HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 BLOCK 7 LOT 2 LEGALTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiTTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L557 970-479-2]-38 'Job Address...: Locat,ion. . . . . . 3 Parcel No.....: Project Number: DEPARII,IEI{T OF COMMT]NITY DEVETOPMENT NOTE: TIIrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE PermitsMECHNiIIEAL PERMIT ')^\ \).Ll --^1 L+ < BrK-? AT AIL TIMES #: M99-0135 ]-150 PTARMIGAN RD 1150 Ptarmigan Rd 2L0L-092-08-005 staLus...: ISSIIEDApplied..: 09/L7/L999 rsaued. ... t0/0L/L999 E:<pires. . : 03/29/2ooo APPLICA$r ,JERRY SIBLEY PLT MBING P O BOX 340, MIIimITRN CO 81545 CONTRA TOR JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING P O BOX 340, MINTIJRN CO 81645 OWNER WEINSHIENK ZITA IJ 540 MANORWOOD LN, LOUISVILLE CO Description: Mechanical to replace exisEing boiler Fir.Dlacc Inforr|ation ! Reatsricted: Y *Of ctaB Appliance8: Phone: Phone: 80027 Valuation: llof OaE lJoge : 3 03 -827 -s735 3 03 -82 7 - 5735 6, 800 . 00 fof wood/Pal1ct I FBE ST,MMARY Mechanical- - - > Plan chcck- - - > InveB!igation> will c.ll- - -- > RegtuaranC Plan Rcvi.cw- -> DRB F€e-------- TOTAI, FEES- - -.' Total calculaled Fee6- - - > Additlonal Fee6----- --- -> Total Perlld! Fee-__-----> Palmants------- 140 . OO 35 .00 .00 3.O0 .00 ,00 17S.O0 179 . OO .00 17S . OO 178 .00'""'.;;t;;;;;;;;;;.;;;; ;;;:;;;;';;;";;,...o9/22/L999 KATITY Accion: NgfE Routsed to ,IRItlo9'/23/L999 JRM Act,ion: APPR APPROVE .lRMrtbm:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTVIENT Dept: FrRE Division:09/22/L999 KATIIY Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAIJ 1. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS RSQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 t'MC, ORsEgrroN 701 0F THE 1997 rMC.3. INSTALLATTON MUST CONFORM TO MANT]FACTI]RES INSTRUCTIONS AIiID TO CHAEITER 10 OF THE 1997 I'MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC.4. GAS APPLTAI{CES SIIATL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AIiID SIIAI.,L TERMINATE AS SPECTFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 TMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITIT CHAPTER 3 AI{D SEC.1O17 OF THE 1997 I]MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.6. BOTLERS SHALL BE MOI'NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. TTNTESS I-,ISTED FOR MOIJNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FIOORING.7. PBRMIT,PIJANS AI{D CODE A}TALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHA}IICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN TNSPECTION REOT'EST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECTiANIEAL ROOMS CONTAINING IIEATING OR HOT.WATER- SUpFLV BorLERs srIer,t BE EoUTPPED wrrll A FLooR DRArN PEB sgc.ro22 OF mIE L997 IIMC, OR SECTTON 1004.6 OF THE 1997 rMC. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS r hareblr tqknottledE. that r have read th16 applicetion, firrcd out, in full the inford.bion r€quired, cqrpleted .n .ccuraca pfoLPl.n. and atate that all tsh. infornacion provid.d a6 lequiled is correct. r agree to coElrly |flth t'he informabion and plot plan,bo coEltly uith all Tort! oldinancea.nd 6tate larg, and to build thi6 €tructurr according !o the Toytt,. zosring and.ubdiwieioncode6, dcaign rcvi.r approvcd, uniforu Building code aDd othcr ordlnancea of che Town appll,c.ble thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPB TIONS SHAIJL BE I{ADE TWEIITY-FOUR HOUR6 gIO}ATT'RB OF OII}IER OR COIITRI,CTOR POR HIIiSELF I}ID OTdNER ar**r.rr1**lttr*tti*ar*rr+**er ** l, l} * * * * * * * * r, * ir * r r * * * * * *t*t*tr**** TOWU OP VAIL, COIJORADO gtrgcDnt ** t * a**ittr*iirr*r rrt.. r *a* a ar*1r rrr t I * rr r * raJ a * * *t a a a trrrrrrl't*l r Seat€tdnc Nunber: REC-0559 Atnouns:L7g.O0 LO/OL/99 09 |44 Pr]@enh llethod ! Ctr l[ot Eion: 1127102/J SIBITBY Init: LC Parnlt No: Palcrl No: giee Addrcsg I Locaeionl Thir Prlm.nc M99-o1f5 Typ€: B-MECH 2101-O92-Oa-O05 1150 PTARIIIGAII RD 1150 Ptatlrigan Rd MECHANICAI, PERMIT Total Fee6: 178.00 IoErl ALIJ PEt6: Balance: 179.00 17s.00 .00 Aqcount code De6cript.ion MP 00100003r.r.1300 MBcHAlfrcAr, pERuIT pBBg PP 00100003112300 PLAII CHECK FEBS WC OO1OOOO31128OO NIIJL CAT'L INSPBCIION FEE Atnount 140. 00 35.00 3.00 0ffice TOI^TN OF VArL CO].iS?RUCTIOi PERMTT APPLrqAqroN roRil Owners Nahe: Architect: ceneral Description: Work Class:_ [ ] -New I Ph. I l-Additional [>{-Repair [ ]*other Address: Address: I -Alteration N_,pmber and TvDe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances {7 -rJrqvsr ' t ls* * * * * * *'t't * * * * * * * * :k :k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATToNS Num.lrer of DwelLing'Units : I RIITT t'\.].rr... r,v4lgrrl\J r 9 M ".."_-"- _t !,EcHANrcAL: +@ ffi:::::l.:11:...',:-**********'r coNrRAcroR rNFoRfiArroN- <,eneral- Contractor:********** * !t** ***rr***x**** * ELECTRIcAL: $PLIIMBJNG: f Address:Tor+n of Vail Req. NO.Phone Number:Electrical Contractor:Address: Plunbing Contractor:Addresi: Mechanical Address:ontractor.: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE:MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE:F T !. /-rrnyr .i- ^ .! U! \-.t I1.I Lll'L r .EJ.L : OTHER TYPE OF TEE:DPR FE'r'. BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:PLTTMBTNG PI,AN CHEEK FFF. UECHANTcAL pr,AN--;;i"i."i"" . RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: * ***rt** * ** * * * ** **** ** * rt * * * * * * rt **BUTLDfNG pERMTT FEEr Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail_ Fhone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg, NO. fOR OFFf CE USE * * * * * * * * * * *ir* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,k * * il BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATUR-E: Nlo Pss..s Pi-P.rrl1T ij P'n..?a3aK-04O _ Nlrmber of Accornmodati.on Units : Gas Logs_ Wood/pe11et * *** * **** *** * *** ** )t * )t ** )t * * * * lt* * * * O?HER: $ TOTAL: $ DA?E, g//6,/n I DDf T art\ t'|'r/.\ J Ap*,LrcATroN l'fus? BE FTLIED our coMpLETELy oR rT MAy NOT BE AccEpTED A * * * * 't * 't * * * * * * * * * * * * * 't * * * * * * * * PERI'IrT TNFoRMATToN *****:r*rr*)r******)r*)r***)r****i [ ]-Building [ ]-plunbing [ ]-Electrical [)g]-Mechanical [ ]-otherJob Narne , lr/r;- "/, -.L r,/ - .. /t -')/., /), ^.Job Addr-ess: //5L: FL ,f^ Rd vLegal Description: Lot_ Block_ "i1irs______ rrlor#sro*, VALUATION \cLEAl nP pPosrr REFrlNn m: sEP 1? 1999 BURNI.IAM GAs.FIRED HOT WATER BOILER Quality home heating you can count on. Il you're investieating a heating system for yor,rr new home, or if you're replacing an old, ineFficient. or \\orn-L)ut hoiler. a gas fired hot rvater boiler fronr Burnhanr is the lrome heating investmcnt that's right for you. Burnhanl s Scrics 2A boiler olfers you all thc benelits of hot '"varer heat toecthcl wirlr rhc advanraqes of quality cast iron construction and advanced engineering. Whcn you specily Burnham, you get horne heating that is comfortablc, economical, and Leliable-all from a boiler that's safb, quiet, and field proven in thousantls of installations. A clean burning, energS' efticicnr heating system is morc important now lharr ever beforc. And Bulr:hanr's g.-r,s fired hot watcr boilers recluce yearly heatin.q bills and can pay for themselves in fue) savings alonc. Ilur rrham Serics 2A gas boiler, you get more usable heat lbr your dollar. Burnham makes heating your home with natural gas a practical investment today, and one you'll apprectate ovcr the years. Hydronic heating-the home comfort advantage Heat and conlort go hand in h;rrrd at Bulnhaln. The Series 2A gas boiler gcnerates hot water which is transmitted through pipes to heat L'vcfy room of your home. And bt-cause water absorbs heat so quicHy, it can bc circulated efliciently through your house and lts temperature accurately controlled. This Lype of home heatine. lclerrcd ro as hvdronic hearing, has proved itself over the years to be the rnost effective and economical comfort systenr available. So it's not surprising that it's the preferred hcatrng choice of knor,vledgeablc architects, engineers and horneowners. a ivell designed, properly rnaintaincd hydronic system will provide you with long term comfort and economy. You'll never c'xperience hot and cold spots or r1r;rlis so common with forced air sy5ri nls. YDu $on t be bothere,i b1 airborne dust, srloke, odor, or gernrs llcing czrrried fronr room to room. And hydronic systems can be easily zoncd, saving fuel while providing conrforlabie temperatures in thc var ic'us living areas of your honre. In shorr , hydronic heating is cleaner, nrtrre vcrsatile, artd more co rrrfortablc than alternative heatin.g systerlls. And Burnham is your ke1' to tlrc hydlonic hcating advanragc. 5eries ZA. The home heating standard. l'he Series 2A eas boiler tlclivcr s clt'an, quict, ancl reliable home hcating economically and cf'ficiently year aftcr year. Its cast iron construction provides lifetime durability and dependability. When equipped rvith a fuel-saving vent danper and electric ignition, the Series 2A achieves annual efliciencies in excess of 82%. The Series 2A is conlpletely factory assemblcd and fire tested and requires only minimal hook-up to put it into opcration. Consequently, you ivill save time and money on installation. The Series 2A offcrs you quiet, eilicient comfort. You won't erperiencc pulsing vibrarions. rumbles or roars liom your basement. Heavy insulation and quiet burning srainless stccl burners lel you save money on fi"rel without a noisy reminder cvcry time the heat goes on. America's Boiler Company When you select a Burnham br)ilcr-you re buying more thln just hcat. Burnham has earned a reputaLion for quality and dependability eoins back to t856. And Rurnham is dcdicated to insuring that your Burnham boiler operates efficiently and effectivel1,. In fact, all Burnham residential gas boilcrs are lactory fire tested, and th€ Series 2A carries a 20 year limited rvarranty on the heat excnanqer. Thc Series 2A boiler is a smart home hcating choice . It's efTicient. It's safe. Arrd it's priced atfordably. Thc Series 2A boilcr is availabic in a range of sizcs to closcly nratch your Ir.rnrc s heat loss hr thc dptinlunl irl t'fiicient opcration . Wlrcrr you conlparc f-eatures, firel efliciency, boiler life. safety, and easc ol nlaintenancc, you'11 see why Bulnhanr is Ame rica's boiler cLlnlpan.y. l hc Scries 2A boiler can provide over 82C wonh of hcat for every dollar spent on gas. ll yr-rLtr present boilcr is like nrany oltler gas boilcrs. it's probably operating at an arlnrnl cflicicncy of only (rO%. \,\rhich nlcans nrrrch ol tht' heat you paid fbr is going right up thr: clrimnev. SLr whcn you upgratle to a BURNHAI-4 5ERI5 ZA HOT WATER GAS BOILER DOE Heating Capacities 51 to 244 MBH Dependable economy- Dependable warmth Thc Scries 2A hot water boiler conrbines thc dcpendability oi a convenLional proven dcsign with the economy of gas. And with an annual efticrency of up to 82.29; rhc Series 2A could save you hundreds of dollars in a single heating season. At the heart of every Series 2A is a durable cast iron hcat exchanger that enhanct's energr etliciency and improves boiler performance. Rug,eled cast iron sections designed with hundleds of hcat cxtracting pins ,._:. .. .a .. wrine optimal heat liom thc gases. In addition, the vertical IIue desigrr assures you of maximum heat ex[racLiort and cconomical operalir-rn . Its cast iron construction also resists rust and corrosion, cxtending the life of the boiler. All in all, the Serics 2A boiler provides durable and dependable home heating year after year. Designed to fit tight closet installations The Scries 2A boiler was designed specitically for honres "l,here space is a prernium. The controls and gauge are Locatcd up front so the Series 2A carr bt installed even in close close! srtuations. It is ideal for condominiums, townhouses and homes without basemcnts. The Series 2A is equipped wlth split controls: an operating/high limit control, a transformer and a circulator relay. By using off the- shelf separate controls instcad of a combination control, Burnham has simplilied control replacenrent and reduced replaccment costs, The location of the controls also makes rcpplar sen'icing easier. The safe, home heating alternative Your lanrily's safety is infinitely more importanr than fuel savings. Therefore, the Scrics 2A design incorporates a broad array of safety f'eaturcs. For examplc, each standard Series 2A boiler has a time proven safety feature with its own backup system. if you losc pilot flame, a thermocouple supervisor sends a signal to a rcdundant gas valve cutting off the gas flow. l'he redundant gas valvc is basically a 32f\ 24r, ,oti _:l;L 2ii 208A 38'/\ i 30'A I i sPECIFICATIONS '\Burnharil d!4FRTCA.S BOltf R CO|."4PANJ\ 62 9o 130 164 198 232 266 299 JI 52 80 108 Ir5 lol t91 218 244 ;'0.8 (1c-l. i ('9.E 69.9 ,L).i 70.2 70 _l / 0.5 70.6 7 5.9it 9 ;5 5 io.0 76.6 77 2 77.7 7 8,3 7B I 75.1 7-i.o 74.6 74.2 73.8 7 i.0 318 a2) 82.!r Bl 6 fl 1 a 8i..1 81 2 ilr 0 30'.8 270 45.2 69.6 s 3.9 I18.3 t41 .7 166.I I 89.tr 212 .2 I 7 2.tt IN;: x FT. .1x15 4\15 5\15 Ox l5 (rx l5 7\ l5 7x1:, -1( 8r 1 --< 8x15 \Vdler only-30 PSI \ rLrrking pr(ssure DOll heatirq c.rpaclt) and annlal elliaie{ay are based or Ll.S Corelntnedr sl,tI(l.tll ii'sls Rating Footnotes: lolr' narccn L.: .1 l(r (d(h I 0i. lr. nl',\'p <en le'rl require[rr'rts suah as intrrrnirrei]r s!ilern cfopcran..n. (.xlensivc Iipirrg i\srrnl5 ('t, Optional Equipment: FUEL SAVING * VENT DAMPER- lncreases annual efficiency and saves fuel dollars. Autornatically closes the flue after the burner shuts off and rcopens it again before thc burncr comes on. Availablc as op- tional eq uiprnent- mounts and rvires easilv. includes orewired con- length of time the pilot is not rc-established the entire systenr nection harncss ivith plug for use on all 24v. Standing pilots goes on saf-ety shutdowrl. or El control systems. Optional vcnt darnper not available in Larlaoa. LBurnham Hydrcn cs Drvr!ror Lanc:tter. PA l/6C4 Forrn No. 41 56-6/90-40Ma Printed in U.S.A. 1 990 Burnham Corporation SER|ES ZA RATINGS Naturar & Lp Gas g @ .,, [q;l 2024, 203A. 204A 205A 2064 207 A\t 208A]-' zosai 2l oAt_ ELECTRJC IGNITION * optional spark ignited pilor (El) is available on all sizes for natural & LP gas. Coupled with a redundant gas valve the system shuts down on loss of pilot flame within .8 sec. The control arrangement provides for a 90 second try for pilot relighr fbllowin.q shutdown. If afrer the (t 9ad $'l)ff&"!tr*Ec 'r,v qolttQy^ a .t/ ?f.E.o g ahtttb' rrorr> t on? 6't/ 'fnn,oJ,,2/ Y)rY' aP'' -2'f // = .J ooo'f ': .a1..7 -t"/'' r .!1,4n/:/ , rl - 1rat2 yi'1,4t @o'rEz l!P7'. Ju rlr:.'.i1" 1wt'f ,8 Qltdq *7 od'rh r+a7-7rt"g "ry/'e1vt44 -/rcgl, ,.n.. "|r"tT J3 "ra? lo'.1 "rt *r"1d i q nr:d yny ^'C yl:-f K, =,ffrT ,lel y,y nb bvtJrittd vv3ldar (w *otr,,,, Tl X,KA, f|n-tfoJgrrt fny' Srb' hvtr'!)tJ vz vv11/al 'J(2 vot+ylqvKu or l "EoF j, //, "' " *'oi tJ1iafi oJb CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE 8/24188 00 3,{ 62 depafiment of community dovelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT IXK BUILDINGn elecrRtcll N MECHANICAL trntr LEGAL -)Esc. lorG ,,1'NEG t'. JOB NAME: llelnechlenk Resldence OWNER NAME Judge ZIta Weinschlenk MA1LADDRE5S 1150 Ptarnlgan D crry Vail- pa. 47 6-33L6 ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM Plath Const., In rowN oF vAtL REG. No. 148-8 rEl E 949-L905 O..r*,.o.- CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO MECHANICAT CONTRACTOR FIRM IOWiLOF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOI/YN OF VAILREG. NO. TEI-E. r.TYPEoFcoNsrRUcnoN r rr rrr rv@ 2. occuPANcY GRouP ree x r@m DtvtstoN r e ea6)+ 6ENERAL DEScRlploN oF woRK . Tearv0ff roof Install 3" risld insulation and 4-oh PERMIT NO, z9F 3 BUILDING 8 ,000 .00 ELECTRICAL PLUMBING bullt up roofing r'rith black scoria MECHANICAL rock as the finished surface TOTAL 8,000.00 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES v R-3 I ,000 .00 BUILDING PERMIT 99 .00 cffiAE'a# l(07 w PLAN CHECK 50.00 ELECTRICAL NEW( ) ALTERATTON( ) AODT ONAL( ) REPAIR PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - UECHANICAI- HEIGHT IN FT. - )ft1. FTREPLAcES RECREATION FEE ffircxress R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CtEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100.00exr.wrLLslf\f llf\ |USE TAX TYPE OF HEAT ELEC. SOLAR GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES 249.00 Garr Mrrrr:qtn 8/24LgE ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr. cur | |. rl iUNDINGoFFIEIA. - DATE Letst'Rosq-lask 8124188 IONING ADMINISTRATOR DAIE BLASTING ZONING & BUILDING NOTES:t^"*,*o I I I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, fill€d in full the i provided as required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inform ired is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to nances laws, and to build this structure according to the T design review approved, Uniform Building Gode and thereto. ',Wn UW;ANO THE with all Town HIMSELF p nLry/vail ytu'n oli er.r r ?esidmce-. llto ptflrm,7ft,t cir, Ccorrin kA * 0rrietc a,ni* ,{'eqD 5, quirhT T ( ...:j ',. \ ;\iitrii .t \,q ,;i li ''/ i -'l '-lf"d i"t28 ,l(ot ll I' rlr ,I I-1 t ,., I '(n <) .'t -t::.1 rNsStoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: Feffi BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL g UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION t] SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr trF FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING . tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR - g fiot tr FINAL \PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado -.-! , / '/ rela,^r. fr-z 4Pe rrnit Permission is hereby er^nt"a fr,ta # C, fra.; "" 6a n l-ac/a. t cao-ry'rccf story pqiia.qc,a "" /o/ z t E/o.* 4 2ll 4/,* / ddre s s In accordance with the provisions set forth by the Vail -A'rchitectural Control Cornrnittee, subject to the rules and regulations as set forth in the VaiI Village Protective Covenants, and in cornpliance with the 1964 Uniforrn Buildine Code. Type of Constructio" -T Group -r I pproved ? o"il-*,^, r/rl.r, Ur, ,g INSPECTICN RECORD (Fo r Departrnental use Only) 'f -:::: i&No. '-'l--{ : ' ' t CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY AND COMPLIANCE '' t .,4 -\ i Vail, Colorado ---'--"':'*l- I 9-'-j--r- g6d---:.---ii. - -,.=- --if ,i., - i : .-'--: --:-:-':--:-Lt-l-!9 u lq to occuPy the building as---"----i---"--''i-'--'-'--'------ " 'l:-''--'---''--'-"j--''L--.- on Lots -------,--::-,-----.----, Block,---.--..---'-.-..--.'--:-' --"-- Addition. Located in --------l-.-:.----:,-:--'-:-I--j-'-l -- zoning district' The address knowtn as -----:---I-5i--'i'i'-:'':-t:'l--'----:'--." - "-- ------'' Aoplicant shall maintain said bu:lding in accordance .with all pr"r.rrt or future ordinances with respect to sanitation, buil- ding and zoning. Building Official IRE..",--.--i a I 1 I q I .-.--i ti -Ia!?tr = :q .ll (tr h-l IAVAILABLI APPLICATION THE licant t FOR BUILDING PERMIT TOWN Ol. VAIL fill in this section onl Altetation Repairs Type of occupancy {All parts of building)hql a Bo tJk u rdtr+rq oo No of stories--5-Ht'--.-. No. of rootns-1*.No'-baths;- No. of water cloietsjl-- (l u0q Fl Lot Bloek Subdivision (Circle correct classification) No. of Families ESTIMATED COST oF coNsrRucrrol ( Materi els l. Type of construction I. II. III. I U@ . Occupancy group A. B. C. D. E. F. C. H@ J. Signed Building address Date of Applicetion Addrees City t()ern orzr ,Tet. No. fi a-C aCZ Addressciqm Address Ko {11 Tel. No. er?6* BUILDING INFORMATION New t/ Addition SUILDINC DIMENSICIIq totii ttoor area (sq ft) (Permittee) fit'/h$.$ Approval by planning aod architectutal control e to obtain building perlnit. f ,;- ,l /-Date / -^r^-4-/1--e.I"a of Plans /- zf'2O (2 sets required) pate - --tl,Z*. Date Amount of Perrnit Eee $-./2!,ta*t:S.zt Paidt Caeh $_Clu"f ^$_,ffiPaid: Gashg-checkEW Date permit iesueci __L:ffi Tap fee paia_- e*ount Final inspe.tiott: coistructiotGiEi-"p - Certi.ficate of occupancy & compliance ^ -l I Ivi .,\\ .rEdabtc geiblivtJ lo 5JsfI ,{ aJT A.;.rI fl rJ'{. [:.i AI{i{IJI ; tiI . __* .=_o .rililrb;\ _ uicll --* __ -*__llieq* F _._*.--illFr er{ A -. . -..*-- -,Yf ,tl:qu:;':- ,.1 1o eqgT - (:roil-'Iiird,ir.r zttsg IIA ) - . :railr.eilaqA i{ !fllil.l . A li;r,rrg bc r';t i?1'': f.-'etti rr:sgl . jrlr;rreg i ...1lJ rjl:f.'9 stcCI ]o 4 *esrf:.t { ;Ir rrlS l l:IJ ''r., ' ,1 . t t"4. qt.l -oe rI:i o JeEa C. CralgP.0. Box llttVaifr CoLorado 3165? gu&tEtr: Pre*Final Inep€ctione 14, 1971 . Scrr Jlnl PenLt a) b) e) IIo. ??0?2 - Lapin Inetallation oftional ventlcalfngtallation ofette; Rc-do Jane andproof nater:ial . Itro following ia a lettcn of conf{r.aation of th6 Jobs Vou end I touned on Januarry 12, 1971, wlth a bniaf reeur$s oftho itcrne to be conreetacl: Peralt llo. 87064 - frcenan F.esl,dEnee a) Installation of landl'ng *nd staaa at rGar antry;b) lnstallati-on of, beakfltyw preva6itet!. valvt (Raduccd Pnegsure Prlnciple) in patarr supply llno toboile:r. .ResLdcnea addltlonal stel.n raLl rnd addl.ra!,l on oxietl.ng etein;bar and exhautt Ey$ter in kltchen- head of firaplaea oprning wlth flrc li.9lE: Jln, f do not neoall if the gucrd rall .enound the oponing of the etair$ell !,as sufflcient ? F r9 \) sE: ,7- (tosz*J Sopb. 2, l97O Rc : Wclrrhtork Reriilercl Lot ? Blook 7 Vril Vtllrgc ): eorrort m rork rcatlorad ir your lettcr tlrtod \$s sg?$ r "-\- ^ -rA.rn- lJlll to Sutkllrg DaPertnont TalI, Colcrdo Ilsrr 81r: a-.-.-._ ... , ReErrill.rg Aug. ?6, 197O: of AuG. 51, 19?0. A11 ltEns oomcttcd or dl'rporod of er por our eorvcr rrtl,cn Pcr yorr dcterrlrrtl'or bouth rldtlr. Corroetod r. .ool rr polrlblo rhiney heightr. 5. Brth opcrr to hell alit lerr arer 18 por I. z. +. ph,r. Chrngcd ririlm h bcdroor. OvEr E0* of roilirg Lr ovcr per bullillry coilo. C oh.unr errl rililtttonrl bcrn ?. 6tr tr inrtrlled.6. Cortreotc : A Auguet 26 ' 1.970 Mn. Hubert ltqlnshicnk l?oI: Secu:rlty t,f.fa Bulldlng Dtnvcr, Colorado Darr Strr: Hub.!'t llelnahienl Real'dencc Lot 2, Clock ? ' Vail Valllagc Ptling #7 To date thc following dlscrrparroica have bsen notcd on thc above ncferEneed Job: ' : 1. , Plreplscc haarth width snuBt b6 18't fr"on face of -opcnl'ng and i;"d;'il;t-ilj;i 12" frou-openlng on-each eldc' (note: ;il:';f 6;"iil'i;-f;on iii."i63 faic of aonpletcd flncp1aci.) 2. All chlmncyrc ehall be a ninlmum of it 0" abovc'the higheat roof polnt within l0' Otr. 3. L,owen floor batlrroom oP.nt lnto Pn eatlng-anaa' Sgctfgn 1405(b)Etates:''Thercehatlbeno..oponing.froP.a.r9on.l?wf[cfr a qrater cloect Le locatcd into a loosl ln whlch food 16 t+. Bsdroom windowa do not nlot rcqulrtncnta fon the nequt'rcd ;tansbG anca fon encrS€ncy cxlt (ft'i0' ' . 5. Upetalna bed:roorne do not iilvc raquhcd celllng height of 7t 6tt. 6. Stecl beans at north saet qorngn-ia^au ftlr-"frafl be a eteol oglumn wlth boltcdIlf It Uf fclrr t,!E a c, LerD- \.:'t- !..s --.: --- ctructural detalle and'bslculatlona shortl4g Hood --'a a I^leLnahienk Real-dcnce Block 7, Vail Viltage Filtng #7 ptg€ tero Re:, HubentLot 2r t. -lI' The above eorreotLone shall bc rnadc b11 Septarnber. 7, 1970 ' or; ',- a lctter neecl.vcd by this off,iec firon ,the oernen on hls rcgni- eentative explaining what wlLl bc dona and when. If thla lenot aehieved by the aforementioned date a "Stop Wonk Onderrt w{Ll be lsaued against the aboyG Fefd:penaed Jobr in.aoco:rdgncenlth S€ctlon 202-(e) of thc-.Un{forg Buil-dlng Code ae adopted by Thc Town of' VaiI CGBfuao CC: Anchltect:R. E. Helfen ilamee C. Cnalg Sincanely, TI{E TO}JN OF VAIL C'tranleg G. Bynwt, P.E. Bullding 0ffLeial . At '1 a rluno 2ttr l8?0 Xub.!'t thl.nrhlcnk 1701 $courlty Llf,r Bulldtng Denvcr, Colonado Rcr tlcl.nahl,cnk Rcrl,dencc Dear Sl.nl Poli,orl,ng ane tho resulta of a plan chrck on the aublcct Seatdrnocr "j.1. Plot plan ahould chor off, atrcet parking tor'-7-- 2. Hearth should hrvs I rldth of l8 inchca. Scc.ots'9. ToLlctg necd a clraF niditr of gotnchae. et.. llr Xttchens nced 32 squrtlt fact eupenfl.clal floor arca.Sco. If08(b)XKttchcn on loucr floor nccdr light andvcntilctl.on ln accordanec yltb Scctlon 1tr05(a).)<E. Lowcn floon brttrrum opcn! to an rattng arrr whlch lgnot allowed-lcct!.on ltt05(b),oK6. BolLer noou ahould bc plovldcd nJ.ttr ait f,or oonburt:lon.okT. Brloony nd.llngr shouli lravc olrninge hea than I fnehca- Scetl.on 17llt. >< 8. Bednoon nindors to br ln eooordanca wLth mqutn rrntB ofSoctLon Itt0E(a) and 8320. 6te 9. Bstario:r Btcps rtlad r handnall. Srctlon 3305(1). --'okl'0. Blook rork to ba i|r ceoortrncs **tb.Una out ohcctsbread on thc buttdtry cod.. -->".-11. UpataLra hCuooi do not hav. the r.qul,r.d lLninurqoclIlng h:lght of 7t6i. Section 1406 (a).-.42. llccd trc fuII Ecta of planr. ,,^18,. Onr houn flrc ncristlvi rcparatlor b.tncon ganagc cnd hornc Le requircd, Cl^.-.,--.,-, +{-{ , tirtt -.,h^.,*.0 '--t^noJ t^ --.'/') €-^. four olr8. 37or (J ) . ,4ut c2/ ,-,.e '/''r''{tl; ,{v'i --'P"/ t '/\ \,. e/ 1 3 STATT OF COLORADO COUNTY CF EAGLE DECLARASION CF UAND. ALI"CCATION )I ss. ) depoee and say that the followiag statcmcnts are true and correct according to my best knowledge, informatlon and belief, to wit: 1. That thie atatement is made lo conjunction with the flling of an applieation for a bullding perrnit to the Town of .Vall and to comply with the requirementa of Article VII, Section 3, Ordinance Number 7 (Series of 1969) Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Yail. Z. The dcseription of the buildlng eite for the propoeed buildlng ie aefollows: L,,tt- ElkT Fr/r'ttlt#7 l/*, I //,11-z,pe . (Deacription may be attached or aurveyorr'e map may be used to ihow dea- criptloo. ) 3. The proposed building eite contains | ? 7 7 L square feet, and the propoeed butlding containe 2 z q1 of area ae defined in the aforesaid Z.oning Ordinance. square feet 4, The propoeed buildiag, as lt relatee to thc building elt€ atea, r, |l"b"-* -T] Warnshierksriulrg first duly swotn upon oath, oKt - OWNER wae duly aubgcribed and complies to the Floor Area Rg,tio for the zoning which applies to the building eite, aa defined in the aforesaid /.oning Ordinaqc€. The sworn toA3 foregoing affidavit and declaration ila'y of , tg,l. 7o [{y €ornr,ir;icn ex;:lrcs Ocl. 2C,l?73. Q!fF{ oF VAt uo DA]LY BUTLDING INSPECTTON RXPORT T-EG- r o eiuraing: Weht!tt{tE{19 ?c5 Penmit No: flg$flrl W 4,'?a t,l ", L *1 o\.\ $., | .-o*1 / *\A re-r. su16. Contnacton:frr^ Ceerc rssued (9y, 1,11\ t r* 1, "-,"'o ,.-1 .l a\€,fT r D, tro go1l.11,.to D k-, t"fn, Ib ' %f U,v'n o-a<ca^f\"4 P qq''L''v* v+t be lgr ojoue Futa p- - z/Jw lertL Date Issuea: J9XC ZSr'tO Remanks o BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado Date Augu* 15,19 68 Pe rrnit Perrnission is hereby granted Mrs. Clare Lundgren, as Contractor to c onstruct sto ry re sidence Lot 2, Block 7, Vail Village Seventh Filine l ddress Vai1. Colorado In accordance with the provisions set forth by the Vail /, rchitectural Control Cornrnittee, subject to the rules and regulations as set forth in the Vail Village Protective Covenants, and in cornpliance with the 1964 Uniforrn Building Code. Type oI C onstruction Group C ontracto r Roger B. Gray, Breckenridge, Colorado ilI A pproved Vail Building Inspector INSPECTION RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) INSPECTION ,\PPROVA L COMMENTS DATE & SICNATURE FOUNDATIONS FRr'MING bo tr ,a I trt FINAL ROUGHu !J f4 FIN,^ L ROUGH bo o FIN/ L ROUGH_bo (! q) 4 I I I FINI\ L I }PPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT THE TOWN OF VAIL licant fill in this section Building address BUILDING INFORM} TION Date of Aoplication N.*__r<_ A lteration A ddition t{ame Mrs - _ Glarre l ndgren r' ddressBox 114 City Eagle. Colo. Tel. No.-,1!$-!622 F{ i city___Der,*re^g__ Tel. No. 333-7997 Name ion_No. of water clos ets Addres s lr (u tr B FU l.) l\t F trp BUILDING DIMENSIONS Total floor area (sq ft)_. J31,L- No. of stories 3 - ;il;3fff' Nr. of roorrrs I 1 No. baths 3 l. Type of construction I, ll IV, V No. of Familiee L - - ESTIMATED COST oF CoNSTRUCTION 32, 500.q0 (Materials & Labor) COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE 393 Z. Occupancy grouo rl c, D, E, F, G, J qJ \91 ul\l *r (l, & d ok n { ru+,(t A Fd Lq +rg q, o ru it) uc u d d ot r{ lr(: 6 uq) ,J<9g$ Fr rtug Hfif;$ HE<:Po&I9"z7 Zctzb<i aJOPQ d >..u d () o 0) d(J l+i +,k 6.) I tr nlq) (J (J tr ul troo g o oo& (D r0 tr fr1 *t-tr o fil c)o a" CIF q) ([ o +, tr It) ru d (,1 & Uo u g g, d 'rd d 0, kl {# tUo +J FJ tro tr +l6 o Hq INSPECTION RECORD (f or Departmental use only) INSPECTION APPROV} L r'OUND}^TIONS Type of occupancy- y' rea of Lot Block 7 Subdivision IHc.:..1.'E .d.1 +rItdO €+'go.do+rb0 +.1d'F dF <! o+ra 'J''. 50 r{phq) -1 E--Podl5 0.8 kndt1 (U F{ai'i<5.4 zo F{() trl P.nz zi-t l-.1 11 gl [)lr d bo a 0) (s a U' A d tt{ l.l d lr 1.. .'! gl c t h c) ,x(] q) HgiiH *"69hY+rG to AC u.d.d>tr0)q:: o tr tU Eoo .d() art o o o tr FRAMING FIN^ L ROUGH(,1 !) FIN/ L ROUGH FINAL ROUGH Uo FINA L