HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 6 LOT 9 44 WILLOW PLACE APPROVALS LEGAL\ AIJV J\*\t\'.k 6 k41'{LLtJiltrln'6\b'4 A*J Cairt{r'dtY Clildl:l{: Design Review Board ACTIOT{ FOR},| thpartm€nt of Communlty 0evelopment 75 Sonth Frontege Road, Vell, Colorado 81657 tol:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www.vailgw.com Proiect Name; KURTZ RES. A/C CONDENSOR Project DescripUon: INSI-ALL A/C CONDENSOR Panacipants; DRB Number: DRB080194 Location: UNm2 vvL owNER MALONE, MARYAUCE 06/05/2008 IRON SPRING FARM 75 OLD STOTTSVILLE RD COATESVILLE PA 19320 APPUCANT EAGLE EYE HOME MANAGEMENT,I06/05/2008 Phone: (970) 845-1051 PO BOX 43s1 VAIL co 81658 License: 802-8 .I4 MLLOW RD VAILProject Address: Legal DesctipUon: Parcel Number: Comments: Lot 9 Blodc Subdivislon: 44 WILLOW PIACE 2101-082-6800-2 See Conditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: CondiUons: BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Action: STAFFAPP Date of Approval: 06/18/2008 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (P|AN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (P|-AN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. @nd: CON0010100 The applicnat shall paint the air conditioning condensor brown to match the color of the stone wall it will be located adjaccent to, prior to requesting final planning inspections, Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paad: $250.00 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the zubmittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval tapses untess a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the apprcval. Request: Location of the Proposal: Physical Address: f il;,", Parcel No.: 2/O lAfu^AfO+ (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no,) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s Mailing Addressr Phone: 7'g/e {7e /6r.< '9 Mflflsis"ature(s): Namebf Applicant: Mailing Address:.o Phone: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and re'roofing, painting, window retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already Design Review Board. No Fee ffil Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multFfam ilylcommercial) Minor Alteraton (sin gle-family/du plex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request tr tr o' l[J$l'T ftfifd the For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: 24'.0 May 28 08 12:53p Ted Alfond 2074952874 p.1 .lofiT PROPERTYOWilER, U,RITTEi APPR(WAL LETTER l, lprirt nam.t 'Ihetr {Ota fil.fi;-n A-, . a Joint o,ner or property locared at prwidethb btter as tiriuen approval of the plarc drted tvhkfi lgve been st'Omfrted to the Town of Vall csnmunity Danebprrent Departrnsrt for the prop6ed imprcvenpnts to be aqnpleted at tt|e addr€ss noted aboc. r urderstand that ttc pmpced lnprovements ircludei ,lrlditonaltt' pleese check rfie st"brne'rt berqu which rs rnost apgticabre to yqr: tr I unffind that fittor ndiWotv may E nz;rrre b tlr. pbrc ott:. tte @tr/:se 6 tlre revftIntgw b ensure @mpfran@ wnh AE Townk aplfubb fu and r€f,/alatif,rtr., ,/& Qnitial here) (Initial hctc) c;\Doolnents dld sEEirEs\Gary l@lv{-ocal ScttirEE\Teftpffary IntenEt Fit6lot-KE\drb-mhor_dt-B-z&2007 f2}.docpage z ofl{ tr I requ€5f tl1E,t atl mdifrations, mirrer or (/ihg'rwi$., uhtch are n& b the plans orerfhe cprreof the review qrw-s, fu browlx to Ety atl*,ntiffi w tr.E apprant far afritionar appwrar E4,forcunfugdv fuitfrcr revbw bv Hn Towi. ,OITVT PROPERTY OWTIER WRTTTEN APPROVAL LETTER r, (p.,ntn"rnu) IOnV fflc-fyl&nn . airintownerof propertytocatedat prwlde this letter as wrltten approvat of the plans dated which have been submitred to the Town of Vail oommunlty Development Departrnent for the proposed lmprovements to be cornpleted at the address noted above. I urderstand that the propred impro/efients lrrciude: s- 2J- oF (Date) Addluonally, please dred( the statem$t berow whrch is most apprlcabte b yo': Ef t utrderstana that minor modfaatbrc may b macle b tla phns ov* the caurce of tIre reviaarpreesg b ensure unprrane with dE TownS apprbbte fu ad rquratiorc. l4rt-- (lrltl.li*") tr I rqueff; that att mdlf@bns, mircr or otlwvfi*, whhi are made b the pbns qver the (I,ur* of tlre revlaty prrcss, be fuoryht b my atf,nttro. by tl.o apptianx for addttbtnl approval FJfoteunderyoing fwther rcvlau by the Town. (nitial here) c:\Documents and seuings\Gary Kdv\Locd setungs\Temporary Intern€t mes\ot-K82\drb_minof_alt_8-28-2007 (2).do*age 2 ofIt rt 1.FREE SPACE (Around the Th€ dbgram below shows e basic €xamol€, Erohneton ol oadicular d€tails is giv€n in r|e installataon manuals €ic. Oirnonsions ol space n6€ded lol s€rvE€ access afe shown in lhe diegrarn b€low. Plea6e s€cu|€ lh€ unit firmly wiih lorif loundalion (M10<W3/8>) bolts.(Bolls and rryashors must b6 purchased locally.) <Foundatidn bolt height> Phing and wiring codnoctions can bs mad€ from fourdir€clioos Front, Right, Fear and B€lo$/- lomn <3A> - ATION Examole of Notes rn Min il l Minloootrlnllll50nm<393/b I I | <s-2sl32>€HE Piping Knockout Hole Details V idg.i' c^s ore. .Etu (FL nc) n' 5 s r$F)(2) . . inil.F ucxro o'F meio. tFL^REr n e u ralo!- . . '*.hdn d sloF IALVE . &|*rD Er-id. lk caldttronht r f|,ntdr.n 8rtu. Nd.. rcqdr- r3o 0t ddtk.rrd oirr. s-rr o ol dr t dr,ond str.,.d orlnrr[o ||sol..-d d r nni d quiny nm.nd ir rn F.ducrb^ or Drtr&..nd.rr th.Iroaofi -l- h r rbrrdEE 0o.t.yn-.d-{ 5 qrjrrrr. b. enrrd.r.. D' nr Eo. rso .0or ddl|.. q-[t n..$- r.rd d rh. d..h., d.e.r.F.nq ,6ddrd! rr|||hr@ rd .u ro .frrd" ror t'!d6 noD .r 3. FOUNDATION BOLTS 4, PIPITGWRiGUTECIICN lFoundircn Bor M trkw?lt :3.o?, when insrarli.gthe@ndut. sar lh€ anrchnml lo lr. @@- 0 MrrsuBrsHl ^'T ELECTRIC HVAC Advanc€d Products Dlvision Mitsubishi Electric & Eleclronics USA, Inc. 3400 Lawrenceville Suwanee Rd. Suwanae, GA 30024 Tele: 678-376-2900 . Fax: 800-889-9904 Toll Free: 800-433-4822 (#4) www.m9nvac.com @-R1 t---------:J Crulqb llnih.r EcatJlzr' Iid a*dc lrr cdnllt..rnl r i.r4-.rb.3rr-. rdr. *qllnd hrhsm'bl r...a.r6t .y.r.n .trtd 160 r{m ordt..non, fi. |a0 14m .dr rr . d d dd.rdr .rrryrnr r. oltDnnd.lr mtbl| at..d.d ora.nrrd..r 0no). C SD - PUMY-P48NHMU - I - 200607 @ MITSUBISHI ELECTFIC / HVAC 2006 l***lta+aaat}'tall**ltitlll'll***t++ll*ftta+*+t++***++rla'atl'ta+++t*ttt*{'t**+l+ll+l++++l**ft*++t TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO StatcmcntItffl't'i*{'***+ll++t*****at*+t+*+t+++**++tl*+f**ftt*+lf{r**{'*'}f iar*aa*'}*++++*t+ttaalfiaaa++taaaf Statement l{Unber: R080000829 Arnount: S250.00 06/OS/2OOSL1:56 A}l Payment Mettrod: Check Init: iIL,E Notation: 242L2 CITfJ/IATE CONTROIJ C€MP Permlt No: DR8080194 fype: DRB-Mlnor ALC,Comt,/MrIEl Parcel No: 2101-082-5800-2 Sit,C AddTCSE: 44 WIIJOIY RD \IAII. Location: I,NIT 2 Toual Fees: $250.00 Thia Payment: $250.00 fotal AIrIJ PmtB: $250.00Balance: S0. O0 ll+atXfll'***'l**t'i'a*'l***r*aata***a*{r**flf**taairtl'***+t*****'lt*f*lt**'lrt++**+****r****'}lr!tal**l'al ACCOIINT ITEM UST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3IT22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 250.00 Design Review Board ACTIOH FORH Department of Cornmunlty Dovelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vall, Colorado 81657 tsl:970.479,2139 far:970.479.2452 wsb: sww.vallgov.com Project Name: zl4 MLLOW REPAINIT Proiect Descrlptlon: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Commentsr DRB Number: DRB080201 06/09/2008 Phone: 970-376-0897 Location: REPAINTTHE EfiERIOR OF UNITS 1, 2, AND 3 N 44 WILOW PLACE WITH SAME COLORS Participants: OWNER DORMNCE,BENNETTTRUSTEE 06/09/2008 7600 E DOUBLETREE MNCH SCOTTSDALEM 85258-2137 APPUCANT STEVE KIRSCHNER POB 4351 VAIL co 81658 44 WILLOW RD VAIL Loh 9 Block SuMivision: 44 MLLOW PI-ACE 2101-082-6800-1 See Conditions Mo6on By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of Approval: 06/18/2008 Cond: 8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). @nd:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PI-AN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: S0.OO t'Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97O.479.2L28 laxi 970.479'2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submittinq a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted untii all required information is received by the Community Development Department' The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. b*ign rciriew approval lapses untess a building permit is issued and construction commenes witfiin one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Locationof theProposal t-ot: 7 ebck: b Subdivision: Physical Address: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) ffi Name(s) of owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): inor Afterauon (multi-family/c€fifieTcial) $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addiUon where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as' re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and ffr:r;ffi,i,ix,*, tr Changes to Approred Plans D Separdtion Request $20 retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already Design Review Board. No Fee Name of App licantz *e.*-..-, 6.'r c/..-+-- Mailing Address: E-maif Address, foft/not, rhz"rn tvflu . . Fax:-/ / (4ae,ta>zt Type of Review and Fee: Signs Concepfual Review New Construction Addition tr E tr D retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-r@fing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and approved by Planning Staff JOIT{T PROPERTY OWT{ER WR.ITTET{ APPROVAL LETTER I, (prlnt name) kesi d,e*1- O( lE;aoq ah1m a JehFownerof property locted at provile thls letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitEd to the Town of Vail Community Development Deparbnent for the proposed improrements to be cornpleted at the address noted aboe. I understand that the proposed improv€rnents lndudel 6'a4-o? (Date) Addldonally, please dred< the statsn€nt below whldr ls most applkable to you: { t rrA*A dpt mhor mdifiatbns npy b made b the ptat otar the aux of tle tevfuvprw b ensue amflbne wid, dE Townb applbble fu and tqulations. n I rquat tlat alt funafiorc, mlrpr or derwis, whldt ate made to the plans d tlre revEw prrc. b brught lo ny atEnffon A the aWliant for additlonal underyotng turfiv rcvlew by the Town. (nttial here) I Jotnt prq3r, ovn r Ltbt ''vi.nd I Al *)(n6 ErN$F:\cde\4FoRMs\Perm[.s\Planning\Od 60nns\drb_mlnor_atL8-2&200Zdoc /a.n.aa The Willows Redevelonment Comparison Prooerties Name and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Current Land Use: Development Site Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: Name and Address: Legal Desoiption:'Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Current Land Use: Development Site Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: Name and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Current Land Use: Development Site Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: Name and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Cunent Land Use: Development Site Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: Name and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Bishop Park, 43 and (X! Willow Place Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, Vail Village 1o Filing High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan High Density Multi-Family 30,848 square feet (0.71 acres) 16,966 sq. ft. (55%) 10,766 sq. ft. (34.9olo)20ft. 5'48', 55' Riverhouse Gondominiums, 83 Willow Place Lot 3, Block 6, Vail Village 1" Filing High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan High Density Multi-Family 16,523 square feet (0.38 acres) Allowed/Reouired 18,493 sq.ft. Allowed/Reouired 9,767 sq.ft. Allowed/Reouired 9,487 sq.ft. Allowed/Reouired 8,188 sq.ft. 20 ft. i[8' Existino 21,482 sq.ll. Existino 16,190 sq.ft. Existinq 20,970 sq. ft. Existinq 11,202 sq.ft. .l' 43.5' Difference > 14oYo < 20o/o >'15' >7' Difference > 60% <12o/o > 19.8', NA Difference > 55ah < 11% >20' NA Difference > 3204 ) 3olo' > 19', <4.5' 9,087 sq. ft. (550/o) 7,148 sq. ft. (43o/o) 20ft.48' NA Edelwelss, 103 Willow Place Lot 4, Block 6, Vail Village 1$ Filing High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan High Density Multi-Family 15,825 square feet (0.36 acres) 8,703 sq. ft. (55%) 6,963 sq. ft(44%l 20 ft. 48' Summer's Lodge, 123 Willow Place Lot 5, Block 6, Vail Village 1o Filing High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan High Density Multi-Family 14,063 square feet (0.32 acres) 0' NA 7,031 sq. ft. (50%) 7,420 sq. ft. (53%) *facts in file regarding site coverage were conflicting Riva Ridge North, 133 Willow Place Lot 6, Bloik 6, Vail Village 1d Filing High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan Cunent Land Use: Development Site Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: Name and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Current Land Use: Development Site Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coveragq (max): Building Setbacks: Height: Name and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Cunent Land Use: Development Site Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: High Density Multi-Family 1 1,935 square feet (0..274 acres) Allowed/Reouired Existino Riva Rldge South, 114 Wlllow Road Lot 7, Block 6, Vail Village 1" Filing High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan High Density Multi-Family 15,333 square feet (0.352 acres) Allowed/Required Existino 7,161 sq.ft. ? sq..ft. (55%) 20 ft. 48', 9,199 sq.ft. NA 20' 48' 20tt 48' 13,126 sq. ft. ?sq.ft 1', 45' 19,824 sq. ft. NA 1' 45' Difference > ilo(o > 19' <3' Difference > 54o/o NA >19' <3" Difference < 1o/o < 18o/o >10' <4' Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Current Land Use: Development Site Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: 7,579 sq.ft.7,531 sq.ft. 6,947 sq. ft. (55o/o) 4,678 sq. ft. (371o) The Wlllows Condominlums, 74 Willow Road (existing) Lot 8, Block 6, Vail Village 1o Filing High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan High Density Multi-family 2'1,144 square feet (0.49 acres) Allowed/Reouired Existino Difference 16,069 sq.ft. 18,6{17 sq.ft. >'l!c/o 11,595 sq. f,. (55%) 12,6{18 sq. ft. (60%) > iah20ft. 4' >16' 48' 48' NA High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan High Density Multi-family 12,630 square feet (0.29 acres) Allowed/Reouired Existino 10' 44' Va,t rtUff,t t /ot7' Design Review Board ACTIOII FORlrl Departrnent of communaty Development 75 South Frontage Road, vail, colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 Jax:970.479,2452 web: www.vailgov.comc0ttttrY tEt EuFrGr{T Project Name: Project Description: Project Address: #l MLLOW PIACE Legal Description: Parcel Number: Gomments: DRBNumber: DRB050610 RNAL APPROVALTO REPLACE A HOTTUB AND SURROUND SAME FOR SAME Participants: OWNER DORRANCE,BENNETTTRUSTEE LIII4IaOOS 7600 E DOUBLETREE RANCH SCOTTSDALE M 85258-2137 APPUCANT MAICMUM COMFORT POOL & SPA, LLll4l20O5 Phone: 970-949-5339 P O BOX 2670 VAIL co 81558 License: 267-8 CONTMCTOR M$CMUM COMFORT POOL & SPA, LtlL4/2005 Phone: 970-949-6339 P O BOX 2670 VAIL co 81658 License: 267-8 .{4 WILLOW RD VAIL Motion By: Second By: Vob: Conditions: Location: Lok 9 Block SuMlvision: ,14 WILLOW PI-ACE 2101-082-6800-1 SEE CONDMONS BOARD/STAFF ACIION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalz LUl4l2005 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval dfib prcrect shall lapse and beorne rold one (1) year tullowlng the dae of fttal appronl, unless a bullding permlt is issued and ons0uction b @mmenoed and b dllfendy pusued bvad compledon. Plrrurn Joe Suther DRB Fec Pdd: f25O.OO Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 , web: www.vailgov.com General Information; All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Ptanning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and consiruction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Zoninq: &o ? Nlrme(s) of Owner(s): _ Mailing Address; Ourner(s) Signature(s) : Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: :lw Ytu{f $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or -zcommercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). pS{ fo, minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,- reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenLs, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining w€lls, etc. $20 For revisiohs to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee ta \oType of Review and Fee: O Signs .jft Conceptual Review O New Construction tr Addition X uinor Alteration ' -(multi-family/commercial) E Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) 13 Changes tc Approved Ptans tr Separation Request 8lb.str E-mail Address: Page 1 of tZlO4l2Bl04 Applicaiion for Design Review D€partment of Community lle€lopmert 75 South FrontagE Rod, VaI, Colorado 8t657 tef : 970.479.2 139 farc 970.479.2452 , web: www.lGilgovrml General Information: ; 11.:*f-::tu:tp,9:S.jirgq- musr rueiye approrat prb,r ro sub;nittirs a buidiro permft appticatbn. ptease :l*9."::::yl.:Jtf llFIT;tl"nqo,rf Jnp"lJti*i,,idlli'i.lffi fi ;U;#;J;fJA; S:g l.:t:ty:ry at required tnrormabn ,, ,Atrd d;C ffiiy ffif"p,..,r- il;;;i=fi:f:HTt,:f:r_19 t'.* ,evle*ro oy tr,c io*" cd;.r ""dd;th" il;;il ilH;;ilff'ffi;,*,il:il k';';il;";i;;;-;; fi";"jlffiilone year of the approyat. Location of tlte proposal: Lot:_Bloct:_ Subdivisim: physrcaf Adrfress: Ltwiu*Haa +i t tntl"n owUWbuflu+.+t-t'^rtlnp pd rldlJl U4oJaj-- Parcel No.: (Conact Eagle Cc. Assessor at 970-32g-gfl0 fur parcet no.) Zoning:.-._ Name(s) of owner(s): fu$ r,failins Address: V (hV-q t)vrner(s) Signature(s) : .=! Na.me of Applicant: Mailing Add ress: _ -.r- - Dhnno' E-maif Address@u:_ Type of Review and Fee: O 5i9ns fl Conceph'al Reefew E Ner|, CoaitflJcfontr Addition Mimr Alteration (mulbt-family/mnnn ercia I ) E ,t{nor AlEration (singl+farn i Iyldrj plex) O Gn€es tc Appored PlarE O Separation R€quest 9704e661 r 3 MAXMUM COMFORT t l2:00:13 11-13.2005 Minor Exterior Alterations ruft?\,m $50 Pt$ f1.0O per squ6.e bot of total dgn area. f,Io Fee f55{l For corrstruction of a nE , hJiHing or demc/rrbuild, $300 For an addtion where sqr.nre foobge is added to any reddenfal a comrn€rdal building (includes 250 additifis & interbr cmverCms).f250 For minor drangEs to buildings .nd slte improwmaG, $rJl as, rermfing, painthg, windo"v addldons,. landscapin$ fences and .?tahing rralb, etc.$20 For minor chang€ to buddings rrd Cte irnpro\(rfT|erits, 5ucfi as, rwoofing. painting window additiont landscapirE, fenr:es ard rebining wads, ctrS20 For revisions to darE alr€ady agp.ored by Phoning Staff or the 0e319n REview 8oard. Iro Fee bs{ t90t9t8-0261d pu6y1 euo;1 ei(3 egde3 e6l:60 90 tl ,\oN Z,tr/- l*r* *lt* #zso [,, /(pcL- lrrtfu^"p 3 u:-u,/tzt- fu "f +ft .,L O^znS'T L&L ' [uJ4offi,-" ry/r*4 VANGTJARD SPA I l'l -li!- . r ilt ,l irrl-- _; " t{.- \('llR EE t\t R(,\ lllt( tt\l 'l lrc VrrngrrrLrtl, rvirrrrcl ol :t (.orrsrrrrrt,rs l)igcst llcst l{rr,. ,,r.rr,l. i..'.rnrr. lr ..r.r.gr ..,rir..rrr. lr t,,rr.rr,,.r ,\1oto-N'1rrss:tgc I)\ rrntl .r Nloto ,\.1.rsrrgt, jt.r, t..relt c,irrlrlcrl]errt.11 l\ :t (]rt.rrtct j(.1 rVsr(.||1. rrt rO()tltt. \'()ur r r c( l{. s I I I I r r I tlt r': . r n cl lt.rt li. Its tontlil r.rlrlt.st.rtirrq. \lvl((l .rrnr(\r\. urrtl \\/ellspring u.rter li..rrrrlc pri,r.irlr lll.l\llllull] f( lil\lll t()n. Seltirq ( ilp.rirtr l)inrcrrsiors \\ utt r' ( .,rp.rcirr \\'r i{h I \l)r Sl,(ll & l \.r${,,{l ( l']t.rrl. S.rrrl or \1,.r ltlrr Iiqhr \lrr'ir t )pr ion jtts i Ii,r,rl jrLs tJt \\ rrtcI I e.rr trrc t onlr('l \r'\lcIl lct Irrrrr1,' l& J i (1tr ,,,,,1 ri irlr Il r r,..rr., r'llllr :lrlrrtr IrJ' t : z ,-.r\) ll)ir', rro ,,rl'.ri' lilL.rL o r lij Ll, r \ r. l,,.r|t , rL BIST BLJY ! f.r 1:lr it. 1 1.,. l rlro!\ I\ t( t ll(lt\T \1()L' cl-(rlllllg illl (\11( ()Lrr ulri(lur lii \\'i[cr cllfe i5.l 'lv rel,rrinq trrvirrrnrrrcni. ,\nrl rritlr rhlet-rlinrr'rrsionrrl llltcls. ()[)tit]lunl \pe \hrll tr I rrnrori.l ( ,rbincr It,'rl, s.rn(l ,rr Spu lllrre ( , Wrw .r\r r.rr l. lri,rt LL ll,.lrolrr..r:, .rs ; itIr,,ri,,rr,rI l lrtl,rr:r.r"r!r l,rr. t Ili,lr,,\rr'..:r,r 't,,,,t'i t! ,l IIIIII JEIPAF^ I lr. nr.,.liLtrr r iu..l.\ t-tP t R .1'.r. i, 'Ltr li,, 'rrvell u11 Pr, r, itlr'' conrfirtr:tb]c 1('gro()r1' ET tlln t. l.i icts tlrc lle ll.t l'ontrrnrl \\'rltrr feillur(, rer-1rrl l.i ltors,.porltt ir't 111111111 s Scrting ( ,rprcirl I)rnrr:nsiorrt (.h,rnr1,,rgrrc ( )p.rl lishr \\.rtcr l:.,rt ( orrrrol Sr ! :.t il7; TOTIIN OF VAIT, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 APPIJICAIitT CONTRACTOR OIIINER NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT ilob Address: 44 wILLow RD Location...: 44 WILLOW RD #3 Parcel No. . : 2LOL-082-68-003 Project No. : PRiI98-0155 Status. . Applied. Issued. . Expires. ISSUED 06 /t9 /199806/30/t998 L2/27 /L998 PEAK PROPBRTIES Phone z 970-476-L987 285 BRTDGE ST, VArt CO,*RON BYRNE & ASSOCTATES 81657 PEAK PRoPERTTES - phone: 970-476-L987 285 BRIDGE ST, VAII-, CO, RON BYRNE & ASSOCIATES 81657 AI-,EXA}.IDER JI'DY I,,YNNE TRUSTEE PO BOX 6746, LAKE TAHOE NV 89449 Clean-up DePosit Refund approved amount date *of oa6 Log6:FLr.plrcc Infornael'on: R.ECrictrd: FEE SUI'{MARv 'rrrr'r*rr*'*it R€Etualane Plan Revi€w- - >,00 ToEaI cal'culab.d Fcc.---> 362 '25 Additional 8e€s--- ------> .o0 Total P€rnit Fe€--------> 362.25 TOTAL FEES- ---- 162.25 BAIA}ICE DUE- - - -. a a * r *.r i t a t t t a t t t t t i t t* *r t a J t ll a BUITDING DEPARIIIEIiI:r Dept: BUITDING Division:.fRM AcLion: NOTE PIjANS TO .]RJRM Action: APPR APPROVED 'fRlvrPI,ANNING DEPARTMETiIT PEbg' PI,A}INING DiViSiON: iIRM Action: APPR APPR PER CHR]STIE-irins DEpAErr,tENi --- -DeFE: Frnn Division: JRM-- ---AcEiohj APPR N/A-iitiel,rC WdRKS--' Dept: PIjB WORK Division:,tRl4 Action: APPR N/A ***it *t l at*t**t + See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions thatr may apply tso this permit DECI-,ARATIONS I hcraby acknot lcdgc Eha! I have rsad thig applicatlon, filled ou! in full thc infonnatsion rcquired, cotrrPllled an accurace PIot plan, and 6!atc that aII lhc inforErcion providcd ae rcquirecl is co!rec!. I agrec to cotDply rith tshe infonation end plot plan, to codply xith aII Torn ordinanccr ana Btsatsc 1ar6, and to buitd lhis strucEulc according to thc Tor,n'5 zoning and eubdiwiaion codca, dcaign rcvicw approvcd, Unifoln Building cod6 rnd otsher ordinancos of che Tortn aPPlicabLc lhcrcto' REQUE9TS FOR tNSpEerIoNs SHALL BE !4ADE TWENry-FOtn HOURS rN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT a?9-2138 OR AT OtR OFFTCE FRoM E:Oo AM sr00 PM .A '/^/Y214 Description: MOVE BEDROOMS AT.ID BATHROOMS Occupancy: R1 TIT)e Constsructsion: V N Valuatsion:l_0,000 Building-----> 145. oo ADD 2 WINDOWS MuIti-Family Type V Non-Rated Add sq Fr: *of cas Appllance6: .00 100.00 TOV/Comm' Dev. Pl.rn ch.ck---> Inve.tigatioD> will call----> 94.25 .00 Rocreatsion Fe€----------> clean-Itp D€po6it- - ----- ->362 .24 ILem: 05100 06 /t9 /L99805/3O/L998IEem:05400 06 /L9 /L998Itbm:' 0560005/L9/L998Itbm:-0550006/L9/a998 lt+ I Vt/ z,tj- DEPARTIIEI{.T OF COMMT'NITY DEVEI.,OPMENT ON i'OBSITE AT AI-,L TIMES PermiE #: 898-0165 *of wood/PaJ'l€t: gcnd Cloan-Up Ds!to.i! To: PBAJ( PRoP EISNATT'RE OP OflNAR OR COIITRACfOR ROR HIIISEIJP Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit, #: 898-0166 as of 08/04/98 Status---: ISSIJED *******:l****************************:l********************:l********************** Permits Tlpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied--: 06/L9/L995 Applicanu--: PEAK PROPERTIES Issued---: 06/30/L9989'7O-476-L987 To E:<pire: L2/27 /L998 .Iob Address: 44 WILLOW RDLocat.ion---z 44 WIIJITOW RD #3Parcel No--: 2lOL-082-68-003 DescripEion: MOVE BEDROOMS AND BATHROOMS ADD 2 WINDOWS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COndiEiOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI.,IAIICE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 IJBC.3. IIANDRAILS REQ'D PER I'BC 3305 4. VENTILATION REQ'D IN BATHROOMS . t tr ' ', t. ', t t 'r i i TON | OF VArr,. @LORlDO 13Ertaunt rt r t r raa a r rt ttrt,, trrrarri t rt tr r gEaCllnt {uEbtr r RBC-0131 Auount: Prt'E.nE Hqrhod: cK NogrBion: 087 2,241.75 0glOil,/98 13 r16 InlE: llN{ P.nlr No! Btg-0165 T14rc r I'-!UILD IDD/N,T SFR BUrLD PB Frrc.l lfo ! 2101-o32 -64-oo3 glE. lddr... r a{ tlllJlloll RD LocrlloD! aa lflLlolf RD *3 !trl. Dry!.nts 2,550.O0 2 , 550. Oo .o0 l0lrl ?a.! r 2,2a7,79 Tot.l A&1, Pul|! hhrtca ! lcegunE codr BP 00100003111100 Dt o010000t11r200 P? 00100003112300 ID D2 -DEPO' D.rcrlpglon IUII.DING PERI|IT ?EBg DEtte{ nBvtEr FBas PLltf cHEcr tllg cr.EtltttP DlPoEtts larounts 1r 035,00 l3 0. 00 572.1s 400.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTIIEI.IT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/AIT SFR BUILD PERMIT ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit. #: 898-0165 ilob Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..:Project No.: 44 WILLOW RD 44 WILLOW RD #3 2L0L-082-68 -003 PR,J98-01_56 Statsus...: ISSUEDApplied..: 06/L9/a998Issued...: 06/30/L99e E:<pj-res . .. L2/27 /L998 APPI.,ICAIiIT PEAK PROPERTIES 285 BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO, RON BYRNE CONTRACTOR PEAK PROPERTIES 285 BRTDGE ST, VArL CO, RON BYRNE OIIINER ALEXAIIDER .JI'DY LYNNE TRUSTEE PO BOX 6746, IJAKE TAIIOE NV 89449 Phone: 970-476-L98'7 & ASSOCTATES 815s7 Phone: 970-476-L987 & ASSOCTATES 81657 Descriptsion: MOVE BEDROOMS AI.ID BATHROOMS Occupancy: R1 T\t)e ConstrucLion: V N VaIuaLion:210, 000 Bullding-----> Plan chcck-- -> Invcstigalion> wiLl ca]1----> 1,1aO.OO 7 67 .OO . o0 3 .00 Re6tsualant' PLan Rcvi6w--> DRB Fcc-------- Recrc.lion Fec-- -- --- ---> cl€ar-Up DcposiE - - ------ > ToEaI Pernit Fcc--_____-> Paymenta------- ,00 500 .00 2, 650 .00 .00 2,650.00 2,55O.00 DeRo,s!Refund -ffi),- ,o0 TotsaL caLculated F6es---> 200 . oo AdditsioDal Pccs---------> TOTAL rEES----- 2,550.00 BALANCE DUE---- II,EM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEIiTT DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:O6/.L9/L998 JW ACtsiON: NOTE PLANS TO iIR . 06130/].998 .TRM ACT1ON: APPR APPROVED 'JRMIEbM:. O54OO PI,ANNING DEPART'II'IEMT DENI: PI,ANNING DiViSiON:05/L9/1998 JRM Action: APPR APPR PER CHRISTIEIEbM:.O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEI{T DEPT: FTRE DiViSiON:05/L9/1998 iIRM Action: APPR N/AIEbm:'05500 PIIBLIC WORKS DeDt: PIIB WORK Division:06/19/t998 iIRM Action: APPR N/A TOV/Comm. Dev' ADD 2 wINDows clean_up Mult,i-Family appfOvedTlpe V Non-Rated am'Unt Add Sq Ft: date Filcplace Infoiration: Re6Lriclcd:*Of ea6 Aplrlianccs:*of Ga6 toga:#of wood/PaLlet: trrrlrr*r*.*rrr *it*t.tttir*rar FEE suIilMARy See Page 2 of this Document for any condiEions that may DECLARATIONS I hcrcby ecknowlcdgc Ehat I hawc r.ad Ehl.. eppLicatlon, fillcd out in full tha inf rcqu'. pI.n, rnd 6!rtc lhal all tshc infor$etsion providcd ea rcquired i! co!rec!. I agree t.o ly wilh tso couply vith all totn ordinanc.g urd.!r!c la*s, and to build lhiE structule codee, deeigtr rcvicr epprovcd, Uniforn Building codc and other ordinanc66 of th€ REQUESTS FOR BE MADE TWEMTV-FOUR HOURS IN AD1TANCE BY cEcd an accuraLe ploE rnd l)1ots PIan, .ubdivieionand oFPIcE FRoM s!00 AM 5:00 g.nd ClGan-Up D.Posit To: PEAK PROP AND OiNER Page 2 ****************************************************:l*************************** CONDITIONS PermiL #: 898-0165 as of 06/30/98 Statsus---: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permir Tlpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied-- z 06/L9/L998 AppJ.icanl---: pEAK PROPERTIES Issued---: O6/30/L998g7o-476-t987 To Erq)ire. L2/27/L998 .Tob Addreea: 44 wll,tor| RD L,ocation-'-: 44 WIITIJOW RD #3 Parcel No-- : 2L0L-OS2-68-003 Descriptsion: MOVE BEDROOMS AND BATIIROOMS ADD 2 WINDOWS :r************************************* Conditions ****************************** 1. FIEL,D INSPE(TIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAT'ICE 2. SMOKE DETEeroRs ARE REQUIRED rN ALr, BEDROOMS AND EVERY sToRY AS PER SEC.1210 0F fiIE 1991 tBC. 3. IIANDRAIL,S REQ'D PER tBC 3306 4. VENTII,ATION REQ'D IN BATHROOMS aiaaaattatatatttairlaaat tttttttaaaat'',tt'ottttt'rt""etttt"'rrrrr rgnt ot vrtL. corDRrm Scrc'drE tatat.rtrtlaaaaaltaittltaaataaaatt'rt!|ataa'latltt'|'ttttttittttttllttt i!.t rng lhl[b.tt nlc-0a20 lDunc. E l'r.ng L.chod t Ct( tlogrgton ! 20 tL2.2s oahilga rc.os ln.lg I .'R P.ntE tlo. tta-ora6 DtP. r '|'EulED ID./AI.T AIR BUI'D Pl Euc.l llo t 2101-082-33'003 tlc. Addr... ! aa lltil€ll RD toc.sion: aa llll,I'oll RD 13 lfil. D.!'!.nc Iot l ta.a t 3 le , 23 Tot.l lllL hCr t 3 62.25 452.25 hlrncr 3 .00 aaittoarr.rttattattaatat,taatt'latatattrattttttttattiaaa rttaaaaittt ''l| t tacoung Coda lt acrl,pclotr Dp oo1oooo3111100 BltrlDlro Dlrulll lBla Dn, oo10ooo3t1t200 Dltrof nlltll'f tlag P! 00100003t1r300 Plrlll cl|lcr tBEa lD ooloooo2a03100 cLllroP DlDoaIlS llC OOlOOoOtllalOO tft!! Cll,l, lllaplqlld llE lrcrrtrc 95, O0 30. do 91.29 100. oo 3.O0 o De sign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: ,A,lfond remodel Project Description: Add two windows, interior conversion Owner, Address and Phone: Ted Alfond One Chestnuto Weton, MA 02f 93 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Peak Builders 285 Bridge Street, Vail 476-3220 Project Street Address: 44 Willow Place #3 Legal Description:Lot 9, Block 6, Vail Village lst ParcelNumber: 2101-682-18-005 Comments: Building Name: 44 Willows Place Motion by: nla Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Christie Barton Date: 6lt6l98 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproval FTEVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\g8\AI,FOND.6I 6 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $50.00 O O ^rgvSontocE Eagle Councy Assessors Office V'- iitli'i?"Affi? ;?'^'&';ll' '3Y*?; Xill,:iIi3$"FIIe* -rd'Fen'rrr r K--' r APPLTCATToN Mttsr BE FTLLED our coMptETELy oR rT uay t(or BE AccEprED r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt:r PERHIT fNFORMATfON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ****** ***,.**b4' OrJ -Building | .J -Prumbing f' .'-Erectrical [ ] -Mechanibal [ ] -other Iob Name:Job Address:tl_zlUe* f /49E #" Legal DescriPtion: t'oX-l Block '^ "ii'ntE--t;777@ - 6 Firing_" sIJEptlrgLoN:SUBDIVISION: lwners Name: I E Address: ONE CllEstpuf pn. Ad.dress: . rr*r-STEVEP_ n l0E/1/ Address:'to|eoi'zii'i - iai{ro nct{n. ?r?-.//al\rchitect: teneral Description: ;Iectrical Contractor:'iddress: E0 ReoHS +H Raoi4s c '4vO h//fvOaug .rork crass: [ ]-New ]d-ert"ration [ ]-Additionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other tumber of Dwelting Units; , 3 Number of Acconrnodation Units: 'lpmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances, t * * * * * * * * * * Jr * rt rt rt tt tt * * * {'* * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS cas Logs_ Wood/Pellet ******J.************************** )]UILDING: $OTHER: $ ?LUMBING: $TOTAL: $ 'r * * * * **** ** * *** * * * *. *.* * * ** * * * |eneral contraclor:- PEAK CONTRACTOR INFORMAI'ION * !t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rddress: 'lumbing contractor: rddress: Town of Vail Phone Nunrber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Reg. No. Reg. No. lechanical Contractor: tddress:Reg. No. r :trt rt:t * rt rt rl:\***** * * * * * * * ** * * * **** *FOR OFFfCE USE *******************rt)t********* J< ]UTLDING PERMIT FEE: ,LUMBING PERMIT FEE: IECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: ;LECTRICAL TEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: BUILDTNG PIAN CHECK PEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK TEE: MECHANICAIJ PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: lonments: VALUATION I CLEA}I I'P DEPOSIT REFTIND TO: 75 south f rontage road vail, colorado Ol G57 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479_2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ead and of rlce ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CUPRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THTTOWN OF VAIL TOWN op VAIL puBLIc woRKS/coMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & }IATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or aeposit, any soil, rock, sand, debrisor material, including tru"n-5u^psters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles. upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or anv portiin th;;";;:--ine righr-of-way bn arr Town ofVail streets ind.roads is approii."r"iv-s"it.-irt pavement.rhis ordinance vrirr ue ;;.r:ii;^enforced by rhe Town of VaiIPubIic works peoartmentl--p"rr'"ns found .riirfuling this ordinancewirl be siven a 24 hour r.it!".",-rotice-to-;;;;;;'said materiar.In the event the person so notified,.does not comply with thenotice within an:_30 trour tirne-lpecified, tne puttic worksDeparrmenr vrilr- remove said rnare;i;i-;a-irrJ"I"ili.i-"i"ili.o.notified. The nrovision=-"r--Itri" ordr.nance sharr not beapplicable to c6nstruction, ,.i.t"r,unce or ,;;;i; projects ofanv streer or arrev or anv "iiri-ai;;"i; i;"^;iiii-u-"uv. To review ordinance No. O in fulL, please stop by the Town of:3:i.::ll:i"3""if,i:'*:*"::""iiii" a copv. rirani< vou ror you, R Y Y_egZtnhcToR-> ili acknowledged by: (i.e. contract,or, owner) 75 roulh ,ronl8ge toad vlll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2t39 of ,lce ol .orrunity devctopmerrl If thi.s perml:t requires a Toy,n of Vail Fire Department Approva.l tEngineer''s..(pubr ii !:tlrt ".vie* .nJ'ipprova'r,' a pt innin!'bep.rt entrev i ew or. Hea't th Depa rtm6nt. iev iew, -unl'i-..ui u* Lv' iiil"iri t ai n9Department, the estinated time ror'a-lotat i.ui"n-iluv"iu[i'as tongas three weeks. All commercial ('rarge or sma|r) and al'r murti-famiry permits wiilhave to fo'llow ftre Sbove r"nii6n"i-ririrrr requirements. Residentialand.small projects shou'rd tare i-ieiier amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller.projects impaii the various above mentioneddepartments with regard' to-necessaiy-ieview, i',"r" ir"j".ii ruya'lso take the three-weet pefioJ. Every attempt will be Tgge by this clepartnrent to expedite thispermi. t as s.qon as possi bl e. - I' the undersigned, understand the pran check procedure and timeframe.. BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TII-tE FRANT U{/ L(ot",. ProjecT t'tanre Conmuni ty Devel opment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer lhe following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'public Way permit": YES 1) 2) ls this a new residence? ls. demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public propefi? ls any'utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? fs ditlerent access needed 1o site other lhan existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecling the right ol way, easements, NOr X X X x X x 3) 4) s) 6) or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit' required? L FO,MD 8) A. ls the right of way, easemenls or public property to be used for staging, X . parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community : YDevelopment? . .. lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' musl be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may ba obtained at the Public Work's otfice or alC9,llulity Deve.lopment. lf you have any questions ptease call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspecior, at.479-215f. t have read and answered allthe above questions. Contractor's SignatureJob Name TOYI}I OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAII-,, CO 9L657 970-479-2L38 El.ogrtcal---> Bqy-o166 DAPARIII{EIIT OF COIOII'NIIY DEVEIJOPMEI{T NOIE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON irOBSTTE AT ALL TIMBS ELE TRICT,L PERMIT Permit #: 898-0149 ilob Address: 44 WIL!,OW RD Location. ..: 44 WIIJIJOW RD #3 Parcel No. . : 2LOL-082-58-003 Project No. : PI{J98-0155 APPIJICAIIT VIIIITE RIVBR EIJBCTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON ClC 8L620 CONTRACTOR WIIITE RIVER EI,ECTRIC Status...: ISSIIBDApplied..: 07/Ol/L998Issued...: O7/02/L99e Brcpires . .: L2/29/L998 Phonez 97094914O3 Phone: 9709491403 ovft{ER P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 8]-620 AL,EXAI{DBR 'JIIDY LYt'fNB TRUSTEB PO BOX 6'746, IrAKB TATIOE M/ 89449 Descript,ion: BLECIRICAL WIRING FOR RBMODEL Valuation:10, 000 .00 *t'lt',ttttt.ttttlttttttt*tttrrl!1ttttt'ttttttart+*trrt*ltarattt pEB SUI.OIARY ttii.ltttt*ltra..rttttttta'tit'ltai'lli'lattt'r't'rtti,la"t'Jttt 1t0 .00 DnB !.a hvartlgrglon> .oo rLLl crll- - -- >3.OO Toc.l crlculrt.d l.c.---> Addltlon.l 8c..---------> fotal Parutt Faa------_-> Pa)rEanta - _ _ -- - - _ 1a3.00 .00 183.00 143 . OO BIIrAIICE Dr'l----- .oo Ittt.ltt,rit*tttttttttttltttattrltt*ttt.aitttltttitatatlatt!rlitrlattt'lttfltrtaatlatltttttltti*tt!r*tt'ltttttt'titttttttittti'r IEem: 06000 EITEqTRICAL DBPARTI,IEI{T -p-ept: BUIL'DING Division: 6i76L / 1i95 -,tFfr------ -ecc-ron : -AppR nppnovnD iIPriiafi;'d5660'irf'ns DEpiriifrEiii Dt:pt' rrnr Divlsion: 6176L/7996-JRfr- ACtion: APPR N/A Tottt tElg---> 1tl . oo l!,ttrlrrrrtrtairtttttt*ar'rrr,1rar.i*|rrrr,,rirrrrr'r{artrrirrJiattttt*t+rtrttttiatrrttt**attt'*J!rItttt'tttttr"tt"ttt*t"tttItt{tr'fttrtIt EOIIDITION OF APPROVAI., 1. FIBIJD INSPEqTIONS ARE RBQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL'IAI{CE. r,,,, J t ra at tr a a at t a artrrrr.ri r r r aarttt t a r,r t tJ tt t tt tr.r arrr trrt t att a a rr r t t r a r rt tr t t att t t tt i 9tt t a* tt t'rt tt l a ata t aa .Jt t t t" t tt" t t ' t t'' ttttJ ,t DECI,ARJATIONS r hcrcby acknotl.dg. chrc r hrva r.rd thj,a applLc.tslon. f111.d ouc ln fu1l eh. infol.r!.glon rcqulrrd, cdltl't'd 'n rccurrc' Plot pl.n, ltrd .tsrL. tshr! .l,I ch. Lnfonrtl.on prowld.d t. r.qulr.d l' corr.cts. r .gr.. co odaE ly Ylth lho lnfolt'clon 'nd Ploc plrn' !o coItrrly rith rll Toltt ordin.nc.r |trd .ts.tss lrxa, and ro bui.ld Eh1. .tructsur. rccordlng to th. toln'' zonLng rnd tubdlvllion codcr, dcaigrn rcviar rpprov.d, lrrllfor[ Buildl,Dg Codc |!ld oCher ordr,n lrca! of tha Toun apltllcrblc bhcrcCo. RrcuEgTg loR rNSplertolta gHN.t, BE r|ADE tt|rnw-touR HorrRg rN ADVA$CE Bv TEI'EPHONT AT {?9-2138 OR AT OUR OllrcE PROII er00 A|| 5t00 P!| attttttolattatl|tatttattataaaaliraatarirtattaafi .tittaer+rrrrr..r'ri mf Ot lrllt , (sSOnfDO lirrt|urB alrfltlalarlarlttfttrtlltoattttrrtialttitttrllaiitararrr.tfatara'trtt''tr alrrtcrc, nnb.rt nlC-OatO lDunt r tar.Oo O7/02/9a OarE6 PryrDE L.Cboar CI lot slonr ltlta ftd,r,. ||lrf 9.r!1t lor t9a-01a, Typ. r !-n|C ttr|rct?tcll DtRIrf t t6.1 Ft al01-0al-aa-001 altr Larr I aa Il!&Ot lD LorElotr r al |'tllfl lD t! lI a ,qttrnc Iroourb (bAa Iocrl tr.. ! lat.oo lloml ll,! hcr I lalrn€a ! D.rorlptlon 133.00 lar. 00 .00 lDunts 1t0.00 3.00 lD 0010000r111a00 totctttcl! Dtlrl! rrta tc 0010000t112400 tftt & qlt.! tPtcrtotr tEt . O6/t0/98 l7:0E F I 970 s49 6718 wf,IlE RMR ELEC iiconrbcc-8181:.!o.yv-^"t::t:tlf-':,:: ,o* O $s.#;rflu$card-'3*#I ISlhSilffioF"T* Gool PENTiIT , . }DPIJTCNIIO}f UT'ST BE rIII.ED OtlI C(tr!PT.EIEI.'Y OR IA UAX Nof BE ACSEEIED t(U***a*a**r*rrrrrtr*srir*****r* pERutt nrronualxloN 'trt*rrltr+*ttttr*r***tti**ttf,---'--- ---- - - -L -.-l--. -- r u--r---r-rri . '-^frr"[ l-n i:.aiog t ]-Elrrnblng fy1-Electrtcal t t-uecJranlbal [ ]-otber Job Nanel Job Mirres * 14.,.,,fitLC4ii PtAf-F -. rcaat oeeJription: lot-3- aiockJL. rilirtgv^'t v'!9FssBDr;3IoNt or1€rs.lfame: T4n Atfo* Addrees: Ll4 Vuttoq-l ftfice Arcbltrcte Address: General Desorltrttlons work Class! [ ]-Nen M-Alteration J !-lddltLonal t l-Repair [ ]-Otber Nlebcr of .llrrellinE Unltsr .t ., tlulber o! Accomodatlon Unitc: J- D] P, Uechanical eontractor: Addrcss: Addrcsg: Address: ****rl***a********a * BUII,DING PERI{II FEE PUN|BNTC PERUIE TSE UEcllllfICAIJ PER}|I8 8I'CERICAL FEE: OIHER TTPE OF EEE: DRE FEE: --$U[LL{+898 ltlz Electrical eontradBor: e7 6' ot Ii:*""f#ll,Yg=Iia*{€ Torrn of VaiI Phon: Nurber! lrorn of ValI Rca. lto. Pbon€ Nunbe:rs ** *ttttt *a* a ttttitlritt t **at*tat sIA$ c$Ectr FEEr PIiN CHECK 3EE3 CAI. PIA}I CEECK EEE: EEE: DEPOS$: PERUIT EEES: EUII.DTNG] STGNAr{'RE: EOTING: SIGNAI{IREI n gr- No. conuentg: IE/N0/0E 17:0E FAI 070 TO: FROM; DATE: FE: O?{9 Tf,ITB RIVN EI.EC MEM9RANDUM ALL CONTRACTOHS TOWN OFVAIL PUBUCWORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9,199{ WHEN A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT |s BEOUIRED 0{eI 0ooa hl. PbeLs arding the neEd fora'PubhcWay PriniF: .YEg 1) ls this a new residence? 2t le demolltlon work bclng performed that requlns tha uce ol lhe dght of way, oasemsnts or public propefi? 3) ls any ulilrty uod( need€d? 4'l .b.the ddveway being repaved? 5) ls dilferenl aoc€58 needed lo site other than eristing ddvewaY? 6) ls ahy dralnagc uork baing done atleaing ihe dght of way. €asemenls, or public proporfl? n b a'Rerloceble Right O Way Permil'. required? 8, A. ls lhe right ol wray, easemerils or public prcperty to bt usEd lor 6teglng. pafilng ot lencing? B. lf no io BA. is a parking, staging or fencing ptan rcqulred by Communlty I haw read ard answered gllth€ Devefopment? lf you answered yes to any of these questlons, a'Publlc Way Permlt' muet be obtalned. 'Pubfic Way Permit' applicatons may be oblained d thE Public Wotk's oflice or at Communitybevclopmchi. Iyou havE any Srestions pleaee call Charlie Davir, thg Town of Vail Corrstruc-tlon Inspedor, at 479-215E. e questions.-< Job Name Conlradofs Signdure 08/10/gg 1?:08 FAI 070 : 07{0 lnun tE .o0lh |,cn|.lc r!.!lrl' Ebr.do 11557(.6, 479-2138 or 479-2139 Every attenpt wlll be rEde by thlspermit.ar spon ts possible. undersigned, understand the Boor clllcr of enlnualrt'ail.le|||att stsI ffXITE RIVEn EI,EC . SUILDII{G PER}iIT ISSI'AIICE TIIIE FruWE If this pen1llt llquires i Town of Vall Fir.e Departrnent Appruval, " EnEineerrt (Public Uorks) review and appruval r' a Plannlng' Departrrentrevfuw.or H€alth Dopartn€nt review, and'a revien by the Bui.Iiing ' Departnent, tha astimated tine for" a total review may take as lonEas tliree reeRs.. All conmercfal flarge or srmll) and all nulti-faml'ly panrits rfll have to follow the above mentioned naxlmm requlranints. Resldential and small projacts should taka a lesser amunt of tim. Horever, lfresidential or smaller prcjects inpact t{re varlous above mentioned dcpartnants wltlt. regar.d to necessary reylew, these'projccts m!also take the Ulree week period t. tlie frame. departnent to erpedlte this :. p'lan check prlcedure and tin: !I fen r.,tFatl --_- Pr4oject llane 6- so' Cornunlty Develooment Departnent. ig/io/to 1?:08 luwn FAI O7O 7I aou!| Irut||gf rlrd i.11. Bcbr..lc tlcgt (3001 47t-2l38 or {79-?139 f,UIlE RIVER EI.EC [! ool oflb. of ccmnqrlU drwtoFnrnt ItrOt mou: DITE: SUErEe[s IIJL CONSRTCIrIOT]S CI'ENEMLY& NBGISTENED WIIB IlEEOI{I{ OF VAIL roliN 0p VAIL pltgtJc tfORKSr/Cot{Ut NtIc DgvEropuErfT tlrRclr 15, 1988 coNslBucrloN DARKTIIC & XAlttERtrI. sBonAct (1,a. oontractor, owrrr) rn suulaty,. ordinance !fo. 5 gtates trrat it ts unlcrful for anypirson to llttcr, track or dcposit any soll ,-sJai,'-.and, drbrlsor naterLal, incluiling trasb lrrutiterr, po*irble toilotr andtrorl(Fen vehicles _ypcn. eny streetl sia."aii, ;ii;y;. prrbrio -el?ge pr any poriion theieog. Tie right;l_wai-'","-rf' Eorn o!vail streets rnd,Ig"F is approxiuat"iy S-it.-'oti- paverent.ttis ordinancc rilt u". itriEiii- enror.'"a ny-ttr"-r"i" ot vailDublrc lforks Deoartnrnt. p.tsirr=-'couna viir"Il"i-lr,is ordlnanceviIl bc arl'ven a-?4 hour-r=i&;';otice to.reaove said uateriar.rn- the event the person so nodried - doeg not coryry Ertb th.notice vithi,' rhe 2{ nour-tirJ-ieiEiii.i,"il";ffiiic l|crrcsDeparteenr sill re'ove sald uatalial _at, €f-+;"! or Fer'onnotifi.ed. Thr provision"-or-trrll-orainance rhall not bGappltcable tc c-onsrnrction, -uJiito,".o" or rcpuir proJeetr o!lny 3trrlt or alJ.ey or eny utillties in tbe rigfrl_i_way. .Tg,I.yi..y _Ordlnanee-No. - 6. in tull, 'please stop by .the lown of:1il^!fild'ns Departnenr rc ebiifi, " copy. Thank you lo' yourcooperatlon cn this natter. F*Jae w_ _ TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArt, co 8L557 970-479-2L38 'olo"{i DEPART14ENT OF COMMT]NI TY DEVE LOPMETiIT NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLTMBING PERMIT PermiE, #: P98-0095 APPLICAIiIT SIII{DAT{CE PLIJMBING & HEATINGP. O. BOX 3998, 0691 DEER BOI'LEVARD, CONTRACTOR SI'I{DAT{CE PI.IJMBING & HEATINGP. O. BOX 3998, 0691 DEER BOI'LEVARD,OWNER AIJEXAIIDER iIt'DY LY'IiINE TRUSTEE PO BOX 6746, LAKE TAHOE NV 89449 DescripEion: PLUMBING FOR REMODEL FEE gT'UMARY ilob Address: 44 WILIJOW RD Locat,ion. ..2 44 wrlJlrow pLAcE tNrr 3Parcel No.. : 2101-082-68-003 Projects No. : PRJ98-0155 St,aEus.--: ISSTEDApplied..: 07/28/L99eIssued...: 07/30/t998 E:<trrires. . : 0l/26/1999 Phone:. 970-845-0722 AVON, CO 81520 Phone z 970-845-0722 AVON, CO 81620 Valuat.ion:30,000.00 Plunbing- -- -- > Plan ch6ck- - - > InvratsiEacion> will c-ll.----> Rastsualant Plan Rcvicr--> TOTAI FEES-- - - - ToEal celcuLatcd Fecs- - - > Addltlonal Pcc6---------> Totsal Pcr$ic Fcc--------> PayDcnt.s------- 450,00 .00 3 .00 ,00 555. S0 .00 565.50 555 .50 ,..-"-."...TH:i"3T;;;;;;;;;:;;":..,."..-",..;il'.- IECM: O51OO BUII,DING DEPARTIIENT DEPT: BUII.,,DING DiViSiON:07/28/1998 EIIARLIE ACTiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVISrt,bm:'.05600 FrRE DEPARTNIET{T Depr: FrRE Dj-vision:07/28/1995 CIIARI-,IE Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPESTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI.ICE. r . r . 'r t * r r ,r r r r * . rrrtrtrti*trtr**.'rr.rir'rrrit'rr.r.;rtrtttttt.. DECI,ARATIONS I h.rcby .ekno$l.dgc lhat I hrvc rcrd tshl3 applicalion, fiLlcd ouc ln full tshG infonlatsion r.quired, eotlplclcd an acculrl. Plot plen, rnd EEate tha! rll Ehq lnfomaBion provLded a6 requirod ts cgtrccu. I a9ro6 to conlply wlth lhc LnformaEion .nd plot plan, to co$ply wiCh all Tonn ordin.nc.. rnd 6!at€ Lawe, and tso blrlld !hi6 .tsructur€ eccording Eo tsh€ Torh'6 zoning and 6ubdivl€ion codca, dcrign rcvicw approvcd, Uniforb BuildinE Code and o!hr! ordlnanc.E of thc Torn applic.bh bh€rcco. RBQUESTS pOR INSPBCTTONS I'ltAJJrJ BE MADE T'I{ENTY - FOUR HOURS rN ADTJaNCE By TETJEPHONE AT ,t79-2139 OR AT OUR OFFTCE 8: O0 Atl 5:00 PM SIGIIATURE OF AND OHNAR o mhr ot vtt!, odonrDo 8trg.Elt, rrr t a a.r a tr a a a tr t.r a ia atrc.lDc t{urbar r RIC-0411 lDurtl r Pry!.nB llcttrod t CK [ohttonr 1022 555,90 O?/r0,/9a 15t0a lnlr I rtr Pcrrll No: P98-0095 Tl't . I E-PLI|I PLullBtlfo P!RIi,EI 9rrc.1 No. 3101-0la-63-003 tlg. lddr.rr, a{ llllJl,olf RD Iocrcion | {{ llllll,oll PLICI ID{IT 3 fogtl t..t: 555.50 Sotrl lI& PIE!:lbl. PrFrtB 565.50 555.50 .o0 &ounB {50.00 112.50 3.O0 Balanc.: Accoune @d. D.aotl,t clon pE 00100003111200 9t utlEll|o DEtt|It tlBg PF 00100003112300 ItJAlf ClllCK tlls lfC 00100003112800 lllL! CMr maPEelIOf PBB ."".;r' ,";lc councy n""""""'"?rr." Utt Reegi l;3J';t?cf, l'h ffr J6P'-hnz';l**?i Xlll-:i;;3fi"F3#- JUL 2 7 $s ( DATE:_{5_g_\a3 Dte Reeeived [ ]-Bui]dins D(1-nrqaprns l-Electrical- [ ]-Mechani-ca1 [ ]-other DArn:_{5**\a"3 OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT f NFORI'IATf ON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'r * * * * * Job Acldress: _!\1!' \ r ,'r *-\\n., r \\.. ce Legat Description: Lot_ BJ.ock__ Filing sunorvisrou: fwners Narne: s-f=a',^ \ ' Address z @-\{ r ..,,.ta-^,., F\ . ph.. trchitect: \) o*-.-€-- Address:Dl'r PER.\IIT f . APPLICATTON MUST BE FTIr**************************\'| . ..., - rob Namef +So..) LLED ,r** t ieneral Description: .lork CIass: [ ] -New - fy3 -etteration turnber of DwelLing Units, \ [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nur,rber: \fc-o-a 1/a .3ranrown or uuir nZ(Y NEL )Lumbing Contractor: rddress: techanical Contractor: rddress: Phone Nuriber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of VaiL Phone Nuhber: Reg. No. ror - F =-etc. --s?S!{ r *rt:trt*** rl:l******** * ***** ** ****** iUTLDING PERMIT FEE: )LUMBING PERMTT FEE: 1ECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: |LECTRICAT.I FEE: )?HER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: Reg. No. FOR OFFICE USE ** ** * ***************rt*rt*?k* * *** * BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLU}.IBING PI,AN CHECK -FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN_UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Nunber of Accornnodat,ion Units: I |nber and Type of Firep).aces: cas Appliances- \ Gas Logs \-Wood/pelIet t * * * * * * * * '< * 't * * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tt VALUATIONS * * )1r * * * tt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * )]UILDING: ?LUMBING:I ;***t(*ttt\)t*ttt *'*tr*.)t feneral contfactor: rddress: ilectricaL contractor: iddress: EI,ECTRICAL: $ MECHANfcAL: $ OTHER: $ TOTAL: { *tr:l'* * ****** ***** **** * * :t * ** * GROUP :omments: VALUATION ) CLEAI IJP DEPOSIT REFTIND TO: o 75 south |ronla g e road vall, colorado 81652 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Read and olllce ol communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOT{N OF VAIL TOtrN oF VAIL PUBLIC WoRKS/coMMUNrTy DEVELOPMENT MARCH L6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn surunary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to Litter, rrack or aeposia ;t-=;iri""I"i, sand, debrisor materiar, including trash iump=ters, portable toirets andworkmen vehicles. upon any streerl =ia.waiil -;ii;y or publicplace or any portion th;;";;:--if" right_of_way on alt Town ofVair streets and.roads is approxi.ul"iv-s-it.*irr pavenent.This ordinance wir-r- be ;r"i;ii;^enforced by the Town of VairPubric I'torks Deoartmentl--F"r=lns found vioraling this ordinancewilr be siven a 24 hour ,riil;;";"ti""-t"*;;;;;;tsaid rnareriar.rn the event the person so notified a"".-r,lI"'I"iprv with thenotice within the 24 hour time .p."iii.;,";;"*;"tri" work=Deparrmenr wir-1 rernove saia-mite;i;i-;;-inI'^!"i;l=e of personnotified' The rrrovi=ionr-"r--'tr,I= orornance shalL not beapplicable to c-onstruction,-^.iit"n.nce or r"pui, projects ofany street or alrey or any "aiii-ii;;-i; ;;"^;iiii_"_"uv. To-review ordinance.No. 5 in furl, prease stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to ortiin a copy. riran-x you for your.cooperation on this rnatter. l(ur* 75 louth lronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot A79-2L39 olllce ol communlly dovclopment EUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TII,IE FMNE If this perm_it. requi,res a Tov/n of Vail Fire 'epartment Approval ,Engineel''s..(.Public t'rorks) "tvi""'unl'.pprouul, a plannin! Departnentreview or Heat th Departm6nt ieview, -u;e';-;;;iui Lv'tii."trit uingDepartment, the estimated time tor'a-iota'l review may take as longas three weeks. A]l commercial (rarge or sma'H) and a]'r murti-fami]y permits wilrhave to follow the Sbove r"nii6n"J-rl*irrr requirernents. Residentialand.small projects should take a tesier amount of time. However, ifresidential or smarler.projects impiii the various above mentioneddepartmcnts with regard to-necessai-y-ieview, 'r.i" -pr"j..[, n'uyalso take the three-week period Every.attempt v,i'l 'r be made by th'i s departnrent to expedite thispet'mit.as s.qon as poss.i b'l e. - l, th. undersigned, understand the pian check procedure and timeframe.. Conmun'ity Deve'l opment Depa rtrnent. _';r.'ir cF VAIL 75 S. FROT.ITAGE ROAD vArL, co 81557 970-479-2L38 Descriptsion: REPI,ACE BASEBOARD HEAT WITH Fl,r:aplac. Infolurtion: Re6tricts€d: y DEPARTI{ENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOIIE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTBD ON,JOBSITE AT AI-,L TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M98-0149 ilob Address...: 44 WILLOW RDLocation......: 44 I'IILLOW PLACE I,NIT #3Parcel No..... : 2t0]--082-68-003 ProjecE Number: PRiI98-01-55 sEatus...: ISSIIEDApplied..: 08/L2/L998rssued...: 09/23/L995 Er<pires. . : 03/22/L999 APPLICATiIT SITNDANCE PLTMBING & HEATING Phone: 970-845-0722 P. O. BOX 3998, 0691 DEER BOITLEVARD, AVON, CO 81620 COIITRACTOR SIJNDANCE PIJI'MBING & HEATING PhONE: 97O-845-O722 P. O. BOX 3998, 0691 DEER BOI]LEVAR.D, AVON, CO 81620 OWNER I,YNNE TRUSTEB LAKE TAHOE NV 89449 Valuation: INFI.,OOR/EXI STING BOI I,E *Of O.. .l,ppli.nc€.:llof caa Log6: 7, 000 . 00 #of nood/P.llot: Plan ctrcck---> 35.00 DRB R!.-------- .0o Additional Fces---------> .00 Inv..tigallon> .oo ToxAIr FEEg-----will i'11----> 3'oo iiff:i;;;::::::::::::-l "":il rraarrt*rrrrrrr +re.rrr+.r.t*tr rr+t+rrr+rieir* ITCM: O51OO BUII-,DING DEPARTIIENT DEPE: BUITDING DiViSiON:OA/t2/t998 CIARLIE Act,ion: APPR CHARL,IE DAVIS IEqLni',95€Q0_EIBE DEPARTMENT DepE: FIRE Division:Oe/L2/L998 CIIARL,IE Act,ion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHEEK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE.2. COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 IJMC.3. INSTAI,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFA TURES INSTRU TIONS AT{D TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 I'MC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SI{AI,L BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ATiID SHAI,I, TERMTNATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF TIIE 1991 IJMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPTY WITH SEC.5O5 A}ID703 0F THE 1991 IIMC.6. BOII-,ERS SHALL BE MOI]IiTTED ON FI,OORS OF NONCOIIBUSTIBTE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOIITiITING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PI,ANS AND CODE AIiIALYSIS MTUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AIiI INSPECTION REOI'EST.8. DRAIIiI,AGB OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SI'PPLY BOILERS SHATL BE EOUIPPED WITTI A FTOOR DRAIN PBR SBC. 2LL9 0F rHE 1991 tMC. *****************:********:t*******************************:l********************** lEB suli'MARY ucchanlcal- - - >1{0.00 Rcllurr|rrC PLan Raviar-- >.00 Tob.l calculated F.cE- - - >178 .00 DBCI.,ARATIONS I h.r.b!' rcknorl.dg. thrE I hrv. r.rd thl. rppllcrelon, fllhd our ln full th. lnlolo.tslon r.qulrrd. c{plrg.d rn recurrg. Flot.pllt|, rnd r!.tsr lhrt, rll th. lnfos!.tl,os! provldod .r r.qul,!.d lt corr.c!. t rgr.. to coaply rlfh th. lnfor8rllor! .nd plof pl.n, to caroE ly rlth rll Torn ordLnrnc rna ttrt lrrr, ud Eo bulld ghlf .tructur. rccoraing t'o !h. Toen'. ronlng end rubdlvLrlan cod.r, d.rlgn rrvlor rpprovrd. ttnllorir lulldlng Ced. |t|d oqb.r ordln t!c.. of lhr To*n Trplr,c.bl. th.r.Co. REQIIEBTB IOR lltgllcfloNlt gllA!! !l llADl lWBr+Tl-tOUn HOUR'B M IDVANCE BY TATTEDHONE AT a79-2133 OR AT OUR OtEIcE lRoll tloo lll s.Oo DM lt@tlnn.8 0t ofrlR oR @ltrRlcaroR PoR, HtllgBrf lItD ofitER t ttaa!rrrr rrrrarttlaaa a ttt at*ta a tttt :cttrt op vrl&, @roRlDo St ta[nt , . . t -rtatar 8c.g.unc tfiJDb.r ! ntc-0.15, loourlc t Frld.nB l|.glrod ! CK fot'rtlon: 1130 178.00 Otl23l93 09rt3 Inlc: &c P.nl,g Do: I9r-Orat ryP.r E-t|lcfl Plrq.l !{o ! 2101-0aa -53-003 8Ig. lddIr.r: aa rlLLOl| RD Locrclon! aa IIIrl,Olf PLIC! olflT *3 lEcBltftct& PlRrarT Ilrl. Pr!t!.nc loErl taar. 1?l,00 Tor.l M, ltEr, Brlrnc. ! 178.00 178.O0 .00 Accounc Coda De.crlDEloll t|p 00100003111300 ||Bcmrlcl! El lT llls pF 00100003112100 Pllllf cHEct( tElg lfc 00100001112800 llMr CMr IlfaPlClIOn IBB lDounC 140.00 35.00 3.00 ^, APPLICATION MusT BE FILLED ouT COMPLETETJy oR x| * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMTT INFORMATToN,l Eagle Councy essessf Offlce Tdf:8&rBB"HI'g:L,gI ylll-ee$Ttuer PERUTT APPLICATTON FODATE: s\tr\ qp o ffD ate ReceivEtf i--- AUG 11 tggg rr MAy Nor BE ^"8md;o'sG****************************, I J-Building [ ] -plutnbing [ ]-Electrical ftl-nectranibal [ ]-otherJob Name 3 . N\F-,*.- \.Job Address: \r-\ Ul\,\\cr,r Legal Description: Lot Block Filing oetners Name: UfE-^,--\ Address:Ph. Architect,:Address:Ph. UBDIVISION: ceneraL DescrS.ption: work class:- [ ] -llew f{ -alteration [ ] -Ad.d.itiona1 [ ]-Repair t l-other Number of Dwe11i-n9'Units: \Nurnber of AcconnodatLon Unlts: I f*"t and Type of Fireplaces: cas Apptiances- Gas r-,ogs_ wood/pellet J(********************************* vALUATToNs **:r************************** * :t** * * ** **** * *it* * * ***** * * * * tr * * ** PLUMBTNG: $ - ;;;::;::'-':: l--.-- orHER: +\ irJ.,^"pr.Nrr: + !.IEcHANICAL: +=EOOI "O ;O;;;; $._-EEE6lE-o_ 'H#$i'::;i:::::::"''o'3lii-:;-;:ii-;:;]-il:--***** 3lJ*31il:: s:E.qTrrelr.: t- orHER: $ Phone Number:-.-_.-..-Electrical Contraccor:Address: > Town of Vail Reg. No.Phone Number: Phone Nurober: ffi ;;fi:-#;il.#****** *** ***** FOR OFFTCE USE ** ****** ****************** ***** PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANTCAL pERIrrr iir, - PLWBTNG PtlI-cHEcK fEE: ELECTRICAL FEi; orHER T'PE OF rEE: RECREATIoN FEE: DRB FEE:TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: STGNATUR.E: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: il!*::?=:"'Ji::":L*--d,-* " \\ * s." +;i;H::? $;31""$"ffi11,.1?i#s* I;;:::::'1:"ntractor': s[iA rown or vair nls. No.- var,uatrolt CLEAN IIP DEPOSIT REFI'}ID TO: tt 75 south lronlage road vall, colorado 81652 (303, 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: oltlce ol communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOIVN OF VAIL TolrN oF VAIL puBLTc woRKs/co|trruNrTy DEVELOPIIENT llARcH L6, L9II CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In sumnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfuL for anyperson to titrer, track or a-p"sit.;;t-";irl-rl"r, sand, debris;Irffi*rilli"i!"t"ains trisr,-Eurp"t.ri, poriuiie ioilet; ;;e--- p).ace o, .nv-iJi.l5i".fill":::"";i.=li;ili]5;_ili":";:rilil*-",VaiL srreets ind.i"ia="i.-Iiiro*i"atety s ft. Lff pavernent.this ordinance wirr ue =r-;5ii; enforced by the rown of Vair' Public works Dep?rtmentl --F".='"ns found vilriling this ordinancewirL be given a 24 hour rriii""-rotice-to*;;;;;; said rnateriaL.In the event the person so notified.ao.i-nlt"'Joipry with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the public WorksDepartment wi'r remove said mare;i;i-;a-inJ"!*iln=e of personnotified' The rrrovi=i""=-"r"'fit= oro.nance sharr. not beapplicable to cbnstruction, -m.int".,ar,"" oi-.!!Ji. p.oi"cts ofany streer or al'ey ". iny'"liii;i;"i; ;;".;Iit._"_"ur. To revievr ordinance Nci . e in fuI}, pJ-ease stop by the Town of:::i"::ifi"3.oif,i:'*:*"::"oii'i'' a copv- rirank vou ror vo'. R Y ead and acknowledged by: ili o s i t Io n7 ReIdEIEm-EEIE Proj ect (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 routh tronlrge road vall, cotorado 81657(303) 479-2L38 or 479-2t39 ol,lce of communlly dev6lopment BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TII,tE FMI.IE If this permi.t requires a Tov/n of Vair Fire Department Approval,Engineey''s..(.Publ ii r'lorks) revi"n uni'upp.ouu'r ,'a prannin!'oepartmentrevi ew or Heal th Departmiint ievi ew, -.n[-i-"uui.i Lv-tii""dui t arngDepartment, the estinateo iimu'iJr'"-i"t"l review may take as rongas three weeks. All commercial (large or sma'r'r) and a'[ mu'rti-family permits wilrhave to follow ine Sbove r"nii6nuJ-rl*irur requirements. Residentia.land.smail projects shourd take;-le;;er amound of time.'However, ifresidential or snra'r 1er .projects impact the virious -;'b;;. mentioneddepartmcnts r'ri.th regard to- necessiiy-iev.iew,-il,.i. ir"j".ti ruyalso take the three-we"t p"iioJ. Every.attempt will be Tige by this departnrent to exped.ite thjspermi.t.as. s.qon as possib'l e. - I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe.. Communi ty Devel opment Department. oo oo 'H3Edl ob,o9d8 o|:TI a C}co o o 0 oo oo o oo c co oc oo o o o o tl dz a6 AE C{ HtsJE Et{9IvllHr, E ooIZE rrdq\oat' olA ! H !lE g qt B rjl E a[H C{ciE o&al.HxoaotsAAE tAoqorao AH.E ETot( &oH a HHag EgR.E = EE Ht R!l Hlr SB Er n:{I t ta I E E,z dT 'EHIBE H h U Etr Hd Ee u rd HHao g --'e r.{ g I E!E'aEl'Ac'-F OFIdEEAA.I o co oo co oo co JEf;8Er.l.loclzo.ActsOA 'nA H EEr at B & e E o .| o F oE HEE HXH EOAAEA 00 (.EorQE o 'FcrBOEi3oa Hoz J8 E A o o oo xU F Ert et{&uql ol o a AEH E 6 Ha AET EE HI rilE E1 h,h Ei it ts, Floz.dD*la E HH!E HTqa EH ? EHllA E I E OE:HEE EETEE EEp snE U- o U U EH A HIEc E!.EE l.H P d,E --'e I IEE<44.Dac'-EOHttd9..&tl o REF.I 1. J i o TBt4N Uf: VAIL." LLILI]fiTIDT}j pA6E 14 AREA: Cf)lElltl'1S A8:O9 REOUESTS FOR INSI.'ECIION hl0Rl{ sl"lE.Ers FL}R:lP./r1,'99 F.tc-'bj.vity: B9B-Zt166 li:./ll/9S fype: tl-$UILD Hr::iiJr-ess t it4 WILLOW Rl) [-ocab ion: 44 tJILL0tl RD {*3 tjarce 1 : E1O1-O83-6S*IAA3 Status: ISSUED ConEtr: ADUF' Ocr:Use: V N Descri pt i on: FIOVE BEDROOIYIS RND SA1-HRtlCiM$ AOfJ (: l,lIt'lDUt,5 AppI icant: F.'EAK FTROF,ERT IEE} F,hone: I)7A-476*19A7 uwner': ALEXAIIIiER JUDY LYNFIE I-RUSTEE Fhone: Cont racbor'r FHFIK FROFERI IE$ Fhune: 97tZ'-476*J.967 Lot--k s, Ho 1d s, and Not i ce s. . . . AE'TIVITY NOtiCE: F.ERMIT UALUFTTION HRs BEEN INCTIEA$EP ''T{OM 1OI( TO E1BK lnspiect ion Fleqnest Req r-re st or t RON Recl Timer UrlrAla Items reqt-tested to Information..". Conrments! UNIl' be Inspected,. . Fhone: 9€t4-'5384 #3 Act ottrli'rga HL-D6-Final Inspec.'tion HiBtory. . . . . I Lern: rAgASO BLDG-FI'aming A8/t7/94 Inspector': CD Notesr TROVIDE FiRE SLOCKIN{] ragt0lS(t BLDF-Insul at i on '48/19/94 Inspector: l-l) OUTA6O BLD6-'Sheetnor:k Nai I AA/e6/94 Inspectot': JRI'I raoo&0 * * Not Bn F-ile * * U'A67qt FLDG-Mi sc. erCtAgO BLDG-Final raA5SA BLDG-Temp. tA654rd BLDG-Final Tine Exp ltem: Ibeml Item: Iten! Item: Iten! I'Lem: Ar:tron: AFFR ffT ALL VE[{I llctiorrr 6lf'f'R Actiorr: AFFR AF,PROVID TO HOR flSSEMHLIESJ API-,RTJ|'IED RF.T,T'IOVEIJ JRM 71 c/oc/tr Anl/ i tl /rt I'(,,,'r"'o t;iW'll.A tx } '/'tl- Comment s o,tt-,7, ' i' t.' REpTlSl f TOWN OF VAIL! COLORRDO r trA6E 13., lgl11/98 08rtl9 RECIUESTS FOR INSF,ECTION t,lClRK SHEETS FUR:13/11/98 AREAT CD ,: tE:-=====.=g!3gta!E!aEr=BEEE!:gt==EE==!=====i==== =========E:===E=.*llsEIEE=E r=EB=E==ltgrlllrllcli: Activitys Flgg-O!49 Ie/LL/gA Typer B..MEtrH $tatr-rs! IS$UED Congtrl AfitrT Addressr 44 t,f ILLOIJ RD Location: 44 WILLOI| trLACE UNIT *3 F,arce I r 81O1.-06e-66*OO3 Occ: Descriptlonr REFLACE BASEBOARD HEAT l.tITH INFLOOR/EXISTING BOILE Applicant: SUNDANCE trLUilBINE & HEATINB Fhonez 97A-643'O7?? Uge: Ownerr RLEXRNDER JUDY LYNNE TRUSTEE Eontr"actorr $UNDANCE trLUMBING & HEATINB F,hone ! Fhorre z 970-843*Q7?? Inspect i on Req ue st Requestor'; KEN Req Tinet Slr&6 Itens requeetcd to ra{AsgCl tvlECH-Final Infornation..... Ftrone: 9O4-5516 Comments.r HEATING - UNIT 3 be Inspeeted. . , Act i on Coinnent s Tinc E1p _.--_-.;'-7{-Fir,*o**[$E'Hi'{H+v..... '= "' \ r qE nj:-j @4d!lEcx-Ro ush r; i; ;;i.d'oA€s Fi#-;E;irrrxuen RouriH ItCn i'sdeid'F0mn-sas Pi ping It en ; 6031gr lrlEcH-Heat ingItenr OOSE& fiECH*Exhaust Hoods Iten: 0O33O MECH-Supply Air Iten z QO346 MECH-t{isc.Itenl O039O IYIECH-FinalIteqr eO536 FIRE-FINAL C/Q o REp-r r;1 TOl"h'l OF VRII-, L;Ot-ORillJil F.AEE I EREFI r CD19,/ra.r/99 16 r ill RE{flJEgiTgi FUR INspE-t"-f IUN HOFi}( $itiEL1"5 l-BR t rel 9/98 Ac'tlvity: t-,98-tilrZr95 Iel 9/98 lyper B-FLf{B $:itatr-rs: I55UED Constrr FAFT flddress: 44 t^lILL0l,l RLr Locat i on : 44 WILLOW F'LRCE UNI1 c Far.ceI ; ElOl-tZ8g-64-AOJ Descr*iptionr trLUMBING FOR REMUDEL Appl icant: SUNDANCE FLUfYIBINI3 & I{EATING Owrrer.: flLEXANDER JUDv LYNhIE TRUSTE[: Eorrbr.actor: SIJNDANtrE pLLfMBINO & ljErlTING fJt:c:Use: F,frone : gTrZr-845-O7Pii Fhone: F'hone: 97O*845-O738 Inspect ion Reque st Request or: KEN Req l'i me : tDl : tZtO Itenrs requested to Ogtec9ra F,LMF-Final Infornation. . . . , Eonmentsl UNIf 3'l be lnspected. . . Fhone: 9O4-5S16 Aet i on Comment s _fI rme Exp Inspection HiEtony. .... I bem : OEglUt FLlvlB-'Urrder.gr-ouncJ It ern : Orale3E| F,LMB--Ror-tgl-r,/D. t^|. V. tzr'7l31198 Inspector-r [D Notes: tlATER CtiLUFtN fHEiI f,E I L e m : UtAESta F.LMB--Ror-tgh/[.lat err A7 /JL/98 Inspecltor: tiD OBl11/98 Inspectorr CD NOtEg: F'RCIVID{I fillXIN6 UALVES iteml rA0g40 PLMB-6as F,ipinq A7 /3I./9€ Inspect or.: CI) It em: rAtztgSiur F,LIrlB-tlool/Hot Trrhr Itemr Ut$a6t' FLFIB-Misc. A7/7Ll98 Inspector: CD Item : SOggE trLlvlB-FinaI Item: t40538 FIRE-FINAL C/0 AcL i on t AI-'F ri UNDER FLOIJR trLUMBING RF:ORI{ED ACt i AN : iIF'F'Ii UNIJER FLOOR/STREET F.'RESS Hctionr AFPR STREET FRESSURE ljtiR tlt-L. tjHot^tEFt flND ruB FIXTURES ilctionr AI-'f'R 34 FgiI&eE FSI AIRTI:ST F.ICIiOriI AtrI.R HEAT ]YININS 40 trSI AIRTES ug/ 1L /98 Inspectorr CLr Act ron I AFFF HFpROVED NOTES: F.ROVIDE F.ROF'ER AI}TTJAL.FOR CONNESFITE I^'TTSIE LINE (HUMIDIFIE o uJ |J z (J 2 Fth 5; E: !: ;iiEE,; ;€f E € A = l+;. E 7:.7.=z7C!ic,-na-. l== :EE !I l:>17='= = Ei-E=iinizi=a ,.! ..€ i € i ii:! r.lE ; l:E;i: =;:iiE?vi t f rn Oi Or Or t'r ts M Fl Q FlH H v2 F o& Fa tr{ ts tn oo E a! ahHHa!t o 5tc rrl U' U25 FIz =o z B z F \o1\\I)\0 z 1t aa I 3 I& Fl F Fl HB .i'\' z gF:uxa ES;Q"'rurr. lr A|- \-, LrJe== -Et|sr-/^ai€\Jq- L) t- =UQ>=i FrE:>6dplPP:GqdsU\i<<=uud5=uot z:it-tr -trJ{H:Sr--<!{o;<l=z =bFESIupFfe _r.: dto>3: nO€39= E3"t5dtr=o F:BF SEFF..FY- sssE {iF -a. -art -tlFrfra *ef FP ENts -rt-a -frl-H -FF F{ fl-aF r+. €v tstr+F(t -11|e f+\atLrt- -a *F(PLIH{t\E)/ il-t trt O.tf-tat{rPi,|-l fF) tlrf |{AII 00 q.l ' a T I It P il Ir a x I I I f 3.oo It q F 9E=E-V rcanouddvilJvo 762'AQ,ts.:cNnciru do JNnoI^rv z00zz 0000 I0 :ugsnrINJNOOCSV 'ry ('4v-"(7 ,.tl :sorJoilr\rvN ?/ ry # dS uod <tNndflu IISOiIsc dO NYsaJ :ASttcIdXa JO NOIJ.IHCSIICI 7-E"Z-TA-Z :uggnlnNuooNlLA %va q"'? *?4,:Asciruvditu.I tsgn1aa vJsrrJ oz t =G UJo- el r Nle J sI s R triv\ \ -l N U' UJ UJu-t =E uJ o- - **\ .*hWftL Irlrl t, rl<' | .i'Or, O\ l01 | orl-lH-l N 16 '--{ ,N: NI.t ,Fr FIlrr trl<r <l I:lt-r Hl,li ' {JlcJt El H;i E;+Jr()vlU)tE "lbbldt(, c'otEol ec tr a =E =z o uJF z oz l .6 c,zz ffi ffi sE; ei : EEgE iEg*e E iiEiFHfr c.l F-.v F\ ( { h$ ss. $ { B as \ $lcs R r\(r) $ C\ t rN lr"r€ $ rO \ \ t\ N F T qJ oz ! -o UJ ()z J eo e. () uJJ uJ z6 =) J z |l'| = uJ uJ zo F UJt() uJ o o .D 3 UJ u,Gz(, ur F o-ut o.?z utJ C) x F ulo \$ \ C'ul llJl! tr =E UJ o- J Fo F z oJ f @ 9eFo uJ u.l 0z an =j G - o |l't NOllvntv F ls.lI-l[.! llJNl(a*|tr-to..c) Y gE 2!-OQ6zd =9E- o!l, E tlh = 2 UJ(, =>E !tu z Fo- F9vro1>9()QZl!<oqHdtoFO.ici t4 a -fI u.r'l '.t (n I ol 'Fl .Fl 01 4,1 Bql o.r{ }J .1' q) o ,-l q) (r) zIF J lt o. oE(, UJo- E uJG zo F6 z Ec, uJFJ >( i UJz I <t) tsz z tr o : + U) tsz z fu,3o <nluo J u, tr oz F =F EI t!lJ G, (n at) IJJzY =F 2IF Jf U'z I I-f I II I _+q?l il <l:l B'I oo o -o tl<ttrl zl zl .. >l uJ IJJ llJzo tr uJL J z E t\ .if c'\ rn C\ nsN -t oz Fo 5 E o +J +J Fl I zo9z_zoo =zJO CL I.L nrtr =l el=rE fl!D EgE<o€8E9!ir :tC'J =ulEF.3 tA: Fl=E 5bE : =S 5 =i i ul @ F tr G uJo.!.6 H,F HYFIJFI.oH EH F I'l 5 (,z J TL FJA B Fl F.1HE s -if ii =z 6ol-r - ol tl )h 1 Ho4.\l cq vl Hal .H CI "lPh(n IUIE 4 El (rl o0lolul trl*l -l €lel g cq J E (\ ot I\o sio- FI .r.l d n 6J(! o0tro t{o o o C)tr 0) 'rl =c, l! ql r! +J lr a ulE = (') co.s.$ I\o F\\+io- C! n o r-t c)z & E G ol EI $ V i\v \ J '|'l {J 0l B CJz I . tll oz qt llJE J t!oz3o F (! o 4 .t'{ '-l lrorio E tt rn o) 4 b0 .rl Fl l.l r-l = Id =.1 uJl :l <l>l l!o zl BIoH =e l! 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G c G o -9o Eoo Eo.= qo co G E o ;E .; o o = b.E(u .9 o.(! o (o o) o (! t (! -c e.l F.a F. tr gJ L z -Jl(o z6 =.Jo- 6(r 3 _uJ ur z a UJo 6 .Lut c 2 llJ-) (n uJ UJIL ts = UJ(r J FoF or{a,c oq, ri ?{o '|-l..{ c I oa, 'rl .r-l ao!ao U F '.|"p I tr tlp U .nFoP(\t psrF .(J :< CEt!z!-oo64>quid * 9a) {J llJz ilJ >E -I ztr^ ;o =e,oo1>q) (J QZl!< v= (LY-x j<ri l! e. .J z Eoo zo UJF X 3 UJz llJ fJ E (t, 4) UJz iF zo laz t, tzf,zI F o o() I sil Hl JI alilol zl;lolFI I I I I dl =.1ol HItl al>l hl ali olzl El Jl <l>l ttlol zl =lolFI (J ttIJ o-l F (tl cJl .l 9l ."{ |fl,lFl I-l lrlol -tlol I =ltrl z u- F xlfa{t I I IF uJ =z ol S lcltrl lOlr{l o lOx60tomt (!tl l.|.rl\Otrl F lF-ot c t-ttt L,t;-Jr | trtrl l-ol .l sJl (a Ir.{l Iol co Iul olOl -'r I0'rl II an --td fll :-r.gt da-rl d>tcrrul iaei,?7a(J {Jd alt ti c) l.l o, U 1.. ru{h =E o IJ lr ltl t (t-t E 9P E3fFt- zo o z 1. UJ J E F uJ <F uJ<zE (42o $ItrlxN; s N oz E =e u,lo- z s,, - =e =zJO.L LL EE= -\ -i t!6i> NDtr tr (r uJ o- o,F llJE2E<ctl€frEPtt ir Eo- =>FJF =ul-E b=6=J::: >cI ou-E oo 9 5tuEX(LE ;=5. u.loi!tr l,rj tooF I --,{ItrT "l {i I .i' :.. i ,' ,itl!. ltltrr6ooazo F(L IJJ !a UJo u,F 6 oF b CE uJtL tl'of HTt\t ul l}:= ts =Elrl o-z9F(J EFa,z o,(J I TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATIOU FORM DATE: t-19'q4 ^ APPLICATION UUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED Ir * ************ * ** * ************ PERI{IT TNFORMATION * **************** * *** * ******* 7!ffi-Building [ ]-Plunbing I J-Electrical [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-other rob Nane: 4 tltt *Ytlr*- rob Addre==, 44 Ntun^t @ Leg{l Description: r.ot-fu BLockJ(y'L Filing owners Name: JUkla/aaAirc^ddress , ,OB' -.F * l/7 / n. i7?6"2 tw s.Peox;r+-e Po *bn.fi641taArchitectz@.Address: General Description; work crass: t;g-uew 1 1-"r(!{i{?} Number of Dwelling Units, b Ae lturrs.. s' [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nur'ber of Accommodation Units: BUILDING: $ Address: EIJCTRICAL: t BO, OOb MEcHANTCAL. t ZTOt6 CONTRACTOR INFORI.TATION OTHER: $TOTAL:W *************************** Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail- Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO.Electrical Contractor: Address:/.,.,'au> L.lecfYltC Contractor:&J (t aturr,,ruPlunbing Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************* * * *** ******** FOR BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PERMIT FEE3 MECHANTCAL PERUIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE:rr,Lt(fi DRB FEE: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'MBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: I.{ECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: 4'(<7' oa RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT:.,StoTorAL pERMrr FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATT'RE: ZONTNG: STGNATURE: 12, q 11 ,*/a-.-t I TYPE TcRouP I L/-t ua1 r1- tl-l# o{ 75 soulh trontbge road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 offlce ot communlty deyclopmenl lf thi.s peryit. requires a Town of Vail fire Department Approval,Engineelr's (-Pyb,l ic wot"ks) rey'iew and approvat ,' a ptannini'oepa"tment review'or.flealth Department,review, and'a review uy ine 6uiibingDepartment, the estimated time for a total review ruy taie as l6ngas tli!'ee weelts. All cormercial (large or small) and alI multi-family perm.its willnave tQ f-ollow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentia'l and.qma'! 1 projects-shou'l d take a lesser amount of time. However, iflesidential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioneddepartments.-wi.th regard. to necessary review, these projects mayalso tal(e the three week period. Every attempt wil'l be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as seon as possible. BUILDING PER}.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timel, the frame. 'tt Projeit Name Communi ty Devel opment Department. I Town of Vail Conditions of approvar for the 44wiuow ,,.rfftJffi#fiPY 1. Prior to framing inspection, the applicant shall agree with the Town Engineer as to the location of the edge of pavement along Willow Rd and Vail Rd. Greg Hallwill review the survey information provided to him by Tom Fry. Based on this new inlormation, he will be able to set the edge of pavement on the north side of the property. The curve on the western side of the property is acceptable as it is consistent with the direction Greg Hall gave Tom Fry previously. In addition, Greg Hall will review the site plan and ensure that the intersection of the southern driveway with Vail Road is acceptable. 2. Prior to framing inspection, the applicant shall provide signed easements for the portions of property adjacent to Vail Road. Legal descriptions for the easements along Vail Road have been provided to Greg Hall. Greg will take the responsibility for having the Town attorney draw up documents to record them and will also be responsible for recording fiese easements at the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. lf during construction, it becomes apparent that alternative legal descriptions are needed, Greg will work directly with Jay to develop the alternative legal descriptions. The easements will not be recorded at this time so as to provide llexibility during the construction period. 3. The applicant is responsibe for scheduling the work involving the installtion of the storm sewer. The Town of Vail will determine the size and elevation of the storm sewer pipe to be located on the southern edge of the property. The Town ol Vail (Greg Hall or Teni Martinez) will provide a detail design of the storm sewer as to the inverse elevation and the connection to the rest of the storm sewer infrastructure. The developer will be responsible for installing the storm sewer and then will bill the Town who will then reimburse Jay. All costs shall be agreed to prior to construction. The developer will be responsible for regrading in the right-of-way (over the slorm sewer) per the topography plan shown on the site plan. The applicant shall secure all public way permits during construction as they are needed. Public works will be reviewing and approving public way permits during the construction process. Street cuts for utilities may need to be done one section at a time to allow fire truck access. This will need to be coordinated during construction with the Fire Department and Public Works Department. Street cuts will have to be approved by Town Council, as Willow Place is a recently improved road, Jay Peterson will need to coordinate the Council review of this request with Greg Hall. Greg Hall will be responsible for scheduling it at council. A detail which requires Greg Hall's approval is whether the pan in front of lhe Willows needs lo be removed. At this time, the applicant has shown on the construction permit drawing that this pan will be taken out and replaced with asphalt. Greg will check to see if this is acceptable and let the developer know if this is the direction to proceed. 5. At this time, no kitchens will be allowed to be constructed within the EHUS. Based on the discussion between Andy Knudtsen and Jay Pelerson, Jay will be proposing an Ordinance revision to allow the employee units. At this time, the permit will be issued showing no kitchens in the units. lt is the hope of the staff as well as applicant that the ordinance will be changed during the construction process so that the kitchens can be installed. lf the ordinance is not approved by council, the applicant will then be responsible for proposing an SDD to allow the kitchens. Until the Zoning Code is changed or an SDD is .,t 41 4lxn approved, kitchens are not allowed. Town of Vail ' 25 Sout.h Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 81557(303) 479-2138 PLan analysis based onthe 1991 Uniform Buildinq Code Project Nunber: 32294 Address: 44 WILLOW PLACE Contractor: RA NELSONATchiteCI: PIERCE, SEGERBERG & SPAEH Enqineer: NICOL Name: 44 WILLOW PLACE Date: March 22, L994 Occupancy: Rl ,MLr82Type of Const: V-1hr Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK intended to be 1991- UBC. It is NOTE:The code items listed in this report are notlisting of aII possible code requirements in theselected sections of the code. Sprinkler system used for story increase a cornpletea guide to SEPARATION I DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Public way 40.0 Feet 25.0 FeetEAST Property line l-0 .0 Feet l-0 .0 Feet SOUTH Public way 51.0 Feet 36.0 FeetWEST Public way 58.0 Feet 43.0 Feet Area increased 50.00t for open area on 3 sides. FL NAME OCC MAX FLR AREA ALLOWED RATIO STATUS 4 DWELLING #1 TOTAL FOR FLOOR 3 DWELLING #].3 DWELLING #23 DWELLING #3 TOTAL FOR FLOOR2 DWELLING #12 DWELL]NG #22 EMPLOYEE UNIT #22 DWELLING #3 TOTAL FOR FLOOR1 EMPLOYEE UNIT #].1 Garage #11 Mechanical Room' 1 Garage #21 EMPLOYEE UN]T #31 Garage #3 TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL actuaL height of this building is maxj.mum height of the building is 1-5750 0.02 okl-5750 0.02 ok 1-5?50 0..07 ok 1'5750 0.10 ok15750 0 ,.05 ok15750 0.22 ok 15750 0.07 ok15750 0.07 ok15750 0.03 ok15750 0.08 ok15750 0.25 ok15750 0.03 ok 15750 0.05 ok 21000 0.02 ok 15750 0.05 ok15750 0.03 ok 15750 0.08 okL6094 0.26 ok 31737 0.38 ok a feet.feet. -- Table 5-D t( l_ R1_ t(r R1_ R1 Rl_ R1 R1_ ok 784 784 L144 1544 780 34 68 1131 114'7 434 L280 3992 446 8 81- 3s9 tYz 438 1,277 41_93 12437 40.0 50.0 ok ok ok R1 M1 B2 M1- R1 ML ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok The The EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RAT]NGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Tab1e 17-A & Table 5-A .t ' NORTH EAST SOUTH ' WnSt OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG hIALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROTRl- l-hr thr None Lhr thr None l-hr thr None thr thr NoneML lhr thr None thr lhr None Lhr thr None thr thr None92 Lhr thr None thr l-hr None l-hr l.hr None thr thr None The exterior waLls may be of COMBUSTIBLE material. Sec .22Q1,. None -- No fire protection requirements for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50* of the area of the waIl maximum. Sec. 504.(b) & Sec.2203. & Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dipensiongreater than L2 feet. -- Sec. 4305. (h) NOP -- Openings are not perrnitted in this wall.* -- These walls may be required to have a parapeb wall 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wall- is required to have the samefire rating as the waII. See sectj-on 1710. for details and exceptions. OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS Table 1?-A ...ELEMENT MATERIAL RATING NOTESInterior Bearing waII Any t hrInterior nonbrg wall Any t hr See Footnote #7Structural Frame Any L hrExterior Struct Frame Any l- hr See footnote #1Shaft Enclosure Any l- hrFloor,/Ceiling Assembly Any L hr See Footnote #9Roof/Ceiling Assembly Any t hrStairs Any None NOTE: See Sec. 1706. (a) for Shaft Enclosure exceptions. FOOTNOTES: 1-) Elements in an exterior waIl located where openings are not permitted or where protection of openings is required, shall be protected againstexternal fire exposure as required for exterior Bearing walIs or thestructural frame, whichever is greater. -- Table. I'7-A, footnote 17) Nonload-bearing walls within a dweLl-ing unit that are not part of acorridor may be of:a) Noncombustible (nonrated) materialsb) Fire retardant-treated woodc) CombusLible framing with noncombustible covering in Type III and V construction -- Sec. 1?05. (b)2. '.9) In areas with vehicles or airplanes, the floor surface shall be of noncombustible, nonabsorbent materials. -- Sec. '102.(c) & 902. (b) DRAFT STOPS:If there is combustible construction instops sha1l be installed in line withunits and guest rooms from each other -- sec . 2516. (f ) 4.A. (ii) If'there is combustible construction instops shall be installed in line withunits and guest rooms from each other the floor/ceiling assembly, draftwalls separating individual dwel-ling and from other areas. the roof/ceiling assembly, draftwalls separating individual dwelling and from other areas. -- Sec. 25L6. (f)4.8. (ii) See exception when sprinklers are installed in concealed space. OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS -- Table 5-BRl-M1 thrM1-B2 l-hr ADDTTIONAL SEPARATIONS FOR R1 OCCUPANCY:A Lhr occupancy separation is required around rooms contgining a boiler orcentral heating unit serving more than one unit. --'Sec. L2L3.A Lhr occupancy separation is required around common stoFage and laundry rooms. -- Sec . L202 . (b') A thr fire separation is reguired between dwelling unitg.. -- Sec. L202. (b') EXIT REOUIREMENTS:FL NAT{E OCCUPANT NUI{BER EXIT PANIC RATED DOOR LOAD REQUIRED WIDTH HDWR. CORRIDOR SWING NOTES 4 DWELLING #]. TOTAL3 DWELLING #].3 DWELLING #23 DWELLING #3 TOTAL2 DWELLING #12 DWELLING #22 EMPLOYEE UNIT #22 DWELLING #3 TOTAI,1 EMPLOYEE UNIT *11 Garage #11 Mechanical Room1 Garage #21 EMPLOYEE I'NIT #31 Garage #3 TOTAI., 2t22 OI8r.4L18 261612L bI2022L4L114L2L 6l_19 2 0.0 No0.L No0.1 No0.1 No0.1- N.o 0.5 No 0.1 No 0.1 No 0.0 No 0.1 No 0.5 No0.0 to 0 .1- No 0.0 No0.1 No0.0 No 0.L No 0.5 No No N/R No N/R 2 No N/R No N/R No N/R Yes N/R No N/R NO N/R No N/R No N/R Yes N/R No N/R No N/R Nb N/R No N/R No N/R No N/R No N/R In areas where 2 exits are required, the minimum separation is t/2 of the maximum diagonal of the area or floor. -* Sec. 3303. (c) Door swing is based on Sec. 3304. (b) except as noted. Occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Number of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noted. Exit width is in feet and based on Sec. 3303. (b). Exit width is to be divided approximately equally among exits. Width shown for all areas is based on other exj-ts. (0.2) width shown for 1st floor is based on other exits . (0.21 Width shown for other floors & basements is based on stairways. (0.3)' For the minimurn width of doors, see Sec. 3304. (f) For the minimum widt.h of corridors, see Sec. 3305. (b) .For the mj-nimum width of stairways, see Sec. 3305. (b) FOOTNOTES:2l Basements and floors above the 2nd floor are required to have 2 exits. - Sec. 3303. (a) See Exceptions STAIR NOTES:Within a dwell j-ng unit: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306.(b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc.#1 Provide a handraj.I on one side of stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ifthere is more than 3 risers. -- Sec. 3306. (j) ExceptionsProvide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height = 36 inches, maximum opening size:4 inches. -- Sec. L7I2.(al exc 1For common stairways: The maximum rise of a step is ? inches and the minimum run is 11 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) The ninimum width of a stairway is 36 inches, 44 inches if the occupant loadis greater than 49. -- Sec. 3306. (b) ALso see exit table above to see if minimum width is gneater than 44 inches. Provide handrails on both sides of a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing. (May be on one side if less than 44 inches wide) -- Sec. 3306.(j)Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height = 42 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. L7L2.(a) The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as requiredfor thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (1) .jaStairways are required to be in exit enclosures. -- Sec. 3309.(a) The walls of the enclosure are required to be 2 hr fire assemblies. The openings into the exit enclosure are required to be L I/2 hr assemblies. -- Sec. 3309.(c) Note: Openings into enclosure are l-imited to those necessary for exiting normally occupied spaces. A connection to the exterior is required with the same fire protection as theexit encl"osure. -- Sec. 3309. (d) The space under the stairs (enclosed or not) may not be used for any purpose. -- Sec. 3309. (f) Provide a landing within 1- inch (L/2 inch at doors used for handicapped access) of the threshold. -- Sec. 3304. (i) The minimum width is same as door width and the minitmum length is 44 inches. -- sec. 3304. (j) ROOFING REQUIREMENTS: l-) The roofing on this building is required to be Class B or better. -- Tab1e 32-A2\ See section 32Q4. and ICBO research reports for reguirements. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS:If'there are 100 or more sprinklers, the automatic sprinkler system shall be supervised by an approved central, proprietary, or remote station serviceor a local alarm which wiII give an audible signal at a constantlyattended location. -- Sec. 3603. STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS : A class I standpipe is required. -- Tab1e 38-AA hose is not required. -- Table 38-A FOOTNOTES: 1-) The location is to be per Sec. 3805. (c), (d) rand,/or(e) WALL AND CEILING FINISH:l-) 9IalI and ceiling finish materials are required to comply withSec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-8.2) Carpeting on the ceiling is required to have a Class f fl"ame spread rating. -- Sec. 4204.(b')3) Textile wall coverings shalI have Class I flame spread rating. and shall be protected by automatic sprinklers or meet the acceptance criteria of U.B.C. Standard No. 42-2 -- Sec. 4205. INSULATION NOTES:1) AII insulation material- including facings are required to have a flame- spread rating of 25 or less and a maximum smoke density of 450 unlessit is in a concealed space and the facing is in contact with a wall orceiling. -- Sec. 1-714. (c) exc.#22'l Foam plastic insulations are required to be protgcted.. -- Sec. 1713. GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: AII glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetygLazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) ADDITIONAL REQUIREI,IENTS : For RL occupancy A11 chimney enclosures for wood burning fireplace factory-built chimneys shall be protected by a t hr'. fire resistiveconstruction. A11 projects larger than four dwelling units shall be supplied with stamped drawings from a quilified architect and/or structurafengineer. A11 building within the Town Of Vail with 20 units or more, or over t.hree storj-es, and containing any dwelling units shall be supplied with engineer fire alarm and fire spfinkler systemsfor approval be the Town Of Vail- Fire Department. ORD.3 of n? ALl- crawl spaces within the Town Of Vail shall be limited to 5'height from floor to structuraL floor/ceiling, have a dirtfLoor only, with ventil-ation as per UBC code, and minimum access as per UBC code or maximum access of 9 sq, ft.Al1 R-1 occupancies within the Town Of Vail- will be reqgired to haveall landscaping and parking facilities complete to obtain' final inspection approval . Address numbers shall be posted plainly visible and legible from the . street. . l A fire alarm system is required in this buildinj.':- Sec. L2LI .Provide a window or door to the exterior from every room used for sleeping. -- Sec. L204 A window must provide a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft.., a clear heightof 24 inches, and a clear width of 20 inches (ninimum) . --Sec. L204. A11 habitable rooms require exterior gJ-azed openings equal to 10* or more of the floor area. (min 10 sq.ft.) -- Sec.' 1205. (b) A1l habitable rooms require an operable exterior openings equal to 5tor more of the floor area. (min 5 sq.ft.) -- Se8. 1205.(c) Provide a smoke detector in all sleeping rooms and at?eas having access to sleeping rooms. -- Sec. L2L0. (a)4. The minimum ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet 6 ihches exceptkitchens, haIIs, and baths may have a ceiling height of 7feet. -- Sec. -- 1207. (a) For M1 occupancy Slope garage floor to a1low for drainage to outside to provide afloor drain with sand and oil interceptor to dry welL or to sevrer. Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be approved by Upper Eagle Va11ey Water & Santtation District.In garages with living area above, the walls of the garage wiich arebearing the area above shall be protected with one hour fireresistive construction. UBC 503(B) . The minimum clear height is required to be 7 feet. -- Sec. 1102.(c) R-1 HANDICAPPED REQUIREMENTS : Adapt.able dwelling units are required. -- Sec. 31O8. (a)8. Public-use and common-use areas shall be accessible. -- Sec. 3103. (a)8 Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657(303) 479-2t38 Plan review based onthe 1991 Uniform Building Code Project Nurnber: 32294 Name: 44 WILLOW PLACE Address: 44 wILLOw PLACE Date: April 12, L994 Contractor: R.A. NELSON Occupancy: RLrMLrB2Architect: PIERCE, SEGERBERG & SPAEH Type of Const: V-1hr Engineer: NICOL PLans Examiner: Dan Stanek Sprinkler System throughout building # SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED Crawl spaces are required to be ventilated by mechanical means or by openings. Such openingsshall have a neL area of not less than 1sq.ft. for each 150 sq.ft. of under-floor area. UBC 2516(c)5 Provide a minimum tgx2|n uiderfloor access. (30x30rr if mechanical equipment is in crawl space.) UBC 2516 (c) 2 Provide details (construction and location) ofdraftstops in the floor system. -- Sec. 2516. (f)4.A Approved gas logs may Oe installed in solid fuel burning fireplaces provided the installation is per listing, with any damper removed, a safety shutoff valve provided, and combustion air supplied as per uMc ch 5. uMc. uMc 803 . The open side of all decks, porches, stairs, etc. which are more than 30" above grade shall beprotected with a guardrail. Openings can not exceed6". Within R-L occ. and all R-3, height min. j-s 35"-outside R-1 occ. hej-g{!. min. is 42tr. UBC 1711 The design, construction, and installation of elevators, durnbwaiters, escalators and their hoi-stways shall be as per the requirements of UBCCh.51. This includes fire resistance of enclosure & openings and hoistway ventilation. Domestic ranges shal1 have a vertical clearance above the cooking top of not fess than 30" to unproLected combustible material . UMC 1901 o' Provide a floor drain in the garage or slope thegarage floor. If floor drain is used it must connect to a dry well or a sand and grease interceptor. Any garage ffoor drain connected to sewer must be approved by. Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation. For heating or hot-hrater supply boiler applicationsa floor drain sha1l be supplied for suitable disposing of accumulated fluids. UMC 2L19 Supply a floor drain in the laundry room to adequately dispose of water due to overflow or line breakage In bathrooms wit.h a t.ub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilbtion system directly connected to the outside shall be provided. UBC L205 (c) Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall beinstalled as per UMC 1104 & 1903. Flexible duct connect.ors may not exceed 5' length and sha11 not. be concealed within construction. Ducts sha11 terminate outside the buildinq and not exceed 14t length. Furnaces not listed for alcove or closetinstallation shall be installed in a room having a volume at least 12 times the total volume of thefurnace. Boilers require a room at least 16 timeslarger than the volume of the boiler. UMC 504 (b) Provide a mechanical drawing showing basic design or hydronic system or duct system, size of equipment (BTU & actual volume size), sj-ze of mechanical room, and size of combustion air to be supplied to equipment. Include a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on. Installation of mechanical equipment must coform to manufactures instructions and tg appendix ch.2l- of the L99L unc. Gas line test and inspection i.s required before connection of any equiipment per sec. L205 of the 1-991- umc If washers or dryers are in garage they must be a minimum of 18" off floor. 1,0 l-1 L2 13 L4 r_5 l-o 1,7 18 19 20I El-evator drawings to be approved by trNl{COCi Northwest. Colorado Council of Governments before any work can be started on elevators. Drawings on sand intercepter need to be approved by Lhe Town Of vail, before installation of J-ntercepter. hhlsrlh I I.f, 3 t,,, t<.lo Fl 'il <l I ol|,)'x tr: #,|'-ez 6tFc'<<lotz lllJIF lo I I I I I I t_, r6 rtrI|r t3,=ro \'o\o\ o,|C\ Fl.r{ lr c) d {., a!) d Ec (E oEoo q) tr = E o (E ; 0) E qo- -P -C -o cL ct -t .E.E co eHGa Jao.83o6 E.e '5s o..oEoo-oEoc!6o,-$atb:(6: =(g (! o (g at E (5 i E. o o. o, l! (.) 3! o Eq, o E C) c 0)E ot{, c\o,6 .2 E$ E o 6 6 o o 'o xo(g .oo o N F..irt\ o |.'. ..' N a!, LU IJJu- ts = UJc J oF 'F{.lJ q, t-l ht- t6=Ll>El; _tolL 3tr3lH =to N lE ..o Yq! XFZ zvo 9aF-UtZE ;e=ffz>ot.r89 ^83*s "'UFA F-q ;in|O { oe z z E ll,t J 3tl,z zl .. >l ur 4Iulz t UJ J z Eo o Ez zIF : ooo I C) B HE \'.n dj =z ol =l ortl lolH OJIO >lr bol otrl (dl IltJl\oq trlr'-q ol.+F4 trl ;;*l rf;l H -lt eltr]ltfilrl 04 r!J I'gl.fl95 (f) cr)-t.+ I\o F-.+ Fl.rl(! 0, (d .lJ lr u) qJ Eq ct J = q) r! trq) lro o0 q,) th a) tr a, .F{ or{ clz '] 2 -d<l>l l!l 3 H IJ l) OJFI Boz $l*l*l o0 fl :l ,51 H lg 0,) 4 o0 f{ }ro (J =q ltl I I I -l uJlql =l'>l tI.lol 3l cOl uJFI F F() lrj ts?() d.JO<FE()uJ<ZEt!F6Z o <oC)F;o H#Co oz to =J .L z To LU = l-E irg+EFFOz.o Jr-l(ol : o \; I !!! =l rl=sE fl!D tr E UJ o- t.|. t: uJE() =zE<cloo.6o EPvtra9 EE => =t!EFoq(,lEXE5g5Foeqo-i!; UJooF z oPzetoo =zd8 C6 Q UJ o _>b \t t\t I IJJ E U) @iO?zo Fo- UJ:. IJJ tD oF E =G uJ o- lto i+ 8s l$ IJJFoz E =G, IJJo-zoF(J :)E 6zoo oz E =G UJ o- oH F] t/l aul uJ lJ- F = UJo- ,-@ hbl?,trf,* .n I I c\ 2 F 2 I I I I I tg lo I I ! I I I lJ t6 IEio tzIO rO UJF EE 2z = zz f4 lvt.lIF,dHlcla214FHCCJ(l tr{q<AA aa -13Fqq ICJr-t't id sHFtsl z*,ga 6FJ frl 3n.. F:l ZE AFJF< F az & F Ff tsz Ea El FHE a z & tr] Fl rE uJz3o ulI oz t!J uJoo)a; 8E Es 8€ IEoa'to E(E ;:rF FF o o)E oocG o oo ct) == cl E o =l oo o CLo. G; .9 (D -ttc 3oF o o o) Eo () aE E at .2 I .o o E (E atl, 'o E .g{r t: (! '=O|,' sbE €EeFfc ^ cr= eli ,: gf ?:0. JEsE ilsEeFIeOOF;E o lere5F! iiJ.Y - 6 IqCLO Ct SEr l/,eo- E€e E6:EE EO(E; EE E - o.; er C(l 0'--c; Q)- --cs*: E:E '6>O (O= I; g B6e9E qr eEg_o(t ==ulo- z .-) Y uJ z J -) I IJJJu, z6 = 9z uJ Lu uJ 2 tr llJ C) uJ oc. @ =uJt UJ z 6 UJo a UJo o- i u, o x uJ U) ..t) uJ uJu- ts =Et!o- J oF (,z d!fo J o G,Fo UJ tr z = o- ) z IJJt NO[VnlVA JI -1 J3 11zrd H UI 14 1 "lFlFl Hqzl-{ xGo3zzu-o ootr ^ 6zq 5 >9F9 OE urotrZ;()oona)zxrr-<oq iEq s.Xz'. : uIrN(J =>E --(nituS = cal N cn .d e.l tsHz zo F ) { LL ar l uJo- F e. uJe. z Eoo z tr UJF =UJz tl j llltl Fzlz koo< =ft>E xrrdci<z a trz, 9z do3trOI llJ)J utzY i UJ F z tr J foz I -l I_l -l -l6lol ,'- | J 3 F ul 3 F ia zl .. >l ut t! uJz vt = ul J z Eo z @ I ./l' o Lr) t- uJ tro @o-zo Fo- IIJY u,l .o o F E$ =Rlrl 0-tr- €lo ^,1>tr|ir FqloElo6l-rr'll,nl Hr^lbkzo z.^= =<.coO =2.JO(! l! J ZF NF =o=uJ-)J(D TIJ tr Eul t! UJoz o2 F Eo- JFtu-h=f(r(L llJ>o-O|!9o - IJJ :>ri l-ul JJ llJ (D F cIE CIoo !ltt .E t E Eot ,AO f=6l>Ff=E -CL:o:E F =E,lrl o-zoF C)fEFazo() I !n F tll F1 EJ <(.S -\f ul = T-t I I ct4 ;l <l z =t.l- Jtrl F. (! tn r{< trl F1 FlA caB '--]FlHB .J-\'ii =z d] I ul =z u) UJ o : L EI E l!c,o = ts Flfrl .AHts t tr oz o uJ CE t! z3 F =g, ll. oz oul CE I IL z 3 F tr ol uJq J] t!Iz 3oF =tr tr oz o IIJ J ltoz3 F q \ls N $ =tr 9lc\r* \. o llJE J <l bz e R FI $ "iUJF G uJz = uJF I d. E, --r O<FEOuJ<zEUJFt't Zoo )G.<oC)F =()-<gr -ztro -o E 2P =<z, e. d' zo o ix )1 F +3 =.2 =8 TEogir =Ft:Oz<Oe,LlJ.l x-7!tr oz ts =tu, .-l i a uJIuu-F = UJ(L I F J trt!ooz6 ! llJF 6 FIz =o ozz llJF z z J tr € =zo ^l ;.1,.., i) ir .la. ..1 aa. ! '.,1 a. .1. lrLIJluJtal> t- l^tcr 'lF LO,t< '. lFlzto | (-) lcE Itrlzt3 I r.r- tlJ lIEIP -|rJl<Ftz^lYzl(/)< o ti (5 .:l'.=66slct gEE;S = e s?€! EE H I*Ffc;o € qE,g -F :f;EE 5sl 'I - o l- ':; gc Fg. - *= o)* "l F;.S o ;$Ee; s:;€355 ,€cePb ft"; E-g isEisirtig! €6: i.{oo: XU .';t 6I isqS= :-'ESd .c= o (/, E E'€; E =:gi:? ;T F! 3 isiE9eEgg; - o 6I i { ==tu oz J l Y uJI z J c F. u,J --) TJJ z = J J . I(J IJJ r! uJ lJ-2 tr UJE IIJ o =uJtuJEz 6 llJo F6 LUo z uJJ(] x Fr! o UJut EE lrJ -t F F z o = d) e. ouJ tr z =f J 9z - uJ NOrlVnrVA Je. 3z!- 6z;o a uJ t 4Jz IJJ N N =>c -:E 2o F^ 'u, az>-oo<)zLL< v= CY>x dN t.", zotr fc .,i o- UJ o LtlE z - oo .?.. z tr F ; LI'z I a)tzlz tr ^uJo<>tr>(!R 'J-dd<z trz Ozz- do3trOI UJf ar t/Jz o I IJJ o- F lz li- t1 =a )z -l -l :6 -Jl<I F z zl .. >lol! t/J u,J2aF Eul J z Eoo z @ z (r o ulo ,{ i- . ,;. li | :i' IIJ tradlo-z F UJY uldl t- z.^= =<(Do =z O- tL J f'\ F =uJco ur TN = uJ(L l!o+.lJ.Eo E< o9EYe9vcE J:-E --L t- = tJJ :-E E=(':l;E =FE 669 iu.rEX(It x>OHFCL *i o-irr= ru d) oF G:-€ F =E. lrJ o-zIF(Jf E,Fazo C) a,I I ',L F. '> :.:J -Iz T t! = i.ir: Ia: ;. l. z =u- (D ,:', F J =z UJ oao = I F tr u-l o6 = - E ;> l -.1 E t! oz uJ(r) a IIoz3oF =tr z uJ = ll-oz3oF E tr oz ol! E J a oz3o G oz llJ = oz39 "-+ = G .'l ... .l ; z d uJE tI-oz 3oF UJ qJ F E. uJz = uJ ET e. <F [!<zEt!, F(nZo <o()F -< rr, 2ilon E2? =#]F)zu-o *o:IF?<) =*-,2 =g Eir == )<Oo?. J-O ln NELSON 44 U]LLi]llj I D r 941 L- 4768456 P .42 Qo* or vArL coNsrRusrr Legaf Description: Ownerg Namet Architeat: PER}ITT APPLTCATTON FORI'I DATE: //^ 7 O. .Iddrees: .\ddress I tou 3 0 199{ rlt - -o {.... ::::: ::::::.:: :. ::. :: :: ";:ff "ffffi # ::.flL Iffi ff ffi FolPTl* * * * * * *tl-.f l;l:l-ltly t l-Plumblns -q l-Elect:ical I l-t{echanical P{-orher i "or rkldu?"r-, rn-j- a*c.x. b rrr General Description: work class; [ ]-NeH f l-Altetation [ ]-Adtdlltional [ ]-Repalr [ ]-other Nuiliber of Dwelllng Unitg; Number of Accomnodatloh UnlCBl lllmber and trype of, FirepraoeEi cas Apptlances- Gas rJogE- tlood/pellet_ /f*****************lrf************+* vAutAIroNs *******************************rr :ym:y: I€,'/N 3!9q55lter.,: !_ orHER: 1 d BLtIltBrNG! l- " MEcHAlffc.\r.,t Sl- ToTAr.,l-rl 5- Ir* **** * * ****** *** **** * 'It Eeneral eontractotr ! TNF'RMATT.N *** *** * * * * * * *ffi{?fr*i * * * ** * Contractor: Town of val.l Reg. No. Phone Nunber: Reg. NO.7-2 Town of Vall Phone Nunlaer! lloun of Val.l Phone Nunber: Reg. No. ddraes: Plumblng Contractori AddreEEl Phit Mechanlcal AddreeE; Contractor:R€9. No. *****************r*********** FOR OF8'fCE USE **** ***************** ****t*r**rBUILDTNG PERMTT FEES PLT'I,TBING PERMTT SEES UECflAI{ICAIJ PERMIT TEE: ELECTRICAIJ FEE! OTI{ER TYPE OF fEEI DRB FEE! *** ,@ BUILDT$G PLAI{ CHECK FEES PLIJ},IBING PI-.AN CHECI( FEES I.IECHANICAL PIJA}I CHECN FEES RECREAIION FEE: CI.8AN-UP DEPOSTT: o4 TYPB ur r bl-L ON BUTLDING: AIGNATURE: zoNfNc! SIGNATURE:Conmente: Ly nEPrrxD !0!p.hs €lvuoJov G, RR NELSON 44 LJILLOUJrta ID : v411-4768456 N0v 28'94 MEMOBANDUM ALL CONTFACTOBS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY FERMIT'IS REOUIFED 15:40 N0.002 P.03 70; FROM: DATE: HE: nnnane: ,V/ t*ti//c,,p P /'-z-Dete: rl^ 3o-9,/ Please answerth€ followlng questionnaire regardlngthe need tore'PublicWay permlt': ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed ihat requires the use ot the right ol way, easgments or public property? ls any utility work nseded? ls the drlveway being repaved? le different accesB needed to site other than exisllng driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting lhe rlght of way, eaSements, or publlc propedy? 3) 4) 5) E \ K 4 \ ,^ K K X YES 1) 2) 6) 7l ls a'Revocable Right of Way permlt" required? 8) A. ts the rlEht of way, easements or public proporty to b6 used for stagtng, parklng or fenclng? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, steging or loncing plan requimd by Communlty Development? It_v91a19yare-d ye1 to eny of theso guestionE, a "Public way Permit" must be obtainecl,?ublic Way Permlt. applications may be obtained et the Public Wort's oflice or atCommurltl' Developrnent. lf yor have any quostions please call Charile Oiuii, ifri iown of Vall Construction Inspedor, at 4Zg-Z1bg. I havs read and answered allthe above questions. Signature kaQ / //3 "/7 r RR NELSON 44 LJILLT]IJ ID :9411-4768456 Nou 28'94 15 :40 No .002 P .04 1) tllsulc wly penurr pnocesl How it relates to Bullding permit: .A naw pubilo Way permft ls requlred elch year. rt ye8 was enswered tg any or rhe ebova questions then a "pubilc way permrt, isrequired. You can_gjc* tp qn apfti"ation et eilhar Cpmmunity Development,rocared at 7s s. Fronrase nbao or Fiord iGd, i;.d''ro-iiiiiii v", varray Drive. Notic' srEn offe 161_utiliry. companies. . A[ utilities must fi€rd vedfl (rocate)rsspective utilities priorro signtngiappltcatton. #;di6L;';nies require upto a 48 hour noflce to sched-ula ; b6i;t A construsdon treffic contror pran must be p_repared on a Eeparate shegt of papeaThis ptan wlt show tocationioi "iiriiinl-controt devices (signs, cones, etc.) andthe work zone, (area of construc{ion, JJging, .r".1 sketch or work being perrormed must be eubmitted indrcaring dimensions (rength,;Hti ,fJjir:t wo*)' rnio 'itil;,iln on rh6 ramc bnilor pran oi a lrte submit compretad appilcalron to the pubtic.work,s.offica ror rcview- tf requircd,rocares wir be schedured forthe rown oivail Er"cft#. J"Ioffi.r,on crcw. Thel0cetes are tek6 place in the momhj;il-;"y requira up ro 4g hburs to perform. The pubric woft's consrru'ion Inspsctor {Jlleviey the apprication and epproveordisappruve rhe nermil. you wilr dr-.ini"a"d as ro rhl;ilfi;;;d any changesthat fiay ba needed. Most permrts ir" ,"li"r"o within;d [ouilo]'oeing received.but ptaase aftow up to one week to prod"i. As soon as permlt ls processed, a copy will be faxed to community Deveroprnenta,owing rha "Buirdrnd.eg-pir"Jo uJi6rli'rllo. prease do not contueo the ,pubucway Permtt'with a'EurEing p;rmit;;il;;rft on a project Erte itserr. Note: rThe ebove prooos8 ls to, work In a rlght of_wEf onl). 2',1 3) 4) 5) 6) n RR NELSON 44 !JILLOL] tuttn ID :9411-4768456 ||al tS roulh lonhto rord r.ll. colorrdo 11657 (3osl 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 N0v 28'94 15 :41 No .002 P .05 offlcr ol co|nmunlly rloyclop|n|[t BUILDING PERI'IIT ISSUANCE TII4E FRANE ll-I!l:_q:Tit.requires a Town of Vail Ftre Deparrnent Approval,Englneer"s (.Publ tc l,/9rf s) review and approval ,'a planninb' Deparur,"ntrevlew or Health Departnint.reviav, ani' a' rivie* ;i-l#"Euiieint -'- Deparunent, the estJrnated time for a total rerii*-iuy"tarE'ai iingas three weeks. fll_.ty:lSj1l (larSg or small ) and at't murti-fanily permits wll lnave to fol10w the above nentioned maximum requlrem-enis. ResJdentlal :19.:Till_p"g!":!,r,should take a tesser amouni or-iini.' nowever, -ri' reslClentlal ot snl'l 'l er_projects .inpact the various above mention6ddepartments wlth regard' to-neeessai-y revtew,-ttrise p"oji.ti *va'lso take the three-weef perioO.- Every attempt w'll't be T.age by thfs departrnent to expedite thisperml't ts soon as posslble. - I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe., Comnunl ty Devel oFhent Departnent. RR NELSON 44 LJILLOIJ ID :9411-4768456 7[ roulh |rorl|gc rold Yrll. Gclorrdo 8lC3t (3031 479-21.38 or 479-2139 ro: FROMI DATEI SUBJECTT NOV 28 '94O 15:41 No.002 P.06 rn eunmary, ordlnance No. 5. etateg that lt ie unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposii ani-=Jrrr-tJ"i., sand, debrrsor naterLel, incrudr'ng trash &urnpsterS, p-riaure-toilets andworlimen vehicres. upon any streetl Eiaerraii, -iff"V or publlc F-r?g" gr aly porrion rheieof. rire rtehi;l;;;-;n au Town ofvail streets and,:gag= ls approximaieii-s-it.-iti pavenent.This ordinance wtlr be itriEi,iv--enioriia-ui-irr"-io*n of vaitPubrl.c works Departnenr. perJ3ns founa vliritrni thls ordrnancewill- be sriven a 14 hour w"iiiu"--""ri;;1;-"Eiii!'""rd naterrar.rn the avent tb€ treraon ao notitrea-aoes-"it"'"iipry with thenctiee withLn trre- z * -rroui-tliJ-ipEErii"a, "ii"-iiiir ic worrcsDepartnenL wil1 rehove eard nate;Gi-;I-irr.-'I*ili.e of, pereonnotlfied' The nrovlsioni-ot-ttrrs orainahce rharr not beapplicable to cinetruction, -roiii.r,-ng€ 9_E repai.r proJects ofany Etreet or alley or any utiliiieE ln the rtght_a_way. To review or€Lnanca No. 6 tn full, prease stop by the Torrn ofvall Buildrl.ng oepartuent to or[iin a copy. rirani< you for yourcooperatlon on thls nacter. offlcr ol sornmuolll d,ry.lopmrni ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WIIII TIIETOI{N OF VAIL TOI{N oF VAIL PUELXC WoRKS//COuMUNITy DEVEIOP}IENT MARGH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKTNG & I{ATERIAL STORACE (1,e. oontractor, owner)osrttonTn@ Fr*'{ ! ' , RR NELSON 44 UJILLOIJ ID :9411-4768456 NDV 28'94 15 t 42 N0 .002 P .07 olllc. of oofirmunlty drvclopment lown 75 mulh fnont|eE rood vdl. oCondo 41657 (308) l7}2t38 (r00).7}e|t0 NOBTCE IO CONTR.f,CTORS/OWNER BUILDERS Effective June 20, 1991, the Town of VaiI Bullding Departmenr hasdeveroped the following procedures to ensure that new constructionsites have adequately egtablished proper drainage from buildingsites along and adjacent to Town of ValI roads or streets. The Town of vair Pubrl.c Horks Dapartment will be ragulrecl toinspect ancl approve drainage adjaaent to lfovn of vair roads orEtreets end thc inrtrlrrtion of tenporary oa perDaltaat cul,vcrtc atecc€Ba poLnts fron the roed or atreet on to tle conetructi,on sLte.such. approvar must -be oirtained prior to any requeet for lnspectionby Ehe Town of Vail Buitdiflg DeparLment for f,ootings or temporaryelectricar or any other inspect,ion. prease cart 479-2i60 ti,reguest an lnspection from the publlc works Department. A]10w aminlmum of 24 hour notice. Alsor the Town of vail pubtic works Department witl be approvingarr final drainage and curvert instariation with resulting roa6parehing as necessary, such approval must be obtained prior toFj.na] Certlflcate of Occupancy issuance.. RR NELSIN 44 LJILLOU ID:9411-4768456 N0v 28',94 15:42 Nrr.002 P.08 TOWNOFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 3 0.? -4 79.2 1 3 E / 479- 2 1 3 9 F|X so3-479.2452 D e pannent ef Con nut n it1, De te lo pnol IilTORI{ATIOII IIEIDED WHEf, .lPPt.rIlfC FOR T I|ECTIIITCAI. PEruIT 2, 3. 4. ITEAT LOSS CALCUI,AfIONS. TO SCAI.IE FLOOR PTJAI{ OF MECHAI{ICAL ROOM WI1rH EOUIPMENT DRA9|N IN tO SCAI_,E, WITH pnysICAL DTI,IENSIONS A-\rD BTURATINGS OF ALL EOUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. sHow sIzE A!{D LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLU8S,VENT CONNECIORS AND GAg LINES. NOTE WHEEHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILIJ AIJSO BE INSTALIJED IN}'ECHAI.IICAL ROOM. FAILURE IIO PRO\IIDE rHIE IIIFOtr}TATION }IIL& DELEI IOUR PEilII!. C'z E-t UTo- N* (n uJ UJ t.|- ts =E UJo- /t& wrt*- \'o\ I I$ JZ c, o +,1.A r.1 tlrjIF s ll.t!o rc|zo u, F.2 ==o 0z oltrFoz o =oJ 6 .6 o = ggffi ir-HlR: (!c lEEEg$ igiiEElt c o Eo Ln\' e.l4 o\ CN F- ra E- uJo.az If.o xL) uJ oz Jo- J o EFouJJ uJ Iz 6: o- 2 ou, UJllJltzo F uJEo uJ o.o 3 uJ uJEzo ur F u, lr,l o- 2 uJJ x F ut at,l F{ d F{ Fl 'FlB at IJJ UJlt E =E r.lJIJ FoF 0zo! ao I G,FogJ u,l oz (ot E J z o UJt Ek: NOUVn'lvA F IH"l:o l'if15: .ls !'FlcuOo =rr6b56z =9HoE- fr.9 H{J dE26, uo =>o: Etr zIF^ ;oEEvrov>€lo.-t Z|r<oq F();C)FO;.i z9 J t! o o. uJo- F tu z Eoo zoF E u,tFJ 3ulz tltltl a 2 z3s<oo< =PHr!60<z o =3; 9z -iF EOIE UI at) !JzYo F z tr oz I It I ; =iI l! o B tt, JI<ltrl zl zl .. >lo tlJo uJulz(t ts uJ z Eoo o =o o I & H (o LO(o(o It ko UJtoooazo FLutY ul dt oF F =Gul o- ILo \ 'if6?O.nal r-{.ll.+ ulFoz zo. F5:zo 3Et!H J oo =tr9b =t!JJ c0 LrJ oz 6 = ts G TUIl!oEqE3€uE9!L '9.EE =>=ru:-E !E: >Li 8bE io-'E X>t q- €= H F- rse\zr= -- ts =e, lrJo-zoF() =E 6zo() !Dtrl -.- J 9z () UJ = o b0 t.-{.r{ n +Jo oz Jtr I I J Jo 'l Fo a)o F riri B tl'i =z dlo-)I 0Jltl.t-l I FI rl.dlv)lEIFl llr. 4 {.Jo c)tl OJ IJCv, >|O46t tr 'r{Olr orn\€(JC\ uJeoo J t F @ I\ot\\'io. r-l.rl (d tr oo .a H H o0q, o q) E tr o o0(0 IJ.'{ H v) cns.+ I\o F.n o. r{ a Fo o oa .d or.l c)z g f \ io z.l o1 uJl 5l <l>l t!l zl 3l FI =e, II oz (9 l!c J ltoz3oF d cll. o ('1 ul EI J] ttIz3oF a =e l! oz ti IIJG J t!oz3oF =EII oz o l,uG J tto z3oF dJul'F' Eulz =o Fo IJJ ts-o t -rO<Fco IJJ <zE[!F<42oO J 9EF() IJJJ UJ - Y ? 2 (,zo =Jo- I ;(r z):) dE =3E6 Eog, irg+Eo2.8 <c)o?.56,a Itrtr bnf=,'lntfffi.R|)'-to i11:30AM ; NELSoN & ASS0U03 4?0 4008 ;r t g'p ' ;l t- nowr ol vlrt corsrRuclroN PEnurl t UaSQ1 ilgl iiimft rppr.rcAr-rgr FonrtDAnE2.4AIl- .'f i rrl f'ili,'ri\r, ir[i/ hFPTr . rDftdbebl0tlYlr0Brrv'hbldrr.r.ao our cotrpllTlt.r oR tr t{ly Nor BE AccEDTED.t Ilr.*rrr*tt*t+tt*t*r****tt.t*rr pEnilIE lltllonllatrtoN *r*r*i*rr**rrrfrrr*rrrtr.a*rr'Y, Ig t l-Er-rgtrtoar I t-U.6hanloal lzf-ottrrr l\' n, | -- Urt*cl ,l rl \^,'ll L, SENT +Yi -',..**rrr;ar;t 4rt'l-94 i'l 1:30AM ; NELSON & ASS0c-,303 4?E 4808 :t 1 y, I l-Butldlng t ]-P1 rob Nanr: & \NJloA Ylo,u-,/H3"!o rddrrsr: Irgal Dracrtptlon:brq oan-!4 F O!"nrrt Nanct Addrcrt: AddrosrrArohlt.Ets ccnoral D..orlptlonr l)rrv.of ,'# work Clalti [ ]-N.r [ ]-Altrratlon [ ]-Aatdl I [ ]-RePatr lzf-ottrrr Nurbcr bl Dnrlllng tlnltrr I , .llunb$ of AocoMoaetlon Unitrr n PlunblngAddrorl Contrrctorr Urohtnl6al Contractor:lddr.r.l rttlat** *trr tt****rata*i*rlrr+** Burr.DrNd pEnilrr FEBs 4qs aa PU.'IIEINC PENUII FEEI IGO|ANIOAI DERIIIT IIIT EIAGIRIGI& FEE! orHEn tupd or gzE*o,nen@. DRB FEEI llovn of Val.l Phone Nunb.rt lom of Vall, Phonr Nunbrrr nrg. ilO. RrE. lfo. loR olFrcl ugl *r r****r***r rr r*rr*r*rr*rr.r**..' BUIIDINO Plnlr CHECK FEBI PII'UBITIO PllT CHECK EEEI ilECHNllCA! Elll| CttlCK tttr NECREATION 888: cLErn-UP DlPOtllf:roaAl PEnuIr IESgr /€t ao BUtrlDTl|O; s:zt' 9: fu'/rt':/&/ j cl.l|lr D DIPOEX! ISD lDs P6d{t' bnnd tax iranlmi$el memo 7171 6D7,a -| t -a'- lbm TERRASAN PLANNINO AND LANOSCAPE AR0HITEcTURE Quenttty v: APR 1 | 1994 TOV.CO[4l\4, DE\/. DEPI. Aprf, 1, 190a Pql.cr No. et1120.00 Pnrcr.8rg6orp eArroc. 1000S. fmnnsr Ro. Wrrr Vril, CO 81C57_ REI a4 WILLOT pUCT Rcvr9drllon Cort Ertnrtr: Cl[n Flllqrt OOt Hlgh Altturlr S..d Mh /t,3goHydromutch 4:E9O Totd Unlt Prh. Co.t 9Y l!.00 9{,${.qpEE too.G rzcs.osF foo.ot iarc.ro 16,3r1C,90 1 Ia< U(r#"(t)3 12000 N. l,v 9HrNeToN SIREE Sut?E 310 IHORNION. COLORADO CO24t IEL l3O3) .sO.SlS,t FAr t303l|!O-Ct6t - -.T INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 b 6'2;u T NUMBER OF PROJECT NAME INSPECTION:,..ilrf,Olf i) i .,!\-)i Li_961_j PERMI DATE r-,i'-,7{ ,toe CALLER TUES WED THUR FBI PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL pAPPBovED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,',at;/;'i'DATE INSPECTOR