HomeMy WebLinkAboutWEST DAY MARRIOTT (5) � � � ��� �� � i�� ♦ ��� � � � r � � ���``�j' �G� Rit'r.-C'arlton Residenc�es _ `'� F,mploy�e �-Ious�ing S��naff ���. 7f 141Uf� Pitkin C�cck Psrk—Unit 1-ll l-�ddr�ss: 3911 t3i�horn Rc�ad Vail, C() S I 65? F3edroael�s — 3 Batt�raQn�s— 3 (l - full, 2 - 112J # �f E�n}�lqyee F3�ds tlpprovcc�: � � , Apprc�ved By: �" Nltl�i ��in�ni, Tt��r� �f V��i! [.�orr�u��uniky Dc�ve:lc��tn�nt P�t1:in Cree�C Park—Ut3it 10-D Addre�s: 4Q�I 13i�horn Ra�d V�ai, CC� �1 G57 i��droc�ms — 3 Bathr���n�s—?' {�'ull} # af Employ�e Beds l�pprovcd: � r ,/� e��lpC{?V�{� ��': r ^�-�'� �iina TiinYT�,Ta�7 af Vail Community �er�e�opn�er�t � -. , �, �,+ 'i. ,� �■ �� � �" � Pitkin C'reek Park—�nif 3� �-�ddre:;s: 39?1 �3i�;hc�rr� Rc�acl Vail, C[7 81G57 Bedraoms— 3 I3aihroor�s � 2 (�"ull} �r�f Employee F3ec�s Apprc�ved: � , •-. �11 Il r1�n;,n��..� ! '9 �/I,.r^--^ Marriott Ma�ntain Resort Phas�e I (The Mark� 74 A�c�o�mmodatian Units 14 Dw�fiing Uni#� Meeting rr�am, bar, dinir�g rvt�m Permit �681 issued �14l73 Certificate of G�cupar�cy Essued 121'17IT4 Ph�ase I! �additiar� to hotelj 1(}5 Ac�ommadatian Units 13 Dwellir�g Units Permit 83 issued �13178— GRFA Perr�tit 81 S �ss�ed 14114181 Certi�icate vf Occupa�cy issue�d ???? Ph�ase III 62 A�ccammc�dation IJnkts 27 Dwelling Ur�its Permit 678� i�sued 91�181 Certifica#e of Qccupancy �ssusd ?????*final in�pectian ap�ra�ed �216188 . . , AR�ICLES +4F �NC�RPURATIQN C?F MARK iII C�7NDQMINILIM ASS{]CIATI(]N, INC. ARTICLE T Name "�he name �f this Corpc�ration shal�. kae �K ITT Cl7�N�MIi�IIUM ASSOCIATIC3N, IN�. ARTICLE II �uratiQ� '�he kerm of exi�tence of this Corpara�ion is perpetual. ARTICLE III Pur�ac�se The business. objects and purpvses �ar wF�ict� the Corpo- ration is farmed are as �ollaws: l . To be and canstitute the Associat�.vn ta which reference is made in th�e Cgndamiz�ium D�claration f�r The Mark III Ccrndominium and any supplement ther�ta ( �or brevity, hereinaf�er �e.�erred ta as "'�ecla�atian" ) tv k�e re�arded in th� r�eards af the C1erk and Retorder of the County of Eaqle, Cc�lc�radc�► �ursuant tr� C.R.S. , 1973 . Sectian 7-20-101 , and to per�orm all c��ligatic�ns and C�11�3�E,'5 of tYte Associati.vn and �o exercise all rights and gowers af the Association +3es�cribed ir� said D�cl�ratiern. 2 . To gro�ide an entity �or the �urtheran�e a� the interests taf all c�f khe +�wn�rs, including the Qec�.arant named in the Declaration, with the o�je�tive of establishin� and rnaint�in- �ng The M�ark Candominium a� a condorninium ownership grcaject o� the higttes� posszble guali.ty and ^value �nd �n�ancing and pr�tect-� ing i�s valu�► desira�iility �and attrac�ivene�s. ARTICLE TV Powers In furt�erance Q£ its purposes. the Carpt�ratiQn shal� ha�e all �f the pow�rs eonferred upan cvrporaticans r�ot-�ar-profit by the �tatutes an�i com�on law of the 5tat� c�� Gc�lora�io in effect �rom time ta �ime, i.ncluding ��1 v� t'he p�wers nec�ssary c+r �esiral��e �v perform the ob2.igatians and duti�s ant� ex�rci�� the ris��ts and p�wers of the Assaciatic�n ur�der the �ec�.aration w�ich wil.l in�lud�, but sha�.�. not �e �imited tv, the fv�.lawing: markark �/3/8S/dec2� 1. Ta mak� and cvl�ect camman expense asses�men�s ag�inst �e�bers �� the As�ocia�ion �ar the purpases �� payment of th� comr�o� expenses � includin� the exg�ns�� xncurre� in exercis- ing its powers or v£ perfvrminq its fu�ctiQns) ; Z . To manage, contrv�, ogerate. �ai�tain, repair, �mprove and enlarge �h� c�mmon element�; 3 . To manage, contrfll, operate �nd m�intain th� Fraetianal Units, as ��re fully Qr��ide� in the �eclaration; �. Ta en��r�e the terms, covenan�s, re�tric�ions, ��nditions, uses� limitation� and obligatiaris set ��rth in the �eclaratia� and Bylaws �f the Assdciation� and �a make a�d enfarce rules and r�gulatio�� as prn�ided therein; 5. �� engage in a�ti�ities whic� wi11 acti��Iy f�ster, promote, and ad�anc� �he interests �f a�l o� the �w�ers of Cand��inium Units in�lu�i�g the interests o€ �he D�c�arant �ur�ng its marketing o� �h� project an� its �wn�rship �f C�ndaminzum U�its; 6. To hire a Mana�in� Agen� w�o shall have and ex�r- cise those duties and pawers gra�ted to him by the 8vard o� Managers. but nvt th�se pow�rs which the Board �y Zaw, may not d�iegate; and 7, Ta grant p�smi�s . licens�s and ease�ents �n, a�er, a�rass, under or throu�� the c�mmon elements for u�ilities, roads ar ��her purpases �easonably �ece�sary or us�ful for the proper operation or managemen� o� th� Pro�eet . ART�GLE V Memb��shxp 1. This Cvrpvratian sh�li be a membership corp�rati�n without �ertificates or shares o� stock. �here shall �e vne class �f inembeXShip� an� there shall be one mem��rship in the Carpo�ation fvr ea�h C�ndo�iniu� Unit, as de��ned �� �he Declara- tion and supplements ther���, There sha�l be on� ��ndre� ( 3Q0} ��tes in the Assflciati�n� and each mem�e�ship shall have assigned t� it a percenta�e a� such v�tes, zncluding pa�tial �o�es, equal to its percentag� af ass�ssment r�sp�ns�b��i�y, as �uch perc�n�- age may �r�m tim� to time he am�nd�d pursuan� t� the t�rms �f the Declaration. The Owner or Qwners �f a Candvminium Unit sha�l �oZd and share the ��mbership and vot�s rela�ed to th�t C�nda- rni�ium Un�� in the same proporti�nate interest a�d by �he same type of tenancy zn whzch t�e title ta the C�ndflmini�m Unit is held, pr��ided always that there shall he only an� membership p�r Condominium Unit. NQ pers�n or entity Qther t�an an �wner �f a �ond�minium �n�t may be a member of the Corpflra�io�. -2- �. A membersh�p i� �he C�rpora�ivn and the �hare �f a mem�er �n the as�ets o€ the C�rporatian shall not be assigne�, encu�bered or transferred in any manner except as appurt�nant tQ the tra�sfer �� title �o �he Cvndvmini�m �nit to which the mem�ership pertains; provided, hawe�er, that the righ�s vf membership may be a�signed to the ho�der o� a ��rtga�e, deed 4f trust or ��her s�curi�y in�trument an � �an�o�iniu� U�it as �urther se�urity �ar a loan secur�d hy a �ien on such C�nd�minium U�it . 3. A �ransfer o€ membershzp shall occur aut�matica�ly upon the tran�fer of title to the Condvminium Uni� to whz�h the membership pertains; provided, �owe�er , th�t �he Bylaws of t�e Corgoration may contain reason�ble pravis�o�s a�d require�ents with respeet ta recarding such transfers on th� baoks and r��ords af th� Carp�ration. 4. Su�ject to and in ac�ardanc� with Section 35 of the Declarat�an. t�e B�ar� �� Manag�rs of the As�flciatiQn 5n�ii �et as the att�rneyTin�f�ct and proxy �or th�se m�mbership vates attributable to Fra�tianal Uni�s. 5. �embers shal� h��e the ri�ht ta �urcha�e vt�er Condvmi�i�m �nit� and the memberships apgurtenank thereto as prvVid�d in the Declarati�n. 6. The Corp�ratian may su�pend t�e �oting right� a� a member ��r failure ta comply wit� the rul@s ar regulatio�s af the �orpor�t�an ar wit� any ot�er v�ligations �f t�e �wne�s o� �ny Co�daminiu� �nit unde� the D�clar�ti�n and Bylaws. 7. The �ylaws may c�ntain provisions setting forth the rights, psivileges, du�ies and responsi�iliti�s �f the members. ARTICLE VI Board o� �anagers 1 . The business and �ffair� vf the Cor��ration shall be e�nducted, �anaged an� c�ntr�l�ed by a �a�r� of Mana�ers. The Saard af Managers shall eonsist of thre� t3 ) member�, Manag�xs s��l� be �wn�rs (as defined in the Declaratio�) which. in �he case af �e�larant or other corpo��te 4w�ers, sh�11 includ� the officers, �ir�etors, agents vr e�ployees of D�clarant an� the �fficers and director� vf ather carp�rate awners . Z. Members �� �he �aard af Managers shall �e elect�d at the annual me+�ting of th�e m�mbers in �he mann�r provicYe� �or in the Bylaws. pro�ided, hc�wever � t�iat the t3��l�rant under �he Declarat�4n shall be entitled to elect the memY�ers of the Board c�� Managers until suc�t �im� as one Yrundr�d per��nt { l�t}$ ) �f the Candomiriium �nits within tYte Gar�domiz�ium Pro�ect haWe heen -3- convey�d v� �ecember 3I , 198�, whic���er occ�rs �irsts p�ovLd�d furth�r, howe�er, t�at s� lon� as the �odge Unit has not �een subdivided or g�rtitiv�ed into m�re ��an �ne Gandominz�rn �nit pursuant to Sect�g� 3(b) of the Declara�ian, the Owner v� ��� Lodge vnit �hall b� ��titled to appaint one �anager . 3 . Managers may be �emoved and vacancze� of the H�a�d of Managers snall I�� f�lled in tk�e �anner ta be �►rav�ded in tl�e Sylaws. 4. The name� �nd addr�sses o� the mem6�rs �f the first Sr�ard of Managers who shal.l serve u�til the Eirst election of Managers and unti�. thesr s��cessc�rs are duly elec�ec3 �nd quaTi- fied are as fc�llows; � Kaiser Marcus The M�rk Ladge Vatil , Color�c�c� Ea���d x , �������� 78$7 E. B�llevi�w Ave. , Suite 7[�Q En�l+�wcaod, Cc�Iarado 80111 Rick J. Rubin �887 E. Be�le�i�w A�e. , Suit� 70(� �nglewoc�d, Colorada 8Q111 Any �a+�anci�s in th+� Board c�f Managers accurrinq befa�e th� f�rst electi4n o� l�anag+�r� shall be filled �y the remaining Managers, ARTICLE VIi af�ieers The ��ard a� Managers may appoint a President, nn+� Qr mvre Vic�-�'areair�ents, a Se�r�t�ry, a Treasurer and such cather o��i�ers as the BQard b�lie�res w�.il �e in the �est �r�terest af the �o�porativn. Tt�e C7fficers shall ha�e such duties as rnay be preserib�c� in the Bylaw� af the Cc�rpc�ration and shall serve �� the pleasure of the Board nf �anagers, ARTICLE VIII Canveyartces and Encumbrances Corpr�rate pr�pert� may be conveyed or encumber�d i�y authcari�y o� the ��iard of ,Mana�gers Qr by sucM person c�r persans ta whom s�ach authdrity r�ay be c3elegat�d by ressalutivn of the Bo�rd. Cc�nveyanc�s or �ncu�brar�ces shall 1a� by an i�str�ment execu�ed by the �r�sident or a Vice-P�es�de�� and b�y the Se�r�tary or an Assistar�t 5ecsetary► Qt exe�ut�d by such �ther p�rscsn or persor�s �o whrm such authc�rity may be delegated hy the B�ard. _,�_ aR�zc�� �x Fnitial Regz_�t�red ��fic� and Agent Th� in�tial re�istered flf€��e af �he Corporativn shal� be 7887 E. $�1levaew Ave. , Suite 7�U, �nglewoad, Cvlora�v 80II1. The ini�ial segistered agent o� such af�z�e shall �� �dward � . Ha��g�an. ARTICLE � A�nendment Amendments tv these Ar��.e��s Q� Incorporatitin shall r�quire the w�it�en cons�ent af the �vanez c�f �he Lcadge Unit and tt�� affi.rmati�ae Ca�ting of at �east twc�-�h.irds ( 2/3) a� the nutstanding Votes on the Asss�c%at�on; pro�idec�, howe�er, that no amenclment ta these Articles of �ncorp�ration shall h� cantrary to ar inccrnsistent wi�h the prv�asi�ns af the �eclaratia�t. ARTICL£ XI Managing Agent Functior�s The Assoczatian may vb�ain and pay for the services of a persara. persons. or entity tr� act as a managa.ng ag�nt and tr� admirazster and manage its af�'airs and be respvnsible for the Qp�ration, maintenanc�, repair and impro�ing of the comm�n element� and ail v� the extericsr prr�kivns of the irnprvoe�ner�ts an� tv ke�p the same in good, a�tra�t�ve an�3 sani�ary canditi.on, vzder and re�aair ; pravided, haweVer, that the I]eclaran� sha�.� ha�e the right to per�orm �uch se�vi�es r�r appaint an �ntity to pe�farm the sar�e unti,�, the deve].4pm��t o� the Condcaminium Pro�eet has be�n �ul�.y cample�ed and all af t;�e Candc�minium Units ha�r� been ��n�*�y�d or until decemb�r 31. 1�89, whi,chev�r oc�urs �irst. `�he ccast a£ such ser�ices sha�l be �nrne by the memlaers accordinc� to their percentag� or fractional interest zn the com�on elements as prdvid�d �n the aeclarativn, supplements theret� ar�d Syl.aw�► whet�er su�h ser�ices are directly rendered by the oecl�arant Qr delec�ated by Declarant tv a persan vr entity. ARTZC�E xzz Ger�eral This Corporation is 4ne whi�h does n�t cvnt�mplat� p��uniary gair� or prafit to the mernbers ther�c+f and is arganiz�d for nc�n-pro�it purposes . ARTICLE 3�I�I Inc�rporators The Ir�corpc���tor of tY�� �c�rpc�ration and her addres� is as fc�llvws: _5_ NAME A131�RE 5� _ Jan Co1,7.ier 7887 E. Be�ll��view Ave. Sui.te 70� Erxgl�wacad, Coloradca 8i?]li E}{ECU'TED this day a� , A.D. . i983. �Tan Colli�r S�'A,TE �F CC}LClR�i3� } � ss: City and County of Den�er ) The abov� and f�regc�irig was acknawl�dge� before me this r�ay o� r l��r �by Jan Colli�r . Witness my hand and vfficial sea�. My cr�mmis��.ori expir�s : Ns�t�ry Publ�c Address• _�_ ! s- _ J BY-LAWS �F TH� f'�ARK III C�NDC�t�INTUNi ASSOCIATIC3N„ INC. ARTICLE I C3b�ect (Plan oE qwnership) 1. MARK ITI CQ�]DflMIIVIUM ASS(7C�ATIQNr I1�IC. ■ Sh�ll bE r� non-prafit corporati4n. 2 � Th� purpose far wh�.ch �h�s �an-pro�it A�soc�.ation �.s fcsrmed i� '�o gavern the cor�daminium pr�perty whi�i� has b��n c�r wi1Z b+� stzbrni.tted to the prcrvisior�s of tt�� Cando��nz�rn �wnership Ac� of the 5tate vf �o�arae�o �y tY�e reeording of the Candominium Qeclaration and Candominium Niap for Niark III Ccandc�minium. 3 . All pres�n� or �u�ure Owner�, tenants , future �enants ar any vt��r �aersan that might use in any manner the facili.ties r�� the Cc�ndominium Prflject 4r the psagearty therei,n described are sulaje�t ta the regulatzons �et fosth ir� these 8y_ Laws . T1�� mere acqui�i�ion ar renta�. af any o� the Condominium t�nits {hereinatter ref�rred �r� as "Condaminium (7nits" a�rd "C]nits" } �r �he mere ac� o� occupan�y a£ any c�f sazd [�nits will si�ni�y that these By-L�ws are acce�ted, ratiEied and will be c�mplied with. ARTICLE 2I M�ml�ership, Voting, Majority a� C�wners. Quorum, Praxies 1 . Membership. Except as is c�therwis� prc�vided in these By-Law� . c�wnership r�f a Corad+�miniurn Unit is r�qui,red in arc�er �o quali�y fc�r membership in this Associativn. Any p�rson c�rt laecoming an Owner of a Cc+ndomin�.um tlnit sh�ll automatical�.y t�e�c�m� a member or co-memb�r af �his Association anc� b� subject �o the�e By--Laws . The cJwner o� pwn�r� af a �7nit sha�l hold and share t�� member�hig rela�.ed t� th�t CQr�daminium ilnit in the same gropartiona�e interest anc� by the same type of tenancy in whi�h the titl+e to the Cvndominium Unit is h�ld, pro'vided always that there �hal.l b� anly one rnemb+ezship p+�r Condominium �]ni�. Such . me�nbership sh�11 terrninat� wit:�vut any �c�rmal Associatian actic�r� w�ene�rer suc� persr�n �eas�s ta cawn a Cr�r�dcaminium ❑nit , but such terminatican sha11 not relieve or rele�se any such fr�rmer Owner �rarn any Iiabili�y vr c�b�igatic�n it�curr�d under ar in any way cannected with this Assc�ciati�n during the geriod o� such c�wner-- �hi� and memberst�ip in tY�e A�s4Cic�tion, or impair �ny zi�hts or remedie� wkxich the Candc�mini,um Un�t Qwrzers ha�+e, either tnrc�uc�h the Bc��rd of Manage�s �f th� Associa�ion ar directly, against rna r 4c Imy 1/3/85fdec23 1 such fc�rmer Owner and merr��rer arising aut Q� or in any wa�r connected with ownership and rnembership �nd the cvv�nants ��d obligatior�s incid�nt the�e�a. � . Votir� . Each membership sY�all have the vates �gpurtenan�t thereta as descria�d in the Articles a� Incvc�c�ra- tiQn. When mor� than one gersa� hal�s tY�e membership, t�ey sh,�ll appoint one af th+�ir cc�-mer�l�ers as prc�xy to cast th� �rotes �or tna� �embersh�p. Such vc�tes s�tal]. be cast as th+� �wners therec�� agree. Tf the co°memk��rs cannat �gree as to the rnanner in whi�h their ❑o�es sha�ld i�� cast wh�n called upon tv vvte, then tt�ey will I�e treated as having abstaineti. The m�mbership vates a].locab�e tr� Fr�ctianal Unit� shall be cast by tY�e B+�ard of �Sanagers of the �s�aciatican� sul��ect to and in acc�rc�ance wi�Y� �ect:ion 36 0� �he �e�laratic�r�. 3, Quarum. �x�ept �s otherwise pra��ded in thes� By_ Laws. th� preser�ce ir� persan csr by proxy of inem�ers hnlding c�ne- sixtta (1/5) of the v�te� entit�.ed tc� b� cast sh�,l� �anstitu�e a quorumt An affirmative c�ate o� a ma�arity c�� vc�tes g��senk , ei�her i.n person or by proxy, sha11 be required t� transact th� business o� the meetzny. ARTICLE III Admini�tratian 1 . Associatic�n Resp�onsibil.�ties. The Owners �f �he C�ndr�r�inium Unit� will canstitut� the member of the Nlark II Cvnc�omi.n�um A�soc�.ation, Ine, f hereina�ter referred �Q as "Ass�- ciatzr�n" ) . w'hich wi�.l have khe responsibili�y �E administeri�g the proje�t thrauc�h a Bvard af Managers (hereina�ter re�erred ta as the "'Bc�ard'° ) . �. Plac�e o� Mee*ir� . �le�tings r�� the Assaciatio� st�all b h�ld �t such place w�.thin �t�e State o� �Colc�rad�a as the B�ard may determine. 3. ,An�ual Meetin . "�t�e �irst annual mee�ing af th� Ass4ciatiC�n members shal� be held wik.hin n.inety ( 90y days a�ter tk�e Assocaa�ion' s f�rst fisc�l. year en�d. "�hereafter the annual m�eti�g shall be held during �k�e rnonth during �a�h calendar year . At s�ch meeting� there shall be elected �y ballat Qf the mem�ers a Baard v� Managers in �ccor�3ance with th� requirements . a� Sectivn 5 0� Article IV nf t�i�se �3y-Laws . The members r�ray alsc� trar�sac� sucl� at�er business af the Assc�ca.a�ic�a� as may propex�ly came be�ore them. "1��c�.arant" as us�d in these By-Laws reFers ta tYae �e�larant named in the Cc�nc3caminium Declaration fcrr the Mark IIT Gc3nd�minium, its s�cc�ssors and assigns . 4 . Special Meetar�gs. Th� President may ca��l a special meeting vf th� member� upon his c�wn initia�i^ve or as dir�c�ed by _z� .� d re�o3.�atir�n of �the Board or upo� re���pt a� a petitian signed �ry at lea�t c�ne-third {1/3 } of the v�tes. Tkae n4�i�� o� any speci�,l meeting shall state the tim� and place of such rn+�eting and �.h� purpose ther�of. Nc+ business except as staked in the notice shall be transacted at a specia� meeting unless by consen� o� a majorzty af the �ates preser�t . �ither in per'so�. c�r by prc�xy. Any �uch meetings s�h�.l1 tae h�ld at such p�a.ce and �.ime as th� Preszdent dekermines within thirty ( 3� y day� after �e�eip� by the Pre�ident o� such resr�luti�on or peti�ion. 5 . No�ice a� Mee�ings . The Secr��ar�+ shall Cause t� be mailed or delivered a nc�tice c�f each ar�nual ar s��cial m�e�zng. stating the purpose thereaf as weli �as the time and plac� it is �c� be �teld, to each mernber o� recc�rds, at the reg�st�red address a� eacY� mem�er . at l�ast fi�� � 5� , but nat �nore than thirty ( 3Q ) days prior tca such m�eting. The ma�,lit�g �f a raatice in the manner prt�vided in this Sec�iorz ar th� delivezy of suctz nati�e shall I�e ec�nsidered c�otice served, and the certi�- ieate a� the Secretary that natice was du1.y gi�en shall b� prim� �acia evidence thereof. 6 � Adjcaurn�d Meetings . I� any meetinc� c�f inembers canna't b� organia�d because a quorum has not attended. the members whQ aze present ► either in persc�n c�r by prcaxy, may adjourn the meeting. to a tim� not �ess than forty-eigt�� [ 48) hQUrs fram tt�e �a.me �he original rne�tinq was called, 7 . �3rr3er c�� Business. The ard�r c�� k�usiness at all m�etings a� the m�m�ers sha�.l b� as �EoTlows : (ay Rol1 ca11 and certifying pr�xies (b) Proc�� a� notice �f ineeting c�r wai�er o� nr�tice (c} Rea�iing a� Minutes at preeedinq meetings (d} Report� o€ �fL��cers �e) Regarts �� Cammitt�es ( i) Electic�n a� ri�an�gers �q} t]nFini�hed h�sir�ess �h) New business � i ] Adjaurn�aent ARTICLE IV Board o� Mana�ers I . F�um�aer and Qualificati�n. becl.acar�t �hal1 be sc�l.ely en�itled u�ntil all a� the [}nit� in the prr�ject haVe �een sald car until Dec�mber 3�� 1989 , whiche�er rcc�z�s �irst , to elect the B�ard of Manag�rs . Th�reaft�er th�re �hall 'be elected ar�y three ( 3 } members c�� the Association tc� �he �oard whc� sha]�1 thereafter ga�ern the af�airs af tlnis Assc�ciati�r� until their success�rs have beeri duly ele�ted and quali.�ied; pravided, howe�er , th�t unt�.� the Ladge Unit is partitioned r�r subdi�aid�d ,�_ intv mor� �ha� Qne C�nd�m���um Unit pursuant t� Sec�io� 3{�) af the D�claratian. th� Dwn�r ( s} �� the �odge Unit shalL at a11 times be e�titled �o app�int one of the M�nag�rs �n th� Board. Managers sh�ll be dw�ers {a� �ef�ned z� the Qeclaration� which, in the case �� Declarant ar ath�r corp�rate own�rs. sha�� include the a�f�c�rs, direct�rs, agents . �r employees �� �eclarant and the oFficers an� directors o� other corp�rate �wners. 2. P�wers and �uties. Th� Haard ��a11 have the powe�s and duties �e�essary �or the administrati�n �f the affair� of the A�sacia�i�n and �ar �he operati�n and maintenance af t�e cando- minium c�mmunity accordi�g ta �h� highe�t standards ac�iev�b�e, relativ� to other cond�minium �r tawnhome c�mmunities . 5uch powers and duties a� the ��ard sha�l znclude, �ut s�all n�� �e limited to, t�e ��l�owing , all a� whzch sha�l be done �or and an behalf o� �he �wners vf the �ondominium �nits. �a) T� administ�r and enfarce t�e c��enants. co�ditians, re�tricti�ns , ease�ents, uses, Izmit�tivns, vbliga- ti�ns and a1T other pravisi�ns set f�rth in the C�ndominium Declarati�n �ubrni�ting th� pr�perty to the provi�ions of the Cvndarniniurn Own�rship Aet of �he State �f Cal�rada, the �y-Laws Q� the Assoczat�vn and supplemen�s and amendments thereto. ( b) TQ esta�lish, ma�e and �nforce compliance with such rules �nd r�gulatians as m�y be neces�ary far �he operation, rental, use and accupancy �f �Z1 of t�e C�ndam�niu� Un�ts with �he right to amen� the sam� �r�� time ta t�me. A copy of suc� �ules and regulatians sh�ll be deli�ered or mailed to eac� member u�on th� adoption th�reo�. (c� Ta zncur such cost� and ex�enses set f�rth in the �eclaration. (dJ To insure and keep insure� a�l Qf tn� ins�r� able c�mman elements and Cond�mi�ium �nits as set �orth in the Declarati�n. ( e) T� pr�par� � budg2t for the Cond�minium at least sixty t60 } days prior t� th� cvmmencement of eaeh fascal year. zn ord�r to determine th� amaunt o� the cor�mon expense assessm�nts paya��e by th� �nit dwners ta rnee� t�e cor�m�n. expenses of �he Candamznium Fr�ject, �nd allacat� and assess suc� cocrtman expens�s a�ong the CandQminium Unit flwners as set forth in the �eclarat�on and by ma�or�ty vat� a� the B�ard, �o adjust, d�crease or increa�e the amount o� the �onthly comm�n exp�nse as�essments . To ievy an� c�llect special as�e�smen�s w�en�Uer . in the �pinion of the 8oard, it �s n�cessary t� do s� in ord�r to m�et increased operatYng vr mainten�nce expenses ar c�s��, or addi�i�nal ��pital �xpe�ses, �r �e�ause af emergenc�es . -4- � ! � �E ) T� calleet delinquent assessment� by suit c�r otherwise �nd ta enjoin or seek damages �ram a m�mber as is praVided in the Declaratinn and these By--I�aws. Tne Bc�ard sha�� hane tYze du�y, rig�t� p�wer a�d authority t� prohikait use �af any r�creatianal facilities by any Cvndaminium i]nit �wn�r pr �y his tenan�s �nd lessees in th� e�rent that any assessrner�t made rer�ains unpaid more than thirty ( � ) days fram the due date for paymen� �hereof. {g) To pro�e�t and de�end in the name o� �he Assr�ciatir�n any part c�r aIl c�� th2 condor�inium �r�ject fram loss and damage by suit or oth�rwise. (h) Tc� borraw �unds in ozd�r to pay for ar�y expenditure Q� outlay required pursuant to �he authc�rity gran�ed by the provis�t�ns �� th� reccrrde�d i]ec�.ara�ion and these �y--Laws, and t� e�ecut� all such instrum�nts eUidencing such a�ae���a�,�ss as the Soar� may deern necessary and give security there�Eor . 5�t�h indebt�dness shall b� the �everal obligati.vns cf all o� the m+embers in the same prc�partion �s �heir interest in the commcrn el�men�s. The persc�ns wna shall be authnrzz�d tr� execu�e promis- sory nfltes and sec�trity instruments s�al�. be the Pre�id�nt ar V'ice Preszdent and Secr�tary or Asszstant S�cretary. { i. } Tv �nter into �antracts t�, carry out their e�uti�s and powers and to hire and fire all personra�l necessary for the operati�ra. main��nance, r�gair and replacement �of th� cc�mmon �lements. ( � } To establ.ish a laanlc account ar accounts fQr the cr�mrnon trea�ury anc� for all separate �unds which are required ar may be d�emed advisak�le. {k) Tc� make repairs, adc3itions. alt�ratic�ns �,rid improvements to the carr�nc�n elements, { 1) To man�age. cc�ntrol , �r�erate and �ain�ai.n �he Frac�icanal Uni��� as more fu11y prc��id�ci in the Qeclaratir�r�. (m) Tp k�e� ans� maintair� €ull anc� accurat� b�nlcs and ree�rds as set forth in the �e�laratinn. (n) Ta prep�re and de�iver annu,�lly ta each member such s�atements as are require�i by the �eciaration. (�a} Tc� meet at least s�mi-arsnually. 4P) '�o cantral and manac�� t�he use of all parkinq areas, apen spaces ► common streets anc� �ther �ommon �araper�y. �5- ! , fq) Tc� employ for the Association a professi�nal prop�rty �nanager or m�naging agent who shal�. have and exer�ise those duties and g�nwers granted to him by th� ��ard, including those set �orth abo�e, but not thc�se powers whic� the Bc�ard, by law, �aay nat delegate. ( r ) In general. �a carry on �he administra'tion o� th�s Assaciation and to do a�.l o� those things necessary and reasanab].e i.n v�der to carry c��t th+e gs��erni.ng �nd the op�ration vf this �andvminium Progerty. 3. Nv Wai�rer o� Ri hts. The r�snissivn vr �az�uz� of the Asscaciation or any C�ndar�ini.um Unzt �wner to e�force th�e covenar�t�, cc�nda.tions, restri.ctic�ns, easements, uses, �imita- tirans, �i�ligations or o�her prrovisions c�f the Cc�ndc�mir�ium Declaration, thESe Artic�es of Tncorpnrati�n, By�Laws , ar the R�.z�es and Regul�tic�ns adapted pursuant thereto, sh�l1 not �onsti- �u�e� or be deemed a waiUer, mc�di�ica�i�rt or rel�ase therec�f . arsc� the �aard c�r the managing �gent s�aall have the right ta �nfc�rce th� sa�ne ther�a�Et�r . 4. Election, T��m c�� a�fiee and Cc�m�ensat�+�n. At th� first meeting c�� t�e Assoczatiora, s�bs�quent to the terma.nation c�f tl�e ❑e+clarant ' s right kc� e�ect the Managers, su�j�ct to the right af the c�wn�r { s) of the Lodge �`nit to appoin� on� o� ��e Managers . the terrn o� o��ice c�f one { 1 ) Man�ger st�all b� �`ix�d �car �hre� ( 3 ) years ; the term a� a�fice of one ( �� Manager sha3.l be fix�d �nr tw� ( 2 ) years, and the term of office �f the Man�qer appoirtted by the �wner of the Lodge Unit . if applic�ble. shall �e fix�r� �nr or�e { 1 } year. At the expi.ration af �rie initia�. term oE c�ffice 4f each respecti�re Manager, his successar sha�l b� elected �r appoint�d t�o ser�ve a term a£ tl�ree ( 3 ) years. Exe�pt a� is ntlnerwi�� provided by t��s� By-L�ws , th� Maraa�ers shall ho�,d o��ice ur�til their �uccessc�rs have b�en �lected and hol.d tl�ezr �irst meeting; provided, hrw�ver , th�t �he 47wner c�f the Lodg� Unit may rep�ace his appointed :�anager �t any time and �rc�m time �a tzme upnn notice �o the Assaci�3tivn. t�a N4anager s�a11 b� entztJ�ci to rece�.�re any compensatic�s� far the per€ormar�c� af his dutiesr but shall �e entitl�d to reimbursement �or �xpenses inct�r r�d �y hiatt. 5. Vac�nci�s. Vacan�ie� in �he �crar�3 caus�d by ar�y reason ather than �h� remaval �� a Manager by a vo�e o� �he . Association shall be �illed by vate af the m�jority o� �he remaining Manag�ers, e�en though th�y may constitute less t�an a quorum; ar�d each pers�n s� e��cted shall be a Manager until his succ�ssor is elected . 6 . Remo�al nf ,Marsa er�. At any regular c�r special meetzng duly cal��d, �ny one or rnare af the Manag�rs may be remc��ed wit�C or with�ut cause b� a ma�ority c�f the vates in the _�_ . Associati�n, an� a successar may t�en and there b� elected tv fill the �acan�y thus created; provided, hvwev�r. that th� Manager appointed by �he �wner ( s) �f �he Lvdge Un�� may nvt be remov�d without th� priar written consent o� such �wner (s} . Any Mana�e� whose r�mov�1 ha� ��en pr�gos�d by the members sh��l be qzven an qpp�rtuni�y to �� hear� at the meeting pri�r to vQting th�reon.. 7. �r anization Meetin . The �irst meeti�g �f a newly ��ected B�ard s�all be held w�thin thirty ( 3�} days foilowing ��ch annual meetsng o� the mem�ers a� such p�ace as shall be �zx�d �y t�e Manager� at the me�king at which such Managers we�e e�e�ted, an� n� natic� shall be necessary to the �ewly e1�Cted �anagers in order legally t� constitu�e such mee�ing, gr�viding a majority of the whole Board shall be present . $. Reqular Meetings . �egu�ar meetings �� the 8aar� may �� he�d at suc� time and place as shal� be d�termi�ed, f ro� time to ti�ae, by a ma�c�rity n� �the Managers , but at Ieas� twQ such �eeti,ngs shaZl be h�lc� durAng eaeh calendar y�ar . �c�tics of regu�ar mee�ir�gs of the Bvard snall be given to each Managerr persanally c�r by mail, telephr�ne ar te��gra�h, at Iea�t �ive ( S) days prirr to tl�e day �amed Ec�r such meeting. 9 . S ecial Nfee!tin s . Special meetings vf�he Bc�ard may be ca�ler3 by the Aresident an three days ' notice tc� each Manag�r , given personally or k�y mai�.. t��epYtane or telegraph, which noticE shall stat� the time, glace {as hereinabvve pra�ic�ed) and p�trpose of th� �t�etinc3. Sp�cial m�eetings r�€ the Baard sh��l k�e called �y the President ar Secretary in like manr�er �r�d r�n lilce na�ice c�n the written requ�s� of two c�r more l�ianagers. 10 . Waiver af �Ic�tice. Before ar at any me�ting of tne Hvard, any Manager may. in wri�ing. waive no�a.ce af suct� mee�in� a�d such waiver shall be d�e�ned equivalen� t� the g�,�ing Q� such natic�. �ttendance by a Manager at any r��etinc� Q� the �oard shall be a waiver of r�ot�.ce k�y him of t�e tirn� and �lace tk�eceof . T� al.�. c�E th� Manag�rs are p�e�ent at any meeting o� �h� ��ard. no notice shall be required anc� any business r�a�r l�e trar�s�cted at such meeting. 1J.. Board of Man�gers " Quarum. At �11 me�tings of the �oa�d, � majority of t�e Managers sha11 c�n��i�u�e a quoru� �4r the transaetion of 1�usiness � and the ac�s o� tne ma�ority o� the M�.nagers pres�nt �t a meeting at wf�ic�a a qunrum is presen� sha11. be the acts c�� th� �aard. Ift at �ny meeting o£ th+� Bvard� the�e be l�ss than a c�uc�rum presen� , the ma�c�ri,ty o� thase present may acijaurn the meeting �rom ti�te tc� t�rne. At any sucY� adjourned r�eeting, any business whieh might hav+� been �ransacted at �he meeting as originally called m�.�r be transacted wikhout further natice, _�.� I2. Fidelity B�nds . The B�ard sh�ll req�ire thati any offic�r and/vr ernplayee o� the Assoc�ation and any managYng agent who han��es or is respansible f�r AssaciatiQn �unds ��rnish adeq�ate fide��ty bond� . The premium� Qn such bonds, in regard� ta the Ass��iat�o� ' s officers and empl�yees only, �hall �e a ��mmo� exp�nse. ART�CLE V Q�fi��rs 1. Desic�natiQn. TYse �Jfficers vf th�: Associatic�n sh�11 be a Pr�sident, a �ice-President, a 5ecretary anc� a Treasurer al� of wh�s�t shall i�e elec�ec� by the Baard, and such assistant o��icers as the Board shall, �rQm time to time, elect . Wikh �he exception o� the Pr�sident , such C7f�i�ers need not be mern'ta�rs n� the Baard c�f I�anagers, bu't each shall b� an �wner or an c�fficer or direetor of a cc�rpora�e awner of a Condoma,nium Unit in this Cc�ndo€ninium FS"�O�@Ct a UX ��'l� D�C�d��Il� CD� 7.�5 CE�7�ES�i1�r��TVe!( S y r if an �wner or mem�er . 2 . E��ctir�n o� C?f�icer� . The �7ffic�rs v� tfis Associa- ti.on sha].]. be el.ected annually kay th� Board at tl�� vrganization mee�ing vf e�ach new Bc�ard and sha�l hald a�£ic� at the pl�easure m� the Baard. 3 . Removal af Q��icers. Upon an affzrmative vote o� a �najc�rity of the r�tem�+ers �or the S4ard, any �iE�icer may �e rem�ved, either with or without cause, and his succe�sar el�cted at a�ny regular meeting c�f the Board, or at any spe�ial meeting af the Board called for such purgose. 4 . President . The Fr�sid�nt sl�all be kt�e chief executi�e officer o� the Assaciatinn. He shall presid� at ail meetings c�� �he Assacia�ion an� o� th� Board. He sha�.l �ave a�l of the gener�l pow�ers and du�ies which are usually c�ested in th� r��.�ice o� president o� an as�ociatic�n, including but nc�t 1xmi�ed ta the power �o appoi�t c�mmittees from �mong the awners as �rtam time tc� time h� m�y in his d.isGretip� decide is apgropriate ta a�sist in the ccrnduc� vt the a�faz�s +�� �he Assaciation . 5 . Va.ce-Pre�ic��nt. The Vic�-Fresid�nt shall ha�r� a11, th� paw�er and a��horzty and p�er�or�n al� th� �unctic�ns and duties o� '�he Presider�t, in the absence o� th� President , or his inability �r�r ar�y r�as�n to exereise such pc�we�s an� �unc�ie�ns s�� p�r�orm sueh duti�s . 6. Secr�tary. Tlze 5ecret�ry sha�l keep all the minutes a� th+� meetings af th�e Board and �he minutes c�� a13. r�eetings nf th� Association; he shall have charge ca� su�h bnnks and papers as the Soard may direct ; and he shal�, in �eneral, perform all �he duties incident tv �he pffi�� c�� 5ecretary, Tt�� -$- i s 1 Seeretary s�a11 comr�ile and �eep up ta date at the prin��p��, office o,� the Associa�ion a camplete list Qf inem�ers anc� t�eir registered address�s as shQwn c�n the recvrtis of the Associa�.i�n. Such list sha�l al�c� shaw vpprsite ea�� mcmk�er ' s name the r�umlaer or othe� appropr9.ate� designatian vf tt�� unit and the undi�ided int�re�t in the cc�mmon elernents c+wnr�d by such member . Such Izst shal] tae a�aen ta inspection �y members and o�h�r persc�ns lawfu�ly entit�.�d tc� inspect the s�me at reasonabie times during reguTar bu�ine�s hours. In a+�dition, a l�.st of �11 mc�rtgagees c�� Units sd�a�l be maintain�d. T�� recrrc�s referred to in �his subsect�an may be mai.ntained by the �4anaging Agent . 7 . Tr�asure� . The Tr�asur�r shall �ave the respvnsi- b�.lz�y fcsr l�ssaciati�n funds and sha11 be r��por�siY�l� fear keeping fuJ.l artd accurate accc��,nts o� aZl rece�pts and disbursements �n bc�vks k�elon�ing t� the Assc�ciation; pra�icied, however� that when a Managing Agent has br�en delegated the respc�rtsibility c�� callecting �nd disbursing funds, the Treasurer ' s responsibility shall be ta review the acc�unts o� the �4anaging Ag�nt not less o�ten than s�mi„-annually. AF��XCLL VI Indemrri.�ication af O�ficers , Nlan�c�ers and Managzn�g Agent I . Indernnificatic�n. The Associatic�n shal.l indemni�y ecrery Manager and o�ficer, their respecti�ve success�rs . personal r�presentatives and hez.rs, aqainst al.l Ibss , c�osts and expenses , including cc�unsel fee�, reasonably incurred by them in �r��.n�c�ion with any actic�n, suit or proceeding to which they may b� mad� pa�ties by reasvn c�f their being o� �a�ing �een a Manager ar O.�fi�er o� the Assaciatic�n� except as tc� mat�ers as tc� whic� they shall be finally a�iju�qed in such action� s�ai,� or prc�ceeding to be liab}.e for grass neg�iger�ce �r willful mis��nduc� . In tt�e �vent o� a settlement . indemni�i�atidn �hall t�e r�rovided oz�ly in ce�nnectic�n with suci� matters covered by the settlement as t4 whic� the Associ.atian is advised by counsel that the person �e� k�e indemnified has �icr� b�en gui��y o�' gross negligence ar will�u�. �tiscc�nduct in �he per�vrmance of �i.s duty as such l�anager or o��icer in rel�;tion to the matter inval�ed. Th� for�gc�ing rights shall not be exclusive t�� ather r i+�hts tc� whi�Y� such �anager or officer may be entitl�d, All liability, lvs� , damac�e. �ost and expense incurzed or su�fe�red by the Asso�iation by reasan of , arisirsq aut af� or zn connec�i�n wit� th� ��regoing indemnifica- �ia�n prrvisic�ns �hal� be treat�d and handled by the Associatian as cnmrs�an expenses ; provided. how�v�r � that rsothing i.n this Article VI cantaie�ed shall be deemed ta at�ligate the Ass4ciatiQn t� indemnify any member ( s� ar �wner � s ) ca� a Condc�miniva� Unit wk�c� is ar has been a Manager ar o��ic�r of the Association with resp�c� tc� any duties or vbligatzvr�s assumed flr liabilities incurred b�y him under a�,�3 by virtue vf the Con,daminium Declara-- tion. -9- P 2 . �ther . �ontra�ts ar other camm�.tments mad� tay the Saard of �ianagers, afficer (s � car the Managing Agent shall �e rnade as agent for the Assc�ciati4n, and they sh�ll have no personal respQnsibzlity on any such contract or comnt.�tment . ARTICLE VII Amendments l. These By-Laws ma�' be am�nded fi�y the m�mber� at a d��y cnnstitu�ed meeting �f tY�e rnemb�rs �or such pe�rpose; prc�vided. howe�er . th�t no amendment sha.�l con�lict with or minimi�� tt�e intended effect of the provisic�ns of the Arti,cl�s o� Incorporation car the �]eclaration. Any amendment shall requa.re the af�irrna�i�e appraval g� t�� [7wr�er q� the Lvdge Unit and not l�ss tl�an twa-thirds ( 2f3} �� the s�a�es in tl�e Assvciatic�n in al1 �cases and the prior written apprc�val af the �E�.rst mortgagees o� the C�andc�rninium Units i� the propos�d arnendm�n� e�f��ts any rights c�r�r�ted to a mortgagee pursuan� tc� the terms and prc�erisions of the�e Bylaw�. ARTTCLE VX�I Mortgages � . Notiee to Associaeian. A me�}�er wh� mvrtgages his Condflminium Unit shall r�otify the As�ac�.ati�n thro�gh khe Managing Agent, i.f any, or �he Assaciatic�n ' s 5ecretary, giving �Y�e name and address o:£ his mor�gagee. The As�ociati�n snall maint�in such irt.�or�a�ion �n a baak en�itled "Mortgag�es of C]nits. �� Z. t�otice c�f [In aid Carr�c�n �xr�enses. Tt�e Associatzon, when�ve� so rec�uest�d in writing by a mortgaqee of a Candvrninium Unit, shall prampkly repnrt any then unpaid cammnn expen�es due from th� Qwner of its martgaged C�ndominium tlni� � o� any other de£ault by. �h� �wn�r� of a nnartgac�ed Cc�ndominium �'�it . wi�ich is n�t cured within thirty { 30j �iays, 3 . NQtice af l7efault . When gi�aia�c� nrtace t� a m�mber o� a de�ault in paying common expenses or oth�r de�ault, the Baard hall send a copy of such notic�e to e��h ho�der of a martgage ca�rering s�sch �ondominium �Ini t . 4 . Natice of Amendment or Chan�e in Board c�� Managers or ,�ana�gin� Agent. The Asso�ia�ion �hall a� least thirty [ 3� ) days prior to the ef�e�ti�a� date �� any amendment to th� Associ�.- tion' s Articles D� I[1Ct�rp[]�a�i�ri a� th+�5� 8y-Laws, T]Q�if�r ii� writing th� '�olders o� �1� recr�rded mortgag+�s or deeds a� trust c��' any such amendrnent . Further , �n wra.�ter� request th� Assercia- �ion sha1.1 notify s�id mc�rtgagees o� any chanqes in the Rs�c�ci�- tic�n ' s Board of Manag�rs or Managinc� Agent . -1�-- 5 . Examinatian o� �aoks . Each memb�r a�d each m�rtgag�� ef a Candominiu� Unit shal� �e permitted to examine th� �a�ks �� aec�unt of th� As��ciation at r�as�nabl� t��e� an busin�ss days . Any Qwner sh�ll be e�tit�ed ta a�tain a certi�i- c�t� o� status �� assessmen�s setting fbrth �he ama�nt af any unpaid ass�s�ments oz Qth�r charges due and owing �r�m such owner . �RTTc�� zx Evidence a� Qwnership, Registratian af ' �ailing Addr�ss and Designatian � of Vating Repre�entat��e 1 . Pr44f af Ownership. Except far th�se members wh� initially purchase a C�nd�minium Unit �r�m Decl�rant , any persQ� an bec�ming �n �wner of a Cvndominium Unit �ha11 �urnish t� �he �anagi�g Agen� or Board a mac�ine ar a certified cQpy af the rec�rded inst��ment �esting that per�on with a� in�erest or �wnership �n the Condominium Uni� , wh�ch copy shall remain in the �iles of the Assvciat�an. 2, R�gistr�ti�� o� Mailing Address. Th� Owners ar se�eral �wner� o� an ind�v�dual Un�t shall have ane and the same r�gistered mailin� address t� b� used by �n� Ass�ciation �or mailing af monthly statemen�s, nvtices. �emands and ��l ather c�anmunicati�ns► and su�h registered address sha11 be th� �nly mailing ad�ress of a persdn �r pe�sons . �irm, corp�ratio�, partners�ip, asso�iatio� or oth�r Zegai entit� �r an� c�mbinaki�n thereof to b� used by th� Ass�ciation. Sucn register�d address of a memb�r or members shall �e �urnished by su�h member [ s) t� the Mana�ing Agent ar Board within �ifteen � I5 } days aft�r transf�r �� title, ar after a change of addre�s� and such registrati�n sha1Z b� in written form and signed by a�.l o� the own�rs c�f the Candomi.rsium �lna.t c�r by such gersc�ns as �,r� authorized by 1aw tc� repres�nt the inter�st of (all o=} the owners thereof . 3, �esic�natian of Votirtg Representati�e - ?�rQxy. I� a Condaminium Unit is owned 1ay orae person, his right to ��vote shal�. t�e estal�lished by the rec�rd t�t1e theretc�, Suk�j�c� to th� pro�isions c�� �ectian 3b a� tl�e Declaratic�n, i� title ta a �Cc�nde,minium ❑ni� is t�+�1d by more than �ne persc�r� ar �y a �irm, c�rporatic�n, gar�nership, �ssr�ciatic�n oc r�ther lega� �ntity, �r any cam�ainatian �hereo� , such c7wn�rs shall �xecut� a praxy ap�o�nting and auth�rizin� ane persr�n or alternate persoras to a�tend all a,nnual and s�aecial meetings o� m�mkrer� and t�:�reat to Cast wha���ver vote th� Owner himself mig�t cast z� he were personally Qresent. Suc3� psQxy s�all be e€��cti�e and remain in force unle�� �rolunt�rily re�aolcec�, amended or sc�oner t�rminated ioy agerata.�n o� law; pr�vided, hawev�r, that wi�hi.n thia�ty { �0) d�ys a�te� such revocatic�n, a�nendmen� or terminatxQn, the pwner� sh��l rea,ppoin� �nd authc�rize o�e person or alter�ate �ersons t�s attend all annual and speeial mee�tings as pravided l�y this Sectic�n 3 . _��_ The requzrements he�ezn cantained in �his Article IX sha1� be firs� met be£�re an �wner of a Candominium �nit shall �e de�me� in g��d st�nding and entitled to vote at any a�n�a� o� specia� meeting of inem�er�. ARTTCLE X c�k�li ations r�f the C]wners 1, Assessments . All membe�s shall be c�bligat�ec� to pay the assessments impased �ay the A�sociatio� ta tt��et the cotttman expenses. Tf�e ass�ssments sha11 be made prc� rata accorc�ing to th� �rnvisic�ns a� the Dec�.aration� Assessme�nts shall be dtre i.n advance. A member shall be dc�emed �a be in �oad standing and entftled to �ote at any annual ar a� a special raeeting af mem}�er� . within the meaning o� �hese By-Laws, if and an�.� if, he st�a�l �a�a� ful.ly paid all assessments made t�r le�ri.ed agains� �im �nd the Cdnd�minium �Ja�its owrtec� by 'him. 2 . Notice vf Lien or Suit. A member shall t�iU� no�ice tc� th� Associa.tic�n r�f e�ery lien or �ncumbranc� upvn his Canda- miniurn Unit� other thart �c�r C,axes and special ass�ssment� . and nc�tice c�f e�ery suit or a�her p�c�ce�di.n$ which r�ay affe�t the title ta his Condaminium Unit, and �uch n4ti�e shall �e gi�en in wrzting within five { 5) days a�ter tne dwner has knr�wledge �hereof . 3 . M�chanic ' s La.en. Each member agrees tc� indemni�y and ta ha�.d each d€ the other mer�b�rs harml�ss from any and all cl�ims v� mechani� " s liens filed against ather units and t�e appurt�nant cornmon e3�ements for labar , ma�eraals , ��rvices c�r att�er products incorporated in �he mem�er ' s �nit . In the e�rent such a lien is file�l and/�r a s�.i� ��ar �c�reclosure c�� a mech�nic' s li�n is c�m�attenced, then within ten � 10J c�ays �here- after � sucf� m�mber sha1.1 be required tn depc�si.t with the A�socia- �ion �ash c�r n�gotia�].e s�curi�.ies equal to one and +�ne-half ( 1_ 1/2 ) of the am�unt of such claim. A portion of said su�n may be used by tt�e Ass�ciativn �or any costs and expenses incurred� ir�cluding attorney ' s �e�s incurr�d �c�r legal a�Vice and cc�unsel. �xc�pt as is otherwise pravided. such sum or sectrri.t��s shall be h�l�i by �he Assc��ia�ion p�nding final adjudi,catian Qr settl,�rnent af '�he claim Q� litigatir�n. i�isQUrsement of svci� �un�s pr proceeas �ha�.I be mad� by �he Associ�cion tr� insure payment o� ar on account r�� such �ina1 judgment or settl�mer�t . . Any de�iciency, zncludir�g attc�rney" s gees incurr�r� by the Associ- ation, shal� be paid �arthwith by tt�e su�ject l7wner , and his failuze ta so pay sha].1 enti.tle the Assaciatic�� to mal�� s�ach paym�nt , a�d the amount ther�of shall be a �3e�t af �he Clwner and a li.en against h�.s CondQ�nic�ium Unit which ma� �e forec].osecl as is pro�ided in Sectic�n 24 0� t�e Condominium D�clar�tian . A11. advancements, payments, cc�sts and expen�es. including attorney` � �ees , incurred }�y the Assaciation shall b� �artnw�.t� rcimbursed -zz- 1 to it by su�ch mem�er � s) ► �nd the member s1�all, be liak�le �o the x�ss�ciation �ar the paym�nt �� interest at th+� rate o� e�ghteen percent ( ]�8�) per an�um or� all �uch sums paid ar incurre� by th� Assoei.ati.vn. � . Mair�tenarice and R� air . (a) E�rer�r rnember mus� per�c�rm promptly. at his awn expense. all r�air�tenance and repair work wit�in hi� e�wn Cvndc�- r�inium Ua�i� which► if vmitted, would a�f�ct the appearance �r the aesthetic integra.ty crf part Qr all of t�e Cc�ndaminium �roject . {�) AJ.]. �he r�pair� af internal i�staTl�tic�ns of the IJnit such as water, ligl�t . gas, pawer, sewage, �elephc+ne, sanitary irsstalZa�ivns, doc�rs, windQws, electrical Ei,xtu�es and all ��her aceessori�s, equipmen� and fixtures s�a11 be at the mernber ' s expense. {c} A memb�� shall be obligated to reimt�urse the Association promptly upon receipt �a£ its statemen� �or any expenditures incurred �y it in repairing or r�placing aa�y ges�eral c�r �.imited c�on�mvrt elemen� darnaged by hi� negligence or by tt�e negl.ig�nce of tzi� tenants ar ag�nts c�r guests r�r those Zimi�ed cc�mmon elements which an t3wner , pursuant to th� Declaration. i� abligated �c� m�,in�axn. S. Genera�. . �a� Ea�h mem�er shall campiy strictly with the provisions of th� recorded Cc�r�dominium �ecl� aratic�r�, th� P,rticles Qf Tnco�pvration, and these By-i�dra5 and �,mendments thezeto. { �a) Ea�h memb�r sktall always endeavor to observe and prr�mote tl�e coopera�i�re purp�ses for tn� accomp�is�men� vf w�ich this Ccrndaminium Prc�je�t was ca��ated. �5. �tses o� Units - Internal Changes . {a) Al1 Ur�its sha11, be utiiized �or pnly th�se purposes as is provi��d i.n the Candaminium Dec�aratic�n. (b) Except as provided in SectiQn 3 ( b� of t�e t�eclaration, a member ��aal� nc�t make structural mad�ficatioras or � �l�erations tb his [lnat c�r ins�al,�atic�ns located th,e�eitl with�u� the written approval �af the Sc�ard. The Hc�ard shall be n��ified in wri�ing Qf the intended madi.�ications thzouc�h the Managi�g Ag�nt , or if nn M�naging Ag�n� is empiny�d, then, through tl�e Pr��ident of the Hoard. Th� Associa�ian s�a1.1. ha�e �he obliga- tian C.o answer member 's r�quest caithir� thzrty ( 3fl ) d�ys a�ter s�ch notice, and ��ilur� tc� do st� withan such time sha�I, mean t�at tt�ere is no objection t� the prc�p�sed madi��.ca�i�ns �r alteratic�ns. _��_ � 7 , Use of General. CommQn El�men�s and Limi�ed Cammc�r� E�.ements . �ach Owner ma�r use the general corr�mQn �le�tents , th� limited �ammvn elements► sid�walks . pathways, rc�ads and streets a�d ather cammc�n elements, located with�n the entir� Cc�rtdvminiurn Prc�ject in accordance wit4� tri� purpose for which they w�r� intende�l withr�ut hi.ndering or encroaching upon the �.aw��l rights c�f the o�h�r Owne�s, and subject �o th� r�tles and re�uTat�.ans cvn�azned in these �y--Laws �r�d estahli.sh�d by the Board as is pro�ic�ed in �e�tic�n 9 of this Article. 8. R.ig�Z� c�f Entr�. Each member shall and does grant the righ'� o� entry to �he managing agert� ar tv any other pezsc�n �uthorizeci }ay the �oard ir� case of an emergency or�giatatin� in �r Chr�eatening his Condaminium Unit, wt�e�h�r the r�em�er is present at t�ie tiine or nrat . 9 . RuTes and Re ulativns . {ay The ini.ti�l rules and regulations shall be ��fective until amend�ed or suppl�mcn�ed by tne Board. ib) The B€�ard reserves the r�ght �o esta�li�h, make and en�c�rc� compliance w�th such additional rules arrd regulati�ns as ma� i�e necessary for the operation. use and occupancy a� thi� Condominium Prr��e�t with the right �o amer�d same �rom tim� ta �ime. Cppies of such rule� and r�guJ.atians shall be �urnish�d ta each vwner prior ko tk�e date wh�n the same 5�'lc�ll �7�C01Ti� �'��@C't1ViE3. ia , Destruct�on and dbsol.�seerece. Each r�ember upc�n becamirag an Owner �of a Con�aminium C�ni.t, there�y aran�s k��.s pc�wer of attorney in favor of the Assc��i�tian. irre�roca�ly a�pr�inting the Assc�ciation his attorn�y--i.n-��ct tc� deal with �he member ' s Candominium Unit ug�an i�s damage. d�s�rueti�an c�r obsc�lesc�nc�, a1I as is prc�vided in the Condominium Declaratic�n. ARTICLE XI Associatian N�t-��r-Pro�it 1 . Assaeia�ion h1�t-far-Prafit . This Asso�iatic+n is not c�rgani�ed far pro�it. No member , member c�� th� Bvardr o�ficer or persc�n fram whs�m the Assnciatzo� m�,y receiv� any prr�perty Qr funds shall. r2c�ive or shall be law�ully en�itl�d tv receive �ny pecuniary t�rofit �rom t�te capesation th�r�af , ��c� in n�i �ver�t �t�a?� any par� af �he fun�ls car �sse�s of the Ass�ciation be p�s,� as salary or �amp�nsation to, c�r distrib�ted �c�, dr inur� to the benefit c�f any m�mber of th� Soard, o�fic�r r�r member ; prc��rzd�d. how�v�r , always { 1 ) that reasona�l� c��n�ens�tion may fi�e paid �o any mer�b+�ar . Manager or a��ic�r wh�le �cting as an agent �r employee of t�se Assaciatian, �ar services rendezed in ef�ect� ing vr�e vr mare c�f �he purpases Q£ the Associati�n, and { � ) that -��_ .� � . . any �ember, Manager ar c�f�icer may, from time ta time, �e reirnb�trsed for his actual and reasc�nabl� expenses incurred i.n conn�ction wit�a the administratic�n c�� the a�fairs af th� Associa- tivn. The provis�ans h�r�zn �re aac�t applicab�e ta the Marzaging Agen� who shall perfc�rm its snanager ' s duties and �unctions accarding t❑ a written agreem�ent �or th� compens�tivn stated therein. ARTICLE XII Marts�a�ees as Prox�es I. Mc�rtgagees as Proxies . Condor�i.nium Clnit C]wners shall have th� right tc� zrrevocably ec�nstitute and appoint th� ]�enefaciary af a mt�rtgage vr c�eed o� �rust their true �.nr� lawful attQrney tv v�ote tl�eir member�hip i,rt th�s Assc�ciati4n at any and all meetings Q� the Association ar�d to �es� �n suc� ben�ef�.ciary vr his r�oa�in�e any and all right� . pr��ileges and pawers �hat they hav� as Con�3c�minium Unit t�wr��rs under the Artic�es of Incorpvrati�n ar�d By-Law� of his Assaciati.or� or by virtue c�� the recflrd�d C�ndominium �]eclaration. Such proxy shall b�c�me +effecti�re upon the filing c�� a notice by the be�e�iciary with the S�cretary o� �he AssQCiation at su�h time ar times as th� 3�en�- fic�ary shall d�e�n �ts security in jeflpardy �y reason v� th+� �ailure, neg].ec� or refusal. c�f the Assaci�tion, �he managing agent or the Cvnc�omir�ium Uni� Own��s ta carry out the�r duties as set �orth in th+� Condaminium C�ec].aration crr Association By- �aws. A releas� r�� the beneficiary' s deed o� trust shal� nc�t be constr��d 't� relieve Condaminium Unit �7wners ► as martg�g�rs, o€ tl�eir duti�s and ablic�at�.c�ns as �ondomin�.u� Unst t�wners az t� impos� upan t�� E�eneficiary o� the d��c3 0.� trust the duties and a�ligations af a Cond�minium Ur�it Owner , The under�iqned Seczetary of this Assaciation dc�es h�reby eertify that th� abc�ve �nd £oregoing By-Laws and rules and regulatior�s wer� du�y adopt�d by tt�e Managers as t�e By-�,aws and rules and regulatians �f sax� AssociatiQn �n this day of , A.�. , 19 (� E A T,) Secretary -15_ �. . YIM �arfsa�rt 2/7� Fur�a� �31! Fo1 �cY Na, 8ib7277d Fi 1 e No. V�t'x4b9t t I4�o�nt *'�91.�7t�.�9 Loar� M l�CMEG�.99LE A Addr+ess 1. P'o1 iCr� �EMwtt�rt #�'�E7BE� 19. 1'S�94 at $�� A.M. �. Nz�e c�f insur�rde CDLt�MHIF� �AVIN�� A FED�ERAL "SAVINC�S Ahl'Q LOA�N A�SSD�IA7IClN. andl�r Assis��s 3. The ��tat• �r ir�tirrs# ir� #hs� ��nd dtscribed �n t'�is �chtdu]t +�nd w�hith is +e��e����r��d h�r t'he Xnsur�d �►c�rts�►�re is� A �E� 4. The •�ta�e or f�t�re�t r�ferrfd ta herein is at T�a�e of Pallc�r vest+rc# inr PARGELS l, � AND��s� �i"!—K GiDRf'ORt�T'i�i'V, A COL�DRADO �C�RP'Qf�A�I DN� PARGEL 4r KAT�ER E. MGR�U� PAf'rGEL .�,+s M—K G�F�QRAT I ON. F4 GCiL.!C1RAL�!] CC�R�L�RAT I aN PAi��'EL �_ 1+:1�I a�Ek MDRaC'Uy �. Tt�� �rd�r�^t�►aae. hr�ein refrrr-ed #� as the ir��ur�rd mortr�ar� �►r�d th� asai�nm�ncn�s ther•�o*. if an��y �r� dt��rtbed a� f�rll �ows� D�ED �� fiRll�T DFkT�Q ��TC��ER O 1 . 1�?'84, Ff1aFS M—K CflRF'tl�f7A7'I�+1= A Cf]��.CIRAatJ Ct�}�p[lRA7 IUN I�h1Ld KA�SER E. M�RGUS I ND I V I UUA�LY �'b THE �£�L I�C� 7f�USTEE �F E�1QLE G�U►��Y FC�R 7'H� �lS� I'�'� GtI�..UME�IA �AL�INC�S. A F�L�ERAL �AU I NCS AN� �OAN ASw�1C S A7 I�f"J 7a $��URE 'fH� �UM f3F #99 3 ,(�7t;3.4'� RE�:C�R�►EL� C}G7��EF� i�: i5+E�4. �R�l '�Cs�:' ���7 AT �AC+E ''3'9�. A��IQiVME1�T �F RENT�. 4�1NTRACTS A�D lrE1��5 �EGCaR1JEL1 OCTdI'iER I9► 19�t'34 IN 8CyQ1C �7 �IT P� "�96. �i:�BORDI NAT I GN AE�EEMENTfi I�i GU�NECX I(�,'I W I TH �6A I G D�ED C�F TRI�.ST AMC A'�S I O�+F�NT aF RENTS 4�ERE l�tECi�R[�T! O�TGBER 1�'. 19�� I r+l BU[�K �9�' AT PA�� '5'�9 ANL� � �7 F�T �AflE EaaD. Pa�e � �'his Pvl �cr v�l id �rnt� !f Sth��d�ls '� #� atka�c��d. i ............_.��.�._..�—�—�--,_...�.�.g,r..,...,.,r—,_.,.-------- -----------.�� ��.�,.._ ,� 4 � TIM Mc+r�.a.� �r7� Fa�^m �31� Pa1 it�r No. B167z77C� ���! �Or �Q�1'��,� � �YQLIf1'� ���f��'�.�J� �.l?�'�1 * �CI-�vU�.E A aa�ire�: 6. 7hr 1�►nd refrrrtd tc� fn �hix r�l �cY i� situat�d in EF��L� C�unt�r. Cc►l �r�do. a�d i� describ�ri �►� f�i �o�r�e PA#�G�L 1 � +E�NDOM I�I k.IM Lt7�E 1..1�1 I T s TWE I'�HR�:/LC1aC�E �N A�C=C�tL1ANCE W I TH THE AMENL3�� DEC�.AFiA�T I aN GF GOND�M I NI UM FOR TH� MFi�I�/L�►�E RECt�RDE� I�TUBER 17. �F78 IIU B�GGi� 2�i�� I�T P�55CtE �'+���+ At�iD �"'iARCH ��. 1979 IN g�iC 2�3 A7 PAC�E 349 ANLI THE CGNDt�M I fi�l I UM MAR FCI�; THE MARKf L(]DGE R'E�QR�EC] MARCH �7, i Sr74 �N �K Z�3 AT P�F4GE 93fl A'N�+ "T'F#E AMENL�EI3 PLAT QF �'HE 8I7E P'LpN FUFk TH� I�AiRK/L�dt"i� RE�E7RLIED L1CT�tB�R 17. �5+78 IN B�K 271a AT F'AL�� l�07a COUIVTY U�' EA#�L�� �TAT� C1F �aRAL�L�. PAFt�CEL �� THE �"i'fARK RE�QRT AND TENN I 5 CL,UB t A CQNLtC#M I N I UM) E ff�EPT G[�h�IDOM k!+f I UM UN I"C N�S. +R. B. �. F� H� J. K ANG L I 1+� A�CORDAI�GE M#i TH T1-� C'�4VIFL�M I f�l I kaM FIEGLRRAT T t.NV R�GG�RU��1 MARCH f 4� !S�Cr I!V B�lpq� �4� �fi PA� 3 83 A�it] fiH'� CONL�M I!'+�i I�"I MI�tP RECURUEG MARCH 14. 198�+� �N �t�?k 30G �IT P'AGE 1��r CC�UNTY ��" �AaLE� STATE C�F CC��CwRAL1C�. � I'AR�•EL �t A PAR7 �F LO�T 4$ �LQC:� 1 a VA I L tl.I CHVSHEAT�, TN I'�tL� F I L I MG ANI� F'AR7 �' L4Y� G f�l'�LI Q, 1'4�'+RGU� SIJ�L�I�JY�I4�. T�WC�1 O�F 'VflTL, EF�L�LE CCrUNTIf. CC�L�DRfi��, M��R� I'AI�T I CUtARLY L�E a�GR I HEC+ A� ��Ll_C�'1�d�e B�a I Nhf I NG AT THE N�tFtTHihiEST C�F�iVER i�� LQT C� THENGE A�L�pND THE L I N� GCrMMC�N 7� �A Y Q LDT C ANI� L�T� p AI�I� F�, h�RG�+� Sl.iAD�V I�I t7N, � 16 d�t3F�EE� 3 7 M I NUTE'� 21 �E�GC�NL�'� E F� 1�I�TAhdCE L�F �4�.t�C� FE�T 3 TH�NC� N �� T3EC�REE�a 4� M I NUTE� ?i�,' �£GC�1�lL�� E A �I�TfittilCE C'�F 242.�C, FEE?� THENC� �J 16 LlIE���ES 17 MI!'+tU7E� 21 �EC.CxNL�� W +A I3I��'AN�E �F 26.C�C� ��ET� T'M�NGE N 7� U�C�F�EES 4� M I N!��TE� �9 �:E��GNI�S � � [tISTAN�:� C?� �3. Q� FE�T 1 THEhJi_� N 1� DEQREE� 17 M I�UF�� 2�. �E�GC�!`dLl� W A a E STaNCE iL� 2C'.+C�C� �EET� 7HE#�lG� N '�;3 D�£�RE�'� �� MINl.�7E: 4�� S�C:CrN�� E 1� ❑I�`i"ANCE ��' +��.�'� F�E�3 THE1+4t;'E S �� L��G�F'ES �� M Z f'+�IL#TE� A 1 '��C�D'� E A pI�TANCE C�F 1�.5+;� F��Tt THEN�"�E N �4 L��C�FEE� �1 MTNL��E� i� �EGt�t+I� � A L1 I�TaRN�'E O� 1�5. 6� F��'�� THEN�.E I� �Z; L`���af3EF� 34 M I NU��-�'a 1� �E��C1N��� W A �I�T€�NC� C�� 16Cp�C��► FE�T� TM�hIGE 5 B:� i1EG�F"tEE�; �';.`+ M I NUTE�, 45 �,E�'M7N'�� W A GI�TANC� fi�� 2�t3.4:� �EET T�l A P�3�NT f+hJ TH� Sl3UTHERLY R I GMT--OFfi-�W�Y L I h1E �F W��7 L I C7N'�}iEAC� C I R'�LE t �HENiGE AL�N�� �A��� R I C�HT—�F—WAY L I NE R L1�STFINCE 4F P 2'�.�b7 FEE 1` A�.GNG TMF AFr�' ��' A �'�.�.C�C� FC�C+�" RAL�IUc; CUf2VE TC� THE LEFT ANi� WHCi'��E E:EN�'�SAL AN�'�t�E I� lf� �EGRE�� 'S7 M�Nk�T€S iC+ ���L�NLrS ANI:� WHt7SE L�hJr �M�QRD �EARu S $7 DEf3REE� �� M I NUT�� 3'� S��C-�CiN�� W A ���TF�NCE �F' 1�°�.O� FEET TC� TFl� � TRllE F'l]YNT OF ��C�INNIi+1G. g.,�--�-- PAF►CE� 4t . A P�R`� GF THE NGRTH��#S� I�UART�R '�C1L�THWE�� AUAtRTER [�F S�EGTICtN i�, T[�WNSH�P S SD�lTH� RAN�3E �1 W��T C►F TNE f�TH P«M. dE��R I F�ED AS F��e � �hi�. Potl�cv valis� o�alY if �chtd�ulr B is �#tached. • TIM Mart�a*e 2l73 Farm ��li P41f�Y No. 8167��70 F�1� No. VACK��i i Anr�aun� �49i.�74.49 Lt�ah �F S�HEDl1LE A lAddr:ss Ff�'�LC�WS i 8�G I FdN�N� AT TH� C!��7ER �F �vA I U SE��'1�+N 1�1 THENCE �C�L(T�h� I� aEGREES 1'� M I NI�TE"� W�ES7, AAi..�E�#VG THE ER�T L I N� C�F �rA i G tJC�RTHEA�� Qlli'�RT'ER ��U7HWEST GUARTER, ��2 FIEE'i T� A P[�I N7 pfi�i THE �EGRi'H L I M� C�F A 7RACT �ESCF�I BEt� I N BDOK 1�9 AT PAC3E ��'t TF�ENC!� RLC3!N!Q SF�i Li hIt�RTH LIN�, FOUTH �t� D►EC+�EE� "�5+ M�NUTES �� �;��GNL�S W. 3'�3.7 FEE7f TH'Et+F� ��17HWEaTERLY AL�1N� A �I�RVE T�3 THE LEFT WHt7�5E 'F�AL��i�!'S I S 7'8.5+3 FEE�'. �4N� WHL1� Ci-lORd �E�tRS �C1l.�TH !'��' �[314��S 2;5 MII�UT�S� 3s SECGNnS ��T 44.�5 FEE'��, Ats# aRC� �I STANCE 10iF i Ck4.7�4 FEE71 �H�NCE N�ftTH 1� �IEC#REE�a C�!S M I NE��'E5 3f9" ��GC��� EA�fi 2�:. 1� FEET TG A F'C�I MT d�V 7'I� Nt�RT H L I NE t��' �AIG NdR�'1-�f�f7 �GltlARTER �CxUTHFI'�S7` �t..�ARTER� Tf�EN�CE Ndfi�'H 3€3 DEfsRE�S :�9 M I NUTES �1 '&ECL�NT�� E�rrS'T t ALi�lC THE I�iC�RTM L.I� 0� '6�p I D I+if]RTHEA�T �ttlAMR�ER $t]UTHW��T Qi�R''fER. �3�f.? FEET, Mr�RE UR LE�'S� '�CJ A FiC�I NT {yF BEC�I NN X NQ y E�t�i..E �CC�UNT Y x CflLQfrA�. P'AR�€L S� C�f+F�rOEMINIUM Ul�iIT NO�, A. 6. C. F. H. J. K AfVI� L• THiE !"FA�K FtESC1�T p�a TENN I fi CLU9 {A CL�NDO�"�I�I I!�!} I N A�CCRRDAI�ICE W I TH TH� GOh1�ClM YN I UM L1�'CLARAT�C]iV RECC�R��� MARGH 1�4. ,9Eit'+ I M �C�K 3CK► AT �,p�Ci� 2 83, AN� TFi� GDNL�M I N�UM MA� F`t"ECi7RDE1� MRRCH f 4 w 19'�C} �N BdOk: 3Gld AT PA�E 1�'33�r GC7�#�7Y DF EAQ�E� 'STAT� �1F GC��CI��ADG. RARG�L �e LaT 1 i.� Tl�ACT F, P�AUEFt C.��E�4 £U��I V��I C�N. �ECQNLI F i L I NG ��CCDR�I htt� fi�s TH� PLf�I' R��aRD��U Q�TQ�ER 3(}s �9T9 I� 8t3CK �92 AT F`AGE 6��1 ANa AS AI°'lE1�DEI� BY PLfih� �EECGRL�Ea MqY 1�#, 19"�1 Ifi+! L�@U!C �2'� AT P14GE 7�� ���..Eff11TY I�F EA�sLE. STAT� � C���RA�. /V H w+ Pa�r 4 'fhis Pt�� ic�° val iCi arvi�r if Sche+�ui+r L� i� attach�d. � TI� M��t�a'♦ For� 2331 �TI�B �alfcv Na. 81b72i7� File �o. V��4641f '��HEGULE �i—I 3fnx� �r�1 i�Y tlsrr� not i.n�+ur�• al�in�t lass t�r d�►maer� t�-� raa�4�n o� th� fal }�a�in�e� i. R�i�hts esr� +�l���s� �+f ��►�'ti�� �.t� fc+�st::�c�rr n�t sho�n b��r �Fre �ubl i� r��ards. �`. E��te�en�ta� �rw ctaim� af ra�e��rnta. nc�t ahown bv the ��b1 �c rrc�+rc�s. 3. Disere�a�tia�, ca��1 iets in baun+d�ar� � 1�1es�• shortas+� i�n �r���, encroach+�ent�. arrd �►n,� f+�c�s urF,i�h ■ cc�r�r-ect surve�r and ir�*r�ec�i�s� af ��� rrt�i s�� �au l d d i s�l v�re and �r}�i tA ar♦ not shown bY th+� ��b 1 ic f'�t4�"�f r �. Ar�w� � ier►. ar rifht �k4 a 1 ie�� #or �wrvicas, labor� ar r�►terial #h�r�rt�a�orE �+r her�tfter �urrtlr�h�d. �n�r+ssed b�r 1��r �t�d nat �h��n b�r tl�t rubl i,c re��r�s. �, TA?(E5 FC�R "fME YEAR iF84 ANL� SUBSEQU�N7' YEAR� NC�TE; ,AFF�GT� �ARGEL'� 1 . 2: �+ � AN'� � t�. ANY AN�1 ALL �'P41(E� AN� A'S�SE�aSD�SEN7� �#�]T�e AF�EC7S f'AR�:E�, b 7. F�i CHT aF PR��R I ET�R �F i1 VE I h�l C�R LG�E T� ��('�RI�C'7 A�l� REw'I�t�VE H I°� #��t� �fHE�tEFR�t}M �Hf}ULD �'HE �AI"I� B'� F�3UND TO PENE�'kAXE UF�' INTER aE�'T THE f�REM I��� A� R����;�'E� �N UNx�'�� STATE� pRT�N7 REGGF�I�EL� MAY 74, 1�[�4 a Ih�t BQf�K 4!3 A7 PA�+E ��]3 Ahi� '�EFTEM�R +4, 19�'3 IN BQ� '�'� AT QAC�� �£�. 8. R I GHT O� 4J�4Y Ft�R �i I TGHE� C#R CANALS �[�I�TRUCTEL� f�Y '�Ft'� R��'HC�R I TY C1F' TME UlVITED �TATEfi A� I�E�ERV�L1 �N UNI'FEG �7ATE� PATENT F2�GDR�ET� MAY :�4. �9C��. IN �t��l�: 4� AT �AG� °�C�� phlC '�EI'7�MAER �4. 19;�# IN ��L��: Sk A�f ���� ��rt 9. RE�TR�CT I"�E C�fVENRh�T�. WH x GH �tl ht�4"f CC�l�i�A�N A F[1�c�E I TI�RE E3� REI�EF���R �LAL.ISE� B�LlT C1M I TT I Ih�� RE�7R I C�'I ONS� I F ANIa'a �ASEt] �N RFlCCE r C�3LQFi* R�l�I G T t�N, C�� NAT I ONA� C�R I G I N. A� C�.+N'�A I N�L� I�' I NS1"RUME�? FcEC�Ct�t�L� OCTt3�EF� 15, 1�7�, , I N �C��� 221 A�' R#�E 9�k Af�D A;� AM��GEP I N I N�'sTRUM�IVT I���CIRDED AUC�E��7 i 2: 1 S'77 Y N ��C)K 2'!Sf3 ICrT F`AC� A�3. �4. UTILITY �A�EME�1`� �0 FEET IN W�DTM. 3� FEET IN i�1taTH pN�1 4U FEET IN W I GTH �h1 TWE 1�3'NWE57 �RT I Q�hl t?F LC►'f 15. �LOCF� 1. � F�EET I hl i�!Y D!TM ALON�3 TF�E Si�ll7M LOT L I�+IE d� LD7 4 ANU LUT 'S. BL�1GK 3 . 1 b FE�T x N fi I L�TH ALC►N�L THE EA'�"�` LC17 L I NE E]F L07' �1, �L� # ANt� #� PORT I�3NN C1�' TM�r '�O1.JTHERLY M05T COR1'�Efi U� L.QT 7. BLC�CIC �, A� �1C3WN aN THE R��C?RFI�D PLAT C�F VAFLI�.IO�VSMEAD� THIRC FILINC�. Ra�� '�i ' TxM M�r��t�� �afi� �331 CTIRE; F�Ii�Y N�. E�b727?G �ii� Ma. "VOOO8�11 BCHE��LE �—I 11. PE�E�TRIAN EA�EMENT 15 FEEfi I� WI�TH aL��� THE S�UTH L�T LIN� C+F L�� 7. ���CK l �A I L IL I ON�HERG, �H I�P F I�I N� A� �H��W� C�N 7H� ��Gt)R;;DE� PLAT. ix. iJ'Ti�.ITY EA��'�EN7 A� C�1"i�lrMTE� TO H+G�LY CR�S� €LE�CTi��C A'��+�CIATTC}�� I NC. I N I h�STRUMEI!�T RECt?RD�D APR I L 19� I9'7� I N BOf?K �bi> AT �AL�E ;tx�' ANf� F�U�U�T �ta. i'�82 IN ��' 3�44 AT �'AC*� 922. NOTE� iy►FFEC7S LC�T 7 a E�LOG14 1 VA I t�tl�I i7�hi'�H�Ail. 7'H I RD F I L I N�i AND L�T C MC�R� �1.�8�D�'VISICiN. 13. ll7ILiTY' EA�EMENT i4S l�A�fTED TU �A�LEVISICyN A�SSCIG�I�TE� VI. G/B/A F�R I 7A`GE CAB�LE'V I'S I�N I NG. I O►i I N��'RUMEN7 REC�tG�d �lA�Y �tt�. 1'�83. I N BOCl�C �bO AT FA�C3E 4�. N�JTE� Y TEMS '7—!3 AFFE�T Pf�RGEL 1. PAF��EL 2� PAft�'EL � ANL� F'AR�EL "S i�. TEF�MS, CO?�tD I T I f]�NS A�+I� P'Rt3V I S�I�NS Clf PArRT'Y' WA�.L Ar3REEMENT �Y Ah�D �tETW��N "�'WE MAR�t—L+DGf3E CDM�C►M I N I UM I�SSCrC I F�fi I Cthl I NG. • A NE±T—F�F�—PRCl�I T ��i�ORADD GORPCIRAT I GN pN�} M-�K ��#RF�fRAT I Ght, A GC����4 �C'���'CkIRAT I d'N F�ECClRD�� �:T�P�R 3�3 3.97� �N st��h, �7�• RT P�E l�C�S. N(�T�� AFFE�Y"5� F'ARGEL 1 � F'AF�CEL � i�Nt1 PAf�CE�. 5 1�,. '�ERM'�, C4NLt�T I��J� I�NP �'F�OV I�l'A�NS G�?d'�A T NEL� I N Af�Ft�EMENT �V AN�s BETWEEN M—#C C�1RI�ORATi4N� � C:C�L�]f�AD�D G�7RPaRATI�N At+iI� THE I"lAF:K—LOL��E C�IL1�i!M I hl I L'F7 F�SS�1�I A7 I C}N �NG. REG�t�EL� flCTa�°ER 17 7 1�57� I N ��]Q1C �'7� AT P��3E b�S�. NdTE s f��F�G7� PF�RCEL 1 , �ARCE� � Ahl�`� P'�R�E� 'S f�. TEf►M�. CiCih+iD I 1"i C1N a ANLti FRC1V'I S I CtifiJ"� t�F' C+FtAhl?' 4fi �AFt�::I Nt3 ��1SEME�7 REC�JRDEa DCTGbEFt 17', 1�7€� I N ��1C�k �7� AT PACs� 6�L� F1N�+ AME'At�'MEW7 THERE7� RECL�R���+ J#�LY 27. 19�2 IN �i�QK 34� A'� P�A�+F 4b?. NG�i'�r AsFF�CT'� PpRGEL 1 > �AF�CEI. :, PRRCEL � #�N�� FARCE�, �`E 17. TERM�;, �C1NGT`f i�N� RNFI F'RC}�`I S i k3N'� OF PF�RTY WALL. ANL� EN�R4A�HMENT A�REEMENT �Y €�Ni� F�ETW��N THE 1'�ARf�; '�E�C�RT RN�+ T�Nt►�I� GL.U� A��t�L�I q I C►�'+1+I, IN�. , A N�1" FOF; F't�C�F I T �GGf�t.`tRA�CI t�NU M—K CC�RR�RAT ICiN. A �C�LORAGr� �:�l�P�RA7IC� REGL�RPELa �.�ULY �T. tFf�2 IN ��iC�k: 34:� fiT P�C�E 463. W�T�= A���GT� i'A��E� �, PARrEL 3 At�!!L+ FpfiC��� 5 18, T�RMS� �CING t 7 I Q�i�tS A!'w[L� PR01J T�I C�� OF R�Ca�fi�T I�MIAL AC�'�EMEhlT �Y At`tD� E�E7'NEEN YHE M--K �i�RPaRATIQ�#�. far C�lLt�RA�10 GC�RP�ATd�N AN� THE MARK k�St]RT AiN� '�ENN I� GLCFS A��CI�I AT�4�i+�� I NC:. . +A G�LDFCAB4 CUR�L`►FtAT I CH►! RE��DE� JULY 27, 19�2 IN BQt]EF�; �43 AT PAGE 4�4. N��7E: A�FEC7� PA�r�EL 2, PARGEL � pNU PARC.EL � Pa�+c �S � T�M Mar��a�e �vr� �331 �7IRH Po� ic� Na. �1�7�77� Fii� N�. V���6911 �CHEI�'�E F-I 1�. TH�3SE �Ri7V I S I 4NS a CCMVE�IP�NT� A#+bG G��riD I T I Dh1S, EA�EMENTS a AkND RE rTR�CT I t7NS. WN I CH ARE #� E�URD�N TG TME CCtND4M i�I UM UA!I T I1E3�R I�EU I N ��H��11'LE A. AS CbNTA I NEG I N I N:TR�3M�NT RE�C��I�ED D��'iDBER f 7 s 19?Q IN 8'� 27'G AT PAC� �0�6 �NP A� AMEC�IaEL� �M i N�TR'LIhfEM'f RECC�LIEL� M�RC'H 22. 197�' I N BQLTK 2�3 AT �A£3E 344. NQTE� AFFEGT� PARCEL 1 .?�p. TMC+�E PRi�V Y�I C1N�, CQVEl+�lYT� ANa C��i T IONS, EAS�MENTS A�lU R��TR I C�'i ON�. NH I�GH ARE A BLJ�RI3EN TQ� 7FlE Ct3�1�1 I N I UM �JiM I 1" L�Bk;R 3 HEa I�1 5��..E A. R� CONTA I NED I N �M�TRtJFFEN�' �#�'C-t�RDiEa MAR�H 14. �'�E34. Y 1V �t}K � A7 PAQE ��i3. N�TE� A�FECTS PI�RGEL Z A�113 P"ARGEL ",," 2 i. [��ED C�F TFtLl�ST i�ATED FE�UARY t?7. 15'7�, FRQM M-�K G�3�F't3RAT I Oh�, A G�L�RRAL'� CUFCRLIRAT I L�N Tt] THE PU�L�G TRl�STEE �F ��'4£3�L.E �N�'"Y FC�tft THE usE OF aAhucEi�s T#�u�T G�nPANY 'iG ��Ci�� TH� �uM C�F #2.254,4va.ii(3 FtEGQR@E� MAF��H OC�� 1 r�7'S. �M 8�C1� �3€� €�T PAC�E �7�. �45��t�NMENT C!F Ft�NTfi AN� OTNER I NGflM� I N G�NTJE�T�QN W I TH SA I� G�EFl [��' TRi�'ST RECC�R��! MAR�M Er. i�7R� I�V P�►K 2'�� AT I�A�E E�"75+. �E�:UR i TY A#3REEMEMT T N �C�NNEC°�T CtN W I TH 5A I� DE�G OF TFCUSfi WA� R�C-CI�Fi�� MAF�C�# �: 1�'7� Ihl PC�Csk." 23E� F�T PA�+E �E��. pS�+I Ot�M�l�7 OF REN75 ANa aTHER I�f�r�ME �N C�NN���'I C1N W i TH SA I i3 I?�ED C,►F TRUST REG�iRT7EU MARCH t�� 197� I hl B� ��t� AT P�GE �+�2. IY�7TE� �FFEGTS PARC�EL t � PAdR�E�. 2 ArN�r PAR�EL "5 ��. �1EEL� � 'FR�T '�AT�ZJ bCTO�ER 12, 1�'7B, FRdM M�IC C£�F��`QRATIClN3 A CGL�RAD�► C�3RF�'�R�17ItNV 7� THE f"llbLlG TRU�TEE i�F EA�+�� C�U�IT'Y Fi�R THE �.lSE �F BAfirIKER� TRL1�:1` �C��"1PANY T�# �EGLIF{E TF� �LIM C)� 'l�L,�d,U�C�.4t] REGDR�Ed C1C1'E3gER 17, 1978� t�'+i BCl�K Z?� AT PA[�E �15 ANL� A►MEMaM�NT THERETC+ RECC�ftL��L1 [r�T�@Efi 1?� 1�7C� IN Bt�L'�t�° b7L aT F'pCE C�1�. NQTEe AFFEt�T� FAF���L � ANLi �l�FiCEL �s NL1TEe THE LtiEED� C1�' T�CU�� S�T Ft1RTW A� El(CEF71�1N� �1 A�ii� 22 SGHEC�I�.E B--I HER�-3 N S�C�t� ONE PRah4I SSQRY N�TE. ��. F I fVAfWC:��lC� �`TF�TEMEMT W t 7H C�L�..fME�I A �AV 3 NG� €�N�► LOAfi� AS�:E�C�i AT I aN fiHE �EGURE�1 RRi�TY RECORD€D [lC74�E� 17, 1978 IN �[?�3K 2�`b AT F�At3€ bx�. N�TE� AFFECTS PARCEL 1 24. T'�EED �F TR�"6 DATE�7 J��RY C��� I p$t�� Fi�M KA I�El� E. MdRCU�. INI7I V I i]13ALLY AlV� h-K �t3RPt3i�AT I aN TC� THE �UBL X�C TF�STEE �7F EA£il..E CC�UNTY F(�R TH�E USE DF GCILUMB I A SAV I1'+#C�� AN� LOAM A��i�G I AT I�IN TD !�CURE THE �UM DF' l�b. t Ua.QOQ.C►C? RECC�FtD�D ,1ANUARY i�9, 1 A�fi, Ihl BOt}IC Pa�a 7 . TIM Mart*a�e Form �3�i GTI�B Po� ie� Na. 81�7�77� Ftta ��. v��a��� � SCIHEaULE 8-I 29? AT PAGF 1��. AS�I CilVME NT E�` REN"�S AN� FR�F I i'� I N CCi�+1�ECT I QN �+f I TM SA I D G�Ea O� TRUST RE�1Fi1JED J�ANUA�RY �y 1984 I M@O�K 29'7 AT PAI�E t�1. 5�.��4�D I NgT�CMi Ai�REEhiEN7 �N GCNw1+a�GT I ON Mz I TH �A I� L�ED G� 7R�5T WA'� RE�E]itI}E� MAF�CM �4, 198C� I�I B44K 3�?t'� AT PACE 1�:�. Sll�QRD�NA�I�t� I��i�EMENT� I N G�MNE�T I C�N 1�#17�1 �Ar I� �EEL� �F" TR'�.��T AN� A'�S i L�NM�MT C�F REM�S WEf#E RE�C�RI]EQ I�CT�BER 1'�. !9�+4 I M �C��K 3�'7 pT P#�Q� �94. ,8� 3'9'� A`T i°AC�E €*4� AC�D BC�CJIC �7' AT F'A�E b�`►1. r�ar�� AF�ECTS F�ARCEL � AN�l PARCEi. 2 2'�. F I MaNC I ML� S�`AfiEMENT �i I TH CC�LUMP T A �i�V I NaS A� L�R� TH� �ECUFt�� PAff�TY RECORflE`D ��lNUA�RY 9• 198(� IN BC►4K �97 AT PAt3E 1;5�. �"at�b�RT�I NAT I C�iV AC�#�EEM�hITS I hl CONNECT I C�N W I TH �fi3� F I NAMG I1e1f3 STATEME#+�T �iERE i��CC��D�� E3�TGB�ER 19� 19E�4 IP+1 H�Oli 397 �A7 �F'F�C�� ��9: 817aK 397 A7 PAGE bat� A1JI► Bt��Y �97 AT F"AQ� ��i. Nt�T�� AFFEG7S PAFi�EL 1 RN�] F`AR�EL � 26, L�Et� OF TRU��r ��iTE�f CiCTU�ER C�4� 15►�3�a= Ff�t7h� M-1f G��P'k]RAT'I E�+ +A �t�L�Aa� G4�tPC�I�AT I OM AM� KA I�ER E. MG��LhS I N�t I�J I£���ALLY T�+ TH� PUBL I C: '�RUSTEE �� EF�C�LE GG�+N'�Y FC1R 'fFiE l��E C�F �EC��fic I 7Y �AC I�I G MC�R'f G�R�E GUR�'ORATI�N, A CELAWI�RE G[]�2P�rFcAT�C�N TO SEC:UF2E T�#E �UM C�F �5t�0.{��O.4D� F�EG�R�EG Gt"7��E� 1 f t 1�€��, I N �UGh� �7C► A7 PA�E 1 ��. hFUTE i A�S�I C�NMFN�' OF F�EN�'�. LEASE� RNL� ��fT�CACI`�: I N CONtJEC�I aN W I TH SAI G ��L+ �F TRIt��' REC�R,�E� !�CTC�R�R i f, i s►'�r� I�1 �C►C�: 37G AT F`�#C•E 11�. SU�ttR�I#+IAT I@t� A�C�EEM��I"t I t� CbNN�CT"I�Mf W I TH SA I� CEEL� QF' Tki.���' AN�� ASSIOhIMENT �� R�EN�� REC:f]RUE�'r ��T�BER 19. 19�� �N P�Ql�: 3q7 AT PA�E ��'�. NC�'�E= AFFE�T� F'AFCt��L '� ANL� F'A�[CEL � SUL��RDINRTIC�1� �F HmME�TEAL1 E�CEM'�TIG!'�1 IN CC�fi�1��lE�TI�N WITH �+RTD 13�E� OF T�U�� �t£G�Rf1ED JANVAf�Y �E., 19�� FN P��f4 3�� {�T PAC�E �+�G. Nf1TE� AFF�E�T� P'AF�CEL �r 27. F�N�iNG I N�3 STATEMENT W I TH �ECUfi�1`Y PAC I F�G MC+RTaAE3E GORPCr�A7I�I TH� �E�CUREfl P�IRTY RE�URflE� MAY 7', 1'Q�4 �N BiSOK �#�4 aT PA�E �1 I, '�t.�B�t�IIN�7I�N AQREEMEt�T �N CQ�NNECTI£�N NITH �AID FiNANGIN� �TAfiEM�hIT RECURDED C!C'TE?BER !�. 1964 �hl ��[JF� 397 f��' PAIQE '�'98. Nf�TE s AFF�CT� pA�'��� � Pase F� ° TIM M�r��ast For� 23�� �TI�� Paiic� �a. 81�7277� F! 1� No. Vdt�46�11 �'�fEa�LE T�-I 2�. R I C�HI" #3F PRt�RR I ETf3R Cl�' A V��N �"►F� L�L� 'Fk? EX i'R�`�' AN� REM��E H I'� {7RE TH��EFRQM �HC►ULD THE �AME f�E F�l!�VG T� �'�IV�TRaT� Gk IN�'��tC�GT THE PREM I�S AS �SERV�D �N L!N i TE� �TATES RAT'ENT RE�QRLfED '�C�'��E�t 04� �,'918, T N Ht3@K 9� !�T �A[3E �C��.. 2p. R I CC�HHT UF Wf�'Y F�t D I TGFI�� C�'t GANAL� �CtiN�TRL�G7E� B�Y THE At.1TTH�R I fiY C�F �'M� UNTTEi� S'TATE� A5 �tL�S�RVEL} IW �iNITEU S�ATES PATENT R�EC'E�ht�ED C�C:T��ER C►4� 14��y I N BQ�K 9'� AT PA�E 3d i. htl]7E� I TEM� �� �AIND 2�► AFFEGT PA�t�EL 4 �wR. RI�HT C� RR�RIETOR � p +�JEIN CxR L�L`� TC� ExTRACT ANG R�M�UV� HIS �E THER�FR(�M SHDULQ THE '6Ah�E 8E Ft3UND T'4 �ENETi�A"�E OR IMTERSECT fi�fiE PftEM I SE� AS RE^��RV'Ei� I M UN I TE� STR1�E^� PATENT R�G`4�RL'�I3 ,�ULlf L��, i,'91(?. IN 'B4d� 4� AT PA�3E '�#'9, 3 f . R I QWT L�F WpY Ft�R L��TCHES O�i �A'MAL� C�NfiTR`UCTED BY THE AUTHaR i TY +DF �'W� UtV�T�'� '�TAY�� AS RE�ERVEI} IW l.�t`lITE� ��ATE a PaTEN7 R'EGOR�3EG Jl1LY U."`r, }�5+14. IN �C)f�K 4£� AT PAGE 549. �2. REaTR Y�T 7 i�NS. WH I GH D� C��tT �C3NTA T�+E � FORFE�TURE C�Ft RE'VERTER CLAil.�'sE: !�+U�` �M I TT I I�C F���`I'Fi I CT I�M�� I� �NY a PASEL� C�1y RACE� G�L(?�s REL I�I QN �R NAT i Q�I+tAL �R I G I N F1S CCwVTA Il�ED I IV I'N�TRlJMENT REC�RDEf� FEBkl.�ARY 2€�� �979 �tv1 B�1K 3�� A7 PA�E :�f�� ANII A�SENCED I�P IN�TR�FM�NT �iEG�►R�D QECEM�R 7 e �'S�79 IN BC}OF� ��5� A�" f'A�E �•15 ANI� AliwFENLyED 'CIECEM��F� 27, f S>7 r' Y N I30r�k 29E. AT PAC�� �4�• Ahl� AMENLIIE�1 T N I hfSTRUMENT RE�GRDE�1 Al�GU57 1 . 198� Yhl ��Ql�� �Q6 AT P��3� 4�� AND AMEN�IED Al1GU�T i . 1�+�C� IN ���K �C+�. AT PAE3E 413. 3'�. EF��EMENT 1+C� �EET I M N I�TH AL�N� EACH I��Cfrf'Ef�TY L I NE iLtiF TNE PR�M I SE� i OfiH�R THAN PRt]F'Ei;7 Y L INE� A���ACERET T�+ R�FML��} A� RE���iVL�� �Y UA i L A�:��C:�A'TE�� TNC:. . I N �3�EL� R€G�+fiL�E�s pF•R T L 2 f � ��+f�1 T N H�Oa: ���1 AT PAFt�E '�21 . �4. ���IL�INC� LIMITATIO� R��TRIC7I�Pl� /�� SE7 F���"H �N L�EE� FRt�M V�R3L A��f�I ATE�� I NC. TL� �ANDP I P'ER Mr�ME'� I NG. . A� CC�L��F�1D� ��R'�C�i�tAY I�N R�CORTIEL� I�FR I L 21 . i'�81 Y N E�C�Q� �2� AT PA�E r x 1 . ��. EASEMENT�`s RNL� �t�SEf��IA�'ION� AS COl��'fi�YN�C7 aN 1`F!E �LAT G� ��AVER �REEK SU�D I V I 5 Y ON �EGqMdD F I L f NE�, REGaRCIE�+ C1CT�l8ER 1 C�� 1974 i M �t� 29� AT PAO� �t3 3.. 3b. BU Y I..DI NA ENVELC#P'E AN� REST�t I C7I(3�V5 ASSdC t�ATED W I TH �AME A� �HE�N t]I+! �'I� PLArT C�F BEAVER CkE�K SUBD i+u'I .�'s I C?N. SECGM� F T L I Nt3. RE�aRIIE� C3�C'�fCIE�ER 1�3� 19�i I N BC1�4 2'Q2 AT PAC�E @a 1. P�tre 9 TIM Mort�a�e Form 2331 CTIRH �olic� N�� 81b7277� F i �s hfo. �+t>GC►�9 i i '�'CHEIK�LE �-I �7. i�L"�7I�E [� REA�Y FaR G�N�TR�CT I Ofi�1 GA7E REC�7R�Ea MG�"�MB�R 2�, 1981 IN 8aDC3K �3� AT �AI3� 64b. 38. DRA�NAC�E E��Ei�ENT 7.� �'E�T Y�# N I L�T�i �#..t)MC 7HE �aE?U7H L01` L�I'�lE C�F �U#3J�CT PFt'��ERTY AS �H�14iN �hJ THE +Ar�'(ENDEI] PLAI` -- L�7 t i. TRf�CT F t BL4� 1 ) R��t7RUEIl M�Y i H, �981 I N �f� 3�3 A'� PAC+E 7�. �9. '��f T EASEM�NT �(� FEET �N W I DTH FtU�`iN 3 N� #nIC1R�H/5!��lTH AG'�t�da�$ ��.l�J��T pF�OPEl�TY A� �H�1�JN G�+I THE AMENL�EECi PLAT - L�T 11� TkACT F 4 F�LQ►�K 1 ) R'EC4�DEG �'{AY 18. �991 �N B��3iC 3�3 AT RA�E ?�5. 40, �H�I i�L�F'� EA�EM�NT 3U FEET I N W I i}TH A'F T� �Ft�`H41EST �tN�R OF �'�JECT PRt]�I�i�TY AS SH�WN Ot�t TF� AMEN�1Ed �€�AT - L�'� i l. TRA�T F t BLUCC'F44 I } RECORDE�1 MAY 3�, T 9`£�1 �N 8�K 3�� A'F F��C� ��. 41 . €1EEd OF TRUST �ATEd JANUI�RY 25. 1983, FF�OM iCA I�R h�OR�CUS 74 TN� FUHL I G TRL��+TE� C�F' EAC3�,E C�.1NTY Ft�R THE U"�E OF Cf?[_l,1MF I A �AV I N[3S. A FEU�'RAL �A�J'�MOS ANEI L!l7�F�N A aSQ�t AT I QN 1"� SEC:URE THE �S�"! OF �1,#a4U�U�Jt�.�t� l�E��RDE�1 JANUARY �la a 19f��, I N@O�K 3�2 Afi F�AC+� 4"�7. f�TEr IT�M� �0-41 AFF�C7 PAR�EL. b �42. IIEE,L1 OF TRUST DA7EG L�CEM�ER 1�+ f 9'74 Ff7�M �3�N A. I�ATGHL�Fi� GHARLES T. INA�3AKX� SACHI�G tN�GA'�� � STANk��Y Y. F�IMI.�RA, TERUK� a.l{IM�`,`A, ,�C►HN A. KF�TGHUR� WANL+A �t. F�AT�HL�� I�NL� TIKM REA� EfiTAT�, Ih1C�. TO TH� PUBL I G TRU�TEE L3F EAC+LE C�UhI'f Y FQFt T'ME U�E QF CQLUM�I A �AV I NGS �N?� LC�AN A��t��Z A7I CiN TG �EG��f2� THE AMOi,3NT �F �'�"C►+Cs.a�7C1.b� R�CO�I]�E�i ,!�lNI�ARY �1 � f 5+7�4 I N BC�OI� ��� A� Pp�E 34 ANG kERECCtR'GE C� AF�F;I L i. A�74 �N �C1pk �33 A� �pC�E 9Srs� £�A I�i LIEEL� C1F TRU�7 WAS FuTHE� &ECU��b Y N A�S I CNM�N7 C�� RENTS RECaR��D JANIJARY 2� � I'�'74 tN �Q�l� 2'�� AT PAC3E ��. I�T�� N�T� AN� DEEL� � TR�r��° M��I F I C�A�'i�i p��t�EM��iT' �tEGC�#�DE� ���'TEMBER 1�� �9^74 I�1 �#�G�; �3f� A7 PAG� �27. h��7�. AFF�+CT'� Pfi�C:�� A 4;�. E��EL� C�F TR�o�T LEATE�� ti.lAN��4�CY C�1 , 15���3, F�t�M #�1-F: C=�RE'C4F,'AT I�f�l, #� C�L�RADfl CC►RF`C�RF�TI Qh1 Tt� �H!� PL1PL I'r' TF;USZE� �F' EAGLE G4L�NTY FD�[ T�E I�SE U� f"'�A�tR I C�TT C�.lRPC1RAT i O�, A L�ELAWaRE CD'RF�GRAT I ON T�? '..�'-,EGi�FFt� fiHE �l.�M G?F �2,'�C>�,�4�.UC� REC�rRL�EI� QGT(]E�E� 1'�a 15+�4. IN B��C��C 397 AT F�1�E ��`�. SUQQR�I NAT I�M RCF�EEMENT I N �NNE��T I t�V W I TH �A�� L�EEI� GF TRI,�T RECCIRDED CkGfiOB�R 19. 1984 IN 80Uk 3�7 A"� �pC3� E►ai . NU7E� AFFE�7�+ PARCEL �, PArRC'EL � AMU PARCEI. 3� �4. �EED �[3f TRUST DRTED QGTO�EFi C1�, r �91�4► F'F`�M KAISER MC3R'Cl�r AIKA KAISEF� E. M(lRCUS AND M-K CORPC+RAT I tl!t�, � CO'L�F�A'�a COkPC►RAT I t]hl 't� THE PU.�L S C Pw�e 10 - TIM Mor#��se Farm 2��1 CTIR� ��l #c� No. Hi�7�7TQ Ffl* Na. ��abb91� SCH�EL►UL.E B�-I T�U'�TEE ClF EAGLE CQt+NTY FGF� TME U�E �� CC�LU�'18IA SAVIN�i�. A �EC�ERAL �PkV I�+tC3'� F1N�+ La,RN A��O�I AT I C�+1 '�El ��CL#l�� THE '£��M C�� #1�.F��S,OQC}.C}U RE�di�D�D C�C'FG18ER 19, 1964. Ihl Bl?4i� �97 AT PAQE 3€�b. fi1�1'D I�EQ C�F TRUST WA� FRJRTHER SEC�ftEL� I N AS�i C�TiMENT �F RENTS f�'EGOrR�IEI] ��Tt]RER �5+. IS+B4, IN 8t�i]K 3'�7 F�T PAC�� ��7'. �U�C9�h I NAT I�+C� AGREEM�NT� 1 N C�Nhi�CT I Ct1�l i��7�H 5A�� L�ELt �!F TRUST ANG FI.�SS I QAtiMEIVT U�' RENTS W�R"E RECtIRI?�a �CTflBER 19. 19�34 I hi �4f�K 3�� AT PA[3E �9'S+r 8L'�K 3�'7 A7 P�C�E �{�� +F1NL7 �Cr�K; �'7 AT PA� 6(�1. MQTE1 /�F�CTB Pf�i+CEL l. f�A�tC�L �� PAt�C�L 3�► PARC�EL 4. PA�ifiEL S?i �I PARCEL � 4�. F X NANG I Nd L�TATE�IENT W�TH f Q�Llkh1F3I A i�AU"I tJ�35, THE �G�D !'ARTY. RECQRaED f��7t]BER 1 S�. 1�+'�B�* �N Ba4� 39? AT Pp�4� �D6. SUBGQFtI'�I NAT I dN �+R'EEME�+fT� �N �C:�NNECT I O� W�TH fA I� F I NI�NC I NG 57ATEME��"S WER� REGi3�L�ED C?CTOHE#� 19, 1��34 TH 8�d�1C 39�' A7 PA�Gk` 15�'�, IN B�[� �S�T A3' PAGE �+�C� AN� TN ��7�DFC �97 A'T FAt�E t��1. h1CC1TEt �1FFECTS FARCEL � , �ARLE�. �, PAR��k. 3, PA►R�EL 4� PAF���EL 5 AND PAF.�EL � 4�., DEEC� � 7"RU�T DA7EL� i0C7C�8EFt C►1 a i F�4a �Ft�+EM M—k�: C�►f"tF�RA7IGN. A CCILQRAaO CC3RP�FiA�I C1N �rhlD !�A I SER MiJ'�i�:.U� AKA KA I�SER E. ME�R�#�I� TO THE PUPL.IC TRL��T�� � EW►GLE GC�LlMTY FCl'�t THE �kS�E E1F C�LkJMRIA '�At�'�htQ�� Pi FE�ERAIr. S14VIt►!Q� ANi} LQAN A�St��IP,TI��f 70 SEC:URE 3hIE a�.�h1 O�' '#�i.7�E�,':�41 .7� RE��DEL� �1�Tf}R�R 19� fS+£��, IN �C1�i� 3�r'7 A7 PA(�E '�Ba+. �AI� i?E:ED O� TRU�T WA� FkJFi`�H�R �;�CLJRED IIV A�'�I�3NMENT 0� F�ENT� R�C:GkL�E�� C�CT��E� 1'�, 19'�4� �N ��'Gh; 3�+7 A'� i�ACi� �'�f�. Si�E�C�Ri�I NA�T I l�f� Ai�R��MENT� I N �"C�N#�tt�C��'I+�N 1+�Y TH �A I D �EEa �F TRU:� F�N�t A��I CN�kENfi t� R�h1T� W�R� RE��ii�EC► �GTC3��R 1�. f�€�4 T N P��►�` ��'7 AT F'AC�� '�9�:, ��}47K 3�7 A7 F'A�a� 15�� ,qN� ��(��. 3'�7 AT PACE 6�C}. N�TE: AFFECT� PA�GEL 1+ �`A�tCEL �� �ARC�L :�> P`F�"�C��� 4. F'AR�E�. 5 ANL� �'A�c�E� G 4�. F�hJ#�+�GIl�Q �TA7E!"1€NT WITH aC:QLIJMPIA �AVINC��� THE S�GUR�� Pf�tRTY: F�ECaRDEU �C1'C�aER 19. �9`�4, IN BCIC"tk: 3S'7 AT P'AGE "�'�1, J SUPC�RDI I�iAT I�hC AC+Fi'EE�'fEM�T� IN G�iVN�GT I OI+�! WI T'H '�AI L� F I NANC�I N.�a '�7ATEMf NT' �,IE�E RE�(]'FcI?ED C�GTOBER �9. 1S+f��+ iN B(JClk: ��"T A� PAOE �9�, BOI�K 3'A'7 AT PRt3� "�9'9 AN�3 @�W 3S+'7 Al' i�Fl�3� b��Jt►. �4TEs �FE�T� P'A��CEL �. 'F�A#�GEL 2. P�f��EL �. !�'ARC�L �4. PAF�CEC. '3 AND PAF�CEL. �S 48. �EED � T`�UST �A'FEU �1C.TGP�ER 1� 19�4 FRC�1'�I KA25E�t MCN4CU� �1Ki� 14A�S�R P�.�e 11 TI� M�fi�*a�t Fo�� �3�1 C7�RB pol �rt� Nc. Pid7�77Q Ftl� �o. VO�b4911 SCMEt�ULE H-�� �. MQrRCII� FiND 1�--K CC�'�PCIRAT I 0�'�I, A �DL4RAI]d CC�PQRAT I Ght T�1 THE PU�L I G TRU�'FEE C)F' EAQLE COI.�M�'Y FUR THE U�E �1F �t�LUM�I A �AV I NC�S s A 1�'Et�Ftl� �pVIN�� AN� LC1AN A�SQGIA7IG►N Tp SEGt�RE TNE SLeM �7F f�,Ce�.C�,��0 AND •3�Qt�.+C�C��.Q0 �CE�CCtiRDED QGTQ�ER iS's 19£�4 �N POOK �7 AT PAFl3E '�'�2. �I D 'QEEa 4�F TRUST W�S FUR7H�'R sE��URED I N �r���i3�lM�N7 QF REhd7S �vEC�RI}E'C� Cl�`��tPE�t 1'�, 19�4, IN HOt�1� �97' A7 PAG� "5�+3. ,4t8�tU I NA'F I f7�N AC+IRE�MENT� I iV G4NM�CT I ON W I TH Sf�I� dEED �F 7t�'U��" AND AS.��Y C�NMEN7 � RENT� R��RDE�+ GGTa�EF' �9> i�+�4 �N B(�qtK '�+7 AT RA�+E '�99. 8Ct[7�C �'9'7 A� PRCC�E bdC+ ANQ B�►OK �97 A7 PA� b01. NCITER AfFF�CTS PAR�I� i. PA�tC�L �� PARCEL 3. FARCEI. �4, P�#FtCEL J� AND PARCEL b �44. F I fVANG i l��C �TATEMENT W I7H �UMP I A €�AV I N�S, THE �E�Ei1 P�1�Y a R���tDE�I 4�7�8�� �5�, 19#��1, �N B413K 3S�? AT i'Ai3E �i94. SU�OrRR�I NA7 I�1�! AC�tREEMENTS I N GQN��G7 I�N W I 7H �;A I L� F x NA'hE�:I NC� S�'A7EMEi"�T WERE Fi'ECORI�E�1 �CTU�ER 1'�� Y'�+'$4 IIV �I��i� 347 A'� RA�3E 549. 8t3Gt� 3�97 AT FAC3E 6OC� ANG ��[3'K 3'��' A7 F'A�E 6t►�. N�3TE s AFFECT� PARCEL �� PAR�EL �� P�R�EL, 3. PAf#CEL 4� R�lR�:�L, 5 AND �A�i;CEL 6 �t�. A#VY LCi�a �#; G�'1MRt�E L1C�' TC► TW� SkI�CtiRD T NA'fi��►N F1t3REEMENT REGC;F"i`DELt �CTaBER �5r. 19�4 I�i �Ot}K 3�'7 AT P�1C+E '��"S� I'+IC�� C�hETAIINING A NOTARY PU1�L�G AC#CN�4�EGGMEI`S!`6 F!6��i TH� S�C;I'+lATl�R� �F Gi��UMB d A S�AV I N�:+�, A F�����L �av��r�s +��sa ��anc A��a���r�ar�. `f`H� CQI"iPANY HE�;��+Y I Nal�fi�� ACAI NS7 LC�S� �k �MaGE f�Y R�A���N f?F� t 1 } TH� I NVAI.I 9�I TY �F� UW�N�I�R�:EA�I L I�Y OF' TN� L I EN 0� THE I N�1R��C+ M�ft7CiAt3E RE�I.iL�i M� FR�]r� TH£ FRt�V Y�I�tif� THERE I N NH t C:H PRC►V I Q'� F�� TI�1T�F2F_ST i7�2 INT�R�'�T AN�lC1F� C=#iAhIG�� IN TH� RATE C3�' iNT�R��7 ANQ1�F2 TH� J�aLi I T I k7N C�F UN�'A I L� I NfiERE�T TC+ TME PR I NC'I F'�iL.. f�A►�,f�N�'� �F TF1E L�1AN. t�} L���� C1F" PR I�R I�'Y C�F �HE '�.3�N C�F' 7H� 1 N��.wREP M'L�RTC<Wt.i� A'�-� �EGI,�Ft I 1"Y �t��C TH� UNFA i CJ PF7I�r I PAL. BALANC�� C1F 7HE L.I�AN, I N�`LUD I N�:• ANY t1N'Ff��� I W�����T WH I CH W�y� pI�D�C+ TC� PR I N�:I F�,L I N AC�a�tL�AA�JC� W 2 7H THE F'RC�b+1�arC�NS U� TN� It�SUR�Q Mf3R�t3A��, �rvr�a��r C1N IN�ERE�:'�' �rNL�/�2 I N1"E�EST fl� C`HANCiE�� I n! 14C:iGC��iL1AHC:E W I�'H THE F'R�'4�'i�I QiV�ti CfF TFiE I N�LlF�EC� MDRTfifiG�, W�I CH �i��� �� FR I C�R I'TY I S �CArJ��� �Y SA 1 p �HAN���, T N 7H� F�sRT� Q� INT��t��� AFJL�t��R IhITEFtE�T �tt� xNTER��T ANafC� INCREA��` IN TH� UN�"A I I� F''�i I NG I�AL �3ALANCE aF TH� LOAN R���JLT I I�iQ FFtaM THE ADU�T I4� GF l}�iPA T L� ��ETEF�E�T. "GiiANQ�� IN THE RATE C1� INT�F�E�T", A� U�EI� IM 7HI'� ENDC�tfi�MENT. �1�lAd..L MEAN ONLY THfl�E �HRNC�E� XN THE RAT�. Q'F INT'�REST' CAL�UL�47`ETl PURat�1AN� fi�C1 TF� F�RM�L.A PR�V'II�EL1 IN THE INSUREL� MQRTC�A�3E �RT GATE CMF #�'[}L I�"'i.Y. F'aee �� TIM Mvrt�a�• F�rm ��31 CTTRB Pclie� Na. B1�7Z770 Fi1e Na. V��4bFi1 SCM�i3U�.� Ft-I TH I S EN��tSEMEMT D�ES N;OT I N�URE RC�A I N'�T L05S !]R f�AMAGE BA�ED UF'1�N �A} [J�SIiRY� �!R' �B} ANY GC}�«t�U�"'�ER C:F�E�I T FRQTEC"f I[�1V OFt TFtI�TH-I N-LENi�T NG �.AW. TH I S �NL}QRSEMENT I S Mfiri]E �1 PAl�T C`rF TW� PC�L T GY AND I S f:iJB�JE�T TCt ALL OF �HE TERMS AN,C! P"ROV��I ONS THEFC��JF AhJD faF A1NY PR I C1R EhfiIORSEh?EN7� THE�t�T�s E l�CE�T THRT THE �Ma�.IRANCE AFFCIRDE�l 8Y TH I S ENLi'�1RSEh'IEr+1T I S �UBv�E�T T�7 ME I TH�R PARA�C�R�PH 3{a} GF THE E lf CL#1�I�NS 'FRC�M CGVERAf3E T�C�R �A�tFtC�RRPM Q t E�1 QF '�HE C+C►{�JU I 7I C�NS AWD '�F�F"L�LAT I DNS. E X�EPT TO Tl�fE E X"�`ENT EXPREB�°aL'M' STA7iEI)� I T NE I THER MQt1I F I�5 ANY i�F T1� TEF�M s AiND PROV I S I t�NS C�F THE PQL I C1" ANG AhIY PF;I£�ft ENLtE�S��lEN'fS. N4R D!C�S I T EX�EN� THE EFFECT I WE L1ATE t]F TIr4E R��.I�GY ANL] ANY PFk I Q� ENDOR�EMENTS. NL�R �� I T I l'rlCREASE �HE �'�tCE �MC�ItNT TH�REb�. �CHEDUL.E P��i i Zn addi.�ic�rr t�a �he �nafttr� �e� forth tn P�rt 1 a� thf� Sc�r�duit. the #i t 1�r ta the •atatr� ar f r�t�rrt�at i n the 1�nd d�rscr i�i�d ar r�fer�red to f n Sth�dule A �� �uaJtct� �o �h� f�i la�ine �,�kter�, if ;r�rr b�r �t�o��, �ut t'�e COR�P+$f1Y ir�sure� that the � #er� or c�a�se �� tne ir�sured mort�a�e ufan ���d ,rsta.t,� c�r� int�rt�� i� r�r�iar tc� �ucl� m��tt+rrm. 1. �F I NAf�E.i N� �TATEMENT W I TH �QLU�tEs I A �AV I MG�, A� F��E�AL SAV I l�C� aN� L�RN R��U�I AT I ON a THE �E�Ui�ELw F'AR7Y a FtECCZFlL�Ea C�CTOE�ER 1'�� 3 5►84. I N HOt�K 397 F�7 PAGE ��+7. �I���C��iL��NAT T CtN At�RE�MENT� I N CC�WNEC:T I£�N W�TH SA I G F INANC I NC� �TF�TEMEM1f T WERE REC+�R�E13 CtCTOBER �'9, 1984 I N R��K 3'�7 AT PAGE �9'9 RN� BC1�FC �F7' AT PAGE ��t�. 2. L��EC� aF 7RLr�T �ATED JAN��ARY n3, i�E�+�� FROM KAI�E� E. MQF��US� I ND I V I DUALLY AND M-�!C CC�RPC�RA7 I L�N 7�] THE PU�L I C �''FtU�TEE C�F �AGLE G�+UN?Y F�R THE LF�� C�F Ct�LUME�T A SpV I h#G� ANL� LaAN #�S�CI�I AT I G�! T�} S�CURE THE S�.�M C1F ��ti 1(70, �s3C�.+C��? �CEC�R�L1E'f7 ,JANUARY �`�� 1�+8f�: I N 8��1K 2�7 AT PA�E 1�C1. aAI L� DEED C1F 7RU�T WAS FURTH�R ����UREI� I N AS�I��+1M�N7 CiF RENfi� R�GC�RI?EG JANI�ARY 4'�, !9'SC►, �N BilOK �`�7 A'6 PAGE 15i . SUBC�FtG I PlfiT I CtN �'4GRE�h"I�NT I IV �CL�hJIVEGT I GN W I 7H SR I U i�EEI� i�F 7kL�'�T W�A� REGQR�El� MA�RCH f 4� 19gC� TN BIDQK '�OCr Afi �AGE 18�. �UF�CIRII I NAT I aN p£�R�EMENT� Y N CUNNECT I C�tV W ITH �I a DEE�1 C.�F TRUST 1�� ASSi[3NMENT i]�F RENT$ WERE REGORL�d dCT�B�R 1'9'. 19'�34 IN BGC1fC �97 AT PAGE '�99. BDDK 3�7 AT P�[3E ��£� AN� B�di� 3�7 AT p+AC#E fs�1. N(3�'�! ftFFECT� PAFiG�L � � F I WANC I h�lC� fiTAT�!"'IEN'T W I TF-� CCI�.UM'E�I A 'SAV I NG� P1'Nd �GI'�N. TH� FaECL�EL'+ F'ii�e 13 � ' • r � T�IM1 Mart�a�w For� 2331 CTIa� F'vl ic�r Na. 8�67,�77fi� F i 1� N a. VO['!!Gla91� �GHED�JLE B—�I PART'�r FiE��C1kI]EIl JAhd�.1ARY �[l9� 19�0 w I CJ BQ�K 297 A7 FAC�E 1'.�2. SElHE]R�I f+�AT I ib�V Af3RE�MENTF� I N �h1NECT t 4N W�T!i �A I 0 F I I�tANG I NG+ STATEP'fENT I�E,R� RECCiFtDEI� t,1�Tt�BER t4. i'�A84 I!N Sk�K �97 A� PAL3� �9'S�. �C�K 397 �1T �A� b�t� A�t►!D $O[�K �a RT PAGE +b(?�. . r�v�rE' ��E�rs �►p���� � 4. ArMENDED MRN�QEMEN�' A{�R�EM�'NT DATE'� CxCTOBEf� 8. 1'��4 AI'�D R'ECC�RflED AS ElC H I 8I T B Q� SUBO�RO t NAT�QN A�R��MfNT RE�QRDED OCT��R 1 S+. �9'�4 I I►1 8�C3[�C 39i aT PAl�E �4Q. NOTE� A�F�ECTS PAftG�L l. PARCEL 2► PpRC�L 3 A�1�1 FA�L "5 IyNM _��e.�s�.�----—.-.--..,..T�.�.-._�,_.�..,.—�...z.��—-- ..--._.__.�--.�f.r-�-�-•--,�.�._�_--_-_,-F. _ . . .�_iL�� --����——.�.—._.�.r+•. �. _ r �OtJD4M i N I UM T7��C�A RAT I C3N {3F THE MAR.K II� CUND�MiNTVM � RNC3W ALL 1�E� BY 'THESE PRESEi'1'I'S; THAT WHEREAS, M—S Corgc�ration, a Cals�ra�do Cc�rgaratx�n . �herein�fter �a].led *D+�clarant") is t�he owner �f tha� certain garee� +�f reai pr�perty situated gn tY�e County af Eagle, �tate of Colo�ad�, bei;ng more pa�rticular3y described c�n Lxhib�t A attached her�tc� and by reference incc�rparate�3 hereir� {the "P�QpertY°� ; �THEi�EAS, ���larant has ct�ns�ructed therean a build�.ng cc�r►tairring �ne hc�ndred �wenty�-ane �].�1} cc�ridc�mini�m units; and WHEREAS, Dec]L�ran� aesires tv es�ahlish a plan far th� ownersh�.p in fee �imgle of teal grc�perty +e�tates, subj�ct to the easement,�, restrictior�s, reservations, Gt)TI+C�l.�1C�t15�, �3Rf'S ar�d ass�ssments as se� forth in this Declaration, consisting c�f the area or space +cvntain+�d in ea+�h a�f the air spac+� units� in th� t�ui�.c�ir�g impravement� ,a�d �he cv-vwr��r�hip by the indiviauaT and segarate awners �hereof, as tena�ts in cc�mmvn, af a�l c�f the remaining pr�perty, which is hereia�after r3�efin�� anr� �referred tr� as the "ct�mmon el,ement�, " NOW, THEREF+C�RE, D�c�.ar ant dves hereby ptxb].i.sh ana c�eclare that the �v�lcawing te�rtt�s, �vv�n�nts, cc�r�ditians� ease� �nents. restri�taons, us�s, reser�a�ivns, �imitativns and ahiiga- tions shall be d�em�d �o run with the land, sha11 be a bucdc�n and � ben�fifi to Declarant, its succe�sor� a�d assigns� an� any persora acquiring 4r owning an ir�terest in �he Frvp�rty, thei� grazatees, s�acc��sors, �eirs, exe+�tators, ac3mir�istrato�s, de�risees ar a�signs. 1. �ubr�issivn ta Cont3ominium flwnershi, . D�Clarant dves h�reby s�bmit �h+� Prop�rty c�escribed on Exhibit A and the � impravements canstructed th�ret�n to condam%n��tm awt�+ership pursuant ta the Cvr�d�minium C]wn�rshig A�t c�f th� State af Cvlaradc�. 2. De��n�,tivns. [�nl�ss the cs�ntext sha�l expressly pr+�vide ath�rw�se: (�} *Apaxtment Dnit'� zneans an �,�a��iau�.l air �pace unit w�,��h is� contained wi�hin �he wi.nd�ws, docrr� �r�c� ex�erior p�rianeter, unfinished wa11s, flc�r anr� ceilings o� [7nits 7��1, 142� 103� �104� 1(35� 106r ].ID�► � 1Q8� 1�9� 11{D�, 111� 312� 12�� 3Z3� 124� 125�, 12fi� 1Z7� 125�, 12�� 3.30� 13�.� 132� 133r .�52� �.54i 171� :I.72, 173, 1.74s I"75, 176, A7'7, 178, 179, 18C1, 1$1, 18�, 183, 184, 1$5, 186, 18T, 1$$, �$$� 19[1, 192, 252, 2'�4, 273, 2T2,, �73, 274, 4ji3f�4fRJR � . , . . Dec jI3EC 49 � �ur,,�, � �f,�� r'f ;�.t.r,�„c� ��,�"Xi ,,,, ��F—t' �.'�rz.�1 {�_ r # �75� 276i ��T� 2T8� �79 ► 280r 28�■ 28� r 283 � 2$4r 285� �$�� 287r 288r 2,�9� 29Q� 29�r 3��� 371� 37�■ 373r 374' 375■ 375� 377� 37$ � 379r 3$D� 3$l� 382� 383r 3$4r 385� 38� � 387 � 3$$ r 389r 390r 392� 47�� 47I� 472i 473� 474i 47�� 47�r 4�7r 47$ � 4?9► 4$U� 481r 482� 483r 484� 4$5r �86� 487r 4�� ■ 489r 57a � 57�i 574i 575r ��8r 58� � S82 and 584 as shawn �n the C��dominium Mag filed �vr rec�r� s��ultaneous�y wi�h khe re�or�ati�n of this ��cla�ativn, tage�her with all fixtures and imprvvem�nts t�erein cvntain�d but n�� inG].uding an,�r of �he crarrua��an e�ements, i.� any, l�sca�ed wi�hin the Apartm�nt Un�t• (b) "LvdgQ Uni.t" mean� tt�e inc3ividual air space unit whi�h is cantained with�n the windc�ws, c�oor� �,n�i ext�r�ar p�rimeters� unfir�ished wall�, floc�rs ar�d ce�3.ings af the c+on- ference cen�.�r, bal�rovm �w�th kitch�n and storag� areas) ; I�g poal ar�a, expanc3cd lc�bhy area aa�d mar ket i ng ar�a, a�.l as designated Qn tYse Cc�ndvmir�ium �iap filed �vr record simu�.tanevus�.y with the recorciat�on of tnis �3ecl�ratiar�, �ncluc3ing th�e fnteriQr part3tion wai�s separ��ting a�l such roc�ms, toge���r wi�h all ��xtures and imprvvements, c�n�ained in sueh ro�ms, but not including any ef the c�am�nan el�rne�nt�, i.f an�� located �aithin the L odge Unit. t�) "Cflnc7c+minium Un�.t"" means the fee simple i n�er est and t i tle � �.n �nd ta an A�ar tment Uni.t or L�c3ge Uni t, �ogether with the undi�rided in�erest an t�� �omrnan elements appurtenant to s�ach Apartment Unit c�r Ladg� [dni� as se� �Qrth �n Exhih�t 8 attached heceto and in�argarated herei� by reference, and all c�th�r rig�ts ana burd�n� created hy �his Decla�ation. In r�ference to the �efinit�.vns se� �ar�h abave, the ���3.tiw.ing sha7.7. ap�1�: (iy "Unfin��hed +wail" me�ns the studs, �uppQrt� and vther wc�aden, meta�, co�crete ar si�3�ar skr€�ctural materials wt�ich �nstitute the interior face o� � wall. �2} "Unfin�sh�d ceiling" means the bQams. jois�s anc7 woQ�i�n sta�uctures wh�ch constitute �he �Qiling of an indatridual ai� sgace t�nit. (3� '"Unfinish�c3 fl.00r" m�an� the k��a�s, flovr � jaista and piywood deck ar simila.r flc��r deck m��eria3 wt�ich c�an��itute the floc�r af an in��vidual air space unit. �4a An inciiva�c�ua�. air s�pace unit shall inc�.ude the drywall, wal� ganel%r�g. w€�ad, �i�.e. paint, gager, Gatpeting or any c��her w�1�., �eiling r�r fl+aar covering, windo�s and windvw frames an�l doors and �aor frames at�ached t� �r crsmp�rising t'h+� surface o� any un�inished wa�.l, ceiling c�r flaar enc].osing such inr]i�idual. air space unzt. �.n individual air -2- � r , � sp�ce unit sha11 also include: �1] any f��epl�e� ���r�h, fireplace faczng �rick �� tile or firebvx: �2} the �ixtures, har�ware and �ther i�grovem�nts contained with�n �he �xteriQr perimeter unfini�he� wall�, cei�ings an� flo�r�; and (3) any heating �lement� or relate� equigment, utility lines an� vut�ets, electrical and plu�bing fixtures. pig�s an� other re�at�d equi�m�nt require� to provi�e h�atxng, w��er, electr�cai, telephvn� ar �ther utility services to the ind�vidual air space unat and �ocat�d within t�e ex�erior per�m�ter unfinished wall�, ce��ings and �lo�rs. (d� ��Wn��� ��dnS d P��SORr �@�Sa�3� fl��� carpar�ti�n, pa�t�ershig, assvc�ation ar ather �egal entfty, �r any c�mbination thereof, wh�ch Qwn an �nte�est i� o�e o� �vre Candaminium U�its, excluding h�wever, �ny ���h pers�n �aving an int��e�� therein mere�y as a M�r�gag�e, �nless �uch Mortgag�e h�s aequire� a fee sim�le tit3e ta a Con�aminium Unit g�rs�ant �� forec���ur� or any pr�ceed�ngs in lie� therevf. �e) "Cvmrnan eZemen�s' ��ans a�d includes al� �f the Pr�perty and al� vf the imprvv�ments l�cated therean, exclud�ng however, the Apartment an� Lo�ge U�its. The commvn elem�nts shail �onsist of the general cvmr�an ele�ents and ��mited coznmon e].ements. The common el�men�� shal�. t�e awned, as tenant� in �common, by the� �wners of the segarate Apartment and Lodge �]nits, each awn�r of an Ap�rtment or Lodge Ur�it having an r�ndi�idec� in'�erest in the eammvn e��ments as grvvid�d an Exhibit B. (1) "Ger�era� comrnon elements" mea�ns and in��.vdes �he Fraperty �ie�cribed in Exhibit A; the structural epmponents af the buil.rling�, inclu�ding but not liimated tv the faundativns. �irders, beams, su�apo�e�s, roc�fs, a�ci rnain walls; the yards. g�rd�n�, v�stit�ules, trash roc�ms, mechanical �qeaig�nent roams, e�.ec�r�cal �qu�.pment ��avms, elevatar and e�.e��+atvr sha�t areas; inst��.lati.ons of central ser�ices suc'� �� pawer. l�,ght, a�as, hvt and co�d wat�r, I�eating and c�ovling: t,he se�vi.ce rraa�1s an�/or dxives and pa�king areas, if aruy; �u�h imprvv�ments and portions c�f �he Bui�.c3ir�g and areas therein, not �acat�d within �n Apartment �vr Lvdge Qn�t, and a11 c�ther parts of s�ch Frogerty anc3 the i�provements the�rean ne�essary to i�s �exi��enc�► �ai.ntenanc� and sa€ety wt�ich are narma].ly and �ea�sonab�y in �g�neral c�mmc�n use, includa�ng th� air abave such land, The ger�era� �ommon elemer�ts shala inc�ude a31 tangible physi�al propert�es a� �th� P raj ect ex��gt �.irni ted �co�an elements an� t�ie Uni t�. S ubj eet tQ any vth�r a�plicable prr��v�.si�n� �n this De�Zaratian, the genera� cornman ele�ents� ar any part �therec�f, m�y be evn�reyed tv any per�gvn ar �ntity, ath�r tha� the QWI3�+�S� with th� gric�r written can�ent vf all +�wners. _�_ x , (2} "Limited cammon e�ements" means those parts of the comman elements wh�ch are either l�mited ta and xeserv�� for th� ��clusi�e use of an Own�r of a Cvndvminium Unit vr are limited ta a�d �eser�e� �v� t�e c�mman us� �f more than one but fewer than all vf the �wners. The limited cammo� elements shall includ�, by way af illus�rativn �nd �ot 1�m�ta- tion, ce�tain balc�nies a�a fa�eplaee f�ue�, which are speci�ically d��i�nated as beang appurtenant t� a par�icu��r U�l�i ��� "Condominirim P�oject" or "Prc���ct' means ��.1 �f th� Frvperty su�rmi�tec� tv Gon�ic�m�.nie�m +�wnership by this De�larati:vn. ic�� "I]ecla�ration" means th�� e3acument 4i..e. , "Ccsnd�rminium D�ec�aration"] and a�aend�ne�ts ��d ���plements theretc�■ i.f any. �h} *Cpmmon exper�ses" . except as estherw�se provi�ec� her�in� means and inc].udes (i� expenses of adminis�t���ivn, operation� manac���nent. repa��r and repiacement of the cc��man el�ements; (ii.) expenses declared camman expenses b� the As�vci��ian; {ii�i� al� sums �aw�u�l�y as�es�er3 agains� the cnnunon elemer�ts by the Boara of Managers a� the AssaG�ation, and �i�►} exp�nses agreed upvn as cc�mmvn �xpenses by the Assveiat�ion af Dnit (7waner$. (i) "As�ociatic�n �f Unit awners" �r '�Asscaciation" means the As�ociativn farmec� as a G�lorado nat-fvr-profi� c�rpe��atian bearing the na�e af Mark I�I ��ncivmini�am Assoeiation, In�. � the Art�.c$es vf Incnrpa��tion �nd Bylaws vf which sha11 gvvern the admini�firati�n o� this Gondc�min�um Project, and the rnemt�e�rs af whic� st��ll be all of th+� �Dwners c�� �he Condominium Units. {j3 "Building" means a s�ngle bu�.�din� contair�it�g Car�daminium Units as s�own vn the Map. �k} "Map, " "C01'�d[7Ifl�1I]1 L1ID Niap" or "S upp�.emental M�p'� means ancl a.nclu�les th� enc�ineeacing surraey vf the �and d�gicting ar�d lc�cating t�erec�n a11 af the improve�ents and the f��c�r ar�d elevatiorn p�ans as re�ui�ed by 5��tion 6 hereo�. {ly "Mc��tgage" as usec3 herein s�all �ean any mart�a�ge, deer� o� trust csr other dvcument pler]ging a Condamini� IInit vr in'�ex�st �herein a� s�e�rity fc�r the gayment af a �iebt crr c�bligati.vn. A "First Mt�r�gage' sha�l be the Mortr�age havinc� li�n gri�ority o�er �ny other �iQr�tgages encumberi.ng a Ce�ndo�inium U�ni,t. ��t) "Mortgag�e" shall mean any person, corpara� tic�n, partn�ership. �rust, ccampany, assaci��i�n or c�ther legal _��. S f entity which takes, �wn�, ��l�s ar receives a mortgage Qr d�ed of trust. A "Fi�st �o�tgagee" shall refer ta the Mort�agee of a Fir�t M��tga�e. {n) "Ueeiarant* shall m�an M-R Corporatian, its success��s a�d as�igns, if such successars ar as�i�ns are desig�ate� by M�K Corp�ration in writing as � De�iarant by document duTy recarded in the rea3 proger�y recor�s �f ���le C�unty. Colora��. {v) "�ylaws" s��ll mean �he corparate byZaws of Th� Mark III Cvnaominium Asso�aation, I��, , a Cv�oradv not-for profit corpc�ration. (P� "�ni�" sha.�]. mean �ith�r the Lr�dge Unit or an Apartmen� Unit. 3. Divisfan af Pr� �rt into Go�domina;um Units ana �onveyance af L�n�ts. (a) The Prape�ty c�esczzbed on Exl�ibi�. A, ir�cluc��ng the imprv�eme�ts thereor� is h�r�by divided inta vne hundred twenty-vne [121} fee s�.mple esta�tes {i.e. , Condomin�um Ilnits� . Each suc� es�ate shall consist caf � s�parately designated Unit �i. e. , Apartment �t�i� ar Lvdge Unit3 and �he undivided �.nte�est ir� and tc� the com�nc�n e�eme�t� appur�e�ar�t to su�ch Un3.� as set fvrth c�n Exhibi� B, attach�d heret� and in�arpvra'��� by referenc+e herein. {h� Th� t3wner af �the Lr�c�g� Uni� is hereby �ranted the r3.ght f�com ti,me tv time to partition or sube�i�ide the Lac3ge Unit intc� o�e c►� mQre +Gon�omir�ium [7nits. In the even�. that I�-K �Qrgora�iQr� ans�/ar its se����ssar� and asszgr�s. subdivi�des vr partitions the� Lo�ge Unit, i�t sha�l evnt�mpc�ranec�usl� with sueh �r�h�i�isir�n �r garti�ivn reeo�d a supp�ement to thi,s DeC�.aration and s�tpp�ement to the Condominium Map w�ich shal], s�t fvrth anc� id�nti�y: �a�h suc,� newly created air space unit; the undir�id�d inter�st in the cvmmvn elements apgurt�nant thereto; the vQ�ir�g right� app�rtenant t�o �aid U�it; an+d the percentage ob3iga�ic+n of sai� C�nc3ominium t3nit in regard to �h� gay�ent o� the c4�m�vn ex�enses. All cas�s and expenses �regar�ia�g ��e su�c�ivid�r�g Qr par�itior�ing o� said L�dge Unit will b� borne by the awner o� the Ladge IInit aa�d th� cansent to such subc�i�idin� or p�rti�ionin� +�f said L�sdge Un�t €rcrm th�e ather C�wn�rs ar �he Assvciatfan shall r�ot k�e requfred. The Owner of the Lac�ge �ni� s�a�.I abta�.n the prfor wri.tt�n consent of the First Mar�gagee o� �he L�dge C7nit, to any suc�s gartition or su�division of the Loc�g+e ❑nit, wh�.ch cansez�t �hall nat b� unreasc�nab3.y withh�ld. 'Notwithstar�ding the foreg+�ing, in t�e event �he +�Wn�r af t�� L�,dge Un�.t p�rtitfon� vr su�ciivides said Loc�ge Un�t �nta c�ne o� mare Condvmin�.um i7aits as k��r�i�nahave p�a�r3,ded, a.n nr� �v�n� sl�all �he aggaregate undivic�ed _�_ P I interes� in th� c�mman el�ments, th� voting rights �r assessment obli�at�an �ppurten�nt to �uch newly created Con�Q�inium Un�ts exceed the undi�ided interest, vating rights �r assessment �bliga�io� initi�lly appurtenant ta the La�ge Unit. 4. Lim�ted Common Elements. �ubject ta the d�finition there�f, the 1 imited corEUnan elem�nts shall �e i��nt i€ied vn t�e �+Iap. Any ba�c+�ny, Parch, patio or firr�p�aee flue which i� a�ccess�ble from, assv+ciated with �nd which adjo�in a �Irtit shall without further reference theret�, be used in cr�nnecti�on with su�h Urtit �o the exc�usion of the u�e thereof by the o�her Dwn�rs of �he cvmmr�n elements, excep� by inv�itat�c�n. Si.milarly. certain h€�ating, cooling a�,d h�t water heating eqa�ipment which �.s �antair�ed within an indi�ridual Apartment Uni.� vr Lor�ge Unit , shall b� a lim�tec3 cammvn el�rnent appurtenan� tv such Unit and sha�l be mainta�.�ed, repai�ed and apera�ea solely by the �?wner or C3wners of sueh Apartment or Loc�ge �Init. A11 of the (3wners vf Cc�ndominiurn Unit� in this Condo- minium Prc���ect and their fam�lies, ir��aitees, lessee� and g�t�sts shall have a non-exclu�i�e rig�+t in �ommon with all of �'�e other awn�rs to the u�e of the �idewalks, stree�s. drives� �.c�bbies► hailways, stairs, fi.re escap�s, ele�ratox� and restr��ms lac�ted wi,thir� the entire Candominium Project for the purpose for whici� th�ey are nflrma3.ly u�ec3, nc�twithstanding � that �c�me +�� these are lvcatec� i,n the Loc3ge Unit. Iax a�lc�ition ta �ig�ts af use herein described and e�.sewhere desca�i�ec3 in this �]eclarati�n, the Associ�tion, its �c�ard af Manag�xs and its man�ging agent shall ha�e �.he unrest�icted irre�ocable eas�ment to traverse, crc�ss �nd util��� any �artian of the common elements which may be n�cessary it� order tv maintaina regair �rr replace genera� an�d/ar limitetl ce�tnmran elements. Except as specific�l�.y hereir�at�vve �equir�e+d, �o r ef er ence w�ether sttc� l iznited cvmmon e].emert�s ar e �xc�.us ive or n+�n-�7�G1llS1V�� n�e� be made i�n any iristzument o� ccan�eyance vr c�ther �nstrument in accardance with Paragraph 5 of this �eclara-- tian� except as specifi�ally herein required. �, I�ES�riptian o� Condo�inium Uni.t- (a} �wery cvntract f�r the sale of a Canciominium Urait written priar to the recor��tian a� the Map a�d '�his I�eclaratic�n may legally +describ� a Condamina.um t]nit by its i�enti.fying, Uni�. designation, €tallowe� by th� worc�s "The Niark II� Cs�ndomxr�ium." '�h� lc�cation of su�h �ondc���,nium [Init shall be +d�picted on a Map subseqt�ently r ecc�rdec�. Upan �c ecar�at ian of t:he Condvmanium M�p in the County vf Eagle, Caloradv, �u�ch c3escrig- tic�n sha�.l t�e cc�nciu�sively presumed tv re�ate te� the '�her�eon c3escrxk�ed Cc�ndc�minium Ut�its. �b) After the Condominium Map and �his ��clar�tion af Cnndominium far The �Iark IiI Condvm�.nium have been recoraed an _,�_ � e . th� office �� t�� Coun�y C�erk and Recorder af Eagle Cvunt�► 5 tate vf Colorado, �ver� c�ntract, d��d, l�ase. mv�tg�ge. d�ed vf trust, will Qr �ther instrum�nt may �egally describe a Cv�do- min��m �ni� as fallows: G�t�avminic�m Unit No. , The I�I��1� III CQnc�vminiumr in accartian�e with the Condaminium Declaratior� r�eorded an 39 , in Bc,vk r at Page � an� Can�aminium �'iap r�c+�rr�ed or� ��g r lIl �44�C _ r r�l'� P'c"1e3� � O ��'lf' �;c3C��e CQl3I1'tY R£'.Ct)L{�S. Ever� such �3e�cripti+�n shali be gc�ed an�d s��f�cient fvr a11 purgoses ta sell, canvey, trans�er, encumber. �or otherwis� af�ect nvt only the Ap�r��nt or L�dge ❑nit, but also t�e unc�ivided interest �n th� cornmon elements appurten�nt to s�i.d Unit an� a11 vther appurtenant properties and pr4perty raghts including apgurtenant limi�ed conunc�n �lemen�s, anc� incc�rparate ali of the rights and burdens aracident to c�wnersh�p af a Cvndamir��,t�� Dn�t and all vf tk�e limi�ati�or�s tt�e�ersn a� des�ribed in thi� becl�ra- tivn and Condaminiwm MaQ. Each sueh description sha�l be cons�rue� ta inc��ade a nan-�xclusi�+e eas�r�ent fv� ingr�ss and egress to and frr�m an C�wner' s Cartdomir��,um Qnit Qver and a�ros� . �.he genera3 �amme�n el�ments. {c� �he re�e����e to �he A�ap and i�ecl�r�tion in any instrument sha�.l '�e de�med to �ncluc3e any �uppl,emen�s o� am�ndments ts� the Map or Declar�tio�, wi�Mout specific r�ferenc�e (s) ther+�t�v. 6. Cvnc�vmir��um Ma . The Map may be �i].ed for r�cord in parts or sect��ns. The initia3 Map and each �upp�.emea�t thereto, sh�ll be r�carc��d prior tv th� cc�nveyance v� any vf the Cvttdominium anits shown therevn. The initial Map anc� �he s�appl.�m�n�s the�eto %n the �ggregat� sha].l c7egict and shaw at least �he f�llowiragz the leg�� �escrfgtion vf the Froper�y and a survey t'hereaf; the �oc�tion af the �uilaing zn. reference tr� the exterio,r bc�unc�aries �f the Property: th+� flocrr and elevat�.on plans, the lacatior► of t�e L��its wfth�n th� e�a�.�,ding, b�th horizont�lly and vertically•, the thickness of th� cvm�no� walls '�etween ar sep�xat�ng the Units; ��e Iocativn of any structu:�al +ca�pon�n�s or suppart�.ng e�ements af the Buil�ing �.4cated witl��.n a ❑nitt and the C�n�lom.�nium tJnat clesignatic�ns, Eae'h srxch M�p sha11. +can�ain th+� certa.�i.cate o�' a registeree3 professianal engineer. �z�eMSed archite�t ar r�gi�tered lar�d su�aeyc�r certifyang tk�at the Mag sub�tantial3y depicts the �acatio� anc� the harizantal and �re�rtical measa�r�ments �f the Uni�s, the Unit designations, ��d t�e e��vatio�� of th� +�4nstructed unfinishe�d flavrs an�d ceilsngs c�n t�ie [Ini ts and an aff f r�ation that su�h Map wa� p�rQpared subsequent tca substanti��, cc�mpletion of the impx�v�- _7_ menks �h�wn there�n. In in�erpre�ing the Map� the exis�ing physica� bvun�aries a� �ach s�parate U�it as �vn�truct�� sh�il ae ��nclus�vely pres�a�d to �e its boun�ari�s. �ec�ar�nt r�ser�es t�e right to aiaen� �he Map, f rom time �o time, t4 confarm the sa�e a+ccarding to the actual locati�on v� �ny o� the impravements and t� estab�.ish, vacate and arelc�cate easemen�s, ac+�ess roads and or�-sa �e �arking areas. l�ec�.araat' s right, as herei�n�bav� set fc�rth, shal�. tert�ina�� on �he c+�nv�eyan�e Q€ all Condominium Units w�.thin the P�aject, or Uecember 31. 1�89 , whichever �irst o�curs. 7. Ins� aza�ailit �of a Condominiwn �7�it. Ea�h Ur�it, the u�t�ivide interest in the eom�aon +��.ements appurt�nant ther�t+o, as w�11 as a11 c�^�her appurtenances, ra.gP�ts ans� b�ardens, shal.l tc�ge�ther �mpris� on� �c�nc�Q�tiniwn Unit� wh.�ch Candominium Uni� shal7. t�e ins�garablQ and may be co��reyec3r leased, �evised or encumbezed on�.y a� a �ondoma,nium Ur�it. Notw�thst�ndi�g the f v�egc�ing, in regara tv the Loc3ge �In�t, i t �s herehy �.cknvwl.edged tri�t the Lr�dge Unit m�y be pa�rti�ianed �r subdivided in ac�orr�- ance with the prcavi�ivns o� paragr�ph 3 �b} h��eof and that �he� +�wner thereaf st��ll a}.s�a be entitled, authariz+ed and perr�itted ta lease any or a�I pa�tivns c�f the �rariQr�s rc�o�ts vr �nclos�ures sitta�ted within the Lac3ge Uni't tv one car m�a�e persvn vr persons. 8. P�rt T�aTI �n� Ree��at�onal Amenit Easemen�s. E ach C�wner by h xs ac�egtan�e �o a dee tv �s Cvn vm�.n �€m Un t, hereby .au�hc�rrizes the Asso��ativn, as �aid Own�r' � a'�torney-,�n- factr trr eatea� into paxty wall ag�eements wit� aI1 vwners af ��y re�I �roperty immec�iately adj�ini.r�g the Property, which par�y waZl agreements sha1J., zn aaa�ti�� to grvvisions thereof which ccrver �he cr�ativ� and main�enan�ce of party walls, shall grcavid� far the ramping and �annectic�n vf th� Pra��ec� to such ath�r structures t�u�.lt or �a b� built or� sai.d adjoinang owrner' s property a�d �o mutu��.1y gran� ta anc� reeeiv� �r4m sai,d �djo�.ninq �wn�r, the�r ��tcces�cars, assigns, tenants and invit�es th� recipracal right to the use of �er�a�.n hallways, ec�rr�dars, access wa�s �r►c3 fire exits with;i,n The Mark I�I �c�nc�ominiu�n ancl those which are Qr �ay be ca�structed within a builaing i�tprovement ��tuated r�n the adjoining groperty. Fu�ther, �ach O��aner �y his acceptance of � de�d �v bis C4ndominium Unit� hereby au�horizes the Assc�c�.�tian as saad t3wn�r' s attorney�in-fact, to enter into a recip�a��al, non-ex+�Iusi��, unrest�icted, irrevoc�bl� e�sement �r�� ri�ht tv �se whi�h srial�. provic3e that �he cawners af the adjdininy property. their successvrs aa�d assigns, inoi�ees, ].icensees a�d guests shall. have th� right ta use any anc� a�l �xis�ing anc� future z�creativnal facil,iti�s and am�n�ties loca�te�d at Th� Mark III Condominium� %n exchang� for the right of the +�wn�rs v� Un�.ts at th+e Mark �II Canc3ominium ar�d �heir successors, assigns, ir�vit�es, l�.cen�ees and guests �o use any and aI1 existing an� future recr�ativnal faci.�ities .�nd am�nities located a�n �he ac3jvin�ng praperty, �og�the� �ith a re�iprocal, n�n- �xcl.�sive, unr�stricted. �.rre�+oca�ie easement to �ravers�. �r�oss ��,_ and util�ze any par�ion 4� th� property ��signated as gen�ral c�mman elem�nts on sai� par�els �or ingress a�d �gress t� and from th� recreati�na� f�ci1���es and ameniti�s. 9. Se arate Assess��nt and Taxativn - N�t��e tv Assess�r. The un �rsi�ned s�al g�ve wratten notxce ta the Assess�r of the County af E agle► C�larad�, �f th� ereativn �f Cand�minfum �wnership �n t�is Pr�ject, �s �s pravided by law, s� tha� each Condomf�ium �nit shall be deemed a separate parcel Qf re�l estate fvr purp�ses of separate ��sessmen� and taxa�ion.. ip. Forrn �� Owner�hi - T���e. A Candvmini�m Unit may be held and awn�d in any real progerty tenancy vr estate re��gnized und�r the Zaws vf the 5tate of Colvr�da. 13. Non-Parti�iona�ilit and Transfez o� Comra�� Element. Subject t� the provzsions o paragraph 3 (b) , the cc�mm�n ele�en�s sk�a.11 be owr�ed �n comrnor� by all v� the �3wners of the IInits and shall r�emain unc3iaided. By the �cceptanc� of hfs c�eed c�r ��her instrument af conveyance ar a�si�r�n�nt, each 4wner spe�ifica�l,y waive� his right ta institute anc�jor mainta�.n a partitior� a�tian ar any cather act3on �esigned t� cause a divzsir�n v�' the c+�mmon e��ments. Each Dwner specificai�y agrees n�t to ins�itute any action there€ar. Furth�rmare, each Uwner agrees that thi� Sectivn 11 ma� be` pleadec� as a bar tc� the maint�nar�ce� of such ar� action anc3 khat vialatic�n of this prvvisia�n sha�l entitle the Assc�ciativn t�a personally ca��ect, jaintly and severally, frc�m the parties �iolating the sam�, the ac�ual attorney �ees, cost� and r�ther damages t'�e AssvciatiQn incurs in connection therewith. F�rther, ���. Owners, anc� the Associaticanr cvvenant th�t, except a� pr4vicied in Scetian 3 �b� , the�r shal� r�eith�r by act nor vmissia�, seek ta abandan, subdivi.de, encumber, sell c�r transf�r the cv�man ele�ents wi th�c��t f irst �btaining the wri�ten CDI1S£'t�� C]f the �?wner of th� Lodge Unit and the holders of recdrdec� Fi�st Mortgages encumbering Cflndamini�nn Onits which have �ppurtenant ta such Units an a�gres�ate e�n�livide�3 it�terest in the comnnon elements �vf at l��st s�venty-five perc�nt i !.,J 1Y� w 12. L�se o� �eneral and Limited Cvmman E�ement�. Each Owner sha�� b�e en�itl�er3 �a excle�si�e owner�hip an pa�se�sion of h�s �Jnit. Each 8wner may use the appurt�nant c�ene�a� an�d limited comman elements in accar�a�ce with the g�urpv�e for whi�h they are iatended, w��hc�ut hi.ndering o� encroaching �pon th� 1��£ul rights of the othe�e Qwners. The Associat�+�r� rn�y advpt ru�es and r�gula- tivn� governing the �se af genera2 and lia�x�ec� commr�n e3.�men�s, but such rules an�d rege�Ia�ions shall be tin�farm ar�d non- �iscri�inatorp. Each Own�r, by the ac�e�tance of h3s deed Qx o�her in�tr+ament caf coraveyan�c� ar �ssignment, agrees to kre bvund l�y �he �xisting and thereafter adopte�d rul.�s and regulations. -9- i3. U�e and occu�ancy. The ���r�me�t �ni�s sh�Zl be used an� �ccupi�d by the �wner ther��f, �he �wner' s family. �uests, and/or te�ants ��r residential purpos�s vn1Y• Thi� �estraetion a� to residential use, however, sha�� not ��p�y t� th� Deciar�ntr its agents, em�loyees, �nvit�es and a�signs during the constructian and sales p�xi�d, Nvtwithstanding the abo�e, the A�s�ciativn may use any Con�o�inium �nit whi�h it awns or lea�es �s � b�siness affi�e and/�r a residence �ar a�y on�sit� resi��nt manager, sales represen�ative or custadi�n. The Ladge �ni� shal� �e used and oc�up�ed by the �wner �r awners thereo� for conductin� and �perating a fu�l servi�e h�tel. �onve�ti�n an� recr�atiana� center, including but not limited to the vp�ratian �f: a kitchen: l�g pool �rea; c�nferenc� cente�; ba�lra�m; meetir��g roc�ms; mar�Ceting facilities and c�f�i�es. 14. Easement�. (a} Encroachments. Ir� th+e ��ea�t that any porti4n v� the cv�mvn elements �encraaches upvn any L1ni� c�r anits: �r in the e�r�ent that any �,orti�n Qf a YJnit encr�aches �pon ar�y vther Un�t v�r Units or upon any pQrti�n of tt�� �ramraon elements, vr in th� �ven� �ny enc�vach�n�nt shail �cC�ur in �he future as a r�se��.t af: (i) sett.�ing af the H uild%ng: or (ii� alteration or repair tv the c�mmon elern�n�s; ar giii} re�pair nr restara�ivn o£ the Hui].ding �n�/ar a il�it (s} a�ter damage �ay fire r�r vther casua�.ty. or �ondemr�atia�n c�r eminent doma�n prviceedings; � valid easement shal�. e�ist far the �ncro�chment - and for th� mafntenance of the same sa lcang as °�he Building stands or encro�;chment +�xi�ts. In the �vent th�t any �r�e or �ar� of the Dnits or khe Suild�.ng c,r c�ther improvem�nts cvm�rising part of the cor�man �le�ner�ts are partially or t�tally destcc�yea an� are suas�quently r�e}�uilt vr re�or��tructed in substan�ialTy the sarne locati�n, an�d as a rescxlt c�� such rei�uilding any p�artion tt�ereof sh�l� enc�aaeh as prQVidec� in the preceding se�tence, a va�,ic3 easement for such en�rcaachment shail th�r� exist, �uch encro�chments and easem�nts s�all nat be cc�n�ic3ered vr determin�d to be encumbrance� either vn t�Q �amm�on e�ements or an the IInits far purpases of n������abi.lity of title or o�h+er purposes. �n int�rpreting any anc� al3 pro�isions of the Declar�tivn, subsequent deeds ta and/or Martgages rel�ting to Conciomi,r�itiva tbnits, the actuaX location af a Un%t �hall be deem�c� cvnclusiv�e�y t4 be the prvperty i,ra�e�dec� to be con�ey,�d, reserved �r encum��red notw.ithstanding any minor d�v�a�i.oa�s. either harizvntal��r. v�rtically ar ia��raXly £rom the �.ocatian c�f se�eh urait in�ica�ed on the Conc3ominium M�P- (b) Maint�nanc� Easem+�n�. �1n easement 3,s hereby granted tc� the As�aciat�an, �.ts c� �.cers■ agen�.�, emplcsyees and assigns �g�n, aGrvss, over, in and unde� the cc��non e�.ements tc� m�ke s�ch u�e of the cvmmvn elements as may be n�c�ssary or appropriate tv perfarm �h� duties anc� f�nctions which it �.s ot�ligated and/or permatter3 to p�rfvrm pursuant tv t�is Declara- -lp_ tionr including the r�ght to c�n��ruct and main�a�n an th� common elements mainte�anc� an� starag� facilities for the u�e flf �h� A�sv�iativn. Furth��, an eas�men� �s here�y �ranted �o th� �ec�arant, its agents and employee� �nd the ����ciati��, its emp�vyees �n� thir� party cant�ac�ors for ingr�ss and e�r�ss to any �ondvminium Un�t wit�in the Pr��QCt in ar�er to �Qr�it �eclaran� to perf�rm any �ec�ssary rnaintenance andJ�r re�airs requir�� �� it un��r the terms and prov�sivns �f any Purchase Agree�ent between �eclarant an� the �wner af an i�d��i�ua� Ccanda�inita.� Uni�. (c) Er�ergency Easement. An easement for ingr�ss �nd egr�ess is h�rebY granted to a11 pvlice, sheriff, fire prQtectian, ambu.�ance aand Q�her similar �mergen�y ag�r��cie� or �aersons tv enter upan all stxeets and upvn the Proj�ct in the gerformance vf th�ir ae�ta.es. [d) Ia�r�ress anc� Ec�ress Across Lo�qe �nit. A nan- exclusiv� ease�ent for pe�3es'trian i.ngre�s and egressyta and from the Apartment L�na.t� to the c�enezal commr�n el�ments anr� gublic ways, thrc�ugta the l�rb�aies, ha�l.ways, stairs, fir+� es�ages and elevatc�r� located i� the Lodge LJnit is hereby grar�te�i t� tl�e C]wners nf the Apartment Ur��ts, their fa�sti�ies, invitees, lessees ��� �u���ur r 15. T�rminatic�n of M�chanici s Li+�n Rir�hts and Indemni- fzcati�n. Subs�quent to the cvmpl�tior� of aay �alteratfc�nsr mi�i�'�ca�ians or add�tians� tc� the improvements �escribed on the ,Map, nQ labvr p�rfarmed �ar ma�te�ials �urnished and incorparat�cl in a Unat w,ith the c�nsent ar a� the rec�uest �of th� Unit Qv�ner, his agent, his con�ractar ar sz�bcc�ntract�r, sha�l U� the bas�s f�t �iiing a li�n ag�in�t t�ie C�ndominium Unit af �ny vther pwn�r not expressly consenting �v or re�u�esting the same. or �,gains� t�ie evmmon elemer�ts. Each �wner sha�.l indemnify anci ha1c� har�n�.ess eaeh o� the o�her Dwners fram and against all liabi3�.ty ,arasing �rc�m the claim of any iien against the Cs�ndominium Unit o� any fltner Owner or against the cvmrnr�n elem�nts for construc� tion gerformed or �or labc�r, a�a�erials, ser��ces or other �roduc�s inc�orporat�d in the Qwner' s Condomin�um LTnit at such awner' s requ�st. The �rovi,si.ons herein cc�n�tain�d are ��b�ect �o the righ�s of the managin� agent +�r bvard �a� r�anagers af �he Assaciation as set �c�rth in Sect�on i+6. 16. The �ark II� Gone3ominium Associ�txa�n Inc. [ay T`h� int�rests a� a}.1 Owners of �Conr�ominium Unit� withir� the Proje�ct �hal�, be gvverned anc� adminis��re�d b� . thi.s �eclarat�or� anc� t�e Articles af Incarpora�ivn and �y-L�ws o� the The �ark III Cvndo�in�.um Associati.on, Inc. An Owner vf a Cc�ndom�.nium tJnit upc�r� bec�omi�g an �wner, shal� �� a member af the As�c�ciativr� an� s�a�.l r�ma�n a m�embe�r �c�r t�e perioc3 �f hi� owne�;ship. _11_ (b) The Assvcia��vn sha�1 b� gran�ed alI �f the powers necessary to gavern, manag�, mai�tain, rep�ir, a�minister an� regu�at� t�e P�oaect a�d t� gerfarm all �f the �uties required a� it. Natwi���t�nding the a�ave� un�ess the Dwner �f the Lo��e Uni� and the holders of recvr�ed First M�rtgages encumbering C�naominiu3n �nits w�ich have app�rten�nt tQ such Uaits an aggregate undivi�e� int�rest in the cvmmon el�men�s o� at Iea�t ��xty-se�en �er�en� {�7�) have gi�en t�eir priar wr�tten agpr�val, the As�ociat�vn sha�l n�t �e �mpowere� Qr �n�itled t�: {�y By a�t or orni�si�n, seek ta aban�on. �r terrninat� �h� C andom�nium FrQject; ��) Change the pro �ata interest or �bli�a- tio�s �f any indi�idual Co�d��ini�m Uni� for t�e purpases �f: {i) levying assess�ents or charges or a�locating distrf�u�i�ns of haxard �ns�rance praceeds vr eondemna�i�n awards, Qr (ii) deter��ning the pro rata shar� of awn�rshzp �f each Condo�inium [�nit %n the cammon el.�mer�ts, i3? Exc�pt as gravide�i in Paragraph 3 tb) herea€, p�,rti�ivn ar subd��ic3� any Cor�daminium Uni�; {4) B� act ar �mis�i�on, s�ek tfl aban�don, ' pax��.ti�an, s�bc�ivid�. encumber, s�ll vr transfer tt�e common elerner��s. {The granting af eas�ments far public ut�li�ties vr for o�her pub�.ic purposes consistent with th� in�Een�ed use �rf the commcrn elements by th� Conc�ominium P�aject s�all no� b� cieeme� a transfer with�.n t�ae meaning of ti�is cl.ausey ; �5) use hazard in�uranc� proc�eds for losses to any +Condominium P�operty (whether to Ur�its ar to �am�an ��ement�) for c��he� than the �epaa,r, repl.acement ar r�cvnstruc- taon af such �Cond�minium Pr�perty, except as gr�vided by statute in case c,f substant�al loss tc� the Units anc�,/vr eommo�n elem�nts a�f the Candon�inium Pr��ect; �c) The Assa�iat�an sh�ll grant ta each Fir$t Mortgagee of a Candc��inium Uni t t�e ric�ht ta ex�mine �he boa�s and �ec�rc�s Qf the A��oc�,ation at any zeasonable �ime, �urther, upan wri�t�n �equest any such First Mort�gagee shall be entitl+�c� tc� X@C�iV� an annua�. fin�nca.al st�tement vf the Associa�i�n within nir►ety t90] �iays fvllvwing the en� of any fiscal year and/ar wrftten notice c�f �11 meetings o� the As�vci�tis�n. The Assacia�ion hereby gr�nts any su�h Fi,rst Mortgag+ee the right t+� +de�ign�te a cep�esentative to �ttend any sueh m�eta.ng. � -12_ 17. R�servation for �ecess - Main��nance, R�pa�r and Eme� er►�ies. - . _ ._., , (a) Th� �wngrs sh�l�. hav� the irrevvcable righ�, to b� exer�ised by the A ssaciat�an' s board c�� managers, off�cers, cus�adian or managing �g+ent, tv ha�e ac�ess tc� each Uni� fro�a tim�e ta time during re�sc�nahle hc��rs as may be n�c�ssary far �he maintenanee, r�pair or replacernent of any vf the c+�mmQn e�emen'�s thex�in or accessr�lale there�rQm, or at any hour for ma�king �me�gency repairs, maintenance o� i�spectivn ther�in necessary �c� prever�t damage to the co�nmon �le�nents or to anvth�r [Ini t. (�3 ���g� ta the �nt��rivr ar any part of a Unit, exc�p� for t3wner install�d or constructec� �mprc�vem�nts resuZting from the m�intenar��e, repair, eme�gency rep�i.r or rep3,�cement a� any of th� ��mmvn elements �ar a� a r�s�],t c�f ernergenc� repa��s within anather L)ni.t a� the diar+�ctican of �he Assaci�tivn, sha11 be a cvmman e�pen�e of ��I af the Qwn�rs; pxovmded, however, that if the damage needed to be repairec� is causec3 by negligent �r � to�rtivus 2��ts c�f a IInit C7wner, me�bers of his �amily, tais agents, employees, invitees, guests, l�sse��, li�ensees vr tenants, then such Candvm�.nium, IInit awncr s�all be respar�sible anc3 liable �caar all of s�ch damaye an�d the cost thereo� shall for�hwith b�c4me said Own�r` s obligativn, whi�h must be timel� p�i�. S aid oblic�a- tivn shall be a cornman expense as it r��ate� to said Cvndomir�ium ' Unit Owner (Sy ► c,nly, an3 �h��.l be �ubject tv the pr�av%��.ons elsewhere herein gra�ic�ed. All dam�.ged ,�mpr+�vemen�� sha�l be restvred substant�.�lZy, ta the extent reasana�Iy pr�cticab�e, to the sam� �nditirar� in which they existed grior tv the �3am�ge. AlI maintenance, repairs anc� rep�.acement a� t�e cv�non el�mer��s, wheth�r lvcateci insid�e or vutside af Unit� (unl.ess necess�.tated by th� neg�.igence, m�.suse vr tortiaus act af a Cvndominium fiJ�it �wner, in w�ich ca�e s�ch �xpe�tse shall be charged ta s�ch Owaery � sha�l be the comman expcnse c�f all of tt�e awners. :However, the Association sha�.l not �e �bi�.ga�ed to seek redres� �vr c3ama�es cau,sed by a neg3.igent �Jwr�er and this cc�v�nant shall nvt abrr�gate the insura�nce prv�ri.sfons o� this Agr��m�nt. �$. Mazn�enance and Servic� R�s onsibilit . (a) [�wner: tl� For �aint�nance purposes, an [}wn�r shal� be aeemec� tv vwn: any interio�c nan�suppor�ing wa�ls withfn his Unit, the materials such as, but nc�t Iimate� t�o. p�.ast�r. 9YP�� dryw�all�, panelirtg. wal�pager, paint, r�al.� and il�or tile and finished s�rface flar�ring. and other materi�al�s which m�k� up the fi�ishec� surfaees a€ the gerimet+�r walls, cei.ling a�d flac�rs w�thin the [�nit. An Owne�� however, shall no� be c�eem�d to �wn the pipes, wire�, c�nr�uits vr syst+�ms [whicl� are g�ner�l ct��riranan elements and f�r brevi�ty are �e.re�n an3 her�a��er referres3 to as .���_ �ut�lit� fa�ilitie�"1 running t�r�ug� his U�i� w�ich serve one �r more v�her Unit� e�cep� as � t�nant in c�m��� wi�h the �th�r Qwners. Such �til�ty ��cilities shall nvt be �istur�ed vr rel��a�ed by an 4w�er wit�vut the writt�n �ri�r �onsent an� approval �f the Asso��ativn' s bvard �f managers, ana any suGh �lteration. reloca�zo�, enlargement, a�ditivn ar mo�i�icatiQn shal� be �t the �wn�r' s expe��e, which expense shall �nclude ��� �xpenses incurred by the As�aciatian in re�erence thereta. 42y An Owner shall mafntarn and keep in ��p�ir �he �nteriar �� his Qwn Unit, including �he fix�ures l�cated therein �o the �xten� curren� re�air shal� be neces�arY zn order to avaid damag�.ng other Candc��aini.um Un�.ts �or �he coinmc�n elements. Al1 fixtures ar�d eguipment installed within the Unit commencing at � pofn� where the fixtures aa��l eqrai�ment �nter the Unit sha�l be m�aintained and kept in repa�ir by the Own�er thereQ�. An clwner sha�.l c�v r�o act nc�r an� work thafi wi�.I. �.mpai� the structural soun+�ness o� �he Suilding or im�air the grc�per funCtivning c�f the utility �faci�a.ties. heat%ng. elec�rica�., fire exti�grsishing. coaling. electrical �az plumbing systems c�r the structural in�eqrity a� the Build�.ng or imp�ir any ease�rent ar heredita��ent or damage any vther ca�npc�ner�t vf the Prvj�c�. An Dwn�r shall a�w�ys keep t�e balcvny, porch or patio area ad��i�in+� and appurt��aan� to his Unit and any vther l�mit�ed c�mmon elemen�� a�ppurtenant theretc� in a clea�, carderly anc3 sanita�ry cvnc3itian anc� the �Qwner of tiae Lv�ge i7nit shall be respon�ib�.e for the ma�.n�en�nce af the tennis courts. {3) �n adc�ition '�a the foregoing, {?wner shall be vblig�t�ed to m�in�ai� and keep in repair any fireglace, t�eating a� co4linc� eq�i,gm�nt which is a limited co�mvn el.ement appurtenant ta h�.s Unit, notwithstana�ng th€: fac� that said �eating or cc��Iing equipment is si�uated vn the cc�mmvn el�e�nents anc3 nat totally cvntainec� within the �.n�ividual aa.r space c+�mprising the Qwner' s Dn�t. (b) Associat��an: ily �he Associa�ian sha3.1 ha�e the c�uty �af maintainin� and repairing 2��.1 v€ the cammvn e�.�em�nts withzn the Projee�, except ��ati,ng �nd cac�ling �quipment and f�repla��� which are l�mited comm�an +elemet��s appurt�r�ant ta a Unit. �he Assaci�ation shal� nvt nee� the privr a�pprov��. �f �ts rnembers �v cause s�ch ma�intenance or ��pairs to be accamplished, nc�twith- stand�.ng the cost t��reof. �2� The Assaciatic�n sha�.l proni.e�e ta the 4wners th� fQ11+�w3.ng ��rvices which shal]. be pa%.� fQr au�t o� the cc�mmvn exgen�e assessm+�nt or utxlities a�sessm�ent, as hereinafter proeided, to-wit: �.�9- (a) mainten�nce c�� the commc►n eTem�nts, �x�cept as otherwise provid�cl; �b) adm�nistrativn �nd management af the P�caject; f�} Providing heating ant� ligl��ing for the Llnits anc3 the camrnc�n areas; (d} obtainirsg and ma�.n�aining the i�ns�r�nc� requ�.red ira Sectivn 23 hereof; (e� �enfc�rcing of the provis�c�ns, set fvr�h i� this rieclaration. and the A�sc��iatiorn' s ru�es ana regul.ations, and co��.ect�ng c�f a�l c�l�lig��ians s�wed ta �he Assoc�.ation by th� awner�; 4�) �ctsng as a�torney-in-fa,ct �n the event v� c�amage or des�ruetion as prr�viaed for an 5�cti�n 28 herreof; and I�ecZaratic�n, vr��t�e Art cle� c�f� Ineargvra�ian and 8ylaws af �the �ss�cia�ian. Notwithstandinq the abave, the Assvciativn res�rves the r�.gh� tc� hi�e c�ne or more persons car entities inelu[�zng � �nanag��g agent, car�trac�ors, an�3 e�nplo�e�s tv perfarm such servzees. Further, the Associatic�n reserVe� the �i.ght tv hize the Ladge T�nit awner t� grv�ide such managem�ent an�3 maintenanc� services. 19 . Com liance with Provisivns of the Dec].ar3tian, Artie3.es o£ �ncor r�ta�on an H aws c� t e Asso��ation« Ea+� �wner sha� comply stri�tly wi�h the prv�is�.c�ns v the �Jecl�,ra�- tf on, the A,�ticles af I ncc�rpvration and Byl.aws af ttae Assoc�.a- tivn, and the decisians, �eso�.utzons, rules ana regulativa�s of the Associ�,ti�n ad�►p�e� purs�ant thereto as th+� same may I�e I awf u].l,y made and amendec� �md,�or mo�3 if i ed f�rom ti.m� t�a �xme. Failure Ca �mply with any �� �,he �am+� shall be ga�ound� fo� an actic�n �� arecov+�r sum� a�ae■ €ar +damages or �nj�ne�ive rel�.ef vr bc�th, ana fcar r�imbursement of al�. attarr►ey' s fees incurred in connectic�n �h�zewith, whfch ac�xon sh�ll be �aaintainable by t�� As�vciation' s baard o€ managers r�� managing agen� ir� the nar�e af �he Assaciativn on beha].f o� the t7wn�rs, or■ in a prt�per �ase�, by �an aggri,�v�ec� t7wner. 20. RevacatiQn or Amendmen� to �eclar�tion. Except a� is oth��rwise pr+vvxde in Sect�on �8. this Declarat�on s3�al�, no� be rer��kea unl�ss aIl the Qwners an+� a�..l First Mortgagees consent anc� agree ta sucta �r��acation by �.n�txument (s) duly recarc�ed. '�his Dec3.aratian shall nvt be amen�ded unTess the C�wners repre- senting an aggregate vwnezship o£ at 1.eas� sev�nty-fine pearcent (75�� of the undivi�ded inter�sts in the enmman el��e�ats, �he _��_ Qwner of �he Ladge Unit and th� holders of recorded First �Trrt- g�ges encumk�+er%ng Condvr��nium Un�ts whi�h have a,ppurtenant to such [Inits an aggregate undivided interest i� th� ec�mmcyn elements �f �t ],east eAghty--five perc�nt (85�} , cvnsent and agree to �uch amendment by instrumen� (s) du�.y rec4rd�d; provided, howeVer , t�at the undivided �.nteres� i� the com�ron e��ments appurt�nant tc� each Unit, as expresser3 in the Decl.ar�,tivn, sha11. have a permarsen� �hara�te�r and shall no� lae altered withvut the eor�sent +�f �11 of the Unit Owners ana all c�f th� First Mortga+gees r�f Conc3fltninium Units as expa�essec7 in an amended Declarat�C�n duly recordec�. The Gonsent �s) af ar��* jur�ior Mt�rtgag�e s��ll not be required unc3er the pro�isaons of �his S�ctior�. 23.. Ad��tians, Alterations and Improvements - Generai ana Limi�ed G�mman EJlements. There shall be na capital �adc7i- tYans, alteratirns or imprc�vements, of vr tv the general common e�emer�ts by tk�e As�oc�at�on requiring an exgendi.tur� in �xcess af an a��unt equa�. ta ten p�rcen't (Ia$y of �t�e A��ociation's budget for ar�y calen�ar or fis�cal year in any vne ca�enda� year w�thvut prior appra�al of �wners representing an aggregate c�wnerahip a� at lea�t a ma�vrity of th� un�di�rided interes�s in the co�4n elements and �he awner vf �he LQdge �Tnit, excep� in the err�r�� of an emergency. The �imitativns set farth abcrwe shall, r�Qt apply �a ar�y expenditures made by the A��aci��ic�n �or maintenance and repair o� the common �lements as set �vrth in Sectic�n I8 , supra, or fvr repair in the event o� c3amage, t�e�truction or �andemna�ivn a� pro�rided in Se�ti�ns 28 and 29 , infra. 22. Assessrnen�t for Comrnon Exp�r�ses. {aa All Owners s�ia3.l be c�bligated tv pay the e��imated c�aznman �xpense an� +�ther as�e�sments {heteinafte� som€�times referreci �o as "assessments"} i�po��c3 by the Bvard vf Maa�ager� of tk�e Ass4ciat�.an tc� meet the Association's e�p���es and res��ve�. Ex+�ept as c�therwi�e p�avided herei�, the as�ess- ment� �hall be made ia� proportion to each owner 's ur�a�v�a�a �.nter�st in the common �lements. Notw�thstan�3ing the foregaing, hawever, �he �COSt o� e�ectricity utilized in the Proje�t, will be �.e�ied in accvrdance with subsect�an i9) c�f this Sect��n ��. Al,], ot'�er utilities charges, s�ch as wa�.er and sewe�t charges, st�a�.1 be �.ncl�ciec3 in the annual �arrnmon �x�+�nse assessments. FurtY�er , th� vwner of t�e �odge i7nit sha].1 be svle�y respvnsible far � paying the cost o� the ins�arance gremiums vr increase in ir�surance premiums arisinq from th� use of the �,odge Unit a� a � cc�mmercial facili.ty. Assess�ents� for ithe esti�ated camman exp�nses shall be due i.� advanc� on the first �ay o� each calen�ar month. Tf any su�h insta3.lment shal.l. nnt �e paitl w�thin fift�eri ��.5y daxs aft�r it shall become c�ue and paya��e, the As�rci�it�on' s Baar�d vf Managers may assess a r�as�anable "late charge" t� cover the extra cost and ex�aer�ses inv�alved in hanr�l in� such delir�quent assessmen�s. �`h� Assc�ciativn ar Soard a� M�nagers shall. cause tn be prepared, dei�v�red gr mai�e� tc� each Qwne�r �t least onee ea�h year ,a bud+�et s�t�ing �arth the esti- _��_ mate� ca�unvn experise assessments. R�gar�xn� any sp�ci�l assess- ments. the B�ard ef Man���rs rnay implement such proc�dure as they deem apgrapria��, Each �wner hereby agr��� that the A�sociati�n' s lien on � Cond�m�nium IIn�t far assessments �s hereinbe�4re des�ribed �h��l be su�erivr to aIl homestead and vther exemptions a�d �ach �w�er h�reby agre�s �hat the aceeg�ance v� th� a��d �r other ins�rument flf c�n�eyance �n r�gaxd to a�y C�ndominir�m �ni� wi��in this Pr�jec� shall signity such �ran�e�' s �ai��r Qf all homest�ad �ights �ran�e� �y C�lvra�4 and fe�eral statutes. (h� In the event the ownershap vf a CQndaminium U�it, title tv which is deri�e� £rc�m D��larant, cvmmence� �n a aay vth�r tha� the firs� day of the assessmen� perio�, the commvn expe�s� �ssessments far that period wil� be prvr�ted. [c� Camm�n expense assessm�nts shall be based u��n �he cash requir�m�nts d�emed t� be such aggregate s� as the B oar� vf Manag�rs �f the As�v�iat�an sha�l from tirne to time d��ermine is n�c�s�ary � tv prvvide f�r t�e payment �� a�� es�imated expenses relating t� vr c�nnected with the administ�a� ti�n, rnaintenance, aw�ership, repair. ape�ati�n, add3tion, ��terat�on an� frnpxavemen� of the commvn e���ents, the Prajec� and persona� pr�perty vwne� by the Associati�n except as vthex- wise pravided. Said. sum m�y in��ude, but shall nvt be �imited ta, exgenses o� managemen�; taxes and specfal �ssessmen�s unti� s�parately �ss�ssed; pre�iums �or insurance,' landscaping ana c�re af gr�unds; ��mmon l�ghting and h�ating; repairs an� renovation�; txash �o�le�ti�n; wages; co�on water and sewer c�arges; lega� and ac�mun�ing £ees; managem�nt fees; �xpense� and li�bilities incurred by the Ass�ci3tic�n' s Board af A3anag�rs c�n behalf vf the Un��t �►wners under or by reason of this Declaratton and the Articles af �ncorpc�rati�n ar�d �y-Laws af tY�e �issac�ata.s�n; for the erea�ion o€ rea�ortable cont�.ngency reser�re, working eagi�a3. andJor �ink3r�g func�s; anc� �ny and all vther costs anc� exgenses r�lati�g t+a the com¢ac�n elen�ents, and/c�r the Pro3ect. � (�� �he amission ar fai�ur+e tc� fix the as�essment or de�iver ar maz�. a statemen�. �or any periad shall nat be d�emed a w�,iv�r, modificatian or a release of the �wners fram th�:ir vb�iga'�ivns �o pay the same. (e} The As�c�ciation shall b� abligated to estab3ish a reserve f u�n� far �he maintenanc�, repai� and replaGe- ment of those common elernen�.s that mu,st be repiace� perivdical�y and such r�ser�re f una s�xa�.I �ae f�snded thrv�gh the mont�aly ��yments af th� common expenses �nd not by extr�ardinary �pecial a�sessments. {f� In adc�itian �� the assessments auth�rize� above, the A�sociati�n may at any time and from time tc� time, -17- determine, �evy and asses� in any �ssessm�nt year, which ����rm- ination, levy and assessment may be made by th� A�sa�iati�n' s Board vf �anagers wi�h ox witho�t vote vf �h� m�mbers of the Association, bu� w��h the consent vf th� Owner of the Lod�� tinit, a ��ecial as�essment �pplicabl� to tha� partic��ar assessment year f ar the p�rp��� ot defraying� in whole vr in part, the unbudgeted costs, payments fvr �ny defic�t reroain�ng fr�m a previv�s periad, fe�s and expense� of �n� eonstructi�n, r�can- structia�, repair, demolition, repla�ement or mai�t�nance of �he c�rn�non eleme�ts, th� Prvject. or any f aci�iti�s lvca�ed t�erean, speciticalZy inciud��g any fixtur�� and persvnal gr�g�rty r���te� th�reta. The amaunts det�rminea, leviea �nd ass�ssed p�rsuant �e�et� sha�l be a�sessed tv each awner in pr�portian to �is �nterest in the �vm�nan elements; and shalZ he d�e and payable as se� forth in �he �c�ti�e of Assess��nt pramulgatec� by �he Ass+mciatiQr�s� � Boare� of ManagQrs. �9) Ir� recc�gnitian vf the fa�� that th� Apa�tment ° Units are nQt s�parst�eZy me�ere+� toz �l�ctri�i�y u�age, e�ch �wner, by ��ie acc�ptance of a dee�d tv a Condomini.um Unit. agre�s t� pay regula�c an� supplemental electrici�y as�essments, �s hereinaf�er �efin�d. A�1 regu��r electrieity costs paxd by the Assacfa�i�n sha�� be assessed ta each Apart.ment '�nit ba�ed vn the undi.vid�d interest in the common �e3.ements ap�surtenant t�heretc�. �v �calcuTate this figure the Associa�ion sh�l� mu�.�tiply all ec�sts at�rib�tat�Ie ta the suh-raeter �erva.ng mcast of the Apartment Uni�s l�y a fractian, the �.um�r�tvr c�f which shal� equal the undivided interest in the �am�nvn �:�.em:ents appc�rte�arat tc� �ach such Ap,��t�ent �Jnit ar�d ��e denaminatcsr v� wh�ch sha�� equal the tvtal of all unriivid�d in�erests s�rved by such sub-mete�e» Those Apartment Unit� nvt serv�d through su�ch sub-�meter shall �� ���me� to utiiizc� el�ctricity at th� same rat� as thvse Apar�ment Unit� se�ved by s�ch s�b-me�er and t�e Asso��.a�ion sha13 assess such �1pa�tment IIna�t� Qn a �quaaee fcratage ba�is bas+�d �n the sub-meter reac�ang. In ad'ditzan to regula� el�ectricity ass�ssm�enks► the Associativn shall levy �uppl�mental �lect�ri.city assessmen�s ac�ai.nst all Apar�tment Units locate�i on th�e South si+de 4f th� Brai�lding su�ficient to pay the c�s�s derined frc�m readir�g the s�sb-�neter whi�h monitvrs electri�i�y us�ge fram tlhe af�r eonc�itivnir�� �xnits serving such Apar�rn+�nt �lnits. The suppleraen��al electrici�ty assess�ents payaI�le by Ap�r�ment II�its �or ��ch el.ectrica�, u�e u�er� in cann�ctivn wi.th srach �ir conditioning shal]. h� aetermine+� by multig�.ying the cc�s�ts at��ribut�ble to sz�ch s�b-m+�t�r by a fraction, the num�ra�ar �f whick� �hall ��qual the �n�ividec7 interest i.n the G�mmon elemeats �ppurtenar�t to an Agartmen� Oa�it serv�ec3 b� such sub-meter, an+d � the c3envm3.na�vr c�f which st�all equa� th� s� c�f un+div�d+ed interests agpur�enan� to a��. Agart�ner�t LTnits servec� by such sub- meter. Any remaining eleckri�ity charges incuzre�d which cannot be a�.ivc�tec� ,�n acccar�dance wi�h th� €oregoing s�a11 be divi3ed between the Apa�r'tin�nt Unit Qwn�rs anc� �he Loc�ge ar�it awner on a reasan�bl� and ���i'tab3e basi� �eterminer3 hy the �iss�acia�ic�n, with such basis tv �e approved frr�m txme �s� t�.m� by the L�c�ge Unit Qwner, ans� the portion a�.1o����a to the Apartment Unit __ ��r�_ Owners shall be pay�bl� base� u��n the undivi�ed interest in �he cammon ele�ents attr�buta�l� to e�ch such Apartment Unit. A1� s�ch assessme�ts shall be payable with th� sarne frequency as the annual �vmmvn expense assessments �nd shal� �e payable and en�arceable in accQrdance with the vther �erms an� provisivn� of this Declarativn, (h} Al� �w�ers of a par�i�uZar Gon�vminium Unit shall b� �o�n�1y and se�erally liable to the Associa�ion for the paym�nt af al� assessments attri�utabl� �o such C�ndaminium ��it, i�cl�ding the annual a�ses�m�nt far c�mmvn expens�s and spe��al assessments assessed a�a�nst their p�rticular Cvndflminium Unit. 23. Insuran�e. ��} The Board �f M�nagers of the Associatian shall �btain an� ma�nt�in at all times, to t�e extent obtainable, po��c�es in�al�ing standard gremium rates, established by the Colarado �ns�rance CDIl1�I1SS10��� r and written wi�h companies licensed to do business �n Ca�orado an� havzng a B�st's �nsurance �ep�zt ratin9 af Class VI or b�tter , covering the risk� set �orth below. �h� B�ard �f �anagers of �he �ssvci�tion sha�l n�t obtain a�y polxcy where: �i) und�r �he ter�s �f the ins�ra�ce c4mpany's cha�ter , bylaw� or po�.icy. cantrik�utivns o� �ssessnnent� may k�e mac�e against th� Mvrtgagvr c�r �ortgage�'� designee; (ii) by the terms vf carrier ' s char�er , hylaws c�r golicy, lr�s� payments are cvnt ingent upQn act ion by the cc��npany' s Ec�ard of �ir ector�, po�icXhralders or m�mh�rs; vr (iia) the p�alicy inclu+�es any �.imitin� cl.ause� (v�h�r than insura�ce cand�tic�nsy which cvuld prev��nt Mor�gagee� pr the M�artgagor fram cv�.lecting insurance praceeds. The ty�es a� caverages t� be +�btained and risks to be cvvered are as fo�ir�ws, �a-wit: (1J Fi�e in�urance wi�h exten�ed c��erage and �t��aara a�l rask er�dc�rsements, wY�ich endvrse�ents shall inc�ude end�rsements £ar �ranc3alism and ma�.i�a.QUS mischie�. Saici �casualty insuran�e shall insure �he en�.are C4nc�am�,nium Project anr� any prop�rty, the na�ure vf which is a corn�an e��ment {inc].ue�in+� all of the Units and fixtures thereira �.nitia�ly �.nstail�s� b� the Declaran� but r��t inc].uc�zng �urniture, �urnishings vr other persanal pro�erty st�pplied by or instal�ed by i�nit Clwners� togetl�er wf�h all serv�,ce equipment �on�ained the��i� in an amount equal to the fu�l replacement value. with�vt�t deductian far depreciatiat�. A�]. pol.ica.�s sh�11 canta�.rn a standar�l non- cQntributc�ry �mo��gag� c�.suse in fa�ror af each ��artgagee �f a Con��min�,um Uni.t, which shall. pravide thak the 1�+ss, if any. ther�eunder, sha11 be ��yabl�e to the the A�socia�ion for the use �nc3 'benef it of Mortc�age�s as th+��r inte�e�ts may agpear . P�ior �t4 Qbtaining arty g4licy vf casual�y insurance or renewa� thexeof, gursuant to the prc��isions of th�s i.nsurance par�gra�h, the Board of l�az�agers c�r managing agen� s�al,l ob�.ain an apgr�isal from a d�Z.y c3ua�ified real esta�e or inSUranCe �ppr�iser , which appraiser shall reasanably ��tinna�.e the full repTacement value caf _ -1 9- the e�tire �rnject■ wit�vut deduction ��r �epreciationf f�r the purpose af determini�� the amaun� b� the i��uranc� t� be �ffe�ted pursuant t4 the pravisia�s of t�is insura�c� paragraph. In no event shal� the in�urance policy c�ntai� a �Q-insurance claus� � for less than ane h�ndred gercent (100�� �f t�e ��11 replace- ment. D�ter�in�tion o� maximu� replaceme�t value shall �e made annually by vne or more writt�n agpraisals ta �e �urnishe� by a person knowl��geable o� repl�cement �ost, and each First M�rt�agee if it s� req�ests, sh�l� be furn�shed wi�h a �apY thereofr within th�rty (3�} days after r�ceipt o� s��� writ�en ap�r��sals. 5uch amounts af insuran�� sh��l be c�nt�mp�riz�d annually in a�c�r�anc� with the�r current�y deter�ined maximum repl�ce�e�t vaZue. {2) If the C�nd�minium Pr�ject �s I�ca�ed in an area identif�ed by the Secretary of Housing an� �rban Devel�p_ ment as an area havin� special f��d haz�rds and the sale o� �1ocJ+d I�sur�nce has been m�d� avai�ab�� undex the Natianal Flvod Insurance Act vf �9G8, a "�b�,anket" pa��.i.cy of flao� insurance or� the Condvm�.nium �roje�ct in an amount which is the lesser �f th� maximum ��nount vf i�►surance. anailable c�ncler �he Act or �he ag�regat� of �he unpaid princip�l balan�es �f the Mcartgages an the Cor�dominium Units �ompri�ing �t�e Cond�minium Prajeet. {3) Fublic ��ability anc3 property damage insuranGe i.n sveh I.imi�s as the Bcyard �f Managers of the Associa- tion may fram tirne to ti�e deter�in�, but not in an amount less than ��rQf��r ��O. d[? per injurY, Per persan, per occurrence and u�b�eella lia�iility limits af $3, 0�}�, U�O. [l0 per occurrenCe, c+���ring claims far aac��ly inj�ry or prop�erty damage. Co�verage shall incl�de� w�thout l�.mi�ation, l�.a�ility fvr persr�nal inj�rxes, operatican af au+�omvbiles on behalf o� �he A�sociati�n, ana activities in c+vnnectivn with the ownership, operatian, �aintenance an�3 other use vf �he prvject. Said pvlicy shal�, al.so �vntain a "se�rer�bil.it� of interest" enc�c�rsem�nt. (4� Wcsr kman's Cc�mpensa�ic�n arsd empl�y�r 's liabili�Ey insurance ar�c3 all 4ther S1I�lI.3� ir�surance wath respe�t tc� emp�.cayees vf the A�svciatzon in the amvunts and in the �orms nc�w �vr hereafter reguired by la�r. [�) Ins�urance �o�erage fc�r lc�ss vr da�mage resul'tir�g from accidents i�v�c�lv�ing steam bozler equ�pm�@ritr if any, 3acated upon th� Prop�er�y. in an amount na�. l�ss tt�an $10a, 000,D{l per accf�ent p+�� laca�ion. (6} Adequate fie�elity �vverage against c�ishortesty +�f em�Ir�yees, destructifln ar �3isapgearanee vf �aney c�r se�curities anc� �orgery. Said poli�y sha�1 aLsv contain end�rse- ment5 theretv �cavering any g�rsvns who serv�e the Asso�ci��ion w�.thcaut co�npensation. [7} I�surance against su�� �ather risk�, o� a sim�.�.ar a� d���imilar natuxe, as it may deem appxc�priafie wf th respect ta the k�raject, including p],ate �or ather c�l�ss ins�rar�ce and any persanal property c,f the �ssociatic�n lacat�c� thereon. _�p_ {b) All policie� af insurance �v th� �xter�k ob+tainable s�a�l contain waivers r�f su�irQr�ation and wai�re�s c�� any �e�en�e '�ased vn �,nraalidity arising fram �z�y ac�s vf a +Concivminium [7nit t7wner and s�al�l pr4�ide that suci� pa].icies m�y not be car�c�lled or mc�d if i ed wa.thout at l.east ter� (30} c3�ys pr ior written nc�ti�e to a1�. C�f the in�ureds, inclur�ir�g fi��rtgagee�, If requ�ste�] in wr�ting by c�ne c�r more of the Mortgage�s, dupli�ate c�rigis�als vf al� pQlicies �rtd renewals thereaf� t�ac�ether with prc�af of payments c�f premi�s, sha].l !�e delaver�d �o all F�ortgagees at least ten �lQ] days priar tc� expirativn of the �hen �urrent ��icaes. The insu�ance shal.l be c��ried in blanket fv�m riaming t1�� As�acia�ion as th� ins�re+�, as attarney�-in-fact fvr al�. of the Cr�ndomfnium "�nit �Owners, which pol�cy vr policies shal7. identify the �.r�terest of each Con�3aminium Uni� t7wner �Owner' s nar�e �nd Unit designatic►n) and First Mvrtgagee. Fur�her, the Associa�ian sh�11. �equixe �he insurance company r�r cv�ntpanies praviding the insuran�ce �vv�rages desc�ibed he�+�irt to pro�ic�e each �3wner ane� lwiortgag�e a ce�tif icate of artsuran�e �n regard to such awner' s izadividua.� Con�ominium iJnat. tc} Conc�aminium '�nit Owr�ers �ay �arr� athe� insu�ance for their benefi.t and at their expense, pro�ic�e� that all such ptalicies shall contain waivers of su'�rogatxon, and �rovidec� fur'�her that the liabi3i�y c►f the carriers issu%ng ins�rance cak�tain+�d by the Bvard Qf M�r�agers shall not be aff��tee� ar dimi�isher3 �ay �+�a�on vf any such addi�icsr�a� insura�ce +car�iec� by any Un�.t C3wner. (d� �nsurance coverage an �urna.shings, equip�entr fixtures, �r,aperies, wallpaper, and other items of pe��onalty or ather prc�pe�ty bel4nging �� �n �7wr,�r and put�lic liab��ity cor�erage wi�hzn �ach Unit shall be the sale and ciirect re�pvn- si.hility c�f the Un�t Qwner thereaf, ancl the I�oard of managers, the Associati�n ana/a� the managing ag�nt shall have nv responsibility �herefv�. (e) In the �vent that there �hall be any �nat�rial �amage ar destrc�ct�on to, or lo�s of �r �aking o£ � materia�. gortion �s� a onit v� an� �nateria� damage vr �estruction �o, or lc�ss to vr taking of a m�terial partion of �he cer�n�ncsn elements, then nvtice of such damage vr loss or taking sha�I be giv�n by �h� Assaciatic�n to each F�r�'� Mortg�gee of said Condominium Un�t, and any insurer rsr guarantpr �af the Fi�st Mvrtgage, within ten [la] days afte� the �ccurrence of �uct� event and the co�t of repair is �etermined. 24. flw�er' s Persor�al alali ation �ar Ps ment 4f Assess- ments. Th� �ncrunt v the com�nc�n ex��ens�s �ss�s�ed aga nst eact� Gon amznium U��.t sh�ll be the p�rsc�n�l an� inc��.aic3ual debt af the C�wne� th+�reof. Nv Dwner may e�cempt himself f�om liabi�ity �vr his cvntribution €or the comman �xpense� by waiaer of the �se ar _��_ enjpyment of any vf the camm�n ele�ent� or by aband�n�er�t of his Unit. The �oard �f managers shal� hav�e the r���ans�.bzlity to take prampt action to ctsll.ect any unpaid assessment wYtich �er�ain� unpaid fc�r m�r� t�san thirty (3U) �ays frc�m th� due date far p�yment thereo�. in t�e event af �3e�ault i,n the payment of the asses�ment, the defaulting Cond�minium Uni.t Dwner shall be vb�igatedi tg pay in�erest at the rate vf eighte�n p��cent (�8�) per ar,num on the amvunt of the asse�sment fram c�ue date t�ereof, tage�he� with �11 incu��ec� expens�s. in�i�d�.ng a�to�cney` s fees, and t�gether witri late charges as hereinabove descritaed. A suit to vhtain a m�ney �uclgment for unpai�i cQm�on expenses sha7.l. b� r�aintai��,�le without cc�nstituting an electivn af r�m�edi�s +�r waiVi.ng the lien sect�ring said debt, �5. Assessment Lien. (a� Al� sums a�sessed but ungaid for the share vf _ corr�mmon ex�enses� whether general or s��cial, �harc�eakale tv an� Condotn3nium Uni't sha13. �onsti'�u�e a l.a.�n on such Cond+�minium Unit superior tQ a�l a�her liens anc3 encumbrances, exeegt only fvr . 41) re�l es�ate ta�es a�nd s�ecial assessment lieris on �he Condamanium Unit in faver� of at�y pub�.ic e�r quasi- pubxic assessing en�i�ty; an� �2) �11 ss�ms unpai�d vn a First Martgage vf xe�vrd, including advances and a1.1 unpaitl obli�atory sums a� ma� �e grovided by such encur�hrances. T�a e�r iden�e su�h �ien, the Bc�ar d of Manager s sha�.l pr egar e a written nati�ce vt lien assessmerat setting f�rth tta� amaunt af such unpaid indebtedness, the amc�ur�t of the accru�d interest and la�e charges thereon, the name �of th� C]wner af the �c�n��minium IIn$� and a +de�crip�tion af �he Cando�inzu,m Unit. SuCh a noti�e shall be signed by ane of the board of managers or by one vf the of�icers of the Assveiatican and shall be re�vrc�e+d in trie offic�e c�� the Clerk �nc� Recorc�er �f the County Q� Eagle, Golarado. Such j lien sttall attach on the c�ate the N�kice vf Assessment is r+�carded, Such Iien may k�e en�crrced by �he fr�rec�.os�re of the +�etault�r�g owner 's Condam�.nium Unit by ttte Assmcia�ion i� like �n�nner as a �nvrl�gag+e �n zea�. prr�perty. �b� An C7wner shall 4e re�uirer� to pay the cas�s, �xpense� anc3 attarney's fees i.ncurred by the Assvc�ation in r�gar�3 to any such def�ult inclur�ing the cast of ��eparatian and f il ing the I ien. an�i, in the �went of forecic�sure prvice�dings, all ac�ditiQnal costs, exper�ses and attcr�ney's fees incurrec3. An �wner of th� Condominium Unit being �ar���aset� shall be r�qui��r� to pay ta the 74ssc�ciati+�n �h� �onth�y cc��vn expense assessm�rit €or the �vr�c�ominaum Uni�. during the period o� fareclasure, and th� Ass�ciati�n shal� be entit�ed tv a receiver ta colieGt t�re -22- s�a�ae. The Assoaiatian shall ha�e the pvwer and author��y tv b�d for the Cvn�ominie� �Init �t a f���clasure ox c�ther l�egal sa].� and to acqtzir� and hold, �e�se, 1�o��gd,g�r v[�tE+ tne �r4t�� �p}aurtena�tt to, c�r��rey ar atherwi�e d�al with the �ame durinc� s�ch praceeding and it� �wnersh�.g thereof. �c} Any Mvrtgag�e hc�lc�ing a lien on a Gondominium �Jn�t may pay, but shalZ nat be zequire�d ta pay. any unpaic3 �c�mmon expenses p�yab�e with respect ta such Gondvmiraium ❑nit, and upan such paym ent such Martgac�ee sha�l have a 13.en an �uch Condo- mini�a t3nit �or th� amcrunts paid �f the same ra�k as th� lien ar� his encumbranc� w�thaut the necessity af h�ving to re��atd a no�z�� or cl�im vf s��� lien. The Assaciativn �ha�l r�port tr� �he Mortgag�e of a Car�dominium t]nit upc�r� wri.tten request any unpaid ass��sment remaining unpaid for �onc�er than thir�y �3p� days a�ter the same is du�. or at�er defau�t of ar�y cavenant, candztir�n, obliga�ic�n o� ter� of �l�is aecYarati.vn �a�t curec� with�.n tt�irtY (3�d� days; provi�ed, hc�weVer, that a t�ortg�g�e �hall �iaVe furnis�ied to the Assr�ciat�.an, nvtice vf such encum- branc�� tc7} Any recor�ded lier� fr�r non-payment af �khe common expenses rnay be r��eas�d by recarding a release €�f 1��ie� exe�utec3 by an vf£a.ce� crr manager af the Ass�ciation. (e} Deelarant states i� accordance with �the req�ireraents of t�e C�3az�ac�v C�ondomir�ium Dwnershi.p Act, that it is passible th�t lien� �th�r than mechanic's lier�s, assessment lfens an� tax liens, may b� vbtainea agains� the c��rkrrtc��t elem�nts� includi,ng ju�gment lien� anc� pvrch�se money mortgage liens. 2�. �,iabilit �vae Cc�mmon Expens�s�upvn Transfer of Candc�m�.nitim is ,7oint. ..-`. _—_ � �a) A grante�e of a Can�vminium Unit, exc�gt for any First Mc�rtgag�e an�d it� suc�es�ars a�d/ar as�igns. whxch acquires title of � Condomi.nium �n�t p�rsuant ta the rem�di�s prQ�ic3ec3 in its Mc�rtgage or becc�mes an Owner caf a Cvndominium �nit prarsuant tc� fvreclasure c�� x�� Mvr�gage or by the tak�.n� crf a deed ir� lieu thereof, �h�l�. be jofntly anc� severcal.Iy �iable with the gra�to� €or ali unpaid camrnv� �xpense assessments � against the �.atter up tc� the time of the grant or cvnveyanc�, wath�ut prejudice ��a �h� grantee' s rights to recover �ro� the k grantvr �h� �mc�u�xts pai� by �he grantee tri�refc�r; pravid�d, har�ever thak ugon paym�nt +�� a reasanable fee �nd ��on written request, any such pzos�e��i�� grantee shall b� entit�ed to a stat�men� frc�m trie �+oard af �anagers or managing agent o� the Associa�ir�n, se��ing forth the ame�unt c�f the current manthly camman exgense a�sessment, the date that such assess�aent b��comes due and any cr�dits far �ny ac�v�ncec� payments 4f comman expens�s �nd prepaia items, such as in�uranc� premiums. wtaich s��temer�t _��_ sh�ll be c�anclusive upvn the Asso�iatio�. �nl�ss such req�est f�r such a �tatem�nt shall be c�mplze� with withi� ten (TO) busin�ss days fram rec�igt thereof, then s�ch requ�sting gra�tee shall nvt be �ia�1e f�r, nor sha11 �he Uni� conv�yed b� subj��t �� a lien therefor. tagether with a�l c�sts vf caile�tian. interest, ��nalties an� r�asonable attorn�y' s fees. {b) In the event �f any def au�t �n the part of �ny �wner under any Ffr�t Martgage which entit�e� the ho�der thereaf tv fo�eclo�e the �am�, any sale und�r such f�rec�o��re. including delivery o� a dee� �a �he Firat Mortg�ge� in �ie� o� such �orec�os�re, �hal� be ma�� �ree and clear af the pro�isi�ns af S ecti�n 2� (ay relating t� the liabilzty Qf a grantee far th� unpaid cc�mman exgense asse�sments o� his grantvr. Furth�r, no First �artga��e shall he �3�ble fvr any unpaid cvm��n expense assessmen�s accr�ing prior to the time �u�h Mortgag�e beca��s the �wner of �ny �ond�minium Unit pursuant �v �he rem�dies gr�vid�d in its Mort�aye. 27. Encumbran�es - Privritv. The �w��� of a C�ndo- miRiwn [Jni� ma create � �_._T� Y �un�.�r i�oirtgaqe� lie�s o�r en�r�mbranc�s on �i� �ondc�min�.um [7nit; pr�widec3� hc�wever, t�at any such junic�r Mc�rtgage, �.i�n ar �nct�mbran�e, shal� a�ways be subc�rc�inat� to th� pria� and paramount Iaer� of �he Assvciation for �vmmon exp�ns�s and all of the terms, conditions, cover��nts, restri�tions, uses, iimitatinns, and obligatians undex this Decl.a�atic�n, tne �i�saacia� tiar�' s Article� vf In�orporatic�n and By�aws, and providec� furthex that such ��nior Mvrtgagee (s) hereby r�l�as�s, fo�r pu�gases of rest�ra�ican af an� �t�provements with�.n �fie p��jeet, al.l o� it� ri�ht, titl� and in�erest in and to the pro�eeds unc3er a11 insurance po�icies purch�sea by the Association. If canfirmation a£ svch r�leas�e shall be rec�uuirec� upon written r�qu�st �f the Ass+aciativn, and if such r��quest is n�t granted, suGh rel�ase may be executed '�y th� Associativn a� attorn�y-in--fact far s►uch j unipr Mc�rt�gag�e. �8 . 1�estructfvn, �ama e c�r c�bs����cence - �ssaciat�on as Attv�cne -in-�'act, Th�.s Decl�rat�.vn does hereby mak� �an atary the irrevr�cab e apg�intment af an attvrney-a�n-fact tv deal with �Ehe �raj�ct in th� �went o£ ��s r�es�ruc�ivn. damage, nbsv�escence or �vnr��mnation, i.nclur�i ng t�ae repair. repla+�ement anc� �.mprove- � m+ent �� any +�vnc3�minium Units, Bui�c�ing. cammon ele�nents o�r other � portior� Q� the P�roject whick� has ks@en so destroyea. c�am�gec3. condemnec� vr be�cc�mes r��isol��e. �'ft.�e t�, �any Cvn+�c�m�inium Uni� i� de�larec� an� �xpressly made sut��ect t�a th+� terms anc� �onc��.tivns t�erevf, and acc�gt�nce by an�r grante� �f a c�eed or ather �ns�rn_ ment Qf cvnveyanc� �ro�n tl�e Dec�.arant �r fxam any 4wner ar g�rantor shal� canstitute appo�ntment Qf the r3ttbrnCX-iTi-�d+�t herein provided. All af '�he Qran�rs i�revc�cably constitute and appc�int the Assv�iati.�n as their true and lawful attorrn�y in �heir name, place and stead. �vr �he purpos� v� �ealing with the ���_ Project upo� its damage, des�ruc�ian, �bsal�s��nce or evri:demna- t�vn a� �s �erei�af��� provide�. As attarne�-in-faet, the A��ociation, by �ts �r�sid�nt and S ecretary �x Assistant S ecretary vr its �ther duly authvri��d ���icers and agents, shall ha�e fu11 and comp�ete a�th�raxativn, right and power t� m���, ex�cute ana del�.ver any cnr�trac�, d�eed, ar othe� instrr�ment witt� respect to the ir�texest c�f an �wner which are necessary and apprQpria�e tr� exereise the powe�� h�rea�rt granted. In the �vent that the A�so�i��ion i� ai��o�w�a car b�come� d�funct, a mee�ing a�E th� Conalv�inium Uni� tJwners sh�1Y be t��]d �w�thin thirt� {3(�� days �f�er either �c�ch event. At such meeting a new att+orney-in- f aGt, ta deal with the P�oje�� upon i�.s destruc��,c�n. dama�e. vbso�escence, o� �ndemnati�n shall be appoi.nted. S aid appQint- ment must be appraved by �he Qwner� representir�:g an aggregate flwn�ership interest v� seventy-fiv� perc�nt (75�) vr mare r�f the cr��unon elements, the {3wner o� the Ladge Uaa.t and the hald�rs af �e�vrded �'irs� Martgages encumbe�i.ng Cvndominium ua�its whi�h have $gpu�rt�nant to �uch Unit� an ar�grega�� undivzc�ed in�erest ir� the comman ele�ents vf at ��ast seventy-fi�re percent {T5�} . Rep2cir and recons�rractior� of the �mprovements as used in the st�cceeding subparagraphs means re��vring tk�e imprc���ment 4s} ta sut�stan�i�ll�r th� saame canditian �n which fih�y existed pr�.oz ta the d�mage, with each Unit a��d the general �n� l.imited common e�.�m�nts havins� su�stantially the same �erti,eal. and h�ri�ontal bounc�a�ies as befo�e, and al� improvements ��ing recans�ructed vr repazred in substantial. cvhfc�rman�e� wi�h �h� Project' s �arigina�. archi�ectural p�an and sch�me t4 the ext�nt �hen reasanabXy and eccanv�nic�lly �easihle» The groceeds of any in��rar�ce coliec�e�3 shall be ava�lable t�► t�e Assaei.ation for �he pu�pvse c�f repair� restora- ti.on, r�ecanstruction oar replacemen� unless al�. Q� the c�wners a�d al�. First MQrtgagees agr�e n�at to rebuild in �ccar�ance with th� grv�i.sions hereinaf ter set forth. {a} In th� event of damage or destructiorr �ue �tc� fi�e or ather d�sastec, the a�r�sr�r,an�e pracee�3�, if suf�icient �� recan��ruc� t�e imgae�vemen� [s� , shal� t�e applzec� by the AssoGia- t�.on, a� at�c�rney-in-£aet, ta such reconstru�tivn, a�nc� the imgrovemea�t �s] shall be prvmpt�.y repaired and r��onstruc��d. The P,sst�ci ati an shal� have f u�.l author i ty„ r ight anc3 p�wer a� attr�zney-in--fact tr� cau�e tt�e repair anci restora�i�n c�� the imprvvement (s) . A�sessm,�n�s fc+r commrrrr exp�nses sha�.l nc�t b� abated during the periad of insu�ance adjustmen�s and repatr and reconstructinn. {b) Tf the insu�ance prvc��ds are insufficient to repai� and recan�truct the imprQvement{s). , an� i� �uch damag+e is nat mare than se�r�nty p,ercent [7�1�) af the ta�,�7. r�placem@nt cos� of a11 of the �Cmndc�min�.um Llnits in this Praj�ct, not incluc3ing Iand, �uc� dar�age or destruction shall b� pramp�ly regaired and recanstrr�ctes� by the As��ciation as attvrney-in-Eact, usi.ng the prviceec3s vf insurance ar�c3 the p�oceed� a� a special assessment to -25- be mad� ag�inst all v� the 4wners and �heir Cvndvm��ium Una�s. 5��h spe�xal assessment shal� he a cammo� expense a�� rnad� prfl rata accor�ing ta each Owner' s inte�est in the co�man elern�n�s and shall be �ue and gayab�e within thirty {3�} day� af�er wri�ten notice therevf. Th� Assoc�a�ion shal3 ha�e fu11 auth�rity. right an� gow�r a� a�tarney-in-fac�, �o cause the repair. replac�m�nt �r restoratian of t�e img�vVe�en� {sy using al� o� the i��uranc� procee�s far s�ch purpase, n�twi�hs��nd�ng the �a�lure of an �wne� �o pay th� ass�ssment. The assessm�nt provi��d f4� h��ei� sha�l be a debt of each awner ��d � li�n o� hi� Cvnda�inizun Dnit and �ay be en�orce� and caxlected as is pronided in Sec�ian 25. �n addi��o� theretv, the Assvciati�n, as att�rney-in-f�ct, s�all ha�e the �bsolute right and p�w�r t� se��. the �ond�m�nium Unit of a�y Ow�er re�u�ing or failing to pay such defi�iency a�sessm�nt within the tame prvvided, an� i£ nvt �o p�id, th� Ass�c�atzon shall �ause ta be recQrdea a no�ice �hat ��e C�ndam�nium O�it of the aelin�ueat �wner �h�il be s�l� by th� Associataon. as attorney-in-fact, pursuant to the provisfans of t�is Section. Ass+�ssment� for th+e cammar� expenses shall no� be at�ated du.ring th� peric� of ia�surance �aj�ust�nen� anc� repair ar�d recons�ruc�ion. The s�elinquent Owner shaY1 be r�quired ta �ay ta the Associatian the costs and e�penses fvr �iling the nati�e, �r�tere�t �t a rate of eigh�een p�rcent {18$� per annum, on the amou�t 4� �he a�sess�ent and all rea�vnab�e attorney' s f�+�s. Th� pr�c�ec�s der i ved f rom �he sale of such, �vr�domi ni um Uni�t shall be used an�3 disbursec� b� the ,�ssaciativn. as at�vrney�in-fact, in the f bllawing order: �1] For p�y�nent v� taxes �n3 �pecial assess- m�n'�s liens i� €a�or uf any assessir�g en�ity and �he ce�sto�mary expenses o� sale; (�) For payment of the balance af the lien af any First Mvrtgac�e; {3� Far payment �� unpaid c�mmvn expenses and all c�sts, ��g�nses ar�c� fees incurrec� by the Ass��iativn; �4] Fvr gayment of �una�ar �iens and en�ram- �rances in th� order of ana �v t&�e extent �o€ tY�eir priority: ane� [,] The b�Zanc+e remaining, if any, sk�a11 he paic� tv the C�nc3Qminiume ❑nit Owner. [ef If the �nsuran�e prc�ceed� �re f.r�su�£icient tc� regair anc3 recc�nstruct th� imprvvcm�nt �s� , a�d if such damage is mc�re than se�en�y percent {70'�y of the to�tal repla�ern�nt cost af � a�� 4f �the Cvnaominium dnits in �t�is P�oj�ct. �ta'� including �.and, su�h damar�e ar �es�ruc�.ic�n s�a�l �e promptly repair�d and recanstruct�d by th� Assa�z���c►n, a$ attcrrney-in-€act, usi�g trie prv�eeds af insurance anc� the pa;oceeds o€ a �pecial assessment ta t�e m,�d� against al.l v� the �)wners an� th�ir Condr�minium [Tnits; _��_ grvvi�e�, ho�ever, ��at Qwners regresenti�g an aggregate ow��r- sh�g in�e��s� of �e�enty-�i�e p�rcent (T5�} or more o� the c�mmvn e�eme�ts, the �wner of the L�dge Unit and �he ���ders �f recarded First M�rtgages encu�bering ��ndominxum �nits whi�h have appu�� te�ant fo suc� Units an aggregat� und$vi�ed int�re�t in the conrmon e�.ement� af at Ieast seventy-five perc�nt (75�} m�y a�ree npt to repair v� re�onstruet �f�e i�mgrc��°ements; an� in such event, th� �,sso�iatit�n shall fort�hwith record a natic� setting fcarth �uc� fact c�r facts, anc3 upon the �recording vf such no�.�.ce by the Assoeiatian' s P�esir��nt anc3 Secr��ary or As�istan� Secretary: the entire P�aject shall be sold by the Associatic�n pur�uant to the pravisions of thi� 5ectian, as attc�rney-in��act f fvr a�.l of the C�wners, £ree an�3 clear o� the prov�isions con�ained �n �hi� Dec�aration, the Map, Articl.es of �ncvrparatian and Sylaws, Assessments �ar c�vmmon expenses sha�.l not ��e abater� d�ring the peri.vd pxior to �aie. The insuran,ce sett�ement �aroceeds shall be cvllecte� by the A���ciation, and such prac��c�s shal� t�e divided by the Assvciation accc�rc3�n� to �ach awner' s interest in the cr�mmvn el�me�ts, ancl s�ch c�i�vided praceed� sh�ll be paid intv separate accounts, eac�a such accaunt repr�se�ting c�ne af �the CQnd+�minittm Units. Each s�ch account shall b� in the n�me o� the As�ocia�ion, a�nd sha13 �ie further ���ntifi�d by the Cvr��dorninium Unit des�gnati,�r� ar�d th� name c�f the �►wn��. From �ach separate accoun°� t�e Association, as attv�ney-in-fact sha3.1 �vr�hwith use and disburse the �ota� amount af �a�h vf se�ch a�c�unts, witha�ut cQntaributior� f�vm vne acc�unt �v anc�th�r, tQwarr3 �he part�.al vr �u�� pa�ment of the lien of any Firs� l�c�rtgaq�e encurnbering t�e Conc�ominium Unit represented �y such separat� account. There- after, each sucta account shall be supp�ementea by the appor�ti�ned �+�unt of the pra�eeds vbtained fra� �he sale c�f th� entize Property. Such appor tioninent �hall� be bas�d upan eaeh �cando- mini�m Uni� [7wner'� int,�rest in t�te cornman ele�uents. Tt�e tvtal. fun�s vf each acc��nt �ha1A be �sed and +dist�ursed, wik�taut cvntr�.but�crn fram an� ac�cc�unt t�a another, by the A��oGiatir�n. as attvrney-in-fact, far the same purpa�es �nd in �he �ame ��der as is prcrvi.deci .in su3�sectic�n (b� (�� thrc�ugh (Sy c�f this Sec��.4n« In th+� event that the r3amacye is tc� be regaired or recvnstruct�.can as to be made then the provi.si+vns of Sec�ion 28 (b) shall apply. (d) The O�wners repre��n�ing an ag�gregate vwnership interest of �eventy-five gercent �75�y ar m�re. of �he corr�an �el�men�s xn this Prcajeet may ac�ree tha� �he comm�sn �lements ar� abs4l�te a�d �d�pt a p�an fo� the r��iewal artd re�can�truetion, which p�an mu�t have the �pp��vax af the Owner of the Lc�c�ge Unit and th� hol.clers �o� recarc�ed First Martga�es en+�ramb�ring CQndv-- minium Qni�s which have agpur�enan� �a �uch ilnits an aggregate undivic�ed interes� in the cammoa� eleme�n�s of at Ieast seventy- .�i�e gercent (75�) at the time vf the a:�c+ption af �uch p3.an. I£ a plan fc�r th�e ren�wal �r recc�nstruetion i� adc�p�e�d, notice r�f such gians shal3, be rec4r�ed, an� the exp�nse of renewal and re�construction shall be payab�e my all of the t�wne�s as a common �.��_ � expe�se. whet�er �r nat they have pre�i�us�y cansented tv �h� plan Qf renewal and reconstruction. The Asso�iatian, as attor�ey-in�fact, shall have the abs��ute zight a�d pvwer to sel� the �ondvminiuin �nit �f �ny �wner refusing �r failirig tv pay such assessm�nt within the time grovided� artd if not so paid the Assac�.atiot� sha11 eau�c to be r�cQrded a notiee that the �Co�ndo- m�niurn Unit af the delinqt�en� �]wner sha11 be sald by the �ssocia- t�.vn. Th� d�linqu�nt [7wner shall b� req�airec� t�a pay tv t�e Associatit�n the costs and expenses for filing th� no�txces, Ynterest �tt the .�ate of eigh�keen g�ercent (18$) p�r annum, and all reasvnab�e attarney' s fees. Th� grac�eds derived from �he sale +�� such Candvmi.a��.um Uni� shall be user� �nd c3i�bursed by th� Assvcia�ivn, a� a�ttc�rney-in-f�ct� for the same purpcases and in the sam+� oarder as is pravic�ec� in sut�secti+�r� (�) (1) thraugh (5� af this sec�ion. [e) The awners repres�nting an ag�r�gate nwner��tip int�rest of seventy-�ive percent das�a or mnre, of the c�m�aon elernents may agree th�t the �+Cc�ndo�ini,um Units are absalete �nc� that the same ��oulc� be sold. Such pl�n or agreement mus� ha�e the appr��a1 a€ the ��ner �f the Lodg� Unat and the hv�.ders caf recordec� Firs� Martgages ar i]eeds of Trust en�umbering CQnc�o- �niniurn f3nits whic'h ha�e app�rtenant to such IIni�s aa ac�gregat� ur�d�.videa interest �n the ca�aon e3ements e�f at least seven�y- five p�rcent (75�) , In� such instanc�, the Assvcia�ion shal.l farthwith tecard a notice setting forth such fac� vr �acts. ar�d upon the recQrc�ing of such notice by the A�sociation' s �r�s�.dent and S�ecretary Qr Ass�stant S�cr�tar�r. t�e entire �rvj�c� sha�.� �e so�d by the ASSQC�ei�101,lr as �t�orney-in-fact, for al.l Qf the [3wners, f ree ar�d �lear of the p�rovi�ions cvntained in this Declaratian, the Ma�. the �.rticl�s vf Incorporativn and th� Bylaws. The sale pr�ceeds shall be apportivnec� ar�ong the (7wners vn the l�as�.s of each (3wner' s intereet irr the �4mmon e1�m�nts, anci such apportic�ned procee�s shail he pai:d into separa�e accaun�s, each such account rep�es�enting r�ne Can�vminium Unit, �,�ch such account �hall be in the name �� th� Associatinn ar�d shall be fur�'h�r identified by th� Condo��inium Unit de�ignati,an and the name o� the Qwners. Frv�a each separa�e account, t�e Assac�.�tion, as attc�rney-in--fact shall use and c�ist��rse the total. amaunt o� each of such accc�unts, withvut �on�r�bution frc�� 4ne account tc� another, �or the same purpc�ses and in th� �ame arc�er as is prvvic�+�d in subs�ct�on (�3 (ly thr�ugh (5} af this Se�ction. 29. Gc�n�emnatxan. I� at any time ar t�.mes du�in� �he cc�n'tinuance c�f the conc3r�mi�i�m vwnership purs�aant ko this I]eclara�ion, al� or any part �f the CQndominium Prvjec� sha�l �e '�a�een vr condemr�er3 t�y any pub�.ic autharity vr s+�ld or v�herwise dispas�cl c►f in lieu af ar in a�rcrz�ance �h�reof, �he fol�awxng pravisions o� this Articl.e shall apply: _�g_ (�y Procee��. All comgensatian, dam�ges or �ther pr�ceeds there�rom, the sum o� which �� hereafter cailed �he "CQn�e�na�io� Aw�rd" shall �e p�ya�le �v the Asso�iati��. {b� C�lete Ta,kin�. . _.- {1) In the event that the enti,re �rr4je�t is ta9c en or canc3emned or 1 , sa d 4r vthe�w�,�e dis�c�sed of ir� lier� o� or in ��c��da�ce therea�, the ec�ndom�.r�ium own�rship pursuant her�tu sha�.l termzna��. The C+�ndemnati�vn Award shaZl be appvrti:onec� aanang tihe awners or� the same basis as is e�ployed a� �h�e measure of the Candemnati.on Award in the negota��tion, �uc��cial d�+cree c�r �therwise. i�y c7r� the basis c�� the p�incip��e �et forth in the last pre+ceciinc� paragr�ph, �he Associ.ation sha�l as sc�c�t� as pra�ticab�e d�termine the sl�are vf �he �onc�emnativ� Awarc� tv which eac� �wner is en�it�.ed. Suc�a sk�ares shal� �e �aid i�nto s�paratQ aceaunts and �l�.sbursed as �oan as practica�le in the same manner provided in Se��.io� 28 {b} fl) thrQUC�h (�y . �cy Partial. Takinc�. In the event th�� �.ess thar� the entir� C�n�dcaminiu p j.�e�s taken ar �flndemnea, sa�d or v�herwise disposed of in lieu ❑f c�r i� avoi,dan�e �h�reo�, the condaminiram owner�hip hereun�3er sha'll not termina�e. EaCh Owner shall t�e entitle� tc� a share c�f th� Condemnataon Awar�d to �e determined in the f�rllowing manner: as svan �s prac�icab].e the Associ��i�n shall r+�asonabi� and in gvad faith, allvcate �he Cond+�mnation Award be'tween cc�mp�nsa�ion, c�amages or ather grac�eds and shall appvrtion th� a�vur�ts so allc�cated among �he Dwners as follows: �iy the tr�tal amvunt allc�ca�ed to taking of s�r ir��u�y tc� the comm4n ��ements, sha�l b� a�part€oned amor�g the t�wners crrn the basis of each Owr�er' s interes� respectively i.n �he cammon elements; {ii) the tota� am�aunt allaca�ecl �o sev�rance damag�s sha�l be agport%oned ta �hcase Can�s�minir�m �In�ts wh�.ch were not taken or co�demned; (aii} the respective amounts allr�caked to the taking o� �,r damage to a part�cular Unit and to the imprac�ements an �7wner has m�de within his �wn Dnit sh��,l be �ppv�rti.vn�d tc� the particular Un�tt invc�l��ed: and (iv; the t��al amoun� allc�ated ta car�sequen�i,az damages and any othe� tak3.ngs c�r araj�r��s �hall be app+�rtianed as the AssQCiatic,n detezmines tn be �quitable in the circumstances vr as determined by judicia�. c�e�re�, If the allc�catio� of th� ��ndemnatior� Award is already e�'tablished �n �egotiations, juc�icial d�ecree or otherwi�e, then in allvcatir�g th� Candemnatir�n Award the Assacia�i€�n shall �%gloy suCh a3laca��a.�n tc� the extent it is rel�vant an�d applicabl�. Dist�ibution c�f ap�ortic�ned pr�r�eeds shal.l be d3�bur�ec� as s�an as practi��ble in th� �a�e mannex provided in Sec�ion� 28 �b) (�) thro�c�h (5) , _�y_ �� {d) The Associati�� sha11 time�y n�ti�y eac� First Martgage� of any Con�ominium U�i� af the c�mmence�ent �f condem� �ati�n p�oce��ings a� emin�nt �omain gso�eedings affecting all vr a �at�ri�l �vrti�n vf suc� Condominium �nit an� sha�� notify �aid Mart�agees in the event af the taking af a�1 �r any ma�erial part of t�e cc��nmo� e�ements. 3�. ReQr ani�at�.+an. I� the e�°er�t a �ar�i�l talcing results in the ta,��,ng o a cc�mplete Un�t, the t3wrier th�revf au�oma�icaT�y s�all c�ase t4 be a m�mber c�f tt�� Assc�ciativn, shall ceas� tc� hc�ld any right, ta.tle �r inter�si� in the r�mai�ing camrnvn elements anc� �ha�l execute a�y and a11 doc�ments n�cessary to accompl�.sh the s�me. Ther+�after, the Assac�.��ion st�all r�alloca�e the c+wnership� vv�ing ri�hts and �ssessment ratio in aecordance with th�s i]ec].aratio��, accc�rc�ing �n the same pri_nciples (i, e. , square foatage vf flv�r space contained withi.n each Unit) emplvyec� in thi� ❑eGlarat�on at its inceptian and sha13. submit �uch real�ocation ta the �wners, '�o the Firs� Martgage�� v� all remaining Units foz amendment o� th�.s Dec�aration as prvvic�e�d i;n Sectic�n 20. 31. Re�sanstruction anc� R� air. An�r re�anstructian anc� repair necessitated by candemnati.on s�iall be govcrned by the pzvicec3ures speeifi�d in Section 28 . 3�. Re �.s�,rat�.�an of �aili.n Adc�ress. Each C?wnEr sh�7,�. reg�.ster his ma�.�xr�g acidress ana the name and aaar��� vf hi.s First Mortgag�e, if any, with the Assr�c�ati�n and notic+�s vr demands i.r�ter�ded ts� be serv��d ugon an C�wner srial,l be sent by �nail, pvs�ac�� pr�pa�.d, �ddressed in �he name of the (?wner and First Mortgagee at such registered adc3ress. C�pies of such notice� sha].1 be sen� to Firs� Martgagees a.n a �ike mannes, excegt wh�n s�t�h natiees p�rtain to rnatters spe+�ifical�.y relating to MQrtgagee {s� , in which cas� su�� notice shall be sen� c�rtified, rete�rn receig� reqr�e�tea or registered, 33. Pe�ia� +�f C�andoanini.um +Dw�ershi . The sepazate candc�miniram �sta�es created by t �.s Dec arat�on and the �iap shal� �ar�tinue unta�l this ��claratian is �evaked in the manner and as pran�.dea in S�ction 2Q 4� thi.s Dec�,�ration vr until t�rminated in the manner and a� zs p,rv�a�a�d ia� Seet�i�n �� and 2� af thi� De,Cla��[a�ipn. 34. Res�rictiv� Ca�enants artc� +Dbli a'�zans. — • .,__ '� , �aa t�otwithstanding any prvvasi+�ns herEin cvntaine�d t� the �contrary. �.t shall expressly be germissible far the Lo�dc�e �wner� �ii� agen�s, emp3.�oyees ar��3 contractvrs �o use and mainta�.n, at n� Gost, up�n such pc�rtic�n af �he Prcrj�Gt as �he Lv�ige c3wnex may chocrse, ar�y �£ such facil.itie� as in �he s+�Te capi.nion v� t�e Ladge ❑wner may be reasonably required, _�,�_ conve�ient� or incide�ta� t� the cdnstruction, sal� �r re�tal vf C on�a�inic�m Units �t �he Pr�ject an� t� �he cons�ru�t�on, sale or rental �f impro�eme�ts on an� ad�oining groperty. in�lu�ing. ��t without lirnitation, a busin�s� office. starage area, c�ns�ructian yards, sign�, mo�el �nits, sa�es �ff�ce, constructian �ffic�, park�ng areas and lighting. {b� �o an�mals, livestock o� po�ltry �€ an� kind shall be zais�d, bred or kep� �n the Pro�eet. {c� Wi�h the exceptivn vf si�ns used by the L�dge Uni� []wner in regard tt� t'�e busin�ss vperation� of the Lac�ge Un�.t, nc� �,�ner�i.�ing signs, texc�pt as permitted in certain �reas peric�dzca�l�y designa�tec3 by !th� Assc�ciation' s Y�c�ard o� managers) , uns�.gt�tly vbjects or nuisances shall be �rec�ed, placec� err permi�tec� to remain or� �he premises. (c�} Na nuisance �haJ.i be ai].owed on th� �vr�do- minium Proj�ct, nor an� use or gracti�� which is th� svurcr� af anno�r�nce tv re�id�nts ar �which fnte�feres w$th the g�a�eful enjv�yment ar passessi+�n anc� prvp�r use of th� Pr�je�t by its resic��nts. A1�. p�rt,� o� th� Pr�j��� shall k�+� �ept in a cle�an and sanzt�ry c�nditic�n, and na rubbish, refuse 4� garbage be a�.Jawed �o accumula�.e nar any fire hazard �o exist. ��} No improg�r, o�fensi�re ar un�.aw�c�l us� sh�,l� b� per�it#.ed or made of th�e Con�dom�n�.um Project crr any part � tt��revf. All valid laws, vrdinan,ces anc� regul�tions af all governmental bc�clies having jur�sdic�iora sh�l� be obser�ed. (�) Nc� ea�unercial. �ype vehicl.es, �ampers, trailers, boa°�s, recreati�nal rrehic�es and na trucks ��r�r t��e�_ quarter (3/4} ton sh��.I be stored vr parkec� on the camm+�n elements n+�r shall they be p�rked c�n any cammon dri�e�aay or upan the pazkin�g area, �xcegt while engagec3 �n tsanspart tv or �rc�m a Sui�.dia�g. (c�) Abandoned or inc�p�rabTe �ut�m��i�.�s ar �aehicl�� vf any kin�3, �xcept as her�inaft�r g�o�ided, �hal�. not tae storeri or parked crn �ny g�rtir�n +af t�ie Praject, An "abandan�d or i.nopera��� vehicle' shali be d�fined as any vehicl.e which has nc�t �een d�aven under its awn propulsia� far a peric�d af �ne �1) we�ek or 3.anger. A writtet� notice deseribing �h� "aband�ned Qr znoperable vehi�le" anc� reqt�estinc� remova� thereof may be persona�.�.y s�r�rec� upan the Own+�r c�r pps��c� �r� �h� unu�ed vehicl� and if st�ch v��hiGle has not t�e�n �tem��er3 w�th�.n se�aenty-twa (T2) t�aur� thereaf�er, the Associ atian sha3.1 have the �ig�t to remvve the samQ wi.thau� liab3lity to i�, and the e��ense th�rea� shali b+e charg�d against the awn�r. I� such Owner sh��.�. b� a member of �he As�ocia'tion, the eca�t Ehere�af sl�a�l be ac�ded �a his ne ass�essment du�. xt s��_ (hy Ad�itaan�l and su�plemental r�les and reg�ga- tions may be adQpted by the �oar� �£ mana�ers concerning and g�verning the use vf the ge�e�al a�d limit�d common �l�ments; provided, h�wever. that such �ules and regu��t��ns shall be furnishe� t� �wne�� gr��r to the time that they became eff�etive and that �uch rules a�� regulations s�a11 be un�f�rm and �vn- dis�riminator� �xc�pt ta the extent the Baard ha� di�cre��onary righ�s sge�ifically given to it �n this Declar�t�an. 35. Assflciatxan R�ght t� Acquire Addit��nal Pr�perty. Th� B�ar� af �anagers �ay a�quire and h�ld for th� �enefit of all �f the �on�aminium Unit Owners tan�ible p�rs�nal �roperty ana may disp�rse af the same by �ale c�r otherw%se. T�e beneficia�. interest in any such property sh���, be owned� by all of �he Ctin�7ominium LInit �lwners in the same proportic�ns as their res,pecti�e i�terests in the c�arnmon e�emen�s, and such i�tterest �her�in shall na� be transferab�� except with a �onveyance a� a � C�nc�vminium []nit. �i cc�nyeyance of a �t�ndomia�ium Unit shall tra�asfer tQ the g�antee awnership of the c�z�ntvr 's ber�eficial iriterest in all such property inte�rests assc�ciated with and appurtenant tca the su3�ject Candc�min�um Uni�. 36. R�c�eatian�l Amen3ti�s; neclarant acknow��dges �hat the Prajec� r3c�es not currently contain any recreational faciliti.es, whieh a�e part o€ t�e Common elements; howevex , Ithat the C3wr�ers of �inits may use cert�in recreation�� facilit�.es 1€�catec� on adjoini.nr� prc+perty s�b��ct to the paym�ent vf eert�in fees pursuan� t� t�at certain �asement granted over Parcel A, as des�.�ibed on Exhibits "A" and "8* af the Agreement reco�ded �ctc�ber 17, 1978, in Bc�ok 275 at Fage 6Q9 of the Eagle Cvur�ty. C�lorado records. Sai� facilitie€ shall be availab�e tca the resic�en�s of �h+e Condcrminium Units within the P��ject, �he Clwners an�d �he �wners' guests an� invitees, inclu€�ing the gues�s o� the Lad�e t3ni°k. The awners, by th+� ac�epta�ce of a Dee�l tc� a Cor�d�minium ❑nit, hereby autho�ize the Assc�ciation, car� th�ir behalf and as their attorney-in-�fact, tfl er�ter inta �,gr��ments with ac�jQining Qcaners c�� real groperty which wil� permi� the Owner� af such adjoining r��3. p�r+�perty to allaw �hems�Ives, their gc�ests and busir�ess invite+�s ta use the recreatiana:� �acil�ties � situ,��ed wi�.hin the Condaminium Frojec�, if any, and,lar ge�r�it- ting t�e t}w�ers and c�ues�s anr] b�sines� ir�vitees vf Co�t�3ominium Uni�s within the Proj�ct tv use any anr� aIl xecrreatian�l facili� ties sit�a�ed an said adjoining propexty, at such +charge� as sha�l be prr�w�c3ec� in su�ch agreement�, wMich ch�rges may be in addition to the com�nr�n �xp�nse assessmet�ts payable t€� t�� �ssc��iat�on, vr may be i,nclutlec� �n such assessmen�ts ,�s the P,ssvciation, �n �.ts re�sonable disc�eti�an, may determine. 37. Par�. �,11 veh�cular parking facilit�.�es for the Pr€�jec� are Lim�.ted Cc�mmon �l�ments appurten�nt tv iche Lvdg� _��_ Unit. �ecl�ra�t, as the Owner at �he Lodge Unit, her�by reser�es the right fr�rn �im� to time gran� �� t�e a�ners of Unit� and t��ir ��ests and bu�iness invitees a non�exclusi�e rzght �o utiliz� s�ch parking facili�ies for the parking of �otor vehicles. Such use shal� �e �on-exclus�ne an� sha�� be in camrn�n with the use o€ park�ng sgaces by De�Zaran�. A�l s�ch parkirig facilities are under the vwnership an� e�ntrol and direc�io� vf the �wner af the Lo�ge Unit wh� may adapt fe��, ruies and ��gul�- tions r�lati�e ta �he use �� the parki�g spa��s as well a� t�aff�.c c�ntral and ather uses. 3�. Reservatior� to �nlar � arld Su l���n� Condc�minium Pro '�e�t, (a) Declarant, �4r itself, %ts �uccessors and assigr�s, express�y reserves until De�emb�r 3T, 1989, the right to enlarg� t1�is Cand��ns�ni�m �roj�ct k�y se�bm�ttinc� aa�ditivnal r�al pr�gertY fwhich �.s described on Exhibit C �t�a�hed h�ret� and incca�porated h�rein t�y � r�ferenc�} anc� impranemen°�s, Such additic�n� sha11 be exp�essed in �nc3 by a duly recorr�ed Supgl�rrr�r�t �v t�ae Map. The referen�e to the P�ap axtd pe�claration in any instrt�rnent shall, b� deemed ta� irt�luc�e �ny supplements ta �he Map and Declara�ion withgu� spec�.fic reference thereto. (b) S�ch Supp�ement� tc� thi,s De+�l.aration shazT provide fc�r a �iivisican o€ st�ch additi€�nal�y srat�mitted rea3 prvperty anc� im�ro���n�nts �.r��o Cond�a�ini�sm Units. E�ch Un�t shall be segara�ely designated, �nd each Building sh�l� be identifi�ed by a symbal ar designativn c3issimilar to �ny erther Huildin� ir� the C�;n�dc�minit�m Praject. T'�e undivided interest in and tv the cor�mon el�ments appurtenan� ta each such unit shall nat be a part of the cvmmon elem�nts vf the Cvr�c�omin�,um Units described and a�nitially created by this �ecl.aratic�r� ,�nd the Map. nar a part �f th� evmmc�n elements vf s�tbsequen�ly st�bmi���ed �ondomin�.wn Units; pra�rided, hvwever, that a1� Owner� +af C�nda- minium Units in th� Conc�ar�inium Prr���ct �hal� ha�ve a nc�n- exclusiv� reciprocal right and easement in �omman with all vf the otlhes Uwners �o use ��e s�dew��.k�, pathwa�s, driveway�, easements and a�l oth+�r commc�n elem�nts wi��in �'his entire Condvminium Pro]e�t �o designatecl on the Map and all amendments and supple- inents thex��o. 4c} �xcept as �aay be athc�w3.se provid�a by �h� prov��sian vf s�ch Supp�,ement �s) t� �t�is De��aratic�n, a7.1 the pror�isia�ns c�ntained in this ���lara�i,c�n sha�l be app�icable ta su+ct� ar��ditaoraal �ar�d+�minium Units submit�e� to th�,� Cc�n�aminium Prcajc�c�. -33- � .. � [d) As additivnal C�ndomini�m U�its are submitted to t�i� Ca�dominium Frojec� and i� order that �he camma� expenses �f this Cond�miniu� Pr�ject be sh�red proporti�nate�y and eq�itably �y the �wners af t�e ini�ialZy �ubmitted Condvmznium Uni�� �n� the Owners �f aZl sub��quentxy su�mitte� addit�vnaZ Con�aminium �ni��, t�� �vn�m�n expenses for e�ch �nit wi��in the Prvjeet shall be �le�termined by fnultiplying the tatal am�aunt c�f �unds r��ede�d by � fract�on, the num�rator c�f which is �a�h E�nit' s Fercentage v� Responsibi��.ty �nd the d�nominaterr t�€ whi�h is �he ag regate c�f aTl of tfie P�rc�nta�ges c�� Resp�nsibility assign€� t� aZ� Condamin�,um Unit�. Le) Fach Own�� s�axl have the non,exc�.usivc right, toge�h�r with all ather �wners, to �s� a�� e�emen�ks, � �n � aces genera� cnan�n�n P P , grass ar�d lands�aping �r�as an�l a�l other areas in the Fr�je�t which �re not her�zn spec�.fically ded��ca�ea to the use c�f less �t�an all t�e Owners. Thi.s easement sh�ll ,�,� irrev�cabl� and shall be f ar the gurpases o� egress and ingr�ss, re�rea�ional. �nd social use �nd shaTl aPP�Y �a aZl prape�ty hereafter �ommitted tc� this Cv�dvminium P�vjec�. {£] it �s cvnt�mp�at+�c� that ac��a.tiQna� lands reflected on Exhibit C may be carnmittec� t.a thi� Prv�ect, aut the I3ec�.azant, �ts appa�in�ees, success�rs anc3 assigns, shal.� h�we no affirmative c�blic�ati4n �o ��a so. � 39 , Acce tance c�f prr�yisions of All Docur��r��s. The conveyance or encumkrra�ce a a Condomin�.um Un1t sha be dee�n+e� tn incl.�ude the acceptance af a�.l af the pzovisiv�s o� th�s �]eclaratic�rt�, ��e Artic�es c�� Inc�rpvratiort and By].aws and al.l ru�es and regula�ie�ns anc� mana�ement agreements anri sha�.l b� bir�c�ing upon each grantee without the nece�sity c�f inclusion a� s�ct� an e� z�ss c� F provisis�n in the instrur�ent c�f �c�n���ance ar eneumbranc�e. 4Q. G�neral Res�r�rati.on. D�clar�nt hereby �eserv+�s, until a�.l vf the Condam�.n�.um Ur�its �.n �he Praject, as enlarge� i�rr�m ti�e tn time, l�av� heen con�r�ye�, ,�r necemher 3�, 1989, whict�ever vccurs �irst, th� r�.c�ht to ��poi�nt th� $oa�rd of Managers �rf t�e Ass�c�.ativn. 41. �er�era�.. (a) If any of th� provisions af th�.s Dec�ara�ivn r�r any 5ectian, sent�n�e, cZause, phrase €�r wara, vr trie ap,p�ication ��ereof zn any ci�cumstance� i�e in►�a3.id�ted, such in�aalidity sha�.�. not affect �he validity c�f �he rema�,nder c�� this peclaratior�, and �he agplic�ti�n c�f any such provisian, Sec�ivn, sentenee, cl.au��. phra�e vr ward in any other ci.rcums�ance� shal]� no� be a�fect�d there�,y. -34- ..., {�) The pr�visions af this Dec�aration �halx be in addition to and supplemental ta �h� Cand��inium Ownexship Act of the State c�f Colvradcs anci to a7.1 c�th�x �,�o�ris�ons c�:E l.�wv, {c) �'h�t whenev^er use+� her�in, unless th� cQnt+ex� shal� atherwise pra�aide, the singular number sha11 i.nciude the plural, the plura� the singular, and the use of any gende� shall include a�,�, �enders. �d; �ec�ic�r� titles are for con�enience c�f ref�rence and are not i�ntEnc�ed �a limit, en�.arge ar change the meaning c�� ��e contents a�' the various sections. (e) All title rnatters tv which tlhis �ecl�ra�io n is subject are set forth vn Exhit�it � attachec3 he�eto a�� in�or- gorate� herein hy this ref erence, IN WImNLSS WHERE�F, D �la�ant has c��ly ex�u ec3 �hi� I3eclaratian this � day af. . A.D. , 1��. M-E� �tlR.�'ORAT�QN, a Colorado corpvration ATTEST: � � ��;��a,�.�,�� � �ecr taxY R�iser E. Moi�cus� Presi`�ent ��ATE �F L�OLORAi�{] � � ss: '��'�y & County of Denv�r � The �D�ove anr3 �ar gaing ��clarati.on as aeknc�wiedged b�fore r�e th�s ,,�� day af L , A,. . �9� r by iiais�r E. l�orcus as Presi�c ent and UJ �. , a s Secreta�ry of M-�i +Corporation. a Colorado corparatrvn. My cvmmissian expires: g` '�`� ��,��,�tY P[��C f� N�t ry 1'c F"EGGY Ad�r�ss: ��� _. G�L� E� ��s• �,`��' � �'��o� co�-°� -��- CaNSENT The �nder��g�ed as �ortgage� �f the Pxop�rty deser��ed an Exhzbit "A" d�e� hereby �pprover xat�fy and �onsent to the C�n�omini�m Map and the foregoin� Cvndo�inium Declarati�n f�r The Mark III C��dominium. DATED tl�i� _ �3 day �v:� ./ , 19_ �Y . C4LUMBIA SAVTNGS B�: �� . �-� C� . . �.- - ��s; ,� � � ��- STATE OF CL7LORADC► � ) ss: �ounty af Aragahoe y The aboye and fvreg�i De+�l�ration was a�cknowledged befvre me his 1�, c��€y of � A,�. 19 I� �� - �vf C�olum�ia S��rings, _ My cc�mmiss�vn expires: ,� t ry Pub�.ic Addressz � � i i ���_ � �XH�BI'�' A � TQ CC�ND�N.Ih'�LT?�1 bECLARATIO�v F"C�R �"�i£ �'`�ARK T�T CU23'I�O�NfThIUM LEGG�,L D�SCRI PTI�1�: - � A �drt �f Lt�� 4, B]t��k 1 � 11ai 1 jLi �n�head. Xhi rd Fi i i�g �nd part c�'� L�ts C and D, �r�rc�s 5r�bd�v�sion � T-own o�f 1�a� i , �a�3e G�ur�ty, Colvrado, more par�ic�l�rl� �escri bed as fo� �vws : Beginn�ng at tf�+e N�rthwest cc�rner of Lvt C; thence alang the 3�r�e c�mmvr+ ta s�� d �.at C ar�d Lots � and B, t�r�rcus 5�r�di vi�{ar� S l6 11"Z]" � � d�s��nce af �a9. �l� fee�; t'henr� t� 13°42" �9" � a �i sta�ce af 1��.(lU feet; then�e H 16°17'21" W � �]5��T1C@ cf 28.�J �+�et, then�e �h 73°4Z" 39" E a di�tance af 13.U4 feet; ther��e �+ ]6°17`21" �d a �fi star+ce of 20. 0� feet; thenC� �" 83°ZS'45" E a di�Lt�r�ce c�f �;. 29 feet; t�nence S �2i°3�'41'" � z di stan�e a� ]�S. 5� feet; thence H 74°Z] '1�" � � �i��.ar�ce of ]35.b8 `feet; td�en�� �' 0��3� ' ]5" W a d�stance af ]G�.�?C� f,�et; 4�er�ce 5 83°2S`�5"" W � dti�tance c�f C6fl.43 feet tta � pa�trt ��+ the svut��erly r7Q�L-D�-1,Ir�]I •'I7�E af �fest Lic�nsheo� Circle ; thenc� alon� sai� rlght—afsway 7in� a aistar�ce v�' ��9. 57 feet a�c�nQ the arc of a 39�,�0 fvot r�di �rs turve tt� the 7ef� �nd whos� ceratra] ��rg�e �s ]8°57 ' l4"' ar�+d �ha�e ]ang chor� bears , S 87�18' 3�" �' G �;�tar�ce �f 129.C98 feet t� �he `�rue Point af Beg�nnir�9; . ` +,.�gether wi th 'the ri�k��s and ber�e`1 ts ereated w�tt�- res�e�t tv Parcel� � - - �, � r��d C as ���f ctea oa� sheet 2 0# th�s map �r�d �es mor�e parti c��ar'Iy de�cri h6a on E3ch�b�t D to th�t �certa f n �nr�y 1���a and �n�ro�chmer�t � A�r�ement recorde� �u�y 27� 1�E3c in S��'� 343 a� i'age 463,'�fr� �he �Eag'1e�"� '"- �unty r�a� property recar�� , t.�geth�r with t�e ea5em�e�r� grarrtcd ,�y .� ;- . M-K �rpara'���n ns c�wner af a�1 c�r�dc�mi n�um ur��ts wi thi n the l�ark ` �_ Res�t-t� and ?enr�ts ��ub aver E�sement P�rc�l A, as �estrtb�ed tn ttiat . . � ,_ :ce�rt���� Ea�erne�'� f��reement :recorded ° . : - ;1�344 ,in �c�c�k .. - '• LL� � ��� ��9e ;�.in s�id r���r�s �nt� sub�ect ta th� e�seaneen'�s :" � ���' ;gr��ted :��. a�r�A�; e� _the criv��r q�. P�r�t ...III, as +de�cr�b��#--ir� the� , _ ': �V . . �; '.�ase.rn���,.'A��Pr��TI�'�CCI�Cif ' . . �_ �3G"'f �IXI ���� 'i ' . . ��-ie. p��� � _ '..:'- -� '�`='I ��!'�d T'��G I`' S. " . ,. . . _ � . -.. . . , . _ . . ' - . _ . �-� � . • ` Caun�tv .�rf.,Eagle . . Stat� of Cc�lorado s • , EKHIBIT � C+C7t+iDOMIt�II�li�'# �IECLARAfiTt�N FC?R THE MARK III CflNDUM I1'J�UM Zn accQrdance with the �ronisions of Section 22 Qf the Condomanium Declaratir�n for The Mark ZII �Candrmir�ium, th�e Percen�age v� R�spvr�sibil�ty far paymen� +�f �amman expense assessments assigra�d to each L�nit shal�. be the same as the undivided intere�� in the co�n�nan elements aggurtenant t� that Unit as set forth on this Exhibit B. The real �rc�p�rt� sui�matted t�a cc�ndaminium c►wnersk�ip is here�y divic��d inta the fsl�vw3r�g fee �imple estat+�s: ne _ f�� a hun+�r�d twent vne I21 fee s' Y € � �mp�e estates �con�is�ir�g Qf one hundred twenty-�ne (121) se�aara�ely c�esignated []n,its, e�ch such Unit b�ing ic3e�tifiet� by number Qn t�e �Iap. {b) Th� r�maining porti�n of �he �ntire pre�ises referred to as th� eammvn elem�nts which �hal� h� held {in fee si.mple} in cvr[ur�on by tk�e �wners, each such undiv�ded �nterest bei.ng appz�xtenant to ane v� the �sne hu:ndret3 twenty-one [1�1� . Units. Declarant does hereby establish the unc�ividec3 interest in the coznmvn �Iements a�purtenant tr� ea�� of �he Units as folldws; Appurter�ar�t i]ndi.vided xnt�rest in Car�,Fnc�n Elem�nts ar�d Uni� Na. ���cer�ta e of R�s onsih�li� 1(�l #J. 53.4 1i�2 0. G24 1Q3 U. 51� 1(D4 0. SZ� �a5 i]. G24 106 U. 536 107 Q.S�,� 108 0. 624 1(19 (�.642 11U Q.55S 111 1. 392 1�.2 Q.543 �22 0.4�� 123 1.550 ��a a. �s� 125 p, ��7 �-�5 0. 555 1�7 0. 555 128 p� �,gg -3�- � f . . Apptartenant Unc�ividec� Sn�erest in Camm�n E3.ements �nd Ur��t No. P�r�enta e of �es onsib�l�t �.29 U. 57�i 130 �Q. S55 ��� l. 397 132 �l ��� 133 Q.6T6 152 0. 575 154 �. ��� �-�1 Cl. 652 172 i�. 456 �73 {1.5�5 I74 1. 556 175 0.�55 176 ,�. 5�,� ]�77 {].640 Z�$ 0. 6�1 l�� 0, 555 �8(l (l. 5 55 �-��- 0. fi715 1$2 U. 555 � �$� v. c�a 184 {�. ��� �8' D. 555 186 {�, �7� 187 Q.5�0 18� 0. 555 1�9 �.938 19� 1, �Cl2 �+y�� [�. 553 L�� V w �I� ��'� Q. 672 �7� Q. fi�5 ��� Q. 466 273 {�. 555 `�'� 1.55 3 ��s a. �.�� 276 Q. 555 277 0. 634 2T8 D, 555 ��� �4 ��� �8Q 0, 555 281 0. 67� 2�'� 0. 5�55 283 il.�r34 284 �. ,�4� �85 U.5S5 28fi D.671� -4{3- � r i , Appurtenan� Undivided Interest ir� Camm�n Ele�r�ents and Unit �c�. Pe�+�+�ntage of Respanszhzlity 281 0. 515� zs� a. ��� za� c�. ��� 290 1. 417 292 Q. 55� 37{1 Q. 555 371 p. ��� 372 0, 647 373 +Q. 557 374 0. 5f[� 375 p, ��� 375 U. 56 0 377 p. ��� 378 f�. 647 , 3T9 (9. 557 38t� 0. 56(l 38�. Q. �652 382 4�. 5�0 383 (3,650 384 (�.639 � 385 (1. 553 386 �1. 57�i ��� �i ��� �V� �• ��L 389 U.823 �9� 1.373 392 {D. 553 47� 0.555 471 �1. b68 ��� 0. 644 �7� (1. 55T 474 p, 557 '��� 0. 557 476 Q, 5S7 477 t].642 478 �.544 479 0.557 48U [�.5�7 48�. U. 575 482 fJ. 55'I 483 �p.,�e}� +484 0.542 485 0. 557 ��� s/i�J� 487 0.56� 4�� 0.553 -41- Apgurtena�� Un�ivide� Interest i� Comm�n Ele�ents and vni� No. �ercenta�e of Res ansibilitY 489 +�. 823 57Q fiJ.583 �72 0. 869 574 t}.49�i 576 �� 5$� �7$ 0. 558 ��� 0. 859 ,82 0, 49T ��� o.�s a r��a�� zi. o�� Total: 1U0. 0� i -42- - � ► i t, � EXHIBIT C � � TL3 CCINDQ�'lINIL].M �:�C3�RATYON Fc�R TIIi.E.E MARK �I I Ct]NL�DMII�:[�JM L�GRL ��SCR3PTIQIs: A pa rt Qf Lvts C �& D, IMorcus Subdi�r�s��o�, �'aw� �f V'a i i , Eagi e Coun�Y, Col�rada �or� part�cu7ar7y de�cr�b�� �s �a]�ows; 6eQir�r�ir�a aw t�e 5ou�hwestcarn�r af said Lrrt �; tF��n�e N 73°4� '37" E - � �di�Lance ��F �6.6� fe�t; t°�en ce �! I6°17"DO'" '�' a di stance af 3. �5 fee�• tF�enee � 66°24'D(3�� E .a di stance af �1�.DC� €ee't t� th� S,au�hea5t corn�r af ��i� L�t I�; t��r�ce !� ��°38"4I" 1�t a�vng the E��t itine of sa�c� Lot '�, to the l��:�th�rst c�rr�er of sa�d. Lot; ther�c� continu�ng �t �2°38'41'" 1�' a d�s�.anc� �f �. 33 �eet; th�nce 5 �3°�'S'�45" W a d�stance of E3.29 feet; thence 5 �5°17'��" E a distant� of 2D.pp fe�t; ; thence 5 73°4�'39" W a distan�e af I3.�0 �eet; tt��n�e 5 75 17'�1'" �J a distance of �28.Q0 f�et; tF�ence 5 i�°4�'3g" 1J a �is�ance vf 14,�.ClD teet to a po�nt --�r� the �'es't Lrat 1 i ne caf sati� !ot D; tf�enc� S �6°17'��" F a�or�g sa�d k�est l�ne a dis�ar�ce of 15D.5� f�e� to tt�e P�ir�t �f B�ginning, � , � _ C�snt:� of Eagle � � Siate af � Co�orado r 4 y � . '.EXHIBIT n Tp C(7NDClMINIUM DLC�ARA'TTC}I+� F�R THE 3�3A1�K III �QNDQMZt►TICIM Recorded Easemer��s and Licenses: 3. ie�s, caucitions, sti�u�at;aas aa�i obI{gat�c�ns as c�ntai..ed '_n ar�d �urde�s �..�posed �!� Grant as Par}�_�� �'�.�e:nent by and hetween i�—:C Caz�araz?on, a Cr�3orac'c ccrt�orat�.an ana Co?u�i�ia Sav��,gs �nd Lo�n �ssaciatio;�, rec�rdec pcsober 17, ?n7g, i:� Er�k 27C� at Pa�e S�Q, as �m�txded bv �,mendme�,� �o Park�r�g ��,se:n�n� racor�ed J�sly 27, ?982, ia Baa�C �43 �t Page 467. � . Bur��:ns, abl��ac�cixs, cva�itions, ssipulatic�ns and restr:,���ans, as cc r ?�r�q �$�? �gre�aent lav �nd betwee� Tbe `iari� Car��ominiu� �.ssacfat�on, Inc�,ea �� Ila�-ic7�-�xQll� C�?��aap Coi�j O�atiort, an� �i-i� _ecoraad �c�ober 17 I97$ �n a �_ Cvr�€�r�:t�Qn, a Calara�o car�oras�c�� > > cpl� ��5 at f'age b�78. 3 .� �est�ic�-;.o�s and Coversaats of VaallLic,nshea�, 'T�iir� F�liag, �vi�=c:� da not c�n�aia a �or:eit;.z�e or revexter clause, as cs�ntained �:a inst:u:x�e:�� r�corded 4ctober ?5, ?971, �n Boa'k ?21 at p�ge 9a�, ana as aa�e�sce� ay t�,me;��ment a� ?rrrtect�ve Co�•e-�ants of Va�11L�cnshead, 'T'�ird �'�ling, rec�ra�d �ugus: �?, Z9;7, in 3ovi� 2S� at P,�ge �53, as ses `orwh cr� ie:-as attached ?�erera. 4 . ��se��ats ��own ox� the I'Iat of Vsi�IL.ionshe�d, T�ird Fii�ng, �s :o??ows: (a) U�?iity e�se�ents �Q feet en ��.x�t:�, rp fe+�t ia wiath ana 40 �ee� �;� �icti� in tae lorthwes`erly portivn and 5 i:eet �n width ala�g a �vr4�an o€ the 5oc:th�r}y iine a:� Lc�z 5. (b) Uti�ity ease�en� in the most Svvtherlo C�r�er az i�c � dx�� c�e�estriar� �,.as+�saent �� fe�t ia s���th aloag the Sout;ne�.sterly I�:-;e a,: said i.flL 7. � . Easeme�t and righ= �z way for chQ r�gz�t= privil��e anc� auti�arity tio evnstr��e�, +�perate and u�aiata;n undergrrsuna azstributl.�n ;.ines, tc+g��,l��r with the r�4n� ta e�ter uno� said gremises, as grar�ted ta �aly Cr�ss �lectr�e �.ssaciatian, Inc. , by 'f—K C�ar�rra[iart, a Colr�ra�io �s�r-�aratio�x� and The �Iaric Condcrminium �.ssociat�an, Inc. , recorded ?,pr�l la. �9;8, in �ook 26� at �age 2(?2, sa�id sasement and r�.�?�: o� way being in, thraug�, over, under ax�d aceoss the �oliati-ing d�scribed ��cavers�: �.n ease�ent �0 feet in saidth, t?�e �eaterline fcr wha.�� �Se�is�s on Lhe �esterl�� bc�undary of saici Lot 7 at e pcir�t fr� vhic?� the �c�st Souther?y ccrrner ar sa�a L�t 7 bears S Z?°[3�1'1+�" y, a d�stance of 120 feet, �ore c�r less; �her��e Y 83°�7' E, a distance vf �GO feet, �rvre er less; th�^►Ce �I 4�]°Qp" E, a dist�nce c�f 32 zeet, �ryr ar 1ess, to t;�e �tsizt of eac{:t� o� 4he �,as[erly bav.na��y oi sa;,d Lot r'. - -44� 4 � 'r * ���LD�A � .. �� • ca�r��r�rn�oM nEC����o� . F�JR THE MA�tK I�� CC�NDQ,t�IN�UI� �C�nt. ) - 6 . =`r�e�ss, e�lw�a�t_an�, cvnc�t;bas, stw�u:�at�ons enc kes�-����ons �s cc��;�_�e+ �n ?�r�•; W�'_i a�d �:.ti_tsat:�e�t ,���ee�e�c bv ar.� a�;;�e�n �`se �i��ic ��sc-: F;�c. :e�^=5 L:.:l�sriSSOCi2t�Q�II� lI1C, � a3 .""tiaL—IC�—g^..GZ�£ �.Q��'�c�GL? t::"r7�`i�L:40i�� cI1G u—�, CQI?CT&`:.'�2'ii c CO.:.OI�.CC? Cti`�C�cL1Gh� :eev:Ci�4 JS1�P ?7 s ���.G� i:� �OC7fC ��+� a� �S$�! G'Cj. ` / ' ��eL� A� iIS:Si i�t'..:c 3'g"'!� �+3��C`.s34�C7I7� c �i'93G°i24.'C �CI�pOrc�iC7�3 LL9 illE �SI''�.L�[ 1�L15L�@ CS�. LSSE' CCJti��� O1 ��,�12, ±C�� L3']e 115� �C7I ��..�IitL°tS T'L154 CCY�1�S.^.�`, �� Slt::�� �i,'?�D.O�O.dO, �c��ec �ctv3�e� }.2, 1�78, �eccr+ced C]ctoae� �� , a97S, ;:� ��ok �:5 at �zge 61�. 8 . ��se�se:�� s�c :�g:� o� vay tc�r th�e r�,�h= z,-1 - ----_ —. 7 Yii, x�.'e'�'� G:�� a�.*.r3��itV t� ��n$�ara�.~,� �"�'�Ict� fii1C�° c���LB�^, 1LlIIQiE��£Ut1A� �?�CLa 1G ���T1Sa'1.iS5:.CT1 'JI' G�l`a�a��17�:.{)Il �„.I7€d� �ag��he*_' �--�t�: �he r���.t �a er.'ter upa� s�a.c �re�ises �s ����.�� ta �e?�v �:�ss L1�C�:�'�C �.S56C1nL�:Tly �S1C. � a CDQL�£IS��V� COS�aC+�Hi'�fS�s a71� :`f--� ��T�DT6�,i�_^.? �:1 '�:'SSi.�L•��'^L i�ECC�L�'�G�' sstl'�'c12S 4 3{'}' 1 G�,�� i�s aCL7IC �LI+ c3L s'2 � C�'� A 3_d .__, 55rC 2aS�,;,E*�'� r�.�i r�gre of s�ay ���;� ��, t:roug';, c,;e:, ���er zxa e�s��_^.t �esc���ed 2s —`�t�0i�*&. � . � ��se:,seat t�� (s{3) �+eet wa �idi't;, tne ee:�te�s:,::e ±cr � s�_d ease�e�t be;::� ::�cer�rounc pvwex iac'�'_�ies, ��e stipraa���te iocat:c: c�� wn�c� ;;per. `::� ���ve �er�;c�r4e�i �:o�aerzv fs s��r� �n �..,�i�it �, �t_ac?�e� 'r.�:€t� an� �ace 4 ��'.�. :a�_T£L': �'�' I£=@'_'�I10E.. �`h�s aoc;:�er.t s�ec;wic2�=v �_�a�s�s ��e ri�ce�e�� �ne r�,..�o�:�? a:. ac.c�t�era�� �:c�Tg�ouac cc�naue�ors, ct�rscuir5, pz�s-�oe�nt�e `aeali`=es ancler - ��?�:;.pa�r.r upoa �.?�e e�sz�ent �e " :e�at�� scrii�e� i� tA� a[*_ache� .=�:�:�;�,�: i. �. �asement Agreement r�c�rdecT . . , 1�84 in �aak at Page ���f*��/ ��r���/v� � � ���1��'t .� IlVIP►�CT ��ATEM ENT � THE �JIARK � ESC]Fil` ANC3 TENI'��IS CL�JB � � '►�1'A I L, C+C�L�R AI]�`J 9..� � ��,*o*�fi'�,y.�,y;°tt.w,y�'�n�`x��' .i,s .f Y� Y '� ��•win��� �"�!`�"`��F��i+t.�1 , ��±�e t�..s� ���"���a-° .� 'Y°��fz��.w��,�� � � -�._ � ��:tct'da� ae� x +�t+b ^�„ Fa., e�. -�.4'.+k'�r"�x'� +� �F 3e -1 dB+�BC' �� �'.- �f,:..,,xa r.}�i; ��,�p,..,W.� �� a fi+r-k���'�"�� y,�g�a� �x`.M'- a �s� �� : . �..-�:._ _ yr�k _`, ..:�. .. ++. ., , �°- u��.:..: . .,,=�" �" � �°: . .r .. R.n. �r ..x�. � � , 1 H�JfH.N I���1'1V G+���1P�`1N�'• 1C�[71 F`�rrer:��S�r.et• 1]�r�.�r, C:�C�r�r���?18-f.�'U,�l�31-9�71� . �. s � � � 1 F F�NAL It�PAC�t STATE�IENT TF�E MARK RCSOR� AIVD TENN I5 CLUB VAIL, C�}LORA�l4 - Pr�pared For - T'�e M-'� Cvr�aration . Vail , GoTarada -- For Sufamassian To - The �7anninq Cornmiss�on Tawn of Vai7 - Prepared Sy � �'he Joh� Ryan C�rn�any 1601 Emer�on 5treet Der�ver, C��r�rada 8(]218 January 79T7 � , j � � TJ18�E (�F C[INT�NTS Page iVumber Li st of Exh7�i ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . i�ti L�st �f Tabl es . . . . . . . . . . . . . i v Introductit�n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v s�,�,�►�y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �; PART I -- �fHE PLAf� 5ec�ion l . 'The Plan for Ex�ansio� . . . . . . . . . . 1 T�e Setti r�g. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7he Project. . , . . . . . . . . . 8 �perating �bjectives . . . . . . , . . 11 Design t7b,j��ct�ves . . . . . , . . . . 13 PA�T II -- T�{� IMPI�CTS Sect�or� 2. �cor,amic Impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �5 ` Sales . . , . . . , . . . . , . . . . 15 �mpl oyment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Revenues . . . , . . . . . 2� ' Costs ta the �o�rm �f Vaii , . . . . . . 2g S�c�ican 3. 5acial Impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Q Pvpu�at�on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3� Housing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Visual Ef�ect. . . . . . . . . 31 Relatiansfi�ip t�YPlanning Prog�arns. . . 36 Section 4. Phys�caZ Impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 5ai�s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Ai r QuaZ`i ty . . . . . . . . . . . _ . 39 E�er�,y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4�? Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Sewer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Fire Protection . . . . . . . . . . . 44 �urfaee Runaff . . . . . . . . . , . . 44 5�1 i d Waste t . . . . . . . . . . . . . �5 �rar�sportation . . . . . , , . . . . . 4b PART III -- MI�IG�7�NG �'�fE IMPAGTS Sec���n a. Mi�igatio�r Measures . . . . . . , . . . . 53 �ui�dinq Bu�{c. . . . , . . . . . 54 Pedestr�an Ci rcul ati c�r� . . . 55 Gt�est Parki ng CJur�ng Nor�-Ski i ng r Sea svn 5� ' Empl�ye� Parking . . . 57 Guest Parkin� andlSpecial �Event� . . . 5� �ius 5ystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �9 . - ii - . { LIST OF E�FIIBITS Ext��hi t Rage hu��ber Re�scr�p�i�� ��._ Num�er 1 V i ci ni ty N{ap nf Study Area. . . . . _ . . . . . . � 2 Schemat�c Plan of Present Land 11se, The f�ark Res�rt and °�he West par°kirwg Lat, Vail , Coit�rada . � 3 Scher��tic P7an of �he Propase� Lar�d [fse, T'�e Mark Resort and the West Par�Cing Lat, Vai� , Ca�orad�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 4 Present M�r'k Fia��� & �enni s C1 ub, V�i ew� Loal�i r�g North Ea�t �'ror� 5auth �rar�tage Raad . . . . . . . �2 5 Frapc�sed Marf� Hc�t�� & Tenni s C�u�, View Lao�i ng . �forth �a:�t '�r�m Sauth Fron�age Rraad . . . . . . . 33 . 6 ��esent �lar€� Ho�e� & �'enni s �i ub, View Laok�ng - South East From In�erstate 7� . , . . . , . . . . 34 7 Proposed 1�S�rk H+�te� & Tenni� �1�b, View Lvok�n� � S�uth East Fram Ir�t�rstate 7� . . . . , , . . . , 3� ( r ' 1�#1 LIST �F 7A��ES �a�le �a�e �umb�r De�cr�ptian �umber � Pres�nt �nd Propased La�d Uses, Ua�i/LionsHe�� T�ird F�7�ng, SeTected �ots . . . . . . . . , . . . 7 � Guest Uni�s Avai7ab�e, Se�ecte� ��dges, �o�e7s and Cc�n�amirziums. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3 MedTan Average '�enc�th af Stay fc�r Reg�stered �lat�i Guest, The Mark Resart, �'iscal 1'ear �97'6. . . . . . i� 4 �Jccu;�ar�cy By �onth, �he Mark Resart, F�scal Year ig76. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 . 5 Nur�ber af Coraference Grou�s far Registered Hote1 Guests By Grvup 5ize, I�7�. . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 6 C�umber vf CQ�ference Grc��rps far Regi sterecf }io�el G��s�s by �Group Size, ��76. . . . . . . . . . . . . i9 7 Nu�nber of Conference Grnups SGh�du7�� �'ar Regis�e�red Hatel Gues�s By Group Size, 1977 . . . . . . . . . 20 � 8 E$'�l�Ilc���,'(� OV�E1"��[31�� CUests '�ron� Group Bo�kir��s, The t�ark Resort, 1975-i977 . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 9 Prvjected E�pl�yrm�ent at the Nlark Resart at Fui i , Capaci ty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 lp I�umb�r of �mp7oye�s an Payro7l and Grass Earn�r�gs � By Month, tf�e �ark Resort, Fisca� Year 7�75 . . . �5 � 1� Past a�d Prc�je�ted R�v�na�e�, By Qperati�ns, `The k� �iark Resprt �� f 12 L7a�nsl�ead ��d �ase•in ShorttTerm`Renta� �larket'Z�76 37 13 Er�ergy Cmnsumpt�on, �"he Mark ReSOr�, Fi scal Year �97b 41 1�4 Wat�r Us�, �'h+� �ark Res�rt, F��eai Y�ar 1'97"6. . . . 43 �5 Number �f Passeng�r Car� R�gistered by �-fotel Guests, The �iarlc R�sort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 � 16 Totai �asseng�r �vunts, �aarding and Exit�ng [iy S�ation, Va�7 Sfi�uttle Su� System. . . . . . . . . . �� . - iv - INT�ODUCTT�� �ften en��ironmental ���pa�t stat��6n�� attem�� �� c�nvey an un�erstanding �� what �omet�ing wall b� 7�ke after it has been �«ilt an� is aperatiana� ; this re�uire� �n exte��ive set o� assumptio�s regarding chang�s in the land us�, t�e constr�ct�o� af a �o�ally new �aci7ity, and a style of �perati�n a���c� is as ye� unknown. � In th� pr�sent case these maj�r concerns ar� already knawn. ' Essent�a�ly, this report attem�ts to addr�ss th� sig�if7canc� v� an - �xpa�ded ��eration. Th�re ar� �hree parts to this re�ort. Part I describ�s t�e prQ�osed �Ta� in terms af its �a�d �se, design charact�ristics, and operating �bjective�, �ar� II af t�e report hig�lights maj�r i�pac�s in �er�s of �canatnic, s�cia� , and physi�al ca�egaries, Part IIT sur�nar�zes suggestians ��r �he miti�atian of major impacts �dentif�ed �nd discus��d after presen�ation �f the dra�t report. . _ v _ 1 ~ SUNINIARY The P1 ar� The t�a�k Resort and Tenn7s C'lub prapos�s ta devel�p a najor exp�ns-�on on adj�cent land tt� ti�e west. 'The prin�i�al parts of th� p�ar� i�cl ude an addi ti or� Qf 25D hc�te� rooms, a l O,�Q� square foot eonfere�c�e center, and a slig�ht re�acatrton c�f �he W�st Parkin� L�t. �cono�ni c �mpacts The �creation af 18(] addit�iona�7 partwtim� and fuZl��iir�? j�bs , within the faci�3ty. _ Increased viszt�r spending �n Vaii Qf appr�oxir��a�eTy $7.5 millivn per year. _ Increased sa�es tax r�ve�ues to the Towr� af apprax�mate�y �30(�,[]00 p�r year. An i r�creas� i n '�he genera7 operat�ng costs t�f gov�rn�nen� d�e t[� tf�e gr�wth. The major out-of-pc�ck�t ��st to the �r�wr� will be t�re prab�bl� requirement ta purc'has� anot�er shut�Te �us at a c�st of a�prax�mateTy $45,(}�0. 5ocial Impac�s An increas� �r� the p�r�nar�ent p�pulativ� in Eagle Caunty c�f ap�roxir�at��y ��0. The v-i sua� �r�pa�t af a larg� bui lding. An Increase in lift�line wa�t�ng times. €�f�ys�cai �m�act� A s1 igk�t deg�a�atior� of ai r quaZ�ty. A �ossibili�y a� s�m� aver��adir�g of sewage treatme�t eapability i� the 5prir�g o� 1978--afte�^ Phase I constructann an the Mark is �ompleter� but be'F6re the p�anned expans�on af the Vail �Jat�r and �ani�atian !�istrict Tre�tment Plant is evmpleted. 1 - V 1 �- , SEC7ION � . THE PLAl� ��R �X�A�ISIC�N �he M-K Corpara�ian* prapas�s to develop a majvr expansion to �he Mark �esvrt and 'iennis Cluk� on adjacent �and t� t�e w��t, T�e �najor parts vf the p7�n incl��e. , . . ar� addi tiar� �f �50 ho��7 roams . a 1�],0�0 sc�€�are f�at conference faci 1 ity . a slight r��ocat�on of Va�l Rssociat+�s' t�1es� Day S���rs' Parking L4t. x T}�e Setti�g _ The site is Tocat�d between Gare Creefc an� 1des� Livns�lead Ci rcl e i mm�d�i ate7 y w�st c�f the Mark`s pr�s+�nt f�ci l i ty. S�e Ex�n�bi t No. 1 . The tapngr�phy af tt�e s7te slap�s gent�y do�vnward from the nort'h ta sauth. The s]opes ty���ally range fr�m twc� percent to six percent w�t� stee�er slr�pes form�ng the r�orth ��,nk of Gore Creek. '�he +ur�deve�cs,�ed porti�n �� the s�te i s cavered wi�i� natural grasses; tner� �s no sign�if�cant growth of trees. � Dr�i ng busi ness a� Th� M�rk Resort an�i �i er�nis C�ub. , 1 / / � � � • / � 1 � � � � � ( ' ( 1 ` � � 1 � � � f `l ` — � _ . • �, � ��yc�:aN;.�+`ei. 1'f�I • '\1 � � � � � • ���� a � � • � � - r� f • � ��.��c�. , :,� % � ♦ ,� � �. � ' � ��� �y aa �1 s �-j� , ,o � �� �� q�..t • -._ A�� !{ " i � r� � ��� k �' �i � � ��' �_ ' , ' � � � \ \ , • �+� . �: , �:: ' � ��Y ♦+ __ I � ��, \. .r.r � / :� � � •, ` � �- �:. / � • ' � , , •� \ .� • ` . •.� . � . . .. - . : . . : , (. The real i zat�an of th� ,�ropo s�d �1 an wi 1� requi re t�re re-st�bdivision of lo� numbers �, 5, 6 ar�ci 7 in the Vail/LionsHead 7hird Filing. Exhlbit No. 2 shows th� ex�sti�g �and uses: . Lvt t�umber 4 has s�x tennis courts �nd is leas�d by the Mark �Fro3n Vail Associates for recreatinnal pur�c��es. . �.c�t P3umb�r 5 i s vacan� and i s �wne� 6y the M�rk, . Lot 4V�r�ber 6 i s Vai 1 ,��s�aci ates° West Day 5ki�r-s` Par�ic�inq Lot. . Lot Number 7 7s th� site of th� preser�t h��e� . . f� ti � l 3 _ u� � � °C Q w � „ � O C� �` � `��� ¢ C3 � _ H�A D o_ Q �-�C�NS q E C] c� � � � a � ^ �" +I� `�,.,, �{ � � � � � '�¢ � � r r�♦ � a' � � � w � � � � � � � _ a ua � � � � � , * � � ° � � � Cl � ' ,� � + � � � �. � [ I � a,i�r.r��'���� � ,���� � �s�«i� �4 r� �frw��.��+i�"� � i � J � � � '�T� � � s � .� _� .�� , � c� 1, �► � t-�'� � � w � . , �....��� , � � � ! ,� � cn � � ►' , � � � . � �, �.�+` ►� as7 � ! � e� ,�� � � W_ _ _ �- � , ; ��__� � � � � �� � � ; � r� � ; t�r�rs�r��ir�r.��� � V/ �y� � �L'L�y "� � � � , V �...e � � � � � � • U' � V..� � � '� � � 1 m J' �L.1� � � 1 � � � � � � � J � II 1 � � � � F R � � � � � r "� 1 j � a� � 1 � � L�i.. � }'""' 1 1 °n � I � � � r � � � C/) C� ��``�., ' � "' � (!j [] c�b �, ;� � � � � � � ��� �� r � � � � i r CC ��,�� ''���r' � � � � °�'.� � � � �� �� r � � �U �°s � _. . I fl�] � � ' TL W -=a ��_�._.�..� � � � � abo� s�a�� W H � �� � . � Exh�b�t I�o, 3 sl�aw� the prQposed re--subdiv�s�a�n. The Ph�:Se I expansi ora wi i T i ncl ude a2� addi ti onal 1�1 h[�tel rooms ar�d t�e confer�nce fa�ili�y,* Oee���ancy is expected �o a�cur irc �ate 1977 through early 1978. �w� of t�e t�nn7s courts wii� �e rem�ved by tY�e ne�v faci7ity, but wi71 be re��aced by three aut�ide c�urts and tEVo � ins�de c�urts �� Phas� II. Th� W��t Parkir�g ��t wrill a�sa be de� ue�oped i n Pi�ase I. Pr�s�r�tl y, a t can ac��mrn�date appr4x�ma��l y 1�� cars. One of the st�pulations involv�ed ira th+� �and transactaon betw��n The Mark Resort and Va�l Associates �s the necessity �a ma�ntain the same parking capab�lity for day siciers. The presen� ass�ssment of archi°�ect 7om Briner ind�cates a +���d pc�ssibility vf � add�ng approximately �Cladditiana� spaces by des��r� af a mvre eff7cient iayaut '� As shown �n Tab�e hio. 1 , Oay Skier parlcir�g space remains th� same--approximate3y �75,000 square feet. Addit�ana�ly, th� ��ark. pian� to purc�as� �.ot Nn. 4 �rom Va�� Associates for °�he expanded facilit�--for a total Qf �pp�Qximately 200 spaces. * The �1ans anc� p�aa�ing �r� not yet -�ina7�z�d. �ata in t'�is reporG represent th� p�ans a� o� D�cember 1 , �976. l 5 N ` �¢ � � C� � � c� ,� C3 �'f� 2 Z� w Z V�/ f-- �__ � � � � � � LfQ�t,�FiL�qp' PL� [] � r� F— � � ,r cv z� �- � � �.�,�, + � Q � z a � � Y , * F�A W � %/I � ��'h M� 1!J � � 4J � �� � � � T � � W X � 2 � � '► J � H �- *— � 11J iL d. J .�;� ;. � m� �;;; � �� � :�ti�; ► �t-- °'� ca ❑ � ::=` �C7 � � � ��;-- i.=_ F� ,,� 4� �t �n +� ,� r: ? '; ,. --�.�,_M..>> ' �` '' � � , ��;� � � � 1 � � �� f� � — � � ��.J ! � �� �� � � � r � � � � �e��� �� � W +•yr � � ` � , �� _ S �..�.. � - , � ; � � � `' w ? I � � � � * � � '� � � � � ` � �..� � r . r i � � � � LL F � � •,` � ' ^ �� � � � � . ��_ �.�°� I � ..e ` �, � � � J � _k`�•v,. ..� fi �{ �+. � � 7 J � ,J _��,— ' � � � s�'�J� ;� ,� m � � � � �u, __� _.{ +�" . +rr• �•+J � "4 w":Y s. +wrf.�ru F..w `qw+l�.:���ar.���r� � � � � � � � � i � �C �; � � � ; , � .,: , � i � � �� . � � ���( � � .� ;; o � V3 ,� ,� �� a � p a�. ` " � � C� LL1 C� �r�� �°'. �.. ' g � CC � . _ � . � ��'p �,����� ; � � ��� � o � � Z � .�.� �'�r� ; � � [� � �s , W � � ��; � � I� � U ` ; � ' C[] _� ' � � � � ��.��� . = W ,� `- c��oa �s��o� ?� � W i— � s , " Tab�e �Jo. 1 P Pr�sent and Prop�sed Lan�l lJses � Vail{L��nsN�ad 1"hird Filing Sel�cted Lots Pres�nt L�nd Use APpr�nximat� Lot Rr7ncipa7 L�t S�ze Number Use �i n St�t�ar�e T'e�t} � 5�x Tennis Courts 61 ,85� 5 Vacant 1Z3,562 � W,es� Par4��ng Lot 7�4,�99 7 7he �lark �iotel �a,(�4U ' Tvt�l 340,353 Prapvsed �and Us� E.vt �riracipal Rppr�ximate Size {� Number Use �in Square Fe�t} Re-subdi v�si�on The Mark Rest�rt-- of 4, 5, 5, and 7 Preser�t, Pl�ase I an+� II �25,454 R�-su'�divis7an West �arking Lot 114,899 a� 5 a�d 6 7ata1 34C�,353 Source: Site P1an, PZerc�, Briner and F�tzhugh Scatt, Ir�C. , Va�� , Ca�t�rad�, Nov��b�r �, 1376. {~ 1 7 . The �'ro j ect l� C�rren�ly the �Iark f�es�rt '�as l4 h���l r�ot�r��s �accammodatzar� ur�i ts) and 14 cc�nci�n7i n�urn a}�artnr�nts (dw�l T�ng ur�i ts}. The �r�posed �xpansioa� c�f 25� hv��l roonis w�ll prov�de the Mark Resort tivith the patential far hou5ing �h� l�r�est visitar popu�ati�n in V�i7 . 7ab�e I�o. � Guest Un�ts Avari�ab7e Selectec� l.adge�, H��els, an� C�nd�mini�ms Vai7 , 1916 _ �4ccommodation Dwel� ing Faci3�ty Units ll�its . A�t��ers � 67 Mvuntai n �taus p 59 Lic�nS Square L.�dg� 3� 9� � Ki andra�7'al i sman �38 l 4 Mar�or Vai 1 0 123 Vail V�17ag�e Ir�� 97 0 Waliday Inn 1�0 D Hi�t�n 'N�tel ,1 Z8 19 'fhe L�dge at Va�� 63 129 7h� Mark �tes�rt: at present � 74 14 at end of PY�ase I �2Q5 �4 at end caf Phase I� ,�32� 14 � 5o�rce: Town of Va�il �emorandum, "C��cup�r�cy of Vail 's Lodg�ng Industry (R�vised}, frorr� ,]a�ne� F. Lamont to Terr�el7 �T. i�inger, Nower�ber 17, 1976, pP. A-T, A-S. r � � s r �. The use and accupancy �F guest ��ci1ities varies by seasan and �nana�ei�ent p��icies. Hflw�v�r, a set af averages cvmmr�nly used to forec�st visitor occu�ancy ir� Vail during ski s�as�n assumes an average of �wo pe�ple per Accammadation EJn��, four p�op�� per D�wel l i ng Urai t and s�x pe�pi e per h�vuse �si ng1���Farr�i 1y home}, fJsi ng �t�ese a�verage accupan�y guidelir►es, the h�ark ResQrt has a potential �ccupa�cy population of 7�14--(324 x 2 = 648) + ��4 x � = 56). Th� Ladge at Vai 1 "s popu�a�ion w�u�d be 64� usi ng �ha s sar�e esti�na-�i ng ap,�roach. .Obvious�y� an a g�v�n day, either �ar�e cvuld surpass the a�her. _ Th� secc�nc� principa� feature of the proj�ct inc�udes expanding �resent cvnvent�on �ar�quet facilities t4 accc�mmQdate a totai ranging betweer� �,C1flfl tc� 2,��Q. � � Square Feet 5,��[� Pr�s�nt Nleet�ng Rt��am �mai n) i ,2U� Pr�sen� M�e�ing Rvom �S�an Sini�h Roam) i D,f�Ofl Prop�rse� Meeti ng Room 13,�0� Proposed Indoar T�nnis Courts--GOnv�rtibl� .— — to mee�in� �pac� for s�ec�al o�casi�ns 29,2Q0 i-� needecE. �'h� Mark R�esort's' pr�sent� convent�vn faci l i ty z s the l a rges� i n Ua-i l . The propt�sed expansian provi�es a '�ac�1ity which wi�l ailow f�r more f�exibility �n day-tv-day �peratio�s--be�ng ab�e to e�t in a dif�e�^ent rvam from �he me��Zng rvom for exa�aple. It alsa prvv�des th� c�pabillty �or t'he occasiona7 hvstir�g of a very �arge meet�ng. There ar� limiting factars ta the f�equer�cy of 7 arge me�tings v�1�er than �ar�qu�t space-- competit��r� af ather sites, accessibi�it,� from �he airpart, parking, and � arrangement far aceorr�vdations at surrounding la�ges and t��te�s ��r 9 1 � ov�rf�aw gues�ts. O��erati nc� ab,�ec�ti ves are di sc�ssect further k��l o��. { Major �iesign characteri�tics of the proj�ct i�clud� �he �'al 1�wi ng: y . 250 hatel raams plus a new lo��y, reg�s�ration area, and delivery-servic� area. . 27 suite �rrar�se�ents wiT1 be pa�sib�e within the �5� rc��ms--Z�ri th 1 ock-aff ca�abt 1�i ty, �nter-i�rr hal 1�v�ys, a fire �i��c�, and a �mal� kitchen�t�e �r�a, . A diwi�ible conf�rence rovr� apprnxima-�ely 14,0�0 s�uare feet 7r� s7ze. . A di scotheq�e �a�prox-i r�ately 2�J�} s�e�ts} . . A sur�dries sho� for se�vici ng needs �rf h�t�l gues�.s [ap�raxir�at�Ty 6Q0 squar� f�et). . A s7�ght chanc�e �n �I�e �rienta�i4r, �f �he Wail A�sacia�es' Day Sk�ers' West Parking Lnt--�running r�orth tc� so�th, rat�er t��� east to we�t---ess�nt�al�'y 1n the same locaiion. `� 7he cer�ter af th� new ark�n 7 at wota�d be a y � 24{� fe�t farther v��st��a�rd. � P�r�xir�ate7 . A comple�e ath�etic club . . . . twa �n�o�r tenn�� cotrrts . fvur ��.�dtsall c�urts , an a ndca�r swi n�mi ng pool . a stear� bat� and saurra . an exerci$e raom. . A parkir�g �ot fnr apprc�ximat�ly 50 au�n�aobiies lacated beneath thr�e new tenni s cc�urts at the west end t�f the proper�y, detached frt�m the �ain �uald�ng. (Twa ofi t�te s�x outsi�� tennis courts w711 be remav�d by the pra�c�sed bu i 1 c�i ng. ) . Additional �rark�ng will be requir�d��f�r�al plans have not ,yet evc��ved. � 1{} � �3per�t�ng ��j ecti v�s T}�� aperati r�g ob j ect i ves af t}�e t��rSc er�vi s�or1 � co�1�i nued �xpans7on vf its �r�€�p mar�Ce�ing efforts. The availabil �ty of add7- tionai r�crea�ion ameni�ies and an expan�ed conferenee '�acil��y shou�d �nf�anc� the �ttract�ven�ss flf t'�e Mark �s a majc�r conf�rence center in the re�ion. Ap�r�xi�ately ?5 to $t} perc�r�t af �I�e �{lark's �ote1 g.�ests are current�y members of a gro�rp* {��e l��catir�n �f the �ark does not lerad i�s�lf tv highway drop-in �raffic. ) It can be `ass�m�d an aggressiue group mark�ting ef�or� will �e continued �or � t�� ski �easan; but, t�e mar'ke��ng program wil� pl�ce �a�ar e�phasis an "vf�-sea�Qn'" can�erences. Approx5ma-�ely 69 percent af the "guAs�- ni ghts'° �ccur i n th� fi ve mc�nth sl�i seast�n--Dece�nber �hroug'h Rpr�� . � A s�ven-day stay is c��man �iuring the s�.i seasor�; �ndee�, � it is required at certa�n time�s. B�t as s'�own �n Tabi� No. 3, the averag� �ength �� ��ay is markedly iess during t�e nQn-ski �eason. Vaca�i or►�ng mo�ori sts of�er� stay j ust �n� ni ght i r� Va i 1 . Summer c��fer�nces �ypical7y avera�ge three night�. it fs exp�cted �hat t�e additianal canfer�nce faci�ities wi77 equip the {�ark tc� tincr�as� �ts canf�rence actiwitz�s dra:matica�ly during the Spring, 5ummer and Aut�mn m��ths. * Interwiew with Mr. J�ff 5teinbac'�, Dir�ctor af Group Marketing, T}�e Mar1� Resort, aec�mber, 1'�76. � li . Tab7� 9Vo. 3 '• �ed�an Averaye 1.e��gth v� Stay far �e�istered €�QteZ Guests Th� Mark Re�art ��sGal YAar �976 Averag� Numb�r of �lic�hts 5ev�t� . . . . .. , . . . . . ±�tltitti'if S i x . �� . �r�� . . . . . . . . � *r �� �� � � �'1 V E? . � . . '' . . . . . . . � r .,w r �� � i � L r Four �► . . , ' • . • . . . . 1 � � � � ! � � � � � "_ � � �'hree ' . . . . � . . _ . . . . ti r � ' i � � 1 a � ' 6�� � . , , . yI �t,���.i��rJ� � r . . . • ti f \, ` fiI w ��I ��� �f'�I Ii�, �,,��" �AI�l1llrlitr�lt!'1 ��I� [�vv [}�c .�at� Feb l�ar Apr May Jun �ul Aug Sep Oct 1975 �975 Saurce: The N3ark Resort. r' � 12 } �, ' L�esign Obj�c�i w��es Tiae �+�1lawir�g sta-�em�n� was drafted by �rch3tect Tom 6t°ir�es� -�n response ta� a specif�� re�ues�. I� brief3y sumrnar�zes spme af �he cansi�erat�or�s i nrrol ved i n t�e f�rm�3 ati an of the desi gn ����r far the prv�ect by Pierce, Br�n�r and Fi�zhugh Scatt of V�il : "The present conc�pt far an addit�c�ri �o the �Iark has as its object�ve pr�servi ng the integr�ty a� tl�e #�otel c�p�r�ti on. �Our awrt par�7ali�y regard�ng such �h�ngs a5 `bu�iid�ng bulk' ha� frank7y had to take a back seat to t�e requirer�ents o� a� industry that da not always ar eas�1y lend �her�seTves tv �he des�gn farm�t �a� a condc�mi ni uzn devel vpmen�. Thi s ,l . additivn wi�� q�aadruple the numb�r of hQtel roams pr�sent�y i n �h� h�ark. A meeti ng rvom that �v�11 be doub1 e the s i z� vf . th� exist�ng �nee�ing rv�m wi1� shar� th� focus of a r�ew m�a�. 7 c�bby wi t� two encl osed ter�ni s cr�urts t'�at �re pr�j ec ted ta be built in Fhas� II vf the deve2mpment. '"A7though 'h�t�l " �uggests a buildirtc� �f resider�tia� chara�ter perhaps a more analvgous bui7ding �yp� is a hospital . I�n th� i�os�#tal great cons�iderata�n is given �o mav�ment of �` � �na��r�al s, �f�'�ciency of operat�ivn, i nsu1 ation of acti vi ti�s �� and defini��on �f the routes of dactors, pat?ents a�d visi- tars. A hotel rnust be run j�r�t �s ef�icien�ly as � ho�p�t�l , �.inen must #'ind �t� way �a the la�rndry, f��d must g�t to t�a� gues�s i n �'h�i r roams as we�� as i n the di ni n� rQOm, C�anven- tions �annot dis�~upt th� relaxat3an �ought by the �u�st. �C�nstan� s�rvei�lance vver a17 act-�vit�es is necessary in arder �a guararitee the ��curity c�f all th� ��trons. "Th� ar�a, vvlume and circula�ion r�qtt�rements contributed tr� the concept af a bu�lding co�nprised of three 'legs. ' The F�Qtel roams are abave the comr�tor� areas---meeti�ng rvvms, d-�nin� areas, and health cluh. These le�� join ea�h ot'�er at right ang7es in arder ta give as w�d� a sel�c�ivn a� v7ew to �he mountair�s as possih�e. El+eva�ar�s and s�airs �re locatcd at these ju�c- tic�ns, "If m�st peapl e were tc� reco���e� th�a r �ast ho'�ei �tay, tYtey �auld prc�bab1y recall a rat€�er r�assive building, taller than iong, with as much eye appeal a� a cor�merc�al office �uild- ing �nd appo�r��ed tv t�e tastcs pf 'Everyman, ' Th� excep- �i�n t+� thi s ger�era�1y w�ul d �e �he bai 1 rc�om �wf�z�h aften cvr�jures up an ir�age af the l�al i of Mi rrors at Versai l l�s) an� � 1 �3 r i th� �iscat'hec�ue �whlch often ��pears to have be�n a crc�ss ' be�we�n a speakeasy and a rQ�ek�t ship. } It is hope�f �his pro- ,ject w�17 b� a de�arture f rom that farmat. '�The ab j ecti v� i s tv im�r�e thc compl ex ►�i th an a�ra af re- creation an� cvr�v�viali �y. Therefare circulation �o the r�trrr�s, as well as to th� ��mm�n areas wraps around--with v�€w� 9nto th� recreatior�al activities to he provi�ed--tk�e ind�or t�ranis c�urts, t�te indoor swlr�ming paol , the '�ealth club, �o�n�ges, bar, and �nformal me��irtg areas at lob6y 1 evel . TC-�es� i nteri or v�e►�s ar� ex�ect�d tv be cc�mp7 i rrented by vi ev�rs from the 1 c�bby and meet�ng r�om o�F the mr�unta i n s to the west, and tennis courts and �he mountain to th� �au��. "For th� Va31 v7 si tar arri v7 ng fran� the a�est, ne wi 13 vie°,� a �ui�ding camplex tt�at at its �igi�est �oint �relativ� i.o �he fron�age road c�r� i-]U} wi 1 i �� the same as the exi sti ng t�fark � ���+ � �. Thi s '�ei ght wi i 1 c�ccur ad j�c�nt to th� Mar�k I. �ram fi.hi s p��nt the bui ld�ng wi 71 t�k:e an a r�r�re �r�bi c�uaus s�h�pe �r �- prafi�e--inter+tion�l�y. The racrf vf the'�egs' will st�p d�ax�an �owarcfs t�z� west and so�th. The s�eppi ng �ffec� �ri 11 be emphas�zed �y 'bumps" hausing eievator penth�uses �nd s�airs . to t��e �oof. As a f�r�gro�nd t� these hig�er ' l�gs, ` t�e enclosed tenn�s caurts on the ��est side and the m�etinc� rt�am an the ap�psite side v�i17 attract t'h� �ye �f � vie,•re�; aa�d, .• depec�di�rg upvn his perspe�tYVe, ble�c�C or abscur� the �a71er ` pvrti an vf �he �ui 1 di n� t�e'hi r�d. There �s na i s�ter�� t� have �h� build�ng 'lo�k lik� a mauntain rang�, ` but there has been a conscious effar� tc� have tf�e bui�ding's mass and voids read as a resp�c�,'Fui neighbflr to th� maun�a�n �eta7r�d and the �uildings to t€�e north arid east. If �his should �a���n, w� be- 11�ve that t'�i s add�i��Qr► wi�1 prove to be a r���decl vi s�al anch�r ta the Li�ns�lead deve�opment as well as an econ�mic st�m�tlant." � 14� . ! , SEC�"T[liV 2. ECdNC1MIC I6��PACT T'�i s secti ar� of �h� repvrt cavers thr�� rr�a,�or ca�tegt�ri�s of impact--sa�es, emplayrnent, ar�d gc�verr�mental costs and revenues. Sales Tl�e caper�ti on of an exparrd�d fa�i 1�ty a� 't�he i�ark wi 31 i�ncrease v�s��ar spend-i r�g w7 thi n 'Uai 1 . In order to devel op an . esti�nate +�f t€�e magni t�ude o-f �nt�ci pated increase �n vi si tc�r sp�nd- �nc�, i� is nece�sary �a �nclerstand th�� na�ure �f th� present vp�ration af th� �Eark--�ts sv�rc�s c�f revenue�, styi@ of vperation, and management abj�cti�r�s far �he exparsded facil�ty. � � Ther� are tw� pri nci pal sources Qf reven�a� z ra tt�e present opera��on. : Hv�el roam and apar�m�r�t r�entals--about 4� percent of gross a^�ver��es. . Restaurant and bar operations--abou� 58 percent of gross reven�es. A market st►�dy an the �ecanom�c feas�bi7�ty of the prop�sed plan -�s b�ynnd the s�a�� af the present inqu7ry. fioE��ver, it shau3d h� evident that Y�v�e1 accupan�cy is �h� driving force hehirrd a successfu� oper�tian. I� provides direct rev�n�e from �4vn� renta�s as weTl as indire�t revenue frQm f4od and bevera�e sales. `fab�e I�o. 4 shc�ws �vnth�,� occupancy fig�ures �ar 7�se Maric �esort for �ts fiscal year which ended �n October, 1976. �'he anrrual a�cupancy for t�e h�tel was 58 percent. A recent surv�y af Vaiti 's � ]5 . �'abZ� P�Yv. a C Qccu�ancy By h�onth The 1�iark Res�ar� Fiscal Y�ar 197� Cc�i�dnmi ni um Ursi t I��ghts H�te� IJx�i t N�ghts � Occupied .�. Occupied - Month �luai l at�l e Nur�her Per�cent Ava�i 1 abl e Nun����r �ercent Nov '75 9t]�l �5� i 7 �",2��7 335 15 �ec 751 4?� 57 2,�94 1 ,857 81 Jar� 77i �5� 72 2,294 1 ,867 �� Feb 569 643 95 2,746 ?,115 99 Mar 753 7(7(1 93 2,294 2,04a $9 A�rr fi5� 359 55 2,2�� I ,1 �3 5a __ May 7�7 a f�3 14 2,�94 2�7 1 C1 Jun 688 319 46 �,22fl 1 ,303 59 Ju] 785 577 74 �,294 1 ,886 82 ; Aug 7�� �4CY 67 2,29� Z ,59� 7� Sep 694 �19 3� �,�2� 1 ,�80 a9 (}c� 713 222 37 2,�g4 5�3 �fi �`otal 8,824 4,7�0 53 27,�184 15,730 5� l�o�e: Tihere are � maximum vf 3� condaminium �rnits avaiiable�- 14 apar�m�nt un�ts and 16 lock-��'�s. There are a max�€num of 74 �at�l unit� avail��ale. Sour�e: Ti�e P�1ark R�sor�� r �� , � Zodging i�ndustry indicated that far �alenda�r yea�- �974 the av�rag� occup�ncy �for s�rort-term hausi ng and Zacigi ng �r� th� Vi 11 age and l.ivrrs�{ead was 40.5 percent. For 1975, th� averag� accupancy i�as 47.3 perce►�t; and, for the �First nin� monti�s af 1976 the average c�ccupancy was 59.� percen�.* "fhe k�y to tfie Mark's fut�re success will depend on its cor��erence marketir�g pro�grar�, In cal��dar year 1975, the Mar�C boaked 37 canver�ti�ns; in �976 tha� numk�er was 6�4_ �or 7977, th�re are ,aiready �1 canventians schedul�d, �See Tabies 5, 6, ar�d 7. � 7t�e __ averag� �median} size group ha� be�n 5ncr�as�ng as w�l�-- . 85 in 1�75. � . �08 ir� i976. . 188 for 1977. r � � , * Jam�s �. Lamont, I6id. , p. A--3 � i7 4 � TabT e Pdc�. � I�umb�r of Canfe!renc� Graups for Registered h�c��.�� Guests 6y Gr�up 5�ze �97� l�um��r vf Grc�ups �ess �5 lOQ �00 Than T� To To 25 99 7�9 299 7�ta1 �an - 1 ' � - 3 Feb - _ - 3 3 NEar - � - � � Apr' � _ _ _ _ .- May � - �un 3 1 1 - � Jul � � - � � Aug 3 _ 3 - � , � � S�p - 5 i 1 7 a�� � � � - � I�ov - - - - _ D�c - 1 -- 1 2 Tota� 11 lfl 9 7 37 Sc�urte: Trie Mark Resort. t 18 . Tabi e I��. 6 a, Number af Canference Graups for �te�i stered Hat�l Guests By Gro�p 5i�e 1976 �lumb�r of Gro�ap� L�ss 25 �Ot1 �00 Tharr �a �� Tn 2� 99 199 2�� Total Jan - � � 3 - 5 F�b .. � - 4 4 �€a r - _ �- 3 3 p,p� � 2 - - � May 3 � _ - 3 ` Jun 2 5 � 4 �� Jul 1 4 4 2 1� Aug - 2 � 4 7 , ! Sep 7 2 1 3 7 �ct - 3 2 - 5 l�ov - 4 - - 4 [}ec - - - 1 1 Total 7 �4 �� �� �4 5ource: 7h� Mark Resart. � l9 � � Ta t�l e f�o. 7 Number of �onfere�ce Grvup� Schedu��d fc��^ R�gi�tered Hotei Gue�t� By Grcaup Si ze 1977 Anti ci pate� I��mber vf �r�u�s Less 25 1�� 2�1� Than T� To To 25 T 99 1�39 �9g T��.a1 .?an 1 � 1 � 5 Fet� - - i :3 4 Ma r �- 1 2 2 5 Apr� - - � l � -- MaY - - 1 - � �lun - 1 2 3 6 J�1 - 1 � 3 8 �< Aug - 3 -- 3 6 �ep - _ 1 � 3 Oct - - i 1 � Nov - - - - _ i3ec - �- - - - 7 8 13 13 4� 5vur�e; The Mark Resort. �� 2Q ( A� might be expected, s�ver,�7 Li���sHead me�,chants wh� w�r� intervi�wed seenie� �uppflrtive of the ��rk's ex�ansian plans. T�ere is a general interest in supporting projects w�i�h incr�a�e traf��c-- part�cular�y in the n�n�s�i �eason. Add�tiona11y7 ��W�V��7 �he managers �r �wners ��terviewed at �Q�r nei�hb�ri�g h�tels and Todges were alsa su�portive �� the prQposed plan.* �he�e �rere some �o�cerns . too, as disGUSS�d in Section 3; but, one a� the rea�ans for s�ppart �r3c1 uded ov�r�F7 ow b�si r�es s. . The Mark has a i�r�i tee! numb�r o� roor�s re7 atz ve ta tne size of canventians �t �an hvst. 'When these situations accur, r�em�ers c�f c�r�venti r�ns rreed tv fi nd 1�dgi rt� el sewh�re. As shvr�r� i n Tahl e �a, S, " the nur�ber of ov��-�iow guests was estiniated at 80� in 1975 and 2,70Q zn 197�6. Curre�rt boo4�i ng� far 1977 woul c� i ndi cate a�t anti ci pat�d o�erf�ow � � of a,9�� peop�e. * Antl�rs, Enzian, S�nbird, and Vailglo. { 2� 1 T�t�le No. 8 � Est�ma t��l �v�r�l ow Cues�ts firc�m Group Sooki ngs The 3�ark '�esprt i975-1977 Current �s�irnat� �iorrth 1975 1976 1977 Jan - - 75� Feb 300 - 8�1� hlar ��� - ��� A�r - ° - ��ay _ � - _ J�� - � ,50� 1 ,450 Ju� - ��0 i ,75t� Aug - 75(} +�S�J .� . Sep 20[l 7 54 8(�Q � �ct - - llfl �lov - - - aec 100 - - 7pta1 � 800 �,7a� 5,900 5our��: The l�ark Resc�rt. � 22 � E- mp�-c�ym�nt Rec�r�t emp�oymen� at the Marlc has ranged between 7� �0 9a people---�rr�m tY�e 1ow s�ason tc� the h�gh seasc�n. T'he projected sta��7ng requireme�ts f�r �h�se II are estimated to range between �2{l an� 27"t�. Again, a thre�-fold increa$e is ev3dent. �'S�e Ta�le �do. 9. � A hotel in a res�rt ar�a requires a lat �f �art-�ime wark�rs. As �hn�v� in Tabl� h�a. i 0, appra�xima�e�y t�vc�-thi rds of the s�aff �s e�nployed �ess t�ran 4D haur� per week. � = Current gross employee earnirags are approximat�ly �4�0,�[1C� per year, t . : � T 23 4 Tat�T e Nc�. � � Praj�cted £�playment at the �lark �esart at Fu71 Capac�ity Aver�,g� Projeeted Current Phase II � St�ffing S��tfi� � kl�gh Law High L�w ��partm�nt/Function Season Se�son Se��on Season �itchen �lQ $ �5 2Q �it�3ng Rontn 2� �Q 75 60 Eiar 8 6 3� Z�E Fvod and 8evera�e Mgr. � 1 7 1 H�usekeeper 1 1 � 1 .. I�a�cCs 16 ia �5 55 Laundry 3 2 6 a '�vus�rr�an � 2 1[l 8 f . Bel lanan 4 Z l d 8 Cvnferer�ce Set �p 5 3 ld 8 T�nnis 0 2 � 3 _ Frant �es�C and R�creation 8 6 2� 16 i�oteZ M�nager 1 1 � 7 Generai Ac#mi n��trati ot� � � 2 2 Cfiai ntenanee 1 1 3 3 Sal es 2 2 6 5 Accoun�ing 2 2 2 2 Totad 92 71 �72 ��i � 5our+�e: The Nlark f�esort. �� . � 7al�1 e N�. 1 Q �.. P�ur�7�er €�f Emp1 c�ye�es on Payr€��1 ar�d Gross Earninqs By M�nth �he Maric R�sart Fisca3 Year 1976 iVum�er of Er�pl�y�es — 30-�39 2�-29 �ess thar� 4(7 Haur� Hc�urs Flours 2� �ours To�al Gross Fer Week '�er ��Jeek Per. Weei� Per Week Number _Earni ngs hiov '75 31 27 2C1 24 96 $ 19,78� [�ec 35 3�l 24 2b � 15 35,893 Jar� 42 25 �[� 19 1�5 41 ,563 Fe� 39 �5 23 25 113 4�,703 Mar 44 24 7� 25 �08 �3,�83 � _ Apr 30 9 �4 25 78 32,�7� � �lay �7 6 la �� 55 21 ,7�6 Jt�t� 33 26 22 19 �E(li� �U,577 Ju1 34 2C 22 7� 95 39 ,276 r Aug 3� 2� 25 18 94 �3,174 Sep 19 Z7 14 15 65 32,439 47ct 26 12 7 2Cl �5 ��,24�! Tt�tal �4�0,5�8 N�te: Fi�scal Y�ar �97� began h�ovember 1 , l 975, ---------- i�ate: Num�ier of Emplayees on p�yrall is more �han averagA emp1ayn�ent since �� inc�udes �urntiver. f�a�e: Gro�s earnings ir�clude record�d tips---charged to a room ar credit card; cash t�ps are exclud�d, Souree: The Ma��C Re�ort. � 25 �ev��ues Three p�incipal sources �� a�di�i�n�7 rev��ues can �� exoecte� �v au���nt the �ac�l ec�nan�y l�y �he fu�l �p�rat�an of the pr��osed fac����y: . Visi�or s��nding within �he new facility �y hatel guests. . Visitor spending outs�de the �ew ��ci�i�y by h�t�l g��sts. . VisTtor spen�ing by Vai] visitors whv are not registered guests s�f the Mar�C--so ca�led "averf1o�r guests" �vho ar� members of a larg� assoc�ativn w'�ase meeting �,�adquarte��� are at ta�� S�ark`s ca�v�nti on �aci 1�ty, but w'r;c�s� me��l�er�s canrro� all be accommoc�a�ted a-� thg �tark, ' 5�end�n� Wi thi n th� Fac�1 i t,�. The fc�l�owi ng ar�ai ys i s i s base�f on th� @5t'11Tl�tES and projections af th� devei��er. �__ Each of the� 7A� h�tel raams a-t the Niarlc ger�er�ted appraxir�a�ely $7,�QC] ari tiae last �isca7 year: �34.4D Nigt�t�y �evenue �ann�al a�verage) x 2�2 Averag� f�ights c�f decupancy (58 percent) 7,2f3$ Averac�e Annu�l R�o� �evenue Management plans and projecti�ns ca11 far a gradual ir�cr�ase ir� roflm rat�s and vccup�ncy--resulting in an averag� revenu� ge�erat��n p�r room trf appraxim�tely $9,200. $37.50 Nightly Revenue �annual average) x 245 Rv�rage Nights of [7GCUpancy �b7 percer�t� 9 y�88 Average Ar�n€�al Raa�n R�v�nu� After severa� years of aperation, t�ese �50 aciditional rao�ns waul d re�[al t i n �dd7�i orral spend�►�� on accar�mivdati ans of appr4xi r�at�l y $2,�97,000 ($9,188 x 2�� roams} . '�ofld and Bev�rage revenu�� are a�so expected t� incr�eas� a�'�er operat�on of th� n�w facilities begi�s. Las�. f�scal year, restaurant and bar operat�arts represented 58 p�rcent �f total rever�ues _ �� _ . �� the Nfark. 1�i t'h the add�ti ana� hotel guest�, �d�li ti�nal cvnven�i�r� meaZ s and dri nks, a new di scoth�c�ue, ar�d a g�neral i ncrease i r� traf�i c, the P+tark inanagen��nt �5�1�I1cZ��."5 �hat total Restaurant as�t� Bar vper��iarrs wal� approach �3. � millia�--�8 percent af an estiE��ated ta��i o� nearl�r �7 mil7ion. '�hz� repr�sents an annual net T�cremer�t vf �2, 3 milllior� in spending attri�utabZ� ta the prvposed p7an. (See Tab�� Piv. 11 . } The pr�sent raumb�r af apartment cc�nd�mina ur�s i s expecte� �o r�main cans�antr but the �s�imat�d irrcr�ase in theit� revenuos sk�ow�r in 7a4�1 e Pla. �1 ref7 ects the same �ncre�ner�ta� i ncre�se anti ci pated it�r the , hc�te1 r�oms in �erms o� rv�m �ate� and occu�ancy. T�� heal th cl ub �r�th i t� swi��m�nc� pQn� , i nc#oor tenr�i s cau`rvs, - racket ba�� courts ar�d i�s assve�iated faci��t�es �r�d the su�ndri�s s�or� are ex�ected to gen�rate appt�aximate�y �50d,000 per year �s sh�wr� ir� Tat�l e N�. 17 . Tabl� Na. 11 �ast and Pr�jected R�venues Fiy �Qper�tion� ��te �I�rk R�es�r� {add QQ�) Last Prc�jec�ed Revenues Y�ar`s Prop�sed Fres�nt and U era'�ian �peratian I�crem�nt Pra ased Fac�lities �io�el Roams � 5�8 �2,297 �2,8�5 Apar��n�nts 158 43 201 Restaurar�� and Bar 94i 2,3(l5 3,246 Heal tf� C1 ub & fi�l�sc, [� 5Q� 5�(} Tot�� $1 ,677 $�,�45 �f,7b2 Scrurce: Th� Mark Res�rt. � - 27 - . S,�er�cli ng (]utsi de �he F"ac���ty. kiote� gues�s �o� the PRark wil7 r�a[ce expenditures thra�ghQUt U�il , I� is assumed t�a� a guest at the h�ark will spend ar� average af $55 per r��c�ht of stay--$20 of whi ch wi 13 be spent outs7 de the Nlark. I t was es��rr��ted �bave tt�at �h� �ark p�ans ta a�hiewe an average occupancy of 2�� ni�hts per r�om per� y�ar �67 p�rcent) fvr its 25(l addi��c�nai roa�ns; this repre�er�ts a total of b1 ,254 ni�f�ts (245 nights x 25� rooms) . �he estimated total spend�ng ir� V��1 frQm th�� sour�e, th�refar�, is estir��t�� to b° �2,450,�}[]0 ��20 per night per guest x an av�ri�g� o�' ��r� 5��st� per ro�� x 61 ,2�0 nights of occupancy}, 4verflaw Spend°�n�.. In addition to the �canor^i� ir�pac� frc�m - �perrding by rcgistered gu�sts �f th�e �roqosed �x�ransic�n, �.1�ere is also ti�e im�act an 'L�onsHead and �l�e rest �f VaY i fram aver��cs�� gue�ts. Th�se are t2�e memf�ers or delegates attending me�t�ngs at ti�� t�lark wha cannot be accornm�adated 6ecaus� of space lim7tatians. 1�he�n the group market�ng progr��n hits fu�1 stri de, t�e s�iark mana�ge�nen� expects ei ght tr� ten gro�ps p�r year c�f 1 ,50� p�o��e.* Gr�ups ir� �xcess o�€ 750 pe��le r�eed �c� �e housed in other locataons. An �,�rerage s�mmertir�e �onv�n�ti or� 1 asts f�r three r�i ghts. Thi s would �^epre5ent a de�nand far 2,2�0 guest n��hts p�r �cvnferer�c� (750 x 3 nights} , Und�r the above ass�mptians, ter� averf�c�w grvups, or� equivalent, wou�d res��t �n an additic�na� m�1�iQn do7�ars of visitc�r spending per year {1 D meeti ngs �, �,25�] guest ni ghts x �45 spendinc� per vi si tor r��gh� _ �1 ,Q22,50a}, * Tn�ervi�w with Mr. Kaiser MDt^CLtS, the Mar� �esnrt, December, �976, . - 2 8 - S�sm�, The t�re� categt��^i�s of �ncren�en�.al expendi��tr��s �ave be�n examined, but �� is ne�essary ta make certain adjustmen�� to avo�d d�ub�e ca�nt�n� reiative t� the imgact �n the �a�a1 ec�nflmy. I� is estimated that a�out half �f tC�� prajected $�,305,��0 spei�ding ir� R�staurant and ��r Operations (T�ble No. 77 � w�11 �� nade by 7aca7 residen�s anc� Vaii v�sitors staying in at��r iodg�s arad hatels. �alf of tha� category �o�` exp�n�itures ��� ,15�,�OQy . i� �s esti�ated, do�s n�t repres�n� new� spending frflm tF�e Tawn's standpa�r�t--it �va�Td h�ve 6��n spen� arrywtay. ` Thus t'�e �ncremental spendi ng assc�ci a�ed wi ti� tF�e propos�d �roject is expe�ted to be apprax3r�ateZy $7.5 million �er year aft�r �h� grau� bo�k�ng and canvent�on marketing r�ac� tneir fu7i �f�ec�ive- ne�s. $�,14�,Q00 �ross IncrementaT 5penciing within the Nlark 1 ,ia2;��0 Less: Sp�r�din 6 nan-Mark uests in the t�ark $3,�9�,�OC? Het Increme�rtal Spen�ir�g wi�.hin t�he Mark �,45�,00�7 Spending autside �h� Mark 6y ��ark Guests 1 ,0�2,500 �}v�rfl o�� Conven��r�n_ 5pe�di ng $7,46�,0[��0 1'atal Increased Sper�d7 ng i n the Vai 1 ecanamy �ra�n a sa3es tax s��ndpoirrt, �th� �s�imated �7.5 milizo� ad��tiana� spendang wil� re�uit in in�rea�ed tax revenues of appr�x�mate1y �3f�0,0�� per year from �h� �caur percent �a7 es tax. Bui�dir,g perr�i�s ana associat�d plumbing, ���c�r�ic ar�d mech�nicaZ fees wou�d app�ar ta be �n th� rangQ of �17,QQ0 to $2Q,OQ� a��ardir�g ta estz�ates mad� by 8�a-�lding Ins�ec��r gi�� Fierc� based on prt�jec� data ava�1 abl� i n 1 ate �aoa�m'�er. �- �� - t Cast� to th� �own o� V�il Tndi rectly, mar� vi si tars and n�c�r� �nap3 ayees i n ti�e Tati•m nf 'Vai 1 w�7 3 contr�b�t� to the ri si ng d��and for �avernr�ental 5EP`Vi C�25. Op�rat�r�c� Costs of ger��ra� government vri 1� i n�rease; and, u�used c�paci ty i n certa i r� urban sys�ems, 1 i ke tE�e �dater system, wi 71 h� d�r�i rri sS�ed. In terr�s ��' di rect cos�s, the r�ajor i tem iden�i f�ed was the prabable r�q�cire��nt ta �urchas� ana�her bus �ar �he To�n`� shuttl� system �a�r�rvximately �45,Q�a},� Tr� di scussi on �vi th Ta�ren £ngi reer K�nt Ros�, nQ specia� vut-af-p�cket u*i�aty costs ►were ide:^,�ified-�- ,tha� i� n�ne whi ch woul d r�ot be covered by �ut�7 i ty canrect i ni� fees. *8ased on an analysis of the i�cr�as� 'in r�quir�rnents after �'hase rI of t4�e pro j e�t i s 1 r� �perati vr�--acc�rcf i ng t� hir. Al l en Ger�t�r�berger, Tot�n of Vai T . � - �`�.1 - � , � s�c�r�� �. SaCIAL IM€�ACT This part of the report addresses same af the plannirrg c+onsiderations associated with the ,�raject �r�d the ant�cigatgd increas�d popu7ativn--��th v�sitv�^ and ��rmanent. Pop�t7 ati on Three different '�ypes af p�pu�atiorr are a�s�ci�ted with �F�e proposed pr�j�ct: . A peak m�et�ng popu�atian--Z,000 �a �,S�LI �ec��l� attendin� a me��ing at the Mark's conference faci�ity. . A peal� E�ote� guest po�ula�:�an--7fl4 to 7�� peapleias res�dents ��' t�e h�te� . i . The !�v�ul�tion �7rect�y sup�ort�d by the creatinn of th°�s rrew ec�nor�i e acti v�ty w�11 pro�abTy he abaut �10 n�w pe�ple in Eagle Cocanty.* There will alsa be an�ther 1D� people indire�t�y associated with �his expar�sian sup�orted by �ocal �erv�ce aa�s throuc�hout Eac�le Cc�unty--_schoal teachers, �tc. To summarize, the three p1annit�g po,�ulation es�imat�s are: . 2,�00 t� 2,50� fc�r peak att�r�da�rce at a cflr�f�erenc�. . 70a to 75d }�ate1 gue�s�s. . ��0 add3ti�nal resident� in E�g�e County. * As �stimated in `�able No. 9, emp�ayment at the Mar�k will rang� between 221 �0 272; that �s ar� increase aver present employment s�� 14�-181-�say, an ar�nual a►rerag� t�f 1b5. Pra�akaly vn�y ab�aut ane-t�rird vf these 155 jc�bs wi 11 �e fu71-time; t€�e oth�rs ��r�11 �e par�-tim� j�bs, Given the na�ur� o�f t�e Uail economy and � hote� aper��ion, probably }�a�f of tF��se par�-t�m� j��s wi1� be "secorrd-jvbs" �o Vai� re�idents and the other half w�ill be �, �par���ime jobs �c�r working w�ves of Eagle County resi��nts,. . 30 . ( �4ou� sir�g Incr�ased employment caused by incr�ased u��itor ��e��dir�g wi l� , �f �ourse, �ncreas� �he demand for r�s't dent ho�as i r�g. U�der �he assumption a!�t��ned in th�e previous f�otnate, th�re wi�i �e incr�as�ed ��rect h�us�ng d�mand �'or another 8� �evpl� in e�stern Eagle Caunty �55 fu�I-�ime warkers.and ha�f o� the est�mated 55 second-job h�ld�rs; �'��e +�stimated 55 seGVnd-wage earners are as�umed �o hav� hausi r�g a1 ready). Assumi ng ha1 f of thi s hous i r�g de�r:a►�d i s for heads �f ha�ssehc�l� an� th� t��h�r hai� i s �or prir�ary �ndi vidual s , who sf�are hausing, the r�et �ncrease for �ousing is estimated t� be �bout 4D dwe�l�ng uni�s �'rom d�rect em�ioym�nt ass��iat�� witf� t�� ` propasec! plan. The awner of the Mark �e�ort is a�so the own�r v�F '�h� Fall r � Line Apartment� in Va�i . Fifty-�fc�ur untits at Fa�1 Line are avai7abl� to �mp7 ay�es of the Maric Rescart at madest ra�.es {3� one-bedraor� units an� �4 twv-bedroom units). In practice, Fa�l Line seen�s to be us�d as a p7ace tv live when first arriving in Vail . Currerr��y, vnly a���t ten percent of the units are occup�ed by Mark erripl�yees. So, there -i� rc�ar� tv accam�€odate mar�e, It car� �e reasoned that �,hi s �lan does nat contribute ta an increase �n tf�e over�ll housing �upp�y. Qn �h� ot'�er hand, i-F o�her ma j or e�np��yers pravi ded si r�i l�r �aci 7 i- ties f�r the�r employees, the local hous�r�g si�uat�on w�u�d be 7�ss �ri ti ca7 . Visua� �ffect Exh�bi�s Nas. 4 thra�gh 7 provide a feelinc� for t�e visual eff�ct af the pr�ject from �he wes�. 7he praposec! building wil� be � 3� . �;'� �+ � � � � ; � �� � � f , . �� i �'� �� � r ; �: r f� ' j � � � � t' i! � F r � , r ,f � 6 , r �� � � � ± /'� � ; E� �' ' I � ��j r � � , , f� �, +' ' � '' � l�� �.• r � � �' � �� ►, r ,, � 1 � ' �� � . , �f � � U3 °� 's ,�� � � td ; �S � , , � r 1}{ Jl� /,, �f . LJ � i i J� 'i r � � � � �;� � o � ; � r,�' � �� ; f� � � �s � ' � , ,� V � � � r; i � � �� P � '�� . � � � � '! r U ( _—_._..., i `� � � , � � � � � � ,+' � ,�� _ � = i � � � , `�/�y� � �(f` .� �� � :1�� ° L.�wr � I I /� r � � , � r �� � � , h. � '� ' +� � � �'� _ _ j�1 cr 1 - .i � �,__, � � r � ,t. "; ' _ �; � � � � � . � � , � W � � � �; �; �; � , ; � d � ( f I r � W ! /r W 5�y/ � ' � V � Y�. 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W LL i ' .•.:.:� ��+-.�" .. - , �d � �� ._��. �._._�,-� CI� �. ,� �, ��� - - �o � I � �' ��� - -� � _. __.. + , � �, � . � ;_-- - ~-�- - -_--- �, � �_ �_ .� .} � � � . , � � �� �� . � � ___�� _ � � �"I 1i - ._ � � �p / ,�� �� +. � .��-^�"'�,y � � -•� d r Jr1 f � ' � ��- � ". ` - .j J � � � J j' �;' � i� _ `�. � -- ,_�`*-�i�� � � � �� r y 1�� I i'�-'. -- � s`- . _�:."x"'- �� r � �,,r .� ' - -- �c 11 ' , �f . � 'I _�'� ��-.� �. � ' ` J' - � _ _- . � -`" � �',r, ; } , ; ��_��- - � f t 1. , ;��, � - -- �m ._.,, �,r!�` �,� � _ � "��� ,_.. � __--- � � �� j '�' ;' �s-'��-- � �-��' ._..___. . � � ; � � � � � -� � - �_ _ .. � � �,� � �� � � �_ . � , . .��.�. _ _ ;_� .� � � �� � . �� s � . I ry 1 ` J� l [ one af �lie �ar�est i ra Vai 1 . The �lans have a�r�eady gone thraug�a faur �desigr� reviews. �he height has ��en r�duccd a�,�roxinlately 2� feet �7 nce the �1 r�t �e�riew. '��anner E�dan 8eck su�r�ar�zed hi s r�v��w�r of the p�an as. . .�vi shi ng the bui lding were �ma�1 er, but reco�niz�ng that L�vn�Head �eeds �he assacia�ed economic activi�Gy and ti�at th� general loc�tic�n is one of the best s�t�s availabl� for such a large facilaty.* The propQSed ��an solv�s tY�� �Creeks�de Cvrr�ct�r prabler�, but a� overal7 s��e ��an �s st7�i ne�ded--as ar� d��ai�ed �andscaping plans for t�e hotel are� an�d the l�'�il As�o�zates . parkTng lat.* � Rel at�ons�ti p Ta P1 anni�+�_Pro�rams The Va�� P�an. Th� praposed proj�Gt is lvcated in a hig�a-- '� densi ty, m�T ti p�e--fami 7 y d�stri ct �N�4MF}. Prev��us ly, i t �rad 6e�n planned to bui�d approxima�ely 98 condominiu�+ un�ts in three buildin�s. A I�ote7 i s al l t�wa�l e i n a 'HDN�F di str�c�, but a can�eren�e f�ci 1 i ty af �h� s7ze prap�sed requ�res farmation af a Special Deve7oprr�ent �is�rict (S�Q�. Basical�y, the prapc�sed prc�j�ect �s in agreer�ent with Th� 'da�l P�an. �he Growth Mar�a ement Plan. �ne '�nwn of Vail has not �et adopted a Gr�owth Management Plan althaugh �t is currently be�ng cansidered. If the Taw� everttual�y a�d�p'ts a "ceili�g appraach" ta a maximum G�re Vali�y p�pu�a�ian, abv�o�sly the pr�pos�ed plan will accelerate th� tim� !r�quired to a�ea�h that ce7lin�. * Tnterview w�th Town of Va�l eonsultan� EldQn Seck, Royst�rr, Nannamoto, �eck & ,4b�y, �ecernber 3, 1976, � ' �b . � �ne of the �ot�v�ti ng €�act�rs i r� �he preser�t c�uest for a Growth Manag�ement �lan is� a desire to mainta�n a quality reereation experien��. Th� LionsH��d v�t-o�-val7ey �ap�city is �,3�DU per hour. . ] ,100 Manufacturer's Rated Capacity (G�ndo�a) . � ,��� Chair Lift �,30a p�ap7e Per Hour This report has not ��te�pted to as�ess the e�fect af any �r�crea�e ir� waiting time an lift lines whic� wi�] be caused 6y �ci�� �r�oposed plan.* = i�owever, the �5f? ad�itiona7 aec�mr�odation u��ts re�r��ent a 79 percent _ increase in the 6�d base. It daes not fo�law t�at �aiting time� w�1T � �ncrea�e 19 perce�t sir�ce the �7ansHead 7ifts alsa servic� a Zarge num�er �f day skiers an� v�sitars frvm Vail Vil�a�e anc� outlying ar�a�. But, t�ere wil1 �e an �nereased d�r�arrd with m�re p���le in �h� a�ea-- t. �nd there are �v plans ta �xpar�d th� Lion�Head port�on a�F Vaii t��ur�tain. �See Ta�'�� �fo. 12) 7ah�� Na. 12 L3onsHead B�d Base Ir� 53�art--Terr� Rerstal Market 197G Acc�mm4dation Dw�7��r�g Factc�r Uni ts Uni ts To�al fVur�rber of Ur�i ts 355 I ,�54 Average D�cupaney (�'�op�e� x 2 � 4 - �f�taT Number of Pe�ple wh�an flccupi�d 710 �+ � ,9�4 = 2,674 � Sv�rrce: dccupancy R�par�t, Tawn af Vai7 Nlen�orandum, "Q£cupancy of llai1 's Ladgan� Industry �Revised}, f�p� Jam�s F. Lamor�t to Terr�Tl ,l. ��nger, N4ve�n6er Z7, 157�, p. A�T . � '* Thi s was one �� �he r��jor eonc�rn�s v#' �ote� ar�d 1 odge c�+�rn�rs _ �ntervie+�ed ir� Li�nsNe�d w�o were �therwise su�portive of the proposed pt�n. 37 . Tn�vn Gaa�s.* The applicatian ��F Town �oa1s to s�ecific � pra3ects is a difficult process. A numher af p�r�ple irtvolved in th� t��a�! de�i ni tion process ir� 1975 s�rc�ng7y sup�c�rted �he devel apr�ent af � �nur�ici pal�y�-sup�or�ed conferer�ce center--ini t�al�y ar� tt�e Anth��z �`ar�C S�te and 7�ter an Site 24, The ��n�l conf�gurati�n �'ar Si�e Z4 has not yet be�ta determ%�s�d; and, 5orr3e ci ti z�ns sti 17 su,�p�r w the p�an fvr a cQnference center vn that site.�* Tf�e abi��ty �o must�r s�ppar�. f�r th� passage a �and issue f�r that prQject, �haw�ver, h�s prvbabl;� b�en l�s�ened somewhat by the INark's praposa� . � Qn the ather hand, th� pro!�asec! p�an f�r th� ��'arfc`s C�nfer�nce - � Genter wauld ma�e a cantribution to one nf the ecor��mic g�al staterne�ts-- . trying tv smooth th� s�asona� ecvr�vmTC cycie �y a��racting summer b��sin�ss to Vazl . / . � * Town Goals were f�rma��y advgted by Resc,Z�rtior� No. i87�, S�ptember �, 1976. ** '�as� and �resen� Vail �esort Assaczation direc�t�rs Qale hScCa�� and '�c�n Re�1 and suppor� bat9� plans--th� P�aric°s and th� muni ci pa� cent�r, int�rviews in Novem�er, �976. i ti �p r � ; S�CTIO�d 4. P31Y5ICAL iN�PRCT f. Soils No ��usua7 cQ�di�ions w�re d�scowered �lur�ng �h� soil and f�und�tian investiga�i+�n, �he repart c�ont��r�s recom�endatio�s fvr st��ne pr�caut�onary measures nnrmal.�y assoc�a�ed with t�e cans4rr�ction af 7arge bui�dings in tl�e Vail are�.* ;Ai r Qual i� . The Fe�eral air qua]ity star�dar� ffl r suspend�d �ar�iculates i s 7� m�cr�grams per cut�i c sne�er- �ased r�n an annua� g�o�et�°i c mean average (th� S�ate standard is 4� m��ragrams ,�er cubic r�e�er based on an arinual ar�thr�etTC mean. � The �4 hc�ur average Federal 5tar�dar� i; , t . 2�� micragrarr+s per cu'�ic met�r; and the e��ivalent Stat� 5�d}'14�ZY'C{ 35 150. This 2� hQUr avcrage is not to �i� exceeded m�re than qnc� p�r year. In th� past y�ar, bas�� upon an air sanipiing p�an af every �aurth day,�h� �4 hour average far �I�e '�ed�ral standards was e�ceeded fc�ur tim��.** The Gor� Va�1ey �as a�prc�x�rnately 3,3U� �rood '�urning fire place. . �The valZey k�as heen divide� in�v four a�r sheds--Vai� Vi�lag� and i��onsHe�d are in �he same air shed and cantain apprvxir�a��iy 1 ,75Q � C4�en and Assaciates, Ir�c. Cvnsu�ting Engineer, D�nv�r, "S�i� and Fo�ndation Investiga�iara for Proposed �ha�e I and Ff�ase Ig `�lark Resgr� p�v�Zopmen�," November 2fi, 7976, ** Interv�ew wi th '�r. �enni s Murp�y, Er�v�rot�m�nta] Heal th Dffi cer, f �. Vail , Colvrado, ��cem6er, 1975 39 1 � wo�ad bt�rni ng fi re �1 aces. �#�e �ro�as�d pl an fQr the h1ar� envi si ons the l�t�'�7�1 dt1 Q�1 af 21 waod bur�i ng fi re p�aces. I-� these �i re pl aces are instalied, they ����31 agc�rcvate t�e air qual �ty pr�b�em. Current1y, i t i s pl�r�n�d that t�Oe Town of Va i 1 ti�vi 11 con�i der � f i re pl ace contra� ord7r�ance in �he Spring af 1977. Ener , Tab7� no. 3� �ndicates er��r�gy cvnsur�ption for the �r�sent . fac�lity at the Mark �ver �he past �w���ve manths. Th� Efark used . approximat��y �3 mi�lion c���ic feet af natura� gas; the wate7° in t�e swim���ng povl i� heated by nat�ra� gas and �c�me spa�� heating is � performed for the cammar� areas of the hotel and res�a�rrar��. 5pa�e heatin� in the raams, howev�r, �s accompZished by e�ectrici�y. A���s� r� . � 7Q0 thvusand ki�lowatt haurs were used during the pa�t year. A deta��ed engineering assessment �f spa�e '�ea'��ng requir�- men�s has n�t yet be�n und�rtaSc�en, but it wauld seerr� �hat th� tatal num�ers presented in Tab1e fi�a. �3 can �e �x}�ected to in�rease �hree � t� four times tv ac�ammod�te �h� r�quirer��nts vf the pr�pos�d �acility. f �'vwn Qf Vai1 staff m�mbers have expres�ed a keen inter�st in enc�urag�ng the u�il�zatian o� en�e�gy saving dewices in the propa�ed building , e.g. �imited s��ar heating, re-circu�ated ha�t water und�r sid�wa�ks f�r me�ting snow. Mast +of t�e arch�tectural de��gn �ffort �o far has cancentra�.e� vr� operat�vnal coneerr�s and buil�iing massing. 5el��tion of bui l+di r�g r�ate�i al s and energy conservatioo� measures [�as not yet � � 44 � r T��1� �o. 3� ��err�y Corasumptiort �'�re Mark Rest���t Fiscal Year �97fi �7�ctricity 1Vatura� Gas {an Ki�v�vatt Fiours} (ian lC]Q`s of cubic f��t} fdvv `75 31 ,6�10 �2,570 Dec 75,'��0 27,382 � Jan �5,440 . Z8,6�4 � ! i 9 F�eb 7�,4f�d � 24,0�� , Mar 74,1�60 � 2i ,473 qp� 50,�40 13,2�3 {�ay 39,760 15,375 . �un �8,�1�a i4,�79 �u� 52,R00 12,16f i . �_ p��,� 5�,750 � 25,�(31 Se� �5,��Q � 14,314 Oc� 38,�8� , �8,412 , ^ g� 7ota1 b'�3,920 �37,523 N�te: �st�mat�d ctata f�r Octaber. Nvte: 5pace heat�ng for the 1�F cando�ir�ium uni�s and 74 hoteT rc��ms �s pravided by +el�ctri�ity. Camm�n areas and the swimming pa42 ar� heat�d �iy r�atural gas. Snur+ce: Mvnthly b�11�ng r���rds from Nv7y Crvss R.�.A. arsd €�ubZ i c Serv�i c� Company o�' Cnl c�rado. � 4� 1 � �ec�iv�d as much attentian as have ot��r eler�ents in d�velQ�ing �the pZ an. �s the arc'�i tectura� �T ans �ecarrie more detai 1 er�, m�r�e atten-- ti on shau7 d !ae f�cused c�n �nergy c�n�erving t�c'�r�i qr�es, Watet~ In the 1 ast twe7 ve-man�h perio�i the 3�ark Resor�t useri appr�ximately 6.6 mi����� ga�Zc�ns of water. �S�e Table fV�, 14� Based upr�n this �ctua� cnnsump�ian data �t can �e es�i�aye� that : th� expara��d Mark Resort wi13 c�nswme appr�ximately 21 to 2� milli�n _ . ga7lons p�r year. . �own engineer K�nt Ras� indica�e� the abili�y vf the Vail . �[ater arsd San�tat�an �5strict t� accammodate this d?„�and, . ,�. 1 �GY7G1 Appraximately 9S ��rcent �f th� water used by the exp�nded �laric Resort w7�1 he returned tn t�e �trearn. She ilpper Eagl e Val l�y Sanitata4n Ds��.ric�t �wha�c'� functions �r� a backup capacity fnr tt�e Vai1 1�ater a�d Sanita�ion Di�trict) �s planning an expar�sion -From a capacity af� million gai14ns �er day tv 3.5 m�Zlion ga77ons per day. 7he Vai1 San��ati�n Dis�rict's ex�ansi�n calls far an upgrad�ng frr�m 1 .5 m�l�ivn gal�ar�s �er day to 3.� million c�al�ans per day. �entativ� campi eti�n sci�edui e� �or the �xparas�Qn of �i�e Upper �agl e Va11 ey �ani- tatian D�strict are for Autur�n 1978. The Va�l pian is sch�duled fvr �a�npl eti ott i n the Sur��n�r of 1�79. Th� Nlark`s Phas�e I operati an has s�hed��ed initi�€1 occupan�y fvr the end vf 1977 and �ncreasing a�cupancy � 42 . T�ble CJo,�� f 4Jater lJse Th� M1ark �e�or� '�isca� Year ��7b Nur��ber o� �lanth Gal 1 on� �lov 287,81(7 . Dec 620,060� Jan . 538,�50 Feb 4�5,380 Mar 738,89U Apr 7�7,5�� Y May 275,470� . ,�urr 359,83�1 �Jul 93D,�2t] � f . � Au� �i�,a.ao S�p 712,(J9� Qct 5�}p�CTQO (es��ma�ed} Total ,6;673,7�(J Sn�rce: TF�e Mlark R�s�ar� based ar� b��1 i�ng frcar� th� Vai 1 tda�er and 5an��ativn �istrict. � 43 . � �nto the early months c�-F 1�78. Thus, an increased d�mand wi�l be p�ac�d t�n avail a61 e faci�iti�s h�efar� the p3ant expansi on i s corrpl ete�. ��hus, ��er� �s a pQSSi ba 7 i ty �f some �ver7o�ding car�di ti or�s i n the S�r7 r�g a� 3 97£3, F�re Prc�t�c�.�c�n • In an interv��w wi�h Vail Fire Chief Mike �Carlisle, one af his co�c�rns re�ated ta �he �xiting� rate fror� the con�erence ; rooms. It shou�d b� cor�sistent w�tl� th� st�ndards describ�d in the _ l�niform Fir� Ccrde, 191f. As this featur� af the plan is �+e€inec4, t}�� archite�t shQ�1d review the plan wi�h Chief CarlisZ�. It wa�s alsv suggested that the architect u'���iz� th� �, s�rv�ces of � Fire Protectioro Engineer �s the constru:t�ona� d�t3il � � vf �he bu�ld�ng are f�rmu�at�ed. �ften a sr��ii ex�enditure at �vnstructi�ri time can save on annua� insurance prem�ums. Surface �tunoff Tn arder to preserve w�t�r qua�i�y ir� Gore Cre�k, a deten�i�n system shauld b� designed to eollec�� sii� and ail dripping� �n fi.he s�r-Fac� runoff of tf�� 4�e�t Parki n� Lvt. This requi res that ttre " dra�r�age plan �hanrtel the water thro�gt� a baffle-�ike de�ten�ion syst�m. It shaul d be s�zed far a tw�a-year 5�01"tlla wh�ci� w�71 al so take care o-� the av�erage warm weather storms. �he Town �f Vail has inst�lled a sim��ar syst�m within its park�€rg str�ucture t� c�llec�, sal t fram �ne�t�r�g �ce and Qi 1 dr�ppi ng� frv�r automobi 1 es. General�y, � the si�t settl es to th� bat�a� of the trap wh11 e the o�i� r7 ses ta 44 k � th� top, and t}�e water �xi ts frasn the r�i ddl e. Th�s systern a�so requ�res that the trap be empt�e� onc� a ycary �nd ti�e sa3ids trar�sp�rted to t'�e Crrunty's san�tary 1 anc� �i 11 si te. �So7 id 4�aste Curt�ently, sa7�d wa�te is �ic£ced up fram tw� l�c�tio�s: t}�e restaurant has a dumpster can the w�st side vf t�� t�Uilding; and a secand dumps�er �s located in the ]ower �aseme�t on the east side . for �he rest vf �h� hatel . Und�r the pr�pnsed p�an, tl�e r�2staura�� dump��er �rill be re-�r�cated 7ntQ th� secand basemen�, ar�d a71 so1id was�e for the bu�lding w171 be picked up via the �xi�ting rar�p � leading to the sectan� �aser�ent on the eastern s�de �r �he pres�rtt bu7ld�n�. � ' This s��ms a r�ason��le approa�h--tr�sh wi17 be ir�side and wil� not be bi�wn araund �he area. 7ransportation Pedestr�an Circu�atian. R 25Q-raom �dd��iran t� the �fark Re�art pr�vides a good possibility far ano�her 1 ,0�0 tc� 2,p0� ped�str�an trips �hrQUgh l.ionsliead on busy days. 7he pedestrian patYrt�ray tf�rc�ugh the weste�^n ertd of 9,�iansHead i� s�mewhat ila�def���d �a the un�nitiated. l�"al�Cirrg south fram the �iark ��sort on LiansHead Cir�7e �towards the Antlers} c�n be haz�rd�us--the cor�b���tic�n a� grad�, �ce, and veh�cular traff�ic c4uld pr�vide the ir�gred�ents far a seriv�s accid�nt. �he prgpase� p�an did no� cre�t�e the abave mention�d �r����ms, � but it will aggr�v�te the ex�s�ir�g situatic�n. The prvbl�m is reas�nab�y well unders�o�d. There is r�e�d to imp1ement a so�ution. � 4� , Parking. Several plans fvr �nderground and above c�ra�and parking r f have been ana�yzed. At the �resent tim�, des�gn plan� have not ye�. b�en determin�d. SimilarZy, parking re��ir�ments i�ave not ye't b�en deterr�i ned at the time af wri ti rsg af th�s re�nrt.* Hflwever, certa3n o�ser�ratiorz� can be mad�. As st�t�d abvve, 7'� ta 80 p�rcent a�F the hot�l guests at the Mark are member� �of � graup or are at�er�ding a confer�nce. Dur�n� t�e ski seasor�, tf�ere i� a stron� tEndency ta arr�ve, apparentl�r, e�tf�er in buses �r in rentai cars. As 5hown in T�ble f�o. 15, the auerage number af c�rs �eg7s�ered �o hotei guests hetween Qecember and Apri� was 18$ �or a� ent-ire ranth. � �n a daily cvunt bas�s �o� h�tel reg�stratiara �ards} , �}�e maxirnum . num6er �f cars regi5�ered during the sk� seassn aver�ged be�+�re�n 15 �0 25 car°s. , � This pic�ure is drama.tically di�F�Ferer�t in Lh� surnmertime-- 7�(� �� 8�}0 cars were regi stered duri ng June, Ju�y, zr�d A�sgust i n �976. Tf��s repres�nts ��he diff�rent trar��portatlon hab�ts o� sur�un�r canrer�nce at�endees �nd a higher turnaver of guests in t�e sum�er �stays af shorter duratian}. In ��rms a� th� propQ�ed expansion plan far �he Mark, �i�e r�eed far parking space �or winter hotel guests da nat app��r �� be �xcessive i f ��e habi t� c��' the ci i�nte�e re�ai n �he same. Peop�e whp attend s+�rr�er cvnferences, however, appear ta utiltze their personal autom�b-�7e� a grea� deaT more. I� Vail Ass�c�ates` 1�est �?ay Skier�' ParScing �at �an be made ava71�'�Te tv accorrrmodate par�C�ng for �ar�e su�n�ner �o�tv�nti[�ns, it would he q�ite heZpfu� f[�r occasianal �verfat�w s�tuatlans. {� * ir�t�rview w�th Town of Vail �aning Administratrix �aan� 34ughi�� , �/GL�711kJG1 � y ����. , 4� , � Tab�� IV�. �5 r hlun7�rer o� Passen�er Cars Rec��stered by Flat�l Guests �he� Niark Resort Fiscai Year 1976 f�umber of Cars Dai 1� Ca�rat 4�onth Tcata� Law l��I� 1�av '75 12a _ 4 24 C3ec 168 � Z 9 Jan �� � � ��� 7 78 1 1 f3 �,�'r 216 1 15 p�pr �38 �D 1� � ' May �34 0 14 Jun 703 2 43 ,�ul 7�J0 3 54 � �� Aug 831 * * S�ep 575 * � ��t 135 * * *l�o�e: N4t avai 1 able. 5ource: Th� Mark Resort. � 47 1 � Anath�r aspect �af the park��g questic�n �s employee parking. More �r�ployees wvrlc �n �k�e s�:i seas�r� tk��n �n �he surlamer. As est�rnated above ��. �4}, av�rage staf� siz� during the hzgh seasc�n w� � � �e aba�t 277. Tihi� dc�es ravt mean that t�er� wi�l be � demand far an additiflnal 1$a par�c�rrg spac�� �27� pra,�ected emp��yment Tess 92 pr�s�nt em��oy�es} . 5vme v� the car�siderations which lessen th� der�and for e6r�ployee parking inc�ude the fal��wing: . 5h�ft work. . aays �ff � . Sc�me pec�pi e are dri w�n tc� wc�rk � , Car pc�+�l s - . Same peop�e use the Town bus or t'he Vall�;� Bus . Manag�n�en� p�rsonn�l car� park wi th�ra t€�� bu i 1 d7 ng. � t` � It �s estin�at�d tha� 5a to 60 percent of ta�� s�aff wi�T b� ass�gr�ed to the day shift.* Perhaps 8Cl �erc�n�t af t�� day ��af� ��ill be on duty at any giver� time, �lloa��ng f�r days off and nvrmal abserr�.peism. ���refare, it is es�imated that a6�ut 3�0 peo�le �r�fluld b� an duty a} a given �ime during the day. Perhaps anoti�er 30 t� 4� peop�e w�u1� �� drive�e �a work and/ar 6�e a�signed undergraund p�rking because vf t'�e7r pasitivn. Thas wou�d �eave, 85 emp�oyees in the analysis. If one-third af this graup w�re �embers v� �ar pvols, that 4rou�d leave th� to�a� at � 57. And, f�na�lY, p�ss�bly+ 1� ta 20 �eaple w�ul d use the bus, hi tc�r-h�ke, ar walk ta wark. 7hus, �h7s analysis would andicat� a de�nand for * Th�s paragraph is an �xam�l� vf a scenari.o--an analyt�ca�l d�vf�e some-- times used w�ren ass�ssing unc�rt�i r�ty in the a�ssen�e p�` facts. It �s presente� not as a fin�a7 answer, but as a se� of best guesse�. . � ti ' 48 appr�x�mat�ly 4� outside �arking spaces--(x 10) . T�e n�t �ncrease would be ab��t two��hird� 4f t�is numb�r ��8� 10} . As the �p�rators of the ski �rea, Va�l AsSOC�at�� �as a resp�nsib77ity �nder the terms o� its ��rmit to ins�r� ��at day skiers as we71 as avern�ght guests have reasQnable access to �kiing an the mount�in--thi� inciudes par��ng. Yhe �.5. Forest Servzc� has expr�ssed cnncern over the poss�bi�ity of a reduc�7on �n �arkin� space� far d�y s�ie�s �y comp�tition for park�ng spa�es in Lions�ead fr�� �he increase� , em�l�yment.� 8us Sys�em. A 19 p�rc�nt in�rease �n the Li�ns��ad �e� �3�� � - will u�daubted�y i�crea�� �h� demand fQr bus service. Riding t�e b�s f ra� �he Mark tn the Li�nsNead G4ndola �rea is not a significan� ' � �auing in ti�e �r e�ergy. Wa�king �s still a reasonably attractive a��ernat�ve to a majnr�ty af skiers. But trips far oth�r purp�$es �han s�iing m�ght w�1Z be expe�ted to increase, The c�mbinatian �f large riu�ber� of peop�e l�aving a meetin� at the same time and t�e � lvc�tion of t�e Mark at the �n� of the bus line a��e�� t�e �assib�li�y af other passengers on the bus 1�ne n�t being abl� tv �ai� en�ry to the f�rst bus o�casionally. T�e solu�i�n, of caurs�, zs not �v discaurage travel n�r to enc�urage re7i�nce an �riva�e aut�m�bi�es, but to increase the fr�quency af service shvuld that event�ality occ�r__ a�ter Phase I or Pha�� iF. * Interview wit� ��strict Rang�r �r�ie Num� a�d Jim Gregg, 4�I��t� ��ve� N�tio�a7 Fvres�, Novem�er, 1�76. r r 4� h Qur�ng the 7975-76 ski sea�on, th� Vai� Shuttl� Bus System carried �n av�ra�e af 7,25� passe�r�ers per �ay. The avera�e g�est poF��ation itl� Vaii �s nnt kn�wn �x�ct7y, but is estimat�d ta b� bet���een 8,C3DQ tt� 16,OOU �day visttors ar�d overn�g�t vi�itc�rs}. 3t�us t'��re were ��QUt 1 .65 �a�s�nr��r tri�s per vist�or �iuri�zg this ] 57 day se�son (i2,fl[}0 / 7,250). The I�ark f�es�rt`s average aceupaney du�^ing th�s ��:r� period was ahout 80 percent. AppZying thes� s�me av�rages to t�� propased expansi on r�7 an ►,rou�d i ndi cat� a n�ne percent �ncr•�as� i r� �ws�er�ger ; tr�ps--6�60 �n�re pass�r�gers per day. i ,f�5 Average nu�nber of passenger �rips p�r vi�i�tor x 4�0 Gu�sts �an average �f F30 p�rcent Q� �r�� ��4 a�d'� g�.��s�s3 . � = 66�1 Addi t7 anal �d55�i1 J2T" tri ps per day -�ar a season av�r��e In add�ti�nn �a an antic�pated gen�ral incraase in ridersh;�, ther� may be t�r�es when the 7arg�e con�entrat�on �� �eop�e [as�ociate� wit� th�5 prc��o�a1 � may affect th� syst�r��'� operatian. A7'th�ugf� so�e studies haue been made of bus ridership, there is insu�fici��t da�a to predi�c� the magni�ud� v�' the ir�p�c� of gu�sts from the Mark Resart with ar�y deyree of confidenc�. But a cursory analysfs af seve�^al "case histdries" may ��nd sor�e �r�s�ght. Pea� Mornin�P�eriod ira Ski Seasor�. There is no specia7 advantage �n r3d�ng the bus ir� the marn�ng ta �he E�i�nsHead Go�c#oia; it �s assurr�ed tha� mast Marfc Res�rt guests would pref�r t� waTlc if �hey are g��ng sk��nc�. Peak Afterr►oon Per�ad i n S�Ci Seasvn. [�n �h� ane vccas i Qn when a survey wa� made of �assenc�ers be�ardi r�g and exi tir�g b,y bus St�P, � - �a - ti it c�v�red an aft�rnaon �a�r�c�d be�ween 1-6 �m, A�proxir�ately ��n percent [41 p�op�e c�-� t�� 4�� �vhfl baarded �te5tb�und buses ex�ted at the P�ar� 5ee Ta6i e ��o, 16. ( It s�oul d be r��nert�b�red tF�at thi s hus sto� �1so accv�modates other lod�es in the ar�a--Enzian , V�ilglo, �tc. } This ten percent abserva�ion i� simi]ar to the nin� pprcent e�timated -ir�crease in genera1 ridershi�a p�edict�d above �n the cases d�sc�rssed so far, ther� have been r�o specia� adver�e effects �ue to t�e ��rk"s lvcati4n at �ne end af �i�e hus line. I��wevar, �he �ass%ng af 1arr�e c�r-�ups af �eople is µro�n�r �n�y��r. f Event �lr�ented ���ti�qs. �robably �h� mos� naticpab7� i mp��c-�s nn tF�e Bus Sy�t�m wi 11 caccur �ah�n t�re 1 argp ����i n�r s �1 ,�OC �� , . 7 ,5Q0} be�in ar end--whether in w�n��r pr summer. A� ���� end of a l�rg� meeting, fe�r examp7e, d CEY'�d7T� amount of peorle w�]l st�y a: the hiark r �thers w�11 tiva]k hvme; a certai n a¢�our�t af peop�e w��1 I ea��� at stagq�r�d times> ar�� dthers ►�ill drive ir� th�ir c�ti�n ear�. B�t it is no� ta� di�fieult to imagine 4�Q t� 5flI7 pen��e wa�tir�g �or bus trans�ortation. At an averag� of 4(l passerrgers �er bus, that size grou� is the equi�ra�ent o�F la t� �2 bu� ��ads. Ass�m7ng an avera�e of :�hree raund trips p�r haur per t�us, and �urt'her assum�ng tl�� us� s�f �igi�t bu�e� �norma7�y considered th� full team) , it wvuld re�uire �bo�� 35 t� 4t� mi�ute� ta t�aard al l �f the pev�pl e. Su� eastwar� tra ff�� w�uld be dor�inated f�r almc�st �a� h�ur by suc� an event as descri��d i n t'h�s �as�. . " - 51 � . T�t�le No_ 16 Tota� �assenger Coun�s Bnardinq and �xit��g By 5ta��on St��ian Baardirsg Exi�� West Parking Lat � 25 The �iark 25 4T Lior�s Square Lvdg� 3� 23 Lians�lea+d �F) T85 4 Hi7t�n {E} i4 19 �� ir�ic ��� lfi 7 N�al�day Ir�n ��) 4 12 � Fou� k�ay st�� (�) �� �� Crassrc�ads SE} �1 78 Covered Br7dge �E] 35 124 Appo�lv �E} 6 3 . Ramsi�orn ��) �7 8 Gv�derr Peak 121 25 i�iv��i (4!} �1 1� Apollo �W} 9 5 Cavered 8ridg�e (4�} 156 26 Grossroads �1�} 76 38 F4ur-4�ay stQp (�f} la 33 Hol iday Inr� (W� � �4 Clin�c {W) �6 �� �fi 1 ton (l�) 4 26 Li or�sHead {W) �3 22T Tota7 �02 802 Sour��: fih� �Qwn of Vai� had twc� �bs�rvers ri�e twa b�se� c�n Frid�y, March 9, 197�6, betwe�n i t� 6 p.m, It sh�uld b� no�ed th�t other b�ses �a�re in �peration dur�ng th�s time peri�od. r � �� - 1 SEC�IC�N 5. MITIGA�TON MEAS�JRESx The recamm�nd�d m7tigation mea�ures in this sec��an c�f t�e report represer�t an a�tempt t� ac�dress sorr�e of the patent��� advers� ir�pact�. A few �f the ��r►���gatian measures wili cost suhstant�al su�s of mon�es to i�npl��en�. The determ�natT�n whetner tn in�p1 e�er�t th� �n�ti r�ati ng r�easures d�scusse� i n �hi s re�ac�a��, ar better anes wt�i ch �a,y� ba �artk�- cami r�g frorn �he �'1 ann i ng Cornm7 s si�r� ar ti�e deve7 op�r, ,�i i i al so requir� a d�cis�or� c�n w�� shouid pay for the�e �neasut-��. Th� 7nte�^pret�tian of the Town's pr�cedures and the deter�anati�n � . of equi ty are �ey�nd �h� scop� of t�ri s rep�rt. T�►c e���rt i n thi s r�p�rt F�as been cvnc�ntrated vn the �dent�ficat�on �� the impact, its quant�fication wher� possible, and same recommen�a�ions or� the r��ti ga'�i on of ac�v�rse effects. * Thi� �ecti�n of th� repvr� was �repared aft�r tk�e repQrt was �res�nted tv the pl ann�rtg Cc��i ssi or� and i ts s�aff. �t i� an atter�pt to summarize the main issues r�ised �n the review �f the �7Y`b�ECt at "��id� �'il��. � � - 53 - . auilr��ng Bullc Ir�pac� 5urnriary, T'�� �rc�pased 6u��di�� wz 11 be ane a� th� iargest structures i� 3cr�vn, Cor�eern has t�e�n express�d for t}�� patentiai aduerse vas��7 �mpact beeaus� af its st�eer �iz�. �lit� a�7nq Meas€�res. A n�mber o� desigr� techniques ta les�en the vi5uai impaet ha�r� been incorparated into the c�rrrent praposal . Haw�ver, th�re are a number of ather stratagems w�hich car+ ais� be e�p�oyed ta mitiga�� �c#vers� visua� impacts during the des;�n proces�, ir�c3�ding . . . . A eomprehens�ive 7andscapi�g p7an far the SIL�' ar�� ��rrounding , ar�as ��hi cF� �ncl ude amc�r�g a ts pri r�c�pal el e-,nts the fal l ati��i ng: . Max�rrium amour�ts of lanrls�a�ed o�en space. y . S�e�ia� i�ndscaping att�r�ti�r� to �ervice �reas such as d�livery and parkir�g areas. , . A d�s5 gn p�an �r�r tf�e surr�undi ng pttbl i c areas i ncl ud i r�� road r�ght-�fwways, parkirag �ots, and tk�� �trea�n tract. . Berani ng �nd tre� pl anti r�g__pl aced sa they i mpt��� a mare ��natu�e-1 i 3ce"' sett-'r ng from comtnon vie►d�n� poin�s--�r�stea� o� al3 awi nc� tf�e man-r�ade structures to �ar�i nate the scer�� �n �hese n��j�r view c�rridars. . An arch�tectura� des�gn wrhich incorpvrat�s methods �a� mit�gate the b�tild�ng`s snassiveness. . `C�e pZ ac��nent of wi ndows, tawers, �ta�r��rays, bal�.�n�es. . The roc�firtg 'tr�atmen�. . The chaice of a varie�y t�f �u�lding mat�rials. . An �e'Ffec� af angul ari�y and aver}tan�s to break up T arge surface areas. . T�e projec� sho��d fit architectura�ly intQ the LionsFfe�d tawnsca�e; �nd, �t s�ould pr�vi�e a definxtive visval er�d t� ti�� Tvwr�.. These types pf �on�cerns are typtc�l�y addressed in the d�sic�n review p�oc�ss. � - 54 - .. Peclestrian Ci rcul at;on �mpact 5ummar . �ed�strian �irc�latir�n in the wes��r�r� ha1f flf L14riSHedi� �td5 been somew'�a� �f a probT er� si r�ce 7�s i ncepti an i n terms crf 1 andscaping, si gn��n� an� safety. The propos�d expan�i on o� th� ���ark Resvrt and the corresp�ndirag anticipated increase in ped�stri�n �raffic wiil worsen the presertt s��uation. Th�s sa�� in�rease in p�destrian traf�zc, hawevery holds the pa�ential of gener��ing ��r� street 7ife �f the c�rc�lativn p�ann�r�g is we11 dQne. �€iti atinq '�easures. The Tc�wn af Vai� s���ald t�ke �h� � oPpartunit,� t� develvp �n overa�� ped�striar� G�rGU�ativn p1an fQr - LiorrsNead. Major °F�eat�res shouid inciuc#e: � . , Q�signated path��rays--stror�g7y d�markecf wi�; �andscaPinc� and sign�r�g, and separated fro� vehicu�ar �raffi� wher� poss�b7e. , . Co�rr�dinat�a� with the proposed plan for a� underground t��atre and cammercia3 sate--or a publ�� plaza-- at a near�by si�e 7 acated �n th� �na�n pe�es�r�an c�rri dar adj ac�r�t t� the �ark. . An anaiysis of poss�bT� mu�tiple �ses v� a �ed�strian pat#����y alvng G�re Creek fram the UJest Parki ng G.a� to the Gondol� Bu37ding (crs�ss-c�untry traii and day-sk�er pathway in th� wint�r; �nd t�i ker/b7 k�r �rai 1 �n the sumr�er}, . Cvns i dera��ar� o�F ci�si ng a porti vn of the streQt ��1es i Li ansHead Circ1�� to r��c�st vehicer�ar traf�ic--ir� canj�nction wi th develapi�ent Qf a saf� pedestrian +crcrssing from the Mark eastward �oward the LivnsHead �7a11 .* . Del i r��at�c�n ai� ped:estri an pathways from th� hptel to the G�ore Cre�k tra�7 . . R plan f�r ped�str�ian r�av�men� on potentia7ly icy surfaces caused hy �he shadows �f t�ie bui Zdi n� on We�t L�onsFi�ad C7 rc7 e. . Cansi�era�t�c�n �f t�e re�ocat�on af the �ius Stap and 'the need far a Bus Shelter if b�arding is not read�iy accessible fro�n the hote� Tob�y. * R part7 aT c7 as�ng vf thi s stree�G i�meda ateiy north c�f t�e htark woul d ais� need to con5ider the q�eneral requir�mertts of the Vai� �ight 5it+�-- - nvr�f� of tf�e Mark and west af E�zi�n. � - 55 _ Gu�St Parki�� Dur�n N�on-SkT��g 5easo� Imp�ct S�mn1a�°y. �ertain types of busin�ss meetings ar c�nve�t3ons �eem t� in�oive �em�ers wha traveT t� a�d fro� the mee�ings i� their �ersflna� cars. I� is possi67e th�� cer�ain s�m�er c��ven�ians ��ri�l require parki�g space at the �ark R�sart �n excess af w�at is �vailabl�. Mat�g�t�ng Mea��res. T�e M�rk R��art cauld mak� �rrangem�nts �ith VdTI �SSOCiateS ta all�� g�e�t parkin� in the Wes� Parki�g �ot f�r thes� specTal �ituation�. Xt i� a�sumed that �he �.5. Forest S�rvi�� �rou7� have no cor�cern �v�r such arrangements ��r��� t�� nQn-s'r.i 'sea�on. . ° �� ` . �m�loyee Park�ng Im�c� Summary. The l].S. �arest Serviee ttas expre�s�d concerr� that t�ere r�ay �e a redt�ct�on �n t�he amount a� parking �vT7�bl� tc� day skier� �n the adjeaining Wes� '�ar4cing ��t by ��tcreased u�aoe frcrr� emp�oyees at the Mark Resort. Mit�gatinc� h�eas�r�es. 5o�te alternativ�s wi�ich sir�gly ar in ��m'binat�or� c�uid contr�bute t� mitigat�ng thas irr�aac� inc�u�e the fallow�n�: , Adopt�on af a �olicy by the �larlc Resart �Yhic?� �:ic��rayes , �ar pa�ling and usage nf pu�lic �ranspar�.at��n r�r employees__ and us� of the i�ark"� aw,n shuttle var�. � . A�optian of a pa7icy '�y the Mark �e�art w�Oi�i, �ll�ws �r��lo�{��� ta use park�r�g spaces wi thi r� tC�e bui lding �t�;��r� nat reaui r�� � _ by gues�s. (Thi� could inc3ude an i�c�ntiv� s;��tem ta Lh� emp7oyees--minir�um of tl�ree people per car, zc�r exar�ple. ) . Ca�nsi d�rati an a� the �'al l ey 41�de Qus SyS�e�° sc�aeciu7 e ��r��r� estab7ishan� the starting time �vr various depar�mental shifts. abvioc�s7y, tt�e needs �of �he jflb came first, b�t sometirnes a 10 ar i5 mir�ute 7eeway �n a st�r�ing �ime can �na�Ce a ma j Qr di fference i r� empl oyee uti��za�.i on of pu�I�c transpartati�n. . As d�scussed in Sect�vn 4, very few �r�nter g�ests af tne Mark '��ve �rivat� au�omabi�es with ��em. �he major us� of t1�e Qr�-si te parlt�ng d�r�ng ski season wi 11 t�e f+�r tF�e restauran�, bar, and dining roQtns in ��re �venings. Empl�yee parking 4as w�11 as guest parking� in the t�est Rarking Lvt wvuld not appear tc� represent a prrabiem ta day sk�ers-4 ass�ming it is �utual�y acceptab�� ta t#�e parti�s involve�. - 57 � . � Cuest Parkin , Trar�sporation C�nsid�rati�ns, a�d S��ecial Events Impact Summar�y. Ft is expected that during ski season most t�otel guest�s of �.f�e Mark will cor�tinue �a arrive via buses or r�ental CdY'S, and, tt��refare, parking for pr�vate p�ssen�er v�hicles repres�s�ts no spec�al problem. Alt�►�ugh it ha� never happeneu before, it is possible that the �ar� Resart co«ld �vs� a cor�v�nt��r� dur�ng sk� seasan which wou�+d involve a large� na�m6�er vF privat� �assanger vehi:le� w�i ch waul d exceed parki ng arrai 1 a��1�ty vr� s�te. �}r, a si n�l e �v�rat cqu�d be hel d i rr '�he r�eet�ng roor�s af -�he hotel whi ci� a; sa eaul d attrac� ��n au�i+�nc� wi�h a correspanding �arge demand �€�r ar�-site p�rlcir�g. _ Mi�a gati n� N�easur�s. TF�� T�wn of Vai�1 s�c�u�d r�vi ew i ts er�ti re . ap�r�ac� t� the par�C�ng situa'�ian. A gr�at de�� t�f ��crking spac� f�a� been d�vela�ed �n town b�rt it �s r��t aiways available �� �he p�b� ic. Ma�y of th� parki ng requ i remer�ts s����� �s i f #;F�ey wer� �rar��d ta accammc�date t�� req�ui reme�ts of a weekend resor�t. Sor.re c�m�i riati on o+ �he f�l l owi ng al terr�ati ves �nay prove �el pf�rl : . The Mark Res�rrt could adopt a pt�licy c�rhich would avoid �a�k7ng �hose types of c�nventi�ns �vhich �end to cause a �ignificant overflow situa#.ion zn the parking of cars during a crftica� per7od, e.g. , a 'hol�day or weekend during t'�e ski sea�on. . Alternatively, wit'� proper n�tification c�f a ma,��r euent ar arr exp�cted averf�c�w si��ration at tY�� Mark, a nsa�ber flf �ransportation and p�rkYng sa�utic�ns can be fvr�ul�ted by the Towr� 5taff far a 5pecial sit�atzon which wi77 enhance the Vai 1 experaer�ce for tF�� guests. The �ey i t�rri i s advanc� notic� to a�low ap�ropria�� planning. . �ne t�f t�e i tems tk►at s'�oul d �be cons i der�d �n ar�y c�7ange �f the �arking reg�7ati�ns is �allowing lodges t� ��en up parfcing spaces for the g�enera7 public °�ar a charge; currently, i� i s prv�r�bi ted hy ci ty ordi nar�c�. �'hi� cou�d a17 ev�at� some of the str�s� orr the parking sy�te�n d�ring tk�� cri��cal periads. � � 58 - 4 � 1 • 1 Bus Syst�m Int���ct Su�nm�ry. T1•r� nja�tar c�teg�ries of 7mpact5 an t�e �us syste� wer� iden�if�ed; . A gen�ral in�rease in ridersF�ip assaciated wz�h th�5 pZan �estimated at al�ou� r�ine percent) . . Th� �c�s�i b�1 i ty o� hvTdi n� � r�ajor e�+ent at t�ie i��ark w��c�r wi�Z req��r� the n�avement of 1 arge numbers vf peo�l e within a relatively short time. Mi�i gata ar� �[easures. . Prvbab7y it will be nec�essary+ to purchase �nv�rar s��ttle bt�s tQ a�commadate th� expected gerter��� i ncre���� ?� _ r�dership whert th� Phas� II pl,an is opera�ional .* Curr�ently, the co�t of a ready-t�-use bus is approxirz��taly ��S,Q��. . _ � . Also, it seems like�y that the Town of Va�l ��11 have t� apera�e add�ttcana� bu�e� �t times ta maint�ir� ch� present �- _ iev�l of serv�ce b�ca��e o�f the increased d�;Tand�-f4ur buses, ra�h�r �han three, for ex�mp3e, ��d r,Tree �uses ra�het^ th�n ��ght. The di��ct a�era�ing ��s�s af the si�uttl� s,yst�m (fuely oi� , n��chanic's time, �'rivers' sa�a�^ies) average a6�ut ��(3 per hr�ur--say ��� tor aa� ei ght h��rr �hi ft. Ilqai n su-���ci ent data do r�ot exi st tc� predict accura't��y the in�r�menta� usaye af t#�e bus sy�en� caused by this hvtel expans�or�. But if, f�r exampl�, an additionai 50 ei��t-haur shi�t� ►�rer� addeci �� the system during a year, it wou�d cpst abaut '�4,[]�Q ���� per shift x 50 sh�fts = $4,��0) . . Reg�rd�r�g t�e schedul �ng nf very 7ar�e c�r�ups, s�v�ra� sugge�'ti�ns were made on the prev��us ���e. * A77er� Gerstenberg�r, TDwn �f Vail . � � .. 5g _ � _ . � ProJect Applica�ion , ��t� "�{�`✓ '�-' !'`�7/�r� r ��,— " Prnject tVame: �U/�'..-�-�'�"" ����' �.21�'�a�r�/��' ��j�✓ ,/�.�''�'�r�lr/�/�,�rY l � _ PrpjeC4 Q�sr_.ri�itinn __ r`Cantact Pers�rn and Pnone ��-,�`-,'t'��`t' �..��"[�'!� �;��' ��h�/�''/�`.��� ,��+`'/'.�f'�,!ry''�`�`.^�'� � - � , . > ',{•° ``'.f�°' �/,t`,�1�''y+!�-' ��!� ,��/f��� � ��,�' ���''� ;' ..f ::f �l���' ��-�,� �t''.�= ���.`'w.=��,�/�' �.� . Gwner, Adc�rPSS and Pharre: __ L��� ��r • � -� c t�rt�-'rf �,[�` r !1- ' :_."_ f�� t�n: ,/� Archit�ct, Adt#ress and Phane: —. r�%� . �i'JA"'.�,r�`��`r f,t,�.�,,�,� ' � L�ga! C]escripci[an: Lat . Blvck ,—�. __.___T. �Iling . �c�rre � : Cornments: _ __— .__ ._�.n..--,-- -�C� �._.�_ ,�. �f�'.�.� �C,"`�0-� ,.�(;� �" �G.�� �c � �.;'� �t�l� 1 D�sign Re�riew 8vard ,� �a�n _ �'/��s�''t9��? ,� , �Qt9[JRl �'�I: !1�"��i'�.i'�..`�•• -� __-�— Sf,'CRi1d�C'J �'J�': Y�'"��lf✓� �..., __ �`APF'RC7VAl_v ,? f' "�" �� '°°f�`"'� � 4]ISARPRc�VAL �..�-�__ — ._ � �� � " ���:7 ��,�� �j f� .�sl'�-�/�! ✓li•J�/ �' ��5.-� . lf�i°/�.�7Fr �,d'�l'. ,,:��'y f.a'�f�F �I'� .sSf� /�lyiw�N e�F/"'r{,P,r'1,'w7�,'�. 1A ����. r�'t�'` �' �—°�'.''�.� ,�t-,� `��' ��1_�'� �''`,' '� . � _ 5urnmary: � �. e�'r f��,r`=.-� f"�� ,�� - — -- � ���� � �� � � _ � .�r� { ���;� � � -"� � ,�sr��'j .� `'`�r'T`�� � , • � ////// /�' ,� // f �y'/ ;. .� - '° � � J/NJ -F ���� .--Yf' ��� f�J{ �� ��j4 -f-� '! �` :'�'c-''.' ..—..... ��� !� � �" ! 'L- ,� �'�'{/I"f � /-�� ! ,�'`a f� � f' "' h^r C :+'c.s �/� #* � �y ��� � ,;s� �" n.__ Town Planner [� St�Tf ApprCrval �'�.. /�,— .f; t � f f -? �?�28. --.._ _ __ .....s. PLEAS� NfAICE CH�CKS PAYAI�LE TQ TOj,'� {3F T.�c"�iC�"6.:...,v:Y:��..�.�,.Sa4 .,�".'"a'��..5.rs....�;�?3•"r a.'Y.::�?r"' >�Y�. ;��.'.�. .S�� ?` r ,.3..::�aA°��t:v..�':�:�J;"`;..�ir.7..':^";`.':;'�..L:r.{�3'+i..G'.:' z:�h ,-( i �" ;?� c a �;. `"4�..:',s,n.`'}`.'. t� �. .�, �•� ���1 l V1. i �� •� ?Ck: • �s�;' , ;�: ,�• :, i �_; ����'��tT,1•1E:aT C?F C01�Il�iL,'�'ITY DE�'��.(7P�IEt�T � fa :>:� :�� 5,��.�s,�crt€��r�or�,ti�€ �� `�'" � 75 50UTH FRQNT4GE RQAD �� . �: y vAIL, C(}LQRA�}o 8�b57 -7 ��� �> ,�,t`+fE��t��- � '�_ F��� '°`'r�`;�-��� DIL`fE �{ �p '� ! �r � �� - �>f: X� � ,--- --- ;a ,�� �� ,1. �f� ��: - `j - � x,�,.��CCi]ti'�!T\'.�`'"��, x .�,y�� { ti� :��, � �6, s s •� <�a : .-, 3 (� �� 7�' �r'� /'`/�,(�ry+{� �T 9T x V r.k¢. �>t � i � J,i k i .:�\rh \ •�l f 1 51 $ �4t� .L'.11�7 l SP� �lJ y:/i 4+..F ... ��� . - .. -.... ----' -_ �,— _ $: �� ac�a a rs�� � zc�'��.a.��v.�t���.ss rE<�s { �5.ce�� ` � Y�' ��� + . 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JLJQai.'V. . � '' �� o� �ra3x�a t�s'� �L � . � - � t . � . � ��c�ao�y_�o ��arrrt�rccaz���+„���r�r.sE�rrs sz�cr.00 '� a a c�c�o�i 33o F�•�aN�G s2�ia.00( �' � � Ol �OQa � � � � l''� �� � ,�L�,-, ,�'- ���,��.�,.'� ,�" �� �, �' ��l� �, t.'>�c�ai�.��.��rs u-� ��t �'"�� �``� �° �� � � :�: �,/�� . � r�� �,�,q� � - Y , � ;'� 'i ��cJ:-a �.2�:>� ''�ti -..^',.,h'.Sew°[_� rv,4?a.z .�ks'r�:S.�y.>. � .?a�. .e � a:��tt: •,n.k. � ,,�,.x�._43•^,: r�.. �, r c� .S � �v .��-5 ,;�< �r; '�, �:� i��+ 4..,.3r �aete�'t`�,�..� �t ry.\.� .'� :���k$ i�-µas^_G�V&.�R!:i,x-r. ,._L'•i�..'w..t.'�'+,. 4,a.� . .,,1.,....,�".,i.} x}�,K:-.,.w.w.,��:+��:k-.�4•f.�..°�,.'��>. �ar., - �� Y 3 , '�` i ��- ��4, V'� . � � � . . � � � 'i i p — - _ . _ � _ __ —--_ . _ __ __. i T�w� ��' �r�z� � � r�x���i i���� �� � � �3� -1�-�� 14s�4:�#� ; ._ . ___ .._. .�_._ �. — _ . - -----...-—_ --- ....- - --_�- ; F:��ei�t. #� 1��1�,a? ,f �#e�t��,�_�rp� # i�:K �# 1"��6 ���a,I�l�:Ga`_=, f�1=�tt�:�'��_�F'Ft����.�'�:E F'Ca G�� FEE � �rn�-�,..er�t L��'�d�r��� . 2�.Q� i " I t��t p�i�d A�novn t pa i d i � �i��k$�i�i���'���lli �?�.�@ ' �.�`i•��I+��� �"�L.fJ#"f"r�e� . !_�1, 1.i�4_7 4 �`"�"'�'�'�`"�� ��� �;"o�r_i t- �-.���'ri�t- JEh�N I FE!? REC.�IP'T"--- The�'owa� of'V�il a��� — , �� �'IT° 4 7'9:� 3 RECEIVED FRO� ADDRESS i --- � `` r D(?L1.AR5 $ � _ � _ � �'etn�it T+Iumbers.. ��3ice Receipt Numbcrs - (�i�W �AIT�-C,asl� GJieek $Y � � � � � i 3. Kiss - Request #o�se�condary unit. �C �ot 21, Blc�ck B, Vaii R�d�e12B15 �avos Trail. Applicant: iana Kiss MQTIC]A!: SECO�Na; � VOTE: ��� ���� � �� � � ���� � � -� � �� �- 14. Avi� - Request far amendment to previc�us canditions af �pproval. JC L.o� t 9, �Block 7, 8ig�hom 5�h Addit�onf493� Me�dow Drive. Appficant: B�d Avil Mf�TI{3hl: �',�LJ �� �" S�CO�l�: �����'� V[7TE; �� ��x�"���� � �c� �i�g""'�7��- .��c� c���C.;�`� '��' p��:�r�-��'. €�,r�C r�►+�� � .=� � ! '�" �� � � � � � � 1�. Jorcic - New single famify resEdenc�. TD Lat 15, Bl�cl� 1 r V�,II VlII�(�� W�St, �st F€�ingf3��8 S€erra Traif. ppp�icant: Har+oPc� Jarck n�oT�c�r�:�j'�,�.� s�c�r�o:�„�,�,�� VOTE: ��, �������� 1�. Wendy's - i���st�in, p�knt trim, and new #iag. T[] Parc�l A, Ua:] Das 5chone #i12399 N. Fr�oratage Road West. ,�ppficarrt: 'Wendy's �e5taurant� MflTI(3N: � � SE�CC}f�Q: � V(JTE. '� r �.J � � �}� �� � i 7. Radwssc�n R+esart - L�ndSC�ping �mendment�. TD L�t� 4, ']', C, D, Bfack i, Vail Livnshead 3rd Fiiing{ 715 '41�1. Lis�nshe�d �CirCl�. Applicant: aadisson f�es�rU�d�rards �an�fsca�ing M�C11°ION: �1�.��'d�'� � ��C(7hlD: �',��r;�,��"' VC3TE: -���$ r �'�� � �� r �.�'�''� �� f�,��'l,�',I/Jr"� /��'" J�,��i�I� �,�r G�'r.,,��� .�1,�'��� ���-�i�f��.� �' � ,�r��.�',�?' - ~ ,€r �IJ +` ��� ,�� I 1"���sf r "%A!^i7�L�r "� f�J .. __ y +^� �i� /�f ��r^ /C�' ��� � /� �M. r � _> � Proj�ct App��cafiar� _ _. - D�te _- - : 1 ' � , - , ; � � Prnj¢ct hJame: � �_- ' - , Projeet Des�riptian: —. , � _ �. �,��w_ � - -- Cpnt�et P�rson and Phc�ne ` i — - – � � � � � � ��� Owner. At�dress and Phane: _ Ar�hiCec#, A�ddress and Phone: L�gal �escripiinr�: Loi Biock F�ling . Zvne Comm�nts: � Design Reu�ew Board D�t� Mvti[�n by: _ _ Seconded by� APPROUAL ��SAPPRQU'AL Sumrraary: Tawn Pla�nn�r � St�ff Approval Date: _ _ €.. thc punnlary v;s�t - , a .� Project Apal�catian o��� ' Praje�t �Vame: Project Description: _ , Co�tact P�rson and Phor+e __ C3wner, Ad�4res� and Phone: Architect, Address and Phqr�e: Legal �7escriptian: L.v3 B�ock �ifing � _��. �-_�.__�.z . Zone Comm�nts: _ Design Review Board ���� A+�c�tion �ry� Secandecf by: APPROVAL D6SA�F'RUVAL Summary: � ; ��� . —..___ __ _ Tr�w�n Planrter � Staff Apj3r��al f3at�. _ ..__ �ne prinmry�w,n , � �►itler, Zall an,t� �-Ial�.g�an. fi Pr�af�ssin��l Carpora#�on Piea�e rap�Y ta- ��C�TI"I��'S �� ���u+V . FC7.�ox 45E37 * Ea-igl�swooG,C'.oeora0o 8()45� r r�n�a A�i�,� �pri1 13 , l9$4 � Ra�s�d i.zaas '� �dward I.kia4�,ynan � Jon 1�+L Zelk . Al�n B Wttner Richard I.CirOwn James P. Grepaoy A.Cra#g Fleiahman LovisM.+Juirk I �. �'�'{� �1CJT� RiC}c J.Rubtn �nter-Mountain Engineering, Inc . �v�� "'�r`�"Fei� P.O. Bc+x C-1 U 0 Ritlrard J.S8�t1 �+r,cr,�r.�.R�,rt�i+ Avon, �ol�zado 8I62 0 AAakrshai#H.�iat�rmm� Jan F. Snr� � rc�:+,��eo�c���r RE: I+sark I II .�ondomin�.ums R4t�ert G.L_5Vir16 pavid.L Ruhin St:ott L L�vin �@aY' '�'Q(�: .lamie�L.ErrpFish Amy L �urf96 c�,��• Enc�osed please fin�d a fully executed Easemen� ���e c�,����n p,��eemer�t, a ful�y exe�cuted Condr�minium D�clara�ion and th� C�ndominium Nia� fc�r the above ref�r�nced project, �� whYCh is also fe���y ��cecuted except fvr �he certificate ►�rn,�A�,+,��„� by the Zoning admini�trator to be com�l�ted vn Sheet � therecrf. _ i �lease b� sur� that these docum�nts ar� pla.�ed c�f pub�.ic r��ord at tt�e Eagl� �ounty Cle�k and R�c€�rder' s '`'zH F"�N°. af f ice i� the fal].owing order s 1. Easement Agre�m�nt; 2, Candorr�ini.um Declaratian, and 3. Cc�ndomin�.um Map With r��pect tc� the Cond.4�inium Declara�taon, pl�ase be su�� that the xecvsdinq in�c�xmatian for th�e Eas�ment Agreement �.s ins�rted into the blanks pr�sently existin� in Ea�hi�it A �h���ceof prior tc� its recc�rdation. With res;Qect to th�. Candtamirxium Map, � p��ase c�mpl�t� th�e �ame blanks as r�f�rred to abo�e in the legal description on �h+eet 1 thereo�', and please � carrect S'h�et 9 vf such Map in c�rder tr� depict one Unit nv. 1.81 and one ilni� na. 1$4 therevs► prior tr� its recc�rdation. Please recorc� c�� have recarded these dvcum�nts ' utili�ing the £oregoin+3 procedure as soan as passibl�, ; Thank yc�u fve your cooperati�on a,n thi� matter. . Ve�y Tru�y Yc�urs, �,'1'LER, Z,F�LL a.r1d HALIGMAN ass��.���� s�,ne ra� ; A Professi�onal Carperratian Er,�l�rna�d.Cr,iar�dt] 8C}t11 Tpla�lvOne t3O33$SE7-7$87 7eieooavoer t3037 850-a'ss7 ' EI1C�.0SU�E'S B ���� , Y �L� _ RGL:�T7 '�7"_� T.nr�,-na , � EASEMENT AGREEMENT This EASEMENT AGREEMENT (`"Agreemen�."} is �xecuted c�n this � �� day of ►� �,,,;�,, 1�84 , by M-K Corporatian, a Coloradv corparatic�n as o�aner vf the properti+�s here�na�ter des�ril�ed. WITNESSETH: fiHAT, WHEREAS, M-FC Carparation i� t�� vwner of all Condom�iniurn Unzts created pursuant to tha� certa�n C�rndc�min-- ium �eclar�tion and Cc�ndominia�m Map for the Mark Resvrt and Tennis Cl.ub, as recorded crn �1��ch Z4 , 1980, in Hc�ok 34�1 a't Pages 183 and 184 resp�eti�el.y, af the Eagle �aunty, Cc�lorado, rea�, prc�perty recards � ,•parce�. I") : WHEREAS, N1-•K CQrporation is th� t�wn�� of that certain real prag�r�y describe� c�n E�hibit P� attached h�re�.� and �ncv�pvrat�d here�.n by this reference !� rrPc3Z'G��.. II"� : WHEREAS, M-� Carpora�tic�n is alsv the orane�� c�f �hat certain real prc�perty descri.bet� an Exhib�.t B attached here�ta an�l ine�rpora�ed h�rein by this referenc� �"Par�el III") ; WHEREAS, ParceZ T , Parcel II and Pa�ce� ITI ax� hereinafter referred tcs co�3ectivgly and lY3C�1V1(�1.13���7 �s "�Parc�ls" ; '�hTHEREAS� A�i-K Carpcar�tion, as own�*r of the foregc�ing thr�e Par�el.�, finas if necessary t+o gra�nt certai�t eas�ements aver partions af Farcel I and Parce7. II in order to prese�v� cer�ain ac�e�s righfs of all futu�e own�rs vf each Parcel. NflW, THEREF�RE, in CO�'151CI$�c'��lflxl o� the €oregc�ing, and for other good and valuabl+e cansideration, each ta the ather in harnd c�i.�ren, th� re�eipt and suffici�ncy of which is her�bY expressly c�,��es��d and acknc�wled�e�d, it is her�by agreed �s follow�: 1, Grant of Easern�nts.. A. M--IC Corpa�ation, as the awner c�f Farcel I, hereby gran�� to M-K Cc�r�oration, as the vwner crf Parcel �I ar�d of Pa�c�� II3, its transferees, successors and assic�ns and their mortgag�es, emplc�y+�es, agents, gtaests and inv'i�,�esr a p�rpetua�,. nc�nexclusive eas�ment on, o�re� and acros� that cer�ain pcsrtie�n o� Parce� II d�s�ribed an Exhibit C attached hexeto �nd incc�r- p�rated here�n lay this referen�e ["Easement Parcel A") £c�r the purgcase of providznc� vel�i�ular and pedestrian a�ce�s to Parc�l II and Farcel ITI. S. M-I{ Cor�D�a�i�rn, �s the s�wner of Pareel T� , her�by� g'�'ants �o M-K �orpczra�ic�n, as the awner af Parce� ��I, its transferees, s�.cc�sscsrs �nd assigns, and their mortgag�es. employees, agents. guests and in�itees, a perpetua� nonexelus�ve easernent on :oVer an� ac�ass �hat eertain p��tion af Parce� II described �n Exhibit D attaChed heret� and �ncorporated herein by this re�erence � "Easement Parc�l B"} far the purpose vf providing vehicular and pede�trian access tv �arcel III. � , Ea�ements . Run wit� the �a�d. The easem�nts �erein gr�nted s �1� run wi�h the �a�d an sha�l i�ur� ta t�e b�n�f�t of al� present and future owners �f all or any portion �f Pa�cel II �r ParceY III, 3 . Non-��Xger, M-K Corparatian her�by d�clares that it is i�s express inten�i�n that the ease�ents herein granted shal� n�t be merged due to the present cammon �wn�rship of Parc�l I, Parcel I� and Parcel II� , as sueh easements ar� gra�t�d f�r the prese�vat�on of the aceess �ights �f the futur� �wner� �f �areel II and �arGel III, 4. Maint�nan�e. �h� mon�tary �espvnsibi3ity for the maintenance, rega�r and r�p�ac�ment o�, and snaw r�mo�a1 fram, �h� r�a�w�ys ex�sting �n Easement Parcel A and Easement Parc�l B shall be borne by the �wners of Parcel I, Parce� �2 , �arce� III and any other parties �ntitled ta utilize s�ch raadways in aceordanc� with th��r relative usage of such roadways. 5. Governing Law. This Agreern�nt sha31 be construe� i� - accardance wi�h and gov�rned by the �aws af the State of GQlorada. E�ECCJT�D on the da� and y�ar first ab�ve written. M-K �orparation, a Colorado cQrg�ration � By `�'' ,�,,� I�°S ,,.....- S�ATE 0�' Ct7L[]RADCI y ) ss. . CC7UN�'Y 43F �IJI)�� ) � e oing Ease ez�t Agre�ment was acl�nowledged before me thesfor gday o� 1L , I98� , in the C�aunty o� �PlJU��' � i�D ,��� •�.r • S�ate of Colc�rado R by �,a �� :rr: as 5�cretary o M-K Corgc�ratic�n, a Coloraac+ co ��,� � �(f �'� $$ ?'�y cQmtn�. �. expir s: "�� � �E��r � GOLD No ar u ac `1�-�, �,q`'� A�dress.�,'$�� E����+PVIE'U.��� ���OF Cti�-�`� �3C��L��p�7� C��]ll J C�NS�NT BY MORTGRGE� The und�rsigned, as the h�lder of De��� af Tru�t encumbering the Pareels as d�fine� in t�e for�gain� Easem�nt Agr�ement, hereby c�nsents ��, rat�fies an� affxrms the �er�s and pro�isions �f s�id Eas�men� Ag�ee�ent. Executed on this �-?, day o� �,�,� ,;/ , 1.984. COLUMBIA �AVIN+G� A Federal Savings and Loan A�saciatian $y .�'. .� . f T t s: ,�,,�'. � �"- � � ST.ATE t}F C�QLaRP,DO } ) ss. C{}UNTY OF � ) The fc�regaing Cnnsent by Maxtc�agee was acknowledged befare me this �� day af , 198� , in th� COUnty of �.,,�a � , S a � of Coloradea, by as ,'�����,� Ccjluanl�ia �avings. My ccammissi�an �xpires: �� �C'�� �9�'�' , � e�tary Public �ddres�s: ���D �� � C.�a . `��t � EXY.IBIT R • "I'G EASEM£IrTT AGREEMENT f PAR�EL II J - FOR 'THE 3�",.P_RK I�I CUND(]I'�",,�h;IUM� . !�G;i. D�SCR��'T�DI�i: A pa rt r�� La� � ; �1 vck � . Ya i 1,�Li o�shea�� T�i rd �i�i�no �nd pa�-t �afi �.ts C ancS D, l�c�rer�s 5ub�i v�s��an , fiown of Vai 1 , �am i� Go�r��y, CQ7 orac�a. a�ore �rar;i c�lar des�rih�d �� �cal ]or�� : gE�'1 �n'117� �'� t�lg h'L3tt�1►��5� [01"J1€1' [�f LD� �; ��1�1�C� L'�png ��l? ���1L CC>�fii!10T1 tv s�i � Lat �G ar�c+ Lv'ts � and '�, l�iorcus 5ubdivisia� S �6 ]1'2�" f a d��t�n�e o� c�°.OD feet ; thence N 73°4�` 3�" E e d�st�nc� c�� ]4�.C1D feet; ��ence !� �6�}.7"2�" � ��ster�ce af 28.L]p feet ; thenc� N 73°42' 39" � � dist�.r��e af ]"s.Ut� feet; then�� t► �E°i7'23" 1�' a di �tane�e of 20.Di� f�et ; t�a�nce �i E3°25'�5" � a c�7s��nce af b3.�� feet, then�e 5 2�°38`�1" E a distance o� 18.9� �eet; �hence h 74°2] ' 19" � � d�star�ce af 1��,5f #ee�; then�e �' ���3� ' 15" u � di5��nce af �60.Q4 fee�; Lhence 5 �3°25'�i�" W � dist�.nce a� �6D.43 fe�t t� � p��r�t vn �Mhf s�r�ther3y ri c�t�i—D�-way � i n� o� �t�s t L�c�n�h�a d Ci rcy e ; tf�en�e �i or�� s�i d ri cht-af-+w�y 1�n� � d�s�ance Q� 1��. �7 feet alc�ng th� arc �'F � ?��.DO taat radius c�rr-�e to 4h,� i�ft �nd �nc��se centr�� ar�gl� �� �8°57 ` 1D" ar�� whCS£ ]ona char� bea� S �f°�B� 3�`� S� a �7 s�ance af �2G, 08 te�t ta 'the �rue Po�rit Qf �ec�tinnir��. � }..o�et�,�r wf th 'ti�e r3 a�ts �nd benefi ts �re�t�c� rr�th� respect� t�' P,�r�,e7� . : �,, B r�nd C� � +�ep�cte� an sheet 2 a# thi 5 �aF and �s rrore parti cu�ar3y � � �es�r-i bed t�r► Ext�i bi t D ta �'�at c�rt�.i rt P�rty �'�1 i a�nd �.ntr�achmen� ` A�reer�ent r���rcied ��7}� 27, '�9�2 in �+�r�k 3�3 at Pn�e !�63�'`ir� the Eng�ew_- ' - fi.��r�ty r���n� prrrper�y r-���rcfs , tn���her wit� thr ea3emen� grcr�ted by ,� ;` � - N,-K Gorpvratiar� ns �+rner �# r,1 � cc�ndr�mi ni um ur�i'ts v+�i th#� t�e M�r� ' '. R�sa�-t a�d S�r�nit C�isb ,over Easement Parce� A, ai irie��ribecS ir, that _-. - :�cert���t �a��me�{� A,greerr�nx ;re�ardcd � � � � ��. ;1484 ri n B�ak � .�. r_ . _ • --�+ 4 . ,.•�� ��,g� , . ;�; .�r���s�id r-ecords and sub���t �e the eas�nm�nts ;. . ' ,' • .rnnted :� v� p� the ow�e P�r-cel .II� ts �escr�'b��i _ir� th+�� �'�M�. ' :5 . �-' a. � . . �' ��. , • ► , - ' ..s �• ..F���rr� '` A r-eem�nt`recar�e�i , ., ��� � : - ,: ��1�4 i n B�vk �: . . �t � � Pn� e ���- 9 .. ��a�d recc�r s,� . � . � _ . _ -, : . i s� �,.. . � .. . � . . r . � • . � �. . • . . . • I:.OLIII�V .IL�"�'i�.t�.��' . St�te of Coloraaa - � EhH2BIT H Td EASEt''.G�N`�' AGI��M£t�T �P�RCEL I I I 3 THE d�iARK III CC7ND03�iINITJM . L�GiAL D�SCRJPT1�1x: .. A part af Lats C � �, I�orcus Su�d7 v��i�n, 'iaw� of lf�i� , �ag7 e C�unty, Gol orcdo r�re �ar�i cul arly ries�cr���d as fol l aws; . ��egi nr��na a� the �t�utfwes� eQrner a� s�i� �t�L D; ther�ce h ]3�42 '37" � o �i stanc�e af �6.�:� $¢et; tt�erc� �1 �6°�.7 '(3�" 1�' a cii stance a� 3. ]a feet; th�nce �t 55°2� `ULl" E � d�star�ee of �1[�.DC� �e�t t� th� 5o��i�ea5t carn�r of ��i d ��t D; ��ence F� �2°38'41" l�! ��vng the East � i ne of s��d Lot t�, t� t�e , �Vc�a�t��e�5 L c�r-ner c�f s�i t� Lot; t�enc� CDtI i i T1Ll�flC 11 �c`38'4I" w a ci��tanc� ar �. �3 €ee 4; �hen�� S �3°Z5'�5" '�" � d�star�ce af b?.�9 fee�; �h�n�e S ].5°i7"�1" F a �i s�ance Qr 2�1.00 feet; � �.9�err�e 5 73°4� '39" W a �i stance �af i?. il� `ee�; then�e S �6 11'Z 1" k' a di s�.ar�ce or Z8.dJ f�E�; thence S i3°4Z, �9°� �' � dist�n�ce c` 7�2.0� f+��t t� a p���t �rn t.he W��� Lot l-ir�e Q� said Lcrt �; thenc� S 1�°]7'Z1" E aiang �Sp�� 1'f�SL ��ne a ��st��ce t�f 15�. 5� Teet 'ta �he P�7nt of Beginning, . . . � _ Cc�unty� c�f Eagl+e , Stat�e o� Ca�c�raao E�a��zT c � �a ����nr R��Er�t�� (EASEMENT PARCEL .�) T�iE I�F.RIC I I I C C)h I��I�I�I I UM A p�r� vf I.oz C, Mvrcus Subdiviszon, Town of Vail, Eagle Cpunty, C.�►Yorac�a, �ore par�ticuTa��y de�cribed as frall�ws: C��ncir�g �t the Nvrtt'+west e�rner �sf s�id I�c�t C, als� b�i�g a p�a.nt on the Southerly righi--af-way line o; West Lionsh�ad Ci�rcle; therace a di.stanee of 7.�'�.�i feet alar�g the arc of a 392.DL} fvat radius cuzve ttr t:�e �e�t whose cex�[ra3, aa�le is I8°S7' 10" ar�d t�hase �.ang ch�rd bears � 87'°1$'3�" E a d�.stance af 129.fl$ �ee�; tteence �eavin� said right-of��aay i�.n� h 83°��'45" E a distance raf �. 75 feet tr� tkr� Paint of Beginnircg, thersce cc�ntinuing I� 83`25'45" £ a distance o� 25.3b feet; shenc+e !► 16°17'�1" i+' a d�stasice af 3.74 f�et tp a pai�r. c�n the Souther�y right- - of-�ay �.is�e of Wes� L�onshead Cizele; thence 25.�2 feet a�vng the ar� o� � 392.0� �oot radius c�rve to the r�ght whase cearral angle is 03°39'25" �.nd whase lang chord bears S 75°36`a4" �� a distaxsce c�� 25.�2 #eet; the�ce le�viug said rig�at-of way lin� 5 �b°I7'�1�' � a distance af 0.28 fEet td t�ae Pc�int nf �e,ginniug, - Cr�unty o� Eag1e � State of Calvradca . EXHIBIT D Tp f E}�SE.M��.NT ,�,G�tEEMENT ��A5EMENT PARCEL B3 THE MT�R� I y� CC7NDOMI�IL3�; A part af Lot C a�nd I7, M�r�us 5ubdi�isYOa, Ta� �f E'ail, Eagle Coe�n�y, Cc�loradc�, mare p�rticularly d�escribec3 as fvl�.ows: CE,�enciAg at the lvorthwest carrser af sa�d Lot C, alsa being s pc�int c�n tk�� Souther�.3� ri�ht�-rf��.•ay 1�.�ae af West LiQnsl�ead Circle; th€r�ce a dis�ance o# 1�9.�57 feet �long the ar� af a 3�2.QD faot radius curve to . the lefs �nase central angle is 18°57' 1C�" anti c�hose lang chcard bears � F7°18' 35" i a �i.swance_ flf 123.08 feet, t�ence l�aving �aid right—c�f—xaa� line li 83°25'45" E a distar►c� of 2. 78 feet tcs the Pvint c�f Begir►niag> �hence S ��'°17'.21" E a distance of I$7. 18 feet; thence h 73°4?'3q" E a d�.st�a�e of �[1.8C1 f�et; thence S fil°]7'21r� E � distance �� 4.24 feet; thenc� 1 ?3°42'39'� E a distar�ce Qf 13.�1C1 feet; i�ence I� 16°�7'21" kT � . dista�ce �of 20.�J{) f�et; thence S 83°25`45" �' a dist�nce o� I.�3 feet; _ thenc� ?i .lb°l7'23" � a distance �f 1b5. 59 feet: rhen�e S $3°25'45" W a distar►�e of 2�- 3b feet ta the �aint cf Beginnin�,> Cc�ur�tw c�f Eac�le ��,at� of Co3.c�r�dv � ; � � `� �I � � i �y� r� ��. � � � � �� r � � � � � � ? Q !� � ���::�4 = < � � � � � � , S � ' V „ � �- r: ,. � x � � �, � �, � � � � � � E � ' �� I � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �_ � � � � � � � � � � sz � - � � � � � � I a � g a : . „` � � 3 '� 'fl 7 C3 -`�� -r. y� � ~ ��� z � 4 "�X � ,.�. F,� � � z t, � � m ,,,�-,} � �° � �y� � � � * v w z "� � _ �' '1 V' �. � � , ���. . V7 � a y � 7_ ._ lJ.6 C1.. Q la.k � � � �, � � �' -� _ � d LL! �C} r+� { y E' Q . ~ tYy cn ' � �� '�i W � � ~ � d �, ,,�', '^ ,a L7 � � � � � � � �. � � � F. � d CE � C7 U � -� W � � `� � , r!� A � 5 `� . r z � � Z a U a � O w � LL3 � �"' � m � < d � � � Z 2 � � � H �C � Ll 4] 0 d a 'T• � �: �,� I J w � U (� � m Q ,� � � J C� a Z � u r- [7 � m uJi a � � 4 w � w w w „�� � �� � � z �. ' � m � u�.� a � CY d CJ � ��� , +� � Ni(311t1i7�"d � m Q � W `. � � a � � � � C? • � da r�- �`' d � � �� � � � � � ac � � � v � a t�� "� "` � �at � m a- �/� C�l a � � ~ � � ti ��� � � � � d � � w. � � ' � � � � m � � � � .. � � � � � � � � Y � � D q F t� C7 � U �,•i d k = �i n a O cn h�- ~ � = C C7 � C7 � d �i � � � Z Q � � � � , w �' � FW,,, C7 O O � � (� � � � � � � � H ' � � y C7 z � ('� � cn � � � � � � °` �' d �n � w � °' � O � � r���. � � J � '� � ... � H � � ¢ �, � '� . � Q � � � flY K (7 � J _,Y LL{ � ,�, , � U' �\. '�'"�� � w J ¢ � � � [Y O � � . . � d � r � y� � -- w LL � ,�ry u. w 0 '� p U `2 � C' AI � � � � � �r � C7 u� O q � � � � Q � a 4ir Z C3 C7 U 2 � U e.rS 7 y � � � J � Q `~ � � � � � � � Q � � � � �� 0. t7.. ` D. � 0. L�L� � IrV � �'` � J � � � � 'r3 � C�? � � � �7 0 a '``- �: �, � � O � � ..� N w W � � � � � � � � � � U � � � � � � � � � � �'-� � � � � � � � �-- s� � � — �' � � � ¢ a�- � � h l e� ,�,,, d � � Q }— J � ir} � U LL u,. C� w rt U oi � ki � U ` �""' °'� � � �r� -� � LLC yJ � LL' .. I— � J � 4. �} � � `z � f7 r {�_� � � F�-- m u � � � ,... � ,� � c.�� � U � � � � � � �f�:..J� � Z � G C,� � '� � `� 2 `; � d �' �3 C7 t+`� �7 Z U � ° u� '� � � � � � � � � w ts1 p � [� � � � � -.-a � � � Z -� � � C} ¢ Q w £�'� �- O g q U� I � � � I � � � �W � � � � � � � I� �_ E- � }+ F I� � _ � .. � � �a ° f �. � c � � .� y �, '' ` � l J:. I F � � ' - � w F„ �l v� " � I e; r � W <J � " C; '�' '3 1 U � W 7 � r 1: � '�+� � I � � G °J- j `. � z � y � > ' � x i Y � "� � I I I Y F F, O � —. � �' y 4 'v ... _ �` W (fj I I � � 2 Ull f3- � LLJ � � � � � � C E]' � r � Q � � v � � � yy p�p � �,.. �� I¢ � M •r, -5 'U � � � � � ,. � �'� �� i�!'�. �" F�.. � � � Q y� C7 U , � �r � 11J � — � > � J � � z � � � U 4 d � ti7 ��. � � W �u�. � W 't � ,�, 3 CC m .� � � V C7 'U �J ' t.1. � I� � ~" g � Z � Z Z � � � C1' I� I�3 C7 � � � � � LY Z J Q � � J J � � � ~ � i � � � '� � � � �7 � a- � � d w � � tJ � w � �CS I z � � ..e! J rl W W LLJ J Q "1 � . � � � cu u_ � � c� t� � f� � NC�l��IP�I'�A m r ' o � ` � U � � � � F � ' C'J � � � � � z � c� � � � v ¢ � d u�i � � � � C? � — x m � F � � � m cy� .r f3'} ry .. - Z' � � � �' F � u7 "' Q .-. O � [3 � � .W.t {t�ja � � .. � � � C3 � O O C�.y � y� C] CC F � �� Q d . � � ❑ U � u�'�'1 C C7 � ~ � � 3 ' � � o° a a m ee �xa � � � d z � ti � p.�- � Q � ' ry I � 2 � � � � � C7 z � I I � � � tn N- � ,� O� �? a ? � � s� 0. ' � � �n � 2 s-.T } C.> � �,u�.t � � � � ' ~ u�] e1I C1 U � S3 � � � "-" rY ,xy Ci! � � Cj -" � d � � d F � � � � d � � � � A � � �Z t7 � � � � � u.' - � � � `r � � 'r� w � � � t.a � � `z � �• w u-, C.ry � p a � t3 /y w � � � � �` ¢ a l�ii ' � � � ~ � O C7 U x � � � � W � � vp `_ • � � � � '� o !�,- � � � � � � o aa o � a � c� � a � � � � � m � � � fl � U� s. � � � 3 ��� N � � � � � w w � Fi u�'i , i Cc pC e� � � ac tc � c� a `�, c�.� � d � � a a a ¢ � "�a ,,.. 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TM1�IT C!�,�..s...-r a R1f +(��X — ..-�-� ' 2lid���� ' h 1aL141 .� �. .f • . l.111-I�'i3ES - � 7L .� — _ - . � []F.�i�IT�C WA`f�R X �•� ° � . . , { l'�'i-IIL F'C1It,[�"S � C¢ f b �� � - ' � +�+� � ��.�] F'OiPfiTS = �.� �i°it7�,.� ' G� • � " '�,�^]. �� ��� � � �W �� .7�Y,11L Ci1 I TS# ��'`� , . '! �� � � . � , ... � .. �;,,'v� �--�--' � • I1'#�� r � 1t�L5�'E�3�R _ • . : ' !"4�1D�dil�i� 1��' Cf"Q L�'ZC'�i C� CL�`;5T!:l.'C7l�'d C7F Rl.l. STn[]CTL'�rS, T?� DFSTF.TCrt S}iI1Lf� ' C(i{F'f7�;i°S !y C'tCfSPCJ� l,'i��'�C3[C:i C'•F Ti.L ttwr._i11��5 iE) C73�r ili•� •ll�y".r13L "si.l'.i L',�1,FQIt�S � . �� 1S� 11�1�.�i5� 11Ci�-i;l;�l�:'.i TiCS 11-°� i:i�ii.:7 r".":]� a�.•.�n'. 3.. �t �. �.. J1`':�[ri'.��1� 1�:r) Tl!' iZlaiC;3C'� 5!�L'�� i:.},� r:�Y /`.LLIU�i�'i:o1T5 �'�CE55�iZY Ihi 3F+�. ��2GS�:C�L.. 1��J' fEE f'A1�1. '�ifa 1;�:,�LCrICxi 51l,'�Lf.. !�L`,tl� I}:TCi::91��E ]ll: �:Uil!]IP:G G[w�Lf�r� 1�I,1TEc� . l:ti] 5��� ���V10E UW+4E. ' � � • IIUN`.[l (lF ilifttCfC�� . • VA1i U1'Yrrt •.�i♦ cn�,�rtrnrwt'+�a Ti�1��+1'X3��T � � • • # � i ' � � . � � e : � . � � a . � r � ���f�r�o. � i� � � ? �- �. ;. ,. .. -� 'r�„ . VA�� I�VATEFt AND �ANITATIC�N DISTR�GT ���� � ��l ' �' WATER ANE] SEWER TAP PERM�fi TAP PERMIT WtLL HCr�f �E 155L1E[3 UIVTI TA�' FEES F�AVE BEEN P,�,�D 4�U FUL�.. NAME C?F J[3B � � � � � � �C3CATIfJN Af�D LEGAL �ESCRIPTiQN . 1S�'_+� �t,�'�,'.f.� �� �. f I '�I��L. � � GEf�ERAL GQf�TFiACTOR LI�C. NU. PLLIMBIN{; dR AAECF�ANfCAL CQNTRACTO�i LiC. hFU. EXCAVATIN�G �UNTRACT�R L1C, F�f7. fr I/ 5lZE OF TA�':Watar � Sewer � Meter Siz� NUMBER QF UNITS � � ,�--�f (x�fif)Q.00}=Amour�t �� �ate�illad [3ate P8€id ' � /( �ca � �#�-_ c�.�: ��- -C� � � '�- d� ��d�� v � Finance Di�reCto� Bldg,pept.-White;—WatOrandSanitativn-Grver�;—Pub9icWarkS-Can�ry;—Canirsctnr-Pink;—Accvunting-Galdenrpd 1h�prtnl�ryva�i .�.. P{�SF7�t�i � � �,�1..�`'` , . ,ls�`ry� Etc�7 �ryrt�� &'�[ {���� �rt � f x I. • ��1L! ��.�� �ai Ll�i4 {Y�IS Ld�1 Fil "]� � J`1�7 �LCr°.Z • E�Ci�A S 1 ti's�S ,�� X �•�' a r _ • �� PJ+.5&'�I1T _ �LL1 3:+T�! - �•_�'�/. Q� s . �Lt�p;� _ �5 C��ft G� N3 ��� � �•� 3� ��C�� PlISI;$, f�ILET� . . �7�y 4 � i LSA+�. .�. . . . �i �$��"�� ��i�� \�itJ��i'a �4"�� � * �� , . i � . �r��'CX'.�"•5,� GFr"ECE,��►� �• '� � � �ST Fl.�t�t �'�L�It]a� f � • � �? �t(3�� �A F Ll7GG� • . �1. . j iCI7G�v5 _ ,I,�� X �.� -- _ �"�' `-�� . � DISI�+ip�St1...-:�ts l�.j X �..'L�I - °--� ' '�'+d J�. ' � i.fii�`,_.'►°�":I�5 � X .� - ..�.--��°�� ' , , � . {�'�i hr�.�Fac::� � ` �� ' � _��� p �1,��+�r{£ � V4 " �� i"M`�1YF\LS �� .'.. � y y/.��}+ f �� !i ' • . � � I� ■+L.' � � — r� , ., � � 4. Fe'�1�.Yi �'U°��___.�� � , �� ��'Ci . S't�A�t �Li.:.�r���cs !ca X .�] _ .� �a f • ' ���°i��i,ri �'�{..$ � �,UU y � , � - . 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R� { i` R1�l�.i�li�..] 44/ �r"= 4.l��'L•41it��J �4�•l�h Ifk� f��J Ir�6+ Y'J11[� J4f.�.LtJ��/ /�.7 . �4� �3WL�.1_�31 ui: I� f���E;i�.t7,, E��r�1 j't�� C�lai;���T .rt--. j':;I:� e:lY P.f11LI-rY �ci11 i E:�LES�iviY Ct� 71� Cn�G���f+� "�r�r� �tE �ni[�, r,�f� �:x�?�CTi�Gt 5k(."�Li. ►.�;.�.� [��rC��ti4;,� l�z: t;vi��r:c �.;��.ft's tr,�i�� � j.i[7 5:7�fEi: JE�YYC� C141��Lt. , ' • ` . �?M.D bF i���iLCTC�� s'� �• . � , „�,� t]4Yrr. ..,, 4,•,aYnrrn•r rrr�rarrr $�-�'`3'�` , ���� + � �������� � � . _ � . �� � . j � � Y . � , , . � j �� F'A5E1•:�lT IiR $ n}ILE7 � � X �.•� � �-=--� . � �S7 FLC;�r� � L 7 • E�f] F�.GG� ._ �,�- [f�l�E �G1LF f'r'IT}i� � • �io ��a.-�� � srr;rs J3 x .7� � �" , � �. �'AS��fT .. _ ,FU_L '�.�773-i � � �� 3�7. C�'o ` �S� FLf�7� _ - - {�r�•;cF{ OZ TU3 1�•�� X �.� + _ t�? FLCx�Z �tc�. 7Q��rS ` .y:D FLGL"n _ _ • * / f r /e P�'\7CJ rJ'11 • (�VJ'fil ��AFfliilf f'.l.eu�.�?1 � W � '" � � {„�� . � ` �5T F�L:CK� Et�....�"C� 7C.°'�� G�r"tC�.ii+�� ' . . Tf"J F10�77:� 5T`u�iCl�+� r. . �f? FL� . r. KIT�� /�� X �.�0 •— ��' 'S'� . ' �. , • DIS�ir�+St-�_."°',S r�_j X �..� - �'� .' � � �t.�`Ri'�S � X .� � ��-��^Q , ��� . � • �F� l�.5'f-s�.,.� � � ' ' �"+ , � ICE t�""riIlt�S �� 7C �� = �=� ' ' � � �. - ' SA�'t�tS �' K .1S ° . . � �. ' h'li�t C�.�.".�''•5 � r , �- ��� � . 4Wi� 'F�G�fC�XfiLS !v X •� " ' ,� � � �X 5.L� � '$'EST 9. � � s��tt�;��r,� �ts � � �Q�,� , • .r„c�r�z -� x �} ° /`"'� ]D. . cx�rst�� �:��� 3..x �:C�] ° .�� ,� ,,���►��►���, �t�zr��..r� c�� c�,J . ._ :� , n����rr�s- 1. � � s��s x �.C� a . - �, t�var�ts x 1.I]� -- _ ' . . � � . �trn-�v� x . = �---�— ' ! - nasr����z - x �.� __.-- . �. � � i j�'Q7RI ES •_. X , .� ° �-- . �J. [JETfSIIJE �i�,'1''�R X �,� = - ' . • . * " � i ' ,("�p � 1 b �''�� , . TT�TTAII POii�"fS - - • •'! ' �D 00 �o�r.�'s - I.C� tr�r��� � �� ot�. • , . _..� ' .'fC�AL Cr �5��. f-�$;1�6[?-C-� S � . ' �' :�Y �' , ' ' . . • �...�.� .��- 1 • �� ' lt{SF'�GTtJ;t . . � l�Cl[J9�{Ir:G 11E C["cL�t!'�'tr OF CC;.SI�:L'4:TtC�:l GF ��yt 5r.i�'�'<`t-S. 'il� �fS7F:ICT S}�L . ['t1�`G+±1 A �'9fiS[CII. 1:1a'r'ECTIGJ L6� f�Ll.. r�ti=�1���� iiJ �;LTi�:;1lr:� `�t- �;1:�' L''C i C;F 'FDff:T$ , �G1 !�C �+S�ESs�] 11CCL"oJir:'s l{3 T}�� k,.l�,� :�::.1 ;t�•�fi T;y' r��. �=;U 1��1T� 5+:.t•`Cutf, .la Jti,":=��E'•�1r 11':t] Ti}!� D1:i+��I�CT 5.'il'� t.,},� rd+Y 1SUU.iL:'�,ilis t:�CESSrI�ZY It'� TI�E C�ci[C+I�tiftf... t'M iEE f'i1lD� 31f15 1�IJP'[�TIC'�i Ski',fJ_ +'�-`�J Q�3Ef�:li;;C ��. �USLDIPG £�1.,'�E.ft 5 1�1TEr� . /i{D '�aL�i�Fi :iL�`YBCE Ult1S;LiE� ' ' ' �. T�1tIF`F:D (}F i�IE�C+C�C'� • . +Vrtl� w�zrel ��<w �n�i17AT1f3'1 hYSYR1�T ' � , • � d ' + , o � . � � f 4 � ' �ie ���tectiQn dr r�,c s E � �` . ��~—�1 � � y _ �,�r�� « � �a���� �� ���� t�€�x 7flCl ■ vail, ct�lcsra�Jn S��i57 • 3{�3-�47fi-7i?DC� �iarch 1, 19�1 �ob �a�me�^y Th� Niarriott's Mark Resart 715 Lionshe�d Circle V"ai 1 , Ca. 81657 . R� � Inspection for Issuanc� of Cert�fica�� of Occupancy , D�ar S�r : Pending t�e �'�il Fi re �epartmer�t`s apprvv�i �or the Town o�' Vai I "s Bui�ding t�epartiment tv issue a Certificate vf Occu�an�y, �I�e followirsg i�.en�s sha3� be cvmpl eted or� ar �efare the 3rd af 11pri 1 , 1���. Fa�1 ure to car�i�il��e any i t��n wi 11 resul t �n the i ssuance af a 5urnmans ta Appear �n Mun i ci pa�6 Co ur� i:a ansti�rer �harr�e� af Fal ��re tc� Cempl.y. You may �l s� be pro�ecuted under Gc�lara�ia R�vised Sta�u�es, The ar�ly i��m nt�t requi red ta �e conrplet�y fin�s'��d is wi�h respe�t to �h� fire alarm syst�n�, under cvrtraci with N�w Ele�tric. Swid wc�rk shall be comp��t� as per• the cor��ract, �ncl ud�ng al T requi red ch�rag� orciers > by �idy 15, 19$1, �Che cvde ►t�olatia�s are as follows : The Ldi n�aw� 1. Evid�n�e �hat t'he ban�bc�o ��ai Z and �ei 1 irrg cov�r�ngs l�av� beer� �r���ed witt7 fire retarc�en� so as to pravi�e a Class A �inish as p�r 6V,F,1�.l�. s�andards sh�ll �e requir�s�. 2. Al l pt�r�a�i e f�rc exta ngu�sh�rs staal 1 f�ave k�eer� servi ced wi th i n t�� last 12 mo�ths.. 3. �Fhe mi ssi ng f�r� exti���i s��e� i�z th� k�tchen st�a�1 l�� repl aeed w�th no �es5 tha� a ��D '�C dry ch�m3�cal �i t,� ext�ngu�sher. 4. �2eniov�e th� �raul t7-p1 u� �l��tri c�l �e��p�a c�l i n the bar. 5. 5he1 ves i� �he I�itchera �ver ti�e deep fat fryer s��ai l b� rer�oveci sa as r�o� �a hinder the de5ic�ne�l funct�crn af tf�e f� re ex��in�ushing system, or re�vcate ��zzel to �rc��er positian. 6. Warn�ng signs s�al� be posted in tktie kitchen advising staf� to turn o�f all �pp�ian�es }�r7ar tr� ��avinc� the ki�ch�r�. ( N(��� _ pURRI�tG THE IC�S�ECTIUI�, � FO�� IJARh1E�t W14S F�}UI�U 4P�3�lTI�G� I� A L�ICKF� AND Ui���l1�TENDED KIT�fIE�;! ) 7. Exit 17ghts s'�all be operable. ��ntharuse Level 8. Th� ce�ling iri the mechanical/�lectrical raon� sh�l� be f�re stvpped as �er l��C requiren3��7ts. 9. All n�iss�n� e]ectrica� f�r�akers shall �e rep�aced. . ���,{ec#fo,� cfJ s ��{� ����'�' ��� r .� � . y �1! , `,,�x ����1�� �� ���� bax 1 Cli3 • vail, caloradn 87�57 • 3�3-476-��](?�] PACE � THE 3�1RRI�77 I��SP��TI(}i'� 3-I-81 . 1[J. C]e�n s�ut a�� co�structi c�n tr��sh and scrap frv�n vert�ca7 sha�t i n the mechar�i cal room, 11. �epla�e exit ] ight ��lbs. E�it liytat is out. 1�� C�t�tification frvrn �khe C�ie-� �ui7ding �Officia� as �to the c�ntirzu�ty o� the stairw�il outsid� of room 6Z7 in the stai r�way.i� rec���re�. . 5 th F7 oor 1�. Fire rateci c�iling }n elevatar ��bby is r�quired. 14. F7 r� rat��l stai r°we�l i s requi r�d, eg. #:h� spa�e t�ene�th the stai r. 1�. F�re rate�i cei] ir�g is requir�d ir�.mechanicai raa�n, inc�uding a71 d�acts �a�d candui ct, 1�. [lpen w�rir�g in � iquvr stor�ge r4vm shail meet NEC. . 17, Re�laee burned out exi� 7igf�t. 18. R+�p7 ace c�ver nn �xi t �i ght i n �nters�edi ate hal l w�y bet��eer� Phase 1 & 2. ]9. V�nting of all vertical �t��fts slaall be c�mp�et� Qr �nder ari ac�eptable con�ract, to be f7r�ist�ec� �y �-��y 15, 1���. 20. �1�thes c�ry�rs i r� Phast 1 si�a� � f�e ven�.cc� as per �iP•1C. 21. Na smoE:ing si gns sf��T l be post�d i n a17 i��ai ds c1 osets. The no smakirag �rule shall be srt��f:1y enfarced by hnt+el managenrent. �2. Al l 1 aundry ar�d trash cf�ute doc�rs �r� �'ha��e 1 sha11 be a��erable at aiZ leve�s. �3. Graphic sigr�s s�owing the location and ciir�ctian of sta3r�vells s��� 1 be i nstal led at each� el evator� l o�'�y at �acl� �eveT . A si�rs warn7rrg, " IN �1�5E �lF FIR� -- DU NOT US� ELEVA?(��t " shail k�e 'iT]5te�.1��� ad,�ac�nt to the graphi� exit plan. �4. A contract to have at� fire��lac� chinmcys cl��ned s�all b� compl�te. Said clear�ir�g stial� t�e cample�,e by tY�e 15 th of May, 19�1, , 4 �h Floo� 25. Al l exi t T i ghts shal l be ap�r�able througltvu� �hc- errt7 re hot�� . 2f. Rep7ace ���a�er extinguisher in the hr�se ca�inet with a 2A�}0�3C ciry cher��ca7 ��r� extingui sher�. 27. A71 fire exting��sher service �h��l b� done by �n approve�i, licens�d �ec�nic�an. 3 r� F1 oar �7. Fire stopPin� is required in the r� �,.�nical roam. ' otectlop Px �'�s�r ��{� ��r � !� � ��._� . � --�` �j� � i 'y k � A� �" a � ���� �� ���� box �(1U • va��, eo��rat�o S'�657 • 303-47�-7E�(}U PAGE � �`H� NN'iA�RIC?T3 II�SPEGTIQPI 3�-1°81 28. Rep�ir exit si�n betwe�n Pha�e 1 &i2 29. A fire rated ceiling is reqvireci 7n the n�a7ds claset in Phase 1, 3�. Tr�sh chut�� d�ors are i�oper°able. 31. A 2A40I3C dry ch�rr�i cal fi re exti�rt�ui s�er �hal 1 be inst�l7 e�d �n each maids c�oset and mechanical raam, w�ithnut resp�c� to tl�e prQximity �f a hose cabir�et. . 2 nd F1 o€�r 3�. R�pai�° exit signs. 33. Re�air ei�vatc�r cal3 but�t�ns in servic� ��ev�t4r at Phas� 2. 3�. R�eplace �issin� bre�kers in ��ectrica1 �ar�el in �echanica7 room, Phase 2. 1 st �l�ar 35. f-i�v� exp�nded fire extin�uisher r�filled �y � licea�sed tAch.a� mi�dle stairwel`� , Phase 2. 3C. Drapes in canf�ren�� rc�om, t7a�^t11 s�cle, Pf�ase 2 �re obstru�ting id�ntificat�c�n c�f �ull st�tior7 , ar�d �gre�s. 37. Due ta the hatels �nabil ��y t� maintain prop�r egress in ��nteren�z rnnms af Pha�e 1, pani c �ardware shaZ� be i r�s�.al l�d �n a7� dODr°5 1�adir�g to t��e �utsid� of tf�e prem��is. 38. Demarcati on 1 ine on fl vc�r �f servi ce }�a1��a�y b��vre�n �has� 2 c�nfer�nce rvam ar�d Cent�r Court �.itche�n shal7 be cvm�7et�d. 39. A�3 ��mpressed �as cylinders in th� 1#quor ro�r� and st�r�g� rc��m sha�l �e secur�d. 4C�. Singl� stati�n fire alarm pa�l� �tation ira C�r�ter Court ri�ning ro�m s�al7 be rep7ace with � d�ut�le a�Gian pull statzv�. 4�.. Electr�ca� cann�ction at south er7d o� fr� line in Center C�urt ki tchen shal�t i��eet fV�G. 42. The water wasf� sys�em for ti�e h�od in the Center Court sha�l be �p��able pr b� r�}�laced. 4�. T�Se servi�e halT��aay �nd k�tc�ren sh�l� have no less than a vne hour fir+e rated ceiling. Plyw��d cov�rs ar� n��: ac��ptabl�. 44. �1emina�e al� electr��a� ext�nsinn cords �t purc'ha5�r��g d�s�C. 45, R�pair op�n wirin� in Phase 1 carif,�rence rooms. �#�. Re1QC�t� proj�c�.�on screen f'r�ani in front af exit da�r in P'�ase 1 cnnfer�ence r�oan�. 47. ilcci�pan�y C�r-t�fi cates sha�1 be p�sted as re�u7 red by �aw. 4�. R�move multi--pl��q fr�on� ��fa�eh �'air7t 7c��r��e bar. 49. Install a 45 clegr�e elf�a�v or� stand�i�e at lflading dack. 5Q. !J#.i 7 i tj es at 1 c��d�n� area sh�l� be protectec� fvrm snava and �ce �lLll��l�p. 51. �ep1�ce electr�i�al feed far wen�fi2�� �rachirles in emp��;,�ee �oun��. , ~ �C,��,sc��o� �,�s . �.�`�� ��f� ,�' _� a t.. � �' � �y �. .. . � .411 . '��'� ����� �� V��� �� box 1[l� • u�il, �olc�rat3o 816�7 � 3[}3-4T6-7Q(?Cl PAGE 4 TI�'� r�RRIOTT IhIS�'ECTIUN 3-1-8� 52, La�rcdry chute ��sib7e link is mi5sing. 53. F�re a�ated ceil�ng in uti7ity cl�set in �aundry i� nat intact Garage . 5A. Power ta exf-� si gn shal i mee� IVE�. �5, Accumul at�ans of trash ar�� rubhi s1� shal� be rer�v�d. - �G. 5�orage of rec�r�s sf�ai� not exc�ed 1�3 inch 1 zmi� f�or� s�rznk7 e�^ 57. Po��rer sarce ta heat t7pe �n r�cord st�r�;� rc�nm shal �I i���t �v�C 58, Th� spri r�k]�r system sh�]� be i r�s�aec�;e�l a��c� �esLeu accay.��r;� t� NfPA 13. All deficentcaes sh�ll be c�rr�ct��#. 59. Accu�u�ations of tr�ash a�tside of maintai�er�ce roam sha�l �� r�sn�v�d. 6Q. A1] f7 a�mat�l e and cc�m�usti bl e 1 i qui cis shal l �ae strared i� an a�pravgd r�a�tr�er. 61. All el�ct�-ica7 wir�ng in wine s�orage raam sha7Z m�et N��. 62. All w�rinc� in c��ec4 area outs�de af main�azn�nce raom sha]1 mPet C���C Front Desfc 63. RemQVe ai 1 gnuT�.i�-p1 ugs far �3 ec�.r�ca l cor�nec�i ons. 5hacf�ws fi4. Remave sta�^age �r�m in front of electrical panel . �tf�l eti c �1 ub 55. Chnrni cal s f�� pa�l s�a�l� b�e stor�ed in a sa�e man►�er �nd gbod �aus+�- k���ing �hal� �e observed. Basem�nt 66. �per� electric, imprap�r starage o� f�an�mab]� ] iquids, ��vr housekeeping acc��mu�ati ar�s of c�mbusti bl es, a re co�nm�r� i t� storage r�a�m ar�d mai n- tainenc� �aom. ' 67. Trash chute c��es not have pro��r termi�ati�n. G8. �x�� s�gn sY��l � f�e re�aired. 5�Ci t�e�ster G9. ��eetri cai 1F�i r•it�g under car�et s'}�al 1 �a� r�n�aved ir��m�c�i ately.. �� f��re �xtingu�s}�er� is in�ccessable. + , • � ���y#,action r��� . C�. ��{� ' 1 l , r�� '�1, . ` � ' � . �'s'��� � � d,� ������ �� ���� �� k}OX '��Q • V3I�, CO�OYBf�{i $��73� a +�{)3-�7����Q�} P1kGE 5 TH� �'�RRRI(�TT IhlSF'�CTTl�1V �-1,-�iI 77.. Care�ess use of o�en f�am� is stri c�ly pr�}�i f�i ted. 7"2. �1i 1 el e�tr�ca� wi r�nq shaZ 1 meet 3VE�:. Jun�tiar� or� �vark b�i�ch shaTl be r�mov�d immed7ately. €]RTE ISSUED IS�I�IhG {)FFICER - TITLE _r_ R�CIE�EI} FQR TIiE h1�RRTdTT Ml�RY RESO�T D�`�7E _ a_---- � ~ atect�o� � � „��� �'Y d,��r' �. -'_i� I/,'r r �'`. ��?4� � A ,I 1^- �� � � • ,�,.r� ,/��",/,�`e . � r ,��! �- - , ��l . (� �� ������ �� �Y�� �?O 7t 7 Q 0 • V c3 E � , iC 4 � C1 f� G{ Q 8 7 G 5 7 • 3 0 3 � 4 7 fi • �a 6 i 3 ae��rll�er 4, 1�8Q �v�n "Sonny" Scarff, Dire�tvr ��' Fire Prvt�ctivn � Int�t�r���ianaZ Fieadqi�arters T�3e li�rr�ott Cor°poratior� � h�arr�att �7r7 ve � �tash�ngton D.C, 2Q058 r Re: The t�ar� �esor� - Va i� , Co7�radc� � Dear Sir: Tf7e follo�ving �s a rep�rt a� ttr� resuTts of a f�r'� ins�ect�ian af the P�ark Resoa^t made �ere i n Vax l c�n the 3rci ca� �ece�ber, 1��0, a�nd the Code vialatio�s �nvalv�d: k�i ndc�ws ��st��rant �. The yrEase �i�t�rs i n �f�� hoad ne�� c1�ani nc�. �i.F.�.1�. 9i. 2. The h�nd f�re extir�g�ishing system n�eeds servicing an� tagg�n� a5 per ;J,F.P.A. 9�. 3. The iin�d system ��e�d� c��aning as p�r �E.F.P.A. '��. 4. Th� porLa�l� fire ex�inc�uisher rae�c3� servicing as pe�~ U.F.C. 1D.30�a. �Iindotiv� Rar 5. ��ectrical c�nn�ctinns beneath tia� c+�un�er �re n�t in campliance with the Nat��naT Flectrical Cc��e and f1.F.C. 11.4(34. fi. The �Ta�ne spead r�ti ng on ��e �a���t�r�o tiva�1 a�r�d cei 1 ing eo�reri n�s has not beer� establ7shed a� request.ed of �r�e arch7te�ct <'V.'�.�.A. 1��. E7e�tr3c�1 ���m - P�nth��se L�ve� T. Upen wir�ir�g �s prok��bited �s �er �V,�.C, an� ll.F.�. ].1.4�J�4- S. The s��chanical shaft is nat fire s����a�d as ��r l�.B.C. 1706. 9. H�les ir� t�e wdll of the resid�n�aZ units are to be cavered as per U.S.C. 4��4. ].(l. A�T fir-e ra�ed assen��] ies �re tp l�e i�ta�nta�ned np�rabie. �he �n�ta� dc��ors on �Fm+e verti�a� sh���s are tr� he kep� clt�sed a5 pe�' U,F.C. 1�.302. and 1�,�.C.43{�6. 11, Open breaker bvxes ar� ta b� cvv�r-e� and missing break�rs � are �:o Fse repl�ced or covered as �er f�.�.G. U.�.C. 11.�OA. Labby -- �'�rt�.house L�vel 1�. Obstruct7ons ir� stairways are pro�ibited U.�.C. �5. 1�]�3. � �i�;eetio� ar$ �,� �ti� � �'��. , `' \1 Y lY-- + l��y 1+� , .�+ ������ �� ���� � I�ax � a o . vai [ , cr� lorado a i � s r : s r� 3 , a � � � � s � � Page 2 NiarK Inspect3nn 12-3-8� 13. �tvof �aatch 3s to be �naintained cr�erabi� at al� times as p+er lf.�.C. 10,3(?�a ��, �lole� in 'Fire ra�ed ce��ings are not permitted U.B.C. 4345. � �5. t?bstructians in exitways are prvhib�te�i, ladder ta� r�of �atch . �s to b� rer�flved. U,�.C. 12.].�}3. 16. Fire doors �a staia�way are not �o b� 1�1c�cked o�en t].F.C. 1Q.3�Za. Fi fth F�oar � - ].7. Hvles in th�e fire rated ceiling in the elevator mechan�cal rc�ar� are pr°c�hi L��t�d l�.B,C. 4305. _ �8. 7hr�ads to the rr�a�' manifald are pa�nt�d in v�ol�tian t� u,�.�. 1a, ��z. 19. Campressed �as cyTinders �n the T�quor ra�m are n�ot secured � as per U. F.C. 7�. 1�7. 20. Acc�ss to the electricaZ p�rrel is abstruct�d in the liquar s��arage roorn in vialation of 11.F.C. �1.404� 21. The cTothes dryer is not vented as per the �kniform Mechanical Cc�de, P��ase 1. U.M.C. g9�13. 2z. All fireplace chirrm eys shaTl be cican�d as p�r U.�.C. 11.407. Four��t �10��- �3. 7elephan� conduit in the maid's closet �s nat fir� s�v�p�d as per lf.a.�, 4�Q5. T��i rd F1 oc�r �4. T�l�phane ct����ui t �n the m�,i�`s cl oset i s ���t �i re sto�pe� as per '�.Q.C, 4345. 25. A�tomatic doar rel�ase betw�en Fhase �n� �nci Phase Tti�o d�es nt�t ���nctiQO� as per U.F.C. 1�.302. Ll.�.C. �306. 26. av�r ��tween Pfiase D�� and F�hase Two does n�t e��s� �n v��3 ati o�r� �� u.a.c. ��o�. 27. �pen e�lectr��al o�,tlets �n th� ha�lway �n P}�ase �ne ar� in vi�7ation of the Nati onal �l ectri cal Ca�� ar�� the Ur�i�Fc�rm Fi re �vd� 1�.A��. 28. 7he trash eh�te doQr in �he maid`s cio�et do�� not clase auto- matical3y or s�c�re7y 11.�.�C. 1706. 2�. Th� fir� h�s� in t1�e fir� hnse cabinet at the South exit is no� in �rvp�r cond��iva� U.F.C. 1�J.�0�. Se��r�d F1�c�r 3b. H�les in Fire rat�d wa��s io� th� �naid' s claset in Phase One ar� prohibited a5 per U.Q.C. 4304. 3�. Doar 'between P��ase Qne �r�ci �h�a�e T�ro daes nv� �lvs� U.�.C. �3Q6. " �3per� elec�r�ca1 ►r�ring on �.he emerg�ncy �xit sign is in vialatior� of U.F,G. i1.�D�. 32. O��n eiectrical connectic�r�s in ���� elevatar raom af P#�ase �`wa is in vic�latiar� of I�.E.C. U.F.C. 13.�04. � ��„�{ect[ary rlis �� k�•� f;''�" , ;�,� '+, . ►i��y Y � � �� �� . ���� � ��{i�i �]O X 1 Q {Y r V 8 I N � C d � O f c� f� � 8 1 6 5 7 • 3 d 3 • 4 7 G • 5 6 t 3 Pag� 3 Mark Ynspe�tion I2-�-8� Mezzanine 33. `fh� c�and��ier has an e7ectr�cal short ir� Zt in vioTation of �he Nat�or�al E7 ectri ca� C�de. �1.F.C. 1�.4�4. �4. The chandel�er is nvt structural7y su�ported due tv water damag� fram a 7�a#� z n the pl umbing sys��m and i s i n dar�ger . of fa��irra. '�.�.C. 101. 35. �he partiti�n �n frvnt af t�re personne� office is obstructing a iigh�ecl exit. 11.�.�C. Artiele 12. f . Ma�cl�paint Lounge _ 36. �pen wiring �nd usa�� o� mu]�a�plugs tis prohihited t�y the I�.E.C. and U.F.C. 11.404. �7. Qccupan� Laad Certificate is not posted as p�r �RD. 1�} Series 8Q, 3�. �xits are nat �z�rked U.F.C, Article 12 and Z5. Center Cc�urt 29. �xi� do�rs ar� loc�ed wh�le the busines� is op�r� U.F,C. �2. 40. The fir�place needs cl�aning. U.F,C. �1. 116 41. �xi tti�rays ar� f�i�ci:�d both ir� the d�n��g room arsd the ki�c�i��a by ���les, cha�rs, carts and boxes. U.F.C. 12. 42. O�en ceiling i� pr°nh�bi�ed by U.�,C. �3�5, 43. The trasf� ch�te is not prvperly �rotect�d as per 1J,8.C. 17�6. 44. �`he fire alarm is mask�d �ff with ta�e, U,F.C. �0/3Q�, Ban�u�t Raonm - �hase Two 45. Electrica7 pa�e� �s a�struc�ed in the hal�way. U.F.C. 11.4�4. �mplc�yee �.oung� -- Pha�� Two �6. ��en fire rated c�i]in� in t#�e �aundry chut� r�am is in . violatior� af l�.B.C. 43[}5. 47. The self-closing fir� daor on ��t� trash chute is wired apen. . U.F.C, 10.302. ° ��. 7he launc�ry is missing a p�rtable fire extinguish�r as required • ur���r �!.F,C. 10,3�71. � 49. �ake aap ai� ter the ciothes dryers are inadec��a�e as �vi�enc�d by the doors �o �tte dryer roa� being l�l�acked apen and t�e fac� that the flame goe� Qut 7f the doa�s are� sh�at, U.�y1.C, I903. Garage - Level Qne 5fl. Open c�iling is proh�bi�,ed. U.B.C. 4345. 51. St�ra�� of canr�us�ibt� ma�eria7 is prahibited U.F.C. �11,���. 5?_. Ex�1� 1 i�hts are out. U.F.C. 12. 53. �he li�htir�g �n the garac�e �s inad�c�uat� far hur��n safety. li.F,C. �. 1Q3. li.�3.C. 33. 5�. High piled stc�rag� is �r��ibited. IJ. F.C. Ar�icl+� �1. $ �xpte�#to� dfs . � , ,�.� �"��*�. . . � ._� � , \__ 'j --' _�`,�k� ����i� n � 1� L�� ���� k}DYC 1 b 4 • Y3i � , Ci7 � aCdt� C} 8 1 fi 5 7 • 3 f13 • y 7 B • 5 G 3 3 Page 4 hlark Tnspectivn AZ-3-8� . LoaC�►�g l]o�k . . 55. Ttz� f i re de�artment cannect i on i s i nvperabl e, �1.F.C. 1�1. 302. 5b. Yhe U�1� 1�'1L5 are un�ra�ected frvm h���du� af snc�w an� ic�. �1. F.C. ll.�l�. L�b�y - Phase fln� 57. 5t�arage �n halTways is �roh�t�7ted. l�.F.C. 12. 58. Qpe� elec�rical �viring �n partition cr�ntrols �s �rohib�te�. Y . U.F.C. 11.4Q4. 59. €�c�ck�d �xi t rloors are �r�unds �vr �ss�i�nce of an �rder �f _ Closzng to be iss�reci tt� the entire Mark Resc�rt. U.�.C. 12.2 6�. Tr�sl� i n �i repl aee i s proh�l�i te� un��� Neal th Codes. L!.F.C, 11. 1�5. Ce�ter G�urt I�i�.eiien 61. £x�t door� ar� �i]acked. l},F.C. 1�. � 62, Ex� tway� ar� �bstr��cl��d. U.F.C. �?_. 6�, H�ilps in �Fire ra�.ecf ce�lin�s �re pr�h7bi-�e� by l�.i�,C. 43fl5, �4. Trasi� cf�ut� �s �a� E'C�U1�3�1@d wi th �roper fi re pral:ec�i an devi ces. U, F,C. 1�.�ai. I�.6.C. �,7D6. 6�. (]pen ��i ect�ri�a� �vi ring vn automati c gas shut off va�ve i s }�rohibated. 1�.�.C. 1�.404/ 5i�adows 66, �ccupar�t 7aad certi�'�cate is �o� post��. Ord, 1�J. S�ries 80. �1.F.C. 25.113. � �obby - P�as� �"wo . 67. [?pen v�rti cl e pi pes �n �he eY�vator]e��c�ri ca1 ravm sha�1 �e fire st�pped as per 6J.B.C. 4305. 68. �xi 1: 7 i gitts aa^� �ut at the �ast �xi t U.F.C. 1�.302. Arti cl� 12. � FrQnt ��fi ce. - P�ase �'v��o 69.. �ls�ne �f Muita-�lugs is prahibited by �he f�.E.C. �.F.C. �1-4(�4. Sk� St1vp 7'(}, H�a�es is� �7r� rated c�ilings ar� prvhlbi�ed. 1S.B.C. 430a. 71. Stc�ra�� �f flarnmab�e iiquids ar� r�s�rict�d �v an ��qr�gate �f one ga1�Qn in ski st�o�s and all �,�ammab�� �iquids sha�l be stored in ap�roved c�ntainers. lf.F.C, 79��3. 72. A17 e7ec�ri��1 wirin� sha� ] be in cam���ance wit� fd.E.C. Empi a,ye� Lvung� 73. Qbstruct�ons �n the s�a�rwe�l are pr�Yti��t�d. U.F.C. 12. �a�ect�on d�, ���� a �}w�� � � �I� '�� ^ _'` i��� . ������ �� ���� bax � oo . uail , cn � dr �do sis � � . a � a �� a � s - � s � a Page 5 The f�1ark Ins�pect�an 12-3-�Q . Stor�ar�e Ro�m � G�rage Level One 74. Fl�gh pi led storage i s p�^vhi bi'�ed �n b�t� roams. l7.F,C. 8i. 75_ Accu�nu�a��ans �f ca�busti�Ze mater3�a� is pra�hib�t�d, U.�.C. �.1. Athie�tic Club 76. Op�n cei�ing �n th�e �.hlorin��ar rc��irrz is pro��t�ited. fJ.B.C. 4�a5. l7. Fir� door �l�eked opcn at t�ae sta�rwel3 is �r� vi�slatian c�f �.�.C. Article 23. Art�c�e 12. Alsfl in violativn �f C�ap�er 3� �f U.�.C. 78. �pera ce�i ing ir� the r��assage raom i s pro�i bi t�cf. U,B.C, 43U5, .. �3�utri�al Raatr�/ A1 arm Room 79. �pen e7ectrica7 par��7 . U.�.C. 11.4�4. Btii 1�r f��om 8�. W�odw�rking sh�p �n l�viler raam shail be re�ov�d imanec��ate�y- lJ.�.C. 3. 1�]1. 81. 5tora�e of fl a�rn���b��s �s �rohi bi�ed. U. F.C. 79. 8�. Doars to t}�e boiler room shall be �a�elpd �s p�r U.B.C. 33. �3. Open �lectr�c�l wi�inc� is prohibited. U.F.C. 11.404. 8�. Ho7�s an f�re rat�d walls are prah��ited by EJ.B'.C. 43J5. Maint�nar�ce '�Qam 85. C�i�p�^ess�d f�ammab7 e gasses sha�1 be secured. U.F.C. 7�. 1fl7. 86. St�rage of �1 a�mabl e �i qui ds i s praf�i b�ted r�ear o�en �`1 ame.. ll. F.C. 79. 87, Open electrical w�rin� is �r�hib���d. U.F.C. 1I.40�4, 88. 5�orage of ha�ardt�us ma�eria� wathout a per��t �s }�rohi�i�ed. l!, F.�. 4. 1Q1. � 89. d�71 fZamrt3aY��e liquids sha�l be stc�r�d in appraved con�aine�^s. U.F.C. T9. Garage �evei Two 90. Stor�ge of fi amr��i�i e 1 iqulcis i� i n �xc�ss oi' p�r�ni ssabl e an�ut. � l�,F.C. 79. 9�.. All �lammab�e li�u��s sha�l be stored in appraved c�nta�r�ers. U.F,C, 79. �2. Si.or�g� of c�r��bustit�7� w�s�e �s prohibited, ll.�=.C. 11.2�1. 9�. Hi c�h pi led starac�� i s prohi b�t�d. 1J.�.C. �l. 94. Exi t��aays are abstruct�d. U.F.C. 12. �5. C}p�n e�ectrica1 wiring is pral�ibtited. lJ.�.G. 11.4a4, 96. Door to trash chute i s r�issi r�g. U.F.C, 1t1.30�. 97. Daar tn tr�sl� chut�e r`2 is wired c�pen and fuse � tink is def�a�L�d. tJ.F.G. 1�. 3�2. 9a. �t�ora�e �n �.he e7�ctr�ca� roa��/a�arm r�om i s prahibi t�ed. t�.F.C. 11. 117. . • `� �to�ecti�� ��� � ` t�. �� ��' � � '.,� . �t �ll +�A'� ' . �����li �� ��1� �+� t}bX 1 l7 0 • V�16 � , C � � Di'� C� t} $ 1 G 57 • 3D3 • 4 7 6 • s 6 1 3 �Pag� 6 The Mark Inspect�an 12-3v8� General Vi o�a�.i ar�s 99. Th� �pri nicl�r system i s ir�op�rabl e. ll.F.C. 1�.3�3�. T�O. ��fz� f�re a�arm sys#�er�i is i� vi�latian tif flrdinatic� 1D Ser�i�s �9��J, �1.�.P.A. 7�, �I.F'.P.A. 1Q1, U,F.C. 3, 1d1, ll.F.C. 1d.30]. and is r�jec��ed. 1�1. Gnrridors are nat provid��i wit� sr�ok� �e���tors� as �er N.F.P.�I. 1C11. IOZ. Ail manua] pull st,�t7ar�s are to �e �auF�T� act��n ��y order�nf th� B�ard of ai rectors c�f the Va�1 ��r� Pr�1;Pc�iors D�stri c� b�+ �a ]ater t�tan 2-4-?0. C.R.S. 32-�-337 thru �?--5-34� (1973� 103. �levators do not h�ave return functfa� as requirec� bv U.R.C. 5�. 1C�4. There �s no -Fi re de�ectio� �dev i c� �n th� e7�va�or� equi pment ra�m as r�qui red ur�d�r ll.F`.C. 30.3J1. 1�05. A1 i fi re exti ngui s���rs are �o �e no Z ess tt�an 2 A, 4D SG r�'�ed and �nsta�1 ed �n each fi r�e hose ca�i r�et �s per U.F.+C. �o. �c��� As per aur cor�ver�a��on, we at the Vai� Fire IJepartm�nt are willing to t,tnr� with you, Fiawev�r, a Cert�ficate ��' (lccupar�cy 4�r�11 r�ot �e al l o��red nvr i�su�d t�y the Vai l �i re Prvt�ct�on ni stri ct �anti� t'�� f3 re art arm syste�n work i s we17 ur�der��ay �nd s�abst�nti al �r�gr��s has �een made an the multitu�d� �f v��l�tion. Yau sh�u7�l alsa be advised that as of �anuary 1, 1981, any area of ��e ��iat�k not ir� cor��l��nce vri th th� ci ted vio7 at�t�ns may b� ordere� closed and condemn�d unti� +coi��p�iance is met. This does �nr�t reflect on th� i��arr�o�t Carp�rati�n in s� mu�k� as m�st vf the ahave cit�d vio�a�ians ���r� in existence a� the tas�e of yc�ur � ta€ce�ver c�f th� manage�7�nt. Kai ser �lor�u� w�11 be th� respar�si�1 e party ��t�d i n Cc�urt �un��ti�c�ns` , ' I ar� sur� you wa�ld agr�e that tt�e P�larl� �e�art is in v�r,� ��or� . C4t��1t'I�J�1 from a f�re and 1 �fe sa�ety standpa�nt. � i apprecz��e your coopera�i�n. Sincerely� . , . .� -' -y ���_�:.�^-.... �'-r`r-r-s�����.s�- Capt�in NfiChae� �tCG�e Fire i�larshal� Va�� �ire Prat�eti�n Di�trict f , ' �#Q{ectln,� �� s ��{� r^�t��' � � ^ � , ��-� -����'� , ���11 Q(11 � �� �,1�{�� iJ� ���� 'box 1 ao . v' ail , �[al (] r� dQ 8 t 657 . 303 • a 7 s • s6 t 3 Page 7 '�he �rk Ir�spec't�on 1Z-3T8�1 . � ,�� _._� -c�� ,�'��-�!�-� Steven �attersan 8ui 1 di nc� Irispector . �`awn vfi Vai 1 '�M/c a CC/ Cv71 eer� f.l�a�e �"or�rn C1 eri�i YCOlYi1 of Vai 1 lCaaser M�r•c�s Th� Mark Resort Factc�ry i•lutual . � -� � _ � • a �� � � fl ,I �� l����� ll ��I ` box 1bt� d�p�rim�nt of�amrt7uni#y develapmen# - rail, coloradn $9fi57 � �303y 476•5fi13 Augr�st 14, 197� Mr. Kaiser f���rc�s ahe N�ar[c �atel - U'ai 1 , Col o�ado Re; Special Develapm�nt �istric� " �arlc Fhase II �]ear Kaiser: . . Thi s i s �� confi rrrn a�tr tei ep�or�� conversat�on thi s afternoon. The pl�ns dated March �0, �978 prepar�� by Ruoff & 4�ent��vrth, are ir� c�nfomran�e w�th aI7 provisiar�s of tne Taw� of Vail Zoning Qrd�nance, Special Qevel�p- ment �i stri ct No, . If yo� need �Furth�r infvrma�io�, +�r if anyane has qu�stions, pleas�e conta�ct Jim f�ubi n of the 7awrr o�f Va�1 : Smile, ��PAR M�NT �DF CDNI�UNI�Y Q�VELQ�'M��JT . r A - ► "°'"Lr` � . � D��ana S, i'ac�ghi 1� �vni ng Adr�i n3 s tra�c�r � + . � . � . � i , � ; ; s � f � D�SI�N R�VI�W B��RD . .' DATE U�' MEETYN� : Apri 1 +6,' i 97�3 ^ ' . � 1kdEMBERS PRESEN'T: BI�.L R'�+QFF � L!�U PARKER � - B�LL BISH(]P �f ' RCDN TDDD � ABE SHAPIRd j �UBJECT : T�� �ark Addi tiar� Fi na7 L�T , BLDCK , FiL�NG LionsHead ACTI(]N ri'AKEN B5�' BQARD: ��Di`�C'�,� ��`. �'�'""� SECC�ND�D BY: `°�-;`�'.:^�' ;� VC]TE : FC�ft; `���!F�",�r;� AGA�NST : y � �'�S��-%�J;� ' ' "�5�� , �t���'���-- AB�TEN1'IDN ; �'` . APP'RQV�D : � AISAPP�iClVED ; S�3M�IARY; � � t�"�,�- �,� � . ���,-' c���z��ra�r a� Tx� �ot��� � ���c c�rr�� . �Y _�s. 1 � . ...t ��� _r'�. 1 _' ��k� + �i � �.��� � ���� bax 10� de,pa�'tm�nt af C�ms�unity c�ev�lo�ament vait, colorado $1B�'1 �3p3� 47fi-5�673 ?�Iaxch 15, � 978 1',ir. Kais�r h�Ynrc:us ' Th� I4fark V�,i1 , C�s7lcarada 8I�57 Re : �'ro�c�sed ex�ansiar� Qf the Al�s�rk Dear Ka.iser : T�ii� is ta confirm our tel��hr�nc can�,°cr�:stic�r� t��` ttiis ��r�rr�- ing that the �r�liu�inary �l�.ns for tf7� 23ra�c��;�ci t,i��k e�n:�.E�- sion have bEen ap�r€av�d t�v ttzc� Td�,vn nf V�.aI . The p1.:3n� �s s�.��rnitter� are an acct?rd wit� 5���ia� �l:_��;�I��;n�,�it Di.�tri.ct _�umber � estaTnlishe� by C7rd.ir�ance h�o . 3, S:�-c°i c_� o.f _�.97 r . I� ypu have �tirt,�er questis��is pertainin, t� sat�p�•oE-a1..= �icrc�n by th� Tawn o:C Vazl , p�ease give m� � �:�1 � . S rr�i , , ,� - _�- �` � � .. ...�-� '�`5.���a S . To°a7tiil�. Zo��in� �,ci.-�iaiis�rat�r dst/di � I� is �urthe� �andersEc��d �Y�a�t tt�e aci�iz.tions tQ ti�e exist�ng bui ldin� �r�cate� o� ��o� 7 B1c�el� 1 , Vai7.f Li�n�►ieac� , Tha�z c� F�.�.ing, �.o nat mak� 1:h� existi�g bu�e].din� nnn--confc��minb. > f �j �'"� '��� .�.c���� � � . !]L51Cil"V Mk;Vli':W 1SU�lt{ll I�ATE �?F 14iEETING : Mareh 3C�, . 13�8 . ' . . MEM�3E�.� PRESENT : BIL� �tUO£'T' -- � � � L�U PARKER . - � BILL H�SHaF - xa�r �o�a _. as� sxaP�Ra '. SUB.�ECT: '��� Mark Addit�on (LionsHead) Cancep�c��l LC3'T' , BL(1CI� , FILIN'+G ACTIC�N TAK�N BY �{3ARD: ' MCYTIQN `�r`:i�`� � SE�ONDED SY: ' �r•� r:'F,,.�'� VC?TE : FOR:_ � � A�.�I�dST: _ .� ABSTENTIC3N� �.� ' 1�'-"=."' AFPRC}V�D: �`• (�r`"d`'•�L��i����� . � . I�ISAPPR�VED: SUb'Ci4'fARY : . � , � - � � , �,;" �._ � w i � ,_ ' �+ 1�;.�..r- `� �"� �., ,.r-._ r *,.r:• r -r j '�—�' ;�_�i. ' ry ��rr..�` f°�—,!.';.7 - , �.:, ��,ri�+�'' '�°'yys�_'���� ° ' �'�t � l. 4����'_�r,,,r' �F "�—°I�,f�! - _ � ��r7.�' ���.`-'. u� .!�, l� u: C�IAIR1iAi� t�r T��� �c�a�ar� A�P�zca�v�r � � � � � �, : • � u y i v� � 'n b '.v.+ ' � F= � C 7 di y p 4 A! 17 'G � L A1 y A° y. V • p � N � P C . W N N rtl � � ryl R1 +'� L m >� Y� � �` G� � Q `m � 5�.. � C1 � GJ L •- LI ,S'�] t � C M . a � 'C] C #-f 4a C � ,r .� �,.7 ix�i � d � e-* N C .�.� � V $ F � � y, ai J c�rt �a ^ 'e �� y � c � r' G � , ^i +' � `�- • � jSr LJ � ~ � � }1 J-� � � � � � �� � o � � y� � r � C r+ C Y V � +a Ol � u •--,. [l r. N 91J � y ��. a+ p ^ v �z � '� +� '` "' • A L 9Y � � � �. . . i+ 4- GI y 'p a �' � 'N p Y � �y � G� � � 3 � a"i ^ � L b C! U � � � [] 13 N . � Q y r,a W t] 4, :�+• � � � L 4J y f- Q � O �7 � Y � � N L +-' � � b �''�„ T] SS u � � L CL isf a �Y V � O � � RJ m � 4 i•M1 �9 V L � A V �} � �. ,� ,� .�- S. 31 rtY 4 � 4A � rT �' ' �4 � � W lA i � � i� r +O .--• � 11 . � � � u � m r� � d � C C +� � r y 'C] . �� � [3s G � � �;� .A v f Yq � � �. N '� a r�. Wr �� .A � � � Q � � U� �3 � � � G � y 4 'O E � �] � [�`7 kz O] M � 1, `s F^ � � � N y� "'T W �� °`1 � C! t"S 41 C? +V N 4� � Q1 Gl � S � � � 1.. O U -a# •]C i'` � c+1 .0 N N � � V p � a.�y 0. 4 3 Vl �r� u' u c, n ° ; � �.s � y °' � c: rcr w a' � y � � � V � c w � o,., r�a. e .e i in � �. �'. Q �„ a '� �' >., N ° s 'a"-n "' ,c N �^ O � �y Q � .c- � � T � � L �L1 N � � 7� s^ �'' � +iwh Y , � � C +� r L1 u d �C.' a! N �°�°' '.7 'd n� � � � o b L1 '�Y O nl G . ly.^.. � N C L � � #+ �' c31 U � r C rtl 3- L 'a � � O C �7 •�� .-�- N 's +� P "y Q' '- +i O C N � a .-�- W � C C tn O .!i GF r +F+ � N G � 'µ +a JO S.i O � v �o � � dl i� `,, � � C n 4v � N ++ d1 N C � � aJ C L � � f.. `b Q L y HY A � .1'i� e `-^1' � 91 � L t�] 9 M° � � c- � � ,c v � � R1 w uY aa �Yn s- � �in a z ,�,. t a o Y � a� A r � ,� '� �. �o -.- f+ � "� C e�e � 4 Cl� CJ � �+ � C1 C Q i+ R r 7 � � n5 vl A L CS +/1 � 1 � O �L r� i o rt] •� � �"�� � � r � N � � � � p. L �� �h +a � � Q -L '� b C '�j � r+ � �-w {J 7 FT � '� � G .r� �1! '-`� � � C +-. 4J � a � � ey � � µ� u� ul � 6 S � �� 'U Q � A � � s+ A 4� � � G1 u y � � V � }� � n O � PS C ¢ � � N � N� � 31. N '0 � y � ~ � � Y L � Q � ,.�C r L� 4l S ,O O C A� n n .�'1 . � o � � � � m � � u � � .�' d ,tl '� v�i � � � . � �+' a+ N � �x � � a.+ 7. � ,v � � � N y � 3 � CG c�f 4� j � � E � � a, � G C7 � L, r�o � $ C K 'a � M 3 a L '�; .n a �n s� ' .� m w � `c o u; 'Q'" c � M P o � � � a ,a �w +. o. q °a „ � c�\3 � � 4 y ' 4 ni Ci rn •a � C � V r H � �- y�j W � G L 44 � `a � � N ++ V '' � a ` � ° .r.., o w `-' �- y c`i ai v �s , ci � +� L N i r % ""'�. r� .9 V � m � is 3 1�' 4 � � � � 3 r�° � � o a � �'a � � •c •�a � fy N 61 � +� �' � T� C C O o ��11 � 71 D c � M F N s�- +' L n ,.as io " r � c �d 't7 x a� � •�- ^ u .+ ` .-- •._ � ° b � .. � � � 2�] O N 'O E � S � r N � Y N ,� y m x � w � s u � � i.�r, �- vs ca � u z°. +.{"� ro °u �€a c�tl,. •° L ,b ° v c ni +°g v o 'n �r o� +a u +.r +e .� e.-� c m su a r v� s� c� - -� a a°s c+ ' �a v r ra � o-�i ,`a Y V 'C3 � N � N � m � L. C L ^4 -"- e- T] � N tv� T +� � '4] C 49 }� Q 1- rtl N �C W � � 'n - ' �y � 4r �ci 4 ^� � � C*+ � o � C N � � � � Y � s� � .� � w a-' � c i7. '+^ � T 'a '� � d a.+ w r 'a F y .� rn � .�n � M C 9/ 3 O a � r 0. � T� G ' � a+ c cr. � m a � °� r+ � s. � w n ui �al � � w �.. a •- � w � V c n� - s. cn � � - ru .n v c m � w � +� v ei � � v� •- � } � ��3 q rv SQ.7 L �N `^ � o � � 49 M +-�' ,� df ,C •� N N � � E Y � v i..� ln nn +i 'r3 C7 '� a..�� ��n a a+ cn 7^ L a ev a U N c � +� v u �, '� e ar e�� t � t a t7 � p o � a V .n n ar g r-N. w � ¢ .�o �+ � � r. � a+ py N V� � 1p7 � � J � ~ �. Y S. in � J ry � O M � 7F C � L ¢� L C� • w aY Z7 � iP- tc L �F W Of 0. V- � Q o � al s L+ C 3 :c i+ ...+ s. � 5 y �x � � � u �"-r Q C �y p � F+ N a O N uh 'C Cn � u�Ni C.Y ~ �� N � 91 � pl 4� C C N P� � � f'�+ E7 W s� ar w- A L �� � C d L Cs. u • a� i .� �v � � 4. r � � C '6 � 9�! +� C 1- O t.'. O 41 G � � +� S.. 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L G,5 '� C O W +�+ C a C '*+ •- aF i+ ?[ ++ ie S3 �, rtl h- �.n� w $ .e. � N � T � E w. � ro. ^ � .. • u a-� +a y 0�. 4 �9� Y- O VI � N U +^ 'O O ~' •i ' O C � pf.� vF •1'y li n. L U W �° E O�i � � � E �V�1 � W S � Ca �6 ]} 4 9i L ? vr ''' � ^ m a�� 1w� z3 � 3� � `y 1'3 G � u1 6 C �- � m OI � � � c/ N iT C U �. LD 4�'� 3i F- 9i "Fy' - � 4� 0! t N O L . d � � O tlY vY r � s?4 L � ��/1 S,p �r- i-+ r+ 1 �f- N C aa � M3 C. T7 C.l 3t C �d � 3 U! � �O �1 rO rtl o a.M V � S ST ^ 'CY �U C Si '� u +L L G �l W i1 c a7 c � cr a � ur . v ca. .» �n 4 v� *+ � row � a�'i %� � a � cQ � s°'u Y d a�3 .� � M�+ L M °l7 G! a 11! '� L L L �tl ' �l q a! Q1 �O ..Y � i? � a� o � cd o � a a� cn �v �v n i � ❑ N � &1 N 4/1 N � M N 4T � O Ci � 4 N O '� l: N t �1 17 �+ dl 41 C v i V � �-+ e o w �s�+ v�i s � vr �n � a .� `� M u N N� N 4!1 � a� N O y F .�- T q�. " C C 4i 9! .0 U1 C �d N W E1 'c aa a ef� � ...� a-� }c w �r �° Y � cr �' a� ` c��".*e c a L1v, a w +N w r w � '- � �4 N w l N d N � �hA 3! � C�-. 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'C7 � p O . � � i, r.. f� O � ,�. � � � �'�U .k .'r•e i� vt � c4 C � � � U � :.� .:.� �.t' V Ek fl. O ��,/� � ci I.� f y C1a��+y 3 � � L.' � CSS � y � � � 'C3 i' C f1 � '�G "C11 4+ SS rr ,,, I � y s'� d � F l7 � y,.�.ii : �5.� � 'L7 C L � d �'L3 '��r'' '�` � {v "�� � �'` ;�_. �, � � � a� �.� ^ �-� �° i �' � `.�,..►'�i � � � a v "'�,3 � ..�,�.r. °:� a �` � � � �; �;�� � � � � � £ �j � � �. ; �� � 9 �� �.�; � � � +� � rn � � � 'v p � n c � w .,, ,�} �* E � � d x a, `� � � � o�� �.y � p � 1U m C] -c g� ,. } a �y.s � � C7� c.+ 4' "+] 'L7 r'� ��� O ,q 'L6 " ¢ � 4 ra` p� � � w � m � � cya � ��� � � e � � 7r � b v 1 � � p so r� a � � �'.�q `�na � =.i •+' � � �- � � :: �'j] � 'd y C !3 � � � ,� � C � � `�+ �} q'' `� � � " N Q a � �' D �� � � .� O �CL w p ti,/ti ��v 'G,�� m Jj �� � ' � � a. � a � � � °�' d * (� � j G c o,.: �s�.�� � o •� i � � �`�y � � o E'� �` � Q'� �� � G � � � �' IY � � j qy ° .�3 ,�y '� � 'O �ry�' ��y �c� m.�C �� .� � C � C7 J4 5�.a � � a+ �. � 'I.;�� [.].�^ .� U :: �� Q �'"' � Q� ,4'„ c� �V �n � ..� � � � • kA '� �. O � � .w ..�.r CL V t3. I� ��.0 � �i '� 'O�i� � U Q � IF1. � � .� � �'� � � � � I r ° > ' � _ CY � N � � � �p E3 \� � � � O , �} A �►1 � � � a q � Q � F . � �� � �•, � �� �Q � � . , � �` � ��`* � � � � � � � ,� � � � ° �� � � � "� ,� � ' �� � � � � 4 � � � , � �� ; � � . � a a � � � � � � u . `� �� � 4 � � w p� � �1 � � �� � � ,. , ,. �. .�. . . ... , . . , _ , _ M• e , �� , . . . _.. _ .. .. � ....,,.. _ : ..... ... _ . ,,.�tv�' . ..;, � ,:.,., . . f • dist�ibu��g c���a��� �., �.�sz To Whc�m IC May Gonc�rri: W� Y�e�� �ca cert ify that �he �nater�.al thaC has bcen su��liec3 fvz' the �1��°k Marriot�. Hotel in V�iJ. i�s �n faG[ material tt�at h�s b��°n appresved by S'f[3 ax�� sa�isf��s all res�uiremen�s ca�.led for i�. the sp�cifs.cat.�.an�, - Althou�h, our manufacturer, �TCJ, do�s nat r��uix`� us tit7 ma�'k our sp�cifica�ipn board, our loca). �up�lier �af �his ho3r� has iri�or•r�,a�a.csn Uc�t urider t�� t�eadin�; inclicaz'a.n� �h�,t th�ir prc�ciuct� w�ll l��^ mar'kecl, Tt��re�n�e, i� Chis �p�Cex' gttara�rs��e3.ng tpza[ w� ha�re su�plied th� i��cessaz°y s}�ecif�catS_oz-� is ri�t s�.tf�zci�n�, we will �?er�c�nal7� send a r�p.r_esei7r._�tzv� to rna.�'k ea�:h p;�Ckage. Haurev�x^, r�st assured tl�a� al]. prnducts pravic�ed Cor the ��rrifltt �roject are the hi�hest quality. Thi� pr�,���t has been p�rzodically inspected by crur a�fi�e an�1, �Q d2t�, meet�; ��_1 �'�'� req�irnmen�.s. Sincere�Y� • r f3i17 Let;�i�; �'1'4��dE�'f'E1�N ��P P.�. Eox 1692 �le�a�i, C�o�orr�a BDIS� (3Q3J?6.l-?53S �� e � `\,., � ', ,`, ' .� 11 ►�1 . ���11 � ��� bax '�(f4 �iepartment af cammunity d�v�loRment r�il,ct�lor�da 87 B57 43�31 476-5613 l�ovemb�r �4, 1978 Kaiser M�orcus Mar� Ho�e1 Box 34Q V'ail, Co7,orad� 8I�i5'T Dear �aiser. In ��viewing �uilding �ermits �or I97�, it has been noticed that �wel�re (��) firep��.ces are �o be included Zn '�he hSark Phase �I . Unfortunately, Sp�cxal DeveJ.apmen't D�.st�r�.ct 7 , Secti�n 18.51.C19Q, lzmits fa�replaces to �w� addi.ti�nal firepZac�� fvr the entire prc�ject. There �s n� c3istinctivn '��tween gas �ireplaces and woc�d burning �ire�la�es. A1so , no fireplaces are permitted in accozn�odatian �r dwell�ng units. Th�s �ec'�i,an c�f the 5pecial T3evel�pmez�t Distr�,ct 7 must be enfarced. It may be p�s�ibZe to have false fireplaces as 1Qn� a� they �r�: d�si�ned to b� physica.Zly impossible tc� �ver burn wood in these firep�aces. �nless sc�me sp�ecial. d�s�.gn is �ubmitted to the Department of Commun�.ty Dev�logmen� , the Special Develcapment T7istrict ? , 5ection X�.5�.D90 stands with twa firepZaces for the pr�,ject. We have �cc�nf�rr�d with yc�ur arehitec� , Bi�.l Run��, anc€ he is ful�y awar� af th� problem. If yc�u have any qu+estions , pleas� G�11 m� at �7�-56I3 E�tension 213. �mile, F - A�len Gerstenberg�r Diarect+�ar AGId� �er�neth �. 'IJ'U'�r�tvv�r#h ��A P.C7. 8�+x 2140 Vail, ColQrado 81658 �3D3) �49-�39c ,lanttas'y 2b, }984 �ir, Ma�k Pt�tadl e DeGette, Arn�on, Krevz 2�i0 C�etrai t St. _.. _z_ -_- " b�nWer Co. 8fl246 _ � ;; /`R�: �arr i ott'S Ma rk f,est�rC, �'h�se I ! Add i�ion �� f (now kr��own as h�arriott'S M�r�C �'��s��-�-�_ � ��_ Dear �1�rk: The referen�ed project �� bas icaT 1y cor��p6et� and reacfy for a E��al Cert i f�cate .of A�c.upancy. The Vai 1 �i re Department wi 9 1 �ae making an inspectic�n �or 'th i s purpose on LJednesd�y, Februa�y 1 , l9$�. To the best o� my l�nc�wledge, t�e Structural , I�rchitectvra7 , Me�ha�aic,�l , and Eiectrrcal pnrtions t�f th� project were constru�cted ta acceptable inc��ustry standards and in gen�r�l , compliance crrith plans ar�d specificat6ans. Ir� addition to m^yself betnc� an the jr�h site an a rec�ular ��sis, and yaur own m�nthly inspectinns, th� following cvm�panies or e�gencies were in+�t�lved in Canstr-uction Q�serv�tican, ar Testing: � CQncrete T�esting Chen � Asso�'sates Struct�rai Ste�l I�spectican Co}orad� Test Center, lr�c, �Vechanical � Ele�trica3 [J�servation Abeyta Engineering Cansultants Final Electri�al Inspectir�n Tow� of Vai1 , Ja�+uary 19�3 Te�nporary Cert i f i cate o�F (?�cupancy {entir� buildine�} Town of V�'rl , .June 1g�3 ! f I may be af f+�rther assisCarrce, please �ontact me. f�enneth S, �'entt�ar�h, Alll Carl A. Worthingttrn �artnership �f cc: P. Harris/G.E. Johnsvn Con�tructidn • C.R. Wvrthington Partnership �t.P. C�oney, A!A S, P�tt�r^svnlTc�wn of V�i 1 r � �. �• �� DeG�TTE _ '� ARMON ( KAEUZ " ARCHl�"ECTClRE � � AtVQ PLANNINC�TC+ ��4�t� r L � � February l, 1984 ,� Mr. St�ve Pa�tezsan City +�f Vai.] Building Dept. 75 Sv. Frvntage Rc�ad Vail, CO 81657 D�ar Mr. �a�terson, In nur phane cor�v�rsation this marming w�e �ascussed if the "City af V�a� did indeed reguire Tetters from the Archit.ect anc3 his cpns��.ting Engineer stating tha� t�e project k��d b�en comp�.�ted c�CCGYI'�.1I3C� tc� p�-ans and Spe�ifica�.�Ql�s� and also if �he drawings had b�en stamped by the Archi�ect. Ya�, state�i �o me that �o the }aest af yc�ur kr�owledge, based an s�at�rnents frorn. the A�cha,teGt, Iien Wentwarth, that the plans were �onstruct�d in accc�rdance w��h plans drawn b�r the Ar�hit�c� and his consul�ing Engin�ers. Y�+u alsc� inf�rm�d me that tc� the best of your kr�awledg� �he dzawings have been st�mped by the �r�hitect. The drawings we viewed i�n June 1983 at the �ui.lding depar�.ment were nc�t stamped. As per our agreement with the Lender we will pra�ide them with the aboc�� infar�ation. Th�nk yc�u for your time. Si�cer�ly. ��� � a' �� Ma�k Pot�dle F3eGe�te Armon T�reuz Ltd. MP;pet ccs Elsi� Sann�ss, �olumbia 5avings and Lcaan Ken Wen�warth, C�.rJ� A. Worthing�r�n Partnership RICHARD L. DeGETTE AfA RC38EF�1'A. ARYrAON AIA KEVIN E. KREUZ AIA 28[]aE7RC117 ST. DENVER.C4 Bi12t76 3t73-399-b28b BOX 1230 EAC,L�,C4!g1631 3tl3-3P$-234fl 6iEPLY 70 DENVER I�JSPE�TIC?N REC�UEST ''`;' TL7WN OF VAI� 6' , % ,; � �A�� �` � � �� ,�QB 6�A�� � � .� CALL�Fd �.�. --� ------, R�,A�3Y FC3R iPJSPEGTIC7tV: MOiV ;�`f�U'E5.1' WEQ THUR �RI �`��4M ,'I P�111 t��.- _s�> Lf�CATIC]N: Bt1I�QIM�G: PLUMB[�IG: ❑ �OCJTINGS/ STEEL Cl U�"�iQERGRC)UNC} ❑ Ft7UfVLATI{3N / �TEEL � R(]UGf-1 / �.W.U. , ❑ �RAMING � ROUGH / WATER C1 �NSULA710N ❑ C�AS P4PfNG / ''sH��-r��ac�c ra,�i�. '��� ,. o �c�o�� �. ru� �_. � - o _ � ❑ _ �.�. ❑ FINAI. CI F13+�1A�. _ EL�CTRICAL: MECHAIVICAL= Cl TEMP'. �OVY�R � F�EA71d+lG � �i1�UCH Q EXHAUST HC}l'7D5 � Ct3h]DLJfT Ci SUPPLY AIR L]' Q _�_—..�.�___. I� F�'N1�L Q FlNAL CI APPRO►JED ❑ DISAPPR+DVEQ I� i�E�'IVSPE�T90N REOUI#�ED CCaRRECTIC3hJS: DATE ' w. IPlSF'L�C7C}3� IM prinkrp Nprl > : ; , . , �, ,:. ,.. _ . � , � � IN�PE�TI�N REQI�IE�T �rawN o� vAi� DATE � �� `���` JOB NAM� CA�LER REA[�Y FC}R INSPECTl�N: MQN �'IJES �E THL1F� FRI - A� PM LUCATiC}N: �F BIJILDING: �LUMBING: � F"�dl"�TINGS ! STEEL ❑ Uh�10ERGROUN� __.�r � FUUN[�ATIC�N A STEEL 0 F��7UGH / D.VW.V. FRAMCNG CI F�C3U+�'aH 1 WAT�R _ � � I(VSUCATIOh1 � �AS PiPih�G __. ❑ SHEETRC]CK NAIL ❑ PDC7L I H. TUB C1 � , � FINAL � Cl FINAL ELECTFIfCA,L: �AIl�CHANMCAL; I� 7EIvIP. POW�Ft ❑ HEATIN� Q F�CrUGH � EXHAIJST HdC7�3S O CC)Nd4J1T 0 �UPP�.Y AIR 0 O ' C] FIIVRL _ � FINA� C7 APPRQV€Q C] aISAPPFiC+VED �I REINSP�C7{C�N REC�UIF{EC7 GORRECI'1QNS: �Cr'� ��� t.� ��0�.1 u c�1 r7�;� G �' ��� ,�� � ��`,-- ?,� �di �r� �''�� -�,�, _ �, �]A7E 11�1SPECTOR p11 Pfl[19FnJIV0.H II��PECTI[)� I�EQUEST - � . y�, ._ - �ouv�v t�� va���. � _._ � _ i]ATE �`-,� -� I�J ' �'� '� JOB NAME �'"-`%`-1.� ��'`��.�'�,�.,� _ .i . . CI�LLER °',�'���'.r.I �..r��'�� ..._� READY F�3� INSPECTI�QI�: M�7N �ti TU�S�'� W�� THUR �F�I AM PM -__,�,- LI�CATIUhl: �`' ' ;g�,�',�� BU��.DiNG: PLUMBING: Q FC�C?TiNGS I STEEL ❑ UM1117ERG��LlNC3 C] FC3UNDATIQN ! STE�L. � ROUGH / C}.W.V. ❑ FRAIvIlNG ❑ RC]I,.iGM 1 WAT`E� ._._ 0 IIVSULATls�N � GA5 �IPINCa _ � �HEET�C7�K NAIL G7 PC)�L 1 H. TUB ❑ � ' C3 FINAL ❑ F1NAL _ E�ECTR�CAL: MECHANICAL. CV TEIIAP. PC�WEFt ❑ HEATI�1� - - �"��C7lJGH Q EXHA�UST HC3{7�� � C�C7NDUIT Ct SUPPLY AIR C� I7 � FINAL Q F1hJAL __�__ -�3.'APPRf)VEd F , ��:�.-�.; � �3iSAPPRC�VED C3 �{EfP�JSPECTIQ�J REC�UlREI] CORREG`ffG1NS; .-' f , r r _ .. , ,. ::� - . u �, _... ` �.: � 'i ,�� s_. e` _ . ._ ,�, __ ,, , _ ,� � - � -- _ . �. _ _ _� v�'. . _ , '�� � ,� ,,: � f ' ,� ����r .�,�,r: � � ';'�'v - `: QATE .:; _ � ' �. II^JSP�GTt3R �;��; ��,.;' � .� r' ,,, -�:,. .. � - r.����7� �.. / " m.w�„r�d.e�i INS�'ECTIC)hl R�G�IJES�` TC)WN (JF VAIL � ❑A'f E ��" l.�7 J Q E3 N A M� -�" .---�z� . CALLER �,� ���� --- - - READY �'OR IhISP�CTIC7N: MG�V l`IJES � THl1R FRI .�� PM LOGATiC}N: ___ _._ ._.___- - BUILDING: PLUMBlNG: fl FC]OTINGS 1 STEEL ❑ UhJdER�GRC�I�Nf_] ❑ F�Uh#DATIC7N 1 STEEL ��._ -�_�_� [] R�UGH 1 D.W.V. 0 FFi,AMING _-.. ❑ RC+UC;H / VVAT�R Cl fNSULATIC7�J ❑ �A� �'IP1�G ❑ SH�ETR4CK NAIL ❑ F'C3DL I H. TUB p �-_ L7 E] FIt�IAL C] �'fNAL � ELEC��iIGAL: M�CHAF�ICAL: �1 T�MP. P01111�R ---.._..___. C1 HEATING � R(�U+GH � E�HAIJS�f HClt�DS ❑ C�NI�I�JIT ❑ SUPPLY' AIR D �._ ❑ -___ �.. ---... _.�._.: _ ❑ F{NAL -- - __�_._�.-- C.� FINA,L ❑ APPRC�VEC� aVE❑ E'C] R�6-T1�N REQUfRE�7 CURFi��TiC?NS: .�_.�. � � � � �' r /� �" "� � a'�r�_�r,�-Cs�. •� . !.! •. . _ �� � r . �,� . � � �. � . ., � . y� ��.-.-..� _ _ _ _- � . � r� -�.� � -�,..� .,�� � � - DAl"E � INSP�CT�R the pNn:�ery:va,i f �.. J_'`.�'?�-� '"-� -k�G!"✓'���f�- � f�._ _ < ,p°-� ~ � � I�VSP�CTI�]�t REQUEST __, , r, T(]WN C7F VAI�. ' .l ' , ,; f `� 1 ' "°' ' • DATE �� �,��'�;r��'� _ Jd8 NAM� ��`�� ,�. / ,,�`-(. /��, _.._�, ,+ CALLER :'�'A` � - REAQY FQ�f� (NSPEGTRC�N: MC]N �`�IES WEb � YTMUR,,' FRI _ _ _. . AM PM � - � � LC3GATIQN: - _ ' ;'' ;, ;. . �U�LD�NC: PLUMBING: �J �C70TIf�JGS / ST�EL O UNf�EFiCFiQUND � ❑ FQUI�pp,Tlt�h} / STEEL . _ _ ❑ ROUGH ! D.W.V. CJ FRA�III�JG ❑ RflUCH I WATER � INSULATIC3f+t O �GaS PIPI�JG �..._ ___ _. ❑ SH�ETRC7CK NAPL el PQC�� I H. TUB ❑ __W. - � --- _ - - _ -- - O �INAL _ - � FWAL _ _ �_�_--_ _' �_�. _ _ ELECTR��AL: MECHANlCAL: I� TEMP, P�1NER C] HEA�"1NG .�—__ -- ------ Q RC3UGH _, _ CI EXHRUST HGC?[]5 � CC�I�DUIT � SIJP�'l�Y AIFi ❑ �.�_._ _ _... D r - .� : �-_ _ `�1 F1NAL ..____ ❑ FI�IAL � APPRtJVED C] D15APPROVE�l Q F�EINSPECTIC}P+J Ft�QIJIREi7 CUR�ECT�C]N�- _ .�.�.--- - - - �' ��� a_w :'s n �— �� b - _ _ _.. `, . '� -- -- '� e DATE �_ __' � ., t- ,, , 164SF'��T{�R •� ''�°'� -_� �_ �� �� - t � tM kNn4nry�v�d � IN�RECT1t�N REQU�ST TC7WN �F VAlL � _.:, _ � - _„ � . DATE : ', - ' , J�B NAME - T. ._� ,... . „ ,, ,r..�:� CALLE'� �_.�,�,,,�,,� �. � � i._, F_ - REAQY �UR INSPECTIC�N: MUN TUES '� WED THUR FRI ...� AM PM� , - :_ - � � �. LC�G,4TID1"J� . , . , _ _ . , , , ,. .._ _, , _ �;,� � , . . .�_ , �. _ , , .._ , , �_ , : , , _.. � - - BUI�.[]lhlG: PLUMBlNG: � FC]��C}Ylf'JGS I STEE� _ _ __ _�. � 11t+#Q�RGRrJUIV� 0 FC)UNL3AT10�11 ST�EL Q FiOUGH I �1.W.V. � FFIFIMIEVG �_ CJ RC]UGH 1 WAT�R _ _ ❑ f�JSULATlt7N Q GAS P9PINt� �_ C7 �HEETROCK NAIC, C7 PUC7L I H. TUE3 Q _ -- - � - _ _. _...a�_ __ ._. -- . ❑ FINAL _ �._. ❑ FINAL �. �LECTRlCAL: IIA�GHANICAI_: �1 TEMP. PC]1NER - - __ _. Cl HEATING ❑ R�U�GM � ❑ EXNAUST HC?Q�5 __ _ _._ . � GQhJl�l11T � StJPPLY AiR ❑ _ _- � _ .._ ❑ FINAL _ f� FI�JAL Q APP�CJVED � C�ISAPPRC3V�D ❑ REII`�SP�CTI�N REQlJ3REl7 CQFtREGT10NS: _ �. . � � ... ` i -. ,4 , ._ . ( , \ DAT� '" � INSI�EGTC7R --' : -� � ' __ ° _ � _ . . ` . . , rr 4;*rh�,.r.�.:� 4'J"'�-c - I!w Grinfsrt,�'va.d INS�'E�CT�+�N FiE�4�E�T T(.7V1lN �F VAlL. � DATE JCB NAIVIE _r__ ' ��• x C�ALLER REA�Y FC]�i INSP�CTIUN: MQfW TUES W�q THUR FRI AM PM LC��ATIC7N; --- ..�_. _._ --_._ BLfE�C31NG: PLIJfMBINi',a: Q F+pC]TIN�GS / STEEL ______ l7 U�JDERGRC)LJND C] F�UN[�ATIQN 1 �TEEI. ❑ RC)��H 1 Q.W.V. ' ❑ FRAMI'NG � RC�L3GH / WATEFi p INSULAT�ON O GAS F'fF'If�#G . __....�,___._. _-- �7 SHEETI�C�GK NAIL ❑ PC�OL I H� TUS ❑ _ G] - - -_ __ ___� �7 �INAL - �T._.__ O F1�JAL _ E�E!CTRICAL: N1�CHAMIGAL; C� ��IIIIP_ P"�lWER _�_ _ ❑ t-d�ATING i7 �DUGH Q �XHI�UST H�C7L�S ��_ _.,T-_. ❑ �UNUUIT __ ❑ SUPPLY RIR ❑ _ _ ❑ __ _ C! F�NA�. _ � FINAL C] APPRf�VER Cl C7ISAPPR+�VEi7 ❑ R�If'JSP�CTiC3N RE4�JIREQ �G�?RRECTIUNS: _ . QAT� _ I�JSF'�CT�R __._ _� ..---_ - }twgrint ry�rsi4 r ._ � � -� :--�-- - - , �.��.�4..� ' �'-`'- ` �� ` �. INSP�CT1+�1� RE[�U�ST �� Tow�rv +�� v�ai� , C]ATE JO� NAM� �t',_t� ��: ._ _ �,_' �..�_ . r . . r CALLE#� R�A�Y F�R IAISPEGTICIN: MCIrI TUES tNE[� TF-!UR FRI --- _ AM PM L4GATCC}N: __ � �IJ�L[]ING: PLLINAB�N�G; ❑ FC3C]TINGS I STEEL CI UMQERGF3[]IJN�] _— e_��_—_ � FCIUNDATI(7N / STE�L �_____._..._.._.. ❑ RC3UG�1 I D.W.V. ❑ FFiAMIN� � R�UGH i WATER �] INSULAT1�3�1 ❑ GA�S PI�ING --.-- ❑ SFi��TI�QCK €'�IAIL 0 PC]�L 1 H. TUB ❑ _ _ � _.__�__ �.a--- _ _n ❑ FINAL __�.._ C� FINAL __-- --- __ ELECTRICAL: MEGHAfVECAL; ❑ T�N�P. Pt7WER __ __ � H�ATCNG C] l�iJUGH �.. C� E7(HP�UST i�4CJDS `._ ❑ C�NDUIT I�1 SU�R�Y A1�t ❑ _ - -- � C] FiNAL _ � FINAL _—_.�__.. fl APPRQVED ❑ DISAPPRC3VE� ❑ REINSPECTIQI� F#EQUIREC3 GC}RRECTiDNS: ; ; � � �_ �AT� i , s - � INSPEGTC)R ''���. s �---.�._.�� �y --�- t!a prinrty:vaiY il'`VSPE�TI[3hJ REQUEST T(�WN C�F VAIL, , � DATE f1 '''s r'' '�`' ��� ''�''r�``�'f'� . " ' - . / /���� � ' JC�B NAME , . � < ��. � CALLER ,`�;, ,"'-� _ _ READY FOR lNSPECT1c7l�i: MCJN TU�S WED THL1�i F�i! ' AM fM L�CATIDN: . _ _. _ _ ��11LDING: PI.UMgIN�: ❑ FC701'1NGS / STEEL . ❑ L�NC3�CRGRQ�JNa _. L� FC�UNDATiC]N 1 5`�EEL _ � RQUG�1 I C1.W.V. � O FRANIING �--- � ROUGH 1 WAT�R �_ _ __._— � Ihf5�L9l.ATC(7N _ CJ GAS PIP�h1G _. _ _ ❑ �HE�TRC}CK NAiL C] F�C3L/ H. TUB �. ❑ _ _ _ � --� L7r �INA� . ''�"- ,,�� ' __. C] FINA� --- E�.ECTF�ICAL_ MECHAAiICAL: Q TENlP. PQINER �-__. _ Q H�ATING _�..�_- _.- O R{7UG1-I p EXHAUST NOC1D� - _..� k� GQ1�1�7UIT _ ❑ SiJP#�LY AIFi C� — . ❑ Q FINAL _ �. _ ❑ FfP+iAL __ _ _ _ __ _ _ I Q APPFiC)VEQ `. . O �ISAF�i��iC3V�D ❑ RE#iVSPEC�IDN R�C�UIi�'�D CflR�SECTIC7�+3S: :_- --- _ . � __ � ' L''L_ j' �' I`- p i�' 1 '� c•�' _ _ . . _ / f� . � . i . � . �fr ..., , • /."J' ' ��,' P . �. . .v. °% -- , ' � . �� _� � . -��,:. � _._' .°_ �. fi .. ! l y� , . C" . rr�:,,' '� _ r..: /j� i - ��7 rr_/,'° ! ./ �+' _ '� ,l%F' — /` __� f f � . _ . . r' - - ` " �' ' ^ s'�' J-J t ,".` .;' �'a, � ",n�, f , f rY' , _ _ � , - •-- �' � ; .' .• .. _._ (_ _� �. - : . . f ! . ;._ �, . P ` '� , � ;, , ,: , _ �. . -, � • ,� s ._ r:-� �*- =', .��* �.. , ,, ,. . f, , , r' - r�' _ r� G;, r _> ..,.._ . r , , .� • . . .. . ,iT '"J� ._—•-: �' ._ -- , -�- . . ,! ' - - �_; r ,�', .._.�..�'/r � � ,, _ , .,.- r,k•!i �,?` _ f i�yr r � ���.. r % � � -� - -- - � - .� , - — • .�. , ' /< - -• .. r �=�.« - a .. .__._�i-'��?. .l � ' �.� . . ._ _-�;—.. a .;.. r; ...'�: . _. i� " : �,.r'°1� _ . ._..— _ . __.. _" 7 _........_ ' fi .� - � /' �;. _..v_...� C?ATE ���_.'-� � �'� ",_ ��r—_ _ INSPECTC�R __=--. �� �_ ���`9 ,� IAs p�trvlery-r�ll � �IVSP�CTI�7N F�E�UES� T�C3WN C?F VAIL � � ' � [�ATE ` �--`' `� _— JOB I�AME . CALLER ' FiE,P,DY �OR INSPECTIC}!V: MC7N TUES WEd THUR FRI AM PM LC3CA'1'IC7N: ' � __ �uttaMn�+�: ��unn�r��: � FClC3'�IM1JGS / ST�EL �1 UNDERGRC]U�JD 0 FOU�JUATiQN f ST�EL �1 RdIJCH 1 d.W.V. C7 FRAMINC� ❑ F�UU�H / WATER � iNStJI.ATIC�N _.._ ---- ❑ GAS PIF'II�G � SNEETRC3�K hIAIL ❑ P�C1L/ H. TU8 � - ._ -_.__ _. � _.. _- � FINAL. C] Flf'3AL � ELECTRlCAL: M�GHANICAL. 0 �iEMP. PQWER O HEATING C] FiC7lJCH _ ----- - ❑ EXHAlJST H�C:�C]S 0 C�NQU9T 0 SUPF�LY ,�IR ❑ _ _ [� p �INAL - ❑ FI�JAL fJ APPROIIEQ ❑ I�ISAPPR{�VED Cl REI�ISPECTi�N REQI.)1REp CQRRECTICJN�: - - , � ;�..._ ,, �,, < DAT� _ � . . i -..�_ INSPECTCIF? _�_a____ _ �.�_, ' Ihs prin�.rry:v7kY -� INSPE�TI+�hI ��C�IJEST TOWN QF VAIL • DA'C� - J�B NAM� � CALLER FtEAC]Y FUFt #NSPECTfC]!V. NICJN T'UES W�O� 7HUFi FRI AM PM LC7CATIC7N: ---_..-.... BUI�DIMG: PLUMBIN�: ❑ FC7t7TINGS / S�EEL t7 UNC�ERGRC7UNE] C7 FC7iJNC7�I,TII�N / STE�L � � RC7UGH I D.W.V. C� �RAMfIVG __ ❑ R��JGH 1 INAT�R _- 0 IP,ISULAT1C7hJ ---_. O GAS PIP�NG O S�IEETRDGK �AIL � PQc7�. 1 Ei, 7UB T C1 - ___�_ i� _ -....__ - - ❑ FINAL _ �i F1NAL _.._..�_. _ ---- EL�CTRICAL: MECHAI�IiCAL: ❑ TEtvIF'. POWER L3 HEI�TIC�G _ _ ..�-.--.__ 0 �UUGH ❑ �XHAL�ST NOO�S C7 CGN�]lJlT � SUF�PLY AIR p ❑ C7 FINAL 0 �INAi. ❑ APP�?�V�D ❑ iJISRP'�RQIIE� C7 REIINSPECTlflN R��IJIRED ��1�RECTIC)NS: — � - — �. � ,��.e,�'.�..�__�_ �AT� _ 1NSP�CTCIR . - ¢, � Ita pn�ntery�.a�.i � IIVSPECi'10� REL�UEST ,__ , � �rc�wn� �� vai� � DATE '� Ji�B NAME � . �CALLEI� � READY �'flR IN�PE�TI�N: MO� TUES W�C7 THUR FRf AM PM L[)CATl+CI#'V' BI,IILDING: PLUMgING: I� FQ�TINGS 1 ST���. _ ❑ UN��R��3C�L1N� --.._- C.� F�l.1NDATlOh�i 1 57��� C] RC�I�GH ! D_W.V. .�. C7 F�AMItVG � R�7�GN I WATER � INSULAT�Dt�i -- O GAS F'IPINt� _-._ � SHEET�OCK NAI� Cl P�7C}L f H. TUB Q 0 C� FINAL _ ..,_...---_--.-- �7 �INAL __. __ ELEC7'RICAL: AAEGHANICAI,: 0 T�MP. �'�WER -T--_ �1 HEATI�IG ..�.._-..- ❑ F�C�UGH a EXHAUST NflC�[3S � - , r",; ❑ C�I"JDU��' ° � - -- - _-.�- Q SUPPLY Aif� � ., d... � , j _. . � i.-.,.'� s ' ❑ � ��Npl�.. ' ' ,I ❑ ���t�l� p APPFiQ11EQ [� bISAPPRC3VE[3 � 3�E11'�SP�GTIC3N REQUIRE❑ CQRRECTIONS: .. • �� �ATE !r:.-:, .. `, -, .. f, - INSPEGT�R _._..��;.� , . _. r�'_ _' -----__ - -"�--_ . \ rne nr�na.y:«a�i IN�PECTIC�N RE+�UEST f d ,:. TUWN +�F IIAI� ` � e�� ❑A�'� v.�;�. .�GB P+dAME — �,; ; � , � � . . , y � C�ALL�R �' � � REA�Y FQR Ih�SPE�CTIOI�J: hAC?N 'TU�S WED-, -�HUR . FRl h"R `" t AM '�M �...,=r' °' L�JGATIUN: �_� _. �_�; � ' � -. _._... - �._� - BU1LQkNiG: PLtJM�31NG: CI FC�UTINGS 1 S�`EEL G7 UNL3ER(aRC.�UN[1 _ ❑ FCJUNDAT'I�JN I ST�E� —...___ ❑ FiQU�H / D.W.V. ❑ FRAMING � ... ❑ RQUGH 1 WAT�R D 6�ISU�A,TIt�N ❑ �AS �IPIhlG CI Sl-IE�T9�(�CK NAiL �.� ❑ F��L / H. �"Ug _ � _ ❑ _ _ �— Ll FIMAL _.....� Cl FINAI� __._ ' �LECT#i I CAL: MI ECHANa�AL: � 3EMP. 'POWER --� Q HEATIiVG ❑' ROUGF-G ❑ EXHAUST HOU[]S C� C�N�IJIT 0 SIJPPLY AIR __.�._ �CI __.m ❑ � C7 FINAL __ . ❑ �INAL E7 A#�PRt711ED ❑ DISAPF'RC7VED ❑ RE�NSP��TE[7N REQUIR�[3 C�RRECTI�NS: � _ , r . .,-, aAT� --- INSPEGTC7R . , �;� � ._.- ... . . . Iheprtni.ry�ena I'�'�I�P�ECTI�N RE[�UEST TC�WN t7F VAI� Q AT� J C)S N A M� .��.c�� -.� .�'�,�'{~�`t _ CAL�ER REA�Y FCJR [iti]SP�CTf�hJ: MC]N TU�S W�D THUR FRI �.�-A�v1 PM LC3CATIC7N: ____ - _ -' BUILDING: PLUMBtNG: ❑ FDC)TII�GS I STE�L 0 UhIDEFiGROUM1�C� ❑ FC7UNGATIC7N 1 �TE�L - - ❑ F�C3tJGH 1 D.W.V. � FRAMIhJG � RGUGH 1 WAT�R � lNSULATf�.7N ❑ GAS PiPING I� SHEETRGCK fefA1L ❑ PC)QL J H. �UB _ p _M_ -- ❑ �--...._ -_- . __ _ _ C� FINAL � FINAL �_— ELEC7RICA�.: MECHAN�CAL: C� TEI'+AP. P�W�R _.. ❑ HEATING ❑ RCaUGH �L] EXF�AUST Ht�QClS 0 GONDl11T ia SUPPLY AI€i __ ._. � - � . i� F I!VA L 0 F I�V,�1L ----:. �. 6� APPRdIlEQ � QiSAPf'R!C�VEQ C] REINSPEG`�IQN REC�UIf��D C{7RRECTiC7N�. , � ._�n.. - — -- `=' - - - '`"A - - ' dlaT� ` INSP�C7{)R '= - . � �- � � _�__ _ _ _ _ ��.,�k�,.., � � � . � � __. _- '" _""/'� -��� �,�.a+ c_ .i�'. - - - �_y ; -_ �- r _ `Cr� �'!°'-'��'� �.�I 5��G T I C�N R,E Q U E�T m � T�J�'VN C)F VAIL � '� . ��,, _Y ' 1` L7A7E J�8 I'�iAME " '� , � � �� � � �ALLER _ �� � �� r . _. Y�^-.... R�A[3Y FC7R �NSF'ECTfQN: MC3N TUES WEC} THUR ; FRi - � 1��l1 1��+1 L{3CAT{pN: — — _ . BUI�UING: PLUM�itNG. ❑ FCJUTINGS / STEEL — C7 UND�F�GRdfJNQ _. ❑ Ft7UNaA�IC7N I STE�EL _._-----. f� R�UGH l C�.W.V. a ���,nnirv� a �c�u�� r wa�r�� - - - L7 1h�SlJLA7iC?N _ Q GAS �I�'ING --...__._.— p SE-1E�TRC]CK �lA1L CI P(�CJL / H. TUB _ ` � - ----- fl ._ _ C7 �IN�IL _ _ ❑ �INAL . ._ ELECTRICA�: MECHANlCAL: ❑ TEA�lP. €'C7WER ___ CI HEATING D RQUGH .��z �-'���r- =---- ❑ EXHAUST HC}ClDS C7 CC1NDlJIT � SU�'PLY AIR _..-- �. D �-__. �i � FINl1L _ _ ___ C� FIfiJAL C"J A�'PFi(7WE� CI �ESAP�'Rt�VED � REINSP�CTI�N REC.��,.lIRED CC}R�R�C7ED�1S: � , _ � j` . _ �� � � � .�' " f ; i __._ _T _.....� 1 _ _.� � x. ` . __-- --- ------- --� � - � l - ._ ' f:;,' . - _-' __, __. � QAT� -- _. ` --- . INSPECTC�R ,, . �_����-e�.�-�--y__-�-,�?..� . —�-�---•� .: . . _. `�4's"'� '� f ... ' .� i_:'�-.. � - Ik�prinMrry,rrin *�,.. �'`'J _..f: .�:, 4 . 1�JSP�CTIC3�'�I REQUEST y f � T�7W�1 Q� VAIL • , _ _ .,�..�-f � . a��� . � t a�`� �oe �va,nn� ,���, �';�,.� _ ,-�,�'�.�, c,,� ''� -r�,�� , � _ ' - , GALLER �-`a . ._ . READY FOR If`iSPECTI+CJI'�J� Mt�fV ' TL�ES WED TH�1R F�il �� `,_ __ AM pM � . __ L(�CATI[1N: .,, _ -- x.. _. . BUILDIIVG: F+LUM8IMG> fl FOOTiI'�i�� / 5T€EL � UNC?ERGR�CJUhla q F[7UNDATICJN I ST�EL � RC?UGH I D.W,11. � �FiAMlP+iG _ _ �' �it7U�H 1 WAT�R ❑ IN�ULATIC)N m._-- ____ _.__. Q GAS PfPIIWG ❑ SFiEETRCICK �JAfL � PO��1 H. TUB a _._. __ __ ❑ _ —- ---. L7 F6NAL _._ -- ❑ FINAL --- - - -- �LE�Ci'RICAL. M�CHANICAL: � TEMP. PQW��i � HEATING ���flL�GH �,7_, -'; �`�.��I � 0 EXHAUST HUC7�� Cl C(]NDLJIT ❑ SU�'P�1' AIR 0 _ _ CJ - C] F1NAL ❑ F(NAL CI APPRQVED fl C}fSAPPRC7VED ❑ RE1frISPECTll71�3 REQUIRE�7 Ct�R�3ECTIOPVS' . _ ' :t <�Y�+ .5[fj,",�..'� ;;f. •�p{��'r r "���. !.. . � -!�'�=C°`-'— __ "..... -"-`--�•� f 4+i! *� - . . � �r"��..� fl �q� >-*� r�6.m'.' �„��°� ��� � �.._.� ` _.._._ � .'--- _. — . _.._._ . ._ , . ...—. _. . /• ;' l: DAl`E - ,� ,�,. t_s I�S�E�TC)R � ' ,,"Z_ -� � F 11u prlR4iiyrJrnii � , � � I � � � iNSPECTIC�hJ R�QIJEST fiOWVN C?F VAIL � d,+t#"f"E � ` �.. �J�B 11�I�I M E � � ^ -a` o �"'�_� �'_ . CA�LLER —_:. �':!%� ... , READY FaR INSPEC�T'1�h3: M'C7N TUES W�� TI-iUR " IFR! _� AM r PM LGCATICJhI: -- ` -- _.� .. _ BUILDING: Pi.UMBINC�: ❑ FUCJTIhI�S I S��EL 0 LlhiaE'RG€�OlJNf� _ � �GlJN�7ATI�N 1 Sl'EEL C7 RC;3UGH I C�,VW.V. _ � FRAMihIG _._�_ ❑ RJUGhf 1 WAT�Fi � Ii�iSULATI(]N ,_. � GA,S PSPING CI �HEETRCaCt{ NAIL ❑ Pf7C7L f H. TUB . _- -___ r= . � u- . ❑ . � , � ,' r � � � - ❑ FiNAL LC FihJAL a. - ELEGT�i1CAL: MECHANICAL: ❑ TEMP. PC7W�F� ❑ HEAT�NG Ci RC�UGH l�l E7CFiAUST HC3C�DS ❑ CC7NC}4.MIT ❑ Sl.1PPLY Al�i _—. 'p __... ❑ ❑ FINAL CI �4hf�L L� AF'P�iC)VE� C] DISAP�'R�]VED i� REaNSP�CTI[7N �i�QUkRE� ��R�EC�IQNS: DA�'E �..� INS�'ECT�3f� _--- ' �__...— � ���N�,.,,,,,,�� � � INSP"E�7IC]N F�EQ�lEST �awr� o� �fAfL _ � . LJ�I^I I G � . .� - +J�O tYA4Y1� , . - a-.,f+.it^� �.5 _ � t .`i;�. �r��. ' �� : ��'i ' . .__ J' .. . . f . . . , . ' i a: �. . CALLER ; .;'�a , �._ , READY Ft�R 1NSPECfif47�1: MQN �UES WED 4�fHU9� ' FRI �M ; PM LC]GATI()�J: � �UfLDI!►I�G: PLUM�II�iG: � 'F�DClTIN�GS / STE�L 17 IJNC?E�iGRf.�UND _ _ C7 FULJhIDA`�14JiV / STEEL __ ❑ RC�IJGH / D.W.V. Q FRAM(N{G C3 ROUGH 1 WA��Fi � 1NSkJL�ITI�N _. ._.. � GAS F'I�"1NG ❑ SHE�TRCJCK hIAIL CI PdC)L f 3-i. TUB p ❑ __ C} FlI�JAL �._- �_ ❑ FINAL _ _ �LE�C�RICAL: MECHANICAL: CC TEMP. 'POW�R .....__ __.._. ❑ HEATIf'dC _ Q� RQIJGFi _ _ � ❑ EXHAl.1ST HQ�7D� ❑ C�NC]UIT ❑ SIJPPLY A!R _ _ � ❑ ❑ FINAL _ _ _ C] F1NAL � AFPROVE[] ❑ DISAPP�OVEQ I7 REIh�SPE�TlQN REQLlIRE❑ C�RRECTIOI�fS: . .. -- -.- - - — - -- • , _ � . f QAT'E �'V� �' - ' INSPECT�R -�:-'� .� -;-. - -' -� . _'_-, tM prlhNHy�va�R INSPE+CT�Q�I RE�U��T TUWN 0� VAIL " �� �� . a _, _ . . . []AT E �� "'`� 1 �_- J Q B N A M� r .�' 'f l �'+� �`--�t 1•�r���.�:�Er'�t CALL�R � . x�c � t`_.��' � ?r+ �?�- L r J,—._>.., R�AbY �QR INS�EC71C7N: �VION , TU�S W�� ?'T�� FRI '�AM ` PM LUCATION: ---- _ � - �UILD�NG: FLUMBING: ❑ FQOTINGS / STEEL GI UNDE�tGRC3lJNQ ____. _ � FC?UNQATIC7N I STEEL ��_ I� �QUGH / D.►N.V. C] FRAMING ❑ €�CIUC�H / W,�`f�R _ ❑ 1NSUL.A�`1Q�J Q GA5 PIPING ❑ �I-�EETRC}CK N,F�IL ._.....___ _ ❑ PC]GL / H. TU8 - p _- � C] �I NAL _ �I �I#'JA L _ . .__ : _._..»..�� _. ELECTR ICAL: MECHAN ICAL.; ❑ r�MP. F'f7WER �1 HEATIfVG _ _w-. _.__ C] Fi�UGF-I �_ a�� ! �4 °' Y �:,r� _.�_ ❑ EXHA�75T �IQC)aS ❑ �GQNDUIT CJ 5Uf'1'�Y Al�i ❑ ___ .____._ _._. Ci _ _ _ __ _... S� FfNAL ____._. —._. C� �'iIVAL !� APPR(�VE� C� �15APP��V�D 0 Ft�INSP�CTIC7N RE(�UIRE� CG7RREGT1C3�1S: �° ,. _. , - DATE ___, .., _ . INSPEC�"tJf� �;-� .- � ... . _ . me prmtrr r�wsi r INSPE�T�C�N REQIJE�� TC]Wf� C�F VAIL � o�,t� ' �' .�a� rvann� _ �''---��'.' � �; �� _ �, _ i �.� � � . � , , , C,P�LLER '�'�!'^�rr�'�' ,. !�`�, (. _'� '.�.,� �� '.,� R'EAQY FOFi lNSPECTIqN: MC7N 7UES �+JE[7 THUR �'R� �M FM �.00RTIDI'�{: :�,�' ,, , . _., , _ , - -_ BiJILD4NGs P1.UMBIN�G: ❑ F[?DTINC�� / STEEL ❑ UI'JD�RGRQUNC7 ❑ �OUNf�A71C7hJ 1 ST�EL C� I�qIJGH 1 [].'W.V. _ _ C] FFiAMING _--..�_._ !�9 R'{�IJGH f INATEFi ❑ IhJSUI�ATIC4M ----- I� �GAS PI�'1�9G _ — ❑ SHEET�QCK M1�A�L C3 �'C)C7L / H. 1'U� _ � _. --- � --- ❑ FI�'�lAf.. O FINAL _.__. EL�CTR�CAL: MECI-IANICAL: � T�MP. #'OW�R ❑ HEAT�NG _--.-- _ 17 RI�UGH � ' ❑ EXHAUS� HaC�C35 p �pNpU1� ___.._ __ C] SUPPLY AIR p _ C] ❑ FINAL _ ❑ FINAL [� APPROWEC7 � �?iSAPPRQVEd ❑ REfNSF��CTtQN REQUiREd �CC7RR�GTIC)N�: ' _�' .- .- ' �,: �. �- ,� �� . f `_ - , . __ . � : ,� - y. .� .,f,.� ; „�.:--� - r% tJ �' . x �'� _ . �...� , � __ I -_, -, � � DAT'E r�"` _ , , _- II��F'�CTUf� ,. � - - -� � . �hr pnnlrry�vad r irus��c��c�n� ��t�u�s-r TC}WN C�F VAILf C7ATE ` ��[3 fVAM� � � '`� �-= �. � �,_.'` � r;`,;,,; , CALLER '' '' �- _-� �� " � �'"- .-�. R�A[]Y FC]R 1N�PECTIOf4: IVIC�N TI.�ES� W�q TFiUR FFdI �Aiv�; PM LC7C�,TIC7Cwl� _... Bi[.JILCIING: PLU1111�tNG: � FC��TIN�"aS I STE�L __. __ _._..� Ct UI�JC?�F{Gf�UUN�7 � FDUNDATIC}N f ST��L Q RDUGH I a.W.V. ❑ FRAMING � R�UGW 1 WAT�R _ _ - ❑ 1NSL?LATI(7hJ �i CAS PIPfNG ___� _ I� SH�ETRC7CK NAIL t77 PO�L / H_ TUg ❑ _ _ _ __ ❑ __ _ --.._ _�-�_�__ __.s��._— __.,. C7 FINAL _ __ _— � �I�JA� _ - _ _ _ _ _ EL�C7"f�l�AL: i'I�+V'E�FIANICAL: L7 TEMP. �'C7WER --- ❑ HEATIi�G � t��UGH � '- C7 �XHAUST Ht�C�DS _ ❑ CCI�VDUIT � SUPPLY AIR C� _ � ❑ �INAL _ L7 F#NAL ____ _ _. _w.�— � APP�iC3V�D C7 DlSA�P�tC3VEL� �1 RElI�SP��TIDN R�QL11FiEt.7 �C7�3RECTIC)NS: _.._._ . � , _. . - - �. �AT� _._' INSPE�TfJR - me w�h.r�Yan i �r�s���,-��a� ��QU�s-� T�WN QF 1fAIL D,�TE ' - JOB NI'aME .�..� � '_' � _ z�_o�,� _�',� ;_ � �'..,'1 k �F�LLER _�__ , �i� A � ,� , , - _ .- - -� READY FC�R 1NS�'ECTfC7N: MCrN � TEJES WE[] THUR FRI AN! �• PM LOCATIC�N: ---- BUIL[)YMG: PLUMBING: Ci F�OTINGS / STE�L __._--....�. ❑ l.?NdERGRC1Ui'VD 0 FUUNDATIC7N / STEEL ❑ RaUGH / �7.W.�J`. C7 FRAMING ❑ F3t]L1GH 1 WATER 0 l€�SLJLATIt�N Q GAS PIF'ING ------ ___. _ � SMEETFi�]CK �JAIL ❑ POC�L I H. TUB [� _ ❑ ��._z_.,__ _ 0 FIIVAL Cl FINAL -_ �LEC�itf�CAL: MECHAFJI+GA4.: � TEMP. Pf]W�R C! HEATIIVG I� FTOUGH i '" , . - - - ' -'-•`�-�' �7 EXHAlJS7 HDi�RS Cl CONDLJIT Cf S'U�'PLY AIR � � ❑ F I N A� _... C] Fi�J AL �.�_�.._._ ,__... . _.,_�.� 0 APPl�l7VEC� Cl �fSAPPRQVE❑ ❑ REIIVSPE�CT�C�N RE£�LJIRECI CJRRECTfONS: __ DATE , __ . INSPECTC�f� . , '. � �.�,� . , , . ,r _; � �'Pf17�Ysy�rpA INSPEGT�Q�N �EQUEST Taw�v a� v�a�� � DATE _ JOB NAME � _-�._...� GALLER - R�A�Y FOR INSPECTI��J: MUN TIJ�S 1N�C] THUR FR! AM F'M i�OGATIQN: _ BUILQIhIG: P�.UMBlNG; CI FC70TING5 1 STE�L _ __ ❑ UND�RG€�OUN�7 CI FC3UNDATIUN 1 ST�EL _ _..,. t� RCktlGH 0 Ct.W.lf. _- - a FRAMING _. . C4 ROU�H / WATE�i _ _ C! INSU�.ATIC�EV __ � �`aAS F"IPChlC -.- _ C� SH�ET'R�CK h1A3L ❑ PUQL 1 H. TU8 ` �i —._ _ _ ❑ � _�__. L7 �I I�IA� C4 FI NA� __------ � �LE�TRICAL: MECHANICAL: � TEMP. PC7WER Cl HEATINC -_- � �#C�UGH C7 EXF�AUST F�c]OC�S _.. ❑ �C7NDIJIT ❑ SUPPLY AiR .� p ___ ❑ _..._ Q FlNAL -,_ C7 FIN�AL �3 APPRC7VEQ CI D15A�'F'RC7VEL7 � REII�SPECTIC7N REQU9f�E[7 Cf7REiECTI[7NS: _ _ � � , _ - - _ �A�E Ih�SP�CTI"�R � . ,�,_ r.,_ 19n prl��pry�v8a� INS�ECT�rJhJ REQUEST TC�WI�_-QF VAI� , . DATE �"`�;�?'�f' f` JOB N�N9� �!�'`� � CALLEF? R�ADY FC3R 1NSPECTIC�N; MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM P}V1 LQCATI�N- BIJIL[)ING: PLI.aIIABING: �1 FOL7TlAIGS I STEEL _ �J iLJ�JDERGRQUND � F'OUN�ATIdN 1 STEEL _ ❑ RCU+GH ! D,W.V". Q F�AM3NG ❑ RQ�1GH 1 1NATER Q iNSULFITf�N __ _ �. C! GAS PfPII�G _ � SH�E�R£7CK 1VAIL �� � R{]OL J H. TUB ❑ � — _ - _ C] FINAL __. _. ❑ FfNAL ELECTfi ICAL: MECHANICAL. � T�MP. PC]WER _. ❑ H�ATIN� C] RO�1GH ❑ E7CHAU5T HC7C7C]5 C� CONDLtIT ❑ Sl.1pPL,Y AlR ❑ _ � _ C7 � FINAL _ C7 ��NAL . - — - - , !� APPRfJVEC1 O C►I�APPRpV�L� ❑ R�INSPEG`f'IflN REQUIR�l7 ,� ,. , , -: ; r �C]RFi�C�CC7Prf5: ' �` � '�; , '_ � , . . , ,. , .. ., ,. , ._� , Y_ , _ , � ,�.._, . � . �� � ,_. ! . ;_ � . , � n� ; . , � .. _; �. � ,_ ;. � , . , �� : ___ ,_1, w _ " i• a, �i"',.7 � �-!�'-�.�'� �� '-.-°� �E /,£' -.._ _��.� e �.f�} 1'.� �L+. ! � i' °.�[� �� ,�� � S1�� _r u l,i L,f� — # Y�- +,� I'.���J` i � ` ��� t �.: ...... ' : i '; ,. � f_� � � ,: DAT� �•s INSP�CTC}R �:% ` ; . � � shrr DrLn1.rY:vaii � iNSP'E+�TIC)IV �EQI�ES`T , .. TQWf� O� VAIL ,, . '�_.a"' �/'�� �, , .. . • . DATE tr"�' - � ' -.._-..._� .Jd6 ftil�'1ME , '' , L ��.� -°' r:�°..,�-�. . ., F��� -_ _ CALLER � �'�` ��� `-�1 i F:...y Fi�AC7Y FO� INS�'�GTfC7N: M(]N TUES WEI] � THUR ��� AM ��PM - - '��� , ___ - L�7CA7"I�CJ: - - : � _ . _ ` BUML[?IN�: P�UM�ING: „ _ ❑ F�i[]TINGS / ST�EI� � U�ID�RGROUN[3 - �. � FfltJN�ATI�N f STEEL �_�.._..—. ,J�"�RC74JGH ! D.W.V . � ��"�'`' .�-. ��. ;`'- � FRAMING G� RC7UGF-{ 1 WATER .-'. �'`���'•� ��"h��,�)�,�;, .�-- ❑ INSULAT[�N Q GAS �IPlNG C� SH��TRdCK NAIL 0 PUDL J H. TUB ' ❑ ❑ - - I� FINAL ❑ FIh1AL _._. _�, ELErGTR l CQL: N!ECl-iAN ICAL: CI TEMP. P�OW�R ❑ FiEATING 0 RC]UCN C7 EXHAUST HQODS _ ❑ G�NC]UIT ❑ SUPPLY AIR _ C] O __.._.. ❑ �INAL _, ❑ FIFt1L1l. �.. . �1 APPRCIVEQ Ci DiSAPPR�VEC7 Cl REINSP�C71(JN R�C]UIREI� c����cT�a�vs: �a�r� +'"fi -m ; _�.� f � �r�sP���ra� ',�`.�' �" �''�� .��_ _-,,,r IM yri�eptty:vaul 1�ISPECTIi�N RE�UEST" TC}'W�t QF �IAIL o�r� - ,�oa r�ann� _ CAL�ER — - READY FC?R IhJSPE�TfLf'�: MC]N TU�S WEf] TH�� FRI —..�_ AM PM L.C�CATICJI'J: _ - __.._, __. BLIILQ�NG: PLUMB�AIG: C] F�7C)TINGS / �TEEL � Uf�[}E�t��i�7UNL7 ❑ �L UN�IATIQi�J / STE�1. � RC)U�H I �.W.V. CI �RAMING __.._� Q RC7UGH 1 WAl"ER _ Q 1N�ULATIC�N _...... � GAS PIPlNCa __. ____ Q SHEETk�C)�K NAIL CI P�[�L I H. `�UB p __�._. _.�_ — � __ _ __ ...�_ [� FI�IAL ._ _ Cl FINAL __ _ __ � __ EL�CTRI�A�: M€CFiANICaL, � T�Mf'. RC�WER _ ❑ HEATIM1IG _._ .� a R(7UGH _— � ��HAUS�` HC?t7DS 0 �QNaUIT _.—._ C] SUPP�Y AIR Q _ CJ . i� FINAL _ C] FINAL �7 APPR�3VEC7 �7 D�SaPPR[]VE� � REt�IS#��CTIC7i�4 RECdIJIRE[7 CC�FiFi�CTIONS: _ _ _- _ _ __- .___ . DATE � __ —__ IRISFEGT(�Fi _.� SM pflP�YSy�+�&H II'+I�PECTiUN RE+C�►U�ST" TC}WfU UF VAIL . bATE JQ8 NAME ` CA�LER , '__4.-f,� - • : , b;', � _ f �� FR1��, AM PM R�ADY FOR IIVSPECTI�N: N!(�N . ?l.G��'' W�Q THUR l.C7CATI�N: � BUILQlNG_ PLUM�[N{G: C] FC}OTIN�S 1 S�EE� ❑ UNDERG�iQUI�D !� FDU�JDATI�N 1 ST��L ❑ FiQUG� J U.W.V. ❑ F�tAMING . CI RC?UCaH / INAI ER L] IhJSU�ATII'�I�E � GAS PIPIf�G Ll SHEETRaCK NAIL ❑ �'t]OL f H. TUB ❑ D " C7 FINAL � FkhJAL �LE�T�I�CAL: M�CH,�N�CAi.: C� TEMP. F'(J1NER Cl �iEATING Q RC}UGH - T=- ❑ EX�-IAUS7 HC)�C7S _ C] C�}NDI.JIT _._ _..._ � SUPP�Y APR p f� ❑ �'INAL Cl FINAL Cp APPRt�VE� ❑ dISAF'PROV�D ❑ REINSPE�TION FtEQiLJIREC7 � " �_ . : .- _ .: , r �' ^ f:: - . , ., , . , ��..._ . .. , _ . - -- _ - , a;_ .. �AT� 'm�=� . _. INSPEC�C7R ' .� �� . ,.. . - - < < . _ rfra prsmrr�r:+a�+ , I�SP��TIC]� REC�UEST Towr� a� v,�i� r�. ,�. [�AT� - J�CJB NAME —�� - � •1�q, p.."�`�r , '- _: � CALLER `�; . _.__ �: � G,;� r� L. __ . �'9 . � REAI�Y �{7R INS€'EC71(�N: MUN TI.JES WED THUR '� FRI � AIV1 PM LC�CAI"lON: 8t7EL[?IIVG: PLUMBIN�G: C7 �OC}TINGS / STEEL ❑ UCVCI�RGRt�UNd �.__._.,�.. C] F(]U�lIJA71�N / S�EEL __ L� RC�UGH I p.IN.V. �Y� - Q FRAHIIING ❑ RC�UGH I WAT'��i —___..-.__ 0 iNSIJLATIC3hJ' Cl GAS �IPIN�'a ❑ Sh#EETRt7CK NAIL 0 f'�OL 1 H. TUB ' O - 0 ❑ FIN,AI. ❑ �FII�AI. �. � _ _ �LECTi'�I CAL: M ECHAN ICAL: ' ❑ TEMF, PQWER _ I� H�ATfhJG --- Cl R'OU�C'aH � �EXW�IUST HO�DS _ C] CON�UIT Q SUPPLY AIR ❑ �--- — � ._.��W �7 FiNAL — _ C7 FINA� -- - C7 AP�'F�OVED C�' DlSAPPR(�UE€� Q R�1M5PECT1 J�J Ft�C�t,�IREL7 �CD�FIECTIQNS; ---__. .____----- __....,_ , DATE ' , , . _ €NSPECTCJR _ � �; � "' Ini Grante�X=.��i � t�t� t �.� �'� ��-a:�� ��� � �._ �[VSPE�C��C�iV REQUEST T�QINIV UF VAIL � DAT€ JC]B iUAME _ _... �. GALLEF� FiEADY '�C7R INSPE�CTICJ�J: Iv1{7N TUES WEb THtJA FRI _�_.. AiUI f�M �C3CATIC?�3: � _ BU�I.D�NG: PLUMBIN�: � �C3G�Tfl'J'G a 1 ST�EL 0 UNdER.i'.��dC�UN[7 --- ❑ FQ1.11�IDATIQN / STE�L _.__ I� I�C7UGH I D.IN.V, C7 FRANtilNG CI R(JUGH / WA�ER - �1 IhJSLILAT3C�N � GAS PIF'fNG _._ ❑ SHEETRCICK i'�AI�. Cl PU�L I H. �UB _ ___ - Cl -- _ � _ �.- - O F#NAL _.... 0 F9NAL _ - " EL�CTRICAL: N4EGHANICAL: ❑ TEMI'. P�W�R �l HEATING 'G Rt]UGH � EXHAUST H4flQS _-v ❑ CC]hJdUIT _ 0 SLJPPLY AIR __ _ p �.. CI 0 Fil'JAL .- ❑ �INAL —_ _�_ C] AP#'RUVE[] C� �3SAPPR�C}V�a C! R�kNSP��TIQfV �E�UIREf� C(�R'RECTfOh15: �� C]A,TE 4�JSP�CTC3R I€r prinMrg,�rA+� � � t.,P.C.IC t� �-� 1 1'�+° � �� � � �� ���PECTIC�►hl REQ�EST' TQWN C7F VA1L . �A"f'� � JC1B h3AME —_ �.� ' . CALLER ` - � REA�Y FC7R IAMSPECT�dN: MOhJ TUES WED THLJR F�I AM PM LC�GATIC�N: BUiLDING: PLUMIB�f+J�,: ❑ F(]C?TINGS 1 S7�EL ❑ UND�RGROUND ❑ �dUNDATIOf�+1 1 STE�L C] f�(�UGH I D.W.V. ❑ FRAMING C7 RQUGH 1 WATER � INSl11,�AT1[7f�J . __._ CJ GA� PIF�1fVG Q SHE�TR(]CI{ NAIL Q POC7L 1 H. TkJ6 —.___ � L - ❑ FINAL ❑ FIlVAL EL�CTRI�AL: hNECHAMICAL: 0 T�MP. �'OWER —...... t7 HEFITING C3'"��UGH C] EXHALJST i-�QC�DS � GC�Nl7L1�T _ O SU�'F'LY AfR ❑ ❑ 0 FiNAL __-._ _ . ❑ F1'NAL . _.. I� A�'f'RUVE1] C7 DISAF'PFtC]W�� ❑ f�EII�S�'EG�`I�N FiEQUIRED CC?�R�C"t"1'�NS: �_.� . � '. ,� , , � ..:t-. .^ , . r . � .. . � � . y � .,, . , , r.., .-�� _ '� 1 , _. _ ' '_ _ , . . .-� �,. - � �AT� � � IIV�PECTCIR ' ` . � me prinMryev�uu �I��PECTI(]�I'►J RE�tJE�T TC3W'�J �F VAI L CATE _ JflB NAME � _.�_.._._..._— CALLEI� READY FDR lf�tSPEGTfC]N: W1f�N `i'U�S WED THUR FFtI A�Ir1 I�M L[7CATION: --- -_ � _ �ur�.Di�+�; ��.unng�rr�: C] FOU�INGS f STEEI. C7 UN!]ERGRL�L#NC� ,- � FC�l1NDA`T'ION r' ST��L � _.-____.._ ...�._ �] RC7lJGH 1 fJ.W.V. ❑ �Rar�i�v� _ � ��u�H � wA�r�R . __ ------�--- ❑ li�1SiJ�.ATIUN C� GAS' PiPING . _— CJ SH�ETRC�CBC NAIL L7 PQC)L 1 H. TUS C� � -- - -- ------ ---____ � FIRIAL Cf �I{rlAl� EL�CTRICAL: MECHANICAL: � TEMP. pCJUVER �I HEATINC ❑ RC7LCGH � EXMAUST H�C�C7S ❑ CCi�VDUlT __— Q SUPPLY A1� �] - ❑ � FINA� -- --- ❑ FINAL .a__. __ p Af�PRC7VEE� � dISAPFRC7VELJ ❑ R�#N�F'�ECTI�N REQUII��a CC)F9RECTf�J�iS: _ �+�''�''�'� _ t ,�s.. _ .�..�.. ._- - 1� __ � � �, ti t ���+�Cc E7�TE f�'�JS€'�CTOR =.- �_-..-.__ __ __- rhr yr7nt4rg���a�: - 1 [NSi�ECTIC3N �EI�UEST TC�WVI�J O F Vi41 L r�ar� �� ' ° � .��� r�Arn� � ,� � , , . . �A L L ER -L�.�v �','�.,�,' ; R�A{]Y FClR INSP�CTIC71�: MC]N 7UES W�D �-�lt�t' t�FRI�` �`' �==' - � �� AM �' �-__ � LOCATIC)N: _. _.._. � ---_ { BLJILC11h1G: PLU�IIBfNG� C� F�QI"13'�JGS / STE�L ❑ L}NCIE�tGR�UND . � FClUNDATI(�hl I STEEL _ �' RQUGI�I I D.W.V. � FRAMING -__ -_ _._� ❑ RC3UGi-1 / WAT�R C� I�'�fSULA,TIC�N � C;AS PIPf#VG - - � SHEETRC�C€t NAIL �.. � � POOL / H. �UB ._._.-- � —.,. _ --4 Cfi , . O FINAL C! �9NAL -� �E�ECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: L7 TEMP. I�{]WER � HEATING __. L7 RQU�'aH _.__ - - _�._ C� �XHAL�ST HC7C�GS C� CUNUUlT � Sf.Jl�PL.Y AIR 0 � �.. ❑ fINAL _._..._.. a-.__- � FINAL C� APPR(JVEC7 C� Q15APPRdV�C7 ❑ REINSPEC�i`IC7fV REQUkRED CDRR�C�"IU�7S: --.- I _..- _.-_ - -�- _: _ � �' � � _.-- . �_. y- , . :.-- � - , . DATE _,� -- '� -- fhJSF'ECTC?A .� , , .� r^-�-��__ � !hr print�rpivaRl � INSPE�7��N REQUEST T�W N �F VA�I L Jry �� � D�[1 � �'��� '� � } � E — - — .J�l}� �}1�IVI� �.i�� 1 L+ 3€ ;-..+ i� .Fi'_`.���L.� � C�'l."�.IV�...-''�� ��. ; ,l�_:� ��_r+' ' y ' ' ` � _ CALLER ' !� . '�_.���_.' � �'._- �-�,; � t REA�Y FC�R INSPEGTI(��1: MQN �UES W�D ,�` TNUR: FFiI "�'� �' _ AM PM � ; ; , _ _.__ � L(]CA71(�CJ_ _ ', ° ., , �. ; BUILDIMG: PLUMF3ING: �l FC)�TINGS / STE�L ---------- -.. C� UNDERGF�OEJND CJ FUUNC?AT�US� 1 S�'EEf� Cl RC)UGH / b.W.V. �.7 FRAMI�JG Q R(7UGH 1 WATE�t � N1+JSUi�ATION � GAS �'IPiiVG _ __ __ ._ _.__----------� C] SHEETR(JClt NAIL � P�lC�L I H. TUS � _ - C] - - ..�.__ _ _. __ __ .-- p F1NAL ❑ FINAL _.. ELEC"TRIGAL: M�CHANJlCAL. ' C� 7�MP. PflWER � HEATI�JG Q� ROUGH _ ; ' � ❑ EXHAUST #-iGtQDS ❑ GL`�N[7UIT ❑ SU'�PLY AIR ❑ _.-�_.__..—._��_� t7 _ Cl FINA�. ❑ F14`�lAL p APPRQIf�p ❑ ❑ISAFPRC3V�E7 � REINSP��C71(�N REC�UIR�C3 CORR�C�f'IC}id�: , . ,,: , - --- °- � . ` _ � �'- ,.,. , - . �,� , , L, . <. - ��� . �: _ ,,� _ _ . �, �, _... , _ C3FwT� --._ __ ENSPEC7i�R �..,- ..:,- � - ��- � _r-.'_—'�._.m�.� ` �i.mprinY�ry xd�i � � ��ISP'ECTia�f REC�UEST T+�w�v o� v�«. . . .. Q��� � �Y � l r�� l� �� ,�os rvann� � ��' r`�.� �- __ �.���; ',� -. , _ �'i�L��f� 'i�_� J �,�:r ; ,��`,t 1' . r R�A�Y F�R INSPECTIfl1�J: M4N TUE� `WED T? THUR._, FRI %�AM` PM LCaCAI'IdN: _. -_ BLIILd�NG: RLUMBING; �1 FD17T11VGS l STE�L �. C],t�NDERGFi�UNa ❑ �+'JI�NdA`f1C7N 1 STEEL —_ - CI Ft�UCH f D.W.V. __ ❑ FRAMING � RdLtGH I WATER ___ _ ..-- � 1NSl.�LA�IC3N .— fl GAS PIPiNG �_ Gl SHEET�QCK NAfI. ❑ PO�L f f°-!. TUB Q Cl — �._. L� �IiVAL _ _ C❑ FfNAL _ ._ ELECTFiiCAL; MECHANICA4.: Q TEMF'. P+OWER _ .. I�1 HEATING C] RC)UGH C] �XHAUST H[�C3C�S � _ ❑ CON[JlJ1T CI SUf'PLY AIR , �,_ -,` p < , " C1 . f� �INAL 0 FINA� _ _- — ,C] AF�PR�QV�d C� aISAPi?Rl7VE� ❑ REINS�'EC71t7N R�QI.tIRED G�RR�C�'[DNS� , _ �. �. �. � ` ✓ "_ .. _ _ .i � „� .a ; �. __ _ . DAT� ��.� `- • `'' -� � _ __J.T.__.._._ INSPEGTOR ,�'� �' � .g = - - �`V� Ifih p�Nntl�'v�u i I ' INSPE�TI+QN REt�UEST , TC31N4'J O� VAIL. - __,,��`�. , , ,, , y. . L7ATE ,� �,��,d� J�8 NAME ' ' !"� ./'°� .� , ,," .. :• ', . ��:� � l"..' � � . ---- e . = .- _� � C AL�.�Ft ;' _- ,.-, ' �./;r'�-��;' � f`e 1 �� - �-- ..�--��.w REA�Y FOR INSP��TIC3N: �' MC7N ,� 1"UES WE� THUR FRI __ �" - -�iM ; PM : � �..f� ' .- ,+ ,-^.��. �:--�' �' .�- . f . LQCATIbN: _ fi : .�._ ' - _ ---- BUiLDING: PLUMBIMG: p �QQTIIVGS I STEEL (� iJl'�DERGF�C?U�VD � ��OUNDATIQf� J ST�EL � ROUGN I [}.W.U, ,��'�RAMIN+C� fl R{�U.C-aH / WATER _.__.._.__.._.._ k_.Y ❑ IfNSULAT#�7N L7 G,+�IS P�PING .._ __ _ _._.._..---- ❑ SHEETFiQCK NAIL ❑ PQQL, f H. TUB ❑ _ C�7 ��- _. _-�� - r _ O FfNAL D FINA€� ELECTR�CA�; ME�CHANICAE.: L1 �"�M�'. PC)W�R ❑ HEA71hIG CI RUUGN � EXMALfS7 F-iQOOS _ ❑ �Cf�NDUIT 0 SUF'PLY AIFt 0 -- — � -- ❑ FI�lAL _ __ � FII�AL ❑ APPROVE[� D DISAPP#�C1VEC] � REPfVSPEG71C7N REQ4.11RED CC�RREGTI(�NS: � . <_ +' �M . .a . . .. _. _ aAT� ��`'_ _ r; v. _ __ INSP�GTC�R " rt�e P rinerry�ra�l � � � � � r , � �..J � � � � �� t I � IN�PECTIUIV REQUEST Tt�WF� QF VA1L" �, -;� � , DRTE s � J�JB NAME '.�' ' f`r �J �'�f'�� f_�`��.� _ �ALLER _ `3 flr��!t�'? ._ ;,' ,r�?'r,:t-� �=--. ---� READY Fr�R IN'SRECTIQ�l: MC�N TUES WE[7 ( TI°!#JR ;� FRf {`� ,,�Ii��" pM � ff' f � L�JCATIC7N; , - r' ��'���;-��-� f c''��_ ' ' - ,.�—*' � � � r �. r.�'i' .�L �r d -+ t. '' �� - �/`�� �%: � ,�,, �' j BUlLOiNG; PLUfVaBiNG: I� FC?�TINGS J STE�L � U4V�E�GROUN� _ ❑ FCIUNC}AT!(7!d 1 STEEL ❑ FtdUGH I D.W.V. ❑ FRAMING _ _ � RQUGH / WATEFt _ _ ❑ Ih€S'�JLATIrJIe� ❑ GAS F'IPING ❑ SHEETRf7CK NAIL ❑ PC70L J H. TEJB _.._. _ C3 —.___ ... .-_..� � Q F I iV A�L -�._. __ '�! F 1�I A L E'�ECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: ❑ 1"EMP. P{)WER , _.__._. _ _..... Cl HEATING ❑ RCIUGW C] E�HAUS'T HQC7D5 ❑ COI�DUI� Q SU€'PLY A�Fi G] �,��' �,., , e ,� ,� ���� .�',;���., CJ - -- _- ' C� -`' _ .,�.._ � �. - . -. -� _<�:.. � -� = : D FIRIAL �{$ , , , Q FINAi.. _ _ __� �7 APPRC�VEd L7 a{SAPPR{�VEQ ❑ F�E1�5PECTIQN REC]U�RE{� CC7RR�GTIOh1S: _—_. _..._� '' _. :; _ . - ❑�r� _ - _ ��s��c-ro� __ Y � ����-.. ' ^....IM;prtnMryivAtl . INSP`ECTIC��V RE�L��ST , �. TC}VV�! OF VAIL ' DATE ��„ ,lOS NAME % i"�c'";�"cv.. :� - . ,y... - _ —�--- . CALLEF� � -..,�-, .:�:� .v--- ���r� _ . ._ �':�; REAQY FG+R INS�'ECT6C]N: MC]N TfJES "WEb �HUR ��il �' � AM� PM _- � - '�...._-.�-� LC7CATt'�f`�#: ... - ---...�»_ L.. BUI�DlNG: P�UIVI81M4�: ❑ F��DTING� / SYEEL ❑ UNDERGROUN� ��"'� �- , � 0 F�lUNC3AT10N f STEEL ,� RC7UGH I D.W.V". � � �`� �; �.- ?- • ' ° C] FRAMIf��t"a I� RQU{GH 1 WATER ❑ INSULATIQI'+� _ .._�_ �f CAS f�IPING _ � SHE�TI�t'�CK NAlL �._.------_— ❑ PQQ� I H. TUB � � ❑ FII'JAL � F�NAL ELECTR�CA'�L: IU�EC�IANI+CAL: CI T�MP. PQ+JI/ER _ G �1EATEN�G � 'ROUC'aH Q EXhiAUST H�C}C3S Ll Cf7NDU1T �__�._. C] �IJP�'LY ,41R � C7 ❑ FlI�AL _ �7 ��NAL ``� APPR(�VED I� �f�APF�RUVE�7 ❑ R�IPJ�'!''IECT�QN REQUI�iED J �� CG�iRECTiG6�1S; - [�AT� � ���:�"�r� �'�� I#�1SPEGTC�R _ t ; ,s�s:,..- a �'�fi � � _ _ � Ih�OrinFry,va.i � _ _ , : ,r—� _ , '���t,.c�',� �:��'.��`�„ c� °�f c�( �N' �.� � � II'VSPEGTI+C�hI REQUEST .� � rowrv a� vAi� � ,�� � ��� . ' ,� ,d �� .� JI�B M1IA�E ¢.: �1 4 �,� �."l, t �! t i`.��' , an�rE -- __ 1._.�LL�fI �� � �..,__�.— �-'�����.P� s� "y�^�'t�f`1'� 4-1 '�,+� Y� �r�J _ ��,, l�EAC3�' FUFt INSPECI�IQN: MC]N T�J�S W�[] �7HUR F�tl � `� ,4M �� P�u+f LC?CA71flN: _ 9llILQING: PLUMBfNG: , -�i_�':'`�`"=�" � � �±��.��.�'a � �� � � ❑ Ft�C)TkN�S I ST�EL _ i��.-CJNDERGRQUItiRD �'=����i f . _ . � : ❑ FClL)N[7ATIf�f� I STEEL CJ f�tJUGH 1 Q.IN.V. � F'�3AMI1�JCa Q Rf]I�GH / WATER 15 INSU�AT!(]N � GAS FIPIN� ❑ SNEET'f�OGK NAIL ______ _ -__. C� P4�L f h1. TI.�B ❑ l� _ . ❑ FINAL Q FINAL _ ___ ELE�CTRICAL� MECHAM�I�AL: C7 TEf�P. POW�R � HEATING ❑ RC}t�GH �— l� E7CHA�l]ST HC)�QS� — C] C4hJDUIT � Sl.lPPLY A1� � ❑ --._:._...,.,.-- 0 �lNAL _ _ .�-__ !� FIfVAL __..— CI F�PPR(]V�D CI �lI�APPRC?'�ED � R�IP�SPEC`TIC]�1V REC.�L11FiE�J CORR�CTlONS: _.��_..,_r� �.,. __ r _ ,�r'�;; , . ; � QATE � ` (NS�'�GTCIR �, _.y ,,.•�_�, «�Rd.,,���, , I ��P�EC"T'1C71'1� RE�lJEST T CJ� UV IV Cl F V A I L 17l!�TE J(]B IVAME 7lME RECfIVE[7 AM PM CALLEFi �', . BuiLQ:�� �c�v�� p���ns�n�� r�����rcp�. ��.�c���c��. �C?�T��YG R��).. t�A73hIG RCIUGH IP�NTfiLA'�iC3N T£Ih���J�R1f FOUREElAT1�N SMEETFtC1�K STAN�P#PE +i�ATwNG ROUGM FF�'A�4lIN�G V�d+�iE�R _ Fi111AL titiV � � S #�lU�pS FiNA� FIl�AI. RD�]� PAR T!A�. ��4�C Ti�1� RAwF�"T 1,4[. PAR 7'117►l. PAi�31Al. LC�„#T�€�AI: LC}C!'�TIOrN: LC7rCA7l�MN� L.QCAT401N: L�3CAT1Qt'�: - � {)TH�R �PARTIAL LC3CA7ION READY FUR Il1iS�ECTI01� !'�Ohl 7UE WEf7 THU�B FRI AM PM C47MMES1dTS: ❑ APPRC?VED ❑ DCSAPPRQVED �] REINSPECT ❑ U�'Q(� THE FQLLpW1NG C(]RRECTl�7NS: � CC3RRE�TIC�NS _ _ _ DA�E � �� INSPECIr{]F{ Ihv Crm[rry ra�i . I�JSPEC�'I�7�''1f REGi�LJEST ' TQWIV 17: F VAI L � , DATE �" `��t,� ��� � ' ,JC7@� NAME � � � ,r�� ,�' �,� . �--�--- • TtNME REC�IVED '� � ,4M �M CALE.ER �' �_ `a" = - .,�, BUILL�{�G G�V"�R P�.UhAB�P�G '�k�C�i.Ai1iI�A�. �t�'�CTR4'�A�. ��o�r3r�� ���, ��►r��� Rau�r� v���r�nrac�►� r���ca��av F{?l3ttiECiATIt}N SF4E�TRC?CK �TANC7PIPE HEA�`iMC, R(}U�Ff v+� �a C s �RAMlNG 'V�tll��'F? FINAL F10�QU5 �fNA� �INA�. R�l+DF PARfi'tAL �`d4#�T1AL PAR'LIAL �AR�1AL PAFCtFAi. L.CYCi47'I+�AI: LOCATI4?IV; Lt�CArTIC)Rt: �t3CA1'TCt�ll: LC�GA�'IQP14: C❑ QTHER � PAR7IAL L�C�4YNON F�EAC}Y FaR Ifi3SPEC�TI�1N MC1N TUE W�E7 7H11R FRI AM PIWf �-�. � a �CDMME!N75: , . - .,.�.._ .� �, ,� ❑ APPRQV�a � DISAPPROVEO (] REINSPECT ❑ UPC]IV THE F4LLC7WING Cf)RRECTIt]�JS: CG�R�CTIC�NS , . � , . DATE _e x_�t.�c,,,. INSPECTiJR +h.cMh,ren�:.,��. I'�I'SPECTIC'�I'V REt3�.iEST � � w r� a F v ,a � �. � C)ATE —. JfJB IVAM� -. ` �IME RECEIVE� AM �M CALLEFi " S1JlL�J�N� :pG 'VER P"LUMB!'NG ��CHANiCAl. ELECTRICA�. Ft?(?'��NG REQ.RAT1�F� R�k1GF1 VEN�ELA�'i{aN TEA+'[i�p�tA�Y F�UIV113ATI�H 3'�k!lE�TA£�K STAhEt}PI#�E HEA,'T'iM+� RDiJGI�# wc� cs I=RAI1AIhFG V��V��R F'I�►fiA� Ht1{3#)� €IMAL f�NA L FtCiOF �'AiiTI}�kL FAFt"�lAI. PAf1�'IAL PARTI�IE. P�1RfilA1� L.O�ATIG��11. LCICATI+[��`►I: L{�ATI[7�+1: L+OCA'f41�CM1i: i.QC,�I°I43h9: U OTH�R ❑PARTIAL L4CAtiON _F3EApY FwDFi If11SPEC1'1QN M[)N 7k�E WER THl1ii FRI AM �M Cl7➢VIM E N 7S. • J] APPROVED [� t]ISA#�FFtO�IED ❑ REINSPECT � U�'DN 7HE �4�LLOWING CORC�EGTIQNS: �(7RREC�'IQfVS t-' 4��, r E�ATE �� _ ���: � �y` y ��,. i" � (..�_,r�i...�.-i' �..�_—_ INSPECTQ7R nw ar4nf�cry-�a�r I�fSPECT�C]A� �REG1U �'ST TG► WIV C7F VA � L . dATE JC?� NA9L''!� ` TIME FiECEIV�D Ah�"! PM CALLER Bk.11LQl�IG rGC}VE�t f'LllMg�!'�1+G lII�E+�HANI��IL �l���TRl�AL Ff�QT1�lC R�C1. it�'Flff�iG RC1tlG�i V��TiLAT1t7IN TE'MPQfiJ4�i'Y' FE1UNpA�"iQN SHE�T�t}CK STA,�faF1PE H�AfiIl+1C3 Rt]UGti wacs FRANIkM1EG V��I���i FINAfi� HQI��?S FINAL F�NAL R[�Q� IPA��'lAt, PAs�t�lA� f�AR�IAL PAF�TIAL PAR�'IAL L�}�Afif�N: �.t��AT3Cffi1; �.CIGA'ff�N. L[?GA�ifJN: LUCATIQfV; � OTHER �PA�iTIAL LC}CATIpN REAE]1( F4R INSPECTIQhE MLTN TUE WED Tt#UR FRE A�111 PM C�MIIJI E N TS: _ . . � APPRC�1fE0 [] GISAF�PRC?VEI� [� REONSPECT ❑ 'Ui'QN �H� FQLLi�W�NG C�RR�CTlC7NS� C{)RRECTIClh35 �AT� . ' � � - ._ " .� � . - � �, � �.�,�-�-�—�= — _.. -- �� , irus���ra� tlN Pr4n64rS'�aa�' 1�1JSPECTI��'1� I�ECI�J��T 7` � VWN QF W � I L � DATE JOB IVAME - TIME RECEIVEt) AM Ph+l CALLEFi_._.�_. _ _ _ BUi�.b1NG CDVER PLUMBihi� ��CHANi+CAL ��ECTR4CA�. F�f?TI�G F�EC�. �1ATI�1G R{luG� V�N"i`t�.A`�li3nt t�MP'O�ARY �t}Lf��ATlQN Sii��'�RO�K ST,A�i13PIFE H�ATfNG Ri]LfGFI vu Ei CS FAAM4II�C3 'V��E��t FlNAL HC10[?S �IfItAL F11VAL FtC3t3F FAiil"IAI. PA�RTIAk P14�7RAL �ARTI�d,L PAl�i'f[A�L LQCA�'!t}�+I; �.ClCATI4h�: �.i�GATi{5N: Lt�CAT1t�N: L.CNjA�'it3[+�: � Cf7HER Q PAHTIAL L[ICATIDN �EADY FC�R IlVSPE�TI(lN MfJIV TUE WEf� TF�U'R FRI_ ..�1 -AM PIUI Ct7'MMEh�TS: , - ' �, � APPRUVECJ ❑ DISAPPFit?V�D ❑ REINSPECT ❑ UPON THE F(]LLE3WiNG�O'�RE��IQNS: C�RRECTIONS �, r.:" r_� DA1"� '.i'� ,�' `��.� �-'* ;*' — f4+dSPECTOR rn�o+a�urr•s�r II'�JSRECT� C]�V RECI►►UESr'T T �7WI�# C} F VAI L � pATE JOBi�AM� � TIME #�ECEIVEQ AM PM �ALLER BUi�.'�ING �GC1V€R PLUlV46i'AtG ���ti�4,�I+�AL �L��T#�lCA�. FQ(?TING R��f2. FkATt!!UG_ �tiDlJfis�! W��l16''f"�LAYTI(]!+i TEIIf�i�URARY �Qt1ND1!'C�tJ� SM�E7f�t�CK �TAMi�PIPE HEA�`I�IG RQUGN wocS Ff�A�VII�SC V'���EI� �Iltillkl. H�{?�t& �I�J+4� FiNAL ��C3� RA f�T`!A L PAR'i'1 Rl. �Afi7!A L 1'AR T[A� PAIi'TtA� LC7�l�l�IAfi+I: �.#)�}�'1'#�fY: L+GCA'fIC?N: l.UCATIOI�t: �.,�A7'it?�rl: � aTr��� � �a��lai �ocr�r:oru --- REAQY F�R lN51'�CTIbN NIQN TUE WEa TNUR FAI AM PM COMME�JTS: _ r.: � APPRCJVE'{� [] blSAP#� RQVED ❑ REINSP�CT ❑ U�CJN `TNE FDLLOrWlNG CC]FiR�C71UNS: C�C7R�i�CTIOIVS DAi`E > � w INSPECTt�R "_ �h.yrmt•ry:.:i li'�►��PECTIG71''� �REC3LJ�5'� T C1 IN N Cl � V A I L • par� a�B�a�nE � � T1ME RECEIVEI� AM PM CA�LLER BU�L.�ING �'.{)V�� P`L�.If1ABIh9C� A��(`i��I��L:A� �L.�CTRlCRr� fQiOTIfi1G �EQ.FtAT1�IG RUUC3H VEt!JTf1..�RT1�l� tEMPDRI�fiY �t)Uf1}E]A3�ON S�iEET'Ft44lCK STr4lV('??Pli'� HiEATk{V}Q �C3tJG�1 v+� a c s �F�AMIIrIG V�NE�fi FINAI. MdO(3S FINAL �3NA4� R�QF �, �AFi71AL PART{A� PAFi'71AL. PA�TIAL PARTIAL �C1uCAl'tUN: LC7�ATI[?H: #.�ATlQ�: �QCA7t4A1: �.QCA�TIOi�: C� Q�h€ER �I PARTIAL IaCATtO�f Ft£AbY �t]R INSPEC7l0�1 1'u9UN 'fIJE WEL] THI�R FRI _ AFN PM CQMM�N TS; [] A�PPROVE� � aISAPPRQVED ❑ REENSPECT ❑ lJPC1N 7H� FDLLC}WlfliG �ORFiECTIC?hlS: COkI�RECTIi7N5 r , .� � � �.�'�'-�sx-Y—£.c.. L3A7E , _I, � : IIVSPECTUR 4Ae PNnhry�ra�i �:. � I IV'SPECT11�1'�I I�EC7U�ST Tt� UWN C3F VAI L � C1ATE J4B NAME -- TIME REC�I►JEO AM PN� CA�LLER --_ _ _ _ _ �UiLQIN ,�,� �t�V�R F'�.�1�19BING �E�HAN�CI��. ���.�C�`�'�!C�.L �f�('1i'1[��a REt�.#�ATI�tG Fif}E1�H VE��LA�`iQN tI�MP�+f33�AR'Y FC1iJNDI4fii�iN '�NEE7ROC9{ STA�fC?RIE'L HEATINCi RCti,J�l^1 ����rr�� v�n��.�€�� ��r�a��. � � � s �ta��s €�r��a� fiAll�►L F�t�C?F PAfi'FIA� PplFt"�iA'� 1�At�YlAL PA#tTIA�. PAR7fAL LC�ATiUN: l.C}CA��Q�I: L�G�4T1€)N: L[1CAl"It?H: L�1CAT147N: ❑ OThtER 0 i'ARTIAL LOCATIt7N READY F+DFi INSPL�C1'ICIN M(?N TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM �f7A+11�4EPVTS: � I�PP�i�VE� �] DISAPPi��VED ❑ REINSPECT 0 UPflN THE Fl7LL.OWING CfJRR�CT#ONS: C+dRRECI`ItJl�S * QATE , r� . , + _ � IM�SPECTC]R f1n pr�nNrry+arl� , � I�"V�R��TIDIr! RE�'3�E�T T � WhI {� � VAi � • , < �A`I�E . -° . ,IC)B h�AiNE '�'` �✓,,a=i: �,�� ..- ' '-_ ,-- . ._ - '�' {� � r,,...,,,., TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLEfi ', �". - ' . BIJIL�lNG ��JJ4�ER PLUl�tB1(�C ME�k�ANi�A�� ��.���`�i��►�. _ Ft]QT4N� F#�(�. R�A"T11V1G RO!!�H NP�'�7itf�"TfQfi� �`EMPQkRARY �OUI1ii{1,ATI�l11 SH����lCK S'fAl+l[7F'IPE F1EA�"IM+G 1i�'UGJ� w �1C � , �RAMI['�C� VEIIiE�� F�i`�'�� hi�l4t�S F11Y,4L �F'I I�i,4l. R�3�F __... PA�iTIAL PAR71A[. PAR7lAL �'ARTII�I PARi'lAi. L�iCATPt}N: LC1C,47Ml3fY: l.ff1CA"fiflAl: ' 'Lf�CATI+fl?�: LC1�ATlQN: � OTHEFt L� PAR7IAL LOCRTICIN READY �f?FC IAESPECT1flN M{)N TCJ� WED THUR FRI AM PIUI C�7MIb7EIV1"S: , : , �. ,,: _� •' ,° ,: �:.. _ , �. .r�_,!'"�.,� - — - - z- � ����ou� a ❑ �esaP���v�a ❑ �� in�s��cT L� UPC?N TH� FOLLC}Il�'ING Ct]RR�C7'IUNS: CQR�ECTIDNS #SAiE 1� . ." ��f F'..te°_...�pa + I�SPECTCtR �e prmic��.;a�i 1 . � t �� f r�1 �� �� i•';`��s,l.,;r',1.1]?-i vi�il`,C J1.�13 • s��t��,b�� �� , i��s Mr. Marl� M�.rchus Tc�urn c�f Vail IIe�x 100 �Jai l , Cc�. 81.65'T . I�ear Mr. r.�archus : As �ve discussed this mnrni�ag, I arn ��nding yo�, a check �n th� amount of �17, 338 .5U to cvv�x 5�� of tka� total recr�ata��n �ee. I und+ers�:a�ad tha� �vir. R��in is Q�t t�f town sa I �her�f�:r� reserve tiie ri�ht to revi�w the total ��uar� �c�c�t�.g� c�f The Mark - Pt3a.�e I . �t i.s alsa my under�tanding th�.t if the tatal sc�uare f�at�.g� �s less than what is Shown on ycau�^ statement that an adj ustmen� wi 11 1�� mad�. Thank you �n�i I wi�.l lc�c�� forwart� t� hearing �rom ydu . Sincerely , 4 •' S ��.1 S�.'I' . �4'�+Ll I"C ll S �i� E�.�,X.�9C)iUr�1L C.C:1l�3R�aD[a7 6",�,v,t��)3-•47�-.'.nn.:9 � ��SPECT1�11J I�E�UE�T TQWN (JF VAI L � ���C - _ . _ ''� .ar .�..:��_.' ..�{{./�} I���� Y ' � �4.�_... �• _. . -, . . • TIRAE REC�rVEb a AM PM CALE.ER BUi�.I��IV�i ���1EA �LUMIBING �N��AL. �k.E�l'�3lC�.�. Ft�4Ti�C', �i�Q.. F1�TtNG _ FtC3ttGH V'��i"�t�A�'i(7IN �'EIVAPCiPtaFiY Ft3UNClA7�t3N SHEETfif,)C#C: S"1'Al+�O�IP� HEATI3IFC's A,UI.1�`aFi FRAMIl1l�i V�NEER Ftl►1�1,L � � C S HCiG1[}S �#111A1. FINAL R��� ,� RA RTIA�. �'AR T�+A�� k�ART1 R� !PA#i'T4A L PA RTtAl. LQCJ�,'i"[4�ht: L�CATtO�: L�li'ffC3Al; E.C�CAI"If7�E: LOGA"�f�Rl: . ❑ {77NEFi � f'ARTIAL L�CAT4t)l11 . READY F(7R 1�1SP�CT1{]I� MON TtJE W�b THUR FRI AM PM COMNV�f�"�5: Q A�PF'RflVED ❑ DISAPPROV�Q ❑ REINSP€CT ❑ UP�N THE FC31.LCl1NiAlG COF3REGTIONs� C�]RREGTl+DNS ! - f]ATE - ` 1NSFECTOFi .. eM pr4nNry va.� � t"� • , . �% h � �. � ! ��. ',� • � ��� 's. � j ' 1 �1SPECTI�]�1 RI�C��JE!5T Tc� w �a a � vai � . DATE JC1B �AM� � TIME RECE1WEf} AM PM CALL�R BU4LC��NC3 �CI}1I�R P�..�.1M�11'�G ME+�HAI�l�Co�L E�E.�1fR1C,�A,#, F'C3Q71N� F��Cl.FtAT1lIIG �Q�1�� '1f��Ttt,+4�'�fQhl T�h+1��A1�"Y' ��U�+IE7ATICYN Si�E�T�iI�ClC S�"A1tif�PIPE FIEA'T1N+t# I�C]UGhf �RA�4'IlIVG V��V�E�t FiNAl. � � � s �#OUC?S FiNAL F��'lA�. RC}i�F F,A�1`�A4L P�'tR�IAL �'A�TtA� PARTlpWL PI�RT�AI L(3Ci4'fi`IL�#W: �.+OCATI(�N: �:CAGATIQN. l.C�!CATlcJN. LOCATIC)'N: ,�. _ _ _— - - « ❑ [7"i`F{�R ❑ PARTf�Il� L{7CATI(]II! ' RE�1[3Y FCDR FIVSPEGTIO�IV M�N TIJ� 1�4rED THL1R^ FRt A�1! PM COMMEIVTS; p �►���aW �a (� QISAPPRC3VEE7 ❑ ��� �s��ca� ❑ UPON THE Ft]LI.�WING C�RRECTIONS: C�RRECTkDIUS ,±= t7p�� - � �i�1SPECTC]Fi >Ae prmtary+ra�� � � 1�1J�PECTI�N R�C3L� EST � o �rr� a � va � � � Q,��� _, s. :.r� �Qe �uAr�� :- - TIME REC�IVE�} AfiJI PM CAl.LE#i Bk1ll.[31�G ��7V�Fi ��UAII�ING h+��CFk�4�111�AE. �l���TRl�1A�. FOC3T1i11G RE�1. RAT��G FiCttlG�# V�IVTiI.ATFC?hl T€M�#�ARlr' �C1l3N�A��t?�! '�HEETR{3CK 53A1tilDPIPE HEATING R�UG�f1 wc� c & FI�'AfWI�N�a VENE�i�- FIt�EA� kiC3G►05 FI111A[� FIfi�AL R�3F �'A,RTIAL P�h�T#AL. PrAfiTI+A�. PARTI�#L p�ft�'VAL LC��1'�'It?�; l.�C1CATIC1�t- Li]�GAfiEC?l'11: L�ATIO'fi�: LQCA�I()N: r � QTHER ❑ PARTIAL �acarra�v - REAC3Y FC1R INS�E�YIC]hJ MC11V T9JE WE� THUFS FR! A�4'I P�1+'I G�N1M E N T3: ❑ APPRUVEC! [] �iSAPPRl71/EQ �] ��IIVSPECT Q 'UPC?iU TFf'E FQLIC}'�4'ING C�RRECTIC]N5: CQRFiE�T��INS - . ��._ �- _ � []Ai'E - �'� � � i�vs��eras� Ihe yrmtery w.x��l l INS�'ECT�OhI I�EQUEST TGWN C�� VA1L dATE . JOB hIAME � CALL�.R READ1' FC�R INSPECTION: Ni�N TUES VII�C1 Tf�UR Fi�l AM PM LC�CATlC31'+�� ��__ BUl��ING; Pl,uMBfd►IG. Cl fC7C]TlNGS F ST�EL l� UN[�Ef�Cf�{�UM� _- _._._-....-,m� 0 FC}U�IDA�IC7N I STEEL _ f�1 RQUGH 1 �.W.V. 3� FRAMifV� ❑ ROUGH I VIIAT�R C] IhJSULATI�3SV _ --- - ---- ❑ GAS PIPING __ - -.,__a -_ [J SH�E��RO�C14 �lAI� Q PC�(�L / H. TUB ❑ _...._-- _ � L7 FII�AE. __..-_ ❑ �Il�JA� _ _ ___. ___- E�.ECT#�I�CAL: M�CHaNICAL: ❑ TEMf�. P{]INER __..____ ___--_ _ ❑ HEATING _._ I� RC7lJGH _ _ � EXHAIJS� HC?�Cla _ ❑ GUN�l.61T ❑ SLJPPLY �IFi —._--.._.- - - ❑ �I --- .._ -_. ❑ FINfiL - C3 F1hJAL ' _ / APPRGVED Cl E31S,F�,PPRflVED ❑ REINSPECTI�N REQUIRED / CQ�@RECTIC3t'JS: _ d � €7ATE __ INSP�G7�QR .._. � rM p�inu.y�a,i � . _ _-_ � � - �` � --�-�--�--� -�-�:-�l,��- -���� f t � J . .. �. ; , • `• , !� _ �i 4' � ��,��{�.°'�"`� � . . . J^'�'�..!�r'' �^� ;.��. }�� .. .. .. , ... .. . . .. - �., .� �, �- . . . .., � ._ (,r� Jr .'/ ` �v � ( r --`�r.—,�,.n..t.�.�..._-�- - .: �,:'�� � I ��-Y.- ._.... �r . __ � _ _� _ INSP�CTI�N REQUEST TQWN UF VAIE.�� r � e ° ..�i , . � . QATE � .,��,�' �`;.r J06 h�AME �` i CALLER REAf�1' F471� INSPEGTIC7N: M[3N : 7UES .:' WED THUFi FRI l�-, ' _ AM;' I'M LC1CA�'I�N: _.,— -- 8UILQII+IG: PLUAAB[�►IG: 0 FOC7TIhIGS / STEEL � LJ'�D�RGRUUh1D _ ❑ FC7UIVQATCC3PJ 1 STEEI� C] R(�UGH ! D.W.V. ❑ �RAMfNG 0 F1�UGH / WI�T�R .�-._�_..._ ❑ If�SULATIOf"d ❑ �A5 I�IPiNG �] SI-6EETR(]�K NAlL ❑ P(JOL J H. TU6 Q Ci - 0 F6NAL. ❑ FINA� ELEGTRIGAL: II�ECMANICAL: Q 7EMP. POWER Cl HE,4TING ❑ R(Jl1GH ❑ EXHALlST HC►U�S C] CC7FJaUIT E� SU'P�LY AIR �1 � �.7 Ff�JAI. 0 F1NAL _ - _ � 0 ,P�PPR{�VE� i L7 QISAP�RI�VEf7 C] REINSPECTIQfV REQUiRED _ -..�° ' , _- . _ - ,.- _ - CCIRRE�C71(�NS: --- .', ' � + .. . . ., . , ]�, z � - - r , : , " ' �! /fij, r�.� .--�:� '` � _---a � { ° { {'":- ' r .;_, ..! �. R�.rj�... " �k" _�.--` r./." E , � �, ` ��• f'�+=r< _ �. Y ��=r_�'� `1' ��f<',�r?�,�/,`,j. ,/f�ij.� _ � ( .��� ' � " �� ,,. � �'?_ '�` 1` ,��`'t''T/"i'r �t d` �' ✓'��'�3-1 ('.�•�„a't;%,f sC' ;,'r.,�',��,.� ,�' - � r , _ . �— �� .. "� �f,l�.�7.�C -;. .�.'' �'J�"T��' ;r,,j�r�°�!' _ _ -. �. , � ,,. � i ; _.] �t.'?�' �= f /��r ��/'�:a '� �.� �� f _ . _ F!r ��.��y`- 4 s� df !.� ��f 7�- • r ,r-=-" / �* �l � �' �� �, _ . .,, _ ��','r •-,r��,' �1F' �/. p���+ e. �- � 4�r'� .�..�_ t ,�,,,� � �" ;. ,� - t � `- . s. . � r ; � . . �; .. _- ; . . ._�v- 4R"�� ��c`-.�,� . . ,� ''�C.- � � r � �'� _ 7 � ,� � �,r',_�S.�g� - ..i i �f�:-�r` _',��'" .�; ,!`�'�. f J �r � ,� , � , � !c � ;F.�? �`•' ` �'r' n.✓�" � -. ,. . , . _ 4�i�� '�!a. �'� _ � ' _ ;._..f'r . �°"� �_,-� f ri. . ,. r.r . a .-� � ' ,,�r1 I � zt ^�2r. i _��'��.f`r �L^�`x ":`' a., _,=t r�,ti_ DATE �-' INSP�CT{?R tM pfinMrylra�l ----�-.. IhISP'E+GT��►i"� REQIJES� T(�1NN Cf� VAEL • , _� , DA7� ��'' � r'� �`•� JC7B I�AM� ,�'.�_•�r'',�� .�' ,�' �A�LER _,._.__, READY FE7R I�JSP�GTiC)N: 11�C]I�i TL1ES WEd THUR ��RI ,�' _.__� �4h+1 PM � __.. LO�ATIC)N: ` ' ' Bl91LL�ING: PLUMBING: L] FQC�TNf�}GS f STEE� Gl UNL7�RGRC)UNC? CI FC:�Ut+lDATIC}N 1 STEEL O RC3UGH J D:W.V. � FRAd'NING _.... C7 R�U�1-I J WATER ❑ If'��ULRT1�7h1 � G�IS PIPiNG ._._. _--- Q SHEETR�?Ck� f'JAIL =.�....,_...� C7 PGQL ,/ H. 1"U� � 0 _ Q FINAl. � F1N�l� .--___------- - Ei.ECTR IGAL: Mf CHAMII�AL: a T�MP. PC�INER €� HEATING _ ❑ Rf�UGH �.r.. ❑ EXHAU'�T HC]C){]S � �C�'1�Ja111T � SUF�PL'� AIR _- _ ❑ ,.__._ O � FINAL __ ❑ FINAL p AppFipVEp �1 �IS��'�FiC3VEb ❑ REIh1SPE�TItJN RE�QEJIREd C�RREC7IC7NS: ; � -- / -'�r," f" r� '^/";-r �� ��,�, '� �4 :; y QATE B�ISP�C°��R !ha�TfIM1i�M��4nll IN�PE+CTIC�N R�QUE�T � , T+�W1� nF VAfL . C]A'I"� . J+�B NAME �: �,r ,r�.�``., ',� �, • I GAI�LEFi - READY FJR lhJS�'ECTIUN: MCJfV TL.�ES WEb THUR �RI AM PN3 LOC,ATIC7N: _ __ gUIL�1NG; PLUMBING: � FC]JTI�lGS / �TE�L ❑ UNLER�(`aR[�Ud�1D ❑ ��3L.INCIATIC�AI f �TEEL -- C7 R{JIJGH I b.1N.V. LJ FF4�'1MlNG ❑ RCJUGH l INATE� �_._ � IN�ULAT10l� _ ❑ GA� PIPiNG ___--_..� C7 SHE�TFiO�CK NAIL __. .-._� C7 PC]C7�/ H. 1"lJe - � ----- a �P FINAL �I �Ih�iAL --- _ ---_-__ __ __. �LE�TRI CAL: MECHAI+}I CAL: ❑ T�MF�. PC7W�R �] HEATING _,.__..-- --- C] RDLJGh-9 0 E7(HAUST HG[�t�5 ❑ Ci71V�U[T C� SUPPL'Y AIR ao _ _------- c� ��rv�a� ._, . _ ❑ �r rv,a�. C] A{��RC�VED Q �.�SAPF'RC?VEC] �) FtEINSP�CTl�7iV RECJLIIREQ +GQRRECTI(�hIS: � , , � . ,�` _ ; ----- , ,: --: � jr , , , "- ; �. , _ � t..;'+ • i.. . _ F, . ,._ ., : ___ � [�ATE �� ' INSF'ECT�3R _ _ �' .'' ;° �:, �.` +, __ r� . _ ,r. .�s: . � . . � ,r^"'�' � ✓�� Ih�prinlary-�arl 1�1�P�CTI+�N REQUEST TC)WfV C7F VAIL � C7EITE JOB CVAIV�E ,,`�'�,��' , r• ,r a , �-° �. � � .1 , � . . 1 �ALL�R . REAC}Y FC7� INSPE�TIC3�1: ; M�N �'TUES ,�' WEI7 THUR FR! _ AM PM � LL)CA�"IdN: -- �[jIII,DING: Pl.UMBIf�G: 0 F+C�C?71�9GS I ,STEEL ❑ UN�ERC�RCfUNQ CJ F�'1UIVC3,A�iCJN l STEEL 0 F�{7UGH I �3.W.V. ❑ FRAMIPJ� �.�_.�___.__.- _.� Cf RC]UGH I WATER Cl IP�SULATlC1N ❑ GAS RiP�NG _—_ ---- O SHEE7RC3�K NAII. ❑ POC1L f H. TlJ6 ❑ CI -- _ _ _._.._._:__. _ --.__.__ ❑ F I h�3 A L ----..._ _-.,.,__. . ❑ �I N A L � ELECTR[CAL: IVAECHAi^JICAL: C� TEMP. PC3WER _.__ _-- I� HEAT66VG _ ❑ RQUC?1-I __...__.. __ __ � E?�F#AUST H�C]f3S _____=.,A -- ❑ GC71V[�UCT � SLJPF'LY AIR � _.----�_w --- _— C7 Q FINAL ❑ �1NAL a APPRC�V�E3 C] C]ISAPPRC7VED 0 R�€tsISPECTIC)N R�QUfI��I� Cf�FtRECTIONS: __.._.____ _ - ;- �.. ,,� �;� :� _�r-f._ � ' � s- 3 .. ��r:, , s� , . . , , _ ; � `, �. _ �� , b f _ ., t � ,j _ _, `_a,. "'�, .� �.1 � r-" ., � ,. �. _ . _ .'•-, . �_. . . : _ _ , �_ �:AIE �I � C`.� ` ( _ ,r,� 7 : �IV�r�'II�LJR �`��,�,��V � -___1�r�.._.,�,� _ _ ��,,,,�..�� � f?�t_r� — 1 I � IM P14PIPldy Y}II �V, INSPECT�L)� REC�UEST TC)WN �F VAIL - . , a � �T . � , : �, DATE �� ` .� JOC3 N�IME ..�,r ��� r %` � _,.., GALLER R�AfJY FC?R iMtSF'ECTlOfV: MUI'+1 TUES ,' WE� T'HUR FR! AM PM __.... LC��ATIQN: , _ , BUIL�ING; PLI.JI�ABING: � FC?C3TlNGS / STEEL D UNL�ERGRQU�'�I❑ _ _ 0 F+�tJN�ATION f STE�L _ --.__ C7 RC)UCH I I�.W.V. _ ❑ FRAMiN�'a �_�_._ I� RflUGH 1 VWATER _ ❑ IC�tSULATION [� GAS F�iPINC,� ___ �_ ❑ �HEETRC]CK NAIL ❑ F'CaC7L I H. TUB ❑ �x ❑ _ _ _ _ _ ❑ F3NAL . C] �INAL ___ —.__..— -- ' — ___.. ,_ _ ��.ECTRICAL: M�CFlAN�CAL: CJ T�MP. PC�11V�R Ca hiEATlf�+; ____ _ ❑ ROIJGH ...�_ ❑ �XHAUST F-IOCIDS CJ GdNC7UIT ❑ �IJPPLY AIR C] ❑ ___ __...._..�., L� FINAL ___ C7 FI#�A� U APP€�C]VE❑ ❑ D�SApPRC3V�D 0 R�fNSPE�TIfJN' REQUIR�[] CC7RFiECTICJNS; � =r'`• 't -' ;` __ .::' �' : . . ____- ,: �-� ��- .�, ; pF�,TE � - ,� ' : - INSPECTOR � , : - ,'�r ' ' ,: ;-� __,__x, Ifi�lDfinqry oe�, I�SPEC1"lC?I�J REQU�ST _ - ;, , T{�WN C]F VAIL �'. f y� 4 ! � r�r "' . o,��� �� � ,�aB rvar�� �' ��: , � � . � CALf.ER � '� ' �' - - `� REA�Y ��JR I,�I�PECT,ION: �'wrlON TUES INED �H�EJR` FRl AM PNi __ _ - ,� �; ..,._ ; ,,_ _�r LC?�ATfC��I: . , , ' .� ,�.- .: _ +: �- Si�4�L�ING: �Fl�l1MBING: ❑ �DOTIh�G5 A STEEL _ Q UNDERGROUND - ❑ Fi7UNDATIQN 1 STEEL CJ RC�U�Fi ! d.VL+'.V. � FRAMII�G � C] I�C}UGH 1 WA7ER 17 lNSL1LA'T1(.7N � GAS PI�ING -- � SHE��'f�OGK NA6L _- C7 PQC3L / H. TUB - PJ - �_._._� C7 C7 FItVAL _ � FINAL _._�--_ __. �LECTRIGAL: MEC'HAI►lICAL. ❑ TE�+IP. PQW�Ft ❑ HEA�I�G _ _ Cl RC7UGH _ .._�._ �] EXHAUST HC}C)DS ❑ CUNDUIT _ _.__ .. ._. .. 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MAGI+IETIC C�01V'TII�CT�F4 , i�. � r ' MEG�AlNIC.A� �'slt5 VALVE — .✓.�L'�.� �GE't.lG��f 11, j -. 12. � #fl�EhfC)I#3 GAS� VALYE � � ,�;i r t�r c= �X�`.S 7" �`l�c�,C � .�f�.�.�!c ��`-� ft-��.�E - '13. ` , --- ._ -�- .SY'.5���►�' �. � lba3� p�s"rR�BUr�tka Y�E � �� , �'` � .�?!51��h�'i �'r� h �'` /5. Mh8 t 6 DIs1'GT N[}Z�L�E � _._ ;:��-- . _.._�..._ 1�i. � 4a181l� Gi�D'KIMG �'F'i.F�IJ�ICE MOZZL� t F.C_5. � � _ .___ �-.--.-�. .` ,.°-�- . ,.�., � 17. �63+17 t�7'C)KING At'PLiANCE �!S]�ZLE * f.C.S. `` Ht. � #�r�t1 �KiN� A�'PLIAI+FC� NvZZLE + f.C,S. I �� � . ._ � ip- '�_. � ►i�..�hiU�! I�Z�L� � � � � �1. f�817 �'LEMUM IiiGZZLE � � �y _� . _..." 2#. �.__� /�370 �Q"DE'�`�C�t3R IESS�MeIY � v„ � r �,.-� �'�r,�,p 2�_ G— N►371 � DETECTUft I�S5�IrABLY � �.r._ � �',ac'T�'.�CJ'S/�i[./ �. L�. 7�4. C[�.�'i.�t./'G ..�►G�,�'C,�,4,V"C`E,t.���� � C'TY„�? } _ __. 2B. {I�F. —/�B�V� #� #.G�. — FRC1�A Ct�Qic�rG iUR�AGE1 uti - _ 1r����c�zr's [��� ��c��r � ��,e.���.� �'''A rC.. �ar.�R�.i�� .�/��/,�C/�',�` ��^Jf�iR"r' ic'�'�'�; A5 M+D7EQ +r►r'�'wavcr� �Y: DRR�'!1 ■r � �'�',TT'l.� ..5�"�'�i�JE.'f� .:S.t�iCLE,� C3L/�ic--{' +Qws�: r�' �/�,�5.� i �tvis�t� ` I`,l�tSUL A iD1 M�L � �%'_ ��C- - �`� � � 'L�RY L��,1�l��CAL i'�'STEM ; /1{]E FIR� IWO iAFE7Y f�[3U'iPM�iVT CC)., IN�C. ��ww��� Nc.ew,s��� �?�6 i�S� - OENY��I.+CUL4#►+�►Qb . �,r'._.+"�7� � � s--- ' � � --�_.. `..�7 - J�f�' I ,��,1. 9� I'"^` a �����11 , .S Y.ST�,�-� i�"�P-!�J-3�C�"�a'!ST� , _ _.�',�. ._5`Y'�.T��+f�-�' "3"�?'/'Crr'-,3� ,� �, . ��, � .SY'.�'�`,€'/I.� "2., ,�-�'Ol-�C� � �, ^, �� � '�S'�"STG�'r�1 �'/" - „�.r�.��C'T'�..a` .�A.�/.4.�./C'�� �'/'.,[.�'�".+? �',:�1J.5�"` h'D�C�t�.�. - _ - -- ����.� �� �� :.===� .. .. _ �_��...¢.,� � �.SYS.T`�JV1 2 .�R�T�C"T..�i 4°f.�'��JG7.C7 �____-a' r__.�--�_ r,';r==�L��—r=_��r_�_'__j i �XT�.v�`/�7.t/.S ,� .�'�P.�LJ.��G''C�5 r i� � �t�'` � ��I � �11 � l! i� I� lli I� �.�C3�'"R,CI�4'Th'� i �� h i i t� � �31 � E ' '' � - --��������J�. �-�,-J� ��_ � II �_� ___� �-__ sv�r�� �.. _ �c.�cr��eor�`�rfc��,cl` - - � .��.� �rc����'c�,c.r r.��. rx,•c�' .�'.c/ � II �---„--- ��'o�� �'€�.���,�.r�' - ..��'� ;,_ !���i ��_;i ;t_�.w�.-r�_ �_ i�_�"^_i II .. �f�.�"N!�'�'AL L]J�SG'f�''.-4.�'L�f3 s j j ii� � r �I� j1 !4 �i � II i � � Ilt � i �I� It I'{ !f � { Tr�'%�PUU'G'h+` � ,[�C����.5 c'�Mr.c�:'.� � L_.� �� �.�, t�.��� t� I� �� � I� ,�t� ,.�.Q`C7TE"C'T" .l�fC��'2J.�Cf': ,/!!l�'✓'�T �___�� ——_.._.,�L__�t,-�-..._.��_—�_ __��,.___� . �� 8� �/��J �ES�G'"1L.I'�LJ ��r r� .�__—__ s —� ���...�� .�/��C� /1��.���/,t?�:�1`I'�`�L-!T� C�,�' �r_.��r ,4�,c�� ,c,�r��.• �.�cc�cr.�t� .��� s'�.�rro�.s ' � �� r-�-..i.�f��� �.I�.J'y�Jr �/L/ - .. /'^'��/T'1' �+./���JT��. � � � • � ��������1 �� , r l��� ���� ! .__.._. . � � - V'�►�L , C.oc..���a� - icwr�: ,�c MOTE�i wrrwovsa sr: o�ex�rri ■r�.r awrs;�,r�.�3 �e�vws�o AN.fiU� RtQ1 IiO�EI • L'iRY CHEMICAL TYS�1`�A -a: r_�ac ,w;.. r,r��.,r s;,, ,.. _, ,-. Y i`.i�t .rtV�aSi — �L.fl►i..a1., �.v�v�1.�1�'L� � ��+_-��L.� � 1 � ' � �==�:,� � .i M l�w�'� ra� �� 75�...��n t��yi��agt road•va�i.c�ifnrnac+8lti57 ��3 e�E't]�C/ r.r t�3: �. _,�- •,1 � . �j� Peter Patten �l� Snn,r�r P:a�nnra �.��� �� ���� � �eFarlrnenl 06 G[rmmUnily pev¢lppment n 75 south irvntage rd. d�partmant of community de�re@opment v�il, ca[orada 87657 I (303� 47S-7U00 Allc�ktS� �Q, � �S� �d1S2T' MpT`CL1S f'�rriott's Mark Resart 715 4Jest Lion�head C�,rc�e Va i i , Cvl oradv 816�7 Re: Marria�t's Mark Recreation Fee C��ar Kaiser: This letter �s �in respons�e °�v your req�est f�r an upda�e on wh�re you stand on the recrea�ian ar��nities tax whiGh the tQwn ass�sses Qn each building permit. aur rec�rd5 show the f�llowing: 1 . Bttilding Rermit �83 i�sued 9/3/1$ for 4�,23fi syuare -Feet af GRFA. At that tim� the fee p�r squar� foot was $, 75, and y�u were el igibl e for a 75% refund if you later si�owed receipts for constructi�n of recr�eataan amenities in tk�� praj�ct of �46,23+6. �'or somQ rea�an, yc�u were charg�d an�y $17,338. 5� ❑n th� b�ilding perr�it, ar haTf �f what shau�d have been cc�llected. This leaves yau el igi�le fvr getting back Z5� of the t�tal of $34,677, vr $8,6b9.25. Please supply �ne wi�h svme written pron� tha� yat� cor�struc�ed $46,0(]0 w�artt� af recreatic�n ar�enities as part of this bui�ding permit. 2. Sui�ding perm�t #878 i��ued 9/�5/81 for the Pfnase II additTOn praject. Propc�se� in t�li5 perr�it was 47,478 sc�uare feet of GRF�4. The apprapriate � charg� a� th�s time (du� ta a change in the recreat�on an7eni�i�es ft�n�i ordina�ce in June vf 7 98� j is $7 ,fl0 per square for�t of GRFA with a �}C�SSi�3i� T�y1 ,�f a 50� cred�t if you shc�w you l�ave bui�t $47,478 worth af recreat�arral amen�ti�s with t'��s permit. However, n4 maney wa� � coTlected fc�r th� recreatic�n f�ee wath th�s per�7t, and ther� is a nat� • an th� permit WMiC�3 }"-C'd�Sy "t�o be c�rl7ected at a later date after totaT fees ac�d re�mburs�mer��s 2�r� t��aied, `' 7hus, �f yo� shQw receipts of $23,73� for cc�nstruct�on nf recreational amer�ities with this per�mit, you are eligib�e f ar t�at am�unt in credit. r � �OC'CUS -2-��C�/��Z . . - �h� cor�cl usin� is that �f you prQd�ce the evider�c� af canstructing t�e recr�ati�n facil ities, then yau owe u� a tatal of $Z�,�069.75 whr�ct� is the $23,73'� w� keep fr�m the mast recent perm�t, minus t�� $8,669.25 credit you 1�awe remair�ing from �,he fir�st permit. r I �ape this cl�ars �h�s up. Pl�ease ec�ntact me at �n�r vffice i� I can expla�n any of ti�i s f urther. Sincer� , -����C�� �l, PETE'� FATTEhI, JR Se�i vr Pl anner R�P:bpr cc. Rich Parzonka, �ontroller ,��• �� � � .'� ' � �� ��' a��� n �( �� ���11 �� 1�� - 75 souih fronlage road uait, coEorado 87bS7 (3Q3) 47fi-7CIUQ ,��}!"�� 1� , � �e�� �d Drager� P.0. Er�x 1 �69 V�il , Calorado 87658 Re, hlarriQt� 's Ni�.rk Phase II De�ar �d, F Er��p'loyee Nousir�c�-Fal� Lir�e As we diseussed on the phane la�t Fr�day, I 'm sending y€t�r the m�n��r�,r�dum fram aur department ta �.h� P�C conc�rning the Marrio�t'� Mar�k Ph�se II .- addi-�iorr, The PEC '� motion was for a�prova� as per staff ine�notAandum, so the seven cc�nditi�n5 were part of the apprava7 . Condition number 2 discusses �mp7oyee hr�using. As yau ca�r s�e, t�ae Fali Line apar-tments ar� n�t spee-��ica�ly m�nt��ned the th� canditi�n, but an 4bligat�on ta provide er�piayee houszr�g ta the Marr�att's emplay�es far t�ight years is inc�ud�d. I think that befc�re any changes in us� 7n �h� Fal� l..ine pr�jeGt are seriausly d�scussed, th�t �n accept�ble a7ternative to F�a7� L7ne be worke� �ut wi th the Tc�wrt. Ir� any case, I �iel i eve i L� w���d be prudent to arr�n�e a n�e�eting with ail af�ect�d par�ties very saon tv discuss the sit��tion, P��as�e eontact me ta arran�e the meeting. I '�1 be aut af tawn frorn 4/14 t�a 4/Z4. Tharrks, _ �,� ��'.�..�/� A P�T£R PA`fT��l, JR Senior Planner APP:bpr ._ �r�cl , � � � `��� ���� �� ��� 75 south fronl�ge rvad vail, cvlvr�da $1�57 (303} 4T6-TflDO .�11�1� ��}� ��$� ��+E�1 ���'150R �dT{C� Q251 C�f15 PD Box �+677 Vail , CD 8�658 Re: Marrivt Mark Landscape Revisions Dear G3en: Un Jur�e 29� 1983, �.f�e �es i gn Revi ew Boar� a pproved the Marri Qt �Cark Lar�dscaping w-ith �he cvndition that a �la� fc�r the landscaping o� t£�� area to tf�e west o� t�e park�ng s�ruc�ure '�e appraved by the staff wi tf�in 30 days. Si ncer Pe�er Jamat� Town P�a�ner PJJbb � � Proj�ect Appl'r��tion �ate y d`f,�d�' /-.� �. J F; r � '_ .,J"� �`� J.,"'• '..�. - `"Y J},.'7 .�- _ Pr4jeCi N�ImB: _ ,'�'"! ' �r�'' ��- . � , v-- • � ° _�� _> Projecd Des�riptinn: ! ,r� y � r �,� _ C�ntact P�rsfln and F�hone � �'� f"��, '`��- � _- '�-'� i_+ �. '�. / `��.� ��V ,�y ;' -/ e C3wner, Rddres� and P�rone: ' '�;��"��� ,�'�i��_( '` � ` Architect, Address�nd Rhane: - LegaE C7escriptivn: Lot , Blr�ck Fiiing � � , Zone , .-.�.-.. .��� ,.,:. _,, _ Ce�mmPnts: ._ / f.� �/' ,G r�.-��;'.�a ;� R�. ��.,. f „. Des�gn R+�v�ew B�ard " � �-- - ,- �,��: _,,�- �ar� , _ , �. . Motzon by: '�����t-'� , /" ',��•, SecQnded by: ,�� _ R�PR�VAL [ItSAPPRQVAL ✓�,° -�` f _- ,� _ � Summary: r-. v , . - � _ ,_ _.. . . -_ : r a ; � ;-� F� ,, ,�����r�; ,, ,�,��" ..��c�_..�./„ �;,�. --_�- r �- / r �" - . _... �, . . � •� -5 � � . � � �, � { , ��r � , . < �" ,� � �---- �� , � '�,�, , � � ,� '�. ,, ,a� �- �'i. ," ° ,' _ �r ��/r� ,� �+ �' ?.�. �� .f : ; . 1 � �. �, ,�. y • _ , ..' ,;".� �. ,/ �.,�.� f' �— � y . � J� ' �� � � ����� � *�'�J;� p f Tow `Planner - � . 0 Staff Apprt�val D�te' f.°-� �`'`��i j`�a ,� c. Ihe prmYry:vaip � � Project Apal�c�tivn � ��►� � � , ._. , � . . y;; , Pra��ct hJarr�e: '- . ,:, . . ;- � f - Project Description: ._ ?_ �M k� .;�—'``1i`=�'�' � ° �a � Cantaci Person and Phan� '?--'�:j!`�-� , �— -� =�-� ��^'�. 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Drawer 33(f0 .�: Vakl, �vlo. 81658 (3�D3] 4T6�91[M May 1�, 1982 Rich Caplan Town Martac�er `�own nf Vail 75 Sauth F'rantage I�c��.d Vail, �� 81657 bear Rich� En�losed is our appli�ation for a bui�.�ing permit for canstruct�c�n of twa w�11,s far a busi.n@ss affice for Vail Er�t�rtaiatut�en� Bao��.ng and Videv Vail, to k�+� lncated in �:he northeas� area of the me2zanir�e 1eve1 of riiarxiott's Mark Resort, �a�aeent ta th�: sal.es and ca�tering o�fi�e, We intend to com�l�* with ttze cuxrent bu�.�ding �vcies �.ncl have verball� agr�ec3 tn al]_ re yuests madE by Gar�r Moran o� th� �u��ding fJepartr�ent, and Mik� P�ic��e af the Fir� I���artm�n�. We l�e].ieve w� comply with 5pecial Develonmen� #7, titled The Mark, rul�s and regulatidns, speci:�a�al�y Secti�n 7, titl�d Permi�t�c� Us�s in the 5�e�ia1 I�is�rict, in the fal�nwing ways. Sub-sectiean B; Retai:l Establ�.shment-our inten� is far audio �i slxal sa1�� and xentals, .ineludinq movi� and virleQ��ames f�x' Marric�tt hoteZ clients. '�'his a.s a suppvgt functia� far blarriot�. room c�e�ests and Mar�a�tt rneeting r�lanners. Sub-se�tion C: Busirress affice-caur i.aitent zs fe�r prc�fessional �lients r�:� Vail Entertainment Boaking and Vic�eo Vail to mee� wi�h tks. This is a suppQrt function far Marri�tt mee�ing plannezs. Swb-sec�tir�n I7: C:onventivn F�ca.lit�es�ous is`a�en� i.s as a suppvrt functicsn far _- �---- - Marriott mee�in�ann;ee..���sts.. This is standard in major ,.r�- hotel� and cc�nferenc� centers thr�t�ghou� tF�e coun�,ry. Strb-sec i�n E: Fietai� �st�lishments-5h�1� na� c�cc�p� more �han �D perce��: crf �'�����+( tot�l c�r�ss res�.c3entiaL flc�ar a�ea. CY�r space is a��r�x����� �� � sqnare �et. Time is af t�t� ess�nce, s?o'� just �c�� us, but also for 'The A4arriott and i�s su�er gue�ts. We ho�e £oX Gonstrucfiivn ta be com{al�t�d by May 28, 1982. As yc�u kn�w, continuous canstruction and r�cQnstruction has disrupted Vai�'s sur�mer guests �or the past sevexal years. FJe �vonld a�preciat�d your effarts fa�' pr�mpt approval of our ap�plication for a buildinc� permit. T�ank y�u very much. Sincere7:Y� f� - ��?-,�<.''z,:` �:�'1�"{ . f, . �J.�C��c3e1 �7. C�Cld�7�70� General Mar�ager MJi`C:C j cc: Bab �armery, Marrit�t't G.M. �•.., ....�: re�-,r..R,y�.�,...�... :,�' ��"� . } � � { :�-� �� i � P �-�. n � �-: � � � ----- - _ _ � � �;� „ v «, � ,�a � � , �� �L� u} �:, � :-: �. �I "� ,�r• v 1.� � � � �� +�." ` �`��1 w . � :�� t� � U� ta3� � . �' �� M�. �ui F _ � �-� �'� {u `� �� '�. U `� � -_.�� ��. T7 �5�. � tt � �1� + �'� � fA�� � ~ a C 'u Q � ► � ` � r_ p ci c? � � � ., t,� � � . "� �.,E [7 '�y�j �S ua L7. 'e. `C � � � � � � � � � � [� LLl � 't��.� ��� PJ v C �7 n3 '� � � c, G ti � � , .�� s; -Q <� �'��� c�.> � �., �' � � � � i }` E� -'-i t� �,' ° ` , � �' � 1 � ce � "� w l. �.�, — r'�._-`i � � � �• w �'` � uk �� us j } c � ss � ' ' � �, � I� � � � � I y ,,,�`�. . �� � �u � � c'�,� � i I �'� � t� C� U �, iy � �1 a f�� + � � y..» 'O �� x r f �� �� w v� F-- �<,� a � I '_ 7.� p'�j ��' C} � � � � iLL w_ � , =+ t<s., �,� � � }s T7 c� N � I ��� y � � eri - i[J �,., y Si � i7' ,C��+ C]?: 4. �� /..j . T U � '. ^iA J � T � � �. � � ll.. 'L � '.. �J.. �� ^- 4 � tr� � `{�,�., �.f � 'CS '.{ C� ILI �� ��la- .�,,�,} f� ' j.` �,� � C � �\ �}-� � �� '� � C.7 ` U �' [!] � . `� F� � `t � � I L1�y �d °� , �� fj� L3 O � 1 -, a� � tL 1;-: u' � w � � z � c� ' r" i ¢ y� `+ c.7 � -: ,;,y ."h.- �7 .t!- � LE! �,i�1 ui � 1 °'a � c�u � U f 1 vf � '� 1 }— S c� ,t Z , �, .� - � `'�' � � � J °-=� Ll ti� J U1 �i [j .J ,, � ,:. �(] "' � y� � (`�� � � � -......r.±�.�..�;:¢] �� .,.r.�.. +1. � � U � �� } ,� � ,� V1� t � �,,;, r�o�r vn lvrt ,�W i .-,.�T �;._�__..,::��.,� _,.��..��� _ �`�^ f e ca. ca c,,� p � ���...�.� ° �� � �`' Q Z] � � _.c.a.. ° Vl� L'��e�S � fE � � nS � � � � � � , {r � ��� �. C� d ul '-� l���.� � tn �' f7 t? i� � � s�i � � � ? �. �j-,�7 C LJ{) �� � '� � z � � w � a ',a � }. tY � {' U' � �y tcs {� 7 C 2 -� � � � t�� � C �- � S �'y � ~ � Y. '� I� tt] C � "' +.�7 � _ u1 ,�,'�j �. � e��" �7 u7 �, � '� � � ��3 �" tfi3 i d � u' w C!] � — Cl.... �� . N � — Q .w � C? � �p � W 7 '�. 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F > o z � � � J 2 � W � G � Z ti pnry �`p,� VU�i i � c-io �c ` z a - � �v . . . . . . . . � OT \O"s�� SFLES �; r�- K�a9 �� I ,o � G fr�` �� ��� �< ,,,voc�s _ \V��. �'. � ^ . ` .SISI ( �J h �ROIES ROOM � -"�� � . . Ha��wny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lfbc.�f O � - � FG01" — ` Njal� $ {b bGbul � . . . . . . --� = 6Xf5�1 (1%� WA� IS � RCStS ' . _ . . . . . _ _ _ ek�afef . .� ' INCO _ � �' � - �ru�r��c�'a�u REC�UE�� ; . � TOWi� O�F VAfL ; , � � , : � � ' 1 d`� �"' ,�OB NAME ��; "�.-' L� �� ,'�, ,' �1 � , DATE - � �� CALLEFi _ �. � . � R�AdY FtJi� INSF'�CTfON: !MC}N TUE� 1NE� THUA FRI -��i�'��'�` -� A4�11 ' PM ,' L�CATIC?f�: , _ _ _ _ - -- Bl#ILQiNG. PLUMBIIVG: � F�?QTIt�J�S / STEEL ❑ uNDERGR0U1`�D � FC3UNQATiQ�I� I STEE� Cl R{3UGFi / D.W.V. C� FRAMfNG � Rt]UGN /WATER � RCJC3F � SHEER Q GAS F'1P��VG PLYW��� NAll.11'�G Q IAISULA�'kt�N CI F't7�OL 1 H. �198 ❑ SH�ETRC3CK NAIL _ ❑ � � C7 FINAL - - Ll F'INAI� EL.��TRICAL: ME�HANICAL; � T�MP. PC�WEFt C3 HEATIAdG � R�4.�GH � �XHAUST H�C7�"]S O �fi�NC]UIT _ C] SUPPLY AIR ❑ [� f� f il�AL 0 F1 NAL _ � ,._,�I"APPf3C7V�E0 C7 DISAPPROIJED � REINS�'ECT10!'�J REQIJIREL7 Gd�iREGTI�NS: ,- �° .� ; �.^✓ ❑1�ITE '�1 f� " `�-- IPJS'PECTC?R '"�'� �F --:�`"4F�.�e�'�.".l.t%�{�'-L'-�-"�-"`_' . ���t��� � � � � � ��������1� ���V��� . ��� Taw�a t�� v�,l� :- r , � � . QA-r� ���_ ���� �� .�" -�� ��� ���� �r,;�� �� � �� :� �° + G'ALLER -- REAUY FfJR tNSP'ECTION: MON: TlJ'�S WE❑ TW'UR FR1 AM PM �UCATf�3hl: _ _ _ BW1k..DlN�: PLUINiIBING: 0 FC3QTIhJGS I STEEL ❑ GhJ�}�RGR+C)UN�I � FOUNI]ATlf)N / ST��� ❑ RQUIaH 1 Q.W.V. ❑ FRAMI�,IG ❑ RC}UGH /WRTEFi � RL��F & SHE�R ❑ GAS PIPIhlG PLYWO�� Nal�INC C7 INSE.I�.ATPt�I�+l C} �'�C)E. 1 H. 7'UB � SHEETROCK �fAIL I� C.7 � ❑ FINAL Q FiNAL �L�CT'I�ICAL; M�{CHANICAL: � T�MP. PQW�R O H�ATIN{G ❑ R(�U('aH � E}CHAEJST HC►QD� ❑ CGNbUiT ❑ SUPPLY AiR Cl C7 0 FfIWAL C] �fNAI. �i APPR{3V�D � �lSAPPRQV�a ❑ REiNSPECTI�N F€�QUI1��D +CdRf�ECTlC]hJS: -� ;> ,.` [3ATE IiV�PEC�C?R - - ._- ,,r�___-. � +n.wr�r.y�,�an � � � c ���PE���� ���UG�� � ,, , T+J11VN �� VAlL � ,,, []ATE - J09 EVAN1� :' ��--'- '-��� � �A�L�R REA�Y F+Di� INSf'ECTIiC3N; ^ �+AC}N' TUES W�t] THUR �RI ` ��!'- AM PM r � 7 �vc�TNarv: � .. , , , � � � ;. .. „ - � eu«Q�t��. ��.u�arn��. C1 FOOTIfUGS/STEEL O LIN[?EF3GR{7UND C3 F�LIGVDATlC7M1I/ STE�L C] R(7UGH' / D.W.V. E� �'RAMII�IG 0 FRC7UGH' ! WATER � R()C7F � SH��R Cf +GAS PIi�IhJG P�YWf]�3I? �IAI�.1f�G C] INSULATI�N ❑ PCIOL 1 H. TUB I� SH��TFtOCK �AIL Cl �] L ❑ 'FIh1AL L7 FiNAL ELECTRICAL: MECHAIV��A�: �] T�MP. PC3W�R �1 H�ATIIVG � ROUGH fl EXHAUST H�C}C�5 ❑ �GC}IVDUIT a Sl1f'PL.Y A�R Q ❑ �'� '`F�' F1NAL - � FiNAL C.7 APPRQVED � �kSAPPROVE�7 �''�tEIN�PEGTIUN R�CdU1F��C� GC3RREGTiC7N�: _ ,� , � � � . , - ;� � ,�.�^ ,°� c � ,. . ;` ;' _ , �; , �.-3�.�,f..��_. � � ���'j �.._-_-'.��"�a- -• - __ j _ . � ' �� t',. . .' -. j ;� . .. _ �� ,'/ '�� �. f k����r DATE �� � -____�; �NS��C�G'+R a,.f - _3�t _ g 1M prinrry+ra�i �. � '� �+ C�*. - �+ ���7�G�..r��� ������7� � �,� ,' �:. �,, ,;: ��?WN OF VAIL _. � 0 /`� DAT� 'f`� �� JOB �'JAM� �t�-!�, � � I.�a .� � f . f � �ALL�R REAE�Y FG Fi 4N5��C7'IC)N: MC]W TUES,, WEE� T[-IUR FR1 AM �M �c�c�r�or�: - �ui�.�rw�: ��.ur��airr�. ❑ Ft70TfNGS I S7��L � tJN!]E�Gf�f?UND � FC�UN[]ATfUN I STEEL C7 ROUGH I D.IN.V. � FRAMING Y" .•' . ,�'P'' � ROUGH I 'WATER � �O�OF & SHEER p GAS PiPIiVG PLYWC)QD NAI�.INCs ❑ 1N�UL.ATIOIV C� PC?C}l.I H. TU�3 ❑ SH EETFtOCK NAi L Q fl L� � FlNAL D F�NAL �L�CTRi�AL: MECHANlCAL: �1 TEMP. PC?WE�' a 1-#EATING 0 RQUGh# Q £XHAUST Fi���S C7 Cf)NL7UIT ___ _ C.� SUPPLY AfR � 0 CI F�NAL '� FINA�. "I C1•AFPRt]V�{7 0 IJISAPPR+QIIE� C7 �i�1NSPECTI[7N REQUI�i�D {GClRR�CTIONS: - .-•-"F `,�_ __ __ . �{.�:� v ...- .' _ ; y" �r-.- ' (],�TE , 1NSPECTGR F`� `�-��� .�.,�.,,,�,.�� S ' � � � i �. �����,���■ - ������� � , . TC3WN QF VAl� a�+;7E ��� � '� - ,JQB NAME - �� � �, ' , �AL�ER _ -� READY FdR 1NSPECTI{31V: MC)N TUES VW�D 1 THU�i FRI ��;"f :::�; AM PM L�GATIC?N: BUILDING: �LUMgi1�MG: � �flC)Ti�J�S / STE�L t� iJl'�DERGR4UND O FC}LINDATCQN I STEE�. � #��UGH I D.W.V. 0 F�tAMII'��� � RDUGH / WA�ER 0 R�OOF & 5'HEER ❑ GAS PfPING IF�LYWOUI� [WA�L[NC'a ❑ INSULpTlC}N C] P[�C]L I H. 7U� C] SH�ETRQCK hIAIL p ❑ (� F� FINAL ❑ FliVAL �ELEC"�'Af�AL: MECHE#I+liCAL: ❑ TEMP. P(3WER � H�ATING L7 RC]LI�H � �Xf-1AUST HCIC}DS ❑ C�f��UIT � �UP�LI" AIFt ❑ � a F[3'+lAL C] F1NAL ❑ AP�'�+OVED - Cf C]ISAPPRDV�D CJ R�lNSPECTIC?PJ F��QIJIRED GC�RRECTIC7NS: _ P . , _ '-��rr � �E �C — r .� -r � � "i� ; � .... �_. .a�'`. �ATE 1N5PECTOR _:r.,.. . ..-., .�-�-- tlrprinl�rplv�al4 F � , � � � '�a, r). � I�VSPEC�C)N RE�U'ES�. . , T�OIN�I Q�F llpi L � DA7� .. '' ;'�` a"" .!C)8 NAhAE , y �'�s.� ., � _ . CALL�R ' , - ' . R�AI�Y FC)R 11�JSPEG�`MOpN. MON TUES WED T'r{kJR �RI AM PM L(7CAT1�3lV: _ — BI�I�.QINiG: RLUMB{Fl�:. C] Ffl�OTICVGS I STE�L � UNdERGR�JUND � FCIUIVDAT[dN I ST�EL ❑ R�UGH 1 D.W.V. C1 FRAMItrJG � FiCJUGH /WATE�i � R�QF 8� SH'�EFt C] GAS PIPENG PLYWQO[� l�[AILING � �6VSl�LATit��l - -_ _ _ I� PC}OL / H. TUB � SHEETROC#� NAIL C1 C7 Q C] FINAL Cl FII"�AL ECECT�ICAL: MEGHANfCAL: �I TEMP. F'�W'�R C7 HEI�TING C1 RC+UGH 0 �XHAUS� HClE7C3� � CC)NQUIT � SUPRLY AIR Q C7 � FfNAL � FI(UAL Q RPPR+C)VEQ �,�'� R DISAF€�FiCC.�VEd ❑ REih1SP�C�IC]�J ��QUYRED - � _ C�RREGTIC]NS. �� —�_ f� - �- -� � ,u , . ,. , . . ..� • . _ . _� r �y� ` �' ,>- . . ,. =- .-�� , -` . J_ � - �__ - : y �. .- - �� �� ! �_ , _. - .- � >— � � ,,�. • �� - e- . . . _ ;: . . _-_ — ,,_. , - • , � � ,, - . � �,,, ' ,� �r � �.. - • ,-, - - � . _ � _. _ <. . �. . .'''s - � ,° _ _- ., = : • r, � � z , y -� r_ _x �, _ , ,_ , . _. � . __ ,..., . _ ,_.. , - .,_.. - �. �.. �-� f� ` � r �,� � -,�- �-° ,`� '�� ,," , 1�A1`� ,r_� , . . . -.`,,.�- - _ . , � .. :� � iNSPECTUR �',.-''-� - � . - _ �;, dw R��'Yrvail -�wr� �F v���. � , - , �r�s��c�iora ca�� PEF�MI"F NC). � . (P�UST BE �C}STEQ Gl�l ,�f�� SITE} +�4hITRAGTORS NANlE LIC. N0. Owner: General Cnntractc�r: /11,�'-���,��',i �1u�r��r��� � Excavatc�r: _ Foundation: _ Plumber: Efec#riciar�: ��'`����G ] � ,�"r�,�� ..v�,,�'irvG M�chanical: Framer; Insul�tor. Qry Wall. _ Painter: Rc�ofer: _ �CnlhiTRACTDR N;AME5 AfVD l.ICENSE N�lMB�'Fi MU5'C' BE LISTED INSPEGTI+DNS D15APpRC3VE[7 AEPRROYEa Excavatian Fvatings / Ste�l Fo�rndaticrn / 5#eel Grc�und Plumbin� Engineer�ng (LNtilities} Temp. �lectric Rr�ugh P�umbing - d.W.V. Rough f�lur�t�ing - Wat�r __ � f�ough Electric Gas Piping T�#E A,�34VE TC} B� CQMPLET�� AND APPRUVED 6EF{QRE F��iC}�CEEDIMG afSAPPR�VED A�i��VEG 4%Fto�gh Framing _ -,f'—"- _.- __ Insulaiian i�Sheet Rock N�iE `�v:° � '° Exteri�or Stucce� W�r� Nailin� �ir�al Plumbing � - ;�C F�nal Electric � ` �- s �- Final D�iB "F � . Fir� 4nspection Final Eng�neering {LJ#ilities) � Final Build�ng - ��� UP41'S1 �1�1AL APPRC]V14L UF ALL A�OVE INSPE�fiI(71�JS, R�TURN 1"H1S CA�D TC? BLIILUIf�G D�PT, FC)R ISSUANCE C3F CERTtF}CATE �F �GClJPPANCY ���.00 Ft�PLACEfI+"l�NT CHARGE FQR LC3�T fI�SPECTI�N CA�� F�3R INSPECTIQNS CALL 47f-7�00, EKT. 1Q1 pR 1p2 �4 �iaurs In Ad►�ance E3etwe�en 8:aa �r.rn. #v 4:30 p.m., Monday Through Friday nw onnanr w��i w , * � � ' Ba���iva�ura Sc B���:r�sn.uM Aaro�e�rs��r� w2 Lww SUI7E C5�7,UM1'�'EQ BAPlM GEIIJT�.I� ..165EFH BERfNtJAWMi y 1�7q(] �fIC7a�WAY T,iL�PHQN[ $�l-i317 MANaEL 6EF7ENSAUM LENVF$�GC�l-.�B'+�I�Q LXO�F'�O AREh CpGE ,3¢J �P�T�R q.�ORPa57EIN �OWAFD B.CrELT �MARLES P.LE�EA EOWIN G�-P[R�MtJ7TEA GMARL�S+�-BEMNLEY MAFtSHALL L7.6ROfl51[Y May 19, �.982 Ec3ward I . H�� ig-man, Esq . Atler , Z��11 S� Hali�man 718 - �7�h :�treet , �J8f3{} Den�vear , CCl 802i}2 D�ar Ed: Tn response �o yvur Ietter af May 14 , pl.�as� be ad��s�d that it is aur position, as we s�ated in our last correspandence �c� the Towr� Qf VaiZ , that tt�� mere fulfillm�nt af the requirements of the Va�� ordinarace allaw�n,� noti�e ta be sent tQ a managin� �.g�n�C, registerea a�;ent r�r any anember af the baard c�� direc�ors d�es rac�t complv �ai�h the nnt�ce requirements which we feel are � ne��ss�ry undcr the terms c�f the Car�stitu�ic,n of the 17nzted S�ates , ncsr is there a�y c�ther auChc�ri�y fvr s�ch an ado��zon. � qs a c�nsequence , p3�ease be advised th�t it is stil�. oux eli�nts ' pQ�f_tinn that any perrnits �ranted ta ynur c�ient, M-� Corp€�r�tic�n , the osaner and developer c�f Pha�� II of the Mark Resor� ar�d Tennis �Cluk� , is impraper and a�.l actions coneerning sa�d d�v�lr�pment shou4d c�ase arad desist iuun�dzately. Ve�y� trul� �crurs , f' � .� �` ,•' � rd B. Gelt HBGIkaI �c A Peter Fatt�n, Jr. , Vail F��par�m�nt c�f +Co€nr�u�ity Deve�apment AI Houser , The Vail Spa Conc�ar��n�ums L � M Professivn�l Ccrnsul�ants , Inc . $@��lp .�IT]iG�7 � �ti.t � Y � � � � �� ' $EREN7.3�A,U� �c BE1?I�N'FiALfM L• f�+ ATTDI�3�TEYS AT LAW �� ��'�P�. $L11T£ IS�U7'UNIT�p 6Ah91( GENTER � �� � .f05EPN BER£M@AiLlM 176G BRQA�WRY 7E1.EPFfOFdE 85�—R�.17 7xAF117EL @ER�ENBAUH �PEI+YVYR, .�J+6LC3$AI?O Al12¢30 AREA CL7IIE 30��3 PET�R q.{J{7RNSTE�h1 NQWARC7 fi.S'sELT CMApLES P.L�OER EI7WIN iC.P�FdLMUTTER �HAftl�$A.B�.W�EY MARSHALL�.BR'O�SRY �c3.�' �7 � ��$� A. Peter Fatten, Jr. Depart�ten� of �o�unity D��relapment Tawn vf Vail 75 Sau�h �r�antage Road Vail , Colorae�a 8I�57 Dear Mr. Fartten: We are in rec�e�pt vf yaur Iette� of. May �.(3, 198� , and. t�te enc�osed copy vf O�dinance 49 of 1979 ia�dicatin� tha� a cc�ndominium prvject receave� n�ti�e anly thra�gh the association. P�.ease b� a�vised that we find nn ratian�]. hasis upon which such nati�e provzsians can be ad�}��ed by th� Trwn r�f Vai� , and bel�.ev� �hat such notice pravisions may in fact be unconstitu�t�ona� as they crea.te �wo sep�rate elasses af prc�perty c�wwr�er� , with �o ratianal b���s , und�.r the Un�.ted Stat�s c�r Co�carado Cc�n�t�.tv�ions �ar the sC,atutes af the State of �oloradca, for such a dista.nc��on. It r�ma�ns our pos�tion that �3�e Town �rf �ai2 �nd. th� cieve].vp+er af this par�ie�alar pro�j�ct fa�.�ed to adequately notify Che individual clients we r�present �t the Vai1 5pa Condotnini�.ms at the act�ai change in this sgecial development dist�ie�, and as �. cansequence , any buildin� permats or �c�n�tructian perms.Cs issued by th� Tt�wn of Vaa.l f�r such an a�nended project �re inva�i.d. Please cc�nsic�er this aur clients ' requ�st �� icnrr�eda.ately wi�hdraw aIl bui�ding or ot�er constru��ion pera�its �ha� l���ve been ��sued. to i�h� deveZap�er in this situat��n subjeet t� proper na�i�� and an c�gpor�uraity to garticipate in �nea.ningful he�rin�s b�ing gi�en Co all adj acent prcrperty awners . Tha�tk yvu fve your coaper�ti�n in this m�t�er. e y c�urs , . elt HBC/ka�. cc Edw^ard Halig�an A1 Hou��r, The Vaal Spa Cc�ndflminiums L & M Professional. Gansul.�an�s , Znc. Sergiv Jinich. .,� . C � � �sTLER, ZALL AN� I�ALIGM�►.N A PRQFE551plFAL GC3RFbRAT16N �1QAH A.ATLEF2 RQNALD I.ZALL ATTOR�IEYS AT L,P.W RICH J.R{JIHfM EpWAFtR I.HALI,r`„ASAf+{ F�OLfp .3.McNAMIARA „t5]�h M. ZALL 7�g ���NTEEFITk! STREET, SUITE $f�C] ���HAR�1 �. SAlJL ANTHC3NY J. RECh{L3T2 IE Af_+AN '8�.L4TT!'+1ER DENVER9 G[]L.C7FilAC]Q ${�y�(],� MARSHALI H. PISHMAM RICHAR❑ t.�BROW N JE�PR€Y C6HEW �.4M E5 P.GREG4Rt' TELEP�NONE[303)825'81d I JON F. SR�Jl75 A�CRAE{a FLEISMMAN 1(+9,TMY ERTC7N CRANMER T�LECOPtEFt'�303)623-4�2� Fi�BEF7T G. L.EVINE L6Ul5 M.(]i]IRfS SP6CIa,7, CpVw5CL AZH �9LE ND. M117' 2I ,, 19$2 Hc�ward �. Ge��, Esquire Herenbaz�.tt �nd �erenbaum 174(3 Broa�way, Sui�e 1�07 Den�e�, �olarad� 8029�? Re: 1++�arriott/Mark. Hotel Dear Howard: I am �n receipt �f a cc�pv o� your le�ter da�ed M�y 17, 198�, directed �a A. Q��er Pattea�. Jr. , of the Departm�nt af Community I7evelppznent fvr the T�wn of Vail, which wnu�,d appear to have xequ+��ted �hat �he buil�.ing and o�her c4nst�uc-�ion p�rmit� issu�d to M-K �orparat�on be withd�c�wn and that the rnat��r be rescheduXed �c�r ��arinr�s af�er fu�ther ncatice is giv�n. As I advised in my letter a� May 17, 19��. �h.e quality c�f �he notice� giv�n to the adJacent prt�per�.y Qwners taas consist�nt with �he City Drd�nanG�s o� tY�e Tc�wn a� tla.�l an� a�for�led to �.nterested pa.a�ties an apgortun� ity �c� participate in the h�arings wvhich wex°� h�].d he�are the adc�p�ic�n of the Amendm�nt to Spec-�al Bev�lc�pment aistra.c� Na. 7 . �n xelian�e upon the ad�pt�an af this qrdi.nance an� th� fina�. approva�. given by the I]esign Revi�w B�ard c�n Au�ust 19, 19$1. M-� Corporatinn �as comm�nced the canstructi.an af th� Fha�e TI D��relo�-- ment cr� th� Mark ftescaart �nd Tennis Club anc� ha� i�eurred �ansider- able c�►s� and �x�ense in i��e cc�nst�uc�ion c�� tnis buiidingr. �ur Suprem� Court has rul�d in re�any cas�s th�.t a m�z�ic�.pal ordin�nce is presuan�d �ca �ae constitutional and �hat �he apporaent vf its ceynsti�utionalitv has th€� burden e�f pra�ing it unconstitu- ticrnal. beyc�nd a reasanab�.� dou�at, In the case af City of Leadvi3le v. R�od, 64�q P. 2d 62, �ha Appellant ap���,led fxom a judgmen.t in which the C�urt grd�rec� the remmva�. of a buildinq cahich ha.d be�n coa��t.�u�ted in violatian vf a mc�nicipa�. vrdinan�e. The Cvurt �tateci: A rnuz�icipal �rdinance is presum�d ta he constitu- �i.onal ar�d th� assailan� the�eof has the burd�n vf proving i�. unconstituti�nal beyond a r€��sonable daubt. � ` . A�z.�R. Zp.�.�. .�rr� H�s.z,z�rz� � r � A pRpF'ESSIONY\!.[OFZPORAT10t4 How�:rd B. G�1 t P�ge Twg May 2�, 195Z This same propos�.tian was also s�ated a.n the case of M�sgrove v. Tc�wn af I'ederal� Heights, 543 P. 2d 715 . In t�e case �f Grawfc�rd �r. Denver, �56 CD1Q. 292, the Cou�'t stated: There is a p�esu.mgtian "that the l�c�islative b�dy �cte� prop��lyE and un�ess classifica- �.ion is c�+�arly arbi�rary, the legis3.ata.an must b� su�tained� A court wiZ�, nc�� and �hcsuld nat s�t asid� a statutory proviszvn un�.�ss �h� classificati.c�n zs palpably a����rc1�'�er Based upon these decisians, i.t is guit� clear �hat ��e Ord�n- ance o� �he Tc�wn of Lrai.l with regard to the mann�� in which natice is to be given to �he adj acen� pr�perty awne�s is nres�e�i tc� be c+onstitutiQnal until �hc ccan�ra�y is determined beyond a r�asona�le daubt. It wauld be improper fc�r the Tawn of Vail , actin� solely upon y�u� contentions, ta withdraw �he perrnits p�e�ious�y granted �a Ni-K Carp�.�ation. FurtI��rmor�, the Town af Vai� w�u�d now b� estt�p�e�3 from changing its pos�,ti+�n a�t�r �he reliance the�-ec�n pu�suant tc� th� d�ctrine �f r�unic ipal es tcr�p�e�. :�n the �a�e of CrawfQrd v. McLaugl�lin, 473 P, 2d 725� the Co].orac�c� Supr�me Caur� �vas presented with the questipn af enfor�eability o� ��� doctrin� c�f equitable estappel a�gainst a municipality. The �ou�t said, in p�rtr a� fC711C7W5 : This Cc��z�t has �ecogr�ized ani� appli�r3 the doc��in� c�f �quita3�le estc�ppe� for many years (ca.tation amitted) . This doctrine �s founded u�on principle� t�f fair dealing and is d��ig�ed tc� �id the l�w in the admin.a.st�ation of justi�e where, witht�ut ��s ai�3, in�ustice mig�t resul� (cita�ion omi�ted} . It is applicabl� ac�ainst gcaVernmental. agencies ta prevent injus�ice (citation amitted) . The dnctrin� Q� equita�le �stoppel bars a municipal cor�oratic�n frami e:nf�rcinc� an ob��.�- ga�ion by taking a pasitian cos�trar� t� pre�- viaus rep�esentat�or� relied on by defendants ta their detrimen�, Franks v, .�ur�ra , 1�7 Calo. 25, 362 P. 2d 5�1. In Franks, the Ca�rt held that the �ivc�r�ne of �str�ppel. in pais is fu�iy ap�l.ica}�1.e against a r�unica.pa�ity if i� is necessarv t� anvoke a.�. to prevent manifest inaustice where a party had relies� �pv� the agproval.s vf the r�uni�ipali�y kaefare ins�allation ot th� n . . 'ATLER. ZALL A,hTE7 HALIC�1� � � A PROFE551Dt+YAC [Q�p��g2,a,T�pN H'owarc� B. Gel t � Pag� Thr�e may 21. 1�82 pip�li�ae, Similaxl.y, in the instan� �ase, M-K Corpara�z�on has �elied upon the approval. by the Tawn vf Vail tor th� develvpment of Phase II o� the Mar� ResQrt and Tennis Clul? and if such a�pr�rval were withdrawn at tha.s tia��, i� wo�ald resaxlt �.n manifest injustice anc3 e���nsiv�? damag�s. A�cc�rd�.ngly, this is to ad�ise you �hat if, as � resul� of the req�x�st contained in y�ur letter €�f M�y 17, 1982, or an�r other acti�n w�ich may be �niti�.te� l�y yc�ur cl�ents, �he Tc�wn c�f_ Vai� withdraws the aaermits previous�.y' granted �c� M-K �ornaratian for the d�v�xapment c�f �hase �TI af the Mar� Resc�rt and Tennis Club, it will loQk tc� y�ur c�ients for a�I. damages su�fered by reason therec�f, which sha11 irrclude damag�� for tc�rtic�us �nter�erence with a pubiac cQntract. Yours ve�cy truly, AT LF.?t, ZAL�, ANI) HAL I GA�AN, P.C. �, ii �� �t�,;� Edwarci I. Haligman �IH:Cg cc: xaiser ��arcus A. Peter Patten, =7r. _ �_ ._. _ r� ' � �TLER, 'ZALL ANI3 ��A�LTGMA.3�� , +� PFi4FE55�14NAL �ONRpRATf6k N�C}.+�.H A.ATLEf� A7TORhlEYS A1T LAW r�iCx 1.RVetN RU1+4AL0 M.ZA4L ippp ./.�l�ctJAAVAR►� �pWAFtD F.HALIGMAN J�£7Fi MA• ZALL �18 SEVElV7EEMTM S7F7EET, SU��ITE �00 RIC3iAR0 J. SAi,lL A6Ai�M 8•LfJ'FThkER aN7MC3HX l.R€CH�.liZ IY RtlGHAFi6 f.SROWFi ��NVEI$,,C.OLD�AGLS $I,7'�s�D�2 MAR5HALL M. FISHMAN JAME5 P.GR�GORY 7Ei.�PltCSN�E 3Q3 6�25'81t1 •"������� �4+iEf+f A.CRAYG FL€.I$HMAIV � '� JON F. SA�+it]S T�LECOR?EFi(303}��3-.#322 KATFiY EATC�H CRAMMER RC)6CR7 G. 6EVIN�E LOU15 M, Q4.tiRK aV[CIiL�C�Dr1H8C� A2M FlLE N4. �C�� ��r ���rG I��w�.rd 8. Gelt, Esc�uire Se�enbaum and Ber�nhaum ��i"�l� BX't7�C��13�7"r $L11tE �rts��i ❑�.'I3Ver� C'.Olf7rc3�10 �0�"9� Re: The Marriott/Ma�k Hotel F��ar Howard: As the attorneys �or M�K Cor��ration� �he awner �.nd dev�lc�per saf Phas� YI o� the Mark Resort and T�.nnis Club► we have been asked ta respvnd tQ your letter o� Apri130, 1.982r in which you contend that the actic�n �a�en by the �?esign Ra°�riew BQard for the �aran af Vail in apprr�v�ng the de�relapmental plan for th� Phase II 1�evel�p- men� �af the �ark Resort ant� T�nnis Clt�b w�s vialative Q� th� right� c�f c�rtain �� yvur cJ.ien�s who accupy candominium units in th� Vail Spa �ondaminiu� I7evel�rprn�nt. �'or purposes of �espandia�g to y�ur l���ter, � have been in cc�ntact w3th K�nr�eth 5. Wentwvrth of the architeetu�al �irm of Ruc�ff/Wentwarth, and w�th the D�partment c�f Community d�velQpment f�r the Tc�wn of Vai�. in vrder ta �katain infor- mation r�f the ev�nts which �r�.n�pa.r�d relativ� tc� this develapment. From �he infor�nation �rhich I have received, � wish t4 �,a�i�e as £c�l.lc�ws: 1. In 1977, the Tawn Council vf the '�own of Vail adr�pted SpeeiaT Dev�lopment bis�rict No. 7► which p�ovid�d fvr a �+'Iaster �Je�'elopme�t Plan �or Phase I and Phase II c�f the Mark l�esort and Tennis Club. Th�: Plan at that �a�me shc�wed gene�al lcrc�tian� and designs fvr th� bui�dings and tk�e int�nded access a�d outlined dev�lr�pment stanc�.ards and m�xi.moam d�nsity cr�antral�. B�sed upan t�is Master D�eve�.opment Plar�, �he Phas� I ����lopment was cvmpleted. The�eaf�er and on A.gril 2Q, I98�, the i�ep�rtment vf Cc�mr�unity aevelvpm�nt for �he Town vf Vail submitted to th� Planning and Envir€�nmental C�amrnission af the Town of Vail, a prvpvsa� for se�r�ra1 revisi�ans t� the 1977 Plan and �eques� for a�tendment� ta th� Spec�al D�vel.€�prnent Distric�� which i.ncluc�ed mir�vr redesigns af �he m�ss�.ng and bu�ldinq �nvelope. This groposal af the Depart- ment of �or,�tunity Develc�pment was ap�rr�v+��3 by the P��nning an� Env�ronm�nta�. Camrr�issi�n a� its meeting c�n Apr'i� Zf}r 1981. ! ,AT���t. ZA�.x� �zan Ii�+,.r.r�� � ' A PRpFE$Slf]IVA4 C4RlE'ORATIaM ��JWc�r'C7 B. C��.'�'.� Page Twa May T4, 1982 2. �n ,7une I6, �981, the Town C��ncil for the fiown af V�iI in�roduced, r�ead and passed an �ecand readinq af�,�r giving nc�tice as req�tired by t�� (�rdinanc�s of th+� Tvwn of Vail, and after a public he�ring at a regul.a�ly sch�du].ed rneeting, Ordir�anc� No. 25, S�ries of I981.� amending Special �7evelapn�e�t oistrict Na . 7 of the S�ries of 197�, as praposed k�y the D��ar�ment of ��mmun��y �7eve�r�p- ment, whereupan, the same was submitted tc� th� I?e��gr� R��riew Bc�ard. 3. On August 19, 1981, a� � meeting Qf the Design Review Baard, the prc�pos�d modificativns �c� the Pha�e Is �f the Mark Resart �zxd '�`ennss �3.ub wa� ��.v�n f�nal, apprava�, with stipulati�ns that there be plan�ed 14-i6 14-18 ' h�.gh spruce on the north side of �he i�prcave- ments and th�►� the raaf m�.terial match the r�oaf materi�� �n the remainder of the building. Thas acti.on c�f the I]esign Rev�ew �3c�ard was signed by Peter J�amar as th� Totvn P13nner for �he Town of Va�l . Bas�d upon tT�e f�rec�oing, it �.s quite appa�r�nt th�t a31 of the required actirsn neeessary to construct the Phase II Develax�ment c�f th� I�Iark �es�rt and Tennis C�uh, as the sazn+� is n�w being cons�ructed, has be�n prop�rly approv�d �y the apprapriate governmental agenc�es of the Tawn �of Vai�. , In yvur lett�r af May 7► 1'�$2, directed tc� Peter �atten, you have cc�ntended �hat th� Town of V�i� failed to �a�ify each indivic�ua�. candomini�m owner qf adjacent property and that the g3ving crf n�atice tc� th� Associatic�n and �kae Mana+�ement �nrnp�ny wa� n�t su�ficien� ta appris� your c3ien�s af their r�ght to �.p�ear a�. the hearinq, I have c�btain�d �rt�m ��e Tvwn o� Va�l an excerpt fr�m the Vail Municiga� Cvde 3ealing with hearings and the givin+g af n€�tic� t� awners of �roperty adjacent �o th� prop�rty �^hic�a is the su�sject of considera- t�,�n. a copy of �ahich �s �n�losed herewith. �rdinance 18 . �6 . U8aB speci�ical.Z� prr�id�s tRat if the adjacent prrperty is a cc�ndor.tina.�m pra�ect, the nv�ice requirem�nts are fu�.filled by mailina to the M�n�gin� Agent, Reqistered Agen� or any member of the Board Qf Dirce�ors �herec�f. I am a�ivised by i�r , Patten that the notice rec�uiremen�s Qf this �rdinance were fu1.f�.1].ed. Accvrdingl.y, it would app�ar �T�at �he obj��tions nQw ra�.s�d by your c�.ients are nc�t time].y ancl �.hat these ma�ters sh�auld have b�en a�3d�essed at the public hear- ings wh�ch were previvusly he1.d, �t which time Special Develap�n�nt Uis�ric� N�a. 7 and the amenci�.ierzts were appra��d. Very truly yo�zrs, ATLER� ZALL AND HAL,IGP'i1�N, F.C. 8 �` ��- Y �'e:w�.�d I. Ha3iqma ETH:cg Encl�sure cc: Kaiser E. A9or�us/A:�'Pet�a� patten, Jr./Kenne�h 5 . Wentworth , •. � �xcerpt from V�� Co�vradv Mun�cz�al Gode . ., � AU�vllli�f I�TRATIC7Z'J aliacation �rocedt�re shalj not t�� s��t�stituted for [fit pfacedureS �r4sc;ribec� 'rn the subdivisic�r� tit�e if Ehe site �onstitut�s a �orcian of a p;�rcel �vhich �,ar� �e furtli�r s�ibdiv�id�d c�r c�th�rrvis� is su}�ject to t�e pr�vis�ans ot' tt�� sub�iivisifln t9tic. (�Qrcl. 8f 1973) � ?1 .3[7U.) l$.b6.��i[} Hearin�s--Canduct. When req�sircc� k�y statute ar by ihis t'si3�;, hear�n�� he�ore the planning corn�a�ission and tl�e tQwn c€�unczl shal! be conduct�d irr ac��rdance with the �ro��isiviis o� this cttapter. {�fJrd. S(I 973} � �i.��o.� 1$.b6.[l7U ��leari���s—Settin� date. Upc�n th� fi�in� crf a� app�ica�ion, �etitiQr� car appeal, thL dispc�sition of wf�ich requires a h�aring l?efore eitE�er t}t� �lannin� �ommission or t1�e tnwn council or both, pursua�nt to this title, a d�tc for the hearin� shail '�� s�t �vE�i�h shaIl be noc mvre t1�an thirty days from tt�e date of tili�a� ot`�t�e application ar rec�ipt af ti7e c3ocum�nt. (Qrd. 1�� 15�7�s) ; 7 �part}.3 � I8,6b.(]�d Eiearzn�-wNotice �l. N�t less t]�zr� fzf��en days priar t� the dat� set fQr the I�ea�ring bef�re tt�e p�anning and enviraa�mental cam�nissivn, tt�� �oning ad�atinistratar shall cause a cogy o� Lhe notice �0 6� pu�alished onc� in a n�wspaper of genera� circulatio�t in the TQwta. B, In �dditian �o the ptablished natice, the z�s��ng �dma.nistratar shall cause � cupy o� the nc�trce �ta be m�ilcc� by .�irst class r����.I , pvstage prc�aic3 ta the oo,�ier vf owners a£ recard a�f t'he property whrch is su�ia ect of ti�� hearin� ar�ct 'the owner or �wners af recard qf the prop�rty adjacent to t�e sl}hj�Ct prvperty (if the ad3acent pro�e�ty i� d cor�der�iiinium proj�ct, nat%ce rnay be m�iled to the managing ag�nt, �e��st�re�d agent c�r :�ny mem�cr vf thc Baard af Dir��tr�r� thereof) , for any amcndmunt, chang� or �ppiicatian r�Iating ta: `��� (Vait s�a�l � .�, . ,' � � - Y . Changes in zanin� c�istrict bcaunci�i�ies, Z. +Cc�r�ditiQnal uses; � 3, Uariances; �. I3���elc�grnent piarts li�r special devclo�rnent c�istricis;and 5. Cf�an�es in tllc s��nsity cotttrol seeti�ns itt any pf the zone districts. �. The �viihiri �rc���ired r�otiees shall state t}te tim�° and �+kace vt� tht taearin�, name af tlY� appiicant, a �es�cral zl�:scriptic►n �of tlie �ubject praperty ir�ciicatin� its lac�tinn (which may be sl�c�wn t�y map}, a brief $ummary Qf` th� st3bject matter at thr hearin,�, and a statctner�t t}i�T tt�e �ppticatir�n pr infor- m�tian r�latin� tc� t}ie prapased c�ian�e vr atnenciment is av�ilabPe ir� the �onirs� a�isninistr�t;�r's office e�iirin� re�la; �iusi�ess htaurs t�or revieev �r inspe�:tioat E�y t3ie put�lic, (Urd. 49'(1979} � l.j 1�.56.�39Q Hearing—�vidence. A, �fir� gl�nnin� �ammission sltail base its cl�terrninatic�ns upon �taterner�ts contair�ed in tlie appiica€ioiY ur p�tition, upon repc�t'ts fram tf�e tv�4•t� staff or cons�aIt:�nts, iC any, and upor� evic€ence presented �o t3�e cflrr7mission at tf�e h�arirrg. B. Tlie town co��ncil st�aai b�se it� c��g�TI11317�It037S ►�pon � staCen�enis �;ontainecl in tlie appIication or ��tit'sart, up�n re=�orts frosn tiie totivn staff` �r cans��itac�ts, iF any, upon evidence sul�mittec3 ko tli� ptaa�ni��g ���iimissian and #]�� r�can�n�enr�atic�ns s�r fi9taiini�s of tf�e cc�mrn`sssion, and upan �r�id�nce presented to tlYe coGrncil �t t�i� h�ari�lg. C. Hearin�s sf7ali be cc�t��fucte� in suclt a m:�nner ��s t� aFfard an a��licant or petitic�ner ar�d all in[er�steci part�es tk�e fl�3�SQftE1R1�}+ t0 5U1)tlll� �XCe�}�i411S [C] �f'}� f�C�fi�, cant�ntior�s. a�cl ar�t�anents witf3 res�+z�t to tt�e issuts ent:�il�r�, prc�4ic[eci t}tat the plantiin�; c;orr�missinT� ancf tt�e x�aivn c:r�unri3 ii3;i�� Ii�t�it tliz t;tkiri� ol' �vicR�ia�� lo �vie�ence nc7i previt���sly ����,mitrt d ar�d niacle � nYatc�r c�i'recor�]. (C)rci. 1 C�[1'�75) ; 7 l.��art�:Qrei. 8(]973) � "f.4C�3.) l 1�.fi6.f�(} Amer�dment-�Presrription. 1�hc regul�xtior�s presrs�ibec� in tlti, rarefiraar�c� a,�d t'1�. hous�clari�s of tlie �Eistrirts sEl�rvrt v�� t��e of�t��i.gl �o«i�a� sz�ap may �c arr�er�ded, ar repeal�d by t}�� towrj c+�uncil in ace�rcla�ycr with tft� prorcci�tres pr�serihe�i in t��is chapt�r. (+C3rd. �t����x � *i.sa�,� ���,�:.K,r ��? � � ' � � `��i � ���� � Ob '_�,. : ��:nuin frantagc,oa� •,a�,�.ei�,,,���as��,`.' 3t13aiF:� r F�_ �� �.; �. � Peter Patten ��� Se��c��'�arsne� ���� �� ��� � 1'?epartmcnl oi�Umrnunity DevePb�menl 75 south tron�age r+�. department of er�mrnunity deve�apmer�t vail, colorado 8165T (3Q3) 476-7f3DD . l�ay 't(D, 1982 H�rwa r� �. Ge� t 8erenbaum and Berenba�um ` Su9te 1507 Unit�d Ba�k Center 170Q Sro�dway Qenver, �alorada 8�290 �ear Mr, G�lt; P�eas� find ene�osed the dv�umenta�i�n concerr�in� the mailing of not�ce� f�r puba �c hear�ngs in the T�wn e�f Va�l . Aiease n�t+� that �rdinance 4� af �979 d�ctates that a c�r�d�m-ir�ium prvject recei�cs notice only t�rnugh tt�e assoe7at�or�. If y�u have fur��€er qu�st�ons, please ca71 . � 5� �r�e / , a ,�7 �y � --• �..,t�= A. PE�'ER ATi"Ehi, J Senior P1anner AP�:bp� �r�cl . 4 � ' • � � . I3�,���r�.urs & B�S��a�us� ATTifjEtNY:YS AT L AW SUMTE ISQ7�.iL1lVlTE� [iANK CiEhF3E.F! JOS�PtI SERfNBAUM 17�� ���"�`p�p'Y f£LEPIiC]!VE FSRI-471T d.1AdJOEL BF,REN9AUM D'EN�'F.R�GC7�I.�R�AI�XJ$[]f2t$�I AH�A CQaE 3Q3 PET�R R.�CfRMSiEEFt MpWARO F3.GELF GNARLES P.L�O€R EDWlN �.C�RLMVTTER CHARLES A.BEWLEY MARSHALL C7.HFiC]Y]°�,KY �i�y � , ��$� A, �'ete� Pa�terl, .Tr. Senivr P�.�nner Town a£ �ail 75 Sauth Frr�rtta,ge Road V�i� , CC3 8�657 �ear NIr. Patten: We are in receipt nf �*our Ietter o� May 4 eoncerning the Marriott Mark Hatel . We �isagre� wi�h yc��.r cc+ntent�an that the adj acent property awners are ar�ly those persvns nated in your a�tach�d list . �peci�ically, our contention is t�.at each persvn ow+raing a co�ndomi�ium has a recorded inter�st and as such is entitle� to specif�� nc�tice. It i� our con�ention that fai�ure to notify the� in�ii�r�.dua�Zy �at�ulcl be � v�.ol.atian o£ th�ir ri.ghts tQ app�ar at any �earing on zonir�g chan�es to ad�acent progerty. If yr�u have authorit�r tea the cotttra�y on this �.ssue, vae raould be haPPy ta revi�w �t. T£ ncat, ple�s� consider this a pr�test an beha�.f c�f several irrd�vid�a� owners of units at �he Vaa�I Spa Cand.ominiurns fc�r your fai.lure tQ �rav�.de them w�th app�opriate natifieation as �o changes in zon�ng c�r p�anr.in� on ac�jacent praperty, Ve�ty yours , � ' ° 1 ��: ,� ar , el� HBG/kaZ cc Edward. I . �Ial.igznan, Es+q. The Mark I�oCe1 and Tennis CZub AI �I�auser, Th� Va�I. S�a Candnm�n�.uins L & M PrQfessivnaT Cvnsaa�tan�s , Inc. Sergio ,�inich ' .r-w ��f ,�~ f� I. �-r��� �*q ����` ra 1 �' * �` f r `, '�e f ' �"r� --�— f °—'��', z1 t=t� ,�. '_ � r y � �� /'`�I'"�. 5r�'�i(�n 1 . Tit�e � �, � Tn o dir�ance sh�1 i be �.s�ca:an �s E.t�e "Ordi s�as�cG �sta'�1�sh�i n�a � � y, f S�eci�1 G►�°.��o��.��� �ii�tric� 7". .,� °� 'a ,m�`ion 2. ���,encir�nt Frote�ures Fulfilled, Planning Co�:nis��on �;�* � � �;�;: � . ,A j �" � � Repar�. `� � � � �, � Q�edures �rescr�bed in 5ectior� 21 .SU� o` the ,:y�:� i r_ ..�,��r���ent � . an� the 7o::n Gn;��eil ��as reYe;ve� �'r:� ';�:,� �Df11�.= �Y.'. "��f1�F r^;�a �ou� �;.1�r1Z�C::y ; t � ��� ���rnin� Ca�missic�s� recc������°n��ng th� en�ct�ent af tS��s or�7nas-�c�. ;�� . repar.. a . E; �e���c�n 3, SQec1 al Der�el vp�er►� ��stri ct 7 Esta'b�i shR�; � � �� . } � � ., �� ,�.menr,.r�ts tc� 2�t�in� Ordinance and af�icial Zc�ning 1tiep. � ��`-� 1 ' ns Qf Arti cl es 1 , �3, and 27 of i3�e � � . � P�rsu�n,, ta the pra►��s 7 0 .g;� ,� , � ir� C�r�irtance, C}r'dinance t�[�. �, Serie� o� 1973, af the 7o��r► of Vai� , x� ' \''r � ? � �c�n ., � ��nt Uistrict 7 (SD7}, a speeial ` 5� `� �,"� � . Calor�do, �s aTRn=�d, Speczal �evelap , ,,1 � ,�, � a�evelap�:�,°�'� 4oning distri�t, is h�ereby e�tabi;��,°� f�'" }�„' ����1a���nt on a c+�rtai�i parcel af 1 and eampri s ir�g 5.17 acre� in the Va�1 �i c�sH°ad area af t'�� T�ti�n �r 1'ai� , an� th� �oning 4r�inarr�e and the Officaal ar� her�by ar�ended by the add�ti�n of the fo�iZ�wing �ravi5�ons ` , � �on�ng �•tap .. wha cfi� sha�1 �ecome tFr� E�g��� Chapter a� Arti c�e 13, the caption of whi c� ; , shal� h� "S�ecial []eve3 ogmemt D3�tri ct 7" and a map� whi c'h shal l bec�r�e an '4 - �cidition ta the OrTlC1�� ZOT17TiC� ���a�. Secti�n 4. iPvrvose af Specia� �eve�op�ent District. �,.,� �. A s�ecia� deveiopment distr��t ��s established to assure � � compreh�nsix+e deuelo��°nt and �sse caf an area in a manner �.ha� wi�� h� , l' "k._. �� �eneral character a�' fi.he ��►�n of Vai 1 , �o��ra do, �� h�rrzoninus wi�h '�,�_ � a en sQac�e and recreat�onal ar�eniti es, �nci promc�t� ��e �' �rbv�de �deqvat�. � , ob��ctives �� ttre zoning Drd�nanc� af �he Taa;n; �r�d there �re sign��ic�nt �,�. aspeets af 't'�e spec�al d�vei�pment �,rS�i ch car�no*_ be satz sf i ed ur�der t e exi�ti ng zani ng. _� ....._... . �.�-.—� __._... �._�-- . __ ".� � ., _ .. . .___..., � �. � � � - '� p,� � � ��CL1 t3ri a. Ar�provai �� �CVC�O�i:�nf3� � A. Th� �evel�pment F'l�n for tt��! t•lark �esort and T�er�nas Club rrhi ch �s �art o� 1 ts sai d app� i cati c�n shal l be i r�corpr�rated by refer�r�e, and r�ade a part of S�7 �nd constit�tes a genera� plan and g�ide �or develap;��ent ��1i#.Y�in th� Special f�istr�ct. 8. Amen��eraLs to �.he �+��rvved Dev�loprn�n�. Plan �•rhich dv nat chanoe i�s substance and t•r�i ch are fu11y recorr:n�nd�d i r� a rep�r�_vf the P��nn�ng Co�rE�ni s��on may be approved by �he Toti•rn C�unci� tay r�svl v'�ivn. �C. `The Er�vir�n�nenta� Ir�pac� Re�ort shall be �su'bm�tted t� �he �oning Adm�n i strator i n accordance v;i th �,rticl e 15 of tfae �an�ng ��'d�nance prti ar �� the cor���nce:��nt of the,_revz ea�,i and a�tir�val pracess. _ :��pp1��+ent�1 reports prior to te�e commence�nent_ c�f ,ca�rs�:r�u.cti.an of_�ach �kta�e�s�hal� �� . � provi�,:d as nece�sarv• _ _ . � � =- . - - s - - , �_,��- - _ - - - . . - - , - �� � Each p��s� af t'�e deve;U�ment sha�� rer�u�re �.-�,�� �,-� _ � _ �revie;�F 'ar�ii recam�en��at�-arr� -c�f tfie A�anr�i�n� C�rri�i ssi�an an� _ �� -- . . - - . .._ -__ � _ _ _ : - - �;_pprciv�3 b}r �the i a;•r�i�vuncil'.= = � . - . - -- - �.= Ea'cfi �h�as� of thie '��ve�ep�;;errt�=shi�11 reaUi re fi.he� �rior =.-y_ , . �.aP�rov�a:l �of i�� i���i-gn- �evi e4x �c�ar���n a�c=c�rdanc�= wi th ti�e ��rp�i��a�l e .�:� ro�ri��i a�s o� Art���.-7 e-'i�5� c�f -t�e`��o'�i{r�� �r�i��ance:� E"ach- phase� s'�al���b� � P �-�eai:��tite� �y ari ���stide��Q��su-ltant� �� the= "�xp��►��= �f �.�ie develp���`=,"�h� shall ; =���x� t�.ei r recom�serida ti rins �:v tt�e '�es i gn �te�i ew �oa rd. -- -- - �: �Tj -�h� �D�welonm�nt �P�an Rshall t�� � :`. �� , _ _ _ . . _c�,�•-� = :ame"n"d�d �o�ref�ect �t=rc�i�tectura�==��sign c�f eac� . . . ,�. �r r,- - - r r.wr., � :-..._ �:��'a _� �.-� � _- -- . _a. pfia-�e. - " - -- - v .. .. ���-: ... ... �. � : ; ._ ; .-_. ;_ ����= ��acY�� ph-ase- �� t�he d�v��opm��t s�ha�`1` • . _ - _. . _ _.-= r�eq��re r�view ancf-��corrz�endati`or��� a�- th�e P�-�ririii�`g� - �. � �ien� .. -- . � e:,- . .' ,�_ : �-Co�n�s�i an' and ap��ir�iva�� t�y th�e� 7o��rn Counci 1 . ��� . � �., � � : . :e . � �t 4�� 4�.._ ��: � _ .� .- : .e �S�€taon`�C; �vnt��t���i���'�r��os�ci ��v��C�phent� P�an, . � . _ : X �� � - � - The pr�po�ed d�ve1 o�:�ent p�an sh��l _i�ncl+aci� but .i�._n�t _ _.. _ __ .._ ._� _ _� -- . _ - _` �, . � � , F. An arc�ritecturaT mode3 �}�all be subrn�tted prit�r to constructivn of ea�h ph�se �t � �cale �f 1 ir�ch equa�s 20 fe�t or larger. � G. k phasi�g plan of the prc�gnsed deve��pnent indicating order� ar�d �er�erzl tim�ng a-F �on4tr��tlon phases , am�nities, and propv�eti interir� develc�:,�ent. . 5ec��an 7. �ermat�ed Uses� in the Spec�al pis�r�et. k, h�ultiple fam��y residential dweilin�s, �ncludinc� attached ar ro�r d��tpi�i ng� anc� condami ni um d�vei 17 ng$. B� ��dges, 7f1C7LtC�iFi� acc�ssary ea�i�tg, drir�kirg, recrea�ti�na7 _ ��—, or reta�� es�.a�7ishments. C. PrQ��ssi�r�al and busirtes� offices, � p. ��eeting rvoms and c�nventis�n faci� i ties: ~ �. Aecessor,y� at�ng, dri n�:�e�g, or reta i� estab�i shr�ents shail nvt oc�upy nare th�n 24 p�r cent af the t�tal gross residential fic��r �re� of the deveTo�m�nt. � S�ct�on �.� Carad�ti�nal Uses �n t�e Sp�cial Distract. ' - A. Private cl�ubs and ciwic, cultural , and fratern�al organ�zatir�n�. 8. P�b1ac or cummercial par'king fac�liti�s or struc�ures. C. P�blic transpvrtatios� term��nals, �. Pa�blac �t7lity an�i public s�rv7ce uses. � �. Public bual�d�ings, graurrds ar�� faciZ ��.i��. F. Puh�it or private schQ�ls. ' G. .Public park �nd r��re�tivn facilit�es. ' �_ H. Churches. � . . � ._._,._. . �� __ �_�__..__.___�.� _ .___._� .. .�......� ... . .�_ .. _ . � � .� ,i __ i i ._ _ .... . . . _ __.. . . _ .. . __.� ___ _..---. . _ _ . }-`-. -� _ � � �jr r Sectic�rl r. r��cc�essory U1es ir� t�e 5p�ci��� �i5;r3ct. ,�. Sy��ir;�ir�g pools, tennis cc�urts, hanci��ll G�urts, squash eotrr:�, ar� oatic�, or �th�r r�creational lacilit7es c��tar��rily inc�de�ta7 ta [3��1"`":1 ttE� �0�=? 1J5�5. ' $. di.��i" 11525 +CU5�pT3t'1�" 1rtCl'�� '� E•55(JT'y' t(3 �l�r'tiit'��Er vr condi��on�7 uses, and nec�ssary far the operativn tr�eret�f. . � � S�c�ion 7Q, Q�velap�ent 5tan�a�-d�. The fol�g;ti�i ng devel opmen� star�da rds are m�r�i�c�r� devei vprj�nt sta�n��rds ir, the S�ecia� Distr�c�: �--- -• . Y __.�__ _�.__ .,� _. .1 � � � � A. Lat area 2nd s�te dimertsic�n�, � . � � Tf�e 5pecia7 Di�trict sk�ail consist af �r� area tot�ll�n� � . � 5.77 aYre� as specif�e� �n Section 3 hereaf. �� . B. ���.bac�:s. _ � The req�i�-ec� setbacks s'�al� vary� as indicated an the �evel�,:�en� P7 an, pr�vi d�r�g �pace for pl anti ng ar�d a� acceptabl e r�l�tion-- sh�p to adjacent proper�ies. l . + C. C�i�tances 6etween buildzngs. � 7he minimum d�stance between bui�d�ngs on adjacer�t si'�es s�all . b� as ind�cated an th� Qevelopment ���rt. D. �{Eight. {�tvey s��l� b� d�fi ned �y �he [1r�ifar-m Bu���i ng C�de.} 7�e neaghL o'F �he b���dings sha11 b� subj��t �o the recv.�e�datios�s �f the P1 ar�n��rc� C�ar��ni ssian ar�d t�r� ap,�rava� a` the �'awr� Co�n�il wf�en t�e architectura� design is ap�a�vved. �. -.. _ .. . _ . . - ._ _, _ .__.__ . ._. .�. , ._ __.._.. �__.. . � � . . � � �:. r+ E, '��en,a�.y Control . 3he grnss resid� �tia� floor arr�� (!�RFA} af all t�vi ldings [anclu�ing, �r.isting building) cor�stru�t�d �n ��e Special Distri�t sha�l not exce�d i3G,�D0 square '�e�t. The �.�tal numb�r af dyaelling c�nits �hal� r�at er.cced 34 and the te�tai r�u�i�er of acc�����dati on uni ts sha11 not exceed 3�4. F. B�ilc�ir�a Eiu3k Cor�trnl . . B���d�ng �,.r�F:, r�aximutn �•rall leng��s, �-,�x�mu�n di�ensians f�r bcril�ir.w ��e,�,�r:ts, re�uire��nt� far U;a31 c�ffse�s and vertica7 s'��pp�ng a� roo� �i�es s��aT l �e i r-�di cated vr� the �u��: Da�gras� c�f the appr�ue� Deve7 ap- r:�nt P3 sn. G. Site Cc�vera��. T'�� site area ta be �vver�d �y b�t�ldinqs �hail �e as ger��rally . indic����. �n the �evelo�Tent �lan, but in na ca5e si�a�l �xcee� 55°� of �h� tc�ta� s'�e areG. i�. �Iseab�e ���n S�3C�E, • . Us�ab7e c�pen sp�c� shail �e Qr�v�dgd as r�qui��ed in the Pu'�l �e . Acco�r�o�atifln �istr�ct, 5ectian 7.5Op of the 2t�nirrg flrdin�nee. I. Lan�Jsca��nca and Si te Det�el onmen�.. , At 1 east 2d�; of the tc�tal si te area shal� be 1 andsc�pe and p�axa ar�a. �an�scaping anc� �tF�er �ite developm�nt si�all ob5er�e the �,�r���cz;�ing concept as inaicated �r� the apprt�v�d Ilevelop�errt P�an. J. Pat°king and Lc�ar#ing, ' K � (7 } Paricing and laading sha11 b� pr�vided a5 �4 . :�..°� requ�red in the Publae Acco��odat�an District, Se�tian 7.��� '''�v�,i�, `� `r ar�d cons i stent ��i t'h t�s� pr�v i s i ons �f Art�ci e 3 4 af the �ar�i ng [lyd�na�ce. Al1 ret�uired park�ng shall 6e wit€�zn �he main building or bu�ld�n�s or b�en�ath accessary decks, ���za and �pati�s exce�t the m�n�mum necessary fvr r�gistr�tion and ��m�ararY loadin� and unloadinr�. .__ . � . 'r. � � ,,� i �. �2� P�rkir�g sha� i be prov�ded ��r C�art�r Euses. �3} Lvading, da�ivery, and �arba�e faci� it��s sha�l b�e off-street anci vai�hin t�e structarre as ind�cated on tf�� �ewe�ap�ent P�an. , 5ectifl�a I7 . �L �mi tat� o�� of � � r��i �c�s . � �ire�� ace� sli� 1 ] a�ot be �e�-mitted in �s�d� vidual. accomr�adat�vn u� i �� . • F� re�l aces siial � be permi �ted i a� ei ���t dti•�e] � i ng u�� �,s �•�i th nn nor� �:han �t�a �,c�c� ii� ona� f� re,�] ace:, sha � l b� in t�e S�nc��1 D�ve� op����nt Qi � trict , tr� be 1c�cat�d i� � pu�� ic a���� . S�ection 2 . If �anY �ai't , s�ct� arr , su,�-�cctian , sen�:cncc , cl ��us� o�- p���-��c o ,` ��is o�-c�i ��anc� is f�r� �ny re�}s�€� he1�i �� �,c inv�Tid , suc€; decisia�i s�a i T r�c�t � i'tccL tl�e v�� idity �f tP�c �°emainin� �rgr�ic��s a� ���� s crrci��ancc ; �nd' �a}e �ic��•rn Cc�u��c7i �i�e�-el.7�� c}eclares i �. � �•�ouT �i ha�ae pa:� s�e� tri� v���: "a��c� , �a�cl �acfi p�rt , seci�ior� , srtl�sec�.; �ti . SC"ZtC"P7C� a clau�� o{' �It�-�;e thex-e�f, �-�g�rci� �ss of �:he �ac� th�t �ny on� ar me�rTe ���°�:s , �,ecta ;ii�� , s��-sect�gt�s , sex3��nces , � l ��s�e� �i� ���t°�scs b� �eci ��-eil inv� li� . S,�cti �on 3 . �Ize �4t•rn Caur�ci ; I�ea•c�sv fitt�s ; �i€��err:�in�s , al�d c�r.c1 �?t�es tl�at thi � otsdzn�r;ce is tac�ces�ury a�c; �,t-cs,�e�- �a�• tl�� he,�� t�� > sal��t;f �n� uL] fat-e �of tiae Tctt-��� af Yai I alid' thc� irmE���t�i ta��ts �l�c����rr. . � � � ` .: `, . ;��;��_ ���F: -.J.��, , ` . � '�� � �"�-�.-�-vtr . .. ''/,� - _ � . >�� � ��• y �� � �� � i il = , y •�'-� � � o . II �:,_ . � �. `�--�'-�� � L�.�'-�'�" . � �� _._�--- � IN��E�TIC�N RE�UEST �' TQW�J C1� VAIL � /�}` � %j^ -� - . DATE JC3B NAME �`' f�d t.✓1� _ . _ :; � , �� GA�LER —:¢ r�0��� �- �, —.�_._ _. R�AQY FC�R INSPE�T1Ll�J: MC3N �TUES � WED '7�HlJR FR1 �` A�ti�l-''; PM ------�---� '--_._.._._— l.,C7CW,TIC)N: 6U�LDING: PLUMBING: � FC�DTiNGS / STEEL 0 UNDERGR+C?UNE� 0 F�UNk7Al`1C7N l STEEL _� C] RCIU�`aH f �.VIf.V. �_.____ — 0 FRAMING O RC7UGH I WATER ❑ iNSU�LATIC�N ___, � �aAS PIPIIVG ___ _ ❑ St-i�ETROCK NAIL O F'C3rJL I H. TUB p f�� � �. r,"} �`,,�, ,.. ''t . ��,_" f` ' � FINA� J C1 ��INAL �____. �LEGI`RlCAL' AAE�HANIGA�.: Q TEA�P. PL�WER y_...__ Q HEATIhJG —__ CJ RL7UGH E7 EXHAUST HC]C7�� � C��'�lDUfT _ .� 0 SUPPLY AIR _ �t _ ,__... p � FItVf1L -----, ❑ FfNAL �] APPRC}VED Cl �]1SAPf��C?V�D � REINSF�ECT"lt77N REQUIRE€3 GC��'�iEGTIONS: �, . � r�.. - "' ., `;i� „ f - , , ;, �':� t �s ; __. .. „ � . , � ,R _.. ; . . .%- � - - , -� . ; �, �. . � _..� . �.. � � . . - , , - _ r �. �`r � . ;� � �. � - �.n _�,; ,�� L1ATE ���._ If�1SPECTC�R �; r -- , - ,,,�-�_�-- - IM Pr�nl��ry v�.. � � � '�` ��► l� l��ll � ��� box 10o department vf community dev�loprnent v�il, col�radR �7$57 [3D31 476-5�73 Mdy �s 1�$2 Rsucrff-Wentw4rtF� Arehi tects �O�J �I, Li onsh�ad Mal l Va7� , C��orado 8If57 RE: MarriQtt Mark P�ase II G�ntlem�n: P�ans f�t� a6�r�e prvject have beerr �hecked a�d may be picked up for cOrrecti t�n a� th�e B�i 1 di ng Depar-t�nent off�ce, 75 Sc�uth �rontage Rd. , Vai1 . Camments and ca�rections are no�ed in red or� the �lans. g�ea�e r�turn twa sets of corrected �lans a�ong with th� checked set upon campletian af cor�e�tion�. U;�on approval of p�ans � set� will b� stamped approved, � f�r the jab and x far a�r f� �es. If thcre ar� any quest��ns r�garding thTS plan check, pleas� cantact th� uridersi gned b��ween 8 and 9 a.m, or 4:Ufl to 5:(l0 �.m. �bn�day thru Fr�day. Si�cere�y, ,� �-.���,.��_ r� _ Ghet l�ortvn �ui�ding �nsp�ctor CN:clf � � . � ��, �.,.. � � � , i�, ,ti4 y �j; � L �� �D���� �� ���� � 75 souf�, front�ge rd, depart�rtent c�f cr�rnmunxty c#evelcrprnent rail, cc�loracto 81657 (3f�3] 47�-700p May 4, 798� - N�ward 8, GeTt Ber��nbaum �nd �erer��aum S�i�e �5�7 Un�ted Bank Center 170Q Broadway p�r�v�r, CvZ orada 8f��94 �e: Marriott Mark Dear Mr, Ge�t: I received a capy of yr�ur T�tter t� �dv�ard Hal �gman concern�ing a ct�nfl ict betwe�r� the Vail Spa �condaminium vwners �a�d the �arriott Mark H�te� `s expans�on pl�rts, �fc�peful]y,, I +�y be of hel p 3n ciearir�� up the f1Dtl�iCd�.i�l� c�uest�nrr you at��ressed i n yt�u r 1 etter, . �nclo�ed is a cQpy o�' the � ist of adjac�nt property owners tv '�he l�arr7vt� Nlark. As ind�ca�cd an the upper r�gh� hand corner,� property c�wwr�ers indicated w�re each mai�ed �he enclosed notice �f th� prviceedings t� �ake pTace. I� you take not�ce c�� th�e dates on these er�clasures, y�u'll see that they �r�b�bly rece�ved t'�e notac� 16 d�y� priar to the pr�b� ic hearing. 7i�e probl em yoc� 'r� encoun�ering mast 1 i kely resul�s from the T ack of C4lIM11�C11Cd�lUki betwc�r� �he condamini�m assQCiatian and your �lients. This is tf�� case �ecaus� wh�n vae r�otl�Fy ad�ac�nt property �wn�rs ancl tha� awner �s a candar�in�um �raject, we are required to not7fy only the a�ss�ciation vf the hameowners and �at each individual owner, Thus, the paublic noti�� wa� maiZed artd received by t�e persan wha 1QOks af t�r the a��ac7a'��4n"s �»ai1 . It is o#�v��us�y important fvr the as�oc�atzQn t� disce�ss su�h matters wit� the owriers, s� apprapriate act�an {c�r i�actaan) ean he pursued. Ir� this �ca�e, it �ppears thi� wasr�'t accamplis�ed, I hope th�s ciar�fies �his issue as far as the tvw� is c4���r�ne�. I� you have �urther questivns, please +call me. Sincere�y � .L� f���.�i � � A, PETER PAT�'E�, JR SeniQr Planner T+awn of Ua�1 � � � }'�'y {��f'� �U�LIC N[7"T'ICE NaT'IC� IS HEREBY GIVF�! that the 1'lannin�; and Envirvnmental Commission of the To+wn +�f Vail will hald a publi� h�aring in acccrrclan�e with Section 18,b5.[l6{l eof the zoning code r�f the Tc�wr� of Vail on April 20, 198I at 3:(10 p.m. at Che Tt�wn o£ Vai1 Council Chambers in the 4'ail Municipal Suilding. Public hearirag and c4nside�ation af: 1. � request for an exteriar alteration and rnodifi�atic�n anci. ca�nditonal use revi�w to allow constru�tion raf a buiPciing containin� office space on the 2nd and 3rd floar levels, leavin� the �crunci �1c�c�r r�pen to gedestrian traffic. T'�ris wi11 b� laeated on a gart af Lgt F, Blcack 5-C, Vaii Vi11a�e lst Fi.ling, an area nr�w vacant prc�p�rty between the Casinta and F1aza Ladge b�ildin�s. This applicatidn als� respresents a request for a revisic�n ta �the Vaa� Vi�lage Urban. Design Guide Plan and is being �evzewed in accordanee with Section 18.24.!]b� �f the Vail Mranicipal Cade. 'I"he appi�.cant is also x�equest�.ng a heig�tt variar�c� �.� accvrdance with Secti+an 18,24.�2(� of the Vail Mu�ticipal Code. Appiicant: Pamcla A. Tel�een. 2. A r�qu�st tv am�r�d Spec�al 1}evelopm�ent FlisLrict �7 af the seri,es of 1977 cancerning t�e number +of fireglaees, density canxro� and remo�al nf t�mnis caurts for the Marriott Mark. In addatian, review of Phase II vf t�e sgecia� develvpment distri�t�. Applicant: Kaiser Marcus 3. A r�:qu�st for amend�tents to the nv�-can,fc��mi�g sites, uses, str�etures and improvements secticrn af the Zon�ng Code to add r�ew sections under purpns�, et�ntinuan��, s�.t�s, uses, structa�res and site impxavemen�s, ma.intenance and rep�.irs, discontinuance change �f use and restoration. Appli�ant: A. Peter Patt�en, Jr. 4. A r�quest for ��nendments ta t�e d�ns��y �ontrol se�tion af �he z�anYn�; code that the s�cand unit sha�l not sxceed 4(�% of th�e tatal grc��s residential flaor are� allowe€i on t�e lat in the Primary/Secvndary resid�ntial district. In ad�ition, for iots in the residential r�istrict �ess than 1S,i7�3(7 square fe�t shall not h�ve a second e�ni� exc��ed 400 of '�he tntal GRFA al�awed on the iot. Applicant: A. Feter Patten,Jr. The applic�tir�ns �rid infc�rmaxion relatin� ta tfie praposed chaa�ges is a�uaalable in the Zpning Administrator's ❑ffice during r�$ular b�siness hours for review or inspection by �he p�abl ic, T'OIVN f�F VAI L UEFARTME�f'i' CJF C(��id�fU1�I''I"Y GIEVEL�3PAi�1'vT A. E'�TER PA`�`I`E�V, JR �QhE�I�G ADn1I�iI5'I'RAT[7R Fub�ished in the 'Vail Trail April 3,1981 ��•`� n - ,f � � maile�l 4/3/'S1 AI]�3ACCN'�° PRflF'ER'T'� p4VNERS '�0 I�fA�K hLA�12FtI0TT I,io�-�5qu�re L+�slg� 66(] �Vest Lionshead Circl� Vail Cc� En�ian % Vilcar bl�0 Lia�ashead �ircle Landmark Vilcr�r 61Q 4V'est Lionshead Cir�le Vail. Cc� 8�.657 Arttlers Cc�nda Assn 680 Wes� Li.c�nshead Place Vail AssQ�iates Box 7 Vail 1�ortt�n�ros 64T EY �i�nshead Circle Vail Spa 7J.f� West l�i,onshead C�.rcle Westw�nd 548 South Frantage E�oad Vail Gio Lodge 4?fr55(l6 �ox 189 Vail Co 81658 � � :, ,�,, Project App��catio� ,4�•� c o��e ��v . � � ',- Prc�ject �lame: � � _ '� ; ;, f �1 ���,�� ��., ���.�z>�,,_,_ Prpject t�esCription. �+�'�� �' ---. 1 , _ _ Cantact Persvn and Phorte ". � � �4° ' t� ��,.'�—�C.-1�� � Clwner, Rddress and Phone: � ; s Arch'stect, Address an�i Phone: Lega! Descrt}�tion: Lat , Block , FIIlII� , ���e �omm�nts: [?e�ign Re�view Board -� �`� , � f: , �=�� ,.. - �, rr �� � � a_, ���.� r �} � ,, Dat� � f r f , A1�vtiOTl by: r�j:s� ��� ,�.� Y, � �� �+, �f ��� �y i �Seconded kay: +' � ; __/.�.,_ __. __, _ . .... ' � i.p�l�✓'�'� APPROVA� ' " - I7�SAPPf�C7VAL �` ; �F,lr ,� � '� �=, 5u�rr�ary: ".�,.°.�'�.� /`�„"� ��``�` .A'":����r'�'��_� �';� .�,'�"�',,��_. ��T C ,�r�� �`� r ,,,�,� c,�r-��''�` '� ��r�� < .��(���'� ..,. ��%�'` �� r �� � ����� � " �'4 � �� c�� �if�'' �-.,� ��.�, � - �_ � � /�.�p ; �,//�+{',f/} p/� ._ , / / �+' &�[.�� �RP�-' ' �.. .. .� � ' 'l .,'��'� �S/�=f .����/�� - i t ��� � � _ �,�/'"" (� „✓,�- .+''r�,,,�r/" � � . , ,J,` ( rt 3 �,.,E� r ,! . ,. 4/ Town Pi�ner ❑ St�if App�OV�R r ✓ � ,�, ' DBtE:': � . .� s_ , _. ; � �n.w+�N y�w�, �)'r'� 4 � 1�. !+;; � � '�� � 4,�x�'� � �� 9! � � FF� ` � � � � 4`�� �y� '1� ��` � �� lr� � �^�� � � � � �- ���! �'' � a �1 '�:) (� t�; �` , --. � � 1,,,,� �`'""! �`•� �`r �� �''`� �� ..��� � � ! � ti_ `�,; r�.� ``�` �`�-' `�] � � � � � , � + � ,��`' �„ ' , �`�-- � �,�` .` � .. � ' 1 , � l� I � I �y n �" } ^ ; -y � � � � 1 �. � � � � � � -� � � - �, ��_� �_. � . . - � � �-�� � � � - - � �� �- �. � � � � .��.;�. � � � r� .� � �- `-' -,� ��` ;� �: � � � � �� .� � � � �. � :.r � . ��. � �� � � ._ � � �.� � �. � _ .� .�� � _ � �' , �. � � � ��- � � � �� � . ;� �- � �. � � f%�? 'yx •f.�0 � � C: _...� � � � � � � we^ �, { � . C � � �� 4�-Y • �. � � . , � ,�` � ��� 1� ���� (�� �I�1� �' nt of cornmur�ity c�ev�lc�pmen# tx�x Zoo dep�rtrn� Af3i�„ C4�()fdL�O ����J� (303} 4T6-5613 �dl"C�l �� : �.�$1 ��. �(�n �@C1�Hf01"��i Ruo�f-�entwar�h ArGh�tects Drawer 2178 R�: Marriott M�rk �'hase iI Vail , Colorada 81657 �D�ar' Ken: The Corrr�unity Deve�a�ment ��P��Phase Il�have�the�fa�law�r�grc�m�en�s� mater�al far the �larr�o�t Ni Als� attached are comment�e�raf ord�nar�ce�Na.�3 and�No�v2Q af�i977 As�c�eiates. from our rev and nth�r material in the���re�uiremer�ts under�5pecia� Be��loPmentr pf�ase II r�eets many af � q pistrict Nv. 7. 1. ��e site plan see�ns si�i�ar in c�ancept to �he l�eff�+��ns�one�n fvr the enclosed temn�sues�ians�and5cancer�ns5abv�t the s�te plan. h�s car�ments had so e � N1ore detail mat�rial dev�1Q���r+t�ord�inance un�er�sect�ion}sixon as �oted in the sp�cYal P 2. Regardir�g t4�e ch�nge massi�� °cern�istthe�wir��ivwsr�hat�are�vnseem t�c� be �ubstanti al change. One cor� the west side o�F pl�ase I to�t�e�s��and lig�ntt�i'nta th�se��CCamrnOd�t�one b�tween i�u i 1 di ngs �a al l vw and arcf�i tectur+e. un�ts? J�ff al sa has �cxne canrnents on �nassi r�g 3. R���ocati an �f ���vneern�c�f�tf�e�5tafftQS�does�the���^o3ea� have t� �� a pr�blem. s��ficienL parking.���and�ather�cor�erci��nuses vn�the��site?�sThe �4nventZ or� fac71 i tti�' 5p�c}al Develo,�m�nt Districthe�aub�jc��cco�rmo�a�t�an�distr�et,��a �� provid�d �s requ�red 1� P � 4, '�egarding the eight fireplaces, I agre� that t�is can �� �4vai �.. ���ause �at tlne time �f S�ecial Dev+��apment �istri�t �Q. 7 �p� --th�re wa� �osc�ssi�n of a 7own ardinance that would nat alla� fi rep�ace� in Vai 1 I�i 11 age and Vai� L�avve�a�y the��ownd not get �pprov�d a�r �he ord7 r�ance �hat vaas �pP . , r � � • Page 2 �. T��e reqr�est fvr an amendment t�p 5�ecial D�velapm�er�t D�str�ct lVa. 7 �o a��aw 19 small effici�ncy �Citcf���s wi]1 n�t be supp�rted by th�e Staff. The Tvw�n ha� receive�d several ar�formal requests fc�r eff�e�ency kitcher�s �n iodge ra�ms and have a court �ase pending regarding the i]7ega1 �eonvers�on flf some ��cflmmodation ur�its, 6. 1'he �ta�'f c�n�iders cavered tennis cvurts an asset to the project and �t r�eer�s ta be demonstrated ��at this typ� vf facility is not needed, 7. A supp7ement to th� enviranrraen�al impact statement shou�d address t�e fo] 7owing �ssues for pha�e II . A. �nergy c�ns�rvatlon - In tFte report pre��nt�d to the PZanni ng and Er�vi ronmer�tai Cvmmi ssion i n Janu�ry, 1g77 , there was discu�sior� of alt�rnat�ve energy sour�es sh�uld be investigated and pnss�b�,y incorpar�ted inta the design process. Nas this been c�nsidered �or phase I�? B, Empl�yee housing - Wi�h the canstructian and use af th� oragina� buildir�g and pha�e I ther� is a better un�er- standing af employee hausirig �nits ne�ded. Haw many un�ts ar� curren��y ne�ded and haw many �r�71 be needed with pha�� Ii? C. Redestrian circulatic�n - 5i�own a�ong �h� nc�rth part flf the orig�na7 �tr�,cture ar�d phase I is a pedestrian w��k when 3! will this be canstr��ted? In addition, the T'�wn �� c�nsidering ��j a bi ke �atF� �lorag the rear o�F the pro{�erty r�ext to Gc�re ; Greek. Ts tf�is part af yas�r plar�? ��� 8. Fire ae�artment - The Fire Depart�nen� has dor�e a pre�iminary review of the pla�s submitted �nd have �h� fi nliowing eor�ents: A. S�t� Plar� - the Fi re �le,�ar�ment w�uld 1�ke to see �ccess tv th� �oa�t#� af t.he structure. Access i s r��eded �n cas� of �i re and t#�e 1 adder trench woul ri be needed ta euacuate p�eop�e f rom this s�d� af the s�ructure. B. Mike McGee of �he Fire p�partment recc�n�nends same changes i n �he fl c�or p3ar�s at t�re cor�fe�ence rovm 7 evel to i nsure b+�tter fir� prot�ct�[�n. Ccan�+ern with hazard areas surraur�ding � con�erence ba��raom. �. Need ta have �he ataility tc� c�ose �ff fram phas� I, �. Need goad stand pipe system. �. Need spr�nkler, smoke and a�her sys�em controls�. F. Ir� ur�it �es�gn D-� and �nd E-1 yvu have �a go through ki tchen ta exi t �an�t. Yi � � r Fage 3 G. Contact Mike regard�ng �horQUgh review of cvnce�n�. Sincerely, � ` '�? �_ � ��-i-��*-_- - Qa ck Ryan, D�ree�c�r De�artment of CQmmun�ty Development DR:df Enca . . , � The N�ark at Vail Lic�nstie'!�!' - 5�77 Phase If Review 2�6 A4ar�1 Ga�� I7avis AssQCi , Ine. : Jeff �ti�,ns�nn Although the pxaposal appears to be ��nerally cansistent wa.th the 5i}7 �s �o�ceptually ap- prvrreck, I f�a�e t�e followi.ng cammen�s; 1. L�ts of flat rov�f de�.k expc�sed, betweea� garage rogf and c�nventian c�nter resof. How are �hey treating them to at+v�d being just steri.l� surfaces (all are highly visivle from abave.) (raof c�eck?) 2. Environmental impact report? What wa�.I/should it cc�ntain? 'Vssua.l impact, ener�y impact Will it canside� c��atians or mitigating strategies? The SD7 specifi�s that adc�ition impact reports wil] �e prepared "as n�ecessary" far each phase. I waulc� think tha� at a mini.mum, th�:s� two issues should be de�1�C with. (See �3 t�ela�w] . 3. iJnc o£ the reqrairemen�s af 5D7 (Sectaon 12) is: "energy and watex �ons�xvation cantrals as general tiechnolagy exists at the time of construction" Could this be int�rpreted ta �nclude energy canservat�an �easur�s '"as �technt�logy �xists"? Don' t see muttt evidence of energy c�ansexvation in vverall �esign-- active or passive sala�`, e.g. ('f'hzs sarue eomm�ent ap�e�.red a.n 1977 final review, but . was n�lrer addressed in detaiY by the ap�licant.] 4, Emplr�yee hnus�ng--original �esti.mat�s s�ill accurate? 1��ed to �m�.nd empioyee t�ousing ass�ssm�nt and pxovide units? Exceed # units have proposed ta hav�. 5. Pedestxian eonnec�aon tc� Li�nsHead west �.�try and back rc�utc: �a gandc�la? 5hould ttte M�rk upgrade pedestrian walk nc�rth ��.de crf exzsting bUilding? Str�:et crossing to Mcs�taneros, p��lestrian walk alon�, east side �xasting bldg, and/or cle�rer ped�st _ rc�ute alang scauth side thr�ugh patio ar�a and betwe�n �ark and Antlers. Ferhaps future cred�.t against L�ionsl�eac3 Assessm+�nt Dastrict could b� gxan'ted, (l�an't �hink the Gore Creek path is a gvod route t� the gandol�. Shvuid be c3c�ne, but ot�er pe��estrian route improvements are alsa ne�ESSary.) , fi. `. �dvexall landscape plan nat included--would be �ritical element in �itigating masses af the buildinp. Cou�d �e �tery heYpful in creatir�g a gDa� pedestrian scale f�r ti�e street V+�ry gaod landscape p1�n.n. i5'au3d li&e �o see som�. congruency l�etween landseap�/ l�nd�c�rm treatment at the h�ark �nd the Vai1 �pa. Ackn�swledge 5��. Tie landseaping tagether. Tie street tvgether. 7. How handling snaw clearing/storage fram roo� caf ���rking deck? 8. Nr�t much c�f an expert ars �nterior circulation, but s�ems �o �ne that the main l�bby carri Ieads dxrec'tly tv the service cc�rridar--and it's a r�t�er tcartuaus route to £in� the �cc�nventi.an �at�hy ar�a. May wzsh to consider reversing �cit�hen with conventaon labby area. 9. Servi+�e/�lelivery--�oading area 4oc�ks p�rticu�.aarly ui.sible �rom t}a+� stre�'C„ and how a truck makes the back-up in ti,�ht space is nc�t clear. Not sure wheth,er th� exit near the cioc� is really functional. HQw d� you as�ure it will be kep� aperable and free �of snow? * � � , . Mark review 10, Tneluded in the 1.andsc�,��a pPan, w�uld like Lr� se:e zndication c�f tr�atment/uses a� th� Iand south of the adclitiar�, west of existing tennis co�rts. 1}�. Ovexall massing appears to be ar� impravement (�.f parkzng roof and conven'tion rc�of can �e handled) - �am� concern abc�ut eIaseness of new strueture to extrem� sk units in existing (Phase I} builr3ing. Stil? have sorne reservatians about nc�rth facade as seen �rom str�et - may be a bit ovexpowerir�g and stark. I have a �eeTing that s�r�e visible rvaf slope on �.he north might help soften the recti�.inear c{uality and x��ate it to the other l�u�ldi�g. {h'a�ald reco�m�nd furth�r review of the desigin in model fvrm. � �+ � � ��,�� ` + - S � h,�r a A� �o�� af ���I _ _ _ __ . 75 south frontage rd. � . department of ccrmmunity cleveloprn�ent vail, eolorada 8165i {3p3} 476-7Q00 -- .. ._ . �...�:w �dt"C�1 �� ���� Ken W�ntwor�h Ruaff 4�er�twor'�ft Architect� 5�0 �ianshead Mall "Ua i 7 , Cca1 orado 81 b57 F��: �arr�ot�'s r�ark a+dd�tian Dear fCerz, Tha,nk �+au for being so prampt in gett�ng all th� r�teria�s far t�e �l�n r�v�ew. Aft�r exam�n�ng Sectian 70-402, Cor�ten�s of plans, I had a �ew questians. � . T�e manufacturers af It�m �` BP-1 : I�c� 8i n, gtem �BP-5: �'an Racks, Item �BP-6: Walk--in Coo��rJFreez�r? are not � i�ted �y �.he NationaT 5an�tat��n Fourrdat7on �I�.S.F. ). Could I p�eas� have a ca�y af the man�tfacturer's specificativr��? �, Is ther� an extra "�p" ort the hic���l No. o�F Item ,� BP-7: F��ated Banq�tet Carts? B�-�fl�D is listed by NS�. 3. The mo�ie7 r�umber of Item ��P-9: Reach-in �efrigerator is r�ot ] 7sted by NS�, therefare, I wil7 need t�e manufactur�r`� spe��fieatiDns. 4. The m�de� number af I�em � B�-3�: Rack a�ll�es listed by NSF d�es not �ncl ude °�H " 5. For what does the suffix "FS'° �'or th� rnadel number of Item �LB-1 : Work baard s�and? b. T�€ pa rt�cul ar� mode� nt�r�ber af I tem �#LB-i: ��ender i s raot 1 i sted by KS�. 7. NSF lists a d�fferent pre�ix for Iterri � L�-a2: I�e Macinine. The eyui�ment schedul e �tates �Y-�i 04A5, whi 1 e the fVSF catal ag 1 i sts RY-1 l[lQ� AS, 8. T wiTi ne�d the specifica��ons for Item �LB-�4: Drink System. 9. I w�l� r��ed written a�surances addressing t�+e falTc�win�g subs�cti�ns: �r �. �e �. Q� i'! "'I! "7 ��7 �9 �7 J ? L�' • 70. Eag7e County Trash �ras recommer�ded a trash compactor far yvur n�w fa��l�ties. µ �'' � � � �nt�orth -2- 3/2f�2 AS �oon as �hese issues �av� �e�n addressed, a final ��a� revi�w �pprova� wil3 be �ssue�. � Sincer�ly, ��''� � F ����r'°' RLf7�l L. CO�AN �nv�ronmental H�a7th Offzcer RLC.bpr � � � � r� ' � � � � t � . . � K_ • �����"�.�"�..'� �_ ���:����.���'�.:"����* �: " . �t � � � . ' ,+� 1� �ss � , i .r� +,�.,, r , � � Cr9 F�f1� 8 �°,t ��� ��t �� ����[�'� .. �� Y�. 4j,••• r: �\iE'��96 ..� 7 . ��� �{Il: FE�'�.Jf'E3��y �ia�, ��$�i �d�]I�t"� �e�YFtI�I-�! ����I"f'ipft�5 �t'1�1'�C 715 1rY. L�s�ns�tead Circfe Vaif, Calr�r°acl� 81557 Dear Bat� : This mc�rnsng i ha�J a t�I��fianE canversation wi�.h 5teue P�tters+�n �n r�gar-ds tc� t��e fir-e at the �ir handing unit and subseq€aer�t closing Qf "Vt"inc3c�ws" by Mr, Pattet'san. !t was painted aut t3�at the �x}iaust syrstem �or t�e kitch�n v��as v,+c�r-king �r�d that the �i�° hanr�linr� unit v��as operatior�af v�ith some af the �eat'sng ca�acity �ost as a ressai# af the fir�e. Mr. Fatf�rson �greec� to the reop�ning Qf Wind�dvs if the fofP�wing cc�c�ditions were met. 1 . The g�s line re�air- v+F�s rrya�ie. ?. An electrical ins{��etion w�s made and ttze +uvo:`k released. 3. The ciasnage t� �he �u�pQr-tinc� �cur-Ea was r��epaired. 4. a't'itFtin 3� days the �up��artirsg wood curb is fa b� �ov�r-ed wiih drywal! oe- as}�estos board ar�d �� gage she�t m�tat. The firsi tF1r-ee items are eith�r comptet�d c�r in �roc�r�s�s tcr be cc�mpieted �y 5:QO P.F4�1. thi� eversin�. ! wauld suga+�st that yo�r authc�riz� G .'E. �lohnsc�n C�nstr-u+�tian Co. to c�mpl�t+� item � �mm�d�ately. 5incet-ely, , �.� � . l ry � � j �a L.?�"'�-�..,}7� t�:��f� }^i�rifY�'��7 �. ��I'1�WOC"��3, f�.��1 K5�'L'lfd +�c Steve Patterson � , ..� � �f, 4� � _ � � � ' ,� � r ��� � ��L�� d � � �� �o� � � ' t �4� �y ; � �t ye: �+�� 3 ^.�`..� � -�,� � � �� � � �i� ' �'� � ��,: �. .��� � , r � � ��}�, �� ����� ��, �� ��. �'�1..-� � + �.-5�� 0 �h. L 1ON51-lEA�/Y il�LAGEtlREYlEI� ��`�E : �5/07I�� � ���� ACf�7UNTi ML1Mr3 - 70 ER. Y80386 D f CK RYAf� PAGE ; 1 , 5E�'V�CES THRl1 AF'R l L 3(}, 1981 _ � i r ITE�! HQURS P�(7l��SSiC}t�EAL SERVICES ---__�_- --____-� r_____--_--____-_�--__�--_ --___RATE/NR `AM(]�1NT�_i ��° � � .75 R�C�L I ON ` `�5.�Q 33.75 � 3,75 LCtDGE A7 VA�� 45.�}{? �b�.75 3 �.7� L lONS F'R1�E _ --�---�- ----�_��-_..__� _ 45.�{� 33.75 �t►-�- �m�� �q�_��.� ].5 7�f E hIRR K — -- �-_ 4 5.Q(? �.��,�,� �nF` . --__�:, . -._ ..�-.�.__-�__�___� � 5.75 FARCH P TERI�A �5.QQ � 3C13.?5 D�TA I LEQ REf MSEIRSABLE EXP�f,�5ES � �� , c �1 .� ! b z�,� 3 M�a f s 6.{75 � �� .� !'ark i ng 4.Oi3 '� 7ravea i"ime 90.D0 �' � -�" 7e 1 ep hone 1 .98 �- , T�?7AL .��0�.�3~ ° J�t7T�i�L:� �Q7 M.�� �AS�"�f C3U� S�RY.CN (��SULTfW�7 R.E. M1 SC.CR RE7Al�E�R --�------ �..�..___ �`.�___�_ ___.. �iDT�, f5�\.57 D.(]� 0.Ql� T{7�.�3 "__--�.f�0 � �7.4(l -,�_��_� 1275 Spruce S2re�t : Bv�lder. 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DF�B Su�mit�a] o� 8=19-8I D�ar Ken: At the August 19 r�eeting af the Desic�n Review Baard, yaur sc�bmittal f�or Phase I I a�di tir�n t�f Marrii ott°s Mark was gi ven fi na�� approvai dvi th the f�li�wing st�pulat�ons: �4-].6 14�18' high spruce on narth s�d� of ear�ven�ti c�r� center, roaf ma�eri a 1 to �natch raof r�ateri aT �f rer�a i n d�r of building. Sineere , � � Peter Jamar 7owr� P�anr�er P,l:d� � __ _ _ � � � Proje�t App[ica#ian � r oate l;r.^�-. �fOJ@Ct IU�ITIE.': � , ''�:--1.�-', � 5, ,I�,�., d'I' %�,' � i^ � '�r;%'f��� r �� � �� Prc�jee4 ❑escripticrn: �'��/` _s��.� ,,�� ;�;� u-�' r�.,�,��/f�r`� r �� � , Contaci Person and Phons ;��,'`,* ,;`�'�"��a?'�4r� ^��- „ ,� �+ ,� - �' , ..� t. � f7wner, Address and F'Faone: Arch�tect. Addr�ss and Phone: Legal Cescriptian: Lvt , 81ock Ffling , �prte Comments: � Design Rev�ew Board �� . , r: �.: a�s� r'`�-�/��+'�/ �_ ; Mc7tic+n by: " '�°� �.-'� "� �`���� �� Sec[anded by: _ 1.` ; �;s = � � ;` i �r�'!r" '.»�fs� !,�` APPRQURL DISAPPRC�V�4L ,i r. ---�- ,' t � r'JUfi1fT1S1'�_ ''" �� � f T -' ��C /''�€► °��r"'w",� `'','F 4�`� �� �f��+�-"l�_ � . ;� �r'� � Si�� c�,�_ C�'�NU'�.,�a��"r��.� ���,.�-- - � ��-��''�� �� � f �'l,� �r��'�L �=� .� Oc`�t.�-�'''�/'�—� ,�����''`" ,�lf°I�`,'�i` , ,..� . 'a-� �''� �`r'' � .� t � � �� � / �,J��' �° ,�,. � , —,��.� ;, {�:� ���,( Y.Yr _��5�' ° � ` � .�� � A�,� �?'{''�,•^'_x�.�"'�- s � j✓ j,s^• I� M�� ::�{� �° T wn Pianrter � Staff Approv�l ' �_f � ' �at�: � ��=f� z� mt o�u,�r�r;wa�� � > � � A,9aint V��tuce �� �' �� s � �����%��su,�� iu��� I�� �■ � �� ����������� . . . . N�� �t�Gi�.�wa rr,r kR}�.,,. T{7 �,--- �-�-, �f� PRC�.��CT �"ITLE � .�� ��n ���.�r�� —����t�� ������`� - } �- ` - s �7ATE �� �w�.--r2-- �l PRC}JEC7 hlU `� `�� :� TRANSMITTAI.OF W E ARE SEtVR�Rl�G Y+OU � a c���arv,a�.s Q �n,c�c���� ����w��� � �RINTS 0 Ut+JDER 5EP,0.RATiE CQVER C) SPE�I�bCA71(�PUS t7 B`i't�7E5SENGER � ❑ FOf� D��?RiBIJTECaAi ❑ � $ '' CaPIES_ DAT� �YP�C3F�A'4�V1NG TBTLE�`C?E��#F'TIQ�ti _ . ., � �� � � � �• � ' . . e� _ _ "�,�t�4�.r,.�..• V l �[;^ �-'+L�j` , , � �e� ��' : � ��-- _ � , ���� � ��.�� � � � � , _ ._ „ R�MARKS THE ABUUE ,4RE CI A€'Pi�C3VE�33 C] �E� DRAIrUINGS ' �FCJR YOl1'R IAtFC3RMAZiC}N � �t3R YCri.I'R AP'PR(3VAL C] Ff7R CCSFif�EGql{]N AN� FiESUBMITTAL � Cl F�R C�OfVS7RGJ�TIflN �STIfiAATES ;� ❑ F{�IR C�3NSTFIUC"I`ICJn� � coPi���c� �-��-�-� �: �r �$�,rfi�,•� �"r�.�--� � � S. � . . ... . �� r� ��fi: �r��r�r�h .o � 5±N!.�'I1rnA,"..Maal ;�'� �����Yml. lt1 BtY�!U I��!SP�� 3fi- `f..3r!•.o 4V§etll�r�r J �iel[;ff'��'� �w�� ' �� � 4C�nrt�:�tF S O+Yentw�srth � k ���SS P{�oJ s�+ 4'� � ' C�al�+� wVr.�rCf�irtt�t�an��' �� �eu it��c,,��rroae�eaxYa s' Tl��r;��t�ae 4'J Tfa�e � f �� a.:�aeara:• ,�. I : J�n� !981 ;� C��s i:�ra s���r i��! �o�rd Tc�wn e�f Va i I ��x I C�t7 V�a� k� , C��I e�r��dc� 8 G'�i�7 �tE; Marr-ua�t C�7�r�1c - E��-ias� l I � s, t�'� h��re r�v�etv�d �he cornments ma�� by� �F�e p��i c�n I�+��r i�w L�C+ard and ��v� ev�9 u,�i-zcf fit��i r im,��c�t up�n tii� C-9ar`k p�'�7��Ct. T�e cot�C�rnS �xpre�r�d fc�cus�d prirr��ri fy on fi�l�r��; iss�s�s. - 7��e ne�d ��� fi.�r�h��- �;vc�iv�me�ot o# -t�h� parkinc� strue�tur� ' d�sign. - T�r� cc�n��rr7 c�ve� the v i�ws t� fhv canf���nce e�nt�r r��f, - Tf��� 4 aek €�f d�f i�i t i on as -�o '�h� s i�.+� �n d r�u�n�i ty o� p I anfi m��-er i a 9 s. i h� �a�s�k i rr� s#-ructur� c�n L�� d��cr i b�d 1 n thc fc�I Ic�w�ng r�anner. I . Th� expcs�� t� v i�:v r��t�r i a l �I���tl l ��� ,�; t�xi�ur�� e+�ncrete finesh. e �. TnA ��5t ��d wcs-� �E:r i m�fiei° k�rL� I s s€�ry I ! #��,v� °��E�r�i nc�s �s i r�d i cate� e�n th� mode I . CS�e :�nc I�s�eJ �ho�has a r �. T��2 s��tFreast si-�i r #c�wer vri I I lie r-�I ac��-�� �ss s��c�w�r� .�n �-he r��ad�'€ 1-Q m�x i rn i z� �h� d i stanc� b�tweer� 1�1�� p�r`�;i n� struct�r-e and th� hc��f�I . ��. F'�ant�r�s sf�a I I be p lac�d on 1�f�� tc�� �rf I�;�e ;�ark�i nc� strue�ure ��ck -�cs help so#-fi�n ��he victiv of -tt�is ar��. 5. There w i I I b� bermr na �t fii�� n�rirf, �ier�m�fi�r �nd sc��ath pprim�a�ter of tfi� s#r�octur� �nd 4�nc�sc�p�c! as sho+���, `�f � i ta. �'}�� tap� d��'k sh�i I �� �ngfi rti�ered to a 1 !ow f�� f e�t�re � p�rkinc�. " \' t 7. Lancis��pt a�or�r� fihe �as� a�d w�s� p�r i m�i�rs, � � i"�� conf�r�ne� cen�Y�r r°oflf W i�ws hav� 6��n re-ex�m i r��c� °�o �sc�r-1°��n fik��i r i mpac�P�. Two s�cti ans are �nc I as�d i-o d�mc�nsl-r�i-e �hat th i s i�n�ac-� t�as b��n mi n i m i ze�i. A sumrnary �f the factc�rs i n+rc�f aeci f�l lows. ;, I . 7h� �c�q f S ca�or �f the V�i l Sp� w i { I see i�h� mos� caf ��r� cc�n ference rao#. Hc�r���rer w� �-eQ C i t �i I I be ` an �xto�e�n�I y fc�rra-�har����e� v€�w �s i nd�ca-t�d �n fil�e c ros�--sect��n pr�w i d��. �. Th� p6ant�:r �ar`th vf ti�e cnnf�r�race ��nt�r t�ad i���n m�ximiz�d a� r�uch as �ractEcap in �hat ifi wa� e�xtend�d c�ver �FE�e suf��-s�r�ade k's teh��r tc� �erm i t t6te mcss� p 8�n�i ng a r��a. 4�r° i�ne#�capc p!an w i I f i r�d i c��Fe f 2 r -- C��, �rees i r� iae i qh� w i E ( be p I ant�rJ i n #h i s a rea. ��ie e�ct�r�s i ve spans �uer th+� cc�nfQrer�ce sp�ce maka i�t qu i t� un�e�s i b�e �tructur�I I y tcr ad� -�t�c� requ i re� �(l°} of ��i 1 to �erppor� any p I an�t �na�ter i al . ,' 3. The b�I eon i es on t�� nc�r-�h s i r�e of r b�� 9��-��I w i ng were �urp�s�ful ly maximiz�cl ir� numGers of and in ciepth �#�r� pr-aWid� � way to scr�er� #he vi�w of th� ra�f �ram ��� s�tt�i rsg i r� h i s hote f r�am, A �ra�h i c cr€�ssts�ct i an i s b nc �udac� wi�h th i s r�pc�rt �-ca cfer�c�s�strat� �h� percerrt of v��w ta 1-he expc�s�sd r-c�c�� at +��ch � I�or as �rre w�u�d s�e �s he stc�c�d a�t fi�i s g I ass �#oor. �h� p�rc�nta�es sh�a►� tha•� �he b�I con de� do �n exce i f���� joE� o� screen i ng -�h�i s roc+�. T�r� E ar�dsca�� p I an has b��re taro�a�ht to � h i c�her i eue I �f �ef i r�i�i�n �� to tE�e �i z�s c�f p I�n�- mater i a l �nd �o ��� q�an-�i t i e�, Th� p I ar� w i E I i n�i���e dec i�uo�+s ���es �r�d �csn i fer�u� �r���s #fi�fi w i I I range f rc�m iZ' �tc� I�� ir� P7�f�hfi. �^�� ar� qu�nti fying �he�r� nerw �nd rvd f I s�+b�ai� �hi� plan uWcsn camp6�fii�n, ; T3�i s conc I urJe.:� our ��fc�rfi� tQ br i ng �tc� �#�e ���i c�n R�v i�w �ivard the " i r�f�rr�at i vn r�qu i red tc� �nd�rs#and i-li� i r�terrt of -�l�� des i gn, iE1e hope th i s w i f � be sa�i s��c�h�ry ta tti.e baa rd as w� cc�nfi i nu� our efifar���s �-� �rc�vide � �ua6ify ad�l��ion f� ��h? �i�r�iu�tt M,ark faci I d-hy, k�espec�f�� I y ca�rs, .��f�L H I NGT{�N PA�i�"h3EFSH i P d i ss �'. Cc�c�n� ; RPC/td , .- , . ,- ,., . :-..:. .. _ . . M _.: - �._ ._s,. . , . ... _ . � � - :,� .� �, �a� . �� ���� �� ��� hax �+�+D depart�ent af community c�evelopmen# �ail, colarado 87 B57 �3(l3� 476-5673 �une 5, 1981 Ken Wentworth 5�0 Li�nshead Ma�l . W�i� , Co�oradQ 81657 RE: DRB Su�ra►i ttal of +5/3/81 M��^r�ott's Mar6c Phase II I�ear K�n: At the .�une 3 meeting �f the Design Review Bvard, your sub�nit�al for Phase II additiQn vf '�arriott°s Mar� was given c�n�e�tua7 apprvval with �t�e fallawing �t�p�lat»ns: study m�tigatian +�f �arkang struc�ure impact �4n west especia�ly� , study 5tepping down hotel c�mp�ex , r�orth side o� conventi�n cpnter sF�vuld be sa��en�d up, tc�a mu ch r�af mass on con�er�ti�n cent�r and parki ng �arage, need landseapi�g s�z�s, an�� need detail o�n parkir�g structure. Sinc�re Peter ar�ar Town �'1�nner PJ:df _ � � � Praject App��c��ic�n Ctate '�'i�y 1�:, ����� � ,; �roJect r��me: _ �i�re°i��t' s e�;,�r�5 i'l�a�� 11 �,d�i�i �ic�r� s Pro�ec� �esc�a�sROn: ���ven�ia� Ce��e� � ;�c�t�l A��iti��r ; �vntack Persran and Phan� Ken �I��tWYC��`t#� s �3��31 A� G�-3Q � (�wner, Address and Phc�ne: K � �' �I �' li:°�7 Architect. Acfdress and Phone: {?u�����"����+arth Architects (��,�) ��;����U�1 .: 5vt:..i E. � '�i','rl���,� I'�4� 1 � �e'/,ri� ti il :��j �7.r7/ '3 ; � � .. • _. . -_ .., ` r' ��r,� '� � .�;�,, ;t, I Legal t7escriptian: Lot `��� , Blvck /C � r���. ;:.�iling � . Zone _ w 'a Carnm�nts: ; �� , <� � <� '�d '� j j aesign R+eview �vard �.; � a�te � .n�--- ' ,l, �., - �.�r. A .�_,r .�-. #_ M1'71'Ifl�l �.3�1: 1 ::� � J•�� �j' � '� Seconded by: �( r +- "-� _ < , _ .__�.em.�...��.,_._4�_ . z.., Y f ' :j '��`4 f APPROV�4L -_. ; [71SAPPRC�VAL � ✓ 3 F :. �. ' ' � I� �.� r . . ... . . ..... ..__ .-�-.a^�.�-n.... .�.v���"..--' � f s... ! '_. J''�' . I +. � /+ �ry�fF ' J�� t� ' ..�..�. ._._.��. . � [-� ..�'. .:`;:` Saamrnary: -T�t..�!�� �i�'�i��"�l�±"� �" �r'��.�,..�'''��'- �,r°%c'v� I�''';�,� :✓/7,•t/"�,,c��'`° � .J`'�^' �c.''r -� ���' �t t...� ` rr'+�c !� �'11 � t�� ,�✓'� :��� �= ���� � . `'t�,Nrff,+rrrc.-�,t ��'�. �l`�+'�' ��- .�� ;� t,l� �� �c.�"r��-., �`--� r�'�---- �� , i � ;`�����ft7� ( (d��� � �1�1���`f K.l�.'� t�G�''r'`��, i'i�'�°F"/� ��+'�`1fi�'�'y�j'�.`.�. �;f, -c�� ,' �" — _ .. Y,. .s, � . ....� �l.- �';t 1, ,..-- �- F ___. ..__ . . . _ . Y. ! . __ _-_.-_ _ j .� ` ow �jann�r �`- � �taft ,�ppraval .���j �"�V f a�te: _ � ! a,r prensery��a�o , ; � � a � � - . . ..�- Pr4�cct N�xrnc.���� �� �.f�' _ �hccked by D�tB SU�i�I`F'TAL CII�;C� L�ST _ . 1Jate � N�W CQ�15'I'Ri9CTIClN 1. Stamged taPo�ra.�l�xc rnap [2 copics 2. Sit�e plan shc�wing util�.t�es (�copi.es� � . � � 3. U�il.ity locatian vexificatian . �4. . '�reliminary title r�por°t (1 copY) ,"�7 • 5. �Landscape �Plan (2 cc��i.es} - � ' G. Ax�cl3it�ctural �lans [2 capies) � . (alA fl+aors �nd al.l eleuatians} � ' 7. h�a�erials list (1 5et) ,.f� , f $. �a1Qr Sam�l�s [1 s�t) � 9. Subclivi.s�an agr�em�nts (if applic�bl.e) . A�Th�?� ALTI:RA7'iC3�1S 'TQ Tl-iC k:X'�'�f�IOR �F RU�LDIT�GS � . �laot� ar sketclx sh��,�in� a�i erat,ions , (� ca�axes) . 2. Site plari (2 copiGS� 3. � Aiai:eri�l s�eci�icat�r�ns (2 s���t�} . 4. Colax s�n��les (2 aets) � 5. Lei.t�x af approvzl £�-crm cvnd.n ass�c. {�l� 3�]]7�71G��]�.C;� A�}fJT°TIC}N5 - I��SI1l1�I:"i'r�lL C7tt CO�il�9FR�IIIL ],. �t�mped t�+po�ra�hic s�rvey •-. 2. Ori�inal i�lr�ar �1�G�� [2 copies] . 3. Tlc:w floar �l�n (2 cr��ies) q. Sitc ��.�r� �(2 ca��ics} � � s. L•l�:v�tinxis (2 cv�»e�) G, l'}�nte�s of c�YSti���; str�cturc (1 �c°t) ?. �S�t�ri�l s��r.cxfi.c;�tic�ns (1 set} . S. Cc�lo�• �:�us131cs �} sct) . - ,. . . -. � - "�� • ' � ��J JF� 1J! �'�'til�}:���!5�.�7 � �I Pr'��t�•��: ��' ���Z�.}.���r _i f i r ., ' � 5"r+S�t4 1 �. . j� ; �,', ,' �{ � �+ . � LL'GAL UI:SCRI P`I'lOs'�: L'Q'i"����Lt]CK 1"1 I,]�V��,',�, ��.�,�,�� .` [��SCId i f'TI DN 0� Pl�OJ�CT �C}�',�G�,,�iD� ��.��t' � �,q�t�1 �,c�,�Ot1 Th� follflwin� informaticsn �.s requarcd far sut�mitta] �y the �pplicant tr� tt�e Ucsi�;�t t�cuaew 33oard before a fznal a�a�rova�, can bc given: A. �lJ��.DI,'v'G h9.4TERTAL� 'Y'y�e af M��t�z,i�.l �Co3az� Roo�' �.+�� �'ls�ue� �cg M��� �4`41azt Siding ��,'� Clther �5'aIl Alaterials �--,�-��o ��� Fasc�a -..�- Saffits ��,. i�indpws �j �y,,�.�'��, � lYindow Trim ��,�s. Btaors � �or�r Trim � H�nd Qr Dcek Rails ��,�,r }�lues ���1;�;�i�'� Flasfiin�s ��� ,�-�,�� - - � � ..._- i Chimneys �� `� � T�`as�� Eascl vstzres ' '� Gr��nhc�us�� 1'�'�t? �o 'li�:���, �.1�'� -- — -�� Other --- _ _ �._ � P. Fi,.�]'iT '�1ATEF�IA1,5 �LIE€„��.3�'J:1TG'� LanrJscapan� A4atcrials 111�'Il.i{]lll�,' T7`L�S? S��ru};s, and Grnund Cover� � 8otartical Name Common N�m� Quan�itj� Siz� � �`�F..�.��S.SC'� ���.,, , -- � } � � �. D'�il�;lt C.I�Nf?SCl1I'1: l�l:rl`I'lDlzf:S (i�eLaining h�;�lis, �cnces, Swimmin� �'csols, etc. ) F�lcase specify. L � e � , r r � � ` MfC�1QRt"lN;'Ql4A� � . � ' 1•� e . �p yd F' C�'"'�.. �... , . ;e��f 'I'U: I�larrni.ng and �r►rrriror�m�tltal. Commission v� ��� �-�`�'f `� � FRC}�!r �l�part�cnt �f Com�nuna.�Cy Developm�nt/Pctex• f'�t�.eri }��TE. April 2U, �981 RE; Rec{uest for A���rQV�1s for Ph�se t� A�Idition and � Amendm�nt� to Speeial �ev+elo�rnent District 7 �or the Marriott 's �7ark �lotel [7/-yL.§SL7�4,JU1W ll Tn F'ebrczary c��' 1$7'�, S��cial Dc�e�.opmcnt I�i.strict 7 was ada�ted �'or the h'L�rk �tes�rt. A h}a�ter D�vt�Io�mertt �'lan �vas acic��teci at that ti.�nc �'a�r the entire prajec�. Th� Plan at tftat time s�sc+w�d �eneral locat�.nns r�nd dc�i.�ns �'or the bui2clings ar�d the %nt4n�lec� t�ses pr.oposed. 'I'hc SI�I} (]rdina�ic� olit.lincd cl�v�I.o�n�ent st�yidards and maximum d�nsit}� cantr.nl�. Thc �raposal eur�entl� izr��er 7�crr:�r�w is c<<11e�1 t�ae 1'Yaas� II a'lc3ditzcan t,�' the �'Iarxiatt T s t�4ar}: Hotel ancl resprse�its ttte final dcvekc�prn�nt nf Lh� pr�p��rty. T�iL`• .�It+�:'OSt'iL `Phe p]�ra sul�za�i.L'Ced far a�?prt�vril c�:�ntain:: <��Iclitian��l dcti�ellirj� units, ��c:ecsmmacda���n r�����.ts, a cniive��tzc?n ce�i'ter c�f $,75[] ��;r�are f���, pai�}�i.n� s't:ructure �ixd � ac�clitianal tenni.� c�ux�ts. Alsa i.ncl�d�Yc� zs �he com��let.�flrz af �he 1����'�c���i�>>� �rid cc�n;;t��.�ctian r£ a bi.cycic }�ath. 1'�z,� f`r�llo�,�ir�; s�atist�r_s rc��r�s���� �he exista.n,�, p�:°��t�sed a.,�ci aZlo��r�bl.e situat.i�ns. A. IVumU�r ca� ►1r�aLs _. .�_ _��_-�, � ---.,�._ _ � �1'3��osecl; A4c. UXZzts il�ti�e] I�r.�; Uni�:s�--�° � ,��. �3cu�.. = -- - ��--- _ �__._�._ __.- �]ri��,n�l�...__ �4 14 ' J�'` r y� _ `d6� 1?taas� 1 1�6 . ��� ��� � r � � i�`d F)1a5e 2 $!:�_,��g� _N Z�* La�11 �' �� v-��i �"iQ�c't1 .�. "p�*��+ -.,_.,._. �� r I _ - _ i , 1 � ��...e,---�r . _ _ '_'"" j. _��-_�"�wec�. 3a�3 �t,r�• �' ,�`"� �, }Y� � � �-'- � ' �� .�.�.�- ._�r__� r'•�!e.n-$'�'� - - '—"�":'--.--� E�- . /- -./a�c 1-...-,.,. c�- �s�'.,�.i �-�, r�w�a-'� j � i' *rlrs e�fieicncy t�itcl�en ►��ill L�c rerntaveci £.rr,m 1�'1i;�sc 13 Unit 1�18, �aT�vc�cta�ig Ua�it 1(�8 fr��;r� a d3ti^ullin� �asiit t€� an ��con�s�c�:ita.c�z� una.�. �. C>a�+��:s i�c�,icle�ytt:ial �lc��x ,�,.���a (�cc. Yrz�i�s aa�c! a.i�t�l.Iii�� �iniZs) Pa�o��c�seci: �I't�A(sn it� Ex�.sti�� 8b�Sl.5 t']y��se Z �G,�?!�r, 1'otal 13.�,5�9 �`�l]o�ti�cd� 1.�=1,€J�i{] „ Marriott "s �ark - pagc Z - Ap�i}. 20, ��81 � ' � �4't�� � ��, �,�: ��.�. �� c�^�/ C. Paricin� for t4ta� proj�:ct /�,�+,, t�� ;'`'"`,!' � ; �” �- �t�quirec�: �spaces, ail undergro�ri � ,�, ._.�. ��� . Prorrid.ed: ',.2�;spaces ;-��"���r�+�r��� - .�'' :�' ,� , c.� � ,.s? � ��� �.�,.¢--- � �� ._,�� �, � � �.e. ` ��-�- � �.� PLAN REVTSTC7iVS AND A��[��'I)1�S£I+�7' R�QCy�STS r/"�,�r ,:y e-'�r..�- ,.�' • �� ;� There are several revxs�crr�s frs�r� t�� 1�77 �'11n ar�d 2 nffi�ial requests for am�ndments to the Spec�,al �7e�ePopmez�t �l�.s�.rict. Ttie revis�.fln� are as fol��sws: � . Rel.ocatiran of Lhe �axking struct�ar� �i-om �ind�rne�.���i t}ze ConvenLion Cer�ter t� �he . rrest s�.de n� thc �a�ope;riy. Thi_s is }�rnposed Ca �.n�z,ease t}�e �p��d of cons�ruct:aon res�ltirrg in l�ss di7i°�2ptian for hfarriofi.t's N�adk 377{� Linnsttc�s!, 2. A m3.nrr rec�esign of the massia�� ar�ei �ruil.�lin�; cnv:;lt��a� �o �rod�ce a rnc��e a���z•ap�iate desi� with re�ard ta scaling eio���� thc a���za°c,rit tsi�e c�f thc wLst e��:vaiaon. This revision alsn aids t��� �assa.ve salar ��rncti�i� af the ��szefential porta,on r�� �h� adc�ition by a�lodtiin�; a l�r�e ��ur�n:��r af �-�,o,ns to :£�a��e saut}r. 3. 'Th� origin�l apprr,v�l i�cluucd a cavered tent�is caux� fac�.a:a.ty. �"�e a��7licant ar�u�s ttiat 1�ennis }ias 1as� so*�e t�f ilAC� n�ss a}��ac=:�.1 �}�at zt }�acl fcr�zr yc�r� a�;o urhe�t f.}ae plan� wt�re fi�st apprQ��d. AZ�o, thcy �����c�Pt tlizt tl�e h4arriat�'s hl�rk's �.ennis courts haue l�ee;t uncEer-•u�ali.zec� a.nel t)tc}� l��zve s��akci} tn tl�e cs���rs �f the ot3aur ittc�+�ar c4u:cts in 7'c�ivre �rr►d have ]carned Lhr�t �:l�e g�zcst has a law �sage rate at t�iose £at.ilitics. '3`hey do p�ea�osc: Z a�di�irarz�] outelo�r caurts �n t.t�� rr�af of �.li� p�rl�.iYtg str�ict.r�r�. 'I'h� rec;�zested �r.endmcnis ar� as f'olJ.c�als: i. `l'��e al�plican� ���].5MC5 to znstall fia���1.,�cc� i�s ttic ciglYt d�ve1'.�n� t���its i��. tt�e Yhase Z Addit�nn. At t=}�e ta.ntc tlie ��rc��ei.�aii.aon xc�z� fire�l�ces i.n 5DI�7 w�4 ��.�s�ed, t:�rc=�•e ��.�s mu�}7 disc:i:ssi.o�r abo�at ��cat �zl]€��,•ii.� any �y��v firc:��Ia��c� to }�c cc�>>st�•i�c'��cF tl�ra��linta� bc�tl� C�m���e��:i�l Cores. 'i'l�is, o� cauisc, ��.d noi l�a����t�, a�icl tli� a���li.car fe�:ls �tzat t��zs is �. }yarclsl�i�� pil ��in� �7s ;Cire��lacc��, •�re ���l�aa�rccl �,ra oChcr r1�tiellzn� ut�its iit t���. TcY-�vtl. S'1'1'�F�' T,)?�'DA�i�Cfi��l4`�'I i�:`� 14'� ag�c��e with �lEe ��ti�ner. �rnct �ce:l this am���c1�T���;�t i.s �usti£%cd. '�'}iert� a,rc r�� c��he� znst�rir�.. in Ts�:ti� iv}ierc i,�� c�� not ��Jlc�ti�r c�nc f"_�1.�:�,J.aet� ��c:� dtiaelliaxg unit�. 2. The a��1ic��it is �•eqi�r4sLir��, a cl������';:� J�r il��; c3erzsa.t)� cor�tr�a3 sccC�.v�� ioz= �ha�e II. l'c,z ihi.s �lia�c, the. rc�r��res� is i'r�r b? .��cc�rrr:�daLa.a�� u��its �nd �7 cl���:3lia��; �u�its. . "b'}�is tw�oulci l�e an tzr�rnnai�a�n� ta tlr� t1,�±��i1a��- c7�=�Cyo.»c7ci;.�t;.i.�tt a�ic� c�t::llir��, u.�its f�ar S�a�cial !��velopn�c.nt I)ista�ict �7 �nd ncst �n i����c�se in t��e ta��1 densit� a�` tl�c site. �n m.ina�;c��scraL a�reerxrc�nt c�C i�iax•�.•ic�tt: ':� :�lsrk., tlacr�e �src gu�rartCae: th�tt a tot�l +�� 32C1 l:cys i�e av4�i.l�l�lc: torrer�t:al i��y:r a l��r.acrd o�` 25 yea.rs. S`T�1,3'F It�(:Qh1�1F�h�7r'ITI�'1ti T1ie st;�ff �u����aa•ts t��is c}a:i�7,�c .�y i,}�e 1��•�:,��i,s:,a�, i.s t�rit.tzii� �}�e Ls�t=a1 riu.inl�er r�f u`1'it.s �tlldl�[�Li tde:�lr;3• t�fc. zo�i�tg, w�aiei t}�i�r� i.s �a ��zst-ur��:�:e. tf�:rt r��c ,•�c�_cnr�t�dc�tic�ri �.7�ei r�we]�a.n� ut�its rcrr��lt� ��� reattai f«x. ?� yfea�x°5. _ _ �_ . , � � Marriatt's M�rk - pag� 3 - R�ril �0, I9$1 � � � EN�VIRC3��NT�11, IM�'AC'I' ST�ITE�iI:NT SUPPLf:ME�i'�' '�DP7 requires tll�t e�ch p3Yase af the praj�ct s�auld con��in a su��p3es�ent s�r tzpciat+� to the r�ri�ina�. f:nvirann�er+tal Ir�pact Statement. �Ye have as�Ced tha� t�ree issu�s be �ddx~�ssec� f�r '�}ais phas�e: ].. Ener�;y Cans�r�r�t5.oa� - i.nwesti�at�.on ar�d �cassilale ancorporati�n of alt€.rnative �.r�cr�;y 5c�urccs �or th� �Srv�c�t. . 2. �mp].r��ec 1lcausin� - t.�7e �as�t op�r�ts�an cr£ tli� cQr�plex shoul d h,rv� cl�mon�trated t '�e aclec��a�y o tl�c er��loyee �ou_;in� sitti�s�z�n, and we ask�ci f�r ��a� r��u�tis o� � �i�ch an it��vesti�;��io:t 1:� t�pdate this iiafarsnaxiQrt, incl€�d�.r�g the �'I��se I1 increaser3 c�cn►anc1. �. Pc�iestrian zn�i ]3ilce P�th Coiis�ci�xation� Qn th€� or3.g%���1 p].�n a.�:�npted, ., �;��s3es�za.?n ti�rs3ik was I�rs}j�aserl far tl�c ntixxh l�art nf t}i� oz i`ira«i L�uz3 c�za1�C. i�ie :?sl�ed tlx� a�l,rali.r��a� to tcll ?�s r����en t�ia.5 tivoi_�ld hc prova�i��l. �ll.sca, �}ZC 1'�:�rn p��:ns to cart�txact a �iilc� pat}� �.c� the stautl� o� th� prc,�crty nea�• Gare Crcck, aiict t�;c- waritecl t� lc�xota if t3��y �vc�� t�filling �r co��nect into t1ii� pa�}�. . A�P�,1C1�'�'I' K��Pt�:VS� 1. '�'h� cicry,�elta�t�r� is arcarl�ar�ting �:c��i:^ valu�[�l� ��ss i�ac, sc�lar a,r�c�:s int.c5 �:hg pl�en [,ec: c.r�ctose�ci .�P�o�-i: c�r� c�r�c:x�y c�nsur���t.�ura �:'c>z tl�c prc�jectl, �.r�d ti��:h�:�: cn�r�Y �;t��cic��f: t�cl�>>c��c��;acs fc�r ��e�'� aa3�l ��ater �:+r�: a�1•u�c���.cl. '1'he a�c����rL �abmi.i:��.cl to � thc� s�afi zlsn ir�cl�actr:s a v�x�Y }���i�-ive �ti.itude co��c.cx•ni�n�; �rta.uc� so�.�z ]�anGJs f���• 1�,;,t �vater. �t�ct s��i�,iniin�; �arsol !�cati,n�, I�e �e�l t��c. short ���}��'��.c;l: g�ex'ic�c� aa� tit���se; sys'�em:s atirl thi si�r�i��r:��„t ��c�rc,c:zii.�.�;c: c�i' i•�ciuc�iot7 a_�� ci��YVentxrst�al �nc:x�Y syster►s wa��ra��ts t.he ir�c��r�rriati.nn c�f su��x a syst�r� �.n i:his projGCt. 2. 'I��e c�t����er of the corrt��l�:� r�wns SG rYtt�cllind t�nit�.s th��.t axe utiliz�d i�or empl�yrcc 1����si.a;g i'nr t}�c I4i�rric�tt's ht�rl: �m��loyc:e�s. !��e �ti��.es �}��t the}r aace all �iki.li�e�. �.n �}�c �,inter Dia�?ni:lis, ta��� t}iat a.y� the suyn�,;cr t�r� dLmeiitd ��,cs �ic}�rn at�c� sit:isiy o� thein �r•e rcntecl to nala-c»�pTt�yc�s of t}�e I��is i�tess. Thcy e��ect that ]2 te� �G adcliti.c�,zr�l mzicl: tVi11 ��e rcc��pirc�c:3 f��- LI» Plia�:e 1I Ac!dxt:ion, t�trt tlz�� no nther acicli_t��nal car��,loy�es a,�c�u]cl 1-,�� n�:k:iyc„1. The st��f f�cls that t.}�c �arin3t�c.a• c�f units ��ra��icIc:�1 �.s .�clr.c�tz;itci, l��i� e,re ���1 �.l�at . ]�C�s�i�,l y �;onte a�;�'�ern�•rit i,�t�vice;t� t]�e oa,�i�ex• �racl -tt�e 'I`n��rn t��cfu]cj i3�;; j ust i�'i�:c� t c� cnsure t}zess� �in i�.�; z°eu�r.ii�� �v�_i l�.3�I e �ca i:l�e c:ni��4 c;y�;cs �f tlfe At�ars•ic�tL"s h4ar: a�� �°� ct�.inar��i l��.s i s ancl fear ri �e�rtaa� ��c:r�.or� v1" t iraic. 3, 1`lac I'l�a�c I1 .Atic-iitiotR �lai� dc�c:�: si�c�t�� �� l.?:l._c. �?at.h �t�rq„rc�ian �� Ct�e. ��rQi�c�r*'y li.�ic, and ttie 3,fottl� �•�c�u�zxC: �s <i Con�i.tic�t� a� a}°��>;'uv.il. , t)t�: 1`�a11 cc�nncrtic�rt tt� t-��c `i"e�w�7's p��t�i, Ar�atlt�i� �c�r��litin�� af ;������-c�w;�i e,il]. bc t}��t �:lx� ��c:r��st�°ian �,z�1� E�c cc�rtstru�t�� on tlzt: n��.-t�z sidc af' �;3�c° �.c•i�;iti:.rl t��ii�cfiir� .i.l� c�njuric'�ic��i +wi��� thc 1']i4s�� 1.,k tv�rk. . .� - Maxriott's Maxk - p�g� - �1�ri1 20, �.9�1 � STAI�f� F�EC{lMl�fE:h'I7A7'SC]iV In t�e Staff's a�inian} the projcct is well tl�ou�ht out and an imprc�ve�ent �o th� avera�l camp3ex. 'I`hc canuenti,c�n centcr is a needed facility a�d �n asset to the ccsmmunity. bti'�: fee� t'he same way aborut 'the indanr Lent�is �os�r�s, ar�cl �ia�i't like ta sce them eli,minated, bu�t do ncst want �o farce t}�c d�veZoper inta a nr�n-�as� ef�ec�iV� �rc��ram, eitlaer, �:xcept for t3i� �mend»t�nts r�c�uest�.�i, �tie develv�menC prapasal meets all the 5U� ;r+�c{uiremen�:s in terms o� r3e�veZcspmeri� stal�rlards, prnvision n� facila.ti�s anrl dens�,ty cei.lings, I�t canc�us�.o�, tr�e Sta£� recar�rnends approval n� tl�e Phase 7I adc�i�:i�►n tv tk�� l��arri�r�t's Mark Ftesflrt krith t�e �c�llawi�g ccs;�c�xtaor�s: �.. C:�nsic�er tlie incor�r�ration r,f an a:c�iv� soi�r �ystem to }�e�.L' hcrt wafier and th�. ��dclitie�nal indc�ax pooi, 2. �I,n �green�ent 1a��-w�cn t�te c�t�nvr anri tt7e 7'c�wn t�e woa•kc�i out to eraskire th� c,antinued av�il��iii�y of th� �m�loye.e houss.ng uni_ts fnr �Chc projcct'� ent�l�ye�s for ci,�ht yc�z��, In a.ct�ia.tion, the Plaiini.n� and �:nvzronm�:n��] Can�riiissian ��ill rev:i_et�r ���e �roject' �ro� ci��13i years tc� se� 3f it t�4a.r.r�nt� ex��cn�ic,n. 3. '�'i�e a���licant` a�r�cs �:a ccnxinc't tl�t� ��cyc1.�: �:,�,.i:}�/walk�a0.zy pre?p��;sfzc� �r� f:lie we:st of Clie eaz:,�iiz� i:c;��r�is ce�urts to �hc: To�;�ri's sy�teni (�f lac�i:�:cl �teax �3�e pxa���rty) and �c�ns�xa�ct�. ttzc ��at�7 t�a "1'ora�i sta�7d:��rclsf �4. �ec,�us� �h4 ��rk�.�t� s�ruc�tuxc� is �rc�����sed S� frD�n �}�c wes�ern �j�-o�crty 1ine, t'hca•� s}io�alcl nat bc a lUSS of exist.irts; ���zz°�::i+i; �,j��.ccw �iuc �r� i:1��= c�nstructaan of this t�ui.lctia��� � S. The a}��lirunt ��;rec.s ta ��z�t_ic.a�?;i+.tr �n th: d�s;�;�� �rul c.c7��st�r:�c.��'.ic��� e�' in����-nve:�p�:°n�.� for �1i�.s� �ic�nsH�:;�s� C,'�rcle ir: fr�}�t. t�r t.l�e �;:-�rr�oi�: 's Ns�a�f: i-o �„�,?�•o�+re �c:�Ic���ri�€t� anr� �°chi.cle �"low �iicl laezt�t,if%cai.iar� c�f thi.s ��r.��. -� ' �.�,�'�`"� r�.c ��"�"�'5�.,�� � ��'r,.,�.». --^�* . � .c t'� �� ` ;r° ��'v��t�" ��,r.�z� �s-+�c.:� � �.�'r�+�..'�'" k i . 4�' �. � � ��� �,�� ,� � �" �� �`', , � t . � �' ,/� _ ;; � � ��� ����� ., . ` � ��� , � d � � �'' /��"'`c �,'.. L�s+ f "� t�. ��s-x.r-• �� t '�� �- � . r'�•��?� � .. . . . � + ! y � � f �'�NI�1G A�I� ENVIK�Ni��.EIVTAI. C0�'GNISSIOI� h�INUTES � Agr�I 13, 1�81 MEl�iEERS PRES�N7' S'�"AFF �'�SE�T Gerry 4Vhite Dick �tyan Sco�t £dwards Pe�cr Fatten J�ane Ai��r Pe�.er .Jamar �togex Tilkea�eaez �e�tsy Rvso}.ack �Tim d�ox�a� Ga)�nor• I�iz].I.cx ��ur��zL r���� �I�SF�1T �an Cor�crran Bud gertedict- G�rry �`�`��ifi.e ca�.].eci �he nr�etin� ta or�ear at 3:i3(7 p.r�. I]xck �y�n tal�. the P�C members -�l�a'� til�.� �'ciwti Counc�l u.}}��e��l -their d�c�sia:�s an Luke, Kzlax and Ga���n'� ci�;ck. 1. M�nutes n� �.};e au�ctir��; c}f March 23, ].'��1 . T.c��;er molretl tha� �hese miti�i�es }�e ap��ro�ed, a�7c� �cott sc;:ct�it;.letl. Th;: v`a�.e was S�0 ill �'ZV[s'r. JiiEl �tl�S�.a ir��^d. 2. A rcciFacst foi � �r�n�k sct!�zck �a.r�a�ice �t ?53 $ca�U��r Da�� �r�ad, La�.: a7, Blecl�: 7, �lai� Villdge �st, h�plicant.s: So Przce a�ici �e�hn 1�iser►b��:� ---__ �--�- � �eter ,Tar�ar ��resen�te� the r��ma a-nd sh��,}ecl p�.��:s. 'Tzn� C3.ark, the archa.�.ect si����ar:cl �hot�s �.�:ci cle����-%ens. Ifi v�as ��oi.r�t.ed o��i_ �}tai: �i�c l�r,a��,fw t,=as 1�t�i.lt pr.ic�r tc� .tie•+.l�t��;1� rc�u1�.�.i�n.s anrl I�c:s S incl�;-��, fram �P�e sr�u?'�a �►a�Qj�yc:a�ty li���, z:�t�� ���t: �t i� i.?� ne:ecI c�� a�stl�etic 3.���1�rwv�;3n�n�� Pc;tcr alsc� ���r.sr�tianed tt���14� ;ze h�� chec}.ec� ��i.L}� �'ut►_�ie 1,o7-�:s, and they ���d no pxonl em rtJ;i.th tl�c. p�Gximity �o tt�e road. :�catt i;��?tT�d �nd 1:agex sr.:.c�n�acd t}iat t1:� �r�e��:e�� h� alla���cd �.:� }3ea° �:'�e s�Lai� r±.^a:?�. 7�1i� vote ���.� G-C, un�7z:zri�us i.n favox. ;i. A� re�st fc�r � front t��id Sicle sc�fi�a.ck w�.ri.�nc� c��� ��� scseit.k� �snd west �r� ert-.y line.s at 7i�5 i�r�re��: Raarl, Lo-� 8, ��ock 2, V V�.11agc �i.ii �a �}uilci a �;ar::ge. P�:..�;� J�rL��r ��escr�t:��i t3�c ��..�;� ancl �,;rl�i.�erl �h�t t�cz�•� ��u�� �we no p�rl.�_Fi� r�n L-�e �-U�id, fc�x it ��as used i°ax snc+ts cats :i7� t�le: �tint�r. '17�e �pnZ:ic�L��s ex�1�:�;�c�r] t.ha� if �.h�y U�silt the ;,�r�gc a�� €h�: ot}AC:r sicle c}f tk�e h�use, i�. t���uld Ll.nc3� thc vie►v o�= t}��e �t�igl��saa:�s �cross tiae rnacl. P�t.�r ���dt:cl th���: th;�. ��estr.i.c.t_an ori�;inall}� Qis�c�ci fa�� hy tl,c �'uk��ic 1�orks b�}�artnic�n�: c�f havi�3�, a ].5` clr�ii���e e;?eerr.en� alcng t�i� �a��. �ro�r{�rCy li�ze P�ac] since L��-e�i a�r:v:�eci �yh�n it r.+�as �Sa�tc�,rex•ud �h�ir�. ���:u dr�.ir�aSe ca�aJ.ci l�e �.::%�a� c�xe t+f ��:ather wuy. I�o�;er n�ov�d a.n�3 �aync�r sccarded �ur d�71�re�val a� th� �cy�c�st ;�.; st�t�:c} i.*i Lhc ��icnic�, �c�� the res����cti.or� c�i" tl�e 15' c::�sement. The v��c va��� G-(] in �av�r, Elnanimz�us ;.��proval, �. A r�e�tiest fcai• �_c�±nciit�.hn:�l usc: �e��nat ic,} 77 ]_nw ixtsx:�llatacrti a��l use n�` an _�.#i l�c�l� misii<�t.�+rc €�4�.�: cau=•5r: or, loi: �;, �altac�� 1 , l.�c��:�i7c�.� �irsi f=iliii� asad '��ra�t I�i, La�.F���rG.s�l .�r�� Fa.]�ai��;, ,�yp� :�c�n'.�: I��rd �3cnedict 1"'�ter i'atten r�ti�ic��^�3 t��� t.�ca��� a�td sY���t��cl t:h;7'r t;3iis i��s c'� S"C'IZL'.�YeCl o� � p��x-mi'� ;r`aitted ]��t yG�ar. Bt�cl l3�_r�4��l.i.ct �.�:�i.eci tl�4a:. Ll�ey ►ti°t.sulcl i:.3�e t�c� 13<<���; a, ����'m�x fi�r a.s 1sa:��; as fiau 'lF�l t�i11 �c,�. iiim h:�ve �t1c: �t�u�•sc�, t.l:at ltit: lea�ti ►,ri�t.h 1��� ti,���s £o: 5 y�azs, sa }�4 tv�aralti �i]Le t1ii.� �U ��c:rriit �'ar rs }'r��rs. !i� 3+JciC€� �'11:tt a�7�. acisi�ta.c�n ta L'x�e �;�a�f cQU�ss'. i.11is ycar �;rnalc� Lc � o�� 2 Uui:lciir7�;s (�rr%riwa�t��i•r: t�uiJ.r�int,$). ki� ���s�� s.-zd t3�e:rc ►�nulcl 3�c: no fcac�r� ar drank ox �nus�.c, t17at tl��: ca�,c:r��t.ie��� ���c���c3 �c c��aei�. x�iitil 1(9.�Q ����n. � PEC 4/13f81 page 2 � � + � . _ ! Jim �torgan moved and Scott s�carided to appraVe zhe cdndit�Qnal use pexmzt as stated in the staf� me�a, hut f�r � 5 year periad and with t�e c�ndi.ti�ns that the eauxse rnust be rc�QVed �y 4ct�her 15 �a�h y�ar �nd th�t daily the ��eration must close �y 1Q:a0 p.m, The vote was 6-0, u�animo�s. 5, A x�eqriest ��r a co�ditional use permit for kfl years �t 1�Q Nox�h Fronta�c ��ad, th� 5�r�ddle Greek �anc11, to construcr barns, c�rrals, �eYic�s, cabins, �tc. ta acc4�o date fz�am 4� to 6Q horses, 3� cars a�d tlie �eople nec�ssary to Q�erate �he livery �t�ble business wkiich we�u�d i�iclude rr;�il rides, wa�ori rid�s, sleigl� rides and other related activi�ies, A�aplican'�: Rs�ger T�lkemeier, Feter Pat�;etY presented t��e arzerno a��d summarixe th� staff ce�nc�rns in it which znc3 ur3�d �h� va.si}�ility of �he �arlc�d �ars �rarn tk�e l.nterstate and frontage rc�ac3s, whzc� ti}ie staff f�lt must t�� screened, tYt�: r�ve�etativn of xhe �ill 1��:��ks, tiae �act t.liat tliere ��st b� �dequ��� �+ratcr �aYd sanitatior� �'acilities, Ttie sta�f wanted highly vzsib3e and casily trnderst�nd�bl+e signa�e at the intersecta.on vrzl}� the F�:c�ntage �va�l. Rager uc�iced t�k,jectian '�cs the cc�nc�rn r�f the visil3_ty o�' the ca��, H�e state tha� o,le c�f the Fnrest Servicc� crancerFis w�s that he ha�+� �l�nt.y of p�trking ancl a�cat Qn th� Far�st Ser;+icc: rc���e3 chc�:pt far c�v�rf�.�5ti� nazki�g. Llici: ��y�an r�cntida�eci re�e��ii�� com�-�l�ints f7�orn pV�p�e �be��it s��in� tt�e liars� tr�ilir last yc�r. �ta�cz a.nd�catc�d th�t tl�e �raile�' ti;�c�ulc� Ue �arkud �aa u� t}�e rvad �ehind �� ��:i�t3in;. lic� a�decl i.�iat hc i�nats tc� i-un a �-hvrse teai�� tc� the 'Tr��tsp�r��ta.r�n Cente.r to ��.ck t�}, vi�-25 ��c�pl.e whic:l� �nay e�.z.nina�e mtacl3 l�arkzn� n�eec�. He �c:lmitted t1�at t1�c caacs w;�aul�i k�e vi.sa,3�le if` vne we:re dri�+;ixg eas1: c�n e3ther the North �'rr�n�:a.�e Rvad t�r the ll�i:er�tatr. P�#:er Fattc=n's cr�rr4crra ��i�h �he view ts•Qr� t�z� v�.l�a�;e. .J_i.m Paxon v�' ti�� �ar.�st �er�ri.ce 5te�tcd t�ie 1�S taa5 ct�t��c�'�te� that F�c��f�r �a�v� adec�uate �.�ai�k�r�� sp�.�cs, and ��hat thcy la��ve= dern�z��ded tt�a1: the r�ad be k���t ape�i tc� Lhe �u�lic and n:�intainec�, RQger m<iint�ined that t}�is surnrner epera�io�i ti�;�s no di��,rent fro� the win�er n��rat�.nn in whi�h t}�e ��irE:ed car� in tawn e��er•� v�ry uisiUle. i-ie aclde� t}�at i�hese eax•s ktoulci �e a� J.��est� J.�lf��:l f�ct frc,m peopl� dxir��ing pa�t. L'?��.r�c: I'�.�er �fclfi� that c�.x�.; paxkeci �n ar� za.i-h:ir; are�s t7�c� ]�s� �.r�pa�L L'+��ii. c�s�'� }���x-keci �1� �.n �a�rc�wisc uj7b�.cmi�hc�c� )zil�.side. .7int Mni��;��n :,u'r;�cstec� Li3�z� tll�: I'�jC �rzir�t � ont: year ����-mzt ur�til they r.r�u�cl sce wE��t i.mi�<ict thL cars ��ii,ght ]xa�,��. Rc��;cr fcli. t}1a'C hc c�aulcrn't o��cx�a�.c �n � c�tic yrear ��?si.s orz3}�. �ft�r r:�:ir-'ra cli�cus�;i�an nf ;.ii�: ass�tc, i:he r:�cnlbers i-;cnt flut. t� t�c parkin� lot to �,�icya the 's}zllsi.ue wl�cr�e: 'th� cars wat�lc� ��e:. It ti}a: mcatti�ned that sir�c� sorne o� the c�rs t•�otild k�e vi.�i.ble �rtyt��y�, r�hy a?-�ue c�vcx 7 addi- �iv�i�l cars; Ger�:�y {�1hi�.t. w�s nc�� satisfiee� witlt Itt��;cr's 37D1� cr�m��?yin� vazt�3 th�. J.st cat�cl�,- tinn t4 scr�en the ���•s fram view. H� wa� concc:rncd ►,�:i.th tl�c ��ea�ale i�� the c�z�elas o£ #.l�cs ti�i�la�e �ac:in� ,zbl� t.o sec �l�e cars, �nc�, �i�tY �c�1� tt�is ►.��� ali�: cc��;.��3�int frar;� th�: �'�a�;n r�sidenLs he {'elt si;r�i-E�;Iy ira syr+�p��l�y �tiitf�. l7isctis�.ir�� ��l�.atiwec� cardc.c:��niztg s2�,�e ,tal��lz�ti�}�t, rc°��egc:t�t3.o�z, �ricl s�nit.ai�it��� �ar�ci w�xe�' su1apl acs. 1t���r st�'�c:d t}l�t 3�� ti,r�u�d hati�c: th� rcVCgct:ati.on finzsl3e:d be�vre July 15, 1��1 , �u�cl t��a� he has t�ri,���ed � sprii}�, for t��ttcr, °�:1���. tem�cn�a��� s���il��•,r� ��ci.l i1'.,i•�s r��o��lc� Uc- use�� �lYis ycai-, Ur.cau:�e he G,r;�srl't .�'�le tn �t�3rt cc��1sL�•ixcti��� 13st ��]1. 1-�e has z n a�xc�en�cnt tiaitl� 4'�1 to u�e tlmcia� s}7nw�r f�.citit-ics. ��c statec� tha� t}�ere: wc�uld l�e la ���v�lc litxin�; c�n tlae sit:e, with � livii}n ;3�ou�: 1-i,l� ��il� r��a L1�� tn�uait��..n :�t. i�h� chta�k tc:��on site. H� �l�nnnec� to er�nstriict a sel�' cont�ii.���ci s�znitary £�cili.Gy �t�is tall. }�e st�tecf i.l��t t�c waulri �r�c sr�c3�r�n� c.�aloride cr�� oil e��� �}i�: rc,ad tca cpi:�ts in tlt�.s air5c:. J�.:i, hiox�aal moved i'�r a�3Praval , sccc����ied l�yr [��yncax NEill�r t��c ret�t��s� ior a ccrn:t�.ti��tal ���r. ��c:r�i.t for 1� yc;�rs �s stat.c:�l i�i tiic sl.aff inen�n, �nd �rith t��c; car��lit.c�ns �r� tl�� memo tivi.tkr t.}i� excc�tic�i� af �rl, �•a_;il.�i�ity� nf c��7��. "['4�e z,r�tc +�as �-l. ig� i�.v��1•, xvitl7 l;c�r��Y i�#zitc ti�ntin�; a�ai�YSt tla�r 33ac��stire� rcpclat.in�, t.t�rat�. ttc� .--cl t thc cc�mlalair�ts �l�c�tat tkiu c�t�s ���,a inip�rtanY. [1u:u��c mov���lr and Gay�:c�r ��cc�r��i�� tn �c���s�i7-�z at �:-��. Unsinxntc7us. + � �iE�fQRANI)Ui�9 � • �"0. Pla�ir�in� an�l Envrironment�l Commi�sinn FI�(71�f: If�partme�t c�� �Casn�uility Ueuelopment/E�cter Patten �ATE: April Zi), �981 RE: Request for Aoprcaval s f�x Phase II AclditicaYl �nd 2 Aunendments tc� Special Develo�tnent �istric� 7 far t}�e �1az�riott'� Mark llatel � BACKGRUIIN?] Izs February nf 3�77, S�eci�l D�:velo�13eent I�isCr�zct 7 was ac3opt�r� for the 1��-�r� Resvrr. � Aiaster Ilevelopment Pl�ii wa,; aclapted at t��at time �t�r t3t� �ntzr� �roject. The P?an at �hat ti.�c� sl���,red �eneral Io�htions �rad cl�si�;�as for �hv '��uiidzr.gs �nd the zniencle�l u5�s �rop�sed. 'i'he SU}7 C}rd.a_n�3r�cc vtatla.ne+c; s1�velG��m�ri� st�.ncl�;.rds ��,s� r��:ira.fani r�ensat,y co�atrc��.s. 'I'he proposa3 curxer,tly urlcls;r rcva.ew is �al�ecl �l};. 1'has� I I Addzti�,ri c�f t'h� ��arr�.att's ��a.r�: Fiatcl ��icl respr��ni:s i.he final c�eYFelo��me��� c,� 1;he Jarc��er�y. `T�3L PRC}�?7,�',�,.I, 1"he p1 an stal�mi.t'tec3 for �t��pr��•aJ. �c�:i�. �s�_; :�.1:lit zc.�a1 cl�v�2 i in� unit:s.:, c�ccU�f:r,,�:Iat i.c�n ur��ts, �z cortvt=r�ti{}n cc��tcr ar i�, 7�=�p squ::rc� �csc�t, l�a�•ki�:� :,'txt�c.i:�ta'e ar�c3 '�? .4L�r.iiLioaaul tcnnzs c��u:rts. Alsr� a.n�i�rd��l zs t.t�e r.c�m�lc��:ic�n c�� fi:fia J,�ndsc�l}iz��; �r,�' �csl�s'truct�.a�� ct£ a M���ycic ��.igh. 7'}1� £ol�.t�4vir; �tatistics �•epres�rt� t�S�c exist:in�j, k�rcr�ascd ai3d al?o�,,r�.l�l� si��.atio�-�s: A. Num�aer af Units �r__:��as��; �lc�. Un�t� 3�3�.��7}�r.F�_l�:iits �3ri�in�l. 7� i� �ha�e I. 1C�6 �,�A Pl:as�. 2 82 ?�� "�otal. 2G� 5,� AZ 1oi•r�Ac3: 3�}4 34 R�An ef:�i_r.�cncy k�t4}te��7 �,�ill be i�r.;e��:��rcd fr{�,�z� P1-:;x.sc 1 r Ui�a,t li]8, cc�r,rrerta��� �Ja1zt 1D8 �rct� ;z ��kel�in� i�ni�t �� an acctir�i�datian �a,�.i�. B. Gzas� 1��-�ide°n1:i�1 1'I���r Ai.°e� {4ce.. unit,� ai�r3 ���11%n�; un�.ts) Pr��osed: (sRl'�,{sc� ftl Exi,��.ar�� fiC7,S�.3 €�l�a�e '? r�6,�7�'+� T"�ta"L l�.i,;�7� A�Ic�+;c �1: 1:S�;�OC�� Marriott 's �far� - pa�� � - Ap�il 2�, 19�1 � r � � r C. P��king fflr ��tal praject �e�uired: 257 s�aces, alI undergrvud Pr��ide�: 257 spaces P�.AN REVISI�iN� A1�1� Ah�E�lT�AiF:�T REQULSTS �er� ar� sev�ral r�visic�ns from the 1�77 Plan and 2 affici�l rc�ques�s ��r am�estdm�nts to thc S�eei�z3 Devel�pm�:nt District, 7'he revisicins ar�: a� follaws: 1, F2elocati��t o� �the parking struct�rc: fram ur�c�l�rncath the Conver��ion �entc�,• ta the west sic�� of �h� �ro�erty. Tlais 15 }�rc�Pnseu ta ii�cre��se tl�e s�ryed nf canstxuction r�est�ltir�� in l�ss disi•upLian far Marrs.ot�'s ��laz4; anc� LxonsFiead. 2. A n�inr�i• �•edesign e�f �he m�ssing anci t�uil�3ing �j7v�lapc to prc�cluc:e a r��x�e ap��rrpri�te dcsign 3,��t}� re�ard to scalin�; do�vn t�ze zpp4�3•�F�t w i7e Qf t]fe �3�cs� elevat.ian. 'i'h�s �`evisi�i� �lsg a�slc t-he �ass�.�e st�l��:• ��uacta.on oi t}�c: resident�.�l ��vr'tic�r3 0£ the acicls,tit�f� ?�y allo�ing a ]ar.�� nun�bez� ai �uo��ts �� :�aee .s�t��h, 3, '�'}�e dri�;�.r�a3 ��presval ir�cl��3ed a �cver�Arl tc;�il:is couz�: �acilii;y. Th� �trp�li.ezr�t ar�ues xh�k� tennis has 1�St scame af t;}i� ma:�s apkacal tll<i� xL` l�.au �our �rc�[r� ag� w}acn t�7c �-,la�s ti,�er� iCizse apprc�vcd. �11st�, i:t�:�:}f rc:�3ar�t tha� L-ijc: Piarrzt�tt's i��l�rk's �enna� cc��,:.•�s h���e b�crt uit�.�r-u.tili�.ed and t1�ey �a�ve s��U�:�n �c� t�:t�c ok�ie�:•s �sf t�i�; otrier ia�eiaor co�Ir�� zn �i"otivn �nd havc learned tl��.� thc �u.cst li:�:� a lo�v usagc rate ai, thocc S�acilities. 7'hey do pra�ic�se 2 ��ldif�aon�gl aut�laor c�tir�s c�n t�ie rc�of c�f �he parka.ng s`�ructure. 'F'l�u� ;tc���s��:l zr�endm�T�ts a�,, as ��31QS:s: i. T7z� a�n t�ca��t w�,shcas tg :i��tst�i l fia•e��]a�c�.s .�.n �hc ��L�lt t�wel l in±7 �anit� i.z� L��� i'3aas� 2 r�riclit�.o�t. At fi}�e tirn� t-.k�e }�7-c�t7i.'t�itian �'ax f_irc��luces i� S�lD7 w�s �rasse.i, i:�'dE;I'L' l�'i1S i:,UC�I f�1::+CLI55J1.�7Z c1�J��'L7i� �:C?L tl��U1��113� c::il�r I1G'S�1 �lI�I3��C:G�� �i:0 �)G' �[7115�.i"11C'L�:�� thrc�:rg;l7c+i�:: t,oth Cc�n�rn�rcia]. �:ore;. '1't��.�, o:C c.c�ttr�e, c.tid nst h���etz, a���l rhe a���,lzc:�n £�eTs t:l��t. �his is a }�ardsl�i� an 1�,i�7a ;:�s fzrw�ala�_cF aare �z].}.�st�te�i ��� oth�z �;�e�lin�; u,nits it� i,l�e T'o�wn. �7'r^:F;°" Rf;CG:'. ',;p1'�'IQi� 141e ���x•e� S�ti�i� the s�ti,•ne�r ��d �e�eJ. r.his amc.��ci�r,�r�-t i�: i�i:.t�.fsccl. T}�c�;•:: are na r�Gli�r i��s�:�irre.�s it7 'i't�titi�tY r��l�er� t�.}c c�o nQt allc�3a oa�r. fi��t�, �< c��.: l;�r rlsai:l �att� t�r�it. 1. T}ie a��Iicant is r�yuesting � ch�ngc in t��t� tic�r�s�.���' c:ua�tic�l s�ctzaaa iar �'���se I�. Fc+x �Chis ��t��ss�, t_he �•cquc�t is for S? �Lc.�s�ac�cD��tic�n ur,�_�s ,znc� �7 eicae�li��� ��niL�. 'I'lt�:� �;o«I�1 fa� an ;iri:��a�dn�er�t t� f.hc r�uirs��er ofar.cnsuvcl;�ti:��i �i��. d�ccilii�� ti�iiii_s fc��- S�3ccial [3evcicrJjnren�. D�st�•ict �7 Etnr� x��,� �iZ i��crcas�: ira the tatal dcnsity c�f. the �ii.��, In ma��a�;emcrtt ai;i'�eme�� r�� F•ia�r:�oi.t 's i�ar�., tlYere Tx�'c: �uar��:�t'�es t��.3t � t�t::al o� 3?U 3.cy�s be �a�az?a�ile f;�• lc�it��l �:r.z• a pe.rzod o, 2� years. ST.'1F1� �:1:C�Ji+�f1�T�;�t'�TIUN 'T"hc �t<�tf sup�iaa-t.s this cl����� <�s t�te ��rc��ita„rI is �=ri�ilin t3�c tc�t.� nu��trer o[' rknat� akln�,;�:d Lir�clt�r i.3it� zan�.n�, a��a ti�er� is a f5u.�r:iri'i.c� i.ii,�t:: t11�^ ��cr.car�aeI�it�c�rl ar�cl dw��.'tli��� 171747.�;.._'� rer�ta.ir� f��,- r�r�ta] f�r�r ZS yc�gi-s. ' _ . 4--;� �arxi�tt's Mark - pagc 3 - Apr�l 2Q, 1�8I � � � ENVIRpNhI�N"�'r�1� IMPEIC'I" 51"ATEI�1CtdT SUPALGbtE�1T S17D7 xequires that each pk��se of the }araj�ct sh�uld cantain a Sup��Iemes-it ar u�adat� to the original Enviranmental Im�act Stat�:ment. SVe have as�Ced that ttiree i.ssues be addressc:d for this phase: 7.. F���rgy C�riservation - invesi.i�e�ti.+�n �nd possible �r�c�r�oration a£ altcr.native r2t�.�°�Y sc�iarGC�s tar the projec�., 2. �m�1G;re� lic�u�in� - t.he past v�er�ition c�z the cor,��lex s}iaulci h�ve r1c�nDnstratad Lhe at�equacy �t the empio}�ee }�c�u�;�ni �i_�u��ti.v��, a��d ►�e asked far the r�sul.�s af suc}� an in���s�i��ti.cir� to u�da�c �:hzs in�:�r�natioal, includin�; tf�� Fhase iI incaeased d crriar�d, 3. F'eucstri��i and �zkc Pa�l� Coxr�S.deratio7�.� U,7 rhe oxi�znal �].a�� �ctcapt�d, Ec ��dcs��_�.•a.�,n �vaJ.�: t�as ��rc+���a�e�l ;crx the t�o�th �.a��� Q� tl�e� ox i.�i�ia� �uil csi3��;. ti'de ask�d '�l�.c al,�l ic•�nt t�a t�:17. us r�?i�en ���is wt�u�d bn },z��rridec�. �43.sc�, �.l�e To�ti-n �,1ans ta ccnstruct a bike �at]1 �� tb�e s�utt�€ �i tl:e �,r.o��erty near Gorc (°ree:k, and :.�� �vai,tc:d a � I:ne�w if t31ey were w�.l.lit�� �c� c�a���ect ��y�.c� this p�th. AF?�LIC:�`,h'T R�SPI��`a� � 1. 1'he s�ev�:lop�r is �2�ror�ora�i?�� sotr�� �+��.i�:Ei�l e �+ass}_v� sc�]��r �sp�ct.�: inta t11c: ��lz n . (see enclo�ec� :c�Tnrt �n ener��� ce�rns�rtt�4�tic�n £�ax- �:k�e L�xvjccl.j, �nd r;t.11rr enc:r�;y eil�ic�,;:nt '��c.l�rir�lt��rx;;s far t.��;�t �rrd s��;:te.- a.re: �rupas�d.. '1`l�e re;�3�rr� s��u�i�tt���� tr� � th�: s'�a�� �l�n �.iycl_t,icies a ve,�: �r�s�.tiv� ��'tit��ci�� cs���r.�rni��o ar.iiv� sr�i�.r ��ar�cls �'{7z- ���� wat�r wiaid s:y�ir��r�in� �;Y;>1 ;�c.a�i���;. �'W'e fc�c�1. itie s37c�rf: ���y-i��.ck �ex-:ios� :�n f��c�-�� systi��a��-y a�zr1 thc. si�zi°i'r� �.�,t�t: �er•c°t�s�t:�u of �eductir�a� in cc�nr��c:r�'tianztl. e,iier�;y sysYer�s ►,rarrr�ni:s tl,c incar�xvr:�r.soi� a� :�iici� a sys�em in �his �roj�.ct. ?. T"h� owr��r af the cr�r,���l�x ot��s ab dwellati;� ��nits ihat axc uti�.izcd £c�r en�A�la��e l�t,�.r�xn� fc�r tlic t4i��,���.c�tt's i�i�.�1: �r��plc�;��ces�. i?� �ta.tes th��t t17�y� axe �.].1 utiJ.ize�l SrG t:�iv ��in�:cx nr�nt�j�s, l�ut tha3: s,� tl�r. 5tf:,;,,er €:lct c]cma;�d �;c,es �ir�lt.� �n� r�:a��y c�f tl���m �a�c rentecl Lo �;Ur�-emn�c�yc.�_, c�f�li�: tsusi�i�:.s. T�tey expect fi:hat 12 tv 16 ad��.itaoa�al m,aicls �+r%J.! uc rc�,ui_red fo� t.he; Pha�e il �ead�.tzan, L,ut tixat ��Q nthci a�lcii�:iun��l s�°r:��?��y�:.-c� wcrul.�l �e necdc�d. 'i')i� �taff feels 'cl��7t tl�e nut�3.,c°r caf un�t�; I:rr�va�lttl is a.d�e�uai:�, but, we fee� that ���rs�;i��l�r sc�rt�e �Lrc:e.�nc:nT bet����..3; t3�e a��;����` �.n�� tl�c: T`�ati•��zi titi°cyu�.c� �s; jtlstii�'��d tt, eristtrc tllesc utl�ts remain �vaila}�lc� ta t}ie �rrr�lnzrc�cs �t tl�e A�iaxi•ir��:t°s �iark c��3 a dt.izritncl �i�=,;i.s an� fc�r � ec7��:�in ��arac>c� t,� ��.rn��. 3. 1'F�� 1']i�s� II �'�rlciiti;r+,� �1.an do��, sl�c�w ci �.ai.fce ���z�dr e-c�z�ncc�.i�an t+� tt�c ��ropr.rt�s ] ���c:, anc, ��:� t�a�ii;� x�cc{�i:iz��: �s a coa��'�i:inat af �:�?�sr4�rt�1 , t9:�: f�il1 conaaect�a�a t� ttic 1'o►an's �3at-l�. �.nQ�t��cr coa.d itzori oi: zi.��:�-r��r��1 w�.l} t�c �:ft�jt,: t.I�c pcd��tri:an laa�l� L}c cn�i�truct� nn X.P�e ��c��•tia sat�e c�; �.I,c cara�i;a�3.�. t�uil+�ayi� i.n C4ilJU]1Cl:Ii7Tl ��it��z thc; I'}ias�. II 4ac7�-k, .� �,_ M�rr�att's Ma�k � p�g� - April 2Q, 1981 � , � S'l'AC� RE�OE�ihS��li]ATIQt�i in the Staff's c��inion, the project is w�ll thou�ht out and an im�ravemen� to the o►��ra1T complex. 'I"}�e conrrenti.c�s� cc�itcr is a ne�d+�d f�xcility a�tci an asset ta the ��mmunaty. life feel �he s�me way ahout the indoor tenn�s courts, and don't �ike #.o see i.hem elim�natcd, but. dv nt�t wa�yt to farce t1�� dev�lc�per into a non-cost �ffective gro�r�rn, either. Exce]3t f.or �he �.r€iendm�nts xequ�sted, the �levelo��rroent pxapasal n��ets al� thc SDU r�c�o�irerlcnts in t�rms a� devel�pmer�� standards, proviszvn of facili�ies anc€ de�sity �eilings. In CQriC�C15�OTt' the Staf£ recorur��,�r1s a���srot�al r�f �he Ph�se II �ddi,tian t� the b�arrio�Ct's 1�?ark �esort with the ft�llt����1n� co��clitions: 1. Co�sid�r t}ie incnrporatian �a£ ata active solar system ta he�t }�ot water anc� the �.d�3i�tianal in�aor �ac�l. �. An a�reeinen� hetween the awner ancl the T�wn l�e wc+r.ked aut t�o e�stzre tlZC c4�ztir�ued avai�at�ility of the emplvye� hotasin� ��i.�s fc�r the project's emp2oyees for +e�ght ye�rs, It� add�.tYO�, the Pl ann�ng a�-�cZ ��iva.�t�ii�nc�Yt�t� Cvrnt�rissicn ���il l i'CVl£"4;° #i}i� �7T'E7�:'C� 171 C'•7.�;�1� }'C'�}�'S tGl SC�= 1.i A� Ldsi7'21T1'�S f:Ji4�'7]S�.cJ17.. 3. 'Tk�e 7pp��c�nt a��aee� t;a cc�nn��:� i.a� iaic:yc�l� �;ath�w��.lk��:�y prc���n.ed r.Q t,l�e �v�st af the exi�:t:in� t�nni� c�u�ts 'tc� t.lie "I`oeti-r�'s �ysLen7 (�.f= lflca�.��s3 r��ar Lh� prr�1�ertY) anc3 canstx�ct the pat}z Lc+ '['vti�m ��t tra,d�.rds. 4. T�eca�acc t}ze pai•lcin� s�,ruc�ure is tlrapc�sc:c1 5' from t}�� wester� prrperty line, the3•e shat�le� nc�t be a ]oss of exista.n� �a;�1�ki,ig s�e�ccs duc #:c� the constiuc:ti.on c�� t�z�s huil�l�n�. S. "I'he ap},lic�nt a��reeS tc� �ax�tic��-�.;i:c? in tY;c cic�,i�n �inc� canstT-u�ta_on �f i,nr,�•��,����;tGr��s f�ir l�'c:fi< I,ions�iczel C�.x�].� in 3�.:;:�, of 1:hc� h'ara��tt 's ;���ark ac� S.r�:��•��v� ��eJcSi:ri.�37 a��d ��Glrie.I� ilc��v :�nd 1����:Lific�:. �.,�,i a� t�sis a�ea. _, lr+� s� � � :v.r{���,�r;��'"�?""I���,/�I����■■�rl�� � �������������a.co,ut.���� � EIW3 I 7!���tf 3Li51 Wi�l�am,! Rvo1i ■ K�nn�Rh S Went�vorth����� �l�������� � R45S P C[�aney � Cdrl A.WorTh�n fan a�mr,,.,��Q�m , _ Thortr�s W.TRsarp�9���������:,o�i.z��,9a�ea�u . ";�� tlAlpfC�'1 �t ���7 � � �, � [3iek Ry�n � � ✓ Dept t�f Camme�nity [)e�e�aprneryt � - �awn c�f Vail 'j � � P.C�. Box �(�(� � Va i�, �vl vrado 8 i fi57 - j i Desar C►ic�c: We are submi#Fing pl�rts for th� Phc�se 2 add'rtian af the Marrie�tt's Mark {c,r tev�ew � �y staff, Pl�nni�sg Cnrnrr3ission and Town Council as rey�ired by S}�cir�1 [3everopment I�is#riet M1lo, � ir� #1�e Town caf Vail Zc�ning Oedinance. We Fr�ve also er�closed drawir�gs dc,ted �uly 28 8s August 3, i977 whic� ore co�ies nf the a+-roencled plcrn w}�ich was appraved �n Sep�ember �977. The ro�rn counts and GR�A fi�ures are lisfed in App�nd�x A w�rieh is attacFsed. W� care propc7sing sorne amendments ta the o�pro�ved �Ivn and ti�ese dre fisted beTaw. I. Ftelocraticsr, of the �rkin� s#ruci'ure frorn underneoth t�e Conventic�n �enter ta th� west sicie of the praperty. Tf�is amendrnent is prc+pvsed to increc�se speea� of constructian resul#ir�g in �ess disru,�tic�n f�sr Marriott`s Mc��� fln�d Li orasheod, 2. Minor revision of �'he build��g envelape. It is our opinic�n thc�t the ce�'rsed mcassir�g 'rs more apprcrpriate ta f�ae c�es'rgn �nd rnc�re eff��tiue irs scafing ' dawn the ap�rent size c�F the west elevcatic>n. fiF�e r�rrised design als� �Ilc,ws a �arge nurr�€�er af raans to face to the svut'h towards the mountain. A much � more desirable condition k�crth f�r c�ur guests a�d sol�r considerafic�ns. � � 3. Arrrend 5UD�7 to c�1}aw 8 wDad �urnin� fireplaces (C�ne in each dwellir�g � e�nit). 1''�t the time the proh�laition w�s place�i in 5C)C3�7 a�oir�st fireplc��es it wc�s generalEy thc�ug'�t th�t wc�od burning firep�aces wauld �e pro€�ibit,�d i� t nevw c�onst�uction t�rou�heut C�3 $� CC2. i�Fsis �S�s not ,�cc�urred and ��e �wner f�els fihat this is a }�arcishi� placed +agapnst him ir� #he �o�petiti�e i market os other dwelling ur�i4s are ollvwed one woc7d 6urning f�r�pE��e ecach. � .�:fHJ,�.1-�-"�V•�.5,�°`� k .. 4, Ret�ue5t a�-wer�n�e fvr t�e insfc���ation af srnall effi�ieney kite�+ens in ?9 c�F � the �elt�xe aecrrmrnr�dafi�an units. 7hese kifchens are nofi des�gned far fv�� � � meal prepar�stic�n as they haWe only 2i" range tops and very sm�1� un�ercounter refrigerc�t�r5. These rr�ams w�uld servs r►yore as '"l��s�ritai�ty suites"` a i , . ; ._. . _ _, _ +_, J .�,,, , .,�.�,,,� _ ... .� �r ��. + *� � � t� ��, h�1� , R ya r� Pg, 2 March 4, �9$1 with sorrre pc�ssibility of 6reakfast and snocks. �h� segment o� the market thafi would be m�+st severly affected �(iF any) 6y Ivss �f revenue or ac#iwity � wauld �e Nke�rric�tt's M�ark itself. Furtk�er, tF�e c�wner has an agreeme�t wifih � the Marrifli't Gorporoi'ian tca fus�nish 3��D guest r�vm uriits f+�r a perivc! crf � 25 �rears wi�h f�ve 1Q year o��ions, t'�us t�,ese units c�uf� not be canvertec� a to fvll time living ar 6e removed from the r�ntol morket for a peripd of � �� to �5 y��r3 . � i �> R.emave the caver�e€ tennis ec�urts from fhe praj��t . Tennis has lasf s�rne qaf � the ma�s appeal thc�� it hQd four }��rars aga ►��h�er� fih+e p�ans were l�sF a�proved � The Marrintt's ,Mcark tennis courts arc. no ior�ger used at c�nywhere near i �opQ��ty. The amer�ded desi�n does pravide a s,�.�ace qn #�p t�{ the p�rkin� st�ucture io accomm�d�ate future tsnnis Courts s�at��d #he c�emand again increrase . We 6e�ieve that the prapased plar� is in su�starrtia� agreement with the intes�ts of th� csp�roWed arnend�d plara . zf there are any quesf i ons or need for suppf�men#a I i nf�r- • mation ;��ease dcs ncat hesii'ate to cor�tac� us. � $inceeely. � Kennet 5. Weni`worth, A.I .A. Ruaff/Wenfi�sarth Aech�t�cts Car� A. Wvrthingtan i'arfinersF�ip (A Jvin# V�nfiure� . ; ,� ` . - . , � � _ q � . � { � � � y APP�h�D1X A MflfC Ei?�t�5 N1ark - �+''4�rcF► �4, 198] Room Cc�mbinafiir�n Designaticx°r C�u�ntity � o€ occomrnQ- � r�€ dw+elling � of ke}�s shown cm �l�ns e�atinn unit units A1 2 2 � B2 i7 34 34 C3 ]9 57 57 D 1 4 4 4 12 E 1 4 �4 4 12 1�17 8 1�7 Pr�liminar�r square fvotages (GRFA} ,a a ( �} 384 = 7b8 f�� y'� 6�� g2 (1*) 73(} = 32�4]p C3 (19} 1[382 = �0,558 a� { �} �s�� = �,2�a g �� ,� r3 �t t �} ��aa � �,��� �}� �� � Tv#a I 4t5,,9�6 square #eet �� � �r � �"`j [) j•�` � �QOm covn'�s for fhe tota� pr'�ject �'C�rigin�l b�riiding, Phase 1 a�rd P�nc�se 2 Additiora) �eG . units awe9�ing Uf1if5 (.�rE�inc�� 7�4 14 P'�c��e 1 lUb 12'` �,ase � 103 $� � . _ . � Ta�a� 28l 3d � �-� � * An eff�ciency �Citchen will b� remnv�d #rcxn P�c�se 1, llnit f°�Q$, converting Unit 1D8 � from a dwelfing urait �o can acGC,menc�a�Ear+ unit�, � SQUARE FOC3TAGE5 PRELIMI�lARY ES7EMA��S Kitchenf Storage 2,088 sq. ft. Can ference Room 8,750 sq. f'�. Fon Roo�s, 3,�0 sq. fr. 6c�i I�r 7�'S sq, f�h. 3 �lectri�al Roor� b2�I sc}. ft, . � " � � � 5quare Fvatoges �r�r,'t M/W' S9D sq, ft. Cr�ats 852 sq. ft. hel�rketi ng 72Q sq. ft. Lop Poc�l 2, �C}6 sq. ft. 5tvrcage,/llAechanical i5d sq. ft. �ock 2C?q� sq . ft. �reFvnctian Lobby �4,8$�# s+q. ft. �s�afator,/rh/lachine Raom 61b sq. f�. Cr�rrid�t �' Hr�te I ��r. b�b5� sq. ft. Hote1 Uni#s —'�- 4b.99b sq. ft. Upper Lo6by 1,334 sq. f't. Expc�r�ded �ffices d�6 sq, ft. Elevatar Lo66y 8 5tairs 5r7Q7 sq. ft. PRELfMIE�A�`t' ES�IMATED SC�UARE FEET &4,453 sq . �t. ` 4,�P � �1, i�� �1' ,—!W_ y�. - ' ., �_ �� � �\ s. �• . . � � .. tr-� ._. .-. , .. . .- � '.. � _ a.-� .. . . _ ,r � . . � _ � �� {l�i i � �C?� ��s�if •� .. . ���� �`� � ' r � . � ,. ,.'* = rF'. � . . � Z•. ��f3y��' '��r► k �'~?�S b. �!a L[[s. W C.� k.;.. q�,, � ., c '.� � u �- h 4T�ief �' ��..�-�^ p - . . .� �. �� j f � ura ~jn♦ 1 •. ! . .. •. . _ � SYar_ r ti.. • ., . .. � . � ``{.,"• u�f."_,!�, '^.'�rLsss j,tE+�:r'}s�l�:"4°� C�� �:'.�!'ITJil k�'y' ��"V"��.nr`-s'�-�i � �j +� �i:flCl v°!� 'Y�1 ! �7��I '� 7 . �.:�. :s;�� ;��t: C{�PY -. ��f � r ����-��s, ��,��� �� AVAlL�1B�,� � �:•�� ���rr�t�;� t����. �%� #r �, i '�,��.r �i i�k i i �F115 l�:�t,..r �� t �w! #�� u;� #c3 t�[� ���I icn�''s�;i rx� 'j�2i��� �s E���; � r�a�.c��r�� ��.� ��,i3t' tG'i1La`'' s3# "�`�!'s ��i E ����� :�7� �"�f ���'�5 �Ct� ��SL;.DS�ic?rc �'11�i' 4t� f'tcit� �SC�� � �� -� 4 "�' •:ri�^SI«� '.`� �,`�:':'?��u ��C :�'�e s '�� 3�� i'�=��'�'�Si±eC 't�+z, =�F i��ts'#� �"�c^�!��#5 '�"[� a�Yd�ci�33 �L�'Y'tti�S�µa'St-'Sf{'F C}t�#�i�# �`e �5 irl�� ::`:�l'Cf.�«� i� �.r� ��'+-.�:'''�t f'?�i. ��`�.:.�{ �'� '`h�5'� 4�cB�+�= �i*:`i�t� f t`, C�#i�' ���3f�� �r� E ��,+.rt�.�� }: � 1 r �t �a. �.r�r.. � t r `� +r�i."` 34"61:FG5i.��`{�f �::C 4'��l'1l'Li����'� , T. ^e k'.�L� I t3="ti ,�� � ,r�. T: � , ��E' tJ � � w��-`�t'"_!' '<`�'� a':'�'. h'G J+ . �C' :.r�' �i*:1� ��,�'�^.��T'}'. !"�i r ss".tF.=•`V��'R4��rt'+' �� Q��Yti'ti'y'S�"4�+ '�'�-? ;T..�rF..�,.-s �r}.�...� �? `.f��`''�'C'+-�,f3n t,.5, .1 t�"' i ri i�^�S� �i��`Uh�*i C?•'e f+�" 6 41�i 1Pe e. "�,�. i��r�!. Cif3� L I�r'7�:�:77�. .:. i�i 75:;�!' C`�Y F:�t:ii� f3'� ��'`h� ��i �S�S'C:� �fl t$`�:�U'�"'. �"'� I C ��F` �#6'�i�i3i� I�1��i �'F"'+'1Fe '��'"�..ir�={� ^.'s°f.�1"4�� t S `.?�!'�" s3�;i�f'L`;,Fe!'�i u�`5 �'� "}';S�ft £s�'a Y_ylh C`."1`..'G �i'$ '�¢"f�'�1 YLT� 3� �'�-+�� f?'3: ..,:3aF': fi�t�.` ��i1�5'����± '�56�� �f {��Xt 4r�eiz�7f i��Y��1��4r �{"f�S �T'_Y4"."ti'E:.� 4ev s�rs��;5:a c�t f�ar5 � i i5r�r� s�ugt�,Lt' c�f f'�:�i"^,� �� '��a:.r:r *�i '�`:'a� z.€:�u',''9 7�r���rJ �.*:� r�r_;��;;�irt�. �. ;�,�w�� ���� ��5i�i�b�� �r�"�"s# innf L�::Ffi#� f�� �r ��cs���� . �r;� ��'.����` �^��i-:+�f��'i�?'r,. � i �`r r`,'�.'"L°(1i� �i.l� �? '�v .`�k =':�h' 4 i1`:�:y.�.r :=.l��y,!'e`!''�', f 'r''P'p�s��vR�� �,CiP1fGt f?l ���? e'°syf'?� f �^.y t3rt;1'). �? '��s �i-� f~... ;�^'t�z�,��Iyit��ti ►��5 �ls��+�� ir� �i�+E.� �� ���,"c;�FnS'" fi��*l��±':F'c�� j'h ys�r� ..-�iE�°i1'� �'ed j.a�efx;�^� �i},:T bsvd?y s'zil"�':l�� `T4-ra;3C_��� a �:�� ���." M�i"Cdt"t���i+�ii i:w :o�;ti��`ss`!,T't�t:C{ 47F7 `,� ?p.:'�!�q�1�lt rr,' T� �`-7. T��s i� f;�_ �i:,•�' ,� ;y,r_-a_�r�c,,� �i"y� 'i'r$ «�r��r �r+Gis-*Rtt�"'�` -'rtl�5 tS s7 :+�r�+5���. [��P3:��� ��aiil��t t;�r.: �C� fi�:� ��p"s��'� i'a"i v� ra�sr^�;�i a� �7�'���' ii��s 4 I :n�« :�ra i'�� x��� e�! i:�w�u �'� �,;��C! ,. tiUf'�F�F7ti�'; $1!'�:f i dt:� �.3�+�'i. � " � �. i'µ::'.l�S� r3i7 s�'T+e.+'�ayf��'h:si�' �f?1" �1"�;4`.�a�'�C�fi ,�� .��r.,5 5�,�,, �� �?. ..��C?7eroC�:`i�'"���::ri I:°`t 1�"�� : tcw I� =��fi # In� u7i1's�. �fia� ia�;frA �.^,;: ._,� �_.°'�,3r o�f k.r.yv �Qrr�� "t�'" �•� . � c° f�_ �� �rr �r.. ��v. rG"'�'�`��`� �`t� �.�'��rr �-r.�� ;*rr� .�rrr�^�_rs�' +si�h �l�� , �l r.�.3"�i,;}�J6 :.a+�f'�'�Cd.'r��`!4�� 'f d.f" �6:T�1'"a f1 T,�a 6;C.:y x. i' ..a�.'�.�! i 6'�'-'. Lf�'i i i"5} T'�t` t�!', � , �'i';;P'1:�,C� �4 .'.� �`c'�'�S xl'��'9 ¢}i�r SL} \at:�T ����a:�:ia� �'�r1lc� �'�r,'�.�¢ L?C9��� �r:� :: !ti3f � �il'I��:GaT"�(a 1 �� 3 Lr� i"i k t�iL�' � I'�t�i�i� ''v-"� i.'M1 �r�,.^5�v'1 t��{ ���'*i `t�fla' �����" � ; Tf'uT`�4t�' "�3t` C ';��k�'rt 'f3$ •'� #'�� �� VE:t:`r:. . I 6 6 ` . . � .i�YYF1 ,�, �i- i � � 4� E `�� ! j } p 1 . r..... _ f � � - � � • �o `".�-.`��.�-�;'� f`L. F''iw�6'Tl?C �'t�.�s":3!=a _,��w��� ?r1� ,:�i? }'F�4�L�a ��arY�4< <. �'yxry +::Jrit ��'""+� ^°� �f'1�" �.'i��s:�t �'ja+;R:..}.p �i� '1�5� 1�'v�'iA� y Kar;y�� ]�� $E�I�Ii ,�L1Q ��+.�''r�,�R �'�t`'.` ��L',�i tryr�,�[a�.«r_.;�. �"�c3vt;t,'� ��?�:�r�s+"� +► ?ti� �`�� iNr #�i't�#{ L3°'S'}'�,°�i� f,fi'431� �si��.�4.�C?�l��"f11S�, '�":hE? O:s,*�,4GtS�t�3r`i PSp "S�;eS� f."iEi "'t�uL`i'`.'l7�: �•9 t#)i"�-� t�'1 �i��'�4�'.� C.��°.'T� R=Cs1�5 : f..cs-�+. t``�� ��i�� �`°�+r�u 1eT I.s�s, ++� �-ti�± ���.�s:�r; �?�aur'�. �'F�� Rr���i�►'i`w` fi;s r�.�5 '��a7t7i� G��Uf"t5 is"."� n:+ ��,°•:,,�;� q::�:� �^F���`t�?',� :��C?�f' �`�d��"��'�!: �li� c�'��i�.�i� . t�^�.�.�iaFo CtwtB� p��V� r� s: 5_��1�= Ck'i •,il� ,ay �re..� F�+t"��ft� 3�#fE.i�"l`s1�B T� s'��C�r`` n.�t���� �`�'i�s� f���i, �:�r i� �rF•�s.� I�; •�:. �:���� �� ��s�if� {rc��cz?7ip. �a C?•� i�6��Y"� �d�3LI.��.T�i4t Liri►r ��43i..��:b���vi ��IVi:,f�.:'�� ��yi� a� L��i �� �L1 ��E'4aS 'VtiY'1�V�•R if+3'I+��! �t'7�}�` � �: i.wi�!'y'. `.a�: . `.`_? 1��' i�'� 'y''=`i� L�"i°��'�►'r�S. i a Tft� c�r:T*`trr ��-p'�#�-���'c.`.c 2 �`r��� ��e�:;^�t,'s�' ��" �7S^v �;�? �t� �'� �3i�� fC#i" i"'F� ±1�St �:t�.�'`+�� �IefiflCe: �t�Y!`4i 7�.n.^"« ;�(:":e4r ��L:°�'C.if`9'�`i �}�ti C�r''� �J'�l� �'f'7� ��'y4r����q-` �;�5:�^n�Ft� t��u E� f:�°�i�a i`'t�' S�s`�� �xC�+�v ��7' ;�wt�;:�"��'y ";�.ti� 8�` `�ss1l�:��*�.. Tk�b�: ?�-ir;;.,����.� ha k�r 5i�l� :.�t�T� �t�^3�1'�i��.'�u i i�; �r���a i�r� �!�� 3�� 1 ��� P':i.t!'a�*y wii�u �s+� 't�,�uG"!' �� ��sinr�. T�,err r�tr �uf`4"cf�1'Ip �b �� Ic�v+�� �SL^t4�''�"ITS�� �f�tM I� T.1��li�°�'L:j '�L"Y..�"'�L!'.ri1tiC`��'� i� `�rt'�.��i�iJ1�� �'�`.53�k i� ���-,rst7^r 4'U�l�}C� . ±�� y�,.±s�x._y ,e{i'1�'"+� i'ne ro.�c J^*:��i f'r:�r � CxsLrS.k^vL�117G"�' � -��y �a,li'4sF`: !�.".. i�'eC ���l�:�L'� 1,�!'�'� aC� �;J�` r��, ��,� �„'�'.:�;� ���;�r'h_ r" �. ke� `L�'c� 'r'+�{ �:s'Pr. b�S f.r. ±?w'.��R, Y9 *'.;K '��i 1 Y' I r'� �.�����'±���a r��-�—�;-�= ,,..:;�C��. 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O S.^�-`�';.'�'S t 4. � ��"i"1"ri � `'.-�'"�:��.:Jr i i �rs;�� � ;:'.�r� i{��: �'l�Y�.��l�t �i�L !'ttf.,a�R i�Y •s a � vi= � .'s �i��� :� '•:t' i.�'�■°�i �';;:�.�d.rt+^4�T�;'i �.�.�'�'� �iN c.��.:�'i_ � �1� �,�.�7�+�`1'�!T�� ���� u�3 �� .��V 3 i � h.�';�.rj �;—'I ~ � s " � ..r-� ri--� i� �Y � — �c r' � Y:° ' �? � _ �� � �—' � �� � .G i w �.Y s �' t� ."` �� + �,;��:�s F, �.�% � ,�7 �' f%;: �Sr;A"ti s�;:rii�i�t5 f�r -r�� !_�`;s', �-,�,�t.�� L;��r' i�."a�F :S�'���r��#�"��1�, �'��aE+ k ;�rti� 4'i�-;� � �i�l"['i'Cf:'E} , �L.C.. S�;3i?f i�k[:i � i� ?F`1:�� �i:;�i°�5$ 7� �� �'`v.s�: ? ��}�r !�' t'":..��' .t �� �.-, � � �� ',r_+�1 •°�.�r-s c i • �y., :4 iEJ� -�. � � � � P..e vi s�d �(J Az:ra,I �98i Rs: �.ARP.IOTT ��K .. PI�.ASE 2 Pag� 1 u�zx �r�� rnc���r�c TI�' F'{�LiAWING..... � o� � of i�'n�.� � of vn��. a�cs��ac�ation d��ellin� � of �Jesignat�on �ypes �n�.t� �r,its k�y� A - 1 2 2 - 2 B _ 2 -�-8�� ���3�!' — 35 C _ 3 �g-�^ i� �-r 1� �"� D _ 1 � f �- �-- -�4r t i 6 � - 9 �t..-� .�- "� � i 2 Tot21s _��- 68 � � 122 Rvom courits f�r the t�t�.1 prr�jec�t ((3rig�irial b�..ilding, F3��:ss 1 and Phase � Ad�.i`Eian) Acc. uu�rssi�s lf}�Te11�ng uni,ts 4}ri gina_,1 74 14 Fh�s� � �C�6 �2 Phase � �-CB f�� 27 �`otal ��� 5� _ � � PL1��iI;NG A�I� EhIVIRONh�NTAL C[}N�4ISSIDN Monday, April 20, �981 3:Of� g.m. 1. Approval of m�.7iutes of A�ril 13, 1981. 2. A request ts� am�nd S�ccia�. De�relo�ar�cnt Dist�ict IVv. 7 of the Serics of I.�7i cor.�err�ing th� numl�c�- o� firep�aces, cicnsity contxal ar�d removal c�t t�nna.s court� for the ?���rric�tt I�Sark, Zn additiari, review o� Ph�a� IT r,f thc s��ecial cieve3a�ment cli.strict. Akapl i.�arst: Kaise� P�Iaxcus. '�+/ �� !•.#`/' � � ��y�1 ��� �� ��`�' ROUGH �RA�T �r�� 3 �� �F1 s r c I-� 3� , � ��1 . , t•1r_ k.�n �+fentw�rth RUOF�/4�EI�TWURTH , A�CHI7E�T5 50D Lionshead �ai � • Va� T , Cc�ior�d[� $� 657 R�ference ; r�RRE:-C�RRf�IOTT 11aii , Color�ad� qea r K�n : F'ursuant t� c�u�� �r�evic�us conv�r�a�� ons reaarding the en�r-yw and w� t�r canserv� iion i tems t� h�� uti 7 � zed Qr� the subjec � praject , I wauld respand as ft�� � �w� : �. Wat�r Con�er°va � � az� 1 . All reas�nable wat�er conserva ± ian methad� �hat are reac� � �y avai 1 �abi e tfl current technGl agy w��i 1 1 b� �esi �n�ci into tt-�e pro�ect ir�;c��ar as p��act� ca� . 2 . All 5h�wers ar�d tuf�s provided with si�awer heads sha� l be �quipp�d ►-� it� flow contro7 valves to � in�it 9��r� �'1 t���,��s . .� . All ���ater� e� ��et� s ��� 71 be water canserving type . � . ��e�i rc hot water systen� wi 11 b� pravi ded wi th a. hot water circu� atior� sy�t�m to reduce water consumptactir, . � . Water �anservir�g '�1 t�s�, v� ] ���s wj I1 be tltz Z i zed . B. �r��r`gy Cor�ervation i . Th� averal T t��i 1 di n� enve � ope tiwri 1 � be evol ued ta em- cc�mpass insula�i �n ��alu�s to e��eed the Ca� orada Energy �ad� . � � ' � 1 ,�c�.�,:� � C� d� ��-�C ��,.� - �. � � ? ` 'a'�, � � �. �. • � f � ��.►�+.� �-s ,� �.�. � . �E.. s��� � � ��..� ��. � � � �'.� ? i�+�Ll'� ��'L�,i.�. `.�"'�;,�'L'�,�r'�,� �. l�iti �,�.t l'-++�'�s� '�— C�-'��' �I�_ tl1'�3' . � c� � . � � �� � ; !�.ric� 8 Y` �l� �• � , '�''' �"l i��� '` , . - t - r �1 � - � ��� � ! y�,��,,,y �� ,j� �j ��u.s�. .T- �T� iJt�+� `�.,, trs�y � 4 � ,� � � t . ili��-r�o�ar�e g] �ss will k�e utilize6�. 3 . ���ia�ry of �.he r��onts have been ar-a �nted 't� � south ��� ��.�f r��CiTiU L7t�{}c$Uf^� �[3 �r� �;@ BC�Vd(1�a3(�E' 0� " �]� 551V�`� F�eating fc�r tFj�se areas . � . �ath fa�r� wi � � b� i ndi ui d�;al type cantr�7led t�y i imer� �r° � i ght swi tci�e5 tC� el imi nate th� "canstant fars �p�ra�ing'° i:r�er�by reducing the exhar�s �ing of heat�d air in t��e � iving units - ��� 5 . �ach of the 1 i vi ng ar�d guest raoms ��-d be provi ded w� th indiv� duaZly con�rolled �eati �ng units �:�h� ch � ra f� � ri�� re �effic � en� th�n gr�uping af tf�e hea� units . E. In t}�� c�nfer�encc areas , �v.o r�iltizQne un� ts shall be utilized in lieu of o�L Z �rg�r �n� t to a7To4�r a better operat� e�n for sma7ler meeting� +thereby conserv� r�g both tara and cool � ny energy fc�r unu�ed ca�fer�nce and meeting ro�rots . �� 7 . Th� ��u � ti zone uni ts �-a-�`i' �e �rovz ded wi �h ful l �conarri z�r cy�les t�r d � l �w for '° free co�� ing" belvw 50°F oUtd�r�r t�n�p�rat�� r� - even if a� i af t�re can��rence-meeti �ng rc�pms ar�e fs�T Z . The r�et�rned i r 'h s heated by p�apa e ar�d . wi�l h�wt. �er�r. 1+�' .���� ,�.�.� �.s ���' �$-rrts���ti��� � -� be � �r���fit for tt�e h�ating sys��m a� rr�. � Can��r4� � '�er�er9Y,rfr � �h�� �4i ler sysfiem. � : . Ali pu�lic areas , inc � uding confer�nce and meeting are�s , u�n� #, u ` ty�� �r-cu3 de� wi tY7 ni aht set back thermastats to reset the ar�eas t� lowrer tem�era�ure5 at n� gh�t ar �r�� . occupied hours , � � '°1 � �� 9 . Solar �e� Ling 5ystems ada�ta�ile t� ��� l �ang heating wi �h natu�°�a �� gas� as a bac�:--up iaave been CaTculated• at a 16- 1 � y�ar pay t�ack an m�r�y af the prnjects studi �d , in th+� Vai � �rea . Low wir�ter salar� �anel ��'fieienci �� and °' reas�n�at�7e" cc�s � for gas are t�e �r�mary obstacles to ��nve a v-i �b7e pay back analysis at this paint. i� �'t�ut . ,� tyt�„� �,- Ra� i d �sca i �tic�n of gas rates r�ay change thi s i n the �r � r. �J�, � � increa��?? } � � �� futur� > but PSCo . has projecte� a 1 �-��� rate/over the I� ,�tr � '�r r�ext �e+rr years . Anather t'a��ar � s t:hat tQ dev�l �rp �DO�F . ° ��,. b� � ��`��� � wa r f r a oa r f � 1 r a v r x nsive � � � t� o b seb rd � an-co7 heate s , e y �e �ae evacuated tube or trackir�g eollector must be utilize� at _ a cost �f a�pr�ximately �7�-8(� per square foc�t zr�stal � ed, � - -=. 1Q . Dca�nestic l�a �,�r 5o� ar �eat Systems are much nlr�re adapta�� c since y�ar rourtcJ usage i � required and high �sum�er solar ,� , call �ct�r �:,anel efficier�ci �s �re pas� iblef �p�+���4 1�.. � � � �► � � 4 J � r�,�� G45�'� � r�l�st o'� the studies �nd analyses show a 4-5 year pay bac�: w-• �.. r�n the�e type systerc�s depen�� r}g ar� th� perc�nt �olar a�si ; t �bt� i ���bie . A ��-�C,.� a�sis� sa7ar syst�m would co�� approximately 54� , DOa ar�d �vauld c�nsis� of 1 , OOb squar� fe�t c�f sol � t• Go� 1 �ctar� �ti�}�i ch H1b11� {� red�ce gas requ� rements by a liE:e percent�ge • � „ � . A 20- 3D�� ass� s� s�l �� r system wauld cost approxin�ately 520 , QOa anr� v�ould ccrnsist of 50� se�uare f�et af ��lar col � ectars . � � -�- 1 i . La � f'�ol So � ar H�� t �yu 4�A�,s �: r� alsa qui te a���tab1e for us� ge due to ff�e fact that th� inda�ar paol he� t requzrenient� ar� re�sv��a�� � and that tl�e system is , fun�ti�rr� I y�� r r�und . f' � '� A �yyten� ►�QUId cans � st af �p�rQximately ��D squ� re feet �`� " `--�-� af solar co� iec��rs at a cost �f a��raxi�atelY �32 , 000- �,,� �w�. � �- �� would u�s� a heat �x�harsger aff the �omes�� ��I"boi 1 €. rs far a back u� so�rrc� . 1 � . As can be seen , the c�st �af soiar sySLe�is i � fair�y expens � v� and �ay backs ���ed an gas co� ts are dzfficult ta prove crut. �..��-�- t�,�� �-�rrd �---����_�.�,s S F r s a i a��--���u� h�any c�esign reatur-es will have to �� revi �wed if the � s�lar collectors ar� to be lacated ara t�e C�nver�tiar� C�nter rc��f wh� ch tivou7r� �e a better l �c�taon t�an an tap. -c,f t�� hc�te] wing . If yau have any �ur�h�r questians , please � et me know. Y�ur� very truly , F1 L3� f �,� G 1'Y Cl 1��.��fC 1�Y U l,�IY J!1 i,��$i�t I � y 1�'�� . t�9�nty � . Abeyta , P _ E. Pre� ident M�AJfa _ � ., - �. . � � PLAty'I'�ING Al��l �1�V�F��(liVl�'IEiVTAL Cd��hiISST[�i+l Mvr�day, April 2a, 1981, 3.0� p.m. 1. Appraval of m�nu�es a� April I3, 1J8I. �. A x�qucst to ��end S�e�i��3 �evelnpment Distriet Na. 7 0� the Series of 1�377 GU11CeTning �he rsumber ef fir�pla�es, elensiLy �ant�'�I �nd rcrno�al 4f tennis cour.ts fo� thc �4arrio�t Aiark, rn additimn, r�vi�w af � Pha�� II o£ th� special d�v��apment distri��.. Applic�nt: Kaisex M,�r�us. . . f�� V�L � • . � � . � .. .. � - � � � � . ._ � . b{���9.M : �'� : �� _ � � . . �n�f�.,�� �I�� F �� � . , ' ' ;. � .. , .i� ��L, , ..� -.:. � � ' � � . �i , /.. ?"��.'��. t�ka'" . �. .,� . . .. .� ..,s. .. . � ,. . . . ���. , �'S • . .. , .. . . •. ' , � ,tt�8 �, .. . . . ��. � �, ; . . .�' � y5.. . . .. . . ��� . _ . .. � ' • ,,�1Y ��. . ;��— :a . t. f . �. � ; „� . :: . .;. �. � � ` ,, �. . .�. �. .,. :, �� $ � 3 .. . : � , x � ' . �'r �i :. s , w . .,, . . . . . �.�; , _.� y� m, �. �. . . . . � . , . w .. ��_ ,� .:> . . �'�r., .�i y� :., ,. , a . .. � � - . _ • _.-.�,.. 1 ,y ' - � A2�l+"1(]f�1NIlUl�i � T�. pl3nnin� and Envri,ronmental COlitmissi�otl FRflN9. Departmen'� o�' Ca�unity �le�r�lcapr�ent/F�eter Pat�cn DA'I'�: A�ril 20, 1481 RE: R�ques�r for A�prc�vals £or Phase II �lc�c�zta.on and 2 Rm�ndm�nts tv Special Dev�lo�men� Distr�,ct 7 ior ti�� l��arxzvtt's A"��rk Note� BACKGRflC#hii} Ir� F�h�-ti�;y o� 1'�fi7, 5pc.ca.a3 U^vela����:�nt llistrict 7 was adaptec� i'vr t��e ;�l�xk l�esort. A h�asi:�r �7eve�a��mc;rat Plan ti,+as ad�p�ec; a� th;�t time fo� ttac: ��.tzre project. Tlze 1'lan �L that tzmc; tilz,»ae� gen�ral ]��atians aixd desi.�r�s for the buildi���;4 and t�7e intended uses ��`c�pos�d, "I'hc SI)� Clydin�lnC:e o�.itlinec? cl��,�ela���,�.n� st���claxds �nd m�aa�unr rlensity c�c}ritral��. I']ie prc���sal c�Frz�enlly uncic-�r revzew i� �all.�.d t}�e Phas� �.I r�c�dii.ian di the i�i�rri�Lt's b4ark Hc�t�l and zcs]�rser�L� i}�c zaiyal c�er�-clopairs�nt. csf i:l�e �r�perty. 'I'��E P�l^I't15�,I. 7'he pl�t� su��mzttec� i�r �}���zt�ti��tl coi7�.,� i���� 4adc�i�:ic�n�ri d�ac:3] i��g u;�ii u, ����cii.�tisc��:.��r,�� �=.��ity, a convc7�ta�:n ceiitc:r �f #�,7SC� sc�u�arc. +�c=��i., ��,�-lcir�� stri�cturc �ns3 v �ic3cti�is::it�J. t�;�ni� coarLs. A1sa inc:l.�.cied is t}ic� cc�m�].etic�a� a� t}�A l�nr]sc47�?in� �nc� co��st�•t�cta.can �f a bicyc�c l��th. �`}�� fc�l lu�,��ir�� stat istics rE.�resen� tl�.e exa_st in�, Pro�+a,4ci anc� al lac��.blc°, aituaLivtxs: A. Ir'u�i��r �� Units p__*'°}?c��ec�: I�c�. L�nits l7svea�in�; Unixs . Or�.�i��a�i 74 14 Phasc ] �.L}C� 1?': Ph�.s�; ? �t'? �•�-r Tot�.T �G2 S3 Al l���aec3: �U4 �� *i+;r± ci'�'icienc}t I:�tc1i@n �ci� 1 bc re��lave�l f�-cfi�r }'hase l, Lhiat 1D8, eonver.�i3i� lJrii.t ]0� fr�ns � d►vr.Ililit; unat 'CO a� accamnci�iion �nit. �. Grrc�ss Resi�en�_izl �=1r�or Ilrea (1"�c� . units �n�] �1wu.1Ji�7� �nits) Pro o�ed: ct�r�,��� ��� . ,�:c������� �t�,sz� I'11��c� 2 AG,���G '�bt<�3 1a�,5�?� AIJ.ov;c=?. 13f1,t�t1�3 Mar�iott's Mark - page 2 - ApriP �0, I9$i . , , � � C. Parking fvar tatal �xoject Aequired: �S7 spaces, all u�dear�roud Pxavid�d: �57 spaees �'LAIV ft�VISI01+15 AT+lD AI�IF,NI�AS�NT It�QiiES'I'S T�iere are several xe��sians from the 1977 Plan and � o£fzci.al xequests �ar ames�clm�nts to �he Sp�cial Developmc�t Distr�.�t. The revisipns arc as fallvws: ]. �elocatipn Q�' t.he p�rki.rY� structu�c from undern�ath th� Conven�ic�n Centcr to the ��esL si.de of the 17rvperty. This� is pr���s�d �� incre;tse �he s�c�ci vf +canstr.ucta.pn resul.tin� in less �1i�xu�stian for h4axrioCt's Ma�rl�; an�i Livnsl�c�ad.. 2, A ��iinar redesign of th� an�ssing an� �uildiri�; e:nwelcpe to �raduee a maa-e al�propriate desi�;n wxth re�arci to scalirxg do�,�� �he apparent size t�f t)ie ti+€cst e�euati��i, '�°}iis revisic��� also ai.cl� the �as��.v� sol�r funet.ien af �fi�e r�siel€�ntial �c�rtion vf the a�ditia3� tay �1].axy�ing a l�az�e nur,t�cr of r�a��s t�a face south. �. T}7e vrag�n�.l appxc+v:�l ir�c3uded a c�o�ercd tcr�.iis cc��rt f�ci] zt;r. i�i� �p�li.c�.nt ar��xes �l�at te�it�.� has 1QSt sa�n� of tl�e m;�ss appeal tlia� it �ia�1 fo�ax ys:ars a�o whcn t-}ie ��ans we�� first �pproved. �1lso, t�A�y re�ai4t tk�a� t}i� i�]arrao�t's flark's t.e��nis cotir�s h�vc bcen i�nrfe:r-�s�i�izc�t and t}�ey }s�.�� s��k+�n tq tii� a;wtic�:s t�f tile atficr ando��r caurts in Tnr��n and h��'cs Ieaa•ncd th�t th�: �uest has a lesw usage �ate a� tha°�� faca.li�ies. '�'hny dv paapose 2 �.ridation��l ozatcioc�r cpLZrt� �� tli� rovf a� �}�e pG�r�:ing �S�ru��uxc, 7�Z+� rearzestc:r3 ar,�enrlments �re as fo],J.:?ti;��: 1, Thr-. ���licanC �Eis�eS La install fsreplacc:s •�.n t�t� ci�l�'t v�,�l�a.;�� units ir� �the F�hase 2 ltac�iL�.on. .�i� Ll�� time t��� p��rhihit��n ftrr �a_re��laccs �_rf 5DD7 ��ras ��assec�, t}�eac. w�� much disc�s.siu�� �aL�o�.� rY�� al.laaw�ir�� �ity nc;a i�ire�la.ccs t�a t�� co��st.xlactc,ci t�3�r�ug�iaut. t�atfi Cc}�nr,�ercz�� Core�. 1his, af c�tzrse, c3Sd nnt 1�:�;���en, a��c� r.hc al��ali�an �c�eJ.s tha�. th�s is �. iiardship vtt f�in� as f.i.r��J�Iaces �.re �.11o��a�;cl in ot�rer cte�Fcll�n� ur�its iza the Tc�wr�, ' S'J:�4]'1� l��:CC'i�ld�f�':�L'<�TICI:� 1YC a��•ee �aitlt i:h� o►�nner aYxd f�el thi,s s na�n�me»t is j�istifi��. 1'��cA�,e �ir•e tao vfiticr insf�ncct �.r} i'o��n w�icre we dt� taa�t �allr�« onc. firc�l�ce: l�c:r d��ellia,�; ��ni.�. 2. '1'i�e ap�alic�nt is requestii�� a chan�;c: �n i:��c: c�Lnsity carzL2a1 section ior i�fZase I1. 1'or t)7i.s Z�l�ase, tl�e rec��.��st as fc�r �`� �cc�ttresJati�an urr��s �i�t�l Z? �wellirt� units. 'F�-�as tivati�d he art .�rn�ndi�a�nt 'to �7��. a�um�er. c�t`ar•.��m�>ciaticrat ancl �ls�,e i�.in�, units for Sp�ca.�.l Uevc°J.���m�r�t I�isL-rict r;7 �ncl nat ��ti a.ncre;��c itt tlie tot��i densa�y o� i:�1e sit�c. In rrt��-����ment ��i�c;:F,cnt of �+l�iri°znt.�t 's �;.trk, ttiere are guara;�tc:es t.lz�.t .� tc���3. �f 52{� ]:eys b� �vail�il�2e fa3� rcart�,l �'c�r �� ��E>rs_ad c�f.25 y��rs. s�:nr'r� r,ir.,r�r��r�.;�n�•r1�� 'I7�c: staff ��Ia�sort's tlii�; e.t��fn�c :�s #he J�r���nyaJ. a.:> t��t17.�.xi tlt� t�t�.l r�t�unl�c�� o!" Fzni�s �ll�ti�ed i+nd�sr° t}�e �a��i.�l�;, :;�r�c� t}ic-r� i_; <� �;u��raritcc t}<<��. thc� �c�c�ir�n�l:lt,ior� ���� dwcll.in� e�t�i.i.s retna�.n far ren�.a� ��r 2� ye°ars. . .. � Maxxiott's Ma�k - �a�e 3 � AprYl ��, �98� + " � � � ENVIR{}�lh9f�.hlTAL IMP�I�T STATEMEN'T" SLIFPLE�'l�:.�IT 5�3�J7 requares �hat eactz �hase of t�te p�oject shvuld cvntairi �. suppl.er�ent ox eapdate tc� th� c�r�ginal E�vironmenta3 Imga�t 5taten��nt. �ti'e have asked that three i.ssues oe �ddressed fQr �this phasc: 1. l�nergy Canservat�.inn - inves�.a�;atinn ancl pcsssi�le incar�a�ation of �lt�rnatiu� c:rier�;y soz�x•ces io��t�7e projc�ct. 2. f;mplo,ree }lous3.n� - ti�e �as� crj3c�r�t5.crn of �h�� cc�nir�lex sh�uld have demonstra�:cd �i� aci�qu�cy a� t2zr. e�ipltry�e ��c�usin� �it.uation, and �vc �sked for tiiU resu�.ts a£ such an investi.�ation tcr u��ciatc tlais ir�far�nation, a.z�clu�ling the 1't�.�se II i�7creas�t� �e�ri�nd- 3. !'ed�st�•ian �nd Bike t'�L�b Ccratsa.cicz-a�:zons Uiz t�7e oi-i��.zzal }�?.a�� adop�rri, a �ed�st�•iaia ti�aa7.k i�ras ��•c�p�s�c3 �'or t�ia r�cartl� par.t �f the Qr;.��.nal txual�3in�. �+le ��l.ec� t�;e a�,�,�xc�,�t t€� tell �a� '�ttnrt tlii4 wn�id bc ��-�vidcd. A�s�?, thc Town }}I�r�s t� �c���stx°uct a bik.e �?atkz L� the sc�u�li o� the ����,��c�rt� i�t.ar Gore C�•eek, as�ci !,�� �ra�att�cl tt� k13L�4J �x t13ey �,s:re �ril],z»� to cc�i7nect 5n�c� 1�h�.s ��;^_th, AE}1'L]CA,��' RC5PC7d�Sk: � I. T'�ie c�evc�s�per is ir�c�sr�nrzaC���� s�ame rr��.ltataU] c ���Ssiv�: solar a rnects �nt� t�le �ala� (scc �rrc7 c�sed z e�iort. 4a� c:n��-�}i r.u�is��vatir�n ioz- �l-�c: pro j ect), a��cl ot���:z ck�ers,;y �f�=i.�it�rit t�:elirc,lo�3.{�� far l�e:�t t�r�ci waf�ei° �;a-� �a�•flnns��4. '1"izc rc�7t�ri:. s:i�nii�L�:czc� t� � tl�� sta��' alsa includLS a vex•y� ��c�sitive a�:t i�6.�zcl�z cnnucrnii�g ac�iu� sol�.r• I».rd�:ls �t�z I1r�t �,�at�:r anc' s�ri�:�F:z?ng ��c�o� ��cr3�.i���. We f,=s€:1 tl�� s}is�zt ��y-����ck perir.c� oro �hesra sysl�c�t�s �sFi�1 �.)�c 5i;�i�ia�i�<fnt_ 3�ercer.�;a�;e ��� a-eci�eti��� �n cc+r��ac��3tiar�ul c��ex�}• syst�ums tiaarrantC tl�e i�tcor��or�.tivt� �� ��rch �� sy:tem i.n tl�:i.s �rojec�. 2. i7ie o�er c�f thc c��mplex av,^ns ;6 clwc�l l in� �sn�'�s �h�.'t axe ��tiT i�ec� for e�ai�3 ca�,=e:e hnUSan� �nr �l�r� N���r�°.i.�'�.t'� �lar?� cr:��3�.c�;-'c^es. fie statcs t)z�t. #.hty a?�e all. uti7.i�ed in i;37e ►����:�t-r rrc�ni.i7�, t�trt- �l�ai ir� i:lie su�rFF�ic:r t�.l�c� clum�sld ,�c�e.s c�a��s�. a��si �tany o� i�l�e.r�� arc: ren��ci i:.m ���>r�-emx3lc�yees �f t��xe tit�six�c�ss. 7"I�ey expcct thaY ]2 t.p I6 ac3dit iot�al. r�i�i ds sai3 ] i�e.r��uircd for t.h� �'hase II A�idi.t i.on, ba�t 1�Ii�i: r�a c�thex aciclixiorj�A]. c,����lc�;��c� �ti:�-,uJ d 1�� nt�erl�d. T"he staff feel s that Cl�e numl.�er af t�aj i�.€; �}�•��t��cl�;d is a�i�t�t�ate, l��i we fe�I Ll�at pc�ssit�l}r son�G ���ce�;�tst '�ct�.-cefl t.}t� ca�•;s� :: .a���i tia� rc?tirrti tvc�ti�ld i�t? �t�sti�iecl 1�<.� ��n:�±�re thcs� uzii�s ren�ain �v�ilal�J.e tc� t}�e e�rr�����•c•��s, �>f tl�c� ?�:��z•x•iot.t ':. ��i;�rk on a c1t��n�:e:d k��sis anci for a c�zt�iirt perio�i r�f timc:. ?�� �'�� 1?]�asc ]}' Arlciiti.on i,1�n clos�s st�c�ca � Ux.�cc: }3;iti� cnnnccti��n to i.la� �r���crty li�if�, ai�cl k�c� k�otild requi7•�: ris a cor�c4itiaz� �� E��aiai•c�-�r.�.l , t�ie. ful l c:anrr.c-taa�i to �lr� 'I"c�s�rn'� ���.iY. �1;�t�t3�er c�srariitia» of a����r�vaZ raill u� t.l�at �}��. pccicsi.ri��at� p:��:lz Ue c�r�str_�cwe: a�l tl�e nop-t.3� si�3e �f thc� ori�i�,;}1 ��xi ��3a.T��; �n con�unctian K�itl� t.hcj �'h:�se II worl:. -,��-F� _ ' . Marri��t's Mark -�e 4 � April 2�, I981 � r , . . � S`!'AF�� REGC]!�fl�ilrtll]A'I'ICIN In the 5�a�'�'s o��inic�n, the project i.s well ��aought ou� and an improvean�nt tc� tfi� overall cornp�ex. The cnnventi�n cel�ter �s � �����a i���zzxy anc� an asset to the �r�manunity. TY� feel the samc way at�aut the inc�avr t�enr�is L�aurts, and don't like tca see t}xem eii�ina�ed, �ut do not want to fcla•c� thc developer into a npn-cast effec�iv� pr�gram, either. h:xcep� f�ar ���e ��meit�ments reqt�cstec�, tt�e devel��.�ment �r+��aosal meets all the �Df] requir�ri�en�s in terms of der�felopment standa�cis, prov�sion af facili:.ies a.rod ��ns��y c�ilings. In canel���ic�n, the St�ff recUmmenr�s a��resval a� �he Phase II adciitian to �he A'iara-iott's MM��..rk Resort �aith �he foZlotitii�� cor.ditir�ns. 1. �Cc�nsicicr the incc�rg�or�tia�i �f azi a�tivc solar sysi:em tn he�t hot wa��r and th� arir�itianal inc�vax pcadl . 2. An a�reement '�etraeen t�e ca�a�n�r �:nd the 'I'ati�r�� he wo���ci out t� ensure the con��r�u�d availabili�y of the em�Iraye� hc�san� ua��.ts £+�r 4he ��roject"s emplcr}re�s �or ei�3��t }r�ars� In adcli.f:i_c�it, �he I'lariniza�, ��r,�. Envizunme��tal Cu�m�.ssian wi13 revae�:T �t�e praj�ct a.r� c.zt;�-�� yc�ars to �ut� �.��� it ��a�xa�ant;5 extr,.ns�.�n. 3. Tt3e ��:��ican� a�xee,� �ec, cnnneCti i:lte bicvc i c I�atii/1y�;al kway pxopo�ed. tv tl�e wcst af th:� cxistixi� tet�ni� c.c�urts �.c� the '!"os•rn 's sys�.�:� (if l�cz�'4e� near the ��ra;��ex�Y) and cr�nstruct �he pa�:}� t.a T�h7, s-��n�ards. 4. Bec�USe the �?arkin� s��-�a�tba��� is- I�repr�s�� 51 frrsn� tl�e westci*n �rr��er�-Y lin�, tl�ere s]ZOtkld rtat b� a ].nss c�f ��..istiaig ��;�� ?:�n� si��.�.�ce5 ciue t.�� L��e cc�s�str�e.�i�n of t��is buil�l.'trs�;. � 5. 7'9ie a:p��lf�ant a�,��-ec.� �-u �,arta�j.i'.�t� ir� tE,c° cl.nsi�i� ��.n�' crni�ai.�.��3r..�i�t� n£ iisiprn�,�v3>>c�'�s for �W'.��t l�io��-fica�l C;i�rcl� 5.n �r�,-ll af t}�� 1'..:a�x•i.n�t's �+fax�k t.e� :r.a�j�ro��e p�ciestxian and r,�c�lfic�e flotv anc� ]�et�ut��i.c�s.�,ic��-a csf �1zi:; �red. +�, +� -�;� � � — r� � �.w��i ' ���•��d� ���� �" 7�-�- �– �� � �.., ��� � � ,�� �t�7 `t� ���.�.L�"7 "��v�.�t� �Gt.�c.�,� -�`�-- �'r-wv���'e �. 1.�'� � ,� �,�1 �� �...t °� �9`��� �1 �� � . !� � �- � � �' ��. s�,�.}� � ,� � �5�'� � �� � � ��.�-�- ����f. �. � , 'G . ���'W�..�V�-'' wd.•��ir>w� �u,�" � ,�.�t��`�`')t: (1��'-d,fi G�r-� � �u.l.,� �Cd'��t� � V�Su� ��' ,�". �±� - � � �F�'�t;^� ,.' , " ` :�k'-!�`� t't'f�`+� �" � . . + . -- � (,�.�� i� ��- ���„�,�'�'�-����`�'�t,��-�. � ��- -� ,�9�-�,��..�� � � +°� � � � � � � � �. �-A �� � , ►�� F`�-t� ���-�c,� � l��-u.+�d I���i�� .� �� �---�� � � sr�-� � �-��� a�.} �� , . �� �.[I�'����1���� y + a�/�� � � � �J��U3 li�11�� C� - ' f+i +, � ��.� .;' ��'� ..�,�c��S � � � c� �,���. - � � � � � � � �� ' ` . - , ���;� __ � d�, ;� y .�� � ��°1;. , � .�. � �,,,�,� � ��►.��y � . 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R yc�n �'g. 2 , Tha�ch 4, ���3T w'rt� som� pass':b i I i�y af breakfast r�r�d snacks. 7he se�mer�t e�� ti�e rncrr�.et that w�ul� 6� most severly r�ffect�d (if arry� by� lass af reu�nu� or oc#i+�ity would �ie +Mar�i�fit's 1wSark itself. Fusther, tF�e owner hus an a�r�em+�r�t w+th �he MQfric�tfi Car�a�rafii�n to {urnish 32� guesi' rQOm un€ts for Q peric� af 25 ye�c�rs wif�, fi�+e lt� year r�p�ions, fihus these units cc�ul� ndt �� canvea�ted fo ful6 iime �i�i�g ar la� remvv�c� fr�rr� �he rent�r! mar�et far o ;�eri� Qf 25 fia 75 yeazs. 5, Rem�ve t�,e cav�ered t�:nnis cc��r#s frc�m th� pr�ject. Tersnis has Ic�st sc�me of t�e rnc�ss c�pp�a! t�at it �ad faus years ogo wh�n t°he plr�na were Ic�zt apprav�d The M�rriott's 1'vhar�C t�rons`s c�ur�s �re nc� Ic�ngec� u�ed at anywh�ere ne�sr �t�pacity. T�,e c�m�nd�d desigr� dc?es prawici� a space an top vf ti�� pa�rS�ir�� structure �o c�ccr�rr�rr7cadc�#� future #e�nis covrts shou�d #h�e r#�rnartd o�Qin inerease. V'Je believe t}3�t th� p�c��c�s�ed �afon is in su'�stantial c�greement wi#h t�e in#en�s �� �he °- apPr�ved am�nded plarr. if ��ere are �xrsy ques#ions �r ne�d �e�r s�PPlemerstaf infor— . matica� p�ease dc� r��# hesilca#e t� contac� vs, ��ncer�ly. , � '` Kenr�et 5. 4^�es��vvac�r#h, A.i .6�. �uOff/��°�ntworth Architects " Cr�rl A. V`J�,rShir�g�rar, Fc�rt�ership �A �oint l�'er�fiufe� � � ` � � - r�PPENE�lX A Marric�tt's N1ark — Mcsrch 4, i98i Room Cc�m�inrati�n ; Design�tion Qucsntity � a� occc�mmo-- �� of dwei3irs� � c+f keys � sht�wn on p�ans daiion unit uni#3 < A1 � 2 2 B2 17 3� 3� C3 i9 �7 57 �] 4 4 4 1� } E 1 4 d A �2 1 C�1 $ �17 � Pr�liminary square fvt�tages (GRFA} ; A 1 ( 2} 384 = 7�8 �� �� be� �2 (�7] 73�1 � �2,�41U C3 (19� 3�182 = 24,558 ;, D 1 � �} �,�7 i = b,284 �.,,, €� � �) ����a = �,��� � �� � t 3 y.�,� �`r�? � Tota1 4b,99fs squ�re f��t ,�.� ��� � C ,� �`,,, i- R�ram caunl-s f�r the tc�tal prajec# (fJriginr�r bui4dir�g, �"hase 1 anc� �'hase 2 Additi�n� Acc. t�ni�s Dw��ling �nits C3riginal 74 ld �'�,ase 1 ]06 12* ; �hcrs� 2 ][l] $* � To�a! 28� ( 34 �' �`� * An �ffici�ncy �Citchen will k�e remaved fr°om Phcrs� 1, L+�nit �QB, cor�verting Unit 108 s`r�m a dwe'13ing urs'st ta an c�ccomma�dt�tic�n u�it . SC�UAR� FC3+C��AG�S PRELIMfNA�Y ESTIMAT�5 KEtch�n/'`Storage 2,J$$ s�, f�. Ccsnference Roc�m $f 754 sq. �#. �an Rc�nm 1,+�aC� sq. f�. B�ai ler �75 sq. Ft'. Electric�al Room b2�3 sq. ft . � ` • � � Square Faatages C+c�n't 'r'�/"�' t 9(? s� . ft, C�c��'s 8.�2 sq . �t. N4�rrketi ng 7�2Q sq. ft. l.�p Pc,c�l 2, ]p6 sq. f! , Stc�ra�e,/h�lechanic�l 1�4 sq. ft . G�ock �UO sq, fi, � � Prefun�t�an Lc�by 4,�8�4 sq . ft. `s Es�a Pat�r,/�'lach a r�e R�prn 61Ea sq. ffi. '� 'Corcidar �' Natek ��r. �a,Er.�C� sq. ft. Ha#�1 Uraits -°-�r- 4�5,99b sq , �t. U�']�1@1' �4�ib"�' �r���r 5[� . {t. � �X�7QC1C�f'.C� '�.�f{{C�5 ��(7 SG� . ��. �Re�v�fa�r L�bF�y 8� 5#airs 5,702 �q, f�. i � ; P��LIM�NARY E5T[hIIATED �QU�R� ��E�F &4,453 sq . ft. ` _ , x e fJ W 's7 . . "� J ir i 1 f+ fV :a F N .d N . � a+ [. /7 .d t. r� 0 b � u • �; '� ;� . .. u ra r� .-i r n c� 4 rn - 7 o v � o a �r .� �a r� u o � a d �. ' p� •.i P-� U C � w � C; •.i w J +�3 T. rti M1 6+.r •.�1 N - M a.! rJ Y. C 't� .-t C1 id W ' G { CA. -i � � � ` � � � G} �GY � i7 O C � R r� � 'E7 C u � ^� rn +� a o r� a+ 'a+ �., m m r- fl� �q y� a H w � � a� o a c � • a �n v, . r� r u � c; 0 f7 rn s� s-'. V m a.� 6� a.� .-i yo rn Cr �-�i M � N ,.�i N G &+ � C] 8 � �.7 e± � N y� � .i: CG U W p .i S: 'q - G sl un u U � L� ' N f7 a�i +Y � •.+ C �.t rtl H N { N rd C G .0 w rG Ls '�v`, �i. a ,�i � .c . y � . Vl � � H P7 � a .0 C U U D a SL .a} � ,� .N . y • w a+ u a, c u "V ,�" G el •.< � r . m .c u a a .a v �0. m � � �, � r� r. 7 � � �a m ,, , a s. - .a y � y , � �p C ,°� � � a a v O •� m� � � u .�1 w fs. �[7 C! G k n1 V � �Qt U 1�.. ��, 'O 4 � hi iF1 B .q ..+i ^ . .,i +C CJ N W •,y I� O •v u +d u+ .ti � r7 s� � � u a w � m ut tv �� .-r a� .. � t"J tl U I.i O � W • U 9 N S.i Q � 7+ N [ P U G7 W .� 9 p. �{1 W rJ ? •.1 %y &1 r,7 Q1 «�S � O 7 d �Y rtE Vl � �M� L L' .0 Ili T3 �J Q1 b � C VI G F 7 � •.+ N Sa ' 1r .� ro dt 4 .C, 7r � S.� 'tl O � 9a N � � � C7 N r 41 � G+ H .4 C 1+ � N w G W . . O U C a .0 rM. .� + w q � ..� G. .0 y r4 �; • C � m b w u w a 4 � w n� a b+ m rn. u+ fil 41 O "[7 - C �i .-I 41 C N � Y {) ❑ N "6 � +-! � a, u a4 •: aa � .� 7 vi Q rr -.. p ,.i w .a 6 tr+ � L.i U '{ � V ,C,` � W r3 _.� � +1 C l. f.3 .0 A - rN +] c' W N Q7 a� 'd �e � � � U �D .�+ .6 � 'u �.0 H C�+ P � 47 w G }. �.�i G�7 �.e � p. w �G 'J. H ai a'. � a N '[7 � ai S� ?. 9 A N H •.i 47 k�i � � ,.�j :� {�j � � �7 ?` r' W �.-! rry C7 IA. dJ '� GY �7 � tlA L.� L7 .'3 +1 � w r � .i � b t ,� '� s� .-� a , a � t" p 3 a 4 x: �� . .y w M C .Fa s� � �fi C t� G• •.•1 .r �V H 0 O �. " QS � 'D S} 1^• 9 C3 N O� �.Q. Vl C+ � p�, .•-�i � ai i�s w N F•1 dC N 4ry +r (7 a7 � p 4t s�� � �u a w -ti a 4 .�c V a'"+ m �i v= i ,; � �. � o a � '� ,�' �., ��, i; u s. .c ., � 'u .0 " +� rj �.�r V G V p � 'f7 O d� H {? � w � w � . u ,L c, w m U �eJ �r ¢+ m .,� y � .� �a O '� �: 4 � -a 'G V fli �. b +d CJ tn p U p � SP R�i a:� w p w .a C D V� d U Sa �q 7. � c n � � � � -� iT a+ 6 •� •� M. �L C � .O G Ga p. w� �7 V H � �-�+ n�a 'd uHj V . 'd A O .-�i N 7 S, �7 �.-1 a+ � ui (�-� � a 7 ,u a a� n .� � c a a�i u q .G - � � a' vy x � (. F r'1 rJ A. R E s� LO �S. E 4.� . "_ ' . . �.. �. . � � �. . i } � �'�y � C 1 W � Q � W 19 ' C 9 R � 4[ � i'7� E ❑ '� v iJ .G �a> � Yi N U r� N � C �A v7 U �N � Vr Ri U Q Ql' ° a w ro � W C -f �G �p N� 6� -.+ �-f 7� cU u ^v v+ � m 7 a � b u n� a w �N m o m � o '° c 4 .a � �.+ a .., , a 8 m v s. .-r m � a ro ^n •-t u �+ p ., m p. - r �p c m u7 tr a G. �G s+� a+ � IC C f7. U iJ Fa tR G fJ 1C A 6 f?, C fl1 n1 a! C f] GM1 G C A Q� � M C W d �0 � 0 7. ,qW F �� �+7 .0 .G ti •� L7 .� V •.+ N 6! C +�I -•� ' «'1 .[ � � r+ ~ � 41 Y y, Mp. � � C]' n � Q� � .-1 [-4i N al 4. W V }. 'R' W �O � W F W� �.i H 6i 1L 'O '�Y i'.. Cl O Y] G CY 'L '�' G J 3 d1 ^'+ W G C O f�t � 'Sf .i s+ �0 1+ w u n e� � m w c m o e ., w �i ro m v�i��+F.;c� � m w � s� F n � a b � °,j' .� n�` � ° M a „�� o b 7 M "'7. '�. .G w p U Y. ai - O m. [s. �+ •.r rt7 +� ro 1n a O .� V v E��•w�; �. m u m � �r� a g� u �8 � u � s� [r u a. h1 Ll ^"U7 F r- O� & GI a C Saj "q} c�1 � 'C1 17 � s�.t .^y N ,� 9J 4 1-�i � L7 C. � 4 l�•��Y C7 .w� VF 4 �,� � F+1!� ��'a,Gt N > [n 'tf VP ',w�. [�. L ro � a�i m {Y A� S�� 17 G. 7�. 4 O j°�'i�.�i�C]L.� N R7 �.i � � N� E 1� G °�7 V� p � N � tfi �D rts � aC �S u 7Y 4r n. w �S 3 •.ci a s�. � -�-t a �°�c_�i�a w �a � m -.�s � .� a d � a.0+ � u � � l7 " c � .-�i � . r.-r, •c:..�., tu .. ro � C�w H r-c.s: a 4 s+ a .i a� � � F� a m .G �'O v C �i c u •.a 0. M 91 � i3 [7 F �, F� � tt a. � � [ � 17 �, c m •ti � �N C � � �+ r :�^��'i<��.F-k7 'tl 1.� � �.. �.l �6 �f7 9 t. ••i m al G+ Vt a.i 'U C7 G]•-�•J 4'V.7� �.�1 R. y V � .•. �d � � ••� CJ 'd 'O o 1�' ? -.i C7 Y / i.i W x('�-•W G.� d � ;t '[7 f R'] � C7 t7. L '6 C U' �' `U � M '� G7 '� kY � .G ^• U � -�,',;-�ca�� 0. a. c 6 �r . � d � � a �o L .-r ro r_ A r_ m a �f u ~� �t�--�•Gj.F�l+a. � 1�11 F � H [q .a r• (7 ki F CT� } @1 d +.� U Vi ar O a: � a� a� w �i �a ,.a u � ••+ a+ � u m �Y: W a. e���D �� a Ca CI !+ O 6 > a A. w U7 4 Q t.i .0 C 41 �U d ++ 6 V.+r_d•:�::V � O F �6 .G i:, d. «7 41 ,�+ C. G7 C 2 Ya C7 u H L .-I � •:S F�.'� u il @ a1 (�. [a G O �o li i0 '� R7 R. G1 � ++ p, b �4. 1 w > � r0 11 tl � C f]. W 7. � 'd. .Q� .o-+t�,([-� ,F� L • d • W ^(�i r� " ?, 4. ¢ M � � �'. .. r.1 - m a� CI C I.� �S i N Il 4 L-�3 a `� 'y°� 4 A f+ .] F � 9�i' S � H 'C7 ?. � q] v �y v-� A � � p 1 ..1 1+7 f.' R: 0.' N p$ !� 9 N 'i3 �3 L� S] 6! Cd C7 .�1 y i-^'4+� CK`•.�.,r�+L q�.W 61 ,C '0 fA � "r] � d N 1., '[7 N� [� 'O� C t�i H � � �'Q I=7 '.[ ? -� � +� ¢� � t- 1i Ca C +6 b O � . ti7� �.� ..�Y-•«: �.: ii [: G w �: '� L �a r�� �G c; n i� U i] u u1 �.' .G k 8 - �v�O G1 tL>+�C�+ .� +0 '� 7. �9 � D S. fr. "' !! 91 �+ N `^ £� .0 tt7 '� � �.1 R� tlM1 W U �� C ., �7 , - � p C l+ C IT "� �% W �p !�. Vl W j� F I� E� G 1� . i9 G •.I (j 19. .e '� 4 � � o �i °h � 3 P Q v, a e. � 'r w -�. � [T� V1 W u� t7� 6� H W � 4: J7 [T ]r . t� � L7 C .. -,y � ..�1r�.' �'1 Q Sa -� -n . ro n .-1 � O �.�i F ��" til � w� y ai l0 N 0. h .� t1 4+ $ a+ ft f+ Q N .0 aa+ �7 � itl M W � � � , .� � � _� - � � � i � - , � � � . ~ ���� r i � -� \ '� � �1► �'� �a�� �� Vai bax 1t3� de�artmen#af comrr�unity deuelopment vaii, r�larada 81 B57 c�v�f ��s-�s�� Ma rch 2"7, 1981 Mr. iCen Wer�tworth Ruoff-Wentw�r�h Ar�chitects Drawer �178 Vail , Coio�rado 81b57 RE: Marrio�t t�ark Pha'se II ���eat� Ken: The C�mmur�i ty Deve�opm�nt Depar�mer�t after rev-i ew af the pre�aminary materi a 1 for the Marri vtt Mark Phase I I h�w�e tt�e f o�lowi ng ca�ments. Als� attached �re comm�nts frvm Jeff Wins�o� of Gage Dauis and Ass�ciates. Fr�m aur review a� ordinas�ce Nc�. 3 and Na. 2� of �977 and vtl�er mat�eria 1 i� the �i�e i t se�ms as �haugh th� pr�rpasal fo� pt�ase II me�e�s r�any of th� requirem�nts und�r Specaal Deve7opme�t �is�rict Na. 7. I. The site p�an seer�s simi7ar in car�cept �o the 1977 p7an except for the �r�clas�d tennis co�rts a�nd �treet design, Jef� Wins�on �n his �vmm�nts had s�me questions and concerns abvu� the s�te p�art. Nbore det�i 1 material i s needed at the time c�f fina7 sub�ni ssi�n as nated in the specia� develt��ment �rdinance under section six. ,2, f�egardinr� �he change mass�ng o�f t�re structure there d�es nat s�eem to be substantial change, �ne concern is the wincivws t'hat are on the w�st side c�f phase r ta the so�th. Is there ��gnificar�t �istance between buil�iings tt� a�7aw a v�ew and �ig�t �nto these accomm�da���n un��s? J�ff alsa has svme ccjr�n�nts fln massing and archi�ec�ur�. �. Re3acatian �f the parking structure ta the west does n�t seem to be a prabier�. A cancern af the 5taff �s does tf�e project have �ufficient park�rrg ft�r the accommodation un�t�, dweil�ng units, cvnventzan facilaties and other corr�ercia7 uses on the site? i'he Speciai �evelopm�r�t nistrict states �hat parkins ar�d load9ng sha�� �e p��'QY1(�f'L� as required in the pubT�c accor�madat�an district. 4. Regarciing the eight fir�piaces, I agree that this car� be �c�ne beca��e at �he time o� Specia] Develaprr��nt [�tstri�t No. 7 approva7 th�re t�as d�scussi�r� of � Town ordinar�ce that wau7d r�ot aZlow fireplaces i� Vai1 Vil7age and �'ail Lianshead. Thi� did raot g�� approved in tF�e �ord�nance �hat was appraved by the Tawn. • ` � � ' Page Z 5. The reque5t far an am��dment t� Special flevel�p�en� Ois�rict Na. 7 tv a71ow 19 sma�� efficiency kit�hens wi1Z n�t be supp�rted by the Staff. The 7�w� ha� received severa� in�ormal requests for efficieney kitch�ns in lodge rooms and have a court case pendi�� regarding the �ilegal �onversion vf s�re accomm�dation units. 6. The S�aff ��nsiders c�vered ten�i� courts an asset t� the praject ��d it needs ta be d�monstrated that this type of fae�l�ty is nat n��d�d. 7. A s�pplement t� the environmenta� impact statement �hou�d addres� �h� follawing assues f�r pha�e II . A. En�rgy conservatian � In the r�po�t �resented to the Flanni�g a�d �nv}r�nmen�al C�m�issian i� January, 19T7 , there was di�cussiQn �� al�er�ativ� en�r�y s��rces shvuld be i�v�stig���d and pa�sibly �ncar��rated int� �he �esign process. �a� t�is been cansidered for phase �I? 6. Employee housing � Wi�h the constructi�n and use of the �riginal bui3din� and phase i there is � �ett�r �nd�r� standing �f em�loyee hous�ng units ��e�ed. �aw many un�ts are c�rre�t�y �ee�ed and haw many will be ne�ded�with �hase II? �. Ped�strian circulation - 5�awn alang t�e nvrth �art Qf the �riginal struc��re and p�ase I is a ped�strian walk w�en w�ll �his b� canstruct�d? I� add3tio�, the �a�� is cansidering � bike path aiong the rear �f the prap�rty next to G�re Creek, I� this part �f your p1an? 8. Fire Degartme�� - The Fire �epart�nent �as d�ne a preliminary rev�ew o� the plans subrnitted a�d hav� the f al�ow�ng corrme�ts: A. S��e Pl�n - th� Fire �e�artment wvuld l�k� to see acc�ss to the south �f the structure. Rccess i� needed in �ase a� fire ��d �h� i��der trench w�u�d be �eeded to eva��ate people f rQ� �his side af t�e structure. B. Mike McG�� of the Fire Department recorron�nds svme chan�es in �he flaor plans a� the confer�nc� roa� �evel to ins�re better fire pratection. Concern with hazard areas surr�u�d�ng co�f erenc� ba��raflm. C. N�ed ta h�ve the ah�lity to c�ase off f rom phase I . �. Need good �tand pipe �ystem. E. �eed sprinkler, smake and �ther system �o�trols. �. In unit design a�� and and E-1 yau hav� t� go through kitchen to exit unit. � ' � � � P�ge 3 G, CQntact M�ke r�garding t�ar��gh rev7ew �f cancerns . ��ncerely, � � � ��i � , �_ ��,�� "-L` `�.. �.:� Dick Ryan, Direct�r Departme�t of Cnmmur�ity �eve7r�pment aR:df Enc] . . ' 'T�e 1«�ark �t Vail Lionsl�ea�SI�7 Ph�se II Revitew �b N�arch� , Gag� Davz�s Assaci. Inc. : Jeff Winstvn Althaugh th� proposal app��rs ta be generally cc�nsisten� wz�.h the 5D7 as �onceptually �p- proved, I ha�re 'the fallawi.ng ccsrn�ents: 1. Lots a£ f�at roof deck expased, between garage xvof and conVenti+�n �enter xs�of. Haw are th@y treating them to avoid being jus�t s�.�xile su�faces (all are highly visir�le �rcam above.) (rn�af deck"?) 2. Envaronmen�.a� i.mp�ct report? What wi�.1/should �.t contain? V�.st.�.l �mgact, enexgy impact Will it cvnsider options or mitigatzng s�.rategr+es? The SD7 sg�cifies that additir�n i�mpact reparts �all be pxepared '"as n+ecessary" for each phas�. I wauld think that at a minimum, these 'twt� issues shauld be dealt w�ith. [See #3 below� - 3. Clrt�e of the require�t�nts of SI37 �5ect�an 1�} is: „energy and water cons��rvation controls as gene�°al technology exists at the time af �canstruc�ion" Could this be interpreted tca include �:nergy conserv�.ti�n meas�ares "�.s �EC�1T1iD�Cl� CX15tSr�? �vrl"t ��� much evidence of enexgy C[�nservatiori in �sv�xall desi�n__ active or gass��e sQlar, �.g. ('T"his sa.me cermrnent ap�aeared in 197] final review, but . was neve� address�d in detail by the app�,icant.) 4. Employc� housin�__t�rzgina� es�ima�es �till. accurate? Need ta am�end et�plc]yee housing assessment and prr,vide units? Exceed �1 units harre prt�pased t� have. 5. Fedestriar► eann��'tivr� to Lzans�ead west entry an� 'hack rau�e tc� gflndt�la? Sha�ld the I��ark upgrade pedestrian wa.lk nvrth sade of e�eisting �uiTding? Street crossing �v A�ontaneros, pedestrian walk along e�st side exist�ng hldg, andJcrr clearer pedest _ route along south side th�oug� patia area �ndC }�etween Maxk arid Antlers. Perhaps future credi'C aga�.nst Liansk#�ead Assessrnent D�stra,c� could }�e granted. (�an't think the Gare Cxeek path is a gvod route to the gandola. Shc�uld l�e dane, but ather pedestrian route i.mprovem�nts are also necessary,) 6. averall 1an��c�pe plan nvt in�luc3ed--would he critical element in mi.t�.g�ting masses of the bui�ding. Could be very helpful in creating a goad pedestr�an s�ale �or the street Ve�y gvod landscapc plan. �sbuld la.ke to see som� congruency bet�aeen landscape/ land�'arm tre�.t�ent at the Mark and the Vail Spa, Acknc�wledge Spa, Tie landscapin� together. Tie srreet tog�ther, 7. How handling snow clearing/stc�ra�e fr�m roo£ af parking deck? 8. d�ot �nuch of an expert an interirar earculation, 'but seems tr� m� that the main lohby corri 1ead� darectly tQ the service carxzdor--and it°s a rather tvrtuous r�aut� to find the conventzon lflbby axea. Nfay wish to c�nsider reversing k��chern w�.th �vn�uention la�by ar�a. 9, Service/Deiiv�exy--loading area 1Qoks particularly visit�le �ram the street, and how a truck makes the back-up in t�ght spac+� is s�at clear, Not sure whether the exi� n�ar t'�e dack zs really fu�ctional.. Iiow do you �ssure it wa�il tre kept operabl� and free of snciw? _ = Mark review � � r r 10. Included in the Z�ndsc�pC plan, waul� �ike to see in�ication of trea�ment/uses vf the land south of the ad�itian, w��t Qf existin� t�nnis caurts. 11. Dverali massing app��rs to be an improvemen� ��f parking roo� and canvention r�o� can �� hzndled] - �ame canc�rn a�aut closeness of new structure tv extr�me sw un�ts in existin� (Pha�e I) buzTding. 5ti11 hav� some reseryat�ons abaut noxth facade as seen fr�rn street - rnay be a b�x ti�exp�wering and stark. I have a f�eling tha� some visible rvvf slope on the north might h�lp s�ft�n the rectilineax yuality and relat� it ta the ath�r bu�l�ing. Would reGQmr�end further r�view of th� design in ma�el ��rm, 3' � � �+.+oint Venture I���� r !An ,ro ���������I�C��s rc-1tti5�� :� �C1 A�V�I�r�f � _ . � ����������� � ��i c�a�oas;j�,� ,er�_u,. k4+ � � ` 4{!�a '�`.t.-t�!"lii`k ^ � �flV�1�''4i� I�TL� y�� �y'`�f�eS11� 3�.4.�'+I.�{..'���hA ���1"��1 iLJk� i': � i � �- � 1<< � �c�. C�'�''� �1�i Ii.�c� �` � �..��-�' `� �1 � �' � cc�wwrt ��`� . r��r� ������� ��o.�EC� n�a �'�- ��:�� Ti�AI��P.�ITTAL C3F WE AR� SE�EC7�M.�`., Y�)U p OI�I�INALS ,L�E�1CL�'JSEd F�EREWITH .n�PF1PN�S C3 Uf'J{?EF! SEPARATE C:OVER - �❑ SPECkFIGATIC3I�S Q BY MESSE�1GE�t L] CJ F4�R DiSi`RIBlt71l�M Q CJ �Q�IES [�,AT� TYPE C7F[�RA'WI�VG TITLE,�DESGRIPTIC}Ak tti �� `I� �,�± ^���c,'���%.+� t ��, a� " ��r '��aS '���"� ,���tta� 5��—cllr S � t ( — !r �� �� , fi�L�!`r t� �G'�1�4 ��s�,l.�� - A_ — � r��.n ��, � �� � � � x ' �Y�� '. � '�'�� U..� ~��4�r��14 ��a . � i; ' .. � . �'t Iq . �,_.. '�.� . [' , � �� t��4t„a�,Q �� '� ��G Wl►�+Z� '��C1��:�,���#137�' � ( i � , __`p Y ' - � S � `� �'�.e��srR.�� �1�',�,.-,� t. � � � ; .. .. . _. . .... _ ___ .- --- ._ _----- :i. €��MARd�S �`H� AB4VE l��i� � �.,��� ��( �ry ( � AP'PR4]VEI7 ` �� 1 �`' _`?Y'' �J�Y �L1 ` t �r� � CI F1�VISEC� D�AWIN�S , . ��,�sc����' !LQ ��� ���� �•� -�- ��' []'F{}Fi YC7�lR INFC7F�MATIC3hJ � � � '''-��#�1�w,;a` ,.p k ;.t. � FC�R '�UR APPRdYAL � �� � - � FCtR C�RRECTR[�N ANC7 RESU�MITT�IL ���r �� `� �� O FCSR Cr3�FSTRIt�TtlC��+1 EST7MAT�S � p FL7�r C�f]hl�Ti�UCTEf7N C7 ca�i�s rr� � �;� ��' � _ �� �,"'i`�"�+:s�,,'�� �- � � ' QftU3CJFIPKCE �l0. �� • SE�1 ES �if Z�7'� � . �1�! ORDEP;AI;CI: '�;;�',rLISiiIr;G S�'ECI�4L U151'�21Crt 7 A{iD A;•1E�JFlI1�1G 11iE 1[),dIiaG U�'D1�1`,rJ�C AI'��] TNE • OFFICIAL l�1�;3�Jt7 "�r1�. W���RLAS, Ar#icle 1 , SecLioi7 1.2f11 . t�f the 7_oniny Qrdin�r�ce, Ordi n��ncc ��. £3 Seri es of ��73, o� i:he 7cs►�n af V��l . C�1 orad�, as am�n��r�, esi:ahli�h�d Twclve zai�ing �isLt°icts fpr �.f�e nrunici�3ality, on� of wh�c4i is �he 5�e�i al Deve�n}:rnt�n� Cli str^i ct; , . . W�lEftCAS, Yaiscr f�vr�curs sti�rroi'�ted an �gas�licst�Ur� requ�;sting ti�et t}i� To�•;n �si;�a�lisr7 5��cc,ittl Devei�,�+�n�n'� Qistrict 7, her�ir��fl.er r�fer�,ed to �s "Sf}7", far t�� cieve]o��.:ent nn i�es ���rr°cel af ���9id conrpr i si ny� 5.17 acr�s in the 4�ail Linnc�l�ad are�a, Cs�u;�ty c�f ���le, 51:zt�e cr� Cal�r��d�, mcrre ea�:��r�crtti:iy ci�scrif��d r,n al�.��cht�� Exfiil,it '�+�" WfiCl'tEAS, °�I�c t�s�:��l�lisi,i�3t�nt ni' �he ����u�st�d �f�7, ►vi11 enstst�� r�ni f f cd Gnci conz•�i n���ed ticv4l c��r-;unt �r3cl ti�se nf cri i i c�l�si fe as a ��rlio�e �r�d in r� f�1dTi��1" sui�t,�le fnr I.�ie u�'c�7 in i�ilt3ch it is :,ituat�d. l4!'f�Ei�Ef�S, the T�ti�m Cou�it:i l cans i ciers tf��t i t i s r�as�ne�1��c>, . ' c�{�rc��;e'i�+te, an� faenefiici�.3 tc� i.��e lc';n� r3r�d its citiz�nE, inE�:�bi�ants, an� visitiars tU �s4�ih�ish Saitl SD7. P;(]'fi', 'i`NkRE�F(i}<E, F;I: iT C72i��'1I�,�J �Y Tkll: 'f4ti�"I1 CJUI;CTf. i!� TF{b� 'f�l�lI� Ui� VJt]I_, CC��(7It�',I7i:�, P�,`; f�1,_I.[��•�S: �ecf.i[�r� 3 . 7i?le � This �rcl�n�r�s�.r� slia�7 1�� r:r�r,r�rti �s t}�c °`t7rdir�ar��c� £5t�l�lis}iirk� � � S�re�c4�1 t3cvcic��,me�nt, ris��,ic:t 7". � 5ccli��n 7. I�.r�rRi��i�e��t Pr-c�c:et3�;res f'u�fili�d, f'��:n�iin�7 C�n°,iissigii :� 91i��tt)�' l-• -0 Tlic� ame�;c��z:�>n�; nr°ac:c.�d�re•es ��:-escril�,���1 �in Se:.ti�� ?l .a(3a a�f it�t? T�n�c�<1 Elr{�ii����tce n�ve l:c:�n iulfi�lecl, �erorJ tl�c� TQtiti�n Couo�t�� l��s rcccived tize rc,�r•t �rf fh�F f'lar°��1ir�g C�a��,r�issicri r•�_cM���•F;�ntlir+� it7e• c�iact�<<er�t c�f tkiia ra��ir3��rifie. Sr;.tir�r+ 3. SRt;�cial [�c�v►.��ca{��ir�,ii f]istric� 7 E�L��?ali�hed; , J"�,;jr=F,�;�::s.r��s io `le���iris, i�y.�iin��i�c�t� axi;f �34tiCis�] /o�tir7n fi,s�. L.� E,u,sti�si�t. t.�, t��� �,:cvisinra, r.tf P,r�Liclr� }, l3, �:t�C! �'1 cai tk,c � �c,r7iitic, i�rdi�y,�nci, Cr•rl�syr���Q:�� f'.r, �, Sr•s-ie; oT 1�3'f3, tr1` thc T[s�•r�� Q�I �rr11� , Coln:�;,:r�, xs �i�����nr�c�{I� `;s:r•,,� r�� i�r�M�,,Y����,,;�;�n�. �ist.�-i�:t :r (�1�7��. ri cryr�ci�3 , ' r�evcic�r,� �aning cS�st.rick, is hereby estaL�l�c�ci Tt�r the cievcl�rizic>nt �sn a cc;�iaSn par-cel �6 lan�4 co:,�prx5irig 5.t1 �cras Sn ti7� V��il LiansHe�d arc�7 af i,lae T�►,rn af Vail, ar�d tlie �o��inc� flrcti�a�r��e r7nci thc.� Offici�l Zasaing r�lap �re her�by amrnded t�y the adJiti4n of the follc?►ring nrovisi4�s . wf��cfz shall �er�me the Eightf3 Cft�p�.er 4f llrtiele 13, t}�e ca(rf�ian of wf�icli � sl7all be "Special Devel�pinertt [)istric� 7" a��d a maP k}�ich st�a3� E�ecori� an ac�dition tn the O�fic��� Znr��n�} �°'�zp, . 5ection 4. �'��rrruse af S47�c7�1 []�veic�Fa�ient Qist1•ict. A s�pecia3 devc�lop�3ent elisi.ri�t is estak��i�h�d to assure • compr-�'hr.r�i,ive d�v�lo�im�nt �racS use �af an area _aia a �narin�r t#i�� wi11 �e h�r-�na�3 o�+s wi th �:h� general c}��racte�- af the 7o�r� of 1�ai 1, Col r�r;ado� . . ... �aroaidc aeSec��,7Le vpen s�a�e� an�i recre�tia�ial �r��enities, �:nd prcy�»te ttie a�jectives of tf�e ��nin� Qr°cEis'�ar�ce r�f tt7e �`ot,�n,; anr� t���re arE Si�Faificar�t as��cts of t}�e s�e�i�tl �eve1 n�,n�er,t ti�}�i ch �ar-�r�ot f�e safi i sf i ed uncier th� exisl:inc� ;�s�it'ig. Seci�io�� 3. II���frov�l af Uc��clo��r�ent I'lara. �4. 71�e [�eu�lt��r,��si�t �}l�n fur• �he h�ark i�esr�rL' ���� ��rroiii5 G1 cat� ��,�fai cl� 5 s p�rt c�f i Ls s�7i d �p��i c�Li art sl�al Z �e �r�corpc�rai:r�d �ry rcf�rcr�et�, ar7d rroade a p�ri. of �G7 �t�d cons�:itutes a gcn�ra� p7an anci �u;�e �or dev�lo(����c^nt wifh�in 'the S�-�ccial f2istrici:. �, I�tiTlLilflfklf'R�.S ta the l�p�?t°ovrd [3eG�elt��'nt��t f�lan t•rhich da nat cliirigc ii.s subst�.r�ce i�nd ►,�hicl� are fci�ly a'cccrr�r3�3neir�ci is� � r��[�t^L of tl�c p3��nn�t�� �=�«�.�issit�n maS� ��c �.1,3�r:r}fed 1�y t�se ��ot�tn Co�,��cil Eyy resnlutian. C. Tiic En��ii�o���nc�-�tal 1r.:�aact T?enart �ha11 f�r ���CmE�ii,te�3 �.o ti:lz�i Zo��i!i�� l�dmi�aistr�tor� i�i r,cr_c�r�d��nce ti�ritf� 11rti��e �G af �}-,c Zar}i��g Qr�rlinaia�e rya�-io�r to the cc�r���enc��r�ent o� t.lie r�evic„� �x���1 a��ps{oer�l ���ocess. S+r;���lcr���nta1 r��?e�rt� �����iar• te� Li�e co���r�eitir.Frcm:cnt cf cnr�sl:r•uctinn oi` each �k7�sc sh��ll l�e � pr'rrv�fs�c� �s nr-.cess�ry. , ��� £4c1� �h��se c�f L��e de�•el�s�rn!�nt sYa�1] r;�qitire I•ev1LV� �itrJ r'c�c�rnn�r�ci�i� i�sn{, of i.lt� P1af7ninc� Cor�u�ltis5ivn 3r�;� zp�rnval 1�y itwf� "ft��,,�r� Gf�«;+eil . 1�. C:��cf� ��'�tizse ni #fti� dcr�1c�,.•�••c��st sf��ll r�����,�i� �� tl�� �,�rica�' � �,�1�1�"ylVi!�'� Uf t�,t. ���C�j'�f7 �:['1"1:"�i (r:�.t!'G lI1 ti!'filf'�easfl[.�' 1ti5�.�r ��i� �i���j'1C3�1�� �7rt7vi��i���zs nf P�,•tic��� 1`.T �f ff,�• "l�?ninra CJa`c�'i�'��,rEGr. 1-toC11 };I�asC �hall. l�e� ri'S:!. �:i°,� �l1' ilt� iiittr,�fi{;� C�'�l''.t7�4r t13 �i ��5� �:'k.E':Ii::(' tif �.}l{' f�:�.(•�C`��hii"� 1.�i�f; ,��i,.�� . �-j_ r � give �r r•�tnr�cr�c�nd�tia�t5 to t.l�e ��si�n fic�r ��ar�. (1 ) 7h� Csr.��elt��nr:nt �l��n sl�all��� + , 4r;t�ncied to ref�cc� r1�°4�7iCnctural dcsigri �f eae�i a V �,t�asc. 1� . (2} I:ach �ifrasr� c�f th� develc�pR��nt si�a3i� . rer3ui�'e rev1��,�r ��nd re�a��xr����da�i�n� af the P3annii� Cc;��is�ion a��d ��3pt•oval try f.}ie Tr�,�r�� �ounci� 5cct�on 5. Canter�t; af k'ro�,�sed [3�vela�snen� P1an. 'F#ie propo�ed r��vel p�3ment pl an stra�7 i ncl ude l��rL i 5 nat , liniit.c�d t� f:i�e fol7os�xin� c��ta: � - _ -. � - � T 11. Ex�si;irr� Gnu �rc�pas�� coh�7urs �i ter-gr�attiin� and si tn rlevelo�}rn�rt f���v�nc� ec+nt�,t�r ie�l.crvals c�' n�t mc�r� t.han 2 f���t. ar�d p�-er.ir4�inary ` draii}�s�e p��xn. 5��p3e�;��3st.s?l cir�cumcil�nii4r� af �ro�osed cnnl:crdi��s and �3t'aiR�g� sha l 1 J� �ubrni tted tQ t1�c 7��-�i n� Ati�r,i�ai s trat c�r t•k i th ��e �.1���s fc�t° each �h�se �f i.hc e�ev��lo,�,�nc�nt. . [�. �S sife ��l��n. at a :�ca�c �f 1 i��c��� eytials �3�+ i`e�t c�i':: larc�rr, S�iU9�r�;�c� t4e �c,r,�t-;rsrms. �+n+� cii�r�:rFSiar�s trf al� t���'I�inc;s �nd s��-���.fure,�, us�:s tl;e►��in, �:�ci a7a pr��,�.it,�l sit� cicvr•l�p�r�c���� ������res �uc,i� as- l��n�sLa�ed are��, rcc.reation�l f��.i3i��ieC, �rcci�a�-?�i�n �l�f.�s a��ci �,�alk�rays, seti°ui��• � c'.i'C7Sa Ct["11�{'�11s�"S� �C1+.� Uii•-SLl"f'['_�. �lilk'�,i;i � ¢+�i� lOtl�lf;C� 1Y'!'uS. C. fc �rel ir:�i;�vr~y 1 ar��se.�:;:� p�an, a� a scal� e�� 1 i n�f1 ec{s�u3s �it1 t�:et c��• 1arr��r, s1�c�rrit�r� ��xistin� ]an�sca�te �caaur~�s #.r� I�c reir�int�d � or �~c�n�vca, �r��� y��ct�ing i�t-n�cs��ri l�:ncl�.caf�ii�� aE�� 1at���ra�sr_c3 s7tc �iev�:lc,,�_ n��nt �ry�.�ui°�� such as o�ii.c����- t�ecr•c��i.ic�r��.1 f ac i�1 i i��es, !�i ty�c�c p�u1�s, t�r�iis, �i�c��sir�iz,n {�l�a.�a �.r�r� ►���l�rr�.3��, Y�ai.+>r i�e��tures, �s�3 c�t}�c:r L'�l?17!C17�5. �. Sehc��atic f.ra�l�iinr� el�y��t*ians, s;:�tit�ns �¢1c4 f1�C�r g>la�r,s� zt aF,nra�'rA•�ate sez.l�., i�d �taf�isrit�n�: �ti�Lail �e� c'.:''�c��+��i�`�� i'1r�ur' ai-ea, � gezte�°al s�i�-e,u�.?�i�t� �r�v �irc l��c�tit�s�, �nd ,'er�eyrsl sc�le �+�3� bulk afi tl��,� �arn��nr,�d c;evc�lnp°Fr:^nt. �{}r:cifi� rici<}ii fc,r i.tResc iterns arr�! t.f7e ��i�c:ar�`�r�cc� .... 5Pt�11 k�e S�;t�r��itt�� on � �;!`a;c basis. E. !ti '�'ulu;4t:�.r�c �'�n�c�l �� L��w siL� t�s�rci �.h.= ;s�-t?I]�SCCi de��cici�- in�xri c1c,4u-•,�ntr•c� by �il3ratt,��� ��.;�f�s, aL t. sc::l e nf 1 i rae�� ey���l s fr� fe�4 c�r' larrTer�, ��:�c�Lr�,.��ir�� i.ht: �,r:,ln �i�,<i r';�la�ir�r�s}�i�rs t�f i.h� �.'cti��lc��:;���nt t[� 41," ,�',7'�C'� �7Tif� l��Ir5�I�3ryy.S�I� i.��!' �,1!'i.'l ilfl(� •�':f`,'� 4)r �L1"l1CiU�'C; 111 �{IC IjL'VC'�fr�+;1f�=Ri�;. ?,.. � � F, A� arc��itr�Lural m�adej sha�}e sut��niti,ed pripr to ; co,��tr�s�tic�n oi" each �a}s7se at a scs-tle vf i �i,cM ec�r�als ZD feet or lar•ger. �. A {�ha��ng pla� �f the proposed �ev�lo��raent ind3catin� � order and gen�ra3 tirnir�c� of cunstructio� ;�f7�ses, an�enities� and �,rn��ased inLerint dcvelt���r�jent. , Sectian 7, Per�nit.tecf CJse� in �:he Special pistrict. A. hfult�pTe i"amily resictential de•+elli�,s�s, includinc� attactieci �r rc,xv d;,�cllirE{;s arid cor�Gami�i�m dtivell�nc�s. 6, Lcad�es, inc]udiny �iccessory �at�nc�, drinkia3g, recreationa� or a.�ta i 3 estab7 i sf�rtli��7ts. . • • � C. '�rafes�iar��l dn[1 f�uS7�IC55 ofi�ices. �. tdee�:ir�� �-4c�nes anc# �cc���v�;ni:i�n f�icilitie�s. �. ltiecessos��r eaEin�, eS�,ir��kin�, ar ret�it est�t��isi�xmeni:s slatlll not �ccu{�y �r,c�re �.han 2b �r�:�° c.cy�t af tf�r t�t�l �ro_s resid�n�:�r:l f3nc�r �srea of ���e d�velc;�,:a-c�sit. ��ctinn t�. ['on��if.�c�,a3 Uscs in i.l1e 5peviul �7�strict. — ---- , 11. P:�iv��i.e clu�s and c�vic, cult,.f•al , and fr�+terna] org��r�izatir�i�s. • G. Put�lic c,r° ca�nc�rci��1 parF�iri� f�cilitits e�r si:ruc�.e�t��s. C. F�ul�lic tra�spr�ri:al�,it�r� te�'nzira3s. f�. �Ui]�1C tl#.Zj1�:�I ��flC� '�7J�111C �•C1"1+1C�' t15G'S.. E. FwL7'iC ��;ail�iyi�ns, c;r•�tsnris ��it� 4E��#li'tie�. , . f. f t}���c ai� nrivatc sclic�c�ls, G. f'u1,3'ic ,l�r�wrk 3nel r�cci°catic�n �aci�i Li�s. ' . fi. C���+r`c.l�c5, a�rtiD�� �. �"�ccesscr3� Uscs it� tlte S��eiE�l �7'istric�. ihi. �i�7Pii�If111C� }�C7C315} tk11'.�15 CC1lit"'r_.S, �i.�.i'1��13�� CJS.'1'�`*y SC�ili`lS�1 CClSII`�5� . �r�c1 �aE.�tr,, t>r' eftp�ci' t°�cr�atiior°�:�1 f�,ri�it.ics c�tst.c��etari];; i��ei��n�:al �a �rer°��it�t�cl lc+t�c�e iases. [3. (�tlier t+��e:� cirsic���:ar-31y int'irl�nial arrd aceessc�r� to x���rr:�lttccf na° c.�r�•?i tira°�a? 6�5es, ar�€# n�eesst�a-y �c�r• i:f�c u,a��a�a;:ir�c+ �.t,t�r•r°of. � 5ectyc,i� 1f?. f�c��c��c}r•.,;�rtit 5t�aroc:ti�r•c,s. � Tt1e tt�]1 r��.:i n� tiee�t�l�';�.•:�nl, 5t�si����,r'ci5 ar-e i7i o�iii�u:n rie�,�c i��r,,i,��nL s;ar�cfarc!s in i}�c �{7t:r.i�7 f�i�,t,�ic�: _�_ �,.�.., _ - }� � � �, R. Lot �►•ca a�d sit.e c�irnensioi� ' The 5�c�ciai District sliall cc,��;�irt of an �rea L�talling 5.i7 a�res as s�ecified in Secti�r� � here�t, B. S�tt�����.5. ' 7he re�uired setl�acl,s sha11 va�y` as indicated #n the Develo�me�t nlan, prt�vidinq s�a�e for plan�:iri� and aii acc�ptable rel�lipn- shap to adl�eent properties. � . C. Tlisf.�nces ��t�.r�c�n bcsilainc�s. Th� iTainzmurn disi.ar�cc� Lett�rce�n t�uildi��gs on 3dlacent sites sFrali • � - - . . - - _. .. . . 4 : h� �s .i�r�di c��ed i�i ttic Il�vel p��nent p�ar�, • - � � � x �. ktei c�l�t. (5#:ory sl�al l be def i r��d bg� thc llni fvrs� Gs.�i l el�ng Codc.� 1fhe heig�it o'F �;iie t�t+i]dirrJ� sh�11 be subj�c� �o �}ie rteo�nendai,�ut�s of �.f�e P�ar+P�iriy Cr,3,;�nissir�n �,��ci the appr{c,val of th� 'Fv�vn Cor!��cil ��r}aty�s t�i� ar�eliit:GCi:ur�il �r�i,yn is �p�3r�u�d. C. I3�r1s i f:y Gnnt'rol . Tfae gre�ss i=�;ieinn�i��l f1a�r a�~r=a ��;�f=7�} t�f ���� bi��i€lir�r�s �ir��l�lr�ir�1, ��;ist��nc� l,t:ilding) cc,�;r�;r-d�c��d �n t�re Spcc��1 �i�t.rict sh��ll not e>;ce�c1 13'�,tl�(l sq�i�j�e f�et. l�kse to��l n�;�ber of cfp;ellin� ��n�ts s�i�1T rtot ��xc:rye� 3� and tt7�� �t�+tal n�Fr��er co#" accor�,:�isa��tian ur�i�s �h�13 r�ot �xc�e� 3{�"- f-. B�r�1 c�i iti;� f�ul k Cs�rtral, 6ir�lclinc; 13u1}., rr.,-�xi,�lum ti�rzdlx lei}r}t.hs, naax-irn:�m �f�n�en:,iCrs�s far k3u�Idin!� e3e�+�nTS, rr,q��irc�rid���ts {�Cii� H���17 affs�is �nd ;�r:�r��.ic�1 s��{���ii�c� o� �•�caf l�r�es slr,ali !ac ir+�°iica;:eti nri �.lre C��if: Oiaf�r�m E�f e:i�c: ����5:~oved f?e�eT�c��a- r��ent f'l�n. G. Site Cou��°age, TY�e siLe ar�ca i�a �sa cnvc.�reci 1}y t���3�i]�ii��r�s sF���l l�e as genere�l1y i,�ic3ie,.te6f c�t� +�a�e ❑�vr�lc,,�:i�c��t. 1'1�:R�, ��ut in n7 c<<se ��3�3�1 exw�ecl �7a�� ofi tne tr�l:;�l �it.c ai'ea. �i. 41sc;st�1c U�err 5;r<�t.t. Use�U3 c rry�c��� s�>�scc �h�:31 t,r� �jr��r i�ec! as t•c�r�u i re� i rj t.}ic PU�aI�c lWccc:�z�•�rcf���ior-� �istr•ir_t, Sectibn 7.G.'u �+S' LE�c° Irning ClrE�ir��r�ce. ' I. I.�r7�lse���>inh �����1 �itr []twe�a����;cttt. � J°�,L lr-�..t 2r" n� tl;:� :ratal si1.r� �'�� c 7 �=f����� f,c� land�;�t�pe ���+ . �+��:�� ���-��,�. LandsC���i��,� ���� ui1�.�r� �ite c1c��,�F�'l-.:,e��,�nl. �.l�:s31 c+t�,er��t� t.fri ls�n���erxj�iia�� cc��rtc�t �: itic)icattr3 in �t�,-� ,��f�:�-a��=i�c� [1��E�t�1+-�;�,,���ni: �'lt3n. _.�r_ . , _._._ ..__.._ __ _. �1} ?4�'kir�y ��id !Cs •�� sl7�17 f�e },r�avic?ed z» t'ec�uircycS in tt�e F'ui;]ic IticcomFr�c��? E.ion �isti'ict, 5ectiar� 7.5i^� a��cf �on�ister;t ;rith tt�e prav'isi�c�r�; af 11�•tir.lc 1�# nf thc 7.�r,i�rc� Or-cJina��ce. 1'+1d r�c�uired �ar�;ie�c; s�a11 ;�� s�•ii.lsin tne rn�in ba�ildir�g or L�uildSn,�s �r t�enc.stl� acees=t��-y� c'ccks, pl4za ar�d �aLios r.kce{�t ti:� r�ir,irGru�o� r.ei4ssary far re�isir�ires� and tc:npCrrdT'y' 1r,�r�3ng an� �:rtloaciing, (�} F'a�-F.ir�,a Mt+Gll i;e �rra��iii�a� ic�r� Charter• Duses. . '` . ; ',{3} Lcr=.r3in�� ��li:'<<�•Y�' arnd ��o-���t�3e fiC�lit�es � �ha11 P,n ofi"..sircr_t: anc" ��•-iLi�i�� � ��t. s�rtrci.��, s- . y in�i?�au�:�1 . n�i �hc: �evc]n�?��c•,�t. F�1�c,, . . 5r�ct i�,n �'1, I_it,,:t��ticrl� tr� �ir'c�;���res. � 71"C�7�2Cf';; :*���?�� t7[:t �1t' �?CP"1�+1't.uC'[� lrl ]fkCo:V"i[i�1il� dCC:l;�li!1�1{ici�.1G17 c�i• �;•�c�]iir,g ulilE.:;, ha�:c,:-c�r•, n�a rr.wr•c tR�s�r� i��;o �,c[;iitiurst�1 ��s��:��l;,ces sh.�li b^ a�lo•.at�c; iiti i},s S�e�i��l (���vc=lc�g�°��-,ii E��i=,tr�t't., ti� �.,e lc:c�;,,�f i�� � �.1za�i� dr•��, �!5 131C�1CuLEt� irtT �.;1�° i�C1'.3fl;i�:�C+�i: �'i}n. r S�'C��ri�l '�t�. �Gs1tr��.,�,�ii.iC�11 �-Gi�i.1L�l�,� . 1�. ilevelca����r. � }���?� ii��c:l��€1L in ti�:� t�«7i�liny �:r.���irt�cLint� c;t��-.�_•� dn!� 1'ii'i:Cf' tU11:!?i S�`�,�:I�}!� i:i:i:l'�i'ti�l�.; �S {"€'!7".I'i�7 i.f":.�YII[)�Gjy' C'r�l° Ct i.i; i��f� �,!'I!t"' [yf (.:t�1l:�;i1•I.�CtiC�r�. �Sr:t;t'i���r7 T3�. i��.c���rt�t��,t�:,� f�c�:��tir� T;��:, ��if' 'Y'f;C1'f'tl:'.li�',.:� i'i.. �. _1{'.; �'.°.Y. !��'!: �Cll ���'* . � ',r�'r., .��. 1;t:l �ll �11.� N��:��r' �:�fi7Zi:11:[�[" �a';J. :', �;t'1'�Ef" il"i �r����� [5r t}��f' �GV'�C� i��f i�ri�i f y CUVf�I'i�l�:it�, �It,:�3� I�e <<:�st���.�tf �•� 3 r'r;�r• pt�� to ['>:E�R�E��� SCI.I�� I�cr c�;�•_ti���t� i�w����i: n�' ���a���` arc:� a:zii :�fi��il !re rai� ir� re�}ji��tctir��� ��ritf� �.cr._�ruct�i:�r� ��}.���a��s a��d ��ricrr to i.iir� i ss�r�+rice r�7 � 1:��i 1�E'r r�_� ;�r�i i�i i 1.. f:. ��Tlill�+ C.CI:.i'i.i: il� ['C�ti'"C]lRr:�L' Il'ri'i'.zC1'$ LCi 1�'L''c�.:.(}Ci:��l1]' S{•�'��(! !,f��s } [1L'f.��S U� i.�3f' LA+`:`��U�7r;o11�. � ��. ��i3111iI17t1_i ��EFr�� q�f stt�C'��{�i ir� c,�� ,�, t�b }'!':lS(7Y1:"�r1y ��I°i'4"E' t�i�.' P�� �,�, . (?t �.`i''.' �;.:��L'�C�;� :�"... �., �;l1:�7 ��i:i'.'.�?' i" :V�tl'l". s�r� iil-:�1;�:�C:Ct �E�� ifl: � . ":-�i'F' ..i . • ��.i:,. s,q, �+;-„; 1� f y ;c . ` ir'�� ::��tr. , 1gll�� C�I�itiEt:?li;� ' ;�.V7Z i.i'}�C 1:�1C'f.: � l�'•" �.}Gy�C i��l.� l ��.i���; -�� ir��� {�,j lA�^,''a'�t; �e':t� � 1: .:� ;•,t�,�.�t;t• i�r^i'����'�. . �; � :��, � �����: ��c �;; �� �� s ,,,�,�it'�'�Q��� IV�r� �e�vrt 715 Limnshead�Circle,Yail,C�s�vrada R3657�(343�47Er4444 �TUl�T l�Q , 1'984 Td WH01+I I T M,�i'Y �(]I+10Ei�N: This is tc� authori�e 114R. J�lY PrTERS�N t� si�n �he appl��a��iran �c�r �the �c�ndc�minium �canversion a°� t�3arric�tt `5 �,4ark I�est�rt . �"hank you. ���.� ����� xaise� �. �����us qwner k�` ' � '�A�E �1�518� , APPl.��,4TIi}N FL�R C4�iD0�1INIUhi C4MVERSIOM I A. NA1yi� OF APPLI[:AHT M-K Carporatian, a Color�r3o Corporation p�{�p�� 3�3°475-�+444 _ AUQRESS T�e-Marris�t Mazk Resort/ �15 W. Lianshead C�rc�.el Va�l, Calorado 8I657 � ..,.,., : • . , $. .NAM� OF APPLTCANT'5���€PR�S�NTA�'I�YE � �ay K• Feterson � - A�DRESS� �.o. ��� 3.�4�1 u��i, caiaz�.ao a��s8 �M4rit�E 3c��-���-�as2 =� ' _. , C. NI�M� �F�.PRC1P'�RTY ;�OWIV�R !(�yp� G►1' pt'fntJ M�K �Corpo�at�on, a Colorado Cor�aratfon � , SIGH�T�fR�.�F,.�PRDp�RTY ,4t�V'ER � . . . . • �4I}D�SS Th�t�Marriat M�r'k �Resart/7�S W.�� i,�Q�sh��a cir��.e pHQN� �c�3-a��-�►��� _ _ � .. Vail r. �v.lor�dv ,��55 ..� _. - _ . . e .. i ., . t . . 4., .. , . ... . , .. . ..... . �. -. � . - }� + ,�s�{Tr/� n p7�7n ,ryc�{ .. . . ' V � . . 1.: _. ," . � _ ., � C. . . . IJr. LV1.f1E AiJ� .V�+� Ir�RLV�1Jr711� '...• . . � .� .C�� ...... � r r �,-�: • „^ RDDRESS � _715 W. I,i�.c,nsh�ea.d Circle, Vail, Ca�.vrado 81b5T . , _ . _ LOT:' '�-� �3LO�K;��� � r �LIBi�IVISI4N � - " _ . FiLIHG ` See Attache Ex ibik . _. _ , �. ��� ��c�Q.aa ��a� � �� �� _ �, . � �.y��- � � ;-�.�.�v� .;�f . . � . � . ���' � � _ , � � _ . , . . ;� _ . _ < < •-- . �; _ ,.. � . . . : " . ' 7��� . � . 1 :. - �. � .4' . ,� F. .Ir�c�ud� ,a l ist of the names: ar�d �n�i l �ng..,addresses of al� a�ners of pr�operty . . . - �d,��cen� -to. th� sub�ect prr�perty. s�� atta�hed �xh�ibit "1� . - � , , , � � r . - � � A�D�NDTJri Ti] APPLICATIO�a �'OTt �CO?dT}�7MINIUM C�N1JEf�S'�'ION 1. The Gondaminium Cona�rsion Repo�t wvuld be the same as the �'ina� C-0 def�cieneies, if any. �hose it�ms will be corrected. 2. Pro!��ased ownership �s full crwnership, w�.th no tirnesharin� �ar int�rval owz�.erahip, These are na prvp�sed sales prices �s financ�ng beeause tY�ere i.s no iEntent to sel7� Che unf.ts at t�e present time or in the fore€�eeable future. �'rior phases af the M�rr�,crt� {previc�usly the Mark} haye been. condflinirtivanized anr� 3C was alwa3rs intended that this phase W4LlLd alsa be condom�.ni,umiz�d from its inception. 3. {a� S�te work and landscap�.ng wi�.I tae ear�gleted pursuant Co P�anning Cr►mmissinn anr� �RB appravaJ�s. (h) An er�plc�yee housir+g agreem�nt in segard to Fall Line wil�, b� enGered intv pur��ant to Flanni€xg CQmmission and Tawn Cvuncil agparvvsls. (c) FaymenC o£ the recraatiart fee gursu�nt Co a final account�ng with �redits b�eing �iven fcar on-site amenf.ties (pursuant ta Ord�nance} will t�e paid. (d� Agp�icar�t agrees ta �orrect deficienciesy if any, �ur�uant to the £znal C-0 and condomit�ium canversi�n reporL. 4, (a) Candomini.u�z documents F��ve �een prov�de�i and restricti,ons will be added pursuant to 17.26.(}75 (A) l, 2, 3 for accommodatfan units. (b) A Ierter of a,gree�nent will he executed wit�t Section 17.2b.C175 restrictions €ar acc�mmadatian units. 5. Praof of ownership is attached. 6. SiCe a�nenitie� are lacated c�n the Condominium Map. 7. Affidavit of serv�.c�es does not ha�e to be supplied vnd�r the convers�an ord�nartce. $. See 3(b) above regarding Fall Line. 9. TF►►e pro�ec[ has �ust been cs�mpleted so there is no plan raf impro�rements. 10. Condvminium documertts have �een previc�usly suppli,ed. � � E�HI�iX� ,A Addxesses of Ad�a�enC Fr+�perty Own�rs 1. Vail 'Spa 714 W. Liaanshead Ci re�.e �ail, eo 8�.�57 2, Antlers b$0 W. L�onshead Place Vai.I, CC1 $1657 3. Enaian 6�+D W. Livnshead C�.rcle �ail, CO 81657 4, Mantarteros 64�. W. Zivnstx�ad Circ�e V;�il, �0 8R657 5. Lions.�:���^�=4h �'�w�`�-��1�� 6�0 W. Lianshead Circle Vai1, CO 8I657 6. Vai1� Assaciates �'. C7. Bvx 7 Vail, ca 81658 \ � /'. ll!.r/ � �L} 4 r} i t . � � . • r �:YHXBIT B + �?�3IS�T A ° . . Ta . C�NL�4M�NI[]M DEC�A,�tA,T�ON � . F4R THE MARK �I I C(}ND�MIh'`I UM � LEC,�4L D�SG�tI�7I0N; • ' #� �art af L�t 4,- 8]a�k 3 � Yaf�/Li ans�eed f Thi r�ti Fi�i ng an� part of �.�ts � �r�d Q, Morcus 5u�di vf si on� T�o�wn of Yei i , Ea�l e Gr�unt�, Go7 orado. mor� parti c�1ar1; � d�scribed nt fo�la�rs: ` . � B�egi nntr�� a t the F�ort�+ves t cvr��r c�' l.ot C; the�ce �l an� the i i r�e earr�cyn to� ��i d Lot C �nd Lots A and S, Mvrtus Sv�di vi s i or+ S l6 17'�a" +� � di star�c� af 249.�10 ��et; then+�e M 73�4�'39" E � di s ten�e vf 3i��:fl� feet; th+rn�e N 1fi�17'�1" � n dist�nct �� �B.CID f�et•, tt�ence f� 13°42`39" � � di�tancr of 13.Q0 feet; t�en�e !r' ]f�]7'21" � a d#stanc+e �f 2U.D�1'feet; thence �f 83°��'45" E � distanct c�f 63.29 feet; thencz S 22°38'4]" E � d�stence of ]8.92 fe��t, thence t� 74°Z] `19" E � �is�ar�c� of 135.6B feet; ther+�e I� Q6�'3� '15" 1� � disrance af 1�Cl.Qa f�et; then�e S 83°�5`45" W" a distance of 25D.q3 feet ttr a p+�ir�t nr� Lhe sal�th�:rly ric��t-af-way -line �f �lest Lionz���d �ircle; thence �a�t�r�g said rtght�-o'f-�r�,y ��ne � �dS�t�nce o'� 1�'�. 6�" feet aiorrg th� arc ca� a 392.�0 fpat r�+di�s e�r�-ve Lo tttie 7�ft ar�d wfi�se +�entr�7 en��r �s 1�°57' ]�" and whcse ]ar�g ch�r�f b�ars S 87��8'35` W a r�istar�ce r�f 129.0$ fee� to the True �oint af Be9ir�ning: ' toget�her wi th'the M g�'ts �nd �ie�e�1 ts crented �'�t.�'�res�ect� tc� Perce'i s .: R. 6 u�d C� as de�i�tcd or� sh�et 2 of t.��s map r�r�d as more p�rti c�rlar3y '. �es cri���f at� E�hihi t D t.� thet certmi� ��rty Wal� �nd �cro�r.�rne:r�t ' ,. Agreeme�t rrtarded �uiiy 2?"� �98� i n Bvc�� 343 at �'age ,463 T.1 r� the �E�g`I e,�: �'".� Gou��y �al �property rc��rds�, to�,��.hez� wfth the et�searer�t �yt'+�nted by ,. :�.' . �-�K Cvrparat��n es owner c�f et l c�r►dom�ni um ur��ts w^�t.�i re th� �r►r� . ' `. F�scr�t ,nr�d T�nr�fs C�ub oir�r £as�srier�t P�nr+�] A, a� ��scribe� i� that , .• .- ::,etr�#���� �airme�� l��r���t -r�ca�ded • -� . • �•, ;3.984 ,in .B�ok .. ..�. . - ------�- . •. - . •a� pa�+� � ".:- .-t •.�;�.1� s�p�� rcccrds �n I su rct to �he ense�,ntx _,'., . ` ' "`,gr�r�ted -����. e�YO�; .v the v+�ri�:�: Q f. P�nrc���..I I I ; �s .d�s cri t�e���r► t�t� . : . r 'E�sem�:��:;A�rC��i1�`reccrd�ed . :' ' - � � �� I9S4 i r� '�dak' �� -• , . . ���� ' Pd�� _ �`�•,�~ �ii '��l��. '�"eCC�1"' s. ` � .• .. . . . _ .. .=,�•.. . . . . . � County .a���$��� � . � S�$te of �Co�:ar�dc� i f `. !. � �` � ` . � � • ■,ff� � �.1.�-L- L � � MEh3C} 1Va�rem�a�r 1�. , 1982 Ta: K_.+�ISE� 117�RCi�S � FR�M� EOB FARI+IER.Y R.E: FALL L�NE �ou and T had �. l��i�f discussian on the future of Fall Line a few we�ks a�a . 5in�e �hat �im�, Z have solicited the Qpinions �f athers as to th� n�ed tr� �ee�? Fall Li.ne far �mp�c�y��e t�ousin�. Th+� cnnsensus o�iniQn is tha.t we dc� nat need Fall Line as emp�,oyee r�nusing. �eas�ns ar� �.s falla�ti: 1 , Housing mark�t has loc�seneti u�. Very few z.nstances of empl�yees havin� prs�Yslerr�s f�.nding hot�sing. Desr�Io�ment rf Avr�n area ha� help�d alot . �. l4'fayar' s l�n�-term commitmen� tc� res�lving emg�loyee tivusin�; prr�bl�m. Nr�t much done in pa.st , but it is �n�c�a�ra�i.ng �f�at tc�wn c�fficials r�cogni�e tt�e probl�m. 3. �c�re ��ar-round err�playees making Vai.l a �erman�nt tiome . Dbtaining hausing an �. year---ro�rad basis is mucl� e�.sier than vn a seasanal �asis, 4. Rents at Fal�. Lin� ha�e pea�eci ba��d on pric�/�ral�e relata�onship r��eived. "�i�hc�ut majQr clolla,rs to sp�nd for renovation , ttYe pra,�ect wi�l cantinue ta de���ic�r�.Le. Ev�n wi�h m�.jvr r�nc�vation , it is do�btful the compl�x c�,n g�n�r�.te tk�e rental incvme to offset tkne operating �xp�nses. � As y�u are a�aare , tlie management agreeme�� pravides fnr i��arriott to �ease Fal1 Line for 5 years frc�m the com�letit�n d�,te of �he new addition . I� yc�u feel it tc� b� in y��r �aest i.z�t�rest tr� dispose of F�II Line, I tY�ink we s�ould formulat� �. plan nodv inat w�ul� pre�erably resul� in r�isposing of �he prc�p�rty in t�c� Spring of 1�8�. Please le� me knc�w your feelings. Thank y'oaa. kf t -'� � s /,� � � � ����� � �w a � �.. f ` ' . � ��� V � i I l �� Ui j alternatives ir� the past have nvt been effective. H� said �eca�se of sur`veys by k�rawledgeable s�aur�es the prablem is a very real one tha� wil� have to �� �ealt with �n the near future. �le vc�ted in favor flf the project. S�veral c�t�zens then roade sta��ments ta Council . The�r comments and solutions �nc�uded: buy the parcel far �pen space; c�n�truct r�ew interchange by t�e tennis c�urts an already Vai1-awned property; address p�.rkin� probiems first; ereate traffic circles at b�sy int�rcharrges; and fina1ly, Vail is bec�ming int�rnataonally known and the pr�biem o� traffic congestion �s � minr�r ane at this t�me. A petition with 30C} locai signatures oppos�r�g the new interchange wa� pr+esertted to Gouncil . Ron Phiili�s answered a qu�stian pertainirrg to th� Re�l Estate Transfer Tax. Eric Af�eldt then made a moti on to ap�rov� the ordi nance wi th th�e �xcepti vr� of the $75,(��tJ a7�owan+c�s �or the purchase of �tF�e Holy Gr�ss parcel : $75,i7(3C1 from th� Capita� Projects Fund and $75,000 frvr� the Ge�eral �und, making �he tota� sum for appropriatior�s $�,749,77Q. Jahn Sle�in �e�anded the matian. A vote was takQr� and the mot�on passed 4-1, May�r Rc�se cast the oppasing vate. 7he third order of business was Ordinance No, 11, Series of 1988, secand r�ading, regarding no smt�king policies #'or �'awn af Vail bui�dings and v��icles, R�n Fhil7ap� briefly d�scrib�d the ordinance, including sor�e additions suggeste� by T4m Steinberg. Jaar�n Mattiv af Yauth S�rvices request+ed that a desZgnated smok�r�g section be r�ade at the �e�n Center. She sta�ed t�at sh� had same controi over th� te�enag�rs when �h�ey were inside, but �hat they w�r� likeTy ta use �lcvhvl ar drugs w�en t�rey went ou�side, In �er opinion, approximately 5� percent af the teens smoked, and the no smoking ordir�ance wouTd orrly �ause her to lose some cor��ral av�r �he teens and f�rce them ou�s�de ta get into �assible troubYe. Wihi�e Gvunci� syrnpath�ze� with her plight, �they str�ngiy felt that the ordinance cou�d na� be ehanged to �llow teenag�rs t� smoke, w�en ad�lts cauld �c�t. �[ayar �ose asked ��n to find a selutian tv this particular pra�lem, passibly by sending � snc�al w�rker to �e�p with t�e '�ran�ition. I-Ee alsa exp�ain�� that the wards "designated smok�ng area��'° da not exist at �his pvint for the 1'own, but are far f�ture �xpansiun of the ordinanc� ta privat� uses. f-le added that a recent survey �f lacal c�tizens shflwed that �9 percent do nat sm�ke. Ran conc��ded the discussian stat�ng that the Vail Galf Course Clubhvuse was n�t inc3�ded 7n restricted areas at th�s time. Eric Affeldt made a motion ta approve the ard�r�anc�. John Sle�rin seconded th� mot�an. A vQte wa� taken and the mation pa�sed 4-1. Gail t+fahrlich-Lowenthal �opp�sed th� orr�inance because of the ra��f7cation� at th� Teen Cent�r. �he fourtFt item was Ordinance �la. 12, 5er�es o� 1988, first reading, ta elarify desi�n guid�lines f�r dupl�x and primary/secondary develo�ments. Mayor Ras� read the fu�l title. Tor� Braun expla�ned the bac�cgra�nd, purpase, and specifics �f 'the ordi r�ar�ce. Ther�e was a Z�ngthy di scussf on on the �fef i ni ti an of common wal l s and roofs, �he presea�ce of phy��cal constra�nts, and detacned garag�s caused by those e4n�traints. 7here was further discussion by the council and Tom abaut the role o� t�e ��sign Revi�w 8oard. Kathy Warren asf�ed questi�ns relating to the Design Review �oard and termino��gy in the ordinanee. Diana i3ono�u,�n said the Planning Commissian had reviewed the ordinance and that the ]anguage w�.s as evncise as po�sib�e. It was decided that the �esign Rev�ew Board shQUid study tt�e ordinance, when ��anvenient, and give t��eir recc�mmentl�tions and/or a�prvva� to G�uncil when compieted. Eric made a �aotion to �able the approval of th� ardinan�e untii the aesigra Rev�ew Baar�'s inp�t is receiv�d. Gordvn Pierc� �econd�d the mo�ion. A vate �was �aken and the mativn passed unanim4usTy 5-0, The fifth order Qf business was ��s�l�t�on �lo. 9, 5eries of 1988, a�optin� a recreationa� trails plan, Rick Pylman explained �he changes ma�e L� the plan since it was f�rst presented 31��- He presented �aunc�� with the "��creational Trails Master P�an" r�epo�t, dated f�ay 1988, cQmpi�ed by Wins�on Associates. Paul KueF�rr af Winsta� �lssoeiates brief1y explained the r�part, He stated that ane vf the main tr�ails runs from t'�e toverEd bridge ta �or� Park, and th�t any impravemer�ts are cost effec�ive. Gord�r� said h� w�uld like �o see the plan ap�r�ved and s�pparted its irrrpl��nenta�i an. �ie �el t i t waul d '�e a good marketi ng tQal . A ci tizen asked i f the trai 1 s waul d �a� avi de enoug� for pedestri an a�nd s�Ci ers. R�Ck s�ated t�at spec�f i cs far usag� will be addressed a#'ter further study, but that stairs are p]ar�n�d to discr�uraged bikers frvm using some paths. JQhn 5levin c�mmented on a pvssibl� lighting syst�m for pedestrian use a� night. Th� issr�e a�' ma�ntenanc� dur�ng the wir�ter months was al�o braugh� u�. �ail Wahri�ch-L�wenthal made a mo�i�n �o approv+e the resolutian as present�d. Gord�on Pier�e secor�ded the rnot�an. A vate was takert, and the mation passed unanimously 5-0. 7he sixth order of busit�ess was a re�uest fc�r a s.�gn v�riance by the �1arr��tt .Nlark ta allow �ne additianal sign and Z� sq. ft. af signa�e above wf�at is allow+ed under ��� _ ,-.� �� � � � � � '�r f r� the sign c�de. Kristan Pritz, Seniar Planner, �howed Counczl pictures af the �roposed s1gn. Sh� stated that the si�n cade wili prabably have ta be changed in t�e near future to accs�mrnodat� larger buiT�ings, and that the presen� guidelines need to he b�tter defined. Gordon P'i�erCe made a rnotiQn �o apprave �ne request. �a�n secanded the mation. The request was apprvved unanimvusly 5-�. There was r�o Git�zen Participa�ior�. �lnder the Tawn Manager's Repart, Rvn comment�d tha� $18�,0�10 ��ilected during April for the Real �s'tate Trans�er Tax was "phenor�enai .,` There b�ing na €urther b�s�ne�s, t�ie me�ting was adjos�rned at 1(?:20 p.m. Resp�ctfu�ly submitted, lient �. RQSe, Mayar ATTEST: Pamela A. 8randmeyer, Town Clerk Min�tes taken by S. A. Sehiffmacher fc�r Brenda Chesr�an � � � r . M � N1 Q R A N D U i�"I T+D, Peter �atten FRCIM: J2�y K. Fete�san 3]ATE: 07f24/84 RE: Fall Line Apartments In response tca ycaur �ot�ce�'� a� FaII Line Apartments with regard to the �andc►r.liniumi�atic�n af �kx� ��i�rriott A�ark Hateli Y�2G'dl�S@ the Marri�tt no lc�ng�r r�esires to �ea�e the Fal� Line Apartments (pTease s�e a�tacher3 memay , I wouid suggest ane af th� fQ1.l�wing alternatives: l. W� are curren�ly investic��ting the pc�ssil�ility taf using tax-exempt �inancing to rafinance tl�e apartment cample:� and if w� ar� successfuZ in doing this {with the Tc�wn' s cooperation) , the com�Zex wou�d i�e renc��ated and we wc��ald �then �ent tc� any employee fl� the Upper Eagl�e Valley.. 2_ The prcaj�c� �tould b� r�nova�ed and sold ta zesic�ences c�� E�gle �oun�y in a similar £ashion to Aitkin Cr�eic. [^�hether there is a n�ed f�ar th�s type of hr�using at the pres�nt time is unclear. 3. The pr4je�� woul� be ren�tra�ed and w�uld be ��ab- sequently sc�1.d �.s condc�miniums on the open rnarket, A11 aspects af the cc�ndcaminium c4nv�rstion c��dinance would be compli�d wi�.h.. I wot�].d appreczate yaur Cfl4�iE�cl��C?I'Y and h�lp in tx-yinq tc� �es�lv� this problem. �vJhen a cQmmitr.�ent was made by Kaiser to keep the Fal� Line as empl��ee ha�sing thr�e years agra, there wa� a real n�ed for ren�.al-type housing. As �ou are nc�w aw�re, ther� is an over abundance of this type c�f hc�using and rs� �ne is projectin.q an empl4y�� hausing prc�b�,em in the future. It seems caeznter produc��ve to l�c�ld Kais�r tc� the p�ior agreernent wherz the end �esult wt�ul� be an empty, deterirrating co�plex. JKP T ' �_ � • . �iJ d .�� • 1� r- � � ► ;� ❑� 1 °� i� I • ■ ~ ■ • � - � ' _ ' " ' • ■ � ■ • ' � '� � � • ' ' � 1 I WL i=� ��a� — - i.. � • 1 f , � 1 � � _ � c — ; . .. _ °' yP" ' • � + - ` � . � ' � +: �'a� � . . . . . . ' � � + � �a � � �� � ■ i. . . " ` • � � l ' Y � `� • � � - - ' --- ' �l ! - --� ��� o � � -'L :.� ( �,, , ! h � ---- - I►� .. ..,, ,. �» � .. .. � ,. . . . . . . . . ■ . r Ia .. . � � � • . • • • � � � � �►._�� • � '. . • ' • . • . � . . _ . . . � . , ` � - - + � � ' I 'V` y�� . - � - = ! ;�. ,e` � ts . 41l� �, � 1 q' a ` ' �\ � , ` � , � v O } . � '�`� ` � � !��S�' • .`;, ' " � �O�PY � i +�r. ,.`�:�'��'` • � C � ,� � . � � � s��ra �on �s �s�tiw� �! t�sss� �at�s+�rl �ca tlri� i�ic� �]� a! cv�urtT o .'�. 1'1�77 r � � � Y��1 M�QsC�#C!i� Inc., a Goiarsda � eae}�e�at� C""��1«� +� 1!-K Co�oeicLon. • ColaF�da aaxpo�at� l�it3� A�s� �,�.,�� eo�par�t 1. Y�il � 'l.i�asY 1su�d �rta�.0 raai Ps'af�'�7 to xais�s � �. I�rtrr u l�ra� laa�st�d �a t� Tc�+ a! tTail. Co�tr af ��,1■. t�is �tat� ef Col4sado, Ar�r1�d ru 'Lot A, ��oelc 1. Vai�lLfos�slM�d� � . ';�'.i 'th.iard �tllat i� �o�r�d prr inrtr�t r�aord�d �►ui�+t i3� 1�973, :. �,�•..'. !a� �ooic 23�0. dn Ta� !!�S ita C1� r�earda a! tl�r C1�erk a�d �scardar"■ , oflica ("Cl�k's a!lic�'"'� o� is�l� Go�t7. Golarad�a; 2. � instrr�ss�s t�anrd+d liareh 6� 1973. 1n boak 238, oea Page 877 af tlti� racords at thr CY�rrk'� aitica, ttais�r �. lbraus �asi�d all o! his ri�ht. titl• and intar��t in �uch l�e�ry• ts H-�[; l. Vail am1 M-x dsclar� tb�p ar� th� �LY P�+rti�■ of intereat in su+c$ lnaa�e= 4, �or �tsd� aad val.u+able cmn�l.d�eratiun C�►e recfipt af rhich ir ky�r*by aciasavle+dg�d. V�il assd M-1C hKrcbX d+erlare sr�ch leaae terminat�d and ta br r�ull and v�rid a�nd oi no force snd rff�ect.. III HTi'�SS W!k1EftEOF. tiM partie� hsw� r�t theis he�s�d■ and ae�l�., C}� dat� lirsC abc�ve +rritt+en. M-1C [�Q(�ORATIDN, a CaYarado ,��,'�'= . ' S�ai? coxQoration _._ - - ,,-' - . ' - By rr.. VAIL A5SOCiA'CES, TtiC. . ATC13�;,,,(s��1) � ;. v • • �i ,� cretary ce rea er�t , . ... - � =�"['llT�� �Bi�PEtA9f] ) sa. : (3(7�I�•d1� LAGL.E ? � `••�, C, TTt�a #ore gaing ins�erv�snt ►+ae acknorledg+ed hefQre � thgs 1�eh �jY �E J',�e, 1477. b�r xaiaer E. lk�re�s as —' �r�sidsnt and Harry L. Arkin p &scretexy o€ 'hi-K CORPORATIDI�, a C��orada corparatiaz►. i ' -��otaTi�ai commia��on e�irre= May 2b, 1981, � �}�pE�/ }� hand snd official �e*1. ��`,� , "r'-' 'r. � OC�� S - f r -1 of 2- � Y.�. : `-V�,�,�.: : � 7 � � ,. + - � . �'T1►"[['� I!l �OI�,A�D ) ��.: �'JDi�'1"[ W «f,iti ) .. '��M ��al�i� �11/Cl4�C M�/ wCkllOiVifl�id ��Olf M;�'�j� .m ���r vi �'+�r. 1!i 7� b�► ��d�stck i. 4t so , , :�� Yica lrr�l.d+�st aed 4`�arl�s R. l.as►�l�f[ • as Aaai�t�nt MQr�CasYr of IIIkI�. 11!!klCIN'1"ia. IIxC. , ■ Co�ar�� cc�rpa�►rac iam. � 1� s�oCazial na�w�t��iao espiris: Dec��•r 1�. Y960 �' iti.#�r�s �y hrnd and oRlici.al a�r1. l. � � - :��.i„' • . �� : . `.� . . '�~ .. oCar u e T/Nfr'■ � � qi :o x-[: ,nt�r�st t�ltich rr f. �1 do �--�� � � s+n t ii ii �� I •orporatian. � Cc 3 � I �� �• t p �:d�t 120d ,:1 t Y�1�.. JiSIM+�3s �� ��i w R a.�tk�1,. �i�T�+.� � �'.a �"� _ _ , � -rY � — -e .��.– - ` �IiCn�D�1t"f lelat► � I�XE3f , N 71 YAIL '� l'tr� M.�r Mw 311t� a.r rt .IIwM ' CnrP +,..�..+. �.1�� �. � , .:'.:���rts ' T. a.�+r�r•�r��..�u�r ..a.r ,.a i•r .re.r.�t �.a�. �;�°I 2��/ �r.r...� f� �m.rKr r.r+.•�+ 2. ipi ��. ���� .f� _. °�°���r`'�'r�.rr�a�r..]I°J«.'�"*,�°'�I�'�' �. r M�w,.� Cbla�+� ��•••'�•�•"`: �rtt'litMarrrM.'rr.�eke..�+ q d xL,[w�l r..r.k. .�1 t� w..�ls..��a. ,�t �r.s"��_''_,�_wAWf!/u�J' �������� N'�fl4�1/11f1[��Y '�I• r�wi I�r�Mr M.�pn�6�we�i rrH i�r ��'••i4�+r�1 d�ie nec�d pun•rLe r�cr�l . �YI rd caw.ay�.�.w�br tl�ew!�'��a.0 d�,es�rsns.i..rau,. �i�r+►i a+.i+cY�ai�F�lpl M�+i�r�wiwL kulRrra a .re.nwnq�ard aPfus,tirlr At a�W pr�f'd�t�e m.+�sd t�rf.Mr arear�••x.aad.�•�n.1��a�tfr�Eyj4i.._�u:�r .�r�j E�wr.1 af 1rd.►krur.1�rod he+�f I�tbr s�y��� _�i stawe�J l'�.,L+MLw.Mr�wN' J. 'Tti�it C Llorc� Bu#�diariafan A 1lr�td3.viainn of IvRs S b�. N.ock 1 � Vai1/1.i�ie+d'Chird Ff'lfng °f`cw�an of Wail i am �iI 6h+ �lna.l�.�ip.r n1�s an 4 .��:tcau.� r� '.'� � r �� ���1, thf ... - 1"04=T1l�1t. .r.l� .I. and ra � �r.f .��t ,.� 4 ,s�rnin'v+4 s,.d 's�Mr er+.et.w�e awd errn..un:. rem�u»•!er and � n in.Yn. ern�,,;.t e�{• d: ��`o.ar�i .•n��.r .:� ,� � lIM f�ta*r. o�hr. s�keb u1efrH.. tfaim �ed Aa�rv�nM .�rh•� ..•�cr ��h Rhr .ud ryi�+Y e �.�tirtY�.n:.rn.tid t•,Ib�s'+�,�•r iw�p'nierd LN'Nr��,r�.vreiA�hr��ar�.��li:urttra:.as$a0f"�r.lrc��+ucea -"` ,I T(f ItAVr AHA T0 II�tD Gbr •=r!ps��ed.e . .r�a,nnl�u+�l A .�I,r�t, �rl�•i. yb x�..�. �. � �aid W�ty..#[he�e,nnd p�ri,xt,.n�cc.��..�r+ou++tl a�.�i�K� ���.��,�, 1r�i�.l t}�� �xu.r {CAEI ���e$� �. �,s+i..�i�M f:rJi y+u9. 1�.r��,�rld.b�yYVwRl��l�.1Axl. ,. ..,.i. .���r��� � � .. „�. ,q�A. t. Y , �..� � t. .��.I p.arsl of Ih.�cc..�ad pa��.e1u xer<e..nr. and as..w��. 1�..�a�il. �en.e•e�*�. .�a �t '�-� � ;.l., _,. . ,.. • ru�.M� w-tl . '�sed af the Prcm�vs.1u�e.?n�rtird. a,.�i w�+�•f. .arw, D rl e.�at,r.t iwl �. • �[I. �r.her�tanc:•, !� «v.. ur.� tre wnp7r. •nA l��tM x vutl rtittt:t t,.,� 1• . +a.! kv.tsil rwh.,r er � K �n� I:�s�+"* 1. , .. }.� a. .�A ,!,.r I� �� s 1 f rn-irr .i � ..m.ery the nanrr �.n mann��rnd 4...m �i . �..i .� . �., �... r �,�OCC , �.rl.,1:rCa.in�. .. r.e�.�irns.4aC�•, •.�..in�nl.��n I , ��et. .., r�w',,ir. � i r.'..[ '�!� .. 1 1.. CO Clrt m�CCera �et bOTCh+ia 'F�dli�it rR i[t�ehed �ae�tF And m�de 8 Q�'rC heYeOf. . ��f r.f�.r . . � .a ,.. r t �.., � ., , ! ihe����. I.x•.�i�:•.,���i.�rt ea il�r qu+�a °� �. },, � .�.n ' . J J ��°. � �,fa.h it.. v r s . �. .. � , o r .. �sE��} a �4r.� ,{4.n.r a:l a�+i eysry� ^i..n � I+rr.,.. . . !h.-r�d.:Ae.s�1 pa�+•�1 i�r iv.t par�.h.J!�..�!w�13^.'1.IPrH��t�l -1\S� f r.�F.S'LK 1�1 Fl�.�I� � ��:: 1W1'LJ�tF�VFlI1RlS�A� Yl�e��swE V �y..f+Y3., �A �y� t k rli.,.n.•d r• •� �1�,'�,�..4�35�lC�C r-i e�7.'hr. ir Y�C�e �. od� r.�.ad t .r , ��9. 1, �w+�.. .ia...i ..�r,tarr Ur�:ta'ye:!��+u ��a.l ; .�. wnr• �t�:,[ • ' ��Q+ _ .� . �� � C.�.-.,u,,.,n • •VYC'� .,.,.� , wI,�F'�4�'�itll.0 �� '� ' r`,�oraf ,.o �! � � �f�a .�ly1C ny�.�r,si�w��sn1 w�#1�uyk,cn�.si.eSxr,i 1.�i�e. �„�di• 1�1 i, � Ibr,.l.nre a•+�1 .9 � .'17 ��L{L' cJ. V�.�1 ii .,�,{�.frrilt ti.e.��tarl,.1 (�y,� Tt• �an6U�sff 1Fai1 r....�.��.ea, ir�c. a CoL�c`ac� +�`""k'Q'�"`•"' - � ]rfr�e�rirl�wu.i�ve�r+.,y..,•. �tCa�b+RJC ',�.f+. 1'�0 • W��nf lw.d.�d a1f � ] " .��d�,�,�f r��,i,d�,,3 ,�..„�.� - �----� lia Tt1.rr�+�*�n r�.s'..�r�'u�+--ari"�r•r��a..riw��wr r�a ww�•..�..a. �. � �.14 r .' � 1 ._ .. _ � ' . • . w •!�' . �� f.xAlblC A ta+ lisrrantv Resd +in!nd .2urn• 16. 19?' baC°avre+ Yh�& A���.�CLATSS. ti1G. . :Percy r�t thr f�r�t fxr�j n�d �s.,. Ca�trsc+racl�u (►�r�y <�t tt�e JGcresn+� Pr�r�). :.�wr�It 1. R�� pro�rrtyr ca�ces foc �l7i. �ne� thaca�itur: 4�37 _ . Z. It�Lt�d '�t�te� �ato�nt 1lara^rvc�tlonr; ��� �. R..:rlrtl,n�. a���i�^h rS+. es+�t cuea+aln �t iorP�lc.,• �r e'ti�tt.�r :1�+ii���. �s ���,. c�ne�4no^! 1n in�trv:rn.r�st rr,•���r�•.! rt�.t ��••r i3., 44F4. �n '8n„d I:D ue P.rr•, � .�..-�..-r- 4'11, .�� a.�c [+�rth �,n i,.r�a ,ct r.!>�.d M�r�•en. ■wl.w.l� $. l"l@lCty +�.��M�•-•�nt n. •ulu+wn ��n �.��� Pl.it �+f �f.�ilfL9nn•.v., �i. 'd°h3rd ii14a�. ir����f�- :t���1' t-. f�•;�.�s"'r�S 1tt En:��trra..�ir cwc-���^1�,5 t3.�E lfi..T l+s ��,fr„ltl�tl���'ib:�a�lc1 r�.a��f�.�1�r tt P-ti�,�, 990. �tl,1 ��t.ar,r*��4 Uc:n� ot��s Rhr 5�,•�ie'�••IY r �� �,� ti.•K�c: i�i f�na4 t� y4,t•n ��w.<r a S�r,+t4r4�r1y jwrr ,,t Lbe £ne�torlP Se,c i4n�� I r�t aal�! I,��C � ., �. l'L4T t1� v.ti�;._ .tst ,i• �h.r_�� rtfl tkia• Pfi�- nf �"•�r� u�c ;.�h,Tls'K:1 =n, .��5 s. � o'�.,�•r;�,! i� fn�atr �-��e r�,.nr�tr�� �tre,,i��•r lti. 19P1, in @�.���V 2."1 .�t Pa:,•, �i �i?�. ��.�] a��.r,•wr fin�au r.:�r th.� SO,lS�6e'Yty 5 Frrt �[ Tr��t I1. ' 6. *.:rc�nrl��� 4!.•n iw[drn� '.' br S�9t.��.,rt nf P,.�,�..f 4�. Fm:�1F�^� !:� th•� � ' n! S'17.71i.1R� tw�,.r•',••t '"•y 1?, !4 1�, f n !L�g ?17 at k'a,.• f'S. I (Affro t c Ssy•r i�y l.��t , a�.l ��ttr,r pr•;k••r�_�) - I .r;, ; r . .. r-., .,! Lu :l�.• I"���ra t � ��ir� E i Ci:�S 3"r� � 7. ', }. .�a�'t'„��. . ....t i-.,.�.� .�i th.r r...��ntwr � r s . , ...}.r � . ':1;••1;+,,•� I�f�I�eiltry . . 1:i: ,.r �. !!.r,�+m�w M4-�°, . • . ' . . � � C..t� rr.l.,nl ���I1 �, ..��e� 9:a. .. w r<.! . . � , . I , a . T, . ��..,T,� I �lri...t':t 9�. r 1��. rr 4, i . � (�1fi<•�:ta Tr.� s �l. 4...t � ant ��tS�•,t �,�.. ,ri;:1 �, +.1 r r.rsw 4 � , . . ARt�drr�ul:ri rq li. [}.•.+". . , iri�;_ fr., .. r �:w.. .R�.� ..�� � f'.+ '��9��� ,, . . � , . . �ryl,�iH�ee ir Lw ar 3sru,t�- .xf C°i� C+•�.'�t .[ r�;. 3.� ste�• ,i:�r 1' � : . . H� } !r�r�!+ � $_.'_+�y,Q�1Pp.�)1. �ltt�•! F{lrrit-rC)',7�, 1`l. �. ic���•t•�. y�p.sa�rtri wtv�1�..• , F"Y:.• R u�3'. � �C. fI,���� r,�r� 1 �! 'r, ; �r. ..i tr.ti,a i3 .sr� ��ttr.,. ;,r,�,,�•rc�:1 . . �. ,S.:i .��•',•.tr „r �,,.j. s vr. .i�. ; ••ir Ft !'li•. [:� �� - ' • a�tr.r t aad w�eh ib� (n c�.:atti. t 1� � ul4h 11��• al+�,. j`���:I � 'ir�i� - del��'7 n[tMcr p[r� . . k,wtei.a.,6te ...at�.a 10. s:�,��;e tr� S:. � , - ..., r.. �..5� � .•��.�t, R., t a;,, � . . .. , „st, pr�rsam, .r�1 s�ue I fif �..�n�ir.•t C+•oi vlt4 I�ir a:+,•;•.! ��•�•��I a�i 3rrr . � all kK�nr .�+J ..,.kr� . . . . rarrn� �� i�Ct ��. ::. 't' int r ;r .�' . th� Cn!�„� :� • � .. . �[ � i, + ' . c:1oi.1, f ' �:I'. ',� �r�Y. r�. tii � ,r ' -y' , . . . ... . . . tr�.e .�r!:w 9i'� . ir 'i 1 .�. . _ , �i�. . lt�... 4'-� , , �•� - ih. �ecnwSw+�.r�..ku 17, i`. .. . r..� �...�. . . � ' � . . . .i. !{ �.�.�...� }.., ��.,.. . .- .x rr .�F*. S •.'�t �h �. � tMr rTwsk v rwx M�' �� ;.r � � . . :x �• p•, .. , , �-. 4 .;i . :e rrl�i.r ..�f .�•r::ti .�. 1 •S��v.� iLa. . - • .. '�* � . , . . •.y . l�..t '�! ' t, ':�11 T � - . 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