �3ASEa, �lA1VG�R5, ANCHORB, � GUI DES AND SUPPCfE��'S FOR M�C`H,A�I�f I CAL EOUI PM�C�T, P I P ING �,1VU UUC'�S . � 1.18 PftOTECTI a�V OF' WO�K ArID P�tt3PE�TY BE RE�Ff?t��IBLE F�3R THE PR(7TECT'�(]M C7F EXiS�`ING �A�II��TIES WNETH�R UR N�T SUCH FACI L i`1'Y i� Td BE R�Mt]V'�D OR FtEL�CA`I"ED. M{]VE � QR REM�V� A�Y FACILITY SO AS NQT TO CF�USE Irif`P�RF�UP'T'FQ�Y flF THE WQI�K OFt (7WNER' S C3PERATI t�N . 13E l�ESPOhiSI VE TO �W�1ER' S ()C�CllPAIVCY REQCTIREMENTS, C4aRDINATE NaISY ❑R DUSTY SPEf��,'�IQ�IS WITH �1W�ER `�p � MINIMI�E D�STURBANCES TQ t�iJES'I'S . � 1.19 EXGAVATIQN, SACKFILL, ANT1 GQRE DR�LLINCy Dfl ALL EXC�VATING, BAC3CH ILLIt�G, Ct]RE DRIL��I�G, AND �AW Ct.f'T'TING REQUIRED $Y THE WORi4 I N T�ii S PR(7JE'C`F`• � � .20 Ai..TITUDE RATINGS , �XCEFT AS OTIiEF�iW�5E NO3'ELl r ALI�, EQUT AMENT GAPPa.CI T�E5, AI1� QIIA�ITIES, ETC. AE2E ADJUSTEU RAm�l�GS FQ�t '�HE �LEVA`fION DN THI� ' A�C1�]ECT �S RATEb OhI `I`H� DRAWINGS . MANUFACT[]RER ' S RATINGS �H,�#LL BE AL7.3USTE�? 'TO ��t�VIDE �V�T RA`PINGS S�C}W�7 . � � THE RAD�SSON L�ESC7�ftT VAIL SEPTE'l�iBLR 1992 i5p10 � 5 � � � 1 .Z 1 MOT(1R5: � CtJT�PLY WITH 1VEMP, BTAN�ARD� �L+1D CC}N�'QRM TO P�SA C-�f� FOR IN�ULA3'I�N AND DIEL�CTRIC STi�Ei�GTH. CAE�ACI`�Y Td BE SUFFiCI�NT TO OPERA'�E ASSOG�A"I'Ei] DR I VEN �QUI FMENT P,ND DEVI CES, llNi}ER AI�I, CE?NDI— � TiC}N� ClF OPERATION, ALTITLfDE AND L+DADS WITI�OUT C1VE�tI.,C}��. MINIMUM ACC�PTA�LE HC�RSP�PaWER (HP 3 I� THPI`T T�3DI CA'I"E� ON THE DRAWIAIGS . SELECT ANC3 IMSTALL MOTORS F'OR QC1�ET QP�RAT�ON , ALL �f+OT�RS F�AT�p 1 d(l Q WATTS QR GREA�'��t SHALL HAVE CER'1`I FI Ep PC�WERFAC'FDR� Ut�DER F`ULL � LO�,D �F 85� l3i�CC3Ri�EC�'EU ANC� 90� �CORRECTED . � 1.22 PZPE DSPTHS il�'TEftIOR f�IFE BELC1�4+7 5LAB5 SHAI,L B� A MIiVIMtJM C1F 4 INCHES BELOW � SLAS A�((D SHALL NOT BE IN CO�iTACT WITk� CO�tCi��TE A� ��►1VY PQINT. RREA DRAI t�t5 SHAI�L �3A� MAXI1'^^iUM CO'VER POS S�HLE CONS I S'PEi�T WI T�i ACCEPTAELE FLC1W Li i�ES . � 1.�3 FIRE DAt�IPLkt9 � INSTALL FIRE DAMPER� WHE1�E IT�DICATED �}t� TH� DRAWII�GS, AS REQEJIRED BY NFPA PAMPHLET IdC1 . �OA, i3R REt3UI�E� B�t LQGAL C��3E� . FURNI�H UL LABELED 'I'YPE B DR C �'IRE DAMFERS . � �1�D UF �ECTI�N � � � � � � � � THS RADI33+[[TM�N RES�RT VAIL SL�TE�NHER. 1.99� 1�t111D -- b � f � SECTION 1518A---IN3ULATI�N: LP1�T 1 00--GS�iSRAI� SQUiR;�I�. lVT� � t�C?TE. ALL K FACT(}RS 5Hf?Wt+� Itl THE FULL,�WING SPECIFI�CATI�}I� Ai�� EXFfiESSED IN BTU—I�1 . /H�,S�''r ,F , , 1.(11 GEMER�AL: � A. INSUZ,ATION �NALL �]E CER�.'"AIi+1TEED C(JRP . , aR Ei�LDIVALENT Pl�C)DU�C'I'a�' F�Y �W!��1S CUi�NIl�1Gr K.I'�IAUF E!� MA,�]VILLE RE�JI�WED L�RYDk� TC3 I NST�+.LLATI C�tJ . � �, IIaSULATIaN SHALL Nc3T BE APPLIED UNTIL ALL SUF�FACE� ARE CLE�,N AND DE�Y �ID UN'I'IL sNSPE�`T�L7 RNU R'�L�AS�D �OR INSULA'TION � APPLIC�TI�i�. C. A �I]M�LET� MC�I STURE AN�I VAPOR. SEAL SHA�,L, SE PR{?VI DED (��I COLD SUR�'ACES WH�RE VAPOR HAi�RIER JACKETS Oki CC7AT�NGS �,.RE €tEQUIF�ED . � ANC�ORS, HANGERS, AND �JTHER PR03ECT�ONS S3iALL �E INSULA'��D ANU VAPC}E2 SEALED '�'a FR��IENT �C�hiDENSATI C�N . � I]. PIPE TNSUL�TION SHALL $E C�]NTII�Ut�LiS T'HRaU�H WALLS AND FL+4�R C]PENIi�GS E?CCEP'I' f+�HERE WALLS Oft FLQt]RS �E REQUIt��D TO BE FIk�ESTDPi��D OR RE4UIRED TD HAVE A FIR!E RESISTAN�"� RATI'NG. � E. INSULA'TED pIPING SHALL BE SUFPbRTE4 BY HANGEft� AND METAL S�E I ELDS TC} �E T NSTALLED WI TH THE P I P I NG. I NS�RTS S HALL BE L�ROVI I�ED ANA IN5'FALL�� BETWEEN THE �IFE AND THE SHIELDS . INSERTS SHALL � CON�IST [7F �iGID F'�P� INSULATIC]N EQUAL iN '�HI�G3iNES5 TQ fiHE �,'DJQINING INSU�AT'IUN . , 1.412 FIIZE i-IA�ARD CLA33IF'TCAT'Ii3N: A. ,�►LL I1�SULP,TIO[� SHALL HAVE ,A CC?MP�SITE ( INS�JLA.'I'ION, � .J,ACKET, QR FAC�I��, A1�U ADHESIVE �'0 SECU�t� ,]ACK�T (7E� FACTt�G1 FTRE HA�ARD RATING AS TES`I'EI] f�Y AST3r1 E-84, NFPA 255, �R UL 72� NC}'� TC7 �}C�GEE'D 25 �`LAME SFR��D A1VT] S(J SMOKE DEVELaP�17. ALL I�ISULATIDN � MATERIALS C?R THEIR CO�1�TA�N�RS SHALL �AVE A LAI�EL II�UICATi�iG THAT TH�Y �C} NDT EXCEE� �'H� ABf)VE F�RE HAZARD CLASSTFICATIOI�i. I � �AR� Z pf3--�'IPE INSULAT�ON � � .01 H!DT �'IPii+i� CLFP T`Q 5UU°F) : 4 DUME3T I C H�T WATER/HEATI N�G W�,'I`ER] . � TH� RAD�8501�I 1285(?RT VpiIL SE�TEMBEFt 1'992 1,5180 - 1 � � � A. PR�I£1UC�: � INSULATE WI'I`H CER'F�.I1�fTEEI) S{li� °1$�iAF +QN�� M{7LDE[? C1NE �IECE FIBERGLASS I�IPE It+T�ULATiON WI'�H A K VALUE OF �] . 23 AT 75°F MEAN fiE�PERATURE, ,' S. F'ACT�3RY APFL I ED J�CItET. � ALL SEE�VI�E �3ACKET {ASJ ) . C. I�'SULATI�3I� THICKIVESS : � RE�'EFt TO TAEtLEB AT THE �Nd UF '�'Hi� SEGTIQZ� . ' D. APPL�CATIOI�: 1 . PI1�iNG: � � . Bi�TT Ai,L �C]INTS FiRMLY TLG�TH�R AND SMClOTkiLX SE�U�E ALL ,7ACK�T LAPS ANU �..`��INT STR1P'S i�]ITK L,AF� AUH�SIVE . FLARE- 'FYPE STAPLES AT 4"' S�'ACI N�S MPY BE I�SED FO!R C(]NCEAIa��] W�RK . � �. SELF-SEAL LAF' - APPLY t�.�CURDING TO M�,.NUF`AC- TU�E�t ' S PQJBLISHED RECQM�l�NDA'�'ION� . � 2 . FITTI�IGS P.1VD VAL,VES : a. INSULATE WITH MULDED FISER GLASS F�'FTINGS; � �EG�SENTS [3F PIQE ���+'�E�It�G: OR W�TN FXE�,MLY COMPRESSED FI�Eh GLASS BLAi�KE'� . SECiJRE T�f PLACE WITN 20 GAGE WIRE AI�D FI�fI�H WITH A SMOC�THING COAT t]F I�ISLILATING CEMEN� . PIP� SI�E5 UNI3ER 4" MAY B� � II�SULATED WITH HY�RAUL�C �ETT'ING It3SU�,ATI1�G CEMENT. ALL THICK- NESSE� TO BE EQUAL TCl TH�+►T QF AU30INTNG PIFE CaVERi'NG. � b . E}CPOSED F��'T I NGS AN� VAIsVES SHAi,L �E ADD I- TI��ALI�Y FYNISHED WITH �}PE�I-WE.AVE GI.,ASS CI.�C}'t1� FABRIC AQk��f�ED B�2WEEt� TWL1 FLQOA CflAT� UF LAC�GING ADHESIVE. I..AP GLAS� �'ABRIC 2u Q�iTC1 AD3ACENT PIPE. � c. �t� L I EU +0�' GLASS CLC�'�H EMBEI�DE1� BETW�EEN TWO CDATS OF MASTIG �?R AIDH�SIVE, �C�RTA�NT�ED "�NAP Ft]�M"' Ol�E-PI��E � INSULATED F�T'T�N� SXSTEMS MAY BE i�SED. C(7V�k� SfiALL C]VERLAI� THE P�D.7GIINING �i�E INSULAT�QN AtJU JA�CKETS . '�H� CQVERS SNALL B� MECHANICAI.LY SECURED BY SER�FtATEF�-�HAF'T S`�AINLESS S'�EEL TA�KS PUSHE� � INT(3 THE O�/ERLAPP�NC� THRC�I�T .]UIN'�. � � 'T'HE RADISSQ�i �iE301�'� V��L SEP�`LMBER 1992 151$� - 2 � � � PART � O--MEGHAN U Pl�IENT INS TIaM � 3.0 i H(3T �t2U I PNENT f UP T(] 9 5 0 F) : � (kiOT WATER S�'b�AGE TANKSIHEA�' EXGHAt�[GERS 1 A, L�F�OI7UGT: � INSULATE ALL SURFA�E� [«]�TH �E�TATNTEEb IB 2�E�, 2 T��S ./CU. FT . FIBER GLASS i1�SUL,ATICIC� 80AR�7 HA'�TII�G A K VAT�UE C7F �3 . �3 A,T 75°F � MEAiV TEMP�ftATURE. B. FAGTl7RY APPLIED FAC�NG: � SHALL BE ALL �ERV�CE JAC�ET f ASJ ) Ci'�L�SS �CITED. C. Ii�SULATTC]N THI�KNESS : � REFER TQ TABLE� AT ENl7 {�F 'I'HZ S S�G"["I[]N . � []. AFPL��ATI9N : 1 . CU�', SCORE, t7R MITE�t I�TSUF�A�'IDN TQ FIT C(]N�'OUR OF E�UIPMENT P,fi�D SECURE W��'H 1/2" X � . p15"` GAL,VANI ZEI7 STEEL, BAIVDS C]R � �6 GAGE GAL�J'ANI2ED WIRE UN 12"" �:�NTERS W�L,LI PII�S �R STICK CLI�S WI'E"�i WASH�RS I�iAY BE U5EI7 �C]R �LAT SllftFACES AND �PACEb 1�" AF�AR'T , S'I'A�GGER �QINTS WHERE Fc]SSIEL� ANI7 FILL Vc]IDS WITH I�lS�1LATTNG � CEMEN`�. 2 . FII�I SK BY E�NE 4?F TH� FC7LLf�WI1�G: � � . APPLY �" GAL�lANI2E13 WIR� MESH C7VER ENTIRE SURFAC� AND �INISH WFTH 'TWO COATS QF INS�L]LATIN� CEMENT TR+D�ELEI7 TC] A HARD E'IHiS�i . ; � b. APP�LY A SMOQTHIN�G �C�AT �F INSULATII�� CEMEN'T. WHEN DRY� APPLY A Cc]ATIt�G OF FYftE-RETARDA�iT LAG�ING ADHESIVE. �MB�D A LAYER dF �FEN--WEAV� GLASS CLQTH, QVEftI,A£'PING ALL SEAM� 2"„ ` p►1ND FII�I SH WITH A S�CQt3D C�AT �}F SAkfE ADHES I VE. c. I NSUL.A,'T'k: WI T�i FA��'a�RY A�.'P]L i�D ALL SERVI CE � JACKET` fAS.7 ) FAG�NG. ,]C}INTS FN F,ACTC}RY APpLI�n FA�CING SHALL BE CaVEEtEI3 WITH 4" WIDE 5"�RIi�� L�F SAME NiATERIAL,� CEMENTED IN PLA�E. � � � 'PHE RADISSU� �tE9012'� VAIL SEPTEMBER 1.992 1518� - 3 � � � IN'3ULATIDN TH�CKNESS � MINF�6UM THIGKI�ESS PTPiNG �YS'F`EM I�OMINAL PIPE SI2E f IN�HES ? � a�E AF�D 1�1/4 2-1l2 HLATINiG TEMF . F. BEI�OW "I`� � TO 9 AB�}VE 4 � LC?� `TEM�Ei�ATLJRE HEATING WATER 12� T'O Z00 �/2 1 1-1/2 1-1f2 � PL[fi�IHI1�G HO'� WATER 100 TC} 15Q 1/2 1 1 1-112 � TANK & ECtLIIPMENT SERVICE MINFMUM I N�ULATI C}�i TEMPERATURE 'i'H i�CI�NESS � H(7T S�F2FACE5� Itv1DO0R C(]NUITIONS �pQ°F �+r � ' EI�D OF' SEGTIDtV � � ' � � ' � � THE RADISSUN RESQRT VAIL �EP'�EMHER 1992 1�I�a - +� � � � SEC�IQN 15�100--�'LUl�iBIHG: � P �' 1.�[l�-PL��L]l3UCT8 , 1.01 @I�iN�a A. WP,STE AN� VENT DF�ATNAGE PIP�NG: UNI}�R SLA� � 1 . MAfiEEtIAL : � A. HEL(]W U£��i�l`I)�: 2 I NGI�Y �I'LE MIl31I MCll+i� 'r S�PL3�1" � STANDARD WEf�HT CAST IRON M��HAIVECA�, SL,i1� 3CtiNT PIP� AI�D �'FTT�I�GS . EACK�'IT,L WITH SANI� T� 6 Ii�CH LE1�TH UV�R P�L�E. "NQ-HE.iB" PEF��IiTTEIJ BELC3W SLA� s7t� GRADE C�NLY WHEN CASfi IRON TYP� C�t�FLIt�GS SE]CF� AS '�I°�.G" � BF�AI�D t]R HEAV� L EJTY Ct]�i�'L I NGS SUCH P,� "CLAMFI�LL" P,�t� US�D WHI�CH M�ET ALL CODE AAiD REGULAT I ON RE4tJ I�EMENTS I NCLUDI NG L�1CAF., �LEV�S I ON AND I�C'Ha LISTING.. � B. ABOV� �RADE: � 1 , � TNCH STZE AND SMAi�LER, CASx IRf3N DRAI�IAGE PATTE�N FITTINGS . ALTEfZNATE: �OPPER DR�,INAGE TUBE mSCPE DWV G,�IT�1 CAST BRASS SD�I7ER .7t7INT D�tAIN1�GE Fi'�TI�1G5 . USE A[}AP'i'�£tS AT GRA�E � CCfI�NECZ'iaNS TC] CAST IRON FIF�. ALTERNATE: "°i+iCl-HUB" a�RVICE i++T�I�uHT CAST iR[]N PIPE A1dD FIT'X'INGS, 9 INCH MAXTMLI� SIZE. 2, 2 l./29° S�ZE AND LA1�GE�,; S'I'Ai+-ff7A[�'�3 WE�G�f`T CA�'i' � IR{]N 5C?IL �'TPE AND �'�'�°TING�, OR "N�(?-�i[JB" �ERVICE WE�GHT CAST IEtON PIPE A�It3 FITTINGS, 4 �NCH M�►}CIMUM SIZE. � Z . 301NTS : A. MECHA�IGAL: �LIP FIT WI�'�i L,UBRICANT AND CaM- ' � Pf�ESSION T€lOL, FL�X R.ING TU C�3I�FORM TO ASfiM C-�64 . B . BdLLI�R: �5/5 (TIN-�ANTIt�SC7NY } {]� �a .5/9/ . 5 (TIN- CCJPPEE�°SILVE�i) Q'VER F'LUXE� PIFE A�f� 1FI"'i'TINGS . � G. NC1-HU�3: CQF��ta�:[�t� RESISTANT �CLAMP ASaEMB�,Y f3VER FY�EJC SEALII�G SL,EEVE CO�1�"�RMiNG TO �►STM t".-5�4 . � �3. Ht3T A�IU C�LD WATER �BC1�41'E GR(3llNI�: � ]L . MP►TERrAL: TYPE "T.�," HARD-i�RAWN CDPPER T�IBiNG. 2. 3aIN�`S : I�EAr1 'i'Q FULi., �iAMETER, �,.�PLY FLU�{ TO PIPE ON PIPE SMAL�.ER 2HAN 1 �.I2„ At�i� �"C1 k�I�E ANI} FITTINGS �N SI��S OVER 1 � 1/2" . USE 95J5 �TIN-Al�lTIMC?N�'} C7R 95. 5/4/ . 5 4TIN-C�3FPER-SILVERI P�ICJ LEA[� S OLDEI� ANk� APQR�P�I ATE H�AT. � TNE RAI�ISSON IZ�SQRT VAIL SSP'�EMB�R 1392� 154�0 � 1 � � � 3 . FITTIN�S s 1�S FSI SQLI]ER �7DIiVT CC�PFE� 4ft BRASS FIT"�INGS OR ADAPT[JRS . USE Il��llLATING CINION� A'� ALL CQN�IE�TI+DNS � �E'�WEEN S'TE�L, BRAS 5 , BROi�ZE, �RC�N, At�D CQPPEFt F�PE. �,. EQUIF�IEN'F gftAINS : � 1 . MATEk�IAL: 'I'YPE rrM„ HA�`t�'t-L�RAWtJ �QPAEFt WTTii TEE AND REMDVABL,E PLUG AT EV�fRY CIiA1riGE I N D�REC'FI C1N. � D. NATURAL �GA3 PIPI��: MA�"ERIAL, C!�ATINGS, YDENTIF`ICATIC}N, JOII�ING ANR S[IE�PORT ME'i'HOD P�R REaUIREMEt�TS �F LOGAL GP,� UTILITY . � 1 .02 VALVES AND PIPING SPE�IAL'�IE�� � A. VALVES : �HAL�., �#E WALW�}RTH, CRAN�, STdCKHAM, KENNEDY, RED & W�3I'i`E, 1�I�MMflND, JENKINS, JC3MAf� IN AGC�RDANCE WITH THE �'OLLC]WING SCHEDI�LE. EXCEPT A� UT�l�;kWi S� Nt�rTEn: � 1 . COFPEf� P I PE: A. GATE VALVE: 13R[7NZE, 4�EDGE DISC, TP.PE�tED SEAT, � RISIPFG �TEM, SCR�WEb ;�C�NNE`T, 125 I�B. S .W.P , , 200 L�. W.�.�G. , HAMMONA N�7. 1B-635. � H. CI�ECK ';IAL�E: BRON��, �++1.Cl.C. �tE1�EW�,SLE DI SC, 15 p�GREE S�i�IING CHECK, Y PATTERN, HAMM�NU NC#. 18-941 . G. BALL VALVE: ALL �RONZE II�CLUDTNG BALL, TEF`LON � SEF�'�`, MiNIi�[UM 7Z� F'QRT, HAMMONA NC3. ��7� . f7, S�f.��NT CHECK VAL'VE t WI LL I AMS-iiA�EFt. � Z , �'ERRDUS PIP�: � A. GATE VALVE 2" AND SMAi�LER: IRC?N HODY BRONZ� MOUNTEDf S�L�D WEDGE, RISING STEM, SCRE43EU, 15fl LB. S .GI.P , f 225 I,B. G1.�t.G. , WALWC?RTH #711 , , �. G�'�'E VALVE 2 1 l 2" F�ND LAR�ER: I RON �O�Y BRON 2E MC1U'PITEQ� �OLI D WEDG�, RI S I1'�G STEM, F'LA�#GE'17 (SCREWEDi +OPTI D�"fAL T�C7 3 fe SI�E) , 125 LB. S .W.P , , 200 LB. W,i7.G. , WALWORTH #719F. � C,. CHECK VALVE 2" ANI� �I�AI.�GER: AY�L IRCJN, SWING CHECK, 2 5 i] L,B. W.C7.G. , WALWdRTH #9 0 4 . = L�. CH�CK VAi��JE 2 �i 2'� A�1[� v�RG�R: I RaN BGC�SL �f�ONZE Mt}L)!�'PE�?, SWING G�dECK i �CREWED C�PTI d�1P,L TO 3" S I��) , 3.2 5 LB. S .W.P . , 2[]0 LB. W.C�.G. , WALGdOk`�H #'�28F. � 3 . REFER TC] S YMBO� LEGE�f DS C7�I DRAWII�FG� F[JR TYPE. � THE R�DIS34N RE�30RT VAIL 3EFTEMBL�R 199� 154A0 - 2 � � � B, PT�I�iG SPECIA�L�TI�S A[V� ACCES�QftiES: � 1, MAC�iiUAL ��� VENT; CE�Ai�f� t�D. �C3 2 Gt��K . �. DRAIN VALV�S; CFtANE Ai0. 451 (1" ��R LINES °�0 5" , 2" � F�D1Z LINES 5" AHD UP ) . 3 . �TRAINER: CAST BR�DNZE, WYE PATTERN, WALaWf3RTH #3699 1/2 DR IRON B�ODY WYE PATTERI�. CRANE t�D. 98� �.f 2 . �RC]�lIDE BLt}W—+OFF` � F!�R ���CH STE�AI NER P I PEf� '�O NEAREST FLatlR D�2AI N . 4 . TEST GTEI,�I�: TEMPE�ATURE ANA PRESSUI�E TEST PLUG; � E�ET�RSaN BRAIVD, Z VAL,VE CC]RE. �'ROVI�E C7I�E �IME'TAL, DIAL THER.MOM�TER 0 TC] 2 2� E�E�GRE� RP,AI�E AND ONE 1 J�'" � .F.T. , WI TH PRE3 5LlRE GAU�E ADAPTER i I]AVI S Pi:�1D Q�+,'+l�5 OF �7ENVER, MANllF��TURER' S R.EFRESENTAT3 VE) . � PR(�VI'DE �N� E�RESSl7�3E GA4J�E PER PAFtAG�tA,P� 5 BELOW ( 0-1Q0 PSIG1 . �'HEEtMOMETER FRQHE TO Fr`P TESx k�LUG. 5. PE�ES�1�i�E GAUGE: MA.f�tSHAL�L'PdWN "PER�AGA��"' �]� TRERICE � tVO � �OOX� 4 1/2" DIAI.�r WITH CFZANE NO�. t3$ �i�EDLE VALVE F'{�R EA�H GAUGE, PI.,US �IPH(�N F'OFt EAG� S'i'EAM GAUGE. UT AL RAI�GE AS t�{ITEi� (7N I7F2AWINGS . i�EKSLEk�, c�.A.E. PERMAZ+11E�iTLY MO€�flT GA.UG�S AS II��ICA`TED � 4N DRAWIMGS . G . THERMCIMETE�S : � iNCH SCA�E, RED MEF�CURY—FI I,LED � CCILUI�4�i, E�PAII�SI�b� HEADS Tf7 P�tOTECT AGAINST ExTREt�� HEAT, S�PARABL� SOC4CET WELL, S'1'�MS Pi8 E�EQU�REL3 FOR EAS� IN REAi)ING FROM F'LQDFt. MARSHALL,T�WN, TREE�ICE, WEKSLER, flURU, q.A.�. � 7 . Ui�IDNS : 2 1I2" ANL� 3M�,LLER, GRQUND �C?IN`i' TYP�; 3„ A�D LARGER, FLAI3GE UNIONS . � 8 . E}C�ANSTQ�t ,70�NT5 ; C & H "FL�XU'�ICS" f�.A.E. WTTH SLIP GUIDES AND ANCHQR� AS SHl7Wt� CtN l7RAWINGS , ALTER�IA�'E: SPECI�IED ON DRAWINGS . � ]..03 .ACCES� PI,A'TLS: AC�ESS PLA�ES SHA��, HE P�IME—COATED STEEL FQI� PAT NTED 'fi+iALLB P,,NA SHALL HE �QU I PPED WI TH ALLEN KEY LC)CK I1�G DEVI GE. � A�L [?'I'HER ACC�SS PLAT�S A�ffl PAiVE�S SHA�,L BE APPi�flVED BY E1�G�NEER PF�ID�t 'P�Q INSTALLATiON . � 1 .09 +D'THER 1'iATUR�ALS; ALL [7THER MAT�I��ALS, NOT S�'ECIF"ICALLY E7ES�CRI$�D, BUT Ft�QllI REC3 �'O�{ A GflM�LETE ANT� ARUPER I NST,F+,LLP,TI4E�, �HALL �E NEW, FI&ST QiJALITY FC}R TfiEIR RESPECTI'�7E KINDS, SI�BJEC'� TO � `I'HE APPR4VAi� OF 'T`HE E�iGIN�ER, AND INCLUL�ED YN THE HAS� s.:0i�"I'EtACT. � � TH� RAI�YSSON FtLSORT VAIL SEP�EMHER 1992 1540�Q �- 3 � ' , �ART �.Qa--EXEGUTIUN � 2.41 SEE SECTIUN 1501�7 . � � .02 PLU�I�THG 5YS'T�H �i,AYC]UT: 1 A. �E1��RAL: 1 . LAY�Um THE FL€�MBING SYSTEM IN �AREFUL C4GRDINATI�TI WITH xHE GRAW'II�GS, DETEI�ti#INi1+iG PR(�A'�k �L�V.F,`�Ii�NS FU�2 AL� CC1Ml�QNENT� � 0� TIiE SYSTEI�. A�lI7 iJSING U�fLY �'HE MIN�I'��iM NUMBE�t c7F �"�TTINGS TO PRt3l�UCE A SA'TI�FACTOR�LY FUNCT�C]NIt�G SYSTEM. � 2 . F+QLLUW THE UEDI�RAL �AYt7[lT SE�lO'4JN L�td THE DRAWINGS L�1 ALL CASES EXCEPT A� REQUIREU TO C�t]RDit�P.TE AVAILASI�E SFACE WITt� O�HER TRAU�S . � S. EMCE��SLtRE Q�" P I P�S : ExCEF'� WI�EF2E SPECIFICALLY PEI�t�fl T'TED BY THE ENCINEER, LAYOU'� ALL PIPES TO FALL WITHTN PARTIT�ON, CEILI�G, 47R R�C7F CAVITI�S . FURRING [�T�iER THA,N THP,T SH�3WN ON `�HE � DE�AWI NGS �S l�0'� PERMITTED WITH[]UT �NG�NEE�t °S PRTOR AF�'Rf3VAL . C, FREEZE P�C1�'EGT`IC�I� : DRAWrNGS ARE UTAGRAMMATi� . R(�E]TE � pI'PING TO AV�ID ��REEZE U� . 2,�]3 TRENCiiING AN�] ,�A,C�tFILL�NG: �'ERFC3RM ALL TFtENCHING AND � HAGKFIL�IN� AS�UCIATED ��iITH `�HE F�LUMFiIt�G INST�LATIt]N IN STftICT ACCOR'�ANGE WITH ALL P�RTINENT PRc�VIS�C]I�� a��' SECTI�N 111200 f?F `T'HESE SPECiFICATI�NS , � 2 .Q�! �NSTP�3�LATIC�N vF �Ii��iVG AND E+QIi�QlYIL[�iT: � A. GE�(E�AL ; 1 . INSTAL� �,L PI�ING TG CDNSTAI�T SLOPE �]R GENER�LLY � L,EV�L Ai�1D PLUM� AS REQkUIRED B`� L�SAGE AN� HER��N, �REE FE�.C�M TRAPs�, ANI� IN A kS�A�+III�ER TC7 �:ONSERVE SPACE Ft]R CsT'HER W[]RK . � 2 . '�ROVI D1� UM I FC�RM A I TC1� (]�` Afi LEAST �./4 I NCH PER F0�'F FC?R ALL HC]f�IZ�NTAI� G3�S"I'� �'IPING GJI'T'HIN 'PIiE BUILDiNG; PITCH A�,L VE't�11'PS FC7R FRs�P�R U�AINAG�; INSTALL V�MT i�I'PIING WITH E�,CH BEND 45 D�GREES �II1�I M[,IM FROM 'I`i�E HCIFt I Z[}NT.AL WH��:EVE°l� S'�RUCT�!RAL CON�I TI C3�1 S � WILV PER1"iI'P. � � THE kAD��S13�i L�E�(]FtT V..�+„IL SEPTEMBER �992 15�Uf] -- 4 � r � � . PRC�VIDE Ct7M�'LETE I5C7LATION OF �7I58IMIL� fiiETALS WITH �IE�ECTRIC UNIC�NS; AFaiiCHflf� PI'�II�G AND I1�STA.I�L EXPANaIC}N GUIDES TO ' P1�OVI I�E �Q€� UN I F[�RM TH�RMAL MOVEMEt�T OF P I PE WI�HOUT �XCES S I VE ST'RESS C]R I�C7I5E AND T(3 PRQTEC�T SY3`�'EM Tti'�EGY�ITY FFtOM EXCESSiVE PRE�SL�RE AND WATER �fA3�iMER. ,� 4 . II3SPECT EA�� PIE�E OF' PIP�, TU�IIVG, FITTIIVGS �TD �QUIPMEt3T FQR DEFECTS P,1�iD t�BSTRllCTIQ��', PROMP`�LY REMCIV� F�LL IlEFECTI VE MATERI AL FktOM �'HE J QT� S ITE. � 5. Ii�15Z"ALL PIP�.S Tc7 CLEAE� ALL B�.A�M,� ,P�.�1D U�3STRE.lCfiIONS ; DO NOT (+UT I t�'i`+Q UR REDU�E T!H� �I ZE L7F LOAI� �ARF�Y i Nl3 t�EM�ERS WI THOUT ' THE AFPRaVAL OF THE ENGIN�E� . B. .�JINTS AN1� �c::ON�Et�`I'I[7NS : � l . S�€OOTHLY R�AM ALL CUT �IgE.' �:'UT A3.,L THR�.�US S'�RAiGHT AI�D TRU�; I�PPLY �EST �UALYTY TEFLUN TAPE Tt? MAT,E �'IP� "i'HREADS; U5E GRA�HITE O� ALL �LEANUf�T �'LUUS . � 2 . CC}MPRES5IUN—`i'1'PE .�Et]F'RENE J�INTS FC}R WASTE PiPING ARE PREFERRED AS SPEC�FIE� HER�I1� . � 3 . MA,ftE ALL ,]�+INT�a IN C�DPPER TU�E WiTH �OLDER AQPi,IEE� �N �TR I CT" ACC4RDANCE WI TH 'PH� MAAiUFAC.TUf�ER' S RECC}MMENDA`�I(]N S , USE 95/5 (T�N--ANTTMUNY ) t�ft 95. 514/ . � (TIN—COPFER—�ILVER) �f�N—LEAD �7R � SIMILAI� QN AL� AS�VE GRP.DE C(}PP�R PI�?ING. SILV'ER SOLDER { BRAZ�I31 J[JINTS C71� AL� BELsJW GRADE C{�PPE�t PI�?ING. � � EAl!] dF SECTION i 1 I 1 1 ' THE RADI3SQ�i RESURT V14�.IL SEL�TEMBER 1992 1�qpp — � � � � SECTION 1560€1--HEA"P GENERATI�QN: � PART 1.QO---GE�ii�RAL � ],.D1 �ELA'FED i�QRK DES�RIBED ELSEW�iERL: 1 . PLUM�4INGt SECTI�N 3.�40� � 2 . INBULATION; SECTIQ�I �5180 � 1.0� YN3TALLAT�ON [)F E'[�L�iPME�IT ANi9 A53�CI�TED FIPI�i�. � A. GENERAL: 1 . bOTLER AIVD Dc�M�STIC WATER HEATI�tG S�fSTEMS SHAL�L SE INSTALL�D AS SHUWN �7N PLANS, L�VE� ANL� �'i�l]Mt� �+7;TH P,I�JAC��€T WAi�LS . � 2 . ALL Ct7N�fECTItJG �'I�'ING TLt ��I�IPM�i�T SHALL 3�E i�STALLE�J IN 3�[ECHP.�fICAI1 �tC1UM T� �"F{C1�1�C7� A�E�?U?�TE FiEA� �L�.Ak�I�E Ut3G�.R PIPING � A1VD f�c�(]9� AR[7LJi�U �C�iJi PMENT �'U� SE�eVT c'f� . �I PINU �N i.:EI LI1�iG SPACES SHALL H� I fl STALLEU I i� CC]C�FCU��lA�'I ON WI TH Ai�L CJTHER TRP,UES . � 3 . ALL PIPING IN HEATING SYSTEt�ia �HALL HE IN3TALLED TC} RI�E iJNFFORMLY iM `�HE DIREC�'IfJN O�' 'PHE FL�W AtVU AT EVERY CHANGE IN ELEVATI�N PRC�VIUE At_.G.ESSI�LE MANUAL AIR VENTS AT T�iE HIGH POINTS . � 4 . RE�'E� ALSC3 TC� SECTIt3N 1544f] . � 1.il3 FLll3HING []F HEATIt1G SYSTEMS-. A, c;ENERAL � � 1 . FLllSH ANL� TEST �A(TIRE SYSTE�i PI�'Ii�G PRIOR Tt] IiV-- STALLATZ ON [�F ANY C�1VER1 NG C�� i N SUL.AT I NG MA`�ER I AL. WHEN REQU I RED BY GONSTRUCTIt��] SEt�L1E1�C:E, £��RTION� O� SYSTEMS t�1,AY BE S�PP,RAT�I.YY � TESTEL� . '�RI'i`T�1� VERiFICATIGN UF T��TING TU A� BIGNED �Y PROJECT SUPERV'1 Si?R A1VD �UBtMiI TTEU T�3 �1�GI1�E�R . ' B. F�EJS�iINu: THQ#�QUG�fLY CLEP.N ANU F�,USi� HEATI�G SYSTEM WI'I"H HEATED TR�—SOI}YUM �'�i[�SPi-I�TE �C�Li�TION . � � � THE k�ADISSQN RE3�RT VAIL SEP`TEMHLR 7199� 156Q0 — I � � � �, AD�I'�°IVES : � 1 , M4 AD�ITI VES O�' AI�Y TYPE SH�LL BE �.hiT�L�T�UC�I� i Nmt� TH� SYSTEM GZITH��lT �RIs7� AF��tC�VAL. PkvPYI.PENE GLYCOIL �HAi,L 8� �NHi�ITEI3 TYPE AND S[�Li�'I`I�}� �i�ALL TEST :'s€3� PLUS �7E� MI�f�1S �`� AFTER 9Es Ii(3Uft5 OF ' C[3NTINUt3�]S CFRCULA'PIUN . NC} CHROM�.'FE SDLUTIt�hf SHAI.�L BE II�ITR(]i}LiCEL1. A PERMANEIVT SIGI+1 SHALI� �E C�f�SP�CUQ[7SL]t M0��1'TED IN Ti-IE BUILER R43QI� S`PATING THAT TH� i3EAT�NG SYSTEM �tE(�UIRES 3C1`�s PRflFYLENE GLYCQI� 5(]LUTI(3N AT ALL TIM�S, REQUIRES ANNUAL iNHIBITt�i� CHECI{, AMD THAT �i�1Q � ADDITIVES I�ICLU�I�#G CH�.�MATE S�LL9TIDNS AItE TQ BE AI�DED. � END OF' SECTI(7N � � f 1 1 � 1 f 1 , 1 1 � TH� R�DI s soN �kESO�T V�►I L sEe�rE���R i 9 9 2 15+��D � � � � � SEGTItlLV 15700—°1�LCH�ICAL EQUIPM�:1+iT '�CHEDCFLE3 � P .�1�--GE AL t1_UI QUALITY A3SURANCEt � iEE 3ECTIOt�# 15D2�Q . 1.02 S[1BMITT14,L5: G�NEI�AL FRVVISI4N� , S�E �ECTIQN 1541Q . � 1.tl 3 ��[]J��CT COMPGE�I�N: ' SEE S��CTI�DP� 15[145 , ���r z ao---��o� s � 2,�!I �iECHANICAL EqUIPI�iENT SC�i�nUL.E �NOTED [�N DRAWIN�S } � 1 . �4LL T'ERMINAL HEATIi�G E4UIPMENT CAPACITI�S ARE $ASE�J ON 19D°F SUPPLY UNLE�S C�LiTED i�THEF�GJI�E. 13�7° ENTERING WATER ��MP�RA'�URE i 30� P�.UFYLEN� �LY�;C?Ll43ATER SC?L�l]`i'IUN } WITH � TEMPERATUR� i7i��7P S A� NC]TED, 2 . FILL HEA�PING WATER sYSTET�, EXiS�INU �N� NEW P�a�t�r�uNS, WITH � � 30`as PRQPYLENE G�Y[�UL/7D� WATEk S�7LLiTIUN . GLY[:�L SHALL BE INDt.ISTRIAL [�l3ALITY ti�,AT TRP�.tr15�'ER FI,Ui�. FLUSH �YST�M �'U�LY FRIs]ft 'I'C7 Fi1�AL FI�L . ' 3 . �ALL PU4�'iF'� SHALL BE �'A�'�ORY AA�t�TED, FLANGED AND C(]N5'I'1�UCTED �'OFt TE�tgERATLIFeE� U� TG 23Q°F ANb 125 P . S . I .G� �'LLl�D I5 3Cl'� PR�L'YLENE GLYCt]L/W�TER S4LU'TIOlV . ' ��1I7 aF SECTION � � ' � `PHE ft�DI3:�ON 1�E5DRT V#�,IL SLP`TE�fB�R 1992 157(lU — 3 � � � 3�CTION 15'3�41--C(3NTF�(?L5: � P 1.[lQ3— �iE�t ' 1.�1 SCOPl� QF FHIRK: FUR�I S�i A�VD T t�STALL AN ELE�TR I C �R A1H ELEC-- TRQN I C CON'��tbL a Y�TEM AS DES�Cf�I BED ON THE I7RAWI NG5 WI Tl� CC7Ml�C1NENTS MANLIF��CTURED Bx HOi�EYWELL,, JO�HNSC7N, �f�WE�S OR BARBER�CC]LEMIIN � C(}j�'j"�(]� (�"()r4PAN�l . PROVIDE ALL COMPC]NE1V�"Sr MAT��iAL3 A1VD WIRING I E?(CEPT .A�S 1VOTED HEREIN � T� MAKE � C�MPLETE SYSTEM CAPAHLE ❑F Ai�I� CONTRUL RE4UIk�M'EN'TS AN� F'UNLTI�JNS Q�SGRIBEU HEREIN , CC]ORDINATE � CONTROL REQUIR�MENTS WITI� i'ROJECT CC7NTRAC'i'c]RS A�IIE3 E[�UIPMENT SU�PLIERS TO AVQYD CGNFLICT UR GMi�SIUP�S . � 1. 02 SERVIt".�: T�E Ct�N�Rt�L �YSTEt°i ANI] E��JIPMENfi�HALL BE 4�L]AFtAN— TEED FaFt A ��R I G!� UF C}NE YEAF� N R�M �°HE UA'1'� s�F FI NAL AC�CEP`PANC� AT � N{) ADDI T�[]N1�L t�tJST Ti7 TH� UWt�ER , 1.[]3 IE7LNTIFICA�ICIN: E�1Gf�AVEi} MICAFtTP, PLAT�S SH,�LL BE IiVSTAI�LEI? � TC} I I�ENT��'Y RLL MA�3 t}R CGNTROL UN I TS . �1� ALL CQNTRQL, DEV I�CES AN[� AT il��'ERFAC� POIN�"S WITH BUILI7ING EQUIi�MEI�T, TI�ENTIFY WIRES AND CQN`�ROL DEWICE� WITH A'�HESIVE 13AGKED IMPRES�E13 TAP� LABELS . LABE�,S � SHP,LL INDICA`i'E UNIT FUIVC�I'I(]I�S, TEI�IPERA"I'URE SET PQINT, Ai�l�/t]R ID NUMBEft REFERENC��i TC7 CC?N"PROL UTAGRAM, , �.04 C�NTR.O�L DIAGRAM; PRCtiVIDE C[�MPLETE LIT�:R,�,Tt1�E ANI� DIAGRAMS FOR I NCLLlS I QN I I� O. & M. MANUAL S . � 1.�5 CCIORRIt�fATi�N: RE�'ER T� �EN�.�AL PROVISII�NS, DIVISIC7NS 15 AND A�,L fsI� DC3CllMENTS . 1 1.06 SEt1UEN�L O�' UPEi�A'�'I+�]N: � A, H'VA�C ECt�] PMENT 1 . B4IE�ERS IB+QILE�S TO HAVE c].A. RESET CONTROL . PRJVI DE AN []LiTUL}�R AI R SENSGR. L{7CA'�E 5�t�5�}R C7N NC7�RTH E7�POSURE UF BUILDING OR U1�DER � A �UI� SHI��,F�. CaNTR[�LLER SHALL AUTOMATYCAL,LY RE�ET THE HO�.' WATER SUPP'LY 'I"EMPERATEIRE E'f�OFQR`�IDNALLY f��TWEEN THE VRLUES ON THE SGH�D�L� �t3T�D ON pE�AWINGS . � � THE 1�ADISSQ�1 RESORT VAIL SSFTEMBER 1992 1.59QQ -- ]. , � � �Rl7VIDE LE�D/LAG F�RING CO�iTROL `T(7 ALJ7't7MATICALLY FIRE �OILERS T� 3�IAI�TAIfiwt H�}'I' WATER SUPPLY TEMPERA�'UF�E {THIS MAY BE WITH � BOILER PACKAGEI . PRC?VIbE M�.NUAL� SinTITCHES T(7 CHI�NGE BOILEI� �`IRING (7RDER , PROVIDE i�IL[]'� LIGHTS �N THE �3aFUER C�NTR9L PAIVEL T(D I I+iDI CATE PUMP �]PERATI ON. ' 2 . P�f MARY 1�EATII�G WI�TEE� PUMPS_ 3H11'� OE'F H�ATIt�G 4JATE�. PU�f�S AHC}VE 7 CJ°�" {ADJL7STABLE) UUTS I DE ' AIR TEMPERATURE. CaNTRai, SH,�LL ALi�C1W fiHE PL]MPS TD OPEi��4TE B�LOW 6�°F (ADJU�TABLE� C7UTS I D� AI R TEMF�RAT[�F2�. PRaVI DE �iL�1T LIGHT� II� THE CONTROL PAN�L 'T0 II�DICAT� PUM!P O�ERATI4�N . � LOCATE C]UTsIDE AIR SENSOFt Gt� I�C]RTH SIU� C}F �3UiLDING OR UNEJE�t A S�JN �HIE'LT?. � B, DC►MESTIC HOT W,�aTEK SYSTEMS �, . DQM��TIC HOT WA'rER F�ECIRGULA,TI[��G PUMF'S [�'-1 .__� ) ' `I'HE DOM��TIC �i�'Y' WA'I'ER FUMFS SHALL kU�J ?4 HdLIE�S A L7�Y . �'URNISIi & INS7`ALL A H�N�+ uN/UFF �WITC:;H �'+OR E.ACH �UMA . � 1 .f]8 LQCAL C[3NTFlt?L PA1+iiELS � A. P�E?VI L7E �N[7 IN�TAL,I� �:ONTF�(?L €��AiELS FC}R 'I'H� HOI LER SYSTEM AI�iD [70MESTIC WATER SYS'TEM. T�1� PAI�JELS SHAI�I� BE TOTALLY ENCLUSEI7 WITH HII�GED DOOR AND CC7�f'�AI1� ALL RELAYS, SWITCHE�, GAUGES, �T�. Ti-IE B�ILE'� CGI�TRCIL PA1�1EL �HALL B� BY Bt1E�riIk�AM AS INDZCA'I'E� . � � .4]9 WIRING OF CONT�[lL DEj7I�CE5 IA. CONT�.C]L DEVI CES LARRY I�iG FULL LOAA Ci�RRENT FU'�N i SH�D BY MECHANI+CAL ANI3 V3I REL� B'� ELECTi�I CAL �HALL BE LOCA`�ED AT TH� D�VI CE BFIDi�G CON�'I�OLLEDr LJi�ILES`�' S�'IOWIJ QN THL+' DRA43IN�5 D�' MLlTUAL A.GR�"EM�"1+#T ` I� MAO� BETWEEI� THE COt��FRAC�'O�S WIT�i N(] CHA�IGE Il� THE CC1�iTf�AC''P FR�CE. � l .lil SYS�'�!d CHLCKQUT: P�IOR T� CONTRCIL PERSQNS LEA�II�iG ,�0� SI�E, �HEY �L35fi C�J[VFT�tM IN W�I'TIN� T� �HE ��GI�IE�R T€i�,T ALL SYS'��MS ARE � (��+E�.ATI1�+G SA�IS�°AG'��]�tILY A� SH4�WI� C7N APPR�VED SH�i�' I�ftAWINt�S . � E:�3L� vF �EC"P�Crt� ' � EN� +�F �IVISIQN I� , THE R,AI}iSB+DN RE��RT VAIL S�PT.�MB�R 1992 1`�9i�a — 2 � EQl�IPMENT�G�IE� J�L�E ���'�N� . PIPINU & �ISTTII!V�G S�HEDULE ���' ---- `\ � � - I I WA TEFt LEVLL SP� C�NCRLTE [�LCK j �'= - z --�� - �_ _-,�-- � 7� - —�- � O CIRC;Ui�AilU�l N�JMP � i12 HP STA-F�iTE #P4E6F� ?30V 7 5 AMPS /' i \'_./ � ,f - c-r ., _ � � SPA .3ET RETURtV PIP6NG 2" f D � I � � �ARTRII�GF FIL tFR 15U GPM STA-R�TF_ #S8N1150 �l�-- f _ �_ ' �__ _ ___�� 1 � .' w , ,t v o � SPA ,�� SUCTION PIP�N� 2 il7' I D � � H�ATER H�At EX4',HANGER CpR�.SUN 1() � STAINLESS ST�FL -- � @ -�---' = � � �2 _ _P�"_ ��----- �-- � 1 I�_� �I � � SPA MAIN f�RAIN C1RC PIPING 2"` I.CJ CHEMI(;AL F=�EDER RAINf30W#320 INLINE P q � • _ __ �-�-----�-- : � O d1��-=, i�—-� _ — � SPA SKII'1�N1ER SUCTION P9PlNG 7' f E? ===1f ` � p+� Q�C7NF S�NITATIC�f� CL�AI�WA1'�R rECH UV -280Cf i 15V 3 AMPS __ I .'J � � t�`' O SPA C'IRC RETLIRN P6PtiNG 2" I D � � 1 � JET I�UM�' 2 HF� 2 Sl�f� S�'A-f�ITE #�4RA6YGl. (3) �3f7V 12 AMPS � ���� � _ I �----i�� 1 _ � �- �....�LqG � �..�—C�� � �� �,� � = HYDRaTHE�APY J�"Y �_� _ __ _ OTM�R �QUIPMENT �; �K. GUf�I7E S�Itl�r�-URE I ,2e� � = IN�ET RETURN ---� _ - T � BALL VALVE SP�ARS-C�MPACT PVC � \,� - �� �/Q = VV'�' NIGH� LIGI�I'T SQOW � FLOW MET�(� l3LU'F-1NHITF INDUSTM�S PVC; / �4 fZd�E3AFt CONT. (� 5TlLiFt NQSE- �K = SUFi�AC� �KIMMER OUTI.� ; � . _ � �� ,� ��z �p = MAIN �DRAIt�I OUTLEfi ��� �; p = �°a�� con�RO� � S'PA CRIT�CA� DATA . � � F��F: S1 LLL �CI ICrJULC -----��� , �j ,,� � SPA SHAPE SQ l)AT��. ' , . � �l''�� � 'c+ J `�'�,�_l�:tS c v� r� d�-wGrc r�. n �.� �. ,. �� SPA l7lM��lSIONS �.. 3Z-p w V 2-c� . ' � al t , t> 1"�e' L-�' C�., �.bUa. . .�1�,P!3^7;�(, i..n �- � t w c � • b :�r� � �r'u,l �'n n..i y i U / .� ��`�% � �_ ,,,•�,ti,��' `o� �� 6" E3EC) 3/4" ROCK UNDCF2D�AiNA(;� ��°J�`�'%° F�YDROTHFRA�PY JETS �8 TYPICAL � �1 D�� �� �'�f"'�,=�'!''1>�'t`,>•�� P,f! ,.,n l� r , :�U� aL�•i• �—, / � r, . {� 7�,•> r��-r�is3 •,..-7 �. i����. .r :' ` � �' . WATER SURFACE AR�A 1`� S � 1 __ - - _ _ _ KIMMkER Ol1TL�T - SEF DErAIL �\ wA�r-�aurv� P��inn�-r�R..�B _ � � ST�EP SECTIUN � �EQIJIPM�f�T L,AYOIJ�T & �CHEMAT�I� -- � .. - OUrSIDE P�RIM�TER 56 � F SCALE i"-1 ' --�--�--. - IV t�T T O S C A L E � ��----.�-. ---- __�.A_ ����� �fVT�Rf4R SuRFAC� Af�EA -33 �o S F r '� � . t Q TOTAL VflLUM� �375 GALS �� . � '�J Q�e TY��C.A� ; - �+ ` � TlJR�"UVER ���- �iRS Q4,`„� S� � F�EMC�UAHLE COVER - I ± � � r ; ' ' TURtJOVE� RATE l 12 , � GPM � �-b --.. ------ --- , ; i i � CA��UL41�d� TDH 5 3•� �T HEArJ -;�---- ---- . I � ' - _e - . _ �' '_—�___`-�_- ----�'� --._ _I`. � ' �_._ __ ---- _ _ ESTDMATED BA�HER L0,4p IaC� P�UDAY �, � -- - ------ - _--- -- -_ _ _ _ �� bi1 _ - L F #4 �iA9RPp�l R�BAR �. - � D3S1'ANCE TO �Q191P , 130 --- � , � j ' --___�__._.__ � — - - � ----- __ _ _ S 2�-O'� - - - - ,'� �' �. ` i � ,�_ .� -- . . -- � -- - � _ � �� —� � iz �- ,z � z --- 'I. _ , r � �, u I� f „ �' t � 0 � � _ ; ' '� ' - . -- �z' — I suc raorv ��PE �a �u�� � I�I a � � i � _ ' � I � , � „ -I��� ; ' : ; - . I�� �, �c� ����F�cE � � . / -! - - - -�_ - � . � _ ; ; �z o ���� z��,� fi � 1f II� . � ,- ��.-r--�. p _ __ .� I _ �Z'� �+ I I ' ! . _� r �II4- WAT�R LEVEL " � l - � ��, lNL�T F�CF�E -_ � . . � � � • - !� ��_ i � � � • � � � -- / ( i j � -�- -�---__.__. __ 3-�� V2` - --- - - - -- , . . - i -o-,- I=�'-� I-o -f � _ w i � _ ,:, , I � , (_ � EC�U�I IZE�t �.fNE - ��,� -----_..__._ �-- _ j .,. � � -- _ ` ! ��� FACE PL ATE �I T V I I h I I . { � __ � � � ' II � . �,:��---.�_�..__P-- �� �-- t�C AST E k `F I1�1V�H . 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B� PN�EUMA�'ICA�.LY APP'�IED MORTAR (SH'UTCR�T�) CLASSIFGEQ � - AS GRADE "A"` CO�YCRETE SUB.�ECT TO ZFiE PROVISIONS �OF TH� LOCAL COD� AND Q /f - � � ' AC� 506-2-89 SoHOTCRE�E SPEC4FICATIQNS Cl? � w % � " " :�,x � L�„I � �, 1 ��;��;'��, � GRC3UT 5�iALL BE CUMPOS�D O�' $ 112 SAC�{OF CEMENT, 34°/a �'EA CRr4VE'�L, 70% � � f�� �- P�ASTER F�NISH '� n z �� I� � �%` SAN� 3 TO 5 iOZ. AIR ENTRAINING COMP�UND, 2 Td 5 OZ. WATER REI�UCItJG „ � � , a° RD. CYCC7L/AC M4AIN DRAIN �Ul LET ; �', � ADMIXTCIRE, '�4% WAY�F� WITH 4" SLUMP AN� 6000 PSI COMPR�FSSING S�RENGTH AT Z '� ° �� �, , � ' 28 aAYS — ; , , . <� Q ABS SUMP E30DY "yr� � REINFORCING STEEL SHALE. B� DEFORM��D �3AR5 CONFQRMING T� AS�M SR�C A616 � �j _ 3'p`���_ _� �' . - _ �,. ,� , � , W�L� F16TING 8 EYEBA� G�A[3E �#0 _ iF�YDf20���TlG RELI'E'F VA!LVi �_ , - _} i Z Z ���� �N T E F71 O F7 F 1 Ifr1 I SH ,� � � � / _ � LAP ,t�LL BAR,S 36 �IAME�f�FtS M1�9MUMf. ALL S�'iRRUPS. TEES AND DC)WFLS SHALL �� � Q �" �.�e SuCTlol� PI1�� / -------� ---� / -- �� � � a � ,� ii A615 GRAD� M0 � � _ . ------ - --__-� ; ��- ___- ------ � � � a � ---�----- ----�- ----'T - _ � ° • . . � _�'_���_�--`� , _ __-� -- PROVIDE 2" GL�ARANCE OF RE�NFC}R�CEML'�1` FROM SOiL IN WALLS AND 2 :314„ �;- — -- - .�`- � � . � � • , , R , _ '� CLEARANCE IIN SLABS. vSE ALL #4 SARS. � Q ° . * � �, , " � ' _ . , % � JET N4ZZEL ' � a � � , ' _� ' " - , ;% i { CONCRETE {S�b�TCRk��) SHALL BE �'LACEU AGAINS7 Uh�DISTI�RBED NA tURAL SOII_ Q a ' [ ^i! --6 �. �� . ,�, t � � "�,� - . ----� � � I aR A�iAINST iFII..L COMIIPACTED TO 9Q% MINII�AWM PROCTOR D�NSBTY, � m F. _ ,,�.� , � ^�- � � : f , r � �- , , ,'�r r ',. . — .;- , 6 � ,l' ,, ,,,� �� f '. , - ,,;,��r �" ------- - - --� i� �_--- - _ BE DA!M1IeP CURED FflR A MININfUM OF 1a DAYS AFT!ER � � O i; �� , , � ,'uy e , � . - � E ( HOTCRE� ) HA�L < <,:�� : CON � - � - . � - : .,�����r - . , -�;-- _ ___ --_____. ... _ _ ._'Y"��-T��c._ ' ; �'� ---��.;, l F� IF1G CRET S E S ,-,l ; �,�g i � r � `—"--- � I �"1` � ' - , - , ;� �.� �.., " � �O , �� n c-,:, , 0�, , . � i `` RE�: STEE� SGF1EDlJLE ,���� ,, i , . �,� � � i ; i � ' IT � � � f g � � � i e ' ; ,. ',, -,�� -° , � �', -{�,•,� r� -� , �;- � k� � r.� I � I x I � � � ' �' � � U . �.ol� `;�}.' ,+„���. .. f � '-' ��� . .•: . .� "�, :, i��'���`, , - �'±+.-I , ���. �'� �-�C��L A�VID S�A RECIRCULATION �'IPE SHALL B� PVC SCNEDULE 4(l OR B�TT'ER. a � � O � >'•�,�, �r,,�(�' � F � � � � � �, � � �. .�y Drl �__ ---Rl--� � „ ,► _ `,, f�y 4 >4s:� 4H�"„�b�e,'> -__ WATER DISCHARGE FROM PUMP {, "r ^ � , P�OL A�VD SP'A SF�ALL B� CONSTRI�CI�'ED IN C�MPL�ANC€ V1I1�H "ZH� NA�'ION . Z � ---�_ 6 E3E� 3/4 ROCK UND�ftDF2AlI�AG� EC�LECTRIC CiC3�7E" 1993 F�A'Na��BK � ARTICLE 68a ALL APPL9CA�L� SECTI' " N - COLI ECTI(J'JV TU't3E �__ 6_-�- T.�� I D. - ±,}�:��i V �.; 4 `r� X � PQTABL� WA'TER INLETS lNTO POOL AND SPA F�R N1A�(E UP WATER WHE�• �„Pp�R���S�. �� �� Q : .� � '° ��� � P R Q�E C T�a f 3 Y A I�I S T E'� A T N I O S H E R I C V A C U U M B R E A K E R, S H A L L �A V E 5 1��, �%�.G��� �'� � u' °� 4 P�RF�RATED D�tAIN PIP� � , ATMOSH�RIC BREAK��t I�ISTALLE� QN ZHE DISHARG� SI�E OF 7HE LASTVA� �:�� ,"�'"� a:d MA�N DRA!N �l1TLET DETAI �. Tp UAYLIGH-C OR SUMP WELL i W4TM THE CRI7VCAL L.EV�L NOT LESS THAN SIX{6} INGHES OR IN ACC�RDA�YCE �; 22954 W4TH ITS L15TING ABOVE T'HF Fl ()C}rl ! r�r�� R�M �?� T�ic p!�'!i F�!�IPMF"d�' A",' ���� ,� � HYDRQTI-�E�AP1rr �F`� (7�TA � � t s nc�w��T��,�n� ��a�aa�r����; � '•. � �' S���E� 1 = 1 �� 4 . . ° - �' . �. �_ �.._. _._ . NOT T�O SCAf s S'��ONA�EN�'` � � � �,�,,�,���',