HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 6 LOT 9 44 WILLOW PLACE FIRE ALARM LEGALv;)\lI"T tr\ I R"*t6 h;fl qqtn'J.1..(,.rn*" tr* Ll*.^ FIRE ALARM DEYICE SUBMITTALS 44 WILLOW PLACE LOT9 BLOCK6 VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FILING vArL, coLoRADO \ SUBMITTED BY: NEw ELECTRIC F, ql FEBRUARY 10, 1995 --',w-\. : COTISULTING ENGIN€ERS. INC. r''sheet AudibleA/isual Signals Undenrvriters Laboratories (UL 1 971) Listings, Factory Mutual, California State Fire Marshal, New York City MEA and Chicago BFP approvals on selected models (see ordedng Information and Specifications) Designed to meet or exceed NFPA/ANSI Standards and ADA Accessibility Guidelines All models meet ADA guideline for minimum one flash per second across the Listed voltage range Low current draw with low temperature comp€nsation to reduce power consumption and wiring costs 15, 30, and 75 candela models Listed for wall or ceiling' mounting with the induslry's.widest selection of audible/speaker combinations 15[5 candela wall mounted models Listed at 15 candela under UL1971 and exceeding a near-axis 75 candela intensity for ADA guidelines with low current draw 1 10 candela models Listed for wall mounting in larger rooms and in sleeping areas Convenient strobe/plale retrofit assembly for upgrading strobes in existing installations Polarized 24 VDC models with wide Listed voftage range, using filtered (DC) or unfiltered (FWR) input voltage Durable Lexan@ slrobe lens and housing for extra proteclion and long service Atractive flush or surface mounting options to standard eleckical backboxes Fast installation with in/out screw terminals using #12 to #18 AWG wiring Compliance with RFI limits in Part 15, Class B for compatibility with sensitive detection and communication circuits UL Standard 1971 Listed Strobes for ADA Applications Gamewell's popular line of fire alarm signals and speakers is now available with UL 197't Listed strobe options. Choose from 15, 15n5, 30, 75 and 110 candela models for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ffi lrlr Llt/u1nlfiss/[0 trbt!filt LbllUrrM3 $il|. IC+ l.ltlltt/! lllrrltlrltP/ltttl[ll 3.t16lll[lrllxtt/ltl l.dt m+ lt o W trbIl+ tl llllrlt lffiFi Itrb t'ta + li4'tl*llt tt tol+t u!rt/6 qlD + tltllfltE Lfir l.l0 + Ll^ttS/tr EI.|0S+!| llwls Ol.0 + Lt^|Ifl3rt meeting the latest NFPA/ANSI Standards Description Gamewell's new line of strobes and combination audible and speaker strobe signqling products is designed for ADA applications while .meeting the latest requirements of NFPA 72 (lhe National Fire Alarm Code), ANSI 117.1 (the American National Standard for Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities), and UL Standard 1971(Signaling Devices foy the Hearing lmpaired). These new strobe products, when properly. s. pecified and installed iJt accordance . with NFPA/ANSI Standards, can provide the Equivalent Facilitation allowed under ADA Accessibility G uidelines (ADAAG General Section 2.2) by meeting or exceeding the illumination which results from ADA's strobe intensity guideline of 75 candela at 50 feet. This is an illumination of 0.030 lumens per square foot (foot-candles). Standard Applications Gamew€ll's LS, LSM, MS, lS and HSW Series strobe designs (with additional patents pending) offer fire alarm system designers, specifiers and installers the industry's widest seleclion of UL 1971 Listed strobe products. Gamewell's new strobe family is designed for ADA applications with maximum performance, reliability and cost-effectiveness while meeting or exceeding the latest UUNFPA/ANSI requirements. LS Series: LS Series strobes are Listed at 15 candela intensity, witha light dispersion pattern ,that exceeds UL 1971 requirementsand meets. NFPA/ANSI requirements for indirect viewing in rooms .and direct vierrving in corridors. One . LS Series strobe will cover a 20'x20' room when' properly wall or ceiling'. mounted in . accordance with NFPA/ANSI Standards. LS Series strobes are available in a wide range of stand alone rnodels and audible/speaker ,. combination .models, :,incUding ; Gameyrell's -qnique MT Multitone " - - Signals,. and. popular MIZ Mini- : Horns, CH Chimes and E . Speakers. .For retrofit applications, . the . model.,. LSP, . Strobe/Plate Assembly .makes it easy to . upgrade existing signaling devices to .meet the latest visible signaling requirements. LSM Series: LSM Series strobes are also Usted at 15 candela intensity under UL 1971 and exceed. a near-axis T5 candela intensity. LSM Series strobes are designed only for,wall mounting, in a vertical orientation, in acco.roance with NFPA/ANSI requirements for . 1 5 candela strobes, yet meet a 75 candela ADA guideline with low current draw. They are available inthe same :stand .alone and, audible/combinalisn models as the LS.Series, with attractive flush or surface mounting options to standard electrical backboxes and convenient in-out wiring terminals to speed installation. MS Series: For larger areas, Gamewell's MS Series slrobes are Listed at 30 candela intensity. One MS Series strobe will .cover a 30'x30' room when properly wall.or .-, ceiling'. mounted per NFPA/ANSI i, f Standards. The MS Series strobes are available in the same stand alone . and-- audible/spea ker" combination models as the LS and. LSM Series. lS Series:. Gamewells lS Series strobes' are Listed. at 75 candela intensity,, for. additional coverage . capabili.ty.. One'lS Series strobe ' will cover a 40'x.40' room r when properly wall or ceiling' mounted per NFPtuANSl Standards. lS Series strobes are available in thesame stand alone and 'a udible/spea ker combination models as the LS, LSM and MS Series. HSW Series: For very large areas and sleeping areas, Gamewell's HSW Series strobes are Listed at 110 candela intensity. One HSW Series strobe can be used to covera 50'x50' room or ' to awaken sleeping occupants (within 16' of the strobe) when properly wall mounted per NFPA/ANSI Standards. The HSW Series strobes are available in stand 'alone models or ,in combinalion with"the MIZ Mini-Horns. They are also offered with the model HSPW Strobe/Plate Assembly for combination with a wkJe range of audible or speaker appliances in new or retrofit applications. 'Refer.to AOAAG preser{ limitalions on celling mounting. o LSr| POLAR UGHT DISTF|AIInON.II'T75 CAXDELA t L 1971 FTOLAA UGHT DlSTBtStmO 15,30,76,1 10 CANDELA *ffi' - miqj!ilr*F ,m d rgti iii !ii iiiaBE Ett sffi *$ Ei TE ffiil !! EEs iii €!::tt ili iif s2E it; iEE <2 '.c €3ooe.a ee FE JEI .OE EgE| !E EEggE* IeE Es-iE;Egei Eit EiE {gg'6oo,Eti gE Es5oc >= €g; Eg; E:E EgEEfc €€EOPEE!E HiE t!;.EEE 9*g aEi E*i5€- iia gHE .ECCI SE E 6 8..s (,co P g o *tzt a t o . '(fHV) uollclpspnf oulner.t Apor.llne lecol aql 1o s1ueu1etlnbe, "* Oiru, O sluoupuaue pue sacqpuadde lle 'ol palturt 1ou 1nq 'Ourpnlcur sopoc pue s/v\el 'suollelnOer 'seu11ep1n6 'spJepupls ar4 pue 6u;p11nq elqecrrdde ,aqlo pue lerapal 'lrllslp acu;nord ',!unoc 'a1e1s 'tecol '(VHSO) uotlerlstututpv r{lleaH pue l1a1eg leuouednccg '(C:U) apoC lecppals leuotleN '(1p) sapoleroqe'l ,sJaluruapun '(VdlM uo[etcossv uo[calord orJ leuorleN tsalel aql Jo lle qllM acueprocce u1 uorle:ado rodord ro1 lauuosrad pe4rlenb Aq pau:opad aq lsnur 6uq1sa1 pue aeueualureur 'uollerado 'uollellelsu! 'uonecr;dde 'uouecgrcadg 'slllel pue suorleln6a.r 'sapoc leJapal pue alels 'le3ol r.{lr,\ egueprooce ur pue uago aJour ro:eaA e ac;a,r1 lseal le pue uollellplsu! lo aurll aql le suollcnJlsur uollellelsu! rlaql qUM ocuepJocce u1 pa1sa1 {l1euo11etado pue paurelu!eui 'palerado 'pollelsu! 'partdde ipeggcads AlU3dOUd aq lsnt^it puB suollecglcads paqsrrqnd rraql ur.llrr\ pasn oq lsnu slcnpo.ld lla/v\aureO ez vvIt 9V 9VIt t9 z9 6L 96 z0l cv, | 7r 9Zr LZL tel ocl ze, zE, zEt z'tL etL 5 vl 9'LL 98'6 r z'rz L',6Zttt 909 "Lubo 066 066 0'66 0'66 uoo 0'01 r 9Z A7 6Z ,a Lt vv It z9 z9 oo atv OL VL A' LU L8 88 06 8 8r/0'6 8'8r./0 6 g',Zztl 6 97ZtO'01 E gAE'L' e'9u0'zt, 0'0€/9'e I 8 €€/e'9r t, tvn 0z e'99/9 92 €'99E te e '99/8 8t e 99/9'1.9 9'L9 9'L9 9'1.9 9'29 9'L9 0'9L 9t 9l 9l YI 9t 9t 8t ,z vz 8Z zt vu oc 0t zv zv zv 9'U9e 9 Lg'e 06/9e, 06/0t 9'0 t9 t 9'OLt8'' 0'zur'9 9'ev9 9 9'9 r/r'8 9'ZAZ'0t 9'ZAg:El 9'ZA9'61' g'Zul',LZ 0'Lz i't7 0'Lz o'Lz 00e I oz 0e 09 Y: OT LL v8 06 z6 t6 YO OA 00t 00t 00t 00t 001 I I I I I I 'rr v, 9t 81. 8t ol. ot lz l7 zz 8 e/8't 8'€/8',t g'ilg',1 9'VtO'Z e'qe'z e'gv z 0'9tL'z 8'9/e '0 e '8/0't E't t/t'9 t'l t/6'9 e'L t/8'6 e't t/9'e I 9et 9et ! Et, :' E|, 9'e r 0'9 t 06 UU cl OL 99 no :! 09 0t 0e 9Z A7 :l 0t :t 0 sH d^l ultr\l -ln st d^.l.uln ]n sru d^l utlil'ln t ts'l d^L st d^t ult{ -ln ('6ap ur) al6uy lecilanpc 0ll p3 91.YW UL t1 gUSl p3 g! 6ur1a3y11e1y1 ..i' o . 'salqel aOeraaoc aqorls ISNV /dJN qly\ a3ueuljojuoc ul s6u0el elepuel palsrl .rleql uo peseq aq lsnr! qcnpord asaql lo uol?llelsut pue uortecglcads 'Moloq alqel eql umoqs se sapuB Buurrarn 1;e 1e Atsualur to, quaurarrnbar l/61 'ln aql poaoxe spnpo.rd aqotls polst-.l t26l ln s,llaMeujec q6noqly oc ev 9t 69 6L 98 z6 vo 001 e0t 60t vLl t2l t7 | 6Z|. zeL 9'LZ g',tz 0'e e 0'ee 9'8e 9'8e 0'v, 9'6t 9'09 9'28 928 9'28 9z.8 0'66 0'66 0'66 066 066 00rt o7 LZ 0€ IL lt- re LL 5L av z9 99 OL e8 oa YU OU z6 06 8'8r 8'8r 9'72 9'ZZ e'92 €-92 0'00 s'€e e'Lv' e'99 r'99 LV! o v:t 9'L9 9'1,9 9'L9 9'L9 9'1.9 0'91 L} FL 9L 9t 9l 9t 9l i7 0€ te te 0t 0, 0t 0r. 0r z, JL 06 0'6 9'0 t J U} 0'2, 9'St ! vl' 9'ZZ I'Za 9'ZZ g',ZZ o'/z 0'Lz 0'Lz. o'Lz 00e vl >t 9t :tl :t 9t 9r. ll. :t l. I 91. Ll.'Ll ol. 6l zz 8Z .UL 'L00t LII II LI LI ol 0z i7 oz d7 rz 8e 8'e 9' 9'9 e'9 e'9 0'9 8'9 €'s e't, e't I s't ! s'f I 9'er 9'e r 9.'e r :r t,l 9'e t 0'9 t 06 98 08 9L 99 09 99 9' >L 0e 9Z 0z :tI 0l 0 SH dAI ulw ln ' s[ dI]utht -ln sn d^r ul9r'ln ns'l d^l s] d^L uln ln ('6ap u;) a16uy lquozloHpc0lt,p3 92 u 9u9L pc gL 24 VDC Slgn.lr' P!rt No Modal tfo St!b. Crndala dBA e r0n Currat e24 voc Moundng Opalooi APPROVALS UL CFM FM MEA BFP ],5L 71266 1S.24-VFR 15 .oEo D X x x 71269 LS t -24.VFR 15 .080 A,J x x x 71270 LS3-24-VFR t5 .080 X X x f1271 LSP-24.HFR t5 .080 E,R X x x LSM Slrobos 71212 LSM.2'-VFR 15rr5 .115 D x ???? 71273 LS 1M.24-VFR t5rr5 .115 A,J x ???? 71274 LS3M-2.LVFR 15t75 .115 L x ???? 71275 LSPM.24.VFR 15t?5 x ??? MS Strob€s 71276 MS.2+VFR 30 .135 o x ?x 71277 MS1-24-VFR 30 .135 AJ x ?x 71278 MS3.24.VFR 30 .135 x x 71279 MSP.24.HFR 30 ,135 E.t<X x Slrobes 7',1280 ts-24-vFR 75 .225 D ???? 71241 lsl-24-VFR 75 ' .225 AJ ,,??? 71282 rs3-24-VFR 75 .225 L ???? 71283 tsP-24-VFR 75 225 E,R ?.,??? HSW Skobes 7128r'.HSW.24-HFR 110 .230 o X x x x ? 712a5 HS2W-24-HFR tt0 .230 c,K x x x x ? 712']6 HSPW-24:HFR 110 .230 E,R x X x )(? Mlz Mini-Homs I 11281 Mtz-24-LS-VFR 15 90 .G2 a,c,K x x x ?7 7128a MIZ.24.LSM-VFR 15tt5 90 .127 B.C,K ????? 71289 MIZ-24JrlS-VFR 30 90 ..t47 B,C,K ??? 71290 Mlz-24.ts-vFR .75 90...237 B,C,K ????? 71291 MIZ-2,1-HSW-HFR It0 90 .242 B,C x ???? 7MT Multllon€ f1292 MT.24.LS.VFR t5 87-99 .092-.128 c,E,M,O.P,T x x x 71293 MT.24.LSM.VFR t5/75 87-99 .127..i63 c,E.[r.o,P,T ??.??? 71294 MT.24.trtS.VFR 30 E7.99 . t47.,183 c,E,M,O,P,T ??? 71295 MT-21.tS-VFR 75 87.99 .237-.2n 'C,E.[,l,O,PJ ??1 1 ? 71296 MT1.24.LS.VFR a5 87-99 .@2..128 N x x ? 11297 MT4.2+LSM.VFR 15,75 87.99 .127-.'t63 N ????', 71298 MT4-24.t\,lS.VFR 30 87.99 ..1.r7-.183 N ? 71299 MT+24.IS.VFR 75 87-99 .237-,273 N ????? CH Chimes 71300 CH.DFl.LS.?4.VFR '15 83 .100 F,G,O X ?? 71301 CH.DFI.LSM.24-VFR 15|t5 83 F,G.Q ???? 7't 302 cH-DF1-MS-24.VFR . t55.F,G,O ?2 ? 71303 cH-DF1.tS.24-VFR 7S 245 F,G.O ?a ??? E Seriss Spqakers 25 v]m3 1/4-2 watts 713(X E-702$LS-24-VFR 15 81-90 .080 .F.G,O x x E-7025.LSM.24.VFR 15t75 81-90 .115 F.G.O ??2 ? 71306 E-7025{rS-24-VFR 30 8r-90 .135 F,G,Q ?., 71307 E-7025-rS-24-VFR 75 81-90 .225 F,G,O ?,,?? 7130E E'9025.tS-244FW 15 8r.90 .080 F,G x x 7t309 E-902sJrrS-244FW 30 8t-90 .135 F,G ?? ?1310 E-902$tS-24-CFW 75 81.90 .225 F,G ?2 ?? Ordering Information and Specifications Not S: l. All 24 vdc modols ar. lislsd for 20-31 vdc input t sing elthot tiitcred or lnfilterod (FVVR) input voltaga. 2. dBA ratings are all maasured at tO ft in an anechorc chamber wilh nominal input voltag€. 3. MT Multiton€ Se.ios has range of cu.r€nl and dBA ratings with eight lietd selectable tones and High or Standard dBA ssttings, tl. CH Chime Serlss oan bo sel fo( singlc stroke or vibraling mods. 5. Strobes require continuous input voltage to llash pro!'e.t: do not us6 sliobos on coded of inl€truptod citcuils. 6. Modsls codo sdfx: V ' verlical lens; C = coiting lens: H ! ho.izontal l€ns; F r fir€ lsttering; R E .od plato: W ! whito plate. 7. Alf 3peakar modsls are shor.{n wilh 24 vdc sttob3s. 8j All E Seri€s modeb hav€ field seloctabla laps lo. tl, k,1 or 2 uratl oporstion. 9. Approret codes: UL. Underwrilet Laboraloti6: CFM = Calitornia Slalo Fire Ma'shali FM : Factory Mduali MEA r N6,v York City Materials and Equipment Accoptance: BFP . Chicago Buroau ol Fir€ P.wanlim. Mounting Options OPTION TYPE sAcKaox MAXIMUM WIRES IN AACKBOX ' tl8 #15 t11 Il2 Flush 1-GangX2'4 4 B Flush l.GangX3-12'4 4 4 Flush 2-GangX3-12'I 8 I D Flush 4X4',X1-1t7 4 4 4 Flush 4'X4X2-1/8'I 8 I 8 F Flush 4'X4X2-l/A+1-lt2Ring I I 8 4 G Flush 4 X 4' X 2-'ll8. + 2-1 8' Ring I I 8 8 H SomLFlush 4'X 4', X 1-12' + ISP ,8 8 8 4 S€miflush 4' X 4'X 2.18'+ ISP 8 8 8 8 J Surtace \Mremold 1-Gang X 1-94 4 4 4 4 K Surfaco W'emdd 2 -Gane X 1.3/4'4 4 4 L Surface EE 4 4 4 M Sur{ace BB + ISP 8 8 8 4 N S uaface OBB 8 It 4 Surface DBB + lsP 8 I 8 P Surface roB 8 8 8 S urface o 8 R Surtace cat I 8 o 8 8 s Surface SBL 8 o 8 8 T R€lrofil FSBI + RP I I 8 MODEL PART NO DESCRIPTION BA.R 68455 4' X 4' X'l-117 Surtace Eackbox D88.R 68593 4 X 4' X znA Surface Bactbox ISP.R *114' X r1l4 X '11115' Molded Exlsndor to&R 71139 t1l4 X tl/4' X 2-54' Molded Surfac€ Backbox NDt'.t(70418 *1n' X 5-112' X 3.1/2' Surface Backbox SBLl.R 6'X 9'1/2'X 'l-3/4'Surtace Backbor S8L-R 5-1//2' X 10-5/8'X 1-3./4'Sudac€ Backbox ,1n' X 5-1n' X 7/15' FSBI Relront Plate Wiring Infomation: All models have in-out wiring terminals (or double leads for Series LSP/LSPM/ISP/HSPW). Stand models and Series MIZ models have single in-put; all other models have dual inputs with seoarate audible and for strobe. Series MT and CH are provided with shunt wires so audible and strobe can wired in parallel to operate on a single circuit. t';O cAuTloN: The Mounling Optics tabls shorvs the nraximum numb€r of tield wires (qonductors) that can enler the backbox used with oach mounting option. lf lh€s€ limils ere exceed8d, the.6 mey b3 insuflicionl space in lhe beckbox lo accommodalolhe field wir6s and 6t,e8ses trom th€ wires could damage fhe product. Although the limits sho.rn lor €ach oplion cbmply with the National Ebclrical Code (NEC), Gamer.rell recommonds use ot the larg€st backbor oplion show|l ano use of approved slranded tield wirgs whenever possibl€, lo provide additional wiring room lor 6asy instalbtion aod minimum stross on thq pr;uct trom wiring. alone strobe terminals for optionally be o ocT 27 '94 t1:3? GAt'lEl.lELL I DAtrA SH 5085281683 P.3 I'lrv, Ytl,]llt d ,r us.A P.E3 I Options Rsrnote Indlcalor AromotoLED alorm indicator is oplion- itlly available to RllovJ moniloring ol duct dotEctorc imtolled in conceslcd aroas. ltconsislsol an LEIJ assembly mounlcd on actaintoos sloolplal€ that Inslull$ in a $ingl€.gang s$/tch box. Tho LED op6falos ln conjunction wilh thB alermLED m0untedon the detec. tor housing. Ordering Informiltion Eleclflcrl Spdoiticstions Oporating Vottase: .. 69432 6943C Standby Co onu Alarm Cunent: E.0.1-. felflygurf6.1' Remcile LED Currontl Auxlllary Conlactsl Alarm - Two Form 0. l0A at 115 Vac Troubl€ - ona Form c, 5Aal115 vac . Phyolcal Ch*rue1orb1bo Dirnan*iorrs: 10c/r"H x t0W x 3.5"O (fl,3cm x t5.4cni x 8.9cm) lvlalerial: 16 Ga. C.F.S;C€lor: Texturcd $foy tinish Opsrallno Tdrlperi,rlurns . aZ.F ro t zo.F p ', (fC to 49:C) ( Utla{ br lt do^rtiot" 2lth{,dtctiot, hE, : pqvai 1 l5 Vac 1?mA 35nrA ' 1omA 14mA ( Ten Forgo Park Fronktrh, Maca3chuse s 0110:41 (608) 533-4331 FAX (50S) 5?+1603 syP?Hq. ly.l3:_- D3scrrprton tr 69,t32 4.whe. ah duct. ionizatiol smoka ddtector (24 Vdc) tr lqq3 +wifc, alrduct, ionization srnoke detector (11S Vao) E| 69434-4 4'sampting rube n Ee43+10'rg:.s.1l!,ii1il.l1F-___ n 30080 E.O.L. rolay for prwcr supcrvision (24 Vdc) n 30203 RemotE LED alarrn Indicator f'-tt-to rHU ?:19 I o o E LoIt otn oo:r dlrl ',o >'E *"+ -,J Ea EREE o3-9 tq. I 5 -e.rEEEE'i'd -Bslr^rf c' lurrltut(l -B;Eur rr E ltrl rf ,l Cl o'e: E E E J rL( ouF:E 96 =.A*tee -r9os8F .Fc)'Lll ' 4coil:) ]n P. B3G3l6:89FEE- 9-95 THU INSTHUCTION MANUAL ' Pad hu.flbor 1OO78 nEy 0692 POLARITY REVERSAL RELAY MODULES #gL DESCRIFTION Th€ ESL 4oS polatlv taverEal r€lay moduli3 are spedfiertty dosign€d lo be used vrlth ESL 400 $erles rmoke dctodon wilh buf,t.ln horrc. They are FrFwlrEd lof connpclion b s fks alarm conlol unll supsdtsed atarrn inClaUno clrsrlt(belldrc1lir)endeithor a):oa+lrrlla&rE cholB lor r,rso wih ESL 4ZCr42i Sella3 delectori or bl h€ d€lgctor povref drauit for usa wlth ESL .140/{{s Series det€clor5, when tho con[ol unit!lar]rt. ho polirltyol thobollcircult rovtir!ei arid power l! 6pplied to optfllE connoclod holn 5. bolk, otc, The co[($) ol Urc tolo y rliodi.rlo 19 connoctcd scrosr tho boll ahoJlt, On alorm, tho moduto dier!finoctg uro dElectori liorn lh€bnormtloperatingcorlll€clions, and appnes f everse polarity Fowe( to the]r|, this causes a[ ho|ns Uul have nol r*ponded to smoks io puls; l/4 6ecofld on, 1/4 Broond ofl. Th6 horni ihil hdw r.sponded lo smok€ sound conlinuously. APPLICATIOH fhe ringl€ chaJit,nodule b sutllcient,or four-wire Instilralens. bne oimoreolhi I o.2cfsJlt modulor may bc r8quir€d lo. two.wlro Instjrllafons. one tor 6ach rone drorit ol trvo.wire delEctors. Ceof)ott: Shtcz tufl bell citcuit 'Ewet lc ca![?,ecled e dts the zdne ch.ijuit ln the tlant conditloa, olht lnltlatlng devic4 suah at FatA sbioas or heat delealog mey natlE l/,edd. Fgr two-wtti tt'';talatloni,lJLvdned et€f-d.#,r com'P/tDlll.ly lDftrcon lh? dstacaor s,nd lhq @nho.l unia k r.qut zd. l}'.u"uon .t,r,,,,g connaEUonB are orocn,"arry tuporvtgort, The a€ldy rlodulBs may alsg ba used to supply pgwe? to a ton6 ol delectors durlng an allm oonditiofi. to allow tecondary relsy-tlntolled ahm lunctione srJch as door.rgl€ese or dosing. When transler lo bcllch6Jitgower y{ITHOUT poladV reyeEalis desired, girr,iply terl€rse th6lnltiC coonsctions to rhe FACU ini$.rlinq cfc{il Tho cunenl dsmand in alarm on lhe boll EircJit is €lculaled as lollqvrs: AOO: currenr roquhed to operato the r€laymoduls(s] PLUS.. cunEnt roquhod lol madmum numbgr ot detecbrs orpoclod lo fospond lo smoko PLUS rovorsF potriv opeTsling curront o( he rErt ol lho d€hctolE, For two.wh e clrajltB. invertlgated compatibility wiltverity the ablity to receive an elarrn qilnalfrod a doleclor. Tlre i{tlating drqJll doos NOThavoto support horn +oration as tils b handlod by he boll drqrlL In lour-tfli€ clrH.|lB. lhe nolrhal povJer supCy drcutt must b€ cspeblo ot supplyhg ALL ol he lollwing: a) currcnl lor one deleclqr h alarrnb) sLrndw curronr lor tho roslol the dolaqbrsc) supeNisory curent al a volbgo wilhin he ralBd Volhge range ol rhe d€teclot AFFROVAL Hel:y modulos 4Of'.0l. 405.02.405'03 and 405-04 are UL Usred as tire alarm acoessory d€v'R99, INSTALLATIOTiI ANO MOUHTIHG Ttl€ relay modub mfirnls on a gl€ndard Co.nmerdal'2- |/6' de€p. 4' squre ou et box (universel Vpe 5?1711, Wking melrods and rdaieriats u3e6 shoutd b€ ln accotdlnce with Arriclo 7EO ol the Nalional Electrical Code. using I d05-01 end405.03 _l 405-02 and 405.04 no larger theo lI4 AWG,#5t 21 VoC, Polarlty rerersel ,slry, slngt€ Eire,rit 2{ VOC. Polidv ravd|gtl ret-y. duat cLq,rlt l? VOQ, Folarity rBvarsirl rclay. singlo ckcjit l2 VOq Pohrlty rg\,er3sl relay, duaj cltarit spEctFlcATloNs 405.01,40$,02volEgc: 20 . 30 VDc or FwRCunent 4O$Ol ?1 mA@ ?4Vrt0$0? d? mA @ ?4V {05-03,405.04voltage: 9.2 . 18 \rOC or FWBCunent: .105.03 13mA@ 12V !05 04 86mA@ 12V Contacts (all models)l 1A, 30 VDC resisti're Si2e (ill rhodels): 2. t' x ?,9f r 1,0' (5.3 crn r 73 cn r 2.5 qn) Woighl: .02 lbs. trFR- g-q5 THtl I f,, !48 l:q P_64 SMOI(E OETECTOR$-All Modell slandby vohEgs. r,&3il vDc or vFwR,' Strrdby Curant 40 1A e r2 Vi rOO xA 6, !4 VAletfi VoltEg.' 6,5.gtt VOC or VFWR Alrrm Cuftsnt tE mA @ r?V, gO mA df A4V I[$Sll3.'lT#Tn - I Ai,pe. o, 30voco,,aovAc UbCcrr 4.r5CR, it4ECFT - 2 Am9.r.E @ gtt VDC oi rZO VACpowEB gupERvtsroN UN|TE t,o/oaJ,*E't2/{', Op?rrting Voltrgo' 8.scl VDO Ops rln! Cur!.nt LrnA@l2vizsmA@f4v Conl|ot Rding (rcalrtiv.) qAt$s€@!6VoC6t14f V C Opcrr ng Temp€talure RFngo , Operaling Humldlty Hange o€tedor Slzo: Oi.ms|er H6ight ;t . : Wdtgh! Ponsr/Alarm lddiodlor LED OPERATIOIIAL DATA orc to 60.c: 32.F io ,200F 0 lo 95rrb HH . 0.1 h, 16.5 cm 2.0 in, 5.0 cm 8.8 qi, 0,eS kg Standby - Fla$hing Alarm - Sl€.dy Electronic Alsam Latch Rarer by moftanttry powel htonuption SenBllivlty lo Snrok€ 3.1 i o.Ectifl. 'VDC - Fllter.d DC, toCt Flpplc matlmun VFTTVR - Unltllar6d Futt WrvB BEctiiisd lxBrAUlTlOll (Dlogrom #tl FLUSH trtOU flilG ON 4' OCTAGO SOX WIREMOLO Itro. Sttcl 8aa Nota (Bola*)rinlh i.nl a" ctr0oir |troonlrnl cdtl ?ala3 lnoA art nqrnting all boIJ tot $rt*t wirhg IoTE: Podlh d? Frlllut! ttom vroffltt, coicsU ,no,rnung urr* ltta$rh; {tounm rrrltGaa, or ptansrnr surtf9 ru fovim.il lltqJeh and rhyIrufl thr &lrctor tmy prrvcnt pmprr oplrtlon. eatl lll tu-ah opurhgr-caultng rrryr-ntad alr llow d Dg UL Llrtd;rFndlno lorm or Ddrr.rl. LED (Dlagram #2)n|]fG coilHEglIoNS r'ls Ir krl.|rhqltr|l|t loa d.lrll E|n tClECry oF.rrllon FUtr 9 (Cb|| l)lr F.tur|| lnhlrtlng d]sult {lrhg.tq,.tppnoEdatt aont.ol rr|ll ta.mlndr ||d crnDact thr .nd ol llnt lcvlora lat tha a0a0!| rnlt la.tuct|!|t... .lcvlora par la.tuqt|!||...|rwr'9!tt Fa vtt E|qEatErt Irrar rarasuqtEdl. . GAIJ?lOir: dO lto? u|. bogad d.a undt |Grtf, t ?ntlnrb. Tlt r. t rn orh .r.drtlgfi.d k pffia loodry et tn unbret n rl'r ryo.rrd or uodr. . t rrnlrd tcnar' ln a |ilntat ||ttt Sould o.|Irrn,fra booad rbl lq r|m.ln unkFt n Culns Inrlrlbrlfl. THr ro|I|d lf|cftdr .ua.wbbn t, th. wt r,.D lotcnar' ln a |ilntat ||trt Sould p{rin,l|ra bopad rbl rq- r|m.ln unlrFt n Culnl THr ro|I|d Ff|cftdr .up.wbbn t, lh. wt r,.rt lod.le4! ifi th. t'inlftal,,,\','.'' srfooTH. cErl.|l{c .aPActt|c On .|noodr c.lllng3, 3p.Glng ol dr't..t (e,i macro) iniy.beiu:cd si a ini.ie. Othar apmlng mBy be ursd deF€ndhg on drrling tt€iohr, hlgh ait moyelhent, ind olhEr cordifoft 6r t6spodq! taqul/anHtl6. ,. , .; . ,, .r ... . .,:, In dl hn rtlonr. g€d .ndn rltrg ludgnmt drcuH gowrn. 'Cofiruh |ltonal Flre P?ot ctlon Ar.cl.rbn Publlcdo|E. "NFFA 72E, $.rr ,derd or| Aubmatc Fi'€ Oebclor8," rlrd, *hara lpplidibla, 'rNFpA 74, St fil||d tot th€ |r|statldtlon, MdnFnano, .nd Ur. or lbus.trold Fire Wsmlng ,:EquiFn€nt." @mu''rwtt trFE- q-95 Tt{tl I 6 :3q CF P - tl 3 GameweilO Data Sheet 680 O I Automatic Heat Detector Low Profile . Dual Simultaneous Control of Two Independently Powered Circuits . Unmistakable Visual Indication . Ullrasensilive .Trouble Free Service - No Field Maintenance Reouired o Low Profile - Proiects 1-3/8,, Below Ceiling . High Strength, Conosion Resistant Materials . Fast, Easy Installation . U.L. Listed .All Contacts Normally Open Spot Fire Delector Application Available as dual action, combination of rate ol rise and fixed temperature prin. ciples; or as a f xed temperature unit only. The Spot Fire Lowecator is an ultrasen- sitive electrothermostatic device used in automatic fire alarm systems for the quick, positive detection of fire. Oneraiinn (A) Rate of Rise Principle Air expands as it heats and contracts as it cools. For normal (room) termperature fluctuations, expansion and contraction of air in the Lowecator's air chamber is automatically compensated by the brea- thing action of the vent. When a fire oc- curs, however, air temperatures rise very rapidly. Air in the chamber then expands at a higher rate than that at which it can escape lhrough the vent. This creates a pressure that distends the diaphragm; thereby closing the electricai contacts. The rate of rise element is not related to a determined temperature level; but is responsive immediately rl the temperature rises. An important feature of the rale of rise elemenl is its repeated self restora- lron; even atler it has been activated many times. (B) Fixed Tempercture Principle The fixed temperature element is totally independent of that of the rate of rise prin- ciple. When the temperature rise in a room exceeds a fixed temperature, an external heat collector drops away when a f usible allov fuses.o 'sasn] Aolle elqrsnf e soorp .rolcolloc leeq lPujslxo dual pexp P speacxa urooJ rnlPiaduJol eql uoqM aldtc alej aql lo lPql ]o luapuedapur )uap ojnleraouJal pex!| or'l1 ruu4 en1etedwal paxll (g) 'saurI IuEul raaq sPq ll raue ua^a :uo[ i poleadaj slr sl lueuJap asrj .o arnlEal lueuodujr uV sosu I eql ! ^laprpauluJr arrsuodser I sinlPraoujal paururJaFp P )u s! luauolo asrj lo €lPr aql eculcale oql 0ursolc r{qa:aq1 I aqt spuaprp leql arnsserd rl1 'luo^ aql q6no:q1 adecse uec r Llcrqm ]p leql ueql aler raq6rq e le spuedxo uaql raqureqc aq1 ur rry ',{1pder fuaA a6u saJnlejodural r|e 'Ja or oq 'sjnc -co arll p uaqM luan aql lo uolce 6urqt +erq aql r(q pelesueduJoc ,(11ec[euJolnE sl JequrEqc r|e s,Joleca^\ol otll ur Jre ,o uorlcE.rluos puE uorsuedxa'suorlenlcng ernleradural (uoot) pu.uou :ol slooc lr se slcerluoc pup sleaq 1r se spuedxa rry appuu4 aslg p aleg (y) uo|lE.|eoo 'oru lo uolcalap a^rlsod 'I3rnb eLll rol suJoF^s ujJep aru crleujone ur pasn o3r^ap cualsouiaqlorlcala aA s -uaseJlln ue sl loleca/'Ao-l allJ loos 3q1 ',{1uo 1un ernpradula} pax[ p sp lo :saldro -uud ornpiaduJal paxu pue osu lo aler ]o uorlguquJo9 'uo[ce lenp se aHPI|e^v uopecglddy '' rolcelao orlJ lods uadg i(1pru.ro1i; speluoJ ll!r pals!"| "l'n . uotlell€lsul Ise3'gseg. slPuolen luplsrsau uotsotoC 'q16ua4g q6tg o 6u11re3 noleg "g/e-! slcalotd - oltjotd r o'l r parpnbeg acueuotu!Elll plalJ oN - ac!ruas a€rJ olQnoJf o €AlllSu€SeJ{fl r uollec!pul pnst1\ olQeNE]stutufl o st!ncrc pa.to,\ 04 i(puepuadepul o/'11 lo lo.lluoC Sno€ueflnuJlg lBnQ e allJojd ,no-I rolcelao leeHclleuolnv o089 loor.ls eleo @ilameuBc ffim"ingg#ddlrl:,T,iJf ffi ::lg.gi:*il{ii,:,?,:",1*trrS?i,311'ri::*:]""r*",ii?,1,H#so q, r so qz1 ;;;;;li?%$3.i [llH'LTr."B,:Frj;,:'r*rtaches ro " ;,;;llliiifjijl"hl "j 1-CtRculT MODEL 2-ctRcutT MODEL '#ffiHffiffi;R ff l,:,ilx,,5il"; :? jhffi$n, Filg_rhe_-spor F, DESCRIPT,ON ll,,:,il,?:fl"r:js withsa re'erse motjon, ,$-:1ffi,5i;fr*r'ffi 50417 504,21 Fixed Tempera- ture Only, 2OOoF. Where lempera_ rure fluctuations may be unusual_ ry violent, andceiling tempera- rures exceed 10Ooout do nol ex_ceed lSOoF. 'o'8l,?Eil,o' coLtECroB U,L. MAXIMUM SPACING ALLoWANcE GRAY RING & SPOT 25x25ft. F,i:?i"*;ff:'(ure, lgsoF Fixed Tempera- ture Only, iSsbE til".5Tffl;fr .ures do not ex-ceed l00oE Where lempera- rure fluctuaiions ili,li'llil;illryres exceed 1000 but do norexceed lSOo E Where tempera_ rure fluctuations rnay be unusual_ ty violent, andceiling tempera- rures do not ex_ceed 100oE NONE GRAY RING 50 x 50 ft.. Circuit Volt. ^ ^rb - DIC 't 2q t/^,.. r 'vu - ;;;,;:: 0.3250 vDc 0.1 t'0 LU 00r co^ 092 co^ 9zr 30A 8Z-9 0'e cv^ 9zr-9 'dt^tv 'llon llnsrc 3/O 'dl^tv 'Uon IncrlS CN (lue.unC elqrssruuad utnutxeyl) s6uIBU lecllcq3 e 'xoq uorlcunl uo6elco ,,t e ol soqcel lE lr 'uorlsod auo ul lolcolao qcea qu\ perddns sr apld 6ununoul anslel€l V'6ur1cerc lnoqU/rA sooel -rns 6u[unou: ua,pun ol ]depe ol q6noue luartset |a{ '6uojts {leuta4xa sl ll C "90!le saler crlseldou.laql 6urqsrnbu[xa11es alrq^\ lo paplouJ sr oleld ourlunouJ aql 'slool p asn eql lnoqM 'uo0ouj e6ja^al e qllM paqceFp aq. uec ]l 'uorlour lsrMl puP qsnd aldujE E qlm elqd' Ourlunou.r aql ol saqcelp rolcalo6 sql 'papacuoo ere snejcs 6u[ .unouJ lP 'uorlrsod JaqlB ul suorlcauuos erm rol aoelns ourlunour pue ropalao ua9^ leq ecEds fo f/t e)va ue sopr^ -ord pue 'saxoq uo[cunl lnoqlal 6uulrn uado Jol p€sn eq uec I 'uorlsod esla ol eqlul 6uu JaFePpJo'xoq uobelco ,,7,g 'polsel aq louuec lz 0g/ztt09i sppot/v ra^rp Jleq epeyod E st pepuauJ #"",T"'il";lff " jffi ll1ji";,gtTL 6tt09/9tr09 pue Bttog/tttog stapoT @ 'ttgz x 9z 'ugz x 9z "u09 x 09 'u09 x 09 SCNV^ O'l-lv 0Ntcvds NNWXVW"t'n rods 8 9NrH AVUg lods vH9 9NrU AVBg HOl53't'tOC IV3H NO NO|rVClltIN30l 'Jo09l paac -xo lou op lnq o0ol paesxs saJnl -PreduJel 6urlrso pue 'lualorl Il -lensnun oq Aeur suorlenlcnll aJnl -Proor.!al aJaqM 3o0r0i Paeo -xa lou op selnl -e.rodurel 6ulllec pue 'lualor^ ^llensnun eq {eur suollenlcnu aJnl -EJadtuot oJaqM ! o09l paecxo lou op lnq o00[ poscxo sornl -Erodurol 6u!l!ac pue 'PuJrou eJe suo!lPnlcnu €rnl -eJodural aroqM 30001 paac -xo lou op solnl -eredurel 6u1pec pue 'lPuilou 3Je suo[Enpnll alnl -ereduel eleq11 3Sn loooz 'IluO slnt -aedu:e1 paxtJ 3o96! 'I1ug arnl -Ergduiol paxll o00Z'€rnl -aadurol pexrj puE asru lo alPu . 3o9el'ernl-aedu:e1 pex;3 puP aslu lo olPH NO|rdr83S30 rztog 0ztos 6t?09 8tt09 'tfoolt I|ncurc-z Lrrog 9tt09 9rr09 ttr09 -130011 rncHtc-r GameweilO Data Sheet 100 Unit Features Easily expandable with snap-in modules 6 amp power supply and battery cnarger 40 Ah battery charging capability Two and four wire smoke detector compatibility Dual indicating circuits Common Class A,/B indicating and initiating circuits Initiating circuits expandable in one zone Increments lndividual alarm and trouble annunciation Zone test and alarm silence oer zone Two alarm outputs (one super vised) per'zone . Form C common alarm and trouble contacts (1 each). Zone alarm contact (Form C). UL 864 listed. CSFM #7165-1288:119 Optional Features . Intelligent alarm verification per zone . lvlarchtime (120 BPM) . System volt and ammeters . Single indicating circuit cards . Local energy or shunt Master Box con- nection o Line reversal connection . Single supervisory zone cards . Limited energy outputs Application The Zans 400 series is designed forawide range of commercial, industrial, and insti- tutional applications in both new and ex- isting buildings. The Zans 400 series can be readrly applied to the retrolrt market toc.-_ t Zans 400 Fire Alarm Gontrol MODEL Z4OO meet revised local iire alarm/life safety codes. lt is ideal for small to medium size installations such as hotels, schools, cor- rectional facilities, hqalth care facilities, small otfice buildings and manufacturing planls. System Descriplion The Zans 400 is a flexibte, lrre alarm control unit for institutional, commercial and industrial applications. The Zans 400 is available in two models; the 2400 and the 2400-01. The Z4trt has a maximum capacity ol 12 initiating zones. fhe Z40O- 01 has a maximum capacity of 24 initiating zones. Initiating circuits in both the 2400 and 2400-01 are expandable in one zone increments. Both models offer modular versatility In an attractive compact paor- age to meet most detection and signaling aoolications. Both the 2400 and 2400-01 are equipped with dual indicating circuits, and addi- tional circuits can be added in one crrcuit increments. Initiating and indicaling cir- ' cuits may be configured for Class A or Class B wiring without the addition of auxiliary plug-in cards, The Zans 400 series fire alarm control panels are U.L. Iisted and conform to the requirements of NFPA 72A, B, C, D for local, auxiliary, remote station, and propri- etary signaling syslems. Common Control Module The Common Control Module consists of a motherboard with three plug-in daugh- ter boards which provide the basic sys- tem functions. This assembly consists of the following components: the common Control Molherboard, the Power Manag+ ment; the Common Alarm/Trouble board, and the D2 plug-in daughter boards. The Common Control Assembly is engi- neered to simplify installation and servic- ing. Terminals are provrded on the Com- mon Control Motherboard for field wiring' {up to 12 AWG maximum), Daughter boards may be removed or serviced with- out removing field wiring. Power Management Card The Power Management card provides system operating power which is dlvided into three categories; f iltered, unregulated; .. .filtered, regulated; and baftery charging current. In addition, it provides the cir- cuitry necessary to meet U.L. require- ments (U.L. 864) for operalion during low AC line voltage (brown-out) conditions. The unit automatically transfers to standby batteries when pnmary AC power drops . below 9O-102 VAC. Up to 2 amps, 24 VDC, ol filtered unregu- lated, and non resettable auxiliary power is provided at terminals A + , A -. Up to 5 amps,24 VDC, of filtered, unregulated power for Indicating circuits is provided at terminals VB +, VB -. Total system load A +. A -. VB + and VB - cannot exceed 5 .amps. Up to .125 amps at 24 VDC, filtered, regulated and resettable power isprovided for smoke or duct detectors which reouire separate powerfeeds. An end of line relay is required for power supervision. The Power Management Card employs an integral battery charger that provides a 1 amp maximum output. The constanl' current charger operates on a demand basis in two modes: adjustable trickle charge or automatic high rate, Supervi- sion is provided for low battery voltage and no voltage (battery disconnected) conditions. These trouble conditions will activate common trouble circuits, light the . . .. BATTERY LED, and sound the system trouble alert tone. When the charger is in the high rate mode the BATTERY LED will also light, but will not sound the lrouble tone. The charger maintains the battery in a fully charged condition at all times. Transfer to battery is instantaneous upon loss of power or detection of lowAC inputvoltage(broWn- out) that could aflect operation of periph- eral devices (i.e., door latches, smoke detectors, etc.). Emergency standby batteries are required to power the system for a minimum of 24 to 60 hours oras specified by local codes. Depending on emergency standby power requirements and system load, a 5 Ah up to 40 Ah sealed lead acid banerv is rec- ommenoeo. Alarm/Trouble Card The Alarm/Trouble card displays the sys- tem status LEDS which are visible through the cabinet door. lt also provides the electronic ckcuitry for Earth Fault detec- tion on external wiring, as well as the superuision for the daisy chain external trouble loop, and module placement. In addition, one supervised non-silenceable bell loop rated lor .125 amps al24 VDC is provided. This conforms to NFPA require- ments for waterflow indications. D2 Indicating Circuils The D2 is a dual alarm indicating module which is provided for parallel connection of polarized 24 VDC alarm signaling de- vices such as horns, buzzers, bells and lights. Each circuit is rated at a maximum of 2 amps and is supeMsed for opens, shorts and ground fault conditions. Both ol these circuits are fused lor circuit oro- tection. Marchtime Gard The optional marchtime plug-in card pro- vides a 120 beats per minute 50% duty cycle cadence for the indicating circuits. City Conneclions : Optional plug-in modules are available to connect the control oanel to either a mas- ter box (local energy or shunt-type) or Iine reversal cirouit operating between 4 and 15 mA DC. The line reversal ootion card is field programmable'to enable or disable system trouble reporting over the leased line. Supervision is provided for opens, shorts and ground fault conditions. Meters Optional meters are available for system monitoring. The meters plug into the Com- mon Contol Motherboard and are visible through the display panel on the cabinet door. Meters available include: . A 0-50 VDC nreter that indicates svs- tbm opeiating voltage. . A 0-10 amp DC meter that indicates system current consumption derived from AC input. ZD Module The ZDmodule is a common motherboard for the 21, ZV1, ZS1 and D 1 plug-in mod- ules. Nine terminals are provided on the ZD motherboard for field wiring, The termi- nals will acceot uD to 12 AWG wire. . Z1 Initiating Module The Z1 Alarm Initiating Module plugs into the common ZD motherboard. The 21 teatures Class A or B operation, one form C contact rated at 1 amp 30 VDC, a supervised swtched positive output rated at 50 mA at 24 VDC tor remote annuncia- tion, and a switched positive output rated at 50 mA at 24 VDC for selective signaling. A Red alarm LED and aYellowtrouble LED are rnounted on the module for viewing through the cabinet door. Field wiring is . Supervised. for opens and ground laull conditions, The Z.l is current limited to 100 mA in alarm and is compatible with Gamewell 2 . and 4 wire deteclors and N/O devices, lf smoke deteclors are used to control auxiliary devices such as doorholders, smoke dampers, etc., the initialing circuit should be configured for 4-wire operation using separale power feeds. ZV1 Single Zone Verification Module The verification module is capable of dis- tanguishing.between conlact-type devices and automatic smoke delectors. The veri- fication feature is activated when a Gamewell smoke detector is activated. The ZV.l momentarily resets the detector and awaits confirmation of the alarm con- dition from the detector. It the detector reactivates an alarm condition, the control panel will then commence its automatic alarmcondition responses. Vvith the ZV I's built-in intelligence, il a pull station, heat detector or flow switch is activaled, it will initiate an alarm condition without delay. The ZVI Single Zone Verificalion Module provides alarm verification on a per zone basis, to the system. lt plugs into the center connector of the common ?D motherboard. In quiescent and standby modes, the ZV1 supervises the extemal wiring and initiating devices for a trouble or alarm condition. The ZV1 can be lo- cated anywhere within the cabinet, In addition, the ZV1 and 21 Zone modules may be used together in the same system, Terminals 1 through I of the zul are the same as for a 21. The only diflerence is Terminal L Terminal 9 on the 7t'11 pro- vides an unsupervised +24VDC output whenever the ZV1 is in its verification cycre. The ZVl features Class A or B operation, one Form C alarm relay rated at 1 amp 30 VDC, a switched positive outpul for selec- tive signalling, and verification active out- put of 50 mA at 24 VDC. The ZVi is current limited to 24 VDC. 125 mA. ZS1 Supervisory Zone Module The ZS1 Supervisory Module plugs into the common ZD motherboard. The ZS1 features Class A or B operation, one form C contact raled at 1 amp 3O VDC, a supervised switched positive output rated at 50 mA at 24 VDC for remote annuncia- tion, and a switched positive output rated at 50 mA at 24 VDC forselective signaling. A yellow alarm LED and a Yellow trouble LED are mounted on the module for view- ing through the cabinet door. Field wiring is supervised for opens and ground fault conditions. D1 Indicating Module The D1 Alarm Indicating Module plugs into the common Z/D motherboard, The D1 features Class A or B operation, selec- trve or general alarm signaling and is fused at 2 amps 24 VDC for polarized indicating devices such as bells, horns, buzzers and lights. A yellowtrouble LED is mounted on the D1 module but is nol visible through the cabi- net door. Field wiring is supervised for opens, shorls and ground fault condi- tions. I*.'i. Power to the D1 may be provided either through the daisy chain or a separate 24 VDC input via terminals on the Z/D motherboard. For selective signaling, +24 Y trom a 21 module is fed into the D1 module bv a terminal on the ZD motherboard. As t6ng as the 24 volts are maintained, the D.l chcuit will remain active. LE Limited Energy Interface Module The LE Limited Energy Interface Module provides a oair of interface circuits for the connection of limited energy signaling cir- cuit wiring to the Zans 400. Either circuit may be wired in series with a Zans 400 signaling circuit output and includes a non-replaceable fuse to allow limited en- ergy output rating. ln the quiescent or alarm condition, the Limited Energy Inter- face will pass through the current of the circuit it is protecting. The LE does not produce a trouble signal of its own. The trouble reporting function is provided by the input source. Input and output power is 24 VDC,-2.0 amps max. continuous current. The interface has no internal current consumplion. The LE re- quires the K Track for mounting. K Track The K Track is required for relay and limited energy applications. lt mounts in the upper right-hand corner of a Zans cabinet using the existing mounting stud. One K Track can accomrnodate 2 Limited Energy Modules, or 2 mini sockets, or 3 octal sockets. For additional information on compatible relays, refer to Gamewell data sheet 270. Operation (Switches and Indicators) Common Conlrol Module Lamp Test - A momentary contaci slide switch which drives the lamo test bus low and lights all the system LEDs. Reset-A momentary contact slide switch which resets the smoke detectors and anv alarm condilion. Drill - A momentary conlact slide swltch that tests all the alarm signaling circuils without activating the city notification or common alarm circuits. Trouble Silence - An alternate action slide switch which silences the trouble tone and transfers trouble annunciation to the COMMON TROUBLE LED. Trouble ringback will occur after the troubld condi- tion has been correcled. The trouble silence must then be returned to the nor- mal position. Power On' - A green LED that lights to .indicate the presence of AC line voltage. In normal ouiescenl condition this LED is the only one illuminated. Common Alarm- - A red LED that lights when a zone is in alarm condition. Common Trouble' - A yellow LED that lights when the TROUBLE OFF switch is actuated lo silence the trouble tone. 'Visible through Cabinet Door. Power Managemenl Card LED 1, Battery Fault - Indicates a low battery voltage, missing battery or battery conneclion, or open ballery fuse (F1 on the motherboard). Alarm/Trouble Card LED 1, Cable Fault - lndicates a missing plug-in card, a break in the daisy chain, or an open in the e)dernal trouble loop circuit. LED 2, Bell Loop - lndicates either an open fuse (Fl on the Alarm/Trouble card) or an open external wiring connection on the,BLl/BL2 terminals. LED 3, Earth Fault - Indicates an external wiring connection is not adequately iso- lated from earth ground. D2 Card LED1, Indicating Circuit 1 - Indicates either an open fuse (F2 on D2 card) or a short or open circuit in the external wiring. LED 2, Indicating Circuit 2 - Indicates eilher an open fuse (F1 on D2 card) or a short or open circuit in the exlernal wiring. Marchtime Card LED 1 - Indicates failure of marchtime FET, transistor Q1. 21ZV1lZSl Initiating Module Zone (1-24) Switch - A one per zone alternate action switch which provides' three'separate functions all of which light the zone trouble LED. 1. Acknowledgesthealarm from the zone which silences the alarm signaling cir- cuit. 2. Detector test allows testing of the zone detectorsand annunciation of the ZONE' . ALARMLEDwilhoutactivatinothecom- mon alarm circuits. 3. Zone disconnect allows the disabling of lhe zone; however, the zone card must be removed for detector servicing. . Zone (1-24) Alarm' - Red LED(s) (yellow on the ZS1) to lndicate the zone(s) in atarm. Zone (-24) Trouble' - Yellow LED(S) to indicate the zone(s) where an open in the initiating loop or remote annunicator exists or that their corresponding zone discon- nect switch is in an off-normal position. Dl Card LED 1 - lndicates either an open fuse (Fl on Dl), or a short or open circuit in the external wiring. Master Box Card LED 1 - Indicates either an open in the field wiring or trip coil, an unreset tripped coil, or that the city $rvitch is in the discon- nect position. Shunt Box Card LED 1 - Indicates that the city switch is in the disconnect oosition. Line Reversal Card LED 1 - Indicates an open or short in the leased line or remote device, or that the city switch is in the disconnect position. City Disconnect - An allernate action switch, located on MB, S8, LF cards, that disconnects the city circuits to tacilitate system testing. System trouble is acti- vated when this switch is in the off-normal position. Engineer's Specilication The fire alarm control panel shall provide the necessary circuitry for 1-24 super- vised alarm initiating zones and two su- pervised indicating circuits. The panel shall be ol modular construction for ease of expansion and servicing and all mod- ules shall be placement supeNised. The system shall consist of one main common controlmodulewith built in 6 amp,24 VDC power supply and integral battery charger, and shall contain, but not be limited to, the following fealures: LEDs for power, common alarm and control trouble indication. Diagnostic LEDS for all supeMsed cir- cu[s. Supervised batlery charging circuit consisting of a fixed high rate and an adjustable trickle rate. The high rate shall be fixed at 1 amp. One supervised, non-silenceable b€ll loop rated at ,125 amps, 24 VDC. One 50 mA supervised switched posi- tive outout One 50 mA unsupervised alarm output Ri;d alarm LED Yellow trouble LED Initiating loop is current lii"nited at 100 mA in alarm Field wiring supervised for opens and oround fault conditions a The optional indicating module shall con- tain the following features: . Class pVB operation rated and lused at 2 amps, 24 VDC o One selective signaling input . Yellow trouble LED . Fieldwiringsupervisedforopens,shorts and ground fault conditions. The fire alarm control panel shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories and shall conform to the requiremenls set forth by NFPA 72, A, B, C and D. o Two indicating (signal) circuits Class FrlB. each rated and lused at 2 amps, 24 VDC. . One common alarm contact (Form C) rated at 1A, 30 VDC resistive. . One commontrouble contiact (Form C) rated at 1A, 30 VDC resistive. r A supervised external trouble loop in- put. . Connectorsforoplional city notilication and marchtime cards. . Receptacles for optional system volt- meter and system arnmeter. ln addition to the Common Control Mod- ule, the system shall consist of alarm initi- ating modules and optional indicating rnodules which shall be.expandable in single zone increments. The initiating module shall contain the following features: . Class fuB operation . One Form C conlact rated at 1A, 30 VDC resistive 425 COtlBlMIlOl{ E 7+ l' KT{OCKOUTS PER UL 50 STANDARD (rroP) (}B(Ilro r NOS. 1, 3, 5 lill^ []_t 'tt bottom knockoqts a|r u!€d, lt ntgy Intgr|!€ wtth Inund b€dtry Indrldon' Cabinet Dimensions Shipping Weight Construction Color Primary Power Supply Output Smoke Detector Power (S+, S-) Auxiliary Power (A+, A-) Alarm Current Initiating Circuils Two-wire Delectors (max. qty. per zone) Alarm Output (Supervised) Alarm Output (Unsupervised) Indicating Circuits Non-silenceable Bell Felay Contacts Battery (required) Maximum Quiescent Current (Standby) 40 AH Batteries 60 Hours 40 AH Batteries 24 Hours Model 2400 - 19 1/4'H x 21"W x 3 3/4'D Model Z4OO{1 - 31 112'H x 21'W x 3 3/4'D Model 2400 - 35 lbs. Model 2400-01 - 49 lbs. 16 GA steel backbox with removable door Red, baked enamel, textured linish Black Lexan display strips 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz 24 VDC, 6 amps 24VOC,.125 amps 18124 VDC, 2 amps maximum 5 amps maximurn 22VOC,100 mA maximum R7(2q,n(25), D9(25) (3.75 mA load) 24 VDC, 50 mA maximum 24VDC,50 mA maximum 18124 VOC,2 amps each 18/24VDC, 125mA 30 VDC, 1 amp resistive 24 VDC,5 Ah minimum, 40 Ah maximum .592 A quiescent, 5 Amps alarm (10 min.) 1 .48 A quiescent, 5 Amps alarm (10 min') Slandby Battery Calculations To obtain standby load, add the tollo\iving total loads: Module Standbv Current Quiescent .0524 '.0123A ..0164 ,002A .0005A .001A .008A + M1-M2 Current .0084 (jg .0424 .0284 Multiply #ol Z1IZS1 used #of ZV1 used ' #of Dl used Tolal Load Quiescent Alarm .052A .1004 A A A A A 21lzs1 zv1 D1 MT MB LR (non-remote trouble reporting) or (remote trouble reporting) External Load .0005A .010A .0084 + M1-M2 Cunenl .0084 Current Per Device Quiescenl Alarm S+,S-(.125Amax) A+,A-(2Amax) Indicating (5A max) Devices I, TOTAL SYSTEM STANDBY QUIESCENT CURBENT II. TOTAL SYSTEM ALARM CURRENT lnformalion Part No. Model No. z4co 24@41 3076G01 30635 30719 30840 30636 30261-04 30261-05 3070$01 29939-2 30278-O2 30279{1 30689 30288-01 30287-O1 30669 30669-01 1-12 Zone Fire Alarm Control Panel (lncludes 2 Bell Circuits, D2). 1-24 Zone Fie Alarm Control Panel (lncludes 2 Bell Circuits, D2). ZIO Zone or Srgnal Mother Board. (Class Ar/B). One required per 21, ZY1, ZS1 , Dl or Auxiliary Line Reversal Card. Z1 Zone Card Daughter Board. (Class ly'B). Single zone initiating circuit. ZV1 Zone Card Daughter Board. (Class Ay'B). Srngle zone verification circuit. ZS1 Zone Card Daughler Board. (Class ffi). Single zone supervisory circuit. D1 Single Indicating Circuit. (Class.py'B). Requires one ZiD Mother Board. LEMB Local Energy Master Box Card. SMB Shunt Type Master Box Card. LE Limited Energy Interlace Module. K Track LR Remote Station Line Reversal Module. MT Marchtime Card (120 BPM). ALR Auxiliary Line Reversal Optibn Card. sv system voltmeter,0-50 vDC. SA System Ammeter, 0-10 ADC. TB2 Semi-flush Trim Ring lor 2400. TR4 Semi-f lush Trim Ring for 2400-01. A A .A #of devices used #of devices used iol devices used AA AA A A_ A AH'' ) tr tr tr o o tr o tr D tr U tr ^-f1UD tr o D tr