HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 BLOCK 4 LOT 4 LEGALc6,tt ${tt oElrELoPlG'{I Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORM Department of Comrnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:9V0.479.2452 web: wwrv.vailgov.com Proiect Name: KELLEY RES. DECK REPI-ACEMENT Project llescription: ProjectAddress: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: DRB Number: DR8050,145 FINAL APPROVALTO REMOVE EXISTING DECK AND REPI.ACE WITH NEW DECK THAT WILL INCREASE 10' ON THE EAST SIDE Participants: owNER KELLEY, MARY B, & MYMOND F.09i18/2006 28OO S UNIVERSITY BLVD STE 37 DENVER co 80210 APPUCANT BROWN-WOUN CONSTRUCION 09/18/2005 Phone: 970-9494186 P.O. BOX 701 VAIL co 81658 License: 100-A CONTRACTOR BROWN-WOLIN CONSTRUCION 09/18/2006 Phone: 970-9494186 P.O. BOX 701 VAIL co 816s8 License: 100-A gg2PTARMIGAN RDVAIL LOCAI|ON: gg2VAILVALLEYDR Lot 4 Block: 4 Subdivision: VAIL VILI-AGE FIUNG 7 2101-081-1500-1 See Conditions Mofon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 10/18/2006 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approm! dthls poject shall lapse and become roid one (1) year fullorvlng $e dab of final approwl, unless a bulHing pennlt b bsued and onstruction is @mm€ned . and is diligendy prrsued towad @rnpl€fion. Cond: CON00(M62 The appllcant shall add tofiJre and olor to the sono tube piers to match the stuco tecture and cobr. Oond: CON0008463 The appllcant shall not expose the o'lt ends of the nTrex" decking materhl. A fach board on the ded< shall be used b hlde the cut enG. Planner: Wanen Gmpbell DRB Fec PaH: S20.0O + Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: ft owner{s) Signature(s): Name of APPlicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: type of Review and Fee: D Signs tr ConcePtual Review tr Netd Constructiontr Addition Minor Atterauon (mul6-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-familY/duPlex) Changes to APProved Plans General Information: All projects requiring ctesign review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application' Please refer to the submittal requiremenb fur the particula, approvairrat is reque*ed. An appliotion for Design Revialv cannot be accepted until all required information is receiv[ U/it'" Cdtt'1ity Development Department' The project may also need to O" rJi.".O W Ut9 f-91n Coun6ianl/ot the Planning and Environmental Commission' Design review apprcvat lapses unless a building e"-iit i"'G".u and onstruction commenoes within ladlnctl Application for Design Review Department of Community Development - 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479'2L39 faxt 970'479'2452 web: www.ci'vail'co.us Pe one year of tlre aPProval. of the Request: Location ofthe ProPosal: Lot:Block: Physical Address:77a 1/o"l '*(, parcef No.: A lo t 08 I 1500 I Zoning: d Ftcer o ,€4 "l 640 for parcel no.) t"J{3 4htq 6 Soato o3 -5o -o5 U"4 Q 8/6sO 4y'\u, NS, iZ,./^ (.o , Bo Phone: Fax: $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area' For construction of a new building or demo/rebuilcl' ioi in .OOiuon where square f6tage is added to.any residential or .J.rl"i.i u"iroing (includes 250 adlditions & interior conversions)' ;;ffi"-fu;g.tio uuitdings ano site improvements' such as' reroofing, painting, \^,indow addiUons' landscaping' fences and retaining walls, etc' ioitin'o..nunses to buildings and site impmvements' sucn as' ;Jiooffi; -f.ititins, window additions, landscaping' fences ano tr + tr tr retaining walls, etc. $20 ioi i.ution, to ptans already approved by Planning staff or the Design Reviet/', Board. No Fee Uttg<' Separation Request TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement +**++*'t*{r*{'***tt*****t*f*'a{r*,t't't't'}{r{r!ttt'****'}{"}***tttitt+*+++*t*tfff+ttf***+*+t'*t+************{' Statement Number I RO6OO014?7 Arnount | $2O.OO Og/LS/200603:44 PM Palment Method: Check Init: Js Notation: 5584/BRowN- WOLIN CONST. INC, Permit No: DRBO5O445 rlrl)e! DRB-Minor Alts, SER/DUP Parcel No: 2101-081-1500- 1 Site Addreee: 992 PTARMIGAN RD VAfIJ Locat ion 3 9 9 2 VAf IJ VAIJIJEY DR Total Fees: $20.00This Palment: $20.00 Tota1 AIrIJ Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Accor.rnt Code Deecription DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN RE\ilIEYf FEES Current Ptnta 20.00 \9F /-h___t<_-.s $--- {- j--s rr{l- tl t 'l*.:J ,i :I: i''-,; , i ;1 I I I I I I I I st SI \I >lg I Iz g a 5 ita(r' 9 1 I t ! .l I I I 0 I d al I$ s i\| s\l I.( s.l o-l I E o6 RICHARDS ENGINEERS, INC. P. O.8cr l9OB Vril, Coloodo 81657 . Phorr 476:iQ72 D.nr.. Lln.-893-,531 \ SURYEY NO. V6.6 DA1E Fe,b, //r /?76 2P-t ) F$ O --=:::o-i dIo{J o F F o zfoLI $o $I-l-l I ctz(,z .JE .//7. AA' CERTIFICAII Of SIJRVEY Thir it lo clrtity thal on lhr abovr d.tr .n improy.miol tutr.ry wrr rnadr bt mc, or undx my ;ufrrvision, of lhr abovo dcrcribcd propcrly, and thll lo tfi. bart ol ny loowlcdgc rod bclief, lhc abovc plel accuralcly npro' $ntr tha lmprovcmcnb in rclalion to th. p.op..t linlt ar t| ortt and that lhc localion and dinrcnrionr ol all building ioprovcmcnlr, cuomcolr or right-of.t,ey io cvidcncc. or lnowa to mc, and ancroech{@tyfft gf VALprcmilrr err accuratclY rhown. DESIGN REVIEW STAFFAPPROVAL \ DA'E: .- l0-t 846 $.\s\o \l\_ b\- ./-o/ 4, .8./ack 4 l/.qrt l/tzzAaE 5,s r,rrvrt+ Ftzpva u"fiJ/o\ \ .+.. f-v)> ,,d 1Qofl r 4i.E' 6"& I \l $r II I 90' fr,ftf "ff* nq: t//rl{11w, AND LAND SUNVEYOR, NO. tl 11 n 1.a' s .gsft- E'V :no o $il # gSfr* {6o, .+ -T = Pi9.I fr ss :ti 2q F{ 8r[ B u8 tt- d)d!r[ a U_ M[o E a G 5 EFfi FEH nst 7 E iL [tr 6 g-40zl0[L "3 ir{. }9 ; .oa< ;3 . b: E? 22 ilrl,--iir=-_--rl i! iiii llll -----i ee Eel 8H I:i{o_:cti;ra!d 66 E!fr$!{ I { a { [rE -J! Br8 s!-5(\ o h t z4 o w$ 6rt0 ES | ... oc 2r1?SO '"r I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 O$INER Electrical------> DRB Fee-----> Investigation--> Will Call------> TOTAL FEES-> ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 992 PTARMIGAN RD VAIL Location.....: 992 PTARMIGAN RD ParcelNo...: 210108115001 Project No : Permit #: 803-0247 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : ll/13/2003 Issued. .: ll/13/2003 Expires . .: 05/11/2004 Phone: o"?*rrr*r oF coMMLrNrry DEvELor?^t LJ .t, ._6 \K.l & RAYMOIID E.Lt/13 / 2003 DR $s0.00 $0. 00 s0. 00 s3.00 ss3.00 $53.00 90.00 $53.00 $53.00 s0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees--------> Total Permit Fee----> Palme nts--._-------> BALAI{CE DUE----> Approvals:Item: 05000 EI-,ECTRICAL DEPARTMENI L]-/t3/2oo3 DF Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENI CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond:12 -f.:*":-:]-;--:l-:::,-:T:::::'..o-I:-.T:.-*:-:::i:'-:.-::,::::-1-.:::.-:::,-:..-'":yi::.T::**,****,*,**.*.**,..,**+,*+*,..,|**, DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review U.^--.t Q',L\*1- -n$-<'r. .,'* na NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES KELLEY, MARY B. 2950 E STANFORD ENGIJEWOOD CO 80110 Iri-cense: CONTRACTOR D.P. EIJECTRIC P.O. BOX 711 EDWARDS, CO 81,632 License: 1.1-9-E APPI,ICANT D. P. EI-,ECTR C P.O. BOX 7l-L EDWARDS, CO 8L632 Iricense: 119-E L1-/1"3 /2OO3 Phone : 97O-926-41-4O Lt/t3/2oo3 Phone: 97o-926-41,40 Descipion: replace existing kitchen ceiling light fixtures with 10 recessed cans,add I receptacles location Valuation: S1.000.00 t*i|+t*it+||+it|{'i'|'i|tit1|t+il+f**it+*{it*|*+*******|i+***ttit*+*til',tFEEsUMMARY+i1+****'t*l*{.***,t approved, Unifomr Building Code and omtrain-"rs ofthe T REQI,JESTS FORINSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOI'RS IN ADV BY applicable CTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNET * ** * * ****+ *t + i * ** **** + * **++* | ** * t * * *l * * l. ** * ** * *** * * * *** * ** ** * +:i +* * * * ** * * * +* * * * +* {. * * * * * * f* * i * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **+{. + * ** **** *** *+ + **++************* ** {. ** **** * ** ** * ** * *+ * * * *t {.l. + ++ * * ***** * ** * * * *+ +,1. * ++** t* + + * Statenent Number: R030005123 Amount: $53.00 77/13/2OO3O2:48 PM Palment Method: Check Init: DDG Notsatsion: Dave Peterson Electric 2218 7 Permit No: EO3-O247 T),'pe: ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 210108115001 Site Address: 992 PTARMIGAN RD VAIL Location: 992 PTARMIGAII RD Total Fees: S53.00 This Payment: $53.00 Totat ALL Pmts: $53.00 Balance: $0.00 ** * ****** +*+*+******* ******* ** * ** * ***** * * * **'l'| * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * {. * * * * * * * + {.1. * * * * * * ****,}*** ACCOI.INT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Cunrent Pmts EP OO1OOOO31111OO TEMPOMRY POh]ER PERMITS t,lc OO1OOOO31128OO hJILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 50.00 3. 00 'JAN-?A.?Ea@ a,62ara FR0l'l:BR0l^lN l^l|) CONSTRUC 97a9496a47 ru:646P5 Pr I APPTICATIOI{ ITILL ilOT BE AOCEPTED IF TIICOTIPLETE OR UNSIGNED ProJect #: Euildlng Permit#:; Eledrical Perrnit #:ElEGrflgafl FE lrllf #:'- 97 O- 47 9- 2l49 (Inspections) NMNWVilL ?5 $. Frontrgc Rd. Vail, colo|edo 81657 COIT,IPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW EUILDS ANd VALUATIONS FIOR AtL OTHER,S (lAbOT & MAIEdAIS) la|-l/? o DtuL ELECTRTCALVATUATION: g l; ctn.d0AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN StRtrcruREl at at vigit # Parcel #a lo,Tfll tsoo t robName: Acileq Ft Au '&{dffi;rttJl"rbv-.ll:GjG' ryl LegalDEscription ll r"t' {Elock:q Filing:7 s,roil"i"i, U*l Vfu',r.-tli Engineetl | \Address; {Phone: l'x*n+vc> t& t'a re""is".1 .clot , t+41 | ,auqW-/o*&;, workC|ass: Nery( ) Addltion( ) nemodd(ff Repair( ) @Plryerl__l_ t)ther( ) worfryps Interior Qd Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Typ€of Eldg.: Slngl+familypl) Dupler( ) Muhi-hmily( ) Commercid( ) Resburant( ) other( ) No. of Exl*ing Dlarelling Units in this building: I No. of Accommodation Units in this builciing: I Is this permit for a hot tub: ves ( ) trto (D0 . ! r fGffiSFfrnkcr$tem Exisr Y,€:( ) r'lolyt o7n6n01?.\Wrilur !\Cd.V\FORMS\PERMITI\ELF.(:PERI,-IJOC Parcel Detail Elected offici:ls v County services v Community v Page I of3 I +rant i E*gt H.s*ylffr ttt_tromell site indEHll county contlctsll SEARCH Visitors ? Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detaal Information Assessor/Treasurer Property Search I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Basic Building Characteristics I Tax InFormation Sales Detail I Value Detail I Residential/Commercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail Tax Ar€a Account Numb€r Parcel Number Uill Lew sc103 R008720 210108115001 45.853 KELLEY, MARY B. & MYMOND F.. JR S UNIVERSITY BLVD STE 37 Owner Name and Address Legal Description :VAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 BLK:4 :4 BK-0199 PG-0137 Location Property Tax valuation Information 2 PTARMIGAN RD UNIT: VAII AIL VILLAGE FILING 7 http://www.eagle-county.com/Goodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?ParceNumber2l0l08l 15... ll/1312003 Parcel Detail Page2 of3 Sale Date: Sale Price: Basic Building Characteristics Number of Residential Buildings:1 Number of Comm/Ind Buildings:0 Residential Building O€currance 1 Characteristics APARTMENT:812 MAIN FLOOR AREA!2,259 DECK:456 FIN BSftlT=TO ABOVE:L,247 HEATED AREA:4,318 ABSTRACT-CODE:SINGLE FAM.RES-IMPROVEMTS ACT_YEAR_BLT:1966 AIRCOND:NONE ARCII-STYLE:2 STORY BATHS:5 BEDROOMS:6 BUILDING-TYPE:HSE W/APT CONST-QUAL:AVERAGE EFF.YEAR_BLT:7975 EXTERIOR-WALL:WD SID AVG EXTERTOR-WALL:FR STUCCO FIXTURES:20 FLOOR:SHT VINYL FLOOR:CARPET INV FRAME:WOOD FMME FUNG-OBS:/) HEATING_FUEL:GAS TIEATING-TYPE:HT WTR B/B INTERIOLWALLT DRYWALL NETGHBORHOOD:VAIL VALLEY ROOF COVERI WD SHINGLE ROOF_STRUCTUREI GABLE/HIP ROOlrlS:11 STORIES:STORIES 2.0 UNITS:2 USE.CODE:RESIDENTIAL I wALL_FrNr IN/A Fsupei-nexo:l IVAIL CORE, 1,H., GOLFCOURSE Tax Information http://www.eagle-county.com/Goodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber:2101081 15... ll/1312003 Pareel Detail Page 3 of3 I Tax Year Transaction Type Amount f Lss?Ta- A-ou"t $8,323.ss T* lt"y.""t' Wh"l"($8,323.ss) 1998 Tax Amount $9.069.02 1998 Tax Payment: Whole ($9,069.02) 1999 Tax Amount $8,535.80 1999 Tax Payment: First Half 67.90 1999 Tax Payment: Second Half 7.90 2000 Tax Amount 813. 2000 Tax Payrnent: Whole 13.36 2001 Tax Amount 7 .66r. 2001 Tax Payment: Whole 66L.62 ',o7J.o 071.04 | 2002 | 2002 Tax Amount Tax Payment: whole Top of Page Assessor Database Search Options I Treasurer Database Search Options Contact us by phone: (970)328-8640, in Colorado (800)225-6136 By mail: Eagle County Assessor, 500 Broadway, PO BOX 449, Eagle, CO 81631 Or by email The Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices make every effort to collect and maintain accurate data. However, G Software and the Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices are unable to warrant any of the information herein cor Copyright @ 2001 Good Turns Software. All Rights Reserved, Database & Web Deslgn by Good Turns Software. http://www.eagle-county.com/Goodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber:2101081 15,.. 11/1312003 t DEVEI,O /t v. PMENT TohIN OF VAIIJ ;;'4. FRoNTAGE RoAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L34 DEPARII{ENT OF COMMUNITY NOTE: TOV/Comm. Dev. Address: Eion.. .: I No..: ProjecE No': oi/t': /f'ggg KATI{Y r\ctre'' ,FTTTE PERMIT MUST BE POSTED-ON ::i:"-dTifu-d, - xnrt.,EY RE -RooF ffiiJ; sin surlo PERMTT ?3i 3lH";HH'"," zror-oar-r5 -001 PR J99 - 013 0 JOBSITE AT Permit AL,L' TIMES *: 899-0111 StaEus-..: ApPlied. . : Issued. . . : Expires..: Phone: 9?o-949-1905 seePage2ofthisDocuillent'foranycondiEionsthaErnayapplytoEhispermiE. DBCI,ARATTONS r h.!ob'!' rcknorl'dsc chaE r hav' !r'd.th16::-::::':'."::":::::r:":"'ii:t ::t::::'::::;T{:j",'-T#:; ::::"'".:::::::::'i-"*;i:i;":""1'{*:*L:;#*:;;$:":'J"::"1J"'.':'":il"* tso colply llEn -r: r-"" -- a^.t. and otshe! codr., da9igtl rcvicr apPtovcd' Uniforo Buitding cod' an( REQUASTA FOR IN9PESTION9 SHAIJIJ BB |'ADB TI{B$TC-FOUR HOI'RS III s.na cl.rn-nF D'Porit to! Plrth coortnrctlotr it RefundClern-up rpprovad ffn'ount drte Appr,rcANr 3$ffi.tBi:fr"&lR%o s1620 phone t e-t0-e4e-Leol :H:** #$i g'ffi:$"$-s*""rh"co Bo11o Description : Remove /replace'?:L of Vail ui o"X$?:'3:'?:ir'rins u"lf ? ; " o o t rtr.ptac. rnrororclon: Rq6ts'icE.d: y *or GeB APPliencc': -:::':::"::::""""""":::':::i:::::::""' tttt-ttttt-tt:; lij"'J1";---' ;::::: *::: :::::::::-:" :: ::::'::'":":::::::::-.'' i: Inw.atigahion> 'Oo RccrGrgion Fcc--__-__--_> 'oo Total PGrri'! Fcc__---__-> 523'15 nilr cal,.----> 3'oo ::il-:J::: -:::,-:,-:, lll'll *J;* ' -" "'::: i tl,riit'r J tt ttr t l:iTi/l;l!o*iffio"no?".1H-Tffi *Rpproved/4.T:*inTl'1"'*"'"", iii"i:,;,;r1l'JWlf"nfmn n/A Deptr: FrRE Division: ItsEM: OSE.OO- PTP$ DEPARTMENT ou/rr/trr;"6TirY ,19-L-io"' APPR N/A Dept: PuB v{oRK Division: il-, ossoo*1ffit" *i:H.n: AppR N/A ISSI]ED os/o7 /L99e os/L3/tegeLt/09/t999 acculaBc Plol end Pl'oE Plan ' aubdiwitidr 419-2134 PAGE 2 !t**:l*it**:l***********************:t:l*******************************il***tt*****!t**** CONDTTIONS OF APPROVAI., Permit #: 899-0111 as of 05/A3/99 Statsus: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit Tlpe: ADD/AL,T SFR BUILD PERIIIIT Applied: O5/07/L999Applicant: PLATlr CONSTRUqfIoN rssued: 05/13/1999 iIOb AddTCSS: 992 PTARIT{IGAIiI RD Locatrion: 992 Ptarmigan Circle Parcel No: 2101-081-15-001 **********************************************************:l********************* COI{DITIONS******************************************************************************** 1. FIELD INSPECrIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAME. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUTRED rN ArL BEDROOMS AlrD E\IERY STORY .A,S PER SEC-310.5.1 0F THE 1997 rrBC. tt *tt rr rrr a* aia ttrat tt * ttraJ r l,* tlr*r.r arr a, t t a') r l i arrra rt.tr aratt t TOIOI OP VlltJ, CgLORAlrO star.ctutt rlrtlil!frtrttar*tatrttattatat:,ttata!ra't*attr*tttrrrraar**raa*rrtttt Stat'aErt !Cu&ar? RBC-O519 Arcrrrtc: Pryr.ne [.thod ! CK [oLtion: 2320? 523.79 os/13/99 L1.52 Init,: ttf P.ldit No: E99-0111 typ.: l-BmtD ADD/A!,T sFR BUILD pE PGcaL lfo r 2101-o8l - 15-001 gi!. Mdrcsa 3 992 PlIrulfGtN RD Locrtiorr: 992 PE rrligah circl. I}r1,. PaftnanE Tocal !car, s2!.75 Tot l ALL PEt'.. Balancc: 527 .75 522.75 .oo lceouDE coda DalcripLlon BP OO1OOOO3].J,1].OO BUII,DING PERfiII FEES PE 00100003112300 PIAN CHBCK FEBS ID D2-DEPO8 CLEAIII'P DBPOSIAS l'c 00100003112800 r .L cltL lllsPtcuog FEE Arlounl 155.75 100 - 00 3.00 Fo2o=ti8 lq d o o oo oo oo o HJEfi8He. AOzo EF fiAt !l aa* p (, !3I 'I H F zo il &t{qlzc-:. ! l'{l.l (l 38!.8a oo arEoroo o o IHo2.ooiEq'{ j o o oo oo o uU cEo F F 6H o AEIr g E tUt|o o AFI 3B ETiI E HHa3 E8B( B( EE A8 ao E F. FI HBoo Hr I Ei t{ Eo * 6 d; EET|J|.o|lE E5EI E8o (oD t(,OU AH Hta B F ;a D trEo EIE 2D E FIt{uto F :: ip &at> E-!{Ea o4CaocEO t 8tr8 rouN oFVAtt ffi ERftrt APPucAnoN FoRm pzsq - ot3o ffi- flE tugte Cprrf Assews oltu d c70s.2ffi hr M t Petr:I* '?7eg A"lcrl - Ogll 5oo I .hbAthcts; w 5/?/n -p",.ir# tsAQ- Ottt , Lr.{-. tvisdukal( )06rr(xt .!SNmc tuIdtss( ) \["rrD.*di"- Id-!L Hoct-g- r'fu S*ov'om-l V": / rlllgp. , Orilrc$l{G Ardlc ItffiE# Irccrintim of I e-rr s{ I \,,tt€..t- g.rj- Atocrdrn( ) 3 tr>*{ Q c< Wo*k Nelw ( ) e:zte-j, Ailriliml( ) /?rr, 4P14 l5q&r Reoiri )' tuI$ NonibcrdDwd@ units:!{rder of Acoommodgtim Udts FTI'MBING I ELECIRICAL: $-IVIFCIIANTAL$- GOXTRAGII R fHlRrtlATtOil 0IIIER: t TOTAL S NuEbcf aottTyDeofFirenhors; tufu tuLogs- Wood/FEill*-- VALIIATIOIIE BT]IIDII.IG $ TouodYailRedmdul\lo-l4gg 52a..15 , ffi* e ?o -?49 -Po'{ . Ea.lticJ(htrErdffi Adtu$: PlwfTour of vdRegi*dmNo- @-gsq@Er: TcvnofvailRegiffibtib. McirbdCmhrcta Torva of Veil Rcgitrtrim No- Addns* PbsF+ Ad&ese: ltorc# Date Receivecj FOROFECE IEE tlAY ? 1999 BUILDING: SIGIT{ATURE: zoNri{o: CI..EAN UP.DEFO€IT REFUiID TO: o \cb' *N. ^N) N"\) o o> rh.\U na 0O : ,9 € tl.- | I ,.1tt =oM Page2 of3 April22,1999 Roofing Specilication for Mary Kelly Residence I. TEAR OFF / MISCELLANEoUS: Tear offthe existing roofing conditions: 1l Cedar shingle roofing at all pitched roof locations. 2l l" x4" horizontal bCttens bilow the cedar shingles associated with the pitched roofs. 3l Sweep olfthe gravel on the flat roofs. ll Plath will remove all debris from the site. Plath Construction will keep the jobsite as clean as pbssible and practical during the construction, and a thorough cleaning of Plath's work areas will be performed ufon completion. Plattr Construction will take dl reasonable precautions to protect the _ interior oftha buildine from water and weather. However, Plath Construction will not be held liable for any interior damage sustained from leaks caused by sudden and/or unforseen storms that occur dwing the tear offphase of this work. 2l tnspect the p\wood for water damage, and replace as needed.* This work, if required, will be an additional charge over and above the contract price, and will be charged at the rate of $ 3.00 per square foot. No additi-onal charges will be incurred withorit prior notificatioi of, and authorization from, the owler or owner's agent. ** 3l Plath construction will provide all insurance and permits required by the Torvn of Vail Building Deparfinent. Price for work in Section I:Included in the Section II price Exclusions and Qualifications:ll Atl work in this proposal will be completed by June 15,1999, if we receive a signed confract before May l, 1999. 2l No tear offwill be performed at the two Built Up Roofing locations. The new roof at these locations will be installed over the existing roof U. Dnv-Ix / Cpun Srr.I,Xns / PnEFINISHED FLASHING: Locations: All pitched roofs. Specilications as Follows: lJ hstall "Jiffy-Seatt Ice and Water Guard by (Protecto Wrap'over entire pitched roof are4 -according to nianufacturers' specifications. Extend membrane up walls a minimum of 12" al roof-to- wall jrmctures. Use mastic as needed. 2l Install #l medium cedar shakes with laced 18", # 30 felt each course. Use starter and hip-and-ridge shingles as needed. 3l Install 24 gauge prefinished flashings as needed, including valley, step, and endwall flashing. Install 24 guge prefinished drip edge flashing at eave and rake edges. 4l Install pressure flashing at all endwall and sidewall conditions. Seal the top edge of the counter flashing with a clear urethane caulk to assure a watertight seal to the roof to wall locations. The membrane will be terminated under this flashine. Price for work in Section I & II:$ 17,697.00 Exclusions and Qualifications:l] Added costs for working under adverse winter conditions is excluded from the base bid. Please see Page 3 of3 option #1 for pricing on this item. 2] Miscellaneous flashing not associated with the roof system is excluded from this proposal. 3l Gutter and downspout is excluded from this proposal. 4l Deck waterproofing is excluded from 0ris proposal. IIL BUILT.UPRooFING: Locations: The two flat roofs at the upper rooflocations. Specifications as Follows: lJ Mechanically futqtYz" retrofit insulation over entire built-up roofing area using screws and plates. 2l Install four-ply built-up roofing according to specifications by "Manville" or equal by'Tamko". This includes four plies of fiberglass felts, with a flood coat of hot asphalt, and imbedded pea gravel as the finished surface. 3l Install 24 gauge prefinished gravel stop flashing at roofperimeters. Install 24 gauge prefinished flashings at all pircli to flat roof transitions. Cotofto be selected from a standard color chart. Price for work in Section I & III: $ 2595.00 Exclusions and Qualilications : ll None IV. Grnrru.r,Nmrs:ll Please be advised that materials for this proposal have been bid at current market prices. Due to volatility ofthe market, material prices cannot be guaranteed past 30 days.* Please take note that a sletter of intent' received by Plath Construction, Inc. within the 30 day period will allow us to tlock int'cunrnt material prices even if acfual purchases are made several months later. 2l #l medium cedar shakes for this proposal have been bid at the current market price of$ 113.80 per s{uare. Due to the extreme volatility of the cedar market, price changes prior to the acceptance of this pioposal will require renegotiation ofthe contract price, to reflect any such changes. 3l Plath Construction carries property damage liability insurance in the amount of $2,000,000.00 per occurrence. Plath Constnrction Carri-es auto insurance in the amount of $2,000,000.00. Plath Construction carries appropriate Workman's Compensation insurance tluough Colorado State Compensation. No furtheiinsurance coverage is included in our price, and if required, the additional cost will be added to the contract price. 4] Upon receipt of the contract price, Plath Construction will issue a waranty certificate guarante_elng roofing againit leals due to flaws in workmanship for a period of two years from the date of roofing completion. Leats qualifyrng under the terms ofiaid warranty will be repaired prompfly at no cost to the owner. This warranty does not cover any subsequent intenor damage that may occur. 5l Due to a heavy surnmer and fall schedule, the price above is good through May 10' 1999. We need to have this job completed by June l,1999 due to other job commitments at that time. V. Oprrons: ll Ice and snow removal, daily covering and uncovering of the roof deck with plastic, and drying out of the roof deck, if necessary, wiil be an eitra charge over and above the conffact price and will be clrarged extra at the rate ilf $ 35.00 per man hour. Materials (plastic, propane, etc.) will be charged extra at Plath's cost. REptt 3t A7/99/1999 88:81 Activity: Address: Loeat ion: Paree I : Descri pt l on : Appl icant : Owner: Contractorr BF VAIL, NSPECTN I.'ORK 9/ 1999 899-01ff 7l S/19 Type: A-BUILD Status: ISEiUED Constr: FISFR 99A PTAR}iIIGRN RD 99? Ptarriqan Cirele atol-oa1-15-oor Rerove/replace roof PLffTH CT}NSTRUCTION KELLEY MARY B & RAYIIIUND F PLFITH CONSTRUCTION COLORADO SHEETS FT]R Oce: Phone: JR Phonel Fhone: PABE 18 AREA: JRF1 Use: 970-949-1905 976-949-1905 Inspeetion Request Requestor: PflFl Req Tire; OBrOOIters reguested to WA0f)0 BLDG-Final Infot^ration. . . . . Coraentgr tjLEAhl be Inspected.., Phoner 949-19Gi UP DEFUSIT - ROOFING MATERIAL Aetion Corrent s Tire Exp Inspeetion History..... Iter: OO51S driveway grade final Iter: gOO10 BLDE-Footings/SteelIter: $AAZQ BLDG-Foundat ionlSteelIter: OOSPO PLAN-ILC Site Planfterr 0'Oo36 BLDG-Fraring Iter: o,o,0,40 * * Not On File * * Iter: OOOSO BLDE-Insulat ion Iterl OOO6O BLDG-Sheetroek NailIter: 0,Bg,gA * * Not On File * * Iter : o,o87$ BLDG-ltlisc. Iter: OOO9O BLDG-FinalIterr O053O BLDG-Terp. C/UIterr 04540 Bllr6-Final C/O il$ 'k {,8,ry:---+ l/, I U///ry Oo NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES tJ-v.i L* Community Development ISSUED LL /2e /Lee5L2/ot/Lees os/2e /Lee6 TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX97M79-2452 APPLlCANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Job AddressLocation... ParceL No..Project No. 992 PTARI{IGAN RD KELLY ATTIE REMODEL PRJ95-0247 Status. . Applied. Issued.. Expires. BROIIN-WOIIN CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 701., VArL CO 81658 BROWN-WOLIN CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 701, VArL CO 81658 KELLEY MARY B & RAYMOND F JR 2950 E STANFORD DR, ENGLEWOOD CO 80110 Phone: 3039494186 Phone: 3039494186 fof 9ood/Pa l, Let: Description: ADD 120 FT. OF LIVING SPACE IN ATTIC Occupancy: R3 Singte Fanily Residence Type Construction: V N Type V Non-Rated Valuation:16,500 Add Sq Ft:L20 Fi rcptace Infornotion: Rcstri cted:#Of Gas Apptirnces: trffiffi ,ffi*ffiffi#ffi#*Ht#*H* FEE SUl,tllARY Bui Lding-----> 215.OO Rcstuarant Pt6n Revicy-> DRB Fee-------- Rccrartion F!e---------> ctean-Up Deposit-------> HUCK AcLion: APPRPLANNING DEPARTMENTDEPARTMENTction: APP flOf Gas Logs: TotaI Catcutated Fecs---> Additionat Fees---------> Totat Pcrnit Fcc--------> P t.n Check--> Investigation> r,t i t I catt--> 139.75 215.(n f.oo .00 50.00 12.00 1m.00 734.75 .00 734.75 734.75 accuratr ptot and ptot ptan, subdivi sion ffii*ffiffi*****************]l]l;t*llli;;;ilii;;i*-*-*****ffi*]i*o****ii$lillfi*------**i***********ill*** Item: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT7l/29/L995 CHUCK Action: APP7t/29/L99s CHUCKIt'em:' 05400 PLAN Dept: BUILDING Divi-sion: Dept: PLANNING Division: It,em:, 05600 FIRE DEPARt7 /29 /1995 CHUCK Ac Division: It /2e/tsls cn0er Dept: PUB WORK Division: ffi*ffiffi ff ***r*|t*ffiffi****ff *******f}**ffittffi tffi ffi***ffi *rffiffi *#*ff ***ffi*ffi **tt*ffi***fH See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS ARTMENTAction: APPR ORKSAction: APPR I h.reby acknoutedge thrt I have rcad this apptication, fitted out in fuLl, the inforn€tion requi red, comptctcd anplan, and statr thet a[[ the information provided as rcquirad is correct. I agree to compty iith the iniormationto comp [y uith al,[ Toyn ordinances and stlte taus, and to build this structure ng andto comp [y urth a[[ Tovn orclrnances and stlte [aus, and to build this structure accordjng to the Toyn.s codes, dcsign revica approved, uniforr BuiLding code and other ord'inances of the To|rfl appti cablF,therr REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE NAOE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AOVANCE BY TELEPHONE rt/29 /L99s cEoRGE ecEion:--AFFnIt,em:, 056OO FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRB7t/ze/tees chocrItem:'05500 PUBL /29/L995 GEORGE Action: APPR,em:,.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT/29/1995 CHUCK Action: APPRbn:'05500 PUBLIC WORKS FROI 8:00 Ar 5:00 Pl'l Send Cteanjup Deposit To: ARY KELLY {p'*uo'u"* OF OI.'NER CONTRACTOR FOR H AND OI.INER TOWN OFVAIL Page 2 Department of Community Development75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657wffinlw4prEwL4 CONDITIONS as of L2/ot/95 Status---: ISSUED t t *pggg7gfif9!fi5t***************************************************************** Pernit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUrLD PERMTTApplicant--: BROVIN-WOLIN CONSTRUCTION 303949418 6 Job Addre9aI 992 PTARMIGAN RD Location---i KELLY ATTIC REMODEL ParceL No--: Description: ADD 120 FT. OF LIVING SPACE IN ATTIC Applied-- | LL/29/L995rssued---t L2/oL/L995 To Expiret Os/29/L996 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOns ****rr t *** *** ********* ********* FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 UBC. Approved per DRB approved plans dated lL/22/95 1. 2. 3. {i'n"o"o"uo *********!r********* a-V U *******rt******** RADO *******:l******** REC-0103 Amount:CK Notation: ****************** TOWN OF VAII-,' COLO ********il****tl**** Statemnt Number: Palzrnent Metbod: Permit No: 895-0414 Tllge: A-BUTLD ADD/ALT SFR BUITD PE Parcel No: 2101-081-15-001Site Address: 992 PTARMIGAN RD LOCAIiON: KELLY ATTIC REMODELTotal Fees: 734.75 This Palrment 734.75 Total ALL Pmtsz 734.75Balance: .00 **************************************!t************************* o *************** Statemnt 734.75 t2/OL/9s 11:s3ck7525 Init: MMC o **** ****************************************** Account Code01 0000 4131001 0000 4133101 0000 4L33201 0000 2200230 0000 4503201 0000 4L33601 0000 4237L Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CI.,EANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION AEES WTLL CA],I, INSPECTTON FEE INVESTIGATION FEE (BLDG) Amount' 215.00 50. oo L39.7s 100.00 12. OO 3. 00 215.00 oo NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUSIP BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRTCAL PERMIT PCrMit *Z 895_0279 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970- 479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 E tcctf i crt-> DRB Fcc Investigation>Llitt catt--_> T0T L FEES-> Department of Community Development Job Address: 992 PTARMIGAT{ RDLocaLion...: KELLY ATTIC REMODEL Parcel No.. : 2101-081-15-001Project No. : PRJ95-0247 Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Phonez 827-5562 Phone z 82'1 -5562 53.00 .00 53.00 53.00 .00 ISSUED LL/2e /LeesL2/oL/Lee5 0s /2e /Lee6 APPLICANT BURNETT PLT'MBING, HEATTNG, ELEC. 8O Toledo Avenue, Minturn, CO 81645 CoNTRACTOR BURNETT PLIJMBING, HEATING, ELEC. 8O Toledo Avenue, Minturn, CO 81645 OWNER KELLEY MARY B & RAYMOND F JR 2950 E STANFORD DR, ENGLEWOOD CO 80110 Description: ADD LMNG SPACE TO ATTIC Valuation:1 , 500.00 iffit****ffit**tf,*tt******t****ffi*******ffiffi*tt FEE SUl,lilARY ***t********i*t**H****t***f*tt**f*** *ti*f*****i* 50.00 .00 .00 5.00 53.00 Tot! [ cat€utated Fc.s-*> Additionat Fees---------> TotaI Pernit Fec-------> Payncnts------- EALANCE DUE_-_ *ffi*ffit*ffi r*ffi**ffi *ffi*H**ffi Jri****ff *t**R*ffii***ffiti*ffiH*Hrffi ffitrrrrtffi ***ffi IIem: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTll/29/1995 cHUcK Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: *******#***ffi*******#ftffi******ffi****ffi***ffiffi*ffit**t**ffit***ffi#*ffi***ffr**ffi*****ffiff**ffi********* CONDITION OF APPROVAL *ffi ffi lr:ht***fflffi **f ffi trtffi*ttr***t*****ffi***#rkffi*ffi *#*****ffi ***.*ffi*ffi ****ffi ffitffi * DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtcdge that I hav! read this application, fitted out in futt the inforration requircd, conpletcd an accuratc ptot Ptan, and stata that att thc information providcd as requircd is correct. I agre! to comp(y rrith thc infonmation and plot ptan,to co$pLy vith al,[ Tovn ordinsnces and state [aHs, and to buitd this structure according to thc Toun's zoning and subdivision codcs, design reviev approvad, tnitorn Buitding Code and othlr o.dinances of the ToHn appticable thereto. REQU€STS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I,IADE TI'EI{TY-TOUR HOURS SIGNATURE OF OI.INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIITSELF AND OI.INIR {;*,uo ao oo **************************************************************** ToWN OF VAIL, COLoRADO Statemnt **********************l************!t**************************** statemnt Number: REc-0103 Amount: 53.00 L2/OI/95 LL.55 Palrnent Method: CK Notation: ck7525 Init: MMC Total Fees:53 .00 This Payrnent 53.OO Total AI,L Pmts: 53'00Balance: .00 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * :l * * * * tl * * :k * * * * * * ** * * ** * * * * * * * * Permit NoParcel NoSite AddressLocation Account Code01 0000 4131301 0000 41335 F95-0279 Type: B-ELEC 2101-081-15-001 992 PTARMIGAN RD KELLY ATTTC REMODEI-, ELECTRICAT' PERMIT Description ELECTRICAL PERMTT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE AInount s0.00 3.00 fflce TOT{N OF VAIL ' "-, a\!ii:' a''.Y- ii'g$H"i[ xFl'm[t?,,lTll " - 'pLrcArroN !.rusr BE FrLr.ED o* "o""#""['il'utgvrbc *u^""tUd"", AppLrcATroN !.tusr BE FTLLED our cot-rpr.Erer,y onilfr utgyrbC SbAcditso [***************************** pEplrrr rNFoRr,tarrorf Q$*{$h{htr{ibl-[[i)l*********Il t)dl-Buirdins t l-Plunbtng [ ]-Erectrical [ ]-Mechanibat I J-other Job Narne: Krll"" A'#,2 fu.- Job Address: r,egal Descriptionz tot-Y4 nock-{ Filin Owners Narne: Architect: General Description: Work Class: [ ]-New 6/4A tp -eJ:u"t ^tion t l--aaaitiYonar [ ]-Repair [ ] *Xrff,&g s,$ /rut t' Nunber of Accommodation Units:Number of Dwelling Unitst I ,^P*J U'il6, Uil(" t3.,r"n#Plunbing Address: Dlechanical Contractor I Address: ******************* * * *********** FORBUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLWBINC PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: EI,ECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: I.o* o! vail Reg. llo. 160-fiPhone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: PLI'T{BTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: I'TECHANICAL PI,AN cHEcK TEE: RECREATION FEE: CI.,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: STGNATT'RE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE! /r,4r\l Ferl<y ! /Le; a95l E. 5+1"'2{'"jb[- 'E;"{r);l', Q) Sotto CLEAX IIP DEPOSIT BEtrT'TID !O: Oo oo NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PI,I'MBING PERMIT Permit #: P95-0191 75 South Frontage Road Department of Communiry Development Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 Job Address: 992 PTARMIGAN RD Status...: ISSUED FAX97O-479-2452 Location...: KELLY ATTrC REMODEL Applied..: ll/29/L995Parcel No..: fssued...: I2/OI/L995Project No.: PRJ95-0247 Expires..: 05/29/L996 APPLICANT BURNETT PLLJMBING, HEATING, ELEC. Phonez 827-5562 80 Toledo Avenue, Minturn, CO 81645 CoNTRACTOR BURNETT PLIMBING, HEATING, ELEC. phoneZ 827-5562 8O ToLedo Avenue, Minturn, CO 81645 Description: NEW BATHROOM IN ATTIC *********ffi*ff***ft*****ffif,***tffiffi***H FEE OWNER Pl,unbing----) P Lan chcck--> Restuarant Pl,an Revieu--> TOTAL FEES--.-- Tota t Catcutated Fecs---> Additionat Fees------> Total Perrit Fce------) Paynent s------------> BALANCEDUE__.-----> KELLEY MARY B & RAYMOND F .fR 2950 E STANFORD DR, ENGLEWOOD CO 80110 Valuation:5, 000 . 00 suil ARy ***r*rffiffiffi**ffiffi**********f****f*fr*ffi**t* 75.m 1E.75 .m 96.75 96.75 .00 96.75 96.75 .00 Investigation> .00 Ui t L ca l.l,---> 3. 00 ***ffi*'t}*ffiffiffiffiffiffi*t****f,****t***ff**ffiffiffit**i**ffit**ttffiffi**ffi****ffiffHff******t*ffi*ffi***ffiff* Dept: BUILDING Division: ffff*ffiffiffi**tt**thl**thtffi*tHr*****ffi*lrtt*#ffi*****ffi************ffiffffi*ftffii#Hffit**t*rt*lnH**ffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL ffi ff *|t*ffit*t**ttft *fl ********ffi ffi #tff H***tffi ****r***ffi **ffiffi*trttrrffi ***ffit DECLARATIONS I hlrcby rcknoutcdge that I hav. read this rppticltion, fitted out in ful,l, thc infornation required, co4tet.d an accurate ptotplan, and state that atl thc infornEtion provided as requirad is corrcct. I agfee to conpLy vith thc infornation and pl,ot il,an,to conPLy vith al,l, Tovn ordinanccs and state [aHs, and to buitd this structurc according to thc Toun's zoning lnd subdivision codes, design nevieu approved, Uniform 8uiLding Code and othcr ordinances of thc Tovn appti REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TI'ENTY-FOUR HOURS II{ ADVANCE BY TELEP}IOI{E ICE FROII OR CONTRACTOR FOR ftem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTll/29/I995 CHUCK Action: APPR {P""ouo'uo Oo oo **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :l * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * statemnt Number: REC-0103 Anount: 96.75 L2/OL/95 11:56 Palrment Method: CK Notation: ck7525 Init: MMC P95-0191 TyPe: B-PLMB PLIIMBING PERMIT 2101-081-15-OO1 992 PTARMIGAN RD KELLY ATTIC REMODELTotal Fees:96.75 Total ALL Pmts! Balance: *************************************************!b************** Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address:Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4131101 0000 4133201 0000 41336 Description PLI'MBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 96.75 96.75 .00 Amount 75.00 18.75 3-00 R L? Nni7Tf'i_ EsL _$ t't-\E (\Ix \ L -G\ T 575 s 5 -.\01 -'! (l-f vL\ /'-'r SE $$s'<-J FH$ $[$ s5$ 3S3 sfi[ -z F\.Ni.E ?7 qE =x 5 i5. r.._., LJ }TEZN Ns*( T{. t i$F s-N't mlEtirtiEl 9.J R} 1Sd -{-.\$: l\t)c\A N-<\-r<><:t .l $t. I'\rls-J T'$t:r+tf-'s-Lf(e ?itf $' r' F$,tn i, A F1,Kfs,j \4+ { I\-7 ;n!_ T [[. s v NoI 2 2 1ss: , ,ii , l ' 'Town of Vrll Fs'f rlt\.-f'. i r-.r Ifir ll ll----Jt t!. \t | |s-lr-------llL --'1I ||A ll fa: \t)-:n .7-dri- L? 4fil (B t tz Ft 0FFlcE cnp' p-, okYi'f ol,l"/""* h^ ycoot""t Eagle count, Q"""t office iU -t' '"* r-:= l-r i]f? at 970-328-8640 for Parcel /1. TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTIONEL #:-O9t - 15 -oe T# ED ********c 1" dLlot-adt-t?-aot **Ilt3:1irulig "ry iiit I c *e5 ;fu rup'rerirv oq., l'" trifl1fip$E?, fitrtt****************************'t PERI.IIT fNFORUATfON ******************** OwDers Name: Architect: (, I -other u;!6,t+G,{, Address: a$o e.5t*$vJi>r p".??fWWAddress: Ph. General Descripti.on: &nvqT iJot*f dq'*u ilo fp.<- {o /r.vti,{o /tu::, ,r/ - u I 'Work Class: [ ]-New t]-alteratioh [ ]JAdditiona1 [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of DwellLng units: I Nunber of Accommodation units: ^ IPtb"" and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances- Gas Logs_ lloodlpellet_l_ trt*************** ***** *** * *** * * * *** VALITATIONS *** ***** **** ***** *** *************tt iurr,oruc, EucrRrcAt: $ lgao orHER: I - PLtttfBING z W r'lncrnricaii t- iod;; S --- PiltMBTNG: $ W- uEcHANrcAr,r $Tv ,l* !r* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CoNIRACTOR INFORI.IATIOIt Eeneral Contractor: i.Jvous--othlti QnzfD-Contractorz F<ro,"+-yh!; Ci"<ft+- Town of VaiI Reg. no./a-AAddress: v-tztt tJi'll6 Ftg,q phone Number: - ?lr-y7B Electrical- Contractor :N-J,q'1",;4"rn or vait n"s. No.ln-EAddress: {'.o.Boy 25a .Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Phnbinq Contractor: l:AddressJ f o.hrtt 'a4o fr *#//"nt"Bk*;'p *a7 -5gc't g"g. No. lcro-frga7-556'>+, Reg. NO._Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLIIUBING PERMIT FEE: MECI{ANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: ETECTRTCAI, FEE: OT}IER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: oFFrcE usE ***** *** ******* *** * * * ********** BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PIAN CHECK FEE: T{ECIIANICAL PI,AN C}IECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: FOR BUUJDTNG: STGNAIURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: T3^"nelt CLEI}I UP DEPOSIT REFII}ID TO: ooOo l1 ;l iI \ r di JNiITI \i\l t iJjf .:" .t CHECK REQUEST PREPARED BY: -.2.,:DATE: Z,/a. DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN ItP DEPOSIT REFIii\D FOR BP #tsCf' NAI\dE OF JOB: fut, -all'A:"1 ACCOIJNTNI,JMBER OI OOOO22OO2 AMOUNT OF REFTJND:.oa DATEAPPROVED: APPROVAL SIGNATI.JRE: U' LIJFoz (9z 6Il.oq IH lo I I I I I I t_,, rc) IEiototzr6 @o\ \'o{ E-i aJ) H&Moz F) o@ BElFl z z EM .J) u) .+ CN('l(o H H rt E F CN ots z frl () F oE o oqt.v g otE o Etr ,6soo CD ! 3lo E o =cl do o o.o.o 'o E E:Eo.: 5'E e6 -!t6; €e!l.=>5oNEo 85oo--F/ C ^,1wqE.1-ao+1ad E.E'66 gO 339o B6.sloE E.gEF'iu e..a EeoEoc -6ar-oc' E,E 3o E o6 EoP ctc .9 G E o .s IDE 6 oE qt (E tt Eg Gi G E. o o. o Ef()()ql c6 Do -9o. Eoo oE J .s 3o Eg i ,9 G =ct CI6 q.c E(E E q) d : o-c o EDEo]ocJ() 6 ll q, -c .if f.. CO + olu Lut! ts =c tJ.,c J FoF IEIrtlIE tcnt<lco .le, G 9E u. v) O F-l 68 E= gE HFi*EH Ha ue >rE --(r)ItnS =cool zz99i'l o- I5R =brruroE!l!<oq Eg;ni E o- uJE z tro XNl'zo Eu,FJ c.lr\r\rn IF\N @ EI I\o(n oz ctul ar lt 2;oF H F..{ Fl F FlFi F1(J r4 =g t! a.).sso\ I ta).rf oz ciutE) ltoz =F bl ilolFI H oz J lJ- trl E & H Ft4FlFl Y ii =z coo-l . B F.l 4 l'ltol "13 |lllt m I,JI Fll t4 Irdt Ivlo Iol3 | El'd g3 @ @ IF\rn N & F- -d.o\\o I t\ oz qt tr,tr tto 23o F JE<oC)F =c)=<tr al;FAz 2F s3 =Fd6 C) o(ir P L'Z g, -rO<Fol() IJJ <zturFrqZoo <c)o?.3H C, =E =Euto- z z'J 2E ECrO FrEZ A ;FS FND EEi aHE tr G UJcltoEE2ZE<o. l€frIPIrE '9'EE t> =uJ:-E h=E ;s: >o-E 8bI EluE XO-t x>t q- €= UJ @ F HHE o\oI uJF o UJb(D .ooazo Fo- IJJY UJo o E truto- l!o ILoo I IrJFoz ts =E lrJo-zIF(JfE v,zooffi YE q\l o2 ts =Eut.L i[??t i<ozd7,zzA) 'r ?:,2 lF"<aQ> -o<a i'urro=<c<t,.: iI]:l<F: <: =F4FF_<a4?-a a < :'zc fl Ilrt,I lc L IFI r<:i ,ct;i I u, fE t=f; ,? rZ l<rro tz lz-62'61 '\r zal, Y.EUFZ*^rEHH5e -2Q zo ii o- aO =>.6:r!<og o-Y jni IJJ; I e.f H llEE Itf,* s trfl: :d1Etr lrrl oI q+Jl {J 8.1 H6gl lplX ol Ol-; H At'o B d, =lfz d Ol .'.1 UfltrI 3 n PF\ -l .t.l I z) lJ- Jdl FoJ \0 ^\\< s >.sq. uJ E z I t{€F! Fltohq{xcqdFfi rrFl(a rtt\, lLI Ilo d C\trIELi l!lIGHR.J= =l =4= IL F d t! = l Y.Flg (.f al HPo C) =E !4 ulI)t (atn IJJ = .Fld UJ o --) = Itl|ltllttllalI uJltEltolt<lailEI =I HIol OI 3 I =o o =E uJz =o UJ E? E, <F uJ<ZE I.lJ F <o(JF -<frF',2n oozt- =<f>d JZo". O <5YF =2-= tv Y,Z =g (! FU irg *Eoz<c)o9rrr 4J =o oz F C) IJJ-roEc Joq dst H o Jzoz =-< =z O- tr J zaoh ..t -.:6u, Lttr co Eeo !t !t '= 3 E Eoo o E =Glrlrz9F(J :)EFazo() L E. LU.L LLo UJ F E=-C'tr! oz L ul o- e {GI E U' UJr!u- ts =tu.L F J o z J tn tr.lF z z z l! F g = o 4zo =!i;iN p V) il hft q I l t, G b = Elu (,z o =l :<o Ioz o- FF (Jz f z UJ = tr UJE uJ o 3g z 6 o E o- u.lo 2 ttlJ() ..ttut UJIt = LUo- J F F z 5 aF(J uJ tu z l\ Iz ttt 34 A + NOllvnlVA O : >E -Ia'l =LuN =oN z a z F^ U'A1>(-)CjlOZq< o(L toFO ..; Gi F o o-l uJ z tr xl FIuJl :l :l z.o co : z tr t! F : l3 l=- oozz F:{6; z(,oo-*z--<aPEiEESiei3 k oZ(E(DZ)l|l tft zli q?irH$9=doE=HU =acyorlOO(J I'z.) tlllll ?z)z tr 9=>o =o c) u,<qrtltlltltllrr I IlurIFlzlf lzt:ld,iflq z 9F 1f U7z LIJ e?E F I.JJ IU o o3 ; o- F tnoi 6 UJ 3 ? llJ oz Jsoul :< = I -J F at)ra<889:l-X ul oz F C)llJ_'1 oE.L TrJF o Jz.oz ,cPze dro2z cL r,I- "dq=EQ 6d= DND ts UJ(! tLo UJ F co Eco 6' o .= E Eo() o E =E,lrl o-zoF C) EFazo(J 2 -q- a(J o = I I I I I -l3l 3l<l J<l >i tltltltltlIItlt(,ltsl loltoll<l>| --{a4 alEl =l I I I I I I ,)!\rr.| cIn4<I =! - =() I ul 6ct{Jaa=(,) I I Iq et aq-l -_ ; z = I I J I 5J & F Lrl oz (j toF(J &.t-z () z I UJ z* >d ]F)zo-O <o(J r"- -< Yi-c <F6(JLU<zE t.U Ft,t z (J F() LUP.- O t. UJz3o J tl", E l! ru tr€n F tr F lr1h F z z F F Ll IrsI,NX ^ib'rtttS $\qi\ili d'i ;N\i VI tlH Et i F E UJ 9 JcG Itt 2 lllF q,1 zgF uJ Jtt ur FoJ FoF atFz!J E!To ul t "Eit t .E =tr=ul.--o l'r-Gto -= ==ner 'i l-r f E F. O Fz !lz = lr1 F. 2 Fa F. z I (,z j lrl F. F z Ll z >,l a FI e z G1 ^- Vo\?le ", 2*NUIF zr.l 9t zo F ==d.6FIE9ox>a>6f|r|ld- (J>o ;.i YEo3 lt z tr ll !lo J Gulz a Town of Vail ELEC'IRICAL PERMIT $....-....-...............--.*i',fu*:]M /l-/{ sllnttur. Date of Apprication-... 4-*n,.....-2,t...................rc7..A........-. Electrical Contractor lt /) I ob N ante -. ffi ,JEy... K.63 lffil:m APPROVALS ,?/*/=" N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee 296 Received By Eult.tht Offlclal THIS FORilI T3 BE FOSTED OlI JOB SITE DURING GONSTRUGTTOI{ 24 HOI'RII N)VANCE NONCE REQUINED FOR INSPECTIONS TXa a, r. floratrt !o., oriYrt rro{lt PLUMBINGI./MECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAI L DATE 4 ,-a / J9BNAME k-, t e:,/ Qarr-;-rnp owNER R+v ,(- ) - \-/ ADDREss .D-r,rae r? /--) ]l t coNTRAcroR -n pnt=fT Yt yrta/).2 E + F,4Tet pHoNE USE OF BUILDING: oF woRK: E Hew Elloornoru E neuooel E neparn PTION OF WORK: MECHANICAL: NUMBERNG: NUMBER -/'t'nernoveo D orsnppnoveq 2- >'9TOTAL FEES: $ =J</ ltr Permit No. 000240 e NAME OF JOB l,AIt WATER AI{D SAI{ITATIOI{ DISTRICT TAP PERMITWILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL TAP FEES HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL. WATER Al{D SEWER TAP PERMIT PLUMBING OR MECHANlCAL CONTRACTOB EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP: Water NUMBER Or UnrrS /- d -'.{ x $3o0.fi}= Amount Date Billed Finance Direc Meter Sizg turR.t Krtta7a/50E.'Sratreed Er-z/tzE1-tz>O rG1a,' 6o/to. Lrc. No. Ltc. No. TION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION uc.no. /D/)E- DatePaid -/ - :o '% Bldg. D€pt. -Whlto; - Water and Sanitation - Greon; - Publlc Workr - Csnrry; - Contrlctor -PInk; - aIi__FD I , ) _--/ J.. )i;:s. l- s't ..2ncl' 3xl ,i ti: V/iL l, '. ji,':'jj it Alll) , lt. ; . \t/iI.l, ,t;1.[5'/ E- ToiLct, t!r'i,':;ri., I{c s i. C::; t .j- e L or l,',:llt5c::I ..-,-| >: 0,':,5 = , /> Coil;,crci.;L x .1..00 =\/',r..:rrla-i. \? i.j...l. J. .'. . v \' -'$Jrol..'cr:: o:: Tub ?.: lL.S(! :: '2, e) lr.r. It s'i: ?t:d 3::'iilltir ji:r.s Ir st: 2.:r ci Jce li:ch:'.lies ,! (, .?.5 -. iir:rj "-- -'--l'l;r'tei. CclrLr:::s 211i r..r3'i; g1-' fo u;:'i:;l :.i:s >: a,2s r i3 i'..s .t bL ?- ri cl i;:eri.il'i:ll S;ru::lrl;::0"iii :: 3r'c:1 '-'--.* ----'ts:l:ii.tr :r::il i'ciL.:.-lri'lli "--' 0rre-jit;lf 3t.tlr >l I " 5{t :: 6. i;as lttlr L1,: i .1. r,1.: 2;tci ii:::L Q tir Da:; Ist Ls;t ?. $. il I'rrL1 ll,ai:h ( S nol;e:'' c:. Tnl, : Bc-s-in , ToiIet ) Fnzrr-rt- Itf i,'i\ ,.r 4 \ .!,, d _ i3:::s , ir c o :..1o !r 5 ) u:'::ccJ, Sl:o:rs r Si;udios ). .)3 3. A0 ' "3. Oo fx!.ac = Z:.99 trth l\n$.Ist 2 t'r cl l't l" tl llr..lr l\r s 't .: .t. '?)lrrl i" t.tl l;1 )r Xitche ns .ric s icic nt.i..l1 Dis:h:.'a sr)rc r- 2.s0 = 2.'*2_.1.0C = JrE/.:- .50 .00 /x l'it, Xi t c)rc: ir s Cor,';rc:-ci;rl Di l;lrr.:ir:;irc r Sclti.;r1; i- t1 l. \. L,'rrrr)rl)'y Ilr: ::.itJc:t t j;rJ. \.. n l*lr .ar vr \'1, -'-_-,.., .-.-_...,,t fa,)a, .'r' C9l;, ;tr:l'c i;r1 eshcr (t: j.<lir llai.c:' (:,,.ri:rul;t oi' onc) 0u'- :; j.<.!e Si>:.,:l lri:)-cl's lir,c liosc Cabi.ncts Ser'vice ' St,ri;:;ri.ng Poo3. ): 2.00 = >. 1.00 = x30.00 = x 5.00 = t,;: Irt S';a',: i.on t Conrre:r';:lon Ce:rtc:: Pc:.. j)e::'1.;ot1 T()1i.r:1, I-0:i::ils l.():0tt ).)c,j.;it:i = ]-.0tt li:i:i'i: li 0 .:1.0 :' la,z-s tu7 g). a 224 _-_. -..-. fc.'i:al. Uiri'ts [-&€, >: $:;ctt lr$!OOIO)-1 {,-l:t.c:'..:ng r'!tr: cr;;:il)-e'i:.iol't (,ii? c:c::')st':tttc'c:'.o:r of al--'t-::eq '; -j-r.l- a:r tl ii,:: :.''rr'c j-l:.!- s'(r:uiyi',::'i:s . 'i:ire D-i.s'i:.:!.c;'t sha l.J- p.r:1,.'o:';.1 i:-ii','s;i'.cltl. ::t- $'.,::..:t:i(r.'r crf i.l.l. p'/ie:;ri.::cs to deterl:li.:re tl:e:)tlr:i:ct t-rf Pci;rts io l,r' ;rs:;::i,:;cli ;:cco:'ri:,-r:g to'tirc t'.tere:,ai:ci S'.:-.:;ci: ir'.:P fgtt. at:ci ?.;te Sc:i:*r'i..r1'.:, a:; a;:ict:lieri,) e.nC ";,;':r, Dil;-;lic:t sil:1,-.'1, :ri.1J(f: i:r-r)' aC:i us;t::l'--,:1i::; ,)(:ccs:;ii:.1/ j.n ih.: cr:'i.;i;r;rJ- iai> f e.c r>aicl . Th j.:: il'rsi:cct::o.--l sl-,tt]-t- lJ-l,r> rlgic;'l:ir',i: tl;e. i-:uil-cl.ing, oi.l:rt::)rs l..taltcl- o;rci se'*tet scr'',,-i(re lloa-:.-cl of l)i:-c:ctor':; ':' \:ai-I l'.'a,.'uer. and Se:litation Distr'-'Lct t DESIGN REVIEW D.|N DN DATE OT MDETING: MEMBERS PRESENT: ACTION AGAINST: ABSTENTI!N: APPROVED "_ , . DISAPPROVED: SUIitlrtARY: a a r: DATI OF lvlIJETING: MEI"BERS PRIISI1NT: DIIS I GN lrliV ! l':\ll-lloA!!r) 4',,, ',' ri ,'?; suBJEcr ' .d l/) ACTION TAKIJN BY BOA [!oTION: /,, VOTE: FOR: SECONDED BY: . AGAINST: /t40flrt41/-t,n ABSTENTION: APPROVED ,." DISAPPROVIiD: SUIIIIIARY: 1f,. luwn box 100 Yail, colorado 81657 {3031 476-5613 a office of the town manager April I, 1976 Mr. Tom Briner c/o Pierce, Briner, Fitzhugh Scott Box 2299 Vail, Colorado 8'1657 RE: SETBACK VARIANCE REQUEST FOR R.F. KELLY RESIDENCE Dear Tom: This'letter is to certify that on April 6' ]976 the Town Council unanimously approved the setback variance for the R.F. Kelly residence as submitted to the Planning Commiss'ion l*larch 25, 1976. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office. Si ncerely ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I t-z ,[lffiw^ aa a '\ AJ \PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS iIEnEBY GIVEII TIIAT Thorras A. iringaf , repreeenting ttr. aud ltre. B. F. Kelley, Jr., bae opplled tor a setback vatlcnce llom tho ptovlslons ol Sectlon 3.5O2 of the zonlng ordlnance' Ordlnance No. I (Sell€g of l'9?3) ln order to construct a t\so-cer gLtag,e and llvlng unlt ocldltton to exletlng reeldence wltbln one foot of tbe rear property 1lne ot l&t 4, BLock 4, Vall Vtllage Seventh Flllng' Appllcatlon has been nade lu accordancs wlth Sectlon 1o'2OO of the zonlng ordlnance. held ln accordance wlthA Publlc Ilearlng wJ.ll Sectlon 21.500 of Ordlnanco No. 8 (Serlos of 19?3) on Itarch 25. 19?6 at 3:00 p.rn. before tbe Vall Plaunlug Com- mlsslon Ehose decl.8lon wLLl be transmltted to the Town eounctl for flnal declslon' Sald hearlns wlU be beld 18 ttro Va1l l{untctprl Bulldlng. TOIfi{ OF VAII DDPARTUENT ON COIN.I,NITY DEVEIOP}EI{T Diena S. Toughlll Zonlng Adnlnlstrator Publtshod ln the Vall lratl llarcb 5, 1976 b6 I jb -. 1-1 E=, 1=) -TD aE= -1{E: -111 p?-n-1,-'r'y C-Y:g 14) .n"'; 1 },;z".-neR',a E-?.Q-n fuz1Eyl \o\,,o-l A?'fra,e-1/^a- LL.- >i*re.hs *<---{Lp.-?t>-/; f*aa L24t, I I APPLICATION FOR VARIAIICL coNDITrottA; usE PE*l 0rdinance No. I (Series of .|973) Appl i cation lhte Publ i cati on Date Hearing Date Final Decision date for Town Council I (we) Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Kelley, Jr. of@ do hereby request pennission to appear before the Vai I Planning Commission to request the following: ( X ) Variance from Article , Secti on to( ) Zoning Change from ( ) Parking Va ri ance ( ) Conditional Use Permit to al Iow In Resi denti al Zone. For the following described property: Lot/tract C1earlystatepurposeandintentofthisapplication@ west (rear) setback to within one foot of the property line in order to construct a one bedroom apartment of approximately 575 sq. ft. that wilI' for the immediate future, house a loca] working couple and ultimately,. accornpdate those members of our family who will be visiting us. Beneath the apartnent would be a garage that would provide parkinq for two cars that otherwise would remain parked in our driveway. nasmuch as tne prope rtyit is our opinion that this encroachrnent will not be noticeable. would provide us with security (we have had our home broken into) and offer a heated area for our autos. Alternative locations for the addition would cause the rertova I of healthy trees, and depending upon the alternative, either block views from within our present residence or obstruct the existing entrancq. These al9er; natives would inhibit a practical connection to our 'l iving quarters' lose the economies of utilizing an existing plumbing wall, and would ieopardize the archi- tectural characteristics of the existinq house. Filing Number Vail Village Seven Hearing ree /oo.dd /1, l-et'r Denver Phone 789-5489 -----lelEl- BLOCK cated open space wntcn lnc Thomas A. Bri ner----_-S-gna ture of Appl i cant For: R, F. Kelley, Jr. Iti; g:s9;iF : *J Fs:i iP;ei r ; ;ii;i;iiiii,,i:*ii iggif i riili!;iiliiiiligiE!'i 6l G9alt +a(lrl f-.I (? ai'rlfsl(\a.-ir.1 EI ,) I I I I I.l \ .l\lxlvl n sl I II 'a x t f: O \91NII i <. I I .l ,l{l\I+l \l(\dl{l)-t I GIE I :l! ,9 E 6 !) svt € q, B F at x v) nl Fl(tri < I I I I4.q al $q I I G| >| EI a o '8 o, F d B (t (D ' -it Bc.DO -:eGl=v, .oqraOA ull-lro) t-l E E tsEt.estse: E I He.rr-*+*- € lA: Ft:sbi:g€ i-l iE'-d.dg.sE:;E E |:! q oi'<€9.='2; E *"=E ? BH'!iIt;; : I K; t diElrrs*3 = E ; . t tF=Ha:9aE 'E 'E g ; ; ;;?4{e:E i + :4 E e.qiEig:;; EEEa o ; YEE.F?rF : b bV ! o oJt i=i::;st:s gg6H IEEEELE:EE ErEi ! l- : E.t- ":.s_r: _. E E iH >.1 i E:aEEEgg€ e i' "^Frr a i-tt .i o ql g,.,2i 9pb E F EG, . 5l A A*+*;ti=.ni ; t E5 ^^^ r"l . ::Eg:i#€ci : s o,; -YTa E!*;EEgEb 5 3 5 F3'{ \l P:9EI€HE:;g{E* ^) .1 -l "- .=E-,!E_-:"?5 - E ;x c, 1jl " rli,Eo€€E: s. I ; d s<fgl !rs;€;;EE ; r€;E lqilEg;#segg!E; 2 lil ;€EE;iige i i;n P lF)l :-E;sp1E9F r .E FA 8 - I EEaEHSSEE F E 8 I il nl-rlN I MEMORANDUM T0: Planning Conmission FR0M: Ben Krueger Superintendent of the Golf Course DATE : March '1 9, .| 976 RE: Kelly Residence, adjacent to #6 Green on the Golf Course I have personally inspected the site of the proposed garage addition as it re'lates tothe golf course and have also look at the plans. There is p'lenty of room between the addition and the golf course pl aying area. It won't be a problem especially since it'is a non-use area in regard to traffic and golf play. o )il MEMORANDUM T0: Planning Corm'ission FR0M: Department of Comnunjty Development DATE: March 18, 1976 RE: R.F. KellY Setback Variance Theapplicanthasrequestedasetbackvariancethatwould a.llow a.l foot setback rather than the approximately l5' required. The purpose of the request is set forth in the variance application' (see attached appl ication). The Department of Community Development has reviewed criteria and findings provided for in section'19.600 of the Zoning 0rdinance' Our conclusions are as follows: FACTORS: l.There]ationshipoftherequestedvarianceto.otherex.isting or potential usbs and structures in the vicinity' Theredoesnotappeartobeaconfl.ictwithex.isting or potential uses and structures jn the vicinity' 2,Thedegreetowhichrelieffromthestrictor.]iteralinterpre- tation'inJ.nroicement of a specified regulatjon is necessary to acnieve compatibility and uniform'ity of.treatment among sites in ihe vicjnjty, or io attain thL objectjves of this ordinanie without grint of special privi'lege' According to the application relief is being sought due to the following statement: "Alternative Iocations for the addition would cause the removal of healthy trees, and depending upon the alternative' either b'l ock vjews from Within our present residence or obstruct the existing entrances'" Further,theapplicationstatesthatotheralternativeswould,'jeopardjzethe )Kelly.r/18t76 Page Two architectural characteristics of the existing home." !{e believe that this degreeofre.|iefisjustifiedgiventheabovefactorsanddoesnotconstitute a grant of sPecia'l Priv'ilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light.and air' distriuiiion'oi"popuf ition, transporlg!]9n and traffic raciriiieil"prutli'iu.il.ities and utilities, and public safetY. }le do not foresee any adverse effects upon these factors' 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance' l{o other factors appear to be pertinent' Ihe Department of Community Development finds that: l. The granting of the variance does not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the lim'itations on other properties classified in the same d'istrict' 2.Thatthegrant.ingof,thevariancewi.|lnotbedetrjmentalto the public health, safety, or welfare' or materially injurious to properties or imProvements in the v'i cinitY' 3.Thatthevariance'iswarrantedforthefollowingreasons: a. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement ofthespecifiedregulationwouldresultinpracticaldifficultyofun- necessary physjca'l hardship inconsistent with the obiectives-9f this ord'inance' b. There are except'iona1 or extraordinary c'i rcumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply general'ly to other properties jn the same zone' c. The strict or literal interpretation specified regulation wou'ld deprive the applicant of owners of other properties in the same distrjct' and enforcement privileges enjoYedof the by the ) r Kelly' 3118176. Page Three The 'location of the existing structure, the lack if interference with existing or potential uses or structures and existing vegetation creates exceptional circumstances that are not generally applicable to other properties ln the same ZOll€. , The Department of Community Development recommends approval of the variance request. I I I it I I I E )es isn Date Pa PROJ ECT LEGAL D :"'"''". --{ to,u,llrfilEcKLrsr a ; ARCH rrEcr 4 6 +Rt t SCR IPT ION /1// USE ZONE ; PROPOSE0 USE(S) /t;.fF? tt ; FRotlrAGE 0 Requlred - Front Ao Df STANCE BETWEEN BUILDINGS: Requir"a 0'(, HEIGHT: Average Grade Height Allowed e .n.f .A., 2s- Ratio, Allowable sq , f f . t 7? COMMERC,LSL FLOOR AREA: Percentage a I lowab le-r,/1 )rd--V./i'| J i^ Actual sq. f+. _ BUlLDlNyByfl, CONTROL: Al lowable maximum length Require6y'9lfsets , ActuaI length A I lowab le _%, Al LOT S IZE SETBACKS: S ITE COVERAGE: { X USEABLE OPEN LAN D SCA P PARK I I'IG Actua I - Front bt Actual sq. ft. SPACE: Required lowab le Sq ft sq. ft., Actua I , si , si des oe5 ta *('f t ,t *EI /a +41 Rear ,.y' ,/,2." , Rea r t a6l Ls- , 33. { Actua I : AI 7.40 Actua I sq. tt .17 fr. ; lowable sq. ft. D iagona I D iagona I n ^-!.,^ | dl , |1! I uo | _lo Groun d Level ING: Required -fi, AND LOADIfJG: No. Required , uommon cd ++ Ar^trra IJY ' , No. Acfual %; qui red ZON ING APPROVA L DES IGN REV I El.', BOARD APPROVAL UT I L IT IES APPROVAL ENV IRONMENTAL IMPACT APPROVAL Cha i rman, Des i gn Review Board No. ; Cove red Actua I ,'% Da te Date Date Date Submi Date Submi Date Submi Exten s ion by Sect ion COMMENTS: ng Rev iew gn Revlew ronmenta I tte d tted tte d of for for lor Zon i Des i Envi lrnpact Rev iew fo date of 0rdinance No. 8. (Series of 1973) Tow n Engineer Mayo r Dead I ine Dead I ine Date n^+^ Dead l ine , Actua I 47 ; -.1 t+ f -sq.ft. , Covered Re- Administrafor i tem as permitted f''/-*,ryf L4 -- "?r \ 44'€ /t x 4/.< Qt.r*. r.f) /*--t tb iaef --PIt,) 1r', 5' 6t > t/ / 2,s- t?g .t- < -l 4^(r x 4) (? z-s< 6 ( 7o) 6t ,ls.t- 7 V4'zc- C,r x lo.t{ lt I Jrs- /tl 2, to ,1 t1/. t ) a 7.t? 6rf.r ?/ 5- t tL6,s- 1 3 ^ra,ft ,(-t ? !' 7s-)?tr ?7 7 9,2,/'t^+ 2s-,9-elaI JX/a a? .4 r//r--G..nt' y'. L -u4 tQ.c- x af ,t q s'at? 2'- 3 < e.f ?t-'o' toxto.5- #- ilf. Review Action Firt TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Date /// zt/')S Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Architectle6ffiEt)$ddress and Phone:\=__-=-- Legal Description: Lot 'V Bbck 4 Subdivision \.1 "..-/ 'r,, r-.-,,- 7'i 'zoneDistrict -4a ProiedStreetAddress: cL'1 7 '?fttz, 'r,.)'t',-L 11 ,.to - Comments: Motion by: eoar*Tstaff Actioi) Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval (stattRpprovat r i .."1i J ,. ,,.- t(,. rtt. / Town Planner Date:9L). u" . --.1DRB Fee Pre-paid t irrztl,;a 61n 1et oo DESTGN REI'IIEII BOARD AFPIJIqATIOIT ' TOTN{ Or DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: ***lttlll*** TNCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS II'AY NOT BB SCHEDT'IJED FOR RWIETT. l*tr***lat* PROiIBCT INFORMATTON:I. A. oo VAIIT, COLORADO - mDocT 30lts PTION:*t[ sat " 8. D. I,EGAIJ DESCRI Subdivision If property description,to this appl TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200. 00)Addition ($50.00) C. ADDRESS:0. frqn^, X uirror Alt.eraeion ($20.00) -__Conceptual neview ($0) T^""t/;l 6"Cr'rntg< PTION: is described byplease provide ication. Block ets and bounds separate sheet 1ega1 and attach aona E. ZONING: F. G. NAI{E OF APPLTCANT: Mail ess:co APPLICANT'S RE Phone NAII{E OF Mailing ):i:tr"j I. ,t. $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150, 001 - $ 500, 000 $500,001 - $1,000,000g Over 91,000,000 DESTE| REVIEI| BOARD APPROVAIJ BITPIRES APPROVAIJ I'IIIJESS A BUILDING PBNUTT IgIS STARTED. $100. 00 $200 .00 $400. 00 $s00.00 (tr{E YEAR AFTBR FINAIJ ISSUED AIID CONSrRUCEIO}I -uhl,; Gvt Phon H. NAI.{E OF OWNER(S):,id /k/o, OJfiNER ( S ) SIGiIiTAjTTTRB : Mail.ing Phone Condominium Approval if applicabte. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the Lime of submit,t,aL of Ebe DRB application. r,ager, wlren appLying for a building permit, please identify the accuratevaluation of the proposal . The Town of vail will adjust thefee according to the t,able below, Eo ensure the correct feeis paid. APPIJICATIONS llIIrIr NOI BE PROCESSED WITHOW OWNER'S SIGIiIATIIRB oo APPLICATION FOR ADDITIONAL GRFA (250 TYPE OF REQUEST Standard 250 Type I EHU 250 Type ll EHU 250 Type V EHU 250 II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additional GRFA can be added to a site. lt should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each property an additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows for up to 250 square feet if the conditions sel forth in Chapter 18.57 or Chapter 18.71 of the Town of Vail code are met. Applications for additions under this section will not be accepted unless they are complete. This includes all information required on this form as well as Design Review Board submittal requirements. III. APPLICATION INFORMATION A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION B. LOCATIOI Address Cn> Legaf Description: Lot_L . Zone District oo rcvl6€,l 21241j,€ Date of Date of DRB Date of PEC Meeting (if lK uior'*ili'' ri( LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Hrs . 6<. F. Ke IIe u { t . D.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: E. NAME OF OWNER(S): t' Slgnature(s Address PhoneSlP$gg -t9lef F. Filing Fee of $200.00 is required at time of submittal of a standard 250. For a request involving an EHU, the fee is waived. ,t&ew Pd $ nD! q by'fDo^-tJ b'btr'1 ls q€@ oo The following information, in addition to DRB submittal requirements, shall be required with this submittal: 1. Verification that the unit has received a final certificate of occupancy. 2. Stamped, addressed envelopes and a separate list of adjacent property owners and of owners of units on the same lot. This information is available from the Eagle County Assessor's office. 3. Condominium Association approval (if applicable). 4. Existing or proposed floor plans of structure. G. Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. H. lf this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess ol 50Y" ol the application fee. lf, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re -publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other than town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, the Community Development Department may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be fonrarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount fonrvarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. oo a at lhl BRowN.woUN coNsrRucTtoN, tNc. ll llJ I' GENERAL CONTRACTOR & DEStcN CONSl[rAr{TIJJJJI|. RtIrooErS. pRopERTy MAtNTENAtiCt, NEW Clr{Srnuc.noN -L F.O. AOr 7Ot YAIL COTORAOO tl65! l\1 BRowN-wottN coNsrRucnoN, rNc. I I I lJ l- GENER^L CONTRACTOR e DESGN @rq.[TANrIJJJJJJ- REMODEI.:i, PROPERTY MAINTENANCE NEW @NSTRUCNO -rr p.o. Box 70t vxl. coLoRADo 8t658 oo I^l*"tr,rrJ /t4 I (, 7-oil )"o^* i_"n ' rLnsf ' 556 9"'# F/o^"9t ' tStt,Plont AA^a&,cfr TooJl F1 ??tF"'1 '5"^ El -dl.rl BRowN-woLtNcoNsrRucnoN, tNc.fiTfTf cENER^t coNrmcron & oEsrcr comsuLr t{r LILEIJ_ REMoDELS, pRopERrv M TNTENAT{CE NEu, @NsrRucno -- P.O. BOr 701 VA[- COLORADO Er658 6 t C-i*l A'rro^"i E"*147 4 , % 9**' tS . Qo k Tr"sf."- A38 /v/oJ 's*', ( F.r lot)- E"7k> ^yaf CtnJc 1?+Ar'^^ ''nf ,h o 65ro 1 to oo TH|s |TEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GTVEN that he Planning and EnvironmentalCommission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance witr Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on November 27, 1995, at 2:00 P.]tl. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for amendments to The Town of Vail Municipal Code, Chapters 16, 18 & 2 to allow lor modifications to the Sign Gode, Design Review, Commercidl Core l, Commercial Core. ll and Supplemental Regulations. Applicant: Town of VaitPlanner: Randy Stoudet I 2, A request for a setback variance to allow for a residence under constuction to encroach into the front setback located at 2850 Kinnickinnick/Lbt 6, Innsbruck Meadows SuMivision. Applicant Am. Bros. Development Inc., represented by Bob BomePlanner George Ruther A request for an additional 250 square feet of GRFA to allow for an addition to a residence located at 992 Ptarmigan Road/Lot 4, Block 4, vail village 7th Filing. Applicanf Ray and Mary KelleyPlanner: George Ruther A request for an additional 250 square feet of GRFA for an addition to a residence located at 3l l0 Booth Creek Drive/Lot 9, Block 3, Vail Village I lth Filirig. Applicant Bill Pierce for Diane Hughes, King Hughes and Kendall BumeyPlamer: Jim Curnutte A request for an amendment to chapter 18.39 of the vail Municipal code ( ski Base Recreation) and an amendment to the previously approved development ptan to allow for !!g leogygtopment ol the Gotden peak ski Basd, diared ar 48s viil Vail6y Drive / Tracr F, Vail Village Sth filing and Tract B, Vait Viilage 7th fiting. Applicant: VailAssociates lnc., represented by David Co6inPlanner: Jim Curnutte and Lauren Waterton A request for an amendment to chapter 1g.24.050, permitted and conditional Uses Above Second Floor, to allow for a modification to the Zoning Code. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther 4. 5. 6. -dl\t BRowN.tYouNconsrRucrloN, lnc4fitT] cENsRA! oomr rsron r ocgoi oorcutrlilT HEEII *o*s'.3H$rffi'ff* oo G4, F*D'o 4c 4D*l *T- / o '1 ld"wtzl'/o e;k ' Ud,6 8/6t7 Oj 7 . A request for an addl0onal 280 square.leet of GRFA to ailow for an eddlton b areddeme locatod at 10rf2 Eagle's l,lest cfidetLot2, Blod( 1, vall vfltage gd|| FIng. Appllcant Dan DerculetPlanner: George Rufier signl.ngu|gcirttprilimrurt|Dbt+mrlqrxlrnerharmtnc&G PLDcdl4ze-fltf rrob.q4t]e$gTDDbrinbrmabn. oo ZONE CHECK FOR$ingle Family Residence, Dup1ex, ZONE DISTRICTS oo Prinary/Secondary DATE: LEGAL DESCRTPTToN: Lot l./ etoeu c suuaivision ADDRESS: OI4INER PHONE PHONE Allowed Exist,inq proposed TotaI ^r1/* (30) f53T rb Llnwq€ ARCHTTECT zoNE DrsrRrcr ?/3 PROPOSED use PfS Lor srzE - '< ) =da / _ BuTIJDABIJE IJor AREA Height TOE.Al GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA . Sebbacks I/<''i + 42s FronL Sides Rear 4A<n / 7-6 + 42s- =^U/e_ =J943- 20, 15. 15', .z/t8 * 3'/6' 5 neqra (3oo) (600) (eoo I FnolelLf tPermirred stope (j t proposed Stope U/ft F< '- # gqst ZJ?JS # 78& Lit J- (_ t-l/1 I Nlr' a N/rt Yes oL No .llN tll Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50e6)YEs- No Nft_ Envi ronmen t aI /Hazards :1) Flood Plain 2l Percent, Slope (< > 30t) oU 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancho ..y,b) Rockfall No alL reques!? -r-( Z enct Si t,e Coverage Landscaping ReLaining wall Heights . Parking Garage Credit Drive: Complies with T.O.V. LighLing ordinance Water Course Setback (30) (50) 4) View Corridor Encroachment,: yes Does Uhis reqriesL j.rrvuive a 250 A<iriition? LlnHow much of Ehe allowed 250 Addition is useffiEis Previous condit,ions of approval (check property file): c) Debris FIow zniz, wetlands 10 ir"{ \ft\ )\ttt.r! -l|PrFf\\ \\JFJ,, 5' \ es-Y?-\\rse-1a ,{ ?., € :l-\r\, \n:_5 ++6 ?2_{\ =\ TI>7- cre- $ldf -z sj "5* Ht $it &tt j$ {*r*iI+,3 ) &h {-- *u 1[i ti? :xi: =g+ .T$ OI oo oo TOWN OF VAIL //"7''1 -nEGEIPT No. J / tdLd- DEPARTUENT OF COMIULNITI' DE}'ELOPMENT NA.rrE 2 yu il27 Z l(c, P_:,, amE6s_ t D^r" /o ,?/,q{ T T T-r tI T'T-R II-? -7 -7 -; 0l 00004t413 SIGN APPLICATIONFET tri20.000l 0000414t3 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE tSI.OO PER SQ.FT.] 0 | 0000 42440 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION0l 0000 4t331 PRE PAID DESIGN RLVIEW BOARD FEE ,43. c. 0l 0000 42371 I}.IVESTIGATIONFEEW- 3l oo0045ll0 TOV PARKINC FUND0l 0000 22027 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND or oo00 2l I 12 TAXABLE @ 4% (STATE)* 0t 0000 41010 TAXABLE @ 4% (TOW.\) 0l 0000 4237t BUILDINC INVESTIGAT]ON OTIIER FI PEC APPLICATION FEES 0l oo0041330 $200.000l 0000 41330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT s200.oo 0l 000041330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS TIIAN lOO SQ.FT.I $200.000l 000041330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION IMORE TI{AN IOO SOTT:]$500.000l 000041330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENTDISTRICT TNEWI $ I,500.00 0l oo004l3i0 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TMAJOR AMEND s1.000.000l oo00 4t330 SPECIALDEVELOPMM $200.00 E 0t oo0041330 SUBDIVISION 0l fi)00 41330 r'ARIANCE $250.000l ()0()0 4r330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS $zJ0.o00l 000041330 RE. ZONING s200.00 OTHER OTHER ---lmT fE...J .OMMENTS: atf . aQIsE I I c(.ir /F/ cj I !1. O Ll u".n'..Yt'. oo oo TOWNOFVAIL RECEIPT IiO. CIIECXS ItrADE 'AY^ILE TO TOWN OP VAJL' 'I'l(r - :ux - c(Frll. IotAL' t_: . a -,t' ,-.'f'.i i-i ! ; i:'i , !::ti:i .i,,r.,,;,:,i:i.-J '- 't t :l 0I O(XXr 414l Z- 1 CUxr rn'Crr.nJ rnL r:rrrsr,io r-S';'0l 0000 414 13 SIGN APPLICATION FEE 520.00 0t 00004t4t3 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE TSI.OO PER SQ.FT.I ot oo00 42440 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION| 0l 00004133t PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE -?O t0l oo00 42371 IWESTICATION F EE' BUITDINEJ 31 0000 451l0 TOV PARKJNG FUND ol o0@ 22027 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND* r,l 0000 2l t 12 TAXABLE @ 4oIL(STATE)* 0t 0000 4t010 TAXABLE @ 4% (TOWN) 0l 000042371 BUILDING INVESTIGATION OTIiER PEC APPLICATION FEES 0l 0000 41330 ADDITIONAL GRFA "250"t'ZU0.UU 0l 000041330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT s200.00 0r 000041330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION [LESS THAN IOO SQ.FT.I $200.000l oo00 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION IMORE TITAN IOO SQ.FT.I s500.000l 000041330 !!Eq[ALDEVELOPMW $ 1.500.00 0t 0000 4t330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRI-T IIVIAIOR TNIEND s 1.000.00 0l 000041330 SPEC]AL DEVELOPM ENT D ISTRIET- f MIN-R AMEND s200.o00t oooo41330 SUtsDIVISION 0l 000041330 VAruANCE s250.00I0l 0000 41330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS s250.00 0r oo00 41330 RL - ZONING $200.00 OTHER OTHER ITOTAL: easE L-l cK.' I 7/"a rM.0Ll REC. BY )r.Project Application ,^," blnS f4 Z. Prolect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Lesal Descriptio n, to, 4 . eto"r 4 , riting Commenls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Staft Approval a W r€vis€d COIORADO il el4leL -. ! I. DRB TPPLICAIION . IODIN Otr \'AII., DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: r*t***tt** IBIS TPPLICATION WII.L IIOI BE ACCEPTED I'NTTL ll.r. REQUTRED rltFoRldATroN rs suEurlrED********** @: A.DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: fuCrqgtar/ruovaag,Uc- SP4. Nevr Construction ($200.00)Minor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)($0) D.LEGAI., DESCRIPTION: LOE 1 Subdivision If property is described by description, please provide attach to this application. ZONING: LOT AREA: If required, applicant stamped survey showing lot area. G. NAME OF APPLICANT: Mailing Address: t/AlL .o ?tbf? Phone APPLICANT, S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: ADDRESS: a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and E. J. K. must provlde a currenL H.NAME OF Mailing I.NAME OF OIIINERS: TSIGNATT'RE (S) : Mailing Address: */ L45 lh L't' ,) L'LlcI IrlttFEEI 20.00 $ s0.00 $100 .00 $200.00 $400.00 ss00.00 * DESTGN REf,TIEII BOARD APPRO\TAI EXFIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FTNAI APPROVAL I'ITI.ESS A BUII.DING PEEIIIT IS ISSI'ED A}TD CONSTRUCTTON TS STARIED. **N. APPI.TCATION WTLL BE PROCESSED WTTBOT'T OY|NER'S SIGNATI'B3 Conceptual Review Vatt Phone Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town o will adjust the fee according to the table ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ 0-$ 10,000 $1o,oo1 -$ 5o,ooo $ 50,001 - $ 15o, o0o s150,001 - s 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1' 000' 000 I V !:(.,t\l.li: : /" - /()' / PUBLI( t:t-,lr; 9l't\.)t I I I I l', \ i I II I : I I I II : lI I II I.,,,:,/l;t/l I, I: ll I.t t,t, 'i/(: i, I.t III t ,lif,';?tt 1 '/)iA1 lcr I /\'' _llii:jrircrr{: . ,-0'i 4 bloeL:4 v'/tii" vitLAGE {'tvENrt/ F//-,,\.o (, .2t'\i1 ACFES. /+t864.b5 sO, FI ,t., .- ..- -. '). aqy,oJe. ar,ij-,fio Afirt'.j^t..r, o ft!, !i,\t{.:, iNr.r.rt U-Ufr.j 4, Etdd -ididi t ' rytu1 DtNOes c ?r il?hj *4tt' /' PAvEHehfi ! tElL...' F.xl.b?rl.i9 Tlt:O!*Fg-AtNrNO ,.r^LL .\ .gxlfh{O a,nbap- J FeIArNll*3 llaLL ,"'-. :'/' -,t ,.e 4'.Z3JP z' r \ J I ?^- r'1'rti='l - '.- . \F'1,q\ :""-; -.fty''' ' '-, .; / .f*\ - - -.'/t ,.. *:- Y ,./'- '\..o ^ .fa 'C|d+.(o'-d 4+P . W,J4I DBAIN. FILLui slaNtt ' NeU lle,atraxa. l^JALt{.rAl -/ -.tt' glo* I I I I I I I I I I I I I I *5-4\ '-*- PPoFAT€4: -sPrc uaoep5 (PDtit'Trera o /2' F/hE Neu: arucorlf jr rOc E $ b 0a.r' '*b{$t 4.:, a' //7.Ot ReVoco.:-_. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Generat Pubtic MEM.RANDUM Community Development Department February 19, 1992 Movable/Portable Hot Tubs and Spas nsPodt ll..'*'o" Nte N/A 4. As technology has progressed, a new type of hot tub and spa has been developed. This new typ€ is essentially a self-contained unit with all plumbing, etc., contained within the structure of the unit. The only necessary component for this Vpe of unit is an electrical outlet. For the Town's purposes, these units will be considered moveable/portable hot tubs and spas. The following information must be submitted, where applicable, with all reguests for portable/moveable hot tubs or spas: Survey or site plan - The building location, all property linss and the proposed hot tub unit should be shown. Cut sheeUphotograph of unit - All units musl be U.L listed and must meet the UBC. Condo Association - lf a unit is to be located on a general common element (G.C.E.) or limited common element (L.C.E.), condominium association written approval must be obtained. Hazards - A hazard letter will not he required unless some other structure, as defined in Section 18.04.310 of the ToTflof Vail Munlcipat Code, is also being added. Speciflc requirements for structures in hazard areas are in Section 18.69 of the Town of Vail zoning code. Maps indicating hazard areas are available in the Community Development Department office. A hot tub may be added lo an existing, conforming (legal) deck. Decks may encroach inlo sehacks, including front, rear, side and creek, either 112 lhe selback dislance or 10 feet if within 5 feet of grade, or 112 the setback distance or 5 feet if more than 5 feet from grade. Please refer to Section 18.50.050, 18.58.060 and 1 8.58.300 of the Town of Vail zoning code for the specific regulations. Requests for hot tub/spa encroachments into setbacks further than allowed for decks may be approved by the Design Review Board. Other sections of he code, which are not cited in this memo, may also be applicable to some installations. All completed applications for movable/portable hot tubs will be reviewed by staff. No approval can be given without all the necessary information as listed above. This review program is not applicable to permanenVbuilt-in hot tub/spa units. The Town will not regulate "temporary" hol tubs which are sited for less than a 48-hour period. { o @ 3. -f Project Application ,F. kProject Name: Proiect Description: contact person and ,n.^" OF ST*/E k)ft/ Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: i staff Approval