HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 BLOCK 6 LOT 1 LEGAL?r/r,zfitt"1.6 t 7 lof Il'A Design Review Board ACTIOil FORFI Depdrtment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com Projectt{ame! REPETTI DEADTREE REMOVAL DRB Number: DR8070548 Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR DEAD TREE REMOVAL Participants: OWNER RUTHERFORD, SUSAN REPETTI LOIOLIaOOT 3466 ELLA LEE LN HOUSTON'fx 77027 APPLICANT ANN REPETTT LOl0Ll2O07 Phone: 970-476-5581 1OO1 VAIL VALLEY DR. VAIL co 81657 1OO1 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: 1OO1 VAIL VALLEY DRPrciect Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: loh 1-A Block 6 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE RUNG 7 2101-081-0100-4 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Apprcvall. L010212007 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constihrte a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Nicole Peterson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00Planner: Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Rwiew cannot be accepted unul all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Crmmission, Design review approial lapses unless a building pemit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. \\ I Iw et,so (r) '€e Location ofthe Proposal: Lot:Block:Subdivision: Z/df os s (Conbct Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-86,10 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s Mailing Owner(s) Signature(s): Physical Addrcss: Name(s) of Owner(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Phone: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, TZ.0--Tot minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board, No Fee Type of Review and Fee: Signs Concepfual Review New Consfuction Mdition Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request tr D tr tr tr .t' N D tr rown oslt l-S"";$.,} oo oo /' .a' I Iu,t i, j!,-t Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 Fnx 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us April5,2001 Sally Brainerd - RKD 1000 Lionsridge Loop Suite 3D Vail. CO 81657 and Larry Deckard P.O. Box 725 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Lot 1, Btock 6, Vait Vittage / fiting - 1001 Vail Valtey Drive SENT VIA FACSIMILE AND U.S. MAIL Sally and Larry: At its April 4n meeting, the Town of Vail Design Review Board (DRB) conceptually reviewed lhe above-referenced applications. The following is a synopsis of the board's commenls: . Pursuant to the Town of Vail Design Guidelines, primary/secondary development must be designed in a manner that creates an architecturally integrated structure with unified site development. Unified architectural and landscape design shall include, but not be limited to,lhe use of compalible building materials, architectural style, scale, roof forms, massing, architectural details, site grading and landscape materials and fealures. . There needs to be more unity of treatments and architectural details among the two units. For example, the window mullion treatmenls and window trim details are not carried consislently throughout both remodels. Additionally, there seems lo be a discrepancy between a'clean contemporary design'vs. 'alpine ambience'on each respective unit. lt is recommended the owners get together and devise a unified scheme for the entire duplex. The current proposal reads like two separate buildings. Although the massing is consistent throughout, the details need a little more attention. €P*'*uo'^'o ,o It These applications are scheduled for final rwiew by the DRB on April 18th. Please submil your design review revisions no laterlhan 12:00 noon on Monday, April 16t. lf you would like lo discuss this matter in greater detail, please contact me at (970) 479- 2140. Sincerely, 9r-* BrentWilson, AICP Planner ll oo TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant, Kathleen Ferry, is requesting a setback variance to allow for a portion of a new tv'o-car garage (17.5 square feet) and new gross residential floor area (17.5 square feet) to be constructed within the front setback. The subject property fronts on two streets (Vail Valley Drive and Eagle's Nest Circle) and is therefore constrained by two front setbacks (20' each). The east unit of the duplex (Ferry residence) cunently has no off-street parking. The proposed garage would be located within the existing building footprint. The new third-level GRFA addition would be located above the cunent building footprint as it exists within the front setback. Therefore, the only "nevy''setback encroathment with this request is 17.5 square feet of GRFA at the upper level. The subject property was subdivided and platted by Eagle coun$ in December of 1965. The applicant's survey information indicates a variance is necessary to add the third- level GRFA within the existing building footprint. According to a survey on file in the Department of Community Development, the proposed addition will not encroach into the setback at all. In an effort to address all potential encroachment concems prior to construstion, however, the applicant has chosen to move fonrvard conservatively with a variance request. On May 8, 2000, the PEC approved a nearly identical setback variance on the property noting the existing location of the structure (constructed prior to the adoption of Primary/Secondary zoning on the property) and the mnfiguration of the lot as physical hardships. The 2000 variance approval also involved the addition of GRFA above an existing encroachment. Please refer to the attached plan reductions for details of the proposal. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Department of Community Development recommends the Planning and Environhental Commission approve the applicant's request for a variance from Section 12-6D€, Town of Vail Code, to allow for an addition in the front setback, subject to the following findings: oo MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development April9,2001 A request for a variance from Seciion 12€D-6, Town of Vail Code, to allow for an addition in the front setback, located at 1001 Eagle's Nest Circle/Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant Kathleen FerryPlanner: BrentWilson oo oo 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. 2. There are exceptions or extraordinary setback circumstances or conditions applicable to this site that do not apply generally to other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. Specifically: the rendering of the structure as non-conforming with regard to setbacks after the adoption of new zoning in 1977. 3. That the strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. Staffs recommendation also canies the following conditions: 1. Pursuant to Title 14 (Development Standards), Vail Town Code, proposed balconies may project not more than five feet (5') nor more than one-half (1/2) the minimum required dimension into a required setback area. 2. That the applicant submits a revised duplex plat for review and approval by the Department of Community Development to reflect the proposed changes to the building footprint. The approved revised plat will be recorded with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder by no later than April 9,2ffi2. It is important to note staff believes the conditions and circumstances regarding setbacks on this property are substantially different than the circumstances regarding previously denied site coverage variance requests on this property. Staff has always acknowledged a need for relief from setback limitations for this structure. Site coverage, however, is apportioned based on the size of a lot and this particular lot exhibits no non- conformities or hardships with regard to lot size. REVIEWNG BOARD ROLES. VARIANCE Order ot Revlew: Genenlty, apptications witt be rcviewed ftrct by tlre PEC for impacls of the prcpo*d vaiane and then by the DRB for complianp of proposed buildings and site planning.. Planning and Environmental Commissionl Action: The PEC is responsible for final approval/denial of a variance. The PEC is responsible for evaluating a proposal for 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicini$. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibili$ and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without gmnt of special privilege. oo oo 3. The Effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such otherfactors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. Design Review Board: Action: The DRB has no review authority on a variance, but must review any accompanying DRB application. The DRB is responsible for evaluating the DRB proposal for: - Architeciural compatibility with other struclures, the land and sunoundings - Fitting buildings into landscape- configuration of building and grading of a site wtrich respects the topography - Removal/Preservation of trees and native vegetation - Adequate provision for snow storage on-site - Acceptability of building materials and colors - AccebtaOility of roof elements, eaves, overhangs, and other building forms - Provision of landscape and drainage- Provision of fencing, walls, and acoessory structures- Circulation and access to a site including pafting, and site distances - Location and design of satellite dishes - Provision of outdoor lighting- The design of parks Stafr: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform io the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review prcoess. Town Council: Actions of DRB or PEC maybe appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whetheior not the PEC or DRB ened with appmvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overtum the board's decision. tv. oo ZONING . SETBACK STATISTICS Zoning District: Lot Size: Minimum Required Lot Size: oo Primary/Secondary Residential District 15,960 square feet 15,000 square feet Standard Allowed/Required Proposed Setbacks Front (Ferry/east) 20ft.Side 15 ft. Front(RepettiArvest) 20ft. * prcviously approved setback uaiance*pre-existing setback encroachment V. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS- SETBACK VARIANCE 18 ft. (perfloor plans) 13.3 ft.* (per ILC) / 22 ft. 11.5 ft.** A.Consideration of Factors Reqardino the Setback Variance: 1.The rclationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and struc'tures in the vicinity. Although this application involves a2' (+ s7 -) encroachment into a required front setback, all other bulk and mass restrietions (GRFA, site coveEge, building height) on the property would be met with this proposed remodel. Therefore, staff believes the finished structure would be lompatible in size to other existing uses and structures' Additionally' the existing deficiency of off-street parking for the applicant's residence creates an aesthetic and traffic circulation @ncem for adjacent neighbors. Therefore, staff believes the proposed garage addition will have a positive impact upon other uses in the vicinity. Additionally, it appears the applicant has responded to previous direction given by the Town of Vail Design Review Board to locate the gaEge within the existing footPrint in an effort to avoid impacting mature vegetation on site. The degrce to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Hardship: The applicant's residence was constructed prior to the adoption of zoning regulations in the Town of Vail' The structure became non-conforming only after the Town applied Primary/Secondary zoning in 1977. On May 8, 2000, the PEC made a finding that these conditions constitute a hardship for the property and granted a similar setback variance. Staff agrees with the PEC finding ior both the Past and cunent variance requests. 3. oo oo Special Privileoe: The following is a summary of similar garage/GRFA setback variances granted by the PEC in recent years within the Primary/Secondary zone district: . Huerta Residence. 3003 Bellflorrver Dr. The variance that was approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission allowed 90 sq. ft. of GRFA beneath the garage. a Allowed for approximately 1 10 sq. ft. of GRFA in the front setback. . Hilb/Cumminos Residence. 2338 Garmisch Dr. 815 sq. ft. of GRFA was allorved beneath the garage within the front setback. ' Phillips Residence. 2696 Davos Tr. The lot has slopes greaterthan 30%, therefore the garage was located in the front setback. 874 sq. ft. of GRFA was allowed beneath the garage. .@ tne etanning and Environmental Commission found a hardship in the steep slopes off of Forest Rd. No GRFA was approved in conjunction with the garage, and the applicant actually removed GRFA from beneath the second garage in the setback as part of the approval. . Avlesworh Residence. 2586 Davos Tr. 24 sq. ft. of garage was located in the side setback as part of this variance request. . Lashovitz Residence. 1748 Siena Tr. ruo GRFR was approved in mnjunclion with a variance granted for a garage. . Tavlor Residence. 2409 Chamonix Rd. l.to CnfA was approved in conjunc{ion with a variance granted for a garage. Given the history of other variances granted for properties with similar circumstances within the Primary/Secondary zone district, staff does not believe approval of the proposed sehack variance would constitute a grant of special privilege. Additionally, staff does not believe the froposed encroachment is excessive in its deviation from the setback requirements. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and trafric facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff does not believe there tvould be any negative impacts associated with this proposal, if constructed, on the above-referenced criteria. B. lo oo The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos before qrantino a variance; 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other prcperties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is waranted for one or mone of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. *n'#"?*., I I I Ilrit I'!$nll' !i! iiiin l'i, t\-t;|nl P 2 F q tli w Sk-f'r"; '/lN. ..- i; l8l! t!t$ !E tln -r;t tFrI Il f5 !.i! illi 6r nt;t'.t;Jo ITITY|nqF P 1OO7 EAGLES NEST CIRCLE PARCEL B, LOT 1, BLOCX T VAIL VILLAGE SEVENTH FILING '-l--r=\--- , R-. \---------r--1- i*ir -d[*mil\-- \ \ I I I I\l\l \!\ I:il.\ EiE <@ ooq oo 8! ocI 6R f I fl 4o d o R 6 q x0q! a>t- >:>> a ^o mrt E o i32l o: Foo o q i o o:t'r. ooE o 'rJ- oo $x6i -a f;R oi P s Rh a o \4 fr I Y 1i-{ vi o s I xoq9 69 1r> q rI rFgiIqqdq iE6 ! 6 nl-t I I q anI tq6FXS 6nn>q$ do 61I an *i I i *t 1 i g @-l Itl Ei6- {' IE I' i f;o FIt|t 62 , r,l! i I Itll 1OO7 EAGLES NEST CIRCLE PARCEL B, LOT I, BLC'CK C VAL I,ILI-AGE SEVEIITH FILINO a a TOWN OFVAIL la oo Otte 75 South Frcntage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.w March 23,2001 Sally Brainerd - RKD 1000 Lionsridge Loop Suite 3D Vail, CO 81657 Re: Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village f Filing-the Ferry Residence Sally: The following are comments from town statf regarding the above-referenced application for a variance and design review approval. Please have revisions completed a minimum of three days prior to your scheduled final Design Review Board meeting. ' Please re-adjust the limits of disturbance" fence on the north side of the residence to allow adequate room for construction. . Please provide ridge elevations on the site plan for all roof ridges. ' Please provide the locations of all exterior lights on the site plan. This is necessary t0 ensure compliance wilh the town's exterior lighting ordinance. ' You may want to refer to the Uniform Building Code with regard to the proposed west{acing window along the party wall, This application is scheduled for review by the DRB on April 4th and the PEC on April 9th. Please let me know if you would prefer alternate meeting dales. Sincerely, A*'t.-\-- BrentWilson, AICP Planner ll {p*o, 'o OO TOWI',I OFVIN Deparnnent of Community Development 75 South Frcntage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www,ci.vail,co,us oo March 23, 2001 Larry Deckard, A.l.A. P.O. Box 725 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village 7 Filing - the Rutherford Residence Larry: The following are commenls from town staff regarding the above-referenced applicalion for design review approval. Please have revisions completed a minimum of three days prior to your scheduled final Design Review Board meeting. . Please provide a "limits of disturbance'fence to allow adequate room for construction while minimizing impacts to the remainder of the site. . Please provide ridge elevations on the site plan for all roof ridges. . Please provide the locations of all exterior lights on the site plan. This is necessary to ensure compliance with the town's exterior lighting ordinance. . lf any new grading will occur around the proposed garage addition, please provide the appropriate contours, This application is scheduled for review by the DRB on April 4th Please let me know if you would prefer an alternate meeting dates. Sincerely, B^-+Q: Brent Wilson, AICP Planner ll {g*nouor ro )tnftrne<6+ O O Y bb Eu* ue une l/o,rsn,.l q qloz? (to,, Vait ^,9y)f-- Traut c , ).* ( AqeKM*x L.te-lItl/ot lt lXo4L V t Vnil Vttaq<- 1w : \) Vailviltarc ?h: J o L4sl 6ortt-* (w, NRu\en Leprez\R . S7ntus , (L 5 rcA Val VatrtlD') s l-atzr 6'locL-t Va;/ Ultry W )mrau M/*,te( l4to KrU6,f- fu. Lwrr.,.a- \,tour-oul , I'fy It+1 (tolr- Ea4Vc [/ot Ctrtt') . Lotd,blocL-0,(=eo*r5 i )t*^nru S(eult€Z- I (o?13 (uu<er s(, 6ewll rLLs t Mb zo?o{ (qq, Va'il Vattcu; **)l- Vail Vitlay 1w: ' Lo(> t Btoc.),-b t kil Yilg'. n(n: lo (en wt f'\rlrr\ (o' €*n 6. W-fsts( Z3f n*\rsoN s7-. 5eftoKedN Lr"1 ,ilo (rcu Valr Valt bslo I*irt) h+r Va,i\ tsro&r ViltaSr O,t*rl SrtfzS ytg (Rtfyze,qrre b. (oror4*c, M) zots4 (,o u Enlvs kks] CnU) 0 1;"+ 4 t Sloc!-V VU t uil vlt 1rh' ,ffi ,, fu tTr.w6eK" F0 6oy t, Vut, b gt(t€$ (t*t'lalvltq 2nv) J O '* rrEM MAY AFFE.T YouR PR;Eil PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on April 9, 2001 , at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a worksession to discuss the rezoning of the Mill Creek Court Building from CCI to a zone district or soecial develooment district that would allow office and residential uses on the street level, located at 303 Gore Creek Drive/Lot 1, Block 5A, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: A request for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit, located at 0097 A&B Rockledge Road/Lots 3,{ & 38, Block 7, Vail Village 1"'Filing. Applicant Bennett & Jacquie DorrancePlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6, Town of Vail Code, to allow for an addition in the front setback, located at 1001 Eagle's Nest Circleilot I , Block 6, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Kathleen FenyPlanner: Brent Wilson A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of Phase I of Donovan Park improvements, generally located southeast of the intersection of Matterhorn Circle and the South Frontage Road. Applicant Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council on the adoption of the Eagle County Regional Trails Plan. Mill Creek Court Condominium Association, represented by Larry Eskwith Allison Ochs Eagle County Regional Transportation Authority, Town of Vail Brent Wilson A request for the review of a proposed text amendment to Chapter 11, Design Review, of the Zoning Regulations to allow for procedural changes to the performance bond process as prescribed in the Vail Town Code. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther A request for a minor amendment to the Golden Peak Development Plan, to allow for the addition of a skier tunnel, located at Tract B, Vail Village 7tn Filing. Applicant: Vail ResortsPlanner: Brent Wilson STAFF APPROVED ,L I,^ 1"l'- r\t" l | '')hl?u-l r1r J- A request for a minor "r"rt"fr" Speciat Devetopment District *?" t* ", *" conversion of an existing indoor tennis court to a spa, located at 1295 Westhaven Drive/Cascade Village. Applicant L-O Vail Hotel Inc.Planner: Allison Ochs STAFF APPROVED A final review of a request for a recommendation to the Town Council for a rezoning from Agriculture and Open Space to Primary/Secondary Residential and a Minor Subdivision to create two residential lots and a request for a recommendation to the Town Council for an amendment to the Vail Land Use Plan changing the land use designation from Public/Semi- Public use to Low Density Residential, located at 3160 Booth Falls Road/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, VailVillage 12'n Filing. Applicant: Boothfalls Homeowner's Association, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: Russell Forrest The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planneis office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Communig Development Department. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published March 23. 2001 in the Vail Dailv. oo Datc: Lcgal dcscription: Lot I Block 6 Fi[ng ZONE CHECK oo Addrcss Osncr iu VlrvLe l\/re Architcct Lot sizc Phonc Phonc Zonc district hoposcd usc . Allorvcd rotarGRFA 2! * ! i5 u =-sl <t J- (E)r;n"vcpp4 L 3oE +(a25) tfr1=]J$_TJ (W)Scconaary 6Bp6 t, f !E + $2, (@)=_j :, 2_ Existine Proposed Total =. f, o6\ LSoo LEto teJ ,1 -7-L oL = 2ao1 + 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a ?50 Addition? Y e S G L) Jttg(-l 3t)s ?z,/) 20' .l 5' l5'(r.^. Minimurn 36 Garagc Crcdit Drivcway Complics wirh TOV Ligbting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs tcss than 2:l (500/0) Environrn cntal/llazards lrr orroPoscd Slopc ' -. o 7 t? , L/ 2) Floodplain 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (50) 5) Gcologic Hazards a) SnorvAvalanchc b) Rockfall c) Dcbris Florv Prcvious condirions ofapproval (chcck propcrty flr) te(stcE €rtClLoftcv+ \ e-JT) (300) (600)o6b.(1200) PcrmittcdSlopc lL o/o Ycs No Ycs No l) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) - ll ,?-tt lt,>q1 t+ It . (eF,,!r,^Jt, t (5) t+t\77c,') 17, t (Pe'-t Remaining t1+ Horv much of tbc allorvcd 250 Addition is uscd with this ,gqu"rtz (e) 6 ) ? ) ! d) I 31 * Sitc Covcragc Hcight Sctbacks Landscaping RcainingWall Hciglts Parking 3'/6' Rquircd 6 9t Pt> 00x6 Front (,'r) Sidcs Rtr(e) 1d)(l, L1t f Encloscd t/ ./ Is thc propcrty non-conforming? De;cilbc: ! € J (ev'Cr,*'h) oo ol DESIGN REVIE1V CMCKLIST Projcct: tr SUR\EY .._ Bcnchmark ! i' Lot Sizc Buildablefuea Eascmctrts Topognp[y 100 g. flood plain Watcr Counc Sctback __ Environmentalllaztrds Trees Utility Iocations Spot clwations o srrepraXr tr FLooRPLA}TS Scalc GRFA 250 additional GRFA Crarvl\Attic Spacc EHU tr BULDD.IGELEVATIoNS Scalc Color\ivfaterials Roofpitch O I.A,}IDSCAPEPLAN Existingtccs proposed fces Lcgcnd MISCELIANEOUS Condo Approval Titlc rcport (A & B) Uti lity vcrif cati on form Photos of sitc Scalc Buitding Hcighr Encroachmcnts Sctbacks Site Covcrage EavcVOvcrhangs (4) Declstsalconics Garagc connection _ . Sitc Cradc\Slopc RctainingWalls ___ TumingRadius Drivcrvay (acccss and gradc) Snow Storagc Firc Acccss Building matcrial samplcs C.O. Vcrification Sun\Shadc Anglcs Utilities (undcrground) Vicrv Corridon Varianccs Plat rcstictions o APPTICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsigr Rcviov approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigr rwiclv must rcccivc Desigr Rwiov approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit For specific information, scc the zubmittal rcquircmorb for thc particuiar approval that is requcsted Thc applicarion cannot bc acccptcd until all thc rtquired inlbrnration i.s submincd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council andlor thc Planning and Environmcntal Conrnrission. Dcsign Rcvicw Board approval cxpircs one ycar aftcr final approval unlc$s a building pcrmit is issued etrd co$truction is startcd. 4., DESCRITTION OF THE REQUEST:Relocate existinq qaraqe- 250 Sq. Ft. GRFA Addition, New Master Bath q"*Ooll thc Plurning Staj'i :r. "i7:''-:,23 TAWNOFVAII, B. c. D. E. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOT: I BLOCK: 6 FILING: 7th PHYSICALADDRESS: 1001 Vail Valley Drive rAl PARCEL #: 4l /tl h E/ 0/ 00 | (ContactEaglc Co.Asscssors Officeat970-3ZE-Sg0forparcel #) ZONINC:Residential NAMEOF OWNER(SI' PHONE: OWNER(S) SIGNATTJRE(S): MAILINC ADDRESS:3!{bb 5\lct Lze LN F. \J.NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: Houston, TX 77027 PHONE:l-z H. TYPE OF REVIEWAND FEE: E Ncw Construction - $2fi1 Constuction ofa new building 0l Addition - $50 Includcs any addition whcrc square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or conunercial building. tr Minor Altcration - $20 Includcs nrinor changes to buildings and site improvcmen8. such as. rcroofing. painting, window additions, landscaping. fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fces are to be paid at the fime of submittal. Later. whctr applying for a building permit please identify thc accurate vaiuation of thc pojcct. The Town oiVait will adjust the lbe according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEP.{RT}TENT OF COi\{MUNITY DEVELOP}TEN'T.75 SOITH FRONTAGE ROAD, v.{rl.. coLoRADo 816s7. nAR.t?,?AAt 1e:15Fr4 oo MWN OFYATL Dcpdrtnant of Commun ity Development 75 Souh Fraatage Road Vail, Colordo 81657 97F479-2r39 FAX 970.479,2152 wwvci.vail.co.us rvritten app,roval oftheplans aata 7,- % - n I whicharc submltt€dro rhe Town of voil Cornmunity Development for dre ploposerl imprcvements to be completed et thg addro6s I further understar:d thar minor modifications naybe made to thc pians o!€r tbe gourse of the msurc coupliance with rhe Town's applicabie codes and regulations. 2lt, ol (dare) n/rf ft JOINI PROPERTY OWNER WRITIEN A}PROVAL LETTER joint orvnu ofpropeny locared ar above. I understand tbat the proposed improvenents includq $zCAt,g,EDz, tfaf prJ Ot ,oCdl thc Pliu,ning Staif .r..i,':-1i2.'t MPLICATIO'{ FOR DESICN RE\TIEW APPROVAI C6NER,\L TNFORMATION Thrs applicetion is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcricrv approvai. Aly projcct rcquiring dcsign rcwicw must rccc.ivc Design llcvicw +pr""ut prloi to sutr*ining for 1 buiiding pcrnit- For sirccific informadon' sc: tic submithi rccuircn:cr6 ior u:c parricuiar aqnroval :Jrar is rccucstei Thc applicanon cannot bc accsprci unnl ail thc r'-quireC inlbm:anon js subnrincd. inc piojccl nray a-lso ncsri ;o bc rcvic'vci by rhc Torvn Councii andlor thc Planning and Exvifon nlcnta.l Cortrnrission. Design Rcvicw Board approvel expircs onc ycxr rftc! finai aPproval utticss a buildjng perrnit is issued and construction is starEd. A. DESCRIPT]ON OF TI{E 250 Sq. Ft. GRFA R FOtiE-ST: Relgcate existinq qaraqe r\! \< v vvAddition, New Master Bath TOWN OFYAIL B.LOCATION OF PROPOSA!: LOT: 1 BLOCK: 5 FILING:7eh PFTYSICALADDRESS: 1001 Vail Valley Drj-ve'A' (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Offics at 970-128-8640 for parccl fl Resi-dential PARCEL #: ZONINC: (. D. E. F. NAME OF OWNER(S): MAiLINC ADD or 4YER(S) SIGNATLTR.E(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILD{C ADDRESS: 3466 El1a Lee Ln Ilouston. TX 77027 PHONE: H. TYPE OF REVIEW AT\D FEE: E Ncw Construction - 3200 Consruction ofa ncw building' Q Addition - tr i\'Iinor Altcration - S50 lncludcs any ad<lition'vhcre squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsida:dal or ccmtnscial buiiding. 520 includcs n:inor changes to buildings and sitc improvcmcns' such as' rcrcot'ing- painung window additions. Iandscaoing' fcnces and rctaining walls, etc. DRB fces are ro bc paid ar thc nme of submittal. Larcr. whcn applying for a buitdin g pennil plcasc identify thc ilccurarc vuluanon of thc oroicct. Thc Town of Vail will icijust chc i'cc acccrding ic tic orojec: valualion' ?l-EAsE suBil/[IT THiS APPLtC.\TION. ALL SUBilIITT.\L REQUiRI},(ENTS .\ND THE FEE TO THE D EPART}IE}T O I.- C O N (.}IUN ITY D E V EL O P':UEN'T. 75 SO UI'H FRO NTAGE RO.\D' v'.\lL. COLOR+.DO 3165',, PHONE: StstemqrlTOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Staternent lftnnber: R000000499 Palment ilethod: Check Amount r $50. O0 03lt2l2OOL03:19 Pll rnit: itAR Notatiorr: 1590 PErmlt No: Parcel No: Site AddreEe: Irocatlon: Itria Payment, : DRBO1O043 TlPe: DRB 21010810100,t 1OO1 \TAIL VAIJTEY DR VAIIJ $50.00 - Addltsion of GRFA ToEal Fees: Total ALrLr htts: Balance: 950 . oo 9s0 ,0o $0.00 ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri ption 0R 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEI.I FEES Current ffis 50.00 rrorouttlfus 9701781I65 oo Law OFFrcEa Dunrn & AapLaHALB P.C. ^ FiCE:'.orl|. Oo€Ftr|olr WEsrS"al BaNx ElurLorNG roa Sourx Fnortrsg Roao WEFT Sure ao VarL- Co|-oaaEq e1667-5€47 T-5r2 P.00r/001 F-860llar-l3-?001 l0:lear JoHr w' ouxl{ ART}IUF A AB''III{AIA J'L IT6A HAA€EI{sON CAUSEY t colrtlScu JERRY w' HANNAH YELEPHONE:(970) 475 -OSCtCt rAcal ILE: lq,79.r 47e-47es f*!ha.trrqnaraoti arYsil |.illaword|n* cEtnflE9 lES L^Eallutrl KAREI{ H. DUXN. CLTS JAt{lCE K, BCOFIELO, Clls To: From: Subject: Date: MBMORANDUM Allison Odts Via Telecopierto 479-?452 <* ArtAbplanalp Rutherford Remodel 13 March Or Name: Mdress Telephone: Telecopier pleage iuclude this information in the Towu's records, as appropriate, and conslder Mr. Deckard to be the liaison for M$. Rutheffird. If you have aay quesuotrE' you lnay contact me. On behalf of Ms. Rutherford, we thank you for your assistance in this matter. Allison: Yesterday we filed with the Town a Design Review Board applieation on bebalf of Susan Rutherfora. Unllke some other forms used by tlre Tor,rrn" the applicatiou had blanks for ttre owner and the applicant, but no space for an applicanfs rePresentative I" thi" case, Ms. Ruttrerfold's iepreseutative wiU Ue t arry Deckar4 who prepared the plans, the information fur Mr. Dec*ard is as follows: Larry Dec}ard Post Offrce Box725 AvonCO 81620-0T25 (970) 949-7038 < (97O) 949-7038 < oo A auflpsfir| rhc pr\3,inlad shrti'?fi.2I iR PPLICATIO N F'OR P I-AN NI N"YNOYNUI RONM ENTA L COMMISSION APPROVAL cENERAL INFQRI,'ATIfIN lis application h for any projcctrcquiring approval by thc Planning rnd Environmsnhl Commission, For spccificInformadon.sccthcsubmiftlrcquiremarGfoittrcperiicularrpproialthrtisrcgucsrcd, Thcapplicationce;notbc eci.Gpted until all rcquired Information is submittcd,- Tho proj$t'msy stso nccd tl bc rcrir*"a'uy grc fowr Councilrnd/or thc Dcsign Rwicw Boar4 tr Amcndmcnt to an Approvcd, Dcvelopmart plan tr Enrployce HousingUnit (t1ryc: )E Major or tr MinorCCI EricriorAlteration (VaitVillagc) tr Major or tr MhoTCCII ExtcriorAltcration Ar TYPE OF APPLTCATION: , tr Additionat CRFA (2s0)tr BcdadBreakfasttr Conditional Use pennit E Major or 0 Minor Sr.rbdivision Et RozoningE Sip VarianccE Variancctr ZocringCodoAncndnrent DESCRIPTION OF rHE RBeL|ESTT (Lionsheadl Special Dcvclopmcnt Disbict Major or E Minor Amendmcnt to an SDD tr tr D. E. LOCATION OF pROpOSALr LOT (/ rrunc AD NAN{E: ZONING: NAMEOFOWNER(S): MAtLn{O ADDRESS:-4 OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S)I NAME OF REPRESENTA FEE - SEE THE SUBMTTAL RF4UTREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRTATE EEE. Ir, G.€ro laTZ i 7) "-'t IttAR L Z Z00t &Yid6,96 rE( C'/ -AElprF D / oo r_s 046C1 -p/r rw paa;fu1- cL*: Ztel3 _ sy: tr&y-a__ A7/t2/L995 L2:25 a3/12,i2ool tt:29 7138771759;.t,, W#,L*',wc**iiciitrtar;ttn Wtn tittttr.r?ca{,Ar.r oo fu*. *lH,?itr-8y^llH. tnLo,V. -, lJrint CvAt ofpropcny lor,rtcr, rr .- PtttCe tb.:r lcCcr . urlbr rgonl jr 6. ptru o.d hnt, b. f rT h g whjch an ruurnrficd ro lha rown I ttib? rrr.'h,. tru srhor nodkrrfir o,.!,tc truda !o nc prur *sr tc cour[ or thc .''l.' FOlr'. b Err,. co' ** vrri rtc Ton'r rppricrDic codcs ,rd rcSnltuoas. Grfea/ ofvril Garnudr D*toF!* nt rhr nporrd irnnsvrnrou to be conprclrd * $c ed&r* T :y*.b t onoeor.n iE'piowatdr iocrudc O&'€mr T|wNqFvul, l1 oo qu..Q O*" Planning Statr at 419-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dasign Revicw approval. Any project requiring desigr rwiew nnrst receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittral requiremenls for the particular approval that is requested- The application cannot be accepted until all the required infbrmation is submitted- The project may also need to be reviewcd by thc Town Council and/or the Planning and Environrnental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one ycar after final approval unlc$s a building permit is issued and construction is startod. LOCATTON OF PROPOSAL, iOi, t BLaCK: 6 FIrNG: ?fi A. B. C. D. E. PHYSICALADDRESS: 160' fupS NCJ.f Otru,,Y- PARCEL X, D /to/08t0toA6 ldontactEagleCo.Assessonofflrceat gl}-32E-Sglforparcel#) tT, NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: -f r.owr{ER(s) STGNATURE(S): G.NAME OFAPPLICANT: MAILINCADDRESS: I O H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E- New Construction - $200 Conshuction of a new building PHONE: {,lcaiuon- E Minor Altoration - $50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or comrnercial building. $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing. painting window additions, landscaping, tbnces and retaining walls. etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, whsn applying for a building pennil please identify the accurate valuation ofthe project. The Town ofVail will adjust tlre feo'according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, A.LL SUBIIIITTAL REQUIREMENTS AIVD THE FEE TO THE DEPARTIVI]ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL. COLORADO 81657, DRbot Co 4 / oo LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: oo CQIOE:* .. 1l BUU-OnYC MerentAr-S: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Harrd or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimncys, Trash Enclosurcs Grecnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other ___*_ * Please specif the manufachrer's color. number and attach a srnall color chip ** All extcrior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If oftrior lighting is proposcd, plcase indicate the nunrber of fixturcs and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identi$ cach fixbrc bpc and provid€ the height above grade, Iumens output. luminous arca. and attach a cut shect ofthe lighting fixturcs. TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADOr ' w rr r.rr v /rrJ_, LlrLt KArru stdgmeotl*t's*+*rtt'l*lttllil*titf f f tf t'it*rttt'|f *f tr*'t**f t*t*t*** tt'rrrrttrr*trt*tr* r*{r{.**r'rr*** rf,rt*r t, ******,rt*Statenent llurnber: ROOOOOOSOO Arnount,3 $25O.OO 03/L2/ZOO]^O3:2T P{{l Payment llethod: Check fnit : iIAR Notation: 2643 Permit No: Parcel llo r Site Addreee: Iroca t ion : IhL6 Palment: PEC01O018 Type: pEC - Variance 210108101004 1OO1 \TAIIJ VAIJIJBY DR VAII., Total Fees: Total ALrLr Pmte ; $250.00 $250.00$2s0 .00 Balance: $0.00**ll*ila*tt***'ttlt**+*l**l***lt***tt**t*t****tttt****'i**t*tt**t*ttttt*'t*'t**tt*i*t*'+*t**t**,|!** ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri ption Current ffis PV 00100003112500 PEC APPLICATION FEES 250 .00 TOWNOFVAII,,Statcmenttf*fl'l*tt't't{ll'l'}rifrtffl'lftrtf*rtt**tf*****ft*tt'rtft*r*i*rra****'rttttftt*+irt+rfar+rffrttft,t Stat,ernent Nurnber: R0OOOOO501 Amormt: $50.00 03 /L2l2OOtO3:28 pil Pa)ment llcthod: Cheek fnit : iIAR Notation: 2643 Pernlt No: Parce1 No: Slte Ad&ces: Locatiqr: Ihie Palnnent: DR8010044 210108101005 1OO1 VAIIJ VAIJIJEY Tl4te: DRB - Mdttion of GRFA DR VAIIJ $s0.00 It'l|l**tf**l'l'tltl*t*tfl*t****'t*ftit'lttt{t'l*t'llt't*r+**t*ft*ttt****t+*i***t't*tttitttttt'tttt t*tt ACCOI.INT IIEMLIST: ,qccount Code Descri pti on DR 00r00003112200 DESTGI'I REVIEl.J FEES 50. 00 Total Peea: Total ALrLr hts: Balance: Current Fmts ss0 .00 9s0.00 90.00 Lf- lillil-illllillil ltilllffi fifi ,5; :!.fr,:* -, TOWN OF VAIL APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PEBMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN IMPROVEMENTS ON A PUBLIC RIGHT,Of.WAY I0rliY .IHIS FORM CANNOT BE REDUCEp (Please type or print) OWNER OF PROPERTY ADDI]ESS -o ,ln- .TYPES OF IMPROVEMENTS Fence Wall Landscaping Other _x_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PNOPERTY 1-O BE SERVED:Lor _L_BLOCK 6_sunolvrsrol_Zlafiljnq (lt necessary, altaclr descriptiorr on separate slrbef). r Corner lot X lnside lot 2oo t t for the structure above irrdicated. llE'fAlLED DESCRTPTtoN of: srnucruRE oR trEM(s)|NTo RtGtjr-oF-wAy:____ t5' vin3 --==-__ Does stnrch-ne preserrtly exisl? -Proposed date for contmencenrent of constr.uction lrr considemtion of tlre issuance of a revocable penr\ ap1llicant agrees as lollows: 1. a. \). l-ltat tlte slructure lterein authorizecl on a revocable perntit basis is reslrictecJ exclusively to tlrc land above described. Tltat the pernrit is linriled specifically to the type of struclure described in lris arpplical.ion. Tlrat tlre applicant shall notify ilre project planner antl public works DePartlttetrt, or tlteir cluly authorizecl agcnl, twenty-four lrours in advance of flretittte for colllnlencentent of construction, in orcler titat proper inspeclion nray be nrade by tlre Towrr. The applicant agrees to ilrdernnity ancl hold harrnless the Town of Vail, its o[[icers, errrployees arrd agenls against all liability, clainrs and demancls on accour'lt of ittjuty, loss or dantage, inclucling without lilnitation claints arising lrorn boclily irrfrrry, personalirrjury, sir;l<ness, clisease, cleath, property loss ordanrage, or ally other loss of any ltitttl wltatsoever, whiclr arise out o[ or are in arry rlanner connecleclwith applicant's activities pursuant lo ilris permit, if such injury, loss, or dantage is caused itt wlrole or in part by, or is clairnecl to be caused irr whole or in pat.t by, the acl, ornission, error, prolessional errclr, rrristal<e, negligence or olher lault o[ tlre aprplicarrt, ltis contraclor or subcoltlrelclor or any olficer, enrployee or rel)resentalive of tlte applicant, lris contractor or lris srrbconlractor. The applicant agrees lo ittvestigate, hatndle respond to, ancl to provide clele nse for arrcl clefend against, arry suclr liabilily, clairrrs, or dcrnancls at llrc sole expense of the applacant. 1'lre applicant also agrees to bear all expenses relating lhereto, ittclt-tdittg cout I costs attd attorney's fees, wlrelher or rrot any such liabilily, claims, or derrrar rds alleged are glourrdless, false, or frauclulerrt. 4. 5. oo to Applicant agrees to procure ancl nrainlain, at its own cost, a policy or policies of insurance sufficient to ensure against all liability clairns, demands and otlrer obligalions assumed by lhe applicant pursuant to lhis Paragraph 4. Applicants further agree to release the Town of Vail, its officers, agents and enrployees from any and all liability, claims, clemands, or aclions or causes of actions whatsoever arising out of any damage, loss or injury to the applicant or lo lhe applicant's properly caused by the Town of Vail, ils officers, agents and employees while engaged in maintenance or snow removal activilies or any other activities wlratsoever on Town of Vail property, slreets, sidewalks, or rights-of- way. Thatlhe permit may be revoked whenever itis determirrecl that the encroachment, obstruction, or olher slrtrclure conslitutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs the use of tlte right-of-way by the public, conslitutes a lraflic hazard, or tlre property upon wlriclr the encroachment, obslruclion, or structure exists is required for use by the public; or it nray be revokecl at any lime for any reason deemed sufficient by lhe Town of Vail. That lhe applicant will renrove, al lris expense, the encroachment, obslruclion, or slrLlclure withit': len detys aftcr receivirtg ncltice of any revocalion of said permit. That the applicant agrees to nraintain any lanclscaping associated wilh tlre encroachment on llre right-of-way. Tlral in the event said removal of the encroachment, obstruction, or struclure is not acconrplished within ten clays, llte Town is hereby autlrorized to remove satne and lrave tlre rigltt to make an assessment against llre properly and collect the cosls or removal in tlre same manner as general laxes are collected. I hat the applicant has reacl and unclerslands all of the terms and conclitions set forth in this application. Recordirrg Fee for Revocable Riglrt-of-way Permit is $10.00 and 95.00 for every page tlrereatter. Make checks payable to Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Special conditions: o- 7. B. 9. 10. 11. DateSignature of Property Owner (lf joint ownership, both signatures) APPROVED:llllllll {J'111'? '. .,, R 10.OO O O.OA il]il|ilililil|ilil1J F i sher Easle, ililil1 illqd.: SAIEi8iR=h;r_aa(J.\.-s2z:i rr F- SEJF L ^n' 4go -{orP O$"= c)l-rrlnx PW/FON[4Si N4ISC/REVOCABNOW,DOC nEVlsED I I t!tt?(Ja) Projqct Planner rtnrent of Pub TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-n38 OWNER KATHLEE}I V. FERRY TRUST 288 BRIDGE ST VAIIJ CO 81657 Lricense: CONfRACTOR Graham Reid Conetruction, ADD/ALTSFR BUILD PERMT Job Address: 1001 VAILVALLEY DRVAIL Location.....: tOOt *. E.-1telq.5'-1 Cr' !B ParcelNo...: 210108101005--i;;i,il; WW?Rso\-ooqc{ \lc,^\U, \(.,9* 7 l^di t O 04126 / 20or ':1104/26/zooL Phone: 970-949-5185 P.o. Box 1424 Vail, CO ?8 A Ptarmigan ct., Iricense: 546-B Avon, CO 8L558 APPLICAI{T Graham Reid construction,IrlO4/26/2ooL Phone z 97o-949-5L86 P.O. Box L424 VaiI, eO ?8 A Piarmigan Ct., Avon, Co 81558 Licenee: 645-B Description:lddiCion/remodel of duPlex Occupancy: R3,UL Type Construction:V N Type V Non-Rated Valuation: $375,000.00 Add Sq Ft 193 Fireplace hforrution: Restricted: Y # of Gas Applianccs: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood pelleh r***ra+.t**rri**r*******fr*r****'***r***t*";' FEE'S'UMM ***drtt*rd'fr+i'm'*in***rrtffi.r**ffi Building-> sl. B,[o . 0o Restuarant Plan Review-> $o ' oo Total Calculated Feer> 53 ' 26? ' 95 Han Check-> $1,196.00 DRB Fee-.._-----> $2oo'00 Additional Feec---> $0'00 lrweshgahon-> So.oo Recreation Fee-----> $28'95 Total Permit Fee--> 53'26?'95 Will Call-> 53 . oo Clean-uP DePosit-----> $o ' oo Paymetrts------> 61 '261 '95 ToTAL FEES------->. 13 ' 261 ' es BAUUICE DUE--> 5 0 ' 0 o Approvals: Ide+m: 05100 BUII-'DING DEPARTMENT o5/o'7 /2ol:- cdavis Aceionr AP Eee correct'ions on field drawings ITEM: O54OO PLANNING DEPART'!{EMT \4/26/2OOL BREIIT Action: APPR Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMSNT Itern: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS O orooRrMENr oFcoMMUNrrvtsLoPMENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POETED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 801-0087 Status...: ISSLIED ApPlied. . : 04/26/2001' Iisued. .' : 05/08/2001 ExPires.'.: 71'/04/2O0L Phone: os/o7/zooL Ls Oo..ion: coND Revocable tigng way permit required for heated driveway in the Town of Vail right of way. and l-,andscaping. Heated drivway in R.O.t{ muet be marked at the control box. T'O'V' or R'O'w il;;ffi *.ffi;ffi;;ffiffi *il;;ffiffi ;;"ffi DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accufate plot plan, and state that all the in-formation as required is corye$'. I agree to comply with the inforsration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build thii structure according to the towns zoninf and subdivision codes, desrgn review approved u"lfor* nuitaing Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ANCE BY 213S OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM ' 5 PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: N/A OT OWNM OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 Per:mit #: 801-0087 CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL as of 05-08-2001 Status: ISSUED Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 04/26/2001. Applicant Graham Reid ConstructiorL Inc. Issued: 05/M/2007 970-949-5786 ToExpire: 71./04/2001 Job Address: 1001 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: ParcelNo: 210108101005 Description: Addition/ remodel of duplex *#*8ffi*****#r*#******r**** COnditiOnS *lr*********{.tfit*tdi}{it{.$***$H{ilri**{i**** Cond:12 @LDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORSARE REQUIRED INALL BEDROON{S AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 OF THE 1997 TIBC. f * * + + * * * * ** * * r+ * + * +* * * *+ * * f ** * * * ** * * + +** * * * *** * * * ** * * **+ + + + +*f * * * *r * * * ** * * * ** * * ** * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 05-08-2001 at 10:54:06 05/08/2001 Statement **'i****** ******** * **:1.,f *t **4.'*+ '1. '* * ** * *:t****'t'|*+* * **** * 't rt * * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * * *,t * * * * * * * ** ** *****,1.*** Stat.ement Number: R000000707 Alnor.lnt t 53,267 .95 05/08/200]-L0:48 AM Pa)rment Method: Check INiT: DFIJO NotaEion: check # 2953 gralun reed const Permit No: 801- 0087 Parcel No: 210108101005 Site Address: 1001 VAIL VALLEY Location r Descrr ptl on TYPE: ADD/AI.,,T SFR BUII.,D PERMIT DR VAIL Total Feea: TOTA]. AIJIJ PMIS : $3,267 .es $3,267 .9sThis Payment:$3,267 .95 Balance: 90.00 **t** + + * * * + * * + * {. {. 'f * * i * * * * * * * * {t '} * ** * ******* *** * * *******,}***'l*:}{.****:1.,1.,t'} *+'l.tf **** * ** * * ++*1.:t*+** ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Cunrent Pmts BP 00100003111100 DR 00100003112200 PF 00100003112300 RF 11100003112700 ri,JC 00100003112800 BUILD]NG PERI4IT FEES DESIGN REVIEhJ FEES PLAN CHECK FEES RECREATION FEES W]LL CALL INSPECTION FEE 1 . 840 .00 200.00 1 . 196. 00 28.95 3.00 APPTICATI o ON WILL tl NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPTETE OR UNSIGNE NOnFt ED Proiect *, Q PNOnFt v.a*lq 5 - ?-ot Building Perlnit #: 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspections) MWilOPVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor:Contact and Phone #'s: COMPLETE VATUATIONS FOR BUITDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials DUILUIT\\J: @ ELECTRICAL: $ [ol ,5AO orHER: $ t5 / 560 ]a'rc PLUMBTNG: tz0,&E MECHANTGAL: $ L0,jAD rorAl:5 'Sm ,0Z)|/ For Parcel # Contact Asqessorc Office at 97O-328-864O or visitParel# 'Ll1 |Q( robAddress: tobT€H/mFg ci/t+EtepsY (cstplcr €utDp6a &{ Sor F A(JP' Work Class: New ( ) Addition ${ Remodelpf Repair ( ) DemopQ Other ( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) NoWorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family I2S. Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation UniG in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) NoDoes a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ************************:i*************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY******************rr******************* DRB Fees: of Construction: F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm 4'i,*s*J€F ffi RtcD APR 26 2001 o 1OO7 EAGLES NEST CIRCLE WINDOW SCHEDULE o LOCATION SEMCO #R.O.CTEAR OPENING TYPE NOTES EAST ELEVATION BEDROOM #1 DCS 3628-2 Fi.35-718" X s5-1r/16"37-s18"X28-112"CLAD DOUBLE HUNG EGRESS BEDROOM #1 DCS 3228 3'1-718" Xs5-LUr6"33-s18"x36-UZ"CLAD DOUBLE HUNG ENTRY DCS 3236 -3 EA.3'r7le" x69-LUr6"33-s/8" X 35-1/2"CLAD DOUBLE HUNG GARAGE DCS 3228 -2 EA.3'r-l8"xs5-nfl6 33-518" X36-112"CLAD DOUBLE HUNG EGRESS UVING ROOM cFsD 8080 7'rr-112" x8'0-u2"CI.AD FRENCH SUDR FIELD MEASURE FIXED TMPS ABV. UVING ROOM RXED TRAPS FIELD MEASURE GALLERY DCS 3236 -4 EA.3'r-718" X 69-LVr6"33-518" X 36-t12"CIAD DOUBLE HUNG DINING ROOM DCS 3236 -2 EA.1',r-718" X 69-L7lL6 33-s18" X36-t12"CLAD DOUBLE HUNG DINING ROOM DCS 3636 -2 EA.3's-718" X 69-L1lL6"37-s18" X36-U2"CLAD DOUBLE HUNG OFFICE DCS 3636 3's-718" X 69-rrlL6"37-518" X36-112"CLAD DOUBLE HUNG EGRESS MASTER BEDRM DCS 3628 -2 EA.35-718" X s5-11/16"37-s18"X28-UZ"CI.AD DOUBLE HUNG EGRESS, RELD MSR FIXED TRAPS ABOVE MASTER BEDRM cFD 26510 2A-15^6X6',71"CLAD FRENCH DOOR T{ORTH ELEVATIOT{ OFFICE DCS 2836-2 EA.29-il8"X69-rvtg'29-sl8' X 36-112"CLAD DOUBLE HUNG EGRESS M. BATH DCS 1514 -2 EA.r9-718" X 3',t-Lvr6"L7-518" X 14-112"CI.AD DOUBLE HUNG SOUTH ETEVATION BEDROOM #2 DCS 2828 -2 EA.29-718" Xs5-Lur6"29-515" X 28-LlZ"CLAD DOUBLE HUNG EGRESS UVING ROOM DCS 3236 3',r-718" X69-r7lt6"33-s18" X36-112"CLAD DOUBLE HUNG UVING ROOM cFsD5080-2EA.s'r-uB" x8'0-112"CLAD FRENCH SUDR FIELD MEASURE FIXED TRAPS A8V. )Ffiil,"spv 8ot- oo 87 1OO7 EAGLES NEST CIRCLE DOOR SCHEDULE LOCATION NOMINAT SIZE SWING TYPE HARDWARE NOTES LOWER LEVEL BEDROOM 1 2'.6',X6'8',L.H.PANEL PASSAGE CLOSET l 4',0" x 68'BIPASS PANEL BIPASS LOWERBAfi FROM BED. 1 z',4',X68"R.H.PANEL PRIVACY LOWER BATH FROM BED, 2 24',X6ts"L.H.PANEL PRIVACY BEDROOM 2 2'6',X68"L.H.PANEL PASSAGE CLOSET 2 41t" X 68"BTPASS PANEL BIPASS ENTRY CLOSET 60'x 6€"BIPASS PANEL BTPASS ENTRY DOOR 30" X 6A',R.H.cusroM ENTRY / DEADBOLT GAMGE FROM ENTRY 3/0" x 6€'L.H.2-3l4',WOOD DOOR SELF{LOSING 20 MINUTE RANNG STAIR I.ANDING FROM GAMGE 3/0'x 68"R,H.2-314"WOOD DOOR SELFCLOSTNG 20 MINLIE MTING MAIN TEVEL OFFICE CLOSET 2',4" X8'0"R.H.PANEL PASSAGE OFFICE POWDER 2',6" X 80"L.H.PANEL PRIVACY UPPER LEVEL MASTER CLOSET 24',X6A"R.H.PANEL PASSAGE MASTER CLOSET 24'X6ts"R.H.PANEL PASSAGE MASTER BATH 2O" x 6€"R.H.PANEL PRIVACY MASTER BATH 2'0" x 6a"L.H,PANEL PRIVACY KRN| coNSULlrs, rNc. P.O. BOX 4572 vArL. coLoRADO 81658 970-949-9391 |FAX) 949-1 577 FIELD REPORT TO: 6F-ra/+enn P ATTENTION: DArE: oa/s/o r ARRtvE: /t tS-rt DEPART: lZ,.Z{ f WEATHER: Ect l-oo87 JOB NUMBER: PROJECT:fE?r{z}/ pe/nonEL_ 6104 _OE PBESENT AT SITE: STATUS OF COMPLETION: On August 13, 2OO1 lvisited the project referenced above to perform a finalframing review. The general framing was mostly completed at the time of the visit and the following items were noted. Roof A portion of the master bedroom was enlarged by approximately 12 inches near the closet entry. Reinforce the rafters with a single 2x12 (by four feet long) nailed to the existing rafter with a minimum (2)-10d nails at 6' . / The (2)-2x12 valley beam (in the master bedroom) is not adequately supported at the exterior wall. Add (3)-2x4 studs in the wall to support this valley beam as discussed. ,-. The (3)-1 1 7tB LVL valley beam over the great room is only supported directly with (2)- 2x6 studs. Add a third 2x6 stud (turned 90 degrees to avoid existing electrical) as discussed. \r' Upper Floor Framinq The "J" hanger supporting the (2)-1 1 718 LVL beam (on sheet 54) does not have adequate nailing on one flange of the hanger. Add the required nailing as discussed.',- KRM coNSULrANt. P.O. BOX 4572 (FAX 949.1s77 vAlL, coLoRADO 81658 (e7o) 949.9391 FIELD REPORT JOB NUMBER: PAGE 2 DATE: PROJECT: fart"f Femoo'L-ogls/" r The (2)-1 Y* x 11 7/8 LVL beam supported by the northeast exterior wall is indicated on the structural plans (sheet 54) to be supported by (3)-2x6 studs. Only two studs were provided in the wall framing. Provide an additional 2x6 stud as discussed. y' Main Floor Framinq The (4)-11 7/8 LVL beam is not adequately supported on the southeast end. Add a 2x6 stud in the wall next to the existing king stud as dtscussed.,''-- Otherwise, the framing appeared to conform to the structural drawings. Please contact us with any questions. KRM Consultants, Inc. Structural Engineering and Design Tim D Hennum, P.E. COPY TO: Sally Brainerd (RKD) ffim QmitW ffii Po3t-lr Fax Nole 7671 -? ;.r 6'1 li,{..' }..-41tr]' l,./iA i-nj Y I li, r,t, t vrtn Co./Dcpl LO. Phone t Fl't c! t4i',/ 7i/ lri91 '"" ?i1 .r-rl 11'rt 1.8/28/L995 L6t69 713877L753 S RUTHERFORD PAGE al futl |. cl ..i{ ?.tttrltb.tdlra .atthkr|f tb'r rtllFnge orrr. blr ld'fY. .tanE or d.rtructton ol. tb. P.r!Y .rtr1 co.t. of rrPrlt or 'y hlr no3lt;rst or rtlllul rporcd to lha .l.atota rbr-l berr ttrr lull ccrr ot turntrhlnS, tha nrcralltlt Dro-iacrlcn ts.ltr.q ar.rch rlcocntr. !. t AECAI I.ltG. SERvICe rAclLlTlES. ACCESS A^i) fARIll{G. (r) frc.prrcrpt foi .nt .4.n.. or l(.btltsy crulrd through thr nrgltScncr or rlllful rct o( rny oratr. htr fl|!tlt. .!.nt or-lni.rcr. tltLch thrll be hornc rolcly by ruch ovnlr. :rch orrrar rhrll .h.rc on(-h.lf ot rll rrprirrri, llrblltclcr end t.n.rrl upkcrg rrrpot..{bt tIEt.r r.(th r'rrirct to thr Corun fircrt rni ell rrpirovrorchtr th.r.on. Ttrr orrrtr frc tln tc tlr. rhell undrrtekc ruch lrndrcrpln; end 3enlrrl outdoor tErowlrrntr .r ch.)t qay ntucu.lly rnd unintnur ly delr lrborr tor th( h.ns (our llProvrccrrt of bolh lovnhouaa irnf ir fn e conon rheoe. Tha orrr.al of onc tornhouaa un(t ih.tl tt,rc snr..ronrbly danre'r thr velua of tha oChtr toYtl- t "ii" untt .uch .r bt rtroddJ r,FkrrP outrldr. but boGh urrr: rh.ll ork. .lt raraoublc cf f, r' : co trar.rva I hrrmrlolll iot-o" .Pp..rrncc v[ th! .Prt'tr', untta lnd Comn Frrcrl 'i..tr -.r,ll rl.t urc tt.c tjonnon l';r r'. I rnd lqrov'rntt locrtrd thrreon [n rccordrncr vlth thr Pgl.Prr!.. for r.blch th'y rrr lrrerorhd, (ncludtn6. buc not ilot'terl to. accarr to hlr rr9rlt'rnt r.rn{t. prrLlng,, lrnilrcrp(n6, trrrh storrtr rrd -oPan - rPaca . -vlehout htndriln8 of rncro.chlnt uPon tha lrvlul ttlntl or lh3 othcf o'm!r. (b) Cotron ucillry cr rlrvlcr connrctlont or Ltnar, conmn frc(llttaa rrr othrr aqu(Pa.nt rnd ProPorty Locat.d tn or on th. ColEon Prrccl or .lEhar of rho rprrt- o.nt untta or thr grrccle upon vh(ch auch aPaf trnt unt?r rrG lccrtud but r'rid t'n comon for th. benrflt of th' gorpon Prrcol pr ior bor.h Frrccl A rnd Perccl B end :hr rP'rllrnt unltr loc.tad tl'rriotr, rhrll bc orrnrd r| Scnrdtr ln coen ;i:;;i undl"io",t onc-h.rl( ltrt.rc.t, by thr ovnrrl of mch i"rr,r;iJui" urrlG rnd. crcept (or rny GrP.nt. or ttrLtltct crutcd throu6h :hr r|.gllgcnE. or t,ttlful.rcc of 'nt ovn(r' hta far(\y, ;nrnc or i,,.r(t... sh(ch lhrll br bortta rolely by i.in-"."ji. .fl .'.p.rr.." .nd ltrbtlltllr conca(nGd elrh 'uchl.ol.iti .n.ti ue ll,.r.,l 9ro5,orELon.(.ly Ylth suctr errrgrlh(p' ilra'o*rt.v of ih: perct'l "nd ihe .P.rtEanL untt thercon on ghich rr.tb proPcrt,:/ tr aot l{rcrfGd thrll b"rve r P€rPGturrGrlrcllnt !n'rrri (o'thrr Prrt oI ruch othtr P"c"l t'ld 'Pr!t-ucrrt unit th.!x.on conrriutlty, .uch propc(tt lr lr rtlronrb!y rr.ccat.ry f or pr.rrporral of oitntcn.ilcc. rcPllr dtid tntprc(lorr ' (c, It it ?r1,,'cl.d !hot c('r.|t:on P|rtLtlll' 'nd rccei! f.Jtltttct'(i""tu,ttnt. irul no: ltrlltid tc. 'lr(l'tgilyg mri rtrrirc'!ot) "tit U. prov(rtcd on i porJ.(on u( (h\' Corllon Prrcel' Thr ovrrrrr tirrll hrvc cquli tftgh: to th! ur€ Tf ruch accatt tnd f"iff"3 frclliriar rind nr, orrnc; ahrlt htndrr )r P3roll htt. lnvtcrir (o hln.trr tcrrontblc accrar by rhr othcr ourrcr 4trd lrt. Invl(tcr i.o che p.rr!.lnt .ter.r or ruqh gchcr or,n€r'l rprrtntn: rtnlt, rtrrl i,rrthci. (hr rrgn':r o( |lPortn('tlt unt! A rirrll not trhc or p.rmir hta {ttvtt?cJ io trke' |norr I hlir ot!.'-6'r|! ;i-;i.";;'ii;; ;i,"1;.-i;"; il'i i" iiro' pievt'rr'r ''rr t t''r Coo'.rrrr i'rrccl''v(ihout (he corrralrl, (rf Ihe o( I'r!t 't'r'r'l' "ln(llhc oqr{r of rprrrtmcttr rrnlt b rhrll ttot rlLi or oGrrti( his irrvi:ccr to trkr l|or. Eh.r one-helf o( th(r P'rh1:tr 'i'ceifrcr! tLDG to !tr. Provtda., o$ chc Cotmon l'.r'ctl rt':hout tlt:' corrrant of thc othinr rrrellcr. tt lr prc:rwrd thl|i rnr|vp["ei'r; vLll br r.qutrtd frr:rn ttnc to ttlE, thc costl ol ;h:' h r"lt br. $h.r.l Gquallt b7 thr: owocrrr. Othcr tlrrlntcrtltt l ' . f ''l|'rtcr iaprovcurnc oi rrr<lt ptr[<irr4 .od nca(3F foctIit:"1 nl" ""(equt(cd f rorn 1,1uq to tin.. {lrd 'lr\' r[ne .rltitli r'( ,lrrll'rL "r " upc.rr che utrrtrlmrrul {f:(rfn|(rr( af "lrr \rqrc(s r'rh o s" rl I r'l"rl "rl I tr.pcn.ct rquol,ay. cJ E Co: E F l- ? u d B o P t l- fi c 7 7 V' Ip ce Io I nrttnuf(\ -l- lltTltl drr i-.,' (d) No ourrr r rhrl I rrlr or ruttlr aat ltrttstrr" Jfl9'or dcrt8n ihinio (loctudlnS . color 'cir'- cMct.).' 'rEu' \{ r.ro.rqnrnt or t.r9or.rt rnd-of eny ttPa of D'gut' 6'llo'r'E V.lio chc rrtcr (,,r bf ntr rP.rr4nc lrnlt or a!!!: lat Pr'll|gE ,- ' J tEDr.rvco.nt or con.ltuLt rny.ddttton.l bu(ldfn3 or ttltrctLd';?':;;-il. ;; ;;;;;:-";.i.i.".. uPon :nt ?.'I-9,(. !!! ?::"llc(rnt.l.r:lnl h[, rparrllanr untt Ytchouf I1r'l ob:tlLtE! th: frtor vrlitcrr coirtent. thercto (ror rh? Jt!!!f cvnr:' frn c Lal '2a/ L995 lZ:.89 7L38771759 RUTHERFORD PAGE o2 t-' -f Jrlt .!||,tft. E-rlil-. Trsvl-a to tb qrEr abll. rt tLtt ,ct$ r' Gtattts rl*lg d cB(rlsr lqiI-;-ici ir tc qulro{ lrr ordtr yerlcilc ).tl'.) ta .."t-Ql==-! :tat_--GC laf-col* loitlnr ot th. P.rc.l F r tocl'r .ri, but uot -ltrlt.d ':"-, th' !t^t!tE:-i"a rteriimr, rrld ehr soof bou.lr.t tf,. -rb. orrllll and aco.t frcttttla! locataa ii ti. ".-tr for a.9rlr tl crurd tbrqb "rrifut .cE of .ot- orurr, hlr frdlt. {a.t G l cnrrc r rbe r \ b.rr th. rnt lra Coltr Ol ltet litala t. aaraErrt Slantad ot tta.fvad harrli. Or'ln i"lp.-ii.pn 5i1) ebovr) of rnv .Prtt*!,t.-P1: :I-TI-!:T'li'jllli"ii'iir'i;; t;;;;.".nt ,,poi .nv p.rt. or thr errerl contrlnlnB .r! tPrrtr?ns "iii-Uy'"n" ciuie liltro-r"!1-..-!t "il:;^;;"i".; :;:;il;; ;i; ;" i"l''o""-t 'rr'rl c'u.. Ytth dse d .itcnc! cno rprrco*ii 'rnlr oi r:9lovr!!1: _to.:._::Ptl'iilti."ii-".it'o', l4.o'ernE to, b' -r'Prlttdil: ;:;::;:;. .iiril.i';;:-p. "sirdr or' tn'ur'nc'' -l!.-Tl:;;i ;;;;;;;i. .pptiins th. P. )sr'dt or.tn'ur'nc'' tt Et' i;; ;i;;-p;;i,ill -'ii"rr,. "Lrr o( rrp.'tr 3: 1!f9":::"f:t:lf(rr (htt Purpura' It Eht coar ol rtpr'lr or rdcsn excccd! ruch (naurrnct. iti'.*c"tt rhetl br P'f'd for bt,-th' Sliill"l r' Iii ;l;l;:i-;.;;;"1-y'.1 : p",a:e:=::' - lI:t''irnr I r,. !.' v=!''e -'-;;i-.;:;it br rritorcd to ' ssdlcloa.Pirrlrcrlt untt ot (4rov' .- - r-sr^...'5il:;;i.-;;-.i.. -/.i ". -o ct'' ut"qr. -d ln r lrrrnlo.r Err:ri.r to proruc. tnr co*tt thnr ol. both !?!I=1: ::1::il'J''i;;;.'il"iJ-"i-'ir,.'p.rc.l' cont'lntn6'ir.t*nt sntc'' (o. t l.-, P;i+H:#i+#.S:#:#;'."1;lo !;:'o' ;;..i;: i: rrry ovtrct rtuii c'ure iny uterirl to b' turn- rrhcd ro hlr prrcrl o, .iiaaaattt urig. thr(rctt or rny leto' l:";; ;:rt;'+d Eh.r.ln 6r-i-t.ii"n. thG oth.a ourrrr rbrll nr,. undcr .ny clrcutrr.n"nl-ira rii6t. f"" th. p'F nc of 'n7.rr."l.- f,,i "irrd or for th. v.Iu' o( 'nt- York dorl ot llil.'..r-ii.i'iitra. .Ir iiilt -'^it iLit'tt 't !ht. 'rP'nt3 or :l:-;:l;'';";"i;;-i.-;; ui-Ion., rnd 'uch wrrr r\rrr be ..,r,1, rcrDonrtbLc tq .oniaa"turr' trbor"'' sc'rtrtrn tnd :'; ;-;'";;;;;. f urn(rh:.rrq l.bor or E rt'rlrlt (o hl' tPrrtornt ;:,i;'"'. tt'i u.rcrl on nhlch locrtrd Fr 'nt l*tov'Bntr TOWN OT VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 9704?9-2t38 orrtrr*T oF coMMuNITY DEVELoP^rt NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E0l-0105 Job Address: t00l VAILVALLEY DRVAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: Applied..: 05/17/2001 ParcelNo...: 210108101005 Issued. . : 05l2ll200l ProjectNo ; ExPires. .: llll7l200l OYINER KATIILEEI{ v. FERRY TRUST 05/L7/200t Phone: 288 BRIDGE ST VAII, CO 8L657 Lricense: CONTRACTOR DAITICI ELECTRIC O5/L1 /2O0L Phone: 719-486-0603 1838 SILVER TAGLE COIIRT LEiADVILLE, CO I0461 License: LL4-E APPLICIIflI DAIIICI EIJECTRIC 05/L'l/200L Phone: 719-486-0603 1838 SILVER EAGIJE COIJRT I-,EJADVILLE, CO I0461 License:114-E Desciption: Addition/remodelofduplex Valuation: $10,000.00 ||t,'.'*|**....'|.**,|*:l**......t...|tlt****************l*'tt,t*|**'}**..'FEEsUMMARY*:}*******.******* Electrical-----> 91s o . oo Total Calculated Fees-> S183 ' 0o DRB Fee----.-> 9o'oo Mditional Fe'es-'--'> 50'00 Investigation-> So . oo Total Permil Fee*-> 9183 ' 00 Will Call-> 53 . OO Palments-> 5183 - 00 TOTAL FEES-> S1s3 . Oo BALAIICE DUIE-_-> 90 .00 tttttattatttaatttttttttt!ttaaattatlt* Approvals:Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEITI 05/L7/200L DORIS FI-,ORES Action: AP *trr*||*alttltl:t:l* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD IITSpECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAITCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatioq filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurat€ plot plaq and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOIJR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. , ... ***++*!i*t*'|,t***'t,t*****+***O***+{.'}****+,r***'}************,******}***********'},****,****:r 'TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOC-Iy Reprintcd on 05-21-2001 et 15:31:14 OSnlt2Wl Statement **'l'l*l***+**+**'l***t:t:l,t**'l*********{.!i:}********'t***+*:t '}*'*'} *+ * * * * * * * * * * **:t* * * * * **:* ** * *,** * **f *'f Statement Number: R000000804 Arnount: 9183.00 05/21/2OOLO3:30 PM Pa)ment lr{ethod: Check Init : DF Notation: check # 1293 Permit No: 801-0105 Type : ELECTRICAL PER.I,IIT Parcel No: 210108101005 Site Ad&eee: 1001 VAIIr VAITL,EY DR VAIL, IJocation: Total Feee: $183.00 This Payment.: $183.00 Total A&IJ Pmts: $183.00 Balance: S0. 00 *+*'t* ti***l**t l****t * *f t't'1.{.{t't** 'lt:lt 't *:lt {t '} * ** * *,***** * f**{t{t**l* *:i '} * + 'f '* 'lt 'r 't:[,t * * t * 'f * **{t'l.ll'l ***'l **t'f * ACCOTJNTITEMLIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts EP ()O1OO()()31114OO TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS 18O.OO I.JC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO Zbg l-ML4smvnwwnlY 75 S. Frontage Rd. , Va!|, Cglorado 81657 AE Town of Vail Reg. No.: 10> 90- tt7v6r fu CONTRACTOR INFORMATION FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALt OTHERS AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ Otfie at 97O-328864o f Job Name:robAddress: tM1 Qatr 141q/ctr Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:su6ivisionl' ou't UaL I Va'luqq Ovners Name: ll lOOress:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: D€biled description of work: WorkClass: New() Additinn( ) Lernodettb Repair( ) Temppower( ) Odrer( ) Work Type: Interior{*L Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU odst at thb location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Edg': single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Mutd-family ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Unils in thb building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No ( ) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler Sptern Erist Yes ( ) No ( ) t*t**ti*fl***tl*l*tt**ttr*tt*t*t**tl*ir'lFoR oFFIcE usE oNLY*.rtri*tl*****irri*r**r****rrrr**rt.. REC EII'EO MAY | 7 2001 F:/eve4Dne/6rms/elecperm TOWNOF\7AIL 75 S,FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2138 orr*"r"r oF coMMr.JNrrt orurrortt NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M0l-0118 Job Address: l00l VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: Applied..: 07/261200l ParcelNo...: 210108101005 Issued' ': 0713112001 ProjectNo: ppSOt'otj,'fr Expires'.: 0112712002 OWNER KATHL,EEN V. FERRY TRUST 07/26/2O0L Phone: 288 BRIDGE ST VAIL, CO' 815s7 IJicense: col[IRAcToR HE"ARTH EKCIIANGE, INC. (Tl'E.]l 07/26/20OL Ptrone: 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MrN:ruRN, CO 81645 License:1?4-M AppL,IeAI\rr HEARTH EXCHAI{GE, INC. $Ii'il.l O7/26/200I Phone: 910-827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MrN:ntRN, co 81645 License: L74-Vl Desciption: Addition/rernodel ofduplex Valuation: $2,000.00 Fire,plrce Infonnation: Restrictod: Y # ofGas Applianccs: O fl of Gas ['o9: 0 - -..{ of. Wood-Pollet: 0 ||....l|.|.|.,'i't...'l........*..'|t''''|*||.|!t|''|.'|***'}tlt.|'''|'+*t*i.FEEsLMMARY|tt.|||*il||.|||..,'.|||.|||||.|*|'| Medunical-> g4o . Oo Resirsrar Plan Review-> So. oo Total Calculated Fees-> S53 .00 Plan Chcck-> $1o.oo DRB Fe€-*-----> 90.00 Additional Fees---'*> 90'00 Invedigltion-> $o . o0 TOTAL FEES--> 953 . OO Total Pennil Fe€-> s53 . 00 WiU CaU-> 53 . OO Paynrcnts-> $53 ' 00 BALANCE DUE--*> so ' oo '|..lt|.|**.'..|||l||||l.|'|l||||.|*||t|.*|ttt.||.|.l||l|||||||'.t.'||||||*|'.,|.t*|**..'||.|..|.''||..l.|.i*Itsem: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTUENT 07/26/2001 DF Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTME!{T CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDGI.): PIEI-,D INSPEeTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPL,IANCE. Condz 22 (BLDG. ) I CoMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRED PER SEC. 701 oF TIIE 1997 IlIr{C' OR SECTTON 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG;.)r INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO II{AI{IIFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS A}ID TO CHAPTER 10 oF IIIE 1997 I'MC, CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 (BI,'G. ) :. GAS TERI.IINAfE AS Cond: 29 (BLDG.): AiCSSS TO HEATING TITE 1997 I'MC A}ID CIIAPTER 3 Cond: 31 (BLDCi.): BOIL,ERS SIIAL,L BE MOITNTED ON FL,OORS OF NONCOI{BUSTIBI-,E CONST. III{LESS I,ISTED FOR MOI,Ii|:TING ON COI'IBUSTIBLE FIOORING. Cond: 32 (BIJDG.): PERMIT,PLIAI{S AIID CODE AI''IALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAI-, ROOM PRIOR TO AII INSPECTION REOT'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANICS,L ROOMS CONTAINIIIG HEATIT{G OR HOT-WATER SITPPLY BOILERS SIIAIL BE EQU]PPED WITII A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEC, 1022 OF THE 1997 I]MC' OR sEcTroN 1004.5 0F THE 1997 rMC. aaiaIlataaa'taartaaitataaaatttattttt** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information requirsd completed an accurate plot plan' and state tlrat all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigrr reviw approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOTiRS IN ADVANCE BY AT 479-213t OR AT OLIR OFFTCE FROM t:00 AM ' 5 PM. OWNERORCONTRA FORHIMSELF AND OWNE AppLrANcEs .*r,t} vwrgD AccoRDrNe ro eraprefl AnD SPECTFTED rN SEC.806 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR CHAPTER I OF SI{ALL THE 199? IMC. sEc.1017 0FEQUIPMNT MUST COMPLY WITII CHAPTER 3 AND OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Proiect #l flH:fl,::Hlfi# mwu s7o-4zs-xL4eCnspfl 75 5. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 91657 Permitwiilnot@ Provig-e_lredralicatRoomtayoutdrawntoscate = trledranical noom Dinr = Combustion AirDuctl = FlugVentandGasUno HeatlossCatcs.o Equfprnent Cut/SpecS ConEctt ::!=! Parcel # ;:""ru| LayouE qraurn tO scafe b ind|J ensions ilze and Location a g6eotuffi,*""ae g aDove, - I :oo noaress: ;t) ,ntu>/tb, parze\ # rde: Job Name: - -Lw lles----I ltz flLegat Descripuon I roc Blod:Filing:{rtr,r, //)bvrtr rEr J rrcr,ae. L, /Y/74 ftry RoaressF -^,1 Z\\PhIre: Engineec - l.lAdclress: --v_a \Detailed description o7iron: I,a*L/-*;.a o/ o ,8. E! 'l/c, - t/ 4-g /,r-/" ftnJ &a6t ""r;Boiler Locadon: lnro'i t il tn( ) Re - llhar r. r ll M I ou*{ilT \,,C xterlor ( ) (t EHUgEbattr[focailn: yes( ) N"( ) ruonv@ No/Type of Fireplaces Type of Bldg: $rgtefilniv ( ) Oup,, No. of Existing Dwdting Units inEG Y r--r" =x 1 ,p Ftntu{arnfy ( I----- " building: % ()6*tl ounr( ) tto.Cncconr@ Wood/Pqllet ( ) Wood t\ ) .Wood Buming (NOTA|LOWEDi No .'MPLETE vALuATroN FoR ME.HAI{'.AL pERMrr (r.abor & Mareriars)Qfu* \,IECHANICAI.: $'3 9n CONTRACTOR INFORMATTON @ntact and Phone # s:{* 69/ 4edranical ConUacton/&r.-tl 6 bntrador SignaUrre: :veryonc/fonrs/medrpenn TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2t38 ortrr"r oF coMMUN,r" orurro.,R 50.00 TOTAL FEES-> 9603.00 Total PemitFee-> S603.00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M0l-0124 Job Address: l00l VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: l00l VAIL VALLEY DRIVE Applied. . : 08/10/2001 ParcelNo...: 210108101005 Issued. .: OSll4l2OOl hojectNo ' P0fr11 -\Aq Expires..: 02trot2o02 OI{NER KATHLEEN V. FERRY TRUST 08/L0/200t Phone: 288 BRIDGE ST VAIIJ CO 81657 License: CONTRACTOR IJIONSHEAD PIiJMBING AI{D HEATI0S /L0 /200L Phone: 970-827 -57Lt P.O. BOX 944 MINTURN, CO 1151 MAIN STREET 81645 License:250-P APPIJICANT LIONSHEAD PL,,IJMBING .AIID HEATT0S/]-0/200L Phone: 970-827-571L P.O. BOX 944 MII[ruRN, CO 1151 MAIN STREET 81645 Li.cense: 250-P Desciption: INSTALLATION OF HEAT,BATH EXHAUST AND COMPUSTABLE AIR Valuation: $24.000.00 Fir€plrrc€ lnformrtion: Resbicted: Y # ofGas Applirnces: 0 # ofGas Logs: O i of Wood Pellst 0 MechanicEl-> 3480 .00 Restulrant Plan Review-> Plan check-> s120 . 00 DRB Fee-.--_-> FEE SLIMMARY trtrrtaraal.ararar...r*rr'r'ri'r'r**iirr*aaaaaaaa*aaaraaaa,ta'hr,ra So, oo Tolal Calculated Fe€s-> $503.00 so. oo Addiliond Fe€s-->90.00 Inveslig|lion-> will c&ll_>s3.oo Paymenls-> 5603.00 BALATICE DUIE-.._> Itsem: 05100 BUILDIIIG DEPARTMEIfiI 08/13/200! CDAVIS Action: AP SEE COIIDITIONS Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMHflI CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: CON0004940 PER TOWN PI,A}TNING DEPT, TIIERE MUST NOT BE MORE TIIAIiI 5' OF HEADROOM WITHIN TTIE CRAWLSPACE AIID THIS MUST BE ACIIIEVED TIIROUGH BACKFILL WITH FIIJL MATERIAIJS AUD A CONCRETE SI-,AB INSTALIJED ON THE TOP OF FILL SI'BGR,ADE Cond: 12 (BtDCt.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. Condr 22 (BL,DG.): COIIBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIm 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. 90.00 Cond: 23 -(BLDGi.): INSTAL,,L,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MAITUFLCTURES 10 OF TIIE 1.99? IJMC, CIIAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPLIAI{CES SHALL BE vENTm ACCORDIDIG TO CIIAPTER TERII{INATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.806 OF TIIE l-997 IJMC, OR CHAPTER Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PITAI\IS AllD CODE AI{AI-,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICLL ROOM PRIOR TO AIiI INSPECTION REQI'EST. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigr rwiew approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. O INSTRUCTIONS A}ID TO CHAPTER AND SHAI.I-, 8 OF TITE 1997 IMC. TELEPHONE AT 479-2I38 OR AT 8:fi)AM-5PM. AND OWNE t Permit #: DATEROUTED: ( DATE DUE: ( it will not be accepted without the following: ii:l$Tll':ilil'i,"t'"-1.'o scare to s:u3,-/sr 'n Aar Duct Size and Location dFnr::ilflb| -olzq CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor: ./, "**/,rn) VAa*/te Pn Town ofVail Reg. No.: .q..{n -P 'H* Hry -!;> r r/ jq D - / ?i z ccr'uactcr-<iena'tn-T-,-----tTGoy' coMPLETE vAruATroN ron ulcnal roJfir? (rabor & MECHANIC"AL: $ 24,t,4.o,r/) )7 E D Conbct Easle Coantv Assessorc Office at 970-,for Parcel # rob Name: /G <,Et -z z@sl l2raret I t^\)Qoo/ //,ry/ /tn//rr/ Ptl2E G"-;r*;lffiF-;f - ilsubdivision:j,z/-F/:z,,rsr' owners Nametr" r///t?tv/;rvq llMaress: ag' -Fr)*rz # ll Phone: ?2s:72/:5/-ea Engineer: -r-, t lAddress: Az_Phone: Detailed description of work: ..zLslra l/rz/,,-r, 4,42q./ B// Z?)anz,s/- z A:ryJtslA12_84:- Repair( ) Other( )Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Alteration J{) Boiler Location: Interior-.,({ Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does un EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) Noj4 TypeofBldg: Single-family( ) ouplexJ,k!MultFfamily( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( )Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 2 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: @ No/Tvoeof FireplacesExistinq: GasADpliances (O) Gastoqs(/) wood/Pellet A\ woodBurninoO\'' Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances (7 ) Cas togs (/) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) ****** ************x*x**x(FoR oFFIcE t'lEvgt u YY I [,r= bRn ]*i10J...' Rgcffl **til..:t*d.*r(4 Eil] 96r**{**** Other Fees:FlanndEi-n-q$..,^nrroff cepHClyJ- IDRB Fees:\ (NrDate Reccitedl " :- ='-.- F:/everyone/forms/medrp€lm \) :-- - ---) {z*n W'#.#ffiffi*ffi*-t rfrs 8li(/3 - O^t 4^Dt- orf-/ Twnotttl $r i$F SFtcr- nr\tDS"lP d$ 5 R s'\\ { rsss //-s\ rt\\.' NRQ \l \l \l\\:\ CFFICE COPY , O PaseT O VOLUME IS >>!\\\!-- _ - $tgl_Ep -on'*'"oi liFtiiG"',IIIII:::I:::::IIIII: I: I:LEXPOSED WALLS,above grade rror- irrlf,.rding openingsrorAr, seuARE FEEr, ^"i_ r.ir.-;"i;; sraqeFIJOOR AND CEILING SIZE IS 34,065 CUBrC FEET980.5 SQUARE FEET2,547.5 SQUARE FEET O. O SQUARE FEET3,2OO.5 SQUARE FEET iii: +,:::i BIt# i:: *: y*1; ;;r; il;: #: The Totalifr: +;:::i 3IH f:: :l: :l++: above srade are if,: i:::i Ef,H f:::* Irair-;il"i;;;=J:ifi:;:!:i 3ffi F:: *:::il';n" HEATLOSS 1-3 ,757 0 3L.'t07 4, 101 5, 356 22,528 jf: :9_c_1r. BTUH for rhe rr""r"'r'ne BTUH inf i 'l I r. F i ^n G_ _- - ,infilErat,i"rr-f"i-tfre openings is T.?.T.1.1.**:*T_y*yt_-T.{ r s B u r L D r N c End of report. The Tot,al The Total The tot.a1 The total Th a D'nIrLI THE TOTAL Required walls are Openings are r,54'7 L,7gg 0 950 1,264 5 ,549foot i-s 25 .6 Page 5 BTUH for the outside BTUH for the Exposed BTUH for the ceilings BTUH for Ehe floorsinfiltration for t.he openings is BTUH FOR THIS ROOM ISRadiant. floor output, BTU,s /square GARAGE S. CBILING HEIGHT IS 9.OO FEET, VOLUME IS 2,295 CUBIC FEE'I3 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALTNG2 EXPOSED wALLs, not including openings,TorALrNG >>>> rt't.0 seuARE FEET RooM srzE rs 15.0 LoNG by 12.0 wrDE, TOTALTNG >> zss.o seuARE FEET wrNDow rYPE rs: u-va]ue = .361, Double pane, Low e coating, clear Grass WAI-.,L TYPE TS: U-Val_ue = .06, prame Insul_atedCEILING TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Condit.ioned space above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = .049, Floor over Exposed Space HEATLOSSThe Tot.al BTUH for the out.side wal]s are 956The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are 3,527The t,oLal BTUH for the ceilinqs OThe total BTUH for the floors I,Og7The BTUH infiltration for the openings is 2,550 THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS 8,130Requj-red Radiant floor ouE.put, BTU,s /square foot is 3l_.9 GARAGE N. cErLrNG HEIGHT Is 9.00 FEET, VoLUME Is 2,174 CUBIC FEET1 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTAIJING2 EXPOSED WALLS, not incruding openings,TOTALrNG >>>> 21L.5 SQUARE FEETRooM srzE rs 21.0 LONG by 1J-.5 wrDE, TOTALTNG >> 24]...5 seuARE FEETWINDOI{ TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, No openings in t,his room WALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .06, Frlme tnsulatedCEILING TYPE IS: U-Value = O, CondiEioned space above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Va]ue = .049, Floor over Exposed Space The Total BTUH for the outside walls areThe Total BTUH for t.he Exposed Openrnqs areThe Lotal BTUH for the ceilinqsThe total BTUH for the floorsThe BTUH infiltration for the openrncrs rsTHE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM ISRequired Radiant. floor output, BTU,s /square foot HEATLOSS L, L42 z, a)z 0 1,038 1, 861 5 ,593is 27.3 TOTALS******************************************************************************** Page 5 BATH 1 CEILING HE]GHT IS 8, OO FEET,0 ExPosED oPENINGS,TOTALTNG1 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,TOTALING >>>> ROOM SIZE IS 5.5 LONG by B.O WIDE, TOTALING >> WfNDOW TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, No openings in thi-s room WALL TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .06, Frame InsulatedCEILING TYPE fS: U-VaIue = 0, Conditloned space above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = .049, Floor over Exposed Space HEATLOSSThe Tot,al BTUH for the outside walls are 238The ToLal BTUH for the Exposed Openings are OThe t.otal BTUH for the ceilinos oThe total BTUH for t,he floors 189The BTUH infiltration for the openings is 0 THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS 427Required Radiant floor out,put, BTU,s /square foot is 9.7 VOLUME IS 352 CUBIC FEET O. O SQUARE FEET44.0 SQUARE FEET 44.0 SQUARE FEET ENTRY CEILING HEIGHT IS 8.00 FEET, VOLL'ME IS 2,464 CUBIC FEET3 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING 1 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,TOTALING >>>> 56.0 SQUARE FEETRooM srzE rs 28.0 LoNc by l-l-.0 wrDE, TorArJrNG >> 308.0 SQUARE FEET wrNDow TYPE rs: u-value = .3G1, Doubre pane, Low e coating, Clear Grass WALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .06, Frame InsulatedCEILING TYPE IS: U-Value = O, Conditioned space above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = .049, Floor over Exposed Space HEATLOSSThe Tota1 BTUH for t.he out.side wa1ls are 3OzThe Total- BTUH for Ehe Exposed OpenrngJs are 2,340The total BTUH for the ceilings OThe total BTUH for t.he floors t,324The BTUH infiltration for the openings is !,654THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM TS 5,620Required RadianE floor output, BTU,s /square foot is Lg.z BDRM 1 CETLING HEIGHT IS B.OO FEET, VOLUME IS 1,,768 CUBIC FEET2 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING4 EXPOSED wALLs, not including openings,TorALrNG >>>> 305.0 seuARE FEETRooM srzE rs 13.0 LONG by 12.0 wrDE, TOTALTNG >> 22L.0 seuARE FEETwrNDow rYPE rs: u-Value = .361, Double pane, Low e coating, crear GlassWALL TYPE IS: U-Val-ue = .06, Frame InsulatedCEILING TYPE IS: U-VaIue = 0, CondiEioned space above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .048, Floor over Expoeed Space . HEATLOSS ROOM SIZE IS 1_8.0 LoNG by WfNDOhI TYPE IS: U-Va1ue = WALL TYPE IS: U-VaIue =CEILING TYPE IS: U-Value =FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = Page 4 L2.0 WIDE, TOTALING >> 2]-6.0 SQUARE FEET.361, Double Pane, Low e Coating, Clear Glass.06, Frame Insulated0, Condit.ioned space above0, Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATI.,OSS l-, 118 2,O48 U 0 r,447 4,513 1S ZL.4 The Total BTUH for t.he outside walls areThe Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings areThe total BTUH for the ceilinqsThe t,oE,ai BTIIH for the floorsThe BTUH infiltratibn for the openinqs isTHE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM ISRequired Radiant floor output, BTU,s /square foob OFFICE BATH CEILING HEIGHT IS 9.OO FEET, VOLT]ME IS 293 CUBIC FEETO EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING1 EXPOSED wALLs, not including openings,TorAlrNc >>>> 45.0 seuARE FEETRooM srzE rs 5. o LONG by 6.5 wrDE, TOTALTNG >> 32.5 seuARE FEET WINDOW TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, No openings in t.his room WALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .06, Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Vafue = 0, Conditioned space above FLooR TYPE rs: u-varue = 0, Floor over any conditi.oned space HEATLOSSThe Total BTUH for the outside walls are 243The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are 0The total BTUH for t.he ceilinqs 0The total BTUH for the floors oThe BTUH infiltration for the openinqs is OTHE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS 243Requi-red Radiant floor output, BTU,s /square foot j-s 7.5 BDRM 2 cErLrNG HETGHT rs 8.00 FEET, Vol,uME rs 1,408 cuBrc FEET1 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING1 ExPosED wAr,Ls, not including openings,TorAlrNc >>>> 48.0 seuARE FEETRooM srzE rs 11.0 LoNG by 16.0 wrDE, TorALrNc >> L76.0 seuARE FBETwrNDow rYPE rs: u-Value = .361, Doub]-e pane, Low e coat.ing, clear GrassWALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .06, Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Va]ue = 0, Conditioned space above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = .049, Floor over Exposed Space The Tocal BTUH for Lhe outside walls areThe Total BTUH for Lhe Exposed Openings areThe total BTUH for Ehe ceilingsThe total BTUH for the floorsThe BTUH infiltration for the openings isTHE TOTAL BTUH FOR TH]S ROOM ISRequired Radiant. floor output, BTU,s /square HEATLOSS 259 1,300 0 757 9L9 3 ,235foot is L8.4 The t.otal The toLal The BTUH THE TOTAL f?aarl1 1 16al r ,41_8 0 ( qA? 20 ,64'7is 43.7 - G{r 2- Page 3 BTUH for the ceilinqs BTUH for the floorsinfiltration for the openincrs is BTUH FOR THIS ROOM ISRadiant floor output, BTU,s /square foot KITCHEN CEILING HETGHT IS ].6.00 FEET, VOLUME IS 5,400 CUBIC FEET4 EXPOSED OPENINGS, TOTAI-,ING1 ExPosED wALLs, not including openings,TorALrNG >>>> t-82.0 seuARE FEETRooM srzE rs 22.5 LoNG by 15.0 wrDE, TOTALTNG >> 337.5 seuARE FEETwrNDow rYPE rs: u-value = .361-, Doubre pane, Low e coaEing, clear Glass WALL TYPE IS: cErLrNG TYPE rs: u-varue = .033, unconditioned Attic space Above FLOOR TYPE fS: U-VaIue = 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSSThe Total BTUH for t,he outside wal_ls are 983 Tffi 3:::i ffi$fi f:: :ffi ::i?;:l"on""'ns are 2,s25 The total BTUH for the floors 1'013 Tl; i3Hl.'i#i';Bl'iil,5"Io8il',3ou"'"ss is 2'068 6 ,989Required RadianL floor output, BTU,s /square foot is 20.7 DINING RM CEILING HEIGHT IS 9.OO FEET, VOI.,I]ME IS 3,050 CUBIC FEET4 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING2 EXPOSED WALLS, not, including openings,TOTALING >>>> 183.0 SQUARE FEET ROOM SIZE IS L7.0 LONG by 2O.O WIDE, TOTALTNG >> 340.0 SeUARE FEET l'lrNDoV'l rYPE rs: u-varue = .351, Double pane, L.,ow e Coating, clear Glass WALL TYPE IS:U-Value = .06, Frame InsulatedCEILING TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Conditioned space above FLOOR TYPE fS: U-Va1ue = 0, Floor over any CondiLioned Space HEATLOSSThe Total- BTUH for the outside walls are 988The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are Z,g2BThe total BTUH for the ceilinqs 0The tot.al BTUH for the f loors 0The BTUH infiltration for the openings is L,999 THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS 5,815Required Radiant floor output, BTU,s /square foot is L7-l- OFF I CE CEILING HEIGHT IS 9.OO FEET.3 EXPOSED OPENINGS, TOTALING2 EXPOSED WAI,LS, not includinq openinqs,TOTALTNG >>>> VOLUIVIE IS L,944 CUBIC FEET 63.O SQUARE }'EET ^/\-r ^zv r,v J\2UAI(I1 r t:I1 I Page 2 MSTR BDRM CEILING HEIGHT IS 10.50 FEET, VOLUME TS 3,216 CUBIC FEET3 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING3 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,To'rALlNc >>>> 328.5 SQUARE FEETRooM srzE rs 17.5 LONG by 1?.5 wrDE, TorALrNc >> 306.3 seuARE FEETwrNDow TYPE rs: u-value = .361-, Double pane, Low e coating, clear GlassWALL TYPE IS: cErLrNG TYPE rs: u-value = .033, unconditioned AtLic space AboveFLooR TYPE rs: u-value = 0, Froor over any condit.ionld space The Tot,al- BTUH for the out.side walls areThe Tota1 BTUH for the Exposed Openings areThe total BTUH for t.he ceil"inqsThe total BTUH for t.he floorsThe BTUH inf iltrar i on for i-hp nner rHE rorAl BruH Fd;';iiti'[o5il'ropenlnqs 1s Required Radiant fl_oor output., BTU,s /square foot HEATLOSS L,774 z t o55 9L9 U 1,851 7 , i,g1 is 23.5 MSTR BATH uErLrNU HErcH'l' IS 9.00 FEET, VOLUME IS 'J-,L7A CUBIC FEET2 BXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTATING1 ExPosED wALLs, not including openings,TorAlrNc >>>> L03.0 seuARE FEET RooM srzE rs L3.0 LoNG by 10.0 wrDE, TorALrNc >> 130.0 seuARE FEETwrNDow rYPE rs: u-Value = .351-, Double pane, Low e coating, Clear Gfass WAI-,L TYPE IS: cErLrNc rYPE rs: u-Value = .033, unconditioned ALric space AboveFLooR TYPE rs: u-varue = 0, Floor over any conditioned space The TotaL BTUH for the outside walls areThe Total BTUH for the Exposed Ooenincrs areThe total BTUH for the ceilinssThe tocal BTUH for the floorsThe BTUH infiltration for the openinqs is THE TOTAL BTI]H FOR THIS ROOM ISRequired Radiant floor output, BTU,s /sguare HEATLOSS s56 455 390 0 322 L ,723foot is 13.3 LIVING RM CEILING HE]GHT IS 16.00 FEET, VOLUME IS 7,560 CUBIC FEET1O EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING3 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openlngs,TorALrNG >>>> 5L?.5 seuARE FEETRooM srzE rs 27.0 LoNG by r7.5 wrDE, TOTALTNG >> 4't2.5 seuARE FEET WINDOW TYPE IS: U-Value =WALL TYPE IS: CEILING TYPE IS: U-Value =FLOOR TYPE IS: U-VaIue = The Tota1 BTUH for the outside walls areThe Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are .36l- , Double Pane, Low e Coating, Cfear Glass .033, Uncondicioned Attic Space Above0, Floor over any Conditloned Space HEATLOSS 9,311 Page l" *****************************************a********************************rb**rt*r HEATLOSS Vers 5.0h Copyright 1985-L996, Thomas and Associates, Bellaire, Mf(6r_6) s33-8472*******************************************************************************) DAHL/AVON P.O. BOX 18305 AVON, CO 81.620 (970) 949-9101- 08-10_2001LIONS HEAD P&H VAIL, COF'E'ppv pE e 1OO1 VATL VALLEY DRIVEHbatloss is based on a Design Temp. Difference of 90 MSTR CLO S. CEILTNG HETGHT IS 8. OO FEET, VOLUME IS 442 CUB]C FEET0 ExPosED oPENINGS,TOTALING0 ExPosED WALLS, not incruding openings,TorAlrNc >>>> o.o seuARE FEETRooM srzE rs 5.5 LONG by g.s wrDE, TOTALTNG >> 55.3 seuARE FEET WINDOW TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, No openings in Lhis room WALL TYPE IS: cErLrNG TYPE rs: u-value = .033, unconditioned Attic space AboveFLooR TYPE rs: u-value = o, Floor over any condit"ioned space HEATLOSSThe Tot.al BTUH for the out.side walls areThe Total BTUH for Ehe Exposed Openinqs areThe total BTUH for t,he ceilinos - The trotal BTUH for the floorsThe BTUH infiltration for tshe openinqs is THE TOTAL BTI'H FOR TH]S ROOM ISRequired Radiant floor output, BTU,s /square foot is L66 MSTR CLO W. CETLING HEIGHT IS 8. OO FEET, O EXPOSED OPENINGS, TOTALING1 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,TOTALING >>>> ROOM SIZE IS 5.0 LONG by 13.0 WIDE, TOTALTNG >> WINDOW TYPE IS : U-Va]ue = 0.No openings in this room WALL TYPE IS: CEILING TYPE IS: U-Value FLOOR TYPE IS: U-VaIue VOLIJME IS 52O CUBIC FEET O. O SQUARE FEET 4O.O SQUARE FEET 65.0 SQUARE FEET The Total BTUH for the outside walls areThe Total BTUH for t.he Exposed Openlngs areThe cotal BTUH for the ceilinqsThe total" BTUH for t.he ftoorsThe BTUH infiltration for L.he openinqs isTHE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM ISRequired Radiant floor output, BTU,s ,/square = .C33, Unconditioned Attic Space Above = 0, Floor over any Condi-tioned Space I{EATLOSS 2L6 n\J 195 0 0 4Ltfoot is 6.3 TOWN OF,V.AIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 mptu'Nr oF coMMUNITY DEVEL.PM* NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLTJMBINGPERMIT Permit #: P0l-0052 JOb Ad&ESS: IOOI VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL StAtUS . . . : ISST]ED Location.....: Applied": 0610412001 ParcelNo...: 210108101005 Issued : 0610412ool ProjectNo ' ExPires..: l2l0ll200l ottNER KATHr-,EEII V. FERRY TRUST 06/04/2001' Phone: 288 BRIDGE ST VAIIJ CO 81657 License: CONTRAEfOR LIONSHEAD PI,UMBI}iIG AND HEATIO6/O4/2OOT PTTONE: 910-821 -574L P.o. Box 944 MINTURN, CO 1151 MAIN STREET 81645 License: 250-P APPLICANT LIONSHEAD PLIJMBING AND HEATIO6I04/200L Phone: 910-827-57L1 P.O. BOX 944 MINTURN, CO ]-151 MAIN STREET 81645 License: 250-P Desciption: PLLIMBING FOR REMODEL Valuation: $24,000.00 Fireplaoe Information: Reshictert ?? # ofcas Applianccs: ?? # ofGas l-ogs: ?? ......{91w.:9ldlo' ?? I't'ttttt***tli,|laat plumbing-> g3go . oo Restuarant Plan Review-> 90. oo Tolal Calculated Fe€6-> 5453 .00 Plan Check--> S9o-oo DRB Fee----------> $o.oo Additional Fees----'> S55'00 InveOigation-> $O.oo TOTAL FEES---> 9453.00 Total Pennit Fec'-..-> $soa.oo Will Csll-> 93. oo Payments--'-----'1 $508 ' 00 BALAI{CE DL|E-> S0.00 *+****rllttrt|*ta'lIIItem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEnflt O6/O4/2OOL JRN| Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Condr 12 (Br-,DG.): FIELD II{SPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. **ltrra,|all't*l*lta DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information required, completed an accurate plot plaq and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigrr review approved" Uniform Building Code and oth€r ordinances of the Town applicable thereto- REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE a TWENTY -FoLrR HoLTRYN '^1" CTORFORHMSELFAND OWNE ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRQM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. e 479-2 TURE OF O a i)lr q1 l -q?sov--'/ l\--l I qxll -coq9: *rf t:t *{r!t,*:}****t*!t!t*+ ***t** 'i * **** * t{' * ****** * * **,f t,} *** **'t't**** * ** ** *****{. ****** * **tl!* !t *** ****'}+ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Rcprinted on 06'04-2001 at 14:31:09 o6n4l200l Statement rt ,t *:r * *,t* t,tr,t * ***,t* {. 't * * * * *,t * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * +*!t* * * * * 't'** *'}'}** * 'l * * * * * * * * * 'lr * * * *'*+ + +**{t'l * *'** 't:}'**+ statement Number: R000000890 AmounE: $508'00 06/04/2o0ro2:30 Pu Palment tilethod: Check rnit : DF Notation: CHECK # 33 02 Permit No: P01-0052 Type: PLI]I!|BING PER'I{IT Parcel No: 2101081010 05 Site Ad&ees: 1001 VAIIr VAIJLEY DR \fAIL Location:Total Pees: $508.00 ThiBPayment:$50s.OoTotalAL|LPmte:9508'00 Balance: $0 ' 00 **** + ***,**'t 'l** ****++*!* * **:t'i*****{r*t***,**+,t* *{' *'t,t****+ + * * ****,t*+****** * '}'}*!* ** +**{'** * **{' **** * {t ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts cL 00100003123000 C0NTRACTOR LICENSES 55.00 pF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 90.00 PP OOTOOOO31112OO PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 360.00 l,.lc ()O1()OOO31128OO MLL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3'OO APPrrcArrc-r Nor BE AccEprED rr tn.onrf,j HiWt*yt Building Peimit #: Plumbing Permit #: 97 o-47 9-2149 (Inspections) NVNOFVIN 75 S. Frontage Rd, Vail, Colorado 81657 DO9t-CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Plumbing Contractor: I p rrrs /tsn/ 2//,t9a,/z a 7 i Contact and Phone #'s: 77,/- /iZ-5?t 2D - t2/ -5 7: Town of Vail Reg. No.i COMPTETE VATUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Contact for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Job Address:Job Name:rEl.=5sHz'zz 'P/*z,j*q ipst -rtZz z/2*//* WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Alterationp{ Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex p{ Muti-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in thisbuilding:. b4No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No * ********rr************ ****'r**********'!*FOR OFFICE * ** * * * * * tr ** r. * *** ** * tr**** * ** ** *** * s' F/everyone/forms/plmbperm Ctu.r# 73r,> f il;].1 - f.l HOW DIDWE RATE VUIIH YOU? Survey Community Development Department Russell Fonest Director, (970)47s-213e Check all that applies. 1. Which DeparEnenf(s) did you conbct? Building _ Environmenhl_ Housing_ Admin Planning _ DRB PEC 2. Was your initial contact wiilr our stafi immediate slow 0r no one available ? 4. J.lf you were required to wail how long was it before you were helped? Was your projecl reviered on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first lime to fle a DRB app- PEC app Bldg Permit_ N/A Please rate the performance of the stafiperson who assisbd you: 54321Name: (knowledgq responsiveness, availability) Overall efiectiveness of he Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any which would allow us to beter serve you neYtfime? '7,, 8. {| "*l,' *.,6 I QJhank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are! r'."pommited b improving our seMce. oa it6"--tj}'J'-1fi -- 'inlg.'; don'i'que.*ti{eaor*tngr {* :.n v'i.ii.,..J.- . Toi:!1f{ $F. *flP.lsi:$lgqs a ;i{v{ty: Crns,i iype: (,i{,ngt. Ct!$raltof ' Aprticdftt l)e*c . ir$!1n !'lc$;a; ,.Jolrce {irri'ry11,' C{'r:rrxenl. aoi-0087 PrA t^iAS RfgigVEO 7,1;;': ": !:r1.1'l.i- oo ;L1S T'.'rs,' A'il{jtr r Jte . 'i':.i l"h{r.-.': :;iC..;,rg.t lib Ph,'rd i;il ?4it"S l ti St t,s ISSUED l!,li.p Ara*: CD -_- FAse 1 1 I I Irl i I il{r.{ u:x t*4 l1.si-'.t.i i:,{ita lV€$n*f$$y rtug|,ir(ir. ;ili'J; r3)5tr,::.:irC!, .4f aa' t-L i-.rie tjr;r+*ll li:i,r i -*NL ,-Ar-r-E'i {'ii i6il- ?rcup:i'' "KATt-fLiElii", Fifrci: tiiral " r3rA\am iiarj '-'{rr|5,$ $C D4. r.l {ilsharn Re}d {:onslf krllq*. ini AlJcd,!.{! rsrn.),lel el duple:r P,Lt t.i*;- RECi!\fiO FE!€L.A:,I:; | :?:li'l1. rf F'"tii.r' i FE'nil1lT. 1i.::'.r1 . LSAltt!?'.'Al. A ;!O',/gl": r"ga i!nfnr,'.t8ft*J +Clar::Ii,ii.t :.rt i q criblandiilo laqft-<.-{rpe Fk^.f A'fopv .d *,fi Agrt+itt+t, ti. . ?r : :4 lr.,,.l;1rl ln l;!.'i |,triu I dl€ Gti liEVlSEi] SfRiJi.TtjRll 5 T(: .F tfii.lE. - C.f.rvl! i.iit;,rur€rner:ts an r.'l Cclobor 25. 30C1 is in ii I l_lCr{ Pt-4i-lt Ftc{"iTe ;, l'i'j i::Haj?Llr iiitrfi Al.lc r-L.,ELl': yvoRF.s - l-';.Airi}BiL!-ilffi , fr ." @-F**ft# {ti !ffi i'al*ffi , /). nWL P*';;:::: lBfg*E 16 las / ct /l ;d atr'$n6{tri, c,-utrlp .O ( W$VA r;i!1i.LjB'.' AJrMlr'l '( .f --:-'qcfr'in'h*g**Y;YT'- *;=-- n tA... t,.d.nn.-i-,z ^,,.- . / .J : -' ''Sl #' t*.ro( rc -Ttt!4T tl"r s Q cc ezvfoy 6 C uJer( 4 /4-f F # 11s14s;-rrrie*irLrn,rjlsr$ry -F"A C<*v1lcti tlt ttl 6F C% . /lpipr-*) kr*ri , "lhgm lD *j'Ltrc-i't{iunqs .iieer l.,.t i':,ei ' j .,!i5..3J 1,':' t43p6clct' tiFii' F.'J,:n: tlP AJra: a*rvF-t-; r .!-cttBtilr.nG; :lr.i9$ffr tr€as '.-)!.lJi.i; lrtt tct: ctrr$.tc1tr ti, clr.ffi |ut t!:,tr{:ifi ti f0lmed atsat $tlot to }ow. .{:fiem lO BLDG-FoUftdBtiofl, Sles'l '' t,I]t,!(.rl]d i { :O6;O*:.tlJ{ tnsD€llrr| CtfAl, in J.{'i{ron l,'i FAF'ilAt AF !}i{C "',di.c!1'rtrt+nb. pcFjiii ,rpi.E,:,ioi. l'i,F; F.Jr.,Flri.Artcrj wa,LL!: g:1;1-i-r;'gi'- il'-nx wnu wHlcH rs hloT , 1. * Rf;!f,# Ft]ft i|,tirF.F,.. I r', ,|\j :: , i. .Relf,* Fon i|,rilFF,.. l r',,li ;:.' i I t},i'|6,,'?lt|13p€'|t}i:ilc'$\tli.4']t|i.t|,'i,|'J.!i.i.t'ii:,jEl]i 1.mn6nt-q qFS.T CF f(rr-il.\,!.i ili)f, {".,)h4FLt i't !nb$ ?; PLAl.l"lL{ SllaPl:rfi ".qF,rtwe{j '' i... 0F, 1'1 01 i6rr.€[t t: ' 'EllEf''t't fut,:'tt .;"i: irl'!)l'i'j!J[iii I i1!ton; .lO BLDG.. iranrinu [ .''CB f :,0! -:trs$€cto{ ':i'r,{'.',.ii A,:rir'':t, Aflll-F Ai!i'iii)vi:i-; Cijl?fiFa;TFf}r REOD t j c;<i,mrn*rgs; Iti_tlwHg lFpEii;ai ;?€.i:iliiREc' r?B ierf'ji.ii;: n{: E Ati:Er:i:j AtJr' cgN$TRt CTlOfil ,t ,{r}tifAlSSLlEl!}tirlfl.lfYtril$Oltpfi.O"4!i;fF!.,{J,{tjfthrC'iirlf:ti,!,'1".-CFAU!'|-5PA,JF g;111.$ nTr)ii RE*.)rjlll;0 ''l;:. -lIE, sTRAr$ 11.'r I'ii.i'ili:Oii'f tNtJ{:?l,lt T(')p Fl*4TSl-:.Ai{) pA+g:.ltJ"t :lti".i_i+ri h,ti$$ifl,,; A r !.{]wLFr LEVi t. fbrr,: ir$ Blrl*-insut8:lc;r " Apf.r*vni - Cgr17,fr1 hspc6ic.; CinG q( trtxr r.p .qF.'irri i),Vr:f.) Ccmmcdtts: tmiltalJu] apefit,/*,; i j. i rr';rr:r :jo(stii,onl {Jt}idr+leC i- eri. ftr}te llp-ii iraud tpace ls'l"rgs rtlh dqqd€tl r': i;" jp-;rit 1rrtltr' fte'|1- 6o Blf.Ylshe*oc,( nril " 11 ii,.," l -e . ire 0 | 11 h:r#lcr ,;g,.ai;i1i - - - .A(itr.n p.p t.PPPt:.'lf.Li r' ComrY$nl* GH0t.'llltrtF'.i.r':-i '5'F; :t'Ji&tl-SAPp8(-rrtn '- -cg'igdi iirspe0tor: Gft$ Ar'tloa: F,r.FA.qlAL AFPI{'-'-'AL . .* ,'. ..*CornftGnli E lace o! Wsrt pi:.t/ :i!:: 'f..'i.t dinsraro! !c. i,t'e tnJr::.: g\c.ltttr 'lnm$lng |n en. paq( lvstr Ltisenlbfi v€l ts En Drti! llJl r}l L'-- lti:l:8, Ih;,!'| r',uKi;i,j:ri, 1 rnl?. . F.' - Ofr; I.Ol rftrrfrr;r ' C.tut ,[: ..;4iir, FA F.{fi {iAL '\PPfi{i!:l- {:'.''ncornnl€rlts GAtst*}f 9HL\- -ga??,or ri rFecr{x: f CiAvli A.:li4rit FF AFprtlGVEL, , r '. . R- co$r,.,ltlr.$s; RgrgToFl{gusE i;:{i1ido1p1g11 " t tr-l!cirr: ?O lllca; idisc. ' ' r{,pf -w€.'l Ng !:]?,0 ! lr,sF€cl+r: crtaicr, -ll,:ocrri At' AFtst{.;Vf L' i.. ., r f Iunm'1!€nE i8r'ta lnspec on t'F.ii1rF.;:1e14'911r' 6,11q J ; .; .t'ef.l' 5,i3 P;.!N.fElrF (j..J '' it,r'.:.,.irt i.1 l,;ref.l' 5.i3 p;..!N. fElrF ".o "t"*oun jlf.t t;xh1r ' qr:1 5rrr5 rr'rr i : :' j l0?t".'0i tnsp$itrt GsJr i!+: Ai-iltln. AF lt:ft:iiritD .; ;. n I Ctm{fents i.€\.e|olltt ttnptf. {'n'{iri Ati,6qmcr;t l,i't !-\'l$lan'j!|l,j ':lf'f +: at}? Intpft.'?ffqnrs b$ PLCe + } ner;,. 5'.l2 pinJ-TFMp (. ir ,, p6y ."..+il # ,t i ,( REE'T13J,t]34 \ oo oo / FT:t ArPrplBtofiirrtlon Arrlvltyr 801fi87ConrtTni: FeCU.sH lnsFect DEte; lrrspecuon Anct SlteAddra$: TVne: ,{.BUILD Occtpahby: fhursdtv. Octob€r 25. 200! CD IOO' VAILVALI€Y Dft VAIL Sbt r: lncpAas: ADUP VN SSTED CDPticil: 2tOlOOt01006Om.': KATFfi.EENV.V. FERRYTRUSTom.r: KA Contrachr: c|rhamR0ldcofli0|rcfdllnc Phone: 97S8t195186 ADdlcant GrrhsmRcldcoo!iltlfrn.rrc. Phone: 9il'94!F5186 Ebdcrisdon: Adtilkr{r, tunoftl of &re|cr Cofir{rEn[ RAIXIEDSTnUCflJHALS TO CHA,RLIE - CDAVISComng* PLA IS ROLrtED TO CHARLE. ERENT AtlD PLrBLlC TwORKS - LCAMPBELL RaouaaH lmoacuort'rl fr-Fdlnd!0ory'SLd " Approvrd - 0gqilo{ firsdbr: cDAvtg Acrb,n: PAPART&4LApPROVA Nnfi!.nE; PAFTTAL API,ROI.AI. FOR FO{J}IDATIOI.I WALLS EXCLIJDE$ SOLf FIE If'Y FgR TtTEiPEt-Tf,)N06(P01 kitDccloc CDAVIS Ar6on: , rrF enrs' REST OF FOt hlOATrf,H COi'PLETE Requeated Tlme: 08:00 Afl' Phon : 97$9L95186 FntE ed By: Of:LORES K APAPPFOI'ED Acllon: APAPPROniTEO FOR ArcR APFF.C{'EDICORRECTK)$I RE@ MVVL$PACE ACCESS AAID COIFTRI.'CTNN TP|lTq\|ER NOTFIED )ruTNUOUS TOF PLATES IIN.SS$IG AT LOWER LEVEL lbm: 530 Bl-DO-Tcmp. gro R.qurtDr: Grahrm Rald C{t|3fi.|ctoar lnc. CodfiHilr: WC 28o6{Fg -z [ \A*s"fiIKmw^eNd %4* r,0, (oS*rn c3 t .luf Ccrvl?crrL lruEccdon hillbrY bm: 10 flDqF_@flgdgt.l A*Ibn: AP APPROT/ED(513001- ltle€clot. GR Commsntr: a fdolfig sler. SE, NE & NW. Told cffiEctor to clren oilt bodom ot fo|tDd Bnrt p|hr b po$. Wmi n BlDcr-Fdlnd!0ory'Slrf, " ApDrov.d - ftrm: 22 il.m: 3l ftsn: 5O lhrt 60 C *tDr-nr'{G tc . Corf,r.nt$.' REIITOFFOIAfOATPIIPl4t{.C ShPbo'rAptr|!q|d.'qq_l*o! Insp*br: SRENT coAvls A.tlon:cofiintfilr: COMMcng; PAFTTAL API,ROI.AI. FOR FO{J}IDATIOI.I WALLS EXCLIJDE$ SOT/TH WALL WI{CH IS T.IOT RETDY FOR SISPET-T$N , BlDGlnsuhlhr " Aporwed "0&17i01 hrD|cbr: GRG' ectofi: APAFFFovEo r'{,i..- Coflm.nts: btlhlbn cpprovsi I tramkE conacilons coftpffi. L€fl notc that cravrl spaco vcturg rnd ffiFA hrrnr til iddtcd b) be doaf,rrrilr.StDCtS|motoctffrff *Atrrotrd'- 0o01ol hrDocbr: CDAIXS Acdon: APJqPPROVED Conf,ncnls: GFOUt{} LEVET PARTY WIILS APpRO/ED(P19/Ol lEDGln: cRG Arilon: PAPARTIALAPPROVAT Cornmrc*r: E. hc. ol UV€t FcrV ryEs. Told corfrdor b tr3s erilarb grypnum 3h.6lhlrE ln .t. Ftfy $rrn ....mbly Fl lo b. buth lhat ryffl be higlE lhan n€hhborkig ilnL '-I REPTl31 Run Id: lO24 _1 oooo oooo 10-24-2W1 hspec{on Requcrt Reportlng _ -_ ltatLjo.:.ro-rtn_08___ Roguffibd Inspect Date: Inrgec{lon A'E.: SlEAddrcar: tl0l-0124 Tl/Fe _ - -_ . -_ Occrnafrby 210to€101(n6 IaTHLEENV. FERRY TRUST tn|\FllEAD P|.ufffi.l(l AND HEATT,K} Phone: 97S6?7-5711L|ON9}€ADFLUShIGAIIDHEAThICi Phons: 97GE27-5711 S{STALITTFI'I Of }EAT.BATH EXI{AIJSTA}ID COI#USTABIE AR ROT'TED TO C}IARLG FOR APFftOVAIJREVIEIA' - C'AVIS subTffi: ADUP Sbtur: lsgt ED Inrp Arca: CD Requc6ted Tlme: 0E:00 Att' Phon|: 970'&t7-5711 Enter€d By: DFTORES K Page 17 J-1J-ul Thursrlay, Oatober 25, 1001 IOOi VAILVALLEY DR VAIL 'OOI VAILVALEYOFII/E AlP,It Inlonnilgl! Acthrltv:Con*tyr6: Palrd:qm€r; Coltaclon ,Cpplcttttt Drdcdp'oon: Comin fix ; B.MECH Rlau.cttd Int!€ctlon{tl Inrpacfron Hlsiorv lbm 3m VERSAIT/|, A}I hIEPECTlf}{ FOR LOUT'ER DRYER DUCT REOURED WHEN INSTALLED IN CRA\,I.LSPACE 10i17rc1 In:orc{oa: COAMS Aclfon' IpAPpROvED CoilMonB: DF-YERVENT I.S LOI{GEF T}|AN 14 HOWEVER fT IS FULLY ACCESSFLE FROM CRAYuLSPACE 4APPROVEO il.m: 31O ilECFlHcetho "ADDrovod" 0U1,ff01 llregador: CDAUIS Acllon: PAPARIIALAFPROVAL Conm€nti: ZO|IIE 1 BEm &3 60* AIRTEST ZOI.IE 2 ITAIN FLOOR TMf ARTEST ZOI{E 3 IIAIN FLOOR 7tr ARIEST ZO}IE 4 REST OF BULDIITG 70 ' AIRTE$Tlo0gol lnrptchr: JRM Artlon: APAPPROVED Cofi|' €nF; APPROVED ORIVEWAV€N€'IYI,€LT, O}ff"Y I'IALF THE DRfvE IS BEh|G OO}.IE TI'G OTTER l.rALFr$R.O.W. fi€tn:lsn: hfir; ll.|tr: 315 PLlFGe*Plplm 320 MECI-FExhaubt Floorb 330 MECFI-SuDpVA|I 3il{l ilEC.H-Mlii. " oo oo oo oo -iflf4f51-----tnspecnonnequgstF poritng --Fose]6- ll-l.Err_-_ _uatL*co-alol,1{ilo8.__ -__. Requc$ted hrspec't Drte; Tirursdry, October j5. 20i'! lnrpecuon Area: GD $lte h{'ttregs: l00l VAIL VALLEY Dll VAIL AIP/DJnfonnatlon Arfvltv'lr0l-0i{8 Tvr* B-MECHCon* ffoi: Oc,cursircr'Paiicl: 210{081O1005 OI^trI€f: KATHLEEil V. FERRY TRTIST Confaclofi H€ARTH EXCHAIIGE, hrc. {THE!Appllcent HEAFTH EXCHANGE. ll.lc. {THerDsiil iDilon: Addltiorur*model of drDl€r Reou€stfil InspsBliotil$l .6ublffi AsrR Sdur. lSlSuED trllp tu.a: GD Phoo€: Phon6: 37SBA7-86:3 37S.827-96:3 lhm: 390 tlECl'l#inal Requdor: HEARTH EXCI-|A!.|GE, lt\B. (fHE) Ardgtr€d To: CDAVIS Requett€d Tlnle: 08:00 Afi' Pfiono: 970-€27-9623 Enttras B!': DFLOftES X Acdon: ..----- Tinrc Elrp: lnspedgrn Hlsttorv ftern; ?tX) brn: 31Olbm: 316 nom: 33O Itom: 33OItim: 340 thm: 390 MECI+l{€atnqPLME4ri Pldlnd M€Ct-l-E xhaubt |:lood& lilECFFSuooly Alt MECH-MI*d.' lvtEcl"{-Flncl t:REPT]"31 Run Id: LOZI' oooo E ts g.e.E E E 5'€ FEl€$", g*'F ' EEEsf'e€ 3; ??E€ E F€€aP E TE,5E'lrqpt gEi E.!:=! d E EestEE #EE.Et.3 .', 3 t E'E.E li{ - t, qr 6 9 E€E$E s $(ds \t Eo =I ac\.9Ji s.-r GiJ] t.) ..\iE N.-/U I , Fl oJ I BI rl I \tl t+l I.-i. o z c) I I I I pl ollNl I ,^I p o >'o ()o R 5 $ N,A o C) i- I o€ ([ a) z bo .E C) .o o I oo b0 I =() !)(J ! aE EC)?(J>i= EErtrt30(., <) ?>, fi.9 \J aq EFt=E6.i c,E3HO EE.6tr :r> ,: c)EEt3E B' ri'= E8ot o3 xc)9E =roq)q€ Y-t .9 :J.ed ,9:1 oq)rJo F> r\\r'z tuFJr'\\Jtt\vnv (v.nv rYl (-af,- r\v / .v' (-/ K-.Fr' rdr\\J 'li :. ns)\t $Rs * sE$*'i Ft! RS.FS5P\ I $AEi €'gF iqF ts\ SFs(j': Ilo l.d la I kF F-{ o a o() o >| F v,!) (B o (n |-iq) = h..ifs Il,t-r iia) C)'g o rffic0pr Date of Exbiration: . 0Rl6lA/A L 6[VoL THISAGRFFMEIT, B?q;^A4dentered intothis 2S*^, ot 6ttoV,2OOl . By and among ".Nt '@<tcY (hereinafter called the "Develope/), and the TOWN DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approvalof the trRPtJ KeSio*t plans, dated {/ tq ,209L, wishes to enter into a Developer lmproGment Agreement; OF VAIL (hereinafter called the "Town"). and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgement of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: Develooer-aorees to establish a cash deoosit with the Town of Vail in a dollar amount ot S I t'TW %tD (25o/o ot the total cost of the work shown below) to provide security for thefollowing: IMPROVEMENT Attach a copy of the estimated bid. r rqe \VAl L\DATA\cdev\FORMS\DlA Cash.doc Page 1 of4 3Ji1 X[.tl=n$:5?l^1 ::::'l:::?*:."f the forrowins mutuar covenanl*gg*asr,eements, the Deveruogqlnff l:tti us,'F&t' follows:.liS'r.*.\tr-q:J' '-'ifrtiblTaB6i"gEgl; "t the sote cosr and expensegljqrlrrn material neeegsarylo perform and complete all imp;ovements, on or before L)-.''Thd D'eveloper shall complete,iih'b',The Developer shall complete,!ih'e,good workmanlike manner, all improvements as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the office of the Communilyspecifications filed in the office of the Communily Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: : /. '1.\ j.+r..,6 -iF \a. Sicnbtdb?besigns, drawffi, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to F:.14l. ,it#yiBatisQ$i$pf, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official- - -from thb To*n of Vail, as affected by special distrigtg or service/istrps, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete Until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Department. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of its'obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: A cash deposit account in the amount "f $1JLfu-%-to be hetd by the Town,asescrowagent,sha||providetnesGZ@provementsietforth above if there is a default under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form or collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements refened to herein and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or da[pge happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and.aO0eqpnce.pf the same, nor shall theTown, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any Fe'iCb.ns'or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are herebyiqs.ymed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees.{o indemhitpand hold hahille;s the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any loss6stlclaims,..damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or emflDy.ees may'be-cbme subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilitigs-(or actions in respect'thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance byJhe.Developer hereundei; and the Defefoper shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or othbrt -expenses reasonably inqgred by the Town in connec{ion with investigating or defending ariy such loSs, claim, damdQ6,.liability or action. This indemnity provision snatt Oe in addition to any other liability which the Developer my have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will Yqilii \\vAIL\DATA\cdev\FORMS\DlA Cash.doc Page 2 ol 4 the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount necessary to complete such improvements. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements contemplated hereunder are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth in this Agreement on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required, to complete the unfinished. lf the costs of completing the work exceed the amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent (12o/ol per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in.the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the permit holder fails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, as defined in this chapter, such failure or.refusal shall be considered a violation of the Zoning Code. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of all work refered to in this Agreement by the Town if such work is located on Town of Vail property or within Town of Vail right-of-way pursuant to Section 8-3-1. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agieement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendrtlolq hp in y*itiag.andexecuted by all parties hereto. \\VAIL\DATA\cdev\FORMS\DlA Cash.doc Page 3 of 4 Dated the day and year first above STATE OF COLOMDO COUNTY OF EAGLE STATEOFCOLORADO ) )ss. couNTYoF EAGLE ) Witness my hand and official seal. ,.) My commission e\pres 9p4i? 4 AD3 " _-. The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement yvas acknowledged before me thisCl> Dayof - 6,*tb<,n- ,z}d-Oy (t'eavq- Vt' n^'r \Mltness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Administrator, Community Development \\VAIL\DATA\Cdev\FORMS\DlA Cash.doc Page 4 of 4 \\ FIL E COFT Address: DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT. ma By and anong ttffif ft)enteredintothis -Z-!i^, ot 6t-toW,2o-e-!-, OF VAIL (hereinafter called the "Town"). WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approval of the':t "'- --'-'-plans, dated {/ tq ,20CL, wishes to enter into a Developer lmprorlement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgement of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: Develooer-aorees to establish a cash deoosit with the Town of Vail in a dollar amount ot S I tiLW 4D (125% of the total cost of the work shown below) to provide security tortnffiiioffifi: IMPROVEMENT Attach a copy of the estimated bid. REI'DNOV-52001 Receipt funds to: -f"t"'@ (hereinafter called the "Develope/), and the TOWN I(e lf-2', te r rqe X vot-canT)erey'tt/" r/, t ( l"u sc \\VAIL\DATA\cdev\FORMS\DlA Cash.doc Page 1of4 €-^ tl s p. v^t , f F,'.!;i 't' 3 NOW THEBEFORE, in consideration of the following the Devetuog5"lff,Ittt? uqfngs forrows:.$iS r.bbt{tjr're:tt4^'e.-!tPA:). tne uevercoer-t:'n 'n1i.t8bliB16#?"sFlB:"t the sole cost and expense*Jlcrprnis-1.- TliE Deadbper agfeCs; at the sole cost and expense*Jl4fprnlg material n*egs_?ry{g perform and complete all improvements, on or before __1Thd D'eveiioper shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner;-il-improGmEi-iils listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: 'i--, iq j.,;ir.1e . lil Sa. Such othei designs, drawing-s, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to F.5.r=ci*$11j3atigQ$iqJpf, the Town Engineer, the Town BuiHing fficial, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affec{ed by special distri$ or servicefistrlpls, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete'l.rntil approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Department. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of its'obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: A cash deposit account in the amount "t $LX@-fu-Lo be held by the Town, as escrow agent, shall provide tne sEFrit-rc?-i6ffiprovements iet forth above if there is a default under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form or collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements refered to herein and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee tnereot, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or da'nFge happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and. apdeptence.,pf the same, nor shall theTown, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any pe'B\ps'* property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are herebfpsumed by the Developer.. ($. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold ndtitt.eis the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer my have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will Page 2 ot 4\WAIL\OATAbdev\FORMS\DIA Cash.doc the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount necessary to ""'o'"::"""n'''o:"";t;::,.r,n"r, at its sore discretion, that any orrhe improvements contemplated hereunder are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth in this Agreement on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required, to complete the unfinished. lf the costs of completing the work exceed the amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent (12o/o) per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or rnay be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in,the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied aga'inst such property. lf the permit holder fails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, as defined in this chapter, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of the Zoning Code. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town if such work is located on Town of Vail property or within Town of Vail right-of-way pursuant to Section 8-3-1. 8. The parties hereto mutually agr-ee that this Agieement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amend*.len6 hein yvritinggndexeoied by all parties hereto. \VAIL\OATA\CdeV\FORMS\DIA Cash.doc Page 3 of 4 Dated the day and year first abqve STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ) ) ss. ) Witness my hand and official seal. ,.1 My commission expnes 9Pi/ J, *D3 STATEOFCOLORADO ) )ss.COUNTYOFEAGLE ) Administrator, Community Development Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: (l (L \WAIL\DATA\cdev\FORMS\OlA Cash.doc Page 4 of 4 Oct e2 Ol O8:42p Kevin Fne nch ?o-so26-.O946 p.2 The Avanlgardener Landscaping, Inc. P O. Box 2124 Edwards, C0 Sld32k 970-s24-4501 970-524-4502Fax I I I rcn)/2001 I suemrreoro: IL--- - _--_..l I Grahnm Reid Conrr*ctto.. tn"F- JPo.- Box 1424 i I Vail, co 81659 iIr DESCRIPTION RcvBgitaG disturbed areas i PROPOSAL Nr]Ttr , e.i,''rarril:-;- I I PROJHCTADORESS i rlttrl 1007 Errgls5 hesl git 1. ii --i-._ -- . -._. j i -- ------]I RATE I rorAL I.=i..__---_-JI l.,J0o D0 i 1,000.0c I APPROVAT SIGNATURE TOTAL sl,000.00 OcE 2?Ol O8:42p Kevin Fnench DESCRIPTION I APPROVAL SIGNATURF 3?O -9a6-.o946 P.2 PROPO$ALThe Avant-gardener Landscapin& Inc. P O. Box 2124 Edwards, CO 8l&2* 970-s24450r 970-524-45a2FeI',. L:,:YT?11 I Grahnn Reid ConsEuction Etc. rJ lP.O. Box 1424 lvail, co 8165s t..--_ Rcv€gitatc disturbcd areag -..1 I_.J---l I I I I i i __J I I I I I I - ---....-l ! I I $1,000.00 |TOTAL i e)'" " .t'SH,itulil o""",oo'"n, 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 816s7 o"pJO rJft-QI- make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL oooo gla 1110 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Buildinq Code - 1997 - Volume 1&2 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Buildinq Code - 1997 - Volume 3 0000314 1112 0000 3't4 11 12 0000 314 1112 0000 314 1112 0000 314 't l 12 0000 314 1 112 001 0000 314 1112 lnternalional Mechanical Code - 1998 Uniform Mechanical Code -1996 $12.75001 0000 314 1112 0000 314 1 112 001 0000314 1211 001 0000 314 11 11 of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes 001 0000 3't4 111'l 1 0000 314 11 1 I 001 0000 315 3000 001 00(x) 311 2300 0000 315 2000 0000 312 3000 0000 312 4000 Lionshead Master Plan ($1.80/$1.60 0000 312 4000 1 0000 311 2200 001 00fi) 315 3000 001 0000 2/m $ql 001 (Xno 312 1000 001 (xxn 230 2000 lSpec. Assess.-Rostrurent F€ to Co Deot.Rev. To*n of var ir*r [UJi[l|Icn fii[EIFI *++ lifl,t: i0/rbi0l titi frElEirTl M1417i q9. tus r i.rlrrR LUTAT IoN Ar'flif{i lp . I!1ial"t iirE i f1250,00 rfiD tF, riHve :iRxv li{: liii d: trirE rEiiRl l0l Ichurl i^Tfii.i-.r' it3] i1?30.@ DiiE: !0/ior01 TlittE: lB:i.::02 l0rtl" lit€t-rr iit'tJu\T itNiErlE: tiir$,0t itd:a, [,0 1212012000 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frcntage Road, VaiL Cohrado 81557 teli 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us ProjectName: RUTHERFORDRESIDENCE DRBNumber: DRB0I0043 Project Description: Relocate existing garage, 250 addition, new bath Participants: OWNER RUTHERFORD, SUSAN REPETfl 03/1212001 Phone: 3466 ELLA LEE LN HOUSTON TX 77027 License: APPLICANT RUTHERFORD, SUSAN REPETTI 0311212001 Phone: 476-0300 - Art 3466 ELI.A LEE LN HOUSTON TX ArtAbplanalp 77027 License: Prcject Addrce* 1001 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL location: Legal Description: [ot: 1-A Block: 6 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 7 Parrcel Number: 210108101004 Comments! SEE CONDffiONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: ANDY BLUMETTI Action: APPROVED Second By: CHARLES ACEVEDO Vote: 4-0 Date of Approval: 04/18/2@1 Conditions: C-ond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. Cond: CON0004654 WINDOW TRIM AND DECK MIUNGS MUST BE CONSISTENT THROUGHOUT THE DUPLD(. Planner: DRB Fee Paid: $50.00 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparunent of Community Developrnent 75 South Frrontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97O.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect l{ame: FERRY RESIDENCE DRB Number: DRB0100,il4 Project Description: Addition/remodel of duplex Participants: OWNER KATHLEEN V, FERRYTRUST 03/1212001 PhONC: 288 BRIDGE ST VAIL CO 81557 License: APPLICANT SALLY BMINERD O3IL2I?:OOL PhONC: 475-9228 RKD, Inc. 1000 Lionsridge Loop #3D Vail, CO 81657 License: Project Address: 1001 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL location: legal Deccription: lot: 1-B Block; 6 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 Parcel l{umber: 210108101005 Comments: SEE CONDffiONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: ANDY BLUMETTI Action: APPROVED Second By: CHARLESACEVEDO Vote: 4-0 Dateof Approvalz Mlt9/20{Jt Conditions: @nd:8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. Cond: CON0004655 WINDOW TRIM AND DECK MILING DETAILS MUST BE CONSISTENT THROUGHOUT THE DUPLD(. Planner: Brent Wilson DRB Fee Paid: $5O.OO I ,ij,{;"Ct:, Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road ltail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us August 23, 2000 Tom Weber RKD Architects 1000 Lionsridge Loop, Suite 3-D Vail, CO 81657 Re: 1001 Eagle's Nest Circle / Lot 1, Btock 6, Vait Vitlage / fning Dear Tom: This letter willserve as confirmation that the Vail Town Council unanimously (4-0) upheld lhe PEC/staff decision to reject the above-referenced application for design review approval upon appeal at its August 22no meeting. I will begin the refund process for the design review fees submitted to the Town on June 12m (RKD check #2080; $50.00; Town of Vail receipt #51395/0009986). lf you would like to discuss this matter in greater detail, please do not hesitate to contact me at (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, 4-*,r,-- u',)- Brent Wilson, AICP Planner ll xcr Kathleen Ferry, 2395 Bald Mountain Road, Vail, CO 81657 tp on "uornr* TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Vail Town Council Brent Wilson, Departmenl of Community Development August 22,2000 An appeal of the Planning and Environmenlal Commission's July 24th upholding of a staff decision regarding the requiremenl for a joint owner's signature on a development applicalion submilted to the Department of Community Development, for property located at 1001 Eagle's Nest Circleilot 1, Block 6, Vail Village 7h Filing. Applicant: Kaye Ferry, represented by RKD, Inc. On June 27,2000, the Department of Communily Development rejected an application for design review approval from the appellant since it proposed development on a jointly owned piece of property and the joint owner's signature did not appear on the application. On July 24'n, the Planning and Environmental Commission upheld the staff decision upon appeal. Pursuant to Section 12-3-3(A), Vail Town Code, the applicant has filed an appeal of the PEC'S decision with the Town Council. The appellant asserts the application was originally submitted on July 14, 1999 and that the new application is a revision to the original submittal and, therefore, it should not be subject to a requirement formalized on May 2nd of this year. Please refer to the attached staff memorandum, final PEC agenda, PEC meeting minutes and the appellant's written statement for more specific details. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Community Development recommends that the Vail Town Council uphold the PEC/staff decision regarding the requirement for a joint owner's signature on an application submitted to the Departmenl of Community Development; subject to the following findings: 1. The staff decision is consistent with the provisions of Section 12-11-4, Vail Town Code (Material to be Submitted; Procedure) and Town of Vail Zoning Code Interpretation #33 (attached). The application requirements have not been met in full by the applicanUappellant. 2. Staff's decision was nol an "ex post facto" application of the code since lhe design review application was submitted 41 days after the formal zoning interpretation was drafted. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development July 2a,2000 An appeal of a staff decision regarding the requirement for a joint owner's signature on a development application submitted to the Department of Community Development, for property located at 1001 Eagle's Nest Circle/Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village 7'n Filing. Applicant: Kaye Ferry, represented by RKD, Inc. Planner: Brent Wilson BACKGROUND The Town has always required signatures from all affected parties whenever applications involving common property have been involved. This includes condominium or homeowners associations. Effective May 2,2000 the Department of Community Development made a formal determination that this policy must include jointly owned "C parcels" on duplex properties. We do not accept any applications involving joinlly owned property without authorizalion from all owners, nor do we have the authority to take action on property without the appropriate consent. This policy is a direct result of numerous dilemmas (Hughes-Tuchman, Walker-McKibben, Ferry- Repetti) where the town's aulhority to act upon applications without appropriate consenl has been questioned. This policy will not affect duplexes where a common parcel has not been established. The Town has enforced lhis policy on a number of previous applications, including the McKibben-Walker design review application. Reasonino for the Reouirement of Joinl Owners' Sionatures - The primary reason behind this requirement involves legal issues of due process and equal protection. Without this requirement in place, one owner (with a 50% interest in the property) could potentially ulilize all development potential for jointly owned property for their sole benefil without the knowledge or consent of lhe other 507o owner. The Vail Town Code does not have any notice provisions for adjacent neighbors (with no ownership interest) on design review applications. However, staff believes the joint owner signature requirement is necessary to meet the minimum due process and equal protection standards lor notification of individuals with an ownership interest in an affected piece of property. This is the same reason why proof of consent has been required from condominium and homeowner associations for decades. History has shown that without this requirement in place, Town staff and boards typically lake on the role of arlcitrator in private property disputes. This results in a great expenditure of time and resources lo cover issues that are of little or no relevance to the general public or town government. |il. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST Historv of the subiect aoolication - On June 27,2000, the Department of Community Development rejected an application for design review approval from the appellant since it proposed development on a jointly owned piece of property and the joint owner's signalure did not appear on the application. Pursuant to Section 12-3-3(4), Vail Town Code, the applicant has filed an appeal. The appellant's statement of the nature of the appeal is attached. The appellant asserts the application was originally submitted on July 14, 1999 and that the new application is a revision to the original submittal and, therefore, it should not be subject to a requirement formalized on May 2nd of this year. The following is a timeline of the design review application process for the subject propeny: . June 28. 't999 - the appellant submitted a design review applicalion (and appropriate fees) for a "250 GRFA addition and Type ll EHU." This application involved the construction of a caretaker unit and a two-car garage. lt was conceptually reviewed by the Design Review Board (DRB) on July 21 , 'l999. The application for the associated site coverage variance and conditional use permit for the Type ll EHU were denied by the PEC on July 26, 1999 and again by the Town Council on November 2, 1999. Therefore, the applicant could not proceed with the DRB application and it became void. Pursuant to Section 12-11-4(D), Vail Town Code, a design review application becomes void unless: 1) the DRB takes action on the submittal within 30 days of conceptual review; or 2) the applicant requests a time extension from the DRB. The applicant never relurned 1o the DRB with the previous submittal and no time extension was ever requested. Therefore, the previous design review application became void in 1999. . June 12. 2000 - lhe appellant submitted a new design review applicalion (and appropriate design review fees) for an "addition and remodel of existing duplex." This application involves the addition of GRFA to the existing unit and no longer includes a garage space or a caretaker unit. Updated plans (due to the PEC and Town Council denials of an associated site coverage variance) were received on June 26th. . June 27.2000 - the Department of Community Development notilied the appellant that the new application was incomplete and would not be accepted due to the lack of signalures from the property owners as required. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Department of Community Development recommends that the Planning and Environmenlal Commission uphold the staff decision regarding the requiremenl for a joint owners' signature on an application submitted to the Department of Community Development, for property located at 1001 Eagle's Nest Circle/Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village 7'n; subject to the iollowing findings: 1. The staff decision is consistent with the provisions of Section 12-11-4, Vail Town Code (Material to be Submitted; Procedure) and Town of Vail Zoning Code lnterpretation #33 (attached). The application requiremenls have not been met in full by the applicanVappellant. o ill. 2. Staff's decision was not an "ex posl facto" application of the code since the design review application was submitted 41 days after the formal zoning interpretation was drafted. REVIEWING BOARD ROLES. APPEAL Planning and Environmental Commission: ACTION: The PEC shall make a motion to uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the staff decision, based on specific findings of fact. Town Council: ACTION: Actions of DRB or PEC maybe appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. The Town Council evaluates whether or not the PEC or DRB erred with its motion and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION/EVALUATION 1. Was the application pending at the time of the zoning code anterpretation (May 2,2000) or was it submitted after the drafting of the interpretation? Staff response - A new application was submitted on June 12, 2000 and a new submittal fee was paid on that date. The "pending" status of the 1999 application did nol become an issue until after the new application was rejected by the Department of Community Development. The Town of Vail requires a new application when previous applications are denied, that is why the applicant's representative submitted a new application and fee on June '12In. Did town staff apply the submittal requirements in a consistent manner with other applications and in accordance with the provisions ot the Vail Town Code? Staff response - All DRB applications are subject to the requirements of Section 12-11-4, Vail Town Code (Material to be Submitted; Procedure\ and the Town of Vail Zoning Code Interpretations and this is not lhe first application to be rejected due to a lack of joint property owners' approval. Staff believes the treatment of this application in a manner inconsistent with Zoning Code Interpretation #33 would be a grant of special privilege. Was the design review application incomplete when submitted? Staff response- Section 12-11-4, Vail Town Code details the specific requiremenls for application submittal and it incorporates the Town of Vail's Application for Design Review Approval by reference. One of the specific application requirements is the name/signature of the property owner(s). The application submitted contains a signalure by Sally Brainerd (representative of Kaye Ferry) but no signature, reference or representation is given for the other affected propefty owner. Therefore, stafl concludes the application is materially incomplete as submitted. tv. 2. 3. DuN a Law OFFtcEs PLANALP & MauRrEr-lo. P t N, Aa WesrSrea Balrr Burr-ottrtc roa SourH FRoNTAGE Roao W:sr Su rre soo VA|L, CoLoRADo a r6s7 20 July 2000 .c. JOHN W. DU N].I ARTH UR A. ABPLANALB JR. OIANE H. MAU RIELLO INGA I{AAGENSON CAUSEY OF COUNSEL: JERRY w' HANNAH TELEPHONE: (97O) j+76-O3OO FACSIM ILE: <97 0) 476-4763 highcountrylaw.cam emaiI vaillaw@vail.net CER'IFIEO LE6AL ASSISIANTS KAREN M. OUNN, CIAS JAN rCE K. SCOF|ELOT CLA Planning and Environmental Commission Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail CO Re: Appeal of Kathleen Ferry Members of the Commission: Our Firm has been engaged by Susan Rutherford, the owner of an undivided one-half interest in Tract C, Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village 7th Filing, the property which is the subject of the above appeal, to assist her in supporting the staff of the Vail Department of Community Development in association with that appeal. The issue before the Planning and Environmental Commission is a narrow one. That question is: Whether the staff of the Department of Community Development was correct in determining that the application for design review of a proposed project was insufficient when the application was submitted only by Kathleen Ferry without the signature of the other co-owner of the property upon which the project is to occur. TheVail Municipal Code requires that an application for design review approval be submitted by the "orvner or authorized agent of a project." During a recent period of time, the Town staff considered applications submitted by only one of a number of owners of a property which was the subject of an application. That policy was apparently adopted when the Town encountered complaints by owner-applicants who found it difficult or impractical to obtain consent of their co-owners. Since that change in policy, the Town has been dealing with the objections of co-owners whose consent has not been obtained and who do not, in fact, approve of the proposed modifications to property which they jointly own. The Town also has been regularly placed in the position of being asked to interpret private covenants which may or may not permit applications to the Town initiated by only one owner of a jointly owned property. Apparently in a logical reaction to these recent experiences, and consistent with the Municipal Code, the staff has returned to its earlier application of the Code and now requires the consent of co-owners of a property which is the subject of an application. That change is both a necessa{y administrative policy and a reassurance to homeowners to which they are entitled under the Municipal Code. The staffshould be supported in its current position. Beyond the merit of the current policy, two issues specific to this appeal warrant limited discussion. First, Ms. Ferry apparently justifies her argument that the cunent policy should not be applied to her by claiming that this most recent application is simply a reaction to the Town's comments on an application submitted in July, 1999. Since July, 1999, Ms. Ferry has filed several other applications with the Town relating to the same properry, each having different proposed configurations for her proposal. Each of these proposals has been disapproved. There is no relationship benreen the current application and either the initial July, 1999, project or the various proposals which Ms. Ferry subsequently tried to process in 1999 and in early 2000. Those earlier projects were each far more expansive than that which is the subject of the current application, whatever the current application may be. Ttre current uncertainty regarding the exact nature of the plan before this Commission arises from the fact that Ms. Ferry's representatives have submined multiple conflicting plans which they say are being submitted under the curent application. Some do not involve a garage, but at least one plan incorporated a garage into the body of the proposed stmcnrre, a dtange which Ms. Ferry has argued for months cannot be incorporated into her project. Like her argument that no garage could possibly be incorporated into the current structure, her position that the current project is a variation on one or more submittals in 1999 has no foundation. Her current Errgument, like tlrose related to her efforts to obtain variances, is simply intended to gain a special privilege to which she feels only she is entitled. S econdly, the plans which have been submitted to the Town are misleading with respect to the description of the land which is the subject of this application and the ownership of that land. ltre plans identify Parcel A (the half of the residential structure which is owned solely by Ms. Rutherford) and Parcel B (the half of the residential structure which is owned solely by Ms. Ferry). The plans do not identify (and the application does not refer to) Parcel C, which is the entire lot except for those parts identified as Parcels A and B. Parcel C is owned in undivided half interests, one- half by Ms. Rutherford and one-half by Ms. Ferry. The current application affects and assumes construction on the jointly owned Parcel c. The issue correctly identified by the Town staff is not a matter of interpreting documents. The issue is whether, when the Town Code requires an application by the owner of a project, one owner, acting alone and over the objection of the other owner, can process an application for the development or modification of that jointly owned properry. If the Town is required to accept and review such applications, the Town's staff and the Town's boards are then required to engage in exercises in futility which, at best, will require reconsideration when, and if, a modification of the submitted plans can be agreed upon by all affected parties. The Town's staff and the Town's boards have betterways to spend their time than processing proposals which are not agreed upon even by the parties upon whose property improvements are to be constructed. People who deal with the Town of Vail wish to believe that everyone before the Town is treated equally. Reversing the Town staffs determination in this matter would Srant a special privilege to Ms. Ferry no different than those which she requested in variance requests which were repeatedly and appropriately denied by the Town. The Town staff should be supported in its determination that the application of Ms. Ferrywas not complete or in conformitywith the Municipal Code, and Ms. Ferry's appeal should be denied. Verytruly D A. Abp xc: Ms. Susan Rutherford Arthur Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-179-2452 www.ci.yail. co.us To: From: Re: Date: Staft lnterpretalions File Brenl Wilson, Planner ll Town of Vail Application Requiremenls May 2, 2000 The following is a synopsis cf the Town's signature requirements for applications involving jointly owned property. The Town has always required signatures Jrom all affected parties whenever applications involving common property have been involved. This includes ccndominium or homeowners associalions. Effeclive May 2,2000 the Department of Community Deveiopment made the determination that this policy includes jointly owned "C parcels" on duplex properties. We will no longer accept any applications involving joinlly owned property without aulhorization from all owners, nor do we have the authority to take aclion on property wilhout the appropriale consent. This policy is a direct result of numerous dilemmas (Hughes-Tuchman, Walker-McKibben, Ferry- Repetti) where the town's aulhority to act upon applications without appropriale consenl has been questioned. Be advised this policy will not affect duplexes where a common parcel has nol been established. $ *orc*o ru"o JUN-27-Et6 t l,4St FROM' rO1,-COM-DE\'-DEPI, A ACTION,.DECISION BE$iG\?V tD ,9',l@4792582 PAGE 3,/4 nrrO Y-aqe {--wq - t 4aa )aq,A- Fau- r3ao\t- (a "*--ta- qoz3 APPEALS FOR}I REQUIRED FOR FILING AN APPEAL OF A STAFR DESIGN REVIEW BOARD OR PLAI{NING AI{D EN\1ROI$TEI{TAL CONINIISSION ACTION ou:Je{) avcr$er\dzY B. C, DATE OF ACTION,DECISION :fbD Goe NAME OF BOARD OR PERSON RENDERING TIiE DECISIONTAI{NG ACTION; Boe.*sr t-.Qt t6o]J NAME oF A''ELLANT(' r, ?x\ u-' t-e<>{zY -- }LAILbIG ADDRESS: , flO ptrsrcAl ADDRE'' rNvA* loor Ercrs Klg" ?irl*r,---.--.___ / LEGAL DEscRrp'oN oF A''ELLANT's pRoFERTY IN vA L' LoT &.r,v A +,,SIGNATURE(S): Page 1 ofZ rtrN- 27 - oo 11.43 FRoM ' rou-cfDEV-DEPT.tD s7@413r2 PAGE F. p:iY DoEs rlis appeal involve a r-pccific parccl of land? ?<S if -res. picase provide the following information: are you rn adjceot prop€rty ormer? Yes - no - X. If no. givra detailed e<planation of hon'you are u "aggriwed or adversely affecred pemon," '?ggriesed or advr:rscly affixtcd pcrson" tnsans auy pcrscn tvho ,r'ill suficr in adversc effect to an int€rest protected or furtlered by rhis ti$e, Thc alleged adv€se interest mry be shared in coranon witb othcr mcnrbcrs of the commir:mity at larya but shall excecd rn degrce thr geocral rot€rcs rn communilv gpod sharEd b,v a[ perso$s- CA <U. r-l;luwrro A}J ti'\.-.- tc4|f\o PEO l<ur. L^E u)e 2@ € Nou vl Provide thc namc* and ad&*ses (both persotr's mailing ad&css and proprrty's physical ad&ess b Vail of alt cwners of propeny which arc the subjea cf thc agpeal and all adjacurt properry owrurs iincluding propcrties saanted by a rigtf+f-way, $carn or otler intcrrmtng bariers). AJso provide ad&essed and staurped cnvelopes for ' each property owner on the list On separate dreets oi Feer, specii'thc precisc rasre cf the appeal. Plcasc cite specific code sections having rclcvancc b the a*ion being appealed. FEE: 50.00 la.-\ RU\Casw OqO tPe r- lJ. H. Page 2 of? F.Does this appeal involve a specific parcel of land? Ur43 If yes. please provide the fbllowing inibrmation: nox Ifno, give a detailed explanation of how you are an "aggneved or adversely atfected penon." "Aggrieved or ariversely affected penon" means any penon rvho wiil sufer an adverse effect to an interest protected or fiuthered by tlis title. The alleged adverse interesr rnay be shared in conunon with other members of the commmity at largq but shall exceed in degree the general interest in community gooti shared by all persons. llJ< &.<,LAeg< -T&x ouA.- &p?t_,tce<\pJ / 6 6T\t.(-/ 6 c4\U € F)ZrrM rfl-\€ o{2,\AIJ./€ LJ LEA€L. 6Ja64Y *r<SuBr+ v<Y€D ^JA^J SPtrLrce Provide the names and addresses (both person's mailing address and property's physicai address in Vail) ofall owners of property which are the subject of the appeal and all adjacent properry owners (including properties separated by a right-oiway, stream, or other intervening barriers). Also provide addressed and. stamped envelopes for each property owner on the list. On separate shcets of paper. specif the precise nature of the appeal. Please cite specific code sections having relwance to tle action being appealed. FEE: $0.00 are you an adjacent property owneri' Yes -_ C.eCD c. H. 1611& Sovt€l:Fc,Z[+.e-r Page 2 of2 O ApprovedAugust't4,2000 PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION July 24, 2000 Minutes MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Galen Aasland Diane Golden Russ Forrest Chas Bernhardl Brian Doyon George Ruther John Schofield Brent Wilson Doug Cahill Tom Moorhead Tom Weber pubtic Hearinq 2:00 p.m. Galen Aasland called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.rn. 1. An appeal of a stalf decision, regarding the mmpleteness of an application submitted to the Department of Community Development, for property localed at 1001 Eagles Nest Circle/Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village 7'n Filing. Applicant: Kaye Ferry, represented by RKD, Inc.Planner: Brenl Wilson Galen Aasland stated that if there was anyone that thought he had a conflict with this application, he would recuse himself. Art Abplanalp said that Ms. Rutherford requested that Galen recuse himself. Tom Weber recused himself because of a conflibt. Brent Wilson gave an overview of the staff memo and noted a correction in the stafi memo on page 2, that the 1 "' bulleted item should reference Section 12-1 1 -4(CX2Xd). John Schofield stated that the code interpretation had been in effect for 10-12 years. Tom Moorhead stated that there was nol a change in code, but in application of policy and that the ruling was consistent. John Schofield mentioned that the staff interpretation came into etfect around lhe time of the Hughes/ Tuchman issue about 5 years ago and said he would like the plat submitted for the record, since the application didn't show that. Chas Bernhardt asked if the applicant had anything to add. Sally Brainerd, the Architect for Kaye Ferry, stated the 1999 original application did not require having joint owners both sign and this applicalion did require two signalures. She then handed out that section of the code that Brent was relerring to. She said she highlighted the part "applicable lo design review and final review, " that we never applied for, was highlighted. She said no where did it say anything aboul voiding a DRB application. Brent Wilson explained the Design Review process and staled that if the applicant didn't comply with the requirements for continuing through the process, the application becomes void. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes July 24, 2000 Approved August 14, 2000 Sallv Brainerd said it d a renewal was needed for Brent Wilson said he wasn't going lo argue lhe semanlics of the code section, since this was clearly a new application. Sally Brainerd explained that the applicant just submitted a new cover page with the new architect and new phone number information. She then said an application for a variance before the Town Council was denied. Brent Wilson stated lhat the old application was for a different project including an EHU. He said the DRB could not acl on that application, since they did not have the authority 10 approve a variance that had been denied by both the PEC and Town Council. The DRB could not legally act upon the original application and it became void. That is why a new DRB application was submitted by the applicant's representative in June of 2000 and a new fee was paid to the Town. Chas Bernhard said, for the record, that the PEC had agreed not to discuss this at all during the orientation pre-meeling. Wendell Porterfield, Kaye Ferry's attorney, said they were nol here lo approve what's been built. He said that the question was whether lhis interpretation should be entered into at this stage. He felt this should be handled by ordinance and not by a staff interpretation. He stated that this change should have been done in the form of an ordinance, since the rules were diflerent when the application was submitted. He said this was forcing people lo resolve disputes before they bring them belore the Town. He said, though, that this was a separale matter and didn't relate to whal an applicant had to do to get an application in and therefore, was not fair to do this in the middle of the process. He stated that lt shouldn't be left to interpretation, as it was a matter of significance. Doug Cahill asked staff to explain it. Brent Wilson explained that the issue was not specifically spelled out in the code, but since it wasn'l expressly stated in the code, il was placed into the staff interpretations in order to maintain a fair and consistent application of the policy. John Schofield said it was not a change in philosophy but in enforcement, to always be consistenl. Chas Bernhardt asked for any public comments. Susan Rutherford stated she was the co-owner of Parcel C and was not consulted by Ms. Ferry when ready to improve her side of the duplex. She stated that all she wanted was a certainty and knowledge of what was going on with her property and lhal was the very basis for the two-signature requirement. She stated that this policy should be upheld. Art Abplanalp, Susan Rutherford's attorney, explained that Parcel C was for the enlire lot and mentioned that it was a pleasure for him to support the staff this time. He said that this interpretation had been in place for 21/z years, as previously not having the interpretation had created unnecessary staff work in looking at private agreemenls. He explained that when you have joinl owners, or an agent of the owner, it meant that everybody who was going to be affected on the property was represented. He said the issue was whether the staff's interpretalion was correct. He said the two-year atlempt to give llexibility was an aberration and that this was a perfect illustration of the applicant not knowing what she wanted. He stated that almost a year ago, the PEC denied the application for a variance. He said thal around lhe 1"r ol July he looked at the plans submitted. He then handed out to the PEC the plans that the PEC approved for a garage and now there was no garage when Ms. Rutherford looked al the plans at 2pm lhis afternoon. He stated that the Town had a reason for asking for a signature. Tom Moorhead asked if this was a new application. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes Julv 24. 2000 O idn't state I changes. O Aooroved Auousr 14.2000 Art Abplanalp said this was clearly a new application that was submitted months after the Town returned to its original interpretation of the code. Wendell Porterfield said we were here because of the staff interpretation and how the process should be handled by the Town. He said the code stated the owner of the project, not the owner of lhe property. He said both owners should sign, but the way the code was written didn't say that. He then said that due to the very fact that that there were conflicting policies, it should be handled by the Town Council. Chas Bernhardt asked for any more public inpul. Doug Cahill said we may have to rewrite the ordinance in the future to follow proper lawyer etiqueile, but the intent is to have both owners up fronl on a project. He said certain things must be accomplished before a project can move forward, as the PEC is looking at the projects, not at the disputes. He said he was ln agreement with the statf and would stand by the staff decision. John Schofield asked, lor lhe record, to look al lhal plal. He asked Tom Moorhead if any signature would constitute a power of atlorney. Tom Moorhead said a property owner and agency could have either an oral, handshake, or something as lormal as a Power of Attorney. He said with real estate, it needed to be in writing according to the statute of frauds and at the closing, the agency would need to be the power of attomey. John Schofield said that mosl of the applications are by agents. Tom Moorhead said we depend upon a good relationship between the architect and the owner, but with property owners from around the world, it becomes unreasonable. He said to become more user friendly, we encourage somelhing other than a Power of Attorney. He read 12-7-7 trom the Town Code regarding signature requirements. He said this staff interpretation was identical to the Town's policy on condominium associations for all practical purposes. John Scholield asked for a copy ol the plans showing the building on parcel C. He said this Commission and the Town have encouraged improvements, bul we have to protect the owners and the PEC was not a party to the party wall agreement. He said he would definitely subscribe to the underslanding thal this was a new application, and lhere was no doubt in his mind that there was a fairly lengthy time lapse, so a new application was generated. He said the request for two signatures was a reasonable request and that this interpretation is what we are going to have to live with. He said wilh faxes, the Town should require all owners' signatures, even if affected owners are from all over the world. Chas Bernhard said he supported the Commissioners and agreed that this followed the intent of the law. John Schofield made a motion to uphold the statf decision based on lhe findings that: 1. The staff decision is consislent with the provisions of Seclion 12-'11-4, Vail Town Code (Material to be Submitted; Procedure) and Town of Vail Zoning Code Inlerpretation #33. The application requiremenis have not been met in full by the applicantiappellant. 2. Staff's decision was not an "ex posl facto" application of the code since the design review application was submitted 41 days after the formal zoning interpretation was drafted. Doug Cahill seconded the motion. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes July 24, 2000 O O APProvedAusustl4'2ooo The motion passed by a vote of 3-0, wilh Tom Weber and Galen recusing themselves. 2. A requesl for a sign variance, from Seclion 1 1-48-19 (BX ), to allow for a third business identification signl located at 458 Vail Valley Drive (Laikspur Restaurant)/Tract F, Vail Village Sth Filing. Applicant: Larkspur Restaurant & BarPlanner: Brent Wilson Brent Wilson gave an overview of the staff memo. Galen Aasland asked, after a site visit, if there were any other properties with similar frontage and pedestrian frontages. Brent Wilson said the Landmark Building in Lionshead received a similar variance because the PEC determined the building has multiple frontages. Galen Aasland asked if there was any applicant comment. Nancy Sweeney, said she was the applicanl for the Larkspur Restauranl. John Schofield asked if she was representing the Market and the Reslaurant. Nancy Sweeney explained the designated parking on the north lot with photos, as seen driving down Vail Valley Drive. She said the existing sign on the back faced the Children's ski school and was not legible from lhe bus and lhe traffic down Vail Valley Drive wasn't aware that there was any food service open for business. Galen Aasland asked about the two separate business licenses. He asked aboul two signs for each business or potentially, four different signs. Brenl Wilson explained that each business was licensed separately and that the code allows one sign per business per frontage, with a maximum of two signs per business. Nancy Sweeney said she would like it to say Larkspur Restaurant . Brenl Wilson asked the PEC to make a determination on the number of frontages for each business. Galen Aasland asked for a staff interpretation. Brent Wilson said, under the code, this was a separate business and the market could get one additional sign per frontage. Galen Aasland said lel's address the issue on the number of frontages. Brent Wilson read the code for multi-tenant business signs. Galen Aasland asked if lhere was any public comment. Doug Cahill said he agreed that there were two frontages per business. Nancy Sweeney said there were three frontages. Doug Cahill said each business had two lrontages. John Schofield said there were two, not three frontages, in that you were doing all of the parking off of one side supported the two frontages. He said technically there were three signs, if the bustop sign constituted a sign. Planning and Environmental Commission 4 Minutes July 24,2000 NG AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEETING RESULTS Monday, July 24, 2000 PROJECT ORIENTATION / - Community Development Dept. PUBLIC WELCOME 12:00 pm r Discussion with Town Council o GR Training Session - Non-Conforming Uses /Lots/Structures :30 min. o COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT Galen Aasland Chas Bernhardt o PLANNI MEMBERS ABSENT Diane Golden Brian Doyon John Schofield Tom Weber Doug Cahill Site Visits : 1. Larkspur Reslaurant-458 Vail Valley Drive Driver: Brent 1:15 pm NOTE: ll the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinner lrom 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearino - Town Council Chambers 2:00 p.m. 1.An appeal of a staff decision, regarding the completeness of an application submitted to the Department of Community Development, for property located at 1001 Eagles Nest Circle/Lot 1 , Block 6, Vail Village 7' Filing. Applicant: Kaye Ferry, represented by RKD, Inc.Planner: Brent Wilson MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE:3-0 (Tom and Galen recused) UPHELD STAFF DECISION BASED ON THE FINDINGS THAT: 1. The staff decision is consistent with the provisions of Section 12-11-4, Vail Town Code (Material to be Submitted; Procedure\ and Town of Vail Zoning Code Interpretation #33. The application requirements have not been met in full by lhe applicanUappellant. 2. Staff's decision was not an "ex post facto" application of the code since the design review application was submitted 41 days after the formal zoning interpretalion was drafted. A request for a sign variance, from Section 11-48-19 (B)(4), to allow for a third business identification sign, located at 458 Vail Valley Drive (Larkspur Restaurant)/Tract F, Vail Village 5t 2. o TIIIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLICNOTICE NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-3 of the Town of Vaii Code on Tuesday, August 22il rt l:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, located at 75 South Frontage Road. In consideration of: ITEI\zVTOPIC: An appeal of a Planning and Environmental Commission/staff decision regarding the requirement for a joint owner's sigtrature on a development application submitted to the Department of Community Development, for property located at 1001 Eagle's Nest Circle/Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village 7'Filing. Applicant: Kathleen Ferry, represented by RKD Architects ACTTON REQUESTED OF VArL TOWN COUNCIL: Uphold, Uphold with modifications, or Overhrm the Planning and Environmental Commission'dstaffdecision. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On June 27,2000, the Department of Community Development rejected an application for design review approval from the appellant since it proposed development on ajointly owned piece ofproperly and the joint owner's signature did not appear on the application. Pursuant to Section l2-3-3(A), Vail Town Code, the applicant has filed an appeal. The application and information about the proposal is available for public inspection, during regular business hours, in the Community Development Departrnent, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Departrnent, 75 South Frontage Road. For additional information, contact Brent Wilson, town planner at (9'10) 479-2140. TOWNOFVAIj, APPEALS FORM REQUIRED FOR FILING AN APPEAL OF A STAFF, DESIGN REVIEW BOARD OR PLANNING AIID ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION ACTION A.ACTION/DECISION BEING APPEALED: l-4€€rvr,fB. C. DATE OF ACTION/DECISION: NAME OF BOARD OR PERSON RENDERING THE DECISION/TAKU{G ACTION: MAILINGADDRESS: PLa*l rtrrJc" Zossusarrrr] D.NAME OF APPELLANT(S): \W"l A>a&s J<'": C'tzo,E o,r,Lo-r l. Bt-,b , PHYsIcAL ADDRESs IN vAIL. €Ei- ]2.- E.SIGNATURE(S): PHONE: 'S PROPERTY IN V Page I of2 fficDJUL3L2000 F.Does tiis appeal involve a specific parcel of land? laS If yes, please provide the following information: are you an adjacent property owner? Yes - no X- Ifno, give a detailed explanation ofhow you are an "aggrieved or adversely afifected penon." "Aggriwed or adversely affected person" means any penon who will suffer an adverse effect to an interest protected or furthered by ttris title. The alleged adverse interest may be shared in common with other members of the community at large, but shall exceed in degree the general interest in community good shared by all porsons. L^J€ K<Q\gJ€,ouP- AepUGo\A 6 6T\UL/ ,e c41,U€YV4t A o(lu-ttt t--- * ugMW{e\_/ LP }uLry Larqot r t^lA<^J I\\€P?o\ecr .-^oo< P<uret ueti Btr -rrre G. I{ &,Pr l-.LEVEC. Provide the names and addresses (both person's maiting address and property's physical address in Vail) ofall owners of property which are the subject ofthe appeal and'all adjacent property owners (including properties separated by a right-of-way, stream, or other intervening banios). Also provide addressed and stamped envelopes for each property owner on the list. On separate shcets of paper. speciff the precise nabue of the appeal. Please cite specific code sections having relevance to the action being appealed. FEE: $0.00 SuBr+ rtYo e pPLrcs &.Sov\C lprcB-l'4sr Page2 of2 I TOWN OF VAIL Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 F/lX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us Qtea July 27,2000 Tom Weber RKD Architects 1000 Lionsridge Loop, Suite 3-D Vail, CO 81657 He: 1001 Eagle's Nest Circle / Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village 7 Filing Dear Tom: This letler will serve as confirmation that the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) upheld staff's decision to reject the above-referenced application for design review approval upon appeal at its July 24th meeting. Pursuant to town code, you have lhe right to appeal this decision to the Vail Town Council within ten (10) days of the PEC action. lf you would like to discuss this matter in greater detail, please do not hesilale to contact me ar (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, E,-.4a-.-' Brent Wilson, AICP Planner ll {S*n** ro O PLANNING o COMMISSION %*,AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEETING RESULTS Monday, July 24, 2000 PROJECT ORIENTATION / - Community Development Dept. r Discussion with Town Council r GR Training Session - Non-Conforming Uses iLots/Structures :30 min. MEMBERS PRESENT Galen Aasland Chas Bemhardt Driver: KQH PUBLIC WELCOME 12:00 pm MEMBERS ABSENT Diane Golden Brian Doyon John Schofield Tom Weber Doug Cahill Site Visits : 1. Larkspur Reslaurant - 458 Vail Valley Drive 1:15 pm Brenl NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinner from 6.00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearinq - Town Council Chambers 2:00 p.m. 1. An appeal of a staff decision, regarding the completeness of an application submitted to the Departmenl of Community Development, for property located at 1001 Eagles Nest Circle/Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village 7'n Filing. Applicant: Kaye Ferry, represented by RKD, Inc.Planner: Brent Wilson MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Douo Cahill VOTE:3-O (Tom and Galen recused) UPHELD STAFF DECISION BASED ON THE FINDINGS THAT: 1. The staff decision is consistent with the provisions of Section 12-11-4, Vail Town Code (Mateial to be Submifted; Procedurc) and Town of Vail Zoning Code Interpretation #33. The application requirements have not been met in full by the applicant/appellant. 2. Siaffs decision was not an "ex post facto" application of the code since the design review application was submitted 41 days after the formal zoning interpretation was drafted. 2. A requesl for a sign variance, from Section 11-48-19 (B)(4), to allow for a third business identification sign, located at 458 Vail Valley Drive lLaif3pur Resiaurant)/Tract F, Vail Village 5th Filing. l'1., 7\. /.\ ''t. J ,t,\' Applicant: ,, i I Planner: a Larkspur Restaurant & Bar Brent Wilson ".11." TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 14, 2OOO 3. A request for a variance from Section 12-6F-6 (Setbacks), to allow for a garage addition, located at 4718 Meadow Drive/Tract B, Bighom Townhomes Subdivision. Applicant: Bill Bemardo, represented by Gwathmey Pratt SchulEPlanner: Allison Ochs WITHDRAWN 4. A request for a conditional use permit, to add a Type ll Employee Housing Unit to an existing primary unit, located at 375 Foresl Road/Lot 3, Block 2, Vail Village 3'd Filing. Applicant: Greg Vickers, represented by Gwathmey Pratt SchultzPlanner: Allison Ochs WITHDRAWN 5. Information Update { PEC Ordinance Update SELECTION OF PEC REPRESENTATIVE AT DRB FOR 2OOO- Doug Cahill - Jan-Apr. 5,'00 Chas Bemhardt - Apr 19, '00 Galen Aasland Brian Doyon No Rep Tom Weber John Schofield Chas Bernhardt Jul 19,'00 - May 3, '00- May 17, '00- Jun 7, '00- Jun 21,'00- Jul 5, '00 Doug Cahill Tom Weber Galen Aasland John Schofield - Aug 2, '00- Aug 16,'00- Sep 6, '00- Sep 20, '00- Oct-Dec'00 6. Approval of July 10, 2000 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation avaitable upon request with 24 hour notfication. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Departmenl of Community Development July 24,2000 An appeal of a staff decision regarding the requirement for a joint owner's signature on a development application submitted to the Department of Community Development, for property located at 1001 Eagle's Nest Circle/Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village 7'n Filing. Applicant: KayeFerry, represented by RKD, lnc. Planner: Brent Wilson BACKGROUND The Town has always required signatures from all affected parties whenever applications involving common properly have been involved. This includes condominium or homeowners associations. Effective May 2,2000 the Department of Community Development made a formal determination that this policy must include jointly owned "C parcels" on duplex properties. We do nol accept any applications involving jointly owned property without authorization from all owners, nor do we have the authority to take action on property without the appropriate consent. This policy is a direct result of numerous dilemmas (Hughes-Tuchman, Walker-McKibben, Ferry- Hepetti) where the town's authority to act upon applications without appropriate consent has been questioned. This policy will not affect duplexes where a common parcel has not been established. The Town has enforced this policy on a number of previous applications, including the McKibben-Walker design review applicalion. Reasonino for the Requirement of Joint Owners' Sionatures - The primary reason behind this requiremenl involves legal issues of due process and equal protection. Without this requirement in place, one owner (with a 50% interest in the property) could potentially utilize all development potential for jointly owned property for their sole benefit wilhout the knowledge or consent of the other 507" owner. The Vail Town Code does not have any notice provisions for adjacent neighbors (with no ownership interest) on design review applications. However, stalf believes the joint owner signature requirement is necessary to meet the minimum due process and equal protection standards for notification of individuals with an ownership interesl in an affected piece of property. This is the same reason why proof ol consenl has been required from condominium and homeowner associations for decades. History has shown that without this requirement in place, Town staff and boards typically take on the role of arbitrator in privale property disputes. This results in a great expenditure of time and resources to cover issues that are of little or no relevance 10 lhe general public or town government. \' II. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST Historv of the subiect application - On June 27,2000, the Departmenl of Community Developmenl rejected an application for design review approval from the appellant since it proposed development on a jointly owned piece of property and the joint owner's signature did nol appear on the application. Pursuant lo Section 12-3-3(A), Vail Town Code, the applicant has filed an appeal. The appellant's statement of the nature of the appeal is attached. The appellant asserts the application was originally submitted on July 14, 1999 and lhat the new application is a revision to the original submittal and, therefore, it should not be subject to a requirement formalized on May 2d of this year. , q' The following is a timeline of the design review applicalion process for lhe subjecl \ \ Property: . June 28. 1999 - the appellant submitted a design review application (and appropriate fees) for a "250 GRFA addition and Type ll EHU." This application involved the construction of a caretaker unil and a two-car garage. lt was conceptually reviewed by the Design Review Board (DRB) bn July 21, 1999. The application for the associaled site coverage variance and conditional use permit for the Type ll EHU were denied by the PEC on July 26, 1999 and again by the Town Council on November 2, 1999. Therefore, the applicant could not proceed with the o t J\ DRB application and it became void. Pursuant to Section 12-11-4\P), Vail Town lr,' ll ' t - ?t4l Code, a design review application becomes void unless: 1) the DRB takes action on the submittal within 30 days of conceplual review; or 2) the applicant requests a lime extension from the DRB. The applicant never returned to the DRB with lhe previous submittal and no time extension was ever requested. Therefore, lhe previous design review application became void in 1999. . June 12, 2000 - the appellant submitted a new design review application (and appropriate design review fees) for an "addition and remodel of existing duplex." This application involves the addition of GRFA to the existing unit and no longer includes a garage space or a carelaker unit. Updated plans (due to the PEC and Town Council denials of an associated site coverage variance) were received on June 26th. . June 27. 2000 - the Department of Community Development notified the appellant that the new application was incomplete and would not be accepted due to the lack of signatures from the property owners as required. III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Department of Community Development recommends that the Planning and Environmenlal Commission uphold the staff decision regarding the requirement for a joint owners'signature on an applicalion submitted to the Department of Community Development, for property located at 1001 Eagle's Nest Circle/Lol 1 , Block 6, Vail Village 7'n; subject to the following lindings; 1. The staff decision is consistent with the provisions of Section 12-11-4, Vail Town Code (Material to be Submifted; Procedurel and Town of Vail Zoning Code Interpretation #33 (attached). The application requiremenls have nol been met in full by the applicant/appellant. |il. 2. Staff's decision was not an "ex post facto" application of lhe code since the design review application was submitled 41 days after the formal zoning interpretation was drafted. REVIEWING BOARD ROLES - APPEAL Planning and Environmental Commission: ACTION: The PEC shall make a motion to uphold, uphold wilh modifications, or overturn the staff decision, based on specific findings of facl. Town Council: ACTION: Actions of DRB or PEC maybe appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. The Town Council evaluales whether or nol the PEC or DRB erred with its motion and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION/EVALUATION 1. Was the application pending at the time of the zoning code inlerpretation (May 2,2000) or was it submitted alter the drafting of the interpretation? Staff resoonse - A new application was submitted on June 12,2000 and a new submittal fee was paid on that date. The "pending" status of the 1999 application did not become an issue until after the new application was rejected by the Department of Communily Development. The Town of Vail requires a new application when previous applications are denied, that is why the applicant's representative submitted a new applicalion and fee on June 12'n. Did town staff apply the submittal requirements in a consistenl manner with other applications and in accordance with the provisions of the Vail Town Code? Staff resoonse - All DRB applications are subject to the requirements of Section 12-11-4, Vail Town Code (Material to be Submitted; Procedure) and the Town of Vail Zoning Code Interpretations and this is not the first application to be rejected due to a lack of joint property owners' approval. Staff believes the treatment of this application in a manner inconsistent wilh Zoning Code Interpretation #33 would be a granl of special privilege. Was the design review application incomplete when submitted? Staff response - Section 12-11-4, Vail Town Code details the specific requiremenls for application submittal and it incorporates the Town of Vail's Application for Design Review Approval by reference. One of the specific application requirements is the name/signature of the property owner(s). The application submitted contains a signature by Sally Brainerd (representative of Kaye Ferry) but no signature, reference or representation is given for the other affected property owner. Therefore, staff concludes the application is materially incomolete as submitted. tv. 2. 3. iilii,,iring Stal'l :rr'i 7i-1 i zit ,'D NLC\ T l TOWN OFVAIL APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW AP4 ??ffi --ol 3 g I ALV t-It r lq^ rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicrv approval prioi to subnritting for a buildirrg pcrntit. For specific infomlation. sce thc subnittal rcquircrlclti tbr thc particular approval tlrat is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all thc requircd irrlornratiop is subrlittcd. Thc projcct rnay also nccd to bc rcviovcri by thc Torvn Council an<Vor thc Planning and Envirorrurcntal Cotrrlrission. Dcsign Rcviqv Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building pclnrit is issucd and constt'ttction is startcd. CENEML INFOR\,IATION Tlis applicatiorr is fbr any projcct rcquiring Dcsigrr Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigt nrust DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST:A g=A'o ci. D. E. ti PARCEL #: ZONING: LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:BLocK: 6 o,a^o' 1'J'-' VV pHysrcAl ADDRESS: | oo1 E>{e. Ne;? Gtr I o .- \J (Contact Eagtc !o. Asscsson Officc at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) NAME OF OWNER(S): IVIAILINC ADDRESS: V)-,PHoNE: *lt ' tf.z+ O\\'NER(S) SIGNATU RE(S): NAME OI? AI'PLICANT: MAILINC ADDI{ESS: PHONE: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: -fl Nerv Construction - 5200 Construction o1'a ncrv building. XAUaitinn - $50 Lrcludcs any adrlition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or / \ corntncrcial building. E h{inor Altcration - $20 lncludcs niinor changcs to buildings and sitc irnprovcmcnts. such as, rcroofing. painting. rvirtdorv additions. landscaping, fcnccs and rctaining lvalls. ctc. DRII fccs arc to be paid at thc tinrc ofsubnrittal. Latcr. rvhcn applying for a building pennit, pleasc identiff thc accuratc valuation of thc project. Thc Torvn of Vail rvili adjust thc fce accordirrg to the projcct valuation' PLEASE SUB|VIIT THIS APPLICATTON, ALL SUBIIIITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTI\{ENT OF COiVIMUNITY DEVELOPIVIENT. T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' VAIL, COLORADO 8I657, Questions'/ cail rfhnni rrr^{ri^[o$::{r - APPLICATION FOR DESIGN RIIVIEW AtsPROVr\L A 4IJ . a"O FA'{- 'bd4- A a +1 b -Qo?-4 GENERAL INFORMATION This application is lbr any projcct requiring Design Rcvierv approval. Any project rcquiring design review must receive Design f{eview approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific inlbrmation, sce thc subrnirtal requircnrerrLs for thc particular approval that is.requested. The application cannot bo acccptcd until all the requireri inibrmation is submitted. Thc l,roject may also necd to be rcvicwcd by thc Town Llouncil and/or the l'lauuriug atrri Envirolrmental Conrmission. Dcsign Review Board approval cxpircs ortc ycxr after final approval unlcss :r building permit is issued and l:onstruction is startcd. A. TOWNOFYNL DESCRIPTION OF I'TIE REQT]EST: Il PHYSICAL ADDRESS: c. .d.,- PARCEL #; ZONINLi: (L'o-ntact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Office at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) r_r E.NAJVIE OF OWNER(S): IVIAILINC ADD kF \J. H. NA]VIE OF APPLICANT: owNER(S) STGNAI'URE(S): MAILINGADDRESS: E Minor Alteration - $20 rrr.roNE: 'llll -4zz.h TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: Construction of a ncw building. Includcs any addition where square lbotagc is addcd to any rcsiderrhal or comrnercial building. Itrclrrdcs tninor changes to buildings aud sitc improvements, such as, rcrooting. painting, rvindow additions, landscaping. fbrrccs artd retaining n,l[-Uivlc'onstruction-- $200 $s0 walis, etc. DRB tbes are to bc paid at the time o1 subrnittai. Later. whcn applying for a buildilg pcnnit, pleme itient;ty the accurate valuation of thc project. The Town of Vail wili adjust the t'ee according to the projcct valuatron. PLEASE SUBLIT TIIIS AppLICATTON, ALL SUBivilTTAL REQUTREI\IENTSAND TtIE I'-EE TO',lIIE DOPARTNIENT OF COIIIJ\{UN ITY DEVELO PNIBNT. 75 SO UTI,I IiITON -IAGE ROAD. VAIL, COLORADO 81657. IFl ijl,,,rning Statiat .i il-1i2.'t ,r_- l:LC,, ( APPLICATION FOR DBSIGN REVIEW AP8B'OVAL I TOWN OF VAIL ?,"n --ot, t(( lrr lo) CENERAL INFORMATION This applicatiorr is lbr any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigt must rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicrv approval prioi to subnritting for a build.ing pcrnrit. For specific infomration' scc thc subruittal rcquircltcnts- for thc particular approval that is rcqucsted. Thc applicatiotr cannot bc acceptcd until all the requircd i^fbrrlatiol is subnrittcd. Thc piojcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Planning and Envirorr rrrcrrtal C-onrnrissiorr. Dcsign Revi$v Board approval expircs onc year aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrnrit is issued and construction is started. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST:kfrt(Ttro B, t.. n E. F. C. LOCATTON OF PROPOSAI' iot, I BLOCK: 6 o'ttt6' -1*-" vV pr{ySlCAL ADDRESS: lw1 E>tlos Ne;l QNr r o --o (Contact Eagtc Co. Asscssors Oftlce at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) NAMIr OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS:Vf PARCEL #: ZONING: O\\'NER(S) SIGNATURE(S): PHONE: z)''-l,o - vrza- NAME OF APPLICANT: 44- MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: -O Ncrv Construction - $200 Constnrctiotr of a nerv building. X.tUAirinn - $50 lnctudcs any atldition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or / \ cornrncrcial building. D i\{inor Altcration - $20 Includcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc improvcnrcnls. such as, rcroofing. painting. wittdorv additions. landscaping, fcnccs and rctaining walls. ctc. DRB fccs arc to bc paid at thc tintc o{ submittal. Latcr. rvhcn applying for a building pemrit. plcasc identiff thc accuratc valuation ofthc project. ThcTorvn of Vail rvill adjust thc t-cc according to thc project valuation. PLEASE SUBIVIIT THIS APPLICATTON, ALL SUBIVIITI'AL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE . DEpARrr\rENr oF colvlMuNlrY.?TrE;.fiit"tlr;# souTrl FRoNrAGE ROAD. 'i/.o r,\" t / 8',1,/ 'i TPATT '| | lr1\J ' \-/ ?-o.2'J s 6ao55 ?. -3 .ra \AiL ViLLACE FlLl|IG TiC B /^d$' OFIVEWAY \ I CFA./E L )'.- /|' /t ,9/i 9; tnT IL-l/ | I DAA'C; ' or !8 0i' ^N), alv NATE: ALL SLACK CORNER RADII ARE 15 FEET f-?: c ^\b q- io^ p rli .4p .'t - io 6a- ^o,,'0o q /n -,acL" a^O 5D" rp v.., -(- Ntb' cJ "cLv -./'g)" *OOO -" ,;' t \. E- a. 2:- PARCEL a \..j i t8d sq ft ) PARCEL Blt ) .bi,4. (-t '\' E9(Ds_nzrqpJ It\l-\ EACLE, VALLEY ENSINEERI N e i suRvEYt Nt€', i p.000x 1013 lArL coLoRADo bt637 @3)476.4073 : 9e36N€D tri-.- tR;r+*N 9Y. -)L'J1/ 1.' i' - - cHeo<zDu: f,E\46 rCNS;_ ! rstt ;E t5 ir. -r illsl A. d tlel llI;T rI! 3"1 qiq di ei 9iqiq I s5 5iiii [[ qi [fis .. I (- :l!r o fllt Chpl Department of Community D evelopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colora"do 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 June 15,2000 Tom Weber RKD Architects '1000 Lionsridge Loop, Suite 3-D Vail. CO 81657 Re: Town of Vail Application Requirements Dear Tom: Per your request, I am providing a synopsis of the Town's signature requirements for applicalions involving jointly owned property. The Town has always required signatures from all affected parties whenever applications involving common property have been involved. This includes condominium or homeowners associations. Effective May 2,2000 the Department of Community Development made the determination that this policy includes jointly owned "C parcels" on duplex properties. We will no longer accept any applications involving jointly owned property withoul authorizalion from all owners, nor do we have the authority 1o take action on property without the appropriate consent. This policy is a direct result of numerous dilemmas (Hughes-Tuchman, Walker-McKibben, Ferry- Repetti) where the town's authority to act upon applications without appropriale consent has been questioned. Be advised this policy will not affect duplexes where a common parcel has not been established. lf you would like 1o discuss this matter in greater detail, please do not hesitate to contact me ar (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, E,r*t'- 4/d<- Brent Wilson Planner ll {p *"no"o " '"* TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANbUM Vail Town Council Department of Community Development June 13, 2000 An appeal of the Planning and Environmental Commission's denial of a request for a variance from Section 12-6C-9, Town of Vail Code, to allow for Two-family Primary/Secondary Residential site coverage in excess of 20o/o ol lot area, located at 1007 Eagle's Nest Circle / Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village Filing 7. Appellant: Kaye Feny, represented by RKD ArchitectsPlanner: Brent \Mlson I. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The appellant, Kathleen Ferry, went before the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) on May 8' to request a variance from Section 12-6C-9, Town of Vail Code in conjunction with a proposed residential addition at the above-referenced property. This request was for development of the lot with a site coverage of 22.2o/o of lot area (applicable zoning allows a maximum site coverage of 2O%). The Planning and Environmental Commission held that there are no physical hardships or unique characteristics on the property that warrant a deviation from the zoning regulations and that approval of this variance request would constitute a grant of special privilege. The PEC voted unanimously (Aasland abstaining) to deny the request. A similar request was denied by the PEC and Vail Town Council (on appeal) in 1999. The appellant's representative has expressed lhe reasoning for the variance request under Exhibit A (attached). The appellant is proposing an addition to the southeast portion of the residence and the addition of a two-car garage and office space to the north of the existing unit. The appellant's unit (co.nstructed in the late 1960's) currently has no formally designated off-street parking. On June 24"' ol last year, staff granted the appellant an approval for a temporary unpaved off-street parking area. Ms. Ferry's unit is currently required to provide three on-site parking spaces but there is no requirement that any of these spaces be enclosed. 213 square feet of site coverage is currently available on site (enough forone 11'x 19'garage space) and the appellant is proposing to construct a 477 square foot two-car garage and additional second-level office space (totaling 487 square feet of site coverage). Available site coverage under code provisions = 213 square feet Minimum one-car garage size (9' x 18') = 162 square feet Site coverage proposed for addition and two-car garage = 487 square feet II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Vail Town Council uphold the Planning and Environmental Commission's denial of the appellant's site coverage variance request subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting of the site coverage variance will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the PrimaryiSecondary Residential Zone District. 2. There are no exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to this site that do not apply generally to other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. 3. That the strict interprelation or enforcement of the specified regulation does not deprive the appellant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. III. STANDING OF APPELLANT The appellant has standing to file an appeal as the owner of the subject property. IV. ZONING AND SITE STAT]STIGS Zoning District Primary/Secondary Residential District Lot Size: 15,942 square feet (.366 acres) Minimum Required Lot Size: 15,000 square feet Standard Allowed/Required Prooosed Site Coverage 3,188 sq. ft- (20o/o) 3,537 sq. ft. (22.2%l Setbacks Front (Ferry) 20 ft. 20 ft. (per ILC)Side 1 5 ft. 13.3 fL'* (per ILC) / 26 ft. Front (Repetti) 20 ft. no change Parking (Ferry) 3 spaces 3 spaces * Includes a credit of 250 square feet for the Ferry Residence.** Existing setback encroachment V. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS - SITE COVERAGE VARIANCE Consideration of Factors Reoardinq the Site Coveraoe Variance: The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff believes the proposed garage is excessive and deviates from the zone district regulations more than is reasonable or necessary. There is no requirement for enclosed parking on this site - it is simply an amenity requested by the appellant. With the major structural changes proposed in conjunction with this project, staff believes some of the proposed GRFA could be reduced to accommodate a larger garage. Additionally, the transfer of existing basement GRFA to a new exterior addition above the proposed garage further exacerbates the site coverage non-conformity. Staff believes any hardship created with this proposal is self-imposed. There is enough site coverage available to the appellant to construct a modest garage (or a large garage with some reductions in GRFA). The proposed residential addition impacts a number of mature trees on the property which serve as a buffer to adjacent properties. At their July 21, 1999 meeting, the Town's Design Review Board gave the appellant direction to preserve the mature trees and to pursue parking opiions on olher portions of the site. Staff believes this request for additional site coverage further expands impacts on existing vegetation. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Staff believes an approval of the requested site coverage variance would result in a grant of special privilege. Variance requests for garage additions on adjacent properties have been denied in the past. Staff believes there are no unlque circumstances, nor any extraordinary conditions (such as wetlands/water features, excessive slopes, etc.) which impact the appellant's lot. The maximum site coverage allowed on the appellant's lot is 20%. All required off-street parking could be provided on the site without a variance - including a one-car garage. Since this neighborhood was subdivided in the 1960's under Eagle County jurisdiction, 68% of all lots in this area are non-conforming with regard to lot size. However, all structures built in this neighborhood since the adoption of zoning regulations are in compliance with site coverage provisions. The two exceptions (Lots 1 & 3, Vail Village Filing 8) were constructed prior to the adoption of zoning regulations on non-conforming lots (lots less than 15,000 sf). The appellant's lot is conforming (with a lot size of 15,942 sf). A site coverage variance request for Lot 3 (the appellant's neighbor) was denied on 912297. In their denial of this request, the PEC stated "the 1. 2. granting of a site coverage vaiiance at this location would constitute a grant of special privilege." The following table summarizes site coverage allocations for the appellant's lot and 24 other properties within the adjacent subdivisions. Table 4.1 - Site Coverage Allocations for adjacent properties Lots /isted in bold type indicate deviations from site coverage regulations. "data not available" indicates sfrucfures built prior to planning/zoning regulation. Lot Block Subdivision Site Goverage Site Coverage Variances / Lot Size 1 6 VailVillage Filing 7 22.2o/o*current Ferry variance request / conforming lot (15,942 sf) Tract c VailVillage Filing 7 't7.80%none / conforming lot (19,602 sf) z-6 VailVillaqe Filins 7 19.20o/o none / conforming lot (19,480 sf) 5 b VailVillage Filing 7 data not available none / non-conforming lot (14,087 sf) 4 o VailVillage Filing 7 19.90%none / non-conforming lot (1 1,717 sf) 5 o Vail Village Filing 7 12.60%none / non-conforming lot (11,986 sf) o 6 VailVillage Filing 7 data not available none / conforming lot (17,425 sf) b VailVillage Filing 7 19.60%none / non-conforming lot (11,962 sf) 8 o VailVillage Filing 7 19.60%none / non-conforming lot (11,962 sf :,o VailVillage Filing 7 datia not available none / non-conforming lot (13,622 sf) 10 o VailVillage Filing 7 data not available none / non-conforming lot (13,530 sfl 11 o VailVillage Filing 7 data not available none / conforming lot (22,259 st) 12 tr Vail Village Filing 7 15.90%none / conforming lot (16,045 sf 13 o Vail Village Filing 7 13.1lYo none / non-conforming lot (12,824 sf) 14 o VailVillage Filing 7 19.90%none / conforming lot (23,479 sf) 1 1 VailVillage Filing 8 23.70%*yes, pre-existing / non-conforming lot (9,322 sf) z I VailVillage Filing 8 17Yo none / non-conforming lot (9,808 sf) 3 1 VailVillage Filing 8 21%"pre-existing; add'l site covercge variance denied (912A971/ non-conforming lot (1 1,535 sf) 4 1 VailVillage Filing 8 19.30%none / non-conforming lot (11,494 s0 6 1 VailVillage Filing 8 18.80%none / non-conforming lot (7,880 sf) 6 1 VailVillage Filing I data not available none / non-conforming lot (13,147 sf) 7 1 VailVillage Filing 8 20%none / non-conforming lot (8,969 sf) I ,|VailVillase Filins 8 19.60%none / non-conforming lot (8,934 s0 q 1 VailVillage Filing 8 data not available none / non-conforming lot (10,637 sf) 10 aI VailVillage Filing 8 19.50%none / conforming lot (18,097 sf) B. 3. The effect of the requested ?ariance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traflic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff does not believe there would be any negative impacts associated with this proposal, if constructed, on the above-referenced criteria. The Plannino and Environmental CommissionA/ail Town Council shall make the followinq findinos before oranting a site coveraoe variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistentwith the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the appellant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. \ trb r€f il Hli F ! \_ 5lt! il<!|t II'llfi I\l \, \ \,\ I PASL g3RKD3823oAL/42/L994 28:.85 974478{ T / !A'fle,{ # I II t IilIt tr n fr f i!lI I Mav 18.2000 APPEAL OF PLAI\NING AIYD ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION DECISION TO DENY A SITE COVERAGE VARIAIYCE AT 1OO7 EAGLES NEST CIRCLE On May 8, 2000, an application for a site coverage variance at l0O7 Eagles Nest Circle was denied by the PEC. We ask that the Town Council overnrn the denial, based on the following information. 1. The variance is needed in order to add a garage to the property, which currently has no on-site parking. T"I'rc only way to acquire any viable garage space without a variance is to demolish part of the exis'"ing building. V/e believe that this constitutes a hardship, and, indeed, this hardship has been cited and accepted in other variance approvals. ("ln order to prevent or to lessen such practical dfficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this Title as would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, variances from certain regulalions may be granted." Section 12-17-l ofthe Zoning Regulations) 2. The building was built before the neighborhood was annexed into the Town of Vail, and before the Primary/Secondary zone district was overlaid on the property. This is an important distinction, because the original construction was not undertaken with knowledge, (or oversight,) of how zoning regulations would restrict future additions. We believe that this constitutes a hardship, and, indeed, this hardship has been cited and accepted in other variance approvals. ("A practical dfficulty or unnecessary hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing structures thereon." Section I2-17-I ofthe Zoning Regilations) 3. The current parking area for this prop..,ty is on the street, on Town property. The situation is obviously inconvenient, and probably hazardous to neighbors and to Town employees who patrol and maintain the street (" Before acting on a variance application, the Planning and Environmental Commission shall consider the followingfactors. . .: 3. The effect of the requestedvariance on. .. trofrcfacilities,. . ., andpublic saJbty." Section l2-17-6for the Zoning Regulations.) 4. We acknowledge that having enclosed parking is not a right or a requirement in this zone district. However, it is our understanding that achieving enclosed parking instead of surface parking is of value to the community, and that the Town encourages the construction of garages. Several members of the PEC voiced this opinion, but their action did not support their words. Please consider that garage space can only be put at ground level; this variance will not set a precedent for site coverage variances for other types of space which can be accommodated on the second and third stories. 5. We want the Town Council to acknowledge the disturbing fact that properties within the Town ofVail are becoming less desirable, especially to full-time residents, due in part to PEC decisions such as this. The message this propedy owner received was "You want a garage? Then move somewhere else." i./08/2000 fON 11:04 FAI 301 944 70t7 DIGEM C0RP0MTION May 8,20fl) Plsnning and Envlronment Gornmlrsion Town ofVail 75 Soutr Frontage Ro6d Vail. Colqrado 81657 Re: Request br Varlenca at 1007 Eagles Nest Cirde May 8. 2000 Hearhg Dear Commissionerc: I am the orrner of 1031 Eagfes Nest Gbde, the plopefiy adJacent b 1007 Fogles l,lest Cirde. t am oppos€d b the vaiance rcquesled by tlc applk;ant, l(affrleen Ferfi. I bd H ihe poposed renodion an<l additftrn of a garage should be compleEd wllhoul cutling douvn the mdJre bees on the Foperty adjacent b my property and wihalt granthg site corcraEe varlancaa My reasons for opposing he variance luquesl rcmain F pl\rlourly ttrbd. A cory of my leiEr r€gsrdhg Me. Fer{s lat nianca rcqued [5 otadled. I am also opposed to granling a cor$nudon b the Enporaty paking speces wltidr ae err?enty at ltto end of Iny drit orEy. The parking of lhese vchidca often blocks my drivEilay end b zrn eyeswe h the ne'Bhborfmd. I hope u|et tur th6 rEsons sttH above {rd in rry prerrious communicatlong, ancl for lhc r€son8 stated bythe Jr n6 rE|8ons $areo aurve {1o In rry prwious @mmunlcgtons, and br lnc horneown*r on or near E4les Nest Orde, that yru will rqirt thb +pllcation. your3, informatbn: Evan Jmes Td. (3ol)2eseos2 Fo((E l)299{26011013 Ctlpplegete Rmd Pdom6c. MD20630 @ oozloog 05/08/2000 UON 11:04 FAI 301 7017 DIGENE CORPONATION October 7, 1999 Planning €nd Environmdlt commission Torn of Vail 75 South Fronteg€ Road Vail, Colorado 81.657 Re: Request br Varianco at 1007 Eagles Nest Girde Dear Commissbners: I am the owner of 1031 EaglG N€st Circle, the property adjacent b 1007 Eagles Nest Citcle. I am opposed lo the variance requested by lhe applicant, lGthleen Feny. I feel thst the proposed renodlon and addltlon of a garage Ghould be completed wilhout cuttlng dovrn the mature trees on he property adjrcent to rry property and without granting s'rte coverage variances. Consideralions rdated b my concom6 are highlighted below' r Ths proposed varisnce would have a signifrcant negative impact on the Eaglee Nest Cirde community. The proposal eliminales $saniially all of the mature tees buffering rfly propcrty, |ho 1007 Eagles Nest Circle clructrrc, and lhe other homes on Eagles Nest C|rclo. The proposal would create a large parking lot in what is cunently a greerwpaae and tree buffer behilcen my hoNne and lhe F€rry rBsidencr.. The prcpo$ed twccar garage ls ucsssiv€. I would support Ms. Ferry buildlng a onffi gragE, if it w€re completed wlthin th€ fodprint of the existinE slrucfure, wtlh pr€Eetuation of lhe exisling bes and without impacting the chamcter of th6 op6n green spaae on the lot.. When Ms. Ferry recenty acquired the 1007 Eagle6 N66t Cirde property, she wqrld have be€n advised of lhe consFsints of buildlng on Eagles Nest Circle. The rights of the property ownsi$ on Eagl€s N€8t Clrde Bhould not be compromised to allofl variancs that rvould convery p.ivileges b Ms. Ferry which are not ayailable to other homeolvnerc on Eaglec Nest Circle and whlclr would rrcgatively afrcilhem.. My proparty has already been impacted by Increasing density around Eagles Nest Circle. Vvhon I acquired rrry property In 1993. the trad adjacent to 1007 rms own€d by tho Water Company and used lbr a rvatsr pumping sbtion which had a rnlntmal impaa on the ar€a: I assumed that thls property would be maintain€d hr lte currcnt use. or @nverted by lh€ torn to additional green space adj*ent to the Ford Park. The brvn subsaquently sold this property, and nou, thero is a very large home direc{y in my vleur corrider.r lt is ny underslandlng that lhere is a party wall agr€em€nt which giveo each owner the right to approve any changes in the other owners half of the Ferry duplex and that the proposed ronoration has not been so app,rovgd, Should the tourn permil the requested renovation a lawsuil may very likdy bo brought by he owner of lhe adiacent duplex, however, prior to a r€solution of the lawruit sedqs damag€ to the prpperly may be dme. I hope that for the reesons etabd above, and for the reasons stated by the other homeowners on or neqr Eaglee Nest Cirde, thal you wi[ rject thls application. yours, infuination: Evan Jones 11013 Gipplegale Road Pobmac, MD 2ffi5/t @ oorzoot Tel. (301) 299-9092 Fil(301)29M260 April26, 2000 Mr. Brent Wilson Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 Dear \4r. Wilson: I received notice from the Town of another application for a variance for 1007 Eagles Nest Circle/Lot I, Block 6, Vail Village 7th Filing. As the owner of a house directly across the circle at 1042 Eagles Nest Circle, I would hope that the Planning and Environmental Commission would once again deny the request for a variance. In a letter to the Commission last October for another iteration of this application, I expressed my concern about granting a variance to one halfofa duplex; could it not be anticipated that the owners ofthe other haifofthe duplex would expect equal treatment? In addition, I am extremely concerned that granting a site coverage variance and the loss of open space will begin a process that will ultimately change the nature of the current delicate balance between lot and structure size in our community. Once again, i am opposed to the granting ofa site coverage variance and hope that the Planning and Environmental Commission would instead encourage the cunent owner to make the desired improvements within the existing zoning restrictions. Thank you for your consideration. Ifyou have any questions, I can be reached during the day at (212) 2i3- I 155 and in the evening at (515) 367-4077. Cordially, Daniel de Roulet v Susan RepettiRutherford O -:j;'ffi'f"::: ?"i'?' recD MAY 3 o 2o(}o May l,2000 Town Planning and Environmental Commission Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Application of Kaye Ferry - May 8, 2000 hearing Dear Commissionen: I am the owner of 1001 Vail Valley Drive (Parcel A), the other half of the duplex owned by Kaye Ferry (Parcel B). The lot is also divided into a third area known as Parcel C which is jointly owned by both Ms. Ferr-v and myself. Parcel C consists of the open space around the cunent building. The requested site coverage variance involves Parcel C though the Ferry application does not indicate this. For the record, I have told Ms. Ferry that I am not opposed to making permanent, her four temporary parking spaces that she applied for and received last summer. I oppose this variance request for the same reason I opposed the last three variance requests. Her most recent requesl is merely a siightly modilied version ofthe previous site coverage requests that Ms. Ferry has submitted and that have already been unanimously rejected on three occasions. In June, 1999, Ms. Ferry submitted plans calling for a 418 square foot site coverage variance but those plans were rejected and the application was tabled by the PEC at the JuLy 26, 1999 hearing. She then modified her plans but the modified version still called for a 4l 5 square foot site coverage variance and the modified plans - being reduced by only 3 square feet -- were again rejected by the PEC on October I t, 1999. Ms. Ferry appealed the PEC's tindings and the Town Councii upheld the PEC's decision at a hearing on November 2, 1999. Ms. Ferry's third set of plans curently under consideration, while reducing the square tbotage of tlle variance requested, still asks for an additional 349 square loot site coverage variance. In verbal communication with Town planning personnel just last year, I mentioned the possibility ofa 14 square foot site coverage variance in connection wirh my side of the building. I was informed that such a variance would not be approved. Consequently, I did not request such a variance. The PEC committee member's comments fiom the July 26, 1999 and Oct. 1 I , 1999, hearings in connection with Ms. Ferry's prior requests, still apply today. I quote from the minutes ofthese hearings: "This is clearly a grant of speciai privilege." "...still doesn't see how tie house is a hardship, as the other homes in the neighborhood were built in the 60's." "... this was a grant ofspecial privilege and said the applicant was making it hard for themselves by putting the garage where it is now." "... this was a self inflicted hardship." "... this was a grant ofspecial priviiege, since notling had been presented that the lot had any unique problems or hardships and the other fwo requests in the last couple ofyears had been denied." Your PEC committee member's comments sill apply to this liiest version of the site coverage variance. We have all gone over this before. I ask you to stop the recycling of this same site coverage variance request. This is a waste of the Tovm's time and money. In conclusion, it is important for the committee to remember that I run a tenant in corunon with Ms. Ferry of a portion ofthe properly at issue, specifically Parcel C - the land sunounding the present duplex structure. The site coverage variance that Ms. Ferry is requesting is on property in which I own a one half undivided interest -yet Ms. Ferry is continuing to ignore me. I did not co-sign the variance application nor did I give my approval to Ms. Ferry for these plans. I do not want this 349 square foot site coverage variance to be granted which would result in overbuilding of the lot. Thank you once again for your consideration. Very Truly Yours, fuwfrMfutul cc: Mrs, Ann Repetti Mr. Art Abplanalp 2. Aoorovals (all on non-conforminq lots) '1.1748 Siena Trail / Lashovitz Residence (7/97) - Non-conforming lot (10,935 sf) platted in Eagle County. Building constructed in Eagle County with pre-existing site coverage non-conformity. 1868 West Gore Creek Drive / Houtsma Residence (8/95) - Non-conforming lot (4p77 sf) platted in Eagle County. Site coverage reduced to 157o by code due to steep slopes. Physical hardship identified due to configuration of structure on steep slope. Variance granted to allow for 16.6% site coverage. 2576 Davos Trail / Ricci Residence (2/95) - Non-conforming lot (11,242 sf) platted and built in Eagle County with a preexisting site coverage non- conformity. 2942 Bellflower Drive / Dean-Roush Residence (7/93) - Non-conforming lot (10,629 sf) platted and constructed in Eagle County. Physicalhardship identified due to layout of parcel and extremely steep topography. 2409 Chamonix / Tavlor Residence (5/93) - Non-conforming lot (8,921 sf) platted in Eagle County. Physical hardship identified due to steep topography. '1886 West Gore Creek Drive / Mumma Residence (2/93) - Non-conforming lot (10,159 sf) platted in Eagle County. Physical hardship identified due to steep slopes. Denials 1. 742 Sandv Lane / Camoisi Residence (9/96) - Conforming lot. Denied due to lack of presence of physical hardship. 2. 756 Potato Patch Drive / Bemdt Residence (11198) - Conforming lot. Although this lot was steep and site coverage was restricted to'l5o/o, the variance was denied due to an "excessive deviation" from the code. 3. 1045 Homestake Circle / Gilberq Residence (9/97) -Denied due to lack of physical hardship or extraordinary circumstances. 4. 1001 Eaqle's Nest Circle / Ferrv Residence (10/99) - Denied due to lack of physical hardship or extraordinary circumstances. 3, 4. 5. 6. 3. 4. 5. 6. Aoprovals (all on non-conforminq lots) 1.1748 Siena Trail / Lashovitz Residence (7/97) - Non-conforming lot (10,935 s0 platted in Eagle County. Building constructed in Eagle County with pre-existing site coverage non-conformity. 1868 West Gore Creek Drive / Houtsma Residence (8/95) - Non-conforming lot (10,977 sf) platted in Eagle County. Site coverage reduced to 15% by code due to steep slopes. Physical hardship identified due to configuration of structure on steep slope. Variance granted to allow lor 16.6% site coverage. 2576 Davos Trail / Ricci Residence (2/95) - Non-conforming lot (11,242 sf) platted and built in Eagle County with a pre-existing site coverage non- conformity. 2942 Bellflower Drive / Dean-Roush Residence (7/93)- Non-cpnforming lot (10,629 sf) platted and constructed in Eagle County. Physical hardship identified due to layout of parcel and extremely steep topography. 2409 Chamonix / Taylor Residence (5/93) - Non-conforming lot (8,921 sf) platted in Eagle County. Physical hardship identified due to steep topography. 1886 West Gore Creek Drive / Mumma Residence (293) - Non-conforming lot (10,159 sf) platted in Eagle County. Physical hardship identified due to steep slopes. Denials 1- 742 Sandv Lane / Camoisi Residence (9/96) - Conforming lot. Denied due to lack of presence of physical hardship, 2. 756 Potato Patch Drive i Berndt Residence (11/98) - Conforming lot. Although this lot was steep and site coverage was restricted to 15%, the variance was denied due to an "excessive deviation" from the code. 3. 1045 Homestake Circle / Gilberq Residence (9/97) -Denied due to lack of physical hardship or extraordinary circumstances. 4. 1001 Eaqle's Nest Circle / Ferrv Residence (10/99) - Denied due to lack of physical hardship or extraordinary circumstances. IHIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-3 of the Town of Vail Code on Tuesday, June 13th at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, located at 75 South Frontage Road. In consideration of: ITEI\d/TOPIC: An appeal of the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission's (PEC) denial of a request for a variance from Section l2-6C-9, Town of Vail Code, to allow for two-family primary/secondary residential site coverage in excess of 20% of lot area" located at I 007 Eagle's Nest Circle / Lot I , Block 6, Vail Village Filing 7. Applicant: Kathleen Ferry, represented by RKD Architects ACTION REQUESTED OF VAIL TOWN COUNCIL: Uphold, Uphold with modifications, or Overtum the Planning and Environmental Commission's decision. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The appellant, Kathleen Ferry, went before the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission on May 8th, 2000 to request a variance from Section l2-6C-9, Town of Vail Code in conjunction with a proposed residential addition at the above-referenced property. This request was for development of the lot with a site coverage of 22.2o/o of lot area (applicable zoning allows a maximum site coverage of 20o/o). The Planning and Environmental Commission held that approval of the variance would constitute a grant of special privilege and voted unanimously (Aasland abstaining) to deny the request. The application and information about the proposal is available for public inspection, during regular business hours, in the Community Development Deparfinent, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. For additional information, contact Brent Wilson, town planner at (970) 479-2140. TOWN OFYATI GENERAL I.TFORMATION This application is for any poject requiring Design Rcview approval. Any project requiring dcsigt review must receive Dasign (eview approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific infbrmation, see the submiital requirenrorLs for thc frarticular approval that is requested- The applicatiou cannot be acceptcd until ail the require,i intbrrration is submittcd The project may also need to be rcviewcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Pl:nning anr' Environmental Commission. Dcsign Review Board approval expires one ycar after final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is started. A. DESCRIPTION OF TT{E REQUEST: euestions? *Planning rr^K*L-Kr{ APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL avJ.a,$ tai., k(/P aa ?-to -qo?b B. c. D. E. G. H. .|: iI PTrySICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINGADDRESS: PHONE: &.owNER(S) STGNATURE(S) : NAME OFAPPLICAT.IT: MAILINGADDRESS:4ta-fzzb - _ TYPE OFREVIEWAND FEE: Construction of a ncw building Includcs any addition where square footagc is added to any rcsideutial or corunercial building. hrcludss minor changes to buildings zurd sitc improvements. such as, rcrooting. painting, window additions, landscaping. t-cnccs aud retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pcnnit, plcase jdcnl;fy the accurate valuation of thc project. The Town of Vail will adjust ttre 1'ee according to the projcct valuatron. , , 1,... ;f.. PLEASE SUBMTT THIS APPLICTTTION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS AND TTIE FEE TO'I IIE DEPARTMBNT OF COIVIMUNITY DEVELOPNIBNT, 75 SOUT}I I.-RONTAGE ROAD. ,',VAIL. COLORADO 81657. (Coltact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) tr,lffiffimfrio-f- $200- $s0 I UJ o LIST OF PROPOSED M.A'TERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: Ctaau'slwLt COLOR:t l4vtdt- Eytc,ttU t- lxr' tl L UAcLf 9lv,cco T'ublz ,. rtA'a'n' {fu*al c4,,4 tl + Please speci$,thc. qanufacturer's color. number and attach a srnall color chip **AtlextcriorlightingnustmectthcTown'sLightingOrdinanccl8.54.050(J). Ifexteriorlightingisproposed, plcasc indicate"$.e nunlbet offixturcs and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identi$ each fixhre type and provide thc height aboy"r*:,., lurncns output, luminous arca and attach a cut shect of the lighting fixhres. I tl t 1 lpdnrerl 6/0? 5. 6. 7. SOLID COPPER OR STAINLESS STEEL POST SUPPORT. HEAVY CAST BRONZE, NICKEL ON BRONZE OR VERDE ON BRONZE BASE. SEALED. WATER-TIGHT LAMF COMPARTMENT. A. U.L. LISTED FOR WET LOCATIONS. INSTALLATION NOTES: THE LUMINAIRES CAN BE: tI] INSTALLED ON A CONCRETE PAD US]NG ANCHOR SPIKE KIT #33 WITH POWER SUPPLIED THROUGH CONDUIT STUBS; HALOGEN LUMINAIRES REQUIRE: tI] A I2V SUPPLY TO LAMP FROM A REMOTE TRANSFORMER_TEKA #3OO OR SUPPLIED BY OTHERS; OR MAY BE: t21 POWERED WITH AN INTEGRAL ELEC- TRONIC TRANSFORMER #I2O WHICH IS FACTORY MOUNTED INSIDE THE FIXTURE POST FOR I2OV TO I2V SUPPLY. TEKA 3 Sco N aes I I I6 | /4' 7 3t4" I I I I I a I ta' BEACON WAI.L MOUNT DESCRIPTION...EXTERIOR WALL MOUNTED LUMINAIRE FOR 75 W, PAR 30. LAMP WITH FIXED STEM. LAMP...75 W, PAR 30 VOLTAGE...IzOV MATERIALS...BRONZE CAST CAP WITFI COPPER sHADE, STEM AND CANOPY WITH STAiNLESS STEEL LOUVERS AND FASTENERS. PRODUCT NUMBER... BWM-2146: BRONZE AND COPPER WITH COPPER PLATED LOUVERS. BWM-2118: BRONZE AND COPPER WITH STAINLESS STEEL LOUVERS'. BWM-2166: NICKEL PLATE WITH STAlNl..i SS STEEL LOUVERS. MOUNT|NG...RECESSEO 3 l/2" OR 4" OCTAGONAL WIRING BOX. U,L, LISTED FOR WET LOCATIONS. s2 FAX (aO5) 434-3512 (, rEKA 6/96TEKA ILLUMINATION A5 GIBSON RD. SUITE 3 TEMPLETON. CA 93465 (8O5) 434-35I I oo DarJ. €. "Uv-.e4*J Z*7ll t tjater.J c<pw-bc-. €otbnnq trF?4r.:eS r Ft- 3+ lB+ @Wau Vrc<a'u1 (a' 6,154 &, CooY Tfus ?Bb MaPr(or'I1 5r' Je"rsesoJ Ot\4, f-'la 6lol .U Srs+J@ ZMa fuJ-+ L'EE L*rJe f\",er*b, 1-* 11071 il o _o too"4 Ste nJF=,e4 Po lbx B !xru, a BwE?= Pv**j Joules [fo13 Cturptz<rer1;t, @ /t\Po{a-vc-, }lD 20g6+ Du<- Es %:cer l*za Pwqe PaeD btwt_ |br,.-c,r, ,lV f l-1. \-4,p B.Wtq L16o E 6rcrrcPo &-' Yrk@Glaot> y Co 6ollo IHIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS I{EREBY GMN that the Town Council of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-3 of the Town of Vail Code on Tuesday, June 13th at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, located at 75 South Frontage Road. In consideration of: ITEMITOPIC: An appeal of the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission's @EC) denial of a request for a variance from Section l2-6C-9, Town of Vail Code, to allow for two-family primary/secondary residential site coverage in excess of 20o/o of lot area, located at 1007 Eagle's Nest Circle / Lot I, Block 6, Vail Village Filing 7. Applicant: Kathleen Ferry, represented by RKD Architects ACTION REQUESTED OF VAIL TOWN COUNCIL: Uphold, Uphold with modifications, or Overtum the Planning and Environmental Commission's decision. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The appellant, Kathleen Ferry, went before the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission on May 8th, 2000 to request a variance from Section l2-6C-9, Town of Vail Code in conjunction with a proposed residential addition at the above-referenced property. This request was for development of the lot with a site coverage of 22.2% of lot area (applicable zoning allows a maximum site coverage of 20%). The Planning and Environmental Commission held that approval ofthe variance would constitute a grant ofspecial privilege and voted unanimously (Aasland abstaining) to deny the request. The application and information about the proposal is available for public inspection, during regular business hours, in the Community Development Department, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. For additional information, contact Brent Wilson, town planner at (970) 479-2140. i/tL- t <1"'{lv'- ' lLt"" &,-[ dlnlr,c.,Y U | -- O DeJe,l- o%rrueTl+a jz^w, @. Uv%u tL",-ohr, ilY ltrl I Ca*ltaeu h4rcsr,.rerl Co.Srrr 8. bv fP,us-r ?3b Heor<orl €T. Jet'rce;oxl Crll , Ho 66 lol Darl Ar44.*^eJ z +B I I WhtJDerJ 4xnw-Dp. €orlrra I SrapcrS.r FL ?+r B4 o o Gr,r 6rrerteea lo Bax J3 Uat-, co Atqb HrY Wuc( 2a@ ts.*Terpr4e-$t Er.lcrt EurooD, Co Sollo Eur+J )oilEs llorj O?tffLeo6re Pe. furo**r-, HD. ?p8b4 5osAr.I M?/D l4bca Fwa Uw La.xle llrrtTof,lr ^*- -71t?;7 t{.oo TI{IS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN thal lhe Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on July 24,2000, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideralion of: A request for a conditional use permit, to add a Type ll Employee Housing Unit to an existing primary unit, localed at 375 Forest Road/Lot 3, Block 2, Vail Village 3' Filing. Applicant: Greg Vickers, represented by Gwathmey Pratt SchultzPlanner: Allison Ochs An appeal of a staff decision regarding the requirement for a joint owners'signature on an application submitted to the Department of Community Development, for property located at 1001 Eagle's Nest Circle/Lot 1 , Block 6, Vail Village 7'n Filing. Applicant: Kaye Ferry, represented by RKD, Inc.Planner: Brent Wilson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner=s otfice, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and site visits which precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired,lor information. Community Development Department Published July 7, 2000 in the Vail Trail. .t[rA. n'y'* {u, ,'' , t r(til" 'l lrltP,y'\ ' -.t. ) ,,Y I Town of Vail Dlttment of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 T Name:n.ceiptr'ro. 51395 Date (9t tz-, d6Address: Project: checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No.Item No.Code #Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 1110 lzoning and Addres Maps $5.00 9e1'9- 1&2 - 0c 0c oc oc UL oc 00 oc 0c oc oc M 0c o0 00 0c;; 00 oo 00 00 Torn of VaiI rTT CUST(I}fR RECEIPT TTT DflTE: 6113/05 ll ECEIPI: 9099985 DESCRIPTI(}IT DESIGI REUIEU FE RKo, Illc TEilDER I}ETRILct( e00B DAIE: 6/13/09 TOTfl. CHEC( AII(IUHT TEITI}ERED qfi ffiotfil Tp TllI t50.F9 rDR CK :odes f58.08 IIIIE: l0:97:38 t50.s t58.00 T}ffiII( YllU Fffi Y(]IJR PNYEilI! oot oooO 315 3000 leuiEingnnvestigaton Fee \-Et $50.95 $60.65 aa $36.00 \,EI $3s.00 $35.60 UE $36.00 CB $42.60 $9.95 $10.00 $12.75 CB BF $7.00 XC $0.25 MS $40.00 MS PN PF OH SP $20 00 SP L,l(5c-1. r,ro PN 001 0000 240 3300 Oeveloper lmpr(ryement Aoreement Deposrt D2-DEPI 0 AD 001 0000 312 1000 Restaurant License fee ffOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev.SA '001 0000 201 1000 Taxable @ 4.5% (State) - Tax payable lr .001 0000 3101100 Taxable @ 4.0% (Town) - Retail Sales Tax w OtheriMisc. -MS 001 0000 311 2500 PEC APPUCATION FEES 001 0000 3112500 Addihonal GRFA - "250"PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Conditional Use Permit PV $200.00 001 0000 3112500 Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 sq. fi.PV I $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - More than 100 sq. fi.PV r $500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - NEW PV $1,500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - Maior Amend PV $1,000.00 001 0000 3112500 Special Development District - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Subdivision Fees PV 00't 0000 311 2500 Variance PV $250.00 001 0000 311 2500 Zoning Code Amendments PV $250.00 Re-Zoning PV $200.00 001 0000 31s 3100 Greenstar Program Other -MS TOTAL:\d.vo Comments: Cash _ Money Order #Gheck # 7-pb Received by: le F:/Everyone/Forms/Sal€sact.exo 16\ L4-/ 06/05/2000 RK.D: DE5IGN-DEVELOPMENI-CONSTRVCNON 1CDO LIONsR IpGE tOOP r sUITE j-D.VAlLoCOr 8'1657 P. 97O.a76.9228. F,97O.476.fr23 t tuA@rkda rch.com June 9,2000 1007 Eagles Nest Circle Variance Request CASE HISTORY SUPPORTING THE APPROVAL OF VARIANCES IN THE TOWI\ OF VAIL FOR THE PURPOSE OFADDING GARAGES TO EXISTING BIJILDINGS The following is a partial list of properties that have received variances for similar projects in the Town of vail. The staff memo for one of the projects stated, ..staffhas traditionally supported site coverage variance requests when associated with the construction of enclosed parking. Staff believes that it is beneficial to the community to allow individuals to construct garages, as it typicatty improves the appearance of the site and the surrounding area as a whole." (August 14, l9g5 staf[memo to the PEC.) The Planning commission clearly agreed with this position, as the fo[owing decisions demonstrate. I l"'0 I t'l(/^ | t4,r,' /t.JtZ+g Sienatraiil-z^^-ffi:^F lor )+ VV,t,.t"'I 1748 Siena Trail - In July, 1997, a site covei construction ofa garage addition to ar'. existing residence. ov3d for the y'rw lot \ ,p)$r'.r" ina ,/'-\, r . e. e i 'L.)2576 Davos Trail - In February, 1995, a site coverage variance was granted for the P t " construction of an enlarged 2-car garage and a small amount of GRFA. . 'f , rtL!f ' e de I '1' ' e . IWA : A sitlt ii:tbdck vaiiance wasgranted for the- construction ofa detached; 3-car garage for the two lots. i868 West Gore Creek Drive - In August, lggl,asire coverage ud-.{rfffirca fbr the construction ofa 2-car garage and entry addition to an existing resif,eoce.1) {rt ! LB l'L 1.1\+tt. .. D?.ru li' ,,;. f. \ <Jlg42Benflo*er.- In July, 1993, a site coverage variance ' '-.\ lt 4 42\16, I t,t/ '-ltt Jf br -,1\L_____---_.---" vanance were granted for the construction ofa 2-car garage. aqulr/ ,\l; i:4 VDi kl ( 8. 2409 Chamonix - In Ma!, 1993, a site covelage variance was granted for the construction of a nro-car garage and connection to the existing house. ,-* N\F./ - 5a^a-j I EiEe-consrucuon of a z-"- gatu!ffiitffi setback variances were granred-forthooonstructionofa'2-yargaage: -" . . - -.-:--::-=:* Without exception, each of the above proposals cited the existing building as a practical difficulty and physical hardship, per Section 18.62.060 of the Municipal Code. This list is the result of only a few hours of research into the community Development records, and is by no means a complete list of recent variance approvals. werevanances il-GRra. granted for the construction ofa garage addition. The staff has researched projects where similar site coverage and/or setback variance requests were made. The results of our research are summarized below: Campisi Residence, 742 Sandv Lane (September, 1996): At the Campisi Residence, the applicant requested a site coverage variance ol 1.5% (261.4 sq.ft. of additional site coverage). The applicant intended to use the additional site coverage to construct a third enclosed parking space. The PEC denied the variance request finding that no physical hardship or extraordinary circumstance existed on the property that would warrant the granting of the variance. ln fact, the PEC found that granting an approval of the site coverage variance request would result in a grant of special privilege. Ricci Residence. 2576 Davos Trail ( Februarv. 1995): At the Ricci Residence, the applicant requested a site coverage variance for 4.7o/o (526.5 sq. ft. of additional site coverage). The applicant proposed to use the additional site coverage to create an enlarged 2-car garage, as well as add a small amount of additional GRFA to the existing residence. The PEC approved the applicant's site coverage variance request. Dean/Rousch Residence. 2942 Bellflower (Julv 1993): At the Dean/Rousch residence, the applicants requested a 3.567o site coverage variance (287 square feet), a setback variance (4 feet into a 2O-foot setback), and a wall height variance. The request for site coverage and wall height variances were approved by the PEC, but the setback variance for GRFA was denied. lt should be noted that the staff recommended denial of the variances, but the PEC approved it. The interior dimensions of the garage were 22.5 by 22.5 feet, and the area of the garage calculated for site coverage was 576 square feet. Tavlor Residence. 2409 Chamonix Road (Mav 1993): At the Taylor residence, the applicant requested and was granted a site coverage variance for 1.3o/o (122 square feet) in order to conslruct a garage and building connection on the property. The allowed site coverage on this lot was 20o/o. The applicant was also granted a variance to construct the garage in the front setback (the average slope on this lot did not exceed 30%). The approved interior dimensions of the two-car garage were 21 feet by 20 feet, for a total interior area of 420 square feet. The garage contributed 462 square feet toward site coverage. Mumma Residence. 1886 West Gore Creek Drive (Februarv 1993): At the Mumma residence, the applicant requested and was granted a 1% site coverage variance in order to construct a garage addition on a lot that exceeds 30% average slope. The 1% overage on site coverage amounted to approximately 99 square feet. The interior dimensions of the approved garage measure 20 feet by 20 feet, for a total interior area of 400 square feet. The garage contributed 442 square feet toward site coverage. Smail Residence. 4238 Nuqqet Lane (September 1992): At the Smail residence, the applicant requested and was granted side and front setback variances in order to construct a garage and GRFA addition. The interior dimensions of the D ESIGN-DEVELOPMENT-CONSTRVCTION lOOO LION5RID6E LOOP.5UITE 3-D.VAlL.CO. 81657 P, 97O.L7 6 972A. F :97O.17 6.n23.ftd@rkdarch.com May 18,2000 1007 Eagles Nest Circle Variance Request APPEAL OF PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION DECISION TO DENY A SITE COVERAGE VARIANCE AT 1OO7 EAGLES NEST CIRCLE On May 8, 2000, an application for a site coverage variance at 1007 Eagles Nest Circle was denied by the PEC. We ask that the Town Council overtum the denial, based on the following i nformation. l. The variance is needed in order to add a garage to the property, which currently has no on-site parking. The only way to acquire any viable garage space without a variance is to demolish part of the existing building. We believe that this constitutes a hardship, and, indeed, this hardship has been cited and accepted in other variance approvals. ("In order to prevent or to lessen such practical dfficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this Title as would resultfrom strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, variancesfrom certain regulations may be granted." Section I2-17-I ofthe Zoning Regulations) 2. The building was built before the neighborhood was annexed into the Town of Vail, and before the Primary/Secondary zone district was overlaid on the property. This is an important distinction, because the original construction was not undertaken with knowledge, (or oversight,) of how zoning regulations would restrict futwe additions. we believe that this constitutes a hardship, and, indeed, this hardship has been cited and accepted in other variance approvals. ("A practical dfficulty or unnecessary hardship may resultfrom the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing structures thereon." Section I2-17-l ofthe Zoning Regulations) 3. The cunent parking area for this property is on the steet, on Town property. The situation is obviously inconvenient, and probably hazardous to neighbors and to Town employees who patrol and maintain the street (" Before acting on a variance application, the Planning and Envirot:mental commission shall consider the followingfactors. . .: 3. The effect of t,rc requestedvariance on. . . trfficfacilities,. . ., and public safety." Section I2-17-6for the Zoning Regutations.) 4.We acknowledge that having enclosed parking is not a right or a requirement in this zone district. However, it is our understanding that achieving enclosed parking instead of surface parking is of value to the community, and that the Town encourages the construction of garages. Several members of the PEC voiced this opiniorl but their action did not support their words. Please consider that garage space can onlybe put at ground level; this variance will not set a precedent for site coverage variances for other types ofspace which can be accommodated on the second and third stories. We want the Town Council to acknowledge the disturbing fact that properties within tlie Town of Vail are becoming less desirable, especially to full-time residents, due in part to PEC decisions such as this. f. AND ENVIRONMENTAL PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE I Monday, May 8, 2000 MEETING RESULTS Proiect orientation / PEc LUNGH - communiw D,evelopment Department o coMMrssroN MEMBERS PRESENT Galen Aasland Chas Bernhardt John Schofield Diane Golden Brian Doyon Doug Cahill Site Visits : o PLANNING a'\_ ,'!Lt -(,, \-a-'-t' 11:30 p.q{ MEMBERS ABSENT 12:30 p.m. 1. Reeman/Randall - 2865 Snowberry Drive2. Community Garden - 2450 S. Frontage Rd.3. Ferry- 1007 Eagles Nest Circle4. Whitewater Park- Gore Creek Promenade George KOH NOTE: lf the PEC hearing oxtends until 6:00 p.m., the board willbreak for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearinq - Town Council Chambers 2:00 p.m. 1 . A request for a side setback variance from Section 12-6D-6 of the Town Code and a site coverage variance from Section 12-6D-9 of the Town Code, to allow for a residential addition within setbacks and in excess oJ allowable site coverage, located at 1007 Eagles Nest Circle/Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village ln Filing. Applicant: Kaye Ferry, represented by RKD, Inc.Planner: Brent Wilson MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Brian Doyon VOTE: 5-0 (Aasland recused) APPROVED - SIDE SETBACK VARIANCE MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Brian Doyon VOTE: 5-0 (Aasland recused) DENIED - SITE COVERAGE VARIANCE 2. A request for a front setback variance from Section 12-6D-6 of the Town Code, to allow for an additon, located at 2865 Snowberry DriveiLot 2, Block g, A resub of Lots 2 & 3 B, Vail lntermountain. Applicant: Clive Reeman and Louise Randall, represented by Railton McEvoy ArchitectsPlanner: Allison Ochs MOTION:JohnSchofield SECOND:BrianDoyon VOTE:4-2(BernhardUCahill opposed) DENIED 3. A request for a conditional use permit, to eliminate a dwelling unit, located al124 E. Meadow Drivel/illage Center Condominiums Building Bilot 5E, Vail Village 1"t Filing. Applicant: Burt NordstrandPlanner: Ann Kjerulf MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE:6-0 APPROVED 4. A review of a staff approval of a minor amendment to SDD #2, to allow lor the addition of common area between Buildings D&E, located at 600 Vail Valley Drive/A part of Tract B, VailVillage ln fiting. Applicant: Northwoods, represented by FriElen, Pierce, SmithPlanner: Allison Ochs MOTION:John Schofield SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE:6-0 APPROVED 5. A request for a height variance (Section 12-7D-6, Town ol Vail Code), to allow for the addition of dormers and tower elements to an existing roof, located at2211 N. Frontage Rd. (West Vail Lodge)/Tract C, Vail das Schone #1 ; Lots 1,2 and 3, Vail das Schone f3. Applicant: Reaut CorporationPlanner Brent Wilson MOTION:John Schofield SECOND: Chas Bemhardt VOTE:6-0 APPROVED WITH 1 RECOMMENDATION: 1. That the DRB in their linal review look at the dormer and tower elements. 6. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the creation of a community garden, to be located at2450 S. Frontage Road/Unplatted, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Allison Ochs MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND:John Schofield VOTE:5-0 (Bemhardt recused) TABLED UNTIL MAY 22.2OOO 7. A final review of proposed modifications to the Gore Creek Flood Plain, located at the Gore Creek Whitewater Park, Gore Creek Promenadeffracts | & A, Block 58, Vail Village 1"t Filing. Applicant: Vail Valley Tourism and Convention Bureau & Town of VailPlanner: Brent Wilson MOTION:JohnSchofield SECOND:ChasBernhardt VOTE:5-1 (Doyonopposed) APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. The applicanl will coordinate the timing of construction of the project with the Colorado Division of Wildlile to ensure trout spawning activities will not be negatively impacted.2. That proper signage, benches, picnic tables, trash, kayak carriers on bus transpoftation be addressed. 8. A worksession to discuss a proposed zoning code amendment to Section 12-78-18 (Location of Business Activity), which would allow for mobile information dissemination within the CCI Zone District on public property. Applicant: VVTCBPlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL MAY 22,2OOO 9. A request for a variance from Sections 12-6D-9 (Site Coverage), 12-6D-8 (Density) and 12-6D-6 (Setbacks), Town Code, to allow for a garage and residential addition, located at 2955 Bellflower DriveiLot 6, Block 6,Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Alan & Francine PetersPlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL MAY 22,2OOO 10. Information Update One two-year term PEC vacancy- (Tom Weber). 1 1. Approval of April 24,2000 minutes. The applications and infomation about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular otfice hours in the proiect planners oftice located at the Town ot Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretailon avaihble upon request with 24 hour notificatbn. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Dwebpment Department TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department May 8, 2000 A request for a side setback variance (Section 12-6D-6, Vail Town Code) and a site coverage variance (Section 12-6D-9, Vail Town Code), to allow for a residential addition within setbacks and in excess of allowable site coverage, located at 1007 Eagles Nest CircleiLot 1, Block 6, Vail Village 7'n Filing. Applicant Kaye Ferry, represented by RKD, Inc. Planner: Brent Wilson I. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicant, Kathleen Ferry, is requesting a variance to allow for a residential addition with site coverage in excess (349 square feet) of what is allowed under the Town's Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential zoning regulations. The zoning for the above-referenced property allows a site coverage ol 20% of total site area (3,188 square feet). The applicant is proposing a site coverage oI 22.2/o of total site area (3,537 square feet). Site coverage requirements for lots in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District are described in Section 12-6D-9, Town of Vail Code. The applicant's representative has expressed the reasoning for the variance request under Exhibit A (attached). The applicant is proposing an addition to the southeast portion of the residence and the addition of a two-car garage and office space to the north of the existing unit. The applicant's unit (constructed in the late 1960's) currently has no lormally designated off-street parking. On June 24n of last year, statf granted the applicant an approval for a temporary unpaved off-street parking area. Ms. Ferry's unit is currently required to provide three on-site parking spaces but there is no requirement that any ol these spaces be enclosed. 213 square teet of site coverage is currently available on site (enough for one 1 1' x 19' garage space) and the applicant is proposing to construct a 477 square foot two-car garage and additional second-level office space. (totaling 487 square feet of site coverage). Avaihbb site coverage under code provisions = 213 sguare feet Minimum one-car garage size (9'x 18') = 162 square feet Site coverage proposed for addition and two-car garage = 487 sguare feet On October 11, 1999, the PEC voted unanimously (Doug Cahill absent, Galen Aasland abstaining) to deny a previous similar request on this property based on the following findings: 1. That the granting of the site coverage variance would constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. 2. There are no exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicableto this site that do not apply generally to other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. 3. That the strict interpretation or enlorcemenl of the specified regulation does not deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department staff recommends that Planning and Environmenlal Commission deny the applicant's site coverage variance request subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting of the site coverage variance will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. 2. There are no exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to this site hat do not apply generally to other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. 3. That the strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation does not deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the Primary/Secondary ResidentialZone District. The Community Development Department staff recommends that Planning and Environmental Commission approve the applicant's side setback variance request subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting of the ariance will not constitute a grant classified in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. There are exceptions or extraordinary setback circumstances or conditions applicable to this site that do not apply generally to other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. That the strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. 2. 3. The difference between the two staff recommendations is due to the fact that the setback encroachment is a pre-existing condition while the site coverage variance is requested due to new construction and not an outstanding site hardship, non-conformity, or adverse condition. III. REVIEWING BOARD ROLES. VARIANCE Order of Review: Generally, applications will be reviewed first by the PEC for impacts of the proposed variance and then by the DRB for compliance of proposed buildings and site planning.. Planning and Environmental Commissiong AGTION: THE PEC lS RESPONSIBLE FOR FINAL APPROVAUDENIAL OF A VARIANCE. The PEC is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or lileral interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and unilormity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. Design Review Boardg ACTION: THE DRB HAS NO REVIEW AUTHORITY ON A VARIANCE, BUT MUST REVIEW ANY ACCOMPANYING DRB APPLICATION. The DRB is responsible tor evaluating the DRB proposalfor: - Architectural compatibility with other structures, the land and surroundings- Fitting buildings into landscape- Configuration ol building and grading ol a site which respects the topography- RemovaliPreservation of trees and native vegetation- Adequate provision for snow storage on-site- Acceptability ol building materials and colors- Acceptability of roof elemenls, eaves, overhangs, and other building forms- Provision of landscape and drainage- Provision of fencing, walls, and accessory structures- Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances- Location and design of satellite dishes- Provision of outdoor lighting- The design ol parks Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submiftal requirements are provided and plans conlorm to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations, The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Statf also facilitates the review process. Town Council: Actions ol DRB or PEC maybe appealed to the Town Gouncil or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the PEC or DRB erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overtum the board's decision. tv.ZONING AND SITE STATISTICS Zoning District: Lot Size: Minimum Reouired Lot Size: Site Coverage Setbacks Front (Ferry) Side Front (Hepetti) Parking (Ferry) Primary/Secondary Residential District 15,942 square feet (.366 acres) 15,000 square feet Standard Allowed/Required Prooosed 3,188 sq. tl. (207o) 20 ft. 15 ft. 20 ft. 3 spaces 3,537 sq. ft. (22.27o1 20 ft. (per ILC) 13.3 ft.** (per ILC) / 26 ft, no change 3 spaces V. * lncludes a crdit of 250 square feet for the Ferry Residene. "* Existing setback encroachment CRITERIA AND FINDINGS-SITE COVERAGE VARIANCE A.Consideration of Factors Reoardino the Site Coveraoe Variance: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff believes the proposed garage is excessive and deviates from the zone district regulations more than is reasonable or necessary. There is no requirement for enclosed parking on this site - it is simply an amenity requesled by the applicant. With the major structural changes proposed in conjunction with this projecl, statf believes some of the proposed GRFA could be reduced to accommodate a larger garage. Additionally, the transler of existing basement GRFA to a new exterior addition above the proposed garage further exacerbates the site coverage non-conformity. Staff believes any hardship created with this proposal is self-imposed. There is enough site coverage available to the applicant to construct a modest garage. z. The proposed residential addition impacts a number ol mature trees on the property which serve as a bulfer to adjacent properties. At their July 21, 1999 meeting, the Town's Design Review Board gave the applicant direction to preserve the mature trees and to pursue parking options on other portions of the site. Staff believes this request for additional site coverage further expands impacts on existing vegetation. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary lo achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the obiectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Staff believes an approval of the requested site coverage variance would result in a grant of special privilege. Variance requests for garage additions on adjacenl properties have been denied in the past. Staff believes there are no unique circumstances, nor any extraordinary conditions (such as wetlands/water features, excessive slopes, etc.) which impact lhe applicant's lot. The maximum site coverage allowed on the applicant's lot is 20%. All required off-street parking could be orovided on the site wilhout a variance. Since this neighborhood was subdivided in the 1960's under Eagle County jurisdiction, 68% of all lots in this area are non-conforming with regard to lot size. However, all structures built in this neighborhood (since the adoption of zoning regulations) are in compliance with site coverage provisions. The two exceptions (Lots 1 & 3, Vail Village Filing 8) were constructed prior to the adoption of zoning regulations on non- conforming lots (lots less than 15,000 sf). The applicant's lot is conforming (with a lot size of 15,942 sf). A site coverage variance request for Lot 3 (the applicant's neighbor) was denied on 9122197. In their denial of this request, the PEC stated 'the granting of a site coverage variance at this location would constitute a grant of special privilege." The following table summarizes site coverage allocations for the applicant's lot and 24 other properties within the adjacent subdivisions. rb Table 4.1 - Site Coverage Allocations for adjacent propefties Lots listed in bold type indicate deviations from site coverage regulations. "data not available" indicates structures buift prior to planning/zoning rqulation. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and tratfic facillties, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff does not believe there would be any negative impacts associated with this proposal, if constructed, on the above-referenced criteria. B. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinqs before qrantino a site coveraqe variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of he variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 6 Lot Block Subdivision Site Coverage Site Coverage Variances / Lot€ilE 1 6 Vail Village Filing 7 22.2/"*current Ferry variance request / conforming lot (15,942 sf) fract C Vail Village Filing 7 17.9OV"none / conforming lot (19,602 sf) z 6 Vail Village Filing 7 19.2V/"none / conforming lot (19,480 sf) 3 o Vail Village Filing 7 data not available none / nonconforming lot (14,087 sf) 4 Vail Village Filing 7 19.90o/o none / non-conforming lot (1 1,717 sf) Vail Village Filing 7 12.60v"none / non-conforming lot (1 1,986 sf) 6 6 Vail Village Filing 7 data not available none / conforming lot (1 7,425 sf) 6 Vail Village Filing 7 19.60%none / non-contorming lot (1 1,962 sf) 8 b Vail Village Filing 7 19.6V/"none / non+onforming lot (11,962 sf) 6 Vail Village Filing 7 data not available none / nonconforming lot (13,622 sf) 10 Vajl Village Filing 7 data not available none / non-conforming lot (13,530 sf) 1 6 Vail Village Filing 7 data not available none / conforming lot (22,259 sf) 12 6 Vail Village Filing 7 15.90%none / conforming lot (16,045 sf) 13 o Vail Village Filing 7 13.'l8/o none / nonconforming lot (12,824 st') 14 o Vail Village Filing 7 19.9ry"none / conforming lot (23,479 sf) 1 1 Vail Vlllage Flling 8 23.70"/"'yes, preexisting / non-conforming lot (9,322 sf) z 1 Vail Village Filing 8 17%none / non-conforming lot (9,808 s0 3 I Vall Vlllage Filing 8 21V"*preexistfng; add'l site coverage varlance denled (9122194 / non.conforming lot (11,535 sf) 4 Vail Village Filing 8 19.3Vlo none / non-conforming lot (11,494 s0 I Vail Village Filing I 18.80%none / non-conbrming lot (7,880 s0 6 Vail Village Filing 8 data not available none / non+onforming lot (13,147 s0 1 Vail Village Filing 8 20%none / non{onforming lot (8,969 sfl o 1 Vail Village Filing 8 19.60%none / non-conforming lot (8,934 sf) cl Vail Village Filing 8 data not available none / non-conforming lot (10,637 st) 10 I Vail Village Filing 8 19.50%none / conforming lot (18,097 sf) o 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specitied regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the speci{ied regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS - SETBACK VARIANCE A. Consideration of Factors Reoardino the Setback Variance: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potentaal uses and structures in the vicinity. The applicant proposes to add additional gross residential floor area to the second level of the existing unit. The footprint of the addition would match the existing firsl-level floor below. since the existing exterior wall currently encroaches (1.7') into the side setback, an identical addition to the floor above will require a setback variance. One could argue that with the proposed scope of redevelopment it might be feasible to remove the existing setback encroachment. Given the configuration of the house as a whole, however, staff believes this request is reasonable and would provide the applicant with a structure that is consistent and compatible with adjacent uses and structures. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. The subject property was conslructed prior to the adoption of zoning regulations in the Town of Vail. The structure became non-conforming only after the Town applied Primary/Secondary zoning in 1977. The minor selback encroachment at this corner of the property has existed since the building's inception (unlike the proposed garage/office addition) and staff believes the request for a second-level addition above the existing l0otprint is reasonable. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of populatlon, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. B. Statf does not believe there would be any negative impacts associated with this proposal, if constructed, 0n the above-referenced criteria. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos before orantino a variance: 1. That the granting ol the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranled for one or more of the following reasons: a. The stict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent wih the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance lhat do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. DE5I CN-D EVELO PM ENT-CONsTRI,/CTION IOOO LIONSRIDGE LOOP, SVITE 3-D VAIL, COLOMDO 81657 April 10, 2000 Town of Vail Department of Community Development Planning and Environmental Commission 111 S. Frontage Road Vail, C0 81657 Attn: Brent Wlson Re: 1007 Eagles Nest Cirde, Parcel B Brent, We are submitting this project to the PEC for consideration of a side setback variance and a site coverage variance for a 2-car garage. We are also applying for an additional 250 sf as granted by the Town code. In consideration for the two variances listed above, I believe that an approval is appropriate for the following reasons: 1. The side setback is an existing legal non . omforming condition that occurred once the parcel was annexed into the town and the zoning regulations applied. The proposed addition will not encroach any more than the existing house and is important to maintain the character and compatibility with the existing house. 2. The site coverage variance is to allow for a 2<ar garage. The hardship to add a garage is that the original house was designed and built without the current site coverage regulations and did not include a garage. The subsequent county zoning also did not require off-street parking, which still does not exist today. Cunently there is 2l3 sf site coverage available, we are adding 552 sf, which leaves 349 sf that will need a variance. We believe that the strict literal interoretation of the code would deprive this owner of the privilEe enjoyed by other owners in the neighborhood. Furthermore, we believe that an approval for both variances would not constitute a grant of special privilege simply because the house existed before the Town of Vail and was not allowed to conform to the current regulation as currently written. The granting ofthe variances will not be detrimental to public safety; in fact, this proposal will alleviate the serious problem of on-street parking that exists today. have any questions or require adc.: ional material.Please call me if you 1?'\) Thomas Weber Architect RKD, Inc. PHONE: e70) 476-9228 FAX.eT, 476-9023 EMAIL: RKD@RKDARCH.COM a3/29/L995 15:39 7L3877 S RUTI€FFORD Suarn R"peU Ruthorfiodge0 Em tt. Unc lbulton, Tlxar TtGl? PAGE 6L Mry 1,2000 .': Town Plurning md Environmdtil Conmision ? Town of Vril 7t Soutr Fmnbgc Road VaiL Colorado t1657 Rc: Application of Kryc Fcny - Mry E,2lX)0 hcring f,leer Commi$ionen: I rm thc owncr of l(X)l Vait Vatley [hivc (Parcct A), thc othcr halfof rhc dupbx o*ncd by Keyc Fcrry (Prrccl B). Thc lot is aho dividad into r drird arcr known 6 Prrccl C whkh is joinrly omgd by both Mr. Fary end nysctf. . .- -.F Parc=l C consislr of the opcn spacc rmund thc crrrc building. Thc mqucstcd sltc oowrr gc vrriancc involvcs Parccl C though thc Fcrry epplicdon docs nor irdiclE rhi$ For thc rcconC, I hwc told Ms. Fcttt'dta t m not opposcd to m.kint pcnnffiit, hcr four Erporary psddng spac.s thrt sho applicd frr urd nccivcd lrgr s||mmcr. I opporc this variucc rcqucst for th: t$nc Ga.on I opporcd thc hu thmc varieocc rcqucstg- Her mosl rtccnt nquoit is mcrely a slightly modificd vctsiot of thc prcviout rib ooyarge rc$rcstl tftc Ms. Fcrry hs submitbd cnd that hwe llrcrdy bccn unurinrously lllrfcd on threc occrsions. ln Junc. l9qr9, M9. Fctry submitled phns calling for r 4 | t rquare foot site cwcngc vrrirncc txrt thnsc phn: rrrre rejccted rnd $c rpplication wrr hblcd by thc PEC u thc July 25, 1999 hcrinp Shc than modified hcr phns brrt drc oodificd vcniot sill cdled for a 4 | 5 squrre fmr sitc covctrgc variuor md drc modificd phns - bcing rcduccd by only 3 squue ftct - wcrc rgrin rcjcctcd by drc PEC sr Octobcr I | , 1999. Ms. Ferry appcalcd thc PEC's findings rnd th. Town cdlocil upheld thc PEC'S d.cisioo r I hcrring oo Novcmbcr 2, 1999- Ms. Ferry'e third rct ofphns cunutly under cousidcraliw. whilc rcdrcing ilrc squr: lootagc of lhc verilrcc rcqucstcd, sti asls for rr! edditioorl 349 quac foot sitc covcnge vria;1cc. ln vcrtal communhuion rrith Towrt plr,rmi4 personncljurt lrst ycrr, I rnrntioned thc poscability of a t4 sguarc foot site coveraBc vtiancc in cmncc'tlon with my side of lhc buildins, I wrs hfrnrcd drd $rch I vrriincc rvurld not ba ipprbvcd- Conrcqrntly, I did rpf rcqudr $rch e vrrirocc. Th. PEC committcc mcober'c cqruncnts from tr July 26, 1999 rnd Oct t t, | 999, hcarirryr in corrnccrim with Ms, Fcrry's prior rGqurrb, rtill appb todry, I grotc from $c ninutcs of rhcrc hoaringr: '"fhis ir clcrly e grmt of spccirl privilcgo.' ".-.!rill docan't s.E how the hourc ic a hcrdslrip, ar the otlrer hunes in the ncighbclnod rrcrc built in thc 60'r.' "... rhis wrs a grut of rpccid privilogc md said thc ep'plicant war rnrll4 it hrrd fq tranrclver by pofiing thc gngc rvhcrc il ir qow.- ",,. dris wEs a self inflicbd hedship,! '... this was a grrrt of spcchl privilcgc, sincc nothing had bccn prcscntcd that rhc lot hd ury uniqur problons or hrrdships rld thc o(hcr tlro Equsst! in fic hn couplc of ycrn hrd boar dcnid." 1759i r$l I I I I g3/29/L395 t5:39 7L3877t759 5 RUTHERFORD PAGE 82 Your PEC committcc ncrnbcrtg commenls stilt rDply to this latcst vcnion of the siic covtragc variancc. lVc hlvc ell gortc ovcr this bcfct. I ask you to stop thc rccycling of this senc sitc covcragc vrrioncr requcst. Thb is r drltc of hc Torn's time rnd noncy. ln conclurion. ft ir imporbnt for ttc conrnittec to rcmcmba ttsr I am a tfi!il in commor *irh Ms. Fcry of a ponion of thc proFrtt.t i$uc. sFcificelly Parcct C - thc tand sunounding the prercnt duplex stsrrut. Thc sile coveragc vrrirncc rhir Ml Fcrty is rcqucstirtg ir on pmpcrty in which I own a onc hatf undividcd intercst -ya i/tr. Fcrry is continuing to ignore mc. I did nor cosign rhc variancc applicrlion nor did I givc my rpproval to Mr. Ferry for therc plms, I do not wrnl thi! 349 squarc fmt site coverage varimc. Do bc €ranrcd which rpoutd rrsslr in ovcrbuilding of thc ht Thmk pu oncc rgain ftr low conridcntion. Suru Rcpcni Mrs. Ann Rcpdti Mr. AnAbplurlp 'aqnvmn 12:13 ,frr" *rL,,uL,ozr enlse-ut+ t PA6E A2t63 Chandelle Ventures Inc. ' ASil24,20m Mr.kEtrtWil$q ToumofVdl Colomdo Dryrhrd of Cor*'rnity Dsndopec[t 75 SorbFtwtageRoad VaiL CO 81557 -. YTA.EACSIMIT,Ez (fl$$}.ilf,, DearMr.Wilsm: I rcurain otatty op'porcd b &e gruting of trc v[iuc6 rcquc*sf tV Kry Fccy m hrr propcrty that bcdas my hsmp n 967 Veit Vdlcy Drivc. Such vuiuscr wiU dvcrlcely affEst the pfincy ofodvicwsfisn,tnyFqFty. Cqn*Euu*y,qrprovaloflGrreqrcstcdvaimccewillreducc ttc vahc ofrny pmpcrty. I €oclosc a csry ofnyprwious opporiliob ha v-gif,pe rqulst I wae Esrccsgfrrl i! I obtaini* a vadenca &et*rs Enolgoccdrndr'Etfaf hrrc plwidcrlac€ grccn sp o frc - coomon bords with lhc Fcsy popqty. To w bc r$jEctcd !o cocrorcLrncut @ tc Uniid spacc bctrrero tba Inopc(tils as a rlsub of especial Fivitcgsd v{iacs fu hcr muldbc grossly unfairtoma SiuccrelY,effib DE*4/aa Encloeurt 24311 wrldq Crtrcr Ddrc .Doottr SprirlA Fl.a4tl+ 041) 9{E-l010.rrr: Pal) fl$l01!l.+nrlE drr@rrldanrir Z/l'd I96N OSllLT?2z€+ UI|015U -Eloll 6I:€1 32E,'dt.fd'9, ! I { Qt%L""-' Preridrut DEA/a 24t11 Wdd€n celtlE Ihivo.loaite Spriryr, FL 3{134 (911) 94E-1010rFrr: p4r) 9c$fou+.Dft dd@rrlrtdcry.GdE PAGE T3IE3O"""' %t,o'tslz' L'$$ELLE I)* t Chandelle Ventures Inc. Octobc05,1999 Mr.BrdlYilsm TormofVaij, Cotorado D?anment of Cmmunity Dwelopacat 7J SouthFrmtsscRpad VaiL CO Er657 DcarMr. Wilso!: I ao uitiug to objcct to the \Eiance rcqucst dlted Octok 1, 1999 regarding fte following: KAY EERRY NESIDENCE, LOT 1, PAR@tr., B, EIIILDING 6, VAIL VIITAGE nLING 7, 1007 EAGI^ES I|EST CRCI & VNL, COLORAITO, 31617, I u thc oaer of,an adjacert lot to the west oftto srdcct propcrty, Be6rc I consmcted ry htme * 967 Vail Valley Drivc I rcqursted r sct bark rrqieuce to pm'vidc nore scpardion for my loruc frsm rte cct palh md the snbject two party builditg: In ryite ofry naighbdrs s{port of this n:qucst ad no afircrse :iffest on alyputy I was denied a varirnco on thc basis ilat this rrotld bc "spccial givilege." Tbc pescut variace Equest itrEeascs the covaqgc bq;ond *'"t nllswable and incrcases thc GRFA by 250 squrc fcot variacas ftr uce sipifcarf rbna ruy siople rcqucst frr set back rslicf. I object to this spccial privilcga requcst for additionrl buildine otr be sr:bject lot whioh I bolieve will dctdEt ftorn my vicnn and thc value of ryhone Silcerdy, - -- - -ez.'z'd-.-T9a6N 857r. LTZZZE+ UIdorSU -E10[{5tr:Etr @AZ'dlH'92 6L/A211994 2A165 97A4769423i \i \l \' RKD PAffi 62 D b \ !_rlal! !; ITt2alfi t..€! il' F gL/9211994 2A.AS 9784769A23 -)It PAGE A3 !O{ F tI I I l$ It {$ Departmenl of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us To: From: Date: Staff Interpretalions File Brent Wibon, Planner ll Town of Vail Application Requirements May 2,2000 The following is a synopsis of the Town's signature requirements for applications involving jointly owned property. The Town has always required signatures from all affected parlies whenever applications involving common property have been involved. This includes condominium or homeowners associalions. Effeclive May 2,2000 the Department of Community Development made the determination that this policy includes jointly owned "C parcels" on duplex properties. We will no longer accept any applications involving jointly owned property without aulhorization from all owners, nor do we have the authority to take action on property without the appropriate consent. This policy is a direct result of numerous dilemmas (Hughes-Tuchman, Walker-McKibben, Ferry- Repetli) where the lown's authority to acl upon applications without appropriate consent has been questioned. Be advised this policy will not affect duplexes where a common parcel has not been established. {p *"""o"o 'n'"* o APPLI Questions? U " Planning Staffat 479-2L38 CATION FOR PLANNII{G AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENEML INFORMATION Ttlis applicat'on is for any project requiring approval bf the Planning and Environmental Commission. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application can not be accepted until all required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. A. TYPE OF APPUCATION:tr Bed and Breakfasttr Conditional Use PermitD Major or n Minor Subdivisiontr Rezoningtr Sign Variancetr Sp€cial Development Districtfl Major or tr Minor Amendment to SDD Employee Housing Unit (Iype: _) Major or E Minor Exterior Alteration (VailVillage) Major or Minor Exterior Alteration (Lionshead) Variance Zoning Code Amendment Amendment to an Approved Development Plan D D tr Etr tr B.DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: E ,(feet' e) LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: I BLOCK: b pHysrcALADDREss: l0o_1 F-AaCZS lt)e<T nuruc:@ l/,' 9\Vbo<-.41 v-t- cnV-ettE. c. D. E. F. PARCEL #: ZoNING: a--rf.Avtl.J-V (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-86,rc for parcel #) NAMEoFowNER(s)t \aaqE kA/?l G. H.NAM E OF APPUC,AMT:-_I.N MAILING ADDRESS:o@ FEE: See submittal requirements for appropriate fee PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIIIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL COLORADO 81657. ee) owNER(S)SIGN 1 0 2000 o Ann Repedi, Susan Rutherford 3446 Ella Lee Ln Houston, Texas TTO27 Gentral Missouri Co/ Sam B Cook Trust 238 Madiston St Jefferson City, MO 60101 Don E Ackerman 24311Walden Center Dr Bonita Springs, FL 34134 May B Kelly/F Raymond Jr 2950 E Stanford Dr Englewood, CO 80110 Tom & Flo Steinbero PO Box 13 Vail, CO 81658 Evan Jones 11013 Crippfegate Rdrorornac, MD 20gS4 Danielde Roulet 1420 Ridge Rd LaurelHollow, NY 11791 Within setbacks and in excess of allowable site coverage, located at 1007 Eagles Nest Circle/Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village 7'h Filing. "'l,r=, MAY AFFE.T YouR PRoPEt PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on May 8, 2000, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A reouest for a side setback variance from Section 12-6d-6 of the Town Code and a site coverage variance from Section 12-6D-9 of the Town Code, to allow for a residential addition Applicant: Kaye Ferry, represented by RKD, Inc.Planner: Brent Wilson A request for a front setback variance from Section 12-6D-6 of the Town Code, to allow for an additon, located at 2865 Snowberry Drive/Lot 2, Block 9, A resub of Lots 2 & 3 B, Vail lntermountain. Applicant: Clive Reeman and Louise Randall, represented by Railton McEvoy Architects Planner: Allison Ochs A worksession to discuss a proposed zoning code amendement to Section 12-78-18 (Location of Business Activity), which would allow lor mobile inlormation dissemination within the CCI Zone District on public property. Applicant: WTCBPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the creation of a community garden, to be located at2450 s. Frontage Road/unplafted, vail Intermountain. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a conditional use permit, to eliminale a dwelling unit, lofated at 124 E. Meadow Drive/Village Center Condominiums Building B/Lot 5E, Vail Village 1" Filing. Applicant: Burt NordstrandPlanner: Ann Kjerulf A reguest lor a minor amendment to SDD #2, to allow for the addition of common area between Buildings D&E, located at Buildings D&E, 600 Vail Valley Drive/A part of Tract B, Vail Village 7'n Filing. Applicant: Northwoods, represented by Fritzlen, pierce, Smith Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a variance from Sections 12-6D-9 (Site Coverage), 1 2-6D-8 (Density) and 1 2-6D-6 (Setbacks), Town Code, to allow for a garage and residential addition, located at 2955 Bellllower Drive/Lot 6, Block 6,Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Alan & Francine PetersPlanner: Allison Ochs I i1l'l VC\ ruw ials are available rilrb,'. inspection &rtng ' ' . .The applications and infornlfrn about the propo€ regular office hours in the project planner's ofiice located at the Town of Vail Communiry Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Phase call479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon rcqrest with 24 hour notiflcation, Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Headng lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published April21, 2000 in the VailTrail. D Town ot Vail Itpartment of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Hoad Vail, CO 81657 o Receipt No. ,zQ7 t 1lftCt F o^t"-A--L-E-L-et-.f /-rt"- payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No.Item No.Code#iCostEach Total 001 0000 314 1110 Zoning and Addr€ss Maps zA $s.00 0c1 0000 3141112 m 1l lnifnrm Or ';l,,li^^ ^^-r-r 1&2 - Vo, ',3.99-0c loa 00 oo 0o o0 00 00 00 o0 00 oo oo 00 00 00 00 00 00 00' 00' o0 Torn of tlai Ir+* HSTffiR RECEIPT +1r onn: llttlfr-ei EceIFr: mzazt DESCRIPIIIII PEC ',RRISf,E FEE n(I}, Iltr. MYE FERRY IEM}ER IETRILtx llPaetg$l DflIE: 4/tt/0 T0Ifl- OfOt ffiTffT IE{DERTO OTY ffiIi{T N ilr lfie.m $t, H{ )odes f50.m TIIC: 13:el:35 tasc.m €6e.fr T}fiI( YflJ Ft}R Y{ilN PRYF{TI 001 uu00 312 1000 lR€staurant Lic€nse fee ffOV) CB aa CB -L,E) t.E' BF XC [/|s MS PN PF OH SP SP urt PN AD BL {7.n 36.00 35J0 JJ.O U 36,00 37.00 10.o0 12j5 $ruo DU-ZC 40 -00 .00 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. Assess.-R€staurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev.UA '001 0000 201 1000 Taxable @ 4.5% (Statel - Tax payable IY -001 0000 310 1100 Taxable @ 4.0% (Town) - Retail Sales Tax r7 Other/lvlisc. -MS 001 0000 311 2500 PEC APPLICATION FEES 001 0000 311 2500 Additional GRFA - '250"PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Conditional Use Permit PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 so. ft.PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Arteration - lvlore than 100 sq. ft.PV $500.00 001 00003112500 Soecial Develooment District - NEW PV $1,500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Develooment District - Maior Amend PV $1,000.00 001 0000 31 1 2s00 Soecial Develooment District - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000 31 1 2500 Subdivision Fees PV 001 0000 311 2500 Variance PV - $2so.oo ) 001 0000311 2500 Zoning Code Amendments PV .-$250ir Re-Zoning PV $200.00 001 0000 319 3100 Gteenstar Program Other -MS TOTAL: Gash _ MonEy Order # F:/Ev€ryonelFo.mvsalesacl.Exs -,,clrvl *t\ ,r^tt! Ln':"r.1 {".C i 9t'.}\- .}r,, t.- ge' T- r { <rJvF {V'. ( { I i./t/t "l,/t $edrn" rh p"++ F'lla,'-t\ gar*Q I I I 5'trirwry prr*1 urtl S+n€ hs Dbaef See droorvl Sletf t[TT/r fo Basr"..attE€ . rll(i!ll,I'rP sttt,Ps to ,r,, E* r rf f el.6o lcvel lo"{ FA*ill p/^^ ott Ce Ac^t* S/*b NI 5lg" Fi"'bd 2tt friv Jp..- f'l,nh^1 th" lar.u- il,61';7 rrq Ltl\ rl.Jall 8t{upp*t dlgh Fi,e 0J t1r,t Sourl ril|- a*tl 7" ri> gpece bl f^,s*/*{ed ?k,i,ir'l '/a" Fir,lJ tlrt*3A - w i1 -rirlf 1t::1 1 Fl_ITHEFFT-rF'[r P*GE IJ I SUSAN RUTH ERTORD Ml Kry Fcrry 239J BBld Mountrin Rord Vril, Colorado E1657 Februrry I l, 2000 Derr Kry, . I am glad you ogrccd to mecting mc rhis p$t ,anuEry l4rh though I am diuappoinredthtt I have not heard from you we nced to resolvc iszues such as ni*.rylsr.ondary andsite coverago, beforc we can conrinue with our respective plans simply epprying to theTown doec not mrke one sidc Primery, if thut weri go I could have eppiiea for thig sratuoy:arl €o. our party wnll agreement superredes any ouch d$ignation'by rhe Town and clcarly stipulates that we must cach give approval to thc oiher's dcsircd addirions As I strtcd in our mcding and in my leiters, I have atways bcan ready to work out thege issues I long ago realized that neithcr onc of us will gct everythlng we w&nr and wo mugt both be oP€n to compromire. The Town hag consistootly refurcd dl varirnsc rcqucsts for this property Their view is thsl we should not have bought the propeny if we didn't like the restrictiong I csnnot argue egainst their point urd thus ncither my primery nor recondary plans ask for a varirnce As I algo statod in the meeting, I am willing to sign your rpplication to heve your tcmporrry p$kirg mtde pormurent. Please ga in touch with mo as soon as you know the dircstion you would like to tske with your prop6ty. I look forwgrd to olearing up theec ircucc 8nd moving forward Sincercly, 3466 ELIA LEE IANE HOUSTON. TEXAS 7?027 QtSl877-1643 FN( (713) 877-t759 6L/L7l2AAA 9744755581 AI$.I REPEfiI PAGE 6T ) .. :. '.., .. , ANN REPETTI .. .,..i'i .: -- - , . " ,,t '..1[.Or-Bf<=-r.rt VJtt+<rt-l ,, \-lb.-ZCryO ; : G_<Ae- Ru:ctes. i.:.'i Brcr{r .ar'cl bast"qr ' slcf g,s) rlrrod- \?u C{*-'<scqe) sent "me in lqq6, : T5 *h.ris eSt\ va.lfd ? . , lAcCc-'fqlit*a +. lE.bci.o5o A 'r =tcrxjr_lf€.3,, " F,p1o.*1b€, qnr++-a?a prtrutded f+\ci the- JiI{.+_yF"r' gb* r.rcyt - qr/1j=r \,rru_f€^a,s* ] n. -.1,"..r]Lr_ i beturselurft *hre :t*o.l ::i-i..J*r-.*" -..i.-i , :::;t+ ,, I.Frrrda*r tz-F .sa"id *-t^,a.-f \ fre LrC/ttC, YY:t1 COn- i%r( uvr rite\t :stafu: e,nt-r t\e = \^rif tt, a :s i te-:][-et- t'YI\l\c\ s-Ta5-Lr:> g{}I rTrs-:S lE;I -lc) f-}, fStTc- ,, Corieto:h<- VGftance beca.r*rse iNi..thout or€. . :i '$"14) ef\trna.r.4 s\d<i. u.reur\ d ne ur\cihte, tr)'l +Yre. sr\rrna.ru1 s\d<t troeur\d ne ur\crbte tc) , 'odd ' +he si\t _1T:qf.t, (6flrh):. :'+ 5- cr-rvr r<zea1;r.4 +hs bp(\clryrar l?arstr.fqr.s co((ec.| l,-+. +hAA f- do u"'at Sal t€.oe{ t \^3 ? loliq. afqu€n^frnj. DrcLyry.t- urie_olfdad-1 cor4z-f *nir -a{rqie-: i artc +r|eizrtckrr.l*cT i: qoi nq *o ca.t\ ,t6g . 'Thi .a' {r:ryre.''t<tptd ry\a {tre{-rr-rants d- =tos4 fl-' aalai.-L c\ofl't *<na:o if stfts r,rro.nts c^ <i+-thd; 94,?rte '( z8o . , j,::"' 5eccsd o1p.*'-n-':F *hink*'+hia o.iqt'r?n^e 't* : i'lls'ru,aet crrt.lLrla.,q. ES t<F q<:t all +H{: 't-Lb' a'i:ts 'wr,ae't ortqupra.. ES t<F ct<:t all +He z-Lb' af. si fe CA)e.tctq&, arrd e-:s{o1^i<C" i-\ne- cp,-ro.q& a1d , zxlstu*or onE Stczru otfeas - A +hi"ng- #ha+ rs; axisfrnaa {ln4" ijtczrq otfQrf,a * :t +h'int<- *F'ha$ rs ', b}at ?s> =q ft .t- :p€ {Yr\ * cofr<rJ ? ' t :r tn€afd bh.+ {ne nkrsu}+a ln C€Vo\-{]t +h2*i [p€f{r er,rc*q6} aM ftred haUe fnod€ q,'Vis\t- tp tfE' Taq\rce; tr: aaa. +ip +l^,o.* -b<r- .police f?Do.ft " ' lfh\s ooes orr cr,nd on t'\ on t\tonCaj A.ulA .. SOSAN !ao 1OO1 VAI L VALLEY DRIVE PHONE & rAX (970) 476-5s81 AL/17/2gAB 66:L2 : 974476558t Attl REPE' 1I PAGE g2 NONCONFORMINC SITES, USES, STR UCTUR.ES occupied hy a nonconforming use shall bclimil;rliorr, Jnd thc usr_. slr:rll rtot thereafter occrrpr- I grcaler Sile ercJ Or lloor area limrtrtirrn. (Ord.,f( | 973) S :0.400. ) deemed a new be enlargcd to than such new 18.54.050 Structurcs rnd site irnprovemenj. strucrures and site improvements rawfully established priorro the elfective date of the ordinance codifiedin this titt* fri.ndo nol conform to the devcloprnenr standards prescribed bythis titlc for the disrrir't in which rhey, are situated may becontirrued. such structures or site improvemenu m*y beenlargctl only' in rccordance with thc lollowing limitations:A. Srructurus or sire improvemenrs which do not conform torequirements for setbacks. distances tretwecn buildinS, heiehr. building bulk conftol, or site coverage. mil, ternlarged. provided that the entargement does nor Jurther increase the discrepancy between the totat structure andapplicable building bulk controt or site coverage standards:and provided thar the .addition fully cont-orms with serbacks. disrrnccs betrveen buildrngs. and height sr;rndards applicablc r0 the addition. B- structr.rres which do not sonform to rJensity contrors maybe enlarged. onty' if the total gross resicientiil floor ares ofthe enlarged structuf,c does not exceed the total gross residentral floor area of rhe Frecxisting nonconforming structure. c. srrrrcrrrres or site improvemcnts which do not conform to rrquiremcnls for uscabre open space or randscaprng and sitedcvelopment may be enlarged, providrrl that lhu useable open spacs rcquirements applicable to such addition shall bef'lly satisfied- and provided trrar rhe per!-sntage oi the totllsrte which is landscaped shall nor be reduced berow the" nrmimum requirement. D- structures or site irnprovements which do not conform to the off-streer pcrking and loading requinments of tbis titlernsv be enlargcd, egenideO rhet the parking ancl loeding requirements for such rddition shail be fully satisfied and that the discrepancy bctwecn .the existing off-srreet parking and loading facilities and the srandards prescribed by this 485 (vdt 1.5{2) LLIL2/L999 Ag|28 7138771759 Nov? rl -99 r I : rlgA e skwith ctc I ltnlTUral taNx lLDG' rc tot nl troN?AG8 roAt llfl6T. sL'trf zla YAIL GOl.()rAttO alrs' TA-ltl{rN3 ctol atacz nAcstrmtOillrtrst { Novctrtbcr ll. 1999 Although conrmon Parcsl A Townhou not willi invitees. F.o. tox.at ar EDWAIDS Aclc3ts roaD, EDWAIDS, COLOIAI'O I S RU1HERFORD tEt EtHo E lflll tlL-tzit r^cstutlE (!rr0l tl"l,. Burnv & PmsnsoN A lholEislq{ L Colror rtoN Arffi,NDt-sATt^w L|NOOTJT c$fill us uNc€LN rlrttT. rultE tl?l DENVE& col.ol^Dot@ll{ TILE troNl Hlt |ot-las DACSnflll (xtt lg'd7 rf Dcar Wendcll:ir I am in rcccipt ol'your letter daled Nove tnhcr 3 ' I 999' I Agrec that pur$uall to thc TownhorKe f)cctaration for the Mercer Johnsen 'l'owuhomc! tccot iriii io, r"rii. Rurh"rrota and thc owncr of Parcel Bare thc:*Y*-ot '":t":" i:t,-":]:l1Tt,"l l, Ebck i. Voit Vittagc Scventh Filing. erccpt fot Parcel A and Parccl B' Ho'rcver. I respectfirlly disagrce with tlrc other ossertions in your letler' Thc garage which is arrached to the rcsidence on Parccl A was.construcled-,on itt:S::::-l;iiifi;d;;.rdniing of borh owners in l9t9 thnt $e garage. like Mrs..Ruthcrford's driver*'ay. tbr thc cxcluSirae use of l'urcel A. Most telling, the garage has been in cxistencc and uscd c:tclusi A for l0 ycars. When Ms Fcrry purchascd her unit' shc did 1n yil -th",iJ lftr s*re. ana t'trc rlrivcway wctt uscd lxclurively by the owrrcr of (Jnit A. i"b- ioio,.,iU."n given t5c rigirt to park two cars offof Ea'le's Ncst Circle-whcrc ing unril G denial of i'ls' Fcrry's variancc was uplreld by the Towtr (:ouncil rph 4(c) of thc Townhouse Dsclaration contcmplates the ;xrssiblc conslructi and ac"""s t'acilrtics. no such lbcilities wcte cvcr, in fact, constructed' 'fhe ow . dri"a*"y and garagc for ber cxclusivc use on thc comnron parcel' witt from thc o."n.t -of Parcel B. Nothing in Paragroph 4(c)' or elsc$'hcrc in tion, prohibits the construction of such a driveway' Conscqucntly' nty thc uie ofcithcr her drivcwny or her garagc by your clicnl hcr rcnlcr$' I of of no rhe lis .or LL/L21L999 gg=29 7138 t{ov-t1-99 lI:49A eskwith ctc 77L759I 5 RUTFERFTRD PAGE A5 Mr. Wendell B. Porrerfietd, Jr. Page 2 Novcmber ll, 1999 Lawrcnce e, pstwirtr LAE:lf cc Susan Rulhcrford bcc Eltuabach n"p"tLr ILll2lL999 eZ:25 38771759I S RUTHEFFORD PAGE AL l, SUSAN RUTHERFORD Nov.ll,l999 i Mr. BrurtWiborr Mr. Lsrr)'Eshdlh Dorr Brclrt rd l{ry, -.r^oot u,|rril Jctr$hco jun fourdl rhir is a writtcn pcrnrisrion ftom Roy Drvis, Terco,cudntt p'rcvio$hmGr of prrcol B, br Mom to build a grrrge for her use. I hrd ''kcdJ4..lonq EllSo if-lr_hrd any of this infornution h,ut hc-told-me rhcy ilidnt uurally apply to thc DR{ or tlrc PEc fur thcir ctierrts. Rccertly, I clrnc acrosr rn otd invoicc wttich lhowod thla cohcn did do thir work for Mom. i ttrint it war wusud for cohcrlconrqgion to iltGrpplicdlm ro thc t?rm and rlso JGffhd romcono ebc overrcing thc job in 1989. I cdhd Jeff rgun yestcrfry to ask if ho carld look dig through his yttfyL because it sppcrrcd as if cohar lad ia frct rpphcd for thc pcrmit acc-ording to thir old inroicc. I told Jcfrn'hat KF was hoing to tltorn. rcfric vcry-forrd ofMom ard I think KFr rccfit rdioor irupird Jcffto go through ycerr of papcrwork untit he found this. Ho frxcd no 14 prgcr tonight. Thc prgca I am frxfurg to you rppo.r to bc the most inpo'nr+. Ictrdosnt haw the originrl of the Davir/fsco lctter. Mom didnt haw e copy ofthir booaurc it wrs rcrt direc{y to t|re PEC ad drc muct harre forgotten. Mr. Davir hrd rweoity indicetcd he would sigl rome son of affidsvit rayiry thst he grvc Monr pcrntOon to build the grnge In 19E9. I bctwe hc lrarnl givcn us onc cnrlier bccausq ho is wordGd KF will rlrc fumc rftcr him. I truty bcliwe Mr. Davis hls forgottcn hc cvrrlscnt this k'ncr. He lo$ cornrol of his mnrpany,Tcsco Cartingr. e shon tirm after thir lafr wrs writtar ro it unr a diffictlt pcriod for him. I will scnd hirr a copy of hir ldtcr tgmorrow. I ltnory trc win be reliwod. Srcr&i Ao wc nccd p loc ifyou hnrc thc original? I rsr nre Mr. DEvfu witl ancet to rhc ftct tbd this lcttcr iC ecqrrrte. I know my frorbtcr ar€ not ovcr but thic is a *cp in Oe rigtt direaion. I *i$ "Ell you both tomorrow. n deep bcttcr toniglf rnd my Mom ir on cloud nine! 3466 Eu.^ tuu l*u HOUSTON, TEXAS 77027 (713) 877-1643 FA( (713) 877-l lL/L2/L999 26125 \1". I. B, II. l0: l0 7138771759 Coro ,18 3l{(| i RUTHERFORD TOO1 VAII., VALLs)f DRIVA vlITJ, c0.816s7 C0f,rrrr cqr.sfRtrcrr lppllcatton Datq PEC I,IIETING OAT 1 APPLICATTON FOR A VARINCE Thls prcceduwill not be A. NN.IE OF doonEss I lslreguired for any groject c€pted unti'l rll infomation PLI6ANT ANN REFETIT requ€3tln9 | variince. Thcis subnitted, agpl 476-587 llAl.tE 0F ADORESS COI{EN CONSTRUCTTON PO BOr, 3015 VlIIr. c0.81658 PHSNE t+?6 C. l{AI'lE 0F 0t{r{E s) (tvPe or prfnt AT{N REPETIT ROY,S REPETTl ZABETH A0DnESS ll LOCATIOI{ OF PROPOSAL AODRESS 1OO1 VAIL VAIIfiT VAIL CO. LEGAL OESCRIPTION I-OI 1 BLOCK 6 TIIIIE ?th E. FEE $]OO PA I O g1 I 1221 FRot{ 'lNN REPEITI THt FEE I4UST FE PAt0 SEFoRE THE eoilMUNlTY 0EVEL0Pf'!ENT DEPART!{ENT t.|ILL YOUR PROPOSAU. rlF. A list ofJthc nlmei of orners of all property ldJacent to the subJrct INCLU0INqtPRoPERTY BEHIND ANo ACRoSS STREETS, and their ma{llng addres THE APPLICANT HIIL BE RESP0NSTBT€ FoR CoRRECT MAILTNG A0DRESSFS. llt. FouR (4) c0ilIEs 0F THE FoLLotfIr{G HUsr BE SUB|{ITTED: . A. A WRITTE]I STATEI.IET{T OF TI{E PRECTSE ]IATURE OF THE VARIAI{CE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEI,IEI{T HUST ALSO AOORESS: I' A PRE.APPLICATION COI{FERENCE HTT't A PLANITING STAFF MEI.IBER IS STRONGLY 5U TO.)OETERI{INEIFAf{Y'ADOITIONAL INFORIIATIOiI IS NEEDED. IIO APPLICATION I{ILL ACCEPIED UNLES5 IT T$ COI,IPLETE (MUsT INCLUDE ALL ITEM5 REQUIRED BY THE ZOI{ AOMINISTRATOR). IIT 'S THE APPLICAT.IT'S RESPONSIEILITY TO MAKE AN APPOINTME I'IITH THE STAFF TQ FIfiO OUt A80UT ADDITI0NAL SUBI'IITTAL REqUIREIIENTS.'l PLEASE I{OTE THAT A CO}IPLETg APPLICATION UILL STREAI'ILIN€ THE APPROVAL PROC YOUR PROJECT BY DECNEASING THE NUI,UER OF CONOITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE.AND EI{VIRONMENTAL COITMISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONI)ITTOI{S OF APPROVAL I4T oot4PLtED HrTlt BEFoRE A BUrL0r$ pERltrr ts lssItED. I ilI BE !rty rndtibiili n tha ilG APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIV vE., PISADENA,CA.'9110 LL/L2/L999 sgt25 .j u/u/90 l0itl 7138 7717591I S RUfiERFORD PAGE A 0oo 0e?o 0t0 t{t(|conc.| C0tsxurrr ro' ilEt?'^$:lir;i'il,lTrte''o'(Ptnrl) 11.r.0 I R.Dctti crragoLot 1, Block 6, lddltionvaLl VtlleEc - (Final)Trlr Flling I L2. Ddrington Rcri.dence t Car.takar Unit16t 6, Eloelr Z, r,ionsridgc {th ffffng uputrdg pnrsnrT: li IIrf .s_r!FF APqFpvfUi: Trectotrt Untt r-D - lntrrlor rrnodel ceorEiTcold Peak xouec unltE 3o5-30t Caneiot Townlrohrs - ReIO\to Treo atld }IEUBERS AD9ENTI t bay wlndotr - colblna unLts ne-landscape lllL2/L999 86125 7t35771759 S RUTHERFT]RD llrllr0t le:{t a ]rorztltto cottN cqgnucrr ft' e3/14/89 t4. tE TESC! 03tLtls9 plaftlrftu Ad, ulrvlRofstcflrAL cdiltgltol Tot{il 0F vAlt YAILI COLORADO Rl: Propotrd gorr0p arl.litlnn tin thr Bepcttl homc. 0ear 3lrr,r ?ftlr lcllur lr [v ololr uur lpt,ovtl of the pltrr frF tho grFJgs addltlon to thc dupler loelt* at l00l Ylll Urllcy Drfve nnd .10O7 Etglr llrr 0 rirvlr. tr hrvc nc ohjcrt{rrD fr tlo FFoFnB.rl , Lnd rrr gl.d th.t the ?.xn ls eninrrrglng piopln to bulld g.rage3 l[d thut gct $ corr ofl lh: rlrrc0r. !ll{10 rfa rrlll not bo rdding tho gtntgr on orr hrlf rt thir ?tnrr_ we do hopc to dc so in thc ncrr futuic rnd hopc thrt you rulcfayorablt, 6h thlrFr,6Fntrr{ nildltlnn lnd lltnr on onc to sunl.-l f -f ltr tauurau0l. | ,',' t- '..f-6 t.') \ ).', . ^. .-f. -.... o. l,iNr, u. l. ,.rJ Sincerelt Euf' ggi28 7138771759I to:{e !g7j 0rt f1t0 C0ffi corinnuq; S RUTTERF(RDILIL2IL999 - 11111"99 I I I lt. l OWiIERS OF ONGR HATF OF f'ln & f-lRS. 0lvl5 r0f 0 EACLES l.Esr ctRcrE vAtL, co.8t657 TEL. TtJ-255-650t \202 | 713-622-t971H | '* !"u*: -t II I I I I LL/I211999 6At2g j iD tri Dl S RUT}ERFORD c0Nx CoNfTRUCIt 7L3A77L759 - 13ezo c28 ${{0 PAGE 63 I -g l1/ APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE ITEM f, A Type and amount of variance we request a four'foot variance in the r/'ont setback to allow the butlding 0f a garage within sixteen feet of the western lot line, gange tO be fully attached to existinp structure owned by Repetti, IIt tS antrclpated thAt thisvarlance would have no appreclaDle effects on llght and alf, lransEottatlOn, utillties, 0r public safety, but would have a posltive effect on ttne appearance and neatness ol the structure, allow more off street pail,ng lon thls untt, and lmprove snow removal access for this unit. II I f /' a3/L4/e9 1,4t 1,6 TESCO @@2 CASTINGS SINCE 1 03/r5189 PLANNINU ANU EITVIRSNHEHTAL COI'I]'II39IOI'I TOI,IN OF VAIL vArL, C0L0MD0 Rc: Proporcd gorage artrlifinn tn f.he Repettl home. 0ear Slrs, Thl: leLlsr. ls lu rLeLq v,., aPt,oval 0f tht plth! ftF tho grrrgo aoCition to the duplex locateii at 1001 Vail valley Drlve and 1007 Laql c tler L s i, ,"1*. lJ* have no objee t{arl ta thc propnn'r1 , rnd rrc-g'lad Ltrat the town is encnttraging penpln t0 build garages and thus get more cars sff Lhc slreeL>. t'lhll0 tro utll not bo:dding tho grnrgo nn trrrr hrlf rf thir timn- we do hope to do so in the-near iuture and hope that you rule favorat'ly on thirprnpnrrr{ nr{dltlnn and I'rtnn nn nnc t0 ouln 1.,1 f -f lltr rltturluttr. Sl ncerelf r .,' , $.l.-., (. o,,. mr/mrs iloy b. f -\.\ .,1-.' .,..*- ,*Y.'.--t.' J -o t'.t; DaWs' \ Jr 4ffiD4- / , '_. Ms. Ann RepettJ" 1OO1 VaiI Valley Dr.Vail , CO., 81667 Dear Ann: tile hereby North side of Josw S. Tuscrru..rx rOST E.AG}I.E'A IVE6T CINCI.E varl., ool,oa^rro 8l6lt7 soa-4'ra-o49i1 Manch 8, 1989 agt.ee to your dcsire your house. to build a garage on the (, .-'.-=- cc: Town of Vail 7-/ *-, a' RB; Ferry Subject RE: Ferry Date: Wed l0Nov 1999 15:25:12 -0500 tr'rom: "Repetti, Elizabeth M." <EMR@belldavispitt.com> To: "'Brent Wilson"' <bwilson@ci.vail.co.us> Thanks, Brent. You can mail it to: " is there an "appLication"? Pl.ease send both.ne know if there is any charge. Thank you very much! - - - - -Original Messaqe- - - - - From! Brent wiLson [mallto: bwilsonoci . vai].. co. usl Sents Wednesday, November 10, 1999 1:50 PM To: Repetti, Elizabetb M. Subject: Re: Ferry Elizabeth, The approval for Kaye Ferryrs temporary parking spaces is part of the public record. where would you like a copy nalled? Brent I of I ll1l0!D l:40PM Ill64lL999 18:36 7138771759 S RUI}IERFORD Nay-q4- Nov-04-(|2:58P eskwith etc o":bEp ."Qrr.x -- .O a, orro iorraf,ac|.o. Jll Tc in a9 A no wl an wi to' Otm, Ponrrnrnro & Pwrur: Aa'ltlflur.:'rltt l ro'l or7lcf lor tl{ vAll- fl)U! trt m |e November 3, 1999 renco A. Eckwith Box 9O7 Coloredo 81632 Re: Susan R. Rutherford As you know, we aro counsel to Th€ Kathlesn V. Ferry Trust ("tha Trust,l isrtharrecord owner of Parcel B. a portion of Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village Sevsnth Gounty ol Eagle, State of Colorado l"Parccl B"l. We underetEnd that you Susan R. Rutherford InRutherford"l. the owner of Parcel A. By virtue of the nhouge Dsclaretion for Mercer JohnEen Townhouses recorded August 10, 1981 k 327 at Page 389 l"the Declaretion"l, Rutherford and the Trust are the owners of Lot l. Block 6, Vail Village Sevanih Filing excopring Parcel Parcel I l"tho Common Parcel'1. Aa you alro know, ell of the currentlv existing parking for the property is on the Prrcel and is currently accessed from Vall Village Drive. The Truet is aware In enclosed gslage has been constructod on the Common Parcel. ln past ueeions, you have stated that the garage was built by the ownor of Parcol A with pcrmission of the owner of Parcel B. You have recontly pointod out that tha ion roquirer wlitten conssnt for any altcration lo the propcrty. lf you or your has evidence of such written conscnt, we would like to obtain a copy becauso wac of record when tho Trust acquired Parcel B. Furlhermore, unlcss the convsys the area of the Common Farcel whera the garage is locatad or creates , we believe that th€ Trust has an ownorship interest in the garaga and would like to make arrangsments to share in the use ol the gatage. The Declaralion also provides Et Articls 4(c) thal common parking wil! be on a portion of tho Common Parcal and that esch owner will have the right uco of the patking facility. The parking facility has bean constructed on the on Parcel which faces Vail Villago Drive and eflective immediately the Trust and will commence using tha common porking. As providod in the Declaretion, Trust will not takg more than one-half of the available space. PAGE A1 P -A? txt|tcr( AOrOf,E] QtI TAI'LE IOAO EIIIALO l4r-t aLE€. fll EACI-E YA|L. COLOtroo at atoItr.ato|aeaSt x (rrot ar|latr LL/s41L999 18:38 759o S RUTI-IERFORD PAGE A27!3477L O3:OSP eskwith etc to Lawrencs A. Eskwith Novamber 3. 1999 Two Tho Truct would also axpect to be consutted nen year regarding anyaping or gencral outdoof improvements to be performed on tha corrimon parcel. , the Trust will need to approva any gardening or flowers that sre plantea. v6W truly.loun, TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM VailTown Council Community Development Department November2, 1999 An appeal of the Planning and Environmental Commission's October 11th denial of a request for a variance from Section 12-6C-9, Town of Vail Code, to allow for two-family primary/secondary residential site coverage in excess ot 20% of lot area, located at 1007 Eagle's Nest Circle / Lot 1 , Block 6, Vail Village Filing 7. Appellant: Kathleen Ferry, represented by Eric Johnson, Architect Planner: Brent Wilson t. The applicant, Kathleen Ferry, is requesting a variance to allow for a residential addition with site coverage in excess (415 square feet) of what is allowed under the Town's Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential zoning regulations. The zoning for the above-referenced property allows a site coverage oI20% of total site area (3,188 square feet). The applicant is proposing a site coverage of 22.6/o of total site area (3,603 square feet). Site coverage requiremenls for lots in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District are described in Section 12-6D-9, Town of Vail Code. The applicant's representative has expressed the reasoning for the variance request under Exhibit A (attached). The applicant is proposing a partial demolition/rebuild of the existing residence and the addition of a two--car garage. The applicant's unit (constructed in the late 1960's) currently has no formally designated off-street parking. On June 24th of this year, staff granted the applicant an approval for a temporary unpaved off-street parking area. Ms. Ferry's unit is currently required to provide three on-site parking spaces but there is no requirement that any of these spaces be enclosed. 213 square feet of site coverage is currently available on site (enough for one 11'x 19'garage space) and the applicant is proposing to construct a 576 square foot two-car garage and additional cantilevered building projections (totaling 628 square feet). Available site coverage under code provisions = 213 square feet Minimum one-car garage size (9' x 18') = 162 square feet Site coverage proposed for addition and two-car garage = 628 square feet I CahillOn October 11, 1999, the PEC voted unanimously (Doug abstaining) to deny this request based on the lollowing findings: absent. Galen Aasland 1. That the granting of the site coverage variance would constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. 2. There are no exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to this site that do not apply generally to other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. 3. That the strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation does not deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the Primaryisecondary Residential Zone District. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department staff recommends that the Town Council uphold the PEC'S denial of the applicant's site coverage variance request subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting of the site coverage variance will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. 2. There are no exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to this site that do not apply generally to other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. 3. That the strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation does not deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. ilt.ZONING AND SITE STATISTICS Zoning District: Lot Size: Minimum Required Lot Size: GRFA: Site Coverage Setbacks Front (Ferry) Side Front (Repetti) Parking (Ferry) Pri mary/Secondary Residential District 15,942 square feet (.366 acres) 15,000 square feet Standard Allowed/Required Prooosed 4,944sq. ft.. 3,188 sq. tt. (2O"/o') 20 ft. 15 ft. 20|t. 3 spaces 4,943 sq. ft.t 3,603 sq. ll. (22.60/o) 20 ft. (per ILC) 15 ft. (per ILC) / 26 ft. no change 3 spaces " lncludes a credit of 250 square feet for the Ferry Residence. tv.CRITER]A AND FINDINGS -SITE COVERAGE VARIANCE A.Consideration of Factors Reqardinq the Site Coveraqe Variance: The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff believes the proposed two-car garage is excessively large and deviates from the zone district regulations more than is necessary t0 achieve stated goals. There is no requirement for enclosed parking on this site - it is simply an amenity requested by the applicant. With the major structural changes proposed in conjunction with this project, the applicant has a "clean slate" to work with. Staff believes any hardship created with this proposal is self-imposed. A large two-car garage could be constructed on-site within applicable site coverage allowances if the applicant were willing to reduce the amount of gross residential f loor area (GRFA) proposed for the addition. The proposed residential addition impacts a number of mature trees on the property which serve as a bufler to adjacent properties. At their July 21, 1999 meeting, the Town's Design Review Board gave the applicanl direction to preserve the mature trees and to pursue parking options on other portions of the site. Stafl believes this request lor additional site coverage further expands impacts on existing vegetation. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives ol this title without a grant of special privilege. staff believes that an approval of the requested site coverage variance would result in a grant of special privilege. Variance requests for garage additions on adjacent properties have been denied in the past. Staff believes there are no unique circumstances, nor any extraordinary conditions (such as wetlands/water features, excessive slopes, etc.) which impact the applicants lot. The maximum site coverage allowed on the applicant's lot is 20%. All required off-street parking could be provided on the site without a variance. Since this neighborhood was subdivided in the 1960's under Eagle County jurisdiction, 68% of all lots in this area are non-conforming with regard to lot size. However, all structures built in this neighborhood (since the adoption of zoning regulations) are in compliance with site coverage provisions. The two exceptions (Lots 1 & 3, Vail Village Filing 8) were constructed prior to the adoption of zoning regulations on non- conforming lots (lots less than 15,000 sf). The applicant's lot is conlorming (with a lot size of 15,942 sf). 1. 2. A site coverage variance request for Lot 3 (the applicant's neighbor) was denied on 9122/97. In their denial of this request, the PEC stated "the granting of a site coverage variance at this location would constitute a grant of special privilege." The following table summarizes site coverage allocations for the applicant's lot and 24 otnet properties within the adjacent subdivisions. Table 4. / - S,te Coverage Allocations for adjacent properties Lots listed in bold type indicate deviations from site coverage regulations. "data not available" indicates structures built prior to planning/zoning regulation. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff does not believe there would be any negative impacts associated with this proposal, if constructed, on the above-referenced criteria. Lot Block Subdlvlsion Site Coverage Site Coverage Variances / Lot Size 6 Vail Village Filing 7 22.6%-current Ferry variance request / conforming lot (15,942 sf) Tract C Vail Village Filing 7 17.8O"/"none / conforming lot (19,602 sf) 2 6 Vail Village Filing 7 19.20%none / conforming lot (19,480 sf ) J 6 Vail Village Filing 7 data not available non6 / non-conforming lot (14,087 sD 4 6 Vail Village Filing 7 19.90%none / non-conforming lot (11,7'17 sfl o Vail Village Filing 7 12.60/"none / non-conforming lot (11,986 sf) t)o Vail Village Filing 7 data not available none / conform ing lot (1 7,425 sf) 7 o Vail Village Filing 7 19.60%none / non-conforming lot (1 1,962 sf) I Vail Villag€ Filing 7 19.60%none / non-conforming lot (1 1,962 sf) Y o Vail Village Filing 7 data not available none / non-conforming lot (13,622 sf) 10 0 Vail Village Filing 7 data not available none / non-conforming lot (13,530 sD 11 o Vail Village Filing 7 data not available none / conform ing lot (22,259 sf) 12 o Vail Village Filing 7 15.90%none / conform ing lot (1 6,045 sf) 13 o Vail Village Filing 7 13.10%none / non-conforming lot (12,824 sf) 14 0 Vail Village Filing 7 19.90%none / conforming lot (23,479 sf) 1 1 Vall Vlllage Flllng 8 23.7Oo/o "yes, pre-exlstlng / non-conforming lol (9,322 sf) a Vail Village Filing 8 17%none / non-conforming lot (9,808 sf) 3 1 Vall Vlllage Flllng 8 21"/o *pr+existing; add'l site coverage variance denled (9n2219n / non-conf orming lot (1 1,535 sl) 4 1 Vail Village Filing 8 '19.30%none / non-conforming lot (1 1,494 sf) 1 Vail Village Filing 8 18.80%none / non-conforming lot (7,880 st) o 1 Vail Village Filing 8 data not available none / non-conforming lot (13,1a7 sf) 7 Vail Village Filing 8 20%none / non-conforming lot (8,969 sf) e 1 Vail Village Filing I 19.60%none / non-conforming lot (8,934 sf) v 1 Vail Village Filing 8 data not available none / non-conforming lot (10,637 sf) 10 I Vail Village Filing 8 19.50%none /conforming lot (18,097 sf) B.The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinqs before qrantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, salety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or exlraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. Ferf Site Variance Subject GovErage Request Property A N 1001 Eagle's Nest Circle O eric johnson ar c h i t e c t, p.c. October 1,1999 Town of Vail / Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development lll S,FrontageRoad Vail" CO 81657 RE: K.FERRYRESIDENCE LOT 1, PARCEL B, BLOCK6, VAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 IOOTEAGLESNEST CIRCLE VAIL" CO. 81657 REQUEST FOR SITE COVERAGE VARIENCE AND ADDITIONAL 250 GRTA Dear Sirs- The following is a written statement outlining the nature of the variance request to the address above and in specifically the Town of Vail Ordinances l2-6C-9 (site coverage) and 12-15-5 (additional GRIA) Because all of the above items are inter-related and combined in th€ same request and application, further described in drawings dated 10 | | | 99, the items listed below are all inclusive. The cunent site coverage is at 18.8 % andtle proposed site coverage would be 22.5 %. The site coverage variance request is for the addition of 2 (two) enclosed parking spaces to the existing unit which currently has none. Both spaces are for the Primary Residential Owner. The cgrrent Secondary Owner has already obtained (without written permission from the Prfunary Owner) an enclosed parking garage and has maximized their l0% of the allowed site coverage. In frct, the remaining allowable site coverage (103 SF) would only accommodate a single 9 x 12 parking space. We feel this request use is for the mutual benefit of the property owners, accommodates a need for off-street p*ki"g (of which there is currently none) and fits hto the general bulk and mass of the proposed additions. We feel the hardship that rnkes this request necessary lies in the existing duplex construction. Due to the nature ofthe existing structurt and a desire to maintain the foundatiorq enhance the parfy wall (make it double fire wall) and minimize streetfront impact we fully intend to preserve much of the existing floor and foundation struature and make all additions of the garage outside the fbotprint. We have reduced the size of the garage from the previous application and the variance is solely for the use ofthe garage. Wi feet tnis a minor request from the strict and literal interpretation as the benefits are to the fair and practical use of both Owners. Due to past platting of the property lines and the close proximity ofroadways the on-going non-confonning conditions need some relief from close scrutiny. Similar variances have been granted for garages in this area and should serve as a president. PO BOX 2088 VAIL CO 81658 970.926.s292 FAX 926.5293 t eric johnson a r c h i t e c t, p.c. The efect of the variance on ligbt, air, traffic and safety are minimal as the addition is on the back side ofthe lot and current residence toward the only available op€n space remaining on the lot. The Additional250 GRFA is requested from the frct the structue is over 5 years old with no irrqnovernents or additioos have been applied for. Herein lies our request for additional 250 CFJA and the inclusion of tbe site coverage variance used solely for the 2 car garage. Should you have questions, need firther clarification or see the process differently please write or call me or Kaye Ferry at 476-1824. Eric Jolmson Thankyou for your consideration in this matter. PO BOX 2088 VAIL CO 81658 970.926.s292 FAX 926.5293 ffirt iililt -rH a ..?'-\Ja- a^2a1, .L<rtr1 q+L ao+l'trl- "ttf/"' 'e -tt *rr a 42fi2- l+?2 '1 f-t- \"\)iirlr! tiii:lii i; ,\. !tF' si.rl /'\ N \\\ eL \'rl \\ {- 0 J o1 "1{. itl ) Kz*l\J.:"*. l-nZ;g'"' $ :"Jt'i s )) { I '=2faAOl+A/t {$- s|-! ?|-il IJJ{ 3 []lFtr rF !j.'l5t;ro0.t-:lNXtotwof Itt\af,ti \?!It\r-{ !,tt-ltr -'tlt{tr\it(.ii;t!.ilrF{tJx\o JiJao { N TI-l rlFI 1lll ) .l Jtl(l rl .l i|l 'l .J =l tl 1l !l :1-, d- ii :li iljrl" rlr I {I ! t)l t1 iI I I 4 rl "l Lil d t.l{ l;!tt it;rl"rl "l + I I I I Irtsl!t "lb. lrllr{ lo:loI l( ij I I{I 1t!ilrlRIr5'o { : I t- d, \ i - {\ 'I rl ,l IIiI .l J 1t Iol :lsl\l *l a!'t t' .1tat? +4s I c,s -'.2v ?ztr=a,+a-d \d-ae A!1 itd{,fL1!l . _-__-+ 0 -l\ I 6 .$;\ D:l ,iI"i ,i' I i:ial {.arrl f I ujl Li ul Tl .rJ{f )" -sl {.1 {- l1 EE * *u !$ Ld IIt*s;lr '00-01-l? 0N:28 T-330 ?.[ung F3l2 .c. JO|{N f. DUNft Antxui ^- aafLaNA4 Ji, DIATE HERI{AX iIAI'iI3L!O of colr||cl: JERNY W '{AIII{Ad Fru-Dtrlll "tfl5 f uRtELL' *r or",".""ottttttt Dut,ttt, AeptaNaLP & MAURIEL dD to, P WgsTSt^F g^ix BUr|.ort{G ros Soutx Feorrtrog RoAD WEsr sut?c 160 VAIL, Cosonroo arqaz ll January 2000 Mr. WendellPorterfield Otto, Ponerfeld & Post Post OfEce Box 3149VaitCo 81658 vrA TETJCOPIER (970) 84s-9419 Re RuthetforVFerry Resideace Dear Wendell: As you are aurarg our Fim has been engaged to assist Susan Rutherford, the owner of tlre west half of Lot 1, Blocl( 6, vailvillage Sevenft Filing, iu responding to the activities of your dienq l(ay Ferry, associated wittl that property. I harre been aneopdng since mid-Decenber, to arralge a disctrssion, or, ideally, a needng of our clients, in order to follow up on Mrs. Rutherford's efforts, dafug back m 1997, ao identify an acceptable rcsolution of issues rdated to tbe developmeut potential of oris propedy. By direct correspondence to Ms. FertSr, Mrs. Rutherford attempted last eugust to arriange a meeting in Vail. Neither her efforts nor our attempted contacts tbrough you hane elicited any respotrse whaBoever. Mors recentln we harrc obtaiued a police repon indicating ttrat Ms, Ferry has told law enforcesrecrt tlnt tte ditfereuce of opinion related 36 this prop€rty will be resolved ouly througb litigation It is unforruuate that this ts her positiou, but Mrs. Rtrtherford is prepared to respond appropriatdn when and if Ms. Ferry ctrooses to take that coutse ofactiou. In the interim, in view of the lack of any response to our trlost recent suggestion drat our dieuts meet tbis ltursday or Friday, it may be appropriate to sugtest sotne ground nrles, based upon pra.ctical humanitariaru and legal considerations. Your client belierrcs tlat there exists a comrrron right to use ttre driveway on Ure Rutherford sideof fheresidence, despitetlrefactthatparkinghas nowbeenpermlned, on an interim basis, on the Ferryside of thc resideoc€. It seens apparem that there would be no need for parkiug by the Fer{y tenatrts in the Rntherford driveuray were it not for the fact that the Ferry tenants must park four cars on the prope[y, in violation of the covelrant linititrg parkingto lwo permanent cari8. In any €vent this TEIEPXOT?:(97O).i76.O$)O F CSTLTL!:(9to, *76-rr7€5 ecral vr lxlur'lrlc Ctalnt]aa tac^! 55|-r.r!l. |(alE'l n. PUXtl. CLAS JAr.tcE n. E€oFrELor ct '00-01-12 08:28 FrorDlllll "ti|||, HnlELLo conduct has created a health and safety bazald for Mrs. Rutherford's 7O-year old mother, I\[rs. Ann n"peni, who residesin the residence' fte driveway cannot be .o*pr"luty plowed ani on occasion it has been necessar5r tbat Mrs' Repetd personally ghOrel the Srrow tO accgss bet frout Sate because of the presence of a tenant's car at rhat location- Ihe cause of the proble6 involvingthe Rutherford driverrrayis, of course' the fact that Ms. Ferry hes altectea ner tenants to park inthe driverrvay on the Rutherford side of the residence as a conditlon of their contioued tenancy. One has been erricted because he did not do so. Although remarkable ilr its ingenuity, that direction by Ms. Ferry can only be constnred as an aftempt to harass Mrs. R€petti ang Mrt. Rutherford itrto submittislg to yotu clie-nt's wishes. ff tnis aitrereoce of oplnion is eventually to be resolved through utigation, it is dificult to imagine how that strategy could s-enlre her o*". fn any evem, it t.iin" clear that both the police ani trgr-tgants understaud M* Fer4/s "l.oda and neither wish to have aoythiag to do wirh it. I have advised you tlrat ttre oppornrnity to hatle our clicnts mlet and discuss their differernes is U;ited to t[is weekt suggested meeting times' It seems that Ms' ie"ry sCll does not wish to tat(e adlrantage of this oPPorHnity. The Town has been g.oitons euotr8h to Fant a four montlr erCension of Ms. Fcrrfs off-street parking' [;til M;: Ferry-wisb& to dlscuss wider issues in a civil manrcr, ltdrs. Rutherford is willirU to Jottrin an applicadon to the Tormr to have Ms. Ferr/s temPorary garlFg aesigfratei * p*oat-tt parking. Whether or trot the current issue is t'esolved on either a tempoi"ry ot petrnanentEasis, Mrs. Rurherford renains wrUing 1o wgrk witb nnt. f"try to i.sohie afottrer issues associated with the use and potential dwelOpment ofthe property, The Town of Vail has suggeted ttlat Ms. Ferry cooPef,ate in derrcloping an alternatfirc to the regime oottt gotterning fhic ltfoltefiy. I\rlrs. Rutheford is oPen to suclr discussions, as she always has been. t70{t8{185 T-330 P.03/03 F-3r2 xc: Mrs. Susatr Rudrerfofd Town ofVai! DeparEDent of Commrnity Devdopment - Atteution: George R[ther Town of Vail, Police Depannent - Reftrence File No. 99-03966 AL/07/280A 20:37 't' l :. 97847E558I ANN REPETTI PAGE 61 January8, 1999 '.. Dear Mrs. Repetty, . F_t I just wanted to t'ke this opportunity to aporogize for evwthine trrat wantcd ro participate rn the wrrole ioea of pa*ilt; t;";il;;;fi;;or"'li" ' .. ,rt . ' any disputes or legar, rnattnrs that you and my tanotorJ mav rr""" l'i*i**rri tolet vou know th-41-I was berng thrcatened to u" i"irtJ if iaid oo, p.ni"lp"ie - '- . , acoordinglv and i'm sorry lfi have caused you any inronuenience Uv pariing. thcre. Asyou rnay have noticed, my roomatcs Nnd I haven,t been parking on'yoo.driveway because we do not u&nt i0 cousc you any more trouble. w".ilrit ,*;t"d: to d0 what w.as ri$t, and doingtho right thing "ost rns prace to rive. I was, .,rn',r,.: .,,., ,gagshtrn e situation'wltulgl was,rJoing sonlening in spite towards sorncone I had:t, r i nev€rmetandhasncvgrdorcrmcwrong. Idoapologzeand I hopeyoul: ' . ydn"g{ it was Kave givine,these cortditions ior tri" to bc parkinFiheie, we[I hope all is weil and maytc we c*n meet in the fururs under better cirsurnstances. .H.:?4/ ,/' tohovergel F'[E COPY Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 mx 970-479-2452 December 20,1999 Kaye Ferry 2395 Bald Mountain Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Re: Extension of the Temporary Parking Approval Dear Kaye, The purpose of this letter is to inform you that the Town of Vait Community Development Department has extended your temporary parking approval. As you are aware, the six-month temporary approval granted by the Town of Vail is set to expire on Friday, December 24,1999. Since a permanent resolution to the parking situation has yet to be reached, the Town of Vail is extending your temporary approvai. The approval has been extended to Ap,ril 24, 2000. In the interim, it is imperative that you diligently pursue a perrnanent solution for parking on your property. The temporary measure is not intended as a permanent solution, I do not foresee another extension being granted by the Town. To avoid last minute fmstrations in April, I am hopeful that we can use the next four months 10 work coop€ratively towards a permanent solution. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. I can be reached by telephone at 479-2145. HappyHolidays, J-t -K,rtA^/ George Ruther, AICP Senior Special hojects Planner Town of Vail Xc: Vail Town Council Tom Moorhead, Town Attomey Art Abplanalp Susan Rutherford Wendell Porterfield {g r""nuor^ro L2lg2lL999 11:43 713877L759 Nov-ze-es o6:oEP ..*11.." 5 RUTHEFFORD PAGE 6L P. Ol r.o tor tflat EDJY rg5 Acalss loAD, rufTE roEDttAlDs, coLotAD9 trat 2 Tfl.r?flotaE tfrtt rta,t$ FACIIMILE l}?tD tr,rera Rc: I t, Bil[ey & PnrrnsoN A Pnoreg.auConrmenq,l Afionr{EcArLw ut{Go&N cttftirr raao uttcor-N STltt? tll,rTE rrrrDEI{lrlt, Cp14rf DrE r rEL&HOrfE o0rl or,t5or^cstlttE t!6tsr0t Dcar Wcndcll: t."*1ry9 $t- t{t. .lTry htt dirc$ed her tcnanrs to park in my clicnr. susan Rutbcrford,s drivcwaytt ['or l. lllock 6. vail Village lTn t Filing. As t prwiously str,ra in iiy r"ucr of Novcmber I l.1999' this-drivcway is a private driwway for ihc solc usc of Mn. Ruthertbrd, hcr renanr\ gucsrs. andinvitccs' we hcrcby dcmandrhat |ts. Fcrv.s- rgnants ccase rrarking in ttri nurtrcr.lirrd drivcwe;-, ordthat thsre fhc no futurc uttonlpt on the prt of tvtr. 1"..rv hcr tcnrnts, grrcsls, or invitecs ro prrk in thcRuthcrford driveway. ln aidirion. phraenptr ttaj or u,. ro"irtiri.. it."loi"ion for rhc McrcerJohnson Townhonrrs givcs.Ms. Fcrry rtrJright to park nor rnorc than two auo-or, ahe propcrty, andshc is violoting this scction by pa*ins hur tirs on iho prop.rty. ln yoru lettcr of Novembcr 3, 1999, you rcqucstcrl written evidance for the conscnt of thc owner ofParcel Il to the construction of fte garage h/ ttre owner of parccr e. i|.,u". """l"scd lbr your rsviewa copy of that writrcn permission. If you have my questions. pleasc do not hesitate to call. Sincerely. 4.,* A fu/t+ Lawrcncc A. tiskwith LAl,:;lg Enclosurc cc Susan Rutherford wEnDr^ltAxrnDc.l{| louTtltolYrAcl roAD ntl, lurr tlY^lLc0l.olADo|r|ct' | -- iltDrotNB rttu,.ra{trt^olmuor!,.rldt Novcrnber29. 1999 VIA FAX & MAIL Mr. Wendsll B. poncrfictd, Jr, Otto. Portcrficld & po:rt, l.,LC P.O. Box ll49 Vail. CO tt65t My Clicnt: $urrn Ruthcrfo lliar* Thc Krthl THIS ITEM IVIAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accondance with Section 12-3-3 of the Town of Vail Code on Tuesday, November 2n" at 2:00 p,m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, located at 75 South Frontage Road In consideration of: ITEM/TOPIC: An appeal of the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission's denial of a request for a variance fiom Section l2-6C-9, Torvn of Vail Code, to allow for two-family primary/secondary residential site coverage in excess of 20% of lotarea, located at 1007 Eagle's Nest Circle / Lot I, Block 6, Vail Village Filing 7. Applicant Kathleen Ferry, represented by Eric Johnson, Architect ACTION REQUESTED OF VAIL TOWN COUNCIL: Uphold, Uphold with modifications, or Overtum the Planning and Environmental Commission's decision. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The appellang Kathleen Ferry, went before the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Cornmission on October 10', 1999 to request a variance from Section l2-6C-9, Town of Vail Code in conjunction with a proposed residential addition at the above-referenced property. This request was for development of the lot with a site coverage of 22.6% of lot area (applicable zoning allows a maximum site coverage of 20o/"). The Planning and Environmental Commission held that approval of the variance would collstitute a gnnt of special privilege and voted unanimously (Galen Aasland abstaining, Doug Cahill absent) to deny the requcst. The application and information about the proposal is available for public inspection, during regular business hours, in the Community Development Departnent, located at the Town of Vail Community Development DeDarfinenl 75 South Frontage Road. $ 6g,lttCtc Ulqe,-0 D6/,r*r- wr'4y'r140.,,Jurl or, t(/ulst ral27/L999 12:Fe 71387 7L759t \+crtio" whf, Ms. Fcrry burght thio proparty givcn it's limitationc. I S RUTHERFORD Suru RcpcttiRuticrford t{66 D[r Leclnc Eourtor, Trlit 770t|- mal, rctum rcccipt rcqucrtod T f, Re: Vl T( 75 Vt of PEC dcnid - Novembcr 2, 1999 hcrdng Octobc27,1999 ovm Council of Vril Courmuoity Doretoprnclt' FrontrgeRd. Colorrdo 31657 CouncilMcurbcffi, Ms' Fcrry choores to ignorc the writtor objcctioor of hcr ttrcc imnrcoiatc Nw, Ms. Fcrry choorcs to ignorc thc most rcccot dcnial of the Town of vail,s utd Etwironqcrild Conurission I hrBht tbir, duplu pmperty futly aunrc thrr the crilhe lot bad rnry little site lcft and thrt hcr "Psrccl B" wrg not desigflsted iprimruy'. with tbcsc latcst ptanc, PAGE A1 thc.ourns of-9* p*poty known as l0or voit veltey Drivc (parcd A), the othcr hrlf 1"P* "q$ t Ka1 F"q (Prrc6t B) My ftnrib hu owncd tbe horuc for nauty 13ud my mothcr, Ann Repeti hrs tirrcd in ttrt house for fic cilrtirc pcri;J. -rrri, i.tto ,riuto orptrets my objcctioru to Ms. Ferryt appcal. obtainiag clcar titlc to ttis pfopcrty, Ms. Fcrry hrr ignorcd my tatss urd has rEfucd much lccs mcct with me. tlntilrc Mr Fcrry, ry motl- disorsr"d 8nd obtairrcdftomlgcd B'r prcviout oryncrs and hcr ncighbon bef,o,re she *.ccrrnrny applicd to ' f Y9 9r " Eilding pcrmit. Ms Ferry ohooscs ro ignore my r€qu€srs fo; '' l0(l9i|o offhc entirc totl availablc citG coverrge ud 7J% ofthe tot,s GFFA. she has elEo d€cid€d to ignore tho exirting party wafi egrccmem that has the property for 32 yerrs. By overt'rrring tbe pEC's dcnid the counoil would in condoning there unftiractionc ofMs. Fqny. Ml ['elry wm fir[], i4lbmkd ofth this ptropcrty but now Btetes that she hag a 'hlrdship" rrd dcurands ftom thc Town a for e 575rq. ft. 'one clr glngc,'. Any ,hardslrip. Ms. Ferry fccls is truly df roqucs "is urcd solely for thc 2 car garrgen. ilris is not corrccl. Thso plurs dro appoximrtely 130 sq. ft. of nerv ritc mverqge for an opandcd ma*er suite. Ms. qld notacod n'ch a largc varirnoe if shc wcrart uring up rite covurago on thir "Ilytlol: Mr-Fry c.rn eccrrmmodete her gangit wrhin the g*irting frrotJrtinr of Eric Jolmron gtatcs in hi$ oct. l, I 999 apptication covcrr lctt€r to tho pEc thlt the The PEC hrr rrpeeredly poirtcd this out to hcr architect. TAl2TlLgSg L2:39 7L3877L759 S RUTHERFORD PAGE 02 sq* *qrltd dtcflrptr br r variancc an abusc ofthe Town of vaifs time ard rDoney. Kay Fccr'' aslrmcl thcrr arc two rcts of dcq one forhcr tlrc one for hcr ndghbon. ovcrturning the pECb unoriurour rulfurg wurld bc inrtigatiag of,thc Town of Vailb zoning rcgulstions rrd uoutd be setting a tcriox for future dcmnrdr of propclty owners. thc council Mcnrbcrr to honorthe Town'r zoning rqulrtionr thlt my mothar rrsunrod bc uphdd whr rhe purcherod her home. It ir inrppropriatc for thc Town council to 8 vldmcc hr M!. Fcrry to oveltuild on r lot wheo ih otlcr co-owmr ofthc lot is in I rolpcctfrrlly rrk tto council Menrbcffi not to condonc actionr thd have trear ro to my mothcr md tte nigbborhood. ptcarc 'phold the pEC's urunimour dcnial of ["* stti./t"rtRlrp Kry Fcrry WENDELL B. PORTERFIELD, JR. WILLIAM J. PO6T ANN E. HUTCHISON Omo. Ponrnnrrnr,o & Postrrrr AITOMIEYS AT IAII9 POST OFFICE BOX AI49 vArr. cor0RADo 6166&31r.9 October 27,1999 Town Council Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Appeal of Kaye FerrY Dear Council: Kaye Ferry has appealed to the Town Council the denial of her application for a site coverage variance requested from Section 12-6D-9. The Planning and Environmental Commission denied the application finding it would, if granted, constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. The property is located at 1007 Eagle's Nest Circle and is part of Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village Filing No. 7 ("the Ferry Property"). The property including the Ferry Property is currently zoned primary/secondary residential. The Ferry Property is one-half of a duplex built on Lot 1 in the late 196O's. The other one-half of the duplex faces on and is known as 1OO1 Vail Valley Drive. That property is owned by Susan Rutherford . In 1989, Ms. Rutherford added a 280 square foot garage to the north side of her unit. The garage was built on common area. The Ferry Property however has no driveway, no parking and no garage. On-street parking is not permitted. The appellant seeks to add an enclosed two car garage to her unit and for that reason would require a variance. As proposed, the addition of a garage would cause site coverage to be approximately 22.60/0, exceeding the allowable 20%. Because the variance is not a grant of special privilege as envisioned by the Town of Vail ordinance, a variance for the site coverage is requested, At the hearing of this matter, Ms. Ferry will present other evidence regarding her position. PHYSICAL ADDRES9: @51 EAGLE ROAD EMERALD ACRES BLDG. III EAGLE.VAIL. COLORADO 8 I 62() TEL. (970) 949-534() FAX (970) e46-9t 36 Kaye Ferry APPEALS FORM REQUIRJD FOR FILING AI\ APPEAL OF A STAFF, DESIGN REVIEW BOARD OR PLAI\NING AND ENVIROI\MENTAL COMMISSION ACTION A. B, c. DATE OF ACTION/DECISION: NAME OF BOARD OR PERSON RENDERINC THE DECISION/TAKING ACTION: D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF E, NAME OF APPELLANT(S): PFTYSICAL ADDRESS IN VATL:fuv,r-,roru. t4, /F>t/./ rY N VArL: ' i( t 't //n-#- SIGNATURE(S): Page I of2 F.Does this appeat involve a specific parcet of land? (4 (' Ifyes, please provide the following information: areyouanadjacentpropertyowner? Yes- nol L If no, give a detailed explanation of how you are an "aggriwed or adversely affected penon." "Aggrieved or adversely affocted person" means any peaon who will suffer an adverse effect to an interest protected or furthered by this title. The alleged adverse interest may be shared in common with other memben of the community at large, but shall exceed in degree the general interest in community good shared by all persons. Provide the names and addresses (both person's mailing address and property's physical address in Vail) ofall owners of property which are the subject ofthe appeal and all adjacent property owners (including properties separated by a right-of-way, steam, or other inteilening barriers). Also provide addressed and stamped envelopes for each property owner on the list. On separate sheets ofpaper, speciff the precise nature ofthe appeal. Please cite specific code sections having relevance to the action being appealed. FEE: $0.00 c. H. Page2 of2 H.Appellant sought a variance from the site coverage limitation found at Section 12-6C-9. The variance was sought under 12-17-5 and 12-17-6. The appellant seeks to add an enclosed garage to duplex lot that has no existing parking. Site coverage would have increased to approximately 22.60/o when allowable site coverage is 2Oo/o. Appellant was turned down by PEC which held that variance would constitute a grant of special privilege. A"ffi P'[ Iunlwl \o/ PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION October 1 1, 1999 Minutes MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: John Scholield Doug Cahill Fluss Forrest Galen Aasland Dominic Mauriello Diane Golden George Ruther Brian Doyon Brent Wilson Tom Weber JudY Rodriguez Chas Bemhardt Public Hearino 2:00 p.m. John Schofield called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. 1. A request for a worksession to begin preliminary discussions with regard to the proposed redevelopment of the Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, located within Special Development District No.6. Applicant: Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay Peterson Planner: George Buther George Ruther gave an overview of the staff memo. John Schotield asked if the applicant had anything to add Galen Aasland asked if the applicant had requested that the PA Zoning be the underlying zoning. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant said, for the record, that the applicant requested the new PA Zone District be the underlying zone district. John Schofield asked where the height grade was taken from. George Ruther said there were existing grades before anything was developed on the site. He said he would like the PEC to address the north 68' building mass by the Gateway Building and how it would fit into the Vail Village Master Plan. Galen Aasland asked if the FFU's would be 1/1 2 ownership. Jay Peterson said everything that is not sold will be operated strictly from a hotel standpoint and the other units would be sold in 1 or 2 week intervals. He said that 28 weeks would be sold and 24 weeks would not be sold. He said this plan met the site constraints, was compatible with the surrounding area and would be a first class hotel in Vail Village. He said they felt that this_was the best soiution. He said they would lose 12 rooms if they had to set the building back 12' on Vail Road and he mentioned that they had now put living space in the roof area' 1 Phnning and Environmental Commissbn Minutes October I l. 1999 Jack Zehren, of Zehren and Associates, explained the position they were taking on the setbacks. He said originally the front arrival was off the Frontage Road and he agreed that the sense of entry was not clearly apparent. But he felt good landscaping around the street into the auto court would give that entry sense. Tim Losa, Project Manager ol Zehren and Associates, explained how the perceived mass of the buildings was looked at. Jack Zehren said the goal was to relate the height to lhe neighboring buildings and that the ridges of the buildings were stepped down. He said there was a lot of articulation and change from the eave line to the Plaza. John Schofield asked about the absolute height. Tim Losa said the absolute height was two feet above the ridge and that the master plan defined height as three to four stories. Jack Zehren said a backdrop with continuity was a goal for the pedestrian circulation. He said the pool area with a glass wall would add a spatial effect leading into the spa. He suggested terracing the landscaping into the pool area or a sunken garden effect. He said it would be the centerpiece of the area. John Schofield asked what the grade change would be from lhe walltway to the pool. Tim Losa said the teracing would be accomplished with planters and trees. Jack Zehren said the stepping would begin 5' from the pool and then an additional 8'. He thought they might tenace the pool area with some hot tubs. He then said building materials, lighting, graphics and paving would give a sense of entry into the Porte Cochere, but felt the points of entry for the pedestrian area were more important than the auto entry. John Schofield asked for any public comment. There was no public comment. Tom Weber asked what was happening in the courtyard with the double corridor. r Tim Losa explained it as a landscaping area. Tom Weber suggested more mass there. He said he was comfortable with the Vail Road setback and would not be in favor ol the north/south massing. He said he liked the scale down into the Phase V area. He said that light in the lobby was important and it should be at pedestrian level with retail; as it was now it created a barrier. He said he thought it important to show the stepping and asked if this area was private . lf private, he said he would be more in favor of having it sunken. He said this provided a chance for a surprise courtyard with retail in the area with an opportunity to tilter through the hotel. He said that the model was a disservice and he would like to get a set of full-size plans in the final packet. He said he would like the plans sooner than the Friday before the meeting; perhaps Wednesday or Thursday, with color- coding for public vs. private facilities. He said the vertical masses make the front entry evident and was encouraged with how the FFU's will work. He suggested pulling back the corner tower unit and that it could be tumed around with slight modifications. 2 Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes October I l. 1999 Brian Doyon said he would like to see a full set of drawings with dimensions from the edge of the curb. He stated he would like a good reason to deviate from the setbacks with a detailed public benefit. He said, except for the building in front of the Gateway, he was comfortable with the height. He said the PEC was required to look at the impacts on adjacent neighboring buildings and this would put the Gateway into the shade the majority of the day making it a substantial impact. He said he would like the applicant not to turn their back on the Gateway. He said he liked the pool higher with stepping down, He stated that all north-facing walls would not get sun. He mentioned this as a fantastic opportunity to get a new loop in Vail by changing the tower by the Liquor Mart to look more interesting and invite more people in. He said he would like to see more landscaping when you came out of the Siamese Orchid. He said he would like to see an access connection to the Gateway. Jay Peterson stated the owner of the Gateway wanted the connection on the south side and we could provide a letter from the Gateway stating this. Brian Doyon said he would like to see more detail so that he could understand the entrance on Vail Road and the AU's were explained well. Galen Aasland said he was ok with the height and that the Master Plan suggested the tallest buildings be located on the Frontage Road. He said he liked the stepping down, but he thought the ridgeline in front of the Gateway could be improved. He said the pool was a pit, the spaces between the buildings needed work and the little tower didn't work. He thought the shallow pitches on the two towers worked. Chas Bemhardt said he liked the roofline on Meadow Drive and his main concern was the light and space infringement on the Gateway Building. He said the pedestrian area needed to get less narrow towarG Meadow Drive. Diane Golden said the Gateway was too close to Vail Road and she had no problem with the height. She said she was not comfortable with the pedestrian circulation from the front entrance to the Tower, as it seemed very narow and very cold. John Schofield said Vail Road setbacks need a reconciliation of numbers; whether it is 29' or 45' and built into the property line or the curb line. He stated not changing the setback dramatically, since this was substantially more mass than the Gateway. He thought we should look at the average setbacks in total and that he was completely comfortable with the height. He said his greatest concern was with the pedestrian corridors and access. He would like to see how pedestrians get around the pool into the hotel. He suggested differential paving creating paths. He suggested an archway from the tower over the other building to get people into the hotel. He said the building entrance on Vail Fload was where it ought to be with maybe more of a setback on Vail Road to be led into the entry. He said he had no problem with the FFU's, but asked what would happen il the FFU's did not sell. Jay Peterson said unsold FFU's would become part of the hotel. He said if the applicant wanted to sell more weeks, we could have to come back to the PEC. Brian Doyon asked about a traffic study. Jay Peterson said there would be a color site plan along Vail Road, with more detail before the final review. He said the parking takes care of itself. 3 Planning and Environmental Commissbn Minutes October I l. 1999 o John Schofield suggested the rooms on the east side making great EHU's. 2. A request for a variance from Section 12-6C-9, Town of Vail Code, to allow for two{amily residential site coverage in excess ol 20/" of lot area, and a request for a corditional use permit, to allow lor the construction of a Type ll employee housing unit, located at 1007 Eagle's Nest Circle / Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village Filing 7. Applicant: Kathleen Ferry, represented by Eric Johnson, ArchitectPlanner: Brent Wilson Galen Aasland recused himself. Brent Wilson gave an overview of the staff memo. Brent stated the application had been revised since the previous PEC presentation and that the employee housing unit (EHU) was no longer part of this application. He said, for lhe record, that this lot was a conforming lot and he read the criteria into the record. He said any hardship stated would be self-imposed, as staff could not identify any hardship on the lot and that since major structural work was proposed for the residence, the applicant essentially had a "blank slate" to work with. He stated that all required olf-street parking could be accommodated on this lot without a variance and that garage parking was not a requirement but rather an amenity. He stated there was enough site coverage available on the lot without a variance to construct a one{ar garage. John Schofield asked if any site coverage variances had been approved in the neighborhood. Brent Wilson said not in the immediate neighborhood. John Schofield asked if the applicant had anything t0 add. Eric Johnson, representing the applicant, said the hardship was the proximity to the adjacent property owner or other half ol the duplex. He said they were working carefully within the existing structure. He said this satisfies the intent of the Town desiring larger storage areas and garages. He said if surface parking were allowed in the front part 0f the site, it would be more of an impact since the paved area would be larger. He said that 3 parking spaces were required and that this is only a 1-car garage. He again mentioned the hardship and said the basis for not being considered a special privilege, was that we had to work within the existing struclure. Brent Wilson explained the garage credil allocation and explained that if this was a one-car garage, it needed to be scaled down to 300 sq. ft. as garage credits are allocated on a "per space" basis. Eric Johnson said this was for a single car within the two-car garage. John Schofield asked how much was being torn down of the structure. Eric Johnson explained they were only removing 25-301" of the existing structure. Brent Wilson said the addilional 250 sq. ft. could be a key issue. lf 50% or more of the floor area were to be removed, then the project would be considered a "demolition/rebuild" and the 250 bonus credit would not be available to the applicant. 4 Planning and Environmental Commbsion Minutes October I l. 1999 Eric Johnson said staff did not advise the applicanr about the 250 sq. ft, Brent Wilson stated the plans submitted show the existing footprint remaining intact and said the architect stated previously on the record that only walls would be removed. John Schofield asked for any public comment. Flo Steinberg, a neighbor across the street from the applicant, said she had lived there for 30 years and supported the applicant in what she wanted to do. She said it was wonderful to have another lull-time neighbor on the street. She said the hardship was that it was a duplex and it was very difficult to have two families agree. Larry Eskwith, representing Mrs. Repetti, asked how many letters were against this application. Brent Wilson stated they were all attached to the staff memo. Larry Eslrwith said to grant this variance would be a grant of special privilege. He said there were three variances tumed down for garages and setback encroachments in the neighborhood. He explained that a variance was an applicant asking lor relief from the zoning law and therefore should be granted sparingly. He said that a hardship was restricted to the site itself. The area they are requesting to encroach is owned by both parties as common area. He said it was being requested that one of the parties would get all of the remaining site coverage without permission from the other party, Mrs. Repetti. John Schofield explained that the Town of Vail would not be a pariy to the agreement and that any private party wall issues would not be addressed in the public forum. Larry Eskwith said that four neighbors opposed this, as it would have a negative effect on the neighborhood. Wendell Porterfield, the attomey representing the applicant, said the owner of the property was Susan Rutherford; not Mrs. Repetti and that her garage was put on the property without permission from the Town. Brent Wilson stqted that this statement was incorrect. He said Mrs. Repetti obtained Town of Vail approval for'her garage addition. Mr. Porterfield said any variance was a special privilege. He asked the PEC to consider how the garage was inconsistent with other limitations on other properties. Tom Weber asked why the existing house was the hardship. Wendell Porterfield said the existing house was the hardship, since on-street parking was allowed in the 60's and is not allowed now. Tom Weber said he still doesn't see how the house is the hardship, as the other homes in the neighborhood were built in the 60's. Wendell Porterfield said he didn't believe that the site alone should provide the only hardship. 5 Phnning and Environmental Commission Minutes October 11. 1999 a Larry Eskwith said he represented Susan Rutherford, owner of the property and stated that Mrs. Repetti never put a garage on her property without permission from the Town. Ann Repefti stated she was not sure but she thought her existing garage was 180 sq. tt. Ann Repetti said her daughter's letter speaks for her. Eric Johnson said he tried hard with the design to match the existing duplex and said that the garage addition tied it in together well. Brent Wilson stated a survey indicated Mrs. Flepetti's gaftrge was 280 square feet. Flo Steinberg said the house was built in '1967 owned by the Johnson's and Mercers who were related who would go back an d forth between the two houses. Chas Bernhardt said he was in favor of garages and asked il he could build a garage the same size as the Repetti's. lf she has only 213 square feet of site coverage available and Mrs. Hepetti has 280 sf then she would be short-changed. Diane Golden said this is clearly a grant of special privilege. Tom Weber said this was a grant of special privilege and said the applicant was making it hard for themselves by putting the garage where it is now. Brian Doyon said extra site coverage would be a grant of special privilege. John Schofield said he was sympathetic to both sides in this argument. He said that this was a grant of special privilege, since nothing had been presented that the lot had any unique problems or hardships and the other two requests in the last couple of years had been denied. Brian Doyon made a motion for denial. Tom Weber seconded the motion. John Scholield asked fonany further discussion. Eric Johnson said he would like to table this to apply for a smaller site coverage variance lor a single+ar garage instead. Dominic Mauriello reminded the PEC that this was the second attempt to table this item and the PEC was under no obligation to table it. He said the applicant had not attempted to change anything from the 1o time it was tabled and that even if the applicant had requested a variance of 1 sq. tt., any variance from the regulations would still be considered a grant of special privilege. The motion for denial passed by a vote of 5-0. 3 A request for a minor subdivision, to vacate common lot lines to create a new lot, located at 2477 , 2485, 2487 ,2497 Garmisch Drivei Lots 1 -4, Block H, Vail Das Schone #2. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Nina Timm 6 Planning and Environmental Gommission Minutes October I l. 1999 Planner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTTL OCTOBER 25, 1999 4. A request for a worksession to discuss a redevelopment proposal involving a rezoning, conditional use permit revision and development plan epproval for Ski Club Vail, located at 598 Vail Valley Drive / Part of Tract B, Vail Village 7"' Filing. Applicant: Ski Club Vail, represented by Snowdon & Hopkins Architects Planner: Brent Wilson TABLED UNTIL OCTOBER 25, 1999 5, A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of a Type ll employee housing unit, located at 3847 Lupine Drive / Lot7, Block 1, Bighorn Subdivision First Addition. Applicant: Randy Nichols, represented by the Mulhern Group Planner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL OCTOBER 25, 1999 6. A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the establishment of a new parcel and the vacation of platted easements, located on a Portion of Lot 1, Sunburst Filing ff3 (Golf Tenace). Applicant: FallridgeCondominiumAssociationPlanner: Brent Wilson TABLED UNTIL OCTOBER 25, 1999 Diane Golden made a motion to table items 3,4,5,& 6. Brian Doyon seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. 7. Information Update Russ Fonest informed the PEC that the Town was looking at the lower level of the Library lor additional beds to be temporary (5 months) housing for the Bus Department. 8. Approval of September 27, 1999 minutes. Galen Aasland had changes. He then made a motion for approval as amended. Chas Bernhardt seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0. Planning and Envhonmental commission Minutes Octob€r I I, 1999 t Brian Doyon made a motion to adjoum. Chas Bemhardt seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vole of 5-0. The meeting adjoumed at 5:05 p.m. Planning and Environmental Commissbn Minutes October I l. 1999 TO: FROM; DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department October 10, 1999 A request for a variance from Section 12-6C-9, Town of Vail Code, to allow for two{amily primary/secondary residential site coverage in excess ot 207" of lot area, located at 1007 Eagle's Nest Circle / Lot 1 , Block 6, VailVillage Filing 7. Applicant: Kathleen Ferry, represented by Eric Johnson, Architect Planner: Brenl Wilson I. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicant, Kathleen Ferry, is requesting a variance to allow for a residential addition with site coverage in excess (415 square feet) of what is allowed under the Town's Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential zoning regulations. The zoning for the above-referenced property allows a site coverage ol 20"k of total site area (3,188 square feet). The applicant is proposing a site coverage o'( 22.6"/" ol total site area (3,603 square feet). Site coverage requirements for lots in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District are described in Section 12-6D-9, Town ol Vail Code. The applicant's representative has expressed the reasoning for the variance request under Exhibit A (altached). The applicant is proposing a demolition/rebuild of the existing residence and the addition of a two--car garage. The applicant's unit (constructed in the late 1960's) currently has no formally designated off-street parking. On June 24'n of this year, staft granted the applicant an approval for a temporary unpaved off-street parking area. Ms. Ferry's unit is currently required to provide three on-site parking spaces but there is no requirement that any of these spaces be enclosed. As demonstrated below, there is enough site coverage available within the applicable code allowances for the applicant to meet this requirement without a variance. Although 213 square feet of site coverage is available on site (enough for one 11' x 19'garage space), the applicant is proposing to construct a 576 square foot two-car garage. Available site coverage under code provisions = Site coverage proposed tor addition/two-car garage = 213 square leet 628 square feet o II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department stalf recommends denial of the applicant's site coverage variance request subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting of the site coverage variance will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsislent with the limitations on other properties classified in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. 2. There are no exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to this site that do not apply generally to other properties in the PrimaryiSecondary Residential Zone District. 3. That the strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation does not deprive the applicant ol privileges enjoyed by the owners ol other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. III. REVIEWING BOARD ROLES The PEC is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and slructures in the vicinity. 2. The degree lo which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without grant ol special privilege. 3. The effect ol the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. The DRB is responsible for evaluating the DRB proposal for: - Architectural compatibility with other structures, the land and surroundings- Fitting buildings into landscape- Configuration of building and grading of a site which respects the topography- Removal/Preservation of trees and native vegetation- Adequate provision for snow storage on-site- Acceptability ol building materials and colors- Acceptability of roof elements, eaves, overhangs, and other buihing forms- Provision of landscape and drainage- Provision of fencing, walls, and accessory structures- Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances- Location and design of satellite dishes- Provision of outdoor lighting tv.ZONING AND SITE STATISTICS Zoning District: Lot Size: GRFA: Site Coverage Setbacks Front (Ferry) Side Front (Repetti) Parking (Ferry) Primary/Secondary Residential District 15p42 square feet (.366 acres) Standard Allowed/Required Proposed 4,944sq. ft.. 3,188 sq. ll. (20"h) 20 ft. 15 ft. 20 tr. 3 spaces 4,943 sq. ft." 3,603 sq. tl. (22.6Yo1 20 ft. (per ILC) 15 ft. (per ILC) / 26 ft. no change 3 spaces * lncludes a credit of 250 square feet for the Ferry Residence. V.CRITERIA AND FINDINGS _ SITE COVERAGE VARIANCE A.Consideration of Factors Reqardino the Site Coveraoe Variance: The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff believes the proposed two-car garage is excessively large and deviates from the zone district regulations more than is necessary to achieve stated goals. There is no requirement for enclosed parking on this site - it is simply an amenity requested by the applicant. With a demolition/rebuild project, the applicant has a "clean slate" to work wilh. Staff believes any hardship created with this proposal is self-imposed. The proposed residential addition impacts a number of mature trees on the property which serve as a buffer to adjacent properties. At their July 21, 1999 meeting, the Town's Design Review Board gave the applicant direction to preserve the mature trees and to pursue parking options on other portions ol the site. Staff believes this request lor additional site coverage further expands impacts on existing vegetation. The degree lo which reliel from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specifirld regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Staff believes that an approval of the requested site coverage variance would result in a grant of special privilege. Variance requests for garage additions on adjacent properties have been denied in the past. Staff believes there are no unique circumstances, nor any extraordinary 1. z- ct. conditions (such as wetlandsiwater features, excessive slopes, etc.) which impact the applicanl's lot. The maximum site coverage allowed on the applicant's lot is 20%. All required off-street parking could be provided on the site without a variance. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff does not believe there would be any negative impacts associated with this proposal, if constructed, on the above-referenced criteria. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinqs belore orantinq a variance: 1. That the granting ol the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the llmitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranled for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulg or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. i a 7 II : !ii:ii:i'!i ^ rf ii il' l i i i"l ','-.-i; .-t- \';i l.r- \ 1r rii :i 'e'( r r! r lii I t:l'fi,z:o 1rlls . i:l !r:1r(. I \0,-i "/ ./'n "\) ,t a.- \t., ,.\ s\ \\ 3\i -".^\ /\ t/\/rl.' I I '( '/,I .X-- o - l'-lt\,';l L. !l 1'/. '51 /a::K"/ l/ t- s J \ * ts( 0/ drl *'; of "1{. s 1 I --t;----*-.-- a ) 'rr?/>C--: s 7ril I ){!trr-Ir5 lj ,-lit;rr0ITINIIi si ll-1\ir rt al\r-{{it-f..( !ajt {rr\ila-il {r!rt!b{tt,a rtItI JSii { t II i lq I n I:t ) II 1\l till{ il" o15.t'l ol llr ilx I I i rl. ) t!-t3ll. -{. hl IBth lLFI\ilralrrl( F;IttFIt rl {ir 'io-*- I IIl . Pt" {rq,3ls'l' I -L I o La 2 tz a-\t tt'l - frFf r !_ {$- '!r ! :r ;l it,I I 3 I lr d.r-lj llSr i.!rl r r It-l 1l{ {l rl t !l tl. {- :li tli $jrl" rlr ll ,t t^ iii 'l t] l il "t :l ?l\lrl .i -i il -:t I l!ot -t-l --'rllrl ri!t |1l!t -.ttl rl I-l -l IItt-l1lrl \ ,J l', flse !13 i,il !i : I I I +TI rl'l Lllr la ilirt- s l.rl.l I +..l I I Irl *lo . lrIl. fl!:lor ir'i' I I + *- I I I I I I I Irl t lo*ls r i.! lral ; i.'l* t" i .i. 1'rl ! It) i1li ii: ." I' iv { I F il \ I {\ tiilat!:r :!rtl iiik !r Art :.'$"flq'f\sL o-t\ I ldtJr- Nlo [rl Lls-q-l: -lr A ii oo !f,p r t9) tz'31 Jt ! s[; I ltl o 0i:ri a II irlal,l i:l -tJ{f lil i + r,O 5 s d- .{ f.IE * ;y i(! li{ it{SL{:y1 o- z.\taa ),a1:l]r'r\ lty^ .l ea | _ L6lB7/L999 16t57 713877L S RUTFEFFORD PAGE AL SUSANR. RUTEERXIORI) 3466 ElhIe Lerc EourtonrTan 77CI27 nril, rcturn rcceiptrcqucctod M.7,lggg Phrdlg cd En'iromutal Cmiuisr ofVril FromgeRord Cobrdo t1657 ofKry Fcrry - Octobcr I l. 1999 hcadng ut rwre ftom rry cadic corcspondence to you dued JuIy 21, 1999, I rm ihc oryncr of lurotrn rs l00l Vdl Vdloy Drive, thc otlrcr haf,of tt dupl"x owncd by Kry fcrry. will s€rt E to ogrcs ry comirucd objoc'tions to Mr. Fcry's rmadcd plms. Ettcrnpt to rtcolw orr conccrng witb Ms. Fcrr/s cerlicr pluts, I satt oorrcspondencig to crry by ccrtificd mril, copies ofwtdch have beat scnt to tlt town. Dclpitc confirmation hu rcccirred my lcttcrr, Ml Fcrry har rtfuscd to contact mc or rilcmpt in rry wry to with me rs hcr nciglfior. Ir thc ftcc ofMs. Fcrrl/r distinci hck of coopcnrion, I ftd it thd lrcr rrchitect'r lctrcr to yur drtd Oct. l, 1999, rurw dochra Mr. Fcn)/s plurs to bo in the 'nutud bcuefit of thc property owlcri'. In hct, Ms. Fcrry has chocco thoocdr aod cqcqrs ofhrncighbon. Fcrry bought thir propcrty firlty swttc th thc dlirc bt hd otrly 213 rquarc fca of sitc covcnge md thil bcr ddc ?rrccl B' rrrr mt dcdgnrted ?dmtry'. IfMs, Fcrry nrch a largc GRFA rddition wirb a 2 crr grnge sbe Bhould not hlve borgltt tbis in thc firrt plrcc- Auy 'h$&bip" shp now clafunr is ccrtrinly rclf impored. rre awue trom nry calicr corcrpondcncc to the Conmittcc, my mothcr has bceo waithg foryerrr to haw Prrcd B's orvncrlbip dcerndncd rc that slrs could rcrtodcl b Ovct thc yccrr ry nothcr rnd I havc disqrrc€d nuncrour rilot viriancc rEquattt with tltc ernployees. rile havc conriSently bccn told that tho Torvn of Veil's buildlng codcg wEtrE upheld ud thst vuianc.er would not bc givcn. Wc rcspect md acccpt thrt. I am rwrre of golf course ncighbo'r'r who hsvc msde formd vrrirnce requcsts ard all havc bcat trrmcd To allow this vriucc rculd be a grrnt of special privilqe to Ms. Ferry. The rules for nry and her neighbon sbqrld be the s8nc nrlcs for Kry Ferry. Mr. Ferry har chrtrgd her phns - due to tbis Commi[cds vcrbel rcjcction ud tabfng earficr herrfug on July 25, 1999 -I curtinuc to bc opposcd to thc modificd planr &r mary llrrc rcrrons I objocod to hcr erdier plan. 759o at of L6/A7/1999 LA157 7L38 5 RUTHERFORD PAGE A2 PuoelB. crr/r proposcd phns rhow two sccond floor camilevercd projcctionr tt try additiord lito (ccctrlpproimAay 60rq.ft., total l20q.ft.ofnew sitc mvcrage). Thc plans do aot At oim AetUions ofttrce specific rrcas. Ms. Fcrrlr uscs sorna of t}e limilcd sitc covcGse 77L759o ry /Sccordary status is undst6ftnined. My mother mnsidcn hcr Parccl A ar tho rPrinrry' MV rnotlrcr has phnc for ranodcling which include sdditiottd GTFA ,td rhe covtmge. Ms. pirns proclaimhcrself "primary' rnd conrnandeu thc cxtra 50O of GRFA and dl ofthe iil*te,tlt" cov€rrgc. I do not undagtand where Mr. Fcrry alsrrmct rtre is entitlod to tll of tbc Milrble dtc conrrgo. Thcsc irsues wcrE clcU to Lls. Ferry tong bdore rhc rCccived and ftn e 575' g,rqgs. i questioo wlry the dchitect's Oct. 1 , t 999 bttcr to you rtetcs that the (is) uscd oay m ttr" 2 cer gnnge.' In frst, Mr. Fcrry wor"rld not uecd nrch r lrge vuimce for hcr prage ifrhc wcr€ ml rr*irg somo ofthc site coverege up m her nritc addition CRrA ura rlt the sitc covcragc htt dso erlitled to dc@nd part of my ooth€ds for hcr ncw mastar nritc? erry's proporcd ptuu do anray withthe joitrt ctsirc.lc thst bssbeeo in placc 32 ycan ard rs the only oCaior aoccSlt to th. scoord floor. ryosed plans havc windows end doors in thc party well that would infringe on rry mothedr .'Ihe pianr ornit the west elevrtion which would $ow thc impact on my mothads home. Out I rcaohttiotl Uqlifc Ms Ferry, my mOthcr dis6ur$d rnd obtaincd apprsvEl ftom B'r prcrrious orrmcrs and hcr neigbbors beforc shc nrcccsfirlly aPplied to thc Towa for a pcnnit. rc,rry'r sccond lloor rdditions woutd bc on part of my rnothcr's dcck that hrr baen in place thc tuilding wes coostnrctcd. Docs Mr. Fcrry ast||rnc thlt drc ir not mly ciltitld to thc the committee to rcspest the Town's building codeo thrt my mother rssum€d would bo when she purchascilher homc. Ths Commitee would be in*igrting the brcskdown of , I would lfte to point g(il thst Ms. Fcrry is choodngto igrnrc the Pe*yWdl Agracnt€nt wcmc thc ure ofthc housg. 5116 ha5 refirrcd my rcpcrted rttempts to honor this agrcCnant $udilds ifthqt sct a preccdail with thic wixlcc roqucst- A,nn Rcpdti Kay Fcrry 16/66/1999 15:11 7l3B77L S RUT}EFF(RD SUITAII N. RUTETRNONDtaa6Elrlrcl.lrc ' EonnoqTczt TlO27' pbn TllD7-r6at I.r 7rgll-1739 ctdfiod mrit taum rcccipt roquodcd An3tut 13,1999 Mnl(ryFrry 2395 EddMom|eln Vril, Cololrdo t1637 DqrKry. I wrr dtnppointcd pu did nol rcrpond to my offer to mct in Vril drring my t!ffi vilt. I urdcrltrtrd rh$ you lt roiring rnd rcrubnitting plrrrr for the duplor rnd thrt a Sopt. 27, 1999 hcrirS hrclrdrdGd. Kry, I tmid yor thrt thc prrty wdl ogrcccrrnt crltr forprior rpprovd ofcrtcrior chttgGr. Wc will hrw to work bgahcr if ury progrcrc ir to occrr. Ar yor, md thc DRB know vcry udl, ruy Mothcr rnd I lnve bccn puiqtly writing dutiry thc pert fve ytdt for onnrcr:[ip of ddo B to bc dcibd. Now thrt pu hrvc rccciucd titlc plcrr cofrct no irmcdirtdy ro thet sc mry rorolvr Oc ritc covrrqgc rnd pitarry/ncudty iru6. I rm unrbh to dstcrminc the dec of rny futurc eddilioar withoul tlrrc irnrcr bcing 759o PAGE 6T Obvioud/- I orpcct to raccirrc copicr of my futurc eppfcrtiou md plrnr pic to pur rubmittittg thcm to thc torr'n. Plcr* rard thmr to my rd&co dtoyvn rbow. h. I r- lbtrl-r5.hl..ratlt. .. lr-r tr=:Ir.Ir lDrErtI! ru ar|tG:arb:----.rE- f7 I IIt . t{- cc: DRB, TomofVril M$. tulRcpctti | -ro d.fl D tcbwhg l-rar'lf!r rrfrl: .r. 0 Addinl I* stirr'. ...-. €coo ' 0CT. -05'99(TUE) 10,41 octobsr 05, 1999 Mr. Brcnt Wilson Town of Vail, Colorado Departmcnt of Commuity Dwclopmcnt ?5 SouttrFrmtageRoad Vail, CO 81657 DerMr. Wilson; I am writing to object to thc variarce rcquest dstEd October 1, 1999 regarding the following: KAY FERRY RESTTIENCT, LOT I' PARCEL B, ETITLDING 6l vl+-vll.rl\GE FILING 7, 1007 EAGLES wbsr clncl-,E| vArL' coLoRADO' 816s7 I am lhe qwner of an adjacent lo.t io tho wlst ol$c subject property- Bcfore I consructed my homc at 967 vail val"v Oriu"i ,.q*tt"a a set back variance to provide morc se'paration for my ffi:il[;:;;ri ;J ,lr","bject two parry building. In sptr" of myneighbors support of G,,"q"*a *a oo uaror" affcct on any puty I was denied a varianco on ttre basis that this would be "special Privilege." I ft u prertt "a"iance request inoreascs thc coverage beyond that allowablc and increascs thc GRSA by 250 square fbJ;;;;"* far morc sign-ificant thrr my sirnple request for set back relief. I object to this spccial privilege requcst for additionat building on the subject lot which I beliwc wilidetract &om my views and thc value of my tronc' Sinccrely, T{ALDENS'/ERSTTY Chandelle Ventures Inc. t4illl Watdcn CcnlerDrivc'Bonitr Sprlngr, r'L 34134 (941) 94S-l0lll.Far: (941) 9s-10f 2'e'mdL der@wcldenu'cdu P. 002 DEA/au ocT w 'g) La.wpn PA TRII'R CORPCRATo I0{P.?./? !fL(-r \!/.tl !rPtaI. Nlw v:)LK. iiY l'joc.-(, \ 2.? J 3. | ', 5 5 r {I. 212 ;:.3 .4?4n NATR|NA Octob€r?,1999 Mr. Brent Wilson Town Plurning and Environrnental Corunission Town of Vail 75 SouthFrontageRoad Vail, CO. 81657 DearMr. Wilson: In reference to an application for a variance by Ml Kay Ferry, 1007 Eaglar Nest Circle, I stand opposed and would like to go on r€cord as srch. My principal concern is that the requestlo o<ceed the site coverage typically pcrmitted by the Town Ordinance to'build a 20 foot high two car garage is absolutely irnppropriate. I would ask the Comrnission to consider the applicant's claim of hardstrip results from a desire to simply mainUin the foundation; it will be the neighbors who will sufftr hardship if nrch r large struct.Ee is built. I respectfirlly suggest that the apptcant and her architect find a way to build a garage within the odsting footprint. I have another concem that may or may not be approPfiate for the Cornmission br* is worthy of some considerdion. If one "sidd' of a duplex requests and is grauted varianccs, wbat is the chance that tle Town will succes$rlly deny a similar request frqm the oth€r ,,side,,? Is it possible that this structure will ultimately grow to a very disproportionate su;e? Eagles Nest Circle is a simple orl de sac, ringed with mod€st homes. Please Protect the character ofour little neighborhood and deny the application as submitted. Thank you for your consideration. Cordially,w Daniel deRoulet 1042 Eagles Nest Circle Vail, CO 81657 Sr() iA(]t M.4 l'll,Gt ite l\i SOt UTIONS Date Receive, ocT 2 2 1999 SUSAN R RUTHf,RFORI) 3466 Blla Lee Lane Houston, Texas 77027 certified mail, retum receipt requested Town Planning and Environmental Commission Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Application of Kay Ferry - October ll,1999 hearing Dear Commissioners: Oct.7,1999 As you are aware from my eadier correspondence to you dated July 21, 1999,lam the owner of the properfy known as l00l Vail Valley Drive, the other half of the duplex owned by Kay Ferry. This letter will serve to express my continued objections to Ms. Ferry's amended plans. In an attempt to resolve our concerns with Ms. Ferry's earlier plang I sent correspondence to Ms. Ferry by certffied mail, copies of which have been sent to the town. Despite confirmation that she has received my letters, Ms. Ferry has refused to contact me or attempt in any way to work with me as her neighbor. In the face of Ms. Ferry's distinct lack of cooperatioq I find it astonishing tlrat her architect's letter to you dated Oct. l, 1999, now declares Ms. Ferqy's proposed plans to be in the "mutual benefit of the property owners". In fact, Ms. Ferry has chosen to ignore the needs and concerns ofher neighbors. Ms. Ferry bought this property fully aware that the entire lot had only 213 square feet of available site coverage and that her side "Parcel B" was not designated "Primaq/". If Ms. Ferry now desires such a large GRFA addition with a 2 car guage she should not have bought this property in the first place. Any "hardship" she now claims is certainly self imposed. As you are aw.lre from my earlier correspondence to the Committee, my mother has been patiently waiting for years to have Parcel B's ownership determined so that she could remodel her home. Over the years my mother and I have discussed numerous minor variance requests with the PEC ernployees. We have consistently been told that the Town of Vail's building codes were strictly upheld and that variances would not be given. We respect and accept that. I am aware of mother's golf course neighbor's who have made formal variance requests and all have been tumed down. To allow this variance would be a grarfi of special privilege to Ms. Ferry. The rules for my mother and her neighbors should be the same rules for Kay Ferry. Although Ms. Ferry has changed her plans - due to this Committee's verbal rejection and tabling at the earlier hearing on July 26, 1999 -I continue to be opposed to the modified plans for many ofthe same reasons I objected to her eadier plans. Primary iSecondary status is undetermined. My mother considers her Parcel A as the "Primary" side. My mother has plans for remodeling which include additional GRFA and site coverage. Ms. Ferry's plans proclaim herself "Primary" and commandeer the extra 500' of GRFA and all of the lofs available site coverage. I do not understand where Ms. Ferry assumes she is entitled to all of the lot's available site coverage. These issues were clear to Ms. Ferry long before she received title to Parcel B. Ms. Ferry's proposed plans show two second floor cantilevered projections that use additional site coverage (each approximately 60sq.ft., total l2Osq.ft.of new site coverage). The plans do not show all of the elevations ofthese specific areas. Ms. Ferry uses some of the limited site coverage to make these master suite projections and then professes a hardship in needing extra site coverage for a 576'garage. I question why the architect's Oct. l, 1999 letter to you states that the "varian@ (is) used solely for the 2 car garage." In fact, Ms. Ferry would not need zuch a large site coverage variance for her garage ifshe were not using some ofthe site coverage up on her master suite addition. Ms. Ferry's second floor additions would be on part of my mother's deck that has been in place since the building was constructed. Does Ms. Ferry assume that she is not only entitled to the 500'of Primary GRFA and all the site coverage but also entitled to demand part ofmy motheds deck for her new master suite? Ms. Ferry's proposed plans do away with the joint staircase that has been in place32 years and has sewed as the only exterior access to the second floor. The proposed plans have windows and doors in the party wall that would infringe on my mother's privacy. The plans omit the west elevation which would show the impact on my mother's home. Finally, I would like to point out that Ms. Ferry is choosing to igrrore the Party Wall Agreernent that governs the use ofthe house. She has refused my repeated attempts to honor this agreement and work out a resolution. Unlike Ms Ferry, my mother discussed and obtained approval from Parcel B's previous owners and her neighbors before she successfirlly applied to the Town for a building permit. I ask the committee to respect the Town's building codes that my mother assumed would be upheld when she purchased her home. This Committee would be instigating the breakdown of our neighborhood standards ifthey set a precedent with this variance request. Verytruly Susan cc: Mrs. AnnRepetti Ms. KayFerry ocT, 1.1999 12:20P1[N0.3954 P. 2 Oc$ber 7. 1999 Planning and Erwironnrent commisdon Town of Vail 75 South Fronhge Road Vall, Colorddo 81657 Re: RequEst br Varlance at 1007 Eagles Nest Circle Dear commi$-pners: I am he ownor of 1031 hgles Nest Circle, 0n propeny edjacent to 1007 Eagles Nest Clrcle. I am opposed b th€ vsians€ requestcd by thr spplic.nl l0thleen Feny- | feel fi?l the proposed renovation airi aOOltiln of a garagn rhould be aompletsd wlthott ottting dwm the nntrre lees m the propedy djrent to my pppefi and without grantir€ dte co\renge vadances. ConskJerationc rehbd to my @noems ers highlignbd below. r Ths Foposed vailanoe rvould haw a ggniffcant negative irpact on '!s Eagles Nest.Glde , communtty. The proposel eliminates essentialu all of the mature trees bufrring my property, lhc , 1007 Eag-les N€st-Ciile shlctre, antt he ofier homs on Eaghs Neet Circl€. The prcpocal tnuld creab a alge pefilng lot In what b orr€ntly a gleert,spee and tree hfbr betureen flry home End the Fcry eaihnce.r Th€ prop6€d turo{ar garegp as €xces8hn. I muld suppqt Ms. Ferry building a on*ar g?Iage, it it were cornpleieC within he lbobdnt of the exisling litucfirp, wih ppreryation of the existing tees and witholrt impacring the cfiamc'ior of the oPen green spoce on the lot. r l/lltpn lrs. Ferry t€centy acquircd the 1fi17 Eagles Ne$ Girclc prcperty, she muld harc bcen adviged of the consfraints of building on Ergls Negt Circle. The righb of lhe property owne'€ on Eagl€s Nest Circle shorH nol be omprcmised b allow variances [rat vlould convey ptivilcOes to Ms. Fery whblr are not araihble b othar honreowners on Eagles Nest Cicle and $tlictl flculd n€getively aftctthem. W property has already bcen impecied by irrcreasing densify atoutld Eagles Nest Gircle. Vtthen I adquired ry pmpsily in 1993, tre tsect adjacent b 1 007 was orrned ry |he ulater Company end us€d br a unbr pumping statbn whir$ had a minimal imFct on the arca: I assumed lhat thB plopcrty vsuld be rmintained br its qfisnt use, or corwerbd by tre twvn b dditio€l green spaoa adjac€nt to the Ford Parlc The bwn subsequenuy sold this property, and iltw there is a very large horne dirccdy in my Yieu, corTider.r ll iB my und€rtbnding hat there is a party wall agreennnt which gives each owrer the right to apprcve ary changEs in ihe olh6r ourneE hef of tho Fery duplex and hat the ppposed rcnova$on has not been so epponed. Should he bwn pemit $e requesbd renovatiqn a larsuil mqy very likdy be brought by tre owner o' f|e adj#nt dlrphx. ho$/ever, prbr to a reeolution of the hwcuit seriou€ damage to the pmperty may be done. I hope that br lhe ]€esons stabd above, snd br lhe rEssons stated by the ofier homeowners on or near Circle, lhat you will rcject this application. inbrmalionl Evan Jones 11013 Cdppbgale Road Potomaq MD 20854 Tel. (301) 289-9092 Fu (301) 299-0260 PATRINA r TWO WAIt S]REET, NIW YORK, NY IOOO5 2)2 23 3 ll55 . FAX 212 233.2244 o:lr,T?ffive October 7. 1999 Mr. Brent Wilson Town Planning and Environmental Commission Town of Vail 75 SouthFrontage Road Vail, CO. 81657 Dear Mr. Wilson: In reference to an application for a variance by Ms. Kay Ferry, 1007 Eagles Nest Circle, I stand opposed and would like to go on record as such. My principal concern is that the request to exceed the site coverage typically permitted by the Town Ordinance to build a 20 foot high,, two car garage is absolutely inappropriate. I would ask the Commission to consider the applicant's claim of hardship results from a desire to simply maintain the foundation; it will be the neighbors who will suffer hardship if such a large structure is built. I respectfully suggest that the applicant and her architect find a way to build a garage within the existing footprint. I have another concern that may or may not be appropriate for the Commission but is worthy of some consideration. If one "side" of a duplex requests and is granted variances, what is the chance that the Town will successfully deny a similar request from the other "side"? Is it possible that this structure will ultimately grow to a very disproportionate size? Eagles Nest Circle is a simple cul de sac, ringed with modest homes. Please protect the character of our little neighborhood and deny the application as submitted. Thank you for vour consideration. Cordially, Daniel de Roulet 1042 Eagles Nest Circle Vail. CO 81657 STORAGE I"4ANAGE i/.! \T SOLUTION S OcT. -05' n911961 l0:41 IIALDE|)VERSITY octobsr05,1999 P.002 Mr. Brcnt Wilson Town of Vail, Colorado Departmcat of Comriluity Devclopmcnt ?5 SouttrFrmtageRoad Vail, CO 81657 DearMr. Wilson; I anr writing to object ro thc variancc ruquost datcd oslobsr l, 1999 regarding the following: KAY FERRY RESTDENCT' LOT I,PARCEL B, BTITLDING6I V-4*-VILl',/\GE FntNt ?, lm? EAGLDs rrhsr cIRcLE YAII, coLoRAIlo' 816s7 I arn lhe qwner of an adjacent lot to th€ wcst pfthc subjcot prop€rty' fgfore I constructcd my homc U 9F7 Vsil Valley Drive I requctted a sct bacl variance to provide morc separalion for m1t i"i* m5,il "l*;ri ,"d tlr; Gecr two parry building. In spitc otmy_nefchbols support of ,hi;A;g" *A "o ia"."* affcct on any puty I was rtenied a varianoe orr the basis thlt this woutd bi "special Privilege'" I fhe p,resht.,ariance r€quest increases thc coverago beyond that allowablc and increascs the GRFA by 250 sq'are fd;;;; f*,,.*" tig,lficant tlm my sirnplc request for set back relief, I object to ttit qpccial privilege requcst for additional building on thc subject lot which I belierrc wliaetract from my visws and the value of my hmc' Sinccrely, Chandelle Ventures Inc. 24311 Wltden Ccnbtr ltrivc'Boritr Sollngq X'L:t4l:14 (941) 94&1010'Fu: (941) 94$1012'g'mrll: der@wddcuu'cdu DEA/an sep-r.7-ss o8:43A tttll5* ASSoCTATES eric johnson A,a+.,-^ltF 11 trt11 >6-< \al/v.9 v#t*' l3 +\rf +^!- ?ec- aleove- Pwol)'4tl Oct lt , 111q, 'u3 e26-52s3 a r c h i t e c t, p.c. P. 01 f?wt^ o* Vi1 vt! 4>vv:.rlauta.l{vr Sr^rz (rot-r.v.l.it- 1€ +.Fd+-F Fd Vyrt ?E: F. ?rv.tuI Pc'rJa---c-- Lot | ' p,toat* Cc VVF.1{r-. loo,1 E r6tr's xle+f aweL< Vht,b 1D ,^t-t1^iA A- {4^4- la4- Ve {at ad-(ed t" (26>n&-,a*'t^ LJ {* +1'l . "-ls1 Date Receive sEP 17 1999 FAX 926.5293PO BOX 2088 VAIL co 81658 970.926.5292 o4"o b. zt?efzttt r oo t Qot (Votftg btto" QotL 4"hro/" 8r6gr JlIy 26,1999 Town Planning and Environmental Commission Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Commissioners: My name is Ann Repetti and I have lived for the past 12Yzyearc at 1001 Vail Valley Drive. My house is Parcel A of the duplex at issue and Ms. Ferry's unit is on Parcel B. I have read the Memorandum from the Community Development Departrnent to this Commission and I agree wholeheartedly with their recommendation for denial of both the Site Coverage Variance and the Employee Housing Unit conditional use perrnit. Our main concern over Ms. Ferry's request for a site coverage variance is based on her use of all the available expansion possibility for both units on the lot. Note that in Ms. Ferry's building plans, she has unilaterally designated her side the Primary Unit on the lot. Ever since the house was rezoned primary/secondary, there has been no agreement between the two owners as to which is primary and which is secondary. The CDD points out that this is a private issue. Please know that this issue is one that the two owneff have yet to discuss. However, if this commission approves Ms. Ferry's plans, it will app€ar that tlre issue has been resolved by virtue of the Commission's approval of her plans. I repeat, this issue is not resolved. Even if the two sides eventually agree that Ms. Ferry can take the primary designation, the current set of plans also eats up the 250 bonus credit s we now have. The Commission should not grant the variance if it wilt have a significant, detrimental impact on houses in the vicinity. As the owner of the closest house in the vicinity * the house that shares a party wall and the lot - I can say that I will be adversely impacted by the variance. We also object to the conditional use permit for the EHU. Ms. Ferry is claiming that her proposed remodeling falls with in the demolition/rebuild criteria of the EHU regulations. The house now has a pany wall running the full length of the house - approximately 65 feet - and we share the main portion of the roof of the house. Given the way the house is built, demolishing the B side will significantly impact the structural integrity of my home. I can not imagine anything more detrimental to safety and welfare or mor€ injurious to the adjoining property. As the CDD memo aptly phrased il Ms. Ferry's need for tle variance and the conditional use permit is a self- imposed hardship. I request that her application be denied. Thank you for your time and attention. Respectfully, Ann Repetti A,a l*r- n K^u^th'I I --- I \J'r<.l-,l)<r I J o4 July 26, 1999 Town Planning and Environmental Commission Toumof Vail 75 South Frontage Road Veil, CO 81657 Dcar Commissioners: My Dar4ltcr, Susan Ruthcrfor4 lives out of state and was mable to attend today's hearing- She askd tbat I givc youthcsc lcccrs on herbehalf. Thank vou.,nlltl*"l\-Kgdrh Ann R€petti A7,t'j5/139ir 1,1::q jl._lE77l75t S FI-ITHEPFI'JFD Surrn Rcpctti Rurbcdord 3rf66 Ellr ke Lerc Eourton, Telrrs j7027 F.AGE O2 July 15,1999 Ms, KayFerry 2395 Bald Mrn. Rd. Vail, Colorado 8165? DerrKay: I undcrstarrd thst th€ litisslign reguding the other halfof thc property is finat and thatyou rre tlro owner. I am looking forwrrd to working with you *aiipr"ulng thc propsrtyfor evcryoncb b€nefit. - $cloecd for your revior,, in clsc you do not already have a copy, is the Townhouee Declaration rtreciing the propcrty. yor will not€ thaa section sd aeat wittr modifications to thc exterior of thc units. As ytru can Ecg any such modification requires the writtsn approval ofthc other owner. I undcr*end that you have atrcady submittedpllo to $ Ioy fol approval and thrt these planc calt foimajor, ederior clungcs. I also understgnd that tlte fi$t sst of plans has baff witmrcr"ir. Givcn tbc language ofthe Townhour Dcclaratiog I wqrtd rcqucst that you rend a oopy ofthc niv frans to me prior to submittirg ttrcm to thc Town. The headrg scheduled for July 26, 1999, io cotrinly prcrnature given thar I have not seeo your proporcd modifications. tf any plrns wcre approvcd by the Town on that date, you would not bc eblc to as.t on them without my approvol. As you rre rlso twine, u/,e neod to dccide the Primary/Socondary stotus. I am sure that we can wott out this isnrg rnd thc ortcrior modificstion issrre, to our mutual satidaction. Howwcrr, wc do ncod to gct togsthcr to disctgs there matterc before cither one of us nrbmits planr to the Town for rpproval. I rm pluuring on coming to vail on August 5th for a fap days and I would bc opcn to mccting with you and working out a resolution to tlresc isgue$ at that timo. Please contrct mc et 713-877-l&3 to Irrsrge for a nreeting to dissuss thes€ mattcrs. I rm looking forward to hcaring fnom you very soort, Regards, o P 330 '{ee 07? r q: ?c;'"iir-6 msr vAt- Ir'lF l5: ?.(, TOIAL cAsli T CHANOE I-trj l.4ll 5. tto J-:is x*** U.S. F0STAI- SERUICI r*r* J ltEtcltFR ?78?7 48414t 39.09 n BALUAN T 03 0?-!5-?-tl l5:2(r:95 3,4i 3,Sg cu-T${[ti FEf,[IF] t09 FtlgT ttAl. Il'lF' TOTAL CA${ T CFANFI: 3.42 It't IHfiNK l0tl trt e RUTHERFORD o 8771759 PAGE E487,/25/1.99s 17i27 713 Suun Rcpcfr i Rutbc.rford 3f65 E[r Lc f,llc Eourtoo, Trrrrrs 77027 Towr Ptanning urd Environnrcntal Commi$ion Town of Veil 75 South Frontagc Road Vail, Colorrdo 81657 Re: Applicrtion of l(ay Fery - Iuly 26, t999 hcaring Dcar Commicrionrs; July 25, 1999 I would liko to clarifr r point. In my ccrtified letter to Ms. Fcrry datcd July | 5, 1999; I wrote ".-. I would rcqucst you rend a copy of the rcw ptrns to me prior to submittiig tbem to thc town'. Plcrsc revierv the athchcd copy of my tctter In rny letter to tlre Pluurilrg and Environmcotrl comnirsion dstcd July t?, 1999, I ststcd "...I havc not so€o r copy ofMs. Fary's applicrtion: I have askcd Ms. Ferry for a copy urd I erpccr to reccivc it shortly." In resporuc to Ms. Fer4y's letter to you dated July 20, 1999, I am not trying to mirlead myonc. I rhould hcve clarificd in my later to the Town thst I hd rcgwstcd ftorn lvts. Ferry a copy oI th ttev, plus. Nonetlrclers, I havc yet to rcceive any inforrnation udratsocver from Ms. Fcrry. Orr July 20, 1999, my mothcr was given a set ofthe Parcet B plarrs by thc architeo. My mother scnt th6c plans to me. Unfornuratcly thcsc plans omit thc Wcrt clevation of the sidc B proposrl. Thir mising elcnrtion would help ctui& rhe impact on my mothcds home. I would likc to work out r mutual agreemcnt with Ms. Ferry, but it appcars as if she chooscr to build this projocr wfthout any considcration oftlre other side ofthis duptex. I am conccrncd thst thc Conrnisrion's approvd ofthesc vE isnces would place an undue hardship on me in uy ftrturc ncgotirtions with Ms. Ferry. I hopc you will tske this into account and votc to dcry thie applicrtion. cc: Mn. ArmRqctti Mr, Kay Fcrry Ju1 -22-99 Ol:O8P LINDITRO|II ASSOCIATESa t* 5 e26-52e3 P.ol eric johnson a r c h i t e c t, p.c. ,ri" frx ]];2; ,/ fufa+ trui(s-- &uuyylvn*1 fuNdof . b,rt^'* l,Uu(l4 z> t Iq1I -+tnaw^ o* 1/r. I Dzp>-rl-,'r'*4 o I V*t, b -fht b\+f^/ *(\tg >+ w'rc tt<^ >aL'aLLd Peo % *'at +- l"(ocruJl Jq :?* ,"T-+"-{ tr.i- .V-' fu1 d'"-4- 4 V wtt'^41.= 1o l;*1 avwAz' , zle' thrwV-q PO BOX 2088 VArL CO 81658 970.926.5292 FAX 926.5293 o PARCEL A Addrees: 1001 IMPROVEMENT IOCATION CERIIFICATE VaiI ValLey Drive 4aLF CART PA.T H TtsAc-f c SHEET 2 OF 2 v1'57:ol' VAIL VI LLAGE RT}T / - Gav'T MoNuMlNr11"."- - \a.- r.L \, \ts, IAVEtr ,>FIVE 1s'?z'oo\ acALE l"- 9a' _ADD sETbAc-Ks lz-'1-16 LJ La-\^^,-z- ta Fz utu o Itl '1=' l//p.,l-t- dJ- '- eQt.- D Ni {"""(/ a ^o;/al zt /' 6'C ql .i G,t} \'". -\( tl.\\ [)\ t. ' Ff ? J .sy''.36 (4 hARC,ELE \\\' , evz \\\'tr pqPLEX \\N. \r\"- PARrY \\ wal}\%-\r, \ PUPLEX I\ \- \\\ 7F \\\ \ \\ r:. .fv*' \ 's\ Lel.end techner P.t.S- 28006 Box 3463,Vail, Co. (3O3) 949-5387 lzla4*l, lal^,'^in Reiutzrral, La.ar/" 9,"urcrtot, $afa at enba,/a 70q46 A. Rt. 756 8"44"a Vi4:t^a, A. U211 S..M'tu Win4aA 3466 Ell^d U.14 r Hot^alnr, To*ar ))02) Dcaa 9,qa'*, I Aa^'" <alz'Iza/, lAa aaa "l lot 1, BLo.lL 6, Va;J, Vilag Sa,q,ft" f;.e^* Tk ana. lail. ?'^f;^. lbl;, 15,q60 4qaAz lf.l a 0.7665 aao* -.--.,$\\li*',1,o*?9*? ir4*'3506'-;E! '?*iiru=$t' )1q 7q5-q160 tDl,n+@lkdgt+S-)236 VdLlbdz ValJe,, Fa'* )13 8))-I)Sq ,=a-/ 1--- lJatJ hAaa. PLS 23506 SALF CART PATH TtsAg1 a 71'6Zot'. VAIL VI !!4GE ATH Ga\/T MoNUMENrk \l \Tz\1\s, AVEtr >FIVE 1€.?Z,oetl ADb gETbAc..KS lz-' 1- 1b LJ L4.A^-.^,/- u A tora F.z Utll f; : ^o '"/ '/ S/ ,,;7'L", t :l /,//*"_*,^ I<,W '1s'.1//p.,IT ' ,{- -- hQ, il E\0 \\\ rp el rJ s,u\b\\$I -\( '$. \t{ru(/r q6 . *"' 3 F\ =ffiNs.*\V-FARry \ I wAl-l-w t/2 PI,IPLEX Leland Lechner P.t.S. 23506 Box 3463, Vail, Co. (3Og) 949-5387 b s\ lls s RIs .:l 88qs" Nea \\ Fi8.\ $$8 RN8-h6 R ut n H "R$ i $Hi: $ EI rR t oR u fiF.$i !! $$ $ $[ Ri Hr $ $t ttlt t-J /?-()'^' 'a)zi lltl{c \i^. - {r ! :., -: : E.* slE &$H _ R.ei x{ S:$ B s\ $l;s$it ls* EtES3i e e..SS.U:* +.. P:\*.oJS -tF'.rX lls-S -. xlE3'S E E si S i o t;S':=i6tE\.tri \:rrs N $F8 P I S e.: rI*ffrE:::tisi$ i.lruipsiitit=$:- $Fls:<Gs.Yr; ^ -\.l1x !rst\t S-5S b t c' ed \ ..9+SF dE.S F C E 6: P S B P'rr.s il Q..s cEr* 5 q,6:,.-".E{6(_osr "lFipR \ I S! P{ d.6 q,e - u, F.s \r- s !\\ X$^tSrEeHil *R*'lE- $\S d I p 6 \ !r$r F o:6 i i ) R X S Rt.s s s:6j\b b'<.- 5 o b c siRPsS*.EHS'!.e$$S* tsS.rS " .'-P' i lti$Bitiit $$ti sES 3 t 6 u'il S q i $.sS'-s't-d -:.'hld *9* t€h \ ri (i 6 d S r- .t6x$'*€{h-- o {F.SSelr -exo\. I'X-*e6'$:Jll .!) --a*: c P "::TRs{ " dSS E 8'n 'x N I .iriP!t--:?ss '*FQ$:AQ $S b6t.s b Rt:.ss S.r o$ ss rrj tl t t $\ Its s lt l.11 d $ l-- q n otI qRro*\tb Is R tl B N $ f-b N \ t$s b)l-s\. U) io \ \l-\ ll { I $ersgN ll { I s$lttss; i\ ii$$!s t tR$ $t $u*i* $it$it ;$ti$i s tti$* vra |\ sb\ b uI E N rltl I s B ts tl s rfi \ tb \t I-\ \ a is--s \\ ,.:a * E "4.\? r-l =rH\r! \lF\l \lNI:rPItlllIrtlIll \lI\r \l\ o \J\ s N\J(J Xl-- s\Ja\\J t! ax S\l ! s 5 (5 R N\rF- R S u u\.-J s t \- N N $ F ss! t-. $s \ '3=art";-i ffi ;;d;,,-\:€ d !I f, siRx HEfi* :N$g Fh ps HH:t 3EB, $$* q\'<b) %rn Sa' ?.,;D <t-.l Susan Rcpetti Rutherford 3466 Ella Lce r.rne Houston, Texts 77O27 phone 713-877-1643 July 17,1999 Town Planning and Environmental Commission Town of Vail 75 Soutl Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Application ofKay Ferry Dear Town Planning and Environmental Commission: I am the owner of the property known as l00l Vail Valley Drive, Parcel A Lot l, Block 6, Vail Village Seventh Filing. I understand that Ms. Kay Ferry, the owner of Parcel B, has submitted a request for a variance and for an Employee Housing Unit ('EHU"). Please let this letter serve as notice of my opposition to both aspects of Ms. Ferry's request. Please be aware that I have not se,en a copy of Ms. Ferry's application. I have asked Ms. Ferry for a copy and I expect to receive it shortly. However, I understand that a hearing is possibly scheduled for July 26, 1999. In the interest ofletting the board know of my position as soon as possible, I am giving notice of my objection prior to seeing the actual plans. Regarding the variance request for a two cat garage, my objection is to a two car guage. My unit Parcel d has a 280 square foot one car garage and I would not object to Unit B also having a 280 square foot one car gfrage, Regarding the Type II EHU, Ms. Ferry's applicatiorl if granted, would uzurp my dwelopmental potential for utilizing the 250 bonus credit currently available. Thank you so very much for your consideration in this objection. I hope to be able to resolve tlese iszues with Ms. Ferry wh€n I am in Vail in early August. Should you have any questions please feel free to call me. Very truly Susdi'/Mrylu cc: Mrs. Ann Repetti Ms. Kay Ferry Date Receivec JUL 20 1999 LAlAtlL999 15:11 S RUTIERFIRD susaN R. nulltnroru, , ta6a Ul.Irc lrrr EourorrTcru 7702?' pbn 7l$f77-ra{l lax 7rl.Jl7-1739 ciltifhd md, rfim rcccipt roqucrtcd Art1ui lt,l999 Irfinl(ryFsry 2395 Edd}lomtdn Vrl Cdondo 1165? DlrKrX I tmr dinppointcd pu did nol rclporrd to my ofrcr to moct In Vail dudrrg fiy roocril vift. t undcntud tbrt yor rrc roviring and rcrubmltting plmr for the duplor rnd thrt e Sopt. 27, 1999 hilrhS ir rcfdubd. KrX I runind pu thn th prrty wdl rgrccnrcnt crtb for prior approval of cxtcrior cfurgcr. Wc wi[ hrw to work togahcr if ury progwr ir lo occur. Ar you md tlr DRB lnow vcry udt, my Mothcr urd I hrve bccn prticntly writirg during thc pert fvc yan br owmnbh of ddo B to bc dccided. Now thrt yor hrvc rccciraed titlc plcue colfict mo irmdflrtdy ro thrt wt rnry rcrclvo thc ritc cowngo rnd pitnrry/tccondrry bscr. I rm urrblc to &tcrminc thc dzc of my futuro edditionr without tftcrc irrucr being 38771759(D PAGE OI Obryiotd/. I ttrPccl to rccrira copia of uy firturc rppllcilronr md pllrr prior to your boittitg Scnt to lhc town. Plcrrc *rd thour to my rddran rhovm rbora. cc: DRB,TomofVril Mn. AmRcpctri a I II 6 ldaoutFtil,rtr -ra- tfu rr fll: :t. tr eocf,nr tr rinrdgcD' i, Department of Community Development 75 Sowh Frcnnge Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970479-213E FAX 97U479-2452 Iuly 16, 1999 Eric Johnson, Architect PO Box 2088 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Lot I, Block 6, Vait Village lh Fiting - the Ferry Residerrce Dear Eric: I have completed a review of the plans you zubmitted on July l4s and am fonnarding the following comments: r you are scheduled for a conoeptual rwiew of this project bylhe Design Review Board on rwednesday, July 2ld. Priorto final DRB rwiew, i",itt ""ia a.hndscaping pl*.YHll details any existing "t pr"p"r"a "a"tior lighting and any existing trees impacted by this proposed addition. . The required side setback on the south end ofthe proqerty is 15 feet - it appears the proposed addition "o."r rn"ry"tore to the setback line. Please be iure any proposed addition maintains the required 15 feet from the property ling An improvement location certificate will be required O*G ttt" *ostruction phas" of tlit project in order to verifr required setback distances. . I still need an 8 tE' xl1" reduction of the proposed site plan and floor plans for the PEC staff memo by no later thanWednesday, July 21'r' r As mentioned previously, the utilization ofthe 500 squarrc foot credit for the Type rI EHU wilt prohibit t1e aO;ac"ot'owne, from utilizin! the '230' bonus credit in the future' Although this issue wilt not Jiect your remodel propo*l, both owners thg"tlP" aware of this situation. n""otaiog to il" ptop"ny'tiownhouse declarations (on file in our office)' any remodels or additiois on the property require the adjacent owrer's consent' {g "tn"ttor*o The Town's Public Works Department has completed a preliminary review ofthe proposal. Their comments are as follows: r Please provide a topographic survey to verify contourVgrades. . Please indicate the top and bottom elevations ofthe proposed retaining walls adjacent to the motor court area. r Will the driveway be heated? Please indicate this on your site plan. . The new garage is not accessible with a 20' centerline tuming radius. Please adjust and revise. If you would like to discuss these issues in greater detail, please contact me at (970) 479-2128. Sincerely, Brent Wilson Planner II A7/L51L999 13:57 7L3877L759I S RUT}ERHru)6L S!.rr f.Ddilnfred Irlf,/6ltll,xLrr,. Eoubqt' "d,Yffi'Lilr f,ay fcry 2395Bddlffn xd. VrilCdsrdo t1657 Ib.rfrS I udrr*rqt th thGfldgdon 'qr'mrg tu orh*hlfoftho propcrty ir fnd 'od 6r you re tlc owr. I qn lootirg fonrsd to rrcrtiqg wi& yul ud improniry rte prupstyfrratcydrbGod" Enclorcd ftrmr rwicw, ir cuoyou do rd &llty hvc s cogy, ir tne TordsrrcDelrrio dbcdng fu popcrty. Yqr rdll nmc 6d Scadm 5D dcdrf,ffb mdifcdmr to tb. .ilteio( ofthr udt& fu you crn lce, qy nrctl srodficdon rlqdrcE tbo Hllca ?Fovd ofth otbowrrr. I,undordudthn yur lnt rhdy ddncd plur to tb To*afrr ryronl rod trd thcro ilrar crlt for nitr, .6cr;sr rtrtsca I dro urdcrmd thi ftc ft* ra dde b ba witldmn civcn thc laguagF oftha Toutdtour Dc*rdo, I wurH rcquc* {rf you rcnd r cony of tta w plmr to no tritr to aSdUry -'!E ro tho Twr, Tta ffi$ tchcthrlC frr fuly ZO. 1999, ir ocrtrirly Furmrrc livcn thrt I hrw mt m yqr Fopolod notrcUicu. If rcy ptanr wc ryproned bv thc Town q rh* drlc yqlwrltrntcrUetortmtuT*yry Ar yur rrc dro eunrg'm ncd to dcdd.{b Ffinqy/Sccotrdily ltri|t. I .llr *|'c thrt rw an rrut oi thh irn'c, ud ths qtcrior nodificnioo irqrc, to qr mrtrnl lilidhadoar Ilowvcr, ws do d to gC bgl$ar to ,li.cu!r thcrG mmlrr bc&ts citls m of uc erffi pbor to tb Tmn ftr rpruvrl. t rm pbndng on coning to Vril on Angrrd 5th for a fuv dryr rnd I wqdd bs opar to mcainewitbyou ud wortiqg u$ a rcrolirtimo_tbctc irrrlr !ttbdtinc. Plcrr amrd m i 7t3-$7-1643 b rragc fora noditg b dirarc thcrc ndtcrr. I am looliagfrrrrrdtoh.dirg fi'oo fur vcry rcon Rrgd+ Suru cq t{rrAo&cndi ., , ,,,. Ocprtmt ofQmdy Octdondrcd, Town ofVail a TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department July 26, 1999 A request for a variance from Sec'tion 12-6C-9, Town of Vail Code, to allow for two-family primary/secondary residential site coverage in excess of 2oo/o of lot area, and a request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of a Type ll employee housing unit, located at1OO7 Eagle's Nest Circle / Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village Filing 7. Applicant Kathleen Ferry, represented by Eric Johnson, ArchitectPlanner: Brent Wlson I. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant, Kathleen Ferry, is requesting a variance to allow for a residential addition with site coverage in excess (418 square feet) of what is allowed under the Town's Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential zoning regulations. The zoning for the above-referenced property allows a site coverage of 20o/o of total site area (3,188 square feet). The applicant is proposing a site coverage of 22.60/o of total site area (3,606 square feet). Site coverage requirements for lots in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District are described in Section 12-6D.9, Town of Vail Code. Additionally, the applicant is requesting a conditional use permit for a Type ll employee housing unit (EHU) on the property. This proposal includes the utilization of an available gross residential floor area (GRFA) bonus credit to be used in the construction of a 475 square foot EHU. Requirements for Type ll employee housing units are described in Section 12-13-5, Town of Vail Code. The applicant's representative has expressed the reasoning for the variance and conditional use permit requests under Exhibit A (attached). The applicant is proposing a demolition/rebuild of the existing residence and the addition of a two-{ar garage. The applicant's unit (constructed in the late 1960's) currently has no formally designated off-street parking. On June 24h of this year, staff granted the applicant an approval for a temporary unpaved off-street parking area. Ms. Ferry's unit is cunently required to provide three on-site parking spaces but there is no requirement that any of these spaces be enclosed. This proposal would add an additional required (enclosed) parking space for the EHU, bringing the total required spaces to four. Section 12-13-5, Town of Vail Code, requires the provision of one enclosed parking space when a Type ll EHU is proposed in conjunction with a demolition/rebuild (covered parking is not required when an EHU is added to an existing structure). As demonstrated below, there is enough site coverage available within the applicable code allowances for the applicant to meet this requirement without a variance. Although 213 square feet of site coverage is available on site (enough for one 11'x 19'garage space), the applicant is proposing to construct a 600 square foot two-car garage. Available site coverage under code provisions = 213 square feet Site coverage needed to meet EHU parking requirement = 162 square feet Site coverage proposed for two-car garage = 6(x) squarc feet (300 sf gange for EHU; 300 sf gange for Feny esidene) II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department staff recommends denial of the applicant's site coverage variance request subject to the folloring findings: 1. That the granting of the site coverage variance will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classif ied in the PrimarylSecondary Residential Zone District. 2. There are no exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to this site that do not apply generally to other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. 3. That the strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation does not deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. The Community Development Department recommends denial of this application for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit, based on fie following findings: 1. That the proposed location of the use is not in accord with the purposes of Section 12-13 (Employee Housing) and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed use does not comply with each of tte applicable provisions of Seclion 12-18 (CoMitional Use Fermifs) of the Town Code. ZONING AND SITE STATISTICS Zoning District: Lot Size: Primary/Secondary Residential District 15,942 square feet (.366 acres) Standard Allowed/Required Proposed GRFA: Site Coverage Setbacks Front (Ferry) Side Front (Repetti) Parking (Ferry) * lncludes a credit of 475 square feet for the Type ll EHU. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS - SITE COVERAGE VARIANCE A. Consideration of Factors Reqardino the Site Coveraqe Variance: 5,169 sq. ft.. 3,188 sq. ft. (2O%l 20 ft. 15 ft. 20ft. 4 spaces 5,168 sq. ft.' 3,606 sq. ft. (22.6o/ol 20 ft. (per ILC) 15 ft. (per ILC) / 26 ft. no change 4 spaces tv. I The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff believes the addition of the EHU further aggravates the existing parking and site coverage situation, although an enclosed parking space could be provided for the EHU without any deviation from the applicable zoning regulations. There is no requirement for enclosed parking for any other units on the property. Staff believes the proposed 600 square foot two-car garage is excessive and deviates from the zone district regulations more than is necessary to achieve stated goals. Staff believes this proposal creates a self-imposed hardship. The proposed residential addition impacts a number of mature trees on the property which serve as a buffer to adjacent properties. At their July 21, 1999 meeting, the Town's Design Review Board gave the applicant direction to preserve the mature trees and to pursue parking options on other portions of the site. Staff believes this request for additional site coverage further expands impacts on existing vegetation. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objec'tives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Staff believes that an approval of the requested site coverage variance would result in a grant of special privilege. Variance requests for garage 2. B. additions on adjacent properties have been denied in the past. Staff believes there are no unique circumstances, nor any extraordinary conditions (such as wetlandsArater features, excessive slopes, etc.) which impact the applicant's lot The maximum site coverage allowed on the applicanfs lot is 207o. All required off-street parking could be provided on the site without a variance. 3. The efrect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff does not believe there would be any negative impacts associated with this proposal, if constructed, on the above-referenced criteria. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinqs before orantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or rtelfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is wananted for one or more of the follortring reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unne@ssary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enbrcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district CRITERIA AND FINDINGS - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Consideration of Factors Reqardinq Conditional Use Permit Request: Before acting on a conditional use permit application, the Planning and Environmential Commission shall consider the factors with respect to the proposed use: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development obiectives of the Town. V. 4 2. 3. 4. Although the Town encour€rges the provision of employee housing units, staff believes the provision of an EHU in this instance furthers the amount of non-conformity between improvements on this property and the development objectives of the Town. The intent of Chapter 12-13 (Employee Housing) is not to provide EHU's at any cosf or to the detriment of the Town's development standards or neighboring uses. All Town regulations and requirements could be met on site without a variance. The applicant's representative stated (on public recod) that this proposal involves a demolition/rebuild of the existing GRFA. Given the fact that the applicant essentially has a "blank slate" to work with, staff sees no reason why an EHU could not be provided on site without any deviation from the zoning regulations. The utilization of the 500 square foot credit for the EHU would preclude the adjacent duplex owner from future expansion under the Town's "250 GRFA" credit. The adjacent owner has expressed a desire to maintain control of their available "250" bonus credit and has voiced their opposition to this request. Although the allocation of duplex GRFA between adjacent owners is a private issue, staff believes this proposal is inconsistent with the Town's development objectives and may preclude a workable, harmonious relationship with adjacent uses. The effect of the use on lioht and air, distribution of population. transoortation facilities. utilities. schools, parks and recreation facilities. and other public facilities needs. Staff believes that there will be little or no impact from the prcposed Type ll EHU on light, air, population, transportation, utilities, schools or parks. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to conoestion. automotive and pedestrian safetv and convenience. traffic flow and control. access. maneuverabilitv, and removal of snow from the street and oarkinq areas. One additional vehicle is anticipated in association with this EHU. Statr feels that this would be an insignificant impact on the above-referenced criteria. Effect upon the charaster of the area in which the proposed use is to be located. includino the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to sunoundino uses. This proposal would exceed allowable site coverage. This standard is designed to control the scale and bulk of improvements on the property. Emolovee Housino Units mav be allowed as a conditional use in those zone districts as specified bv Section 12-13 of the Vail Municipal Code. Emplovee Housrnq and shall be subiect to the followino conditions: b. It shall be a conditional use in the Sinqle-Familv Residential. Two- Familv Residential and Primarv/Secondarv Residential zone distrists. The subject property is zoned Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential. It shall be permifted onlv on lots wtricfi comolv with minimum lot size requirements of the zone district in which the lot is located. At 15,942 square feet in size, this lot meets the minimum lot size requirements (15,000 square feet) in the Primary/Secondary zone district. It shall be located within. or attached to. a sinole-familv dwellino or be located within. or atached to. a two-familv dwellinq pursuant to Section 12-11-5(D - Desion Guidelines Duolex and Primarv/Secondarv Develooment. lt mav also be located in, or attached to. an existino oaraoe orovided the qaraoe is notlocated within anv setback, and turther provided that no eistino parkino reouired by the Town of Vail Municioal Code is reduced or eliminated. This Type ll EHU will be located within the Ferry residence. However, it would maintain a separate entrance and vtould not be accessible from the interior of the primary or secondary units. It shall not be counted as a dwellinq unit for the pumoses of calculatino densitv. However. it shall contain kitchen facilities and a bathroom. as defined in Chapter 12-2 - Definitions of the Vail Municioal Code. lt shall be permitted to be a third dwellinq unit in addition to the two dwellinq units which mav alreadv exist on the lot. Onlv one Tvpe ll EHU shall be allowed oer lot. The proposed EHU will be a third dwelling unit on the site. As proposed, it contains a full kitchen and full bathroom facilities. It shall have a GRFA not less than three hundred (300) souare feet. nor more than nine hundred (900) square feet. An aoplicant. however. shall be oermitted to aoplv to the Communitv Development Department of the Town of Vail for additional GRFA not to exceed five hundred (5OO) souare feet to be used in the construction of the EHU. The apolicant shall submit an application for the additional GRFA on a form orovided bv the Communitv Develooment Deoartment. Aoproval or denial of the request shall be made bv the Desion Review Board in accordance with Sectionl2-13-5. lf an applicant obtains Desion Review Board approval for 500 souare feet of additional GRFA for the EHU, he or she shall not be entitled to receive additional GRFA oursuant to Chaoter 12-15 - Additional Gross Residential Floor Area ot lhis Code for either unit on the lot. lf an aoolicant obtains Desiqn d. A h. Review Board approval for not more than 250 square feet of additional GRFA for the EHU. he or she shall be entitled to receive additional GRFA oursuant to Chaoter 12-15 - Addftrbnal Gross Re$dentbl F/oorArea of this code for one dwellinq unit on the lot. The EHU would be 475 square feet in size. The applicant has submitted an application for 500 square feet of additional GRFA utilizing the code provision that allows for the use of 250's "up front" when creating a new Type ll EHU. The unused portion of this GRFA (25 square feet) may not be allocated to the other units. No additional 250's would be allowed on this property. It shall have no more than two bedrooms. The proposed Type ll EHU includes one bedroom and therefore complies with this requirement. No more than two (2) adults and one (1) child not older than sixteen (16) vears of aqe shall reside in a one (1) bedroom Tvpe ll EHU. No more than two (2) adults and two (2) children not older than sixteen (16) vears of aqe shall reside in a two (2) bedroom Tvpe ll EHU. Since this unit is a one-bedroom Type ll EHU, the first section of this regulation will apply. Each Tvpe ll EHU shall be required to have no less than one (1) oarkinq space for each bedroom located therein. However. if a one (1) bedroom Tvpe ll EHU exceeds six hundred (600) square feet. it shall have two (2) parkinq spaces. All parkinq spaces required bv this Code shall be located on the same lot or site as the EHU. lf no dwellino exists upon the propertv which is orooosed for a Tvpe ll EHU at the time a buildino permit is issued. or if an existinq dwellinq is to be demolished and replaced bv a credit shall be allowed for the construction of one enclosed parkinq space for the Tvpe ll EHU. Since this project is a demolition/rebuild, the applicant must provide one enclosed parking space for the proposed EHU. Although the applicant is proposing enclosed parking for the EHU, staff believes this proposal deviates from the zoning regulations far greater than is necessary to meet his requirement. In summary, staff believes that an EHU could be provided on this site within all of the applicable code prcvisions. There is ample GRFA and site coverage available to the applicant to meet all of the EHU criteria without a variance. Afthough the Town would like to encourage the provision of an EHU on this property, staff feels this specific proposal deviates from the tegulations more than is necessary to meet both the applicant's stated goals and the Town's employee housing objectives. B. Findinos: The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use permit for an Employee Housing Unit 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of Seclion 12-13 (Employee Housing) and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under whictr it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of Section 12-18 (Conditional U* turmits) of the Vail Municipal Code. Site Vicinity Map Ferry Residence Request for a Variance and Conditional Use Permit 1001 Eagle's Nest Circle O - u otro/ A N 7 1081 Elu t5 zA " eric johnson a r c h i t e c t, p.c. June 28, 1999 Town of Vail / Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 1l l S, Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: K. FERRYRESIDENCE LOT I, PARCEL B, BLOCK 6, VAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 1OO7 EAGLES NEST CIRCLE VAIL, CO. 81657 REQTIEST FOR SITE COVERAGE VARIENCE, ADDITIONAL 250 GRFA AND TYPE tr EMPLOYEE HOUSING UMT Dear Sirs- The following is a written statement outlining the nature of the variance request to the address above and in specifically the Town of Vail Ordinances l2-6C-9 (site coverage)' l2-15-5 (additional GPJA) and l2-13-5 (Type II EH[I). Because all ofthe above items are inter-related and combined in the same request and applicatiorq further described in drawings dated 6 128 | 99, the items listed below are all inclusive. The site coverage variance request is for the addition of 2 (two) enclosed garages to the existing unit which curently has none. One garage parking space is for the proposed Tne II EHU (required in Section B.8) and one for the Primary Residential Owner. The curent Secondary Owner has already obtained (without written permission from the Primary Ovmer) an enclosed parking garage and has maximized their 10% of the allowed site coverage. In frct, the remaining allowable site coverage (103 SF) would only accommodate a9 x12 parking space. We feel this request use is for the mutual benefit of the property owners, accommodates a need for oflstreet perking (of which there is currently none) and fits into the general bulk and rrass of the proposed additions. The current site coverage is at 18.8 % and the resuhant site coverage would be 22..7 %. We feel this a minor request from the strict and literal interpretation as the benefits are to the frir and practical use ofthe Type II EHU and Primary Owner. Due to past platting of the property lines and the close proximity of roadways the on-going non-conforming conditions need some relief from close scrutiny. The effect of the variance on light, air, traffic and safety are minimal as the addition is on the back side of the lot and current residence toward the only available open space remaining on the lot. Futhermore, we feel this request attempts to comply with the Coryrehensive Plan by accorrnodating amuch needed Type II EHU. PO BOX 2088 VAIL CO 81658 970.926.s292 FAX 926.5293 eric johnson architect,p.c. The Additional 250 GRFA is requested from the fact the structure is over 5 years old with no improvements or additions requested and the use of 350 SF from the Type II EHU is requested to be added to the Primary Residence per Section B.5. The crurent Primary / Secondary Zoning allows for the use and density ofthe additional EHU and has the required square footage per Section B.5. Herein lies our request for variance on site coverage, Additional 250 GRFA and the inclusion of the Type II EHU. Should you have questions, need fiirther clarification or see the process difFerently please write or call me or Kaye Ferry at 476-1824. Thankyou for your consideration in this matter. PO BOX 2088 VAIL CO 81658 97A.926.5292 FAX 926.s293 Snln Rcpcill Rrtcrfod 3a66 D[r Leo lrnc Eouttor, Trlrtt 770E7 p[orc7l]t77-l(l|3 July 17,1999 Town Plarudng and Eovironrnartd Commircion Town of Vril ?5 Sorth Frontrgp Rotd Vri\ Cotorrdo 81657 Re' Application of l(ay FcrY Dear Town Plunring and Environrncrrtrl Comnusrion: I am the owncr of$e propcrty knoym as lo0l vail vallcy Dn1e, Parcel A lot I' Block 6, vail villagc Sc;ti filtns. t undcrctttd thrt Ms. I(1y Fcrry, thcoruror of Parccl B, tras nrbmitted e rrquest for s vstisnc3 and for an Enrployec Housing Unit ('EHU'j. Plcesc ta thir ktter scrvc as noticc of my opporition !o both rspcctt of Mg' Ferrt'r rcquert, Phase bc owrrc th1| I htvc not 6.cn e copy of Ms' Ferry'r rpplication. I hove askod Ms. Fcrry for a copy end I cxpcct to reccivo it rhortly Howuva'f'I nrdcrstfld thst s hearing is ponibly'schodulcd ior July 26, 1999. ln thc intqc* of lating the borrd know of mV-posiiion a,s!{xm rs possiblc, I am giving notice of my objoction prior to secing the acturl pluts. Rcgsrding thc vuirnce tquGd for a two cu gfagc, my objcction is to atwo caf 88ragc' Myirnit Parc.cl A hu a 2t0 rquarc foot onc cu gefrgc sd I would not obje* to Unit B atso having r 280 squefc fmt ons qr grrsgc, Rcgrrding thc TlDs lI EHU, Ms. Fcfry's applicatior\ if gger tc{ woutd unuT rny dcvelopmc'ntal potcntid for utilizing th 250 bornrs crcdit arncntly rvrilablc. Thrnk you so vcry rnrch for your coruidcration in this obiection. I hope to bc able lo reeolvc the$ isruci with Ms. Fery wherr I am in Veil in cady Augrrrf Should you have rny qucstions plearc fcd frce to cdl mc. cc: Mrs. i{nlr R€pcili Ms. Kry Fcrry KAT]HI]I]g]E]N V" ]F]E]R]RY 2395 BAitD NiOINNT^AIN ROAE VA]IL, COLORA\]EO t6r <1 tz e =l6lL[D) / Planning and Environmental Commission Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Planning and Environmental Commission: I received a copy of a letter addressed to you from Susan Rutherford regarding my properbl atl^mT Eagle's Nest Circle- I would like to clarify a point in paragraph 2. Mrs. Rutherford indicated that she had not seen a copy of my appliocation but that she had asked me for it. No request has been made to me or to my architect, Eric Johnson, for a copy of my application. Sincerelv.t { il1.-'! t<atlileen V. Ferryr luly 2L, t999 CC: Susan R. Rutherford 07/2L1L999 21 :53 S RUTI-€FFORD Sorrl f,.Dclt f,ilcrford3{lffDlrr[aLn f,ordor,Tcrr 7lUl7 Iuly2l,1999 Town Pluirg md Eniramrl Cmnirdon TrynofVril 75 SothFrodrgpRord Vril, Colondo8t657 Rc: Agpllclirn of Kry Fcrry DcrComirrilrr: I en ttc ows o,fthc pmpcty known u I l0l Vril Vdlcy Ddyc, tb ottu hdf oftie drplcr nrbjcc to tlie Cornnirrioo hcirry ra for \rty 2!, My fonily tlr oumd thG hro ft n ln yean ead ry mo0tcrr Atrr nepctti hrs livd iD thc ioutc for tlsl Gdir" pctiod. I m arraty lhc rccond owoc ofth prorpcty. I rmNd ftc to t obc rry oblcAiol to Mg. FcqAprqo*dplur. Flrn h nc eivc you r vcry hicf *ach oftbc rcccu Itiffy oftltc ttou$. M$ Fcrrylr sidc, lhc B sidc, wu oumcd by Roy rd Moppy Drvir t'on Tcrrc. l&.rnd Mr& kvit Ht oo hud fnrrcirl tiu sd tb B ridc wrr rold t frrrdmrc rpprqimrtdy fivc (5) lrcan rgo. Sinca thd lilro thc ft'rcctorrrc procar har bcco hdd up ln ttiSf,ioo bttcrc.il Ms. Feny, eld Dr. Bowfin eom norida B06 partier eimcd to bc tlE tilb tiddcr u tt; fqccJoqrc Jd lhc Court huid thir unmcr nrlcd thrt Mr. Fcrry wrr i! fict llrc qrcccsdtl tftldcr- Arpthortct irarc rrgudi4tlt hnt$ b SG zutilg ch"gpfrthcrrcr. Thc hnrra wes hdlt iD 1 96? by a bronh od siru rs r tnrc dryhx wilh ntuor in ge foor plroi ntc two ridcg rhrrcd a srrmr md cv€o hrd comron roomr, lllhql thc drtcr soH to Datfu the rooms war scpcrtcd lvith *rltr md rhs om of thc sruna crnnnsctunr *dcd tc*r,ing thc rarm oly rcccc$lc ttm ttc B rilc. Thc cbt1gp in auirg eryed tho nigbbotltooC to priurry/rccodrry dutdlilgF nltoro onc ridc ir arpporcd to bc hl,]gr thm the otlr. With thc aniqg du[8e my lupo bccame a lorrconfruriry urc urd rny chnqgcr m rhc hanse nw haw !o coryly witb llF no zonirry Onc ofllrc rrlin isnrcr thrt nccdr to bc rcsofucd bctutcqt tho two owur ir thc pimrry/rccondary *cur. The side ttet b mnudly dedgndcd asthc gimery sidc will bc $lc to cepend to e rnuch grc*cr dcStc thut thc rmdary *la Drhg ttF five yeus thl thc orvrssltip oftb B !ilc lut bsr in qucstiott I ttavc hd dirourioor wilb lfr. fcrry rbout lb h$c.od th Plln for th lnr- m tDc own rdrb ofthc B ridc wrs finrlly dacrndncd. Io additioq rry rirtcr, Elizrbd REPcttt had thcrc srrns disrsdonr sith Dr. Bowlin In our dirorssi(E with botb ofth€m *n tricd 3877L759 - PAG 01 tOtdk dout rcoohing th Firnruyhccond$y 4rils. Both Df. Bowlnud lda fcrry iodioitcd fti dd€rndrdryttdrley issre*:rPrstndnre giu€ithc illtr ofthfitigdkxl - g7l2L/L999 21:53 7I3A77L S RUTHERFORD Thc inrbiEty to dctcnnfup the prirneryftecordrry ilror during ttr protrrcted litigttioohrs prqrcrrtcd mc tour bcing rblc ro rcnrodel rny sdc ofthc hour s! wcll. Ar roon u we hcrrd dtal llls. Fcrry wu thc owncr, rny rnlrer c€[ad to congrdulrtc her. She wrr unSlc to maet ller but bn a rrrcrsage of corrgrrrulatiom end rrkcd thar Ms. Fary cdl Mr. Fcry did not larnr thc calt. My rnotlr thco hcgrd from thc tenantr in tic B sidc tDst Mr. Ferry wrr going to bcgir rcmoddfuA ud slrc wcnt to thc to$'n to scc ifany phnr had b€r rrbmiod. It uns only by goirg to thc Town thrt we bctrrc ewrrc oflt[r. Fcr4"rprc. As I indicdGd in an crrlicrleiltcrto thir Conrmisrioq nc obicd to Ms. Fcrry'r flur for ffid rurllont- Thc frrrt rcuon ir thrt Ms. Fcra/r flroo dcdgrrdehr ridc the B rfrh, rs thc pfunrry unit. This dosignxion ir unilatenl on ber prrt and was not cqrrrrtcd to by tttc. With ttrc dcdgnnion oftlrc prinury ddc, tlr propo$d plans dtcrnpt to usc all thc sddtiond qulre fuage dlowod to the lot under rhc nan zoning dedgrrttion. By claiming tbd drc is tlE prirnrry ddC ilrd by nbmitting plam th6t crl for ur cxpurrion of thc sizc Sc ptoposcs, clt tts €Fcctivdy sorilmndccrcd all oEansionpossibilities from my unn rs well. Wc strruuously obicct to thc dcsignnion rs thc primary unit - *rich ir futamrilF.rd the sia of thc proposcd cxpansion whidr teta dl aveihblc squrtc fooogc for boib ddcr o,ftbhr*. Ttc tccood obicuion deds with tte two car guage- I wouH not object to ! one car grnga lilra thd qrrrently lo€td on my unit. The tw, obiediorr! !d fodh in my eufc letter rrclltosc which rrere irunedatdy spprrcrtt wilhilt evcn bciag elowod to rce tlc pbof irdadl. Firully, I wguld llkc to point out to &c Conrnisio4.pmvidon in thc porty vall agrccnrcnt whiclr govtrne the use of tho hourq Scction 5D cordeins e prorrision which rrquirc$ thc wdttcn approvel of thc otlrer owncr wlren onc of lhe ouncrs ptoporer rnrjor structurd modificdionr to thc cxlqior ofthc housc. Mr. Fcrry is awlrc ofthir provision in tha party wall qgrcetn€ilt ilrd hls mrde no cffort to rcquest my epproval to her propo$d cfrurgcc. I rtqucstc4 in wiring copior oftho proposod planr bcforc thqy wre nrbmittod to ttc Town. ltc plurs rvtre not providcd. A sct ofthc phnr wc jurt ddhrcrGd lo ry nOhcr on hly 2q 1999. I trop€ltrtmcse o$euionrcan bermked outwitbMs. Fcrqr. Howe+,cr, etthfutitrcl wrld rdr thu the CoNutrission dary Ms. FerDls rcquo$ for rpprovd. 759O PAG 62 ,WfufuW cc: Ilfrr, Amnsp.tti Ml KryFcrry ?-2Al? )L.tAr-r 4a4.tat ta- | '4 lt7dt) 't ! t-, I r ,r't'. $ ni 0 \0 (- t\ li it, r i! :frt li l.t- \1 I r. ,i ah ii;:; i:ll r iri I tt.;:ii ! t:1 .Y N:'f . -!._: l.r'i 'r 1, ",\. hAt { ts( 0t ,l{r\ .t-- 0 J "1 'f tl, , -..-\...-..-- a ) v/ __...__./ i ;1X.:,",' ':soK.$ .l ili ri ,l u tl qt! sli r{8tit- iint il i UIri f Llll-tr.lF :.15t;ro0 I 'lf tol\,l-, ef ''l rFli:l,t Ilr- .nL, ' $.|l .t \l-r1l{uI FlI'tsJ[ "'r\{ \ * l=r Itr'l;l.r ( - t'3 .-nl[- ! ir (tr !i(Ir{. ^\!t,l tS:s{\ II {I 5 7 lr{ ir! =.t f + i l- d \ I ilir t|. ltirtc 3.li Tti'I rlllorll flt$l!rI : tr! t{6lt r- t:|: .( I \ I tf q \I f FI trI { 0l $l "I'l ll(iI -J _rl Li 'l Ir!l rlt-{l ollt rl!t +l$r \ a I( I ItIl el "l !l!! If( !;llt \t lrc!rl i + I l I I .l rlIji ilr ucitl --lcI j('l' I + 1" I 1 I I il" '16 .l. l;t' i" I I I lrFN !ttils - lr-\ li rlp .. trI tsIt4l- tr 1lrH r.tF --iK-- s ll$tl{ {|;i<r[-JLl isrl !o.lrl fft Li,l tEF r'l I rl{itl rl;il l{1,-'t il] " 0tl. ttu-l {sl!lll, lril I $:l I I rl 3 Is $ .{ J( I t <J<|Y 'a4r,a\.4 <rtt e'a .t:l t-'9a sIL(r t- l|. ---+ qt\ I rtrl; ! ljrj-)F..: 50 - L ; t-a arr'l :.7 f{ I*iFi .l {lr'.t { $ :tIu I{ (!: rl i ,?'tl 1 I I-l il I I i-T- \,_ l{ d {, {/ I - "L i, r:i ".,i'g JI)l{ iitr fj O APPLI EI -Amendmcnt to an'Approvcd Dcvclopmcnt Plan E/ Ernploycc Hosing Unit (I1pc: :l Itl Major or E Minor CCI Extcrior Alteration tr tr tr (Vail Villagc) Major or tr Minor CCtr Extcrior Alteiation (Lionshcad) Spccial Dorelopmcnt Disbict Major or tr MinqAmcndmcnt to an SDD D. E, F. G. FEE - SEE THE SI,JBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR TIIE APPROPRI.ATE FEE. ST'BMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SI'BMITTAL REQTJIREMENTS AI{D TIIE FEE TO TEE DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTE FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO tr657. For Office Use OnU: Fee Paid:_ Ct#:By: Application Date:_ PEC Mccting Date:_ \ln\ 6 thtb p11sys. Q:?&- Ez Tz- kvird6D6 auerdc}lt thc Planning Stalf at 479-2138 CATION FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL ilo'cl " CENERAI INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and Environrnental Commission. For spccific information. scc the $bmittal rcquircments for thc particular approvd that is rcqucstcd Thc application can not bc acceptcd until all rcquircd information is submitted. Tlrc projcct may also nccd to bc rwicured by the Town Council and/or thc Dcsign Rcvicw Bord A. TYPEOFAPPLICATION: ){ eaaitional CRFA(250) tr' BcdandBrcalfast O Conditional Use Perrnit tr Major or El Minor Subdivision tr Re2oning tr Sigrr Variance ! variancc tl Zoning Code Amcndrncnt c. , \-,, LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT-I-BLOCK-2 FILING VV 1+h BUILDINGNAME: ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINCAI) V=1 owNER(S) STGNATTIRE(S) : NAME OF REPRESENTATTVE: MAILING *'U'S YO -zO98 DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: eric johnson ar c h i t e c t, P.c. LOT 1, PARCEL B, BLOCK 6, VAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 IOOT EAGLES NEST CIRCLE VAIL, CO. 81657 LIST OF ADJECENT PROPERTY OWNERS TRACT A & C, BLOCK 2, VVF 7Th62O &967 YAIL VALLEY DRIVE TOWNOFVAIL 75 S FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 LOT I, BLOCK 6, WF. 7th 1OOI VAIL VALLEY DRTVE ANNREPETTI IOO1 VAIL VALLEYDRIVE VAJL. CO 81657 LOT 2, BLOCK 6, WF 7th IOI2 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE CENTRAL MISSOURI COMPANY SAMB. COOKTRUST 238 MADISION JERRERSON CITY, MO 6510I LOT 3, BLOCK 6, VVF 7th IO22 EAGLES NEST CIRCLE DR. THOMAS &FLO STEINBERG IO22EAGLES NEST CIRCLE VAIL. CO 81657 LOT 4. BLOCK4, VVF 7th 992VAIL VALLEY DRIVE MAY B. KELLEY & F. RAYMOND JR. 2950E. STAMFORD DRTVE ENGLEWOOD. CO 8OIIO LOT l, BLOCK I, WF 8th EVAN JONES IO31 EAGLES NEST CIRCLE IIO13 CRIPPLE GATE ROAD POTTOMAC, MD 20854 LOT 2., BLOCK l, WF 8th DANDeROULET I42O RIDGE ROAD IO42 EAGLES NEST CIRCLE LATIREL HOLLOW" NY II79I PO BOX 2088 VAIL CO 81658 970.926.s292 FAX 926.5293 m=" MAY AFFEcr rorr r*orr# PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Plannino and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance dith Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on July 26, 1999, at 2;00 P.M. in the Town ol Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the establishment of single-family lot boundaries within a clustered residential suMivision, located at the Residences at Briar Patch, 1386 Buffehr Creek Boad / Parcel F, Briar Patch. Applicant: Web Atwell/ Briar Patch HOAPlanner: Erent Wilson A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the vacation of an existing lot line to re-establish two fots, located at 1397 & 1427 Vail Valley Drive / Lots 6 & 7, Block 3, Vail Valley First Filing. Applicant: Phoebe Barrett, represented by Gwathmey-Pratt Schultz ArchitectsPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a rrariance from Section 12-6C-9, Town of Vail Code, to allow for two-family residential site coverage in excess of 20/" of lot area, and a request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of a Type ll employee housing unit, located at 1007 Eagle's Nest Circle i Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village Filing 7. Applicant: Kathleen Ferry, represented by Eric Johnson, ArchitectPlanner: Brent Wilson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-21,38 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request wilh Z4hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone fo,'the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Develcipment Department Published July 3, 1999 in the Vail Trail. eu..,,onrr|ilhc Ptii:rning statTai,i79-l l2s GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Design Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcccivc Dcsign Revicrv approval prior to subrnitting for a building pcrmit. For spccific information. sce thc submittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcquestcd. Thc applicatiou cannot bc acceptcd until all thc requircd inforntation is subnrittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torvn Council and./or thc Planning and Environnrcntal Conrnrission. Dcsign Rcvierv Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is started, A. DESCRtpflON OF THE REQUEST: L6o G?+* t'pr> + t"@ E ql* AtrpL'TLoN / ?st4'oaeu- APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APP YP* -ol b s ytcn'C lo^TO],//N OFVAIL B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:BLOCK: 6 FILINC:1*-.. vV PHYSTCALADDRESS: \oo1 E>lfuc N4 GNr I o . o C. D. E. F. G. PARCEL #: ZONING: (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS:Vf PHONE: 4-lr-- Vgz+ OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S) : NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: € Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. plAOOition - $50 Includcs any addition rvh....qu*" footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or/ \ comrncrcial building. tr l\{inor Altcration - $20 Includcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc improvcmcnts. such as, rcroofing. painting. window additions. landscaping. fcnccs and rctaining waus, ctc. DRB fccs arc to bc paid at the tinre of submittal. Latcr. rvhcn applying for a building pemrit. please identify thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. Thc Torvn of Vail rvill adjust thc fce according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBIIIIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIVIMUNITY DEVELOPIVIENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL, COLORADO 8I657. llru[ L.raIL-; UKE.MeennquET€i-, :, .: : - :. :':,::il t" OO Design Review Action Form TOWNOFVAIL hoject Name: Ferry residence Project Description: Temporary unpaved parking area Owner, Address and Phone: Kaye Ferry, 2395 Bald Mtn. Rd., Vail, CO 81657 Architect/Contact. Address and Phone: Eric Johnson Project Street Address: 1007 Eagles Nest Circle Legal Description: Lot l, Blk. 6, Vail Village 7s Parcel Number: Buildine Name: Comments: Temporary parking are provided in anticipation of a permanent parking area being provided within six months. Project#: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: Action: Staff approved Vote: Conditions: l. Approval is granted for a period of 6 months. 2. Parking area shall be improved with gravel or mulch and shall be maintained in an orderly fashion free of standing water and mud. It shall be the owner's responsibility to remove related debris or dirt from the street. 3. All on-street parking shall be discontinued. Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date:6124199 erlc Jo O hn son architec aa loo I t, p. c. t" /r+ /,rq + t \ \ \$x \s { t S'\> 'rRccE PO BOX 2088 VAIL CO 81658 970.926.s29? "K"44?4tado^..2) fa-vrq F-a-r&^<!. t Wq%,"tird O4 +1vth ?zvb4 L-o6p|,J,.. ,A/ /O (gve.tnA Qvz-- NF,, W %c>trQ- E.$r "f AsFar4t FAX 926.5293 OA/IJ/SS miD l7:22 FAtr DESCzuPTION OF THE REQUEST: s70 fia 7ss4 cDf,f, @oor D"r- t,.*- Lo Lo**onr, f*" r,,,,rTr*L:,..3p APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAIJNEORMAIION ni* ulrpti."ti* is for ury projcct rcquiring Dcsrp Rwicv a6troval. furygojcct rcquiring dcsip rwi* tltl - rcccivcbcsigrt Rcrriew apprwal prior to srUmittrng for a buiiding pcrmit Fon specifio infonradon" scc tbc submitbl rcquircmcnLs-for tt " prt i.ut"r rpprovat that is reqriescd Tlrc application carrnot bc acceptcd until all thc rcquircd information is slbmiitcd. Thc piojcct nuy also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by tlc Tsffi Co@cit end/or thc Plaming and Envinotlnrcntal Cornmission. dcsign ncyistr| Boerd appro'rl orpircs onc ycar eftor fisll spprwct unlcss e building pcrmit is issucd and construction is strtcd. rcvN 0FVlIl, B. c. D. E. LOCATTON OF PROPOSAL: LOT: I BLOCK: 6 FILINC H{YstcALADouass, /DbZ. Et/'- ,! 4 f}h - pARCEL #: lforrtrt Eagtc Co. Asscssors Office at 9?G32E-8640 for parcel #) F. G. ZONING: NAMEOFOWNER(S): MAILINC owNER(s) sIG1{ATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICA}.IT: MAILING TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: O Ncw Construction - $200 O Adttltlon - t50 E Minor Altcrztiou - S20 PTIONE: PHONE: Curgtsuction of a new building. IrrcIuds any addition whoc sqrnrc foobgs is addcd to afly rcsid$tid or commocial building lncludes minor changes to buiklings and site improvcrnents, srch as' rcoofing. painting windor additions, landraping. fcoccs and rctaining wallg ctc. DRBfccsarctobepaidatthctimeofsubmittat. Latcr.whcnapptyhgforabuildingpcrmilpl€sscidcntify thc accuratc valuation of the prpjsct. Thc Toflr of Vail will adust thc fcc according to thc pojcct valuatiqr PLEASE STJBMTT THIS APPLICATTON, ALL SUEMITTAL REQUIREMENTS ANII TTIE TEE TO TIIE DEPARTMENT OT' COTVIMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT. 75 SOUTH F'RONTAGE ROAD' vArL, coLoRADo 81657. *rV -T'ff"#; bd= stb@rur--r:O L.-J\-(L'| . and Environnental Commission Se:.;.--t. Developnent Departnent 1989 <P-r-rS, noJ c*L.,(G€ Ba- q {, DD*--'+l tso - g)a r 5 f--^Je Tes-W- P"-ct +tE c-,{^Jct( - $-o TO: FROM: DATE: Planning Connunity April J.0, Vota suBfEcr: A request for front setback variance in order toconstruct a garage on Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village 7thFiling.Applicant: Ann Repetti I.DESCRIPTION OF VARTANCE REQUESTED The applicant is.reguesting a front setback variance of 5, inorder to add a singre car garage to the residence. A portionof. the- existing residence iafli within tne iJe"ii"a zo,setback, and there is a circular driverilay on €n" prop""tywhich is located ar.nost entirery witnin io"" "i-v'uir-.ouiI_i?l!-:I;ylV: rhe proposal wili keep this driveway, andwnrre.utrrizing the existing road cut, add a smarr extensionof driveway and a.single cai garage. The garage encroachesapproximatery 5' into the reguirea eo, setiack] The reasonfor tle requested encroachrnerit is that the applicint desiresto rnaintain light, air and ventiration to an'Lxisii"q io"r-inthe house. The only exterior exposure of this room wourd beblocked. by the garage were it to completely meet the Town ofvarr setback reguirements. The stafi has ieceived. rettersencouragilg approval of this request from the owner of theother half of the duplex and frdm some of the adjacentproperty owners. TT CRTTERTA AND FTNDINGS Consideration of Factors: The relationship of the re ested variance to otherexlting or potent aI uses and structures thev Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section l_8.6I.060 ofthe nunicipal code, the Departrnent-oi corununity Deveropnentrecommends approval of the reguested variance 6ased up6n thefollowing factors: A. The. existing residence currently encroaches to within 6,of the.property line. The garale has been locatea i.na portion of the site that rniniiizes the degree to whicha variance is required._ Although there i" pty"iciffyroon on the site !.o pufJ.. tne gaiage back another 5,, itwould create a substantiar haidship to tne exisling'unitby blocking all tight, air and venlitati;" a;-;-;ortionof the interior of the residence. B. !_ teral treatment ob rivil o which to achieve tsitesthe vic thout from the strict f at of to attain thEof special /\udl Il:-:Ii::ing developuent on site currently encroacheswrEnln^ the required setback and ttre residlnce does notcurrently have adequate on-site parking. ifr. gu"ige hasbeen sited in such a way as to nininiz6 trr"--J"6r"e towhich a variance is reqiired and yet maintain-€rre-functionality of the in-terior of Lhe existi"d i"=iaence.without requesting a separation of the g"it6 iioln tn"residence, which is desirable to n"iinei-[nE-o""i]:"Review Board or the staff, we do not see ""i "it"i vruythat this garage nay be sitea without requiiinc avarlance. The Town of Vail has traditionally 5ncouragedgarages to be bui1t, particularLy when they lre ""f"iigan existing on site pirking probiem. )::;- w+ t6" d-,(^ 'iF"tdt- f<""?i DgD ht and - ,,Jgh""93 , -\.'\tzt.'' .rn*{S ?v- A.-Rh){<- ,^ be_ The requested encroachment does not affect;:r"o-- p ]-o with respect to any of the above mentioned ?.e eff th ested vari ri and trc distribution of ulatio tion fficfacties, and t Iight andcriteria.a1rcriteria. IV. FINDTNGS The Plann aTd Environrnental Conmission shall nake thefollowinvarrance: Ra/t(.- t eS q ----' svPt'svg L\., qrrv er Lfre arov€! menELoned c:I'itel'i &"'ffi l;$:"* That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grantof. special privirege inconsistent with the rirniiaiions onother properties ctassified in the same aistrict. - That the.granting of the variance wirr not be detrimentar tothe public health, safety o, w.tiure, or naterially injuriousto properties or improvements in tne'vicinfit:---- That the variance is warranted for one or nore of thefollowing reasons: The strict or literal interpretation or enforcement oflfe specified regulation woirta result in practi-afdifficulty or unnecessary.physical rrarasn'if-i"cor,=irt"r,twith the objectives ot ttriS tit:.e. TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorada 81657 970-479-2100 FA){ 970-479-2157 July 1, 1999 Eric Johnson, Architect PO Box 2088 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Lot I, Block 6, Vail Village /h Filing - the Ferry Residence Dear Eric: I have completed a preliminary review ofthe plans for the above-referenced property and am forwarding the following comments: . Based on a confirmed lot size of 15,942 square feet, the allocated GRFA for this property is as follows: Total Allowable GRFA 25o/o of the fust 15,000 sf of lot area: 3,750 sf Credit for Type II EHU -- 350 sfx l|Vo oflot area above 15-000 sf: 425 sfcredit per unit: Total Total Proposed GRFA Existing Unit A Existing Unit B Addition to Unit B 94 sf 850 sf 5,044 sf 2,097 sf 2,097 sf 917 sf Type II EHU 350 sf Total 5,461 sf xSection 12-I 3-5, Tovm of Vail Code requires that the 500 square foot credit be used only for the constluction of an employee housing unit. Although you may receive 500 square feet, your proposal is for a 350 sEtare foot EHU. The remaining credit may not be pooled to either of the other two tmits. The proposed GRFA on this project exceeds the allowable by approximately 417 square feet. {g"oottor ro ' Pursuant to Section 12-13-5, Town of Vail Code, existing residences are not required to provide enclosed parking for a Type tr EHU. This is only required for new construction projects or demolition/rebuilds. Although the provision of an enclosed space is preferable in most situations, in this instance it increases the proposed site coverage non-conformity. r Currently a non-conformity exists on the property with regard to the "60/40" GRFA split. Both units contain 2,097 square feet (44.6Yo of the total allowable GRFA). Under the Town's Two-Family Primary/Secondary zoning regulations, one of the two units may not exceed 40%o of the allowable GRFA for the property. Once one of the two units expands to become the "primary" unit, the other "secondary" unit will receive a non-conforming status and be prohibited from expansion. Additionally, the utilization ofthe 500 square foot credit for the Type II EHU v/ill prohibit the adjacent owner from utilizing the "250" bonus credit in the firture. Although this issue will not affect your remodel proposal, both owners should be aware of this situation. Please revise your plans for a conceptual review at your earliest convenience. I will need at least three business days to review the plans prior to your anticipated DRB meeting. Applicable code sections have been included for reference. Ifyou would like to set up a meeting or discuss these issues in greater detail, please contact me at (970) 479-2128. Sincerely, W'ft&- Brent Wilson Planner tr B. VA565 or-o3A.rl ,r, 12-13-5: TYPE II EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIIT: A. Purpose: To allow for the construction of an employee housing unit on lots in the Single-Family, Two-Familg Primary/Secondary and Agricultural Open Space Zone Districts which meet the minimum lot size requirements for said Zone Districts. General Conditions: l. It sha[ be a conditional use in the Single-Family Residential, Two-Family Residential and Primary/Secondary Residenti aJ, Zone Districts. 2. It shall be permitted only on lots which comply with the minimum lot size requirements for total lot area of tfie zone district in which the lot is located. 3. It shall be located withiq or attached to, a single-family dwelling or be located within, or attached to, a two-family dwelling pursuant to subsection l2-11-5I of this Title, design guidelines duplex and primary/secondary development. It may also be located in, or attached to, an existing garage, provided the garage is not located within any setbaclg and further provided that no existing parking required by this Code is reduced or eliminated. 4. It shall not be counted as a dwelling unit for the purposes of calculating density. Ilowever, it shall contain "kitchen facilities" and a "bathroom" as defined in Section 12-2-2 "Definitions" ofthis Title. It shall be permitted to be a third dwelling unit in addition to the two (2) dwelling units which may already exist on the lot. Only one Type II employee housing unit shall be allowed per lot. 5. It shall have a gross residential floor area not less than tkee hundred (300) square feet, nor more than nine hundred (900) square feet. An applicant, howeveq shall be permitted to apply to the Department of Community Development for additional gross residential floor area not to exceed five hundred (500) square feet to be used in tle construction of the employee housing unit. The applicant shall submit an application for the additional gross residential floor ilrea on a form provided by the Department of Community Development. Approval or denial of the request shall be made by the Design Review Board in accordance with Section I2-LI-4 of this Title. If an applicant obtains Design Review Board approval for five hundred (500) square feet ofadditional gross residential floor area for the employee housing unit, he or she shall not be entitled to receive additional gross residential floor area pursuant to Chapter 15 o{ this Title for either unit on the lot. If an applicant obtains Design Review Board approval for not more than two hundred fifty (250) square feet ofadditional gross residential floor area for the employee housing unit, he or she shall be entitled to receive additional gross residential floor area pursuant to Chapter 15 of this Title for one dwelling unit on the lot. 6. It shall have not more than two (2) bedrooms. 7. No more than two (2) adults and one child not older than sixteen (16) years of age shall reside in a one-bedroom Type II employee housing unit. No more tlnn two (2) adults and two (2) children not older than sixteen (16) years ofage shall reside in a two-bedroom Type II employee housing unit. 8. Each Type II employee housing unit shall be required to have no less than one parking space for each bedroom located therein. However, ifa one bedroom Type II employee housing unit exceeds six hundred (600) square feet, it shall have two (2) parking spaces. All parking spaces required by this Code shall be located on the same lot or site as the employee housing unit. If no dwelling exists upon the properfy which is proposed for a Type tr VA5O5 o?-03A. ro ,r, employee housing unit at the time a building permit is issued, or if an existing dwelling is to be demolished and replaced by a new dwelling, not less tlan one of the parking spaces required by this subsection shall be enclosed. A ttrree hundred (300) square foot gross residential floor area credit shall be allowed for the c,onstruction of one enclosed parking space for the Type II employeehousingunit. (1997 Code: Ord. 14(1994) $ 2: Ord. 9(1992) $ 4) 12-13-6: TYPE III EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT: A. Purpose: To allow for the construction of employee housing units in multiple-family and mixed use zone districts. B. General Conditions: l. It shall be a conditional use in t}re Residential Cluster, Low Density Multiple-Fanily, Medium Density Multiple-Family, Ifigh Density Multiple-Family, Public Accommodation, Commercial Core I, Commercial Core II, Commercial Core III, Commercial Service Center, Arterial Business District, Parking District, General Use, and Ski Base/RecreationZone Districts. 2. It may be constructed on legal nonconforming lots and sites as well as on lots and sites which meet the minimum lot size requirements in the zone district in which it is located. 3. It shall be counted as five-tenths (0.5) dwelling unit for the purposes of calculating densrty. The number of Type III employee housing units shall be determined by the Planning and Environmental Commission as part of the conditional use permit review process set forth in Section 12-16-6,"Criteria; Findings" of this Title. 4. It shall have a gross residential floor area ofnot less than four hundred fifty (450) square feet and not more than nine hundred (900) square feet. 5. It shall have "kitchen facilities" and a "batbroom" as defined in Section 12-2-2- "Definitions", of this Title. 6. It shall have no more than two (2) bedrooms. 7. No more than two (2) persons for each bedroom located therein shall reside in a Type III employee housing unit. 8. It shall be required to have one parking space for each bedroom. However, ifa one bedroom Type III employee housing unit exceeds six hundred (600) square feet it shall have two (2) parking spaces. Any guest parking requirements shall be determined by the Planning and Environmental Commission as a part of the conditional use permit review process set forthin Section 12-16-6 ofthis Title. 9. It shall not be entitled to additional gross residential floor area in accordance with Chapter 15, "Additional Gross Residential Floor Area" ofthis Title. 10. Gross residential floor area shall be determined as set forth in Section 12-2-2 ofthis Title. 11. A Type Itr employee housing unit may be rented in compliance with Section 12-13-2 of this Title or it may be sold, transferred, or conveyed separately from otler dwelling units or employee housing units that may be located on the same lot or within the same building in which the Type Itr employee housing unit is located so long as it meets the following Oct-15-99 l.2:ztsP LINDSTROM ASSoC'IATES l.- ,- ..^"t(Jrv| AS5(JC:rATES t*ff 926_s293 p.ol a r c h i t e c t, p.c. WAddl^ (**-€i t"t vt> #ra b+5'alt+g eric johnson June 28, 1999 Town of Vail / Planning and Environnpntal Commisgion Dcpartnrcff of Conrnmity Developrnent III S,FrontageRoad vail, CO E1657 RE: K. FERRY RESIDENCE LOT I, PARCEL B, BLOCK6, VAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 IOOT EAGLESNEST CIRCLE VAIL. CO. 81657 LIST OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS Vail Villagc 7th Filing Block 6 l00l VailValleyDrive tuinRepedi/SusanRuthcrford 3466 Elta Lee Lane Houston Texas 77027 l0l2 Vail Vallcy Drive Central Mssouri Conrpany SamB. Cook Trust 238 Madison St. Jefferson City, MO. 65101 967 Vail Valley Drive Don E. Ackermrn 2431I Walden Center Drive Bonita Springs, FL 34134 W2Vul Valley Drive l"Iay B Kelly / F Rayrmnd Jr. 2950 E. Stanford lhive Englewood, CO 80110 1002 Vail Valley Drive Tom & Flo Stcinberg PO Box 13 VaiL CO E1658 Vail Vilage 8th Filing Btock I l03l Eagles Nest Circle Evan Jones 11013 Cripplegate Road Pototnac, MD 20854 1042 Eagle Nest Circle Daniel de RoulA 1420 Ridge Road lanrelHollow, NY ll79l PO BOX 2088 VAIL CO 81658 970.926.5292 FAX 926.5293 I PLAmc AND ENVTR.NMENTAL co**# PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE Monday, July 26, 1999 FINAL AGENDA Proiect Orientation / PEC LUNCH - Communiw Development D,eoartment 11:30 p.m. DRB/PEC/Town Council Roles and Responsibilities in the Development Review Process - (1 hour discussion) MEMBERS PRESENT John Schofield Galen Aasland Diane Golden Brian Doyon Tom Weber Chas Bernhardt Doug Cahill Sile Vislts : MEMBERS ABSENT 1:00 p.m. 1 . Ferry - 1 007 Eagle's Nest Circle2. Barrett- 1397 & 1427 Vail Valley Drive3. Dobson lce Arena-321 E. Lionshead Circle George NOIE: lf the PEC hearing ertends until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearinq - Town Council Ghambers 2:00 p.m. 1. A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the establishment of single-family lot boundaries within a clustered residential subdivision, located at the Residences at Briar Patch, 1386 Buflehr Creek Road / Parcel F, Briar Patch. Applicant: Web Atwell/ Briar Patch HOAPlanner: Brent Wilson MOTION: Tom Weber SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE:7-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the applicant provide the Town of Vail Department of Community Development with a revised final plat with all required signatures for recording, prior to submitting an application lor Design Review for any proposed improvements on the property. CCPr Driver: KET A re$lelt for a minor subdivision, to allow for the vacation of an existing lot line to re- e*Cfiish two lots, located at 1397 & 1427 Vail Valley Drive / LoF 6 & t Btock 3, Vail Valley First Filing. Applicant: Phoebe Barrett, represented by Gwathmey-Pratt Schultz ArchitectsPlanner: Allison Ochs MOTION: Galen Aasland APPROVED SECOND: Chas Bemhardt VOTE:6-0-'t (Doyon recused) 3.A request for a variance from Section 12-6C-9, Town of Vail Code, to allow for two-family residential site coverage in excess ot 201" of lot area, and a request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of a Type ll emplope housing unit, located at 1007 Eagle's Nest Circle / Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village Filing 7. Applicant: Kathleen Ferry, represented by Eric Johnson, Architect\Planner: Brent Wilson MOTION: Doug Cahill SECOND: Chas Bemhardt VOTE:6-0-1(Aasland recused) A request for a linal review of a of a conditional use permit, to allow lor a proposed locker room expansion and loading dock addition to the Dobson lce Arena, located at 321 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Uonshead 2no Filing. Applicant: VailRecreationDistrictPlanner: George Ruther MOTION:Chas Bemhardt SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE:4-3 (Schofield, Bernhardt, Doyon opposed) APPROVED WITH 9 GONDITIONS: That the applicant submit civil engineered drawings ol the required West Meadow Drive realignment and bridge reconstruction for review and approval, prior to submitting an application for a building permit. That the applicant retain the services of a Consulting Arborist to assist in the implementation of the mitigation measures recommended in the Tree Preservation Plan prepared by A Cut Above Forestrv of Breckenridge, Colorado dated 3/20/99. All mitigation measures shall be strictly adhered to for the duration of the construction project. That the applicant actively participate with the Town of Vail Art in Public Places Board to develop a visually interesting, yet modest, loading dock gate design, and that the gate be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board That the applicant revise the proposed landscape plan to include the relocation of the existing vegetation on-site, rather than off-site. The revised plan shall be reviewed and approved by staff prior to the issuance ol a building permit. That the applicant revise the proposed site plan to relocate the existing layout of the pedestrian path and to include brick pavers at the entrance to the loading and delivery area. The revised plan shall be reviewed and approved by staff prior to the issuance of a building permit. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. That lhe proposed pr"n$lr"uired to add a note prohibiting roofmechanica equipment atop the new addition prior to the issuance of a building permit. 7. That a banier be added to dkect the pedestrian flow from the dumpster to the bike path. 8. That the dumpster area be reclaimed and relandscaped. 9. That the asphalt be minimal when the road is widened. 5. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the creation ol a public park, located at Lots 1,2 & 3, Block H, Vail das Schone/2497, 2485,2487 Garmisch and the unplafted portion of the SE %, SE %, SW /z of Section 11, Township 5, Range 8'l West. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE:5-2 TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 9, 1999 6. A request for a minor subdivision, to vacate common lot lines to create a new lot, located at2477,2485,2487,2497 Garmisch Drive/ Lots 1-4, Block H, VailDas Schone #2. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Nina TimmPlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 9, 1999 7. A request for the establishment of Special Development District No. 37 (Antlers), to allow for the construction of 24 new condominiums, 7 new employee housing units and a new parking structure level, located at 680 W. Lionshead Place (the Antlers)/ Lot 3, Block 1, Lionshead Third Filing. Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Bobert LeVine Planner: George Ruther WITHDRAWN 8. lnformation Update 9. Approval of July 12, 1999 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2'138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notif;cation. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department v. ,t 'There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances orconditions applicable to the same siie of the variancethat do not apply generally to other properties in thesame zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of thespecified regrulation would deprive the applicant ofprivileges enjoyed by the ownlrs of othei-properties inthe sane district. STAFF RECOII'IIENDATToN The staff recomrnends approval of the requested front setbackvariance of 5r. The sllff feels that tlie garage has beensited in such a way as to nininize the reqriest6a [ne degreeof variance reguired. The appricant has dernonstrated aregitinate hardship due to the siting of the existingresidence and the layout of the flooi plan. ) EFIE|e v,tr: Itl =l 15 Far5lF:DE!D =g'hm.€T xfl =!H3.:D F'ttFE Qo?zz Etrl.E FII tfrv :3z(r. Ia En-ctCP =Ec) rnEZ u{ etct€aa -='-l ii ct-z vlctE FI o I tl I FIF E! rr EA ctz \ oo 4" CoNC, SLAB W 6"X6" REINF., SLOPE " EAST TO WEST 4" CoNC. SLAB ON 6RADE lor Jflol,il t$l 6(C(toN: 2-zr,tzW*2ort1 fur (,Aeabe- Dooe'{elgf{ 20 mln. doors new door to ext. move exlsung wlndow to wes[ wall attlc storage area over REPETTI GARAGE FLOOR PLAN | /8" = l' COHEN CONST. lNC. / a' 2x8 collar tles every olher' . naften, hangored to ledger, ,' ledger lagged to exisling framlng, 9'above ff. 2x8 rafters l6'oc attached to exlsllng, ncw lcdger board lagged Lo exlsting framlng 5/8 0SB decklng w/30. asphalt fell, and shakes Lo ma[ch. I 2x10 lacla palnted to .* match existing Tradltlonal 2 coat stucco wer felt and wlre mesh palnted to -+maLch 2x4 16'oc, double top plate, horlz. blocklng 48"0c, full I /2" OSB sheathlng exterior, thr const w/ 5/8" "x" flre tape gyp board grade for posltlve dranlge 5/8" x 7" anchor bolt 32" oc and both sldes of openlngs slab on compacted +-- flll and 4" of 3/4 washed rock cont,8xl6 conc. foober wlth 2 ,4 rebar conl,and vert. rebar for wall. 4'perlmeter draln \ backfllled w/ coarse gran, mat. \\ 8'CNU dry stacked w/ 1/8" otts O-Bond both sldes, base course ln full mortar bed, conL. vert. t4 rebar 32"oc, all cells w/ rebar grouted full. new wall doweled to exlstlng, cells wlth dowels grouted full.- Q -G-+^rt*r hqo\ R1r.,':\ REPETTI GARAGE, PARTIAL SECTION | 12 " = l' COHEN CONST lNC. -lEE-d 5tsFo_E =!-3 =glin|!<EeP -rE=!aE -0--EgF3nFF Q:o-zz FFI!FII -y'F'CII FI(t )!Ft V 3II a iq { 3 fi ( o * s ;*-z{,| ctEgaz =E8E 0F!3FFI - Eti d I FIF 117EE =E!--=ccz E t cA -9 -I EHo=g I !III\ F g JtUo =EIbr H!FUf =! taa3arrt-r-a ;; IIIJ JIII-UtrII Dg -JII d III -aE F tsFt{]uJ zzIttlr dIoIIttIt g ||IIItl IU0IIIJ Ic, ts E arrlBB4 o- .\| EE HH PROPOsED 6ARA6E LOCATIOI\ t\ \ CHANoE EXISTING WINDCn{ lNTo NEW ENTRY \ t I i I \ I t I I \ \ I ) VAIL VALTEY DRIVE I I <: EAGLES NEST CIRCLE '+ ACTUAL PROPERTY LINE REUISEO Of,RRGT PROPO$RL TOR RNN REPETTI t00l uf,tt uf,ttEY 0RtuE, unt[, c0. c0HtN coNsilBucnoN P0 80[ rot5, uf,ll,co.SCRIEI'-20' ,", oq,{'/*/ t-alua UJa)q !J'o PARCEL C LOT I 5.t ,.- 29.20 N 68055'22 " E 6 7 5TA tR, \,..-I 0ECr, .PARTYWALL ?- PATI O it ioa PARCEL 8,'( ts3a sq rt ) Oj 1 OR IVEI,VAY r&9* F," e\ 2((\ 1'.9-r v€ Y 0o55 s 3-.r'5N651 gbo'"rooY ts_\a'o2 NO qtIFI -JI -tl. 19 -a(tO EiG,tE \ALLEYq- Naw 12"x48" tempered glass flxed wlndow for north llght Bullt ln sLorage New entry landlng on grade wlth shed roof 20'0"0ver I I I I I I I Create new attlc area Yvl access door from upstalrs porch, wcat area new oaracs 5' 6' new 3ub panel \ Remove existing \ wlndow and creaLe \ new exterior entrance \ to study flove existin6 wlndow to west wall of bedroom COURTYARD n\,,\o REUISEO 6RRR6E PROPOSRL FOR RNN REPETTI t 00t ufttt URt LEY DRtuE, untl,c0. colrEN coNsrRUETroN+ P0 BOH 5015, URIL. $CRIE l/8'- l' Bull[ In sLoragc Nsw ontry landlng on grade wlth shed roof oiff :21-91- 'I /\t\ crcata ncw *rlq,* / and paw, pave exlS[ing drlve area t 1t' 4'il/ / Remorc exlstlng window and create new exlgrlor cntrarce to study flow exlstln( wlndow to wes[ wall of bcdroom COURTYARD REUISTO 6RRR6E PIOPOSRI IOR RHN REFETTI t00t uRtL u[ttET ontuE, u8tl,c0. cOIIEN GONsTBUSTION+ P0 B0ll 5015, URIL. SCRtt l/0'- I' OWNERS OF OTHER HALF OF DUPLEX IlR & TIRS. DAVIS IO IO EAGLES NEST CIRCLE vAtL, c0.8t657 TEL. 7 f3-255-65Q3 x 2O2 7t3-622-t97t H FAX 7ts-225-1389 a3/t4/89 I4t 1,6 TESCO ga? 03/r5189 PLANN INU ANIJ EI{V I RONHCIITAL COI'I]'IIS3 IOI{ TOI.IN OF VAIL VAIL, C0L0RAD0 Rc: Proporrd gorage artdiflnn tn the Repetti home. Dear Sfrs, ?hlr lelLsr'l> [u oLoLe v,, aPl'ov[l of the Planl f6F tho grrrgo atldition to the dup'lex located at l00l Vail Valley Drlve and lool faglc t{ecL wiivl*. lJ* have no objcrt{anr ta thc propna'rl 'rnd rre glad thtt the tnwn ir Fnfinllriging pnnpln t0 billld garages and thus get more cars eff Lhc sLreels. tdlll0 ttu ttlll not bo rdding tho grnrgo nn nrm hrlf rt thit timn- we do hope to do so in the-near future and hope that you rule l-dvorfibly on thirprnpnrrr{ nrft{ltlnn,rnd lltnn on onc ta ouF l.-l f -f lhr. rluurtuur. Sincerely.r \ i. ), \-' ,, ru[.,t.-":l F*,.. .0 '1 , , \ .]--, .. ..". ,-t11. --.. flr/mrs xoy b. &aNs, .tr t' \ 4ffin4- '"*,[ Proiect Appllcation Project Name: Io*. LJItl t1 proiect Descrips;on' Uzr^-) G4PAc.F conractpersonand en"^. Cr>l P,,'+N& llG - '1G67 Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot etock (r , riri'o bly' ??-4 , zone - Comments: Design Review Board Seconded by: ,Il t'| | Motion by: U\c L \u Sf t "n' Os{€/ (*= APPROVAL-3:o o*" qf,t DISAPPROVAL ..toErv S. Tgscnu,rx TOOI EAOI.E 'g !3EEI oIECI.E vArI,, coLoBADo al66? . gos-4.r6-.'ttoil Ms. Ann Rcpettl lOOl Valt Vallcy Dn.Vail , CO., 81667 Dear Ann: We hcreby agrco to your North sldc of your hourc. cc: Town of Val.l 8, 1989 declre to bulld a garago on the (--,.(?n ---/L.0ulla a3/t4/e9 1,4. tG TESCO ala? GASTINGS SINCE 1 03/15/89 PLANdINti ANU EI{VIROI{T4EI{TAL COMMTSSION TOtlIN OF VAIL VAIL, COLORADO Rc: Proporrd garage additinn tn thP Repettl home. Dear S{rs, ?hlr lelLsr ls Lu ulslg v,., 6pl'6vll of thc pla;r fct'tho gerrg0 addition to the duplex located at t00l Vail Valley Drlve anc 10Ol Eag'l c lles L v; r .,1r. $lr have no objart{ans ta thc- prapnc:rl , rnd rrr-glad that the tnwn is Fnnnllrnglng penpln to bulld garages and thus get more cars r.rff Lhc sLrceLs. tlh{10 tro ull1 not bo:dding tho grnrgr nn nrrr hrlf rt thit timn. we do hope to do so in the-near future and hope that you rule favortbly 6h thirFt'hFntF,{ nr{dltlnn and l,rtnn nn nna tq our l.-l f ..f lhr. rarrurluur. Sincere1y.r..,' 'rf[..t--r P,,...c f.,'i \ flrlnrs xoy b. DaNs, .lr f -\.\'\ - -:J.)t_, -..". , .('.!r\ I \J 4frn4- l2 Best copy Available ,:'i- . . . llttttt rtrrrncttrl r0 DlrD DrlD-rtrullt_lir--Iaaa, ir rro tliltu nrctr ltrD lot,lorttrof, rro ltrrtrlr, u rmcrrriir;---' -- oot?rlutltot ot ttrt! Dtlctttltilr twf l-l/r.-u!9!y!D!g !!!!!U!!_rr NtD !o fi|l rlrrtmm or br t, rroot .vrtrr vrltaol rtvlrtil rilrtto rxcr'r roi tttclt---'oriariilo'rirpri tltGttr tl !!!!_tlF_9!_!4t l, rl99l-!r !lr_! ytr.r$r l|vrril rtr.tro, Gqrmt or rlotr,ftAtl ot Got tAF, rcoo Dtro lo au -rdrDrD ti{i irl-riai,-rriii Drfciirrbll tolLltl !4!q!!9_!! I totn !!Mf_!!!.,Frs rctitrlt 6illr or fltD rr! r tlrrl!_l!_Dro|ttr !r rtn ru_t!-!!09ril-i iaa;it rit'-birirrir-iind r a-- - ?ts!!tq_!! ltltrrr m -11091- _- ii. ro-iilii -irtricr-- -l i -iliiliii- or lirunrt. ncoril r .r,00 rr!!r_r!lE!-a_lr Eiriir--i-ffnnii ii-ii6rr --ii;aatrtr_flrrcr r tl il(mNf-oi_rfnrri aa hffia ii-ii;!o t-ri;frrrcr i-aa-plog!!_!! rr! _uilr rr rrqq-r_i_i. ri iirir -l*rrcr r -ii -oiiiriir -br rrnnrrr. rrootDr I r0.r0 rrtt so llt torrs at-lhiifira r3 uIt 'lltltt DllD. r- $h -r .t it!|rry lt, t9tf Best copy Available .l nd. d troY tor Il||r, t rL Ftlr, |t...14.{ed. rabI Ft. rt lr blr. d -_ !r rol ,lr4 Erffr,, i,hl. tltdBfiil$|Ur*ilP rl_F rE Flhi t iF rr i 3tt !{ rrl|. |ntr t .ta tltt d t ri Fr. t rrtr |'!1 ?!!l:!rF.d D r'| rlriai t r- xrtfl, tlrr tl d irt IJrr r l'tr trfirr ri.rt L.rlrLr l?!'qFr -r.t, ri rala Ftt.l Lfir|| Fr a. dill rt ra tcf, l't.. t- . !!!il?r i- ttt ti.trt tr, ttc.l, h tstl tt at|trir. rt D -.t f,, ',-e.rdt t.ttrt. b tl'ttrr. ---ll Stll w, rL ||la F rt., dr ,l'|t F?t tr tr.si. ..t lla trl .l r.l tt -t.l t r r.t rhtltll. alGa, t l- rl |o|lr- li O. tr.i.t ----lrrllT--Ttrt6r- c.r r.t I I (tr, Ncu yorl ' n. sB! AtT c[ED lx[tttT B roR ADDtttoilALI ' n t.'.r,'. r*'-' n rr,-..r- -.. -?r1,9!*1Yn$fl'Syrtfll1&lltt*ulXlnllot ^ Itlttt! o. tRrR ry -fr.fn rtlr. b, V .fl .rtrnro t td rl rflt.trt r-t. ffif#ffill"f*flw?.C^,n 's\ tlllt:,.1i !f,fu D. tclR d rilcrl o. rcn tort .t Ft, rl nar York lltr|MlllTMf,rn Eil|l|nt n|ult llFll, Ag i,Ottlt i\73?0t ::i%. '|t I: lllllItl'I " tl ,l l' 1,1 g1l; i ; .,!rl! 9slt|'81 H7,:-# 5t-.13::.)r.Foa ta- | fla.lrt. -raa t t]r tllA GttUlta $mrttv !fl!.?. ,.tr ?nrt.t.c.n, 1la82lV rttt 11a82 LahD feb(c lr.r. !| Lat Ya.tll!, llartLal Appl i cati on PEC MEETING o.t?-*ro4 13 1q8q DATE +ptrr.ro rq8q. APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE I. Th'is procedure is required for any project requestinE a variance. The applicationwill not be accepted uniil al'l information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLISANT IANN REPETTI ADDRESS TOO1 VAIL VAIIEY DRIVE VAIL, C0.8L55? NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE COHEN CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS P0 Box 3015 pHgNE 476-5581 B. vArL, co. 87658 pHgNE 4?6-468? c.NAME OF 0WNER(S) (type or print)__.ANN REPE9TI ROY,S si ELIZABETH MARTENS REPETTI REPETTI ROBINSONJ ADDRESS iIINDATYISTA AVE.PASADENA,CA. (, i';' gltt}s LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS 1OO1 .VAIL VALLEY DRIVE, VAII CO. PHONE D. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS bfntffs, and their mailing adOresses.- THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECf MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE l,JITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMEER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0 )DETERMINEIFANY'ADDITIONAL INFoRMATI0N t! nrroen.-r'to nppltcnu0N t^trLL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT_IS C0MPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMs REQUIRED BY THE ZgNiNG lgU.lNIllRAIgl). IT IS THE APPLicANT's RESpoNsrBrLrry T0 NnrE Rn App0TNTMENT I.JITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT AODITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION I{ILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FORY0uR PR0JEcr sv oecREAsilG-THE NUMBER 0F coNDrTIoNs 0F AppRovAL THAT THE pLANNING AND ENVIR0NMENTAL COMMISSI0N MAY STIPULATE. ALL C0NOITI0Ns 0F nppCOvnl-NUir aECOMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUiLDING PEMIT IS ISSTE-D'. 2. The_ degree to-which relief from the strict or litera'l interpretation andenforcement of a specified requlation is.necessary to achieve-iorpiilIiiituand uniformitv of treatment afrong sites in ttre-vitinitv or to iiiiin';h;'"objecti'res of this tiile without grant or speiiar-priuir.gu. ITI. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REqUESTED AND THEREGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: l. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potentialuses and structures in the vicinity. LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1 BLgCK 5 rtgle |th E. FEE $IOO PAID gy n 7?2!FROM aANN REPETTI THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT l^lILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. OVER ,l Vari ance O-r- The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities' and public safety. B. 'A topographic and/or improvement survey at a sca'le of at 'least 'lu - 20, stamped by a Colorado licensed surveyor including locations of a'l'l existing lmprove- m'ents, including grades and elevations. 0ther elements which must-be ihown are parking and loading areas, ingress and egress, landscaped areas andutility and drainage features. C. A site plan at a scale of at least l" = 20' showing existing and proposed bui I dings. i Scl...J*rte BE. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and easements F. If the proposal is located in a multi-family development which has a homeowners' association, then written approval from the association in support of theprojebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for said association. G. Any addit'iona'l material necessary for the review of the application as determ'ined by the zoning administrator.. * For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site p1 an may be waived by the zoning administrator. D. All preliminary building e'levation. the dimensions, genera'l appearance, existing and proposed on the site. Time Requirments The P'l anning and Environmenta'l Commission meets of each month. A comp'lete application form and (as described above) must be submitted a minimum PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications administrator) will be accepted by the planning nated submittal date. and floor plans sufficient to indicate scale and use of all buildings and spaces on the 2nd and 4th Mondaysall accompany'ing materia'l of 4 weeks prior to the date of the(as determined by the zoning staff before or after the desig- IV. Io DtrFHRTMtrNT @trEtrMMUNITV DtrVtrt@FMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcroN FORM cosT ToTALAccouNT # treu No. EA. AMouNT 01 0000 41350 COM. DEV. APPUCATION FEES ' tttrr I t.l l, vl uuuu 4r4rJ I.SIGN APPLICATION o FIIE COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 June 21, 1996 Ann Repetti 1001 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 D e partme nt of Community D eve lopment RE: Lot l, Block 6, Vail Village 7th Filing Dear Ann: In response to your discussions with George Ruther, I have researched the possibility ofadding additional square footage to your house. The information you have provided to George will need to be verified by an lmprovement Location Certificate, indicating the lot area and the dimensions of the building. According to the numbers you have provided, the following identifies the maximum that can be built, as rvell as existing square footage. Keep in mind these number may change when the information is verified. Zonin g: Primary/Secondary Lot Area: I 5,900 square feet (assuming Parcel A and parcel B are the same size) Allowable GRFA: 25% of the first 15,000 square feet of lot = 3,750 l0% of lot above 15,000 square feet = _g!Subtotal 3,840 Primary Unit @ 60Yo=2,304 credit + 425 total 2,729 Secondary Unit @ 40%= 1,536credit + 425 total 1.961 Existing GRFA: 2'097 per unit (based upon 2,021 gross square footage, subtracting the garage and adding the basement area) {S *n"uoruu .'r, D 7 ." . ..,U 3Jl'l Because each unit in this duplex is identical, one unit must be declqrod the prirnary unit and onc the secondary unit. It is up to the owners to declare the primary/secondary units. The prinrry is allowed to add 632 square feet and the secondary unit is only allowed to add squarc footap utilizing the 250 Ordinance. I hope this informtion is helpful to you. Again, this information is estimated based upon the infcrnation you have providcd us and may change once this information has bcen v€rificd. If you have any questions you may contact me at 479'2128 or George at 479-2145x Sincerely, Laprr.,-A)rt,A"rc Lauren Waterton Planning Liaison Officer BF/ 14/ 1996I 71 38771- 759 SUSAN RUTHERFORD Aw: LtFf€ ttt/E/ /10 Yist I lht//et/Dr farr, I rt, /.r,t t, A/riJ l/at t h //r.qe {t /rry 7 hMct tt" Ann "bfax hcriq fue-, z,LZl +f fr4f( lnffit *IWitfiW g 6 t7 s f(fu/tt r 1'd" '') 'fit'te ;Lfiet -7 , L)q'i *t ft ( y'tz,tre/'fl ) Ctrnenirot+s i t rrc7r/at ?cnrnl . pnnTalq /udxaizrT ^ ilnld /t2! br:'..i](t -L./fuLffi#<4n faX mL/' rno/A*ir( {,12t -sS g1'p} 'u fr+x\ ana /e/ /t*-Anbzu h-aaar- bt"g" .fi/th ,'s a/rrto2t1-j*6; V,i":!!,!t,'.# <int<'15/4|,iuryftroxr Ttit-EZ7-!&B *:tY"X,i/tr S RUTHERFORD PAGE gL A6115/1996 L22LE L387717 S RUTHERFORD SUSAN RUTHERFORD A+ft*f, fu.of ae R-*f\€-{f t,Btc* t rc-. Ann Re+ei{ g$tussa too\ Uart Ucilleqf Parc*\ Ar L.ot VV Fr lrn3 ? lo*'srrre + qq5: *n + + A(e* lrurrrrq Naq 7,C.Z-1 . basecne.t-rt,dn$ntshrea' 3tJ{ Tng durpt<x u'a-G ht:i tt r.nlqb?hJal l^nur nno+[p-t.. a*dd. Aot,rJ+t t"nLl nno+[p;' addr As,a.. t bl qd.fa+e irr, Eq,TRohfer =t4= oT -l.rrre d.pteXI$ & CfitCfcrr \Cnoale 'of fYtr,r Mo*her r C*he" eKactshne € tz<., lc+s +l^re €fas-r)-re 5rz€_ rtESstne Qfasldould r#.-.l le* u s t<t'lh*Jhauo rnuc.[.i We cau\d oddDn wt/o r-rui nrq *he sDecral Z€IS *a1 ft atloutqruei rigfit hrolt 7f$877.1641 3'=HDo-B?r.t7ss PAGE J, 1\ --F _< oz IIJ_") Eo I f{ @lIIol Tl<tl I UJ F o z9F(J :)EFozo() ts =tlrl o- z z ,n9 >-to coo =zd9 ."=Ezizohr -1 -: trl6d> t]LJD = =t UJ Lt- uJ F o o o E z ! = UJIL t =)_i<F1,r: Ir?FF -<9"P :;;i-i?2r,? l<azAa./?-=);?<;=tFF:& 4\Jtz=;ii:a :<! :i." <c a> -1,<a-j{e:<(<3,-; NOrrvn'tv^ z l:i< =cz<(, tL5-P, co irr (! E9n <ozcDZ) ltltJ I ??u lE I: ; : l.i_l E HtI =H =lZ Zu- | |o o o(ul (ultr - -a z-l vrl3 i = sElSlC Y u ir.rl.sln z, F vrl =l5 i EslEl e g ;slgFoillH(\6ll url xl:l =l=l<l tr(J LT,J oo a pl 6l 1l <l =l oo t/,!oPI(6 !..|-'cooo =at1 v, I&. !+l "l(uolq ,-1,-1t 'a >'i z: l,! 6 6J o!to (U d, otnEso.? art (l) z 'i z q E() FaY i. b2 E. F Fz O 9z -() t1r zt =si= O <oOF -< ;F-zilo (r <Fcc)tu<zEL!F(rzo F LrJ =-r E - a I trtrn oz E =&IttI \o N @ v,tu uJu-t =Elrl o- €'\ ,$ N |lH at H & z rlri IrlrcN I o\l lulIF lo -t IN IHt& r< I Irllr lJl 13 ztto <lrtrEl* F.]1 tu 11,2 1 Iq3l= F{ UJF F EFIz =o (, =2 F H & 14 al> ut--llt \JFZOHztA o'r2^qz ]E.oE€9 OE z-sll zox v Htr] l- IH IPl. lF-r l-l& lolz l*l(,lzt-rIF lH ls lF{lFl [:,.Elor cr\ E9 $s EG3 EEqd !4,9 5€:53S gsa $ Pli s ;li Hti o3 o o) .EE o(,o G t () = !, .2E !t o oc(B 6 '(t o 6.o 1J'c(5 o.q)oc ctct, o, c ',oF ot.= = o. Eoo oaco o. -9o.oco c .9 6 E o .g oE E.=3> Eoo o ,o E CD G ttE6'=E E8 F.e.:o EEF'5 E8 .- at,oo4p =€G>c9'- o.Eco.9 EE ,tso cC 3Egi o(u sE 5€ E6 rD lcLC OGic-c6 -o.(!0 s* E5EEo(' tE6E>E €3 EE -o €ra .ir$(\.v (\talgl\' + E =clu o. 2o = .o IouJ oz J 9eFo uJ uJ z : J oz uJ q,l UJl!z9 uJc() u,e oE @;g uJezoauto F o- ll,l z I! x F uJo U' IJJ IIJl! E =Eulo-J FoF (,z = @ J EF UJJl! (,zo =Jo- J Iz uJt Fl H NOtlvn]vA Ilc/ _t: E-rl cOgtN Zl^IX Hl FflOrz{=glo ;IE dtEztz;to ;IE 3t:<lo()I lEl Fr I t-aQIH< ta) YGo 'u-ozo Fo- E tlulo J E,luz llJa E >E --(''iut.S =Co(\l z2ooFo- i =3 e uro7>6Xr!<oq ^ c);()t-o ..Ai I lFr lfrl IH z tr J 4 c oE(9 UJo- F @ icllJ XxXx z E zo F uJ J =UJz tltllltl Fzlz koo< =ft>r!R'!6o<z =z, 9? tro =6OI lll = oa uJzY iF z tr Jfoz o cc oJ B F ul X lo F iltrl zl zl .. >l llJ uJul2 U' tr =ulI zItroo N (fl I c\l t- @ OO 4 .tiI/a4 /).,/l -1z lllFoooazo Fo-ul _Y IJJ c0 oFt- =gEq ]IJ o-lr o{o --licocoHrl ULubkzo z o9zQ(oo =zJOo- t! :f; ;;E F ul r! uJoz o at, oF I JFut-!:= o- uJ>o-O|!90\uuxc:> ul' =TL uJ t0 F go Ecl -9o EIt .E 3 E EI o co E eI! ts =E, UJo-zIF()fEFazo() trFn cr) .ir Io\$o\ ttt Irn.$ ctz ciItl G J ltoz3oF H tsc) Fl & FH B :c lt ciz d uJlr J t!oz3 F I 9l ql <l>l bl 2l ,.t FI E HHtsrI]A tEt ii =zo -) @rnrn t\o i Frl-l Fo F- @\o.if, I\o F\ \T ciz (' ulE f t!oz =F trlt{t\ H (J 3FlH r.lH E 2? s3 =Fd6() oF E Fz F Fzoo E, -rO<FE() lJ.r <ztulF o mmtr r-oro BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction of //a/1 Applicant to complete numbered spaces only, PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE _ INSPECTOR WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE THIS IS YOUR cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION 1w rulrc {!s:: etreor eo cxe:tl I D ESC R. ," Mb- I uuu. pErLs .o.^#iT^"f]tnfl*T!,,,?''"o11u o .zn"i\*"-us4 SW 4'),l ARCH ITECI OR OESIGNER 4 ffit<E d -.fizrwGlH 4Dt voe YllV c-71L 5- L EX OEF MAIL ADDTESS 7 WApe,.EE 8 Crass ol work: tr NEIV fl ADDITI0N !,nlrenerton El REPAIR tr MovE El REMoVE 9 Dercribework: AI-I€EAI\c>lt OF rUo a-c E*tzi:*fi (ru.w. e.cev) -ro reetve Ijgr^r airlte. ? A.eolTrol) l0 Change of use lrom Change of use to 1l valuation ol work: $ @@ SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Slze of 81d9, (Totarl sq. Ft. Flre Sprinkler5 Reouired [ye5 [p6APPLICATION ACCEPTEO 8Y, OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE \ \ SEPARATE pEBMrrs AFE REourREo FoR ELeCrhrcAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OB AIR CONOITION}NG. THIS PERMIT EECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OB WORK ISSUSPENDEDOR ABANDONEO FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEB WORK IS COM. MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEBEIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRSS!,,,ME TO GI\l'6 AT.u'HORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE,Htrfrel**^n*'rr*;;#i) SlcNAlUtrE gF COT,IThACTOR OR aUTHORIZEO AGEN SOI L REPORT OTHER (Sprclty) CANARY - AUDIT PINK - APPLICANT I TOl'IN OF VA I L BUILDING PERMIT SUPPLEMENT IAI PROJ ECT lE L.2 J4'tr,JeN 6TVJPM*Y Apernor.J The signatures below certify that the following excerpts fromthe 1970 Uniform Building Code, as amended and adopted by the Town of Vail, Colorado, have been read, understood and will be adhered to: 9€c+_'9!_ J0! (a) Approved p lans shal I not beor aliered without written authorlzsti on f rom Section 502 (c) The lssuance of a buil changed, modified, the Bu i I d ing Off icl ding permlt does not give this code, or any other ilding 0fficial from fhere- al authority to violate any provisions of0rdinance and shal I not orevent the Buafter requiring the correction of same Sect i on 504 (b) The lnsoectionin fu | | and posted consp icuous ly by the Bu i I d I ng Depa rtment. Dooff by Bui lding Inspector. PERMANENTLY OR TEMPORARILY A CERT I F ICATE OF OCCUPANCY 0rd inaqce l5 ( l967} Before card shall be read, filled out in the waterproof holder furnished not cover up any work not signed UNTIL THE BUILDING OFFICIAL HAS ISSUED AS PROV IDED FOR HERE IN. or Dermanent) the Town of Vail Section 306 (a) (d) N0 BUILDING SHALL BE USED 0R OCCUPIED EITHER any sign (temPorarY may be used or posted, it shall be approved by S i gn Rev iew Commi ttee Ord inance 2 ( 197 l',Genera I Contractor ith the Town of Vai and ALL subcontractors I or fo the starf ofshall be any wo rk I icensed w 0wner STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing affidavit and decla sworn to before me, a Notary Publthisday of My Comm i ss i on ( SEAL ) onTrac was duly subscr i bed and SS rat ion ic, by Exp ires ,19 Notary Pub I ic BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado Pe rrnit Pe rmission is hereby as 6q /ata*t- granted l4 E /7e noe- to ccn cfns.7b rate tZt/! ta, n-6.2 a 2 story .n?,n "" 4f 4t/.c.?/u)/.;/ f#r4 -4 ddre s s In accordance with the C ornmittee, subject to Prote ctive Covenants, provisions set forth by the Vail the rules and regulations as set and in cornpliance with the 1964 /, rchitectural Control forth in the Vail Village Uniforrn Building Code. Group -rType of G onst ruction E conrractor M E t?"rrre., l.pproved VaiI Building Inspecto INSPECTION RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) INSPECTION FOUND;\TIONS .\ PPROVS L COMMENTS DATE & SIGNITURE boc € Fi FR.A MING FINAL ROUGHo CJ 14 FINI L ROUGH Lr,FINI\ L ROUGH h0 0) I I I o x FIN.^ L /lgo{". flrl Jily 10, 1l)-? ..ir'. h. I{. Fivnehan, A.I. A. , jl , i lif it :i .,:1:'lii1i-. i'lt:v.' lilcrk, l:i'-,'.; jork RE: MERCEF-JOIINSON RESIDENCE il Dear lvlr. Renehan: . i PcflovrinE ar,r resirlts of the plan eheek on the subjec! huilding: '\ 1-, Zloninq rFlijjiires two spar:es of{-street per\ing per rmlt or foi;r. Only thre..e gp6.ces are indicLtbtl. 2. Pluurbing in the ba9€pent is subject to back pressure iit case of a sewef't(opp"qe attd so a backwater valve sirould be installecl. ' '.. .., 3. Fire place'niirrtfrqnoufb'Qe,fa hches wide with 12 inches on either side of ftib)box. (Sec. 5704)' (j). iii. i(ilciicnd ljhould lrave $.'1 square feet superficial l:loor arde]. (sec. Ap\, bl. we have a proposed agrbllpnrerrt qn- th$.&ctlon to reduce tt tr) 32 square ' . fooi t' 5.i , Ealcony g.rar,lrails should be 36 inches. (Sec. 1?i4). '\ t\ ,! /ti. \..]'Bedrodd wlndows should be ln conforraance with-seetid;i 3321. 7. Attlc ventilation should be lrr eonfcrrxance with Section 3205 (d). 8. Block wcrk needs vertical and horlzontal steel. (Sectlon 2:j1.4, (lf), 3 and 2418, (f), 3. See enclosure. tt t0. l{eerj a retaining wall detall. Neeci a letter stating tlrat the building will bt: constructecl in accordance wlth the iJiT Unllorni Building Cocle and also that approval has been obtalned frorn the Architecturirl Control Committee. --..*--.-2../ 7814 Toning Check Froncis Doto: Lot Size: 11,721.2 sq. ft. GRFA House: 1,676.56 s9,ft . Aportment n23l sq. ft.Totol: f98-.8-Zsq:F Site Cweroge: 1,736 sq. ft. Zqre: Two Fomily Primory/Secondory .13.020 Permitted Uses Residentiol District Two Fomily residentiol dwelling N/A Goroge Ruoffflentworth Portnership AIA Gtober 12, 1978 Required Actuoliffi.rt. ffit.2sq.fr. 30sq.ft. 67.58sq.ft. Required 20' 32.7' existing 14' I1.4' existing 14' 22' proposed 24' 37'proposed Prgposed 2 ,598 sq.ft , Q2 tq'ft. . 13.030 Conditionol Uses . 13.M0 Accessory Uses . 13.050 Lot Areo ond Site Dimensions oreo: frontoge: . 13.050 Setbocks front: northwest side: southeost sidel .,,'.{lill,reor: . 13.070 Distonce Between Buildings eosi ly mcl . ',+.. .|q.O8O Density Con'liol Requircd 2.1' between oddition ond building on odioining site Allored House Toto l: il, l3dgt*5 tt.ft.Aportment: 156 F338 sq .ft. E g, A d,.1 ,* oA qr )-* f+ ;, r;r sa,6r 7814 Froncis Addition October 12, 1978 Zoning Check (con't) . 13.090 Site Coveroge " 13. 100 Usoble Open Spoce Requirement of 500 sq. ft. eosily met .13 .l l0 londscoping ond Site Developrnent R equired Allored Propoced 2,344 .24 s9.fr . |,736 sg.ft . '7,0y'2 sq.ft. 10,5V sq.ft. min. Required Proposed 4 spoces Two -cor goroge Two exterior spoces .13.120 Porkins - \ \ Lc. VAiL VILLAGE SE VENTH F ILING SHEET 2 OF 2 -{F a /a\q)',:- or *--t 90' :-143.2 O'-) N (!TIi \^o^ \"o )d. | 'c,_I ;iDIolroi ml2r -tI I i I .lI' -.1 o) ir, z a rn.J qt x rq m m -l;o c) -{ (, ,- \r'i', (, ? N) ) { 3.$ 'cOOoZE,v -, n7.i I -u ,,31,9bo99 19A\ "\ '\ ,/^q'o' ow j() .) 't', tt i!'LIi:l \ l ?n; //67 I BUILDING toN Applicant to Juridiction numbered spaces only. I oEsci.{Ll3EE ATTACH ED rxaET) MAIL ADOiE!S IIP PHON' CON TiAETOi MAIL ADDIESS FHONE LICENS' II O..'E/(rCzrrea AFCHITECT OR DESICNEh MAI I ADD^ESS PHOI.IE LICEN!lE NO. EN6INEER MAIL AODI ESs PI{ONE LIC ENSE NO. USE OF BIJILDING 8 CIASS OI WOrK: tr NEW D AODITION tr ALTERATION ET-REPAIR tr MOVE tr HEMOVE I Oescribe work: //- l0 Change of use {rom 11 Valuation of work: $PERMIT FEEPLAN CHECK FEE L/ . SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Slze ot Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. APPROVED FOR ISSUANC€ AY: OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING. HEATING, VENTILATING OB AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OB WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEF WORK tS COM- MENCEO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IAPPLICATION AND KNOW TF N OR NOT. THE GRANTME TO GIVE AUTHORITYSIONS OF-ANY OTHER STA IGNA!$RE Of CONTiACIOi Oi AUTXOiIZED AOENT WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOF PERMTT vALrDArroN 67J V/g, ft"" PIN K - APPLICANTCANAFY - AUDIT GOLDENFOD - TEMP. F ILE I PLI si N^^" tt^-. P--,^o(^- F Bo ,AP Building address Date of y' oplication arne P ddress City CATION FOR EUILDING PE THE TOWN OF VAIL Iicant fill in this section onl Te1. No. a RMIT BUILDING INFORM.A TION t/ A ddition A lte ration Repairs Type of oc"upan y__4fon- -A rea of Lot BUILDING DIMENSIONS (, td F+{ F I I Addr."" gsr Q.,,L aa- Narne Address City Z.l" J Tel. No.(zt -S'rt? Total floor area (sq ftl_*!l__ No. of stories J+ T No. of r oorns /4" No. baths 4, No. of water cloeets lP I\ o . oI -b arnrlle s J2 ESTIMATED COST oF coNsrRucrroN_j?t Y- (MqJerials & Labor) building in accordance .with all with resp-ect to sanitation, bui[- d o.h0Ul Lot BIockrD i.)rlfl Subdivision (Circle correct clas s if ication) Type of construction I, II, Uf, fV,ffr 2, Occupancy group A, s {\ H c, D, E, F, G, J >.. U d c) r+r o (n U 'rou n Ic nt(u U g o o t{+,o trou +ra q) rlct{ al, G h d 0) C) p-. rih tq, oa F lr p. q) d F' o t'tuq5l o)do rd 0' t C na {+ oq) +, F h o F c att 0. P oo q) €, +a q) d.a'l oo ah Fd dlr (6(.) , dYk9 r-1 (oEtr t{ vr (t) lr hu ,x Fo) ::..r U)(dE>iq) Ed r!, o+) o o (t n fit h tro t< d |i Fo,Io tulrn u d d t< U) c) t-l ,-.1<etrt .abp[r ..rb$ HEHF 'tEEB<;0 "uQI 27,zfrZVn7,JOp,9 t\ It,l{N \II I Jo t trp- ('l FNe cq I Ne. --.-.-.--,:. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY AND COMPLIANCffi. -.r ,. *JRE Vail. Colorado l:-:-:,:l--.----19---1,: -Permit is hereby granted <: I r- 1:l ^i',1 ..'l Addidon. Located in Applicant shall present or future .-ling and zoning. I ai -'1 ... uxl< \, dO €+'Fq){iO +Jh0tc'F FN d o+r ?, "'E>o lr!ho tdSor B ".Eh?gat'i(5.o z Fro Jq l,r{ z z orl 0.1 t{ a\tero t) rn INSPEC