HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit #004102 Re-Roof 4414 Columbine Dr #Actz E =eluc (n IJJ UJ]l- E =E, llJo- ss\\Ns$ o\ , o,t€l@COr - lFt ''' rn|rlNIN HIFF1 .Aal14 II t2. t< U)toH tJVt H 169I tE, iOu)rrl loHo ,zrl1 '-: l6E t= UJF trFIz z 2 o uJFoz o =oJlo .6(' z_zar II $$s Ia$ It+ fft+H t.1-(Jt+ 6\ c 3oF 0,E o o c,o 6 Eg l{)E E.Ec G q)too CD .= = @ E o =f tto o CL CL6 '0, E EC6 ct! EoN -oc 'oF o.c o ot .E Eoo() a6 E () o ..2.c I o o Ec(! at;qt q, ooo CI oooc(t t o 'oF (l CL oo o 6E oa Ec6 .9 6 E o .; E a, = '.> CI Eoo o o Eqt6 :g6goo E:oclout;8 .=dJC9;o=:o =.36_o!tF'!=g6 OG 5';'E> ;:o !EooEo'-oo-Ei -6oo EC-o9oGC66 e.Es_E EEo.y o'-aPcr-EfE'o>G=cEc:pE .11 ero;Eo EEooOG It0t Ict E co 6 E o ;.c, f .g o ltg i .9 6 .9 cto6 .2E E6 E o 6 ctE oolo(D =o .Y 6 .oo o CE UJz3o uJIFo2 oo .Eo E UTz =o tlo ulGlF zo .it oo NNN + E =G,uIo.oz = ao x C) UJ-oz o- J 9EF IuJul (,z 6tlJc C)z o uJ = uJu, z tr uJe, IIJ t o =uJ ule2I ul F tt X uJo o, 2 qJJ() x F ul6 atul IJII ts =G UJo- J FoF (5z 6Il @ J 9c,F() UJ UJ (9z taJ iIz Eot!. NO[Vn'rVA 2 F a zF 2 I - o =zz\o ootr ^ 6z !l->\, E P OE attOEZI()8e E l! <(oq iEg EF.(\t(, >E --(n = llJ =.o zo F J {ll- E ttl to uJa- F \o ?{t.E IulE J zItroo zo F e UJF t uJz a z.fz tr I <h =zl z uJ3 atu Jo- uJ E oz 2 Ig I u,llJ) c (t)(t) ll,lzY 9 2 z tTl le, I I I--r-. I l-^t- I--T- I rrlt14t< l- I -- atI-.{ | <lBl,. t<lolrtcc = U' o ll-l Flo F JI<lH zl zl .. >louto u.lulz attF t uJo- J z Eo =Fo J6 =Y CE o- I& C\IO -$OO ul E U'oo1zo Fq llJY UJ @ oF F Eo'tr3 o- tt .lO e'rl>-lo- .lO Flloftll-lgu,bkzo z .n9g. =t8d)o04 = =,!dP* tr!ffi tsIElu o.lt E9E<3A =2TPa9'EE =>E d=E h=E ;SE IOE U6I lutE XO-t Bist HoF @ ts =E,lrlGzIFO3EFazoo ;Ei BH= olrul rEl JI <l>l trlq fl \'-+ N I o- FlH =o F) z zz F \l F: (r{ HI dl El JI <l>l bl zl3otFI UI 3l ttlol =l sOl ulFI F. I a z zz i'i =zo 5 E 9P;o =f=Fd. zo o oF(J Fzo C) z T Iu = l-Eir u.l l-o2 e. -rO<F0aouJ<ztIIJ F(rzo C) =c)(4 U' 'i' t!Jd Hnn e\\r\\\ \\,f\ PERMTT NUMBER OF Ps){=Cr oot. \- \S- \-\ JoB NAME e INSPECTION REQUEST VAILTOWN, OFa\ CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ,,*oa \si O FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR E FINAL tr FINAL p4eenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ffissop 3 4 5 o 7 I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 -7ft8 19 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 a n 30 et e. 3t 3/t '35 36 hz -!d 'sg 40 t 2,r 20 executiue',r,-rrr ffi;./n"r-'- \r-- \ tt, ,-).-1 ;$sql Lr P -qr ry! ry-t- + ),<:,..'v\ /t. t rI t'--'--rr U..x1., g 1J t6t E E sffi-l 7 I\ 7. oJ R.f= Vs K VAE r\ EE F F nt,ll L.: I l, (', -e il$. I It at i I I iirii 'Jt 5 .' ..,-t/'..-/'-- /- F3 i--"'' -r" // h/1 . \tr' ' , \/ o)o) -o 22 SePtember, 1989 Informat ion for Building Permit Re-roof North one-half DuPlex 4 414 L Colunbine Drive East Vai1, Colorado Jack T. Cannon Box 382 Vai1, Colorado 81658 Phone 11 476-2044 Description: l. Tear-off old roof . 2. New-roof -add 34-4't of polystyrofoam inslulation -|t' waferboard, screwed on -bitchathane ent i re roof -metal valleYs & flashing -re-shingle /l I nredium ceadar shakes -fascia rough cedar siding' Olympic ll 717 -colors - or iginal ' -this re-roof will natch exactly' the other one-hal f of the duplex that was re-roof ed 0ctober, 1988 . Est imated cost: $3000.00 materials 3000.00 labor for helP-Tzooo.oo total +P ic ture s at t ached, compar ing the portion al ready re-roofed, October, 1988 , 44l4 B, and the older roof of 4414 A, that is to be re-roofed' o RrctsEPlBu a i****THIS APPLICATI0N l'IILL filc - q b,V1 APPLICATION DATE: I oATE oF oRs l'lEEtttic: NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORHATION IS SUBI'IITTED*}rtr I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING:' A pre-application meeting with_a planning staff member.is strongly suggested to oe[in,,iiri if ariy od.;;L;o"al'iiifci'iiaitiun ii-;ilc.:cd. lrla application -wi'11 be aeee["i!il;i':;';iy".rr,;;Lioi-,at'iiifci'iiairiun in'r,I.:.i. lrla application -wi'rl be aeeegted 'i;i:: unless it is compl'ete (must include .rr ii.iti!-"Iiui."a uy'ttre zoning administralor). '''ii..,:if ii'ii-u.ri ;;piilI;;;; iesponsiuiiiiy-to mi[e-an dppointment,with th.e^sglf 19'{l!dlf, l) LllE sPPl lLqllL J I srPv.r., r|Jr r ILJ s.r -rr-'-'- . -;-'-l:t iut iuout additional submittal requirements. P'leise note.that," 99lllllE^llpliq:- : . :i.€ lidn niil streamline ltre approvai'procesi for vour proj!!! bv qglf:11'i19 !!g-l!Tftliion will streamline the approval process for your proig9! by decreaslng me number .-..,,ji-lonattions of approvat iirat the'DRB miy stilulatb. ALL conditions of approval must .:.ffiv:d be resoived before a building permit is issued. A. PR0JECT DESCRIPTI0N: Rg roef o.'sitr"l po'tffi Columb ine Du roo f , add ing insulaEi.on, and us ing /ll med ium c edar shakes ' The oEher one-h al f of the duplex roo f , 44148, was re-roofed in 0ct.1988, and solved the ice and leak nroblems. The same materiel & construcL ion or consrs ETcf&--EppEErance. CoIors remaln the same ' B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: AddreSs 4414 A, Coldmbine Drive,Eas E Vai1, Co. Legal Description Lot 2A Zoning Primary/Secondary Block *rRiiutor Filins APPLICANT: Jack T. Cannon' Jr. Bighorn Sub. ,rhird Addirion' C. NAME OF Address 4414 L Columbine Dr, Box 382, Vail telephone.+:o-zoa+ D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:S ame tel ephone The fee will be pa'id at the time a building permit is requested' Address E. NAME OF S i gnatur Address F. DRB FEE: VALUATION $ o-$ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,ooo $:.50,001 - $ 15o,ooo $150,001 - $ .50o,ooo $5oo,oo1 - $1,0oo,ooo$ Over $1,000,000 FEE $ 10.00 $ zs.oo $ 50.00 $1oo . oo. $2oo.oo $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGAROING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: l. In addition to meeting submittal requiremrints, the_applicant must stake the site to indicate p"op"iiy iinet ana-ouilding corners.. Trees that will be removed should also be inartla. itris wort must be completed before the DRB visits the . site. ?. The review p"or"r. for NEIJ BUILDINGS will norrnally involve fivo separate meetings oi-ttre Oeiibn Review gojid, so plan on at least two meetings for their.approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeling ina ,ho hav"'iroi astcea for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. tel ephone 4.The following itens no They, however' have to .l{,Jr '?1!'\..p .,:'i,'{ .ir lonqer have to be presented-to.the-oesign Review Board. "'''1+E il"iilrlnila-io-ir,i ionins Administrator for approvai : a. l,lindows' skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing pline-of the building; and b. Bui'lding additions that are not viewed from anv other lot-o.l-rybli:-:li:t' wnich have nii-ielte"i-suurittea from adioin'in9 property owners approvln9 the addition;-unJio" ipprouar rrom'ine-iient f6r', or manager of a condominiurn associ ation. 5. you may be required .to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You snouid check ivittr a Town Planner before proceeding' MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED NEl.l CONSTRUCTION -:. A. Topographic map and site pian of site containing the following (2 copies)' - 1. Licensed surveyor's stamp. '! 2. Cci}tour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consists of more, in which case, 5' contour intervals wjll be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diarneters of 4" one foot above grade. +.rflE -i!.: ' ir.:i I. 6 acres '''' or more 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc. ) . q 6. 7. Avalanche areas, 100 year f1 ood p'lain and slopes 40% or more, if applicabie- Ties to existjng benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. Locations of the foilowing: g. Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and type of culverts, slvales, etc. b. Exact locations of all utjlities to inciude existing sources and proposed service iines from sources to the structure. Ut'i lities to include: cabl e TV Tel ephone sewer gas water ei ectri c c. Property'l ines showing d'istances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevat'i ons e. All easements 8.. Existing and finished grades. 9. All existing and proposed'improvements including structures''landscaped areas' servjce areis, storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining walls (with spot elevations), and other site improvenenEs. 10. E'levations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determine height of build'inq. B. A statement from each utility verifying'l ocation of service and avai'l abiiity. To be subm'itted with site plan. C. Preliminary title report to accompany all subnrittals, to insure property ownersh'ip' -and all_-ease4ents on property. D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 2 copies 1. Show the Iocation of 4" diameter or.larger trees,'other'shiu6s-ana-iietiVe.o'lants thare on the site and the location and design of proposed lanoscape area.s erlth the varieties and approximate sizes of plant materials to be planted. i\ 2. Complete landscape materials list. 3. Des'ignate trees to be saved and those to be lost. N0TE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on the site plan, so that the inter-relation of the various components is clear. The landscape plan should be: separate. The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may be a separate map. The applicant must stake the site to show lot lines and building corners. Trees that wil'l be lost during construction must be tagged. The work shou'ld be compieted before the DRB site visit. F Architectural P'lans (1/8" = l' or iarger) 2 copies 1. Must i nci ude f 'l oor pl ans and al I e l evati ons as they wi | 'l Elevations must show both existing and finished grades' Z. Exterior surfacing materials and coiors shall be-specified and submjtted for .""i.* on the materials list avaiiiUie from the Department of Conqunity OeveioP- ment. Color chips, siding sampiei-eti., should be presented at the gesign Review Board meeting. F. rne zonlnt Administrator and/or DRB may require the-submission of addjtional .plans, a"i*ingt,'specifications, samples ana i,ttre. material (including a model) if deemed ;;;r5;;i lb aetermine whether a project rvill comply with design guidelines. proposed and the location (3ite plan) formai requirements given above' as for the proposed including coiors and ',.! =.i..s: ,.t't appear on completion- iI iI. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is of proposal may be submitted in iieu of the more lonb as they provide all important specifications materiais to be useii. AODITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL Original floor plans with al1 specifications shown F'loor plan for addit'ion - 2 copies site plan showing ex'isting and proposed construction - 2 copies topos D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for all materiais and color samp'l es on materials list availab'l e at 0epartment of Community Development At the request of the Design Review Adm'inistrator you may also be required to submit: G. Statement from each uti'l jty veli fyin9 Iocation of service and ava'i labi1ity' See attached utility location veri fication form. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor' Pre'l iminary title report, verjfying ownership of property and lists of easements' D. I IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a build'i ng permit has been issued, and when the project is underway.' the following will be required before any building receives a framing inspection from the Building Department: A certified improvement survey sholing: A. Building locations with ties to property corners, i.€. distances and ang'les' B. Bui'lding dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. Al'l uti'litY service and exact locat'ions. D. Drainage as-bui'lts. E. Basis of bearing to F. All property pins are to be either found or.set and stated on maP. t'G. All easements H. Building floor elevations and roof ridge eievations' lines as-builts showing size of lines, type of material used' 2 copies 2 copies tie to section corner. LIST OF MTERIALS 4tAnE'oF eao,l!!1, irneEr ADDRESS: oiscatPrtotl or Pn .-_ ...... ....u ron,i.d .nnf .,-* Ee Ehe et S . -FFrnva; -nC re roefed- OeE'86' information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Des'ign Review. The foi'loling Eoard before A. EUILDING Roof a final approval can be fiven: I'IATER,IALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR (idinn 0ther tlali uateriais Fasc'i a Soffi ts t,li ndows }|indorv Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Rails Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther -P]J, ca . ee eE Eeehed.--"*1[ft[-ffiT._ N/a edwoodgrnal, N/A Stain,Ol ymp i.clf 7l7 . Pla^ee sce aEEeehed; B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: pnone: PLANT IIATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED *lndicate caliper Botani ca'l Name Common Name Ouani ty Size* for deciducious trees. Indicate height for cohifers' ' (over) TO - PLANT NATERIALS: Botani cai Name Corrrnon i'lame --. -- i.. -+r-.{ Quani tv Si ze .. !. ;.-1e-.. (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REI'IOVED GROUIID COVERS Tvoe Souare Footaqe s0D I I TE. UI IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER'LANOSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. .o ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Bl ock Filing Phone ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LoT 5IZt. Al loled (30)(33) Prooosed Hei ght Total GRFA nnftr'irciiomemitm,l ADDRESS: ONNER ARCHITECT PrimarY GRFA SecondarY GRFA Setbacks: Front 5'i des Rear lllater Course Site Coverage Lands caPi ng Fence,/ Reta i n'i ng 'llal I Parki ng Credi ts: Garage 20' 15' 1Er (30)(so) Hei ghts Mechani cal Ai ri ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmenta I /Hazards : (3oo ) (600 ) (eoo)(1200) (50)(1oo) (2s)(so) (2oo)(4oo) Slope Actual Aval anche Sl ope F'lood Pl ai n l.letl ands Geo'logi c Hazards Comments: Zoni ng: Approved/Di sapproved Date: ffi TITY? Tf!' t n^riYnv rrED?Y.rl.tfTn\tulrL!rl l,uLltrl-\./.r vc.I\Lf l.Ldr rv'r SUBDIVISION JOB NAITE LOT BLOCK FILINC ADDRESS The locacion of utilltles, whether they be nain trunk llnes must be approved and verj.f ied by the following uEilirles for site plan. Authorized S lsnature or proposed lLnes o che acconPanying Da! e Mouncain Bell 468-6500 Western SloPe Gas Co. 1800 922-1987 I{arry Moyes Public S ervi"ce ConpanY 949-578 t Gary tla1l I{oly Cross Electirc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted tlusky/Michael Laverty Hericage Cablevisj.on T.V. 949-5 5 30 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanicacion Dis trict 47 6-7 480 Fred llaslee N0TE: These verificaclons do not relieve lhe conuraccor of his responsj.bilj.ty to obtain a sEreec cur permlt floEl the Town of Vall , DePartmenc of Publ:c l.lorks and ro obcain ucilicy Locacions before digging i.n any public rtght- of-way or easenenc in ghe Town of Vail. cqt pern!!. A screeE cut peruri! nusc be obcained separacely. Ttrls forn ls to verlfy service availability and locatlon. This should be used in conjunctlon with preparing your ut1l1Cy plan and schedullng lnstallarions. t *(Please bring a slte plan when obcalning Upper Eagle Valley Wacer & Sani.taclon s lgnacures ) l9 September, 1989 Re-roof, 4414 A Columbine Drive East Vai1, Colorado Appl icant; Jack T. Cannon, Jr. Box 382 Vail , Colorado 8 | 658 Phone/l 47 6-2O44 Building MateriaLs: The same materials used in rhe 0ct., 1988, re-roof of the 4414 B one-hal f duplex will be used. Rough sawn /l I cedar shakes, polystyrofoam insulation' bitchathane, and metal flashing in the val1eys, and betrreen the dormers. ApproximaEely 8 squares of shakes will be used, using the same material and colors. Fascia; Same as 4414 B, original I x 4 fascia will be changed to I x 8, and original I x 6 fascia will be changed to I x 10, exactly as 4414 B, because of insulation add i t ion. Flues; Extensions added. Flashings & chimneys; same as 4414 B. tl alLsv - Ar4/4Hr{t(p*ri 2c. art ltltc, (.. J# 7. hat./ tJe-(tttl a -q* +t) b.{tt*4t a.