HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT C LEGALDesign Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL ProiectNumber: PRJ97-0153 Building Name: Project Name: Ackerman Residence Project Description: Revised Landscape Plan Owner, Address, and Phone: Don Ackerman Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Scott Sones PO Box 115 949-6490 Project Street Address: Vail Valley Drive Legal Description: Tract C, Vail Village 7th Parcel Number: Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote; Conditions: Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: lll0ll99 Project Name: Ackerman Residence Board/Staff Action Action:StaffApproved DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 t GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcviov approval. fuiy projcct rquiring dcsigr revi.o tft rcccivc-Dcsign Rcviov apprwa prior to nrbmitting for a building pcrmit. For qrecific information, sec the submital rcguircnrcnli for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd" Thc application cannot bc acccptcd until all thc rcquircd infornratiorr is submittcd. fhc piojat may also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Cotrncil and/or thc Planning and Environurcntal Conrnrission. Dcsign Rcvlcrv Board approval crplres onc ycar qfter final approvrl unlcss I Duilding pcrmit is issucd snd construction is strrtcd. t A. DESCRIPTION OFTHE REQUEST: aucstio!]ll thc Planning StatT :rt 4?9'l 12'S App',rcArroN FoR DEsrcN REvrEw or1,J|f{/,crtt B. c. D. E. F. G. H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: tr Ncw Construction - S200 Constnction ofa new building. tr Addition - pAtinor Alteration - p1rystcALADppssg, Vatl \t^a.\l.e\ Dr,ve PARCEL #: ZONING: NAMEOF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT:- MAILING I.'E.DLESS; Po hav ll5 , = ,' - fiuavt Qo -PHONE: ?11'61qa $50 lncludcs any addition rvhcrc squarc fooagc is addcd to any rcsidantial or conuncrcial briilding. S20 lncludcs nrinor changes to buildings and sic improvcmcne. such as, rcroofing. painting. window additions' landscaping. fcnccs and rctaining walls, ctc, DRB fces are to bc paid at the rime of subminal. Latct whcn applying for a building pennit. please idattiff thcaccuratcvaluationoftheprojcct. ThcTownofVailrvill adjustthefceaccordingtothcprojectvaluation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION,ALLSUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TOTHE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' vAtL,coLoRADO E1657. (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Ofticc at 970'32E-E640 for parcel #) !A AoVe rh\4v1 Date Receivet SEP 10 1999 ao Design Review Action Form TOWNOFVAIL Project Name: Ackerman - New primary/secondary Project Description: New house Owner, Address and Phone: Don Ackerman Architect/Contact. Address and Phone: Kurt Segerberg, 1000 S. Frontage Road, Vail CO Project Street Address: 967 Vail Valley Drive Legal Description: Tract C, Vail Village 7th Parcel Number: Comments: All previous approvals are voided. BuildinsName: l. All trees impacted shall be fenced prior to obtainins a buildine Dermit on the proiect. 2. Any tree to -be relocated which does not suryive 2 yi'ars must 5e'replaced based oir a linear foot basis for each foot in tree heieht'. 3. Lighting plan must be submitted and approved by staff, 4. Large pine tree in the northeast corner of lot must remain on-site and not be relocated. Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: t-2r-98 Board / Staff Action Action: DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $200.00 Please be advised that I have reviewed the proposed landscape plan,.dated September g,Iggg., for the Ackerman Residence. I understand that they would like ,to plant spruce and aspen trees on our property as part of their proposed project. I approve the plan. Ple?rie let this letter serve as my written permission for the Ackermans' to plant the ploposed trees on to our property as shown. Ifyou have any questions, please call me at476-5587.' , Jurl-ll-s,g, oEl:ut4A OiaiT const co Inc A Arborist ffi rfu;, Inc)60ti .,|/ail, Cobrtdo EI65t t .r'Z.b--ti94 Junc I I, 1999 Kathsrinc Aslrton-llall Didier Corslnction Fax: (9?0) 5ll-1290 Dcur Kathcnne, Eartier rftis weCl you askgl rne to sncsl to thc ''survivability" ofa transplant candidale tocatcd ort thc nonhcr.sl comcr of 967 Vail Valluy Drivc. ln rssPonse' I agreed to bc rutainql lbr tlrc purposc of evalrurling the lcgitimacy of lra.osplanting thc cqndidatc tlcc- Tbe tbllowinga report will surnmsrize rny findings. 1;n Junc t 0, lgyJ, t vidtcd thc consrruction sirc to inspcct the sizr, condilion and Position of the suhjcrt trcc. In addition, the pn>posed recciving point for thc hmsplant wos viewed. Obsen'ations of the subject trcc wue irs follows: o $pegica: BIuc sprucc{Picea pngewl . f)iamcter: t.6"Dbh (di&netcr at a breast hcight of 4-5'). minimol trunk tapcr r f)ripline rarlius: Avr;ragcd 6' r (londition: grxrd to very gud, lorcral yeuly growrh of 4" 'thc subjcct trcc talls wcll witbin the size clasr, stsrc of hciilrb' and aocesribility to cunsi&i it rs a legitimrlc transplant candidrtc. A lroc of this sizc b+* thrr:c opUons lbr rcraining tlrs root-bsu dr[ing Uansit l) 9O- spade (fiom a trtc biology snndpoint' rhis is rhe ugfr trce sizc thrcsholJto consider this uption), ?) Boxing/crating wirh dmbers and ptywood- 3) Balling with bulap and wire/rope lacing. It is my rrndcrsturding rhar Ronde Michacls, undcr thc dfusction of lntgrmountair t.a"a*oplng, witt bc -pcrrorming the lnnsPlanting <rpcration' urilizing the rhird mcthorJ mcntiooed tovs. Tbc only way-t rnutd possibly make rcfcrcncc to *suwivability" is in the evcnt that I was rctaincd to monitor thc transplonting project and pertbrm thc crreuing nainlcnrytcc c(ttltnol, I loweyer, I carr dlcst to the followirtg: . 'fhc subjecr trce is a legitimatc transplgrrl candidlte' r 'l1c mcthodology pr<rporir'rl is prcfcned ovcr spadc usc' . I have observ.O irgnspluntow worl by lhc above-mcnlioocd conuactors in thc pa.st. 'I'hEir work is some of rhc n0st profcssional and higtrust quality I have obscrvcd in ilre Vail VallcY- ''ifrrfrffiu* Mark Stcllc, Cc(ificd e7o ut rzso P -O2 Trac* L, U., I lJ,llaqe ]th zl I .Bee 925 qof |Ll l:{ 00/ /90 Dt9E9u6ol6 svuolll lfHl NoIsl:llt{,{ :,{o ruae Jun-IL-ee oEl:4sA Didilconst co Inc a7o l)3 rzeo P'oI Didier Cons.truction Co. tng- po Box 1595, EAGLE, CO 81631. PHONE/FAX 970 't}tn}FAX t1n .tir oarE-tll-rorru- N,MBER oF pAcEs rNcLuD,no *,r roo, ? +71' Z#Z ,o*,*" Wqr**n i / iPlin-i^iJ","Iiw ;, ilt q, r ; t /I uneenrlnepLy AsAp-pLEAsE coM[,rENT-pLEAsE REVTEW-F9R youR rNFoRirATroN_ lltC, ' ?a * oailttafrlt; n 7-7n : T/4D ; ft* !fiLu, {ar* dtu cu$'f'd ubn,t/ tt /r\ f?* " ,Tbh/r0 dtwu ( araa|t n/ o I ttrr,rg 'l'L* brd Wm// d' 'aaJu.* A tM {l^d w dt'scuztrl al --/h, /"l^nta [h^/ra /qn V^] tubffitlh,uv rn,UU Ht* l,'l Ar AnQtWs t* /, srnltl'f w h'/h ruNt?^4u vrF &(,t. 'tko,,*nul. Cn-il,W (lril o DEP Address: Location. . . :arcel No..: ect. No- :vlAPPLICAIST DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 CONTRACTOR DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 OWNER ACKERMAN DON E 243]-1 WALDEN CEI TER DR, Description :NEW duplex Table DaEe: 05/L7/L995 Total vaLuation: Town of vail AdjusEed Valuation: Fi!'eplace Information: Restticted: Y *Of cas Appliances: 2 *Of Gas Loge: f *Of Wood/PalleE: FEE SUMMARY l(a.{ L- 'yutt. v'\1f^ ALL TIMES # : 898 -0043 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8r-557 970 -47 9 -2L38 ARTT4ENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPME}fI THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT PROiIEET TITLE: ACKERMAN NEW SFR NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Permit NOTE: Clean-up Depo it Refund apprOved amount date TOV/Comm, Dev. Occupancy Dwellings DweIIings Privat.e Garages Inveatl9att on> wi l1 call----> 967 VAIL VALI-IEY 957 VAIL VALLEY 2101- 081- 01- 0 01 PR.I97 - 01-5 3 DR Status. . DRIVE applied. Issued.. Extrlires. Phone: 970 Phone': 970 .: ISSUED .: O4/02/L998.: 05/L5/1998 .: LL/LL/1,998 328-s499 328-5499 BONITA SPRINGS FL 34134 Type Zone 3 V-N zone 3 V-N Basement Zone 3 v-N Nurtber of Dwelling Factor Sq. Feet 1-38.55 s,09s UniLs: 002 Valuation 705 ,9L2 .2.5 9 ,9s9 .79 27,9L7.9L 743,789.95 743,789.95 743,789.95O 30.09 36.2a SubEotal: 3 31- 77L 6,L97 Building-----> 3,116.00 Restua):anL PIan Revierr--> PIan Check---> 2,15S,40 DRB Pee--_------ ToEal calculated Fee6__ - > Addirional Feee----_---_> .oo ToEal Pel.rnits Fee--- -- -- - > PaYmenEs---__-_ BAIANCE DUE.... .oo Recreation Fee----------> 3 .00 clean-Up DeposiC--------> .00 400. o0 750.00 7,144.55 7,388,65 .00TOTAL FEES- _-- _ ?,1e8.6S Item:05100 04/02/L998 04/Ls /]-9e8rtem:05400 04/ 02 /L99e 04/ 07 /1-998os/04/t998 rtem:05600 04/07 /L998Item:05500 04/02/L998 os /L4/t998 IEem:05550 04/07 /1998 04/1-7 /]-998 os / oL/ L998 BUILDING DEPARTMENT JRM Action: NOTE CIIARLIE AcIion: APPR PI,ANNING DEPARTMENT JRM ACTiON: NOTE DOMINIC AcLion: NOTE DOMINIC AcIion: APPR FIRE DEPARIME}frT CHARLIE ACEiON: APPR PI'BLIC WORKS JRM Action: NOTE LARRY_P AcIion: APPR ENGINEERING CIIARLIE Act.ion: NOTE TPARTCH Action: NOTE TPARTCH AcIion: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: PLANS TO CHARI.,,IE CHARLIE DAVIS DePt: PLANNING Division: PLANS TO PLANNER denied - stairs,/tree corrected DePt,: FIRE N/A DepE: PllB WORK PI,ANS TO LARRY P LP DePt: ENGINEER PI,ANS TO TERRI SEE NOTICES approved Division: Division: Division: See Page 2 of t,his DocumenE. for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I her€by acknowlcdge that I have read thig appli.calion. filled out j.D full the informacion required, compleEed an acculaLe plol plan, and Btate Ehat all the infor-mation provided ae required is co!!ecE. I agree to comply l|ich lhe iDformation and PloE Plan, !o comply wit.h all Torn ordinances and state la!.s, and to build !hi6 sLrucEure according to the Torn'6 zoning and €ubdivision codes, design reviee approved, Uni.form BuiLding code and otsher ordinance6 of the To$d applicable lheret-o.a) r- REeuasrs FoR rNspEcrroNs sHAr,r, BE MADE rwaNTy- FouR HouRs rN ADVANcE By rer,epH"r,r! tpltr-u tly'fTdlR oert.e reot "'oo "t t,oo enl - gend clean-up Depogit To: DoN ACKeRMAN ifiGNATURE OF OWNER OR COIITRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNAR PAGE 2*************'******************************************************************* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 898-0043 as of 05/1-5/98 status: TSSIIED ******************************************************************************** Permit Tlpe: NEW (SFR, P/S, DUP) PERMTT Applicant : DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY JOb AddTCSS: 967 VAIL VALLEY DR LOCAt,1ON: 96'7 VAIL VAI,LEY DRIVE Parcel No: 21"01--081-0L-001 Applied: 04/02/1"998 Issued: 05/L5/L998 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS******************************************************************************** 1. T"HIS PROJECT WILI, REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENI SIJRVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHAIJI-' BE SIJBMIT"TED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQTIEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. 2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR I-,ESS, AS MEASI'RED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTI]RAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE ITNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTI'RAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. 3. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 4. Foundation ILC required as well as regular ILC 5. Must provide proLection of all exisLing trees Lo drip line and musE insEall consEruction fence on limiEs of dist.urbance before construction can begin. 5. Any relocaE.ed tree which does not survj-ve wit.hin a 2 yt period musE be replaced on a lineal foot, basis based on height.7. Lighting plan is approved. 8. LArge pine on far easE corner near proposed patio area must not be removed. This Lree shall remain and shall be protected during consLruction. -' PHR'D sroRY tGt REvrsED PRr9. ALr, TSSL'ES WrTulrEXrT FROM I. .OR TO A FR.,AI4ING-NSPECTION OCCURRING 10. MAKE NOTE OF CORREqTIONS LIST SUPPLIED WITH FIETD DRAWINGS EXAMPLES: 1 HOUR RATED SHAFT REQUIRED FOR ELEVATOR SHAFT WITH OPENING PROTECTION PER 1991 UBE CIIAP 17 *t******** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Numlcer: REC-0402 Amount: PavmenE Method: CK Notat.ion: L789 5,0s4.05 O5/L5/98 O9:52Init: JRM Permit. No: 898-0043 Tl4ge: B-BUILD Parcel No: 2101-081-01-001 SiIC AddrESS: 957 VAIL VALLEY DR LOCATiON: 967 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE NEW (SFR, P,/S, DUP) PE This Payment Account Code BP 00100003111100 DR 00100003112200 PF 0010000311-2300 AD 00100002403100 RF 11100003112700 wc 00100003112800 Tot.al Fees:5,054.05 ToEaI ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 7,388.55 7, 388 . 55 .00**************************************************************** Amount 3,3L5.00 200.00 20.80 750.00 754.25 3.00 Fre-. SOILS AND FOUNDATION IITWESTIGATTON FOR PROPOSED RESIDENCE TRACT C, VAIL VILI.A.GE FILING NO. 7 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO PREPAREDFOR: SHAI{I}ELLE VENTTJRES, INC. PROJECT NO. 97-0030c MARCH6. 1997 ?nr^t tF Bq6' oo43 Mhl 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTTVE SUMMARY .........................1 srTE LOCATTON ANp pESCRTPTTON SITE INVES'TIGATION SUBSURFACE AND GROIJNDWATER CONDT'IIONS PROPOSED CONS'IRUCTION FOUNDATION RECOMMEI{DATIONS SLABCONSTRUCNON GROUNDWATER AND DRAIN SYSTEM............,7 RprNroRcrNG BACKFILL AND SURFACE DRAINAGE .| r-AWN IRRIGATION ....8 I 4 3 EXECUTIVE.SUMII{ARY The project consists of the development and construction of a single family residence on Tract C, Vail Mltage Filing No. 7, in Eagle County, Colorado. We anticipate that the proposed residence will consist of a nrro story wood frame residence with a basement. The site is located along Vail Valley Drive. Tkee soil test borings were performed to help determine the ficundation design parameters. The site has a topsoil layer of approximately I foot in thickness. The $bsurface soils at the site consist of SAND with variable amounts of gravel and cobble. The foundations at the site may be designed fior a bearing pressure of 3@0 psf for footings located in the SAI.ID and cobbles . SCOPE This report presents the results ofa Geotechnical Investigation for the proposed residence to be constructed on Tract C, Vail Vllage Filing No. 7, in Eagle County, Colorado. The investigation was performed by advancing soil test borings, obtaining soil samples for laboratory testing, and presenting our findings in this report 'Ihe purpose of this foundation exploration is to evaluate the soil for fioundation support, and rhe engineering characteristics ofthe foundation materials, and to provide criteria from a geotechnical perspective, for use by the owner in preparing foundation design, grading design, and drainage plans. SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The site is an undeveloped lot located at Tract C, Vail Village Filing No. ? in Vail, Colorado. The site is bounded by partially wooded and wooded lots. 'l'he eastern boundary parallels a golf cart path and the southwest border consists of Vail Valley Drive Most of the tot is relatively level with the northern lot boundary adjacent to a steep slope leading down to Gore Creek. The site is sparsely wooded with pine trees and the ground surface contains a grass root mat, The ground surface was covered with snow at the time the borinqs were drilled. SITE INVESTIGATION The zubsurface exploration included a site reconnaissance by an Inter-Mountain Engineering Personnel and the drilling ofthree soil test borings to observe the subsurface soil profile and obtain soil samples for laboratory testing. The soils test borings were performed by a track mounted CME 45 drill rig to the depths indicated in the Summary of Test Borings. The test boring locations were established in the field by estimating right angles and pacing distances from site features. The approximate locations of the test bodngs are illustrated on the Site PIan in the Appendix, refer to Drawing No. l. I'he Appendix also contains Summary of Test Borings presenting the information which was obtained in the subzurface exploration, a key to the terms used in the Summary of Test Borings, and a briefdescription ofthe procedures used. SUDSUITFACE AND GROUND\YATER CONDITIONS The generalized soil stratigraphy is presented below. The stratum symbols and solid lines which are used to illustrate the various strata breaks on the Summary of Test Pits are approximate as the transitions between soil types may occur suddenly or relatively gradual. Underlying the topsoil SAND with gravels and cobbles was encountered to depths of our exploration of 7 to 10 .5 feet. The underlying bedrock is mapped as Alluvium as described on the Charles S. Robinson's Indexes to Gmlogic Mapping of Eagle County. Alluvium coruists of boulders, gravel sand and silt accumulatcd by fluvial processes in stratum valleys No measrrable groundwater was present at the time the soil test borings were completed. No long-temr groundwater observations were made. If upon excavation conditions are zubstantially diFerort than these described herei4 the undersigned should be contacted immediately for a reevaluation of subsurface conditions and foundation recommendations. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION The project site consists of the construction of a singte family residence on the site. The residence is to be of wood frame mnstruction with concrete slab on grade construction for the ground 0oor. We anticipate that the residence will be a two-sto(y structure with a walk out basement. Foundation wall loading is anticipated to range from I to 5 kips per linear foot, and isolated column loadings are anticipated to range from approximately 5 to 25 kips. r.OU NDATION RECOMMENDATIONS Based upon the results of field explorations and the laboratory testin& we recomrnend that conventional spread licoting foundation system be used. The ficundations may be designed for a bcaring pressur€ of3000 psffor footings bearing on undisturbed Sfu\'D ancl gravcl, and approvcd filt ntaterials compacted to the recommendations provided herein. We recommend minimum foundation widlhs of at least 16 inches for continuous footings and 24 inches for isolated cotumn footings. At this pressurg senlements are anticipatd to be within tolerable limits for wood frame constructioq provided the improvements in the bearing soils will be made as discussed herein. The footing excavations should be retatively smootlg free of debris, organics, loose soil, frost, and standing water' Any over-excavations should be bacldlled and compacted to 100 percent within 2 percent of optimum moisture as determined by a Standard Proctor Test (ASTM D-698). A representative of this office should be contacted to inspect the foundation excavation to veri$ that the soil conditions are the sanle as those anticipatd in this report A-fter all of the final grading is completed, the bottom of the footings should be covered with a minimum of 48 inches of bacldll for fros protection. Voids left by the removal of cobbles in the bonom of the footing excavation should be filled witlr lean concrete or a granular soil with a maximum particle size of 3 inches compacted to 100 percent of Standard Proctor Density (AsrM D-698), within 2 percent of optimum moisture. || 6 SLAB CONSTRUCTION The on-site soils, exclusive of Topsoil and Organics are suitable to support lightly loaded slab- on-grade construction. All columns should be isolated from concrete slabs-on grade to prevent movement of the columns due to slab movement. The voids surrounding the columns should be expansion joint materials with a minimum l/2,'clearance. AII excavations made firr the foundations under proposed slab-on-grade areas must be properly backfilled with suitable material compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the mildmum Standard Proctor Density (ASTM D-698). Backfill placed beneath slab.on-grade floors should be installed at -l to +3Yo of optimum moisture content. The on-site soils, exclusive of topsoil and organics are zuitabte for use as backlill. Before the backfill is placed, all water and loose debris shoulcl be removed fiom the excavations. Prior to the construction of concrete floors, the undisrurbed subgrade, free from topsoil and organicq should be proof rolled with a loaded rubber-tired loader or similar equipment to densi$ the near surlace soils. To reduce the chance of damage to shallow utilities, special care should be taken in areas where underground utilities are present. The floor slabs should be appropriately reinforced, and joints should be provided at the junctions of the slab and the fioundation walls, so that independent movement can occur without causing damage. The slabs should be scored in accordance with the American Concrete Institute's recommendations to help control cracking. A good altemative, to a concrete slab-on-grade floor with the associated risk of differential movements causing cracking is to use structural floor systems with crawl spaces. Seasonal fluctuations and climatic conditions rnay cause some vertical movements in floor slabs. GROUNDWATER AND DRAIN SYSTTM While no groundwater was reported in the soil test borings at the time the field investigation was conducted, it is possible that seasonal variations will cause fluchrations, or for a water table to be present in the upper soils during the spring months, or after prolonged periods of rain. A foundation perimeter drain as detailed on Figure No. 8 js recommended to reduce the risk of surface r'\at€r infiltrating the footing subsoils and to help reduce moisture in crawl spaces. REINFORCING The foundation should be well reinforced and rigid enough to withstand differential senlements. Walls retaining earth should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid pressure of 30 pcf for an "active" case assuming a level drained backfill condition. For "at rest" conditiotts such as basement walls, an equivalent fluid pressure value of 45 pcf may be used for "at restu conditions. . CRAWLSPACECOVER When moist soils are encountered in the excavation, the ground surface in crawl space areas should be covered with an impervious moisture banier sealed against the footings, This will help to reduce humidity in the crawl space area. BACKFILL AND SURFACE DRAINAGE The foundation soils encountered in portions of the site must be preventd from behg wetted after construction. The bacldll placed around the foundation walls should be methodically compacted to help reduce settlement after completion of construction. The top one foot of the bacldll material must be relatively impervious. The on-site soils, o<clusive of Topsoil and Organics are suitable for use as back{ll. 8 Foundation wall backfill should be moistened or dried to near its optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 90 percent of the marimum Standard Proclor Density. Structural bacldll should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by the Standard Proctor method of test (ASTM D 698). Surface water running toward the structure frorn up slope areas should be diverted around and away &om the building by means of lined drainage swales or other sirnilar measures. The final grade should have a positive slope away from the foundation walls on all sides. A nlinimum of l2 inches in the fint t0 feet is recommended. Down spouts and sill cocks should discharge into splash blocks that errtend beyond the limits of the bacldlt or a rninimum distance of at least 5 feet from the foundation wall. The use of long downspout octensions in placc of splash blocks is advisable. LAWNIRRIGATION We do not recommend the installation of sprinkler systems next to foundation walls, porches or patio slabs. Ifsprinkler systems are installed, the sprinkler heads be aligned so that the spray from the heads, under full pressurg does not fall on foundation walls or within five feet of foundation walls, porches, or patio slabs. Lawn inigation must be controlled so that no flooding or ponding of water ocq.rr. If the future owners desire to plant next to foundation walls, porches or patio slabs, and are willing to assume the risk of strucrural damage, etc., then it is advisable to plant only flowers and shrubbery (no lawn) of varieties that recluire very littte moisture. These flowers and shrubs should only be hand watered. MISCELI,ANE,OUS The recommendations provided herein are based on experience in the area and from the on-site field exploration. The information obtained from the field exploration and laboratory testing reflects subsurface conditions only at the specific locations at the particular times designated. Subsurface conditions at other locations and times may differ Fom the conditions at these locations. The extent of any variations between the test pits may not appear evident until excavation is perficrmed. However, only minor variations are expected. If during construction conditions appear to be difFerent, this office should be advised so reevaluation of the recommendations may be made. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use ofShandelle Ventures, Inc. for the specific application to the proposed residence to be located on Tract C, Vail Village Filing 7, Eagle County, Colorado. The findings and recommendations of this report have been prepared in accordance with locally accepted professional engineering standards for similar conditions at this time. There is no other warranty, either expressed or implied. Sincerely, INTER-MOTINTAIN ENGINEERING, LTD. k-(&l'o/ lrI arnes V. Gabriel, E.I. T. StaffEnsine€r Richard O. Ricks, P E. \A \Teephone,",',7/ /// tlEuitdinsEnvetope\/ / e ", I /- /rRACrc.-\l,l/ / P-, o :',/ /-__t *l I,/ l-- '----- |----- J l,*"1----'..---.--'"uorr€r,,,,,N ,[ F,re Hydront I O ApPRoxtMATE LocAiloN oF so,t rtsr aol,rct PROPOSED RESIO{NCE TRACT C VA|L WLLAG{ FlLlNG NO.7 PRo..Ecr No-: g7_ o7JoG oR^ur BY: /tz6 lsceu, t-:Jo' lo^rr, oz7zi7s,ORAIVING No.i / o BoRTNG No. 1 o DArE DRILLEDI o2/25/s7 ELEVATION:FIGURE NO.:2 DEPIH IN fEET tl c: UI =G, Ht gE o2d5 JoEz u, OESCRIPTION OF YAIENIAL REI,'ARKS '-] --l -l II '-l l-l ._ 6 u- to: ''- ,n- Topsol I \?7 /t2 SANO wlth COBBLES. :::l J::::r:ar 8orc lcrmlnoted ot 6.5'.No m.eo.suroble groundwofer r€porfod. Offsel lwlce, unoble lo decper due lo cobbles. SUMMARY OF TEST BORINGS o ltrlmcr-ltountein lAnrrsinccringud.Proposod RcsidenceTrocf C Voit Viltogc Fiting No.7 FETPPO Nn. q7-/1nlnn o BORING NO. 2 oDArE DRTLLED, 02/23/97 ELEVATION:FIGURE NO.:3 DEPIH IN FEEI J& an z e. Hr.^- t<)ozd5 Joo, t/t OESCRIPIION OF UATERIAL REMARKS .J 'J l a: ,_l .l I l 6 ---l I -1 l 'o- tr l4- Topsoil, grovelly SANO wilh COBBLES. SANO, wilh possible root zone. \3t /8 :t"l ::;t] ?;::l lirlli:t: ltrrr::f a::!l :'.O-:i:.:: .rl;t,s itir t:;:: l?:iiIiliIt, l{t COBBLES wilh sond. Boro rclusol of l0'. No meosuroble groundwoler r€porled. SUMMARY OF TEST BORINGS o Ttfner-rrolrtailrlA Engilc2piaa'r'eProposed ResidenceTrocl C Voil Villogo Filing No,7 PROJECT NO.: 97-0030G DATE ORILLED, oz/25/97 EIEVATION: o BoRtNG No. 3 o FIGURE NO.:1 OEPTH IN FEET J(L o =G Hr .^x.a'F5(9oz, @J Jo CD UI DESCRIPTION OF UATERIAL REMARKS 0 2 1 5 6 r0 t2 l4 Topsoil, grovally T T 15/ 12 ?i:: :.li wlth COBBLES. :tl .fii;I Bore relusal ot I O.5'.No meosuroble groundwoler reporled. SUMMARY OF TEST BORINGS o Tlrotct-uountainl Engrnccringud.Proposcd ResidenccTrocl C Voil Villoge Fiting No.7 PROJECT NO.: 97-OO3OG TO Syinbol Description t Strata synhols W1 Topsoil1""1 Fi SAND with Cobble. l9.l: Jt+lj F,=--l Sand l:::::;lf " "l Soil sanplers il Bulk/crab samplett Notes: 1. Exploratory Test BoringsTruek l.{ounted dril). rig. 2. No free vater was encountered at the tine of drilling. 3. Bore locations were taped fron existing features. 4. These logs are subject to the limitations. conclusions, andrecommendatlos provided in this report. were drilled on 02/25/97 using a .l I \ \i \Il I i \\ I \ \ I \ I i tt :l PART i i.i SIZE DISTRIBUTI TEST REPORT loo ?8 o.1 80 70g tJ :60 t! 250 uJ Q 30 ?o 2 too ro.o o.ol1.O GRAIN SIZE - mm Somple informot ion: .B-2 0 7 .5' SANO, Si I ty wi th Grovel Remorks: % SILT Project No.: 97-OO3OF Project: Troct C Vo i I Viltoge Filing No.7 Do to Sheet No.Dote: O3/O3/97 OhlInter-ttl(orrntain ^-.-. En girreerirr g: rr.r- < | 9\/f inchog 3izr PERCENT F I I.JER a o.375 97 .4 X CRAIN SIZE D-^OUD3o Dro o.4+7 X COEFF]CIENTS -cau SIEVE 3ize PERCENT F I NER a 4 R lo JO 40 5U roo 200 90.8 42.2 72.8 63.8 59,4 5b. / 42 .5 \\ \ \ \t \\ \ \ ill tl I PART I CL SIZE cc D ISTR I BUT I TEST REPORT 100 90 ao 70 d lrJz60 iso () [40 0- 20 ,E c i t\ a ro rl ", 1 o 98 2 roo 10. o 1 .O o.1 GRAIN SIZE - mm 0.ol o oor 27 -5 SIEVE : i:c PERCENT F tNER;-T-- r- I o.75 o.5 o. 375 92 .6 89. 1 82. 5 6r .1 )<CRATN SIZE D6o D:o Dro 0.8{ ! X COEFF IC I ENTS c U < | tr\,/E- nufibcr srze PERCENT F I NER a a 16 40 100 200 76. 6 71 .O 63.7 55 .9 q1 a L-f \ 5+. 4 27 .5 Somp le i n f ormo t ion : O Bore J O 5.5' SAND, Silty with grovcl Remorks: Z CRAVEL Z SILT O[flnter-l]fountaitr ^llLEngirrccring'Lra- Project No.: 97-O03OC Project: Troct C Voil loge Fi I ing No.7 Do to Sheet No.Dore: O3/O3/97 A 4/ roundot;on wott / | ,/a V loP l' ol bockfirt shoutd be -/ V A retolivety inpervious litt. 1 " -"1 F staPe ;woY tron buitd;nqrr/l"F.I " FuJnl" f#u+,u},fuu-t3fi*t| " " N-tL-=iU-jLl=l ll=l il=l iiff.lrr\\\\iI - }.,\\\i f. l. I I \ \ \ \ i ^toisrutc*orr*r(Btock)I "l - \. \= t\--=.f-- Spopd onto Foundotion wcl l oo lf \ \ \ | po,rt,nyene uoisture Botierl" ."1 \ "::;":L::::,;:'::",r.' | . l Gcat.extite( Miori r4oN or equivotent ) ^"::,.' -: "" " :,,,":::,. - I L__4' d;omeler per/oroled ig;d pipe sloped o minimum ol 1/6" pcr foot dql;qhted lo dox'ngrod;ent po;nl or o sump pump locotion Detoils of Pertpherol Droin Syslem For Footing Tlpe Foundolion. PER/PHIRA L D1A/N_2!!/L_ PROPOS.D RESIDFNCE TRACT C VAIL WLLAG€ FIL\NG NO.7 PROJECt NO.t gZ_OOJOG oRAvrN BY: l,F SCALE: A/,5 oetE: 95199197 ORAWNG O.: 6 Ftcz Resort Desigr Collaborative 1000 South Fronlage Road West Vail, CO 8 Ken Robertsen July 13, 1998 Ackerman Residence Vail, Colorado Job No. 98028 This will confirm that the Ackerman residence drawings dated 7 -9-98 arc the current construction documents for the project and shall superrde other structual drawings on file with the building department. Drawings included (Sl, 55 and SD3 - SDIO) reflect changes from slab on grade to a framed floor. This letter, bearing an engineer's stamp, shall be attached to the above referenced drawing set and considered part of the contract documents. NICOL ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers sign o, G- MEMORANDUM To:ORI6Il\/4L Attention: Date: Re: Ann L. Fei$sZ,,Y rx-":$\l*i!!sa S"r'n% i.€ S<rqI Reviewed: NicotAsso.iutlt o#nrceivec t)EC 0 e 1998 Dare: lUl3/98 Arrive: lI:l5a.m. Depart: I l:45 a.rn. Wcather: Cloudy. cool Project: Ackerrnan Residcnce Job No.: 98028 Tlre purpose of this site visit was lo revicw the lower level framng and steel, including a visual review of rcprescntativc bolted and wclded connections. All of the lorver lcvel franting and shcathing tvas in placc at the time of this visit. Worken were installing main level lloor joists at the tirne of the visit. The WlOxI5 cantilevered bcam thal carrics the curved W8xl0 at the deck offof the livingroom ltad bccn installed too low. At lhe time of the visil this beam was at the correcl elevation, but lud not yet bcen conncctcd to the colurnn at lhe north end of the beam. Torn was aware of lhe problcm and assured me tlut it would be attached 1o the column before tlre curved W8xl0 rvas inslalled. Work appeared to be satisfactory and in substantial conlonnance rvilh lhe requiremenls ofthe construclion docurncnls. lielol re w,ll br. I rrte thr.a ,o.t c' ue Ptr(e) I X'IELD REPORT To:Catherine Ashton Hall Resort Desi gn Collaborative 620 Main Strect, Unit 8 Frisco, CO 80443 lpas ),,J"& ;" +[a kltlr'non %. {,L 1t7 Va,l Vatt'1 Pr, B1g- oo+3NICOL ASSOCIATf,S. INC. Consrrlting Strrrclural Enginccrs Signcd: Revie*ed bv: (fln" Joseph C. Niool. P.E. | \)l) 441 167 | FAX: llt, )l 449 742? uLt L)t La)) I(,. {o . Rcvicrtd by: ',r lrl il.trr.i ..r.t ,.r,t,. r'l F.'r,r{ (.n.,' "1.. x(t ril !1lrJ..t J..al,3 t\a.!Vq- H.)9\&. , lrq,.rr{('c, of TllLDNE?ORT Date Receivec JAN 2 ? 1999 To: CdhcrircAdrtorHrll Rcmd lhsln Collabdrirc 610 Mri! Srrc.t Unil I Prirco, CO !0143 NicolAssociad6, tnc. - r.r.rrrr'.tt l -t!d(. ?!?r,^,1 + Bq?- o0 3 -?d ,.{. ,;s,f b, slnutu,,.r( evqiltsl- Derc: ltllU9t Altirc: l!,:al g.m. Deil: l:ltp-m. wc4lrr: Sunny.cold projccr: Acklnn nRceidcac . Q6T Va,l ln(l'| fu', !obNo.: gtolt Tltc prrpcc d tlrir dtc visit rrar o o,icw thc mrin and rrpgcr lacl freming ond nccl, lrludiry a vietal ro'ior of rtprcscau$w bollod lrd rrc,ldod connccritnr. AJI of thc nain .nd Wpcr lcrrJ fnning rrd drahin3werinDlreat[c.rioFof tl$svisit. Nohi3horhrrof ftamiqbdbca i6$eltadyg. Tlp conrrcrc hrd r fcv qrrgioor or ttr tiurc of tbc virit: I. Scaln tA?, crn bola rnd plrtc ncr to om rik of dr reir rtirryrr. Answcr ner girrn in a f.r drtc.l 2l Dc., 9t.f whil rs& to hrtcl d rrof to n Don rmf conrr. Amcr rno givcn in, f&r dalcd 2 | Dcc.9l 1. Crn W2lr?6bonbccrlro 0l in S In" uill rp.d- Annct*er girrcn in e fer darcd f Jan. 99. Wodc rppcrrcC b bc rrrifrctoq nrd in lilrnthl qrfqnumc rith thc rcquircflEns ot thc qlnstrxrion &unrntt. xrco|,AssoclaTDs. rrc. Cilq|lrilu$n|c|urdE|l3|tEt "rffi , krtr a. t.t6rtt I- i qtn aa,r l.r, 5642316 P-Ol NDLDnIPIOIT Pnirx; Adrrlun Rcridcmc IdNo.:9E02E TltE pupcrc d thir rila rlrit *rs to rEvicr rDc low roof rrd uppcr l6/d 'l|nilS atd stacl. itEhditrg . virrrl rcrior of rprrrdw toltst rdreldd onrcctbru- y- 46p 16 todrnd upa lcvd f.r,ninf rrd rhc.thiq ?rr h pls $ atc dc of rhia yidr Thc cuvrd roof frrnin6 owr lhc livingrooo u|. lot 'rt itt glre. It bith rEf dcl frioiry mr in glc, but m rrood fecrirg H t*n innrlld a tlc liru of tilr visit Tbo hc., Sos4 lad onc Ogioo co!.crlrrS thc cndLrrrld t$c t6l bcm i thc lrit md tha onmin b 8! ck{br qlt. Thc coon*riog u povirtcd ir rdlcicat to art full e.Oit lOfdf Worh rgpucd o bo rdr&cror; t|d ia ctdrrtbl €rftrnalc. dil 6c rqdrrncft d lhc constnfiiorl dcrncntr. Crrl ia^rlmoHrtl Rcrort Dcrit! Crlhtontiw 620 Min Sr$.q tifr t fri$o, CO (Xa3 Delc: 2lll99 .lrriw: l2:45 p.n. Dcprrr: l:15 prn. !l/A0ra: Clortly, cold fh,r,) 1,"[d rtp'* $, Ar-b r rn r',, fr ,),:lu " r" q67 Val latJe,l 7r', petuhtf # B98-0045 rrcol.AlsocnTls,rnc. Cm$hi$ Smrrunt E4lnerc Siporl: nc*rcdby. .tLt wrlFra !t .<.. tsi. I tO rnabar. Corr..lo lO)Ol ii-) -r :'-t ll] n,. : 'i. r,^I I i.,-{.,,[f, I V\tr . FEB r _ rc99 rrJr..l.rat?t^f.tl0ll a.l.lalt Mar-12-99 02 : OSPS3tL2t1999 l.t:17 FRISCOfttL,u_970 66a23r6 P-03 So,nn,,1 ef*-[. 91. U,,,/, lu,'^,f tnqT-cqs tZO Oi'' W.1,, 9;k rorUtnt . C.lrrlo lblar !r|cr*: (lotr to5-Ootof.r ll0lr 6t't-l:l I Nicol Associaler, lnc. Crtrrlllr t ta.i.|rral lrjtorrrr Mtrt 12, r99t lcon Drdg Coltrrborrlirr 620M|lr SuEa. Ullr IfrtoqG) t0aa3 f,c: Ac&caauwocc Vrit, Ccbndo lobNo. 9a02t /Irurdoo: Cathrir Arhrca llell Thb burcdmr futpriodlcr,lduro o0Jirdur tovt rEGrslccdFojrrlrvobco mdc, drrin3altudf..L fac Oc F4oG of rrvicrt4 ti: rort o dcrnln: !E at cofipli|tE r,itb dra ,tnrct|trlcryiredqddtlr. obrraiur rcre rlr& of dl cnctiln of rtnrcald *d frunurcrt irtudinj riul rwi:* of ttlrtts||||hit bdd ua rddod corruinr |'d.I xcodfo!|irg, irc.hrllt ri.ld twiG' dlrtdftl&miagcmrfur. T9 fu Dcn dry bwlodp rnd Hld,.|l dttdrilt rort ir cor4plcE rd ir ia |.rirh(toly co|nptiua witl tb nqdrtlFne of thc etnanrt rl|fliqr d ryCfic|rlur rDd rirh lrtc cod6.od rglocrc. hYlqt Jurtdicdo! oncl fD. r.rl_ nrcor.Assoclr,r]l,Nc. Pnddar Mar-12-99 OZiOAP 93t1211999 1o:17 2tt! O.a't tY.r tvh fO2 Ltt rtrk. Cdo.r(lo 100t6 Crhcrino ASmI{rll n:roctDtritlCoUDrahr 620lrtrius'uu, Untr t ttl$o,CO l|al FRTSCONtutJL ,rD>t&. NILDnf'OTT 970 66e2316 P -02 w. 3fltrg Anirc: tt:{S p,n. Dcpul: l:l!pn Wrrtbcc CJodt, cmt @: A&nur lcridan Iob l,lo.: 9d)lt TlcFrToe.alhL-t?viitEt0rttrlctry fi h!! roof .r|d currld tsffrltfurod6lccl, ioclurlirg Iviul'!'icrof rgr*adwbcltdtodrddd@riflr. Atl nrni4 r! il gbcc r rhc tic of # rl|ir visit Wortar w|l cooglaing fu io|t|Ldfi of |Dc Isf th.ilhiBt oa lk qrcd lEf. I}c fnru,r. l0*r €iG U r .T-m as||irq th r hada ||dcr tb ii$ roof Tl: on'r.r r'. r to m& th minl _ U&et mds.m*ld *ba hc|ccr dr ir rquinC (2) 2xl0'r rrt er6cicot io crry full d6ign hnl1 E|Cs rlE rf.d aDEt n|[i$ | ldc lo tb WlOr!9 illd ban |ll rrr mnFmrrh 0!cr tb enF. A 2 Ul" tlaticd tt a rn" Doridt l lot ir rdcqreto, povid.d tirt ir ir €rcld rEnit{ly in ftc dQth of rh. b..r rd ir atcild tctoUty rpodn|!ct!| t,{- otof tto roticra bc.ritr! Fir! Wctt prnd o bc l.lisiccy rd h rrbctutirt olbr''E'roc *irh 6c r.qgirEFrts otrltc orstntlrim 6mt!cd1 ttl_t ,J+-Ttnq,l 9tle- Y'5, Ixtoo|. AsltocuJrB, It{C. Conldur|'s|nrE d&tdr s l"r,^ft + B1S- oc13 trlnt: txrlr tCt$to Frr: r I)!l t{,g-l !l I Nicol Associetes, Inc. itrrrlar.l lal I ia..t ,o ,$le-oc'l3 onC PO BOX f 595. EAGLE, CO 81531. PHONE e70 328-5499. FAX 97A 323-1819 FAX onre-dEF!-IoTAL NUMBER oF pAGEs TNcLUDTNG rns peoe I gsi paNy T.o. Vail ^nr*'o* Charlre kvis uRGENT- REpLy AsAp- pLEAsE co""n'IT K pLEASE REVTE*- FoR youR T*roRMAIT.N- ls th;s qh aotyhbk han4rail desigp. -\\- fu?'?"'I )4 a'+-l "tS-ca I I I I I -1.- tfl'!, to REPTT3l Run Id: 87ft )i P,rpf-Y"%^fD" Besf Copv AvaitaUte Requeetad fniF€ct D.te: Thursd.y, August 23, 2001 Assl$led To: CDAVIS lnspecdo$ lyFer BLIIG lnrEe(,.tlon Aaea: C0 Site Addre$.$ 067 vAlL VALLEY DR IIAIL OG7 VAII.VAIIEYDR'VE A${q.filhmltst Actlvtr 898-fa.|i} TvTo B-BUILD SrbTvF6: ttlDdJP stEuB: lssuEDCtngfni: occupai*f oOoT [Ae: vN lttrpAle' CD Paacal: 21o1081fdml ADplk€nt Dn{ERCONSIRIJCTnilCOiTFANY Phone: 9?030&$419 Conh*ctor: DID€RCC''$TRUCTIONCOIitrF'qNY Phora: 07032S{{€OnLr; ACKER}|AN nONE ,, IDercrtflbn: l.tEwduph)L-.- f I- ri{xicr: saccordruJffi--.h*He / I/ \ / ..N'? Lln/ \ /,rN\W-' -l\"/RequertsgtnrBecdcdst \ 1/ ii\r' / \ / N.l L-/O 'rcrlsslllpefgsds: \ LlN\\t-' lu - -;7; r*l-uc-rrnot I I I ' Rc{ue$Bd rtne; 08i00 Ait napre*or{ DlDERco}.tsTBlCTKtNCoMPAr.lY Phffr*: 97s47G?633 Coniffi€nb{ WC 36* 1jl€8- .1 i assbn€dTo{CDF6tt$-- f, ; r . ,r\EntorcdBy OFLORESX- ASn:L___Z__. . Thfl€€d :-=--\ 'r t.S A ,l, /\ 'r-?qf1.V{s\;f\'*./ !- ,'/ f ' '{ rnssil:uorhtfe ry fr\\ I if /i I I it \ tt t, ,t i*'f---VItddr: 5O1 FW-Torno.accasa/*rkrsod /Ondo{dt t ' I I Jl ,t t,!r I fr-,r--'*-*----rftofr: l1 Pllf-Tomo.accasa/*.lnaOd {Odlond} t I t ll { !,t,, Iilem: 502 Fur-Rougtr$€d€ - (CIp{orisl} \ \-/ yl.,r. tt' h.m: g)3 Flff-flnrl filvemy grrd6 {Op{$rneD \--.---'lhm: 10 ELDoFooffiosvsir€f (ffi)rr8lt "'ADDrold " 07fd4'*i- trrsn€,clor: iRlt Acilon: AFPR APPROTGO Corxr.r$$: AFFfiOIED JRU as*bo-Ed'f o\ CfrEVl$- - frsr: 20 SLtrrfowrHori/Shcl *((sr!..tary nom: $?1 r''Connn$* 11 Pt tt+fl-e I 08i0?'9tr f$Gecto.: .mM 'rmnwrti: AIIPROVED F'o{rnddon Plcn * APPro\d * fi)pR APPRgvEt) tRffrJirs$ * Approrled * UMT 'Aclbn: APPRAPPROTED0!ilMt!18 lflcsoctDr: Jfl Cofl,nenE: APP'nOVED [em: e?0 P[tl+lLC Si]s pbft (Recuirod] *'lp9'oved - 06n5iS] hrspiccb{: mmfrlE ' Acthn: AFPRAPPRSTED Cofinnnt*. AFPROItO llem: ff)ilntf"r$$f,S $Btor'al) * Appond- 0&2SSs inrfi{|ctc{: CD ft\tnnorSs: e,DDTl- COITMS-: FRAilMi fS MEC$ANICAL ROTJ€I{ EL"rrG"Sh6$oc&0&?8,m |n (Odlcfi€t) JRM Commontsr AtI" APPROVET} E IC€PT FOfit 07/08199 hifach(: "rBh{ tnsp€r.&(: JRIUI ALt APPROVET} Itqm: .qO ldn: CotTUItmh: PARTIAT EhG RgiJGfiT RE(;D I2J{US8 -lrupecior: rfirnnls: PARTIAI 01it8ts9 hrspocloe CD c$n$||orttr: znd ong roport fecd 0?/15/99 tmD€(tc{: CDOormr$s: '.tFb EhlG F"EPCnT Rl;uVD 0A2Sm ha$€€uir: CP Conrnrnl*: SEE tlOTE$ pnpfiffur- APPRoVAL PA PAI(1}qL AFPROVAL FA FAqTAN, APFFIIO{/fiL APPR APPROI/ED . CO CSRNFNATE OF Of.CL'PANCY pn pnnfru npnnos*r- 1', CC CERNflCAI'E OF' OCCUPANCY DN i]ENIftO PA PiRTIAL APPRO'u'AL Acton: Addon: ..Acton: A.{ori:. Adlon; A.tbn: : ELEC1RfiIAI ROt Gi'i APPRChTAI I-IAI{GERS'IO DOT BL€ tv{CRO l-Ail POCKETTi'N CRAWLSPACE(4) Cofilne{.,b; 06/?&m ilDrurrnb: Oy/OtlSg lnBF{dor: JRM Coflnilrnt$; [€NlEf] f.loT REAS'f U?i0gq) hcnec,&c: JKM nppFornEo 'r$t"FLOI}R klrp€cEr: JRllF Acton: ADDTL COlrlMS - AhlD {SARAG€ OfU"Y .: AcS<n: CO CF.fiTFtli.ArE Ofi fJCCUpAtf'CY REPTl31 Ruur Id: 8"14 Inepecllon Reque-rt 0S/l/U00 tffis,ed's: Lg Actlon COCESTIFEATEOf OCCLTpAIICY,.]onsnei[r: ADbTt COrttS - NEEI} 4 CO].ICRETE PAr.l SAW CUr Fofl EXPAf.lSl]il JO|NT. d FRoil F['OE CF AgfrH'ALT. NEED SVUALE Oil *$ULO€R Af EOGS OF ASFI'|AIT Of.l S]ICIJLD€R. IJEED R€VOCAFLE RIGHT oF WAY PERlttT FOF{ DftIVEWAY BFCAUSE LAI'JDSC{qHiG l"lAS r.i.8:03 am Item: ?0 St"DG{itc. (Opl&xreil : / : ,.' \ i' .n"m: S BL(&Ftrol (R€Su[rc.$ : , . ., ". '. \&cm: 530 BLQ9-.Tgry.C,O .'(OFdon€i) 'inpppvnd", ._,___ ._._ _- --_ \-' ', I I06r41](t-.k}$p!'@t .fRt{ , " 'i' Fctbn: \AR8ff AriF$OUEO'|*|ffrErrt,. vrv ivl-{vrEr/ t rr.4.'vB- r' ..t '. I ! 06r4rJ(l-|l}$pacNor: JRt{- " 'i" Acilon: 'ARPR AflFSouEo "', Cofidlenrl$: O|('FORTCO\,ODT}IE C"O .-',_, i ,tl '{ )thrn: 534 ryU-TEUp-t}O :fo$onelr "Amrovrd* ,/ O$t4i(n tnioctrv: LB Acilon: AFPR APFROVED Coflnrrrsr: APFRo{EB tC*nnwsr: APPROIED B06i14im haDector: \LS r t /Ac{on: C(]CERTIFKATeoF(r,CUPAI{CY t]on$nonE: ADDTL COl,lfrr4Si TCO Oitl-Y . CO|ITRACTOR l{AS SAyd CUT EXPAT.TS}O+I IlSfT.\, FiErI)CABt{ RtSf{T1Qf1fliAY P€RM|T HAS BEEN SIJBI#TTEO thrn: 5313 Pl-Aif;TEMP C,() {OptiooaD i 1'Aprpro[rcd:'\ r\ o?,eStoo ln$o€dof:. BREf{f "/ .\ Aptofl: 'APPR APf}RO1/EDCsmomnh:.BONDhTFIACEFOfiLS \[ern: 537 PLAI$Rh&{L C;IO- {0p0orul} : ;t \ Item: 939 plir.FlFl'CL CiO {ft*la{$ir I rLAl$R$tAL C/O- {opuorlal} ' * \lit -FlFl'Ct CiO {Or*h{$ir I 0tr1rU00 ln$p.c{or: LS- Adon: DfiIDEMED{lomnbnts: DEFltEt) it -_ I , i'ri *ti r 'I tsa{|f rt'+, : ITEEN EOND€D, WII-L ONLY APPROIIE TCO WT€f{ ABOI'E I9SUE$ A}TE ADOftESSEO. h.rfl: 54D SLmr-FhdCiO (R.qdrftCr 06lt2ru0 ln*pralo.: JRM ' Aclbn: APpR APPFm\JErj Co*rmar|t3: eoorfiftl mfithf, 041?i0C EidFacbti .rRg Actbn: COCERTIFICATEOF0CCUP,q'\nY Cofimets: ADnTL CfJlrtte - dannhrq,tsffi,lcoplng rst lrt dofiodl bfrrg lss{res hgtr b.ift corrplde9gl@o hopcclor: .nM' hdon: b{\tneNfP - Crnulreftts: pL,AMllM: ISSUES FIOT YET O5l{{,00 lmpeclpt: JRU Ac[on: COCERflFCATEOFOCCUPAh|CY corf,n ftb: AObTt. COMMS - REs,Ot.',rED *L:." ao rown at vail .i ? *f,el i..-l- i !d T}W\:IOFVAIL Department of C ommunity Developmenl 75 SouthFronage Rod Vail" Colarado 81657 970-479-213E FAX970-479-24s2 AZ.L,Z.J A2.1 Town of Vai I 75 South Frontage Road Vail', Colorado 81657 (303) 4?9 -2138 Plan review based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code Proj ecL Number I 898-0043 Address: 957 Vail Valley Dr' contractor: Didier Cons truct lon Architec!: Pierce Segerberg Arc Engineer 3 Joseph C. Nicol Plins Examiner: CHARLIE DAVI S Name: Ackerman Residence DaLe 3 APriI 15, 1998 Occupancy: R3 'MlType of Cons t.: V-N This project will require L site inprovement survev' ttti* s,tvIi in"ir-t"-"tbmitted and sLaff approved prior Lo a requesl' for a frame inspect-'ion' Under no circumstaices'wiff a frame inspecLion be done withouU an approved site improvemenE survey' Projects which are approved by variance to 'be built into a seLback or over alloweil zoning building heisht tt;;r;; an adclitional .site improvement survev upo" to*oiliitt-"r -ln" founation to document the correct t<>l"li"rr and elevation of the structure ' Al] new construction $'ithin the Town of Vail will be required ;;";;;;-t Public wav permit plus an initial inspectioi uv*ift" T'o'v' -Public works Department to approve "Ite'atainuge and culvert instarlaLion prior to anv Buildinq Dept' inspections ' THIS PROJECT REQUIRES A ONE HOUR FIRE RESISTIVE WALL AND FLOOR";S S.dI EiV BETWEEN EACH UNIT, PER 1991 UBC SECTION 1"2 02 (b} A2.\,2.2,2.3 Glazing in a hazardous locat ion is required ro be glaze'l 'lln safety material ' '- Sec' 5406' AbaLhrooml.srequiredtohaveanopenablewindowor t*".nat'i"ti--""nii'tut:'"nsvstem'--Sec'1-205'(c) rn bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a illi""i""r venti-lation svstem. golnt"::g- directry li"r-ft"-out"iae shall be provided' Batnrms which contain onlv a water closet "t l1:'.TiL:: venLilated with a recirculatrng tan' UEL rzvJ\er ' {g***o'^or TOWT,I OFVATT Depanment of Communtry Development 75 SouthFrontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 fltx97U79-24s2 A2.1 10 A2.1,51 LL A2.I,2.2 )-z t\L . J L3 A2.2 14 A2 .3 r.5 A2.0 16 A2.0 S1 Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts sha11 be in"i"iroa as per UMc 1L04 and 1903' Flexible ducl cornectors may nor exceed 5' in length and shall noL U.-.ot"""f"a witnin consbl'uction' Ducts shall t"..inut. outside the building and not exceed l-4' IengLh. Crawl spaces are required to be ventilated by nlechanical means or by openings ' Such openings shall ]rave a net area- of not ]ess than 1sq' ft' for .""it-rSO sq. fr. of under-floor area' UBC 2516 (c)6' Provide a minimum 1-gX24n underfloor access ' UBC 25L6 (c\ 2 . No domestic dishwashing machine sha11 be directly connecled bo a drarnag6 system without-^t'he use of an "ppio"ea dishwasher ait-gtp fittinq' UPC 608' Cross connection control devices shal] be installed t"-pi.i""t polluLion of poLable waLer supply by use oi -uppto'tr.a backf low prevention devices ' UPC 1003 ' Island fixLures shall be special vented as per- UPc 614. PlumbingfixLureswithmechanicalapparatuSshallbe suppriect ;i;;-;; access panel for inspection and rePair of equipment ' UPC 904' In buildings of unusually tiqht consLruchion (al1 .r"t "ot"tit]ction wiunin the Town of vail) ' comuustion iii snarf be obtained from the outside' su.nco*ou"ilo'.'ui'openingsshallbeasperUMcch. 6. NO INFO L'llrnaces iloL li st-ed f ort closet or alcove inst-allalrion shatl be installed in a room or space havinq " ".iu*t- ir least 12 Limes the volume of the furnace. e-f'"iftt uniL wilI require a space 15 times larger than Lhe boiler' UMC 504 (b) SuppIy a mechanical drawing indicaLing design of syscem, size (etu and volume) of equipment' venL' ]oca!lonandtermination,andcombustionairtobe supplied prior Lo ally installaLion' Due to Colorado SEaUe StatuLes ' all sink Eaucett's and strower heads are requrred Eo utilize flow t"r.tr.".io. 'levices' Also' the maximum water closet flush usage is limited to a maximum of 3'5 gallons l7 18 {g*uor r", TOWIi' OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Fronmge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX97M79-2452 19 )o 2L 24 z2 Per f l ush. A smoke detecLor is reguired in t-he access area Eo aIr rooms u""J fot sleeping purposes ' '- Sec' 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required in all rooms used for sleeping purposes ' -' Sec' 1210' (a) 4' On an upper leve1 where rooms are used for sleeping purposes, a smoke det'ecLor is required in Lhe ceiling at the stairs' - - Sec' 1210' (a) 4' A smoke detector is required.on a1l levels wired' Lo an al.arm in the bedroom area(s) ' -- Sec' f210' (a) 4' A smoke deLector is reqr'rired in the basement wired Lo an alarm in Lhe bedroom area(s) ' -- Sec' 12L0' (a) This facLory-built f irepl'ace musL be an approved unit. rnclude the manufacturers name' model number' anal aErproval informaLion' -- Sec' 3?05' (a) The design, construction' anrl installation of .t".'"aot"l' cllrmlwai rers ' escalators and their hoistwavs ";;ii bt as per the requirements of-uBc ctl. 51. titit-in"rudes fire-resistance of enclosule a op"ni"q "l-noi " ittv ventilation' and vestibule requi.rements, Unless the lower level is clearly shown as a - basement 'iai-ti-rt"" from floor above Lo grade for 50% of building perimeLer) ' a 3 level dwelling will reqt.rire ;';;;;; iF-exitinq from the 3rd' level if 3rA. ret'er J""toat 500 sq' fL' UBC 420 & UBC 3303 (a). SECONDARY UNIT Every require'f exil- door shall be llot less Lhan :' in wraii-una not less than 6'8" jn height with a "reut *iiin optnins oE 32r' UBc 3304(f) ' Sliding doors or overiread doors are not acceptable as require'J exit doors ' UBC 3304(h) ' Elevator shafts which extend through two or more ftoors "#ii-;; tn"ro""a in a shaft of one hr' fire resistit'e*lc'nsiruccion' Openinqs ldoors) :h1l1 b' ptor""."J ty a serr -c1osing. assembl"y with a one hr' Iatins' (Except doors to outside'] UBC 1706 (a) (b) zn Az. J 2'7 I\2 . 1. zd tpr*tuo"t' TOWN OFVAIL Department of Codmunity Development 75 South Frorxage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 97G479-2452 za An access is requied to the crawl space area' The -i"i."rt-"rr" it'rA inches by 24 inches ' -- sec' 2516. kl 2. to 30 31 Tire crawl space area is requirecl to eiEher an approved mechanical means ine e*etiot wal1s. -- Sec' 25L6 ' lcl Include a copy of the soils report for the site be built on. '- Sec' 2905' be venti late'J bY or by opening in {g *n*oruo TOI{N OFVAIL Department of Communiry Devebpment 75 SowhFronmge Road VaiL Colorodo 81657 97M79-2138 FAX970-479-2452 EXTERI OR Table 17 Town of Vai I 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 816 57 (303) 4?9 -2138 Ptan analYsi.s based on the 1991 Uniform Buil'ding Code Project Number: 898-0043 Address: 957 Vail valIeY Dr' Contractot:: Didier ConstrucLion Architect: Pierce Segerberg Arch ' Engineer: Joseph C. Nicol PIANS EXAMiNET: CHARLIE DAVI S NOTE:The code items lisEed in Lhis report are noL intended to be a comprete tistinq of all possible code reguiru*"ntJ J"-en" 1991 UBc' rt is a guide to selected sections of the code' Name: Ackerman Res idence Date: APril 15, 1998 OccupancY: R3 , ML Type of Const: V-N SE PARATI ON DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION - -i.iontn Propertv line 15 ' 0 Feet 15 ' 0 FeeL il-sr piopntuv ritt. 25 ' 0 Feet 25 ' 0 Feet siiurn probertv line 36'0 FeeE 35'0 Feet fi;i propettv rine 19 ' 0 FeeL 19 '0 Feet WAL,L FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION -A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRC NON-BRG WA]-,L WAI,L PROT WAIJIJ WALL R3 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr 1.41 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr SOUTH OPNG BRG NON-BRG PROT WALL WALL None Ohr Ohr None ohr Ohr WEST OPNG BRG NON'BRG OPNG PROT WALL WALI-, PROT None Ohr Ohr None None ohr Ohr None The exLerior walfs may be of COMBUSTIBLE materiaL' Sec'2201' None -- NO fire protection reqtrirenents for openin?t' -,---*,Prob -- Openings -tu-to-Ut protected with 3'l4 hr fire assembl ies' 50% of the area of Lhe wall maximum' Sec'2203 ' (b) & Table 5-A Maximum singre 'ri"aJ"-tl'e-is aa sq'f t with no dimension qi"it"t t.ha; 12 feet. -- sec' 4306' (h) NoP -- Openings are not permitLed -in Lhis wall' * - - These walrs 'rnti -b""-t"o" i iea to iri"e a parapet- wall 30 inches above t.he roofins.'";ilt";";;;;l warr is required to have Lhe same fire r:aLing as the tirir' s€)l secr-ion 1710' for details and excepbions {p**or^,,* MM{OFVATL Department of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Rod Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213E FAX 970-479-2452 FL NAME AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN,VENT NO. EXITS EGRESS 3 Master bath 3 Master bedroom 3 Sitting room 3 HalIs, closets, etc ' TOTAL FOR FLOOR 2 Family room 2 Nook 2 Ki tchen 2 Dining room 2 Llving room 2 Powder room 2 HaIls, closets ' etc' TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1 Kitchen Sec. unl t 1 Bedroorn Sec. unit l- Bath room Sec. uni t' 1 LaundrY room I Bedroom #1 1 Bath room * 1 I Bath room #2 1 Bedroom #2 1 Bedroom #3 1 Ba t-il roon # 3 l- Rec. room 1- Entry 1 Garage 1 Halls, closets ' eLc. TOTAI, FOR FLOOR B Mechanical room TOTAL FOR FI,OOR BUILDING TOTAL 383 1s9 382 116 5 447 85 364 lt'r 403 25 375 r.840 58 273 i5 48 1.5 0 35 Jb LIJ 1"51 37 380 20'7 771 507 2861- 3 11, J.LI f|'0\) iit;Xffi:3'- An operable win,fow o1 croor LhaL opens directlv to the exterior is required rto,n iirit--i;;;' iit" minimum clear openable alea must- meet the following. -- Sec. 1204' 1) The minimum clear heiglrt is 24 inches 2) 'rhe mrnlmunr cl-ear widch is 20 inches 3) The minrm\rm clear area is 5'? square feet 4) The maximum silt heiqht is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is uased on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanicar .'entii.liot'- 'vtt"* may-be- useo in in Lieu of exterior openings for ventilation' -- Sec' 1205' (c) 4) The requiretnent ;;;-;" egress window in the basement is based on Sec. 1204. 5) The requiremeni-- s for 2 exibs from Lhe 3rd floor is based on Sec. 3303. (a) exc' 3' 0.00 38.30 1F. qo 0.00 40.70 10.00 36.40 r8.10 40.30 0 .00 0.00 r"0.00 2't .10 0 .00 0.00 r5.00 0.00 0.00 15. 10 0.00 38.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.05 19.15 "t ,95 0.00 20.35 ), \JU LA . ZU 9.05 20.L5 1.50 0.00 5.00 13.65 r. t) 2 .40 7.50 -t. /l 1.80 1.85 19 .00 10.35 0.00 0.00 11. f,tr NO Yes No NO NO NO NO No No No No No Yes No NO Yes No No Yes Yes No No No NO NO Yes 1 I 1 1 2 1 l 1 1 T t I I 1 t- I 1 1 I l_ I 1 1 1 L 1 I I 1 I 2 {j*n*or^* MWN OFUAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Fronage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX97H79-2452-i:ilt?:It:tl3)l;,n'lt have a cei.rins heisht'9r not 1:::-:l::7 reeb 6 i.nches. Kitchens. halls' bathrooms and-toiret comparlments may have a ceilingheiqhhoii_in.tmeasured."in""i.".stprojection.Iftheceiling issloping.t-hentr'".ii"i^"._n.is}.tis..ieq"ireainonlyL/2of.thearea. ' - Sec. 1207 . (a) Every dwell j'ng unit shall have 'at leasb one room which has' noL less than 1-20 square feet of ,i.".""."". OUn.t nali. r;ilie- too*" .*..pt. kitchens shall have an area of nob r.!i- tnt"-io sql]ate f eet ' - - sec ' L207 ' (b\ HabiEable .oo*" otnll ;;; t ki[chen "nlii not te less than ? feet in anv dimension. -- Sec. L2O7 ' (cl GIJAZING REQUIREMENTS : AII glazing in na,a,'aous local-ions is reqr'rired l-o be of safety fii"ino maleriat. '- sec' 5406' (d) 1) Glazinq in inqre;s and egress doors except jalousres' 2) Glazing in rixei'lna "riai'lq paners oi-"iioins iloor assemblies and paners ,. "",tiinq- doot" other Lhan wardrobe doors ' 3) Glazing in storm doors ' ai cf""i"g in all unframed swinqing -doors ' 5) clazing in aoorl li;' 'nn"i o, ut"r - roi'-ttot tubs. whirlpools, saunas' steam rooms, bathtubs and showers' cr"'i"s^^ii. t"v o"1!-1i:^:f'" buildins wall enclosing these compart'ments where ihe bottom exposecl edge of Lhe glazing ls resf gn"-" eo inches "no"!'-" slanains surface and drain inlet' 6) Glazing i., tr*la-oi operat're panels-adjacent to- a door where the nearesc exposedeoqeoi_th.giazxinqiswilhin-a24.incharc.ofeithervertical edge of at-r. uoor'ii i-"ror"i positiol--""d where the-bottom exposed edge of the glazrng -is iess ehan 60 inches above Lhe walking surface' ?) Glazinq in an individual fixed ot opttalfe panel ' other than Ehose locations described in items s ana i auove' than meets all of the t.l1"Il;3"::":l::"::'an individuar pane srearer rhan. e square feet. B. Exposed;;;;"; edse less than i8 inches above the floor' c. Exposed ;;;-;;n;-;;eaier Lhan 36 inches above the rloor' D.oneormorewalkingsurfaccs.*iir-'i"-jeincheshorizontallyofthe Plane of t-he glaz rnq 8) Glazinq in railings regardless of heiqhb Included are slructural baluster panels Danels. See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A smoke detector is required Iocated in the corridor or - - sec, 12I0. (a) 4 . A smoke detector is required area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4' A smoke detect.or is required A smoke deLector is required If the upper Ievel contarns above a vlalking surface ' and nonstructural in-f ill on the ceiling or wal'1 at a poinh centrallv irlea qi,ring access to each sleeping area' on the c:eiling or wall in each sleeping in the basement. on all s tor res . sleeping room (s) . -- Sec. Lz].O. (a) 4. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4' a smoke deLector is required tp**oto"o TtrWN OFVATL Departmefi of Community D*elopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-213E FAX 970-479-2452 in the ceilrng of t-he upper level close to the stairway' - - Sec. 1210. (a) 4 <rnrrrr:e and Smoke detectors are required to be wired Lo the^buildlln)l,|n?'"t source anc ".illll,l"";:li"::i"H':l :':::'::l'3i!.f''.ii :;:;"i;;";;; ;i the dwerrins in wtrich ttrev ire located' -- Sec' L2r0 ' (a) 4' FIREPIJACE REQUIREMENTS : FACTORY BUII.,T FIREPT,ACE: 1) Unit must be an approved unit' -- Sec' zi ct".."n.es and hearLh size nust be per - - sec. 3705 . (a) & (b) 3) Chi-mney heiqht- mrlst be per manufacturer STOVE REQUIREMENTS: 1) Unii must be an approved unit' 2) clearances and hearLh size musL -- sec. 3705. (a) & (b) 3) Chimney height *u"t't" per manufacturer's approval 3705. (a) manuf actures approval' 's apProval and Table 37-B ' Sec. 3?05. (a) be per manuf actures approval . and Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between Lhe garage ancl the residence' materials constructlon are required on t-he garage side ;i,;-;;;;;" ancl the iesldence are to be a selr core-cloor or a 20 minuLe fire cloor' -- Table aooroved for Lhr f ire oniy ana any doors belween -closinq I 3/8 inch sorid 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) exc' #3 it:l:rll3}tll"3*5i;trtns musr be ar. reasr 36 incjtres wide. -- sec' 3306' (b) The maximum rise of a step is I inches "nd t-tt" minimum run is 9 inches ' n.o"ri3"i irllS;jii 3l"onlt"ra" a sr-airway 34 ro 38 inches above rhe nosins ir there is 4 or more risers' -- Sec' 3306' (i) Provide a guard .-ii ',rl.i" drop off i" qi".l"t than 30 inches ' Minimum heiqhL = 36 inches, r;naximum openi nq size = a incne": ..::" ', ^!"' ' (a) exc ' #l The minimum headroom is 5 fL'- I inches ' -- sec' rruo' lu' Enclosed usabre "p"".-,r^d., t-he stairs is .equir.a to be prot-eched as required for lhr fire-resistit'u ton"cturit ion ' - - sec' 3306' (r) il^:1,:::":iH*3i;o,"t.er sharLs wiLh a cross-sectionar area or not more Lhan 9 square re.u ,nav- i i""a--""- ln" insicle wiLh not less than 26 sage salvanizecl shee! melai *itn arr joinis ioitruppea. The outside must be t hr construci-ion. All openings into -uny su"fl Lnclosure -shalL be protected by nol Less than a t"it:-"i"ti"q sorio-wood door 1 3/8 inches thick or equivaleut. -- Sec. 1?05'(f) 2) Gas vents and noncombustible pipinq installed in walLs passing through 3 floors or re"s--Jo nor neeti lo be in l" hour shafLs' - - Sec. f '706. (c) 3) All other shafus are reguj red to be enclosed in a 1 hour assemblv' -- Sec. 1706. (a) $ *r"r"ur r^ro c T.!/Wtl0FVltL Depanment of Community Deve lopment 75 South Fronuge Rmd VaiL Cobrado 81657 97A479-2138 FAX97A479-2452 :l^X:::t:: l:3:iT:t?XSeither bv mectranical means or: bv openinss in exterior wal}s. opening shalr provide a nel- atil-ni-"ot ress than L square foot tor each 150 sqrare f ee. of area in .r"*r'.ipu l.l"op."i"q t - -t1.11 be disLributed on two opposite ";;;t";";^;" iuc:"t"a as close to corners as pracLicar ' -- sec 2sL6.(c) 6' Note: ven! openr-n;;;;;-;"-ttqt9:9^!o 10% of the above iE ground surface-irei i, "o*r"."a wi ti- an- lpproved vapor barrier and the buildinq oEficial approves ' For a 1-850.0 sq'ft' cra'tlspace area: Ratlo Minimum sq'fL' of vent r/L5O 12 '33 2) Provide l8-inch by 24-inch access opening to the 9ti1].'.space area' Note: -' openj-nq mav be ."i,iita-.to o;^i?t?:i-Ii"i'ttt'unital equipment' is rocated ,r ilrlli :i:-i.::'::'rr".X3'""11";JIi'.,;;u wood or natura' resistance to decav or treat-eat ioi;;';;': lnini*'^ cleirance between exposed earLh and floor joist is rA incnes ' The minimum-c:'earance to beams and girders 1s is L2 inches. -- Sec. 2516'(c' 2' ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy This project will require a slte shal-I be submitted and approvcd inspection. improvement survey. Such surveY orior to request for frame A1I crawl spaces $/ithin t'he Town of vail are limj'ted to a earth ho strlrcturar troot ..iii,-'q h"iqnt of 5' ' be earth f Ioor only' be ventirated as per uei-'z^ira fciS with minimum access as per uBc ziretct2 and miximum access of 9 sq' fL' Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shaLl require an engineer design. s".n"'a""is"' snart addr6ss drainage' soil retainage and s t ruct-ural desiqn. ExcavationbelowslabsongradeshallnotbepeTmittedwithoutprror approval . Acrdress .umbers sharr be posrcd plainly visible anct legibre from the sLreet. For Ml occupancy Slope garage floor to allorv for drajnage t-o outside- t-o provide a floor drain witn sand and oil interceplor to dry well or Lo sewer' Any garage floor drain connecled to sewer must be approved by Upper eaqfe Vaffey Water & SaniLation DisLrict' In garages with Iiving area above' the walls of the garage wiich are bearing the area above shall be protected with one hour fire resistive construction' UBC 503 (B) ' {S*on *ru"* Jrrl-17-9A o.8.22 IME/V' l ntargrcen 70 94oa 9 9339 RE: IrsC,Vdrn|;jsEtb;No ? Projccr No. 9E-0164G Crentlerncn: IiHH:m_ fuly 13, 1998 Shandcllc Vcnturcr, lnc. P.O. Box tJgi Veil. Colorrdo tt63l Frr-Eilfl:;:u'I5"';l'r:.i,5$' FILE Open Foundrtion Excavation lnspection ,,r r !"p"r.a n*il;;;*'* ' "-'--"-"n o|<er tnaa Qs,den "eQ,67 la,l VctQ Ple ?er^l * eqgl Mt As roquestcd' represcntadvres of Inrcr-Mountain tinginccring visircd rhe projcct sire roobscrvc thc cxcev{ion of filt mrtcri.ir] p.rrom dcnsity-comprction tcsing, and roperform rn inspccrion ortrr. op.n trii;.-'s; wcre 6rsr "i.,roh oiJune 30, r99g bvRico of shrndellc vcnture3 i" "ilri.""'ii" .e*or"t of unconrroiled lill rnercriarscncountcred during {re proposcd building foundarion "*"alr.t ion.- - - -- - --, f'he fill materiels crrounrercd in the arca werc removcd because lhcy wero apprrcntlyplaccd uncontroilcd an<r ."y p*" " rillr}oernenr l.he fiil ,.roi.t, arso conrainedsomc concrete and sreel rubble rhat was separaled from thc nriii.iJii. Bascd upon orrobsenntions at ow ra(rom s,. "rirr, ,T. hrr ,.i.""ir;;-;; ;"rovcd using atnckhoc and rubbcr rire loader J;;;;"t..tetled rnd compaqcd using tlrc kradcr.Thc soils bcing compactcd (hrvc u"en L, rley ,anaomty tcsted by r rcprescmarive oflnter-Mounrain Engineer to herp evaluai.it i*o.,p"",ion being atrained io th€ ficrd rhc!:ilhT*:'":#|,"f;HX mf;r'J -rr,i "o-p;;;;;; ilre basea ,,pon,r," The sitc was rcvisired on.Jury- r0, l99E ro obrcrvc rhc rils aporcd io 'r &onddblc'.rumioe Thc exposcd- r";rr .on*t.io?e bnown rb-blt;ir;L silty ro crryey'AND. ThG.rDdd qq *n;;i io uJ'rr"..re .ir$tc br dn-fleococc of 6cffi;**tNounaisrur-b-J-siipii"-g-#.ril,*"rp;;r!Llfr ,Lorrhegr'rutff The rocommcndaions.provided hercin are boscd-u-pon our cxpcricnce in the erea andfrom our open foundari"r-i;rril;*" i-i. in-formtion obreincd from rhc ficldtnspecions onlv eppries "r u," spe.ii,cl.*",ioi, et tbc particurar rimcs designarcd- 8302 Co'Ir: inen:ilr Divide Ros4_5,dte ircT r 1.1631,rr, CO gJl27 , p'oro; 3(E/g1s-c?2c . ,.ax: 303gag.65?ti77 t\4Dicalir f loail f200 ' Brx$78 ' 4ur'r. cor,,'"oo g,,iii '. ,rno*, 3rro9l0.soz2 . Fro.. cd rvor oi..:ct: 89-.r- r 531 P-Ot Ju I - l7 -9A o,A:22 I ME,/W I ntcrgrecn sh{d3u3vq{rr6 o Lo. C, Vril Vilhjc Fitinj No. 7E{glc coutry, Ca Itojca No. 9t4l6.c tuly lt. 1998pc$: 2 of I Richrd O. Rickj, Gcgcchnical E Atuchmcrrts: Proctor Test Rcpon Dcnriry-Cornpacrion Tesrs 70 949o 93s9 P -O2 subsurface conditions lt olhcr locations and times rnry differ ftom rhc conditions at thcseb:tt'oT If during sonsr.nrction condirion3 "pp.., ,o ba difrercnr rhis office should beadvised so rcevaluuiqns of rhc r*...naiii*Jr"v be madc. This docurnent was Dreoar_ei for the cxctusive usc of Shrndclte Venfurcs, lnc. Thc uscof this documcm or ihe'infornarion "o"i.ri"ii.irinty any orhcr pcrson or cnriry is notswhorizcd. In rhe ovent my othcr pcrson o. cntity desircs to usc rhis documcnt for theinformation conrrincd tercin.ror aiy;"tp.;l"y murr firsr conracr Inrer-MounrrinEnginecring for wrirren ruthorization. ' 31:;3y:n Enginccring is ptcilcd ro have wo*cd wiri yor on this prcjcct. Shouldyou navc roy qucirionr rqgarding rhc informarion corrteincd i." tr,i, ,ieo.l,-fro...on r",the undcrsigncd !t your convenicncc. G !ltah-r|.tar'*rss||a.il otn ta.a tro l.r c. w a, Ju'l - l7 -98 o,8:2?IME/V, i nt ar€'reen 970 949 9339 P. 03 D{r! Zv't}8 MATERTAL OESCRIPI|oIiI Talt lpGemca$oni ASTM D 60t.il produrc C Sbnderd 1OO% SATURATION CURVES FOR SPEC. GMV. EQUAL ?O: 2.! 2.7 2.6 COMPACTION TEST NFPONT Curtt llo.: IPrciccr llo.: 9t{t6.C Proi*{: T?oct C, Vril Viltrga Filing No. ? l:oFlc County, ColordoLocation: fran Stt-pilc otErcamrql Mrrcriolc ElevJDrpth: Rcnrerlr: Dlrcrlptbo: SAND, dlry, grnttty, c.bbty..ls* bmutr Clertfrcr{onr. USGS: NrL llolrt. r Lhuirt Linn: It > 3/l In. r yr W.tcr coilGnl % .ilOUNTAII EilONEERIiIG L AAgHTC Sp.O. r Pbrtlchy lndcr - % < No.20ll = Mrrinnrm dry drauiv - t Z t,e frf moistrxc-ll.l% Pbr. Jul - l7 -9A of|:23 IMEIU i ntcrg|^c-n 970 949 9339 P. ()4 4fi6 rr:!!rr .o I Ufr it 3 Nurbcr of Dt3sca ln bc,^ror N^. a_-_-_..-d2 a1aat Orrl lasultr of thts OleaFytiloo ,er3 groyt(l€ to oi lol. to l!CYln! tnc !1..c PAOGPsSS FgFO9l: ftF! ot conFrs!lon ceu:rarn! Ll f t thlckdr!t Appro,( | |!Alt t, llrthsa ol r3tlnt a.lrtura: On ,l ll C)rlrvlt,lon grlt tr,.r Tntt o!rcrvti!cn gljfsra29: Full 7!n.''-'. . er. rrr-. latcrn!ttrh:glsgnvg..lsL3 !s:n9 contthrJcG: Fu)l rrl;---.';.'-:::"' = Flctsc l:: c: ;'---0.1 c6 I I t.o.tJr t;a Ottt t ?llt6 r. rO.J rYO( tJLo. tr r.-t ttltll t.t-50t I Inter.lllountain trl:t totl.lt rrrct t?Aat t Lrra,tCO. CtO. a3ll I rJo)t ,t2-a r!a Farr-nglneerrngrrd. &a: r.a b. FIELO OENSITY TESTS TO: Shihrtcr t.. Vcnr.rres, lr.'",Fe: Ovrr Ersev.rttoo ! Fil t flocaFnc t{! a.- lra r.i _ reat; ilrtt ttoctt t'at..taott thc tcrultr ci tnr tc:t!ng darcr.lbed eh.' cDrarvttlon! atdc a3.thc tlslg tnd tcc!tlcnt thdtcri.;.-;iiJrtitioit notc6 lcc tna conoiilcor 'Fr3cn! .n6./oFaa:iott! D!l:r9 ulcd a: tha. tt:--3 0t or. c o r e . " i t i o a . . tfr olhrF ilrrlnty 13 er6s. y? hays r.rr.dcn tha con:c.crcr ro conr tau. ""rr-in ;;;;;;;;;. yt!h the pl!n, rn.t srrct,tcr:lonr oAlnoot tt Y!a Yetk . li€LO TEST!N l------:-irr t f . l.r. I Ltttit:n I Or: r.rtrlcrr.0. t, I x: I r:e:.Oa.rl!t lCar:.n.. laav!ia6 !b!ttt rl rvt(lor!) {4lc {lorrc:t .rl.vi!lon) qUSVE INEO2HATION; O:scrvtn Jul-17-98 Oa:23 Irry|E./U ir1t-crgrcen 970 949 9339 P-05 kairat r., Crta FAOGEESS FSPO,qT: 1we ot eee.rrG t t on !qu:FBant Ll tt th!crnrss lnO nu..\btF .o I units A!=ba 1. Ot F.Stcrf{riho{t ot !3cln? alltlur or!!,.yr: rcn or!L'1._1;;, .*:,::";"%-- tiJna iddrd thi3 obr!Fya:!Dn rr,.a groyJct6 ot lcF to lravln! to th! rttcTnlt e!rrt.v!ttCn glrfClneJ: Fut I ?tra--. . v.. r!E. -tn:arht!tsc:o:scr.yr..iot.J E.tn3 .ontthl,€6: Fuu rrI- "_'-_::'="=:- _0.1 Cr I I t.o-l3a ttl 0lt0 r!?l:t..r. .O^) rver( Cr( t. t: Bt, l)Jrl l.t -Sc: t Inter-Mountain tJl;E !0tli?2 V.!ra( f;rt!tlrrtYttc, (:t2- tclt tll0rt l!t-0lt! Engineerirrg lra. FIELD DENSITY TESTS To: StraMcllc P(l lox 1599 -- , inlt r.ocrt rctlGrcnt! thr rrrult, oi tnr tarttng . thr- tttal .^d lcc.ttcn! tadtcrtc6. Otr..r.tifi, notroleinodt crtjrg usad .: th! tt?e oi ori orrii"Il:on. lecn thr Gcnttlcto. ro Gonllnrq rcrl jn acccroiice ,ttrrUDe!33t"yctt rgik . Hl I i,h 3t: - f.rg: _ C.tc,.l!ad lal clrar.vrtlons ard! rg.ara th? <cidt onr grrccnt rnr/cr 9th€F varianiy t! rtrcr. t{a hrv! ,.t:ladth: 9!163 and tFrclalcallonr on iiEto resrlne, rr. I t0:.: I !.'r lr:r:t I rr t:!tlcr | ?73r t€: r:ufa t!i.r: r ri: azl L al t l'a, hid€lc ( l.ovc s r EhvaLton)-ut' l ne | .ru.. FJcrs? ,..J:!: O: scr vcF 08/04/98 10:03 -.1 - ?7-94 05:OEIPer.arra.t a-.-a 8970 468 oz95 .ups,'nst co @ oo2*U..::pe.qg_";::NWCCOG Incrarr !r-, r Jl.a l,rr ELEVA.TOR PERIVIIT APPLICATION Jurlcdlctloo Va;J , b Pcruir I -ol tdAppliesdmf Job. IrgdD€sn Orss6 Ittrr'lingPlcltl: Mdlinj lh6r Clrrr cf Werlc DscdbrWort: N9TTCFI ltstly ccttlB &il | hrvc |td ptiaaic.r {rd |trorr !r. ut|c E !€ t ovltho! of lrtrt &d orair|Itsci rrst Ylll b3 sqlDlica uia It|Crh€: b violll c. 3rnctl lic pawitioi' 0tbr luLtinl €argr€tiflt o. €sr'trltq|. lS3rrnn cf o*ncr D tcrl frc ?br Rrrirw $6 crlrr|otd |hrt ar|(l coflt3r Alt thir pac cf lrctEir 3[- 1161 oltrt? ttiltc o? loctl gcr..omnc of z7 ? Tha t[tdnr dr r.rt|i( {cr nol to livr rrlo?ir-v OM-$or @lr' rpr or frd3la alatrr.t, x3rLma nryirg relh Up ro ud inchrding 35O00.lIl od yJurrio . $1t0.00 Oocr 5f,r.00rt.0tl of rth icn . ltt0.{1, ,l*t 16.00 t'or rrrh 11.000,00 or frrcd$ rhrlofot .t 150.m.00 D{qD*tlr(? or ?tlvrrr rrtldrrcC clcvarOr: U F F lb! rnslsilinf S:C.':' :'j.' .::' q'r!'.::r'...n - i: t0 l.r, Oxr $!o,Frl0o orvJu.tiot -f,lto,oo tlxr S]-00 fb. 3i|ch 51.000. ei fimricn hiFf ovr i10,ffi.8 M rJOE {L?I-lrTlON FEEBI F..r for nrtDr dL|lrio.ta thlll laal ttl to.ri a TtUs l-A of lrc Umllrrt Adniniflrrh.3 Cod. o[TrDh ]lo. l.A ofthr Unifom luilrti^l Ced.,9t Ehtllor Dhn(ovrrrrrncrB. ooi|.ctinS lh! rfYccoG- icrll! .rd Plrlr stll b. mr,ccoc {D.}cJ (D*)v^Lu^Ttodw z{ Dtuhld nrrhlf Apprltad Dt ! Drn: l.trprctlonr rlll b. Goottccrcd bt tbr Nor-rhra.t Colo?ada Coultll cl ro STVCCOG tor r0vicry end lpprovnl Schrdulc l.|f9.crlortt D!, torpcscor rr (9tO) rtE otgi r lDt Plcrr: nrkc chctlt. 9a]nDh to i,.Vd,rr U\I "t:!r$\4 @ oor06/02/00 07:46 : NlVCC0Ge92046812 o8o NWCCOG Elevator lrupection Program Date: TO: From: Subject: ,726oo %f tA/r VArt Cd, tltn v u(hr l ?- V I-T E_ r-.l - ItvALtB/ Daruti Szray rVtuca o ?B-Al* fu Pea,{yD44uu c Za:goepzA > E The plans have been reviewed and found to conform to all applicable ANSI 1Z.l and UBC codes. Frh" elevator/€s*rf,ft at the above location was inspected and tested on' ,l'2(/46 lrr,da' tr I]EMPORARY Certificate has been issred. X ffiLCL Incpection Certitrcate hasbeen issre<!../\ Corrmeuts: Signaturc: fa*e/dh fl ElevatorPtan Review 6ft*"to, Test ard Inspection Location Permit Number Elwator Type \cip\planinsp.sam CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION \} NORTHWEST COLORADO COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS ELEVATOR PROGRAM This is to certify that the ELEVATOR as indicated has been inspected on the date "iio*n below and was found safe to carry -750-lbs' lD Number: -RV53724-Type: -HYP RESIDENTIAL- -L6cation: -eCXenfUANRESIDENCE Date of fnsPection: -05l24lOO- Date of lssue: Expiration Date: 05l25lOO 05/31/01 /ator Inspe"uoo rr$ - Inspection Form Schcdulcd lnspcctioo Detc Euildilg: # eddrqri: ?6 7 l/A// 616/ 7 z Brdg r{anc: tb//,€a/u4t/ %/DE/1aEciry vA/L Co &lasf _ rype: @t?fi) 4/ bZ"'B;sAA,6zA t- Ercvator unit r 72V€J?2{ LOG:IOOE:Datc of Inspcctioo: Maaufact: ruf €-d(d4 M/WUr',L Door Torquc: CatcgorTofSafet-vofElevator: 6€"f}'. hcidcntal 3. Dloderatc 4. Eazrrdous 5. Criticela__- If NOT in compliancc, cltcr a checkmark by cach appropriatc violation / problem- Capacity: Doors: 19. Other 20. Other 21. Orbcr V'fo Spccd:*ofstops:3M L Vcatilation Iceded J. OiI Leaks on Valve Uuits IC Eydrrulic Safetv Tests Due L Fire Eaz - illachiue Rn IvI. Label Machine Doors N. Fire Ertinquishers in llachine Rooo O. Install Emergeucy Telepboue P. ReUef Valvc Sening .L Firc Danger it EoistrvaY B. Oil Lcaks oo Packing g. 5\SI Code - Necd Laddcrs D. Fire Eaz - Pit Rm Cleaning E. Lights Needed forPit F. Srvitches Malfunction G. A.r\SI Code - Clpacity Plate E Workilg Pressure @3-Br 24'P'rt 22. Other 25. Other 24. AltA.NsvAl7.lTesbcurrcrt Complctcd tFOd Due - Coomeuts ard Dcacription of Problcus: Rcsponsible Party: Orgauization: Strcct..lddress: City: zig: Pbouc: Impcctor: signrture: {U t F 'tozOD.oo- F FozOD'oo(J F F 9 F l.nzJbE8P"Hoo20a&otE0c| E H xEEotro & s 'l6ot cd E o (, .F El l{ Elo oqa o!lorao F F <; F <;G; F o El! A4 E F cE oo ri l. cl oE :< Hio ttel 3 I c' OHzz EEE' &E E|( EEED E9oaI E Ir E{ 3Et{(ato I C| FETja izo!D 89 E< I FI 6 t, q F. 6 xlr 6 EHt6 :EI E He H t8 r|t{i!0 B T F. 6 I EI{u 2D!|Tcl F'H Eqo 1: 1: .{D oEl AIE.E &8 t EfrE tst-aoq3 4900 JACKSON ST DENVER, COLORADO 8@2T6 (3O31 322-L4L@ FAX (303) 322-L433 PACKING LIST ARCHITECTURAL DOORS, oRDER DATE: 1/29/99 INC, SHIP TO r C.O.D : NEED TO RECIVE CHECK : B-4 PAUL CAN GET ORDER DONE PROMISE DATE: DESCRIFTION SOLD TO: DIDIER CONST : RICO DIDIER 970-328/5499: CUST P/U CALL WHEN READY PO*: 2'8- X 7'@' PA OAK 5OUIN LHR I.61 PREP FOR KD FRAMS PANEL TIT CK W/WELDER 2'8n N ?'0" LHR PF KD 5 3/4 DEPTH 41/8 THROAT ASA PDQ SP 126 26D PASSAGE d.5 X 4.5 SPRING' HINGES US1OA THRESHOLDS 323X 35'!'t, suoKEsALs STAGED QUANIIY QUANITY QUANITY OBDERED SHIPPED BOt4: {3 :5 : :::: i t4' s :3 : &Ei{t'ara ,qrqq(\ .v' n\. 4 "4\V'),,*1,?"rr*,, (tb ,'u\i I L, .J{t' a\ DITIONq 4r*orMq^ \t\t \ \/'-, , / \',i i dr{'l N COoP cql rE '/l'4\ ':': ::!-'l: : :l 'ABOVE PACKAGE WH3 : :l acconorHc ro A,H. : : :I RATED ASSEMBLY::'-'lrA: : , Ele@ftrr dqrs #r:::: : " b1g'0o13:: ::2-- ::'-'/.\-\/.. \::it'\\.,/ ::ii\ ::it\L/-'\ t I: : .,t / \ \ nr r \ \ I'::'i \ \\ /::\:r \r. \ \-.zi : i\,,\\4: : : "rV (X' : : : \,/ ri:::t{\-/.\,.\. :::\'. t'NUMBER, WO*: 2254@ l,tJC - T KNOWLEDGEffflAT MATERIALS TERE RECEIVED T<(+co Ti l.r v/ DA REFERENCE SIGNER AC il "ABOVE PACKAGE WHEN IN STALLED CORRECTLY ACCONPTHO TO A,H.J WILL MEET A 1HOUR RATED ASSEMBLY .? TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 1'r--.+eud\t'i[]otlr'unr oF co'rulrN,r" o^,uroot,, NOTE: THIS PERMIT IVIUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 400-0029 Job Address: 967 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location....,: 967 VAIL VALLEY DR Applied. . : 09125/2000 Parcel No...: 2l0l08l0l00l Issued. . : 11/01/2000 Project No , ?*qq - 6S j Expires . .: 0412912001 APPLICANT THUT-r ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS 09/25/2000 Phone: 970-949-4638 P O BOX 534 AVON, CO oLozv License: 112-5 Also is CCN:IRACTOR COITTRACTOR THUL ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS 09/25/2OOO Phone: 97O-949-4638 P O BOX 534 AVON, CO .'IOZU License: 1L2-S Also is Applicant OWNER ACKERMAN DON E O9/25/2OOO PLTONC: 24311 WALDEN CENTER DR BONITA SPRTNGS FL 34134 License: Desciption: SMOKEDETECTORS.HEATDETECTORS Valuation: $750.00 FEE SLTNIMARY *'t'*)*'*r***'.:!r.'t*'t*'i'r****'t***)*)*')r.')*')t')i'i)t*****r'*)r*******'r't'*r''*t''r'i')t*'r{' s103.00 90.00 9103.00 F0.00 Investigation-> 550.00 Elecrrical-_z\ 950 . O0 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-----> Total Penrut Fee----) Paymenls-------------' BAL.\\CE DUE-.-----> DRB Fee-> Will Call-----> Approvals:Item: 06000 ELECTRICAI-, DEPARTMB{T TOTALFEES-->- S1o3 . oo 09 125/2UUA ,JRM Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 09/2s/2000 JRrtl Action: APPR N.A Action: NOTE ROUTED TO FIRE 09/26/2000 MI KE_V Action: APPR approved CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application. filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to compl-v rvith the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws. and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Torvn applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR r.\iSPECTION SHALL BE \,IADE o TWENTY -FOLiR HOLTRS IN ADV'ANCE BY TELEPHONE .\T.179-2138 OR .{1'OttR OFFICE FRONI 8:00 .{lvt - 5 pN,t. --i-r-s*&--\ o *********+***************x*+4(****,1.*{.*t,t *+***+****** * * * * * ** * ** * * * ** + * r. * * * * ** * {. !t '} j{. * + {.+*{({.****:t TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Sraremenr ** * *:f** *** * ** ***** *** *******:t* *** * ** **'f * **** i.*** * *:t+ ** * **+* ** * ** * ***:f* +:f *+:t *** *{.***** ** *** +* Statement Number: R000000147 Amount: $103.00 1,1/0I/20 0001: 04 pM Payment Method: Check Init : ,llIN NoLation: TI{TJIJ EIJECTRONICS Permit No: 400-0029 Type: AITARM PERMIT Parcel No: 210108l-01,001 Site Address : 957 YLIL \IAL,LEY DR VAIIJ Irocation: 957 VAfL LIEY DR Total Fees: $103.00 This Payment: 9103.00 Total ALL Pmts: $103.00 Balance: $0.00 f + + * * * + + + * * * *'1.* * * +:|( +:t :t*** ***:1.* *r ******+:t ****:t ** ************** * **** **'t ** * * * * ,!r * * * * it * + * * * * * ,F 'f *** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pnts EP00100003111400 TEI,IP0RARYP0i^lERPERl,llTS PN OO1OOOO3153OOO INVESTIGATION FEE (BLDG) t^iC 00100003112800 ilLL CALL INSPECTION FEE 50.00 50.00 3.00 AppucArroell Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMptE#Htt.* Building Permit #: Alarm Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 -2135 (Inspections) TOWN OF VAIL FIRE ALARM PERMIT APPLICATION Commercial & Residential Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at time of 75 S. Frontage Rd. Colorado 81657 Conbct Asswts Offie at 970-328-8640 COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ATARM PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Fire Alarm: $ . application submittal and must include information listed on the Vail, 2no page of this form. Application will not be accepted without thisinformation. ^^ Oo. ooai Parcel # (Required if no bldg. Permit # is provided above) WorkChss: New$4) Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Retro-ftt( ) fther( ) Typeof BHg.: Single-familyg6) Two-family( ) Multi-famiV( ) Commercial( ) Restaurant( ) fther( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in thb building: Does a Fire Sprinkler System ftist: Yes ( ) NoDoes a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No CONTRACTOR INT'ORMATION Contactand Phone #'s:Town of Vail Reg. No.:Fire Alarm Contractor: i* ********** *r*********:r*r****r****i*r*FOR OFFICE USE OI{LY***'ri!t*'t*'l'lt'tHECXI|SEp-f,ltZ00U- tr/',ff Jur4 * FfioFas,?' F:/everyoneforms/alrmperm '/ts *gt'c 9u)/il/s o TY DEVELOTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiTIAGE ROAD vArL, co 81-657 970-479 -2L38 OI,{NER Description: ELECTRTCAL FOR NSFR DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NI PMENT JOBSITE AT AtL TIMES Permit #: E9B-0047 Status...: ISSIJED Applied..: 04/02/L998 Issued...: O4/22/L998 Expires. . : l0/L9/L998 Phone:. 9704680249 Phorre:. 9704680249 Valuation:25, 000 . 00 F'EE SUI{MARY Total calculated Fees- _ - > 260'oo Additional Fees__----__-> .oo ToEal Permit Fee--_----_> 260.0O Payments- - -- - -- _ 260-00 BAIANCE OUE- - -. .OO NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELESfRICAL PERMIT .fOb AddTCSS: 967 VAIL VALLEY DR LOCAE1ON. . . : 967 VATL VAI-,I,,EY DRIVE Parcel No. . : 2101-081-01--001- Project No. : PR,J97-0153 APPLICAI.IT AVALANCHE ELECTRIC CORP P O BOX 27L5, DILLON CO 80435 CONTRACTOR AVATANCHE ELECTRIC CORP P O BOX 271-5, DTLLON CO 80435 ACKERMAN DON E 243LT WALDEN CENTER DR, BONITA SPRINGS FL 34134 Electrical---> DRB Fee Invests igaEion> wi 1I call----> TOTAL PEES- - - > 25't.OO .00 .oo 3.00 260. OO ITCM: O5OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT04/22/L998 CIaRLIE Action: APPRIIbM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT DePt: BUILDING Division: CHARLIE DAVIS---DeFt: FrRE Diwision: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknorrledge tshaE I have read this application, filled out in full rhe information requi.red, completed an accuraEe PloC plan, and state tsha! aII bhe infornarion pr:ovided a6 rcquired i6 co)jrccts. I agree to comPly witsh Lhe informatsion and plot Plan, to comply wibh a1l Tosn ordinances and ebate lawe, and Co build lhi€ structure according to the Tolrn'6 zoning and dubdivi€ion codes, design r:evieir appr:oved, Unifor_m Building code and other ordinances of che Tolrn applicable thereLo' REQUESTS FOR INSPE TIONS S}IALL BE I4ADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY SICNATURE OF OWNER CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF Jul-17-98 o.8. ?3 IME/YI l'^t-argrccln 970 949 9339 P-06 3 qU: tr.t n I lnd nu:.bal..ot Nu:)tr ot tAsstS atlrtura:0n tltt In lcntor_ No^. .dtcdlie:_ . Or:l tr!ult., €,t 11l5 o!Sriyrtj!a v!|.a ,..ovtcro t q_.- Tilt oS.f rFva: lcn gcrlereeg: Ful I It?.c 0r.l0F to l!avlnt rh? rltr PFOCEESS FgFOgT; TtFr ot GcF.-ac!lon Ll lt th! ckn'cst xalhcc ol rsttnS 0)it|.y!i, c:t Ort. :;:,:";,, ;';*-'::'::: : .'", : .C.r Crll t.0.ltr IrrgllO r: ll l!6rrx ao.l ,Yg{ ct r. t:t2, Olll t. ! -to;l Inter-Mountain tJl:t rclt.l3 vr!a! !t.aat t rrtrtlq Ct O. l:lrJ Itott |ll.o t tl Yra.r-ngrneertn g Lrd. FIELD OENSITY TESTS Halih"r; ttrlt iafcrt |"aDl.a!antr thc resultt st tha trrttnO ce!crlbad .n, cca!rv.ttc^, a!6a !:.-thr tl;t:3 sad tcctttcnt Indtcricc, oiserrctioir notcd gaa thc GoldrHcn3 Draianr, rndloFat"h06t lt!r9 utad ri lhq tl:.r ot our obrrivaiion. xo othcr. i.rrrnir tr R!3?. r. rr.te eclleacn rh3 'o4:"siof to (0rrtituc "irt in r.ai.oJi.a vtth lhe pl.,:, rno ,9.G1ftcairefi, onUnoDttFvrd r.ork, FIELO TESiING: L:ari:ri Dr:tJlttr: I r.c -crlcrltyej I E.^ttrt F .c. | | l:crt' Ct'l lr:lt?vr.r Ii..rtrtt 0a6 t ltt I C.:r:.6..b.rl I t;t El(blEit r t.v:l r ion) CURVE INFoRxeiJo.r: P)tr:3. r.r1.. s;bsl ltft yrry cohDtty _ S .tt.!,rtj ordc :a 0l!!rv!F "tcstatrlg" ho13 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . . - *l: . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ir * * * * * * **- - * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO StaEemnt**************************************************************** StatsernnE Number: REC-0402 AmounE :260.00 05/as/98 09252 Init: iIRMPa)menE Method: CK Notation: L789 Permit No: 898-0047 Tlpe: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-081-01-001- Sit,E AddTCSS: 967 VAIL VAIJLEY DR LOcaLionz 967 VAIL VAIJLEY DRIVE 260.00 **************************************************************** Accounc Code DescripE,ion EP OO1OOO03].1-1400 ELECTRIEAL PERMIT FEES wc 00L000031L2800 wrLL CALL, rNspEerroN FEE This Pa).ment Total Fees: ToLaI ALL Pmt,s: Balance: 250.00 260.00 .00 AmounE, 257 .OO 3 .00 TOI^AIOF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 $ootrrNr oF coMMUN,t oro?** NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M9&0038 JobAddress: 96TVAILVALLEY DRVAIL Status, . . : FINAL Location.....: 9lTVAILVALLEY DRIVE Applied. . : 04/02/7998 Parcel No...: 210108101001 Issued . . : W/37/1998 ProjectNo: Expires. .: 02/27/199 APPI,ICAI{M MOUI{:TAIN HIGH PLI'MBING 04/O2/L998 PhONE: 3039494500 P O BOX 547 AVON CO 8162 0 L,icense: 137-P AIso is CONTRACTOR OWNER ACKERMAN DON E o4/O2/L998 Phone: 2431.L WA]-,DEN CENTER DR BONITA SPRINGS FIJ 34L34 License: coNrRAcToR MOITMIATN HrGH PTTIIMBTNG O4/O2/L998 Phone: 3039494500 P O BOX 547 AVON CO 9L620 License: 137-P Also is Applicant Desciption: MECH FOR NSFR Valuation: $40,000.00 Fireplace Inforrntion: Restricted: Wood Pelleh Mechanical-> $800. 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> S200.00 DRB Fee-----------> s0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> $1,003.o0 So . oo Additional Fees-> InYestigation-> WillCall-->93.00 BAI,UICE DUE-> Item! 05100 BUILDING DEPARTIT{ENr 08/31./1998 .JRM ACtiON: APPR APPROVED iIRM Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENI 08/31,/1998 .lRJ'{ Action: APPR N/A CONDITIONOF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. ?01 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (BLDG. ) : INSTAI-,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTITRES INSTRUCTIONS Al{D TO CIIAPTER # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Iogs: 0 # of S o . 0o TOTAL FEES_____-__> S1 , 003 . 00 Total permit Fee_> 91 , 003 . 00 Payments------> 91, 003 . 00 $0 .00 $0. 00 ].0 OF THE 1997 I'MC cond: 2s ' cI*PrS oF TIIE 1e9? rMc' (BLDG.): GAS APPITIANCES SHAIJIT BE VEII'TED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECTFISD IN SEC.806 OF TIIE L997 u'fr,ig, OR CIIAPTSR 8 OF TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENI MUST COMPI-,Y WITH CHAPTER 3 AIID S8C.1017 OF THE 1997 IjMC AI.ID CHAPTER 3 OF THE L997 IvtC. Cond: 3L (BLDG.): BOILERS SHAIJIJ BE MOITIflED ON FI-,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. ITNLESS LISTED FOR MOI'TVTING ON COMBUSTIBI-,E FI,OORI}IG. Cond: 32 (BL,DG. ) : PERMIT. PLANS Al{D CODE ANAITYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MBCHANICAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO AI{ INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SI'PPITY BOIIJERS SHAIJIJ BE EQUIPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEC. AO22 OF THE 1997 I'II{C, OR sEcTroN 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiory filled out in full the inlormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM .5 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI ************************************************* ********* SEatemnfTOWN OF VAIL, COLOR,ADO ********:l******************************************************* Staternnts Nurhber: REC-0402 Amount :1,003 .o0 05/L5/98 09:54Initr: iIRMPaymenE MeEhod: CK Notation: L789 --i---- Permig No: M98-0038 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAT PERMIT Parcel No3 2101--081-01-001 SiEE AddTCSS: 957 VAII, VALLEY DR LOCATiON: 967 VAIL VALI.,EY DRIVE This Payment ToEaI Fees: t-,003.00 Total ALL PmEs: Balance: MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES WC OO1OOOO3]-12800 I{II,L CALL INSPECTION FEE 1_, 003 . 00 1_, 003 .00 .00 **************************************************************** Account Code DescripEion AmounE 800.00 200.00 3.00 DEPARTIVIENT OF COMMI]NITY LOPME}fT .p DEVE NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT PLI]MBING PERMIT Permit #: iIOb AddTCSS: 957 VAII, VALLEY Locat,ion...: 967 VAIL VALLEY Parcef No. . : 2l-01-081-01-001 Project No. : PR,f97-0153 MOI]I{TAIN HIGH PLT]MBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 8l-520 MOU}TTAIN HIGH PI.,UMBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81620 ACKERMAN DON E 243LL WATDEN CENTER DR, BONITA SPRINGS FL 34134 DescripLion: PLUMBING FOR NSFR rrrrrii?rlrr*r FEE or ResluaranE Plan Revieli- - > TOTAL FEES. -. - - Valuation:20,000.00 suuMj\RY *a*rar, TotsaI Cal.cul.aled Fees- -- > AddiEional Fees--___---_> .oo ALL TIMES P98-0024 SLaEus...: ISSIIED Applied..: 04/02/1998 Issued...: 04/22/a998 E>cpires. . : L0/L9/L998 Phone: 3039494500 Phone: 3039494500 TOWN OF VAII-, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81557 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT CO}fTRACTOR OhINER DR DRIVE . oo 37S.00 37S.OOPlumbing-----> PIan Check- - - > InveBtsigaEion > will call----> f oo - 00 75-OO .oo f .00 Toeal, Pe!Tri.l' Fee_-----_-> PaymenEs--__-_- 379-00 3?8.00 BAI,ANCE DUE.--- .OO Item:051-0004/22/L998Item:05600 BUILDING DEPARTMENTCIIARLIE Action: APPRFIRE DEPARTI,IEI{T Dept: CHARLIE DAVISDePt: BUILDING DiViSiON: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL FrELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI\CE. DECLARATIONS r h€reby acknoeLedge thaL r have read Ehis applicaLion, filled out in full the infoimacion required, completed an accuratse plots plan, and staue !ha! all ghe informalion provided aa requj.red is correct' I agree to conrply wilh t'he information and plot Plan' !o comply rith all Town ordlnances and 6tate 1alv6, and Eo bui,ld this structute according Eo th€ Town'E zoni'ng and subdivision codes, design revier, approved, Uniform Buildi.ng code and other ordinances of thc To!.n applicable thereto' TOI'IN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** staternnt Number: REC-0402 Amount. :378.00 05/L5/98 09:53Init: rfRMPalment MeE.hod: CK Notat,ion: 1789 Permit No: P98-0024 Tlpe: B-PLMB Parcel No: 2101-081-01-001 SiEE AddTESS: 957 VAIL VALIJEY DR LOCATiON: 967 VAIL VAI;LEY DRIVE PI.I]MBING PERMIT This Payment Total Fees: 378.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 378.00 378.00 .00**************************************************************** Account Code Descript,ion PP O01OOOO31112OO PLIJMBING PERMIT FEESpF 00100003L1_2300 PL,AN cHEcK FEES WC OO1OOOO311280O WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 300.00 75.00 3.00 I ., , t' ' .iconcacc Eagle count, n"""""orfr"" aE 970-328-8640 for Parcel /l . TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION r.r\RFEL ll zW PERMTT AppLtrcATroN FoRMX i'irii'37b'[48" ^" PERI'IIT /i ?PQr otsj ^ APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED,lt* * * * * * * * * * * * * * 'r )t * * * * * * rr * * * * * rr * pER1IIT INFoRMATI9N * * * * * * * rr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *',lA'l [x] -BuiIding [4] -Plurnbing IX] -EIectricaI [X] -MechanibaL [ ] -other Job Name: Aclermqn ?.esldencC Legar Description: loaTraot L 41 . UNJ owners Name: Don Aolernq"n Ph.11l-%g-totl Arciritect, Rnrce Segn&nrg Arclniln*g Address:lW s, fro,ftaqe Pd, Vail 9t6;t pn.176-4fl33 - Generar Descripti on, Constrr* rc- Einqle tc,^,lq resid"enrc BIock __suaugsr._rLJ/ t/, /hge_ 6A<rOrt Work Class: [X] -New [ ] -Al [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Acconrnodat,ion Unit,s: teration Number of Dwelling units , Ltrrt-*rukb, Electrical Address: Plunbing Address I Address: Contractor:nclv Elec Serv,rrg27ti Town of VaiI Reg.No. iw-E Phone Nurnber: 16 Town of vail Reg. lro. 137-P Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. No. 137-F Phone Nurnber: 17?-1500 r************ 2134. tao ******************i*${**;**xra.**x11..'FQ8 .g!,I.lcE UsE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BUTLDING PERMTT FS{;i; ;. . \..' : ;I .BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PERMI'I FqFi+ t- MEcHANrcAr., pERMrr,XW: AXg_++_nrrL ,j,,r, Ilgltllgl! pr.'AN cHEcK FEE:ELECTRICAL FEE: .\FA.., . _ -- v I ;q;' "^--J RECREATION FEE: BIF$Jf; oF-rnn'|$y.@tpT ;tltfgiffiry, l l aurlorpe , \\-'Ltl'.' Lcc SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Contractor: Mechanical Contractor: VALUATION Comments: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970 -479 -2L38 EPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT ar D NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALI-, TIMES PIIBLIC WAY PERMIT Permit #: PW98-00L8 957 VAII-,, VALLEY DR ON PROPERTY 21_0r- - 081- 01- 001 w.Y. coNsrRucrroN' rNc (YErK) P O BOX 502, EAGLE CO 8l-631 W.Y. CONSTRUCTION, INC (YEIK) P O BOX 502, EAGLE CO 81"531 ACKERMAN DON E 243LT WALDEN CEMTER DR, BONITA SPRINGS Job Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..: APPLICANT CONIRACTOR OhINER DescripLion: NEW HOME FL 34134 SLAEUS. . AppIied. Issued. . E>q)ires . ISSUED os / L4 /L998 0s /L4 /]-998 05/1,4/L999 75 .00 .00 FEE STJMMARY 75.00 .00 75 .00 Public way---> Invc6t igat ion> Bond Adount- - > TOTAL FEES--- > PaymedEs-_----_- BAIANCE DUE---- Item:05500 05 /L4/L998Item:05550 PI'BLIC WORKS I,ARRY P AcLion: ENGINEERING Dept: APPR LP Dept: PUB WORK Divisi-on: ENGINEER Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DE CI.ARAT I ONS r certify lhat r have read all chaptcrs of Title L2-srr of the vail Municipal code and all utility conPany agre.nenc6, signed by ne, and rill. abide by the same, and thac all uLilitiied as required' Public works rill have a spec/decail book available in APriI of 1995' **** REQUESTS FOR INSPE TIQN9 SHALL BE I\.44PE^TWENTY-FOUR-HQqRq. IN **** rN ADVANCE By TEliFiionE-Ar-419-irle--oR Er b-un-orprCn pnou 8:00 AM To 5:00 PM ,rv;l;t SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ************************E************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO StaEemnL **************************************************************** Stsatemirts Number: REC-0402 Amount:7s.oo 05/Ls/98 09:54INiT: .JRMPalmenE MeE,hod: CK NocaLion:1789 PW98-0018 \pe: PUBWAY PIJBIIC wA'Y PERMIT 2101- - 081- 01- 001 967 VAIL VALLEY DR ON PROPERTY Tota1 Fees: 75 .00 Tot,a1 ALL Pmtss: Balance: **************************************************************** Permig No: Parcel No: SiEe Address: Location: This Payment Account Code sr 00100003112100 DescripE,ion PI'BLIC WAY FEES 75 .00 75 .00 .00 Amount 75 .00 ll Design Review Action Form ProjectName: Ackerman - New primary/secondary hoject Description: New house Owner. Address and Phone: Don.Ackerman Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Kurt Segerberg, 1000 S. F'rontage Road, Vail CO Proiect Street Address:967 Vail Vatlev Drive Legal Description: Tract C, Yail Viltage 7th Parcel Number: BuildingName: Comments: All previous approvals are voided. TOWN OF VAIL Conditions: l. All trees impacted shall be fenced prior to obtaining a building perTit on_the p_roiect.. 2. Any tree to be relocated which doe:s not sunive 2 years must b-e replaced based on a linear foot basis for each foot in tree heisht. 3. Lighting plan must be submitted and ap-proved by staff. 4. Laige pine tree in the northeast cornerbflot musl remain on-site and not be relocated. Motion by: Brittain Secondedby: Pierce Vote: 4-0 TOwn Planner; Dominic Mauriello Date: 1-21-98 Board / Staff Action Action: approved $200.00 F ;\EVERYONE\DRB\APPRoVAL98\ACKERMAN. t2 1 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: Agenda last revis ed 1114197 10am DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, January 21, 1998 3:00 P.M. PROJECT ORIENTATION / NO LUNCH - Community Development Department MEMBERS PRESENT SITE VISITS MEMBERS ABSENT 1:15 pm 1:45 pm 1. 2. 3. 4. Driver: Ackerman - 967 Vail Valley Drive May - 1067 Ptarmigan Way Adair - 3035 Booth Falls Road Padilla - 4532 Streamside Circle George PUBLIC HEARING . TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. May - New fence and a change to the previously approved lighting plan. 1067 Ptarmigan Way/Lots 4 112 & 5, Block 5, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Roy & Paula May, represented by Dale Smiih MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: Padilla - Addition of a garage/office and interior conversion of a basement area. 4532 Streamside Circle/Lot 15, Bighom Subdivision 4th Addition. Applicant: Edward R. Padilla, represented by Kathy Langenwalter MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: Ackerman - New primary/secondary residence. 967 Vail Valley Drive/Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Don Ackerman, represented by Kurt Segerberg MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: 2. 3. 4. 3:00 pm George Reed Dominic Adair - New driveway configuration. 3035 Booth Falls Road/Lot 12, Block 1, Applicant: JohnAdair,represented Vail Village 13th Filing. by Scott Jones Dominic D epa rtment of Co mm u nity D eve lop me nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 January 7,Dn Kurt Segerberg Ken Robinson PSA Architects 1000 S. Frontage Road #300 Vail, CO 81657 Re:DRB application for a ncw duplcx (Ackcrman), Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing Dcar Kurt: Thc Community Developmcnt Depaftmcnt has reviewed your revised plans for this projcct. Staff has produced the following comments that must bc addrcsscd prior to a final review by the DRB. Plcase remember that you must submit 3 complctc scts of plans for rcview. Plcasc addrcss thc following: l. This proposed duplex requires 4 palking spaces on-site. All parking spaces must be designed to allow a tumaround area with a width of l2' and allowing a maximum of a 3 point turn. The centerline backing radius shall bc at least 20'. Backing into the rightof- way for this propefty is not allowed on Vail Valley Drive due to rcad classification. The rvay the cunent driveway is laid out, it does not allow for proper tumaround. Additionally, the driveway shown on the site plan conflicts with the driveway shown on the site plan. Please modify the plans to reflect adequate parking and backing areas. Please show all parking spaces. 2. Please indicate on the site plan/landscape plan a limits of disturbance line. 3. Snow storage areas are required to be provided within the limits of the properfy. The area required must equal 30% ofthe paved area. The site plan and landscape plan do not show Page 1 of3 {; *rn"ttor rt^ Please feel free to give me a call (479-2148) if you wish to discuss these issues further. Page 3 of3 FILE CCIPY U+b't4(oon'TOWN OF VAIL D epartme nt of C o mmuniry D eve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 1. October 23,199'7 Kurt Segerberg PSA Architccts 1000 S. Frontage Road #300 Vail, CO 81657 Re: DRB apptication for a ncw duplex (Ackerman), Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing Dcar Kurl: Thc Community Developmcnt Dcpartmcnt has rcvicwed your reviscd plans for this projcct. Staff has produccd the following comrncnts that must bc addrcssed prior to a final rcvicw by thc DRB. Pleasc rcmcmbcr that you must submit 3 complcte sets of plans for rcvicw. You submittcd only onc set and that causcd the review to take a longer pcriod oftime. Plcasc addrcss the folloying: +h€All of thc easements afe not shown properly on the site plan. There is a 10'widc cart path cascmcnt on the east property linc. Your plan shows this at l7' fiom the propeny line. I believe you have labeled the wrong casement. There is also a 10'widc utility cascment on the property shown by a ccntcr line on the survey. This eascment should not contain any structures or retaining walls. Please revise the site plan to clearly show all easements. Your plan shows grading outside of the construction disturbance line. Please revise thc plan to shown an accurate limits of disturbance. Snow storage areas are required to be provided within the limits of the property. The area required must equal 30% of the paved area. The area that you have shown will not wort for snorv storage as the bulk ofthat area is not accessible to plowing equipment. The Page I of2 2. 3. {p *"n"tto'^'"" t LE TOI4.N OFVAIL D epa rt n e nt of C o n ntunity D e ve lop ue nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8i,657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Octobcr 7, 1997 Kurt Sc.gcrbcrg PSA Arclritccts 1000 S. frrontaqc P.oarl 11300 \rail. (lO ti 1657 Rc: Di-{B irpplicrtion i'or l ncw (luplcx (/rckcrmarr), Tlact c, \zail villagc 7rh Iriling l)car Kuri: T hc Cotttttturrity l)cvclopmcnt Dcpartrncnt hus rcvicrvcd your DRB applicatiorr. In urlditiorr ro thc c()rlllncrlts givcn to you by thc Dll.lJ at il conccptual rcvic',r,of this proposal,.stafl'lur.s pi"rxltrccil thc fbllorving corlrl'ncnts. Public Wolks has not providc<i conlnrcnts on thcsc plans ls ihc plnns Itrci;tlitcl)Ii)asssol'changirrghltscdonthcDRP,rcvicw.'fhisitcmhlsnotyctbccnsclrccluir:{ lbirrflnal rcvicwbythcDlils.'l'hatdrtcrvill bcsctoncccornplctcsctsoi'plansllrvchccn provirlcd adclrcssing all comrnorts. P Icasc aclch'css thc follorvrnu: I ' Rctaining walls arc l)ot pclrnittr'(l on thc l0' rvi<lc cart path casclncr)t. I-imitcd vcqctntion nray bc placcd in this cascmcrit. Plcasc clcarly show thc cascrncnt on thc sitc pl1rr. 2. As prcviousi.v rctlucstcd, plcasc shorv on thc sitc plan a drainagc pan at thc cclgc ot'thc slrcct asphalt. I'hc pan shall bc 4' widc u'ith a 2" invcrt ancl shall bc constluctc(i o1' concrctc. Providc thcsc dimcnsions on thc nlan. 3. Plcasc providc thc top alld bottom clcvations of all proposed rctaining walls. Plcasc notc that all walls in cxccss of 4' in hcight must bc stampcd by an cnginccr. Pagc I of2 {p *'"'"""o """ t LE TOIIN OFVAIL D e pa r t me nt of C o mmu ni ty D eve lop nte nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Scptcrnbcr 19, 1997 Kurt Scgclbcrg PSA Architccts 1000 S. Frontagc Road #300 Vail, CO 81657 Rc: DRB application fbr a ncw duplcx (rnccting sctbacks)(Ackcrman), Tract C. Vail Villngc 7th Filing Dcar Kurl: Thc Community Dcvclopmcnt Dcpartmcnt has rcvicwcd your DRB application. T'hc projcct is schcdulcd ftrrrcvicw by thc DRB orr Octobcr l,1997. All ro'isions to this submittal should bc ploviclcd by Scptcmbcr'22, 1997 . Stalf has produccd thc following commcnts: l, Scvcral arcas on thc roof ridgcs cxcccd thc building hcight limitation of 33'. Othcr arcas arc to bc constructcd to thc rnaximum building hcight and rninimum building sctback. Plcasc providc proposccl roofridgc clcvations for all roofridgcs and display on thc proposcd building clcvations. Plcasc notc that thcrc arc no tolcranccs to thc building hcight or sctbacks. Thcsc tolcranccs should bc built into thc proposcd plans to allow for conskuction crrors that may occur. I havc cncloscd a copy of thc survcy rcquircrrrcnts for . thc Town of Vail. This projcct will bc rcquircd to pcrform a foundation ILC. 2. The proposcd drivcway cncroachcs on thc cart path cascmcnt. Please revisc thc plan to correct any cncroachmcnts on this cascmcnt. Thc drivcway needs to bc dcsigncd as to prcvcnt cars from ovcrhanging thc cart path, 3. Please show on thc sitc plan a drainage pan at the edge of thc strcct asphalt. Thc pan .shall be 4' widc with a 2" invcrt and shall bc constructcd of concrctc. Pagc I of3 {S ru"rruor^r"* Sinccrety, "R3Town Planner Please fccl frcc to givc me a call (479-2148) if you wish to discuss thcse issucs furthcr. Page 3 of3 ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered into tnls 14[ aay o-)*ruzrut-, l44b )gg1uu E;llr V"r{q 5,;}a.{i*,i };.h;"f ,aquasr-munrcipalcorporationrof the State of Cololado. herdinafter referred to as "District". WHEREAS, Proper!,'Orvner(s) is/are presently the owner(s) of certain real property described as'-hact c , V^,\ Vil\aq , located in Eagle County, Colorado; and WHEREAS, the District is presently in possession of an easement lo feet in rvidth, running rhrough the aforementioned propertv, rvhich easement is described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein b,v- this reference; and WHEREAS, Properfv Owner(s) desires to construcl a permanent structure + that wiii encroach upon the described easement in an area approximately lo x bo , said encroachment being described on Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the easement is an active easement presently in use bir the District. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and promises herein, the parties hereby agree as follorvs: 1. The District shail permit the permanent s[ructure to encroach upon the aforementioned easement. 2. The Properry Owner(s) shall indemnif,v the District from the costs of any repairs to the District's utilit_v lines rvhich may occur as a result of the construction of the permanent structure over and upon such easement. 3. The Property Owner(s) shall hold harmless the District from the cost of repairing any damage to the structure, which damage may be caused by the installation of new utility lines in this easement, or by a break in present and future utility lines of the District, or by the repair of such break by the District or by other maintenance of the lines. 4. The Propert-v Owner(s) shall indemnify the District from any increase in the cost of construction of any new utility lines or in the cost of any repairs to the District s utility lines, such increase, if any, due to the proximity of the permanent structure to the utiliW lines. i)€, *s"l".\t 1kc.clgr-:.r.e- .:lid[ \\r€dif Sxtr-.,\SLcc- \rf,'YiSt-,.-np-'t1{c-1 d"it),".,it (eu msr\ai.\t thrc.ctr:-re- .jld\\ VY\6,ni\ bXTF-i\SLL\C- \c-ir\cD!-\-l\-r:.,\ \:i '' p-u., {c.l*lLfi+,'.;lf 1ca.-ine iJ-. 1 c,:i r(e:-c.r.V.l-rC .-qr hx-lat{{-t [-\.L)n 5. This Agreement shall bind the successors and assigns oi the Properlv Owner(s), and shail be appurtenanr to and deemed to run rvith and for the benefit of the a-forementioned propertv rn Eagle Counw, Colorado until such time that the District abandons said easement. This Agreement shali be recorded against said property in accordance with the iaws of the State of Coiorado. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties herero have caused this Agreemen! to be executed as of the dav and vear first above r,vritten. PROPERTY OWNER(S) i) <</J.*'v_ ATTEST: ey tp. l.r.J $(te,r-- Assistalt Secretary f,/-c,e.r brJ STATE OF €€{:OR*DO /-EE COUNTY OF EJ€{# The foregoing instrument was acknowiedged /.uvtDelore me Enls / / "dav of Notary Public ADALAENTANELoON M y Con ,rni63ion CC5€3 t E 7 Expircs Jun l8.2OOO By SS of _.f , ttr, "" f'<- 'ra " $-/* ..1 {?.r 2 DISTRICT Gelvin, General Manager Mv Commission expires: STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE 5cr tr uQs -fi no r :,-F.r i-c t SS T?re foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this d'day of JSnqc}l?1 1997, by Dennis Gelvin, General Manager of My Commission exprres:ti r 0ltt-o /reo 6Il 3I Swsd \+eng\fo.m!\cncroagr.frm ,l I!t II I __lur, l,ur* -r l. )(v /t .. I III ,9234l/ 1c*lc \"- \p'' :s" :FFTE{o6.0 -1-t/+l =b f Ptv\ t.. l l-et l,--J, nfrw LAND DESIGNS gY ETLISON l2 January 1998 Mr. Ted Huskey Holy Cross Electric P. O. Box 972 Avoq CO 81620 Dear Mr. Huskey, This letter is to summarize our conversation on January 12, 1998 regarding an agreement for the proposed landscape improvements at Tract C, Vail Village,Trh Filing, the Ackerman residence. This agreement shall be binding for the current as well as for any future owners of the property and includes the following: l. The owner agrees to release Holy Cross Electric from any liability or responsibility for or resulting from the proposed landscape plantings which occur within the easement. 2. The owner accepts full responsibility for the safe installation and future maintenance of the proposed landscape plantings. 3. The owner accepts full responsibility forthe removal of the proposed landscape plantings within the easement as Holy Cross Electric deems necessary. 4. The owner will replace and/or restore all disturbed plantings following any work performed by Holy Cross Electric. Please indicate your approval to the terms set forth with your signature. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, Land Designs by Ellison,M Katherine Waldeck Accepted by: l- t.t ioss Electric date P.O. BOX 1259 . AVON, COLORADO 81620 . [97O] 949-17OO . FAX(97O) 949-3288 ZONE CHECK r) - =13a1Darc: 11')l-lr Lcgal dcscription: Lot Addrcss Orvncr Architcct Zonc distict Lot sizc Total GRFA Prinury CRFA Allowed L-lzto.4 ,Jt6, = z_Lo,_L +(425)(67n- {06C,'1/ Exisring Proposcd Total = 'D(o Rcmaining O Phone Phonc Proposcd usc Buildable * 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition N/^ .],ti:. -t,..,) (30(D\)) Front Sides Rcar tnl l5' l5'-tt!oL. tb llb -,2 -_________-,1__ (300) (600Id0qI1200) taIO l;i a) SnowAvalanchc NO + 5060 . 4,bbq6= \,LLq,6 | . .. , Sccondary cpr ^ lWLlil g2s) (67 s*) =1!_81AY .3fl)s= 3/os * Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? NA Holv much of thc allowcd 250 Addition is uscd with this rcoucst? Sitc Covcragc Hcight Sctbacks Landscaping Rctaining Wall Heights Pariiing Garagc Crcdr{t Drivcway 31z.o,i 3'/ 6' 6-----r----- Minimurn ll7 b l, ' Required Complics with TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs less than 2: I (50%) Environmcntal,&Iazards b) Rocldall M c) Dcbris Flow rJO Prwiousconditionsofapproval(chcckpropcrty n")t 4L9 rJl-N {ji. aJ Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: rJO Pcnnittcd Slopc /% hoposcd Slopc Ie Ycs- No-Nd/r{ I , i".hd,J Yes No l) Pcrcent Slopc (< >30%)t l:ti:o 2) Floodplain l;Wetlands-l 4) Water Course Setback (3 .',.), ueologrc rLazatas { Enclosed % ?i ^'^t "f'47 c-''.., ( f .:) 1 ,' DESTGN REVIEW CIIECKLIST Projcct: Q SURVEY tr SITE PLAN Buildable Area Scalc Benchmark Legal description Lot Size Easements Topography 100 yr. flood plain Water Course Setback Environmenal Hazards Trees Utility locations Spot clevations Building Height Encroachmenb Setbacks Site Coverage Eaves/Overhangs (4) Decla/Balconies Carage connection Site Grade\SIope Retaining Walls Fences Driveway (access and grade) Q FLooR PLANS Scale GRFA 250 additional GRFA Crawl\Attic Space EHU B BUILDI.JG ELEvATIoNS Scale ColorMaterials Roof Pitch B LANDSCAPE PLAN Existing trccs Proposed trees Legend MISCELI-ANEOUS Condo Approval Tifle report (A & B) Utility verifi cation form Photos ofsitc Building material samples C.O. Verification Sun\Shade Angles Utiliti es (undcrground) View Corridors Variances Plat restictions Scale co,nrtir, Development Plan -r"#fif; Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Mike McGee" Fire Works Return To:Dominic Mauriello, Community Development Date Routed:t2l3t/97 Return By:l/7/97 ProiectName:Ackerman - Revisedplans - 3rd rwiew Project Address:967 Yail Vallev Drive Project Legal:Tract C, Vail Village 7th filing Project Description:This is the 3rd revision to the Ackerman Residence. Revised site plan and building plans. Revised parking and driveway. Approved X Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions t)r,,l -. ^,. I rYour &0 ct,r*gi \,* n t,rrr,r-.. 'i .,:r-(,i.-i-r/Crr '-Lr,a,',. ir,,1- '{({\ E(a*- Fc" {lrr. lfiorl, o,,,'i, t:c,, ,o,.' Iv\ot I,r Se t V\fl *r I ti",i l',,,, ,..\ V6r-rs' i \e.r^^ z) a,V t.ofs rrve tte pr ogosed (aq\\ in Yhc boc-V (5 qg\oa\ tobe 4'-5' +at\. A\\\Do\\s 4rand tuqher neer\ an en6\i c€ec€ desiq\& 5tqmP. ?.)Atl neolondscophq in the To\".'nrqht6f $6q(.*tl need6 revoK4bl€ righto?v"6\Qgqlrt:lqt|llelgt Erirre witt 5e, wt&ned in 2-3!€ar5 All randscqor6q in tleriqhto€\.)a\ .. 1 b€l!!!qt{q\tct f rms. 4.\ nu ml oco@qed p\qr\\ ic\q in the uriut-rl eolernent uaill €,ed o S'r,qno€€ t cocn 611 66 t''".rt-iutl cocnPon |e5 . 5.) Yo1.2o€ oroposinq oradrnq oround on extsttnq lree icr thc riqhtoCwa\' thtq{lffqUabll Iril] the rr€€ ' rp)Yoo.qrodicyqexceeds2..|ioonespet'eo$YoPthgdciwwso.qYucc\qro@ r\rynera f4\oor tn.l'th pallglt.q<^*Y?. ffi{ ' 5lpw EAU€ruce & {unrantrd FK AV. Date received: Reviewed by:Date reviewed: Community Development Plan Routing Form Approved FDenied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Routcd To:Greg Hall, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee. Fire Rcturn To:Dominic Mauricllo, Community Development Date Routed:t0n4/97 Return By:10t2U91 Project Namc:Ackerman Single Famiiy house reviewcd site plan Project Addrcss: Project Lcgal:Tract C. Vail Villaec 7th Project Dcscription:Rcvised layout and grading plan T vr/eJ T'ese | (o*a b"/'- f:\cvoryooe\domvoutJorm \ tr ooCommunity Development Plan Routing Form Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Routcd To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Partch, Public Works Todd Oppenheirner, Public Mike McGee, Fire Works Rctum To:Dominic Mauriello. Community Dcvclopment Datc Routed:9/9t97 Rctum By:ASAP Projcct Namc:Ackerman - Rcvised DRB Plan - Totally ncw plan Proicct Addrcss: Project Lcgal:Tract C, Vail Villagc 7th Project Dcscription:Revised the entire site plan and building. Nced to review as a new projcct. I I r " \ -,\ /l 1! i oof L ;. i 17\ j "'"1 ) -Ltiru.o t (\,rluv-.S'Vro < A tr.l lt-w Qi y ln' /un," F:Q"""J-f ., t.( 0., ,]J,^,-.F),'r Ai.,'"JL <:J-t"--) 4".-J.-- t C:u 0"./-^I /, tr>ff L'? tt /'ttJ ,r^,.-,Qz,t,r d 4) sln,-*LD t ,t =J-t r.- r t ,/t ea c! x/t--1, Ar;rw t) )a.t ) ' do;,,;;; <rvrr.<, 'za) J^ u.//u r.- rt{) {- ac*;nM anJoAl l€h:[t^ ,, ,{ i*,-,"^il,lffi# 'II Rcvicwed by:I 6 ) our"reviewed: l\cveryonc\lorrVoutlomr @ s t14 "L^rtuno- Q. dtt"o-1 of"'A nzz-t \ l" L Vg) rn {c.,.*eJ r - Qucstions? CatfRtanning Staff at 479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENEML INFORMATION This application is for any projcct requiring Dcsign Rcyiew approval. Any project rcquiring dcsign rcview must rcccivc Dcsign Rcview approial prio, to riU.itti=ng for a buiiijng permit- For spccific information, scc thc submittal ,fiuir.,o.ntr-ror the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot bc accepted until all thc rcquired iuformation is submitted. fnc pioSect may atso nced to be rcviewtd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environmcntal Commission. Iicsign Rcvicw Board approvat expires onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is startcd' A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: TOy/N OTVAIL B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:- BLOCK:- FILING: PHYSTCALADDRESS: _{t.:ft(^ c, n+\fn'l'i"h ,voft rao G. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: I f,lcrn Construction - $200 tr Addition - $50 E Minor Altcration - $20 tr Conccptual Review - $0 C. D. ZoNrNc: F.EstpEr..tTtfi- NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: E. F. OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESSVttU, co Sttrft PHoNE: Construction of a ncw building. Includes any addition where squarc footage is added to any residartial or commcrcial building. lncludcs minor changes to buildings and sitc improvcmcnts, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and rc'taining walls, ctc. For any application where the applicant wishes to meet with Desigr Review Boardio determine whaher or not the project generally complies with the design guidelincs, The DRB does not vote on conccptual revicws' DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. later, when applying for a building permit, please identify thc accuratc valuation of the project. Thc Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the projcct valuation' PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL STJBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' VAIL, COLORADO 81657. Updated l/97 . 'I I LIST OF PROPOSED M{TERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: IY L K.s. crn'te HTTfrL d',AD 1tr,p R..S. ffi\4,P- CQLQB:" Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other SToNF * Please speci$ the manufachrrer's cotor, number and attach a small color chip *+ All exterior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J), If exterior ligbting is proposcd, ptease indicate the number of fixhues and locations on a separate lighting plan. IO.*ifV each fixhfe type and provide ih" h.ight.bdue grade, lumens output, luminous are4 and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixtures' Botanical Namc PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Namc Sizc* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: GROIJNDCOVER SOD SEED IRRICATION TYPE ORMETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL @ o.BlxssPP')(E PIMS T?Jl4utrlbr6 Ouantity [o t/s s:td LLra, ryrl^/F 0Jfr4^r[' lO +Ecu,rttnrrw \^NrDp( fosE ,lo krtnna *Minimum requiremcnts for landscaping:dcciduous trecs - 2 inch caliPcr conifcrous hccs - 6 fcct in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Tvpc Squarc Footage 4un sf,.JUN\rEtrr u"., -, OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining.walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Ptease speciff. Indicatclop and bottom elevations of retaining walls. ilaximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feel Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. t.vL.ed I /!1 /94 JOB NAI'IE ne\e4elB991g9!99 SUBDTVISION I,OT ADDRESS U.S. wesE Communications 458-5850 or 949 -4530 Public Service ComPanY 949 - 6135 Gary Hall/Rich CooleY Holy Cross Elect.ric Assoc. 949'5892 Enqineering DePt. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty 949 -L224 Mark Graves **Upper Eagle vaLLey water & saniEauion DisErict * 47 6 -7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: FII,ING The form is used to verify service availabilit'y and location. This shouLd be used in conjunction wiLh preparing your uLility plan and scheduling insLallaei6ns. For any new construction proposal, the applicanU must provide a completed uuility verification form. The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main tnrnk lines or proposed linei, must be approved_and verified by the folLowing utilities for the accompanying siee plan' AII authorizing signalures need to be originals ' Date "/ttb **TCI Cablevision of the Rockies \\^25€{P **A site plan is reguired. Physical. locaEion of known utilibies must be sb.ow! on th; site plan. Ut'ifit'y locations may or may not offer ser:\rice to i[" piop"ity 1iue. Ani ut,ility extension required sbalL be tbe responsibiliLy of the property ormer' 1. If a ut,iliLy company has concerns wiuh the proposed consuruction, *rL ulifiuy represenEative should not' directly on the utility verificaEion form that there is a proUlem which needs to be resolved' The issue shouldthenbespelledouLindet,ailinanatEachedleEter to the town of vail. However, pJ'ease.keep in mind that it' is the responsibility of Ehe ut'iIitv company to resolve identified problems ' 2. rf the uEility verification form has signaLures from each of the utility companies, and no conmenEs are rnade. direcEly on the fonn, tbe Town will' presume that there aie no probl'ems and that the developmenE can proceed. These verifications do noE relieve the contractor of frii responsibilicy to obtain a sEreeE cut permit from chi Town of vail, DepartmenE of Public works and Eo obtain utiLitv Locations befofe diooino in- iny puUG righc-of-way or easement in Lhe Town of Vail. A buildinq oermit j.s noc A ssreeE cuc uer A streeE cuL permit must be obtained separaLely' 4. Installation of service lines are at the ocpense and responsibility of Ehe property owner. i FL E T|,P TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Scptcmbcr 23,1997 Don Ackcnnan P.O. Box 635 Ncw Canaan, CT 06840 Rc: Proposcd sctback variancc for Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing Dcar Mr. Ackcrman: Tlrc Planning and Environmcntal Comnrission, at its Scptcmbcr 22, 1997 rnccting, dcnicd your rcqucst for a sctback variancc. Thc Commission madc thc following findings: l. That thc granting of thc variance will constitutc a grant of spccial privilcgc inconsistcnt with thc lirnitations on othcr propcrtics classificd in thc samc district. 't'hat thcrc arc no cxccptions or cxtraordinary circumstanccs or conditions applicablc to this site that apply gcnerally to othcr properties in thc Primary/Sccondary Rcsidcntial zonc. That thc strict intcrprctation or cnforccmcnt ofthc spccified regulations do not deprivc thc applicant ofprivilcgcs cnjoycd by the owners ofother properties in thc Primary/Secondary Rcsidcntial district. Plcasc fcel free to givc mc a call (479-2148) if you wish to discuss this issue further. 2. J. Town Planner Kurt Segcrberg, PSA {S *""r"uo r rt, FIL I COPY lPPnortDOCr t ? p9t 3. A request for a side setback variance of 7.5' from Section 18.13.060 (Setbacks), to allow for the construction of a new primary/secondary residence, lo be constructed at 967 Vail Valley Drive/Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Don Ackerman, represented by Kurt SegerbergPlanner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of the staff memo. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add. The applicant had no commenls. Greg then asked if there were any public comments. Ann Repetti, an 11 year neighbor, was in support of the request, as it was an improvement to the neighborhood. There were no comments from the Commission. Greg Amsden made a motion for denial, in accordance with the siaff memo. Diane Golden seconded the motion. The motion for denial passed by a vote of 7-0. Planning and Environmental Commtsston Mnutes September 22, 1997 Agcnda last reviscd 9/19191 ll sm PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Monday, SePtember 22, 1997 AGENDA Project Orientation /LUNCH - Community Development Department MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Site Visits : 11:30 am 12:15 pm It. 2. 4. Driver @ Vail Commons Tour (1 hour) Gillberg - 1045 Homestake Circle Ackerman - 967 Vail Valley Drive Krediet - 226 Forest Road George NOTE: lf the PEC hearing ext€nds until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinnsr from 6:00 ' 6:30 p.m. Public Hearing - Town Gouncil Chambers 2:00 p'm' 1. A request lor a minor amendment to Special Development District # 22G.and Traverse' to allbw for Lot 14 to have a garage door which faces the street and to allow downspouts to be unpainted coPPer. Applicant: Pat DauphinaisPlanner: George Ruther Z. A request lor a conditional use permit and a variance from Section 18'22.140 (On-Site Reqriired Parking), to allow lor ihe operation ot a real estate office in the Swiss Haus' tocdted at OZ Eaat Meadow DriveiLot K, Block 5E, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Johannes Faessler Planner: Dominic Mauriello O. A request lor a side setback variance of 7.5' from Section 18.13.060 (Setbacks),-to allow for the constrtjction of a new primaryisecondary residence, to be constructed at 967 Vail Valley Drive/Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Don Ackerman, represented by Kurt Segerberg Planner:Dominic Mauriello Agenda last rcviscd 9l19/97 ll rm 4. A request for a variance from Sections 18.13.080 (Density Control), 18.13.090 (Site Coverage) and a request to utilize the remaining GRFA of a previous Additional GRFA (250) request, located at 1045 Homestake Circle/Lot 3, Block 1 , Vail Village 8th Filing. Applicant: Gunnar K. Gillberg, represented by Danny SwertfegerPlanner: Dorninic Mauriello 5. A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of the Alpine Garden Education Center, located at 620 Vail Valley Drive/Tract A, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Alpine Garden Foundation, represented by Helen Fritch Planner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL OCTOBEF 13,1997 6. A request for a variance from Section 18.13.060 (Sebacks), to allow for a new residence to encroach into the front setback. located at 226 Forest Road/Lot 11, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: John KredietPlanner: Lauren Waterton WITHDRAWN 7. Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan - Initial presentation of Stage 3 Alternative Master Plan concepts - Susan Connelly . DRB invited to attend 8. Approval of September B, 1997 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Cornmunity Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language inlerpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or479-2356 TDD for information. Community Development Department Published S€pt€mber 19, 1997 in the Vail Trail. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department September 22,1997 A request for a side setback variance of 7'- 6" from Section 1 8.1 3.060 (Setbacks), to allow for the construction of a new primary/secondary residence, to be constructed at 967 Vail Valley DriveiTract C, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Don Ackerman, represented by Kurt SegerbergPlanner: Dominic Mauriello I. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE BEOUEST The applicant is requesting a variance of 7.5' (15'required) to allow a 7.5' side setback (from the north lot line) for a new primary/secondary residence to be constructed on a vacant lot. The property is zoned Primary/Secondary Residentialand has a lot size of 19,602 sq. ft. (15,000 sq. ft. minimum required). The site previously contained a water treatment facility. On March 5, 1995, the Town Council approved Resolution No. 5, Series of 1995, which allowed the land use designation on this property to be changed from Parks to Low Density Residential. Subsequently, on June 6, 1995, Town Council adopted Ordinance No.9, Series of 1995, which rezoned the property from General Use to Primary/Secondary Residential. During the review of both of these requests, the PEC found that the property met the minimum dimensional requirements to allow development of a primary/secondary residence. Specifically, the PEC found that it met the minimum lot size requirement of 15,000 sq. ft., that the site met the minimum frontage requirement ot 30', and that the site was capable of containing an 80' x 80' square on the site. The applicant received DRB approval of a primary/secondary residence on this site meeting all setbacks on December 1 8, 1 996. On August 25, 1997 , the applicant made application lor a similar residence as is being proposed for a setback variance which meets all of the setback requirements. This application will be reviewed by the DRB on October 1, 1997. The applicant's statement is attached. II. ZONING ANALYSIS Zoning: Use: Lot Size: Standard Site Coverage: GRFA: Setbacks: Front: Sides: Primary/Secondary Residential Two{amily residence 19,602 sq. ft. Allowed 3,920 sq. tt. (20%l 5,060 sq. ft. 20' 15' Proposed 2,448.7 sq. ft. (12.5%) 5,060 sq. ft. 20' 15' (east)r/.s' (west) III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.62.060, Criteria and Findings, ol the Town of Vail Municipal Gode, the Community Development Department recommends denial of the requested setback variance. The recommendation lor denial is based on the following factors: A. Consideration ol Factors: The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Variances on other properties in this same zone district have only been granted when a unique physical hardship impairs a reasonable level of development on the property. On this lot, there are no extraordinary circumstances or any physical hardships which effect the owners ability to construct a reasonable duplex. The lot does have a unique shape for this area, however, the lot was determined to be large enough to meet all of development criteria in the code to be platted as a residential lot. There are many lots in Vail with unique shapes and slopes that do not present a physical hardship for development. Staff believes the grant of this variance would be a grant of special privilege. The degree to which reliet from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the obiectlves of this title without grant of special privilege. The applicant has demonstrated with two DRB submittals that the site can be adequately developed within the setback requirements. The applicant has been able to utilize all of the available GRFA lor the site. Staff believes that the granting of this variance would be a grant of special privilege not enjoyed by other lot owners in the area or in this zone district. 1. 2. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traflic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The proposed variance will have little, il any, impact on these issues. B. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on olher properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or weltare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted tor one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable lo the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department staff recommends denial ol the applicant's variance request subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting of the variance will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That there are no exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to this site that apply generally to other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential zone. 3. That the strict interpretation or enforcement ol the specified regulations do not deprive the applicant ot privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential district. FlEVERYON E\PEC\MEMOS\g7\ACKERMAN.922 ' rl \-- ,/r\",f*l \;'"\oI' | .' *'/l,l F;t /1 iii\\uil\!lib-.. -<i'1,/ / I \ \.'- \t,Fz F./Iiil / l,\ '1,,,' 3&O riY R$ \-\-- -- \ -1'.--) ---\ ------_\- \\- ---.- \ 'f.\\\ --'-)t \,'- ,,''!\\ | r\ r'!\ r.' t- xt"\Y ,.r \a€t.-rt,t'.. ,l T*4,/ ,. td "g er!r>9a ii r*$ IIlrIIllll;Ezg .'i -* "E ,?{l \.-: I Cr 5 6 .r lt--r (,1 | fI Fi i; i$iF)*nElrtNF6'F IssF\n+ I {-$. c a?it-AI *I ES l+\\- \ IJ N.II *l F rsi *- ltli$FqIstr=1sl $firllE 'sflEi"rf*fi " r ,1-\ Yrl>:IIil* :l> s | '-1'lm Il(}t= lln IPt>l= I i\ /.\ l \_./j\ E = \iF;iFt3{s}; s>$8 i :i:i; :iii ;*i ililrACKERMAN RESIDENCE VAIL, COLORADO ttE! \ $ I t t . \1t //a/ | ;\ I tt\\\ , ,}-\ ,{-i\l -;{__<_--'*[ 'V,---..\---r.- rFil3{s8; sa$lsti-. * >\tr \' i./\ \,// \ X---.' t.\ ,( ,'- .l/\\/ / -'\ $ x \Jtll-rd*- is A * 3 /-\ 1G r.-)l{ ,[F-is E tn Itr (}nI R /.. ,/ t ./ /\trtl/ /l ,, l trN $i$$H'FgFF :'r Ft,. 1 F$$E{}+i \ d:\ t' l.-"?_ )d -# S \\: R ai ) sl il I \ |q F Ra- 1$!.fi !ia ** $r- [ ''rx o&o 9 It aA..i ustl .$ e!!r>9a$1=)il'.rt's 1n I I i I I : -li 5 6T\. Y ;IT 'l[ilii *H* ; = Z 5i Fl i.+{ \.r \ '\-/ ;irii ;Ein Eii ilililF ACKERMAN RESIDENCE updated 4lt7l95 8/25/97 Applic*ionDatc PEcMEETTNG D^IEJ*+2- L GENHIAI.INFORMATION This proccdrc is rcquircd for any projcct rcqucSing a variancc. Tho application will not bc aoccptcd until all thc infonnarion is submitted See attached statemenE. B. NAMEOF APPLICANT (typc orprint ADDRESS c/o Chandelle Ventures ,ggyn (203) 972-1805 CIT', STATE,ZIp P0 B." 635, N.r C.". PcA Architects (Kurt Segerberg)C. NAMEOFAPPLICAM'S REPRESENTATTVE' * -O*"r, 1000 S Frontage Rd W /1300 pffOUf, 97W-4ffi _ CITY,STATE,* VAil' CO 81657 D. NAI4E OF OWNER(S) (typc or print Don Ackerman owNER(s) STGNATI RE(S) . z ooo*ttt sane as B above PHONE- CITY, STATE, ZIP E. LOCATTONOFPROPOSAL: LOT BLOCK-FILIN 7th, Vai1, CO STREETADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP U.. EEE Tho fco ngg! bc paid beforo tbo Comnunity Dcvclopmont Dopsrtmcot will acccpt your propocal. IU. ADJACENT PROPFRTY NOTIFICATION Stanpe4 addrcsscd covclopcc ofthc narncs of owncrs of all popcrty adjac€Nlt to tbc elbjcct PloPcrty INCLTTDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, ond a lis of thoir nanas ood mailiag addrcsscs. TIIE APPUCAI'IT l-LL BE RESPONStsLE FOR CORRECT }IIAILING ADDRESSES. IV. PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application coofcrcoco with a plaoning staffncnbcr is suongly rccomrucndcd to dctcrsrino if any additioual information is nccdcd No gplicstion will bc acccptcd unlccr it ic comploto (rnuc includc all itcms rco-uircd by tho zoning adrninisabr). It is thc applicant's rcsporuibility to makc 8n 8ppoinunant with thc staf to find out about additional rubnittd rcquireocnts. V. SI'BMITTAL TIIFORMATION PLEASE NOTE IIIAT A COMPLElts APPLICATTON WILL STREAT'LIM TIIE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOI,'R PROJECT BY DECREASING TIIE NI'MBER OF CONDMONS OF APPROVAL fiIAT TTIE PLAI.ININGAI.ID EIMRONMENIAL COMMISSION (PEC) !r4AY STIPULATE. AILCONDnONS OF APPROVAI MUST B8 COMPILED WITII BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. Nature of Variance Request Pierce, SeterberS &Assoc ates Architects, PC.,A.l.A. Main Ofllce 1000 S. Fronrage Road W Vail, CO 81657 fox: 970 476 4608 Phone: 974 476 zA33 Denver Office l6lTWaz€e Street Suite C2 ?'"'1'?"il:l Dhone:301 623 ll55 We are requesting a 7'-6" setback variance along the north property line of Tract C. The site has demonstrated a particular hardship in that it was not originally planned for residential development consideration. Of the total site area, only about 3l%o of the property can accommodate a structure. The triangular shape of the property takes a disproportionate share of the site in setback requirements. This condition contrasts to about 65% of the land which could be used if the area of the site was in the form of a sqru[e. This property wils purchased from a municipal agency for $1,250,000 and should be allowed a reasonable footprint on the site. We feel that this variance request would benefit the golf course cart path, as well as the adjacent neighbors, providing more distance between these elements. Also, pushing the house fuither to the north would create more relief from Vail Valley Drive which carries both vehicular and pedestrian traffic, often going to and from the village. SEP'. - I 0' 97 (llED ) I J.: 02 J I IIALDEII ERS ITY ELLE VENTTJRES INC. 2431 | Wrlden Center Drive Bonita Springs, f'L 34134 Telephone: (941) 94S-1010 Far; (941) 948-1012 TACSIMILE lo,lgn F. Mauriello, of Community Frontage Road 81657 Mauriello: fcyourprompt to my variance request. to learn staffdoes not suppofi the variance rpqucst, and I hope you will yoruposition- thc variMce P. 002 0 was written to dcal 0 Purpose. order to prcvent or hardehips incousistent interF€tation and practical difficulty or dimensions of a site or I fhought this ca6e wac exactly the gpe of situation Section Thc section begins: lesseu such pr.actical diftrculties and unncccssary physical ith the objectives of this title as would result fiom strict or literal varinnces from certain regulations rnay be granted. A 1essary physical hardship may rcsult fiom the size, shapc, or locatiou of cxisting stsucfiEes thcrcon; __." a Eite of a shrpe only 3V/o of the land can $ewc as a firoprint for &cqualifr as an phygical haflIsbip. Thc relief ofwhich harms no oueitivc benefit both the neighbors by prqviding morc distance bctwcsn homes andwho would benefit a more highly landscaped path at a greatsr distancc frrom the SEP. -10'97(DD) l5:03 IYALDEI{ teqrberl0,1997 Plcnvo o P. 003 y atwo-fnnily sEucturo is possible on the site without a variance, but thc pfcerueut required without t{neighbors. Thero is no1 b$armcd by bevariancc r is disadvutageous to thc Town of Vail GolfCrcurse and ial building sib on the northemr bounrtary ard no party would In light ofthal, I reqpectfully requcst that you reconsidcr matter before you make j reconunendation to the Plannitrg and Envirronmental DonE Acke.rsran '11*r,,** fviarar Q70)47 Fll,t i t0 TOIIN OFVAIL D e p a rt ne nt of C o mm unity D eve lo pme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-24s2 FxA Scptcnrbcr 2, 1997 l)on Ackcrmirn l'.0. Box 635 Ncw Canaan. C]'061'140 Rc: I'roposcd sctback variancc for Tract C, Vail Villagc 7th Filing Dcar Mr. Ackcrman: 'fhc Cilnrnunity Devclopmcnt Dcpartmcnt has rcvicwccl your rcqucst for a sctback variancc at thc lbovc rcfcrcnccd propcrty. 'l'liis itcrn has bccn schcdulcd for a hcaring bcforc thc I'lanning rrnd Environmcntal Cotnrnission (PllC) orr Scptcrnbcr 22, 1991 ' 't'hc issucs you hrvc raiscd in your variancc application, whilc valicl conccrns to you' unltrdunatcly do n1-;t rncct thc critcria and findings fbuncl in thc Zoning Codc which must bc rnct in ordcr fbr thc PECi to approvc such a rcqucst. lsiucs suclt as plivatc vicws and potcntial tlaffic along Vail Vlllcy Drivc arc not lactors which our codc clcfincs as a "hardship." Thc argulncnt about lot contigurntion is a valir,l issuc for consiclcration of r variancc. llowcvcr, thc PEC and thc lpplicant who sought thc rczoning of this propcrly fmrn Gcncrnl Usc to Prirnary/Sccondrry Rcsidcntial' maclc thc fin<ling that thc propcrty rnct thc critcrin for clcsignation as a rcsidcntial propcrty and that it was of an adcquatc sizc and shapc to accommodatc a duplcx structurc. In adclition to the abovc, you rcccivcd Dcsign Rcview Board approval on Dccembcr I ti' 1996 for I two-family rcsidcntial ihucturc on this propclty rnceting all of thc Znying Codc rcquircmcnts' Thcrcfore, iho*ing that dcvclopmcnt of a two-family structurc is possible on this propcrty without thc nccd for varianccs, Thc sttffhas takcn thc position that thc granting ofthc rcqucstcd variancc rvould bc a grant of spccial privilegc and that thcrc arc no cxccptional or cxtraordinary circumstanccs or conditions which affcct this property that do llot apply gcncrally to all othcr ptopcrtics in this zonc district' Pagc I of2 {p *""rruor r"* r f (d -: .ll' l:. I r:t{ ,IIt' ql J Thcrcforc. staffcan not support your filication.f-] Plcasc fccl frcc to givc mc a call (479-2148) if you wish to discuss thcsc issues furthcr. Town Planncr Kurt Segcrberg. PSA Pagc2 of2 /./ooI I'; \ I \ , eh^fltlzoF lOOt Epttry NEf cr c,l, vAlU \/ft?t Dr w ffiw )Nc Wt Bunbe sT. Vfiu, ro t (bt|-- ffi THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN lhat lhe Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Gode of the Town of Vail on September 22, 1997, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request lor a variance from Seclions 18.13.080 (Density Control), 18.13.090 (Sile Coverage) and a request for a residential entry addition, utilizing the remaining GRFA of a previous Additional GRFA (250) request, located at 1045 Homestake Circle/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Village 8th Filing. Applicant: Gunnar K. Gillberg, represenled by Danny SwertfegerPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a minor amendment to Special Development District # 22 Grand Traverse, to allow for Lot 14 to have a garage door which faces the street and to allow downspouts to be unpainted copper. Applicant: Pat DauphinaisPlanner: George Ruther A request lor a side setback variance of 7'- 6" lrom Seclion 18.13.060 (Selbacks), to allow for Ithe construction of a new primary/secondary residence, to be constructed at 967 Vail Valley !$;ivenract c, vailvillage 7th Filing. -"" *pplicant: Don Ackerman, represented by Kurt SegerbergPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a conditional use permit and a variance from Section 18.22.140 (On-Site Required Parking), to allow for the operation of a real eslate otlice in the Swiss Haus, located at 62 East Meadow Drive/Lot K, Block 5E, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicanl: Johannes FaesslerPlanner: Dominic Mauriello The applications and inlormation about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular of{ice hours in the project planner's olfice located at the Town ol Vail Community Development Deparlment, 75 South Frontage Road. Srgn language interprelalion available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice ot 479'2356 TDD for inforrnation. Community Development Department Published Seotember 5. 1 997 in the Vail Trail. ao**rr?ry Development Plan RouttQ ao.ln Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Teni Partch. Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Mike McGee, Fire Works Retum To:Dominic Mauriello, Community Devclopment Date Routed:8/26/97 Rcturn By:9/3/97 Proicct Namc:Ackcrman - setback variance PEC Projcct Address:967 Vail Valley Drive Project Lcgal:Tract C, Vail Villagc 7th Project Description:Requesting a setback variancc of7.5'from the north property line. /' 'z t ".vetl Q Dnb MellA ,(ret'ousl{ a/frrvel uJ utup ,,z,ijilrt Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions 6:' z{ '7 7 Reviewed by: f ieveryoneuomvoutform co,rr-,r?ry Development Plan *o"ri? Form Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Partch, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Mike McGee, Fire Works Retum To:Dominic Mauricllo, Community Dcvelopmcnt Datc Routcd:8/26t97 Rcturn By:9/3t97 Proicct Name:Ackcrman - setback variance PEC Project Address:967 Yail Valley Drive Projcct Legal:Tract C, Vail Village 7th Project Description:Requesting a setback variance of7.5'from the north property line. (ru,usl5 apare/\ Do-O t ee{-A Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Date reccivcd: Rcviewed bv: f:'€veryonedom roudonn Ul,nn Review Action Flh " t4-ffiCategoryNumber Dxe 0- / r- t r tl IProiedName: ftClLEKrnlhl TOWN OF VAIL Building Name: owner,Address anapnone: D2N Hckr mar't dr-cfi itc?Contact,AddressandPhone: LTC ruerd/6A"1;;\ Motion by: Seconded by: ! Approval 3 Disapproval { StaffAcnroval Gonditions: Town Planner Date: b- lq-?1 DRB Fee Pre-paid a' METIIORANDUM To: File FROM: Tammie Williamson, Town Planner DATE: June 19, 1997 SUBJEGT: Changes to Approved Plans (Staff Approval) The Ackerman residence located at 967 Vail Valley Drive, submitted changes to approved plans' These changes are as lollows: Site Plan: 1. The driveway was reduced to one curb cut as per DRB recommendation; and 2. The pool on the northeast corner of the site was removed' House Plans: (LevelOne) .t . The mechanical room was expanded. The GRFA calculation was adjusted; 2. The deck was slightly shortened by approximately 3'-6"; (LevelTwo) 1. A landing was provided for compliance with the building code within the secondary unit' (Level Three) ''| . The closet within the master bedroom was reduced; 2. The location ol the shower was changed; 3. The attic space is furred out to achieve the effect desired on the north elevation per DRB recommendation; and 4. The bathroom layout was modified for more efliciency and square footage requirements' (Exterior) East Elevation '1 . The dormer was moved 3' south to allow the windows to fit; 2. The window divider was taken out in order to enhance the views; and 3. Chimney caps were added per DRB recommendation' (North Elevation) 1. The deck was shortened; 2. A window was moved (top of structule west); 3. The window was modified to allow for symmetry (top of structure east); 4. The face is bumped out in order to break the monotone surface effect of the elevation per DRB recommendation; 5. The rool pitches were modified slightly lor constructibility and head clearances; 6. The third window in the middle of the structure was lowered to allow lor operability; 7. A door from the garage was added; 8. The eastern-most window was moved; and g. The mechanical room elevation was lowered to allow for proper head clearances' (West Elevation) 1. The dormer pitch was adjusted for head clearances; 2. The windows under this dormer Were adjusted to a||ow lor better views; 3. A Type V window size was adjusted to fit the location in the middle west portion of this elevation; 4.Windowstackinganddividerswerechangedforconstructibility; 5. Lower, east portion of the elevation window location was adjusted; and 6. The dormer was moved the same as on the east elevation' (South Elevation) 1. The pitch was modified as on the west elevation; 2. Window stacking and dividers were changed for constructibi|ity; 3. A second window was added, 3'x3'; 4. A window below the window described above was made more rectangular; and 5. Dormer location on the west is a more precise location than previously shown' ZONE CHECK an-t Fewstaa) TC Pt*at55u6/nr1/u-b +- /?-?? ^ / ,a ra.1uarc: O-/t-.f / - Lcgai dcscription: Loti.-----.--...--Block_ Fili:rrc Jb f,,,,'t\Addrcss Grncr Architcct f'te Zonc disrict Lot sizr Phonc Phonc Allorved F.ticdn o - </1/^h-- " -v \v_l/_:_- 3-7so4too Prcposed + SQ\L = Total Remainingnl Hcigbt Sctbacks L,rndscaping RctainingWall Hcights Parking Cangc Crcdit /< , r<, ,5 ivfinimum tl,1bl, L @t 4 ttTb(3oo) (600)(eoo(@6j) Ycs y' No Ycs__y1_ No I ) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >3 0%) et,.vvel/tqLt _ 3) Wctla.nCs Pro'ious condifions ofapproval (chcck oropoiv iilc); 2,4s nl rotarGRFA lZJt 607,,p;^rrycRFA alziq @o-,1=-zq9-* 4511 = ) ::ttz(u7o S onaary cws lb% +.(@ie;s.y =_Zl_ej-_, 4]^2'f t t,t " rcqucst? N/4 * 2174P= _ + 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? Ne Horv much of ihc allorvcd 2iC Additon is uscC rvith ttris Sitc Covctegc /C/o 'tLz4b Rcquircd Complics rvith TOV Liglting Ordinancc Arc finishcd _endcs lcss than 2:l (50!/o) EnrironrncntaL4{az:rds 3,1n1 (JU,/(JJJ Froni Sidcs Rcar 20' t5' l5' 4 encloscd Drivcrvay Pe{tted Jt I c,arb etef 7" O*U ?crmittcd SIoDc lL o/ . ta\. ....'.....'.....''-.o IroDoscd slole tf L/ ol 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (SO) N/e 5) Gcologic Hazards N/* Snorv Avalanchc K0cKtsi I Dcbris Florv Is thc propcrff non-ccnfcrming? Dscnac: N/ k DESIGN REI'IE}V CEE CKLIST Projcct: Q SUR\EY Bcnchmark I . _ Lcgal dcscription ;' Lot Sizc Buildable Arca tr FLoORPLA}IS GRFA 250 additional GRFA Crarvl\Attic Spacc Q BUILDbIGELEVATIoNS . Sr.ala ColorMatcrials P nnf Di+^L tr I.T\DSCAPEPLA,N E.xisting tccs proposed tccs T oon'tA MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval TitJc rcport (.A, & ts) Utiliy vcrifi cation form Photos ofsitc Buildin g material samplcs C.O. Vcrification SuntSbadc Aag,lcs Utilities (undcrgrorurd) Vicrv Corridors Varianccs Plat rcstrictions Eascmcnts Topognphy 100yr. floodpiain Watcr Coursc Sctback Environmcnai Hazards Trees Udliry locations Spot clcvations tr SITEPLA]'I Scale Building Hcight Encroachmcnts Sctback Site Covcrage EavcVOvcrhangs (4) Dccks.Ealconics Gangc connccfion Sitc CIadc\Slopc Rctaining lValls Fcnccs Tuming Radius Drivcrvay (acccss and gradc) Snorv Storagc Firc Acccss r of mmunity Development Plan Routing Form o Co Routsd To:Greg Hall, Public Works Teni Martinez, Public y9.$, . RgxA Ngr| Z ? frg6 Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works I Mike McGee, Fire Retum To:Tammie Williamson, Community Developrnent X 21 42 Date Routed:l1/26t96 Return By:12n1t96 Project Name:Ackerman New PrimaryiSecondary Residence Proiect Address:Tract C Vail Villase 7th Filins Project Legal:Tract C Vail Villaee 7th Filins Project Description:New construction of a primary secondary residence. Approved X mni.d (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Need Commcnts by l2-l l-96 Aro^,rilrur r.mRrNe-l\LfluNrnoc /s,-t z n 47r/ Pteo'-e c<!\a- r:t ai o ixrl E u:nfedo [re Zq oYY). Zt, cr'c.tc.-1'. .,p r,.go,rnd \ h€- F4(i\ -2 !L.-d\ t'3. .] ec ('.'r'1.\.r\ rt> C\$rfr retlrLrL\€ u- (Uk\Y1 Cil the rYl,fth L1'j- u)( ^ef o, i ftr pc,al uAr.AK&l'i ure gqur) ' hn6. iJh11f.l etffivn), 7fu-aqn,\u( L\Ppeh\^V e71Lth(.i., 'tqn d ( tt1 AeId lAna\';:trpllrl ,O ft'r:i( 6at4n'g;t1 . Youwiflazlio nceiloaA) 4bpM\t cc, ff]ZalrcalrrbgL,i.r c1\ w\z olar\ to h;.riee rc llrncrr.li.d irt ft-€-dl -IhCTo,"n.rf va\\ ul\\ k retpttl,'rr61/wrderr,nrl ua^r (r\\:'.\ ixr..r-'. ,;t l+i?,, Tfv? Qtt:'?c{gA rc":rc} wir\h?- 29t 8lw;Ae (rnctod,nq tdp&qctIa|utvrh'rdc5\ wrtna dqtLrklacl bwz Kttr I c\tc'.).j4rlc tl€, fro} . trto (\re Lt'\Lerft);n cf A-r raa) /brrCpo'Wl All\c\tlrncnl- c,rf fhrl: hrng . TnttV(Ae Ul .lilI Alo.jD cilrQ slTUf, cnd {x} to bc fianfa.l rn rtt ltr^r-'r rA(\ €t r-.\ *rth a revoKctb\e iqllf of wr1 pcrvtll'andandcr+ftSnclnt1 Ltrrrf ft\e,Aft)tL(.tprtq 41(|q Wrcnn{ed 4rg1la; l$'18- LXr5ttqq nzl.' tL\n neffy-^{] - nb lV,! Fee,, (Ltn'rx, pbtri4} ,n ,1",t 'fixLr\ rt4ltf dphicL..l . )iV+- < ttaV' 1 ltxtxry, cfrUUS At6C, dtrxAnq [a our ret"J fotln 4f4tq'Ct lfi* Jo),r,\nr *n.t lr,tw iur] dn;cr"rq aL)r1 (-rl cr sr{v^rg {t oNh}*- We, ,,rr\l o V,o n&d a hHgfizitrt . th'l gs,g-q,rn;l,r\ fl^ie (2JCt1 cepaW .rntf\4\ rcrv:\ uicli ct#'{bac\F in fhe*i5tcro Cornt 0t [.trs, f rcpdrl-.1 Datc received. f'gLtei4l l\l27 lQtl Date reviewed: lll1lqu , tq.,rne{.l lthlqttReviewed by: Tcrn u' Pot+tt- 7, .a oa 75 Soutlr Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8i,657 970 -47 9-2 I 3 8/479-2 t 39 FAX 970-479-24s2 Departnre t of Conununity Developnrcnt May 2, 1997 Kurt Segerberg PSA Architects 1000 South Frontage Road West, Suite 300 Vail, Co. 81657 RE: Tract G/ Vail Village 7th Filing Dear Mr. Segerberg: Staff has reviewed the building permit plans for the Ackerman prirnary/secondary residence and cannot approve the permit because of a number of issues. The following issues must be addressed: Public Works: 1. The site plan conlours do not match the landscape plan conlours; 2. Please provide a scale on the site plan; 3. The turning radii out of the garage does not work. Plcase revise, using the 20' centerline radius from lhe center of each garage door; 4. Please provide Lrtility sign-offs for approval to place landscaping within the easements including the golf course mainlenance supervisor; 5. Please secure a revocable right-of-way permit signed by the owner listing the proposed landscaping and irrigation as being subject to the removalwhen VailValley Drive is rebuilt in'1999; 6. snow storage areas musl be 30% of the paved area. The snow storage area is permined to be landscaped with materials that will not be damaged by snow plow activity; 7. Please provide a title report in order to check easements on the subject property; and 8. The 32'contour dies into a patio which is shown with an elevation of 29'-8". Please correcl the grading or provide retainage. Planning: 1. The plans submitted have been changed from the approved DRB plans. Your office provided a red-lined copy of the changes, however, the application and the fee were not remitted. Please submit the application and pay the fee. As information, these changes {g rnr"rro,no* .a oa may be stafl approved. After review the revised plans, lwill determine whether the revlsions can be stafl approved or if DBB approval is necessary. lf you have any questions concerning the public works comments please contact Terri Partch at 4i9-2169. Foi pianning comments please contact me at 479-2142. Sincerely,&: #. u,tn***- Tammie Williamson Town Planner cc: Don Ackerman Terri Partch oa PROJECT ORIBNTATION / MEMBERS PRESENT Michacl Arnctt Brcnt Alm SITE VISITS - CONS 2.Ack 967 A 2) Snorv fcncing around la .a DIiSICN RT'VIEW BOARD AGDNDA WctlnesdilY, Deccmbcr 18, 1996 3:00 P.M. Agcndx lrst rr:viscd l2119/96 l0ant l2: l5 l:30 Tammie along roadwaY; ; 3) Issues in PEC memo must be worked out with staff;4)worked out with staff. (lhristcnscn - Addition 3996 l-upinc Drive/Lot lVollT Bighorn lst Addition Applicant: Cccil Christcnscn Bald Mt. Townhotncs - Extcrior rcnnovation 2350 Bald Mountain RoarVlot 26, Block 2, Vail Villagc l3th Applican[ Bald Mtn. Townhomc Association Thc applications and inforrnation about the ptoJrcsals arp availablc lbr public inspcction-tluring rcgular oflicc hours in thc projcct ptnnnli', om.", locatcd at tho Town of VaiiCornrnunity Dcvclopmeni Departrnent, 75 South Frtontagc Road' Sign language interprctation availablo upon rcqucst with 24 hour notification. Plcase call 479-21 14 voice or 479'2356 TDD for infonnation. oa Dirk LauFcn .7 ,', ll \ "rt o,oa MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: File Tammie Williamson, Planner April 18, 1997 SUBJECT: AckcrmanResidence On Friday, the Ackerman Residence was submitted for building permit. It looks as though there have quite a few changes fiom the DRB approved plans. Therefore, I would the applicant to submit a iRB application for changes to approved plans, because Public has to review the changes and I'll have to check the GRFA, etc. So. ifyou file this application, indicate on the set ofplans all of the changes that were made from the DRB plans. It may be possible to staffapprove the changes, as they look relatively minor. But I cannot say for sure. FItE 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8j,657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-24s2 Dcccmber 19. 1996 Kurt Scgcrbcrg PSA Architccts 1000 South Frontage Road Wcst. Suitc 300 Vail. Colorado. ttl657 D e p artne nt of C omrnunity D eve lop me nt RE,: Tract C/ Vail Villagc 7th Filing Dcar Mr. Scgcrbcrg: Thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board (DRB), at thcir Dcccmbcr 18, 1996 rnccting, approvcd your rcqucst for a singlc- f'amily rcsidcncc at thc abovc rcfcrcnccd propcrty. Thc approval carricd with it thc follolving conditions: L That thc four (4) conditions, rcfcrcnccd in thc Fc'bruary 27,1995 Planning and Environmcntal Conrmission (PEC) nrcnrorandunr rcgarding thc rcqucstcd changc to thc Vail Land Usc Plan dcsignation of Tlact C/ Vail Villagc 7th Filing from Park to Low Dcnsity Rcsidcntial, be satisfied; 2. In an cffort to minimizc sitc disturbance, plcasc rcrnovc onc curb cut shown and add landscaping to that arca; 3. That snow fencing bc installcd around thc drip linc of thc uraturc cvcrgrcen on thc northcast portion of thc propcrty for prcscrvation puryoscs: anC 4. That thc color of tlic railing bc subrnittcd and approvcd by staft. Thcrc are scvcral outstanding commcnts frorn thc Public Works Dcpartmcnt that arc rcquircd to bc addrcsscd. Thc Planning Dcpartrncnt ha.s thc following conccms: l. Plcasc providc additional roofridgc clcvations to cnsurc beight compliancc; and 2. It appcars that the roofovcrhang on thc dcck closcst to thc pool, cxcccds thc four (4) foot .maximum pcrmittcd by code. I havc cncloscd a copy of tlrc PEC rncmorandum refcrcnccd abovc for your infomtation and revicw. lf you havc any qucstions, plcasc contact mc at 479-2142. Sinccrclv. . \ o?**rd nluUr*;.- Tarnmie Williamson Town Planncr Enclosurc cc:Don Ackerman {gun"""oruo Or J@eu+e\ zl 't441$ O How is the addition. deletion or chanqe to the Plan in concert with the Plan in oeneral? - The applicant has shown thal the proposed change to the Plan will not be detrimental to the Plan in general since the property appears to be more conducive to a future use as residential. Additionally, the proposed change would appear to carry out the following goal statements contained in the Land Use Plan: Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. 1,3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible. 1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional growth in existing developed areas (in{ill areas). 5.1 Additional residential growth should continue to occur primarily in existing, platted areas and as appropriate in new areas where high hazards do not exist. 6.1 Services should keep pace with increased growth. 6.2 The Town of Vail should play a role in future development through balancing future growlh with services. 6.3 Services should be adjusted to keep pace with the needs of peak periods. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Statf recommends approval of the requesled change to the Vail Land Use Plan designation of Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing lrom Park to Low Density Residential. Staff believes that the applicant has shown that conditions have changed since the Plan was adopted, how the Plan is in error, and how the change to the Plan is in concert with the Plan in general. Stafl's recommendation for approval is based on an understanding that the Water District's application for a change to the Land Use Plan includes commitments to complete the following items: 1. Prior to the transfer of ownership of the property, the Water District will dedicate an approximate 10-foot wide public easement across the eastern side of Tract C to the Town of Vail, to allow lor the continued use of a portion of Tract C for a golf cart path. 3. 1.1 o'3 0 O<,r O Prior to the transfer of ownership of the property, the Water District will dedicatea road easement acrosslhe ;;ffi ;;ft;litrr".t c to rhe Town or Vaillapproximatety 60 feer tr?T tlq *"rt,inrnort "nd of the property) to be used for flrc rrture rearignment or vair vatev'D;;; d; lonnu., with lhe south Fronraoe 3' Prior to the-tra.nsfer of ownership-of the property, the water District will removeat above and berow ground imp?ovements on Tract c, *im the exception of theeastern 15 feet ot rhe'a-inch iiJn int"r," p,p", t" r-,1-iri.h',ron pipe used tobackwash the pump station anJint"*, piplr, ;;; ft'il"r manhore rocatedalong Vail Valley Dhve. rne norels; ,eiuitinj ;;;'il";;rvat of betow groundimprovements wi' be titteo anJ ttre property .."itt o" ,"gr"oed and revegetatedaccording to a plan approved by the Town. 4' The water District has agreed that if the transfer of ownership of the raw waterinrake sysrem ano assojatJ "qripr"nt ipri.,;' ##,;""kwash pipe, vau tts,etc.) to the Vait Recreation oistriir is "ot U," "ol,piil;,;; if the system is notable to become fully operational, within tnree veJrs iiJrir-th" o"r" of approvar ol lffi hil,:iff,ptan chinge, 'wiir immeoiatety be..",nor"o a.he expense of c:\pecvnemos\wcwd.227 6, 5 11:08 FA)t 9704764608 FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE: TO: COMPANY: FAX #: FROM:' RE: lalr.*q fr Y R'e # of Pages (lncluding this cover sheetl: Picrcc. S.F.beE & Allochilt A.chl(!a(5, PC-, Al"A" l'1rir Oflice I 000 S, ftonr4e Aold W. V.il CO 81657 for 970 476 ,|608 Phoft:970 476 1{33 Dcnvrr Oft{c 1617 W.rc. S!rcct D.nv€r. CO 80202 for 301 621 1262 pho::303 6t! 3 !55 G oo1 vl,S toN This facdmlle is Intended mlv lot the addretseE end may contdn informat'on that is privllogod snd confidandal. lf the.eldor of tHr megeEge ls not the Intended reclpient, you ars-horoby notif'sd thal rny drcernlnrtion, dlt|ibudon.d, oopyitrg of tHr conmuni""t . * "trr"uv pt"'tibit"c. !f you hana Tacelv8d thi! cormur&Son In.eror, deaso notily ue lmmedatety Uv iJpft"""' io "tt"ngt for its retum' Thank You' lf t'aBrniscon |s uncatisfactory, contlct sender by phone - €7ol 4764433 or lax - {9701 4754608. 9704784808 ''J i-i ilrll -i r\ l,t-lI r'\l r Ii ul k6,g6rra-a.) F?E5. V-lt' , 4Q, lzil3/s8 FRI 11:43 s7 017 B oorFAXo64608 o _tt 17 / t3 /"(b T-lr{ il Y Piarca. S€ladert I Aitoci$ci Archi161"!. PC..AtA. Mrln Oflic€ 1000 !. Frone6c Roe{ W. vril. CO 81657 for: 970 ,{76 16@ tson i 970 {t6 +a!3 Denvcr O{icc l6l7 W.ree S! eri S!it. C2 Oenv.r, CO 80202 fo.r: 103 621 2252 ,!'ron'i 301 623 l3SS T o,w. Yu>uu tnj cz - # ot Pages (lncludlng this cov€l sheetl: FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE: TO: COMPANY: FAX #: FROM: RE: MEMO: Pun+,sn *tt- lE Yocl Ye-ce rqona lNFo. oA C.LLt4rFtAtaTt o r,-). ThfS tocglmlle ls Intsnded only tor th€ addtgss€s and may oontain informatlon that is privileged and conffderdat. lf thg readBr of thie menago iE not the intended leciplent, you ate hor€by notifiod that any ds6ernlndon, dtstrlhfilon.or copying of tHe oommunica on is stdctly prolrlbltod. lf you hqve received this cormudccdofl In.ofiot, please'notify us irunedlrtoly by telephone, to arrange for its return. Thank You' lf trantmisdon is unsatbfactory, contsct sonder bv phone ' (970) 476'4433 or fax - (970! 4764608' 72/L3/58 FRI 11:44 FAX 9704764608 @ oo2 kvar.n>^: K,E.9- Vrs t t- 6C, . L2i t3 /58 FRI 11: {4 FAii 9704764608 @ oog 'AeE[aAEr< Vdil4 p,tlt.r.tg llfrr,/piat-fr'+ac- Vf tt- r CO, lL/28/58 UON 13:01 FAX 970{764808 |4 00r Piercq salctbcrl & Ataoo.t r Arhit ctt, PC..A|.A Hd r Olficc | 000 S. Froohr. Ron w: .z#'*TAf;t e)fi!7d-arazSf Olnwr Ofi(e | 6l7 V\ri!.. Srrecr vlt: L a Denvtr. CO &202 fox 103 623 2262 Phon.: l0! 621 lJ55 # of Pages (including this cover shset): MEMOr .1 t Ottat&, Aro, Thie facrimile ir intended utty lot the sddlesses and may Gont'in informstion thtt ie privlteged and confidonl1al, It the road.r of this m€ssagc 13 not tho iniended rccipiont' you are.hereby notifiod thal sny d$eminrtion, diltributim or copYit€ of tl{s communictu"n lt *tlotrv prohibited' lf you have received thla comnnrdoation In error, plegse notify us lmrnodiatoly uv t"-r"prr.i". io "tr"ng" tor its loturn ' Thank You' lf lronsmi..lon is urgatisfactory, contact sender bv phone ' lgTll 476433 or fax ' t97ol 476460E' FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE: TO: COMPANY: FAX #: FROM: RE: _ , r.rr!t.a lL'2i!90 IO]{ 1!:02 F.lI 9701701606 o rttllrr DESXGN REVIEW BO}RD AP?IICAIION . TOWN OF VAIIJ, DAIE REcErvED. ]I'UEEL - DATE OT DRB MEETING: LZIL8I96 lrltrliia!lat PRqT]ECT TNFOIUAIr0N: DESCRIPTION: Si0.gle famllv regldence "irh caretake!' ' & oo2 o COIJORADO I. B.?YPE OF REVIET.I: x New cOnS lrucElon -Aildi Lion ($50.00) t$200. OO) Minor Al'LeraLion (f20'00)' -coneeP Lual Revlew ( $ o ) F, ADDRESS: Iract C, 7th ftll3P' Vsll ' C0 - IEGAL, DBSCBIPTICN: Lot ------.=-::- -8locklGoi"fuio" Tract c' 7tb tlltnq' vail' c0 lf proper'.y :'5 alescrj'bed. by a fr'eegs and,bounds legal description, please ptotlai on a geParase sheeL anc e'"Each to tbis applicaF-ion. APPIJICAM: Don Ackermdu : :: ;::: ;;: ; :: ;::::: Ad,d,fess: c/o Chandclle vEturegr-Ilrl: ' YU 6ox orJ ' sl NII\iE OF OV{NER ( S ) cT 05840 APPI$CIATTONS WITJI' NOr BE EROCESSSD WTTHOW O'TNER ' 5 S'G:'ETURI9 condominiun Approval i! applicable ' DFB FEE: DRB !ees, as show': abcve' are Lo be. paid a: L:re Lime of su.b$itEal of E;;-;;b appiicarion' .later' l'hen iiiliviic' ;;- J-l"i ialns-pE-tii El-p r "o3 e - i'teDti f v lhe accuraLe valuation o: Lhe propo!.i'-- ii'i iown of vaii 1'{i1} adjusL Ene fee accord.ing Eo the tliit u"ro*' co ensure lhe catrec! fee is paid ' 3rE $ 20. 30 s 50.00 f100. oo $200,00 $40o. oo 9500.00 OIIE YEAR TPTER FINAIJ ISST'ED A}ID CONSTRUCTION lilAME OF AF?!IC]\wT ' S RE?RESEMAtIVE : psA AichiEccts ' (K 4t segerherg) ffi#,r:#iilrj:: T FEg PAID: 3 2OO,0O CEECR t: DATE:ll/25196 BY:PSA Archltecc8 EEEJEf;HEDIIITET vAr.,,uATroN$ o $ 1o,og9i ro'ocr'c 50,ooo $so'001 '$ 150,000 irso, oor t soo, ooo $s00,001 - t1'000'ooo.! over 91,000 ' 000 DESIGN RElruBW BOARD APSROYAIJ IXPIRES AdRovll,-u$lEss A BItu.DiNG Panui! rs IS STAITED. MailiDq AdAress: T1,\r'oo oo TOWN OF VAIL ,^'r.?'a'.. DE ART}IE\'T OF CO)I}ILIiTN' DE1TLOP}IE\T ,^rt // ,--..'Zt, ?6 CIIECIi.SM,..DE PAYAELE TO TO\r}l OFI'AIL I 0'000 -l l{ I -rEr,rF-bi5ffiu Hiscel laneous Cash 1t-:E-9€,f:t6: 4i+: .ll:l RFceipr S tlEBl1 llccr,unt # C:1,1 # lu6f4 PI EE|:Er SEGERBERG T €; F|S5RC:I \.tlRE FEE Fmaunt t-errdered i ?fffl. trEl Ilero paid E1BBE1B4lf,f,lBE[1 ffmaunt paid :&Er. [L] Ch.:n,;e re t urned .:. [r. r]r-r THJfFII4 V(fLI c - Vaur cashier REffTHR Ci,Sg I I cK.'[ rl,l.OL.l' DESIGN REVIEW APPLICATION - TOWN OF . COLORADO DATE RECEIVED: LI/25/96 DATE OF DRB MEETTN3. L2/rB/96 ********** INCOUPIJETE APPIJI3ATIONS MAY NOT BE SCEEDWED FOR RWIHW.********** PROTTBCT fNFORMATfON: DESCRIPTIQN; Single fa*ily f"side"ce with c"re o BOARD o VAIIJ T TYPE OF REVIEW: x New ConstrucLionAddition ($50.00) ($200.00) Minor AlteraEion ($20 ' 00) Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS: Tract C, 7th Filing. VaiI. CO IJEGAL., DESCRIPTfON: Lot Blockn Subdivision Tract C. 7th Filine. vail . Co If property is described by a meets and bounds lega1 aeslription, please provide on a separaLe sheet and attach Lo Ehis appli.cation. F. ZONfNG; Resident NAME OF APPL.,ICAIllts Don Acke Mailing AddreSS: c/o Chandelle Ventures. Inc. PO Box 635. New Canaan. cT 06840 Phone (203) 972-1805 NAME OF APPLICANI'S REPRESEIITATM: PSA Architects (Kurt Segerberg) Mailing Address: 1000 South Frontage Road West- Srtite 300 -Vail . CO 81657 Ph one (q70) 476-l+4i:l NAME OF OWNER(S): Don Ackerman ONTITIER ( S ) SIGNATURE : Mailing Addres s :Chandelle Ventures. Tnc-. PO Box 635. New Canpan, cr 06840 Phone {2oi) q72-1805 APPIJICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROEESSED WITIIOTJT OWTIiER'S SIGNATUNN Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the t,ime of submiLEal of t.he DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please idencify the accurate .rii.,rltion of the proposal . The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the eabte below, Eo ensure the correcE fee is paid, I. J. ccs FEE SCHEDUI,E: VAIUATION $ o $ L0,000 $ 10, 001 - $ 50, 000 $ 50, 001 - $ 150,000 $150, 001 $ 500, 000 $500,001 - $1, 000, 000 $ over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN RSVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ E:KPIRES APPROVAI, I]![LESS A BUILDING PER}IIT IS IS STARTED. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00. oo ONA YEAR AFTER FINA! ISSUED A}ID CONSTRUCTTON i '. ,j" ;l' ';ii/.rlt iltir .i 5 itil6 " fi[';;ii1ir' ;;; I | .1. rr tVL r ' / Oo PRE. APPI.IICATTON MEETTNG :II A pre-application meeting wich a member of uhe plannrng stltt ii encouraged to deEermine if any addiEional application information is needed. rt is the applicanE's reiponsibility Lo make an appointment wiLh the sEaff Eo determine if there are addiLional submittal requirements. Please note thaL a COMPLETE application will streamline the review process for your Project. III. IMPORTNfrII NOTTCE REGAITDING AIJL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In ad.diEion to meeEing submittal requirements, Ehe applicant musL sEake and uape the project site to i-ndicaLe properLy 1ines, buildinq lines and building corners. -AII Lrees Eo be removed musL be taped' All srtetapingsandsLakingmustbecompletedpriortoLhe DRB site visic. The applicant must ensure that sLaking done during the winLer is noE buried by snow' B. The review process for NEw BUILDINGS normally requires Ewo separaLL rneeLings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual revj-ew and a final review' c. ApplicanEs who fail EO appear before Lhe Desigrn Review eblrd on their scheduled meeging dat.e and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed,willhavetheiriLemsremovedfromt.heDRB igenda until such time as Ehe it'em has been republished. D. The foltowing items may, at the discreLion of the zoningadninistra!or,Leappro.'edbyLheCommuniLy Development Departmenu stai? ti'e' a formal hearing before the DRB may not be requlred): a.windows,skylightsandsimilarexteriorchanges which do nol alter the existlng plane of the building; and b. Buildinq additions nog visible from any other 1ou or public space. At the time such a proposal is subiritted, lpplicants must include 1et'ters from adjacent properLy owners and'/or from the agenL for ormanageiotanyadjacentcondominiumassociation,tuii"q-tire assoliaLion approrres of the addition. E. rf a properEy is locaEed in a mapped hazard area (i'e' snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain' debris flow' weLland, eLc. ) , a hazard study musE be submiLEed and LheownermusEsignanaffidavitrecognlzlngthehazard reporu prior to the issuance of a building permiL' epiticancs are encouraged to check with a Town Planner piior to OnS appticaUi6n to deLermine Ehe relaLionship of tfre properLy Eo all mapped hazards' F. For all residential construction: a. Clearly indicabe on the floor plans the inside face oi the exterior strucEural wal1s of the building; and b. rndicaEe wiLh a dashed line on the siLe plan a four foot disLance from the exEerior face of Lhe building walls or supporting columns ' G. If DRB approves Ehe applicaEion with condj'tions or modificalions, all conditions of approval must be addressed prior to the applicauion for a building permit. . .:,/. rv. *t"aEu*fl A. Three copies of a recent Lopographic survey, stamped by 'a Colorado Professional Licensed Surveyor, at a scaleof 1" = 20' or larger, on which the followinginformation is provided: 1. LoL area, and buildable area when different than lot area. 2. Legal description and bhVsircal address. 3. ?wo foot contour intervals unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5 'contour intervals may be accepted. 4. Existinq trees or groups of trees havJ.ng trunks with diameters of 4't or more, as measured from apoint one foot above grade. 5. Rock ouEcroppings and other significant natural features (1arge boulders, inEermitLenL streams, etc. ) . 5. Hazard, areas (avalanche, rockfaI1, eEc.), centerline of st,reams or creeks, required creek or stream selback, and 100-year flood p1ain, if applicable. Slopes of 408 or more sha1l be clearly delineat,ed by cross hat.ching. 7. Ties t,o exisLing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer inverE. This information musL be clearly sCated on the survey so ghat all measurenenEs are based on the same starting point. This is parEicularly importanE for determining building heiqht and driveway slope. see Policy on survey rnformation, for more information regarding surveys. 8. L,ocations of the following must be shown: a. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, eEc. b. Exact location of existinq utility service li.nes from their source to the sLrucLure, includinq: Cab1e fV Sewer Gas Telephone water Electric c. All ut,i1j.Ly meter locations' j-ncluding any pedestals to be located on site or in the right-of-way adjacent Lo the site. d. Property lines - distances and bearings and a basis of bearing. e. rndicaue all easements idenLified on the subdivision p1at. 9. Provide spot elevations aL the edge of asphalL, along the st,reet fronEage of Ehe property at twenty-five foot inEervals /25'), and a minimum of one spoE elevaLion on either side of the lot. R ciF6 Dl..r.r-Y-.A--!-:.------t- 1. LocaEions of Lhe following must be shown: a. Existing and finished grades. b. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. - ^-,ttt c.Proposed driveway, including percenL slope and spot elevations aE the propert.y 1ine,garage slab and as necessary al"ong the centerline of the drive !o accuratety reflect drj.veway grade. d. A 4' concrete drive pan at the edge of asphalE. for driveways, t,bqL e.xit ghe street in an uphill dirjeceioir.;, ' , i l,2. A11 otisting improvemenEs including sEruccures, landscaped areas, service areas, sEoraqe areas, walks, drj.veways, off -sEreet. parking, loading areas, reE,aining wa1ls (with top and botLom of waI1 spoL elevat.ions), and oLher exisLing site improvemenLs. 3. In order Lo deEermine proposed building height.s elevaLions of all top roof ridges, and eaves when determined necessary by the zoning admi.nistrator, shal1 be indicated on the slce plan with existing and proposed contour lines shown underneath. C. Landscaoe Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 3 copies reguired1. At. a minimum, lhe following informaLion must be provided on the landscape plan: a. Location of exist.ing Erees 4" dianeter or larqer, b. Trce, size and location of all exisLing and proposed pJ-anc maEerial c. Location of all trees to be transplanted, d. A detailed legend of all proposed plang maEerial including cornmon and l,atin names. 2. The location and tlpe of exisEing and proposed watering systens to be employed in carinqr forplant maLerial following lts installation. 3. ExisEinq and proposed contour 1ines. Retaining walls should be included with Ehe contour infornation wiEh top of wall and bottom of wall elevat.ions 1is ted. 4. Complet,e the attached landscape maLerials 1isE. Sicrn off from each utilitv comoanv verifying Ehe location of utility service and availability (see at,tached utility verificaLion form) . A preliminarv title report Schedule A and B musE accompany all submitt,als, to insure properEy ownership and identify all easement,s affecting the subject properEy. Architectural Plans (1/8" = 1' or larger, L/An ls preferred scale for review) 3 copies are required. 1. Floor plans and all elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fulJ-y dimensioned. The elevaEion drawinqs musE show both existingr and finished grades. 2. One set of floor plans musf, be "red-lined" to shovt how the gross residenEial floor area (GRFA) was calculated. 3. Exterior materials and colors shalL be specified on tbe atsEached maEerials 1ist. This materials lisE must be completed and submitted as a part of Ehe application. Color chips, siding samplesetc., shal-L be presenEed at the Design Review Board meeting. DeLails including, buE noE limiEed D. F. il"t} 3* : : i:T' -r3r';:t*'"Q;":Hi,T'li5fuI1y dimensioned. G. Zone check list (atEached) must be completed if theprojecL is located within the single-FamiIy, erimary,/Secondary or Duplex zone districCs' H. Phot.os of the existing site and where applicable, ofadjacentstructdrqs. , ,'l i ' tl I I. The Zoning adninistrator and/or DRB m4y reguire Ehe submission of additional p1ans, drawings,specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary Lo determine whether aproject will- comply with Design Guidelines. V. MINOR AIJTERATTONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUIIJDTNGS. Phot.os or sketches which clearly conv_ey the redevelopmentproposal and the location (site plan) of the redevelopmen!proposal may be submitted in lieu of Ehe more formal requirements set forth above, provided all important. specifications for the proposal including colors and maEerials to be used are submitted. VI . ADDTTTONS - RESTDEMIITA], OR COMMERCTA]-, A. Original floor plans with all specificaLions shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans !/8" = L' or larger(!/ 4" -- f is pref erred) C. Three copies of a si.te plan showing existing and proposed construction. hdicate roof ridge elevaLions wj. t.h existing and proposed grades shown underneaLh. D. Elewations of proposed addiLion. E. PhoEos of the exiscing sEructure. F. SpecificaEions for all material.s and color samples on maEerials lisL (aEEached) . At the requesE of tbe zoniDg adninistrator you may also be required to subnit: G. A sLatement from each utility verifying location of service and availabilit.y. See attached utilicy locaEion verificaLion form. H. a site improvement survey, stamped by regisEered Colorado Professional Licensed surveyor. I. A preliminary title reporL, Eo verify ownership of propergy, which lisEs all easemenLs. VII. FINAT SITE PI,AN once a building permit has been issued. and consEruction is underway, and before the suilding Department will schedule a framing inspecE,ion, two copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (fLC) stanped by a registeredprofessional engineer must be subnitLed. The following information must be provided on the IIJC: A. Building location(s) with Eies bo properLy corners' i.e. distances and angles. B. Buildinq dimensions to the nearesL tenth of a foot' A11 utility service line maLerial used, and size oo as -builLs, showj.ng Lype of and exacL locaLion of lines. ? D.Basis of bearing to Eie Eo section corner. All property pins are to be either found or set. and sEaEed on improvemen! s,urvey. I r rL i .r ,., 1r '' r , i IG. All easement,s. l'! ' ll rtill llrr .! r1 rt l' Irllt H. carage slab elevations and all roof ridge elevations wit.h existing and proposed grades shown under the rJ.dge lines. VIII. CONCEPSUAIJ DBSIGN REVTEW A. Submittal reouirements: The owner or authorized agent of any projecc requiring design approval as prescribed by thistchapLer rnay submit plans for conceptual review by the Design Review Board to Lhe Deparlment of Community Development. The concepEual review is int.ended Lo give the applicant a basic undersEanding of the compaLibility of their proposal wiLh the Town's Desiqn Guidelines. This procedure is recommended primarily for applicaEions more complex Lhan single- farnily and two-family residences. However, developers of single-family and Lwo-family projects shall not be excluded from the opport.unlty Eo request a concepEual design review. complet,e applications must be submit.ted 10 working days prior to a scheduled DRB meeting. The following information sha11 be submitted for a conceptual review: 1. A concepLual site and landscape plan aE a minimum scale of one. inch equals twenty feeL; 2. Concept,ual elevaEions showing exterior materials and a description of the character of t'he proposed sLrucEure or strucEuresi 3. Sufficient information to show Lhe proposal conplies with the developmenL standards of the zone disLrict in which the projecE is to be locaued (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculations, number of parking spaces, etc.); 4. CompleEed DRB a.FplicaLj-on form. B. Procedure: upon receipt. of an application for conceptual design review, the Department of Community Development shall review the submitted magerials for general compliance with the appropriaEe reguirernents of Lhe zoning code. If the proposal is in basic compliance wibh the zoning code requiremenLs, Ehe projecL shalI be forwarded to the DRB for conceptual ieview. rf the applicaEion is noL generally in compJ-iance with zoning code reguiremenEs, the application and submitLat maEerials shall be returned to cne applicant with a wriLEen explanation as to why the Community DevelopmenL DepartnenE staff has found the project not !o be in compliance with zoning code requiremenLs. Once a complete application has been received, the DRB shalI review the submitt'ed conceptual review applicaLion and support,ing material in order Eo deterrnine wbether or not the project generally complies with the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews. The property owner or his reprelenLative shall be present at the oRB hearing. .J -,{:.a r-,rsr oF I'tAtrERrAa :/ NAI-IE OF PROJECT: Ac IJEGAL DESCRIPTION: I-OT- BLOCK - SUBDIVISION A. BUIIJDING }TATERIAI,S:trYPE OF !,IATERIAT Cedar shakeRoof Siding \ Other wa11 Materials Fascia Soffi ts windows Window Trim Doors I tt x 8tt and 1 " x 6tt R. S . T&G Cedar lt' x 6trR.s. cedar Door Trim 2tt v 5rrR-S- cedar Wood 1" dlameter piPe railsHand or Deck Rails Flues 41L gas fireplaces Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining walls Ext,erior l,ighting other Copper Designer: Phone: STREET ADDRESS; Tract C. 7th Fi1ine. VaiI . C0 The folLowing inf o4naltion 1s, reguiqed for ,subTittal Lo Lhe Desj'gn Review Board beford a final approva! can be given: COIJOR S tone Stone Garage N/A Stone R LANDSCAPING: NAME Of o LA}IT I4A trees i.s 6 feet.**Indi.cat,e size of proposed { rrr 'l 'l an tT\t?'\ o GROUND COVERS ) TERIAI, TREES S: to \ Botanical Name comrnon Name ouantitv Size* ' Picea Pungens Glarc4!q_91us_!ptuce_j_ 8'-10" Populus Tremuloides/ Quaking Aspen 45 2"-3" caL. PROPOSED AND SHRUBS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRTGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROI-, I-,AIIDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exLerior lighting is proposed, please show the nunber of fixtures and locations on a separaue lightinq plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan in the ipice below and provide Lhe height above grade, Llrpe of light proposed, Iumen oirgput, luminous area and a cut sheeE of the lighL fixEure. (Sect.ion 18.54.050 J) Teka Cl-assic garden bollard Six fixtures at pool deck perimeter n OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walIs, fences' swlnmln€t pools, etc.) Please specify. IndicaLe heighEs of reEaining ial1s. Maximum height of walls within the front seEback is 3' . Maximum heighE of walls elsewhere on the prgperty is 6' Ribes Alpinrium;' I, Alpine Currant 10 /15 container tt Rosa Woods.4 r Wobds Rose 1,0 /15 container lj *rndicaLe caliper for deciduous crees ' Minimum calioer for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate beight for coniferous trees. Minimum heioht for coniferous shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is q.rrr t ra E'a\a\ F .a ato.Y-V$5i-!-l-XJ-*14ia-Y. Junlper &oo S.E Buchloe Dactyloides 360 S,F. Native grass and wildflowers Disturbed area Automatic sprinkler r(,a'!'ed 8/11/g4 O TOWN OF VAfL., UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATfON FORM JOB NAI'IE Ackerman Residence SI'BDTVTSION LOT BLOCK FII,ING ADDRESS Tract C, 7th Flling, Vail, CO availabiliEy andl location. This preparing, Your utilitY Plan and new construcLion proposal, the uEiliLy verif ication f orm' The Location and availabiliCy of utilities, whether Ehey be m.ain - lrunk lines or proposed linei, musu be approved_and verified by the i;iil*r;t-ntiriii."3 for the accompanvins site plan' el1 authorizing signatures need Lo be originals ' 'ri'l The form is used to verifY serviqe should be used in conjunction with scheduling installaLions. For any applicant must provide a completed U.S. west Comrnunications 468-6860 or 949-4530 Pub1ic Service ComPanY 949 -6135 cary Ha11/Rich CooleY Holy cross Electric Assoc. 949 -5892 Engineering DePt. Ted HuskY/Micbael Laverty **TCI Cablevision of the Rockies 9 6tt'e7va a,- f/e^/F/.'tL9 49 - 1224 Mark Graves **upper Eagle vaIley water & SaniEation District * 47 6 -7 480 Fred Haslee rrlnrFF . **A sitse plan is required' Physi-cal location of known utilities must be sbowD, on t'be site plan. Uti].ity locaEions may or may Dot offer ser'/ice to iilI ;;;;;;v ri"..--mi utilitv extension required sballbetheresponsibilityoftheproperEyor'[ler. 1. If a uuiliEy company has concerns with Ehe proposed consErucLior,, -L-n-e-,,riiritv representaLive should not, direcLlv ""'Lfr.--"eiritv ireriricaeion form that there is a probf"*-*iricn nee-ds to.be resolved' The issue should tnen ue"!i"ri"a-o"c in deEail in an attached letter to cnl roil-of vui-r' However' please.keep in mind rhat ii-i"-ln"-iesponsibility of Lhe utilitv company to resolve ideneified problems ' 2. If the utility verificatiot' form has signatures from each of the utility companies' and no conments are made. direcEly on the form, the Town will presume LhaE there ui" tro problems and Lhat the development can proceed ' ? Thcso verificaLions do not relieve Lhe conEractor of J.his resno""$iiii;-to-obtain a streeE cuL permit ;;;*-;;;-;;;-.r vail, Department or Public.works .r,a to obcain uiiritv tocltions before diqoinq in any public ;Ght{f {ay or easement in Ehe Town of viif.- a nuiitinq-permir is not a streec cuF oermit. A sL,reeu cut'--;;m must te obEained separaLelv' 4. Installation of service lines are at the elq)ense and responsibility of the property owner' IJA Lg Single FamilY q ZONE CHECN trnFl Residence, DuPIcx, ZONE DISTRICTS PrimarY,/ SecondarY DATE: Ir/25/96 I,EGAI, DESCRIPTION:LoL - Block - Subdivision ADDRESS: Tlac.! OWNER D L PlloNE | (,1o3) e'1r-7L32 .Hl1Ul\ lf BUII.,DABLE LOT AREA T9'602 S'F' ProDosed ToEal 33' Pierce, Segerberg ARCHITECT Res identialZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE Residential LOT SIZE .45 acres Allowed (:Q&) (33) 5060 Exis tinq I{eight Total GRF/\ Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Sc Lbacks 3677 -\ l+7 6 r|l.a\n I qi doq Tla:r 425 ='t_ +A25 = 5003.5 4ro2.5 901 ,il tc / tq 15 4038 Site Coverage LandscaPing ReEaining WalI lleights Parking Garage Credit Drive: 1n, L5' 15', 4900 3'/6', 3 neqrd (300) (600) (9oo) (1200) 1200 Permit tcd slope % Proposed 3 EncI Yes Slope NO 6% complies with T.o-v. LighLing ordinance waLer Coursc SeLback Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 Envi ronmen La1 /Hazards : vicw Corridor Encroachment': Yes T PercenL slope (< > 30%) 3)Geologic llazards ul --sno* lvalanche-P NOb) Rockf all- c) Debris Flow 4) WeLlands No (30) (s0) (50%) 1) Flood Plain N/A YES-=_- No Does Lhis requesl irrvoive a 25A.ridciiLi.ln? , *1 , . ltow much of tbe .rilt!i'iso rtaaicion is used wiLh uhis Previous conditions of approval (check properEy file) : 1n reques E? TEKA ILLUMINATION A6 GIBSON RO, SUITE 3 TEMPLETON, CA 93465 (8O5) 434-35I I a CLASSIC GARDEN BOLLARD DESCRIPTION,,. BOLLARD LUMINAIRE WITH TOP LIGHT OUTPUT, LAMP...75W A 1 9 INCANDESCENT. VOLTAGE...I20 VOLT. MATERIALS... BRONZE CAST CAP. BEZEL AND BASE, HEAVY .I25'' COPPER TUBE BODY. HEAVY SPUN .062" COPPER 'REFLECTOR"' BRASS SPACERS WITH STAINLESS STEEL TOP RING AND FASTENERS, CLEAR GLASS. PRODUCT NUMBER... CGB-al l6: BRONZE AND COPPER WITH STAINLESS STEEL FASTENERS. CGB-Ar 66: NICKEL PLATE WITH STAINLESS STEEL FASTENERS. MOUNTING...TEKA #33 ANCHOR KIT. OTHER VARIATION5... A. EXTENDED HEIGHT UP TO 44" WITH REINFORCED BASE PLATE. U,L. LISTED FOR WET LOCATIONS. st3 FAX (aos) 434'3512 @ TEKA 6/96 - <, u;/ /r/* 2' 4d /..4e7 Qz+-<- / 27 , ?S ?e< 2 ..{4"^t- A.l ?, 7{ f, c-. \ 7^,L --+14, frb trLu.\ Ap"{, U.r ?l^n 1..^, D^-t,$ to , ?5 ?s- /6. 7t n.. Ort\tacrra.r.r* ? /72d <,^Sr*J (,e<r.'\. U4-(- --+ "/ t \",.1- / ,42f E*g'"*tr @,Q " fr4 1k..!J a26 Vsu :}c11,, ( ,"ta *vg-?/35 4 u&t "zz -ss7a Atf--b AFFIDAVIT OF DIRK MASON Dirk Mason, upon being duly cautioned and sworn, states as follows: 1. I am currently employed as a Planner lforthe Town of Vailin the Department of Community Development. Z. lt has been brought to the attention of the Town of Vail that Ordinance No. 9, Series of 1995 incorrectly referred to the property located at 967 VailValley Drive, Vail, Colorado as being located in VailVillage First Filing, when in fact it is located in VailVillage Seventh Filing. (See attached Exhibit'A'). 3 ln Section 2 of Ordinance No. 9, Series of 1995, the ordinance incorrectly refers to the zoning as General Use District, when in fact the zoning has been changed to Primary/Secondary Residential District as properly stated in the title of Ordinance No. 9, Series of 1995. (See Exhibit'A"). 4. On March 7, 1995, before presenting the ordinance to 9, Series of 1995, Resolution No. 5, Series of 1995 modified the Town of Vail Land Use Plan, changing the land use designation of Tract C, Vail Village Seventh Filing from Park to Low Density Residential. (See attached Exhibit "B"). 5. In the Minutes of the Vail Town council meeting of May 16, 1995, it reflects the first reading of Ordinance No. 9, Series of 1995, and while the Minutes incorrectly refer to the Vail Village First Filing it does refer to the property as 967 Vail Valley Drive, and the Minutes reflect that Council was fully aware of the location and nature of property that was being considered for rezoning to Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. (See attached Exhibit'C")' 6. On June 6, 1995, Ordinance No. 9, Series of 1995 was considered on second reading and in the Minutes of the Vail Town Council meeting the property in question is properly referred to as Vail Village Seventh Filing. (See attached Exhibit ,.D). 7. The Town of Vail zoning maps properly reflect Tract C, Vail Village Seventh Filing as being presently zoned Primary/Secondary Residential District. 8. Scheduled for first and second reading is ordinance No. 19, Series of 1996, correcting Ordinance No. 9, Series of 1995. (See attached Exhibit'E"). 9. Exhibits A through E, inclusive, are as attached hereto are true and accurate copies of the original documents which are maintained in the Town of Vail permanent records. Further affiant sayeth naught, STATE OF COLORADO COUNW OF EAGLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this ja'4 day of .* *--t)'^_ , 1996, by Dirk Mason, as a P|anner l in the Department of Communi$ Dey'elopment, Town of Vail, State of Colorado. \Mtness my hand and officialseal. My commission expires: ) ) ss. ) Arne E ltttlt, Nobty h:bttc lU Commisdon E$frcs 617.1999 75 S. Frcntage Road TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL/ CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 Bui Ldi ng-----> P Lan Check---> Investigat ion> l,liIt caLL----> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG. ON JOBSITE AT Permit ALL TIMES #: D96-0008 Job Address Location.,. Parcel No. . Project No. 535.00 RestuaTant Ptan Revi ew--> 967 VAIL VALLEY DR SIAIUS...: ISSUED VAIL VALLEY DR SOCCER FlEApplied..: 07/10/)'996 2l-01-081-01-001 Issued...: 07/I8/1996 Expires. . : 07/I4/199'1 APPLICANT HP ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES L.L.C. Phone: (303)287-2225 4304 EAST 60TH AVENUE, PO BOX 1156/ COMMERCE CrrY, CO. 80022 CONTRACTOR HP ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES L.L.C. Phone: (303)287-2225 4304 EAST 60TH AVENUE, PO BOX 1156/ COMMERCE CrrY, CO. 80022 OWNER VAII, VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER D BOx Y. AVON CO 81620 Description: DEMO OF 2 WELL BUILDINGS Occupancy: 82 B2 Type Construction: VN Not in table! Type Occupancy: Valuatj-on: 58,500 Add Sq Ftr F i reDtace Inlormation: Restricted:#0f Gas Apptiances:fof Gas Logs:#0f UoodfPa L Let: *Jdot#rrffiffdrhffiJr**ffiJr*lrlr*trfri.*JF***# FEE SUlll.lARY ****,r********tr**irl****)tJrt(*#ffoffiffiffi*Jc** 347.75 DRB .00 .00 .00 250. @ Additional. Fees---------> TotaI Permi t tee--------> Total ca[cutated Fees---) 1 ,135.75 Payments .00 1 t?t 7q 1 1?( 7{ .00 Recreat ion Fee---------->3.00 Ctean-Up Deposi t--------> ******,Hr,ffi***ffiffiffi--**lflii-ff:i;;-----**;i***JililH***-lljlff-lli;;--..*;i*****"***o;?l*** Ite.m:.O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:O7/10/I996 CHARLIE ACtiON: APPR CHARLIE PLANS EXAMINERItbm:.O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT DepT: PLANNING Division: 07 /.I0/.7996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANNERS ???^07'/ I8'/799 6 DIRK Action: APPR Ileqt',q5qqo _FIRE DEPART\,IENT Deptr FIRE Division:07/IO/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/AIt'em:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS ' DeDt : PUB WORK Division:07/IO/1996 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/AItEm:,.05700 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DeDt: HEALTH Division:O7/TO/1996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE RUSS NEEDS Tb APPROVE07'/127199 6 CHARLIE Action: APPR PER RUSS Fi!e{ri',9pPq0_!IAIJaB Dept: CLERK Division:07/I0/1996 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A *rt**Jrffiffiffit i#**ffiHffi******#****H*ffi*********r.*Jr*#********************CrffiJr*#***t Hffi***** See Page 2 of this Document for any condi-ti-ons that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknolrtedge that I have read this apptication/ till.ed out in fult the information required, conpteted an accurate ptot Ptan, and state that aLI the information provided as required is correct. I agree to conpl.y v jth the inlormation and pLot pLan,to compty with a[], ToHn ordinances and state [aws, and to buil,d this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniforrn Euil.ding Code and other ordinances of the Tor./n appticabl.e thereto. REOUESiS TOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE I{OURS IN AOVANCE BY TELEP send ctean-up Deposit To: HP ENVIRoI'IENTAL ELF AND OI.INER * * * * *** * * * * * * **i. ** * * *** * * * * * * t * * * ** * * * * * *** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * {. * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * CONDITIONS Permit #: D96-0008 as of 09/09/96 Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** t TIIENTY-FOUR Permit Type: DEMO. OF PART/AIL BUDG. Applicanr: HP ENVTRONMENTAL SERVTCES L.L.C. (303)287 -222s Job Address:Location: VAIL VALLEY DR SOCCER FIELD Parcel No: 2101-081-01-001 Description: DEMO OF 2 WELL BUILDINGS Conditions: 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. PER ENVIR. HEALTH A SILT FENCE MUST BE PLACED BETWEEN ANY STREAMS AND DEMO AREA3. The Location of the fence must include the shed to be denoli shed.4. IN-FILL AND REGRADE EXCAVATED AREAS TO EXISRING GRADE AS IND TCATED ON THE TOPOGRAPHTC SURVEY DATED 8/4/94.5. dISTURBED AREAS WILL NEED TO BE RE-VEGETATED WITH A NATIVE G RASS SEED MIX. Applied: 07 /I0/r996Issued: 07 /I8/L996To Expire t 01/7a/L997 478-2138 0R Ar oUR CE FROI{ **************************************************************** TOWN oF vAlL, COLORADO Statemnt ** * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * **** * * * * * t * * * ** * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * ** * * * Statemnt Number: REC-O196 Amount: Pa)rment Method: CK Notation: *L572 1,135 .'t5 09/09/96 11:45Init: DS D96-0008 Type: A-DEMO DEMO. OF PART/ALL BU 2101-0 81-01-0 01 967 VAIL VALLEY DR Total Fees I I,t35.75 Total ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permi-t No: ParceI No:Site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 1, 135.75 1, 135 .75 .00 Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 535.00 347.75 250.00 3.00 PERI-IIT # PER}IIT APPLTCATION FORMoare: rh)ek ^ t APPLfCATIoN I'tusT BE FILLED ouT colrlPLETELY oR fT MAy NoT BE AccEpTEDaf X***************************** PER!{fT fNFORI.IATfON *****************************rl|[ ]-Building t l-prunbing I J-Electricar [ ]-Mechanibal [{-other@_ OF VAIL CONSTRUCTT Job Name: I \)c 'iwr o - LegaL Descriptiorr, &f*BJ.ock_ Filing Ovrners Nane: f Ph.gztJ.ySe-'\ir.\- c1-Architect: p[A Address:Ph. ceneral Description: I{ork Class:[ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]_Repair t{_otherTtqF__ Number of Dwelling Units: O Nunber of Accommodation Units: cl ^ lpnber and 81pe of FirepLaces: cas Appliances di cas Logs o wood/pelretr ov /f* * ** *** *** *********** ************ vALUATToNs * * ********* ******* *************** BUfLDfNc: $ELECTRICAL: $ MECINNTCAL: $- qra*** coNI]RAeroR TJON *************************** Address:ffi3l""$"ffilliw Electrical Contractor: Address: ******************************!r* BUTLDING PERMIT FEE:PLWBING PERMTT FEE: UECEANTCAI PERUTT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: o) BUTLDTNG PLAN CHECK FEE:PLI'I.IBINC PI,AT{ CHECK FEE:I'TECHANTCEL PI,AN cHEcK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TO1rAL PERUTT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATTIRE: ZONING: SIGNAIII]RE: Plunbing Contractor: Address: llechanical Contractor: Address: OTHER: + tg,ioc) CLEATT I'P I'EPOSIT REFI'I{D,T1):e bf Env',-"na.JJ Sa-,t,t-o', {44" UE UCSD I|t03476408e JULU6 13:45 N0.019 P.03 Erdo llvrr Wrtm md Srnltrtlon Dhirlct Denollilon &-Witsr Treehnent Plrnt and Storagc Facllltlee 'Ihc followine informrtion is intsnded to rupplcment de.molltirn pcrnrltc U'hiCh haVC hcn ffi;ifi'fifiilrilwSfim irai*io rrmovi'oxisting_watcrtnatircrt and.ctoragc facilitit'$ locaGd ;iF;iliD,'d;^";igo-s"6li;[lo;Filing t (thc R& Ssnd*hnc siti) snd Trapl C. Vail Villasc ?rh Fl[ru. Bxistlnq lmprovcnrontd on both ritcs consist of a onc'*ory building rnd an undergtound *3tcr. ,rtorqo-tank. Therc fruilities nru no longcr utilircd by the Dictrict'e wfller syslem lnd alt oD$olcte.' Ilcrcrlptlon of Plopoaod Dcnolltlon . Donolition '*,itl conslet of rhe demolition urd rcrncwal of thc buitdingr rnd Srngo tat*n crsrvntly lqcst€d oo botlr slEs. Excavrnd {rcfls will bc filled and compactott wilh thlcturel frll, . Ro-sradins will bc limited to in-fllllng tho ercavilsl rcf,f, of cu:h uite. Excrvttcd fiEes wiU-Ua irtloO, compactcd urd gndod [o mrtch exiodng grado. Thnt will bc no othcr apprccioblo changi o tho cxlsting carlourr of cnh siie. . Dieturbsd arrss wi[ bo tp-veg:tdcd with r nativo grnss eerd mix ' Thc pttciso soed mix. ntc of ryplicrtion, e&, to be ilq!flnined bc a grtined local lurtdtcape conuwtor. . Snow fcncim (or some othpr euitablc banier) will be eltctcd around elcaYaFd aroas in order to eceufo'the consntction arcn duing dcnnliticrn end back-fill' FINAL REPORT January +1995 PHASE I ENVIROI\MENTAL ASSESSMENT Ibact C, Vail Village Filing No 7 Gore Creek Water lleatnent Plant Vail, Colorado pnepared by: En Conrulllng eroup lha anvlaodn.|rlo| proLaalonda for: Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation Distric't Town of Vail OFFICI COPY PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Tract C, Vail Village Filing No. 7 Gore Creek Water Treatment Plant 967 Vail Valley Drive Vail. Colorado TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROPERTY USE INVESTIGATION .............2 1.1 Property Description.. .................2 1.2 Ownership and Land Use............... ..................2 1.2.1 Review of Title Information ..............................2 I.2.2 Review of Building Records........ .......................3 1.2.3 Review of Aerial Photography. ..........................3 1.2.4 Review of Street Directories and Historical Records.................................3 1.2.5 Interview...... ............3 1.2.6 Review of Planning and Zoning Information.. ........................3 1.3 Summary of Property Use Investigation................ ................3 2.0 EIWIRONMENTAL RECORDS REVIEW...... ................-...4 2.1 Pollution Sources at the Subject Property .............................4 z.lJ Inspection, Compliance, and Monitoring History.... ...,..........4 2.1.2 Potentially Responsible Parties at Superfund Sites.............".............'...'..5 2.2 Potential Environmental Hazards at the Subject Property.........................5 2.2.I Wetlands.... ...........5 2.3 Assessment of Environmental Risk from On-Site Sources/Flazards........5 2.4 Pollution Sources in the Surrounding Area... .........................7 2.4.I Stationary Air Pollution Sources........ ...........-..7 2.4.2 Stream Pollution Sources......... ..........................7 2.4.3 Hazardous Waste Faci1ities............... .............7 2.4.4 Underground Storage Tank Sites... ..................8 2.4.5 Landfills .................9 2.4.6 Polychlorinatcd Biphenyls (PCBs)-Sources............... ............9 2.4.7 Chemical Radiation Sources........ .....................9 2.4.8 Spills and Complaints.. ................9 2.5 Environmental Hazards in the Surrounding Area.. ...............10 2.5.1 Floodplain Locations..... ................10 2.5.2 Wetlands ...............10 2.5.3 Registered Mining Sites............. .......................10 2.6 Potential Pathways for Contaminant Migration to the Subject Property...l0 2.6.1 Utility Corridors...... ......................10 2.6.2 Groundwater .............10 2.7 Assessment of Environmental Risk from Off-Sile Pollution Sources/Hazards-............. ............I I 3.0 PROPERTY INSPECTION ...........I1 3.1 Building Inspection..... ..................11 3.2 Property Grounds....... .................12 3.3 Surrounding Properties ...............12 3.4 Assessment Summary of Property Inspection.... ..................12 4.0 SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT .......12 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS....... ........13 6.0 LIMITATrONS................... ..........13 1.0 PROPERTY USE INVESTIGATION 1.1 Property Description The subject property is described as Tract C of Vail Village Filing No. 7, lying in the NE4 of Section 8 and the NW4 of Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th Prime Meridian. The property is addressed as 967 Vail Valley Drive, Vail, Colorado. The roughly triangular-shaped lot is approximately 19,602 square feet in size and contains the Gore Creek Water Treatment Plant, a one-story concrete block building which has been unused since December 1985. 1.2 Ownership and Land Use The historical uses of the subject property were established by review of assessment and title records from the Eagle County assessor's and clerk and recorder's offices, review of the Town of Vail's building and inspection records, an interview with a foreman/water treatment plant operator of the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District, and review of the Town of Vail's planning and zoning records. 1.2.I Review of Title Information The subject property is currently owned by Vail Valley Consolidated Water District, which acquired the property in May 1989. The previous owners were traced back through 1938. The current and previous owners and the approximate dates of ownership are listed in Table l: TAI}LE I HISTORICAL OWNERSHIP Tract C, Vail Village Filing No. 7 Gore Creek Water Treatment Plant 967 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO Owners Dates of Ownership Vail Valley Consolidat€d Water District May 1989-Present Vail Water and Sanitation District June 1969-May 1989 Vail Associates, Inc./Vail Associates, Ltd. September 1964-June 1969 Peter W. Seibert June 1963-September 1964 Henry W. & Leona E. Antholz August 1958-June 1963 Henry W. Antholz August 1938-August 1958 Iowa Investment Company prior to August 1938 The review of past and present owners does not reveal any obvious or known cnvironmentally significant land use at the subject property. Peter Seibert was a principal founder of Vail. o ENPRO Consulting Group, Inc.Page 2 1.2.2 Review of Building Records No builcling records for the subject property address are on file at either the Town of Vail or Eagle County government offices. First building records for the Vail Valley and Eagle County date from the early 1970's. 1.2-3 Review of Aerial Photography Historical aerial photographs arc not available for the Vail area from the Colorado School of Mines Library or the Colorado Aerial Photography service, the only two known resources which would have photographs of a suitable scale. 1.2.4 Review of Street Directories and Historical Recortb Denver Public Library historical records (including Sanborn fire insurance rate maps and historical street directories) are unavailable for public use until March 1995. There are no other sources of historical records known for the Vail area. 1.2.5 Interview Mr. Lanny Carlson, a plant operator and foreman for the water district for 13 years, indicated that the water treatment plant operated at the subject property from approximately 1972- 1986. There have not been any petroleum storage facilities at the property. It is his understanding that the property was part of a ranch prior to the development of Vail. 1.2.6 Review of Planning and hning Infornmtion The subject property is zoned as a general use district. The neighborhood to the east is zoned Primary/Secondary Residential District, and the nearby Gerald Ford Park, the Vail Golf Course and the soccer fields are zoned Agricultural and Open Space. 1.3 Summary of Property Use Investigation The subject property contains an inactive water treatment plant that operated from the early 1970's to thsmid 1980's. The property is believed to have been in ranching use prior to the development of the Vail Valley. Nearby properties includc the Vail Golf Course and the Gerald R. Ford Park, as well as several single family residences and duplexes. No environmentally significant land uses were uncovered in the vicinity of the subject property. ENPRO Consulting Group, Inc.Page 3 NPDES Permit (stream discharge) Hazardous waste notification/permit Tank registration Radiation Source License Water Well Drinking Water System Permit Spills and Complaints Kev for Table 2A I cDPHE=Colorado Deparment of Public Healtb & Envhonment 2 Ols=Colorado's Office of Oil Inspecdon 3 WRE= Colorado Division of Water Resources 4 Epn=US Environmental Protection Agency 5 V"il=Vail Envfuonmental Health Oflicer 2.0 ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS REVIEW 2.1 Pollution Sources at the Subject Property TABLE 2A Environmental Licenses, Permits, and Notifications at the Subject Property Type of Permit/Notification Agency, Permit nFbNlnir Pollutant Emission Permit CDPHEI none none none none none none YES EPA4/CDPHE/VaiIS none 2.L.2 Inspection, Compliance, and Monitoring Hisnry CDPHE Drinking Water filcs wcrc rcviewed for thc Upper Eagle Valley and Vail Consolidatcd Watcr District. The most recent compliance in.spcction of thc Vail Consolidated District water treatment facilities was pcrformed in Deccmber 1993 and thc inspcction report indicates the inactive status of the Gore Creek Plant. Historical inspection and monitoring records for the Gore Creek Plant were also reviewed and appear to indicate that the last compliance inspection occurred in July 1983. The use of alum and polymer, filtration, and chlorination processes were confirmed from the inspection report. There were no major problems noted at that time, but recommendations were made to improve routine maintenance items (e.g. flushing the filtration tanks) and to refine the treatment operations by optimizing chemical dosages. The last self-monitoring reports were from January 1985. Mr. Jim Chubrilo, District Engineer for the CDPHE Water Quality Control Division, could not recall any ongoing chemicals management problems at the plant during its previous operation. There are no other records of inspections by the above listed agencies for environmentally related matters at the subject property, and no other regulatory agency environmental compliance or monitoring reports were available for the subject proPerty. CDPHI] CDPHI] CDPHI'OIS2 CDPHE WRE3 CDPHE ENPRO Consulting Group, Inc.?age 4 2.I.2 Potentially Responsible Parties at Superfund Sites EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) records of potentially responsible parties ("PRPs") for investigation and cleanup of CERCLA/Superfund Sites were also compared with known owners of the subject property. The property's cunent owner (Vail/Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Water District) is not presently identified as a PRP in the State of Colorado. 2.2 Potential Environmental Hazards at the Subject Property TABLE 28 Potential Environmental Hazards at the Subject Property Hazard Agency/Record Location Result Wetlands U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service No wetlands maps exist for area Floodplain FEMA (Federal Emergency Zone C (area of rrinimal flooding Management Agency) Panel #08fi)54 0o3B - 19s3) 2.2.1 Wetlands The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has not mapped the Vrdl Valley for potential wetlands. The Grand Junction ofhce of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has indicated that numerous potenr.ial wetlands existed in the Vail Valley prior to its dcvelopment; this is the subject of a recommendation in $5.0. 2.3 Assessment of Environmental Risk from On-Site Sources/flazards The subject property was a permitted water treatment plant until 1986, without any history of significant noncompliance with Colorado drinking water rcgulations. There are no other documented environmental hazards or registered cnvironntental pollution sourccs located at the property. ENPRO Consulting Group, Inc.Page 5 2.4 Pollution Sources in Ore Surrounding Area 2.4.1 Stationary Air Pollution Sources The Air Quality Control Division (AQCD) of the Colorado Departrrent of Public Health & Envirorurrent is the prirnary enforcer of air pollution control requirements in Colorado. These include requirements and permitting for asbestos abatement during rcmodeling and demolition of buildings, and rcquirements for notification and permitting of facilities that produce hazardous air pollutants (including asbeslos). Hazardous air pollulants which are not controlled can produce liability for tbe lender or buyer of a property as a rcsult of worker/tenant exposure and health-relaled lawsuits. In some cases, significant air pollution sources can also contaminate soils and water on the subject property as well as . surrounding properties. Selected AQCD files are reviewed fior a ll2 mile radius fiom the subject property, based on UTM address information and strect address information available from dalabase records. There are no registered air pollutant cmission sources located within l/2 mile of the subject property. 2.4.2 Stream Pollution Sources Local, state, and the federal government are involved in protecting water quality. Permits are required for the discharge of pollutants to streams. These are known as NPDES permits, after the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systcm. Discharge of poltutants into municipal sewer systems ultimately reaches our streaans and rivers. These types of pollution discharges are regulated under the Industrial PrekeaUnent Program, wbereby local sewer districls rcquire pcrmits for many kirrds of industries. There is oversight of this program by both CDPHE and EPA. Selected CDPHE and EPA NPDES records are reviewed based on discharge location information provided in database records. CDPHE records were consulted for facilities which potentially discharge into Gore Creek. There are no upgradient stream discharge sources located in the nearby vicinity of the subject property. 2-4.3 Hazardous Waste Facilities RCRA refers to the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery A(:t, the law tbat provide$ for regulstion of companies or businesses lhat produce bazardous chemical wastes ("generators"). This law also regulates transporlers of hazardous waste, and those tbat receive hazardous waste for treatment. storage, or disposal ("TSD facilities")' In Colorado, this program is managed by tbe Colorado Department of Public Hcalth & Environment, Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division. CERCLA refers to the federal Comprehensive Environmental Rcsponse, Compensotion, and Liability Act, the prinary law tbat Provides for Sovernmcnt respons€ to major chemical spills and cleanup of abandoned hazardous chemical dump sites. Under this law "Superfund" was created, a multibillion dollar federal fund used 1o finance site studies and clean-ups until costs can be recovered from Potentially Responsible Parties (PRPs). ENPRO Consulting Croup, Inc.Page 7 Although EPA is usually the lead agency for managing Superfund clean-ups, state agencies csn also be assigngd lead status for clean-up management and oversight, Selected EPA and CDPHE records are reviewed based upon address information provided in database records staintained by EPA. RCRA Hazardous Waste Handlers There are no registered hazardous waste handlers located within 1/2 mile of the subject property, and there are no hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facilities located within one mile of the subject property. CERCLA Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites EPA records of inactive or abandoned hazardous waste sites or facilities (CERCLA/Superfund) were reviewed for the Town of Vail and Eagle County. There are no CERCLA study sites located within l/2 mile of the subject property, and there are no National Priorities List sites located within one mile of thc subject property. 2.4.4 Underground Storage Tank Sites Underground petroleun or bazardous material slorage tanks must be registered with tbe Colorado Oil Inspection Section (OIS), part of the Colorado Depart$ent of Labor. OIS inspects tank installations for safety. However, I-caks from underground storage tanks are regulated by CDPHE. Underground storage tanks located at or near the subject property are significant due to their propensity to leak, causing soil and groundwater contamination. This is especially hue of steel tanks, which corrode in soil and groundwater, unless specially protected. Old gasoline stations. auto repair facilities, and businesses lhat had fleets of vehiclcs are prime candidates for baving underground tanks. TABLE 3l\ Underground Storage Tank Sites Located Within l/2 Mile of the Subject Property Facility Name and Address AIL COLF CLTJB MAINTENANCE SHOP T278 VAIL VAIIEY DRWE AIL ASSOCIATES INC. I3O9 VAJL VALLEY DRIVE There are no reported leaking installations located within I/2 mile of the subject property. CDPHE records do not include any assessment of possible soils or groundwater contamination of the two installations listed above: however, the listed tank installations are not within a likely zone of influence to the subject property, based upon distances of the sources to the subject property and the lack of potential pathways for dispersion of contaminants to the subject property. ormation at Initial ANK 1: GASOLINE TANK IN USE: 22 YRS ANK 2: DIESEL TANK IN USE: IO YRS ANK 3 : WASTE OIL TANK IN USEI 6 YRS ONE STEELTANKPERMANENTLY CI.OSED IN AUCUST 1990 ENPRO Consulting Group, Inc.Page 8 2.4.5 Inndfills Disposal of solid waste is regulated by the Colorado DePartment of Public Health & Envirorunent under the Colorado Solid Waste Disposal Sites and Facilities Act. Landfills loceted at or near the subject property are significant because of the possibility of hazardous wastes having been disposed in the landfill and subsequently causing groundwater contamination. Croundwater degradation of the non-hazardous variety may also occur, making nearby drinking water wells unusable. Methanc is also produced during the breakdown of organic wastes disposed in landfills, Methane gas can accumulate in nearby structures and cause an explosion hazard. CDPHE database records are reviewed and the Eagle County sanitarion and the Town of Vail's Environmental Health r€presentativc are interviewed for irtformation on landfills and dump sites believed to be located within l/2 mile of the subject property. Selected files are reviewed for sources considered to be potcntially significant to the subject property. Ad&ess information for landfills is inperfect. There are no records in Eagle County, the Town of Vail, and CDPHE files of open or closed landfills or dump sites located within 1/2 mile of the subject property. 2.4.6 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)'Sources Polychlorinated bipbenyls (PCBs) and certain forms of asbeslos nre regulated under ttre Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) which is enforced by the U.S. EPA. PCBs are used in the dielectric fluid found in transformers, capacitors, and othcr electrical equipmcnt. PCBs cause serious reproductive effects urd are tbought to be carcirtogcnic. EPA database rccords of inspcctions are rcvicwcd and filcs sclcctcd for ruvicw, based upon prorimity to the subject property. There are no facilities located within l/4 mile of the subject property which have been inspected or found out of compliance with applicable TSCA regulations. 2.4.7 Chemical Radiation Sources CDPHE Radiation Control Division database records of facilities located within I/4 mile of the subject property are reviewed, and file records are reviewed for selected facilities, as discussed below. There are no nearby facilities liccnsed by the CDPHE Radiation Control Division for chemical radiation sources. 2.4.8 Spills and Complaints Spills of bazardous sraterials tbat have occurred on or near the subject property may affect the property by causing soil and./or groundwater contamination. Tbe prevalence of spills and complaints ar the subject property may also indicate general business practices that present a potentiai environmental tbreat. ENPRO Consulting Group, Inc.Page 9 EPA database records, CDPHE database records and CDPHE file rccords are reviewed and representatives of the Vail Fire Department are in0erviewed for complaints and spills in the vicinity of the subject property. The nearest reported spill incident occurred north of the subject property along I-70 when approximately 50 gallons of diesel fuel was spilled after a truck's fuel tank ruptured in March 1991. This incident is not believed to be environmenhlly significant to the subject property. There are no additional repofted spills or incidents within the immediate vicinity of the subject propeny. 2.5 Environmental Hazards in the Surrounding Area 2.5.I Floodplain Incations Sunounding properries to the north are located within the mapped 100-year floodplain of Gore Creek, according to the 1983 Federal Emergency Management Agency flood insurance rate maps. Residences to the east of the subject property are not mapped within the floodplain. 2.5.2 Wetlands Wetlands, hsbitats for waterfowl, are also protected by federal law, which is administered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. They are important from a liability standpoint, in thst therc are restrictions tbat are intended to prevent wetlands dcstruction, regardless of property ownership. Some local governments also regulated wetland development. These programs can limit the developmen! and use of a property. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Scrvice maps of potential wctlands are reviewed for a l/2 mile radius of the subject property. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has not prepared any rvetlands maps for the Vail area. 2.5.3 Registered Mining Sites There are no mining sites permitted by the Colorado Mined Land Reclamation Division which arc located within 1/2 mile of the subject property. 2.6 Potential Pathways for Contaminant Migration to the Subject Property 2.6.1 Utility Conidors Underground utility corridors and bedding materials can provide pathways for subsurface contaminant migration; however tlere are no known nearby pollution sources for which the utility corridors would provide a likely pathway for contaminant migration to the subject propeny. 2.6.2 Groundwater Groundwater can also provide a pathway for contaminant migration, but again there are no nearby sources of contamination. ENPRO Consulting Group, Inc.Page l0 2,7 Assessment of Environmental Risk from Off-Site Pollution Sources/Hazards There are no government records which indicate that subsurface contamination in the immediate vicinity of the subject property has occurred. lt is our assessment that there is minimal risk of subsurface contamination from the nearcst potential pollution sources, underground petroleum storage tank installations located more than l/4 mile from the property. 3.0 PROPERTY INSPECTION The property was inspected on December 28, 1994. Mr. Lanny Carlson, water plant operator/foreman accompanied the inspector and some of the observations given below are based upon Mr. Cadson's knowledge of the plant. Mr. Carlson has been associated with the water and/or sanitation district for approximately 13 years. The inspection included a complete visual survey of the subject property (including evidence of chemical or waste storage or disposal, and a physical inspection of the building and property grounds for visible signs of contamination or contamination sources), as well as a driveby survey of the nearby area. 3.1 Building Inspection The property subject to audit includes a water treatment plant which was brought on-line in approximately 1972 and ceased operation in approximately 1986. The estimated capacity of the plant was 1-1.2 million gallons per day and the plant obtained surface water directly from the adjaccnt Gore Creek. The building housing the plant is masonry block construction set on a concrete foundation slab. Heat was formerly provided by gas-fired hcatcr.s suspcndcd from the ceiling. There were no observed building materials of construction, insulations, or coverings which are suspicious for asbestos content. The water treatment plant consists of an approximately 60,000 gallon "clear well" located in a concrete vault beneath the structure and two steel multimcdia filter tanks which were used for primary treatment. Piping which could be observed within the building is iron and/or steel without coverings or linings observed on exposed interior surfaces; no evidence of transite (asbestos containing) piping was observed and Mr. Carlson is only aware of PVC or ductile piping in subgrade components of the plant. Water treatmcnt chemicals used for clarification included alum or polymer and were stored within the building. Some minor residuals of these chemicals were notJed on the floor surface. Disinfection was accomplished by chlorine and a small segregated room for chlorine storage is located ncar the northeast corner of the building. The chlorine storage room was empty at the timc of inspection. All sludges and wastes lrom the water treatment process were discharged to the municipal sanitary sewer system and no on-site disposal took place. Electrical service and plant operating components include several transformers, but no liquid filled transformers were observed within thc structure. Liquid filled transformers might otherwise pose a concern for PCB content. In summary there were no adverse observations of the building and the water treatment facilitv contained inside. ENPRO Consulting Group, Inc.Page ll 3.2 Properqr Grounds The property grounds, snow-covered at the time of inspection, consist of landscaped areas surrounded by residential streets and the adjacent Gore Creek. Raw (untreated) water was collected from the Creek in two different facilities, one of which is now tied to the golf course. Wetlands vegetation was not observed on the property; however, the snow cover precluded any definitive judgement regarding potential wetlands, particularly in the Gore Creek floodplain. 3.3 Surrounding Properties Gore Creek is located to the north and Gerald R. Ford Park is located to the west of the subject property. Duplex and single family homes are located to the east and south and the Vail Golf Course is located to the northeast of the subject property. 3.4 Assessment Summary of Property Inspection ENPRO's inspection included an evaluation of the subject property for visible sources of contamination and environmental hazards. There were no chemicals in storage and there was no evidence of chemical mishandling within the water treatment plant. It is our assessment that there is minimal risk of subsurface contamination to the subject property. Potential wetlands areas could not be completely evaluated due to the snow cover and dormant vegetation, but no obvious wetlands outside the Core Creck floodplain were observed. 4.0 SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT The subjcct property, an inactive water trcatment. plant, was evaluated tor potcntially significant on-site environmental contamination through a review of historical property uses, a review of environmental records available from government agencies, and a property inspection. The subject property contains an inactive waler treatment plant that operated from the early 1970's to the mid 1980's. The property is believed to have been in ranching use prior to the development of the Vail Valley. Nearby properties include the Vail Golf Course and the Gerald R. Ford Park, as well as several single family residences and duplexes. No environmentally significant land uses were uncovered in the vicinity of the subject property. Records of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, the Colorado Of{ice of Oil Inspection, the Town of Vail Fire Department, the Vail Environmental Health office, and thc Eagle County Sanitarian were also evaluated for information on air pollutants, water pollutants, hazardous materials, and land sources of pollutantVhazards of potential concern, including known complaints and spills. The subject property was a permitted water treatment plant until 1986, without any history of significant noncompliance with Colorado drinking water rcgulations. There are no othcr documented environmental hazards or registered environmental pollution sources located at the property. There are no government records which indicate that subsurface contamination in the immediate vicinity of the subject property has occurred. It is our assessment that there is minimal risk of subsurface contamination from the nearest potential pollution sources, ENPRO Consulting Group, Inc.Page 12 underground petroleum storage tank insUllations located more than 1/4 mile from the property. ENPRO's inspection included an evaluation of the subject property for visible sources of contamination and environmental hazards. There were no chemicals in storage and there was no evidence of chemical mishandling within the water treatment plant. It is our assessment that there is minimal risk of subsurface contamination to the subject property. Potential wetlands areas could not be completely evaluated due to the snow cover and dormant vegetation, but no obvious wetlands outside the Gore Creck floodplain werc observed. 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS A complete wetlands evaluation may be appropriate prior to the redevelopment of the property. The demolition of structures is subject to pre-notification and asbestos inspection requirements of the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, Air Quality Control Division. The inspection must be performed by a state certified inspector and should includc an evaluation of piping exposed during dismantling of the plant to verify the absence of transite (asbestos type). 6.0 LIMITATIONS The ENPRO Phase I Environmental Audit is a practical screening approach for the identification of serious environmental problems. The information obtained from this approach should provide an initial assessment of the environmental condition of the property. The records surnmary is based on information available at the time of the investigation and information obtained during the property inspection is based on the condition of the property at thc time of the inspection. Thcsc may not be indicative of site condition.s at othcr time.s. While it is not possible to guarantee that the Phase I Audit, or for that matter any approach, will identify all possible sources of contamination, wc believe that the process described in our checklist and proposal represents a reasonable and responsible investigation. .-/t,/^ O/'*''* lenfifer OsboYn A/-r< Randy Jones Environmental Specialist President L,.//- ENPRO Consulting Group, Inc.Page 13 ' ,.| I s I J$ v o t1 F I 6 N!.€ai'"'a \i q tt'l {;f. (a \l B? .D x \ EE F\ sol q H\) s c\\\ ) \ .< \ ) a hJ O_ z zlrl lrl 7 oztrl \o o o I \! (F\ ra o z a-1 t-r CNo FI z -'1 rii U)zItl X z F OU) .t J\\ J--\ \{ L4 \sS I ci\)v t4 z (\o c.l C.l &arl z t--7p (-)() o o 7t4 N vl ctzf, l& rq Ir F7 o r"i F F z() cn ,'-] o I'l F .;) PLANNING AND ENVIHONMENTAL COMMIdSION April10, 1995 MINUTES FILE C$PY MEMBERS PRESENT: Greg Amsden Bob Armour Henry Pratt Jeff Bowen Kevin Deighan Greg Motfet MEMBERS ABSENT: Dalton Williams t STAFF PRESENT: Mike Mollica Lauren Waterton Jim Curnutte George Ruther Lorelei Donaldson f Public Hearing The meeting was called to order by Greg Amsden at 2:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 1. A request for a conditional use to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit (EHU) to be located at 126 Forest Road/Lot 5, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing' Applicant: Ron Byrne Planner: Lauren Waterton Greg Amsden stated that the applicant requested that this proposal be tabled to the next meeting. Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this proposalto the next meeting, subject to the length of the next PEC meeting agenda. This proposal may, at the PEC'S discretion, be tabled to another meeting at a laterdate. Bob Armour seconded the motion. The vote to table this item was unanim-ously approved with a vote of 6-0. 2. A request for a rezoning from General Use District to Primary/Secondary Residenli{ . . .. District to allow lor the devetopment of a primary/secondary residence located at 967 Vail Valley Drive/Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant Pat Dauphinais for VailValley Consolidated Water District Planner: Jim Curnutte Jim Curnutte presented the request to the PEC. Jim stated that the staff has the chronological history of this property dating back to 1932. There is a letter in the permanent files that shows that ttie Vait Vailei C6nsolidlteO Water District (VVCWD) asked the Town if they were interested in purchasing this property. At that time, the Town was not interested in this piece 91PI9Fry._. Th'e Vail Becreation Oistribt URD) can use the pumps located on the property, so WCWD will give the pumps to the VHD. Statf feels that the applicant's proposal meets the criteria and findings stated in the memorandum and recommends approval of this request' Greg Amsden asked for public comment. Ann Repetti, a neighbor, stated that she was ok with this proposal to change the zoning to primary/secondary and that it would fit well with the surrounding neighborhood. She stressed Planning ard Eaironm€ntd Cdlr||lhsion April 10, 1995 Minutes t that this would be the most appropriate change to this property and shourd not be used foranything else (i.e. a bus turn-around, a truckiurn-around, o, pirk, etc.). " Bob Armour made a motion to approve the proposal request to rezone the property toPrimary./Secondary as per the ri# reroiailJ,]m. Jeff Bowen seconded the motion. Therequest was unanimously approved with a vote of 6_0. 3' A request for a conditional use to allow for an outdoor dining deck for the Daily Grindlocated at 288 Bridge streeyLot B, Block 5H, Vait Village 1s-t Fiting. Applicant The Dai[ Grind Coffee HousePlanner: George Ruther George Ruther made a presentation to PEC. The applicant is requesting a conditional use toplace an outdoor dining patio to the west and in froni'of tne oaifybiino, Tn the plaza area.Because of liquor tawsi tnere is a requiremeniio s.p"rat" the pedestrian way from the outdoordining area when alcohol is to be served in the outdoor dining irea. The applicant needs tophysically separate the pedestrian way from the outdoor diniig area. rr'e iirplic"ni p.por.r toplace seven wood planters on the plaza site to separate the outdoor dining area from thepedestrian way. staff reviewed th6 Town of Vail (ToV) Municipat code, i-ne vatt vilageComprehensive Plan, and the Vail Viltage urban besig'n Coniiierat6ns. The Vait Viligecomprehensive Plan recommends ptaclng outdoor din-ing areas where appropriate. George stated that staff believes there is a possible obstruction from the pedestrian area to theSunglass Hut. Also, staff doesn't like the placement of the temporary plahter structures, andwould like to have more permanent planters. The applicant is iropoiing to serve alcohol on the 9.u1do9r dining area. The outdoor dining deck may iiohibit pedesirian a-ccess to the SungtassHut. Staff also has a concern about tralh disposil ior this irea. Jim Hoza, with public works,had placed a trash receptacle in the plaza area lo help collect additional trash in this area. Sincene applrcant questioned why a TOV public trash receptacle is in the ptaza, the appticant wouldlike to see it removed. As oi today, Jim Hoza was removing this trash receptacle.' Staff believesthat if this conditional use permit ii approved that one of th6 conditions wodto be to place a trasnreceptacle on site. Another concern to staff is the type of materials to be used for the chairs and tables. The tablesand chairs are made of plastic. Statf feels that wrought iron or wood iiur"s ano chairs would bemore appropriate for the Vail Village. Staff is recommending deniat of this request. Sllt^.t:ltl$-".applicant, stated that they used the ptanter materiat rhat the staff suggested. :::-1yq_ggrr.d that rhey coutd use a chain to separate the outdoor dining area trom jfle peoesrian way' She also stated that Curtin-Hill is using the same matentatfor their tables and 9|1j1as she is.proposing and feels it is very coniusing as to what is or is not acceptabte andcommon around town. Greg Amsden asked if the Daily Grind has a lease for the space in front of the Sunglass Hut. . faye Ferry stated hat the lease includes he area from the Rucksack to the front of MaxAlexander's store. Pls.ing |Jld E Mronmrntd Co.nmissioo April 10, 1995 Minutes2. l. 2. VAIL TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1995 6:30 P.M. IN TOV COUNCIL CHATIBERS EXPANDED AGENDA Citizen Padicipation. Otdinancs No. 9, Series of 1995, firsl reading of an ordinarrs tezoning Tract C, Vail Village Farst Filing/962 Vail Vatby olve r-rom irre eenerat us€ zone District to .r\ S ' the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone Distrir:t. Applicant: pat Dauphinais. Apgove/deny/rnodlly Ordinance No. 9, Series of 1995 on first reading. 6:30 P.M. 6:35 P.M. Jim Curnutte 6:45 P.M. 3. Andy Knudtsen 10:45 P.M. 4. Lauren Walerton 9ACKGROUND RATIONALE: on Fobruary 27, rggs,the water District recelvsd Planning and Environmenlal commission (pEc) revlew and approval of their r€quesl lo change the Vail Land Use plan designation of this poperty from paft to Low Density Besidentiat. On March ?, 1995, the Vail Town Council approved Resolution No. 5, series of 1995 which authorized the change to the vait t_iird usePlan from Park to Low Density Residedial. Resolution No. 5 conlained tive conditions which must be addressed by the applicant prior to the transter ol 911ers!rp ot the prop€riy. On April lO, 1995 the pEC unanimously approve thewater Distrirrl's request to rezone Tract c from lhe General use disiiir:t o tne Primarylsecondary Residential zone District (see attached staff memorandum lothe PEC and dratl copy of the meetirE minutes from tho April 10, 1995 pEc meeting.) sr4FF RECoMMENDATToN: Approve ordinance No. 9, series of 1995, on first reading. Prosentations by the four f inalists ol proposals forthe vail comrnons devebpmenil.l. The Gan Companies; 2. City Market; 3. Aftodable Housing Development Corporation; and4. Loftus Development. AQT-loN REQUESTED oF couNCrL: tn coniurction with th€ Task Force andpublic, inlerview each developmenl team after they have made their presentailons. Fifleen minutes is allocated for each presentation, with the lollo.riig lo minuei reserved for queslions. BACIGFOUND RATIONALE: Since short-listing these four firms, each hasreceived questions and oomments about th€ir original proposal. The proposats y.ere.reliewe-d earlier by the council, Task Force, and'community mehbers onMarch 2o 1995 at the open house and on Aprir 4, 1995 at a pubric hearing. Stafl understands that the proposals presented tonight have been hodified in reiponse lo lhs Town's @mments. Torrn council Appeal ol a pEG Decisbn to Approve a conditional use permit rhat 11to1vs_a.l{g! il Emproyee Housing Unit to b'e Located at 126 Forest noadrLoti,Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing. nppfcant: Ron Byme. UpholdOvertunvModity the PEC decision. _B49K.GEOUNP: RATTONALE: On May 8, 1995, the pEC approved with a condition(}4-1, Greg Moflett abstained) a conditional use permit attoring a fype fiemployee housing unit to be located at 126 Foresl Road. please see rre iriemoto the PEC for additional background and the condition ot approval. a \'. MINUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING May 16, 1995 i Z3O P.M. A regularmeeting of the vail rown council was held on Tuesday, May 76,1g5, in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building. The meeting was iaUea to order at 6:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT:Peggy Osterfoss, Mayor Merv Lapin, Mayor Pro-Tem Tom Steinberg Paul ]ohnston ]an Straudr Jim Shearer TOI4/I{ OffiCIALS PRESENT:. Bob Mclaurin, Town Manager Tom Moorhead, Town Attorney MEMBERS ABSENT: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Assistant Town Manager Anne Wright on behalf of the Town Clerk Sybill NavastThe first item on the agenda was citizen participation, there was none. At this time Paul Johnston made a motion directing staff to prepare a supplemental appropriation of up to 925,000 for the Gypsum/Vail Express. Iih Sheare, seconded themotion. A vote was taken and passed unanimously,6-0. The second item on_the agenda Ordinance No. 9, Series of 1995, first reading of anordinance-rezoning Tract C, Vail Village First Filing/967 Vai Valley Drive fr6m the a-General Use Zone District to the Primary/Secoia"ry Residentiil Zone District. eF-, Applicanfi Pat Dauphinais. - o*. L Ll{n qurnuttg presented this ordinance and noted that on February 2T,lg {,s, the waterDistrict received Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) review and approval of their request to changethe Vait Land Use Plan designation of this property A.itir p."[ lo 4*. Dgnjity_ Residential. on Marctr z, r9fls, tfie vail Town'councii appr6ved Resolution No. 5, Series of 1995 which authorized the change to the Vail rana Ub ptan from Park to Low Density Residential. Resolution No.5 coniained five conditions whictr T:tlh.,1dj1":::q.byge applicant prior to the transfer of ownership of the property. !n April 70,1995 the PEC unanimously approve the Water Districfs request io t"-t eTract C from the General use district to ihe Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District(see attadred staff memorandum to the PEC and draft copy ofthe meeting minutes fromthe April 't0,1995 pEC meeting.) Mayor Osterfoss read Ordinance No. 9, Series of 1995in full. |an Strauch made a motion to app{ove ordinance No. 9, with a second by paul }ohnston. A vote was taken andpassed,5-1. Merv Lapin was opposed. The third item on the agenda Presentations by the three finalists of proposals for theVail Commons development. 1. toftus Developmmt 2. City Market 3. The Gart Companies 11 coljunction with the Task Force and public, interview each development team afterthgy h3ve made their Presentations. Fiftlen minutes is allocated for each presentation,with the following 30 minutes reserved for questions. Since short-lbti"g these three firms, each has received questions and comments aboutthelr onginal proposal. The proposals were reviewed earlier by the Council, Task Force,and community members on Mlrch 20, lggs at the open house and on aprit + 799s at Vdl Tor! Cc@|l Ertdry Ldlf nrutr E/f6,iE il\1r TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department F I!- E r'0Py October 24, 1994 A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed change to the Land Use Plan lrom Park (P) to Low Density Residential (LDR) for a parcel owned by the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District, located at 967 Vail Valley Drive/Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: VailValley Consolidated Water District, represented by Pat Dauphanais Planner: Jim Curnutte I. INTRODUCTION The Vail Valley Consolidated Water District has requested a worksession to discuss a proposed change to the Vail Land Use Plan designation of the Gore Creek Water Treatment Plant property, located at 967 Vail Valley Drive, Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing. The Land Use Plan currently designates this property as Park (P). The Water District would like to change ffre Land Use Plan designation of their property to Low Density Residential (LDR). The property is currently 49[ General Use District (GUD). lf the Land Use Plan is changed as requested, it is the Water District's intention to propose a zone change to the property from its current zoning designation of General Use District to Primary/Secondary Residential district. The application for rezoning shall not be submitted for consideration by the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) or Town Council until a final determination is made regarding the approprialeness of the proposed Land Use Plan cnange. II. BACKGROUND The Gore Creek Water Treatment Plant came on line around 1970 as a surface water treatment plant for the Town of Vail. The raw water intake for the plant is located directly below the plant on Gore Creek. During its peak production period, the plant produced approximately 0.75 million gallons per day (mgd). The Gore Creek Water Treatment Plant was shut down in December of '1985, with the addition of the Vail Golf Course Wells. Since that time, all pumps, lubricants, and chemicals have been removed and the plant has been vacanl. III. ZONING ANALYSIS Although the purpose of this worksession is to discuss the issues related to the proposed Land Use Plan change and not necessarily to get involved in a detailed review of a future redevelopment project, staff felt that it might be helpful to include some preliminary information related to the existing zoning on the property, and compare that to the zoning which may ultimately be proposed should the Land Use Plan designation change request be approved. Development Standards Lot Size: Dwelling Units: Allowed Uses: GRFA: Setbacks: Site Coverage: Building Height: Examples include: public and private Single Family or Primary/Secondary; schools, public theaters, churches, and Type I EHU. hospitals, public recreation f acilities, etc. Existing General Use District 0.45 acres or 19,602 sq. ft. Type lll and lV EHU'S; Number per lot to be determined by PEC. To be determined by PEC. To be determrned by PEC. To be determined by PEC. To be determined by PEC. Proposed Primary/Secondary District Same Two dwelling units in a Primary/Secondary structure. 5,060 sq. ft., including two 425 sq. ft. credits. 20 feet front, 15 feet side and rear 3,920 sq. ft., or 20Y" 33 feet for a sloping roof. 15,000 sq. ft. of buildable area, 30 feet of minimum f rontage, and must be capable of enclosing a square area, 80 feet on each side within its boundaries. Lot Area and Site Dimensions: To be determined bv PEC. IV. CRITERIA TO BE USED IN EVALUATING THIS PROPOSAL Since this is a worksession to familiarize the PEC with the application and to identify the issues involved, staff will not be addressing the specific criteria for changing the Land Use Plan at this time. However, staff lelt that it is important to identify the documents which shall be used to evaluate this proposal at the next PEC meeting. 1. Vail Land Use Plan- Page 61 of the Vail Land Use Plan identifies the amendment process which would be used to change the Plan, and accompanying map. The Plan states that the amendment orocess shall be used to ensure the Plan's effectiveness with periodic updates to reflect current thinking and changing market conditions. The process includes amendments which may be initiated in any of the following three ways: A. By the Community Development Department.B. By the Planning and Environmental Commission or Town Council. C. By the Private Sector. Proposed changes to the Land Use Plan by the private sector require the applicant to clearly demonstrate how conditions have chanqed since the plan was adooted. how the olan is in error, or how the addition. deletion or chanoe to the Plan is in concert with the Plan in qeneral. The Land Use Plan defines the two land use categories being discussed in this memo as follows: Parks - Town owned parcels intended for both active recreation activities, such athletic fields, golf courses, and playgrounds, as well areas for various passive recreation activities. Low Density Residential - This category includes single family detached homes and two family dwelling units. Density ol development within this category would typically not exceed three structures per buildable acre. Also within this area would be private recreation facilities such as tennis courts, swimming pools and club houses for the use ol residents of the area. Institutional/public uses permitted would include churches, fire stations, and parks and open space related facilities. The Land Use Plan also points out that the constraint maps adopted by the Town, which indicate geologic hazards, snow avalanche and floodplains, should also be utilized in conjunction with the Vail Land Use Plan in the review of any development proposal. This property is not located in any geologically sensitive area. 2. Ford Park Master Plan - The Gerald R. Ford Park was acquired by the Town in 1973 and the master plan for it was approved in 1985. Although Tract C shows up on the periphery of all maps contained in the Ford Park Master Plan, it is not actually included within the boundaries of the park plan itself and no recommendations were made for including Tract C into the development portion of the plan. 3. Comprehensive Open Lands Plan - The Comprehensive Open Lands Plan was adopied by the Town on March 1 1, 1994. The purpose of the Plan is to identify and develop strategies for acquiring or protecting key remaining open lands in Vail that would be valuable for recreation, protecting sensitive environmental resources, extending or connecting trails, and creating a small amount ol contingency land for unforeseen needs. The Plan identifies existing open lands in and around Vail and determines the current need for obtaining lands for recreation, conservation, trails and public use. The Plan also identifies and analyzes specific parcels of land that can meet these needs. Over three hundred and fifty parcels of land throughout town were evaluated, including fifty-one parcels of land on which actions are recommended. Tract C is not identified in the Comprehensive Open Lands Plan as being a parcel of property which is recommended tor acquisition and use as park land. V. DISCUSSION ISSUES Since this is a worksession, there is no formal staff recommendation at this time. However, the staff has identified the following issues which we would like to discuss further with the PEC and the applicant: 1. The appropriateness of using the property as a park. Statf has conducted a site visit to Tract C. lt would appear that with the removal of the Water District building, shed and associated mechanical equipment, the property is of a size and shape which would be conducive to its use as a small neighborhood pocket park. The property itself is relatively level, however, it is physically separated from Ford Park by a substantial elevation change located directly to the north of the property. Although it is immediately adjacent to residential development to the east, it does not appear to be "centrally" located within a neighborhood without requiring users to walk some distance along Vail Valley Drive, which is a fairly heavily traveled roadway and does not have a sidewalk adjacent to it. Also, as mentioned above, neither the Ford Park Master Plan nor the recently adopted Comprehensive Open Lands Plan identify this property as being necessary to acquire for an addition to our existing park facilities. The existing Primary/Secondary zoned neighborhood along Vail Valley Drive seems to be adequately served by its close proximity to existing recreational amenities, (i.e. Ford Park, Soccer Field, Goll Course, etc.). 2. The appropriateness of the proposed residential use of the property. The Vail Land Use Plan points out that the boundaries of the various land use categories established on the plan map are general in nature and were not determined based on parcel- by-parcel property boundaries. Although the Gore Creek Water Treatment Plant discontinued operation at about the same time that the Land Use Plan was being adopted, it is not clear whether or not this individual lot was specifically considered when applying the overall land use designation of Park, or whelher or not the staff simply determined that it was not currently being used for residential purposes and was not therefore included in the Low Density Residential designation. The Town sta{f is concerned with the idea of changing the Land Use Plan to allow for a residential use of this property in light ol its historical use as a water treatment plant. In order to adequately assess the proposed change to the property's existing Land Use Plan designation to allow for residential uses, staff has asked the applicant to provide as much inlormation as possible related to past and present uses of the property, including the storage of chemicals, hazardous materials, or other materials. The applicant has provided the lollowing information related to the use of chemicals used in the treatment of water during the time of operation: .Chlorine: Daily average use of chlorine was approximately 20 pounds per day. The Town/District would normally store lour 150 pound gas cylinders on-site. o .Alum:Use was approximately 120 pounds per day. The amount of chemical stored on-site were approximately ten 100 pound bags of dry alum. The amount used on-site was approximately 700 milligrams per day. Polymer was shipped in 55 gallon drums. Usually, one drum was stored at the Plant while in use. .Polymer: .Sodium Fluoride: Consumption of fluoride was approximately 5 pounds per day. Fluoride was shipped in cardboard containers, about the size of a 55 gallon drum; the weight oi that container was approximately 500 pounds. The applicant has indicated that there are no record of spills or leaks at the Gore Creek Water Treatment Plant during its operation. Russell Forrest, the Town ol Vail Senior Environmental Policy Planner, has conducted an on- site inspection of the property with the applicants to determine the necessity of requiring an Environmental Assessment, or a Phase I Environmental Audit on the property. Russell has determined that the historic use of the property and the chemicals used in the treatment ot drinking water at the site will not necessitate any further environmental review. 3. Removal of all abandoned water-related equipment on and off ol the sublect property. Staff is concerned that it is the Water District's intent to dispose of this property "as-is". In other words, the District would sell the property as it exists today and the new purchaser would be responsible for removing all above and below ground buildings and associated equipment. Once the property has been abandoned by the Consolidated Water District, who will be responsible for removing all pipes, structures, and other equipment associated with the well water intake which is currently visible in Gore Creek? The removal of this equipment will also require grading work and revegetation. Staff is very concerned that the property not change hands without a firm commitment for the removal of all elements of the old water treatment plant, even those currently located off of the property and in the creek. 4. Possible revisions to traffic flow on Vail Valley Drive. The Vail Transportation Master Plan which was adopted in January of 1993, and this Plan offers a number ol recommendations for improving the Town of Vail transportation system. One recommendation which may be related to the property under consideration has to do with the potential long-range revision of traffic flow on Vail Valley Drive. The plan recommends that at some point in the future, it may be beneficial to provide a new connection from Vail Valley Drive lo the South Frontage Road, including a bridge across Gore Creek at the easlern end of Ford Park. Vail Valley Drive could then be converted to one-way tralfic flow to the east. The conceptual plan associated with this recommendation shows the new bridge to be located in the general area of Tract C. The plan points out that the Vail Valley Drive concept would require extensive environmental analysis, preliminary engineering analysis, and extensive public review prior to being implemented, but that the idea has sufficient merit to warrant further investigation. The staff obviously is concemed that the proposed land use change and ultimate rezoning of the property from General Use District to a residential zone district would.preclude this propefi from being considered as a connection point for the above-referenced connection to the South Frontage Road. At this time, staff has not received comments from the Town Engineer regarding this issue. 5. Title Report. As shown on the attached copy of the topographic survey, there are numerous easements located along the eastern side of Tract G. Without a title report, staff is unclear as to the pupose of all ol these easements and how they would effect the potential use of this property for residential purposes. Additionally, the golf course path leading to the Hole #7 Tee Box crosses this property. At this point, staff is unaware of any easement to assure that the golf cart path will be unaffected as a result of the Land Use Plan and zoning changes. Staff will request a title report for this property to determine the location and purpose of all easements located on the property and also to verify that there are no other issues associated with the property that are not cunently reflected on the topographic survey. Staff requests that the PEC discuss the above-listed issues so that this application may be brought back for final review at the November 14, 1994 PEC meeting. At that meeting, the PEC will offer a recommendation of approval, approval with conditions, or denial of the request and this recommendation will be lonararded for Town Council consideration at their next evening meeting, currently scheduled for November 15, 1994. c\pecvnemos\wc1wd 1 0.24 5h\-"q ! iil iitr 1 I \\-'\t tt '/ r I \ I 1.;* E: (,z.l o *x Hs ..:l Hsioi*,U u . z:1 r! t/ 'Flie' llt ;*.i }o NE J^cd5P It. NI\r\ I "ta t\ \'...\t $r Uppen Eecu VALLEY CoNsolrolreo SANIATIoN DISTRIcT 846 FOFEST ROAD . VAIL, COLOBADO 81657 (303) 476.7480 . FAx (3{B} 4764089 october 13.1994 Mr. Jim Curnutte Senior Planner Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 RE: Proposed Land Use Plan Change, Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing, Second Line, aka967 Vail Vallev Drive. Gore Creek Water Treatment Plant Dear Jim: This letter is in response to your October I0, 1994 correspondence to Director Pat Dauphinais of the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District, and to my meeting of October 12, 1994 with Russell Forest of the Town of Vail at the above-referenced location. The District would offer the followins historical review of the Gore Valley Water Trcatrnent Plant: The Plant came on line around 1970 as a surface water treatment plant for the Town of Vail. The raw water intake for the Plant is located directly below the plant on Gore Creek. During its peak production period, the Plant produced approximately .75 MGD. Chemicals used in the process during that time were as follows: o Chlorine: . Alum: o Polymer: Daily average use of chlorine was approximately 2O lbs per day. On site the Town/District would normally store 4-150 lbs gas cylinders. Use was approximately 120 lbs per day. The amount of chemical stored on site were approximately 10-100 lbs bags of dry alum. Used on site was approximately 700 mg per day. Polymer was shipped in 55 gallon drums. Usually, one drum was stored at the Plant while in use. admin\tEsl\ltrs\gorccrkh.llr L .r Ma acEF FoR THE FoLLowrNG Weren Dtsrncrs' Ul aRRowHEAD METRo WATEF . BEAVEF oFEEK METFo wATER . BELLvAoHE RroGE METRo wATER . BEBFv oBEEK MErRo wArEF ' t, EAGLE-VAIL METRO WATER. EOWARDS METFO WATER . LAKE CREEK MEADOWS WATEF . SoUAw CREEK METBO WATEF V UPPEF EAGLE FEGIONAL WATER AUTHORITY . VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER N Mr. Jim Cunrte Ocrobcr 13. 1994 Page 2 . Sodium Fluoride:Consumption of fluoride per day was approximately 5 lbs per day. Fluoride was shipped in cardboard containers, about the size of a 55 gallon drum; the weight of that container was approximately 500lbs. Records indicate that no spills or leaks occurred at the Gore Creek Water Treatrnent Plant during its operation. A brief word of explanation regarding the Gore Creek Water Treatrnent Plant seems to be in order. Below the physical floor of the Plant was the clearwell where the water was pumped directly to the Vail water system. Operators of the Plant were cognizant of this fact, therefore any kind of spill or maintenance problem was always immediately addressed. The Gore Creek Water Treatment Plant was shut down around December, 1985, with the addition of the Vail wells. Since that time, all pumps, lubricants, and chemicals have been removed and the Plant has been vacant since. The District hopes that this short synopsis of the life of the Gore Creek Water Treatment Plant will help eliminate any questions that you may have. If you have additional concerns or questions, please contact the District at 476-7480. Sincerelv. \*rr\.\q$qq Fred S. Haslee Regulations Administrator FSH:kd admi n\h.slUlrs\gorccrkh. Itr r I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT; MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department ilf i '.4n'q' February 27,1995 A request for a change to the Vail Land Use Plan from Park (P) to Low Density Residential (LDR) for a parcel owned by the VailValley Consolidated Water District, located at 967 Vail Valley Driveffract G, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Valley Consolidated Water District, represented by pat DauphanaisPlanner: Jim Curnutte I. INTRODUCTION The Vail Valley Consolidated Water District has requested a change to the Vail Land Use Plan designation of the Gore Creek Water Treatment Plant property, located at 967 Vail Valley Drive, Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing. The current Land Use Plan designation of this property is Park (P). The Water District would like to change the designation to Low Density Residential (LDR). The property is currently zoned General Use District (GUD). The Land Use Plan defines the two land use categories being discussed in this memo as follows: Parks - Town owned parcels intended Jor both active recrealion activities, such as athletic fields, golf courses, and playgrounds, as well €rs areas for various passive recreation activities. Low Densitv Residential - This category includes single lamily detached homes and two family dwelling units. Density of development within this category would typically not exceed three structures per buildable acre. Also within this area would be private recreation facilities such as tennis courts, swimming pools and club houses for the use ol residents of the area. Institutional/public uses permitted would include churches, fire stations, and parks and open space related facilities. lf the Land Use Plan is changed as requested, it is the Water District's intention to propose a zone change to the property from its current zoning designation of General Use District to the Primary/Secondary Residential district. The application for rezoning shall not be submitted for consideration by the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) or Town Council until a final determination is made regarding the approprialeness of the proposed Land Use Plan change discussed in this memo. \ II. BACKGBOUND The Gore Creek Water Treatmsnt Plant came on line in the early 1970's as a surface water treatment plant for the Town of Vail. The raw water intake for the plant is located in Gore creek directly north of the plant. During its peak production period, the plant produced approximately 0.75 million gallons of treated water per day. Operation of the Gore Creek Water Treatment Plant was discontinued in December of 1985, with the addition of the Vail Golf Course Wells. Since that time, all pumps, lubricants, and chemicals have been removed from the property and he plant has stood vacant. On October 24,1994, a worksession,was held with the PEC in order to discuss the proposed Land Use Plan amendment (see Attachment #1 - Minutes from October 24, 1994 PEC meeting). During the review of the proposed project, the PEC discussed the following issues: 1. The appropriateness of using the property as a park. After a site visit to Tract C, the PEC felt that, with the removal of the water treatment building, shed and associated mechanical equipment, the property is of a size and shape which would be conducive to its use as a small neighborhood pocket park. The propefi itself is relatively level, however, it is physically separated from Ford Park by a substantial elevation change located directly to the north of the property. Although it is immediately adjacent to residential development to the east, it does not appear to be "centrally" located within a neighborhood without requiring users to walk some distance along Vail Valley Drive, a fairly heavily traveled roadrrvay which does not have a sidewalk adjacent to it. Also, neither the Ford Park Master Plan nor the recently adopted Comprehensive Open Lands Plan identify this property as being necessary to acquire for an addition to the Town's existing park facilities. The PEC felt that the existing Primary/Secondary Residentialzoned neighborhood along Vail Valley Drive was adequately served by its close proximity to existing recreational amenities, (i.e. Ford Park, Soccer Field, Golf Course, etc.). Ann Repeni, who lives al 1001 VailValley Drive, directly to the east of Tract C, attended the PEC worksession in order to express her opinion on what should happen at this site. She stated that she would not like to see a pocket park on the property and was not opposed to limited residential development (i.e. single family, duplex or primary/secondary). 2. The appropriateness of the proposed residential use of the property. The Vail Land Use Plan points out that the boundaries of the various land use categories established on the plan map are general in nature and were not determined based on parcel-by-parcel property boundaries. Although the Gore Creek Water Treatment Planl discontinued operation at about the same time that the Land Use Plan was being adopted, it is not clear whether this individual lot was specifically considered when applying the overall land uss designation of Park to the area, or whether the staff simply determined that it was not currently being used for residential purposes and was not therelore included in the adjacent Low Density Residential designation. The PEC felt that this lot is of a size and shape capable of accommodating a single family, duplex or primary/secondary structure and that the property seems to be a logical terminus to the adjacent residential neighborhood. The PEC did, however, express concern with the idea of changing the Land Use plan to allow for the residential use of this property, in light ol its historical use as a water treatment plant. In order to adequately assess the proposed Land Use plan change, the PEC asked the applicant to provide as much information as possible related to past and present uses of the property, including the storage of chemicals, hazardous materials, or other materials. In January of 1995, a Phase I EnvironmentalAudit was conducted on the subject property (see Attachment #2). The purpose of the audit was to evaluate the property for potentially signilicant on-site environmental contamination. Review ol historical property uses, environmental records available from government agencies, and a property inspection were conducted. Records were also evaluated for information on air pollutants, water pollutants, hazardous materials and other sources of pollutants/hazards of potential concern, including known complaints and spills. The report indicates that the subject property was a permitted water treatment plant until 1986, without any history of significant noncompliance with the Colorado Drinking Water regulations. Additionally, there are no documented environmental hazards or registered environmental pollution sources located at the property. There are no government records which indicate that subsurface contamination in the immediate vicinity of the subject property has occurred. The applicant has indicated that there are no record of spills or leaks at the Gore Creek Watei Treatment Plant during its operation. In addition to lhe above-described Environmenlal Audit, the applicant has provided the following information related to lhe use of chemicals used in the treatment of water during the time of operation: .Chlorine:Daily average use of chlorine was approximately 20 pounds per day. The District would normally store four 150 pound gas cylinders on-site. Use was approximately 120 pounds per day. The amount of chemical stored on-site was approximately ten 100 pound bags of dry alum. The amount used on-site was approximately 700 milligrams per day. Polymer was shipped in 55 gallon drums. Usually, one drum was stored at the Plant while in use. Consumption of fluoride was approximately 5 pounds per day. Fluoride was shipped in 500 pound cardboard conlainers, about the size of a 55 gallon drum. .Alum: .Polymer: .Sodium Fluoride: 3. Documentation and removal of all abandoned water related equipment on and off of the subject property and the undergrounding of the nearby overhead powerline. The Water District originally intended to dispose of ths property "as is". In other words, the District would sell the property as it exists today and the new purchaser would be responsible for removing all above and below ground buildings and associated equipment. The PEC was concerned with the quality ol the remedial work if it was carried out by a private individual and requested a firm commitment lrom the district, for the removal of all elements of the old water treatment plant, including those currenfly located otf of the property and in Gore Greek. Pat Dauphinais, representing the Water District, has agreed to remove all on-site, above and below ground equipment and structures associated with the water plant with the following exceptions: A. The District would like to retain the sewer manhole located along Vail Valley Drive in order l0 provide a convenient tap for the future residences. B. The District would like to remove only that portion ol the existing 8-inch iron intake pipe to a point located at the setback lines of the lot, and abandon the remainder of the pipe, on and off of the property, in place. The District believes that the environmental damage resulting from the removalof this pipe would outweigh any possible benefit gained from having it removed. C. The District would like to leave in place all on and off-site improvements associated with the raw water pump. The District has indicated that the pump station, intake pipes located in Gore Creek and the existing 10- inch iron backwash pipe (which is located under the golf cart path) are necessary for the luture use ol the Vail Recreation District. The Vail Recreation District intends to use this pump station in order to supplement and improve its ability to irrigate the upper portions of the Vail Golf Course. The existing pump station for irrigating the entire golf course is located approximately 1 mile upstream. Apparently, the Vail Recreation District has already installed a 4-inch plastic pipe to the pump station (underneath the golf cart path) but has not made the improvements necessary to allow the system to become operational. The Vail Recreation District is currently negotiating with the Water Districl for the transfer of ownership of the pump station, piping and associated equipment. With regard to the request for undergrounding the nearby above ground power lines, Mr. Dauphinais has indicated that when the luture residences are proposed to be constructed on the property, the Design Review Board (DRB) will require that the power service lines must be undergrounded leading from the existing overhead utility lines to the buildings. He also pointed out that the existing overhead power lines are i not actually located on the property and lhe district has no control over their removal. Mr. Dauphinais has contacted Holy Cross Electric to inquire about the undergrounding of the line and Holy Cross has indicated that they have no immediate plans, nor do they desire to have the line undergrounded at this time. The line is strung over Gore Creek and would be very difficult, expensive and environmentally disruptive to bury. 4. The dedication of easements to accommodate possible revisions to traffic flow on Vail Valley Drive and the existing golf cart path which runs along the eastern side of the subject lot. The Vail Transportation Master Plan was adopted in January of 1993 and offers a number of recommendations for improving the Town's transportation system. One recommendation, related to Tract C, suggests the potential long-range revision of traffic flow on Vail Valley Drive. The plan recommends that at some point in the future, it may be beneficial lo provide a new connection from Vail Valley Drive to the South Frontage Road, by way of a bridge across Gore Creek at the eastern end of Ford Park. Vail Valley Drive could then be converted to one.way traffic flow to the east. The conceptual plan associated with this recommendation indicates that the new bridge would be located in the general area to the west of Tract C. The plan points out that the Vail Valley Drive concept would require extensive environmental analysis, preliminary engineering analysis, and extensive public review prior to being implemented, but that the idea has sufficient merit to warrant further investigation. The staff and PEC expressed concerns at the worksession that the proposed land use change, and ultimate rezoning of the property from General Use District to a residential zone district, would preclude this property from being considered for the above- referenced connection to the South Frontage Road. As shown on Attachment #3 (a copy ot the topographic survey), there are numerous easemenls located along the eastern side of Tract C. The applicant has provided staff with a title report for this property which identifies the location and purpose of all easements located on the property. None ol the easements identified in the title report provide for the continued use of the existing goll cart path leading to Hole #7 tee box. The Water District Board of Directors has agreed to grant a public easement to the Town of Vail to accommodate the existing golf cart path adjacent to the east property lin e. The Water District Board of Directors has also voted to dedicate an easement along the western 60 feet of the lot, to accommodate the possibility of a realignment of Vail Valley Drive in the future. 5. Where would the proceeds from the sale of Tract C be invested? Mr. Dauphinais has indicated that the proceeds from the sale of this property will be dedicated to the District's luture capital improvements within the Vail Valley. Specifically, Mr. Dauphinais believes that all or most ol the money will be used for the construction of a new one million gallon water tank in the East Vail area. The new tank will not only improve fire flows in the East Vail area but will also provide a reservoir of water for other emergency situations requiring the expenditure of large amounts of water. III. ZONING ANALYSIS Although the purpose of this PEC hearing is to discuss the issues related to the proposed Land Use Plan change and not a future rezoning request, staff felt that it would be helpfut to show the relationship between the development standards of the existing General Use zoning on the property and the Primary/Secondary Residential zone districl, which may ultimately be proposed should this Land Use Plan designation change request be approved. Development Standards Lot Size: Dwelling Units: Allowed Uses: GRFA: Sehacks: Site Coverage: Building Height: Existing General Use Zone District 0.45 acr6s or 19,602 sq. ft. Type lll and lV EHU's; Number per lot to b€ determined by PEC. Proposed PrimarylSecondary Zone District Same Two dwelling units in a Pri mary/Secondary structure and a Type ll EHU. 5,060 sq. ft., (includes two 425 sq. ft. credits) 20 feet front, 15 fe€t sid€ and rear 3,920 sq. ft., o( 20 /" 33 feet for a sloping roof. 15,000 sq. t[ of buildable area, 30 feEt of minimum frontage, and must be capable of enclosing a square area, 80 bet on each side within its boundari€s. Examples include: public and privat€ Single Family or Primary/Secondary; schools, public thoat€rs, churches, and a Type ll EHU. hospilals, public recreation facilhies. etc. To be determined by PEC. To be determined by PEC. To be determined by PEC. To be determined by PEG. Lot Area and Site Dimensions: To be d€tormined by PEC. rv. cRtTERtA TO BE USED tN EVALUATTNg TH|S PROPOSAL Page 61 of the Vail Land Use Plan identifies lhe amendment process which should be used to change the Plan, and accompanying map. The Plan states that the amendment process shall be used to ensure the Plan's effecliveness with periodic updates to reflect current thinking and changing market conditions. The process includes amendments which may be initiated in any of the following three ways: A. By the Planning and Environmental Commission or Town Council.B. By the Community Development Department.C. By the Private Sector. Proposed changes to the Land Use Plan by lhe private sector require the applicant to clearly demonstrate how conditions have chanoed since the plan was adopted. how the plan is in error. or how the addition. deletion or chanoe to the Plan is in concert with the Plan in oeneral. Statf believes that the applicant has shown compliance with the Land Use Plan amendment procedures in the following ways: 1. How have conditions chanoes since the olan was adopted? At the time the Land Use Plan designated this property as Park, there was an operating water treatment plant on the property. Shortly after adoption of the Plan, the use as a water treatment plant was discontinued and the building has stood vacant since. 2. How is the plan in error? - Since the Land Use Plan assigned a designation of Park to the property, during a time that it was being used as a water treatment plant, the applicant believes that the plan was adopted in error, with regard to this specific piece of property. Additionally, the applicant has indicated that if it was the Town's intention to use this property as a park in the future, it most likely would have been discussed in the Ford Park Master Plan and/or the Comprehensive Open Lands Plan. These two plans are discussed in more detail as follows: Ford Park Master Plan - The Gerald R. Ford Park was acquired by the Town in 1973 and the Master Plan for it was approved in 1985. The Master Plan states that the purpose of acquiring the property was twofold. The first was to preserve developable land as open space to be used either actively lor recreational purposes or passively as open space, retaining the alpine or riparian character of the land. The second goal was to manage the amount of growth that can occur in the Gore Valley. The report goes on to state that the Ford Park Master Plan meets these goals while providing for the recreational needs of the Town to last far into the next century. Although Tract C shows up on the periphery of all maps contained in the Ford Park Master Plan, it is not actually included within the boundaries ol the park plan itself and no recommendations were made for including Tract C into the development portion of the plan. Comprehensive Open Lands Plan - The Comprehensive Open Lands Plan was adopted by the Town on March 1 1, 1994. The purpose of the Plan is to identify and develop strategies for acquiring or protecting key remaining open lands in Vail that would be valuable for recreation, protecting sensilive environmenlal resources, extending or connecting trails, and creating a small amount of contingency land for unforeseen needs. The Plan identifies existing open land in and around Vail and determines the current need lor obtaining additional land for recrealion, conservation, trails and public use. The Plan also identilies and analyzes specific parcels that can meet these needs. Over three hundred and fifty parcels of land throughout town were evaluated, including fitty-one parcels on which actions are recommended. Tract C is not identified in the Comprehensive Open Lands Plan as being a parcel of property which is recommended lor acquisition and use as park land, or for any other public purpose. A. B. 3. How is the addition. deletion or chanoe to the Plan in concert with the Plan in qeneral? - The applicant has shown that the proposed change to the Plan will not be detrimental to the Plan in general since the property appears to be more conducive to a future use as residential. Additionally, the proposed change would appear to carry out the following goal statements contained in the Land Use Plan: 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. 1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible. 1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional growth in existing developed areas (in-fill areas). 5.1 Additional residential growth should continue to occur primarily in existing, platted areas and as appropriate in new areas where high hazards do not exist. 6.1 Services should keep pace with increased growth. 6.2 The Town of Vail should play a role in future development through balancing future growth with services. 6.3 Services should be adjusted to keep pace with the needs of peak periods. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the requested change to the Vail Land Use Plan designation of Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing from Park to Low Density Residential. Staff believes that the applicant has shown that conditions have changed since the Plan was adopted, how the Plan is in error, and how the change to the Plan is in concert with the Plan in general. Stafl's recommendation for approval is based on an understanding that the Water District's application for a change to the Land Use Plan includes commitments to complete the following items: 1. Prior to the transfer of ownership of the property, the Water District will dedicate an approximate 10{oot wide public easement across the east€rn side of Tract C to the Town of Vail, to allow for the continued use of a portion of Tract C for a golf cart path. a 2. Prior to the transfer of ownership of the property, the Water District will dedicate a road easemenl across the western portion of Tract C to the Town of Vail (approximately 60 leet lrom the westernmosl end of the property) to be used for the future realignment of Vail Valley Drive (to connect with the South Frontage Road). 3. Prior to the transfer of ownership ol the property, the Water District will remove all above and below ground improvements on Tract C, with the exception of the eastern 15 feet of the 8-inch iron intake pipe, the l0-inch iron pipe used to backwash the pump station and intake pipes, and the sewer manhole located along Vail Valley Drive. The hole(s) resulting from the removal of below ground improvements will be filled and the property will be regraded and revegetated according to a plan approved by the Town. 4. The Water District has agreed that if lhe transfer of ownership ot the raw water intake system and associated equipment (pump station, backwash pipe, vaults, etc.) to the Vail Recreation District is not be completed, or if the system is not able to become tully operational, within three years lrom the date of approval of the Land Use Plan change, it will immediately be removed at the expense ol the Water District. clpecvn€mos\wcvrd.227 \ 6, r. FNI. E COPY PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMi'ISSION October 24,1994 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERSABSENT STAFFPRESENT Greg Amsden Kathy Langenwalter Mike MollicaBillAnderson Allison Lassoe Andy Knudtsen Bob Armour Randy Stouder Jeff Bowen Jim Gumutte Dalton Williams Lauren Waterton 1. A request for a worksesslon to discuss a proposed change to the Land Use plan from Park (P) to Low Density Residential (LDR) for a parcel owned by the VilFvattdi1a Consolidated Water District, located at 967 Vail Valley Drive/Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant VailValley Consolidated Water District, represented by Pat DauphanaisPlanner: Jim Curnutte Jim Curnutte made a presentation per the stafl memo. Pat Dauphinais, representing the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District, stated that this was a surplus property and the Water District did not have a use lor it any longer. He stated that it was the Districl's belief that lhe Land Use designation of park for ihis property was an enor and that a residential use would be more appropriate. He pointed out thal there is no lack of parks and recrealional opportunities in the area. He said that the proceeds from the sale of the property will be used to build a new one million gallon water tank in East Vail. He stated that all water related facilities on and off of the property will be removed. Bill Anderson asked whether the overhead power lines and transformers would be removed from the site. Pat Dauphinais responded that they would be removed from the site. Bob Armour was concerned about the disturlcance that would result from the removal of an intake pipe lrom Gore creek, however, he did feel that it did need to be removed. Greg Amsden stated that he wanted to see the removal of items offsite and underground. Dalton Williams asked if a soils lest had been performed on the property. Russ Forest stated that the possibility of water or soil being contaminated was minimal in light of the type of chemicals used on the property and how they were handled. ATf,ACn}TNTT 'IPl&ning .nd E tvironmenral Commi$iro MDeting Mlntn9i tuobor ?4, 1994 1 ) 2. Ann Repetti, who lives at 1001 Vail Valley Drive, stated that she was very concerned about what would happen at this site. she stated thal she and her tamily were not opposed to limited residential development (i.e. single family, duplex or primary/secondary) but would hate to see anything more than that. she pointed out lhat she lives in a duplex. she stated that she would not like to see a pockel park on .,li,lffi" responded thar the requested change to the Low Density Residentiar designation would limit future construction to either one duplex, one primary/secondary or one single family structure. Dalton williams felt that there was no need for additional park space in this area. He said thal residential use for this site seemed to make the most sense. He stated that he would like to see all equipmenl from the former water treatment plant identified and removed from the property. Pat Dauphinais stated that with regard to the removal of whatever infrastructure was in place, that it may be easier to leave certain elements in place as opposed to tearing up lhe entire site. Jim Curnutte suggested thal a sub-surface inventory be conducted and then they could determine what would need lo be removed. Jeff Bowen stated that because the site was triangular, he felt that a single family residence would be the most appropriate option for this site. Bob Armour felt that a sub-surface inventory would be a good idea. He did not feel that there was a need for another park on this site. He felt that this site would be a good buffer between the residential area and the park that surrounds it. He agreed with Jeff's comment regarding the future zoning and said that we may want to consider restricting the GRFA on the properly. Bill Anderson and Greg Amsden agreed with the other pEC members comments. Greg also said that the surrounding topography creates a natural separation from Ford Park. Pat Dauphinais stated that they did not want the GRFA on the site restricted in any way because this would directly alfect the property's value. He pointed out that they will most likely request Primary/Secondary zoning for the lot, not single family. He stated that it is a perfectly buildable lot and the only restrictions should be as a re'sult of taking the future building through the Design Review Board review. A review of the trash removal plan for a proposed coffee shop (restaurant), located in the Covered Bridge Building, at227 Bridge StreeULots C and D, and a part ol Lot B, Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: East Wesl HospitalityPlanner: Mike Mollica It should be noted that Jeff Bowen abstained from this request. Phnning and Envi.onmental Comr$ssin Meeting Minues Octob€r 2a. t004 FINAL REPORT January 4, 1995 PHASE I ENVIRONMENIAL ASSESSMENT Thact C, Vail Village Filing No. 7 Gore Creek Water Tlreatrncnt Plant. Vail, Colorado prepared by: En Conrulllng Croup tlrt airtroianaild D.caaa||naL for: Upper Eagle Vdley Water and Sanitation District ATTACE.TN|T '2 PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Tract C, Vail Village Filing No.7 Gore Creek Water Treatment Plant 967 Vail Valley Drive Vail, Colorado \ 1.0 1.1 1.2 t.2.1 t.2.2 t.2.3 1.2.4 t.2.5 r.2.6 1.3 . TA3LEOFCONTENTS pRopERTY USE INVESTIGATION...... .............................2 Property Description...-..........................2 Ownership and Land Use.........................................2 Review of Planning and Zoning lnformation ...........................3 Summary of Property Use Investigation..............................3 2.0 EIWIRONMENTAL RECORDS REVIEW...... ....................4 2.1 Pollution Sources at the Subject Property..... ........................4 ' 2.1.1 Inspectiori, Compliance, and Monitoring History.... ..............4 2.1.2 Potentially Responsible Parties at Superfund Sites...................................5 2.2 Potential Environmental Hazards at the Subject Property.........................5 2.2.1 Wetlands.... ...........5 2.3 Assessment of Environmental Risk from On-Site Sources/llazards........5 2.4 Pollution Sources in the Surrounding Area... .........................7 2.4.1 Stationary Air Pollution Sources......... .............7 2.4.2 Stream Pollution Sources......... ..................-....-..7 2.4.3 Hazardous Waste Facilities............... .............7 2.4.4 Underground Storage Tank Sites... ..................8 2.4.5 Landfills....... ................................9 2.4.6 Polychlorinatcd Biphenyis (PCBs)-Sources.................. .........9 2.4.7 Chemical Radiation Sources......... ....................9 2.4.8 Spills and Complainu .................9 2.5 Environmental Hazards in the Sunounding Area.. ...............10 2.5.1 Floodplain Locations...... .............10 2-5.2 Wetlands..... ..........10 2.5.3 Registered Mining Sites.............. .....................10 2.6 Potential Pathways for Contaminant Migration to the Subject Property...l0 2.6.1 Utility Corridors....... ....................10 2.6.2 Groundwater ...........10 2.7 Assessment of Environmental Risk from Off-Site Pollution Sources/Ha2ards............... ..........I I 3.0 PROPERTY INSPECTION ..........II 3.1 Building Inspection..... .................1 I 3.2 Property Grounds........ ................12 3.3 Surrounding Properties ............,..12 3.4 Assessment Summary of Propeny Inspection.... ..................12 4.0 SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT .......12 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS....... ........13 6.0 LM[[ATrONS.................... .........13 1.0 PROPERTY USE INVESTIGATION 1.1 Property Description The subject propeny is described as Tract C of Vail Village Filing No. 7, lying in the NE4 of Section 8 and the NW4 of Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th Prime Meridian. The property is addressed as 967 Vail Valley Drive, Vail, Colorado. The roughly triangular-shaped lot is approximately 19,602 square feet in size and contains the Core Creek Water Treatment Plant" a one-story concrere block building which has been unused since December 1985. 1.2 Ownership and Land Use The historical uses of the subject properry were established by review of assessment and title records from the Eagle County assessor's and clerk and recorder's offices, review of the Town of Vail's building and inspecrion records, an interview with a foreman/water treatment. plant operator of the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District, and review of the Town of Vail's planning and zoning records. 1.2.1 Review of Title Information The subject property is cunently owned by Vail Valley Consolidated Water District, which acquired the property in May 1989. The previous owners were traced back through 1938. The current and previous owners and the approximate datcs of ownership are listed in Table l: TAI]LE I HISTORICAL OWNERSHIP Tract C, Vail Village Filing No. 7 Gore Creek \Yater Treatment Plant 967 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO Owners Dates of Ownership t Vail Water and Sanitation Disfict June 1969-May 1989 Vail Associates, Inc./Vail Associates, Ltd. September 1964'June 1969 Peter W. Seiben June 1963-September 1964 Henry W. & Leona E. An0olz August 1958-June 1963 Henry W. Antholz August 1938-August 1958 lowa lnvestment Company prior to August 1938 The review of past and present owners does not reveal any obvious or known environmentally significant land use at rhe subjecr property. Peter Seibert was a principal founder of Vail. P4e 2ENPRO Consulting Group, Inc. o 1.2.2 Review of Building Records No building records for the subject property address are on file at either the Town of Vail or Eagle County government offices. First building records for the Vail Valley and Eagle County date from the early 1970's. 1.2.3 Review of Aerial Phongraphy Historical aerial photographs are not available for the Vail area from the Colorado School of Mines Library or the Colorado Aerial Photography service, the only two known resources which would have photographs of a suitable scale. 1.2.4 Review of Street Directories md Historical Records Denver Public Library historical records (including Sanborn fire insurance rate maps and historical street directories) are unavailable for public use until March 1995. There are no other sources of historical records known for the Vail area. 1.2.5 Interview Mr. Lanny Carlson, a plant operator and foreman for the water district for l3 years, indicated that the warer treatment plant operated at the subject property from approximately 1972- 1986. There have not been any petroleum storage facilities at the property. It is his understanding that the property was part of a ranch prior to the development of Vail. 1.2.6 Review of Planning md funing Infornlation The subject propeny is zoncd as a general use district. The neighborhood to the east is zoned Primary/Secondary Residential District, and the nearby Gerald Ford Park, the Vail Golf Course and the soccer fields are zoned Agricultural and Open Space. 1.3 Summary of Property Use Investigation The subject propeny contains an inactive water treaunent plant that operated from the early 1970's to the mid 1980's. The property is believed to have been in ranching use prior to the development of the Vail Valley. Nearby propenies include the Vail Golf Course and the Gerald R. Ford Park, as well as several single family residcnces and duplexes. No environmentally significant land uses were uncovercd in the vicinity of the subject propeny. ENPRO Consultiog Group, Inc.Pagc 3 a 2.0 EIWIRONMENTAL RECORDS REVIEW 2.1 Pollution Sources at the Subject Property TABLE 2A Environmental Licenses. Permits. and Notifications at the Subject Property Type of Permit/1.{otification Agency. Permit APEN/Air Pollutant Emission Permit CDPHET none NPDES Permit (stream discharge) CDPHE Hazardous waste notification/permit CDPHE Tank registration CDPHEiOIS2 Radiation Source License CDPHE Water Well wRE3 Drinking Water System Permit CDPHE Spills and Complaints EPA4/CDPHEA/aiI5 Kcv for Table 2,{ l CDPHE=Color"do Depsruncnt of Public Healtb & Envirotmcnt 2 Ols=Colorado's Office of Oil Insoection 3 WnE= Colorado Division of Watcr Resource s a EPA=US Environmcntal Protecrion Agency 5 Vail=vail Environnental Hca.lr! Officer 2.1.2 Inspection, Compliance, and Monitoring History CDPHE Drinking Water filcs wcrc rcviewed for the Upper Eagle Valley and Vail Consolidatcd Watcr District. Thc most rccent compliancc inspcction of the Vail Consolidated District watcr trcatment facilities was pcrformed in Dcccmber 1993 and the inspcction rcport indicates the inactive status of the Gore Creek Plant. Historical inspection and monitoring records for the Gore Creek Plant were also reviewed and appear to indicate that the last compiiance inspection occuned in July 1983. The use of alum and polymer, filtration, and chlorination processes were confirmed from the inspection report. There were no major problems noted at that time, but recommendations were made to improve routine maintenance items (e.g. flushing the filtrarion tanks) and to refine the ueatment operations by optimizing chemical dosages. The last self-monitoring reports were from January 1985. Mr. Jim Chubrilo, District Engineer for rhe CDPHE Water Quality Control Division, could not recail any ongoing chemicals management problems at the plant during is previous operation. Thcre are no other records of inspections by the above listed agencies for environmentally related matters at the subject property, and no other regulatory agency environmental compliance or monitoring reports were available for the subject property. none none none none none YES none ENPRO Consultint Group, Inc.Pagc 4 2.1.2 Potentially Responsible Parties at Superfund Sites EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) records of potentially responsible parties ("PRPs") for investigation and cleanup of CERCLA/Superfund Sites were also compared with known owners of ttre subject property. The properry's culrent owner (VaiWpper Eagle Valley Consolidated Water District) is not presently identified as a PRP in the State of Colorado. 2.2 Potentid Environmental Hazards at the Subject Property TABLE 28 Potentid Environmental Hazards at the Subject Property Hazard Agency/Record Location Result Wetlands U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service No wetlands maps exist for areaFloodplain FEMA (Federal Emergency Tnne C (area of miniural flooding Manageorent Agency) Panct #0Efi)54 O03B - 1983) 2.2.1 Wetlands The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has not mapped the Vail Valley for potenrial wetlands. The Grand Junction offrce of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has indicated that numerous potential wetlands existed in the Vail Valley prior to its dcvelopment; this is the subject of a recommendation in $5.0. 2.3 Assessment of Environmental Risk from On-Site Sources/Ilazards The subject property was a permitted water treatment plant until 1986, without any history of significant noncompliance with Colorado drinking watcr rcgulations. There are no other documented environmental hazards or rcgistcrcd cnvironnrental pollution sources located at the property. .ENPRO Consultirg Group, Inc. 2.4 Pollution Sources in the Surrounding Area 2.4.1 Stationary Air Pollution Sources Tbe Air Quality Contol Division (AQCD) of thc Colorado Dcpartnent of Public Hcaltb & Environment is tbe primary cnforccr of air pollution control requircments in Colorado. These ioclude rcquirencnts and permining for asbestos abstemcnt during remodeling and demolition of buildings. and rcquirements for notification and permitting of facilities that producc bazardous air pollutanls (including asbcstos). Hazardous air pollutants which arc not controlled can producc liability for tbe lcndcr or buyer of a property ss s tcsult of worlcr/tcnant crposurc and bealth-rclatcd lawsuits. ln some cases, significant air pollution sources can also contaniData soils and water on thc subjcct ptoperty as well as surrounding p'ropcnies. Selccted AQCD files arc rcviewed [ot t ll2 mile radius fiom tbe subjcct property, bascd on UTM address ioformetion and strect address information availablc from databasc records. There are no registered air pollutant emission sources located within l/2 mile of the subject properry. 2.4.2 Stream Pollution Sources lpcal, state, and tbe fcdcral govcrnsrcnt arc involved in prot cting wstcr quality, Permits arc required for tbc discbargc of poUutants to slreams. Tbcsc are known as NPDES permia, after thc National Pollutart Discharge Eli.arination Systen. Discbargc of pollut8nts into municipal sewer systlans ultimatcly rcacbcl our stre8ns and rivcrs. Tbcse types of pollution discbargcs arc regulatcd undcr ore Indusfiel PreEe0Ercnt Program, wbercby local se$'er disEicts rcquire pcrmits for many kirrds of industries. Thcrc is ovcrsight of tbis progran by both CDPHE and EPA. Sclcctcd CDPHE snd EPA NPDES records arc reviewed bascd on discbarge location information providcd in database records. CDPIIE records were consulted for facilities which potentially discharge into Gore Creek. There are no upgradient stream discharge sources located in the nearby vicinity of the subject property. 2.4.3 Hazardous Waste Facilities RCRA rcfcrs !o tbc federal Resourcc Conservation and Rccovcry Act tbc law tbst providet for rcgulation of companies or busincsses tbat producc bazardous cbemicsl wsstcs ('gcn€r8tors'). Tbis law also regulates lransporters of hazardous waste, and ibosc tbat reccivc bazardous wastc for uea(trrent. storate, or disposal ("TSD facilitics"). In Colorado. this program is managcd by thc Colorado Dcpartmcnt of Public Hcalth & Environn|cnt, Hrzardous Materials and Wastc Managemcnt Division. CERCLA refers !o tbe federal Comprebensive Envboruncnlal Rcsponsc, Compcnsation, and Liability Act. tbc primary law tbat provides for govcrnmcnt rcsponsc to major chcmical spills and clcanup of abandoncd bazardous chemical duop sitcs. Undcr tbis law "Supcrfund" was creatcd. a multibillion dollar fcderal fund used to linancc sitc studics and clean-ups until costs can be recovcrid from Potentially Responsible Prrties (PRPs). ENPRO Consulting Group, lnc.Pagc 7 Although EPA is usually tbe lead agency for managing Superfund clcan-ups, state agcncies . can also bc assigncd lcad status for cleao-up Danagement and oversigbt. Selectcd EPA and CDPHE records are revicwed based upon address information provided in databasc records maintained by EPA. RCRA Hazardous Waste Handlers There are no registered hazardous waste handlers located within l/2 mile of the subject property, and rhere are no hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facilities located within one mile of the subject property. CERCLA Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites EPA records of inactive or abandoned hazardous waste sites or facilities (CERCLA/Superfund) were reviewed for the Town of Vail and Eagle County. There are no CERCLA study sites located within l/2 mile of the subject property, and there are no National Priorities List sites located within one mile of thc subject property. 2.4.4 Underground Storage Tank Sites Underground petroleum or bazardous material slorage tanks must be registercd with tbo Colorado Oil Inspcction Section (OIS). part of tbe Colorado Deprrtnent of Labor. OIS inspccts tank instdlations for safcty. However. L,caks from underground storage tanks ate regulated by CDPHE. Underground storagc tanls locat d at or near tbe subject property are significant due to their propensity to lcak. causing soil and groundwater contarnination. Tbis is especially true of stccl tanks, whicb corrode in soil and Broundwater, unless spccially protected. Old gasoline stations. auto repair facilities, and busincsses tbal bad flecs of vehiclcs are primc candidatcs for baving undcrground tanks. TABLE 3A Underground Storage Tanl< Sites Located \Yithin l/2 l\lile of the Subject Property scilitv Name and Address AIL @LF CLUB MAINTENANCE SHOP 1278 VAIL VALLEY DRWE AILASSOCIATES INC. I3O9 VAIL VALLEY DRTVE There are no reported leaking installations located within l/2 mile of the subject property. CDPHE records do not include any asscssment of possible soils or groundwater contamination of the two installations listed above: however, the listed tank installations are not within a likely zone of influence to the subject property, based upon distances of the sources to the subject propcrty and the lack of potential pathways for dispersion of contaminants to the subject property. lnformation at Initial Registration ANK l: GASOUNE TA 'K lN USE: 22 YRS A.ttlK 2: DIESEL TANK IN USEI l0 YRS rur*K3:WASTE OII- TANKIN USE: 6 YRS ONE STEELTANK PERMANENTLY CI.DSED IN AUGUST I99O ENPRO Consulting Group, Inc.Pagc 8 2.4.5 I-andfiIls Disposal of solid wastc is rcgulated by the Colorado Departnent of Public Health & Environncnt under tbc Colorado Solid Waste Disposrl Sitcs and Facilitics AcL LandJills located at or neas tbc subject pmpcrty rre signilicant bccause of the possibility of bazardous wastcs baviag bcen disposed in tbe ludfill and subsequcntly causing groundwstcr conu@in8tion. Groundwatcr dcgradation of thc non-hazrrdous varicty may also occur. making neuby drinling wacr wclls unusablc. Mcthanc is also produced during the brcakdown of organic waslcs dispossd in landfills. Mctbanc 8ar can accu.nulate in nearby strucurres and caure u crplosion bazard. CDPHE dstsbasc records uc revicwcd and tbe Eaglc County sanitariln and thc Town of' Vail's Environmental Hcalth reprcscntative arc intervicwed for ilrformation on landlills and dump sites bclieved to be locatcd wiuin 1/2 milc of tlc subjsct property. Selected filcs rrc rcvicwcd for sourecs considcrcd !o bc potcntially significant to $c subjc€t propcrty. Address inforsration for landfills ir inparfect There are no records in Eagle County, the Town of Vail, and CDPHE files of open or closed landfills or dump sites located within l/2 mile of the subject property. 2.4.6 PolychlorinatbdBiphenyls(PCBs)'sources Polycblorinated bipbenyls (PCBs) and ccnain forns of rsbgtos arc rcgulatcd undct lhe Toric Substarces Control Act (TSCA) wbicb is cnforced by the U.S. EPA. PCBs arc used in thc dielectric lluid found in transformers, capaciors, and othcr elcctrical equipment. PCBs causc scrious rcproductive cffects urd arc thougbt to bc carcinogcnic. EPA databasc rccords of inspcctions arc rcvicwcd and filcs sclcctcd for rcvicw, bascd upon proximity to lhc subj€cr propcrty. There are no faciliries located within l/4 mile of the subject property which have been inspected or found out of compliance with applicable TSCA regulations. 2.4.7 Clrcmical Radiailon Sources CDPHE Radiarion Control Division datrbasc records of facilitics locatcd witbin l/4 mile of lbe subject propcny arc rcviewed, and file records rre rcvicwcd for selected facilitica, as discusscd bclow. There are no nearby facilities licensed by the CDPHE Radiation Control Division for chemical radiation sources. 2.4.8 Spills and Complaints Spills of bazardous matcrials that havc occungd on or near tbe subjcct propcrty may affect tbe property by causing soil and/or groundwatcr contagrination. Tbc prevalence of spills and conplaints at tbc subjcct propcrty may also indicatc gencral business practices that prcsent 8 potcntial cnvironncnlal tb,rcaL ENPRO Consulting 6roup, bc.Page 9 a EPA database records. CDPHE database records and CDPHE file rccords are reviewed and representativss of the Vail Firc Department arc interviewed for complaints and spills in the vicinity of tbe subjcct propcrty. The nearest reported spill incident occuffed north of the subject property along I-70 when approximately 50 gallons of diesel fuel was spilled afer a truck's fuel tank ruptured in March 1991. This incident is not believed to be environmentally significant to the subject property. There are no additional reported spills or incidents within the immediate vicinity of the subject property. 2.5 Environmental Hazards in the Surrounding Area 2.5.1 Floodplain Locations Surrounding properties to the north are located within the rnapped 100-year floodplain of Gore Creek, according to the 1983 Federal Emergency Management Agency flood insurance rate maps. Residences to the east of the subject property are not mapped within the floodplain. 2.5.2 Wetlands Wetlands, babitats fot watcrfowl, are also protectcd by fcderal law, wbich is administcred by thc U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tbey arc irnport.ot from a liability stlndPoint, in lbat thcrc 8rc rcstrictions that arc intendcd to prcvent wetlands dcstruction. rcgardless of property ownership, Some local govern-nents also regulated wetland dcvclopmenc These progranr cgn limit ths development and usc of a propcrty. U.S. Fisb and Wildlife Scnice maps of potcntial wctlards arc rcvicwed for a l/2 milc radius of thc subject propcrty. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has not prepared any wetlands maps for the Vail area- 2.5.3 Registered Mining Sites There are no mining sites permitted by the Colorado Mined Land Reclamation Division which arc located within 1/2 mile of the subject property. 2.6 Potentid Pathways for Contaminant Migration to the Subject Property 2.6.1 Utiliry Corridors Underground utility corridors and bedding materials can provide pathways for subsurface contaminant migration; however there are no known nearby pollution sources for which the utility corridors would provide a likely pathway for contaminant migration to the subject property. 2.6.2 Groundwater Groundwater can also provide a pathway for contaminant migration, but again there are no nearby sources of contamination. ENPRO Consulting Group, Inc.Pagc l0 Assessment of Environmental Risk from Off-Site Pollution Sources/Hazards There are no government records which indicate that subsurface contamination in the immediate vicinity of the subject property has occurred. lt is our assessment that there is minimal risk of subsurface contamination from the nearest potential pollution sources, underground petroleum storage tank installations located more than l/4 mile from the property. 3.0 PROPERTY INSPECTION The property was inspected on December 28, L994. Mr. Lanny Carlson, water plant operator/foreman accompanied the inspector and some of the observations given below are based upon Mr. Carlson's knowledge of the plant. Mr. Carlson has been associated with the warer and/or sanitation district for approximately l3 years. The inspection included a complete visual survey of the subject propeny (including evidence of chemical or waste storage or disposal, and a physical inspection of the building and property grounds for visible signs of contamination or contamination sources), as well as a driveby survey of the nearby area. 3.1 Building Inspection The propeny subject'to audit includes a water treatment plant which was brought on-line in approximately 1972 and ceased operation in approximately 1986. The estimated capaciry of the plant was l-1.2 million gallons pcr day and the plant obtained surface water directly from the adjacent Gore Creek. The building housing the plant is masonry block construction set on a concrcte foundation slab. Heat was formerly providcd by gas-fired heatcrs suspcnded from the ceiling. There were no obscrved building matcrials of construction, insulations, or coverings which are suspicious for asbcstos content. The water treaunent plant consists of an approximaely 60.000 gallon "clear well" located in a concrete vault beneath the structurc and two steel multimcdia filter tanks which were used for primary treatment. Piping which could be observed within the building is iron and./or steel without coverings or linings observed on exposed interior surfaces; no evidence of transite (asbestos containing) piping was obscrved and Mr. Carlson is only aware of PVC or ductile piping in subgrade components of the plant. Water treatmcnt chemicals used for clarification included alum or polymer and rvere stored within the building. Some minor residuals of these chemicals were noted on the floor surface. Disinfection was accomplished by chlorine and a small segregated room for chlorinc storagc is located ncar the nonheast comer of the building. The chlorine storage room was empty at the timc of inspection. All sludges and wastes from the water treatment process were discharged to the municipal sanitary sewcr system and no on-site disposal took place. Electrical service and plant operating components include several transformers, but no liquid filled transformers were observed within the structure. Liquid filled transformcrs might otherwise pose a concern for PCB content. In summary there were no adverse obscrvations of the building and the water treatment facility contained inside. 2.7 ENPRO Consulting Group. Inc.PaBC Il a 3,2 Property Grounds The property grounds, snow-covered at the time of inspection, consist of landscaped areas surrounded by residential streets and the adjacent Gore Creek. Raw (untreated) water rvas collected from the Creek in two different facilities, one of which is now tied to the golf course. Wetlands vegetation was not observed on the propeny; however, the snow cover precluded any definitive judgement regarding potential wetlands, pardcularly in the Gore Creek floodplain. 3.3 Surrounding Properties Gore Creek is located to the norrh and Gerald R. Ford Park is located to the west. of the subject propeny. Duplex and single family homes are located to the east and south and the Vail Golf Course is located to the northeast of the subject property. 3.4 Assessment Summary of Property Inspection ENPRO's inspection inclutled an evaluation of the subject propeny for visible sources of contamination and environmental hazards. There were no chemicals in storage and there was no evidence of chemical mishandling within the water treatment plant. It is our assessment that there is minimal risk of subsurface contamination to the subject property. Potential wetlands areas could not be completely evaluated due to the snow cover and dormant vegetation, but no obvious wetlands outside the Gore Creck floodplain were observed. 4.0 SUMMARY OF ENVIRONIITENTAL ASSESSMENT Thc subjcct propcrty, an inactive watcr rreatmcnt plant, was evaluated for potcntially significant on-site environmental contaminrtion through a review of historical property uses, a review of environmental records available liom governmerrt agencies, and a property inspection. The subject property contains an inactive water treatment plant that operated from the early 1970's to the mid 1980's. The propeny is believed to have been in ranching use prior to the development of the Vail Valley. Nearby properties includc the Vail Golf Course and the Gerald R. Ford Park, as well as several single family residences and duplexes. No environmentally significant land uses were uncovered in the vicinity of the subject property. Records of thc U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, the Colorado Office of Oil Inspection, the Town of Vail Fire Department, the Vail Environmental Health office, and thc Eagle County Sanitarian were also evaluated for information on air pollutants, water pollutants, hazardous materials, and land sources of pollutantVhazards of potential concern, including known complaints and spills. The subject property was a permitted water treatment plant until 1986, without any history of significant noncompliance with Colorado drinking water regulations. There are no other documented environmental hazards or registered environmental pollution sources located at the property. There are no government records which indicate that subsurface contamination in the immediate vicinity of the subjecr property has occurred. It is our $sessment that there is minimal risk of subsurface contamination from the neaest potential pollution sources, ENPRO Consulting Group, lnc.Page 12 underground petroleum storage tank installations located more than 1/4 mile from the property. ENPRO's inspection included an evaluation of the subject property for visible sources of conramination and environmental hazards. Therc were no chemicals in storage and there was no evidence of chemical mishandling within the water treatment plant. It is our assessment that there is minimal risk of subsurface contamination to the subject property. Potential wetlands areas could not be completely evaluated due to the snow cover and dormant vegetation, but no obvious wetlands outside the Gore Creck t)oodplain were observed. 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS A complete wetlands evaluation may be appropriate prior to the rcdevelopment of the property. The demolition of structures is subject to pre-notification and asbestos inspection requiremcnts of the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, Air Quality Control Division. The inspection must be performed by a state certified inspector and should includc an evaluation of piping exposed during dismantling of the plant to verify the absence of transite (asbestos type). 6.0 LIMITATIONS The ENPRO Phase i Environmental Audit is a practical screening approach for the identification of serious environmental problems. The information obtained from this approach should provide an initial assessment of the environmenhl condition of the property. The records summary is based on information available at the dme of the investigation and information obtained durin-e the propcrty inspection is bascd on the condition of the property at thc time of the inspection. These may not bc indicativc of sitc conditions at othcr time.s. While it is not possible to guiuantee that the Phase I Audit, or for that matter any approach. will identify all possible sources of contamination, we believc that the process described in our checklist and proposal represents a reasonablc and re.sponsible investigation. "*,#fl/,rr'^-A..t < Environmental Specialist Randy Jones President v-"- ENPRO Consultirg Group, Inc.Prgc 13 .'t-e @uPL//& \J;rr14 38 a< quA(-: c, fA/;Y<, . y.4L :.',1.e - ,,/'d <K.t-< Df -:uq I{ELOED . -/JN. \-\/A !-(- .L/pc, 7o Ee /' - -/ roP ,\d ou * t!to't/aR,/ D,</L. F/Lft z /z' COUr .<EQ'D/9/q ?? .\./A.s.t 72-)taH. \.ssTAP>.--..s.!\.-\\\\\-.. /y''sree,t q J 1j r'l J".4 :J hl N o Yq' \ Y nu (N \ \') q \\ Z't Z' t /+'j- ri\lIri vlll'r'.vtl ) aii v!l +1F\itl\ri.{, , .)r,(r' YI\l V:itir l\Jil qtl Yrl \ ji l I I X Itrv N "{ tj a' .0 :,r. \ fil t-$ trAs4 7ROu1,4 - ---- l lF. i Z|ot'-l t'-o' I 'oflE CK U z QCler I il ii lrt /4" t2 cloEwALL Z'etee cLA/4P-----'aoLr ro 2" + //+'A c/DEwAl-L o. 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O.1 ffi""r-*i1"",-.., $-ffi ry #1 $,:*-V N'i$iif#ffii ,iM ni,?g;u i \r{r il,,'H-;4/ ie uut \e '. lr i;*Y\, i;$l ii il ig ;il'-ii l, *liii I ii '\nt '',/j li J.! -r, 3Q 9"cEi.-; o^16t59-: i6i9 I'aE , , :.!.12 f,Z u-- z a s Io 9 I slE.l( 9 i.r { ?6 R - €i dj :;.tl *r- f f 79 I :\ \ \ t !.='- E5*3 6 3..€ln Ei:, a 2 = I _,5 I b -!) 65 ie5di , t/.''i <;!,i ./ pr 5)iz-?JOo-:a:Id "lRY d-i,i:< RZs'-. -ic63iqzH :,i ;8,E'J inz :i>61 fi I lrR: vi- 6ro -i- o .9 -,- .<?;;K "8E =?' EiiS Jr -:- :l.i lrj ll: 3!] t:l il ri t -\' c-5 = - ;l J J t l-'-**'--:- .',?. I2' PERFORA.IED PIPE I -l I -< -/ -/.' ./,/ v 6215.66 GORE CREEK W^]ER :H 012 ffi ry i-ga so'-gaso -ta'Pvco 0.192 3 W,@9 (# MH O2O 6216. E7 VI i'\ s9k. =o5P ;x. i t#:fi { I AmAcn|ENT #3 -t.Url\r ffi E /Vn...-:/\\i/ \\iil *"\ V ,-i ,.' i.l / o(-, l3z l:5lsil.t IE I I I I I oz rEfiqzigx8 !2 '.i =!:fr ?rii'.i3u F!lsU /: 5t/ ut\ \S \.^\i\>', 1 I I ) "f,.1\ \,F/'Y' ).,4n' t,/ tt' { kjl )n tti iI i\ t-\ I ({)/ ( ',,\ \. /\ I o MEMoRANpulrr Ff L E 80P y TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: April10,1995 SUBJECT: A request to rezone Tract C, Vail VillagfftEhg/967 Vail Valley Drive from the General Use Zone District (GUD) to the Primary/Secondary ResidentialZone District (P/S). Applicants: VailValley Consolidated Water District, represented by Pal DauphinaisPlanner: Jim Curnutte I. INTRODUCTIONANDBACKGROT'ND The Vail Valley Consolidated Water District has requested a zone change for the Gore Creek Water Treatment Plant property located at 967 Vail Valley Drive/Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing. The property is currently zoned General Use District (GUD). The water district would like to change the zoning designation of this property to Primary/Secondary Residential (PS). Since the water treatment plant has stood vacant for the last 10 years, and the water district has no need to resume its operation, they have determined that this property is surplus to their needs and intends to dispose of it at its fair market value. II. BACKGROUND The Gore Creek Water Treatment Plant came on line in the early 1970's.as a surface water treatment plant for the Town of Vail. The well water intake for the plant is located in Gore Creek, directly north of the plant. During its peak production period, the plant produced approximately 0.75 million gallons of treated water per day. Operation of the Gore Creek Water Treatment Plant discontinued in December of 1985. with the addition of the Vail Golf Course wells. Since that time, all pumps, lubricants, and chemicals have been removed from the property and the plant has stood vacate. On February 27, 1995, the water district received Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) review and approval ol their request to change the Vail Land Use Plan designation ol this property from Park to Low Density Residential. ln reaching their recommendation for approval of the Land Use Plan change, the PEC considered and discussed the appropriateness of using the property as a park, the appropriateness of the proposed residential use of the property, the removal of all abandoned water related equipment on and otf of the property, the dedication of golf course cart path and road easements on the property, and where the proceeds from the sale of the property would be invested. On March 7, 1995 the VailTown Council approved Resolution No. 5, Series of 1995 which authorized the change to the Vail Land Use Plan from Park to Low Density Residential. Resolution No. 5 contained five conditions which must be addressed by the applicant prior to the transfer of ownership of the property. a llt. ZOltllNG ANALYSIS The following chart shows the relationship between the development standards of the existing General Use zoning on tre property and the Primary/Secondary ResidentialZone Dislrict being reguested. Development St4ndards Lot Size: Dwelling Units: Allowed Uses: GRFA: Setbacks: Site Coverage: Landscaping: Building HeIht: Lot Area and Site Dimensions: Exbting General Use Zone Dbtrict 0.45 acres or 19,602 sq. ft. Type lll and lV EHUs; Number Per lot to be determined by the PEC. Examples include: public and private schools, public theatsrs, churches, hospilals, public recreation facilities, elc. To be determined by the PEC. To be determined by the PEC. To be determined by the PEC. To be determined by the PEC. To be determined by the PEG. To be determined by lhe PEC. Proposed Primary/Secondary Zone District Same Two dwelling unils in a PrimarylSecondary struc{u r€ and a Type ll EHU. Single Family or Pdmary/Second ary: and a Type ll EHU. 5,060 sq. ft., (irrcludes two 425 sq. fi. credits) 20 bet front, | 5 leet side atd rear 3,920 sq. ft., or 2@" 11,761 sq.ft., ot 60% requicd 33 feet lor a sloping rcol. 15,000 sq. ft ot buiHable area, 30 feet of minimum ftontago, rnd must be cspable of enclosing a square area (80 feei on each side) within its boundaries. tv.CR]IERN AND FINDINGS The lollowing criteria and tindings shall be used in the evaluation of the zone change request: A. Sultablllty of the proposed zonlng. As stated in the zoning code, the General Use Zone District "is intended to insure that public buildings and grounds and certain quasi-public uses permined in the district are appropriately located and designed to meet the needs of residents and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with surrounding uses, and in the case of buildings and other structures, to insure adequate light, air, open space and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of uses." The purpose statement contained in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District states that lhis district "is intended to provide sites for single family residential uses or two family residential uses in which one unit is a larger primary residenoe and the second unit is a smaller caretaker apartment, together with such public facilities as may B. c. appropriately be located in the same district. The two family Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District is intended to insure adequate light, air, privacy and open space for each dwelling unil, commensurate with single family and two family occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residential qualities of such sites by establishing appropriate site development standards." The PEC and Town Council',s recent approval of the water districts request to change the Land Use Plan designation of the property from Park to Low Density Residential would support the applicant's contention that the existing General Use zoning on the property is no longer suitable. The proposed Primary/Secondary zoning is consistent with the current Land Use Plan designation of the property. Additionally, Tract C meets, and exceeds fie minimum lot area and site dimension requirements necessary for primary/secondary zoned properties. As required in Section 1 8.1 3.050 of the Vail Municipal Code, the minimum site area shall be 15,000 square feet of buildable area, and each site shall have a minimum frontage of 30 feet. Each site must also be of a size and shape capable ol enclosing a square area, 80 feet on each side, within its boundaries. ls the amendment proposal presenting a convenient, workable relationship among land uses consistent wlth municipal objectives? The stiafi feels trat the proposed Primary/Secondary zoning designation would be consistent with adjacent land uses. The proposed use of Tract C' for either a single family residence or a primary/secondary building, will be compatible with the character of the neighborhood in terms of density, scale, mass and bulk' and general site planning. Does the rezoning proposal provide for the grorvth ol an otderly and viable communlty? Staff believes that the proposed rezoning would provide for the growth of an orderly and viable community. The applicant has indicated that the proceeds from the sale ol fris property will be dedicated to the water district's future capital improvements within the Vail Valley. Specifically, the applicant believes that all or most of the money will be used for the construction of a new one million gallon water tank in the East Vail area. The new tank will not only improve fire flows in the East Vail area but will also provide a reservoii of water for other ernergency situations, which require the expenditure ol large amounts of water. ls the proposed rezoning consistent with the Vail Land Use Plan? Staff believes that the proposed rezoning is consistent nith the Land Use Plan. As mentioned in the background section of this memorandum, the Land Use Plan was recently amended to change the plan designation of this property from Park to Low Density Residential. Primary/Secondary residential development is considered to be an appropriate use within the Low Density Residential designation. The PEC, during the hearing on the Land Use Plan change, felt that this tract is of a size and shape capable ol accommodating a single family, duplex 3 D. I l or primary/secondary structure and hat the property appears t0 be the logical western terminus of the adjacent Primary/Secondary zoned residential neighborhood. Additionally, the proposed rezoning would appear to carry out the following goalstatements contained in the Vail Land Use Plan: 1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional growth in existing developed areas (infl. areas). 5.1 Additional residential growth should continue to occui primarily in existing, platt€d areas and as appropriate in new areas where high hazards do not exist. V. STAFF RECOTAffiNDATION Staff recommends approval of the reqUested rezoning of Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing from the Generat Use Zone Distlict to the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. Staff believes that the proposal meets the zone change criteria, as addressed in Section lV of this memorandum, and that the Primaryi secondary Residential zone District desbnation is the more appropriate zone district lor the uses which are anticipated for the property. f\evgryons\pocbomo8\wfl d.4l 0 F Jo- E H 'IoI, 5 lrJJJ s J = \\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \\ \ \ \ \la \\\\ \\\liil\\s\illl..'l1\ \ \ \ \ \{\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\l\ \ \ \ €\\ \\\\\ \\\\\\s\\\\\\\\\\\\^.\\\\\\\\\ il -1._ p troF tdF F @G lrJFz t\\\..rt\\\\\\\\{r-__; \ \ \( tlt \\\\\\\\ J. -\lll9l\\l\\ll\l \ !-.---.{.-........\ \\\ R\\\\\\\\\'l\,t-=--\\ \U rrrrrrrrr._l \_-_-1\ \ \ .l \ I r r\\ rr r.i-----\\\<\\\\\\\\.\l-",, r'.xllilllllll.iEalusllillii{+EiiSiiii\iii)\ \\ \.\\\\ \\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ N i ooo\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\ n|l tlI 26 EP ;< i';:E d6:2 a\ -6 J. <a syAiiii iiylilii,t+ F/t\iliiiE,,a:ll\llrilrr\\\\t\\\\\\ f\\\\\\\L\\\ I ,\\\\\\\S\\\F\\\\\\\l\\\\\\\\\\\\6\\\ I\\\\\\\l\\\r\\\\\\\\(\\\\\.f\\\\\\\\\\\c}\\\\\\\\\\\El\\\\\\\\\\\allNlllilllll\\\\\\\\\\ry \ \ti.\t!.tt ttr\ \ \::::1.'l}'l: r \ \\lll\El) \ \ hr:lr):Rl!\\\)\\\lNli \\\\\\iRii\ I |\\\\\\\\r\\\i\ili{i:\\\r\Eill\\\ii\*\\\\ l\\ -\\ \\\\\Rl\l\ I l\tl/N\\\\\s\i\ i t\\\\\\\ t\\\\\\ I \\\\\\\\ l\\\\\\\ t\\\\\\ll\ll\t\\\\\,\\ \\\,.s\\\\ rufis ..t\\itt\ ii'&?\\l gO\\oo ( Wr\ \artn ii"?:\\,oo\\tdD(\\DDA lrl?\\iO' \ \\ \>o llr\€ \ll$ l4lll)t t\\ \I i\il / (lli ,/,i\\QcpQOq(ruoocl.I\\r\\\ \6 ^dh a.i6/r .r n \ \ { i i i i iii i i r r iirfo o o (^ a \l\ \\ \ \\ \\ \\\\\\dD O ta\\ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \\o o ti \ \ {!i{\ \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \\-,/ \ \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\ lllllllls@gr"'l lsg \ \\ \\\ \ \\ \ \ \\\ \\\\ \\ \ \\ \ \ \\\\ \Go.\\ \S\, -\ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \*r \ \\\\ -J\ \\ \\ \ \\ \.A\\ \\ \ d't \\r\ JI ,\. \ *\ I('.tz\| -l o. lsigl ltuHi i Rr-i ;i,i\i ") l '/F i€l i I \ . \-.,\y.t --J /t'.# &Ft i/ 'FrlI \lj.-l!. .l {Sa&E{ 59 /l IrS \ .""t \ tt--- -'1i.-".-r\ ";-'------A ATTAGn|EIT '3 ;*--. li.:\ ){="- ---a "Yl.r',rH.. ! I )i-dl I ;! i:- \/ V ! r4 ittr.tlr 3c ic= gi- .3 .J at proposed garage was probably as good as anything that could be constructed. He was not convinieO thai a masier p[n would produce any different results than the current plan. He supported staff's recommendation for approval' Kyle webb requested that this item be tabled and stated that he would discuss the development oi a master plan with Phase ll of the condominiums and the overall Timber Falls Management Corporation. The PEC members reached a consensus that a master plan for parking on the site was desirable. Dalton Williams encouraged the various condominiums to work together to resolve the parking issues. Allison Lassoe made a motion to table this request to the March 13, 1995 PEC meeting with Dalton Williams seconding the motion. A 6-0 vote tabled this request to the March 13, 1995 PEC meeting. A request for a proposed change to the Vail Land Use Plan from Park (P) to Lo-lrr Oensity Residentiai(LDR)for iparcet owned by the VailValley Consolidated Water Districi, located at 967 Vail Vattey Drive/Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: VailValley Consolidated Water District, represented by Pat Dauphanais Planner: Jim Curnutte Jim Curnutte made a presentation per the staff memo. He stated that staff was recommending approval of the requested change to the Vail Land Use Plan with the four conditions outlined on Pages 8 and 9 of the staff memo. Pat Dauphinais stated that he was very comfortable with the conditions of approval placed on this project. Nancy Rondeau, a neighborhood property owner who lives on Fairway Court, stated her concern that just because Tract C is not specifically called out in the Ford Park Master Plan it sh-ould not be oversighted. She felt that Tract C should be retained as Park and not changed to Low Density Residential as Tract C is contiguous to Ford Park. She also pointed out that the Town should take a long term view of possible public needs in the future. Possibly including a bus turnaround. Jim Curnutte clarified that the current zoning for the property was General Use District. Dalton Williams stated that he had not considered the possibility of a bus turnaround at this location but was concerned with what the neighborhood would think of that idea. He was unsure that there was any other area that would be better access point, but was concerned with what the neighborhood would think ot that idea. He felt that Nancy's point about the long{erm effect of development on Tract C was worthy of consideration. Planning and Environmental Commission Meeting Minutes February 27, 1995 11 Greg Amsden stated that in response to Nancy's comments' Tract C was not a park andias not public property. He stated that he was completely in favor of this request' Jim curnutte pointed out that when this application came in to begin with, he scheduled it fbr DRT and asked the Public Works, Fire and Police Departments for their comments. He said he specifically asked the Public Works Departments whether they foresaw any use for Traci C. pubiic Works' response to this question was that the Town did not need the property tor public works/transportation needs. Greg Amsden stated that he did not foresee this lot as necessary for public access lo Ford Park. Bob Armour stated that he appreciated Nancy's comments but he believed that this parcel was obviously mismaiked on the Land Use Plan, since there was a building on it *nen it was included in the Park designation and felt that the land use designation of the property should be changed. He trad questions about the operational ability of the pump station equipment and water rights. Pat Dauphinais stated that the system was fully operational presently -and can be used when needed by the Rec. Oistrlit. He explained that it is not a miscellaneous bunch of parts that needs to be connected. Rick Sackbauer, Chairman of the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District Board, stated that there was a document dated approximately 1983 which gave the Vail Recreation District permission to use up to 'l 69 acre feet of water in exchange for the Water District receiving permission to drill wells on the golf course. pat Dauphinais stated that the Recreation District wants the ability to pump water from the old pump station. He explained the water lines in more detail on a plan presenled to the PEC. Pat Dauphinais stated that 1 acre loot of water is equivalent to 43,560 square feet of area, one foot high. He stated that the Recreation District does not use all of their allotment currently so there are water rights for the Rec. District to pump from this location. Rick Sdckbauer stated that one capital proiect for the Recreation District was to implement a system of radio controlled sprinklers. Bob Armour stated that Jefl Bowen left a note before he left which stated that the only concern he had was to cover the exposed iron intake pipes in the creek with rocks. Dalton Williams was concerned that the Recreation District may take advantage of the situation. Kathy Langenwalter pointed out that the purpose of the Land Use Plan was to designate the ideal use for a given piece of lanc. Planning and Environmental Commission Meeting Minutes Fgbruarv 27. 1995 12 Jim Curnutte pointed out that Kathy was correct, however, that the Land Use Plan states that the various designations are drawn very general in nature and were not based on a lot by lot review of properties like zoning is. Bill Anderson stated that he was in favor of this proposal and that the Town would receive the benefit ol an easement for a park path as well as a road easement which will allow the future reconfiguration of Vail Valley Drive. Bill stated that he is all for the request and pointed out all of the public benefits (easements, water district improvements, etc.) associaled with the request. Kathy Langenwalter felt that the best use of this land would be park or open space as it was locaied in between land zoned park and land zoned residential. She was not real comfortable with turning the site into a residential area. She also questioned the need for additional residential in this area. Allison Lassoe telt that Tract C should remain open space. Dalton Williams disagreed with Kathy's comment that Tract C should remain open space or park. He did not feel that the site would necessarily solve the congestion problems'at Gold Peak but merely move them towards East Vail. This being the case' he did not have a problem with the proposed change to the Vail Land Use Plan. Bill Anderson made a motion to approve the request tor a change to the Vail Land Use Plan from Park to Low Density Residential per the staff memo including the four conditions on Pages I or 9 with a wording change to Condition 4 as follows: 4. The Water District has agreed that if the transfer of ownership of the raw water intake system and associated equipment (pump station, backwash pipe, vaults, etc.) to the Vail Recreation District is not be completed, and if the system is not able to become fully operational, within three years from the date of approval of the Land Use Plan change, it will immediately be removed at the expense ol the Water District. Bob Armour seconded the motion and a 4-2 vote approved this request with Kathy Langenwalter and Allison Lassoe opposing this item. 8. A request for a major amendment to SDD #4 Cascade Village to allow lor the completion of the Westhaven Condominiums (The Ruins) located at 1325 Westhaven Drive/Cascade Village, SDD #4. Applicant: Gerald Wuhrman, General Manager of the Westhaven Condominiums Planner: Andy Knudtsen It should be noted that Kathy Langenwalter stepped down as chairperson of the PEG for this item as she is the architect. Planning and Envrronmental Commission Meeting Minutss February 27, 1995 13 .1-1..=::^ !,. RESOLUTION NO.5 Series ol 1995 A RESOLUTION MODIFYINGTHETOWN OF VAIL LAND USE PLAN, CHANGING THE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF TRACT C, VAIL VILLAGE 7TH FILING FROM PARK TO LOW DENSIW RESIDENTIAL, AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS' conditions in the Tovn of Vail have changed since the Land Use Plan was originally adopted; and WHEREAS' the proposed Land Use Plan modlflcation would serve to carry out the followlng policies of the Land Use Plan: 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled enMronment, maintralnlng a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses lo serve both ttre visitor and the permanent resident. 1.3 The quality of developrnent should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible. 1.'12 Vall should accommodate most of the addltional growfr in exlstng developed areas (in-fillareas). 5'1 Addltional residential growth should continue to occur primarily in existlng, platted areas and as appropriate in new areas where high hazards do not exist.I 6.1 Services should keep pace with increased growth. 6.2 The Town ol Vail should play a role in future development through balancing future growth with services. 6.3 Services should be adjusled to keep pace with the needs of peak periods; and WHEREAS, the Torn of Vail has a need for additional land with the designason ol Low Density Residential in order to meet the standards of the above-listed policy statements. NOw' THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED BY THE TOWI{ COUNCIL OF THE TOU,N OF VAIL, COLORADOTHAT: 1. The Towtt Councilfinds the procedures for amending the Land Use Plan, as set forth in Chapter Vlll, Section 3 of tre Land Use plan have been satisfied. 2. The Town Council hereby amends the Land Use Plan to change the Land Use Designation shown on Figure 3-M (Mid-Section Mgp) of the plan frorn Park to Low Denslty Residential for the property more particularly described as Tract G, Vail Village 7th Flling. 3. The property orvner/applicant, or his successor in interest, agrees with the lollowing requirements, which are a part of this modilication to the Land Use Plan. o Prior to fie transler of ovmershp of the property, tre Vail Valley Consolidated Water District will dedicate an approxlmate 10-foot wide public easement across the eastern slde of Tract G to the To$rn of Vail, to allow for the continued use of a portion ol Tract C for a golf cart path. Prior to the transfer of ornership of fre property, tre Vail Valley Gonsolidated Water District will dedicate a road easement across the western portion of Tract C to the Town of Vail (approximately 60 leet from the w€sternmost end of fie property) to be userl for the future realignment of Vait Valley Drive (to connect with the South Frontage Road). At the time of transter of ownership of the property, the Vall Valley Consolidated Water District and their grantee will enter into an agreement with the Town of Vail to remove all above and below ground improvements on Tract C, with the exception ol the eastern 15 feet of the f-inch iron intake pipe, the 10-inch iron pipe used to backwash the pump station and intrake pipes, and the sewer manhole located along Vail Valley Ddve. The agreement will be in terms that are acceptable to the Tonn of vail and guarantee that such removalof improvements wlll be concluded within three years. The hole(s) resulting from the removal of below ground improvements willbe lilled and the property will be regraded and revegetated according to a plan approved by the Town. The VailValley Consolidated Water District has agreed that it the transfer ol omership of the raw water intake systern and associated equipment (pump station, backwash pipe, vaults, etc.) to the Vail Recreation Dlstrlct has not been completed, agd if the system is not able to become fuily operadonal within three years from the date of approval of this Land Use plan change, the raw water intake system and associated equipment will immediatety be removed at the expense of the water District Prior to transfer of ownership of the property the Vail Valley Gonsotidatgd Water District will present a landseape plan for he pump stetlon vaults and a plan for the visual screening of the pipes located in Gore Creek to the Deslgn Review Board for thelr review and approval. All lmprovemenF auhorized by the Design Review Board will be installed by tre Water District no later than June 30, 1995. A. B. c. D. E. \E/ ffbrtitooabitrtg-iD i !.! ' . rrltl ,'nfr t o INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED AND ADOPTEO thiS.tdA Y OT Md;Iggil, .r%*..-, r\ ( tE/, *, r1 a! oLLt okan x- I II]V . UUII/IIVI, DE\/, DEPI 3 .q(Petition Date PETITION FORM FOR AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANGE OR REOUEST FOR A CHANGE IN DISTRICT BOUNDARIES This procedure is required for any amendment to the zoning ordinance or for a request t0L =r /A,-er( m ADDRESS NAME OF OWNER SIGNATUR ADDRESS LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: ADDRESS c LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BLOCK E.FEE: ZonlngAmendments:$250.00 PAID llvl..d lol2rql t\rrl LT B. PHONE q IL - 1"/ gO A1 ^,,J )r -we [Aril rt D4 ul / fl ilA t9 , r,l ^Wq UULU}\ ?(+ Jnit r/,+""7 bftiJ€ -t- t, ,/+'n tiu^t FILING c. i. ' D4 r-l PHONE q /L -bO\ > PHONE D. Rezonlngs: $200.00 DATE lt. |il. CHECK # F. Stamped, addressed envelopes and list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property. Four (4) copies of the lollowing information: A. The petition shall include a summary of the proposed revision of the regulations, or a complete description of the proposed changes in disctrict boundaries and a map indicating the existing and proposed disctrict boundaries. Applicant must submit written and/or graphic materials stating the reasons for request. Time Requirements The Planning and Environmental Comission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A petition wih the necessary accompanying material must be submitted four weeks prior to the date of the meeting. Following the Planning and Environmental Commission meeting, all amendments to the zoning ordinance or district boundary change must go tot the Town Council for final action. Your proposal will be reviewed for complainace with Vail's Comprehensive plan. lf this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shail be increased by $200.00. Examples of suctr review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any pubtishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the application fee. lf, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re- tv. V. 945'7 NAME OF PETITIONER'S REPRESENTAT -.I-t ADDRESS t>tt l\ t hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re- publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Depariment to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultiants other than town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an oubide consultant is needed to review any application, the Community Development Department may hire an outside consultiant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be foruarded to the Town by the applicant at fie time he liles his application with the Community Development Deparlment. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultanl, any of the funds fonrvarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be retumed to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount fonrarded by the application shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by lhe Town. a TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA REOUEST (Request form must be given to the secretary to the Town Manager by 8:00 a.m. Thursdays.) MEETING DATE: (Prepare a separate Agenda Request for each agenda item. lf the agenda item will be discussed at both a Work Session and an Evening Meeting, be certain to check both boxes in this section and indicate time needed during each meeting.) tr Site Visit TIME NEEDED: 30 Minutes WILL THERE BE A PRESENTATION ON THIS AGENDA ITEM BY NON.TOV STAFF? tr YES. Specifics: Pat Dauphinais representing the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District WILL THE PRESENTATION OF THIS AGENDA ITEM REOUIRE ANY SPECIAL EOUIPMENT? WLL T}IERE BE MATERIAL TO BE INCLUDED IN COUNCIL PACKET FOR THIS ITEM? E YES. lf yes, is the materiat atso for puhlic_dislrlbutiQn? Elyes. ITEIilTOPIC: Ordinance No. 9, series of 1995, first reading, an ordinance rezoning Tract C, Vail village First Filing/967 Vail Valley Drive lrom the General Use Zone District to the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. Applicant: Pat Dauphinais AcrloN REouEsrED oF couNctl: Approve, modify or deny ordinance No. 9, series of 1995, on 1st reading. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On February 27,1995, the Water District received Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) review and approval of their request to change the Vailland Use, Plan designation of this property from park io Low Density Reiidential. On March 7, 199S, !lt" y"i! Town Council approved Resolution No. 5, Series of 1995 which authorized the change to the Vail Land Use Plan lrom Park to Low Density Residential. Resolution No. 5 contained five conditions which must be addressed by the applicant prior to the transler of ownership of theproperty. On April 10, 1 995 the PEC unanimously approved the Water District's request to rezone Tract C lrom the General use district to the Primary/Secondary Residenual Zone District (see attached staff memorandum to the PEc and draft coiy of the m6eting minutes from the April 10, 1995 PEC meering.) srAFF REGOMMENDATION: Approve ordinance No. 9, series ol 1995, on first reading. NO. councilveq uets\agondau.jc .$"o THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission ol the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66,060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on April 10, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a setback variance to allow for the construction of a freestanding garage to be located at 4524 Meadow Drive/Timberfalls Condominiums. Applicant: RichardVossler,TimberfallsCondominiumAssociationPlanner: Flandy Stouder 2. A request for a rezoning lrom General Use District to Primary/Secondary Rdsidential District to allow for the development of a primary/secondary residence located at 967 Vail Valley Drive/Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing, Applicant: Pal Dauphinais for Vail Valley Consolidated Water DistrictPlanner: Jim Curnutte A request for a conditional use to allow for an outdoor dining deck for the Daily Grind located at 288 Bridge Streeulot B, Block 5H, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: The Daily Grind Coffee HousePlanner: George Ruther A request for a major SDD amendment to allow for an expansion to the Glen Lyon Otfice Building located at 1000 South Frontage Road/Area #4, Special Development Dislrict #4, Cascade Village. Applicant: BillReslockPlanner: Randy Slouder A request for a conditional use to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit (EHU) to be located at 126 Forest Road/Lot 5, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Ron ByrnePlanner: Lauren Waterton/Jim Curnutte A request for minor subdivision to amend the location of the platted building envelopes located at 1374 and 1378 Sandstone Drive/Lots D & E, Briarpatch. Applicant: Jim Guida Construction for Briar patch LLCPlanner: Jim Curnutte 4. 5, 6. 3.33"9! $,' 1,., ,..t o,,.t :o ! 7. A request for a major exterior alteration to allow for lhe E gansion of ta Tour Rcgtaurant and the Gotthelfs Gallery and a conditionaluse permitfor a modification b fie olildoor dining deck, located in the Vlllage Genter Bulldlng, 122 East Meadow Drive/ a portlon of Block 5E, VailVillage lst Filing. Appltlant Fred Hbberd, represented by Craig SnombnPlanner: George Rufier IJAUPHINAIS.W P.o.Bo: ror; M' d g*gf*'f .,.r" g3"JLn J &n wd' y111-se81658 P.o. Box t 5t 5 Vail Metro Rec District 292 W: Meadow Dr. ' Vai'|, C0 8L657 glltirtfHlt, Evan Jones 11013 Cripple Gate Rd.votomac,, Maryland ZO1S4 Susan Repetti Rutherford 3465 Ella Lee Lane Houston, TX 77027 Vail Valley Consolidated Water 846 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado Cormunity Devel opement Town of Vail 111 S. Frontage Rd. tl. Vail, C0 81657 Rezoning of Tract C, Vai] Village 7th Filing The VVCWD is requesting a change of zoning in order to surplus parcel of land. The current zoning is General a change to Primary Secondary Residentia'| . The Board believes this request to be appropriate for 14AR l9l ;,0$MI,I,DE\J'DEPT' dispose of a Use and we desire the neighborhood and consistant with the Land Use Plan. The Board would ask that the rezoning fees for this request be waived. MW Director, VVCWD oc23'ot I T scAlE 1' 21'27'2{ W UNPUTTED on,W = 50' VAIL VALLEY - 2.00 l'- 6l'42'Jf, R= 235.00L- 253.10 LOT 1 6o.ea; T= 140.59 LC- 241.04cB'. N doJ6'1t w ROAD EASEMENT Tho.t port of Troct C, Vqll Vlttoge, Seventh Fttlng,.occordlng to the ptot thereof, recorded In the offtce of the Eogte County, Cotorodo, Cl,erk ond Recorder, descntbed os fottowst Beglnnlng of the northresterly conner of sold Troct C, thence, otong th- northerl,y tlne of sotd Troct C, N68?3e'31'E 6l .86 feett thenie, deporttng sotd northerty tlne, 506?49'30'E 9.94 feet, to the southerty l, lne of sold Trqct C, sold southerty tlne otso belng the northenty rlght-of-woy (lne of Vott Vo'l.tey Drlve, os shown on sold pl,ot of-Vqlt Vtttoge, Seventh Fttlngl thence, otong_sold southerty Ilne, 60.00 feet o,tong the arc of o curve to the teft, hovlng o-rqdlus of ?35.00 Feet,-q centroI ongte of 14?37'43', ond o choFd rhlch beors s75?51 '38'v 59.84 feet, to the southwestenty coFner of sold Troct Cl thence, dePortlng sold southenty Ilne, N?L1?7'?7'U 2.00 feet, otong the vesterty tlne of sold Troct C, to the potnt of beglnnlng, contolnlng ?81 squore feet, nore or [ess. w I r\,f\\,t v / VAIL VILI.AGE, SEVENTH FIUNG / 0(r25'0t I 'f I SCALE 1. UNPLATTED DRN/E = 50' VAIL VALLEY 21.27'2{ W - 2.00 l- 61'42'Jf, R= 235.OO L= 255.1O LOT 1 6o\o; T= 14O.39 LC= 241.04 CB= N 8O56'13i w CART PATH EASEMENT That port oF Troct C, Vott Vttloge, Seventh Ft(lng, occordlng to the ptot theneof, recorded tn the offtce of the Eogte County, Cotorodo, C(erk qnd Reconder, descrlbed os fo(towsl Begtnnlng of the nost southerty cornen of sold Troct Ct thence, otong the southen(y ttne o€ sotd Troct C, sold southerty Ilne otso betng the norther(y rtght-of-uoy (tne oF Vo,tt Votl.ey Drlve, os shown on sold ptot oF VotI Vtttoge, Seventh Flllng, 10.00 feet otong the o,rc oF o curve to the [eft, havlng o rqdlus of ?35.00 Feet, o centrol ongle of 0?1?6'?0', qnd o chord vhlch beors N50?57'57'Ll 10,00 feetl thence, deponttng sotd southerty IIne, N40?15'04'E 189.58 €eet, to the eosterty tlne of sqld Tract Ct thence, otong sotd eosterly ttne, 500??3'03'y 15.60 feetl thence, olong the southeo,sterty ttne o€ sold Troct C, 540?15'04'U 177.39feet, to the potnt o€ beglnnlng, contolntng 1834 squore feet, noreor tess. , \ \', \v { \{{t IR\N,\t $$tIl${tr{* 3 $ c{ F N $ $ E R E3 E E E E TEe E.E I =4 f; F.F.Fi Ar}!{ FIAI lF:El Ehrf-. llt.l-t|o, rt0'1. thh tth ,.lry ctPlll ia rhr rrar, hf our tsrd ora tlou sd -rlnc luurb.d rrd rirtf nl,ninttrB Vfl|{ AElOCllIllr lfc., r ctrLoErdo ooElrorrll9s, l,t!tr .)OIrtlnS rn.t orh.r. So.a rnd yr lurblr con! ldcrtt lol:r . . . - Dm4 t0 ft. OF Dqty.- ol th Jlnt lnri, h ttnil rrld by tbr [irl rrrty 6! rLi ..aoid Dar!, tt;rq$ltt r.lrrot h ffiby. 60drrd tnd &hn0wl.rljrrt, h€ rrut*L h,ndnld, oN rod iorrryro, lntr Dt lhil DlaLlt do. I |r.ut, brl|riq rsu, con6t rci onlha wlo $D t|td D0!ty et. u$.r00o.r rr.lbrtr rqooriDrtc0 rnr &fir.lr rll rnr l0rhror cl|ltbd lot or n-nrlol lrid, dr[r!} itht r+ t b| h |l. courry-of uagtr '- -- od at r. d (hlrrdo, b.;lt t !!rot c. lt! u vt11r9.. trvrnth tlllng l .aPt tlxrB {er 196€ enC tUbaaqurnt y.rrt. fflglpf# UrmEt- Lrtult drtnt't u to or:ir rr. -r.tior p.rty . !l$.tlrt$!)lrt_--b.I|rrt0il] ltr !r.t' d lr t trorar cr| lAlZ-ffi1 ood IlliAlrl 0rrt 1TE 9F ;inl.,9ounr or frfr ge ,frtfut** Gotrorado corporrt loh. ffiilffiH$Hftr4d#H}ffiil Ahd alo-ld Vflt laacolater, th6., r Oolosrdo €orForttlon. Y::l'rl"t-1, il] *Uifr ,lfr &' -lllli "t :lu'i'iii." ""?F,i?-'i fr =.*r,rt irp. Ii"o..Iffil'frf,iffi,,""-"r-H',fi i,irili riluit fiLl .,.f"ffit${t'g_a Dd I _ .. d_tl rre.t !sr, j.tr !u€!l.rut uo crfir r3r|si r[ ua ifu:i PEa- lrtltUt .4lriltl u to ol:h |lr rl.lr Ot mt trn lhr6f, ty, thronlh cr ullrlcr "fr iiht$:'triiT#T,^,f,,?,1HlTL"I-Xh-b * *,'- _ t[. dlt rrrc yil ttnt rbcn iq',il i8'e{+ 1._ct\l.i . \i r*r''l7-1'bs ,t -l I ts7 lsts PROTECTIVE COVENANtrS OF VAIL VTLLAGE, SEVEN'TII :TILI}:':, EAGIJE CQUNII|Y, COLOF.ADO WIIEREAS, ValI:'Aeooclatcs, Ltd., s Ilmlbed Partnert'htp,tho ow$or of tho followlng-descrtbed landsr. A bnrt af, Eectlon I rnd a pllt of Eecblon 9, Townebip 5 gorrth, B.rngo 80 West of, the 6th p.M., Sagle county, Colorado, moro particulerly descrlbed as tollower Beglnning ot rhs I'lE corncr of the SEtM\'h of eaj.d sectlon 0,'thenco Northerly'along the EaEg llne of, thtl tlf:lrUirl of gald Soctlon I u distprrsc of 2?3.50'f,eat, thence on an lngla to tho right of 105'57'J4",297.?9 f,cetl thorrce on !n angle to thc right of 54o06t29'1 ,455.47 feotl chence on irrr angle to tbe left ol 20o50'00". l?r.46 feetl thence on an i.rilglr! to the left of 14o04r 3Ir', 206.78 fceti thsneo on on angle Lo thc lofb of 27o33t29'r' I?9.9I f€ott thenca on un a[gle to the lelt -of 22"oztglrt, 2ol.l8 feqt; thcnce on an angla to tha tettbf 69ott'30"r 58I.89 feetl thence on an ongle to the right of 02'Ilt35r" 86I.23 fostl thencc on an angle to the rlght of 03155 1,49",223.d1 feet to n poinl on the !'Jsst llne of aaid Section 9, thenco on 8n angle to blro rtght of I07t53'44" an{ Eoutherty along Ebld vle5t Iine of Section I 143.20 feet to tho Nw cornor of the Nlswlrtll{k of uald SoctLon Ot thonce on on anglo to tho lcft of 89046r44" and Eacterly along tho North llne of, s..rlcl rll:strrtvilt 1,3a0.08 feot to the ND cotneE of sald Nlswh\wtr tlrence on atr ongJ.e to tho right ot 89"40'2lrl and southorry arong the East llne of aaia HhslvtNl{\ 660'00 fe€g to blre sE cotller of eaid xltstr'1it:iv',1 1 L)rcncil on hr\ rrrrl'!,6 to tha tlghts o.f .90eI9f iBrr und ttle8t€rly along the South Line of s.rid Hlgw\u-t,lk I'321,30 faet to the sw corn€r of said Nhswksw\l thenco on an angle to thE lcf,h of 90013rL5" and j;.: ..1:.r: .!'.1.,.' ',1. ',irr. ".l r.r W ll 1, L n'. ;.f .nn f,ril $cction I 32t.' , 00 f ectt thonca on rn anglc to the rlEht of 59c58t45", 247,t,.1; lrc'oci thcncs on en ahllc to the rlgbt of 30o20'48" 500,,00 fcetl . rhcirce on an ung).rr to thq rlght of 7oc45r0o" 155.00 feetl thence on qn ungle to thc left of ?B!30'00" 255.00 feotl thence oll an ongle to the rtght of 16c30'00' 355.oo feog, thcnco on an angle to tha left of, 09045'00" 5I3.00 fercl thc,nco on en angl.o to thq riglrt o! I0o57'18" Ir]!9'28 feet,i ls 4., - -L.,- - t:o n 1:olnt on thc EogL ilnc of lot 16, Dloclc tr Vall Villir11c' Firoc fll-tngr tlrc'nco on ull angle to ehd right of 1l.i'4g'05" ancl l.Iorthcastorly along tho Sast lln€e of roLtr I(i snd l'r, saitl Blor:jt I, ValI Villago, Flrst rrilintJ. 295.00 foilt, to the NE cofnor of Lot I?1 Eaid Block I, VoiI VlIInge, i'irc! DiIIngl thcnco on bn angle Lo thl,r riqlrt of 64o30r0fln aDd along the Sguth llne of xrircU Fr VaiI vilJ.ageT ['1f E]r Filing. 446.70 lsct go a poln{: oil tho Eart llne of, the sDhNIvk ofenid $ection Bi t',lrtrrrr:r! oll .ln englo to the tgft of 97c00rO6" And Nortshcrly ,.iur,y;;i1 1rl EanL line of the $UhNwh 465.9I feet to the .;uitrf uI l:rugirtnlttg' !nlnnEAs, vail Associutes, Ltd., herelnafter sometlmes re* . ...r.1 ... /i...1.1.,. r ,:.r r'! :,..: .:ir::1..,:j.n ..r.:i::ict{-oni On- {:hC riuc cr! fhe'I'r[rctu, Blocke 4411 Lots $hawn on the Map of ValI Villug"tT tluvonth piling, for tho benefit of, the ouner, snd Lta respective . qruntccs, succe6Eora and al;signsr ln qrder.to establieh arrd main- i'rr irr thtr clraractor und value o! reol estato ln Vatl Villago. NOI.I TIl4RErrOnE. j.n cons.iderotrion Of the premlees, VarI n r;Dclci.'t,to{,r L,btl ., for ltrrelf and itg grongi€tr allc€gEEars and irr)rrlrlt,r:. riot.,li )trrrebl'lnrirotj$, ofllilttllnir, puhlish, rcknowledge, de- r;li,r',.1 ,.,r,.i ;i,,.;r.; "'t.i.'-',1 ;i, ;,ticl iei' t;he Lrcrrelit of all pcrEotrs who may irr.!:'.ra, i L\:r: i)ilr:(:irrrljc crI; Iuatse nllcl l:Ioin titilo tO htmo ,'O CY/n Of hOId .rlty o)- Llrc: ?r.r(:ts, Illoch!, atrcl L,Of.g in V,.rtl V,tIlrrgrr, titlvenbl) FlIingt Lir,'rt ,iL r;'.r:,,; rr.ili )toltlri nJ.1 of th(: J.Itrrlt'i ]tt VolI VlIlirgc, Eovonth !,iling, srrbjoct Lo the following reobrlct{orl4, covetlsntop end con- rlitione, aII of which sholl bo decrnod to run wlth bh6 land and to Lnur'o to thc bcnefic of, ancl lre btndinE ulton the Oltnof, lta rcrpOotlvo gfilncsoEr trrlcceaBors and assignS. I. PLANNING N"O ONCITTNECTUhAL dONTROI. CO!{IIITIEE I'Iconunittca'1t'hetslannlngandArclritcgturalControl Comnlgtcc.r herotnaf,T,Ffil]ired L. aa the conunLtt'c€, rhol: con6Lot o.l fivo nrcnrllor:g who lthall be rlctignacod by tho O{nor, ltp trueceaaorc or il:,r,lgns, to rovlcwf aludy, and approvc gf rcioct proposed im* irr;oVr.,,"unui.r vrj.thin tlto arcll dsec.rlbcd ln Chs !'lsp of VaiI ViII"a9o, lovolth Flllng, Of vhlch thesc rogt1llctive covenanta aro made a Part' I.2 RS\96. rho comndttee rlrall mrko lueh rulcs and bylur^ro ond ldop.t ou[ffi-rOoaduree as lt may deem rpbroPrlate to govcln l0e proceedlings. -2- 1.3 ,rprr-EoyPlif-9!S' No buildlng' out' bulldinq' fsnce, wall or otheilnififfi;IE_eiioII be conttructcrd' orccucd' or niainb,rined on any Truct, Block cr tJot' .1or- shall any oddition- ;;";;;;-;;--itrjlrutiorr therein be roadn rrntil irra,rs arrd spcc*risoulrns ulrowing tlre..colorl IOcallon, maLerials, IandaCapltr$' and such othor ln{or:nutior,'"uintfng to euch intprovemenc as llro co*ilituce muy rqouo$ui)Iy requi"" "trif-f hqve beon Eubmltted tp end BpPfovod by tho Contrriuto(} in vrttltr';' ' 1.4 ,g$t€ltr..ficottong, th$ Comftiittee ahall I.4.I the aultability of the lmprovernent and matcrials of, which lt 18 to bo consefucted to tha sito upon whteb it is to be located, ' '1.4.2 fbe huture of adJacent and netghhorlng lmprovemu'ntal r,4.3 The quarrty of ln any prcposed lnrProvementl rnd In passtng upon sucb Plans alrd specj'- cons idor: tlie matorlals to be utlllred I.4,4 Tho ef,tecb of, any propoeed itnprovcment on thooutlookofanyodjacentorneighboringproPerty. It shall be an obJ€atlve of tho Contnlttee t'o make cerb.in thor no i*pi"""*u"t will Uc lo slnrllar or rp diealmllsr to othcrs itr the viciniby t'hat values' nonetBry or aesthetlc' vill be inrp.rired. I. 5 Ef fgg.!i.,ol Tho-pomrntgtoE ii -frlIu.r.J- ho !#' In thc oven! the cotnntqtcc Salls to appffi aro'rpprovo plans und tpcclf,ieauiono "ri.iax"a.co it witirin slxLy duya of submlEelon and no oult to en]oln tha conatructlon haa been commcnccd pflor t9 tht conpLctton trrureoer-ipprovet rhaII not be requlrod and tlro'rc'16lod sovcnunts nhall po-Cqiirmtned to hsvt beon fulty conrplier'i' with' 2, IJIND USE Ihe lande in vait'Vlllage' Fcventh Filing' pholl be uoad foa tho following PurPoses3 . nunibared Lots ln Blockc 4, prlvate reeldencee, eich to Itvtng lnlts. 2.I The rholl be uoed onty f,or ngao thun tvc .oeParcte 5t6,7andB contaln not 'I rl-3- 7.2 Tho lcct'er€d lJocs in nlocltl I' 2 and 3 thttil bo tilrr.lcl fou prrtnlcllE6, retuil shope' .gorvlcc ehol)ar rcohaur:rntg iltl(l Lo.. "ootu, lroLelsT i";;;;;^n;ti'"t"it^tr ortrt"" ancl mcdtcar clinics' 2.3 rracbd D' D 'rnd E altalL bo ueod for qglf qpu35c lrndl orher r tr (:rc a r.lioni\I uses $a long al lb tcmuitlc e ptlrE -o1 11 r;olf t'io\ir $c r ;;iiorrlcl iu or flny p""i-tt'"t"of be alrundonea as Part ol o golf cour8Br iC m.y bu uac. {ot euCh Irurpo6es Uu-lfto 'wner lftoff doslqttruu'tr llut irr no ovsnc uhnll such designated rrec be inconsistcnt wii-h Ehoso eOVODStI E9 o 2.4 Ttracts [, C, Fond G' or any poltton or portionE thc:cof, glritll be uaccl for Euch pu"po*"" a'" ifrg Ov'ncr ehrll dosiEh'rto' lncluclirrg sgnrmercial u5G. but ln no evonts chall such ddslgnsBcd u5€ br.r inconsi$Lenu uiLh tlreso sovanqnEs 3. EAEEMEIITS AND RICIITS'OP*WAY 3-I E'-rsetrrcnbg nnd rlghts-of-wuy fof roodgr llghtingr h'trLitrgr oro*tti.llyr- ;;". telephono' wltt€r; t€wotagcr lrrldrc Daths' ilr'rd porlo{rtriar', trliii"l ana Enroth;; xl-na ir P\lbli; or cltr'si pubrlc uuiIiE.y acrvice o"i rest"ueO a5 lhov'n on thol plac of vail villnge; {rovunulrFiling.xor".'.o,walllr,eagg,berrieror€thorimprovctnent rrhull bo croctcd o. ,iointoir,ed alongl ollr _lcr€cg or wlEhln the irtroa!! rollc)ived for Ca8omontl snd lighgs-nf-Way' 4. sICNs- No rlgne, billbalrdnt Postor-boards or acl- vortinihg '3rrucrutre or "iv lrind shatrI bc ireated or halngbined on unylotorst,rtlcbureforanypurposel.ihuttogvGr,ct{c6ptouch$ignE aohuvoDoonupptrovodbyth€convnif,ueoosyglsgrlablfncoosolrrytor tho idontificatron of risiaencss ond pLacc6 of buslncgo' 5. wnTER AND SEI.IAGE' Uotn sErucgura deeigned for oocuponcy or\l6ulryhunranbcingsulrallconnlrctwith'lhewaLorandnaworago f.rcilisiec of tir,r v"iI t.Jot*t and Ssnltatlon Distrlcu' No prlvuto w*II shall t e usia as'a Eource of water foF hunon co$sllml?ttc)n of lrrlgotlon in valL Vltrlager gqvonth l'tl-ing'' nor shall any faclllby ochor rh$n uhose-;";;ra;i iy rho vatl wator anil shnitation District DuucorlforEho<licpos*Iofsewago'MechEn{crrlgarbaoodlepourrl fucitiEics ghall bo provided in eqch kitschen or food Prr::'rlrulng ureq' 6, TITASH AND GARIIAGD' Ne trash', ashes or other rdfuse rney bo-rhrown o, au*pl^a-r;;;-;;rilwirhin Vair vllrage, sevonth Filing' Thc burnlng of *Lf""o out' of doors shall nog bs pgEmittcd ln vsil -4- villUgc,SovunLlrFilirrg.i{olncineriic,ol.o.r:oEhordcvlcsfcrt:lte bu rnirlg oi rc.[u$c lndoorf uhEill ho constructcd' tnocnllod or usod L7 :it-ry i)crrrorr urr"'-'1rl :rii n!.1I'l;ovcrl )ry thc gotnrnittoc' nncl) Propcrt'y owncr shalI provitltt suit:ible rocepuilclcs f,sr the co}lection of rufurc. s\lclr re{:e;Eoclce ehal'I bc acrqqncd fiom public Viow and plotcctcd !rom dlutUrbance. 7. LIVEStocK. lto anlmalo, Llvcstock' hofaas or PouLtry of any kinrJr "*.op*-aogo, cnta and othor bouseholcl Pebs, thoil be x"pr,'rui.eoql or bred tn vait Vil).age, Ssventh Flling' excgPu in o"oo" cloaitlnutccl for such purpolos by bho CorJllibueo' g. TIrDlis. tlo troo6 shull bc cutr grlmriod or romovud tn v.riI VtL!a.c1c, ssventh filtngr e*t"pt wlth prigt written approval o! the Corr,i\1tie". and by pottons dorigrraEod by the Couunttlioe' 9. snf BAc;( nDQUIREMENTS' Therc gholl bc no Ecncral ro- <luircrn,lnt for tho location of {m5rrovementt $rith rqLutLon to pfoporty lincr;, bttt t)ro location of cileh iilprovelrrcnt must b<'r approvod ln advanco by tlro commlttoe. tn dctermlning the propor locution for c0ch lnrprovcnent, ghc cominittec rhalI correider the locatlon sf cr;iuiing ancl f,uturc ltnirrovcnents oh acllaccnt propcrty, thc wishes of adjscct,, prop"riy orn*"r, Bnd auch olher nenetary or acsLhctlc concldcratlons fla lt may dosm lpproprlato' I0'Ir^NDscAPI}lGANDoAnDENING.AIIsurfacelrchl:diglurbcd by conotruction shaII bs returnod prorrptl$ to their naturtl condl- tlon irncl !'cPrantrgd ln nativ': gros4cg' excopt whora such areas irro Eo bo lrirtrlroved by the construcll(rn of gardcne, Iawnt:, End oxterl-or living oruoi, wltlch wll"l be pormittcd only.oftar th€ piuno thorcfor tholl havq beon lpprovod by the gotr'filttoo' It. AIIuA II,uQUIRuMENTS. No Etructure dosigned for humrlll ur.jo o! hubltotion rhall be sonatrueuetl unlee$ ghe utlgreguta f,Ioor uroa, uxcluelve of opon porchss, baucrrrenia I carports 'lnd garagcst ' trhrtll bc in "*""to ot gO-o equaro fect' The CommiuEeo phull de0or- rirlnr: ftroi,n t,he doEign of the lrnprovcment whother an area ";irich le po"tiuffy bolow gtiau shall- quiftty rs 6rose to bo inclu"rtd vitrri., blta tnlnlrnurn permiorlblc rroa' 12. Tru\DE NAMES. No vJo8k, namg, symbol, or cornirina|lon thareof shtll be uoed to tdonttfy for conmefolnl purpgEgs a house' rirructu!O, ]rUalnecs or rr€rvlsc 1i1 Vait VtIInEe. Sevcntlr FiIlnf , unlosp tho same ghall lrevs beon llrtt approvcd tn writl'ng by tho ConuniEtae. -5- 13. ElrlrPoil RY sFRucrunn8. No temporory 0lruc.iuror oxcrivo-tion, bir$ierirorrh, triliror of icng ahart be prrrmibt,r.'d ln vail viIrirrye,[icv,"nib Fi. I Ing; cxccpt Ds muy bo neccraory during conr.ieru.:Li.)rl i,5dluttrQfi;csd Dy tlrrl Conurrit,teo. 14. coNTlNvrty oir CoN8fllucrroN. AII sttuctures conuilencr-'dtn voJl virrago, sovanrh Fittng, shal! be Ffoeecutod dtrigontry to cc;anl,e tion oncl ahlIl bo conrPlotod wrthrn lZ rn6nths of conu,,tcncament,r:'xe'r?lj 'rrith .vrr j.i.:,.!n q4'n,ji-rnt of r.he COnwittao 15. NUIEANCE. No noxlous or offe$$ive act,lvLty shaII bocarried orr nor ehglr anythlnE be done or permltqad whtrch uhslrconcEiguge a pubrlc nulutrnco in valL village, seventb Ftllng. 16. EPFECf ^ITND DURATION OF COVDNANTS. ThC CONdltlONE,rcntr:l.cti.ons, Eti-purationg, agrocnente an0 covene:lts sorltuinr:cl,h(lcin shalr I;o for tho benofit of and be blnding u!,on oach rob,block ancl gg{rqg irr vail vlrlago, sevorrth Flri.ng, -ani each owner ofpropcrLy thorcln, hio succegcorg, teFresentativoe ancl asaigne anclrhnll cohti.nue ln fuII force and offect untll January L, I99g, atwiriclt tlnto they charr bo autornaticarly exbended lor s succcgsrvut c rirri gf 10 yearE each. L7, AI'IENDMENT. The condltions. restrlcttons, sripur[tions,ugrucmcrrLs trnd covottants conualncd hcrcilr sholI not bc waivcd,rrbirndoncd, terninqtedr 9{ oBendedt except by vrritt€n consent of thoownors r:,; .75% of thc privaccly-owned Iand includcd wiebin theboun<larlcg of veir Virraye, eevonth prLlngi al tho same nray bethcn chown by the prat on flre ln tbe office o! tho crerk cnqRacordor ol'| Dagle County, Colorado_ ' I8. ENFO|ICF"\IENT. I.f any pergon *haII vloluta or thccatento violutc nny of tho provisions of- tht8 i.hbtrumene, lt ehaIL beIawful for trny perBon or,personsolnlng reel property ln VaiIvIIlago, Sovcnth FiIirrg, to lnetitute proceehings "L law qe. J.noo^ulgy to olr.3orce t,hc pr.ovleLcns of tlris llr*brument. to L.L1$traLnti:c por$qn vielotirrE or threotenl.ng to vi-oloto thor r onc ' :orscovcf rlamugee, actual ond punitivo, f,or such viqtqtloner 19' sIivEllABrLI'rr. rnvalidatlon of ony on6 of tho provr.-srons ot thr$ lnetrument by judgment gtr court ofrtor or dpqraouhurr in no wleo qffcct any of tbe othor provLelons whlclr ehotrrcmqin ln fuII lcrco and offoct -6- J,l o DiLEcuTEP rhil /4d'<laY of,19s5. L[D., A Llnitcd .4:.of.,r' ' /'t, r,ar/'l ,-::- I --!'/ S'l/r?E OF COLORADO CIIY AT{D COUNTY OIT DENVER tj'f?.'al..t't -f.y'.-r't, - ., .-1 r-)Detsr W. 6cibertr.' GonGrAl ParCDcr se ibcFt,."PreEldcnt 88r itoulrrh lrar-r(lgt, Aeat. sectetaLY Peter W. '.... ' r -: ' R% ,4*(vt,,ze M-A4-?rct A -ts TIn,'' k'{kr wats Siuo^-l' eqo[, uf 4e Pzc- 1na,,,,,^6-4,r> b y,Ua AC / Aq^tdq' u qft'KQ </<z/r,r Would it be understandable to thenpublic use designation? I should like to point out that the valued use today remains public observations: say it still belongs to a very best, wisest and rnostuse for the following 1.Uses of our public areas (parks) by numbers of users a1one, are greater today than ten years ago and I envision these numbers to continue to grow. 2. The location of this land is not isolated, it is contiguous to our larqest Town of Vail multi use park area. 3. It is also located near Golden Peak, our most congested traffic bottle neck in all of Vail on a year round basis. (And note that that area is due for full renovation and its then increased traffic of people, vehicles, ambulances etc. will require smooth access and egress. ) I propose that this contisuous parcel of land be retained in it; Current zoning definition and that the Town of vail repossess this land for that purpose. Further, that the T.o.v. consider the option that this parcel be used as the new East end bus turn around; to remove the present circle turnaround from Golden Peak; thereby extendinq shuttle service to the VaiL Valley Drive corridor abutting the soccer, rugby, lacrosse field, Ford Park, Nature Center, Ford Anphitheater, Betty Ford AIpine Garden, the Town tennis centers, and v.R.D. cross country trail - al-1 of which are still not serviced adequately by our shuttle system. PF. t/1t:-, It is my understanding that the Town of Vail had zoned this parcel Tract c, W 7th Filing as Park and as it has renaj-ned that designation all these years, it is, at this moment in time, stiII ItParkrr, correct? This action would: L. Cut down foot traffic.2. Reduce congestion at colden Peak.3. Make the above areas of activity far nore accessibleto tourists and l"ocals alike,4. Increase attendance and participation to all the abovefacil-ities and the events they p-rovide because of the more direct, convenient access. I should like to ask the committee which is to determine thefate of this land: What makes more sense for our community? L. Renove the land forever frorn public use andrfgivelr itto a private land oh/ner for private development. or 2. Continue to keep this j-n park use designation. I urge you take a ten to twenty year view. The eventual cost becornes inconsequential to its uses. I request my proposal become a matter of record and that the committeers response to this proposal also be duly noted. ^/A.*" a-. it-' 2 *=-'.-- Nancy Rondeau Resident of Vail Golfcourse area. En January 4, 1995 Ms. Leslie Allen Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District 846 Forest Road vait. CO 81657 Re: Final report of a Phase I environmental assessment, Tract C, Vail ViIIage Filing No. 7' Gore Creek Water Treatnent Plant Vail. CO Dear Ms. Allen: ENPRO has completed a Phase I Environmental Audit of the referenced propeny. The final report is enclosed. We are happy to report that we did not find any evidence of significant contamination or other environmental concem on or near the property. A wetlands evaluation may be appropriate for the property, depending upon the redevelopment plan. Mr. Glen Bodner (phone 3O3 692-3548) of tbe Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment may be of assistance in directing your efforts toward recycling the plant components. We maintain a complete file of the inspection findings, records researched, persons interviewed. and other data obtained and reviewed for the audit This frle information is available upon yoru request. If you have any questions concerning this report, please contact Jennifer Osborn at 449-0180. Thanks for selecting ENPRO to perform this work. Sincerely, ENPRO Consulting Group, Inc. ,AA"v Randy Jones President enc: final report' onmentol professionols .irj l9l9 l4th street, sulte 410 o veclro bonk bldg . boulder, colorodo 80302 . (303) 4494180 r fox (303) 449'06€7 ,l RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT November 22. L994 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District, Eagle County, Colorado, was held November 22, 1994, at 2:00 p.m., in the John V. Amato Room of the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District adminisrrative offices, 846 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado, in accordance with the applicable statutes of the State of Colorado. Attendance The following Directors were present and acting: Patrick Dauphinais T. Charles Ogilby Frederick P. Sackbauer [V Byron Brown Paul Testwuide Also in attendance were: Carloynn Biven, Engineering Research Technician, Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District Becky Bultemeier, Finance Manager, Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District Lanny Carlson, Interim Water Operations Manager, Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District James P. Collins, Esq., Legal Counsel for the District tl RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Vail Vallcy CorsolidaEd Watrr District Mirutcs of Novcmbcr 22. 1994 Pagc 2 Gordon (Hawkeye) Flaherty, Maintenance Manager, Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District Dennis Gelvin, General Manager, Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District Gayle Grider, Project Manager, Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District Roger Hartnan, The Harunan Company Fred Haslee, Regulations Administrator, Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District Tom Huston, Operations Manager, Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Saniation District Sue Kennedy, Peter Webb Pnblic Relations Chris Treese, Colorado River Water Conservation District Emily Woodrutr, Administrative Secretary, Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District DISCLOSURFS The Board noted it had received 6s1s rhan seventy-two hours prior OF POTENTIAL to the meeting certain disclozures of potential Conflicts of Interest COMLICTS OF Statements for the following Directors indicating the following conflicts: INTEREST Paul Testwuide is a Vice President of Vail Associates, Inc., which has significant land ownership and busincss interests within the District. Frederick P. Saclbauer [V is an employee of Vail Associarcs, lnc., which has sipificant land owncrship and business inrcrests within the District. Byron Brom is a Broksr enploycd by Slifer, Smith, and Frampton/ Vail Associaca Real Estate, which has sipificant busincss irtcres6 wilhin tle District. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Vail Vallcy Consolirtatcd Wattr District Mit|lrtcs of Novctrlbcl 22. 1994 Pagc 3 APPROVAL The Board considered the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of OF MINUTES October 27, 1994. The Directors cited the following necessary corrections: On page $ under the heading entitled trConstruc'tion Reportsrr, the Merrick Report reference to the District's responsibility to renrn water to the Authoriry should read, '1,000,000 gallons per day." On page E, under tfus freading entitled 'rl]'irector Reports, Colorado River District Representative Selection', the statement should read "The Board concurred to initiate a letter writing campaign to the Eagle County Commissioners supporting the appointment of Director Ogilby as representative on the Colorado River District.I' On page 9, under the heading entitled Director Reporls, Ttade/Sale of Lionsridge Plant Site,, a second resolution was made concerning the TradeiSale of the Lionsridge Plant Site, which shonld read as follows: URESOLVED to obtain a bld from PRC for performance of a Phase I Environmental Audit of the Lionsridge Plant Site for approval at the November meeting.', Following discussion and upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimouslv OPERATIONS ANI) MAINTENANCE REPORTS RESOLVED the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 21, L994 be and hereby are approved as amended. Ms. Grider reported on the current status of Construction Projects and Capial Projects. POTENTIAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 12'r Extension of Interconnect to Cascade Village - Phase III - Ms. Grider reportd corrtruction of the Phase Itr Project will be delayed until the spring of 1995, if the District plans to send 1,000,000 million gallons per day. CAPTTAL PROJECTS REPORTS 12" Interconnect - Phas€ tr - Ms Grider reported the Booster pump Station is operational using one pump at this time. The second pump, which was broken by E.F.L representatives during the original installation, is RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Vril Vrllcy CoNolidatcd Watcr Distdcr MinuEs of Novcmbcr 22, 1994 Pagc 4 scheduled to be replace by December. Water is currently being pumped ftom Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority to Vail Valley Consolidated Water District. Sbe added the additional pury will increase the quanrity of water pumped. Well R-2 - Well drilling is in process. The project is slightly behind schedule. Ms. Grider asked the Board to ratify the Vail Well No. R-2 Chenge Order No. 1., a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, and incorporated herein by this reference. Following discussion, and upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously RFSOLVED the ratification of the Shelton Drilling well R6 Change Order No. I to drill an additional 20' at a cost not to exceed $14,000, in addition to the existing contract be and hereby is approved. Gore Valley Tleatmmt Plant Retrofit - Mr. Carlson reported he is confident the planr will work. He expects o mn 34 days during the height of the Christmes vacation season. Ms. Biven asked the Directors to approve the Continental West Gore Valley Treament Plant Retrofit Change Order No. 2, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B, and incorporated herein by this reference. Following discussion and upon motion duly made and seconded, it was rrnenimously RESOLVED the Continental West, [nc., Change Order No. 2 for the Gore Valley Treament Plant ReEofit in an amount not to exceed $4, 553 be and hereby is approved. Blad< Lalre Wetlands Mitigation - Ms. Grider presented a letter from Robert Weaver, of Hydroqpbere Resource Consultants, which summarized Mr. Claffey's ooDoents regardrag wetland mitigation sites for the Black I"alce No. 1 Enlargement project. A copy of this letter and the Hydrosphere preliminary cost estimate for completion of the additional work that may be required by the Army Corps of Engineers is attached hereto as Exhibit C, and incorporated herein by this reference. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Vail Vsllc!' CoBolidrEd Warsr Diloict Mirutlr of Novcnbc8 Zl. 199{ Pagr 5 CONSTJLTANT REPORTS The Board directed Ms. Biven to collect the Rotarv check for the Black Ialce Fishing Pier as sooD its possible. Gore Valley Tank - Ms. Grider reported a USFS Special Use Permit may still be an option for the District. If the District can substantiate it is a hardship to replace the tank in its present location, because it would leave East Vail without water storage during constnrction. She recommended Mr. Weaver follow through with the USFS Special Use Permit, and develop a design this winter. T]PPER NAGLE REGIONAI, WATER ATII'HORITY ISSIJES Interconnect Operations Agreement - The Directors examined the new Operations Agreement, which was amended by the Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority on November 22,l99t+, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit D, and incorporated herein by this reference. The newly amended version presented for approval included the following addition: 6. Minimum strean flow requirements may curtail deliveries at certain times of the year." Following discussion, and Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Interconnect Operations Agreement as anended by the Upper Eagle Regional trrater Authority on November 22, 1994, with the addition of the clause No. 6 stated above. be and hereby is approved. Community Relations - Ms. Kennedy, representing Peter Webb Public Relations, presented a proposal which reviewed Community Relations goals desigDed for tbe Upper Eagle Regional Water Aurhoriry in July, 1994, and described how these goals specffically relate to the District's needs. A copy of this proposal is afached hereto as Exhibit E, and incorporated berein by this referenc€. She asked the Board to consider the goals to RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Vail Vsllcy Consolidat€d Watcr Distdct Minutc! of Novcmbcr 22, 1994 Pagc 6 COLORADO RTVER WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT determine whether they are appropriate for the District, and to appoint a representative to help develop a program specifically designed to meet District needs. Mr. Gelvin distributed copies of House Bill 91-11543, An Act Concerning Water Conservation, and House Bill 91-1154, An Act Concerning Water Conservation, and Making an Appropriation in Connection Therewith, copies of which are anached hereto as Exhibits F and Exhibit G, respectively, and incorporated herein by this reference. The Directors considered several areas of potential concentration. Mr. Gelvin reminded the Directon all thrce major districts bave included funding for a consolidated Community Relations effort, which is effective January 1, 1995. He tben presenred copies of House Bill 91-The Directors asked Ms, Kennedy to retum to a spocial joint meeting between the Distict and the Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority in lanuary, 1995. Merrick Ilydraulic Analysis Report - Ms. Grider referred to the Vail Hydraulic Study document entitled "fenk Dqrletion Analysis for Emergency Flow on Maximum Day" and the "UERWA Hydraulic Analysis Quick Look Summary Sheet". Both documents are attached hereto as Exhibit H, and incorporated herein by this reference. Wells Overview - Ms. Grider also referred to an Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost which was provided by l-eonard Rice Consulting Water Fngineers, Inc. . A copy of this document is auacbed hereto as Exhibit I, and incorporated herein by this reference. Mr. Treese, representing the Colorado River Water Conservation District, and specializing in intergovernmental relations, addressed the Board regarding past miscommunications and misunderstandings. He invited the Directors to begin dialogue which would facilitate positive growth. Regarding the Eagle River Assembly, he commented the public seems ready to accept some additional water storage. Director Tesnrwide comnented the District can benefit from Mr. Treese' help in educating Vail Valley citizens. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Vait Vallcy CoDsolidarql Warrr Disrtic Mhucs of Novc0bcr 22. 1.94 Pagc 7 REPORT BY LEGAL COTJNSEL CONSTJLTANT REPORTS Mr. Collins reported on the status of legal matters pending. Proposed Cellular Phone Easement Ag€ement - Mr. Collins reported the proposed easement Agreement had been approved and executed by OneComm Corporation Telecommunications Facility, and is hereby presented for Board approval end execution. A copy of the the referenced Agreemem is attached hereto as Exhibit J, and incorporated herein by this reference. Gypcum Airport Contract Changes - Mr. Collins stated there had been no resporu;e ftom the Town of Gypsum. Contacl shanges have been sent to their annexations. Resolution to Dissolve Three Taxing Entities - Mr. Collins presented a resolution to dissolve the three Taxing Districts, which he recommended for adoption. A copy of this resolution is attached hereto as Exhibit K, aod incorporated herein by this reference. Following discussion, and upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unenimously RESOLVED the Resolution to dissolve the Lion's Ridge, Vail Intermountain, and Vail Water Districts, be and hereby is approved. Revised Operations Agr€ement -The Directors recommended Mr. Collins meet with Mr. Harman !o discuss the changes in the proposd Agreeement, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit L, and incorporated hercin by this reference. Mr. Gelvin will meet with Mr.Harman to discuss Exhibit A to the Agreement. The fee for a six month contract with UEVCSD will be $190,535. The fee for one tull year is anticipated to be will be $381,000. Hfuing of New Operations l\{anager - Mr. Gelvin intoduced Mr. Huston, the New Operations Manager for the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District, !o the Board. He commented Mr. Huston,s fust job will be to administ€r tbe new Operations Agreement contract. Mr. Gelvin added the Sanitation District was ready to slgu the new Agreement, and proposed presenting the amended confract for approval at the December, 1995 meeting. Ms. Biven was directed to draft a short form Agreement RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Vail Va.llcy Cor8olidatql Watcr Distdcr MinuEa of Novqrbcr 22, 1994 Pagc 8 EAGLE PARK RESERVOIR FINA}ICIAL REPORT covering the scope of work to be completed by Mr. Harman for the next meeting. Followi4g discussion, and upon motion duly made and seconded it waS rrnrnimOusly RESOLVED the drafting of a Letter of Agreement for Phase I development of frameworkbe and hereby is authorized for approval at the Dec€mbet,1994 66sting. Meeting with the Toum of Vail Staff - Director Sackbauer reminded the Directors a meeting with the Town of Vail Staff had been scheduled for November 30, 1994, and directed Staff to post a Notic€ for a Special Meening. Directors Dilrphinais and Testmride stressed the importance of District investment in the Eagle Park Reservoir as soon as possible, expressing their interest in developing county-wide water storage. Director Testwuide zuggested the county bond enough funding to guarantee the stnrcilre and charge a surtax for water augmentation to pay off the bond. He estimated the District should consider a price in the range of $5,000 per acre foot, and recommended the District determine how much storage is needed. Direcor Dauphinais encouraged the Board to lead the way to In- Basin self-sufficiency by securing appropriate water rights for Eagle County nnd for the Eagle River Drainage arlea as sq)n as possible. The Board directed Mr. Collins and Mr. Porzak to pursue potential instiotional funding sources. Ms. Bultemeier presented the Financial R€port and Pproposed Disbursements, including a list of hand cbecks, copies of which are attached hereto as Erhibit M, and incorporated herein by this reference. Following discussion and upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Financial Rqort and hoposed Disburs€ments, including band checks, be and bereby are approved. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Vail Vallcy CoBtolidatsl Wa&r Distdcr Miru!6 of NovcrBbrr 22. 1994 Pagc 9 1995 BTJDGET Ms. Bultemeier sumnarized the chenges requested by the Directors at the Ocotber hblic Mecting for the purpose of reviewing the draft Budget for 195. A copy of the amended budget is auached hereto as E)rhibit N, and incorporated herein by his reference. She reminded the Board it was critical to adopt a budget and ceni$ mill levies. She then destributed copies of the Schedule of AssessedValuationMill l-evy andProperty Taxes Assessment for the 1995 Budget, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit O, and incorporated herein by this reference. Ms. Bultemeier specilied the MilI kvies as follows: DEBT SBRVICE MILL LEVY Bighorn Water District Gore Valley Water District Lionsridge Water District Vail Intermountain Water District Vail Village West Water District Vail Water District 1.810 3.5t4 0.000 0.000 2.r25 0.000 OPERATING MILL LEVY Vail Valley Consolidated Water District 1.067 Ms. Bultemeier presented the Resolution to Adopt the 1995 Budget, the Resolution to Set Mill kvies, and the Resolution to Appropriate Sums of Money, copies of which are attached hereto as Exhibits P, Q, and R, respectively, and incorporated herein by this reference. Following discussion, end upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Resolution to Adopt the 1995 Budget, the Resolution to Set Mill levies, and the Resolution to Appropriate Sums of Money, E:rhibib P, Q, and R, respectively, be and hereby are approved. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Vail Vdlcy Consolidated Watcr District Minutes of Novcmbq 22, 1994 Page l0 DIRECTOR REPORTS OCTOBER WATER PRODUCTION TAP FEE SCIIEDULE Ttact C, Vail Village 7th liling - Director Dauphinai5 reported ls2sning is still pending a Phase I Environmenal Audit, and referenced recent corresponderce from the Town of Vail, copies of which are attached hereto as Exhibit S, and incorporated herein by this reference. He asked the Board to suppon negotiatiorr with the Vail Town Council. Following discussion, and upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously RESOLVED the establisbment of an easement to accomodate the existing cart path adjacent to the east property line, end establishment of an additional easement 60' in width to accomodate the proposed road on the west end ofthe property be and hereby is approved, and BE IT FURTffiR RESOLVED to notify the Town of Vail the existing overhead powerlines do not serve this property and the District has no control over their removal. Mr. Gelvin summarized the October Water FroductionAnalysis Report, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit T, and incorporated herein by this reference. No action was required. The Board reviewed the September Tap Fee Schedule, a copy of which is attached hereto as Etrhibit U, and incorporated herein by this reference. No action was required. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Vail Vallcy Consolidatld Water Disrricr Minulcs of Novcmbcr 22. 1994 Psgc I I ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, the rneeting adjourned at 6:06 p.m.. Respectfully submitted, Secretary to the Meeting MINUTES APPROVED, FORMAL CALL, AND NOTICE OF MEETING WAIVED: Byron Brown Patrick Dauphinais T. Charles Ogilby Frederick P. Sackbauer [V Paul Testwuide a Uppen Elole VllleY Cottsottoateo Serurrertot Dtsrntcr 846 FOFEST ROAD . VA L. COLOBAOO 81857 (303) 475-7480 . FAX (3Og) 476-4089 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Tovun of Vail Emily Woodruff, Administrative Assistant SUBJECT: VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT ERRORIN NOVEMBER 22,1994 MIIYUTES DATE:January 27,1995 Last week you received copies of Minutes from the Vail Valley Consolidated Water Distict Meetings dating back to August, 1994. Please note an elror on page 9, under the heading rtDirector Reports- Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing". The Resolution, which was approved by a unanimous vote, established an easement to accommodate the existing Vail Recreation District cart path adjacent to the east property line, and the establishment of an additional easementflljlcgl in width to accommodate the proposed road on the west end ofthe property. Please discard the November 22, 1994 Minutes which were delivered to your oflice last week and replace them with the corrected version attached to this memo. Thank you. MaNAoER FoR THE FoLl-owrNo WarER DtarRrcrS: ABFOWHEAD METBO WATEB . BEAVEF CFEEK METnO WATER . BERAY CREEK METFO WATEF EAGLE-VAIL METRO WATER . EDWAROS METaO wATER . LAKE CREEK MEAoOWS WATEF UPPER EAGLE BEOIONAL WATER AUTHORITY. VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATEO WATER N HoLy cRosfllEcrRtc ASS"CAT'oN, t NC. 3799 HIGHWAY 82 P.O, DRAWER 2'I50 CLENWOOD SPRINCS, COLORADO 8I602 / IC-:1 L-./ L. /'.-- November 21, 1994 Mr. Pat Dauphinais DirectorVail Valley Consolidated Water Dlstrict 846 Forest RoadVail, Colorado 81657 RE: Vail Village, Filing 8; Overhead Prinary Electric Feeder Dear Mr. Dauphinais: Reference is nade to your recent'inquiry about the above mentioned overhead line and the area it serves. said llne is a nain feeder tie line betlteen (1) Holy cross Electricrs overhead Bighorn nain feeder circuit to the north of Interstate 70, (2) our underground main feeder Apollo circuit whlch runs along tbe South Frontage Road, and (3) our underground main feeder circuLt which runs back to the west along the base of Vail Mountain. Frorn these main feeder circuits are fed our distribution circuits which serve VaiI village Filings 7 t 8, and 10, as well as Vail Valtey Fi).ings 1 and 3. The circuits also serve the easterly end of the Vail Village area. should you have any additional guestions, please call rne at 949-5892. Sincerely, HOLy CROSS EIJECTRIC ASSOCIATION' INC.dM4 /Ted Huskey, Engineering Senrice Supervisor TH: rjn hustey\dauphlna (303) 945-5491 (FAX) 945-408r oEc 2 Bet Uppen EAGLE VALLEv Cor,rsolroareo SlurenoH DrsrRrcr 8a6 FOREST ROAD . VAIL, COLORAoO 81667 (303) 47e7440 . FAX (303) ,176-4089 November 14. 1994 -] 1 ,! I J l. ! lr Mr. Jim Cumutte Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 RE: Proposed Land Use Plan Change Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing 967 Yall Valley Drive Dear Jim: In response to your letter of October 27 , 1994, we offer the following: 1. Attached are copies of the documents identified as items 11 and 13 in Schedule 82 of the title commitment. Item 12, the easement for Gore Creek, doesn't affect Tract C and Land Title will delete it from the title Commitment. 2. We have no documentation on file which allows the Vail Recreation District cart path to traverse the property. It will require action by the Board of Directors to provide the District's written commitment to create an access easement for the exist- ing cart path encroachment. 3. Again, action by the Board of Directors will be required for the District to commit to creating a road easement along the westem end of the property in accordance with the Town's sketch. 4. Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing was deeded June 2, 1969 by Vail Associates, ;Inc., Grantor to Vail Water and Sanitation District, Grantee. The properfy was then deeded January 25,1982 by Vail Water and Sanitation District, Grantor to Vail Water Dis- trict Grantee, however, there was a typographical error in the legal description. A Correction Deed was recorded on May 4,1989. Copies of these documents are attached. 5. The District staff has prepared an inventory of the facilities associated with the water treatment plant. A copy is attached. The District understands that the water related equipment and the treatment plant need to be removed. The District is obtain- ing a bid for demolition and will budget for its removal in the 1995 District budget. MANAGER ron rxe FottowNo WATER OrsrRrcrsl AFRO|/VHEAD METRO WATER. BEAVER CREEK METBO WATER. BELLYACHE FIOGE METRO WATER. EERFY CFEEK METRO WATER EAGLE-VAIL METRO WATER. EOWAFOS METRO WATER . LAKE CFEEK MEADOWS WATEF . SQUAW CFEEK METFO WATER UPPER EAGLE REGIONAL WATER AUl}|ORITY . VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATEO WATER N Mr. Jim Curnutle November 14, 1994 Page2 6. The commitnent to remove, or place underground, the overhead power lines will require action of the Board. The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on November 22, at2:00 P.M... We will advise you of the Board's actions with regard to Items 2, 3, and 6 following the meeting. Sincerely, -) -h.fOf Jlorrpf^srcs'to., b4les.t,as Ott€-,^- u Pat Dauphinais Director, Vail Valley Consolidated Water District Enclosures cc: Board of Directors Vail Valley Consolidated Water District Mr. Jim Cumutte November 14,1994 Page 3 II\WENTORY OF GORE CREEKWATERTREATMENT PLANT Influent back wash valves Effluent back wash valves Back Wash pump Booster pumps Filters Raw Water Pumps Micro. Floc. Panel Util. Rol. Panel UCEC Panel (2) (2) (l) Q) Q) (l) (l) (1) (1) Mr. Jim Curnutte November 14,1994 Page 4 VAIL FACILITIES FILTER- CLEARWELL DIMENSIONS GORE CREEK WTP FILTER SEE DRAWING Filter Diameter Media Depth Surface Area Each Gallons per Filter Detention Time GORE CREEK WTP CLEARWELL SEE DRAWING Level Floor Slopes Dimensions Maximum Capacrty in Gallons Gallons per Foot Elevation HWL Base GORE CREEK WTP BACKWASH HOLDING TANK SEE DRAWING Level to Overflow Dimensions Capacity in Gallons Gallons per Foot Elevation HWL Floor Presently Set to Drain Continuously at approx. - I foot every 18 min. 13.0 ft at Hatch I 1.0 ft at North End .9 in per foot 27.8ftx 17.5 ftx 11.0ft plus l/2(27.8 ft x 17.5 ft x I 1.0 ft) 43,668 3640 823s ft 8223 ft+L | ft 10.0 ft 4.5 ft 78.s tr 4700 11 to 20 Min. 11.5 ft 24.0 fr.x 24.0 ft x 11.5 ft 49,548 4,308 8232ft 8220.5 ft 2OO GPM |. , I tftE . ry ld rd ocl!l-.-t .rrl. l^saan DIED y d ::. dff*.lffi"l? ffiHi,aiEr *,li,k:lHrmi!:! e .!,-. 6F:rrt6n ol tb 3t t ot€lor -uurr-nrE;;-"i i.cl.,Hifit offi]f.t" .rd tDLr rc tLr*rc li''rrrGi: rrc.. larrrrrtc crlld -. tu tcrgotrar tqql.$-!. da.t dgr bf*r r orr. -4 a.y c*rr ft5s;.Htlp;1an r c--r l.rnffrrr'rrrr rcgggn!! ltrt fo! rd tn ccrl&r.tt!. (l ro,crr , .,," -...I3-ILLT."J-J.311* ll1g5-'=fJlii's& -&li;lc':.fu_.. ;-,H:Tffi;-il;;;iffiffi&-echantdsd, cr cufoc d;;b/;il;i';;';Jffi,,..., r..ffi-lr3 r rrPt.r i.rrit d;iei ;Hilil.T;jfi,ffi i.15;-*^ * :*:i:.1D?|1-d;;-;;E;;' ffid:iffi :la* dr.t. *,;i liGEi-##ff . iFffgffij*t;=ti,iffi,iiiZr-fficctrGtt€n uuldth, au | __ _-r_.r xrs rEs rrrr!,trl rrr Grrr rrrFcrr * .*_._Sf.!Lrlglrtr+l.ry tc ca!,rrfnt try_ rAl5.ff_..f-^Tt9f: .F i;-;-,.;;.fr llH;ffi ;g.* *q? :tp-*tj:f_;, q; diry;; il.;I;jtffig =fll:_=..lcrra ss_rr;;; ;;'; I=ffiIfr,l=: *li- Frrr; .tt.-r. fi-u'i il;'ir? qrr, nrtr J6laS, to rttr YrlL U[&rI rESUtD rcn E E st rE 0? counrE qltrY 0? trel! ltr Eanblt A .ttd! brto. lr! uf carE rl'rrtc. ttrt ur orlttc tr Er ldu treht 6 g!!trelr rrrrC r! !g!:r.{!.r.y. rl rft rfr-er*, t! iry rEr d-tatr, rlll, .t rn trr.,gliit rrv urffafrc c-.*E#lt G;.l*lu!!q rrr&dry r,ur'oi tr-, io r riliu-qral-ta df,. _ra -Et. - - tcffdlrE tili q)brlat of ttr plp ot rry.E?, r|! ffi .-l =1.:-.=. tc rv oc 'rr uu-ri-6t-d dl crir-rrn rorEFrr- tc ',be.tlriiv tf- -. atrticr crrtrry rt ,'r trr ;-h-Gtlna._rrrrrdrrt ov rirnl. nt-rt . .liirn ii"crtrrriE FilIEE -!E: :atd cE (hgd ctit V. - Df llllGlt ||@?, tb Fttr trrrto tnr -t bl,. h*.d _J, b&y Gd yrr ft!.B eEvt rtttiG, o HI n! GI :t I!tO> ;5\uttou!t tra{ li!rl HI 'ai. Hyo rulrla. bgtrrca: -|SlqZ uJJ : J lJ 9 JT 'n .I JJ Io. ',ll U2 1 a O- 1r-r.n ot rend rcrorr A:t':: -v.rr vrrrre., E.v.arh Frllnerccorclne, !o th. nap rhcrrot rrc6 drd 1n inr 6iircr or' ti.- iiill99un!vr colorldo, clcsrr and necorder, iirii : recC Jecrr Jra.-Jithe !ollcwrng da3cribcd ccnt.er l ine i Ecalnnlng at th€ no3t routherly cornrr of !!lq Trlct Ci thrnca NSlcll'26" E 139.07 feeL- to . -polnt ynrii rrra ltrtF b.con.r t5f.et urde l.v-r_ng ro f..c- r_c-f t-rna-a a..i-;ignt or *td conrrrrrnrrthGncc N .0'23'rE" E re.s9 fcerl rhrncr-i'ia.il,ii;-e-ii.ii-ililito chc porn! of tcrnrnur -on t,h. .rrt.rLy ltn. of rlra -irrct -c !l,g!g! lhr no:,t northcrly corncr - oi -'r"ia tr""t--i- U.-.-ri i00n21'03" E l.l{ feat. The srdc Itnat of thr ltrtg lr. rhortcnetcrntnate aC ?r!ct C boundrry llner.or l.nght.n.d to oatar fy't/t? o b tlt Al!o. th. rort north:rly ttvr (3) f.!t of th. r..t.rlt thfrct (r0, l..tof lrtd tr.c t C. il a oa, tla, g a a A ! I! 4 N I rcrr.r r", roo' UNPLATIEO ,t .o g ot TiAct l !r tt'I ao.t ! 1t -( tASEUENT LOI I lErH I 'l g I \I gr Colosldo P.L.g. 2! Tnac r c j, f,J+/,a 3f,ftgl znltlt a o rf L [ 08Py 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 October 27,1994 Deparnnent of Communiry Development Mr. Pat Dauphinais, Director Vail Valley Consolidated Water District 846 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Proposed Land Use Plan change, Tract G, Vail Village 7th Filing, 967 Vail Valley Drive Dear Pat: I thought it would be helplul to summarize lhe issues that were discussed during the October 24, 1994 Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) worksession regarding the above- referenced property. As you know, the PEC identified several issues and requested additional information concerning this property before proceeding to final review. As I mentioned to you after the worksession, I must receive all requested inlormation at least two weeks prior to the next PEC meeting, which has been tentatively scheduled for November'14, 1994. However, in order to stay on line for that meeting, the additional information requested must be provided no laler than Monday, October 31, 1994. lf you are unable to provide the information, we should reschedule this application for PEC review on November 28th, which will give you two additional weeks to provide the information. Please provide the following additional information: 1. As mentioned in the stalf memorandum prepared for the October 24, '1994 PEC worksession, additional information must be provided regarding the existing easements across the property. Although you did provide me with a title report at the meeting, it still does not provide the necessary information. Please provide copies of the actual documents identified as items 11,12, and 13 in Schedule 82 of your title commitment. 2. The easements on the property do not appear to cover the existing golf course cart path which traverses the eastern side of the property. Please provide all of the documentation you may have on file which allows for the Vail Recreation District cart path to traverse the property. However, if no such documentation exists, please provide the Water District's written commitment to create an access easement for the existing cart path encroachment. Mr. Dauphinais Octobar 27,1994 Page Two 3. Also mentioned during the Octob€r 24th worksession, was staff's concern regarding a Vail Transportation Master Plan recommendation that Vail Valley Drive may someday be rerouted across a bridge over Gore Creek, in the general location of Tract C, and connect with the South Frontage Road. Since this property is currently zoned Public Use District, it would appear that there are potential public uses for the property which has implications on your request to change lhe zoning. The stafl concern with regard to your proposed zone change would be alleviated if the Town were assured trat your proposed change to the Land Use Plan would not eflect a potential long-range revision of traffic flow on Vail Valley Drive. Staff requests that the Water District commit to creating a road easement along the western end of the property which would start at its western end and terminate at a point where the 2o-foot lront yard selback and he 15{oot rear yard setback come together (see attached sketch). 4. Please provide a more detailed history ol Tract C's previous ownership. You had mentioned at the October 24th PEG worksession that the land had at one time belonged to the Town of Vail. However, a conversation with Fred Haslee indicates that at no time did the Town of Vail own this property and that it may. have been transfened direcdy from Vail Associates, Inc. to the Water District. 5. Plsase identify and commit to he removal ol all abandoned "water-related" equipment on and otf of the subiect property. The PEC members felt that it would be helpful to have a graphic and a written inventory of all underground and above ground facilities associated with the water treatment plan. This would include on-sile below grade facilities such as vaults, water tanks, pipelines, pump stations, stc., as well as off-site facilities located on the unplatted Ford Park property to the north and terminating in Gore Creek. Once this information is provided, it will be rwiewed and a determination will be made regarding which improvements must be removed and which improvements or facilities may be left underground. 6. The PEC members wers also concemed that a commitment be made to remove, or place underground, all overhead power lines associated with the water treatment facility. As mentioned earlier in this letter, statf will need to be provided with the above information no later lhan October 31 , 1994 in order to have adequate time to review and prepare a written memorandum to the PEC for tneir November 14, 1994 meeting. lf you are unable to provide the information by October 31st, I will reschedule this application lor PEC rsview on November 28, 1994. lf the review ol his application is rescheduled to November 28, 1994, I will need to receive all of the information contained in this letter no laterthan November 14. 1994. t .-*./l d €?8s" BB3=b e-[r.tf G vlIoo LJ Eo C)r-f(Jr E3 c{* ro d lrlJJ \. -,;d\ .#o \-. r1 b s ,''\'.. l'\ t Ya.ttiLan\ Ygq,'+ €, ci I lrl b,t{F(\l N v, :T Mr. Dauphinais October 27,19% Page Three lf you should have any questions or comments regarmrg he infonrdon contained in this lette, please feel free to contact me at your onvenlgnce. Sincerely,l)' .^ \+ k"C'*"VD Jim Curnutte Senior Planner xc: File FI!. T COPY PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION October 24.1994 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Greg Amsden Kathy Langenwalter Mike Mollica BillAnderson Allison Lassoe Andy Knudtsen Bob Armour Randy Stouder Jetf Bowen Jim Curnutte Dalton Williams Lauren Waterton 1. A request for a worksegslon to discuss a proposed change to the Land Use Plan from Parx1P;IoLowDensryResnenlat1r-DR1roraparoe|o'"neooyrneffirffitrf,*4lffibcatedat967Vai|Va||eyDrive/TractC'Vai|Vi||age7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Valley Gonsolidated Water District, represented by Pat Dauphanais Planner: Jim Curnutte Jim Cumutte made a presentation per the stiaff memo. Pat Dauphinais, representing the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District, stated that this was a surplus property and the Water District did not have a use for it any longer. He stated that it was the Districts belief that the Land Use designation of Park for this property was an error and that a residential use would be more appropriate' He pointed out that there is no lack of parks and recreational opportunities in the area. He said that the proceeds from the sale of the property will be used to build a new one million gallon water tank in East Vail. He stated that all water related facilities on and off of the property will be removed. Bill Anderson asked whether the overhead power lines and transformers would be removed from the site. Pat Dauphinais responded that they would be removed from the site. Bob Armour was concerned about the disturbance that would result lrom the removal of an intake pipe from Gore Creek, however, he did feel that it did need to be removed. Greg Amsden stated that he wanted to see the removal ol items off-site and underground. Dalton Williams asked if a soils test had been perlormed on the property. Russ Forrest stated that the possibility of water or soil being contaminated was minimal in light of the type of chemicals used on the property and how they were handled. Plsnning and Environmsnial Commission M€sting Mintl|es tuobs. 24, 1994 2. Ann Repetti, who lives at 1001 Vail Valley Drive, stated that she was very concerned about what would happen at this site. She stated that she and her family were not opposed to limited residential development (i.e. single family, duplex or primary/secondary) but would hate to see anything more than that. She pointed out that she lives in a duplex. She stated that she would not like to see a pocket park on the property. Jim Curnutte responded that the requested change to the Low Density Residential designation would limit future construction to either one duplex, one primary/secondary or one single family structure. Dalton Williams felt that there was no need for additional park space in this area. He said that residential use for this site seemed to make the most sense. He stated that he would like to see all equipment from the lormer waler treatment plant identified and removed from the property. Pat Dauphinais stated that with regard to the removal of whatever infrastructure was in place, that it may be easier to leave certain elements in place as opposed to tearing up the entire site. Jim Curnutte suggested that a sub'surface inventory be conducted and then they could determine what would need to be removed. Jeff Bowen stated that because the site was triangular, he felt that a single family residence would be the most appropriate option for this site. Bob Armour lelt that a sub-surface inventory would be a good idea. He did not feel that there was a need for another park on this site. He felt that this site would be a good buffer between the residential area and the park that surrounds it. He agreed with Jeff's comment regarding the luture zoning and said that we may want to consider restricting the GRFA on the property. Bill Anderson and Greg Amsden agreed with the other PEC members comments. Greg also said that the surrounding topography creates a natural separation from Ford Park. Pat Dauphinais stated that they did not want the GRFA on the site restricted in any way because this would directly affect the property's value. He pointed out that they will most likely request Primary/Secondary zoning for the lot, not single family. He stated that it is a perfectly buildable lot and the only restrictions should be as a result ol taking the tuture building through the Design Review Board review. A review ol the trash removal plan for a proposed coffee shop (restaurant), located in the Covered Bridge BuiEing, at227 Bridge StreeULots C and D, and a part of Lot B, Block 5-B, Vail Village 1st Filing. fuplicant East West HospitalityPlanner: Mike Mollica It should be noted that Jetf Bowen abstained from this request. Planning and Environmental Commbsion Mooting Minutss Octob€r 24. 1994 ^-r oor '$ 'o |rD ,e *oo ./!' '% \\ .l *)::r \ tl I -toordt, (9z Jj lr- p ut I3F;zfiaU;5^.) sdi bJ r ".;U';=p - {3-bJ I:(9 e?{ e-JHJb >F J t$i:: $E S ct |lJ t- ql F() (r F a o\ I i --:It>=.t- s; IlaI ' , iro'lni-i) lil||lt,l ltllrJ .Olfll'llr| llllll, 'o.l Ql11li 1l7n ,7 , r_- | .; I l!I !ii' ,l,l {i$il i$$ '',$ill irt"l iiiil ,f ffir.,i,;i ,t,fr +$:H H' t{-4 T' ., i :i: $iit lil i ilftrl ,ill I;!ii { :! ,;:ii ; i! 'J; ; ii:i:iii*;i iiiiii:li{ ii! ii iil E{ ii:;iiii::ii ;iiiiiiiiiii i,;iiiiii:iiii ;:;itiiii;iili v:- t-- r\r ii .t '\.-- r---,:--.- -- -- -;- -- lTTitW "I'qr o,li !:i i Ir': i _: it i lr iiiiiii,iiil Ei!ii!!isririi iii :: ii$i li ld liiiii:i5'ill*ii :... : ; , : , i,'. : :'j S; :, ' 'i - ..:--._-_.,,).i;-;i *ir: "-. =-'- 'i I I :" ",to ,; .''." I I i';! War-J iriiii\v- | i;:i u iFq-ji#ii ,=r ffidfii1ilil iF#1,r', /g^ l"\\ @) .i .'i r:rns ... ,rJtJ I|1N3 3E . ' !'1 i'i l::1,. !- ,-t- - ., - 2 irji3c-; :i tt z ;:l i ; !;m!il t jvt;Ef;]-^# :{l l--- hill! I lE : L7/ I ! rl: FIT:I='ffi) :!' sffiI !fiifl=f'Fll ;t17l=l'l*l.t : f/ _*_ ; "fi i : i ''I T ! : I : :l I':,:. , .: tr\i'; I t. i _i | "(: ;iJi:i ti;I l;'' 'F"i/r*;r:-''"r,r | 3li S'-. i.r,qon.5+;..j 1L:1 't'F""-\x ',,r," i"il. :!"$ft \" iF-'l t+i,#JfiT\*"'itffi" - Tr.:tffi"t#fi iffi,r"-'ffi t \e -+)o' ly'; ' /'\ 'Ir 4E'\ i d9:.';tZrOi\ fi ?',n3Y] I|r I .--a . 5:.4{ (t - Li- t- |r' i;i -G t.F aotoq)(r tic()Cl-<.c:oto i-. .J ('i (')()|! lr- -ooi:-- F-FGaf,rd<OuJLo='a {rrt @ ol|J at, Lo F|r I .JJ J j s |.r'.| a.to o. C)E ; !* ,f.. lurtl>lb IEts T\ Hl\ \\6{' '.. 2 r='tti ,fr, $ ? del k 4 \,. 11,E'_ Qr,i --.:.1 I (,z.J .lL -Fz. UJ lrJ?.\ u'g JJ J s l+.t' a l 'r\B '= .-'t r?E COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 s03 -479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 October'10, 1994 D e p ar nnent of C omm uniry Deve lopment Mr. Pat Dauphinais, Director Vail Valley Consolidated Water District 846 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Proposed Land Use Plan change, Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing, 967 Vail Valley Drive Dear Pat: The staff has completed our review of your application to change the Vail Land Use Plan designation of Tract G, Vail Village 7th Filing, 967 Vail Valley Drive from its current designation ol "Park" to "Low Density Residential". The staff believes that the following additional information must be provided in order to adequately review your requesl: 'l . In order to adequately assess your proposed change to the property's existing Land Use Plan designation to allow for residential uses, staff would like to be provided wiih as much inlormation as possible related to past and present uses ol the property. Please provide a "Phase I Environmental Audit" of the property which describes, in detail, past and present uses of the property, including the storage of chemicals, hazardous malerials, or other materials. 2. Criteria have been established for amending the Vail Land Use Plan. On Page 62 of the plan, it states that: "To change the plan...it will be the responsibility of the applicant to clearly demonstrate how conditions have changed since the Plan was adopted, how the plan was in error or how the addition, deletion or change to the plan is in concert with the Plan in general." Please provide a response to the above listed criteria. These are the same crileria that will be used by the Planning and Environmental Commission and ultimately, the Town Council in determining whether or not to approve your proposed Land Use Plan change. Mr. Dauphinais October 10, 1994 Page Two In order to prepare a complete description of your proposed reqrest for PEC review on October 24,1994, it will be necessary to recelve the above-requested information no later han 5:00 p.m., Monday, Oclober 17, 1994. lf you should have any questions or commonts regarding the information contained in thb letter, pease feel free to contact me at your convenience. .l^& L'C]+ Sincerely, C-un U Jim Cumutte Senior Plann ooLAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DI SCLOST'RE STATE!,IENT Reguired by Senate Bill 9l--L4 A) The subject real property nay be located in a special taxingdistrict. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due Listing each taxing jurisdiction nay be obtained from the County Treasurer or the CountyTreasurer's authorj.zed agent. c) The inforrnation regarding special districts and the boundariesof such districts nay be obtained fron the Board of County Cornrnissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Required by Senate Bill 92-143 A) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdictionshall be obtained from the County Treasurer or the County Treasurerr s authorized agent. o TLAND TI LE GUARANTEE OMPANY Representlng Ol.d Republic National Title Insurance company THATIK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER July 28, 1994 Our Order No.: VS24594 BUYER/Or{rfER: SEI.,LER,3 VAIL VAI/&EY CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRTCT A, QUASI-UI'NICIPAL CORPORATION ADDRESS: FOR TITLE QUESTIONS CAIL SARAH DORI.IAN 3O3 476-225L POR CLOSING QUESTIONS CALL oc DAI'PHINATS RE,AL ESTATEq.o. Box 1515 YArL, CO 81658 I fCopies: 1JAttn: Reference: FAX 476-9022 949-L670 PICKED UP FOR DELIVERY COVENANTS ATTACHED YES NO AI{ PM . .: -.,..:.i.:,..i -'. ,-i. .'.. : t :- : .' :,,.,:.l,,, : :.t.'. ..,::, r . itment To lnsure ALtA Uommtlmenl - ty/u Hev. 01"0 REPUBI-lC NATI0NAL TIILI INSUBANCE C0MPANY, a Minnesota corpomrion, herein caled the Company, for a valuable consderation, hereby commits t0 rssue ts poicy or polices of ltle insurance, as rdentified n Schedule A, in favor of the proposed lnsured named n Schedule A, as o,/ln€r 0r mongagee of fie estale cr inleresl covered hereby in the land described or refened to in Schedule A, upon payrn€nr of rhe premiums and charges rherelcr; all subject to the provisions of Schedule A and B and to the Condrrions and Srnulaions hereof. This Commnment shall be effecrirre 0nly when the rdeniry of rhe proposed Insured and lhe amount of the polLcy or policies commitcd for have been insened in Schedule A hereof by the Company. erther at the ime of the issuance of this Commiment or bv subseouent end0rseflrenl. This Commnment is prelimrnary to rhe issuance of such policy or policies ol nle insurance and all labilhy and obligalrons hereunder shall cease and rermnare six monrhs afler rhe effecdve dare hereof or when the golrcy 0r 00||cies committed for shall issue, whrchever fint occun, provided rhat lhe laiure t0 rssue such policy or policies is nol the faull of the Company. 8y Authorind Signatory 0lT Forn 2582 if{j CONOITIONS AND SI]PUTATIONS l. lhe term "mongag€". when used herein, shall incude deed 0f lrust, trust deed, or other securhy instrument. 2 lf the proposed Insured has or acquires aclual knowledge of any defect, len, encumbTance. adv€rse cam Dr 0lher maner alfectrng the estate or Interest 0r rn0ngage lheeon covered by ths Commtment other than those shown in Schedue B hereol. and shall fail to disclose such knowedge to the ompany in wntng, the Company shall be relieved from labrlity for any loss or damage resullng from any acl of reiance here0n t0 the ertent the Company is prejudiced by failure of the proposed Insured m so disclose such knowledge. ll the proposed Insured shal discose such knowledge ro rhe Compary, or if the [ompany olhenrrise acqures actual knowledge of any such delect, |len, encumbrance, adverse claim or olher maner, the Company al ils 0p1i0n may amend Schedule B oi this Comm tment accordrngly. bul such amendment shall not relieve the Company lrom liabllity previously rncurred pursuant r0 paragraph 3 oi rhese Conditions and Stpulalrons. 3. Liability of the Ccmpany under ths Commrmenr shall be only ro rhe named proposed Insured and such parlres included under the delini on ol Insured rn the form ol policy or policies commifed for and only for acrual loss incuned in re rance hereon in undenakrng rn good faith {a) to comply with lhe requrrements hereol or lb) to eliminate erceptions shown in Schedrle B. or lc) to acqurre or create the estate or Inlerest 0r monqage thereon tovered by this Commitment. In n0 evenl shall such liabrlity exceed the amounl stated in Schedule A for rhe policy or poicres commilled for and such liabrlity is subiecl lo lhe rnsunng provisions and the Conditions and Strpulatrons and the Exclusrons from Coverage of the form of policy or polrcies commrned for n favor ol the proposed Insrlred which are hereby incorporated by reference 6nd m6de a pan al this Commrlmenl excepr as expressly modr{red here n. 4. Any actron 0r actions 0r rights 0f acri0n that the proposed lnsrred may have or may bring aqanst Ihe Company ansrng out of the statrs ol the tnle to the estate or interest or the smtus 0f th€ nrongage thereon covered by thrs Commtment must be based on and are subject to the pmvisions ol rhis Commirmenr. STANOARD IXCEPTIONS In additon to the mallers contained in the Condtons and Stpulations and Exclusons from Colerage above relened to, this Commitmenl is also sribject to the following, I Rights or claims ol panres In possession not shown by the pubhc rerords. 2 Easements, or claims of easements n0t shown bv the oublic records. 3. 0iscrepancies, conflcts n borndary lin€s, shonage in area. encroachments. and any facts whtch a conect survey and inspection 0l lhe premises would drsclose and which are not shown by rhe publc rec0rds 4. Any len. or right to a Ien, for serurces. labor or material lheretofcre or hereafter furnrshed, imposed by law and nol shown bv the oublic records. 5. Defecls, liens, encumbrances, adverse clarms 0r 0lher mailers, il any, created, first appearing n the public records Commitment. lN WITNESS WHEBE0t, Old Reprb|rc Narional Trtle Insrrance Company has caused irs c0rporare name and seal to be hereunto alfixed by its drly authonzed officers on the date shown n Schedule A, to be vald when countersigned by a valdaring offrcer cr other arthorized sgnatory. OTD BEPUBTIC I{ATIO]IAI, TITI-E IlISURAilCE COMPAIIY A Stoek Conpany 404 Sec0nd Avenu€ Sauth. Mnneapohs. Mnnes1Ia 55401 t6l2) 3/l l/ A,,est 4'E*"2 Secretary 6806-1rZ (eoe) xvl / 0989-/ta (eoe) toetS oc 'o6uerno anu€^v urell I tzl o9Nvuno 09-e9r xvJ / 99ZZ-e9t tztos oc'a6puuatc€r8 aopru qUoN OOZ 08zz xo€ 'o d f90tHN3)C3US srNfcv r09r-91r (eog) xvl I Lgzz'gln ltocl 899 r8 0C 't!BA .zge xo8 0 d eoz €llns.M .pU eoeluorl S gOI 'ltvA z t0 t- tt8 (e0€) xvj / 006t-ltg te t08 oc 1a4ed 0 t t# ' pu ralrPd s lt80 | u3)luvd 181r-916 (eoe) xvl / 0r9z-916 (eoe) zo9!8 oc 'souuds poo/'^ual0 zotz xo8 0 d eoz allns 'anuo^v operoloc 1t8 s9Ntuds oooi N3'10 o6eo-z9a (eoe) xvj / s88 r-zga (eoe) 98t08 0c 'uo! !o I atrns 'tPl,I uoltro t9l 88Zt xo€ 'o d NO'r1tO 06 ts-t09 (6 11) xvl et tt-969 lcal|o / tzSt-t0g (6lL) eo6o8 oc's6uuds opProtog oo !# 'uofu s zo r s0Ntuds oovHo'loc ett0-889 xvl / e9e9-889 t0|'08 oc 'l3ou ellsPc xoollM z t9 )tcou f]rsvc ezrS-gg/ xv) / rjlt'ffi t0e08 oc raptno8 oez# "p^t€ uoluec aztz u30'lno8 z0r0-r€8 xvl / /e8z-169 20208 oc 'la^u€o 992# 'alturaso,|. s 009e3rntso^ rze8-086 xvr / 0998-886 90208 OC 'poo,us)iP'l 9 ! t# 'r.luorr\spP/\A S 609e rs3r Hrnos zLgt-ott xvi I t9E6-Lz9 0e00s oc 'raFult!ls€M 00t# uPpeH l0 t6 HIUON 9962-8tZ XVJ I ttte-ZEZ 9tz0s oc poo^'\atPl Z0Z# '6u[dry OU NOSHfJrff e€ r9-69e xvl / ezzr-091 tez08 oc ls^uao oo!#'uapduPH f tz88 NS0dtrvt{ gZgr-rLL XVr | 6E9r-tLL t t to8 oc 'poo/, at6u3 e0l#'8lc.ro uaar9 sralpplj s 00t9 N33UC SH3'IOOH 0r06-06e xvr / 9696-011. ! t t08 oc 'pooMatoul OOL eInS ,{eM asnJer^S oS tt09 ooo/tA!'lcN3 699a-9rZ XVI / 900r- L9l. t1008 oc 'erornv 90L# "pE rslEd S 00eg Lsv3 z0a9'r6L xvi / LoE9'n6L 0z |.08 oc 'uolellll 06e#'aprrc )ia€rc tuo M 9z )t:ta3 /\uo ggerezt xvt t wzj-oz, 20008 oc 'Pperuv 00zH 'pEou preM 0?t9 vov^Uv ,198-0tLxvi t e6z9-0tL ! L !08 OC 'pooi el6ul pPou ooqederv 3 oo11 30HVdVUV eog/-zze xvl / 0881-z Le 1t208 oc !€^uao 0tt9 xog o d 90208 oc 'r€^uoc 009 alrns ''a^v lsJl lsES 8e0e SCIJJO SnOH ANVdyIOC 3fINVUVNE3'tl|I oNv'l besi-st (eoe) xvr I Ezz-szv (eot) 89918 0C'tlPn /9e xog 'o'd 802 auns 'M peou aEetuorl 'S got ANVdITOC 3SJ.NVHVNE3'llll. oN\n :lo aclUo otll qdnotql penssl IusduoO acuernsul al1;1 leuollsN aJnsul oI luaullultuoc crTsndsu oTo oALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order No.: VS24594 For fnfornation OnLy - charges - ALTA Owner Policy s155. 00rnfoBind"l-rorol-- g155.oo ****WITH YOUR REMITTANCE PLEASE REFER TO OUR ORDER NO. VS24594**** 1. Effective Date: July 19, L994 at 8:OO A.M. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: nAL,TArr Ownerrs PoJ-icy LO-L7-92 Proposed Insured: 3. The estate or interest in the rand described or referred to inthis Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Sirnple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in: VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED I{ATER DISTRICT A, QUASI-MUNICIPAL CORPORATTON 5. The land referred to in this Conmitment is described asfollows: TRACT C, VAIL VILLAGE, SEVENTH FILING, ACCORDTNG TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COI'NTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, PAGE 1 IALTA CO}IMTTUENT SCHEDULE B-1 (Reguirenents) our order # vs24594 The fol-lowing are the requirements to be cornplied wit-h: 1. Paynent to or for the account of the grantors or nortgagors ofthe full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. 2. Proper instrurnent(s) creating the estate or interest to beinsured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: 3. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. THrS COMMITMENT rS FOR INFORMATION ONLY, AND NO POLICY WILL BE TSSUED PURSUANT HERETO. THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCIJMENTS SENT FOR RECORDING! ! PAGE 2 SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) our Order # Vs24s94 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to thefoJ-lowing unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction ofthe Conpany: 1. Standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessnents not yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certifj.ed to the Treasurerrs office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said tand. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charg,es, if any. 9. RIGHT OF WAY F'OR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNTTED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED ylay 27, 1926, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE ],46. 10. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTATN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTTONS, IF ANy, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELTGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRLJI,IENT RECORDED December 07 | l-965, IN BOOK 187 AT PAGE 51.5. ].].. EASEMENT TEN FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LOT LINE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE, SEVENTH FTLING. 1.2. EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY FOR GORE CREEK AS IT AFFECTS SUBJECT PROPERTY. 13. EASEXT{8NT AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRTC ASSOCIATTON, rNC., INC. rN INSTRITMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 23, 1989 IN BOOK 5OO AT pAcE 878. tALTA COMMITMENT PAGE 3 VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT 846 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-7480 FAX 476-4089 September 12, 1994 Mr. Jim Curnutte Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Curnutte: The Vail Valley Consolidated Water District is applying for a Land Use Plan Change to re-designate Tract C, Vail Valley 7th Filing from a "park" to a "low density residential" classification. Please note the Vail Valley Board has presented this re- zoning proposal to the Vail Metropolitan District Board, and they had no objection to the plan. The Vail Valley Consolidated Water District requests the Town of Vail waive the $2OO process application fee, since the District consistently waives tap fees for the Town of Vail for parks and public restrooms. Please respond regarding the fee questions, don't hesitate to contact me P.O.Box 1515 Vail, CO 81658 476-8055q$..qoea (fq*) waiver as soon as possible. lf you have any personally. Sincerely, VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT IMPatrick G. Director PGD/egw :';\ r=' . 1 '- -! ..-i. l' ' :it,' islj 1,!is,^ '|tl!.d 1012|& .' Petition i : .u ; r ' v | . vvtvttvl, UE r, irElT, o^t"3J!-3-!- PETITION FORM FOR AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OR REQUEST FOR A CHANGE IN DISTRICT BOUNDARIES This procedure is required for any amendment to the zoning ordinance or for a request for a district boundary change. A. B. NAME oF petrpNea ()rtL I Auf 4 (ot)tuplT rrd{cr aooaess 7'lQ FarZE ct {o*6 pHoNE Y7(.-Wg0 NAME oF PETTIoNER'S REPRESENTAT|VE /,+r brd/f+f ^/-+t g c. aooness Jlof f f ri, f/arc r /Lff pHoNE 'l?L'909f NAME OF OWN SIGNATUR ADDHESS t4il€PHONE D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: ADDBESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT E. FEE: Zonlng Amendments:$250.00 PAID ruNa (J4tcJutua 7fr Rezonlngs: $200.00 DATE Lue,+r u tJ ,'lqf BLOCK ll. ilt. F. Stamped, addressed envelopes and list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property. Four (4) copies of the following information: A. The petition shall include a summary of the proposed revision of the regulations, or a complete description of the proposed changes in disctrict boundaries and a map indicating the existing and proposed disctrict boundaries. Applicant must submit written and/or graphic materials stating the reasons for request. Time Requirements The Planning and Environmental Comission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A petition with the necessary accompanying material must be submitted four weeks prior to the date of the meeting. Following the Planning and Environmental Commission meeting, all amendments to the zoning ordinance or district boundary change must go tot the Town Council for final action. Your proposal will be reviewed for complainace with Vail's Gomprehensive Plan. ll this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% ol the application fee. lf, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re- tv. V. hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re- publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other than town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, the Community Development Department may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount ol money necessary to pay him or her and his amount shall be fonrarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds fonrarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be retumed to the applicant. Expenses incuned by the Town in excess of the amount fonararded by the application shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. Reception ,. ' Il by nr,tqral Dcrlo! or DGEoD! hcrc lnrGrt nama o! n!t!!!t $ by DsEotr ectlng l-o raDrrleltrtlvo or otflcl&l captclty or atotlornev-ln-tecq the! tnsort nlma o( peraon t!--etecuto& _rttorncy-ln-lact gr othor cipacttf or d€lcrlDtloB i tl by o(llcer of cor.poratlon. then tnsert !am6 ot .uc! offtcor or o(tbers, a! rb. DrrltdGDt or otfrer ot(tcelCoi iLcl-corroiiitioq, -nimtig fL-stotsroryAo knop Ld,O rr.ant, E cttbtr t t tr. RECORDER'S STAUPTnrs Dnro, llade this 9th APr iI in the year of our Lrord one nine hundred aud sixty nine between W\IL ASSOCIJITEST INC., a Colorado ccrporat ion , of the County of EagIe and $!g!.^o! Q!ry9g,_ollne first part, aucl W|rI-, WAEB 4l[D SANI- | I day of thousaud .?d TATION DISTRICT, a qovernmental subdivision ofthe State of coLoradc, ofthe County of second part ; Eag Ie and State of Coloredo, of the L: WITNESSETH, That the said part of tbe first part, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLIARS and other good and valuable consideration- - D5eO5, to the said. party of the first part, in hand. paicl by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby conJessed and acknovledged, hag granted, bargained, solcl and convcyed, anil by these presents doe s grant, bargain, sell, convey and conJirm unto the saial party of the second part, its succedebrsnd assigls fotever, all the following described. lot or parcel of land, situate, lying aad beiug in the State of Colorado. to-'rvit : Coulty of Eagle and Tract c, vail village, Seventh Filinq Except taxes for 1968 and subsequent years. Toget,her with all and siagular the hereditaments anil appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion a.nd reversions, remaiucler and remainilers, rents, issues and profits there- of; and. all the estate, right, title, interest, claim anil demand whatsoever, of the said pariy of the first part, either ia law or equity, of, in and to the above bargainecl premises, with ttre hered.itaments and appurtenances; To Eave and To Ifold the said premises above bargained and described, with the hb and assigos foreven appurtenances,unto Vail Water and Sqqitation District, a governmental sub division of the State s1 gele{frelgiclpart v of thesecondpart, its successor day ot, and of Vail Associates,Inc., a Colorado corporation. 'ry of' irst above'*l I'*- r J ]*j before-.pes f;z*, Antl the saitl Va il pslt y ,a do this ident Not rt hbtlc. NO. 16 SPECIAL WARRANTT DEE .-BlrdlorGRobinro! Prtnth3 Corrprlr. tF. a6 stoDt StF.r Dnnv,.^r6,d. _ :. - ; -.- ?..- r t. Errclrnt. r.cord.d ierch 30. 1956, ln boot .'192, E.gc 335, bGtye.n Pruly t|. noyc. (GnDtor ) , .ad v.il 9.!cr |nd sanitatloDDiltrict .ad G.r rrcill't16, IDc. (Glanta.t l . ehorain Grrnto: convcycd rD Gatcrcnt and rightof vry over, actota, thsough, rnd ur.dcr t t. 39, llocr 7, VriMllrgc, Ut-Filirg. l. ErscrGnt, rccordcd lfrrch 30. 1966, in took192, Paga 333, bcttrccn Jack 8, }|unioc rnd Janie. 8. llunro. (cnntor. ), and vril tfatcl rnd sanitation District .Dd Crt F.ciliti!3,tDc. (craDtcrs f, vhcrLiD Grantos convcycd an e.scEcnc .ad right of r.y udor thc E.!a 15' jf€ct of hte Uc.t 3o-feat of l.ot 2t, Al'ck 7, .vail villag., lst-FillDg. n. EaacDcnt, rcccivcd tl.rch 30, 1966, i! Eook 192, Page 331, b.tvcan F. J.ck CreenYood rnd Mary onin Grc.nnood ( Gra8torr ), rnd vail t..te! and sanitation District rnd Gas Sacilitic.' ' Inc. (c!antees), vhercin Grantors convc)icd an cagcacnt and rlght of way, ov.r, acro.s, thc tlcat 5 fcet of Lot 2?. Block 7, v!!I vrIIagG, lst-FiIin9. n. Eascoeni, recorded t{arch 1966, in Dook l'92, Page 329, bcteeen Raytond E. EanJ(rlcr(Grantor), and vril watrr and SanitatroBDistrict and Ga! F.ciliticr, Inc. (Grantcesl, r.h€rela Grantor convGycd lrt era![ent end righc of $att ov.r. acroaa,- through rnd under- tltc Eagt IO fcct of t t {r, BloCt ?, vail villtgc. 13t-Filin9. EalcDant. tecordcd.tarch 30' 1966, in Book' 192, PaEa 327, b.tuccn willia! !1. Driscoll and Judith R. Driscoll (Grantorst. anal vail u.ter snd Senitation District .nd C.s Facilitics. lnc. (G:ant.esl. vhcrcin Crantor co:rvrltad an Gascnent and rlght of t,ay ovcr, across ' -tlrrough and undci UrG Hesr. lo fcet of lpt {0. Dlock 7, vail v'-:Iage, lst-Filing. EaaGDGnt. recordcc l'l.rch 30. !966, in Eook L92, Pagc 32a, betYc.n Elizabcth E. ltellinckiodt (Grantorl, and vail w.tcr and stnitati.on Di6trict and cas Facititicr.. lnc' (Grantcca), Hhcrcin Granior conveytd an cascncnt and right of uay ovcr, acloss,-, through and und:i the vtest- Io fcet of Loc 36. 8!oc|( ?, Vail villagc. l3t-Filing. EasetrGnt, rccordcd llarcn 28, 1966, in Book 192, P.ge 315, bctvcGn Sidnay l'lrll.r dnd Rhond. ulll,cr. rDd Rccd Urrtis rnd shirlcy lt. Harrr3 , EiNscrcnt, rccordad t{arch 28, J966, rn goo|( 192, PagG 313, betYccn v.anon trylo:'. Jr.(Crantorl. and Vail uatcr .nd Sarutatlon Distrlct and c.3 Faci,liti€r' I'r3. (Gr.nt.crf. vhcrcln Glantor conveycd .n G.l Gnant d rrqbt of uay over, acro!1, through ard undct Lot's 'l anl 7. Eloct 7, v.iI uill.g.. j tt-Fllrng. o. P. q. r. . -3- a.lrlcrcnt Agrc.!.nt, rccordcd l,l.rch 1966, inbook 192, Prg. 209, bctl,ccn V.i} Aasocrat r,Ltd. (Cnntor, .nd V.il H.tca rnd SrnitrtionDistrict (Gr!ntc.), vhercin Grantor convcyedrcvcrtl aa8crcDt! ovcr, acro8a, through aDdundcr th. folloving Iots .nd trrcts: Lot 6, Block 6, Vlil Villagc, Fisrt Fil.ing;Tract I, Vail, Vi,IIagc, First Filing;lrac|3 B, VaiMllrgc, first Filing:Lot ll,, VriMllagc. Sccond Filing;Lot 12, vail villagc, sccond Filing,Ipt 13, Veil Villagc, S.cond Filj.ng;Lot la, vril, villagc, sccond Filing;Lot 15, Veil Villagc, Secolrd Filing;togethcr urth | 40 fcot eascncnt lying inporti,on3 of Scction 5 and 8. Tovnship 5 South, Rangc g0 we6t of thc sj,xth p:-incr,p.l ncridran,all in gaglc County, CoIo: -.do. ) iLecor,.ted at Receptlon .'\ rl ,]i -7,', ,/ )\ .,/r] / rl WARRANTY DEED (CORRECTION DEED ) -j' Gil' dry or APri I VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT, le ov between bv the successors in interest which THIS DEED, Ivlade this DISTRICT and VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT, Colo-rado quasi-municipal corporati .rr thc + Countv of nag Ie State of Colorado. Srantor. and VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED I,;ATER DISTRICT, a quasi-municipal corporatio No, 952. Rlv $t5. WARnANTY DEED 0o corDondoo) Fc Phoro{rrphic n cord nsI 846 Forest Road, Vai1, Colorado WITNESSETH, That the grantor. tbr and in considerarion of thesumof Ten Dollaf s ($10.00 ) ){Dce!4!fift, rhe receipt and sufliciency of which is herebl, acknowledged. hirs granted. bargained, sold and conveyed. and b! these presents does grant. bargain. sell. convey and confirm. unto the grantee. its successors and usrgns fbrever. all of the real property. together with improvements. if an,v, situate. lying and being in the CountY of Eagle rnd StJte r't Colorado. described as lbllows. Tract C, Vail Village, Filing No. 7, Eagle County, Colorado. ( successor in inte,6qgt Sq-^- ..,lt5,l$S*Xryc6anrzedan,.t enstrng under and by vinue of the ru*1fffi.t,#tr"=' 66i;i;h;' . srJnree \r hose lesal address rs -lovp-cyc:uc\ \ Cr\ ( i-L'(- C.rC't c,t.\_> SdrL'ai:,:d,- ( l\ LI\ €:t- c{ +l^tE- V6ll lL\cttt(^<]r\3 5c\\\\ lilil(\1 \J\-*J\l (O- (+^,lrr J.D\\eu,-- ia-s is!a =.i.l This oeed i-s a CORRECTION DEED to correct paragraph 2of Exhibit A of the deed between the Vail Water and Sanitation Dj-strict and the Vail Water District, recorded in Book 335 at Page 380, Reception No. 23L7341 on January 25, L982, in Eagle County, Colorado, which mistakenly referred to Filing No. "17" instead of Filing No. ttTt'. also known by street and numb€r as: TOGETHER with all and singular the hereditaments and appunenaflces thereunto belonging or in anywise appenaining, and the le\€rsion and rerenions. remainder and remainders. rents. issues and prohts thereol. ilnd all the estate. right. tltle. interest. claim and demand whatsoever of the grantor. either in law or equity, of, in and to the abovc bargained premlses, with lhe hereditamenls and appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said pre mises above bargained and described. with the appurtenances. unto the grantee. its succe ssors and assiSns licrever And the granlor, fbr himsetf. his heirs and persondl represenratives. does covenanl. grant. blrgain and agree to and with the granlee, its successots and assigns. that at the time of the ensealing and deliver) of rhese prBsents. he is well seized of the premises above conveyed. has good, sure. perfect. absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance. in law. in fee simple. and has good right. full power and lawtul authoritt to grant. bargain, sell and convey the same in manner and form as aforesaid. and that the sam€ are tree and clear liom all former und othe. grants. barguns. salcs. liens, taxes. assessments. encumbrances and restrictions of whatever kind or nature soeler. cxceDt The granror shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND rhe above-bargained pre mises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the grantee, its successors and assigns. against all and everv p€rson or pe6ons la\,{ ull).' c laiming the lvhole or any pan thereot. The singular number shall include the plural. the plural the singular. and the use of any gender shall be applicable to all genders. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The grantor has executed thjs deed on the date set lorlh above. UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER SANITATION DISTRICT, a quasi- DISTRICT. a quasi-municipal municipal corporation of Colorado, corporation of Colorado, as VAlL ITATION ( N i-l 3 1,,?ct v iiif'j9U .r- ) z -1 =€E\ ll +S i.ij\ _.,i..;'l Osqi, DISTRI 'l f !'t r'l r:L lH'f,. -iJ ij') "'rAI!'l rl- tq ulFF.! lr.i.tz\z-. ISE.t FJ 1 I GT No6l.._ Public DISTRICT Bradford tubli3hinr. 585 W 6dr Av!.. t t6*ood. CO 80214 - (301) 231-6900 ' r'4<-)'4r*,,{,d ' ,',-,, {p - n -kl - fo-5., Lr_jqp ,, >ch