HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT A SITZMARK 1980 2 OF 2 LEGALV;UJI""5F\\ MA \.-x rt(os 42- oz ts =E uJo- N ()'t UJ IJJ t.r. E =E uJ -b lL //t=39 t tasJ,J > c!o\ rn l\/. z Ha z L!N<:' N , rtlir Ep. :J z* J luF oF I ==o zz o6t!F^ z- OF"rz< d1 # tloqT,4 FJK Fr [4r FHF]rtnflIlr|<r Hr-! F trlvt E uJz3 tuI F z .\o oo@u) cnU'O<$o ..Xo.14€Fl HO<Fq A'' > FT ;r zftl Ffc) l! Juto lt Fo (EFz o uJ F o o) q) @ -o(otl:5 $o5 @()o Eo o oo oE E dl E = ,.i 0) o (lt ' o '6 o 6 c) o '.4 ': (rt o d o) .gcoN -o ;oF o o) € CI o) f v> .9 I -o It 6 ar;;(u -i- o o t'i (t' '=9)(,, gEE =.9 R'Yc6Eoc F5C6FEc-o ET: ;E€< >=c9c'- o. -c E E5 EEEFOO iEo eeel! i.=- (! cL(! cl sEE or dEf;e E6: E E.Eo6= EEi - o.,: -eC(! 0'--c; o€-E t,f;; E:E =6>o6;c-= E{ E -B't P9E cr cEg -o(s rn F. 14 lr| a '\N ,* E = UJ o- zo d) Y() UJ oz JC J o E o UJJu, z ) = UJ llJqJ zo TIJ () uJE 4F 3"u+ *z |ft. G F6 UJ o-lz llJJ x F tuo (.r't UJ uJIL E E uJ J Fo F oz. ! J EFo uJJ uJ (Jz6 = i J = |rl NO[Vn'lVA linIH t4lFl lltrlot; I lB Y,^) ;F1 z,oio CE-r NFOF <z 2:? UE (\l N zz Es ".E90ao1>-(J (J<)zu-<o* o-YE5 =t ul Ll t4IHloIHt& t;tzlgtfIF lr4I'to R z tr a o o- E UJ l- F- >f Xx E z E z tr uJF 3u,z Fzlz9. e. <Qo< =pRn5o<zti,l Itl trz. 2? do3trOI UJl a G UJzY() IF c F z F loz I tr.lzoz =3 F lu o o3 -Jl r-l zl zl .. >lot! llt IJJzoF (r ul(L z E z tr 07 J @ [[ lql: l'"'lu.tl-og ol =.1ol IJJI 3I!|ol zl 3lolFI I I I ,l 8l 1l ?l>l u.lol Fl i F1l-iz c.n Fl ii =z (Do-) ,l-t A l-rlovllE l\o(J lF-. Io-el o- (Jl cnlocl-l flr H#s--{ >-<E =(J tsl-{ uJ z l"-lc.tl\o ITF- l\O.$ lF-l-- l.if(\l:clai<l Fql ^lal IE.ru{ Fl ct <H>s.J 3o E dFl|:] E >i E I 'iro\ "lrl\l:l I I dl z.l ol r,rjl Crl il rr.lol zl 3l FI H H Q' ol =.1ol Lrjl 1l <l>l bl zl 3lolFI z T UJ = l-(rir IJ *E Fo2 J a UJJul z Oozts =#JZ(lO F uJ ts E <F0a(Jur<zEtrJ F(rzo <()(n anrir LIJ JO ,- cr) tr "rJ) (J \Jflo F{ U)z di LU E U'dlo.? zo F(L utY ul c0 OotFolr9 =C( c.r LIJ o-uFo3 ioo;.oE Igui 2E H& v TIl ca f-l-r z (9= =e60 =zJO(! r,! F UJo-lto IJJoz loo G JFL!1h=:co- lu =o-Ol!oo xo-x>gF ul =tl. ulcto F tro Ecto o 3at 3 oIJ o E =E lrJ o-zIF() EFazoo tr! ..i5\,, 1,, = =83dd= En! illd ls! dlt2 a ula o2 It lrlo, =55 Eo o TB 2 8 .Bo gr E€ EEgs -66g EE E3.ro, E'd sft,5N,x 9' €E FE' etio ol 'PE iEf iEorOCllo.E; =ttisE t6Eic'o IEEt!t- iEEiet,! o,!tro i;E oE o oct o(,('o E3 ot t IE E '3,ll o !tro t.t,6 g.ll{.0i!r.i Ei tri orrE, 6'r(, o ig. A' o' CL E:g G E .9 ,G E og o E iErrr'o. iE:o!(,io LoiErct)o 6go.) EEot :39C =6 'EgE:o :5'6.oEF E=Eg E:E> =ASEooEe o-gi .=t'Ei 3-q9oEg;G EE--G EE-aS -c '-c 9 , o- i5E;o>i:E io: IE:, Cl'ciEs;oc'cr( t'.-9iEI9!Ei 5:EiEiol cl olEr =tt.l cl 5lo.lEio E. a!g; c\o,G 9i E It€ eIG =oE oot,o EotraoE oo oa, at lrJ uJtt .Eu,c .. >lg uroulItzo == UJA zo Eoo o 3z9e6t9E 'HRqP9tltlll at<, 92 d6]E oIto 2IcI 2Fo o t>c .-!n| =A.&= P) I---- z EgEParo6B92r!<o*H6 =t tgdd U\ \ d \ * :g \\ N t I R F9 ctz Ettr H "t I uJ o ul tsooo?zo A UJx u, tD o E: TE lrJc l!o I Iu oz E?+Eo2 o C) z ;E =Ftrtrtr :E? =qg6tr. E-E UJc o ulo :E H oEEE1EAt6-!FvG;9EEa-JEl!Fi!fa-E3trBsi uJoo E =E llJo.zo -t- CJ =g, 6zoo rmxzr=.I -bnn l\ I \"\*Ns \\-\\\\ \ilv \\$r oo I 7t aoulh frontrga .oad U|ll, color.do !'t357 (3031 479-2138 or 479-J\39 olflcr of communllY drvrloPmrltl BUILDING PER}iIT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If thi.s perml.t requires a Town of Vall Fire Oepartnent Approval, Engineel''s (.Pub1ic Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Oepartment review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review IrEy take as long as three weel(9. All commercjal (large or smal]) and al'l mu]ti-fami]y permits will have tQ fo'llow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a'l esser amount of time. However, if residential or smal'l er projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also talte the three week perlod. Every attempt wlll be made by thls departrnent to expedite this permtt as seon as possible I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. -'-'-' <L, Project Name / CorununJ ty Development Department. ri 75 routh l6nl.9r rord r.ll. color.do 81637 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 offlcr of conmunltY dcvdoPmrnl AI',L CONTRACTORS' CURRENTLIL REGISTERED WITII ITIE TO!{N OF VAIL TO!{N OF VArL PUBLTC I|ORKS/COMMUNTII DEVETOP!{ENI MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUqIION PARKING & MATERIAIT STORAGE' 8o3 FRO}T: DATE: su&tEcT3 In sunnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to lltterr track or deposit any soil, rock' sand, debris or naterial , Lncluding trash dunpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewa)-k, altey or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavenent.this ordl.nanc€ wlll be stri-tly enforced by the Town of Vail Public ttorks Departnent. Persons found violatlng thls ordlnancewlll be glven a 24 hour written notice to rernove said naterial .fn the event the ;lerson so notified does not cornply with thenotlce within the 24 hour tine speclfied, the PubLic Works Departloent wlll renove said naterial at the expense of person notifl.ed. The provlsions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to constructlon, naintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the rlght-a-way. To revlew ordl.nance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the To\tn ofVall Bulldlng Departnent to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperatl,on on this natter. I t (1.e. contractor, owner) ocvuoloc'-llvn = ij..trot ill =rto"* 3 %"-tB i t t t \J ]]VM USrNVld C3CVld=l z66r HCHVr{ 9t IPi3r E!!" 3itfl 3g;l: ii$tl i!ifflllrtsril oa I.lti'8i q.rtu. i rt i'ii 36sr flli l,lli.l.t t.h;.l b.nCt'7l€lIi A d -rl.liliii Ei tfr a I II g I E; tB E!tL et a3 it al !:lLAIgl ile a +!, '!|4g-attat.i:i E$iqr.l .'lAa: Eil $:i Eil .aIl t?, :$i ,Iait! a. llr i:,1 CoEI|fd.E'i trnrx :E] f,< f;8,jr gg' EE !r. !l' 1d. IBitrll t l,; alt: ul !i ;i ,l tr i'.,uI 8r a I a e,x t€tltx 3 0 A I c ;a d,!! ig,t! ii ii.! H? !;',xtl trr!a{ s&It 3, lr' !I ti, t$ ?I ai:tt l! !8 ,: ! :xl ta it! lRt A' il. 1! l!,:l' :€ ir 8tita il lI,ri.|t t3 !:l' t'a!l !s 'a It ii r8ix ll itr rBtoa l6 lt It a 3 lilr' EI eAllrl Fi ilt i!t iil 3, E aL II g a e ! at e .E t E It lr.rQ rlt! r6 o r'! I Fa 7! I I t t '; li !B lr i[i , a.g9'r ls: I|t iii if;llti ii tt ll 6r I 'c I o L it itta lifI Ee ll,tir il !l. El h tf 'r!t F9t' !r3 !i lli iiilb te,?. .l..rt 5i iii li :sllllt i ;:;! lI iifiltirl **i r: !lsi f t?e!.,lIl R '7 $$$$ [---] F. {N b $ N *lN -t\ t E N a $$ \ \ I I I t \v ${ $$ I $\ $$$ i $ $ s $ $7 sz. $ $)tz *,'>{9$ \=- ?$ R$ D rsi $,q I2 s- l_-s .F I 1 E Lo € Ltl a atI s -\\s\ tril --E(r) (! a9'/a)AP nnca! 4 8s918 LZSZ.A? I ope/opc t!B^: LtzZ xoq o'd 'cug'oc €1onur Ju eqt $${ \ -o A $ kr ,N3 CJ)za kItL O r.u(La J E :)FOf $ $ $ * $t \ zotrOua d 6 $ $$ \E+ @ aruz4frvy{4vWE cote CLo (D <lt .tt o Eto rv $- 5 :l- :r!;F€*!t E>9OrD 9.(t)4O (rft avvsqta\ crYat^t/24.t ---\a--n-... r) s r$ s -s \ r.S :\*$ $ t N $ $r {$ s R$ s$ s5 Fsss rs +$s](.-r -$ i: the mj mueller co., inc. 3 June 1992 Mr, Bob Fritch SITZIiTARK IODGE L83 Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81557 Subject: POL,,O SHOP ENTRY l-83 core Creek DriveVail, CoLorado Dear Bob: At the request of the Town of vail Building Department this officeis preparing this letter to confirm our involvement with the abovereferenced repair project. The following itens are to be noted: a) CONSIRUCTION DOCIT!,IENTS-1Ihis office prepared rrReplaced planter Walltr plans dated 1-6 l,larch 1992 as attached. b) SITE INSPECTIONS-2 site inspections were completed during theconstruction phase of the project. This office was notinvolved with inspecting the masonry prior to pouring the groutto verify reinforcement per plans, but, the inspectionscompleted after placement of the grout confirmed that aIIvisible construction nas completed in accordance with theplans. c) FfELD CHANGES-The wall section shown in Section A was added tothe west side of the planter in addition to the south and eastsj-des shown on plans. d) WATERPROOFING-Upon completion of the waterproofing, therepaired planter was filled with water and allowed to set forhalf of a day. The planter did not leak into the store below. This letter describes the involvement of Tt'!C with respect to theproject, if you have any guestions regarding this letter please contact this office at the lphone number shown below. Sincerely yours, TIIE IrlJ LLER , rNc. €fr PE cc: !{r. Mike Steinle-BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC. cfvll, archltectural and structural englneering o p.o.box 2747 =:*qi r#*,.s vail. coforaclo 81658 476-2627 i t il" itN iti iflt rit a IR l5 ,n ,! a It|!n c 6" IalI 3" t, r li !i !r H Eg IE !i la lg a Ir !3 'Nf22t iii ;!l :FItlEtt i$: It!r Le IB .rllc :T-, Eoli !B t;irIlIirlI !:I ! II 'r|.II H I,t I t al: 7t ! I I ! '7 i IIll EA !i :T l.Il,;lll tl 3l a iil t$! Etz agtlil ;:r Fi; til ; e !A tIt II I lr i: t 8ttE. illl ? I t E tt3!rttl rr EI IA!t l1 #l iii -l rx i1 r$ IT a 1 tt ,t ,I to tIL ! t o ! x: 6: aLI E1al r!lr !tst ig ri eett fi ltr I T I I tt il E iI i! 3i ax Ei!rri llrl rl ru i#!ii; ;i t: ;I El li tV 2'trrl i?l2 i; fs,!ll IIti i !a |.tllili iH Et Ii !!l ffi! til !ii g !iTq It|' Iilff ir,l 6l -l Ei:l si 3tll d€ :I lE ;r tg!l rtaa oovHoloc'TVn sArHC y3=UC ]HOe eStl AHrNS dOHS OtOd USINV]d O:lCVldSH z66r HCHVy\t 9r o $$ r.r-a\ \ f--\-' s e$ s r) \ -'_T tftT l* $ $$ s {\) 5 s zIFotu U)$ $ $ ) $ _NSr{ +s s azII -.-Lotr O tU(Lo J EfFofEFo $ $ ( E N}$ S-LA *$r E$$ $NS$$ Dt d =$) d,[ IsL' \i\-.srl\ -s $-\.sSr SN+\+* $ $ $ N A $ .J) KR {$ ) 4,r-2a27 .- -t, a .--7h -z /,/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT/ IN o SPECTION JOB NAME TOWN OF .n' , .-'1') REQUEST VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR '| r../ AM PM .'' l',/.r), t .t z,z .t _:l /'7 BUILOING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEEF' PLYWOOD NAILING .tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT - tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ffisnop CT' co.r{ cooO z o9ze @o =zJO.L IJ- =f;=xoE;E ts trulo.ltoEqE'3€fre9EA 'e'ES =>= u.t :- E FE; =oE 8bE itE ;I6. ul €= IJJ F rR v1J= - u,F o IJJ E(t)oo-2o Fo-ulY ut t0 oF E *or !L-lo. >-OlC(\lo. rB IIJFoz E =E lrJ o-zIF() :)E 6zoo fl!n oz E =e, uJo- t\@ol o1(\t F(.) UJJNIF J Ftt, =E L,J I I l_ .Ft<ro I I I I lo: IE l6z r= l2 7s/t/ri Ll98h *{)j-oc6*8.9 B F€:E EEg:I EIEE;: E6 FE iEEEEg.; ge €sE;eJ :gE€E :iEgH6 0'-: -.c= o (D c sEaiS ieiiE |r-!s6z;xGv IUJt-?<F2ao=o< Jl<l FI =_l zl .. >l uJ uJ uJz U)F E uJc J z Eoo =>G --Fr =IJJN =.oGl td td EH9d frq :d Eg 6 6btr ^ 6z B C =E66 fi(JzXE<F3 *-r z!-. (\t (, E= J Fz, H v.an t!a{ut lrJE @ ui =z dl J UJ =z ...1 ol olrl+l 1 q I|<lcnqul do{-'l = o- Eoo =(u sz.d J E()tr llJE o Ic =o tr oz oul J lto z =oF =g 14 I lr] ciz d u,l J lto z3 F (o sf Fl |Irx IOtsl O) U !I =ctt tr .i 2 ct IJJ = lroz3I g l! oz oult J u-oz3oF utJqJ F I g,r!z3o F(J ult ()e t -.r O<Fcc) LrJ <zFIIJ F(1 Z C) <o()F =()F<TEi:.'iF-zI| E 9P =<>E d6 i5 F3 gE t-gir =+E Fo2<()ft3=1 -l=n oz E =t UJo l!! :?lo I i I I I ,<lo Itrl(L to I I l_ ,Fl<to I I I I I, IFt<E IFlaz t= lolz r! tro =arol! Eo *iEi€' E 9:.g:e EEEli g;;FE E!c-,-.- aEa=iSE;ei fE"'gx-a6aP:y.,)'vOO :EEH; FHEgE '- (, -= ct ei 5i; iEE: e:€85: o) uJ llr F al-l zl zl uJ uJ uJza L2Elu ) z Eoo o B .)uJ-I :< (ts Bzz!- tr ^ 6zI5 >eF9 OE .nOEZ:(Joo?.(JzXrJ- <oq i^s, - e.+xuJ.Xz dN(, i(L UJE ) z Eoo z tr t! =IJJz . ! Jdl t. z J u- Fo I,.IJ =z c) I J z |r c = I =o =E a uJ oo : = i(L F =ta oz 0 uJ(r J ILoz3 = tr - o IJJ cc a u-o z3oF =tr z cir!E t!oz =oF 2t oz .,,i ut Ji u-o z B9 tr oz ci UJtr oz3oF IJJ tr E uJz = F uJ ts'r E <FCO TJJ <zEUF<56 (_) <o(JF FS ;F-,2t z* =s]F =JZr.r-o i5:IF =2iz =g E l--E ir H (JZ J<Qon - .,| r,u lJFooo-zo Fo- UJV IJJ @ F F G. UJ l!o .Loo utF z z r^= =<coo>z CL t! .-i6\J \-,| = ==1dd= == uJ o- l!o llJoz oa oF(r ccC JFIr.t :-h= (L lll>o,OL9o5tuXo-x>EFl llJo F co E CIoo o!, .E 3 E EotJ o E =E lrJo-zoFof E.F CNzoo trt]r !Dn ^ctJ.J O cD +,<.g(Jcr-t ,tt -l"-o-x<(u LU)F. q) vg . =lE€It, LI(, -ol.5 1@lo€lvo)lc-l8gl F E4, LrJ EL (5 z, J l! d.ol! o LtJ6 14,t!z, C) lF o. tn+,ot/'l <\l atlr-r E (5!z.v =Lo@J+)J+,QOJl!J IJJF g, d!o zo Fo- uJx IU @ o -FF c Ffi ETItEgrr 2E G.t\ (.\ r! F r-l 11.t W 'ru rt ( fl I zI .4 I 2 Ix _l F C) llll-tl IJtu{tEl ta FI 3E lr lflllsl I lflj J C.1 Iss\T u ut J Hq .)l il IE EJ ll IJtst I Jgl I I I J EI .El JI al bl =lolFI I I ol FI JI el 3'tr J<()a@5H u, =z coo-l G uJz =5 J F C)Iu ts?()t -.r O<Fcc)uJ<zEulF o() JG SPF() =<SEdil 9F;o =Et'5() 6F 33 gE oao E ir uJ+EF'o2 ><.xx x,x z oPze =zf,> dP !!! :E: =r?6 ;s5 fr.f Ed><|r u4HYb Ef uF^S €-= 4 BIJ 9!F k.i- g sff g E=H - €5* F E=i HEl!x o- Eua r €ff=Jir3 *F** EI -E t- =Elrlo-zo F(J =)EFazo(J Ittltt I 1"4los- \ :\F a anu, IIJtt L =E UJo- r.i - 0, C6*E.9 FiffEiPge*c.= O - (Et-5c:o EEXSB ifi555:.Y' x F- >= =' :3€ q€ EEF: g :-€ I F€ €eeFE ei3;i f E E'gI gEEgg (! o'-.: -<= o ./, tr eg;:f E EA;g iegEs 5 6b ; e =Fa; fi,tr-<.cl o. )Es g -NO, =>c --.a3u.S =o6l uto- ttio lu E at, tr,zY F ><,><>< \;'\!!.). PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oorr'\- $> -\ JoB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL \- \. READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: -\, MON CALLER TUES WED THUR 1. fnr BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr D tr tr tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O APPROVED COBBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR (v. 4 ,/) a (n lJ- Lo (u.P F Lz =o 02 I *l @, bl sl I I (ol EI;ro-l !l!l .d. ol t!Jl!o =I Eolt o o EFzoo (ro El|l N @(\l co cOA Ed(l)r ,/6U ='^.d ,2,/ o?a;/ -:,/F4 ='0-u./ .v/ilt'htJ u] /J 9oc; osf1Jo+, Cl .o 9-.=GJIt\- @s EO 9A'=.vi(6J1) E.so :'-o= '.- otoott stoEoo .9 .9.:tIl o ooaF EEcL-+,o cL o) -,.s-p66tr() €3 Eo> e5.E3oE5.e EE'Ip otlEoo+,oEoc -6(r- at c,:t ='(6 c) r! o Eco o(,oc a! .Eo o 3oF +'o E oo .9,oo.: o E o ct (D (E (lt o 6 v, Ec a!;(! o. o o- o qt (, (E ot,o o o, Eo() o E fo E co (o E o .s o .E to i; .9 G' .9 CL CLo .!2.c ooI o G ; C' 0,ooq, =o J C'6 lto o T\ ti d cn uJ IJJt! ==E uJ o- oF !t =zlz9!q<oo< >E2tE x,L6o<z d. r{ >g -f|r) = LlJ an =l lo N zzootr^6q5 F9 0 .nOz>89r.|-<o* o-H>:{ -i^i Llu z = z t- IJJ ttlol zl H I I I Iol 7lol uJl 5l al>l t!lol fli =.1olurl 1l <I>ltrlol zl FI @(\l(o I (\l(n o- o g) ao L! tr C) tltltl,ll ol .-r I'fi|+l (l,l F{lOl .-{ |l-tl -cl xl(Jt olLl col<l "Jcl flut d'rl 6l-l q Et dtrlg | (:t IRt?lorl<l\or 5l r 6l I ol.l ool 'auJl r-st .- CI G'q= EEEc) 6 9t G' ()o a^ U' .tj =z l-ll irgx+(tso2 C) t2? =#-a =o() Jt<oOF H#!a t-tJ.t,2froo t -rO<FGO IJJ <ztrLII Fo6 o F C) IIJLT z .r9z_4 coO =z =d EE= -! -'i L!6il= trnn =Eulo-IIoEqE3€EB9tt ir 5gEJF = uJ :-E b=o dil; >oi 8b9 iutE XO-t x>t q- €= H F ---5tr5 llJF U) dto1zo F(L ulv uJo oF E t UJd t.l-lO r-l> ool*>lx c\t I\., \lr@lrl Hurbkzo E =E lrJ o-zoF(Jf E.Fazo() ^glrJ OF ----t .r..H CCt +JE< (o €L) F LrJ H ruELJ- c5 cL xz,< o) J lJ- ttF< .-{ gl u-v C d..= Ocdl!rrLv7po.5 lll @o o.|JlrJ -O (ur.! E-zo4()tsv, .oHE(J (5 Lrts =+d3L(no qJ+'JP (UJPVIOO''IJ- J (\.I UJ- a- ff { x E b; 4 L !rlN x I o s x I q aa UJt!ltF = UJ o- I I I I t;t:lr dr I n\F.etoow.q< =! c5 ozz ruz3o F z \<v Js JI 3 2,o<., u-Juto =i o u- .E Fzoo o t! z 6 3sic i8S$ JQJ 2rtJ-u {o5O ;1?c; l! g r3e ,o(1) -(55.9'64'; o- ;epF-F* o)-.So ,3 3( .N ()! -oS s-5'-:p FO sbr5'o o P5 E8oo 8o6oD o.S =E:,'=:lD':-:at ai,< (,) ol'=bl of, =d:59 o9 c(! ";|,a)a'tiuE, o (! o Ec(! Q) c(! .F ;oF (o 3 E o o c(! o CL E (! .E C' o ; '; -> oo, o q, Eo)(s. g()'5Eo:E3c.9.9oqYts'- e6 ooEr =it>c9 oo EE €et!= o.(u .r(6'-E EE(! Er;(DO @(gie-c(! - -o., 60 og:lrt 16 .tt g:o:lE8oG'trFt6(!o>9-o (l).pa OE!o -o \ ss M \ a: $, \ a;a t o \ l M \ o \^ \l \ \ f, (\J I { e \ \ = LU o- z = :<ollJ oz o- oa Fo uJ uJ z = oz () UJ = UJ uJ 2 tr UJ o IJJt ig ql z 6 llJ F UJ o. z UJJ x F 1!vtf, U' LtJ uJll- Es o- J FoF z J 9 F uJ J uJ ozd = J J Iz uJ = I J FoF r(\ NO[Vn'lVA IJJF o IIITI #;2 F?o-z<i E- E$ lz !s"uj Lvl L\FI Nt=lr t l> - s ld. - 3l\): : zzooho. i;ai v, Itzt-Oa)o2u-<.o*H6t()FO_.i z tr qq l 'l :l \ $t\ uJ zo Fo IJJf = oU'ulzYI F lua. F 2 tr z tltltltl IDF 2 zOa <oo< =Fxt!Uci<z tllltllt v,Fz. 2z d6 =tr .,N<l FI ,.1 l .\=t1--t'' I { UJ !lf,l!l!I -lnl -lEI .El )l i to = vl Z -r 9l?J FI J< u)lo N\qa z tr u,tF =IUz 5 $ \ x 2frd)p =z>D +-PEbr J C)z o IIJ = E ) E F UJ 6 tr (Jz o!f B d.=<cc uJ91 a #b Es q E^< E=6BH 9 -F E .= lJJ =5tr g ='? uJ :- EEF EE6i r- E+E b9I t r-uEl!X C Eue r€qi =ull+ r0Ip *F** (CNF \z/J= -E Nt\ 0n uv, oa @=lq= zJo t' IIJ UJY-tu F' o oF F cc LrJ o.- l!l o--- v ltl gurbEzt1 F =E lrJ o-zo F(Jf, E,Fa2o(J r to (Jz J tr FoJ tJ,, =z o-)I \$ $r I 6( J 5 t$l$ -l $-fl II dr,J\ ull EI :quJ> EO $zI G 6 -:$i+Iq =l trl lltltl l.l tetHll-ltall>lI trlloltzl>l 3l IHPI F ol ..1 ol l,ul :l <l>l u-lq fl tltltl l"l| =.1lolI uJllllt<lt>l lbl df,i ll l.l l;ll:l l;ll dflill I I I 7lol IJJI cEl JI <l>ltrlol =l j ol ulFIFtr uJz =o F(J LU E?oE E <F(rC)uJ<zEIIJ F ro6r(J <oC)F FS XF-rZr. -ru OJIO E 9P =E\d6 6F =3\ 96 E ir9X b2 C) <()sn3Hax,>< ><x.x Xx ^ !, \AilAssociareqlnc. Creators and Operaton of Vail and Beavlr CreeL o SITE OF THE 1989 WORLD ALPINE SKI CHAMPIONSHIPS TO! FROlit; DATEs Rls ALI., PI.AIIHOLDERS OF RECORD i'ACK D. HI'MT DTRECTOR - REAI, ESTATE DEVEIPP}IENT AUGUST 10, 198? ADDENDW NO. 1VATL BEAVER CR88K RESORT REAL ESTATEsrrzuARK rpDcE oFFrcE RE{oDfi ---' colflIRACT NO. ?040_980d Thle Addendun lfo.. I ln itg enttr?if shall becone paft, of th.contract D'ocuments. n"r"rp["Ji-lrrr" Addendun rust beacknowledsed on.:1"-pla "i6i"Iir {?f_ a."GiJri-i" the orlstnalcontract DocuDents anA subniil.i,rtn the Bld. Tfl:-llll:wlns l-nfoSatfgn is hereby conveyed to all brddereBuD'equent to the pre-bld coniiiince o! Augrust r0, 1987s1' The proJect.schedule contar.n:g rl the Bld package (page t4)supersedee the letter oi invr€atl;;-;"-;ic-1" resards thedate and tlne for ,rru"iltiiii btds. 2. The Onrner shall provlde builderfe rlek lnsurance. 3. Tlre Drawlno?r_contalned ln the Bld package, conslst ofsheet noc. -elr, -;:t;il i7"I..4' fri:l;:ry:'lri,l*li::lil,,i3nl3ii#ii 1f,..+:ii"il3"xit;.tofflces in Arrop, co u"iwee"-iri" n"ii"r""i'dr66 ".r. and 5soop.D.1 litonday througb Frlday. 5' Book-natchedr-plarn-slr.ced rgd og! 'e subgtr.tuted for r'ftcut oak f,or ali. callnet-cJnltnrctton. o 6. tfoulnal tr r. ti fed 9ak elfl -1na back eplaeh ir speaili€dat each countcr top in-ndig Nor. rol,-io;;-lo{, ro5, 106,toz and to8. ro eip--eC--"ia 9raln. --, ---, 7. :"ffil!iru::f .un. ie eubstttuted for oak eotldg at each 8' cablnet lnterl0re ghall be hlgh denerty partrcle board.9' should tha lead- tlus for cabinetry labrlcatlon becore aprobren, trhord to' dlnen"ton" riii ;;-;ifrii.a and fr.lrerecrlbe pieces drr l- l."iltt.a. 10' Escutcheon trlu at each of g-rgrrt--(s) holea through countertope eharl be eupprrea- ani lnstalled by contractor. orneri**rilgrove uotl trrJ pr&uct ana-ioritrJii prror-io 11. It-"p":lr1:l^:ir11ng cotor.shart be anended rroD adobe tohaze. rf Drocureuen€ "i-."*rns-tri"*ii"[i! a.rrred cororbecones di?fldia, -iritiiv-Eilner at once. L2- Th6 specrfred^c_e_r11ng tlles are avallable fron DenverceLtLngs, l{so }r. E"i;;;;., Denver, co. Blddere arerenlnded that a one_rrour i;iid-I;;;;;i"d: 13' Blddere are,advr'sed that all fruorescent lrght flxturesnust be tented ln ordei-tJ-ireserve the lntegrlty of theone-hour rated ceillng-eirtEr. 14. Blddere ar6 €ncouraged to pursue any and all valueenglneerrnE iteug ri-[rr"-cii_r_:? of brddtng tha proJect.Any and all pro_pogeA eulsilluttons nuet b6 approved byosner rn accordrnce wttrr-ifrJ p"o.edures outiinea ln rtenNo. { on page r of thi-Confi".t Docunente. 15' Trre tranertr:glof celrrng helghte and flnleh systens ehalloccur at Door llo. 3 16' P!?regaTd the_note on sheet A-l below the trtre ;:i:€H:gnar Froor pid;-r;dir"atrni-;ai[;;;;. No. 3 17. Bldderg are t1e!rycted to lngert.the attached, revtewedpase Nos' u. and re inlJ-tilin-ira i"a;il;'rndlcatrnsseveral addltlonar NterniCJe. I I o 18. I}ir!ffl rahedul. and relatod notea ar. clarlfted ae Baee bld shall aasu!€ all doorg are. eolld cor€,book-natched, plaln-"rrila-"nd oak veneer rlth ftnreh tonarch cabrnetsr erti""iIe No. 3 L-;;;aoiir.r. Arternateto agcertafn thg diii;;;;ial cost to eubgritute eotldcore, palnt-graae naeonic.-aoor"-rn -irlilli'oak veneerdoors at locittone l-iiirJigrr s. 19' carpet la a-upplledr/lnetalleg by owner. Base nouldlng lewood througlrout pei oeiirl id: D);=i-.nilE7a_2. 20' Bas€ louldlng and caslng to-be aquare edged ln all caeee lnlleu or beveied i"-rnal?aiJa-i"-o=.iiir!T]'r, D and c/A_2.21' A decoratr've.red oak trlu panel-rs requlred for the undercounter refrlge.rator ai-trr;-corree statron. titlllworkgubconrra"Tf::l*i-rdpil-and lnstarr this panet. Flnlahto uatch Clrr.usury. 22'. ff:.ilffr.|;-?::tt1? eyeten throushout the faclltty hae a exrraust- E;, iilg, .#:.til":inii; f n*;:";i;ii:L:: :f!i:I.f Hlil;'.5f**t#Bii. "iinii-'il inEta' o,,.1 ur, ;iH,i:nsijlii,ili:#"H3:[ t:,:*.:T3'il.n::li:.ili""i, All other terag' condrtl0ns and lnat-ructrons renaln unchanged.lbls Addendru N6.-r,TogJtt"i'iril, the rnvltatton to Bld and thecontract Docurents ions€fiui; fi; entlre agreeuent andunderstandtns betllen_the aida.ii and vBc. - pleaee acknowledqe;ff;:nr of thls Addendtru r"-trr"-Jp"ce provldta-rn-trre rroposil KSG/ba : i ,l DrsTRr EUTTON//CTRCUTTRY FIXIITRES/DEVTCES EI.TERGENCY LIGHTING TELEPHONE/T.V. CoNDUIT SUBTOTAL SI'BTCI{IAIJ BUII,DING PERI{TT Ilo([AL - L[ntP sw BrD TruE & ITATERIAT,S RATES (EXTRAS Ar{D CREDTTS) SUPERTNTENDENT $ THR. + $-__Jrn. I .znn. UATERTAI,S DTREqT COST SUBCONTRACTORS DIREqT COST $ $II CARPENTER IABORER t t + + + + ATTERNAIE NO. 1 hstatl VBC eupplled cablnets aboveroou ft03 in lleu of new ciuf"etJ-"s !9nalr/nodlfy cablnets is-necessary.VBCre Representatlve's insfructlonl. the central fLles lnshown ln detall D/AL.Refinlsh cablnet-e per (ADD/DET,ETE) ALTERXATE NO. 2 fnetall VBC sup-plied cablnets aboveroon #103 tn tleu of new catinetJ-i,Repalr/nodlfy gab{nets ie -necessary. vBCrs Repreeentativere fnsCructfoni. the xerox nachine inshown ln detall E/AL.Reflnlsh cabtnetl per -11- (ADD/DET,ETE) f_ ILTER}IATE NO. 3 rf golld cor€ lasonlte doors_wrth flred-applted flnrgh aregubstrtuted ror trre speJiii.a"a""'r;;;-#;iiorr" { rhroush (ADD/DELETE) $ ALTERNATE NO. 4 Fabrrcatc and 'ngtall stx (6) skr. racks ae rndlcated rndetait VA2. (ADD/DEr.,ETE) g ALTERNATE NO. 5 ff- pre-flnlehed,subetltuted tor-door nunbera {, (ADD/DELEFE) S ALTERNATE NO. 6 If oak caalngln Roone Noe. (ADD/DEr.,ETE)$ ALTERNAIE NO. 7 rf preflntehed, substltuted foiDoor Nos. 2 and snap.together netal door frameg arewood Janbs, caeLng ana pifnl"a-ifnrrr,5, 6, 7, g and 9.at and base ls substltuted for102, 103, lo4, lo5, 106, io? palnt and grade trlnr08. as lndlcatedE/A-I Roor LOz, t0{, lnap 9ogether metal door franes arerood Janbs, caslng ana pafntEi-rinrsh at3. (ADD/DELETE) g ILTERI{ATE NO. 8 If all cablnetry is deleted fron the Contractin Detait No?. i, -?,-a-,-D];_t.Roon-No. 101, D,No. 103 and.lnctuafirg iouhtertops-ln no"ili"l,.105, 106, IOZ and 105. (ADD/DEI.,ETE) g -12- It i AI/ITERXATI lro. 9 If bleaclrlnslleu of cleir AI,TERNATE NO. 10 ff yallc in Roon No.covertnga by otheraspeclfled. gtaln lg deletedsealer only. .1Ol .ar€ to be prepared for wallIn lleu of textirre- and piint'-ii- on all cablnets and doorg ln (ADD/DET,ETE) (ADD/DET,ETE) TOTE:Tlre Schedule of Valuee shall becone the basle for allAppllcatlons for r.yn-n[--r;i";fi;' to thls contract.Each tlne iten shari iii"r"ai-ifr.=arr"ct cost of raborand naterLalg plus appltcabie-oierrread and profitonly. costg riratea'-f;-;;;;"i'Einartrons lre to belsotated on the rrnJ proifi;:- -' ,: -13- TRANSI{ITTAL LEf,TER vArL ASSOCTATES, rNC. I p.o. gox t I vArL, @LORADo 81658 PROJECT: Sltznerlr Offlce Renodel fi): CONTRACT NO.: t{/A RIFEBENCE t{O.: 9 DATE: Auguet 10, 1987 If eacloaureE are oot a8 ootcd tplease loforn ug rmedlatelt. If cbecked belor, please: ( ) Ackoosleilge recelpt of eocloeuree.( ) Return enclosures to us. ATTN: Tocn of ValL Coanunl ty Developcent Dlvlglon 75 Soutb Frontage RoadVall, Golorado 81657 llr. Gary llurraln HE TMNSITIT: (X) hererlth( ) ra accordaocs FOR YOUR: (X) approval()revler&conoent()uge lf,E FOLIOIITG: ()() Drarlnge( ) Spectflcatloos( ) Cbaage oder ( ) uoder separate cover vla wltb your reque8t ( ) itt8trlbutloo to lrartle8( ) record() ( ) tnforaatloo () () () () () Shop Drarlag Prlate Shop Drarlng RepEoductloog Sanples Product Llterature COPIES DATE BEY. I{O.DESCRIPTION ACTIOTI @DE 2 ea.8-5-87 Rlch Archltectural Desltns 24' | 36' Ilraylog l{os. A-l and A-2.E 2 8-5-87 Ioaler Englaeerlog Coosultaots, Inc. 24 Drarl.og No. lt/E-I. x 36 E 2 E-r0-87 Ailaledutr No. 1.E ACIIOII A. Actton lodlcEteil on ltenB. No actloa requl.redC. For slgnature and returo traosritted to thls offlce D. E. The tror slgoature and forrardlag as a8 ootd belos uoder REIiABKS See REIIARKS belor BEUARKS Pleaae loitlate check for coostructloo.bulldt28 are a8 rDlt 18 deglred on COPIES TO: D. Eunri (slth enclosureg)() ()o.( ( ( + \AilAssociateqlnc. Creators and Operators ofVeit and Bcaver Creek O SITE OF THE 1989 WORLD ALPINE SKI CHAMPIONSHIPS AI,IJ PI.AIIHOLDERII O8 REC9RI' i'ACK D. HT'NN DIRESTOR - REAIJ ESTATE REVISED AUGUS! 1{, 1987 Thlg Addendun No. I ln lts entl.rety ehall becoue part of thecontract Docunents. _Recelpt of thie tae;naur!-i"r[ macknowledged on the Bld pr6poeal r"m iiid" rzr-r" ttle orrglnalcontract Docur€nts and eubnitted ulth dne-afd.' --' Tlre followlng lnfornatlon ia hereby conveyed to all blddergaubsequent to the pre-bld conferenia or liguti-ro, rieii--- l. the troJect Schedure contalngd ln the Bld package (page rr[)superseder the letter of rnvltation to sra-ii r6gaiaa-ttr--'date and tlue for subnLttlng btd-. 2. The Owtrer shall provlde bu!.Iderrt 3. llbe DrawlnEa, contalned in tbe gid Sheet lfoa. A-1, A-2 and '{(B-L.4. onner-supplled.cablnetry, as descrlbed rn Alt€nrate ltos. Iali.z, are aval.lable foi-lnspectl0n rn tuavaii l"ioiiaierofflces ln Avon, co between itre rrours-oaerdo a.r. and Er00p.[.1 Uonday through Frl.day. 5. Book-ratchedr_platn-arlced red oak ls substltuted for riftcut oak for all cablnet constnrctl.on. IlOs trRol,l, DATEs R8s I t I risk lnsurancc. Package, conslet ot Post Offtce Box 7 o ry'ail, Colorado 81658 r USA . (nr 4?e5@l r Tclex: 9lO9ZO3lg3 6. Noutnal ln x- {i r€d oak slds and back eplaeb it speclfledat sach counter top rn Roorls Noa. r0rr-ioir-rolr-ioa;-10;,102 and l0g. lto elcpoeed end griin.--' 7' A veneer tape edge te eubstltuted for oak sollds at eachcablnet door. 8' cablnet lnterlorg shalr be hlgh denelty partrcle board. 9. Should the lead the for cabrnetry fabrrcatlon becone aprob-ren, - trhold ron druengloni ;iii ;;;"orii.a and filreracrlbe pLecea ulll be perrnfltea. 10. Escutcheon trrn at each of elght_ (8) holes tlrrough countert_opg_shau be supprled and tnitarie& ui-contr"ctor. onnerahall-lppTole lotn tne product ana ioEitfonlprfor tolnstallatlon. ll. !!he speclfred cerlrng co10r gharl be anended frou adobe tohaze. rf.procurenenf or ceriing-tri"-il"ii] aeerred colorbeconas dlfflcult, notlfy Owner at once. L2'. Th?-?pecrfled-c-er1lng ttlea ara available frou Denv€rCeltlnge, taso tf. s\rins ev-., Denvor, co. -iiaaers ar.reninded tlrat a one-hour riii"g-ii;;d;ird: 13' BLddere are.advlsed that arl fluorescent llght flxturecaust be tented r.n order to preserve trre-rntGriy-t;-*.one-bour rated ceillng aystin. 14. Bl.ddera are encouraged- to pursue any and all valucenglneerlng itena tn trre ciurae "i lradr"g fhe proJect.Any and aII pro_poeed gubstltutlone uuet bE ijprovett byouner tn accordlnce wrth tne piocedur;; 6itiinea in rtenNo. ,l on pag6 i ol the contra-ct OocunentJ. --- 15. The tranefalgn.gf ceillng helghte and flnleh ayaters ghrUoccur at Door tfo. 3 16. D_ieregard the note on sheet A-r betor t-he tltleiDtnengionar Froor prani r"a-r"itr"g-;eitl"iii€ No. 3deleted. x L7. Blddera are Lnstnrcted to insert the attached, Tevlsed pagsNos. rr and 12 into therr Brd il.fi;";;'Iiiii"trnE severaraddltlonal Alternatee. 18. lllre door gchedurc and rerated noteg are clarrf!.ed arf,ollowe: Base bld ghall aasuD€ all doora are golld cors,book-latched, platn-sllced-ind oak venesr yltb flnlsh tolatch cablneta. Alternate io. ils'i-a"i"&i"e Arternatcto agcertarn tlre dlfferentral cogi-tJ ,r.rrtriute rolrdgors, palnt-gradc uaeonr.te doorr in-ireu oi-iar von€erdoors at locatlona 4 through S. 19. Carpet le aupplledr/inetalled by Owner. Bage nouldlng iarood urroughout pei oetall Norl D/^_2.n--c/e_2. 20' Bage lourdlng and casing to be aquare edEed rn alr caeee lnlleu of beveled aa indr6aiea- rn Detaile iI, E, D and c/A-2. 21. A decoratfr.,,::!_?ll't:tp.panet le requl.red for the undercounter refrlgerator at thi coffee edtion. -uhirJori-'--- eubcontractor shar_r eupply ana-i"rtaiil;i; paner. Frnrghto natch cablnetry. -- - 22. Becagse the cetttng systeu throughout the faclll ?f:I*, yI;]:__99":fTtgI ;fiir'srippiy-ana r"i[iir or,",l*:lid:..:if.1, :l:"+_ !F? - d"!i;;-it-if,I-ld;iy $iii: #; l_ball^ ?lp?rl :l.l I nstau i -FJnn-au&-d; ;fi ei r'ii'i"conpatlble ilth each exlra"ri-i1". onc hour r?llng, fire-dauperj-ii5--i"o.rl'.a-ii;;i or rwoexrrauet grrlllee and. at on6 auplrv griil€-;"-iili;ted onPf:I*s Yl;l:_^gontractor ;fiit'suppry and lnetarr one, uL All other t6ru, condrtlons and lnat'.ctlons renarn unchanged.I'hls Addendun lfo. r, togeth"irrlil the rnvitatlon to Brd and thecontract DocuD.nts consi,itute trre' encire--igreeiiiit ana:19:Tslandlng.betveen the sraaJ;i and vBc. --iil;; acknowredcreI:ffln. or tlrls Addend'n ln the -pace piovraea-i;H;T;il;:i KSG/bs AI,TERNATE NO. 3 rf aolld coro Dasonr.tc doore_wrth freld-apprled finrch areaubetltuted for the epec!.rtea aoorEJFro'ciClonr 4 through AI,TERNATE NO. 5 ff,_ pre-f,lnl.ehed, enap.together uetal door franeg breeubetrtuted_for rooq- Jauia, cigrng-ana-pirnila frnrgh atdoor nunbera 4, 5, 6, 7, g and 9. (ADD/DETJETE) g ALTERNATE NO. { Fabricate and instau slr (6) skr racks as r.ndrcated indetall V^2. (ADD/DET.ETE) S (ADD/DET.ETE) g (ADD/DEr.,ETE) $ (ADD/DET,ETE) $ (ADD/DErarEl $ AIJTERIIATE NO. 6 rr oak caer'ng and base re aubetltuted for parnt grade trruLn Roons tror; loz, rorr-iol, lo5, 106, roz-irra roa. ALTERNATE NO. 7 rf- preflni'ehed, anap together netar door fraueg areeubetrtuted fo1 wooir jafrla, -ca"tng-dd-;"il;la ttnr"t "tDoor Noa. 2 and 3. ALIER}IATB NO. 8 rf all cablnetry ie deleted frou the contract ag lndlcatedln Detall Nos. i, _?, c, oJi_t Roou.No. lot, D, E/A-t RoorNo. r03 and.r'crualng iou'ntertope -ln-ioou-ri,oi. roz, tol,105, 106, tOZ and 105. 4' ,t)+INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES ('WED\.THUR FRI AM ,iPM-\€, TOWN OF VAII B tr tr o D o B tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH /WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION o tr tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT qF tr( tr CTRICAL:MEGHANIGAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL tr FINAL P hPPBovEo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT ools 1- -( - E? toe INSPECTION REQUEST ,TOWN OF VAIL NAME S:.:!i""...^c( i . A.. *i*^"-S C;..I READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES *=o ifrG) FRI er',r @j. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL AMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED I coRnEclotts: onre t1 ';., >-) rNspEcroR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor= t't', ' \ -_..N', JoB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL r( Q THUR FRIINSPECTION: CALLER -'"n.MON TTUES ,' WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PBOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED D^rE 'F' E - ,?7 rNsPEcr INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPEGTION: LOCATION: THUR @ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,-'' ROOF & SHEER " pLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREO DATE INSPECTOR f"- /1 /1 r (56 5Y PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED #. n--,. n 1( INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN ^OF,tVA!L<_ <----) t (^ I 4--L-1'l-r/-{=e. rHUR @ -----@ PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR T] FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED D^re n -f - K+ rNSPEcroR ,'t ?n<( t .-.- \) -/ I PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT DATE BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES 1qq - l tr| WED THUR @ AM@ INSPECTION REQUEST , TOWN fOFt'z wrr.(( V /vAlL /'Tazl,A pl BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH i WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PTPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB E] SHEETROCK NAIL p61ay c-rf,. 4 c<r rlprirt c-'t trFINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED o FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belor items need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING \ TEMPORARY C Of O DATE : llI I CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: oz F =e IJJo c \c an uJulu- L =[!o- / lt / tt/ ,tt FA, )€trJ L p'J> o\o\ o\ tn u z .l) z <i=a2 5<gE 6ortA [r E E Iz =o zz oqJ F z oz = .6 o =z Julo = IL f\\tg5 .\\tfi E\ i\= HNI[g P \"IPH c \g? :A €l H E{u\!i i1 0'=-vr\, ?$;e. f !: N-;q,>E"' ie+sE+ gEI 6 q)\ -ots\.: oti(!.Y' BaE: = e x8 Ht g a e.= 6 -E :..s 69 UP:Otr-o> eI;E;€i;c9dF 3 5 =.; E E-sl-.9 0kg;;F nlse cL (g o-- SE; e oiE-ors*e€E;(ox(!-'-x EE.E H E;Eg_ o_.): o 6 0'- .-.c=o(/) E€;E E g:; ffE;9E o -c5g: o (rl .i -{@t\N Q E uJ z J ao Y uJ oz J ) lr UJJ UJ z 6 = J 2 UJ = trlIIz tr UJ llJ 3 UJ5 UJ z 6 uJo F c rlJo z uJJo x uJof, al, u.lull! E =t uJ F F z ) ao F luJul z Co ) oz uJ- F.: F FT NO[VnlVA I t. {h!!F NE i15 .Hfrct_; 3icz 6b*a/, z 'G -e(f,rl9ttpy S414>rcF -r =lu=co zo FYatoz>-9c)aJzu-<oq UJ-o-YiE zI lJ { LL(r o- tu F o \o o- z E o ,<*z. tr E UJF -) =uJz atzfzOa <oo< =Px(Lbo<z t-z Oz ulO3fr l ItF IKtrIt]tclltoltoltdl utfJJ a UJz iF F' z s Jloz I c I JJ 3 F CE I i"o95i X _l F : Jl sl EI z .. >lo uJo llJluz(tF t!(L) zI =o z (t) o l I I "l=lEI<ldl pq trOEu: H \-r' !- zHEfrs ITJFo c0o-tzo Fo IJJY UJ @ oFEl Fo\ =-ar. IIJ O\ r. Pl \J C/)lz oz ,H I uJ 2E zw.r9 S =z ,-,coo a =zaf = (9:9 ,"'** k;IDtr J "3q=re A;E h UJ o-l! llroz oL F CEI o- JFt! :-h= (L I.lJ>(!O|!oo5ul;o-x>EF J |l- urgl oF Eo EClo !' B! .E a E EotJ t\O -1,a!oDE =Erl =t*=€ E =E.lrlo-zo F()fEFazo(J I I c;l =.1ol uJl 5l sl ttlol 3l sOl uJFI F It'r Itl -l l "l=.1 OI'..,1 Hls Jt$ 3la r,r-l-+ol6 1l FI I =.1ollrjl 1l <l>ltrlol zl 3lolH =.1ol uJl 5l <l>l uJ =z -) lrr I JBI d'r I tEltElIN It-{ I l-{tul Il(,tzF-.i J I.L C').if \T I .ir vF|r5 vf? m*Rriqt I {trl.u7 142:po F=CJolpc x.q HA*ztrl<r(:dFHroFtX ''lx.= ,Ovl IEq trI E, F Fzo =f UJ = r,5 =+E -Fo2 J(l<oOF trs S?F =z EooZ, l- =#fF =JZrro <F L!<ZE, I.IJ F(rzoO J<c)en-'6MHtr I l., t3 I I I I I, ItE la2 r= lotz -.\ uF I I Egigg il*g e;€eC$E;eJ sE;gi lEEsg jEiiE 4 a 6,c2 (,2zE=Qlt 5o -rl<l FI l) :o' 4a44 A () a6oF<o IIJ =J oolt,zx ; 2 tr oz at) Ez z9o <()o<OJ =Ext!6o<z o ts2.. 2= d63E gl Go' =IIoz9- E,E- C) o J Eczul(, I ={p > o.DoE0 oz o-tIt (tn >, z Fo ltF zo() lt rlJ F \l ol\r{.I oz E-c, H IJJ E(t,ooaz z <gYze'c0 0 =z dP J :fi8 =B |lJq lto EHE5€a39!k '9'EE E' =uJEFE=EdEi lo6, ul€i u,oo rR v/J= '= o.,Ft!t) att- ta-) r{Dfl O-r 1U6 :eHobl F$ HuJ 2E ts =e, lrJo-zoF(JfE t,zoo !nn E =EllJo- t!o UJo- F tt ]{F-9-Fg tri =z @ o o .,\A , Fl v s o = -q \etA \9 UI u :th oz 0utEJ lto z3o oz ctIIc ltoz =oF EE}D luwn 75 toulh tronl,lg. ro.d u.ll, color.do 81657 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2\39 ,1 otflcc of communlt/ doYolopmont BUILDING PER}IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If thi.s perTl.t requi.res a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, EngineeX"s (.Pg!] ii Works) review and approval,' a plannin!' Oepartment review or Health Department review, and'a review by the 6uiliing Department, the estinated time for a total review may take as longas three weells. All commercial ('large or smal1) and all mu'lti-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirembnts. Residential and small projects should take a'l esser amount of time. However, if fesidential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects nny a'l so talte the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permi.t as. sgon as possib'l e. I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. 5 epI. Shdet was turned into theDate Flork Devel opment Department. ,\' I luwn TO: FROM: DATE: suEJECt: 75 3oulh fronlage road Yail, color.do 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 ofllce ol communlly deY€lopment ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVEI.,OPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & !,IATERIAL STORAGE In sumnaryr -Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor naterial , includS-ng trash dunpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicpf?9e or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on al1 Town ofVaiI streets and roads is approxinately S ft. off pavernent.This ordinance wilt be stri-Lly enforcEd by the Town of Vailng!]ic l{orks Department. persons found vlolating this ordinancew111 be gJ-ven a 24 hour written notice to rernove-sald rnaterial .fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotj.ce within the 24 hour time specified, the pulfLc ltorksDepart:nent wiLl remove said naterial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance snift not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Tor.rn ofVail Buitding Departnent to obtain a copy. thank you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. Read and acknowledged (i.e. contractor, owner) o .J 5-t: r-q- jt-o-E : 2t--qts;t=,.sCi- *rbJT 1 -1+:7::!?-r-<s tri;-?+L !-&io,rs]-l- _+.' ,,iE* ''F INSPECTION REOUESTITION REC )WN OF VATL.v- Yt& 5ot,l lFPERMIT DATE READY FOB INSPECTI LOCATION: JECT JOB NAME MON (, ),,,t. CALLER WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR EI FINAL tr FINAL lqteenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED INSPECTOR nifi$o? 5D 0q PERMIT NUMBER OF,PROJECT DATE II READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME il, AM PM ECTION TOWN OF CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED coRREpTroNS: t. D^rE //- /{-7/ rNSpEcroR The ltens below glvlng a peruit Please check off FINAT PLWBING AL INSPECTIONIS oeed to be coloplete a flnal C of O. la the bor provLded. CO}IPLETED before t_' DATE! FINAL UECHANICAJ,l DATE:I IMPROVEMEM SURVEY RESID. NA}TE: DATE: FINAT ELECTRICAT DATE: ix FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: i I I TEMPORARY C OF O DATE: CERTITICATE OF OCCUPA}TCY DATE! LANDSCAPING DUE I I I DATE: FILE \sct"t oz tr =G uJd (t uJ UJu- E =c uJ ,ffi otetr?e +Yl €'\o\ \o c..l H & IIIu HH E Fr r'1 HE t9r J C)lt z uJF E d. z = z z :1 FTz z E lrl t.ll E o uJF z oz ! .6 zz F:{l'{ tt) x t7 rI E 4 I] H Fll $ zH HHB X H h rd HutH lrjz3 uJ F oz (L -JUJo i (r l! UJ E. F z o o o o, I'(l' o. 3 F Xl clo =o o) -c op (g o o == @ E =l €; .9 q) otl (!.Y', 1s{gE8E; ;;cEEl3: F Se:Ec-o>cf:i = gi; c9cE Es=5' EE-s:* o ot st;F Elgco- o o-- SE; s oiE-qr =fi:€P6(65 :EE H EalS -: C l(0 0 -.=c; o q)P --C _- ef;; E EE;P5 () >-O(!=X iI E9;*;E9Eo -cEg* rn F =E IIJ z = q) xo uJ z -.,,o- I o UJ uJ (,z =J L oz o lrl UJILz9 tllEollJ @ =g IIJczoa uJ F o- z Iu o F uJ f an LU uJ F = UJ ) F F z / c) F tuJ!u z = -) 9z Io uJt NO[Vn'1VA ; 2 -.vyfr 9<>FzLrO OrL6zE =OF= trr. auo<rci Ej z.r,llz N N =>E z tr^ 'qoz>-oo<)zt!<og o-Y rni z tr E (, t].t F o- Lll G l z Eoo X|4z tr !!F 3 z LzlzIF o o I Fzl z- trio L!(J _E ^iz F 2_ I trI ulf, IJJz O I z F Jfaz (E I I -J 'lrqlzl zlI I-:-T ""I =l:l 8l oE o 3 I--l "l:l6l 3lII zl zl .. >lo uJ LI,J IJJza tr LlJ .J zo Eo z F ) d) (\ frl I€ z r- (o -s u,,l tr U) o-z Fo- IJJY UJ dl oF F dorrr C,'\o-q u-o6-\o-(\o.o!1 Hurbkz6 z..o >_E(D0 =z dP EE=-r -i [rJ6d> = =uJI o UIoz U)2 F cr JFtl.i :-h=:c(LuJ>LOrL9o\ul :>|.!-utJ) ul E) F o E CI -9o o t E Eo(, o --- E =E lrJ o-zIF() E,Fazoo !!tr z) olrlrl ccl JI <t>l u-t \JI zl 3lolFI I Iot =.1ol fl, =.1olurl 1l <l>l u-lol zl 3lolFI F.l'-F\ I .if c tlItlqco I.l= |fll 4el.lFI OI flHltJli] <lrn >lsl al dfl I Il-l .l oMl t'.|EtI()l to r4t dEI -l(ol @l It4ard |'-rcl l<ot >cll<l J EO .A Fl trl H x* b4fr{ HHHv, =z ccl -) z -Jtr o- F "l=.1ol uJl 5l al>l ttlol zl 3l 9l -l E F() EFz z .r UJ = b2 oF EFz () J 9(r F IIJJ uJ ('ozt- =#fF)z(!O E <FEC)t!<zEurF(qZ F UJF I()t )<()a?.3EtrnRX oz L =G IJJc o U) UJ uJ LL = = uJa! &'., J\'tt:l'CI\o\ a.l H trl b1 FiH B FJ H5 I I I I I lluIF rE I I I I I I l- t6 IF tvt(.'tzro r5 t].tF E F El-Iz o =z r:. h{ i lF.{ llra )lx:LJ I lP.ita orh IJJF 9a."trI>uo€ lflliao$qo D.r F4 z XE & ovJ IJJF 9a."trI>uo€ lflliao$Fz4ol-l Er.'l ( ,i i l.drtzl{ t{H3 x rq rrl fiIr. ho FIAt4 1 I F' LL tra ='r a t! tro Q F.zaq (r uJz3occ IU, :=HoluJFI<F2a\22o< \ o o) o) -c o =o. t- E q(f,r C,6, t c) (E o) o c!'5 (D c = l; 0) 3't o o t'i 6 .Y''=o(');{*!oiE3E;:e*€ iE H ! I6P:0c-o> ef :E -9i .,, i.= n cts"(o d5B= "*>66 E ONI!Eo* o otfEo;.e;93E5;",-Y= <6ioo o-o=-o$PO-o!Eor'=.! C -E EE :o'eo ),X - c o: E.g go(o=--2;E9;6i:_o.yo -eC?.c; o (/) .t O-.= ti,!E:=d i'lo;E>.=OG=X *FFeis U-,;feE9Eo -cEg: rn E =E uJ z f(! :< uJI(J z a l-- u.J z 6 =: o- J 2 I g/ = Ll,] l!z tr Lrl E oE =L/J UJGz 6luo F6 uJo(! l z J(J x F |.tlal o UJt! b = UJo- F F z 6 l(o 9eFo UJ UJ z J o- J 2 I uJ = NOI.TVNIVA F k .:axBlcCJo< =FrLr-A O rrlz& =&o- =lAi3< u.l >< rlJFzv)IJJZ(5r{ (\ zzo9 XrF9 066z>-O(Jo.zrL<oq OY.x =>E -I z tr { (l o-f (U(L ao- LLlft z Eoo trr(-z tr {r F Bulz ll I tzlz9o K()o< >;i>ERq5o<z Lz. atz --l Tdo3mOT ll.itr E zY OrF z F J: U)z I - ,1 | -1_l ll:t al a tr z_l zl .. >lo uJ LIJluzaF E u,Jc) z Eoo z tr @ I-l I I I "lzltlCrl<l c{}(l I z F- I ,'-'r C) IJJ tr U)o -zo t- l!Y IJJ dl oF E3.'iii o\;-o\ II > e.I o_:o5 lo ' -uJi bk'.zo z o=zz c00>z O. LL E =E lrJ o-zo F C) :)EFozoo = UJ o- t!o uloz o2 tr JFul-h>:(rc LlJ>(!O|!9o\UJ :> t!JJ ut c0 f- o Ect E o Ec =E EoIJ o i D!tr J..i5 =83--'! -: t!coil= z =IL 6 F ) ./) (J kl r-{ F. xn X4 tsN t-. Il.r la.l oMl !ndt I(Jl \ot; &t- -l ("'t Icol-lla);'it r-acl '<ol > <lc><FEo () FtH H LI,J =z =E G oo :t z o uJ J l!oz =oF tr z ot!tr) t!oz B .5 FK !FI Fl,l H =c G n I oz o Lu J a l! z-o F. F Ig\.cc\ cr tr oz "iqt = u. z3oF 4 oz oul J IL z 3 F ul J uJF UJ z co Luz 3 tuF T <Fcc)uJ<zEL!F(tZ <o(JF -< ;iF-,2EoIO zF- =< JZ(LO *x =F =?.--- tv iiFY,z =g t-g. ir UJ (JZ <ci.4 (f)iii r!fo !nEX atlu,u,lr =E UJr s o z lr do:i GI Go ?c -ootto EaotooE! fto E o c3 ItI ecca 'o e Co 6o.E li.Q: o:g9:a E a EIt.ti ,6 ,I .DCi t'9 '8 E 8(,a et c r5 i19 i€i9 r!!oio IE IG DU -ol Esj FEI i[].= 6,tcirEi iE: 3Eig EE. EF s.q, if;.,Ira3E9o'g5 EEE9 5EE96! 'E€ (r> ;Ei;8r<o tEoitg,t 3 :i Ei 8o !tG':g aa I, E,A.ciIa, EeC s .t Eo E Ea EaE i9rB i€r3 iEicio :ErOrtit,t Eg1 5irlEi t: G E.Is o€. l. s E. E, .9 E co'?a'(r. oaaaE ItI 3aa E oCI 8!otJIa o Et 3B 3 ozI E c. $lulo{cL- UJo =6cS 2o EsE2trI6B9ZbE EEj.{ d>l U|llll,2 e =tr H 6 I ut 3 ?c oog,2II C'z =g, UJA cu,a o =r"9 =aCoo ==iE trtrtr fiI JTEl aIiYhl =E=;t qhif,l =ir()Fl eil= ts-E H EttoI il P E EIU' b d E eo|lJ g,oo E Ig E Et t, a, ; iI II : : ct) t ,,.., ilr.(.)liol)51 HlI rrr'r E:o ts =ElrlgzI b =OE 6zo(J -t 75 rculh fronl.g. ?ord u.ll. color.do 8165? (303) 479-2r.38 or 479-2139 !!o: FROI{3 DATEs su&rEet: offlcc of communlty druclopmrnl AI,L CONTRAqTORS CI'RRENILYL REGISTERED T{ITII TITE TOIIN OF VAIL TOI{N OF VAIL PUBLIC IIORKS,/CO!,IMT'NITY DEVEIPPME}IT !!ARCn 16, 1988 CONSTRU TION PARKING & UATERIAL STORAGE fn sunnary, -Ordlnance No. 6 states that it ls unlawful for anyperson to lltter, track or deposLt any soil , rock, sand, debr-isor naterial , Lncludlng trash dunpster-, portable toilets and workmen vehlcles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publlcpf?ge or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on al1 Town ofVail streets and roads Ls approxinately 5 ft. off paveuent.This ordl.nance vitt be striiify enforcid by the Toin of vailpyPlf-" Works Department. Persons found vtol.ating thls ordlnancewill be gLven a 24 hgur wrl-tten notice to renove-sald naterlal .fn the event the person so notifl.ed does not conply wl.th thenotlce within the 24 hour tfuoe speclfied, the puLf-ic l{orksDepartnent will renove sald aateiiat, at fhe e:qrense of perBonnotifl.ed. The provJ.sl.ons of this ordinance stritt not beappllcable to construction, maLntenance or repal.r proJects ofany street or alley or any utill,ties ln the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town of,Vail BuildJ.ng Departnent to obtal.n a copy. fhank you for yourcooperatLon on tbl.s natter. Read and acknowledqed bv:acknowledged Position /Relatlonship to /r'- 36- 7d (1.e. contractor, owner) PERMIT NUM EROFP OJECT I INSPECTION REOTJEST VAIL DATE t!READY FOR LOCATION: o loe Nlve INSPECTIO vvf D TO OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDAiTION / STEEL tr FRAMING ._r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING )r4;as PTPTNG tr INSULATION B n n POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL * o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEH MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH _-_-_-__________l tr EXHAUST HOODS tr F ) CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR t tr FINAL tr FINAL .1 APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED /t-/F-/z INSPECTOR nffisrrop oz ts.GutG "lT\.ir tfi oIrl oo o .l\t olu uJt! E =E, uJo. N in uJFoz ozo:l6€ oz ltlllllilItl." e lH el3 Or 1 \Ol]r;l l1ll I Qre SrdlE E rE 3rE EiHHIi .+/o [.oq) dd el!.S!'s[t ro Sis\t\:\r\ " it ' l*..*i\\ sv q tt- Y \5 \ o\.tU)\-tnv<A/c 7cM. Fl ,4A pV-t( c. r{*5d z)sll-i t'- J\(4 ots A z rrl|l() c .9o^€t $E8fcFo.: EE.€o -ct c;eoF E.e .g; 5EN(, TE EE !go&F 6O oDcc6 E€ g6 qto oS =€ :;6E uroEE. ol =E69 eg o(Ltr6 "'!iOa; EE -oc:o .Fo4'o .ED .s Poo(,qt E: ot o at E,. 9' flt o ttE6 si;'6 d:gEEg 3EE EEr €sE ggE c96'- cL4 E E'E EEEl€e eEsF+i EE€.SEi.a- as€: s€€ EEE_ag' --' C6 0'-, sEi' gfiEi Y CtOEEEI! O ED: - o 6.1 l,n \' Fo(\ .c.if o t/)lnN olnN o \o\o €'\ e ttEu,Goz oJ fo -o uJ-() z Jo. J C' EF() uJ uj (, =oI A cIz I() uJ- UJ uJlt =9F utE() u,c, oc o .D 'ut;uIGzcU' UJo F atIu,o ADi uJJo x F tllol o IIJ u,l tJ_ E =E IIJLJ FoF (,zoJ =o J IcFo UJJ Llr C,zoI3JE J III(, gJ- Fl H H NO|lvnTA IE Es6(J =Ht.L r-ao*zto= FHtiawzo< liF{,& oz =>G -r|r)iurrS = lll (\, zz99 tp =29E9lr-<o1H6-t .. Gi E f t {h { ( -) {I zo F DJ +q "l>lolEI ooo CA.+ -c o- uJ G, ) 2I Eoo 12IF e uJFJ 'UJ2 ilFI =l zl ., >locloulllt2 y) =trulo- J z Eoo IU J ov, !,1zxo tr F z 9 F oz lltlIItl 9' z zPr<oo< =ft:cxtt6ci<zlltltl I3r!=..iF r-6Eg =UJ zx at o. o2 FoIo c\l CD-sOO UJF U) @oazo o.utY uJ @ oFto =$EFI o-lr- \Clonic9H(Jarl Hurakz,o zg9zero6 =z=)dP Fn! Jifi(ro= -=> =tr= =Hg F =Glto. 6EgE<cl€8IP;6'EE E ir € EFE U6I iurt Fi6 -.1!i ul @ oF @ E =Elrlo-zo -l- C)f OE Y,zoo F-?9E <Av ttl t4ct)po Hzlrl Fd EN FI Hv) ii =z c0o-) .ifr\ F\ Io\ I I I -lrr1IAI El HIgl l -o- .l rl Hll :l sl Hlf HFI (n .d' Io\.+o\ ,ll F.rl rEl I frl,A I Hl* | Fl sl flq ?g sl F\NF\ I c.+ c'r t\N F. Io\.il c'l .^rl Els I il- |F OlFll zl 3t g '11 Jl 3l ;llzl HH G -rO<FC()L!<zEUJFtrr 2o (,z6 = o- chgi+Eo2 (J FFF roloisfft -9' Ti * 'iH I i= i* l*= o'Ei EE se 8€ EEc)cL'tq .E: al EF FC o oo Ec6o c,ac(tc !l o c]oF =6 E't t(, E ooo t E:c,o 66 E o)tt o CI E (t co 6 E o oE t c Jo UJz3o uJIF z J UJa =I e Eo Fo tc F2oo eo Glltz3o t! oc(u oEo O <D ; =fo E o =c E(l, o o.ct6 '.g g /'eagt n.!-E66 EHEcl -96.E3 ot65.s,t]9 e..3Eoo- ()i oc-.o0r-g9 o C' 1t !,cqt 6 c\ -9 CL o E5()(Jac(op (D o CL Eoo Eg co 6 .9 CLcl6 .9E E(t E a!E C' o CDE -g3oc5o€ oq, 0) t >g = llJ =(n z2oo Ea =tn 15Z!89t!<oqH6-8 c ll,c z oo z |l,l F .. >lou, u,lluz at tr: u,t J zo F = t!lq zl il oz CJrl,E ! ttoz3o F 2p e3 =Fd5 (J e -rO<FGQ Lr,l <zeLUFt't 2-oo v M rl5r t -l4 =l oz E-elue z o9zzcro ==d8 :E? =sE E =t!o- o LlJ o- F E lrl bEE2ZE<&atet9I'(E G =o.=> =uIEF8:r= -XEY9\E6iq €= tu(D o --- E =Elrlo.zIl-ofE 6zoo !!! ntrtr ? I 75 3outh fronlrge rold v!ll, colorado El657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 ro: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce of communlly devalopmcnt ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TowN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMI'{UNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE fn sunmaryr.Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor material , including trash durnpsters, portable toilets andworknen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be stri-tly enforced by the Town of VaitPublic l{orks Department. Persons found viotating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said naterial .fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the Public WorksDepartrrent will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. G in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: Position/Relationship to Project Date (i.e. contractor, owner) oz E =E UJ4 ooo U' UJ r.ult E =e, uJo- offin 6s&, t{t o CA \o .|l .1, Hg oz F.! UJF o J3g tttto(,2oI r.uF o c EFt2 =to o =z oIuFoz o =oJl a0.t o =z(1 HuP t v z I =Et : zl -{1 -l-| z Hts4 ao ts{zH z(J Hta Td z v, rJH HtrlA alrlz!o uJIFoz ltJul4' =I Gott EoFo GFzoo Go tto utE)F zo 3tt cItgEP dofic 8: r€d.g6E5cl.;o6C ='oropF FT o.E oItco ottoo CDC !t ==o E o =cl do I CL CL6tg E :96g0o E:()d Ett;E9C.=65C SE:o !iC;t6.ottF5=o(B :.oo., -o 9t E€66E96(,Ec EEB'e6.sP tD at5g FE 'gAE 5go1'oc-oo-o6:'--g G 6E o 6ooc6i6 CL o E' o gtIo6 co Eo o -o Eo() d E 3 E E c .9 6 E o .E o.C t .g totto io 6 .9 CL CL6IE Eog o 6E oE o CDEg 'oc !(,6 .Ct EoE r'lN (n @(n 4 E-q utc(tz 6J G g C) UJI()z o- o EF() uJJ UJ (tz ro =) o- {gz Iou,. ulultt2I ltc C)urtr oc o @ 'UJ5ulczo ut uJo F ttIllJo G?z UJJo x F uJof tt Ltr IJJtt ts =e. tIJo. Fo o2oJfo J o GF() uJJ uJ ozoI d II 1I C)ulI o EA o|lYn]Y Ilv,lg::"H_roF/J EtnSL{ =rDorlt ;z 5e 'u)2 z u.!tOOCT)tr ^ l4'-ar1; e =ilEr, ffi EH H v) !EHz A 2IF J tr. (9 c =oE(' I F ooo E o- UJG z9Eoo z9F EutFJ 'UJ2 tltltlll a 2fzPN6to* =Evt! plilI utl F 2.. 2= EC'}E ut) G at at)ut2I IF 2o F 5 ctz I rdz z aJ a ta uJ tl.ooE o ]o I -l 3 -l FIf: !,I Jl<l 2l zl .. >lo ITJot!l!zaF =tr IJJ o- J z Eoo -l -..1 (92 o io tI il;;; i E FI HH ul ll, @o zo o-lrlI uJ.0 oFt =Eul o-blr- Clfq!6NO.4rqgsr vzo Eil J =EE E:EutGl!o uJoz )oo 6F GIGo. Jt-l! :-h= o. lu =o.O|!!ro<uJxo-:>TJF JJtt uJo oF = lEeE l, "iul r- o.zoEEag635E :*€ IffiEE Y"E$ I }4 a =NHH CA tttv trl lrlv) o HztrrA xE =NtsH rJ) ii =zoo-l l.l- IE IH ld ls lpl r to I8.1 ilE I f, 4r H3= I l+lol$t(rt or J:l - FlolH'lFtol 4?* H3E Il\ ctz ciut cE J l!oz3oF U)trlH H antn 4 M(-) tr] FA tg tl (7') .v IOi.if o\ sl d Hl-l ElgEl bl dfl F Io\.+ Ol € A >l Fi FfH4 AIo cj2 d uJE J lroz3oF d P{ tsrt]Fl FlH :c E oz citJ .E J ltoz]oF (9z .o = -to- g<r =*Eo2 o C) !!! ciz t =G, u.,o- I I l., .Ft<lo I I I a;;*c Eg E:E ig:€i IFiiE C-; E-g €$Erei rEig! !EEss60'-.:-s=oc)tr etE.c€ igiiF -eo;Z Z!-o ooF-<nzq 5 >eF9 OE .noE5. tl<JzXrt<9q ccJ ;i c.lfxuraXz'. : uJ,-.NO =>E --lttI tr,t 3 =.o(\r Jl<ltrl 2_l zl .. >lo Bl uJ uJzoF uJ o- z E o uJ =z -) rl <l>l I!|ol zl il oz oult J t!oz3oF IJtut t5lt<tl>llbllzl gFl =.1ol IIJI .cl JI al>l bl zl3olH I I I rl ollljltrl 3lrllol il g Ol tuFI F' -rO<FEOuJ<zEUJF(42o C) J C) EF C) uJ tr z F GFz E? F=o2 z o9zQ coo =zJO(L lJ- :f; ;Hg uJF 6 uJ E a)oo1zo Fo- UJY llJo oFt E IJJ o- lto o-oo I LltFoz tr Euj bEgEs€8E9ELa95EF :JF =1U:-E FEE =o--c Eb9 \utE XO-E ;Iaut €= LIJ @ F @ E =E lrJo.zIF()fEFazo(J trn! nntr I I l_ t3 I I I I Eil€i :EEiE g"; t"g g !IEEg iiE NOtrYn]vA zl .. >lo IJJ llJ UJzo E lcltA J z 9 tr :9; f ur .{! -Ibc EEVrO?>E9t!<oqH6-t o- -e UJo- z,r9 . aE9 :FA DOR E-e lrJo o tJJo- F E:E H 0 EgE;ie,IE EEit =luEF:fEXE6iesi HI fl rl UJF o ts =E, lrJGzoForl -g, Fa zoo EBEE;E (Jz tr @: o YU5{+q 7C *tl:Inl4 l(1Ii!Itlutolq I dqj }J t{-lol.,1 o. v '.< F C)#t #11 11q )l %) rfl dflr :G g e, uJz Bo o uJ (J e -rO<t-G(Jr!<z( trt 2-o O JE 6P E3qEj8 g"? 3Ed6o dE =3gE G IJJEFoio Efr-l x x)<)<x !!n ,.It 75 roulh fronlrg. rc.d v.il, color.do 81657 (303) 479-2r,38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE3 SURfECT: olllcr ol communlly dcvclopmcnl AI,L CONTRACTORS CT'RRENILYL REGISTERED TIITH TIIE IOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNTTY DSVETFPMENT }|ARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING I MATERIAL STOR.AGE fn sunnary, Ordinance No. 6 states tbat it is unlawful for any Person to lltter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVaiI streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wlll be strictly enforced by the Town of VailPublic !{orks Departnrent. Persons found violating this ordinance w111 be given a 24 hour written notice to rernove said naterial .In the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the Pubtic Works Departroent will remove said material at ttre expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To revLew Ordinance No. 6 ln fuIl, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. Tlrank you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: Position/Relationship to Project (i.e. contractor, owner) Date 75 soulh hontagF turd Y!ll. cobrado 81657 (303) 47!12138 (303) 47$2139 office ol community danelogment April 17,1990 Sitzurark lodge Deck addition to penthouse Contractor: Beck and Assoc.Pernit * 43L2 Plan review based on 1985 editions of U.B.C., U.P.C., U.M.C. and 1987 edition of N.E.C.. The following list of items are deficient in neeting the nininurn code reguirements adopted by the Town of Vail. Subnit changes and corrections for approval as required before construction continues in these areas. L.) Provide Architect stanp, State of Colorado, on plans subnitted for construction. 2.) Provide structural drawings and connection details ofproject, witb P.E. stamp, State of Colorado. 3.) Provide details on walls sections and fire rating asreguired for type II-lhr or type IV-HT buildings. The project will be issued a dernoi:.tion pernit to proceed withconstruction, but may not proceed any further until the issues noted above have been addressed and approved. ff there are anyquestions concerning these issues or another items please feelfree to call. Joe Norris Plans Exarniner Town of VaiI lqa)A - PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT -lDATE 5 l\ JoB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES 6ALLER',:r\^,,Lr,..'*, (\.o lt, p THUR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED PM g/eeRnoveo. -. CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAtLING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D tr tr FINAL tr FINAT ELECTRICAL:MECHANIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING OUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR *lftsnce \\\, ; PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON -,,|t INSPECTION REQUEST' TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: I I ICALLER TUES WED [HUR FRI \\-- '. -- \: '\\ -'\. \ BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDFOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL r''tr ROUGH /,8.W.V. tr"RQUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. frjWent tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL flpeenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR nlFsrop o o PErNsu\CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL oorr'S:\\ JoB NAME \\ PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: CALLER MoN @ WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION: FRI @tt BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr D o FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB EETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr E ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED GORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t\-,a =Y -.L-'/ ^rDATE -t u / t-l INSPECTOR l*Fic,ot PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST' TOWN OF VAIL(- t, t,u,( t,Iz-- l-.*"-:.f l , DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER k-z- 1 BUILDING: tr FOOTTNGS l Sreel PL tr E tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: s *MP. PowER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr o tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr/- EI FI FINALFINAL APPBOVE+4 tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED COBRECTIONS: '/'''-r'/t^ V/1DATE /"- I tr - / L'/ INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF OJECT INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST. VAIt .f t I DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUEQ @ FRI PMAMWED BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL ELE trT trF trC tr MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL f,neenoveo tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED ^ ^ ,- J +-CORRECTTONS: L,t*X>L,.-l T ^ . INSPECTOR ffislop n iITAL INSPECTIOT| I S COITPTEIED lhe lteug belos need to be cooplete before glvlng a pcruit e floal C of 0. Pleaee checlc off fu the box provl.ded. FINAI. PLINEING DATE:ll FINAL MECEANICAL DATE:tl mi u ITTPROVNTSNT SURVET RESID. NAUE! DATE! FINAL BUILI}ING EAST SIDE: WEST SIDEI DATE: i., ::l-, TEMPORARY C OF O DATE: I.AT{DSCAPINC DI'E titi DATE! FILE IIAI{E: o = E.t UJo- -lgt.<Lr)lo I I I I I I ol ii rSl.r l() tlE I I lu', .F r5 I I I I eEEg' lg eg EEE In =iE€g}lE iEEErksE;ei sEis5 !EEsg60'-!-€49U,E gE:E: EBiEE : >E -EFftn{! =loN IEo;!z zLo ootr ^ 6zI5 =9F9 OE .rt O 0c6b lla)zxlr<oq dEF frcx='. : ur-.ol(' zl .. >lo uJo UJ UJz (tt ts ul az E t- @ cr)oO z o9 =-<coo =zD) o-- P J :fE UJ tsa, @o zo FdutY UIo oF E IEllj o-bl L:Ig r,-lO -rlr;lgulbkzo E Gul t!o EgE<taEe,IPb9'5 _EE ;tE 5EE rtE ooI \ruE XO-t ilFsj uJ @ F @ -'t ts =e,lrlo-zIF()3E 6zoo !!t r.lJ =zoo-t lrl d Jdl tncIIqrl \o}{l FC)l -+ l+9l d ol-l(nl F-rl dul FrE 'r{cI (!qt J>EE (Jr, tE ur =z \tF F I $Ot q F6 \o!n x rh an uJtr I t{ 0, .F{ C) (d EE I F cjz ci uJG J ? ltoz3oF ao +, a 4 J<oq) =g, I .ir o tr +.1oq,r{ lrq, r-{ o .|.l.r{ B :c I|rl.n ; z o IIJG Eoz3oF .if Iol.ir .'.'| F FIA o l..l FI (0 'r{d Tt II ,-t C., 6 FI (d =tr A I@ ciz ct uJE ! ltoz3oF z ouE ? lt z 'oF oz dl = d _-F =+Eo2 J<()q8tnE oz ==g, UJd I tldt rsl9 : ttrlo i* iElE lb ralt {-oc6*6.9 B E€:E EgE:E Eii€E IEiiE g;Es€ sEaeJ =EEgg iEEg5Go'-E-t;ooF sEii; ieiEg =>E __ir) EurS =@N x aZZtLo ootr ^ 62g 5 :eE P oE ooEZ!()8e Fl!<9q iH6 F =R 2 dNO -,r I<l:-l zl zl .. >loll, uJ uJz at, E Glu z E u,F o UJl-ooo.? zo Fo- UJY IIJ t0 oF E G UJ o-tto o-oo I l!Foz z o9z_e 60 =z>fJOo- tL J :f;= =Hg E ul o- t!o luo2 loLo F E E JFlu-E=J!+O. IJJ>o-O|!oo\rrxo-:>IJ I- JIt! ul dt F co EEI .9oI .E : E E 8\E -€f=5DEl=E E$ ts =E. lrJ o-zo F C)fE,, zoo tru! f ul z (I] qI al>l olu,[ CEI il ttlq zl 'lolFI I I I I 3ut .El JI fl2l 3lolH (,l utl 43olH I I J zl l|lI 5l al>l alr -E(,oz,t =trd6 o F C) tFzoO z T IIJ = En =Ft-Oz o _E F(J LU uJ <Q -$H !D! I I I d b1 ff to o o zo(, \ u,9': to lEu,z3o I ii E.O B;E: se.2qaS EEgSE ;l i€F =EF;53'; = !Fc9cEP = 35 s'l iij*n I l_ l<to I I I I lt,u, LUr! t- u,u,u,Foz0 =.oJto .6 ozzo t< tv, l=to lrJtz2o ,liu, tlJ tlJ o 2o gJ ctz3o = UJo o. () u, lr, J z C) = o C' UJ Y(J u = z gl ;:o o< lrt F xX -!tC:.Eia':E)oiotot ;tt )O o l Dq, o CL (' ; .g q, i= )(): t'J :o I at, D- .'5 1 oi I i-(Gtr t;A3;€q rC:o .at c) 3 o. ocrl:; c, ctl- :ot- .CI iut -c tcf a ar: ll!. (, "I Gr! =(Ectrc C)C o c'(, .! cr' c, :- B-to( =c ottr -o x F lrJo)F F u, z I I zl :>a I I I I () .. >lrJ UJoulll,z a,F =uJ J zo o-o Bj tol;=l l5l lLn I lrtltlrl a, 3-. ;6:z= i0 =! EE EE=9o8g.3E "'A>(,FO irJo- ar>o=a{x o 5 5l El-;t< !ottvnrvA z -r <c)9v,3H alC uillJiisii a I! 1 o 1r url -rl =l||l :l3loltsl o c, z (J F C) uJ l! JO sour< 7.2-o C) lFlolu, l6 Ir< I 5F ll E3 [ EE il YO F() =s:i= Q ==<(E{,(ac =6E5gF^S 5=E f, lr, O;= F-r-tl == ===>:=! =fc= r! =l;3 S "'lEJT bI =:- 5 uJl:- o 9l 3b- { -l:<=- L.i E - att =olo I 7o l-c):f F(n z,o('J z,-o =<1302Z :o14. t! f-'lr']r-r J ."<5YY= =-< B;E -.. trJ e HE 'JE(, oECJ ElrJx 6cl _t _oR I----( cr h-E e - =lo E .3l o3=lHosl :.f P e,| =o1ls:51 .r P.- | = r- c-l 3 L raiO or.Jl -J -' cJld;-lr|J GJ I rJ.l Fi r _.\, r CA lr I lu E(t, (Do1zo F-o- UJx IU!g o h =ul_.o__r!.o- 9., X ulFoz F E ttl EI - { :.'. it " tr_nE I 75 3outh lrontage road vail, colorado 81557 (303) 479-2r.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: oftlce ol communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOTVN OF VAIL ToI^]N oF VAIL PUBLTC WoRKS/CoMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyPerson to ritter, track or deposit any soil , t""r., sand, debrisor rnaterial , including trash Lunpsters, portabre toirets andworkmen vehicles. upon any street,l siaeivaitc, ;li;y or publicp1?9" or any portion theieof. The righr;i;;t-;n arl Town ofVaiI streets and,l?ug" is approxinateiy s t-:t.-lfi pulrur.r,t,.This ordinance wilr be striii:ry enforc-ed by trre -ior' of vailPy!]i-c works Department. pers6ns found vi;laain; this ordinurr".!ill- be given a 24 hour written notice to rernove.'said rnateriar.fn the event the person so notified does not coinply with thenotice within the 24 hour time slecified, trre-puf,ri.c worksDeparturent wilr remove said mateiiar at itt" ""p."se of personItotifieg: The provisions of thii ordinance shall nor beapprr.cabre to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the rigni-a_way. To review ordinance No- 6 in furr, prease stop by the Town ofVail BuiLding Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this mat-ter. acknowledged (i.e. contractor, owner) ctz E =G,llJo- o 6 o rrr o \o g> 0 uJull!t =Guto- 4#/ff heTr*{o @ Ol F F{ lr o Hlr z 0, F-) lo.r3 l- t' t: HN6i' I,(6 rq ,< .-{ l(J.-l tEgiot0 ql,zx ls5t= UJF oF c,FU' == zz outt-oz (9 zoJlo .a ozzr) Gluzio uJ Foz L-a -\t J,$ps $Y*5F{ e$u; ulGfF zIo o5c!!o.!(g,cl'to Eq.rltr ;;oF FP lD*.5Ocu,o{)N(J -rFctr BEFq cb!5oo PF;o 5E3ooED o.S =oii 5-oi5 at, o Ef'=o.69 e3 EO.c6t: g9 .!E c .9oott .tE Q'tto(, c .9 .2 .=tll5o cqt CD .E oN -(',c 'oF oE o o .g Eoooo E: t)f o .9 p ftt o Ec6 to,'6 o 6 o Ec6oooc alc E o c 'oF d --] CL Eoo o i .E CI -9o. Ec6 c .9 6 E o .s oE E =;5ct Eoo o !, Eot6 o o,t,o() .9 T' E'5 ct Eo6 EoE't g o. c .9 6 E o .g oE d GE o 6o Ec6iqt o CI o EJ(, C)6 c6 o .ect Eo C' EEE'5E g: EE 5: EEF'= "EEcL rt, 6 .C rr--EE; cl'-oEc ri, .: 9C.EE .FC trC €Tg= o.c sE att ; ES-cEuo!LC Oqi.ss tBC !r!8S }Eoq ;a6tr>3ltq$rcoErc -( c\('l @4 \o .$ o .+.+Ch(r\T\ N+ F =E u,lcIzo :l @ : llJ (Jz J J oeF(J uJ u.t oz @ =J 9z ou,: uJ u,l zo F ulEo uJe, ot 3ul UJcz o uJo F atto uJo A z llJ () x F ulo (n IJJu,tt E =t IJJc J FoF oz o = ao J () FouJJ UJ (,z co =JA' J Iz E() uJ:l NOllvn'lv 6aA t-e ?3ZZIlHOOOF{tr - 6 z'-t H E =FE2x f.f = Hd F,3 dE \\= l9 "-Elvl 29k l! q e(9 u,lG F 9\o\F\ TA tlUq.t o + .L UJ x J zo tr o zo F !! FJ 3 UJz Fzf,z9. ,2 <oo< =HYl!Ect<z (/,F =F9zzt--iF fio3EOI ul J o utzYo F z tr 5 U)z l! o aD)J ; F !J o Fo -.rl<l zl zl .. >l llt lllulz @ E tc uJo. z E rJ r+{ oo\Ol F\ c! I FA x IH H @o-f-- ODO olr7, 4 1'A 1/u n .l4L'z'/./7 uJFogloazo Fo- UJY uJo oF E Elrj o- tto o.oo I uJFoz z.n9>-t.oo =<JOo- t! J =fiE E =c uJo- ltoE9E<tLf€aB9rrk '9sIE-JF =LU:-E !EE :*-E 569 trurE XO-E 6r6.ut€= ul.oo @.= -l 3 ulF o ts =Elrl o-zo F(JfE azoo trrl JI <l I ol uJlGI 3l rl'|ol zl il I d ;l flr {, 60(! FI .Fl o F I!O Fl.d oz -tl! uJ =z clo-) Hl -ral o '!a I trl(rl I6Jl Olrl F*ol 's. -.t -il. 'lsl-l tAfr-t d'Fld(!d>q{E = (., olul .dl:l I I I c.rI lsI liI l\oI 15lel r.lrn I,.cl1rr lot Irl x I il3 | frl Hi d3= IOl\'o\ ,lil 3| Hl il H o q & Ic tr o !+o =+EOz G -rO<FG()uJ<zFLU l-t.\ 2-oo fltrn E;€ s 9gE:s f€E:i :*:E.e :EF;53S=PFcPGE9 !t# lrJq,o: l5l:lo lo ct-zo(, tro 'iIJz3o rr, z U' xX -tt c.!-g 55jo lol :lc )J)@ ,o :.7 f E C' oo rit 3o !' -oo- v= :rJ :o ,ol t.t/'l'.::: D- .'= + J!( o! E;o-i a'o356!' o G E :( -co- .llC hCE.9cJ- a== -=;o 6- dBu>, -=iE J 'J.iO icr:Q, ) Gl ,6 (, 6 c, tc.lol=!(llo (! G -t c,C }IOG o"rt! >.9.oC) otr -o c, c) o u,utFoz oz- oJJE.. oazo I l* t<S\l O .l \r \:.1 r< 2 =o o =zo tntl, |.lJIt)- tl, I I I Hr 8i fl, d1 \ il I d Htu Fl-l :l;l F 5t5ts /'/g/g 5/,// 'li-.tn Lrjr! =EE ,lJ J:ltl o UJou, alJz at, EqJ GJ zI oo u, 3 |jo u, z () t:!ol :t .Dl =l €€a f-'lr-'rr-r zo9 =<EO =z d8 !:rl r.u ! =Eu,art c =EE=HF^3 s=E I trj O:_- F-!-G..., I =:.:G=!= > E= 3I ='3;=i =-() auQ3<=-u.iEt|r,-o.Io I F E tJ.l:al zo l- C):f F(nzo(J J I =o uJ c t- = |rJ lr.o UJ c. F J .l<< ()lz!i fil pul Xl o z ou, .l > lpi(,l, |r, [=l6Lc',l'< I lsFil EFil-lll YO F(, =s;Jz C) 5E t* ili t,.r 75 soulh tronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ottlce of communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WTTH IHE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary,,ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, ,""f, sand, debrisor material, including trash dunpsteri, poriable toilets andworkmen vehictes upon any streetl sidewaik, ;ii;y or publicp1?9" or any portion theieof. The ri.shr_"i_;;t-;n arl Town ofVail streets and.rga-dr is approxirnateiy-s-i't"-irri pavement.This ordinance will be strici:ry enforcld by the iow' of vaillyfii: works Deparrrnent. pers6ns found vielaain; this ordi,.,"n""v/rrr De grven a 24 hour written noti.ce to remove-said material .rn t'he event the person so notified does ""i co^pry with th;--notice within the 24 hour tirne specified,-itt.-p"iric worksDepartment will remove said mateiiat at €n" "xp""se of personnotified- The provisions of this ordinance ,frlff not beapplrcabl-e to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the rigtri-a_way. To review ordinance No. 6 in furl, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this matter. Read and acknowledged by: Date Bldg. Permit # ofllce of communlly developmenl 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Company: Phone: Representative: SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION REQUEST Applicant Applicant Cornpany Specific Request and Rationale: q$ *-Fi 'f. "t"- g. S.: *+ | e*'""'3..-= \e-tara o*J t^rJt"+-r gc.J{( G{ co^.t..r"\.o. S!^.c-"* w,L\ b- &o-o tg rnrAr'rv''e Requested Date(s) /Times j Applicant Signature: *Please return completed form to the Building Department. Town of Vail Approvals: Community Development : Pol ice Depa rtment I Fire Department: Public Works: Date: /r 717 75 3outh frontrgc rord Yall, color.do 81657 (303) 476-7000 FTRE AI,ARM PI.,AN REVIEW REQUTREUENTS: 1.) Specifications on naterial. ofllcc of communlty dcvclopmcnt be met, a testFire department. A. Wire size and typeB. Detector type and urodel numberC. Signaling device and model numberD. Pull station type and model numberE. Annunciator type and model numberF. Fire alarm panel type and nodel nunberG. Any other naterial used in conjunction withalarm systen 2.) Audibility reguirements for annunciator mustmay be required by Town of Vail Building and 3 ' ) scaled plan of proposed fire alarm system, showing rocationsof detectorsr. enunciators, purt stati-ons, ina arry 6ttrer iiernspertained to the .alarn syitirn. plan is to show p'oint t; ilil;wire.diagrams, bq!!"ty caiculatio.=, orr"-fin" ri-"er, refflcleJceiling plan, ceifing height, and roour usage. 4.) Schedule of zones proposed with specific area locations. 5') Professionar engineers p.E. stamp, required by the state ofcolorado on any nerd or retrofited 'ti."'"-r-"rr .yrt".. 6.) Subrnit thro sets of plansdepartnent for review. 7. ) All fire alarrn reguirements to be per currentry adopted N.F.c.,u'F'c-, and Town of vair ordanance No.3 of 1983 and No.14 of1984. 8') Plans are required to be approved. prior to any fire alarmworkbeing done. and specifications to building Manville Four Ply GravehSurface Fiber Glass Built-Up Roofs (h\=,*^.-,k Specification6ffi For use over Concrete or other Non-Nailable Decks and Fesco' Board, Fes-Corep Fesco-Foam$ UltraGard Gold", or Approved Insulation on inclines of up to 3" per foot For Regions 1,2, & 3 O lElflrrlslFfw$n -IF*',Class B (see Clase A) ClassC(seeGlasaA&8) Non-Nailable Deck or Approved Insulation Concrete Primer (ll Reguired) 'oo.r oo .goE I I I +I oo Gravel o or Slag O O Oo oooo GlasPlyo Premier or .01 General This specilicalion is for use over any type of structural deck which is not nailable and which offers a suitable surface lo rec€ive the roof. Poured and precast con- crete decks require priming. ll is also for use over Fescoo, Fes-Core '', Fesco- Foamo, UltraGard Gold'', or olher approved insula- tion which is not nailable and which offers a suitable surface to receive lhe roof. This specification is not to be used over lighl-weighl insulating concrete decks either poured or pr€rcast or over till made of light- weight insulating concrole. ,Vote.'All genoral inslruclions contained in th€ current Manville Footing Systems lianual shall b€ consider€d part ol this specif icalion. Flashlngs: See section on BUR Flashings, Manville Roofing Manual. .02 Materiafsper 100 sq. ft ol toot area Concret€ Prlmer: lf required .1 gal. Felts: GlasPlyo Premier or GlasPly' lV' . .. . . . . .. 4 plies Bitumen: Refer to Para.7.2.3 or 10.3 Surfacing: Refer to Pan.7.2.4 or 10.4 Approx. installed weight (lbs.): 50G610. .03 Appficatlon of Roofing Starting at the low edge apply one 9'wide, then over lhat one 18" wide. then over that one27" wide, then over all three a full 36" wide GlasPly Premier or GlasPly lV. Following felts are to be applied full width, overlapping the preceding teltby 27%'so that at least 4 plies of felt cover the substrale at all locations. Install each felt so that it shall be firmly and uniformly set, without \oids, into the hot (at EVT) asphalt applied just before the felt at a nominal uniform rate ot 23 lbs. per square over the enlire surface. Flood the surtace with the appropriate Asphalt, depen$ ing on the rool slope, at an approximate rate of 60 lbs. per square and while it is still hot embed therein an acceptable gravel at the rate of appoximalely 400 lbs. per square or an acceptable slag al a rale of approxi- mately 300 lbs. per square. Nailing: Nailing is required on inclines ot 1" per loot or more. Refer to Para.8.14 or 10.5, 'GlasPly Premier required for No Dollar Limit (NDL) Guarantees. 23 SitzrnarleI,odge April 18, 1989 Robert F. Fritch Owner Year Around Eeson Lodglng 18il Gor€ Creek Drive r Vall, Colorado 81657 r (30it) 47S5001 l,lr. Charles Rosenquist Gore Creek Plaza BuildingVail, Colorado Dear Chuck: With reference to our discussion, we are doing some remodelingat the Sl.tzmark L,odge that will necessitate closing our gtarageentrance startlng as early as wedneaday, April 19th. The garagewill be open again the weekend of April 22nd and then closedagain on April 24th for approxinately three weeks. The Town of Vail will not give us permission to park across thestreet on Willow Bridge Road. I am sorry for this inconvenience and appreciate your cooperation. SincereJ.y, 4^ Sifzrnarlr Iv,odge April 18, 1989 l,lr. Don ZerangueVaiI Associates ReaI EstateSitznark BuildingVail, Colorado Dear Don! wrth r€lerance to our dlscusglon, we are dolng eons r€Eodcllngat th€ sltznark Lodge that uilr neocgritate oloelng our garagsenlranc. rtartlng aa- earl.y ar wcdn3Dday, Aprlr rgtn. rn6 gaiagcwill be open again the weekend of Aprii'zzna and then eror6c-again on April 24th for approxinately three weeks. The Tohrn of vail wilr not give us permission to park across thestreet on l{illow Bridge Road. f an sorry for this inconvenience and appreciate thecooperation of your office. Sincerely, Robert F. Fritch Ohrner lcar Arcufr Recoil Lod/ging l&j Gor6 Cr€€k Drive . Vail, Cotorado 8t65t . (g0g) 47GSOO1 +2" o PE l, CTION TOWN OF l i REOUEST VAIL AM PM INS READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNOATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr 9fIEETROQK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL 6 tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL -ciitppRoveo i .! CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED l\. DATE INSPECTOR nffi$ct t;' i:.r I SPECTIONIN REQUEST p41E , - I \. '- JoB NAME PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES iREADY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF BU trl "/R,l b trl tr Ell tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEE FOUNDATION / S FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL o tr trB FINAL FINAL ELEGTBICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL -.,- P-^PPROVED (_..€oRRECTTONS: O OISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOh I o PE FR tNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:MON TUES <WEO THUR A I/|READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNOERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION ! r"r.t*o"* ln POOL / H. TUB INAIL F'{-r4\'-\d('. ia\^l'i tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL TAPPRoVEo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: a I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ,i : JOB NAME'JO CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL i H. TUB NAIL tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING F tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr tr FINAL tr APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE , .INSPECTOR pffis*c' i \)..\ F._. T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL \tiry'|g:*,- ROOF & SHEER* PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION ;O POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL - tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL .F.APPROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ', -i'tl'i.' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION:i c, (. ,-.-- BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDtr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr E FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: ,/.rl Er-HEATfNG t '' '"r I i (t''! tr EXHAUST HOODSE ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL 2--cinpp*ouro\ .' CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON '_ \--lTUES rfitrD THUR PMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL ! tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr u tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL -'a:ftpnOveo CORRECTIONS: CI DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR dFs*ce PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr q ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 3-)q"f PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT tNs I PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL i. r \.,..\ \ --:. . \. . 'r",t''..,'-.-\ i\l \ i': * ',.,-oor= 'q ir *'l'# JoB NAME I INSPECTION:READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER MON TUES WED ----------- 6) PMTHUR ." FRI - BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTTIBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL -[APPROVED .Connecrrorus: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ffisro DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT ''. li\.,. - .. JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI CALLER TUES AMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. B ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PtYwooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL APPROVED _, '-/n'tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: (4JF.- t t? .":* galE t1-€(' *' - "--'' (' ,t' |NSPECTOR rNs r-\ t PE {:t REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oo'r\:\-\ JoB NAME ,Nt\ CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROU9H / WATERtr FRAMING - tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION N POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING O ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,or= ft''/o'f f rNsPEcroR FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belor itens need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FII{AL PLUI,IBING FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCI,IPANCY TEMP0RARY C of 0 Na I I <lc)ts !rE =tE frrE =r! ao Ln\o ('t @ .v F{ Clc)Xo. Ho<A> $x :NTN :^"' ! oPr FN.c o Ec(! oE6fr s3Pc)62E< O.a'Evrs? Erllo o..EeAF6 ^.;5o'=aEfi Fl() j-rDcE*8.9 rbE: E; cEE.= d -E2.S6 E 6E.E E;:E EE!pc96FIoSo B 5;.5 iEgi '.; ge $Eieoi-o.orE€e€ E:E! - o..Y o -r. c l6 0'-E.c= c, (,) a' o i.9 9E€5 EEiE 5ffE eEgg - o 6i tt uJl!lr L =g, UJ o- J FoF l= xE ; l!oz tro- E 6 llJ J e uJz UJ =>c --.r|iur.$ =oN zz99F^ttxr=F90.to7>^<)zrJ- <o\H6;oFO;(\i ('r J z Eoo z tr uJ J zl .. >loul ututzo E Iu J zI ts (1,F<F9z d63G .n I \' Or ,lttrnl trlol zl FI H H Fl E] & H& F]tsH B F\|-\r\ Io\.it c'\ Jzl H ?l FllHI<lol a4d t\r\r\ Io\.$ €'\ oz cj uJE J tt z]oF z E FFI Fl Fl H bl pl I v, Fltrl z I & ENH U) ii =z o-| I c loa loI r'rvllc l\o(Jl frlla&lol(Jl -l@l'{lA,Ilq r{5< EI >{J><= =o HH&Itt o lJ'] =z \? F-oF- I€'\ c z 6 \orn X dl gl*l E] p{ E ;ilz =tr @ Io\\ir JI ?l :l .A rtlts H o CA v) q v T tr E () uJ J t2e =c)=<az0r d-zo C) ciHEFt-o2 oo t -rO<Fdc)uJ<zF .nZoc) oz ts =GulG M YEIzfr.rP o2eEcoo x =3 u JO \oo- u- @ trnd' EEi = t!;,idd= HbH ts ul o- IIoEE2ZE<q€8B9Eir EE => =l!:-E FE : =L; 8b!! iutE Xo.E ;TEu{ €; uJo F -I - @ --l.\J @ cr)OO c c @ >.! E H Fl(n zH tnz >.1 UJ ts U) c0o-zo Fo-t!Y uJo oF E E ]U o- ILo o-oo UJFo2 u,lF o E =E, lrJo.z9F() :)E t-0/, zoo t-l hi.1 I I I ff-'i I I I S! h ll' itut: o ttl xX ie,o, ;E rq, 'It+ q,q1f =o q) :o (l|'! F Y v, ,,=: t I I D 9eGEDnn ;"; ii !I P.: -. j:E j l>l '.i'4 !F5a .:cuFA reV2VE -Egrtr i|l'io:Dlojo JOD JP rJrgl iE 'o.E :) D' a, oq GI; .c o :!)C,(! lu,.c,r(J G o.c'3. .o -tl.: --oo- 6. or Y; )o:.lJa. ioI'.::: p: .'5 t.a! OC !cCcGt--tt,O35(lG, :o o ,rl E !il :i': E(o-g- U'u, ozoz.oJf @€ 0 =zo EgE53 r-' OEIJ F.e.:P F:F'z orG|5o Cj =Dtc9' 5 c'loo:_=: C,c C =-l-occcto- a = 9- i] = d:- daEd re=o ?=Ej9o =o'-:_ F:!J; , h'=; .rl l€E '= c) ,F =:3E:lil :i'i E F.I Y ()+ :- coo =ou6;:a, c.:: oq, fsIgt\| 5:T;I e'Ib E.EI giH :1||r! Ert g':E -( ! --I o.s H Pi E .=:| -olcEI:P I a.!I CI-.!E vr= =;;v,o.ft o)(' -E. o O! :rE j X i'r;g' c-itEF6: a !5aI) C': $Fe -oc -aJd $t*Sg :rx U' lrJIt =t= uJ J]<lFlol o l,uoulruzo =IUq J zo troo I I I ,o ! =E zz x F u, t- o c? (, o 3 z(, !:l ll, L)u, (, () trJ r Q (, z t,q, tll F tr,, zo J u z. (, = zl >l z(, Az E =Fl =.I A -rf-oFC2oAEt-r =.BfHA>(,FO-; a\i "l=vtdn l(, It 3 j t-lolol-t t:I J z v, 2J(,z &, =o u,o- u->oo o <l - t| 8\{x \ a FI ;t= 'lF NOuvntv^ z (,q, :I 'el 9l :l -i rrillJtl &rii J<c)<t </)3B E z -t L. =FZQ<s ;z-o-(t YO FC' =s;Jz () o c, z -J t F c)l! UJ li F ll Ei o ll -rOI r.r, ll <FI F tr cOIE NHEIr f "E F I ...lrj o H l=) ..JE( oGu cH=st"R I-= < c''tl Fr E Or/rr-vcl c . !lO E.!lL, l-lo Eol Hs €llrJ g-l.= o c_l 3:51- P..-lz tF c.l 3 L rn !-O o, +Jl -J +, CJId;-lgJ \, I rl, z,-o =<c5o2z JOtr. 1!D!! J ."i-5 =Y=5=s E E'= =EulrDG =bE= g i^S 5=E::uJ O;= F-t- G3...9 =-.(==>E=! =fO= lr, =l;3 S "'fEJT sI s=3 $'lEu&;le<=-'1 tr -1,,T3 .i trel F ox caIF cn u, ts U'dloazo o-u,x tuE o EEe uJ-.q t&o o.oo I lt,Foz F E trt,o- >o l- CJ =EF(nzoO ";.1 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DAIE: SUBJECT: cooperation on this natter. knowledged by: olflce of communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED !gITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL puBl,rc WoRKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , ro.i, sand, debrisor material , including trash dunpsteri, poriable i:oireti una---workmen vehicles. upon any streetl siaewai_r, ;ii;y or publicp]?ge or any portion thereof. The ri.9hr:"i_;;t-;n all Town ofVail streets and.Ig"g" is approxinateiy s-it.-iifi pavement.This ordinance wirl be striilry enforcLd by the iovrn of vailPyPii." works Departnent. pers6ns found viLralinq this ordinancewirl- be given a 24 hour written notice t"-;;;;;'said ,nat"riir-. - rn the event the person so notified does n-i co-mpry with th;---notice within the 24 hour time specified,-itt"-p"[ric worksDepartrnent srirr remove said mateiiat at ti "- ""p""se of personnotified_. The provisions of this ordinance ,frlff not beapprrcabre to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or- any utilities in tfr"lrigni-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 inVail Building Department to full, please stop by the Torrn ofobtain a copy. Thank you for your to Pro ect (i.e. contractor, owner) '?i1' otHI Hg Ar0rhIj j GFz lr,, o lrJ oilrj o() Htr (, H;Fl rNI Fqil.{(It'. : oid'Fff ; Nri |r} I i > : o @ @ z a R{r -r/ g/ HI,Ha e/ (9z rc tr, o (9z dJ l 3 (' o il I I G' U) ..9'!t\rir l -l xo UJo J lrJ tr, J oz(\l \ o,ROAD rl, =J F (E lr, oc o- 'J J =uo (l t!z Goo JJ '' xo e @ r+ gN N\L zt'9 Or"*.x +r eroperty: 3-2'^^,1 /o/7 psotqct NdeL J,C"Z.; I?QO( ,, = vair, cotorado, t4o^- " , tgtlS?Total Parking Fee V In installrnents after date,order of the Town of Vail atBuilding at Vail, Colorado, for value received,the office of the I pronise to pay to the Finance Director, Municipal with interest of ten percent peryearly install-ments as follows: The first installment of $ Down Palment the second installment of S the third installment of S the fourth installment of S Dollars, annum on the unpaid balance, payable in due and payable on due and payable on due and payable on due and payable on rt is agreed that if this note is not paid when due or decrared duehereunder, the principal and accrued interest thereon shall draw interestat the rate of Lg percent per annum, and that failure to make any paymentof principal or_interest when due or any defautt under any incuurbrlnce oragreernent securing this note shall cause the whole note to becone due atonce, or the interest to be counted as principal , at the option of theholder of the note. The rnakers and endorsers hereof severally waivepresentment for payment, protest, notice on nonpayment and of protest, andagree to any extension of tine of palzment and pirtiaf palanents before, at,or after maturity, and if this note or interest thereon is not paid whendue, or suit is brought, agree to pay all reasonable costs of c6l-Lection,including reasonable attorneyrs fees. by: Date /oo f (o, rco) M*e:sJl;l;ou x#2, na = lL goolj j-r qt PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t oor= Efrcfqq JoB NAME CALLER MON (TUES I -r .-- ' ,S READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI 7'.r*-, avt @ BUILDING: -j PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOOTINGS / STEEL OUNDATION / STEEL OK tr n tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr tr tr tr tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAI LING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: E tr tr tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL -.EzAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ItDArE < ll1./(., tNSPEcroR rNs : PE CTION REQUEST gglp lt ,/ o,, -r.. .'' ','JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR FRI : -r' -) AM I PM) BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDtr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR #so I PE CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL tNs INSPECTION: CALLER TUESMON fiL-b rHUR FRI \. AM (pr*i-REAOY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr o FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL /p-APPRovED ucoRRecrrorus: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOB. , , '-,\ \r\r', r *.:i' l-.- . \\.,)INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUEST VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT' \.. '.:-,'t-..-\. r.'\- : r JOB NAME ',,i.,,. Sl READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER MON irUES FRIINSPECTION:WED THUR BUILDING: PLUMBINGT tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. $, rnen,trruc i.'{ - tr RoucH / wATER - ROOF & SHEERtr ijIYi^/do6'iiilrruc o GAs PTPTNG tr,INSULATION - tr POOL/ H. TUB \/ d, sneernocK NAIL a *-^ tr n- tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - trtr BUILDING: PLUMBINGT tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr FINAL tr FINAL ),-EhAPPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: i, . , - i -.:.'DATE INSPECTOR gffisrcp o PErNs PEBMIT CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILNUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER TUES AM.READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FBAMING r.1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONOUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL -.O APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR p iisrop PERM]T NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE , ,i t.lr:..-'iy.,, JoB NAME INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES THUR 'FRI .'{il-"'"READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr B FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ffis@ *at\k PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT rNs I PE CTION REOUEST -. .i .._:-\ THUR ( FRI .' r.AM i PM\.-.--.- \--*.. DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED :F BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / O.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING t-l ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR T] FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR /l FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The below items need to be complete beforegiving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING CERTI FICATE OF OCC1JPANCY TEMP0RARY C of 0 i-,-F': 1=r.{.I ;;'{' Profect Applicatlon pslg April 17. 1989 proiect Name: THE SITZMRK LODGI ^ V,'e I CAr;s{ rnn< <1...,l" Prolect Description. Storefronr r,lrlrAnsinn of IOO s^f. at sotrLhwest corner of present bldq. Contact Person and Phone 949 7O7t+ o o Owner. Address and Phone:P^h F'rJ r-^h 183 Gore Creek Drive, Vail, C0 476 5001 Architect, Address and Phone: Duene PiBer DOx 55rit)Avon, C0 949 7074 Legal Description: Lot 5-B ,Block Filing Vail Vi llage I'i.rsc CCI Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Ssconded by: s42 5'3'77 DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner Date:5,j,71 E statt Approval t APPLICATI0N DATE: April 17, 1989 , i DATE OF DRB !'IEETIIiG: Mav 3, 1989 DRB APPLICATION / *****THIS APPLICATION I,IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI,IITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member-is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is compl'ete (must include all items required by the zoning adm'inistrator). It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE app'lica- tion w'ill streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTI0N! Storefront remodel and exDansion to southwest corner of oresent buildins B. LOCATION Address OF PROPOSAL: 183 Gore Creek Drive Vail Legal Description Lot_ s-n _ Block Zoning cc I C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: Bob Frirch Filing VV lst. Address 183 Gore Creek Drive Vail. CO _ tel ephone. rc__sOOI D. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Duane Piper Address Box 5560 Avon. co telephone 949 7074 E. NAME OF OWNERS:Bob Fritch Si gnature Address F.DRB FEE: The fee wi l'l VALUATION tel ephone be paid at the time a building permit is requested. FEE $ o- $ 10,001 - $ 5o,oo1 - $150,001 - $500,001 -$ Over $ 10.00 $ 2s.oo $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 $ 10,000$ so,ooo$ 150,000 $ .500,000 $1,000,000 $1 ,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEl.{ BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meet'ings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at thejr scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. a 4. The following items no longer have.to be.presented to the Design-Review Board. They, howevei, have to be presented to the Zoning Adminjstrator for approval: a. Windows, skylights and simi1ar exterior changes that do not alter the existing Plane of the building; and b. Bui'lding additions that are not viewed IIo[ gny other lot or public space' which hive had letters submitted from adioining property owners approving the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condom'i nium association. 5. you may be required to conduct Natura'l Hazard Studies on your property. You shou'l d check with a Town Planner before proceeding- O Lrsr oF MATERTALs O The Sitzmark Lodee RemodelL0T_s:s_ BL0CK .FILING _]iajJ_Yjtt-aes-First STREET ADDRESS: rR? cnra crepk pr- DESCRIPTI0N 0F PR0JECT: stnrafrcrrt r-amortel anrl pxlansion The following infonnation is required for submittal Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MTERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Rrii 1t rrp w/ grevel mat.ch existinq Siding irr Mrfi Flywond u/ I v trim dark green. uratch exist. 0ther Wall Materials hri.L match existinq NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Fasci a Soffi ts l,li ndows l,|indow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails F] ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES of Designer: Phone: Botani'cal Name no new Erees by the appl'icant to the Design Review aaAat dark brown 1Y6 T&C r.cdar bror+n -.'od light green. match exist. - r,rood dark green. match exist. r.rnnd d rrf ch dnnr fed ?f, gq CT dark hror^tTl '^lnnd dark green ctecl dark green EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Epl an Fr-itah /r?6 5nO1 ' Common Name Quani ty Size* Indicate height for conifers. . (over) *Indicate caljper for deciducious trees. " PLANT I'IATERIALS:.. (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Botanical Name Type Common Name Redtwig Dogwood ' Redtwig Doqwood 5gal . Si ze 5 gal. Square Footage Re: Attached list 100s0D SEED TYPE OF I RRIGATI ON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal1s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. o SI TZMARK IODGE GARDENS PI.ANTING LIST FT.oWERTNG PLANTS Achillea sp. (Yarrow) Aethionena'Worley Rose'AIlium sp. Alyssurn sax. 'Compacta'- Basket of GoId Alyssum wul-fenianun Anacyclus depressus Androsace sarmentosa chunbyi Anenone silvestris (windflower) Anthemis biebersteiniana Aguilegia aurea Aguilegia balkalensis Aquilegia caeruLea Aguilegia eJ.egantula Aquilegia flabell.ata rrNana Albatl Aguilegia flabellata punila aguilegia jonesii Aquilegia saximontanaAquilegia viridifLoraAguilegia vulgaris plena Arabis alpina Arabis bryoides Arabis procurrens variegata Anneria cephalotes rubra Armeria naritima Armeria naritina 'Dwarf Sea Pink' Artenesia frigida Arternesia stelleriana (Dusty MiJ.Ier) Asperu)-a gussonii Aster novi-belgii'Al.ert' (Michaelnas Daisy) Aster novi-belgii'Audrey' Aubretia deltoides Aubretia delt. 'Purple Gen' Bulbocodium vernun Carnpanula cochlearifolia campanula formaneckiana Campanula garganica Campanula rotundifolia (Harebe1I) Cerastium alpinun lantum chamaecyparis pisifera plurnosa 'Aurea Nana' Chrysanthemum aJ.pinum Colchicurn autunnale albun colchicum autumnale plenum colchicurn'Autumn Queen'Colchicun 'Waterl ily' Coreopsis lance.'Sunray' Cotoneaster apiculata 'Tom Thumb' Crocus 'Cream Beauty' Daffodil'Geraniun' Daffodil 'Ice Follies' Daffodil 'Thalia'Daffodil'St. Patrick's Day' Daffodil 'ThaIia'-L- Daffodil triandrus?o"" Daphne alpina Delosperrna cooperi Dianthus g. 'Tiny Rubies' Dianthus glacialis ss. gelidus Dianthus haernatocalyx Dianthus microlepis Dianthus plunarius'Karlik' Dianthus simulans Dianthus spotii 'Spot'Dodecatheon pulchellun Draba rigida Dracocephalurn botryoides Edraianthus pumilo Erigeron sp. Erigeron chrysopidis brevifolius Eriogonurn flavurn Eschscholzia californica (California Poppy) Euphorbia polychrorna (Cushion spurge) Euryops acraeus Gentiana sp. Gentiana sino-ornata Geranium endressii'Wargrave Pink' Geraniurn sanguineun (Red Cranesbilt) Geranlun sang. lancastriense (Prostrate CranesbilJ.) GypsophiJ-a repens'Rosea' Hebe cupressoj.des minor Helianthemum canum scardicum HeI ianthenum oeLandicun Helianthenum nurnm'Orange Sunrose' Helianthernurn (white Sunrose) Heuchera sp. (Coral BeIIs) Heuchera cylindrica Hypericun reptansIris sp. (dwarf white)Iris danfordiiIris nissouriensisIris reticulataIris setosa nanaLewisia cotyledonLillium 'Enchantnent'Linurn sp. Linurn albaLobelia cardinalis (Cardinal Flower)Lotus corniculaturn Mahonia repens oenothera nissouriensis'Missouri Sundrops' Penstenon cardwellii Penstenon crandal]ii Pensternon davidsonii Penstenon digitalis Penstenon hallii Penstenon lateus roeziiPenstenon'Prairie Dusk' (Beardtongue) Penstenon pinifolius Pensternon pseudospectabil is Penstenon ..riChardsoni i Penst,enon teucrioides -2- Phlox 'Betty uto*.l Phlox bifida 'Alba'Phlox rnultlflora Phlox sublata (white) Phlox sublata (Pink) Phlox sp. (Native phlox) Picea glauca echiniforrnis Pinus rnugo 'Mitsch Mini' Platycodon grandiflorus'Albus' (BaJ.loon PotentiLla hipplana (Tufted Potentilla)Potentilla verna nanaPulsatilla vulgaris ' Puschkinia libanoticaRaoulia australisSalvia argentea Saponaria caespitosa Saxifraga caespitosa'Mossy' Saxifraga cotyledon Saxifraga rnoschata rninor sedum stelliforme ' Sempervivun arachnoideurn sisyrhinchiun rnontanun (B1ue-eyed Grass) Telesonix janesii Thynus pseudolanuginosus Thymus vulgaris'Argenteus'Trollius europaeusTulip 'Golden Melody' TuIip triumph 'Merry Widow'Veronici 'Ala-Dag'Veronica bonbycina Veronica incanaVeronlca latifolia 'Crater Lake BIue'Veronica lewinensisVeronica repensViola corsica Zauschneria garrettiae TREES AND SHRUBS Mahonia (Oregon crape Genista lydia (Lydia Picea 'Montgonery'Abies concolor (white HoJ.ly) Broon) Fir) FIower) The current gardens surrounding the Sitznark Lodge are planted with theplant materials Llsted above. These rnaterlals will be replanted in thealplne garden followlng eonatruction, supplenented by larger shrubs (2-3 ft-.) and trees (4-5 ft:). The intent is to create a.garden with regional distinction through the use of alpines and other native plant material. See llst attached: Rocky Mountain Native Plants for Typical Garden Uses, taken fron Rocky I'tountain A1pines, by the Anerican Rock Garden Society and Denvernota@for-'lAIpines,86,tltheSecondInterim International Rock Garden Plant Conferen-e, Boul.der, Colorado; published by Tinber Piess, 1985. -3- o PIANNING AND ENVTRONT.TENTAI, COMI'IISSIONApril 10, 1989 STAFF: Kristan Pritz Rick {lrnanMike Mollica The neeting was called to order by Diana Donovan. ior alteration aI Core I order to add 1OO the Staff presentation by Mike Mollica outlining criteria and reconmending approval of the reguest. Duane Piper, architect for the project and applicant'srepresentative, spoke about the requested addition. Chuck Crist asked about arqhitectural flow of thebuilding. Peggy osterfoss connented that this was last retail spaceto be remodeled and that this was a positive step. Diana Donovan asked Duane about landscaping details. Duanereplled that the bench was to allow for sone seating. Peg(ry moved to approve the request as per staff memo. Chuek Crist seconded. Vote was 5 to O. PRESENT: Chuck CristSid Schultz Diana Donovan Peggy Osterfoss Kathy Warren I. TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.T: II. I. The Proposal The applicant is requesting an exterior alteration andaddition at the Sitznark Lodge, which would include a shopfront revision and an additi6n of 1OO square feet of floorarea to ttre southwest corner of the lodge. This additionwould be utilized by the Noel Christmas shop as expandedretail space and will include a revised entry to the shop. Crl*J C "^.X-Dza.;+- br tt"*- fyyV o"*'V,- Planning and Environmental Comrnission (4 wa'',_c.- >,1 :l-arComrunity Development Department Request for a rninor exterior alteration on thesouthwest portion of Lot A, Block 5-B, Vail VillageFirst Filing (Sitzmark Lodge), to expand the NoelChristmas shop by lOO square feet.Applicant: Bob Fritch/Duane piper The following sunnarizes the zoning statistics regardingthis exterior alteration request: 1. Zone District: Comrnercial Core I 2. Lot Area: O.4077 acres/L7,759 square feet 3. Density: Allowable dwelling units = LOt or 20 A.U.Existing dwelling units = l-8.5 (L D.U. + 35 A.U. ) Proposed dwelling units = No change 4. GRFA: (.80 of lotAllowable =Existing = square feet square feet square feet square feet sguare feets.f. renainder; if newaddition is approved square feet square feet sguare feet square feet square feet area) Previous Approvals =Renaining =Current Proposal = 5. Site Coveraqe: (.80 of lot area)Allowable =Existing =Previous Approvals Renaining : Current Proposal L4 r2O7 L3 tL97 306 704 100 604 L4,2O7 L2,535 246 r,426 100 1,326 s.f. remainder; after proposed expansion 6. 7. Heiqht: The Design Considerations for Vail Villagerequire that up to 608 of the building have a maximumroof height of 33, of less, and that no more tban 4otof the building have a naxinum roof height of 43'. The height of this proposed addition is t4, at itshighest point and the roof tapers down to l1'. Parkinq: Parking for this proposed expansion will beaddressed by the applicant paying into the Townparking fund for CCI . II. Cornpliance with the purpose section of the CCI Zone The Commercial Core I zone district is intended to providesites and to maintain the unigue character of the vailVillage connercial area, with its rnixture of lodges andcommercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrianenvironrnent. The Conmercial Core I district is intended toensure adeguate light, air, open space and other amenitiesappropriate to the permitted tlpes of buildings and uses.The district reg'ulations in accordance with the vailViIIage Urban Design plan and Design Considerationsprescribe site developnent standards that are intended toensure the naintenance and preservation of the tightlyclustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrian ways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation ofthe building scale and architectural gualities thatdistinguish the Village. This proposal , as a minor addition, is in conpliance withthe intent of the purpose of the CCI zone district. III. Cgr_npliance with the Urban Desiqn Guide plan for VaiIvillaqe The following Guide Plan concept relates to this proposal: No. 288 Building Expansion. Building mass should be stepped back to the south to preserve and frane down-valley views, as designated in the viewcorridor map. Infill of parcel will helpenclosure of Checkpoint Charlie Circle. rv. Pedestrianization This addition will have no significantpedestrian circulation within the VailThe addition of a nehr concrete watkway irnpact uponVillage area. across the t-. corner of the lodgecirculation through property willthe Checkpoint enhance pedestrian Charlie area. 2. This addition will have no inpact upon vehicularpenetration within the Vail ViIIage area. 3. Streetscape Frarnework The Design Considerations strive to improve thequality of the walking/pedestrian environrnent bypronoting the use of landscaping, berms, grass andflowers as a linkage along pedestrian routes. As Willow Bridge Road is one of the main pedestrianroutes into the Village, the staff feels that maturelandscaping in this area is a necessity for the enhancement of the pedestrian experience. Inaddition, the Commercial core I Zoning states that rrno reduction in landscape area shall be pernitted withoutsufficient cause shown by the applicant or asspecifj-ed in the Vail Village design considerations.il (18.24.r_70) The applicant's proposal will maintain alt existinglandscaping at this corner of the lodge and the expansion of the tralpine gardenrr theme into this areawill enhance the visual interest within the pedestrian environrnent. Street Enclosure The guidelines emphasize that building facade heightsnot be uniform frorn building to buitding and that theyshould provide a comfortable enclosure for the street.This proposed expansion will contribute, to a minimaldegree, to the street enclosure in the CheckpointCharlie Area. Street Edqe This criteria encourages buildings in the Village Coreto forn a strong but irregular edge to the street. The proposed addition will neet this criteria, howeverlinited in scale, due to the scope of the project. Buildinq Heiqht This proposal has no impact on building height. Views 4. 5. 6. 7. This proposal will have no irnpact on views. 8.. Senrice and Deliver:rr No inpact. 9. Sun/Shade Thls proposal sLll not increaEe the spring or fallshadoy patterns on adJacent properties or on thepublic ROW. V. Staff Reconqendation Staff reconnendE approval of this requeet for an exterioraLteration. W€ feel that the propoeal conplies wlth all ofthe appllcable desigm consideritions of the VaLI Vl.llageUrban Desigm plan. p^ I,7h d"-,/ _24 €-o a --.1 Date oQot i cation--3/-!-O/€9-- Date of PEC l4eeting Afe;l ro, t?81 EXTERIOR ALTEMTIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I VILLAGE APPLICATION FOR OR MODIFICATIONS VAIL I. Planning and Environmenta'l Commission review is required for the alterationof an existing building which adds or removes any dnclosed flooi area or 9!!999t_purio or the replacement of an existing building L0CATED IN THE CCI DISTRICT. FOLLOI,IiNG PTC APPROVAL, THE PROJECT-MUST BE REVIEWED BY THE DRB. The application wi'll not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAlvlE 0F AppLICANT The Sitzmark Lodge ADDRESS 183 Gore Creek Drive Vail , C0 p11gpg 476 5001 B.NAME OF APPLICANT'S ADDRESS REPRESENTATIVE Piper / Archit.ects Box 5560 Avon, C0 81620 pp6lg 949 7074 C. NAME 0F OI.INER(S) (print or type) SIGNATURE( S) Bob Fritch ADDRESS 183 Gore Creek Drive Vai1, C0 p1.19pg 476 5001 D.LOCATION OF ADDRESS /e{ A, PR0P0SAL: LEGAL r' Block 5-8, Vail Vi1-]-age First 183 Gore Creek Drive E. FEE $100.00 THE FEE MUST BE PAID REVIEt,l YOUR PROJECT. PArp sf r/n cK #JL_{ r'_ ev__P, fi BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT }IILL II. PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE t,lITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDTO DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMTION iS NEEDED. NO APPLICATIOH TITii_ BE ACCEPTED uNLEss-IT Is C0MPLETE (MUsT TNcLUDE ALL rTEMs REQUTRED Bi iiE-zONING ADMINISTRAT0R). IT Is rHE ApptrcRr,rt's REspoNaiBrLrTy'To mnrg nn Appotnr- MENT I',ITH THE STAFF T0 FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL sUBMTTTAL nrqUrCEMEr'tiC. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY-DffRFASING THE NUMBER oF coNDriion5 or nppnovnl-rnni---' THE PEC MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WTTH SETONEA BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSIJED. THE FOLLOI{ING MUST AE sUANTTTED: __-- A. Improvement survey of property showing property 'l ines and 'tocation ofbuilding and any improvements-on the iand.' B. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subjectproperty INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND AcROss STREETS, and their iailingaddresses. THE APPLICANT l.lILL BE RESP0NSIBLE FoR connrci Nni[rNe AoondisEs. OVER ccI III. Four (4) copies of a site plan containing the following information: A. The site p'l an sha'l 'l be drawn on a sheet size of 24,,x 36', at a sca'l eof l" = 20' SH0l.llNG EXISTING AND PROP0SED IMPR0VEMENTS T0 THE SITE. Avariation of the sheet size or sca'le may be approved by the Community Development Department if justified. B. The date, north arrow, scale and name of the proposed development !{ITH ITS LEGAL DESCRIPTION shall be shown on the site p1an. C. The existing topographic character of the site inc1uding existing and proposed contours. This condition wi'l I only be required for an expansion area where there is a change of two feet of grade. D. The existing and proposed 'l andscaping, patios. E. The location of al'l existing and proposed buildings, structures and improvements. F. ,A title report to verify ownership and easements. IV. THE APPLICANT SHALL SUBMIT IN WRITTEN AND GMPHIC FORM A PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE BEFORE THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION INDICATING THAT: A. THE PROPOSAL IS IN CONFORMANCE I^IITH THE PURPOSES OF. AS SPECIFIED IN 18.24.010. B. THE PROPOSAL SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLIES WITH THE VAIL GUIDE PLAN REGARDING: " l. Pedestrianization2. Vehicle Penetration3. Streetscape Framewoik4. Street Enclosure5. Street Edge6. Building He'ight THE CCI DISTRICT VILLAGE URBAN DESiGN VILLAGE URBAN SECTION 7. Views8. Sun Shade Consideration MANY OF THE ABOVE ITEMS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED BY GMPHIC MEANS, SUCH AS SKETCHES, SIMULATIONS, MODELS (INCLUDING NEIGHBORING BUILDINGS), PHOTOS, ETC. IF THE APPLICANT IS PROPOSING A MAJOR CHANGE TO THE VAIL DESIGN GUIDE PLAN, THE PROCEDURE FOR CHANGES ARE NOTED IN 18.24.220(B). C. THE PROPOSAL IS COMPATIBLE WITH THE CHARACTER OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. V. THE TOWN OF VAIL ZONING CODE FOR CCI ALSO DESCRIBES OTHER ZONING ISSUES THAT THE APPLICANT MUST RESPOND TO IN WRITTEN OR GMPHIC FORM. VI. THE ZONING ADMINISTMTOR MAY DETERMINE THAT ADDITIONAL MATERIAL IS NECESSARY FOR THE REVIEW OF THE APPLICATION. VII. APPLICATIONS FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN CCI INVOLVING MORE THAN '100 SQUARE FEET 0F FL00R AREA ARE 0NLY REVIEWED SEMr:ANNtAali. rHEvNEED TO BE SUBMITTED BEFORE THE FOURTH MONDAY OF MY oR NOVEMBER. THE pEi HOLDS A PRELIMINARY REVIEI,I SESSION wITHIN 2.I DAYs OF THE sUBMiTiAL.TJITL.- n PUBLIC HEARING SHALL BE HELD hIITHIN 60 DAYS OF THE PRELIMINARY REVIEI,J SESSION. APPLICATIONS FOR THE ALTERATION OF AN EXISTING BUILDING THAT ADDS OR REMOVES ANY ENcL0SEDFL00RAREA0FN0TM0RETHANI00SQUAREFEETMAYBEsUBMITTEDATTHE REQUIRED TIME OF THE MONTH FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REVIEl'|. FOR MORE SPECIFICS ON THE REVIEl,l SCHEDULE, SEE SECTION 'I8.24.065 A5. ; I March 13, 1989 THE SITZMARK LODGE Renodel and Additi.on 183 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado PROPOSAL l,rlhile not specifically mentioned as a sub-area concept in the Urban Design be considered an extension to the efforts (sub-concept #25.). 0ver the last four years the Sitzmark Lodge has implemented a plan to improve the commercial image of the various shops located within the building. The last element of this effort is a shop front revision and expansion to the N0EL Christmas shop.on the southwest corner of the lodge. The scope of this project will be to add 100 s.f. to the west of the existing space and to relocate the entry to a diagonal frontage at the southwest corner. Tire current shop lacks of commercial identity and ease of access to the shopping public. To addiess this latter problem, a new walk is planned across the corner of the property. VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN QilaPlan, this imProvement could and improvements of the Polo Shop PEDESTRIANIZATION There currently exist an impromptu foot path across the southwest corner of t.he Sirzmark Llage. This ai least says sonething about lhe desires of the walking public. The nev walkway, as shown of the accompanying drawlngs, does " .oupi"'of things. First, the conmercial tenant wants to strengthen the draw ior,rards the shop. Secondly, as a good biproduct to this firsE effort' pedestrians can chooie not to past thru to circle of Checkpoint Charlie. ihis 1"tter point shoul"d cut down of vehi c le/ pedestr ian coniestion. VEHICULAR PENETRATION With such a modest increase in commercial area, I see no increase in vehicle craffic. Keep in mind that the Sitzmark is on the edge of CC I' STREETSCAPE FRAI'IEWORK This particular project most specifically addresses this urban design consider- atlon. The main efiort is Eo add visual interest and street life. The end result should help tie toget,her an ever increasing shopping way that exist fron Vail Village Inn shops .rrd Cto"".oads down Wi11ow Bridge Road to Gore Creek Drive. STREEf, ENCLOSME The width of Willor,r Brtdge Road spans a distance of approxinately 85 feet frorn lhe Sitznrark Lo the Sunmer's Lodge. This expansion is too modeat to impact the streeL area significantly. STREET EDGE The design concept allows for an area to pause, sit and rest, and uatch adJacent activity in the sun. The area surrounding the walkway will be an alpine garden with its awn developing lnterest. VIEWS The building profiLe of thls expansion will have very l1ttle effect on vler.rs. The roof line continues downward an additional 8 feet at the sarne pitch and withln the same plane as the existing roof. STIN / STIADE The additionaL effect of shade caused by this expansion will be only noticedat the garage entry, which is already covered by a canopy. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS Site Coverage: (802 of lot area)Allowed: L4,2O7 s.f,Exlsting: 12,535 s.f. Previous Approval,s: 246 s.f..Renaining: 1,425 s.f. Current Proposal: 100 s.f. Height: Roof height wlll vary fron 9' ro 10t ar pitch of. 2/12. Parking: Parklng for his project will be addressed by paying into the Town of ValL fund for CC I. EXTERIOR ALTERATIO}| FOR CCI The Sltznark Lodge Block 5-AVall Village Firsr FillngVall , Colorado Charles Rosenqulst 231 E. Gore"Creek Dr.Vall, GO Lodge Propertles, Inc. 174 E. Gore Creek Dr.Vail, Colorado Village Center Assoc. 124 Uillov Br.idge RoadVall, Colorado Donald Zale, Pree. Sunnerts Lodge Aasoc. 1445 Ross lvc. Suite 2600 Dallae, TX 75202 Marc,h, 13, 1989 *16 grE (51= dr i ilc =irl ; =i$ ;rs I i Laloelq gtSh aED oz gEii5dw-* €*Hii d tSslE Sil'" tr-o> r; :; l,l-Jut U) =I lt .E F z E ieel[ = E EeE E = EgEg* ut iEi= s; ei;EN ei:g=S: FErsi frEEEu o JI<l t-l zl zl .. >l uJ TU UJzoF = UJ o- J zI tso E.o32Zn-o ootr ^ 62g 5 =9E P oE .rtoE6b fiozxr!<oq tH6 g-t 2 d(\tO L!Joo(J E LTJd, I t!(-) <n lJ,l<, =c.r t, .J1 L! F dslcl /Y.l'-J - 1 oz E-E uJr 44.,In & /l.A /. J Jttl- t! ttlrl V, ui =z dl l x uJ o J = >.,q T E "llots.tE 4 N Or(ft I(o(\lor IIL U' L(6 € LU ts 2 tr ul o tr =,) lu 5 t!o z 3IF c) Fc) LdJlrl lrJ LdF = =d tr lrJ I LOrir t{ Az ci uJtr z 3 F (Y s Ios i I ; I I I I =c II UJG J z3 F Nr\r\ IOlsgr u I F = tr z oul J ttoz =oF E z .; uJ = l! z3 F UIJltlF E uJz = Fo[U E? OE <F 0a c)uJ<zELUFtqZ-o() )E<oOF E3 liF', z.L 2? =<,zE d.zo C) ixC)E i3 s6 o d ir tlJ+E Oz<o(4 ahrir tJJ JO zgPze coo =zff dP nDn J "dgzd.QAhr =qHotr= E El!elto 59E<ol€uE9€k EEI 'r t-l = ttl -1E FEIE 6tlE ool a EtIo-!E ul dt o ItF o uJF6oo?zo Fo- uJY UJ c) oF F =N;@i:'i ctl TL OAJ o-F ar o-Xur I UJFoz F =Elrl o-zo l-(J :) E,F(nzo() t I ---nnn a. ^glrl O & SR ulFoooazo Fo-ulV uJcl oF F =c Lu.o.. lr.o o-oo I ulFoz \| "<l !j (,z lt- - to o oo $ic : q ,t >-,(l = I I Iti l" I d dqdiE()t! I z.l ol zl =lolFI = at lflJf,- d,l N #t I I I 5I<t>lttlol zl 3lolFI = UJ I I ol =.1ol fl,=E ui = 7- o-l UJz = - F UJ =r() E, -rO<FE()gr<zEUJF(tZoo JE 5PstxlrF$;El E!20z,t;() =#d6o 6P =3Y, z. =g oFl+ (-) o2 <(J(, otrir t! JO xxx z o9ze coo =z!f dP 282 =()i;H= h E E,lrl o-zoF(J =E.Fazoo 2 ..lrl OF -r '-HCO +'E< d Oa L) CtlH a€CLJ-o-o(5 c|- x:z< o ) aJ- oH '.-. CD|!eg e.=OE.oE(,L(,-oO(6lJ.j (Do o+)UJE (Ur! E,-zoo-(JEt/, .oHE(J (.' L$-z.v d -3'{,O (|)P JP qJJ+rv,Q(uIJ. J (\I trl t N\ \N I $ lx I l1\) s \\t I q x ao I\ s,i I v x c ,a x \o 8a\i \ tn UJIJlr F =e. Lu o- $ \; --\ I atut oz oz 6J) @.tg =z uJz3o ut Foz tt J uJtt ot! crotso .EIFz o o G UJz3o tto ultclF zoo -X ictro ioc g ..ct ro .9 cto6 c;oF oE o an 0)oC(! c,/p. o o) o E (6 olJoo ol P o E o =Cl d G) o oo.6 3 .9 o i.9o c)E oo o() c .9, .9':o.o .D ol o. o, .E 'o,N :t, 3:ot- q) -1o o)c e.. E((ul o, ,l f- 3t anl E:'3 1ltloi EIc((t. ttt I3';r9 I :96goo|-O o(! 9*oUg)c =(Exo-oo(6C -3O.OOFl= 9(go..c 3'-;:\ ;: o- Eo;e =i=!i5o.!; io 9otrc ;6 =.9o^6 ;.Eio .C).-1C D-'!€l;,>-cL :E:oilo;9io:E)u)) (9, t. :oiE ,oo .9oq) !, o(! !toE o o. .9 (5 o ot ,|! (E o) (t al, E (5 G CL o o. o (! foo(g (g Eo o CL oo f o .9 @ E o.c ;f o o (! .9 CLo.(! .2.c E(Eo' c) (u at o.ct)o(D 3oc.xaG' oo' o s 0 N \t \ 0 \^ Q $ $ t cu ${ 0! s \ \q G Itl o\ ; \a F u, z to -o UJ z o- qJ uJ z lo = Jo- z IJJ uJ uJlrzoF UJ (.) 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Soda FnP' Orre three contPartmerrt si nk Ice Crealtt l-t'eeir:r': tlr"rssntan uli th tlt'i 1:rweil L Sirrl;s: Orre conrtri rtat-ion mnp anrl harrd sin[:' {or wastri. rlrl of utetrrs,i I s. Fl n(-'rr-: I C:.i I i ng: l.lallse Li gtrt-sl i ttor ertm' (*l^a'pa''ilt u,"?'nt /v w1fu'"f,/- Frname'r c.rvc'rerr rlrnp cei I i rrq. jllfrT^iiZrqtrfuA /u ;v^Wuafud ' W'aingcoatirrg in rntai I arr"la, enamerl pa:interJ cempnt in wash ar'€4. Wal I papnr- +rhnve t\ta j 11!;rnt')at:i nq i n re-'tai l '!\r(lil ' Mirror on wal. I arnttrtcl rlell service. wrapped, frar-rJ candy cli sFlay' Eiqht pFnF,l. q of clt*l.lF I irlfrtnrrinq. lwlr trac setr' of liqtrtening' Li ghts i rrsi rje €rLrnrlv r:oltnt nr " Cotrnter toP I Avnrr i. t P. lr,,or-o.r* Arr,.r: tlek.rl s:L()r'-r!-lr'l r-arl:s" errNd\\-U oa INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT N DATE -* CALLER TUESMONREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: rWED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL APPROVED\ -' CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR to REQUEST.iitri{\t,...-'\' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON TUES WED ] THUR FRI \AM PM-( ' _.,..\-', TOWN OF VAIL CALLER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB F,r"^L (:-/,/Z ETE tr1 trF trC tr_ MEGHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPBOVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORT -..i - . ,,,..'n".'- - o =t =G UJo- crn atul uJ ]Lt =t uJo- \F S?(>-+.*'q*I I I I I IH lo I I I I I I l- r6 IE tv tzr6 uJ o EoF cFI == zz U' uJF z z 6 -Jlo .d o =z c L I c C lt ulo =I trolt oF acFzoo o l!z;od IL IIJ6z:3EoI lllFI<Fzr,9=(n< -i- o tr F;* :r Eg EEf ;i*;; iEiiE g"; E"g g SEisJ IEggE iEE€56 0'-E -5a9(,1E egI€€ iEiiE ro <\l ! =e, llJc(,z co xouI oz J 9 Fo J uJ z (o E 9z I IJJ UJuIt!z tr uJ IJJ o;g IJJ e,z 6 uJ F ah uJ z lu (J x F ulo U' IJ.J u.tl! tr =Euj Fo F z ao () Fo uJ uJ 0z (o =Jc J Iz oIu- NO[Vn'lVA qq EqlIq I =(q =(F E E(u d ;e,o =t! zo E ot! e u,lzul(, =>c .'r =uJan=oN zzooF^V'95 =F90ato6aozr!<oq F();oi-o .j(\i G' = zIF ) lt .i o UJ LO - o"gJ J z E z F uJFJ =uJz I t/)FzlzI o ooo I a trzl z JJut3o $o' T uJ E c;z I Ez I E tuJltlltjlt< |l?l l"l KI I itft=t Itrltltft|lJlIO. Il> |l'ltltlt2llol tFlt<ltJltlltoltzl E J ltl ,l'll fl ql;ll ;,;ll I Il-l l Ffo Fa Jl<l trl zl zl .. >lolu UJ uJzoF =cE IJJ o- J z E oz F (\l I cct lr) -fO GJOO rr) Or rr) ut E @g) oa zo FoujY uJo oF F =IE UJctto ooo It!Foz uJF o z o9zQ coo =z:)f dP :f;; =x()at= tr tr bEE2ZE<ctf€aE9tl ir 5gE d=E li=E ;S: :o-i 8bE irE ;tEul €= uJ co F E =e,lrlo-zIt- C) :)EFazoo !!! I I el H, o2 o uJ f tto 2 = I I J trl uJl cEl JI <l>l rJ.lol zl 3l PI <r i ;i ;l'l;l.ol =lr\l -lxlol-l drI.| qdc eE (J au o U) rn N N IJJ =z <l tl 3c\l z F(J =FUI =L) z, Fz. (J =ttr (.)z, J .tl Lr.l -./l at1t! NINI ui =z o-) z 6 =f JL z I uJ = !+o =+to2 o -rO<FE<) IIJ <zEUJF(iZoo t I trtr! oz F =t uJI IUJIF I I I I I I t..., t6 IE tzro ,J I I l., ,Ft<to I I I I I, t< IFI tJ) z l=to lotz a;*9c:en€i EE E:f; :gEf* 9oS-EciE a;; =.Y' -Fc9dE.3 i:E E't;*>53 i:g;t EiSeEd;a=io:*o"(!Po-o rEig! :(''"ooiIo E !'l O :EE €F !; o U) c g'r;tt g33o-- 5()>'-!t €ig! i EEgE E YE =ZZtt- tr ^ 6zg 5 >etr9 oE aoe5d ?'.<)zX lJ- <oq iP^CllxLU-Xz aotO <li-l zl zl .. >l uJot! UJzotr t! z Eoo uJF o ut Ea dIo-zo Fo- IJJY IJJo o F = CE uJ(L u-o oo I ITJFoz z .nQ =< =z (L lr -J._i5 ==3dd= tr Eut.L u-o uloz a)L F cco- JFL!-h='iEdrJ>aLOtL9o5 tttxo-:>ilFJJtr uJ co F co Eclo o o 'E 5 E Eo C' o E-€ ts =E,lrl o-zo Fc)fEFazo(J !trtr ol =.1ol IJJI 5l <l>ltrlol zl 3l FI I I I I c;l =.1ol uJl il <l>l rLlol Pl e I ?l OIuJ 0El JI sl 5l zl 3lpl t-t I I Il-lo I I )t4r{ qo{l> EO zl (9l IJJI 5l <l>l t!lol zl =lPI z II uJ =z .Do-) oF C) Fz 9z T O TJJ E. ;\ = lJz zt =<ZE]F)zt!oo <F LIJ <ztr I.IJ F(1 Zoo F UJF a. t trntr .t lrJt!lr- ts = UJq $ l -()qJ ().z o- E €t!o. (Jz 5 o u, J FoF E G -(rt 66Is 3FP 62oe!BfrBrtj a\i JI<l r-l 2l zl -. >l llul tgruzI =IrJq J z Eoo lr,aL rrio u, JJ E an zxI t- t2 F- J v,z o u,o oz ! d o = o tl.oo o J F ur EOGe. lf H€Ooc =: o.9H Q-C{JJo- ruf< .u$- cq- .F tU Esggl!oc(to3'EtlrJ Ut nJ +)o<Lo.,rrJ E;- |r.J o . -o_ | ;EiE I =sBE IEtia IJ'Los IJ(l,l .r .lPBs Ed._oo.LdH--F4F- g,r I .. z ,cPzEoo>zf,:)de ts =trlrF.G-.lr.U,Od .E<zv,<:Z GoF>< ac os.JF l-,-|-lrg-4= &t!5o\ ,lljsl5-l {^r !t+ goE. CLoo o! cI E Eo(t o a, E |! gtt ea - L 'oJ0)J(n v Lo 3i Dtrtr J=Jlt co * ul ElsE s sl qlEE =99"iI aHgr|f$r-r Best copy Available .l .) F Fz rtlz; tl F z HlrzFEi9t3t3FA f eiza!n,6ECI{O 22 Z2<o z6zzA)o < E5F F Oo<ooaz;i:t:rgEt9,'iJl Fr <ca>,i,<ontIrlE!<c<}|-r '-.El .F F .e le l- I2 trl Itt- + =ut I I'qv ul 2<J z iH:* 6-U IJJ IJJ z u,l 2g Fz Eul u, tr ut c Jt! tu Fo J F F ul o Jtt F ! Er ul 0. o z -oJ I f, a.)t[ 6l cl = lr€ =, =et- a Q ahc, <.r 9 -l0t z F Fcl9o ^>:z:< uJf >(J ;ri .c-t t€ ) rE' 'S Y 3,. 2 ..o. =io Iu J<\tgJL Fo2 RAo* R= - ll,l _a2j< '95e9Ftolg:dflfaul\o<-E9<EGRriitr O .E@utFA bo > EFE 8:d =goa ? E'g; FCG 3.F I |v'Or.nla; ,E:5 sElz5 ul,'6 eP= lol?:>.a .hEHE<tr,t G - tI j t I E i E t ! ; I ! I t D )I ) D D D rt :l '|J J >r tl <ajt co6F a1 ?n'tl qq qc 99 09 :: l I ot I DItrx il9 -, Etlt 1" sli 9: 919 g : :8tt ro \d .6t\ t\ :: !>a9 Nn5 nt Rss!t tf sl - l'\ rttN@ \O('){, $.r \O \OxF a\otf sl Ie nt I .Ac- NOH€' coif- 3E-i ct\o0)qs :$'o ,o : <lr.! .: x ;=-q =xY Yl 0re;5d -,,dx +r.5Q >,cr!= 6 dE iJ E sE8 E=5 a-COa-i(\IO\NN \O F- \O aC-NC\ -<t@slc9 . .in . .c\ :: :'::::t l:::'..' ! at €o .E dP:(/) ,sFF qH3': {6i.9Z&,1- g. i\ NN c .! 'i .: I J .,) 'i-. r't._ ': .'. . E':' €9otrij .x \.,/ ?J l t6F=r:9 t o3- 35i;J .J '.u) >! 5t.).jq. Ba > tr- | /n-|-'')O. o:-.9 .EF B:EE "g:€ oEcvpu <.= =.7Jalrt s€ luq2qr= R 6- U\ xd I Q -o!?E €s .i,P E q ti Efi I 5 rO a- \oc\co \or- a$qq \o\Oc- l\ rt) N $(Y) . >\o :t.o.OF- q|o ,6+a\ (\l\! rn a a : o egn * $HH $sF S 6$$ :€i :€E : i i;$ s€,i : : iE{ E€'.: ,*f '*i , 5;siS!ffE F iFsgR$ g F. HHqS .') IJ),6 \6.4.4\66,6 GF ]\I\C\ F F'\ Frl tf<f<fsflft <l E!) x E t! E ee() I 3 R s E 5 I ao E! F.g 6fl cl.E s€ ti gn €gl<;.72,e €gETIEEhx EE*(,)6.> cx t' 5g YIo rt, :tt^ EE e8'6! 66 !,E .o< c'6 EF ocBg *!;tdd 5(|o> a).E (t I o l t Fd TE EE trdt3E() 6'o' ID a9: {:E. gfi 5|rAFT;iiH TE oq) ,r iJ(J kq) iJ 3 g' rY a s F uf9C HC -,:t (6gE ,:\ c qr.E F.: ^ al tr;(J.9 e5 ,5q E€ €€<c) ,, ,]:1977-1978 :,t".'j:jr. ,..i' ;: 7 NIGHT PACKAGE (Rates per Person) Includes Continental Breakfast and &day Lift Ticket RFGUTAR SEASON (frnuery 2- March 3l) WINTER RATES Beds i:r . , Stt ,r -. Dbl 3Twin "'i 351 zn3Twin 365 23/62Double 365 236 l King .i',i:, 379 243 ' 2Queen ,:. ^3n ,243:,,1;_ ln 3Twin 249 1693Twin 263 ".176 2Double 263 176 l King m 183 2 Queen m 183 218 1st Floor 2nd Floor 2nd Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor Studio TPI 190 195 195 200 22t tOW SEASON (Nov.23 - Dec.16 &April l - 23) 1st Floor 2nd Floor 2nd Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor Studio 144 149tj tl i. 154 1391n 156 NIGHTIY RATES (Rates per Room) lncludes Continental Breakfast .- . REGUTAR SEASON (lanuery 2 - March 31) -i.) :' :" I Qurd .!- '- i 56 Bedc 1st Floor 3 Twin 2nd Floor 3 Twin 2nd Floor 2 Double 2nd Floor 1 King 3rd Floor 2 Queen Studio Low sEAsoN 1st Floor 3 Twin 2nd Floor 3 Twin 2nd Floor 2 Double 2ndfloor lKing 3rd Floor 2 Queen Studio srl Dbl , Td (Nov.2J- Ilec.16 & April1 - 23) m 30 ,30 32 32 ' 14 .49 46514551 .f8,18 5358 63 40 42 42 44 44 32 3734 39 ,. v ,.. 39 44 363641 $ 45 I 51 56 HOLIDAY RATES. Dec. 17 - Jan. 1 NO PACXAGE TilA[ABlE44 ,|8 :53 .5EL!'tt rN=,"=rt?o* TOWN OF HEEUEST '"}}"i'*'VAI L " DATE 7- r>-zz JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER Elornen MON GOMMENTS: l,f- N E penrrll LOCATION THUR FRI-AM PM READY FOR INSPECTION /{74- o,BS ,6PP ROV E D D orsnpp RovED fJ nerNsPEcr D uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTI.\'FTEOUEST VAIL T I ', TOWN OF JOB NAME E ornen .( E pnartauf : ( I LOCATlON TUE. MON COMMENTS: ElotsnPPRovED E netNsPEcr PPROVED I upor'r THE FoLLowlNG coRFECTIoNS: COBRECTIONS o rNsr=.io* TOWN OF FIE(lUEST VAIL oot.- ln "%,Tl JoB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM E orxen I penrrnl.LOCATION A\IMONI\J COMMENTS: READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR Q9o ,^r", 7' fau)n ,4rtNSPEcrE nppRovED D uporrt ! orsneeRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE TIME RECEI rNsr=.|.,* FEauEsrr TOWN OF VAIL , JOE NAME PM CALLER E orxen @ COMMENTS: E pnnrreu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR ,^' ,/D ny APP ROVE D E orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr E uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS fll f ? t{ F $ ssri 4l ni '(G"r*.c, rNc. 1503 . VAtl- coLoRADO 81657 PHONE 303-82742/t3 I I ',rt)EF TA(EN BY tTZrul6tK MTATERIAL r.tri r ,. L l.,.i "s-l,ll .".! WORK DESCRIPTION MiTiCELLANEOUS CHARGES /d. {i*rit* - " a:4.4.f ' j-nt*,*+l ,ja*^.f".f:;:.f-V i- TOTAL. r.'. r-/ . i.2'4 f.&l, :f2 " 4cf erq q Aa.& ter"-t ' '.*"ri ii,l.",it" c*,lv{. :: ''2'*,luJ tt)" I j C"^4,^.i t t a/,+ 7'/* '7"-t%t '2Qt V'* / /l' q%t /Y'7,- 3o ''7- / oo/r'' , y^- fl,* cVr- 1o...1 .,tY1l ]y. ,?( tl"-- A'h{/I r.r o/" o'/.- I 5't':'.:. cs(2'. i q; I..:;;;".. . RED BY . I] SIGNATURE- hereby acknowledge the salr'r.. ('J'v c'rml let ':: 'r the r' r'r 'r' :' '.i{,,;:v-{{\i 't(' cosr SUMMARY TOIAL LABOR. TOTAL MAI ERIALS. 6 tc JL.*lo Jf 1t" .! .i 7 ) i6 j: 'r4 'X Tw**=l' CO N T FIACT AMOUNT UNITITEM,/PAR NUMBER ; l"'! tr*W(.bnf i',' i 'rtt;fi;tS 4', 1 .i !. , N,r*k,/ (t1iv, 6 'I ) T'AL MISCELLANEOUS' { \ I \q\\ rnt:F sJ\ ih 0 'tt t o il-)U-/--' z. o o oo lqQ g11v7' fuh STATEMENT (u'OL ?zG 9 2)o 75 south lronlage road Yell, colorado 81557 (303) 47$2138 (303) 47$'2139 June L5, 1.989 otlice ol community development Mr. Bob Fritch Sitzmark Lodge 183 East Gore Creek DriveVai1, Colorado 8L657 Re: Credit for Improvements to Gore Creek Promenade Dear Bob, stan Berrynan, Director of PubLic Works, has reviewed your costsincurred for irnprovements for the Gore creek Pronenade on the northside of the Sitznark Lodge. Stan stated that tras far as we candiscern, these costs seem reasonable.rr As you know, when the Planning Comrnission approved your request for an exterior alteration and density control variance on March 9, L987, Condition No. 6 stated: t'The applicant will agree to participate in and not rernon"ttut"against a Vail Village improvement district if and when one is forned. Credit wiII be given to the applicant in an equitable manner (deterrnined by the Town council via an irnprovement district process) for the cost of irnprovements off of the applicant's property if an overall vail Village irnprovernent district is formed. rl In accordance with this condition of approval , the planning staff and Public llorks department acknowledge that you trave spent $5O,968.56 on irnprovements located on public property. The staff will pJ.ace the infornation that you have subrnitted for your construction costs in the permanent file for the Sitznark property. If and when the special improvernent district is forned for the Village area, this inforrnation will be readily available in the Sitzrnark file. rf you have any further questions about the cost crediting' please feel free to contact ne. As per the condition of approval' it will be up to the Councll to determine exactty the anount of credit you will receive for your improvements. In the future, if staff,Council, or you would like to review the discussion of your credit, I suggest listening to the Council tforksession tape *2 ot, I'tarch 10, L987. Thank you for your cooperation in this natter. Sincerely, .WlthSenior Planner KP: lr cc: Peter Patten Ron Phillips Pcrr,'?g'l Mcfl\ojto.m , , , Si*ar}MWffiStrnUrrynro Dlrccttc' Itrbuc lbst /lluq)orda T , f,e' .-re'-' Fo''z frn Fo.. hu Lve (au D,t.rn-'' ,fic'e L-rs dE?'"r pento^-o q uF SilzmarleIndge Novenber 2, 1988 l,ls. IGistan Pritz 75 S. I"ontage Rd. Vail, @. 81557 RE: Costs for Gore Creek Proenade Dear I(ri-stan: r harrc firnlly been able to get the infornation requested in yor letter of July 12, L988. Itre pariers crnrer 31363 square feet. Ilre curb steps and gutter covex 296 square feet. I hope ttris j-s the inforrnation you need to finalize our credit. Sileerely, ee/-Robert F. ftitctr Sitanark/Goner Year Around Resort Lodging 183 Gore Creek Drive r Vail, Colorado 81657 r (303) 47S5001 & 75 3outh frontago road vallr colorado 81657 (3031 476.7OOO July 12, 1988 l,[r. Bob Fritch Sitzrnark Lodge 183 E. core Creek Dr.vail, co 81557 RE: Costs for Gore Creek pronenade Dear Bob: Stan Berrynan has reviewed the costs for the portion of theGore Creek Promenade which you built last summer. He asked neif I could get some general guantities for the project fron youso that he can better review the bitls. He asked that youprovide estiurates on the square footage of pavers, arnount ofconcrete, and landscaping for the project. In general , trethought the figures were reasonable. However, the quantityinformation will be very helpful . If you have any further-questions, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, KtU-?.'hKristan Pritz fown Planner KP:kc c o P..t't 75 south frontage road vall, colorado 81 657 (3O31 476-7OOO June 2L, l-988 Mr. Bob Fri.tch L83 core Creek DriveVail, Colorado 8l-657 RE: Bench & Sitznark Inprovenents Along core Creek promenade Dear Bob: Several days ago Helen asked ne where the bench was for theGore Creek Promenade. f talked to Stan Berryman, and he doesnot remember Public Works taking the bench. He does rernerobertalking to you about the removal of the bench. and he felt thatperhaps there was a possibility that someone frorn your maintenance crerd picked up the bench and stored it sourewhere onthe Sitzrnark property. If no one fron your maintenance crewpicked up the bench, then it seems evident that it was stolen. f also talked to Steve Barwick, our insurance and financeperson for the Tordn of Vail. His opinion is that you havefulfilled your obtigation. f am not sure when the Town wiII beable to replace the bench, as no money is budgeted for thisexpense. Our deductible is $i.0,OOo, so our insurance will notbe able to cover this item. I will ask public Works to propose money for a new bench during this upcorning budget review for 1989. I also received your sunmary of invoices for the improvernentsthat you made on Town of VaiI property to the north of theSitzrnark building. I an asking tnat Fublic Works review thesecosts. Once they have finished their revier.r, I will write you a letter confirming that the Town of Vailtotal oqlenditureE for thls project. Ifquestions, pleaae feel free to give me a has a record of your you have any furthercall. Kristan PritzSenior Planner KP:Kccc: Peter Patten Steve Barnrick Stan Berrlman fiiiJzmaflslailge ,Iune 10, 1988 Ms. Kristan Pritz Planning Departrnent Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage RoadVai1, CO 81657 Dear Kristan: In accordance with our agreement of a year ago, I was toprovide you with the invoices which covered the work done on Town property in back of the Sitzmark Building. Enclosedare all of the invoices for the work that was done by JDM Construction, amounting to $48,797.56. In addition, thereare two invoices that I paid directly, $771 for the bench and $1400 for the garden on Town property. These invoices amount to a total expenditure of 950,968.56. It is my understanding that, after the Town has reviewedthese charges, it will go on record that I will get creditfor these expenditures in the event that an ImprovementDistrict is formed in this area. Sincerely, 4/" fil-4r72* Robert F. Fritch Owner Rrr/hf Enclosures Yeer Arounct Resort Loclging 183 Gore Crek Drive r Vail, Colorado 81657 . (308) 47&5001 mlDtROf,),o'or.AFE co,rrRAcroRs,,r.,c 0t26 t3TBoad . Grenwood Sprrngs. CO. 81601 . 303-945-5098 <cT?J.li3& t/O 6 6e VA'L , C o' ,t^Y t 3t argr{t rl Drt co.ur. o A tL.nca Gh.rg.. c6r9ut.d bt a patlodL '.!. ol tht ,ar fio.rh (t$l aatlud F tanl.ra ..Ll rlll D. ,pf|ll.rt to .rt snD.td bdric.. cn.r 30 drya trom bllll.|e d.l.(Soa .nlnlnsmt. I .ccounl. lO rt t t..l d.,. wltl b. turn.d or.r lo. colLaUcai, rlth t rtchaaa ,oa PooarlL lor aI cCLcucl| alld/ca allcarlt'l taal. $ATEHENT OF ACCOUNT #; rr ,i ,{-ft;,"T".fr5*;& ,; . F : 4"&i t.., ir.*+i ":,adlll r;ihi * EAf \sfekt*#"\g Collnbla CascadeTlrber Conpaw l9t6 S.W. Fllllr Aurnur, Porthnd, O||eon 07201 US.A"&3lZ&1167 Trbr 36(}77rl Dato Sold to 9lL6l87 The Sltzuart, at 183 Gore Creek Val.lr CO 8L657 InvolceNumber L5472-68 Vall, Inc. Drive Your P.O. Number Vcrbal shipped to sAuE I'|ARK FOR: BOB FRITCH $771.00 recelved. - Mr. 8ob Srl.tch Route ABF - 145169389 F.O.B. Factory; frelght allowed 6 prepald Sp€ciflcatlons Quantlty 1 each No.2122-8 aod 8lack TI}IBERTORM Seat, with Alaeka Yellon Cedar slate, CASPAT(-7 coated cast iron franes Dellvcred Prlce t771.00TOTAL DELIVERED PRICB bJ Corporalo T. lN. 93-03361 94 i*] n iii:;tnf45n/F1$ lil i LTV\/Li\ 9 Construction Company Ltd. P. O. BOX T BASALT, CO8t52t (303)927.3t25 February 2, L988 Mr. Bob Frit ch Sitzmark Lodge 183 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 8L657 RE: Expenses For Pavers Dear Bob : The following is a break-out of the brick pavers which resulted Vail: Longts Excavation Invo ice/f 4 02 Invo ice//4 6 7 Invo ice/1409 Invoic e/140 6 Invo ice/1405 Invo ice/14 04 Ilvoicell4O2 Invo ice//4 00 Invo ice/i 3 05 Invo ic e// 3 04 Invoice//584 Invo ice//5 85 Invo ice//5 7 0 Invo ice//5 4 5 Invo ice/i 5 44 Invoic e/1002 Invoice/i2 06 Invoice/1152 Invoice//153 Invoicell003 Mountain Mobile Mix Tnvo i ce/I3 0310 lnvoice/I33797 Invoiceil33795 Invoice//33796 Columbine Hills Concrete' Inc. S t at ement expenses lncurred in an improvement General Contractors,Construction Managers during your remodel project for to property owned by the Town of 207 .00 75.00 300. 00 435.00 J46. )U 82. 00 784, 50 77 6.00 562.50 870.00 691. 19 704.93 517.50 1062.50 330. 00 415,00 120.00 48.03 230.63 3r2.50 104.53 520.53 313.57 69 .68 8,872.78 1,008. 31 1,988.00 Mr.' Bob Fritch Expenses For Pavers Johnson Trucking Invoice/l1660 Involce/11616 Invo ice//1614 Invoice/1161-3 Invo 1ceil1610 Invoice/I160 7 Invoice/l1608 Hoe & Grow Invo ice/I3 006 E-Z Way Rentals Invoice//9734 Lnvoicell9327 Invo tce//9 748 Invoicell8237 lnvoicell7202 InvoiceilT580 Invoice/l8017 Boise Cascade lnvoice//61569 Invoice/16 2 33 3 Invoice//58369 Invoiceil58368 Baileyt s Masonry Page 2-Contract (AIA) JDM Construetion Labor - See Attached JDM Construction Supervision - 2 weeks -2-February 2, L988 2,180. o0 416.00 5,175.30 40. 00 320.00 380.00 500. 00 120.00 500. 00 320.00 36. 40 183.30 62.40 r49 ,7 6 ILZL.L2 847.60 277 4 .72 245.23 112.01 65.52 L70.28 G 900. /I^lK 593.04 20,247 .00 2,902.50 1 ,800 . 00 $45,182.93 3 ,6L4 .63 $48,797 .56 Sub t o tal 82 Builderr s TotaI I hope this inforoatlon w:111 be a help to you. S lncerely , coNsTRUCTrolN coyPANY, LTD.f*n.m4, Fee JDM Enc. Watkins RF= !-= -: ir c) i -; !E-= iEel.- i Ei E< :eet EEH9:EciiE€3= 1rgii i9 :3is e a 3 E;-* -E5 5 g.E ::E:E;]-3 i,i3e.:*E, :c-=. i:3: iE i: ,EE! &:iE Fi !r:6 =93EE= Es g 3:€ 3gs gP€ :€ s is=-!E3 ;EE ,;o iEE iEg 'i 6 5g9E EE EE ; ;E;E* E ::s ;dft. €E€ E a;' PE; i:! 5 j >= i .isal ::E ! !== i ;;.;E lE{s I EE; ;:RssE FES €iE;-'E' 5:E:-*; l iEE] ;5E i iggi ir:; igE€ iEg ?:? ?e$ !:6:==:S E iEa >= r =t:r s-=! 3 =i iE! r€i E<= PE; 5€; t:s 9 dE :E= i€E:i:; i:gEj E d!E5i E;i = 5c Et: ;F! 3A <= <9s;o-9, .c! :i 3= .E!:5F;((.)=aP- tPE ?:E:e= i;si :EEi ir:j t€Ei | 9 E.i g iia EEit5= g E= ! cg! < .!? 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YilHHII o- DFF*f, -=i,rrli = Ail iii$ -- ! i{ TJ 'J T,? [L F € + 'r' it - {Jt:efrH , ;54-"i{; fi F:jli-+ oijj "-t = {tIurZr- ,J. ah f-' H:a uJU J r-f, i-3 o. ;e- [n --t.._du rr n#lJ{ii5 -j ,i. fr f'. t" sst !-i r,i ?fr DTr-i'1Qii..H Hr l= 'r F {Ha *ia -Se*tr'ts:?3," U?d r:ifti Ed [$B,\.:.z-l-U,JJdI(a frrfF5 *8[]Si;"'oi l*ii\ {!$$f r.its i+tr ';\\.+cI cBg;ogftlEizuE $:gfff$5 I FlIlou| {xIFY l62uL ,;9 zy Jooa z=;F U: F;:>:lF =EY< hft lr, o g'-^ >;zt <rJ i\ i c.l u ,4- F f, tr /-. F L. tll J ^": aT-'i ,-. ,i Fz uJ E s (9>z*oE5'clEi$E =ufzEfi-tEqBdv:gi<idEE(} {li =.{} ir$i{i..O Z;'u3? Etruell =$3U+ Y =,8 -* 2ZEii).rH L! 14 |!q. oZ+ Etof r$ z5df" Ht_1 a t:EA xs33o.7 i:r .-i r.:l \ ,1 H* l= ',| F70 i'1 |,; tlj ,. g.'3fiil $9 -!1 -E!/,rd 6??ar w2lli rn O(H'7 > tot-E i".t<lr! 3 oxH?q 3F6r:f ?ibEF Zi{ -a* uozP <>o ri tc.0 1,. i! { c0 i*o6\<ts cci\ f{ -., \_ i<l .s i' i.)It C.J O d.oo .l rl Its. HIgEazvEItCrilrl"o.i;<E[i!lI-'iilElr,rEiltr Zl! oitiil:q3: F:: : -iti+il FiItl F Xi3 !--#i.i.T <i lL ill -v e H !- -l i- 7. E. !-; FzulE A ozl*J6Se()$s 6'0, =.1,+irY"l '1{J E6 )< r..r EHSOES i'l =.ol-f U t., "\0 zJ ':l r:3 u.lHHJ i (J&!JO!] X(f,3uf5g 0- 2t.r'aZtrL?..F{ (! lt r!4 "7C trto-n zz- . Ll \-. uJ: it.r! On a,\i= u,l -U'H 3o. ...- I'i _itrl FUI()lJ<;b; 6= ,;:z;J< JoGA z?z*c! 3i 6?. ;Ez'- 9a bfrr!O)rg^ >!rzEl<u 'rr i\- ?fr*,ft']f'*'*ooLU[Btl{E Hlrts coNcRETE, rNC. 3s Ye 0J 3ssg $ s i, lt\ P Hrs Tq$ tils I I C'zrt C):)Gt-zI E, o q i\VoJ ,1" t I 'tF't\| f,, J 3s - s FrrXP,*.-.$ N, N(r)(oto d!Qc[\ Te$ 'f;$t-(' (tz }z(Jp GFzs&Eo*' Ga oJ * I, : I '{' t-.f .i_c rl rJ a ={dsx l\ I (J ie (.,).:J naNi: d)(orolf, 6$i ;g:;$t't q.\it>-t,,:i (9'n CI.J T \. 1 I ,. -\9 )\. ( {t -*- \-:.. -v. tssE 5 L\I t\'l fD --9?- FO^1F.r zIFg tuo UJ \-o r a.l I& F o Y {_\. o J \ € ic..< '4" : i'z\ lrJzo \ N\ \ t0 il*.?'i':i l'p'd E?lr,r6 ''! e" otr t' C' & () ) C(l,- z,,$ 'r#i5l-ljrc qt o u" F \O(oF.l? @Ff! ,f\s8tx .sltEe rB ^tr( f'.1 ..1t N\ l\ ^..:, tr' -(: ) =q.q' =g ^qbr< (, t: (,) :.)#b" r.uro.< (V,aZ c{J l\ ^(i gaI E- x -tn .IE EEai!{ F8l:x-JU'f,] () J TL oaa\9 .i-\ '!rl 0 F =EG 5) !r" -. - !liil, H.0. (9 7,'il(J:)g.> l'- ro,g tL oO t\ g $aR l: >l "ft l'"f, EEa'() frfl' ;-ffa fl o ".Jlr,f- (9 ij I I c.\o rlJIt:,{i 5r H\.5.1 t, ; -.*. 't i i\l t'l flli .\l rd { tl4 I ..$l "\tI\t-slI z z E -l..'\ Ia\ \\l ,\|\t] ,\.\A Iol EI3l<l n o o o \\ a<' ('| cr .l (. \'*'\' o \ -\- J : \. (-..i_ -J I z \ .it\\ r\ N IJ IEo ll !\lK t\ o - ftoE & GROW tNc. oS#$trtf ?r?ilffi :,j. r!r;;;;r,,r, ;,r :i- ,'rr,E qL)@,L O crsx E c.o.o. I cxnnce ! eero our E uosa. nElo E po. or eccr.OUAN. SOo gW"',hV*" Hruon tho roth ,-! er zr! per month or m<!ZD on thg DrevtorG h-r-- 2-Z WAY Do lr Tho E.Z WAY seLuHA[ru LAVY(IJNUtsfiNrNG rHtF I UF ttEN tAL Pft(JPEHIr, C.d.5. '73, Slb.{-4O2, AMENOED AY SESSION LAWS OF COLORADO 1977 18.4-@,lhrll ol r.ntrl Dro{ty.,/- I A peson commltr thdlt of rsntat p--erty it tlFFtElllfill[lllfifuuy uls ot p€rsond prcp€rty ot/ |noth€r, whlch lr rvllhbleonly toa hlr Toenr ol thrtd or doclpllon, orknotvlng that luch u|! lr \ wlthout oonlont ol lho p€r8on provldln,- d porlonrl plopofty: or b Hrvlng lalflully obtaln.d polrellton \ tor lompo.sry ut! ol lh€ porEonal ptoporty ot enoth.r whlch lt rydl$la mly lor hlro knowlngly lrll! to r.v6el\ lho wh€reL?ul! ol or to talurn 68ld Fop€rty io tho own6r tharlol oa hb r€pr3lontdlvo ot to tha Dorgon |rom \yhom h€ h88 r€colved lt wlihln s6vonty.two hours 8fttr lh6 llrfl€ d uhlch ha $ltod to l€tun lt,-'2 T-islt ot lhs ]rntal proporty lr r cls!! 3 mhdemctnor wha|. thc vduc ot lhr proporty InyolEd ls lo!! thsn tltty dollrrs. 3 Thstt ot t€nlal prop€rty ls a clrls 2 mlrdornoanor wlrss tho valuo ol tho proporly Involvad h fllty dollsr! or moro ar|d b le8a lhan two hundrDd dollarua ThoJl of tontal ptosny 18 I cl8!3 ,l fslony whoro tha yelua ol the p.opsrly lnvolv€d lr two hundrod doltrr! of moro bul lor8 lh8n lon lhouEend dollarB.5 Tholl of tontsl proporty lB a class 3 telony whero tho valuo ol tho propony Inyolvod lr lon thouland dolleru or mor6. A. HOLD HABMLESS AGnEEMENT, CustorrFr rgr!.! to |!rum.lhr dlk ot, md hold Dcd.f huml€s! lor, properly d8maooand personal Inlurls csur€d by lha oqulpmonl !nd/or srlllng out ot Dsel6r,! nogllgsn6. B. LOADING AND UNLOADING OOODS. Cu8lomar lr ralponrlblo tor lordlne lnd unlordlng goodr. It Dellerr 6mployoesassl3t In loadlno orunloadlng tha goods, Customot r0r€@ lo rslumc th€ dskot, rnd hotd o€ator hafmlo8s lor, 8ny prop€ny damags or por8onal lnlurlo8, Includlno drmrgo or lnJu €s attrlbutable lo tho nogll0€nco ot lh6 Daalororhlg omploy6€E. A weexly * MoNTHLy RATE' oNry AppLy rF RENT rs pArD rN ADvANcE lV\ THrs EourpMENr FoR REr{rAL oNry - Nor FoR 'ALE REwTA|S, 'irc. !-Z h,IAY RENTALB +t462 HWY 6 tr 24r'AIL, E0 8165gl(309) ?4?-5r)19 [T€0 lO:- '.D.M EONSTRUCTION I,IANA TI3OO3'.0. Box T tASALT, AOOR€SS AT WHTCH EOUIPMENT WITI SE USED. 5I TZMARI( VAILco 81621 927-4384 OUT rO Lrc€NSE RECEIVEO 8Y NUANE rartial Return Flnal Copy To Eont * O09Z4B llharee Sal e P€ !BO5-3 !88e-2 lBto-1 tot AIR COMPRESSI]R-185CFFI DIESEL +++++++ pl uo +++r-+++ NIESEL I8 EXTRA HRHETER OUT-- HRMETEIi HOSE- AIR CONF 3/4ln BREAKER*FAVINB SO-?5* INCLUDE$ 1 POINT(?g8O) IN B Hour Da lleek 4 t4eek Ext Ant 75.OO O.OC) hour6 G ?oo.oo 25.o0300,0o 1C, , OO xSOft CLAS$ & I CHiSEL(?881) 5.{rO 24.00 20.00 60.00 ?6.OO ?88.O0 10.oct AL INSTRUCTIONS: /E FEAD THIS ENTIRE CONTRACT AND THE PART CONCERNINO COLOFAOO CRIMINAL LAW GOVERNING SAME. ANO AGREE TO A CLEANING CHARGE WILL BE MADE IF RETURNED NOT CLEAN Rent l'{erch - Txerch - NT Mi sc l"l I sc Hisc Ta>r E,W. Subtot,alosit ALL CONOITIONS. CUSTOMER RESPONSIBLE FOF ALL TIRE DAMAGE Do lr Thc E Z WAY coLoRADO LAWCONCERNTNG THEFTOF RENTAL PROPERTY. C.R,S.'73, g1&+{02, AMENDEO Sy SESSION LAWS OF COLOFiAm 197, t}4-adl. lh.lt ot |.ntd !rcD.rtv.l a por8on commlts thari of r6dtel .'-lp.ty lt tfFtEElnllfidlffilorEry ura ol p$sonrl prcp€rty ol enoth6r, whlch lr svallablo only lor hl .L ma6ns ol lhrorl or daccpllon, or knowlng thlt luch uro ls wlthout conlrnl ot tho p€r8on proyldlt-Ji,'b pcrEonal Fopaftyi or b Hlvlng l8wtully obldnad polsesslon for tomporary u8o ol the psrsonsl prop$ly ot anotherwhlch lt avalhblo only ror hlr€ knowlnlly lall8 to.av€, ths vrh€r'jloul! of or to r€turn sald prop6rty to th€ ownor thaaool orhb l8p.€lanlatlvc or to tho p€ruon kor wh('m h€ ha! roc€ly€d lt wlthln Bov€nly-llo hour8 aftor the llmo sl whlch ho agrood lo rrlum ll. ' 2 Tholl of ih€ runtEl prcperly l! 8 ch!! 3 mbdem.eror wh.r. lha yrlua ot lho Fopany Involvod ls l.!! than tllly dollar.. 3 Tholl ot r€nl8l proporly ls e clals 2 mlld€moanor wh'r th. valua ot lho p.op€aty Inyolv€d lr lllty dollal or more and 18 1038 than trvo hundnd dollar8.4 Thgll ol fsrtal pro6.ty 19 a clalr 4 tglony vrhsrs lhevalug ot lhc propany Inyglvod ls trro hundr€d dolllr' or morg bol lsqt than tgn lhourand dollrl!.5 Thelt ol reotsl poperly ls s cla!! 3 tolony whero th€ valuo ot tha propody lnvolvad lE tsn lhouland dollar! or mor€. A. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT. Cwto.nor agr€ss lo aa8uma the,leks ol, and hold Doalot hrrmless tol proptrty damago and p€Bonal lnjurl6! orulrd by th€ oqulpment rnd/orarlaln9 oul o, Daala/! nagllConoo. B. LOAOING ANDUNLOAoING @ODS. Cullom€I lr rorponllbl! tor lodlngrnd unlortlng eood!. It Doelers employ$a assl!t In lordlnO or unloadlng tho good!, Olltom€r rgroor to sllumc lhbalsk ol, md hold Oealor ha.mloE! tor, any propody damqgs or porsonal Inlurla!, Includlng damsgs or Inlurles allrlbutab to the n€gll06nca ot the Deal€r or hl! omploye8. A *ar*a, u MoNTHLy RATE' oNLy AppLy !F RENT rs pArD rN ADvANcErvATHIS EOUIPMENT FOR BENTAL ONLY. NOT FOR SATE RENTAIs, 'NC. E-Z tllAY RENTALS 4L462,HUIY6&?4 VAILr EO 81658(303) 949-5019 J.D.H. CONSTRUCTION MANA *3OO5P.O. FCIX T BASALT, CO 816?t *co UTO LICENSE P.O, | :REC€IVEO 8Y SITZHARI{ VAIL @NTBACI NO. oo?327A Pgr PHONE 927-4384 OUT JOSEPH LAVATO It*if*Ftnal Eopy ***** Rptunned EharEe lial e 3958-31 TAI"IPERS MTREO USE 2 CYCLE MIX CLEAN AIR FILTER JUI"IPINB JACI{ ONLY FUEL CAN.I'WICE DAILY 60.oQ ?4d,.00 720.OO 176.22 A CLEANING CHARGE WILL BE MADE IF RETURNED NOT CLEAN \VE REAO THIS ENTIRE CONTRACT AND THE PART CONCERNING : COTORAOO CRIMINAL LAW GOVERNING SAME, ANO AGREE TO ALL CONDITIONS. ADDITIONALTERMS ON FEVERSE SIOE. ch Rent - tx -NTh l"l i str Misc Hisc Tax D.W. Subtotal PfiEPAID rOTAL CHARGES 176.23 7.O5 CUSTOMER RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRE DAMAGE 183.30 RE fTAtS, 'irc. E-Z WAY RENTALS4146tHWY6&24 VAIL, CU A1658(303) ?4e-SO19 lTEo TO:- LESSEE J,D.PI. CONSTRUCTION MANAP.O. BUX T BAgALT r co 81621 toeNT|FrcATtoN tl O LICENSE -co RECEIVED BY DUANE Ftnal tlopy I t*** OTHER IDENTIFICATION wvLrr.lriuv L^vr iJvNUEnNtN|; I ncr I vt tilN tAL rnvrEn I t. (,,rt,u./1t, tru-4-4lra, AMENUEU E t SESSION LAWS OF COLOF|ADO 1977 r&+4@. Ih.tt ot r.ntrI A p€rson cornmlts th6lt ol rdntrr gny lf tlFftElEli ulo of psrsonal prop€ny ol owlno that luch u!! lrrnolhof, whlch lr cvallebl€ onlytor.h, ./ mo$s ol throat of d3crp on, or knowlne ihat !uch-u!a l!wllhout oonscnt ot tha person provldlng rlio F.lonrl prog€ny; of b Hwhg l8wfu i obtsln€d po!.aa.ton lor tomporeay ut€ ot ttro 9grlof|al DroD9rly ot anothd whlch l! anllrbla onlv for hlra knoelnolv Lll. to r.rllor tompore.y ut€ of ttir penoiatlor tompore.y ut€ o_f tho porlooal properly ot anothd whlch l! rvrlhua only tor hlra kogwlngly tall! lo fovlal ths whonoboutE ot or to rslum s8ld propoiy to lhg ownsr thor€ot oahlt r€polantallva or to ihi ponon lromr€polantallva or to lha par$n lromwhc.mhoha!r€calv€dltwlthln!3venty-twohourEdtorthatlrnaatf,hlchlisrgtardtorllumlt.' ._2 Thsft otlho r€ntal p.op€rly ls ! class 3 mlsdom€enor wh.r€ th! vrluo ot ti. proporty Involvrd lr lrrr lhen tllly doll8|!,3 Thsll or.ronlel proporty 13 s cle!! 2 mlldomamor whoro th. valua ol tha propo;ty lnvoly€d b lltty dollar! oi mor6 and l! l€8s than two hundr€d dollar!,4 Thsll ot rg|tel prosrty ls a class 4 lolony whor€ lho vsluo ot lh. pop€rty lnvolvod lc two hundnd dolhG or rl|oro bqt lea! lhan lon thoutand dolla€. . 5. Th€tt ol rental propsrty h a clssE 3 l€lony whoro th€ vslue ot thc proporly Involvod l! ten thouund dollaru or rnoro. A. HOLD HARMLESS AOREEMENT. Customor a0r€e! to aalumr thc rlsks ol, r|d hotd D..t|rh|'ml. tor,ptopedy damaoo and peraonal Inlud€! cauEod by tha6qulDmrnl ard/orsrlrlno oul ot Deda/r nrollornca. B, LOADING AND UNLOAOINO O@DS. Cultomrr ls rrlponllbt. for lodtng md unlodlng gpoiir.-lt Doalar! €rnployo€r alslst ln lordlng or unlodlng tha good!, Cultorfia. eor€al to alaumc lhi-drk of, gnd hold ooal€t harmloaa tor, 8ny ptoporty damaOo or po.lonal Inlurlo!, lmludlng damrgo or Inlurlat rttrlbutable to lhenogllg€nc6ot tha D€aloror hls omployooE, Do lr fhc E.Z lyAy ADDRESS AT WHICH EOUIPMENT WILL BE USEO, ?27-43e, Retunn Change Sal e CONIRACT NO. oo?74 OUT .Aweexlva MoNTHLy RATES oNLyAppLy rF RENT rs pArD rN ADvANcEIVA rHrs EourpMENr FoR RENTAL oNLy. Nor FoR siLE *3005 SITZI"IARK VAIL 09-18-B? o?-18-87 'tf *t** 2958-35 TAMPERS MTREO UsE T CYCLE I'|IX CLEAN ATR FILTER 'E READ THIS ENTIRE CONTRACT ANO THE PART CONCERNINO ING SAME, ANDAGREETO TERM8 ON REVERSE SIOE. JUI'IFIN6 JACI{ ONLY FUEL CAN TWICE DAILY 6C,.OO 240.O0 7?O.QO A CLEANING CHARGE WILL BE MADE IF RETURNED NOT CLEAN Ren -Tl''lench llsrrch ALL Mi f"liE l"li s Tax tr.tlJ, Subtotal ouorE pBEpAlD TorAL CHARGES 8U&rECI CUSTOMER RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRE bNUNCE coLonADo tAW a6NcEniaiNG TiiEFT 0F FENTAIFFOFEFTY. e.F.s.-79, $1F4-{t, AliEt aDEoEi Do ll The E.Z WAY I "f i"##:ffi tri*n*#ff"I9'fr 'Fil+H*iry#Ht",- uro o' po'rcnrr p,opsrry o' '.nothsi, ,,|trldr ls rYtlhblE only lor hllr, tsnt o, thnet o.dac.pllon, o. knowlng lh|t .uch ulc h wlthout conlcnt ol thG porson p|ovldlne t'.,'y'crrc 1 ptop€.ly; or b Hrvlng lr#ullttbldn.d polt.trlon tor tempoBry u86 ot th€ p€rsonal property of anolhar whlch 18 rvrllrblo on ly lorftlb knowln0ly trlll lo mvoal ths wlf,irsabdul! of or lo rolum sNid ptoparly lo tho ownsr thsGot or hlr ropro3€ntallw or to the porEon ttom whom h6 haa rBcslv€d lt wlthln savenlFtwo houru ettot th€ llma |t whlch ho sgro€d lo ralurn ll. 2 Thott ot th€ rontal prop€dy l! | clas!3 mbdomranot wh€rc lhc vrlur ol the prop€dy InYolr,od l! lar! Ul8n tlfiy doll8r8. 3 Thdlt ot rontal prop€rty ls a cls!! 2 mhdsmosnor who(r tha Ysluo of lho propony InYolYod l! fltly dollu! or more ard ls loss than two hundrud doll8t8. 4 Thott of rontal proeny ls a cla88 4 lolony whoro the yaluo o, lho ptop€rty Involved lB two hundt€d dolla.8 or morgbul l€!3 thrn tan lhouland dollarE. 5 Thslt o, r€ntal p.operty lr a clrlr 3 tolony wha]! th. value ol lhr proFny Involvrd l! t€n thoulrnd dolla[3or moro. A. HOLO HARMLESS AOREEUENT. qrstotn .ror!.! to essum.lh. thk! o1,.nd hold D..l3r huml.lt tot' proo€rty damlo€ and p€.sond Inlurlsa cauod by thr gqulpmont Jd,lor arllln0 out ol Daala|,! naellgoncr. B. LOADINO AND UNLOADING GOODs. Curtomlr lr ra.ponrlbl. tor lodlne 3nd unlodlng good!. ll Oealors omployo€salslBt ln lodlnC or unlordlnC thc goods, Olllomfllglrar to$tuma lha thkot' rnd hotd Dealorha;mlg8s lor, any proporty dsmsgo ol poEonsl Inlurlor, Includlng drmaga or Inlutla! dtrlbuteble to ihs nog llgonoe ol lho Dealor of hla €mploya€!. Aweexrv a MoNTHLy RATEs oNLy AppLy lF RENT ts pAtD tN ADvANcErvATHIS EOUIPMENT FOR RENTAL ONLY. NOT FOR SALE REwTAIS, 'NC. E-Z WAY FENTALS 4146?.HWY6&24 VAILr CO 81658(303) 949-5019 TEo TO:- LESSEE .D.I'I. CONSTRUCTION MANA #3005 SAME.u. Erox T ASALT r TroN ft IOENTIFICA O LICENSE RECEIVED 8Y HIKE ETUART ***rt Final Copy *{.**,* ADDRESS AT WHICH EOUIPMENT WILL 8E USEO. - PHotlE .. :: 177-4344 Change Eial e EO 8t621 *EO OUT 942-t REBAR CUTTER YE READ THtS ENTIBE CONTRACT AND THE PART CONCERNING COLORAOO CRIMINAL LAW GOVERNING SAME, AND AGREE TO ALL CONDITIONS, A CLEANING CHARGE WILL BE MADE IF RETURNED NOT CLEAN Rent ench - Tx ench - NT Mi ec I'li sc Hisc Tax D.W. €5r-rbtotal 12.OO 48.OO 144.OO L44.OO 144.0O 5.76 AmounTO AODITIONALTERMS ON FEVERSE 8IOE. CUSTOMER RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRE DAMAGE r49.76 Do It The E.Z E-Z t{AY RENTALS 4I462HWY6&?4 VAIL, CO 8163S(303) 94?-$01? WAY COLORADO LAW CONCERNING IHEFT OF RENTAL FROPERTY. C,R.g. '73,61K{02. AMENOEO BY SESSION LAWS OF COLORADO 1977 t&+a@.lhcft ol rontd Droe.rly.l A psruon commlts tlr6ft ol rarital dr"" tf y ll tlFFll6l'diilll6lffifurry u.a ol pononal proporty ol anolhol, whlah lsav8llabloonly lorhlro, tolnr ot throsl oad€capllon, ofknovdng that suoh urr l! wlthout conr€nl ot the por8oo provldlng k..iolronal prcporty; oa b Hrvlno lrwtully obtrlnad polralllon for lomporDry use ol the perlond prop€rty ot anothgr whlch la srrsl labla on ly lot hlrg knowlngly arlh to rsvet tha wh6alaboulr ol or to ]€tum lrld proprrty to lhc ownr. lha.lol or hlr nplllrntath,o or to tha ponon llorr wl|om ho he! ncalv€d lt vrlthln Ed€nly-two houn rltrr tha tlma d s,frlch ha aorlad to rgturn lt.2 Th.ft ot th. rcntsl Fop€rty l. . cle.! 3 mlrdemf'|o. rfirt tho v.l|| ol lh. propety Involv.d l! l.$ thon tfty dollaru. 3lhsrlolront8lp|opedyl!aol!|!2mlldsmelnorwi.rclhovalu3otlhcp.opcrlylnvolvcdlatlltydol|x: or rnorg and 18les8 lhsn two hundrod dollaru,4 Tholt ot rsnlal proorty ls s class 4 fslony who6 lhe vrlur of tho propcrly Involvrd l! tm hundrod dollars or rnoro but l6aa thgn t€n thouEand dollrn,5 Tholt ol rontal propony l! r clr!! 3 felony whlrr tho vdua ol lho prqpony Involvld l! ton thoulrnd dollgI! or rnofg. A. HOLD HARMLESS AGBEEMENT. Cultomor agncr to rlluma lha rllka ol. rnd hold Oc.lar h!rmla!! lor popsrty dmeOo 8nd porsonal Inludo! 6us€d by tho aqulp|nonl and/olarlalng oul ot llsrlofu nagllolnc€. B. LOADINO AND UNLOADINO OOODS. Curtomer l! ]laponrlblr tor loadlnC and unlo|dlng goodt. It Dealors omploy6s esslEl In loadlne or unloadlng thc good!, Cultom€r aetlat lo|!rum€ lhedlk ot, lnd hold D€al6r harmlsss for, any pmp€rty dansgs or parsonal Inlurle!, Includlng dsm8oo of Inludo! attrlbutsb loths noollgonco of ths tbelororhls employees. A rrar*av e MoNTHLy RATEs oNLy AppLy rF RENT rs pArD rN ADvANcE RENTAIS, 'NC. tvA THIS EOUIPMENT FOR RENTAL ONLY - NOT FOR SALE ENTED TO:- p.u. Box T BASALT, CONSTRUCTION t'tANA *300s 81621 SI TZI'IARI{ VAIL co CONTRACT NO. oo7?o2A Fgl -c0 9??-4384 OUT UIO LICENSE P.O. ' 'antial Retunn Final Copy To Cont # r)07411 Change Sal e Rrr+ nty neiiniit mtn ** -l-rh,^ nnri;'' 'p ttni ,n '''' n;y Weplc o tts.et* p. t ornt?SO2-3 UNILCIANER-LARBE DIESEL lOO.OO ?S,OO 15C).tlo 150.Ot) 600.OO 18OO.t)t) IOSCT.OO FUEL I$ EXTRAI OIL/LUBE DAILY LESSEE RESFCINSIBLE FOR TIRE IIAT4AGE HRS OUT .-HRS IN 3320 .O BIESEL FUEL *2 1.75 T 28.00 AVE READ THIS ENTIRE CONTRACT ANO THE PART CONCEFNING E COLORADO CRIMINAL LAW GOVERNINO SAME, AND AGREE TO ALLCONOITIONS. SSEE X JIPMENT NECEIVEO SUSJECT IO AOOITIONAL TEAMS ON REVERSE SIDE. A CLEANING CHARGE WILL BE MADE IF RETURNED NOT Rent ench - T>l h-NT l,li ec Misc Pli ec Tax n,tll. Siubtotal fteoos i t TOTAL CHARGES to$o.0c) ?8.O0 43.12 1121 .12 CUSTOMEB RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRE DAMAGE ttzt .12 Do li lhc E.Z WAY E-Z WAY RENTALS 4L462HWY6&?4 VAIL, CO 81658(303) 949-5019 rr (JEfrflIrTr\I In;r-r {Jr natl rarl rn\rrana a. w.al.al. I 8E89|ON LAWS OF COLqiA9O 1977 1&+a@. lh.lt ot ?|nI A p€rlon commlts thift of rantal pronenylt flfll6Efi Iry u8e otr A p€tlon commlts lhelt ol ronlal proneny lt lfET-F6Emtmff6mpofsry u8e ot p€ruonrl p.op€rty of rnoth6r, whlch l! avallsbl€ onlytor hlre l€sn! ol thr€st or de€ptlon,'or knowlng that tuch ula l! wlthout conEont ol tho por8on provldlng _,reruonrl proporly; o. b H|vlng lewlully obtrln€d pot8€sslol lot tamDor8 y ura ot th€ D€almd otoD€.ty dt anoth!| whlah l! avdlrbla mly tor hlra k|owlnoly hlh to ray RENTAIS, 'NC. prcporly; or b H|vlng lewtully oblrln€d pot8€s8lon lor tamporsry utr ot th€ p€almdlot tamporsry ura ot th€ p€almd pop€.iy dt anoth!| whlah l! at dllbla mly tor hlra k|owlngly lrltr to rov6+ lhe whorq€boulE of orto f6tum 8ald propofty to the oy'n6r th€rsol oahl! rlgrllcntallw ot lo lha D€rlon lronlh€ f,,horsaboulE ol or to r6tum 8ald proporty lo tho own6r th€rsol o. hl! rlgrllanlatlw ot to iha p€rEon lrot whom ha h|| alcrlvad lt wllhln trvanly-lwo hou6 aftor lh€ llma rl wlrloh ha rgrsod lo rrtum ll.2 Thstt o, tho r8ntalproporty l! r cl8!! 3 mlldomeoor wh6n thovrlua ol tic proporly Involvod tE loss thsn tllly doll8r!,3 Thslt ot rsntal prop6rty ls € clus 2 mlsdomrsnor vdr.r thc vrlso ol th. prop€rty Inyolvad lt tltty dollsrs of morg 8rd l! l€s8lhan lwo hundrDd doll8'r.l Thoftott nlel prosny 18 aclss! 4lelony who]l lho yeluool the prcp€rty Involv€d ls lwo hundrod dollars or moro but loraihan teo lhoulrnd dollars.5 Thott ot r€nlal prope y lB s clslr 3 tolony wh6|r th€ vNlua ot the proporty Involved l! lrn thou!8nd dollats or mor., A. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT, Customer agroc! to assumo the dd(! ot, and hold Darlor humloss lor Ptop9rly dsrnage and p€rsonsl InJurl83 cauEod by th6 oqulpmant and/o.ulllng out ol Or|la/! nogllOonc€. A. LOAoING ANOUNLOADING GOODS. Customor lt r€6ponslbl€ lof lordlngsnd unlordlng good!. ll Oosl€r8 omploy€osalsl8t In loadlng orunlodln0 tho goodr, Curtomar tgr€e! lO |lluma iha ilskol, snd hotd D€!t!r harmt!!8 to., |ny propany d|r go or pa.lond InJurl!|, Inaludlng drmr$ or Inlurl.a rttrtbutsb, to ths nsgllgoncoot lhe Dsrl€r or hl! anplolgr, A wrr*1" a MoNTHty RATE' oNLy Apply rF RENT rs pArD rN ADvANcElvATH]S EOUIPMENT FOR RENTAL ONLY. NOT FOR SALE ENTEO TO:= LESSEE .: J.D.N. CT]NSTRUCTIDNP,0. Eox T SASALT, l"tANA #3005 816? 1 TloN il t+****Final Copy *f*** ADORESS AT WHICH EOUIPMENT WILL BE USEO. 927*43F'4 OUT Change Sal e S I TZNARK VAIL @NTRACT NO. o07s80A Pg: I EO E?S3-1 TAI,IPER-DOUBLE DRUM DIESEL USE *2 DIESEL FUEL-FUEL I5 EXTRA I 10,OO 440.r)O 1320.OO A CLEANING CHARGE WtLL BE MADE IF RETURN ED NOT CLEAN ,oo Renth-Txch-NT PFEPAIO TOTAL CHARGES 77o.Cro 45.OO 3?.60 iVE REAO THIS ENTIRE CONTRACT ANO THE PART CONCERNING :COLORADO CRIMINAL LAW OOVERNING SAME, AND AOREE TO ALL CONOITIONS. isee X TPMENT RECETVED SUSJECTTO ADD|T|OI{AL TEFMS ON REVERSE S|OE. Amoun H isc Misc Miec Tax fi,W. Subtotal CUSTOMER RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRE DAMAGE 847.60 Do li lhc E Z WAY E-Z WAY RENTALS 4146?HNY6&34 VAIL, EB S1658(303) 949-5019 RENtAtS, 'NC. coLottf i?|'H;3[.f;9i,i.n$iJll"ltffi ',#*tfillfliffifi"rary ulo or p€'ton r propcrty o' anothel, yrhlch l! avallsblo onlytor hlro, 'aan! ot thtost ord€captlon, otknowlno thrl luoh u!6l! wlthout conr€nt ot ths psrson irovldlng- ,'Jortonalprop.tlyior b Hsvlng lrwJullyobtdntd p-o!t38llon fo( tomDors.y uso ol th6 personat pmo€i! 9l 8nolhcr whlah la rvalleblo only lor hlre knovylnCly tsll! lo rovoa tha whara$6ut! ot or to return seid property to tha ownrr tharoot or hlt rap(gs3ntctlv€ ot to lho pofEon ftor whom he ha! r€colvod lt wlthln !6vonty-two hourt rlt.t ihotlmaal r,vhlch ha 8gr€sd to rglurn lt. 2 Thsll ol th6 rontalptoperty ls acla$ 3 mlad.m.mor f,'h€|€ lh| valuo ol tha Ptopcrty InYolY.d l! l||! than lltty dolla.8.3 Thdh ot ronial proporty l! E cle!! 2 mlldgmoenof rvhoro th. valus ol lho ptoFny lnvolvrd l! lltty dolllrr or mor€ snd 18loss than lwo hundmd dollan.il Thstt ol r€ntal prcoriy l! r class il tetony whsre tho vsluo ot tho ptopotly lo,,olvod 18 two hund.od dollrrr or mor! but lo$ thln ton lhouland dollalt.5 Tholl ol aontel proporty tB 8 clasr 3 telony whoto tho Yllua ot iho pfoporty Involvod l! lan lhoullnd dollaru or morq, A. HO!.D HARMLESS AGREEMENT. Customd roreo! to aleume tho rllkr ot, and hold D!|l.r h|'mlr!! lor DroDcrlv damEoo and D€rsonsl Inlu.l€s 6ussd by lha oqulpm€ot rnd/or ltlslng out ol Dorlo/t nagllg€nca B. LOAbING A-N O UNLOADTNG GOODS. Custom€r ls f€sponllblo lor loadlng and unloadlng good!. ll Ooalsrs gmptoyo€sa$l8t tn loadlng or unloadlng tho 0ood8, Cultomoragr€es to srlumo thr rlgkol' 8nd hold D€atsrha;mloss for, any proporty dama96 oi p€t8onat Iniu 6, Includlng dsrnago ot InluTlo! eltrlbulab to ths n€Cllgenceol tho Ooal6t or hlssmployoos. A weexly a MoNTHLy RATEs oNLy Apply tF RENT ts pAtD tN AD'AN.ErvATHIS EOUIPMENT FOR RENTAL ONLY - NOT FOR SALE ENIEO TO:- LESSEE J.D.I"I. CONSTRUCTIONP.0, BOX T FASALT, . . roENnFtcATtoN ft l'tANA #300s 81621 OTHER IOENTIFICATION -co UIO LICENSE P.O. I RECEIVEO 8Y *****Pantial Bil I inE For Eont * 0074344 AODRESS AT WHICH EOUIPMTNT WILL BE USED. o074344 Bil I inE *****Ehange 8al e SITZIIARK VAIL CONTRACT NO. ooBolTA cu 2958-32 TAHPERS MTREO USE ! CYCLE MIX CLEAN AIR FILTER 3?58*36 TAI'|PERS t'tTR8o USE ? CYCLE MIX CLEAN AIR FILTER 3320 .16 DIE3EL FUEL #2 JUHPINB JACK ONLY FUEL CAN TUIICE TIAILY JUFIPING JAtrK ONLY FUEL CAN TI^IICE DAILY 60.oo 60 .oo 24O.Ort 7?O.OO 1320.OO 240.00 720,oo l3?o.o0 1 .75 28.0O A CLEANING CHARGEWILL BE MADE IF RETURNED NOT QUOTE Renth-Tx h-NT l"l i ec l.1l Ec Misc Tax D,W. PREPAIO TOTAL CHARGES 264o 2E LD6.7t AVE REAO THIS ENTIRE CONTRACT ANO THE PART CONCERNING E COLORADO CRIMINAL LAW GOVERNING SAME, AND AOREE TO ALLCONOITIONS, SSEE X UIPUENT RECEII/ED SUaJEC-T TO AOOMq{AL TEFMS ON REVEFSE TIIOE. Subtotal Deoosi CUSTOMER RESPONSIBLE FOR ALLTIRE DAMAGE 2774.72 rot 8urc*1 Bc ise Cascade BUilding Materials Center pz [']3,!1U,i6,:13%''"d&'*'' ri:j'- ":'" 303'328'6300rli JDI'1 /stTZI"iAn+i T S,}.Xr?*U, ' tNvotcE S'HlP TO ANY ACCOUNT REFERRED IO COI.I.ECIION rc)R ANY A,\AOUNI BY AN ATTORNEY, BY SUII OR OTHERWISE. S}IAII ENTITIE SETIER TO A REASONABI.E AITORNEY'S FEE. '' *--/ @ Bl,tlot "tntil"fr1?,"," ""n','ll^"-'I-70 (111 E. Chambers Road) Eagle, Colorado 81631 303'328€306 /s-i Trt{ARl{ su8]orAr | 9rssouNr I DRAY^SE I tAx I ,t++holl'.tg.; . ANY ACCOIJNT REFERREO TO COIIECIION FOR ANY AMOUNT SHIP TO 150J9 tot urRc [ 'ise Gascade Building Materials I.70 (111 E Chambers Road) Eagl€, Colorado 81€31 303r3i18€it06 STATEMENI Center . _J: i5,/r-,Yn'mril, SHIP TO tol guRc [ .ise Cascade Building Materials I-70 (111 E. Chambers Road) Eagle, Colorado 81631 303/328.6306 ITZI'I A.R{ I STATEMENT Center r S;{na'nf" so{.o TO SHIP lo €t' AMOUNI .\l t / ANY ACCOUNI REFERREDIO COII.ECTION fOR ANY AMOUNT BY AN ATTORNEY, BY SUII. OR OTHERWISE, SHAIL ENTITI-E :.. ; TI.IE CONTRNCT DOCUMENTS 1,1 The Conlracl Documcnll. lor thls Subco4traci colrrlst of lhls Agrccmcnl and ony txhlblts otlochcd lrctclo, lho ' Agrocrnont bclrvccn thc bwnar rnd Cont.rctor datcd as ol tqarch 18, l9g7 _ ,.llrc Condltlonr of thc 1 Contrlct bctrvccn llrc Owncr nnd Cotrlrlclor (Gcncral, Supplcmcntlry: riqd -othar Conditionl), lha .Drarvingl, thc Specltlcatlons, all Addcndo lssucd prlor to and all tvtoiliflcatlons lssucd allcr cxccullon ol tho Agrcemcnt .. Ueit"idn lha Orvncr ilnd Contnctor ahd agrccd upon by the partlcs lo thls Subcontr.acl. Thcsc form lhc Sub' iontriii, and irc irl lully a part of lhc Subc-ontract ls if ittachdd lo tlils Agrecmcnl or tcpcllcd hereln,. 1,2 Cooicl of tlrc o6ovc documcnts which arc opfrlicablc lo tlrc Work unclcr thls Subcbntrort sholl be lurnithed lo ftr-isJUiontrictor upon hls roqucst. An cnunrcratiorr of tlrc appllcablc Contrnct Oocunrelrls lppcltt in Atll' clc 15. Inlrtalcd ARTICLE 1 ARTICLE 2 : Tlmc ls ol tlrc csscncc of this Subcontr.rct. No axtcnsion of tinrc will bc v:rlid witlroul tlrc Conir clor's writtcn" c6nscnt nttcr chlm modc by tlte.subcoi' tnclo. in accord ncc rvllh Paralirnplr 11.10. Tr.rE wonK 2.1 Thc Subiontraqlor shall farform lll the Work rcquirc<I by llrc Controcl Documcnls for lrrcra ,arcrt t ptccltc tctctlptloo o, thc lyort covcrcd 0y filr Jutrcontrlct Ja., ,r,tc, t(, quatbcrt ol Arlrvrn!, lnd rrrSc t ol SlcCtllcttlcat laClvClnt Adrhadr. lrf odillctlloal lnd lcccpl0., .tllctnttct., Qee ExhLbXt r'3'r (aBcaclred) r r M E o F c o M M E N c r*r t n#*folUrr 0 srl Nr t A L co M P L ET l o N ftf" i3.1 The work to be performed under Ehis subconcracc stiall be commeneed wll cal.endar daya ailer SubconCractors recelpE of NoELce Co Proceed f,ron C'he Conlractor an{, eubJecc go auChorlzecl adJustrnenta, shall be execuCed in accordan' wtth Exhtbl! rrErl (attachcd) t,2 3.3 ARTICLE 4 TI.IE CONTRACT SUM 4.1 Tlrc Cor.rtilcror slr,rll pay thc Subco.ntraclor ln currcntJunds for rhc pcrfbrmincc of thc Wdrk, lubicct 1o oddl' itoil uA clcrjuctlonr'adfioflzccl pursutnl lo Paragraph 11,9, lhc.Contract Sum of {lltEtx;H'is,fl hlltff.1"$'li'Jd;Tsll5'nP,"u"'" dolhts ($ 32,064.0b ,rrftc lcrr ltc &rrc &rtl ot othu luar4g Pavere Brlck/81ock Concrete Chase gptcd rrtcrartrt t^{ uall otlcct. tt tppllctblc) cap --r00._9,9. .32,064.00 AtA DocusrrNt Aror I coNrr^cton.SulcoNllt^clo8 Acrftftr(Nl . fl,cvtNrtr tolTtoN. APRII 19t0 | AlAcOlttl . lll( All(8ICAN lNllllulc Ot AlClllICCI', lttS N(W t1clK AVC.. N,[V.. wAS|||NGTON. O.C. ?0000 4401.1r78 2 ctae4b co OoT (>- =_a r-t C...:;{o ra;-J4\o .; \A (I- d] a! a)) d> I \) o H()tlh & O{ o-r 16\9 o .9n\o oT+-l \9 o { m\n Go'Sl. \>-$ ,.e l\o:J'. A \o FI(,)<&HDooH!d J t\ Os \9 :.4 NJ .( R-"\J O,o (} ;C.> .{- IJ2HA2!l aoH&blA ot{ aoB a& oEI ol-r-l i24 >io(J zoHH(,i:tdHthzo(J A-) ', ca4 C1 5tt, o4 3 il o/J du) c s E.J2g' 6 O ')o7() I t-l q, .3 '5 (J-' .,'Jl (" a C9 & 6 q,, L 6,' o ,-+ 62o ) d oq oo \o o..Acof,- oco.LA A *d rl(4<HO598tsBA o .-9 o\n ,-t Oo\o o\D \o -6 ort (>. .A o'o "( o9o\) S,o II Project Application 7- so' ?3 Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: QL f 7 f6 ,r,nn h'/ l/;//o* ' tt {;'(;---eaLegal Description: Lot Comments: Design Review Board o^t" 7/1o./a \ Motion by: DISAPPROVAL Summary: o",", 9V s,y'q < f"*,,Approval 3 '^*E5H6- FO (2 =(< c F ^ ilrli -:ss FSrsl FS$fil l ",$-A+ \l Sid J ,.tt,.ri1 (\rT(1 t; + \s $ ** 'a*{. ,3\ - cq a f-_+ \g $ -a-fr+. tr\ t ci\cJ{iiF, _1 q\ $ R si -{ t <-i $( \i\fr -+i .t1 Fg 5r_ F Fq j tr\ Xl iii et\s \1 \-\l\. 5-Gf+ is " _n\ r.r, ft :a-- t\ + r.ir 7 T $s*.r $s ./] ,/j:t\d,, ir ,1ttt/\ I/ A.-).. i ; ,/,,r-,ilk' / i ' Lr-"* "'*' iii; iii,i \';;\g ,/,--:- , ,/7 /'t' 'RS #F$ \ strarha Jl''D+tr #H i's s-\ ./ \ tnJ REC'D $'rt :l I 1995 Best copy t,t);, i993 APPLICATION DATE s rcN/AwNrNc tPPLr clrroN Print or Type) PROJECT PERSON SUBMITT]NG noNr,-j/ /l'v0 6a OT OWNER PROJECT C, ",. oF PRoJEct ReFl."c ea;tf;qrq 5,gtl THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAT BY THE APPLICANT PR]OR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE SIGN/AWNING PROJECTING, ETC), INCLUDE SIGN (FREE STANDING, WALL, MESSAGE. B.srGN oR AvlNrNG MATERTAL R "J -ort/ SIZE OF OVERA],L SIGN, 3 .7r fl' SIZE OF LETTERING AND LOGO Available (PIease NAME OF NAME OF ADDRESS ADDRESS SIGNATI'RE LOCATION OF DESCRIPTION NAME oF owNER lcrya A. Navas PnoNn ?tt- 7164 n E. HEIGHT OF DESCRIBE SIGN ABOVE GRADE o/ LIGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSED)gs7,/;,, Flttl G.CONDOMINIUM FEE: $20.00 PATD PLUS $1.00 lpnn souARE LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE ETI ASSOCIAIION APPROVAL (ATTACH) CHECK NO. rOOT OF SIGN AREA. DATE Site PIan Elevations showing exact location of sign or awning on the building Photographs showing proposed location Cofored scale drawing SampJ.e of proposed materials Photograph of sign if available TO: SIGN APPLICANTS When applications for signs are submitted, the foJ-lowing information is required: L. A completed sign/awning applicat.ion (attached) . A site plan shovring the .exact. locat.ion where the sign is to be located. i A photograph if possible and building elevation showing the location of the proposed sign. A scaled drawing which details the design of the sign, as follows: (a) Colored exactly as sign wil-I be.(b) A lisL of materials to be used in sign (metal' wood, canvas, Paint, etc.)(c) Photograph of sign if available.(d) Specific lettering styJ.e and size. 5. If an awning is proposed, submit, drawings showing exacLly how and where the awning is at-tached to the building and how the awning is to be constructed. 6. Description of lightinci that. wil-I be used in conjunction with the sign or awning. If proposing an awning, lighting is not allowed to shine through the entire awning which calls undue attention to the business. Lighting may spotlight only t.he aclual sign lettering on Lhe awning. RECOMMENDATTONS OR POTNTERS 2. 3. t. 2. Check sign code - verify site, height etc. Be specific. vagueness on design, size, const.ruction may delay the approval of your sign.3. Measure frontage of business. APPLICATION FEE WILL BE REOUIRED AT THE TIMB OF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. If this application requires a separate review by any 1oca1, State or Federal agency ot.her than the Town of Vail, the applicaLion fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permit.s, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The appticant shal-J- be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the applicat,ion fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re- pubticat.j.on shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed hry the Community Development Department have significant des.i.gn, ]and use or other issues which may a significant irnpact on the communit.y may require review by consultants other that town staff. Should a determination made by the town staff thaL an outside consultant j-s needed to have beto review any applicaEion, Community Development may hire an consultanL, it shall estimate the amount of money necess pay him or her and this amount sball be forwarded to t the applicant at the time he files his application !^ti Comnunit.y Development, DeparLment. Upon completionof the application by the consulLant., any of the f by t.he applicant for payment of tle consultant w been paid to the consultant shall lbe returned t2 Expenses incurred by the Town in qlges: of t.he,ll by the applicant shall be paid to'the Town within 30 days of not.ificaLion by the To tside Best copy t,t);, i993 APPLICATION DATE s rcN/AwNrNc tPPLr clrroN Print or Type) PROJECT PERSON SUBMITT]NG noNr,-j/ /l'v0 6a OT OWNER PROJECT C, ",. oF PRoJEct ReFl."c ea;tf;qrq 5,gtl THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAT BY THE APPLICANT PR]OR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE SIGN/AWNING PROJECTING, ETC), INCLUDE SIGN (FREE STANDING, WALL, MESSAGE. B.srGN oR AvlNrNG MATERTAL R "J -ort/ SIZE OF OVERA],L SIGN, 3 .7r fl' SIZE OF LETTERING AND LOGO Available (PIease NAME OF NAME OF ADDRESS ADDRESS SIGNATI'RE LOCATION OF DESCRIPTION NAME oF owNER lcrya A. Navas PnoNn ?tt- 7164 n E. HEIGHT OF DESCRIBE SIGN ABOVE GRADE o/ LIGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSED)gs7,/;,, Flttl G.CONDOMINIUM FEE: $20.00 PATD PLUS $1.00 lpnn souARE LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE ETI ASSOCIAIION APPROVAL (ATTACH) CHECK NO. rOOT OF SIGN AREA. DATE Site PIan Elevations showing exact location of sign or awning on the building Photographs showing proposed location Cofored scale drawing SampJ.e of proposed materials Photograph of sign if available TO: SIGN APPLICANTS When applications for signs are submitted, the foJ-lowing information is required: L. A completed sign/awning applicat.ion (attached) . A site plan shovring the .exact. locat.ion where the sign is to be located. i A photograph if possible and building elevation showing the location of the proposed sign. A scaled drawing which details the design of the sign, as follows: (a) Colored exactly as sign wil-I be.(b) A lisL of materials to be used in sign (metal' wood, canvas, Paint, etc.)(c) Photograph of sign if available.(d) Specific lettering styJ.e and size. 5. If an awning is proposed, submit, drawings showing exacLly how and where the awning is at-tached to the building and how the awning is to be constructed. 6. Description of lightinci that. wil-I be used in conjunction with the sign or awning. If proposing an awning, lighting is not allowed to shine through the entire awning which calls undue attention to the business. Lighting may spotlight only t.he aclual sign lettering on Lhe awning. RECOMMENDATTONS OR POTNTERS 2. 3. t. 2. Check sign code - verify site, height etc. Be specific. vagueness on design, size, const.ruction may delay the approval of your sign.3. Measure frontage of business. APPLICATION FEE WILL BE REOUIRED AT THE TIMB OF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. If this application requires a separate review by any 1oca1, State or Federal agency ot.her than the Town of Vail, the applicaLion fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permit.s, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The appticant shal-J- be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the applicat,ion fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re- pubticat.j.on shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed hry the Community Development Department have significant des.i.gn, ]and use or other issues which may a significant irnpact on the communit.y may require review by consultants other that town staff. Should a determination made by the town staff thaL an outside consultant j-s needed to have beto review any applicaEion, Community Development may hire an consultanL, it shall estimate the amount of money necess pay him or her and this amount sball be forwarded to t the applicant at the time he files his application !^ti Comnunit.y Development, DeparLment. Upon completionof the application by the consulLant., any of the f by t.he applicant for payment of tle consultant w been paid to the consultant shall lbe returned t2 Expenses incurred by the Town in qlges: of t.he,ll by the applicant shall be paid to'the Town within 30 days of not.ificaLion by the To tside PLEASE }IAKE TOWN OF VAIL DEPA RT;\{EN.T OF COM]VIL|NITY DEVELOP}TENT . S.TLES ACTlON FOR}T - t> 0t 00004t510 zcl\].,\.*c .{'l\D A DDR.Ess llAls 0t 0c00{24t5 LNT.TO R\ { B L'IL DL.'G C O D E UMFOL\I PLUVSI\C CODE0t 0000{24t5 0t 0000 42.il 5 UM FOR\'I :\fECHAVC^L CODE 0t coco rx{ 15 UNIFOfu\I F:IR€ CODE 0l 00C)Oi2{15 N,\TIONAL ELECTR'CAL CODE . s-':0.00 0r 0000 .{24 t5 OT]IER, CODE EOOKS BLUE PR[\rIS oIYLARS0l 0000 .l1543 0l 0001.r2112 | >:ERoxcoPEs/s'iuDIEs 0t 00c€ 1?37t PENA I.TY FE ES / R 8.I,..-S PECNON S 0l cr3c0.il 332 PL,L\ RE\/IEIV RE.CHECX FEE [S<O FER, }'R.I 0l 0cco 42323 OFF I.:OUR,S D.iSPECNON FELS CONTL\CTORS LICE\S ES FEIS0t 0010 jut2 0t 0000{r330 N APPLICAT'ION FEE ADDITIONAL SICNAGE ;;E IS I .OC PgR SO.IT 0r 0ct012{.:0 lTC ART PF,OJECT DONAT]ON 0t crcso.{t33t PRE PAJD DESICN R,EVINV BOARD FEE 0l 000042412 BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COMPUTER DI 01 0000 42371 TNVESTTGATIoN FEE (BUTLDING) 0t c'9J0.1t330 leYTERtoR :TTR.{T]ON ITiO EVELOP:\fENT DISTRICT IT(NOR Aj\I E\1) I .:, * * * * * * .* * * a7lg | '-l Ne ?5226tir RECEIVED ADDRESS Permit Numbe$ HOW PAID--Castt Tfflrl}.l OF tJFl I l- l"li scel l aneous Castr El9-:I-Sf,16; 17:53 F:etrFiFt S 13811? Flcrount * JTEGE I..IPUHs I}I[]IRH EE Flnisun t tsrrdered ) Item paid ElEr3F$41413F88t [:h.:rnge rB t urnBd :' FRINTBF.:LI5H\5IGI.I gFF F iEr.6A fu.nt paid ?F.68 B. EE THFIhIK \fOIJ 'y'sur ceshier EEFTTHH Project Application /tzt/t'/,/42i^r^L tTz 'ltE //al'lk |t:/t,r/-//Vfrr,.* < ,4** {a fr//;'a fqf 7r7( Owner. Address and Phone: y',+ 't (r f //',7 ,/%' 5aa / Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol 5/TZ//ilEk z-<) ,, 'r r /' - Btocx sb . Fttins yl/ / ' F/z/n'4 ' zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL summary: Alt'oo f Q 'fl'/ ,t "r^uApproval 4DA-.t-.0? FDI 1F'/a ,tno** *o*, FAX No, lorurro, F I Per '/ q,r {ih I t rst r 2A39498233 revlgsd DRB AFFLTCITIOII * TOIgIf 'OF VtrIL, COTORADO DAr4 .APFLICATTON nECEII/ED ; DATB OF DRB MEETING: **r*,t*t*f* TIIS TFPLICArION I{I',L NOI BE ACCEPTTDLrfllIL ll.t RIQUIF,ED INFOnUAIIION Ig $tfHl'fltrllotttttttr*i PEo')E$r, ltrLQst4Ap r-QN, : P, 0l P-61 9l4lsl. I. A.DESCRIPTION.! B.TYPE OF' REVIEII: c. n ew constsucBion {$?00.00} ){.Hinor Alteratton t$20.00) Additlon ($s0.00)gonceptual Revlew (90) }DDRESS: DEGAI. DEEQRIPTTON: I,oI Eloclr $ubdivielon LOT ARBA: tf required, applicant stamped survey ehowing lol area. NAHE oE ABpLrcANr..-'*(,P..ffHfr-_- .. .*, -*-"^",,.-Malling Address: If property Ls descrlbed byde,sqripbioil. please provlde attach to this applicatlon- zoNING: # I a meets and bounds leEal on a separate sheet and li F u. K. must provlde a currEnt n-NAME OF APFTICAN?I$ REPltall Phon€ Phone Phcne ri'7 3 I Aal r , NAME OF O9INERS: *srGNtrTnRE ("r, '' r&r./rft/ 7-fu.d ,-4FMallins Addre6sr.JKJ__,eriF ,,{EF€,x. .!.L?_ _.__- - . -.__ Condpmlnlum Approval if applicable. DnB FE0t DRB f,eesr as shown above, are !o be paid atthe Llme of subnlttal of DF-E applicatlon, Laler, whenapplying for a buiiding pennit, please identify the Sccurate valuation of the propo$al . The Tovn of Vailwill adjust the fee accordlng t0 th6 tabl€ below, to, ensure tha correct fee is baid. FEE FATD: FEE SCHEDUI,E: YALUATlONs 0-$ 10,000$:0,c01 -$ 50.000.$50,001 -$ 150.000 9150100r - I 500.000 s500r 001 * $1r 000.000$ Over $1,0001 000 .f DASItrN B&IMNI' AOARD TIPBfirII, E)(gtrREE O}TE YE[R, .ISTER, FrEIl, I.DPBO\'}L I'NIJESS A -BUII'Dtr}Ig DEHMIT IS I9SUED A}ID CONSTRUCIION Ig STARffiD. r*UO I,IILIf,ATION WII,I. BE PROCESSED IgItrHOOr OW}IER.' S SIGINTSNTtt .' ,.(r.r,, / tt'E1 rr s 20.00 $ s0.00 9100.00 $200,00 $400.00 $500 .00 "r"l)10, _l ot : a :) Op _CIo l- C) c_o 4t5t93 Departm€nt of Community Dwelopment Townof Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail,CO Re: Hot tub deck Sitzmark Indge :f,$! APR 5 tgs The Sitzmark Indge is planning r@airs of a hot tub located on ttre secorr{Urct pmt d€ck In addition 6 tbitrot tub-Uei?rg replaced ttre deck will be enlarged slightly for purposesof equipment pl*emenl The present wood surround will be denged to tileb maichtrepml deck vizual expozure of this hot nrb area and the minor revision from r, I'm requesting that this item be rwiewed at stafflwel. oNI @ 0o 0 o o0 c o o oIoo x oo ri o J o E CI o ooo d €t DuanePiper PLEASE }!AKE CHE TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTi\{E}iT OF COM;VIL|NITY DEVELOP}IENT' ILES ACTION FOR}{ SOUTH FRONTAGE ROADq0L0MD0 81657 ZCND{G .r!\D A D DRESS I'{APS0t 0000 4 t510 0l cs00421t5 IINIFOL\ { B I'LDI..'*G CO D E UMFOR.\{ PLUMIL\G CODE0t ol00-r24t5 0l 0000 42.t t 5 UNI FOR}.I jWECHA}']CAL CODE UNIFOfu\{ FIRE CODE0r 0000 {2{ t5 N,\TtONAL ELECTRICAL CODE0t 0000 {2115 OTIIER CODE EOOKS0t 0000 .{24 t 5 BLUE PRf,\IS OIYLARS0t co00{1543 0l 00co{24t2 >:EROX COPTES / S'iUDIES PENA I.TY FEES / R E.[\ISPECTJONS0t 00co42371 ot croco{t332 i PL,IV nEvlErvRE.CHECK FEE ts.(o FER HR. OFF HOURS [\isPECNON FEES coNTit lcToRs LtcE\SES FE]S0t 0000.11.112 SICN APPLICAT'ON FEE 0t c800.{t330 .0t cs00 4 t4)3 ADDITIONAI, SIONACE ';E ISt.OO ':ER, SO.IT.0t 00co4t{t3 PRE PAJD DESIGN REVIEW BO^RD FEE0t 0c001r33t BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COMPUTER D0t ccp,0424L2 0r 0000 42371 rNvEsTrGATroN FEE (BUTLDTNG) 0t 0000dt330 * * F ,t * * * * *. rlCT?T-tbth|lu RECEIVED ADDRESS Permit Numbers ttlf ?AD-6-Chr*.:- r - ,6i ji -l-i_tl+lt-{ clF r--.rR I1_ l'1i;;eI laneolr-= C.fsh Ne 40010 I . ( ( i1::-1r1f, I t:nr p.n i d :ii ::'i1'::',-1.:1 { f :-1. i.li:ii:il ' 1. r: j. ' -r'!.;1;'"i6,.-i : '', i: "r, :'F:li f- !:F. :ir, Lu Fl$truni. Fsid :t ii , tttj ,-{ '_rn -l-HFtt--tl.i \J0l-l |,:.1 :.. i',- ;:.,;rir1i,.i Ij,'[:il-f!'.li:l ,t ll oz E =t lrJo- c ccc o(c (Yl c ccc (I o ooo r.o6l u)(\Isf 4 (n IJJuru- ts =E UJo- o'Jhlte2fr:V" . 23 ltrlt_ pd IJF+@@oh ohi-hT1tu#a< 50-ro -l t' | | ..I toI I'u J*l! +El i geI E I I Iz.*,d< eE# tvHs IIJz-o ulIF oz ( , ,b 4, dv4tt fr ,ri ,5 q , -/, ,y. ) ( ,9!t f,, o o {D -g-oE .9 o. a(t c 'oF oG o oooco .stt o o' ot' (! oEoo ol E lE? E. o =c) Eo o cllo.o ; .g (, ---oc6 * 6.o) iE€: €fr gE E B€E =gEE c I6 E.I of o,. !EiF :-€ 8E, SesF Elsecl 6 cL- : $Eie.o!-o-or =*e€.9666 HEE H' ESqEr- oE 9' r! O'- .=t= o (,' $;ii: P I--o; I ;EiE l eEg:l - O 63 t oo Nt\r\ Oo rr) Lo F{ €st o orOC! o !r) (') c o ooro rJ(\ c\ <\l ro ce E =Eu,o.(' =oI x uJ ()z Jo- J o EF C)!u UJ z .D =fJc J oz Io UJ = ulurt!zo F ut uJ o @ =UJ qJ zo uJ EgJ z !J x F uI U' ct UJ Llju- tr =E IJJ o- J FoF o =oJ 5 @ J IEFo IIJJUI oz co-:fJc J C)z o uJ- F F NO[Vn'lVA :ltl-t ;=oo3nz uj-90=tt Z'= =gtsOF =-rffi UJOJJrl EEtlHa, rl : >E =ur z95cE9.nO1>9(,9Zl!<o* ^'oEt -i$i z 9F fJ tt ti 0 ulo. F oo c)o ro 6.'st E o- l,u .x J z E )rtg z tr E uJFJ : 3 uJ2) tltltltltl lt) 2 z9e<o6< EElE6: <z at, E2,. 9z d6}E u,l JJ E oq ulzYI ul 2o F J z ct @J =F uJ = at, 0z Y o =at)) rr) @ Fl oo t; ;,;l Io N I co d.u-E E 1& ., 2p d ,ro t lt lrJ E(too?zo Fo. uJY UJlo oF ts lrPBrr 9ro.lt*lo '-lo'il loJ gur 2E WI EEi aHg 6En t G IIJo-t!oEE E<Cl]€fre9!a SEE ;=E 5E: >o-i 8t9 \rsE XO.E ;-Euloi!E ul @o z o9ze coo =z)> dP F =E lrJ o-zoF C) -EF(tzo C) t! o! .r l"l HI 1il lslotzF-.i Y r.r-- t!(5ooJ :Z =NF a/1 uJ =z @o-' I I I! IulE a .Yo aJl-(-) g o(!, (f)or{ Loo- = l! thtt uJe J = |f)f'xo srt\ t\ Io! o- o E - I(')lr) !i u =ea€l'lqa-1 ael ll-l =q ci 0ut : <i>l t!lol 2l 3loFI =e l! o (9 url 5l ei>i ltlol zl BIoFI = u,l o olul 5til>l ttlolzIoiH tr z ci UJE J <l tt z3 FI UJJ urF E IJJz =o F() UJ ts ot t -rO<FG()uJ<zg,UJFtrt zoo JT<((Jlc: 'lttrt ur(( E ( - )) o26 =f Jo- ?) Y z ) c)z o uJ = ?)( =) -) eng+EOz o() J<()q8 a. I Town o{ Vai I 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Dolorado 81657 Pl an correcti on baged on the 1985 Uniform Br-rildino Code Froject Id. SITZf"lARlt ADD. Addregs: VAIL VILLAGE Date: April 32, 1987 Contractor: JDf'l trENST. Occltpancy: Bl rB?rAJrRl Architect: FIFFR Type of Const: II*IHR Engineer: CHARLES ZEtrl{ER *2e.73 , Flans Examinerr GARY I{URRAIN # SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTiON REGUIRED 1 ALL All sheets to be starnped and gigned by an Architect or Engi neer regi gtered in thig gtate. 3 A? NORTH tr hlESl'SIDES This e>lterior wall is reqr-rired to be a I houtr assernbly due to it's location on property --Table 5-A AII el ements o+ the strncturral frame are reqLrired to have I hr fire protection. -- Table 17-A and Sec. 170t. 4 A7 HORIZDNTAL STRUCTURAL I,IEI"IBER5 SUPFORTING I'IORE THAN ONE FLOOR OR A ROOF NEED TO BE INDIVDUALLY F.ROTECTED SEC.43OIi (A) 6 5 All el ements o{ the FtructLrral frame are FeqLrired to have I hr fire protection. -- Table 17-A and Sec. L7Q2. The ceiling o{ the basernent is required to be a thr assernb 1y. -- Sectisn 17O3. THE BASEPIEF]T CEILING IN THE EARAEE NEEDS TO HAVE lHR RATEING OVEF FOAT,I PLASTICS B The ceiling o{ the bagement is required to be a lhr as6e.nbly. -- Section 17O3. 9 ENTRY DOOR Note: l'lanlrally operated edqe or surr{ace-monnted {Lush bolts are prohibited. -- Sec. 33(:14. (c) 1(:, A3 ENTRV DOOR The doors {rorn this area are requri red to swing inthe direction of exit travel. -- Sec. 33O4. (b) 11 A4rAE SRD & 4TH FLOORS This corridor has an erea greater than 3(-t +t. that doeg not have accesg to an exit in both d i rect i ong. -- sec . 53()5. ( e ) trENTER STAIR The walls of this e>tit enclosLrre do not cornply witht hr fire assembl y construrction. -- Sec. I3rl)9. (b) 1? Fage * 2 equired corrections for I iJ:".t Id.: SITZHART< ADD' ,ddiess: VAIL VILLAGE i' "=;irl?' " r #i;;fi cAr r oN - -------::::::::::=:::::::: : !t !!ag Fgt !riil ti = 13 CENTER STAIR OpeninEs to the'exit enclogure are required to be I hr {tre aggernblies' -- €ec' 53o?' (c) t4 CENTER STAIR Ont'y required exit doors are allowed to open into an exit "iti"t"t"' -* Sec' 330?' (c) Include a copy of the soils report for the gite to be built on. Show aII desiEn loads used in !,T:. O"tinn of thic buildinq on the pi;;;' (gnowl wind' seiamic' live' etc. ) Frovidethecompletewinddeeigncalculationgwithall load anu roai-li*ili""ti"ns for al I members and .onttections. -- ChaP' 25 15 16 t7 d -. -- .t." n" /L./ L Town o{ Vai I 75 S. Frontage Road Vailt Colorado At637 Plan analyeis based on the 1985 Unif orm Er-ti lding trode Project Id: SITZI"IARH ADD. Address: VAIL VILLACE Occupancy: Fl tB?rASrRl Type of Const: II-IHR Date: ApriI 21t Lg87 Contractorl JDl"l CONST. Architect: PIFER Engineer: trHARLES] ZECHER *2 Flans Examiner: 6ARY HURRAIN NOTEIThe code items listed in this repart are not intended to be a complete tisting of all possible code requirements in the 1?85 UBC. It is a guide to gel ected gections of the code. ==== = ==== ======= ======== = = === ======= = === =E === = = = = = == = * == = = = = = = = = = = ======= = =!g = = = TYPE OF CONSTRUCTItrN: I I-IHR SEFARATII]N DIREtrTION FOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PRBTECTIEN NORTH Public WaY 6?.O Feet 32.0 Feet EAST Building 16.0 Feet l3.O Feet SOUTH Pubtic Way 4Ct.O Feet ?O.O Feet WEST Fr-rbl i c Way 4(r. O Feet 3O. O Feet Area i ncreaged 5O 7. for trpcrn area on 3 sides. NAME OCC AREA ALLTIWED A/A OCC LT]AD REtr'D EXITS EXIT WIDTH 4 Apartment,/Condo Rl TT]TAL 3 Hotel./Hotel Rm Rl TT]TAL 3 Hotel /l'lotel Rm Rl TOTAL 1 Dining Roorn A3 1 l{i tchen (Comrn) 82 1 Hotel,/Hotel Rm Rl I O{{ice B2 I Retail Sales Rm BZ TOTAL E Farking Garage 81 E Retail Sales Rm B2 E Lobby A3 TOTAL BUILDING TDTAL * N0TE: Indicates that # NOTEI Indicateri that IAC,C, ?O35C, rl. {)9 IBOO ?Cll5O O. C)9 7t:t=b 39256 Q.35 7056 ?O?5r) O.55 7.:)5b ?O?50 0.35 7056 ?Q?50 (t.35 2(lo0 20250 0. 1() BB4 zX)OO O.0.3 54orl 2tl250 Ct. 17 74C, ?70C)C, r-,. OS 3750 ?7C'OO S. 14 LCr774 23135 0.47 739? ?7QQfi $.77 458? 27OCr0 O. 17 4?O 2025() ct. 02 12394 ?6698 0.46 ?,66A6 4?647 0.63 thig occupancy is not this occurpancy ig an 9 I o. 18 s( 9) 2 0.lB( 0. 18) 35 2 c).7 L 35( 40) 2 0.711 0.BO) s5 ? o.71 35 ( 55) ? Q.7r ( 1. l0) 133 2 2.67 4 r o.09 L7 2 t1.34 7 r Q. 15 1?5 2 2.50 :El7 ( 314) 2. 3.74( 6.27' 37 ? o.74 r53 2 3.O5 60 2 1.?o =56 1 {(r3) 2 4.99 ( g. 04) 367 allowed on this floor-Table 5-D accessory area-Sec. 33O?. (a) exc. REOUIRED T]trtrUFANCY SEPARATIONS R1-A3 I hr RI-BZ t hr R1-81 3 hr The seParation maY a capaci t-y less than I Persons.A3-81 3 hrB?-Bl I hr be two hours i+ limited -- Tabte 5-B footnote *t to vehicles wi th A1 I qlazinq be t:f safety \ in haeardous locations (see gection 5406. (d)) is requi red to glating material . -- Sec' 5406' HANDTCAP FEGUIREHENTS: Handicap access is required to this buitding. -- Sec. 3301.(e) and Table 33-AIf a ramp is used for handicap access, the max slope is llll. -- Eiec 53Ct7. (c) If water fountains are provided, one must have a spoltt within 33 incheE ofthe floor and up-front controlg. -- Sec. Fll. (c) TI]ILET FACILITIES: 1. All doorways leading to a toilet room for handi capped are required toprovide 3? inches clear width. -- Sec. Ell. (a) ?. Frovide 44 inches clear on ea,ch side of doorways. -- $ec. E1l.(a) l.3. Frovide a 60 inch diameter clear area within the toilet room(s). -- Sec.511. (a)2. 4. Provi de a clear area 4l incheg wide and 48 inches long in {ront o{ atleast one water closet. If in a compartment and door is on the side,provi de a clear access r.lidth o{ 34 inches. Door rnay not encroach intocleeF area. -- Sec. 511. (a)3. 5. A 48 tnch access width is required to the handicap compartment. -- Sec. 511. (a)3. 6. Grab bars are required behind and on one side or on both gides ofhandicap water closet. Side bar is reqt-tired to be 4! inches long (min) and e>ttend 24 inches in {ront of water closet, Rear bar is to be 24 incheslong in a roon or 36 inches long in a compartrnent, Fars are to be 33inches to 36 incheg above the floor. -- Sec. 911. (a)4. 7. Frovide a clEar area utnder at least one I avatory. SO inches wide X 29inches high X 17 inches deep mininum. -- Sec. Fll. (b)1. 8. The bottom of one mirror, opening of a towel +ixture, and disposal fixtureis required to be within 40 inches of the {Ioor. -- Sec. 511.(b)2.&3.R-T HANDICAP REOUIREI"IENTS: IF there is more than 20 r-rnitg on the site, handicap units are required.2l throlrgh g? units on si te-one lrnit lcrCt Er over-ontr plus one for each additional l Oc-t units o{ {raction thereofAll doors in the ltni t are requrired to provide 3? inches clear width.Toilet facilitiet in these r-rnits are requrired to co,nply with Sec. 5tl.These requirernents are per Sec. l?1I.The 60 inch clear area is not required within units. -- sec. Etl.(a)1.Grab bars are not required r^rithin a dwelling unit. -- Sec. Fl1.(a) 4.The sink clearance, mirror heightn and {ixture height are not required withina handicap unit. -- Sec. 911. (b) EXTERIT]R WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OFENING PROTEtrTION NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC ER6 NON-ERG OFNE BRG NON-FR6 OFNG FRG NON*BF(B OPN6 BRG NON*FR6 OFN6hJALL WALL PROT WALL bIALL FROT I^,ALL WALL FRQT WALL WALL FROTRl Cthr Ohr None Ohr t)hr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ai thr thr None thr thr None lhr thr None lhr thr None B2 ohr olir None thr thr None (,hr c)hr None ohr ohr None Fl {thr (-,hr None thr thr None rf,trr (lhr None Ohr r_rhr None The exterior walls are required to be o{ N0NCOMFIUSTIBLE rnaterial .None -- No {ire protection requri rements for openings.Frot *- openingg are to be protected with 3/4 hr {ire agsembl ies. 5t)7. o+ the area of the wall rnaxirnnm. Sec EO4. (b) NDP -- Openinqs are not permitted in thig wall.'* -- These walls may be reqr-rired to have a parapet wall 3Cr inchesabove the roofing. The parapet wall is reqlri red to have the samefire rating as the wal 1. See section l7C)9. for details and exceptions. OTHER BUILDINB ELEI"IENTS Tab]e 17-AELEMENT MATERIAL FIRE RATING NOTE5 AND EXCEFTIONSInterior Bearing wall NDNCOI.IEUSTIBLE t hr.Interi or nonbrg wal I NoNcol'{BUsrrEtLE I hr. sec. 17(ls. (b ) ?.Strurctrrral Frarne NONCO|,|HUST i BLE I hr .Er:teri or $truct Frame See footnote *1Shaft Enclosurre NONCOI{BUSTIBLE l hr.Fl oorlf,ei l i ng Assernbl y NTNCOFIBUSTIFLE t hr.Roo{/Ce,iling AssembLy NONCOMETUSTIBLE t hr.Stairs NONCOPTEUSTIBLE NONE Sec. ZCrC,4. ,lBOg. FBOTNBTES: 1) Minimum on exterior side algo based on e>lteri or brg. walI reqtrirements.Frovide a thr ceillng in the basement. -- Sec. I7OJ. Based on section f,?O?. (b) The roo{ing on this building is to be fire retardant.see section 3?o3. (e) and rEEE research reports {or requri rements. EXIT NOTES: Stairways connecting 3 or more floors are reqlri red to be in exit encltlElrresThe walls o{ the enclosure are reqr-rired to be l hr fire assembl ieg.The openings into the e>rit s?nclosure are required to Lre t hr assembl ieE.A connection to the exterior is requi red with the same fire protection as theexit encl crsLlFe. *- $ec, 33t19. (d) A barrier ig required at grade level . *- Sec. .l. O?. (e) At I east one stairway is reqnired to e>rtend to the roof unlegs roof slope isgreater than 4:1?. -- Sec. 33O6. (o) The space utnder the stairs (enclosed or not) may not be used for any pLrrpose.__ Sec. 3:;r-,9. ({) See section 33Ct9. for additional in{ormation. bli thi n a dwel I i ng urni t: A stairway in a dwelling mr-rst be at least 36 incheg wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc.*1 The rnal.ri rnrtrn ri ":c' n{ r qien is f| inches and the ani ni rnlm rrrn ig g ' in€hee. at I a2. ""'.ftrovide a guhnd Fail where drop o{{ ia greater than so inchrg. ' ilinlmuot heiEht=$6 inches, maxinum opening size=6 inches. -- sec.l7ll. exc 2 The.mininum headroorn ig 6 ft.- 6 inches. -- Sec. 35O6. (p) Provide a sclf-closingr.| 3/1 inch thick, solid cErE! ornoncombugtible door between basement and lst story. -- sec. lzos.T[e maximum t,ravel distanca in this building ie ISO feet. .r- Sec.s303. (d, .'^, .'.t ADDITIT]NAL REEIUIREPIENTS EASED ON T]trtrUPANCY For R1 occupancy Storage and lautndry rooms used in co.n,non by tenantg to be separatedby a one hour occupancy separation. -- Sec. l?O?. (b) A {ire alarm system may be required in this br_rilding. *- Sec. 1202. (b) Provide a window or door to the exterior f rctm every room used forsleeping. A wi ndow must provide a clear open area of 8.7 sq.{t., a clear heightal ?4 incheg, and a clear width o{ IO inches(minimum). -- Sec. l?O4. Al I' habitable rooms requrire exterior glazed openings equal to lOZ or rttore of the floor area. (min lO sq.ft.) -* Sec. l2OE.(a) Al I habi tabl e roortts reqlti. re an openabl e er:teri or openi ngs equal to 37.or more of the floor area. (min 5 sq.+t.) -- Sec. l?OE. (a) The minimurn ceiling in a habitabre space is 7 feet 6 inchee exceptkitchens, halls, and baths may have a ceiling height of 7 feet.Sec. -* l?O7. (a) Floor*1st Occurpancy-Hotel/Hotel RmCorridorg servi ng an occurpant load of 1(:r or .nore are required tohave thr constrlrcti on and rated openi ngs -- Sec. JJOF. (g)&(h) Exits are required to be separated by t/? ot the diagonal of thisarea. -- Sec. 33t)3. (c) Fl oor-?nd Occurpancy-Hotel ./l"lotel RrnEorridors servi ng an occlrpant load of 1o or Jnore are reqr-rired tohave thr constrlrction and rated openi ngs -- sec. srr)5. (g)&(h) Exits are requrired to be separated by L/? at the diagonal of thisarea. *- Sec. 33r)3. (c) Fl cjor-3rd Occurpancy-Hotel /plotel Rrncorridors serving an occupant Load of lo or more are required tohav€ thr conEtruction and rated openings -- Sec. gSOg. (g)&(h) Exits are requi red to be separated by L/z at the diagonar of thisar€?a, -- Sec. S3rlE. (c) For A3 occupancy An auttomatic { i re-ex t i ngui sh i ng systern is reqlrired in the basement. -- $ec.3802. tc)2. An automatic sprinkler system is required in enclosed usable spacebelow or over a stairway. -- Sec. Sg0?. (c)4. Fl oor-FSl"lT 0ccupancy-Lobby Exit signs are required {rom all areag gerving an occupant load o{ 5t)or rnore. -- Sec. 3514. (a) corri dors servi.ng an occupant load o{ io or .nore are required tohave lhr constrlrction and rated openings -- Sec. jFLlS. tg)&(h)Exits are requi red to be separated by l/2 at the di agonal of this BFEea. -- Sec. 33O5. (c) Doors are required to swing in the direction of exit {rorn thig area. -- Sec. S3C,4. (b) Exit doors ar€r required to have panic hardware. 9ee exception {or nain door. -* Sec. 33lB. (a) The capacity o{ this area is requri red to be posted at AO occupante. -- Sec. 33OI. (c) FI oor-1st Occupancy-Di n i ng Room Exit signs are required from all areas serving an occr-rpant I oad of 5Cror tnoFe. -- Sec. 3314. (a) Corridorg serving an occupant load of 3O or more are requrired tohave thr congtructi on and rated openings -- Sec. 3305. (g)&(h) Exits are required to be separated by I/? at the diagonal of thisaFea. -- Sec. 33t13. (c) Doorg are required to swing in the direction o{ exit from this area. -- Sec. 3304. (b) Exit doors are requi red to have panic hardware. See exception {or rn,r'i n r{nar -- ear == I ll /.: I J Tng capacity of this area is required to tre pc'sted at 1.j..5 occupants. . -i J--!, ..-\/ gec. 33(:,2. (c) For E? occupantry In al 1 areas customari I y occr-rpi. ed by hLrmans, provide natural orartifical I ight and venti lation, -- Sec, 7OS.Floor-B5l"lT Occupancy-Retail SiaIes RrnExit signs are requi red {rom all areag serving an occupant I oad of 5Cror more. -- Sec. 3314. (a) Corridere serving an occupant load of Srf or {nore aFe reqr-rired tohave thr congtruction and rated openings -- Sec. S3OS. (g)&(h) Exits are required ttl be separated by t/z a4 the diagonal of thisarea. -- Sec. 33(,S. (c) Doors are required to swing in the direction o{ exit {rorn this area. -- Sec. 5SO4. (b) Floor-lst Occupancy-Retai I gal,es RmExit signs are requtired from all areas servi ng an occupant load o{ 50orunore. -- Sec. 5314. (a) corridors serving an octrupant load of Bo or more are required tohave lhr construction and rated openinEs -- Sec. 3308. (g)E<(h) Exits are required to be separated by t/2 o* the diagonal of thisarea. -- Sec, 3305. (c) Doorg are requtired to swing in the direction of exit {rorn this dF€s1. -- Sec. S3O4. (b) For 81 occupancy Devices generating a glow or flame are required to be 18 inches abovethe {loor. -- Sec. 708. The minimurm clear height is reqr_rired to be 7 {eet. -- Sec. 7O9. (d) Farking garages require a ventilation system that exhaugts 1.5 cfmper sq. f t. of {loor area. -- Sec . 7CrE. Fl oor-FSl*lT Occupancy-Par k i ng GarageCorri dors serving an occurpant load of 3O or rnore are required tohave thr congtruction and rated openings -- Sec. ISO5. (g)&(h) Exits are reqni red to be separated by t/? at the diagonal of thisaree. -- Sec. 53Cr5. (c) Provide a noncotnbustible, nonabsorbent floor sur{ace whene motorvehicleg are parked. -- Sec. ZO2. (b) _4. Opr a--a \ C)o.o cFoF aocoIooc, oal(D Fo ott Eo o(l coto ooIt|nxoa q B 4/2r/87 Gary Murrain, Chief Town of VailVail, CO 81657 Re: Sitzmark Lodge Buil-ding Official Gary: The foll-owtng is a breakdown of request . Basement:Retail (B-2) Lobby (R-1) Garage (B-1) First floor: Restaurant(A-3)Office (B-2)' Lodce (R-1) Retail (B-2) Second floor:Lodge (R-1) firird floor: -. :.Lodge (R-1) .. Fourth floor: Residence (R-3) The original buiLding appears to The additions being done in the Type III (1 hr.). Please donrt hesitate to contact building areas and uses as per your 4582 sf .u42O' , n .a.t47392'/ | (-t' .cJ ^ J LA 2884 sf..1-d6"'n 474o t0l'3400 | 3750 r :, t(K 7056 sf. /6 6t u- 1..:: =-:./u)o sr. 1800 sf. be classified as a Type I construction. current remodel- are classified as mel shoirld vnr need frrrthpr infnrmation. oooo .e3o o .E E33 ogg Jg E EsItto3 75 soulh trontrge road vail, colorado 81652 (30s) 476-7000 June 22, ]-9g7 SitzmarkMr. Fritchvail , co 8L557 Dear Mr. Fritch: I have just been notified Community Developroent Sincerely, Finance Controller ----.*DepaF-tBeng RP/njr incorrect...*re.-iuro[nE=of .Tiilt;.Iffi G*#;ffi;ft:ffi H{3ifi t#il;;; i=l:ll_:I-tl: g3e,zeo fid;;. rn order ro arrive at a newinstartrnent fiqure for th6 rernainins ay; ;;yr;;;;; i'.loil=Ioo,i:i!-t:t-tsea.piyment in trt.-"ro""t of g7,zs8 and deducted thisarnount from the totar parking fee, ss+,s90-io-reacn the arnount tobe figured over a four-y""r i"iioa .t r-oE interest. This amountis $26,832 which.resutt-s in in-innual payment of gg,464.7L.Further credir i3 oue on p.yrn-ni *: ""'-y;;-i;;";-paid. g1,321.83over on each of your firs! !r" payments. Theref6re your 3rd. of 4instarlment pavmlnts shalr u" r'oi- ss, g2r_.os--ie,a6a.z1 instarrnent#3 -rninus $2,'aq1.9g :".gi!-t"" vo"r overpayments on instalrments 1and 2) . This anount wir.r be aire on November 5, Lga7. your fourthand finat instattnent witl fe ior Se,aei.ii. -' rf you have -any questions concerning this matter prease calrne at the Town officeJ. Property:SITZMARK Vail,CoIorado, In installrnents after date,order of the Town of VaiI atBuilding at Vail , Colorado, the fourth. installnent of g 7 L28. 38 Bldg perrnit S Nl\\PROJECT BLDG PERMIT SUI,O4ER-T9-E-- , L987 ry, rwo Hundred Fortv-five Dollarr-ToEai Parkrng Fee h^.r- lt^----! r\ * --^ \9Down Pa'nent g 5,649-00 (Due before receiving building perruit. with interest of ten percent per annum on the unpaid balance, payable inyearly installments as followi: *!gI? Jaslal}lqents: :l-{'sl+rEE-*uteFillhq-Lq:€=!:_r! l=f,1,8.38 _eqe $ __,_the secona instiiirn;;';i=i=ili;ffi:-'ru ;*;;il; _lnrn_, -.'-' the third installment of $ Z L28.38 for value received, f promise to pay to thethe office of the rinince oirect6rl uuni-ipal due and payable o.djlU 1990_, due and payable on * ,lu]Y tggt , N- Ja Co' rt is agreed that.if-this note is not, paid when due or declared duehereunder, the principal ana ic"iued iirterest tnereon sharr draw interestat the rate of t8 per-ent per urro., and that failure to nake any paynentof principal or interest "it"tt 4". or any d.efault under any incumbrance oragreernent securing this note sharr causl tne wrrore note to become due atonce' or the interest to be counted as prin-ip;i; at the option of theholder of the note. The makers -ana end.-orsers'heieof severarly waivepresentment for !:ry:"t'_protest, notiJe-on-"""p"vr"nt and of protest, andaltree to any extension of-tirne oi.payroelt and pirti."r-pivr""[=-u!iore, at,or after maturitv, and if this notL 6r inteie=i-in"r"on is not paid whendue' or suit is 6rought, agree to p"y arr reasonabr" costs or c;iiection,including reasonable -ati,oriey i " -i"".. In installments after d1te, for value received,order of the Town of VaiI at the Office of the'Building at Vail, Colorado, Property: SfTZMA,RK REVISED Total earking tee Down Palanent Building PROJECT REVISED LO/A4 Vail , Colorado, 821_. 05 due and payable due and payable Permit # PAYMENT , L9g7 on Nov. 5 L987 , on Nov. 5 1988 , with interest of ten percent peryearly installrnents as follow-s: The first installnent of S the third installment of $ the fourth installment of g I promise to pay to theFinance Director, Municipal (Due before receiving bldg permit. ) annum on the unpaid balance, payable in due and payable on red Ninetv Dollars,Tota1 Parking Fee t-he -Eeab;il fft til fiffiU:6bl--$li;,G.",ffi :::=:::T' --::'--. ir- 464.7t rt is agreed that.if this note is not paid. when due or declared duehereunder, the principal and accrued ii:terest thereon shall draw interestat the rate of 18 per-ent per annum, and that fairure to narJ-iny-payrnentof principal or interest wlren due or any default under any incunbrance oragreement securing this note shatl cau=-e the whole note to become due atonce, or the interest to be counted as principur, "t the optio' of ttr.holder of the note. rhe rnatceis--ana end-orsers'treieor severally waivepresentment for pa)zment, -protest, notice on rotf"y..rrt and -i'pi-ie=t, andagree to any extension of tirne oi.payrnent;ne p;;tial palzrnents'before, at,or after naturity, and if this not6 -or intereri tt.r.o; G;;L,puia,n"ndue, or suit is brought, agree io p"y all reasonabre costs or c'oiiection,including reasonable -atioriey; s -fees. PI,AN o "tzmark Lodge .D $ 38,790_----- 0)-.0 fturtrrj s ASpfrfnf,vi^'o rorado date, for va] ue received, the office of the Finance October 29, l9g4 In installments after of the Town of Vail at at Vail, Colorado, !h'irtv-ei ed Nin with interest of ten percent per hnnum on yearly installments as follows: The first instailment of g 7758.00 :-----__-__________--_-_-__Dol I ars, the unpafd ba'lance, payable in payabl e payabl e payabl e payabl e due and on November S, lgg4 on November 5, l9g5 en_ November 5, 19g6 6n November 5, l9g7 payable on due and due and due and due and thersecond installment of $ 9786.54 the third installment of g 9786.54 the fourth installment of g 9786.54 with the rernaining balance of g 97g6.52 November 5, lggg ir-Is AGREED-that ,i.lll:: l:f-i:_r:i paid when_due or declared due hereunder.;ff tr-L':3il#*ffitr*r,Hi#-rtr,ruuli*r#ir,i*ori;.i;rr--^_ !i'i:;ii:'lnlli'.lti""iri:ildi::H#"rr$[:rx]u$:i.lil*51^-us,.*ent !eiurins fil*3i..lnlr:foffr8ll'fipa.r, at-tiiI_Jpiiot..9r_the horder ei.tn. nor.. rhe ;i*r,#.#itlt;tt iis:liilili3l :'.ffi 'ff ':it;;ir::-is. l;;#ili;,n:T", note or i nte rLit -ir,:llilii.i:iliifi ,nijl j[ll;ilifiil;.lll, i iil::.'l:"9:' arr reasonabre costs or cSii.ciiin, inirua.iri ,^.iioiuore attorney,s , I promise to pay to the order Director, Municipal Bui.lding I -__l! finnratLtu ruQ@arrrffi DATE J.J. corlins asked how much of the roof would be visible from r-7O and Morter replied that the parapet would be visible fromboth lanes of r-70 and that it irourd hide the nechanicarequipnent. ,tJ then asked at what point tne lnecnanicar -guipment woul-d be visible and was tord. it wourd be visible beginniing atsinba Run and above. Morter pointed out that the nechanicalequipnent would be visible at any rate, but that the flat roofwould hide it as nuch as possibre. He hras asked if the northside of the building coull be treated the same as the south, andreplied that it would not make sense, because the situationswere different. JJ fert the nechanicar "s"ip.";i would behiqhly visibre fron simba and above. He stated that thebuilding reminded hirn of strip shopping centers. Morter feltthat the building was unique lnd n-oi rire a sirip shoppingcenter. Tom Braun stated that.Larry Eskwith fert the pEc approval wouldnerely a110w the appliant Lo go to DRB with the flat, roof.Peter Patten asked if everyone understood why the sroping roofwas calred for. He explained that pitched rlofs versus flatroofs were an ongoing controversy in Vair. rt was felt thatthis area wourd be _made up of rnuiti-froor oriice-buileints-anathe council decided that Lhey wanted sroped roofs with 3itz as aminimurn pitch. viere felt tfrat a pitch '"t siii-did. not doanything, but read as a flat roof and would not look alpine.Tom nentioned that the 3:1.2 was a minimum pitch. Morter fertthat he was meeting the intent ot EEe prEcired roof with hisdesign. iIJ remained conEEiiEE about the visibility of themech-anical equiprnent on the roof. Morter repeated that that waswhy he was going with a flat roof J.J. felt that the traffic issue seemed to be part of a muchlarger issue. peter tord the board. that he rra-a rraa . ,""tirrgwith the.Highway Departrnent, the Transportation departrnent andthe Parking Task Force. The Highway oepartment asrt.ed that theTovm eliminate one access to the ola To;n shops. peter feltthat it was difficurt to address one issue wiitrout looking atthe entire area at this point. Jay felt that there was roorn inthe whole area to create more ranes. He said tne nifrrw"v---" -" Department seemed to feel comfortabre with the additi;;;i accessat-the proposed site- J.J. said he had no problen vrith theexit, but did with the whore area. He wanted to see more studyto hide the rnechanical eguiprnent. Jin viele had no problem with the setbacks and fert the flatroof was the best way to hide ttre rnechanciar equipnent. He didnot remember the pEC feeling strongry about fla't-ioors in theArterial Business District. - viele-flrt that-i"suiains ;;rki;gand circulation, each site rnust be looked at indiviauiriv- --' l?:i:=:.:f_:lu:?_"s rnade since the circuration-pii. ,"" adopted.vr-ere dlct not have any problen having the access be an exilonly and could have signage to that 6ffect. ,r.J.-asxed viele if PEc 3/e/87 # 3 he meant the signage would be exit only to the right, and Jimanswered that as far as he was concerned people could turneither way because there was lots of right-oi-way to work withand the acceleration/deceleration ranes could be extended to thewest- viele then mentioned that at the old Town shops, peoplewere backing onto the Frontage Road. fom pointed out that a right turni.acceleration lane was notcal1ed for in the plans presented.\ Morter said. that with thespeed linit at 25, it was not needed. Diana pointed out thatmuch of the tine the white rines were not visible because ofsnow. Peter asked ,ray if the speed linit would be reduced nearcascade when cascade puts acceleration/deceleration lanes in andJay replied that the speed lirnit would be 35 to cascade, ttren 45beyond cascade. peter felt that it was critical that theHi-ghway Department look at the plan proposed. Morter statecthat he would like to resoLve the roof lnd setback issues andcome back later with the access issue. Jirn viere felt that there was a consensus to table the issue ofthe access. Hobbs moved and Osterfoss seconded to=approve thg re nce due tothe staff nerno dffiedMor.ter were will-!g paint the rnechanical ment thecolor of the roof and tucli t into the apet wa and Mortersaid he was willinq to do those two s. The vote was 6-0favor of the two variances. Donovan moved and Schultz seconded to table issue of thesecondaccessuntil the f rst meetinq in A f the staff hastwoweeksreview the new s The votewas 6-0 to 3.A recruest for an gxterior alteration and for a densitcontrol variance order to construct anSj-tzmark Lodge:- Applicant: Sitzmark Lod b Fritch Kristan Pritz showed a moder of the sitzmark proposar andexplained that the proposal included adding 3- ac'comrnodationunits wfrich required a. density variance. .ftter explainint--tn"memo related to the exterior arteration, Kristan aaaea tnit tnesixth condition a?I9d for-by the staff shourd be amended toinclude ,tcredit will be given the owner in an equitabte mannerfor expenses incurrg$ in improvements related to- this pr-j;;;:',She then explained the density memo. Duane Piper, the architect representing the owner, summarizedthe density request an$ explained that 3 ".""r."a"tion uniis hadbeen removed when retail was added to the eor" iil"k Drive si.deof the building.. The applicant was now requesting to add 3accommodation units. PEc 3/e/87 # 4 -/-+ Jin viere felt the_presentation was welr done and the requestfetl within the guidetines of the Land use plan. He stafed thatthis was obviousty a large investment by the owner, that itwould be an improvement to the pedestrian way, and that it was agood example of expansion within limits. J.J. collins asked ifthere was any reason why the owner would not want to utirize therernaining allowable GRFA at the present time. Diana Donovan wished to have a guarantee for 3 or 4 years thatthe large tree on the west side would live. gob fr-itch, theohlner-and applicant, objected to that reguirernent, stating thathe paid for the tree originally and did riot feer it was riir to lsl hl1 to guarantee the life ot the tree when transplanted.Bob added that it was going to be expensive to move, and hewourd_h1rg capable people move the tree. Diana repiied that itseemed fair- she discussed the railing on the walr near thecreek and felt it did not seem appropriate. Duane exprainedthat the creek bank was very steep in tnat area and tle railinqtwas for safety as well as transparency. Peter showed prans of the pedestrian area along the creek (Gore _q5e"l( Promenade) and stated that the staff is working withI{inston and Associates, Craig Snowdon, Duane piper anO SotFritch on the design. Diana-said she preferred benches like theones at Gorsuch because the benches used at the Bell Tower andat Vendettas were splitting. Diana rnoved and Peggy osterfoss seconded to approve tbe densityvariance per the staff meno dated March 9, LgA7. The vote was5-0 in favor. Diana moved and Bryan Hobbs seconded to approve theexterior alteration per the staff memo daled Marchthe addition to condition #6 as stated by Kristan.5-O in favor. request for9, 1987 with The vote was 4.sed revision to the Urban Desi Guide Plan and aor an exter or aLterat n order to construct anon to eP cant:Lodqe Assoc ates Ltd. Tom Braun showed a_model and explained the changes made sincethe last presentation. He felt that the new chinges had noeffect on the street enclosure and the street edge was nowdefined- - craig snowdon, architect for the propoial , added moreinformation about the changes. Diana Donovan suggested using tree guards around the aspens.Peggy osterfoss asked about the deck enclosure of vendeltars andwanted to know if the windows would be able to be opened.Discussion of the windows followed with the finar agreement that PEC 3/e/87 # 5 - L.\ the -openings would be covered with 7 sliding glass doors, 5 ofwhich would be stackable and the 2 panes th;t-did not open wouldbe at either end. peter asked that-the pEc explain cl;;iy;;t-they were supporting the deck enclosure, which could be thitwith most of the windows operabre, the deck was only beingpartially closed. Discussion folrowed concerning whether or not to require theylnfows-to !e open a certain nuurber of days. torn p6intea outthat this did not work at the Red Lion. Feter aaaea that withthe Red Lion, there were problems with comrnunication betw".r, tt"tenant and the owner, with the tenant not realizing that hecould not close the windows at night during the tiie the wind.owswere expected to. rernain open, which resulted in a securityproblem for the tenant. rt seened better to nake the windowsoperable and trust the restaurant operator to keep thern openwhen possible. Diana stated that she liked the proposed changes on BridgeStreet but could not support the debk enclosuie. an Hobbs moved and Qsterfoss seconded toa rove theest with eco ons the staff merno a 3/9/87.e vote was favor I against. 5.A request for a conditional use rnit in order toconstrucanaon to the Tree reschoolocated a L29 North Frontage Roa est for front and side setback variances in order toconstrutwodwellinq un on Parcel A, a resof Lots 14 and 17, Vail Villaqe First F:M chael Tennenbaum Rick Pylman explained the addition and where it wourd belocated. He mentioned that the ABC school next door had beentold of the addition and did not voice any objections. J.J.Collins moved anq_pigng__qonq\Lqn second.ea Lo ainrov. tho :\,Irrrrrlr> rul,vell crlrtl |.J-ctllcl lJgnovan s@ e was 5_O in favor. 6. Rick Pyhnan-extrllained that the request was for side and frontsetback variances. He reviewed the consideration of factorsnecessary in order to approve the request and exflainea tnai ttrestaff reconnended approval of the fro-nt setback -iiariance ;il _- - deniaL of the siae ietuack variance request. The staff feltthat there was no physicar hardship to -warrant-afprovar of theside setback variance. Jay Peterson, representing the appricant, stated that evenbefore the property had gone thr6ugh the'subdivisio' pio"L=",the applicant has planned to build in this i;;;ti;" in order to PEc 3/e/87 # 6 ,14 t ( To: Planning and Environmenta] ConmissionI FROl.l: Conmunity Development Department DATE: March 9, L9a-l SUBJECT: A reguest for a density variance in order to add threeadditional accommodation units to the Sitzmark Lodge.Applicant: Sitzmark Lodge/Mr. Bob Fritch I. THE PROPOSAL \ The applicant is reguesting to add three additional accomnodation units on the northwest corner of the SitzmarkLodge. Presently, 32 accommodation units and one dwellingunit or a total of L7 dwelling units exist on the property(2.,a.u. are equal to I d.u.). The CCI zoning allows i_0dwelling units which means that the project is already 7dwelling units over the allowable and is considered to be agrandfathered legal nonconforrning situation. The proposedaddition of three accommodation units would increase thetotal number of accomrnodation units to 35. The addition ofthe existing dwelling unit plus 35 accommodation unitscreates a total density of t_9.5 dwelling units. The proposalresults in a density variance of 1.5 dwelling units for theproperty. The following zoning statistics summarizes thedensity situation for the property: Density: (25 units per acre) Allowed dwelling units: L0 du or 20 auExisting density: I du + 32 au = 1-7 duProposed: 1 du + 35 au : L8.5 du GRFA: (.80) Allowed: L4,ZO7 sfExisting: LL,362Remaining 2,845 sf Addition: 2nd floor w. existing. au - l-l-0 sfe. existing. au : 75 sf 3rd floor west new au = 455 sfeast new au = 405 sfw. existing au = l-L0 sfe. existing au 75 sf t 4th floor Total GRFA remaininq after addition, *l""il".tne au =e. existing au = 42O sf 1l-O sf 75 sf 1,835 sf new GRFA J. , 010 sf \ 1I. BACKGROI'ND ON THE REQUEST In ;Iuly of 1984, the Sitzrnark reguested an exterioralteration approval for the poot and comrnercial addition onthe south sid.e of the property. In order for the commercialadd.ition to be feasible, it was necessary that three existing accommodation units be removed. In order for a lodge room tobe removed in Comrnercial Core I, it is required that aconditional use request be approved. The conditional userequest was approved by the PEC. The staff stated in the memo that rrWhile the Town does not tike to see lodge rooms removed fron the Village, hre on the other hand, areencouraging the commercial expansion of this site. Theremoval of the lodge rooms is a necessary evil of thisproposal with the overall impact on the Town's developrnentobjective being a positive one.rr The Urban Design eu-ide plan specifically stated that a conmercial expansion on thisportion of the property would be very positive. The staffsupported the conditional use request due to the fact thatthe Urban Design Guide Plan called for the commercialerpansion and that a trade-off was being rnade for the l-oss ofthe lodge rooms with additional retail space and a pool areafor guests. III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS -Ilpon..reyigw gf Criteria and rindinqs, Section 18.62.0G0 ofthe Muniqipal Code, the Department of Conmunitv Development EeggmneSds _approval of the recruested variance based upon thefollowinq factors: Consideration of Factors: A.The relationshi of the re estedor The addition ofelevation of theof the building variance to othertial uses and ures the the three new lodge rooms on the northproject does increase the mass and bulk(please see north elevation attached). ( ( B. However, it is felt that this infill is cornpatible withthe existing project and actually creates a more gradualrrterracingtt of the building down to WiLlow Bridge Road. The height of the fourth floor accomrnodation unit at itsgreatest point is 43 feet. This level steps down to athird floor accommodation unit that has a height ofapproxiroately 33 feet. The west end is approximately25r high in the area of the office expansion. The massof this infill also does not have significant negativeirnpacts in respect to sun/shade patterns. According tothe sun/shade analysis, shade is cast from this additioninto the creek itself. OnIy a srnall portion of shade isactually cast onto the pedestrian bridge. Views are also not significantly irnpacted by theaddition, as a portion of the building already extendsup behind the area of the infill. The addition willinfill the area in front of this high point on the southside of the buiJ.ding. Generally, the staff believesthat this infill will not have a negative impact onadjacent uses or structures in ttre area. to which reLief from the strict or literalretatonenforcement of a requlation neces achieve t unifornitv ofsites in e vl-c or to attain theobiectives of s title without ant of specialprivilege. In 1984, the applicant voluntarily decreased the densityfor this project which in turn decreased the degree ofnonconformity in density for this zone district. Theapplicant is now requesting to add the three units thatwere originally lost in the cornmercial expansion in1984. In essence, the building is being brought back tothe same level of nonconformity that previously existedbefore the cornmercial expansion. Staff does notconsider this density variance to be a grant of specialprivilege, as the applicant is only asking to add lodgerooms which were previously in existence before theconmercial expansion was conpleted. ft should also benoted that the Urban Design Guide plan called out forthe commercial expansion. In addition, the appticant does have more GRFA rights.It would be possibte to atually expand the existinglodge roms (thereby adding the proposed mass) into thearea of the proposed addition without a densityvariance. If the mass is added, we prefer the option ofadditional rooms for the guest, rather than nerelyenlarging existing roons. Staff believes that theaddition is aesthetically conpatible with the rest ofthe building and will have no negative impacts on thefactors listed above. .\ ( .\ c. D. The effect of the requested variance facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The effect upon light and air is addressed under III . A. Related policies in the Land Use Plan and Villaqe Study The staff believes that the Land Use Plan states goals and objectives which support this type of a densityvariance as long as the additionat density is compatiblewith the existing building and Urban DesignConsiderations, and is not considered to be a grant ofspecial privilege. The Land Use PIan states in its GoaLs and Policies section: Section 3.1. The hotel bed base should be preserved and used rnore efficiently. Section 3.2. The Village and Lionshead areas are thebest location for hotels to serve the future needs ofthe dest'ination skiers. Section 4.2. Increased density in the core areas isacceptable so long as the existing character of eacharea is preserved through irnplementation of the Urban Design Guide Plan and the Vail Village Master Pl-an. These goal-s hrere developed through a series of public rneetings and input frorn both the Planning Cornnission and Town Council. This reguest supports these policy statenents. Such other factors and criteria as the cornrnission deernsapplicable to the proposed variance. rV. FTNDINGS The Plann and Environmental Conmission shalll make the fo1 a var That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grantof special privilege inconsistent with the timitations onother propertieE classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detriurental tothe public health, safety or welfare, or naterially injuriousto properties or improvements in the vicinity.L t v. Ihat the variance is warranted for one or more of thefollowing reasonss The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement ofthe specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistentwith the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinry circumstances orconditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict or literaL interpretation and enforcement ofthe specified regulation would deprive the applicant ofprivileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties inthe sarne district. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The staff recommends approval of the request. It should be noted that it is very difficult to associate a physical hardship with a density variance. It is felt that thevariance is warranted rnore so due to extraordinary circumstances related to the request. Staff believes that this density variance should be supportedfor some very specific reasons which include: I. The Sitzrnark is in a very unigue situation in that theproperty actually had the three accommodation units at one tine and ended up removing the units to add a commercial expansion which was called out by the Urban Design Guide Plan. Certainly, the staff understandsthat the owner was not forced to renove these units, butthat the choice was made to construct the commercial expansion and lose the three units. The applicant is requesting only three rooms which will not exceed theoriginal nonconformity of the building. 2. The property has existing GRFA which could be used to expand the Lodge. The fact that additional GRFA isavailable neans that the mass and bulk of the buitding could be increased without any variances as long as the Urban Design Considerations are met. Staff believesthat it is a greater community good to actually addadditional high quality lodge rooms than to rnerely expand onto existing units. New high quality lodge rooms are a use that the public supported in the Land Use Plan and Village Study discussions. 3. The additions are aesthetically conpatible with theexisting project. More inportantly, the expansion does meet the VaiL Village Urban Design Considerations. Thisis an inportant part of our opinion that the project J -\ L ( Ehould be approved. For the above reasons, etaff feels that the density variance should be aupported. We realize that the position is an l,nusual one comparedto our pagt recomtrendations. Hovrever, we also feel very stronglythat there are special circumstances that relate to this particular density variance that make it supportable. -\ --EtI< ffi .l ,, , (TO: FROM: DATEs SUBJECT: I.THE PROPOSAL Planning and Environmental Commission Connunity Developrnent Department March 9, L987 Exterior alteration request to o<pand six accornrnodationunits, add three new acconmodation units and expandretail and office space at the Sitzmark Lodge.Applicant: Mr. Bob Fritch ( The owner of the Sitznark Lodge is requesting an exterioralteration and density variance for the followingconstruction at the Sitznark Lodge: 1. Expansion of six existing accomnodation units, total of555 sf. Addition of three nei/ acconmodation units, total ofI,28O sf. Expansion of existing retail on the north side of thebuilding, 845 sf. Addition of new first floor retail space on thenorttrwest corner of the building, 5OO sf. 2. 3. 4. 5. Expansion of existing second floor office space, l8O sf. The density variance is reguired for the three newaccommodation units as the Sitzmark already exceeds theallowable nunber of dwelling/accornmodation-units undercomrnercial core r zoning. ptease see the nemo concerning thedensity variance for a nore detailed analysis of thisrequest. The owner is aLso proposing to add landscaping, paving andseating.lmpro{ements to the pedestrian walfway- a-tong €trenorth side of the building a-cording to a Masler plin developed by the staff and applicant. The improvements will-begin on the northwest cornei-of the property-. A pedestrianplqza.is proposed for this area (see enclosuie). ifreexisting 25r spruce tree near the northwest corner of thebgifding is proposed to be relocated to the open space areaalong Gore Creek adjacent to the Sitzmark. The tree ispresently located on Tolrn of Vail 1and. Landscaping andpavers will be added to the areas east of the pe-clesf,rianbridge abutment. A nelr sidewalk with paver aclents will bebuilt along the renaining north side o? tne building. r\ Also, within the scope of this project, the alpine gardenadjacent to the office (west elevation) would be expanaed tothe south of the entry stairway. This staireray up to thesecond level commercial space and the west entry to the lodgewould be revised and upgraded to cernent or sanditone. II. ZONING STATISTICS The following is a sunmary of zoning statistics related tothe exterior alteration request. Sitznark Lodge Zone District: Cornnercial Core I Site Area:.4077 acres, L7,759 sf Density: (25 units per acre allowed)Allowed dwelLing units: 10 d.u. or 20 a.u.Existing density: I d.u. + 32 a.u. = 17 d.u.Proposed: I d.u. + 35 a.u. = L8.5 d.u. GRFAs (.8O of site area)Allowed: L4,207 sfExisting: LL,362Remaining Zrg 5 sf Addition: 2nd floor w. existing. a.u.e. existing. a.u. 3rd floor west nelr a.u.east new a.u.w. existing a.u.e. existing a.u. Ath floor new auw. existingt a.u.e. existing a.u. TotaL GRFA remaining after addition 110 sf 75 sf 455 sf 405 sf 110 sf 75 sf = 42O sf: l-l-0 sf = 75sf L,835 new GRFA 1, O10 sf \ &etail_ (Unlinited square footage as long asGuide PIan is cornplied with. )Existing retail, 10,s84 sf Proposed retail additions:Indian Paint Brush: l-50 sf Colorado Footwear: 280 sfcore Creek GoId: L40 sfBreeze Ski Rental: 275 sf New retail addition,northwest corner: 170 sf new plus converted Total , L,345 sf Urban Design 330 sf ofexisting space Office: Existing office square footage =Proposed addition Total office space, Site Coveraqe: (.BO of total site 550 sf 1-80 sf 740 sf area) Allowed: L4,207 sqr'.risting: 1l , 3 OO sqat\- Proposed: I,23S sq New total after expansionz Lzr535 sqRenainingz L,672 sq Height: (604 33 t -43 | r 4Ot O-33 ' ) The Urban Design Consideration requires that 4OB of the roofarea be at a height of up to 33 | and 60t of the roof area maybe 33t to 43t. The height of the addition at its greatest point is 43 feet,tapering down to approxlrnately 25 ieet on the west elevation.A portion of the existinq rooi extends above 43r toapproximately 53'l---TFIE-area of the roof is considered to benon-conforning. The addition does not increase the non-conformity of the overall building relative to theregulation. for the retail, office and residential addressed by the applicant paying into the CcI . A conmercial space is g3,OOO andi= 9s,ooo. Parking: Parking expansion will beparking fund forresidential space Strearn Setback: Required: 50r from core Creek centerlj_ne.EEEI;otEEE-Eoes no€ encroach into the stream setback.t rrI. 99HPLIAITCE WITH THE pttRposE sEcTIoN oF CoMMERCIAL CORE I ZONE L8.24 Purpose. The Connercal core I district is intended toprovide sites and to naintain the unigue character of theVail Village conmercial area with its nixture of lodges andcommercial establishnents in a predominantly pedestrianenvironment. The Connercial core I district 1s intended toensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenitiesappropriate to the pernitted tlpes of buil-dings and uses.The distict regulations in accordance with the Vail VillageUrban Design Guide PIan and Design Considerations prescribesite developnent standards that are intended to eniure themaintenance and preservation of the tightly clusteredarrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrianways andpublic greenhrays, and to ensure continuation of tha buildingscale and architectural qualities that distinguish theVillage. This proposal is in cornpliance with the purpose section ofthe Commercial Core I zone district. IV. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PI,AN FOR VAIL VTLI,,AGE The foLlowinq Guide PIan sub-area concepts relate to thisproposaL: (Please see enclosed Urban Design Guide plan nap. ) No. 30. Bank improvements Riprap, reduced slope, reseeding and shrubs/treeplanting for reinforcement of creek as visual feature ofthe ViIIage. No. 31. Future bridge improvements S999ld major entry to core area warrants increased imageability--such as with covered bridge (to become standaidstructure for pedestrian crossings). Bridge structuregives partial enclosure of creekside meadow area, avisible attraction fron Crossroads. Reinforce entryfurther with paving treatment and planting near bridge. The appLicant,s proposal includes landscaping, seating andpaving improvements to the entire north side of the Sitzurark.The improvenents address the Guide planrs reconmendations forupgrading in this area, with the exception of the coveredbridge. (V. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATTONS FOR VAIL vrJJut('tl The Design Considerations trelp influence the form ofbuildings in the Commercial Core I district. As stated inthe code, the Design Considerations rrare intended to enablethe Town staff and citizen review boards to more clearly communicate to property owners planning and designobjectives, and to allow property owners to respond by confor:ming to the design considerations or to clearly demonstrate why departures are warranted.rr Below is a sunmary of the applicant and staff reponses to each of the Design Consj-derations : A. Pedestrianization of safe easant pedestrian ways. Manv of the rovemenEs rec zed in the Urban Des de Plan and acc DeS Considertions are to re and of estrian w uqhoutthe Village. Applicantrs Response: rrThe site of this improvement occurs adjacent to alinited vehicular access street. The street is used forthe pedestrian way. Walking access to the building isbeing improved by upgrading an existing stairway. Theapplicant has agreed to participate in a renovation ofthe entire north side walkway. This upgrade will becoordinated with the Town of VaiI.rl Staff Response: This proposal accomplishes a great deal as far asinproving existing pedestrian ways. The addition of thepedestrian plaza near the northwest corner of theSitzmark creates an area that will be attractive topedestrians as it will provide seating adjacent to thecreek, a more inviting and attractive entryway to this walkway and new landscaping along the edge of the creek bank which is presently non-existent. The sidewalkalong the entire length of the building will be upgradedwith new cement and paver accents. The stairway up tothe real estate office will also be rebuilt out ofeither cement or sandstone. Staffts opinion is that these inprovernents are very positive in respect to thepedestrianization of this area. t ( B.Vehicular Penetration c.( VilIaqe,/Va onsnea structures. Applicantrs Response: rrWith a rnodest increase in comrnercial area, vehicularvisits to this area will increase slightly. Because thelodge is located on the fringe of Cornmercial Core I,irnpacts from vehicles will be minimal .rt Staff Response: The addition will not create any significant increasesin vehicle trips to the building. Fire access has alsobeen inproved at the northwest corner of the building.The existing access is L3 feet and will increase to 20feet trrith the new plan. Staff feels this is animportant improveurent as this is the point where firetrucks will have to turn into the pedestrian sidewalk. Streetscape Franework To improve the a1i of the walkin erience andve continu o the edestrian ways...open s ace and andsca used...as a soft colorful ramework e alon estrian routes azas andeen spaces as o nodes and focaese rouE.es are encoura ed. Infill commercial storefronts to give street l.fe and visual interest. Tg tbe Faximun extent possible, all non-resident trafficshould be routed alonq the Frontase Road to Vail Applicantts Response: rrl,andscaping has been a priority and a strong focus ofendeavor by the owners of the Sitzrnark Lodge. The areaadjacent to the second floor expansion will be a focalpoint of flowers and alpine plants. CLose scrutiny mustbe given to the spruce tree located at the northwestcorner of the site. The applicant would prefer to rnovethe tree to a nore open site, possibly in the adjacentpark at Gore Creekrs edge, and to replace it withdeciduous trees of greater transparency. It is feltthat the existing spruce wiII not only block the retailshop from passersby but will also outgrow its space. Howe.rrer, the tree does occur on T.O.v. property and theultinate decision must include the Town. rl t C Staff Response: This.proposal combines the streetscape frameworkconsiderationsf emphasis on open spale and landscapingas well as infi1l commercial to create street life andvisual interest for the pedestrian. The addition of thepoplars, spruce and aspen trees to the east of thepedestrian bridge, relocated spruce tree to the east ofthe pedestrian bridge, and two stone planters will alladd much needed landscaping to this area. fn addition, the new cornmercial storefronts create a much more interesting facade for the pedestrian.Display windows will be more visible Lo the pedestrian,particularly on the east end of the retail expansion.Presently, a covered arcade exists in front of theIndian Paint Brush, Colorado Footwear and Gore CreekGoId. Staff does not feel that this arcade isparticularly inviting to the pedestrian, as it isdifficult to see the storesr display windows frorn thesidewalk. The new storefronts will Le similar in designto the-Polo Shop retail which will create a continuityof.design among the various retail portions of thebuilding. Even though you will never see the north sid.eof the building at the same time that you see the southside, staffrs opinion is that the design continuity willbe an improvement to the entire buifding. Ttre owner is also creating a nehr retail storefront, onthe northwest corner of the property. Staff feels thatthis retail location wil1 be very eifective and that itwill be located right at the entiance to the ped.estrianplaza. The new sf,,elsfront will help to add street lifeand visual interest to the west elevition and the areain-general . Staff's opinion is that this proposal meetsthis considerationrs intent to rcreate a vlriety of openand enclosed spaces, both built and landscaped wtricn - create a strong framework for pedestrian walks as wellas visual interest and activity. tt Twgnly-five foot spruce tree: Staff has agreed that the25| blue spruce tree on the northwest corner of theSitznark should be relocated to the open space adjacentto Gore Creek at the applicantts expense. Staff wouldlike to see the tree relocated just-to the east of thepedestrian bridge and existing lamp post. The TownCouncil would have to give finat appiovaL to therelocation of the tree. At this time, the Council hasbeen inforrned of general improvements to Town of Vailland in the area of the pedestrian plaza. However, aspecific discussion of the relocation of the spruce treehas not occurred. Staff feels that as long as the ownerprovides a letter from a landscape contractor that the ( I ( ( tree can be relocated, the staff does not have a problenwittr the noving of the tree. If the tree cannot be moved safely, a comparable tree wilJ_ replace it. D.Street Enclosure While build facade hei ts should not be unifono fromrovide aosure for the s reet. Staff Response: This criteria emphasizes that pedestrian streets arebasically outdoor rooms whose wall-s are formed by thebuildings. It states that the shape rrand feel of these rooms are created by the variety of heights and nassing(three dimensional variations) which give much of thevisual interest to the pedestrian scale unique to Vail.rlft is staffrs opinion that the facadesr heights terracefrom 43 feet dovrn to 25 feet which creates a balancednorth elevation for the building. However, due to theinfill of the building, staff believes that it is veryinrportant that the pedestrian areas be improved and opened up so that pedestrians do not feel that they are crowded between the creek and the building. Thepedestrian plaza and landscaping will balance the infillon the upper levels of the building. The expansions ofthe commercial storefronts, the paving treatment,Landscaping and seating will all help to create a well-defined ground floor pedestrian area. Street Edge Fuildilqs i4 the Villaqe core should form a stronq butlrregular edqe to the street. Staff Response: The new retail storefronts are much more visible topedestrians as the display windows are pushed outadjacent to the sidewalk, particularly in respect to theeast retail addition. The strong edge of the retail isachieved by using a variety of treatments that willgive each shop its own unique storefront while stillproviding design continuity amonet all the storefronts.Staff agirees with the applicant that the currentfrontage suffers due to the generic appearance of theshop fronts and the continuous straight edge to thefacade. Staffrs opinion is that the proposal ,particularty in the area of the cornmercial additions isan improvernent to the street edge. E. \F.BuiLdinq Height Basicall the VilIa e core is erceived as a m].x of t!'ro ee sto aca es, aLthou there are also ourand five ore Id s. 'Ine or bu he tsve var o the eeE-Sht cr a are o encouraqe t and mass var et and scourage unlror]In e ts alo e stree Applicantrs Response: ItAlong with the framework of the streetscape, many ofthe considerations of street enclosure, street edge and even building height tend to overlap and blend into the same design considerations. The building stands somewhat isolate from other structures and yet thestructure is big enough to create its own edge. Theexisting west frontage already satisfies a designconsideration for not being aligned in one plane. The new proposal further accentuates an irregular frontage and creates greater interest. It is also important fromthe standpoint of street enclosure and building heightthat the addition steps downward to WiIIow Bridge Road. The stepping or tapering function satisfies a basicdesign concept of relating the void of the street itselfand also the structure framing the opposite side. Enough variation in the height of the addition exists tocombat the mass of the structure. Variation to the street edge is enhanced by the retailshop frontage remodel . The current frontage suffersfrom a generic appearance and a singular aligned wallplane. rl Staff Response: The proposal actually creates a more even stepping downof the building as the addition goes from 4 stories to 3stories to 2 stories. The building heiqht has also beenoffset by the creation of the pedestrian plaza belowthis area. The addition meets the building heightreguirement that height shall not exceed 43 feet. Thehighest point of the addition is at 43 feet and tapers down to approximately 25 feet on the west end of thebuilding. The mix of building heights meets the intentof this consideration to have 40? of the height at no more than 33' and 608 of the height fron 33 | to 43 | . ( H. G.Views and. Focal Points First lorl slrould be criven to an analvsis of theect on views rom estr areaswhether designated or not. AppJ-icant t s Response: rrVery little effect on views occurs with this addition.The extension of the office space on the second levelslightJ-y decreases the view of the Village Center condosand the Lodge from a perspective viewpoint on WillowBridge Road. r! Staff Response: The addition will impact slightly the view of the skinountain, Willow Bridge Road, and Summers Lodge projectsfrom the vantage point of the Village Center Condoniniums. Sun,/Shade All new or ed build should not substantiall crease 2L Se acent roperties or thec riqht-of-wa Applicantrs Response: rrThe additional massing at the upper floors willincrease the shade patiern falling to the north of thebuilding. Shador/r/ already falls across the walkwaysadjacent to the north arcade of shops; the additional shadow is cast across the stream between the twobridges. rl Staff Response: A sun/shade analysis was compteted for March 2l_st andSeptenber 2Lst at noon for the project. According tothe study, approxirnately 5OO square feet of shade isadded to the area of the creek bank extending into GoreCreek. An additional 40 square feet of shade is castonto ttre pedestrian bridge. The retail and officeaddition on the west end of the building adds anadditional 120 square feet of shade. Staff believesthat the additional shade has minimal impacts, as mostof the shade is in areas that are not useable bypedestrians (creek bank and actual portions of GoreL t0 Creek). It is true that retail and office additionscast shadow into a pedestrian area. However, staffbelieves that with the opening up of the pedestrian areaand landscape improvements, this irnpact wiII benitigated. Basically, it becomes sonewhat of a trade-off: improvernents to the pedestrian area by theapplicant with some additional shade on a portion of the same area. Any build ron should preserve the functions ofsErng servi_ce alle s. The Sitznark presently handles all of their trash in an encLosed dumpster on the southeast corner of thebuilding. Staff does not believe that the additionswill create any significant increase in needed serviceand delivery areas, for these functions remain unchanged. VI . STAFF RECOMMENDATTON Staff recommends approval of the reguest for the exterioralteration. It is our opinion that the proposal complieswith all of the design considerations for the village. Theproject also creates significant improvements to thepedestrian walkway and open space adjacent to core Creek.The recommendation for approval includes the followingconditions: L. The owner will subnit a letter from a landscapecontractor to staff that confirms that the spruce treecan be relocated safely to the adjacent open space areaalong Gore Creek. The proposed location for the tree isto the east of the existing larnp post by the pedestrianbridge. If the tree is not able to be relocated, theapplicant will provide a new tree of the same speciessize and quality. A perfornance bond will_ be requiredin the case the tree is relocated and does not live. 2.Preliminarv Landscape Plan The owner agrees to construct I. the following inprovements to the pedestrian way whichincludes the Sitznark property as weII as Town of Vailproperty. The final landscape plan will be deterurinedbetween the staff and applicant previous to a Design Revier,'r Board neeting. Fina1 design details need to beworked out due to the discrepancies between the staffplan (Winston Assoc. 3/3/87) and the recently subnittedapplicantrs plan (Piper 3/5/87). The owner will beresponsible for constructing these improvenents: 11 ( a. b. c. d. e. Relocation of spruce tree or replacernent of thetree if it is not feasible to relocate. The sizeand type of tree must be the same as the existingtree, 25r, spruce. Dry stack river rock walls and planters will beused in all irnprovements. This style will natchthe existing rock walls on l{i11ow Bridge. Wroughtiron railing will be added on top of the rock wallalong the creek bank. Four to six 3n catiper balsam poplars will be addedin various planting areas in the plan. Three to four aspen and one to two evergreens willbe added adjacent to the relocated spruce tree. Two to three seating benches five feet long sirnilarto the corsuch bench or Bell Tower benches will beplaced in tbe plan. Pavers and concrete according to the ptan usingeither Piper Architects or Jeff Winstonrs design scheme for the paver and concrete pattern. Unistone hexagonal pavers, rectangular brickpavers, or granite may be combined to create theproposed paver and cement patterns for the walkway. Flowers and shrubs for planters. Trees nay be added to the planters. Relocation of existing shrubs along the westelevation of the existing building to Gore Creek bank. Drainage system associated with the inprovementsand roof drainage problems. Structural support and grade beam for thepedestrian plaza expansion. The Town will be responsible for rnaintaining theimprovements on Town of Vaj-l land. The Town CounciLmust also give final approval to the improvementsproposed to be on Town of Vail property before Design Review Board approval is final . please see the enclosedPreliminary Landscape Drawings (Piper, 3/5/87 andWinston, 3/3/87). f. s. h. l. J. L2 ry N etrLrrgq Gt*. eeqKtQ< rUre++t\nve ) rl\rnP al/N A((4rfl}Ka .npv fuPtlriitlEts ( Pprur'\iNqq 0Erle d CORE CREEK PROMENADI Town of Vail -' ' gtNL?X*Am l;1'.iff.l"illiEl r*bl (3031...0-o2oo Scale:t'-10' ---I -- 3 MARCH '987 t 3/llfi C ( t\t\r\\f4ttha 6:r* * rffii"aJ,,-) \ a,'fFe 4a4* rpu- W!ry< ftr"rbr-c.. ffi-f#,* /\,,r lu,. \ z lde A.4!feAwft* I6F4fl ql@. r*rurb .: 2+ 4/4., aat'E.4+ \8.4,ft"14- +" ol)Ff t4'ft\Ji2t*er&)a ffi+eerp.* ,Uft^vrt- td*.q^tefrftt,/+aut+ '2f Df 9@4 rbr-t< Hffi*PLAN lt.Iofiy, ArJQ.+t7tr**3 3,!5'/g+ ) I g {. =s9F Po,z $stsc+ $E H. J-l I.fo$F Bfr$ ,flrE t r- -.. -t{{^ Ei Jtr q !t ,iqv6 ZE -P{!l kq *$ BE\\ !$*rIr + 56 = ) \) lk(\ n$$ 5$9 .F g4 *g* u.€9 {=#II C 3. 4. At Desi.gn Review Board review, the owner will subrnit aplan for roof drainage. At the tine of building pernit, the owner will subnit awritten legal agreernent stipulating the improvements andcosts which will be covered by the owner concerning thepedestrian plaza, sidewalk and landscape improvenentsand will provide a letter of credit to cover the costsof the improvements. At the time of building pernit, a revocable riqht-of-waypermit will be subnitted for al-1 encroachments on Townof Vail property. The applicant will ag'ree to participate in and notremonstrate against a Vail village improvement district-if and when one is formed. 5. 6. t 13 if--F2:t.=rr:'E r Best copy Available il TO: Planning and Environrnental Commission FROM: Connunity Development Department DATE: Aprit 10, 1989 SUB.T: Request for a minor exterior alteration on the souttrwest portion of Lot A, Block 5-8, Vail VillageFirst Filing (Sitzmark L,odge), to expand the Noel Christmas shop by 100 square feet.Applicant: Bob Fritch/Duane Piper I. The Proposal The applicant is requesting an exterior alteration andaddition at the Sitznark Lodge, which would incl-ude a shopfront revision and an addition of lOO square feet of flooi area to the southlrest corner of the lodge. This addition would be utilized by the Noel Christmas shop as expandedretail space and will include a revised entry to the shop. II. Zoninq Considerations The following sunmarizes the zoning statistics regardingthis exterior alteration request: L. Zone District: Commercial Core I 2. Lot Area: O.4O77 actes/L7,759 square feet 3. Densitv: Allowable dwelling units = l-0r or 20 A.U.Existing dwelling units : l-8.5 (1 D.U. + 35 A.U. ) Proposed dwelling units = No change 4. GRFA: (.80 of lot area) Previous Approvals = 305 square feet Renaining =704 square feet Current Proposal = L00 square feet 604 s.f. remainder; if newaddition is approved 5. Site Coveraqe: (.80 of lot area) Allowable =Existing = Allowable =Existing L4r2O7 square feet L3,L97 square feet L4,2O'7 square feet L2r535 square feet Previous Approvals = 246 square feet Remaining =L,426 square feet Current Proposal = 100 square feet L,326 s.f. remainder; after proposed expansion 6. HeiqTt: The Design Considerations for VaiI Village require that up to 6o* of the building have a naximumroof height of 33'opless, and ttrat no nore than 4otof the building have a naximum roof height of 43'. The height of this proposed addition is 14' at its highest point and the roof tapers down to 11'. 7. Parkinq: Parking for this proposed expansion will be addressed by the applicant payinq into the Townparking fund for CCI . II . Compliance with the Purpose Section of the CCf Zone The Cornnercial core I zone district is intended to providesites and to maintain the unigue character of the vailVillage conmercial area, with its rnixture of lodges and conmercial establishrnents in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The Comnercial Core I district is intended to ensure adequate tight, air, open space and other amenities appropriate to the perrnitted types of buildings and uses. The district regulations in accordance with the VailVillage Urban Design Plan and Design Considerationsprescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the rnaintenance and preservation of the tightlyclustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrian ways and public Areenways, and to ensure continuation ofthe buiLding scale and architectural gualities thatdisting'uish the ViIIage. This proposal , as a minor addition, is in conpliance withthe intent of the purpose of the ccl zone district. IIf. Conpliance with the Urban Desiqn Guide Plan for Vail Villaqe The following Guide Plan concept relates to this proposal: No. 28B Building Expansion. Building mass should be stepped back to the south to preserve and frarne down-valley views, as designated in the viewcorridor map. Infill of parcel will help enclosure of Checkpoint Charlie Circle. Iv. Compliance with the Urban Desiqn Considerations for VailVillaqe 1. Pedestrianization This addition will have no significant inpact uponpedestrian circulation within the Vail village area. The addition of a nelr concrete walkway across the corner of the lodge property willcirculation through the Checkpoint Vehicular Penetration enhance pedestrian Charlie area. 2. 3. This addition will have no irnpact upon vehicularpenetration within the Vail Village area. Streetscape Framework The Design Considerations strive to improve thequality of the walking/pedestrian environnent bypronoting the use of landscaping, berms, grass and flowers as a linkage along pedestrian routes. As Willow Bridge Road is one of the main pedestrian routes into the Village, the staff feels that mature landscaping in this area is a necessity for the enhancenent of the pedestrian experience. Inaddition, the conmercial Core I Zoning states that ttno reduction in landscape area shall be pennitted withoutsufficient cause shown by the applicant or asspecified in the Vail ViIIage design considerations.r' (18.24.r.70) The applicant's proposal will uraintain alL existing Iandscaping at this corner of the lodge and the exlransion of the rralpine gardenrr theme into this areawill enhance the visual interest within the pedestrian environment. Street Enclosure The guidelines ernphasize that building facade heights not be uniform frorn building to building and that they should provide a confortable enclosure for the street. This proposed expansion will contribute, to a mininal degree, to the street encl-osure in the CheckpointCharlie Area. Street Edcre This criteria encourages buildings in the Village Core to form a strong but irregular edge to the street. The proposed addition will neet this criteria, howeverIirnited in scale, due to the scope of the project. Buildinq Heiqht This proposal Views This proposal has no impact on building height. 4. 5. 6. 7. wiII have no impact on views. 8. Ser:rrl.ce and Delivery No lnpast. 9. Sun/Sbade 1l'bis proposal will not increaee the spring or faII ehador patterns on adJacent properties or on tbepublic RoW. V. Staff Reconnendatlon staff reconn€nda approval of this requeet for an erterloralteratl.on. lfe feel that the proposal conpllee wltb all of the appl.lcable dosigrn consideratl.one of the vall Vlllage Urban Deeign Plan. 9itl prnark L-otJge. Eiervices: retail saleE o{ ice cream and pre 6i +ts. I tce Creatn Freezer: llussman with rlriFwell' Silrks: One conrbination mmp and hatrd sinl:' 'f or. waghi rrg of t-ttensi Is. l\ r-etai I qortf r.lcti nnary nnd icF trream Btore., nade candieE. Soda FoP, 'l coorpartnlent si nkfjrre three Floor: I Cei I ingt t{al 1s I .;J Li gttts: irrolettm. [inarnel covorerl droF cei I i rrq . Wainscoating in retail at-ea, enamel painted cement in area. Nal lpapeir abrove waj rrscnati nq in rnf-ai l area' Mi rror' on wal I aror-trtd sel"f servi ce. wrapped r hard Eiglrt parrel6 tr{ cJrrrfr I igfrtr''rrirrr;. Iwo tr-ac set:6 of Li ghte i nsi rle candY cot.rnter - Corrntertop I Avoni te. :il'or-drge Are,rr l'lE,tal stt:tt-,lr.lt: rAc[:t" SKETCH AND DESIGI{ Fire Test: UL R1319-133 Design 1524, 7-1S75 Fire Test: UL R402+5 Design N501, 9-14-66 ULC Design 0501 Fire Test: UL R402+5 Design N502, 9n+66 ULC Design 0502 Fire Test: UL R419-l Design 6-2, 1-2959 Fire Test: UL R41C/-1 Design 19-3, 1-29-59 GA Fllo No.DETAILED DESCRIPTION 1 HR 2 HR 3 HR Construcllon lype: Steel Frame, Gypsum Wallboad Two fayers th" proptielaty type X gypsum wallboard attached to beam cage with type S-12 drywall screws, 1" long lor base layer and 1%" long tor face layer, spaced 12" o.c. Base and face jointrs staggered. Beam cage fabricated from No.24 ga7/8" x 13/s" steel angfes screw attached to sleel joists and No.25 ga 21/2" steel runner track supporting 1%" steel studs 24" o.c. below beam lower flange. (One hour unrestrained beam). BM 1135 (t) Constructlon Type: Steel Frame, Gypsum llVallboard T!rc la!€rs of s/6" type X gypsum wallboard or veneer base around beam. Base layer altached with 1%" type S drywall screws 16' o.c., face layer attached with 1z/a" type S drywall screws 8" o.c. to horizonlally installed "U" shaped steel channels (25 gage steel 111/1s" wide with 1' l€gs) located not less than %" lrom beam flanges. Upper channels secured to steel deck units with %" type S pan head screws spaced 12" o.c. "U" shaped brackets formed of steel channels spaced 24" o.c. suspended trom the upp€r channels with %" type S pan head screws and supported steel channels installed at lower corners of brackets. Outside cor ners of gypsum board protected by 0O20" thick steel corner beads crimped or nailed. (Two hour restrained or unreslrained beam). BM 2120 Construction !pe: Steel Frame, Gypsum Wallboard Two layers %" type X gypsum wallboard or veneer base around beam. Base layer altached with 1% " type S drywall screws 16" o.c. Face layer altached wilh 1s/q" type S drywall screws 8" o.c. to horizontally installed steel angles (25 gage steel having 1" and 2" fegs) located not less than th" trcm beam flanges. 1" legs ol the upper angles secured to steel deck units with t/2" lype S pan head screws spaced 12" o.c. "U" shaped brackets torm- ed ol 25 gage "U" shaped steel channels (1t%6" wide with 1" legs) spaced 24" o.c. suspended from upper angles with %" type S pan h€ad screws and supported 1" x 2" angles at lower cor- ners attached to brackets with 1/2" lype S pan head screws. Out side corners of gypsum board protected by 0.020" thick steel corner beads crimped or nailed. (Two hour restrained or unreslrained beam). BM 2130 Construction Type: Metal Lath, Gypsum Plaster tr[" mill-mixed gypsum'perlite plaster over 3'4 lb' diamond mesh r"at t"tn attac6eO to beam flinge with 11 gage steeLclips 9" o.c. Provide 1" space from botlom tlange to lath (Two hour reslrained beam.) Blt 2221 Construction Type: Metal Lath, Gypsum Plaster 1% " mill-mixed gypsum-perlite plaster o/er 3.4 lb. diamond mesh metal lath attached to beam with 11 gage steel clips 9" o.c. Ohree hour restrained beam.) Blt 3110 62