HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 7 LOT 2 PROJECT MANUAL AND SPECIFICATIONS LEGALVLJ!,tIrytr \r-q I R\,r'kT t^rl Z-'?^rxoJ /l{"",^rl aJ\) J U {..--r' NFSOX,I DESIGN GT rlqd!- IiI ASSOCIATES o PROJECT MANUAL including SPECIFICATIONS DETAIL MAIYUAL Malone Residence 87 Rockledge Road Vail, Colorado Issued for Permit February 1,2001 I RE0DFEB -62A01 pET 00 - oloS Eot- oozo oo BESORT DESIGN H ASSOCIATES I , I PROJECT MANUAL including SPECIFICATIONS DETAIL MAIYUAL Malone Residence 87 Rockledge Road Vail, Colorado Issued for Permit February 1,2001 I I I r Lot 2, Block 7,Vail Village First Filing I PROJECT DIRECTORY r,r owr\ER MaryAliceMalone I ARCHITECTI Resort Design Associates, Intemational I 1434 Spruce Street, Suite ll0 I Boulder, CO 80302Contact Name: Jane Snvder Phone: (303)4494433 r Far<: Q03) 449-3366 I INTERIORDESIGN I i*"t Eti"d Ch"nautt lnterior Design 1644 Squaw Creek Road I Post Offrce Box 518 t Edwards, CO 81632 Contact Name: Jan Chenault I MAL'NERE*TDEN.EI ;lRi?:tt3lH:*t vail. co I Phone: (970)926-231r I Fax: (970) 926-3620 I CONTRACTORI G"*g" ShrffionstructionCompany 4l0ll US Highway 6a P.o. Box 373I Vail. CO 81658 Contact: Name: Rick Winkeller Phone: (970) 345-5656r Fax: (970) S45-7013 J I I M:\prj\%0aSMalone\23048Details\PROJECT DIRECTORY.Ioc,2/4/07 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCTATES Page 1 of4 t I I I SURVEY & CIVIL ENGINEERI @- 1000 Lions Ridge Loop, Suite 3-B r Vail. CO 81657 I Contact: Narne: Jim Ellerbroek Phone: (970) 476-8644 r Fax: (970)476-8616 I Suwey: Job# 841, Dated: 9-20-00, - LAIYDSCAPEARCHITECTURE I ""tur"1660 Gilpin Street r Denver, CO 80218 t Contact: Name: George M. Pierce Phone: (303)331-1717 'r Fax: (303) 331-1815 I ART ROCK WALL DESIGN I Larsou I 6701 S. Midvale Park Rd. Tuscon, AZ 85746 I Contact: Name: Howard Dutt I Phone: (520)294-3900 Fax: (520)741-7932 IB I STRUCTT]RAL ENGINEER Nicol Associates I 2770Dagny Way, Suite 202 I Lafavette. CO 80026 Contact: Name: Diane Hinznan Phone: (303) 665-0090I Fax: (303) 665-12ll I rrvAc DESIGN-BUILD ENGII\EERI 23798 US Highway 24 I Mintum, CO 81645t Contact: Name: Bill Stone _ Phone: (970) 827-5724r Fax: (970)827-4255I I M:\prj\BOaSMalone\23048Details\PROJECT DIRE CTORy.doc,2/4/01r RESORT DESTGN ASSOCIATES Prge 2 of 4 I I t I MECHANICAL DESIGN.BUILD ENGINEER I Whitewater Plumbing & Heating,Inc. I Post Office Box4290 Eagle, CO 81631 I Contacf Name: Jack SibleyI Phone: (970)328-3708 I (e70)328-3368 , ELECTRICAL DESIGN.BUILD ENGINEERffi I Address Ir Address 2 Contacf Name:r ffl"' I ROCKWALLS pESrGN-BUILD SUBCONTRACTORrr Yenter Companies a 20300 West Highway 72 I Arvada" CO 80007 Contact: Name: Cameron Lobato Phone: (303)2794458 I Fax: (303)279-0908 I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER I Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. 5020 Road 154 I Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 I Contact Name: Dave Young Phone: (970) 945-7988 I Fax: (970)945-8454 I SPECIFICATIONS CONSIJLTATIT a Specifications Consultants, lnc. I 6l I N. Weber Stree[ Suite 103 Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903 r 7l9ls77-9414 I 7r9/577-94ssFAX I I M:\pri\23048Maloac\23048Details\PROJECT DIRE C-IORY.doc,2/4/0t I BESOBT DESIGN ASSOCTATES Page 3 of4 I I I nr-e oBI DESIGN H ASSOCTATES I. LIGHTING DESIGNER - Whtt" Ltghtt"g D*ten I 49l0lris Street'r Wheat Ridge, CO 80033I ffi:[;s.:T;;"Fax: (303) 463-666s I I I I I I I I I I I I I M:\pri\80a8lvlal661q\23048Details\PROJECT DIRECTORY.doc, 2/4/01 Pzge 4 of 4 I I TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR I OUTLINE SPECIFICATIONS r MALONE RESTDENCE LOT 2, BLOCK 7, VAIL VILLAGE ISI FILING VAIL, COLORADO t pRoJEcT No.23o48.oo r FEBRUARY 2.2@l I BIDDING REQUIREMENTS a 00205 Instruclions to Subcontrocf Bidders I CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS I 00700 Generol Condiiions I 00800 Supplemenlory ConditionsT I sPEcrFtcAnoNs I D/V'S'ON' - GENERAT REAU'REMENTS I 0l lm Summory t 01300 Adminislrqlive Requiremenls01400 QuoliiyRequiremenls I 01500 Temporory Focilities qnd Conlrols I 01600 Producl Requirementsr OlToo Execufion Requiremenls I D,v,s,oN 2-strEcoNsrRucnoNI 02232 Seleclive Cleoring 02300 Eqrthwork I O237O Erosion ond Sedimenlofion Confrol I 02620 Subdroinoge O27fi Rigid Povemenf I 02786 Sione Poving I 02815' Inigolion Sysfem 02836 Boulder Reloining Wolls Onn' Soil Preporotion I 02930' Lowns ond Grossesa 02950* Trees, Shrubs, Vines, Groundcovers, snd Penenniols02970' Londscope Mointenonce ! I RDAr23o4s.oor I T I DIV'S'ON3-CONCREIE 03100 Concrete Forms ond Accessories I 03200 Concrete Reinforcement I 03300 Costln-Ploce Concrele03541 Gypsum Underloymenirr 03600 Grouf DIV'S'ON4 - MASONRY - 04060 Mosonry Morlor I 04810 Unil Mosonry Assembliest 0,€53 Morlor-Ploced Stone Assemblies04880 Mosonry Fireploces I DIV'S'ON5-MFTAIS 05120 Sfruclurol Steel I 5500 Metol Fobricotionsr- D'V'S'ON 6 - WOOD AND PLASIICS r 06100 Rough Corpentry I 06130 Heovy Timber Construciionr 06174 Wood I Joisls , 06210 Exlerior Finish Corpentry I 06215 tnlerior Finish Corpentryt D'V'S'ON 7 - THERMALAND MOISIURE PROIECI'ON I 071 I I Bifuminous Dompproofing I 07133 Modified Bituminous Sheet Wolerproofing07211 Boft Insulolion I 07216 Underslob ond Foundolion Insulolion I 07222 Roof ond Woll Boord Insulotion07260 Vopor Retorders07270 Air Bqniers t 0rc19 Wood Shingle Roofingr 07468 Wood Siding0760o Floshing ond Sheet Metol I 07610 Sheel Metol Roofing I 07720 Roof Accessories07920 Joinf Seolonls I D'V'S'ON 8 - DOORS AND W'NDOWS " o82lo wood Doon - 08310 Access Doors ond Ponels I 08361 Sectionol Overheod Doorsr 08551 Metol Clod Wood Wndows08710 Door HordworeI o88oo Gtozing a DIV'S'ON 9. F'N'SHES I 09250 Gypsum BoordI 09300 Tile- 09384 Slone Counlerlops I RDAr23o48.ooa a o I 09637 Stone Flooring09640 Wood Flooring I 09680 Corpel I 09900 Pqinis ond Coolings I D,V,SION,0-SPEC,AILES I 10310 Fireploce Specioliies ond Accessories10821 ResidentiolBothAccessories 10822 Showerond Tub Doon ond Enclosures ! D,v,s,oNn-Eeu,pMENr ll45l Residentiql Applionces I I1454 Sleom ShowerEquipmenf I D'V'S'ON 12 - FURN'SH'NGS I NofUsed I_ D'V'S'ON 13 - SPEC'AI CONSIRUCI'ON Nol Used r D/v,s,oN 14 - coNVEyrNG sysrEMsl4l20 Electric Dumbwoifer I 142/0 Hydroulic Elevolorst D'VIS'ON 15 - MECHAN'CAI I By Design-Build Subconlroclor I D'Y'S'ON' 6 _ ELECTRICAL I By Design-Build Subconlrocfor I *Section provided by Londscope Architect I END TABLE OF CONTENTSr I I I I I RDAr23o4€!.oo I t I I o I TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR OUTLINE SPECIFICATIONS I LoT 2, Bl#t:\,'^i.'Vflil3E rsr FTLTNG VAIL, COLORADO a PROJECT NO.23048.00 FEBRUARY 2,2OO1 I I B|DD|NG REQUTREMENTS I'' 00205 Inslrucfions to Subconlrqct Bidders CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS 00700 Generol Condifions I OOSm Supplemenlory ConditionsI I SPEC|F|CAT|ONS I D/V'S'ON' - GENERAT REQU'REMENIS I 0l 100 Summory I 01300 Adminislrotive Requirementsr OI4OO Quolity Requiremenfs r 01500 Temporory Focilifies ond Conlrols f 01600 Producl Requiremenfsr 01700 Execulion Requirements I D'V'S'ON 2 -S'7E CONSTRUCLON I 02232 Setecfive Cleoring02300 Eorlhwork r 02370 Erosion ond Sedimenlolion Control I 02620 Subdroinoge O27fi Rigid Povement - 02786 Stone Poving I 02815r Inigolion Syslemr 02836 Boulder Retoining Wolls02920* Soil Preporqtion I 02930' Lowns ond Grosses I 02950' Trees, Shrubs, Vines, Groundcovers, ond Penenniqls02970* Londscope Moinlenonce I I RDAt23o4r!.ooa ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I t I I t D'V'S'ON 3 - CONCRETE 03100 03200 03300 03541 03600 Concrele Forms qnd Accessories Concrele Reinforcemenl Cost-ln-Plqce Concrele Gypsum Underloymenl Groul D'V'S'ON 4 - MASONRY04060 Mosonry Mortor04810 Unit Mosonry Assemblies04853 Mortor-Ploced Stone Assemblies04880 Mosonry Fireploces D'V'S'ON 5 - MFTA6 05120 Structurol Steel55@ Melol Fobricqfions D'V'S'ON 6 - WOOD AND PIASTTCS06100 Rough Corpentry06130 HeoWlimberConsfruction06174 Wood I Joists06210 Exlerior Finish Corpenlry06215 Interior Finish Corpentry D/V'S'ON 7 - THERMALAND MO'SruRE PROIECI'ON 07ll I Bifuminous Dompproofing07133 Modified Bituminous Sheel Woterproofing07211 Botl Insulolion07216 Underslob ond Foundolion Insulotion07222 Roof ond Wqll Boord lnsulotion07260 VoporRetqrden07270 Ak Boniers07319 Wood Shingle Roofing07468' Wood Siding0760o Floshing ond Sheet Metol07610 Sheet Melol Roofing07720 Roof Accessories07920 Joinl Seolonfs D'V'S'ON 8 - DOORS AND W'NDOWS 08210 08310 08361 08551 087r0 08800 Wood Doors Access Doors ond Ponels Sectionol Overheqd Doors Meiql Clod Wood Windows Door Hordwqre Glozing D'VIS'ON 9 - FIN'SHES09250 Gypsum Boord09300 Tile09384 Stone Countertops RDA|2304€!.00 I I 09637 Sfone Flooring09640 Wood Flooring I 09680 Corpef I 09900 Poinfs ond Coofings r D'V'S'ON t0- SPEC'AILES I 10310 Fireploce Speciollies ond Accessoriesr 10821 Residenliol Both Accessoriesl@22 Shower ond Tub Doon ond Enclosures I D'V'S'ONI'-EQUIPMEM I l45l Residenfiol Applionces I I 1454 Sfeom Shower Equipmenl I D'V'S'ON 12 - FURN'SHINGS r Nol Uied - D,vrs,oN t3 - spEclAt coNsrRucroN_ Not Used I D,v,s,oN 14 - coNVEy,NG sysrEMsl4l?o Ebcldc DumbwoiterI 1424A Hydroulic Elevoiors I D'VIS'ON 15 _ MECHAN'CAL I By Design-Build Subconlroclor ' Dv,s,oN I6-ELE:TR:AL - By Design-Build Subconfroctor t 'Section provided by Londscope Architect I END TABLE OF CONTENTS I RDAt23o48.oo t t t I I I I T DOCUMENT OO2O5 INSTRUCTIONS TO SUBCONTRACT BIDDERS t I r. CoNTRACTS I The Generol Conlroctor for lhis project is: r ffii'iffH;X:; constru'ion co' P.O. Box 373 Voit, Cotorodo g1658 I 970184U56s6 I Except os indicoled otherwise, qll work under lhis conlrocl will be under the direcfion of I fhe Generol Conlrocfor. The successful bidde(s) will execule o subconirocl or purchose order wilh the Generol Conlroctor on the Generol Controctor's stondqrd forms. I Wherever fhe words Confroctor or Generol Conlroctor ore used in the Project Monuol,r they sholl meon George Shoeffer Construcfion Co. I 2. STATE AND LocAL LAwsI Bidders ore expecled fo fomiliqrize lhemselves with the lows ond ocls of the Stofe of I Colorodo. the ordinonces ond regulolions of Eogle County qnd fhe requiremenfs ond I guidelines of lhe Teniiories ol Cordillero Design Review Commiffee. I 3. |NTERPRETAilON OF DOCUMENTS I No interprelofion of the meoning of the plons, Specificotions or other pre-bid documents will be mqde lo ony bidder orolly. t Only inferpretolions mode in conformity wilh fhe following procedure will be volid. Inlerprefolions eilher written or orol by ony of one Archilect's consultonts will nof be volid. t Every requesf for such inlerpretotion should be in writing qddressed to lhe Architect ond to be given considerotion musl be received by the Archilecl before: I 12:00 Noon, Seven Colendor Doys Before Dofe Sel by fhe Controclor for Receipt of Bids lrom Subcontrocton. I Any ond qll such inlerpretolions ond ony supplemenlol inslruclions will be in one form ofI written oddendo which, if issued, will be moiled lo fhe respeclive qddresses furnished for such purposes. Foilure of, ony bidder fo receive ony such oddendo or inlerprefofion sholl I not relieve such bidder from qny obligofion under his bid os submifled. All oddendo so I issued sholl become o porl of lhe Controct Documenfs. I I RDAr23o4t!.ooI - I 4.CONSULTANTS As o motler of identificotion, the nomes of consultonfs employed by.the Architect or owner for vorious phoses of the work ore listed on lhe Drowings ond in the projeci Monuol. Bidders or moleriol suppliers sholl nol communicote directly with ony of lhe consullonts Wthout the permission of lhe Architect. All guestions ond requests for decisions ond inlerprefolions sholl be direcled to the Architecl, who if he deems if odvisoble, will conferwilh his consultonls regording some. See Arlicle 3 regording Inlerpretolions of Documents. PARTIAL INFORMATION Af lhe requesl of porties interesfed in submifting sub-bids on poriions of lhe work, the Conlrqctor moy from time to lime issue portions of lhe Drowings ond Specificofions os o convenience to soid porties. The Archilect discloims ony ond oll responsibilily for enors or omissions mode by poriies using such portiol informqlion in compiling their proposols. CHANGES AND SUBSTITUTIONS Items herein specified under monufocturers' nomes qnd cololog numben ore inlended os o bosis of quolity ond not os q closed specilicolion unless noled otherwise. Items olher thon lhose specificolly nomed in the Specificolions or os shown on the Drowings Wll be considered provided requesl for opprovol of such ilems is received by the Architeci in writing by; l2:00 Noon, Seven Colendor Doys Before Dote Sel by lhe Conlroclor for Receiol of Bids ' Eoch request for substifution must be occomponied by complete cololog sheets ond ofher perlinent dotq, including independeni third porty produci comporisons. which will moke it possible lo properly evoluote the ilems proposed for use. lf, in the Architect's opinion the item or iiems proposed for use ore equol lo lhe ilems specified in design, quolity, moteriol ond funciion, he will issue on Addendum listing oll such items opproveo for use. Requesls for opprovol received ofter the obove fime ond dote will nol be considered. Requests for subslilufion of mechonicol ond electricol ilems moy be senl direcly to respective consulling engineers with copy lo the Architect. Bidders sholl bose their bid upon the use of ony of lhe ilems specificolly nomed in ihe specificofions or on the Drowings, or os opproved in on Addendum issued by lhe Architect. Chonges or subslitulions will not be considered ofter ihe oword of the subcontroci orpurchose order except those which will resull in o better job, o sovings lo the Owner, or both. RDA|23048.00 I I I I T I I I l I I t I t t I I I I 5. 6. I I 7. PROPOSALS I I Proposols sholl be submilted by subconlroctors ond suppliers on forms designoled by the Generol Conlroclor. I Reference ihis Projeci Monuol ond occomponying Drowings ond submil bid proposol osr follows: r o. Per Drowings ond Specificofions, itemize costs by eoch specificolion seclion. Show t folol costs (toxes, freighl. elc.)! b. List ony specificolion ilem exclusion seporolely.c. Nofe oll oddendo included in bid. I d. Indicote ihe number of working doys required fo complete bid work. lf work is I phosed, provide iime schedule for eoch phose of wo*. (i.e, electricol - eleciricol rough-in qnd eleclricol lrim wo* would be differeni phoses of work.) I Retum Drowings ond Projecf Monuol with bid to the Generol Controclornol lqfer thqn,' dole requesled. I Any bid relurned lo lhe Generol Conlroclor incomplele including ony ond ollr informolion herein requesled, will be rejected upon such delerminotion by the Projecl Monoger. t lf the porty bidding is on incorporofed body, fhe proposol sholl be signed by the president ond secrelory or o duly oulhorized ogenl ond be occomponied by lhe I corporolion seol. lf nol o corporotion, oll interested bidders musl sign the proposol. ! The proposol form ond oll ottoched documenis fogether with ony required proposol I guoronty. sholl be ploced in o seoled envelOpe morked for identificotion ond delivered I to fhe ploce indicoted by lhe Controclor prior to lhe dote ond hour stipuloled. 8. SATES AND USETAXES I . All Bids sholl include oll opplicoble Stole or locol soles ond use toxes. I 9. PLANS FOR REFERENCE I Complete sels of plons ond Specificoiions for oll portions of the work moy be exomined r by Controclors, subconlroclors ond moteriol supplien ol lhe offices of the Generolf Conlroctor.t END OF INSTRUCTIONS TO SUBCONTRACT BIDDERS I RDAt2so,E.oo T t I I DOCUMENT OOTOO GENERAL CONDITIONS FORM OF GENERAL CONDITIONS l. The "Generol Condilions of the Confrocl for Construction" AIA Documenl AZOl-1g91. issued by lhe Americon Instilute of Architects, is hereby mode o pqrt of this project Monuol to lhe some exlenl qs if writfen herein in full. 2. Copies of lhe Generol Conditions of lhe Controcl ore on file ond moy be refened to ollhe office of the Archilecl or moy be purchosed ol o nominol chorge from lhe AIA or lrom q deoler in orchitecl supplies. END OF DOCUMENT I t I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RDA|23048.00 I I I I t I I t I I T I I I I T I t I DOCUMENTO@OO SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS SC.I SUPPLEMENTARYCONDITIONS The following supplements modify, chonge, delete hom or odd lo fhe,Generol Conditions of lhe Confroct for Conslruction", AIA Documenl A201-1997, F,ifleenfh Edition. Where ony orlicle of the Generol Condiiions is modified or ony porogroph, subporogroph or clouse thereof is modified or deleled by fhese supplemenfs, lhe unolfered provisions of lhql orticle, porogroph, subporogroph or clouse sholl remoin in'effecf. All divisions of the Specificotions sholl be subjecl lo the Generol Condilions ond Supplemenfory Condifions. To fhe extent, if ot oll, thqf ony provision of the Generol orSupplementory Condilions sholl conflicl with lhe ogreement belween the Owner ond Generql Controclor, the lerms of lhe Owner/Confroctor Agreemenf sholi govern. SC.2 MODIFICATIONS TO ARTICLES OF THE GENERAL CONDITIONS 2.1 ARTICLE I -GENERAL PROVISIONS, I.2 CORRELATION AND INTENT OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Add the following to I .2.1 ; Where o conflicf occurs between or within stondqrds, Specificotions, ond Drowings, fhe more slringent or higher quolity requirements sholl opply. The precedence of lhe Construclion Documents is in the following sequence:l. Addendo ond modiftcotions lo the Drowings ond Specificofions ioke precedence over the originol conslruclion documents.'2. Should lhere be o conflicl within the Specificotions or on the Drowings, fhe Archilect sholl decide which slipulofion will provide the besl inslollolion ond his decision sholl be finol.3. Should o conflicl odse befween lhe Drowings ond the Specificolions, lhe Specificolions sholl hove precedence over the Drowings.4. In the Drowings, lhe precedence sholl be Drowings of o lorger scole over fhose of q smoller scole, figured dimensions over scoled dimensions, ond noled moteriols over grophic indicofions. 2.2 ARTICLE 3 - CONTRACTOR,3.4 LABOR AND MATERIALS Add the following: 3.4.2 Bidders sholl bqse their bid upon the use of ony of fhe ilems specificolly nomed in the Specificofions or on lhe Drqwings, or os opproved in on Addendum issued by lhe Archifect. No chonges or subslifutions will be considered ofter fhe owqrd of lhe conlroct excepl lhose which Wll resull in o better job, o sovings to lhe Owner, or both. RD4r23048.00 2.4 ARTICLE 3. CONTRACIOR,3.Z PERMITS, FEES AND NOTICES 3.7.1 Add the following: Building permits sholl be obtoined by the Coniroctor ond poid for by the Owner. Electricol ond mechonicol permils sholl be obloined by the mechonicol ond eleclricol subconlroctors. The controctor sholl obtoin, ond the owner sholl poy for ony required sewer, woler ond gos top fees. The ownerwill poy for plonl inveslment fees ond connection chorges bosed on lhe cosi of moins serving fhe site. The conlroclor sholl coll for oll inspecfions required by the locol building inspeclion ouihorily. Assessmenls ogoinst the property qre fhe obligotion of lhe Owner ond will bepoid by the Owner os necessory to ossure issuonce of permits specified obove. This includes sewer ond woler chorges for copilol improvements ond line exfensions. ARTICLE 3 - CONTRACTOR, 3.I I DOCUMENTS AND SAMPLES AT THE SITE See Specificolions, Division l, for record documents requirements. ARTICLE 3 - CONTRACTOR,3.I2 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES See Specificotions. Division l, for deioiled procedures. 2.6 ARTICLE 3 - CONTRACTOR, 3.I4 CUTTING AND PATCHING See Specificotions, Division l, for oddiiionol requiremenls. 2.7 ARTICLE 3 - CONTRACTOR, 3.I5 CLEANING UP See Specificoiions, Division l, for odditionol requirements. 2.8 ARTICLE 7 - CHANGES IN THE WORK, 7.2 CHANGE ORDERS 7.2.2 Chonge the word "moy', lo 'bholl',. 2.9 ARTICLE 7 - CHANGES IN THE WORK, 2.3 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVES 7.3.3 Delete ond substitute the following: 7.3.3 The cost or credit to the Owner resulling from q conslruclion chonge directive sholl be delermined in one of lhe following woys:7.3.3 The cosf or credil lo lhe Owner resulfing from o consfruclion chonge directive sholl be determined in one of fhe following woys:l. By unil prices nomed in the bid or subsequently ogreed upon. Unit prices sholl include oll Conlrocfor's cosls, including moleriols, lobor, supervision, RDA|23048.00 I t T I I I t I I t T I I I I I I I I 4. 2.11 I I T I I I I I t I I t I I t I I I I tqxes, insuronce, bond overheod ond profil, ond sholl be opplied direcily lo lhe quonlities or fhe differences in quonfilies for which unil prices ore requested. By reosonoble estimoted cosl of:o. Lobor, including foremen (lobor cosls sholl be direcl cosfs)b, Sociol Security ond old oge ond unemploymenl contribulionsc. Moferiols enlering permonently inlo lhe work (including foxes)d. The ownership or renlol cost of construcfion plonl ond equipment during the time of use on fhe extro work. The Conlroctor moy include o sum up lo 8% ot the tolol of ihe foregoing items os compensolion to cover the cosi of supervision, overheod, bond, insurcnce. profit ond ony olher generol expenses; subcontroctor ond second level subcontroclon moy include o sum up to 8% for such expenses. When bofh oddifions ond credifs ore involved in ony one chonge, lhe ollowonce for mork-up sholl be figured on the bqsis of nel increose, if ony. The Confrocfo/s proposol sholl include on itemized breokdown showing quontities, unit costs, hours qnd roles of lobor. ond ony olher costs in such deioil os moy be required io ollow fhe reosonobleness of costs lo be esfoblished. Similor cosi informotion covering subconfroctor's work sholl be include os port of the Coniroclor's proposol. Minimum chorges for "hondling" will not be occeploble. Request for quotolions sholl be refurned to fhe Archilect within ten (10) colendor doys of receipt by the Confroctor. 2.1O ARTICLE 8 - TIME, 8.2 PROGRESS AND COMPLETION Add the following subporogrophs: 8.2.4 The Controctor must ogree to commence work within seven (7) doys following receipl of q wrillen "Notice lo Proceed". 8.2.5 ll is ogreed ihot time is of fhe essence. The Controctor ogrees to subsfonliolly complefe oll work within fhe fime sfoled in the Owner/Conlroclor Agreemenf. ARTICLE 8 - TIME, 8.3 DELAYS AND EXTENSIONS OF TIME 8.3.1 Delete lhe words'br other couses beyond fhe Controclor's conlrol,,. 2,12 ARTICLE 9 - PAYMEMS AND COMPLETION, 9.2 SCHEDULE OF VALUES 9.2.1 Add the following: The Schedule of Volues sholl be prepored in such o mqnner lhot eoch moior ilem of subconfroct work is shown os o single line item on AIA Documenf G203, Applicotion qnd Certificote for Poymenl, Continuqtion sheel. As o guide, eoch seclion of ihe Projecl Monuol should be shown qs o single line item. 2.13 ARTICLE 9 - PAYMENTS AND COMPLEIION, 9.3 APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT 9.3.1 Chonge lo reod os follows: RDA|23048.00 On or before the fifth doy of eoch month, the Controclorshqll submit lo the Architect qn itemized Applicotion for Poyment for oll work compleled lhrough the losf doy of the previous month. Applicotion for poyment shqll be supported by such dolo substontioting the Coniroctor's righi to poyment os the Owner or Archilecf moy require ond reflecting retoinoge os provided elsewhere in the Controcl Documenis. 2.14 ARTICLE 9 - PAYMENTS AND COMPLEIION, 9.5 DECISIONS TO WITHHOLD CERTIFICATION 9.5.1 Add the following: .8 Foilure of ihe Confroctor to submif Progress Chorts in comporison lo Progress Schedule wilh opplicotion for poymenf..9 Foilure io comply wilh ony lows, ordinonces, regulotions or orders of ony public outhority governing the performonce of ihe work. The Owner sholl moke monthly progress poymenis os described in 9.6 until lhe scheduled (including lime extensions mode by chonge order) lime for substontiql completion. lf ihe project is not subslontiolly complete of ihis time, the Owner will not moke furlher progress poyments until the projecf is subslonliolly complete, 2.15 ARTICLE 9. PAYMENTS AND COMPLEIION, 9.6 PROGRESS PAYMENTS 9.6.1 Chonge lo Reod: Provided lhe conslruclion Monoger hos issued o cerlificote on or before the l2th doy of the month, the Owner sholl moke poyment on or before the 25th doy of fhe monlh. Until finol poymenl, the owner will poy gQ7" of fhe qmount due lhe contrqcror on occounl of eoch line iiem of eoch progress poymenl. lf the monner of completion of lhe work ond ils progress ore qnd remoin sotisfoctory to ihe Architect, qnd in the qbsence of olher good qnd sufficienl reosons, for work colegory shown lo be 50% or more complete in the opplicotion for poymenl, lhe Owner, moy, withoul reduction of previous refoinoge, certify ony remoining progress poyments for eqch line item to be poid in full. The full conlrocl reloinoge moy be reinstoled if lhe monner of complelion of the wo* ond ils progress do nol remqin sofisfoclory to the Architeci or for olher good ond sufficieht reosons. 2.16 ARTICLE 9 - PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION, 9.8 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION 9.8.1 Add the following: ....oll mojor systems ore operotionol ond oll sofety feolures ore compleled. 2,17 ARTICLE 9 - PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION, g.IO FINAL COMPLEIION AND FINAL PAYMENT 9.10.1 Add the following: RDA|23048.00 I I t I I I I I t t I I I I I I t I I I I t I t lf the work sholl be compleled, buf finol completion thereof sholl be prevented fhrough deloy or coneclion of minor defects or unovoilobility of moteriols, olher cquses beyond the conlrol of fhe Conhoctor, fhe Owner ol his discretion moy releose to lhe Conlroctor such omounts os moy be excess of three limes the cosl of compleiing the unfinished work or the cost of conecting lhe defective work. Add lhe folloWng: 6) oll guorontees, wononlies ond cerfificoles, T) operoling ond moinlenonce monuols, S) identificolion lisfs of moieriols ond equipment. g) Inspeclion Cerfificoles ond l0) record documents; ond the Controctor hos demonslrofed to the Ownerthe proper operolion ond moinfenonce of oll equipment. Delefe. See revised subporogroph 9.10.1. Delete ond subslilule the following: Unless olherwise specified in the Owner/Conlroclor Agreemenl, lhe Controclor sholl obtoin ond mointoin throughouf the life of the project, fhe following insuronce: 1) Workmen's Compensotion: Amounts ond coveroge os required by low.2) Comprehensive Generol Liobility {fo include complele operolion):o) Bodily lnjury: $l million single limit.b) Property Domoge: $l million single limit.3) Comprehensive Automobile Liobility (including owned, non-owned ond hired vehicles); o) Bodily Injury: $l million single limil.b) Property Domoge: $l million single limit.4l Excess Liobiliiy (umbrello) coveroge: $5 million Add the following: Certificotes of Insuronce shqll include ihe stofemenf ihof fhe hold hormless clouse os required under Generol Condifions Article 3.18 is included in ihe policy 2.19 ARTICLE I I - INSURANCE AND BONDS, I I.4 PROPERTY INSURANCE I r.4.r Delele subporogrophs I 1.4.1 through I 1.4.10 ond subsfilute ihe following: The Ownersholl procure ond mointoin qf his own expense, unlil completion of oll work ond occeptonce thereof, o builder's risk insuronce policy insuring ogoinst oll risks of physicol loss or domoge'os the term is commonly conslrued in the insuronce industry, insuring lhe enlire project ogoinst such phpicol loss or domoge. I I T t I I I I 9.10.2 9.10.3 2.18 ARTICLE I I - INSURANCE AND BONDS, I I.I CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY INSURANCE 11.1.2 11.1.2 | 1.r.4 I I I I t t RDA|23048.00 lf other speciol insuronce not provided for herein is desired by the Conlrocior, the Controclor sholl purchose such insuronce qt his expense. 11.4.2 Such insuronce shqll be wrifien on o "Completed Volue" form in on omount nof less lhon lhe finol completed volue of the project; less cosf of sife preporofion (including fences necessory to secure work oreo) ond excovotion, foundolions below the lowesl bqsemenl floor, underground pipes ond wiring. sidewolks, curbs ond gufters: ono shqll nome os insured lhe Owner qnd Controctor. lt sholl be underslood thqt subconlroctors ond second level subconlroctors qre insured os fo their interesls in the portiolly compleied projecf. I |.4 3 Any insured loss is fo be odjusted with the owner ond mode poyoble to lhe Owner os frusiee for lhe insured, os lheir inferest moy oppeor. 11.4.4 The insuronce policy sholl provide for necessory occess to the project by Owner os follows: "Permission is hereby gronted for lhe Owner to occupy such poi'ion of lhe premises completed or suitqble for occuponcy prior to finol. oc :'epfonce of f he entire project, ony provision of the policy lo lhe conirory notwilhstonding." I 1.4.5 The owner qnd conlrociorwoive qll rights ogoinsl eoch other for domoges, coused by fire or other perils to lhe exfent covered by insuronce provided under this Porogroph I 1.3 excepl such rights os lhey moy hove to lhe proceeds of such insuronce held by the Owner os Trustee. The Conlroclor sholl require similqr woivers by subcontroclors ond sub-subconlrocfors. 11-4.6 The following ore specific exclusions: This insuronce does not cover gloss breokoge, ony lools owned by mechonics, ony lools, equipment, scoffolding, sioging, iowen ond forms owned or rented by the Controclor, the copitol volue of which is not included in the cost of lhe work, or ony temporory struclures or lroilers used by the Controcior or ony subcontrocfor or moteriol supplier. 1t.4.7 The Generol Confroclor sholl poy the deduclible qmount when moking o cloim ogoinst ihe property insuronce policy. The deductible sholl not exceed $t.000. I3 - MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS, I3.I GOVERNING LAW Delete ond substitute the following: The controcl sholl be governed by lhe lows of the Stote of Colorodo. I3 - MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS, I3.5 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS Add the following: The Controctor sholl not use ony moteriol or equipment represenled by somples found to be unocceptoble. see specificotions, Division l, for defqiled procedures ond cosi of testing. I I t I I I 2.21 ARTICLE 13. r.1 ARTICLE 13.5.1 I t t I I I I I I I I I t RDA|23048.00 I I I I t I I I T I I I I I I T T I I SC.3 ADDITION TO ARTICLES OF GENERAL CONDITIONS 3.I ARTICLE 15 - MEASUREMEMS Before ordering ony moieriol or doing ony wok, lhe Contrqcfor sholl verify oll meosurements ot fhe prciecl ond sholl be responsible for lhe conectnes of some. No exlro chorge orcompensofion sholl be ollowed on occount of ditference between ocfuol dimensions ond fhe meosuremenls indicofed on lhe Drowings. 3.2 ARTICLE I6 - LEGAL ACTIONS As o condifion precedenl to qnd os oddifionol considerqtion forlhe oword of ony conlrqct or subconlrocl pursuonl to lhese Specificotions, fhe Controctor ond qll subconfrocloG, supplien, engineerc, ond other porties to the performonce of the work required by lhese Specificofions, do ogree thoi in the evenl ony porty institute o suit ogoinsf ony porty becouse of ony olleged foilure to perform properly hereunder, or ony olleged enor, omission. breoch of wononiy, negligence or mere molproctice hereunder; ond if such suil is nol succesfully proseculed to o judgment in fovor of lhe porty plointiff, or if if is dismissed, or if o judgmenl is rendered for ony defendonf or defendonts, lhe porty insliluting the suil hereby ogrees to poy in full qll octuol costs of defense, including but not limited to ottomey fees, expert wilness fees. costs of invesligotions in preporoiion forfriol, professionol time expended by principols ond employees of lhe prevoiling porty ond thot lhe sqme sholl be toxed os cosl in soid oclion ond judgmenf enlered thereon. END OF SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS RDA|23048.00 I I t I t I I I I I I T I t I I t I I DIVISION I - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION OI IOO SUMMARY I.OI WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. Work under this controct includes qll moleriols, equipment ond lobor necessory lo complete lhe work indicoled, specified or reosonobly infened lherefrom. I.O2 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS A. Division I - Generol Requirements goven work under oll divisions of lhe Specificolions. I.03 SPECIFICATIONLANGUAGEEXPLANATION A. Specificotions ore of obb,reviqled, simplified orstreomlined lype ond include incomplele senfences. Omissions of words or phroses such os 'The Conlroctor sholl", "in conformity therewith",'lholl be",'bs noted on the Drowings", "o','the', ore inienfionol. Supply omitled words or phroses by inference in some monner os they ore when "NOTE' occurs on Drowings. Supply words 'lholl be" or "sholl" by inference when colon is used wilhin seniences or phroses. Supply words'bn lhe Drowings" by inference when "os indicofed" is used wilh senfences or phroses. "Provide" sholl meon lurnish ond instqll. I.O4 CONTRACTOR USE OF PREMISES A. Limit operotions under lhis controcf lo the oreo of the property os indicoled. I.05 EXAMINATION OF SITE A. Fqilure lo visil site will in no woy relieve ony controclor from necessity of furnishing moteriols or performing work thol moy be required to complete work in qccordonce with Drowings ond Specificolions withoul qddilionol cosl lo the Owner. SECTION OI 3OO ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS I.OI PROJECTCOORDINATION A. Coordinote work of lhe vorious sections of Specificotions ond work by lhe Owner fo ossure efficienl ond ordedy sequence of instqllolion of conslruction elemenis, with provisions for occommodoting ilems insfolled lofer. B. Verify chorocferislics of elemenls of inteneloled operoiing equipmenl qre compqlible; coordinole work of vorious sections hoving inferdependent responsibilities for inslolling, connecting to, ond plocing in service, such equipment. C. Coordinote spoce requiremenls ond inslollolion of mechonicol ond eleclricol work which ore indicqled diogrommolicolly. Follow routing indicoled for pipes, ducts, qnd conduits os closely os procticoble; moke runs porollel with lines of building. Utilize spoces efficiently to moximize occessibility for ofher instqllolions, for moinlenonce ond for repoin. RDA|23048.00 D. In finished oreos conceol pipes, ducts ond wiring in the construciion. Coordinole locotions of fixlures ond ouflets wilh finish elements. I.O2 PROGRESS MEETINGS A. Meetings: Conlroctor shqll schedule regulor periodic meetings of Contrqclor's job site field office. Representotives of Owner qnd Archilecl will be invited to qftend. Also invited os oppropriole lo ilems under discussion, will be selected subconfrqcfors qnd suppliers ond Archilect's consultqnts. Following ilems will be discusseo:L Review of work progress since previous meelings.2. Field observolions, problems, conflicls.3. Problems which impede conslruction schedule.4. Review of off-sife fobricotion, delivery schedules.5. correcfive meosures ond procedures ro regoin projecred schedure.6. Revisions to construclion schedule.7. Plon progress, schedule during succeeding work period.8. Coordinofion of schedules.9. Moinlenonce of quolity stondords. 10. Review submiltol schedules; expedile os required. I l. Review proposed chonges for etfecl on olher lrodes, conslruclion schedule ondcomplelion dote. 12. Coordinotion of seporole contrqcls. 13. Oiher business os required. B. Agendo ond Minules: Project Monoger will estoblish ogendo ond keep qnd distribute minutes of periodic meetings.l. Conlroclor: Advise Architect of leost 24 hours in qdvonce of meeling regording items requesled lo be odded lo ogendo. I.O3 SUBMITTALPROCEDURES A. Submittol: The Generol Conlroclor sholl moke submitiols to the Archilecf. Do nol mqke submittols directly lo lhe Architecl's consullonts. Submiltols mode direclly by subconlroctors or suppliers will nof be occepled. B. Review: Generql Conlroclor sholl review submiitols for complionce with the Controcl Documenls prior lo submitlql to lhe Architect. Architecf qnd his consulionls will review submittols for conformity wilh design only. Quonlilies ond dimensions ore the responsibiliiy of lhe Confroctor. Proper filfing, construction of work, furnishing of moteriolsqnd work required by the Conlrocl Documenls but nof indicoted in submittols remoin fhe responsibility of the Conlroclor. Review of submitlols sholl nol be conslrued osopprovol from requiremenls of Controct Documents unless deviotions from Conlrqcl Documenls hove been specificolly noted on submiftols. C. Resubmillol; The Generol Controclor sholl mqke resubmiltols until ihe concunence ofthe Archilecl is obloined. D. Shop Drowings qnd Product Doto:l. Shop Drowings: Submil sepio ond three blueline prinls eoch.2. Producl Dofo: Submit 5 copies eoch. RDA|23048.00 t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I 3. Job Sife Documenls: Only occepfed shop drowings or producl dofo shqll be kepf ol the job site. The Generol Controcfor sholl keep o complele sel of such I documenls on file ol the job site. I 4. Field Meosuremenls: Required field meosurements ore lhe responsibility of lhe Controcfor ond will be mode ofter shop drowings hove been checked by lhe Archifect. I E. Somples; r L The Architect will provide the Generol Conlroctor with o checklisf indicoiing I moleriols where color, texfure or finish is subject fo selection or review.r 2. Promptly ofler receipl of checklisf, the Generol Conlroclor sholl ossemble ond deliver fo the Architecl o complefe colleclion of required somples. I 3. Upon receipt of o complele collection of somples the Architect will, with reosonoblet promptness, moke the selecfions ond prepore qnd deliver to lhe Generql Controclor o schedule covering ilems subjecl fo selection. || 4. The Architect reserves the righf nol lo moke individuql delerminofion orseleclions I uniil oll somples ore turnished lo him. I SECilON 0t400 OUAL|TY REQUTREMENTSI I.OI REFERENCESTANDARDSI t A. For products specified by ossociolion or lrode stondords, comply with requirements of the slondord, excepl when more rigid requirements ore specified or ore required byI opplicoble codes. I B. The dqle of lhe stondord is thof in effeci os of lhe bid dote exceplwhen o specific dote I is specified. 1.O2 CONTRACTOR'S QUALITY CONTROL t A. Moinloin quolity conlrol over suppliers, monufqclurers, products, services, site condilions! ond workmonship lo produce woR of specified quolity. I I.O3 TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES I A. Ownerwill employ ond poy for lesling loborotory inspections ond lesls. I B. Cooperole wilh lesting loborotory to furnish occess, somples ond femporory fociliiies os required. Provide lesling loborotory prior notice for services os lesfing ogency personnel - moy reosonobly require. I SECTION OI5OO TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLSII I.OI TEMPORARY FACILITIES IN GENERAL I A. Comply with requirements of Eogle Counly ond lhe Tenilories ot Cordillerq subdivision I regording requirements for free prolecfion, erosion confrol, loydown, conslruclion trqffic, deliveries, porking ond tronsporlofion of worken. I RDAr23o4B.ooI I I 1.O2 TEMPORARY ELECTRICITY AND LIGHTING A. Service: The Generol Confroctor sholl provide temporory eleclricol service to sile for construciion purposes. The eleciricol subcontrqclor sholl provide circuits, bronch wiring ond dislribulion boxes os required for temporory power ond lighting. The electricol subconfroclor sholl provide temporory lighting for eoch spoce. B. The vorious subcontroctors sholl provide exlension cords ond lomps os required to convey eleclricity to locotions of work ond lo provide tosk lighting to permif proper execution ond inspeclion of work. C. After lhe permonenf eleclric service is inslqlled ond permonenl outleis ore ovqiloble, conlrqctors moy use some. Eoch conlrocfor will be responsible for ony domoge done to lhe permonent wiring or fixtures qs o result of his use of some. D. The Generol Conlrqctor sholl poy for eleclricily consumed uniil finql occeplonce. I.O3 TEMPORARY HEAT AND ENCLOSURES A' Provide temporory heql necessory for the execulion of work. Insloll, mointoin ond operote temporory heoting opporotus in such o monner os to focililote the work on lhe project so work cqn continue ond lhe finished work will not be domoged lhereby. B. Provide lemporory enclosures os necessory for holding temporory heot such os enclosures for concrele work or for thowing frozen ground. C. Atter the buildings ore permonenlly enclosed, glozing of exierior openings compleled, permonent or lemporory doors on exterior openings ond the permonent heoting sysfem instolled ond copoble of being odequolely controlled, the permonent heoting syslemmoybeusedtoprovideheof forthebuildings. TheControclorsholl poyforfuel oil used in conneclion Wth the operolion of some. D. ' In using fhe permonent heoting system, qssume complete responsibilily for ifs proper operotion ond for ony domoge which moy occur to the heoling opporotus or ony phose of fhe work excepl such weor ond leor which would ordinorily resull from normol usclge. 1.O4 TEMPORARY WATER A. The Generol Conlroclor sholl provide lemporory woler of fhe sile for conslruciion purposes. The eorthwork subconlroclor sholl provide woler required for eqrthwork operotions, qnd mointenonce. Controcfor shqll poy for woter consumed until finol occeplqnce. I I t I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I t RDA| 23048.00 1.09 r.r 0 I t t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I 1.06 A. 1.O7 A. 1.08 A. 1.05 A. SECIION OI 600 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS TEMPORARY SANITARY FACILITIES The Generol Controctor sholl provide ond moinloin, odequote chemicol toilef focilities for the use of oll employees engoged on fhe work in complionce with opplicoble regulolions. TEMPORARY PROTECTIVE FACILIIIES Provide ond mqinloin protecfive devices ond focililies for the proteclion of the public qnd lhe generol protection of oll workmen on lhe project including buf nol limited to:l. Donger signs woming ogoinsi hozords creofed by such feolures of consfruclion os protruding noils, hoisls, well holes. window openings, sloinaroys ond folling mqleriols.2. Fire proteclion equipmenl.3. Fint oid equipmenl.4. Temporory wolks, roodwoys, irench covers, bonicqdes, bulkheocls, roilings, donger lighls ond signols, elc. required for lhis work by federol, stole qnd locol sofely lows ond building codes. Moinlqin lemporory prolecfive focililies in good condilion lhroughoul the term of the work. Repoir ond reploce ony work domoged thereby. Be responsible for the odequocy or sofety of lodden, scotfolding, shoring, brocing, tools, equipmenl, point sloroge oreos, crones or hoisls, romps or runwoys, formwork or other struclure or devices provided. FIELD OFFICE AND TELEPHONE The Generol Conlrocfor sholl provide ond moinloin field otfice wilh telephone service. Toll chorges will be poid by lhe responsible porty. The field office ond ielephone sholl be qvoiloble to lhe Architect ond fhe Owner. CTEANING DURING CONSTRUCTION Eoch coniroclor sholl keep the buildings ond sife free of wosle moleriols ond rubbish. Eqch conlroctor sholl doily tronsport such moteriol to o designoled locqlion on sife. The Generol Controctor sholl periodicolly dispose of off sile. Eoch Conlrqcfor sholl leove his work cleon of lhe completion of his work. Cleon inlerior oreos prior lo slort of finish work, moinloin oreos free of dusl ond olher contominonts during fi nishing operotions. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Provide ideniificotion sign os required. REMOVAL Remove femporory moleriols, equipmenl, services ond conslruction prior fo complelion. RDA|2304t!.00 T t I.OI TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLING Tronsporl producls by melhods lo ovoid domoge, Deliver in undomoged condition in monufoclurer's unopened conlqiners or pockoging, dry. provide equipment ond personnel to hondle producls by methods lo prevenl soiling or domoge. promplly inspeci shipmenis lo ossure thot producfs comply wilh requiremenls, quoniilies ore conecl, ond producls ore undomoged. I.O2 STORAGE AND PROTECTION A. Store products in occordonce wilh monufoclurer's inslruction, wifh seols ond lobels intoctond legible. sfore sensitive producls in weothertighl enclosures; moinloin within iemperolure ond humidity ronges required by monufocturer's instructions. For exlerior sloroge of fobricoled producfs, ploce on sloped supporls obove grounq. cover products subject to deleriorolion wilh impewious sheel covering; provide ventilolion fo ovoid condensoiion. Store loose gronulor moleriols on solid surfoces in q well-droined oreo; preveni mixingwiih foreign mqller. After inslollotion, provide coverings to proiecl producls from domoge from lroffic ond construction operolions, remove when no longer needed. PRODUCT OPTIONS Producls specified by Reference siondords or by Description only. Any producl meeting fhose stondords. Producls specified by Noming one or More Monufocluren with o subsiilute porogroph: submit o requesl for substitution for ony monufocfurer nol specificolly nomed. c. Producfs specified by Noming one or More Monufocturers: products ol nomed mqnufoclurers meeling specificotions; no options, no substitutions ollowed. I.O4 SUBSTITUTIONS A. Document eoch requesl wilh complefe dolo substonlioting complionce of proposed substilulion with Controcf Documenls. Submil producf doto ond somples os required. B. Requesi constitules o represenlotion thol Controctor: I ' Hos investigoted proposed product ond determined fhot ii meets or exceeds. in oll respecls, specified product. 2. will provide lhe some worronly for substitution os for specified produci.3' Wll coordinote inslollolion ond moke olher chonges which moy be required for work 1o be complete in oll respects.4. Woives cloims for oddilionol costs which moy subsequently become opporenl. B. c. I I I I I I I t I I I I I T I I t D. r.03 A, B. RDAI23048.00 I I I I t I I I T t I T I I 1.O2 A. B. 1.03 A. substifutions will not be considered when ihey qre indicoted or implied on shop drowing or producl dolo submiltols without seporoie wrillen requesl, or when occeptoncd will require subsfonfiol revision of Controcl Documents. Archifecl will deiermine occepiobility of proposed substitution ond will notify Controclor of occeplonce or rejection in wriling. I.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes: I ' Field engineering services required for proper execution ond complelion of work under lhis controct.2. Cufting ond potching. 3. Finol cleoning.4. Closeoulprocedures. 5. Closeoutsubmiltols.6. Demonslrolion ond troining. c. D. c. FIELD ENGINEERING SUBMITTALS Surveyor or Engineer: Submit nome ond oddress of surveyor or professionol engineer to be employed by Controctor to Architecf for occepionce before beginning work ol sife. Documenfotion ond Records: surveyor or engineer sholl mointoin complele ond occurote log of confrol ond survey work os it progresses. On request of Archifecl, submif documentotion to verify occurocy of field engineedng work. Completion Certificqfe: Upon complelion of work, submil certificole lo Architect signed by surveyor or engineer certifying lhof elevolions ond locolions ore in conformoncewith Controci Documents. Nole ony deviolions in building qnd rood locolions greofer lhon one inch from locolions indicoted on Controci Documenls. CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS Projeci Record Documenfs: Store documenis seporole ftom those used for conslruclion. MoR ony revisions or odditions ond locotions of conceoled conslruciion ond utililies. Keep documenis cunenl; do nol permonenfly conceol ony work unlil required informotion hos been recorded. Al conlrocl closeout, submit documents to Architecl. operotion ond Moinfenonce Dolo: submit copy of operolion ond moinfenonce inslructions for equipment ond systems in o loose-leof binder. Include ports lisls ond locol service ogency. wononlies: Provide two notorized copies executed by subcontrocton, suppliers ond monufocturers. B. c. I I I I I RDA|23048.00 1.O4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Surveyor Quolificotions: Employ lond surveyor or professionol engineer regislered in Stoteof Colorodo ond occeptoble io Owner ond Architect. B' Surveyor or Engineer: Responsible for locotion of building ond mojor site elements; estoblishment of building horizonlql ond verticol controls; instollotion of conlrol slokes os reguired; ond finol certificolion thot finish groding hos been compleled wilhin toleronces specified. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 SPARE PARTS AND MAINTENANCE MATERIALS Provide 'rlucts, spore ports, ond moinfenonce moleriqls in quontities specified in eoch section, in oddition fo thot required for completion of work. Deliver lo owner. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.0] PROJECT SURVEY REQUIREMENTS A. Reference Poinis: lmmediolely upon enlering project, locole ond mointoin bench morksqnd oll ofher grodes, lines, levels ond dimensions. Report ony erors or inconsistencies to Archilect before commencing work. B. Permonenl Bench Morks: Surveyor or engineer sholl esloblish minimum of two permonenl bench mqrks on site, referenced to dqlo estoblished by survey conlrol poinls. C. Bofter Boords ond Levels: Surveyor or engineer sholl sloke out building ond provide ond rigidly set botler boords.l. conlroctor: Remoin responsible for iheir mqinlenonce ond occurocy.2. From permoneni bench morks surveyor or engineer sholl qscertoin grodes ond levels to building os needed. D. Preservolion of Monuments ond Stqkes: Corefully preserve monuments, bench morks,property morkers, reference poinis, ond slokes. Loyout ond Control by Surveyor or Engineer:l. Building: Estoblish building horizontol ond verticol controls by inslrumentolion.2- Sife: Btoblish lines, levels ond locotions by inslrumenfolion. Sel control siokes for finish groding. Resel sfokes os required dudng progress of work, Completion: Upon complelion of work. surveyor or engineer sholl survey sile to verify thot locotions ond elevotions required by Controct Documenls hove been ochieved within specified toleronces. I I I I I I I t F. I I I I I I I T I I I RDA|23048.00 I I I t I 3.O2 A. 3.03 A. CUTTING AND PATCHING Openings in consfruclion which ore required by ofher confroclors sholl be left by croffs involved. lt is the responsibilily of vorious cgnfrocfors io supply in odvonce, proper ond sufficiently detoiled informolion. In evenl of foilure to supply this odvonce informolion, cutling os moy be required sholl be done only ofler concunence of Archilect ond ol fhe expense of the negligent porty. Where surfoces ore exposed, finlsh with some moleriols specified in finish schedule or moieriql thol is on construcied surfoces. Work sholl be done by oppropriole trode ot expense of negligent porty. FINAL CLEANING Cleon inferior ond exterior surfoces exposed lo view; remove lemporory lobels, sfoins ond foreign subsfonces, polish tronsporeni ond glossy surfoces, vocuum corpeted ond sofl surfoces. Cleon equipmenl ond fixtures to o sonitory condition; cleon or reploce filters of mechonicol equipment. Cleqn roofs, gutlers, downspoufs, ond droinoge systems. Cleon site; sweep poved oreos, roke cleon olher surfoces. FINAL SITE REVIEW Procedures: Following project closeout procedure defines responsibililies of Controctor. Ownerond Archifecl in closing project: Step I Conlroctor odvises Archifect in writing thof he hos reoched'Substonliol Completion" ond provides lisl of ilems lo be complefed or conected. Closeout moy be conducfed by oreos or portions of work if requested by Owner. Step 2 Architecf inspecls work lo defermine if it is substontiolly complele, qnd issues' Certificote of Substonliol Completion plus "Punch Lisf'of items fo be complefed or conecled. Step 3 Confroctor completes ond/or correcfs oll punch lisf items ond nolifies Architecl in writing thot his work is reody forfinol inspection. At fhis time, finol opplicofion for poymenl is submitted. Step 4 Archilecl mokes finol inspeclion. When work is found lo be occeploble under Controcl Documenls, ond controct fully performed, Archifecf will issue finol Certificote for Poymenl. SYSTEMS DEMONSTRATION Prior fo finol inspecfion, demonslrole operolion of eoch syslem to Owner. Inslruct Owner in operofion, odjusiment ond moinfenonce of equipmenl ond systems. B. B. c. D. 3.04 A. I I I I I I T I I I I I I I RDA|23048.00 END OF DIVISION I I l, . DIVISION 2 - SITE CONSTRUCTION I Generql Requiremenfs: Generol Condilions, Supplementory Conditions ond Division I - Generol Requirements opply to work of fhis Division. J - sEcTIoN 02232 SELECTIVE CLEARING II PART I -GENERALt . I.OI SUMMARY- I A. Section Includes:l. Selecfive cleoring ond grubbing within Projecf limit lines. ll 2. Shipping ond slockpiling of fopsoil from oreos disturlced by consfruction. I ART 2 - PRODUCTS t 2.o1 E(|ST|NG MATERTALS r A. Disposifion of Cleored Moleriols: Except for moleriols indicoted to be stockpiled or fo f remoin Owne/s property, cleored moteriols sholl become Conlrocfo/s property ond shollr be removed from the site. r PART3-EXECUTION I 3.OI CLEARING AND GRUBBING I A. Vegefotion In Building Areos, Poving Areos, Areos fo Receive Oiher New Sile lmprovements ond Areos Indicqted lo be Regroded: Remove obslructions, shrubs, gross, r ond other vegetotion to permit instollotion of new construction. Removol includes I digging oul obsfructions ond grubbing roois.t l. Complefely remove roois, obstruciions, ond debris exlending to o depth of 18 inches below exposed subgrode. I 3.03 REMOVAL OF EffiTING TOPSOIL I A. Topsoil Removol: Remove qll lopsoil from oll olher oreos lo be disturbed by construclionI orsiie groding., I 3.04 DTSPOSAL I Remove surplus soil moledol, unsuitoble fopsoil. obslructions, demolished moleriols, ond wqste moferiols, including lrosh ond debris, ond legolly dispose of them otf Owne/s property. I RDAr23o48.oo I t I SECTION O23OO EARTHWORK I I I I I I t I PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Seclion Includes:L Sife groding. 2. Building ond reloining woll excovolion qnd bockfi .3. Under slob grovel. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Geolechnicol Engineer: The Ownerwilt employ o Geolechnicol Engineerwho w1l plocequolified personnel on lhe site os necessory during lhe eorthwork operofions lo evoluotecomplionce with the Specificolions. I.O3 WARRANTY A. Fill ond Bockfil: Settlemeni in bockfill. fill, or in structures buill over bockfill or fill, whichmoy occur within the one yeor woronty period sholl be conected of no cost to fheOwner. Restore ony strucfures domoged by settlemenl to their originol condition ql no cost to the Owner. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI FILL AND BACKFILL MATERIAL A- Fill ond Bockfill Mqteriql: On-site excovoled gronulor moteriols free of lopsoil or otherorgonic moieriol, frosl, rubble, rock frogments, boulden, cobbles, spoils qnd debds osopproved by lhe Geotechnicol Engineer.l. Moximum Porticle Size: 3 inch. B. Exferior Bockfill cop: on-sile excovqled fine-groined moferiols opproved by the Geofechnicol Engineer. c. Fill Below Footings for Voids in subgrode Lefl by Rock Removol: Leon concrete. 2.Q2 UNDER SLAB GRAVEL A. Grovel Under Inlerior ond Exterior slobs: lmported, cleon, free droining r/.inchgrovel with less thon 50% possing the No. 4 sieve ond with less lhon 3% possing the No. 200 sieve. 2.03 TOPSOTL A. Slockpiled Exisfing Topsoil: Moteriol stripped from the sile ond slockpiled for loter use. See Section 02232. I I I I t I I I I I I RDAr23048.00 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I t I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXCAVATION A. Generol: Remove fopsoil, silty sond. grovel, ond ony loose or disturbed soils below foofings ond exlend fooling beoring level down lo firm nolurol bedrock. Remove oll , eisling loose, sofl or disturbed soils, highly porous neor surfoce soils qnd iopsoil under the building ond poving oreos. Excovote the site os required for wolls, foundolions, crowl spqces, piers, oreo pits, ond refoining wolls to depths indicofed on fhe Drcnadngs. Trenches sholl hove boltoms of full width required. lf fhrough enor, frenches ore conied deeper fhon required. fill excess depth with concrele os direcled ol the Controcfo/s expense. Remove loose or dislurbed moteriql ftom botlom of excovolion by hond. Keep building excovofions os shollow os possible lo reduce fhe risk of slope instobility during groding. lf culs greoler lhon l0 feet ore required, conferWth Geotechnicql Engineer regording precoutions fo be used. B. Unclossifted Excovofion: All ercqvofion including removol of bedrock is considered os unclossified ond is defined os removol of oll moleriol encountered, regordless of soil type. Unclossified excovofion is considered normol excovofion ond no exfrq will be ollowed. c.Cobbles ond Boulders: Where cobbles or boulden ore uncovered of footing elevotion they sholl be immediolely reported lo the Geotechnicol Engineer lo direcf their removol. Cobbles or boulden sholl be corefully removed fo prevenl dislurlconce of odjocenf soils ond fhe resulting depressions sholl be filled with compocted eorth fill, excepl lhot under foolings depressions sholl be filled with concrele. Stockpile boulden 24'in diometer ond lorger for fufure londscope use in on-sile locolion os direcled. FILLING AND COMPACTION Generol: Fill ond compocf fo levels required lo complete the work indicoted. Filling moy require soil moleriol in excess of quonlity of suitoble on-sile moleriol ovoiloble. lmporl new moferiol os required. Plocing Fill: Distribufe moleriol to ovoid formofion of lenses orloyers of mqferiol differing subsionliolly from sunounding moferiol. Deliver mqleriql ot uniform rofe lo permil sotisfoclory procedure lo resull in uniformly compocled ftll. Avoid unnecessory concenfrofion of frovel cousing ruts ond uneven compoclion. Regrode ond compocl ruls ond hollows more thon 6 inches deep before compocting. Spreod fill moteriol in horizonlol loyen no greoter thon 8 inches ihick. Bockfilling: Fill ond compocl femporory holes ond excqvotion oround inledorwolls, grode beoms, piers, trenches, on inside of building ond excovolion oround exterior foundolion wolls. Bockfill in even lifts on both sides of foundofion wolls fo prevent excessive pressure on one side. Broce unsupported foundotion wolls, grode beoms, ond pien lhoroughly before bockfilling ond leqve brocing in ploce unlil supporting floors ore in ploce. Obtqin permission from Architecf before bockfilling. Bockfill ond mechonicolly compocf os indicoled below. Puddling not ollowed. Do nof overcompocf bockfill or use lorge equipment neor retoining wqlls. Coordinole bockfill behind retoining wqlls with retoining wqll controctor. 3.O2 A. RDA|23048.00 D. soil compoction Requiremenls: compocl eqch lqyer ol o moislure conienl neor oplimum by methods occeptoble lo ihe Geotechnicol Engineer io o minimum of lhe following Stondord Proclor Densilies qs determined by ASTM D69g: I I t I I I I I I I I I L Fill ogoinsi sides of foolings2. Fill under interior slobs on grode3. Interior utility lrench bqckfill4. Fill under poving 5. Foundqlion bockfill in poved oreos6. Other foundoiion bockfill:7. Exterior utility trench bockfill under slobs, sidewolks ond poving8. Ofher exlerior utility trench bockfill9. Fill or bockfill in londscqoed oreos Fill Under Foolings: Leon concrele. UNDER SLAB GRAVEL 95% 957" 95% 95% 95% 90% 95% 90% 9Vo E. 3.03 A. 3.04 I I I I I I I B. Generol: Ploce ond spreod under slobs. Roller compoci os required by lhe Geotechnicol Engineer. Thickness: 4" minimum compocled lhickness. Recompoclion: Level ond recompocl, if necessory, immediotely prior to plocing concrete slqbs. FINISH GRADING A. Generol: Cul ond fill oreos os indicoled or required to permit finishing lo lhe finish grodes indicoted. Slope owoy from building q minimum of I inch in l2 feet in oll direclions. B- Subgrode Under Buildings: Finish grode to smooth, even, well comoocfed surfoce lo elevqtions indicoted.l. Slob on GrqdeSubgrodeTolerqnce: (+l 0.04, ll/2,'). C- Subgrode Under Poving qnd Exterior Slobs on Grode: Finish grode lo beoring surfoce os required.l. Toleronce: (! 0.04 ft. (ll?). D. Subgrode Under All Other Areos: Finish grode lo elevoiions indicoted.L Toleronce: (d 0.1'(l-t/4"). 3.05 PLACTNG TOPSOI. A. Ploce topsoil lo even depth of 4" under oreqs indicoted on Drowings. B' Repoir eroded oreos ond reploce lopsoil immediotely prior to sodding or seeding. C' Hond roke fo smoolh even surfsce free of noxious weeds, debris, clods, rocks ond vegetoble motler greoter lhon l/2" in size. Compocfion of surfoce prior to seeding or sodding sholl be firm but nol hord. RDA| 23048.00 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I T I I I PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Seclion Includes Following Temporory Erosion Control Devices During Consiruclion:l. Temporory sfrow bole boniers ot points of concenlroled dischorge os directed bylhe Archilecl.2. Silt fence construclion. Provide o stondord 3'x24" x lS" strow boles for swole ond inlel protection. Additionol SECTION 02620 SUBDRAINAGE PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes:l. Droinoge pipe ond filiings ot foundotions os indicofed.2. Droinoge pipe to doylight ond concrete oulfoll.3. Free droining grovel of droin.4. Droinoge pipe. 5. Proleclivecovering. 6. Droinoge pipe to doylight ond concrete oulfoll. SECTION 02750 RIGID PAVEMENT PART I - GENERAL I,OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes:l. Concrele bose slobs for slone poving.2. Other exlerior concrete slobs on grode os indicoted. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 CONCREIEMATERIALS A. Generol: Use concrete conforming with ASTM c94. see seclion 03300. 2.02 MISCELLANEOUSMATERIALS A. Curing Compound - Conform io ASTM C309. B. Reinforcing: See Seclion 03200 Concrete Reinforcement. RDA|23048.00 l. Sizes ond Spocings: See Drowings. 2.03 CONCREIE MIXES A. Design ond Mixing: See Section 03300. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI PREPARATION A. Subgrode: Perform minor cul ond fill required to bring lhe grode lo lhe conecl level lo receive concrele work. Recompoct to comply with Section 02300. B. Concrele Work Preporotion: Comply wifh Section 03300. 3.02 SUBGRADE A' Work by Eorthwork Controclon Eorthwork coniroclorsholl perform oll cuf ond fill necessory fo bring the subgrode to wifhin + 0.04' lllZ') of bottom surfoce of concrefe work under lhis secfion. B. Work by Concrete Controctor: Cut or fill ond finish grode os required lo bofiom of exlerior concrete slobs on grode within o loleronce of 0.02' ( | /4). lf fill is required, see Section 02300 for moteriol qnd compoclion requiremenls. 3.03 PAVING AND EXTERIOR SLABS ON GRADE A. Generol: Construct reinforced concrete pqving ond exierior slqbs in occordonce wilh deloils on the Drowings. Coordinote instqllotion of embedded snowmell system with insloller under Division l5 Mechonicol. PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Secfion Includes:l. Exterior slone poving on concrete slobs.2. Exlerior slone sloir freods. 1.O2 REFERENCES A. Unless ofherwise indicofed, comply with oll opplicoble requiremenls of Lqticrete Dofo Sheet 230.6. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.O1 STONE PAVERS RDA|23048.00 l I l I I t I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I A. Treods ond Poven: Tumbled Oklohomo Mounloin flogstone. 2.02 MORTAR AND GROUT A. AdmixlureMonufocturen: l. Lolicrelelnternotionol2. Approved subsfilule in occordonce wilh Section 01600. B. Thick Bed Morlor: l:3 Portlond cement/sond gouged wilh Loticrete #3201 odmix os specified under Loficrele Doto Sheet 230.6. C. Slurry Bond Cool Porilond cement/sond gouged wifh Lolicrele #4237 odmit os specified under Loficrete Dofo Sheel 230.6. D. Groul: Loficrete Dry Bond Grout ond Joinf Filler or opproved equol gouged with Lolicrefe #3701 grouf ond morlor odmil. color os selected by Archifect. E. Mixing proporlions ond procedures sholl be in stricl occordonce with recommendofions fo Loiicrete Dolo Sheel 230.6. PART 3 - E(ECUTION 3.OI THICK BED INSTALLATION A. Exponsion Joints: Insloll 3/8'polystyrene qf locofions indicoted ond required by Lolicrete Dolq Sheel 230.6, futt depth of sefiing bed. B. Setling: Insloll poven over bose dob occording lo thick bed setting moteriols ond methods specified in porogrophs 6.0 ond 10.0 of Loficrete Doto Sheef 230.6. Bock bulfer eoch pover before sefting. Insfoll in potlerns indicoted wifh 3/A' joints belween povers.l. Setting Pqltern: Sel poverc wiih joints in rondom flogsfone pottern.2. Snow Melt Sysiem: Coordinote with instollofion where occuning. c. Replocement: Reploce ony pover work showing domoge or disfigurolion during progress of work in its enfirety. potching or hiding of defects nol permilled. - 3.02 GROUTING AND CLEANING A. Grouting: Grout ioinls os soon os inifiol sel or setting bed is ochieved. Cure groul by mointoining in domp condilion forseven doys. B. Cleoning: Remove groul hoze with sfone pover monufocturer opproved cleoner. t I t I I I I I I t I I I RDA|23048.00 SECTION 028rs IRRIGATION SYSTEM PART I . GENERAL f,0l WORK INCLLJDED - Work of this Section generally includes provisions for the installation of an underground irrigation system including the following: I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. c. Static pressure verification and coordination of irrigation system installation with landscape material installation. Trenching, stockpiling excavation materials, refilling and compacting benches. Complete irrigation system including but not limited to piping, valves, fittings, heads, wiring, and final adjusfiients to insure complete coverage. Water connections. Replacement of unsatisfactory materials. Clean-up, inspections, and approval. Tests. RELATED SECTIONS Examine all sections related to project work. REFERENCES D. E. F, G. A. B. Perform Work in accordance with requirements of Conditions of the Contract and Division 0l - General requirements as well as provisions of all applicable laws, codes, ordinances, rules, and regulations. Conform to requirements ofreference information listed below except where more stringent requirements are shown or specified in Contract Documents. l. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) - Specifications and Test Methods specifically referenced in this Section. 2. Underwriters Laboratories (tll) - UL Wires and Cables. QUALITY ASSURANCE Installer Qualifications - Installer shall have had considerable experience and demonstrate ability in the installation of irrigation system(s) of specific type(s) in a neat orderly, and responsible manner in accordance with recognized standards of workmanship. To demonstrate ability and experience necessary for this Project, submit ifrequested by Consultant, prior to confiact award the following: I. List of 3 projects completed in the last 2 years of similar complexity to this Project. Description of projects shall include: 1.04 Malone Residence 00230.00 Irrigation System 02815- I a. b. c. d. c. d. e. f. o h. B. r.05 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I t o Name of project. Location. Owner. Briefdescription ofwork and project budget. B. Special Requirements: l. Work involving substantial plumbing for installation of copper piping, backflow preventer(s), and related Work shall be executed by licensed and bonded plumber(s). Secwe a permit at least 48 hours prior to start of installation.2. Tolerances - Specified depths of mains and laterals and pitch of pipes are minirrums. Settlement of tenches is cause for removal of finish grade treatnent, refilling, compaction, and repair of finish grade treatsnent. 3. Coordination with Other Contractors - Protect, naintain, and coordinate Work with Work under other Section. 4. Damage To Other Improvenents - Confiactor shall replace or repair damage to grading, soil preparatioq seeding, sodding, or planting done rmder other Sections during Work associated with installation of irrigation system at no additional cost to Owner. C. Pre-Constuction Conference - Contractor shall schedule and conduct a conference to review in deail quality control and construction requirements for equipment, materials, and systems used to perform the Work. Conference shall be scheduled not less than l0 days prior to cornmencement of Work. All parties required to be in attendance shall be notified no later than 7 days prior to date of conference. Contractor shall notifr qualified r€presentatives of each party concenred with that portion of Work to attend conference, including but not limited to Architect, Consultant, Contractor's Superintendent, and Installer. l. Minutes of conference shall be recorded and distributed by Contractor to all parties in attendance within five days ofconference. SUBMITTALS - Prepare and make submittals in accordance with conditions of the Contract. Materials List - Submit a complete materials list indicating manufactwer, model number, and description of all materials and equipment to be used. Show appropriate dimensions and adequate detail to accuately porray intent of consfuction. Record Drawings (As-Builts): l. At onset of irrigation installation secure Mylar sepias of original irrigation design from Ovmer. At the end of every day, revise prints for Work accomplished that &y in red ink. As-built sepias shall be brought up-to-date at the close of the working day every Friday by a qualified drafisperson. A print ofrecord plan(s) shall be available at Proj€ct Site. lndicate zoning changes on weekly as-built drawings. Indicate non-pressure piping changes on as- builds. Upon completion ofProject, submit for review, prior to final acceptance, final set of as-built mylar sepias. Dimensions, from nro permanent points of reference (building comers, sidewalk, road intersections or permanent stuctures), location of following items: a. Connection to €xisting water lines. b. Routing of sprinkler pressure lines (dimension maximum 100 feet along routing). Sprinkler contol valves. Quick coupling valves. Drain valves. flrip line blowout stubs. Control wire routing if not with pressure mainline. Control wire splices ) Malone Residence 00230.00 Owner's Representative will not certi$ any pay request submitted by the Contractor if the Irrigation System 028t5-2 1.06 Malone Residence 00230.00 as-built drawings are not curent, and processing of pay request will not occur until as-builts are up-dated. C. Operation Instructions - Submit 3 written operating instructions including winterization procedures and start-up, with cut sheets of products, and coordinate controller/watering operation instruction with Owner rnaintenance personnel, L Contoller Charts:a. Do not prepare charts until Consultant has reviewed record (as-builQ drawings.b. Provide one confioller chart for each automatic contoller installed.l) Chart may be reproduction of record drawing, if scale permits fitting of controller door. If photo reduction prints are required, keep reduction to maximum size possible to retain full legibility.2) Chart shall be blueline print of actual "as-built" system, showing area covered by that controller.c. Identi& area of coverage of each remote conbol valve, using a distinctly different pastel color drawing over entire area of coverage.d. Following rwiew of charts by Consultant, they shall be hermetically sealed between two layers of20-mm thick plastic sheete. Charts shall be completed and reviewed prior to final review of inigation system. DELMRY' STORAGE, AI\[] HANDLING - Deliver, unload, store, and handle materials, packaging, bmdling, products in dry, weatherproof, condition in manner to prevent damage, breakage, deterioratid, intrusion, ignition, and vandalism. Deliver in original unopened packaging containers prominently displaying manufacturer's name, volume, quantity, contents, instuctions, and conformance to local, state, and'federal iaw. Remove and replace cracked, broken, or contaminated items or elements prematurely exposed to moistue, inclement weather, snow, ice, temperature extremes, fire, orjobsite damage. Handling of PVC Pipe - Exercise care in handling, loading and sroring, of pVC pipe. All pVC pipe shall be transported in a vehicle which allows length of pipe to lie flat so as not to subject it to undue bending or concentrated extemal loads. All sections of pipe that have been dented or damaged shall be discarded, and if installed, shall be replaced with new piping. JOBSITE COITTDITIONS: A.Protection of Property: l. heserve and protect all trees, plants, monuments, structwes, and paved areas from damage due to Work of this Section. In the event damage does occur, all damage to inanimate items shall be completely repaired or replaced to satisfaction of Owner, and all injury to living plants shall be repaired by Owner. All costs of such repairs shall be charged to and paid by Contractor.. 2. Protect buildings, walks, walls, and other property from damage. Flare and barricade open ditches. Damage caused to asphalq concrete, or other building material surfaces shall be repaired or replaced at no cost to Owner. Restore disturbed areas to original condition. Existing Trees: l. All trenching or other Work under limb spread of any and all evergreens or low branching deciduous material shall be done by hand or by other methods so as to prevent damage to lirnbs or branches. 2. Where it is necessary to excavate adjacent to existing tees use all possible care to avoid injury to trees and tree roots. Excavation, in areas where 2 inch and larger roots occur, shall be done by hand. Roots 2 inches or larger in diameter, except directly in the path of pipe of conduit, shall be nmneled under and shall be heavily wrapped with burlap to prevent scarring or excessive drying. Where a trenching machine is operated close to trees having roots I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I lr :I I B. Inigation System 02815-3 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I smaller than 2 inches in diameter, wall of trench adjacent to tee shall be hand timmed, making clean cuts tlrough roots. Trenches adjacent to trees shall be closed within 24 hours, and when this is not possible, side of trench adjacent to fiee shall be k€pt shaded with moistened burlap or canvas. C. Protection and Repair of Underground Lines: l. Request proper utility company to stake exact location (including depth) of all underground electric, gas, or telephone lines. Take whatever precautions are necessary to protect these underground lines from damage. If darnage does occur, Utility Orvner shall repair all damage. Contractor shall pay all costs of such repairs unless other arrangements have been made. 2. Request Owner, in \l,riting to locate all private utilities (i.e., electrical service to outside lighting) before proceeding with excavation. If, after such request and necessary staking private utilities that were not staked are encountered and damaged by Installer, Owner shall repair them at no cost to Installer. If Contractor damages staked or located utilities, they shall be repaired by Utility Owner at Confactor's expense unless other arrangements have been made. D. Replacement of Paving and Curbs - Where trenches and lines cross existing roadways, paths, curbing etc., damage to ilrese shall be kept to a minimum and shall be restored to original condition. WARRANTY/GUARANTY: - Manufacturer shall warrant materials against defects for a period of one year from date of Subsrantial Completion. Installeds) shall guzranty workrranship for similar period. A. Settling of backfilled renches that may occur during guaranty period shall be repaired at no expense to Owner, including complete restoration of damaged property. B. Expenses due to vandalism before substantial completion shall be borne by Contractor. C. Owner will maintain turf and planting areas during wananty period, so as not to hamper proper operation of irrigation system. MAINTENAITTCE: A. Winterization - include cost in bid for winterizing complete system at conclusion of sprinkling season' (in which system received final acceptance) within 3 days notification by the Owner. -system-shall be voided of water using compressed air or similar method reviewed by Consultant. Reopen, operate, and adjust system malftnctions accordingly during April of following season within 3 days of notification bv Owner. PART2-PRODUCTS MATERIAI^S: General Piping: t. 2. 3. 4. f,. Malone Residence 00230.00 Pressure Supply Lines - Schedule 40 BE PVC Non-pressure Lines - 80 PSI NSF polyethylene - l" min. diameter PVC Sleeving - Class 160 PVC. Drip Tubing - Lritrol Dura-Pol EHD 1645 314" with .050 inch wall thickness. Emittcr Tubing - As rccommended by emitter rnanufacturer. Irrigation System 02815-4 B. c. Brass Pipe and Fittings: l. Brass Pipe - 85% red brass, ANSI Schedule 40 screwed pipe.2. Fittings - Medium brass, screwed 125-pound class. Plastic Pipe and Fittings: I . Identification Markings: a. Identi! all pipe with following indelible markings:l) Manufacturer's name. 2) Nomina *ipe size.3) Schedul; ofclass.4) Pressure rating. 5) NSF (National Saniration Foundation) seal of approval.6) Date ofextrusion. - 2- Solvent weld Pipe - Manufactured aom virgin polyvinyl chloride @VC) compound in accordance with ASTM D2241 and ASTM D1784; cell classification 12454-8, Type l, Grade l'a. Fittings - Standard Wright, Schedule 40, injection molder pVC; complying with ASTM D1784 and,D2466, cell classification 12454-8.l) Threads - Injection molded type (where required).2) Tees and ells - Side gated. b. Threaded Nipples - ASTM D2464, Schedule 80 with molded threads.c. Joint Cement and Primer - Type as recommended by manufacturer of pipe and finings. 3. Flexible Plastic Pipe - Manufactured from virgin polyethylene in accordance with ASTM D2239, with a hydrostatic design stress of630 psi and designated as pE 2306.a. Fittings - Manufactured in accordance with ASTM D2609; pVC Type I cell classifi cation 12454-8.b. Clamps - All stainless steel worm gear screw clamps. Use 2 clamps per joint on l- 1/2 nchand? inch fittinss. Drip Inigation Systems: l. Drip Tubing - Manufactured of flexible vinyl chloride compound conforming to ASTM D1248, Type l, Class C, Category 4, Pl4 and ASTM D3350 for PE t2}lllc.2. Fittings - Type and make recommended by tubing manufacturer.3. Drip Valve Assembly - Type and size shown on Drawings.a. Wye Sfainer - Plastic construction with 150 mesh nylon screen.b. Control Valve - 2 way, solenoid pilot operated type made of syrthetic, non- corrosive material; diaphragn activated and slow closing. lnclude freely pivoted seat seal; retained (mounted) without attachment to diaphragm.c. Pressure Reducing Valve - Plastic consfuction as detailed.4. Emitters - Single port, pressure compensating, press on type by lrriuol. Quick Coupling Valves - Brass two-piece body designed for working pressure of 150 PSI; operable with quick coupler. Equip quick coupler with locking rubber cover. Key size and tlre as shown on Drawing. Valve Boxes: l. Gate Valves, Quick Coupling Valves, Drain Valves, Drip Line Blow-out Stubs, and Wire Stub Box - Carson Brooks #910-10, box as detailed. 3/4 inch through 2 inch Confrol Valves - Carson Brooks #1419-12 box. Drip Valve Assemblies - Carson Brooks #1220-12 box. lrrigation System 02815-5 I I I I T I T I I I I I I D. Malone Residence 00230.00 I I I I I I 2. E. F, G. H. I. K. I T I I T t t I I I I I I I I I t I I Electrical Control Wiring: l. Low Voltage: a. Electrical Conrol Wire - AWG UFUL approved No. 14 direct burial copper wire.b. Elecrical Common Wire - AWG UFUL approved No. 14 direct burial copper wire.c. Wire Colors:l) Control Wires - Red. 2\ Common Wires - White.4) Spare Control Wires - Black. 5) Spare Common Wires - Yellowd. If multiple controllers are utilized, and wire paths of different controllers cross each other, both common and control wires from each controller shal! be different colors approved by Consultant. e. Control Wire connections and splices shall be made with 3M DBy direct bury splice connectors, or similar dry splice method.2. High Voltage - Type required by local codes and ordinances, of proper size to accommodate needs of equipment serviced. Automatic Controller - Exising Electic Control Valves - Size and tlpe shown on Drawings having manual flow adjusunent (except drip valves) and manual bleed nut. Sprinkler Heads - As indicated on Drawings. Fabricated riser units in accordance with deails on Drawings - with riser nipples of same size as riser opening in sprinkler body. Backflow Preventer - Existins PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 LAI\DSCAPE PLAI\I REVIEW AND COORDINATION - Contactor will be held responsible for coordination between landscape and irrigation system installation. Landscape material locations shown on the Landscape Plan shall take precedence over the irigation system equipment locations. lf irrigation equipment is installed in conflict with Oe landscape material locations shown on the Landscape Plan, the Contractor will be required to relocate the irrigation equipment, as necessary, at Confiactor's expense. 3.02 STATIC PRESSURE VERIFICATION - Contractor shall field veri! the static pressure at the project site, prior to conrmencing work or ordering irrigation materials, and submit furdings, in writing to Consultant. If Contractor fails to verif static water pressure prior to commencing work or ordering irrigation materials, Contactor shall assume responsibility for all costs required to make system operational and the costs required to replace any damaged landscape material. Damage shall include all required marerial costs, design costs and plant replacement costs. 3.03 INSPECTION: - Examine areas and conditions under which Work of this Section is to be performed. Do not proceed with Work until unsatisfrctory conditions have been corrected. A. Grading operations, with the exception of final grading, shall be completed and approved by Ovmer before staking or installation of any inigation system begins. 3.04 PREPARATION: A. Staking shall Occur as Follows: l. Marh with powdered lime, routing of pressure supply line and flag heads for first few zones. Contact Consultant 48 hours in advance and request review of staking. Consultant will Malone Residence 00230.00 lrrigation System 02815-6 advise installer as to the amount of staking to be prepared. Consultant will review staking and direct changes if required. Review does not relieve installer Aom coverage problems due to improper placement ofheads after staking.2' IfProject has significant topography, freeform planting beds, or other amenities, which could require alteration of irrigation equipment layout as deemed necessary by Consultant, do not install irrigation equipment in these areas until Consultant has reviewed equipment staking. Install sleeving under asphalt paving and concrete walks, prior to concreting and paving operations, to accornmodate piping and wiring. Compact backfill around sleeves to 95% Modified Proctor Densi8 withn 2Vo of optimum moisture content in accordance with STM DI557. Trenching - Trench excavation shall follow, as much as possible, layout shown on Drawing. Dig fenches straight and support pipe continuously on bottom of trench. Trench bottom shall be clean and smooth with all rock and organic debris removed. l. Clearances: a. Piping 3 Inches and Larger - Make trenches of sufficient width ( 14 inches minimum) to properly assemble and position pipe in trench. Minimum clearance of piping 3 inches or larger shall be 5 inches horizontally on both sides ofthe trench.b. Piping Smaller than 3 lnches - Trenches shall have a minimum width of 7 inches.c. Line Clearance - Provide not less than 6 inches of clearance between each line and not less than 12 inches of clearance between lines of other fiades.2. Pipe and Wire Depth:a. Pressue Supply Piping - l8 inches from top of pipe.b. PVC Sleeving - l8 inches from top ofpipe. Non-pressure Piping (rotor) - 18 inches from top ofpipe. Non-pressure Piping (pop-up) - 12 inches from top ofpipe. Connol Wiring - Side of pressure main. Drip Tubing - 12 inches from top of pipe. Emitter Tubing (Micro-tubing) - 8 inches Aom top of pipe. Boring will be permitted only where pipe must pass under obstnrction(s) which cannot be removed. In backfilling bore, final density of backfill shall match that of surrounding soil. It is acceptable to use sleeves of suitable diameter installed first by jacking or boring, and pipe laid through sleeves. observe same precautions as though pipe were installed in open trench. vibratory Plow - Not permitted as method for installation of inigation piping and/or wiring 3.05 INSTALLATION - Locate other equipment as near as possible to locations designated. Consultant shall review deviations Drior to installation. A. PVC Piping - Snake pipe in trench as much as possible to allow for expansion and contraction. Do not install pipe when air temperature is below 40-F. Place manual drain valves at low points and dead ends of pressure supply piping to insue complete drainage of system. When pipe installation is not in progress, or at end of each day, close pipe ends with tight plug or cap. Perform Work in accordance with good practices prevailing in piping tades. 1. Solvent Weld PVC Pipe - Lay pipe and make all plastic to plastic joints in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.2. Flexible Plastic (Polyethylene) Pipe - Lay pipe and assemble fittings following manufacturer's recommendations. B. Drip Tubing: l Make all fitting connections as per manufacturers recommendations.2. Use only manufacturer provided or recommended hole punch when making penetrations in drip tubing for insert fittings. Use of any other hole punch shall be cause for immediate removal and replacement of all installed drip tubing. Irrigation System 02815-7 Malone Residence 00230.00 I t I I I I I I I T I t I I I I I I I c. d. f. o J. B. c. c. D. E. F. G. H. I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I T I I t 3. Install drip line blow-out stubs at all dead ends of drip tubing. Conrol Wiring: 1 Low Voltage Wiring: a. Bury control wiring between controller and clectric valves in pressure supply line tenches, strung as close as possible to main pipe lines with such wires to be consistently located below and to one side ofpipe, or in separate trenches. b. Bundle all 24 volt wires at l0 foot intervals and lay with pressure supply line pipe to one side ofthe trench. c. Provide an expansion loop at every prcssure pipe angle fitting, every electric control valve locaiion (in valve box), and every 500 feet. Form expansion loop by wrapping wire at least 8 times around a 3/4 inch pipe and withdrawing pipe. d. Make all splices and E.C.V. connections using 3M DBY conneclors or similar dry splice method. e. Install all contol wire splices not occurring at control valve in a separate splice valve box. f. Install one control wire for each conhol valve.g. Run two spare #14 AWG LFIJL control wires and one common wire from controller pedestal to the end of each and every leg of mainline. Label spare wires at contoller and wire stub box, Specification spare wires are in addition to spare wire sttbs noted on Construction Documents. Electric Control Valves - Install cross-handle 4 inches below furished grade where shown on Drawings as detailed. When grouped together, allow at least 12 inches between valve box sides. Install each remote control valve in a separate valve box. Install individual valve box flush with gade. Quick Coupling Valves - Install quick couplers on double swing-joint assemblies of Schedule 80 PVC pipe; plumb and flush to grade. Angled nipple relative to pressure supply line shall be no more than 45 degrees and no less than l0 degrees. Install quick coupling valves as detailed. Drip Valve Assemblies - Install drip valve assembly as detailed. Drip Emitters - Stake all surface emitters as detailed and staked with acceptable tubing stakes. Drain Valves - Install manual drain valves at all low points in pressure supply line as detailed. hovide a three cubic foot drainage sump for each drain valve installed. Valve Boxes: l. Install one valve box for each qrpe of valve installed as detailed. Valve box extensions are not acceptable. Install gravel sump after compaction of all trenches. Place final portion of gravel inside valve box after valve box is backfilled and compacted.2. Brand confoller letter and station number on lid of each valve box. Letter and number size shall be no smaller than I inch and no greater in size than I l2 inches. Depth of branding shall be no more than l/8 inch into valve box lid. J. Sprinkler Heads - Install sprinkler heads where designated on Drawings or where staked. Set to furish as detailed. Spacing ofheads shall not exceed the maximum indicated on Drawing unless re-staked as directed by Consultant. ln no case shall the spacing exceed maximum recommended by manufacturer. Install heads on double swing-joint risen of schedule 40 PVC pipe. Angled nipple relative to non-pressure line shall be no more than 45 degrees or less than l0 degrees. Adjust part circle heads for propcr coverage. Adjust heads to correct height after sod is installed. Plant placernent shall not interfere with intended sprinkler head coverage, piping, or other equipment. Consultant may request nozzle changes or adjus[nents without additional cost to the Ovmer. Malone Residence 00230.00 lrrigation System 028t5-8 Backflow Preventer - Existing Backfilling - Do not begin backfilling operations until required system tests have been completed. Backfill shall not be done in freezing weather except with review by Consultant. Leave trenches slightly mounded to allow for settlement after backfilling is completed. Trenches shall be finish graded prior to walk-through of system by Consultant. 1. Materials - Excavated material is generally considered satisfactory for backfill purposes. Backfill material shall be free of rubbish, vegetable matter, frozen materials, and itones larger than I inch in maximum dimension. Do not mix subsoil with topsoil. Material not suitable for backfill shall be hauled away. Contractor shatl be responsible for providing suitable backfill if excavated material is unacceptable or not sumcient to meef bacldll, compaction, and final grade requirements.2. Do not leave tenches open for a period of more than 48 hours. Open excavations shall be protected in accordance with OSHA regulations.3. Compact backfill to 907o maximum density, determined in accordance with ASTM Dl55-7 utilizing tlle following methods:a. Mechanical tamping. b. Puddling or ponding. Puddling or ponding and/or j etting is prohibited within 20'-0' ofbuilding or foundation walls. Piping Under Paving: I' Provide for a minimum cover of 18 inches between the top ofthe pipe and the bottom ofthe aggregate base for all pressure and non-pressure piping insalled under asphattic concrete or concrete paving. 2. Piping located under areas where asphalt or concrete paving will be installed shall be bedded with sand (a layer 6" below pipe and 6" above pipe).3. Compact backfill material in 6'liffs at 90% maximum density determined in accordance with ASTM D155-7 using manual or mechanical tamping devices.4. set in place, cap, and pressure test all piping under paving, in presence of owner pnor to backfilling and paving operations.5' Piping under existing walks or concrete pavement shall be done by jacking, boring, or hydraulic driving, but where cutting or breaking of walks and/or concrete is necessary, it shall be done and replaced at not cost to Owner. Obtain permission to cut or break walks and/or concrete from Owner. N. Water Supply and Point of Connection - Water supply shall be extended as shown Aom water supply lines. 3.06 FrELD QUALITY CONTROL: A. Flushing - After piping, risers, and valves are in place and connected, but prior to installation of sprinkler heads, quick coupler assemblies, and hose valves, thoroughly flush piping system under full head of water pressure from dead end fittings. Maintain flushing for 5 minutes through furthermost valves. Cap risers after flushing. B. Testing ' Conduct tests in presence of Consultant. Arrange for presence of Consultant 48 hours in advance of testing. Supply force pump and all other test equipment. l. After backfilling, and installation of all contol valves, fill pressure supply line with water, and pressurize to 40 PSI over the designated static pressure or 120 PSI, whichever is greater, for a period of2 hours.2. Leakage, Pressure Loss - Test is acceptable if no loss of pressure is evident during the test period. I I I I T I t I I I I I I I I I I I I K. L. Malone Residence 00230.00 Irrigation System 02815-9 c. I I I t I I T I I I I I I t I I I I I 3. Leaks - Detect and repair leaks.4. Retest system until test pressure can be maintained for duration oftest.5. Before final acceptance, pressure supply line shall remain under pressure for a period of48 hours. Walk-Through for Subsantial Completion: Arrange for Consultant's presence 48 hours in advance ofwalk-through. Entire system shall be completely insalled and operational prior to scheduling of walk- through. operarc each zone in its entirety for consultant at time of walk-through and additionally, open all valve boxes if directed. Generate a list of items to be corrected prior to Final Completion. Fumish all materials and perforrr all work required to correct all inadequacies of coverage due to deviations from Contact Documents. During walk-through, expose all drip emitters under operations for observafion by consultant to demon$rarc that they are performing and installed as designed" prior to placing of all mulch material. Schedule separate walk-through if necessary. D,Walk-Ttrough for Final Completion: Arrange for Consultant's presence 48 hours in advance ofwalk-through. Show evidence to Consultant that Owner has received all accessories, charts, record drawings, and equipment as required before Final Completion walk-through is scheduled. operate each zone, in its entirety for consultant at time of walk-tfuough to inswe correction of all incomplete items.4. Items deemed not acceptable by Consultant shall be reworked to complete satisfaction of Consultant. 5. If after request to Consultant for walk-through for Final Completion of irrigation system, Consultant finds items during walk-through which have not been properly adjusted, reworked, or replaced as indicated on list of incomplete items from previous walk-through, Contractor shall be charged for all subsequent walk-throughs. Funds will be withheld from final payment and/or retainage to Contractor, in amount equal to additional time and expenses required by Consultant to conduct and document ftrther walk-throughs as deemed necessary to insure compliance with Contract Documents. ADJUSTING - Upon completion of installation, "fme-tune" entire system by regulating valves, adjusting pattems and break-up arms, and setting pressure reducing valves at pro-per and similar pressure to provide optimum and efficient coverage. Flush and adjust all sprinkler heads for optimum performance and to prevent overspray onto walks, roadways, and buildings as much as possible. Heads of same type shall be operating at same pressure +/- 7olo. A. If it is determined that irrigation adjustncnts will provide proper coverage, and improved water distribution as determined by Consultant, contractor shall make such adjusrnents prior to Final Acceptance, as directed, at no additional cost to Owner. Adjustnents may also include changes in nozzle sizes, degrees of arc, and control valve thronlhg. B. All sprinkler hcads shall be set perpendicular to finish grade unless otherwise dcsignated. C. Areas which do not conform to designated operation requirements due to unauthorized changes or poor installation practices shall be immediately corrected at no additional cost to the Owner. CLEANING - Maintain continuous cleaning operation throughout duration of work. Dispose of, off-site at no additional cost to Owner, all trash or debris generated by installation of irrigation system. l. 2. J. 4. )- 6. l. 2. J. Malone Residencc 00230.00 Irrigation System 02815-10 oo ENDOFSECfiON .iii. Malone Residence 00230.00 Irrigation Systcm 02E15-l I I I I I I I T I I t I I I o I I t II I I SECTION 02836 BOULDER RETAINING WALLS PART I - GENERAL ].OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes: I ' . Design. moferiols ond inslollolion of boulder reioining wolls os indicoted on lhe DroWngs. 2. Coordinotion with bockfilling operotions specified underSection 02300 Eorthwork.3. Secure ond poy for necessory permifs ond fees. Prepore ond submif drowings ond colculotions os necessory lo obfoin permits. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.O1 MATERIAIS A. Boulders: Roughly reclongulor brown sondsfone (See Londscope Drowings). B. Londscope Architect fo give finol opprovol of boulder seleclion by Conlroctor prior lo instollqlion. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXCAVATION AND PLACEMENT A. Excovolion: Complywith Secfion 02300. Excovole os required for boulder plocement in occordonce Wth opproved shop drowings.B. Plocemenl: Ploce boulders individuolly. Fill voids wifh nofive soil ond compocl so os lo give o nofurol looking bed. RDA|23048.00 PART 1 1.01 A. sEcTroN 02920 SOIL PREPARATION GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Work Included: 1. Site clearing and preparation. 2. Preparation of all areas to be seeded or sodded. 3. Preparation of shrub, groundcover and perennial beds. 4. Finish grading of all landscaped areas. Related Work in Other Sections: Earthwork - Section 02200 Lawns and Grasses - Section 02930 Trees, Shrubs, Vines, and Groundcovers - Section 02950 PROJECT CONDITIONS Th.e extentof underground utilities is not known. Known underground and surface utility lines indicated on the drawings are for information onty. ine contractor is respo-nsible for verifying all utility locations prior to commeniing. see General Conditions. Promptly repair damage to adjacent facilities caused by soil preparation operations. Cost of repair at Contractor's expense. I I t I t I B. I I t I I I I 1.02 B. 1.03 C' Promptly notify the Landscape Architect of unexpected sub-surface conditions. QUALITYASSUMNCE A. Inspection by governmental ofiicials or Landscape Architect at point of origin does not preclude rejection of materials at project site. SUBMITTALS A. Samples and Product Data: Prior to delivery to site, submit manufacturers' literature for the following items: 1. Organic Amendments: 1 pint for each type 2. Fertilizer: 1 ounce and manufacture/s data. B. Topsoil Analysis: The Contractor shall be required to obtain through an independent soil testing laboratory, an analysis of the existing topsoil which will-recommend the actual amendments required and the specific mixtures and quantities. I I I T I I 1.04 MALONE REsidence 00230.00 SOIL PREPARATION 02920-1 I t 1.05 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDL]NG I A. Labeling: Fumish standard products in unopened manufacture/s standard containers bearing original labels showing quantity, analysis and name of I manufacturer. I B. Storage: Store produc'ts with protection from weather or other conditions which would damage or impair the effec{iveness of the producl. I 1.06 AMLYSES OF SAMPLESANDTESTS I A. Sampling: Samples of materials may be taken and anallzed for conformig to t specifications at any time. Fumish samples as requested r B. lejected Materials: Remove rejected materials immediately from the site at t Contracto/s expense. 1.07 ACCEPTANCE I A. Acceptance: Work will not be accepted until satisfactory completion of all soil preparation work. I B. Notification: Give notffication of comptetion of soil preparation prior to proceeding- with planting operations. I PART2 PRoDUcrsI2.01 TOPSOTL I A. On-site TgPsoil: Topsoil shall have been stripped from areas to be graded or disturbed by construction and stockpiled on-site. Obtain independent soils test I which will recommend amendments reguired to meet the following qualifications. t Amend topsoil per soils laboratory recommendations. 1. C_omogsition: Use as a planting medium only fertile, friable, well-drained soil,I of uniform quality, free of stones over 1 in. di'ameter, sticks, oils, chemicals, ' I plaster, concrete and other deleterious materials, with an acidity range of between pH 5.5 and 7.5. t 2.02 sotL MtxES A. Backfillfortrees and shrubs. I 2/3 site topsoil 1/3 Organic Amendment I 2.03 ORGANTCAMENDMENT I A. The contractor shall use one of the organic amendments listed below: l, 1. We! age!, Sr9y4, dairy cattle manure; thoroughly composted consisting of not less than 60 016 organic matter, pH value not greater than 7.5 and sollbb I iTALONE RESidence SO|L PREPARAT|ONI oo23o.oo ouzvz ! 3. salts not greater than 5 mmhos/cm tested on a saturated paste. Obtain independent soils test of manure to verify content. lreligq 3 Compost_As suqplied byA-1 Organics, 16350 Wetd County Road 76, Eaton, CO 80615, Phone 303-454-3492. Finety shredded and free of plants, roots, sticks, stones, lumps, and noxious weedi. The contractor shall submit a sample to the Landscape Architect for approval ten (10) days before delivery to the site. COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS A commercial fertilizer of composition based on deficiencies revealed by soil laboratory analysis for Nitrogen-phosphorous and potash. Adjustment ih pH shall be made to bring soil acidity to between 5.5 and 7.0. Fertilizer mix shall be a granular, non-buming- Plo{-uct composed of not less than 50% organic, slow activity Tertilizer. Analysis of N-P-K content shall be professionally guaranteed by laboratory analysis. EXECUTION SOIL PREPAMTION General: 1. Verification: Verify that subgrade has been reviewed and approved by Landscape Architect for proper elevation and gradients. ' ' 2. Moisture content: Do not work soil when moisture content is so great that excessive compaction will occur, nor when it is so dry that dust will form in air or that clods will not break readily. Apply water, if necessary, to bring soil to an optimum moisture content for tilling and planting. Maintdin within2 percent above or below optimum moisture content at all times during the work. 3. Clearing of Debris: Clear all planting areas of stones 2 in. diameter and larger, weeds, debris and other extraneous materials prior to amending existing soil. Site Preparation 1. Till existing soil in all shrub and perennial beds to a minimum g" depth. Shred all existing vegetation close to ground and till into soil. 2. Uniformly distribute and spread topsoil stockpiled on site in planting and sodded areas disturbed by grading, construction or other operationl. spread lopsoil at 6'depth. lmported topsoil is not required. Use loose, dry topioil. Do not use frozen or muddy topsoil. Place during dry weather. 3. Fine grade topsoil eliminating rough and low areas to ensure positive drainage. Maintain levels and contours of subgrades 4- Remove stones, roots, weeds, and debris while spreading topsoil materials. Rake surface clean of stones 1" or larger in any dimension dnd all debris. t T I I I I T t t I I I I t I t T I I 2.04 A. PART 3 3.01 A. B. MALONE REsidence 00230.00 SOIL PREPARATION 02920-3 I I t I I I I I t t I I lc t I I I I t C. Bed Preparation for Sod and Shrub beds as follows: 1- After review by the Landscape Archilect of the subgrade, the fertilizer and/or organic amendmEnt shall be spread at the following rates: a. Organic Amendment 4 cubic yards/1,000 S.F. (Adjust rates per soils report) 2. After spreading the soil amendments, the area shall be tilled by means of a rototiller or agricultural ripper to a minimum depth of six (6) inches. Contractor shalltill beds with a minimum of two (2) passes at 90 degrees. 3. Limit area of preparation to areas which are ready to be planted immediately. D. Bed Preparation for Perennial and Groundcover beds as follows: 1. Afier review by the Landscape Architect of the rough grade, the fertilizer and/or organic amendment shall be spread at the following rates: Organic Amendment 4 cubic yards/1,000 S.F. b. Nitrogen Phosphorus (P205) Sulfur Nitrogen Phosphorus (P205) Sulfur 130 lbs/acre 80lbs/acre 40lbs/acre 130lbs/acre 80 lbs/acre 40lbs/acre a. b. (Adjust rates per soils report) 2- After spreading the soil amendments, the area shall be rototilled a minimum of two times in opposite directions to a depth of eight (8) inches. Ripping is not acceptable. 3. Limit area of preparation to areas which are ready to be planted immediatety. Bed Preparation for Native Seed: 1. Till the soil surface by means of a rototiller or agricultural ripper with tines spaced at no greaterthan 18 inches. 2. Remove all rubble, stones, and extraneous material over'l 112 inches in diameter from site. 3. After approval by the Landscape Architec't of this operation, the fertilizer and/or organic amendment shall be spread at the following rates: a. Fertilizer: Per soils lab recommendations. 4. After spreading the soil amendments, the area shall be rototilled to a depth of six (6) inches and in a direction perpendicular to the first rototilling operation. 5. Limit area of preparation to areas which are ready to be seeded immediately. MALONE REsid.noc 00230.00 SOIL PREPARANON o2g2H 3.02 3.03 B. FINISH GMDING General: 1. Grade smooth all planting areas after weeding, soil preparation, and soil conditioning have b.een completed and soil has been thoroughly water seftled. Remove all stones, or debris over 1 inch in diametei. Flemove or break up clods of dirt over 2" diameter. 2. Provide finished surface grades parallel to subgrade surfaces. provide uniform levels and slopes. Finish grades shall be smooth, even and on a uniform plane with no abrupt changes of surface. Grades not othenrise indicated shall be uniform levels or slopes between points where elevations are given, or between points established by walks, or paving. 3. Provide all grades for natural runoff of water without low spots or pockets. Accurately set flow line grades at 2 percent minimum gradient unless othenrise noted in Drawings. Perform drainage test with inigation system. 4. Tops and toes of all slopes shall be rounded to produce a gradual and natural-appearing transition between relatively level areas lnd slopes. Grades 1. Tolerance: All planting areas, including lawn areas, shall be true to grade within 1 inch when tested in any direction within 10 ft. straightedge. 2. coordinate finish grades to the following depths below design finished grade: I t I I I t I t t I I I I t t I T I I a. Adjacent to Curbs & Other Hard Surfaces 314" b. Mulched perennial bed 3u c. Mulched shrub bed 4" DRAINAGE OF PI.ANTING AREAS Surface Drainage 1- Discrepancies: Provide positive surface drainage of planted areas. submit in writing all discrepancies in the Drawings or specifications, or prior work done by others, which Contractor feels precludes establishing pioper drainage. 2. correction: Include description of work required for conection or relief of said condition. Detrimental Drainage, Soils and Obstructions:B. MALONE REsidence 00230.00 SOIL PREPARATION 02920-s 3.04 1. Notification: submit in writing all soils or drainage conditions considered detrimentaltg groryth of plant materials. state condition and submit proposal and cost estimate for conecting condition. CLEAN-UP Keep all areas of work clean, neat and orderly at all times, Clean-up and remove all deleterious materials and debris from the entire work area prior to Preliminary Acceptance. END OF SECTION A. B. MALONE RESi&nce 00230.00 SOIL PREPAMTION 02920{ PART 1 1.01 A. 1.03 A. B. c. E. F. Malone Residence 00230..00 B. c. sEcTtoN 02930 LAWNS AND GRASSES GENERAL DESCRIPTION Related Requirements: Review the General contract conditions and Division one, General Requirements, which contain information and requirements that apply to this section. work included in this section includes but is not limited to the following items: 1. Sodding 2. Seeding of native grasses. 3. Establishment, maintenance and guarantee of all new seeded and sodded areas. Related Work in Other Sections: Sprinkler lrrigation - Section 02810 Soil Preparation - Section 02920 Trees, Shrubs, Vines and Groundcovers - Section 02950 Landscape Maintenance - Section 02970 QUALITY ASSURANCE certificates-of Inspection: submit as required by law for transportation of each shipment of seed along with invoice. submit copies of certificites after acceptance of material. Inspection by Federal or state Governments at place of growth does not preclude rejection at project site. PROJECT CONDITIONS work notification: Notify owne/s authorized representative at least seven (7) working days prior to start of seeding/sodding operations. Protecl existing utilities, paving, and other facilities from damage caused by seeding/sodding operations. Perform.seeding/sodding work only after planting and other work affecting ground surface has been completed. Restrict traffic from lawn areas until grass is established. Erect signs and barriers as required. Provide hose and lawn watering equipment as required. LAWNS AND GRASSES 02930-1 I I I I I I I t I I I I t I t t t I I 1.02 B. I I 1.04 SUBMITTALS I A. Submit seed vendo/s certification for required grass seed mixture, indicating percentage by weight, and percentage of purity, germination, and weed seed for each grass species.I t B. Submit the following materials certification: || 1. Fertilizer(s) analysisJ2. Tackifier. X 1.05 WORK SCHEDULE: Proceed with the work as rapidly as the site becomest available, consistent with normal seasonal limitations for planting work. I 1.06 pRoDUcr DELrvERy, SToMGEAND HANDLTNGIA. Seed: ItI 1 3"1',:",#"';gi''l'":?ffi:ifffli:,iJffi':i'oJ[:[HeffL'-il?lXil$, ".0name of manufacturer. r 2. Storage: Store seed with protec{ion from weather or other conditions which would damage or impair the effectiveness of the product.II 1.07 ANALYSES OF SAMPLES AND TESTS I A. Samples: Samples of materials may be taken and analyzed for conformity to I specifications at any time. Furnish samples upon request. I B. Rejected Materials: Remove rejected materials immediately from the site at I Contractofs expense. Pay cost of testing of materials not meeting specifications. 1.08 MAINTENANCE PERIOD AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE: See Section 02970 - I Landscape Maintenance. T 1.09 WARRANTY PERIOD I A. Time Period: Wanant that all lawns and grasses shall be in a healthy and- flourishing condition of ac{ive growth one year from date of Final Acceptance. t B. Appearance During Wananty: Lawns and grass shall be free of dead or dyingI patches, and all areas shall show foliage of a normal density, size and color. I C. Delays: All delays in completion of planting operations which extend the planting I into more than one planting season shall extend the Warranty Period conespondingly. I D. Exceptions: Contraclor shall not be held responsible for failures due to neglect by! Oryner, vandalism, etc., during Wananty Period. Report such conditions in writing. I 1.10 REPLAcEMENTSI - Malone Residenc€ IAWNS AND GRASSES I oo23o..oo 02930-2I c. PART 2 2.01 A. 2.02 Malone Residence 00230..00 Varietv Reubens Climax Manchar Paiute Fawn Percent 15% 10o/o 20o/o 100/o 35o/o 10o/o t I I I il I T I ! I T I I I I i I t I B. B. Unacceptable Workmanship: Areas exhibiting conditions which are determined as unacceptable workmanship shall be repaired and/or replaced at no additional cost to the Owner. Replacements: Replace, without cost to Owner, and as soon as weather conditions permit, all areas not in a vigorous, thriving condition, as direcled during and at the end of Wananty Period. Matching: Glosely match all replacement seed with adjacent areas of lawn or grass. Apply all requirements of this Specification to all replacements. PRODUCTS SEED Native seed: Fresh, clean, and new crop seed mi):.!re. 1. Mixed by an approved method. 2. All seed shall be furnished in bags or containers clearly labeled to show the name and address of the supplier, the seed name, the lot number, net weight, the percent of weed seed content and the guaranteed percentage of purity and germination. All brands furnished shall be free from such noxious seeds as Russian or Canadian Thistle, European Bindweed, Johnson Grass and Leafy Spurge. Seed which has become wet, moldy, or othenarise damaged in transit or in storage will not be acceptable. 3. Seed and seed labels shall conform to all cunent State and Federal regulations and will be subject to the testing provisions of the Association of Official Seed Analysis. Submit seed labels to Landscape Architect for approval prior to seeding. Native Grass Seed Mix Tvoe Canada Bluegrass Timothy Smooth Brome Orchard Grass Tall Fescue WinterWheat Seeding Rate: 65 PLS/Acre SOD Bluegrass Sod: 1. Shall be Colorado grown, 100% certified Kentucky Bluegrass of three (3) improved varieties approved by the Landscape Architect, complying with applicable Colorado and Federal regulations, having a healthy root system, LAWNS AND GRASSES 02930_3 B. t I I I I I J I I T I I regularly fertilized, watered, mowed, sprayed, and free form objectionable weeds and/or grasses. Sod Quality 1. Sod containing Common Bermudagrass, Quackgrass, Johnsongrass, Poison lvy, Nutsedge, Nimblewiil, Canada Thistle, Timothy, Bentgrass, Wild Garlic, Ground lvy, Perennial Sonell, or Bromegrass weeds will not be acceptable. 2. Sod strip shall have from 5/E'minimum to l" maximum thickness of soil adhering to root system, cut into strips '16" maximum wicfth by 24" minimum length. 3. Sod which has dried out, or sod with adhering soil which breaks, tears, or crumbles away will not be accepted. 4. Sod cut for more than forg-eight (4E) hours will not be accepted. Sod rolls shall be kept moist, protected from sun, heat, or wind, and properly protected in transport. ORGANIC AMENDMENTS: See Section 02920 - Soil Preparation MULCH Straw or hay mulch shall be clean and free of seed or noxious weeds. Mulch in such an advanced stage of decomposition as to smother or retard the normal growth of grass will not be accepted. Straw will not be accepted. At least 65% of the mulch, by weight, shall be ten (10) inches or more in length. FERTILIZER After sodding operations, sodded areas shall be fertilized with a commercial brand granular non-buming feriilizer composed of not less than 50% slow release organic material of high quality with a compound equivalent to 2O.10-10 (NPK). Fumish standard products in manufacture/s standard containers bearing original labels showing quantity, analysis and name of manufacturer. Each batch of fertilizer shall be delivered with the manufactureds statement of analysis. The statement of analysis shall be submitted to and approved by the Construction Manager prior to application. EROSION CONTROL FABRIC Jute Blanket: The blanket shall consist of heavy jute mesh of a unfform open plain weave of unbleached, smolder resistant, single jute yam. The yam shall be of a loosely twisted construction having an average twist of not less that 1.6 tums per inch, and shall not vary in thickness by more that one-half of its normal diameter. The jute mesh shall be fumished in approximately 90-pound rolled strips and shall be 48" wide. EXECUTION GENERAL I.AWNS AND GRASSES 02930-4 I I 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 A. PART 3 3.01 Malonc Rcaidonce 00230..00 B. c. I I t I I A. B. Areas to Receive Seed and Sod: All areas as delineated on the Drawings. Scheduling: 1. seeding and sodding: Perform on a section by section basis, upon approval 9f Laldgcape Architect, and immediatety after finish grading and inigition installation except for seasonal limitations. 2. Embankments and Slopes: Complete in a continuous manner. SOf L PREPARATION (Refer to Section 02920 - Soit preparation) Verification: 1. stones, weeds, De.bris: Verify that all areas to receive seeding and sodding are clear of stones larger than 1 in. diameter, weeds, debris an-d other extraneous materials. 2. pr3!es, Verify that grades are within 1 in. plus or minus of the required finished grades. Report all variations in writing. Soil Moisture: 1. Excessive Moisture: Do not commence work of this section when soil moisture content is so great that excessive compaction will occur, nor when it is so dry that dust will form in air or that clods will not break readily. 2. Inadequate Moisture: .Apply water, as necessary, to bring soil to an optimum moisture content for planting. SODDING Verify that soil preparation has been performed. The soil shall be firmed and compacted to 85% modified proctor density in all lawn or unpavecl areas. Dampen dry soil prior to sodding. Restore prepared areas to specified condition if eroded, setfled, or otheruise disturbed after fine grading and prior to sodding. Sodding Installation: 1. Lay sod within forty-eight (a8) hours from the time of cutting. Do not plant dormant sod or if ground is frozen. 2. sod shall be laid on a firm, pre-moistened bed with tight joints so that no voids occur under or-between strips. Sod shall be walered, tamped, and rolled immediately after sodding operations are completed. I I I I t 3.02 3.03 Malone Residence 00230..00 B. t I I I A. B. c. D. LAWNS AND GRASSES 02930-5 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. c. I I t I I I I I I I I 7 In the event that sod dries or shrinks, a mixture of screened topsoil and bluegrass seed shall be brushed into the cracks and tamped flush. Excessively shrunk sod (over 3/4" shrinkage) shall be relaid. lnstall initial row of sod in a straight line, beginning at bottom of slopes, perpendicular to direction of the sloped area. Place subsequent rows parallel to and tightly against previously installed row. Slopes of 3:1 or Greater: Lay sod with staggered joints secured by pegs driven through sod into soil until pegs are flush with turf. Space pegs 18 in. on center. Pegs to be 1 in. square x 56 in. pine or 5 in. lengths of lath. Fertitize immediately after bluigrass sodding operations are complete with a 20-10-10 (NPK) applied at a rate of four (4) pounds per 1000 sguare feet Water daily to maintain adequate soil moisture for proper root growth. Continue daily watering for not less than five (5) days. Thereafter, apply water as required until acceptance. SEEDING Seedino Dates: Seed immediately after preparation of bed. Spring seeding between April 1 and June 1 and fallseeding between August 15 and October 15 or at such other terms acceptable to the Landscape Architect. Seed indicated areas within contract limits and areas adjoining contracl limits disturbed as a result of construction operations. Verify disturbance of existing wetlands to determine areas of riparian mix seeding. Seeding: 1. Seeding shallbe hand broadcast uniformly. Rake into a depth ol1l4" and roll immediately following seeding. 2. Sow not less than the quantity of the seed specified. 3. Within 24 hours after seeding, the Contractor shall apply hay mulch uniformly and crimp into the soil at a rate of two (2) tons per acre. Contrac.to/s Option: With approval of the [A and the Owner apply a Hydromulch in lieu of hay mulching. Watering: '1. Water daily to maintain adequate surface soil moisture for proper seed germination. Continue watering to maintain consistent moisture for thirty (30) days or until growth is established. Thereafter, apply 112" of waterweekly until acceptance. EROSION CONTROL FABRIC Apply erosion control fabric immediately after seeding and mulching operations have been completed. Install on all slopes 2:1 or greater and in all areas indicated on the drawings. LAWNS AND GRASSES 02930-5 I I 3.04 3.05 Malone Resktence 00230..00 D. I I I I t B. Installation: 1. The material shall be applied smoothly but loosely on the soil surface without stretching. Workers should avoid, as much as possible, walking direcily on the seedbed either before or after the jute is applied. The upslope end-of each piece of jute mesh shall be buried in a narrow trench six inches deep. After the jute is buried, the trench shall be tamped firmly close. 2. ln cases where one roll of jute mesh ends and a second roll starts, the upslope piece should be brought over the buried end of the second roll so that there is a 12 inch overlap to form a junction slot. 3. where two-or more widths of jute mesh are applied side by side, an overlap of at least four inches must be made. 4. Check slots should be made before the jute mesh is rolled out. A narow trench shoulr !e dug across the slope perpendicular to the direction of flow. 5. Check slots r. . be spaced so that one check slot or junction slot occurs within each 50 feet of slope Overlaps which run down the slope, outside edges and centers shall be stapled on 2 foot intervals. Each width of jute mesh will have a row of staples down the center as well as along each edge. Check slots and junction slots will be stapled across at 6 inch intervals. For extra hard soil, use sharp pointed hardened 3 inch fence type staples, The blanket must be spread evenly and smoothly and be in contact with the seeded. area at all points. lt shall be pressed into the soilwith a light lawnroller of by a similar method. MAINTENANCE AND ACCEPTANCE OF SEEDED AREAS Seed Establishment Period 1. lrrigated Area: That period necessary to achieve germination with no bare spots larger that one (1) foot square. The total number of bare spots larger that one (1) foot square shall not exceed 1070 ofthe total seeded area foi irrigated areas. 2. Non-lrrigated Area: For non-irrigated seed the total number of bare spots not greater that one (1) square foot shall not exceed 20o/o of the area. Initial Acceptance For lrrigated Seed 1. Upon seed establishment, the Contractor shall notify the Construction Manager and Landscape Architect to review the work. lf coverage and germination is acceptable, the Construction Manager shall notifythe Contractor of lnitial Acceptance. Maintenancer shall begin immediately after Initial Acceptance and shall continue untif Final Acceptance. (See Section 02970 - Landscape Maintenance) o. I I I I I I t I I t ; I I I I t I I 'l 7. 8. 3.06 Malon€ Residence 00230..00 c. LAWNS AND GRASSES 02930-7 I t D. Mainlenance Requirement Maintain seeded areas, including watering for inigated- seed areas, spot weeding, mowing, applications of herbicides, fungicides, I insecticides, and reseeding to achieve the requirements of item 3.06 B above and I establish a uniform stand of grass free of weeds, undesirable grass species,a disease, and insects. fl 1. Watering: For inigated seed areas, the Contractor shall be responsible fort watering seeded areas twice a day for a period of two weeks, or until seedlings are established. Apply only the amount of water necessary to I establish and maintain seeded areas in healthy conditions. Reduce amount I of water applied after seed is established. Avoid standing water, surface wash or erosion from over-watering. d.I 2. Protection:I A a. Provide suitable signs erected at important points, notifying the public to keep off. Provide banicades as needed. ,b. Repair: Re-seed areas that have been washed out or are eroded or I do not meet coverage requirements per square foot as stated in It ParagraPh 3.06 B above. ^. 3.07 CLEAN-UPr! A. General: Keep all areas of work clean, neat and orderly at all times. Keep all paved areas clean during planting operations. ! B. Clean up and remove all deleterious materials and debris from the entire work area prior to Final Acceptance. END OF SECTIONt l t I I i I I t ["j:I;**'*I.AWNSAND GRASSES 0293GE 1.02 PART,I 1.01 A. 1.03 MALONE RESIDENCE 00230.00 I t I I I I I I I t I il B. c. sEcTloN 02950 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES, GROUNDCOVERS AND PERENNIALS GENERAL DESCRIPTION Related Requirements: Review the General Contract Conditions and Division One, General Requirements, which contain information and requirements that apply to this Section. Work Included: Provide planting of trees, shrubs, vines, groundcover and perennials, complete, as shown and as specified. Related Work in Other Sections: lrrigation - Section 02815 Soil Preparation - Section 02920 Lawns and Grasses - Section 02930 Landscape Maintenance - Section 02970 QUALITYASSUMNCE Certificates 1. Submit certificates of inspection required by law for transportation of each shipment of plants along with invoice. 2. File copies of certificates after acceptance of material. Inspection by Federal or State Govemments at place of growth does not preclude rejection of plants at project site. Applicable Standards: Apply standards for plant materials as described in the following: 1. 'American Standard for Nursery Stock," '1980 Edition, American Association of Nurserymen, Inc. 2. Hortus lll- 1976 Edition, Bailey Horatorium, CornellUniversity. PROJECT CONDITIONS All collected plant material (specifically large trees) shall come from sites similar to the locations they are being installed in on this site, with special regards to gradient of slope and exposure of slope. Planting work shall be done under the direct supervision of a qualified superintendent working on the site with experienced laborers familiar with planting procedures. B. B. I I I I I TREES, SHRUBS, VINES 0295G1 I I c. D. 1.04 1.05 1.06 I t t I I I I I t, I o I t T B. c. The Owner shall provide a specific area in which the Contrastor shall store his materials. This in no way waives the Contractor's responsibility to protect his materials and equipment from damage, theft or vandalism. The Owner may schedule a pre-construction conference with Landscape Architect and Contractor at least 7 days before beginning work under this Section. Purpose of this conference is to review questions Contractor may have regarding the work, administrative procedures during construction and project work schedule. SUBMITTALS Samples: Submit prior to delivery to site. Attach product name, address of manufacturer and/or supplier to each sample. 1. Tree and Shrub Planting Fertilizer: One ounce. 2. Mulch: One (1) pint. WORK SCHEDULE Proceed with the work as rapidly as the site becomes available, consistent with normal seasonal limitations for planting work. SELECTION, TAGGING AND ORDERING OF PI.ANT MATERTAL Review: Request for review of plant materials and quantity at nursery prior to shipment to site. Right is reserved to refuse review at this time if, in his judgment, a sufficient quantity of plants is not available. Contractor shall accompany Landscape Architect to all review(s) of plant materials at the nursery. Landscape Architect will review and tag plants at place of growth and upon delivery for conformity to specifications. Distant Material: Submit photographs with a person adjacent to plants for preliminary review. Such review shall not impair the right of review and rejection during progress of the work. Unavailable Material: lf proof is submitted that any plant specified is not obtainable, a proposal will be considered for use of the nearest equivalent size or variety with conesponding adjustment of Contract price. Substantiate such proof in writing no later than 30 days after award of contract. Special Conditions: The above provisions shall not relieve Contrastor of the responsibility of obtaining specified materials in advance if special growing conditions or other anangements must be made in order to supply specified materials. PRODUCT DELIVERY, STOMGE AND HANDLING Labeling: Fumish standard products in manufac{ureds standard containers bearing original labels legibly showing quantity, analysis, genus/species and name of manufacturer/grower. Labeling need not TREES, SHRUBS, VINES 02950-2 D. 1.07 I I t t I I MALONE RESIDENCE 00230.00 1.08 1.09 1.10 MALONE RESIDENCE 00230.00 I I t I I I I I I I I I I I B. c. D. B. apply to collected material, however contractor shall wanant that plant material is true to species specified. Storage: Store products with protection from weather or other conditions which would damage or impair the effectiveness of the product. Handling: Do not lift or handle container plants by tops, stems or trunks at any time. Do not bind or handle plants with wire or rope at any time. Anti-Desiccant: At Gontracto/s option, spray all evergreen or deciduous plant material in full leaf immediately before transporting with anti- desiccant. Apply an adequate film over trunks, branches, twigs and foliage. ANALYSES OF SAMPLES AND TESTS Sampling: Right is reserved to take and analyze samples of materials for conformity to specifications at any time. Furnish samples upon request. Rejected Materials: Remove rejected materials immediately from the site at Contractor's expense. Pay cost of testing of materials not meeting specifications. MAINTENANCE PERIOD AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE: See Section 02970 - Landscape Maintenance. GUARANTEE Guarantee: 1. Correct Species: Warrant that all plant materials are true to species and variety. 2. Vigor: Warrant that all trees, shrubs and vines planted under this Contract will be healthy and in flourishing condition of active growth one year from date of Final Acceptance. Similarly warrant perennials and groundcovers for one full growing season after the date of Final Acceptance. Delays: All delays in completion of planting operations which extend the planting into more than one planting season shall extend the Guarantee Period conespondingly. Condition of Plants: Plants shall be free of dead or dying branches and branch tips, with all foliage of a normal density, size and color. Replacements: As soon as weather conditions permit, replace, without cost to Owner all dead plants and all plants not in a vigorous, thriving condition, as determined by Landscape Architect during and at the end of Guarantee Period. Exclusions: Contractor shall not be held responsible for failures due to neglect by Owner, vandalism, etc., during Guarantee Period. Report such conditions. TREES. SHRUBS. VINES 02950-3 I I l I I B. c. D. E. B. c. I t t I I s t I l T I I I I I T I I T 1.11 PART 2 2.01 A. MALONE RESIDENCE 00230.00 REPIACEMENTS For a period of one (1) year after final acceptance of all work and at no additional cost to the Owner, the Contractor is to replace any new or transplanted plant material that is dead, or that is, in the opinion of the Landscape Architect, in unhealthy or unsightly condition, or that has lost their natural shape due to dead branches or excessive pruning of dead branches, or that has been damaged beyond repair due to inadequate maintenance and/or protec{ion from animal damage or the natural elements. Failed Materials: 1. Closely match replacements to adjacent specimens of the same species. Apply all requirements of this Specification to all replacements. 2. Contractor shall be held responsible for a maximum of two (2) replacements for each failed tree, shrub and vine, and same area of groundcover planting after final acceptance during Guarantee Period. lnconect Materials: 1. During Guarantee Period, replace at no cost to Owner all plants revealed as being untrue to name. 2. Provide replacements of a size and quantity to match the planted materials at the time the mistake is discovered. PRODUCTS PI.ANT MATERIALS General: Verifu that all container stock has been grown in the containers in which delivered for at least two (2) months, but not over two (2) years. Do not install container plants that have cracked or broken balls of earth when taken from container. 1. Growing Conditions: Plants shallbe nurserygrown in accordance with good horticultural praclices under climatic conditions similar to those of project for at least two years unless othenrise specifically authorized. 2. Collested Plant Material: All plant materialwhich, due to size or quantity, cannot be nursery grown, may be collected. Contractor and Landscape Architect shall review this plant material in its native state before collection as is reasonably practicable. Landscape Architect reserves the right to reject this same material once it reaches the site if in his opinion, it is not of the same quality as when it was initially reviewed. TREES. SHRUSS, VINES 02950'4 I I I I I I T I T I I I I l I t I T B. c. D. 3. Appearance: All plants shall be exceptionally heavy, symmetrical, tightly knit, and so trained or favored in development and appearance as to be superior in form for their species, with regard to number of branches, compactness and symmetry. Trees which have multiple leaders, unless specified, or damaged or crooked leaders, will be rejected. Trees having a main leader shall not have been headed back. Trees with abrasions of the bark, sunscalds, disfiguring knots, or fresh cuts of limbs over 3/4 in. which have not completely callused, will be rejected. 4. Vigor: Plants shall be sound, healthy and vigorous, well branched and densely foliated when in leaf. They shall be free of disease, insect pests, eggs, or larvae. They shall have healthy, well- developed root systems. Plants shall be free from physical damage or adverse conditions which would prevent thriving growth. Condition of Root System: Samples must prove to be completely free of circling, kinked or girdling trunk surface and center roots and show no evidence of a pot-bound condition. lf five (5) percent or more of the plants of each species are found to contain'kinked, circling or girdling roots, all plants of that species will be rejected. Measurements: 1. General: Measure plants when branches are in their normal upright position. Height and spread dimensions specified refer to main body of plant and not branch tip to tip. Take caliper measurement at a point on the trunk 6 in. above natural ground line for trees up to 4 in. in caliper and at a point 12 in. above the natural ground line for trees over 4 in. caliper. 2. Size Range: lf a range of size is given, do not use plant materials less than the minimum size. Not less than 40 percent of the plants shall be as large as the maximum size specified. The measurements specified are the minimum size acceptable and are the measurements after pruning, where pruning is required. Plants that meet the measurements specified, but do not possess a normal balance between height and spread shall be rejected. 3. Substitutions: Substituted plants shall be true to species and variety and shall conform to measurements specified except that plants larger than specified may be used if accepted. Use of such plants are accepted, increase the ball of earth in proportion to the size of the plant. Field Drug Stock: Prior to digging of field grown plant materials, insure that all excess loose fill resulting from cultivation around stems and over roots be removed down to natural finish grade at crown of plant materials. During digging, verify that size of vernier shovel or other equipment is adequate to encompass the actively-growing root zone of all plants. Plants which, after digging, show mostly large fleshy roots and few fibrous roots will be rejected. MALONE RESIDENCE 00230.00 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES 02950-5 I I I E. Multi-Stem Trees. 1. Multi -Stem trees shall have a minimum of 3 main stems or trunks. At least one of the stems shall meet the minimum caliper size specified For example a 2 112 inch multi-stem tree shall have at I least one 21t2inch caliper trunk. 4 2.O2 ORGANIC AMENDMENTS I A. Refer to Soil Preparation Section 02920t2.03 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERSI A Hift'?1s"1H,,Y1",:5ll"E,5il"['',?;3ii'.xll"i,ir',lx5ff?L I (408) 263-E080, oraccepted equal. t B. Fertilizerfor perennials shallbe Diammonium Phosphate (1E46-0). t ' z.u srAKlNG MATERIALt J A. Tree brace straps shall be provided at connection of guy or pole support wires to tree trunk. Straps shall be 12" x'l-112" nylonlcotton weave with a 3/4" brass grommet at each end, as manufactured by Jeffco Enterprises, lnc. I B. Staking poles shall be standard '"t"'six foot (6') high steelfence posts,? dark green or approved color. I 2.05 euYtNG MATERTALS a- A. Anchor: Standard "T" steel fence posts, 12" long, dark green or ; approved color. B. Hardware: .' 1. Tumbuckles: Galvanized or dippainted and weldless.,I 2. Cable Clamps: 1/3" Galvanized, size as required. I 3. Plastic Guy Covers: 3/8 in. diameter x 3 ft. long white plastic tubing. Provide for all guyed installations. | 4 lFfgff#ff"1'i'#";3;:,'##.:;iff[Tof.flri#n" Enterprises, Inc. T 2.06 WATER I A. ClEan, fresh and potable. lrlt-- B. Transport as required. | 2.oz MULcHTNG MATERTAL - MALoNE RESIDENGE TREES. sHRuBs,vINEs I 00230.00 o2gso.5 2.08 2.09 A. 2.10 A. 2.11 A. PART 3 3.01 A. B. 3.02 MALONE RESIDENCE 00230.00 I I T I I I I T I I I I I I I I I T t c. B. Wood Mulch: Native bark and wood shavings of a brown color free of twigs, sticks, dirt, sawdust and stones to be approved by Landscape Architect prior to installation. Chipper mulch is not acceptable. ANTI-DESICCANT Anti-desiccants for retarding excessive loss of plant moisture and inhibiting wilt shall be sprayable, water insoluble vinyl-vinyledine complex which will produce a moisture retarding banier not removable by rain (or snow). TREE WRAP Tree wrapping material shall be first quality 4" wide, bituminous, impregnated tape, conugated or crepe paper, brown in color, specifically manufactured for tree wrapping and having qualities to resist insect infestation. EDGER Edger shall be 1/8" x 4" high steel landscape edging manufactured by Ryerson or approved equal. lnclude all staking materials. FLOWER POT SOIL Pofting soil for flower pots shall be formulated specifically for container planting. Submit product and composition for approval. EXECUTION PREPLANT REVIEW General: Do not commence planting work prior to acceptance of soil preparation. Finish Grades: Finish grades for all planting areas shall have been established in another section. Verify that all grades are within 1 in. plus or minus of required finish grade and that all soil amendments have been installed as specified under Section on Soil Preparation. Fine rake prior to planting shrub, and ground cover areas and perennial areas. Notification: Submit written notification of all conditions inconsistent with specifications for soil preparation and mixing as described in Section 02920 - Soil Preparation. DMINAGE OF PI.ANTING AREAS Surface Drainage: Maintain positive surface drainage of planted areas as shown on grading plans. Discrepancies: Submit in writing, all discrepancies in the Drawings or Specifications, obstructions on the site, or prior work done by others, which Contractor feels precludes maintaining proper drainage; include TREES. SHRUBS, VINES 0295G7 c. I I I I I I t I t I I I c. D. t i I I t I I 3.03 3.04 3.05 MALONE RESIDENCE 00230.00 description of all work required for conection or relief of said discrepancies. Detrimental Drainage, Soils and Obstrustions: 1. Testing: Test drainage of plant beds and pits by filling with water twice in succession. Give written notification of conditions permitting the retention of water in planting beds for more than twenty-four (24) hours. 2. Correction: Submit for acceptance a written proposal and cost estimate for the conection of poor drainage conditions before proceeding with work. 3. Obstructions: lf rock, underground construction work, tree roots or other obstructions are encountered in the excavation of plant pits, altemate locations may be used as directed. Where locations cannot be changed, submit cost required to remove the obstruetions to a depth of no't less than 6 in. below the required pit depth. Proceed with work after acceptance. LAYOUT AND EXCAVATION OF PI.ANTING AREAS Layout and Staking: Lay out plants at locations shown on Drawings. Use 3 ft. lath, color-coded for each species of plant and material. Stakl each tree and outline shrub and groundcover beds with lime or marker paint. DO NOT install inigation heads prior to approval of bed layout. Review: Locations of plants will be checked in the field and will be adjusted to exact position before planting begins. Right is reserved to refuse review at this time if, in the Landscape Architect,s opinion, an ins,ufficient quantity of plants is available. Contact Landscape Architect before planting begins. Equipment for Digging Plant Pits: Use of an auger or vemier spade to dig plant pits is prohibited. Backhoe is acceptable, with scarification of the tree pit after excavation - see below. Containerized Plant Pits: Excavate containergrown and B&B tree, shrub, and vine pits to a minimum of twice the diameter of the ball or container. EDGER General: Install edger prior to installation of adjacent sprinkler inigation system. Edger: Install edger true to line and grade as shown on the Drawings. PLANTING OPEMTIONS General: 1. Protect plants at all times from sun or drying winds. TREES. SHRUBS, VINES 02950-8 2. Keep plants that cannot be planted immediately upon delivery in the shade, well-protected and well-watered. B. Handling and De-potting of Plant Materials: Avoid alldamage to containers and rootballs. lf rootball is cracked or broken during handling, plant will be rejected. Container Trees and Shrubs: Remove all containers prior to planting. Tip container to horizontal orientation and carefully remove shrub. Support rootball during instailation to prevent cracking or shedding of soil. Burlapped Rootballs: Set plant in pit with burlap intact, remove top 1/3 of metal cage and burlap. I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I T I 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. D. c.Installation: Excavate deep enough to accommodate the ball and twice the diameter of the rootball. Compact before setting of plants. Positioning: Plants shall be set in center of pit, kept plumb and straight, and pit backfilled with mix. Att B&B stock shail have binding twine and wire cut free from the ball and trunk after placement and removed from the top of the ball completely, folding back 1/3 of burlap wrapping. Container stock shall be removed form their containers prior to planting. Backfilling: a. Backfill mix for tree pits shall be 2/3 on-site topsoil and 1/3 approved organic amendment, mixed thoroughly on site before planting, with no clods over 1" in size; placed and compacted to 6" minimum depth in bottom of plant pit. b. When plant pits have been backfilled approximately 213 full, water thoroughly and saturate rootball, before installing remainder of the backfill mix to top of pit, eliminating all air pockets. c. Contractor shall distribute excess excavated planting pit material on-site or as directed by the Landscape Architect. 4. Staking and/or Guying: When required, stake or guy as ouflined below. 5. Fertilizer: Place evenly distributed in plant pits when backfilled 2/3 according to the manufacture/s directions. Adjustment: Adjust plants so that after full setflement has occurred, the grade at the base of the plants is 2 in. above the adjacent planting finish grade. MALONE RESIDENCE 00230.00 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES 02950-9 E. F. G. B. c. I I I I I t I I t I I l I I I I I I I 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 MALONE RESIDENCE 00230.00 Watering Basin: Form saucer with 3 in. high berm centered around tree and shrub pits 12 in. wider than ball diameter. Do not form saucer around trees in lawn areas. Watering: Water all plants immediately after completion of planting operations with a deep watering device. Contractor shall provide watering requirements for the health and full development of all contractor-installed plant materials until final acceptance and as required during the guarantee period. Labels: Remove all nursery-type plant labels, wires and ties from plants. STAKING AND GUYING General: 1. Trees shall be able to stand upright without support, and shall retum to the vertical after their tops have been deflected horizontally and released. Stake or guy trees which do not meet this qualification. Allaspen trees shall require staking. 2. All plant materials shall remain plumb and straight for all given conditions from installation through the guarantee period. Staking: 1. All trees shall be staked and guyed as detaibd. 2. Locate stakes in a line with trunk of tree, perpendicular to prevailing Wnd and as close to the main trunk as is practical, avoiding root injury. Drive stakes at least 24 in. into firm ground. 3. Wire support straps shall be placed around the trunk in a single loop. Run wire through grommets on support strap, tighten, and keep taut. Guying: 1. Guy trees at points of branching, with guys spaced equally around and outside perimeter of ball. 2. Guys: Provide one turnbuckle for each guy. Use 2 cable clamps at each cable connection. Place white plastic guy covers on all guys. PRUNING: See Section 02970 - Landscape Maintenance MULCHING Install a 3 in. deep layer of wood mulch in all shrub beds and tree rings. Install a 2 inch deep layer of wood mulch in all perennial and ground cover beds. Do not mulch annual beds. GROUNDCOVER PLANTING AND PERENNIALS TREES, SHRUBS, VINES 0295G10 3.10 I I I I t I B. c. o Planting: Plant groundcover prants and perenniars at optimum depth forqloper growth. Avoid air p!)ckets. Equally space triang'ularly, atdistances called for in the Drawings. ' Fertilizers: . Apply top-dress fertirizer at the rate of 3 pounds per 1,000square feet immediately after planting. watering,: water bed thoroughry after fertirizer apprication. Wash arlfertilizer from leaves of plant maierials. CLEAN-UP Keep all areas of work clean, neat and orderly at ail times. clean up and remove all deleterious materials and debris from the entirework area prior to Final Acceptance. A. B.I END OF SECTION t I I I I I I I I I t ITREES, SHRUBS, VTNES 0295G11 MALONE RESIDENCE 00230.00 c, I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I l I sEcTroN 02970 ISNDSCAPE MAINTENANCE PART 1 1.01 A. MALONE RESIDENCE 00230.00 GENERAL DESCRIPTION Related Requirements: Review the General Contract Conditions and Division One, General Reguirements, which contain information and requirements that apply to this Section. Work Included: 1. Work in this Section includes, but is not limited to, fumishing all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals needed to provide complete landscape and inigation maintenance program to the Ovner for thirty (30) days following date of Preliminary Acceptance. Maintenance items shall include all items constructed under this Contract. 2. Work specifically included for maintenance includes: a. Watering, pruning, weed control and replacement of mulch for trees, shrubs, groundcovers, and perennials. b. Mowing, edging, fertilization, watering and weed controlwithin turf areas. c. Mowing, trimming, watering and weed controlwithin dryland seed areas supplemented by inigation. d. Winter watering as required. e. Monthly site inspection of potential insect, pest and disease problems. f. Weekly clean-up of trash, litter and debris. 3. Work which may be required under this Section, but which if required will be considered a claim for extra work (see General Gonditions), include the following: a. Insect, pest and disease control. b. Plant replacement due to theft, vandalism, or accidental damage by others after final acceptance. (Supplemental unit prices will apply for one (1 ) year following fi nal acceptance.) Related Work in Oher Sections: Sprinkler lnigation System - Section 02810 Soil Preparation - Seclion 02920 Lawns and Grasses - Section 02930 Trees, Shrubs, Vines and Groundcover- Section 02950 I-ANDSCAPE MAINTEMNCE 02970-1 I I I 1.02 1.03 B. 1.04 A. B. PART 2 2.01 A. MALONE RESIDENCE 00230.00 B. c. QUALITY ASSUMNCE Requirements of Regulatory Agencies: 1. Perform all work in accordance with all applicable laws. codes. and regulations required by authorities having jurisdiclion over such work. 2- Provide for all inspections and permits required by Federal, state, or local authorities in furnishing, transporting, and'installirig of all alricultural chemicals. Applicable standards: workmanship and overall maintenance program shallconform to highest level of indust' :tandards. Work Force: 1. Experlence: The landscape maintenance f''n shall have a full time foreman assigned to the job for the duration of the contract. He shall iave a minimum of four years experience in landscape maintenance supervisr.;n with glpg]l9n-cg or training in entomology, pest control, soili, fertilizers and plant identification. 2. Labor Force: The landscape maintenance firm's labor force shall be lllor.ough.ly familiar and trained in the work to be accomplished and perform the task in a competent, efficient manner acceptable to'the Owner. 3. Supervision: The foreman shall direcfly employ and supervise the work force at all times. Notify Owner of all changes in suiervision. 4. ldentification: Provide. prgper identification at all times for landscape maintenance firm's vehicles and labor force. PROJECT CONDITIONS site Visit: At beginning of maintenance period, visit and walk the site with theowneis representative to clarify scope of work and understanding existingprojecUsite conditions. Documentation of conditions: .Document general condition of existing trees, shrubs,vines, groundggversr perennials and lawn iecording all plant materialS whicli areoamageo or dylng, f any. SCHEDULING Perform all maintenance during hours mutually agreed upon between owner andContractor. work force shall be present at the project site at least once a week and as often asnecessary to perform specified maintenance in accordance with the approvedmaintenance schedule. PRODUCTS MATERIALS General: All materials and equipment, unless otherwise indicated, shall be provided by the Contractor. I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I LANDSCAPE ]VIAINTEMNCE 02970-2 D. c. c. I I I I I I I I t t I t I t I I I I I B. c. Water: Clean, potable and fresh, fumished and paid for by the Otvner. Fertilizers: 1. Tightly-comprgssed, slow-release and long-lasting complete fertilizer tablets bearing manufacture/s label of guaranteed analysis of dhemicals present. 2. Balanced, onoe-a-season application controlled-release fertilizers with a blend of coated pills which supply controlled-release nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and uncoated, rapidly soluble pills containlng riitrogbn and phosphorus. Herbicides, Insecticides, and Fungicides: I . pptqin.be.gJ quality materials. with original manufacturers' containers, properly labeled with guaranteed analysis. 2. Use non-staining materials. EXECUTION GENERAL Duration: Continually. maintain.all. la1lgcaped areas after installation, during qfog.rqss of work, and for a period of 30 days after Preliminary Acceptance until Final Acceptance. Proteclion: 1. Prote_qt all planting areas from damage of all kinds from beginning of work until Final Acceptance. 2. Maintenance includes temporary protection fences, baniers and signs as required for protection. Replacements: 1. lmmediately treat or replace all plants which become damaged or injured as a result of Contractofs operations or negligence, as directe-d by Landscape Architect at no additional cost to Owner. 2. Replacement plants shall be of acceptable size, condition and variety. THE 30 DAY MAINTENANCE PERIOD Preliminary Acceptance: As soon as all plantings are completed per Contract Documents, hold a preliminary review to determine the coridition bf the work. Following the review, the Landscape Architect shall issue a preliminary punch list of work to be conected and a letter of Preliminary Acceptance. Date of Review: Submit a written request at least five (5) working days prior to anticipated date of review. Beginning of the 30 Day Maintenance Period: The date on which the Landscape Architecl issues a letter of Preliminary Acceptance to the Contractor. FINALACCEPTANCE PART 3 3.01 A. 3.02 3.03 MALONE RESIDENCE 00230.00 LANDSCAPE MAINTEMNCE 0297&3 8.. c. At the end of the Maintenance Period, hold a Final Review. A Final punch List willbe prepared noting all conective work to be completed prior to Final ACceptince. Submit a w{!en request to Landscape Architect for review for Final Acceptance atleast five (5) working days prior to anticipated Final Review date. Corrective Work 1 . [9rk requiring. conective. action or replacement shall be performed within ten(10) calendar days after the Final Review. 2. Perform correstive work and materials replacement in accordance with theprgwiqes and specifications, and shalt b6 made by the conGCt-or at no costto the Owner. 3. After conective work is.completed, the contractor shall again request a Final Review for Final Acceptance as ouflined above. 4. continue maintenance of all landscaped areas until such time as allconeclive measures have been completed and accepted. Conditions for Acceptance of Work at End of Maintenance period: 1. Each plant.shall be alive and thriving, showing signs of growth and no signsof stress, disease, or any other wea-kness. 2. A1l plants not meeting these conditions shall be replaced and 30 DayMaintenance Period commenced for such plants. ' Final Acceptance Date: The date on which the Landscape Architect issues a Lefterol t-rnat AcceDtance. Uoon Final Acceptance, the ownei will assume responsibilityfor maintenance of the work. TREES, SHRUBS AND VINES Watering Basins: ,,1. Maintain all watering basins around plants so that enough water can beapplied to establish moisture through major root zones. 2. For supplemental handwatering of watering basins, use a water wand tobreak the water force. D..o no! permit crown-roots to become exposed to airthrough dislodging of soil and mulch. 3. Maintain originally called for depth of mulch to reduce evaporation andTrequency ot wateflng. Resetting: Reset plants to proper grades or upright position. Weed Control: 1. All areas between plants, including watering basins, shall be weed free. 2. Use only recommended and legally approved herbicides to control weedgrowth. Avoid frequent soil cultivation that destroys shallow roots and breaks the sealof pre-emergent herbicides. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I D. E. 3.04 3. ]'I,ALONE RESIDENCE 00230.00 B. c. I.ANDSCAPE lTi[AINTENANCE 029704 I D. E. F. I I I I I I l t J t I I I t I l I l I 3.05 3.06 MALONE RESIDENCE 00230.00 Pruning: 1. Prune.damaged trees or those that constitute health or safety hazards at any time of year as required. 2. Make all cuts clean and close to the trunk, without cuftinq into the branch collar. "Stubbing" will not be permitted. Cut smaller braiches flush with trunk or lateral branch. .Make larger cuts (1 in. in diameter or larger) parallel to shoulder rings, with the top edge of the cut at the trunk or lateial bianch. 3. Do,not-prune or clip shrubs into balled or boxed forms unless specifically called for by design. Staking and Guying of Trees 1. Inspect stakes and.guys at least once a month to check for rubbing that causes bark wounds. 2. Conform to the recommended procedures of staking and guying as outlined in Section 02950 - Trees, Shrubs, Vines, GroundcoVers, aid p5rennials. Maintenance of Existing Trees to Remain: 1. General: Conform to all _applicable paragraphs regarding pruning, watering, spraying and fertilizing of new plant materials as specifiet'in this section. - 2. Be alert to symptoms of construction damage to root systems of existinq trees as evidenced by wilting, unseasonal or early flowbring or loss of lelves, and insect or disease infestation due to declining-vigor. 3. Give notification in writing of all evidence of declining tree vigor immediately upon discerning the problem. Take_app1op.n.ate inteiim measures to mitigaie the severity of the problem as specified in this section. 4. Submit written proposal and cost estimate for the conection of all conditions before proceeding with permanent conection work. GROUNDCOVERS Watering: 1. Gheck for moisture penetration throughout the root zone at least twice a month. 2. Wateras frequently as neoessary to maintain healthy growth of groundcovers. Weed Control: 1. Gontrol weeds through proper cultural practices including cultivation, hand removal and hoeing, being careful to avoid damage to plant materiai. 2. Pro.cppl with application of pre-e-mergent herbicides and selective systemic herbicides only at the approval of the Orvne/s Representative. LAWNS I-ANDSCAPE MAINTEMNCE 02970-5 3.07 3.08 MALONE RESIDENCE 00230.00 I 1 I T I I I t I I I I I I t t t I B. c. D. E. B. c. Watering: 1. water lawns at such frequency as weather conditions require, to replenishsoil moisture to 6 in. below root zone. 2. Provide a total of 1-112 in. of water weekly during hot summer weather, inthree (3) applications per week. 3. water at njsht.if irrigation system _is electrically controlled. otherwise,watering shall be done during early momings.- Weed Gontrol: 1. control weeds throug.h proper cultural practices including cultivation, handremoval and hoeing, being careful to avoid damage to piant materiai. 2- Proceed with application of herbicides only at the approval of the owner,sEepresentative. Mowing and Edging: 1. Mow lawns when they reach (3 in.) high. 2. Trim edges at least twice a month or as needed for neat appearance. Remove clippings. Reseeding of Lawn Areas: Match existing seed mix of adjacent areas. Top Dress Fertilizer: See Section 02930 - Lawns and Grasses. ANNUALS AND PERENNIALS Watering: 1. 9pecies, size of plants, container sizes and orientation shall dictatefrequency of watering. weed naontrol: All planters with annuals and perennials shall be weed-free at alltrmes. Control through proper cultural practices. Pruning: 1. Limit pruning to removal of damaged or dead twigs and foliage. 2. Remove spent flowers on a weekly basis. INSECTS, PESTS, AND DISEASE CONTROL lnspection; llspgcJ all. plant materials for signs of stress, damage and potential trouble from the following: 1. Presence of insects, moles, gophers, ground squinels, snails and slugs inplanting areas. 2. Discolored or blotching leaves or needles. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 02970€I l l.t 3. Unusually light green or yellowish green color inconsistent with normal green' oolor of leaves. I B. Pers-onnet: ferfgrm spraying for insec't, pest and disease control only by licEnsed,t qualified, trained personnel. I C. Application: Spray with extreme care to avoid all hazards to any person or pet in the t area oradjacentareas. | 3.oe TRRTGATToN sYsrEMI A. General: I 1 SSfe[#3*'S:iffii: #;l#'lfl"'$??3',,:ft':ili'iji^tr$ffB,ioo ar 2' SsBs*il?T#[13#T,flf3ffi*?]:rdamase not resunins from t 3. Set and program automatic controllers for seasonal water requirements.|t 4. Twice a month, use a probe or other acceptable tool to check the rootball I moisture of representative plants as rrvell a-s the surrounding soil. f B. Cleaning and Monitoring the System: I 1. Continualty monitorthe-inigation systems to verify that they are func.tioningt prop_e-ly as designed. Make program adjustmenfs required by changing fietd conditions.t 2 fiBti:';xfliltiil"yif,xH'JH"'gig#x5"iTll["f.i,fi,l'""T?ffi,1; t 310 -"*::;:ff:"I"::-:'#:l;'T"""atomizeancidrift I A. Specific Requirements: Referto the following sec{ions. t 1. Lawns and Grasses - Sec.tion 02930 tJ 2. Trees, Shrubs, Mnes and Groundcover - Section 02950I I ENDoFsEcToN I END OF DtvtsloN 2 I t I , MALONE RESIOENCE LqNDSO{IE MATNIE11qNCE | 00230.00 @e7o.7 I } DIVISION 3- CONCREIE I Generol Requiremenls: Generol Conditions, Supplemenlory Conditions ond Division | - Generol Requiremenls opply to work of this division. -I SECTION 03IOO CONCRETE FORMS AND ACCESSORIES PART I . GENERAL I.OI REFERENCESr t A. Formwork: ComplywithACl 301-96-SlondordSpecificotionforStruclurol Concrefe,ACl 3l&95 - Building Code Requiremenfs for Sfructurol Concrele, Ports 2 ond 3. ond ACI 374 -I Recommended Proclice for Concrete Formwork. I - PART2-PRODUCTS -I 2.O1 FORMWORK MATERTALS A. Exposed Concrefe: New ApA B-B plyform Closs I EXf,4x g'sheels.I ] B. Non-exposed Concrefe: plpvood, sleel or dressed lumoer. a 2.o2 FoRMwoRK AccEssoRtEs - A. Form Ties: Adjustoble in lengfh fo permit lighfening of forms qnd of such type to leove no - melql closer lhon l " of lhe surfqce nor holes or depressions lorger thon 7 t8" in diomeier. t B. Clomps, Brockets, Broces, Woshers, Wedges, Wolers, Efc.: Conlroclor's option. I C. ,shoringsystem: Confroctor'soption. PART 3 - EXECUTION - t 3.01 PREPARATTON I A. Surfoces Under Slobs ond Foolings: Fine grode lo smoolh, level surfoce prior to I instollolion of forms. 3.02 INSTALLATIONr I A. Footings: The use of eorth os o form nol ollowed. Lop forming wilh dressed lumber or plywood nol ollowed. Butl form moleriol end lo end conforming to shope, lines ond dimensions indicoted. Properly broce or tie lo moinloin position. close gops grecter fhon 3/4 inches belween bottom of forms ond soil surfoces ol isoloted over-excqvoled depressions. ._ll. I B. Wolls: The use of eorth qs o form nof ollowed. Lop forming with dressed lumber or plywood nol ollowed. Forms sholl conform to shope, line ond dimensions of lhe I RDAr23o48.oot r I o I I I I D. members indicoled ond sholl be subslontiol ond sutficiently tight to prevenl leokoge ofmortor. Properly broce or lie to mointoin posilion, shope ond loteroi stobility, ondprovide sufficienl slrength lo corry conslruciion operotions ond moleriol deod loodswilhoul deflecfion or vibroiion. Design forms to be copoble of needed odjustments. Corefully wotch os work proceeds ond promptly conect foults. Where finished concreie is io.remqin exposed, spoce joinls regulorly ond hold to o minimum both horizontolly ondverlicolly. Provide clccess ponels in formwork for cleon oul or plocing os required. construction Joinfs: use consiruclion joints qt temporory slopping of concreteplocemenl. Leove joints rough ond provide longitudinol or verticol keys ot leost l -l /2',deep. Instoll continuous woterslop in wolls where exterior grode is obove inferior floor line. Embeds: I . Anchors, Inserts, Blockouts ond Buill-in ltems: Securely foslen onchor bolts, inserts, form blockouls ond olher items buill inlo concrete to formwork or hold in ploce wilhlemplotes. lnsertion into concrele ofter pouring not ollowed.2. Doveloil slots: Insloll verticolly 24" o.c. coordinole with section 04g53. slobs on Grode: where concrele slobs ore deposiled on eorth, loke core lo obloin osmoolh level surfoce so slobs Wll be of uniform thickness os required throughout. Do nofpour slobs in oreos lorger lhon 300 sq. fl. in ony one piece, nor longer thon 15, in onydirection. Provide reinforcemenf ol cold joints. I I ! t I I I I I I PART I . GENERAL I.OI REFERENCES A. Reinforcemenl: Comply with ACI 30l-96 - Slondqrd Specificotion forSlruclurol Concrete ACI 31 5 Detoiling Monuol, ACI 3l &95 - Building Code Requirements for Struclurol'Concrete Ports 2 ond 3, ond ACt 315 - Detoiling Monuol. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Reinforcing Bors: ASTM A615, Grode 60 unless olhenvise indicoled, sizes os indicoted.l. Stirups, Ties ond Bors to be Welded: ASTM A6lS, Grode 40 B. Welded Wire Fobric: ASTM A185, sizes os indicoied. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI PLACEMENT A' Bending: Bend reinforcemenl cold. Bors sholl be full length required ond occurotely bent lo deloils. No bors portiolly embedded in concrele sholl be field bent except osindicoted or specificolly permitied by ihe Architecl. RDA|23048.00 I I I I t l T B. Plocing: Ploce reinforcemenf occurotely ond hold firmly in ploce before ond during I deposiling of concrele. Provide minimum concrete protective cover for reinforcemenl t fromlheexteriorfoceofmembersinoccordoncewithACl 318. Dowelssholl project36 diometers unless olherwise shown. Wire bent dowels in ploce before pouring. I 3.02 WELDED W|RE FABRIC a A. Loy mesh confinuously with full mesh lops, tie ond ploce overoll piping ond conduit. Lifl I lo center of dob during pouring. I sEcIoN o33oo cAsT-tN-pLAcE coNcRErEt PART I - GENERAL f r.or REFEREN.ES ) A. Reference Slondords: Comply with lollowing except os modified by supplemenrory I requirements of this project specificotion.rr l. ACI 301-96 - Sfondord Specificoiion for Struclurol Concreie.2. ACI 306.1-90 - Slondord Specificofions for Cold Weolher Concreting. I 3. ACt 308.1-98 - Slondord Specificotion for Curing Concretell 4. ACI 318-95 - Building Code Requirements for Structurol Concrefe, Ports 2 ond 3.B. Guide References ond Sfondord Proctices: ll l. ACt 2't I .5R-96 - Guide for Submittot of Concrele proporiions. | 2. ACI 305R-91 - Hot Weother Concreting.- 3. ACI 306R€8 - Cold Weolher Concreting. '. 4. ACI 309R-96 - Guide for Consolidotion of Concrele. t 1.02 suBMrTrALs I A. Mix Designs: Prior to pouring ony concrefe, submil concrete mixes for opprovol in|l occordonce with Section 01300. I PART2-PRODUCTS I 2.OI CONCRETEMATERIALS t A. Generol: ASTM C94 reody-mixed concrete. On-job mixed concrele nol ollowed. B. Cemeni: ASTM C150, Type l/ll unless olherwise indicofed or scheduled.IJ C. Aggregole: ASTM C33. Fine oggregote sholl be nolurol sond ond coorse oggregote - shqll be grovel or crushed stone. Moximum coorse oggregole size sholl be delermined i by the thlckness of members, finish required ond spoiing of reinforcemenl. t D. Air Entroining Ageni: ASTM C260. I E. Admixfure: ASTM c494. I RDAr23o48.oo I a 2.03 MIX DESIGN A' Design: Proporiion ingredients for mixes in occordonce wilh ACI 301, Section 4, ond ACI 318, Chopter 4. 2.04 MIXING Comply with ACI 301 . Add the oggregote ond opproximolely two-ihhds of the requiredwofer lo ihe mixer firsl ond mix o minimum of 70 revolutions ol mixing speed to ensurewetling of oll the oggregote porlicles. Then odd ond mix ihe cemenl, fhe oir enlroiningogenl ond the remoining woler o minimum of 30 revolulions of mixing speed. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI PLACEMENT I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I Plocemeni: Comply wifh ACI 301. Deposii concrele in opproximotely uniform horizoniol loyers nol over 2 ft. in height. Piling up concrete in the forms or chuling in such o monnerto seporote the oggregotes nol permilted. Do nol drop concrete over 5 ft. FLATWORK A. Screeds: Estoblish finish plone of horizonfol surfoces by screeds, oligned ond securely set,spoced nol over 8 ft. oport ond inslolled ot ihe proper level or slope, prior to the deposiling of concrete.l. Goroge Floor ond Exferior Topping slobs: Slope os indicoted on Drowings. B. Toleronces: Floor slobs sholl be level, within the moximum toleronce of | /4" in I O ff . except where droins occur. Slope lo the droins os indicoled. 3.03 SCHEDULE OF CONCREIE MIXES A. InteriorSlobs-On-Grode: ' I. Strenglh: 3,000 psi 2. Cement: Type l/ll3. Aggregole: 3/4" moximum size4. Entroined Air: 3%moximum5. Slump: 4'mqximum6. Wqter Reducing Agent: Required. Mosfer Builders or occepfed subsiilulion. B. Foofings, Columns ond Wolls:l. Sfrength: 3,000 psi 2. Cemenf: Type l/ll3. Aggregofe: 3/4" moximum size4. Enlroined Air: 6%+ l-l/2%5. Slump: 4" moximum C. Exterior Concrele Topping, poving qnd Slobs on Grode:l. Strength: 4,000 psi 2. Cemenl: Type l/ll3. Aggregole: 3/4" moximum size RDA|23048.00 I T I SECTION 0354I GYPSUM UNDERLAYMENT I PART- GENERALI ,^ I.OI SUMMARY t A. Seclion Includes: '| . Gypsum concrele floor topping.2. Relotedoccessories. 1,02 SUBMITTALS I I A. Mix Designs: Submil Monufocture/s recommended mix designs including proportions of- oll componenfs ond mixing instruclions ql leost lwo week prior to dote of finl - plocemenl. r t.o3 euALtTy AssuRANcE t A. Applicofor: Monufocfurer lroined ond opproved using monufoclurer opprovedI equipment. . PART2-PRoDUcTs I' 2.OI GYPSUM UNDERLAYMENT I A. Monufocturers:r l. Moro<on Corporoiion, Homel, MN.2. Approved Substitute in occordqnce with Section 01600.ID B. Syslem: Moxxon Corporofion Floor Underloyment GypCrele 2000 poured gypsum cemenlitious undedoyment. t C. Compressive Strength in Service: 2,500 psi. - PART3-E(ECUT|ON - 3.ol tNsTALLATtoN I A. Generql: Ploce gypsum underloyment in occordonce with monufocfuredsf recommendof ions. I B. Instollolion: Insioll topping, minimum I inch lhickness, spreoding ond screeding to I smoolh surfoce. Ploce os continuously os possible so no slur4r is ploced ogoinst fopping thot hos obfoined its initiol sel, except ot opproved joints. I 3.04 SEALTNG I RDAr2so48.oot t 4. Enlrqined Air:. 6%+ 1-112%5. Slump: 4'moximum I Floor Areos lo Receive Glue Down Floor Finishes: Apply specified Gypsum Underloymenl seoler in occordonce wilh Monufqclurer's recommendotions.l. Coordinote with opplicoble finish moteriol suppliers ond insfollers. Comply wilh floor finish monufoclurer's recommendolions if of vorionce wilh requirements of lhis porogroph. Floor Areos with Domoged Topping surfoce: cleon ond seol domogdd surfoces, if ony inoccordonce wilh Monufoclurer's recommendqtions. PART I - GENERAL I.OI REFERENCES A. ReferenceSlondords: l. ASTM Cl 107 Stondord Specificotion for Pockoged Dry, Hydroulic-Cement Grout(Non-Stuinkobte). PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 SHRINK-RESISTANT, CEMENTITIOUS, NON-MEIALLIC GROUT A. Grout UnderSleel Beom ond Column Beoring Ploles: Meet oll performonce requiremenis of ASTM Cl 107 ot flowoble fo dry pock consistency. B. AccepfobleProducls: l. Moster Builders Sef2. U.S. Grouf Corp. Five Sfor Grout3. L&MChemicolsCryslex4. Burke Non-Metollic Spec5. Accepled Substitute PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI PLACEMENT OF CEMENTIOUS GROUT A. Generol: Mix ond instoll grout in occordonce with monufoclurer's recommendotions.l. Mix wifh minimum woler necessory for plocement meihod lo be used. B. Grouling UnderSleel Beom ond Column Beoring Plotes: Ploce groul ol non-sog, domppock consistency, complelely filling oreo below plotes with grout. Monuolly cohpocf to eliminole oir pockets ond voids. RDAI23048.00 I I I I I t t B. I I I I I I I I I I I I END OF DIVISION 3 I I DIVISION 4 - MASONRY I t Generol Requiremenls; Generol Conditions, Supplementory Conditions ond Division I - cenerol Requiremenls opply to work of this division. I PART I.GENERALt I.OI SUMMARY - I A. Products Supplied But Not Inslolted Under This Section:l. Morlor for Seclion 04810 Unit Mosonry Assemblies. I 2. MorlorforSection 0,{853 Mortqr-Ploced Slone Assemblies.Ir |.o2 REFERENcEs I A. Referencestondords: Complywithfoilowing: - l. ASTM C27O - Stondord Specificolion for Mortor for Unif Mosonry I PART2-pRoDUcTs ! 2.O1 MATERIALS I A. PortlondCemenlforUnilMosonry: ASTMCl50,Typel,exceptTypelll moybeusedfortF cold weother consfrucfion. I l. Mosonry cement not ollowed. I 2. Stone Work Mortor: Provide non-sfoining complying wifh the non-sfoining requiremenls of ASTM C9l. I B. Hydroted Lime: ASTM C202, Type S.! C. Aggregotes: ASTM C144. I D. Wolen Cleon ond free lrom delelerious omounls of ocids, olkolis or orgonic moteriols. I E. Mortor Color: Similor to lightesf shode in stone.I L: 3:lj?;3H:^rs,ndusrdes3. Solomon Grincl-Chem SeMceI 4. Accepied SubsfitufeaF. Anfifreeze Compounds: Nol permitted. t G. Other Admixtures: Only wifh permision of Architecf. a I' RDAl23o48.oo T o 2.02 MIXES A. Morlor Moteriols ond Proportions: Comply with ASTM C2ZO. B. Unii Mosonry Seffing Mortor:l. Type: Type S, 1800 psi overoge compressive strength in 28 doys. C. Non-Sloining Slone Sefiing Mortor:l. Type s: contoining non-sroining Type I porilond cement, hydroled rime ond oggregote. 1800 psi overoge compressive strenglh in 2g doys.2. Porging Mortor: Provide colored mortor fo molch occepled somples. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI MEASUREMENT AND MIXING A. Meosuremenf Method: By eiiher volume or weight so thol specified proporiions con beconlrolled ond occurotely moinioined. Meosuremenf of sond by shovei nof ollowed. B. Mortor Mixing: Mix cemenlitious moteriols ond oggregote for of leosl three minules qnd nof more thon five minules in mechonicol botch mixer, wilh moximum omouni of wofer fo produce workoble consislency. PART I - GENERAL I.OI ENVIRONMENTALREQUIREMENTS A. Cold Weother Proteclion During Inslollotion:l. Preporoiion: Before beginning work, remove ice or snow formed on mosonry bed by corefully opplying heof until lop surfoce is dry to touch. Remove frozen or' domoged mosonry.2' Air temperolure 4O€F to 32S: Heol sond or mixing woler lo minimum of 700F ond moximum of 160S.3. Air Temperofure 32S to 25ff: Heql sond ond mixing wofer lo minimum of 20ff ond moximum of 160tr.4. Air Temperoiure 25€F to 20S: Heol sond ond mixing woler lo minimum of Zo€F ond mqximum of 160€F. Use solqmqnder or other sources of heol on both sides of wolls under consfruction. Use windbreoks when wind is in excess of l5 mph.5. Air Temperolure 20ff qnd Below: Heot sqnd ond miing woler to minimum of 70ff ond moimum of 160€F. Provide enclosure ond ouxiliory heot to moinlqin oir temperoture obove 32ff. Temperolure of units when loid sholl be noi less thon 20€F.6. Groul: Ploce groul in mosonry ol minimum femperoture of 70ff ond moximum temperoture of 120€F. Moinloin grouied mosonry obove 32€F for 24 hours followingplocemenl of grout. B. Cold Weother Profection Afier Instollqtion:l. Meon Doily Air Temperoture 40ff to 32S: Profecl mosonry from roin or snow for 24 hours. RDA|23048.00 I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I ! t I I 2. Meon Doily Air Temperolure 32* to 25ff: cover mosonry completely for 24 hours; 4g hours for grouted mosonry. I 3. Meon Doily Air Temperolure 25S to 20ff: Cover mosonry completely wilh insulofing t blonkets for24 hours;48 hours for grouted mosonry.4. Meon Doily Air Temperoture 2Otr qnd Below: Moinloin mosonry femperofure obove a 32t tor 24 houn by enclosed ond supplementory heot, by eleclric-heoling blonkefs, I infrored heol lomps or other opproved methods. - C. Hol Weother Proteclion During lnstollofion: When oir temperoture exceeds g9tr in the I shode, prolecl freshly loid mosonry from direct exposure fo wind ond sun. D. Moislure Profection During Insfollolion: Where exposed fo weolher, cover fhe lop of I mosonry wolls ot the end of eoch doy's work using o woterproof moferiol weighfed down I to keep in ploce. Moinloin such proleclion unfil finol copping of the woll. I PART2-PRODUCTS r 2.or MAsoNRy uNrTs .- I A. Lightweight Block ASTM C90, Grode N Type l, sizes os indicoted. 2.02 ANCHORS, JOINT REINFORCEMENT AND CONTROL JOINTS t A. Mqnufocluren: l. Dur-O-Wol 1; 2. AA Wre Producls | 3. Heckmon Building Products4. Mosonry Reinforcing Corporotion of Americo I 5. Accepied Substitute a B. Horizonfol Reinforcemeni:l. Generol: Welded wire units of ASTM A82 cold drown wire. No. 9 goge deformed side rods qnd No. 9 goge ploin cross rods.. o. Wdfh: Approximolely 2'less thon width of woil r 2. 3;,r.i?"0i,?sfJlbricoted corners ond lees I 3. Type: Truss design - C. StoneVeneerWoll Ties: Secfion04853.r1- 2.03 MORTAR AND GROUT MATERIALS I A. Morlor: Supptied under Section 04O60. B. Porllond Cemenl for Unil Mosonry: ASTM CI50, Type l, excepl Type lll moy be used for I cold weother conslrucfion. t l. Mosonry cement not ollowed. I C. Hydroted Lime: ASTM C207, Type S. tt D. Groul Aggregotes: ASTM C404. I RDAt23o4t!.oo I ! I E. Woler: Cleon ond free from deleterious omounts of ocids, olkolis or orgonic moieriols. F. Anlifreeze Compounds: Not permifled. G. Olher Admixtures: Only wifh permission of Architecf. 2.O4 MTXES A. Mortor: Supplied under Section 04060. B. Groul for Reinforced Mosonry:l. Fine ond Coorse Grout: ASTM C4T6, conloining o minimum of six socks of porlond cemenl per cubic yord. Add sufficienf woler to provide proper consislency wilhoulsegregolion for pouring or lroweling.o. Minimum Compressive Strength: 2000 psi ot 2g dqys. 2.05 MEASUREMENT AND MIXING A. Meosuremenf: Method of meosuring moleriols sholl be by volume. Meosurement of sondby shovel nol ollowed. B. Mixing: Mix cementilious mqteriols ond oggregote for ol leost 3 minutes ond not morelhon 5 minules in o mechqnicol bqlch mixer wilh lhe moximum omount of woter toproduce o workoble consistency. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI PREPARATION Remove oll dirt, ice, loose rusl ond scole from wolls ond reinforcing prior to inslollolion. 3.O2 INSTALLATION A. Generol: Unless otherwise indicoted, loy block in running bond.l. Loy oll mosonry plumb ond frue to lines. Provide fuiimortor joinfs. Mortor beds shollbe spreod smooth or only slighfly funowed.2- ln loying mosonry, ovoid over-plumbing ond pounding of lhe corners ond jombs lofil stretcher unils oiter being sel in position.3. Where on odjustmenl must be mode ofler the mortor hos storted to horden, removemortor ond reploce with fresh mortor.4. Where cuiting of units is necessory, moke culs wilh o motor-driven mosonry sow.5. Joints sholl be plumb or level. Tool exposed joinls.6' Adjusl mosonry dimensions ond instoll storter unils os required lo eliminole smoll cutsond to mointqin bond. B. Buill-ln Members: Sleeves of proper size sholl be provided by oihers io permit possoge ofpipes through wolls. Build in woll sleeves, onchors, ploles, lintels qnd other sfeel meribersprovided by others. Properly sel such buili-in members os wolls progress ond under thedirection of porty providing some. I I I T I I I I I t I t I I I I I T t RDA|23048.00 I t C. CuttingondPolching: Culondpolchmosonrywherevernecessoryforolherlrodes. Use experienced mechonics with workmonlike monner. Do not injure the sirength or I oppeoronce of finished work. Cutting of finished mosonry for fhe purpose of building-in I members nof ollowed. ,. 3.03 ACCESSORIES INSTALLATION r A. Horizonfol Reinforcemenl: Instoll conlinuously I 6' o.c. verticolly in oll block wolls. Lop 6". ri lnstoll odditionol piece obove ond below openings extending minimum 2 fl. beyond I opening.I i 3.04 PROTECTION AND REPLACEMENI I A. Protection of Cpmpleted Work ftom Physicol Domoge: Profecl projecting mosonry lioble o domoge ofter selling. t B. Reploce ony mosonry work showing domoge or disfigurofion during lhe progress of work in ils entireiy. Potching or hiding of deiects nof permitfed. i C. Remove ond reploce ony frozen work.I' 3.05 POINTING AND CLEANING!I A. Cuf outdefectivejointsondholesinexposedmosonryondrepoinlwithmortor. Dry brush mosonry surfoce ofler morlqr hos sel ot end of eqch doy's work ond ofter finol a poiniing. Cleon exposed mosonrywith stiff brush ond cleon wofer. - B. Commerciol cleoners or diluted ocid moy be used only with the Architect's permission. I C. Upon completion of poinling ond cleoning leove lhe work oreo ond sunounding!' surfoces cleon ond free of mortor spots, droppings, ond broken mosonry. , sEcTroN 04853 MORTAR-pLACED STONE ASSEMBLTES I PARTI-GENERAL I I.OI SUMMARY r-f A. Section Includes:t- l. Exterior rough slone mosonry veneer. - 2. Rough slone mosonry veneer of moin fireploces. I 3. Stone flreploce heorths ond seoler.I 1. Cuf slone cops.5. Stone sills l| 1.02 REFERENCES I A. ReferenceSfondords: Complywithfollowing:I , l:l.J1,:ilJfliTfl,:Hlirl"s Insirure, ANsr/NBs 2r I (A4r.r ). "Buirdins code -I RDA|23048.00t r 2. Uniform Building Code, l99Z UBC, Chopter 2l - Mosonry. I.06 PROJECTCONDITIONS PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 STONE A. Rough Stone: Moss rock blend.l. Size: Vorioble lhickness wilh sizes to molch occepted somple. B. cut sfone: colorodo Buff sondstone wilh snopped or sqwn edges os direcled by Architecl. Fireploce chimney cops ond edge of decK os indicqled. c. Fireploce Heorths: 3" nominol lhickness sondslone in no more lhon 3 pieces. 2.02 MORTAR MATERIALS A. Porllond Cemenl: ASTM Cl50 B. Hydroled Lime: ASTM C207 C. Aggregote for Mortor: ASTM C 144 D- Woler: Cleon ond free from delelerious omounts of ocids olkolis or orgonic mqteriqls. E. Aniifreeze Compounds: Noi permiited. F. Other Admixtures: Only wifh permission of Architecl. 2.03 M|XES A. Non-Stoining Stone Seiting Mortor: Type S. Contoining non-sloining Type I porlond' Cemenf, hydroted lime qnd oggregote. 1800 psi qveroge compressive strenglh in 28 ooys. B' Meqsurement: Meihod of meosuring moteriols sholl be by volume. Meqsuremenl of sond by shovel not ollowed. C. Mixing: Mix cemenfilious moteriols ond oggregoie for ot leosl 3 minufes qnd nol more fhon 5 minules in o mechonicol bolch mixer wiih the moximum omount of wqler toproduce o workoble consistency. D. Relempering: Relemper mortors lhqt hove stiffened becouse of evoporoiion of woier from fhe mortor by odding woler os frequenlly os needed lo reslore required consistency. Use mortor within 2 hours qfter initiol mixing. 2.04 ACCESSORTES A. Stone Veneer Woll Ties: Triongulor golvonized 3/16" wire tie similor to Dur-O-Wol No. D/A 213 Adjustoble Veneer Anchors. RDAr23048.00 I t T I T I I rl I I I I I I I t I T T I I l. Drywoll Screws: Gqlvonized No. 8 x I-l /4' I C. Doveloil Anchors: 1"x}l12'or1"x*l/2',l6gouge,golvonized,conugoled. SizeforZ' I minimum embedment in hon'zonlol mortor joinl. ta D. Flexible Floshing: Dur-O-Wol DCF Reinforced vinyl ethylene wifh D/A l5O2 floshing tope.Ir E. Weep Hotes: I lt'i.d. pVC tubing. I F. Flreploce Heorth Seoler: Okon w-t cteor wqler repellent seoler.t t_ PART3-EXECUTION t 3.01 AccEssoRtEs |NSTALLAT|ON I A. Anchorst Anchor mosonry qgoinst concrete by use of dovetoil onchors inserted in I embedded slols ot 16" verticolly ond 24' o.c. horizontolly. Extend 2'info horizonfol mortor joints. I B. Ties: Fosien odjusfoble onchors lo sheothing inlo wood sfuds using power driven screwsr ot 32" on center verticolly on olfemole sfuds. Hook tdongulor fie io onchor, providing Z'projection into horizontol mortor joinf.ItI I C. FlexibleFloshings: Insloll inslurryof freshmortorqsindicofed.Sfortfloshings l/Z'trom ouiside Joce of woll. Tum up foce of sheolhing o minimum of 6" ond lope fop edge. I Lop ond lope end joints. - D' Weep Holes: Instoll where floshing orwolerproofing lums out ond ierminqtes in horizontol I morior joinfs. Instoll ot 24'o.c. in sofl morior. I 3.03 sToNE tNsTALLATtoN I A. Generot:I ' l. Loy rough foce slone work from outside foce of wolls.2. Stort of steel ongle ledge on concrefe wolls os defoiled. I 3. Loy only good foces of slone lhol molch foce of work loword the oulside. ll 4. Rough shope slone wilh hommer to opproximotely fil eoch other. Knock off weok portions to bring stones lo even beoring. I 5. Corry up oll woils ql some time. I 6. Complefed slone work sholl mqtch occepted somple ponel7. Do nof domoge mos foces.8. Cop veneer wilh mortor cop sloped to droin os indicoted. f B. Joints:L Avoid sploshing exposed foces of stone wilh morlor. I 2. Remove droppings ond sploshings immediolely with cleon sponge ond woter.| 3. Joinls: Full bedded. I C' Wires: Cul off wires beneoth surfoce thot ore used for tying stone in ploce during I morloring. Exercise core lhot such ends ore propedy covered to prevent rusl. I RDAr23o48.oot r D. Buill-ln lfems:l. cooperote to buird-in irems of orhers into mosonry os work progresses.2' Linlels: Insloll lintels os indicoted for openings over 16" in width. Instoll in beds of mortor ond do necessory pointing.3. Choses ond Recesses: Provide chqses in mosonry wolls os indicofed ond required for mechonicol ond electricol work for pipes ond conduits.4. Built-in lfems: Instoll sleeves of proper size provided by others, where directed, topermil possoge of pipes fhrough wolls. Build-in woll sleeves, onchors, ploles. qnd other members provided by others. Propedy set buill-in items qs wolls progress ond under direction of porty providing some. E. Storling ond Stopping: Where fresh mosonry joins portiolly or totolly sel mosonry, cleonexposed surfoces of sef mosonry ond wel lightly to obfoin good bond with new work. Remove loose mosonry ond mortor. 3.04 POINTING AND CLEANING A. Pointing: Point slone work os work progresses using rounding pointing tool. Mortor joints for dry sfock oppeoronce ro mofch work in occepted som[re woil poner. Cleoning: Upon completion of pointing ond cleoning. leove work oreo ond sunounding surfoces cleon ond free of mortor spots, droppings, ond broken mosonry.l. cleon soiled ond sfoined exposed slone by scrubbing with soop powder boiled incleon woter. Apply with stitf brush, odding cleon, sh&p, tine wiriie sqnd to fhe soooond woter mixlure when necessory.2. Afler scrubbing, drench surfoces lhoroughly wifh cleon woler.3. Leqve entire work cleon ond perfecf upon completion.4. Commerciol cleoners ond diluled ocids nol ollowed.5. Do nol domoge moss. Seoler: Apply seoler lo oll fireploce heorths. PROTECTION Proieclion of completed work ftom Physicol Domoge: prolect projecting mosonry liobleto dqmoge ofter setling by well supporled suiloble plonking. Securety box jombs ond sillsof openings used for possoge. Replocemenl: Reploce mosonry work showing domoge or disfigurotion during progress of work in ifs enlirety. Potching or hiding of defecis not permitfed. B. I T I t I I t I I I I I I 3.06 A. PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes:l. Wood buming mqsonry fireploce ossemblies.2. Metol flue. RDAt23048.00 I I I I t T B. oI I I,O2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION t A. Design, furnish ond insfoll mosonry fireploces os indicoied. I I.O3 SUBMITTALS - I A. Design: Submit detoiled designs of fireploces for occeptonce. - B. Somples: Submit somples of firebox linings for occepionce in occordonce wilh SeclionI or3oo.t C. Producl Doto: Submit product dqto for mosonry heoler. Include complefe instqllolionI inslruclions ond moinlenonce recommendolions.I I.O4 QUALITY ASSURANCE I A. Fireploce Croffsmon: Experienced ond quolified for lhis type of fireploce work ond occepled by Architect before stort of wo*. t lo5 WARRANTY A. Fireploce Drow: Guoronlee thoi fireploces will drcrw. Rework ond reploce work os I necessqry to provide proper drow. PART 2. PRODUCTS I 2.01 FTREPLACES - A. Mqleriols: I l. MosonryMoferiols: ComplywithSecfions04060,04gl0ond04g53.r 2. Fire Box Linings: ASTM C64. Firebrick. Color os selected by Archilect.3. Firebrick Mortor: ASTM Cl05. I B. Accessones:l. Doors: Cuslom doors supplied under ollowonce. See Section 01210. I 2.02 FLUES AND FLUE ACCESSORTES I A. Accepioble Monufoclurers: I L. lfi',:tJ"". subsfiiure I B. Monufoclurer ond Type: Clqss A flue including: - L Flue Secfions2. Woll Support Kit t 3. Roofsupport a 4. Anchor Plote5. Storm Collor I C. Chimney Cops: In occordonce with Seclions O55OO Metol Fobricolions ond 07610 Sheet- Metol Roofing I RDAr23o48.oo t PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI FIREPLACES A. Design: Be responsible for deloiled design of firebox, smoke chomben, flues, elc., in conformonce wiih generol designs os indicoted. No domper ollowect. B. Mosonry Work: Comply with Sections 04060.04810 ond 04g53. C. Instollolion: Comply with highesl slondord proclice for ftreploce construclion.l. Fill voids with tempered mortor.2. Slosh loosely behind firebox woll fo ollow for exponsion.3. Instoll with joinis in firebrick noi exceeding l /4',.4. Moinfoin 2" minimum cleoronce between mosonry ond combustible moteriols.5. Sel flue os indicqted. END OF DIVISION 4 T ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I T l I I RDA|23048.00 I I a Generol Requiremenls: Generol Conditions, Supplemenlory Condiiions ond Division I - Generol Requiremenls opply to wo* of ihis division.a SECTION 05I20 STRUCTURAL STEEL I PARTr-cENERALI I.OI QUALITY ASSURANCE I A. Welders: AWS cerlified. I 1.O2 REFERENCES I A. Sfrucfurol Sleel Work Complywith AISC Specificofion forSfructurql Sleel Buildings, 1989 I Edifion. t B. Welding: ComplywifhAWSStructurotWetdingCode-SteelDl.l. I r.o3 suBMmALsa A. Producl Dqfo: Submil in occordonce with Section 01300 for the following:a l. Loqd indicotor bolfs. fJ 2. Erponsion bolls.3. Adhesive onchors. I B. ShopDrowings: SubmifinoccordoncewithSection01300. PART 2 - PRODUCTS I 2.OI . STRUCTURAL STEEL SHAPES I A. Wide Flonge (W) Structurotsfeetshopes: ASTM A36. I B. Chonnels (C ond MC), Angles (L), Bors ond ptoles: ASTM A36. I t C. WeldedondSeomlessSteetpipe: ASTMA53,TypeEorS,GrqdeB. I D. HollowSlructurotSecfions(TSondHSS): ASIMA500,GrodeB. a 2.o2 FAsTENERs, ANcHoRs AND wELDING MATERIALs f A. Bolls: Conform to ASTM A325 ond RCSC Specificolion. Lood indicofor type osI monufqctured by Lohr, Le Jeune, Bethlehem Sleel, or opproved subsiitufe. -t B. Nuts: ASTM A563.I I :'ff:.fl:1,Tiitr E!3t;y,:*#i:,tll,f3:::A4e0 bo'|rs sho'|r comp,v wirh I RDAr23o48.ooI r DIVISION 5 - MEIALS Woshers: ASTM F436. Provide flot circulor woshers or squore or reclongulor beveled woshers os indicoled or required for eqch bolted conneclion. Anchor Bolts: size, type ond length os shown on Drowings. provide hex nuts ond plqin woshers unless indicoled olherwise.1. Hooked Anchor Bolfs: ASTM 436.o. Minimum hook projection: 3 inches unless indicoled olherwise.b. Minimum lhreoded lenglh: Mqtch lengih of bolt projection.2. Threoded Rod Anchors: ASTM A36.3. Heoded Anchor Bolts: ASTM A307 with suiloble nuts ond ploin woshers unless otherwise indicoted.4- Minimum lenglh of embedmeni: z inches unless indicoied olherwise.5. Minimum length of projeclion: 3 inches unless indicqted ofhewise. ond sufficienl to fully engoge nul qfter inslqllolion of sleel member being onchored ond wosher, plus ollowonce for normol instollotion toleronce. shop Point: steel struclures Pointing council specificolion sspc point I I red oxide. Fxponsion Anchors: Wedge type, complete with required nuls, woshers ondmonufociure/s inslollotion insiruclions. Sizes os indicoted on Drowings.l. Interior Use; For use in condilioned environmenls free from potJnfiol moistureprovide corbon sleel onchon conforming to ASTM A5lo with zinc ploting in occordonce with ASTM 8633.2- Exlerior or Exposed use: In exposed or polenliolly wet environments ond forqttochmenf of exlerior clodding moieriols, provide stoinless steel onchors. Sloinless sfeel onchors sholl be series 300 stoinless steel bolis with series 300 or Type lg€ stoinless steel nuis ond woshers.3. Where onchor monufocturer is nol indicoted, subject to complionce wilh requirements ond occeplonce by the Architect, provide one of the following:o. Hilti Inc. Kwik-Bott il.b. lTW Romset/Red Heod Red Heod Wedge Anchor.c. Approved subslilute in occordonce with Seclion 01600. G- Adhesive Anchors: Threoded sleel rod, complele with required nuts, woshers, epoxy or ester-bosed odhesive system ond monufocturer's insfollotion insiruclions. Type ond size os indicoted on Drowings. l - Interior Use: For use in condifioned environmenls free from poleniiol moislureprovide threoded cqrbon sfeel rods conforming to ASTM A36.2. Exlerior or Exposed Use: In exposed or potentiolly wef environmenls ond forollochment of exterior clodding moteriols, provide stoinless sleel onchors. Sloinless sfeel onchors sholl be Series 300 sloinless steel threoded rods wilh Series 300 or Typel8€ stoinless steel nuts qnd woshers.3. Where onchor monufoclurer is nol indicoted, subject to complionce with requiremenfs ond occeptonce by lhe Architecl, provide one of lhe following:o. Hilti lnc. HAS or HIT threoded rods. HVA or HIT HY-I50 Adhesive Anchoroge System for onchoroge lo concrele or stone. HIT HY-20 Adhesive system ior onchoroge io brick or concrete mqsonry.b. Powers Rqwl Foslening Sysiems Stroighf Cut Anchor Rod with power-Fosi Cortridge Sysiem.c. Approved subsliluie in occordonce wilh Section 01600. RDA|23048.00 r- D. E. F. I T t I I I I I I t I t I I I ! T I I I I 2.O3 FABRICATION a A. Generol: Fobricole sfruclurol sieel in occordonce with AISC specificofion. I B. Shop Pointing: After fobricqlion, cleon off loose scole, rusf, wdd dog or flux deposil, oil, t !tff::, dirl or other foreign moleriol ond shop coot fobricqled ifems with red metql I C. Morking: Mork members in protecled ploinly visible locotions, in occordonce witht reference numbers on selting diogroms. I D. Finished Work Hnish work in qccordonce with fhe opproved shop drowings. FqbricoteI frue ond free from twists, kinks, buckles, open joints ond ofher defects. I E. Splices: Splicing of memben to obtoin the required lengths nof permitfed withouf prior I opprovol of the Archifect. - F. Substitutions: Where exocl sizes ond weighis colled for ore nol reodily ovoiloble, secure f ffi*i:|jfi:t's opprovolof suitoble sizes in time to obviote ony deloy due to such I G. Cutfing ond Fitfing: Perform necessory culling. fitting ond drilling for occommodqiion ofI ofher lrodes ond do wholever is necessory lo secure conect informotion for some, boih before ond ofter sleel is delivered. Cutting or drilling not ollowed on projecl withouta occepfonce of Architecf. I H. Welding: ComplywithA|SCSpecificqlionsqndAWSDl.l. Weldsnolspecifiedsholl be I 3/16 inch continuous fillef but not less thon AISC minimum bosed on thickness of ports I joined' PART 3 - E(ECUTION I 3.Or ERECTTON I A. Generol: Fecl struclurol steel in occordonce with AISC Specificotion. I B. Temporory Brocing: Provide lemporory brocing os necessory for deod lood, wind ond I erecfion slreses. '' C. Beoring Ploles: Align individuol beoring plofes for beoms ond similorslructurol memben It D. Erecfion Toleronces: Erecl individuol pieces so fhof fhe deviolion from plumb, level ond olignmenl sholl nol exceed I to 500. I E. Bose Plofe Grouling: See Section 036@. -, I I RDAr23o48.oot I PART I - GENERAL I.O'I QUALITYASSURANCE A. Welders: AWS certified. 1.02 REFERENCES A. Metol Fqbricolion Work: Comply with AISC Specificotion for lhe Design, Fobricoiion ondEreclion of Slructurol Steel for Buildings. B. Exposed Metol Fobricotion Work: Comply with Seclion l0 Archifecturolly Exposed Slructurol Steel of AISC Code of Siondord proctice. C. Welding: Comptywith AWS Siructurot Welding Code-Steel Dl.l. I.O3 SUBMMALS A. Shop Drowings: Submil in occordonce wilh Section 01300. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Moledols: New stock of types ond sizes indicoted. B. Steel Shopes, Bors qnd plotes: ASTM A36. c. sieel Pipe ond Tubing: ASTM A53, A50l or A500; minimum woll lhickness I I gouge. D. steel Primer: Tnemec lG99 red melol primer or Rusl-oleum 1069 red primer. 2.O2 FABRICATION A. Generql:l. Fobricole in occordqnce with detoils ond occepted Shop Drowings miscelloneous items of melql work indicoted or os necessory lo complete work.2. Moferiols: Stock of types ond sizes indicoled.3. Verify dimensions on sile prior to shop fobricotion.4' Fit ond shop ossemble sections in lorgesi procticol sizes for delivery fo site ond' inslollolion. B. Moke cuis cleon ond shorp wiih wire edges ground smooth. In completion, lhe work sholl be sfroight. rigid ond tight ond free from defecls. Close exposed ends of steel pipe or lubing with welded cops. Moke exposed joinl butt tighl, llush ond hoirline. C. Welding: Miler qnd cope inierseclions ond weld oll oround. Remove sploiter, grind exposed welds to blend ond conlour surfoces lo motch those odjocenf. RDAI23048.00 I I t I t I I I I T T t I I I I I I t I I D. Shop Pointing: Affer fobricotion, cleon off loose scole, rusf. weld dog or flux deposit, oil, greose, dirt or olher foreign moleriol ond shop coof fobricoted sfeel ilems with red metol I Primer' PART 3 - INSTALLATION I 3.or TNsTALLATT.N r A. Weld or bolt oll items securely in ploce or otherwise foslen os indicoted ond on opproved I shop drowings. Gfind field welds smoofh ond foucfFupwifh red primer. B. kect work squore ond level, free from distortion or defecls defrimenfol lo oppeoronce or I performonce. END OF DIVISION 5I T I t I I I I I I I I RDAt23o48.oo T I I I I I t t I I I I t I I T I t I I DIVISION 6 - WOOD AND PLASTICS Generol Requirements: Generol Conditions. Supplemeniory Condilions ond Division I - Generol Requiremenls opply to work of this division. SECTION 06IOO ROUGH CARPENTRY PART I - GENERAL I.OI REFERENCES A. Wood Froming: Comply with requirements of Uniform Building Code ond ANSI/AF&pA NDS-1997 - "Nofionol Design Specificolion for Wood Construcfion", os published by the Americon Foresf ond Poper Associqlion. B. Lumber: Comply wilh Stondord Groding Rules for Weslem Lumber published by Weslem Wood Products Associolion. C. Plparood: Complywilh lhe following.l. APA Plywood Design Specificotion pDS 1986.2. US Deporlment of Commerce Producl Stondord PS l-95 Conslruclion ond Induslriol Plyarood. D. Perlormonce Roted Wood Sheothing Ponels: Comply with the following.L APA PRP-108 Performonce Stondords ond Policies forStructurol - Use Ponels.2. US Deportment of Commerce Producl Sfondord ?52-92 Wood-Bosed Structurol-Use Ponels. I.O2 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Grode Slomps:. l. Lumber: Eoch piece sholl be WWPA or WCLIB grode slomped.2. Wood Sheqfhing: Eoch ponel sholl be identified with the grode lrodemork of fhe APA. 3. Sill Plqfes; Eoch piece sholl be sfomped to indicoie complionce wifh AWpA pressure freotmeni sf ondords. B. Lominqted Veneer Lumber: Producl sholl hqve cunent Notionol Evoluotion Report ond be occepled by Americon Council of Building Otficiols os on occepioble ollemotive moteriol, produci or meihod of conslruction. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 ROUGH HARDWARE A. Provide necessory bolts, screws, noils, clips, plofes, strops, hongen, elc. necessory for the complefion of rough corpenfry. Use conect moleriol of proper size ond sirength for lhe purpose inlended. Conform lo fhe requiremenls of lhis speciflcolion, fhe noles on lhe Drowings ond opplicoble building codes. RDA|2304fl.00 B. Provide onchor bolls indicoted lo be buill into lhe concrete ond mosonry for supporl of wood froming for inslollolion under Division 3 Concrele ond Division 4 Mosonry. C. Bolfs ond Log Screws: Common bolts ond screws, ASTM A307. Exierior sholl be hot dip golvonized. D. Steel Ploles ond Slrops: ASTM A35, size os indicofed. Wdd plofes together with 3/ I 6" fillet welds oll sides ond full length of conloct surfoces unless noted. Use E60 or E70 welding elecfrodes. Prime with shop poini. Exlerior sholl be hol dip golvonized. E. Stoples: Not ollowed. F. Screws: Conosion resisfonl. 2.O2 DIMENSION FRAMING LUMBER A. Generol Requirements: sound, thoroughly seosoned, surfoced four sides, well monufoctured ond free from worp nol conecloble by bridging, blocking or noiling. B. Slress Grodes: All lumber sholl comply with slress grode roling indicoied in the Generol Notes on the Slructurol Drowings. Moisture Content: Moximum of 19%. Studs: 1. 2x4: Slud grode or No.2 or belfer Douglos fir-lqrch.2. 2x6: No. 2 or better Douglos fir-lorch. Ploles: No. 2 or Betler Douglos firlorch or Hem Firl. Preservolive Treotment: All plotes on concrete pressure preservotive ireoled. Joists, Rofters ond Heoders: No. 2 or betler Douglos fir-Lorch. Heoders sholl be kiln dried. Blocking: Douglos fir-lorch or hem-fir, slondord grode or belfer. Funing: Douglos fir-Lorch or Hem-fir, slondord grode or belfer. VERTICAL LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER Lominoted Veneer Lumber (LVL) Beoms ond Heoders: TrusJoisl MocMillon Microllom, verso-Lom by Boise coscode co. or equol meeling minimum sfrucfurol properties indicoted on siruclurol wood Froming Generol Notes on slructurol Drowings. Lominoted strond Lumber Rim Boords: Trus Joisl MqcMillon Timber strond LSL. c. D. I I I I t t t I I T t I I I I t I I I E. F. G. H. 2.03 A. B. RDA|23048.00 I I t I I I t T T t T I t I I I I I T 2.04 SHEATHING A- structurol woll Sheothing: ApA cD plywood or ApA Roted sheofhing.l. Thickness qnd ldenlificotion Index: As indicoled.2. Exposure Durobility: Exposure I (lnterior with exterior glue).3. Use for loterol supporl qs indicoled. B. T & G Floor Sheothing: APA Sturd-l-Floor T&G veneer foced Exposure Il. Thickness ond spon rofing os indicoted. C. Roof Plywood Sheofhing: ApA CD.l. Thickness ond ldenlificotion lndex As indicoled.2. Exposure Durobility: Exposure I (lnferior with exierior glue). 2.05 METAL FRAMING ANCHORS A. Acceploble Monufoclurer: Simpson Strong-lie Compony. B. Types ond Sizes: As indicoted ond required. c. Accessories: Provided noils ond bolls os recommended by monufocfurer. 2.06 GLUE A. Glued Floorsyslem Adhesive: Any brond meeling ApA specificotion AFG{I.l. Glue for OSB ponels wilh seoled surfoces ond edges: Use only solvent-bosed glue. 2.07 SILL SEALER Tenneco Building Products Amofosm sill seoler or occepfed substitule. 2.O8 WEATHER RESISTANT BARRIERS A. Felt: ASTM D226-95, No.30 ospholl-sofuroled orgonic felt. B. Airond Moisture Bonier: SeeSeclion 07270 Ar Bonien. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLAIION A. Generol: Insfoll froming, sheothing ond melol lroming onchon in occordonce wilh the Uniform Building Code. See Generol Notes on Struclurol Drowings. B. Froming: l - Perform froming in subslontiol monner consisient with occepled stondords of the corpenlry frode. Erect froming plumb, level ond lrue, ond rigidly'onchor in ploce.2- Locofe studs l6" o.c. excepi where indicoted otherwise. eroviOe double siuds both sides of openings ond of ends of wqlls.3- Locote roof qnd floor joists os indicqled. Provide confinuous heoders or solid blocking {os indicofed) ot joist beorings. provide bddging os indicoled. RDA|23048.00 D. 4' Reploce worped lumber in wolls ond joisis prior lo inslollotion of finish surfoce.5. Anchor ploles of beorings os indicoted. Unless otherwise indicoled, boll plotes firmly to concrefe wilh | /2" x 8" onchor bo[s, 4 -0" o.c. or os required by structurol Drowings or use Romsel, or equol, powder-octuoled fostening syslem.6. Buill-Up Wood Columns: Lominote 2x members wilh continuous exterior glue ond stitch noiling. Longitudinol splices noi ollowed. Exterior Wood sill Plofes on concrele: set on sill seoler in occordonce with monufoclurer's recommendolions. Funing: Inslqll of 16" o.c. os indicoted. secure with mefol exponsive onchors or powderocluoled fosieners ol 24" o.c. Floor Sheothing: '| ' Instoll ponels confinuous over two or more spons with foce groin perpendiculor lo floor joists or decking ond oll end joir"rls supported. Stogger ends of odjocent sheefs4'{"where posible. 2' Apply I /4" conlinuous beod of grue ot eoch joist (2 beods ot butt joinis) immediotely before loying ponel. set ond noil sheet leoving I / I 6';spoce ot endsond edges.3 Noiling: Comply wilh Generol Notes on Struclurol Drowings.4. Noil ond block os indicoled on Slruclurol Drowings. Roof Sheothing: l - Insloll ponels continuous over two or more spons wilh foce groin perpendiculor lojoisls ond oll end joints supported. slogger ends of odjocenl sheets 4'{', wherepossible. 2. Ponel edge clips: Insroll ot sheofhing joinls withoul fongue.ond-groove or edgeblocking. Provide of l6 inches on center moximum.3 Noiling: Comply with Generql Noles on Structurol Drowings.4. Noil ond block os indicoled on Slructurol Drowings. Woll Sheothing: Insfoll ponels verticollywith oll edges supportedl. Noiling ond Blocking: comply wifh Generol Noles on structurol Drowings. I I I I I I I I T I t I I I I I T I t r. G. H. Melol Froming Anchon: Secure foslen in ploce in occordonce wilh monufocturer's recommendotions. l. Fosteners: l. Where splilting is likely to occur cousing o reduction in member or connectioncopocity, pre-bore noil holes I 12 she of noil diometer ond use lhreoded hordened steel noils.2. Bolts: Boltholessholl be l/l6"lol/32" lorgerlhonthebolf diomeier. Corefullycenler boll hole between side ploles ond moin members. provide slondord woshers between wood ond boll heods gr nu$.3. Log Screws: Provide leod holes for screw diometer os follows. Provide slondord wosher beiween wood ond screw heod. Loo Screw Nominol Diometer l/2" Diometer RDA|23048.00 Leod Hole Diomeler' 5/16" Diomefer I o I I 5/S" Diomeier 13/32" Diometer 3/4" Diomeier l/2' Diometer I Leod holes for lhe shonk sholl hqve o diomeler ond length equol lo fhe unthreoded portion of the screw shonk in the moin member. Lubricote screw wilh soop before inslolling. 't 3.03 wooD BLocKTNG AND FRAMTNG REouTRED FoR woRK oF oTHER sEcTroNs I A. Generol: Cooperole with ofher frodes. Provide required grounds. blocking, woodt bocking ond froming. Perform necessory cuffing ond potching of rough corpenfrywork os required. t B. InteriorBlocking: Insfqll blockingofsizerequiredforsupporlof hondroils,toiletqndboth occessories, woll-mounted door stops, woll cobinets qnd olher woll-mounled occessory I ilems. Set true io line, level or plumb well secured in sfud woll ond flush with bock of I drywoll orolherwoll finish. ,- C. Fxtedor Blocking: I l. lnstoll blocking of size required for exterior woll finish moteriols, exterior hondroils, ' exferior woll mounted equipmenl, roof edge defoils ond other locolions os indicofed. I 2. Insfoll blocking for wood boord sidings os required io qllow noiting of siding fo studs,I noiling strips or blocking of o mqximum of 24 inches on cenler. I 3.04 WEATHER RESISTANT BARRTER |NSTALLAT|ON I A. Stople lo wood sheolhing behind shingles ond elsewhere os indicoled. I B. Apply fo sheolhing from bottom fo fop of woll.! l. Lops: o. Horizontol Joinls: 2 inches minimum.b. Verticol Joinls: 6 inches minimum. I I SECTION 06130 HEAVY TIMBER CONSTRUCTTON II PART I -GENERAL I r.or suMMARy A. Seclion Included:l. Heovy timber beoms, linfels, purlins, sfringers ond outriggers.2. Heovy limber posis ond struis.3. Rough hordwore ond connecfions. I r.o2 REFEREN.ES I A. Reference Stondords: I RDAt23o48.oo t T I' Wood Froming: compry with requirements of uniform Buirding code ond ANSI/AF&PA NDS-l997 "Noiionol Design Specificotion for Wood Construction", os published by lhe Americon Forest ond poper Associotion.2. Lumber: Complywith Groding Rules for lumber, lolest edilion, os published by Western Wood Producls Associotion. I.O3 DEFINITIONS A. Heovy limber: For purposes of this specificoiion, heovy limber is defined os solid wood froming members hoving q nominol dimension of 4" ond over in bolh fhickness ond width. I.O4 SUBMITTALS A' Shop Drowings: Submif shop drowings for heovy limber lrusses, ond oll fobricoted sfeel conneclions ond supporls. B. Producf Doto: Submitmonufocfurer'scotologdotoforoll olherconnectionsond supports. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 EXPOSED HEAVY TIMBER PURLINS, BEAMS, STRUTS AND POSTS A' Generol Requirements: Sound, lhoroughly seosoned, qnd tree from worp or significont surfoce defects. I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I T B. c. D. E. 2.02 A. 2.03 A. Moisfure Confeni: Moximum of 1g% Species qnd Grode: Douglos-Fir, No.2 or better. Finish: Distressed. ' Treolmenl: Koppers Wolmonized Pressure preservolive Treolment. CONNECTORS AND SUPPORT Acceptoble Monufocfuren: simpson strong-Tie compony. or opproved subslituie. ROUGH HARDWARE Noils: common wire noil length ond diometers. Do nol use box nqils. Threoded hordened sleel noils moy be subsliluted for common size nqil of conesponding size. Golvonized noils sholl be hof dip golvonized ASTM A153. Bolls ond Log Screws: Common bolts ond screws, ASTM A307. Exferiorsholl be hot diogolvonized. Steel Plotes ond Slrops: ASTM A36, size os indicoted. Weld plotes togelher with 3/t 6,, filletwelds oll sides qnd full lenglh of contocl surfoces unless noted. Use E70 welding electrodes. B. (-I I I RDA|23048.00 I T PART 3 - EXECUTION I 3.0r ROUGH HARDWARE I Provide ond insloll rough hordwore ond melol foslenings os indicofed, specified or t required for proper insfollolion. Noils, spikes. screws ond bolls ond similor iiems sholl'be sizes ond types lo properly secure members in ploce. I 3.o2 HEAVY TTMBER TNsTALLATToNI A. Generql: I l. Noil or spike members in occordonce with Uniform Building Code.I 2. Cul froming squore on beorings, closely fif, occurotely sef lo required lines ond levels. Secure rigidly in ploce ol beorings ond connecfions. Do nof use shims for,l leveling on wood or mefol beorings. Use sleel shims with full beoring on mosonry or concrete,r- 3. Do nol cul, nolch or bore froming members for possoge of pipes or conduits withoul Architecf's permission. Reinforce froming members os direcfed where domoged by I cutling. B. Fosfeners: I l. Where splifting is likely lo occur cousing o reducfion in member or conneclionI copocity, pre.bore noil holes I 12 size of noil diomeler ond use threoded hordened steel noils. fl 2. Bolts: Bolt holes sholl be I /l 6" to I /32' lorger thon the bolt diomeler. Corefully I cenler boll hole between side plotes ond moin members. Provide stondord woshen belween wood ond bolt heods or nuts. I C. Anchors, Conneclors ond Supports: Insloll os indicoied on Drowings.a I sEcTtoN06lT4 wooprJotsTsa PART I - GENERAL t Lol DELtvERy, sroRAGE AND HANDLTNG I Store joisls in verticol position, otf the ground ond covered for proleclion from weqlher. r PART2-PRoDUcTs I z$ wooD r JorsTsI A. Joisis: TrusJoist MocMillon TJI Pro 150, 250, 350, or 550 Series os indicofed, or occepted I subslilule by olher occeptoble monufoclurer wilh equol or belfer lood corrying I copocity ond sliffness.l. Series, depths ond grodes qs indicoted on Slructurol Drowings. I B. Accessories: Provide bridging, occessories ond ollochment os indicofed ond recommended by monufoclurer. I RDAr23o48.ooI I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI ERECTION AND INSTALLATION A. Ploce joists in positions indicoted ond support in monner indicoted. Keep joists in uprighi posiiion of oll times. Hold chords in o siroighl line from lime of selling unlil sheothing is opplied. B. Insloll bridging os ereclion proceeds. Insloll temporory brocing fo mointoin olignmenf ond prevenl lolerol movemenf. Securely onchor qs indicofed ond recommended by monufocfurer. PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes:l. Wood frim ond foscio.2. Wood soffil boords.3. Decorolive rofler toils.4. Wood roilings.5. Exterior wood bose.6. Wood finish for goroge doors. I,O2 REFERENCES A. Lumber: Comply with Stondord Groding Rules for Weslem Red Cedor Lumber published bytheNotionol LumberGrodingAuthority(NLGA). Eochpieceof lumbersholl begrode slomped. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI EXTERIOR WOOD FINISH MATERIALS A. Generol Requiremenls for Exterior Wood Moteriqls:l. Moisture contenf: Minimum 9 percent, moximum l5 percenl of delivery. B. Trirn ond Fqscio Moleriol: Weslern red cedor, Select Tight Knotty Grode (STK), rough sqwn lexture. C. Soffif Boords: 2x6 Weslern Red Cedor, T&G, S4S smoolh texlure, V-groove, Selecl Tighf Knotty Grode (STK). D. Decoroiive Rofter Toils: Western Red Cedor or Douglos Fir, select timbers. Seosoned dry. E. Exterior Roilings ond Guordroils: No. I Grqde Western Red Cedor, S4S. RDA|23048.00 I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F. Finish For Goroge Doors: Weslem Red Cedor, Selecl Tight Knotty Grode (STK) , rough sown texture. I PART3-EXECUTTON . 3.OI INSTALLATION ' A. Exferior Trim ond Fqscio: Wherever possible, provide eoch length of finish in single piece. Foce noil info froming using oluminum cosing noils. Drive flush but do nof sel. r B. Wood Sotfits ond Goroge Door Finish: Blind nqil with finish noils driven flush. - PARTI-GENERAL t l.ol suMMARy I A. Secfion Includes:t l. Stondord pottem wood irim, bose, roilings ond olher millwork.2. Shelf ond rod for clolhes closels. I 3. Wood plonk ceilings. I I.O2 REFERENCES I A. ReferenceSfondords: Complywithfollowing:r l. Archiiecturol Woodwork lnslilufe (Awt;-- 4r"ltnecfurol woodwork euolity Stondords, 7fh edition, Venion 1.2, 1999. ! o. Complywiih Custom Grode if nol otherwise specified. I.O3 SUBMITTALS I A. 'Shop Drowings: Submit in occordonce with Seciion 01300 Adminisfrolive Requiremenls.l. Include conformonce fo required reference stondord. I PART2-PRODUCTS I 2.O1 INTER|OR WOOD FtNtSH MATERTALS I A. Generol Requirements for Inlerior Wood Moferiols: l - Solid Sfock Lumber Grode: In occordonce wilh AWt rules for Cuslom GrocteI consfruction wifh specified finish unles indicoted ofherwise.l| 2. Moisfure Contenl: Minimum 5 percenl, moximum 12 percenl of delivery. I B. Crown Moulding, Bose, ond Trim Moteriol: Alder, No. 2Grode,select, kiln-dried, exposeclI edges drow knifed, milled os indicoled on Drowings. I C. Shalf ond Rod: Shelves wilh continuous wood cleol ond rod.r ) ::3?"tlJi;&i:" I RDAr23o4r!.oo I T 3. Shelves: Alder veneer plywood with Alder edge.4. Finish: Cleor finish under Section 09900. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INTERIORMATERIALSINSTALLATION A. Generql: All insiollolions AWI custom Grode unless otherwise specified. B. Inlerior Finish:l. Lengths: Wherever possible, provide single piece for eoch lengfh of finish. Buti joints not ollowed except for long pieces or room molds which moy be in two or more sections. When bult joinfs ore necessory. bevel joinls. Generol: Inslqll inlerior finish level, plumb ond lrue. securing: Tightly secure io brocing with nqils, screws, glue, etc. Blind noil wherever possible. where surfoce noiling is necessory, use finish noils corefully set wilh noilpunch. Trim Finishing Agoinsf Wolls or ceiling: Mill wifh exlro width ond scribe lo woll or ceiling ot job. 5. Edges: Excepf where molded, mill frim with perfeclly squore edges. Afler ereclion, slightly round exposed edges by sonding os directed.6. Inlerior Finish: Hond smoolh reody for finish under Secfion 09900 free from mochine or lool mork or ony roughness.7. Replocemenl: Reploce ony inferior finish beoring hommer morks, splits, crocks, mors or defects of ony noture. c. shelf ond Rod: AWI cuslom Grode. Instoll os indicoted ond in occordonce wilh monufoclure/s recommendotions. END OF DIVISION 6 2. q I I I I I I T I t I I t I I I t I I T 4. RDA|23048.00 I I t t I I T t I t I t T I t T DIVISION 7. THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Generol Requirements: Generol Conditions, Supplemenlory Conditions ond Division I - Generol Requiremenfs opply to work of this division. PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes:l. Dompproofing ond insuroting droinoge boord qi the fofiowing locolions:o. Bockfill side of oll exledor foundolion wolls nol receiving wolerproofing under Section 07133. Exfend dompprooftng from boltom of foundqlion woll to 6 ' below finish grode or interseclion wilh slob obove. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI DAMPPROOFING A. Producis: l. Komok No. 1002. Sonnebom-Conlech Hydrocide 6003. Accepted subsfilule in occordqnce wifh Secfion 0t600. B. Primer: ASTM D41. C. Mostic: Heovy bodied bifuminous compound. 2.O2 ACCESSORTES A. ' Protecfion/Droinoge/lnsulolion Boord: Koch Wqrm-N-Dri Woll Droinoge/protecf ion/insulolion boord. B. Droinoge Pipe, Grovel ond Filler Fobric: See Section 02620 Subdroinoge. PART 3 - EGCUTION 3.OI DAMPPROOFINGAPPLICATION A' Brush or sproy lwo cools of dompproofing ol rotes ond by methods os recommended by monufocturer fo provide uninfem;pted ond impeMous seol. Allow first coqt fo dry before opplying second cool. 3.02 PROTECTTON/DRAtNAGE/|NSULAT|ON BOARD A' Profection Boord: Apply lo membrone surfoces of oll oreos lo receive eorth fill. Coordinofe with instollotion of foundofion droinoge syslem. RDA|23048.00 I I I PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. section Includes: Membrone wolerproofing ol lhe following locolions:l. Oulside foce of oll cost-in-ploce concrele foundolion wolls where exterior grode isobove inierior finish floor. Lop over veriicol foce of fooling, cover horizontol foce of foofing ond extend up exterior foce of woll fo 6" below finish grode or intersection with woll woterproofi ng.2. Horizontol deck wolerproofing ond droinoge boord under concrele lopping ond over concrele deck over occupied or usoble spoces below. Exiend I -6" ugon oll odjocenf verticol surfoces (behind finishes) ond os indicoted on lhe Drowings.3. Under oll wood shingle ond sheef metol roofing os indicoled. Cover oll surfoces including ridges ond volleys. Extend up foce of odjoining verticol wolls o minimum of 4'4" (behind finishes).4. Elsewhere os indicoled. 1.O2 SUBMITTALS A. Producl Doto: Submit in occordonce wilh Section 0l3OO. B. Quolity Assuronce Submittqls:l. Cerlificotes: Submil monufocturer's written certificolion thot opplicotor is opproved by monufoclurer.2. Monufocturer's Insrructions: Submil in occordonce wilh section 016@. I.O3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulotory Requiremenls: Products sholl be certified lo meet lhe following.l. Voc compliont wilh oll opplicoble federql, siote ond locol regulotions. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.O1 MATERIALS A. Self-Adhered Modified Bitumen Woterproofing Membrone for Decks ond Concrete Foundolion Wolls;L AcceptobleMonufocluren: o. W.R. Groce & Co., Biiuthene Sysfem.b. W.R. Meodows Seoltight, Melnor.c. Americon Permoquik Inc., pe Zl@.d. Cortiste Corp., eSC-201.e. Approved substitute in occordonce with Section 01600.2. Membrone: o. W.R. Groce Bitufhene 3000 woterproofing membrone or opproved subsiitute by occeptoble monufocf urer.b. Moteriol: Composite lominoted sheet of polyethylene film cooled on one side wilh o foctory opplied rubberized ospholl ond on ofherside wilh o removobleproteclive releose poper. RDA|23048.00 I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I t I I I I I I T I t I I I I o o c. Nominol Thickness: 60 mils.3. Primer: W.R. Groce WP3000 primer or other VOC compliont primer by occeploble woterproofing monufoclurer. o. Cold Weother Primer: w.R. Groce 82 Primer or occepted subsfilule os recommended by woterproofing monufocturer. Moslic: Monufoclurer recommended. Protection Boord: Bitulhene Asphollic Hordboord or opproved substitule. Droinoge/Prolecfion Boord:o. Verticol Applicotion: Groce Hydroducl 2 Droinoge Composile.b. Horizonfol Applicofion: Groce Hydroduct HZ Droinoge Composite. B. Self-Adhered Modifted Bilumen Roof Membrone Underloyment ond Wolerproofing Membrone Woll Underloyment ASTM DI970.L Accepioble Mqnufocfurers ond Sysfems:o. Groce Construcfion Products Vycor lce qnd Woter Shield Syslem.b. Cqrlisle Corp., QSC-707.c. NEI AC Poly lce & WoterSeol.d. Approved subslitufe in occordqnce with Section 01600.2. Membrone: o. Groce Construction Producfs Vycor lce qnd Woter Shield or opproved subslitule by occeploble monufoclurer.b. Moteriol: Composite lominoled sheet of polyefhylene film cooted on one side wifh o focfory opplied rubberized ospholt ond on other side wifh o removqble prof ective releose pclper. c. Nominol Thickness:40 mils minimum.3. Primer: W.R. Groce WP3000 primer or other VOC complionl primer by occeploble woferproofi ng monufocturer. o. Cold Weother Pdmer: W.R. Groce 82 Primer or occepled subsfilule os recommended by wolerproofi ng monufoclurer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. Generol: Apply in occordonce with monufociurer's recommendolions. B. Priming:l. Prime surfoce wilh Bitulhene Primer ol coveroge of 25O to 350 sq. ft. per gollon. Apply Wth lombswool roller.2. Prime only oreo fo be covered with membrqne in one working doy.3. Allow primer to dry one hour or unlil fock free.4. Reprime oreos nof covered wifh membrone within 24 hours. C. Cornen:l. Outside Comers: Double cover outside comers with initiol slrip of sheef membrone I l" minimum widfh centered on oxis of comer.o. Completely cover this slrip by regulor opplicofion of sheet membrone.b. Outside Comen: Free of shorp edges. Inspect surfoces odjocenl to cornen ond repoir if necessory to provide smoolh dense surfoce.2. lnside Comen: Provide fillei formed wilh epory morlor or lotex modified cement morfor ond double coveroge of membrone. Do not use tiber orwood conl strips. RDA|23048.00 4. 5. 5. D. o. Allernote Method: Form fillel with liquid membrone Bitulhene Liouid Membrone ond opply loyer of sheet membrone.3. Apply Bituthene Mostic over membrone seoms within l2" of cornen. Horizontql ond Roof Applicotion:l. Apply membrone lrom low points io high points ocross foll line so thol lops shed wofer. Stogger end lops.2. Roll enlire membrone firmly ond complelely os soon os possible wilh linoleum roller or slondord wofer-filled gorden roller less thon 30" wide. Proteci foce of roller with resilient moferiol such os l/2" plostic foom or two wrops of indoor-ouldoor corpel.3. Seol end lops ond T-joints oi end of eoch work doy.4' Apply double lhickness of membrone over properly seoled exponsion, construction ond conlrol joinfs. Droins ond Prolrusions:l. Projections: Apply double loyer of membrone oround projections ol leosl 6" in oll direciions qnd seol terminotions wilh Bituthene Mostic.2. Droins: Apply double loyer of membrqne oround droins ond ploce beod of Bitufhene Mostic between top loyer ond clomping rings ond of lerminqtions. Terminofions: Terminole by pressing very firmly lo woll ond finish wilh froweled beod of Bituthene Mostic. Seoling Seoms: I . overlop seoms ol leosl 2-1 12". Apply succeeding sheel wiih minimum 2-1 /z' overlopqnd roll entire membrone firmly ond completely os soon os possible io minimize bubbles coused by outgossing of qir or woter vopor from concrefe.2. Fishmoulhs: slif ond overlop flops, repoir with potch, press or roll lo moke seol, ond seol edges of poich with troweled beod of Bilulhene Mostic.3. Misoligned or Inodequolely Lopped Seoms: potch wiih sheet membrone.4. Seol lopswithin l2'of cornerdeloilswiih troweling of Bituthene Moslic.5' For verticol opplicoiions, use heovy hond pressure ond seom roller on lops. I I I T I I I I I t I I I I I I T I I F. 3.04 FIELD QUALIIY CONTROL A. Wqter Tesl: Flood test deck woterproofing with minimum two inch heod of woter tor 24 hours. Repoir leoks when membrone is dry. Repeot tesl until membrone is leok free. 3.05 PROTECTION A. Protecfion Boord: Compleiely cover foundotion ond deck wolerproofing. Apply with mqnufocturer recommended odhesive. Omit prolecfion boord where membrone is covered with foundotion insulolion or droinoge mol. B. Membrones: Do not ollow wolerproofing lo remoin exposed to sunlighl for longer lhon recommended by monufoclurer. PART I - GENERAL RD4t23048.00 I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I T I I.OI SUMMARY A. Seclion Includes:l. Blqnket Insuloiion os indicoled. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI BLANKETINSULATION A. Monufqclurers: l. Owens-Corning2. MonvilleCorporolion3. CertoinTeed Corp.4. Accepted substituie in occordonce with Secfion 01600. B. Insulolion: Fiberglossblonkets.L R-Volue: 2. ? o. Ceilings: R-38.b. Goroge Ceiling: R-30.c. Exlerior Wolls: R-21.d. Funed Wolls: R-13.e. Sound Wolls: R-13.f. All Floors: R-30. Width: As required lo fit froming. Focing: o. Kroft poper foced in wolls qnd between floors ond ceilings.b. Foil foced where locoied below heofing coils.4. Vopor Bonier: Section 07260. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. Blonket or Bolt Insulotion: Insloll insulotion occording lo monufqclurer's recommendotions. Fil light to odjoining work ond odjoining insulolion to form complelely light enclosure free from open joints, holes, crocks ond voids. Attoch insulotion in ploce in monner insuring stobility qnd lo eliminofe sogging.l. Roof Insulolion: Insloll tight to ceiling unless indicoted otherwise. PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes:l. Insulotion below floor slob on grode os indicoted.2. Rigid insulofion oi exterior foce of foundolion perimeler wolls os indicoled. 1,02 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING RDA|23048.00T I A. Generol: Comply wilh Section 01600. B. Sfore insulotion under cover lo prevenf weother domoge. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.O1 RIGID INSULATION A. Foundofion ond Undenlob Insulolion: ASTM C578, Type lV Rigid Exlruded polystyrene Insulotion. L Acceploble Mqnufoclurers ond Producls:o. Dow Styrofoom SMb. UC Induslries Foomulor 250c. DiversiFoom Producls CertiFoomd. Tenneco Building Products Amofoome. Accepled substilule in occordonce with Section 01600.2. Thickness: 2 inches. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Verificotion of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600:l. Existing Condilions: Exqmine before beginning instollotion.2. Notificofion: Notify Generol Conlroctor of unsotisfoclory condifions in wriling with copy fo Architect. B. Acceptonce: Beginning of work meqns occeplonce of exisling condilions by instoller. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Rigid Insulotion: Instoll insulolion boord in os lorge seclions os possible in order lo minimize joints. l. Instoll under slob over gronulor bose os indicoted.2. Foundotion Insulolion: Apply boord to bocking using odhesive methods recommended by monufocturer. SECTION 07222 ROOF AND WALL BOARD INSULATION PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section lncludes: L Insuloted noilboord. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI INSULATEDNAILBOARD RDAI2304t!.00 I I I I I I t I I t t t I t I t T I I B. 2.O2 A. I t I I t I I I t I I I t I I I T I I A. Insuloted Noilboord: ASTM CI289. Type V. R-Mox noiloble bose wifh 7/16" woterboord, polyisocyonurole core ond gloss fiber ond orgonic mot focer or qpproved subsfilute.l. Tolol Thickness: 6.0 inches B. Ponel Fostenen: No. l6 ponel screws, length os required to secure insulofion lo slruciurol deck with minimum one inch penetrolion, bul nol so long os lo penelrote finishes exposed to inlerior. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. Insulofed Noilboord Top Loyer: Fif tight over enlire roof ond woll oreo. Miter cul of peoks ond volleys. B. Foslening: Pre.drill ihrough bofh loyers of insulolion ond plgvood sheofhing inlo wooddeck. Locote ponel fostenen 12'o.c. olong edge of eoch noilboord ponel ond 24'o.c. eoch woy on foce of ponel. PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Seclion lncludes:l. Coniinuous vopor relorder under oll new interior slobs on grode lo receive odhered floor finish moferiols, tile, wood tloodng, or thot will be in contqcf with moislure. sensitive equipment or producl. compoclible gronulor bose over vopor relorder under inferior slobs on grode. continuous vopor reforder complelely covedng unfqced blonket insuloiion on worm side of stud wolls, ceilings, ond elsewhere qs indicoted. PART 2 - PRODUCTS UNDERSLAB VAPOR RETARDER undenlob vopor Reforder: ASTM D4397 ond ASTM Elz4s. Fibergloss reinforced polyethylene sheeling, len mil minimum fhickness. Joinl Tope: As recommended by lhe monufoclurer. GRANULAR PROTECTION LAYER compoctible Gronulor Bose Moleriol For plocemenf over Vopor Retorde1 cleon, fine-groded crusher fines or monufocfured sond, hoving o uniform disfribufion of porticle sizes ronging from lhe No. 4 through fhe No.200 sieve, wiih l0 percenl to 3o percent ofporticles possing o No. 100 sieve, ond not contominoted with cloy, silf oi orgonic moferiol. Sond is nol ollowed. 2. 3. 2.O1 A. RDA|23048.00 B. Moislure Content: Minimum moisture content to meei compocfion requiremenls. 2.03 INTERIOR VAPOR REIARDERS A. Inierior Vopor Relorder: 6 mil virgin polyelhylene sheothing.l. Locotions:q. Worm side of studs under gypsum boqrd.b. Below wood froming snd obove gypsum boord ceiling.c. Over plywood floorsheothing under concrele fopping.d. Elsewhere os indicoted. B. Joint Tope: As recommended by the monufocturer. C. Fosleners: Stoples. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI PREPARATION A. Where vopor retorder is insfolled over grode, toke core to obtoin smoolh level surfoce. B. lf vopor bonier is to be ploced over o rough gronulor soil or fill, ploce opproximolely %inch lhickness of fine-groded bose mqteriol over subgrode. Roll or compoct lo prwide smooth ond level surfoce withoul jogged moteriol profruding which could puncture vopor relorder. 3.02 UNDERSLABINSTALLATION A. Generol: l. Ploce reinforced vopor bonier under oll new inlerior slobs on grode lo receive odhered floor finish moieriols, file, wood flooring, or thoi will be in conloct with moisfure-sensilive equipmenl or product. Use widesl proclicol widlh of film.2' Instqll in occordonce with Monufocturer's recommendotions ond ASTM E1643. B. where lqps ore required, lop noi less lhon 6", with top lop ploced in direclion of spreoding of compoctible gronulor bqse. C. Corefully fit oround service openings. Cut film oround pipes ond conduil piercing relorder, ond opply pressure sensilive fope to insure moximum bonier effecliveness. D. Ploce pipes, conduits, elc. on top of vopor bonier, toking core to prevenl film punctures. E. Repoir ony domoge lo film prior lo plocing gronulor bose. F' Grqnulor Bose: lmmediotely prior to plocement of concrele, cover vopor bonier with three inch thick uniform gronulor bose for protection. Compocl in occordonce with requiremenls of Section 02300 for gronulor fill under floor slqbs. Prolecl bose from excessive moisiure beyond minimum required for compoction unlil concrele is ploced. 3.03 VAPOR RETARDER INSTALLATION AT WALLS AND CEILING RDA|23048.00 I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t t I t t I I I I I t I t t t I I I I Completely cover insulotion on worm side. Tqke core fo protecf vopor bonier ftom puncfure. Lop over lroming ond secure in ploce for leok free bonier.l. Foslening fo wood Froming ond Blocking: stople lo wood froming ond blocking using minimum % inch long sloples. Stople ol 6 inches on center olong strucfurol memben ond blocking ond ol 3 inches in from sheef edge. Run long edge of sheef olong slruclurol members. Tope joints with vopor resisfonf lope recommended by Monufocturer for lhis purpose. seol penelrotions through vopor relorder immediotely prior fo inslollotion of gypsum boord. Seol oll edges with Yulcum silicone coulk seolont. PARTI-PARTGENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes:l. Continuous oir infillrolion bonier over sheothing of oll oreos behind wood siding. 1.02 SUBMMALS A. Produci Dotq: Submil lo the Archiiecl copies of monufocfure/s specificolions covering oll mofedols ond occessories. PART 2 - PRODUCTS A. Accepfoble Monufocfuren ond Producfs:l. DuPonl Construcfion Products - Tyvek.2. Reemoy, Inc. -Typor.3. Accepled substitute in occordonce wifh Seclion 01600. B. Description: DuPonl Tyvek Housewrop or Typor Polyefhylene reinforced Olefin Fobric. C. JointTope: As recommended by lhe monufocfurer. D. Fosfeneru: Sloples PART 3. E(ECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. lnsfoll sheels horizontolly in shingle foshion. Stople fo wood froming. Lop olljoinls os recommended by monufocfurer ond cui tighf oround oll penefrotions. RD4r23048.00 A. B. D. E. t I I B. Tope oll joints ond edges ond oround oll penetrolions lo form o leqk free bonier. PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Seclion Includes:l. Wood shingle roofing ond siding.2. Reloted occessory moleriols. I,O2 QUALIIY ASSURANCE A. ReguloloryRequirements:l. Fire: Wood roofing shokes sholl be fire relordont pressure lreofed for Closs B fireroiing. Eoch bundle of shokes sholl hove UL lobel ottqched. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 ROOFING MATERIALS A. Cedor Shingles: All roofing shingles sholl be No. I medium resown Red Cedor shingles. Shngles shott be 24' tenglhs, I t2' bvtt thickness. I ' Eoch bundle sholl beor lhe lobel of lhe Red Cedor Shingle ond Hondsplit Shoke Bureou. Provide speciol 15" sioriers ol eove line. All shingles sholl be prerrur" treoted lo meet UL 790 ond sholl hove fhe equivolenl of Closs B fire roting. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI PREPARATION A. . Generol: Insloll shingles in occordonce wiih monufocturer's recommendolions. B. Lqyoul: Loyoui roofing in occordonce wiih monufoclurer's recommendolions. C. Woferproof Membrone: See Seclion 02133. D- Dip sioin eoch shoke in color dip lotex ond preservotive stoin before instolling. Exoctcolor os selecled by Archilect. 3.02 SHINGLEAPPLICATION A. Instoll shingless slightly stoggered with opproximole l0" weolher os indicoled on the Drowings. B. Begin with double storter course of eove line using speciol stqrter shokes. Apply shqkeswilh butts to the slroight line storting oi lhe eove line. Sfople shokes into wood iheothingwith two (2) only electro-golvonized stoples per shingle. Drive stoples ftush but do nol crush wood. RDA|23048.00 I T t I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o C. Form hips ond ridges os required using some weolher os lhe field of the roof. I 3.04 COMPLETTON I At completion of project, reploce worped or domoged shingles os direcied by the I Archilecf. I sEcTroN 07468 woop srprNc! PART I - GENERAL I l.0l SUMMARY I A. Section Includes:I L. I5fi'TlllliS;sorymoferiors I 1.o2 REFERENcESI A. Reference Slondords: Comply with following: I l. Western Wood Producis Associotion Slondord Potterns forSiding ond Ceitings.I PART 2 - PRODUCTS I 2.Ot REVERSE BOARD AND BATTEN StDtNG MATERTALS I A. Wood Siding Boords: I l. Moleriol: WRCLA Western Red Cedor, kitn-dried.2. Grode: NLGA Porogroph 200b. Grode A. Cleor.3. Size: Nominol lx6 T&G V-Groove. I 4. Lengths: 6 feet tol6 feel.I 5. Exposed Surfoce: Rough sown. I B. Finish: Stoined under Seclion 09900. I C. Weolher Resislont Bonier Behind Siding: See Section 07270 Air Boniers. | 2.O3 FASTENERS r A. Noils: Splitless siding noils wifh ring or spirol shonks snd flot, lexfured heods. I l. Length: As required to penetrole wood sluds or blocking minimum I % inch.l! 2. Conosion Prolection: Hot-dipped golvonized.2. Moleriol: No.304 stoinless steel. I 3. For 5/8 inch or % inch Siding: 6d. I 4. For 7l8|nch Siding: Zd. r PART3-EXECUTION - 3.ol tNsTALLATtoN I RDAr23o48.ooI I I A. Siding: Instoll veriicolly os indicoted.I. Foce noil boltens ot eoch beoring. ? Focenoil sidingwilhtwonoilsperbeoring,keeping noils2-1 l2io3inchesoport.3. Nqils sholl penetrote solid wood minimum I % inches. PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Sections Includes:l. Floshing ond counferfloshing.2. Roof edge floshing.3. Gutters wifh downspoufs.4- Olher sheef melol floshing relofed to the -bove, indicoled on the Drcrwings ond nolspecified elsewhere. I.O2 REFERENCES A. Reference Slondords: Comply with following: I ' "Architeclurol Sheel Melol Monuol," 1993 edition, os published by Sheet Melol ond Air Conditioning Controclon Nolionol Associotion (SMACNA).2. Notionol Roofing Conlroclors Associotion (NRCA) Roofing ond Woterproofing Monuql, Fourth Edition. I.O3 PROJECTCONDITIONS A. Field Meosurements: Before fobricoting sheel melol, verifu shopes ond dimensions of surfoces to be covered. I.O4 WARRANW A. Wononly: Provide two yeor wrilten woronly covering moleriols qnd inslqllotion for sheef mefol in occordonce with Section 01700.l. Include ihol syslem sholl be wotertight ond weotherproof. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.O1 SHEEI MEIAL A. copper: ASTM Specificoiion 8370, cold rolled lemper, not less thon 20 oz persq. fl. 2.O2 ACCESSORYMATERIAL A. clips or cleqls: some moieriol ond goge os sheel metol being instolled. B. Birdscreen ot Chimney Cops: I " x I " copper or bronze wire clolh os monufoclured by McNichols Co. or equol. RDA|2304t!.00 I I t I T I t I I I I I II I I t I I I I I C. Noils ond Fosfeners: Hord copper, bross or bronze noils sholl be flol heod, borbed wireI slofing noils, noi less lhon No. l2 gouge, one inch long.r D. Solder: ASTM 832, 1 l2leod, I /2 tin. Use rosin for flux. I PART3- ilECUTtON 3.OI WORKMANSHIPrf A. Reference Stondords: Comply with following:l. Unless indicoled ofherwise on Drowings. workmonship ond defoils sholl comply with -, NRCA Monuol ond SMACNA Architecturol Sheet Metol Monuol.I B. Edges: I l. Edges: Hem oll exposed edges, l/Z'unless olhenadse indicoted. I 2. Drips: Angle bofiom edges of verlicol surfoces fo form drips. rr C. Joints: Moke joinfs wofertighf ond ollow for exponsion. I l. Reinforce sheel mefol comers os required. - 2. Reinforcement: Conceol within finished ossembly. I D. Foslenings: Use conceoled hook strips ond foslenen. Exposed hook strips ond fostenersf nol occeploble. ;; E. Exponsion ond Conlrocfion: I l. Provide for lhermol exponsion ond coniroclion ond building movemenl in completed work. I 2. Moke wotertighf ond weoihertight throughoul.I 3 H::Tn'il::J?,***$:'J::;if,ffilg':ffi',r::gy!::::.;"#s?,J"' ,r 07920. T 3.04 SHEEI METAL I A. Floshing ond Counlerfloshing: As detoiled of 16 oz. copper. Lock ond solder joints ond t hemexposededges. I B. Gufters With Downspouls: I I . Gullea: Holf round os detoiled of N oz. copper, similor to SMACNA Figure I -3A. 2. b:T.'l3:fi$Jii?in:5, :ffiJ5:1'$',:.'::pper simi,or ,o sMAcNA Fisure , -32A I with brockets similor lo Figure l-358 locoled g'{,'mox. o.c. I sEcTloN 07610 SHEEI MEIAL ROOFTNG I PART I - GENERAL I r.0l SUMMARY I RDAr23o48.oo I I o A. Seclion Includes:l. Slonding seom copper sheel metol roofing.2. All odjocent floshings of eoves, gobles, ridges, top of slope, etc. I.O2 REFERENCES A. Reference Slondqrds: Comply with the following. B. Foctory Mutuol Reference Slondords: I . Loss Prevenfion Doto l-28 - Wind Loqds lo Roof syslems ond Roof Deck Securemeni, June 1998 edilion.2. Loss Prevenlion Dolo l-29 - Above.Deck Roof Componenfs. June 1998 edition. C. CopperSheef Mefol Instollolion: SMACNA Sheet Metol Monuol. I.O3 SYSTEMDESCRIPTION A. Provide wotertight, leok free roofing system copoble of wilhslonding thermolly induced movemenf ond exposure lo weother without foilure. B. Wind Resistonce Copocity: Provide syslem sutficienf lo resisl wind pressures colculoted inoccordonce with the 1997 edition of the Uniform Building Code for 85 mph bqsic wind speed ond Exposure C.l. Fostening Defoils ond spocings: Designed by syslem monulocfurer to meel specified wind speed crilerio. I.O4 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drowings ond Product Dolo: Submil in occordonce wilh Section 01300. Indicoteponel loyout, floshings, occessories, ond qtfochmenls. B- Certificotion: Submit writlen certificolion, stomped by some professionol engineer whoprepored design colculolions indicoting system design meets specified wind speed/exposure clossificofion criterio. Closeout Submilfols: Submit in occordonce with Section 01790.l. Wononty QUALITY ASSURANCE Instoller: Compony speciolizing in inslollolion of metol roofs. I ' Experience: Conlinuously instolled copper roofing in Slote Colorodo for five yeors t I T I I I I I I I t I I I I I t r.05 A. I.06 WARRANTY A. Wononty: Provide two yeor written wononty covering moferiols ond instollolion for mefol roofing syslem in occordonce with Section 01200. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.O1 SHEET MffAL RDAI23048.00 I I B. c. D. I I I I I T I I J I I I I I I I J I l A. Copper: ASTM 8370, cold rolled femper, weighing not less thqn l6 ounces per squore foof. Underloymenl: See Secfion 07133. Building Poper: Resin sized unsoturqled poperweighing six pounds per 100 squore feel. Accessory Moteriol: l. Floshing Cops ond Fosciqs: Motch roofing sysiem.2. Noils ond Fosleners: Hord copper, bross or bronze noils sholl be flot heod, borlced wire sloling noils, not less thon No. l2 gouge, one inch long.3. Screws ond Bolls: Round heods.4. Clips or Cleots: Some mqtedol ond goge os sheel metol being inslolled.5. Solder: ASTM B32, composilion 50% tin ond 50% leod. Use muriolic ocid killed with zinc or soldering flux.6. seolonl: Polyurelhone in occordonce wilh section 07920. Roofen mostic is nof ollowed. PART3. ErcCUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Verificqfion of Condifions: Complywifh Seclion 01600:l. Loyoul: Verify loyoul of work before beginning inslqllotion.2. Existing Conditions: Exomine subsfrofe before beginning inslollotion.3. Surfoces: Smoolh, sound, cleqn ond dry ond fobric floshing in ploce before work is sfqrled.4. Notificqlion: Nolify Generol Conlrocfor of unsofisfociory conditions in wriling wiih copy fo Archifecl. B. Acceptonce: Beginning of work meqns occeplonce of exisling condilions by instoller. 3.O2 - PREPARATION A. Proleclive Cooling: Cool contqcling dissimilor metols Wth osphollic compound. B. Underloymenl See Section 071 13. c. Building Poper: cover underloymenl with loyer of building poper with copper noils spoced l8'o.c. olong lopped seoms. 3.03 STANDING SEAM COPPER ROOFING A. Generol: Unless otherwise indicoled or specified, comply wifh workmonship ond delqils of Reference Sfondords.l. Roofing Type: Construcf in occordonce wilh 'stonding Seom Roofing,,sfondord deloils ond specificofions for slopes of lhree inches to six inches per fool.2. Roofing Pons: As indicofed.3. Stort ereclion ol ponels so sheets moy be held lrue to line. Hold horizontol lines stroight ond level ond verlicol lines plumb. RDA|23048.00 4. Exposed fosfeners not ollowed. Insulotion: Where copper sheet mefol work joins other types of metol, seporole lwo metols by leod insulolion or olher equolly effective method of prevenling electrolysis. Cleoting ond Foslening:l. Foslen pieces over l2" wide by cleols obout 3/4" from end. Turn end bock lo cover noil heods. Lock free end of cleol into seom or folded edge of piece. Where seqms ore soldered, lin cleois. cleofs: Unless olherwise indicoted or specified, l6 ounce copper, spoced not morethon 12" oport. secure pieces up to l2"wide by noils ploced olong one edge only ond spoced nol more lhon 4" oport. Provide edge sfrips of eoves ond closures. Provide exponsion type os required for seoms over 30 feel long. Stonding Seoms: Heighf os indicoted. Soldered Seoms: Where soldered seoms ore necessory, construct in monner consistenfwith good trode proclice for soldering of copper. Afler soldering, cleon off flux sloins wifh solution of soop ond 5% to I0% woshing sodo. PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Secfion Includes:l. Snow Clips: Copper. 1.02 . SUBMITTALS A. Product Dolo: Submil monufoclurer's cunenl cololog literqfure for eoch producl supplied under this Seclion. Indicole detoils, occessories ond oftochments. C. Shop Drowings:l. Snow Guords: Submif drowing indicoting loyout. C. Somples: Submit 3 full size snow guord somples. PART 2. PRODUCTS 2.OI SNOW GUARDS A. AcceptobleMonufocturers:l. Alpine Snowguords.2. TRA - Tile Roof Accessories, Americon Fork, Utoh, g}l lT56_9666, www.lrosnowbrockeis.com. 3. Accepted subsiitule in occordonce with Seclion 01600. RDA|23048.00 I I I I I t B. 2. 3. 4. 5. D. E.I I I I I I I I I I I t I t B. Snow Guords: Zoleski No. 7 (double thick) copper or occepted subslilute. -.\ I PART3-E(ECUT|ON il 3.Ol INSTALLATION t A. Roof Accessories: Securely instoll in occordonce with monufoclurer's inslrucfions lo I produce wotertighl ossembly in coordinotion wilh roofing insfoller. t l. Coordinofe inslollqtion of components of this Seclion with inslollolion of roofingf moleriols ond bose floshings.2. Coordinole inslollofion of seolonts ond roofing cements with work of this section to ensure woter tighiness. v B. Snow Guords:l. Snow Brockef Loyoul Pottem: Loyoul per monufoclure/s sloggered poffern of locotions indicoled on Drowings.2. lnslqll snow brqckets verticolly over fhe shoke roofing in occordonce with ) monufocfure/s instrucfions. I 3. Continue with lhe instollotion course by coume, plocing lhe snow brockefs on lheI roof os shown on fhe loyoul design. J SECTION 07920 JOINT SEALANTS il PART I -GENERAL I/r" l.ol suBMtnALs . I A. Somples: Submit for color seleclion in occordonce wifh Seciion 01300.t I.O2 PROJECTCONDITIONS I A. Environmenfol Conditions: Do nol opply exterior seolonts when temperoture is below 40 ^ degrees F. I PART2-PRODUCTS s 2.Ol MATERIALS A. AccepfobleMqnufocturers:l. DAP Inc. 2. Pqn lnc.3. Pecoro Corp.4. Sonneborn Building Producls5. Tremco Monufocturing Co.6. W.R. Groce ond Co.7. Momecolnlernolionol I I L h.i#iir;,,* I RDAr23o48.oo I B. Types: l. Exlerior: Two component polyurethone 2. Around Sinks ond Lovotories: Silicone3. Interior: Lolex Acrylic C. Colors: Selected from stondords by Archilect. D. Accessories: Provide joint bocking ond bond breoker os recommended by monufocfurer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI PREPARATION A. Cleon ond prime joints os recommended by monufqclurer. 3,02 INSTALLATION A. Generol: Apply in occordonce wifh monufocture/s recommendolions. B' Joinl Seolqnts: Apply in continuous beod wilhout open joints, voids or oir pockets. Confine fo joints, remove excess. Leove joinis slighlly recessed. 3.03 SCHEDULE A. Locotions: l. Joinls Between Exlerior Door ond Window Fromes ond Rough Wood Froming: Fillgops complefely with foom seolonl.2. Door lhresholds.3. Open joints between dissimilor moleriols.4. Around lovotories ond sink.5. Exferiorwollioints. ' 6- Joinls of penefroiions of wolls, deck ond floors by piping ond olher service ond equipmenf.7. Penefrotions of exlerior wolls.8. Other joints qs indicoled qnd required. END OF DIVISION 7 T I I l I I I I t I I I I 1 I I il I I RDA| 23048.00 t I I I l J I I I I l I I l I t I I t DIVISION 8 - DOORS AND WINDOWS Generol Requiremenls: Generol Condilions, Supplementory Condilions ond Division I - Generol Requirements opply to work of lhis division. sEcTtoN 08210 wooD DooRs PART I . GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes:l. Inledor poneled wood doors.2. Exferior cuslom slile ond roil wood enfronce doors.3. Glozed wood doon.4. Foctory prefitting ond premochining. B. Producls furnished but nol Instolled Under This Secfion:l. Wood glozing slops. 1.O2 REFERENCES A. Reference Stondords: Complywith the following:l. Architecturol Woodwork Instifufe (AWl) - Architecturol Woodwo* Quoliiy Stondords, 7fh edition, Version 1 .2, 1999.o. Comply with Custom Grode requiremenfs. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 INTERIOR DOORS A. ' Interior Doors: Croftsmon in Wood wood doon with solid core, ond recessed ponels os indicoted. Premochined forhordwore. l-3/4'fhick.l. Species: Alder cleqr.2. Grode: AWI Secfion l4O0 Cusfom grode conslruclion.3. Moislure Conteni: l0% moximum. B. Finish: Field finished under Secfion 09900. 2.02 ENTRY DOORS . A. Description: Cusfom monufoctured stile ond roil wood doon wifh solid core ond recessed ponels os indicqted. Premochined for hqrdwore. 2-lll" lhickunless otherwise scheduled. l. Species: Knotty Alder. Smoll tight knof grode.2. Grode: AWI Secfion 1400 premium grode conshuclion.3. Moisfure Confenl l0% moximum. B. Finish: Field finished under Seclion 09900. Sfoin color crs selected by Archifect. RDA| 23048.00 2.O3 FACTORY PREFITTING AND PREMACHINING A. Doors: Prefil ond premochine doors oi foclory.l. Toke occurqte field meosuremenls of hordwore morlised in wood fromes to verify dimensions ond orignment before proceeding with mochining in foctory.2. Mochine doors for hordwore requiring cufiing of doors.3. Comply with occepled hordwore schedules ond door frome shop drowings with hordwore femploles lo ensure proper fif of doon ond hordwore. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI PREPARATION A. Condilioning: Condition doors to overoge humidity in instollotion oreo prior to honging. B- Prefitting: Prefil doors fo fromes ond mochine for hordwore lo whotever exlent notpreviously worked ot focfory os required for proper fii ond uniform cteoronce ot eochedge. 3.O2 INSTALLATION A. Generol: Instoll doors in occordonce with monufocturer,s recommendotions. B. Honging: l. After silng doors, fil for hordwore os scheduled. Before instollolion of hordwore, brush opply on exlerior seol cooi to job site cut surfoces. Use seoler recommended by door monufocturer.2. Hong doors to be free of binding with hordwore funcfioning properly. c. Glozing Stops: Tempororily foctory instolled. permonenf instollofion in field. 3.03 ADJUSTING A. Adjustment Ai completion of job, odjust doors qnd hordwore os required ond leove inproper operoting condilion. PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Seclion Includes: 'I . Access doors into pipe ond utilily spoces.2. Floor occess doors for insfollotion under Section 03300. PART 2. PRODUCTS 2.01 ACCESS DOORS RDA|23048.00 I t I I I I I I I I I I I 'T I t I I I I t- A. Locoled in Gypsum Drywoll: i L Nystrom Styte RW t 2. Accepied subslilule in occordonce Wth Seciion 01600. a B. Fire-Roled Access: I l. Nystrom Styte FRWt 2. Accepted subsfilute in occordonce with Section 01600. I c. Description:t l. Sizes: As indicoled on Drowings or os required fo properly service mechonicol or I eleclricol equipmenl.2. Locking Devices: Screw driver operoted com locks. 2.O2 FLOOR HATCH I A. Monufocfurers:7 l. Bobcock Dovis Holchwoys, Inc.n BilcoI s. Dur-Red t 4. Accepted subslifule in occordonce with Section 01600. I B. Description: Bobcock-Dovis Model FTA260O single leof oluminum floor occess door for, flush tite covedng.l. Size: 2 foot by 2 foot.all PART3- E(EcuTtoN . 3.01 INSTALLATION t A. Mechonicol or Electricol Access: Access doors required for occess lo mechonicol or ._ eleclricol equpmentsholl beprovidedunderDivision l5orDivision l6ondinstolledby It |he trode responsible for lhe moteriol in which door is locoted. D B. Generol Access: Fumish occess door indicoted on Drowings for generol qccess to be t inslolled by trode responsible for moleriol in which door is locoled. I l. Drywoll: Drywoll controctorfoinsioll drywoll onponel usingsuitobleodhesive. - C. Floor Access Holch: Coordinote instollotion so thot finish flooring in holch recess is level I wilh odjocenl finish floor. I SECTTON 08361 SECTTONAL OVERHEAD pOORS . PARTI-GENERAL 7 l.0l SUMMARY r A. Section Includes:r t Overheod sectionol doors.al I RDAr2so48.oo I I B. Reloled Sections:l. Electric Power: Division 16 Electricol2. Job Applied Wood Finish: Section 06210 Exterior Finish Corpenrry. I.O2 SUBMITTALS A. shop Drowings ond Producl Dofo: Submit in occordonce with section 01300. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 OVERHEAD DOORS A. Monufocturers: l. Overheod Door Corp.2. Roynor Monufocluring Co.3. Accepted subslitule in occordonce wiih Section Ol600. B. Monufoclurer ond Type: Overheod Door ProMork Series 124 flush goroge door, insulofed, wilh smooth finish l/g'lhick hordboqrd foces.l. Allow for job opplied wood finish under Seclion 06210. C. Weothenfripping: l. Jombs: Neoprene rubber2. Floor: U-type vinyl.3. Heod: Neoorene rubber.4. Seclion Joinls: Neoprene foom rubber D' Hordwore: Counlerbolonce doors wilh torsion springs ond golvonized lift coble. No cylinders required. E. Electricol Operolion: Overheod Model No. 1055 ll /2 HP) electric operotion for oll doors. Provide size molors os monufocturer recommends for type ond size doors. provide in 120 volt single phose. Provide photocell sofely sensors for oll doors. F. Access Confrols: Mulli-button hond held rqdio conirols with woll mounted interior switch for closing, with wireless keypod system. G. support Provide necessory supplemenfol froming for supporl of trock ond mofors. H. Trock ond rollers: Provide nylon rollers ond golvonized stondord lrock for quiel operotion. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. Generol: Instoll overheod doors occording to monufocturer's recommendotions ondoccepted shop droWngs. B. Elecfricol: Provide electricol mofor operotors ond conlrols. Conduil, wiring ond conneclions ore provided under Division 16. RDA|23048.00 I I I t I t I I I I I 'l I I I T I I I I t T t I I t I I I J I I I t D I I I C. Adjustment Adjust to work freely wilh hordwore funclioning properly ofter inslollotion of wood finishes. Re.odjust ol completion of job if directed by Archiiecf. SECTION 0855I MEIAL CLAD WOOD WINDOWS PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drowings: Submit in occordonce with Section 01300 1.O2 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Delivery: Schedule delivery lo coincide with glozing schedules so thot minimum hondling of croies is required. Do not open crotes excepf os required for inspection for shipping domoge. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.O1 MANUFACTURED METAL CLAD WOOD WINDOWS A. AcceptobleMonufocturen: l. Eogle Window ond Door2. Pello Corp.3. Morvin4. Approvedsubstilute. o. Weolher Shield is not on occeptoble subslilule. B. Mqnufocturer ond Type: Eogle oluminum clod ftxed ond cosement units.l. See Drowings for types required. Custom sizes where required.2. NWWDA Design Pressure Roting: Dp30.2. Provide metol clod exlerior jomb exfensions os required. C. Finish:l. Exlerior: Aluminum clod.o. Color: As selected.2. Interior: Unfinished pine. D. ExleriorTrim: See Section 06210. E. Hordwore: l. Cosemenf Unif Hordwore: Rolo operolor, hinges, sosh guides ond brockefs. Finish os selecled. Egres hordwore os required by code. F. Screens: Bronze mesh screens on oll operoble windows. Fromes to motch windows. G. Weolhentip: Monufocture/sslondord. H' Glozing: Foctory pre'glozed with 5/8 inch Low E OA Eogle Moximizer Plus insuloting gloss with low conduclonce spocer, olfiiude odjusted, lempered where required. RDA|23048.00 l. Tempered Gloss: All locolions l8" or less from finish floor ond os noled in Generol Window Noles on Drowings. l. Accessories: Provide necessory hordwore, onchors ond reloled iiems. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION AND ADJUSTMENT A. Insloll windows occording fo monufocture/s inslructions ond reviewed shop drowings. B- Adjust operoble sqsh to work freelywith oll hordwore funclioning properly. Re-odjust ol completion of the job os direcled by the Architect. PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUBMITTALS A. Hordwore Schedule:l. Within 20 doys ofler receipl ol order for finish hordwore, prepore complele schedule ond submil in occordonce with Seclion 01300.2. Do nof order hordwore until occepfed copy of schedule is relurned to supplier beoring stomps of Controctor ond Architecl.3. Include cotolog cul of eoch differenf hordwore ilem on hordwore schedule.4. Schedule: Indicote following detoils: T t l I I t I t I I I I I T t t I I I Door Numbers Locolion Size qnd Thickness of Door DoorMoteriol Frome Moteriols Hond of Door Degree of Opening Type of Attochment As well os ony olher pertinent informolion regording door ond quolity ond type of' hordwore lo be fumished. B' Templofes: wifhin l0 doys ofler receipt of occepled hordwore schedule, submit four sets of lemplotes ond schedules to:l. Wood door ond frome supplier. PART 2. PRODUCTS 2.O1 GENERALMATERIALREQUIREMENTS A. Fosteners: Fumish necessqry screws ond bolts for proper instollotion. provide suitoble sLes, type ond finish to hormonize wilh hordwore. 2.O2 DOOR HARDWARE A. Monufocluren: As selecled. B. Hinges: Poir ond o holf boll beoring hinges eoch door leof. RDA| 23048.00 I I J I I s t t I I I I I I I I I I t C. Locksels qnd Reloted Hordwore: To be selecled by Owner/Architect. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. Fosfening: Fumish ilems of hordwore wifh oflochmenf screws, bolts, nuts, elc. os required fo ottoch hordwore to type of moteriol involved ond wilh finish to motch odjocenl hordwore. l. Moke ollochments lo melol by lemplofe mochine screws. B. WeofherstrippingondThresholds: l. Weofherslripping: Runfull heighf of bolhjombsondfullwidfh of heod.2. Thresholds snd Door Bofloms: Run full width of opening. Instoll lhresholds set in seolonl under Secfion 07920. C. Mounting Heights (Unless Ofhenrvise Indicoled): Dimensions given ore from floor lo cenier line of hordwore item.l. Door Leven: Siondord - 38 Inches or of cenfer rock of ponel doon. 3.02 PROTECTION A. Poinfing: Do nof insloll door boftoms ond woll stops unlil ofter poinling is complete. Loosen locksefs prior to pointing ond retighfen offer pointing is complefe. Mosk hqrdwore or olherwise protecf during pointing operolion. 3.03 ADJUSTMENT A. Adjusiing by Hordwore Monufocturer's Represenlofive: Prior fo finol inspection. inspecf ond odjusl door closers, locks ond items requiring close odjusimenl ond regulolion ond check keying. PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Seclion Includes:l. Glozing forwood doors.2. Minon. I.O2 QUALIW ASSURANCE A. RegulotoryRequiremenls: L Sofety Gloss ond Glozing: PART 2. PRODUCTS RDA|23048.00 Comply with Sfote Sfotules, UBC ond ANS| Z9Z.l. 2.01 GLASS A. Monufoclurers:I. PPG Industries, Inc.2. AFG Induslries, Inc.3. Libby-Owens-FordCo.4. Generol Gloss Corporotion.5. Guordionlnduslries.6. Visfeon.7. Accepted Subslilute in occordonce with Section 01600. B. Lobels: Eoch Individuol Piece of Gloss: Beor lobel designoling type, thickness ondquolity. Do nof remove lobels until reviewed by Archiiecl. C' Tempered Gloss for Doors: Piffsburgh cleor Herculile Tempered Sofeiy Gloss or occepted substitute. t I t I I I I I t I I t I D. Exterior Gloss: Provide Low-E cooting. 2.02 GLAZING MATERIALS A. Setting Blocks, Shims ond Glozing Clips: monufocturer. B. Cleoners, Primers ond Seolers: C. Silicone Glolng Compound: Section 01600. 2.O3 MTRRORS Size ond type os recommended by gloss Type recommended byseolonl goskel monufoclurer. GE Silgloze N or occepted substifute in occordonce wiih A. Minors: l/4 inch thickness polished plole, minor glozing quolitywifh polished edges.L Sizes: As indicoled on Drowings.2. Adhesive: Polmer Qwik-Set Mino-Moslic or opproved subslilufe. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI GLAZINGINSTALLATION A. Sloos:l. Hold gloss wilh wood slops.2. corefully remove ony slop olreody in ploce os necessory lo permif glozing.3. Hondle stops corefully ond insloll lo ovoid domoge. B. Glozing in Wood or Metol Fromes:l. Tope entire opening lo prevenl gloss from touching frome in ony direciion.2. Cenler gloss in glozing robbet lo moinloin recommended cleoronces ol oll four, inside ond oul.3. Rest gloss on setling blocks os recommended by the gloss monufoclurer.4. Insfoll shims or use shim lope os recommended to moinfoin cleoronce between slops ond foce of gloss. RDA|23048.00 I I T t I 5 t 5. Insloll glozing tope ond stop in with specified stops.6. Coverlop oi tope with silicone seolonf on (outside foce of inferior fromes) (bolh sides of frome). | 7. Cul oll gloss with smooih, stroighf edges of full size reguired by lhe openings. Edge cleoronces sholl comply with flot Gloss Morketing Associofion Stondords. I 8. Leove seolont smooth ond cleon. Remove seqlqnl from odjoining surfoces without I domoging the finish. | 3.02 MTRRORSl,I A. Minon: Insfoll with odhesive. END OF DIVISION 8 I RDAr23o4B.oo I I I I T t I t, I I I I I I t I I DtvtstoN 9 - FlNtsHEs Generol Requiremenls: Generol Conditions, Supplemenlory Condifions ond Division I - Generol Requirements opply fo work of this division. SECTION 09250 GYPSUM BOARD I PARTT-GENERALtI.OI SUMMARY I A. Seciion Includes: r PART2-PRODUCTSa) _ 2.O1 |NTER|OR MATERTALS U A. Gypsum Boord:L Fire Rofed: 5/B'Firecode ftype X). All gypsum boord. I 2. Moislure Resisfonf: USG WR. Use of oll both wolls nol tiled. t 3. Cemenfifious: Wonderboord or USG Durock. Use behind lile of shower sunounds ond for counlertops ond bocksploshes os specified in Section 06400. t 4.tile Bocking Boord: Georgio Pocific Dens-Glos Tile Bocker Boord. Use behind oll wo1 , ond ceiling lile excepl ol shower wolls. a B. Accessories: I l. Trim: USG No.20OB. Use l-l/2 inch rodius Beqdex trim os oll ouiside comers.r! 2. Fosleners: Drywoll noils or screws.3. Acousticol Seolonf: USG Acousticol Seolont4. Acousticol lnsulotion: See Section 09800.5. Resilient Funing Chonnels: USG resilienl funing chonnels. I C. Finishing Moleriots: I L JointTope: USGSheehockJointTope.- 2. Adhesive: USG SheetrockSetting Type Durobond Joint Compound. - 3. Texfure: USG Texture or occepfed substitute. Iu PART3-EXEcuTtoN t 3.or TNsTALLATToNIA. Generol: Apply ond finish in occordonce with Gypsum Associolion GA 216. InsiollI resilient chonnels ol oll lower floor ceilings. ,- B. Sound Insulolion: Instoll in oll interior portilions. Fit fighl fo odjoining work ond odjoining - insulofion for o tighl enclosure free from open joints-crocks ond voids. J 2 RDAr23o4B.oo I l T I I T t I I I T I I I n E. F. \J. H. J. Loyout: Apply woll ponels verticolly full height. Apply ceiling ponels in os long lengths osprocficol fo keep joints lo o minimum. Fqsleners: Apply boords to wood froming with noils or screws.L Lower Level ceilings: screw lo resilient funing chonnels. see section 09g00. Moisture Resislont: Apply WR seolonl io cut edges ond foslenen heods. cementiiious Boord: Apply to wood sluds qnd fope joints os recommended. Cut Holes: Holes for eleclricql devices, pipes, elc. sholl not exceed size of cover plote oresculcheon. Repoir ovenize hole with new ponel of gypsum boord; spockle filling will nofbe permilfed. Trim: Apply ol comers, where drywoll obuts dissimilor moleriols ond qs indicoted. Acouslicol seolonl: Apply ot oll edges ond penelroiions of gypsum boord of wqlls contoining sound insulotion. Finishing: Finish joinls ond fqsfener dimples os recommended by monufoclurer. GA Level 4 finish. Texturing: Provide skip troweled skim cool lexture, light to medium. where indicofed.l. Priming: Gypsum boord sholl be prime cooled underSeclion 09900 before fexluring on l0O percenl of coveroge. PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Secfion Includes:l. Ceromic floor tile.2. Ceromic woll lile.3. Cerqmic tile bose.4. Nolurol slone file.5. Tile for counlertops. 1.O2 REFERENCES A. Reference Slondords: Compty wifh the following slondords:l. InsiollotionSpecificolions: I I t I I T I l ANS| At08.tA-1999 ANS|Al08.5-1999 ANS| A108.9-1999 ANS|Al08.lGl999 RDA|23048.00 Insfollqtion of Ceromic lile in lhe Wet-Sei Mefhod wifh Portlond Cement Mortor Ceromic lile Inslolled wiih Dry-Set porilond Cemenl Mortor or Lofex-Portlond Cement Mortor Ceromic lile Inslolled with Modified Epoxy Emulsion Morlor/Grout Inslollolion of Groul in Tilework I t I I I t 2. MoteriolSpecificotions: ANSTAI l8.l-1999 ANS|AI18.4-1999 ANSTAI18.6-1999 ANS|At 18.&1999 Dry-Set Portlond Cemenl Mortor Lotex-Portlond Cemenf Mortqr Ceromic Tile Grouls Modified Epory Emulsion Mortor/Grouf ANSI Al37.l-1988 Ceromic lile3. Iile Council of Americo, lnc. (TCA): 20@ Hondbook for Ceromic Tile Instollotion. I.O3 SUBMMALS A. Product Doio: Submif cololog doto for oll setfing, grouting ond miscelloneous moferiols in occordonce with Section 01300. B. Somples: Submit complete somples of tile ond groul lo Archilect for color selection in occordqnce with Secfion 01300. PART 2 - PRODUCTS c. D. I I I I I t I t I T 2.O1 A. B. 2.02 A. ceromic lile: ANsl A137.1 buff body, opproximotely s/16" fhickness, cushion edges with brighf gloze or molle gloze finish os selecled.l. Monufoclurer ond Colors: As selected by Owner/Architect .2. cove Bose: To mofch woll file. bctend 5" up lhe woll. where no woll tile is presenl, provide bullnose ol top of bose. Noturol Slone lile: As selecled by Owner/Archiiect. SETTING AND GROUTING MATERIALS Acceptoble Mqnufocturen:l. Bostik/Hydroment.2. C-Cure Chemicol Co., Inc.3. Custom Building Producls4. Loticrefe Inlemotionol. lnc.5. Approved Subsfitute Portlond cemenl Mortor: l:3 Porllond cemenl/sond gouged wifh c-cure Lofex Admix or opproved substifule. Mix os recommended by monufqciurer. Bond coot Neof Porilond cement gouged with C-Cure Crete or opproved substilufe. Lofex-Porflond cemenl Mortor (Thin-sel): ANsl I18.4; c-cure crele ond c-cure crefe Powder. Groul: C-Cure M-P Grout. Mix os recommended by monufoclurer. Color os selected by Owner. E. EporyMortorondGrouf (ThinSet): ANSI All8.3,C-CureColorSelEporyl0O. Groutcolor os selecled by Archifeci. 2.03 E(PANSION JOINT SEALANT RDA|23048.00I l A' Floors: Two componenl self-leveling seolont complying with FS TI-S0O227E. Color tomofch floor grout. B. Wolls: Silicone to molch groul. 2.O4 MISCELLANEOUSMATERIALS A. Troweled on Woferproofing System: C-Cure Ultro Cure woterproof membrone wifh floshing unil. B. sfone Tile Seoler: silicone bosed seoler qs recommended by sfone supplier. PART 3 - EXECUTION I I l I I I 3.01 A. INSTALLATION Tile Floors - Thin Set Insfollotion On Concrele Slobs on Grode: Instoll, grout. cleon, prote, :tond cure in conformonce wifh TCA Hondbook Method Fl l3 ond ANSI AlO8.5 using lofex-Portlond cemenl mortor. Slob sholl be free of curing compound or olher contominotesbefore proceeding. lile Floors - Thin sel Inslqllotion of Gypsum Morfor Bed: Instoll, grout, cleon, protecl ondcure in conformonce with TcA Hondbook Method F122ond ANst etog.s using soundisolqiion ond flexible Lotex-Portlond Cemeni Mortor ond Lolex-porilond Cement Groutrecommended by the monufocfurer for obove-grqde instollofions. Tile Floors - Portlond cemenf Mortor Bed Instollqtion: Insloll groul, cleon, prolecl ondcureinconformoncewithTCAHondbookMethodFlll orFll2ondANSi AlOg.l. lnstoll lile reinforcing mesh in mortqr bed. Woll lile ond Bose - Instollotion Over Gypsum Boord: Insloll woll tile using ihe ihin setmelhod. Insloll, grout. cleon, protecl ond cure in conformonce with TC-A Hondbook Method W243 ond ANSI A108.5 using lotex porflond cement moriqr. lile ond Bose - Insfollolion Over Cementilious Boord: Instolt woll tile using the thin setmethod. Insloll, groul, cleon, prolecl ond cure in conformonce with TC-A HondbookMethod V1244 ond ANSI A108.5 using lofex-porilond cemenf mortor. Iile showers: lnsloll. grouf, cleon. prolect in conformonce with TCA Hondbook MethodB4l5 in conjunction with Meihod W244. Tile counler Tops over cemenlilious Bocker units: Instoll, grout, cleon, profecl ond cure in conformonce with TCA Hondbook Method C5l3 ond ANS| AlO8.5 using Lolex porflond Cemenl Mortor ond 100% solids epory groul. EXPANSION AND CONTROL JOINTS Generol: Comply with oll requirements of TCA Hqndbook Method EJl7l. I B. c. D. F. G. s.o2 A, RDA| 23048.00 I t I I DtvtstoN 9 - FlNtsHEs Generol Requiremenls: Generol Conditions, Supplemenlory Condifions ond Division I - Generol Requirements opply fo work of this division. SECTION 09250 GYPSUM BOARD I PARTT-GENERALtI.OI SUMMARY I A. Seciion Includes: r PART2-PRODUCTSa) _ 2.O1 |NTER|OR MATERTALS U A. Gypsum Boord:L Fire Rofed: 5/B'Firecode ftype X). All gypsum boord. I 2. Moislure Resisfonf: USG WR. Use of oll both wolls nol tiled. t 3. Cemenfifious: Wonderboord or USG Durock. Use behind lile of shower sunounds ond for counlertops ond bocksploshes os specified in Section 06400. t 4.tile Bocking Boord: Georgio Pocific Dens-Glos Tile Bocker Boord. Use behind oll wo1 , ond ceiling lile excepl ol shower wolls. a B. Accessories: I l. Trim: USG No.20OB. Use l-l/2 inch rodius Beqdex trim os oll ouiside comers.r! 2. Fosleners: Drywoll noils or screws.3. Acousticol Seolonf: USG Acousticol Seolont4. Acousticol lnsulotion: See Section 09800.5. Resilient Funing Chonnels: USG resilienl funing chonnels. I C. Finishing Moleriots: I L JointTope: USGSheehockJointTope.- 2. Adhesive: USG SheetrockSetting Type Durobond Joint Compound. - 3. Texfure: USG Texture or occepfed substitute. Iu PART3-EXEcuTtoN t 3.or TNsTALLATToNIA. Generol: Apply ond finish in occordonce with Gypsum Associolion GA 216. InsiollI resilient chonnels ol oll lower floor ceilings. ,- B. Sound Insulolion: Instoll in oll interior portilions. Fit fighl fo odjoining work ond odjoining - insulofion for o tighl enclosure free from open joints-crocks ond voids. J 2 RDAr23o4B.oo I l T I I T t I I I T I I I n E. F. \J. H. J. Loyout: Apply woll ponels verticolly full height. Apply ceiling ponels in os long lengths osprocficol fo keep joints lo o minimum. Fqsleners: Apply boords to wood froming with noils or screws.L Lower Level ceilings: screw lo resilient funing chonnels. see section 09g00. Moisture Resislont: Apply WR seolonl io cut edges ond foslenen heods. cementiiious Boord: Apply to wood sluds qnd fope joints os recommended. Cut Holes: Holes for eleclricql devices, pipes, elc. sholl not exceed size of cover plote oresculcheon. Repoir ovenize hole with new ponel of gypsum boord; spockle filling will nofbe permilfed. Trim: Apply ol comers, where drywoll obuts dissimilor moleriols ond qs indicoted. Acouslicol seolonl: Apply ot oll edges ond penelroiions of gypsum boord of wqlls contoining sound insulotion. Finishing: Finish joinls ond fqsfener dimples os recommended by monufoclurer. GA Level 4 finish. Texturing: Provide skip troweled skim cool lexture, light to medium. where indicofed.l. Priming: Gypsum boord sholl be prime cooled underSeclion 09900 before fexluring on l0O percenl of coveroge. PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Secfion Includes:l. Ceromic floor tile.2. Ceromic woll lile.3. Cerqmic tile bose.4. Nolurol slone file.5. Tile for counlertops. 1.O2 REFERENCES A. Reference Slondords: Compty wifh the following slondords:l. InsiollotionSpecificolions: I I t I I T I l ANS| At08.tA-1999 ANS|Al08.5-1999 ANS| A108.9-1999 ANS|Al08.lGl999 RDA|23048.00 Insfollqtion of Ceromic lile in lhe Wet-Sei Mefhod wifh Portlond Cement Mortor Ceromic lile Inslolled wiih Dry-Set porilond Cemenl Mortor or Lofex-Portlond Cement Mortor Ceromic lile Inslolled with Modified Epoxy Emulsion Morlor/Grout Inslollolion of Groul in Tilework I t I I I t 2. MoteriolSpecificotions: ANSTAI l8.l-1999 ANS|AI18.4-1999 ANSTAI18.6-1999 ANS|At 18.&1999 Dry-Set Portlond Cemenl Mortor Lotex-Portlond Cemenf Mortqr Ceromic Tile Grouls Modified Epory Emulsion Mortor/Grouf ANSI Al37.l-1988 Ceromic lile3. Iile Council of Americo, lnc. (TCA): 20@ Hondbook for Ceromic Tile Instollotion. I.O3 SUBMMALS A. Product Doio: Submif cololog doto for oll setfing, grouting ond miscelloneous moferiols in occordonce with Section 01300. B. Somples: Submit complete somples of tile ond groul lo Archilect for color selection in occordqnce with Secfion 01300. PART 2 - PRODUCTS c. D. I I I I I t I t I T 2.O1 A. B. 2.02 A. ceromic lile: ANsl A137.1 buff body, opproximotely s/16" fhickness, cushion edges with brighf gloze or molle gloze finish os selecled.l. Monufoclurer ond Colors: As selected by Owner/Architect .2. cove Bose: To mofch woll file. bctend 5" up lhe woll. where no woll tile is presenl, provide bullnose ol top of bose. Noturol Slone lile: As selecled by Owner/Archiiect. SETTING AND GROUTING MATERIALS Acceptoble Mqnufocturen:l. Bostik/Hydroment.2. C-Cure Chemicol Co., Inc.3. Custom Building Producls4. Loticrefe Inlemotionol. lnc.5. Approved Subsfitute Portlond cemenl Mortor: l:3 Porllond cemenl/sond gouged wifh c-cure Lofex Admix or opproved substifule. Mix os recommended by monufqciurer. Bond coot Neof Porilond cement gouged with C-Cure Crete or opproved substilufe. Lofex-Porflond cemenl Mortor (Thin-sel): ANsl I18.4; c-cure crele ond c-cure crefe Powder. Groul: C-Cure M-P Grout. Mix os recommended by monufoclurer. Color os selected by Owner. E. EporyMortorondGrouf (ThinSet): ANSI All8.3,C-CureColorSelEporyl0O. Groutcolor os selecled by Archifeci. 2.03 E(PANSION JOINT SEALANT RDA|23048.00I l A' Floors: Two componenl self-leveling seolont complying with FS TI-S0O227E. Color tomofch floor grout. B. Wolls: Silicone to molch groul. 2.O4 MISCELLANEOUSMATERIALS A. Troweled on Woferproofing System: C-Cure Ultro Cure woterproof membrone wifh floshing unil. B. sfone Tile Seoler: silicone bosed seoler qs recommended by sfone supplier. PART 3 - EXECUTION I I l I I I 3.01 A. INSTALLATION Tile Floors - Thin Set Insfollotion On Concrele Slobs on Grode: Instoll, grout. cleon, prote, :tond cure in conformonce wifh TCA Hondbook Method Fl l3 ond ANSI AlO8.5 using lofex-Portlond cemenl mortor. Slob sholl be free of curing compound or olher contominotesbefore proceeding. lile Floors - Thin sel Inslqllotion of Gypsum Morfor Bed: Instoll, grout, cleon, protecl ondcure in conformonce with TcA Hondbook Method F122ond ANst etog.s using soundisolqiion ond flexible Lotex-Portlond Cemeni Mortor ond Lolex-porilond Cement Groutrecommended by the monufocfurer for obove-grqde instollofions. Tile Floors - Portlond cemenf Mortor Bed Instollqtion: Insloll groul, cleon, prolecl ondcureinconformoncewithTCAHondbookMethodFlll orFll2ondANSi AlOg.l. lnstoll lile reinforcing mesh in mortqr bed. Woll lile ond Bose - Instollotion Over Gypsum Boord: Insloll woll tile using ihe ihin setmelhod. Insloll, grout. cleon, protecl ond cure in conformonce with TC-A Hondbook Method W243 ond ANSI A108.5 using lotex porflond cement moriqr. lile ond Bose - Insfollolion Over Cementilious Boord: Instolt woll tile using the thin setmethod. Insloll, groul, cleon, prolecl ond cure in conformonce with TC-A HondbookMethod V1244 ond ANSI A108.5 using lofex-porilond cemenf mortor. Iile showers: lnsloll. grouf, cleon. prolect in conformonce with TCA Hondbook MethodB4l5 in conjunction with Meihod W244. Tile counler Tops over cemenlilious Bocker units: Instoll, grout, cleon, profecl ond cure in conformonce with TCA Hondbook Method C5l3 ond ANS| AlO8.5 using Lolex porflond Cemenl Mortor ond 100% solids epory groul. EXPANSION AND CONTROL JOINTS Generol: Comply with oll requirements of TCA Hqndbook Method EJl7l. I B. c. D. F. G. s.o2 A, RDA| 23048.00 I tt sEcTtoN 09s84 STONE COUNTERTOPS A PARTI-GENERAL !. I.OI SUMMARY I A. Section Inctudes:! l. Slone slob countertops. I r.o2 suBMTTTALs .I A. Shop Drowings: Submil in occordonce wilh Seclion 01300. Include loyout, onchoring, I jointing qnd sink qnd trim openings. r|I.O3 QUALITY ASSURANCE I A. Applicolor Quolificotions: Compony speciolilng in cul stone ond lile instolloiion.!' l. Experience: Confinuously insfoiled cut sfonl ond lile in Stole of Colorodo for f,ve yeors. I PART2- PRODUCTS I 2.O1 STONE I A' Countertop: Slob gronile. Single piece full length of counlerwherever possible. Locoie t joinls onlywhere shlown on opproved shop drowings. I l. Thickness: 2 inch.. Edge: As direcled by Architect. S 3. Finish: polished, Seoled. - 2.02 SETTING AND GROUTING MATERIALS I A. Adhesive: ANSI Al36.l-1999. Type os recommended by slone supplier.I _ B. Cleoner: Lolicreie TC-500. I C. Seoler: Silicone bosed seoler os recommended by stone supplier. r 2.03 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL t Owner must opprove octuol slobs ol shop before slobs moy be shipped fo job site. I PART3-EXEcuTroNll 3.OI INSTALLATION !, A. Slone Counlertops: Lominole % inch slone slob to cementifious boord orl,inch plyarood using stone supplier,s recommended qdhesive. r I RDAr23o4€t.oo I .- 3.O2 CTEANING A. Slone: Keep foce of slone free of morlor ot oll iimes.l. Afler joint poinling, corefully cleon wilh Lolicrete TC-SOO opplied occording to monuf qclurer's inslructions.2. Use of wire brushes or of ocid not olloweo. PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Secfion lncludes:L Inlerior slone flooring. I.O2 REFERENCES ' A. Unless olherwise indicoted, comply with oll opplicoble reguiremenfs of Loticrete Doto Sheei 240.1 ond Tile Council of Americo 2000 Hqndbook for Ceromic Tile Inslollotion- I.O3 SUBMITTALS A. Somples: Submit somples of flooring proposed for use showing extreme voriotions in color ond lexlure. B. Product Doto: Submil produci dqto on oll setting, grouting ond cleoning moteriols. I.O4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conlroclor Quolificqfions: Flooring subconlroctor musl hove ql leqst five (5) yeon experience in lhe instollotion of slone flooring projects. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.O1 STONE FLOORING UNITS AND ACCESSORIES A. Moteriol: Flogstone povers to molch exferior.l. Size: Rondom, tomotch exledorstonepoving. SeeSeciionO2Z96.2. Thickness; l-ll2 inches. 2.O2 MORTAR AND GROUT A. Portlond cement Mortor Bed Instollolion: Insfoll grout, cleon, profect, qnd cure in conformonce with TCA Hondbook Method Fl4l over concrele iopping slob ond Fl | 2 over concrele slob-ongrode, ond ANSI A I 08. I A. Instoll tile reinforcing mesh in mortor bed. I t l t I I t t I I I I , I I I I I I RDA|23048.00 t II B. Groul: Loticrete Dry Bond Grout ond Joint Filler or opproved equol gouged with Lalicrete #3701 Grout ond Mortor Admix. Mexicon Trqveriine, with consisteni color onda texlure.. a C. Mixing proportions ond procedures sholl be in sfrict occordonce wilh recommendolions I of Lolicrete Dofo Shee+ 2/0.1. I 2.o3 .LEANER I A. Lolicrete Tc-soo PART 3 - EXECUTION I 3.OI INSTALLATION I A. Thick Bed Insiollotion: Insfoll flooring occording to thick bed setting mqteriols ond I methods specified in Loticrele Doto Sheet 240.1. Bock butter eoch unil before seffing.- Insloll in pottems indicoted with I /4" joinfs between units. t 3.02 GRourNG AND cLEANTNGI A. Groufing: I l. Groul joints qs soon os iniliol sel or selting bed is ochieved. Grouf joints sholl beI pumped full using groul gun or poinling gun ond struck flush. t B. Cleoning: Remove groul hoze wilh grout ond lile cleoner opplied ond removed os- recommended by the monufoclurer. ll- sEcTtoN 09640 wooD FLOORTNG I PART r-cENERALI I.OI SUMMARY I A. Seclion Includes:l. Wood flooring over 3/4' plyarood sheothing over gypsum topping ond hydronic heoling. I 2. Woodflooring over3/4' plparoodsheofhingoverconcreteslob-on-grode. _ 1.O2 SUBMITTALS t A. Produci Dolo: Submit monufoclurer's instollofion instructions if requesfed by Architect. I B. Finish Somples: Prepore somples of selected finish ond submif lor opprovol. Remqke , somples unlil o solisfocfory finish is obioined. I I RDAr23o4B.oo ! I.O3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. lnstoller Quolificoiions: Wood flooring lo be instolled ond finished by o conlroctor with ot leost five yeors experience in the inslqllolion ond finishing of wood floors. Evidence of experience sholl be ovoiloble on requesl. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 FLOORING A. Species ond Type: Oqk. #2 Grode. One of lhe following os selected by Owner/Archilecl. l. while ook, rondom width 5 inch. 7 inch ond g inch plonks, fteld finished. B' Sizes: % inch by rqndom widths in equol lineor footoges. T&G, V-groove, finished on sile.l. Minimum Length: 36 inch.2- Eosed edges or eosed edge perpendiculor slrip ot tronsilions io coroet. C. Moisture contenl of Delivery: Minimum S%, moximum l0% 2.02 SUBFLOOR A. Sheothing:l. Structurol Plywood Subfloor: See Section06100.2. Plyarood Sheofhing Under Wood Flooring: % inch ACX plyarood. B. Gypsum Topping Slob With Rodiont Heoling System.l. Topping: See Section 03541.2. Rodionl Heoling Syslem: Division lS Mechonicol. C. Sleepers; lx4 wood sleepers recessed in topping slob os indicofed. D. Rosin Poperslip sheet As recommended by wood flooring monufocturer. 2.03 FINISH MATERIALS A. Filler: Wood poste filler. B. Sfoin: As selecled by Architect. C. Finish: 2 coots Pocific Slrong floor finish. PART 3 - E(ECUTION 3.OI PREPARATION A. Vopor Retorder: Insloll over concrefe topping under Secfion 02260. B. Plywood Sheothing: Blind noil to sleepers in concrete topping through vopor relorder inoccordonce with NWFA recommendolions. RDA|23048.00 I I I I I T I T I I T I T I B. I I I I I I I i 3.O2 A. B. 3.O2 A. 3.03 A. INSTALLATION OF FLOORING Rosin Poper: Cover plywood subfloor lo receive wood flooring wilh rosin poper slip sheel. Lop oll edges 6" minimum. Flooring: Loy finish flooring in direciions directed by Architect ond blind noil os required. lf desired by ihe flooring conlroctor, bosed upon his judgment, melol spocers moy oe used befween strips ol iniervols fo eliminote the possibility ol cupping. Provide exponsion spoce of perimeter os required. SANDING Sonding: 1. Afler flooring is loid, ollow lo sil for o minimum of fwo weeks before sonding or finishing. 2. Sond floors only ofler oll olher lrodes in the oreo ore completed. FINISHING Generol: 1. Floor ftnishing sholl be done by the flooring subconlroctor.2. Prior to opplicolions of finish. sweep floor lhoroughly wiih bristle brush fo remove oll dusl form crqcks. Wipe floor cleon with clolh thol is tocky (by immersing in penetroting seol, wringing out ond leoving lo dry until focky). Flooring: Apply finish qs follows: First Cool Second Cool Third Coqt Fourth Cool Pqste Filler Wood Stoin Pocific Slrong Finish Pocific Slrong Finish T I I I I I Burnish wilh steel wool belween coots. 3.04 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Following finishing, vocuum oll wood floor oreos ond provide protection ftom domoge. B. Wood flooring moleriol sholl be protected ogoinst excessive chonges in moisture conlent during delivery, storoge, hondling ond instollolion up lo dote of substontiol compleiion of the projecf. Moisiure conlenl sholl be moinloined between 5% ond l0% during this period ond is subject io field checking by the Architect. Moteriols exceeding l0% moislure conlenl ore subject lo rejection ond replocement qt the Confroclor's expense. SECTION 09680 CARPET PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Seclion Includes RDA|23048.00I I L Floor corpeling ond pod. SUBMITTALS somples: submil full ronge of 12" x 12" minimum size somples of eoch corpel type for Owner's selection or verificolion. seoming Diogrom: Before storting instollotion, submil o loyout indicoting oll seoms inoccordonce with Section 01300. Instollqfion Instrucfions: Before beginning insfollolion. submit monufocfurer's wrillen recommended instollofion procedures for porliculor corpet ond pod ond instollolion conditions. I I T 1.O2 A. B. c. I I I I I I Ii I I t I t 1 I PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Corpet ond Pod: To be selecied by Owner..l. Pod: % inch fhickness. Tockless Strip: Kintrim siondord tockless slrip or equol. Edging: l. ApprovedMonufoclurers: o. Mercer Plostics Compony Inc.b. Johnson Rubber Compony (Johnsonite).c. Roppe Rubber Corporolion.d. ApprovedSubstitufe.2. Exposed corpel Edge: Mercer lmperiol sized for corpet ond pod thickness.3. Colon: Selected by Architect. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. Loyout: Loy oul sheet goods so thot wherever possible, seoms ore eliminoted or held loo minimum in high iroffic oreos. B. Generol: Instoll corpel ond pod in occordonce with monufocfure/s recommendofions. Unsotisfoctory instollqtion resulting from work performed which is not in occordonce wilhthe monufoclurer's recommendqtions sholl be lhe responsibility of lhe corpet instollerond moy result in lhe removql ond re-loying of corpet ond pod ol lhe expense of iheinstoller. Porticulor oftenlion should be poid to recommendolions for opplicotion of floorpod, corpei ond seoming. C. Seoms: Butl corpel moteriol tighily together forseoms wilhout gops. D. Edging: lnsloll corpel edging ol oll exposed corpet edges. Locofe under doors wherecorpet stops in door openings. Provide wood lhresholds where required or indicoted onfhe Drowings. RDA|23048.00 B. t t I I I t I I I I I I I I I T I t I 3.02 CLEANING A. After instollotion is complele, cleon up dirt ond debris ond cleon corpef of spols w1h cleoning ogenls recommended by ihe monufoclurer. Remove loose fhreods with shorp scisson fhen cleon wilh vocuum cleoner. B. Remove rubbish, wropping poper, solvoges, etc. from the job site. PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Seclion Includes:l. Sfoin oll exlerior surfoces nof specificolly excluded.2. Poinf or noturor finish o[ interior surfoces not specificoly excruded. B. Exclusions: In oddifion to moteriol obvioudy nol requiring point such os gloss, floor. lile, elc. do nol point or finish:l. Surfoces indicoled by the finish schedule lo remoin unfinished.2. Foctory finished surfoces.3. Copper floshing. 1.O2 SUBMITTALS A. ColorSchedule: The Inlerior Designerwill provide q colorschedule in four copies to lhe Controclor listing poini colors selecled. Color seleclions will be mode by the Iniedor Designer from color syslems of recognized point compony. lf moteriols of other monufocfurers ore used, colorc musl mqtch fhose selecled. B. Point ond Sloin Somples: lf requesled by Intedor Designer, prepore ond submit poinl ond stoin somples. Remoke somples uniil occepted. C' Mqleriol List: lmmedioiety ofter oword of the conlroct submit o leller listing fhe brondond quolity of eoch ditfereni moteriol for use on fhe project. Moteriols lisl shqll be occepled by the Architecl before ordedng moleriols. I.O3 PROJECTCONDITIONS A' Existing Condifions: Spoces musf be cleon before finishing is slorted. Do nol finish rooms orspoces where rubbish hos occumuloted orwhile rubbish is being removed. Finishing Wll nol be ollowed in dusty rooms. Do nol remove rubbish while finish is fresh. Surfocei fo which finish is lo be opplied sholl be dry ond cleon. B' Environmenlol Requiremenls: Do not finish oulside surfoces in exlreme cold, frosty, foggy, or domp weofher. In winter weofher, finish only when lhe lemperolure is 500 F or ovei - ond surfoces ore qbsolulely dry. Exterior poinling sholl nof be ollowed while dust is blowing. RDAI23048.00 I I IPART 2. PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A- Accepfoble Mqnufociurers: The besl quolity moteriols os monufoclured by ony of the following monufocfurers will be occeptoble:l. For 8rush, Roller or Sproy work:o. Pittsburgh b. Sherwin-Williomsc. Benjomin Moored. lCl Duluxf. Kelley-Moore S. Diomond Vogelh. Wellborn/Dunn-Edwords i. Kwql Howelsj. Sophir Monisk. Approved Subslilute2. Inferior Stoin ond Vornish: shenvin-wllioms Inc. or opproved subsiilule.3. Exledor Sfqin: Okon or opproved substitute B. Quolity: All producls not specified by nome sholl be "best grode" or "firsl line,,producls orocceptoble monufoclurers. See Porl 3 Execution for moleriols required for this project. Where possible, moleriols sholl be of o single monufqclurer. PART 3 - EXECUTION I t I l I I 3.0r A. B. 3.02 A. EXAMINATION Verificofion of Condifions: Exomine surfoces scheduled to receive poinf ond finishes for condifions ihot will odveaely offecf execulion, permonence or quolily of work qnd whichconnol be pul info on occeploble condilion through preporotory work os included under Preporolion. Report unsolisfoctory condilions to lhe Generol Conirocior in writing with copy to lhe Archifect. Acceplonce: Beginning of opplicotion meons occeptonce of existing surfoces. PREPARATION Generol:l. Sond finishes on wood ond melol surfoces between coots to ossure smoothness ond odhesion of subsequent coots. Use exlro fine sondpoper to ovoid cuiling the edgeswhen sonding. Apply putty or spockling compound olter surfqces ore primed ondprimer is dry. Bring moleriol flush with odjoining surfoces.2- Surfoces sholl be perfectly dry, cleon ond smooth before slorting work. Fill crqcks, holes or checks full ond moke smooth before finish is opplied fo surfoces. Fill ony crqcks, efc.. which occur ofter wolls ore sized. Inierior Wood surfoces to be Pointed: Remove sop on surfoce by solvenl-wiping. Touch_ up ond knots wiih on opproved seoler. Fill voids wilh o high quotity, leod-free p-ste wood filler ofter primer is dry. I I I I I t I tB. I T RDA|23048.00 I T I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I C. Fenous Melol: Remove foreign moleriol from unprimed meJol with wire brush ond dust. cleon. D. Shop Primed Metols: Touch-up shop primed metols wilh o primersimilor to the existing. Sond shop pimer on hollow metol work immediofely before poinling lo remove greoie ond dirt film from surfoces. E' Zinc Cooted Metol (Golvonized Surfoces): Wosh with minerol spirits ond prime os specified. F. Inlerior Wood lo be Cleor Finished: Sqnd os required. Fill voids ond noil holes ofter firct coof is dry using o filler compotible with the finish q/slem ond molching color. G. Prolection: Furnish ond loy drop cloths or mosk off oreos where ftnishing is being done lo prolect floon ond other work from domoge during the execution of work. Where il becomes necessory lo remove temporory coverings ploce by olhen, reploce some in proper monner. H. Remove oily rogs ond wosfe from lhe building every nighl. Do nol ollow to occumulole. l. Domoge to Work of Olhen: Be responsible for ony domoge done to lhe work of other lrodes, repoiring some lo lhe solisfoction of the Architeci. Reploce ony moteriols domoged lo such on exfent thot they cqnnof be restored lo their originol condition. 3.03 WORKMANSHIP A. Existing Surfoces: lf the surfoces ore not in proper shope for poinling, repoir, rebuild or refinish before proceeding with the work. Be responsible for ony poor work coused by improper surfoces. 'lhe opplicotion of the first coof does not relieve the responsibility for lhe bose. Do nof opply ony coofs on either domp or wel surfoces ond in no cose until fhe preceding coof is dry ond hord. B. Applicolion: Spreod moleriols evenly wifhouf runs or sogging of moleriols ond thoroughly brush oul. Sond work between coois. C. Wood Doors: Finish fhe upper ond lower edges of wood doors the some os ihe foce. Do lhis work ofler doors hove been fiiled ond ore reody for finol honging. D. Colors: Finish coot sholl be color os selected by Architect. Tint primers to motch finish cool. E. Roller Applicotion: Where poinl or enomel is rolled on, use o fine nop roller so o neorly flof or oronge peel fexture is obloined. 3.04 COATING SYSTEM - INTERIOR Minimum of fhe Following: A. Woodwork ond Wood Doors - Sloined: Apply preporotion coot os required. First Coot RDA| 23048.00 Wood Stoin os selecled by Inferior Designer. T Second Cool Third Cool Firsl Coot Second Cool Third Coof First Coot Second Coof Third Coot D. Drywoll Wolls - Pointed: Finf Coot Texluring under Section 09250 Second Coof Third Cool Second Coot Third Coot 3.05 COATING SYSTEM - EXTERIOR Minimum of lhe Following: A. Fenous Metols - Poinied: Fint Coot Second Coot Third Cooi Sqnd with No. 00 sondpoper between coots. B. Woodwork ond Wood Doors - Pointed: Polyurelhone Vornish Polyurethone Vornish Suifoble Primer Enomel Undercool Semi-Gloss Enomel Suiioble Primer or Foctory-Prime Cool Enomel Undercool Semi-Gloss Enomel Suitoble Primer Lofex Enomel, Eggshell Lotex Enomel, Eggshell Lolex, Flot Lofex, Flol Foclory Prime Coot orSuitoble primer Alkyd Semi-Gloss Enomel, bderior Alkyd Semi-Gloss Enomel, Exterior Golvonized lron Primer Alkyd Semi-Gloss Enomel, Exlerior Alkyd Semi-Gloss Enomel, Exterior Okon Weotherpro Stoin/Preservolive Okon Weotherpro Sloin/Preservolive C. Fenous, Zinc Cooted or Fqctory-Primed Metols - pqinled: I I I I I I T t l I t T I t I I I t T E. Drywoll Ceilings - Poinled: Fint Coot Suitoble primer Texfuring under Section 09250 B. Zinc Coofed Metol (Golvonized) - Pointed: First Coot Second Coot Third Cooi C. Wood Foscios, Soffils, Roilings ond Trim - Stoined Fint Cooi Second Coot 3.06 MISCELLANEOUSREQUIREMENTS 4. Mechonicol Piping ond Ducfwork: Wherever insulofed pipe or ductwork occurs in rooms where wolls ore finished, cover convos jocket with one cool seoler ond two coqfs flolwoll poinl. Wherever uninsuloled piping or ductwork occurs in rooms where wolls ore finished or elsewhere qs colled for, finish pipes os colled for under fenous lnc cooled. orfoclory primed metols. See Division l5 for identificolion morkings. RDA| 23048.00 I T I I I I I I Grilles, Registen ond Louven: Prime coofed grilles. regislen ond louve6,.excepl those bufll permonently inlo mosonry, will be delivered fo this conlroctor by fhe porfy funishing some. They sholl be sproy pointed in colors os direcled thoroughly covedng oll sr,rrfoces visible ofler insfollofion ond refurned to fhe supplier for instollofion. Afler instollofion, do such fouch up of screws ond scuffed spols or repointing os required to ochieve o uniformpointiob. END OF DIVISION 9 RDA|23048.00 I t I DIVISION IO - SPECIALTIES Generol Requiremenls: Generol Conditions, Supplementory Conditions ond Division I - Generol Requiremenfs opply fo work of this division. PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section includes:l. Prefobricotedfireplqceinserts.2. Sleel flues.3. Accessories. B. Reloted Sections:l. Mosonry Fireploces: Section O4gg0. I.O2 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Requirements of Regulotory Agencies: Fireploces ond occessories musl be listed ond opproved by Underwriten Loborotories, Inc. ond the Intemotionol Conference of Building Officiols. Unils, flues ond insfollofion sholl meet building code requirements referenced in Division l. B. Reference Stondords: Comply with NFpA Slondord No. 2l l. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI FIREPLACE SPECIALTIES AND ACCESSORIES A- Fireploce Inserts: Fireploce kits with gos inserts ond zero cleqronce vents. B. Accessories: All Fireplqces with Inserts lo hove: 'l . Oufside Combustion Air Kits. Include 4" diomeler oir inlel locoted below insert deck ond recesed in stonework os indicofed.2. Zero-Cleoronce Kit.3. Remofe Control: Include LCD on/otf thermoslolic fimer, with botleries.4. Trim Kit As selecled by Architecl from Monufocturer's siondords. 2.02 FTUES AND FLUE ACCESSORIES A. Accepioble Monufocturers: By Insert Monufocturer. B. Type: Top venl 4" flue including:l. Flue Seclions2. WollSuppori Kif3. RoofSupport RDA|23048.00 I I I I I I I i t I t l t I I J 4. Anchor Ploie5. Wire mesh spork oneslor lype ferminolion unless olherwise indicoted on Drowings.6. Terminotion Cop, high wind type. C. CopperFlueTop: Seclion0T610Sheet Mefol Roofing. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3,OI INSTALLATION A. Instoll fireploce, flue ond occessories qccording to opproved shop drowings ond producl dofo monufocturer's inslqlloiion inslruclions. Moinfoin oll required cleoronces to combuslible moledols. B. Gos Service: By Design-Build Mechonicol Conlroctor. PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUBMITTALS A. Product Doto: Submit in occordonce wilh Section 01300. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.O1 BATH ACCESSORIES A. Acceptoble Monufocturers ond Typesl. Moster Bofh: To be selected by Owner/Architect.2. Other Boths: To be selecled by Owner/Architecl. B. Accessories Supplied by Owner for Instollolion By Confroctor:l. TissueHolders: I perwoterclosef. 2. Robe Hook. As indicofed.3. Towel Bors. 2 per both unless indicoted otherwise.4. Toothbrush Holder: I per lovoiory. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. Generol: Securely insloll os indicoled. Ensure proper blocking hos been instolled. B. Locotions: Provide ol eoch bqih in number ond locotions indicoted on Interior Elevolions on Drowings. I i t t I I t I I I I t I I t I I I I RDA|23048.00 I T PART I -GENERAL I I.OI SUMMARY t A. Section Includes: r L Shower doors ond enclosures. | 2. Tub enclosures. - 1.O2 SUBMITTALS t A. Shop Drowings ond Producl Dofo: Submit product dofo for oll doors.ond enclosures. Submit shop drowings for oll custom unils.I I PART2-PRODUCTS - 2.O1 MANUFACTURERS !'r A. Acceptoble Monufoclurers:l. Ace Shower Door Co., Inc. I 2. CenluryShowerDoor- 3. Keyslone Shower Doors . 4. Approved Substitule | 2.o2 DooRs AND ENcLosuREs I A. Doors ond Enclosures: t l. Mosler Bofh: Provide Euro slyle fromeless type gloss enclosures qs indicofed on - 2. B"illt11'n$ Potished chrome fromed rypes os indicored on Drowings. 17 B. Gloss: l/2 inch cleor, fempered glos. I c. Hordwore: , ' l. Pewlerorchrome hinges.2. 18" hondle bolh sides.It PART3- DGCUT|ON I 3.Or TNSTALLATTON I Insloll occording lo monufoclureis instruclions ond opproved shop drowings. Adjust to - work freely with oll hordwore functioning properly. Reodjusl ol complelion of job if I direcfed by Architect. I END OF DtVtStON l0 I I I RDAr23o48.oo ! a I I t T I I I I I t I I I T DIVISION II-EQUIPMENT Generol Requirements: Generol Conditions, Supplementory Condilions ond Division I - Generol Requiremenls opply to work of this division. SECTION I I45I RESIDENTIAL APPLIANCES PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Seclion Includes:l. Kitchen opplionces.2. Loundry opplionces. B. Relofed Seclions:l. Cobinets: Seciion 06400 Architeclurol Woodwo*. C. Plumbing ond Ductwork Hook-Up: Division l5 Mechqnicol. D. Electricql Hook-Up: Division l6 Electricol. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI APPLIANCES As selecled by Owner. PART3- EGCUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. Applionces: Inslqll in cosework occording lo monufoclurer's instruclions. Plumbing ond duciwork connections ond elecfricol hookup will be provided under Divisions l5 ond I 6. B. Electricol Hook-up: By Eleclricol Confroclor. SECTION I I454 STEAM SHOWER EQUIPMENT PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Seclion Includes:L Steom shower equipmenl for steom room os indicoted. B. Reloled Sections: | . Electricol Hook-Up: Division 16 Electricol. RDAt23048.00 I I l I I I 2. Plumbing Hook-Up: Division l5Mechonicol.3. Steom Room: Section 13041 . 1,02 SUBMITTALS A. Product Dolo: Submit in occordonce with Section 0]300. ond monufoclurer's instollolion instructions. Include rough-in diogroms PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 STEAM GENERATOR AND RELATED EQUIPMENT A. Generolor: Helo Souno ond Steom Model HSX€O residenfiol sleom generolor oroccepted substifute.l. Voltoge: 240V. B. Conlrols: Helo SX 60 low voltoge on/off swilch. C. Accessories: Provide bros sleom outlel heod. woter feed, pressure relief volve, condensole drip pon qnd droin. Fumish occess ponel for occess lo sleom generolor os specified in Seclion 08310. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EQUIPMENTINSTALLATION A. Instqll occording to monufocturer's inslruclions. Confroclor sholl be responsible for design ond instollotion of complele ond functioning sleom syslem including plumbing, eleciricol ond conlrol systems. Mounl generolor in Mechonicol Room os indicoled. - Provide 3/4" copper wofer supply I /2' copper oir gop io droin ond copper steom pipe. No golvonized pipe or fittings. No dips or lrops in sleom line. B. Finol plumbing ond electricol connections by mechonicol ond eleclricol confrocton. END OF DIVISION I I I I I I I T T I I I I I I I I I T I I RDAI23048.00 I I DtVtStON l4 - CONVEYTNG SYSTEMS I Generol Requirements: Generol Condilions, Supplemenlory Conditions ond Division I - Generol I Requiremenls opply to work of this division. t sEcTtoN 14120 ELEcTRtc pUMBWA|TER , PARTI-GENERAL J I.OI SUMMARY I A. Section Includes: t l. Electric dumbwoifer.2. Access ponel for servicing molor. I B. Reloted Sections:l. Division l6 - Electricol: I 3: 5l:ii[t':::13?r:lii'i;.. rhe powermoins ro eoch conrro,ersisnolI equipment feeders os required, including necessory circuit breoiers ond fused moinline disconnecl switches. I c. Elecfric power for conslruclion, testing ond odjusting, of the someI chorocleristics os fhe permonenl supply.2. Access Ponel: Section 08210 Wood Doors. t 1.02 REFERENCES ra A. Reference Slondords: Complywith: I l. ANSI Al7.l Sofety Code for Elevotors, Escolotors ond Dumbwoilers. I.O3 SYSTEMDESCRIPTION I A. Descriplion of System: Woupoco Poco-Woiter or opproved substitute Number ond Type One (l) pre-engineered drum type per uniiI Floors Served Lower Level lo Moin LevelIIt trovet 10,_6" Number Londings 2 t Number Openings I I Power Supply Verify voltoge' Copocily 250 lbs. minimum _ Minimum Up Speed 50 feel per minule full lood up I CqrSize Stondqrd for hoistwoy indicoted on Drowings.f Operotion Pushbutlon outomotic coll ond send Cob Finish Sfoinless steel t Hoislwoy Enlronce Sloinless steel a Signols Door Open coll buzzer; Cor Here light ond chime; combinotion; Door Open ond In Use lighta a) B. Complete Instqllotion: Provide o complele instollotion of electric drum type dumbwoiterr wilh mochine obove. Include lhe occessory ilems listed performed in o firsl-closs ond I RDAr23o48.oo ! a workmonlike monner. lnclude moleriols ond work os indicoied on drowings ond specified. Where o device or port of fhe equipmenl is refened to in the singulor number. such reference sholl opply to os mony such devices os ore required to complete the instollotion. I.O4 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drowings ond Product Dofq: Submit in occordqnce with Section 01300. lnclude:l. Hoistwoy drowings. 2. Cob drowings ond descriptive brochure.3. Hoistwoy enhonce drowings.4. Conirol bulton locolions. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A' Regdotory Requirements: Comply with Nolionol Electricol Code, ond opplicoble siote ond locol codes- I.06 PROJECTCONDITIONS A. Exisling Conditions: The following work shqll be performed under other seclions:l. A legol hoistwoy, properly fromed ond enclosed.2. Adequofe supports ond foundolions to corry the loods of equipmenl, including supports for guide roil brockels.3. Setting of onchors ond sleeves.4. Sill receses ond fhe grouting of door sills ond hoistwoy fromes otter inslqllofion. 1.O7 WARRANTY A. Provide one yeorwrilten wononty for moteriol ond instollolion in occordonce with Seclion 0l /00. Mqke good ony defecls, nof due lo ordinory weor ond leqr or improper use, which moy develop wilhin ihe wqnonty period. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 DUMBWAITER A. AcceptobleMonufocturen: l. Woupoco Elevqtor Compony, Inc.2. Motot. lnc.3. Approved Substituie B. Cor: Sfqndord finish with sloinless sleel inlerior. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI ENMINATION A. Verificotion of Conditions: Prior to beginning the instollofion of equipment, exomine the following fo verify thot no inegulorities exist thof would offect ihe quolity of execulion or work os specified: RDA|23048.00 I T I I I I I t I I I I I I I I l I t I I I I l I T I I t I t I t t l I T I l. Hoistwoy size ond plumbness. 2. Sill pockels ond enlry supports.3. Stobitity of hoistwoy wolls. B. Acceplonce: Beginning of instollolion meons occeplonce of exisling condifions. 3.O2 PREPARATION A. The entire front woll of lhe hoistwoy sholl be left open until entrqnces ore inslolled. Aflerguide roils ore sel ond lined, ihe enlronce fromes sholl be inslolled in perfecf olignmeniwithlhe guide roils. Flnished wolls sholl then be complefed. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Generol: Insloll occording lo monufocturer's inslruclions, reference slondqrds ond opproved shop drowings. B' Wiring: Furnish ond insloll necessory wiring in fhe hoistwoy in occordonce with the NEC. to connecl the operoting butlons ond swilches to lhe conlrol boord in lhe power unil. All wiring sholl be done in rigid conduit or elecfricol meiollic tubing except io moving opporotus which sholl be connecled by short lenglhs of flexible conduit. C' Poinling: Properly point exposed melol work furnished under this section except os olherwise specified ofter instollolion. 3O4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A' Running Test: In oddition to the other requiremenls, inspections, tests ond remedies herein provided upon completion of lhe insiolloiion ond before ftnol inspeclion moke, infhe presence of fhe Architecl, o running speed tesl with full moximum lood lo determine whefher lhe equipmenf os insfolled meets fhe speed, copocity ond other requirements of lhe specificolions. B' Replocement: In lhe event lhe equipmenl does nol meet requirements of the specificotions, promplly remove from lhe premises work condemned by lhe Architecf os foiling fo conform to lhe specificolions, ond promplly reploce ond re-execule work in occordonce wilh fhe specificofions, withoul expense fo fhe Owner. Beor expense of moking good work of other controclon desiroyed or domoged by such removol orreplocemenl. 3.05 COMPLEflONSERVICES A. Operoting Tesl Report: Submit witien report of required operotions lesl ol complelion of the project. B. Operofing ond Moinlenonce Doio: Provide in occordonce with Seclion 01200. C. Moinfenonce Agreemenl: Submit lhe required mointenonce ogreemeni ol compleiion of the project. 3.06 MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE RDA|23048.00 service: Provide moinlenonce ond coll-bock service of equipmenf for o period of l2 months ofter Dote of Acceplonce of totol project by Owner.l. Include regulor exominotion of inslqllotion by compelent ond lroined employees; ond include necessory odjusimenls, greosing, oiling, cleoning, supplies ond pqrts to keep the equipmenl in good operotion, except such porls mode necessory by misuse, occidenls or negligence not coused by this coniroctor.2. Provide 24hour emergency coll bosic service. Use only originol monufocturer.s ports for replocemenls. SECTION I42IO ELECTRIC ELEVATORS PART I - GENERAL I.O2 SUMMARY A. Section lncludes:L Electric Pre-Engineered Geored Troclion Residenfiol Elevolors B. Reloled Sections:l. Division l6 - Electricol: o. Eleclricolconneclions b. Suiloble connecfions from ihe power moins lo eoch conlroller signol equipment feeden os required, including necessory circuit breokers ond fused moinline disconnecl swilches.c. Outlets ol fhe mochine room for lighfing ond lelephone in the cqr. Eleclric power for consfruction, fesling ond odjusling, of lhe some chorocterislics os lhe permonent supply. I.O2 REFERENCES A. Reference Slondords: Comply wifh:l. ANSI Al7.l SofetyCodeforElevoton.2. NEll Minimum Possenger Elevolor Requirements for Hondicopped. I.O3 SYSTEMDESCRIPTION A. Descriplion of Sysfem: Inclinofor Elevelie 2t0o or equol of other occeploble monufocturer. Number ond Type Four (4) pre-engineered geored froclion I I I I I I A. B. T I T Type Floors Served Trovel Number Londings Number Openings PowerSupply Copocity Cor Size RDAI23048.00 Posenger Lower Level through Upper Level 20'-$117', 2 3 220V, single phose, 60HZ wifh 30 AMp breokers, seporole lOOV power supply in equipment room. 500lbs. 4 -0' Wide x 3 -0" Deep I I I t I I I l I l I I t I I I t I I I I I I T t l I I I Operofion Door Cob Design Signols Leveling Coll stolion of eoch londing ond in cqr Collopsible gote See Article 2.01 B NEll hondicopped provisions. Two-woy Inspeclion Operotion Speciol Feotures Required Emergency lighting Top-of-cor inspeclion In-use ond onivol lights, telephone lroveling cobles, ouxiliory stobilizers. Aulomolic emergency light ond olorm system B' Complele Inslollotion: Provide o complele instollofion of electric geored lroclion elevolor. Include fhe occessory ilems listed performed in o first-closs ond workmonlike monner. lnclude moteriols ond work os indicofed on drowings ond specified. Where o device or port of the equipment is refened to in lhe singulor number, such reference sholl opply lo os mony such devices os ore required lo complele lhe inslollofion. C. Emergency Feotures:l. Emergency Operofion: Equip fhe elevoiors wilh confrol syslem fo operote ond recoll lhe cors in fire or ofher emergency condifion. Provide lerminols on controller for connecfion of signol from sensors provided in other seclions of fhe work. Operolion sholl be similoron oll elevolon ond visuql/oudible signol sholl operole unlil return is complete or outomotic operolion reslored. Primory relum sholl be to designoted level. Alfernole retum moy be fo olternote designoled level.2. Emergency Lighling ond Emergency Alorm Unit: Cqr-mounled bolfery unit including solid-stole chorger ond lesting meons enclosed in common metol contoiner Bottery lo be rechorgeoble leod ocid or nickel codmium wifh l0 yeor minimum life expectoncy.3. Emergency Power Tronsfen In the evenf of normol power foilure, odequole power will be supplied lhrough normol feeders lo slorl ond run elevolor ol roled speed. Provide conlrols to outomoiicolly sfort ond run ihe cor nonstop to the designoled ferminol, I cor ol o lime.4. Emergency Service: Provide controls fo coll one elevolor directly fo designoted floor ond lo ollow ollendonl operofion for emergency purposes. I.O4 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drowings: Submif oll drowings necessary lo show ihe generol onongemenfs of lhe elevolor equipment. See Seclion 01300 Submifiols. Include fhe following:l. Hoistwoy drowings.2. Equipment room drowings.3. Elevotor cob drowings.4. Hoistwoy enlronce droWngs.5. Control button locoiions. B. Product Doio: Submit the folloWng producl dofo. See Secfion 01300 Submitfols: I . Descdptive Brochures; Elevofor cob, conlrols, fixlures, etc.2. Design lnformotion: equipmeni lisfs, reoctions ond design informolion.3. Power Confirmofion Sheets: Include HP, code leller, storting cunenf, full lood running cunenl ond demond foclor for opplicoble mofors. Number locofion ond fuie requirement of disconnect sWtches. RDA|2304t).00 C. Color Selection Chorts: Submit color seleclion chods lo the interior designer for oll items requiring seleclion. D. Mointenonce Agreement: Submit lhe required mointenonce ogreement ol completion of the project. E. Wononty; Submit the required wononty ot completion of project. F. Mointenonce Monuols; Provide wrilten informolion necessory for proper mointenonce ond odjustmenl of the equipmenf prior lo finol qcceptonce os follows;L Stroighi line wiring diogrom of os-inslolled elevofor circuits with index of locolion ond function of oll componenls. Mount insfollotion diogroms on mosonite ponels ond leqve on the job. Provide iwo finol correcled sels wilhin 90 doys ofler job occepionce for lhe Owner's file.2. Lubricoting inslruclions, including recommended grode of lubriconls.3. Porls colologs for oll reploceoble ports including ordering forms ond inslruclions. G. Operofing Tesl Repori: Submit written report of required operoiions lest ot complelion of the projecl. I.O5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Requiremenls of Regulotory Agencies: Complywilh mosl stringent requiremenls of the following: l. Building Codes ond Stondqrds:o. Stofe ond locql codes, ordinonces qnd lows.b. ANSI Al7.l Sofety Code for Elevolors.c. NFPA l0l Life Solefy Code.d. AWS Slructurol Welding Code.2. Permiis: Obtoin ond poy for oll permits, inspections ond certificotions required io insfoll ond operole fhe elevolor. I.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. . Generol: Comply wilh Section 01600. 1.07 PROJECTCONDITIONS A. Exisling.Conditions: The following work sholl be performed under other sections:l. Hoistwoys ond Mochine Spoces: Plumb hoistwoys ond mochine spoces complete wilh lighting, venlilolion, lodders, occess, doors, guords, elc.2. steel supports ond Embeds: supporls ond embeds for equipmenl reoctions. hoistwoy entronce sills ond guide roils os shown on drowings.3. Blockouls. Culting, Potching ond Finishing: All blockouts in or cutting of slructurol members, wolls orwork specified in olher sections, togelherwith potching ond finishing of some, including grouting under sills, ond oround hoislwoy entronce fromes. 4. solid core swing doors ond fromes ol eoch londing ond on equipmenl room enlronce. 5. Pointing: Poiniing of mochine room wolls, floors, ceilings ond equipment not insiolled under this seclion.6. Guqrds: Protective enclosure oround hoistwoy openings during conslruction. RDA|23048.00 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I o. b. c. d. e. I I t I I I 7. Electricol: Electricol feeders ond fused disconnecf devices for mqinline power. Eleclricol feeders ond fused disconnecl devices for cor lighting ond venlilolion power Conneclion lo lelephone circuit in mochine room. Power for conslruction ond iesting. Cob lighting. I .08 WARRANTY Wonont thol lhe moteriols ond workmonship of the opporofus insfolled. under lhese specificolions. ore finl closs in every respecf; moke good ony defects, nof due lo ordinory weor ond ieor or improper use, which moy develop wilhin one yeor from Dote of Finol Acceptonce of lhe totql building project by fhe Owner. At leosl 30 doys prior to wononty expirofion, schedule finol inspeclion ond refesl wilh . Owners represenlolive. Requiremenl sholl include close exominolion of oll equipmenf. Reploce, repoir or odjust ony equipmenl found defective ond covered by wononty prior io expirolion of wononty period. I.O9 MAINTENANCE A. Includedwith New Equipmenf Controct The elevotorconfrqcforsholl furnish moinlenonce on oll equipmenl described herein for o period of 3 monlhs commencing on dole of finol occeptonce of the elevolor rysiem, subject to 24-hour emergency cofl bocks' The moinlenonce sholl include sysfemolic exqminolion, odjustmeni ohd lubricotion of oll eleciricol ond mechonicol ports whenever required ond sholl use onlygenuine, sfondord porls produced by fhe monufocturer of the equipment instolled. All moinlenonce work sholl be performed by competenl personnel under the supervision in direcl employ of lhe elevofor conlroctor. B. controcf: Bidden sholl olso quote fhe monthly cosl for o s yeor moinfenonce ogreement lo commence on complefion of lhe 3 month period obove. This quololion sholl be submitted on the bidder's own execuled stondord moinfenonce form. Under fhis ogreement. the elevofor controctor sholl qf oll limes moinloin lhe performonce requiremenfs os specified. lf this controcl is occepfed, the confrocf pdce moy be odjusted os of lhe dofe of occepfonce ond fhereofler os provided in lhe controct. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 ELEVATOR A. AcceptobleMonufocfurers:l. Inclinofor Compony of Americo.2. ApprovedSubstitute. B' Cor: Inclinolor Elevefle slondord finishes, 3/8" Cherry hordwood poneled wolls. Finished hordwood floors. T T I I I I I t I l ! I I RDAt23048.00 PART 3. EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Vedficotion of Conditions: Prior to beginning the inslollotion of elevolor equipmenl. exomine the following to verify lhot no inegulorities exisi fhot would offecf the quolity of execulion or work os specified:l. Hoistwoy size ond plumbness. 2. Sill pockets ond enlry supporls.3. Stobility of hoislwoy wolls.4. Condilion of elevolor pil. B. Acceptonce: Beginning of instollofion meons occeplonce of existing conditions. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Hoistwoy enfronce openings in precost woll ponels will be oversized o minimum of 6'of heod ond jombs to occommodole inslollolion of enlronce fromes, Afler elevofor guide roils ore set ond oligned, the entronce fromes sholl be instolled in perfecl olignmeni with the guide roils. Finished wolls sholl then be compleled by oppropriole Subconlroclon. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Generol: Insloll occording to monufocturer's instrucfions, reference stondords qnd opproved shop drowings. B. Wiring: Furnish ond instoll necessory wiring in the hoistwoy in occordqnce with the NEC, lo connecl the operoting butlons ond swilches fo the control boord in lhe power unil. All tiring sholl be done in rigid conduit or eleciricol metollic lubing excepl to moving opporolus which sholl be connected by short lengths of flexible conduit. Prolect underground conduit ogoinst corosion..Furnish ond insfoll oll reloys ond switches required for emergency operotion. C. ' Pointing: Properly poinl exposed melol work furnished under fhis seclion excepl os olherwise specified ofler instollotion. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Running Test: In oddition lo the olher requiremenls, inspeclions, lesfs ond remedies herein provided upon compleiion of lhe elevolor instollofion ond before finol inspeciion moke, in the presence of the Architect, o running speed test with full mqximum lood on the elevolor cor to determine whelher the elevotor equipment os instolled meets lhe speed, copocity ond other require, lents of lhe specificolions. B. Replocemenl: ln lhe evenl lhe equipmenl does not meet requiremenfs of the specificotions, promptly remove from lhe premises work condemned by lhe Archilecl os foiling to conform to fhe specificolions, ond promptly reploce ond re-execute work in occordonce with lhe specificolions without expense lo fhe Owner Beor expense of moking good work of olherconfrocfors desiroyed or domoged by such removql or replocemenl. RDA|23048.00 I t I I I t I I I I I 3 t l I I I I l 3.05 A. B. c. COMPLMON SERVICES Operofing Test Report Submit written reporl of required operolions lest ol completion of the projecf. Operoting ond Moinlenonce Dolo: Provide in occordonce with Seclion 01700. Mointenonce Agreement: submit fhe required moinlenonce ogneement of compleiion of the proiect. END OF DIVISION I4 RDA|23048.00 32 33 3.4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t MALONMRESIDENCE PROJECT # 23M8.OO DETNL MANUAL Re: L-4for Tenasan Details Section 2: General Notes & Constrrction Assemblv Types2.0 General Notes2.1 X'loor Systems - F2.2 Paving Systems23 ExteriorWallSystens-W 2.4 Interior Wall @artition) Systems - p 2.5 Roof Systems - R Section3: lVsll,ltr'loor/Ceilins 3.1 Exterior Well Details 3.10 Typ. NewWall atWood Siding3.1I New Insulation at Existing @) Shingle Wall 3.12 T1p. Rubble Stone Cap 3.13 Typ. Low Stone Wall 3.14 Typ. Battered Wall Interior Well Details Floor/Wall-Ftoor Details Ceiling Details 3-40 @) Glulam and New Stucture Wood Wrap I I rgtosDf,stcN EE- IiI assttctrrEs ARCHITEC:IURE M:\pri\23tX8Malone\23048p6 -ils\INDEXdoq 2,/2/01 Page 1 of3 NESOTII DESIGN r E assocrATts Section 4: Roof I t t I I t I I I I I I I t T I I t I 4.1 Roof Assembly Details 4.10 New Insulation Under (E) Shingle Roof at Bent Glulam Stilct|.Ire 4.1I Typ. Deck Assembly Over Conditioned Space 4.12 Tp. Sod Roof Assembly 4.13 Roof Connection at Ski Hut / Deck 4.14 Copper/ $hinglg Roof Connection 4.15 Not Used 4.16 Stone Header at Garage Eave Details 4.20 Eave at Shingle Roof 4.21 Eave at Copper Dormer Rake Details 4.30 Typ. Copper Fascia at Rake Ridge & Valley Details Roof/lVall Deteils 4.50 CopperFascia at Sod RoofParapet 4.51 T1p. Stone Cap at Sod Roof Parapet Chimney Details Snow Guard Details GutterM)ownspouts Details Section 5: Stlir & Railine 43 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 LE: Sheets A8.0 - A8.I for enlarged stair plans & sections5.1 Gurrdrails 5.10 Guardrail at Exterior Roof Deck Section 6: Doors 6.1 Door Schedule 6.10 First, Second, & Third Level Door Schedule 6.11 Fourth, Fiftb & Roof Level Door Schedule6.2 DoorTypes 6.3 Head Details 6.30 Exterior Door Head Jamb (sim) at Balcony 6.31 Door Head at Stone6.4 Jamb Details 6.40 Exterior Door Jarnb at Stone6.5 SilUThreshold Details 6.50 Door Threshold at Stone Veneer 6.51 Door Threshold at Battered Stone Wall6.6 Door Trim, Details etc. M: \pri\23048Malone\23048Deails\INDEX doc, 2 / 2 / 01 Pagc2of3 I I I l I I I I I I I I I t I l T t T 7.1 Window Schedule 7.10 Window Schedule7.ll Window Schedule7.2 Window Types73 Head Detrils 7.30 lVindowHeadatStone 7.31 Si/indow Head at Wood Siding 7.32 Window Head at Wood Shingles 7.33 WindowHeadatRoofDeck 7.34 NotUsed 7.35 Window Head at Double 2X Wall7.4 Jamb Details 7.40 WindowJamb at Wood Siding 7.41 WindowJamb at Wood ghingles 7.5 Sitl Detaits 7.50 WindowSillatStone 7.51 Window Sill at Wood Siding 7.52 NotUsed 7.53 Window SilV Head at Copper Dormer 7.54 Window Sill at Copper Dormers 7-55 V/indow SilV Head Balcony 7.56 Window Sill @ Wood ghinglg5 7.57 Stone Sill at Double 2X Wall75 \ilindow Trim Details, etc. Section 8: Fireolaces RE: Sheets A11.0-AI L2 for allfireplace detailw Seetion9: MiscellrneousArchitecturslDetsils Exterior Light Firtures 9.10 Exterior Light Fixture INTERIORDESIGN Section 10: Interiors ItrsoXr DEStcN -r+- -ELII ASSOGUTIES Window Schedule 10.0 Gcneral Notes 10.1 Interior Fintuh Schedule M\pj\2rO*Ltelooe\23048Dcails\INDEx.doc, 2 / 2 / 0r Pagc 3 of3 IL gene,ral ni\eg TI]I9 gET OF DRAU.|INGg I9 TI..IE g*{ELL PACKICf_CO\€RING T}.IE REI1C DEL 6TllE tlALoNE RE9IDENCE lNcLuDltlc FouNDATtoN, FRA|4|NG, AND ExTE:RloR F INIg+.IEg. ALL INTERIOR FINIgItEg, FIILLI.IJORK, CA9EII,|OFK EXPO9EDIIECIIANICAL AND ELECTRICAL IIJOFK, ETC.II,|ILL tsE INCLUDED IN TIIE FINI9II?.ACK.ME TO FOLLo.,.. ALL FINI9I.] ITEI1g IN TI-{I9. PAC,KAGE ARE FOR INFOR!.IATION O}.ILY AND IIAY CI-IANGE. TI{I9 gET OF DRAUJINGS Ig 1O BE USED tulTH THE PRoJECT HANUAL. (O201200t) ALL DII.1ENgIOT.Ig ARE TO FACE OF 9TUD OR CO}..ICRETE, U.ON. ALL NE:U' EXTERIOR U,ALLg 70 AE > INU UIDE, U.ON. ALL INTERIOR NEII' IUALL9 ARE 9 I/2" IUIDE, U.ON. ALL FIREPLACE9 TO I-IEET LOCAL AND 9TATE CODE, INCLUDI}{C ALLACCE990R|E9, F|RE RAT1N69, =t". GAN6 TOGETI{ER \€NT gTACKg A9 IIUCI{ A9 PO1ilIF,LE TO TIIN]HIZE F,OG PENETRATIOhIg. PROVIDE ELECTRICAL IIEAT TAPE FOR ALL P]PE9 A9 RE@UIRED. 2. 3. 4. b- 1. a. GUTTERS, DOIIN9POtJT9 IND OTI{ER lo. gEE ELEVATIONg FOR TOP OF II'|INDOIU I{EIGIITg. Icl? OF IUINDOtU DOE$ NOT INCLUDE ROI.IGH OPENING. 9EE PRoJEcr FIANUAL AND DETAIL tlANuAL FoR f'toRE [.FoFflATto],1. DOOR' 9cl{EDULEg oN Tl{19 9|{ELL PACrcactS 9ET INDIGATE glZE AND TYPE FoR FRAIIII.IG I}SOFF,IATION ONLY. REFER TO T}IE FINI9I] PAC;KAGE FoR FI.IRTI.{ER IMORFIATION ON UOOD gPECIEg, FINI9I{E9, AND 9FECIAL REOTJIRETIE}.IT9. COORDINATE ALL INTERIOR NON-9TRUCTURAL DROPPED CElLll*lGg tulTl-l Tl{E FlNlgf{ ?ACt<AetE. COORDINATE ALL FIEC}IANICAL AND EI.ECTRICAL EAUIFI.,IENT AI.ID A/:c;Egg PAT{ELg II,IITIJ ARCFIITECT PRIOR TO IN9TALLATION. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE ALL DE9IGN/tsIJILD FIECI.IANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EOUIFI-IENT, DEVICES AND uJORK gUE}1IT DRAIUIhK39 FOF? REVIEII,|tsY ARCI{ITECT AND PEER CONSLTLTANT. REFER TO PROJECT IIANUAL. DIVI9ION 15 AND t6. 9EE Dl'1 DRA1111.169 FOR NOTE9 ON DEFIOL|T|ON. FIELD \€RIFY ALL DIIIEN9ION9 IN FIELD. CONTACT ARCI]ITECT IIJITI.I ,ANY D IgCREPANCIEg TUITII EXI9T I}.IG 9TRTICTURE. t2- 13. ARC}IIIECruRE PI.ANNING, INTERIOR, DESIGN hb-r.Odln.gns*v.h.lt'..bndtr Boulder Office 1.13, SFrc. S'ti Sub llo louldrr, CO Scto:lT.t 3o8.aa9.+f33Fe 3o3.ifl93366 T,IALONE RESIDENCE a7 Roddc{c Rcd vdt,@ ASSO(:IATES GENEML NOTB;D2.A I FLooRe l Fl Exl9TlNG 9LAts oN GRADE To REflAlN. Do NoT cuT tulTttouTI PERI1I99ION FROII 9TRIJCTURAL ENGINEER a F2 CONCRETE 1LAB Oi.l VAPOR tsARRlER oN GRA!€L FILL A.lI COYPACIED 9UAiRADE, PROVIDE I.,IYDRA{IC I]EATING 9Y9TEI1 - AT col.lDlTloNED gPAcEg rExcEpT Ar Fs AND CRAUJL gpAcEil, | gEAL UJHERE EXPO9ED F3 EXIgTII.IC gLAts ON GRADE 10 tsE DEHOLISI.]ED.DO NOT DAI'1ACE I ExlgTlr.lc FotJNDATloi.lg. ADD NEuJ coNcRETE gLAts oN! CffiPACTED 9UBGRADE, PROVIDE I]YDRONIC I.]EATNG 9Y9TEI1 I F4 | ln' GYPCRETE ToPPltlG uJlT+.] t'lYDRoNlc ttEATlNki gygTEfl oNT 314' 1HEAIHING ON I]DOD FRAIIING I F5 | ln' GyTRETE TopplNlc tulTf.t HyDRoNlc l.lEATlNG 9y9TEH ONI EXlgTll.lG 9ltEATl.{ll.lc O}.1 UJOOD FRA|IINC I Fb ExlgTlNG 9tlEATt{lNG oN uJooD FRAfllNG To REflAlN LtJtTtlI }.IYDRA{IC I]EATI}.I6 gYgTEH IN JOI9T SPACE' IIJIT}.I REFLECIIW INgULATION I fl | w' co''rcRETE Topphrc rJrT* r{yDRoNrc *EAT,N6 gygTEfl ovER EXISTINC gLAB ON CRADE I F8 Tl-llcKgET gToNE uJlTr-l IJIRE REINFORCING AND WpnOttlC t,tEATl].lcf 9Y9TE|1 I Fs uPoD FLOOR oN 9LEEPER9 a{ vAPoR BARRIERI DO NOT PTJNCTURE VAPOR BAffiIER T o I T I I I tagottr DtsrcN A5S OCIATES AncHr8cruRE, PIANNlNG, INTERIOR DESTGN Eoulder Office f4:ta Spn c. $rrd Sub tlO!dd&r, @ tolo:r Td! 3o:lrag..rti FG 30t!,a,l9j366 iIIALONE RESIDENCE t7 Rodd.4! no.d vdl,oo SYSTEM NOTES D2.1 JOB # 23048.00 February 1,2W1 I I 'N rrYb.llrhtqn r -- ----' I t:\pri\Z3048Mukne\23048Detuils\23048D01.dw, 0ZUA$1 WIZS:Z6 AM I PAvTNG o o I pl EXTERIoR 9TONE pAvlNG .j'nAx.) oN coNcRETE 9LAB ONI GRADE uJ/gNorrJflELT oN GRAvEL FILL oN coflp AcrED gUtsGRADE I p2 EXTERIOR 9TONE pAvlNG tN gANDtsED IU/9NOUiHELT ONI CONPACIED 9Uts6RADE I p3 gToNE pAvERg oN 2,' 9ANDBED oN uJ/gNolll-tELT oN oN RoAD BAgE ON GRAVEL FILL I p4 ExTERIoR gToNE gTEpplNc pAvER9, l-t t/2, Tt{tcK AND A!€RAGE 2' X 3' I'|JIDE. gPACE 4' ]O IO' APARI FOR GROUNDCOVER I pb coNcRETE pAN u/gNour'lELT oN RoAD tsAgE oN GRA'EL oN I cofrPAclED gUBGRADE I Pb COLORED CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER UJITII 9NOII}1ELT I Pl Pl9ToL cuT gToNE gTEPg oN coNcRETE 9LAB oN GRADE l,lJlTl{I 9NOUfIELT ON GRAIEL FILL ON COI1PACTED 9UBGRADE I I I T I T t I I t IESOT|r DESTGN .Asso(;tATEs ARC}IlTBCruR.E, NANNING, INIERIOR, DESICN Boulder Office l,l3a sF|o Strragrlt llo Aouu.r, CO !OB(}l Td: lot.4l9.+t3tFE 3otrr9.3366ftw.mb[.Gdn MALONE RESIDENCE !7 focS.dS! Rdd vdl,@ SYSTEM NOTES D2.2 JOB * 23048.OO February 1,2OO1 IIJALL9 O O tul Exl9Tll'lc llJALLlRooF A99Ef1tsLy To REflAlN,DEno ExlgTlNG gI]INCLEg, ADD 6'NIAIP IN9ULATION (TAPER AT ROOF) TO EXTERIOR AND 12" gI{EATI]INC AND IIJATERPROOF I1EIIBRANE AND 9IIINGLE9. DEI"IO EXI9TING PLA9TER AT INTERIOR AND ADD I IN' FURRII.IG TUITI] tsATT IN9IJLATION AND VAPOR tsARRIER W EXIgTINC CONCRETE I,UALL TO REI1AIN UIIH b'gTONE V€NEER I,U3 CAgT IN PLACE CONCRETE I,UITI] IIJATER PROOFING AND 2' NIAIP lNguLATloN To 4'-o, t'1lNt" BELoUJ GRADE rpnovlpE pRoTEcTloN BOARD tsELOIU INgULATION.) w4 tsulLDlr.lc pApER oN pLyul2oD gHEATt,tlNG ON UDOD FRA|IINC IUITI.I tsATT IN9ULATION, VAPOR tsARRIER AND GYP9UI1 tsOARD tIE gTEEL uJNDAU UALL PER DETAIL9 Ub 2X4 UDOD FURRII.IG TUITI] BATT IN9IJLATION, VAPOR BARRIER AND GYPgUM tsOARD IIII 2X2 WOD FURRING II,IITI.,I tsATT IN9IJLATIOI.I, VAPOR tsARRIER AND GYP9UII BOARD 5' NOIIINAL gTONE \,€NEER RANDoI"I II,IDTH RECLAIIIED UpoD gIDINc gI.]EET COPPER CLADDII{G I X 6 I I G V.GROOVE EXTERIORVPOD 9IDING Uts UE wlo [Jll Botrlder Office f t|34 5p c. S!!arbbrto Sqrldr?, @ t6o:l T.l:3o3raa9Ja33FE 3O1.4t93366 MALONE RESIDENCE t7 roddGdF Rod vdt,oo SYSTEA,I NOTES D2.3 INTERIOR tUALLg O O I.I EXI9TING WOOD FRAI1ED IIJALL TO REIIAIN, GYP9UI1 tsOARD BO|H 9IDE9 I-2 2XUPOD FRAI1ED IUALL IIJITI.,I CYP9UI1 BOARD BOTI-.I 9IDE9, PROVIDE 9OUND IN9ULATION AT BEDROOII9, tsATI]ROOI15, AND flEct,tANtcAL Root1g l-1 2XUOOD FURRING I-4 9'' NOIIINAL INTERIOR 9TONE VENEER ARCHITECruRE, PI.ANNING, INIERIOR, DESIGN Boulder Office la:'. SF|r Sbta$ib 1to Edddcr, @ AIt02 Td3 3o3.4if9..L31Fe 3o0ia93366tw.blD..lnqtr MALONE RESIDENCE 87 RoddcdF fo.d vdt,@ SYSTEM NOTES D2.4 JOB # 23(X6.OO February 1,2@1 8Mr{fr)n.iinf Rnr,lr{if!:\?al .Rnrtl 'lwrt rt'tirti/I|"| rnt o9rtc'r t I I I I t I I I I I T T I T t t ROOF9 Rl Exl9lTl.lc RooF AggEflBLY To REllAlN tulTr-t NEtu CEDAR gl.rlN6LEg ON I,UATERPROOF I"IEMtsRANE ON 12' gI]EATI]ING (OR2 LAYER9 I/4' AI CUR/E). DENO EXI9TING PLA9TER ON INTERIOR AND ADD b, RIGID INgULATION AND VAPOR BARRIER R2 gI.]EET COPPER ROOFINC ON IUATERPROOF I1EI1BERANE A\b/8' gI]EATI.IINIG ON II'OOD FRAIIINC IUITT] BATT IN9ULATION AND VAPOR BARRIER R3 EXTERIOR 9TONE PAvh.lC ,3'YAx.) Otl DRAINAGE tsoARD ot{ IIJATERPROOF I1EI1tsRANE ON 9LOPED CONCRETE IUITI] 9NOIU1ELT CI.I gTEEL DECK A{ FRAI1ING TUITI] BATT NEJLATION AND VAPOR BARRIER R4 l2' 1oD uJlTll lRRlGATlol.l oN DRAINAGE BOARD oNl IJATERPROOF IIEI1BRANE ON 3" RIGID IN9IJLATION ON SLOPED CONCRETE OI.I 9TEEL DECK ON FRAIIING IIJITIT tsATT IN9IJLATIOf{ AND VAPOR BARRIER R5 EXTERIoR gTOtlE PAVING (3' NAX) oN DRAINAGE BOARD ON IIJATERPROOF IIEHtsRANE ol.l gLoPED cO.lcRETE [,lIH gNanHELT ON 9I{EATI{IN6 AN U)OOD FRAHINC IUITI] tsATT IN9ULATION AND VAPOR tsARRIER ARCHITECruRE, PI.ANNING, INTEruOR DESIGN Boulder Office la3a$nn *lt t Sul. lt0tad&, @ &t(,:l IGI 3ot.a.l9.+t$lFE 3OOJ+|!1J365 I\,IALONE RESIDENCE t7 loddcdg: Rord vdt,@ SYSTEM NOTES D2.5 oI I t I I t t I I I I dodll G 8 Gg Gto G G(') Gt G EXTERICR IIJALL DETAILg ANCHFECruR.E, PI.ANNlNG, INTE$C'N, DEilGN BoulderOffice la:L $ruc. Strr..i ltul! 110 laddlr, @ glSoit T.[ !O:1]aa9.{a:lilfG 3ql.,a/r93366 MATONE RESIDENCE t7 nocu.dgE Rod vdl,@ EXTERIORWATT DETAILS D3.1 JOB # 23048.00 February 1,2fi11 2xb v.lD. STUD9 RE, 9TRIICTURAL tsUILDINC PAPER 3/4' PLYIJJOOD 9I]EATI.]ING tsATT IN9ULATIOhI, R-Ig VAPOR tsARRIER 5/A" DRYIIJALL I x llD- gtDlr.,lc - RE, ELEVATIONg FOR PATTERN 'LOCATION .^. TYP. NEIIJ TUALL( r \ A1 WOOD gtDtNG ttU I llf2"=l'-A" ARCHITECruRE, P1ANNING, INIER!oN, DISIGN tt.s{ldF.dtlrrY.l-rorlDsD Botrlder Office fasa SpnE. Snt r $hr t lO Bdldcr, CO tO3O2T.t 3o3.,L9.,|l|33Fe 3o3.,a.*r3365 MATONE RESIDENCE 87 noddcdge lcd Vrll,@ EXTERIORWALT D3.10 I t t I I I t I t I t t I I I t I CEDAR 9HIN6LES BUILDING PAPER AT \€RTICAL, IUATERFROOF HEI1tsRANE AT FIRgT 4'NEAR GRADE 3/4' PLYUOOD gllEATl.lll'lc 6" RIGID NEJLATIOhI, R-24, TAPER AT ROOF (E) gTRIP 9I]EATI-IIN6 rE) ?- INgTJLATION (il 2N gTRUCTURAL UPOD 9TR|P9. r'ilNf'ltzE CUTg DENO (E) PLAgTER I lr2'FuRRh.lG u,,ITU tsATT INgULATION, R-9 VAPOR BARRIER Al,lD >/A'DRYUJALL q2 NEIU ]N9ULATIONAT EXISTING (E) gI{INGLE TUALL I t ARcHtrEcruRE, I Boulder Office ,n'!ffif$Siorl r€'#fi;.'ii I Sqddcr, CO A()3(ll:l ffill*',33f;3:i!:: MATONE RESIDENCE 87 Rodd.dS! Rod vdt,@ EXTERIORWALL D3.1 1 JOB # 23048.00 February 7,2@1 #gEE PLANg I/2" EXPANgION JOINT FIATERIAL PAVINIG VARIEg, gEE PLANS gTONE \€NEER RE' 9TRUCTURAL DUl3,9. FOR IIIALL AND FOUNDATION TYP. RUEtsLE gTONE c.AP I l/2" = l'-O" T ARCHITBCruR,E PIANNING, INTERIOR TXSIGN Boulder Office 1,f3a SFlc. Srr!* Sub t 1o Bouldcr, CO €O:'(,2 TGI:3o3.4a9ra!l Frx: 3o3.aa9.3356 MALONE RESIDENCE CZ nodddgr fed vdl,@ EXTERIORWALL D3.12 JOB # 23048.00 February 1,2OO1 I I t T I to" ExpANgrof.r JolNr HATERIAL PAvll.lG vARlEg, 9EE PLAN9 oo 4" TI-]K CLEFT gTONE CAP VARIE9gEE PLANg I I I t t I l=-E E t3('' tJ) tF TB CDo -OISIO-* $ol IF IEo o G gTONE \ENEER RE: 9TRLICTURAL DUt3,g. FOR IUALL AND FOTJNDATION TYP. LOIU gTONE UJALL ARCHTTECruRE, PI.ANNING, INIERIOR, DESIGN Boulder Office f .f3a SFre $|t a s|.rb llO Bdrld.r, CO gXlO2 T.t 303.,ta9..L31Fa :tO!..!19.3366lwv.RcrBSnqt! MALONE RESIDENCE az Rodd.*! Ro.d vdl,@ EXTERIORWATL D3.13 JOB # 23048.00 February 1,2(X'1 "ptEat'atl)porl|.lrtAY clt uaEprpitlEtt|.a cK;r*tttiltrttsxt ct cocrilt ut!! D(P^tbt Jahf nlEiA. f,-oorflt vlr4t Dt l{4 ,.tDFE a'lr-tllltEN tO ,a'.r,l't{l.l}l I!.d, *lEl CtlJ E, gtlE'|'Ill c6E nDrinor cru,. rr??l!. Ei afrEr- I ARCHlTECruRE, PIANNING, INTERIOR, DESIGN Boulder Office 1.4:ta Sp.u€r So.dgrh. tl0 AqUGr, CO tO3O2 Td: 3o3..1i19.+lt3 Frx 1o3ra93366 MAIONE RESIDENCE t7 RoddGdt! Ro.d Vrll,@ EXTERIORWATL D3.14 JOB # 23048.00 February 1,2OO1 2ltl )aRD.{lr{il!:U:{MRnr r? rlwrr i rt h t l h ra t t. ooI t I t I ,l I I ! I t € tr s CI $ I GI G G *ao G INTERIOR TIJALL DETAILS ttsolr DctrcN ASS O(:I ATES ARCHITECruRE PIANNING, INIERIOR, DCSIGN Boulder Office laSa Spruc. $*$b110 louldcr, @ Ao302 T.[ 3ol..agJal3Fa 303.,aaoj365 MALONE RESIDENCE t7 foddrd3! nod Vrll,@ INTERIORWALT DETAILS D3.2 ,oB # 23(}48.OO February 1,2001 FLCOR /WALL -FLOOR DETAILg I I I I I I t I I I I E GI GI IE d lH 6 G Gt G IESOIT DESIGN ts3 ()ctaTEs ARCH'TECruRg PIAN.NING, NTERKNT'6IGN Boqlder Office 1.034 tFrc. $!-ltubflo lanldrr, GO &r:tOA Tcl: :!0t,419.+133Fe 3o3,aa93356 IViALONE RESIDENCE !7 R.dd.te Rod vdf@ FrooR/w^rr-FrooR DETA|LS D3.3 ,oB # 23O48.0O February 1,2@7 CEILING DETAIL9 oI I I t I I T I t I I ff Ftl: rII Gg lstt ar:|'ofrOf6Itlt* ld('t |3 8 G IISOTT DEITGN ASS O(]TtTES ASCHITECruRE PIANNING, INIEruON, DESIGN Boulder Office . l,fiL SFrc.lbr.ar Sob I lO 8qdd!l, @ 8O3O2T.t AXtJrrg.,lll3FE :logj{a93:t66 I{ALONE RESIDENCE t7 fodd.df! fo.d vdl oo CEILING DETAILS D3.4 JOB * 23048.00 February 1,2OOl I I I t t I I I t I I t I t I I I ELOCKII.IC REOTJIRED ROOF DECK AB,O\/E KITCITEN/DINIT€ AREA 2X4gTUDIUALL (N) gTEEL tsEAI'I . PLATE - RE: 9TRUCTURAL (E) GLU.LAI4 F,IECH DTJCT tsEI{IND. COOFDINATE CUTg IN EEAI"Ig IUI9TFI,ICTURAL EtIGINEER ruD. TRlr.1 - gFEC|Eg . FlNl€*l T-tsD. 2)(4g1UD9- COf.lTlNUOtl9 I ARCHITECruR,E, PI.ANNING, INIERIORDEIIIGN BoulderOffice fa:|. Spnr irr.a $db t t0la &, @ tol@ TGt 30:tJa.|9.4f!3Fe 3O3Ja93366r*v.fEfoadtr.qi IViALONE RESIDENCE t7 Rodd.d!. fod vdt,co EXTERIORWALL D3.40 JOB # 23(X8.OO February 1, 2q)l [AMEkJns\2:{t4AD..'t.ll=\?31}4RDll]{ rlwlr ll?/lrlfra it ooI t I I I I t I t I I.c lg (D lI 8 f$ CDa l$ttct -uIIlx G(.' Gt G RCCF A33EI1BLY DETAILg ltsolf DEsrcN ARCH]TECruRE PLANNING, INTCR|ON,DEiIGN Boulder Office IrlSaSF|o$ra SrL t10 3q,rldr, CO to:lo:l Td; :tol..l,l9/a33FD 3O!.+r9J$6 ,\,IALONE RESIDENCE !7 Rodd.{e rcd vdl,@ ROOF ASSEMBLY DETAITS D4.1 ASSO(;IATES JOB # 23048.OO February 1,2@1 I I I I I I t I t I I T CEDAR 9*.IIN6LE9 UATERT'ROOF I'GF4BRA}{E AT ROOF ln't PLYUOoD 9ttEATttlNG, OR 2 LAYERg I/4' 47 CURVE (E) gTRlt gHEATHthtG (E) 2' |N9|JLAT|ON (E) 2)(2 9TRUCruRAL UJOOD 9TR|P9. FllNlf,ilZE CrlTg 6', RIGID lNertnrlox, e-z+, TAPER AT CURVE VAPOR tsARRIER 9/A" DRYII,IALL (E) GLULAII tsEYOhID(DEPTIt VARIEg) I I I t I NEI.U INgULATION UNDER (E) 9I]INGLE ROOF AT BENT GLULAI.I gTRUCTURE ARCHlIECruRE, N.ANNING, TNTERTOR OeSr@.| Boulder Office :l.l3a Spnn $ragrb llOlqld.', @ toloz T.l: to:t.t |9.+133F& 3Ot*193E66 ITALONE RESIDENCE tZ Rod.*r fo.d vdl,@ ROOF ASSEMBLY D4.10 JOB # 23O48.0O February 1,2@1 I I I I I T I I I I I I I I t t I gTOf.lE PAVING DRAIN II'ITI.I I-IEAT TAPE DRAINACE EOARD O\€R U'ATERFROOF HEI1tsRANE COhICRETE gLAts U'ITh RADIANT }.IEAT ON IIETAL DECK C[.I gTRUCTURE RE; 9TRUCTURAL FOf? tlA>< . l'1lN DEPTI.{ o EACr-l LOCATIOht DRAINAGE PIPE IIJITI.I INgTJLATION BAT1 INgULATIOI.I, R.3A VAPOR BARRIER GYfrOAF&) CEILINT3 i ARCHTTECruR.E, PI.ANNlNG, INTERbR,DESIGN Boulder Office 1al4 $nE $!.4 ltub t t0ldrl&, @ to:t@T.[ 3o!.4t9.4f33Fe 3ol.'aa9j366 tvtALONE RESIDENCE t7 fodd.dF Rod V.ll.@ ROOFASSEMBTY D4.11 ,oB # 23048.00 February 7,2@1 I I I I I I I I I I I I -F-- 12' 3c1D ujlTr.t IRRIGATION PIPE9 TIED TO GEOGRID FAtsRIC DRAIN I.UITII IIEAT TAPE AND REFIO\€ABLE gLEE\G FOR ACCESg ROOT 91OP I'IATERIAL ON DRAINAGE FAtsRIC uJITIJ PROTECTICII Ep.ARD TII,|O LAYERg IUATERPROOF F1E11tsRA{E 3" RIGID tNgULATtOht. R-t2 CANCRETE gLAts ON FGTAL DECK ol{ gTRUCTURE RE; 9TRUCTURAL FOR l'1hL r HAX DEPTI]. DRAINACE PIPE IIJITI] NgIJLATION tsATT IN9ULATIOD.I, R-3A VAPOR EARRIER GY?rcAFD CEILI}€ I I @ TYP . eoD ROOF AggEl'1tsLY I t I ARCHITECruRE, PIANNING, INTERIOR, DESIGN Boulder Office l.fgSF'E.gni s|rlb I lO!q|l&, @ 0O3O2T.! 3olJ.l9.a433;c ilo3r+|93!65 MALONE RESIDENCE t7 Roddct rad vd,ao ROOF ASSEA,IBLY D4.12 JOB # 23048.00 February 1,2@1 RE' DETAIL Or.lO FOR, GUARDRAIL CONNECTICI..I 4' CLEFIgTONE CAP UJRAF UT: HEI1ERANE UP AND OVER II,ALL AND CT1U " gTONE \GNEER TONE PAVltlC=l\l l=l lx-t il-T-t il-l:t ilTt l-l -t t\t-t I tl -,, Llll,,,..l__l__hI i-il t-l-r_l-i-t I tl_lJTl-tl -l I l-l I lr-:.--:--- | , l.:..-.--= | lt, -:I I-l-'J j- - ROOF CONNECTION A gKI HUl / DECK ARcl{]TECruRE, PLANMNG, INIERPRD6IGN Boulder Offlce lata SpnE S!'..a Edb I t0 3qrld.r, @ tc'qlT.[ 3cl.aa9..|-33h :t0:tJa93366 MALONE RESIDENCE !t fadd.+ Rcd vdt,co ROOFASSEMBLY D4.13 JOB # 23048.00 February 1,2q)1 ooI I I I t t l I I I t I I I I I I RIJN COPFER UP TO 12" tsE).,lEATtl CEDAR 9llll.lGLEg OR PER I.IANUFACTURER'9 RECol",lt1ENDATlOhl, uHlcr{EvER 19 IIORE 9TRIN6ENT RE:9TRUCTURA FOfR ROOF FRAIII}.IG INFOFiIATlCN COP?ER/9IJINCLE ROOF CONNECTION I lf2" = l'-@u I lls'Orf, DB9!GN ASS OC TATES ARCHlTGCruNE P1ANNING, INTERIORD€SIGN Boulder Office la3a SpnE St!..grb rlO lqdd:?, CO !O3O:lT* 308.+{9.4ttlFe !O3.4t!r3366 ,\,lAl-ONE RESIDENCE !7 Roddr{: fcd vdt.co ROOFASSEMBLY D4.14 JOB # 23048.00 February 1,2@1 oot t t t I t I I T I I I l I I t I I I lf2" = l'-O" IISOIT DESIGN AS S OC tArES ARCHITECruR.E, PI.ANNING, INTERIOR,DE$GN Boulder Office 1/ata Spn c. S!!rsd:1tolqrldr, @ aBOlLh :lotJa9.,]t33 FrE !O:!Ja9.!i166 MALONE RESIDENCE !7 nodd.{r Rod Vrll,@ ROOF ASSEMBLY D4.15 ,oB # 23U8.OO February 1,2OO1 I I I I l I I I t I I I l I I I 1 I RI.ItstsLE gTONE CAP PERIF,IETER DRAIN II'l I-.IEAT TATE I.UATERFROOF F4EIIBR,ANE 9TOhIE I{EADER, gII..IGLE PIEC,E, ANCIIOR PER GALLEGOg RE@IF,IENDATIOhI RE, 9TRUCilRAL FORllso Tt.ilg AREA gTONE I{EADER A GARAGIE Boulder Offlce 'fagaSpruoh Sutr tlO !oul&r, CO aotoll Tck 30:l,aa0ra33FE 3|l:l/ta93:t66 MALONE RESIDENCE tZ roddr{a rod vdLco ROOF ASSEA,IBLY D4.16 I I I I t I I t t I I E tg-frtiI rg -gf$t -Er..oftI(.t fl Gd) G6t G EAVE DETAILS ARCHIIECruRE ?I.ANNING, INIERIOR, D€SIGN Borl&rOffice la3.$nEllnalbb 110 Bddd.r, @ !O:tmT.t 3o3.+{t,L33Fe 30:!,aa9J,il66 MAI-ONE RESIDENCE t7 fod.{p nod vdl,@ EAVE DETAII.S D4.2 JOB # 23O48.0O February 1,2OOl I I t I I I l I I I I I I CEDAR S*lll.l6LES, FIRE RESIgTANT,gTAEERED COPPER UFAPFED FA9€IA II'ITI] DRIT EDCE tsLocKll.lc A9 REAUIRED 2 X U/D'FASCIA 2 X U/D. FAgCIA IIJAIERf3F?OOF IIEI,IERANE AT ROOF IN'PLYUOOD 9I]EATHII.IG, OR 2 LAYERg I/4' Al CLTRVE (E) gTRIP 9r.lEATfilr{6 (E) 2" lNgrJLATlON (D 2W gTRUCTURAL uooD 9TR|PS, HINFI|ZE cuT9 UPOD gOFFIT I I I I I EA\,E O gI{INGLE ROOF IIS'Otf DESIGN ARCa|'rECruR,q PI.ANNING, INTEIIOR, OCSIGN Boulder Office l.f:l. SFiD hth tto!ad-, @ e0@ Tck !OlJ.|grtt3Fe iltB,aa93366 IVIALONE RESIDENCE t7 nodd.{. rad Vr[,@ EAVE DETAII D4.20 JOB # 23O48.0O February 1,2@1 t T I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I oo 2X V,oOD FAgC|A utRAppgp lN coeern UbOD gOFFIT uFAppEp lN corFEe STIEET COPFER CLADDII.IG EA\€ A COP?ER DOR!'IER IESOIT DESIGN ASSO(;IATES ARCHITECruN,E, PI.ANNING, INTEilON, DGSIGN Boulder Office . ta:L Spn e $rr s|dt llolq &, @ eSOtT.t Soit*l9.,taglFa l0t...|t3it65 TvtAtONE RFTDENCE t7 nodr{r ford vdt,@ EAVE DETAIL D4.21 JOB # 23048.OO Febnrary 112ofJ1 ! T t I I I I I T I o I tEr? 3 -riiIq? 8 IBt l$t rE G(o Gt G RAKE DETAILg ARCHITECruRE, PTANNING, INIERIOR DESIGN Boulder Offlce l.ltaSF|oira tuL tlO Ba dt', @ Ar:'O2 TGI: 3o3.4f9.4a33F& 3O3r+ t.3366 IvIALONE RESIDENCE. t7 RoddG{. Rad Vtt,@ RAKE DETAITS D4.3 JOB # 23048.00 February 1,2OO1 CEDAR 9I]I}..IGLE9, FIRE REgIgTANT, 9TAC6ERED I.UATE Rf IROOF FlEFltsRANE COPFER uJRAFPED FAgclA tl,lTtl DRIF EDC'E 2 X 6 UD.FAECIA 2.X UD.FA5CIA I X UOOD gOFFIT, gTAIN IN'?LYUbODg*lEATtill.lc (il R.ocF TYP. COPPER FA9CIA AT RAKE I ARCHrlTECruRE, PI.ANNII{G, INTERIOR DESIGN Boulder Office la3a SFuo lb.d Sr|lt! l lO Bouldcr, CO 8O3O2 TGI: 3o3,.L9.+t3lFrr 3OL3.4t9,1366 MALONE RESIDENCE E7 Rodd.dF no.d vdt,co RAKE DETAIL D4.30 ,oB # 23048.00 February 1,2OO1 ooT I l t I T I I I I I d6rl? GI G .D € Gttcl G Go Gt G RIDGE AND VALLEY DETAILg IEs'OIir DESIGN ASS OCIATES ARCHITECruR,E, PI.AT{NING, lNTEN.rcR DESICN BoulderOffice t4taStnEh Sulr l tOld -, @ to:xxrT.* 3o:t.aa9Ja3:ttu i!@.,aa93366 MALONE RESIDENCE E nodd.*3 Rod V.ll,@ RIDGE & VATLEY DETAILS D4.4 JOB # 23048.00 February 1,2OO1 o RCCF/IIJALL DETAILg ! I l I I T I I t t I d fl,ao tg 8 G rgtta,t 'BG Gt G TESOIT DESIGN ARCHITECN,RE PI.ANNlNG, INTERIC'R, DESIGN Boulder Offlce l,t3a SF|o glra Strlb t l0Bqrlt, @ tO3O:l T.lr :to:t,l,l9Ja3tFE 3d1ra93366 MALONE RESIDENCE 17 RoddrdF Rod vrll,@ ROOF/WALL DETAILS D4.5 ASS O(; I ATES JOB # 23O48.OO February 1.2(n1 COFPER U,IEATPED IIOOD FA*IA l9'r-ll6t-{ cohlcRETE CURts AT 3 9IDE9 UJRAP U.F3 HEHERAI.IE UP AND OVER CURts. TYP. ')zI l:t I l:l I l:l'iil-ill-itt-l'_!l li!r-l llr__ri lll -il i-il t-il t--:-----':- i I i-:----: I i t:-:'--:- | | t-: DRIP EDGE gTOT.E \GNEER FRAr.1rl.l6 RE: gTRI,JCTURAL CO?PER FAgCIA AT 5OD ROOF PARAr=r I ARC}IITECruRE, P1ANN-ING, INTERIOR,DESEN Boul&rOffice l/t3a $nE Crtr.gfr O!q|b, CO toitm T.|3 lo3.+f9tt33h tdt./aa93365 MALONE RESIDENCE!7rod.t!rdd vdt,@ ROOF/WALL DETAIL D4.50 JOB # 23048.00 February 1,2@1 I T t I t I I I I I I T I I I I I o tItrQAP IIF MEF,IBRANE UP A{D OV€R CURB- TYF- 9TOhIE \€NEER ,^. TYF.gTONE CA? At | \ 5oD RooF PARAPSIlt\ t I llf2" =l'-O' I IE9OT DESIGN ASSO(:TATgS ANCHNECruRE, PLANNING, INTERICIR, DEIIIGN Boulder Office lrf Spn.r Srrr&bnolqldr, OO 03Oa Td: :!O3r.l9.4l3tt& 103.419.3356 I,IALONE RESIDENCEt7rod.{lnnd Vrll,@ ROOF/WALI DETAIL D4.51 JOB # 23048.00 February 1,2q)l I I I I T I I I I t o I E l$ e ls a\l -(rIN rt- F GIoIBl* G(a I6 --Dt G CI.{IIINEY DETAILg LESOTC DlStcN ASSO(:IATES ARCHITBCruRE, PTANNIIrIG, . IhITERIOR IXSIGN Boulder Office 1a3a SFrc. St'!a Sub 110laddr, OO toil&!T.! 3o3*r9r$!Fe !03.14493:166 A4AIONE RESIDENCE t7 loddo{e Rord vdl,@ CHMNBT DETNLS D4.6 JO8 # 23048.00 February'l,2OO1 SNCI]J GUARD DETAILg I t T I t I I T I I I d to III lH tDt lsI rE |H G d IESOI|r DEIiIGN ARCHITECTURE, NANNING, INIERIOR, DCSIGN Boulder Offlce la3a SFE Er.a$L tlO lqdd.r, CO tom2T.} :to3,,1.19.4a33Fe 3o3raa9.3366 MALONE RESIDENCE tz nodd.dF fad Vrll,@ SNOWGUARD DETAItS D4.7 ASSO(;IATE9 ,oB #23(X8.q)February 1,2OO1 I I t I I I I I I T I rqrE (\lo Ti 8r$ l_8. CDI rErEt rg '* =_olfi (r(! IE != aoI -c, -FE GUTTER3 /DOUNSPOUTg DETA IL3 lESrOlf, DESIGN .ltss oc t^rEs AncHrEcruRg PIANNING, NTENOR,DCSIGN Boulder Office lata lFE $!.t Srlr t t0 Bdrldlr, @ !OtO2 Td: 3o3*f9.4f33 FrE 3o3.arl9.!:t66 rvnLONE RESIDENCE t7 R.dd.t3 Rad vdl co GUTTERY DO\,VNSPOUTS DEIAITS D4.8 ,oB # 23048.OO February 1,2oo1 I I I I t t I I t GUARDRAIL9 I I 'F fr IF d E l$ R R I(D to |E c) GI G AXCHITECruRE, PI.ANNING, INTERIOR, DCSTGN Boulder Office l,f3a Spnr $'.- lhJb llo Boldsr, CO aollo2 Tck 3O:lJa9/433le 3o3,.L9,3t66 I{ALONE RESIDENCE!t R.dddfr nod vdl@ GUARDRAITS D5.1 JOB # 23048.OO February 1,2OOl I I I I I t I t I I I | 72n RADIUg IIETAL TOT RAIL PAINTED I1ETAL GUARDRAIL LE99 TI-IAN 4" CLEAR, TYP I.IOTJNTII-IG PLAoIJE,gET BoLTg lN epoxr 4' CLEFT gTOI.IE CAP + Gtsa C d trt G G * GtoG) G GUA I lf2" = ROOF IEIIOIC DESIGN assoclATts ARCHITECruRE PIANNING, INTERIOR DESIGN BoulderOffice 1.13a SFrc! Str'.d Suh. 110 Bad&., @ AI3OI TGt 3o:t.'ta9..t t33FE 3o:1.,a,r93366 IVIALONE RESIDENCE !7 Rodd.df! Ro.d vdl,@ STAIR& RAILING D5.10 ,oB # 23048.00 February 1,2OOl DOOR SCHEDULE I I t I T I I I I T I IF (?tl!I G g G E G G(oI G -t G llaiolf DISIGN ass ocraTzs ARCHlTECruR.E, PTANNINC, INTERPN,DESIGN Boulder Offlce laSa SF|re !turatht!tlo lo{d.r, CO to:to:r T.l! !O3.,L9ra33Fc :loErtlt3l66 TIiALONE RESIDENCE !z nodd.t! fod vdl,@ DOORSCHEDULE D6.1 ,oB f 23048.OO February l,2OO1 I I I I T t I I I t I t I I t I I D4RtCrEltl . n rLRE n[,01ca-w lX!t@410N I.IFE.tEl o x r{,I{IFDIIAFE DETAI6 FE TXC TYFE FNA{iFcrt t€lD .ut!ntau-D 16]FOYEF t\o. x1'-e EflRT l9D.IED.E(IFIORDOOR 16-1 FOYER t\t x'l'-o.EMRT IED.IDD.2O I.INFIFE RAIED tE-l BTVA1OR 2'.-4, x'l\d FA6SA4 1llD.r9D.CI'SER 2' ].Iht HFE RA1ED tEa'l aEvAroR rtct{rNlaat 2'-t, x1'-o SIORAGE 1BD.1!D. t-tl WYIE E-d x a'-o'1ED.IED.OIE]FTIp AAE DOORItl6,AR!6E 9|O. X O'-O.ft.D.IED.O\|EFEAD Eln€ DOOR Ti;-l (*sE *ex8a,TED.l9D.A/FCAD gl Ti DOOR D4R&IEDTIE. &OIOLEYE. lrl IGATET rr?C..troxH)UTDUAFE GI,&'FEIAFO rlE ft{Erl |trgrl ITID JA!TIlgg,D ttl BlvAloR.l l',-C',X'l'-d ?&t1 r9D.TED.CIOaER ,, I,,NFITE RA1ED tz--l ELB/ATOi.2 z',-C'X.|'-e ?rwt ItD.taD.CI-dIER,2O HTt FhE RATD tE-l CI^C6' EEDffiI.I 3 2\8 X'1',-O.FRIVACY fDD.tgD. tEn lalr+3 Fft,t&'(IED.TAD. !!!!J lltt tl@ o) l-s x 6ltr D[?fr llD,r.aD. rFt utrlE@ at|/.a. x 6,-a.u.ra1Y IED.II.D. L!!U LAIDFT t'.qxt4 ?LWi TDD.T!D. tr;tl rc|DER t\3. x1'-d FFVA T TIID.tlD. rl;-l q,#l l€. x l-d q|'fr IDD.TED. nFl riEgr EEDpCf.r 2 t-tx1'4 TPN,6i TID-78.D. tT-l ]gT EED o) f-J x 6'{l alfiY taD.TID. rE-l lulrE@ Qtt-9'x6,4l DuttY TED.TID. rE-l aat+2 2\t x 6\t Fdvacr TED.IDD. tFl rurtl@ cD l\6. X b'-a.Drttft tlD-T!D.r-l 4E9r EEDpCr.l I t-cx|4 FFvlCr ttD.1AD. rFl rgt rpEp o) t-s x 5'-t aniY IED.raD. 16-l r€rtl@ o) t'-gr x 5lal D|''rr IED.IED. t-l aar$l 2\C' X O',$'Fivr'gr laD-II.D. rFl ll,rE@ l'+.xo\r.DllflY IED.IED. lza-l CRAIIL gPICE 2\a|x+4 E},IIRT TED.ttD.E(MIORDOOR Ddn&rEul .ltp l.lrE, lft tGllltl rllE-atrE aU x r{lur9|uFE DEIAI.0 GIAftI IYFE F|atrl ltrrF ICID Jru r|tEaa, L!'J EATI{ 5 2\O' X b',-A'frvEr TAD.TED, tE--l 4ler EEDFOoH I ,\o. x1\o.ENTFT TED-fED, tsl wl u 2\t, x 6|8 dttlY IED.rtD. tE-l cLo€Er n) 2\r. x 6'-a.D|flfr laD.IID, tE-l 4E9' EEDrcOH.I t-dx't'-e EMRT IED.fDD. t!-l aAtH,a 2\6', X b'-,.FFSVAgY TDD.rgD. tEil IPT |.EED I lasoltr DEstcN AS S OC IATES ARCIilTECruRE PI.ANNING, INTERIOR DESIGN BoulderOffice l.fiL Spnr Slrtgrb t lOlcru.r. CO !O3Ot Td: 1o3.,'lur..lrtttfe 3dl.+4!rjl66 MALONE RESIDENCEtTnofficRod vdl,@ DOOR SCHEDUTE D6.10 JOB # 23O|8.OO February 1,2001 I I I t I t t T T I I I Dao'clErrr.mrm*." o t@lEr ALL DOOR6 AND FRAI.IEg fO gE U@O INLEES O1I€RIJIEE NOTEP. I . FE E @R FLAD FOR DOOp,t& L.&titlr,|t' I - FE DEraX-6 r! . D..- rfi \DbArED CRlFtdC E4R ryFE I DOoRgA€AJLE flilES I I ALL ExlEFllOFl O@P}'1O EE uEAlt]ERltTFdpFED I 2. At ExrERtoR DOOeg 7O AE 2u.. rl1\cfi,! 3. a-L tNTEtttoR Dooeb to BE p.' Tt{tcK 4 LL D@Rg To FE grAlr€D A.|D 6EAEa FEFa AFEHlrEct,a aFFRovaL. u.oNr t.+t I oooFg ro EE CEN'EFED ht oFENhr3 oR or.l 6.I JArB RE?LFi*' ( aLldu FoR u@o c,/|'frG') I 6- ?@vlr'E E)C,CR EtOtfr At ALL DOOR9 FER ArcH|lECT'g AFFRC]VAL 1. ALL 6LAZII€ IN DOO|'o AlD gIDELIlEg IO EE rEF,II'ERED c. Au- D,ooEa ro * cagED EO?t{ EIDES I 9. FEFER To gpEcFtcATtoN FraN,|AL FoR FjrrHER DfoF.iAfloN I b. FpvD.E DooR ap DooR |{AFDUIAFE gf.rop DRAu,trcg FoR ATH|TECT'6 AFpft)vAL I Itl LGrrur|rl?F ttrE o x l{,HfiDITNE 9ETA|.c FE|llrl r.ltl fltEtl tfcn rtlD JIIG tf,au-D r-l IIAII1ER CL6EI 2'-a.x14 D|tlfr lllD.ttD. r:E--|HA6m aAr{ ro[Er 2'-5. X1\d FRh4CY IID.fAD. t.,ol FBglERBAN 2',-C'.XT-e FFv&)r I.BD.TAD. r:-a'l HASmt@@tt 2LVX1\t E{TRT rlD.ttD. D@RetEUl . F;mu3YE l&L&llEt 'rFE. tG(txt't t{aF[urE DEIAI'a ta *c lYtt tru{ltgn }CAD JATI DGAA.D I5l ffiE Q)2'{'Xb'a,TRN,cf ttD.ltiD.frK5lO@Rg tE--l E!5/AIOR '2'-4, x 6'-0,?&xlE ltD.llD.20 HltFhE RAr@ [!!qJ DI.|XIUH 7'-e)(14 BflTT t^aD.IED.DdErl'F DOORtraltccr{a&lr 2 ( ?',4 x a,-c.t IDD.rlD.,9I.lTt FFE RAED [!eJ rcuDR&t1 2',-8| X 6\A.?d,rE1 lliD.1r,D. tr-l lr'T utD IE PAIFT 2',4'X a\e DU*tr lED.TTD. t-l at?uAmR 2 ',-l-ln x 6,-8.)Rtl.lY llD.tlD. t!a!J UIASICF,/DTGR 2'-O X a'-o.a.r.mr tlD.IDD.2' iTT FFE RA1ED LI!!J ?Arb 2\6. X1'#Bfi|Y IDD.ttD.DcDG,d,AtgLb{tr-l gxl Hr 2 ( z',-r' X1'-d)ilrRr rtD.IID,pc DooR a-a66 tl6r{trE-l e*t 2(l'-tx6'-8.'DltHY taD,laD. t-5-l q.Nl 2(f.r,x6L4)D|rtfi ll]D.ttD.rFl CR{II 6FICE 2',4.Xt'.C E{FT ttD.IED,D(IEIFDOoR ErelE[|t.EFlAa, lrt L€MOil l'Ytr mox||)HIIDUTE DETALA tl}urrc rt'E ru{rfcll }ETD JT!TGAA' lrllJ qrau4lm 2',-O.Xz',-O?''a{lRr tlD-rtD.D(IEFI'RD@R I lfsolf DEslcN ^ssoctATEs ARCItlTECruRE Pr.AhrNtltc, NTEn'|OR,DGSIGN Boulder Office la:trSFEh$br10 Badd.r, @ !o3O2T.[ 30lJa!r..1.133Fc :tog.l.1ul65 MALONE RESIDENCE t7 Roddr{a Rod v.ll. cO DOORSCHEDUTE D6.1 JOB # 23048.00 February 1,2(nl I I I I t t I t T I I c T$ ('r all TFI Gt !$I 4 G * G DOOR TYPEg ItsS'OIlr DE GN asso(:laTfs ARCHNECruRE PI.ANNII{G, INTER|OR, OESIGN BoulderOffice t4rSFEh sub 110ldJ&, @ Ir3O2 T.ft 36rL9ra!j|Fc tctr.l93366 IVIALONE RESIDENCE. !7 ioddlt! rcd vdl co DOORTYPE;D6.2 JOB # 23O48.OO February t,2(Xrl I t I I I I I I I I I E rElr E TF I$o E l$t -BI(DItIO '* E G(o Gt G {.]EAD DETAIL9 as s o(: tATes AncHnEcrunE, P|-ANN|NG,. INTERIOR, T'ESIGN Boulder Office f .la Spn|c.s!!ta Sub lrO 8addt', @ tol{n Tdr :totra!r.aa33 F.E 3ot.+f9.3366 MATONE RESIDENCE !7 nodd.6lo.d vdl,@ HEAD DETA|ts D5.3 JOB # 23O48.0O February 1,2OO1 INTERIOR cAgll.lc TO tsEgELECTED tsY ou^lER/ARa{TECT I x uooD 6lDlNk3 PIr/OT DOoFe, ASEI.ItsLY, RE, FLooR PLAN9GLEVATIoI'I9 FoR LOCATIONg ' D@R gCHEDULE (DdO . D6-ll) FOR ADDllOi.{AL INFORHATION EXT. DOOR I,1EAD A Boulder Office l.ata sFp irt r tub trotqid-, @ lo:tot Tcls lo:t,aa9.a433Fe to3,.L9.3366 MALONE RESIDENCE !7 Roddc{c ford v.ll,@ DOOR HEAD D6.30 I I I I I I I t I I I &cto G * G G * * Gt E FILL CAPg AROUND ALL DOOre Ul IN9IILATIOhI, TYP. I.]EADER RE, 9TRI.JCT. a H. x a u,. Frll.t_ gTohtE I.|EADER 9IN6LE PIECE, IRTIEG{JLAR gI{APE, DEPTI.I VARIEg IIJI tsATTER COPTER FLA+.IIT.IG ANDgEALANT, EXTEND 6' I.1IN UP gl{EAlllll.lc DOffi,, RE, 9CFIEDULE, D6.lO, Db ll cAgrl€ 10 aE gELECTED BY ARCITI1ECT DO.OR ITEADAT gTONE ATCH|TrcruN8, PI.ANNING, INTERIOR DEISIGD{ Boulder Office l.l:|.SpnD$tr lLrL l lolqidr, CO to:tcl T.[ 3ot.,L9,ta33 FE 3Ot.4493366 IVIALONE RESIDENCE at Fodd.+ lad. Vra,@ WNDOW HEAD DETAIL D6.31 JOB # 23U8.OO February l,2q)1 ooI T t 0 I I I I I JAY3 DETAILg I Ij' ('' c:I GI $ tD! GI 4 Gct * 3 G tE$otr D!st( assoclaT N ARC}I]TECruRE, nlNNING, INTERIOR, DESICN Boulder Office fataSFp$ra Sub llO Bqld.r, OO !O3Ol Td: 3o:t"aagiaa33Fc :lOt/4933G6 tvtALONE RESIDENCEt' nodd.tp fo.dvdl@ IAI,IB DETA$D6.4 @ JOB # 23048.00 February l,2OOl I I t I I I t t I gTONE \€NEER, DEPTIT VARIEg AT tsATlERED IIJALLg gEALANT AND tsACKER ROD LAP BUILDINC PATER INTO UJINDOIU ROU6H OtENll.lG PRIOR TO SETTll\lG u,INDOU,| OR TRII,I (TYP- ALL gIDEg) DOOR RE: 9CI-IEDULE D6-lO . D6-ll CAgll.lG TO BE 9ELECTEDI I I I I I I J t 9IF1 AT U'INDOIU JAI1B ,^. EXT. DOOR JANE_( | \ AT9TONEtt\ | I ll/2'=l'-@" ARCHlTECruN.E, PT.ANNING, INIERIOR DESIGN Boulderffice f.3a$n.r$'!.rItb tlo Eqrldlr, @ EOIO:I T!l: 3O3.a/19.{33 F.E 30:1.aa93366ww.fE t-bi..di tvtALONE RESIDENCE !7 RoddGdlr fod . Vrll, CO DOORj i,lB D6.40 JOB #23()48.0()February 1,2@1 o 9 ILLITI.+RE9I+CLD DETA IL9 oI t I t I I I I I I t € * R st GItt ruI G G 4 E IXSOIT DTIIIGN ARC}I]IEruR,E,Pt NNtitc., INIERIoN, DEIiIGN Boulder Offlce lata SFruo gtra $b 110ldlld.r, CO !OlO2 Td: totr.t9./+ait3Fc tdt4lt3365 IYIALONE RESIDENCE tZ Rodd.b no.d V.ll, CO SITUTHRESHOTD DETAITS D6.5 assocraTas JOB # 23048.00 February 1,2q11 UJRAP UF I,IEIIERANE UP UNDER DOOR TI{REg*,IOLD (9) AND tsACKER ROD 9TONE DOOR aILL.2' DEEFER TI]A\| ADJ. \€NEER, VARIEg U,/ BATTER, gLOPE ll2" EXPANglOl.l JOINT TIATERIAL PAvll.lG vARlEg DOOR RE,9C|IEDULE, D6)O . Db-ll FLOOR A99EF1tsLY VARIEg .^. DOOR TFIREgI{OLDl, r \ AT gTONE \€NEERtlU I ll/'2"=l'-A" ARCHITECruRE, PIANNING, INTERIOR, OE IGN Boulder Office lai}l SpnE Sbrr Itrlb I tO 8dddrr, CO tO:Xl2T.[ 3o3..L9.a,t33Fa :1O3J493366 DOORTHRESHOLD D6.50 MATONE RESIDENCE 17 fodd.dF Fod Vrtl,@ ooI I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I t BATTEiGD gT6E \€IEER EEYA,D E70rG ?!FE6|OLD, 2' DEEFER IIIA{ ADJ, CT6E \€\GTR, ELOTE CLEFT TOP lt'E)<PAl€la{ JOIN1 DOOR JA}18 e)Ef6l DOORftr €r/JE,PULE,D6.b . D6Jl Ul9oDDOOR,fI]FE9,.Ip.LD CA6II€ EEYOiD IITAP IIAIERFFOF IIEI'IIRAIG I.IDER TIf,EOIIOLD .^. DOOR T[-.|RE9}-IOLD A1( I \ BATTERED gTONE IIJALL Ut I IES'OIIT DESIGN ASS O(; I ATEg ARCH|TECTURE, PI.ANNING, INTERPR DESIGN Boulder Office 1/t3a Spn c. Srttgfr1t0 !qd&, CO a)tojl TGh 10:1.449.4433Fe 303r+19.3365 MALONE RESIDENCE tz Rodd.dSe f..d vdl,@ DOORTHRESHOLD D6.51 ,oB # 23O48.OO February 1,2@1 ool I t r ! t t I I I I * r|:)o G 8 G CD -.8 GI G G Gcot G DOOR TRII1 DETAILg, ETC. ARCHITECruRE, PTANNING, INTER,KN DTSCX Boulder Offlce l.l:L Spn'n Srrr ltuhr 110 8qdd.r, CO !O!OE T.ft :t03.+#1.+f3tF& tO3..'1.19J366 ^,IALONE RESIDENCE t7 noddr{r tcd vdt,@ DOORTRIM DETAILS, ETC.D6.6 JOB # 23O48.OO February 1,2q)l ooI ! I I I l I : t t I G:I Gt G EDI GI € s(') GI G U,J IND CLIJ gCI..IE D UL E rESOIf DESTGN ASSOCIATES ARCHTTECruRE PTANNING, INTERIOR DESIGN Boulder Office t,l3a SFrc. Crt a Sub 110 aqdd.r, CO !OtO2 Ttl: :t0:La.19.4f33Fe 3O:1.aaO.'!66 TVIALONE RESIDENCE E7 nod.L{s fBd vdl,co WINCTO\,V SCHEDULE D7.1 ,oB # 23(XE.OO February 1, 2OOl I I I I I t l t I I T I I J l14 l6A rl TTFE ltc o x r{,pErAlc FRUftI rtlD .Ht€TGAS-D Lrvxt@11 drdr DooR ,\t' x g-o,E(lERIfi DOOR t FdIER SIAR c,agaEtr t-'l' x b'-6, c aEtt c4sEant 7'-W v 6'-Ot (I)crEgt I 4Egl2 (2ErgBtM 0) 2'-3. X 1'-b. E a,,Egl I CT€E€W 1..t. x 5'-6. F FEC F''I OEISBtTT Qt 2'-3. X '\6.6 erul)c$aant 2\VXE-e (D uKulA|.!DOOR 2\A'.\A'-t I uKulAl dg|TE VAFIE9 FET"D IGFF' 9{AFE JI( lcD|rAiol FI\,g?DOm 9'-dxc'4, ltDttA'ION FICITE t\e x d-1. L aEtl 1 ltll.@ gtttY 2Lt x 1'-b. t GuEgl ,f offi,Q)2\r'X8.d DdESOR 9OOR x eEgl 1 OEAgFBII |',-dx1'-D-n 0 aA rt CT€B€{T t-b,x+bn I ELEVA?OF 2 FbGD 2'-,NX>'4' e EEVATOR 2 FbGD 2'.'|X1',-tt I r.ragllF cLo€Et CrA€E€tn 2'-b|Xi'..,l s GX,UI&L ddltrE VAFEg FELD IEFFT g|UFE I ffiKuAu FcnrE VAFEg FE^D r,fiFr 6HAFE u ffi|(UAI PIcNFE 5'-l X 5'{. n gER lED@n WR aa'-t'x|l-e DdEFbR DOOR HA{trER lEDiOo?l (?EA6E6r t-d x 4'.!. NA'TER IEDF@II C"AEE6|i f-ar x 4'-J I *tHn cl9E6|l l'€. x 4'-!. Y ffirtltL FrcntE 3 -9 X 9-1. 2 ffi,C4gE€'lt 2\Wxr'-b-noELEVATOR 2 FbGD 7\d x 6'-v1, LM'E Ro0l1 BAY I[DA! @ pcK uAtt dc|ttE 9'.4 X 9'-4. pcrl{.I FICTTTE VAFEg FE..D \ffiFY AUFE @ DNIC FCfl titlE llatlY t\rw,x1\d @ !H H'T c,AtEE{|7\d x 9'-9' @ trl Hlt cjgE€{r l€' x 6'-6. uxNDqu 9C|€DTILE l.lolE& L FrcV|E)E IEI-IPEFED Cd.& A1 ALL FRENCH DOORE lrND IIT]EiIE FEAUIRED AY @E 2. gEE ELEVATION9 FOR I,|INDAU CON'I6URA'ION9, OFERAELE \GNr LOCArlCr.tg, r.tfit?N FAT1EFN9, AD TOF OF UTNDOU,| LOCATION 9- P@VfDE ENIRr HAFDIIARE Ar@ ECREEN OOORO AI ALL FF|E.lGl{ Dooeb 4. gEE EFECIFICATION T.IANIAL FOR ADDITIONAL FEdJIRE}'ENTS 9. PFOVIDE D'OOF', EIO]4 & APF|Fp'VEO DY AEIIIIEC1 6. Ij',INDOIIJ 9IZES AD COiCBJRATIONI' AFE FOR 4I€RAL IICOF'lA?lOi.l Or.LY- Cgr,nRACToR 1O 9|.Et'llT t'lAl.t FACTIFER DATA AI@ gI.IOF DR4UI€g FOR ARd][ECT'9 AFFPVAL FIELD \€RIFY AL gIE AD PIFGNSION FEdJIFEFE{T9 1. ALL U,|NPOIT' AI EEDROOI'IS TO FEET EGFESS FIEAUIREFENTE A REFER TO TRJCNNA PRAUJII€g FOR I€A9ER FEdJIREHEM9g nil@ouJ ElzEg ch/EN ARE acruAL uJlr@an, rNlT glzE ar{D Do l.tot INCLUDE RAJ6H OPENII€ I@- gEE NTERIOR ELEVATIOI.IS FOR A76 A@ LOCATION G c,,€..TT@ I ARCHITECruRE, PIANNIIIG, INIERIOR DESIGN Boulder Office f43aSpnro$a Sullr llO 8dr1d!?, CO 8O3(D Tch 303!aa9*133F.x 303,/|.1t3365 MALONE RESIDENCE t7 fodd.{r nod vdl,@ WNDOVVSCHEDUTE D7.10 JOB # 23048.00 Feb,ruaty 1, 2(X'1 I I I t I I I I lXl LCITEfl llFE 8IE ruXH)DEru8 Elrfit ICAD J{tt nf,Ealru) I€ FOLK [hE UN)o|lE ARE I&ED O.ILY il If ELEVAI ti\E ffiKt|AlI FICTTE VARIE9 gKulall FICIITE VARE6 G+ @ rccKutAtl PICIITE YARE9 ffiulAtl HCNTE VARIE6 D UKIIIALL FICIT.FE VAHEE @ ffiKulall PtsTUFE VAdEE @ UKUIALL Fl6ntE VARIEE €)ffiulatl FIcllnE VAFEg @ ffiuA[FICTIFE VAFE6 €)UKIIAL HCNKE VAdEg @ LNil3efic["*8roR PIctlNE VIdEg 6 LM& @it ctEFEgroRr FIcllNE VARIES @ LME@fiCIEFEETOFT F*'UFE YAREg (LLII3EN4EFEETfrI FICIITE VAdE9 @ 9l$l380H olIrNtG 2'-tXL'! t u,NDAi SCHEDULE f&2TE9, t t pRovtDE TEIIFERED ci'-agg ar aL FFEl.lcr{ gaa?s AD III{ERE REdJIRED AY @E d, a gEE ELEVATIONS FoR lt lNDOtU COI.FIA,RATIONt', OFERAELEI \/ENr LocarloitE, rrNrN FATrEFltg, ar{D Top oF u,h@ouJ LocarloN a 3.gwE ENrFr HARpUaFE aD ECREEN DaoFs Ar ALL FFENctl 4- gEE BFECFICATIOiI MAUAL FOR, ADDITIO}.IA REdIIRET,ENTS 9. PROVIDE DOOR,9IoF9 Ag APPFOVED BY ARCI.II?ECT 6- rUll.lpou,l EIZEE ar@ cof.Fl4lRATloNg ARE FOt CENERAT-IIfOR'IATION ONLY. CONIRAC'TO|? TO AJEF1IT I.IAN.FACTI.FER DATAA{D SIIOP DRA$€S FOR A;?CI.IIIECT.9 AFFPVAL FIELD \GRIFY AL gIZE AD DII.GI{gION FE6IIIRET,EM9 L ALL n fr@ourg aI eEr'rcc/r,tg to HEET EGREgg REaJIREI.EXTS A. REFER fO STRI.JCTIJRAL PRAII'|II{66 FOR I.IEADER REqJIREI.IENT9 e- urhrDou, EIZE6 6l\€N ARE ACTUA llrlNDou, t.D.llT 6lrE AlD Do l*toT INCLUDE FO|JCI.I OFEN[{6 KA. EEE NTERIOR ELEVATIOI.IE FOR TYFE AD LdATION oF CASII€E I I I I t T t ARCHITBCruRE, PI.ANNING, INTERIOR DESIGN BoulderOffice lai'. SFuc. $rt.. ttutblto ladd.r, @ !{tBO:lLh :tO:1.{9.,H33 F.E 30lJ.u,:t66 I\,IALONE RESIDENCE t7 nod.lot3lod Vrll,@ WINDOWSCHEDULE D7.'.|1 JOB *23(XE.OO February 1,2OO1 ,?Irr.RnateilalrairrnD r 02:45:15 PM.dwu, ooI I t I I I l I t I I E l,:or/:l III{! G CD 't rg o G Gt G H G IIJTNDCTIJ TYFES ARCHlTBCruRE, N.ANNINO |]rTER|oR, DESIGN Boulder Office la:L SFro Sbli Sub | 10 Bqrld.r, CO e3antdr t(84.9-4ttFa :totrfS:166 MALONE RESIDENCE t' fodd.{t Rdd V.ll,@ W]NDOWTYPES D7.2 ,oB # 2300E.OO February 1,2(X)1 ooI I t l T I I I t t IE r5 to t! $ g + s= G IN -6t G) G +{EAD DETAILg ARCHITECruRE, PI.ANNING, INIERPR DESGN Boulder Offlce l.f3a Spns *rt a$*fiolcit, @ t0lloL:l T.h 3ctj.t!'rL33Fc i!6,ra9.3366 tr,lA[ONE RESIDENCE t7 RoddG*. Fod Vrll,@ HEAD DFTAILS D7.3 JOB # 23(X8.OO February l,2Cn1 .^. IUINDOUJ I.{EAD( | \ ATgTONE \l l I T I I I T I I I I I e G |f) l; G Fo Ifi c(t) Gctt G FILL CAPg AROUND ALL rulNDotug uJl IN9ULATIO}.,I, TYP. LAt tsUlLDlI.l6 TAPER INTO UJINDOIU ROIJGII OTENINIG PRIoR TO 9ETTltl6 u,lNDoLl, OR TRIII (TYP- ALL 9IDE9) I-.IEADER REz 9TRUCT- a ++ X I tlJ. MIN gTOtlE IIEADERgINGLE PIEclE, IRREGULAR g+{APE, DEPT}I VARIEgIU/ BATTER COPFER FLASr}llI'lG AND 9EALANT. EXTEND 6" l'lll.L uP 9t.tEATt{N6 U'INDOIU IJNIT. RE; 9CI.IEDULE, D\qDilI PROVIDE JAT'lts EXTENgION AT ALL II,|INDOII,|9 46 REA'D cA9fl.,t6 10 eE gELECTED tsY ARCI{ITECT ARCHITECruRE PIANNING, INTER.IOR, DElilCN Boulder Office ta3a SFruc.lb.d $h.11O Badd.?, @ !(}lo2 Td! !O3rtil9..L33t& 3O3.419J365rry.l-dDt||.orl I\,IALONE RESIDENCE E7 Rodd.dF no.d vdl,@ WNDOW HEAD DETAIL D7.30 JOB # 23048.00 February 1,2q)l RECLAII,IED UPOD SIDING I{EADER RE' 9TRUGTRAL I t t I I I t I I t I I dI ott; rF t* rE tg rEt G TYP. CAgltlG10 OE EELECTED NOTE, ALLOU IN" ..l,AP Al I]EAD AND. FILL IIJI INgUL. TYT. ALL U,|INDOIIP ER FLA€'tlltlG 2x.A RS.CILAIF|ED ll'OOD TRltl iUITH 3/4' G) LAP EIIILDII{G PAFER INTO I.IINDOIU ROTIGII OFENh.,IG PRIOR TO 9ETTIN6 IUINDOII,| OR TRIT1, TYF. ALL 9IDE9. IJINDOII,, A9SET,IELY . RE, 9CFIEDULE, D1JO, D\l IUINDOIU I{EAD ATuooD glDtNc ARCHITECruRE, PI.ANNING, INIERIOR, DESIGN Boulder Office l.l3a$nE$.rg|.b lro3q &, @ lo:tcl Tdr 3ct..lrf9.aa33Fa td'r/#t3366 MATONE RESIDENCE !7 nodd.dF fod Vrtl,@ WINDOW HEAD DETAIL D7.31 ,oB # 23048.00 February 1, 20Ol I T T I I I t I I I I Gj G E G G F E G *@ 8 G TYP- CAgNG TO AE gELECTED NOTE: ALLOU IN' GAP Al I{EAD AND. FILL IUl INgIJL. TYP- ALL U,|INDOUE RE' 9TRUCTURAL COFFER FLAgttING (s) FINIgI]ED uJD TRII,' - COPFER CLAD LAP tsUILDII.IG PAFER INTO IUINDOUJ Rotl6l-l OFENll.lC FfdOR TO SETTI}..IG U,|INDOIU OR TRII.,I, TYP. ALL gIDEE II,|INDOU.' A99EMtsLY - RE, 9CI€DULE - DilO,D1-ll ARC|{TTECruRE PI.ANNINC, INIEilON,DEIIGN Boulder Office rl|'4 sFrc! gragib t toldfir, CO rr:!O! T.d: :!Ct319rl3:tFc itcl3ur3.:t65 MALONE RESIDENCE t7fod.{rRod vdt,@ WINDOW HEAD DETAIL D7.32 ASSOCIATES JOB#23@8.OO February 1,2OO1 I I I t I I T I I t I I eliv9 q 4 G Gd)(Y G !t G COPPER FLAgt-ilt€ 2Xe COPFER-CLAD RECLAIIIED IJ.DOD I{EADER ullq z/4" CI.]AIIFER RE: 9TRUCTURAL r.llD- cAglNG - 1O BE i?ELtr,(: I EI.,' IUINDOUJ AggEI4BLY. RE; 9C|.|EDULE, D1-lO, D1-ll LIVING ROOT1 IU]NDOIU I{EADAT ROOF DECK I l/2" = l'-@" ARCHITECruR.E PIANNING, INIERIOR DESIGN Eoulder Office l.fL SFn a grlri Sulb l tO Eouldlr, CO 60302T.[ 3o3.4f9.i1,133tu 3o:t..a.f!tj3e6w$r.L-dIt-ltD.cqtr tvtALONE RESIDENCE t7 noddc*: Ro.d vdl,@ WINDOW HEAD DETAIL D7.33 JOB # 23O48.0O February 1,2OO1 ooI I I I I I T ) I I I I F Gs ot G Gr- G6 G Gt G NOT UgED ll3otc DrSrc'N ASS OC IATES ARCHITECruRE, PI.ANNING, IhITERIOR DEIiIGN Boulder Offlce 1.03a SFruo $tta$brtolad&, @ it:!O:r TGb 3oltJagi,ltilFc :tcl,aagJ366 I/iALONE RESIDENCE t7 fodd.*s ldd V.ll,@ WNDOW HEAD DETAIL D7.34 JOB # 23048.@ February 1, 2(Xll FILL ALL VOID5 r.ulTr.{ INgULATION TYP. CA9thl610 OE SELECTED FROVIDEuooD JAnts EXTEN9ION9 A9 REAUIRED, TYF. I I I I T I I I I t I I I t t I I I LAP BUILDI}.IG PAPER lNlo uJll.lDouJ RotIGt{ OFENll.lG FRIOR TO 9ETTII'IG UJINDOIU OR TRIF1, TYP, ALL 9IDE9. ,,1.1- x 8"tu- l'1lN gTohlE I-{EADER, SII{GLE TIECE, IRREGULAR SITAPE COFTER FLA€*{I}{6 ANDgEALAT, EXTEND 6" I"IIFI- UP gllEATltltlc IIjINDOUJ I.NIT RE: SCHEDULE rESOrr DISIGN ASSOCTATES ARCHITECTRg PI.ANNING, INTERK'R, DES]GN Boulder Offtce f /l3a Spruo $!.r Suh. 1l O larldc.. @ lotcl Td: toitra.tg.+l33Fe 3o:1.aa93366 A,IALONE RESIDENCE 17 nadd.dt! Ro.d vdl,@ WINDOWHEAD DETAIL D7.35 ,oB # 23048.00 February l,2q)l I I I T I t I I I I I G tg @.T rII r$ rErg B rEr$ lg IEIE @8.-d)IN l:' z JAr|E- DETAILg IISOIIT DBSIGN ASS O(:TATES ARCHITECruRE, PI.ANNING, INIERIOR, D€SIGN Boulder Office l./r3a SF.E. irt r$b tto larldlr, CO Oro:l Tch:t06Ja9.aa33Fs :103.4{r.3366 IVIALONE RESIDENCE !7 nodd.{. Rdd Vrll, CO JAA,|B DETAil-s D7.4 JOB # 23048.00 February 1,2OO1 I l I T t I I I I I I t I T I I I T IJJOOD 9IDING LAT BUILDII..IG PAPER INTO TUINDOIJJ ROUGH OPENINC TRIOR TO gETTING IUINDOIIJ OR TRII1. TYP- ALL 9IDE9. (9) UJINDOUJ UNIT - RE: 9C|..|EDULE, D1.lO, D'1.11 PROVIDE JAI,1B EXTENSIOIi9 A9 REAUIRED, TYP CAgING TO AE 9ELECTED IUINDOIU JANE_41 WOOD 9ID]NG I l/2" = l'-O" Boulder Office la3,l SFUGG st'!.t Suh. 110 Eqlldcr, CO tO: n Td: 3O3.iH9.{33 FrE 3O3.,L9.3366 MALONE RESIDENCE 87 RoddG*. R.d Vetl, CO W|NDOWrArvrB DFfAIL D7.40 I I I I T I I I I t I G dt G G d *t GI ar:l G TYP- CAgll.lG10 BE 9ELEC1ED FINIg}.IED IIJD TRIM - COFPER c.LAD LAP tsUILDING PAPER INTO I.I'INDOIIJ ROIJGIT OFENI}.IG PRIOR TO gETTll.lG UJINDOIjJ OR fRH. TYP. ALL 9IDE9- IUINDOUJ AgSEI,IBLY - RE: 9CIIEDULE - D1JO,Dl.-ll ,A. I.UINDOIU JAI-lts AT( r \ UOOD 9l'flNCLEg ARCHTTECruRE NINNINO INIERIOR, DESIGN BoulderOffice lrlSa Spruo Stlattutbfiold|Hlr, CO !O3OA TGt :m3Ja9ra/+t!Fa 3oil.+{t3365r|wl-nDdlt.dr ,VIALONE RESIDENCE!t rodd.{r R6d .. vdl@ W|NDOWJAtvlE DETAIT D7.41 ,oB # 23048.00 February l,2ql1 3ILL DETAILg I I I t I I T I I I t -l G g G rB + G E Gt GT ao G IESOIT DISTGN A9SOCIATES ARCHITECruR,E, PI.ANNING, INTCRIOR, DESIGN Boulder Offlce t/rta Sprue Srd$br10ldddt, @ &to:l TGh 301,r.10.4'133Fe :1OC.,14t3365 MALONE RES]DENCE t7 noddcd!! Ro.d Vril,@ SILL DETA|5 D7.5 JOB # 23048.00 February 1,2OO1 I T t t I I T t t I I T B r3o)or: tH IF 'EG(o Gt G tlJlNDoUJ UNIT - RE' 9CI-IEDULE, D1.lO,D1-ll PROVIDE JAHts EXTENgIOII AT ALL UJINDOUJg A9 REA'D OR EXTEND gILL LINE OF JAHts tsEYOND 4 I{.gTONE gILL, DEPTII VARIEg IIJITI-I tsATTER LAP tsUILDI}.IG PATER INTO UJINDOUJ ROIJGI] OPENING Pf?IOR TO gETTING TIJINDOIIJ OR TRII1 (TYP. ALL 9IDE9) DEPTI-I VARIEg AT BATTERED IUALL9 CAgING 10 EE gELECTED BY ARCI]ITECT AND Ou'IER I,UINDOI,U 9]LLAT gTONE lls'Olr DESIGN ASS O(; IATES ARCHITECruRg PLANNING, INTERIOR DCSIGN Boulder Office 1.f3.1 sFrc. $r!.t Sub 1r ola d.r, CO A)3O2 T.l: 3O3,,L9.,1,133fa 3o3/a.r!r3l66 MALONE RESIDENCE Ez R.ddcdF Fod vdl.@ wtNtlowstLt DFTAIL D7.50 JOB # 23048.00 February 1,2OO1 ,^. UJINDOTU gILL AT( I \ uooD glDlNG tl\ ' I llf2"=l'-O" I I I I I I I I I I I t F #to - t$ IF l\. lF l$ (aI l$ 8 u PROVIDE JAI1ts EXTENglOf.lg A9 REOTJIRED, TYP. 1Y?- 51o.0L AND APROhI 1O OE gELECTED UJINDOIU I,JNIT . RE, rcHEDULE, D1.IO,D]-II LAP tsUILDING FAPER INTO tlJlNDOU, ROLGH OFENll.lG FRIOR TO gETTING IUINDOTU OR TRII.1, TYT. ALL 9IDE9- (g) 2)<6 re.CLAIF1IED UDOD RECLAFIED IJPOD gIDIIIG ARCH]TECruRE, PI.ANNINO INIERIOR OCSIGN Boulder Office l.ata spruc. Sblra Sulb llO Bdrldr?, CO to3o2 Td! :to3.,1r9.,|.t33Fa 3of..L9.3366$v*.t3,t -lndt| TIIALONE RESIDENCE Ez Rodddt3 fo.d vdt,@ WINDOWSILL DETAIL D7.51 JOB # 23(X8.OO February 1,2@1 I t I I I I I T I I I I I I t t I oo T ARCHITECIUR[, PI'NNING, INTERIOR DES|GN Boulder Office laSa SFuo St.ilbb 110la nr, @ tot0l T.h t0:t,1.19.l}{1,:lFe :loil4l9.3t66 iITATONE RESIDENCE t7 Rodd.dS. Rord vdl,@ WINDO\,VS|LL DETAIL D7.52 JO8 # 23048.00 February 1,2(X)l I T I I I I I I I t I I I T I I I I 8!HrR etDlg-/ RE, 9CIIEDULE, D1.IO, D1.II IUOOD 91OOL ' BAgE 10 EE gELECTED RE: 9TRUCTURAL FOR FLoOf? FRAl"llI{C ltlFO- IIOOD CAgI}.IG 10 tsE gELECTED uJlNDotU A9gEf1tsLY, RE: 9CI-IEDULE. D1Jo, DlJl ,A. IUINDOIU glLL/ I.IEAD A( | \ aOP?ERDORHER iN !s ArcHlTBCruRE, PI.ANNING, INTERrcN De;|GN Boulder Office taL Spru6 Snta Erb tl0!d|b?, @ ar:xn T.U iiclraa9.aattFc :10:lr+€3365 MATONE RESIDENCE a7 fod.6! Rdd - vdl,@ wtNDowsrlt DETAIL D7.53 JOB * 23O48.0O February l,2OOl II,|INDOIU AggEI'1BLY RE, 9Cf-{EDULE, Dl.lO, Dl.ll UD. STOOL ' BAgE 7O BE 9ELECTED RE, 9TRUCTURAL FORFLOOR FRAHllllG llSO- IUINDOIU gILL A COPPER DORI-IER ARCHlTECruRE, PIANNING, INTER.IOR DCSIGN haf..oiDdt|t.onr*uIEiD*ncdtt Boulder Office l.l3a SFre *lt r Sub llO lqddr, CO !O!OE T.h 30:14f9.4a33FE :to:lrrl9.3t66 MATONE RESIDENCE t7 nodd.ts lod vdl,@ wrNDowstlt DETAIT D7.54 I I I I I I I t I T I I I I I I t uJD.gILL AND cA9ll.l6,10 aE 9ELECTED Llvll.lG Rool.1 II'INDOIIJ A99EI1tsLY.RE, gCHEDULE, D\O,D'l-tl RE, 9TRUCTURAL 2X RECLAII,IED TIJOOD TRII'I COFFER FLAgHIT.IC PI\/OI DOOR ASgET'IBLY. RE, 9CFIEDULE, D6lo, D6Jl ,^. I.UINDOIU 9ILL/ I{EAD A( r \ tsALcoNY I ArcHTECruRE, PIANNINC, INIERIORDE;IGN Boulder Office ' laL SFruoh$b 110 ldrld.r, @ !O!O2 Tch l03,l.t9.,tl33Fe t(8.,a49J366wwlriD.jtns! IVIALONE RESIDENCE tZ foddc{r nad VrI,@ wrNtowstLL DETAIL D7.55 ,oB # 23048.00 February 1,2@1 I I I I I NOTE; ALLOU I/2" GAP AI I{EAD A{Dr FILL U'l NAIL. TYT.AL IUINDOUE TYP. CA9|N6- TO BE gELECTED u/lNDotu AggEf1tsLY - RE: 9CI-|EDULE - D-l.lO,D1.ll LINE OF 9l-lll.l6LEg BEYO|ID FINIS'I.IED llJD TRll''l - CoFPER c,LAD (9) LAP BUlLDll.,t6 PAPFR |NTO tUlNDOtlJ ROlJGlt OPENIIIC FRIOR TO gETTll€ lilNDOu' OR TRlt'1, TYr- ALL 9IDE9. IUINDOU,| gILL A UDOD gFIINGLEg ARCHITECruRE, NANNING, IhITERIOR OESIGN Boulder Office l.fg Spn'E Sbltaghrro lqrld.r, @ lo:|an Td:3lrlJ49.aa3tFc 3ct/a93,:t65 IIALONE RESIDENCE a7 FoddrdF Ro.d Vrll,@ wtNDow sttt DFTAIL D7.56 JOB * 23g8.OO February 1,2001 T I T I I I I I I I I t I I I I I FROVIDE JAI'IB EXTEN9IOhI9 A9 REAUIRED, TYP- TYT,gTOOL AND APROf.l 10 AE gELECTED FILL ALL VOIDi u,lTtt lNgtJLATloht II'INDOI]J UNIT RE: gCHEDULE, D1.lO,D]-ll LINE OF gTONE JAF1ts tsEYOi.lD LAT AUILDII..IC PAPER INTO I,NDOIU ROuCH OPENI}€ FRIOF? TO gETTITI3 IUINDOTI, OR TRII1, TYP- AL 9IDE9- (9) 4" t-t gTohlE gtLL, 9LOFED DEPT}I OF 9TOhIE VARIEg AT tsATTER RE: ELEVATIoN9 .^. gTONE gILL AT( | \ D9UtslLE 2X U,ALL \l I ARCHITECTURE, PI.ANNING, IhITERIC'R, DSSIGN Boulder Office l,lsaSpnslH.irb llO larldlr, CO totoif T.|: 3o:tJagra3:tFE 3ot.|.93i165 MALONE RESIDENCE tZ Rodd.{G no.d vdl,@ wtNDowsrLt DETAL D7.57 JOB # 23O4E.OO February 1,2@1 ooI I t I t I T I I t Ic c 3 s 8 Gg GI G d(\l6 Gt tE uJINDCIIJ TRII1 DETAILg, ETC. llsorr DPstGt{ ARCH]TECruRE, PTANNING, INTERIOR, DCSIGN Boulder Offlce t,a3a Snn $.r$L ltolqrl-, @ tolol Td: tcl./arr9.+t33FE 3oit.,a{95366 MALONE RESIDENCE !7 nodd.d!! fo.d vdl,@ WINDOWTRIM DETAilS, ETC.D7.6 t'ssoctaTas JOB #23q8.00 February 1,2Xt1 ot 1 t t I t T 2 1 EXTERICR LIGI+T FIXTUREg I I rso s 8 G CD ' Gl,GIo $ re(t, Gt E ArcHlT8cruRE PI.ANNING, INIERIOR, DESIGN Boulder Office f ,l3a SF.r gtrr 9*110 losldlr, OO D:tOfld: !03r,t9.+13!Fe 103/t41.3366 MALONE RESIDENCE tZ nodddt! Rdd vdl,@ EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURES Dg.1 JOB * 23O48.OO February 1,2@1 I I I t T I I I t 1 t I o'o C E G *o Gt d 3 C ELEVATION COPPER TOP COFPER FRAFIE, gOLDER ALL COT.,NECTION9, FATINA 2 gTANDARD EXTERIOR WT.,.E19, FAClhtG Doul.l, ulTl.t 2 6@ UAfl CANDLE gI]APED EULBg VILY gEEDEO G,LA9g. TI.IREE 9IDE9, CURVED AT FRONT OPEN BOTTOI1 I]EAVILY gEEDED GLA9S, TI..IREE SIDE9 2 gTA{DARD EXTERIOR @&Efq FACING Douhl, uJlTtt 2 60 UAII CA.IDLE gHAPED tsULtsg C,OPPER LIGHT FIXTURE IBSOIT DESIGN ASSOCTATfS ARCH|TECruRE, n-ANt{Nc, NICruONDESICN Boulder Office laSa Cpruo $ila$bfloldddr, OO !O:tO2T.* tot.?r9.+133Fc to!.?xr3!66 TV|ALONE RESIDENCE tZ fodd.+ Rdd vdl,@ DfiERIOR LIGHTFIXTURE Dg.1 JOB # 23O48.OO February 1,2(X)l t I I I I I I t I t I +'o Gfio G Go G *(o Gt G inLeriors Qener at noLeg b. 6. '1. a. 9. TI{E GENERAL CONTRACTC}R 19 RE9POT.I9ItsLE FOR CITECKI}.I6 ALL FIELD COAIDITIOIIg AND DIF,IENgIONg A{D gI{ALL REPORT ANY ERROR, INCON9I9TENCY OR OF1I1I999IOhI TO TItE ARCI.IITECT/INTERIOR DE9IGNER IF TL.ERE ARE ANY AUESTIONS REGARDII{C T}IEgE OR OTI{ER COORDINATIOI.I 6[,JESTICI.I9, TI{E6ENERA COI.ITRACTOR 19 RE9PON9IELE FoR OETAlNll.l6 A CLARlFlCATlCt,l FROI.,I TIIE ARCITITECT AND INTERIOR DE9IGNER BEFORE PROCEEDII..I6 IUITI{ TI{E II.IORK N AUEgTION OR RELATED II,ORI< ,TYPICALU gI{ALL I.,IEAT.I THE SAI"IE OR SIIIILAR CONDITION EXIgTg IN OTI{ER AREA9. AL l"'lECltANlCAL, ELECTRICAL OR PLlJflBlt16 REOUIREI'IENT9 NEED TO FIT UJlTl.{lN TI..IE ArcHITECTURAL A{D NTERIOR DE9I6N DIT1ENgIONg. NOTIFY ARCI{ITECT OR INTERIOR DE9I6NER OF A}.{Y DI9CREPAI.{C|E9. TflE GENERAL CONTRACTOR 9|{ALL PROVIDE ALL NECE9SARY BLOCKltlG lNgruD U'ALLS AND CEILIhIG. LOCATIO}.Ig INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LII'IITED TO, TOILET rcESg€F;IEg, EHELVI}\I6 AND OTIIER HILLIIJOFK, ARTIIJOFT< DRAFERIES, 9I6NA6E, ETC. AL FAINT AND gTAIN SAT,FLE9 ARE TO tsE AFFROVED BY TI.IE INTERIOR DEgI4{ER IN TI..IE FIELD. COORDINATE LOCATIO|II9 OF ELECTRICAL AND TELEP|IOI\E OUTLET9 tlOtF.,lTED AtsolF- IIILLU'OFK COTJNTES AND IUITIIIN HILLII'OFK CABINET9 IUITII I'IILLIII'FK COi.ITRACTOR CI.JTOIJT9 FOR 9II,|ITCI]ES, OIJTLET9 AND OTI{ER ELECTRICAL DEVICEg RE@IJIRED ARE TO BE PROVIDED BY TIILLII,|OFK CONTRACTOR AND 9I{ALL eE @ORDINATED BY Tl{E GEI.|ERAL COhITRACTC'R A|.|D REvlEttED By TI{E INTERIOR DEgIC}{ER AL INTERIOR DIIIEN9ION9 ARE TO CENTERI-INE, IX{LEgg NO1ED OTI.IERIJI9E. REFER fO D2O AND gHEET AIO FOR ARCIIITECTURAL GENERAL NOTEg. gEE FINI9II gCI{EDULE (DIO.D FOR I1ORE II\FOFIIATIOhI. IIATERIAL, FINISHE9, FROFILEg, TEXruRE9, ETC. VARY. EJg"'IIT 94f,1PLE9 AD 9HOP DRAI1I11169 6OO ArcHITECT'9 AND INTERIOR DE9IC*.,IER'9 APFROVAL9 PRIOR TO OFDERII€ OR IN9TALL ll.lG FIATERIALS. gEE REFLECTED CEILII€ PLAg (AIOO - AIO.il FOR CEILII€ IIEI6I.{T9, BEAI1 LOCATION9, DIFGNSION9, ETC. FROVIDE BULLNOgE EDCE AT ALL TILES AND gTONEg E><POgED TO VIEIU (IUITI.I F,fATCHthtC FtNtgH). ALL tsEAF1 SIZES ARE (W)X OD. PROVIDE ATTIC ACC,EgS PANELg A9 REAUIRED. ARCI.IITECT TO APFRO\€ ALL LOCATIONS. gEE 9TRUCTRAL DRAUJlhlGg FOR FRAfllI\t3, RETAlNll.lG tl,ALg AND FOOTI}€9. to. 14. 12- 13. IISOIC DESIGN AS S O(: T.ATES ARCHlTECruRE, PI.ANNING, INTER,IOR TXSIGN Boulder Office l.Ea Spruc. S!|-$lb t10 Bosldlr, GO mto:l Tt{: lot..l.tgL33Fe 303.4195355 MALONE RESIDENCE t7 Rodd.dfr Ro.d vdt,@ INTERIORS GENEML NOTES Dl 0.0 JOB # 23048.00 February 1,2(n1 ooI T I I T I I t I I I E E r#oto lII-sIO Iio !t Go G G ? Gt ar) G INTERIORS FINISI.+ gCI]EDULE llsotr DEstcN ARCHTTECruRE, PTANlsNG, INIERION, DESIGN Boulder Office lai'. SF|c Srra Suh. I lO !arl&r, @ tolo:lt* 3o!,aao,tat3h 3O0J.l9Jl65 ITALONE RESIDENCE !7 rodd.dF rcd Vrll,@ INTERIORS FINISH SCHEDUTE Dl 0.1 asS0craTas JOB # 23048.00 February 1,2q)1 I : q E6 'ao !oo '!otr 6 4' Bq, ID o 6 otr EcE vi!to o0tr o0tr65cootr'aj E.E10::o-9. ().^6 =v,€=9F';i o8ELr gaa.E;e6!Q{,9.ltE'i =9 -oO.t EIE€gEE€ FE, E €*eEr E E;E:i E €E::3 + .E.bg4; E I giE*ggIg€ gtfiet€rE EE EE{$EEEE!g E€€EtEEEEE EE3€tEi; sg {EE$iEEE,gg Egg€g3E$E€€ oeGI |l t'6..e8€EtEZ EGott'6o& e€9EqtO>E;() =dii> t I t t I l I I I I l I I l€ oIE6, TH {'r\o C- oO t I I llsor DEstGa{ ass oc tATgs ArcHnEcruRE PLANNING, INTER|CN,DEiIGN BoulderOffice l/rta$nE$sqt|lOlqfir, @ Gct T.& ABr.Ora33Fc tot.,3l9JitG6 rdAtONE RESIDENCE !7 foddr{r ford \rr[, CI) INTERIORS FINISH SCtsIEDULE Dl0.1a JOB # 23(N8.@ February 1,2@l 5 r..tso CI { o(.1\oc'l \o6lqo\o e*\o o\Ftt.'t x $r&a-icaOcac.r 6lJ\oACIFr.: cA -oFiF\Fl O\ r')S..VqP?o\Eos-r\ =Eo\E.iHFr ca.. \oc)FrE€\oO2..r.cl !!, \Ca(Jra c.i ,; '1'iiFsctt=.ItRoEio;E -ogrFlJro.?ct.RcacEl'r--r\OOY =AEs "FO.E.e E EoE6^ rEFh:fil:>:gF"E.E;-';8?ES3e5*ExEF!9€F!a€.FF:9u)L-.-yOil .+gS\" giEEEg E E{6d $}.E FEeERtE d Eg46'Et r-\ - - -YalFr I I I I I I I t t I t I I l€ oz:- & -or€ IH I I t llSOIC DESIGN ASSOCTATES ARCHIT8CruR.E, PI.ANNING, INTERIORDESIGN BoulderOffice laL lFnE SuraSr* | l0 8cr|dr, @ mctT.I 10t.4{9.*€3Fc !O3.4t9.Xt65 N,IALONE RESIDENCEt' fodd.{t REd V.lL@ INTERTORS FINISH SCHEDUL"E Dl0.1b ,oB #23048.00 February 1,2OOl =-:io !tr{ E g q,o I {) Eg cl c.E o g, AD 0 {) !g g IE ? 8 d{'!) =to E G .o c) cl ;r !o E:6 Cr !() C! 6or Eo 6ov, I6zo EoEoq) EF s i cA + e)xfl ti { + e3 Efl s rr.r otroa to > s rtl I o oo6A o.)co o u)6 e:s r E o B () a) o o() q) E € !{)ocl €oac {)Eoz o o ct) o EIso, o8qla ooE a) oac Or GT FI €, a0 Ec(9 (Dc 8E .)ade G'F otr oo o! C!a6O LO ofr o oo oo,6 ca !otr o() o0q ta6o v, €!) ca oov, qt > Lo 6 a, trl CIo o out6o qt o0 o C) {tr 4'ql() L 6 ah (t)e 8 ov,6o E> {E oo o0E v, GIo Etr.)! arloilotro 6 €Imc{ I I I I I l I I I I t t I t I t t I I IIS'OE DAIGN ASSOGTAIES ARCHlTECruNE, PITNt{NG, |IITGR|ORD6,IGN BouHer Office laEa tFnE $.a9*flO!arl&, OO O@ T.& it6r.|'ra3trc !@raa!rtt66 A,IALONE RESIDEI{CE t'nodhdrRod V.lL@ INTERIORS FINISH SCHEDULE D1 0.1c JOB#23s8.00 February 7,2@1 I T I t I I I I ! 5 i-.:tort $ rA l*lrlul$ I(\t !)o F ooco o v,6t o() () cu,6 A t\ a.l C)c:o o,5 G' u) I 6(J 'ctoo> ! s o G)tr{, o aa(6 Cr ir(|) o)tr{) o vlqle * FI sllEl,l,l=lu {tr .A6a g coIotr {5'5 ca a c IaI ot\ oot\ o aa6e ct F oo (|) (.) b[ u,6() a GI v,6 oo,Io6I{ Ao bcct g troE Flhg .5 o al Eo e€ a)trl tlq) =(J CIod Loo tL ou,6a =ct b0 o C) batr aa6O ao4'o (J UItr .5 a C)t) o!t (tlt)& ID EIo 6 €toaa6l l€ * ATCHFECruRE, n,tNNlNG, |NftruOR,DCSIGN BoulderOffie l4ta$nE$rai*tto&ular, CD Gct T.& t@/aauat!Fc !O!./L9.t!65 IWITONE RESIDENCE tt iodd{t rad \r.&@ INTERIORS FINISH SCHEDULE Dl 0.1d ,oB # 23(N8.OO February 1,2OOl liol1 aa rr 3 o.r-l6 =t() o Q)co uta6ou) {) F o F- ()!)tro o v,6 |l) a) .) g 4'6A e(\ a.r !)tr5ctc) o vt =Q rt) o u) E6 v) !oof !I; *s oc,tro a) vz6 A Loc)tr{) () q, 6 tu a a..l c.r !oo !,oo ': S o Dti:gg it) ?t o cl e c C) N v,() 6tr =,o > o!)co oa6 A s arr ocitv, .o a o C: ctt o o u) GIa 6n Ia(, ..loGI oolr o 3lq 6 = o0E oo ot.s 3l C) .F F at,dou, 'la() (Eo €oo .F d o ts = tro +aatr .l -trl Lro € ioN oo E oo,6o =ct> o0tr o C) o0ci u,6 L) ooI o 6g ()ea rooGI !fr. oc,a! trl (t oou,trc bacl oo o,F6a)trl {c ll6l C) u,tr .l la oot|) c:3oo al trt oofr Lo!t EFr\oo({!lz. oulc ro EE.o!t g, &, a) E:o 6 €I 6l I I I T t I I I l I I I I l I I T I I oo llsrolf DEIIGN ASSOCIATES ARCHNECTURq, NANNING, INIERIOR, DCIIIGN BoulderOfte lrf tpnE $!.agfr110 ldd-., @ GelT* t6/a.Srra!tFE !6ra49tt66 IIALONE RESIDENCE !7 Roddcdr fcd V.I,@ INTERIORS FINISH SCFIEDULE D10.1e ,oB # 23s8.OO February 1,2001 =3!- \0 €oEio otrooE GIou) IDq) ||) .) v,d cr a)oFi() oo6 A s o F o t- t c! + e3x ,o tr ;f, + g xfl ts (rl o EIIv, .D6a !,oo ' E > \o ()q) o oo6 A ootro oaGI A. s (fl €oo o F o F o|D o o66E rrc)otr{) o 3 cr s cT oc: I€() Eo !, =C) o o0 5c| at ql > bo Ei =oo b0ci'a cta Eoc/ l. G'e q F€t{ oolr oodo ct F b0c o() btc ah6() 4' .l 2m ooE() oU ql H 6o GI oo F. t)a.E !a (l F oo () U a0 a.Eo e,oll 'E 6 vl 'rc6g t-. rt qt trl oa) = q\€GI h o oo6 E > o0 oo boq u,cU .e E cacE EAJg3 €os .Fg6 E E oa)trott 4to&oto d ooto(.1N I I I I I I I I T I t I I I I I I I I o IEgOI:r DESIGN ASSOCIATES ARCH]f8CruRE nANNtl.tG, IhITERIOR DE rcN BoulderOffice l{LSpnnhgtllo larb, OO @elTct S.,1|9*l!:tFc 3GJa4tll66 IvIALONE RESIDENCE !r rodd{r rcd VdLCD INTERIOR!' FINISH SC}IEDUU Dl 0.1f ,oB # 23O48.0O February 1,2@1 I I I I t I I I t I t (|)()gi()E' {)& l|) ql €v c{ t I T I I t I I 5(- t- llsorr DEst(iN ASSO(:I ATES Boulder Office r.l3aSFE$d$br10 ldddlr, CO UlOl Tch 3qt..lrllralilFE 3o!*fir3:t66 rnormcrunE IPIINNING, I INTERIOR DerCN'l IrnraOl*l.ol Ir*r.Lrrodt|i.dr I TVIALONE RESIDENCE!' noeCraF rcdvdl@ !NTERIORS FINISH SCHEDULE Dl 0.1g JOB # 23048.00 February l,20Ol rt=-5r-50€ oco Gh lD o u) otrIv, E>3 E o o u,6A ? c) E o ooaool .o oo {)a)g {) co6 F. t\IL a (a ! GI sl, o Eo 3 6 8 h bo E 6 h,oo, =tE!cl 4' =t6cF bo E a 6u,€ral o EI ?o ou,a 'o 64sqttPO0F.E u, oo€ () I B6 ta E F? 6 (, 6o .oF uE oc) Ico! 6o&ogo6 €tcrlGI I I I I I t I I t I I t I t I I I t I r$orr DESIGN ASSOCIATES ARCH]!ECTRE N.ANNING, INTERIOR,OEilGN BoulderOffe laiLSpnE$..9- rtold||dr, @ $cl T.ft loliatLttFc il6r.l9.l!66 IVIALONE R$IDENCE !7 roddr{r fcdvu.o INTERIORS FINISH SCTIEDULE Dl 0.1h JOB * 23048.OO February 1,2OO1 o(, e)'ct o q)to at €io N t I I I t I I I I I T t I I I I I I T =-5t- €\ lleor DEglGN ASSOCTl'TES ARCHTTECTURE, PIANNING, INTERIOR DESIGN Boulder Office f43a Spruo S!!.t s|rb llO8cd&, @ Oto:llct 3ctraalt.,|.t:'FE to3ra49j!66 IVIALONE RESIDENCE tt R.ddt{. f..d VrI,@ INTERIORS FINISH SCHEDULE Dl 0.1 i ,oB # 23O48.OO February 1,2OO1 aA .r..!O'o Eo as r c)() o t)v6 A oc) Cl() o a6 o. 3:s !oo>€ EoEs(A o t-. gi: o|t) q) g c,6A !'otr() o v,tcl e. a:s Ft o Dqt(, Es4'7 C) oclo a, 5d ut o F o F vtv, vtv)o o 6 E. () F o F {)tl) {) o rt,6 A'. it)o €) o.t6 A s tcc) too ':s o!) Eio g a,6 A ou,6 ca 6 !0tr oL) boc v,6() ut E6ID ca €g =e =a oo6Eg tt a qt trl Li, oI E o! oo 9\ {)u,G'le ql bo o() boc EDct() c6 v)cl Av,x C)a5€ro trd E = Iqi a) 'o a 6 'il)-o u) ! Ei P2(t, ();o ct) ocl JIv, ao q) F Lc oqt alerc oo ,rr {)4'c ca G' o0tr oO o0 .A6(.) clI q) ar aa t)o! oo E o e ra =c o() oBvt!)& a)to(t €ee e{ rl AS E I t I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I t IEONDSITGN assoct/iTEs ARCHITECTURE PI.ANNING, INTER,KN,DESIGN BoulderOffice l:rg S 6 tlteslbttololdrr, @ t@clf* lO:traalt ,aa3!Fc lc!.+l9J:t66 A,IAIONE RESIDENCE t7 fodd.t! Rad vdl,@ INTERIORS FINISH SCHEDUTE D1 0.1k JOB # 23048.00 February l,20Ol Qr- Bo la qt 6 ()clo ao qt .o c) o v, Ei6, c oocE1t GI o oo !, Ei =g€ botr E!te 83>g b0trtt!6 o c)ooo()clou) o{)tr() lD q, a! Fr es (a -too> !oo B e :s i)lt)tro {) ut6 C< ()q) clo g v,c A{ as FI .)tro v, o o, (J oo !I> as c)o o 6, aact {)c, C:ll) () u>6 A as Cq 'E 8 F o0trqoo o g oEioO t)s * G' + {) ax ,.) !otr oo ootr vtc'U g cac ecltl J'3 ra ,g6ra Eooil tai FI eYI oo lrr c)v,6 trl qt oo c)o b0 .E 3() .tt 2IE =v) {)(l6rg E. at, E6too vt EI (J =d 'oEci ; Q)t Eo oln oot\ {)ut6E qt B o0 o C) o vt6() v,o {) u,,'y 8!3 v,c .l ao EoeE 69 e6il E =GIoV) oo ;& {) eo E B o() 6! og, () EIo 6 (t!o c{ I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I lt$ottr DEgrcN ARCHrfECruRE RANNII{G, NTE$ON,DESICN Boulder Offlce l.fgSpnE$tith 1t0lc,ldr, @ Slcl Td: !6,4a9.,L8:tFc t00Jaa93!66 fuTALONE RESIDENCEt' fodd.dF *ad \a[,@ INTERIORS FINISH SCTIEDUTE D1 0.1 ASSOGIATES JOB # 23il8.0o February 1,2@1 oI t I I I I t Cqrco |)oclott atto4o Eio 6 €qo N t I I I I I I t I t t t I tlsotf DEIGN ARCflrGC-trrRE, N./TNNING, INTCRIORDES|G}.I BoulderOffice tjlLSFE$'!.a$b 1to !ddd.r. @ t8dl Td: t@ra9..ttilfe lltraa!t3366 TVIALONE RESIDENCE a7 Roddcft rad V.f,@ INTERIORS FINISH SCFIEDULE D1 0.1n lss ttc I l.?l-t JOB # 23s8.OO February 1,20ol I I I I t I I I I I I ()()ca)3 !l& oc:o 6 qr$o N I I I T I I t I er- t I [) E g o !() i: g rE =t g o Eto E E erii o J'o6 tA J 8& 4'v,o oc) o o c,d Pi !0 .Earo {) gotroo ocloz ! &fi .ttt ,d Is FI E F =:s oa) o o 3 cr (t)() (|) o 4)ql A as c) 3 o tro (J () o !,06 v) il) F o F 6 + g x,o g' + {)-x ,9 I:s otro U' o o u) too> I {) ocioa b0 Ci oQ L€, a .E E A Fovr ooIr oaa6o cF bo () O blo Ei06tO Eoox L{)€ Botrttat oo ou16l st a0E () O oo! 6s oqt U .E 6 v,6ata .sao65 €A d E = h!tetI o\eItt o o4'a!o =6 F 60 {) C) a0tro6l(J =tr .La vl oo q) v7 .B 6> lg;otr DESIGN ASSOCIATES ANCHIECruRE, nJtNNlilc, |ttTEruOR,DESIGN BoulderOffie f .ls/f SF&a &..fgrb llolqidr, CI) O!(EI* t6ra4BJaatitFG l0lraa9lit65 A,IALONE RESIDENCT!7lodd.{rfd V.&@ INTERIORS FINISH SC}IEDULE Dl 0.1 n JOB # 23048.00 February l,2qll Qtrrqo_rl? T I.E x a .o oo> a:s ( T E 3.o q) 6 E& botr ()o ootr vtl6i()l g, .! =o o()cl)! 6 e, a)tro g €=o N t T I t T I I I I I t t I T I T I I I rtSOE DE IGN ASSOCtAtEa ARClrnrcruRE PLINNING, INTERIOR,DESIGN BoulderOffiae l.latpnE$rig|btlo larHr. @ GO,lT.t :tct,l.l9.,|.rtfc !q'rrl93t66 TUALONE RESIDENCT rA foddr{r fcd vd,@ INTERIORS FINISH SCI-IEDUIE D10.1o JOB *23048.00 February 1,2OO1