HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIRST WESTWIND 3 OF 4 LEGAL\tlt ^*J^".dF\t w-z; =1 .{ WESTWIND GRFASTUDY 2/20/96 Lot Area = 36,98[sq. ft. zoning= ccf (aorrd to Llv|u.1- Anowable GRFA= E0voor2e,5e0 sq. ft. ^.b^, Al[o*bL G*fn =q?Jq7O 4 Existing GRJA = 36,253 sq. ft. or 98% Calculations based on original building permit plans, datrd 7 / 18/69 and by additional building pernits in the file. oz t =G uJL ra c{U) UJ LUll tr = uJd lkrLJ -q \Yi ffile*ffi oro\ c\I zDF) trl M tsH B Fl 14 HE o\ O! n uJ __FF]NE F .Ff 5EnFixl =aqEc =at LIJf- e F Fat 4 o (,2z at uJFoz o =! @ .6 ozza) ul <t, i ott o o Fz o \ N o)a; !o aE €i8: F(56.9'6 6.iR.6qee'sF 35coc 5$NO -o$ccs BEFoqb -=oo PF P€ooo a1 'E cD or .-c ?'; 5rdlie .tt O E:) =e-oyc9o.!o.c(!t3 o.9 .sE o'i(!.= (l) (t)*!o -o(!cvrae; IEtD(:F.:(!F5C o x!tc-o'-o .e: 5 ;g€; >=c9c 3E= EEA =r-EFOO e;sJq! c.=- 6 CL a0 O_$E; oP o-E*e E6:EE Eo(!= EFE aeC(6 0'- --Ear O!EE:-e=3;5>. P Ilo.Y=E 3.i g i'i e9E ore5g -o(! rn rn(\ Blog J + F =u/ooz = co Y C) UJ z Jo- = uJ u, z =l J 9z o UJ = tut!t!z tr uJ uJal G o Bg Itl z 6 trJ F6 o-ul fz tu o X F utol U'Itlull! tr t uJ o-J l-oF z J .o J 9 F UJJu, oz = C)z o uJE NOtrvn'tv^ FF rr A Y25"3r-2 Z rL'E9 0 0bF ^ <n z= X f > Y-E E " EEa a ElZ t (JFgg 8rz t! <(9ia>I - sCi6P>F o ttz H6l =>E =lo(\l HH EI!] NH z fr1 Ff & A z tr q LL(r o o- UJ rn N lr.t z Eoo xX zo ? IJJF =ulz tl lltl Lz:)z <oo< =ft>(!Rtrdci<z i F 2 Oz -:F fio3EOI IJJ lJ c. UJzY i F z F laz I t'lz z ---+ J 3 F o ; lJl<ltrt zl zl .. >lo uJoq, qJza tr u.l o- J z E z F H I I Il"lz;l <lo-l I I I l"ol< uJl(/, F t!'r llJgb F I& E I I I I I "l=.1otrJllEl il tr.lol 3l g Ol srFI F ?l EI 5l flol zl 3lolH ol =.1(ll uJl 1l al>l I!|ol zl;lolH @(! F\ I\o e{o\ IflNl5l I .Iol ="1 uJl 5l al>l :| PI Hzfrl & () H(A o Ff tn tr =.1ol|lll 5l al>l I'|-|q zl;lolFI I I I IlFl I F.llH | .o-lFlt> l(, Il.ntz IHIB lr l(J oBfrlFlApr E r\ri t/) UJg.o I HIAI Hl tlHl ? =l4 .rt .if tsl-{v zHB t-r.t) E ii =z --) z Jtr tltlll-.'.I taI liI lo\. nl r.. I d Z) -'t Iq\o IHl '-r I(/llE'l}4lat olt€l !-t utllrt g,lLll q 2 a Ha>t J trl g5 Eirt! b2 t2? E?z.EfFd6 E --..r O<F(r() r.! <ZEuFt,l Zo ) 9 uJ F uJF "r (r -<loQ r || lllfo oAOH6I -ifF,Oio (Aozaz!JAl r!iFi ACoo-tz |- TL UJY ul dl o :orFOr =-'.ELIJ \t(L,, F1, =zla1 H3l,zlI F.tlgu,bkz6 & ,s rnY izeE(D0 -Ez vt dP 3f!tr .^i3r!, \J = ==3dd=t4-__ tsILJU = G uJ o.ltofulF2E<ctf€3B9EA .=Eba =>=r!:-E b=o Ji-E RFE 56I iurEX(Lt x>t q-o-iti uJdl --- ts =Elrlo.zIF C)f E,F(nzo(J .:Pi, :r-j BS+q $s$ o .t :"1 ifl'r":1i:i". ti o t9 :J, I ,, -4 '; :.2 t= .) t?.. ' ',ir 'r _D ,r id,'1 i.' ' ,',',! I >..' \s -s boyle engineering, inc, profess ionol shuclurol engineers l'ls. flarllyn Sntth . .,, sLIFER DESIGNS l . P,0. Box 16l? | : , f,von, C0: 81620 :' . .. '-t . ..- . . 1, ".. ,., . ..,..". SubJect: Pnoposed Neur South hllndor,r {,les t ul nd Unlt *404 Ual I , Colorado .. Dear l'lar I lyn: : 0n llonday. June 18, t 990 I lret ul t h Condomlnlum Conpl ex. Thc purpose feasible to r.rlden the ulndou ln the i f so, what r,rou I d be Invo.lvcd in the :.l l .t i .:, ,:1 . '.. I f'like Hazlehorst at Unit f404 of thc i.lest of this lnspcctlon uas to dctennlnc lf i south uall of the bednoon to tcn feet; structura I modi fication. uind t ls and, trfe uere able to dctcnmlna the exact loading on thls header durlng thls vislt. Aftcr calculating the sltuation back at the offtcc I anr plcased to infonn you that thls 6indor,r cxpansion should not crcato a structural problen. l'like r,rill have to lnstall a neu headcn to span the full r,l i ndor,r r^ridth. Thls should be r nini{'rurn of tulo ?tl@'s and bcar on double trlmners at each end. Pleasc givc nc a call 1f you have any questions regardlng thts matten 80YtrE Tl not hy Pres I dcnt AT VAIL Your Other woild on the Edge ot th6 wind l4arch 18, 1991 Jay X. Petarson 9utte 307 Va!1 Nirtlanal Eank Building' Fax* 419-C467 Dea= Jry; th{s lcttar lc to lar.Jc 8s rrc:lce -'hct thr Boord r.'f Dlrcccors ha* epproved thc ncw winCor,r for Jln Bcadie r Urrlg 4Q4, ttes!'h'l:1d at trail. f els1l'loe you wlll t€ contac:lng the !c'*:: of 'ura ii for the necessa:y ge=arle. I.g gurthef, 1n fornat Lor: is needed, j):.c.rfie Co not hcsitate to call. Slncerely, fl rAr-ottatttn Paula Dcnirrtn Ganeral .qanagar, rrt€ st.rittd 548 S. FFONTAGE 40. VA|L, co 516s7 i (303) 476'3031 $is -'-ocE * E.9t EgEEE iiE€E g€iiE e=:;f l! uJttt =E Go .3o o E 2oo Eo EiEsF igiiE Z 2 s.-o oop; =Fia; fr5ei E'; Fa rg I vtul J UJ E oz JI<l FI =l zl .. >lo uJo IIJluz v, E:trluo. J zI Eoo ctz E =c uJc UJFo @o 6aFo)ssY9 Hz,e3 =E ulo- lrJF o lro o-oo I UJFoz zo9za@o =zd8 =EE ts =E,llJo. lr.o uJr =G, lrJGtto EUE3€uB9Eki9'EE E>- =ulEbod:iFiE6Eqo-iEi u,ooF ts =E, lrJo-zoF C)fE azo() DID $l :$1 K lblotzF..i Jl! 1c{ \rT3 \s ii =z @oI #i #qaJ+: ,..r 6 :*F4 dFfl H I. l-.nH I?. l4 itn l,,r-[$\ =() V] s el u)1 arl,.) |--11 ,l+l $rl-+l -lnl EIsl ttl T- e aulc 4 I \t N $lql "-l q oJ T >lt,a slI q o1 .l-rl d) cld 4adlJI-E tll Il{trlk{lrl -l .tall r cil c ,rtl c _rl I<t-il - ol c zl Bt IHI o) o 2 -& lt ciz cjulG J ltoz3oF q, { o4 -E Io 7outEl J >l tllqz3ol llJJ uJF dz o UJ lE J l!qz3 01H \ C =c oz ciIJtc J t!oz3oF u,J UJl-, Gulz3o C) IJJ =(J OE G -lO<FEOuJ<ZE, etr Z-o() JG5g frE '5 o2 co = 4 E ? J I,)) i5:.F =3g6 o'os6 =+G l-o2 oo ioqgEID! 75 aoulh trontlgc rord I'll, colorldo 81657 (303) 479-2t38 or 479-2\39 oftlco ol oommunlly dcvclopmcnt BUILDINC PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this permi.t requ't:res a Town of Vail [ire Department Approval, Engineel's (Pgb'lic t.lorks) reyiew and approva'|,' a plannin!' Oepariment review or Health Department review, and a review by the Bui'lAing Department, the estimated tim'e for a total review may take as longas three weeks. All cormercial (large or sma'l'l) and all mu1ti-family permits wi1'l have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentia'l and small projects should take a'l esser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments writh regard to necessary review, these projects maya'lso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermit as s.qon as possible. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time Project Name Date tlork Sheet was turned into the Community Development Department. I,. the f! ame.. \ 75 roulh lront Ee rold Yril, colorrdo 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: SROM: DATE: SUB.IECT: ottlco of communlly devclopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITTI THE TOT{N OF VAIL TO!{N OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT llaRcH 15, 1988 CoNSTRUCT.ION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE fn sunnary, Ordinance No. G states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash dumpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicp1?9e or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on al1 Town ofVail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance wlll be strictly enforced by the fown of Vailpllli" works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewiII be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said naterial .In the event the person so notified does not cornply with thenotice wittrin the 24 hour tirne specified, the pulfic ltorksDepartrnent will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance snaff not bLapplicable to construction, roaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtaLn I copy. fLant< you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. Read and acknowledged by: Position,uRelationship to Project (i.e. contractor, owner) Date OF PROJECT I -INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL e PERMI DATE l//r^,q tlo'l READY FOFI INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER LOCATION: WED THUR FRI 1-zt3 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL p rnnr'rrrr'rc rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING /y:rsulnrror.r D POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL E FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 7" frr,( [pi' .fr; (t,, INSPECTION REQUEST OWN OF VA#?c I t' !t op;-e / READY FOR LOCATION: Z. JoB NAME CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / S.TEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR oz F =e UJo- ooo rn € C? 4 25 A7 (n IJJ uJu- ts =E IJJ drt at/t tlb 6eo)89 +a) o\ N o\ & v H H 3 (J l-lE Fr o -) z F e F EFIz zz UJ z z J o6 zz J|rlo:I lar .ultZ rt iut'I:F iO:z)< d s.^t\ J I\g )\ ).{ ti)$t I Nl \ .lElurlzt]'lo lrLrlo luJlc IP't<l2lol6 i J d \ \ \ \! \l Et+ [\J td I \ 1'\-\l,lx )1 clt, -d [\J ' ..: '.J s,,\ - : U] ,t \ hr o o c) (lt .9 CLo.6 cir F q) .c o oo d t ol 0)\ o 6 oooo ctlc E E =:l do o (! 3 .g o i;{ f, g;gE tr1.=O9 UP:Oc-o> ef;E Eg:;c9GE -*;o)3Et= E E-B; :€ 3E 3te3 E!geo-(! o--FE;:o!E-ort€:€ E6:n iEEg -o.l:o(60'-!-c; c) ./, -'E -- St€E ; E:E XEF9 iE;:9E qr -cEg: - c' (s: .if\o N ca F\(n (n oo (n\o6l E Eu,coz ! x()IJ () z) a o r.lJ tr z @ = oz = UJ UJu-z9 E uJ () UJ co =ul uJez 6t!o a ut z UJ o x tuol U'uIulu- tr = LT.l o- J FoF z o J 9 Fo|lJ z =lJ 9z () u,tt Fls H NOtrvnlvA :a 9iz z e-Y, Q g 3=efrtr I oEFr'rtt o E:;6a 8a()zX-r*s :F\r= =xiH gE N (v >G =co z tr .J t! E qJ 3l 4 4 E (L uJE J z Eoo Fi|Jz tr uJ J =UJz =z:)z <Oo< :.L >(ERrUo<z t-z 9z -Ftro3trOI L_ltl llli] tolIOIlll lul IL <t) uJz 9I F 2 F Jlaz I tllz z --{- a 3t UJ o 3 lJl<li-l zl zl .. >1 ulo uJ uJz <t) = Elrl o- J zI =o z J dl n[T I I I "lzlYI <lo.I F llJ I cv @tr) __:t C) o\gr ;lxl O.l Hl uJF o uJF U)ooazo Fo- UJv IIJ c0 oF ts =CE UJ ILo >}\OFoo I UJ Foz z (9=z4dro =<JO O- LL ..i5 =Y-i=xoE;E tr uJ l! uJo2 oa oF TEIc JFul-!-=5c =o-OL9o\UJXL:>IJFt! l! uJ o o E CLooto! .=ct E Eoo A: la- ol>trf=E =*=i E =E UJ o-zoFq)f E.Fazo(J !nD .l (fllol EI :l Erv, 14B (,z Jtr J ao F-o Ff 14 E zFFlV d,i =z (D J.) FI Hzrrltl tt)v F, llJ =2 FtJ) EdH\oc{ H.A rrlB c.l(t \o <n UJEoo = o- FfFlH z B 14 tr E E ct)&H* H Ft Flog d 14 = G ; E H F 14z q uf o 1 = Ff H zFB&tllF ; th Flg 2lrl& IAv h &[czBo =tr I C\ /i z ti uJ J z =o (n.n I @ oet\ (v) uJ UJF e, zEo = tr l oz. ul J o z =I 4 tr tr.l Fl FlH =tr I @ FI .iz o uJ J a t! z3 F T\r\F\ Io\.it o\ UJ ul = tr z .; UJ f lt z3v =t! z .; [ltr J ll-oz3 F IJJJ tu uJz = uJF I E t <F t!<zEt!F(rzo JE<oOF ifYt-tu,2 t3 (Jz (D = J t I z J 6F 43 d=>U ot-g ir =+8, Oz JI<()lo !2 1u.l x *'va(7/.ca.S ?th E!tr ,l ct- ts =q u,q Ir I' 00.s o 0l lot$ tdla l* \ 8. o l$l$ N \ $l{ oa. oa \ l{ t\ Ir IN t$lu,luJluJll! =Et!4 -sl oz0 =oJf @ .a(, = l*i i iS ls ;"1 \t' i wi; N5 iE lEEEg*lI SEe;s I IEEiE;I lsei;s! Ts N M f.'il 0ff oo I{'{i N \ IE Aozo =.o -qt tr| oz d {o E C' uJ UI o =@ID d {cz C' UJI gt lr, zo F u, 'C(, ll'|E IIo.o!lt EEzIvtwo aIu,ocD t 1r, () x F UJtt5 nl! UJ ==crttc o o =oJ 5 TD (,c (t UJ gl ('z .D I A IgI C'wI { R e ltotIvnlYA I,: .$l =!i$lj EE aE Ha :ss s3 gN Eg Hd.. .{ -6 zIF L G(, o l] N Q * ,t l;il otl =ll .. >lcl UJoluu,z al, =G UJA 2o 6o UJo- rLFo o zYI u,lo' F 2o 5 oz c, () dg ciz N|- i$ E z F o lt e 3 2Ps6?3dtgdqoo<z {$ ig:Ed6}Eo: oIu,o o =Y E (, =F 3o lr 8G l n rl 3 I FIJri ^lN \0 ...tr Iu o ! oo)?,) ;uc uo) E. EuLt) L)J I ll )z /;',n gP =etl|o =ziF 5fi8 8trtr u,oz :t a/,u, 6 .EI E h:= =co. uJ:o-or!90trtu;o-:> uJ J ru.0o c g _a IE Et E E 8 o o E e5It ts =E.lrlo-zo F(J =E 6z,oo trntr I o =*o m $3 ,{s f\ $zlcolol Y\I $r $ ilT d$ 3E {r ffi*tlFI Wq fl aH uJ g, \ .t* =g s <(,frs \ G, uJ =3o (J lrJ o -rO<Fcc) Lr, <ZEt!Fo3 () Jc( 5P;;() EEd6 ^o eF gE d5 C) 6F =3gE oEligE*E5i ()() rl,+,n7 FFxtA oo (^\\ : Mr. BoL J ".bli" LtTb'bz>l o 75 soulh trontage road vail. colorado 81657 1303, 479-2L.38 or 479-2I39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ottlce of communlty deyelopment ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTIYL REGISTERED WITII TIIETOI{N OF VAIL TOWN oF VAIL PUBLTC rvoRKS/COl,rruuNrTy DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & !,IATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, -ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlarsful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor material, including trash durnpsters, portabre loilets ana -- workmen vehicles. |pon. any streetl sidewaik, all"y or publicp1?:" or any portion theieof. The rishr-"i;;t 3n all rown ofvar-r streets and.f9afs is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wilr be strillry enforcld, by the Tolrn of vairPy?]i: works Departnent. persons found vialaiin; tnis ordinancewrrr De grven a 24 hour written notice to remove-said material .rn the event the person so notified does not comply with tll;--notice within the 2.i hour time specified, in"-p"[ric worri---Department will rehove said mateiiat at trr" "x!.nse of personnotified-. The provisions of this ordinance "irlff not beapprrcabre to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right_a_way. To review ordinance No- E in fulr, please stop by the Town ofJail euilding Departroent to obtain a copy. thanx you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. conrzrz*+rte- '.-k--\ r/r- ili Read and acknowledged by: Date rruLy /j r7?o to Pro ect (i.e. contractor, owner) - -:;-: .-- --- \=Xqt PERMIT NUMBEF PF PEOJECT\\r ^ t\\ -\\xDATE \i 1 \ -\\ ]JOB NAME REQUEST VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: NSPECTI TqFS-s dfG) rnr PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND FOUNDATON / STEEL x.RouGH / D.W.V. **o",*o N-- fi&ro* / wArER qooF & sHEEB /o ooa prprNc _PLYWOOD NAILING D FOUNDATION / STEEL q/ROUGH / D.W.V. INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL i H. TUB FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR \g(aPPRovED CORRECTION DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED /o -z<-?d INSPECTOR rN#irroN REeuEs \oF vArL READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME PERMIT NUMBER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr BOOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL EI tr tr FINAL tr FINAL GTRICAL:MECHANICAL: EMP. POWER tr o tr tr HEATING EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED fr tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR \ niftErop DATE </<-tl'\ I t ) -.-.- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: I ONNOFINSPECTI) TOW REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME L'L'} CALLER TUES ti \,\ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION N POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL t-l d/ rrrunL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O ROUGH tr CONDUIT n tr FINAL tr tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ffi$o The lteos below gtvl.ng a pernlt Pl.eaee check off FINAI, PLI'MBING NAL INSPECTIONIS aeed to be conplete a final C of O. ln the box provided. COI.IPLETED before DATE! FINAL UECHANICAL IMPROVEI.IEM SURVEY RESID. NAUE! FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE: FINAT BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: TEMPOMRY C OF O l,titl DATE: I I CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PANCY DATE: LA}IDSCAPING DUE DATE: FILE NAI{E oz ==c uJo-.ir o an uJ ti.JIL ts =E UJ t{s lgelrr .r o)hbll'N) Or v z F.l) z 3() 9<zZ o l IP alJ EoF E Iz ozz (f, -.1 zctHHqr'lp] 14A '1dFlr'lH 1 6qJ F z oz 6f f !6 z z N rrlAH Ef,ca q r{q eHFl FJEct '1rrltr|clI Julo i oF F2oo uJ N CO @ ..()OHH@ r& ?J)HOAr-{ El p4(t' Fl <o14BA(/JArrr < Fr ArFIF->14F.< r''ZF<()XrltHOFIEFq o q) o. not;r(!o Eclct\ 3 B E B(J EEq 6<\ lt Eo ! o E: = f q) o (6 3 .g o v, E(E ct, .E oN (/l-c 3oF q) o = oo(l' q) l ol a .(t =f o 6 li 'C' o (! U' (! aDq)()c(u € o 3 o 3 E o o ;(! ; c c F(! E o .E o) ; E o,(5 ;- '= (D :o =o=LF'=;cr;c) '- at,o(o .;>c9 lCo.9 !(6 fl!_Y- O(Eo:|Ei EE (! -' LC O(5 (!c -a(!0 dr (Dort orfE8o6 -Y; (!! >E-o q)pa =6-o oo tn o,l Nr\ ,|,: d;1 o rn-i- 4 i o crl @rn F 4l 6) fcl Y uJ z F IJJ ur z6 l o- J z o uJ = UJ UJ z tr uJE UJ o =uJt IJJ z 6 IJJo F UJ z x F ul ait cn UJ uJt!t E, uJL J F t- z =l J () e, o UJJut z =J .- uJ NOTMIVA tl f,l> 14 l>Eglz; ;dJ = ; I dfl 6 6;HF^tttzl; a = Eaa0clZ \- (JUI8: Eei 5 ;fl:: EH z tr J LL o : uJ F q (L E z Eoo t+z tr e u.lF B uJz uti?t2ci lzoatn =uu)< og9'11 = F?R n-6o<z lo-la I = ..zz:)ra\a 2i =;< = uvor= E o I I l_- [- I 3 I (! o 3 Jl -l zl zl o uJo UJt!za =(r uJ J z E z tr d) l ;l & I o LO |r)OO uJto d)oaz Fol! :z HA O-rF =-E&uJ 14(L€ b8l>ol*zluol,zlI F{l HF,OEzo & Jrt) - uJ (al 8lnl 8l AI ,21HIBIH ah tslB z =LL )d] Fo l.tlolot-. lHlzlp I H !- trr Eq ui =z F]H Ir] EHF) UJ =z E 14 E F\ UJE = F{ O-H r4 t/)4Irl Bo> H.A rJ) MH = =Ec F\FF X uJ oo -) = c.,tT\dl I c{ (\ .cf r-l co .J) ?B Fo H zH0r tst4 !EFit{ tJ) !d = trl INr\ ; z ogJ J z3 Y ui Jlu F ffi n Eq d M ciz E =l!oz3I ql) LI,JF =Etr ol =.1 o1 UJ 5l <l>l tr.i :l aFI =tr oz UJ = z 3IF =tr oz oul CE J t.t. z39 uJ J llt (l lrJz3 () [!tT E E --,.t o<F(lour<zt I.rJ FtaZoo J&.<oC)F E3 ;iF-,2n E2? =()=<>t =Fd6 *6YF =2=tv YZ =g Gi. = (JZ J<oo9lo r-r r--r r-€L}cL J LF4h fr] Hz z =2.coo =z O- r! z& ^F =uj(D tJ.J t ll, L! uJ z oI (r cc JF h= ll LlJ>(LOu-9o\LU ^aL:>LJF t! J u_ uJ d) ct Ee -9o o .= E Eo() ioIl rr a-(D -EEEr!! -l*si E =E, lrJ o-zIF C) EFazoq) EEN \ I I I'uJ I<ro I I I I I, IEe ID2 IE i;EENT € E E'gI !EE;g6 0'-.: -€-o.!P o Egt!€€t--. :Ei;;d+ ;IE!g^ d ;€;E gi g tE$;€i{ . --- \5 E*€€'sE i;*5 lH a EE:c I= ZZtLo ootr ^ 62: E =E-., O c,Z:(J8e frrr<oq iH6 s-R 2 dn|cl 9g ( 3ut =tD zl .. >l UJo UJ IIJzg, E =E IJJc J zI ts z IJJ =qJz ri $ H .t \ st\c\ n- z o9zz @o =3dP !! J 3Ei FHgN!n L ulo.t! E9E<tll€fr39'ok EEta =ulEF8H:=;9gYT=E;eq €= uJ!l oF cDcn c-- t--cjol GlLIt^le I I UJF o ts =e lrJ o-zo Fo EFazo() ttF @ooazo Fo UJY UJ co oF tr TElu o. l!o coo I IIJFoz E =ltq. t!otl,4 F ,q s) o, v I :1,o oe Ei =z aoof ${, $$: .\)\ \ $* VI\ \! V] Y ; Nt\ \.. : U { u I s "trJ\4c*s\ G U \ I S$ o \.a 5x c.3 ts c -a (r. t.J =IE fcill LA l\til-llctl:ltoluJt5t<l>1ll!lql2t31toIH :g ll oz CJu, IE J l!oz3o F =c II oz citttE J lto z =F : tr oz (, IJJ J ttoz =F = l! ctz cttllG J ltoz =oF uJ ulF' Gulz =o FO UJ tr oe E -rO<FG()uJ<zEIIJ F(rz-o() Jg<o()F !-<iiGYF 5i 0z 6 =J4 c V zo O i5 33 E6 Eo E irgE+GFFo o ic;frn-t :.1 1/\- Y,-x*t\+\-f-?*-- qs -t-:=- \\s ---{_ si\\ \ c-< .N'"---- J \---+j '------..---/ I oo 't 75 routh front ge road Y.ll. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 otflco of communlty devaloPmcnt BUILDING PERI'IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If thi.s permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval , Engineer''s (Public Works) rev'iew and approval , a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estinated time for a total review may take as long as three weel(s. All connnercial (large or small) and all multi-fami'ly permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt w'i.11 be made by this department to expedite this permit as seon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. Agreed to'by:. Project Name Date l^lorFSheet was turned into the Community Development Department. 75 soulh tronlage rord v!il, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ofllce of communlty developmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITTI THE TO!'IN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS,/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING E I"IATERIAL STORAGE fn sumrnary, Ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor rnaterial, including trash dumpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidetralk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VaiIPublic l{orks Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material .In the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the Public Works Department will remove said material- at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6l-n full, please stop by the Tourn ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this matter. Read and acknowledged by: Position/Relationship to Project (i.e. contractor, owner) Date --'i - ----..\---- t tlr Frr5-a @ OC)._l -:(rl (C) w 3c 413cq A . E,t;5 {l n1 i:, = (o --l T. \ I \ I o 3* =5a ;Ss8a-o€ E Jo:: (o- a3i.,ij.1,j P-E-l: i'i g:1'is 3c 6 :*g*iI -c o< 3ffig Sq.a33 FsEg:'3PiF',=g*6'35 +-g,[#-Ece=3"8433:3E*'Hl' *?aggi 'TlrJrJF o f.: F,r..r 3OLI A Fxi s 4l n1 -lcr-; o a.5 o =:c)o G-3 (t (D CD oE (D5 ;:. @E. l o- 'Tll..r d\ ;,rc (D 3tq 4 Cx, !+ t hJ I {1 ' n1-* 4;, *7" r\ "r1 grrdltE!Fnr!. : i;ira*-: +. ,,:, "H ,;-_d, I I \ I\I \ \"*l I I I I I ,Iol:lil 1rj3:'j-1-*- 4t:iir- .Tl 30+A- N e,u) o€ o q, =c)o .=. <F. .3oq /3 , N e-q) ; sqa;; --Be 3' _:-- o 3\ 36===-N s=E \ (D6a \' I -c\ ;5Elr o. -.{^ 5'B'E N Boi\ a-=; EqE-=-. i 3d'i;:,.''.,1' €.f,8' .!i:trr-.:i-.-9:.: ilg39eJ-5(a(ti<Dc€la-: g oE: fiaE j-a qqq PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:MONREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UN-DERGROUND - -/ ,-1 ffioucnl D.w.v. Y/,'lvl( ..l>< Utr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING N ROUGH i WATER - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL; ,MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL n tr FINAL APPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMB JECT TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTIO LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES D THUR PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER FOOTTI(GS / STEEL D FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr:, INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREO D^IE //-3 A - 9/ rNSPEcroR niiisre j${, INSftCTION REQUESfT ome t //a ? T TOWN OF VAIL, " .1 JoB NAME /Je. e.c/t e INSPECTION: CALLER I TUES /n/ _i _ /L/i / TCr4R? WED THUR Can Oa D REINSPECTION REQUIRED _{l FRIREADY FOR LOCATION:F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED PROJECT BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANIGAL: tr tr E tr IEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL tr FINAL oor. ,'; /e 17) rNSPEcroR aiFs"o" il INSdECTION REQUESfT6\6a pERMrr NUMBER oF pRoJEcr TOWN OF VAIL (/'7 . oare @ .2- JoB NAME ?fuQl€ .ALLER Mt vs-t READY FoR INSPECTION: MON 6;P.'*.O THUR ,*I @.. PT' LocArloN: f'q-O = t1:aaJfP=<re' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL o o tr o tr D UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr/lNsuLArroN '[Jrteernocr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS o coitoutr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PPROVED O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR Pnflfrssop 1r(7- PERMIT NUM ER OF PROJECT DATE u READY FOR LOCATION: ON REQUESfT JOB NAME II CALLER SPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr NAIL tr n kfrrrunl FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL t frreenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr RErNSPEcTroru neouineo CORRECTIONS: t INSPECTOR - PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: E INSPECTION REQUESt'ir-7 TOWN OF VAIL tI CALLER TUES AM PM '1;'. THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr n D o o n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH i WATERtr FRAMING tr D ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELE trI de DC tr CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED ISAPPROVED &T REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR -Ffrl,,-t!--{ fiF r--JF{ r L i.ii=cel I aneous f,ash .1. :l- lii -':,r l .F:':',::i i :, i. +i !_.ri:il:r,..; I l, :'- -t lt t r l--:it. ++ l il::iririr :j:':]1,. F:l tti::5' t-, r-,-' pfir.rHlT,i F.EF',F;',-.J1,11;p,p;i-:iir"ri"ti r 1: ,+.,i:Lrifi* i-+,:i .. 44, Ff:j I tem paid |J l i:i+l:ti$+ij:11i fjif:r r::n.iji-r_tq f"rt l j_! t.l-r+!--l :, lF-t:11tpg Fmoun t paid 44, L1!J THF]FII< \/OU 'in!..it" r::.i:r!-trFr 5TFFI_lFll.{ I E INSPECTIONTOWN OF .; :E:I"' REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor.blb\ JoB NAME CATLER READY FOR LOCATION: -il BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL o n D o n o ! UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr o tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr_ k'r?uo' - O FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR INSPECTIONTOWN OF f REQUEST VAIL -t a D^rE /2-26- 7,/ JoB NAME INSPECTION: .ALLER /h? i { MoN ruES wED rHUR 6/ --------@ PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: B..TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL (neenoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR IT{SPECTION' S CO}IPLEIEX) Tbe lteua belos nced to be eonplete before gtvtng a per:uLt a flnal C of 0. Pleaee check off ln the box provlded.tl DATE:nt_____J FINAT }IECEANICAL II'IPROVEUENT SURVEY }JEST S]DE: TEUPORARY C OF O DATE: DATE: LANDSCAPINC DIIE DATEI FILE NA}IE: o- E-G u,lG o rn otfi o IJJ uJlt F =EqJ I s$sR s\ or @o\ @c! 7 h FlNF{ H CAa frl I I I I I IH t5 I I I I I I l- t; l5t(, rE t= uJ o F c, zt ?z ittgl Foz(,zoJlo .d oz7 a't EIuz3o uJIFoz c; EoE -9o(g -9 c\o.6c '.o'F oG o oootrqt5 E' 5 0)E o Eg(! oooo CDc! fo E o =cl d ID o ctcl(! !o E -t- o c6*8.9 E EE: Eg EE €EEg :€:E -*!ot iEiF EE gE ESee cL o cL-$Ereo!E-o s €e€ E:EE -o.Yo--tr46 0'- .iG;c'O a o!.9 EE€5 ; g:E lE E; Es$a \'\' o .v .if + E-e UIG(Jz oJ:t @ -C) UJa() 2 Jo. IEFc)g.l J UJ oz aoI3 o- {gz o uJ: uJu,ltz9F llJ e. <)uJa oE o ao 'g uJe,zo UJo FttI uJo o-?z u,l o x F IIJo) (n IJJ IJJlt ts =e UJGJ Fo ('-a @ J Ic,FC' UJ Jul oz .otl JG {9z Eo uJt EA F NOrlvnlYA tlll. ld: : ; IH3 sr e lvl= ro . ld E "{g.l 2 2 tr..lo o o-l pa=Efi| .n 0 gtdlFI EH]9q CzEg gI rNodr HH &H HNN c) h dFl Hu)zH dFt z ts & H& ftl h zIF =J u. C oE UJo- F o ul E-L UJE ?o Eoo FlX 9 g ulFJ 3Iuz o =z:)zo F o =oo (1, Ez z =u,l3o a IJJo 5cul .E oz E = Iul ul JJ G o at)It,zY =F z tr J oz I trla z I -j J =Fx UJ o 3 X r3, t!o. J z :-F 66 <.n Jl<l FI =l zl >l X X 4 o =IJJ z Fa 56 oz Y ac o- l. F4 e HHH c\l Lc)G cY)oo LIJ o uJ E(t,ooazo Fo- UJY UJo oF ts =CE uJo. t!o o-oo utFoz nnn z oP =eoo =z3> dP EEi ;H5 F:tc UJo.lto E9E<gdIP '9=EE ;TE FE! 6tE 90I \tuE =O-E 6E[ 3'ii uJ @ F o\ @o\ t\N z F) @ E =e,lrlGzIt- C)fE*, zo(J o2 (, IIJ G J tto 2;oF I .rf .{- U) z zHFH.A 14B 'ri=z CDo-) INr\ ciz ciIu .E J t!o z;oF h z A tsa& frl U) =Elt fn \' I Ol€o\ F] Itn-ir ctz CJulcr a ttoz;oF H H FIFlF] HH H H B Ic|r oz oIJE J ttoz3oF (,zo =JL t ir_r! x+Eo2 o DHO d lod d oz E =eltjo. itJ IEIE o =t0 -IQsEP3989lr<og Egjil l:iE\Xo!.rz lr-aoo6?r4sotE E.' EJ 9ft $6! {i( {c, UJzu,I LI I a0 r,€; r \t Jl<l FI =l zl ,, >lo UJoUIg,z v, =u,o. J' zI =oo rI s ?! o\J ! .( : UJ =z @o-) vl lr.lEoo :E d \) \ :t\) .: fc \)^: (- -'r* \J =c, l! trtrD zg9ze coO =zf,=dP ffg o EgE<A'€utP;E.EE E icF EE E ->o-E gB E BtF 5'!E u,.o 0 g E): 2 ) ;uc uol E.cu|,-<r(Zl){/rl rfi ltv--{t+.lA- tltcAYurE10 F =E,lrlo.zoFo3E 6zoO 'I-E -, 75 south fronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 ,(" ottlcs of communlly developmenl TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED I{ITII THE TOWN OF VAIIJ TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMIIUNTTY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 : CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sumrnary, -ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor naterial, including trash dunpster!, porlabre ioiret! una---worknen vehicles. upon any street, sid,ewal_k, alley or public P1?9" or any portion theieof. The fight-oi-way 3n a1t Town ofvarJ. street,s and.roads is approximately S ft. off pavenent.This ordinance lrilr be strilhy enforcld. by the Town of vailPyPli.c works Department. pers6ns found vi6tating this ordinancevttrJ- be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said rnateriar.rn the event the person so notified d,oes not conrply with th;--notice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the puLric works - Departrnent will renove said mateiiat at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance srrirr not beappricabre to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alLey or any utiLities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain i copy. tiranr you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. Read and acknowledged by: PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- B FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYwooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr E O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR pfiisnce I Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing ton" Lffi- Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISA PPR OVAL Su mmary: u\<_dl Lz-- {.,, Approval oa :!lr'ffi I t Bevlseil 2lL9l9L DRB APPTJCATTON - !I!OI{N OF VAIL' COIORADO DATE APPLIC.AIION RECEI\TED: DATE OF DRB UEETING: aatltlaaat IDEIS IPPLICATION rl&t IXOID AE ICCEPIED ulll[IL lIJ!' BEQI'TRED TNFORT.BTTON 18 SUBttIlllEDaaata*tt*a @: A.DESCRUEION: r. B.TYPE OF REVIEW: Nert Construction attach to _this aPplication. ZONTNG: t/ Minor Alteration must provide a current c. D. Addltion Conceptual Review ADDRXSSS LEGAL DEscRrgrroN: Lot - aloik vFrtL!14' 'r ot'oa6tb5? subdivislon I lnolntted. If property is desJribecl by a neets and bounds legal aes-criitioir, please provide on a separate sheet and E. F.applicantlot area.IrT AREA: If reguired, stamped sunrey showing G.NAI.IE OF APPLICN{TSiling Address: NAIIIE OF !{ai1ing H. Phon{ EIflTATIVE:S;.\AAPPLICANI:S I Address: P,D. r. NArrrE oF o!{NERs , fq^es ( Beed ie' .STGNATSRE (8) : ll^i.TX alp;;ss.: Phone J. x. Condorninium ApProval lf applicable. DRB rEE: DRB fees are paid at the time of issuance of a buildinq pertnit. FEE SCHEDUI,E: VALUATION $ o-s 1o,ooo 91or0o1 -9 5o,OOo $5o,oo1 -s 15O,OoO 9150,001 - $ 50o,ooo $5oorool - $lrooorooo$ over Slrooo,ooo FEE $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.oo s100. oo $200. 00 9300. oo .NO APP'.IC||IIION TI!" EE DROCESSED TITBOl'lt| OIINBRIE EIGNAAT'RE J, I with the aeslgm gruldellnes. The DRB does not vote on ;;;;dfi"r-i"ire'6s:- Ihe prope5tY-oft?r^:: ll:-.--;;;#;;t.tr""-s6ff be piesEnt lt tne DRB hearlne' LIST OF I.TATERIAI,S NAI*IE OF PROJEqT: LEGAI, DESCRIIEION: I,T- BIOCK STREEI ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT3 SUBDIVISION The followlng lnforaation Ls requlred for subrolttal to ttre DesJ.gn i"*ri"r Board before a final appioval can be givenl A. BUII,DING UATERIAI,S: TYPA OT UATERIAT COI,OR Roof Siding other wall Uaterials Fascia soffits tlindows Window Trin Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings ChimneYs Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Otber B.IAI{DSCAPING:Nane of Designer: Phone: PIANT !,IATERIAIS! PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Contnon Name ouantitv Eize* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED for deciduous trees. 7 *Indicate callPer EitriEuu-scliPer . fcr o AT VAIL Your Other worlcl on the Edge ol the wind l4arch 1,8, 199I Jay X. Pctcrson grrlte 30? Vail Natlonal 9alk Bullding Eax# 4194167 Dca: Jryl Thls t.€ttar ic to ea:'rt as rrci-lc€ -.hEt ?h6 Eosrd r.rf Dlrcccors hag apprsucdl lha ncw wj,nCow for Jln Bcedle, Urrlt 4D.l , tl€st$llld ac vaiI. ! r.ssu.na you wlll bc contact:ng the !c'*z: of i/aii for the neceseary !ta5nit. If furthcr lnfornatlot'l i3 neeCeCl, !!ica!:e do not hesiEate to caIl. Slncercly, / rArr"tatun Daule Dcnirren General llanager, taestwinri 548 S. FFONTAGE RO. VAiL, co 616s7 i (303! 476's031 "O .".'l l,le lrerc able to dctcrrnlno the cxact loading on thls header durlng thts vlstt. Aftcr calculattnp the lltuation back at the offlcc I ano plcased to infonn you that thfs 6lndou cxpanslon should not crcats a structural problc!1. tlikc u,Ill have to lnstal I a neu header to span the f ull r.r i ndour taidth. Thls should be r ninimun of tr,lo 2rl0's and bcar on double trimners at each end. Plccse givc nc a call lf you have any questlons rcgardlng thls nattcr '\ ..-.:.... - .-.* ":.-.;..a-. . SubJect: Proposcd Nctl South tllndor^r {lestulnd Unlt *404 '. , Vall, Colorado , Oean Marl I yn: 0n I'londay. June 18, l99O I nct urith Condomlniun Complex. The purpose feasible to urlden thc ulndou ln the I f so, r.rhat r,rould bc lnvolvcd in ihc Prcs I dcn t ; . 143 e. meodo,v d., Hlke Hazlehorrt at Unit f404 of the Llcstuind of thls inspcctlon L,6s to detcrlrtne 1f lt ls south tralI of the bcdroolr to tcn feet; 6ndr stnuctunal lrodl f icat ion. ': .. i ai l: r-I --,it.' ::.::.-f ....!',.') . ...-r*."..,. i,u ,il,$ ' n':'{l-:"'F' ':' l! '.; 'i '. ':';i shopping center . \oil colorodo 81657 . '.,] 3A3/4762170 ,.i.., '11 .'. '!" ' !'ir. ' .l: ' ''':: : ,..!;. -.' '''.':...- BOYLE T1r'rot hy C\Jra @ F{c)o <f @ N !-{ oi uJF o UJboooazo Fo-utI Llllo oF F IE LlJo- lto coo I utFoz !n! ts u bEgE<rf€uE9!'a 'e5EE-J> =ul-E FE: >o-E 8bE ir,E ;T6. r{o-!E IIJ.ll oF E - z rto =<loo =zJoo- lJ- :H; = li'i oatE F =Elrlo-zIF(JfEF, zoo I .F.+ lS \. 1r-l(.,orl I I Isrx "- lE! tko-E - |tt ='={r l=(,to.F<,t2 1li {15ll'.ltE{o\ IFt1()<ltFrtz {18\l cc ^lo,\N)lt zJt.tvG/lEv-t.;.3lEoIILl,tFtl<F J,6el(/,< t (u Ct! .E+tcoIl-L d"*(r|J) (O co r{sl cO-.ro(')olt_^G'-!t'r Ordl-> Lr-tj*, vl.0,d,= o EoE oE\() =oo.r!ilf\:ao\ N6 .Eo o ei o Ec6 oooo o, .EI f co EO bP!o =--g9.9gq) 9E ct'- >=a+,.g0JR! j-oc6*8.9 i Ht: eg EE E 6P:Ec-o> t;:;FE!pe96EIo€o 3 3;.5 E EEi :€85 '8 egF9 9; t-e $Eie fEig EEEE - o.Y c) --cf6 0'-.i sHii S Ilo6 ;iiE iE$E E =t UJ o- J FoF v)tli9zt6 =tr o .p .doo .tto UI EN +t U' xo +, G' IJ slEl'El8l =l'l r€l <ol oa !loli5lO.Flz7lol E6l Hq HEI #El6'ilO utl E >g -tG)ituS =@N zz99F^ttq5 EPOoo E9r!<o*H6Et.ini x o-ulE zo F6 zo F EulFJ =uJz o =E =t uJc oz ci uJE J tt z3o ,rl Izll-llot IHt Idl uJlFt (olql c\r ILtJl '-rldl ol,,I zlrc Hl slH =l qY<l --lcoF.l <lr.Ocfr >l+ Fr Elloltzl ==lqolEFI I ol uJlEl JI <t>l bl fl ol HI g sfsf(\I .-l I(gr\sf Hl-l UI I (f'I< lc"rlIr{lol Ic')t Irt I €l elil El il il-l 3l t2l Efl ! =+,oo =tl l- G'q (ud, ooG Ec =.p rn(u = ui =z cl -r oc) (! ts o,0)s !LI c, o .E th G' =tr t-X i-) =+tFl-o2 oo -E(,o z, t- =<=c d6 z 7o LU = t -rO<Fcour<zeulFozo C) a I! 8rn l- 'e) 0) ;.o vLo?----) l;;$r lf €sE:€ ilF i€i;sih'iEsiQl[Eg;;eNliF a;lit lHa =r*!;;i* ;;s :E€g? FdEg! - o.li o:t E*EiE s*i:€ E i'5;5 E Fa;s ii3!F EFg;i -()|ll:i -tg{ = =ii; " 3:ri E P E E,F; E: l-l' J1trtJ l{F- J14 { \ J {q 3l dl i il Il - il * $l i iitl - il fli il rl * lzld 3l u.lEl 9l trrrr Fl Fl z.l EI -rl flzl 3lolFI ultn lg = lg o {, i I .J K zo oz ot! n Iz 6 J o- ! E Gul4 tt.oul(,z lo2oF.EI G Jt-g.t :--hE o- LrJ>o-O|!9o x(!:>rJ l-ltl _ J lr- lrj oF to E-ll.o o !t1t c E Eo C' o 0,tr .!. c,t E- ."i3>=24if A;E - a € , !D! I I NSP ECTION REQUESTPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: .'i.. 'i- , / JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER MON riTUES.-' BUlLDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL - ROOF & SHEERLl ^. .,..,^^^ .,..,PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR tffil rNsetoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING:PLUItIBING: tr FINAL T] FINAL T] FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND - atr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n 199.f-LS-H.qFl...- tr GAs prprNc- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICALT MECHANICALT tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - nn tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED c INSPECTOR IH lo I I I I I r!lJ'Dl-irfc5 rtrlql- ,O "1g.et. b 1; Lth 9.2 at, < o a =3 i ul uJ Fb tr G uJo- J zIF o2 tr(, Jcl 2 :<tr ,fu. J]<li 2_l I l"Jfr lE- :;,]:A=: : :fl4JP xfflPo>{H=e tEf;A= ; A =ElH;? * gE"l: ns :qH3i H EHdS F IIlllrt I2'fzc{"-z F-ft-t/ O{l,/ ctcq.-1 .'t2 E I'r EAHdlo')zo F TL uJY llJo r.uF o (o (o oF E =Eul o- lJ-o (L oo I utFoz rn! z cr9z_edro =z>fJOcL tl- ifi 2""r7 atE LIPIILI E = uJ 5+. ut59ES€8B9Eira9 EE =>.=ul:-E b=6 dE: >LE 8bE iut x>t q-o-!d uJ d!o -=- E =Elrl o-zIF C)fEFazo C) I I ol uJlGl JI sl bl zl3 ONFI I I I I I dol Hl JI <l>l rJ.lol zl3olFI I I I I Iolz) ol uJl 1l <l>l EIol zl il zl ol I| <l>ltrlol zl tlFI I I I ol =.1ol gl al>l 6l Pl ez J l! a./, UJF J z.(5 (n an z, =rt) lrJ = ui =z EOo-) (f)oro I o- c2? E3fFd6 EoF C) g F-z o !-E ir =+8.Fl-o2 O E <Foao IIJ <ze, IIJ F c.l zoo I E;€F" gE:E\ I €; eET .Ii E.= (u a t5. \| :31 0s \r i*;s;T i a;E! N LJ, ! _- EsE5'a 5 e EFI *$l EEgEfli fli*ii I €€ig5 E;;g.5 i;E IS!::== - o; 9.* C=o(/)E sg;:€ E Fa;d E; E: "g iF$Ei Il!! IEto \r 5 \rsv I ;.i(tt. \O'\ I lE(-\ ic''\\:O r.- '- ^\\o'\\ E\I a, ,lri. \J Ie\l =^ .l:ts;l-l lrl :l) I ! Dt) ) I t t I i I' : 1t UJ UJll tr = UJ c\ \ C6 ,in uJF z(,z 6J l @ .6 o =zo cFIz z I I I I I I NO|l'vn'lv^ zo9z4 coo =zde :Egfo* dd= tD!F = tJ- UJ tr, t/,:z o< = x LJT F r.lJ td =F= J -tl! lr,lv't I u.JJ o., oI' t cot, o orE att CL .J slElslE th trJul F = IJJ ull ll r:3l llp 3t il: =\_>EN z zrL9 90 ;E;FF! EbE :IB Eiq H(J zI .. >lo lUoq! u,zo = u, J zo F 6o u,Fo'lr<io? JJ 3 F ll, aa at,tr,z !I z (9z) tr J(D ;l flo /it5 =l 3flg \J \l+ IJ t5t tfl HFI ll tfl lfl Hfl -,t o<F(EC) TJJ <ZE, o() \\s\ u; =z uJ o 9F E3>trd6o oFo Fz J o ,8,/*t//O ',)\ DEID Dme / i i'/r i;' L '.-/^, --r 1 (.,:r'' / l- - PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL O REINSPECTION REQUIRED JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR TNSPECTTON: MON rUES wO, THUR FR, -----------€y, pM LOCATION: ur, + ) ,' '.. ,-.' '', ,- 'fi=.., / -/ tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTORDATE oz E =e. UJG €ln Dn at uJ UJlt E =e. UJo- \NUNss-N o\Oo'l EIHF & E .A H&& z H h tz i3g lE >, 16* lg8rO l+ti P1 t!! lo UJF o F EF an z = (J =z outF z('z6J ao€ o =z I rn @lql- l.;tit. loIE I trl I F.l I r'r lo lF{IXIE t= lFl lol.rl*.l* ltJulo =I oIt GoFo tFzoo e,o c cD'gE o19,;ofi-c 83 aq!6.9'64.;CL €6-oc;epF F€ Eo oE o ltc G oooo ED ,EI lo E o =trl !to oo 6 '_9 E rEc,N F.Ee'ooiFEo, -o ag! P€c6ca 93Eol YOEE oE 3.E !=lo EE 5eoEocP6o-oUl:t 6'-g o 6 o 1fc(g U'(l)oC G .gtt o c =oF 6 E.= 'o. Eoo o c -g CL o ct oc(o c .9 6 E o .g oE, E =3 o Eoo o EE6'=9 EU c.2 .= !tto:LF'5E8cL rDoie =PcQ'- o, EE BE =FrE6 CC 3'eg= o.o SE E* E;orE OEiccg -cta605E arOqr6 O= EEoo t6.l'T'>g 63 EE -o oF- @ D * tr Ee u,lA(tz J xollJEo2 J L -E F UJJqJ (,z .D E =o- oz oul = UJu,t!.zo F ul ouJE c o.o-g u,lEzIlauro F a,oo-ul c z uJ x F ulutf tt uJ IJJ]L tr =t uJo- J FoF ozo .D J I Fou, ul oz ao: o- J Iz Iouj- 3 J NOllvnlYA k-'r E H E E !co =t!oz9 o- Eov, UJo J u.lz llJ E >E -rdliu* =(DN zz99F^atg5 =F90ooZt-oc)Q2|r<o*ul-CUFO;$j zo l! o rDo trJo- F uJE z F H tltltltl Lz:lz9e<oo< =s>rERG6o<z q, Ez,. 2=-iF EO}E6I ,lll3t I I*t | |"lll r-----r----'rl/)ttlEl I rlzttlYt I tdtof izlrt I ol*l l=l."mil | |ttl :l-,L-JOl I o I|-I I J IFI I J I 1l slll 2t g I ; I X Flo F Jl<l FI zl zl ., >lo ll,l UJ uJz ln =E IJJ J z E I I I-_..] X+! I I lzItrt!)t<IJt@ =Y c I& zIF c uJ J =llJz cr) CD t-- ccOO ul E U'oo-zo !DD z oPze dro =z=rDJOlL u- =f;? ixoatE!trb c'r @ c''t F G,l rclFItq u,F o Fo- UJY UJ @ oF tr Elrjc lto ILoo I uJFoz tr:trruo-t!o EgE5€8B9!ka93E E H;! 6iE oo9 trulE XO-E X>t q-€F ul @o r$a \/J= !! ts =Elrlo-zoF(JfE,, zo(J oz d uJtc J ]Loz3oF T\.itr\ Io\-ifc'\ Ico oz ciul ac J t!oz =F .a Fl HE >tt4FlFl : G ll. oz o u,l J a ltoz 3oF ctz ciulG J lto23oF oz d UJGJ ltoz3oF uJ =z coo-) ll-tEt 3l<l r^Itst IlZl \o(,:l ol 8l El xztlot (al()t It@lAl \tlzl qlHt Ifil frd HI Hg$1rzlEo E99 s3fFd6o gt) =+Eo2 E -rO<FEOuJ<zEt!F6Z-o() tlJz3o !J F oz o UJ F z x >< I a ;*gs I €; pEr ':gEEFc96EP e3€sSr:iF $ =-!Eo,c:9 8!.U6'i o 6S = 9-F o' t"; €ee9:- o o €i iFE Eg ;EEor6Is9 i€5;; -- c J@ -c; 0, (,' E cg;: 5 E!a:p tis;r EFg; !6;',s E o-oo I u, oz z. oP =<cloEZ d8 . trDDEl =l J sl :E? tl ;;9n]a iirc<=<Glt,uacvb EEg F?;E-glgEP -l-G .= r! ;; 5E S E= E €5sE+d9=t EuQ€qi =u,r3 1tF+* F I.EItrr'! f:E f r lrl l- o-zo F C) :) F(nzo() A\ I ).--A=I ), 'YtE-t\vJll- -.E t.; - u,F ox J F J oV .J - a UI r i TIol rJl 01clcl<lJgIL oFo GFz J - Fo J LU EJO<.F(r()ur<ZEi!F(tZoc) F() uJ =r(J ar LUz =o :P;o =t>F.-Jz o z r UJ = t-!: c)9l}E Oz -_-) \-, / -)--.- la. ----) \L' ,2 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT O INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB READY FOR LOCATION: TNSPECToN: fop rurs wED ----{b'"THUR FRI oor= t, I >.1\ '*-' BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr HOUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING C] GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR T] FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED '..CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR Prolect Applicatlon Prolect Name: )-j€ 3 | l,J t-4- c,:' Contact Person and Phone Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board | 'tt r'/It i '-t l\.1norog I Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner- , /..l ) /* (i^r^' r/ ,X at.u Approval o Prolect Application Project Name: Proiect Descriplion: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Dale Motion by: Seconded by: APPHOVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: F statt Approval Date: Town Planner ?I Lto /L' ) '. -/l\- l€L --rH- 1 cr \{ \ 1,.-.ir'. ..)- - .lii -. .,-,/-q :-, i .- ,. -t i ,. C- \ -- r ^. i{ i..*,, :.. { ., *r.t-- ,':l t r\ I i' '.l \' r'i u f4t',-.t'1. '! ! , t' ' n" {'i i-""; i' "t l! ,l +<, ui{' jt- I \ I'\) ,ir I RTANT MESSAGE 2 wHltd YOU WERE ouT -- l/''r - \ Zz- op L.r e{ftor^& Area Code tttu - a:^--t . TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU U RGE NT RETURNED YOUR CALL qt I I aD - - _t_tr .f I I,IJESTWIN) AT VAIL Your Other World on the Edge ot the Wind Oto/r/*t f t c/c, l/ur *rq /Lt s,1r/rr{-t's v ctLrsn)nq Co1ot,. ,ttrrtt fll/trt 6t,,11(t dcirl /l-r ctuttizrcl. 7/," .'act,-'tl lt -,t cl6,'r,o. c./lt,ut fr Llrri , //r^.uo (t 1 u,t A nou) ,) il uq /L((/ a,t- rtqirttrrirta,rcptrt. c) tciu tt< rtucl a lu,it ti, fu.,txit:) Ccti. rLir /,e.ctf*"rt.*.1tl ( 4-ttLtl\-./ (te- 7,(,ctt./c't, frr tu I n,Ce-l.cud-e' ur- ' BOX 427-VAIL, COLORADO 816s7 / (303)476-s031 .2 r--',r{;l+ e4 i,.* q v) 1,\ J\ a#!::.--- -::::::i|l]F;'!1A.1 ::--- A \9 t1 /, = :-\.\ .X n 3u TA_\l I {lsl Ial \ICI\|-ql i 1 I\ _- --*-_.v t') i 3 1,.5 1 t-\4 .iJ.J -.r- I ^o.o-, ,2'_ lrr \(7\9 :r1{i_< r) iro r ASECOND CHAN( TO MAKE A FIRST I il ,i'k /*";5' more true lhon r flotler you, but resl chqnce lo i- ',61s-Rolsl o ,o ,442-Columbl! t6l7-Rcgcn t #6I5.RoJal \i)fu \qI$l \qts lqw, ffit' ,d+,, -t _/ -f WestwindatVail -W t,{yua", lbp t:oo 1t,'lo Prolect Applicatlon ot,//o*" tf /rtf "C Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contaci Person and Own€r, Address and Phone:S+nu- F..rl","-416 *fo-s / Architect. Address and Phone: Design Review Board l, ,"" llultt APPROVAL DISAPPROVALl-o -: Project Name: t 'i --:r+- i' i \j.l t.t-11 4;Lt.*.t|- /llt i, ir'..,Liilt/t\t -:'' ttI Project Application ,!-cr, *,1.,,, ', Date Project Descriptionl Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone:'-,+u ur- F, a...-'.,. Architect, Address and Phone: Legat Description: Lol Comments: Design Review Board ll-l .' 2i\l < 1,, APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary; Project Application t.:,, /, ,',-. /i i !!J ( \ruate- Project Name: i . .-.. r.-r-Projecl Description: Contaci Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phon€: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Filing Zone Comments: -.,. r'- Design Review Board ,lr o"," cl/ *Jt (> APPROVAL --1 DISAPPROVAL Summary: E Statt Approval Project Appllcatlon rl '^'" 816 lgQ Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Com menls: Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: #;t ' v '- a Appl.icationNumber +Bgfl/SIGN APPLICATION Fee Paid Cl? Name of Project Name of Person Submitt'ing Description of Project The fol lowing to the Design Sign submitta1 information is required for submittal by Review Board before a final approval can fee is $20.00. Phone L/76 S-O.t3 the appl icant be given. A. Sign Materi al l5a-rr/lnocl y Gn/r/ ,/r,a/ U B.Descript'ion of Sign Itt') C. Size of Sign #Dn "x/a{/'oao/(ao, oa rr o) #a) Q(ect /, //a eet or,a,Q *,g) /Z!X Gu o/)aL D. Length of E. Comments # a) Sa.rynr roni sl L, l)ut tgafl ezu# #s) Weslwir,.ol en-lrctnce Si4A, /occ,ttcL oA- c6r^t^ ol /ront dNuttu% MATERIALS SUBMITTED I^IITH APPLICATION 3. Photographs showing proposed 'locatlon 4. Actual siqn4. Actual sign 1. Site Plan X2. Drawings sh-irT'inS exact location 5. Colored sia'le-d'FailTns- -.=f,_6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Subm'ittal Disapproved for DRB SubmittaT- 5lgn Aomlntstrator Sign Administrator I I I I I I I t.tltEHF ;^a;itsi?<ct!z-- (jE;4-H 5 !5 z tl.ol IEt ,rO1 |(\tl srl lrl.t IH IFl"r Irll1 F F =o =z Izl =l(}-r 6 0-l E tz,ool2E ol s.b? >? 7,t/s /s 4 h L) / 4 .7(y ^!) 0) etp o. (! '/o/Io.g T ooo \Y; /FoS G o,E o) ! E =l -io o 6 '.9 E -i- o c (D - 6 .=' '=c'(,);i*!ofiE8E";Fe*€'Hr E 8E.= o .-FfcX E EP.Etr-o> ET;E : gP: E >=: 3 5'=.:,_ E >, X/ E E;.}l l€ s: eteP!!seo-(E o--sE; s oiE-otsfie€ E6: F :EeF irEE -o;q(o0'-!.c;oo e[i e E e;; lf;s;9Eo -eEg: (n IJJ IJJ Lt- ts =E uJ U' uJ uJl! ==E uJ o- J FoF tD =g UJez 6ttl (,z6 =J .. >l UJ uJ llJzo tr cc UJ o- J z Eoo l = (! (t(t) utzYIIt-{ a o tnL!J z. U' I I Il*t<lo>-l lrJ--{oo-lo-l co<lI l<nlJ-l u',ol<olJ-l-(5l=4UJ -lz,FI 1nl oHlz,xl<-l-lLlz rJ-l ul ttF >zl ><lFLllHFlco Y =zzu-oootr ^ 6zq 5 >erg oE .tOe,Z.rOoon()zx l!<o\ iHNElLX!U-Xzj(\i/u >E (n =(rlci=(o6l J z F z F llJ J I 7, x oz F =t UJo r$ CJ OO IJJFooo-,^z6o; FGJo '-\lJl slYur5clo O Lr.rFFrE =ccul o- t!lod>cqo-\8qt<lUu,'^Ft-,zo Fd. zo ,ra9t 77=2zu-rlod9P "3q =ri-Y(J--! -i l!6il= F lu o- E9E5€8E9ta cEE -- =uj-F h=E tfr: >d:Or!E 9o9 EtuE io-t x>t q- €= llJ t0 F I =- F =g, lrJ o.zoFo3 E,Fazoo DNE I I I el :| t!lol Zl ,.t3t 5ol urFI F tltltl lrl lEltJl t3l lbltzlaBlg9lrr-| Fl tltlll|l lrllolI r.ulI CEItJlt<llilloltzlE;lflg tltltltltllollzltdlI uJltcl| .-rlt<ll>lI lr-lloltzl EFI uJ =zoo-) (f) rf) r(o jo .d = .u st- L!=U) =O J J oz Jtr I II1 I 5 t-E ir +E Fo2 E Fo F-zo z T uJ = ) d.F(J LU ootzts =#d5 E, <Fco[!<ztUJF(1 Z c , nrt] ! B o x x x x at SF I I I 'qJ t<lo I I I I t* ilFll< lrF;ta I I tc, I \l\s ,- ti6 I -\l ll $i$ \s-lE15 t7,r(D lil IItll+-,l(l lrl Jdl !Jo tJlz+1 =xrDl.6 1 €l u- Jul ah =CEo Fz o UJz3ocE LL t!oZ;tE\JluJ <F2 r.t YZU'< '=. !o) oooE -(I|'64 =(!r3(aO -l- EE c \e/'= oa)NO ., cl ccl =rlFO\ yo, oo-Eotcc(gpgoo 3o(EED or .c =E-'= alt c lro '=b Ef, '=1.r:6 a\o;a cctt= rd o)]';(EE E6k F.c t?;t q (EI-L L'=: o(Ecc-3 -9;; >= cY'" 35; (J (!'=q) c L-r. =:E+oo '! q::!: i acao=-,!-EO l,!O.'F o-=-\,GCzqr"OD:- c.Y O(5:> ..i ):.EE= eeCct O'-.c= o - B_c dlO)! :, !E: E ='tB6> 9 (!a l<;E ;n X.rxv >; ,.1-o oj' :r o- c) OEE!Odt a UJ UJu- L I 0 c\ $, G \fl ! 0 -\,\ \t \\\ ('tvtr l- \'tlN t\ \' Eul tr =E llJ zoJ Y UJ oz JA J aF d z = J 2 UJ u, UJ z tr Q UJ o oo- _lrj uJ zo tu F6 UJ z L!J C) x F an UJ UJ |J- F =l! J F z J f F UJJul oz = 9z = ) C F-,o NOrlVn'lVA It\tIlt.l\qu FIE JX LqInt J' 9Nb\z' PU S.l 8tuiotr E€ H* u,J \ >E --arllqr& =.l|(\1 zz i.o. 4xfzE9 0 qoz!-O(JQZ*s do>(JFO 6l{-rlsl q $ q H-ll ) q z tr TL l!(L F o- UJ z tro z tr F 3 UJz II llll a, =zt\zOo <oo< Efr>arI ,.,6ci<z U' =z,. 9z r-d3tr l l : -1l I I I I ,-l 9lFIal -l zl zl .. >l UJotut!z <t = (E ]u(L z Eoodtr-<-og oz ) z Y tt F-H_o =ru tt c)- TF P(-5 O-.- tlt = rov c.uJ(F t4-r--{ .r g) O- Lr- v C X.F OJd.3 tl- r.o l- P(./t'o cJo<tJ 0,,t o-o o.p EuJ'E C, OLrJ S- L):zocL(JEOt/) OB '-< E (J+,o(5 L(F -z. \+- o q =L!, C. O 0J ]J '- J+J O.' =J-|J(,dt u- J (v 'o oF F Hx lr-,l IO'nli\lo llO -:lt--lrl Hu,2=x L!-^^F .-r c! LtJ \L F\tDI+, \a t\s z g-9 t =< \coo Y =zl?=aJdd\ .^x-3\J \.,/ = =83dd= !nn = LU LL lu F <n:z = x r! F l.IJ d. LLI F JJ tr- trJ <.,) UJ J o o o t o(, o ---) oz =t! I I I IJ d I IJq F uJ =z rq Avr\tI o- o{ J 1I F tr ln(nul clda--{ = F ,t\l 4 tsq =E q s rtt .l ?t u El €Jl I 9S bl s zl3l u.iot 6Fl F z ul 5 a>l *liJl zl 3loFI E oz o UJ = 1!oz3I tr I I I I I "l=,| llrl 1l <l>l t!l zl 3l 9l =ct I I dl =lEIEl JI 3l bl il sol r!FI F ulz =o F C) LIJtr C) <F(tsC) rlJ <zt o c) <o(JF -< v2 ^oIC) (,OZF;o =#-JZ(LO C) <^ =F7Q-< Y,z>8 \., z () J.l<ol<5 9.11l8trtr Your Other //e a/ee AT VAIL World on the Edge of the Wind To w tto/vt t T' /1A 4/ ea 4c€R /U, 7trTS IETTE< UERI FI ES THzTT T#E wEsTt'1'tt,uo Bonnp o F 0tRgcro{S ,,/4s r+PPRouET 7-t/€ frefzrrt/ Rg ft+ce /"lEz/'r oF n@F 4,rtp tlOOFt,(e /tn,*TER/,+LS iT fftE UesTLPtruD ,r V4 tL. g /,uc tREL/ U"-* F wu"""-"*' nsST.,.ueR. 548 S. FRONTAGE RD. VA|L, CO 816s7 / (303) 476-s031 \t INSPECTION REOUEST ' TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI i AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr 6 rrruRl tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr,fINAL tr FINAL tr, APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE - INSPECTOB a'g o3 oL97 J _Jt/e ir trt It '-t qog_, g3 S-, < -, E:f,;i >{(, == a't ila !Eq6 qe EE =dbEZ .?l9ulF 'FIo.xAqlol qE E'luJ rd E-q Zz|/- tr ^ 6zg 5 >eF9 OE ooEz>o8e frl!<9q iH6 st():it9 ftdota!| zl .. >lo IJJoIu uJz F lu(L J z E / v 2q ciz E =c uJc a.l,'f) d) t\J CfO rn(l, = (, zJ lJ- dt FoJ l- od, t{- E ? +Jao ii =z vlvt,tu ddsJ = u.f =4 F =cltr oallJ J = Fo +r(J ! +J tn o : E 6l lq o =)ulE JJ al>l t!lol zl 3lolFI trJ r!F =t l! z .; ul J Itoz3 F =tr o olul 5 >l EI Yzl BlolFI o UJ 5 a>i xl zl3 CTH E E =tr o oul T] <l>l ttl >l 3l 9l ulJ IJJ F t uJz =o Fo IJJF E t -rO<FGOr!<zErUF(rz JE.<oC)F E3q+ 13 E. 9P;o =f)zqo <^YF 33 =.2 =8 tv. Ei\ = L.' Z <c)qg z oPze coo =zJO(L tr- dfi ::=fr= eilE uJFooofzo Fo- lJlY ulo oF F lE uJ o- ltlO ,ol> gol Edo-{tslguJ i^Ft,zo tr lu lt ?!{EZE<o:l60ie.B9EL '=E =>- =ull-E 5E: >o.lOtlE ooI iutE XO-t x>I q-o-i!E llJ .D rscvrE _ F =E, lrJo-zo F(J3EFazo C) trDn i e t E!! llrl-alullq,t=lr lFIEtoIFlo (r zoo &to u, F oz -l \9 \ ,\) \\ \v ,.,;.,-'; '<>< ><)<xx)< >< ><x><x ,t< : i , \tN A.J \- o. o (g oot) T : tr1r: :t\'9 N \ \Y t\ sts eP'FO eb' gO.-EcDctr€ Ft6'rE PO3oIt ol 0.= t5 I c0a ;E iro i iE r\l.\ tt:\io- CI\ \g.o\ q, -r !e -o9-OcD EF C ()ioo:G' 9 o. l6: ,aDl iur<.F:i-- tip: ''5 t.€sos p6g(E "-;(r!oi';€q, :!Fccv8;s3sc E;€..*F 6p=E tr (D- 3gF3E5i D .g=' .a€ii6.-.iiEgzo- urEc! 3l=(J \'=@= X F=-d 5sE oo eo-Fa'(,rsPl r(!fc:r_'o:ct-;(D =..g (gc. (D. .E Q' E!cl(!: -a io'-c 3 o() o oo (E. EttIa) !ctoIEtolelaI(gqr. =Ela!ot ol .El -?.!C Oe o= >(JO@ l(=(.1) '-(gE>9Oq)EA(l)F -o .a .J =zo l_ IE I I I t' t(U 6 x F tll 1,t, F oq. gJ ?z qJ C' o o .D 3lr, It z 6tu u, trJ zo q, E u, Iz o = oz =Jq, -,o o UJ tl, -(,l! ().z J F =IJ' o.ozo tt UJr! l.|. F =c F =t! o- -t F s c0 sl 3l x>< -o<o3 zo o l! qJ =l(J >< 7zYO9s Ico;Fc:9<J:>xovz3fruJo-o>oFO ; atj UJoqJ zoF = J z F oo ttO. lr>o u,l J ulzxo F lz- F oz v,Ez z tr o: o(, I II a:z o = UJ3o gJ t: z F- ol :l z tr lrJ ! IJJ |lo E at,J 3 F |rI I E: .*H€O sf ..Fts Q.c+,J O-_ ,Ui< C'TF C*,*3j E5g*r-(,cc,o3'Et3{rtLrJ E- , =€ r?'3 |3ET3 I =EgE I5t'- |3'-EP IJq, .F JP;fFg =F vrE EF=sl- 'r s.-2--a ts CCql-'O.-. 6H .8< ZU'{Y ('/)>-: oFX olJJ dt- r*lH=lFEI:t cl-l OCr.r-llEolI u.rl5-isl&--t3-l{.,vFFb_- t- 'e) AD :o )z Lo3l trDtr zo9ze coo =z d.,8 .J !996FSJ(Ji>:rrq)uJ> Eo aoo oE c c co o o, (t q, ! to - a F t , il l=l' dq t\t.r Irl l-J." FE Jtt JE 5P ^. o 5Ev2trrO C) JO<FG(JuJ<zt IIJ F(92oo l-ot!F () I$/J 3l{ ,ij I 3 lsE3li;-1 lOo J<ooou, au-rO oz q url JI sl bl 3tolFI z ou/ JI <lilol zl;lol oz ol uJl _:l fl :l FI a (J z cilt, :lI 3l rl 9F;o =Ed5o oFo GFzo()] tu .!. o 6Fzcl rF8= =8XX>,.x>< >< aoD tt ., r,r?--r\ :tt . -,. ..-.. . -- i PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT rn#cnoNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE \ \\-t\" JoB NAME -"'' l)'\\*>rx\:. dnllen \'.,r r'N \ ".'* .r\ --.,_\READY FOR .TNSPECTTON: ,. MON TUES WED c*q!.) FRr t r4nl-; pr,,r \L \ \ --- LoCATIoN: '.'-\\$:\'. i' .r. \:- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL T] FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATEH n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT C] SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED OATE '!8trtr (J : ttiEi 3EJ CD >6 €<o =€t6 a4t (,ott> g =co l € $Dtr \F&" A..E Ee -geSE:E G 'E !t->og .(p!l]lEct c, k\ (\\t\ .\\t h I\l : \ Xt) )<av J ult-t, 4v \t\-L \4 f, \.1\ \\ K t- ^\\q_ q \a\ I \ v) J \\\ a l{rt.\ r.t F \. II T \J \ o st\ q \| fi \\\ s's\ \s\_ v1 \ t4 \fh i.r- 't- \ \ \ \ l.. \_ { \ ''8, l \ gT FE EEs; bgEg, FF ,l^io'\ iE _,is -S '8 t\ c ,=lsn b tt E{r nr .j !: "(e- r.r J =(DEglp EEr-EoossoEttriE;s8ro b'i5si =-r!5"i€: $.E E -:E Eio!t!ED :€Si= y|IEE EE -ttFs9,ii'h:{i ;Egr 3€8E F€ $E' Fer:erfErisJ 3*I tetitE gE EE *F rr l'< Ffibb:E EEg ': E '!! $$i ;gF t$gjlFelt*; r 146,. ' g gii;iEa iEE ;€Fa F.*:a rr t:: {J :: . lsr€ ro i8 cp ts b (lJ Ft'ai iap IE .g€ <: tt(tl .!! o- 4,.,g! rli{ )t ;E iEr= .Bib EI c'It) ECE(E(! L.v|oc(t'L:ag EE (! l">qtPq. F!<\'9rogl iaiis; :gd;8t IEfi !l r! rE>s> '|c6|!C"gE EE :i :i- Ec(! c!o. q (l' ct .cLI cl,. .lll ; o! =IE. qria.i llr!EI cn$ c|'| 8Eca|lt=JE ?r= o .= ci E:,tssctoF ,!'g =e(q ar) q) otat, ,A t E t ...ECB9:FSEE6 c E €trn €9trtr 3? .--.EXs t <D 96 qdq,n tt\ \*\ .Nt s \s i () )<av J UJ t- LI4v \ N\ V0 f, !l \\\ h,. 0o \ { h $\\ \ v) J \ a!lF'\ N,L q, II x t \J \ot N a \ \ $' + .t- $ lr''fq \ "l\rh \tlKt I F-r-,\ ' ,ti\ \-'ti -)s,) oz E =e, uJo- Oo (n IJJL!l! F =(v. UJ o- fdv-\ h|l oto/ bo' hll ttc#T.$i I*$=lli{rNI{ sle JiE aie 43-iE o UJF z z o J- @ 4 =z u,lz3 UJIF t! tro = olI- t! UJEfF cD-Eq- E 6 oEoo E) E d) E o =l oo o o. (! ! .9 E 'o-; o;E0) aE €!o9rJ-o aG6.9'6Eitoc;3pFCO(o-c orI.sqc tttOo)f9 -u\aCE3tFo eb!5oo 8E E€oo 8o(!o :'= 3d fre oC E= ,'= !.59qS'c QC (E\ 5 o.S ,3d g o (6. o tlto.oo 6 =.o ;.oF. (! .=!, o o:l (! E. a E (s .E (t c ; .=; o. E o .oo o) o ..E6.'5 E. EE -V, EEF'= ;ocL ct(!59 =il; >:cY 6o E 6, eo ;e O(E |r.(!--E 'F o) H(ao,! O(6ic-c (o -E.(60 oPo, as35;6o(uc-.v. =()* C'E >.9 -ct q)9a @Er-o -o rr) sr.{ |r' (\.1 N rJ) N .{ (\,1 F =E UJc z = dl :ao UJ z J () F C)!!.J uJ z6 = o. J Oz u,lE UJ uJ z Elue. gJ (r co B II,J uJ zI ur F6 o- IIJ lz UJ x t- uJo a uJ IIJu- = =ulo-) o F oz J J d.Fo auJIu z .o = oz uJ :E NOtMlVA ; o;ZZtLo ootr ^ 6zq 5 =eFP oE t,(50.. =i Ax = lrJ ( u-<oq d.lH6H:-9 2 rNo 3 3 z tr l! CE,li uJ o- F o oro @ c IJJ z E r3z tr IJJ F 3 |.lJz ll ahz:fzO(,/) <oo< >E>tERtrUo<z Fz,. 9= =5fio3trOI l!f = aa IJJz iF uJd z sF 5oz Jl trl 2_l zl .. >lo UJ UJlrlzo ts =(r tu J z E o z Y z tra ID : \ uJo ct, Id. I -'@ F{Oo *l EI(ol \.1-l IIJFo @oazo Fo-luY uJ c0 oF tr trul(L tl'o o-oo I Hurbkzo z =ecoo>z o- u- ;Ei =HE tr u,l t!o ut z oL tr JF h=fGI tlJ>(LO|!9oquJxo-:> llt ' JI ul @oF Eo E.loo ott .E: E Eot o --- E =E. lrJo-zo FofEFazo(J xt! I I I el cilullEl 3l bl Fl r ol uJl ccl JI <l *l zl 3l 9lFI = tr e uJl 1l <l>l :lolFI stt\cf) I(ot\s sl I'il- |oJrlLIc.r I(I)to I.|)l.{ |-ll #l el -'l SlI rrlbl -rl El 3lEl bltzl =l 3lct 9llr-l Fl o ,6.PcoIlJ- U'' sl r.c) ol '61 =lclol'l u{E 4 (') rJ) I,.o* sf o(J - to (9z =tr z.o F o =ooz. =oz. =FU) UJ = UJ =z -) Oozt- =#d6 z I LTJ = <FEC)uJ<zE arz-o C) J<(Jan3E t r t !n! [' p '{lrl f (n IJJ UJ II F = IJJ o UJ Foz oz J to €d =z rll>* R<ro:\l I IIr{*ft NI6 l!?E=i eER+$= I uJo = o o tl) c) .o(g .9' q (6 3F 0) o at,(,o A.E B o o ! I' o = E l o) o CL CL G 3 .g o -tDc* 8.9 dDl/,:i!oi (J(6U) q o9:9rx E p:0 -o> *::pF->=: o5 or 5't--sE >.X ; ON!Eo €85'-ooo-F =EeG o--leO E 6- ot *e€ao6rCO Ee3fEE :oo o i.9 EE5i !oo >,'=" o-.o F Fe B 6o 1=Oclg! 6 EE9 8 P.G o o (! E o o o 6o G o Eq,o c) $ 6 Q)o)E o) =o:o au d) c) D, \ h N I \\I h N \ 1 ts =c uJ z ! ao I u,l () 2 J 9 F uJ t! z .o J Iz IJJ = ul UJ z ll,l uJ 6 =|l,l uJ z 6 uJ F atoCIuo o- 2 qJ JC' F uJ U' LlJ IJJtl. ==(E UJo- F z .J @ J o F C)ut Iu z = o- J 2 II,J NOIM]VA I ujF 6 vl E;i ;0a<a a Ei I a =Ep? E.Fi #i: Er ) I z tr t! UJ F $ G. ru J z Eo z tr uJFJ 3 IJJz tz z tr : o F 2f, (9 z u,/ B (t UJ ut E z I F|I- =Fr dI f a UJzYI F zo F J (t)z o 3 Jl -l =Izl zl .. >l UJ llJ uJzoF UJ z E z Y z F J dl :-l-l [-T_- I l"ol{9ldula, H*i]>ourl n \ s ir z ,.e 9ze< =z dP !!! E tuo.tl. E(J2zE<ctf606eE9lre 'esE; i- =ul:-E hE ol 7l(,l uJl :l sl t!lol zl 3l9lFI =.1ol uJl Jl <l>lt!l :lilolFI I ol LrJl :l ttlol zl il I I .ttJl olurl IEJ -rl sl bl 3l sOl t!FI F [! =z o-) t -rO<FGOuJ<zt IJJ F(42o C) J o EFO u,J 2F;O;sfFd5 C) o Fz o E ir =FFo C) t-'e) 0, -_co >zvo 1 ---.J Jdfi(r()= ==3dd= JFut :-h=-i(ro- Iu>dOl!9o :> ul' JJll' ll,lo F .E 3 E EI c\o la! ol-Ef=E'r !! =F_E !n! o To'. nll^BtAr; R4W€ifr"^" (kX, rstT tr$Co \fUESIVUhD {^{r+AT VAIL / r Your Other World on the Edgg ot the Wind SCHEDULE A. PAGE PROPOSAL / CONTRACT rln12o/ -/z-t,, ,1 ac>y'/.,-- E / 1/ ,Yrr',,tt-(. Z-<tc;)t-_ i&ffi ./' --7'? ./ .( r | ,tJr<.-/z\ rZ_/ .fl's, ,-.,-- G ,s\i 7 w ? BL22' 3J It \t 2 il { il u 0 t [, r/l k 3 f- t ?: A K -) F hr AA 0vl _) ) $ \p ID \J fu $ 0r- eJ fl ,r\f"L5 "-r8fi nuiJf\) t ll /-sd =l 2 <' \9 2 $ 0 2 -)2 II) h ? l\)2 u F l'- { tb {A oJ ) 0 $ J 3 dI $ 0 6 s\- tb Tv t- d r ljrlr <' \) t-{ 2 \ji $ 2I 2I \l 5 a l- $?s\,E UJFFulJS s $ I: It E dt c tht|atttl RI F t :: 6 2t.:: u1t\ /\ L \R =g j ts AOE $h ,a il10? ,. il #r e(Eo at, o,ooc ->cto oz - - 'I,rt/\At\ ./ ItlJ.t, ao rO o.(DoJE \)n9f t-J \.J Sb J\$ "1 Jr, ?{- .= .0 F x lJ)x l''$ J nuYU rL 6, l-t;u Hz i f$n \$ r A2 2r h MIw3 o e,oJo p . t- h^ X o.o o $$ils Nfia:il tljv9 $Hs-rJ $e* o't .€g F: HB"E€€€: ige€t F IdH oF I H lllttllll-_-1t_-|l_I l-- - --+ tlI r lr€n€6 | ll tl--i-f;-.-I i l,F-\I i I d,eir*rcet'er(unacr')itlt.#rl Ktfc'han - '.--:::-=_i ,,.\v lifn,n; {cr--n/'; ONE "PEPKCOM - TYFE IAI %gto rt INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES '7-/, r ,.--ii.'- jt t ,u i>;tzt) i..t.. ' -' ,, ) !-,/, 1. \-/ FRI - AM PMWEDREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ljr,x''/'(L BUILDI NG:PLUIIBING: o tr X tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V.FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMf NG oztt''locr'ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL ffi--tr FINAL ELECTFICAL: tr TEMP. POWER [IECHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FJ{IAL tr FINAL z;*PPRovED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: €.2 7- t/INSPECTOR oz E =oa uJG ooo (Y) ouj IJJll- ==E uJo- L6)a9g w I I IH lo I Iro .@rol \.6- (O \l \,(ct I co d't $- ; ifiE,l;oo- f; lit(I' :-.Fd l=d UJ E F F<nz: o =z = Itvl(d 5 in UJF z oz ofldl .{ oz2rJ l! ut att =I lt o Eo.c .9o @E sioEoI <t G i\o. N\ Eoote!oo-_F EEct-ro -o. q!c -p66 C() €H Ee Jao -=g or -o E.e E5 '9a;Eoo+.o*otr+,(oo-osr:; ='(5 q) (E an Dc(u c 'oF 6 o 6 oE o (! at,ttc G c .g CL o o. o Ef(,o6 dltog o. Eoo - oo at, o.t'o .9 6 =o.o.6 o !t6 o (t : 6 ct ct€o 'o x (! oo oE '5 o c) 'F G E ; : s oro (') rt)N ctr d oo oor-l o rt{ tr =E uJo-oz = @ go UJI()z Jc J GF(J gJ uJ oz co = c J =I UJ UJ UJl!z F uJ ut oE o @ 3g ll,l z(, tn UJo Xur tr z UJ o x F ulo u,ul UJII E =t IJJoJ FoF z J () UJJ UJ z , J J 9z oIu- NO|IVnlVA I I I :R\I:6:ll; #6! ="z=tLio o o;tr - 6ziq 5 =eie9 0E( .,(Jke, hr!<oq -'H6 g!-8 ;r,-. N a,r I,Jl.urrct '13 ffi IFrtotlc a lc) :F ;[E -lcJ l=u lorfu zI ? l! E, UJo- F ooo (Y) 2 =IJJ z E z tr uJFJ 3UIz tltltlI =lzOuttul5?ot =P <z ltF<i2? EO3trOI UJ J tr !, llJz ! i z F) oz t F Q Fg, -.rl<lr-l zl zl .. >l gJ uJulz E uJ J zI troo I -5 F l^l=tr!10 (Y) Id. IE c-o(o F{ c\Jc)O UJt .t)ooazo Fo uJY 1!o oF E tr uJ4bli3l X cllt;l HFJOEzo zo9ze 60 =z>l dP EEi aHE !tr! tr UJ b E9E5€ue9!ir 5gE :JF =lu:-E b=o dil? >o-E 8bE itt x>E q- €= UJ @o II - E =E, UJo-zoFofE azo() I o tJ$ N $1 * { .l C 4t I I I .lolzl sl :l <lilol 3l sOl urFI F. tllltltlloltzlI cilI url t5lt<ll>lttulollzl Hfl tltltltltlI cillzllelt5lt<ll>lI tlllollzl!Blqol !t Fl tttll\l €t$5t .l!lolpl zl an | .;l EI EI IJIsl ilpl >l(ol tl-lrlOldlzld3lg9lqt Fl I I t, IH Et itrt : &, CLlrlE lJ-ooE. o= =F(n Lt.t =ui =z o-t llI lFI l(f)I lo;l li6l I o-;t I-l Iot I =t d|Jl |rlurl 4CJl H{taH{raEo l+o =+Eo2 z T UJ = 2?;o =<>EfFd6o 8trtr lr uJo t! Fo EFzo ulz3 o rl, CE z 6 Eulz =o uJ F z n--ocEriEP.'=o(,);io gEE; E €fr s€Ec.l (! e (o!-fci() EEXSR :lg5::';-eF/ s g:19 E sE !'a EEE:g EE;F€( flEiii itgg$ :Ei sg icEEH !xootr $tit:o i =lcJ E Ea;p E* E: R as: q: .P F g.g 3 - 6 E'O E UJulu-F =E UJ(L J ,.<6Ye= =83dd= F -'.6.PH<l!oE9E2dzE<<Et=>Oo E -k: 9= Fecr)+ec r-i =,.,>E;;I F 5 EH = rr =* li,-==o F= * r, =Y qc oe Oq) F ,._ E=9igf,E * ! r!= <H JO I qJ qJ .C\n Jl-o7A>,I .^-lr.E\'?'/ll= \-/,/ le i=el z._o =<coo =z=ldP!D! NO[VnlVA zzu-o ooh o- 12< E P =F@oeF? g Eg g d6l(J t, >\€ Etl 6t zl .- >lo UIo lUulz U' E = llJ J z Eo b,l > =LL I J J El F uJ z .Do-1 tltltltllltltltlI ttttuatuJtsltqtq>t Jflg J.'Ql Yol =.1olull il>l rllol zl 3lolFl |ltltltl t3I lrjll:lt<l tE|tzlE3l tltltllltltlt.llollzllolI urlI cEl lil t6ltzl =l 3l =t \Jl rll Fl I I cilqrl 1l <l>l bl zl BIolFI ol IJJI :l g|, ol |!FI F Fo tlJb o <F llj <zEUJFOZ O F Fzoo -F u-JJu/ 9oz, t- =#f,F =JZ F Fzoo z T C) uJ =Fr-o2 J<oa9.I! lrr JO ><o Enn AT VAIL Your Other World on the Edge of the Wind July 15,1985 To: Plath Construction/ Gentlemanl Please use thls letter Board of Directors has placement at Westw-lnd @ Vai1, Colorado. Sinc?reJ.y,wSteven M. Fischer Manager Town of Vail to confirm that the Westwlnd approved the roof repalr/re Vail,548 S. Frontage Road, s48 S. FRONTAGE RD. VA|L, CO 81657 / (303) 476-5031 tl\t s \t \ a\ :\ A kav {1! E & \ \:\ \\4 f, {\ \{\\ K 0o \_ {a-sr lf \\t \vl {\\\ a N\\ sF \l l: ri T E \J \a (t R tl t\ \t d * \s .4a\ vi\fh E5 I \ \ l'... {\s .R <(a t tt Nt s a\ti A kav { \JI E1v \ N\ 14 f, \l\ \ \\ K fb L- {q-s( !\I \ v) {\\\ a N\\ SF sl ti T( RJ \o s nt t\ \t d -s\f \s\_ al,l$\ rn\rh E S \t '* 'a) oz ts-E UJI uF tn UJ II.Jt!t = UJo- vu/--\ .sg/s/qf0LhthTD i IH t6 I\ E. tl ENs\hiNU l6 \;l dhl !Jo fi6 1 d=l uJF FIz =o zz Ivltr-llorr o'-t!+)ksvezo9z,q'F --a }Flox .t(l)o-?oZP O .rt lt Julo - {J(J ! +J UIc (J .c+) .d O-'-(('o>+, CLO =@t\g (f, (ux E o) o T'c(! oooo o) I .o E o =tr E ot o nt '.9 q) .9ooo a;rO TO'oo _E(EE o)c -oc 3oF oE o ('t Eooo(tl o o -9E =ls) o Dc6 ar;3(U (, o tn G oq)otr toc Eo(, o coo o ! G E .9 E o ;.c = ' CL o o) 0) o)(s i(, E o() .9oo o(! E(,E Q)E (! (! o 6 oo (o 6 o. o CL c) (! ()o a5 c.! Eo -g Eoo oo oc, .g oE c,'-l oog .9 (qo cto(! o (t o) () G (!E oolEo =o !oo tl E c)E c l'.N <t (f) LF C\ N = =e UJo.oz6J ao -oIu oz o- 9 F uJJlu z6 J 2 o uJ = UJ u,ll!z tr |lJ UJ o =g uJ z 6 uJo aoo- UJo o- z ur x F u,lo o LIJ Lulr tr =e uJ o- J FoF oz 6I ao J Ig Fo UJJul oz ao =f L J 2 to IJJt NO[VnlVA IJ IH ?Pe13 = .D or lE E8ot =_l6 3 bH E s gEE rE "8.;at fi;b{ ;EiH gg q- !- =I+) 5 -o € L(u r|- 6 +, I I t=tLt(6 t= lcJ IB z F l! E o gJ rJ)N Eo- uJ zo Foo z tr uJ 3ulz p 2:z9ra koo{ =F9trUci<z (t, L2,. 9= tro =E UJ J a CE <t,lt, IJJzYcIF oo = U) o -.r I<l trlzl ; _-.4 >l fo F u) ou, IIJuIzo = uJ o- z E o.) I r{ c\Ir{c!OO z .rP 4-<coo ==dP =E?eH= ul Eo @oazo Fo-l!v u.llo oFt t IIJ o-bl O- !ol tr:-l til HqrbEzo ts =ul o-l! E9E5€8E9!rk EE =>.= lr.t :- E FE: >oE 8aE itE ;TEu{ €= H oF -,(_- t:rt_r ICIYF\zrE ,l: ts =Elrl o-zoF C)f &, -ozoo !n! , j .lol uJl 5l <l>l bl Fl i I I I I ol =l uJ1 5t al>lttlol fl lltl lco I 1"6 | l=.1toll2l =l El{Jl ,l f | =lJ:I HPI I I zl cilull 1l al>l t!lol zl3lolFI lalt=ltsltll;ltloll>ltnlaI F-lE celqNl = F{lstlH.tAtvad trl:5qdda 33 ulGI<l{g +, tn (U .6 ('z J Lt- u- d.lrld. U) UJ-c) =&.I uJ =z c) -) o F EFz !+o =+EFFOz. E, 2P =#fFd6 E -rO<FEOl!<zg IJJ F-o() E!! c .gr €g9q, l''E ooiJE c€-o *&S'B ', ,i..$)<x)<,< ><xxxx>< ><)<x o q €sr-m: oi -l rFio 'EP-io:4'os\ot$o ot- o. Ec(g o!o) ? ItI ll- :\J iS {N .+)Ft ^.J(a- ,!F iFee; s.$. *FO sb' gO. orcc(g arcl 5E 3oll oD o.S:E ;5r(Oi5. rc} o'= t-5.\ p.' NE.-5q EvqtrS.9 b- AT .!€ ;9 o. or EFo6 c oioo:.llg o. :o: J( ,alrl z.^a;Eiip: .'5 t.49 oS PEL6t-3 ctq)3';ag q, $i s5t €EiE'= ! €s; o.gcSu3 =€Ft a-; E s':pEAqrEc =€5 g;e, rtt€.'o:: ^-eE fl:HF; I 2= Er = (D- I iE;1 ;Ee';r -rE * .EgE lg;;o= (arEcE B lo <, :\'-o= x!F!3oo6sFcto -FOct8F; ,c io .=3 c.trog. o oo o):G.,l IEIEls /* lEgt Cl.6I O.-i (lF | .6= -c ct _oE{o!, !t q' (g: ctc - o.,,i C'O-gaJ o o):gsr E8; *= HE ;E!g cto i5$ f., t3 I I I I l_ rO lZ rF rrl rE | .t, u.ltJIt E =u, Js1r-lolFI x F UJ <t,f F o uJo a. 2 t! o o =\l u, z(9 IIJo UJr! z UJ ()qJ cc _) C)z og, (, = = -l -, G (tgl q, ! tr, () .z F =e A(Jz f6 a uJl]- == lrJo-t 5 I<l .clgl \) e \e ^E ul Co zo SScOFCE9rJ:>ug3f,gr>o- (J>()FO I I Ic, z zIF oo ooo I o =z lli ll*l illL< tl ilFll lEll t_ll Fll Elt ?tl o:&lo (, 3YG o- z.oP =<coo =zde J "d6dFs-rOi>: trJ@uJE =Glr.F.A-.&rrlOe .E<ZV,#.E* oF>< Gcir., iF Eftle=f o.-LU Irl(E-rl 5 ,^*l =:l3.l.{-il" ^1t tro E.cloo oit c: E Eo() o q, Etrr! ! t- 'o)o, Co )zLo 3/trtrtr --F' (,z J l! sp 3Ed6() JE<o t<b5y2 r!O C) q JO<t-G()ur<zG, IIJ F0zo(J nED<3->.ttOoo \ f UI P ul$l 3lil AI UJ z d!o-t z ct |'|Jltll 3 3l 3l 9l FE:Goi o C) 5Fzo rF8E =8 ECD Iv c q \ \ \Jt t\ :\' trII vl \) t- -t J l! t s{ It ii-v.?:\, Qsyg :,,r -s- frw 1 I I ")\\\ t\\ r.\;\ J q s \ { Jg \\\v a \ Iv \ a 1 \Jt F u. t f. el! vl \) : lp s 9 L rl .l\) ;{ ?sg€ {.i 5 riltu'.-, \, q tY s vj Jp o INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUE$T VAIL J/,2/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION:MON JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION:/Jf /-----60 PM CALLER TUES BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE. O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB E SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELE trT OF trC tr_ tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,*= 7- / t'&r rNSPEcroR IN CTION REQUEST TOWN OF O SPE L sf L, t wt) AM PM >1 A( PERM lr " rjtf or.rl::,2, 1,-( lY5 JoB NAME INSPECTION: DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER MON TUES WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMB!NG: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB ON / STEEL rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL -r r"l al 6 rlrunl fuzr^'o-/l atr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING B tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr ttntAL tr FINAL .)/ED D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: -ri/--. l2v INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF--VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE r l'>i ii:y t(. JoB NAME '-r/J \ '1.,t /et' r.l CALLER TUES WED THUR FBI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: EI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ^L'u"/- c''tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR @ -f,O C\/OO rr) CO !-{ Lr) IIJF o UJF u, @o.) zo h u.lY utlo oF F =tul o.lro o-oo I luFoz E =E UJ z "nozeoo =z o-- P Ef;=dd= !Dn = arul II EU2ZE<Af€sB9ttir 5gE dEE FEE =1E 5b!P EtuE XO-f x>t q- €= l! @oF o-z9l-c) EFazo() IIL.rI <l*'jTll-=\ <-"1 n>\z/J= -=: o = b lhL vd Htwl 3 Er rlE fii .=lxlsT)1..='Xl2 *r,-ilE | ?l!o uJ F zo tl) t!J IIJo = olJ- .Eo Jl<l -l zl zl .. >lol! uJ UJz <tF UJ o- J zI = Z z tL-o o o.=tr ^ 6 ziJ- F 3 ; Eean o (la65b fl!t ? 6eo*i'Eg EE =.1olrulEl JI al>lttl 2l 3l0lFI I I "l=.1 il, (\l r'1 <\t I :l c.rl-l ol z.l OIutl 1l <l>l Ir-|ol 2l =lolFI ,i (-) ,-Po L! lo =tr xt!J =t/1 =tr ,/,(tct =o.(-' 6z, r-{ =F.t l4l'= ii z d) -) rt' =C) (o P o!-u- U) @sf|r) (J =+)tt c, = l! z z T C)ul L.gtr =*to2 toFo tFz J EF LlJJ uJ E9g E?ZE d6!Etr 'f'nrq l^i) t)t\ IH '6t qt lut! Lr- =E lll J FoFI U't IIJ lJ- F =ul l*lElrE! [:5:€E l:€trE ffts :e€sF = Fsigs s ;Fie esfq$ i5$€f UJl!Lz F ul l!E F =rll oz o NoltvnlVA =>E --.'r!u* zI 6 zoqS FP9aFE\rz5fuB>()FO i av' t!c o-l-l PIol .. >lo UJ uJt{zo = tlJq- J zo F =o Ll,(L rr>o u, G zx(J F t2 F- J oz I I I <,,t-z z tr oo: ooo I I z ul ltooG al, J i F tu (,z -Jt! J F ,7 T\, ] u, E z o-t JE 5P;;(J EE --r Euroo JO<l-E()uJ<zE IJ.I F9zo C) -tt trE F;Ouo gF gE d5 cl oF(, Gl-zoc) I I I I j -* .-s: a) F q: 3sl =51*l L/0, ODJo )zLo3i trDtr z .<cPzQ coO =zf> dP J "d6z=z6f;f d;ENn ts =.ElrF.o.-tr.tr.lOd .u<2t/,<52 GoF>< EotLl dt- ),+-'aulz,- |H=lo,-El = o-loEqllEol J ,-lo--l:r Io--af5-'l*.,&cq-:A-rD- coE. CLo a, @! et E Eo(, o Q' (t CI! e - a F I t><><><xx >< ]c +), PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT :' .--' DArE /4_:J-____J JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES TOWN OF VAIL ' '.7 t ) WED THUR BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEI tr FRAMING f-] ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING N GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING N ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr tr tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr CONDUIT .fiy'*eeaoveo- CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR oz E =E UJo- o?Oolr, @ oIro @st oO O r.c,ro sf (\,1 U' UJ uJ lJ- tr =t IJJ o- 1''8 tt'E +ta pd lluIF |l) lo rJ)@@-\l o<!t (\l rot r3) ! D< Ns c'lir g PIJ Erdr! -o- t(J > c,ltr),o J(t,lo (J 4) ,Z .- v't ld d l3 UJF F F z o 0 =z U'luFoz oz 6J to oat o =z.t =l;-,1 .nlr-l x1(u c IJg ^ IJ lt\ ;i(u IJ(o r- x o, tl.Juto: { /v [IEE (s? aL T /v d ,P( .Oa *a6 3:ioE o EaEo9! E;nv EEN E E!t\ 1.ij82, ei,Jt EEE}, e:'Etlo E;S ?, E't:"r'x, i*i;i,I,'i g E6'5E H6tro c.2€r:r-E'-x-;0,cL o(oSo-0) =p;>cP'- o.ico.9 E(!q)q 'FO CC ee E: cL@ 'r6 IID P =s-6 Eo.,E q6ia.cg -o,(60 g* E536o(!c- 6E6E>g60,I -o-cEr-o -a ro rr)(\I ot oIro (?)(\,1 c rrt- G (\ t = UJ (,z 6J Co I UJ 2 -F qJJ uJ z 6 = J ) oz o UJ |ltlr-z tr uJ nJe. @ 'uJtllJ z 6 uJo o- UJo o- z uJJo x F uJo tn r.lJ UJu- ==E UJ o- J FoF z rD o o uJ tr oz E Jo- J o = ou,E J FoF NOtlVn'lVA v ll* td5 = lq> E lda; o l!Y; I l't xE9t6 651 E g g6fr9of,+.tOG)5 d f Eo z xxr!<o g i=is gE !-.NO (u!I (IJ L zo F J Eo UJc F UJ z F o t z 9F e UJFJ 3 UJz at,Lzlz tr 5 ==ooo a =zl z =!J3o llJ Jo.ut tr ct2 F z rI IIJ IJJ fJ a at at,a llJzYIIF llJa! 2 tr 5oz I --l -i Flo F ..r I<lr-l zl zl .. >loluo uJ UJz <D = (E lU o- z Eoo c u / -+r--l Hv rl S>lLI+I u.r oz Fo (o I c{(9 c) GJ(:) O utF U'oo-zo F.LlljY ulo oF E Eul o-tLrlos >ldO. -{i't .{Y .,.1()-1rlguJbtzo z ,r9zQ coO ==JOIL IJ- =E;:l l''i () - -'i uJ6il= tr LIJo. 59E5€frE9!a cI =>=ut--E FE; >L: o|!E 90E iHt x>e q-oi!i ut .o o F. ts =E,lrlo-zIF C) :) E,ta zo() trD! r.o(r, rn t\(\I J .r- | f,l 3lfl I trl ol uJl .El JI <l>l |!Iol zl =lolH I I I I :ll HI -,rlal B| 3l g Ol uJFI F' srl F-{l C\!ItlrJl "l,lOI :lol =.1ol uJl 5l al>l I!|ol zl 3lolFI ! 4J o IJ.,J J F CL E @ F{ t-{ (7) (oro stt\cos Nst fll SlrlcLt (\! |dl ollll r+ | =tll"l =l zlil cilLll uJlql tl ;l il ?31 o =ts-Han l.|.I!t ui =z -) - U F .l ol =l nPl-l q Fl !l .ol ;lg GIolq{g t-tr-f) =Ft-o2 J 9 F uJ) UJ E 2P E3 =Fd6o E -rO<FG(J u.r <ZE -o G,LuJ EC)z -,- = Egq)o 4! n!! ry(t UJ UJIL ts =Gulo. I tnl *", #E ti Jr IE IJJzto utI oz uJGlF z(, o lcttE ;g !orE.6 ;.9 )CL;CL i(!ICi',o rF ic,r! !,-o ooo (l .sZr.F eilc o l,ICo Q)E o ol E @ E o = oo o c!o.€ ] .g o DCio'.o'olD ,aA.o(t;o:o!c:o ;:::tt;-ot6 ,oic'(! i ol!c to .N -oc J!:ol ,F o o .cDc =o E(Or o.: f- 3i atI QI.; :: E:'5r o!ei(D(c(o. utia': d( o:.9E6s'=oo g8E €;pc.= Q EEE.5;o =EE €'l =c96'- o.€ E E'E EEE900 iEo €Eet!! i!=-EO(E CISE; .9- a.€€E E!; I €.E EEE - o..Y 6 6.s5ag $s €: E 8;' €$ g, 3'i e Ei'8,! O O)l - () 16J Gu, o- J FoF i*tsI =.o 66Qs 9FP 6 9oE!b{ $8FO .. >loulo UJuIzo tr ulo- J zo F 6o $.\ N) 4t \ .\N s I\IAU tii =z @ (c PI 9, :rv 9r Yo- 0\,\-\) N\-/l >l (Jl I I l* I I fl€olq 3E oz ctl!G J <l>I t!lol zl 3l PI s n ia w la\\ \! Ib N I ol $l d =.1olulltrl 3| ttlol zl 3lg J (v)r (lt I D.- N tltl ld tfllollzl Hil j fl al I(l -rO<F l!<ztUJFarz () JE<o()F E<ir G.iFdo F() ar Fzoo (,z 6 = d z T() UJ = oE, }: =+c5i oo z <r9 =E.oo =zfld8 EE3 dd= !trt E: ut l!oEEZzE<A]€u!Pr' (E 'e:a:>E-JFE fr=o o-fiE =aE UbI hr.uE Fr'g ilFo -'?!E UJooF L I 0/ v/ -cn 4 o 3 trDtr ,flilrrlg ENTEBPRISES s/Ls/8s REQUEST FOR BUILDING PERMIT: unit #209 Westwind Bathroom, kitchen and dining room remodel See page #1: Blthroom- remove wall behind behind tub opening bath and existing storage room into one larger roomi move storagle room door over to one sidei tub moved to run lengthwise instead of existing crosswise; add wa1l at end of tub; add 4' strip of lights behind new door opening (on adjoining wa11) i move fan system; add 1i9ht switch at ne\t/ bath entry door.Dining room- remove wa1l 'A' moving electrical in this waIl to wall tBt; cut back waII rBr; put' pocket door in waII rE' if pipes etc. a11ow; remove over counter lights and replace with single ceilj-ng fixture centered in kitchen Entry- add closet area See page #2: remodeled floorplan See page #3:original floorplan Ir----'-?F--lf- - l.' t' .Liina/Dnira t=-'-JYtx16t!6t.: Iown ol Vail Community /6rr,, i.1/'/'d (, :<) DevBlopment Buildp /" Health I tr Fire n tl t; \. I .; i \ br 'J'a Pirr lli,srofffiii ,/ .l/; 1f /f /r --, ONE'bEDROOM - -r\,/PF lAl I rt t- t--T-Tl_-!_- ogro?+3 $qr\aLfryFua^t oo I own of Vari Ctt:n:;t.:'tri1, 0 eve l0P;tl, rrri n D uild ll od tlll r.j I r- .L I I J_ {rrut, I--- -lT- - --l l- - _-r l'- - -'! ---==-==. .f€,.-, ,',('l',('rt {' d -g ldri..cL-€13 ONE 'bElf RcoM r--T--r--T---:-- oSto 7.1' /T/r -,> itr irs TAKc."t i )1,,d- .7" r/ -1_r fiq'7 _TYF'E .A, 64e2- AT VAIL Your Other World on the Edge To; 7-otD,'i/ oF vAtL 7J- '9, Fno,L/7-4cE V4/L., c.O. t//a S-> of the wind ,/lrlAy 6, /qgs- 7-O r'l,fora /T' 444y cd,//c€/< /u. flrose usE Tnts LETTER 7-o tJ/+/Z tF/ -rff.l 7- Ttf E Lt) ES7-a//4U Bo+rzn oF fltOeoraRS ,/.1s,?P- fnoueo rftE /zrsfi/a,|rratz oF4 tP t///d 0 4/O Rr'4opet?/a OF U,u/7- * &ol f1a,', ,,vt/ER,6tut,uen) tocirFa AT.' FIEST wESTou/-'/2 )f1- Vt/L dt/f €. F/a0/1746E V4tt, co. t16 s7 &)-"*;"* AfS-f ,4//dK. 548 S. FRONTAGE RD. VA|L, CO 81657 / (303)476-5031 o Project Apptication t o"," slphs Proiect Name: \J*-ou',*rrr aOl Proiect Description: (J.*d-.;, -.oLtt".{o^- Contact Person and Phone owner, Address and Phone: F, " D A.r"r( af a - t 5G -lf 13 Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: o"" 6la:ls 5 DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL summary: \)r.*-) l- \.-n*,) u.'.,f tla+rur elr-.rt^:<-- r..,ri,orr-'uJ PERMIT ') lf '\ NUMEER OF PROJECT INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL -i REQUEST.. i. il l. r irl DATE BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB d /\D SHEETROCK NAIL tr n tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr u ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL XPPnoveo/CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR -.., i t,.:INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL REQUESi r-"- -'\.-( c ,,: /,, / ,!'3 JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES .lye_V rHUR PMAMFRI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT I] SUPPLY AIR B FINAL tr FINAL freeaoveo ,r' CORRECTIONS: '' - ','-2:tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR i. REQUESTt) (\ LL' PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT DATE i, ./> t i,Y :'' JoB NAME T'.,t,. ' INSPECTION TOWN OF VAIL THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON ,t*-T {uES/,..- i-z / WED r' i.l BUlLDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: N TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING D tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR Project Appllcation Project Description:LJ,,-d-*) , ".:.,\<. \1.. l.,o,r- Project Name: Contaci Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Archilect. Address and Phone: Design Review Board o"," Slaclr', Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL t).---l t -),*-fr'',.) ^,{.)/)i- ,\.{..{l ( # ( ;\t')i r,...)(..' t-.r-.. i. )tt.rrJ oz ts =E u,lo- o oo olr{ t, IJJull! E =t uJo- il es/o Y,lg-f')l/t€/L-' t- ".\:\ ll+ tF'.\ \i6illo ilFI \r\r =ao\r &I l-,) r1<\ ii."t:bE \ i:E UJ E F FIz z 2 U)l!|- z z J dl € oz z.t tr lLlz3o ulI o2 o@N (f, ox@P O IJ) co (o O !-{r l@ E...ttPOo ut <)()o.(JF ,gL.c d =P>+) nt(Jt- LCL ul CElF zo <n o Ec$ q)ooo o)c E o E o =cl do, ot .g o oloo. 6 o' 6'ci .9t .9 .=EfDtrapl @. ? oN -o 3:oF o o o) Eo()lo'(6 o. f. o o o E. E' o E C' gi,}'(E t E Eoo o (E CL o CL c(g F(5 E o oE .c =3 CL Eoo o o(l) q)o o- rg E8 c..2.98qsb'i:6;0)cL'-oo(u5o 0) =pE>c9'- o. =Co.9 E(Eotr so Ctr =9 o6 ,li (5-- -c =s-(B E(,CJDLC O6ie3E -o.(6o ogL,,6 o|fE3o6 tE(!E' >E-o o) !D Ctrrtr.cb -o o() <l(t.) t-{ rr)(\l r\ro o c, oo tr)ri Lr)r\ rOsf E GgJ oz = .o Yo uJI z I Fo IJJ t! z ao = 2 T uJ = ul u,ll!z tr UJe. r! 3g UJczo6ul6 E oo-ulo z ul (,) x F l!o) gDt UJlu II tr Et(El uJ o_ J Fo (5z ! ao J 9g,Fo UJ UJ oz ao =Ja J z I uJ = NOrrvn'lvA E at, 3ojrLcO'rz.Porn F!FcxEooo(l H'{- Er!E u+, -s =9q"_Idl fttt{i =:Q zz99 xr-F90vro =>6Zl!<oq cvIE -ini P 3 (Uo.t' oo! Pco (d o- c)'(' 5 t. | .rtl!l(u t: t(u l+,t(o l(Ul!l"l(ul!rF l*l!lcl-lo loJ lPl=lP l5 II no 1' ; - llJ-c:> z tr o Ol o-4' z E z E uJFJ 3 llJz tl Fzfz9!4 <oo< =Pxr|-5o<z az, 2? d63tr N NI ffi ltl .J oa llJzY i UJ F z tr J o2 Flo F(n Jl<lf-l 2l zl .. >l uJ uJu,z E IJJ ) z E +l zx|r I @r{q, Floo lrJF U)ooazo Fo.utY ulo oF F =G IJJ o- bdrN =al0-toct | '..| gur l^F\,,zo z (99 =eoo =z cL t! J "3q =836il= nntr E =E uJo- u-o u,loz o2 F Eo- JFul-h= (L llJ =o-Ou-9o\ulXLx>EF Jtr ul @oF F t6 4 = lr sE l'njlrl r- o-zo :- .PbcEEd,€F€2EOEoE fC.+t/ ;.rtd:ta /0t-l6\<_zn-t\l-4l t- F\<l_r= g'E€ 'rlget t ot ot =.1olurl 5l <l>lttlol zl =lolFI fl, olzl sl 5l <l>lttlol zl 3lolFI (f)ol rt I(or\ l*l() l.-r Ist I ;l ,l ;IH tzl $Fl (f)olr, I(ON att Fo = u- tt) cosl'rr) o lr.l = = tn tn o! (-) !c ={J0o = uJ z ut E CI3J E ttE =+J rno = L (6 (l,e. rFooe. IA ! =+tv,(l) = rli =z 6o-) Oz 7o uJ Fo tFzoo e ir =IIYt- l-o2 J EF C) IJ.J -tllJ E 9P E?ZE d. zo C) E -.r O<F(ts(JuJ<zEUJF9zo C) ntr! \ \ !l -l \\ ahl.\ F ! q. II T I s s N \l\ \ t o t\ \ \\t R\ V \ { \ \4 _s : h.\ K 'h )- :.1\Lo =It ..) .\ \\ 1..' \ \, gr- . -'ot !r ..t >' '- -4.'.n' O(l.\-2 r-) <,, a ,'\ \ z7"&\ **"*a \\ o\u '' \-a_ r oo"^t \* -l ' )" ,i!'. "Jul t;1v o l1,l oz oz oIl .D €ul F z t!Jg.lo = tot! F Fz o c) (! o ao,\oxc o o c) o D E l o i o) 'o '.E c '9\ 3 ,F o o C) !, at f o o IJ';'(E 'o ):: r(! ,, ao.o,o :lr''o 'F (E \\\.6 o o 6 ; (g =(lI o' .s 'i: E,o. o,r (6.: o:: Q) lri r-Eoc()Gq.n ';F; OT o-(Ec.rIoro!rF'>- =g(E o. -c iE .o o. o\'5 (E o .; .(E (t' o alI v, (6 1 c(! -9'o. o,: al'. ()(5. (! q) Or o-1 cior(Jr Dq) ct c) c al,c ; g o. ! o) =(!:o 4.. .9. (!or ol a!l -1(o( Err EIO(tr,L: >Jo(o7qt!c -C at) uJ!r- F E ula! J F FNO[Vn]vA -e.o.3' lr z tr E. t!o J tr,z l!l(9 s6 = llJ =ao ===Yiio-94 -fEe d 9o0b9zr!< HB>()Fc| t:lq t<(lo- IUJ l: : z. E o I zl FI<lEl u,t IF:l :l F o tt .. >lottl ru u.lz t CE UJ J z E o:ul z I \ N \\ z(J9ze coo =zde .^*3YY; =r3fo* it=u F l|,1o.ttouloz foo oF I o. Jt-lll Ih= (LuJ>o-Or!oo\rrxc:>- ll,JJ qJ @oF cq' E CLoo oT' .E t E Eot o l-, ,Q) 0,_co v o?-'--)n!! R!D ) '\r1 ra ,s|\rj\\ z J u- I I I IFoJ N\ $ N ^0t\ .-r \\ p \ ui z (Do \c \ \ tso I l' I I ,A ulEI CI CIcJ>g5 1 \ .'..N rB ]t i.\ NI IJlil tgqolEFI |l tl tfl =lfg9l l! Fl tl ll tflltrltJltfl IH J Lul CrlJI slt!lol Pl r Fo UJF E E -tO<Fcor!<zE ttZo c) o o (lFz J () (rF C) UJ (r 99;o =Ed6 EoFo zoc) o -r!*E o o C) \\3 \ $r \a \ \ !,) I \\ s litt.\ il Ir \. II T F : \i-r I r \ a s 1.lt '.i s t.'\ i" s\, n\ {\ll t- I 1v I I|.\ \ \\\ -\S -\ \t\ \4 f, w i\\ l-.. )- { = \ \ \'->1.\ etl\2) -l\ S\lr t'--.'-\ \ 2 o9^9z-;o)-z-- -O C)2,O-^ a,' 2^.,.4 .& i.' '4fl \.,i tl ll AT VAIL Your Other World on the Edge of the Wind October 15, 1984 To: Town of Vail Building Departnent Let this letter confirm that the Board of Directors for the Westwind Condominiun Association has approved the repair/replacement of roof materials at the Westwind, Work will be done by Plath Construction. Sincerely.2'1(HL David Denissen Asst . Manager 548 S. FRONTAGE RD. VA|L, CO 81657 / (303) 476-5031 \ tl | ( |lll]", PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE T-\I; ', READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: ' JOB NAME BUILDING: O FOOTINGS i STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL B,ROUGII /"DrW3. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL PLUMBING: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE E '' -,1<INSPECTOR ctz E =t UJo- (n IJJ UJl! F =t UJL gJ k : tr ... l!fo:. z: gJF t I ==o z z U'ltrFozoz6J o .! =z t!Julo =I crot! EoFo trFzoo IEo E UJz3od rL lU6z;t ar \r. f llJFI<F4o2zo< :t .1.'- -) I {l- .,: j-oc ;;* :c EEEEt EffEEiiEc; xEaF $ =EE.,,: EE;ri g"; se CcL= # o v 6 P O!! rEigi :EEtg6 O'- i -:-E-n O.t c" sEi;:, EBiEfl' o \$\o \c\\l \9 \N\ tr.- \ ..S \ \5 s\ s((J .4, E =E uJ ozo (o Yo UJI z J =F lrlJ llJ oz @ = Jo- - IJJ = ultultz E UJ uJ o @;ilJ uJ z 6ul E oo. uJ o- z ul C) x F uJ U' (n LU[!l! ==E l,.lj o- J FoF z 9 F UJ tr z 6: Jc J o = () uJ- NOrrvn'lvA tltl tl I . ',l l,l t4t..lI'l;;(E..)o3 ..1 l! -,o.. o,itrfo- ila')o llJ (|-- 3," t:. 2",U,I (\l zzooFo- AxfzEP o U'o6ao2tr <(o* CUi-o.i(\i =>E = llJ =ao :; ': 1, : ,i., : l'" a I, IIt" l; li t; t; t: li l,: zI J < ]L CE.; '1" ea * IJJ ;> a IJJe. J zo Eo zI =uJ J =IJJz I Fzlz tr o ooo Fzf zfJ uJ3o (1, UJ J ut tr .iz FILz FI trI uJ = tr (t) lt) UJzY i uJ F o o3 l t-l Fa Jl zl zl :. >l uJo llJ UJzoL tr UJ J z Eo z trU' .Jcl tfl l"lol{tgtd ll;"',l>og I ol lol FI J I<t < |{l X 3 | u- zl ; il | e ut E U'(oo?zo Fo-utY uJo oF F G IJJ o-b{>-fEqoJtl'lHu,bkzo z o9 =4.oo =zJOlL lJ- <,soo= 6Ei dd= F CE uJ o-tt uJoz foL F E J14 llJ -!',: =(L lfl>cO|!90iur Y>HF)J lll (D oF Eo E CLIo Btt .E 5 E EI o tro E oILo! E --,- -E E =E lrJ o-z9F(J E,Fazoo ntn I t tr!! Profect Appllcatlon ,\to. Project Nam€: L,-l ."4-\,. ' . ,' b'l , , Project Description: Contact P€rson and /fE/ Date Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Dale ,.'{piaoi*at) (--' DISAPPROVAL \--f)':\-/ Town Statf Approval o ----..-.---!.-r.-{ irermrnrnc otrlK rrsr (Acceptrble) (Hot Acceptable) Subdivision Iot B'lock Fi I in9 l. Subnittal ltems (A) iopo Map (B) si tc P'lan(c) utility Plan (D) Title Report (E) Subdivision Agreement 2. (nqineeriqg Requireirents (if applicahle) (A) culvert'slze fun' '' ' ( oi ori ver*ay GrudFfB?ffiEi]r fn;ctaffa-Il _4 3.Source of Utilities El cctri c Gas Sei.rer lta ^uer Tel epl:one T.V. 4' Comnentsi O ct"<. "-,/ J?v ho, lfh.'oz'rt-kl'" c"', -' ''-. 'n A) 8) c) o) E) F) Approved: Di sapproved: vl+lb+ -- Bill Andrc'"'s AT VAIL Your Other World on the Edge ot the Wind June 19, 1984 Mr. Thomas Braun Town Pl anner Department of Corununity Development Box 100 Vail, Co. 81657 Dear Mr. BTaun: This letter is to fornally inforn the Town of Vail that the Board of Directors of First Westwind at Vail Condouriniun Assoc., Inc. has unanirnously approved and authorized the addition of a swirnning pool and fencing to be constructed this swuner. Thank you for your assistance to date. Sincprely,al /t,,il fr)"-/,rz: S. M. Fischer Sec./Treas. - First Westwind @ Vail cc: Robert Hoy, Pres. Paula Denissen, Gen. Mgr. sf 5,+8 S. FRONTAGE RD. VAIL, CO 81657 / (303)476-5031 LlSt oF,ltttg6lAtS Dliscl{l l"f tcN oF pltoJl:c1' The follor.,ing infornation isBoard before a finat approval A. BUILDIN(; T{ATERIALS Rocf br41ng Other ltrall lvtaterials F€uc tac , Fascia Soffits l{indor.rs I'/indow T'rirn Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Cilirruteys Trash Enclosures Greenhotrs esr- fuL B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT I4ATERIALS TREES Botanical Name rcqrrircd for submi.t tal by can be given: Type of l.Jatirial thc appl.i cant to thc Dcsil:n Rcviclv Co1or Common Name Quanti ty Si ze .. #^\g'/O/-o't , 7'-f Yr/loutryy /o a:s$ef. ,i' /p /3M, a- /ohet, z SHRUBS GNf MD GROUND COVERS @io (s6ut % ,tA(Y sog1fop, SQUARE FooTAGE SEED TYPE a.rd. eldetherntot@ ?{sfr4".t. *\-/ dec/c p/o^j"AA @6 ,d_!::4 !urdql(,_) SQUARE F0oTAGE ,tVoas€ , TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL swimming pools, etc.) p'lease specify.C. Other Landscape Features (retaining wa1 ls, fences, -ri* r i\-I.*,::k {inr+-__.,.-*- { x>? '\x-qJVf5Aq"< ,,i [, r ft I \) Q r) v l.}' 'r1ll c{, c) vl u#(,; t.i ,^ ? ,tl o i,/ {( \),<' -i3 J f!') Z.-Eg *r .3C au- op / ,-y\,f '... .. , k i)// I ./ ./-y-- )f /,a/a; . -t, . tt/". r," tt), '')//t//z/ /1 (,)/t/t 'J/,- tl): .t r ',r',/f lf 7 i t' Wh ./t /,,0< ,',t.y'r(a./ea /;oo / /c,ta/iott, P,la /os .5,1;tta y'ir('ren I Corneh .t,4- (r,:1 /y.f,,zL,L :rn i-.';:ftFg' Ed;;L" ,/tV, 1,4). aT:^,,;h(/ /irt,/,,e'r' i't. ', f , ,, i r,\.t' SUBDIVISION JOB LOT . ADDRESS UTILIIY LOCATION VERIFICATION F IL ING The location 1ines, nust acconpanying t [01 - of utilities, whether theybe approved and verified by lines or proposed utilities for the be nain trunk the following Itg site plan. Mountain Bell 1- ?44-+t57 l.lestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes 1-468-2528 Public Service Company Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V.Jeff H.yghes :949-5530 Upper Eagl e Val l ey l,later and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek Date pt!y 6ltq slz 6-&-s4 lO10o' r.1,1 dtzsT * ,0t?0' olia f6ro^ + aB -n<Oqqq 1t' * For new consl please fill out attached sheett -ta-a4 eryl Authori zed Siqnature sffi a,^rr"*Q11ro.o NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his .responsibility to obtain a street cut permit fron the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utili.ty locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Town of Vail. A building permit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut pemit must be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. a, luttn bor 100 vrll, oolorrdo 8i66? l3l3l 476€0l.lizaoo dspaftmont of community doelopment Dear Design Bevlew Board Applicant: Enclosed ls your Deelgn-Revlew B"llg,ptgJect_Apprlcatlon showlngthe approval/dlsapproial ot your-proJect-incrriEi.i conrnents fronthe Board rf you recelved approval from the Dg-ste4 Revlew Board, you uustmake anv corrections stLpu-lated by t[e-sdri-iia-i.rng tbe revlsed,plans to tbe Toqm, plannei uetor" ignivroi-i"r-i.Biuarog permlt.No slte work may be conrnenced unti.i't[J-ie"irrJoE-.r" approved bythe Town pranner and two sets of worii"g-d;;;il;; are subml.ttedto the Bullding Department. If VUI_ have any questions, please d,o not'r'own pranner at .426*2000, ext. 102;. DEPARTIIENT OF COMIIIJNITY DEVEI,OPUENT . hesltate to call:.the - _-..::__ l) 2) N0. 108 That nccording to tlte indices ol'Lhe CourtLy llecot'dct'ol'Ia11 le CouttLy, Colot'utlu rclaIivc Lo Llru l'ollovrirrg rcal;rropcrly: See Exhibit A Attached A. Easements that affect the above <lescribed property are as fol'lows; utility easement over the northerly 30 feet as shown on the condominium Map, and as reserved in deed recorded October 15, 1969 in Book 216 at Page 183. Access easement for each Condominium Unit to pub'lic street as providedfor in Paragraph 111, Subsection 3.E, of the'Condominium Decllrations recorded November 26, L969 at Book 216 at Page 473. See Exhibit B. Note: Said access is not shown on Condominium llap. Dated: June 15" 1984 (The'l 'lability of lhc colupnrry is'l jrrrjtecl tu Lltc 1'cc lra'i cl 1'or.tlyi s rc;:or.t) , ., EXHIBIT A I t p.st oi th. Seuth ona-h.lf ol Saction 6, tolrmftr'p ! latth. Lnf. 30 x..t ol 3h. airth lrtnciplt rraiatt.n. connty ol ldgL. lt't' ot cotorrdo, tor. g.atlcularly r'aacaibad "lollovr r lrg lruring .3 I PolnS ot thr souBlrrltt right o! -ury linr c! In3.sa3ac. tughr.y ?0 lror vLcncl tnr soullucat cgrnat ol r'id 6'ctlsl 6 b..rt 8.?o'52'19'l{. . di'tt.nc. ot l8?O'U leat, thanca liostha.rtarly along rrid 6oueh.rly rlght ol v.y lrna ol In3'r3t't' It:glruay ZO rnO r fctrg a currr. to tl|. rlght trrimg- e rediur o! 36to.oo f.at. ' canta'l .ngl€ oi 02'22'27', .n.rc distanc' ot 151.25 fas! (th. chord of 3.id 'rc b"rr N.?8'Otr43"E, . drgt.nce o! I5l.t3 tc€tl' ti:sr.c. S.O{'!5r56"E' . dr'tlncc of 25t'67 teetr thenc. s.a5'24'03"r. a dr6!'nc' of tro.oO i.ott lircnc. !.Olo35'56"H' ' drl- trnco e: zfe.i.i leoc lo thr' trLe point ot b"qrn"tng, concainrng !6.9Ub rqu'r' l'ct or 0.8,i9 .crar. iirora or Larat atr'rvttlg tir. Nor3h.aly IO.OO !..t th's'ot tot 'utrlrty oasalant. t o EXHIBIT B 3.8 Eercmcnt for Acceg lo Condominiurn Unlrc. Elch Condonrinium Unit shall havc acccss to I public$rcet by sn Acc$s Essctrcnt rhown on th3 Condominium Map. tn lhc cvcnt Dsclrrrnl or thc Associadon provider e ruitrblc 3ubslitutc c.sc|ncnl rt rny timG in ths fut[re, crch Owner, by acccptancc of r convcyrnce of a Conrtominium Unit, agrccr for himsclf rnd his ruccc$orr in intcr€6t to rcconysy lo Declaratrt upon 30 days' noticc by Declrrrnt rI of ruch Ovncr't rigbl, titlo tnd intcrcrt in lhc originrl G.scment or carcmcnts; providcd, howcrcr, th.t in rny cvcnl ruch noticot 6hall hrvc bccn givcn, if rt rll, on or baforc Dccember 31, 19E7, {nd thg rccolvcyancr sh.ll hryc bcen cr?cua.d and dclivcrcd' if rt rll, on or bcforc July 3l, 1988. Elch Mortgagee, by lcccptance of a Mortgrgo on r Condominium Urit. rgttcr for himsclf and hir rucccsron in intercst to relcrsc ahs original cascmcnl or c$cmcnts from 3uch Nort8tgr upon lilc noticc .nd subjcct to likc Foviso, upoa rcceipt of propcr instrumcnt! subjccting lho ruit.btc subctitutc ?.scmcnt to thc licn of thc Mo.l8l8o, providod thrt thc Mortpgc ehrll hrvs th6 rsm! priority wiah rGspect to thc |ubrtitutc carcmrnt |3 il hd wlth re3pcct to thc original 3$emsnt or GrEcment6. ctz ts =G uJo- oorc) (Y) ooo.-{ oo<\j (n uJ uJu- ts =E uJo- <54_9/"b 4q aaqas sne C'd {i 0\ /#'$ $q \* Hg $ I Ilur .Ft<td I I i Itt IFt< IFlv>z l=to t:,zt9 o o .tt o ! o-cv, o! +, I +J .A lF o +JI(o = (t) ulFoz oz I o €a(' zzo c)<t aoL o!(l- (o C I Itr.9 td$€\f g:Ne EE]E EE$oo PE Eg, $ =t, \P g E-ls J ;S $sEErrd =e$t$gNs !t: IEEg'=0)(,l gbE .EE H crE =EE c9d'- o..c aE; EEEsOO --E O Eoetq! i.=- (E o. a! o.SE;g'+. cLE*: E6:ee E E;E_aee+. tr6 0'-5ae S€Esgl96a ;fE ,i6 e9Ear €Eg -o(t Ul to ro c\l |r)<! o ro(r1 oe O oo o oo oo.{ oo oo !-l |r,N o(Y) (Y) f< F =qJL z J ro uJ z J o EFoujJ uJ z6 = oz ql = IJJ IJJ |J.z E UJ UJ G. o =uJ ul z 6 UJ F tt UJ z UJ x F luat a uJ UJt! E t[!\ RoF z E 9 F(J u,) uJ (9z6 = J J z ul NOt.IVntVA E:+ c =+ G cc I(t 3lstl €).1Y o =Zu-oo6zto EIlljo e, lllzut(., ?6" --.Yr =O z9b* ;otrEooz>9(Jl)zlr<o* F(J;oFO;(\i zI F J F ott o- oe(9 tto- F Ootost o- uJ x J zo Fo zo c UJFJ =u,lz JIl = ^z6 = EE" 3 'B EEEE<loofrllrlttttl g c- 14.3 I rH2 g=d. ="E iEg;E $tso(,(J-z zo F J =q,z UJ F uJI a o (J trlJ uJ c;oo = Jo llJzx iF Ie. lll F FS5 JFX uJ olrt d{r{dd (\l @ I rJ) I O) IIJF U' @oazo Fo- u.lv uJo oF E =c IJJo t!o o-oo I lrJFoz uJF o oz l! I I JJdl o EE J L)(l,o I ruott, vlT'c =+, IAo = i,i =z o - IJJ =z U'(n Ltl = o- =tr It uleo = ic !I g +, U'(l, = = Eg ci out :liI>l ttloi zl =lolFI uiJulF tr oz ctul J ltoz3o oz ciutE J a t!oz3I e. oz olui ? ttoz3IF =G ciz ci UJ IE J t!o z13oF uiJ llJF E UJz =o F C) UJ I() G -,t o<FTQr!<zf I,IJ F<t8 o JE<o()F E3qE G E2?;o =#d6 *6 z<)z<+c 6< =u :+() =-8,o2aoff3-? z ,rPzed)o =z=:)JO.L lL ;Ei =HE rtn t EgJ o-lto uJOz oIoFEIGo. JFlll i- h= o- uJ>o-O|r9oituxc:>IJF UJlII ul @ F = lsaE l, - lfJ l- o-zo!- ,FbEEH'tr€6:6EoE rsei\ i/EE Hi, ,- at ct rntr oz E =Gulo- J n d I I \4 o EJ <i 0 a "{ ctul1!1! E =E lrJo- I I I I I li T I I I I I I t. t; li t; ti t: ,ri \\r ;d -$ \eIIE l. I fr + at, Ig,q :$ z_o J a( ;( z_zo \i \ { \ $ulIt-oz ttJul6:I E,oL c -9 EgE(l, ge e3 5.E'6E't o.€soc aEotr FE(t)*.sq 5ENC) -of; es,Fq qb1 oo PF;oEEc,o Eo6oD oE to Eg (DO;= EJ '=E.9 eg tt cLB6t3 c, .9 -gE 3E* gFE E:gePc-: nl EgE.s;o P:5 =sic96'- ac EE; E E-s.Foo 5t;F! c.Y- 6.o.6 0.sEsure o-Egp E€ E E E.E EFE =o--c6 ()'-G= O--E g:E 36>'o6=E:F ;Eg Egg -|)0 0 1 D t1 f\ b c0 oI b \a) o \ a ( oq et o s \ \ o ! s \ l^lt)Ni frl F =c uJ A.oz @ - Itt z J J (, F()ul uJ (,zo =Jo- J Iz ou, = I I I l" UJ+zo t uJ og o ao 3tlt u, z u,, F U'oo- uJo z lrJJ(, x F u,lo U'Itu,t! F =G rlJcJ FoF z J IE Oq, u,l oz = o. 9z c)ul- NOuvntv I ??ih =onrl- . G.l! = =R FE=il Eg *i6|(, z tr Fl! o0 0 uld F a E Y u,G zIEoo =9F BulF 3 UJz JIl =2t =F ;EgEl'llll =l [ , n2t 3 = d ir=eEo(,(Jtz zo F J U'z ltl =J ?e F tlj- o (, c; uJJ u.l o 3 ; Jo v,anutzI9 F Ia uJo- F Eibil P UJ H c{Jrl !-loo uJF o IJJ E6 d)oazo tsc UJY uJo o E =G lrJ o- lI-o o-oo I utFoz z <c9zz coo =ziF 5EE E =trGlto EUE<tlf€aE9rrLa95[E ;TE FE! 6tE ooE iHE X-a u.l o-iT'i ut @ oF FE' F =E,lrl o-zoF(J :)EFazo() !trn I d bl flr I 7l0llrrl 5l al>l r!lol 2l 3loH vl A J.lrt qJ 5 il. ild d3= fl$ I I eJ EI 3l bl zl =lolFI -oz ol!EJ ttoz3oF trntr P Your Other World on the Edge of the Wind Septenber 7, 1982 Mr. Jin Sayre Town Planner Department of Community Developnent Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Jin: This letter is to inforrn the Town of Vail that the Board of Directors of First Westwind at Vail Condominium Association has formally approved the construction of the Spa /Deck at Westwind. The Town of Vail Design Review Board gave its approval on August 18, 1982. Thank you for all your assistance to date. Sincerely tollt,--.', 4eftt-*fr /'o*Qtz: Steven M. Fischer Sec/Treas. First Westwind at Vail cc: Jitn Johnson, Pres. Paula Denissen, Gen. Mgr. SMF/ga 548 S. FRONTAGE RD. VA|L, CO 81657 / (303) 476-5031 AT VAI. Your Other World on the Edge of the Wind Septenber 7, L982 Mr. Jin Sayre Town Planner Departnent of Comnunity Developnent Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Jitn: This letter is to inform the Town of Vail that the Board of Directors of First Westwind at Vai] Condominiun Association has formally approved the construction of the spa /Deck at westwind. The Town of vail Design Review Board gave its approval on August 18, 1982. Thank you for all your assistance to date. Steven M. Fischer Sec/Treas. First Westwind at Vail cc: Jirn Johnson, Pres. Paula Denissen, Gen. Mgr. SMF/ga s48 S. FRONTAGE RO. VAIL, CO 81657 / (303) 476-5031 I -^--INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL | | ,/"Y'/ /'\' I -\'/ hDATE LU-t tJ JOB NAME INSPECTION:MONREADY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM I,lh.slbun BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEr- tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n frlrct D(?- , ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR GbGa nm. 3 t, -' fffib zt@ !o3a.? Dr1Itra.Ina JOB NAME i. ri'|t. .. ;) rru#cnoN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: E FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER ON / STEEL tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL - tr _tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIB Btr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED B REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*#"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: WED BUILDING:PLUMBING: '.qi roortnos/STEEL /")1 ':-"",. lt1;:,'': (.,,Liitr UNDERGR9UND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER [IEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FI'{AL O FINAL VED GORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED sxlp *''t? /[.-.,-INSPECTOR glloN_ BEOUEST , DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER MoN (qff) *.o IHUR FRr -fzJoB NAME INSPECTION: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr Ffi-r,i'ob; ru-iiirrue tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: !r.trhl./vil ,*#"toN neouisr TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR AM ctt IREADY FOR LOCATION: FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING B GAS PIPING tr INSULATION C] POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr Eltr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER T] HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ;tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR \ DATE DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPEGTION: 1AM L'PMFRI _q!:|.9N_ BEAUEST'. JOB NAME MON TUES WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr r:l UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER UECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 'N#VAIL DATE JOB NAME @r)INSPECTION:WED THUR FBI CTION REQUEST TOWN OF CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL FRAMING \. tr tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr tr o tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL .9kaPPRovED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED , CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR 'i&. --',"#rtroN- *=ouisr,. . DATE I,Y\/ INSPEGTION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES TOWN OF VAIL / READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR @ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / O.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL (rnnrrrrrue n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr r'l GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D- T] FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ,//tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: i-g,,DISAPPROVED ON REOUIRED INSPECTOR CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPEGTION: CALLER TUES WED ,i THURMON PMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n c'f,t t{ ;$,=fiaoveoi|y','COaABGTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED DATE INSPECTOR 'N#CTION REQUEST". OF VAIL oere //- zs't z JoB NAME CALLER nu {1!')READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MoN rues 6l_sn rHUR FRI TOWN BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr u tr tr n UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr tr tr tr D FBAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL elF'Nrt tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR o N FINAL /.!tl FINAL / tr APPROVED L-,)VEt l-;'l'. JrfrEtt''€PECTrON REOUTRED CORRECTIONS: o DATE INSPECTOR Project Applicalion ,^," ?/,s/ g L ProjectName: f qoU u)ESTu/4'€\ Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: dz. f zSErz- t-/at+THnL),\) Architect Address and Phone: / /e./ ( " J 4qt OfZ ' ..rj'L/. J=t; Zzto/ L€gal Description: Lot , Block , Filing Zone', Zoning Approved: Deslgn Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ctz E =e, uJo- rt t) rv) rft @(\,1 oo(Y) q, ul UJII ts =tur o- - Lt I c4,<q 4 r n,f€ ift"Il I I I I s-$ I ds \\E **{; I l_ rEto I I I I I, tge lbz IE t2,zt9 oc, .aJri x(U OE ]u c,tr+) YrE-=o-ZP 3p i=@zt e= ItJuto: I Got! EoFo EFzoo Go o Eoc gl! ct .c CLct(! c =.,o |!nGio vt OrH.oE Eo oE o !ttr6 oItoooc !t =5o E o =cl T'q) o o-cl .E '.9 E cE!oott al,oEoo c .9 a,.:Eo:. oco. CDclc'o{ -o1c 3oF oE o o .gsooo6 e o op E I f.o o Ec C' o, '6 E;€'=os, g8E EEE ESEs;o =gE c96'- o.c 3Et E E-s,FOO EE;c\6 ctSEi .9- o's€E E6: IE€ EFE_de -+. C6 0'-5ae $€; sg18:E ifis Egg -oG orrt sfsf lJ)(\.: G|RI oo lrt(\l oo o F{c rJ)r\ Flodl E =ellJGoz J @ -ot{t oz Jc 9EF() UJ UJ oz6 E o- J 9z UJ = UJ uJ z 9F uJGoqIc c oo =g UJc,zo uJo FooCqJo z UJ (, x F uloD (t uJ.ult!' 5E UJo- 5F (,z6Jfo J 9EF C)u,Jul oz to-3Jo. s2z () ul = NOrlVnrV ' lof,l;;6 li = rPlE =6*lt -. | -C, X=;sZ. 2 tL' q = EEtE P OE'5 .n O E.FF? E;o* ?;tg gr rN(9 _lol.alol FI'lo1 .Fl >lol :l ooL!rl (u1 "lc5] ooll- z9 F l F oa C Eo u,o ooo <f E o- UJc -lz9troo zo F e UJF 'uJ2 JIlZ .^ze = FgxiP =EHE8BA2<oolrlltl||l g9.fr5 < E?9 9=d.gT=gE o(,or2 z9 F J =3nz u, =J ?c, F u.l o (, z, C) tr,l uJ 6oo3 e. o .tt uJz-9EF z. o,,)I&UJ 3F3bilP r-t Fl CD F{t-t13 :f (\I I (\l Io ulFoooazo Fo- IIJY uJo oF E Gulc lto o-oo I uJFoz IuF o Knn E G,lllo- bEqE<-8AEe,B9!Ee9 =EE ;tE FE! rtE ooE irE ilT €= IJJql o =2 z oPze c0o =z o-- I :fi8 F =E lrJo.zoF C) :) E,,a zoo - !t Et oz d UJ .E J ttoz3oF oz ollttr J ll. z;oF oz ci UTE J ttoz3oF +) lrl (uIZ tt, +t a^ &. =Et! oz ciult! l|.oz =oF oz cillt G J ll.oz3oF (oosf 'ttC an(lJ =ii =z loo-l (Jz6 =J .L Eirg+EFt-o2TID{] I ;!7 A,"//'l /'lt, 9:t foN- BFauETOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME INSPEGTION: @; CALLER TUES WED THUR FRIBEADY FOR LOCATION: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATERtr FRAMING PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr HEATING tr SUPPLY AIR D CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED /,,1- ..;'u ' ..DATE INSPECTOR \ CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ' JOB NAME MON DATE INSPECTION: CALLER TUES {."9}'THUR FRI PMREADY FOR r-ocnrrofr: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNOATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr tr tr n ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL rl tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: T] TEMP. POWER ITIECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS COND UIT tr SUPPLY AIR tl'/- E-f,(NAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE /'-, :'/,. INSPECTOR ,"#"toN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES.. yED ,,THUR. FRI AM PM .y' ;;;. { i.,: .;;. , / / i't-- '7'/ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D,W.V. CI ROUGH /WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB tr n O FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS . ie'! tr suPPLY arrf- tr O FINAL tr tr B tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL Q APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE ,"#"toNTOWN OF neoue VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR 'r FRI AMr PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING .. ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION O POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL; tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ,-:-- -- ._p/APPROVED".{.,. CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED B REINSPECTION REQUIRED 4:/ .2, DATE INSPECTOR ,*#.toN C!\ REQUEST. VAILTOWN OF d weocjfG-.'r+.r 4y{--- p-1v1--- -, ,. oo-,. ,/rt'*-// JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLEB TUES BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL v4nnvrr.re tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOB,' \ -'\'"t'lr{ CJ.J u,F o utF U)dlo-zo Fo-ut :< uld oFt E UJ o- tto o-oo I ulFoz z(,9z< 60 =z3d dfi :f;= e;3 E TG uJctlo uJoz l(ttIoF e. 9GA JF h=ata. ul>o-Ol!oo\urxo-:>Hl-ttlJJII uro oF -r=t ts =E,lrlo-zo Fo3g,Fazoo ntn oz ts =G IJJ o- 0l 0l t; 3l t/f6 N{ g i fi aD uJu,t! tr =EIJo- ft I I I I I I I I I I I I JI t_ili J I z J | ,in IUIFoz oz E 5c! 4 oz r3 I I ,l I i, lo lx ul2 =o l!IF z t!Jtrlo = G UJz =o 1r.l .E:)F zIo o (D o g lt6 .9 g: o,6 A 3o,Ft o = o ooo )6'S!0a @ o Ec6 ottooo5I:(o E o ED do oe CL6; .g E c .9 at o)E g; q)ooo .9I I'o o Ec6 ot .g oN -q =oF o o TD Eoooo o 5 o5 o oE I fa o ttcg d:lG q); |!'=oodieE6h .E; g E=E O YEc-o'iSc stE =!Fj'i =c9G'- cLc E EE E E-FYOO --: o fie:E=!0_6 0SEr 6e O-s€e P6 o E E.Eo6= EEE - ct.i: eeC6 0-5Ee .rrO-gs€ E3;o 6= fiEF Bte9Eo EEg -o6 N a \. \ b "i .I ol 0 \ q 0 s \ t \ \ \ q I \ F =ul.o- z @ Y UJ (J z ) =FO UJJ uJ z = C)z (Jul = It 3u, uJ z UJ F u, ul z UJ x F u,U' at LU uJt! E =G UJ CL -t FoF 2 )F u, UJ z = J Iz ol!E NO|lVn]YA -\ ;i 3i EiE fi,o.,to $ ScS:;$ =(oN z,=oo F^ah3B =ttO2t-89lI<o*!gFO -a ni z9F fJ Eo c (, uJo- F s \ s t t! ) z = zo F gJ =!!z JltlF =2t iFeETE EEggIlrlgll,s E"P=dg*= FEcJ(Jotz zI at)z uJf s F ul a s.E u, gJ o3! aoutz E. :EF \ \I\ r"-l IA( uJ F ltJ ESbilP UJ t N ('z J lt I I I I _l d Fo) \-i ..d $ $ UJ =z ID I { $ $\ \ tIt UJ oo = \ tt.nr{ ,.t s ,+.t \ E - tr UJ I = -L F -qs N\,i \i)\( s.t"t -i{\ F'= tr lll1 I r,i I ,\lt\tolt1ltolI uil F:Il<tl>l fblzl 3lolFI |\ Nln },. I N$ :uF 'l 'sl J*l\l N N $l :EEfi $r l"c{l N ol =.10iul :1 <t>l ttloi zl 3lolFI a \r ( $,. N I utF .J :\ ! N ! -.1q ..1q = N J.fr1\ ciz l.0 u.leNJ ei> lt!oz; .t \YI t, It $ = tr lo out 5l <1>l |rIoi zl 3lI 2 i; oz d UJG J lroz3oF IIJJ uJF tlJz =o F() uJ E =(Jg -rO<F uJ<ZE TIJ F(rz o <o()F FS9i\zEodi 2"? s3DF'.6 EN9F 33 s=>U o fYirg*c Oz o(J J<oqgntrL.r AT VAIL Your Other World on the Edge of the Wind Septernber 28, L982 Town of Vail Dept. of Connunity Developnent Box 100 Vail, Co. 81657 Dear Sir: First Westwind at Vail Condorniniun Association has approved all alteration plans for Unit #406 at Westwind. The owner Dr. Albert Lichtmann has entered a contract with Mike Krohn of Rusty Spike Enterprises to execute the alteration project.All Westwind Association reouirenents have been net. Sincerely, --1"Ji;n ZLy'v,, Steven M. Fischer Sec,/Treas. - First Westwind at Vail 548 s.GNTAGE RD. vArL, co ai6s7 / (3os) 4031 flH/')'n t' r 1'.1 ,,,r'ur.,' l- t't '' ''' I I .:lI-^ trl \-rt-\Rr,u>.-. .----l ."S .o L \:J ot\ o.r\ R \ ?\i,) -x -'\J a" \ r\ i\ 5o -\a) - tj -il'- l't) cj)N9$b- nq saa/ <? 6?;iI E,.( -1-$ecrllv sl q?- o) t- oO(- fc) I \)\-t R ru>- | _ "-- |rl li')il-/l \*-7 // ii l:lt8 iI, J / Ut-\Rrr.lx Fritll{ hffll 1l t$J{ a -z- r* Vacations at The Westwind will offer you a holiday with no bother. Our units are privateiy owned condominium homes, tastefully decorated to fit our theme of relaxing mountain living. Units aie equipped with color television, rorrnntic moss rock fireplaces, fully equipped kitchens, pnvate vista decks designed to capture the best views of the Vail ski area and enchanting village mails. All of oui guests are provided with daily maid service, underground heated parking, laundry faciiities and full hotel front desk services. Our properryis ideally suited to large groups and small families. Located at LionsHead just 200 feet from Vail's only gondola, ihairlift #8 and VaiiSkiSchool, we are aiso adjacent to the best of Vail's shopping, dining and entertiiiment. Priding ourselves on hospitality and gracious service, we f.eela vacation the The Westwind will be your vacation io remernber and after your first visit we are sure The Westwind will become your home in The Rockies. For more information write tofJ Vail, colorado 81657, or call (s03) +zosO3t. a!.ra a..__..--r 9.J ll lre.." r' Vani, Cclonadc , ,\ /y'1't,7)c> . -,Jr(.'lna/:n.1/ir'r- 4t'.,x- 7,1'4 ,4J*ti' (i-r- ->l(-e t''(, " ..r4 ^.f /lf .J Y 5 '(," Q','4 67.r','t /i rt C / {7,r -...-, ,fr:,*d' Jtsl. /n., //-n1)'/;/..:- i77s', t2' >7(7 7r;'. .'/'/:'g// i /t .r{,'r, "i7/r ,4o - r/r.+ti ,r: 5fti,.zlr*e /s ttt-.,, - /r|,//tt/5:/t// r**kr' ,//t 5,272,//r-,- ,)8,- Da-r'l/" Z,r( z'j'' t. r,.',/t' tjr- /.'.1/'6 * z Dzf)z /ltt 1' (l{ 5/2( /{14. t)r:...t /})', / tyile D 2l:/r t r'lho -T? , t t',t ,i tri ft./<t"- - /,i/?.'-: el<- ft .12., y' ,t, ,) (c 7jfll r.-, - //r ,. 'f /.j t,r z .. Dr,.,4. F 4. l. /rb " 'i+ (i i3 i]il i- t.,l I 'll() l'() llr\ l, / (:r )lJ'l'r'l A (l'i' Iir:lrt:tltt.l c A Best a CoptGt ;l'r'.r rji l.cl bc ne t'l- r.r r,:tt-'ci .'l l t;,iC{) \'lcsEwlncl .l Available cxis;t iuq exr-erior windorvs ap!rrci a.'l of Tot.tn of Vail Cutli.i-:rr. orrI oI- exterior for r..'inclorv oer Vail city wall and installation of lintel and frami-ng' i;ti, codes. Installation of lrindor'.r lo'natch''"'l'i,r..;'-'.j.''..'of The rGstwind br:ildintj. Permii:s and "l ,;,.l li to be provided bY twner lie:ao,,'.,r1. ilf rv:rlk-in closet interior wall-s:lnd e'xistJng doc':c IJuil ri:lrr:r, o f rvrlll betvreetr I ivinq ;-lrea ancl c;< jsL jnr, bedroo areil , set ll;rck aoDr()-\i.matel.-\' l.tt t'rorn corner of r;1i cli n1; qlir.ss door': vl;:rll iirtcl bil 1. c,:rri"' ir's I l lo create it "set back"in .l iv intl ar:ea. hlall lo btr i riinrcti crl 2:<1+ m;:teri.a1 , insul:rted, 1,:cxt r.rre(l .',Lncl nlinl-t-:rl to rntt tch existing wall f i-nishes souih wall of1l'; Llcl inq, oi-'J,1 " tleep closet along south v/al L ol i:c-' be ni,irsf i1 ' ety 3' in lerrgth ins j.de. Irrsideic' hc ."r i';rr.4 irrirre L'r 3' in lerrgth clo:;c t t r-' l;e shcet r:ockecl , t.aned and texl:ured and r.'-xisi t-i.ti l r:;til iinishr:s. Iris;t:,, l. 1:rt iorr ol bi.rcir t,i Ec.l.tl cl.osct d6or's jn nev: closet be '{riiinle.i Lo i:;:ri.:ir ',^ral. 1s. door vrh i ch was 'r:emoved f rom the tr:rik- in clos;et j'rr rAr 1, bedrooitt. Door to'be hung as cl-oselv as so as to crea€e as much wall sp;rce on ne''t to t;e t:ir,lmed to mittcir existinq doors an'J n erv betl::ootn. lil o:l rl :ind t-,rrt s ide o f painred ro maLch '.''l$ Doors ',Jall as pogsl': 1i'11'r,t.L.L )- .re I :'ri,.,tr r,.i indows in :.r,.,.i Hanqing of new '";aLI to nero cLosetble. Door- center of cc j.1 i,n r; of tt*t1y . "':',..,.,'into wal1 of fixture to center of cel-I:tnll or lt\wrY ';i",':.: nto wal1 of new closet next Lo new i ' .;'.;: f ixture f rom oL <i walk- in clos;et hr';rl.er irnr.l rcplunrb a.1onl', wal l- Llrr rlcr- l-r elt uriitdoW.t ,i ceilings r.rhich has bcerr cutRc:pi,r j-i- ;1ll ila-r;u'..tl I in vral 1s and ceilintjs I'Jh1ch has bce cur Ouf {lufi.,:'r.l;':r i1tto r. j octr:i tla,i ."vor:k. renltlmb j,irq heater, - renovel clI i-lre v,'a1k- in closeE;' ..;.'.$.to e i ect r: j cra.i '"vo r: k . rellttmb i.i:Iq Movecl exisit,r14 r:re;rted s pac{: . becl::c: om entri . l{emoi c c.'< .i s{- iitii ceiling Light \ri re srvitch Premove f .i,ght liloTi:i: ;r-lst:;l I ation o.F r,rin r,lovr clepends upon appr:orral fron r::rii.. ',;iri-ch .r',s to tie sccured by or'mer or his 332ent r,l' rhe insi.-lc ol. the uriit, as vrell as i.nsta.l'iation doto', is clependent Llporl aPproval of the l'nlestwin<i ;'rr; i,rJ-ri.ch is to be scc'.trcd by ovrner or' his agenL ' ..lnil the buiJ. din3 o'.- net' wal-ls r"ial-1 ren:rir to be painted Lo A (lCi.P'fl'i ii r ancl install;.rtion ol- r.rindovr. A1. I .ir:-v* i',"il' 'imatch existing finishes the lilor,rn of . Renodel"ing,, of the lvi,it- .i,n.,, sor,: i.at ioFl',,'" .,",;,. Itus'rY sl'1 Ktl l-l:.;TF:RPltTIl ii5 BY; D::r.t.eo ,,. I) Q) LJ (.L/aPL D p.4 uLa LL {,i",'F { .:r/: t z'12 u, ,/t i,lz11, tQ ntr;* stp^'a tU't^^,, iua-/-0 N | ',u i_t'..4 , L ' .1 ,|,).4- a /(a /L j'/t6'arD /i/A,J o B'' w L.- '-4)rrrt r t1- I- Z vl //, " O;?,_ lJt ul .,,,t* (.L II / -):- !, (-- {isn / *.t- ADO x i;' g' \p $ 73' / /.2-" i!!.-l!-.,**.. a- ctd Al ratl Pzn"r>,e, O b s,e{,.. turl (L e +=t 6,- M--h,--*p -Dzt;",(- s Oo I oz F =&[uo- oo LO !-{ (nt! UJu- ts =t LrJ o- I I $t + :$ I l,., .Ft<ro I I I I I, t? IFl92 t= IE,z o l,rj oz oz 6I (o .6 ozzo ar UJ2; urI F. z u".|l c 'oF o o atl 0,'otrdcp \ o oo 6 oooo ol .5I dl E o =l Eo o.qo 3 .9 E -i- @ tr iEf I €EgE 9 UEEc-o> ef si E gi; c96E.lo€o B 5 t.= E E-sB E.; gE E!; c cL o o--sE; g oi:6.o1 s *:€E6:i :EEHi;EE.-g F;_ o..! o 6 0'-i.c=o(,' srlg E s;= ifiE;9Eo - eEgg - o (!.:g c)o |r,c') o LO(o E =c. IJJ (,z = Y, uJ oz J e UJ tr z (E E J J 2 i.! = UJutu-zo F uJ o =ut ulez -tl, UJo t o u, o- z t!J x F uJo d),I,Itrlt! E =Eut o- JfioF N $, N ( ! 5z D z J) .D J E o uJ uJ oz .D =Jo- J z (, ll,l NOtl.Vn'lVA + ;to.c = =inoootr ^ 62S 3 ; = E';6-oAv6 b Hs?z-5q i, E g HEdNO =>E -rl'ti u,t (S =lool zo F lJ tr o o- c u,o. F I UJcl x z E o 2 EGurF !ulz ||tlJrllF =2=" = E =EeBg * E =pH 5SBBg<@()f||ltlttttl ?te3 i rH23='a- =oE iEgE3H5o(Jorz z tr (/,z F Lu'.r- o tlJ)tll o 3 J UJzx =F lrJo- F E=b JI-Y u,i ,@ (\ cv ,_{)) C\I IF\ I ItlF o r!Fooo-zo Fo-llt !< uJ El aF ts Elu(L tto o-o C) I utFoz !!tr z o9zz 000 =zd9 EH= BTE tEItr tr l,ll 6EE E<ctf€aE9Tt ir EE4 E dLE FE: >o-; 8bE irE ;tauto-i!E t- F E =E, lrJ o-z9F()fEFazo() i b oI +, (Jz J IL I I I J d o ELoCL L(I, =o CL ,g .P t6 =+)v,c, = ii =z - uJ z I'|Jcoo J -o- F c)tr aul = - F =tr oz oul tl-oz3 F o LPo(u ag{J U' etr oz ouIE J t! z3oF =tr c; oul J It z3I =g z ciulI a t! zl 3l FI =Etr o oul 1 a IIo 213oFI UJ uJF lJ.lz =o O =.f E. E <F(EQuJ<zgurF6Z J&<oC)F=oFS qE5 >Y =<at 1Zu-o i5:IF 33s= =g E Efig b2 c) <()gH I F! 6 I I I I I I l- t6 IE t3 t= l* ltJulttt = = ttc6 oltoo ot .sI'5 dl E o =cl Eo o clo,ql 3 .9 o Co .Aoo 6oDo(J c -9tD €.o5!, tc a6 cDc.E o -oc 'oF oE o CD .E Eoo(J6 E <, !, !, .c I:ll o Ec6 lt '6 d:gE6g =(DU'gEE <at v,.e; IEgrc-.= 6 bFEc"o6frs =e! c96'- o-.c EsE EE-c,FOO aE <).e;9 EiE CL6 CL sEE ol! clE€e E6: E E.E E;E;o ; 6.s.c; o E€EgEr- 9 6a .r=E ;gg96.o eEg -oqt (tt UJ uJtl- ts E EJ o- .t uJ UJl! E =&u,o J FoF =>c --dr =l!.U =loN zz99Is ?F90ctaz>E9r!<oqH6-8 id J z9 troo z9 EujFJ oz2=EEgf EgtrCrxg 8troz(o(Jf 2 2, Q2 e =dit=gEo(Jo-z =.1('t uJlEl JI 3l u-lold3olH oz ci UJ .E J tto z3oF \ Is\ dz o uJ .E l!o z3oF I I I ?lolutlclJ<l>'l H d ol Hj :l z I UJ = Eirsi+ot l-Oz oo JG,<oC)F fr3tr!f E2? s3fFd6o F C)ultr C) t -rO<Fco[!<ztUJF <t zo (J oz ts =G, UIo- a €t :E?lcr*- '.,1 u6E=rbn t =GulGttoPUIE9E3€aE91t ir EE F )F =lu-E 5fr: >o-E 8bE itE ;T6. ulo-rrE uJ.ooF l= -- z ,n9 -F=<,.oo>zlfJOo- u-trtr! C)rl(\J Floo llJF o UJF6oo1zo Fo-g uJ !0 oF ts Eul o- ILo o-oo I utFoz ts ='g LlJ o-zoF C) =G'6 ,zo() box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 47&5613 de$artment of community development August 10, 1982 Steve Dennissen Westwind at Vail 548 S. Frontage Rd. Vai'1, Colorado 81657 Dear Steve: After reviewing the plans for the spa at llestw'ind the Design Review Board will require the followjng information: A. Approval from utilitjes. Utility verification form is enclosed. B. Materia] s List. List all materia'l s and colors to be used on the exterior of the project. Please bring samples of colors and materia'l s to the meeting. Also, before the bui'lding permit is issued, the Town will need a'letter from the condominium associatjon indicating approval of the proiect. Si ncerel y, /-.-'4'A' {X'*,./- - r- f,ir suy"" Town Planner JS: df Encl . box l(Xl vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 September 7, 1982 Steve Fisher Westwind at Vai'l 548 S. Frontage Road Vail, Co]orado 81657 Dear Steve: 0n September 1, 1982, the plan for the spa and deck Si ncerely, 4 /t/" Jim Sayre Town Planner JS:df department of community development DRB Submittal of 9-1-82 Design Review Board approved the Iandscape for the Westwind project. Project Applicatlon Project Name: E Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone 4/41 Owner, Address and Phone: /i4 >Architect. AddreSS and Phone: -'r'/r C- ?-/- \\J/ C7//Z//J a?/(// ^ / ' (/ ' { ,/ , 4zo Srzrt 3og-3?r-ba;= Legal Descri Comments: , Zone - DISAPPROVAL 4-o E Statt Approval c., Ss- w \ IG+\gt? ,f t-\3- cQA\(.r \:t1 Q'iR\ rz- N\ 16 >\\ ..it \q IA\\l]n*a \J\ \ o:S iA(- \(l\J fr- ,' I /-) t ,S .R AJ ! qJ..o -{ \J--i{ x t\:c) q., ' ,,.9' )>trg t\ tsh'\- d).o:q i{' f,\l rJ \j o cli\- ro\,/ Fvr ,< .{ v)\o lbo \c0 sR- d'-5 'u) ar a,, \5 S>5 *.-rr --r R -i I., ^- - J' v.aa U T_g { L Q Ll 'ur;s(\ i,\ \\ \ '.' '(Z- \'l ' +tV'\ ,-'t :t -] 5{\'\t-u.r € Riucoc l-.!:' ! ; €FFtrltecr fr u)€srutu4\t i,., g - SPtt's o.ncL /Je.kL\c-\ liitl l i.latcrial s FclLQJtv.4a Grecnhorrs es other SOa/sI B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PI.ANT I'IATERIALS Fasc ia Soffits l{indovs Itrindov Trin Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Encl oSul'es ' Ce da4 .S?r,ry^r. .t-ta,tKeruboa, A,hfun{ Conmon Nante Quant'i ty Si zeBotanical Name TREES f( 'a^' t( / ,{ uA'rnla;&s| -A- 8a0/eef elgePhqlr u /aaryzff 65/cct Ehfl*,y-_ Oagltl/oi/ SIIRUBS */O - g-3d'ec t ild - /-dVtu/ L!li i: ir.i ' / ) ca/uzuhuA- -o'r4d--hu//s - e) .A ",/ n"J q) cffi,#//r:fi6fuiu) -" to tt& SQUAR[ t'0O].AGE '4i;$l"A/t'o . laeP/e 1"/&.,/6s, -u sf,{r a+ s1 {t, * 'Bu/ 6s /48-{t7) /Wf/M - 'QUARE FcorAcE go-E # /l )drt o .TYPT OF IRRIGATION TYPE 0R I'1ETH0D ,4t^,' t . OF EROS]ON CONTROL _ C. 0ther Landscape Features (retaining walls, ferrces, swinrnring pools, etc.) Piease specif.y. =(o/anh,<P , 1.1.r',l, l, lri:il,j:i1'li' ; ln;..' !ili l'l'Ltli;i i ?r;;H'Y€s,L,n i:irli,rll ()i'9- S/Dfi's_anct- r0 'llrc [-rri!,'r:in;i irrf olrlrt ion i., f.i)(lrl Jl.r:tt'd lrt'{r,,',.: lr J'i 1tL l lr;l1llo,.,;rl r-:tr1r /r. iillll,lrli;(; l'l/il'l:flJAl,lj lloof Siding Othcr l',':rl I l"later:i.a1s Fascia Soffits lVin dor'rs Itiindo',,r 1'rirn Doors Door Trirn Hand o.'r Deck Rails F lues Flash5,ngs Chinneys Tlash Incl osures Greenhotrses other Sica,\ B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PI.ANT MATERIALS Botanical Name TREES i r , ,l J'<lt rtrl,l.r I I t,rl 1,., br: 11i v rrr : 1 ltr: rrppJ ir';ritt. 1o tltc l)c:; ilirr llr.rrr j r ';,' F€/at^^\d lru:!.1"1.1:rt.ct'iaJ tlolor c< c/a< lnKeolu:ood, Ah-fu14 Conmon Name Quant i ty Si ze Aarclrr+fu/ '.{-/r .rl ,"/,s/, -_e_ z--/O/eef t / /PZVuf i-$ett 9-3*c t-altt SHRUBS /c/bu,ttclu4wf- -/O--CkglarptL .:3O- .9 dt..tq Qq s.a{rs \ $ rd A'1 .R p t= i( .\ \.J \J'-s. \.t-1 x ic 6,,.9')y)+-t t\ \.t-n x Nic TQ \,tiiv< LJ.d \{ t$\ .\l tJ3 \ (\' ,o \J \J :S CAe\L) v) v v) \s..<\ S )i'^1rJ \< >\{N -Q\\Q tl .\J \iF c Il- -! s,,.'-(*r '(A >-i-s *. /1- -1 <-':-J- La .$() c, )ri tQ c1 F\ R *s $a r0 \N\N ..\\, \ ,cf)\\sroJ\?: C) ):!9< -, -j, !,Qclv Io r.i ! : i !lll{,:i: j1)l' ()l; l)lro.,l.i:i A. Illlll,lrlii(i l1A'llilLiiil,S Roof Siding Othcr }iall Materials VZvrc/'/6 Fascia Soffits llindo','rs Itii n clow Trin . Doors Door Trin lland or Deck Rails Flues Flash j.ngs Chirnneys ' Trash Euclosurls GLcenholrs es otirer {ea < B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PHNT MATERIALS TREES SHRUBS 54HE- Botanical Name /q,-'L. *-'/&'>12. hetree&zszat 'l' r sP4ibfl( 4r t-/aszz't/z/e i:l li i.lll.ll.i, ). . SeA<_ dlo Oa(il/(2 --- -:" 'lhc l'ollrrlin;1 inf'orrnlt iorr i:, r r:r1rr irr.rrl lot' :;trlrirr it1.;rl lry thr: i r 1 i 1 r I i ,,. l r r r I I.o thc l)c:; ill;r lir:v.i r_.1.; l!o:trd bt i()tr.: il J:.i1i.tI irpplr.:val c;rrr ltc liivr:rr: -D:::q -i,J. _ll Lt.,-:,.ii!: ,/1iy€Dt0-opp* _ -- -4/42/4,?L _ Common Name Si ze (l>Ior )\f (o/ efs &ga.n-s- - t--*--- t box l(X) vail, colorado 81657 (3031 47&s613 August 23, L982 Steve Denissen Westwind at Vail 548 S. Frontage Road Vajl, Colorado 81657 department of community development RE: DRB Submittal of 8-18-82 Dear Steve: 0n August 18, 1982, the Design Review Board approved the spa and deck at tlestwlnd. The 'landscaping needs fina'l approval by the Board. The Public tlorks Department a'l so needs to review the p1 ans. Si ncerel y, 'rJ**-- efu*7-_-ttJiin Sayre ' Town P'l anner , JS:df Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Archilect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL6-o Summary: El statt Approval llf l l,l'l'Y LOUll'i0N Vl:li l lr lUA'l'l0i',1 (ll I l) lt lrr l c I tl\l JoB N^ME -_ Tls/o l/a /,b4 a7/ /tn/ le l ADDRESS 'The location of uti-lities, whether they lines, nust be apploved and verified by acconrpanying site p1a.n. be main trunk the following lincs or proposed utilities for the Mountain Bel1 ffi/Lblu^t Pr.rblic Service Cornpany Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Vaii Cable T.V. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District Datee* ffi*7 V I to ta2--SZlu g-/6-? NOTI: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit from the Town of Vail, Department of Publ j.c Works and t.o obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or eascment in tire 'lown of VaiI. A, bui.lding perrnit. is not a street cut nerrnit. A strcet cut pernit must be obtained separately. This for:n is to verify service availablity a.ncl location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing yo.r utility plan and scheduli-ng installations. ed MOUNTAIN DESIGNS, INC. 16905 Toove.v Road P.O. Box l3J2 Buena Vista. Colorado E l2l I 303-395-6653 August 18, 1982 Spa and Decking Proposal to The Westwinds at Vail: 2 - Hydro-spa K-2 Moonshell acrylic spas ( co lor--chocolate bror+n) Support systems for each spa is as foll,ows: Shipping and handling Eo Vai1, Colorado, 4 hydro-theraPy jets, skiruner, main drain, l-tlp 2-speed pump, 50 sq. ft. carrridge filcer, l-Hp air blower, 24 hour time clock, floaEing thermal cover, chemical start-up kit, water cest kit, therrnometer, flexible pvc hose, 2 isolation valves, power drain system, all rnisc. plurnbing parts. Additionat equipnent (not standard): 125,000 Btu gao heacer, 8t ro11 cover (both thermal and security), winterization package (freeze protection for outdoor units), undenater light. Corurericat package (not s candard ) : Additional purnp to isolate the filter-heaE sysrem and the water hydro-therapy system, in-line brominator, flow indicator' additional f il.tering as specified by pool size. InsLallation and demonstration: Cornpl.ete installation and a ful1 demonstration of all the equipment will be provide through l"tountain Designs, and including explainations of all warrenties. Decking to be constructed in accordance with the U.B.C. conetruclion manual and the specifications deternined by the Town of VaiI and meeting the approval of the building inspectore of The Town of Vail. Materials List (general )Posts redwood and cedar 6tt x 6" Joists fir 2" x 10" Decking & steps rednood 2t' x 6" Fencing cedar 8" x 8tt Railing redwood 2" x 4t' Benchee redwood 2tt x 6tt Spa pads concrete 6" thick - 8 feet square. Poscs !o be set on concrete footers four (4) feet deep. All joisE hangere and faeteners will be galvanized coaEed except the spikes used to join the cedar fencing. A11 portions of wood below ground t"evel will be coated with a preseri tive . Page L of 2 :A \ AT VA IL Your Other World on the Edge of the Wind August 2, 1982 Design Review Board Town of Vail Vai,1, Colorado Dear Sirs: In regard to the enclosed prints for the addition of a hot tubto The Westwind, we are aware that you will be in need of a clear title on Westwind. We have contacted Land Title in Vail Colorado, and they have promi.sed to get this itern to us hopefully by Tuesday, August3, but for sure by Thursday August 8, at which tirne we will subnit the title to you. Since we wish to have this facility operable for the corning ski season, we are hoping this iten will not delay our heari-ng before Design Review on August 18. Sincerely, , ),4-^AL,t1 Paula Denissen General Manager 5€ S. FRONTAGE RD. VAIL, CO 81657 / (303) 476-5031 .l ,-t) o Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Westwind re+oof DRB Number: DRB030351 Project Description: Remove existing wood shake roof and replace with Ceftninteed asphalt bitumen roofing shingle in "driftnvood" for low slope areas and Certainteed asphalt roofing shingle in "shadow gray" for the remaining areas, Participants: OWNER JAMES W. ZETLERTRUSTEE - PAO8l25l2003 Phone: RICHARD F. 250 EAGLE DR JUPITER FL 33477 License: APPUCANT FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCH 08/2512003 Phone: 1650 E VAIL VALLEY DR #C-1 VAIL, CO 81657 License: Project Address: 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: 548 S FRONTAGE RD Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: FIRST WESTWIND {r*t [,.rr"= f,..'r( 'tJ Parcel Number: 210106312001 Comments: Must be 50 yr./3001b + shingle BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approval= 0812812003 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Entry: 0812812003 By: EE Action: AP Must be minimum 3001b/square shingle Cond: 0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner; Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: 5250.00 Deparlment ol Community Development 75 South Fronlage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 fef : 970.479.2139 tax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General I nformation: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requiremenls for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departmenl. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmenlal Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. DeSCfiption of the Request: l:.,'..,"r.. E xlS-T I^.,r> woot) Ei.r,.\Kr: r?cro l- ^il D) R--i_?LALE- \\)t-trt A /- ,r i / l:1 r ?-, -,1! p L {- r: .t ti, ./\a.r,t.l At '\ -. Lt I A) /-Lr'- 1 ,.:-r._'f \^Jf ?i,.r- Wl^JD r t[N t'l .+ ] t,l ,, - l/.J.F: Location of the Proposal: Lot: '/ Block: Subdivision:' Physical Addregs:5C6 Sou'rrt Fr.o,vrAr,,r: t--v \Jr,.- (,21 8l('l: t z I e I o 6 j r z- d d \ (c;#i i;si" b" *f*3 J f,t;.'-l#ro*to,o. parcer no. ) Zoning:( oAA t:rz-( tAL- Coy{r 'L \, r--', ,. I r T Parcel No.: Name(s) of Owner(s):T-iir LJr.,r-.t l!rrD ^-1 UAtL f (.. ( -,-.1,.-i t,rJ au^,1 .Aa iC( r/i1 / c.r,J Mailing Address:5. I r. i;.J't A.'- tL (O bt(:5 7 1zo tl76- Owner(s) Signatu re(s): Name of Applicant: F a t L( ),t Ptr ('t t7 ( o L ,^.:T-5tt,"'t,r'' Ld ro^r f l\Mailing Address:1650 E Uarr-- Vrrrs-v Drr. C-l E-mail Addresg' S\cl..nqrOvq: lotvc-L I ccl:. . co.^Ftra; Type of Review and Fee: . Signs . Conceptual Review . New Construction. Addition . Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) . Minor Alleration (single{amily/duplex) . Ctnnges to Approved Plans . Separation Request 1/a G - /1701 $50 Plus $1.O0 per square foot ol tolal sign area. No Fee $650 For construction ol a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an.addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addilions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenls, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, elc. $20 ' For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenls, such as, reroo{ing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisiqns to plans already approved by Planning Stafl or the Design Review Board. No Fee Phone: (17 c' iiJi^lri'MY-checkNo.: Application bite: Page f of 12106123103 1"t I 21. 2OO3 g: 24FN HUnSERJET 3330 WESTWIND ATVAIL 'i4tl S. Frontage Road I Vail' Colorado E1657 OZOI 476-9329 . (E8B) SA&937E r Facsimile $7Or 479.539E August 21, 2003 Dear Vail Desigr Review Boartl, Thc wcstwind at vail condorninium Association is acceptiag bids to rc-roofour building. We curreatly have wood shake shingles and would like to change t'o an architecturat gnde aspbalt/fiberglass shinglo. The Wxtwiod Associatlon has voted to change the roofing material, We ask for your approval to proceed' p.l Vail Management Company 970-416-9378 jjaoobs@vail.nct considcration. 4^N|orqlernertl. G owqrong o o v o 'Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Building Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Material Color f){ztl r--rr^j ooD t n ADo.J Cr K,Ail BY AE4T1 BRA^JD Zee"p.,.i a€ec'',t. /{io' r-t r- o B | -r-4^t EA' Z, A+?ri A L-r- /F tT3t qt^51 aHi,,v+rrt AIA AA NX NA AA NA Z{.qa.. siee\ -l lQuau- $d) nurs*S E LE c-Tt: D /uA AA AJA /VA Please specify the manufacturefs name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of 12106/23103 RECEI?T - Tlc Towr of Vrtl DATE i\a Ne 5$sa RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS krmit ldrmbers tlow PlrD-crsh Ct..klli1? Conf i rmat i on Reeort -Memory Send Page Date & T ine L ine I E-nai I Machine lD 001 Aur28-03 04:47ptr 970419e452 T0ril 0F vAlL cltfit{lTY DEVEL()PT€flT Job number Data To l{unbe r of pages Start t i|||e End t ire Pages sent Status Job nunber : 137 137 Aur28 04;45pm 4s4761901 002 Aug-28 04:45pn Aur28 04:47pn 002 OK *++ SEND SUCCESSFUL **+ 75 Soutla Fr-oiatarg. E-o..'d. .i/ail, CO aL6579ao-449-213e8A,X.970-479-2452 TrO: F.'4-\< FTlOnuf: DA.TE: # OF PA.GES II\t IIESPO}{SIE II.E SEF{T IIY coArrr*'LrFfl:Fy .D='\zEr.(opn,'E rn- *A*-TrFr-ANsr'j(r:f:rAr. srEET corvfPA-Firta l\I4'-\@ TOWIT OF \/AIf- TOTiZI\T OF \/A.II- :fnrE: oerzelorndFrr FAJ< *r 1\ro:nEs: ( roT crrip-n re c o \.En. sg'*'r>-_--:2:- L^f ,rc{-t's,J DEPART!{EIiIT OF COMMI'NTTY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PBRMIT MUST BB POSTED ON iIOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #r 899-0058 iIOb AddTESE: 548, S FROITTAGE RD WEST SEAEU8.. Locatsion- . .: 548 S FROIiITAGE RD (V{ESTI{rApplied- Parcel No..: 2101-053-12-031 lssued.. Projects No.: PRJ99-007L E:<Pires. a*t.*.tt**frr" FEE SlrUt'tARY ***'tt'rttt*r "'"""';;;;..;;;;;';;;;f#;;;; "-*'-: ;#';;;:;;;;';;;;;'"'"'047i:2/1999-,rma----- aEEion; APPR APPRovED ilRlrrt,em: osedo-'p-r,nrwrrq-iEFEHfiaiiffi --- -Dept: PIANNTNG Division: o4/L2/L999 iIRM Action: APPR N/Ai€6fr;'05660-Ftns psp:lifrErf ----- '. DePc: FrRE Division:A4lI2/199g-'rnt't Action: APPR N/A no.rr,, prrB woRK Division:Itbm:' 05500 PUBIJIC WORKSo4/L2/rgg9 JRM AcEion: AppR N/A Depts: PIJB woRK Di . ;;;;';;;';;;;;;;;' .;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; DACIARATIONS I hcr.by .cknotl,ldge thrC I hivs r€ad thi6 appllcation, fillsd out in ful1 fhe infonaeion rcquirsd, colplce€d an pten, rna EtrC" fhaf rll th! lnfonnaflon providad ae rGqulred lE correct. I agrca ta couply rith th€ infonration to colply rith all Tor.n ordinucas |rld atatB lart, and fo build thir scructurs according !a ths ToYn'6 zoning and codc., dc.ign r.vl.r ipprowca, unifon Building codc .nal oth6r ordin.ncc. of thc tortt apPlierbLc th.r.to' RBQnBSTS BB !.TAD8 TWENTY-FOUR tIOURg TN ADVANCE BY TEEEPHONE ISSUED 04/L2/Le99 04/L2/L999 L0 / 09 /L999 accuracr plot and plag plan. gubdlvialon 8:00 A!{ 5t00 PM TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 Valuation:35,000 FLrGphc. tnfonrblgn I R..Erl,cc.d: Y *of APPI.ICANT HASEI.HORST CARPBNTRY & REMODEL P. O. BOX ?77, ED!{ARDS, co 8l-532 COI{TRACTOR HASELIIORST CARPETiITRY & REMODEL P. O. BOX 777, EDWAFDS, CO 81532 OVINER BBEDIB IT{1TES11,TET{TS INC 5337 MAPITEWOOD PL, DOI'INBRS GROVE Description: ALTER 2 CEILINGS,NEW DOORS, CABINETS occupancy: R1 MulEi-FamiIY Tlpe Constnrction: v l-HR Type v 1-Hour Tlr[)e Occupancy: IIJ 6 0515 T'(",ViComm. Dev' Ci:,:Bn-LtP DePosit Refunc apirroved 'ff . Phone z 970-926-3728 Phone z 970-926-3728 arn()unt date Sq Ft: Bullding-----> Plan ch.ck- - - > Inv.gtt grEion> t{i11 c.11----> 395.00 250 .25 .00 3 .00 Add G.r ApplirDc..: Raatuarant Phn Rrvicx--> .00 lof Ga. Loge:t+of l{ood/PalL.B: Toc.l celculac.d F.€5---> 8ss.25 Addiglonal 8G.6---------> .oo Totsal P.rtrit Fe.--------> 898.25 Fatm.ntF-------- 899.25 .00 nscraalion F!6----------> .oo cL.rn-up Dipoai!--------> 250.00 !t.nd cl.rn-up D.Fo.ic To: utl(E HAISLHoR9T SIGNAIURI oR cg$laAeroR H:IiIgE'rF AND O!{NER ******************************!r********************:l************************'l*** Permit #: 899-0058 CONDITIONS a8 of 04/25/99 SEaTus: ISSI]ED *********************************************!t********************************** Permit, Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT appl-icant: HASEI-,IIORST CARPENTRY & REMODEL 970-926-3728 Applied: 04/L2/L999Issued: 04/t2/L999 To E:<pire: L0/09/1999 ilob Address: Locatsion: 548 S FRONTAGE RD (WESTI{IIID 404) Parcel No: 2101-063-12-031 DescripEion: AI'TER 2 CEILINGS,NEUI DOORS, CABINETS Conditlons:1. FIELD INSPESTIONS ARE RBQUIRED TO CIIBCK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE- 2. AJ,L PBNSIRATIONS IN WAL,LS,CEILINGS,AIID FLOORS TO BB SBALED WITII AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAI,. 3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRBD IN AIL BEDROOI'IS AlrD EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.310.6.1 0F lrIE 1997 I,BC. 4. FIRE DEPARIII,IE}IT APPROVAIJ IS REOUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK EAIT BE STARTBD.5. ASBESTOS REMOVAL CERTIFICATE REQUIRED PRIOR TO eoMPtETION IOT OF VIIL, CIIJORADO Itgrcarmt tt t t attt.t t t.t ait t tt I ttttt} I tat * aata .l a 'i t ata t t ttt t t a t t t ttta ttlt tt ttrr gErtaqrc Nuubat! REC-O508 ArcunC t Pqd.nE u.gh9d I cK NoE.tIon: 7g{a 6ae,25 04/25/99 LL:.ra D.rrl! f,o! 899-0069 T'trp. ! a-l|F rDD/tLT r|F BoILD PER Drrcol Ior 2101-053 -12 -031 6i.tr lddrr.! 3 5{g a lioilTlo! RD 1|l9T Locrclon3 54e A FRoNI?AC! RD (lGglillllD {01) Totrl F..6r ggg ' 25 ahi. 9rt'!.Bt eag.25 loErl lli PEt. r 638.2s Dr.criptlon Init ! JN Ellltlc.: .0o ta I I tti rt t t t t a a l tttl i t t i I It it t I tl t t I tt 't ll i t 'r t t tl't t t ttt t t t tt a * f t t * t!r 't t I Bp 00100003111100 ButLDrNo PaRUrr lllg pF 00100003112300 9&ltf cHEcK FaBa Accourg Cod.. A[ounts 335.00 250.2s 250.00 . 3. O0 .ID D2.DEPO8 CI.BNIUP DEPOSTTA rc 0010000311at00 ll & cl!! rNsPlelloN FIE 'hOD'ootr N lio2o9'o A q A{ G; N <; c; <;!t N ul o F b t cRo (\ (.,, FI E dE H cEU (.)F4.0 .l (, F'-z}fD4e8" EB E!aC|a EA F. cp F & |I 6oH FN oko q, Dt!!: FrHt! qlx9 tgo oo o\EorQa zz E|0EEq4 Eq t{ zz EOFEvt{ FIFa2dDrOFE qlo &a t{ FlHilql9ooAE E< ltltt Eli x F{ zo EI ncEU E!q cTEEo oPF. Cll.o '{OD IUoo l.ql U F :.! Ec ez tad F qlIBA 1: 9 oE g6T> HI9{ca o a.,cqo t trHP Assess Parcel , APPLICATION UUST BE FILLED OUT COUPLETELY OR IT l-tAY NOT BE AccEpTED X* ******************* ********* PERUIT fNFORIT|AIJON ******* *********** **'r** ****** -a-[4-Building t ]-ptunbing lrt-Ereci"rLcar I J-Mechanibat [ ]-other Job Nane:4 Address: -Ph. .r r ^,, t et*t E6t c, (.'igc+dos*s Legal Description: Lot Architect; ttrtffi; oF vArL coNsrRucrO.-- pERr'lrr- ""*3lh:t2ffi2i"*' TKrQq- ooTt Job Addressz 5ll9 SO. Froa |c c e R.{, { *s.;F . "+^ 5ii"*t *. s.mllrrrNg - SUBDIVISION:533Address: bn+.r ncr'i g no,r.- -aZ. pl.rl.5t6:ggla 6o6td General Description: l{ork class! [ ]-Ne!r gzf-alteration I l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-ottrer Number of Dwelling Units;Number of Accommodation Units: - lrpmber and Type of Firepraces: cas Appliances_ Gas Logsl wood/pellet_vft****************** *** ************ VALUATTONS ****** *** **** **** * ** ************* -,! P_u.llPIIg, ! a9,oou ELEcrRrcAul_,5-=:tz_ orHER: $PLWBTNG: $ MEerraNrcar.r i- ;;;;;-: !t---^ riJurlrnrNc: I l.tEclIANIcALz {- Ir * * * * * * * * * * * * *'l * * * * * * * * * * * I * CONTRAClIOR INFORITIATIO:!Eeneral contractor: ll..-- t (- l]'r- r -.-,^-.^r.^- ECIIANICAL:t- ToTALs $.TF- CONTRACIOR INFORI'IATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Phone Number: contractor: ltr I."* "! vait Res. No.lVl.tsAddress: f5.'r "17't ih;;"-N"rb;;,"3i;:':ttE X*:::::.L,::T"."tor: uog\c Rl-cr cre.* fr?l;rt"5F*"Phone Number: 9*A - tqo=- ilEH::? contracto,, , D*ye4- €9?-lffl: I:il Res. No._ ffi*3::"r contractor: T:1l-": y."11 n"s. No.- Phone Nurnber: ****************!r*************** FOR BUTLDTNG PERMTT FEE: PLT'MBING PERUTT FEE: I.TECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAI., FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'IIIBING PIAN CHECK FAE:I.fECHANICAL PI.AN cHEcK FEE3 RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUII,DTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATT]RE: qselLrgus? F.<ra^rAs os. 6i/5-r r tnlK 6or eCLEAI T'P DEPOSIT BEPI'I|D trO:tq4 75 soulh fronlege rord tral, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 Tb: FROM: DATE: SURTEC?: rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit.ani ,"ifr-r""i, sand, debrisor material , incr-uding trash iunpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicLes, |pon. any streetl siaewaik;';ii:y or publicplace or any porti6n tneieoil--tir" right-of-way on arr. Town ofVail streets and.Igag= is "ppr"xirnately 5 ft. off pavenenr.This ordinance wir| ue.;ari;il;"enforced by the Toqrn of vair.Pubric lforks DeDartment. p"r=itr= found viarafin; this ordinancewilL be siven a 24 hour tnriii;;--;"Ii""-t"-;;;;;;'="id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified_aoes noi---""rprv with thenotice vithin the- 24 rrour tirne-"p."iiiil,"#";iHt_ic r{orksDepartment will re'ove said mateiiat _at tbe expense of personnotified. The provisions-or--inis "rainance shar_r not beapplicable to cbnstruction, nuirrt"r.nce or repair projects ofany street or atley or any utilities -i; ti"-;i;;i-"_r"y. To review ordinance No. s in furr, prease stop by the Town ofvail Building Department to obtain a copy. rtrani you for yourcooPeration on this natter. --Er - olflce ol communlty deyelopmcnl ALL CONTR,,ACTORS CT'RRENTLYI REGISTERED WIIH THETOI{N OF VAIL TOI{N OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMI]NITY DE\IEISPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUqIION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE ositionTneTa-ffiiEET! f6#; /a'q? (i.e. cont,ractor, owner) I 75 roulh lronl.ge rord I.il, colorudo 8t657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 ottlco of communlty devclopmerrl BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIMT FMME If this penTlt fegui.ref a Town of Vai.l Fire Departnent Approva.l, .Engineer"s (pubric luorks) review and ipp"ouat,' a piinntni"iepartmentreview or Hea'lth Departmint review, un['.-".uid ;i-il;;'EriioingDepartment, the estimated time tor'a lotat ".ui"n-iluy"iu[l'us tongas three weeks. l]].,r9ry:rsial (1arge or sma'il ) and a'r'r murti-famirv permits wiilhave to follow the above menti6ned maximum requirements. Residentialand small projects shourd take a reiser amound of time. However, ifresidential or smailer.projects impiii the various above mentioneddepartrnents with reqard, to necessary review,-th;;; ;;;j;.ii' *yalso take the three-week perioJ. Every attempt wiil be made by this depart$ent to expedite thispermi't as soon as possibie. I:-ll" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeT rame . frrul? r"!* I .*J"u Sheet was -urnedln6-TDate l.Joi[ Develooment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED Job Name: .+o * A aeJte- Date:_4 1tal 4? Please answer lhe following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way Permit': YES NO 1) ls lhis a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right ol way, easements or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls difierent access needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or pubfic property? 7l ls a'Bevocable Right CI Way Permit'. required? 8) A. ls the righl of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. It no to 8A, is a parking, sta$ing or fencing plan required by Community , L- 4q Development? !l_f9u- alswered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at C-o-TTTitV Development. lf you have any questions please catl Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-2159. I have read and answered allthe above questions. ?/" Job Name s Signature Date APR-28-99 €ll :94 Pl'l A1'IER I CANAEATEI'IENT 3e'= 298 s59= o P.62 E^fiF/ J E(ITI trVAFFecfED Af -rtIE ^bFTA LO4ATIAFJS trDP Ei ou4 uJoFl/- E^rP cF TllE Itle OccupA,*|T9 oF n{E stF.ucTtl4e: ^REL. fieae E ALso A t'ralFuJ6r,l_ DqitDrNl6. 9n --)os I &h/AY MA^ICilaTEF, Urlfr 2"'05 (vo *,ocr| No sCr\LE. WE5ThllNlD VAIL, v,t EiE LOLD-o\K-/ (trxecerlcv Exrl) FA}I EII{^'TED ot|75rtrE WA9TE CtifrAt^lEP 51nEA4e l' Aqt't?..ri.. Lz.^rE;D trt nle PArutN/; t Of =*r) coNDoMr Nruir49 cotDgAPo A5g€e:ros AEATE|'.1E^rI- r^lcRK F[^J AttEctcarrl AeaTEMe^rr. t{€,. 424o' EEaAD\ JAV - ?c^tueg cotoc-tcp f - aoo lzse- 1g8{-- ___/ I t ^Nr joq ^rR' Ftcbl U^JDE FUL!. CoNTA IAt.rE^Jf VJrTA ^JE4ATIVE 7i€53t FE Fo? RgrlcvaL cF tfEAYED-oal ACoq:,-?I6,.\L 6EtLirtr; HAIE trlAL T{Af Arfi-Ar,lcz AEEL2S;,fr/ltr'. 4-?,9- 11coHPtEiE, 5'3-<lat ;la"gf (e Ctt"llrl0rl JTAIR5 ..1t-nlpg1fl--<, APR-2A-99 AL'-A4 Pn AIIER ICAHAEATEI'IENT 9E'3 298 S595I AilERtcANABArEMENr,ns. PHONE: (303) 298-855049f0 BroadunU Denwr, co s021ess03 FAX: (303) 29&8595 MCSIUIIE fNATJ$TTITAL CI]ITM SHEbT (nu,UDrlrc TIiE col/m s{Esr) ,-.-.1.-!.-....rIf 1ou have any guesticrs regardjng the facsimile 1ou have just receiveil, please call ua. CARPENTRY & REMODELING P.O.BOX777 EDWARDS, COLOFADO 81 632'0777 HASELHORST \,0n.s-f \.,J',r^.,5s un\\ + 4o4 s+y saa!+ht"o^*a3- l^crqd Uc.,',\ Lo- ^ lls p*^ d,^a*',^3 ll a io Cl^art3 e. {^o,t, a.- l\"+ ce-'.ti,^X *c' o ^-o;seJ too,^ {ior." t^:lf hir'r }A* ex.is{rnX nr:o4 {no^i nl . T\;s -cka"ntr e ,^:i,ll ncrt a[ te.n the S{ noc{,-ra,( nr. [r. o 4 +h €- ex Js-{i un.3 S noc*.r I<> q, A' The- char*q.- t,nr:[t {ok*<- place-- ir.^, tr. rrcpyrf. bat)c RoomS I-/s'h" + " gccrl e O HAsEtHoRsr a CARPENTRY & REMODELING u pP.r {3.\n''ro s Michael Haselhorst Geneal Contnctor t7 lVx:,.+i^ 3 EOWARDS, COLORADO A1 6324777, 1' o" doa' Ilr "rct^.iE IItr I I -l u\- fo t' be !^"'''^ I I I _t * u s.ol. TOVNiI OF VAIT. 75 S. FROIITAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMBNT OF COMMT'NITY DEVEIJOPMENT NOIE: TIIIS PBRMIT MttST BB POSTED DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG. ilob Addrese: 548 S FRONTAGE RD LOCAtsiON...: 548 S FRONTAGE RD Parcel No.. : 2101-053-12-031 ProjecE No. : PRJ99-0071 APPLICAI{T BEEDIE IT{\TESITI{ENTS INE OWNER 5337 MAPL,BV{OOD PIJ, DOI{NERS GROVE rL 50515 BEEDIE IM/ESTI'IENTS INC ON iIOBSITB AT AI,L TIMES Permit. #: D99-0007 WBST SEaEus. . . : ISSIIED (wBSTWIAppIied. . : 04/2t/L999Issued...t 0a/22/1999 Elq)ires . . z LO/L9/L999 5337 MAPIJEWOOD PL, DOI{MRS GROVE IL 50515 COI.ITR,A TOR HASEIJITORST EARPENTRY & REMODEL PhONE Z 970-926-3728 P. O. BOX 777, EDWARDS, CO 81532 Deecription: ASBESTOS ABATEMEIIT PBRMIT Occupancy: R1 MulLi-FamilY 'f}pe ConstrucEion: v l-HR Tlpe v l-Hour Tlpe OccupElnc1r: Valuati-on: Firaplrc. fnforoatslon! R.Eerlctsad: Building- ----> 20.00 Plan chrck---> Inv.at Lga!lon> wlll crll----> s00 #of o16 A[tpllanc.5 t Add Sq FE: +of e.. Log6 !#of nood/P.ll€E: .rrr*rtrfttrr.t t.'rittr.tf*rttt'rttri*.1.r'rtt* FEE sutorARY t'rtttrt'*tr'',' R.EEucrant PIan R.vi!e- - > DRB Fec-------- .oo Tolaf calculagcd F.c6---> 20.o0 Addltlonrl F.e6---------> 56.00 .0013.O0 .00 Recretllon P6.----------> 3 .00 CLran-Up D.poaiE--------> TCTTAL AEES----- .oo Tocal PerEiE P.c--------> 56.00 .00 P.YrnentE- - - -- - - - 96.00 EAIJAIICB DUE---- 56 .00 .00 " " " ,'. "';; ;;;;. ;;;ffi;' ;;;;;;..* "....'. ""'. o*,,_ EUr lQI'Lc Divi s i on : 6+7Cz t75ga-cHARr.,ig -AcEibn; ADPR PENDTNG FrRE- DEPT-4-P-ERVL -,it.am;' d51oo-'p-r.iffirwq bEFAHtt{is-ffi- - .----- - - -DEpt: PL,AIiINING Division: 04/22/L999 CIIARLTE AcEion: APPR N/AiEbm;' d5660-1;fils-Dep:ifirtriif Dep!:-EIEE Division: 64/22/79t9-anri.,rn- ACcioni NorB Bo-ItrED ro FrRE DEPr 64722779-9-g JE-r-r A- 4'cElon r appn rd approveF prans-- iEam;'65500-FtirTc wbi.ES--- Dept: PIIB woRK Divieion: 64/22/79-99-cHARLTE AcEion: APPR N/Aitbm;' d5760-slfrfundquiNiEi- HEiitTII - '. Dept: HEAIJTII Division: O4/22/L999 CIIARLIE AcEion: APPR N/A nriaam;'d5960-i,r-ouoE DepE: cLERK Division: 647C2/1-e-e5-cgAf;iiE Act,ion: APPR N/A .' ; ;' ;.;' ;' ;;. ;;; ;;;' ; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;. ;;;.;;; DECLARJATIONS t h.rqby icknorlcdgc thrc r hrva raad thi! rpplleabion, fillcd oub in tulL bha inf,ornation requircd, coEplcEcd an accurat' Plots plan, rnd .trtr that all th. inforu.t.ion provid.d ea rcqulrod ii eorrcct. r .gt.c bo cobP1y with th. {nf,onatsion 'nd PloE phn, to couply rlrh alt t.gsn ordl,n.nc.a rnd itrla 1r*6, rnd co build thl. scruceur. according to Bh. Tocn'. zoninE rnd 'ubdLvLsloncoda!, d..lgn rcwl.lr eg4rrovod, (,nlform Building cod. rnil otshcr ordinrncce of th. Torn .ptr lLc.bl. lhcr'to' REeuEs?a ,j* ,""r""rton" slrAlrrl BE *" ilrrr-"o* Homs rN ADTTAN.E By TELB'HoNB A! Sand Cl.an-t4) D.po6lE To: HASBLHORST ******************************************************************************** Al{ 5t00 COIITR^CEOR FOR HITSETJF AIID OIINBR Permit #: D99-0007 Status: ISSIIED !t!t*******!t**************************************!r******************:l************ SIOIIATT'RE OF COITDITIONS as of 04/25/99 Permit Type: DEI'{O. OF PART/ALL BUDG. Appl-icant : BEEDIE INVESll,lBl[rS INC Applied: 04/2L/t999 Isaued: O4/22/t999 To Bxtrrire t LO/19/L999 ilob Address:Location: 548 S FRONTAGE RD (WBSTV{IIID #404) Parcel No: 2101-053-12-031 Descriptsion: ASBESTOS ABATEMEMT PERMIT CondiLions:1. THIS PERI4IT IS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABJATEMENT ONLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE ARE,A FREE FROM ASBBSTOS IS RBQUIRED PRIOR TO AI{Y FITRTIIER WORK OCCURING ON 1TIIS SITE. IF FIJRTHER QUESTIONS ARISE, CONTACT TTIE VAIIJ FTRE DEPARIIIENf AT 479-2250. 2. FrRE DEPARI'I{ENI APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BBFORE AI\TY WORK CAI\T BE STARTED. 3 . FIEITD INSPECTIONS ARB REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPL,IAI{CE. **************************************************************** TOhIN OF VAIL, COLORADO Reprinted:. 05/25/99 09:03 Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0506 AmounL: Payment. Method: CK Notation:55.00 04/2L/99 L6:.27 Init: JRM PermiE, No: D99-0007 \4pe: A-DEMO DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUParcel No: 2101-063-1_2-031site Address: 548 s FRoI.ITAGE RD WESTLocation: 548 S FRONTAGE RD (WESTWII{D #404 s. 304)Total Fees:This PaymenE 55.00 Total ALLr Pmt.s: Balance:**************************************************************** AccounE Code Descript.ion BP OO1OOOO31111.OO BUIIJDING PERMIT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CHECK FEES wc 00100003112800 vtILL cAr,r., fNspEcTroN FEE s6.00 55-00 .00 AmounL 20.00 20 .00 13.00 3 .00 V*v TOWN OF VAIiONSTRUCTION PERMIT Af, |cATIONfffi €?il INFOR]VIATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTTD Contact the Eaglg Coun,ty lssessors Qfficp at 97e328-8640 for Parcel # Parcetr etoT- c,6 ) /^ 20 d )3?t'^o 6 2 o c^ P//- Date'.4' Job Name: Building ( ) Legal Description: O*'ners Name: Plumbing ( )Electrical ( ) Architect: Description of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Permit # r'Q lob Address:57 ',;E>Ttri i\!D .-r Mechanical( ) Antfuf qS6e3i>.-e ' I Pat-ro,,. / Alteration ( )Additional ( )Repair ( )other( 9-- Number of Accommodation Units: VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ Wood/Pellet I-rt - 6e' anft@-5'ba Gas Logs BUILDING: $ PLI.JMBING $ 9egds@!e,r: Town of Vail Registration No. OT}IER $ TOTAL $ E!ectrica|conlrsssI: MECHAMCAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION f a<,Address: -,2 Phone # rl Mdress: Phone # Address: Phone # Address: Phone # Town of Vail Registration No. Plumbins Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registradon No. FOR OFFICE USE SIGNATURE: ZONING:SIGNATURE:-4zrgr4 : " *lrilen5 -Frttt oi's Ern o /aoYle APR z t 1999 BUILDING: W"#manroa TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WTTH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAILPUBLIC WORKS AND COMMI.JMTY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, I999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE $2-10: DEPOSITS ON PIIBLIC WAYSPROHIBITEL A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawfirl for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel. rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalh alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifu and require any person who violates or qruses another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud" dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mu4 dirt, snow, ice. debris or any other material to be removed frorn any street or alley at tle expense of the notified. C. Excepions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: l. Within the immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water rnarn, sewer main, electricity line, gas line. telephone line or any appurtenance thereto; 2. To deposits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for the protection of the public safety; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or d€positing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes alother to violate the same. may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l4-1 ofthis code. E. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l-4-l ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acknowledged by: Position or Relationship to hoject: (i.e€lnractorlr owner) oate,Ll- ie ^ It o TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILIIING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Torvn of Vail Fire Depargnent Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review of Health Departrnent reviow, and a revlew by the Building Deparfinent, ttre estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and smalt projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned deparhnents lvith regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible' I, the undersigne4 understand the Plan Check procedure and time fi'ame. I also understand tlurt if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: o^r, 4- A6- 7? Work Sheet was turned into the Community Development Dept' tP*noto'uo TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOB NAME: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I. I999 WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQLIRED D^rE +- ;LL* 4? PLEASE ANSWER T}IE FOLLOWING QTJESTIONNAIRE REGARDING THE NEED FOR A.PIJBLIC WAYPERMIP: 1. Is this a new residence? YES NO U/. 2 4. 5. 6. Is demolition work being performed that requires the use_gf the fught-of-Way, ersem€nts or public property? VeS- tlO--4- Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? NO- YES NO --'-- Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES NO (--' 1 8. Is any drairuge work beingdone that affects the Rightof-Way, easements, or public property? YES NO ,J.' C---' ls a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" requred? YES NO A. Is the Right-of-Way, eaggments or public propertv to be used for staging, pdrking or fencing? YES NO -,-/- f;nrifNo. t*ttr ryg*mging orfencing planrequired by Community Development? Hyou answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2198. WERED ALL T}IE ABOVE OIJESTIONS, Comoanv Name APR-22-99 t2 =59 Pn A1'IER I CANABATEI"IENT 3A3 298 A595 STATE OF COLOI o Colorado Department of Pnrblic Health and Environment Air Pollution Control Division General Abatement Certificate This certifies that American Abatement' Inc' GAC No.8+1033340 has uet the certification requirements of 25'7'5W, C.R.S. and Air O"ltty C*trol Comnission -Regulation l\-o. 8' Part B, and is hereby authorized to perform rsbestoJ abatement activities in the state of Colorado. Date Received APR 2 2 1999 rS10n411998 Expires: 1012412001 Brcord Number: Rcgrt'cclativa AP'i-22-99 L2.4t Pn AI"IER I CANAAATEI'IENT 363 294 4595 o FACSIMII.E TIAN$I(IISIAL oqiuR $EEI o /Pluclnop t /rRnr7t ne lt/tzs tqo -hte,uooa 46nrsmil)r Llcause L L/Csfucr 'p'.g ,tlt/ 1ou harre received, AMEHICAN ABATEMENI INC, 4'340 Broadwav Denver, CO gOetSgEOg ./)(iqataBrnc LtMrq( T c/a,j PHONE: (S03) 299-gSS0 FAX: (3Os) 296-ESeo Date Received APR 22 1999 Th,\ 10: 6*ffiFF} 'AlJl{-:z2-1,9 L2212 Pr1 ttlth,}< I UftN.l! .t I Et'tbN I P.V2 v EArrW .t Extf lod^r'loht:' r'dF I |',trsr1l,fpt'a1AD Sf eue $oed4f -nlc ^bl.frrl E^rD cF TrlF 'tlfc Oc(t4p,rJl.l, oF nt6Lc€^. Iilf-Pe 6 Ar'cr A Elt{ lt FrNA, s6-5 zYAt 5TtL.C'ruEE tTAtBt4lFU-. I i I \ F lt e*il^itTED oGrTstDE wAtl [. co^fral^JEF swPlte D At/,B l:Ar.r re4TLD rN 'tlEr4JerrN6 r-ff tt[tdAY h\= llR flobth,.lfr {o4 U^lDElr FqU. eoNTAlNt\,leAlT- l^r f TA lJt,4,Ar tvL pRrSguFE Fo? PCM6/AL OF 66R WD-OA,I accq-jlta\! rLtLt{6 MAIT['$.L TUAr (LlFtrAJ *<z A!tELS1D9. -€+fi-r*i.4 48zTn MA^IOFATTR Y wivrlt. LoAD-otIT -'(g^.rrart'rcv rxrf) tAov€B (elEFae y Exrr) coHMlhl frAlR5 ate u{fT 405 +r;.l6qq4 ("ro ..ocr) ;-,r6f.9"'i, *ftC*\rv' wE/rTNlND CO^lDOt4t f{t uA15 eceived APR 2 2 ruee Virtt, f or,oprrpt: A+Ft 4n'D,a- A tl^:t-L r.,rg r.tl. r-y)r{F- frr.*rJ AMts RlcArJ ABarur-.k. r.n' , I rr4. ,4r4O gp{rlrt)\^lav D6NUCP) C-aLopaN r - soo - zse- lggL ?I:oJUct €'r.(ItFvl5(JF - FoAeVT dtR. t^jpW€.PS LzC srAYlrl4 Af LAMoFTE - "^/,5:F J*got-ggo-loog TIE F?oosr - qrh- azt^- 4t-r t APR-?2-99 12:45 Pl'l AI'IER I CANAEATET'IENT 3el5 294 4595 P-9'4t STA|E OFCOLOTGDO ldl Oaenr, Gwarnor Jrnc E, Nurron, E (Gcuuvc OtrrdOt Cbd,crted O prDlecthg tnd inpwlng he lvalh nd envtmnncrrt d tha popk ot Colondo ,|i|(tr Cherry Cree* Dr, S, Dcaver, Coftrray'e g02.f6 | 510 Phone O01) 692-2mo lc.ted in Gft:ndllc, Colorldo hep ilrlww -cd drc.Jt!ae.cD. ut L$orrio,y |nd Rrdi[.ion Scricc: DivirionEl 00 Lowry thrd. Dcrrcr CO 802:0{920 ll03) 692.1090 ASBESTOS ABATEMENT PERMIT Tt p.*it is granted subjcct to Co-lgrado Air Quality Coutrol Comnris$ior Rrgulrtioo No. 8, pan B. adopred Septembcr 19' 1996 urd cffctrive November 30. 1996, the Air Qualiry Gnrrol Act C.n i. Dtz &. t99s (25-7-t0 t atd 2S-7-5ot er s€q) ud the pruvisious on rhe rcvrtse of rhis permit. ft is only for tlc purpose of altowing esbcsroe sbsremcln. TE ORICL{.IL IrE:LIET }iu*ST IiE POSTED Or\i:iEE AI rLL flirF5. As a coutractor, you may be zubject to olltcr lice$es and pernrits, dr,aending on drc ncquireunurs of 6e coutrty ald uunicipality ir which hc work tu b€ing perfodrpd. The Colorado Depanmcnt of hblic Hcalth, Air Follutiqo eooml Division stroogly suggcsts ftat you cbcck with county rnd municipal artrhnriries in order to detcnniae rly other tocel buildiog/pennitlbg requiremenrs rhar must bc Ect. This emission permit is valid from 04lUlL999 through 0512711999 The actugl scheduled work datcs are from 0112*1799C throngh 05/03/1000 vrlv..rvg vv'e" i &oject Supervisor is RICK FREDEzuCK, Cenifrc ion No. 5Zl4l-1555 Date Received APR 2 2 1999 Project Manager: NOT APPUCABLE Pcrmit Is$cd ot Mll1ll999 Rcsord Nuxrbcr: 23137 Permit Number: 99EAI520A Amouot Paid: S2?5 Cbeck Nurubsr: 2233 Isrcd by: WTB Imtedlaely nolfi the Asbcstos Unit of prcject nodifcations by lar at 781Q278 and thc qprryriate courty halth by fe. Projca nodificationc includo c/totr6cs ia thc rcopo ol vqdq thc schcdulql rl;w* hct or timat. anl tfu pmjcd naryt8er. rlrt irl 1t,96 rl{1g' l4'| alDt lsl T(I t flrt iUGf&rE \FrJtt*ta ft I tt'ffi AMERICA,N ABATEMENT, INC. 't340 SROADWAy DENyER, CO 80216 wEsnvnrns AT vaIL, tNTr fi04 548 S IRONTAGE RI) vArL, co 81657- EAGLE CO(NTY f'. :iis: AP'e-22-99 t2244 Pn AHER ICANAEATEI'IENT 395 294 €}595 AsBEsros e.BAl rr NoTrFrcATroN and pER.\O)pIJcATroN FEE MUST ACCOMPA}TY'I[II5 FORM. INCOMPLETE APPUC{1TONS WIII. BE (PErtrit wiU br erilcd to rb{&oll! eost'|rr€r $nl."s ry*i0cd othawirc) P. A5 FORM RETUB,NED. aAr i 9e-080 PIGrsG bdicdE tlc of rcticc/permit rpp[crrioa b/(r') rhc ..l..!'.r-- tol Eclo.ry. ItlEiled 4-5-91 OJECT lfcrr &rcribc bclov ttr rort toAicrr rnd gr*rdrrr=rr bc cnpbycd'o coodttaiq rlc rbrlcucl of ulgor. I@IS. ljiad. tyt (rl ol ACBM lo !r rD'rrd (r.5- VAT. ecililg rilc. TSl. cc.) Ur orlr*r ridc of prp. ilecriq. tAeHa'lz t Dtswe OF API?C'\{. \,9oO Sa- n-. Otr DEYUaLL ACD*'-rt(^L Ceirct{CS trr?c.4 0(Altf -+O+, |,v;, r-JtgL r.'r-t f i1€ Eitt-,- f o.t1" .,.\r4r..-f 4rl f '.r.lrti\ n r-trTrJ t.Ar.q I {,6c'l|.Vtt Co NtP e-S A.r DE>cP)egD ,".J REA - g, W€ \rrLL h/4T ?lc ,aAf€ErAL W rtr{ Art€-.rrE'' w^tAP Dqcrda Ttl€ Petqt.ai- Pr?ocas5 A^JD cl6l\^t Tffii LC€ n)^Je. rrlg uNrT i5 yad^rJT. wE ^QE wreJJwF hr dhrt- ENylgfIy. $40 BTOAf,J{AYll-3 D5NVEq (:c 80216 522.41- t55.5 Cotonrto Ccn- Grt Sutc ZO Cuc 298-8:-0 *8!-1 C33j4o Caorroo GeC inrocr rlrc,J !?rLNul al.l' vllJ! uNlf # 404sFcrry rcttroo ln.|! 'vo.l w{l t kG pL.3 (€,!. 0oor. reoa. rr{t, 6ra.) 548 S ETC\TTtr FD 81557\/eli,ET]E€ cnt Po)e.- ?-'at $tErED[,n3DS @ 816]2 e1q , 925-1728 Dfj[iE-D. AP.1L3.{- E Dls?og:i sIlE 35CC S Gu'I{ Gits 3D .lmPA AO 80013.F- sur Zig Carc 303 . 797'46?3 th tus:hoL: llir Lor for CDPHE Ur Orly: l|ti' M3. Fq'd? Y Fcrrrir t: l*nrrtC o. llDr Goct & t -.d: sr.,t Drr63 - -q9 rlrorrr: !ftfl surr'ae: @$Ye- Quirhe :i&- o{ Drn olOpndoc (cirtb): O @@ dCF o, Shdc Froily Hoc? Y tcrr:rry Prcj.ct? Y l!q-t M&r8€t na.tt5 (PrC|r PntU al' .-rrv!- lcica Dq.trr Nrtlc (rac|l. ?.lr ) uiorrr tytr(r) of ACSM to tc rbrcd .1MEFl I C.!ll.|Dr| TEl,lthlTarPFr-22-(lg a2 :4 et PFI o - The Town ofVall 49760 RECEIVED FR,OM HOw PAID- cash--clcck H.5 Here is the informotion you requested. ur. 4/!4!0n, .5 |U 99 *c.10449'mr-s TOWII oF vAlL REGISTEFEO COT{TRACTTIR AIiERTCAX AB^TEHE!fT, I[C' 6340 EROADCAY DEr{\rER, co 80216 JoanXolen APFfovEo 8v Date Receiveej APR 2 z 19gs 't,Pld-22-99 L2 =47 AHER ICANABATEI'IENT 343 29e o AMERTCAN ASATEMENT, tNC. April 15, 1999 Mr. Tom Bain COIOR.ADO DEpARI1"!ENT OF HEALTH 43u0 Cherry Ureek Drlve South Denver, CO 80222-1530 STJBJECT: Pesnit Change Dear Tom: Please be advised that we haue had theaffects the Pernit as listed below: PEEMIT T NAb{E OF JOB 4340 Broadway Denver, Colorado 80216-3i03 (303) 298-8s50 (303) 298-8595 Facsimite following change in our job which 99841 518A 9eE.\1520]\ !{estwinds at Va il 548 s. Fr: crr:rt,i,r:lf Rd.tarrr, Lv trrdNGE gfork on Unit ll4o4 w111 belln on }Iorrdsv, trr.rril 19tr .lnd e:rdr,,rr v! algtrL hf ! ar .- ' - rtrJt a on Unit 11304 wiII begin on or about April 28th and end on or about April 30th, 1999. hesitate to contact me. Date Receivec, If you have anli questions, please do not Sincerely, Elaine Downeyoffice Administrat AMERICA}I ABATE!4NI,INC. APR 2 2 1999 APFi-22-99 12:48 PM AI4ER I CANABATEI,IENT 3a3 294 o P-49 IBA C INSTJRANCE & EOhIDING ASSOCIAIES OF COLOR^DO.INC. tlay l. 1998 Anerican Abatement, Inc 4340 Broadray Denvcr, C0. 80216 Re: Insurance Sunrmary Current insurdrtce coverages for /\,rnericarr Abittement are as follows: General Ljabrlity Credit General Insurance Co 5-1.98 to 5-1-00 $ . 000, 000 rI,000,000 rI. 000.000 'l,000.000| 50.000t 5.000 !!i 3PtJt3r Auto 0h io Casuolty lnsuronce 5/1/9ll to 5/1/99 Group Each Cccur/'ence 1-rmit of Lrability Pcrsonal lnjury Pro Lect. r 0n Personal In.3ury f'rotect'i on' Uninsurcd Hotor ilil. lledicn I Fayrnents Ofiod tu/toe General Agqrcgate t init - ['er project Product.s or Complcterl ()trerations Personal and Advcrtisjng InJury Each Ocr:urnence Lrnit Fire Legal I iahilrty Limjt (Any one l-jre) Hedical Expcnsc Lirnit. (Any One Pcrson) endorscd to include Ashestos and Lcad Atra l.enrent exoosrrres) f,r.,u r rj urruLr rr Ir,er ttPvtvrlrtt 3 1. 000 , 000 Stututory Mdcdr 500.000s 5.000 * Schcdu]ed and llon rely: Date Receiveci APR 2 2 1999 fta^_ 2MI E. EASTER Atr'I., STJITE ]04. LTTTLETON. CO 80122 PltoNE (301) 718-1280. FN( (r03)738 t290 APR-22-99 t2=49 Pn AI'IER I CANABATEI'IENT 395 29A es95 P. ta , A9I8P. CERTIFIC'E OF LIABI n6oucrnolson t Olooa, Ltd.Diotinctivs InJuraic€ Servic€tlO Eox 1467 Englewood eO 80150 Prlle1l C.R. Oleon Itrqrrlc. 303-?61*0085 rr'no. flgttEo llarican Abaco8ent, Inc,l3{0 Broachray D€nver CO 80216-3503 uwrNsuiFNCffi rHIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUEO AS A IIATTER OF INFORTATIOol{LY At{D COl{F€rui O R.tG}tTg t pOI THE CERnnCliE HOLOER. THI5 CERTIFICATE OOES NOTAIIEIIO, EXTET{D OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDEO BY THE POLTCIES EEISI COIPAI{Y A COI? t{Y E cortrxY COXP |3Y D _ corPlItEsAFFoRptl{ccqyER r CoLoaado CoEpensation fna, COVERAGEs t s ts ro cEFnFY nr^r Ir|E TOUqES OF lllSUR NCE LlSllD SCIOW h vE 6EEN rrsuEo ro rxE rfgUigo M EO /r8ovE FOR Tll€ poltcy tefloo llDE^lto, NOnUntStAt {xf{G lxY iEquBEIELt TERI oR cO}{DnO Of Ar{Y COIIT cT m. otxEn DOCUTEI' UnDt RE3r€cT m wH|ct{ m!qnF|cllE IAY lE lss mORIAYPEiT ll{. rHE r]{tuF ilcEIFFoRoED 8Y tl,lE FO(|C|GS o€scf,rEEo l|EnE I||IU9JECI m^LL rtE ?ERr!, lICLUSlOtlS AiJD CONDlltOarl OF tt Ol fOLlCt€s. LtIltS Sltolyfl r^y ri^vE tEEx ftEoUCED trl f toCLxr!. -._---=l--- ..Rl ?rorNs.R ,{sE | 'o,rc'*,-"'* lHiil-TrTfr'ftr,m*"1 Ln'. IIC'{ERAL LNAIUTY I COIIEACnL CE||ERAL uAoIuTY I lCt.^IrSH^DE I I occuR I offrlF! I collrMcrois mor GEXERAL IOGAEGAII 3 ffioDugrD - @rf,ot lcc I rE&tof,Al 1^lVruUiY I E Gh oCCutlENcE 3 FIEE DAIAOE (Lt on. llr,,I IED EIP lArr q|| prratl I AU'olto8rtE Lt Etuw AtYAUTO AL O{'NED AUTO! tc||tolLlo luYo3 trrtDAUtoS xorlow'r€o AlrTo9 r10 DAy NOIICE OF cl!caa^rlw lt'l.ltr rr tlt llllrlt Of lbl-tlhnrt OF SRf,MIIX{ cof,aHEo sr elt ur*ll t l toDtLY ttJuRlt Itr" p.r|orl IjlootLYtrJuRYItr |€{ld.n$I I ,ror€iw o tAcS I G^RIGE LA'UTYI ^ r ^,rrot_ AUYO o}IIY - ET ACC]OEIJT I orxEi rxrtl Aulo ottv: Erst rcoDttfT I I'OTIGATE t rlcEsl uaatr tw I t rgicrr^ Foix I orfltr rrrli ursRELlJA Fonr EACII OOCUNRE'|CC a TGGREGNE I I A mi|(ER! CtxrExs^no /rxo fltLgYEFS' L|AOIUTY Hff[ffS?.?U*' @ '*.' o;RGERS AxE I IE|CL r90?192 LO/Ot/s8 10/01/es |ff.?'ilw;. I x loEH Fl t^ct rndBcut . 500 , 000 EL dlErsE , zougt t fltt | 500,000 lL D|SEASE . E^ Et?toYt!r 500,000 olltEi lJa te Receiveci APR 2 2 1999 D€l€ ?no.l ot orEn^rol{s[oc^tro||s EHtcLC3,stEct L tfcrr!AII Operations CERNFICATE HOLOER 0000000 Alerl,can Abetenent, fnc.l3{0 Brordway D€rver CO 60216-3503 ACORD2S€ (1195) i' SANCELuT|oI{ ; . .. lrouLo AtlY oF lllc ^tovc ocgctr8Eo roucrcg 9e o^l|ceLLED rfForu r E Epnrnox DITE lxEREoF. .|trE |lrur,|G CO p tayf,tar l |l 10r orvr wr|l.fqr xrnoE rO ntE cERnF|c ?g r€LEi l|^rEo rO n{E Ltff, d&B IOltcE tilar [noBE lro ogucAm of, lt flury oF Ary f(xo upofl n : colruv. ns ec!" ';quefifrs*nrrregl /l )arrell -t -- -' . I snuval - oleon APR-22-99 t2.46 Pn AT'IER I CANABATEHENT 343 294 €}595 P.A6n:3il_;; ,[q lEse o0lll Owcnr, @wtnor Jrnc E. Nonon, Erecr4rvc Direcor krcClsd@t elcc nj nd iaptovin6 thcAcrl6 and cnvirpna v.tr at thc ps6p, ot Cobtsfo +ff.t',ta;t"ff;h8iii,rro !:99'?to'r'4 n'"rildon se'vice' Divit'n rrDnc (ror) 6ez-rooo ,lof.t?d#lbrrroLo(.tcd in Clcndrle, C0 oado l3O3) 691_1090 For the locatioo specified bclow: $'ESTwRrDs AT VAIL, t{04 54E S TTONTAGE RD YAIL, CO t1657- EAGLE COUNTY Pcrmit Issual ou: 04/13/199 Rccord Numbcr: 23135 Pcruit Numbcr: 99EAl5l8A Anount Paid: $275 frcck Nuuber:2233 fff :'*#P#,ffi:;'{#$::#,#;{f trT,fif #,rwiltffiwffif,ffitn&nhser. APR 221999 Tbta nertnir is grunrcd rubjccr to C,rlvr,lrlu Air euaiiry Col.rr ut Luulntission Reguhf.ioa No. g, pan B, adoptcd Septc.Aber19' l99t and effectivc November 30, 1996, rhc Air Qualiry conrol Act c n.!. rc82 c 1995 (2j.z-lol til E-l-501 errcg) and thc provisions on the rcverse of dris permii- It is enly for rlre purpose of allowing rsbcstos abstemEut. lboxIGf,\AL PERIOT -r!r_fst 8E posrsD oN gf!! ._T .{Ll TI!r5g. As a coutractor. ,nu nuy bc subject lo other liceuses { n".r-ua, rtcpendiag ou the rcquirenrnB of t[c cousty ardnunicipality in whicl lhe work is being pcrforrned. Thc coiomdo o.pinrci or n btic Hcalth, Air potluriou C|uuot 3::i:::l_:,:Lg.Y ._uc_qlto that yorr chcck wirh county and muuicip:rl hrhoriries ia ordcr ro dercrniDe oay othcr locntDsudrtrg/perErttilg rcquiremenrs thar must be mer. ASBESTOS ABATEMENT PERMIT This emission permit is valid from 04fi9ft999 tbroug! LiflSilggg The acoal scheduled work darcs are from 04llgll999 tlrrough 04t27lLg9f This permit hag bseu issued to: AMERTCAN A}ATEME:YI , INC. 4T4O BROADWTY DEN'rER. CO Eo2r6- Ppject Supcrvisor is RICK FREDERICK Cenificarioq No. 52241.1555 hoject Mruroger: NOT APPLICABLE Issucd by: WTB frd.\ ll,S rftr {ra I"r| d0tt lo* trq APR-22-99 t2242 Pa'll AFIER TCANABATEl'IENT rpplicdioE 393 298 €}595 (/) tlc P-a3 As-BEsros AB,n 'NT NoTrFrcATroN -d pERrp :'pLrcATroN FoR.il{FEE MUSTACCOMPANf lfiIS FORM- INCOMPLEfE APPUCATTONS WILL BE ng'rUnreO. (Pcrnit rvill h trrild to rbr1g6ctt ooltrlglor uolcss rp*ific6 otlcrnis) Plcrse bdicetc tbe typc of bo& AAI + 9F07e bclow- MaiLed 4-5-99 AI{FJCI}I ASABIBIT, trSC. C,rt Sr.{. Za? Codc ?tc'L . 5ZZ -41- t595 Colgrrdo Crrt. nunEc? #84-1033340 Cobrrdo-GAe-@r WEtri'rTiDS m \/7lll uNlT # 304 E *irt le.uoo rt!,n *td will ||lc pLc! (c.t. ooo., tfiar ri!3. &.J 548 S FFONIA(T RD Sraaat \DIL EA6,E 81557 Ciry ?ge'- Co.r.ty Q@e 8t5-,k)L Ptctt F?€iBtuctL IiASILI{CRST CCIgBfiIT{r Oir6at'r N.tr P O BOX 7?7 EIIileRDS cO 81632 970 , 926'3728 uike tbselfPrst trlllllEP ,L!SP.{{?E DI'?Og1l SIIE Gt- Ai?oPA @ 80013 <{ sr.E Ap Caitc 30-1 , 791-4683 lEr Dua\holz AMSADESICNER AND TH. Dor for gDPltE ttr Qnly: hti. Mtt ltq'{? Y l{ w hroit t: klrr*d or HD; 6oct t: lrrlr4 E-tmr.F -Nrrrr-_ Q-Er- prilrt) Tckphoa .ii;F-fi;;F; at Cotof|4o Prcr. E).|ttrcr C.fl- .un$.. -s-*TnE-n;fit sfrtlfht; -!t,?,C-'19 l!r,l:u|: L/22- e-.r?--- E!* @, '- Qw'r7*r J:.&J- .-@ .^rE rroflrbsrx Dryr ofOpcntioc (cirdc): t*stl",tt = - @@@@@* o. Squrrr f*c lAJ---- Sbjlc Frmilv tloce? v @ 5j,3r1Jno: J- Eo*PrrY Frrjcct? t @ irrrc &gn!< bctory drc rort jncriccr .r, tmc.durr 30 D. erwtoted'rr co turtll8 ti. $.t adoa.M. t!JD.c$c. Idiertc tFG(.) of ACBM t! !a abrtld .- - v ^r .-:l:-- r;l- 'Rl ,.; r tl- ,rX-. .;A. ^I r.a if ore.-r ?tr16Jg 4 Dt'cf,te oF AWR9#. 640 5G.. Fi.. ot- DelviALL 4caru5744s- C€tctrry; fG.r 11 (,.^Ji r- JC'J .{.7rLr=c Fr.t(r /'-) r..-.- t rL-rg-,'r' t-.'.z'a'F€- .J a'i-tL E'J1-. r,<-'Al\ p4. Co^t(FoLs As D€'dFIB€D ,^l FZA. O. u/g }|lLL w€7 TAe ^{AfrPrAL Wtr.l M€OED WATEA P'{RIUA lAE PEAOUAL fr.OC6:. L .at_ .\-,.- _, Ai,.rD. .:._"Udtb F€B6lVdc:^utI r -rr-l€,tr G^J-,1a.ffr-'- APR 22 1ss9 rowN oF vArlloNsrRucroN 'ERM,, An rcAroN F.RM INI'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTTD Job Address:Sor^; Plumbing( ; Elecrncal( ) Mechanical( ) Otherffi ASgs'lous L*- er*r 5 (6,,8 soa^-+^ lrco *ks " - '"""tffi , - - L u",4n"", Architect:Address:Phone# Description of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Alteration (Additional ( )Repair ( )other(c)'..-.- Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: Number and Tlpe of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Gas Logs WoodlPellet BUILDING: $5aa PLI.JMBING $MECHAMCAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor, Aa S-[L,'-f C-^,lro - Address:EJ,ur"*tLs c-o .'1'1 Q' bx t?t-B Phone# Q2o' SAa' o6 70 Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. rt Job Name: Building ( ) Legal Description: Owners Name: Town of Vail Regisuation No. VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $OTIIER: $ TOTAL $ Address: Phone # B!g.sDiss!@!s:Address: Phone #Town of Vail Resistralion No. Mechanical Contractor:Address: Phone #Town of Vail Registration No. FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: / CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: o ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WTIH T}IE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, I999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITTIT A. Unlawtrl deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawftl for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited" sand" gravel. rocks, mu4 dirt, snoq ice, or any otler debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereoi or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or qluses another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. ln the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow. ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense ofthe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: l. Within the immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main se*,er marn, electricity line, gas line. telephone line or atry appurtenance thereto. 2. To deposits ofsand dirt or materials necessary for the protection ofthe public safetv: and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of satd rnaterials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above. any person who violates or caus€s another to violate the same. may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court ofthe Town for said violatrons, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l-4-1 of this code. E. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to compiy with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l-4-I ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Readandacknowredgedby: A:k? 4-lq.€/4 ^.? Position or Relationship to Proiect: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Darc: 4- ^t-j f TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Torvn of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review of Health Departrnent review, and a revtew by the Building Departrnent, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the vanous above mentioned deparfinents with regard to necessary leview, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible' I, the undersigned. understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for' Agreedtoby: l4 k. Llasc/ L ns f Project i,rurn.,BeJifu o^t, Lt-)l-77 Work Sheet was turned into the Community Development Dept. {P "*uo'^'"* rt TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM AII CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I. I999 WHEN A..PTJBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUIRED Is this a new residence? YES No 1-'-- PLEASE ANSWERT}IE FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING TTIE NEED FOR A*PI]BLIC WAYPERMIT': L 2. 4. 5. 6. Is demolition work being perfonned that requires tlggse of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? *t tt-"t \;Try of the Right-of-wav' easements ' YES No a'-'-- Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveray being repaved? NO L,-"--' Is a different access needed to the site other than the existinq drivewav? YES NO '''"---' 8. lLTt **.*Hrk!ine -drlne that a.ffects the tught+f-Way, easements, or public property? Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES NO A. Is dre Right-of-Way, e4rlments or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES NO .'''- B. If NO to 8A, is a parking staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? YES rt} t/- If you answered YES to any of these questiong a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit'' applications may be obtained at the hrblic Work's office or at Cornmunity Developnient. Ifyou have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval frorn Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND^ANSWERED ALL TTIE ABOVE QUESTIONS. DATE: 4-)('?7 r.rt TOT{N OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970 -4',79-2L38 DEPARITI,IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON APPIJTCAI\TT CONTRACTOR OWNER NOIIE: ELEC:IRTCAL PERMTT Job Address: 548 S FRONTAGE R-D Location-..: 548 S FRO}.I:|AGE DR Parcel No. . : 210r--063 -l-2 -031 Project, No. : PIu99-0071 III{ITE RIVER EI.,E TRIC P O BOX l_r_18, AVON CO 81620 T'THITE RIVER EI.,,ECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81520 BEEDIE ITiMESTMENIS INC .JOBSITE AT A.LL TTMES PermiE #: 899-0037 WEST StaEus... : fSSIIED (a0a wEApplied.. : 04/L3/L999Issued...: 04/L3/L999 E>rpires. . : Lo/LO/L999 Phonet 970-949-L403 Phone,: 970-949-L403 5337 MAPLEWOOD PL, DOI{NERS GROVE IL 50515 DescripEion: EI-,ECTRICAL FOR II{TERIOR REMODEIJ Valuation:5, 000. 0o FEE SUI.iMARY EIectrical---> DRB Fre Invc6tigati.on> will call --- - > TOTAI, FEES-- - > Tocal, calculaLed Fe.6-- - > Additional F€6s---------> Total Pernit Fee---_---_> Palm€nta------- BAIANCE DUE-. -. 90.oo . o0 .00 3.00 93. OO 93 .00 .00 93.OO 93.O0 . o0 ITEM: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTIIENT DCPE: BUILDING DiViSiON:O4/I3/L999 iIRM ACtiON: APPR APPROVED .JR}TrEi;m:"05600 FrRE DEPARTMEI{T DepL: FrRE Division:O4/L3/L999 JRM Act,ion: APPR N/A arr rt.itiittrt***iaia*it* irrrrtti t** i a\rit***r***r*ar* r*t** **r** **a.ra**rr*r*r***ati*airi *rrr, rtrttttt**i*a.ttr*ti**t*ti i*ttlt+ti *r,*rt CONDTTION OF APPROVA]., DECI"ARATTONS I hcraby acknoxl.dgo that I have r6ad chis aplrlicaEion, f,illod out in fuLl tshe i.foruation required, couploted an acculale plot plan, and 6!aer th.ts.Il thc inforn.cion providcd as required iE correct. I agrce to cortrply rj.Ch the infoitration and plot plan' Co conply ritsh all Torn orditlenc.E rtrd sCale I.*s, and to build chiE strucgu-G aceording to ch€ To$n'6 zoning and eu.bdiwigion codce, deeign rcvicw rpproved, uniforE Building code and othar oldj.nanceE of the Toen applicabla therebo. REQUESTS FOR TNSPBCTIONS SHAIJL BE IIADE I1{ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN T.DInI{CE BY IOrW Ol rra.IL, coIJoRlDo lltic.urc gtrt@t lf|'ubE! REC-O5O' I@utrt'! Pryr.nt Xrthod. Ctr l|ot Eioo. lO{5 93.0O 04127199 L2.O5 Inl,t: .tlq P.rd.r, f,ol 899-0037 Tl'P! r B-EJIC IIICIRTCIL pERnIT P.rcrl lgo: 2101-063-12-031 git. lddr...: sag g tRo(ll(t! nD llEltt tJoc.Elonr Sag g ERO!fmGA m, (40{ tlElnrIID} ttlr P{'!.ng Iogrl lcaa : 93.00 ToErl Nir, hr! Brlat|ca a 93. OO 93.00 .oo lccoutrC Coda Dllctiption tiP 00100003111{00 &telTrcll. Ptn||IT FEEa rc 00100003112400 tftlE ce&! fltsPlcttolt lrE ler|IlE 90.00 3.00 ,.li TOIIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 97 0 -479 -2L38 Lr'ztl<t:,":^,b 4sqs Total calculaled Fee6- - - > Additional Fees- -------- > Total Permit Fee--------> Pal.nenbe------- * 3a04. o r; 2,914 .00 . oo 2,914.0o TOIAL FEBS----- Dept: BUILDING Division: PLANS TO JRM- APPROVED .fRMDept: PIJANNfNG Division: PLANS TO DOM- 04/L2/L999 irRM ***+**t*******, 1t***t'rf**t*r****t*t*tt**t*tr* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to tshis permiE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoltledge Eha! I have read this application, fj,lted out in full Lhe inforEation required, completed an accurate plot plan. and 6ta!e tshat all tshe information plovided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infofitratsion and pLo! plan, to cotPly rith aII Town ordinances and state lais, and Eo build thi6 strucEure according !o the Torrn's zoning and eubdivieion code6, degign review approwed, Uniform Buj.lding Code and other ordinances of the Tow:rl applicable thereto. RBQUESIS FOR INSPEerIONS SHAITL BE l,lADE TWENTY-FOIJR HoURS fN AD\IANCE BY TELtsPHONE AT 479-213e OR AT OUR OFFTCE FROM 8:00 Al't 5:00 pM DEPARTIqENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT Permit # P O BOX 4030, VArL CO 81658 WESTWINDS CONDO ASSOCATION 1-425 IJONGS PEAK DR, FORT COLLINS CO. 80524 ADD/ALT EOMM BUILD PERMT iIOb AddrCSS: 548 S FRONTAGE RD WESTLocaEion...: 548 S FRONIAGE RD WEST Parcel No.. : 2101-063-12-000 Project' No. : PRiI97-0109 staEus...: rssIJEDApplied..: O4/t2/L999Issued...: 04/2!/L999 E:qrires. . : LO/L8/t999 Phone: 970-949-1800 Phone: 970-949-1-800 Phone: 97O-482-6832 TOViComm. Dev. APPLICANT BEEK & ASSOCIATES, INC P O BOX 4030, VArL CO 81558 CONTRACTOR BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC OWNER Descriptsion: REGRADING LOT TO 1 Occupancy: R1 Multi-Famj-ly T)4ge Construction3 V 1-HR Tytrre V 1-Hour T\pe Occupancy: valuation: 250,000 Fir€plac€ InforEaCion: Rsabrictcd:*of Oas Appliance8: Building- --- -> Plan Check- - - > InveafigaCi.on> wi]I calL----> 1, 340 .00 971. O0 . o0 3.00 ILem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEIiITO4/L2/L999 iIRM Action: NOTEO4/L5/L999 iIRM Action: APPRIECM: O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTMENTo4/L2/L999 JRM Actsion: NOTEO4/L3/L999 DOMINIC ACTiON: APPRITCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Reetuarant Plan Revie$- - > DRB Fee-------- Recreation Fee--- -------> Cllan-ltp D€poElt.- - - -- - -- > . oo 200 .00 . o0 500.00 o4/1,5/L999 JRM Acrion: APPR N/AIECM: O55OO PI]BLIC WORKS ACTiON: APPR N/AORKS Dent: PUB WORKAcEion: NOTE PI,,ANS TO GREG/T-,NONANP Dept: FIRE Di-vision: Di-vision: 899 - 0053 approved amount date Add Sq Ft: *of ca6 Loge; FBE SUMUARY tal11 #of wood/Pal Iets: Sctd Cl..n-Up Deporit To: BECR AllD AISOC O sroNATnRE "" t" oR coNtRAsroR FoR HrMsEr,F AND ovrNER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 899-0053 as of 05/a7/99 StaEus: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit \pe: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: 04/L2/L999ApplicanL: BECK 6. ASSOCIATES, INC Issued: O4/2L/L999 970-949-l-800 To E>cpire: Lo/t8/L999 Job Address: LOCAEiON: 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST Parcel No: 2L0l_-063-12-000 DescripEion: REGRADING LOT TO 1 IJEVEIJ,HEATED EI{:TRY,EXTERTOR I.'IG Condit.ions:1. FIRE DEPART!,IEI T APPROVAT IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHBCK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.3. PUBLIC WORKS ISSI'ES MUIST BE RESOLVED PRIOR TO A FINAL INSPECTION. TRAFFIC COIITROL PLAN IS REQUIRED DI'RING PAVING OPERATIONS. UV **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Reprinted. 05/25/99 09:06 SEatsemnt, **********************************!t***************************** Statselttrrt Number: REC-0501 funount:2,9L4.00 04/12/99 08:48Init: iIRMPalment, MeEhod: CK Notation: 2,9L4.00b **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: L,OCatiOn: This Payment Accounts Code BP 00100003111100 DR 00100003112200 PF 00100003112300 AD D2-DEPO8 wc 001000031L2800 Descript,ion BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHEEK FEBS CLEANTIP DEPOSITS WII-,IJ CALL INSPECTION FEE 899-0053 $pe: A-COMM ADD/AIT COMM BUILD P 2101-053 -12 -000 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST 548 S FRONTAGE RD T,|IEST Total Fees: 2 ,9L4 . OO Total ALt Prnt,s : Balance: Amount 1, 340 . 00 200.00 871.00 s00. 00 3.00 ,' '!.l,rll ) Joo 4 2 ?/('@r6- ctu Tom of tailREPRIXT+lr UfiTltfR REI]TIPI }lr IHTE: 4/l{/99 8l RECEIPT: ffi906 Il€scRlpTItil c0ilsTnETltt{ FCn tEo( I ffif,clu cru lisF€c EE0( I ffif, U}€TIIEIIIil PEREXTffif, lf,sls{ nE0IEl FE BSil I ffir PtH Ofil FEE Ett{ I ffi{f,t4re r#5 OTY Hil{I IDr fs.m |Gp I f.m {t t f134e.m rF I Efi.m |0n I $Tl.m rpF DESCRIPTIIilnn cfl.I tf6ftcffir{ I ASSm 899-Glt TBII)ER DFTNILo( 858 lf,lE: t/l{/9!l If,Ifl- OTTXTIXI IEIIEREII HIl{Tfi.m t3.m TIE: l5:53:P7 |3.m '3.m OTY I n tt( o( IX o( o( Torn of tailREPRII{I_ *}r OFilFn flEGIPT +rr 0fl1E! 4/l{/9:t Ct f,EtEIFT: 02933 IP fT{f, o( I f5fr.n rfl) a0{: 880 EtX t nssf, ESI$:S.BSH63 lultEt EInIL'o( st8 |3ml.fr DfllE: 4/l{/Sl llf,: 15:54:$ T0Tfl- trcH{ f3m.t HU{I TB{ENED |3MI.H rur|( YU FON ilM MYE}TT! IISI{ Y{I' FOR Y{IJR PRYEITI IOWN OF VAIL Id: ICTP135D Kcyrord: oACT!{ Userr KATHY Acgivlty llainCcnance - fec ItlB Su@ary. calculleed Faea: Addillonal FeeB r Tocal Pc.!: 2, 9la . oo .00 2.914.0O os/11/99 -20. 00! Pcrlit l|o: Bt9-0O53 gtatu6 ! IggttED lppLic.nt: BBCK & AssocIATEs, I!,c Addra66: 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST u ! It.n D.ccript.ion Palments6 BalanccE It ! ll ! ! OO1O BUIIJDIIC PBRI|IT PEES OOTO DEETq{ REVIE9I FEES OOSO PIJA}I CHBCK FEES OI3O CI,EI}|UP DEPOSTTS O14O RECREATIODT FEES O15O WIT]I, CI,LI, INSPECTION FEE 0160 R.EIITAUNNfT PIJTII REVIAW 12IO INVBgTI OATION PEB (BI,DG) 1,3{0.OO 200.00 ' 971.00 500.00 3.00 1.340.00 220 .00 471.00 500. 00 3.00 -20.00u ! u u q It g aattttaa€gsaaaatagg€esaaaaaaae6aa6aa6aaa€esaaat66e€se6gaa€6E6aega6taga€€reaaaaaa Bgc.lfeu Optlon 2 , 914. O0! TOIIN OF VAIIJ Id! AetP135 Keyeord ! aAeIM Acclvlty Ualnlcnancc - Pce sumery. U6.rr alRll Applicrnc: BECK e xFocr.aTBs, rNc lddr.6.: sag It PROIITAGE RD rEAT 05/2L/ ee PGruir No: B99-00S3 !'Eat'u!: IggUED t: CalcuLte.d F!rs: u AddLElon I 8c.!: n ToEal !r!B: 2, 91{. O0 .00 2, 9r.{ . 00 lotaL Fcc6 | Pa)rrnanla : Balancr: 2.914.00! 2,934. OOE -20.00q iaatttaaSaataaaaaataataaaaaattagt6Saatataatataetataa!6€eeeataattaatataaaaattaltr aaaaaaaaa6a6aaaaaaalalaataaaaaSeEaaaaaataaaataaaaaaae6666aaaaaaaaatalaatatttgatc u BrE.r.d Tiu tYp. ll€Ehod lloun! PoBtad lfoEaEion Raccipt s c 04/12/99 0g:49 PayDGnc CK a ol/13/99 og:46 Pi!4!.nL cK n rr* End of lrilc r** q ll q q q 2tgLa.OO O4/r2/99 ASe 20.OO 04/rr / 99 REC- 0501s ! tI u ttatlaaa6tSaaataaaaalaaaaaataaSg6taaaaaatattaaatttaaa6e€saalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa666ea BsC=Exir /s" F.\) t|\Tt, O Ro- tAs:,'c. 1X +I cio.t- t3rtc. /t %p -G J,,-1a-e 8-8 v?-rt <( rn'(p e$ - oo37 tii -:::&ed,e = : 13": t( 6v 5 b"2 Ett - bq1' Pr;qt - oo 3t- pa9J ODL.l )7309 2q4 * lsdD 1,J o,rtw '"rO - L6't- TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGB ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 9"lo-479-2138 APPLIEAITT CONTRA TOR OWNER Electrical---> DRB Pe. Inv.atigaLi,on> flill call- --- > TC}TAL FSES-. - > DBPARI'IIIEIIT OF COMMT'NITY DBVEI,OPMENT NCIfE: TI{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON EI,ECTRICAL PERMIT .JOb AddrESS: 548 S FRONIAGE RD WEST I.,OCAEiON. ..: 548 S FRONIAGE RD WEST Parcel No.. : 2101-053-12-000 Project, No. : PRJ9?-0109 VIHITE RIVBR EIEqTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON eO 8t620 WHITE RIVER EI.,E TRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 8L620 WESTWINDS CONDO ASSOCATION 1425 LONGS PEAK DR, FORT COLLINS CO. 80524 Valuat,ion3 iIOBSITE AT ALL rIMES PermiE #: 899-0035 SEAEUE...: ISSUED Applied..: 04/L2/L999 Issued...: 04/L2/L999 Expires..: LO/09/L999 Phone z 970-949-L403 Phone t 970-949-L403 Phone z 9"70-482-6832 15,000 .00Description: PARKING L,OT EXTERIOR LIGHTING tttrra*ir*rr*tit,rr*t**rr.r.rr*rrirtrrrir.itrr pEE st lolARy it'rttrt*tta.rat**tr trrtttr rta*l rrt *ii*t*ti ttat*f Tocal calculatad Fee6---> 273.oo270 .OO .00 273 .00 .00 2?3 .00 Addirional Fee6---------> ToEal Pcruit F6c--------> PrlmcnE6----- --- 213.oo BAI,ANCE DUB--..- .OO ***?*t**rt*t*itrarrr**r{*rrl*tt***rr**trt**a*r**atr**r}iar*}i*i+t.rtittrt**rat*,r*t*r*****trritrt*rtt**1tt*****t**t'}**'tt*t**t*}Jt*r**t ITCM: O6OOO ELEETRICAT DEPARII{ENT DEPE: BUILDING DiViSiON:O4/L2/L999 iTRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED .JRITItemi'.056q0 FIRE DEPARII,IENT Dept: FIRE Division:04/L2/L999 iIRM Actsion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI.. ,rr.trri**itrtta r*r+ir+t DBCI.ARATIONS I hercby acknoplcdgc that I hav. rord ghls .ppllcation, fillGd oug in full che inf,ornation !.cqulrcd, complcted an accurac6 Plot plan. Bnd statc lhaE all Ehe {nfonnrtion provided aa requl,rcd ia corrrct. I agrec !o conply rith bhe infornabion and plots plan, co cotlp1y irlth all Totn ordLnrncas rnd statc la!.e, ana Eo bulId chl6 ctruclure accordlng to lhe To$nr5 tooing and EubdiviBion cod66, d.slgn r.nlcy aplEov.d, ttnlf,om Bulldlng Codc |nd oth6r ordlnance. of cha Toirn rppllceblc Ehcr.tso. RBQI'ESIS FOR INSPBCTTONS SHAtJtr BB UADB TllEltTY-FOt R HOURS IN ADVANCB BY fE TEPHONE AT 479-21!8 OR AT OUR OFFICE I'ROM 8:00 Al| 5:00 Pt{ SI@{ATURE OF OVINBR OR CONIRACTOR FOR HIUSELF AND OI{NER / ttv **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COTORADO Reprintedt 05/25/99 09:05 Statemxt**************************************************************** StsaLemnt Nuilber: REC-0523 Amount: rz---\ 183.00 O5/2L/99 L4:22 Palrment Method: CK Notationf L3LO ) IniE: iIRl4 Permit. No: Parcel No: Sit,e Address: LOcaEion: This Palment. 899- 0036 2L0L-063-L2 00 : B-ELEC ELE TRICAL PERMIT *********************** Account, Code EP 00r_00003111400 vic 00100003112800 183 . 00 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CAIJIJ INSPECTION FEE WEST WESTTotal Fees:Total AI-,L Pmts: Balance: * * * ** * * * * * * * * * ** * * * *** * * * * *** *,t_t** * * Amount 548 S 548 S RD RD 273.00 273.00 .00 ) *) "n''t0 Z-/'3, o o 00 I X 4 oc) lrJ,^ tc +b ' c[- f,,r * lt,- a li,i {43 oo'/9 a9t( Torn of l,ai IREPRINT+r* g.BTffif, RICEIPI T** IIflTE: 5/?5/99 01 RECEIPT: ffi9391 fiw lqo +n )?ee a,-t Iz,{x aF" $g* e& IIESCRIPTI{X ff]ffiIft.ETII}I PER BE0( t ff${f, HLt Cfl.r lf#fEc 8Eg( t ns$f, ESH036 IB{IER IETAIL DATI: 5/?5/$l T0Ifl_ ttrf.0{ SIIIilT TA{DEffiD gTY ffiil{T TPI il80.m IEp I t3.m {f, il&l.m TIE: l6:f6:4J f183.00 il83.St TX lJ\ TX t6g@ /|'Jt 70@ BdL y1f ilNil( YITJ FllR YITJR TIAYEIIT! $.JL ck- l3lo TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 o?oortrrr oF coMMurrt, orurFnMENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M99-0060 fob Address: 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Status . . . : FINAL Location.....: 548 S. Frontage Rd, Westwind Condo's Applied . . : 06/1.6/1999 Parcel No...: 210106312000 Issued . . : 06/17/1999 Project No : Expires . .: 12/14/1999 APPLICAI{m GUARiANTEED PLITMBING & HEATIN06 /L6/t999 Phone: 845-6300 P O BOX 4210 AVON, CO 8162 0 License: ]-'16-P Also is CONIRACTOR CONTRACTOR GUARANTEED PI-,T]MBING & HEATINO6 /t6/L999 PhONC: 845-6300 P O BOX 4210 AVON, CO 8162 0 License: 776-P Also is Applicant OWNER WESTWINDS CONDO ASSOCATION O6/t6/L999 Phone: 970-482-6832 1425 I-,ONGS PEAK DR FORT COLLINS CO. 80524 IriCense : Desciption: Snowmelt system to tie into existing boiler Valuation: $8,000.00 Fireplace Infornntion: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances; 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: Mechanical-> $160.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> PIan Check--> lnvestigation-> will ca[-> $4 o . oo DRB Fee----:------> S0 . 00 Additional Fees-------> $ 0 - 00 $0 . oo TOTAL FEES-------------> $203 . 0o Total Permit Fee-----> $203 . 00 Payments----------1 S203.00 BALANCE DUE____> g0 . 00 90.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $203 .00 $3-00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEM| o6/L6/!999 KATHY Action: NOTE Routed Lo irR O6/L7/L999 JF-M ACtiON: APPR APPROVED 'TRMItem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT o6/a7/L999 JF-V| Acrion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAIiICE. Cond: 22 (BIDG.): COMBUSTTONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 IJMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): rNSTAtr,ATroN MUsr t"o* To MANUFACTTTREs ,"rr*uto"" Al{D ro cHAprER 10 OF THE 1997 T]MC, CHAPTER ]-O OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPIJIAI\TCES SHAIJL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 T]MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENI MUST COMPI-,Y WITH CIIAPTER 3 AND S8C.L017 OF THE 1997 T]MC AND CITAPTER 3 OF T]]E 1.997 II4C. Cond: 31 (BI-,DG.): BOIL,ERS SHAIJIJ BE MOIINIED ON FI-,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. IINLTESS LISTED FOR MOI]MTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BI-,DG.): PERMIT,PLANS AIID CODE AIIAIYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAINAGE OF MECIIANTCAL ROOMS CONIAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOII-,ERS STIATJL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 1004.6 0F THE L997 TytC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zonin6 and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOL'RS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTORFOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI ******+******,t**1.****************************************************1r**'t:l*:**{.t *,}* 't.i * *,t'i'l'}** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Rcprlnted on 01{l?-110t d,l2:.3*17 0110712003 Statement ,l'*{'* ***** ** * * * +{' * * * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * 't * * +* {r * * *+t* **** *'N.+***1. *** * * ** * * * ** * * * * * '* rl' * * * Statements Nuiber: REC-0532 Amount: $203.00 06/17/199902:3L PM Palment Method: CK Init : iIN Notation: 3 534 Permit No: M99-0050 Type: II{ECIIA}iIICAL PERMIT Parcel IiIo : 2101063 L2 0 0 0 Site Address: 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: 548 S. Frontage Rd, Westvrind Condo's Total Fees: 5203.00 This Payment: $203.00 Total AJ-,L Pmts: 9203.00 Balance: 90.00*t*tf* ****** ** * * + * '* * t 'l * * * 't * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,' * {r * * * {' ** *+* * * *****+*** ************'l' +++'}***+f ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts I4P OO1OOOO31113OO MECHAN]CAL PERI4IT FEES 160.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHTCK FEES 40.00 t^JC OO1OOOO3112BOO WILL CALL INSPECT]ON FEE 3.OO o **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Reprint,ed, 05/25/99 09:07 Statemnt**************************************************************** StatemnE Number: REC-0506 Amount: ,r--Ns.OO O4/2L/99 1,4:53 __:iry:i:_Y::Tl:_:I_____y:i:i:i:_:itW ____til!:_ll__ Permit No: PW99-0027 $pe: PUBWAY PtBtIC WAY PERMITParcel No: 2101-053-12-000 SiIC AddrCSS: 548 S FROI.ITAGE RD WEST I,OCATiON: 548 SOUTII FROD{TAGE RD WEST Total Fees: 75.00This Payment 75.00 .00 75.00 Tot,al ALL Pmt,s: Balance:**************************************************************** Account Code Descript,ion Amount. 75 .00sT 00100003112100 PTBLIC WAY FEBS d'y'."1o TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 LJe-t{tl':'v\ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PeTmit #: 896_0344 Job AddressLocation... Parcel No..Project No. 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST WESTWINDS CONDOMINUIMS 2101-063-12-000 PRJg 6-0191 Status. . . AppJ-ied. . Issued. . . Expires. . I SSUED 17 /07 / ree 6n/0\ /ree6 o4 /30 / LseT APPLICANT HASELHORST CARPENTRY & REMODEL 141 phone: P O BOX 912, AVON, CO 81620 f,-yfut+ ? CONTRACTOR HASELHORST CARPENTRY & REMODEL cT,..,.TIJ Phone:p O BOX 912/ AVON, CO 81620 -*-- f,r|LOWNER WESTWINDS CONDO ASSOCATION Phone:1425 LONGS PEAK DR, FORT COLLINS CO, 80524 3039263728 30392637 28 97 0-482-6832 Description: SIDING PAINTING ETC,ASSOCIATED WITH GAS LINE RUN Occupancy: Rl Multi-FamiJ-yType Construction: V 1-HR Type V 1-Hour Type Occupancy: Valuation: 6, 000 Add F i reptace lnformation: Restricted:dof Gas App Ii ances: TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up DePosit Refund iLz-approved amount sq Ft,date fof Gas Logs:fof l,,ood/Pa L Let: ***********************t*********i******t***********it***** FEE SUltt4ARy ***********r************i********************************* Bui Ld i ng-----> P tan Check---> lnvestigation>iLt CaLl,----> 105.00 68.25 .00 3 .00 Restuarant P lan Revi ew--> DRB Fee-------- Recreat'ion Fee----------> Clean-Up Deposit--------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments ?76 .25 .00 ?76.25> 276.25 .00 Totat catculated Fees--->.00 Addi t ionaI Fees---------> .00 100.00 **r**i*****i************,r**************ll]11*liii;;;;;;;;;;;iiii**********ili;li******lllllll?li;;;;;;;iii*i*i************il?*** rtqm: .05100 BUTLDTNG DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:4/0I/!996 - CHARLTE acEion: AppR cHARlre oaVrs - - It.em:' O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT -oept: PLANNING Division:fi/0I/1996 CHARLIE AaEiont EFFn H/eItbm:'05600_FIRE DEPARTMENT '. Dept: FIRE Division:\\/o!/Le_e_Q^cIABI_,IE Acaion; AppR N/A Iqery' i'.05sq0 _pggl-,Ic wonrS - ___ :_,,_ Depr: puB WoRK Division:LI/0I/t996 CHARLTE ectionr AppR N/A **t********ti*****************************1*******************************************************************ff***************** see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS r hereby acknovtedge that r have read.this appLication, fiLted out in futi the intormation required, compteted an accurate ptotptan/ and state that atI the information provided as required.i.s correct. I agree to compLy with the infofnation and ptot ptan/to compty tJith aLt Town ofdinances,and state [ars, and io buitd this structure according to'tt" io"n;. .oiiig "na subd,ivisioncodes, design reviev approved, uniform Bu'iLding code and other ordinances of the Town appl.icabl,e thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TI'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE 8Y Send Ctcan-Up Deposit To: HASELHoRST CARPENTRY E FRol'l 8:00 Al'1 OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIT,ISELF ANO OI,INER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 896-0344 as of IL/OL/96 .Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** PETMiI.TYPE: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT APPIiEdI LL/OI/7996Applicant: HASETHORST CARPENTRY & REMoDEL risued. IT,/0T,/19963039263728 To Expire| O4/30/rss7 Job Address:Location: WESTWINDS CONDOMINUIMSParcel No: 2101-063-12-000 Description: SIDING PAINTING ETC,ASSOCIATED WITH GAS LINE RUN Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS/CETLINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. ALL WORK MUST MATCH EXISTING CONDITIONS **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0226 Amountz 276.25 fI/0I/96 09:10Payment Method: CK Notati_onz #7084 Init: CD 27 6 .25 ***********************************************ik**************** Permit No: ParceL No rSite Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4131001 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 4L336 896-0344 Type: A-MF 2101-063-12-000 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST WESTWINDS CONDOMINUIMS ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER 27 6.25 z I o , 25 .00 Amount, L0s.00 68.25 100.00 3.00 Total Fees:Total ALL Pmt.s: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PIJAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILI CALL INSPECTION FEE 'HouODJ9 j o2.oo(J tr-z 'lDdoFU FH HctoERE&()c| o o EI A4 6r I A aE FI gl clE:r AE(., o fi ll o coA nl(, ot Nki ood.c a, IDUor ts!l 9, atEo tAF roo E?3 ElOE ITor ct roODo 38 g Ol.zzoE!iOE-x4 EEH!tA F. Ei,zED E9q|{ 4 EE.D A9Hitq|I E FHHZ 8B Er Etr ttI EH E EEF ?. zoHH HE&to ZA eEEIEE HE E 68 F'q tJ Fl. t&o EE ozD FIE E{ q|o Ec| T @9 gor> Etrr.u401&a0gHO tcEoAAl. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL/ co 81657 910- 419 -2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS I TE PermitPLUMBING PERMIT AT 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST SLatus.. "WESTWIND CONDOS appli-ed. .2101-063-12-000 Issued. . .PRJ96-0191 Exoires.. Phone l 71948 #: ALL TIMES P96-0187 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. I SSUED7r/0r/ree6 1.r /oL / 7ee 6 o4 /30 / Lee7 61012 1425 LONGS PEAK DR, FORT COLLTNS CO. 80524 Description: RUN GAS MAIN FOR FIREPLACE CONVERSValuation:40, 000 . 00 **************t********************t*********************1* FEE SUt4t4ARy ************r********************************************* APPLICANT MOUNT MASSIVE PLUMBING & HEATI P.O BOX 702, MTNTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR MOUNT MASSIVE PLUMBING & HEATI P.O BOX 702, MINTURN CO 81645OWNER WESTWINDS CONDO ASSOCATION Phone z '1 194861072 Phone: 9'70-482-6832 TotaI Ca tcu Iated tees--->753.00 Totat Permi t Fee-------->.00 P Lumb i ng-----> Ptan Check---) lnvestigation> tli L l ca l. l.----> Restuarant Ptan Rev i ey--> TOTAL FEES_---- 600.o0 150.00 .00 3. O0 .00 755.00 AdditionaI tees---------> -753.00 Payment s------- **********************i*i**********r***************************************************llllliS-3li;;;;;;;iiiiiii************il?*** Itqm: .051Q0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:L)/,9\/,\296- qHARLrE ecEion: Appn cqnnlrE DAVrS -- II'/OI'/1996 CHARLIE Actionr AppR N/AItelni'.056q0 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:LL/07/1996 CHARLTE Aciion: AppR N/A ************t******t*************************************************i************************************************************ CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. THrS pERMrr IS GOOD FOR GAS MArN AND STUBS ON!' , SEPARAC-E---PERMITS ARE REQ'D TO INSTALL FIREPALCE INSERT; ***********************t****t***************************************i************************************************************* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication. lil,Led out in fuLl the information required, compLeted an accurate ptotptan. and state that atI the information provided as required is correct. I €gree to compl.y trith the inJorrnation and pLot pLan,to compty with aLt Toen ordinances and state [aus, and to buil.d this structure according i;the Torrn's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review aPProved, Uniform EuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Town aoo(icabte thereto. REOUESTS TOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TlIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE A14 479-2138 PER}IIT II.....r.....r-.r. , 'APPLICATfoN MUST BE FILLED OUT COI'IPLETEITY OR IT l.tAY NoT BE ACCEpTED Ir******** ************* * ** *** * * PERllrt' INToRMATTON *****************************,tl [{4ui1din9 [lr-Ptunbing [ ]-Electricat [4Fdechanibal I J-other Job Narne: /,/J Job Address: {f I Sou.l_bl*-,.f2 Legal Description:Lot Owners Name: Architect: )'rtfilinS - suBDrvrsroN, Ph. ceneral Description: Work Class: [ ]-New [ -]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: ry*b"t and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances _ Gas Logs_ wood/pellet_ )f******* *****rbxr*!r*r,,r!*!r******* uiih?Ko" g4'*******************************tl oW8-dW******* Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Re-g. No.l,71-t3 Phone Nunber I /i' Qa (' >-.llT Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: ilr*::?FgE#:e Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLUT.'BING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMTT FEE: EI,ECTRICAL FEB: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vai.I Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg.NO. FOR OFFTCE USE *+. *** ****** ** *********** ** ***** BUTI.,DTNG PIAN CHECK FEE:PLWBING PIAN CIIECK FEE:}IECHANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERI.IIT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATITRE: e5e-l hoa5f Cq"fPeq btx44 7 ? J cuo,.t)S (A CT.EAN I'P DEPOSIT REPTIf,D TO: ,lt 6 s-t EL"DON F. GHENT rftzo+g 2_t', -.:r :7:i17 N0.001 P .01 WBET$IND AT VAIIJ' i APPIJICATION nOR ttMODnr''IHO (APPRoVED'lDiIIJ 1, 1 996) lLAltr OR FAX TI{IS AFP&ICATION,T9! DAIF BIIBMItTED: -LL NAt'fU 0l' APFIICANTi HOI{S PHONE NUMEER NATURE OF IMPROVEMENT'$ ! BIECFRICA!r EF'EC1rID! i Ntt{l oF ADDNBES ' RECEIVED DII PRO.'ECT TNSPECTED BYi 0ha{ -' gos - tta'/ 'i'{t4 6t() it -'"9rLvllrr NuMBERtt-fi."-t-l t+'tsl*tln il I \" l'):i :{ t', r:L {lro€;.ra rui'{ r BB ETC, ) l.'.^ g ANI) lr T'T- -iixerT t t-Tjtt Al''t' I Mr'l { ('\t }rMlINF s ilrusr DE ATTACHED TO THE AppIJrcAt,IoN TO sHorrt LocAf ir (it\,(i AND DIITENSIONS. )r#Dlp (jl'tNligP.INP_ l{ir;!if, gQlf-e AOREEMENT: I UNDERST'AND fI'HAT AI,L REMODEL PRqJESTS MUST BT; I.\I'I}ROVEI) BY THE BOARD OT DIRECTORS. PRO.]ECTS MAY NOT START UNT1]. /TJ.'I.}.]}(iI,III] gCHEDUI.,ED CIJOSE OF SKI SEASON AND MUS'I' BE COMPLDTED AJ i,I'iI''ST ] O DAyg pRIoR ro THANKSGIVING. I AGREE TO OETAIN ANy litl:rcrrr,,i,iAl{y BUIITDINO PERMITS FROM TH!; I'OWN OF VAIIr AND $!tti!lJY-l coPY ('li ftl)cH I'o rnu? btr.rDrlsrhv $^|\'nnEE| ,r rrri'lHnH adlRbu THA'! NO COMMON ll],,),;l4Ji l.l I'S OF'nur pRopnRTy r,l^NAoER r rudrnnn AoRsb THA'! N0 coMMoN lrl,,)';l4Jil'll's oF'' - --L --TllE IUIITDINC t,lll].t BE ETFECTED OTIIER unruOld-152{- srcneruRE:Z *** ** * * *** * *rf * * * *** r * * !t x t( * t x il( t t(*lt x lt * DATE !_-.. lCrpp*outo -_DISAPPRoVED 'DAIE i 7 HEASTNO SyptpM ,^*t!**** CO{PIJETBD 9ROJECT INSPACTED ' l(j l.i.'g8 t.l8:tll Fr\I L ?UB.(ll]r.t ltJgl .I F BEEIIIE .v 0 rtrtr J,rvrs Blr-ctlr tjJT MAI'LF\TOOIr P r-\CE i,{)!'}il-l() CRC.' t!' ::l li':i)lS ('O)li /6/ t z/q kt vl t"Fl . Al' ', LL--tf 66-tt-, Ll L/a o-+ Th e U-, 2-4)L1+l_,<.7 4a* "- J "-{ C t nt ---h-^ -rtzz-z-z-7-t=-"; o-t--t o rt.2.( / lc/?6 , & P->->--/ n V 4-=r,-e-<:) &-",-'L)-a TOI.IN OF VAII-, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 GJ<-!tL,\! r'd- DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/AIJT SFR BUII'D PERMIT PermiE #: 897-0336 JOb AddrESS: 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST I.OCALiON. . . : WESTWIND CONDOS Parcel No. .: 2101-063-12-000 Project No. : PRif97-0L79 Status...: ISSUEDApp1ied..: 09/22/1997Issued...: L0/20/L997 Extrrires. . : 04/LB/1-998 Phone1. 3039263728 Phone: 3039263728 OWNER WESTWINDS CONDO ASSOCATION 1425 LONGS PEAK DR, FORT COI,LINS Description: REMODEL OF HALLS Phonez 970-482-6832co. soszT0VlComm. Dev. APPLICANT CONTRAETOR Occupancy: R3 Tl4ge Construction: V 1 HR Valuation:r-8,500 Fircplacc tnformationr R.st.ricEcd: HASELHORST CARPETiTTRY & REMODENT, .P o Box 912, AvoN, co BL62o &orrf 11 rI{ASELHORST CARPEI.TTRY & REMODEIJ LAgj&-1 P O BOX 912, AVON, CO 8L620 TbtL Single Family Not. in table ! Add Sq Ft: #of oa8 Appllanc66: approved -4-e- Residence€lmOUnt date {of Gas Lo96: 235 . OO 152.7S .oo .00 50.00 .00 100 , o0 5{0 , ?5 Rsstuarant Plan Rcview-- > DRB FaG--------- RccrcaEion Pcc- -- ------- > clcsn-Up D.porlt--------> TocaL calculabcd Fcc6- - - > Additl.onal F6c5------- --> Totsal PcrmiE F66--------> Pa)4nGnb6-------- 5{0. ?5 .00 5{0.75 5{0,75 BAIANCE DUE.--- .OO IIEM: .O54OO PIJANNING DEPART1VIENT 99/25/\22?-CqABI-,IE Act,ionr APPR N,/AILCM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTT\'IEIiI'TLo/20/L22?-cEtAJLLIE Action: APPR N/AIEem: .05500 PIIBLIC WORKSLO/20/1,997 CIARLIE AcEion: AppR N/A Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept, : FIRE Divj-s j-on: Depts: PUB WORK Division: coDplolad.n informatslon I h.rcby .cknowledgc thal I havc rcad thi6 rpplic.tion, fi116d out in full thc infornatj.on rcquired,plan, end 6!ate chat. a1l €hc inforeation providsd ae rcquircd ie cotlccb. t aglcs co cortrply rihh lhe to cotnply niEh a1l Toun ordinancc6 and statr 1an6. and co build Ehi6 BlrucEurc according to thc Torn' codc6, dedign r.vie!, approvod, Uniforo Building Code and othcr ordinancrs of bho Tovn appliceblo BE UADE TIdEMTY.FOUR HOTJRS IN ADVANCE BY zoning and accuratc pLoC elrd plog pl..n. subdivision Clean-up Deposit Refund $Of Hood/Pallcl.: FEE gUI.,IMARY Building-----> PIan check- - - > Inv6Btsigacion> WilI call-- --> ITCM: .05]-OO BUILDING DEPARIT'IENT DEPI: BUILDING DiViSJ-ON:09/.26/.L997 CIiARITIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO ARt'LO/20/A997 CHARLIE AcLion: APPR FOR ART H See Page 2 of E,his Documen! for any condiE,ions that may apply t.o this permit. DECI,ARATIONS 3.nd Cl..n-gp lr.t orlE lo: HTAEI,|ioRST CIRPEItIRY SIoIBTI'RE OF CONTRASTIR FOR AND OWNSR Page 2******************************************************************************** COI{DITIONSPermit #: 897-0336 as of L0/20/97 Status---: ISSIIED******************************************************************************** Permit, 1\pe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied--: O9/22/1-997Applicants--: HASELHORST CARPENTRY & REMODEIJ Issued---: LO/20/L9973039253728 To E>rpire:. O4/L8/L998 Job Address: 548 s FROIiIIAGE RD WEST I.,OCATiON--- : WESTWIND CONDOS Parcel No--: 2101-063-12-000 Description: REMODET OF IIALLS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COndit,iOns * * * * * * * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** 1. FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE., 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUTRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.l2]-O OF THE 1991 IJBC.3. MAKE NOTE OF EORRESTIONS MADE TO FIELD PI,ANS ******:r********************************************************* TOI,{N OF VArr,, COLORADO StaEemnt**************************************************************** stsat.emnt Number: REC-0347 ArnounE,: Pa)rments Met,hod: CIIECK NotsaEion: #7409 540.75 L0/20/97 13:01Init: LRD Permits No: 897-0336 \pe: A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUrLD PE Parcel No: 2L01-063-12-000 SiE.e Address: 548 S FROTiITAGE RD WEST LOCAtsiONI WESTWIND CONDOS This Payment, ToEal Fees: 540.75 Tot,al AI,L Pmt,s: Balance: 540.75 540.75 .00**************************************************************** Account Code Descript,ion BP OO10OO031111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES DR OO].OOO031122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CHECK FEES D1 00100002403r-00 eLEANtPDEPOSTTS WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CAI,L INSPECTION FEE AmounE 235.00 50.00 1,52 .75 100 .00 3.00 ':ioaOD.oOT FIozOD.o ts a d o o 6 I 3r g Eq o oHI!l ;EHa Hx(J (J 1ql o ..EiB oElr Hoq|EREPoa a,tr i|t(J .JAot arl{q oOn lroor |qnA O.E{' trAH lac oo Eifi I6A raNDU B8 rl HI AF4'ED!|OEEx4 cE FI 4 HF22EDtoF.=st{I aa btrOE{DroF:E :{ trr-r zaapooC.>g< EF q FI cl Xlr zo Er AqtrU z9l E =Eo t!,EH CtOsr {oD IU(ro e FI B E FI FI o BTc Az HE tH o E cd =>!0 E rr.l 8401Eao q EOtcc oOIAH TOIiIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479 -2L38 APPLICANT cor{rRAcroR OWNER EIcct!lcal---> ORB l'66 Invcablgatlon> wilL cal1----> TOTAL FEES. -. > DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVEI,OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRIEAL PERMIT Job Address: 548 S FROIIIAGE RD LocaLion. . . : WESTWINDS Parcel No.. : 2101-063-l-2-000Project No. : PRif97-OL7g I'IHITE RTVER ELEETRIC P O BOX r_1r_8, AVON CO 8]-620 WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 111_8, AVON CO 81620 WESTWINDS CONDO ASSOCATION 1425 LONGS PEAK DR, FORT COLTINS CO. .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #| E97-0228 WEST SLaLus. . Applied. Issued. . E>cpires. ISST]ED 09 /22 /L997 LO /20 /a997 04/ 1-B / L998 DescripEion: ELEC FOR HALi_, RENOVATIONS Phone: Phone: Phone: 80524 Valuat,ion: 970949L403 970949L403 970-482-6832 1, 500 . 00 FEE SI'},IUARY 50.o0 .00 .00 3 .00 s3.oo IICM: .O6OOO ELEETR]CAL DEPARTMENTL0/20/L997 CHARTIE Act.ion: APPRITEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMTLO/20/1,997 CTIARLIE Act,ion: AppR n/a Tolal crlcu1.ts6d FG6.- - - > Addltlonal, R6c6----- ----> Tobrl Pcluit Pc€--------> P.)mcnt!-------- BAIANCE DUE.- -. s3.00 .00 53 ,00 53.00 . oo r * r t t Jj} i r r i ti *r i.r i r i i tl|r r +i * r r t rr rtr ** i r t ritt, CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE. DECI,ARATIONS I hcrcby ackno*lcdgc that I hrv€ rcad thiB eppl.icabLon, fil,lcd oul in fulL lhc lnfo!'ortion requircd, cooplotsca rn accuratsc pLots p1ad, and atatc lheE all th!' infornatlon providcd aB rGquir€d iE corrccts. f rgr.c to coliply tith th6 inform.gion and plot plen, lo comply nitsh ell Tor'n ordinanccs and statc lar6, and to bulld thls Btrucculc accordj-ng t'o Ehc Tosn,a zonlng and aubdivlsLon codeE, d€5ign rcvicw approvcd, Uniforn Building Coda and otshor ordlnal|c€6 of th€ Tol{n appllcebLc fhgrcto. DepE: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: REQUESTS FOR INgPECTIONS 3HATIJ BB MADE T!{ENTY-FOUR HOURS TN IDVANCE BY t.************************* o **************************** o *********** TOWN OF VAIL,, COLORADO Statemnts**************************************************************** StsatsernnE. Number: REC-0347 AmounE : Pa)ment, Method: CXIECK Not,atj.on: #7409 s3.00 L0/20/97 L3:01IniE: LRD Permit No: 897-0228 T14pe: B-EI-,ECParcel No: 2101-053-12-000Site Address: 548 S FROT.ITAGB RD I{EST Locatsion: WESTWfNDS ELEETRICAL PERIIIT This Payment Total Fees: 53 .00 Total ALL Prnts: Balance: s3 .00 53 .00 .00 ***********************!***************************************** Account, Code Description EP OO1OOOO31114OO ELBCTRICAL PERMIT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJL CALL INSPEETION FEE Amount. s0 .00 3.00 DESTINATIONRESORTS 610 WEST LIOr.*SHEAD CIRCLE v.{l L, coLoMDo I 1657 - 5293 TELEPHONE (.970) 476-r3sl F AX (970\ 476-t617 Sedember 17, 1997 To$rn of Vail Building Defl. 75 S. Frcntage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Dear Sir or Madam: Please let this letter serve as authorization fiom the Westwind Condominium Association, Inc br Hazelhorst Carpenty to poceed wifr the remodelirB of our four intedor hahrays and ele\rator landirgs as he has pres€nted. Do not hesilate to contacl me if you require anything further. D.R.M. Vice President & General Manager A Lowe Enterprises Company f I Job Narne: 1,, e s 'f*krlL^ tr tVttS Job Address: 5 Scl & -;-e. fro nLegal oescription: Lot_ Block_- F'il-l.ng___ LrJ es* LO lra 6aL J e S, T r,L' I vr Oi owners Narne: /{ SSoeir;{ ior^ Address: 5*i*P S o. Architect: GeneraL Description: G" Address:Ph. d 'nc q-, i Work Class: llzf-New t(+4.]-teration t l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwel-ling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of vail Recr. No. lq1-C_+r_.._ AiLLBnon" Number:722_-ry.e 3 _ Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: oFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLU}fBING PLAN CHECK FEE: }.IECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK T'EE: RECREATIO CLEAN-UP TOTAL 20BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATURE: OF tvt"tfpll-p| l-o.\ Extf//n 1yFo.,r r, /r,j - f,d oeanJs P/Qse 1997 e CLEAN ItP DEPoSIT REFIIND Toz_ Batr Z /'z Co lili 75 soulh tronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303, 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: suB.fEcT: oltlce of communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unr-awfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , roci, sand, debrisor rnaterial, including trash iurnpsterl , portable toilets andworkmen vehicres. upon any streetl "ia"waiil -;Ii;y or publicpt?g" or any portion theieot. The risht_"i_;;t-;rn ar1 Town ofVail streets and.I?"9" is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance wirr be strilirv -enforced by the Town of Vair.Public l{orks DeDartment. persons found vi3raiing this ordinancewill- be given a 24 hour written ""ii""-t"-;;;;;;'=aid material.In the event the person so notified.ao"s noi-""^pfy with thenotice within the 24 hour.tirne -lecified, irr.-p"iric worksDepartment wirl remove said mateiiai it-iir"-'""iJi.e of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shaLl not beapplicable to clnstruction, mainienance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the iighl_"_r"V. To.review ord'inance No- 6 in full, please stop by the Torrn ofYlil P"llding Department to obrain a copy. rrrank you for yourcooperation on this matter. (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 soulh trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 ottlce of communlty developme[t BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FMIIE lf !i,i, permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approvai,Engineer''s. (pubi ic lgtltt review and approvat,' a pjinni ni-blpurtment ff:]:I-::.H"11!h-?:pu"tm6nt review, anb' a-review uy lne' duiioinguepartment, tne estimated time for a totar review iray take as r6ngas three weel<s. fl] cgmmgrgial (.]arge or smail) and ail mutti_family permits wjljhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requirembnti. nesioentialand.smal'l projects_shourd take a 'r esser amount of time.' However, ifresidential or smailer.projects impact the various above mentioned 9iPlt!rylT.yif!, reOard to necessary review, these projects mayarso rake the three week period. Every.attempt wrll'l be made by this departnrent to expedite thispermi't as seon as possibie. - l:,-t!" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time T rame . eet was turneillnToThE Communi ty Devel opment Departrnent. TO: FROM: DATE: HE: Job Name: Please answe ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easernents or public propefy? ts any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferenl access needed lo sile other than existing dnveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecling the righl ol way, easements, or public property? ls a "Flevocable Right Of Way Permit' required? A. ls the right of way, easemenfs or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no io 8A, is a parking, staging or lencing plan required by Community Development? /l*. //s the following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way Permit": MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED YES 1) 2) NO 3) 4) 5) 6) 8) lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit" musl be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construciion Inspector, at 479-218. I have read and answered allthe above qu tpesfau )c DateJob Name ignature .-a To: From: Date: Subject: ' Vaill5.97 uoilhnilD E rssocffifi Consulting in Building and Fire Codes MEMORANDUM Charlie Davis Art Hougland October 19, 1997 Plan review of Westwinds alteration, 897-0336 Charlie, after visiting the site and reviewing the planned alteration, my comments regarding this project are as follows: 1. Openings for doors to the elevator (shaft) are required to be protected by fire assemblies having a one-hour fire-resistance rating. Sec. 1706 (d). Doors shall also comply with Sec. 5106 and be readily openable from the car side without a key, tool or special knowledge or effort. 2. Verify that all doors opening into corridor are 20 minute fire-resistive assemblies complying with Sec. 3305 (h). Doors into the exit enclosure are required to be 1 ll2hour fire-resistive assemblies complying with Sec. 3309 (c). 3. Fire sprinkler system and fire detection and alarm system is to be approved by the fire marshal. Let me know if you have any questions about this. 16 *serl ISSUED CD 6k Bequestt,J !"rspect D.rte: Tue{dat, February 1l. ?t0:3 ,rt*llsctorl A! ea: CLt "r;tte r\ddress: 54s S FRUN!.AcE Rn W€S't vAlL wr=s Iwltlns iiill'lirfjlglr{ul'!ls AC/_Q.!:fofrnlton Anrvft}|. Cot'st Tn)c: Apftlcsot ?jvncr: 4ont|oclor: frs3;riptiita: B9SO344 rype lt iltF 0r6gP'514v' |.TASELHOfTSI CARPENTF\' }'PI:}ICDEL r&.E S IFfiND$'3r$,lf$ AS$Oi, ' Ar|O ]; HASELHORST CARPEI{TR}. JT N!:h''JDEL S,.,.h ryn6 AMf. Stails: i/s*'. \j i.iiF , Itrsp Ar€C: Phonrc. .Ht39?6:Jl'4b. ... 1t Pt$ir€: g?{t4g? 6€3Ft' Fhone: 3$31?ti37?8 ^ o,4"- t1:.?- 3Reques?€o.I'r'{, qqi0q,AJtf. _- _ SIDII.JG PAINTING ETC,ASSC'I:IATSDWITH 3,6.5 !i},JE }?UIi ftguuesle{lnsqqcIttris1 lbm: 00 BLDG-Ftrral Requar{or: I1ASELR)RST CARpENIFY & flHhiODEL A5cicn€d To: cf)AViS fl" I ).*,'Et6;' :1 ":-frY rersE,p /P*t*-) /l.2. . /.t<///t/gJ?r InrrJecllgn Hlltorv ffi Item: ,x;' BL0G-Fre$lnqftgn: 4t] ll€m: f{ 8locr{nflrMon tlem: €1O AL DO Sheetrock Nait Itemr 60 Ph.*'na: 970-926-37?8 0570 Errtsr{r*1 t3v: DGOLDE|\I K :n 90 llrm: nfim: I REPTi3].Rrrn Id; 780