HomeMy WebLinkAboutWHITE RIVER ESTATES LOT 1 COMMON ELEMENT LEGALe),F).>q )o\-.f, '.'3 cl \r{ .\O5\SI !xL 1 l,uto dt -zo FcIuY ulo oFt ulo l!lol> sf Io- colO'-l " .._l t-l'-l UuJbkzo z-_oz4 =z (L L! if;=dd= trfn tr IJJ l!o E9E<of,?taEoB9al ir.Etr P> =ut:-E b=O :r iiE :dE U69 \urEX(Lt x>IB=Fa'to-i!i UJ F E-- E =Elrl o-zoF C) E,Fazoo , ,l oz t- =t UJo U' uJ UJu- F =t uJc It, trrff=,*raj.$r ')l lu, tr!' S16 $r" bllr {/r =lll I\: I\r INl c. , \, 5l\t E:3 I r "al k I i; .rE JiE EIE\ro i-t z U'ul z oz J .6 zz UJz3 llt? z a;;:e EIEEt €9e9"* :iFiE:i;Ee'- o.c --EE'=': E E-s; H EE;EE.t";Egi sEaeJ €Eig! I;C HB E6 Fg= - o;9; <:o(/)tr et;cf e 3 '9--5 () >'- E €$g:a eegg g c\.) F = uJ z J t q, () z) 9e IJJJq, z6 = -) 9z = uJ uJll.zo F u,E ulE =ur uJtz(5 atulo F u/o z qJ () x UJof (n uJ uJ(r. F = UJ FoF oz gt o UJJul (5z co .Jo- J 9z = NO|l.Vn]VA l!l toltolta)ll.rltlt€l t=ltoltl-ll"l Y=lEYI C) LI =rl(-l =.J.l'L Hc,IioO.d < O:lgq,2' uJ .,t >\ (\oA V'\J Fr: rlcd =Lu.n =locl zzooq5r9oqroz2-q) (J()zr!< v=u,l ;':cv>x ;^j q, L = L(g zo F g c llJo- F O e, o-ulG J z. 9 oo z tr uJ =ulz tltlll Fz z o< =P60<z o E2,. Oz f5fio =_tr tl iJ tl IilITEItoltoltdl llJ l J ? oa uJzY =F F 2 F 5 az o 3 u) Fl F(t) iltrlzl zl .. >lo|lt ul uJza E2(r qJ J zo E z F J @ z C') I z LL t, IE H J! Fo o L+,o(l.} tJJ oP.d LU L o) c.,{-, = ii =z (Do-) =Y(J 5 z I I I Ir-l F\ x co .Jltu oon--f = \ + II+tr I tro tr 6 IJJ o = E(J =e tr cj o uJi l!oz3olF] !-Po(., UJ =o)z. = tr UJ r{ z o|llE J l!oz BoF tr'(orir I s-oi =tr oz ci UJ J a l!oz3 =e tr o2 r.i llJ ) l!oz =o F tr z IJJ = z BoF uJ ujF LUz = F uJ =f (r <F r!<ZEUJF tr,: z o <oOF trs ;F-ziloo Eoozt- =<z.E JZ(LO <^ :ZF =2-= aYp,2 =g otrt: =b2<o<rn:6!tr! t box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 department of community development July 24, l98I John Nilsson c/o Canadats of Colorador Ltd 485 West Lionshead Mall Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear John, This is in reference to our discussion concerning a Possible application for a setback variance for lot 1 of Borwick subdivision in East Vail. Fron our neeting when we reviewed the Plat naP, it appeared that there was a physical hardshiP in constru-cting a house on-the 1ot. The creek and normal property line setbacks constrain this lot so that it would probably be unbuildabte. In these tyPes of ciTcunstances, the planning staff and Planning and Envir-onnental Cownission usualiy loo-k favorably upon setback variances; However, until a fornral application has been subnitted and discussed with our total staff,-in official staff position will not be available. If I can be of further assistance, Please contact ne. "'a:& A. PETER PA ,JR Senior Planner APP: bpr MI NUTES VAIL TO!.IN COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 17, 1985 7:30 p. m. A reguiar meeting of the Vajl Town Council was held on Tuesday, December 17, 1985,at 7:30 p.m. jn the Councjl Chambers. MEMBERS PRESENT:Paul Johnston, Mayor Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem Eric Affeldt Oan Corcoran Gai I i,Jahrl ich-Lowenthal Gordon Pierce Hermann Staufer Ron Phj11ips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: The first'i tem on the agenda was a vote on appointing a new pianning and Envi ronmental Commission member. After a short discussion by Councjl, a vote wastaken and Bri an Hobbs was chosen to replace Erjc Affeldt on the pEC. The second item was the second reading of Ordjnance No. 32, Serjes of j.9i-, maK';lgsupplemental appropriations in the Town of Vail 1985 budget. Mayor Johnston read-the title jn full. Steve Barwick explained the background of this ordinance. Aftera short discussion by Council, Kent Rose made a motjon to approve the ordinance, which Oan Corcoran seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimouslv 7-0. The third item on the agenda was the second reading of Ordinance No.31, Series of1985, regarding leas-i.rc.g prjvate parking soacs5. t4ayor Johnsion read ih: titie in lul1r Tom Braun explained the background information of the ordinance. Larry Eskwith gave additional information. After a short discussion, Gorcion Pierce made a motion to approve the ordinance. Kent Rose seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. The next item was the reading of Resolutjon No. 37 establishing a computer systemfund.- Charlje Wick gave a short explanation of the resolution. Hermann Staufer made a motjon to approve the resolution, which Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal seconded. Avote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. The fifth item was.3iqhorn Park Bridge easements. Kristan Pnitz explained there were four easements for Council approval: 1) util ity easement for Public Service,2) utility easement for Fred Hiller,3) Fred Hiller granting the Town of vail apedestri an access easement, and 4) Gore Creek Meadows granting the Town of Vail apedestrian access easement through the common area. Larry Eskwith gave iegalinfcrmation on the easements. Gary Ha1 l, a Public Service representative, and FredHiller answered questions from the Council. Gary Hall noted he needed a street curpermit at Gore Creek Meadows. BilI Hart and Brian Hobson gave their reasons whythey riant the approvals. Larry Eskwith discussed with Councjl broadening theindemnification clause, and the Council agreeci it should be done. Council also requested the lighis at the bri dge be changec to down lights. After muchdjscussion, Kent Rose maCe a motion to approve the eae3ments, with the stipulationtha: the language be broaciened in the'indemnification clause and the lights bechanged at the bridge. Dan Corcoran seconded the motion. A vote was taken and themotion passed unanimously 7-0. Kent Rose noted the street cut permit was a separateissue. Gary Hall of Pub'l jc Service discussed the street cut with the Council. Kent Rose made a motion to approve the street cut permit at Gore Creek Meadows and thatLarry Eskwith make a draft resolution for it. Dan Corcoran seconded the motion. Avcf,e was taken and the motion passed unanimouslv 7-0. The next item was the read'i ng of Resolution No. 39, regard.i ng the $iJe_AiVerEs'Lates easement va99!t.gn. Kristan Pritz explained background inforrnation on the asemen erra Federal Savings and Loan and Sun Savings and Loan, jts parent co;ilany, are requesting the easement vacation. After rnuch djscussion by Council, Goldon Pierce made a motion to approve the vacation. Hermann Staufer seconded themolion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. Dan Corcoran Recor<letr.r- O - - o'cloc k- ----- tl -e----Reco rde r.Rece ptio n No RECORDER'S STAIIP i THls Drno. Made this <tay of December ,le 85 , between The Town of Vail, Colorado ofthe county of Eagl e and state of Colorado, of the first part, anrl Sierra Federal Savings and Loan Assoc i ati on whose lesal address is 2730 South Wadsworth' Denver, Colorado 80220 ofthe county of Denver and statc of Col orado Colorado, of the second part, WITNESSETH, That the said part of the first part, for and in consideration ofthe "u. n1 $1.00 to the said part! ofthe first part in hand paid by the said par'fl DO LLA RS, of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, ha remised, released, sold, conveyed and QUIT CLAII\1ED, and by these presentsdo €S remise, release,sell, conveyand QUITCLAINI untothe said party ofthesecondpart, 'i tS heirs, successors and assigns, forever, all the right, title, interesi, claim and demand which the said part] ofthe first part ha S in and to the following described lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Cgun tyor Eagl e and State of Colorado. to wit: A sixteen (16) foot wide Utility Easement parallel to the Southerly Boundary of and shown on the plat of the Resubdivision of Part of Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition, Amended Plat, located within the Town of Vai'l ' as recorded in Book 250 at Page 538 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County' Colorado; more particularly described as lyjng northerly of and parallel to the Southerly Bbundary of said Resubdivision, bounded on the South by.UrS. -Interstate Highway Ho. ZO Right-of-t{ay, and being within Lots 1, 2 and 3 of said Resubdivision. also known as street and n u 'rr bcr TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together u'ith all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right. title, interest and claim whatsoever, of the said party ofthe first part,eitherin laworequity, tothe onl]'proper use, benefit and behoofofthe said party of the second part, i tS heirs and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHERUOF, The said part y of the first part hns hereunto set i lS hand and seal the day and year first above \r ritten. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of SEA LI SEALI SEALI SEALI STATE OFCOLORADO, I counr]- of I ""' The foregoing instrument was acknou'ledged before rs'(uv. P.oilbALL U- PetcctlS merhis /lf4 da1-or becen,era My commission expires , t9 . Witness my hand and official seal. JiyffiEfisitnntg No.933. OtjtTCLAlt| Df,ED.- Sradford PublishinS. lJl6JWcsr.aarhAvGou..Cold.n.Colorado6040l-(l0l)178-06aa -8-t0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION A sixteen (16) foot wide Utility Easement parallel to the Southerly Boundary of and shown on the plat of the Resubdivision of part 6f Aigf,orn Subaivision Third Addition, Amended PIat' located within the Town of vail, as recorded in Book 260 at Page 538 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle Cointy, Colorado; more particularly described as _lying- northerly of anb parallel to the Southerly Boundary of said Resubdivision, bounded on the South by U. S. Interstate I'lighway No. 70 Right- of-Way, and being within Lots 1, 2 and 3 of said Resubdivision' lt 89"5b't5"E 26 2.36' ,.,.'tx .,'l55.zB sTRt t r .-H ow \)-ls.\ . .1 -1, X qgRvE af -i --;g$ff;,$ffi '.[,ftu.,r':e-'rfi \\\ c\ i-r',o55Ac ih/,lt:,,,i\,'b;t:. igl;t'flr,c,orrr., \'''';\r)$&.,S,r'.,,,,,.''u'i f 7 i:Lr r | (r .,. i ,f .:..c/ l.t l\.i' { fr9!,.iz r\'c' .. \ l'r/v' ,y/ 'Lor ' "t\ \q.rb!)/. ^J/.i '50't3"w t - 'i-).y.n$jt{ui##st*d:;*ft8fr:;19293 .. '- -\c *- t'\,.r\- B\a. "o f 6' Eosement / \,-.fg[to be Voco ied N'.\o'l,;- t-or 2{.sN" \- o.4e Ac n C\l f!rl nsoN ao (r) tqJ rooffi 5CALET l" = IOO' Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, lnc. LANO 5URVEYING . CIVIL ENGINEERING. MAPPING P.O. Box 409 . l13 East 4th Street Eagle, Colorado 81631 . Phonej (3031 328-6358 t27.08: 'lr iIg.?' N O.39Ac. 'rr LOT 3q O.7lAc.n.o \ .FORM (Q) 322-tO-193O Recorded at otclock o M., Reception No.Recorder. Grid No. . OUITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Public Service Company of Colorado, a Colorado corporation, of Denver, Colorado for good and valuable clnsideration hereby sells and quitclaims to Town of Vai'l a Municipal Corporation whose address is P.0. Bpx 531.., 35 So. Frontage Roed Vatl- CO 81657 of the County of Faql p and State of Colorado the tollowing described real property in the ffi1Xpgl County of Eagl e and State of Colorado, to-wit: %The Southerly 16 feet lots 1., 2 and 3 of the Resubdivision of Part of Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition, Amended Plat. 317465* {z/ 'l$rffilm Document No. Plat No. PERMANENTLY t74812 RETAI N Jur 3l l0 zg AH'85 This deed is to release the above described granted on the Plat of the Resubdivsjon of Third Addjtion, Amended P'lat as recorded in officia'l records of Eag'le County, Colorado. property from a utilitY easement Part of Bighorn Subdivision Book 260 at Page 538 of the Address of property l" .le 85 PUBLIC By STATE OF COLORADO. City and County of Denver ss. Mayryth dav of The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 19 85 by Ronald E. Donovan as Vice President Assistant Secretary of Public Service C.ompany of Colorado. 550 15th St., Denver, C0 80202 AOD R ESS in the office of the clerk and recorder of the county where the property is located as above recited. @VEB FOR ADDI|IONAL NOTABIESI Dats! Eagle Gounty StateDoo. Fce COMPANY OF COLORADO and A. J. DeNovellis ! n^\ U 3l5lu.l *o +lx QUITCIAI}' DEED ,* QlL- l ;JhHHLiTI. PHILLIPS :ACLE CTY. RECOROER I Jut ?ll :s [H'85i r KNOtl AtL l.tElf BI THESE PRESENTS: that THE !10U1{IAIN STATES TELEPH0NE AND !ELECI--i{ pOMPANT, a Colorado Corporatton, hereinafter callecl "Conpany" for aacl in consideratlon of One Dolfar ($f.OO) and other good anct val.uable couslaleratious ln hantl pald, the receipt rhereof la hereby confesseil anil acloosledged' doee hereby release, renlee anil quitclaiu all the right, title anit interest acquired by the Coropany or ite Aseignore untler that certain right of ray grant, recorde<l iD Raok 26o nt Irage 5jB of rho pean'.rrs ib iha Cl er.k -nd Beanr.dar' nf ll-g1 a Cnr'nty" Gol or.piln uuto the present o$ner or ovrels, aE their AlTD By Co District Staff t{etrork Distribution Serrices reepective fnterest nay appear therein, in the following describetl propertyr to nit:I airteen (15) foot rlale -lltlllty Easeaent Parallel to the Southerly Boundary of a Rceubtllviglon of Lot 14, Block 4, EJ.ghorn Subrilvleloar Tblril AdiU.tiont .Aucntletl Plat, Locateil ydthin thc Tovn of Yallr Sectlon 121 Sovnehlp I Southt 8a.nge 80 Uest of the 5s Prlucipal lleriiltane Couaty of 8eglel State of Colorailoi pore partlculerly describeil as Iying northerly of and parallel to the Southerly poundaiy of eaial Resubdlvieloa; bounded. on tbe Soutb. bi tt.S. Interstate Eighvay to. ?O Adght-of-Yay, Anil being vlthin Lots lr2anall of salil Resub<l!-vl.slont l' . ,, 1,.. ancl hereby erpressly ercepting ancl reserving to the conpany, any and a1I interest otherrise acquireil in said property, ercept as above etaterl. ',iII[ UITNESS YHEREOtr', The Conpany has cauged these presents to be erecutecl by its aluly . :ii'i1,;'a::-.::.-:.? ? .. .=1r a ,---:l$t$ffi.f*;: tnis 2or+ a"v or 5* 1e-8t-' Aridifh.oslllnli*'15.1 '. rHE r{orr*rA'i srArEs rErEpHoNEirSH-;:+ :'i STATE OI' COION.ADO COTINTY OT ASAPAHOE llhe foregoing a ) )ss ingtnnent ras ackorlettgecl before ne this C^'rl.+L--t) '- , re-l(-, rv :(-.lTr.lI>^J ." ict Staff Manager-Netrork Dietribution Services of lhe Mountaln States Telephone and Telegraph Coopany, l{otary Public: Realding at: DBte: "'.O-", O Recorder. QUIT CLAIM DEED P,0. Box 972 Avon, Colorado 81620ofthe *County of Colorado, granto(s), and Town of Vai1, a Colorado mrnicipal lcorporation whose legal address is of the County of pool o WITNESSETH, That the granto(s), for and in consideration of the sum of $1 ' 00 DOLLARS the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, ha " remised, released, sold, conveyed and QUIT CLAIMED' and by these presents do€S remise, release, sell, convey and QUIT C|AIM unto the grantee(s), its 69i6, successors and assigns, forcver, all the right, title, intercst, claim and demand which the grantor(s) has in and to the real property, together with improvements, if any, situate, lying and being in the Colorado, described as follows: Countyof Eagle A sixteen (f6) foot wide Utility Easement parallel to the Southerly Boundary of and shown on the ptat of the Resubdivisionof Part of Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition, Amended Plat' located within the Town of Vai1, as recored in Book 260 at Page 538 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Coloradoi nore particularly described as lyino northerly of and parallel to the Southerly Boundary of said Resubdivision, bounded on the South by U.S. Interstate Highway No. 70 Right-of- Vilay, and being within Lots I, 2 and 3 of said Resubdivision. also known by strcet and number as: N/A TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever, of the grantor(s), either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the grantee(s), its heirs and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The grantor(s) ha g executed this deed on the date set forth above. HOLY CROSS ELECTBIC socIATroN, INC. Recorded at Reception No. THIS DEED, Made this /? A ary ot Q7f' / between Holy Cross Xleetric Association, ,regr, Inc. and State of and State of Colorado. grantee(s). and State of STATE OF COLORADO, .I county or €ert{,etl I * The foregoing instrum€nt was acknowledged before me in the ,/.te{€.rob LOUntY OI Vrrtlrtet.l I t ll The foreeoins instrument was acknowledsed befor€ me in the | ' Counly of 6nd te td stare of - (i/oZndo -.,, , this /?et day of HpZ, t ^,i-onr,i-37i21 fuo,aoil, n"/ Z""fu, u7 ),"iTi.' -eeene'/az!, ,{a/,1 CZas -,F/ec/t'c /'/ssoc;n rlan ' Jne ' rr,iv {".-i.ri- "-pi*r /-r' ,9t7. witness my hand and official seal. t, .-:\ NoErY F\lblic './J2a//v0,-, *If in Denver, insert "City and."4a./uq No.933, Rev. l-84. qulr Clenn omo Bradford tublishios.5t25 w' 6rh Ave.. tnt6lood. co 80214-1301) 231-690i) Rccordcd at " t QUIT CI,AIM DEED THIS DEED' Madc this day ol Qr,. le('' '' bcturccn gppel Eagle Va1ley Sanitation DistrioL 846 Forest Road ValI, Colorado $'6,7 of the rCounlY rtl Colorado, granto(s). and Town of Vail , a Colorado municipal t:orporrtiion whose lcgal address ir of thc County rtl Eagle WITNESSETH. That thc Sr nl()r{\). litr i|nrl in r'rrn'idcratirtn ,}l lht' rttttt ol $1 .00 sTAl't'- Ol; COl-oRAl)( ). CountY of The forcgoing instruntenl wirs aclinowlcdgcd bislixc ntc in thr' Colorado . this I)" ) Counlv o[ Eagle 2I ,l"Y,)l November .rtrtl Sl;rlt rrl Technical Director Wiln,. rs rrry hrrnd ;rtttl ollicirl scal. DOTI-ARS il ,l il li li r1 ll ll ii thc rcceipt lnd suflicicncy ol \r'hrch r\ hrtcbv :rLnrrwlcrlgctl. h S rcttrtrtrl' ttlc;tsttl' s.lltl t on-vcycd anrl QU I'l' Ct-AIM ED' and by lhcsc presents doeS rcntisc. rclcirsc. scll, ..,,ntc" ,,n.1 Qtll'l ('l.All\l rrtlto lhe !rlrrlcc(\f. itS hcirs' succcssors and assigns' fore,rcr, all ihc right, titlc. intcNsr. clairn untl tlcnrrtnd rvltieh lhc r:trtttl('r(s) hrrll ttr attd ltt thc rcal pn)pcrty' togethcr with improvcmcnts. if anv. situatc. lyrng ltrtl t^-ing in thc (intrrl\ .l Eafi1e and statc,of Colorado, dcscribcd as lirllor'r s: A slxteen (16) foot wide Utility Easement parallet to the 6^ -..l^ ,I;iii:;i; i."io"iv oi-and shown-on lh:-el:! "r :l:-l::":f 1:ision#";;;;^;f-;;;;;;i iuuJ iui"l"n rh ird Add it ion ' Amended Plat 'r- .tZlt -!i;";;il iitt'ii"tr," town of vail, as recored in Book 260 at -. 6^-l ^ilsl'iia"";'i;.-;;";ioi "r the.crerk.:19-1:::'::'.,:f^:"::: [33i.ii "";i.;;;.; -ili.-p" i tilu ru' rv <]e sc r i beri - I :. l1i::^l?:::?:lt;;:;;';;;;i:;-i"^i;; ;;;;;;;it Boundarv."-r :1ig R'lXbgllii1l?: ti"ii!a"li-tt!-si"th by u.S. rnterstate Hioh'av No. ?0 Risht-of- r 5!--J -: ^-w"yl-i"a being ,ilnin iots r, 2 an<l 3 of said Resubdivision' glso knorvn by strcct and nunrhcr ar: N/A TO HAVE AND TO HOL1) th. siunc. t()gclhcr with all irntl sinSUlrrl thc xPPurtcnancss and Jxivilcges thcrcunto bcknging or in anywisc thercunto apprlalnlng. and ll thc cst:rlc. righl. titlc. intcrcs{ ||(l ! Iiritrr rvltittsoc\cr, o[ thc gritntor( s ). cilher in law ff equity' to thi only propcr use. b€nefit and bchoof ol the Itinlct(s)' its hcirs rtrttl rtssigns fttrevcr' lN wrrNEss wHEREOI.. Thc 8r:rnl(lr(s)ha s cxcculctl lhls rlcttl rrtt lhc (litl' scl lirtlh rthrrvc Ie B5Statc of by My commission expir: 4 / 25 / 86 i,.. 'lf in Denve.r, rnsen "CitY and " N('tdy PublN-/'/'".(VVg _%/at^ -' t 'bt-/.0 ,)+/ /c63 ^'""" /4.4/ co tr/;str No. 933. Rcv. l-84. QUtr ('t.AtM ltl:l:lt lrrdnrJ l\,hlr\hrnt. rxl( \\ ,ntrA!. |.'l((r""1 (r|\o'll lllrlJ lllli'rl' Recorded at Reception No. THIS DEED, Made this day of between gagtrEVISION ASSOCIATES P.0. Box 439 Avon, Colorado 81620 of the *CountY of Colorado, grantor(s), and and State of and State of Colorado, Srantee(s), "'",1-"., O QUIT CLAIM DEED d<,19"/ VI , by its general partner' Cablevision rrn Town of Vai1, a Coloraclo mrnicipal corporation whose legal addrcss is ofthe County of 62s1 p WTTNESSETH, That the grantor(s), for and in consideration of rhe sum of $1 ' 0O DOLLARS the rcceipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, ha " remised. released, sold. conveyed and QUIT CLAIMED, and by these prcsents does remise, rclease, sell, convey and QUIT CLAIM unto the grantee(s), 1Is heits, successors and assigns, forcver, all the righr, title, inrercst, claim and demand which the gantor(s) haS_ in-and to the real property, together with improvements, if any, situate, lying and being in the County of -Uag-Le and Stale of Colorado, described as follorrs: A sixteen (f5) foot wide Utility Easement parallel to theSoutherly Boundary of and shown on the plat of the Resubdivisionof Part of Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition, Amended plat, located vrithin the Town of Vail, as recored in Book 260 atPage 538 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, CoLorado; more particularly described as lying northerlyof and parallel to the Southerly Boundary of said Resubdivision, bounded on the South by U.S. Interstate Highway No. 70 Right-of- 9ilay, and being within Lots I, 2 and 3 of said Resubdivision. also known by strcet and number as: N/A TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, rogether with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever, ofthe grantor(s), either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the grantee(s), its heirs and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The grantor(s) ha s executed this deed on the date set forth above. CABLEVTSIoN .FSSOCTATES Vr 'by its generbl- Partner, able[Vision \f,I, Incr *lf in Denver. insert "Citv and." srArEoFgHSt" County ot Poz-d The foregoing instrument was acknowledged beforc me in the state of lI ott'r A , this 4 '-duv Jgn,-s /n- gO/+H My commission expires q -rY . 9 I O Wihess mv hand and official seal. J Countyor PotF day of {ha/,ee€, No. 933. Rev. l-84. QUIT CLAIM DEED Bradford Publishins,5825 w. 6th At€.. bte$ood. Co 80211- (lo3) ?33-6900 r*n .@r a ot detanils p0"". 8lO5 Irorrl !la aalllon !la 1q*WX .}- IL N tu Iil tr _ AbgAJC4\ \e ?xTA , NFHTE KIyEK E>TP\re> erl, Nz9-T q_|-€VF..:Tl,2fl rRt6!J<Y uJr-T tf +ll = t'- oll 331-.1000troul a.chilecls inc aia 19063 lake road rocky rlver ohio 44116 lelephone 216 a ar detanils tob no. 616 l,ot rla .!lllon slr --I' --*-rrbK.x, w-< D o?€)Jllt c- A5 | 4 t-Jtot.J G F),LP \,€dlFL'l '=-l e5t11AJ OV .-.-JJ:iFJi' a1€4 : lF F-24 Df i:=2 yiylrzp6 ''--=-rl.1!'> r,a-f L:=-L=\,'A-]-itN r-<rr'4'4-<'"1 ur.,j,-r lroul architects inc aia 19063 lake road rocky river ohio 44ll6lelephone 216 Ap','--aJEF@ ?tr-fla- ra'Vrei tz" coLt-*=-re. g*p rtl6rrr>a. f1 Ec. Frrts v r..c-iFJ €L€\'Afl.r-\ ..--.. b.)_z y | -1, ---riI tU t-1'= l^.--=57 / L*8 Fte Io$r<- - e- tb" o.z. 331--4O0O DAo IL 2/6/8s a' A. APPLICATlON FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVIEI^I NME 0F APPLICANT Sierra Federal Savings & Loan Assn B.NAME 0F APPLICANT',S REPRTSENTATM 1:" !9-"i- Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, Inc. MILING ADDRESS A_ttn: Glenn Solomon 2730 S' Wadsworth Denver' Co' l/Ot 1OE:I1 :.,. --.-.-._-PH0NE e88-a:oo- 0 [- 5^" fa,rny r{l- }"11 v 8022 MAILING ADDRESS Box 409 ? X D. NAME OF OI^INER ',S MAILING LOCATION LOT 1 OF PROPOSAL BLOCK SUBDIVISION Eag1e, Colorado 8163r pHSNE 949-4969 PROPERTY OI.INE Sierra Federal Savings & Loan S I GNATURE ,/)t/PH0NE 988-4300 ADgRESS /2730 s. wads Denver, Colorado 80227 Resub of Part of Eti rrhnrn QrrhA FILING rhird Add E. FEE $100.00 PNDU- 3(osq<r>l>f n- F. MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED 'I . Two my1 ar copies of the duplex subdivision plat fol.lowing the requirements of Sectjon l7.tor30(c) L,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,.|0,.|.|,13 and l4 of the Subdivis'ion Regul ations. 2. The plat must contain the following statement: ,'For zoning purposes, the two lots created by this subdivision are to be treated as one entity with no more than one two-family residence-al'l.owed on the combined i""ui o? the two lots." The statement must be modified according to the number of lots created. 3. A copy of the declarations and/or covenants proposed to assure the maintenat of any common areas. APPROVAL PROCESS, RTVIEt^J CRITERIA These can be found in Chapter 17.24 of the Subdivision Regulatjons' FILING AND RICORDING The Department of corrnunity Developntent will be responsible for promptly record the plat and accompanying iocuments with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder upon Town of Vail aPProval . G. (pr i nt /or H. /n0 *rr \yl /t.t___ )tul_ PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed ,r, 41 o^ Comments: OK 6ur €-txern<w r ,/S r%,+<eo)J€D Azo'w6 Sort /* INTER-DEPARIMENTAL REVI El1l DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING -ac Bc- /az FIRE DEPARTMENT (zat€ Reviewed by: Comments: Date POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments:' Date RECREATION DEPARTI'IENT Reviewed by: Conments: Date tuwn 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657. (303) 476-7000 0ecember 11, 1985 Pat Fogerty Sierra Federal Savings and Loan Assocjatjon 2730 South Wadsworth Denver, Colorado 80227 Re: White Rjver Estates Duplex Subdjvisions, Lots l, 2 and 4 Dear Pat: 0n November 25th, I sent the enclosed letter to Glen Solomon concern.i ngthe duplex subdivision on Lot 4 of white River Estates. I have now bieninformed that you are the person in charge of these duplex subdivisionsfor.Sun savings. As mentioned in the privious t"ii"r,'"i-wou1d appreciateit if you would add wording concerning the maintenance of common area andpainting of exterior structures for t[e duplex subdjvjsjoni for Lot I andLot 2 as well as Lot 4. The Town has diffi culty requi.ing-uotn owners topaint their duplex at the same time. In our maintenance iequirements forthe duplex subdivisions we do have the power to require the'owners of theproperty to inc'l ude the painting of the duplex simultaneousiy by bothowners according to our Town attorney. On-December 10, 1985 I talked with Diane Meehan who is working on the :l]:r lgr.these properties. She informed me that jt wai neceisary thattney receive approval of the easement vacation and the piats befoieJanuary lst. In order to faciritate this review, I am scheouring thevacat'ion of the easement for the evening Town council meeting on Oecember17. _I explained to Diane that this arringement would only be possible ifour Town-Attorney would be able to draw up the vacation eisement agreementin time for the meeting. Our attonney is out of town for the week ofDecember 9 through December 13. Therefore, it will be impois.i ble to workon the agreement this week. I also want to make sure that you understand that there are certainrequirements that must be met before the subdivision meets Town of vailstandards: The easement must be abandoned before the Town will be able ro s'i gn off on the subdivision prats. This requirenent pe.i"insonly to Lots I and 2. Upper Eagle Val1ey hlater and Sanitatjon Djstrjct must acceptthe new water line. 2. 5.The Town of Vail engineer must accept the road. At this time,it is my understanding that Bill Andrews, the Town engineer, is in the process of writing this letter for you. cul de sac must be posted as a no parking area and fire -around area. knox box problems must be resolved for the Fire rtment. signed my1 ars must be submitted for Lot l. te receiving the new revisions concerning maintenance as. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. 4. The turn 5- tne' Depa 6. Two I would apprecia soon as possible Sincerel v.J r -h \r/ I ll. IL.' I t/ -al\\.rffn ^ l'rr I I I Nl) lt{l\ ll t 11* Kristan Pritz Town Pl anner KP: br Encl os ure I .- . 4 tt" luwn u 75 south trontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 November 25, 1985 : Glenn A. Solomon, Jr Assistant Vice President Sierra Federal Savinqs & Loan Assn. 2730 S. Wadslorth Denv_er, eo. 80227 Re:-'Final Plat for a Resubdivjsion of Lot 4, a Resubdivision of part of Eighorn Subdivision, Third Addition Amended Plat 0ear'Glenn: : Aftei reviewing your duplex subdivisr'on plat I am requesting that you add a maintenance agreement to cover all common areas and the paint'ing of theunjts in your condominium declarations. Recently we have had problems with duplex owners not painting their units at the same time- I wouldlike to see some wording in the condominium declarations that would require the owners to paint their units at the same time. Please alsojnclude in the maintenance section of the deciarat'ions some wording that would address the mai ntenance of common areas. I also wanted to point outto you that at this time the portion of Columbine Drive that does extend up into White River Estates has not been accepted by the Town of Vajl for maintenance- If you have any other questions concerning these issues please feel freeto call me. Thanks for your cooperation. Sincerely, lJfll K'tf.,?n[ Kri stan Pri tz Town Pl anner KPlbt f rli n r"m'* Jlifir !fl fu si*^",? "*' The vacation ofof the duplex spLits Should you haveconsideration of this Sincere ly, ohn L. MacKown, P.E.Vice President JLMrzagh Enclosures December 2, 1985 Town of Vail Larry Eskwith Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: white River Estates Vacation of Easement 85/0L8 Dear Larry : Following our conversation last Wednesday in reference to white River Estates, I have gathered together The Quit Claim Deeds from the local utilities as required. by the Town Engineer. It is my understanding that you will make up the appropriate deed from the Town vacating the easement in question. I have also enclosed a copy our our drawing and lega1 description for your reference. P.O. Box 409 . l13 East 4th Street the easement shouLd be done prior to approval for Lots 1 and 2. any questions, please advj-se. Your timely matter will be greatly appreciated. Eagle, Colorado 81531 . Phone: (303) 328-6368 Johnson, Kunkel & Associatet Inc. LANO SURVEYING . CIVIL ENGINEERING. MAPPING December 2, 1985 Town of VailLarry Eskwith Box 100 Vaj-1, Colorado 81658 Re: White River EstatesVacation of Easement 8s/6L8 Dear, Larry: Following our conversation last Wednesday in reference towhite River Estates, r have gathered together The euit claim Deedsfrom the local utilities as required by the Town Engineer. appropriateI have also Fnr rrnrrr - It is my understanding that you will make up thedeed from the Town vacating the easement in question.enclosed a copy our our drawingi and 1ega1 description re rerence. The vacation ofof the duplex splits Should you haveconsideration of this Sincerely, Vice President JLM/agh Enclosures thefor easement should be done prior to approvalLots I and 2. any questions, please advise. Your timelymatter will be greatly appreciated. '=YfZ.-,t,-.---- ohn L. MacKown, p. E. P.O. Box 409 . ll3 East 4th Street Eagle, Colorado 81631 . Phone: (303) 328-6368 o I,TGAI,, DDSCRTPTION A sixteen (16) foot wide utility Easement paraIlel to the Southerly Boundary of and shown on the plat of the Resubdivision of Part of Aighorn Subdivision Third ACdition, Amended P1at, located within the Town of Vail, as recorded in Book 260 at Page 538 of the records of the Clerl< and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado; more particularly described as _lying northerly of anh parallel to the Southerly Boundary of said Resubdivision, bounded on the South by U. S. Interstate Iiighway No. 70 Right- of-way, and being within Lots l, 2 and 3 of said Resubdivision. |/ u9"5t,'15"E srRll r .-Roiv ..d v.fr" . ..,i '""fi,r/ggRVE ?IJ5 2B 26 2.36' 20'l I 1-sg"oio t4'oFFsET t, *"d c ri,)i -*..-,,:;;:{-i'{\\''t')'\' .ec. o.J5Ac ' :""t':' -oq3 K ul :illf. ,jo;Xt,.,,,'l: tli;;' iili;] F,r -"^fl-:*;vl:{ J. ;,v ^ -oy'.D,'o ffi.,iffit##,ry,rftN rlrl -a,r$.ffi i3'0.'11".T i:; / \.toif*,", z ffe6,,';i A,l.' 1i,e'e/\Sl/9r.;\ . \ ^ .^ .,c,-/ c,Z -:Q/S'd O.4[) Ac -]\;'rX.x (rn\,N r'x*e+ johnson, Kunkel & Associates, Inc. LANO SURVEYING . CIVIL ENGINEERING. MAPPING P.O, Box 409 . I t3 East 4th Street Eagle, Cotorado 81631 . Phone: (303) 328-6368 t'!0 GI ao o tzT.o8 O.39Ac. =2388 '4^ U-u <fr :,v \( 9 ;,1 ftoitl' LOT 5 O.7l Ac. FOEM (D) 322-10-1930 Rtcorded at Reception No. o'clock M., OUITCLAIM DEED THESE PRESENTS, That Public Service Company of Colorado for good and valuable consideration hereby RETAIN PERMANENTLY Document No. 174812 Plat No. Grid No. KNOW ALL MEN BY corporation, of Denver, Recorder. Colorado, a Colorado sells and quitclaims to '1 17465 ** y'z/ tff((.,.rn,o, ,'-,L[ ,:". ntC0RDIiiwhose address is P. O . B-ox 6 3l .. . 25 So. Frontage Roed . - - Vail- CO 81657 of the County of Fagl e and State of Colorado the following described real property in the {Qi1XX4gl County of Eagl e and State of Colorado, to-wit: ,JuL 3l l0 zg [l{'85 7{ ), \") :1 The Southerly 16 feet lots 1,2 and 3 of the Resubdivision of Part of Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition, Amended Plat. This deed is to release the above described granted on the Plat of the Resubdivsion of Third Addition, Amended Plat as recorded in officia-l records of Eagle County, Colorado. property from a utilitY easement Part of Bighorn Subdivision Book 260 at Page 538 of the Address of property Consideration:. {less than $500) or (g ).' Sisnect{this 12Bth day of with all its appun-enances. STATE OF COLORADO, City and County of Denver llay 8519 ATT By PUBLIC VICE COMPANY OF COLORADO The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 29th day of ss. May 19 85 by Ronald E. Donovan as Vice President ration oavz ZFl:.{€*- 6 /o*Q *-_ Eogl.o Couni:.u Statc Doo. I;'co ano A. J. DeNovellis As s 1s tant Secretary of Public Service Company of Colorado, ,t ,1( /1 ,f,r:'\-l?'t "., z(:,,.- i ( 2".-t NOTAEY PUB LIC 550 l5th St., Denver, Co 80202 ADORESS recorded in the office of the clerk @VER FOR and recorder of the county where the property is located as above recited. ADDITIONAL NOTARIES) !i:,b{ri#i1 Eeglc Ooi.,ntI sr"i" r.".'l.it. ; |*t-_*r_rh.t+*k., 315183 l )ss instnuent was ackorletlgecl before ne this tJ txtrA-lJlL,* Q)&- "rtliHr-' ii: f i{lLLlPS ',\1:,'LE CI /. lIC0RDIR THE AlTD IiIOUNTAIN STATES TETEPHONE c Co e District Staff Network Distributioa Services /n-rr+ QUITCTAIM DEED 'r Jur ? ll :s it{'85 KNO}J ALL MEN BI THESE PRESENIS! thAt THE IiIOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TEIEGRAPI{ COIi{PANY ' a Colorado Corporation, hereinafter calleil "Conpany" for and in coasideration of One Dol1ar ($1.00) and other good and valuable considerations in haurl paicl, the receipt whereof ls hereby confeeseal and aclorowledged r does hereby release, renise and quitclair all the right, title and interest acguireil by the Conpa4y or its Aseignore under that unto the preseat oraner or orDers, sg their respectlve lntgrest tnay aplear therein, in the following clescribed property, to rit:A slrteen (16) foot vide Util.lty Easenent Parallel to the Southerly Boundaryof a Resubdivision of Lot 14, Block 4, Bighorn Subdivision, Third^ Aalalitloa, Anended PIat, Located yltbln the Torn of Vall' Sectlon 12, Tonnshlp J South, Raage 80 ldeet of the 5s Principal Meridian, County of Eagle, State of Colorado;lore particularly deccribed as lying northerly of and parallel to the Southerly Bouadary of saial Resubdlvlslon, bounded. on tbe South by U.S. Interstate Eighwaylfo. TO llght-of-I{ay, And being within Lots 1t2and.1 of saitl ResubdLvlsion, aad hereby erpressly ercepting and reserving to the conpany, any and all interest otherwise acquired ln said property, ercept as above stateat. rN lfrrNEss IIHEREOF, The conpany has caused these presents to be executed by its duly or J.r*n=^-re_65_.this STATE 0l' C0L0R.|D0 COIINTI OI' AXAPITIOE The foregoing certain right of way grant, recorded ilr Fnnk 26o at ppge FIF af +hc per.o?rtq tlay of -- \tr",..q- , 19_-l(__, by District Staff Manager-Network Dietribution Services of The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Conpaay, of the Corporatloa. Notary Publicr Resiiling at: Recorded at o'clock - itl Reception No. QUIT CLAIN1 DEED THIS DEED, Made this /2 4 doy ot fl7f, / between Holy Cross Eleetric Association, of the P.0. Box 972 Avon, Colorado 87620*County of , tegS Inc . and State of Colorado, grantor(s), and Tor,,r'n of Vail, a Colorado municipal corporation whose legal address is of the Countv of B"*1" WITNESSETH. That the crantor(s). for and rn consiiJeration of the sum of $1 .00 DOLLARS the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknot ledged. ha o remiscd. releascd. sold. conreyed and QUIT CLAIMED, and by these presents does remise. relcase. sell, conrev unrl QUIT CL:AIlvl unto thc grantee(s1. its heirs. successors and assigns, forever. all rhe right. title, intcrest, claim and denrand which the granror(s) has in and to the real property, together with ln,.l Statc ol Colorrdo. srantee(5), County of Eagleimprovements. if any. situate. lying and bcing in the Colorado. described as follows: A sixteen (16) foot wide Utility Easement parallel to theSoutherly Boundary of and shown on the plat of the Resubdivisionof Part of Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition, Amended Plat, located within the Town of Vail, as recored in Book 260 at Page 538 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eaqle County, Coloradoi more particularly described as J-yino northerly of and parallel to the Southerly Boundary of said Resubdivision, bounded on the South by U.S. Interstate Highway No. 70 Right-of- Way, aiid being within Lots 1, 2 and 3 of siid Resubdivision. also known by street and number as: N/A TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thercunto bclonging or in anywisc thcreunto appenaining, and all the esmte. right. title, inrerest and claim rvhatsoever, of thc grantor( s), either in law or equitv, to the only proper use. benefit and behoof of the grantce(s). its heirs and assigns lorever lN wITNESS wHEREOF, The erantor(s) ha s executed this deed on the date set tbrth aboye. and State of STATE OF COLORADO, County of &n{,a/rl T.:""t.It iTrumert was acknowledged beforc mein ,n, , n ,l l"tt County of Q X(t rc ta ,i ipr,i-'67i2i flio,dt"nt nry{ U""[j, i.- )""i'f,i.' secpe /np!,')"^ /1-q ,.!ur"', ,472''t .ted€,ro&state or - (i/on,sdo t -lpy;g SEle, f(es,dqtl, /gne{ Geo4te ,tb/y ka:s E/ec/e,c l/siociflr/d' l':; My tommission expires /_ r'.P{7 . Witness my hanrl and olficirl seal. 'lf in Irenrr:r. ins!'rt 'Cirv nd. ' HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC SOCIATION, INC. itt (7) \rl. 9-l-1. Rcv. l'tl.l, Qt'tr ( t..AtIr DE|D rrrudlL)r.r i\bti\hrp. 5n:5 $,. 6rh Avc , trt€ql(tr, co rior.r - { i0-1) :ll-69rir Rccordcd at Rlccption No. QUIT CI,AIM DT]EI) THIS DEED' Made tbis day ol '., r\ ' 1"" Di s; tr ir: t,bctwecn gppsl Eagle VaIJ-ey Sani tal.i t'rr 846 Forest Rond Val1, Colorado 81617 of the "Cottnt r ol Colorado, granto(s), and Town of Vai1, a Colorado nurr i cipel '|'i)l'r'i'1]"r r' ion whose lcgal arltlncsr ir of thc }- .rnl \l.tl( rrl rl I l il it] rl I I i i I ,l thcfccclPtandsul||(|cne\tr|*lttr.|trr|lt'lt.lrr.xrrl.,rr|t.|r't.t|.|t.ri:t.rrtrlrr|.tr|t'.rsr.tt' th"raprar"nt.d.r€S,",uir.'.rclca.t..r'll.r,,,rrr.r.r,,ti t.)l tl ( l.\l\l rrlll. llr( !lirrllcci\1. itS hcirs, rueccssors and irssigns' [OrevCr, all thc nghl. tltlC, IntcI|]\t. ,,l.rrrrr .rrr,i rtcttt.rtttl rrlltrlt tltc lt.tltl,'ri.r lr.tii ttt 'tttd t'r tltc rc'll pn)PCny' logcthcr with impmvcnlcnls, il rn\. \lltrJlc. l\rllF.rrr.ll'Crrr|jrrr|ltr ('r'rtrrt\ irt iiltf'le and Statcof Colorado, dcscribcrl ur lirlloq r A sixteen (f61 foot wide Utility Easement parallel to the southerly Boundary of and shown on the plat of the Resubdivision of part 6t algirorn Subdivision Third Addition, Amended PLat' Iocated within ttre Town of Vail, as recored in Book 260 at Page 538 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle Cointy, Colorado; more particularly descr ibed as -lying- northerly of anl parallel to the Southerly Boundary of said Resubdivision' bounded on the South by U.S. Interstate Hiohway No.70 Right-of- iilay, and being within iots t, 2 anrl I of said Resubdivision. WITNI:SStTlt,'t'h.rt llrc !r.rnt rl\t. l,,t.rtt(l rrr,"tt'rtlct rlt''tt rtl th\'\rrrrr "t .iL.0(l D()LLARS also known by slrcet antl nunthcr as: N/A TO HAVE AND T(J HOl,-l) thc s tnc. togcthcr with all Jnrl srnlrrl;rt lhe rl)pullcnilncc|' and privilcges thcrcunto bckrnging or in anywisc lhereunlo appcrraining. and rll thc cstatc. riBht. I il lc. intcR'sl irtrtl ( llinr ivltittst'scr, <tl thc Srant(lr(s). cithcr in law or equity, to thC only pOpcr usc. bencfit and bchool ol th!'gr ntcr(s). itS hctrs rtttrt itssigns lirrcvcr. fN WTTNESS WllEREOI.,'Ihc grantorts)ha S c\c(utc(l llrr\ tlc,.rl rrtt tltc (lirl( \(l li)tlh lh('vc. RICT_ Technical Director Statc of by STAI'E OIJ COI-oRAIX). Countl' ol The forcgoing instruntnt \r'&\ ackn()wlcdScd b('l()rc nlc in thc Colorado lr)"j CirtlntI" ()l EagIe 2I rllv , 'l \J6ys6gg1 Witnt ss rrt' lrrntl irttrl ollictal rcitl. .llris le 85 My conrmisskrn cxpin:s 4 / 25 / 86 l9 J- n <-A/ C-1-'/f -'z-'n't'/ (<'- /Y' ) LA'ua"-- .( vvg /i. O. ,Ltir< ,/L63 ^"'*", ,/e<J;t JA 6765tr NO.933. Rev. l-1i4. qUtT <r-etv trr:Ur lr'trtl,rJ r\'hl,\r,,trr \ir1 $ ,',h^!. rrir\."-t (,)\,,'tr Irrrrr. r|6rntl Recorded ar Reception No. o'clock - iv. QUIT CLAIM DEED THIS DEED, lvtade this day of bctween gaglEvrsroN AssocrATEs vr' by P.O. Box /+39 Avon, Colorado 81620 of the *County of Colorado. lrantor(s), and u hosc lcLal addrcss rs ('l thc (','unt\ (,1 Eagfe partner, Cablevision Tr Q6,loa ,/ its general and State of Tor',n of Vai1, a Colorado municipal corporation ;rnd St:rte ot CLrl,rrldo. grJntccl:'), \\ I fNl:SSL I H. 'l-hirl thc grJntor(s). Ibr anrl in constdcration ol thc sum of $1' OC DOLLARS thc rcceipt and sulliciency of which is hereby acknou ledged, ha " remised, released, sold. conveyed and QUIT CLAIIVIED. and by thcse presents do€S remise. release, sell. convey and QUIT CLAIII unto the grantee(s), 1ls heirs, successors and assigns, forerer, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the grantor(s) has in and to the real propert.v, together with impro!€ments, if any, situare, lying and being in the County of nagle and State of Colorado, described as follows: A sixteen (f5) foot wide Utilit.y Easement parallel to thesoutherly Boundary of and shor^rn on the pral of the Resubdivisionof Part 9f Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition, Amende<l p1at, located 6,ithin the Town of Vail, as recored in Book 2G0 atPage 538 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of EagleCounty, Colorado; more particularly described as lying iortherlyof and parallel to the southerly Boundary of said nesubdivisionlbounded on the South by U.S. fnterstate Highway tto. 70 Right-of-!{ay, and being within Lots l, 2 and 3 of said Resubdivision. also knorvn b1'strect and nu[lbc'r a5: Il/A TO I{AVE AND TO HOLD the slrnc. togc(hcr rvith lll and sinruiar the appurtcnanccs and privilegcs thereunto bclonging or in anvwise thcreunto appertaining. lnd .rll the eslatc. nght. title. intcrcst and clairn r.r'hatsoerer. of the grantor(s ). cither in law or equity. to thc only proper use. benellt and bch(x)l ()t (h!',!runrce(\r. itS hcirs und assigns lirrcver. lN WITNESS WHEREOF. Thc srantor(s)hu S cxccutcd this dced on thc drtc sct tbrth rbove . STATE oF KDo. I county or poz- ( I *' The fbregoing instrument w:Ls acknowledged bcfbre me in the &" Counry ot Po r f Siarc of J ocr-, pt . this JJ ,-d day of (hdy b."- JAar;s rh. ilOAH iltv conrnrission expires (/ ' ,q ". D 6 U Witness my hand and official scar. ,19.f5. I 'l[ in Denvcr, insen 'CitY and." No. 93-1. Rev. l-84, QUIT CLAIIII D!:ED IrraLirorJ hhrr\h,ns. 58:s w 6rh Alr.. rde\{(l)d, co 8r):tr - (rBr :rr.bqi) 'f :.$ ,'DECLARATION FOR LOT 1, WHITE RIVER ESTATES A RESUBDIVISION OF BIGHORN SUBDIVISION THIRD ADDITION REC I TALS 1.SIERRA FEDERAL SAVINGS DENVER, ("Dec1arant") is the ovrner of thein the County of Eagle, State of ColoradoLot 18, White River Estates in Exhibit A made a part hereof. I. DIVISION OF REAL PROPERTY. (a) 18 are hereby divi s: The building which has been constructed on Lot1, is a building consisting of two units designed and intendedfor use and occupancy as a residential dwelling unit, designatedherein as ttunit 1A'r and ttunit lBtt respectively, which are some- times referred to herein separately as ttunit" or collectively asttunitstt. Lot lA contains unit A and Lot IB contains un-it B. 4. Declarant desires to and does hereby establisha plan for the ownership of Lot 1A and Lot IB as estates in fee simple. DECLARATION Declarant does hereby publish and declare that thefollowing terms, covenants, conditions, easements, restrictions, uses, reservations, limitations and obtigations shall be deemed to run with the land described herein, shaIl be a burden and abenefit to Declarant, its personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns and any person acquiring or owning an in-terest in the real property which is described herein and im- provements built thereon, their grantees, personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns. (i) unit tA consisting of 1A, together with the improvements, thereon or appurtenant thereto; (ii) unit IB consisting of18, together with the improvements, thereon or appurtenant thereto. AND IOAN ASdOCIATION OFreal proper ty s i tua;e described as Lot lA & attached hereto and Lot 1A and Lot a fee simple easements'and a fee s imple easements and estate in Lotrights located estate in Lotrights Iocated -1- (b) nay be leased, devised or (c) ally or in any form of concurrent ownership recognized inCoIorado. In case of any such concurrent ownership, eachco-owner shall be jointly and severaJ. ly IiabIe for performant:t. and observance of all the duties and responsibilities of an "owner" with respect to the unit in which he owns an interest.For all purposes herein, there shall be deemed to be only twoowners, the owner of unit IA and the owner of Unit 18. Theparti.es, if more than one, having the ownership of each such un-it sha11 agree among themselves how to share the rights andobligations of such ownership; provided, however, that if acorporation, partnership, association or other IegaI entityshall become an owner or the parties, if more than one, have theconcurrent ownership of a unit., then such entity or concurrent owners shall from time to time designate one individual whoshalI represent such entity or concurrent owners in all mattersconcerning all rigbts and obligations pursuant to thisDeclaration. Any such entity or concurrent owners shall givewritten notice to the other owner designating the indi.vidual toact on its or their behalf and such notice shall be effectiveuntil revoked in writing by such entity or owners. Any act or omission by such designated individual shalI be binding on theentity or owners having desig.nated him in favor of the other owner or any person who may rely thereon. (d) Any contract of saIe, deed, lease, deed of trust, mortgage, will or other instrument affecting aunit may describe it by its unit letter and by reference to thisDeclaration. (e) Each unit shall be considered a sepa-rate parcel of real property and shall be separately assessedand taxed. 2. ENCROACHMENTS. lf any portion of Lot IA andLot 1B now encroacEE-i!6i-EE-other parcel as a result of theconstruction of any buitding, or if any such encroachment shalloccur hereafter as a result of settling or shifting of anybuilding, a valid easement for the encroachment and for the maintenance of the same so long as the building stands shallexist. In the event any building shall be partially or totallydestroyed as a result of fire or other casualty or as a resultof condemnation or eminent domain proceedings and then rebui. lt, encroachments of parts of the building on the other parcel, dueto such rebuilding, shall be permitted, so long as such encroachments are of no greater extent than those previouslyexisting, and valid easements for such encroachments and the maj.ntenance thereof shall exist so long as the building shallstand. (b) Except as provided for in Paragraph 8below, if, because of any act or omission of any o$rnerr aoymechanic's or other Iien or order for the payment of money shall Each unit shall be inseparnb!.r. rr,tencumbered only as a drrel I ing un r: . Title to a unit may be held intlr,.,r i,:- -2- A b9 filed against the other owner's unit or any improvement:;therein or thereon, or against any other o*n.i (whetner or notsuch lien or order is valid or enforceable as such), thc r>un,rrwhose act or omission forms the basis for such Lien or ordL,rshall at his own cost and expense cause the same to be cancel Lc,iiand discharged or record or bonded by a surety company reason_ably acceptabLe to such other owner, within 2-0 days after tncdate of filing thereof, and further shall indemniiy ana save ri.,,eother owner harmless from and against any and arI costs,expenses, claims, losses or danages, including reasonableattorney's fees resulting therefrom. 7 - INSURINCE, (a) Each owner shalt keep hisunit and all fixtures TEerein insured against ross or damaqe byf i.re and extended coverage perils lincluaing vandarism and-mati-cious mischief) for the maximum replacement varue thereof. Anvowner may on 30 days' written notice, at any time one y.u. o.'longer after the last apptaisal of the unit-s, obtain a writtenappraisal of such units from a competent appraiser, chargingboth owners with the reasonable costs thereof. such appiaiiershall be a disinterested and independent third party who is un-related in any manner to either owner whether throuqh jointbusi ness adventures or otherwise. (b) Each owner shall provide and keep inforce for-the protection of himself generar public li.abiliiy andproperty damage occuring in, on or upon his parcer owned in feesimpre and the improvements thereon. in a rimit of not less than93a0,000 in respe-t of bodiry injury or death to any number ofpersons arising out of an accident or disaster, or ior damage toproperty' and if higher limits sharl at any time be customary toprolect against possible tort riability, sirch higher rimitsshall be carried and each owner shall name the other owner as anaddi. ti.onal insured party under such policy. (c) Each owner shall deliver to the otherowner certificates evidencing a1r insurance required to be car-ried under this paragraph 7, each containing agreements by thei.nsurers not to cancel or modify the policies,iitnout giving theother owner written notice or aL reasl 30 days. Each ownershall have the right to j.nspect and copy all such insurancepolicies of the other owner and require-evidence of the paymentof premiums thereon. sha11 prevenr .h" ",1:1." r!:;t]:?.lii'l3ii,:?";n:""?:iil'991,",to cover any one or more of the hazards iequireo in this pur.-'graph to be separtely insured against by each owner. B. RIGHT To LIEN. (a) If an owner, ar anytime' shall neqlecE-;;-EEr;E-to perform or pay his share of any :!lig.ti9! reqriired hereuncler, the c-rcher owner may, but sitail 13t Ue oblLgated to, after 2O days,written notice unless thecrrcumstances require immediate iction, made such payment, or,on behalf of such other owner, expend such sum as may be neces-sary to perform such obligation including, but not Iimited -3- I.tt - to, the payrc'nt of any insurance premiums required hereunder orthe undc'rEakinc oi any work required hereunder for repair, rest-oration or naintenance, and such other owner shaII have an ease-nent in and ro that part of such defaulting ownerrs unit as isreasonably necessary for such repair, restoration or maintenance. (b) AII sums so paid or expended by anowner, with interest thereon at the rate of 18 percent per year from the date of such payment or expenditure, shall be payableby the owner so failing to perform (the 'rdefaulting owner") upon demand of the other owner. A1I sums so demanded but unpaid by thedefaulting owner shall constitute a lien on the unit of the de-faulting owner in favor of the other owner prior to all otherIiens and encumbrances, except: (i) liens for taxes and spe-cial assessment; and, (ii) the lien of any first mortgage orfirst deed of trust of record encumbering such unit. The lienshall attach from the date when the unpaid sum shall become dueand may be foreclosed in like manner as a mortgage on real prop-erty upon the recording of a notice or claim thereof executed bythe nondefaurti.ng owner setting forth the amount of the unpaidindeotedness, the name of the defaulting owner. and a descii.p-tion of the unit. rn any such foreclosure the defaulting ownershall be required to pay the costs and expenses of suchproceedings, including reasonable attorney,s fees. (d) The lien provided for herein shall besubordinate to the lien of any first mortgage or deed of trust.inciuding alr additi.onar advances thereon. s.le or transfer ofany unit as the resurt of court foreclosure of a mortgage, fore-closure through the public trustee, or any proceeding-in rieu offoreclosure, including the transfer of a deed in Iieu offorecrosure, shalr extinquish the lien of such assessments as topayments thereof which become due prior to such sale ortransfer, but sharl not rerieve any former owner of personarriability therefor. The mortgagee of such unit who -acquired ti-t1e by way of foreclosur" or i.h" taking of a deed in lieuthereof, shall not, however, be liabre for anv past due assess-ment and sharl only become liabre for future islessments on thedate it becomes the owner of such unit. No sale or transfershal. I relieve such unit from liability for any assessmentsthereafter becoming due or from the rien thereof. rn the eventof the sale or transfer of a unit with respect to which sumsshall be unpaid by a defaulting owner. except transfers to afirst mortgagee in conncection with a forecrosure of its rien ora deed in Iieu thereof, the purchaser or other transferee of aninterest in such unit shalr be jointry and severarly 1iable withthe seller or transferor thereoi for iny such unpaid sums. (e) Upon hrritten request of any owner,mortgageer prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other prospectivetransferee of a unit, the owner of the other unit shall iisue awritten statement setting forth the anount he is owed under this -4- ,&,"paragraph, if any, with respect to such unit. Such statement isbinding upon the executing owner in favor of any person who mayrely thereon in good faith. unless a request for such statementshall be complied with within fifteen days after receiptthereof, all unpaid sums which became due prior to the date ofmaking such request sharl be subordinated to the lien or otherinterest of the person requesting such statement. 9. USE RESTRICTIONS. stricted to a reffiq such use as well as conditioned aiddefined by the Eagle County Zoning (a)Each unit shall beunit as a permitted use,accessory uses shall be Ord i nance . re- and ct5 (b) No exterior mounted radio, shortwave,television or other type of antenna whatsoever or tank of anykind, either elevated or burried, or clothesrine or incin"raLo.of any kind whatsoever or outside storage of any personaJ_ prop-erty shaIl, be permitted or maintained on either unit witrrout Lrreprior written approval of both owners. (c) No animals, livestock, horses, orpourtry of any kind shall be kept, raised, bred or maintainedln, on or upon either unit, except that each owner may keep andmaintain within his unit dogsf cats or other domesti.cated touse-hold animals not to exceed two in number; provided, however,that such domesticated animals are kept .r.,-der control at a1ltimesr do not present a nuisance to the other owner and are keptand controlled in strict compliance with aII Eagle Countyordinances that may apply to such animals (d) In addi.tion to the parking restr!-c-tions set forth in subparagraph 4(c) above, eich owner may keepno more than two automotive vehicres permanentry on rris u-nit. - Parking of boats, trailers, campers, motor home-s, ATVr s orrecreationsl vehicles on either- unit is expressly prohibited.Parking of more than two automotive vehicris uy "iin", ourn..-o,his^famiLy, agent or invitee on such ownerts unit for more thana 4B hour period is expressly prohibited. (e) No "time sharing", rtinterval ownership" or similar interest, whereby ownership of a unit isshared by owners on a time basis sharl be estabrished on ei.therunit without the prior written approvar of both or.rners and a1rlienors holding a first mortgage'tr first deed of trust of re-cord on any portion of Lot fa 6r Lot 18 vrhich approval shall bereflected in a document of record. Lg. NlrICE. Each owner shalI register its mailingaddress with the-irEE? owner and all notices or demands intendedto be serviced upon owners shall be sent by certified mail,postage prepaid addressed in the name of the owner at such reg_ l:::::g mai Iins address. rn ir.,. urt"r"arive. notice may be de_rrvereo tt tn writing, personally to owners. -5- A ll. OURATION OF DECLARATION. Each provision con-tained in tnis offiject to the laws or rules sonetimes referred to as the rule against perpetuities or therule prohibi ting unreasonable restraints or alienation shallcontinue and remai.n in full force and effect thi.s Declaration isterninated as herei,naf ter provided. A11 other provisions con-tained in this Declaration shall continue and remain in fuIIforce and effect until January I in the year 2011 A.D., andthereafter for successive periods of 10 years each; unless atleast I year prior to the expiration of any such 10 year periodof extended duration, this Declaraton is termi.nated by recordedinstrument, directing termination, signed by all ownbrs and alllienors holding a f i.rst mortgage or first deed of trust of re-cord on any portion of Parcel A or Parcel B. L2. AMENDMENT OR REVOCATION. This Declaration mavbe amended or re@rant so rong as Decrar-antowns both Lot lA and LoL IB, or (b) upon unanimous written ap-proval in recordable form of aII owners and aIl Iienors holdinga first mortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portionof Lot IA or Lot IB. 13. EFFECT OF PROVISIONS OF DECLARATTON. Each pro-vision of this Oe , covenant andundertaking to comply with each provision of this Decraration,and any necessary exception or reservation or grant of title,estate, right or interest to effectuate any provision of thisDeclaration: (i) sharr be deemed incorpoiated in each deed orother instrument; (ii) shall, by virtue of acceptance of anyright, title or interest in any portion of Lot 1A or Lot 1e byan owner, be deemed accepted, ratified, adopted and declared isa personal covenant of such owner and, as a personal covenant,shall be binding on such owner and his heirs, personal r ep r e s e n t a t i ve s , successors and assigns; and, shall be deemed apersonal covenant to, with and for the benefit of each owner ofany portion of Lot 1A or Lot lB; and, (iii) shall be deemed areal covenant by Declarant, for itseli, its successors andassigns, and also an equitable servitude, running, in each casefas a burden with and upon the title to each and every portion ofLot 1A and Lot IB. 14. ENFoRCEMENT AND RExnrygg. (a) Each provisionof this Declaratffi by any owner by a pro-ceeding for a prohibitive or mandatory injinction or by u "uitor action to recover damages. If court pioceedings are insti_tuted in connection with [tre rights of enforcement and remediesprovided in this Declaration, tfre prevailing party shall be en-titled to recover its costs ina exienses in-c6nnc6ctiontherewith, including reasonable atlorney's fees. (b) Each owner hereby agrees that any anda1l actions in equity or at 1aw which are instituted to enforceany provr.sron hereunder shall be brought in and only in thecourts of Eagle County, State of Colorado. -6- E I (c) Failure to enforce anv provi.sionthis Declaration shall not operate as a waiver of-any suchprovision, the right to enforce such provision thereafter,any other pro'rision of this Declaration. of or of I5. EXERCISE OF RIGHTS. Any exercise of any rightgrantedh"round"r@respecttotheotherowner|S unit including but not limited to the use of any easement grant-ed herein shall. be exercised in a manner which shall not unrea-sonably hinder, impede or impose upon such other ownerrs use ofhis unit. 16. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. Except as otherwiseprovided herein,mr be bi;ding upon andshall injure to the benefit of Declarant and each owner and theheirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns of each. 17. SEVERABILITy. Invalidity or unenforceability ofany provision of-tnls oeEraration in whoie or in part shall notaffect the validity or enforceability of any othei provision orany valid and enforceable part of a provision of thisDeclaration. I8. CAPIIIXS. The captions and headings in this in_strumenE are ror ?onTEn-ience only and sharr not be considered inconstruing any provisions of this Declaration. I9. CONSTRUCTION.construct ion, tnE-Eas6uf IiE ofshall include the feminine orthe plural, and vice versa. When necessary for proper any word used in this Declarationneuter gender, and the singular IN I,UI"-\ l'/raraEron thrs.:C__has ex€6-uted this Dec- . n^ /- I Ltq:, NESS day SIERRA FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN AS SOCI AT I ON A.trlT|tre.F. Subscr i bed 'I qa < 1., , Beve r Iy V. Wi tnes s My commi 6lomon _rl-t . rVice.P'resid and sworn before me this ,4.Yt/..6uu o,Glenn A. solomon, AssistaiEllZE p;esiddnt andArnold, Assistant Secretarv. my hand and seal.ssion exPires ,ll, C,,Fn,;s.l,,i ?,,ri-..i/i;), Z,i. lggg r \.r , - .=i '"-<t' :() ')//l'- €/'"?i'4Notarv/,Publ ic NE n A. S stant t. Declarant -i' i":' ' )l' ExHrBrr A Lot r, A resubdivision of part of Bighorn subdivision, Third Ad-dition Amended plat, Town of vai1, nigre county, coloiado ac-cording to the final plat thereof. a/k/a 4410 Columbine Drive ' t- . .ir FIRST AI,IENDI'IENT TO DECLARATION FOR LOT 1, WETTE RIVER ESTATES, A RESUBDIVISION OF BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, THIRD ADDITION faa4unr/ ? / ,198 5 ("Declaration"), Sierra Federal Savings and Loan Association of Denver ("Declarant") established certain covenants and restric- tions with respect to real property located in Eagle County' Colorado, known as Lot IA and Lot 18, White River Estates, being rnore particularly described on Exhibit A attached bereto (the nProper ty" ) . B. Lot lA contains a residential dwelling unit known as Unit IA and Lot IB contains a residential dwelling unit known as Unit IB. C. Declarant is presently the obrner of the Property and desires to amend the Declaration as set out below. RECITALS A. By Declaration dated dntitled "Use Restrictions"of subpart (f)to read as (f) The exterior of the two residential dwetling units shall bepainted or stained one identical co1or, and neither owner ofa unit may paint, stain or otherwise change the exteriorappearance of his unit to make it in any vray different fromthe exterior appearance of the other unit. Paragrapb 9 ofis hereby amendedfollows: AMENDMENT the Declaration,by the addition In witness Declaration th is whereof, Declarant , 9'ni day of has executed this Arnendment to December, 1985. SIERRA FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ./zBy /-'/. --,"- -) /: ,L-- Assistant Vice President ss STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF DBNVER !::-<,-tt.- commi ss ion expires was acknowledged Pefore me this bv P/tnELtt t-7'/c-c.'t.o Sierra Federal Savings and Loan and official seal. ,81* co fcvsT -2- ta EXHIBIT A TEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 1, A resubdivision of part of Bighorn Subdivision ThirdAddition, Anended PIat, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, according to tbe final plat thereof (also known as, VaiI, Colorado). Best coplcs Available should be .l two No- 4's at top and bottom of the wal} and No. 5 Dur-O-Wall at _i ,. - 15" o.c. coptEs 19 Mike Vji"ernr^n FOatM 241-? Ar.!.da L6 r!-ae-s'rE_ &otd. lt.s or4a)c Project Application proiectName: Wt'ttTE /LlVf /L F <141 Fj 5 Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone &Ect- 4NC r ,f f ', :: t tOrAb * owner,Addressandphone: PlZtp it Y t'U l+- Architecl. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing ,&Yz"rltc )i."-, Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAT DISAPPROVAL Summary: E statt Approval \ luwn 75 3oulh tronlage rd. Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 department of community development August 5, '1 982 Mike Wineman P.0. Box .|483 Vail , Colorado 8.|658 rcLrt //P*s'L -/ ut'7 , Lot 'l , l,Jhite River Estates R.;/"-- Sr-/ Dear Mike: I have reviewed the new position of the duplex for Lot l, White River Estates. The rea'l ignment of the house is approved. The approvalis g'iven because it will move the house further away from the creek and a number of trees will be saved. Permission for the real'ignmentis given with the assumption that all port'ions of the bu'ilding and improvements wi'l 1 remain within Lot l. JS:br Si ncere'ly, II'1 SAYRE -. P.O. BOX 1842 vAlL, coLoRADO 81658 303/47S0885 suEstotARtEs HERITAGE CONTFACTORS G & G DEVELOPMENTCO. INVESTMEIIT DESIGN INTEBIORS LTD. 12903 COUNTRY RIDGE SAN ANTONIO, TX. 78216 512y494-2195 CONSTTUC,T|Of'l INVESTM€NTS July 15, 1982 Mr. Peter Janar Town Pl-anner Department of Cornnunity Developnent Town of Vai-fP.0. Box 10OVai1, Colorado 8165? Dear Mr. Janar: We wish to change the genera] contractor for White River Estates,Lot 1 fron K-G Construction to Winenan Construction Cdnpany. The lega1 description 16 Borwick Subdivision, A Resubdivisi-on of Lotl{, Bighorn Jrd Addi-tion, Eagle County. The street address is WhiteRiver Estates, Lot 1, Colunbine Drive, East Vail-. k you nuch, DMG/bd detanils po'". 8lO5 Itord ala ralllon llr 14*w4 .L u_ tlu Irt tr ' J+:{'.4J9q.'re ?x:re NFhre' KIYER E>a".re> etl IN€9-f E'u.€VFiflAN rKrt4N<'1 utlt-T f,."At-E tf +ll -- tt-'.ll troul archiiects inc aia 19063 lake road rocky river ohio 44 116 telephone 216 331-4000 o detanils ioa^o. $)E ,--I' -\-rJ(DK.1,.J, w< lrosl rlr .!lllon rla l{-l'-oti 331-4000 eftNlt-to 55 - Ld-}{tlou G FIEUQ \'€RIFLI xwzNeA le TNrtO tO'Yt6'x tzt' cz,ru.eete. e*t vl6ll r>,A. f\EC. €rtr, r., vE tdlFJ€LgvAfl.tl I^JHIIE !-r-r=sT ftt11AJ Of =StxX a1z* . I€ F=4Ot=D gltg€-K F=-TF.-TF r-'aT 1- ='LevArk2N F-Krr'4AJ(q uNi-r lroul archilecls inc aia 19063 lake road rocky river ohio 44116 lelephone 216 ,/ L*8 Fr? !ot5r1- - e- t{'" o.c, ii'J?."ff'. j'.frl 1?.'T; n$ cros3roaos snopprng cenlet vail, colorado 81657 303/4762170 TO Iv1r. Michael Wineman Wineman Construction Company P. O. Box 1482 Vai1, Colorado 81658 TFi= -CL..L-,\ it,JG !\ A > IvOTED Footinqs formed and horizontal steel 11r_pli9e_ !q_f_ e4__"_! qgqonda5y -uni! qrd--_Qppl9l111e!e-!v_60P-_er9gn!--gr-t!e-p-rlaqrY-qlit: st I rgez j"'' ""8r-so #1, white River Estates Bighorn, Vail, Colorado coNrRA:ioF toi{riaRIti"hugl__Flil=*gl_] CDS EntelPils,e \ EA'PER i;;-15at-1L t00',; CloudV i oat pr.t eRE5eNt A1 sr-rE Dan Packard, Michael Chuck Selb Dowels were tied in place_o_nlffor thg cerltilevei w3lts--S4-!hg-s-91f!h qaracre wall of the secondarv uni-t. l"lichael assured me that the other dowels would be placed as the footing concrete is poured. Discussed bearinq foundation on solid rock ledge at southwest corner of primarv unit. f told Chuck to drill and srout the wall rebar into the rock and form off of it. -- I -gey9-Mi-chaeLo-Ur9=I(.-tQ-portr tbe-f-o-o-L14S-s--b-ased--Qn-big- asgur.a{Lqq-Ehat - __ Bi cb_eap I arl-_g ave_ h i s_ app 4 o11a l_t o . g o-_oft __-q U r s, r Discussed running joists over beams at the crawlspace and upPer floor of the primary unit to avoid hangers.I said it was O.K. based on aPProval of the architect for the upper floor beam. teve Patterson, Dan Gagli ardo iN!u!ltlox: ,f SClAt IQUI?MENT: (itatt aolcciol ot nolr o"d nodtl.) , f ;,,ttnctien blindr ..--.--..-. Nurnbcr : itchcn range ).t f ri gc rator -..----. --. ---..-: -- )ishwe:hcr iarbegc dirposal unit ------,------. ,o RcH t5: AutomtLic rv:rshcr Clothet d ricr :IBl CtS: cotrcre te GAl' C t5: wAtXi ANO DnIYEWAY!: see' tirerrr lr,r',s )rivcwry : w id rhv.alj.e.i-" llasc matcria0/4}..1:p-a_d. i ttocln... .-6::,,. Front welk: Width .i'jlA.-. Metrriel cg-l-g-f-e.+,S- -. ----; thickncl -..-_-,,. Stcpr: Mrtrrirl .. -S-o-19f-:9-lt - _; trrr& ------_-_...; riscrr S u r/eci n g matcri rt aii Jlh?-Lt-_ -pij- y j.r-l+.^-*1 p1clc, ^ ?.,',, Scrvico rrlk : tvidth -._-. trrrtcrtd Y.Yjlllib,!.f-cs. t__,, Check wrllr re,/djl?H lIU..$_ clxll gHslTl lntnovt|{ENTJI''Spccily dll eztcior onitt it-.prov cnan !r nol dcscibad ahowherc, *vtuditg ilcnr otch c.r lnrru4l groding, d.rainqo alw,a^cr,rcloinirg wa|Jt, fea<, railirrg:, otd accctoo4l stntcturrl,.) -axo3cJprx6. pL Hrrx6. AHD FrNrsH GraDrx6: ";i;;:-i;;;.l-;.il--'i:,. l;-; t;-..-';,;:;;';-"-'Il<,p:oil ..-i----" tJrick: [!l Frcnt yard; @ sidc yerdr; ! rear yard to ".-..-1.:... ,...-.--.__ feet bchind mria buiiding. \-twnt (sted,cd, sodded., or svriggcd):fl Front yard oer:::e,.._L--_..._-; E side yardr.:i*c.e-:;ri-.--.---; fl rearyrrd'll:rting: fr As spccilled" r,nd shown on drawings; fl as follows: Shedc trccl dcciduous, .----.-----...-" calipcr. Low flowcring trett, decidoou\ --.-.-_..' to --.-_----, IIii;h-groringshrubs,deciduoul ..-__--_-, to,,-__--.-, ---...-..-- )ledium-g'rowing shrubs, dcciduour, ---..---.' to .---.----' I-ow.growingshrub:,tlcciduous, -_-.---.-,to-..-.--._, Everg,rccn trtcr., livergreen shrubr, ---___-____-- Vir'c:,Z-year ' to --___*_,, B & B ' to --*_.--_,, B & B '-*-'--------F :t:r tc^rtor.-Thit exhibit shrll bc idcntiled by thc rig.neturc of thc bu ildrr,rown al, thc timc of :rpplication. Ollstr by Inrq f-*f ,.ol*gor if txr bttaI r/ IIt19* "'>- '| ';- --- - - '- --- S ign r, tu rc I t ( t sor, apdlor l.r....,.ia.rrhrt b- -o.r.ttt rl.na.!-'. t.la. Sr.tl. ..-rl.r...r..(. t a.t.'a 1..r1tr...1 .,.i... olcrrprroN oF unirnrfis .4. i- 'ro oort d (onrlruciion lgogor !ra<lor (Addrr-) ,......-:-!..-..(.,..:.':-ll...i',-q.1,.r..v,:i.tt.......--.......... (Adrtr._ | txtTrucTloxs :or oddilicrsl in{ornciior cr how lhir lornr ir lo br rub'.iH.d. -r- brr e,.r, .tc- r.r the iarrvctionr opglicoble lo the FHA Application for o3. 1..",o^.. cr YA Rrqucrl lor Dttrrminoliorl oI Rccro.,oblr Vol,rc, corr -ct br. ).rarib: oll aatrrlolr ond rquiprnrrl to b< orrd. vhrllrrr or nct lhc-a d,c-,alr. by .no,tinl ca X ia cocl oppropriolr ch<ct-bor ond rnltrin3 io.,,.otioa collcd lor ir eo<.[ rpocr. ll rpocr ir lrodcqu.rte, oitr '5t< o.d dcrcribr .rtdrr hrnr 17 cr ca or eltocjrrd rAeel. Vorl ncl rocc.Gcally drrrib.d or $o-n rill rcf be <o"riJerrd rnlru .j. whco the rniairngra occrgrfob|l rill br olr':n.i- Vorl rrcrrdial tninim"n rrquircmrntr connoi bt <or"riJr'.J v'.lrrr rprciScally d.rrib.d. ,1. laci"Je ao ol|rrn<rlrr. "or .quol" phrcrrr, or coalrodicloet ilrmr. ICo,riJrrolior o{ o ttqvrrl {or occcplcE. c{ *brlilulr m<rtcriolr or rqdp-u ir aol ll <tciry p..clr'J.d.l 5. In<luJ. rigrxturrr rrquirrd ct d'r r'"d ol llir lon. t- Thc .o"rl."ctioa rjroll be c-ocrclelrd ir c-olbacr -itlr thr relcrr dr<r-ingr ood rprcificationr. l o,,r."drd duriol proccrring. Tt. .p..;6"ofio ixludr t[ir Drrcriplio.r ol Moirriclr oad lhe oppiicobh l.liaimrn Ccrrtn*fi. Rrquircn<ntr. -oUxD nOxlt ;oting:: Concrtta Eir ---i- :r? c !-- n lcrior loundetion )olumnr: M attrirl Rcinforcing I , 'r , i-': t,rl t r .r'11 rlr';,;: ir-. ;; f oordrlion wru : Mrtrrlri _.(.(lljtr:S I .r I (-l !j l'!lfl(:.t:r_------_--__Reinlorcins ----r'" ,'1; I r'1L-!.,--:.:r.L--{ r; '"rjrtS!-____--- rnd !irr --]-!',i:, i-:'-!.iill:i---.. - ---:--..-,- -. -- -.- - P ic rr : l( a rc rirl r nd rtinf o:cins -- -f.e./jt1f-i -1.l.{!. ii- --. . --. .------. I-luc llning: ldatrrirl ,t4l; -1-9--l-]1,-t;, .-r-'-'-1.:-j---- II e.:rter flut s.:-€ ---.--.'-.----,-- "Icnls (Tnotzriol orrd rig'el: Gri or cil hcrt€r .--.-:---------.--,--- l'i rtplaca ffuo ri:r --'et-, I r, t.lr,teriW cter her.tcr ;lrttLlcrS: Typc: Q Solid tuel; ! gr:-burnilg; ! circulrtor Qr.akt ond rird) .:'-;-lJl.r-.,!-'-'--.--t------,--- Arh dump and cleanlu EirIlrlOr WALLS!l-;t.it,l srr;tcllr' . :t:,r'l'i!r' i,'l1:r ,',,1 .'. .,. ileronry: Prcing -; bacln p -- tllclrncu Bonding Door rill:Windor rillr --_.------. Lintcls Intcrior rurfacrr: Drnppre6ag. ---- cor b of ; lurring tEnc:-ior printing: Xr!:rirl --r:l-c;'ll--'-rori--l..ii]-L!.---- -----.-..; nuhbcrot cortr j_ (irblc rrall conrtrnction: Ql Srroa rr mri.rr rrlL; Q otlnr t -1-';:i-.-- ILCOI Fll'LlXCt Joiru: Wmd. grrdc ud rp<icr.-f--,:-i--()r' '1 of !!l-; other .------------------.-.----; bridging .i--!.-e--l-!-----; ancirorr ._,./A Conc.retc alaD: O Brsrcetnt Ooor; f) lrst 6oor; tr frocld rupportrd; fl scif-ou pporting; oir -j 0!ll_l-i-U.-.:, tl--.---; t-\l "lo"s jj__ rcintortin3 Ji{d-Q:1-r.u- ; brubtion ---r.-(l1:r' ------ ; mrrnbranc l- ,. -Lr,- -'-..,:,. L'ri l-itl uadcr slrb: xrrrrirl -:;-li,:,r;-1.-u.la-l ---------; thickncsr - -:---". -. i,-ii.;---li--]tli:e-r!e;,lc! r'oci. lUllLOOllXG: (D.rri6r ea,ivl*tia1 le 'p.iol toct ndq it.a Zr.) -\letrdrl: C radc a:rd l.ard : fl First floor;Eoor; Ei rltjc to lr:il, I n tPcc roa Ll.:----,..1.-1. i: .-.-':-:";- --1!':) ------; typ *-.-. - .-- -,il us.::.-c (l sccond lr; I I L'(l r---:---.::---- xl. lL; Q dirs-'nrl ; [] r'ight a'nglts- t lx l3X t!oOrlXCr (ld <,.1r.Dtr<ri6r o,llcr 6.rl fr@.;^t o)t irt,a 2!.) tJi-r.- --l -_i'l r:'. fioor---- -- - Second icxrr..... Attlc fioor .._... Cr -d Sr-g i--Ltli__i -t ---'-"-'r I DESCR,IPTION OF MATE.qI. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAT tAlllltOX- ttlr.lx Cr Sturtr: wood, grrdr ond sp*i.r 12. --{-l l:- -a.I' - -b-e-OJ. i,X*-- Siza and --.----gl-ctsb.-lIlf:--Lq.1Lir-.-iJi-.:---c.r-qvri--;,--1.1-stuelE--{,-- jqis-ts.. rpacins "?x:lC' -e^.t:,.---- orhrr celuxo trararx6: Joirtr: Wood, g.radc and ,po"i.r -,.!-./1i..-ql--l:e-u-el.--- Other 3rifuing --1s --1'e<lu j4eri 1x3 lgOt tl^ralXC! Ib!t rr: Wood. g'radr and spccir: ,-!1"/ti?. --q.f-- !-e-1:t-!'-i------------ Roof trusses (see detail): Crsda rnd apccics ---xe,/fua-bl&:$-.--.-----.....-.- of plie: -----.----.; aurf acing matcriel wcight -j-J.-)--- ---- - - - ----- ; f] g.ravcl !top!; O snoir gllr!lace :9-9.9._-il-83-e_E_ili_!b.-l ! yi _lr_1.:. _t _ _+: ll -1 6UTTlr5 AXD DOWN5'OUTII cutt r:: }f rurial--€4f -Yirik'ed--li:i---.--*-.; ra&r o! ! 6 *n s po u k : !{ r t ri d - f3,1y-i Ji-i-zr-e-g- -!-{ ! ! --- ; 8-. r. o r Down:poutr connecttd to: O Storm scwrr; Q lrnitrry -.ight -?-q---.--- ; si"c ---i:-'l--__-; shrpo ---p-e?.!,-]e-qi:*wcight -?-0 -------; si:c -..1, "------; ehepc -{'-e-ct-e!i3-liF--; no.mber --- acwcr; Q dry-well. O Sphsh blocl:: Meterirl rnd sizr l.a!h O wall* 0 ccilingr: Xrtcriel -; wcigbt or thiclncg .:---.-.------- Plarter: Cortr __-; 6nith --------_-.Dry-raJl Ql wrlls, Sl ctilins:: Xrtcrirl -ilr.!---lf:$-,--._; thickncsr --1-111.1'; nnitl -.!+-ir-t-..q:,-f-aJ-J,erdmtloucd ta.pe LATX AXD ?LA'TIII provlcie .nolstttr:e rer;js*rnt f Ji,. 1a,. . i.ui:711;iroher a as l,er 'I .U.V. iLErt lY^!L l)Frra Xrtuul ^.,rD ^.r?uc^no|l Gru'.c l)l||! laltr.rll ^nr Arruc.atu Kikhcn----_-- ---.Beth------.--. - dr;ga 1]r-_te x t-ur-e--a rrC _1>a !!i-_----.--_---_----_.--"-- ..'::I111-L - -19I1:'lI-9. " lir--rl L l L --. -..----'.. -... - -.. .-,i-.l'l!.dl- - --!9-t-J!-rc -1lf i--!:1-= ljL --- ------- .-P-e nlil--L1[ _ r l!f, H 11.l-L l9 x!gre._ e njl_,p1!4 ! - -ri l: J: :, r,_l-l_ -e _q !llt$.__ Othcr tria (itam, tyvc old locoliorr) --l-i-11-:11-i1i'-l1:--gi-19j]--9..1'Jl:-:l:i-i:r----::l.jji-i:-j:'--93!-- WIXOQ\d3: ca s;einent;' 'Windows: fypc .a!:&Lrlf;- ---.--.---; moke -.-l.l-9:-'.1-j-9-.-------------.---; matrriel .--y-Ln.j-- Cla::: Gradc -!hq&olt4-r-'-q___-----; O sash wcights; e balancr:, typc -----.--.----_-__--_-_-_._---_-;hcrd flarhing ; aa-rh ----- 1 numbcr catr l- Storm ar.rh, nq.Eb.r :: thickncsr :/!-- --l.!--&!ll.j--:-9 Scrccnr: &l !'ull; Q hrlf ; typ. -------.I numb,cr.----.-----; lcrccn cloth mrterid ----Itdg!-- Beccrncni windorr: Tfp. .--:-:-::.:---.------; mrtcrirl _--:--.-::_-__.--.--.; (_l scret n4 nu-urbcr :_-l_; tr Storm urh, nurnbrr ]sptcirl windo*r l-lxeg-€.lt-ss--al.l-eI-te.le.i-qI--tl-!i.9.r-F--q--}-i.+ilqyl!---t-c-r.,1 _.-----r-r-ens-g-- - -!g*-er_-e-n-:_1-.1!ir--cr9t-tj-_.t_9:lt:J--qg-(l--i-,y--,-!_.-,_-., TXTIAXCET AXO TXTTTIOI DETAIL: Dlrin cntrrncc dor: Matrrirl -$..-Ll-r-ll,--gl',.-...--..; ridth 3-'--:$l--; thickn.4)*-". Framc: Mrtcrirf -i,-!l s--; thlctcrll1. *.olher cntrsncc doorr: Mrtcrirl --li!j-!i:l-{-.-l!-----; rqidthJ'i-9-l'.---; ttri.t n."iril:::'. Franrc: Mstarirl 1.9-!4--;thicb; Z'IIerd flashing -..,T-Qi?J-JlIlt---e!lf'.e-.-..-----,-..--- Weathcr:tripping: T1.pc ----!lili:r.J:-i_--._-_----___-_; aerldlcs f;4:-JLt_- Scretn rloor:: Thiclcncsr ):/L--" ; numbcr Combinrtion storm and scrccn doon: Thicklerr .iJ.:1:"i numbcr _-__..; scrern cloth srrterial Shuttcrr: g ltinged; O 6ted. Railing: Louven llxterior millwork: Grrdc rnd 'p..i.s -.Y-l-i il ,r--d,-9:j:-.--L,-f-.----.--.-- paint r-:i.--i- -l-l-:- ---.::,ll:-lgll!:-!_-t11t,. ;Dnmbcr cortr i_ lincal fcet of lhaU rid$ 1-2 ; nurubcr cortr _ ).3TAlra: ll^xr- |t X.r..td | 6trt_t I Il e rr.rac nL-- -.1-flp-La I-- --[ .---_---..f --- o::,err _. :rl rtn..__..._l.ii-o..$l_-.. . | . ..1-t_-- .. - | ....:l:g:1..-.| ----- | ----- | A tt'c..--.-...-. 1... -.... -.--_... t.. -... ..... -.. | ....:.:.:-:-_-- ---:--- -.LX Oir k Otr l)irrppcrring: )lekc rnd modcl nuribcr ! terr'r tl,oorl AXO WAlx5Cof t oorDu- Srrg. C.cr. Src. Hrrolt ^r sr.rE -!.et!-e I - -&.ck s- -c--tl i: p"ue- - ri i llrrcxr llEtcrr at TtrD ut llxG: tt t.tr or-D I B ur )t^rrarrL Coloq BorD.\ C^r. St:s, C,rc.. Erc. ;lrrr.rr lxrr.ra I L.rrrroi 'u--'_ """"" i -- i . ur tuu. -----.---.---.-- f-- owcr ovcr tub'"---.f-. all shorer" -- ---.-- f . . rr ndry frrl.r-----. -. l--- I Frr;!rt lDa:GrtErtlox No. I Curtein rod 'tO Door O Curtrin rod 'rter supply: F Public; Q community syatcrn I O inaividoel (priretc) ey:ttrnf ,rrgc di:posrl: E Public; fl community ryst€m; C iadirridurl (privrte) sy:tcm- EiiTi/ a""".;br irdivrdu.at ty sttttt itt co.nrpbh .ile tzil it acparott drotringt atd * spccill,cttiotrs accotd.ing to rcquir emor.b. !|UC ourc drein (insidc): E Ces', iron; Q tila; 0 othcr House scwer (outsido): E Cest iron; E tile; D oth.r ?{#lc9- 'rtcr piping: O Gelvenizcd cteel; E copper tubing; D othcr Sill cock:, nurnbcr ---{-- ,ornrstic water hcilcr: T1'pc f.l-Q------ -----; mala and modcl r?Govcry - gptu 100' risc- Stongt tank: Itatcrial -. ,].i'"i,i:.,1--.:,J---r-----.-.--.-.------.-; capa.city 1--0jO-+1-9-0-- ga[ou rr scrvicc: 6 Utility company; D liq. peL gas; I olher 'ooting drzins conncctcd to: O Storm :ewcrl fl sanitlry screr; Sl d:y welL Surnp pump Gu pipiag: fl Cooking; S hou:a hcati.us t{llTlXC! { IIot watcr. Q Strrrn- fl Vapor. I Onc'pipc systrrn I Radiatorr I Convecton. t] Bascboerd ndirtion. Radiant panel: Q Floor; ! wall ;[J cciling. Panel mil: ! Tlo-pi pc syrtcm- tr{ake and model M a lcri al Q Circulator. D Return pump, ltlakc and model --.----.:-----*-----*; capacity ---.-- g:pn. jloiler: lfakc and rnodcl Output .-.._--_------__-- BtuL; nc! rating -_--_--_-_- Btul '/arm air: 0 Gravity. O Forced- typc o( syst€m -.-----..Duct m:tcrial: Supply --.-----.---.--.--.-; rcburn --.------------- In:ulation ---------- thickness ---.- B Ostsidc rir lntel, Furnacc: lrl rkc rnd modcl _--.__--.. _ Input Iltu.b.; outpnt ----_--.__--.-_ Btnl, J Spaca hcatcr; Q lloor furnacc; I wall hcater, Input ----.----.-------.-- Btuh.; output ---.--"------.------ Btu]r-; numbcr uaitr ltake, model lontrolr: Ilake rnd typcr ---------- riring cquipmcnt furnishcd scparately: [) Cas burner, c<rnversion tyac. Sto]:er: ff Ilopper fecd; I bin feed. Oil burncr: I Prcssurc atomi:ing; I veporizing' )takc and modcl ------.--- . Control ilcctric hceting systam: Typc ----.---.- Input ----,.-.---- wettr; @ voltr; output ---- Btd y'entilrting equipmcnl: ittic {on, mr)rc and modcl Kitchcn erheu:t fan, mr)<a crpecity ------.--- ctr ud nodcl cirsoitr .-. )lrcr hreLing. vcntileting, or cooling equipmcnt -.-..----.-rtfcTalc Y/ tl IXG: I :l,.n'icc: 0 Oscrhced; f,) undcrground Pancl: B Furc bor; Q' ei rcuit-bre ekcr Number \viring: E) Conduit; Q rrmorcd cable; fl nonmctallic csblci O lnob and tubc; 0 other -..-------- Sl,ccirl outlctr: Q P.rngr; fl wrt r hcrt r; Gt othcr -.d.lJ t:X.- .!l Dcxrrbcll. Q Chimcr. f\:h-button locrtionr . . . ... " Feaur-l.tJ..fiy$.t$(rr. & -.1 I ri.er.coi., - -.. tlci'trtrc ttfrul!t: re,/l1,,irt.ini. i'ixt.urr: sched,jle Tq::l rrurnbcr ol lxiurcr Totrl allowrncr for frrtnrej,typical instrllrtion, l.,---.------- DESCRIPTION I \I 75 south trontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oftlce of communlty development March 9, .|984 cDs Box Vai I Enterpri ses , Inc t842 , Colorado, 81658 RE: Building Permit #1098 White River Estates - Lot I Building Permit #1074 Gentemen, thite River Estates - Lot 4 We have checked our building permit files, and we find that yourpermit #i098 has had no activity for over 180 days, therefori, thepermit has expired. Please contact this office for a new permit before construction can becontinued.on this project. Please reply within fifteen days from thedate of this notice. Failure to reply will result in further action bythis department. Also, there has been no act'ivity on building permit #1074 since December13, .|983, this was an electrical inspection-f6r service which wasdisapproved. You must contact us on the progress of this permit, Failureto reply will result in furil..er acticn from ihjs department. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated. Si ncerely, %,4,ary M(rrain Building Inspector GM/rme Mr. Mlke ScoEt December 9, 1985 Page 2 If you have any S incerely, que6tiona, pleaee contact oe dl-rectlY. / 7- /O- <a{ Date &t-c/___tsr/ tl +-.{-/. r-R>s.. 8111 Andrews Town Englneer BA/nJut cc: Stan Berryman Pete Burnett Gary Murraln Ron Phl1lips Steve tt. Palamar, Sun Savlngs & toan Title JF\ Coupany iii luwn u llar 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 December 9, 1985 department of lransportallon/publlc works Mr , Mi.ke ScoE t Jabar Construction Corporation 6401 N. Broadway Unit "J" Denver, CO 80227 Dear Mike: This leEter will confirm that all the road improvements for the White River Estates Subdivision have been satlsfacEorily conpleted. The Town of Vail will perform normal maintenance associated with residential roads . I am in receipt of the lett.er of credlE fron Sun Savings and Loan (November 21, 1985) for the cul-de-sac repavlng that n111 be conpleted next year. You will be informed as to when this can be done. With your signaEure below, you will inltiate the standard one-year Itarranty Period for the roadway work. You will also need this same type of letter from the Upper Eagle Valley Water District acceptlng the water line lnLo the DisEricE. The Town of Vailrs Buildlng Department will noE lssue Certificates of Occupancy on any of the strucEures un!il this leEter and Upper Eagle Valleyr s lecter are on file wlch them. llt tK u-(r(,t PLANNING TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE PHONE 303/453-0774 of 0ccupancy Please rev i ew an offici-a1 . Thank you. THOMAS F CARFOLL DONALO L CRAIG MINNEAPOLIS ffinR$v BRW INC. THE EXCHANGE BUILDING June 25, 1986 Mr. Gary MurrainChief Building Official Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, C0 81657 RE: Vail Building Departrnent Punch List Itens for Certificate of Dear Gary: Attached is the list of items for finalthat we discussed during our site visitsall items for wording or itenrs left outlist from your office. PLease call no€ if you have any comments Sincerely, BRIli, INC0RP0RATED Director of TPL,/mw Attachment oAVIO J EENNETT DONALD W RINGROSE BICHAFO P WOLSFELD PETER E CFAIG A. AMUNDSEN DONALO E. HUNI MARKG SWENSON DENVER BRECKENRIDGE PO, BOX 1575 BBECKENRIDGE, COLORADO 80424 0ccupancy Cer tificateof June 13. and send ne or quest j-ons JARVIS LAWFENCE J. GARONER JOHN 8 MCMMARA PHOENIX Architecture rI VAIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT PUNCH LIST ]TEMS FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY JUNE 25, 1986 HffAuq z///z%/4.WHITE RIVER 4410 Colunbine (1A West) 1. Place cap on water valve at east side (exterior). 2. Check utility easement across property for any problems/conflict. 3. Garage/Mechanical Ro oma. Vent to exterior rnust be stainless steel with siliconed seams. b. Must have 6-inch clearance to door (combustabl_e) (addgyp. board to door or straighten boiler).c. Add back-f 1-ow preventer to systen. 4. Renove lattice work over sliding glass doors at upper snall Bedroom for egress, then add railing and spindles to codeheight and spacing. 5. At Master Bedroom add rail at tr^ro interior windows to keep fromfa11-ing to Living Roon below (36-inch height rail). 6. Spacing on rrbridgetr is too large to meet code. Install infi1l members or plexiglass. 7. Window at northwest Bedroom is not to code width. Add casenent window. 4410 Columbine (1B Easr) 1. Add man-door to Garage at south side. 2. Upper Bedroon windows do not meet code. Add casenenrs. 3. Lowest step at exterior entry stair is too high. Add anotherstair or rai se as pha1t. . 4. Boiler needs back-f1ow preventer. 5. lr/ashing machine trap is too high and needs to be lowered. 6. Boiler pump is leaking; check and correct. 7. Jennair vent connection in Kitchen needs to be tightened up ( under counter ). 8. Third story exit ladder should be strengthened and made morerigid. 9. Landscaping must be completed on utility cut. 4414 Columbine Drive (2A South) 1. Steel WF beams nust be cleared off cul-de-sac. 2. Tighten Jennair vent connection in Kitchen, 3. Need fan in lower half-Bathroorn. 4. Beam connection above Living Room stair needs longer bo1ts,plate on back side, plus bolts and plates snug to beam. 5. Vent/duct from boiler to exterior appears to be only single-wal1 construction and does not meet code. 6. Boiler needs back-fLow preventer. 7. Water heater vent/duct must have L / 4-inch per foot slope and f aucet. 8. Add nan-door to Garage, west side. 4419 Columbine DLiIq (48 Sourh) 1. Man-door into Garage needs closer. 2. Reattach enrry 1-ight. 3. Upper middle Bedroom needs ngatert over two windows to exteriorto protect from fall,ing out, but al1ow egress. 4. Exterior entry stair fl,ai1 nust be blocked out another l inch onboth sides. 5. Fireplace intake vent/duct at exterior needs cover on lresEwall . 6. Upper Bedroom deck needs gate at opening to ladder and anot.herspindle near door to meet code on spacing. 7, Boiler must be raised above overflow pan to meet code. A1so,fix seams in pan . BIGHORN GeneraL Notes l. Landscaping and driveway paving must be completed. 2. Ser+er must be connected to service. 4074 South Frontaee Road (A) 1. Railing of 36-inch height needed at low wall in MasterBathroom. Wal1 is now onLy 27 inches high. 2. Man-door to Garage: fix hinges and add closer. 3. combustion air to be provided to boil-er (two ducts of rninimum100 square inches in each). 4- Boiler p r e s s u r e / t e m p e r a t u r e release needs extention to withininches of f1oor. Dryer needs vent to outside or approved basket South Frontage Road (B) Extend pressure release to within 6 inches of f l_oor. Dryer needs vent to outside or approved basket. Winding stair to Masrer Bedroom rneets rhe 1g7g *.8.C.. which!he home r,ras buil-t under, but not the 1982 code. Master Bedroom egress window is higher than code all-ows. Needsstair built below it on a 1_arger window. 407 4 H]GHLAND MEADOWS Note Punch lists for the Eagle County 1974 Verrnont and 1788 Sequoia are Buildlng Department. being prepared by t POTATO PATCH 788 Potato Patch Drive (North and South Unit) of 0ccupancy.ALready has final Certificate 792 PotaLo Patch Drive (A) 1. This unit vil1 be condemned and no Certificatewill be given until floor slab is replaced and checked for danage. of 0c cupanc y the plumbing is 2. 794 A permit will be required for repairs Potalo Patch Drive (A) A repair pernit uiLl be required for this unit, but it will notbe condemned. Floor slab in northeast corner of lower Family Room has settledand nust. be raised. Master Bedroom/Bathroom area has settled sirnilar to 792 (A) andslab must be raised. V*rr"r/G/ 3. ,(. oz F =Elllo- I t:lstit E i, liElg{lo l+rl I arl -o. I (rl (,l S-l !3it3F ; ls|;l sl*. I rdt Et (U I lEslslf is I ielE I -a- o tr i;;9c €g E:E E i:g;e iEi*i EEiiE g"; !"9 €sE; gi oiEorE ;#;xE :EEg56 0'-.= -SAP.,E gEi;; efi s; t;EgE9E-o -esg* - o 6-: 3 tr.t N =!OGl E=o! = =iuo o ootr ^ 6 2_ 3 ; = F366 Efia, Eip ? EEIg E E EUI! EEsq g?,3,5 < E?2 3=d *EEEE @rtt C3 t{€d ;rc'B0, Lv !o(F g (l, ct-o +,(F (U o.a E atr() tor{ (Fo sl fl uJF o LltF U'oo-zo F(L utY l! @ oF F CEutolro (Loo uJFoz z oP z_F< dlo =zf= o-- I F tu l!oEE2ZE<A]€8E91'L 'EE =>FJF = lr.t -E FEx >o-E 8bE i"'t x>t q-o-ari uJooF ts =E lrJo.zo FofEFazo() Et!tr "38 =x'f-t 'i u66= EKT ; E lgJA :slolco-l ,F-i9; r.-l +Jo J I +, an Lrl Lo e. (u {J = u; =z coI z uJ = F ttr uJr o = . () +J att oO (o = =tr 2 ti tu J a II z == tr oz UJ G tt z3 F =c tr z .,i ul J a ltoz3oF =g l! oz 6ul J t! z3 F E oz o u,l J a lt z3 F llJ ulF t t,lJz =o FO uJ =I <FC() tJJ <zEulFtrzoo JE 5P E? qEt 2?;o =#JZu-o 6F 33 YZ =g =t-o2 J<oa9.5E - J. 7- ENGINEIRING CHEEK LIST Subdivi sion Lot Bl ock Filing I . Submi tta'l ltems (A) Topo Map (B) Site Plan(c) utility Plan (D) Ti t1 e lleport(ii srua'iuision Agreement (if appljcable) 2. Engineerjng Requ'irements El ectri c Gas Ser.rer l,la ter Tel epltorie T.V 4. Cornnetrts: (Acc (l,tot Acceptable) I eptabl e) (A) cu'lvert xze fiovu ?N--@^ iBi D;j veuay craa-friiaxi-fA-tutr) .W;W" 3. Sou rce of Uti I i.ti es t. (A (B (c (D (E (F \/ qr E*.*rc- Jhprz i€b'eE- (O- Approved: Di sapproved: F t0 (. ' l/t/. Bill Atrd:'etts oz tr =E, I,IJ o- I Jo <) tb "l '\t rl il 3l T\- tlt l' Q .-.r +i:t r1-c^ U> uJrll lJ- ts =E IIJ o- lut9 N l It Itd ds 5gz< 6t 3i/co j !$ '- . .]j i q r'Jt\\.t '.! l'.la Ir \ oz tl.Julo = lt CEo )F z -tr, -i- o c oti 6.:4 :eggs EiEEm ;E*gN EEffig.;Eg€ 'l o:-o"6PO-o :EEE$ i'EE=rEO'-i--c;(DoF ef;is€ iiaig 0o rl bp ^{s- o rV I n\Jwl t ,a-) t- .-i \o Ivl oo o a oq o o .l o \ o n th p r N D" V1rl E =Eujo- z - :<ou, (,)z Jo- 9 tx.F() UJ uJ 0z6 Jc ) 92 I UJ = \ trJtut!zo F uJ LIJ o =g u,cz C,-tu,o F6ocwo o- z uJ x F ul <t)l U' UJ LUtL tr UJ o-J FoF oz = @ EFo UJ IIJ oz =J L 9z o UJ NOrrvnlv^ l) ff t\o6-lt:IPl- = .D . l( J.or3(Z Z r|-looolEsg6iE P OE, at, O c\a, Elr!<o q i:is g <NO ;ls l(l ilt qr I t z tr 7 Eo co u, F Io \9\9 d e lJ.l z Eo z E UJF t =tuz Zza = EF-Ao-BgIE =8p!gFss <o(JftllrlNlrl lil | =F : , u9c\H = d. +[=gEo(Jorz zIF J U7z tlJ J ?G F IIJI (, llJ tl, oo 3 zY9 F c D. F.. f.- cl e< \ lrJ F at -Ja5birPa!H or{ uJFa(Do-zo Fo-ul!<'.. 'l! ro oF F E uJc. t b d,li rl 8plrrl It r!bkzo t\ ". =tj, P\'I -T 'I t,r =nz- I1(J, uJ.;z.- (5 =J tI- I,t l d I tFo (tr ct--- (J ,r)-) '\< lJ 3 ui =z d) - ,I . tl t-l l,t -l E{!rli q -jo ed, =z ig ^itlatn LIJ l< lat> I : sl <] ,]+l ';e r-l r€ G ahrl$\l l n l{j I + ..j, _.J tt IIJ J d\ ; .-t fY .:r. L :. 'J "Jg) =o I .) JrF j tJ,-\,/ rhT )l: E I<n\ \4 QJr\l o outE J l!oz3oF ,lf J Ic- J-s- ui ulF ? J'l td R rt' =tr Ir I $D |.- ci2 ci u.lE J e l!oz =oF !J ui-) F *1'?l ,!ltl .Jl (\(ta =tr u :I .r -9 oz stttE J Glolzl=l9IF r,-!: V, it't'ft-- ui EF I l .}1 ;?. d ;J { <' €rra5 2 tr c'{ t ..3 o o uJl5lel>Ir!lolzl3t9IF '') t- i aF:tt* ui)q F ..1 /a I,<l 'il'rlel .11 $l 1fl.l el I:(l,\ a 2 E o (, u, tc J l!oz =oF f-r ut .9i*ir ui JulF TJ,Jz =o FOtl'l ET (J E <F(r(JuJ<ZE,t!F(nZo C) JE,<oC)F =3siF-izn t2? E?>(r :]F d- zo dE =3p,2 =g o E irgZ+E FOz '() <ogE o\E H EoEqEAo. l€aB9tt; 5.EE dEIEF=I6 r4 ;lo dtrl: =al: OlLIE 901E =HIE H-I .'-i!- Ho F =E, lJJ o-zo F(Jf E,F(nzo() !n+ E -=t E[tr"1 z o9zz' dlo =z>:fJOo- tL oc)zG 51dl r! bt E</l(rr ru ;$t* $q c,aN ft ..\ $RS0 it +\s VI B\ E 0a o. \ Gl $EF '$ nsui$ $r$* 8Fi$ &?\ .3t [s qx\$ o*H NI \ \$ ilr $ s F \p (- N! et $N I$: l rt$ \) G r){ oo hwn 75 3outh lronlage rd. vall. colorado 81657 (303) {76-7000 January 12, 1982 Will Trout Trout Creek Architects, Inc. The C'lock Tower Vai'1, Colorado 81657 department of community development RE: DRB Submittal of 1-6-82 Dear l.li 11 : At the January 6 meeting of the Design Review Board, your submittal for site plan-revisions for Lot 1, l,lhite River Estates, was approved_ as submitted with the following stipulations: previous conditions of approval apply, and you must receive Public i'Jorks approval. Si ncerely-r ,",!)kx Town Planner PJ:df I t Project Application .-.r7 i ProiecrName: V\/1,1 lV l---(vK - A:ll\l<-1\ \--/\, | | proiecr Descrip r,.^, 9 fT€- PIAN IV vt<tcxLs cintact person and ,no^" t l/ t Ll,-' 112 O:JT Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Com ments: Design Review Board ,,^," tf6f 3- Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL r- o 1- ,45 5u*HrTrFo co.<concx essrn,S DISAPPROVAL Summary: p4.f,q 1AJ (;,NO /Tf D^rS ff lqapAoyA(-, STlt-L Vcrlor.l oF fuoutc ,ffaeUAL PrZt,q TO llrt4-pr AQ-E4S ANO RE{E6ET44,E. - Asl,, cortPLt4,. ,.041u-) P't 6uLt4Tr oz-1j . E statt Approval zoN / tuwn 75 south lronlage rd. vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 department of community development Decenber 29, 1981 Wil 1 Trout Trout Creek Architects The Clock Tower Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: Lot 1, Borwick Subdivision Dear Will: This letter is to inform you of the Cornmun i ty Devel opment Departmentrs decision regarding the modification of the building location proposedfor Lot l, Borwick Subdivision. It i.s our determination that the nodificationsto the proposed buildings are substantial enough to require additional review by the Planning and Environnental Cornmission and the Design Review Board. It is our understanding that'you wish to rely upon the survey completed by Eagle Valley Engineering dated Novernber 25, 1981 . With regard tothe stream setback, you basically have two options: 1. The proposal as drawn would need a setback variance granted by the Planning and Environmental Comnission; 2. Should you elect to not apply for a stream setback variance, a proposal showing no stream setback encroachment should be subnittedfor review by the Design Review Board along with the nodificationsto the secondary unit. Assuning fron our conversation on December 2I , 1981 that you wish tofollow the second option (no stream setback encroachrnent), I have scheduled the requested revisions to the approved design for a review at the January 6 meeting of the Design Review Board and look forward to receiving a 12/2s/8 conPlete set of If you have any plans showing the questions, please revisions by the contact ne. end of the week. PETER JAIIAR Town Planner PJ:br tlStrout creqk architects mcetnng rcport koul !l! ralllon rhnane RIZ:{]AfZO RVA-{=] add.ess maner o RJR6ol$'r TD a)v R5Jl5 J * 111€-,l./06T a)EJZJE'{ 6'JerJ-BV FP-JFDlE ?-frpT " Eka>a vaLl_,5?. Fk\4\rr.F=Farr,ra 1a)aJJ:ry-Ytq.l . [3-,". (elAr+pED ! ' l>xt'g> L1 ,JN llbl .) (ilo,e- 'r.,e,arrr'eo -tb ?,2, l{PF)f<Dxtl}5Td..|| U -b"t, Rseq-16 : Lega_tb/:e4 ..,sr-2,) <z4rdg'l oljrr Tarvhqrc -luE ff-l 2,t- 6'- F, A, KELoCATE,c-ekrl T+ EEYrrIB^L,S?pq"n', f<aor-l p4-t , r?rA.LaAElT uLrDEr^r- a)1P.8 hJrTl+ o-l*ln LczasUL)DF?- Fxl.>.j1r._sa (up ) 6rznrl- .-rfruac-rzE;A-Ttj->4 Ar> \ H.l4lJ'b4 A&d=gtajrlyPa RAA-I (.lZttro lrtbtE i) tr_rAraZ,gTWE }2LYa.u\1E, 1v46 ffliB'/6\H-/ Ltrp<rFlfj TKE, Clzlnr_rr-- apEE,* R,E6\JLT1(J<, 'ul*r erzE^U tscr"-Etr>'zF taa -Zl*Ae Vl+144 eTilJ \lJDu\J) rOE or-11691-T't?, AtJ 4r-^ .AE';E AVB. , - tle tmut creek adritects hc."Ute clocktovwr'vait colorado 4|657 476-1176 ttatrout crcek architects ,nncetnng rcp@rt , , o.," z oa,- l4v\ , V I |roul dt 7!lllo.r d! name R.tzH6p,A Ry'iAr.J .- "d,tt* p.pa , .[U[dllE RIUEIL ts=ilAt14 t f I ioono. alad regarorm .6URIF/ fQrErllB^J taA AaJp6FD A;Tast$ lrr TUl s A.t?&5!arr A €;lbe.pE PZ,n4^48 ft/<pF€DXLw\-llX .r'-'-6u , I .l REaalartg : (*ea€>rDArzlr u,+r) A. A4-la,c.J lWB Lors6T1F:t-l(4t6rr tsi^EAfiouisTo pF.ap ,l.por?oX, l'-oq! Rf=esL-T1rvz,lrr ba$Wr'bl\ ExcAcJATt.6il &r?1 ' matl€l l(r..rD tt-t-riplr-va -1t16 D(z.{LsEt saY6tap1 -rD Bg.'RECUqnr\ rc.*1 loo/oTo ' b'/o Tld\JS +4-lurlts^(7?rt5-21 Ilf-D.L5€D TD PRr:..IbE "6Udu*J VAi(4gF"=1-^Tl/#4 tlj rFe. prrufrjq TUE l--D<Af,16\r oF ttJr-- a{zg)z ?Ba6lJf} ?urrftelL ltofr7. t\REca$E: (eeruxerT uorT) A, 8L}OE, TtJB Upt'r T>|'-\AC b 1tE OTp-w'(l3f l'- Drt TUIrS O- U'-o,, '6'F*b^z+L crc $E T2.f'SL, F- pxTqgl-, fida\) a FRE2.J t6.-.3Ly rsppr<lsuEb I Lo', 6ET bE-\L f1t:u!, zAAil'7 e 4?*te-e67.1 l'?<rGsL c4l.)aa[a-\] ) -TD aUE Fa<P-. the trcut creek an*rlbcts hrc."tpclocktor Er"vailcdo.lado a6s7 416-1176 o thltrout creek architects nncetnng rcp@rt d" 6 Drc. n>l r . tout rlr ?alllon !l! nama f(lla,tf'.r Fr+/fi,J eddross . p'oiec{ UJI\1-(U !ah-g:rl re7ts(6 Lff I iobno. al 6t5 rcsaldins AJZ.$\A,| l<lA.)ll'.L) Tte, u ^J A-ls4lE # aWZ a#ZA BAs vrstuffi, RE*,IA'. maner Ar-T. A . xt-t4LF- Tte. Ltut0-t4 r<p6q bKT 1cl-tcle. ave arzz. *Js,- 56sT TBIS:. lb-D\tjr1 TWE 4z4z.6l3r-fba<*';' tE14,b, l-:crnurz, Tpa(T vg, hat-tt: 6T1sr1E \arJsB2, , ? efzb.rra:S e t'Jkt letPt6)M4r"e.'-lw' a - rJo4 iLr 1ae er?ffiZ 4i5;r ia.f-- at E1<Q.L--Y ffi*,VB) tJJklatLtb $a( vwlEar@ ltJ T6E t,(5sr au7z.17;9157 6.-y7JE4 lJ-E, [lJ11r1_6 W,',,auF.{zEtr( a-vzt)Ef ) IJ-E tJl1rLc'u(6t7 11tB 6ft8- Tru;ZtfrW1- ArcAu-r6r( 11t€, 6ftq- T4i\flru.ar6,6461s 1 t7 toffifzHrrs4 Tlfia b't-s>t*7t&Yt ( au-wnos 9\ Pgcz,a'u>rvtoLr ( antwrr.og-*\ Rffitptl&asf " xi4ue - ts-1tr ffi- r,fz, W(,' I,a'r-nrvtdr-r (zdtWt': A4re.sL- b+tra6313 '. A'6 t lrJElqAflED L{>rzpl t:rt ruarrDE -lura,' LLrlfu6bv=-uda? c# t(J aiz l-.lE-nN4 THISkLfrwa4u UJ=- kQlz A1-L|,.Jk*f llAS bE bvB A. tA,>f't:'6lts5 2 dre tout crcdr arrfribcts hc."tte clock tor,'n/Ef eobnado 81657 476-1176 thltrout crcek architeets nneetnng rcp@rt Loul alr rrlllon alt . u$danzral$ €-( a? 42z:1-1.6a5pca31' @FasU+f &€uL.d pT bJFtto-7lts1 DA-,4 PnrrulOgC bY 1]r1?-e- AWrZzex4 q €,aE'z/s're, a,tr24g31rs4 z6uP,$FlEslT't5 e.sru c-t'-t+stS tts-trEa-f.fuou 7> &,o,ttr:u- V mzew rv'tiu rwF t+t'<rf <Eafaarsor hsu-g w*p*l-t, a5 EJIDAJLE!) B7l " A' BIS /J\-JlLrr|'Jg).* Rsrz'e:Y "f - Fsrrlfl, a-$.zlo1g','l'ttl - - A€O|1bTALSCB , I b, Bl5, G\j'fltliLJeD F>*l=M' * reul{i3Jrtt-]-4 DATA (,.rrTll T16E 6TBr-F ' (Coc') 4, 1VB l,outrl(,.suED OFIFLJ AtqJutsTl.Jl+-7fs PPcxrro'tLFt "zrxglb!5l',t WL flBJ- \ *rz'49rO l4m4tus + ?,lzdL, ' D, k15 tplt-f-tr.:-1ts65 iTo IsodsgfT- orAW 'a&4t=6Tl6u ,3-..Dff?-t,45fL€L) W.4/4?,1"J^I\S4 Wl4p,r<rlgL ka lr A5 co*E tF, , q"f 1ee|t ry*hcqEedod( brref tdry 476-1178$e t[trout creek architects "t ffi; 1WE .zsrrTt|'Duz>' 7 H6('(' 6rrsz-{=IL,Ei lB?,ot4t> ^4 1AB RFutBr*r PnarES' *T&a pFc$Frr tDHpb{ Lr.)€ at-xrLl-l t}as FEaJ A Wl# tu6-( PLarllJ btr,,t> w,tx?Jt- 7 ErlV?4-rajrrl turz %-4) a27 .lsL:, (PJ ! PP) a,n- ( AS:Z, 4;_+E st n IldirZ l-{D?rT* LPV|?E?/'TI$B 4f?x( ffi<rH- |FJ tDtz AFPLanTD i t-t.ro la->'rz bsapa lTlt+*tr rnattdr Froar ?aaw>Tttsa--Y Ldsuc6 nL\' * lnttn u llflI 75 south frontage rd. post office box 10O vail, colorado 81657 transportation TO: FROM: RE: DATE: MEMORANUDM Bob t'lilleson, Dan Gagliardo and John Nillson Jon Eberle, Public Works Director Co lunbine Tunn e I October 28, 1981 After meeting on Tuesday, Octobet 2'1,Lh' the following resolutions to tn6 arainage iroblem at the tunnel on cofrt*Ui-"" Road have been determined: : 1. The oepartment of Highways will put heat tape through iile-existing-culvert and provide new culvert for additional drainage' 2. Gagliardo will add pul1-out lane with culvert ,rnae.r,e.ln.- ie wili also provi-de the ditch for the new culvert ' 3. The Town will cut a'lhallow drainage area into asphuil "" south side of existinq culvert' tne towir will also patch the street cut' These measures will be taken for the L987/L982 Winter' rf there are stiil-pt"Uit*" with drainage throYgh the tunnel then anotter meeling will follow next y6ar to determine future action. one suci';:.;;;; ;;;id be the installation of heat tape along the "ot-U-lntough the iunnel by the DePartment of HighwaYs. If anyone interpreted our meeting differently' please 1et me know immeiii;t;it' otherwise we will proceed as scheduled ana nof,e-irtt't 'ut have solved the problem' JE/cmcc: Dick RYan Ol box 100 vail. cotorado 81657 1303) 476-5613 0ctober 26, 1981 I'Ji'l I Trout Trout Creek Architects, Inc. The-Clock Tower Vai'l , Co]orado 81657 Peter Jamar Town Planner PJ:df department of community development RE: DRB Submittal of 10-21-81 Lot L, Borujck Sub. Dear t,Ji ll : At the October 21. meeting of the Design Revjew Board, your- irUrittut for a primary/iecondary residence was given final ipprovai with thb foll-owing stipu'lations: attempt to e'lim1nate pilni""t on west, 6' high itrain"link fence must be installed "t rt"eat setback (30'),on south property fine, and 5' frpm bui'lding edge.on s6utheast and street side, 15' opening-at a"tv"wti, r6ceive Public Works approval. -Approval was^for ,i p"itii'vftecondary residence with a total GRFA of 3778 sq'ft': 24b1 sq.ft. primary and 1297 sq.ft. secondary' Ir,,tfrr; A)JD IINVIRofrflliNlAL con t,sstof ilouclal', Scptcrrnbr:r' 28, l98l 2 :00. prri liork session to discuss vari ance proccdrtrc and re vievr by PI:C. i'nn nm 1 6, .7 ) 4. Rcquest for a rear sctback variancc alld for a variance for a setback from a watercoulse for lot l, resub of lot 14, block 4, IJighorn 3rd' Applicant: llcritage ConPanY. Request for a front sctbzick variancc for lot 5, tesub of lot 14, Bigholn 3rd. Appl icant: Ileri.ta.ge Company Request to vac€rte a lot line between parcels 4 and 5, Sundial Phase I, part of an unpl atted parcel in Bighorn Subdivision. Applicant: Benchrnark Homcs of CoI orado. Request for a side and rear setback variance for lot 2, Cliffside Subdivl-sion, part of Lionrs Ridge Filing No. 2. Applicant: David L. CoIe. Rcquest for exterj.or alteration and rnodification to the Casino Building foi the 4eck area to determine the amount of office spacc on deck. Applicants: Carlos Agostoni and Jancs J. Sprowls' Request to anend the Parking (P) District to pcrnit by conditional use public uses that are tlanspoltatiotl, toulist 01' town related and accessory iyp" ,rt"r. In addition, to anend thc Public Usc District [PUD) to pcrnit by' con<li.ti,onal use, public uses, office and conmercial uses that are transpor.tation and tourist related and dwelling or dolmitol'y type units for ernployees of the T'own or special distTict. Request to amend thc non-conforning section of the zoning code to permit restoration of Iegal non-conforrning structures that are destroyed by fire or other calamity-"t-Uy-"n ali of Coa' Appli'cant: Town of Vail' Request to anend the official zoning nap of the Tou'n of Vail in accordance with Section l8 of the Town of Vail lnlunicipal Code as follows: (Each of the follorving properties belorrg to the Towt of Vail .) a. Change the Ski lrlusium, 1ot 6, Vail Village 2nd Filing frorn Public Acconuno.lation (PA) to Public Use (PUD) District. b. Changc lot 10, Bighorn Subdivision fron Two Fanily Rcsidential (R) to Gl'een Bilt and Opcn Space (GllOS) District. c. Ch:rn.qc Tract ll. Vail Village lst Filing from lligh Dertsity Multiple Fanily (llDIlF) to Ptrblic Use (Pl.Jl)) Distrjct, d. Changc lot 28, Liotrsridge Filing 3 fronr Prinrary/Sccotrdary Resj,dential (P/S) to Publ j-c Usc (l'UD) Distl jct. 8. c. f. Changc lot 40, Buffcr Creck Subd:irrision fron Conuncrc'ial Core III (CCIII) to Public Use (PUD) Distlict. Changelotl0,VailVj.llage2ndFiiingfromTwoFamilyResj.dential (R) to Public Use (PUD) District. g. Change lot 3, Resub of lot l, block l, Vail Lionshead Znd Filing from High Density Multi.-Fanj-ly (HDl'lF) to Public Use (PUD) District. h. Change Tract E, Vail Lionshead lst Filing from Conuncrcial Core Il' (CCII) to Public Use District (PUD). i. Change Donovan Park, a parcel of land located in the NE 1/4 of the SW l,/4, and the NW i/4 of the SItt l/4, Section 12 Township 5 South, Range 81 l{est of the 6th P.l,l., Town of Vail , State of Colorado, from Residential Cluster (RC) and Primary/Secondary Residential (P/S) to Public Use (PUD) District. 1, Change King Arthurrs Court, a parcel of land situated in the SE l/4 of Section 12, Township 55, Range 80 West of the 6th P.l'|., Town of Vail, State of Colorado from Low Density lrtulti-Farni-ly (LDMF) to Publj.c Use (PUD) District. Parcel B of the Annexation Plat of Forest Serr.ice Property, annexed by Ordinance #7, 1980 as recorded in Book 302, page 852, Eagle County records from Grecn Belt and 0pen Space (GBOS) to Agriculture and Open Space (A) District. Change Glen Lyon Strearn Tract, a parceL of land located in a portion of the N I/2, Nl\i 1/4 of Section 12, Township 55, Range 81 West of the 6th P, M., Town of Vail, County of Eag1e, State of Colorado from Special l)evelopment District (S[JD) to Public Use District (PUD). Change Pitkin Creek Tract, a parcel of land lying within Section 11, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th P.M., Town of Vail, Eagle County, containing 19,566.40 square feet of 0.449 acres ntore or less frorn Special Developmcnt Distr-ict (SDD) to Pub1ic Use (PUD) District. k. n. Publishcd j-n thc Vail Trail Scpternbcr 25, lggl SFR, R, zoNE cil[cK for P/S ZONE DISTNICTSn Legal Description: Lot Bl ock Fil ing / I owner COs Architect W' 7'Pt Height Alloued 3S' Proposed =Q, - Setbac ks : Front-Requi ib a* 2O t'-"pro[ose d Sides-Required l5' proposed Rear -RequireC l5' Proposed lrlaterccu rse-requi red -e9:- Proposed GRFA: GRFA: A'l'lor,red Primarl, Vrorroo:,naffi Secondary A'ltorred -*fiet- Secondary proposeci _!"?Z!__ A'l'toi+ed ?tZ-@E-.- proposed 1&* - '--> t---- Al lovred e" >> Z Primrry Propcsed Auf [ 4 Requ'ired 6AT *_ proposccr Site Coverage: Landscaping: Parking:Requi ied Drive: S1.ope Permj-tted Envi ronnicnta i /l.la za rds : Av.l'l anche Fl ood Pl ain Sl ope Propl;: ed S,-'rope Actua1 ^% - husT Bz zttlrnl : ilppl.iit,tii,/)isr: ir!)i.0,.,i:ti l).it r : ,r11,,,,- 1,r..(),;i(.r'-. .w]rr-TE fru=,n*-=_srATFa .l ,,t,,",t, l),t:;{.ilil,.I,t(}N: t,().1. I tlr,0i:K BE€trepn*l(]\J z# Lo-r 14: - - r' r r. l ; ;(; .Ft_4ltEL, - .O,=16A U_1g 6rJ-r_ry"rn J=tLtt-!i_ -€FE--sJf a--El!]J*refL*-A!*L4NFP_.HAXLLI^J_L:,1=6EFA5" 'l'lt c' fol lor'rin11 infornet iott i:; r'crlttilt:tl for :;rrbrniLt;rl by thc appJ j(:lnt to the Dcsilirr llcvj.cwB<rard rrc'f'r)rr-. a fj.nal 'J)r)rov,l c;i, lrc 11ivcn,; 1aw b_+,.^ a;;;A. lllJl l,l)Jii(t l.t ,ft;R jALS .lypc of ltrtr:r.iul , , Color Roof Siding Other l'iall Materials Fascia Soffits lYindows Windovr Trin Door.s Door'l'rirn Hi or Deck Rails Flues Fla shj n gs C;hinncys Trash Encl osur.es Gre cnhorrs e-s Other js.sr._(Exr) . oqe( !.t.rr) _ au+r]Frc * zrg EAl,'= QL-t*7*t.' u-lD,-Ta erArr.-r - -i-llo!t<>!-u eesznpttz ..LI'- P\4* 112. HAIJr) oL#l-{P! ( 6El-1r -TrzAF}s\xb R,r.'c . ___4yggL t _:t_t INttJLATED lsU;..l r-+ ,ERDN-ZTi ENT - R.6C ol,.lw\zj. Tb 36C-oL,f Ao9.1*'ltrb At-ur-.i . Conmon Name B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name .46F1=-l Quanti ty FKr6l Fyr^a EXI6T Si ze VAI-ZIE: vAtatbl U6r2rEs) tFfe(lcE, PIrJE, .7 NBV -llo ,7^ kfta'rt AI-.I EOR. -.JUrrrtgLS TRAFT6FT b-lt>54xe {AJLLe{-a>l-1 'fuLL co v-elrz_ -&rt*JA_\-_!__ apt-lT aLYLlPt{- 4 1lE 'trtB TRl'ts aawv- I2z$fiEUT\ +-7b - ttlb SIIRUBS ffiz pt-tr-J-gg1 d o'c' $n'ouro COVERS s0D SEED TYFE OF I RRi GAT I ON F-,|'l.o-T, I squaloorneE No|JE SQUARE FooTAGE TYPE NATTUE l+ly. - ld14t{ ALf lrdDE SQUARE FoOTAGE hR.&3 - - Tb bE ?*lP.a> ll-'ro Fll6rlLY1 up6!6TUR.Bp Au- &QEL6w(Tltr\r &>t c4ldd-st ,tr<pxz (.aa,*.lzt- l-4rx. -16'/, \pF$6lTY \ _t ?DTZ-Tl5fei-E, 6.l67EF-1 AsS Tfl... LtsUrJeclspE 6t') S Ca'L\-f"T"-,AG-zfctfZ TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL WaIEL Pralslt.:ra A6_1ts=z_.K c.0ther Landscape Features (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. FtJb'L)I<5 WL ERI{6S, o fe trout creek architects o ,.. " t/'t4tLt,: \ ( L/- o (ntsvtaro'.s l. " DE{.-ETE, REA)ET ruz x ffil cef eacrz- ' VATZIA,:'l1€ tenra Rgztala$t Rffi=*r rr N.N 'a*sPrL - . DF W?'-j6;e. T0Af u-raS FRAlETlt-sl. lr':7o o7 P=' 2. GCD4TlcfJf D6lArrE * F.ElsL O6-r@84-o12" ' eFc,€1-lfDAF.-r/ 91.{f W"I!^J'+ A:.bi-EX- f|o troutcreelc tdibcrshc'theooar tore/gcdorado gt65z 476-1176 ?. fe trout creek architects malt6f @3t 4. .ao'FotzTllq'jfZ resrsr @1A 'tHaE 6TAFF I TlE ValAezS af a-.lsr.rst,:1r,1 lr.aAt4L6;>t*t d,xz ; 8lA(E flA+ &t5W4 AF TUB w#@ trtJFl-'E( l-tcuse' As PErz TUE Fgutae Dt b. b\el3 ror2- NEED 2V yl1g21/$-tE'. Tl-+E slF.j,c;( t$TtsPpr2F.rr(Tlcr*J i F-in}Ea4l+rr& 1W dqtut?ts> RE4UL'tTlo,'s &lE A prrLDrfjzl . FJVF f.F 4 eLta* 6t& rDlJElStO\) ft a+trla,tse}-n6-: ntrf F.lOgZ6 l-( b11l tuprusnatr- l'Ur-lrrg<-g:,tatu'l ac-.e-,/{T]--)-' ^fryateau ttr.rzi:cptrp- Nctf iarratru to aItlEL' wryz'flE5 ut-il$r TldE AREA. IdJolD4Dcf ?Y.'-Pr-Et+tLJ4 ltJfO llfglfDgr Arro 6tb= Y,rtr2D 6lrffaA€|<t S\S Fg+:tu2Hpvt6tED e WL 1g 2Pr-osltt !z1i., , . A, :lKE ',tJts5z5 VJ(WE-T 'rD fr/)..)16E.. . A alsre, FJESr:IS z*' A-rfi'f FR4H TUe PF,uAu kal oo To 1*B 6RWT oRw4i. A +. I \.rHLa MAll.vf&tstrvt A Ulc(, bRt$B 6l@e. + tr7p, M€--|FEfzE r?ta Pt-60.r1..$l.X zaFr4l65[op. TIZ auJ}Jtil,X trrfgT/W-f .Ta FfeAJloE K\r l9t flz&t ls4 $@.*1WZL:XU fgAoE 1D 1WEi sTreEE1f ndss A-tBbrgrrv4TuEpFbglarrddrrD5g v 18uasL Fi(pFztFJ-\1€:'. 476-fl76 lE-Vlfe.oLrH'b-tr. Ore . bod cred< attibcts h."th clock tomf d c"bradt e|65, ; t fe trout creek architects . tgul da matt€i 1 AqJA,,1F.-IT wcltrE.z;*f DkSJt*zgr*vg " Has bE.J MrrrtHrzgo by' pp-oce<1rLjq TUE €*za-rlli\P-,Fr up ro niEfrzof'( trcF6>T't Lltl€, f-Lr.lsrg2- t-U€ rurllErl. tlhs faEpAizED K)-)am){b t-vria:L grA?lr-E IUE trOagetuvTYtr av* Dt(-11-xZb,D\.'6 \ *A" alJY Dl6?JraJ3,tA1e, uJ\L{- orrn6rArTtor*J + IfllE $aeury)L \wgTariu TBarT r-t=fTt]-L lp(L-l- b? ane"l-.]zJ* A5 &Pw\J(]ipl I!r-.- Ur=r.e'rtrroa- ('nlZ sfxtE $atlt-t-rfry' pryf \.errr> lp i:noL=no.-r Ttla 6vasaL DrL-l- L@..3 dewftDu t?o!-t E1-fl-JtrL ,TUE. T5.'.5u crL iaz 6TArE fn4u-rrf DEttr' F€:2a{ AFFfr{}p>ATE ?>r-os plare)- TD ta.PE'ar<}Jc-fl6J .|?e1* TtsF cF:e41llaFj> SITE n=crzae,\lout . o rcsardine I?Ufu\Ei1' in2- r<€pLtZA-lO\-) Olo trcut creek actibcfs iE."lhs cbck tolm/rti| cobrado g65Z t[l6-1176 -l PLAI'INING AI'ID ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSI0N SePtenber 14, l98l 5:00 P.M. 1. Approval of ninutes of August 31, 1981 Published in the Vail Trail September l1' 198I .t' 2. Continuation of request for exterior alteration and nodification to the Casino Building for the deck area and to determine the,anount of office located on lots D and E and a part of lots B, C and F, Block 5C, Vail Village First Filing. Applicants: Qarlos Agostoni and James J, Sprowls. 6. Request for a front setback variance for lot 5, Resubdivision of lot tA, nighorn Srd addition. Applicant: Heritage Conpany' 3t Request for a conditional use pernit to al1ow office sPace on the third^ floor in Study Area #5 in new connercial and office space in Lionshead' Applicant: Robert T. Lazier 4. Request for a front setback variance on Lot 5, Block 1, Internowttain Subdivision. APPlicant: Byron Hoyle. 5. Request for a rear setback variance and a variance for setback fron watercourse for tot 1, resubdivision of lot 14, block 4, Bighorn 3rd addition. APplicant: Heritage Company, Dan Gagliardo' MEMORAI..IDUM T0: Planning and Environmental Comnis$ion FROM: Departurent of Connunity Development/ Peter Jamar DATE: Septenber 9, 1981 RE: Request for a rear setback variance and a strean setback variirnce on lot 1, Resudivision of Lot 14, Block 4, Bighorn Srd Addition. Applicant: Heritage ConPanY Descrip.llion ojl Jariange R.equestgd. The applicant requests a variance of 14 feet into the requi.red 15 foot rear lot line letback and 5 feet into the required 30 foot strean setback. The lot is a Primary/Secondary lot of 20,037 square feet of area. The structures designeo for the lot consist of !,612 square feet in the secondary unit and 2,467 squale feet in the prinary unit for a total of 4,079 square feet. The lot is of an nhourglassn lhape and to build a dwelling of this size uPon the lot and stay within the required setbacks would virtually be irnpossible. The lot also has physi.cal ionstraints to building due to Bighorn Creek running through the western and southern portion of the lot dnd a steep ridge which run s across the eastern portion of the lot, The applicant proposes a design upon the lot which would have the dwelliugs located one foot off the rear property line. The eastern unit would require a cut of approximately 20 feet into the existing ri.dge. The adjacent proPerty on this side is orvned by the Colorado Departnent of l{ighways. The design for the western, primary unit is also located one foot away fron the rear property line. In addition, the design requires that a stream setback variance of 5 feet be granted to pernit the siting of this unit. The design of this unit requires that retaining walls be constructed on the creek side of the unit; at one point as close as 10 feet from the center line of the creek. The Department of Cornmunity Developnent Staff believes that, while it will be necessary to grant certain setback variances uPon the lot in order for the applicant to build, there are better solutions available for building upon this si-te than cumently proposed. \CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria. and Findings, S_ection 18.62.060 of the l'luqicipal Code, the Departnent of Cornnunity Developnent regonnends denial .of- lherequestld variance based upon the. following factors: o Consideration of Factors tot feritaee -2- 9/9/81 The rel?tl,on,sh.ip of lhe fequgs!ed variance to otFer existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The Departrnent of Community Development Staff believes that the most significantimpact that the proposal will have upon the area is the anount of distuibanceto the hil lside. The excessi.ve cuts needed to construct the secondary unit would unnecessarily disturb the area. rt j-s questionable whether thl cutsrequired within one foot of the property line could be achieved withoutdisturbing the adjacent property as wel1. The retainage required adjacentto Bighorn Creek could be nininized by moving the struct.ure into the portionsof the site r,rhich are not as steep, The degree to which relief frorn the strict or literal inte tation andorcenent o ied re on ls necessary to ac and.ormity o treatment\ amon sites in the vicinit or to attain theect1ves o s title t of special priv ege. There definitely will be variances needed for building upon the lot. Thereare physical hardships due to lotconfiguration, setback iequirements anddifficult topography. The staff feels that there isr'however, a nore appro-priate design for the site which would not disturb as lnany critical arLisof the site. The zoning ordinance states that excessive cuts and retainingshould be kept at a nini-rm.rm. Therefore, the granting of the variance request would be inconsistent with the objectives of the zoning code. The effect of the r st ed varlance on 11 t and air distribution of u- on,.. transportat on an traffic facil it es. puD I lc acilities and ut cies, and.ic safet The proposal would have Such other factors and no significant effect upon the above. criteria as the comrniss ion deens licable to theproposed variance. ., FINDINGS: the following findingsDerorc grantrng a varlance: That the granting of the vari-ance wil l not constitute a grant of specialprivilege inconsistent with the linitations on other properties clissified.in the same district, That the granting of the variance will not be detrinental to the public health,safety, or wel.fare, or materially injurious to properties or inprovementsin the vicinity, t 1 Heritage -3- 9/9/8L That the variance is warranted for one or Inore of the following reasons: The strict or literal interpretation and enforcenent of the specified regu- lation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circurnstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply general.ly to other properties in the sane zone. The strict or literal interpretaion and enforcenent of the specified regu- lation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the sane district. . STAFF RECOM},IENDATIONS: Ihe Departnent of Community Developnent Staff reconnends denial of the requested variance. The lot does have several physical constraints to building and variances will be needed to build upon it. lle feel, however, that a building design which takes into account the topography of the site and attempts to ni,nimize cuts and retaj.ning on the site can be achieved. The Staff feels that utilization of the flat portion of the site for the buildj.ngs should be investigated, rather than utilizing that area for parkj.ng and garage entrances. The staff also questions whether designing a structure nearly the maxinum a11owable GRFA is appropriate given the constraints of the site. of .!c! U1'ILII'Y LOCATION Vlrt{IITICATION suBorvrsroNw\Fgt- B\tI- Ea\s$ts-\ JOB NAME DJF,I-F( Lcsr r# I Lor / BLocK ADDRESS 6wuol€ pal,VE I VAIL FILING bralbei: aursotuta*r 6FDfl UY The location of utilities, whether they lines, rmrst be approved and verified by accompanying si.te plan. be ma i.n t nrnk the following lines or proposed uti.lities for the Date Mountain Bel1 l{estern Sloire Gas Public Service Conpany Holy Cross Electric Assoc. VaiI Cable T.V. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District Authoriz,ed ffiy g'LF -s )tp/,"7 -y-27-*/@,, -flzds NOTE: l'hese verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit frorn the Town of Vai1, Departnent of Public l'rorks and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public rigttt- of - tn"..;, is not a street cut pernit. A street cut permit rnust be obtained separately. This forn is to verify servic.e avaiJablity and location, This should be used in conjunction with preparing yor.rr utility plan and scheduling installations, i |.,,L, --n I Project Appllcation 1r;x,ns' whitc Rl.lfer Estates ' L "f / 21 Auoust 1981 Proiect Proiect Description Dtrplex Prlmary-Secondarv Max. 4,253 s.f. Contact person and p6s6s !!r. Dan Gaql iardo 476-0885 F Owner, Address and phone: flerltage Co.476-0937 Box 1842 Vall, Colorado 81657 Architect, Address and Phone:Th€ Trout Creek ArchLtects, fnc.476-t776 Th6 Clock TovTer Vail, Colorado 81657 Zone - Comments: Design Review Board r)f/r,ae ,./...r!i I Motion,by: Seconded by: DISAPPBOVAL 7-o Town Planner f9r o.!I t I Date:,o/,, k, €ov uil€ '.Faott Elat oF bvsz3ew\ f.+sT I tru*f StOe,E statt Apprdvat /lldt*uCf or /f , ctu{ 4t l?tra/t*r O.tr /a ft r4't-t1 C//t2 /rV,-+E - pg.7ry6 /,lEr,tc b,be,zs 4freottt no',''.',/va' I. APPLICATION This procedure is required The application will not be Application U:c I loo 1, FORM TOR A VARIANCE for any project requesting a Variance. accepted until all information is submitte.- A.APPLTCANT HA^1V6'9 CAmpN,lVNAME OF ADDRESS PHONE 476-0g3-7 B.NAI{E OF ADDRESS C. AUTHORIZATION SIGNATURE ADDRESS LOCATION OF PROPOSAI, ADDRESS UNTrcOU APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE {on.I E NrcS*N I $il7,qb d*rYio*s 6s .a1P,onu, crD PHQNE (tu- 1600 HoNE372_:o337_ D. /fJ il"'l'.'-,- I o"' LEGAL DBSCRTPTION tDf y', Tbaoo op br E. FDE. $L00.00 plus lot block 14 , Ete.t< 4, FtthEN l8f for each propertt Ad Aootnoc) to be notified. Filing$8., owner F.A list of the names of owners of al-lsubject property and their addresses. D Cooeegp P/ll€,rmepf OF kc^'+tr'\tl3 Llt4t3 il.S. ++tdttoHl b i'v,tl, oouFna' flLYn 4 Wffi'*3-#frttto ar l^^e,1 il^f.S. LfDvo SremnNt{l i,, dree 3rreK w dt_Lv WtUteZ,bcoPhoo 0 - 4) tusnep26 6trpgPY E anu # /a./ W^I/EL, (flO property adjacent to the s) tWrrAGE @. 8a?31 Lot 1; Resgbdirri-sion oI Lot !4;'B.lgc! !, Biqlo,rJt 3rd Add-itiol A. Applicant requests a variance of 14' 'into the rear lot line set back and 5' into a small area of the live stream set back. Regulat'ions in- volved are and 18.58.300. Lot is currently zoned for primary/secondary residential structure, how- ever, the unusual configuration of the lot and its extreme topographic variations make the variance necessary. The lot is hour glass in shape, with a steep drop off in the front into Bighorn Creek and a steep size in the rear. Because of these three physical restrictions, the avai'l able building site is pushed into the rear set back and a small port'ion of the building must extend slightly inlo the live stream set back. Maximum buildinq height will not exceed 33 feet. NOTICE IS }IEREBY the Town of Vail will of the Zoning Code of Town Council Chambers PUBLIC NOTICI GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Connission of hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 the Town of Vail on Septcrnber 14, 1981 at 3:00 p.n. in the in the Vail l4unici.pal Buildi.ng, Public hearing and consideration of: 1. Request for a conditional use permit to allow office space on the third floor in Study Area #5, in new connercial and office space located south of Vantage Point, north of Lift House Lodge and Lion's Pride Building and Northeast of Vail 21 Building. The request is in accilrdance with Section 18.60.020 through 18.60.060 and Section 18.26.030. Applicant: Robert T. Lazier. 2, Request for a front setback variance in the Primary/Secondary Zone District (Section 18.13.060) on lot 5, Block 1, Interrnountain Subdivision, 2644 Larkspur Lane, Applicant:. Byron Hoyle. 3, Request for a rear setback variance in the Prinary/Secondary Zone District (Section 18.13.060) and a variance to Section 18.58.300 Setback from I{atercoursc for Lot 1, Resubdivision of Lot 14, Block 4, Bighorn Subdivision, 3rd Addition, Applicant: Heritage Cornpany, Dan Gagliardo, p.e4uest snr. o f'.nnf o1d 9.i.J3 Setback Variance in the Prina.ry/SecOfldary Tnne District (Section 18.13.060) for 1ot 3, Resubciivision of Lot 14, Block 4, Bighorn Subdivision. Applicant: Heritage Cornpany. 5. Request for a front setback variance (Section 18.13.060 in Primary/Secondary Zone District for lot 4, Resubdivision of 1ot 14, Block 4, Bighorn Subdivision. Applicant: Heritage Cornpany 6, Request for a fiont setback variance in Prirnaly,/Secondary Zone District for Lot 5, Resubdj-vision of i,ot 14,.Block 4, Bighorn Subdivision. Applicant: Heritage Compaly. applications and inforrnat ion relating 1.o the proposed changes are availalrIc the Zoning Adninistratort s off j.ce dulj.ng ::egular brrsiness ltours for rcvietr inspcction by the pub-tic. The in or TOI,N OiT VAIL DEPARIMI},IT OF A, PETIR PATTEN, JR Zoning COMMIIN ITY D IJVI]LOPTILi\T Aclninistrator the Vail Triri.l Augr;st 28, 1981.PubI i she,l in )r.- "'-- I I lt' ApPlicati"" ,5 FORM TOR A VARIANCEAPPLICNTION This procedure is required The application will not be 'l lac iz I.for any project requesting a Variance. accepted until all information is subrnitte'- A. B. NAME OF ADDRESS NA.t'lE OF ADDR.ESS APPLICANT HCC cdmp, APPLTCA}IT' S REPRESENTATIVE otb AoAoAs o, 66W6' ffi DHONE .176-on3-l {om F. NrcssN t E&' PIIoNE 476- 1600 C. AUTHORIZATION SIGNATURE ADDRESS D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAI, E. Filing 5r:8. r-S4 Aoltnot) owner to be notified. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property and their addresses, D Coacerc r)ryryqf of tu1J+u)ilts' -rnUtZ i),5' l+tqahtl b ivot t ooor'w' ,r Ar{DV /+M<e) Z,b '*.-Nncea !?sr ervect''wo, Coatuoo al ng. { t^Ans' Uovo ?retmA^lbl5) "i,o- E*.rrc. 3tresT TxN/eL'@asR'hoo 4)&t$MEn%s E -WltlEL, (*' I HanMe b HoriB 476 -o9s7 ADDRESS UNkl/o{r)A/ LEGAL DBSCRTPTION /bT:t, Gure or br FBE. $100.00 plus 'r6rq2l a/Atx ].ot block t4 , Grscs< 4, FtanaeN 18+ for each propexty # /0t/ &oZ3l tt: Four (4) copies of the following information: A. A statcment.of the precise nature of the variance requested,the regulation- involvedl and the practicat airii""itv li=Jir,r"r"r..Pftvsical hardship inconsistent wiih the objectives of this titrethat would resull frorn strict or literal iiterpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation. B. A site plal .showing a1r existing and proposed features on thesite, and on adjoining sites if nec6ss.ty, purtinent to the varianc.:requested, including site boundaries, reQuiiea setuaci=, tuirailglocations and heighfs, topography and phfsical features and. simirardata. c. such additionar material as the zoning administrator may pre-scribe or the applicant may submit pertin6nt to the application. IIf. Time reguirements The Planning and Environmental Comnission meets on the 2nd and th Mondays of each month. An application with the necessary accori.r-panying material must be subrnittld four weeks pii"r--t"-tte aateof the rneeting. Lot -1;-Resubdjvisjon of Lst 14,"8'lock 4, Biqhorn 3rd Addition A. Applicant requests a variance of 14' jnto the "na bl into a smal'l area of the live stream set volved are 18.13.060 and 18.58.300. rear lot ]ine set back back. Regu'lations in- Lot is currently zoned for primary/secondary residentia'l structure, how- irJ",-tf'" ,nusuit .oiiigi"uIiil-;i'the ]ot ind its extreme topographic valiations make the variance necessary. The 'lot is hour.glass in :!la!9: fii;';'ii""p-o"op oti-in itre iront inlo Bighory qr99k and-a steep-ltia€in the rear. Because oi in.i.-tf,ree-physical-restrictions, the availabT'e UrifAing site js pushed into the rear set back and a sma'l'l portion of lfre Uuiiaing must'."ienO ilightly into the'live stream set back. Maximum building height will not exceed 33 feet' I. 'l lc. iz APPLICNTION FORM TON A VARIANCE This procedure is reguired for any project requesting a Variance' The application will not be accepted until all information is submitter A.NAME OF ADDRESS APPLICANT PHONE 476-043'7 E. 8.. NAME OF AppLICANT,S REpRBSENTATIVF: .fol^{ E rVLtbN t,FtE' qb &Jni*g-oi- in;'QM:- Lro eoops;sl -iAS D. r;otJ>ti:po nhu- , r'HL, 0r mNE-!%: 16o0.- C. AUTHORTZATION SIGNATURE ADDRESS D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS uNrrre(lrM Filinqax.iW owner to be notified. F. A list of the names of owners of all Property adjacent to the subject property and their addresses, D cooeerc,H^mnoE Hr6]+u,^.ts tlt4l3 U,r AVol, 1aoFm a 4{01 LMtn1,** eood' bM 50' ENGGuwo' btdhoo a\ ^g' { }4^c5' uDvo- SrEtfrthN\l5) "ir'*li"e sreT TENt/eLrbcor?hoo 4 Ei$rtte 6'tsq2l1/ an E enrs wN/84-, (*. LEGAL DESCRTPTION tof !, Ta$B oF lor FEE. $100.00 Plus Iot block t4, E.b.r< 4., Ftclloa/,/ 18+ for each property # /oq I llerrA1t b &o231 t I II. Four (,41 copies of the following information: A. A statcment.of the precise nature of the variance requested,the regulation- involvedl and the practical dif ficulty or -rrrrrrr"c.s-". physical hardship inconsistent vrilh the objectives ol ttris titrettrat would resull from strict or literal iiterpretation and enforcernent of the specified regulation. B. site, and on adjoining sites if nec6ssiiv, pLrtinent to the variancrrequested, incl-udi-ng site boundaries, reQuiied setbacrs, ru:.iaingrocations and heigh[,s, topography and physicar features and simi].ardata. c. such additionar materiar as the zoning administrator may pre-scribe or the appricant may submit pertin5nt to the appti"uiiorr. III . Time requirements The Planning and Environmental Comrnission mee.ts on the 2nd and4th Mondays of each rnonth. An application with the necessary accoir-panying material must be submitt6h four weeks prior to ihe aateof the meeting. o 3rdLot 1, Resubdivrsion of Lot 14,'Addi ti on rear lot 'l ine set back back. Regulations in-A. Applicant requests a variance of 14' into the "na --bl into a smal'l area of the 'l ive stream set volved are 18.i3.060 and 18.58.300' Lot is currently zoned for primary/secondary residential structure' how- lui.,-1r" ,nrsuif .oniiSu;uIion-o?'tn" lot -and its extreme topograph'ic variations make the variancd necessary. The 'lot is hour.glass in shape, ;iih-; iieep-a"op ori-in-lr'e iiont inio Bighorn Creek and-a steep-size in the rear. Because oi iii"i"-ttree physical-restrictions, the' avai'lab]e Uuifaing tite is pushed into the rear set back and a smal1 portion of lne Uuiiaing must ""i"nO ilight'ly into the live stream set back. Maximum building height will not exceed 33 feet' I. 'l tcc iz APPLICATION FORM FOR A VARIANCE This procerlure is required for any project requesting a Variance. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitte'- A.NAME OF ADDR.ESS APPLICANT HCC PHONE C. AUTHORIZATION SIGNATURE ADDRESS D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAI LEGAT DESCRIPTION tDT !, T€iI)6 OF lsr E. FEE. $100.00 Plus lot block 14 , €,r,oct< 4, FtcHoe.N 18+ for each propert| # /0'/ 8oz3l ADDRESS U^lk{o@^/ Filinqsos.:W owner to be notified. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject ProPerty and their addrcsses. D Corceen P;PtselmeJ}r -OF *andnls- -"niti- 0,s. *tdr+aul b a'Vnl, eonfrc' I't AAIDV I+AA<e, Z& *.-N,rceo 9y ENGtfliwo, (P6rhoo ar ne' 4 il^Rs' Lto'to ?remAiln/3) "i,o'*|rte streeT furrez,Aoareoo 4l El.noute O'tcAPY1/ W*s- E e*s WNIEL, (M. st fianA1E b. rI. Four (at copies of the following information: A. A statement-of the precise nature of the variance requested,the regulation involvedl and the practical dif;l;;ir! li"rrr,r,eces-s;pfrlsicat hardship inconsistent with rhe objecti;;;-;i tr,i, titruthat would result from strict or fiteral iiterftei"tion--i1a enforcement of the specified regulation. B' A site plal .showing ar-r existing and proposed features on thesite, and on adjoining sites if nec6ssary, pertinent to the varianc.:requested, including site boundaries, reiuired sefbaci", -rrrirairrg locations and heighfs, topography and phfsical features and simil-ardata. c. such ad.ditionar materiar as the zoning administrator may pre-scribe or the appricant may submit pertinent to the application. III. Tirne requirements The Planning and Environmental comnission mee.ts on the 2nd and4th Mondays of each month. An application with the necessary accoil-panying material must be submittld r-our---we"fs prior--to-trre a"teof the meeting. Lot 1. ResubdivisiP! -qt Lgll horn Addi ti on a 3rd A. Applicant requests a variance of 14' 'into the rear lot line set back ""a "5!'inlo u sma'll area of the live stream set back. Regu'lations in- volved are 18.13.060 and 18.58.300' Lot is currently zoned for primary,/secondary residentjal structure,. how- I""",-tfr" unrsuif .oniigr"uIion-o?'tt'" lot lnd its extreme topographic ui"iiti".t make the variance necessary. The lot is hour.glass in shape' ;;ih-;'tt..p-i"op ori-in-lfre iiont inio B'ighorn Creek and-a steep-size in the rear. Because of ttreie-ttrree physical restrictions, the'avai'lable Uuifains site is pushed into the rear set back and a small portion of lne Uuiiaing must extenO s'li'nt1y'into the'live stream set back. Maximum buj'ldinq height will not exceed 33 feet' SCIIEDULE A 2 ,45O,ooo ' 00 August 7r l98t a:OO P'M' PolicY No' 410 5 19 0 Sheerlol-5Amount ol Insurance E Date of PoIicY f. N"t" ol Insureil: SIERBA FEDERAI'SAVINGS AT.ID LOAII ASSOCIATION OF DENVER CorPoration 2. The title to saiil land is at the ilate hereof vested in: eDS ENTERPRISES' INC" a Texas in fee simPrq '' " describeil as follows: 3. Tbe nrortgage or deeil of trust' anil assignments i{ any' covered by rhis Policy at i.":f"$.1T,:';::*i'*r"**it""'i"'tatr,"*";'T'::""^:::'":';""' :'-:::."i".' ' t i;;;; 'ooo 'oo rrarea : t:g::l ?;,tt8t' in Book 328 at Paee 288 recordeil : 10, ol t." .ri. tJ,t" tJiJi^oo ntotox ^itiF^i;i;a+-tt4t'o-Lo* e "awNER't I FO|LICY-rexri SCHEDULE A-Continued The lana rererred ro in thie policv is eituared t" tn: l$"r."tu3:t"tn*.ciJllil,oi EagIe l;Ei"li"?;,3* ft ffii'al^:l:*?H i:"?i:Tili''lXlPu.uHiffi;lr--aMeNopp PLAI, "999ttrltgo"lou.r :, rgzz ii-s-olx-zeo at Page 538' oa oo SCHEDULE B PART I This Policy does not insure against loss or tlamage by reason of the following: I. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records' 2. Easements, or claims of easernents, not shown by rhe public records' 3. Discrepancies, conflicls in }oundary lines' shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a cor' rect survey and inspection of the premises woultl Jisc]ose a.,d which are not shown by the public records' 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafler furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records' 5. Taxes ilue and payable; and any tax, special assessments' charge or lien imposerl for water or Eewer senice,-or fo. urry other special iaxing rlistrict, Also any taxea and assesslEnts not yet due or 6. Ri!fft"t t way for ditches and canals constructed by the authority of the united states, as reserved by Patent recorded November 22, 1929 in Book 123 at Page 615. 7. Restrictions, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause' but omitting restrictions, if any, based on race r color, religion, or national origin, as contained in instrurent recorded April 23' Ig63 in Book 175 at eage 135 as amended by instrument recorded April 23, 1965 in Book 187-at Page 195' 8. Utility easements as sho$/n on the PIat of said Subdivision' said easement being over the Southerly 20 feet of subject ProPerty' g. Easement and right of way for construction, reconstuct, enlarge, operate, mai-ntain and remove any electrj-c transmission or distri- bution line or system as granteb to Hoty Cross Electric Association' Inc.,byBonnieo|LearyintheinstrumentrecordedinBook229at Page65-EaffectingthefollowingdescribedProperty: A ten foot wide strip of land, the centdrline for which begins on the westerly uounaary of said proPerty at the point directly under p.opo""b po\^,er line and procelds on a general bearing of_ N 76" E.M. a distance of I9O feet more or less to proposed pole nwriber one' In addition, rigfrl is granted to place .nchors outside easement' Said easement to contain 0-02 acres r more or ress' 10. Restrictions, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, butomitting,restrictions,ifany,basedonrace,color'religion' or national origin, as contained in instrument recorded Novembet 23, 1966 in Book 200 at Paqe 459. ol ot to" ".. -it" "-o,-o"^oo "-arJi^"-a,o, - -- "'s' "rr-'r^r ttt'. tf,-.i -t.-.I LAro rrr.-: aaaocai.?rox ow,.rr.r Fo.-lcy-roira a_ta?o (aut,"oGo ro-r7-?o) SCEEDULE B-Continuod 11' Easenent as Ehown on the plat of said subdivision said easementbeing over the rear 16 feet of s"id-;r;;;l;.