HomeMy WebLinkAboutWEST DAY MARRIOTT (8)t' DATE r***iTHIS APPLTCATION I|ILL NOT IS SUBUIIIIED***** r. PRE-APPIJCATION IIEEtING: DnE IPP&tCtrlOr APPLICATION RECETVED: DATE OF DRB }IEETING! BE ACCEPTED I'NTIL AI,IJ INFOR}IATION A pre-appllcatlon neeting ulth a plannlng etaf,f ueuber ts etronEly euggested to detemlne Lf any addltl.onal lnfotmatlon ls needed. No aonllcatlon will be acceoted . ft Ls tlre aPplicantrs aoooLntnent rl.th the rtaff to findresponsibtltty to uake an appolntuent rlth the rtaff to f out about additlonal eubnlttal requlreDente. Plcase notethat a COUPLETE appllcatlon u111 rtreanllne tlre approval procesa for your proJect by decreaelng the nunber of conditlons of approval that the DRB uay etipulate. ALL conditl.ons of approval raust be resolved before a building perrnit ls lesued. Applicatlon wl.Il not be processed wl.thout Clwnerre Slgmature. DESCRIPTTON:A. B. IOCATION OF PROPOS Address ,I { hhs Icgal Descrlption lpt Subdivision C. NAI,TE OF APPLICNIT: Block Zoning Phone fitL'UZ?-?SK D. NAI,IE OF Ualling E.NAilE OF OI{NERS: SrctrAEnRE (81 s ltalIing Address: Phone Condonlniun Approval lf appllcable. APPLICANITS REPRESENTATIVE: +. T.1, Nq g-. mayessz /oa S,franhlz 4("'/t'/' etu - &. Ab{2 - Phone (76 -oqzz- F. G. 90$ 10,001 I 50,001 $150,001 $500,001$ Over DRB FEEs Itre fbe will be paid at the tlne a buildlnct oermit Ls oaid for. VALUATION FEE I 10.00 I25.00I so.oo 9100. oo 9200.00 s300.00 - $ 1O,0Oo- $ 5o,ooo- I 15o,Ooo - I 5OO,O0o- 9lrooo,ooo $1, OOO, OO0 Uailinq Address: (ovER) -t II. IUPORTAIIT NOIICE REGAR"DING tI,L SUBUISSIONS TO lfllE DRB: A. In additlon to reetl.ng gubnittal regulreDents' the appll.cant tuet ctake tbe site to lndlcate property I-lnes and bulldlng cornere. Trees that wlIl be renoved Dust alao be uarked. ltrle sork uuet be conpleted before ttre DRa vieite the el.te. The revlcw DroceBB tor lfEt{ BUILDINCS rlll notnally Lnvolve two reparate aeetings of the Deslgrn Review Eoard, so the appllcant ehould plan on at lcaet two rcetlngs for a fl.nal approval. Appllcantg rho fall to aPpear bcfore the Deslgm Review Bolrd at tlroir rclreduled aeetlnE snd rho bav€ not askedfor a postponenent s111 be regul.rad to be rcpubllshed. At tbe dlecrrtlon of tlrc zonlng adnt'nlctrator, the lollowlng ltcne nay not have to bc preacntrd to the Derlgn Revils 8oard. they, houevcr, have to be preaented to tlre Plannlng Dcpartuent tor ap;lroval: a. tflndowe, rkyllghta and gl.nLlar s:*ertor cbanEcsthat do not alter the exletlng planc of the buildinE; and b. Bulldlng addltlons that are not vLcwed fron any other lot or publlc apace, uhlch have trad lettcra eubnitted fron adJotnlng property ownera approvlng the addltloni and,/or approval from the agent for, or DanaEer of a condoniniun assocl'atlon. you lay ba regulred to conduct Natural Hazard Studles on youi property. You ahould check with a Town Planner before proceeding. B. c. D. E. {- I,IATERIAL TO BE SUBUTrIED I.NEW CONSTRUCIION A. Tco coples ofscale of li -following: a ata zo- or laiger, of the elte containl.ng the {. 5. 6. 7. 1. Licensed eutrueyorrs staup. 2. Contour intenrala of not tore than 2r unless the parcel conslsts of 6 acres or Dore, J'n whlch case,5t contour lnterrrals nay be accepted. 3. Existlng treee or groupa of trees having tnrnks with dLaneters ol 4r or Dore one foot above grade. Rock outcropplngs and otber elgmlflcant natural features (llige-boulders, lnteruittent streans, ctc. ) Avalanche areas, centerline of strean or creek, creek or atrean eetback, 100-year flood plain and alopes of {0t or Dore, lf applicable. Ties to existlng benchnark, either UsGs landnark or sewer Lnvert. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface dral'nage on and off slte, strowlng size and tlpe of culverts, Ewales, etc. b. Exact locations of atl utllltles to include existlng Eources and proposed eervice lines frorn sourceE to the etnrcture. Utillties to lnclude: Cab1e IV Telephone c. Property llnes and a basie of Sewer Gaslfater Electric ehowing distances and bearings bearing d. Proposed drlveways wlth percent slope and epot elevations e. All eaEernents (Tltle report nuet also lnclude exiiting easement locations) 8. Existing and flnl'ehed grades. 9. All existing and proposed I'nproveuents I'ncludlng Etnrctures, -landscaped areas, setnrice areas, storage areat, valks, driveuays, off-street.- parklig, loading areas, retaining !?lls (with spot lfevati6ns of top and botton of walls) r lDd other slte funProvenents. 10. Elevatl-ons of too of roof rigqes (YrlFh.exls?lng underneath) to detetmine Fig[E=fEIIding. AII rldge lines should be lndicated on the eite Plan. Iandscaoe Plan (1" - 2O' or larger) - 2 coplea regul.red 1. Show t-be location of {i dl.arneter or larger trees, other rhrrrbs and natl.ve plants that are on tlrerlte and the locatlon and dealgm of propoaed landscape areas ulth the varletlcc and glzes ofplant naterl.als lndlcated. 2. couplete the attached landscape nateriale llst. 3. Ileslgnate all tr€es to be eavcd and all tbose to be reuoved. NOTE:ls ruetr of the aborrc lnforuatlon aa poaelblc ebould be B. indicated on tlre rltc plan, so tlrat ths t'nter-rclatlonof the varlous couponentg ls clear. !f'hc landrcape plan rhould be reparate. lhe exletlng toPographic andvaaatetionel charactcrLgtl.es Dev be rhown on a rgparate C. Slqnature frorn cach utl-l{tv conoanv vcrltying locatlon of aernrice and avall.ablllty (eee attached). PrelLrnl.nanr title report to acconpany all arbulttale, tb lnsure property ovnership and 4,|-!!.E9I9D!g on property. Archltectural Plans (L/4" - 1r or largcr) 2 copl'es reguired. 1. llust lnclude scaled floor plans and all elevatt'ons ae tlrey wlll appear on eonpletlon. Elevatlons rust elow both exlsting and finlghed grades. 2. one set of floor plans nust be rred-li'nedi to show how the GRFA wa8 calculated. 3. Snbrnlt one set of reduced (8 l/zn x 11n) floor plans, elevations and eite plan for inelusion ln ienos-to Plannlng Cornrolsslon and Town Councll . 4. Exterl.or rurfaclng naterlals and colora shall' be epecified and rubnltted for revl'ew on the niterlale llet (attached). color chJ'pe, aldlng aanples etc., ahould be prcsented at tlre Declgn Review Board leetlng. Zone check llst (attached) -nust be coupletcd lf proJect ftonedfngle-Fa!11y, Prluary/Secondary or DuPlex. c. The ZonlnE Adlnlnlctrator and/or DRB Day rcqulre tlre gubnlsslon of addltlonal plans, drawlngs' rpeclflcatl.ons, rauplae and otlrcr latorlala (lncludlng fuodet) lf deened neceBaary to detcrnine uhetlrer a proJect-rill conply uith Deslgrn Guldellnes. II. IIIINOR ALTERATIONS TO ITITE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS. photoE or ehetches that clearly lndlcate what ls proposed and tlre locatlon (eite plan) of the propoeal uay be- tulnfttea ln lleu'of th! nore fornal requlrcDentB gfven. above, as long as they provlde alt lnportant rpeclflcatlons for tire propolal includlng colors and naterlals to be u3ed. D. E. F. vcEctatLonal charactcrletles Dly be rhown on a reparate 't,- ITI. A. Origlnal tloor plans wltJr all speclflcatlong chown. B. lfrro eets of proposed floor plans (l/4" - 1r or larger)tor additions. c. I\ro copies of a slte plan showing exlsting and proposed constrrrctLon. Indicate roof ridge elevatione vith exletl.ng and proposed grrades shown rurderneath. D. Elevatl.ons of proposed addltlon. E. Photos of exlstinE atmcture. F. Speclflcations for aII uaterlals and color lanples on uaterlale llst (attached). At ttre reguest of, the Zoning Adnlnlstrator you Day also be regulred to subnit: c. A rtatenent fron each utillty verlfylng locatlon of eetrrice and avaitablllty. SCe attached utlllty Iocatl.on verificatlon foru. E. A slte Lnprovement sutrrey, stamped by reglstered professional eunreyor. r. A prelininary tl.tle report, verifying ownershlp of property and lists of easenents. IV. FINAL SITE PI,AI{ After a building per:uit has been I'esued, and wlren the proJect ls undenriy, tbe fotlowing sill,be reguir-ed !"fgl:iny-building receiies a franing ilspection fron tlre Building Departnent: - Trro coples of a certifled inprovenent surrrey showing: A. Buildlng locatl.ons with tles to property corters, J'.e. distances and angles. B. Building dinensions to the nearest tenth of a f,oot' c. All utllity senrice ll'nes, as-builts, ehowinE.eize of lines, tlpE of rnaterial used, and exact locations' D. Drainage as-builts. E. Basis of bearing to tle to section corner. F. AII property pins are to be either found or set and etated on DaP. G. AIl easenents. v. H. Bullcllng floor elevations and all roof rl.dge elevatlons rlth cxlstinE and proposed grades shown underneath' CONCEPTUAL DESIGN RE|VIET{ 1. Subrnittal requirenents: The owner or authorized ag-ent @ design ap_proval as.prescribed by this-chipter niy sutiit plins ior conceptual review ly tfre oesiln Reviiw Board Lo the Departrnent of Cinnunity DEvelopnent. The purpose of a- conceptual revlew shalt be to give the aPPltcant.a Daslc understanding wlth iespect toltre design concept and the cornpatibility of a-proposal rith the Desigm Guideliires containea wilfrin tlris chapter' This piociauie is reconuended Dalnly for those appllcations 2. of a higher lupact than rlngle-faully and two-fanlly reeLdencee although proJccts o! ttrat nature shaU notbe rxcluded fron the opportunlty to regueat aconceptual deelEm revlry. 'llhe lollowl,ng Lntonatlon rhall bc rubultted for aconceptual revl.eu: a. I conceptual tltc and landecape plan at a alninunlcale of one lnclr rquale trenty feetl b. Conceptual clevatlonr and cxterlor anterlale and adeacrlptlon of the clraracter of tlre proposedstnreture or structurcsi c. Suffl.clent Lntoruatlon to rhow ttrat the proposal conpll.ee wl.th tlro dcvelognent rtandards of the zone distrlct ln ublch tlre proJect lr to belocatsd (1.e. GRFA, rlte csrroraEe calculatl.ons,nurber of parklng rpac.B, otc.); d. Coupleted appllcatlon torm; e. Plannlng and Envtrorucntal Coultelon and or TownCouncll approval 1l rtgulred. Procedure: Upon r.celpt of an appllcatlon forconceptual deslgn rcvlew, the Departnent of ComunJ,ty Developnent shall rcvlcn the eubultted uaterlals forgeneral conpliance rlth the approprlate regul,renents ofthe zoning code. If the propoeal lg in baeicconpllance with the zonlng code rcqulrenente, theproJect shall be forrrarded to the DRA for conceptualrevlew. If the appllcatlon Ls not gcnerally ln conpll.ance wlth zonlnE code regul,renents, theappllcatlon and eubnlttal raterlale rhall be returnedto the appllcant wlth a wrttten cxplanatton of the DepattDent of Couunlty Developnentrg flndlngs. The DRB ehall revlew the appltcation and rupportlnguaterlal that has been eubuitted for a conceptualreview Ln order to deternlne uhether or not the proJectgenerally conplles wlth the design Euldellnes. No voteof the DRB wlll be regulred unleaa requested by theapplicant. The property owner or hls representatlvechall be present at the DRB hearing. t, IJIST OF IIATERIAI,S ([tt M^/. --'iltan. NAUE OF PRGIECTI LEGAL DESCRIIIIIONS rgt_ BIocK SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS3 DESCRIPTION OF PRQTECI: The followlng J.nforoation Ls Review Board before a final A. BUILDING UATERIAI.S: Roof Siding other lfall l{aterials Fascia soffits l{indows Itindow Trirn Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings ChirnneYs Trash Enclosures Greenhouses other regulred for eubul'ttal approval can be given: TYPE OF I{ATERIAL ttre Deelgn COIOR B.IANDSCAPING:Name of Deslgner: Phone: Botanical Narne / / .-----.-------- t,l PLANT UATERIAI.S: PROPOSED TREES OuantLtv SLze* EXISIING TREES TO BE REUOVED *Indicate caLiper for declduous trees. lrlnlnu_rl calttr?! for aeciau"us iiee-s is-i fncn.s. Indlcate fretgfrt for.coniferous I PIiI{T !{ATERIAIS3 EgltDle1LMDe CaEEAILIIDe ouantLtv ELze* PROPOSED ABRUBS SXISTING SIIRUBS EO BE REUOVED rhdicate Blze of ProPoscd lbt,rtbs. 5 <rallon. &e Egrrrc-EeelcEe GROT'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR I.IETIIOD OF EROSION CIIITROL C. OTttER U|NDSqAPE rEAIIIRES (retalnlng walla, fenccs, rwlunlng poole, ctc.) P1eaee epeclfy. Indicate helghte of rctaining ;;rI;: iixiugr betghf or rlUe wltJrln the tront eet5ack ls 3 feet. ltaxiuul helght o! salle eleewhere on tbe proPerty ls 6 feet. ZONE CHECK 80R sFR, R, R P/S ZONE DTSTRTCTS DATE: r.,EGAL DEscRrPTroliE- Block - Flring ADDRESS: OIINER ARCHITECT ZONE DTSTRIqI PRO9OSED USE IPT SIZE BelEht TotAl GRFA PrlDary GRFA Secondar? GRFA Setbacks: Front Sldes Rear l{ater CourBe Site Coverage Iandscaping Fence/Retaining llall Heigttts Parking Credits: Garage llechanical Airlock storage Drive: Slope Pernitted Environmental,/Bazards: Avalanche Flood Plain Slope Geologlc Hazards Zonlng : Approved/DisaPProved Dates .lllowed SEgDeEeil (30) (33) 201 15 1 151 (30) (50) (3oo) (600) (eoo) (1200) (50) (100) (25) (50) (200) (400) Slope Actual PHONE PHONE Staff Signature ADEOUATE AVAII,ABILTTY AND TIIILITY IPCATTON VERIFICATTON SUBDIVISION JOB NAI'IE I'T BIOCK TILING ADDRESS NOTE: The location and availabillty of utllltles, whether they be rnain trunk lLnee or proposed lines, muEt be approved and verified bythe followlng utilitles for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. West Comnunications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Serrrice conpany 949-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5492 Ted Huskyr/ltichael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 949-5539 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitatlon District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee These verifications do not reLieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public works and to obtain utilitv locations before diqging in any pubtic-ight-of-way or easement in the Town of vail. Abuildinq permit is not a street cut petmit. A street cut permit nust be obtained separately. This form is to verlfy service availability and location. This should be used in conJunction with preparing your utility plan and schedullng installations. * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Va116y Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs nust be addressed. 2o E E ll) hfi 'i slrl l-J'ol ozl slI| tr::; - 3 + ':J -.+ + tr €.-'4.4 1..' t ,II ui(g Jr, di 6e -ea A<LI & 0 ..1 n $) aIIu, tl $ a tuq lL 1.,I. t" Irlll:' 'I I II IE ;{ uT'tlIrlll J! t-.filil J I I h( I I F t F Iii r) q i$ ti I III -2,.J-'t I UL r';' 75 .outh lronl.ge rord vlll, color.do 81657 (303) 476-7000 February 17, L989 oftlcc of communlty developmrnt Mr. Bart GoodMarriott Mark 71.5 West Lionshead CircleVail, Colorado 81557 Reference: Tent adjacent to the pool area at the Marriott Mark Dear Bart, On February L7, 1988, the Design Review Board approved (2) 30'X40' white plasticized canvas tents to be located adjacent tothe pool on the patio at the Marriott Mark. Please see the attached site plan for the specific location of the tents. The Design Review Board's approval had one condition, that the tents be erected fron June to Septenber 30th. The approval was goodfor 1988 and 1989. If you have any further questions about the approval please feelfree to caII me at 479-2138. Sincerely, {d,rfon?r,t Kristan PritzSenior Planner KP: sm Enclosure X \-A€rf r-6 4 \-t -L \\It -\ta\ -{ rl$o- $ SFql At. I-a<_B- I. IIATERIAL 1!O BE SUBI{ITTED NEW CONSTRUCTION A. Ttro coples of a tooocrraohic rnap and site olan at_a ecale of tt - 20' or- la-ger, of the eite contalning the followlng: 1. tlceneed surnreyorrs strnp. 2. Contour intenrala of not oore tlran 2' unless the parcel conslsts of 6 acres or Dorer -ln whlch case, 5r contour intenale uay be accepted. Exleting trees or ErouPs of trees having tnrnks wlth dlineters of i" oi aore one foot above Erade. 4. Rock outcropplnga and other elgnificant natural featuree (tlrEe-bouldere, lnternittent ctreans' ctc. ) . 5. Avalanche areas, centerline of etrerrn or creek, creek or strean getback, lOO-year f,lood plain and slopee of, {0t or Dore, lf, appllcable. 5. Ties to exLsting benchnark, either USGS landnark or getrer invert. 7. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site' etroilng size and tlpe of culverts, suales' etc. b. Exact locatlons of all utllities to include exlsting aources and proposed service lines fron sources to the sln-cture. Utllltles to lnclude: 3. cable w Telephone Sewer Water GasElectric c. ProPerty llneE ahowing distances and bearings and a basis of bearlng d. Proposed drlveways wlth percent slope and epot elevatlons e. AII easernents (Title report nust also I'nclude ;tGEIng €asement locatlons) 8. Exieting and finiehed Erades. g. All exlsting and proposed luprovenents I'ncludlng atructures, landecaped areas, Eenrlce areas, storage areas, walk-, drivewayg, off-street,. parkiig, loading areis-, retalnlng 1?Ils (wlth spot Ltevati6ns of t6p and botton of walls), and other eite iuProvenents. 10. nlevations of too of foof riQoes flrllh,exlgtlng derneath) !o detemine @ Alt rrdge rines ehourd be lndicated on the elte Plan. B.IelilEgfDe-Etln (1rr - 2Or or larger) - 2 coples requlred 1. thow the locatlon of {i dlaueter or larger trees, oUrer rhnrbs and natlve plante that are on the ritc and tlre locatlon and deslEm of proposed landscape arcaB vltlr the varletles and llzes of plant naterlale I'ndicated. 2. CoDplete the attached landscape lateriale llet. 3. Deslgnate aII trcee to be gaved and all tlrose to be renoved. As ruch of the abona infotnatl'on ra possl'ble lhould be ro that tlre Lntcr-relatl.onLndicated on tlre glte Plan, ro ttrat tlre lntcr-r€latlonof the varl,oue couDoncnte t's clear. The tandgcape planof the varioue coDponentB rhould be reparate. lfho exletlng topographlc and vcaetatlonal-characterlstlcs_!ay- U" *tor1 on a reparate Dap. NOTE: sicrnature fron ea;h ut+l+ty conDanv verifylng location of servlce and availablllty (aee attached). Prell.ninanr title report to acconp?ly aU eubulttals, to tniure property ownerehlp and 1|"l-eigeneglg on property. Archl.tectural Plans (L/4" = 1r or larger) 2 coples required. 1. Uust lnclude ecaled floor plans and all elevatlons as they will appear o-n cornpletlon. Elevatlons nust ehow both existl'ng and f,inlshed grades. 2. One set of floor ptans nuEt be ired-li'nedn to ehow lrow the GRFA wae calculated. 3. Subnlt one eet of reduced (8 l/zn x 11n) floor ptans, elevatl'ons and eite plan for I'nclueion in iernos'to Plannlng Conmissl'on and Town Councll. 4. Exterior surfacing uaterials and colorg rhall be epecified and eubnltted for revles on the uiteriale llst (attached). color chips, eldlng ranples etc., rtiould be prcrcnted at ttre Design Rev-l'ew Board ueeting- Zone check llst (attachedl) -nust be conpleted lf proJect ffi -dA-srnde-FanllyrPrluary/Secondaryortluplex' c. The Zonlng Adlnlnletrator andr/or DRB lay rcgulre ttre- eubmlesloi of addltlonal plans, drauings speciflcatl.ons, ranplcs a;d otisr uateitlts- (tncludlng a-aode1) I'f deined necessary to dctern{ne ubctber a proJect-viII cornply wittr Deelgn Guldell'nes. IT. UINOR ALTERATTONS IqO flIE EXTERIOR OF BUTLDTNGS. photos or rketches that clearly tndlcate what Le proposed and the location (slte plan) of the proposal uay be. subnitted Ln Ileu-of the nore for:nal regulrenents glven. above, as long as they provide aII luportant speclf.lcations for tire propoial includlng colors and naterials to be useal. c. D. E. r. NAI'iE OA PRO.7ECI3 fro LEGAL, DESCRfPTION:roT_ BrocK t4 SBREET ADDRESS! t I,IST OT UATERIAIS Q^V SUBDTVISION DESCRII{TION PRq'EgI: 5 The followlng J.nfornation Le Reviev Eoard before a ftnal A. BUILDING UATERIAI,S: Roof Sidtng other wall Uaterlals Fascia Soffits- 2r.tsio ;i:il""F*is Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenbouses Other OF * reguired for subulttal approval can be given: TIPE OF IIATERIAI tb^&s loa,Q-co*q 9ln to ttre Deslgn COI'R zleh a 'Araa^) B.IANDSCAPING:Nane of Deslgner: Phone: PI.AITT I.TATERIAI.9: PROPOSED TREES Botanl-cal Narne CaEngLNeEe ouantltv Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REI{OVAD *Indicate -NT caliper for declduous trees. @-treei is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous trees. PIiNT UATERIALS3 Botanl'cal Nane eonnon Nane ouantitv t "* PROPOSED STIRUBS EXISTING STTRUBS TO BE REUOVED rlndicate size of proposed ahnrbs. 5 trallon. Tvpe Scruare Footaoe GROI'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROI, c. oTttER I'|AI{DSCAPE FEATITRES (reta!.ning walls, fencea, rylgnfns nools, etc.) Pleaee specify. Indicate heights of retalning;;ii;: i.ii.",--rrtrgnt-or ciue wlthin the-front retback is 3 feet. t{aximun height of walls elsewbere on the Property is 6 feet. III. A. OrigLnal floor plans wl.ttr all cpeciflcatl.ong rbown. B. Trro sets of proposed floor plans (l/4" - 1r or larger)for additlons. c. t\ro copiee of a slte plan showing exlsting and proposed constnrctl.on. fndlcate roof r.ldge elevatlons withexlstlng and proposed grades ehown underneath. D. Elevatl.ons of proposed addltlon. E. Photos of cxlstl.ng etrnrcture. F. Speclfl,catlons for all laterlals and color eauples on laterlals llst (attached) . At the reguest of ttre Zonlng Adnlnlstrator you uay also be required to gubnit: G. A atatenent fron each utility verlfyJ'ng locatlon of eenrice and availabillty. See attachedl utlllty locatlon verlflcation for:m. ll. A eite J.mprovement sunrey, starnped by registered professional surrreyor. f. A prellulnary tltle report, verlfylng ownershlp of property and lists of eaeements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a bullding pernit has been lssued, and uhen the proJect ls undenrly, tlre following s111-be required !"fgt:iny-building receivis a franing inspection fron the Building Departnent: - l!'o eopies of a certlfied inproveuent survey showing: A. 8ullding locations with tles to property corners, i'e' distances and angles. B. Building dlnensl'ons to the nearest tenth of a foot' c. AIl utilitv eenrlce Ilnes, as-bullts, showlng gize of lines, typi of naterial used, and exact locations' D. Drainage as-builts. E. Basie of bearing to tle to eection corner. F. All property pins are to be either found or get and etated on DaP. G. All easenenta- H. Building floor elevatl.ons and a1l roof ridge elevatl.ons slth exietLng and propoeed grades shown underneath' v.CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REVIEW 1. Submlttal requirementF: The o$ner or authorlzed agent @g desigm approval as.prescribed ti itis-cnipier niy suliit plins ior conceptual review ri tfre oestln Revi6w Board to the Departnent of Ciununity D6velopnent. The Puryoae of a. conceptual reviev eha1l be to Eive the appllcant.a Daslc unatrstanding with iespect to the desigm concept andaii;-;fi;iruirrty of a proposal wlth the DeslEn Guldeli-nes containea wiinin this chapter' This F;;il; is reconnended nainly for ttrose appllcations 2. of a hlgher lnpact tlran llngle-f,anlIy and two-flPtly. resldenies altlough proJects of that nature ghall not be cxcluded trou the opportuntty to rcguest a conceptual deslgm review. The tolloulng lnforoatlon ehall be rubultted for a conceptual revleu: a. A conceptual rl.te and landscape plan at a rolnl'uun rcala of one lnch rquals twenty feet; b. Conceptuat elcvatlons and e:Gerlor laterl'ale and a deecrlptlon of Ure ctraracter of tlre propoeed atnrcture or rtnrcturcsi c. aufflclcnt lnfoluation to rhov ttrat tlre proposal couplles slth tlre derrelopnent rtandarde of tlre zone dlstrlct tn uhlch ttre proJcct le to be located (1.e. GRFA, el.te coveraEe calculatlons, nunber of parkLng .Paces' ctc.); d. Conpleted appllcatlon forDi e. Plannlng and Envlronrnental Connlesion and or Town Councll approrral lf requJ'red. Procedure: Upon recelpt of an appllcatl'on for conceptual aeslgn revl,ew, the Departnent of couunlty Developnent shall revl.ew the subnltted naterl'ale for generai cornpllance slth the approprlate regulronents of fhe zonlng -ode. If the propoeal le ln baslc eoroplianci vith the zonLng code rcgulrenents, the proJect ehall be forvarded to the DRB for conceptual iev-lew. If tlre appllcatlon ls not generally ln conpllance with zonlng code regulrenents, the appllcation and subrnlttal uaterials shall be rcturned t-o- tfre appllcant wlth a wrltten cxplanatlon of the Departnent of Connunlty Developuentra findt'nge.. .Iha DRB shatl revlew the appllcatlon and rupportlng uaterl.al that hae been aubnitted for s conceptual revLew in order to deternine whether or not the proJect qenerally conpllee with the deslgn gruidell'nes. No vote 5r tne ona utrr be regulred unless reguested by the appllcant. 'lltre property owner or hle representatlve ehall be present at the DRB hearlng. . /2*, ..,/ ( trz )(,/d I I Project Application Date proiecrName: 'a /l'-i'Cor"/o /nB ,fl3/-*5 oiJ-l'',tt-,4rhnp.t,#"sr,"t,"rt,fu,r,rv'-i Proiect Description:'e/,;ht" b/r'nq s/t ,trst ,4da rur/ prl* '22 - tooct lronfrt Ic b/coz;1 f,At Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architecr, Address and phone: Dtt,t1( /ry'+rr , flur .4n' /+ lryf: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Commentsi Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ,:5 'aar ,h l(/')2-/):/w ,t /- </ts jit .// tn,i'/; o lY ' >s t t ti/t i,,))a' i./,+c*r\ct Vr,.u oro,f:(, yrd*v, a ,.,, w / \ 7.7.,-/ 4<rJ y,.,/i.t-,,,./;/ ih,. t, ,.,tr7. ( r ,/,;,, ,.- Town Planner ttti /,N -^ t ! l/z irr "', /' . ,/' , ': t' n; .,,;/;rfu: ftr,t",'s v/ o^t" , /r/1C n^" WHILE YOU T'UERE OUT DNA IPDI.IEIIION DATE APPLICATION RECETVED: DATE OF DRB }T88TING: 'rrr*rllllS APPIJfCATION WrI,L NOtr BE ACCEPIED ITNTIL AIJ, INFORI'IATION IS SUBI,!ITTED***** I. PRE-APPI,TCATION IIEEIING: It ls the applictntrsresponsibtltty to rnake an appointnant sith the etaff to find A pre-appllcatlon DeetlnE wl.th a planning etaff nernber lestrongly cuggested to deter:ul.ne lf any addltlonallnfomatlon ls needed. No apolicatLon wLll be aceepted out about additlonal eubulttal requlreDents. Please notethat a COUPLETE appllcatlon w111 rtreanllne the approval process for your proJect by decreaslnE the nunber of eonditlons of approval that the DRB nay stlpulate. ALL condltlons of approval rnust be resolved before a bulldingpa:rnit Ls Lesued. Appllcatlon nill not be processed without Ownerrs Sigmature. A.PRO'EEI DESCRIPTIONS E.IOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address . L;o^rhhta{(lArL Co; Legal Descrlption l,ot Block Subdivision Zoning c. D. E. NAI'IE OF APPLICANT: o3a phone t6-6 2t .l388Mailing Address: aethesstt lJa.J Uailing Address: Lht-Phone *7U - o.( 7- NAI'IE OF OWNERS: 8IO!|IEURE(sl r #be Condoninlun Approval Lf appllcabte. To Phone 1+a l*s ,^rgr^*ttL} . "^tifin:ddress: F. G. VALUATTON s o- I 10,001 - $ 50,001 - $150,001 - $500,O01 -$ Over $ 10,O0OI 50,Ooos 150,ooo$ 5oo,ooo sl, 000, 000 $1r 000, oo0 EEE I IO.OO 9 25.00 s 50.00 $100.002 9200.00 9300.00 NAI.IE OF APPLICNITIS REPRESENTATI\TE: (ovER) II. I}'PORTA}{T NOTICE REGAR"DING AI..L AUBI.ISSIONS TO THE DRES A. In addition to aeeting rubulttal. regulrenents, the fppllcant luBt stake the slte to Lndicate propertyIines and bulldlng corners. Trees that will Le rEnoveduust algo be uarked. Thle sork uuet be conpletedbefore the DRB vlelts the eLte. A. The revleu proceBB for [Et{ BUU.DfNGS rlll normallyLnvolve two Beparate ueetl.ngs of the Desigm RevieiBoard, so the appllcant ehould plan on at-leagt twoleetings tor a fl.nal approval . C. Appllcants wtro fall to appear before the Deslgn ReviewBoard at thelr tcheduled ueetlng and who have-not askedfor a postponenent yill be requlred to be republlshed. D. At the dlscretlon of the zonLng adnlnl.etrator, thefollowlng lteuc uay not have to be preeented to theDeslgn Revlcs Board. They, however, have to bepresented to the Plannlng Departuent tor a;rproval: a. l{indows, ckyllEhts and glnilar cxterior changesthat do not alter the existlng plane of thebullding; and \ b. Bulldlng additions that are not vlewed fron anyother lot or public Bpace, which have had letterssubnitted-fron adJolning property owners approvingthe additlon; and,/or approval fron the agent for, - or Danager of a condouiniun agsociation. E. you nay be requlred to conduct Natural Hazard Studieson your property. You ehould check with a Town planner before proceeding. :;.:(. ''*s :* x':at -> Ao>aD ftDFl'"-a^riaL Brres. o . ?-tt 8:€o a.a. fu7tc: lhoa &// s//dt^, an all b r/ard f 'ur/at a/saa//ct- /rr.,??,,/4 2 O11,ta- t-l*tl /2"oo- ntmha.a, t/g//! "rln//a-, , ft//a ry ryr?% /2"a,4,a acil 3"caa2? ,%.,i. /*J /ectr/a f, r?n//*a4tt - dl 8,/z' - 4 g" tn1/q-( /' skc,/ "t fu July 21, 1990 The Mark Lodge Condominium Association 715 West Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 Attention: Mr. Kaiser Morcus, President RE: Artinian Residence Dear Kaiser: Per our recent conversations, Mr. Ron Aninian is requesting the approval of the Mark lndge Condominium Association for the remodeling of units 583, 585, 683 and 685 in accordance with the plans and specifications issued by PiperArchitecs dated 7/10D0, Monroc Engineering Consultants datadz/nDO revised 719D0: Y&er Engineering Consultants, Inc. dated 7/11D0, and Associates III dated 1/19D0 revised 7110190. To comply with the requiremens of rhe Town of Vail and of the Association, the following clarifications are submined: I . As approved by the Town of Vail Development Depaflment staff, the six existing siiding glass door units will be rcplaced with Pella unis of equivalent size (approximately 6 ft. wide). The glass lighs will be of equivalent size and the exterior of the frames and casings will be painrcd to match the color of other existing units. It is rcquested that the Association also approve increasing the width of two of the six existing sliding glass door units from 6 feet to 8 feet. The two units are adjoining and are located on the sixth floor in 683 and 685. Mr. Aninian is aware that this requested revision to the size ofthe openings will also requirc the approval of the Town of Vail Design Review Board and such approval will be sought at his expense. 2. As approved by the Town of Vail Dwelopment Deparunent staff, additional balcony railing pickea will be installed to bisect the gap in th9 existing pickets and the materials used will be of equivalent size and color to match existing materials. 3. The plans and qpecifications include the installation ofa fire qprinkler system. We will insure that the desigl, rr,aterials and installation of the system will be compatible with the general system to be installed throughout the balance of the building. K Morcus, President The Mark Lodge Condominium Association July 21, 1990 Page2 4. Smoke/alann detection systems as required will be compatible with existing building systems. 5. Corridor entry doors, locks and hardwarc wil be compatible with existing appearances, operation and keying systems. 6. The two exhaust fans to be added on the sixth floor as set fonh in in the plans and specificuions should not create any significant problems - should- the building conidor be pressurized at some futurc date. See arached Memo dated 7 f2l,lfi fromYoder Engineering Consulunts. 7. The addirionofcertainnon-building sandardelecrical appliances, steam showers, spa, and washer and dryer will increase the electrical consumption forihe residence. As separate met€ring of the residence is not compatible with the existing building's electical systems, it is proposed that the increase in electrical consumption be compensated for iep-arately based on the crireria set forth in the attached Memo dated 720D0 from Yoder Engineering Consultants, Inc. 8. It. is undentood that any party employed or retained by Mr. Aninian - for the rcmodel of his residencl i"iU Ue ni,fuired to comply with therules and regulations of the Marriott as set forth by the building rnanagement Mr. Aninian is most anxious to proceed with the remodeling and rcquests the Association's approval as soon as possible such that a building permit can be obtained- Please indicate the Association's approval where indicated below and return a copy to my office. Ifan alternate formofapproval isrequird please advise. SUBMITTED FOR RON ARTINIAN by: TIIE MARK LODGE CONDOMINII'M ASSOCIATION BY: KAISER MARCUS, PRESIDENT Atmchnpnts FIEI.IORANDU!I TO Frank Freyer FF{On Deve Yader DATE 7-7Q-9t) RE Artlnian Ragidence Fans f,9O46O.01 The heat rel le? exhaust fang addcd te the ArtLnlan conds- rniniurn are for exhausting heat g:in prinarily as golar' gain in the spr ing, rurnmer, and f al I . l.lith corr ldor actres3 clased, thcre fans will have na nolicesblr er rneasurable aflect sn any co'r,ridcrr presturlzation systeor.- These fans havd a beckward inqlined blade r,rhich mcans if they are aperated wtth all opentng.l ta the conds,rniniurn in a €I,3secl position, ihe amount ef air actu.al 1y exh.ru=ted thrrrrjg6 the fans decreases. IlEHORANDUI.' TO Frank Freyev FROFI Dave Yo6er DATE 7.L.J-9O Artinian Condo Estlrnated E1 ectrical Energy Eests The follcrwing assumFtions and cosis are for elecirlcal equipment and devi,:es ncrt normally includ€d in the stand- ard rcrom/cando in the Vai, 1 i"lark harrioit. l,Je have assurneC 25 veeks ol full rrccupancy Per ye.ar, of whi';h t5 qreeks u!, 11 gcaur in tne,rrinter tiroe and 3 during !ne sunmer geagon. The spa has 2 ccmpcnents, the rnotar snct the heacar. The ' 'rnoul? ui!1 ogsralE + days per r,leek during the 15 treek ,,rinter perioo anc t day per ueeli dur ing the I weell sur|rmer per iod .rnr5 r.r!l I run I h':'.rr psr day. As a 2 HP rncccr, it ',r i ! I qonsurne i0'r-. 5 ktril per year. The sPa healer ,.r i 1 ! operai*- ?5 treeks Fer year, 7 days per ljeek r ?+ h€LlrB 9er clayr ac 5 kwh wiih a.!3 ccerai:'ng fac:or (ihj'5 rs an sducaE ed guesst iraacu.) f or 3, 15() k'"]n Fer year. Total =nergy ccnsurnpl:€rt'l ?OF lne sFa fnOlOr an6 he3ier per year uil! be 3125,) kwh per year. Ea,:n s;aarne ril I c,oeraie + 6ays per './aek in ii'la sin!er gnd t cey per r.reek in :ie :utnrner -1! I h,:u'r Fer cay ano F, !r',,rh 9er E!a3fter . tJrr; B ictal, ,f f :!8 3!eatnerS' !n:s is 979 kvrn par y€er . Th,: trras;ler anC dr;zer ',, ! ! I be usec f c,r 2 lt'ads Fer cteyr 5O days $f rhe year. The iolal ene:'gy pet !oad is a.7 k'.,n, uhic:'i includes tne Cryer 5r:€,5i-o!'ian. The irc'ial year !.y i63d ie 7'3+ kuir. The bath f ,rns hsve l3OO uatt he.:tersr uh ich lre are assutn- ing ''ril, I be u::.1i:ec 2 hcurs per day f or tha 15 weells :n lhe ,.1inter and .i ,'r'f an hrrur per d.ay f or ine ? ureeks i'n the sutmmer, fqr a :$tgi el + fanE of 1r*?O ll'.rh Per year' Tne 30 tratt f an meior ensygy per r'an ig c,rngidered to be under the ,:ondominiun standerd crf el l c,:ndorniniu,og and isnot included. fhe refrigerator ennual energy ure assuming 1OO7. occupan- ':y €tr €ont inueu3 oparat Lon o( the ref r igrrator ir 1, SOrl Itwh per year pcr the rnanufecturertr dete. The addittdnal rcraf exhausts rr. rssurnecl tD operate 3haurg per day during the r.rinter end 12 hours per day dur tng the sumnrer , lor a total f or tvo f anE a?f 37€ kr+h Per yeir. Thc humidificrs each have a 7.42 kwh heater and areagsumad to oper ate sith a .35 use factor durino thevinter period onlyl far a tolel annuat usage'of 1gO lrsh. All cf the abuve tgtat Ar422 kwh per yaar at e current e1 ectrical rate rtl 6.5 centg per k!,,h rty gJlZ per ycer.This is apprcrximately tSO per month. Obviously, these csiinates are based on assumpttone ofu:rage which ',rilI be highly vrriable, By indicating theannqal kr.rh fc,r esch itern end cantinuing the asgsmptionthat usage is linaar, lt is possible ta ad.just thisegtimare by the percentage variEtlsn. For exanple, ifuinier cr€cupanEy r.riIl be IesE then 15 r.leeks, e 3traightrat j.6 can be ursed to roduce the egti,rnated energy ccsi, i.,. e6-e- 4qVs."* f/,r4-+"/) Lf Al ef,yy.--,)ff trf-.t- fn6?l f O€&l-/nn? " -i 0-- er'/ 84L K*/ r*cl'/(-As6.-u 'c vn * * - -*-...1 i * - -ffe*--'M l-:U.dar&zsr.-aaa/.6'!4./f *--'----'i'"' i ': ' furjL r r-gs ttErt rF-zs= s Er = - 9 t+ 9 - .+ <+ E s 'July 11, I990 FAX ENANSI|IITAI, Tos J111 lamcrer Dept. of Conlunlty Developco€nt ,479 2157 FrcDt Duane Dlper Fiper / Architects ffitr0 JUL 1t 19eo ?-eL' Re3 Pgg. A*tlnlanllarrLott ry R€stdcattal Renod:lEotel Note: As per your regue$t of Frank FrcyQs for addlltlonal infornation on the rlidlng door unltt at the elat beloony' q.,uf:--1 1-eE r.-rEE 1o54 Era=-e4e-445= I @8#ootNc crASS DooRS F. r32 \-/ sIzE TABIES Scule l/4" = 1'0" 3' I ?l| rom:3'lt/l' urrt; 3ll?4" (ulrir lT-*'lxutltlill tliltilllltllilrtllilil| -Jll o-itlcs UI: ,*s raos# b iE F.: opc ln* Fnrne Chsr Otcrrl ( Fnme Glast 8' l l?rn 8'IlUn" It l3/r" n*w ll'g ll' s|/r" ill;V1" 4' t lif,t'' rtrtxr 4' I lll" ri rrrr, 25:tls" tliii4) X0.25CS {Orrp, ) 0x.t tclt X(IlllCllt0pp.) 3' l 3/r" ru$r ll' I l/a" rr't*r J ri't', tttl(il l' -'-*--------l 0rnctd Nolcr Dctcrnrinc Iluq widl.h wilh thc fttlltttttinp formtrltr: Type 0 Itrilne width min$ l'r- t/l', l}pu 0X ot X0 Frumo width minu 7.ll{" d jvidcd b)r ?. Typc 0X0 l'rirmc width minus ll.l/tl" dividcd hy:1. Typc 0XX0 Fnnc wirlth minur 13.Iru" rlivirlcd by 4. 6la*r hci*ht i* frumc hcight minu$ lt.;l/H", Sgcclrl.S',e Unltr- . Xeorr rpeci+l-siae Cli$s diffcn$ionti tr) lhr ns rc|{t l/4', r Mlximum wirlth to hcight ratio is 3 to I for {lu$s in lny vsnt prrncl, r Typc 0XX0 dmrr qnnot pxcccrl ti' lt- l/l{" frarnc hcight, r Mlr*imunt ftmtc $izcri arc as shown in lhc tuhlc of siitsc. ' Minimutn f;liEs width p€r Fncl is 12" in Typc o &)rrrsl 24' in ull olhcr drxrr lypcs. a$5' I l;iir" 5' llVr" 3l:V4" r,l lrll l3 iil;rl) Irr0t'l E Tlnl t! 7't7l rll0ltl (:l ?,10j {t lit?l l ,til rl rflll (l lll0J {ri06) I I I 5, lllA- ,5'n%' 3lrVl.' oxo-ll tcs ,ks.-61EE ic iD i.i oxxo.S lcli ODcnlnS FrImG Gltrss n'u?r, tt'll:ff" 3lil,t" 3$ ctx"Slcs.s xo-3tcs-E ( X r Slidin! I'ancl.0 Stltionary PEncl (Whcn viowed from otrtside of buildind) ox.25cs 0x0.3rcs.tt0.31c$ . t-Y!:.1 1-ee I'IEII tUo =E=-e4e-4'1 6= O ffiCLADY4 STIDING GTASS DOORS P-g=s UNIT SECTIONS Scale 6" - l'(t" I io lr ts g d s $ | !1, i"liti ul. l-*i- sltt All dimcruion$ ilrs to thc ncar$t l/16', iir\,: -T FirI FIXED JAIIB Er.f=E=-949-446=-gE l,I E ll ITslUlrI i tl l. {$i rl I : ir t3 ll $I /l' \.L ll 1 o I B{ 1g ife .f. I rlIi iq r'j t lr ')l iq {$ II t {". rq ir lI r| 0ttI 6 I J it tll TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department January 8, 1990 Work Session on proposed major amendment to Special Development District #7 - The Marriott Mark Resort I.BACKGROUND OF THE PROPOSAL The Marriott Corporation is proposing to construct 67 vacation ownership condominiurns adjacent to the existing hotel . The Marriott Corporation believes that this conceptwill have significant benefits to the existing hotel and tothe Town of Vail and they intend to complete the project utilizing the same high quality standards that have been established in their other vacation ownership properties. The proposed building is located south and east of the . existing Marriott Mark parking structure. Proposed is anadditional J-oL parking spaces which equals I L/2 spaces per dwelling unit. The condorniniurn units would each be l-200 sq.ft. representing 80,400 sg.ft. of additional GRFA.Building height proposed is in the vicinity of 65 feet wittr building setbacks on the west and south sides of 5 feet" A najor element of the proposal is to construct significant interior and exterior improvements to the existing Marriott Hotel . Proposed site improvements include greatly increased landscaping and public walkways throughout the site. Also proposed is to construct sidewalks from the project west to South Frontage Road. Infornation that has been submitted to the staff includes prelininary fl-oor plans, elevations,vicinity map, existing conditions, pedestrian and vehicularcirculation and access, site plan and typical uni-t plans aswell as a visual analysis frorn six different locations aroundthe project site. II. EXTSTING ZONING FOR SDD #7 In researching the development of Special DevelopmentDistrict $7 and the Marriott Hotel history, we have found aIack of clear, concise and comprehensive inforrnation. This is due in part to the fact that the hotel has been developed ina variety of phases and uses within each development stage. Moreover, there have been a series of ordinances and amendments to SDD #7 which appears have never resulted in a comprehensive set of development plans or zoning ordinances. We do, however, know that the site is built to its maximumdensity as allowed by SDD #7. To the best of our knowledge,the site contains 247 acconmodation units and 53 dwelling units with a total of about 134,000 of GRFA. With the sitearea of approximately 5.17 acres, this represents a density of a little more than 34 dwelling units/acre. Of course the site contains a substantial amount of square footage devotedto conference and meeting facilities, restaurants, nightclubs, recreational amenities and hotel ancillaryfacilities. The hotel began construction in l-973 and applied for SDDstatus in L977 under two different ordinances. Afterconstruction of the first phase another addition was appliedfor in 198L under an amendment to sDD #7. This phase . incl-uded the conference center with lodge rooms and condominiums above. Although we do not have all of the accurate inforrnation regarding the existing zoning on thisproperty, suffice it to say that the property has no development rights renaining under existing zoning and thatthe focus of the work session should be on the proposed new proj ect. III. PRELIMTNARY ISSUES AND CONCERNS Planning staff has conducted a revier/ of the project as well as the Public Works/Transportation Departrnent. WhiLe acknowledging that the Master Land Use Plan encouragesadditional tourist accomrnodations to be sited in the centralor core areas of Vail, it certainty does not do so if it isto the detriment of sound land use and site pJ-anningprinciples. The staff's primary concern is that the projectis too much for this existing high density mixed-use site. We have no problems with the vacation ownership approach and acknowledge that the Marriott Corporation has developed several very high guality vacation ownership projects throughout the country. Time share projects generally retaina higher year round occupancy than any other tourist accommodation use and this fits well within Vail's policiesto level-off seasonalities of guest visits. An attracti-ve element of this proposal is the substantial upgrading of theexisting hotel, especially the publip pedestrian way throughthe property fron east to west. This pedestrian way wouldprovide a much needed irnprovement to the connection of the Lionshead Mall to the West Day Lot and Arterial BusinessDistrict. The building and associated parking structure are proposed onthe only renaining open space on the entire site. while areas to the east on the property do not have buildings on them, they are used for the location of recreational amenities such as tennis courts and a swinming pool/deckarea. We feel that the scale of developnent is too large andthat the mass and bulk is pushed too far to the south and west sides of the site. If there were to be additional development on this property it would seem to be better located to the north over the existing parking structure andit should step down from east to west to help alleviate the nassive west elevation of the existinq hotel . Developnent in this area would maintain the existing rrgreenrr open space on the site and preserve the integrity of the public bicycle/pedestrian path adjacent to Gore creek. As proposed, the building would impose upon the bicycler/pedestrian path and compromise that recreational experience. The Pub1ic Works Department has the foLlowing cornnents: . --fmprovements to the South Frontage Road at the intersection of West Lionshead Circle would be required to facilitate the additional traffic Aenerated by the proposal . --Drainage plans need to be provided. --Storm sewer adequacy? --The hotel would be responsible for the maintenance of the public pedestrian walk through the site. --Drainage improvements on Lionshead Circle would be required. --Emergency access wouLd need to be 20 feet wide. --sno$r storage capabilities? --Bike/pedestrian path is not maintained in the winter and v.A. 's snowmobiles use this to access the mountain- A variety of additional submittal materials will be required for this project including a fu11 environrnental impact report, an evaluation of the SDD design criteria, infornation pertaining to the proposed fractional fee ownership, a title report and other requirements that are necessary to review the proposal . A number of letters opposing the project have been received fron neighbors on Forest road. A general letter fron the neighborhood has been received but signed only by the Jacobson's and Alice Parsons. AIso a letter has been received from CLinton Ames. These are enclosed. o ecember Mr. Peter Patten Town of Vail Planning Dlrector75.South Frontaqe RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Patten, 29, 1989 Th.e residents and homeowners on the west part of Forest Roadhave become aware of the Mark Marriottts and Kaisar Marcousrsintention. to get the approval of the Town of VaiIrs planningstaf f to build an enormous srx sT0Ry TrME-SHARE BUIL-DrNG, ttith67 units, and to be built right on Gore Creek. This building would vlolate all zoning codes for the area. TheMarriott is already built out to thelr miximum, and this densitywas even over the origional allotment for the area. They rvereable to get it through by getting a speclal district approval, ofwhich none of the homeowners on Fores t Road were given' notification. We can not believe they are at the Townts door again asking formore special favors. Their track record from the Iast additlon,further demonstrates their record of poor performence and Iackof concern for our neighborhood. We were promised by you andyou office that the area below the tennis courts would be landscaped,and so would the huge ugly birm. Not only were they never landscapedbut ugly pipes and the like stiIl protrude. In fact just last summer they dumped more dirt and refuge over the edge toward thecreek and in our view when they dug out their volleybaIl court. The west Forest Road filing and neighborhood were part of theorigional filings of the Town of VatI. These properties were purchased by origional investors for their privacy and seclusion,long before Lionshead had any buildings. Since that time we have been victimized over and over again. We have had sewage plants, snow cats, snow mobiles and excesslve construction vehicles shoved up our I'back yardsrr. Not to mention the fact that the west end of our road was orlglonaJ. 1y to be a culdesac. We never asked for the bridge or were consulted when it was put ln, causing further downgrading of our once quiet nelghborhood. For the past fifteen plus years we have been continuously encroached on by the Lionshead sky scrapers. This addttion to the Marriott property wilI create arrNew York City" effect along Gore Creek and in our neighborhood. Our neighborhood dosenrt even have peace in the summer. As the Marrioit moves outside with their tentsr meetings, parties and bands we suffer the amphitheater effect. As one neighbor put it rrhe knows the words to every Umpah band selection and is a party to every meetingrr. The height of the exlsting Marriott buildings reflect every noise into our bedroom wlndows any additional buildings would worsen the the problem. Even now the sounds broadcast across Gore Creek are of higher volume than those of the F<ird Amphitheater. The density and zoning laws were put in place for very good reasons. To even consider changing them in any way to allow one enity to linetheir pockets at the expense of everyone else is a travesty. If thisis allowed to happen, every zonLng code in the Town of VaiI is rendered worthless. You might as well tack a rrl.le Too'r clause onto every piece of property within sight of the planned Marriott Monstrosity, and then we will really have New York/Lionshead. Gore Creek, along this stretch, once was a beautiful pristine meadow, and even though now basterdized by the ugly existing berm it is still one of the few places that one can enjoy the beauty of the open creekbed, and enJoy a little open space. To aIIow this butlding to be built along the creek would change the area into a trashed party zone. Please know that we the homeowners on Forest Road do not intend to Iet this travesty to be built. Please do your duty as our officlals and strike down this cancerous project and preserve what little dignity of openess and space that is left in Lionshead and Vail on Gore Creek. There is no need for this bullding or project. Sincerely, The Homeowners on West Forest Road "n 765 Forest RoadVail, Colorado 8I657 / \,/Mi - & Mr s. Thomas Jacobson. 3r. Dr. & Mrs Roger Cado] Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Ames GaImar Associates Mr. & Mrs. Fred Rumford Mr. & Mrs Robert Engleman Mrs. Justine Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert Working Mr. & Mrs. Emmett Stevenson Mr. & Mrs Brian DeevY Dr. Robert Contiguglia Dr. Melvin KIein Dr. 3effery Mishell Mr. Charles Ack erman, Mr. MlchaeL Herman Mr. & Mrs. NeiI Austrian Mr. & Mrs. P. A. NovelIY Mr. & Mrs. LindIeY Grubbs Mr. & Mrs. George Cannon Mr. WiIliam ShePPard Mr. George Prussi.an I Mr. Peter Patton: Town of Vail Planning Director 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Co.81657 Dear Mr. Patton: January 2,L990 Mr. & Mrs. Tom Jacobson have sent a letter to you and nembers of Vailrs Planning and Environmental Corrnission in which they give reasons for objecting to the construction, by the Marriott, of a Six Story Tine Share Building which will be directly across Gore Creek from my residence. I certainly endorse and support the Jacobsons and other owners in our neighborhood in objecting to the constructionof this high rise building in an already concentrated and cror.rded core area of Lionshead. In addition to all the objectlonable factors such as view blockage, zoning violation, noise, failure to fulfill past commitments r grid lock traffic which strain all the community services and infrastructure, the fundamental question must be asked-- how big and how crowded do you want Vail to be? A short distance from the proposed project site property isselling for multi million dollars. In addition to excellentskiing, the reason for this high value is that Vail is special and unique in retaining village charm, culture, beauty, status, and a controlled balance between expansion and village style living objectives. Evidently Marriott recognizes this value and nants to cash in on the past control, risk taking, and investrnent of others byjanning a high density type structure into this high value core area. The construction of this high rise project will be a giant step in the direction of too big and too crowded. ftwill hurt Vail and all property owners by cancelling some ofthe charm, status, past hard work, and value of Vail, Opinions, judgernent, and feelings are formed by different exposures. Unfortunately, my residence in located next to ahigh density rooming house where Marriott houses a number of men and women employees during the suruner. I understand they are part of a management training program. They also raise aIot of hel1 with frequent very loud parties lasting well intothe rnorning and indivi.duals getting so high on something they scream i.nto the night darkness. Phone calls asking for noisereduction after normal sleeping hours resulted in defiant increases in intensity. I finally had to call the police toget a reduction in a continuous mind numbing sound systern. I donrt know what happened to the faned clean cut, consideration for others, work ethic, philosophy of the Page 2 l,larriott Corporation but based on personal exposure, my feeling ls llarriott doesnrt give a damr about itts neighbors, the neighborhood, or preservlng the long term value of Vall. f an a pf,operty owner and a texpayer intensely lnterested in nalntaining Vail as a unlque and speclal place. I ask for your action and support by defeatlng further consideration ofthis project. Very truly yours, f.i4.'1/r/i F /!/',t v// /\-,,LLvt ttn I U, L'Um^e"- Clinton G. Ames 7258 Forest RoadVail, Go. 81657 f ; rr" /l'' flrclrron FoR ADDTTToNAL GRFA FOR PROPERTIES IN EXCESS OF ALLOWABLE Date of Appl Date of DRB Meeti ng PRE-APPL ICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additional GRFA can be addedto a site. It should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each property an additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordjnance allows for gp to 250 square feet if certain conditions are met. Applications for additions under this section will not be accepted unless theyare complete. This inc'ludes a'l I information required on this form as well as- Design Review Board submittal requirements. A. PR0JECT DESCRTPTT0N: 40O trTop o( rt?eay, I Act i! t-Fr fu4f,.Pro1T Hrre-g- l3eso€r B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: o GRFA icati on I n Address Legal Description: Lot Bl ock Filing Zone District CC- 9- NME OF APPLICANT: PA-i .{- SOSaPH B'A r-OTTX ?S B"ICCf-Avffi Address qePez s*Opt. ?rv€P lJ , S, o hone &J: 33!:J-!l_b NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: 6qqTz6e .Pab<.ts Address 66X tur Vhr, e-o, phone_1J1:J!,(4_ E. NAME 0F 0['JNER(S):S r?7-1 € ** Signature(s) . ' nhon eAdd.ess--r.. F. Filing Fee of $.|00.00 is required at tine of submitta'l 4 ts r j The following information, in addition to DRB iubmittal requi rements, required with this submittal: I. Verification that the unit has received 2. Names and mailing addresses of adjacent units on the same lot. This information Assessor's office. i,3. , Condominium association approval (if appljcable). 4. Existing floor plan of structure. 1- / a fina'l certificate of property owners and ofis available from the occupancy. owners of Eagle County /t L/ l0 /tt '-.,C tI shall be G. Your proposal will be reviewed for comp'l iance with Vajl's Comprehensive Plan. \An , 4-r- fut1 ,&* ll\elhtot z-{() 6,,-<-/-h,ce, ZOIIE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZOIIE DISTRICTS Bl ock Filing Phone DATE: [E6{L oEscRl ADDRESS: OI.INER ARCHITECT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Hei ght Total GRFA PrimarY GRFA SecondarY GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Slte Coverage LandscaPi ng Fence/Retaining i^lal I Heights Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: SloPe Permitted Envi ronmenta I /Hazards : Al'l or'red (30)(33) 20' 15' 15' (30)(so) Prooosed (3oo)(600) (soo)(1200) (so)(1oo) (2s)(50) (2oo)(4oo) Slope Actual Aval anche Flood Plain Slope lletl ands Geol og i c '>f/fa TI0i{ I Lot Hazards Comments: Zoning: Approved/DlsaPProved Date: )Eatt 5lgnaEure o Rt['0 APi( APPLICATION DATE OF DRB DRB APPLICATION MEETIl.IG: *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meet'ing wjth a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine lf any additional information is needed. No application wiil be accepted unless it is complete (must iqrc!ude all items required by the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find-out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica-tion wi'll streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing thb-numberof conditioni of approval that the-DRB may sti-pulata. ALL c6nditions oi approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:i,l r, t- [f 'J Addres s Legal Description Lot Bl ock Zoning C. NAME OF APPLICANT: P&r+SoSaP+ 6rLco61 E IR. Filing 73 Fqef 11A,r€ _) trr u e Address S AOAc€ D. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIYE: G@2c"€PaBecrs Addres s E. NAME Signa Address L telephoneli/%t1bflL telephone 1*1-/44L tel ephone be pa'id at the time a building permit is requested. FEE F.DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION $ o-$ to,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ ,500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 $ i0.00 $ 2s.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NE}J BUILDINGS will normally invo'lve two separate meetingsof the Design Revjew Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. 4. The following ltems no longer have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a. llindows, skylights and simi'lar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space' whlch have had letters submitted from adjoinlng property owners approvlng the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium associ ati on . 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You shou'ld check with a Town P'lanner before proceeding. I. NE}J A. 8. C: D. cabl e TV Tel ephone sewer water gas el ectri c MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED CONSTRUCTION Topographic map and site plan of site containing the following (2 copies): 1. Licensed surveyor's stamp. 2, Contour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, Jn which case, 5' contour interva'l s wjll be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other sign'ificant natural features (large bou'lders, i ntemi ttent streams , etc. ) . 5. Avalanche areas, 100 year flood plain and slopes 40% or more, if applicable. 6. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewen irrvert. 7. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and type ofculverts, swales, etc. b. Exact locations of a1l utilities to include existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to include: c. Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. A] I easements 8. Existing and fjnished grades. 9. All existing and proposed improvements including structures, 'landscaped areas, service areas, storage areast walks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining walls (with spot elevations), and other site improvements. 10. Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determine height of building. A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability. To be submitted with site plan. Preliminary title report to accompany all submittals, to insure property ownership and all easements on property. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 2 copies l. Show the 'location of 4" diameter or,larger.tre€S, :other'shnu6s,aRi-iia'tiVe plants thaare on the site and the location and deiign of proposed landscape area3 with the varieties and approximate sizes of piant materia'l s to be planted. l', 2. Complete landscape materials list. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. As much of the above information as possible should occur on the site plan, so that the inter-re'l ation of the various components is clear. The landscape plan should be separate. The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may be a separate map. The applicant must stake the site to show lot'lines and building corners. Trees that will be lost during construction must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. I NOTE: . l. llust include floor plans and all elevatjons as they wi'll appear on completion. E'levations must show both existing and finished grades. 2. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and submitted for review on the materials list available from the Department of Conqunity Develop- ment. Color chips, siding samples etc., shou1 d be presented at the Design Review Board meeting. F. The Zoning Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional p'lans, drawings, specifications, samples and other material (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with design guidelines. II. I'IINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan) of proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirements given above, as long as they provide all important spec'ifications for the proposed including colors and materials to be used. II. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. 0riginal floor p'lans with all specifications shown B. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies C. Site plan showing existing and proposed construction - 2 cop'ies topos D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for al'l materials and color samples on materia'ls list available at Department of Corrnuni ty Development At the request of the Design Review Administrator you may also be required to submit: G. Statement from each utility verifying location cf service and availabi'l jty. See attached utility location verification form. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professiona'l surveyor. l. Preliminary title report, verjfying ownership of property and'lists of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building pernrit has been issued, and when the project is underuay' the following will be required before any build'ing receives a framing inspection from the Building Department: A certified improvement survey showing: A. Building locations with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. All utility service lines as-builts showing size of lines, type of materia'l used' and exact locations. 2 copies .. D. Drainage as-builts. 2 copies E. Basls of bearing to tie to section corner. F. All property pins are to be either found or set and staied on map. G. All easements H. Building floor elevations and roof ridge elevations. v E. Architectural Plans (1/8" = 1' or larger) 2 copies MME OF PROJECT: LIST OF MTERIALS ' . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P Roof 5i di ng Other l,lall Materials The following information is_required for submittal by the applicant to the Design ReviewBoard before a final approval can be fjven: A. BUILDING I,IATERIALS: TYPE OF ilATERIAL C0L0R Fasci a Soffi ts l,li ndows llindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rai'ls Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Si ze* for conifers. (over) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height ,nuiltott" 715 W. Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 Marriott's Mark Resort (3O3) 4764444 H OT E L S.R E S O R T S April 25, l-990 To Whom it may Concern: This letter gives authorization by The Mark Lodge/CondominiumAssociation and M.K. Corporation for Vail Va11ey Construction Management to remodel Units #687/689, owned by Pat Billotti, at Marriottts Mark Resort, 7L5 West Lionshead Circle, Vail, Colorado. The remodeling will incLude a loft addition, not to exceed 25o square feet. Sincerely,W Sheila R. Hosler Secretary - M.K. Corporation cc: Kaiser E. ltorcus, Owner Stan Engeldorf, ceneral Manager PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS ITEREBY GMN that the Deslgn Revlew Board of the Torn of Vail will hold a public hearing on May 2, L990 at 3:00 p.n. ln the Tonn of Val1 Municipal Buildlog. Conslderarlon of: 1. A request for Additional 250 of Gross Resldential Floor area for Blghoru Terrace Uni.t D-7 Appllcaat: Kathryn Benysb 2. A request for Addltlonal 250 of Gross Resldentlal Floor area for Loc 31, Block 7, Val1 Village lst / 84 Beaver Dao Road. Appllcant: H. Ross Perot Appllcatrt: Pat and Joseph Billottl The applicatlons and lnfornatlon about the proposals are the zoaiag adElnistratorts offtce duriog regular office lDspection. TOWII OF VAIL COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMEM available ln hours for pulblc TOUJFI OF UFIII_ Hiscel laneous Castr ff4-82-3El I4:6F: Er.5 Eeceipt * 6449113Flccclrnt# Cl.i#?i$J(rFtIL {!ffLLEy C6N5TEL;CTISH ..App FEE Flm'f,un 1. tenderBd ) IBB.EB Iten paid Anount paid El EB8A4I SlFBri€ lEE. SB f,h.:nge returnpd ) r:{. ffE THFIhIK VCL.|rr- r,'r'u r cgshier DEFMRTMtrNT @F@MMUNITV DtrVEL@FMENT T5XXXXX sALEs AcroN FoRM XXXXXXX AccouNT # - ITE!.| CosT .TOTALNO. EA. AMOUNT v I vvuu +IJJO c0M.DEV. APPUCATION FEES / oo, -'/o0, ---01 0000 41540 ZONINO AND ADDRESS MAPS 5.00 01 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFOR}I BUILDTNG CODE 50.00 01 0000 42415 - 0t 0000 42415--|--- 01 0000 42415 I988 UNIFORI.I PLUIIBING CODE 36.00 I988 UNIFOR}I MECHANICAL CODE 32.00 1988 UNIFOR}I RRE CODEt- 101 0000 42115 01 0000 42+15 1987 NAT]ONAL zuCTRICAL CODE - 30.00 ]THER CODE BOOKS 101 0000 lrt.roo Pl 0000 101 0000 [-' *; 0l 0000 ol 0000 .41548 42+12 42371 ',) +'tszzl I I+t+tz t, -".1 orort l BLUE PRTNTS (M\L{RS)7.00 =.------ ----. ,60, - XERoX CoptES ,/ SruOreS .25 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECT.IoN --'- OFF HOURS TNSPECT'ION FE - CONTRACTORS UCE}ISES FEES OTHER . SIGN APPLICATION 20.00 c0Mti ENTS: $rL(olTI :r J-l) d Ll, *,,2r1 ' - _r.* J/nl/o -< ____L .t .' > .;rt '', t Vail Valley Construction Management, Inc. cENERAL corrRlsnnc - p.o. Box 220r u", .otf#lX?flffE "/ .-u o-*-*J,-4 t'/ &on.:*, Z/4,*-o,*1a'r7'-' // /. a. 3. II /;/ sf^- C**Z Ao---n. A-'ZL*6 tO 1* 7o r'.lS rt € r+{) oL(Ot:,SQqrtf€ n2oP-:TH 6S €:l.;zt7..7.-:, o-gi Qa() 4-sS^j' 7la .J. .{toass t€Ao Qneoc€ P< n e-e 5 Aro,.cS ft€+4 Pt*cC ?r: 5 LD. t'- t o/.t 5 'Lz€''tO Q rf C c'6 lnwn 42 west meadow drlye Yall, colorado 81557 (303) 476-2200 flre depertment I,{ay 19, 19AB l"tike Robj.nson, GeneraL l,ia.nager .Rancly ?Iepking, Cirief Building 'Engineer MARR,IO'jT iqARK RBSOR,T 71 4 West Li-onshead Circle Va.i1,. Colorado 61657 re: SMOKE DETEC,IORS Ii'I FHASE 1 DEAR, Gi{TI,Ei!IEN: I feel it is necessary to documejnt and discuss the currentsitual-ion in Pirase 1 of tire l{arriott i'lar k witlr respect Lo the lackof snoke detecLors irt the guest roorns. On tire tenth of liay, I received a phone message f rorn E<iFlower of New Electric, an alarnr contractor, regardj_ng the placenrenE of snroke detectors in phase 1. Chief Duran tool< the message and explained it irad to do wlttr selecE.ing a location for a srnoke detector within the guest !-ooms. r did not understand the lnessage. f contacted one of the enqineerins trersonnel on sit,e at theI{ark, was toi<l Rancly was out f6r the cliyl and asked if tirey coulde:<plain the nat.ure of the quesLionand sl"ro\,,r rne a typical guest roon. I must admit I was niore tiran a little shocked to find tliatthe guest rooms in Pirase 1 were not equipped wj-th single st.ation smoke detectors. .t lookec] at four roouls on Lhe second floor ancLdid rrot find one single snroke detector in the guesL roons. I <x>rrtacted Randy 'che r:ext lrorrring to express my disrnay andtrj-ed to exprain tire serious nature of the problern. r do not feelthere has ireen a:1y "cri-rninal irrtent" nor an al-tempt to ',get awaywith anything," because thaL iras not been characLLristic of therelationship bet-ween the i,iarriot.t and l-he liire Department. r ainwiilirrg Lo accept arrci understand a sir,tple nristake, oversight, orrdscoinnunication, but I cannot allow overrright occupancl/ 1n ilre MARR,IOTT T'IARK Page 2 guest roorns not equipped witir srrloke detectors. I have since conclucl-ed a searcli of my records ancl have determined sonre rlatestitat inay be helpful. In February of 1983, the Tovnr Council enacLed Ordinarrce 3,Series of 1983, requiring fire alarm sysLenrs to be instailetlretro-actively in certain buiidings. The ordinance requires tireowner(s) of "every hoLel, motel, apartmetrt building, c')ndominiunbuildingr docl comrnercial buildirrg with attachecl residental occupancies, having three or nrore storj-es and rnore l,lian 11unitsr...shali have a fire al-arrrr system installed..." A period ofthree years was allovred for this work. Orie of the requirerrrents in the ordinance, Section 9. ( a ) . 4,recJuires "each sleeping room shall irave a srnoke detector coiitplyingwitlr either ir.L.268 or U.L.2i7 installed as per N.F.P.A. 72-8." January 12, 1984, a letter was sent to Ray lfarren, GeneralManager, listing det.ails oi a fire inspection. One of the iterasIisted on Page 4 refers to a "protnise to instalt single station srnoke deLectors in Pirase 1" and notes "bul- to date there has been no evidence of action. t' I have a copy of a letter sent to Chief DLlran from pieter llooy, Chi.ef Buiidiirg Engineer, dated Ja.nuary 20, 1984, referringto a meeting that occurred January 18, 1934, indicating "aspecific delivery date of tlte smoke detectors which we are goingto install in Fhase 1 of our hotel ." The letter iras a hanrlwritten note at tiie botLom indicatirrg arl apparent co.npromiseextending Ure date to Jutre 1, 1984, acknowledged and signed by Mr. I'iooy. I also have a copy of the proposal from tlehr Electric dateclMarch 1 5, 1 965, enti tled "i,larrioLt l,iark Resort pirases 1 , 2, 3 , 4FIRE ALARI'I RETRO-}'IT, tiARCii 'i 5, 1985,,' which contains urestaternent: "A11 Phase i hot_el units wili irave singie sl_ationdeLectors instal-1ed by otlters. " I would sLrongly suggest to you ,chat the necessary eguil:,oentbe ordered if it has r.ot already been done so; tirat approvals frorncorporate, l4r. l.Iarcus, and whornever else necessary ice secured in antost expeditious uanneri and thai tire ipstallaLion be corrrpleterJprior to july 1, 1984. Randy and f inve discussed tr"re various optior.rs regardingeqrripment and the locaLions for the detectors. A buirdirrg pe::rnitwill be required as weli as a cornplete and thorough inspe-tlou. iwill conduct the inspection nqrself. ?trltile 'che Vail Fire Department is most witling to cooperate and vrork witir you orr the details, we cannot allow our guests to occupy hotel roolns without srnoke detecl-ors. MARRIOTT IUARK Page 3 r krpw llarriottrs position on providing an optirnum ievel ofprotection for their guest, t unrleritand the relaliorrsirip betweenllarrlott and I'lr. Marcus, and r know Mr. i,tarcus shares a level ofconcern on this issue. I would llke a written reply wiilrin ten working days,hopefully indlcating an approvir- to have the detectors instarrecland a date for the insLaltation. Sincerely, -4.4</Z;z-rz-- Michael Irbcee, Fire l4arshal VAIL FIRE DEPARTI"IEI,IT(303) 476-2200 ab cc: Dick Duran, Fire Chiefcary t',iurrain, Chief Builcllng Officlal 'l'r n? 42 west meadow drly€ vall, colorado 91657 (303) 478-2200 January 12, 1984 Ray Warren General Manager7I5 West Lionshead CircleVail, CO 81657 Electrical The hole Room covered and 5th il"o-or in the watl for th. .?ini:Jt ,,."a" ro bespacer pLugs are needed in the EM panel. , flre deparlmenl Dear Ray: Earlier today, January 12, the vair. Fire Department conductedan inspeciton of phase III of the Marriot H-otel, assisted bythe architect, contractor and maintenance engineer. Thefollwing items were found to be in need of correction: taundrv There is- no p trap, no venting on the plumbing systemand the hole in the f100r is unprotectla. The detectorsare smoke sensitive rather than heat sensitive as th;t f, should be. There is no record of either a plumbingt'' or electricar inspection having been conducted of thisarea. There is also no ventilation. The escutdf;tXh on rhe sprinkler head by theis missing. There are bulbs,r'6ut in the exiton the west end. An escutcheon is needed onsprinkler head in the cable TV roorn and the . thres_[old is__{r-lFq_t_rlg in__that roonL,. ),12,.7r Bulbs are out in the exit signs on the east and thewest ends. The east storage - pip.e needs the penetrationplugged Dntn r ' There is a bulb out in t^!e..Sxit sign on the east end.The electric room needs_/_€gfft;1pe plugged.,,Stairway,,1abels need to be put on the doori that access thestair to\rers. Exit sign bulbs are needed on the east and west sidesand by the storage room. el-evato: s igns I' l-r o door 4th FIo-or 3rd r'l- oor zncl FfEor ,T Ray Warren January L2, 1984 Page 4 No fire retardant buitding materials have been installed in the Phase I lobby. I have not been reinspected after having Town of Vai-l for the failure of the fire obstructed by food carts. these problems. If you s ituation, pLease cal l There is evidence that there have been three fires in the service kitchen. 1) Burned napkins due to contact with *. Sterno, 2) C5-garette butts have smoldered in the trash, and 3) There is a burned memo on the bulletin board' In each case evidence has been disposed of by dropping it in the trash. The food service employees are not being cooperative with the engineering staff in their efforts to comply with fire preventive codes. Peter Murray has been supportive. You have promised to install single station smoke detectors in Phase I, but to date there has been no evidence of action. The poot exits have deadbolts with no panic hardware for emergency use. Door stops have been inappropriately installed tbrotlgbout. -There is a history of no communication between engineering and.the front office personnel regarding safety requirements. The fireplaces in Phase been condenmned by the boxes. The service corridor is Thank you for your cooperation with have any questions in rectifying any me at the Fire Department. ,,b ^,r,f ,"' )r'\*u'Assistant Chief Vail Fire DePartment Enclosed: Copies of Past Correction Notices xc: Sonny Scarff Steve Patterson chief Duran JG/hml A'tt Ray WarrenTiiiaETZ, lgs+ Page 5 Cited correctiohs shall be completed by: 3'oo Ru@ oate:;-/-el In accordance with the Town of vai'l Municipal code 15.12 if you fail tocgmply with this comection notice on or bLfore the above stitla iompi"-tion date your failure will resu'lt in further action ueing-iaten unaerthe prov'isions of the U.F.c. 1982 edition, which may jnclide your beingjssued a summons to appear in Municipal oi county c6urt for-the vio'lationsabove, specified. Upon_a-finding of luilty of said violations you willbe subject to the penalties provided by 'law. Building Owner Fire Department 0fficer:'2ZZ--,- /az-z- /Ar.a s./.] z .azor{3 (;&/<q47e J -o cazrt'o zz't' t ' "'' 4t E y'/t tz z;"zsryzz't'="- / i2z a,<n-- o,-/e'.2=rot:-s. ,/*f 7. o-r / tr ,,,.,a t 72/ '-:"''J 17 -r'/t):'y'''st' .-4q*. s .es-'fue- r^a/z s't -Z- rE-, a/ur J"'s / 5:z' ;'"1::- 1ir,' /- Z'o'Eq. \t:- (s"t1o6\tnqq,11* t To: D. Duran flre marshall From: Pieter Mooy Ch. Engineer Mar Date January 20 L Re. Smoke detecto Dick as agreed in our meetlng d.d. Jan 18 1984, I would come back to you today with a speciflc delivery date of the smoke detectors whlch we are golng to install ln phase 1 of our hotel . Although I have been trying to get thls lqfor4ltlog I_roe-ou_r corporate procurement offlce as of Last tuesday , january 17, sofar they have not been back to me wlth the necessary lnfor-natlon. I have contacted our purchasing office 2 times daily and will contj.nue to do so tlll I have the required information. J/raz:f a/"-.- epfl-<,.,-, ts/."-- ./,"- i a.t- ..,4..j---iiz.J :7..:2./.',.J2c,1' rZzs;>J a7 ,z-J-a,. /./, /f €--7 73,1., ,i... :..2.,.. .-,}>'otzo/ a/a/v-.-/-vz-r ; *^ ,,uo-r,,o O // qr,,.:.:.) .,2:4-t../,zzL / V /r '',' ./ Rv /....s I l Z tt7, fi ,tjaao /zs.// / s-,rz,De/ 2- / - Fo/ a / 7:2,> '/"a-4 .-'4-a :/ rv:,: -'-1!''-'-'z ., .r'..'n z ,ZZs".. 4;r 1,-"'t-- ?Vz' /,' :/z"k z!)2.->..'-V .-f t/- / , ,A,it,/(Ltr./lvy.. \-- / It 2! ,1121' .Zaz,."Utttzr/ ^ .V.22.r, -Vr' 4.'4t?2 th "e'/- llarl irtt:l i"lilr.ic. lie';orti:irlr Ali:rni [.rr., ilnrerrl i?n,l DPerat i,Jn irg Zone Errittin:l Ii it:'l*.:; (i-ll[r ,t) on Lhe *oni:rotJ'l: i:. iJ.i-. igpiir cvh.rij i;-ler,nt in it it:i; inr-., ,Jev re:ipective lsrl zone i+ l.ilrrir l_EIl i:.n li*ht. Tir i; i't lisir t wir ilr-. liro ii li;rrr ilcanot,,ierjr::* :;ui[r:h sclr.now l$,1$e,J r liio ::r:ri* i._[ili w i | | i:,e i:uri.;;ti:ri1: I .J 'i;iie iic l;r.li:l irr F {ii?v i{:e i:; r i:ei1:t;r'ErJ Lc flnI'nii"'l 'r,:*;t|",*:; t'"))lrrTit-^ i\, iif i'liiilili- i\ hr: i ld ins t: ir.e ii$rniir:9n!::i :;i;lf it:n r,.l i l ! i:, t* i,r.riu i,.i+:,:i .' {:or riiorr f tol irt g tii r-" r;l:;llr.l:.; rii: i:iit-, ii+ii:i:i: i; it:n i;ri,J ;tierni i:oti ij jl;:r:ri:; igrt,:J iiur irrrp lunrgn{- ing ;iiil:n ilri,:l 1,,:l$r ltJ t:vi:i:: ue1, itri rif fii* piii:.:ie I r II.;:i:i *niJ .iV ri r: r: r"r p i".l | .:; ,:ir:r, inlt rir,[:]r,ri:r:n i: tJ {:{lii r:ii{, icinii, .if r,iiil ielr:c;;i;g,l of {:'h el lrirp i:lilrnr tt:ntloi lilnrli iri pir*.:ti:l i. l.i ati in ':i r i:ill;r-.,:i on l;;i i: ,:irilr",ini:,ri;. i-r:r:i;'i:, ii:ii ri.l: j;it il r:uni:rr:li;, ii l;:rniiir:tuelin$ 'leviIe$r i:rr,:i iilr'J iti lr.: t: iitrnr "ii*neliftli ,':lav ice:; will al.:io i:' ii il:; :;it t]t'lrt lllt liire P l t:n:; . tl . !iYriTEl't llilEftAT:ir]l,l iii:tt.let inG, ,:l r-, r, ii:r.:s; r.rill iip !:,r r:r.lp r-r,:J in .t r:rtg f onr-'s r +: t, r e s; eit t e,:J Pilne Ice uil Ac l:uat i on c aus e' i;,it e rctitl1,. *t:tui:tirin pf i: Iis;tlii,l initii;t;ins iieuir:e ioiII ci..)u$f? tir e ir :; i.- E. i.t wil I continue i r; ilctr.ri;ti-.cJ. ilnr:n i I lunr ini:te'l unt, i Irnd fir+r risgtenL i:i il I' ltl':;i:tn;lls to $oiJrirl conl; inrJour!, Iu on t:hel { lc,or in i:larnrr.ths f loor;;iii:'rr: lr'It {J lhr: {r lri{li, i:,r-'icr,r in lir i: l,irit:;e r.lir ir:it thn alarnior i*inilteid. l{h*ln en ,;: lGrir.r con,:l il.iori ocrurs in r'fii,:ge Ir il: r Il. It:r .iU Li*r ar:t.irrtr itie.; nir-rn itr:r init i:,lir: :;v si:.trr'i r.rill Lr*-' ni:t.if ieci ot:the il lernr cond it ion v i* les.$e,::l te lsphsne I ine-; i]n'l s { ire e lerrrIt:n*: oill h r-. tri:n:;r,i itlr:ci gV{.-1r tiie :ipit*ir.ilr.i to thn 6ppp6prpis{p l: lorir':;. 'itr i.:; lona r,r i I I ii r:l ;t :i loul r.litoiir' :;r^rgi"' inli {:rori, 800 i-lr to I l'0i) il::. Tir+: rriu in r:r:nJ;roI punni r.ril I iir: :;upp I ied witir en ;alarn-; i IEnr:Er'acir.nor.r lr+'l*:e t;r,r i li:ir which will .:;ilunc* the au,Jiiile i; lulrri!;. iiiiou liJ t: :i r.; ii :i i-. "r r.l r: n 1, ;l l;".r iti ;:r:{;ui;t irirr t:l: i: dit:f eretr t ioit tl tlf {ul' ifl an$ r,iri::ir" r thu it li:rnr ,:lnuicn:; r,riii :it:t.lti,':i uni;il :; i lenr:n,:liir {i*i ntuin r:r:ntrpl piirir-'i jg rl"::ir:{;. iiii: ;;y t;t+rnr r,rili i:' r: 1;;16,;ii.i lgro{: autr:'nr*t ice I l9 !ran:;nritting {rire in.i:ornrgtion ti: the f:'!l;t roorfiirt tir * loiii.iu o/j r,lriia;* .i.i vi;l;: *e{; r:{j ,Jrs i:r:rlL il t:r:lii;r:l-=r i+nilfoul p;rit' of +1.c, Ai"lii {lij r,r ir*:l:; tror t arii piiis;*. f:ri:I'i: i-Jill i:ii iri ,:i rv i,:ir.i;:; ;::i:ri f: brr:i,ri, ii: i:i.rt;,i.;i:;. r'ii;r:ri ;,=ii,.ririiritiating circuif , :iPi.3iii{.i?r, i: irr':t.r it,' ;lri'l c,$t',"i:r:, ';o l{,asu r..rill tie :ir.lri.li'v isieij. rln!, ij i :; ;r I' r il ri ti i:i rii (-r f I l: t:1: :;r.i:;1;*iir r..; ir inr:, gi.lr:it i::;.r iilrE ol: t'Dwtlt', open€r oI' St'ou ,lli r will i+i:t iv:lt*r. t ir+: ;tu':i iti le. *n'J visu:'l 1;ri:i.;tile in'Jir:;tr:r:; snd noti.t.Lr the i:utli i:ritie:; nroniLopin!* tir p ':;:r':ii.r:nr rria the lerit.:;*'J rirrlne lint:.9. Actr.li:! icin o{r l"hc troui:le ;:r:ir.ii r:r',r lr-r'J!ti! gwitt:ir i,riil s;iltilir r:t: tir e iiuiJiiiip trur.riile in':iir:;r{:olr i:' r-r i. lr,hi; froutile L-i:i: r,,.rill lt'rir;* in lit, i\ !i r.,ri:,':; t+ "r r.t *: n t tlruuti l* r..rrll i'i:;;r:'1 . ?Elii tiiti ;rr.rii;li* trr.ruii le rnrJtr:i;tr:r. Tir+i lrrii.ri ltr i-iii.t r+ill il i, n il n r B n c Ll l l i n * , tiiider) ! trg i:rt pclueI c !nar iil.'ii o{: l"hn trnr.r'a le r:iln':i il: it:tr i.'fl,:i r*:s*tt inr:' u{: Lirr,' :Ll:;tr,";t'r. F:'{rwL.t' f or opet'sL in:+ ii,:i L,':lc ;rirciir.tr ,lr'ltei:: tnr.:; i}n,:i rirtol ito l,:.{ersi..tili ii+: ciit; irii:,J l: f.rlrr'r il .:;iJp l'r v i:;r-'il roor.J+tr, i;r:r,p ly r.r itii irr tite rira in {:ire alelnr cunl:roI p;sirnl. i'ire *untrui unil uill ,ler ive its a I I a I Fo Fo-t- l_l 861 "-.1 l-" L, t -,j [il-___lo ^ f=- ----l F3---.i;-'-_--] l - Fi l_ _,1 k_\i I____lo ^ f=- ----l Fgj--1;,;-'---l ----t ---9i'ii ----] I A, l----iE;- - I - lll -li*ll:lt. I,Ol--F.; iri I'a< | Il*lrl .. I *L.\ i)t_oq.t Nl .:'ht i n"t ril $ .\\n\t\s'x \\ {.: \h\l {'ls\\ ..r)\bls0ts* oJrti\\ s ooI I I I I i I 'J.1 | ...._l 6E- I*l* tlilltttlllrttllll#'dl L -;*f-=i | &rE @ -i [-d i' :-.''1 1't '1< | i() L*._:.J r..._:>,.1 |il{e;-"--=,;;:]--) . y I4 o T.i@lK_:i .l t; q Iili- - il-.1 t''l I I I I I I -rilsI I I .I t__ lE (Jl i@_F l. \i I Iq ":6 -+EI I s *\t n-v\, :F,s)Fcrq i}\ G .lqii .\ri\{\|.b\ rl :\,i-'\: \$ c\\1D\ tr(}.l:i1.\\ il \\ !i\ v\: r1'l.i o\ii \ \ l:' -t.r q' '.,-. .: *\ sl.9.9.1.'r\\n ,' ' t *r't\L .rr ... \i i $dLi u.! i ,lt --.,'- t\ So\\\1 R i I \.-:- -t ,r\.-i.5., , ..,';)...rr\ r 1-l'a c) C.J @ C.Jc)(f ciz t =t uJo- IJJF U)ql oazo Fo- uJY ulo o 'F trb>;E LuI IL ON}E 6Ro; uJF o I llJFoz z ze d)o =zJO(! LL E =Elrlo-'z o F()fEF,a'z o() tr utc EU2ZE<clfo <!2. EYJi9EL .EE =>.=uJ:-F h=E :gT FFE U5I \trE XO-t x>t q-oi!tr UJ .D o D!D iH=dd= a F.r I Z.'t<r <.o*t =lf =i; *rE alE ;ri 6le E, = 6ie a;;ro tzt= ,7 IEH;E F.e*€E EE E;t L! ulat i CE ll- .LoF EFzo *3 3 3; F.= (! - dF=cXoI Xp'Aa ;fiE;E:EF;5 = pF;; I it;e iEi FE g;;FE Qii".:EY_FU E*r^eeE(EE-=o=*o"(!)!O-O .9:dPE ;*Egt ]seaHB #:.,rvOO I :EgHB # igEE;sr Eior6E\+^ :i€gF *:: ., ; tr\L.. ---:!o:"i 2., ,\- $c!:5E:gE:i;$ gfi;;t.\5 E-FgE g'-D's UJz 3occ lr!FI<F4o >E -r(!t =aD(\l ZZU- tr ^ 6zzO=<O'-.?d 6E;9-? 8=o o l./)u.t(JzXt!< z, zl .. >lo uJo UJtuzo tr (r llJo. zI tro I J =.1olr!l 5l al>l ttlol zl 3l FI zl HI Jl al>l LIol zl 3lpl el 5l zl 3lolFI olzl EIjl <l>l r!Iol zl =l9l I I I I ol =.1 IJJI 5l <l>l 5l 3l rol uJFI F (,z)tr Ir- e. I LIJu, x4 ;E a/, ;-b d,d, = ui =z co -) i.t|<l-cl+.g sl4<sllq(oI*t* ? 1ro-f "1,lUletu .- HsgJ<tr =o >Y =f)ztLo O o Fz z T tu Ei\ =o2 o E <F(r() TJJ <ZEIIJ F(nZo EoF(J EFz -J GFO UJJ u,J F LUF fErn h IB la \ :r! n dFl I .ttull!tt F =r! o- I I ,l Ill*ltalroIr \rI ll lr d* JIF I N ^\iHrl, \t [, '. *tl N Nr, NF N\H\rf t= ltJ UJ(/, =.|. Fo Fz o llJ.r F z 0 0 (\* f\ N o s \n v\ \ o s 0 fi I sl t\ N. V\ F Etu z co Y uJ z F tu uJ z. co J oz o\l r|.| r|J z tr UJ au o .D =g gJ Ez 6 LUo Fa q- ul o- z lt x F UJo .nlllulq. \='q UA J F F z J o uJJ' oz = J z uJ = NOu.vntv l\ D$ hl' run !u I r+ I ..1 .gq.-l X 1 a A -' 3 z tro- E() UJ J ruz UJo z 6 x =>0< i u,r z EiJ a- F9 =>!? (,9Zt! <(ocH8>(JFO tt.I lclo|'Fl disirI lo-lC '-ll..,ldl 'l-{ ''ol ._tl\ t!l slrl qf, zo F slcl 5l 3l 8l *lrl a tc\ \$- lrlct< lur l* t:IJt<lzlo IF lo <l !!l5l'l^t -l =lqJlz.l <ltrl =l zl >l llIItllt Ezlz9oFr|J<oo< =ft>E xlr6ci<z oFz,- 9z -Frl;CEE(9!r u, z Y o. z zo9z4oo =zl:) c-P !!D F =Gu,o- t!o2ulEO2ZE< doE9.B9tt irae CF => =tu:-F h= i-,QJ AD ;o >z(- o?----) :f?fo* a-39 Jt-l!-!i= >o-OL9o5 r.nxaL:>- lrlJJ lt uJ(o oF EoIJ o F t z J u- Fo IEtolo IvE nxn& trs P,Y YE1lE{toIHIE&g ii =z lill ,g $ t:t H$Itrl '.tl .+ lgl "l -l,l =l ' Ell Fl -flfrdl4t E>lflH igJ>lrssl I I It-lo. I I ,A u.|EIctol<lJ>55tr HI d$i]'1 Bl el n ;I HI T| .-rl c{*l 3l u 19| |E 3l utlal ol Elrll Fl Fl ll l"l t;llCrllJl Jg,l lrjl aEl -rl 3l g olFI I =.1c'l sl <l>l Ilol =lolH Jl sl al-=c J<oA.nUJ TU Iuz3 Fo UJ F 't- <FEC)uJ<zulll F(42o C) JE 5P EE Hs2 E2?c?ad d6() 6F F3 EE HY-Eo oo DD! G & G ROOFING March 23, L987 Town of Vail- 75 S. Frontage Vail, Colorado Road West 81657 Attn: Building Department Re: The Marriottrs Mark Resort 715 W, Lionshead Circler VaiI' Colorado Gentlemen, This is to acknowledge the above referenced reroofing project. That the roofing will be installed according to the manufacturers specifications and the Town,9f,-Vaif Building Codes. The existing roof is a built-up roof ouffirgif insulation. we will remove the existing roofj-ng and insul-ation then install urethane roofing insul- ation and new fiberglass built-up roof with gravel . no alteration in the appearance of the building. There will be If you have any questions or require any further information, please do not hesitate to call our office. Sincerely, G&GRoofing, Inc. wRG,/m Enclosure W.'Ro]€y President Post Office Box 817 . Frisco, Colorado 80443 . (303) 668-5552 "i It, \t' L /\ -J ll .'7 tlV PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE I ''' I t < lir -7 JoB NAME (rn INSPECTION REOUEST :),ii ,./'y.t5-tt. n-{(.. r'.--,1 / VAIL o [,;I t./ .I CALLER TUES THUR FRIREADY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION: ( MON o\ F {, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr o FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR trFl tr FINAL AFpnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR i)r- tr)rvcf(= /.u/i'/\ /l/7t, -),--'., ry' uJFo @ -)z Fo IJJY ul c0 F F (r UJ(L Ir ooo IJJF z U- 4 r\ or F\ C\I (o E!F o trtr! zo9ze =z dP <-fio(J= ="*f A;E Ir3LJLJ t llJ o- l! :!!EZE<Cll6U)tc/)e9!iri9EE 9-tr-. =ut:-E b=e o-- E: >(L^: ouE oo9 ituE XO_t x>€l:iFi\ ',toat,E LIJ t0 t- --- E =E lrJ o-zoF(Jf E,Fazoo t (r, uJuttl- F =E uJIL I IF\' wl d.E t<6lO F\lc{l .9,tl I - tF4t< =,tr>'l9JZ*l= xr?elo Etz N Or F{ t\c{ ]LJulo = trol! EI F'Z E2. 4or. / %ner, ) E ?rpeq2'.?/, =,t V6 .,'Oa A,Y?'qi2ifi o) o .tiq)Eoo "4 ol E (u O) oN -(t, 'oF o E (! g tt o = -o E 6 a;)(rt oi c'=o(/l sbE E{ s E=F ETEc-oc:i:gP€'i =c9c EEE EEF -r: o E;sg=E o.o ctsEtg)r clEfie E6:EE EOG: EE E evC(! 0'- 5 a.g StE-s?' '6>.9 6a iE E as: TEg OO |.\ C! P =o) .tJ t ]J U7 Ld UJu- J @ U' UJ 'JlJ-t FEtuo. J F t- J e+ul 4 H dtFl J "1g arlg g ct = Y =l!oz tr E o UJ uJzul =>E -rd) =t0al zzooF^atPd =vro1>q, (Jo2rr-< v=gU FOaci I a c o-ulE z9 E zl .. >l uJ UJ UJzot UJ J z E 2o F laz (/,F 2.. 2= EO3E cIv oz lrtltl l=l4Pll+lIollrl -' 'ulJlc0 -l l5llF'.lE totzl--AJ JIL at1 6 -v) IJJ =z coo ^ !z! |E =lp Pol rlLl aolEi u{- 4 o uJto J c) J =ro l- <+srs Iro = +, +) +, =tr t\rr, '{ ul IJJG J o- 6 I l? tr & = E II t,fi |ot t"l7 tuJlc(IJt<liloz39F s t( f. dJ uJ F ;(Jt! J tJl =TJlz, oz oul c t! 23 rr) F(os I Olst Or tl u F =tr o =.o UJ 5 t!o ziI c cil o UJ 5l <l>l t!l zl 3lolFI =ttr z. UJ 5 <1 Itoz 3l 9l uJJ uJF ulz = F C)uJ =I E -rO<Fcc)uJ<ztIIJ F(rzoo )9,<oOF E3qEL t 9P;() =<(=E d6 i5::F 33AFiz =g G t-(l ir uJ *Eo2<Oan -rt 6 an uJu,tr ts =E uJ o- N\r s .l tlUz3 ocE r! uJ6z ,.' 3 EvfuJ <F7aYZo< -:- o c6 t: 6 .9)'=Oo::O gEE;E E!EEfl i*EEF:0 " Ee iEEiB E;;FE flii: t f E ='g; :Eigs6 O'-.= -.c= o o, c $9!:= E 3A;E *EFe€ aE;; g es$ei ==tz al, o-(,z ! .t uJ IIJu- tr = s J FoF $\ =>oa -- Z Z!-I oo i: o- ='E5 R =;FE=.aoEe? EFi dqq friN(, zotr J { o-foe e. cllJ J z tro z tr e. UJ J =UJz (,z Jtr a 2o !'') ui =z lD \ .J-\| .tb N lf-' I T h-f.t do E \ -.J Eo I Isl\nl:rl 1q d CIq J E "l=.1olutl 5l 'l 3l 9lFI U +J I w 3 tltltlIt9lt.ltoltHll-l l;ltzl =t 3lEolril Fl OI =.1ol rl <l>l I'|-|ol zl il I I I J ctlujlEl JI al>l bl 3l y Ol rJrFIF Foul =T C) c -rO<F uJ<zEUJF o C) E2? s3 =Fd6() oFo Fz o z -C) u.J E Eh =+E o oo <OqH F E L.,l C5z, J t! OTL ol!6t! Lrlz, ar, 7- =JJaLl- r! F .-r (\ ;flo f.'lo----l_| ,.clgur 23 a iitd.=<acl!g46' \-/ l!Ao Es g 2..E-:{ qtsg=a =E: rrj O >ZiFE ?:.i-g EE :ET,-, IDN E= H =I!?G'i dt ,= iBE Hl "3P;:.u bl *EiE=5 !.tl f ()A EI3;*l tHE€"3: brrJurt-@t^iF** F =E lrJo-zoF()fEFazo CJ ><xx UJ ts U' dto-" zo F0- UJY IJJdl r-- @ @NOO i1t)I/\(--./e /)v/ /)z/ t\€or F{ O1 rd = LIJF 6 uJFo @o-zo Fo- LlJY UJ @ oF ts (r ul o-lro o.oo uJFoz nn! ts lE IJJo.lr EU2ZE<of,€8B9tt;;e.EE =>=ul:-E FEx Eo-E 8b9 ltuE XO-t x>t q- €= l! d!oF rR \ b,/lls\z/J= f,-= zo9ze60>z dP =f;? =HE F =E UJo.zo F C)fEFazoo ot oz E =E UJ o- t\ 01 Ol a5 = lrlJt{F J(5 FU)a&. UJ I I t, .Ft<to I I I I I, te rFl.^z t= le Lfltr15 iEEif$E :iiINE ifiggE ii;;g igiiE j-oc a ;*KE ;Eo;Zztto ootr ^ 62g 5 =eE9 of, atgEZ>.O8e frrr<o* iH6 -8.-R 2 F.otO =>G -Itt,ftl& =lDOl -Jl<l -l zl zl .. >io ulo UJulzoF E IJJ z E d=lt.|Jl(-l+l.]ol J EId?l l:It- l'E9=l(,tzl_-i\J:tr :<ogE tt1 = an UJ =zooI J H 0l 1l4 :I .t A't sl(o :rqE 4 L !.o(l, G tnco J In Flr\ Ita uJroc = =tr a an IJ,J J : -o- 6 : tr o z.J olutl 5 al t! z);i 9lFI L) d F(J lrJJt! Ez =tr -{.op Ff Itr<t 'l t tr oz out J ltoz3oF ctt z ciutG J Iroz3oF =c oz silu .E J a lt z3 F ulJutF' E lrJz =o F() uJ EI()E E <Fcc)r.! <ZE IJJ F(1 Z Jg,<o()F E? ;F-z,o z6 J(L ) i.) z i5 33gt =g E irsi+El-Fo2ffir oz F =EulI I I l_ .Ft<to I I I I I, IYIE l2z l=to lotz t9J I I I I I I I t._, to ,liti- l(, i;+:€ oF z (r uJz Bvcr Elu6z ... =crv <FZ r.\9Z6< f uJo EI 5;sPESiscb iEEl e f*ig5 :(/)'voo:(/).vooiio F lio- c.9 x ^.r(!.-i--: EEi:€ - o; 9,* E=.gEE NOrtvnlv^ >oa 3u.S =cc|N - =zzu- h. 4=:r>Ytr9 oE66 EZt(JR9 ?, r!<oq iH6-8.to= HotO -rl<l F-l zl zl .. >lo IJJo uJ uJzoF El! J z Eoo ulF o UJ tr U)o -: z F UJY uJo t_ F = UJ Lt-o (L oo ulF z z taYza(I]o =z d r..r- Jifia'! a \ = =Fi6il= F ulo- IL uloz lq) ah oF I JFu-h='1 0aduJ>(LOl!9o - [rJ x>Er- J ; IJJ F Eo E o o o .E E Eo() o E =E lrJ o-zo Fo EFozo(J tr!! b J =u- F ) tJJ =z - !r,l =z UJ -l = (L =tr oo I(L F tr oz ci llJ TE J a ILoz 31pl =tr o ujI a LLoz3p cr tr z r.i IJJ J a lt.oz3oF tr oz o IJJ l!oz3 r =tr oz ,; uJ(r J a u.oz BoF uJ uJ uJz =o F uJ =To <F(rOr!<zEl!F(.2 <o()F F3 ;F-,2L zl;() =#=JZrr-o ix YF7l).r<+(E Y,z>3 l-E i'r !tY \JZ <c)a?. :o !!tr ot-u E Fzo() o ; (\t .9o *I $.\o il) c(g $o\ 0,E o (' d,t,oo ctlcg 56 € cl oo ecto |tt iq, ru HT =vr-, 0, ov) n3xo;()(le .=o POo.:cot€ 36_o(!e Ec,,;si3oNEo (J3 oo"F EEo--oo"-6 9' "1 .:FO.vo E8.- (t!r, ,!E <D t,9.e EEip :.5o.(l co (J.ooc 0,.oo:'6-g T'E6JE E3 .9o6EtrrX(';qtcq cr(ll5o(lt =9:>c9-o -Coourt(gotr =L CC9;6s.9- o. (o '!g .Ee-- r{E6EE 6C:* r!O =crl|! Ol 0r(!85r3oo 5ii(!c' >. gloos, 6.AEr-o -<) TUt! LL =5 (l", o- o = UJ lU tr at)oo-) zo Fo- IIJY ul p E: u,o- Rr I luFo1 I tr:(r uJ(l o 1U z f,v,IoF I G(! Jl-trl-b= o. Ll.I =o-OrL(,)o - LIJ x>i; r- I UJ o l- E o (D c) .= E c (, o zo tr(J E,F U)z O O I =Et! o- I flal JI El ElyOl uJFIF z =<coO>z JO(L tr- tZ "59=8ft95r BHg r_,rL_ lt_ J ol-t9x-lGFr-Oz i I I I IF 6 I I l I I ro Itr tvt(,tzr5 I I I - l-rj t<ro I I I I NO[VltlVA ri vt Ul<I l- 2l .. rl u, rJtu ll,z = J 2I (Jo.( =z99 ;E Z 5ioz oq 9U i(\; E _\l 9S u,F \ \s \s :s tL; I \ .s\ o \l ol \\l\{\l AI -jl\lNl v,t/1 ull ctol<I :l >l I I It- 1,, I I It4U' U4 CTol.{l al EEl o I ol =l t:rl uJl 5l.(l >l rLlol zl fl I I ,l t2l url 5l <l bl zl 'lg I al il>l u.l 3 Eol- c z () slz I(.) tu Yds (, = uJ F .( c1ut JE<o(Jl- i-< u, '- tr, C)() Eoozr- :d2rI :]F-tzo() (J t.tu Fo TUtI t-:o<F- trJ < I.U F ItzC)o r_Jll(t l t ll:n|t tan ----\z IIq{t F(n lr,'E P.J zo L 2'EIE H.I =Et eI P !.|I i { a .tl iIti itt Iti a FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The below items giving a permit Please check off need to be compi ete before a final C of 0. jn the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE : FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMP0MRY C of 0 DATE: il FfFFlttl.*F jYvt - w.,plrtrxw PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION:rHUR J*----4) PM JOB NAME INSPECTIONTOWN OF ruf REOUEST VAlL c.NCALLER TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL - tr UNDERGROUND -tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATERtr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR y'aeeaoveo_-./ a_. CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED rtl/INSPECTION REOUEST I TOWN OF AIL THUR FRI AM PM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON TUES t BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL , PLUMBING:, tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTFIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER [IECHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr tr HEATING *tr( tr EXHAUST HOODSROUGH CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL APPROVED Z,T?.' tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT\ IN CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL o SPE DATE ! JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES , f' WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGBOUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING o tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL G} tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH o tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR d rrruet tr FINAL L APPROVED )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPHOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED cp INSPEC INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE L,-q^qf .io**cK q. '.--lICALLER FC-.P rHun d-rfi ?iz^ 6h pr'rREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT {i BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB -tEETROCK NA|L LYf--. tr tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED /clnnecrrorus: oor. Lt 'l -'>) TNSPE. INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME MON CALLEB READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: -\ TUES :WED ., THUR FBI AM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR d rrNnl tr FINAL APPROVED-._-/.7 tr OISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED - il ? z--.DATE INSPECTOR ,l- i. i l.r \\E PERMIT NUMBER OF PRO.JECT t /,, /t,-\i'j //lt I \DATE ( / ' L' ,/ ii r JOB NAME / I {. IN l \ i. ) --. !7 SPE L'( CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: ruES @ rHuR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V,O FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING . trROUGH/WATER rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING '''^ \ \b on$lnprruc tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELE trl trF trC tr MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr OISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE U i-l.- isl INSPEC @\v F{r{(3 O ctz E =E uJc \I\T \N tf Oo(Y) I I .n UJ IIJt!t =G, UJ o- Vf, d:'gJ ?R JlsT\u lo I $ ,{r $i' $ I l_ .Ft<lo I I I I IE l6z t= lz utulFoz oz ! o .5 oz t!Julo Eot! EoFo Fz o o uJz3oa:' rL ll,l62,:.3 EvlulFI<F7oYZo< ^t\ "{\( ,s' ll N $ t t\ o(\s g s o I ..e\ -g-o .E' E'ct s\]oF q, G o oo CI E)og.5{ c\6o'Eoo- P.!'=r co E o:cl do Br o,c\63\ .9 0) j-otr 6 * 8.9) iE;: ,:t eE E BEE i;:;EE!sc96EIoSo !EEF EE;F E!ec cL o cL' SE; s oiEos*:€ EEEE - o..! o 6 0'-!t; o o, g€ie €glE 9 0a5 sfE;v o,o -cEg: - o 6J rr) (\I O) oo o(O oo ro(\l oo (\,1 oo o oo ro olr) Nsfsf F turo-(,z J @ -c)u, oz -to. J UJ tr oz (o = 9z |lJ = UJ uJ4z tr uJ ul G oo 3g tlJ z -tt UJ F o. llJo o.?z uJJ() x F lll U' (n IJJ UJl!t =E IJJ.L FoF o2 -J @ I F C) UJJ uJ (,z E i J Iz Io uJ = NO|lvn]V I Jto =zz!-oootr ^ 6zq 5 =9e.9 0E .tt o G. =?\ 86> H|r<(oq dH6s =R Z1:uJHN(J \\< \>r' E>/- tr -!(l)Etr3 =loAl C2 z tr .J Flr- o ulo. F (( o E uJ J zo Eo z tr e, UJFJ 'uJz ||tl "lrll = ^ze = Fie f e =sE g 8eB:<6()frllll||l|l.^a ='-fr5 < Eg2 3=dgT=gE o(Jorz zo F (nz UJ:)J ?E < uJ- in v ;i u,l t! oo = J a uJzx iF s t!o- JE=bdiE UJ I lp, o1rzoIr 9^U H*pS$ si $-1 ircol q col utF o ts =E lrJ o-zot()3EFazo(J .i{oazo Fo.ulY lrJo oF E t uJo. tl-o o-oo I ulFoz oz .r9ze ---@ o'cE Zq)f HPn!! E =(E ul bEE E<cl€frB9Ekbe5$E dEE FE! 5tE oo9 iutE XO-E HT €-; H oF --E :f;* ;Hg i at ! e ('z u- I Jdt FoJ oPo- .SZI .o =+,o I!(d = ui =zoo a IJJ =z u,l! E,o Ja ==o g :lI d : tr olr- .g.u ct- rJ)(o <toIut J N(Y) (f)r(' i I |.\l<' !-(U oo o I ,l '+o(Dtc;Qz.fs +51*9r+ u.l401tzlg=l "sl gl F(fl(i I r\rr| uiJlltF c !{-co lr 3oz, =Elt oz ci u.ltr J l!oz3 F ro(o <f or<fctr ll llt Eov,! o, lJ- = Etr ciz ciul J ltoz3 01F NO(\l Ir.o Nsf =E l! z o rJ.l J lroz3oH Eo an oF) lJJ C' =E G oz dul J tto z1;oF ul J uJF t!z =o Fo uJ ET t c -rO<Fd()uJ<ztr LIJ F(rzo() JI<(OIr:;.1UI al 5{ z)J tgP =<ZE d6 6F r3 E6 (roEh =b2<ofis=ltr!n ') r.ut,U);co:o -lz F(L lrJ ,Y UJ d] O:. F = .,: l!'(L: lJ- , (I I uJFoz UJF o '--,,tz ='-<*.= z ::...1 oO- lL F t! tto llJ z loo F =(! Jt-t!-h>'iGo_ LlJE(LOI 5uJx(L:>UFL! J UJ (D ot- o oo o =E Eo.J o a=:-E ts =Elrl o-zoFo3EFozoo nn! )if.4 / \ = =Eidd= 6. r o uJF z z o J l d) .o zzo o E c ==o zz I I lllJIF 6 I I I I I I lJ t6 rtrltLtot(' tzr6 U' uJ uJ LL E t UJ ILJ uJ =I LL F ccFz o E ct!z3ocE aL tll6z ... - c(vlulFI<FZ11LZ <tt < o q) (D'r o i.! \l'.I r' Ail {,C'" =.,o\ o\. o .i9l\x +, o. Y. )o !1. - o\.c o! O o) ==f d) c =cl oo o 3o'to ... '= O ar> Z1*tutE8E,; =.9 R€ *E P 8 E aE Ee 6E:0c-o> ef:E -9;.,r.: -€ >=: cY'-G -*io)35;:rr=>66 E ONEiEo* o otiE::.Yo;iE5;",.Y=-9i o- (! o-- (oPo- oi6-olEfi:€g6 d 5op: x'c\r:or <!E *i;Eei(!-f -: C f !: o o qg: :;,E i;o?=!36>.=96ai i5 E: afiB H9dor -cSgg - o (5i: (t>r!tuILF uJ F F tu z o 5 d) z E o- z =(J LUgJ z F L!' tu oE ID 3g uJ zo u.to oz o f z 6 =lJ o- 2 I IU uJl.J ? x o3Zzu- i o- u>z Xf>YE 9 OE tooGZ!-(Joo9?.ozXE<oq d!i-E:F 2 HNO E o- J z Eoo z E urF 3qJz z2* =sd*qtfi>^EsF eEEOBB? ,^6ii>'-a5 < E?2 e =d::EEEg;E H5o(,orz Fz z tr o == z tr)faz i )qir!x30YO UJ oz E =c UJ.L z =u- J(D F J (:t s- ''I ri z (D a LllEoo =o- F O =g t: .:: coo J ic :- 't, ,:. F : E oz oul J ILo z3oF ul E t- :,,) -\i : =t o2 o UJtr J t!oz 3oF ': uJJ uJF =Elr oz oul = tto z3 Etr z t! J a IL z 3 F ul.J uJF i-rJ =& oz oIu (E u. z Bo qJ J LIJ E. uJz = F LUF T E. <F LIJ <zE u.r F(\zoo <o()F -< ;F',2 ^-.o -O E >Y =<zt)F)zr!o <x \IF7l)a< iz =g G. =. (-,Z o() t <->a?rrr Ll,-'1 ^-ltrntr oz t =tr!(L t ) 0 0 vt N o lJ U) t1Jr!t! tr =E uJ(L ti t; I I I I I I I lr ll ri li t: tfl t1 dl fl a;\ ;t 5f(D-! g{ 2o I II I I I I I I t, lq.t\ Ir.titl* ls-t:t+ lN I rlJulo =r G tL oFo G Fzoo Go Gujz3od u. uldz .-- 3 G\JlutFI<F7aYZo< (l .9 (Lq c]ioF o o ooe A Eo 0)4 o ttc at o1toooc! o E o =c:) ato o o, CI6 =.o E ---oc6 t: 6.9 B EI: F.e*€ *PPsr- ,I (5 a =4.=o9 UP:Ac-o> :Eiic96EIo5or35;; E EARF!Eo -*-€ 3E SceP 9; ge $Eieo!Eols*e€ 9;,!5),'i'n c 0 : E3 H *eEe.s=; - o.Y o --trPct o'- i.c;o(,' stir EEi; ;fi s;9E qr - iE$E p ') t 1 \ \ \ a \ t, "b 0 s s nt I t s \ t b s b N a tr =E uJ o. z ! :<or! z 9 FolUJu, oz =f a- z Iolu = uJ llJ tr lu az. o(r o co =llJ u,Ez -r/) lno u, z UJ o x F luU'f j/, uJ UJtr. ts E (ts uJd J Fot- z dl 9 LU uJ (9z =J 9z () trl NO[VnlVA "f E'o Bltozo s,Eoan uJo r!zlu(, { \ ^=N>l q --atl3 tr't 3 =lOOt zz99q5E9 6 qrO6b<)zt!<33g8 FO<<ri zo F 3J F oo o- oEo llJ F \ \\l gJe J z 9E z9 z. u, x =uJz JIlF =2t =F EEgEItt g 9- r?. = < rQ2 3 -zd.= < E i E-EEHb zI)- J U'z uJ = F UJ I ;i K ul uJ 3 o a uJz :<9 t- \ . i. \ \ IrJo- F )F5 b dFEul s (, J)Or{O(f 'uJ F o ut ts,adlo-tr zo F0-ulY ulo oF ts E uJ o. lI-o o-oo I ulFoz { ?=oFzz *99 {iE :H?J ;:i oe;3 tsDD E =tul o- u-o IIJ(L F F ccul o.lto,ut59E<(lf,dut6oB9fir Etr =>bJ =ulEFouIod::oFO6r5o Pil o)":Tri UJ oF F lb = tiE l,lrl r-- o-zo tt-(J JGFazo(J 4*B \ 1 tll=\ I/ l-\r.// tc-\-J--'E t:er ili* lHs dfl; I I I "l EI JI <l>l u-lol zl 3lolFI q{o U \ oert\ F; t{J (9 E_"iFgF-a9il It f- \>\ x -Jl- ; \rl O-'-f S.rl Vl o € s q) :{a =tr v\ I G.t z o lU CE J a IIo z3oF Bll { !l .l t a td F I N $I Do N N N N N il \ I F F $ \\ $ il I a oa \ ulF z o = = lo .6 I l!u IEro I I I I I, IFt<et.tz r=IO \l \ $l l6 Nq irtv ujzi uJIF z c o) B.e!g,;o IJ8* e(!d.9'66,'; o. -octeaF E>orf.soCv,o(|'N()e+cc FC 14(D!5oo PF E€oo8o(6oD o.E:E Ed oc f€ Ef, -!t59 eg !c\c(t*: .^Oa';aEE o (5 o E (5 oo() .EE o R (! =! CL Eqq o s CL o o. .E $ .9 fit E o .; -c .trr- '>o. EoI o o E o)(l, go'5E sbtro 5f EEt'= .EFcL''ooa!5R =t;>c9'- o,Eco.9 !6OE +o cc €'e E: cL (! *E-- -co'lE* -i:EoOELC Ooicsg -o(E0 3,*E:E8o€Ce:6(!E >g-o 0)pE 6E-EO -o rJ) sf GI LO (\.1 a/, UJlrj lJ- E =t uJo- J FoF t '-l E >& ,:. r .tl lFl A fdi\:-a-l v= \q, N x =2 zwo ooi o. 77 A B EE66 EZt-()89 frl!<9q iH6 L-H 2 -NO ooo rftN e IJJe, J z Eo z9 EuF zl .. >lo ll,l Iu uJzotr Eulo- J z E \\ :.1) .f) {) T r. \) ar,@ sl sf uJF o z (99ze 60 =<de =HF#Hg F ut lt :t{E>E<cl60Ee.E9!ir EE => = lJl '- E 5EE ;o-E EbP \utE XO-t :>t q*o -'i!i ul co ulFoo'o1zo Ho-\IIJ \ Y IJJdl oF E Elu o- ltol o.'Olo, I uJFoz ts =Elrlo-zoF(J fe, Fa zoo Tl!! JLdoo =lrJd z. |.|-t-(.'F S4 >Ze. =Fo Ed. =ui z coo-) _lld.t Isl I Et IEtl =t fltcr g3 4Z tltltllt HI4l EJ qH El 3 tl J,l q5l u{ tl-l.{95=l EI PI I I I dl =.1olull 5l <l>lttlol zl 3l9lFI tltltl lel dElg3 <bltzl531ct 9ls-t Fl rl\l-l I ?lolull .El Jl alilol zl 3l o{FI ,l ql il, G -rO<F(ts(J IJJ <zeIIJ F(42 E 9P =EfFd6 c) EoFo GFz o z 7 uJ = E ;\ H F;Oz O ! I flEffi cz l<o ooo ct<l ooo ooo O! (n lu IJJtl, F =E IJJo- I .J -l -.. .r1 l.|rr lo IJ o t!t!o 2 o 4lF oF E F22 = =z utulF z z 6J l @ cd zz6 t! UJo =T CEoIL E l-O. GFz o Go ur-.z3od |!LU6z,.}EofuJFI<F2.\ YZo< -i- o c o 'i c .!4 F bE;E 'EEr:t EgEigiitFe;i€c; i€EiE E.; s.e €o: .- o "oPo*E f E;gT !EE;g.!o'-.:-E=O(/'tr sEE=i E !A;E gBiE$ o1r) c;Nro c> f') 3 (: C) rO rft oo(t ogI oo orl' <\I oo (O (") clrt stNr', (\l F =E UTo- zo J !0 -C)uJ z J J IJJJ uJ (,z ao = o"- J oz o uJ = UJ uJltz tr uJ uJE E o.o =g uJ E,z -tt uJo EU'oo- uJo o-f 2 uJJ x F utol a uJ UJlt E =c.ul o- Fo F ri\ { \\ z J .o J 9EF UJJul z = o- oz Eo uJ- NO|lVn]V -Go =Zzu-o ootr ^ 62q.5 > eF9 OE aaE5b I3= 69q isg Ei9 '-dot(, =>G zo F J tt trti o 0 uJ F ooo lI) E (L uJ J z Eo z E uJ =IJJz Illtlll a,trzfz9.q <oo< =aRt!bo<z a =z, 9='-F tro3tr ll f-1- tl [+-Ittl-T;I tilxlllilrIrr-lul ul f, g, u)!Jz :< iF u, zIF z I !! ILoo(E o = U' o JI<l -l zl zl .. >l I,U IJJ u,lzo ts = IJJ(L z E o (\l z_ aH| l T L I t (\J -f,fl .!{ utF U'oo- oF tr EulI >\tL <f ,: \. ,. 1 uJF o I lll 1-oz 'flntr z oPz4 coo =z=)fdP Ji3,- z.F<F-oi -i IIJfr>+._ EJE9 lctlzlq l=>il = CEul l!o UJoz u)L F .E Eo- JFlrJ -b=duJ =o-Ol!9o \ IJJx(Lx> llJ)Jtt ulo F .E 5 E Eo(, o C.' E 6o,o! = lsaE l, * |ll r- o-zo :-fbEo"EDSEEb.r. I2 \ €o\E()E o I-- 6,7 El {. *u,lo oz t! to FoJ lrloo E4, -lrl H l. radg o Gc,g ii =z I uJ J = IJJ z a'a]ta =o &IF =u., = =tr,Y tr v) an uJ ! = I 6tt t,oD trl (.D ct! Iol =l('l 1l al>l t!l zl 3l FI tr oz o UJ I lt z3 F =o.td.lrloz tr z. (t ul =s o z3oF -ri >. =tr :.'l I .tol ouIE t! ol zl3 9l N \t '\\ ut utF G z. l,u : i1 t!o z3I uiJutF UJz3o UJ E? C) <F(rOuJ<zEUJFc,l 2 J C) EF() UJJ I z) E >Y;o =ff,F1ZIJ-O *x9tr 43 s5 E Eir =J.Eqz<()fffr=l ,6 ulFoz oz 6I dt € z "-,1T Nt' I t il: \ig ,{E $= \Hbl I I I I I l- rS\lro 'X!E (nt! uJt! tr =E tU c ge 'O o) o@(JO e(!6.9'aa';5. €o'g.c ?=v,o sF. c) (5 gl (! (E c o ;oF (J r1) o C) _lrt E q) q) o 6 E its*{r E sE f; i ffi$-EL= - O v(0 P o-p i *EgE iEEgg :383d(sO'-.:Ft= o o c E,*ig€ sBli3 iEiEl z uJ = Et! o-J FoFNOtlVn-rVA .. >l UJ llt lrJzoa = UJ z EF V \= >E (nrA: ,o YQQ -eo!ZZtLo ootr ^ 62q 5 =eE 9 OE ooE3r 86Z HlJ-<91 IP-0l;6 giq friGl(, ltt z o z9F UJ J 3 uJz oz t =G IJJ o- uJ tr Qoo1zo FiLulv [uo' oF F =CCIuo tto o-oo I -u uJ 2E i6 Fioi\Lux il= (,z6 = JcJbl E:!rulo.tto u,oz oo F E ..t F h=fEo- ll,l:o-OE9olurxc:> t!'JJ;:- I! u) o o Ecto o o q E Eo C) o zo F oz ot! ts =Elrl o-zo F() Et-azoo !D a r t (,z J u- I I I I d F i $t-, *N us i$ Ev\ t ii z -) rl x s-{<\t lrlL]I Sc\l\ UJ =z a { { {.) \ A llJ o J- = >\\ \9c. :c _J \ = \TxxI 3 ? t"r =E tr v F' 1lf \J oah a F(r'lV\r \-i :i t ! f--l 'r .} e ? c VJ c =Etr o2 out E. ]toz3oF IE fvl \a vl c- ulJl!F g E \ -5(; J \j =t! \) I .iz ti ul J ILo z 3 F b { $. f ui gl F I i I l ] .t)v T\t L ; "1 :E tr z o UJ a z3oF -\ ( - .s _-t- ul EF ?o -./tq t\i = tr z ql = o z3oF - \s |..- -T- IJ,J il :t oz o UJ I z3 F u.l tuF t UJz3 F tu tsT -.r O<Fc(Jul<zEUJF(aZoO <oOF FJ aza*- (Jo 1t- =#JZo-O O <;oEza) =fYZ =g ,E.O tltJ- E,FFOz O J<()QU)-:^-l n7 7aS'v L? oP't 2/z a-f Z5/ ) // Iaoa 2 t--.--,-- e -9 z/eSct*---1- :;L ! e5'( dt ,, o les2yAToS/ eeLt --/0:,e -.e / Zi Qi:& a-q'/tb E ?,t o INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI CALLEB TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: '.'--, //'"1-, h. ,.i, B tr tr trI tr tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR ,q/FINAL tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED F RETNSPECTTON REQUTRED DATE .INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER INSPECTION:TUES WED 6;)\*.-..{y)AMREADY FOR LOCATION: '',/ t.{ THUR )l/ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr E tr tr UMBING: o FoUNDATTON /S,TEE, I UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr tr tr tr o FRAMING ' ROOF & SHEER ,, PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL tr FINAL EL E fr I tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: O HEATING ROUGH D tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR N FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL /-. I /i, /i(DATE "_i / ) , ,/ -.JOB NAME 1 .,/' CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:TUES 'WED THUR FRIMON PMAM fo ffeenoveo ,coRRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED LOCATION:r BT o tr D D tr X D ILDING:PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL tr o tr D tr tr tr D UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATEB FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB N FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: EI HEATING tr o tr ROUGH n tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FIJTAL O FINAL DATE I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE 4-e1 JoB NAME _-- ,tt'i,'ttr ,,1' iLiatL. - k.r(tl,p..rt t CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON li'o.sr,(rf Brr!-o$!^c tr FOOTINbS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr F- D tr o tr FOUNDATION / STEEL - EROUGH/D,W.V. FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB SHEETROCK NAIL D tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr E tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIB o ___f o rwil -tr FINAL #PRovED O REINSPECTION REQUIREDtr DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: ./"/.. :7,' ,,r/.,n.,'.'/.i'.,. i' DATE INSPECTOR 7,. INSPECTION REQUEST DATE READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES-./ r41 , .__jOWNOFVA|L JoBNAME- YLlailt:,/l s*=- i\r,^yul f)r,t, l.- wED 'HUR FRI I ,-,- 6'9fr CALLER -.{^''t LOCATION:1- t BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr t-l UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER ,/ m FRAMTNG I noor & sHEER GAS PIPINGtr ijLiwdo D r.r-Ii r- r r.r e tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: O TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr n tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr rfi/t FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIREDOVED COBRECTIONS: DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:, MON TUES LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL rHUR 6Rl\ IL k*, tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED WED /vPPROvED r'/doRRecrtorus' tr DISAPPROVED CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEE-tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr F tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR INSPECTOR T DATE JOB NAME t,tlt'\A INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN O VAIL THUR FRI ( tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: ,,fro"^o"o/ CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V...\ ON / STEEL tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr { x tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED .:IEIIF" , TRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTTIBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H, TUB -SHEETROCK NAIL ?f l;;'tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr E TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr trfi tr FINAL 'E//AfPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR il rNsfctoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOB INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr I] FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: I] HEATING T] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr E] FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED . .r *'g41g . ; .' :rr 1 -- INSPECTOR rNJ "toNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLEB MON TUES BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR cjz t =Elu o- cc oor\ oo(Y) f f ) 6 UJ IJJlt E =E u,Jo %r'tr#ffi tilre .NiH I I I I slH $t* \]. io Ni UJ o lr FI; EIEvrt J =t;olod IlgztA r!J uJ U) Golt F Fzoo IJJ j-oc 6 * 6.e') iHE:E E!gEfr i€Eig! Et Ec iEEiE EE;EE E.; s.e CsE;si =EEg€ iEEgg60'-.=-.c=o.aE E,*f g €-E!-=r_ E HAEE ieilg oo roo )) Do oq rf) (Y) oo o oo oo c oc c E E uJL z J o ! IJJ z J J E c)r! a! z E J J z. uJt UJ UJl!z tr uJcq)l!E E o .D 'llJ uJ zo ulo oo-t! 2 llJJ C' x utof U' IJJ UJt! ==G, uJo- J FoF o =o :Jf @ -t EFoulJur oz ao =f o- J = UJ. NOr.tVn'lY ;Eo3 IIozoFo-cIuro uJzt!(, =>E -ldlE u,t .t =ool zz ;A:1>E9l!<oq ^-(JE8.irri zI {ttt d 3oE >l-l ooo llJE zIFoo tt9 F e, r.lJF =uJ2 .. >loul tu|r|z ar>F =E l,uc J z 9 tr o qJl IE ao uJzYI F llJt! F 2o tr J z tltltltl oEzfz9.ot- uJ<od<OJ>E-trREX.i<z tr2.. 9z iFtro3E UJo z Y tl. z o) c) (\l I cc !! F t[)ji) rY) ''d tl.) i z.r9zz 60>z dP =fi*-xoBi=' == LIJ lt EE2zE<cll€EE9rlLi95EF't* =ul:-E 5fE. > o-E Eb9 \rrE X'LE ;Iit u.lo-i!tr l!oo .F (f, Ol (\l C' = qJF o u.lt at, @oazo Fo- uJY UJ @ oF F |rlllG l!o ILoo I u,lFoz F =Elrl o-zoF C)3EFazoo !!tr nrn U'PLoo-(n Lc) (o dl i,i =z (Oro(o =t ru F I ll IJ| .tltq l3 I il 2l FI I I I .l ql <t>l bl zl 3lo|FI C., !P C)(l, u.t =olt F E in ?lolullEl JI ?l>l ttlol zl FI rl ll l'l l9t|rtloltzl BFI I I I I .t zl ol r.ulEl ililol pl I t -.r O<FcouJ<zEUJFtrzo(.) J o EF C)ulJ !?oz, t- =#d6o EoFo EFzo C) z T C) uJ = = tv, z O -L oz F =Eu,o- ( s( s It o r-J oI a 3 a i U'[!utIL L =E UJ(L z \ni I I U'utFoz oz o l .6 ozz .Etuz3o ul F Ju,v, = olt o FzoO Go rl. uJ(r F -l o q, q, C' tco o(t o) o o o c,EoO g) I'3 dl o =l d Q) o o.o(t 'o o -qrcj;ct E;3LODoc.()(uoe*€ EE3 o Y.9-o>frsE E6;B!:9,!i oN c) o o)c lC o(,(! (t l o tn 6 o o an3 3 a a a c(! .o .E o o,E E =3>q Eoo q) o) ol(g o o (t) =(l o o (lt an rc (lt (l o. oo o, (\t a()oo (u lC(l, c, ct Eoo I' c) :loo c '- E €, f 0) () o. v, o, () q,q) E() !ocL() .o o) o c\ \^q ) tr) 60 N\9 o Vl C\^I D o a 0 oa 0a \ r"l tr Eq, (L oz d 5(D ! (J z -) J slc Foll,Ju, oz (o L 9z ul IIJ o uJ ow o 3g z F6o u, 2 L! (J x F u,U'f tt s LI UJ J Fo oz. =ldt J 9 FoluJ uJ (,z J J oz IU: NO[VnlV :aco =zzu-o ootr ^ 6zq 5 :9a 9 0E tnoEa, firr- <o1 Is-:, tri5 Gd(\to '=>e, 6frY& tt zo F f o. ott lLr(L oos Y G UJG z9tr zo F E uJF ; UJz ,ll\t IttaEzlz9a <()o<9dSHRCoo<z U' ts3[21fFd636 \l t ; =F ut Il ll 3ls fr- N ll :'F I Il -l I I _l 3t .hl JI<l Fl =l zl >l tl tl tl I tl tl lls. ll 1- ll ci UJll oI u.lll uJllzI.tll Fil=ll !cll lr.l ll a J<llzt|o lN= ll 6ll o< z Nl ta YT IItl't -E iI J.?') -i'::) t,J tsa(Do-)zo F UJY ul cD oF E (E uJ(L u-o Hu,bkzo z ar, 9z2 CDO>zl)JOLt! dffan a\ =YZ>aE? J lr'1 o-'r -1 uJ6;i > tr trtuIll.ouloz )oIoF.r9 0- JFtll '- h= o- llJ>cOu-oo\rrxo-:>IJF llJ ' J J l! u, oF cc, E CLo o, ott .tca E Eo(, o F =El|'I o-zo F():f E.Fazo C) nnn (97 J lJ- I I I I I I I IY J(D Fo J 4 d./{ v) Js\ ft AI\ I u; z o-1 j TI.ll :l{l*l I 'ol-l rq E 4 -a:t-lI { -J.3 \.1-\-(-f Edo) a = \.\N sf 1 Eo g ul(UE ! = C C)tr z d UJ e o z 3 F .{J!\ { F =tr oz oi!(r J lto zfol- t I I g or oi llJa J a o z3oF c oz ct uJ(r J ? u.o z 3oP E E ol =.1olujl 5l 5l u-l ol zl 31ol F! u,) uJF tt!z =o F() =.r ()E -:o<FeouJ<zEUJF(1 Z | <oI oF| ;()| -<I ii o. -=2F'8 9? 6)>>d]Fda <= YFz() =< Y,Z>3 Et) =+E Oz J<()gC E E It 1t-1 \(.2F{sn€Jc f\5r-\ -- i. tLE' I tQ,A*tS,iA {o4 Mr. Tom Banner Banner Sports % 7LS W. Lionshead Cir.Vai1, CO. 81657 715 Ltonshead Cirde, Vail, Colorado E1 657 . 1303) 47G4444 April 15, 1983 Sincerely, Dear Mr. Banner: This is to acknowledge and approve the physi.cal improvements you have proposed foi the ski/sports shop you lease on the prernises of Marriottrs Mark Resort. These improvements are outlined on the attached drawing. This approval is for the sole purpose of assistins you in obtaining necessary pernits to undertake said irnnrovenents. I\r,QZ{" z\ Mike Robinson Resident Manager kf P x3 Ff suVl \n \q Kttlor $FHlcq'i* €r i Io Cl -IaAq acf I Ir\J2 ,.,1,| €e .r,i F. Z J(' (;\r-t f-- !J >< \, !4\- \J s '.-J !--oa o o Cc't!l:t 3 t-L r$ )o LJ a1 tJ!_- s :rs{N \JI \|f- cr :\"J JJ4 IJc/ ,- l-q v1 '-j:l J*J a#\I .<(J h N >\\ :;t -t \- '..' \,t ,,J *J;a.i f<Y; (. ; tv] \ .'t r t a.J -t -J Y\J <t h [f "rll Iii sll J ll<-ll vll "Jll <li ,cc|JF ti I I I I I .rl F {.- <ls ,/,1 i.." trtz'2 {tr I ! ;\*J .r .l d.tl -; .-_5; .l;-r 2l qri -l cl-"t -4 d:i ,lJJl .J LJ f t i I I I I I I I I \ tl F-\\n vi:7 : JI JJI{t-s Flr, OlL\n ol -Ntrl.l ..1 ", Ul<l<l 1ldd ;lJl 1 ,;f| -t -tl I r/l.' li <;1i ;f: F. { o,q D:t:(, tFIrni(ir!l I2lci uJ 'tI 'LJ (I az 1- g 6 € r{ '9 i ' ililn vl\rl J(5 AC**UIF-'2-1 -J -: U* : i I, Ii i { , T! I , i I ( !I II I I it Jtr'vl- -+J'- q tr. :rs -l ec\ ) \5 r I J<-i 3 JrJ "t e ; L i I i ! It I c T I I I l.n iYtn Itrt-lv lY I / FJ! v\J4d =q _ ---::l 6a 5\$e i 1, *o d3 o T_- F- (Co*1- 1.J' t-(l \,,t ^\.t_, 2(l z$6l- rJ.)FJ \l J \-l \r.lrii3jl -F dl EliT ,Jl t t* I .,'rEdZ ..2 '*lee5tr !- '_it' -t- ''-r.J \n\:Zt-€,J: f{ )Q T4 c{ t\ v e 14 4Ics v.-1 .,/':t .-/-., t/ x, ,/7 .,'cl' ..J (i\ ..5 \.t N' 'j] 1 aJ c{ J-1 t- J t-"t i.i l l-r ."1 F *,c \}- - ,.1 I :r-J ? z \ a.r$ c)-6.4 rd Fa',o \".r € t".- d, '{t J\.1 J.J { .t f-rl r.J I i v- \o o t fs 3 e*: ^l ',c tr{S r."i2 1g€{tri2s,2e. .,J .l q.j *) =€J {<t \-J v1 \<t-, q/ r \S rv-')d\ svl _r -_ q ebR F3{Ss sN\oF \s-- rJ! 'rl -1:JLi _n v\\/l Iv 2- -S\ 4t- \i o o ill tilt llI rl \ I ..\: i Cl tl o q 'J ca .ah \tF ? g J >a .J \)Cb { s,J t-oa \LT $c :t:av"+ o-ul -J)oIJ e1 5: <1 :*;{F \Jf F c'l <ij J-'J4tJt Ul!sl f Fq .r1 .*J = J*J rr&\rl <d .|.1-J .r . I 4ilr -i di JFt aqrl -l Cl ,rri i q -i L:t -{Jl .l tl $ R. c ,J F ,{ -t _l \{ ,.J {t, tr \' .J Ft.irrn t_-__-*-._ i= l-_-----r i-. a.: fi\; EUa2JIJ€ q > aJo /h N *r---t- .ts* \ ,\ 2 rI I x !$ .rl F {,''4s 4T OE G -'..' dlurJa'J ={tz-r {-' \-l- xItF Jo v1 I D Cq r.lF r.L \- \ri::r : *il JJI<l=s F,.lr, 6l:- \n .olTN\II .'l ", Ulalol {l at d :l:l a,ilI -r - ll L' ',tl r( ''rJ ,-J I tJ az .z-Id6e .!. ililm vl \,rl {J(] (*-uF--2* -f '-o*\r'* 'J' tr'vli il :iiii ;iiiililiiitil iiiltl!t -+r- q r, nrg q e\\;ll-i l-Til.'l !l ., 1itll.l,l"iJl'l iulri .. 1 )ii I o'i"lF.l I:io!il lvii"l'1ll"l .Il t- I I JLi ? Jlrl 2 G-r\l J., =io1 I-*.-.--*-*--.,1 .-,-"."---'*.",1 ./l:r , c.l .."-J v\J4. { =q 6a $le \:,t I ! t/|J :d3 t--FF(LoZ "t", . l-(l ul ^l'tr-l 2q a. trJ {)o4 r$ '..f1ts .cr I E /.1\j'\ Z ,y, irl6 *.,, C) 6.-'r,.-\* '.r.f ,nx:zt-S'dl: ,{:Q-- "ei1 c.l t\ v v1 dl€ cf: _.t 3ti[/.\F/fi' ..J ti .L ,...1 dJ I t- 't' i ..1 I t-.,1 o -*5L N. I i- n 'i)- .t't ?i1- Ir ' .\ zfl€F u.JFJ{C l- \.1 t- J\J \:.1 .rftdl3Jl -F dclFryEii 1' r. ,il I I i I I I I \ r {e F 4, 4iJ LJ J.J { .l l-Irl \,1 I J o o c5 d3n*,I\{' >j 'ri Fdl.\lj1 -: -*, .- --, rr,2s, l't..,J .J qj -) =€J g ^/'1\-J INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON /\tWED: THUR FRI AMI'PM/:- -' r- CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: I B E tr tr tr tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: B UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trl trF tr( tr GTRIGAL:MECHANIGAL: TEMP. POWER tr tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIB EI,,FINAL tr FINAL lffotttouto/'coRRECTtONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: AM PM '7,,4 BUILDING: O FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL { TFnr' ? 70 a tu - tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH '. O EXHAUST HOODS N CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FtN*61 E FINAL 'WKrpaoveo 7:',":'."^ou2 tr .// REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ,*#"toN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL f,, {r /'1 OATE ..,41: 1 INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES FRI PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: I] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: I] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL F tr tr tr tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER tr tr tr tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING - INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAI.: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR D- tr FINAL tr FINAL 'lffnfeaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,- .D4rE- rNsPEcroR .lt , ,# INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR |NSpECT|ON: MON TUES WED THUR iiry - AM PM.,"t'j - nL' t Itft A /l-tn'{'(LOCATf ON: / |.L\J |,LMJ ll BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH I E EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL N DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED INSPECTOR \* INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME ,MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION i STEE-ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB qSHEETR FINAL tr E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D tr tr E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL Kppaoveo tr DISAPPBOVED tr HEINSPECTION REQUIRED,,/.., , CORRECTIONS: oz ts =t u,lc Oot\ C>O(v) (n IJJ uJt! F = IJJ o- ptr( Tg/rF?;',';f # .Y) \ \ [! iE t!o 2oJ uJF F FIz o =zo ;^ UJF z z.oJ .0 € oz z o)o: !g dc) €!8: F66.o'aa e 3:\ otr-\\;e \E FT 'i\\ F.P"',.'\ sbaX F $\) -, E 'ri cc\N 3 E\Nro\\\ eE IJ P= 9: egoo 8oooD o.E =I'9;i5 oO El EB .99CI!o.c(gt3 l/i c)t't(og -:- o E6g'=oq)*!ap8F curo9;I;otr Ffc ;OY e:5ieid'5 =c9o 3E; 3Ea ==EFOO cc- 3egtqi c.=- 6 cL(o o-*r: oP O_Ego-dcPbt!il: s o oE EEE *vC6 0'-t= q) - --c/r!O*gEs -cl=36>.o (!= .Y;EHi 8 e6e9E cr OEE!oo) z3o UJ- tto uJ a \e N U N\\ \f. I\*t Is-qq, o a rf))at E e,uto- (Jz 6 x C) uJ oz o- o o UJ l! z = J J C)z () UJ = [J uJ z tr uJ o IJJt a! 3 UJ z a UJ F oo- UJoc 2 uJJ x F ulv,f tn uJllju- F =t UJo J FoF z @ J d,F UJJ uJ (Jz =Jc J Iz -o UJ NOr.tvn'lvA =l>tr1 -r.ol3ur S I =glol JEo =ZZtLo oo F^IDZq 5 :eE 9 OE .naE6b 3QzHlL<35 3sxtrq6 aF.N(J z k l! E o of e.o uJo- F c) o () z Eo zotr e. uJ 3 UJz trzlz9qkoo< EE2Gxu-6ci<z otz, 9z -iFno3E uJlJJ au)lllzY iF z tr) oz l Fu) Jl<lFI zl zl .. >lo llJ IJJul2o ==trr! o- z 9 troirF (r o) z F(t) c) c!I co -cJ l-a \ \. N.. c\ f\. \o ) \12 Es I s (o coOt (\! |! uJF o .t Lj '1 i lr).; lD (Y)il r{1 ,'-1. \-, -"t .| iuJ,.F o dtot-zo Fo-ulY'. ulo o.F'ts{r2:E.' uJ'0. .- lt:o'!>.0...o';i o I.uJ'F oz z ,r9 =ecoo =z=:)dP "39 ==3- ir ! dd= F IEul o- t!o:t!EZE<ct6A69B9arkbe =o-'tr 'L t-: rJl --E E=r)J;E =EE E3 I \uttrx(Lt x>o=Fa ..io-!tr uJ F --- E =E lrJo.zoF() E 6zo() tr!n g I (, =J lJ- rn.uLo v, L(U G, ui =.z -l rf rU F I IL la I I Igqo CI{J =o Iolz.l (rl ull 5l <l>l .) t-t.*j -_rI e9 ,l\4-\ =cltr =.1 Hl JI <t>l EIol zl BlolFI =.1ollul 5l 9trl =.1ol IIJI JI al>l rLlq fl I .l =.1ol :l Pl e E(,o z. l;O =fd6 z C) z I r.lJ = E -.1 O<F(r(JuJ<zt[!F.nZoo F() Fz J F C) LlJ t-Eir =!tf rJzflr! NT€RV 4I\tM.tm 901 N. hontog€ Rood p. o' Box 73o Voit, Cdmdo El6S8f€bphorE (303) 426224S ?e, Fa&, r/,wz ?uto.- bzrt 4u,aab @ *zt /7,33nto Tez,rrr#F3rtf77 &rf - rlaz< A,D O^tcy /r". or Rec Feu fr-i t)*t Tttsv 6er hrr 4gW a UJ u- b =E llJ 9r l(f 9 lJ- z J F o E G Iz = zz gJ z = >=-:-i<rL --=-=;:-:2.: <'it:--l - < t "iq.-{2r;i.i:::: i < = z- ==21=:Fr-3. <eJJza:;iiExi6-iI9--.t9 li.,.ro> --<a:tu!=<r < 'J fl > (t 1r I : \J [, t\ .l ll \nc .t i,' \ Ll ) l -\ .J r) ( ) t't \ 1) ll) i .) p ,I t)\* T F uJ o2 =d) :< I z J O FO llJ z i ! uJ UJ uJ z. =qJ o uJ o €o]U IU z -q, o F6 (L u.t o- z ulJo a UJ t.lJtLt uJ ) oF (tz oJ:) J 9 F. uJ E oz ao 9z ot! NO[VnlVA oz tr =Et! o. >G -I Y,to =ZZtr-oootr ^ 6zq 5 =eaP oE6-o E Z!()oOn<)zX t!< v= Pd -E-:9 2 dor(, z tr F; l tu llJe z Eoo z tr CEtltl-J 3 UJz rttlltttrtl Z g -2i -fr: F5-iEpPe3{ iEE EB6 E:9< @(!dlz=tlltlltttltl F(,?_ * ,=, = < rEF z " E ; # p*r; $5:oo(Jrz<) zIF Jfaz UJ J F Ll-t I (J uJ UJ o 3 v, l.| o- Io z G. uJF 3 .J a ttlFoz so UJ UJz :< it- UJ F -J*<u-9=ol;9 u.l oz F(J ul-toE(L u.l F o F =E, trJ ul o Jz z."9zzdro>z (L r.L "dg=Ee 6il> Dtr! o E o6 o .=c5F caYo;(,d 6 lJ- C rrrar;-E> ru.o o-z eF C) =)E,'t-az'oo -a-'\ | ( )'lf:\ r //l=VE = z :cO LU &.(,oZt- =<ZE]FJZo-O E Etl )-e F -.r O<FGOr.! <ztUJF<52 C) F Fz a') <o ,4- wt]= 'uO(J F() LU =I z. uJz = J<()o? fo I I It' I l' .t I I J.4UIdclojJ>- =c) nnn Iq)fcp.l I ct7 L =G uJL I I ciz ooo oorf, N o 1'o ccc ctnt\ coo olJ)F. .J' uJ UJlt tr =IEluo- tBl t tlo/ s / J+)1) ?t t^u-.\t+ $llll $lgl# Eo ,6tJop #ffi c c. o,.o c( al rcc(t (\ oo |fr f\rrt r.O oo oorr) t\ oo oolt) t\ t*OO Nst t\sl c cc(r) \'oo c;o l.r) tc st (o (I)lr,4 r'- G-Esii FE: J E z Ete,ulo,(,z 6!3o I(, lrl oz Jc J 9EF() uJ UJ (,zo E a J Iz o LIJ = m tsi oG o ID 3g ul z(9 F atto ItoC?z ulJ C' o IJJ ur.]l-e e. UJo. J l>s ii<; F a,tta4 I *jozoJ .D J g GF() UIJ UJ oz 6 = c 9z o uJE k\sg !rffi:.Rr.te=ia<tl NO|lVn'lvA F() L!-r.oto- -,1ol .;l(\ll: j,l -l F =Elrl J.'x+t.y !d9c E+- fi:uJ'-o# E*ulct v{=>c -rt't -!urS \": : zz\00 Ed =tJ, O1>E9bfH5t(tFO.. ..,i z9F F ov, I oE(J UJo- ooo oou) N E o. UJc R zItroo z tr UJ =uJz l||lF = ?_ 26 3g E E:iuq$EE;!EE(JuJur<oz< .ro c o z:t t3 | I I IE 9, ,2A sssi *E;F5H z9F J U'z uJ) ?E o I CI GI sl(I, F ul? x a; (, C' uJ UJ ooo3 ; Jo u,l uJE o. F F 6i GulF 3 iiqJ z ou,Aat u,z 9 |l:-\n F{ tE I6l I uJ F +- +.i(! +, {J .E ribirP E lr- e. u- Jzozo F oz olt I *6-zF< F6-'i uJtr= >11> (Jz J LL Jto FoJ co +, !G' JI tU =,n +t+,o LL 'E= il =z aoo'.7 I Ilil' -l ltl tra E6l 1EEo F6 v, I = = + cc tcvq c lrJ g : rdqI Eo CI{J = G l! utEactq J = =E atl lll = =tr UJEoo = :c v,atu,coo =6 0au,z =\o I Fc)ultrEcrE t, -rO<FE()r.! <ZE,u,FrtZo(J JI<(OrF<tr:si ur( I E)j( ItI (9z co =f Jo x. ?)( : )) dE =3E6 Eogt) =+8,o2 oO J<oou,33 (9z6 = J EI oz o -J (D E co EcI!' o! .:gJ r,-9,-E=9E;o-OLeO5rE;EFott!'T' !-€ o-zo F(J DEFazo() - Ftf 2 .s O tJ, /ra,uhod % NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES aoo/er,r MF BUrLD PERMTT Pernit 895-0 302 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970 - 479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Occupancy: R1. Type Construction: 11 Type Occupancy: Val-uation: L, Fi reotace Information: Rest ri cted: Department of Community Develapment Description: INTERIOR REMODEL OF GUESTROOM AND CORRIDORS coLoRADO HOTEL MANAGEMENT, INC. 1253 SPRADDLE CREEK RD, VAIL, CO COLORADO HOTEL MANAGEMENT, INC. 1253 SPRADDLE CREEK RD, VAIL, CO HMC ACQUISITION PROPERTIES INC 10400 FERNWOOD RD, WASHTNGTON DC MuIti-FanilyFR Not in tablel 000, 000 Job Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CRLocation...: MARRIOTT Parcel No.. : 2lOL-072-07-001Project No. : PRJ95-0086 81657 8t657 200L2 Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: 09/t3/199s rssued. ..r 09/ls/t995 Expires . .; 03/13/1996 Phone z 303-4'19-9'lL5 Phonet 3O3-479-97]-5 fOf t,ood/Pa l, Let: ***ff*tri*ffi**ff*******ftffiffi***ff***ff#****ff**** tEE SUl.lt'lARY *************************ffi**#*#******************** Add Sq Ft: #0f cas Logs:#0f Gas AppI i ances: 4,340.00 Restuarant P[an RevieH--> ?,82',1 .OO DRB Recreation tee----------> C Iean-Up Deposi t--------> TOTAL FEES----- Bui tding-----> Ptan check---> Invest igat ion> lli tL CaLt----) .00 400.00 .00 750.00 8,314.00 TotaI calcutated Fees---> Additionat Fees--------> Totat Pernit Fee--------> 8,314.00 .00 E,3',14.00 E,31/..00 .00 5.00 *ffiff*Jiffi#H******t*ff***#ir***********ff******ff************iili*iiI****************firr****i***ffit**************fi**BALANCE DUE.-.- Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: ITem: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT09/13/1995 DAN Action: APPRItbm:' 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT09/13/7995 DAN Action: APPRIIem:, O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENTO9/I3/I995 DAN Action: APPRIt'em:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS09/13/L995 DAN Action: APPR **********ff***ff*fi*****************t************fft*************ff*********H************ff**ffi**ff***************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to t.his pernit. DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknoHtedge that I have read this apptication, fitLed out in ful,l, the information reguired, compteted an accuratc ptot Ptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. t agree to compl,y uith the infornation and ptot itan,to.conpl.y vith atL ToHn ordinances and state [avs, and to buitd this structufe according to the Toun's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design reviev approved, Unitorn 8uiLding code and other ordinances of the Tovn appl,icabl,e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL SE IIADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS TN ADVANCE BY Scnd C[ean-Up Deposit To: {g *t"ro"orutr ). U *************************************************************** 't 75 South Frontage Road Iegtrgv/br&o 6ffifi-0302 CONDITIONS as of 09/t5/95 Department of Community Development Status: ISSUED**9r,_ir9_rtw+79ttfi9***********************************:t************************** FAX 970-479-2452-P-etnit. ryFel ADD/AIJT MF BUrLD pERMrr Applicant: COLORADO HOTEL MANAGEMENT, INC. 303-479-9715 Applied: 09/L3/1995 Issued: 09/Ls/L995 To Expiret 03/L3/L996 Job Address:Location: MARRIOTTParcel No: 2101-072-07-001 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL OF GUESTROOM AND CORRIDORS Conditions: 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. FIRE DEPARTMENT CORRECTIONS ARE ATTACHED TO PLANS.3. THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR INTERIOR GUESTROOMS AND CORRIDORS ONLY. {g**"uoruo 'f, o *********************************!r****************************** TOWN OF VAIIJ, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0070 Amount:8,3L4.00 09/L5/95 10:09 Payment Method: CK Notationr ck2220017L Init: MMC ;;;;il--E;;;;-----;;;7;;;-*-*;;-;;; 2toL-072-07-001 715 W LIONSHEAD CR MARRIOTT ?otal Fees:8,314.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS IIILL CALL INSPECTION FEE **************************************************************** Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4t332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 8, 314 . oo 8r 314.00 .00 Anount 4, 340 . oo 400. 00 2 r82L.OO 750 .00 3 .00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PLTIMBING PERMIT PeTmit AT *: ALL TIMES P9 5-0 17 1 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2r39 FAX 970-479-24s2 APPLICANT CONTRACT1OR OWNER Description: Job Address Location.. .Parcel No..Project No. 715 W LIONSHEAD MARRIOT ztol-072-07-001 Departmenl of Community Development CR Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: Lo/24/t99:Issued...: LO/26/L99! Expires. . : 04/23/t99( Phone z 303'1 628346HURST & BURR P & H CO., INC 4501 SOUTII NAVAJO ST, ENGLEWOOD HURST & BURR P & H CO., INC 4501 SOUTH NAVAJO ST, ENGLEVJOOD HMC ACQUISITION PROPERTIES INC 10400 FERNWOOD RD, WASHINGTON DC ALTER NINS BATHS TO MEET ADA 255.00 ncstuarant Ptan Reviey--> Phone z 3037628346 16, 700.00 co 80110 co 80110 20012 Valuation: Pl.umbing----) Ptan chcck--> Inve3t igation> Uil.L ca L t---> TOTAL FEES---.00 3?1.75 Tot.I catcutatrd fces---> Addition.t Fees-------> Total Per it F.F------> Payrent > 321 .75 321.75 .00 321 .75 63.75 .00 3.00 BALA CE DUE----------> .0O***ffi**ffii**ffi*t*t****ffi**ffi*******ffiffi***t**ffi*Hffi*k**ffi*##*ffiffiffiff***!***rht**.t*i**ffi Item: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTLO/24/1995 CHUCK Action: AppR Dept: BUILDING Division: ffit****ffif***ffi********t'tr*****ffi*****ffi*********t***ffi*********ttr*ff*it*ffi******f***it*f*rtfint*****t**tf,********* CONDTTION OF APPROVAL ffi******ff,tlhffirr|t****litst*t****rtf****f*'('t:t***ff*ftH***rrfftHffr*ir*rtff.r*ffi*ffiffi****ffiffi*iffi**t*****ffiffi*t* DECLARATIONS I. hercby .acknovtcdge that I hsvc rrrd-thi3 applicaticr, f il,l,.d out in ful.l, thc infor$tion rcquired, conpl,ctcd rn lccuratr ptotpt.n, and stltc th.t !t[ the inforf,ati-otr provided as requircd is correct. t agrce to comp Ly r.ith tire informtion anC ptot itan,to colp I'y vith al'l' Tovn ordinrnces,lnd statr trvs, drd to buitd this structurc according io the tovn's zoning and subdivisilncodes, dcsign rcviev approvcd, unitorr Buitding cod€ and othcr ordinances of the torn afpticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTTONS SHALL BE ITADE IVENTY-fOUR HOTNS IN ADVANCE BY {p *"uo,uo **************************************************************** rowN oF vArL, coLoRADo Statennt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :t * * * * * * * * ** ** * * ** * * * * * ** ** ** * * * !t * ** * * * * *,1 * * * statemnt Number: REc-0091 Amount: 32L.75 L0/26/95 12237 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #03665 Init: LRD *********************:r***:********:t**,***t********************!r**** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: Thie Payment Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 47332 01 0000 41336 P95-0171 Tlpe: B-PIJMB 2LOt-072-07-001 715 W LIONSHEAD CR MARRIOT PLUMBING PERMIT Total Fees:321.75 Total ALt Pmts: Balance: Description PLI'MBING PERMIT FEES PLA}I CHECK FEES !'ILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 32t.75 32L.75 .oo Amount 255.00 63.75 3.00 OF fContact EagJ"e County e..""rl 0ffice TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTTONil pewftx APPLTcATToN FoRM/ DATE: Lo-23-95 [ ]-Building [y]-Plumbing [ ]-Electrical I J-Mechanibat I J-other Job Name: Meiriott vai't Mountein Resort Job Address: Legal Oescription: Lot Block Filing Owners Name: Marri ott Tntprnati ona'l Address: Marriott Dr-. Wash i ngton rx- Ph. Architect:Address:Ph. General Oescfiption: a'ltFr ninp l^taths fr.\ TrFef Ana reqrri rerrFnts o Work Class: [ ]-New [1]-Alteration t l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Accommodation Units: ^ Iptb.t and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ I{ood/Pe11et_ It** **** *** *** ***** * **** * * ********* VALUATIONS *********************************rl BUILDTNG: ELECTRTCAL: $ OTHER: $ - PLUI.IBTNG: TE'J66'- lrEcnANicAr, $- ioilL; $-IU fi*************************** CoNTRACTOR INFORIIIATION ****.*********************** 'Eeneral Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. NO._Address: phone Number: Electrical Contractor: Address: Address: asnt s- n .r"j. st-. r',.,g1.rnlcod. col0l10-----l Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********** ***** ***** ****** ****** FORBUIIDING PERMIT FEE: Town of vail Reg. No. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number : ( 3Q3l_ZeZ-ag4.g__ Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: oFFrcE usE ** * * * * * * ******* * *************** BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLttl.lBINe PLAN CHECK FEE3 MECHANICAL PI.,AN CHECK FEE3 RECREATION F8E: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: PLUI.IBING PERMIT FEE: }TECHANTCAIJ PERUIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE:TOTAL PERMIT FEESh BUTLDTNG3 [ ttl SIGNATURE3 ZONTNG: SIGNATI'RE: for Parce cn 2 3 tr ' .l a'ppr,rcarroN Drusr BE TTLLED our coMpLErELy oR rr F$y {gff|l[#HffiT f,***************************** pERltIT TNFORI,IATION *********************.*******r CLEAT I'P I'EPOSIT XEFI'ilD TO:HLrst & Burr 'P fyl-Buildinv [ ]-PrunbinE t l-Electrical [ ]-]lechanibal [ ]-other Job Narne:Job Address: Lesal Description: LotjLlillo Blockg(_ Filing 1 suBDrvrsroN, d",nsL,.l" lo4oo .od nqtio,ra I Ph.(pgl6a13{o en(eD&J42? General Description: nrcCtnlCaf: I MECHANICAL: $ OTHER: I TOTAL3 ' Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: .Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: * ************** *** rr******** ***** FOR BUTLDING PER}IIT FAE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: }'ECHANTCAIJ PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: coNTRAqTOR INFORMATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * # Town of valt Reg. No.l//rP-B Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUI{BTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE8 CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMI'D-. FEES: ZONTNG: STGNATURE! Work Class: [ ]-New [}e-Atteration I l-AddLtion"l tXl-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units: t4 ^ tjpnber and Type of Sireplaces: cas Y... {"8..1fl ;#fi-Q "* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *rl BUILDING: S I,OOO,OOO Pil,rr'tBrNc: I O4oZf*********W*flJeneral contractor: -rA f-.. Nurnber of Accommodation Unlts: 7Lz Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pel1et VN;UATIONS * * ********** * * ******************* CLEAN IIP DEPOSIT REFT'ilD TO: TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'REQUIREDts Job Name: Marv'rolt's Moo...laln Rcso"l () \o\l Date: iltSlq?--.-. |/ , t-.,/ _ Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need lor a 'Public Way Permit": ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public propety? ls any utility work needed? fs the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent a@ess needed to site olher than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfec'ting the right of way, easements, or public property? 7l ls a'Revocable Right Ol Way Permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easemenis or public property to be used for staging, pafting or fencing? B. It no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of lhese questions, a "Public Way Permit' musl be obtained. "Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otlice or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vaif Construction lnspec.tor, at 479-2158. I have read and answered allthe above questions. 1) 2l YES NO x X X X K Y X x 3) 4) s) 6) X Job Name Contracto/'.'^-.f..- 75 roulh tronlagG ?o!d vril, coloredo 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 to: EROM: DATE: SUBJESI: Read and oltlc. of clmmunlly dcyclopment ALL COMTRACTORS CURRENILYL REGISTERED WITH THETOVTII OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC IVORKS/COMMI'NITY DSVETOPIIENT uARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUqTION PARKING & I{ATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any ,oifr-r""i, =.na, debrisor materiar, including trash lunpsteri, poriable toirets and,workrnen vehictes upon any streetl =ia"r"ii, -;Ii;y or publicpl?:. or any portion theieof. rhe risht_";i;t-;n art rown ofVai.L streets and,Igagr is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavenent.rnll ordinance wirl be striliiy--lneorcla by the-rown of vairttublic works DeDartment. persSns found vi6rating this ordinancewill- be given a 24 hour written n"ii""-ti^;;;;;;"r"id nateriar.In the event the person so notified does not -ornpfy with thenotice within the 24 hour time-rp""iii"a,-Ii"-i"f,iic worx=Departroent will remove said mare;iai-;a-ih;;6;;=e of personnotified. The provisions "r-trri" ord.inance sharr not beapplicable to c-onstruction,-r.itti.t.ttce or repair projects ofany street or altey or any utitities in ite-iiEii_"_r"y. To.review Ordinance No. 6 in full,vail Building Department to obtaincooperation on this natter. please stop by the Tor^rn ofa copy. Thank you for your acknowledged (i.e. contractor, owner) lnwn 75 .outh lrontlge rold rell, colondo 81657 (3o3) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 o'fflcc of communlly dc!.lop|n l|t BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAIIE If this peryit qequileg a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,EngineepLs,.(.PgbJic I'lorks) review and approvat,'a ptinnini'b"p."ttnent I::j:I_!I^Health Departrnent review, and'a-review by the 6uiibinguepartment' the estimated time for a total review may take as 'l6ng as three weeks. f]] c9rrn9r9ia1 (large or smail) and ail mu]ti-famiry permits wiilnave to follow the above mentioned maximum requiremlnis. Residential :19.:lgll projects.should take a lesser amound of time. However, ifresroenrrat or smal'l er prcjects impact the various above mentionid 9ipltlryq.with regard to necessary review, th;;; p"oj".Ir"ruvarso take the three week period. Every.attempt will be nrade by this department to expedite thispenni't as. seon as possible. - I' the undersigned, understand the p'l an check procedure and time frame.. . MaYrtgttrs $to,rn{a'n A.sorf (or !o\lPrOJect Name Comnuni ty Development Department. //r'r'|1)'t.u4( 6*/F ,2.tt7-.A Relurn to ,//r.'/ c/y'd</(Town Planner ot/t z/zr PHOJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC ITTANIruC COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF 1'IIE PROI'OSAL: FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: lon.o;r- r4o.rt y'"tz:t''Jz"t- Dato: Commonls:""")"';)_* C_t. Z a-til;{c_.8 J-y':a oA-/'*/y .?.'*..cau z) Ur.+t*- 'e lflo/sit '*cT i' .si''l)cf 7n*'nt"a( ,,4F2 - TvazzF, 'M/, n/2 n: *:1,, #1t-ff(l //zv' KT,--'J" fri f'/ ;-^,')n "''--' /u) /ti'o*r' rrf' ) 3) 7L,..ts -r"s;';J 4 '''z'ti'' z'y'za'-r a/"''Sz-a- € -/. - - 4.-ar"r7v f7frn7. e./dfu' a"cz" n'to7' 5 /'nz'''z^'l ' t)/{e"/-/7/aarzi\t/4r'//s''a"'4'/arciatntl<-|'*c<3'4Xtvz'"u*4 f,/or / 'tvuzF l* '" /"*l,'t,zr-t' t t I 75 roulh frontege rord Y!ll, colorrdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 oftlcc of communlty dovelopmcfii BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI,IE If this perylt requi.res a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineer''s (.public works) review anJ app"ovai,'i pi.ii,iini.bep."t "ntreview or Hea'lth Departrn6nt review,-ani.a-review by the BuirdingDepartment, the estinated time tor'a-tota'r ""ur..n-il.J"iai!'as tongas three weeks. A'll cormercial ('rarge or smarl ) and ail murti-family permits wir.rhave to fol'low the ibove mentioned *rirrm requirements. Residentialand.smal'l projects shourd take a 'reiier amount of time. However, ifresidential or smailer.projects impaci the various above mentioneddepartments with resard to-necessjiy-revie*, til;; ;;;j;cti'mayalso take the three-week period. Every.attempt will be made by this departnent to expedite thispennit as soon as possible. - I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe - Corrnuni ty Devel opment Department. TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 E tcctri cr[--> DR8 Fee lnvcstigat i on> ui tl cat t--> TOTAL f EES_-> NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT PCTMiI #I 895-0226 Department of Community Development Job Address: ?15 W LIONSHEAD CR Location...: MARRIOTT Parcel No.. : 210I-072-07-001Proiect No. : PRJ95-0086 Status...Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . APPLIED to /02 /Lse5 to /03/Lee503/3L/Lee6 APPLICANT COLORADO HOTEL MANAGEMENT, INC. 1253 SPRADDLE CREEK RD, VAIL, CO 81657 CoNTRACTOR COTORADO HOTEL MANAGEMENT, rNC. 1253 SPRADDLE CREEK RD, VArL, CO 81657OWNER HMC ACQUISITION PROPERT]ES INC 10400 FERNWOOD RD, WASHTNGTON DC 20012 CONTRACTOR AALL ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS, LLC 2601 Blake Street, #301, Denver, CO 80205 TotaI Catcutated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee-------> Phone '. 303-47 9-97 L5 Phonez 3Q3-479-9715 Phone z 303-294-0626 1,335.00 .00 1,335.00 Description: ALTERATION OF HOTEL ROOMS Valuation:75, 000 . 00 ***ffi*******i****ffi*ffiffrffi******i***t***f**S****ff* FEE SUI{I'IARY ffi*ff**tfflr**f,t*irt*}***}}ffi******tr:ht**H**t*ffi*** 1,332.@ .m .00 3.00 1,535.00 Payrents------- MLANCE DUE----.@ *ttJrtt*f**ffi ffi #ffi****t*********ffi ***#ff ffi t*ffi ffi Hffi ******ff ffi*ffi ffi *tt****tn**ffi ff.**** ITem: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Dj-vj-sion: **|tffi*!h}*/.ffiffiffifflHr**ffi*t*ffffitr*ff******ff*t*ffffi*ffi*ffiffi***t**ffff*rtt*rtffffrktfffi*ff****ffiffiffi*#** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. NEED FLOOR LEVEL EXIT SIGNS 10].3.5 OF THE 1994 UBC. ffi***ffi**ffiffiffififfi*ffi*t****H*#f,iffi*ffi#*****ffi*t*tffi**t*t*****r*ffi***ffi***ffi**t*ffi*****t* DECLARATIONS I hereby .cknoutgdg! that I have read this apptication, fil.l,ed out in ful,t the information required, comptetcd an accurat! ptot p[an, and state that atl thc informtion provided as regui red is correct. I agrcc to cohpty vith the inforration and ptot pt.n,to comPty t{ith alL Tofn ordinanccs and state tavs, and to buitd this structure according to thc Toynr s zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approved, Uniforar BuiLding cod! and othen ordinanccs of the Tovn applicabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ITADE TI.'EIITY-FOUR HOURS II{ ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE 479-2138 AT OUR OFFICE IiOI'I OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELf A'tD OI,INER {S rnt"uo"^o" ^v ************************************!t**!t******************t****** TOWN OF VArt, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statennt Number: REC-0080 Amountz L,335.00 Lo/03/95 09222 Palrment Method: CHECK Notation2 *17575 Init: LRD B-ELEC ELECTRICAIJ PERMIT CR Tota1 Fees:1,335.00 Total AI,L Pmts: Balance: Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WIIJI.' CAIJIJ INSPECTION FEE **************************!t**:r*********************!r!k*****!t***!ttl Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Patrrnent Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41335 E95-O226 Type: 2I0L-072-07-001 715 VI LIONSHEAD MARRIOTT 1,335.00 1, 335.00 .00 Amount 1, 332 . 00 3.00 . Ep-2e-e5 THU l1:57 AF RETNHARDKUNzE colrREN )\H; 3s3) ' I Ll/n' - z2 fno."" *WHrr.* vrr& coNstrfrtqlrorr ,rl' - "Tl'A?"!try* 22e 76A9 9lP. I.grl Oracrlpttonr lpt .tr'-Btoch_ :rttlng orncre traresry\,aar."i, zts w' l'ionshea-d cir _#70-47-6'4444 Arcbitcct: @ Mdre'c rlta.r'Fr e n .rl' -2"rrlrL*{f9"fi 9 :111!;ffi+++ -'{ff,'rEr-i W*'ffi972 Gqn.ral DcrcrlptlOn. Renovate rooms at the'Marriott Hote1. Rework existiir!',-remove and replaCe, and Horls clas5s I I-!t r [xt-Alter.tlorr t l-rddl,tlonrl t l-nrfntr t !-OBher_ NuDbsr of Dralllng Unltr;Xunber o! Accouodadlon u$ltBr l:q€-o Addrc8a:Forn of Vall Rcg. ltO. Pbonc tfullbcr: Toyn of Vail Reg. NO._ Phonc Nurober: Ucchanlcal contractgrs Addrcrss lar tarr*t*tr rttfi ***rtf ttt.ttatt F()R orFrgE ugD rirr**firri*r*ttratr.rlrrrrrillEI'II.DING PERIiIIT FEE: PU'UEIHC PERUIT FEE! I@CIIADIICAL PERIIIT rlEs EIJGTRICTL FEE:(XIHER'I.]TPE oF FEB8 ET'TI.DIITC PIAIf CIIECT( FEE: DRB FEEC .-_IOTII, PERUIT TEES: Bgr[Dnrcs SIGr|I3ORE: SONING'grcl|Al\rRtr PtJll8lltc PLAlt CHECX FEE! }TECtrAI{ICT& PIIAT cltECK AEES .RECRIATIOI| EEEI CIIBTN-IIP DEFOSIT: E=E C,-O]'|REN rNC s9E 2 lnun tg ra{h trlnlto tod rlIL cCoirdo Olt57(loil 479-21.38 or 419-2139 ottlc. ol cornrnurlu firclopnilil llt COI{IRA9TORS CURBEilI.YL IOT'N OP VIIL 8E6rS11E8ED [Itr8 IEE TOtfN oF \rArr. puBr,re woRKs,/cowutflTr DEVEIoFUENT IIARCE 16, 198t CO|IATSU TION PARKING 3 UATERIAI. S1IORAG5. In sunnary, Ordlnance No: 6 rtates thrt lt is unlrrful tor an 26 76gg ) P. e5 tl): rRolt: DAIE: suBrEqlr person to litter, trrclc or deposl,t any soll, rocls, Eand, debrlgor patBrial , includlng trash duDlrsters, portable tollets and To.review ordlnancr No. 6 in full, pleasc etop by tbo Torrn ofIlil_Prilaing ocpar*nent to obtf,l; s copy. rbank you for yourcooperation on thie rnatter. Y AALL Electric Contractors, LLC / MarriotL Hotel (1.e. eontractor, owner, sor)sncn vehlcles lpon any strceti cidciralx, dley or public Pf?ge 9r aly portlon ttrcrcof. 16e right-oi-ray 6n all Town otvarl strcets anal roads ic approxinatsly 5 tt. gff trlayement.Thie ordinance vill be ctrtliry cnfor"id by thr toirn or valtpf?lf: works D"paltDent. pers6ns founit vf6fi€ing ttrls orcinanccurrr^ Iti 91y.n a 2l hsur rrittcn noticc tg rcuqrre-cald uaterial.rn.9be cy:-n! tbe Person so nottfied doee not cq[Irly wltb tbenotlce eithln tho 2{ hour tiue rpoclfled, tnc nrlttc tlorksDepartbent sill renovo catd uateitat at iho 'rpeni- oi-fersonlotifle-d' rho provisions Jr tari-oiarna;a ;ilu-iot u"appltc.bl. to Con.tructl,On, uaintenanc€ or rcpaLr projects Ofany ttleet or alley or my'utilitte, tn ttrc rigtrt-i-way. rG#5 _ P. S6 73nul|| tlDnt gr ro.d dl, coloraoc ||157(s; 479-2138 or 479-2t39 SEf?-24-95 THU I2 :9I P I't RE I NHARDKUNZE COIIREN I NC 595 226 A€gO r'r ' rr l! T q..af tnun .' . .:' BUILDING PERI{IT TSSI,AI{CE TIiIE FRAI''E If this pen tt r.eqnlres a Town of vall firc Oenrtnrent Apprcval, " Engtneells (Pgbllc llorks) revier and apprrvrl, n Plannlng Deparucntrevl*or Health tlepartnent reviw, and r revicr by the SulldingDepartnent, the estlnatad t'lme for r total revlcu hy take as Iirngas tllree weelts. llt "g-9"-"!r1 (large or small) and lll rrulti-fanrily permlts willnave to_follow the lboye nlntioncd nrlmm requlrarunts. Resldentfulad.small prcJects_should take a lasscr rmund of time. lloncvcr. ifresidentlal or smller prrJccts lnFct tJ|c varlous tbove nenilonad lgnarpgnq. wi th regrd- to' necessai.y reylen, ttrese projccts myarso take tne tire€ rcek period. Every.attenpt wll'l be nade by tJrls deptrtnentpennt't as soon as posslble. I, the urderslgned, understand the plan checkframe. Y AALL Electric contractors ' LLc -lr 9 128195 to expeditc this . prcccdure ond tirne ottlccf r||||iudlydaf$orilt ;- . Marriott Vail Mountain Resort eet ra5-tu rnerfT-td-Tffiate llork 0evel oprnent Deprrtmeot. TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-2r3V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Addre6s...: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR Location .: MARRIOTTParcel No..... : 2101-072-07-0OlProject Number: PRJ95-0086 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS]TE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M95-0129 Department of Community Development APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OlrlNER Description: DECK DRAINS Fireptacr Infornation: Rest ri cted: JERRY SIBLEY PLI'MBING P O BOX 340, MTNTURN CO 81645 JERRY SIBLEY PLI'MBING P O BOX 340, MTNTURN CO 81645 HMC ACQUISITION PROPERTIES INC 10400 FERNWOOD RD, WASHINGTON DC Phonez 3038275736 Phonez 3038275736 15, 000.00 #of wood/Pa t Let: Status. . AppIied. fssued.. Expires. 200t2 Valuation: #0f css Logs: . i ISSUED.: 08/25/Lees.: 08/2e/tee5.: 02/25/tee6 |*tr*ffi1#*ffiffiffi*ffiff******ffi**#ffiJ.*t** FEE SUtll4ARY **tr***ffiH#ffiffffiffi#****tri##*i.l*ff*** 300. @75.00 DRB #0f Gas App[ i rnccs: Restuarant Ptan Reviey-> TOTAL FEES_-_ nechani c! [---> Pl,an Chcck---> Invest igat ion> l,i Lt cat l.---> .00 376.00 .0O Total Catcu[ated Fees--->378.00 Additional, Fees--------> .00 Totat PePmit Fec------->37E.00.00 5.00 Payments--------------> 378.00 B LANCE DUE----------> .00ffi*ff.*t***r.ffi*****fftffiffi**ffi|*H*******#**t*ffi*****ffi********Hr**t***f,*t*!r*****i*ffi Ite-m! 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT08/25/1995 DAN Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Divj-sion: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hcreby acknoutcdge that I havc read this apptication, fittad out in futl, thc infornation required, conpteted an accurate plot P[!n, rnd statc that a[[ the infornation provided as reguircd is corrcct. I agree to conpty yith the information and ptot ptan,to comPty vith atL Town ordinanc.s and state larrs, and to buiLd this stnuctunc according to the Tovn's zoning and subdivisii:n €odes, design ravien approved, Unifortr Buitding Code and oth$ ofdinances of the Town appticabl,e thcreto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOUnS IN ADVANCE 8Y TELEPHoNE Af 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFTCE FRoll 8:00 Al4 5:OO Pl,l srGNAruRE oF ',NER oR coNrR croR FoR HT SELF Ar{D or,rNER *r1Z€ p+n*a {p**o"oruo oo {,u*tz6^/" 1- l4-1s *************************:*************************************:** TOVIN OF VAfL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: R-Ec-0059 Amount: 378.00 08/29/95 LLz24 Payment Method: CK233O Notation: ck23300 Init: MMC Permit No: Parcel No:site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L3L2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41335 Tota1 Fees:378.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description MECEANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES !{ILI, CALI, INSPECTION FEE M95-0129 Type: B-MECH MECHAIIICAL PERMIT 2toL-072-07-001 715 W TIONSHEAD CR I'IARRIOTT **************************************************************** 378.00 378.00 .00 Anount. 300.00 7s.00 3.00 I ', TOWN OF VAIL PERMII APPLTCATTON oernz 14 - Zl APPLTCATTON }IUST BE FIT.T.ED OUT COUPI.ETELY MIUoNPT ft85 olrners Nanes MNrrl6[ d"kl Address:Ph. Archl.tect:Address Ph. General Description: 7 nler^J Decx D.rl.'^\ llork CLass: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteratlon [ffi-aaatttonal [ ]-Repalr [ ]-Other Number of Dwelllng UnLtsr -V$ ^ ylnber and Ilpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ Gas Iogs_ I{ood/Pe1let_v/tr****************.***************** VALUATTONS ******************************** t,r AUILDINGs $ EIECTRTCAI,: $ OTHER: $ - BLIMBTNc: -fS.iF ucqtAl.ticAr.,: $- roCai: - - RLI'MBING: $ lS,pcro !.IECIiANICAIJ: $_ TOTAL: f ^t - ---[*******fiII-\€;*#Q.******** coNTRAqroR TNF9RMATT.N **************************,f Eeneral contractor: Bl4aer WAlt.-frroof ,^q Town of Vall Reg. NO.Address: t.j rD 'c, ! Phone Number: gctiElectrlcal Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. Nb._Address: Job l{ane: nllf!:el+l tlot"\Job Address: lcgal DescriptJ.on: Lot Plurnbing Contractor: 5, tl. . Block_ ftltng susprvrsroN, Nunber of AcconnodatLon Unlts: Phone Nurnber: Tolrn of Vail Req. NO.9S-JAAAddress: 6o r L{o ,^. - l{echanical Contractor: Town of Vail Req. NO.Address: phone Nunber: ********************************roR 't oldn oI vall 8ecl. No.-r\) -t?p Phone Nunber: XZ1 - 573C- AUILDING PERMIT F8E: PI,T'MBING PER}{IT FEE: I.IECHANTCAL PERI.|IT FEE : ELEqTRTCAT FEE! OTHER TYPE OF F8E3 DRB FEE: PDT'}IBING PIAN CHECK FEEs UECEAIITCA]J PT,AN CHECK FEE: RECRE,ATTON FEE: CLEN{-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT BUTLDTNG3 SIGNATT'RE: ZONTNG: STGNAITIRE: ****************************** pE: r i-Bu,rdins r/r-rru$rns,,-ff:,:l]:ilTff" !{$qry!H}":..",a,. o ,.n".Y..1 *o 7ts= t f,- f' cr-P.rtl tI'P ItEP.Osrt nF.FncD mi t 'I I c t[$, TY rt \l I \l I \l $ Els- tz75 - 6 too o *L6 {,uw-F.o 0O^^ CHECKREQUEST tnfPa*gDSY' -. VENDORNAME, 2( VENDORNUMBER DOAa 3 { DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUI\D FOR BP # Nor* ot lO", V4a"-i.* ACCOUNTNUMBER OIOOOO22OO2 AMOUNTOFREFUND: *?tA a: DATEAIPRovED: s/6/q6 a;-- - I ,\ailrott Marriott International, Inc. Corporate Headquarters Marriott Drive Washington, D.C. 20058 301i38G3000 August 23,1995 Mr. George Ruther Town Planner Town of Vail Office of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Marriott's Mountain Resort at Vail Guestroom Renovation Project - YM22 Dear Mr. Ruther. As per our discussiorq we will delete from the permit documents all work associated with the conversion of seventeen (17) Parlor Rooms with kitchen facilities to Typical King Guestooms with no kitchen facilities. These rooms are shown on page D410, room type RKLO. Please do not hesitate to call ifadditional information or clarification is required. Sincerely, @/6 Marv MFrench Design Director (301) 380-6233 (voice) (301) 380-s559 (fax) cc: Bob Simonson MMF/sl ) ,\aflrofi Marriolt Corporation International Headquarlers Marrion Drive Washington, D.C. 20058 30.1 / 380- 9000 August 24, 1995 Mr. George Ruther, Town Planner Town of Vail Office of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Marriott's Mountain Resort at Vail Guestroom Renovation Project - YM22 Dear Mr. Ruther: As per our discussion, the vestibule doors at some of the suites will be retained. We will delete from the permit documents all work associated with the removal of the following vestibule doors (keynote W86): Sheet Dztoo Sheet D401 Sheet Dzt02 Sheet D403 Sheet Dzt04 Between rooms 002 & 004 Between rooms 102 & 104 Between rooms 1n & 122 Between rooms 130 & 131 Between rooms N2 &M Between rooms 2n &222 Behryeen rooms 230 & 231 Between rooms 302 & 304 Betwe€n rooms 3n &322 Between rooms 330 & 331 Between rooms 357 & 359 Between rooms N2 & 4U Between rooms 4il0 & 4!,1 Between rooms 457 & 459 \*r/ . l'r' 1 Mr. George Ruther August 24, 1995 Page 2 Sheet D4O5 Bstween rooms 557 & 559 Sheat D406 Between rooms 657 & 659 Please do rd tresitrate to call if additional inforrnation or clariftcation is required. Sincerely, Bob Sknonson David Fleathcock Jonathan Hop€ Marc l'&cffrnan Mary M. A'\ Ia / ^t $(n,',l\'b" t\, (t,i, ' ;' \/ {.lr' ii t.'- l] ./r '. 'l4 !,/' / ./ ,,;ri,P]Fm O O \l lffnenx, Mvnns, Sruenr, ScneuERMAN & Mnrrrens l"U A LEGAL sERvIcEs LLrc rtt,L U 195b ,.":[:fl"r,,tH:3'#*" coLoRADO SPRINGS, COLORADO 80903-3341 IOV.CO|I4IVI, DEV. DEPI TELEPHONE Q l9) 47l-7955 FNK (719) 630-1794 Howard l. Alpem Ke\rcth P. Mlers Dat D. Stuan February L6, 1996 Town of VailAttnr Lauren Waterton 75 South Frontage RoadVail, CO 81657 Re: Vail Building and Inspection Codes Dear Lauren: Per your telephone conversation with Geri saunders, Lhis letter isa formal request for information regarding building codes andinspection procedures. rt is our understanding that the Marriottrs Vail Mountain Resortwas under renovation during late l-995. we are interested inknowing what types of permits they were required to obtain, whetherthere ldas a time limit on the renovations, who the renovationcontractor was, and when the completed renovations were inspectedby the Community Development office. we appreciate your cooperation and look forward to hearing fromyou. Very trul ALPERN, A Levinson RBL,/gS cc: Client Jock J. Scheuenun John l*t. M.tthars Rick B. Iavinson f:lwp6lnlnury610l,00l Aaftofi Marriott Corporalion International Headauarters Marriott Drive Washington, D.C. 20058 301 / 380-9000 October 3, 1995 Mr. Ernest Glatzle Town of Vail 95 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Marriott's Mountain Resort at Vail Guestroom Renovation YM22 Dear Mr. Glatzle: This letter will serve to advise you that we will be installing floor level exit signs in the guestroom corridors in compliance with the UBC Section 1013.5 as part of the guestroom renovation project. Please advise is additional information is required. Sincerely, Bob Simonson David Heathcock ffiry t1V .C0tilryt ,UCV,UEPI Mary M. Fre\ch - J .ti at, -MABRIoTTS- IJ/ 4 .._.- . __----__----rt_ O)I/frIL I,|I|IIIIRIl{ Rtsfiil_l June 12, L995 Riveria ElectricMarlin Linder 910 Nottingham Rd. Ste 54P. O. Box L8193Avon, Co 81520 Dear Marlin: For your Lnfornation, the gate/fence before the emergency generatorwill be as follolrs: 1. Construction facing will be board cedar (8t), with steel frame backing. 2. Ttre wood will be painted with Benjamin ltoore LBLL2?exterior paint. This will be the new exterior wood colorfor the hotel, as approved by the Vail Design Review Board. Sincerely,,- ,a) /a4?e,- Lee SnyQsgDirector of Engineering 7 I 5 lltst Lionshead. Circle ' VaiI, Colorndo 81657 803) +76-1144. Fax (3031176-1647 7 Proteilve Housings 20 kW to 500 kW (F001) oqmn 20ES 3OEK (Begin Spec C) 35EK 45EM (Begin Spec C) 6OENA 65ENB TOENC 75ENAD lOOENBA 1 3 Safety Hasp (F036) lor 30EK, 35EK, 45EM - Kit Number 406-0249 Protective Housings enclose the generator set and allow ample air flow. The factory-installed housing is made ol heavy gauge, reinlorced sheei steel (See Note I ) and attached to the generator set's standard mounting base and radiator cowling. Easy access to the engine-generator is provided by removable panels or hinged doors on each side of the housing. A rear hinged door opens to allow access to the instrument panel. Some prolective housings are shown with optional mounted mufflers. Side Door ClearanceGas/Gaseous Dimensions in lnches (mm) for Opening Genelator sets Figure Fuel color Kit Number Length Width Height (or Removal) 30" 30" 30" 30" ss (1499) 30" se (1499) 30" 59 (1499) 30' s9 (1499) 30" s9 (1499) 3d 8 8 tt II Gaso,N.G.,LPG Green Gaso,N.G.,LPG Green Gaso,N.G.,LPG Green 405-4970 s8 (1473) 26 (1660) Dry Manifold: 78 (1981) 33 (838) 405-2090 Wet Manifold: 405-2091 Dry manifold: 78 (1981) 33 (838) 405-2090 Wet Manifold: 405-2091 Dry Manilold: 78 (1981) 33 (838) 405-2090 Wet Manifold: 405-2091405-4687 91 35 (889) 405-4687 91 35 (889) 405-4687 91 35 (889) 40s-4688 97 35 (889) 405-21688 97 3s (889) Se.s (r003) 45.6 (1158) 45.6 (1158) 45.6 (1158)Gaso,N.G.,LPG Gaso,N.G.,LPG Gaso,N.G.,LPG Gasoline Nat.Gas,LPG Nat.Gas,LPG Green Green Green Green Green Green Plolective Houslng8 Specifications May Change Without notice 9193 Bulletin Ac-l13t) iide Doqr Clearance for Opening (or Removal) Diesel Generator sets (Note 5)Figure color Kit Number Dimensions in lnches (mm) Length width Height 20DGAB 20DGAB 2ODKAE 2ODKAE 25DGAC 25DGAC 25DKAF 25DKAF 3ODGAD 3ODGAD 3sDGBB (Spec A,B) 3sDGBB (Spec A,B) 37DGBA (Spec F,G) 37DGBA (Spec F,G) STDGBA (Spec H,J) 37DGBA (Spec H,J) 4oDGBC (Begin Spec A) 4ODGBC (Begin Spec A) 4ODGAE 40DGAE soDGCA (Spec D,E,F,G) 50DGCA (Spec D,E,F,G) soDGCA (Spec H,J) soDGCA (Spec H,J) 60DGCB (Spec D,E,F,G) 60DGCB (Spec D,E,F,G) 60DGCB (Spec H,J) 60DGCB (Spec H,J) 8oDGDA (Spec D,E,F,G) 8oDGDA (Spec D,E,F,G) 8oDGDA (Spec H,J) 8oDGDA (Spec H,J) 1ooDGDB (Spec D,E,F,G) 100DGDB (Spec D,E,F,G) 100DGDB (Spec H,J) 100DGDB (Spec H,J) l25DGEA (Begin Spec D) 12sDGEA (Begin Spec D) 1soDGFA (Begin Spec D) l5oDGFA (Begin Spec D) 175DGFB (Begin Spec D) 175DGFB (Begin Spec D) 2 2 Green Beige Green Beige Green Beige Green Beige Green Beige Green Beige Green Beige Green Beige Green Beige Green Beige Green Beige Green Beige Green Beige Green Beige Green Beige Green Beige Green Beige Green Beige Green Beige Green Beige Green Beige 405-4971 405-4142 405-4951 405-4961 405-4972 405-4143 405-4951 405-4961 405-4972 405-4143 405-4882 405-4883 405-4385 405-4386 405-4882 405-4883 405-4882 405-4883 405-3227 405-4144 405-4379 405-4135 405-4882 405-4883 405-4379 405-4135 405-4882 405-4883 405-4380 405-4136 405-4884 405-4885 405-4380 405-4136 405-4884 405-4885 405-4381 4054137 405-4381 405-4137 405-4381 405-4137 28.5 (724) 28.s (724) 31 (787) 31 (787) 28.5 (724) 28.5 (724) 31 (787) 31 (787) 28.s (724) 28.s (7241 33 (838) 33 (838) 3|3 (838) 33 (838) 3s (838) 33 (838) 33 (838) 33 (838) 28.5 (724) 28.5 (724) 33 (838) 33 (838) 33 (838) 33 (838) 33 (838) 33 (838) 33 (838) 33 (838) 33 (838) 33 (838) 33 (838) 33 (838) 33 (838) 33 (838) 33 (838) 33 (838) 35 (88e) 35 (88s) 35 (889) 3s (889) 35 (88e) 3s (889) 41.5 41.5 42 (1 L) (1 41.5 41.5 42 (1 42 (1 41.5 41.5 53 (1346) 53 (1346) 53 (1346) 53 (1346) 53 (1346) 53 (1346) 53 (1346) 53 (1346) 41.5 41.5 53 (1 s3 (1 53 (1 53 (1 s3 (1 53 (1 53 (1 53 (1 53 (1 53 (1 53 (1 53 (1 53 (1 s3 (1 53 (1 s3 (1 EO tl s9 (1 59 (1 59 (1 59 (1 59 (1 (1054) (1054) 067) 067) (10s4) (1054) 067) 067) (10s4) (1054) 5 z o 6 6 6 6 b o o 2 2 b o o 6 6 6 6 6 (Nore 3) 6 (Note 3) 68.s (1905) 68.s (1905) 66.9 (1700) 66.9 (1700) 75 (1905) 75 (1905) 66.9 (1700) 66.9 (1700) 75 (1905) 75 (1905) 80.2s (2038) 80.25 (2038) 80.2s (2038) e0.25 (2038) 80.25 (2038) 80.25 (2038) 80.25 (2038) 80.25 (2038) 75 (1905) 75 (1905) 80.25 (2038) 80.25 (2038) 80.25 (2038) 80.25 (2038) 80.2s (2038) 80.2s (2038) 80.25 (2038) 80.2s (2038) 9s.25 (2419) 95.25 (2419) 97.25 (2470) 97.25 (24701 95.2s (2419 95.25 (2419 s7.25 (24701 97.25 (2470l 102.25 (2597\ 102.25 (2597) 102.25 (2597) 102.25 (2s97) 102.25 (2597) 102.25 (2597) 30" 30' 36" 36" 30" 30" 36" 36" 30' 30" 30" 30" 30" 30" 30" 30" 30' 30" 30 30 30' 30" 30" 30" 30' 30" 30" 30" 30' JU 30' 30" 30" 30" 30" 30" .tu 30" 30" 30' JU 30' (10s4) (1054) 346) 346) 346) 346) 346) 346) 346) 346) 346) 346) 346) 346) 346) 346) 346) 346) 4ee) 499) 499) 499) 499) 499) o 6 o o 6 6 6 (Note 3) (Note 3) (1 (1 b 6 Protective Housings Specilications May Change Without notice 9193 Bulletin AC-113D o Diesel Generator sets (Note 5)Figure Dimensions in Inches (mm) Side Door Clearance tor Opening Kit Number Length Width Height (or Removal) 2OODFAA 2OODFAA 2OODFBC 2OODFBC 23ODFAB 2SODFAB 23ODFBD 23ODFBD 25ODFAC 25ODFAC 25ODFBE 2sODFBE 275DFBF 275DFBF 3OODFCB 3OODFCB 350DFCC 350DFCC 4OODFEB 4OODFEB 45ODFEC ?5ADFE? 45ODFFA 45ODFFA 5OODFFB 5OODFFB 7 (Note 2) 7 (Note 2) 7 Green Beige Green Beige Green Beige Green Beige Green Beige Green Beige Green Beige Green Beige Green Beige Green Beige Green t'erge Green Beige Green Beige 405-4519 405-4518 405-4270 405-4271 40s-4519 405-4518 405-4270 405-4271 405-4519 405-4518 405-4270 405-4271 405-4270 405-4271 405-4270 405-4271 405-4270 405-4271 405-4296 405-4297 405-4296 405-4297 4054298 405-4299 405-4298 40s-4299 134 (3404) 134 (3404) 142 (3607) 142 (3607) 134 (3404) 134 (3404) 142 (3607) 142 (3607) 134 (3404) 134 (3404',, 142 (3607) 142 (3607) 142 (36071 142 (36071 142 (36071 142 (3607) 142 (3607) 142 (3607) 160 (4064) 160 (4064) 160 (4064) 160 (4064) 160 (4064) 160 (4064) 160 (4064) 160 (4064) (127o) (127o) (127o) 027q (127o1 l127ol 27O) 27o) 27ol 27O) 270) 27o) 27O) 270) 72 (1829) 72 (1825) 76 (1930) 76 (1930) 72 (18291 72 (182s1 76 (1930) 76 (1e30) 72 (1829) 72 (182s) 76 (1930) 76 (rs30) 76 (1930) 76 (1930) 76 (1930) 76 (1930) 76 (1930) 76 (1e30) 92.75 (23s6) 92.75 (2356) 92.75 (2356) 92.75 (2356) 92.75 (2356) 92.75 (23s6) 92.75 (2356) 92.75 (23s6) 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 7 -7 -7 7 7 50 3U CU 50 5U 5U 50 50 CU 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 30" 30" 42" 42" 36" 36" 42" 42" 36" 36" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 270 270 1270 1270 60 (1524 60 (1524 60 (1524 60 (1524 60 (1524 60 (1524) 60 (1s24) 60 (1s24) Safety Hasp Kit for Trailer Mounted Housed generator Sets 20DGAB, 2sDGAB, 3oDGAD, 4oDGAE, - Kit Number 406-0687 Notes: 1.Construction - Corner and side supporls are 12 gauge steel. Side supports for generator sets above 175 kW are l0 gauge steel. Louver access doors and housing top panels are 14 gauge steel. solid control access doors are 16 gauge steel minimum. Typical protective housing for 200 kW through 500 kW generator sets. Protective housing kits for UC PMG (8125) generator sets are not available. Protective housing kits for sets W/F154 (Nanow Skid Base) are not available. Referenced bv 60 Hz model. 4. Protective Housingg Specifications May Change Without notice 9/93 Bulletin AC-113t) a See your distributor for more information. Onan Corporation 1400 73rd Avenue N. E. Mlnneapolis, MN 55432 612-s7+5000 Telexl 275477 Fax: 612-574€087 Onan is a registered trademark of Onan Corporation WARNINGI For prolessional use only, Must be installed by a qualified service technician. lmproper installation presents hazards of eleclrical shock and improper operation, resulting in severe personal injury and/or property damage. Cummins is a registered lrademaft of Cummins Engine Company 9/93 Bullelin AC-l13D o, )7\ arri o ? ''' Mnrl. Luls 4 -.7t,& VA:bwsrd DEvELoPMEuT-.':::::::F.- (-fs a-- D 'Y}' J/ L la: JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permi-t # | 897 -007 7 7T4 W LIONSHEAD CR I,IARRIOT UNIT 4832LOt-072-05-004 , n ..6 l"tt orr cu' J t' Totat Permit Fee--------> 53.00 53. O0 *******************************************************rd***************************************i********************************* Item: .06000_EiTECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:os/07/1997 cHARLTE Actionr Appn-r'on ERNsrItem:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept! FIRE Division: *************fi**************************************************ff****************i******************************************r*** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. **************t*************ff***ff********Jr***************i************************fr*ff**i*i**************i******************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that r have read this apptication, f il,l,ed out in futt the informat,ion required, compteted an accurate ptot Ptan, and state that att the informati.on pnovided as required is correct. I agfee to compt,y viith tie inforrnation and ptot i:t,an,to comPty with aLL Town ordinances-and state [aws, and to buitd this structure according io'the Toyn's zon.ing and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniform BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabl.e thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AOVANC€ BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2138 oR AT ouR oFFIcE FRoII 8:oo AH 5:oo PI,I 48324 Valuation:1,120.00 fEE SUt'lflARy **i**********t*ff************************ff*************** I SSUED 05/07 /ree705/07 /rse7rr/o3/Lee7 86250 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2r38 E Iect ri ca [---> DRB Fee Investigat i on> tliLt cat l,----> TOTAL F€ES---> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..:Project No.: APPLICANT P.T.L. ELECTRIC P O BOX 1181, EAGLE CONTRACTOR P.T.L. ELECTRIC P O BOX l.L8l, EAGLE Status. . . AppIied.. Issued... Expires. . co 8L631 co 8L631 ,fiI.l Totat Catcutated Fees---> Additionat tees---------> Paynents------- BALANCE DUE---- Phone: 97032 Phonez 9703286250 53.00 .oo OWNER Description: ADD RECESSED LIGHTING *********i************ff ***ff ******t"t************f,******** FINK DAVID H 2900 LAKEWOODS CT, WEST BLOOMFIELD MI 50.00 .00 .00 3.00 53.00 **l************************************************************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt, Number: REC-0270 Amount: 53.00 05/07/97 13233 Payment Method: CASH Notation: $55.00 REC,D Init: CD Permit No: 897-0077 Type: B-EIEC ELECTRICAL PERMITParcel No: 2101-072-05-004Site Address: 714 W LIONSHEAD CRLocation: MARRIOT UNIT 483 Total Fees: 53.00This Payment 53.00 Total ALL Pmts: 53.00Balance: .00**************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 01 OOOO 413I.3 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 5O.OO O]. OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO $fff 4 ct 0-3t,. Eagle count" o"".""orlrr.. 28-8640 for parcel_ /l . ToI{N oF VAIL coNsTRucTro PERI'IIT /I 3?-ooS= Address: Address: Address: Plumbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FORBUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBINC PERMTT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: o N , APPLTCATIoN MUST BE TILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAy NOT BE ACCEF{IED I****************************** PERMIT TNFORMATTON *****************************rl [ ]-Building [ ]-Prunbing [)fr-nrectrlcat I 1-nechanibal [ ]-other rob Name: t(€,< fv"ql:*inlr-drriJob Address: -Legal Description: Lot Block Owners Nane: Architect: PERMIT APPLTCATION FORM DATE: rif irrs suBprvrsroN, )atUZ Ph. Ph. cenerar Descripri"nt f&regA€d Cl+--^* [te0^\+J; Work Class: Number of Dwelling Units:Nurnber of Accommodation Units: , );rnber and rype of Fireplaces: Gas appliances- cas Logs_ wood/pellet_YD********************************* VALUATTONS * **** **** *** * **** *** **** *********tl't BUILDING: ELECTRTCALT ilfr/Naoo oTHER: SPJ,UMBING: MECHANICAI,: $ --- TOTAL: f-- t*************************** CoNTRACTOR INFORMATION ***************************teneral Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. NO._Address: - phone Number: El-ect,rical contract"t, QTL Eb4-m.<t _7@-o'27 Reg. No. Reg. NO. oFFrcE USE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUI'IBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNATUF.E: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration ftaitional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Town of Vail- Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: CLBAN UP OTBOSIT REFIIND TO: o 75 3outh tronlage road Yail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.TECT: offlce of communlty deyelopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED I{ITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPIIENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING E MATERIAL STORAGE rn surunary, ordinance No. G states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial, incruding trash itunpsterl , pori.ur" toirets andworknen vehicr-es. |pon'any streetl siaewaik; -;ii;y or pubJ.icp1?:" or any portion theieof. ine right_";_;;;-;n arr Town ofVail streets and.fgag= is approiinateiy 5 ft. '6fi pu.r"r"rrt.This ordinance wilr, be. striEtiy--lneorcla uv-in"-r"wn of VailPubric lrorks Department. peri'ons found vialalin; this ordinancewilr- be given a 24 hour written i"[i""-ti-;;;;;'=aid marerial.rn the event the person so notified does not cornpry with thenotice within the 24 hour.tirne-sl"ci;i;;,"$";ffilic worksDepartment wir.r- remove said nateiiii-ii-irr""lilile or personnotified- The provisions "r-tnir ordinance sharl not beapplicable to c-onstruction, rrainienance or repair projects ofany street or aLley or any utilities in itre-rigil-"_r.y. To review ordinance N6- 6 in furl, pJ.ease stop by the To!,rn ofY:i1_lyi+ding Department to obrain a copy. riran-X you for yourcooperation on this natter. Rea Y d and acknowledged by: [|II| 0 75 loulh trontrge road v!ll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 otflce of "orrunity deyelopmolrl BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAl,tE ll_!!i:_f"Tjt.19qu'i:res a Town of Vail [ire Departnent Approval,rnglneer"s (.PubIic works) review and approvar,'a prannin!' Deparunent I::j::_::.Health_Department revie", anb' a_review by the Buildinguepar.menr, tne estimated time for a total review iray tate as 16ngas three weeks. f]] cgmmgrgiai (1arge or sma't1) and al't multi_family permits willhave to follow the above menti6ned maximum requireminli. 'Resiaential and.small projects should take a resser amount or-time. Hoiever, ifresidential or smal'l er projects impact the various auJve mentioneadepartments with reoard' to-necessary review, th;;; p"oj..li"ruvalso take the three weef pei:ioa.-- r' - Every attempt will be made by this departnrent to expedite thispermi.t.as soon as possibl e. - I, the undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and timeframe. vAt Communi ty Development Department. TO: MEMORANDiJM ALL CONTRACTORSFROM: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTDATE: MAY 9, 1994 RE:WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer lhe following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way Permit": YES NO 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being pertormed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public propefi? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls lhe driveway being repaved? 5) ls ditferent access needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done aflecting the righl ol way, easemenls, or public property? 7') ls a "Revocable Right CI Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, edsements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. tf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit' musl be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis, the Town' ol Vail Construction Inspector, at.479-2158. I have read and answersd allthe above questions. Conlraclor's Signature DateJob Name 2l 3) PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with a buildino permit aoplication. lf yes was answered to any of the above questions. then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic controlistaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all tratfic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc..). This plan will expire on Oct. 1sth. and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Works's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction lnspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any that may needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the'Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: * The.above. process is.for work in a public way only.* Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th.* A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. 4) s) 6) 7) cdprvay - -o 75 louth lronlage road vell, colorado 81657 (303) 47S2138 (303) 47S2139 ottlce ol communlty development NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/O!{NER BUILDERS Effective June 20, t99Lt the Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new consLructionsites have adequately established proper drainage from buildingsites along and adjacent to Town of Vail- roads or streets. The Town of VaiI Public lforks Department will be reguired toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads orstreets and the installation of temporary or permanent cuLverts at access points from the road or street on to the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any reguest for inspectionby the Town of Vail Building Department for footings or temporaryelectrical or any other inspection. Please catt 4'79-2160 torequest an inspectj.on from Lhe Public Works Departnent. Allow a minimurn of 24 hour notice. AIso, the Town of Vail Public Works Department wiII be approvingalI final drainage and culvert. installation with resulting roadpacching as neceisary. -Such approval must be obtained pri.or toFj.nal Certificate of Occupancy issuance. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX sO3-479-2452 l-. 2. D e pa rtm e nt of Connn uni ty D eve lo pn ent INFORMATTOT TTEEDED I{I|EN APPLYING FOR A MECEAIIICAI, PERMIT 3. 4. HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCATE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. SHOW SIZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LTNES. NOTE WHETHER ETEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THIS ITTFORI{ATTON WIUL DELAY IOUR PERIIIT. - 'ri-'. t ,,'r' '" ' REPTI31hateotsz 07r59 ra TOWN OF UAIL, COLORADL F,A6E E 1 AREA: EBREGUE$TS FOR INSFECTION i^JURK SHEETS FORI 6/'1fr197 6/e6/97 Type: B-ELEC Statr-rs: ISSUED Constr: AAFTAetivityl Address: Locat i on: Parce I r Dlescriptionr Appl icant l Own er.: Cont nact or : 897-0,677 714 W LIONSHEAD CR MARRIOT UNIT 4S3 e t ral -o7e-CI5-srCI4 ADD RECESSED LIGHTINB F,. T. L. ELECTRIC FINH DAUID H F.. T. L. ELECTRIC Ecc: Use: Fhone: 970388615O Fhone: Fh on e : 97O3€8635O Inspect i on Request Request or: Je ff Req Tine: O8:OO Items reqrrest ed to O0lggt ELEC-Final Information..... Frank ConmentE: unit be Inspeeted... Fhone: 338-53E8 443 Act i on Eonnent s,.4t, T i-a*;:":;7'? .// - ('' me Exp Indpection History..... Iter: OO110 ELEC-Temp. Fower'Itenr OOlS€. $LEC-Rough OSilOql?T lnspectorl EG It en I aO1i36' dtEC-tronduit Iten : oo146'"tLEC-Mi sc. Iten,i AA!9A ELEC-Final- Iten; 0OEE4 FIRE-flLRRM ROUGHItern: OO53B FIRE-FINAL C/O I 6-22.77 Aetion! AFPR unit4B3 FNet -/r* ( 1a-'-":'-"t''t plr:- -.--/--- trld *2rr ch. No. -*.. 6lnx -*- drorrtaw "(*/< ,/ h(fta t ' Occupancy: Rl Type Construction: II FR Type Occupancy: VaLuation: F i reptace Information: Restricted: MuIti-Family Type II Fire Resistive Add Sq Ft,: ,,0f G8s Logs:#0t Uood/Pa t Let: r**********************t************t********************* FEE SUH ARy ****************t***************************************** Bui l'ding-----> 185.00 Restuarant Ptan Reviel,--> .OO Totat catcutated Fees---> 4oa.?5P[an check---> 1?0.75 DRB Fee--------Investigation> .00 Recreation Fee----------> .00 Totat, permit tee________> 4OA.Z5Uittcat|.---->3.00ctean-upDeposit-------->1oo.ooPayments-------.--------> TOTAL FEES-----t************************************************************t*****************************************t************************* DepL: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: REAUESTS FOR ITISPECTIONS SHALL BE I,IADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY send Clean-up Deposit To: FRANK 13r 640 ,tof Gas Appt i ances: Iteryt .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Q+/L7 /19e7 DAN ection:--AFFnIte{ri"q5400 PLANNTNG DEFARTMENT-04/r7 /1ee7 DAN ___As!ienl ADFn n/eI!elnt'.05600 FrRE DEpAnil,rnr.ir04/I7/L997 DAN _ -_Aggton: AppR N/AIqqm:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKSo4/r7/1997 DAN Actions AppR N/A r***:t**tf*;t**lr******************************************************************************************************************** see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS l. hereby .acknov tedge that I have read.this appl.ication, f il.ted out in futl, the infofmation required, compteted an accufate ptotpl'an, and state that atI the information provided as riquired. ts correii. i "g.;"-to compl,y vith the information and ptot ptan,to compty vith att Town ordinances-and state.taws,.and to buiLd this stfucture according io'the Town's ionint ana subdivisibncodes, design review approved, uniform Buitding c6de and other ondinancer oi tt" iown appticabte thefeto. CHECK ITDQAIJST 1",/r.-f DArE: b'"/?7PREI'ARI]D BY: VENDORNAMII: Fnaln Q- Cu,, stvw;t',^o VENDOR NUMBER:O /ts-t DESCRIPTTON OF EXPENSE: CLtrAN UP DEPOSIT RDFUND FOR BP # Blt-oos NAME OF JOB:',n, 1(- T ,,1u rt oL' ACCOLINTNUMBER: 0l 0000 22002 AMOUNTOFREFUND: Iy'T oO DATE AI'PROVED:c-^L'-?? APPROVAL SIGNATURE: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9 -2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADD/AI,T MF MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES BUILD PERMI? PermiI #: 897-0057 NOTE: THIS PERMIT APPLICANT FRANK CONSTRUCTION PO BOX 641, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR FRANK CONSTRUCTION PO BOX 641, AVON CO 81620OWNER trINK DAVID H 2900 LAKEWOODS CT, I{EST BLOOMFTELD Mr 48324 Description: INTERIOR COSMETIC REMODEL Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family Type Construct.ion: II FR Type II Fire Resistive Type Occupancyi Valuation: 13,640 Add Sq Ft: ti reDtace Information: Restr i cted:#0f Gas App t i ances:fOf Gas Logs:dOf Llood/Pal. tet: ****************************************************i****** FEE SUl,lllARY ***********************t*i****************t***********t*** Bui Lding-----)185. OO Job Address:Location...: Parcel No..:Project No.: 714 W LIONSHEAD CR-- MARRIoTT 3D lhtfrll a 210t-07 2-05 -0 0 4 Status . . . Applied.. lssued. . . Expires. . AdditionaI Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> ISSUED o4/17 /1.ee704/17 /Lee7 70 / 14 /tee7 Phone:. 3039497992 Phone: 3039497992 Total Catcutated Fees---> 408.25Restuarant P tan RevieH--> .00 .00 .00 100.00 Ptan Check---> 120.?5 DRB F.e-------- Recneation Fee----------> Ctean-Up Depos i t-------->Payments------- Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: .00 408.25Investigation> tlitL cat l.----).00 5.00 Item: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT04/77/7997 DAN Action: AppRItem:'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT9!/t7 /!22?^DAN__ ___As!iqq: AppR N/AITEM:.,05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 9t/17 /!222^DA!!__ __, Aqlton: AppR N/AITEn:. O55OO PUBLIC WORKS04/77/L997 DAN Action: AppR N/A *tr**ff***********tri****************************tff***Jr**********M********t ***fi******ff***********ff******ffff****i.i* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I_hereby.acknovtedge that r have read.this apptication, fil,Led out in futl, the informtion requi red, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compl,y riith tfie information and pl,ot itan,to.comp[y uith atL To],n ordinances_and state.taws/ and to buil,d this structure according io'the Town's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design neview approved, Uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Town a[pIicabLe thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I,IAOE TIIENTY-IOUR HOURS TN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 179-213A OR AT OJR OF Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: FRANK OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF AND OIINER **************************************************rl***************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 897-0057 as of O5/OL/97 status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT Appliedt O4/t?/1997Applicant: FRANK CONSTRUCTION Issued, O4/L7/L9973039497992 To Expire: l0/ta/L997 Job Address: LocaLion: MARRIOTT 3D Parcel No: 2101-072-05-004 Description: INTERIOR COSMETIC REMODEL Condi-tions: 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALIJSTCEILINGSTAND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 199]. UBC.4. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. M nnprT':s Mout{rar nEsonT lT vAl Atlnrinils A,Iaifinin Rerort d Vail To: Buiidirrg Inspector, Tor"n of VarlFrom: ke Sniler ^ Date: FridaH April 18, 1997 Subfecfi Remodel cf units 493 and 495 This is to noti$' you that the remodel work in units 493 and 495; byJeff Frank Construction, has been re'viewed and approved by the managemant of I{amott's Mountain Resort at Vail, Please contact me if you have any questicns. 71 5 W. L;'onsi:eed Circle Vaii, CO 8165? t70 47..' 6t81 970-479 695i Fex E rr,.f http:/,/ vdliet TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8l_657 97 0-47 9-2L38 onnrra*, CONTRACTOR OI'INER Job Address I-,ocation. . . Parcel No..Project No. FRANK CONSTRUCTION PO BOX 641, AVON CO FRANK CONSTRUCTION PO BOX 641, AVON CO 7I4 W LIONSHEAD CR MARRIOTT 3D 2L0L-072-0s-004 Status...: APPROVEDApp1ied..: 04/L7/7es? 1ssued... ! 04/1,7/1,997 Expires. . : LO/14/1997 Phonez 3Q39497992 Phone: 3039497992 #of Uood/Pa l, Let: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT Permit #: 897-0057 Description: INTERIOR COSMETIC REMODEL Occupancy: Rl Tlpe Construction: II Type Occupancy: VaLuation: Fi reDtace Infornation: Restri cted: 8162 0 8162 0 MuIti-FamilyFR Type II Fire Resistive 13,640 Add Sq Ft: fof cas Appl.i ances:#0f cas Logs: FTNK DAVID H 2900 LAKEWOODS CT, WEST BLOOMFIELD MI 48324 ffi****ffi**********tf***ffiffi*it***H*ffiH FEE SUilllARY *ffffi*ffiffiffirffitnttr*rl**rnt.lt*******#**# Bui tding----> PLan check---> 185. m 120.25 Restuafant Ptan Revi eH--) DRB FeF------ Recreation Fee----------> Ctean-Up Deposit-------> TOTAL FEES----- .00 Total Catculated Fees-->408.25.00 AdditionaL Fees--------> .00InvestigatiorD .m[i Lt ca l.l.----> 5. m .00 100.00 to€.25 406.25 .00 t 08.25 TotaL Pernit Fee--------> Paynents------ BALANCE DUE----********ft**t*ffi***f***|l.i***ffif*f,f,*****tt*lr*ffi***rffi*tr*t****tt***ffr|H****tQH***ffi*r*H**ttr/r**rtsR**t*******f)ti*** Itqm: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT04/77/1997 DAN Action: APPRItE,m: , .O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT9!/t7 /I?e-7_DAN-_ ___4s!iq4i AppR N/AItem:,.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 9.!/I7 /\9.27^D4,!!__ - _ Aq:!!on: AppR N/AIt€m:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKSO4/L7/7997 DAII Action: AppR N/A Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Divj-sion: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: **ffi**ffi,r}*ffffi,r*ffi*ffi*** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS l. hereby .acknowtedge that I have read.this appLication, fil,ted out in ful,l, the information required, compteted an accurate plotpl'an, and state that atl the infor]ation provid€d as required is correct. r agree to compty riith tire information and ptot 'pl,an, to compty vith aLl' Tovn ondinances -and state [aws, and to buitd this structure according iothe Tovn,s zoning and subdivisibncodes, design reviel, aPProved, Uniforr Buitding code and other ordinances of the ToHn afpticabte thereto. REaUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE IIADE TI,ENW-FoUR HoURS rN ADVAI{CE BY TELEPHoI{E AT 479-?138 oR AT ouR OFFICE FRott 6:m Ail 5:0O p Send Ctcan-Up Deposit To: FRA K SIGNATURE OF OI,INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII.ISELF AND OIINER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 897-0057 as of O4/L7/97 Status: APPROVED******************************************************************************** Permit Type Applicant Job Address LocationParcel No Description Applied: 04/L7 /1997Issued: O4/17 /1997To Expirez l0/t /7997 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT FRANK CONSTRUCTION 3039497992 MARRIOTT 3D 2LOL-072-05-004 INTERIOR COSMETIC REMODEL Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WAI_,LS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AI.,I, BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.12].0 OF THE 1991 UBC.4. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Lesar Descriptior,, r,ot M"'" jffi?W{"f {D t, a, ''!-- "'3'iito towners Nanei D+r,iJ dnk. Address: ffi !"spn.6iidr-4iir+-j-_g-, ArchLtect: 3kd*e,*. +Apdress: ,C/.AYr--ttyfr EI.ECTRTCAL: I t'lEcHANIcAt: f--.--- VALUATTONS * * * * * * * * * r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * rr Ph.u<Sceneral@a^c)lL, l{ork cLass: I J-New g!-erteration t ]-Actditional [ ]-RepaLr t l-other_ Nuhber of Dwelling Units: l, Nunrber of Accornrnodatlon Unr, Apptiances.- Gas Loss- ni"l'i#ifrtJFxis#'' rlp, $rnber and Type of Fireplaces: cas7 l********************************* b l!_!!!ruc : t_t7t (4/o. ao?LTI}IBING: $7- olgER: IOTAL: RUAI'IoN ***************************ieneral Contractor: ilectrical Contractor: rddress: 'lumbing Contractor: ,ddress: lechanlcal Contractor: ddress: *******************************FORUXI,DTNG PERMIT FEE: &UUEING PERI{TT FEE: ECHANTCAIJ PERUT! FEE: T,ECTRICAIJ FEE: IHER TYPE OF FEE: RB FEE: Town of val-I Reg. No.3&^8 Phone Number: Elfn-s-F- Town of, VaiI Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg, NO. oFrrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE: PL{'MBING PI,AN CIIECK TEE: I'TECHANICAL PI,,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPoSTTs TOIAIJ PER!,IIT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATTIRE: TEATT I'P DEPOSIT NErMI' TO: o 75 routh fronlaga ro.d vrll. colorado 41657 (3031 479-2138 ot 479-2t39 TO: FROM: DATE: su&]Eer: Read and rn sunnary, ordinance No. 6 states that lt is unrawful for anyperson to litrer, track or aeposia ilt-";irl-r#i, sand, debrisor nateriar. incruding trisr,-iurp"ters, portable toilets andworkrnen vehicles-,.pon-"ny-;[";;;, sidewalk, al.ley or public$lii"=:;.:i5 #;.r-on trreieo;:--,;i," rishi_;i_"ii-;, arl rown of, Thl : ;; i ;;;":;{i:S: ^ "'i"ru3f ii":m::: 9.'"f .;": TJ;;:$+:i, "' Pubric rirorks oeoarirnEntl--pIi.ins found vi6riiing thrs ordlnancewilr be qriven a 24 hour rtiit;;';"ti""-t"-;;;;:=."id rnaterial.rn the event the person so notirf"a-a""=-";;-;;;pry with thenotice within an:-31 hour.tii"-"p."ifJ.ed, ttre puLtic WorksDepartment wilr remove said nateiiai-ii-in"-'i*p!i"e or personnotified. The nrovi=i"n"-or-'Iiis "rainance srritr not beapplicabre to c-onstruction, -riiii.nunge 9r repair projects ofany street or attey or i"y'"[ilii,i.= in the rilnt-u_ray. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of:::i.::ii:*"9"o;f,1:'n:lt.::"";E;i" a copv- ri'ani< you eor your olllcc ol communlty devclopmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WIrlT THETOWN OF VArL TOr,rN OF VAIL PUBLIC !{ORKS/COMMI'NrTY DEVELOPMENT lilARCH lG, 1998 CONSTRUSITON PARKTNG & MATERIAL STOR,AGE acknowledged by: (i.e. contractor, onner) o 75 rouh |ront.gc aord v.ll, colorudo 81857 (3031 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 ottlcc ot communlly dov.lopmant BUILDING PERttIT ISSUAttCE TIfit FRAHE If this permi.t requi.res a Town of vair frre Departnent Approval ,Engineer''s (.publtc works) reyiew anJ'ipi"or.i,'i iiii,,iini"i.p."t "ntreview or Health Departmint.review,-ani'.a-review by the Buirdrngl!rt[*!'l;.ll: .'.i'uted tirni roi'a-lotar ;;;i;*;ui"ia[!'us r 6ne A1l commerciar (rarqe-91 small) ana at murti-famiry permits wi'have to fol'low dhe ibove menti6ned miximum requirements. Residentia.land.small projects shou'rd take t 'te;;er"arouni-of-ii;;:' Hiwever, ifresidentfal or smailer.projects impiii'the varlous above mentioneddepartments with reoa.rd to-necessiiy-""u.i"*, these proJects maya'l so take the three-week period. Every.attempt wiil be made by this department to exped.ite thispemi't as s.Qon as possible. - 'v Y'!reY' ee Y' l;.jll undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time 5 hedt waF-tu rn eli-Tt'fo-ffiDatE/FoF Development Department. ,. TO: FFOM: DATE: RE: ME!'tORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PEHMIT'IS REQUIRED 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use ol the right of way, easements or public froperfy? 3) ls any utility wor* needed? 4) fs the driveway being repaved? 5) ls ditferent access needed to sit€ olher than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work belng done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, eas€menls or public property to be used for staging, parking or tencing? - B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Developmenl? Job Name: Date: Please answer lhe following questionnaiie regarding the need for a'Public Way permlt": YES No h,o n'O f\D hp l\O f\-/2 rvD n-.o nO It-v91a19wered yes to any of lhese queslions, a "Public way permit'rnusl be obtained.?ublic Way_ Permit' appllcalions may be obtained at the'public Work's office or atg,o.Tfjq Deve.toprnent, lf you hlye,any quesrions ptease cattCr,artiE Davis, te toru;or vail uonstructaon hspecior, at 479-2159. I have read and answered alt the above questions. PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: 1) Flll out our check list provided with a buildino oermit aoolicaUon' lf yes was answered to any of the above questions then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, locatEd at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. 2) Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A construction traffic controystaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used, This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc..). This plan will expire on Oct. 1Sth. and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. 4) Sketch of work being perlormed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work), This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the iob. 5) Submit completed applioation to the Public Works's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 48 hours to perform. 6) The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any that may needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one week to process. 7) As soon as the perrnit is processed, a copy witl be fa,red to Community Development allowing the "Building Permif'to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public way Permit" with a "Building Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: 'Ths..above..procass ls.for work.in a publlc way only. ' Public Way Permlts are valld only untll November 15th.* A new Publlc Way Permit ls requlred each year lt work.ls not complete. a{pt,y lnttn 75 routh trontlgc rold v.I, color.do 81657 l3o3) 47$2138 (r{xr) 4792139 olflce of communlly dwelopmenl . NoTrcE Io coNTRAcToRs/owNER BUTIDERS Effective June 20, 1991, the Town of Vail Buirding Department hasdeveloped the following procedures to ensure that new -const.ruct.ion sites have adequately established proper drainage from buiJ.dingsites along and adjacent t'o Town of vail roads of streets. The lown of Vail Public Works Department will be reguired toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to town of Vail roads orstreets and the installatlon of, temporary or permanent culverts at accegs points froa tbe road or street on ta the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any request for inspectlonby the Town of vail Building Department for footings or temporaryelectrical. or any other inspection. Please call. 4'79-2L60 torequest an inspection fron t.he Pub]ic Works Department. Allow a rninimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Depart.nent will be approvingall finaL drainage and culverE inst,allation with resulting roadpacching'as necessary. Such approval must be obtaineci prior to Fj.naf Certificate of Occupancy issuance. 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 May 17, 1994 Department of Community Deve lopment Robert Velasquez C/O The Radisson Resort Vail 715 West Lionshead Circle Vail, CO 81657 Dear Bob: In summary of our phone conversation today, you agreed lo-remove- the shed-like structure cunen1y on fne poi,t deck at the Radisson tiy no tater than Friday May 27,1994' As we discussed, the structure Oo"t not meet the Design Review Guidelines or the Health Code for ortOoot bars. lf you wish to instrall a more permanent slructure that would meet the Health CoO" "nA the Design Review Guidelines for an outdoor bar at the pool deck, please call me and set up a meeting to discuss the process. Sincerely,WnW'Randy Stouder Town Planner Bnr \\/ Bce finpt,\.lr{5r \!t= 9 1c1*t"t 479 -(oct8 t Orr .br* b DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: - ********** THTS .APPLICATION WII..IJ NOT BE ACCEPTEDttNTIL AJ.L.REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMIIEED********** I.PROJECT TNFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION.: TOV .COMM, DEV. DEPI TYPE OF REVIEW: New Const,rdction ($200. O0)Minor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) * Y _l (,{' D. ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot Subdivision )) If property is descdescripLion, please a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and ibed by rrovi.de E. F.- attach to this appli ation. ZONING: LOT AREA: If required, st,amped survey showing must, provide a current.applicanLIot area. xH.NAME OF APPLIMailing Addre I.NAME OF OWNERS: *STGNATURE (S) :Mailing Address: Phone ,1 . 11 . Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlme of submittal of DRB application. Llter, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal . The Town bf VaiIwill adjust the fee according to the t,able below, toensure the correct fee is paid FEE PAID: SFEE SCHEDULE: . VALUATION$ 0 - $ 10,000$ 10/ 001 - $ 50,000$ 50r 001 - $ 150/ 000 $150r001..- $ 500,000 $500r 001 - $1,000,000 FEBs 20. oo -/' $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00I Over $1,000, 000 $500. OO .:t DESIGN NTVIEI{ BOARD APPROVAIL EXPIRES ONE YEtrR AI'TER ETTIAL ,/ APPROVAIJ UNI.ESS A .BUU..DING PERMII IS TSSUED AI{D CONSTRUCT/OU rS STARTED. NAMB OF APPLICANT' M-ailipg Address: **NO APPI.TCATION WILIJ BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE -----....--, .i II. PRE-APPLICATTON MEETTNG: A pre-application meet.ing with a member of the planningstaff is strongly encouraged to determine if any addit.ionalapplication informat.ion is needed. It is the applicantrsresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff todetermine if there are additional subnittal requirements.Please note. that a COMPLETE application wiII streamline theapproval process for your project. III In addition Lo meeting subrnittal requirements, theapplicant. must stake and Lape the project site toindicate property lines, building Lines and buildingcorners. AI] Lrees to be removed nust be taped. AIIsite tapings and staking must be completed prior to the. DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that stakinqdone during the winter is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requirestwo separat.e meetings of the Oesign Review Aoard: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicantsshould plan on present.ing their development proposal ata minirnum of two meetings before obtaining finalapproval. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their it,en bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket unt,il such time as the itern has beenrepublished. The following items may, at the discret.ion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the CommunityDevelopment Department staf,f (i.e. a formal hearingbefore t.he DRB may not be required) : a. Windows, skylights and sirniLar exterior chanseswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding,' and b. Building addition proposals not visibJ-e from anyother lot or public space. At the tirne such aproposal is submitted, applicants must includeletters from adjacent propert.y owners and/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association st.ating the associat.ionapproves of the addition. If a property is Locat.ed in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfal_I, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc) r a hazard study must be submitted and theowner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior. to the issuance of a building permit.Applicant.s are encouraged to check wit.h a Tohrn plannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. For all residentlal construction: Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the ext.erior structural wal_ls of thebuilding; andIndicate with a dashed line on t.he site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, al} conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. A. B. D. ai h ao*rr*u?ro*IV.NEW A.Three copies of a recent topoqraphic survev, stamped bva licensed surveyor, at a scale of L" - 20, or 1arger,on which the foltowing information is provided: 1. Lot area. 2. Two foot contour intervals unless the parcelconsists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5,contour intervals may be accepted. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunkswith diameters of 4" or more, as measured from apoint one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant. naturalfeatures (1arge boulders, intermittent. st,reams,etc.). Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.),centerline of strean or creek, reguired creek orstream set.back, L00-year flood plain and slopes of40? or more, if applicable. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landrnarkor sewer invert. This information should beclearly stated on the survey so that aLl measurements are based on the same st,art,ing point.This is particuJ.arly important for heightmeasurement.s. See Po1icy On Survey Information,for more information regarding surveys. Locat,ions of the following:a. Size and type of drainage culvert.s, swales,etc. must be shown. b. Exact. location of existing utility sources and proposed service Lines from their sourceto the structure. Utilities to inctude: 6. Cable TV Telephone Sewer Water \Jd.5Electric B. c. Show all utility meter locat.ions, including any pedestals to be located on site or in theright-of-way adjacent. t.o the sit.e. Revocablepermits from t,he Town of Vail are requiredfor improvements in the right-of-way. d. Propert.y lines - distances and bearings and abasis of bearing musL be shown. e. A11 easements (Title report must also includeexisting easement locations) 8. Exist.ing and finished grades. 9. Provide spot elevat.ions of t.he street, and a minimum of one spot. elevat.ion on eilher side ofthe lot, 25 feet. out from the side property lines. Site Plan 1, Locations of t.he following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. b. Proposed driveways. Percent slope and spot.elevations must be shown. A11 existing i-rnprovements including structures,landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, wa1ks, driveways, off-st.reet parking, loadingareas, retaining walls (with top and bottom ofwall spot elevations), and oLher exist.ing site improvements. 3. NOTE: and proposed qrades shown underneath). Theseelevations and grades must be provided in orderfor the staff to determine building height. AIIridge l-ines should be indicaLed on the site plan.Elevations for roof ridges shall also be indicatedon the site plan with corresponding finished andexisting grade elevations. 4. Driveway grades may not. exceed 8t unless approvedby the Town Engineer. Landscape Plan (!" -- lQ, or larger) - 3 copies required 1. The following information must be provided on thelandscape plan. The location of existing 4,'diameter or larger trees, the location, size,spacing and type (conmon and latin name) of allexisting and proposed plant material . AIt treesto be saved and to be removed must also beindicated. The plan must also differentiate between existing and proposed vegetation. 2. Complete the attached landscape materials list. 3. The location and type of existing and proposedwatering systems to be employed in caring forplant rnaterial following its installation. 4. Existing and proposed contour lines. fn order to clarify the inter-relation of the variousdevelopment proposal components, please incorporate asmuch of the above infornation as possibLe onto the siteplan. Siqn gff from each utilitv companv verifying thelocation of utility service and availability (see at.t.ached) . A prgliminarv title report must accompany allsubmittals, to insure property ownership and locationof a.II easements on propert.y. Architectural Plans (L/8" = Lt or larger, !/4', lspreferred scale for review) 3 copies required. L. ScaLed floor plans and all elevations of theproposed development.. Elevations must show both . existing and finished grades. 2. One set of floor plans must be ilred-lined." to showhow the gross residential floor area (GRFA) wascal-culated. 3. Reductions of all elevations and the site plan (S-L/2" x !!,,) for inclusion in pEC and/or toirnCouncil memos may be requested. 4. Exterior surfacing materials and material colorsshall be specified on the at.tached materiats list.This materials list rnust be completed andsubmitted as a part of DRB application. Colorchlps, siding samples eLc., should be presented tothe Design Review Board meeting. ?ong check list (attached) must. be completed if projectis located within the Single-Family, primary,/Secondiry or Duplex zone districts. Photos of the existing site and where applicable, of ad jacent. struct.ures . n E. H. rn" zt,g Administrat.or and,/or oP*., require rhesubmission of additional p1ans, drawings,specifications, samples and other materials (includinga model) if deerned necessary to determine whether aproject will comply with Design Guidelines. tt MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS, Photos or sket.ches which clearly convey the redevelopmentproposal and the location (site plan) of the redevelopmentproposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formalreguirements set forth above, provided a1l import,antspecifications for the proposal including colors andmat.erials to be used are submitted. ,,/ ", ADDTTIONS - RESTDENTIAL OR COMMERCTAL A. Original floor plans with all specifications shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans L/8" = L' or larger(L/4', = Lr is preferred) C. Three copies of a sit.e plan showing existing andproposed const.ruction. fndicate roof ridge elevationswith existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Photos of the exist.ing structure. F. Specifications for aII naterials and color samples onmaterials List. (attached). At the request of the Zoning Administ.rator you may also berequired t.o submit: G. A statement from each utility verifying location ofservice and availabj-Iity. See attached utilityl-ocation verifi-cation form. H. A site improvement survey, stamped by regist.eredprofessional surveyor. I. A preliminary title report, to verify ownershj.p ofproperty, which tists a1I easements. VII. FINAL STTE PLAN Once a building permit has been issued, and construction isunderway, and before the Building Depart.rnent will schedule aframi ng inspection, two copies of an Improvement LocationCertificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registeredprofessional engineer must be submitt.ed. The followinginformation must be provided on t.he ILC: Building locat.ion (s) with t.ies to property corners,i.e. distances and angles. Building dirnensions to the nearest, tenth of a foot. All utilit.y service line as-built.s, showing type ofnaterlal used, and size and exact. location of lines. Drainage as-bui1ts. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. A11 property pins are to be either found or set andstated on improvement survey. A11 easements. Building floor elevations and a]1 roof ridge elevationswith existing and proposed grades shown under the ridgelines. ,,-.1-c?t'/lo^ A. I'. c. D. F. G. VIII Submittal requirements: The owner or authorized agentof any project requiring design approval as prescribedby this chapter may submit plans for conceptual reviewby Lhe Design Review Board to the Department of Community Development. The conceptual review isintended to give the applicant a basic understanding ofthe compatibillty of their proposal with the Town, sDesign Guidelines. This procedure is recommendedprimariJ.y for applications more conplex than single-family and two-family residences. However, developersof single-family and two-family projects shall not beexcluded from the opportunity to request a concept.ualdesign review. Conplete applications must be submittedL0 days prior to a scheduled DRB neeting. The following information shall be submitted. for aconceptual- review: 1. A conceptual sit.e and landscape plan at a minimumscale of one inch equals twent,y feet; 2. Conceptual elevations showing exterior materialsand a description of the character of the proposedstruct.ure or structures i 3. Sufficient informat.ion to show the proposal complies with the developnent standards of thezone district in which the project is to beLocated (i.e. GRFA, sit,e coverage calculations, number of parking spaces, etc.),- 4. Conpleted DRB application form. Procedure: Upon receipt. of an appticat.ion forconceptual design revi.ew, the Department of CommunityDevelopment shall review the submitted materials forgeneral compliance with the appropriate requirements ofthe zoning code. If the proposal is in basiccompliance with the zoning code requirements, theproject shall be forwarded to the DRB for conceptualreview. If the application is not generally in-compliance with zoning code requirements, theappJ-ication and submittal materials shaLl be returnedto the applicant with a written exptanation as to whythe Community Development Department staff has found-the project. not to be in compliance with zoning coderequirements. Once a complete application has beenreceived, the DRB shall review the submitted conceptualreview applicati.on and supporting material in order todetermj-ne whet.her or not the project, generatly complieswith the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote onconceptual revj-ews. The property owner or hisrepresentative shal1 be present at the DRB hearing. A. B. - o.fu) NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: SUBDIVISION The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall MaLerials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chj.mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other required approval TYPE OF for submittal can be given: MATERIAL to the Design N/A ^J7 AN/fr B.LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: BotanicaL Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED COLOR trees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. PLANT MATERIAIS,Qotuni"aL Name *onllalJ ouantitv Size-. PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE P.JEMOVED *fndicate size5 qallon. GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL of proposed shrubs. Tvpe Minimurn size of shrubs is Sguare Footaqe c. LANDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exterior lighting is proposed., preaseshow the number of fixtures and rocations on a separatelighting pran. rdentify each fixture from tne rilrrting planon the ]ist below and provide the wattage, height-abov6 - grade and Lype of light proposed. oTHER IANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining waIIsT fences, swimmingpools, etc.) PLease_ specify- Indicate heights of retainin!wal-ls. Maximum height of warls wit.hin the front setback ii3 feet. Maxinum height, of walls elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. / D. SUBDIVISION JOB NAME LOT BLOCK I I IJ J,I\ Lt ADDRESS The location and availability of ut.ilities, whether they be maint_run\ 11r"! or proposed lines, must be approved and verified bythe fol-Iowing utilities for the accompanying site p1an. Authorized Signature Date U.S. West Cornrnunications t-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 94 9-s7 81 Gary Hall HoIy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 949-s530 Steve Hiatt. Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE:This form is to verify service availability andlocation. This should be used in conjunction wit.hpreparing your utility plan and. schedutinginstallations . For any new construction proposal, tbe applicantmust provide a completed utility verifj-cationform. If a utiLity company has concerns with theproposed construction, the utilit.y representativeshould not directly on the utility verificalionform t,hat there is a problem which needs to beresolved. The issue should then be spelled out indetaiL in an at.tached let.t,er to the Town of Vail.However, please keep in nind that it is t.heresponsibilit.y of t.he ut.ility company to resolvei"dentified problems. If the utilit.y verificati-on form has signaturesfrom each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, Lhe Townwill presume that t.here are no problems and thatthe development can proceed. These verifications do not relieve t,he cont.ractorof his responsibility to obtain a street. cutpermit from the Town of Vait, Department. of public Works and to obtain ut.ility locations before I diqqinq in any public right-of-way or easement inthe Town of VaiI. A buildinq permit is not astreet cut permit. A street cut permit. must beobtained separately. * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations whenobtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanit,ation signatures. Fireflow needs must be addressed. J. 5. tl- DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoI ZONE CHECK FAP sFR, R, R P,/S ZONE DISTRTCTS Block Filing ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Dr[ve: View Corridor Encroachment: Envi ronmental,/Hazards : PHONE PHONE AIIowed (30) (33) Existinq Proposed Tot,at 20, 15' 15f (30) (so) 3' /61 Reqrd (3oo) (600) (90o) (t.2oo)_ Permitted Slope 88 Actual Slope DaLe approved by Town Engin'eer: Yes No 11 ') ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks 425 425 r.) 2',, 3) Flood Plain Percent Slope Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris FIow4) Wetlands Prevlous conditions of approval (check property file) Does this request invoLve a 250 Addition? How nuch of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? **Note: under sections L8.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipalcode, rot,s zoned Two Family and Primary/secondary which are ress tian15r000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. TheConmunity Development Department may grant an exception to thisrest.riction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth undersect.ions L8.L2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal code incrudingpermanentry restricling the unit as a long-term rental unit for futl-tine employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. Qql -bpqa,. &^shrcfan 6 prdilor ,fr^+ ftt.s: i,fflfn t t rtkol 't