HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 4 LOT 7 TO 15 UNIT 9B LEGALDeslgn tevieur Board ACTrOtrl Fot}l Department af community Development 75 south Frontage Road, Vail. color*do 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 Jax. 970-+79.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Prcject Name: Project DescripUon: Participants: Proiect Addrtss: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: VAILTRAILS EAST Dff RENOVATION DRBNumber: DRB070057 FINAL APPROVAL FOR VAIL TRAILS EAST TOWNHOMES EfiERIOR RENOVATION-NEW FASCIA' NEW DECKS, STONE PIERS, WOOD SIDING AND WOOD SHUTTERS 0212612007 Phone: 303-525-0870OWNER VAILHOME RENTALS 143 E.MEADOW DR. VAIL co 81637 APPUCANT JOHN G. MARTIN, ARCHITECT LLOU26I2OO7 PO BOX 4701 FAGLE co 81631 License: C000001843 ARCHITECT JOHN G. MARTIN, ARCHITECT LW2I26I2W7 PO BOX 4701 EAGLE co 81631 License: @00001843 433 GORE CREEK DR VAIL LOCAUON: VAIL TRAII.S EAST TOWNHOMES Lot: l TO Block: SuMivision: VAILTRAILS CHALET 2101-082-3300-1 DUNNING OPPOSED BOARD/STAFF ACnON Motion By: Second By: Vote: Gonditions: DANTAS ROGERS 2-r Action: APPROVED Date of Approvalt O3l2Ll20O7 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the writren consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate revie\,\, commitee(s)' Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constihrte a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Appronl of thls pmJect shall lapse and become vold one (1) year follorving the date of flnal apprwal, unless a bullding permlt ls issued and @nstruction ls commerrced ' ' and is diligenfly pursued bward compleUon. Cond: 113 All development applicaUons submltted b the Town after the effective date of Ordlnance 24 Serles 2(X)6 shall be subJect b the pendlng employee housing regulations In whatever form they are flnally adopted; prwlded, however, that lf the Town falls to adopt Ore pending employee housing regulatlons by April L5,2007, thls Ordlnanc shall not apply to such danelopment appllcaUons' Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Pald: f3OO.OO FEWt-?fit 8trl:n FaIIt:.tuu3Ptu @{''/alt fficqFddermhD*hb ---- -:--r-fi-DE3334r:t8 Enf,'I-*nqlr rFfra{r--tFFrrlrrmrH-*iF---'IlF rrJ-G ---E tE---rtrr-rr,trtsr--Hl*r;dbrJ-F L*J-F rcl-Fre 4 w- U$'tuVtu-lar *rr-trtt lFr- 1+? /-n Ats * tT e, v** .ca Hbr Aol + qn^t Fr6E*6.-ioalerbEn) rrfft'ffi!rnrr-.\ org't*f b.tF t-rh l-rl F t---.fr-.rqi--fl,t br--F.fq!b#tqficdlQF-aFEr*d'il--lr-r-!-Ef.*'-,-d-,E,EI-l|tetG :; r-Ir:IIIII-I--- E Br-,--r-GE-- TTl::EGEIPI P.1rr'.r'fBm -*.!*d-#5ld*-bE!-tr l.rul :*r-Jli.r-- #ofri-1" Icir lr>lo1 **, bP l{o^ v ^}G, D \, oo h { tFd*-bO*rtro#b E b-Eorh )E nrm/ (t*t€ Obh(+-F Oq.DFh O lrttsr.€lclo - lrbb g ||f tb 3'2G-67 aG Pp.J 07- oo IA -= ;-;_:[,L=]I VIF' FEB 2',, 2001 qF vAtL seJR Bo?cor I Eo?oof 7 FE9.€I-€trI d:lff FRlt TD:qtq? ADffiffi-ffiftrl.a.crGFlrrSTETTTLTqFffirs Iil$ ffi b treftdh C rar* hdfir t|: & d CH (gc nffil ftarc$ Tl*hd&r md h' E0'r*-t'rre 1rd rurbce*rcl;a bTb ta Ot*$-Qrcffitufirotulgrdtcgrtr. l. srFtt|!-rGilEnF. '6-Pqpfffir:artrr,.4 OEEqEEqgrro'1, ''oiffi{'6[;-agl''- r'E'tl .A StrriffiErt5.F rrtcrFErfiF ,tlXu|EEffiiiGdRdEffi, __-__,^_7 :*t' "'.nri np -d $#,-e-*j!ffi!'ffi.a-Irn-ir- ib tlrF 1r rn d *ilE bE, v- Ftwrs n{oc€sl hswihs qclrbh lsa.nr\s 5 Ib rcpo(, dfrg ffit* Ar B b crtr m*S;d # E_ ?lU c l: -E! sts-! rEE gr1fttf, IEE rrh.E ta drr * q-tgE-_5G)_!e, tr _rE dE. r rr.'Ltrb , o FeaoccrtgrrttDq.rdA rr: efr*rE -{c lnr q E rc h'i#r d ed pts, ffEBrgyb BE*G #ra e @fl ddi F4p etr c I lhehEdtbgdbntdrrtyffi. ,blra,lH&r (t) * 4***d * t a* f| "Frx' itltb' snrtlf *r m rrbt crrG. ||! r@ rqffi ldt aoilTE i:t d dre rd fF tba F* . |[ rEdt ai rfl F5t tqn aqlhfflr -rHha hftr{, rdlfr cg, I da ,hdd Ganfnrf P.? *# 2-7Jp -(f7 , h lllttf.l. : b-GE€ffi ni@et FEB-all-?g? 6.:14 FtrIlt TtL4rp?P.3 Cirr .sprf lcf,lrrtll-trr at1 .74 3 !^.r -arnFEfr e,476 t &12 NfrfL9*Lr a-? CtoUf_ & trEr rd Stg ([rHlXilts ffi Sdns ttitu INhllb bs b.[lfr ltrrf(B Flrs ftffi Otnr+ Trdr&rrc Ocgb mt.||hr* eLElp OltE b \AlaoD &ur-a+r,/l-* n. \Arao9 ?r,zn;)a I f*u',a WaeP Jrl* tv 9b !?cqdt nrfrrcrt rq, tr&lc d iGrll |Hra &db, |!rttl. : #,t-Er*-m. --Hr'f . +I-tJua F:,ti?anfr FEHl4gl 6.:1:n FFlt . rhlB6ett 'TCFTE;D IhEb NN ET P-4 5 DireprE rnsnG aEtrenEs 10Effi |tkrEqffihl--r.1-'renE-rE!,ffiE-6"nHltSrb-54 , rb hF- GIIX*'(m soD SE |nftrcmn Tl?C(rMUqlrrl. PIE ?4e htqc b*r S,c. prrrlr r*, tp- r{r[ F*, cb) E lrrEyzG FEWI-?fi? 8l:15n FIITG *m ADDI!!ffi - IffiTTT. A g TBGIAIslilffrr!lErffiFs Tqol*rcu nt!|rD|{JgriEdrHrry P *dtry 7d lffitaw#grrdEEi*r *dtttg'tt'=8,l ,- Lq,il$lFrrdffiGF lt h ad-hff &a(hff *hrrE--b*. d |d #q *F gEE lrrQ sdi6ffi) F -tE DtE!9 @. rls rEEi lrlrdla-tEL rlE rfur eltEcE|tt crartcrq / mg$ Urm btu lGhrdailh (.@ldah mg. gtEurd brEEd r Es' dHBnthfu. Slc-roitgFh,cmdfundrdHre*bEr& /, cfio!./o $il rtFcf qrd Fsf br6 Hnr9brrf6 Eal$orcffiLF nb{ctEc HEc ttE smaEi Ed 4 {*ttll fFrt- &t hlttb rF"- LertGr |lrrEEo $ctltr-h+d*, &!G!Et@!db FFUrEtFnrbr* -- E[ de ilrh of or 39q[furrr qir1for11! dtrp fti..r-u ;qfrqb ISfti c*rral5 IOTSEf€fEI ffig ttlr cAnFdG hfrr tubillndl3 df h, EG, r EEltu r tsEd|EEGgro P.5 &+ o unlilireddrltfr 15[tbcftt hF* ]ffi 3-, * )/= { a? rou Crofignrmr *, lw-crrtg+ or-E orErrg[ c ]---l=- -IEIGE C i ioril. == h rc. an, r.-- -+-' 16 FEq*:ttr#@+dcrtsdlrloldb*ElDhnru_sEr,-r'V I G G r;rbar! Hry -r rffi d} tr! c.h t* endq ffi b dr sE' ad Eht dclllfrIt Sss ld md sGbic Es b tr rhArarE EEG ,-Ft*4-*'SjyT&@ lttu -#r,lJlr -n SdFddrqEorlBr-,-. irt D ffiffirffi:rd€tertrdh*rfnbe ilrrndzs i.=* 5-r-Qtr,llrr rr *dlt2'aLg!rO RBtrtrdffibo B@dD Egrg-dmdg*o AlrtgrdffilFof hfi,EE d&*|-rri4firyddq G,bcrdr+trth h& dr r rffi t: rU e rdlftr * e ioro iro fl Ed tdiltlE rG ma lCge&'&' hCCEGeSrd prql g1r1|r. ltflluffi J rdrE rE* bd b4h6, bit.o Frqd ffir Efit @ S d d *rirr it ffi e grqrfi d smey &9 thc ffi: dth &Ef E} .E€ r*.i F4'tlr{dfn ut?,txn' FED-rl-?El gf, : tin FElt:TI):g6?!Pil P.6 o Il o o o o o o o r,f, * *l oil gl a h qtd r|F b ffi. ht d |h rEt b rt Sltbr I tx'{t oril r+ih. Mfft GeS ss rd @ s{ce fc fm sp b h clndrE9h'o@arerfrtsrdGrL Lo..rtold|!Ib4dff:.lffirdBdrEtuidrgLdrddrqrHFhgF3ag:rc.Rqlltt*=*ElIndibrofiT-qfrc.E t -r @ --r - s) d Er cf *, AGtsE.s -tl drr.rnt*3l fl !c pd or lhfr c g lE # qErf Cafrl t ilrlrd br*hfrdeHhl*EfrrE-bbffi rt mtttfp, f til* . Lrthfh 5*dt'=2Oablrl.lt.b* Fft tld b hr* hrc * r l: * FrI€h of cgg tr f r*c hgr. E E 5r* b b ffi Fd,E ra to{r.!+ra}.|j b h d. l,-gcgjb d E Ql !G r|Eir (c hffr.} Jft ltrd b td Htgehfr-fqtdhtF-ftri'efigrf".*laQguicd*rb.DE hd, Ep th F d rl! tcllrr h.r*rl E HE k tg'rr+ tfr *! bCrttud tdlt bffi @ dd h S rsed$ nEI HilO glu d Gqlr.haErdrcbQCh&ffib*offidffi'.ffihberdlrqd#rgr,n! Er ill F dGaEU d F ryFd ffi F EDG tlffi h cE E dil nGtleqEeLffia d @ il lc, rrrsrp * rH hEH *trbdd d h b dd*qd o o o o NVTf; o o o o rcftft,'*$rrstu | -io- ,*j'';g- fl+ta wt(z-*' ' o bfr di|r @Cd.Fr*drlb*d ft{ffi" b*tanhtp.trEbk!A[:-*..s fut' reo lbbglrh retadtb-trlr|drd *d|tl$g. a )l# b *.5 & O:pWd han re$.c- befoq, l|dat * lA @€dqt FrcbHff ffi htEgm nmba F;Nl s-'*ntd sceq.r=f.t15-gspryfuFfuqtr, 6X6e *rhsdalnoi-aoclbnr. l*SdllF=f,rh:n tlf bErd F!.Idfl d- n ffir d tlr ppcr a*Fr|d (b b lE*il f? ftr*lld. IE' &ldrfE rrt dE Ur €arnrt rd ffi 07G, ff fiE rC he ttu rrt be(h!*d:Grdl a* =1ft i- lp ttn r qE !E EE d e D tElr ilE sf, EUiEEErra. fi *.+rHb1pcr1J*E d-*rrcfh-.dtGcr{trr|1 ! . .-j *Gtfnrri-EflrriilE$ornr=nr ttw W aa ? eac,frn- " €H*:q"ffq'*'dr-q' 4 Y: rys=iE tsiq rrarcror-hfrr ?rl.ql,lr'* r.o c.fTlri i; fg- -d- tE|-5E rE'-E 2 ryEdGEdrEE#E'Gr---EmtErFq. ^L; -T- re.=!!rr=Ed - c.-ru-s*, -'!rh-4/Fiye rlrd hfrf r*F *r o d E Lj-nr*iL -lr,L- ct*ilErb Ellm hre Gtrcr uElf -rr-7_ FfS E lr.f4rffi reE€l-?r7 A.:16A FnoG m:aEFry? & & -d G qFhc fl t nnH b {t d Frd a h D3!tr Hbdffirgr P.7 o l|EqtirEzd iI. '--q5pturd61gdbr:s. V p. Idnh4Eh gni, fEr afill birc recF En.gix.gsbo@bra s nffiL@cEElrEflct Oc r b&19 Fr|f E E Et4 d Or& 5 @. d & t: ftrgfEtil6!rhh r-f..n 1E.l+E dD hGLEbclilhrncr trfl tbfd by e qtsUd r** qhFr ild b affi. Itr h*tghffirrrtblqHorSr!.GEd$rg|!tsScqrE|ltrlFtrilEElilaEtlfafig Bt(d ilr tta b maf orss (L & td r*r)ffreffi, E*O re d !!d1" b !:.*r.tulfr dlhAfrf rd tEt b&rd t d.trd * tsSr| Qa d rt sft r: -tt SGqFd rtfl, G d d6lllF.{t [lraJl| : o B o TT o o o e rrGlfr m Land Tifle Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Datc 02-07-2007 Our Order Number: V50017964 Property Address: VAIL TRAILS EAST. COMMON AREA VAIL, CO 81657 If you have any inqairies or require fufiher assistance, please contacl one of the numben below: For Titlc Assistance: Vail Title Dept. 108 S FRONTAGE RD W *203 vArL. co Er657 Phone: 97ll'476-2251 Fax 970-4?S4732 JEFFREY P. MANLEY, AIA Phone: 970-328-1299 EMatl : jpmanley@centurytel.nei'j guf f@comcasl. net Linked Commitment Delivery F Lild Title Land Title Guarantee Company Date: 02-07-2007 Our Order Number: V50017964 Propcrty Address: VAIL TRAILS EAST, COMMON AREA VAIL, CO 81657 Buycr/Borrower: VAIL TRAILS EAST CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION Seller/Owner: VAIL TRAILS EAST CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION Need a map or directions for your upcoming closing? Check out Land Title's web site at www.ltgc.com for directiom to anv ofour 5,1 office locations. - ESTIMATE OF TITLE FEES Information Binder 9250. OO If IA'd. TiXTa Gr,rr.ltg. Cqt t!,'ill .b6 closiag thjs t!.agactior, .bov. fees rt1l be cofl.ctcd .t tlat ti,r6. s250. o0 ton oolAc! 05/O.a TTIANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDERT o o o m LAIID TITLE GUARA]iITEE COMPAIIIY ItrtvotcE Owner: VAIL TRAIIS EAST CONDOMINIUM ASSOCTATION Property Address: VAIL TRAILS EAST, COMMON AREA VAIL, CO 81657 Your Reference No.: When refening to this order, please rcference our Order No. V50017964 - CHARGES - Information Binder $250.00 --Total--$250.00 Please make checks payable to: Land Title Guarantee Company P.O. Box 5440 Denver. CO 80217 o o o Chicago Title lnsurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Property Addrcss: VAIL TRAILS EAST, COMMON AREA VAIL, CO 81657 Our Order No. V5l[17964 Cust. Ref.: l. Effective Date: January 26, 2(X)7 at 5:00 P.M. 2, Policy to be Issued, and Propmcd Insured: Information Binder $0.00 Proposed Insured: VAIL TRAILS EAST CONDOMINruM ASSOCTATION 3. Thc estate or interest in the land descrtbed or referrrd 1s in rhis Commitment and covcred herein ls: A FEE SMPLE 4. Title to the cstate or lnterrst covcred hereln is at the cffective date bcreof vcsted ln: VAIL TRAILS EAST CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION 5. The land referrtd to in this Commitmcnt is described as follows: COMMON AREA, VAIL TRAII.S EAST, AS SHOWN ON TIIE CONDOMINIUM MAP THEREOF FILED NOVEMBER 27.1964. RECEPTION NO. TOO48I AND AS DEFINED IN CONDOMINIUM DECLARATTON RECORDED NOVEMBER 27, rffi4lN BOOK r85 AT PAGE l2l, COUI\ITY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. o o t ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements) Our Onder No. V50017964 Thc followtng arc the rtquircments to be complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or morlgagors of the ftrll consideration for the estate or intercst to be imured. Item ft) Proper instrument(s) creating the estale or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additional requirements, if any disclmed below: This product is for informational purposes only and does not constitute any form of tide guarantee nor insurance. The liability of the company shall not exceed the charge paid by the apptcant for this product, nor shall the company be held liable to any parly other than the applicant for this product. THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY. AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. t o o ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 @xceptions) Our Ordcr No. V50017964 The pollcy or policles to bc issucd wlll contaln excepiions to the following unless the same are dlspos€d of to tho satisfaction of thc Company: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conllicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachmens, and any facts which a correct suwey ard inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a hen, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and nol shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse clairns or other matteru, if any, created, first appearing in the public rtcords or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitmenl. 6. Taxes or special assessments which arr not shown as existing liers by the public records.o lhe Treasurer's office. 7. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any.. 8. In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIE-TOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JULY 12, 1899, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. IO. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN TJNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JULY 12, 1899, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. 11. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFETTURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXI.JAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDEML LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST IO. 1962. IN BOOK I74 AT PAGE I79. 12. THOSE PROVISIONS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRJCTIONS, WHICH ARE A BURDEN TO THE CONDOMINIUM UNIT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS. IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, I I o ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Seclion2 (Exccptions) Our Ncr No. V50017964 The poltcy or policies to bt issucd will contaln exceptions to the following unless the salre arc disposed of to the sadsfaction of thc Company: DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORICIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMTMED BY APPLICABLE LAW, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER ?7.1964,IN BOOK I85 AT PAGE I2I AND AMENDMENT THERETO RECORDED APRIL 7. 1999 RECEMON NO. 692017. 13. EASEMENTS. CONDITIONS. COVENANTS. RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE RECORDED CONDOMINIUM MAP OF VAIL TRAILS EAST. 14. TERMS. CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF NOISE ABATEMENT NOTICE RECORDED JUNE 06, 1995 IN BOOK 668 AT PAGE 738. 15. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISTONS OF BROADBAND EASEMENT AND RICHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENT RECORDED AUGUST 14, 1996 IN BOOK 702 AT PAGE 853. 16. LIENS AND ENCUMBMNCES OF RECORD ACAINST INDIVIDUAL UNITS I t o LAND TITLE CUARANTEE COMPANY ANd MERIDIAN LAND TITLE, LLC DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-l l-122, notice is hereby given thal: A) The subject real property may be located in a special taxing dishict. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The information rcgarding special disnics and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from lhe Board of County Commissionen, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Effective September l, 1997, CRS 30-10-406 requircs that all documents received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's office shall contain a top margln of at least one inch and a left, right and bottom margin ofat least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to record or file any document that does not conform, except that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to documents using forms on which space is provided for recording or filing informaion at the top margin of the document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulatiom 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that "Every title mtity shall be responsible for all matters which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenever the ti{e entity conducb the closing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal documenls resulting from the transaction which was closed". Provided that Land Tide Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is respomible for recording the legal documents from the hansaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lenders Policy when issued. Note: Affirmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available (typically by delelion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitment from the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with the following conditions: A) The land described in Schedule A of this commitment must be a single family residence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or rnaterial-men for purposes of construction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commitment within the past 6 months. C) The Company must receive an appropriate alfidavit indemnifying the Company against un-filed mechanic's and material-men's liens. D) The Company must receive payment of the appropriate premium. E) If there has been construction, improvements or mqior repain undertaken on the property to be purchased within six months prior to the Dat€ of the Commiunent, the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain comtruction information: financial information as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor; payment of dre appropriate premium fully executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the company, and, any additional requiremenls as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid information by tlrc Company. No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-ll-123, notice is hereby given: This notice applies to owner's policy commilments containing a mineral severance instrument exception, or exceptions, in Schedule B, Section 2. A) That there is recorded evidence that a mineral estale has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate and that ther€ is a substantial likelihood that a third palty holds some or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal enerry in the property; and B) That such mineral estate may include the right to €nter and use the property wilhout the surface owner's permission. Nothlng herein contained will be deemed to obligate the company to pmvide any of lhe coverages referred to herein unless lhe above conditions are fully satisfied. Form DISCIOSURE 09/0I/02 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidelity Natlonal Financial Group of Companles / Cbicago Title Insurance Company Sccurity Union Title Insurance Company and Land Tith Guarantec Company and Land Title Guarantee Company - Grand Juncdon July 1, 2001 We recosniz€ artd rcsDect the orivacv exD€ctations of todav's oonsumers and the requir€ments of applicable federal and stale Driv"acv laws. We believd that fiakiirs vou aware of liow we use vour non-public personal in6imation ("Personal Inforination''), and to whom it is discloseif, "will form the basis for a rElationshiti of tru'st between us and the public thal we servd. This Privacy Statemenl provides that explanation. We reserve the right to change this Privacy - Statement from time to tirfie consistent'with applicable'privacy laws. ln the course of our busincss, we may collcct Personal Information about you from the following sourtes: * From aoplicatiom or other forms we receive lrom vou or vour authorized representative;* From yb'ur transactions with, or from $e services 6eing p6rformed by, us, o'ur affiliates, or olhers:t Fmm bur internet web sites:+ Fmm the pullic recordq maintained by governmmtal entities that we either obtain directly hom tbme entities, oi hom our affiliates or otheisfand* From consumer or other reporting agenLies. Our Policies Regarding the Protccdon of the Confidentiality and S€curity of Your Personal Informatlon We maintain ohvsical. eleclronic and orocedural safesuards lo Drolect vour Personal Information hom unauthorized acoess or intrision. We limit access td the Personal Iiformatiori onlv t6 those emDloyees who need such access in connection with providing products or services lo you or for other llgitirnate busineis purposes. Our Policies and Practices Regarding the Sbaring of Your Personal Information We may s-hare your Personal Information with our afnliates, sugh as insurance companies, agenls, and other rcal estate s"etdemeit service providers. We also may disclose your Personal Informatiori: * to agents. brokers or reDres€nlalives to orovide vou wilh services vou have requesled;+ !o lfii$-party conlractp^is or.service proiiders wlro provide servic6 or perforni marketing or olher function's ori our behalf: and+ to oth€rs with whom we enter inlo joint marketing agreements for products or services lhat we believe you may ffnd of interest. In addition, we will disclose your Personal lnformation when you direct or give us permission, when we qre required bv law to do so. or when we tusoect fraudulent or criminal actvities. We also mav?isclose your Persona.l liformation when otherwise D€nhitted bv aoolicable Drivacv laws such as, for exainple, wheh disclosure is needed lo enforce our rights arising irut of any ajqrdehent, transaction or relationship widt ybu. One of the important resporsibilities of some of our alfilialed companies is to record documents in the public domain. Such'documenti may contain your Personal Information. ' Rlght to Access Your Personal Information and Ability to Corrcct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Certain states afford you the right lo access your Personal Information and, under certain circumstances, to find out to whom vour Persoial Inform-ation has beei disclmed. Also, cerlain scates afford vou the righl to request cgrrectiori, amen{,rne-nt or deletio4 of your Person?l lnformalion. We rq$erve the right, whett permitt-al by law, to charge a reasonable fee to cover the c6sts incurred in responding lo such rrquests. - All rqquests submitted to the Fidelity National Financial Group of CompanieVChicago Title Insurance Company shall tft in writing, and delivered to"the following address: Privacy Compliance Offi cer [61"ou,ilf [?f Financiar' Inc' Santa Barbara. CA 93110 Multiple Products or Services If we provide you with more than one financial product or service, you may receive more lhan one privacy notice from ris. We aipologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. Form PRIV. POL. CHI F l-ild Title Land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Date: 02-07-200? Our0rderNumbcr: V50017964 Proper{r Address: VAIL TRAILS EAST. COMMON AREA VAIL, CO 81657 Il you have ary futquiries or requfue further assistance, pleue contact one of the numben below: For Title Assistance: Vail Title Dept. rO8 S FRONTAGE RD W #203 VAIL, CO &657 Phone: 970-{76-2251 Fax 970-476-4732 JEFFREY P. MANLE^T, AIA Phone: 97G328-1299 EMall: Jpmanley@ce urytel.ncl;lgufr@comcail.net Linked Commltnena Deliverv 7 \ "l#d.m Land Title Guarantee Company Date: 0247-2007 Our Ordcr Numbcr: V50017964 Property Address: VAIL TRAILS EAST. COMMON AREA VAIL. CO 81657 Buyer/Borrowcr: VAIL TRAILS EAST CONDOMINITJM ASSOCI.ATION Seller/Ovyner: VAIL TRAILS EAST CONDOMINII,JM ASSOCIATION Nccd a map or dircctiom fm your upcoming closhg? Chccl out Land fitlc's wcb sitc at rv*ur.ltgc.com for dlrectio:ns to any of our 5{ office'locadois. - ESTIMAIE OFTITLE FEES lnformation Binder 9250, OO rf rt!,d. X!u-.6r.:rrac.. c4t.Dt, ',.tl be c.I'orllg fllt t!.!t ctlolt, .b.. C.€t tlll b. col:l.ctad at cltt tlD. TOTAL 92s0.00 toa cornar! o6/0a THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORI}ERI m LAiID TITTE GUARAIITEE COMPAilY hlvolcE Owner: VAIL TRAUS EAST CONDOMINIUM ASSOCTATION Pmperty Addrcss: VAIL TRAILS EAST, COMMON AREA VAIL, CO 81657 Your Reference No.: When referring to this order, please reference our Order No. V50017964 - CHARGES - Information Binder $250.00 --Total--$250.00 Please make checls payable to: Land Tide Guarantee Company P.O. Box 5440 Denver. CO 80217 Chicago Title lnsurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A P.operty Addrcss: VAIL TRAILS EAST, COMMON AREA VAIL, CO 81657 Our Ordcr No. V50017964 Cust. Ref.: 1. Effccdvc Date: January 26, 2fi)7 at 5:fl) P.M. 2. Policy to be Issucd, and Propmcd Insured: Information Binder S0.00 Propced hsured: VAIL TRAILS EAST CONDOMINIT'M ASSOCIATION 3. Thc estatc m intcrcst h thc land dc$ribcd or rcfcrrad to tr thls Comnitncnt ad covcrcd hcrcin ls: A FEE SIMPLE 4. Tttle to the cstatc or lntorcst covered hercin is at thc efrccdve datc hcreof vested ln: VAIL TRAILS EAST CONDOMINIT'M ASSOCI.ATION 5. Thc tard refcrrcd to in this Commitment is dcrcribd as follows: COMMON AREA, VAIL TRAILS EAST, AS SHOWN ON THE CONDOMINIUM MAP TIIEREOF FILED NOVEMBER 27,1964, RECEPTION NO. 100481 AND AS DEFINED IN CONDOMINII,JM DECLARATION RECORDED NOVEMBER 27,I964IN BOOK 185 AT PACE I21, COUNTY OF EAGLE. STATE OF COLOMDO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl @equirenents) Our Order No' V5N17964 The following are the requiremcnts to be complicd with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of lhe grantors or morlgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insurtd. Item ft) Proper instumen(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duty ffled for record' to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or ass€ssments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additional requiremenb, if any disclosed below: This product is for informational purpmes only and does not consdtute ary iorm of title guarantee nor imurance. The liabitity of the company shall noiexceed the iharge paid by the applicalrt for this product, nor shall the company be held liable to any party olher than the applicant for this product. THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY, AND NO FOLICY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectlon2 @xceptions) Our Ordcr No. V50017964 The policy or policies to be issued wlll contain crcrptions to the following unless the same are disposcd of to the satlsfacdon of the Compaqr: l Rights or claims of parties in pmsession not shown by lhe public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, nol shown by the public records. 3. Discreparrcies, conflicts in boundary lines, Sorlage in area, encmachments, and any facb which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public rccords. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labon or material theretofore or hereafter furnishd, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encrmrbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, ftnt appearing in lhe public rscords or attaching subsequent to the effecdve date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acqulres of record for value dre estate or interesl or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records.o the Treasurcr's office. 7. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, ifany.. 8. In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noled in Secdon I of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGTITOF PROPRIETOROFAVEINORLODETO EXTRACTAND REMOVEHIS ORE TTIEREFROM SHOULD TTIE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECTTHE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDEDJULY T2, 1899, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. IO. RIG}TT OF WAY FOR DTTCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNmD STATES AS RESERVED IN UNIIED STATES PATEIIT RECORDEDJULY 12, 1899, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. II. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITI,JRE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED I,JPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, TIANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT TTTAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST IO. 1962, IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE I79. 12. THOSE PROVISIONS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS, WHICH ARE A BURDEN TO THE CONDOMIMUM UNIT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, a i. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-SectionZ (Excepdons) Our Ordcr No. V50017964 The pollcy or policles to be issued will contain cxcqltions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satlsfaction of the Company: DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME' AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO ruE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRTJMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 27,IIfi4,IN BOOK I85 AT PAGE I2I AND AMENDMENT THERETO RECORDED APRIL 7, 1999 RECEPTION NO. 692017. 13. EASEMENTS, CONDMONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON T}IE RECORDED CONDOMINruM MAP OF VAIL TRAILS EAST. 14. TERMS, coNDmoNs AND pRovlsloNs oF NoISE ABATEMENT NorIbE RECoRDED JI-INE 06, 1995IN BOOK 668 AT PAGE 738, 15. TERMS, CONDMONS AND PROVISIONS OF BROADBAND EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENT RECORDED AUGUST 14, 1996IN BOOK 702 AT PAGE 853. 16. LIENS AND ENCI.JMBRANCES OF RECORD AGAINST INDMDUAL UMTS LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY ANd MERIDIAN I^AND TITLE' LLC DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-ll-122, notice is hereby given that: A) The subJect real property may be located in a special taxing district. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due lisdng each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The information regarding spcial districts and the boundaries of such dlshicts may be obtained from 0re Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerh and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Effective September I, 1997, CRS 30-f0-406 reguires fiat dl documenls rcceived for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's office shall contain a top margin ofat least one inch and a left, right and bottom margin of at least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to record or file any document that does not conform, except that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to docrmmts using forms on which space is provided for recording or filing informadon at the top margin of the doctment. Note: Colorado Division of lnsurance Regulations 35-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that "Every title mtity shall be responsible for all matten which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenever the title entity conducts the closing and is rcspomible for recording or filing of legal doorments resulting from the bansacdon which was closed". Pmvtded dnt Lafil Tide Guarantee Company conducts the closing of dre insur€d tsansactlon and is rtsponsible for recording the legal documents from dre lransacdon, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Tltle Policy and fte Lenders Policy when issued. Note: A.ffirrnative mechanic's lien pmtection for the Owner may be available (SAically by deletion of Excepdon no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitment from lhe Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliarrce with the following conditions: A) The land described in Schedule A of this commih€nt must be a single family rcsidence which includes a condominium or lownhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or material-men for purpmes of construction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commiunent within the past 6 months. C) The Company must receive an apgopriate alhdavit indenmifymg the Company agafiut un-filed rnechanic's and materid-men's liens. D) The Company musl receive payment of the appmpriate premium. E) If there has been construction, impmvements or mqior repairs undertaken on the prcperty to be purchased within six months prior to the Date of the Corunitment, the rtquiremenb to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain construcdon infonnadon; flnandal information as to the selten, the builder and or the contractor; Payment of the appmpriate prentum fully executed Indennity Agreemenb satisfactory to the company, and, any additional requirements as may be necessaqr after an exarnimtion of the aforesaid information by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circtmstances for labor or materlal for which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-lf-123, notice is hereby given: This notice applies to owner's pollcy comnitments containing a mineral sevetance lnstrument exception, or excepdons, in Schedule B, Section 2. A) That there is recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate and that there is a substantial likellhood that a third party holds some or all interrst in oil, gas, olher minerals, or geothermal energy in the property; and B) That such mineral estate may include the right to enler and use the property without the surface owner's permission. Nothing herein contained will be deemed to obligate the company to pmvide any of the coverages referred to herein unless the above conditions are firllv satisfied. Form DISCI0SURE 09/0I/02 t \ JOINT NOTTCE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidcftty Nationd Fimncial Group of Companies / Clrtcago Title Imurance Company Scctrity Union Tltle Insurance Company and Land Title Guarantee Conpany and l-and Tith Guarantee Company - Grand Juncdon July l, 2001 We recosnize and resDect the orivacv exoectations of todav's consumers and the requiremens of 4pplicable f,ederal an! state orfu"acv laws. We believd tlnt liakiirs vou aware of fiow we use vour non-pubfic p€rsonal inlormatio,n ("PgFonal Inforinationn'). and to whom it is disclosed'will form the basis for a rE'lationshiti of lrubt between us qnd lhe public that we servd. This Privacy Statement provides that explanation. We reserve the right to change this Pdvacy Statement from time to tide comistent'with applicable privary laws. In thc course of our busincss, we nay collect Personal Information about you from thc following sourtes: + From aoolications or other forms we receive from vou or vour authorized reDresentative;* From yiirr hansactions with, or from the services 6eing p6rformed by, us, our affiliates, or olhers;* From bur internet web sites:- Frorn thi puliliclionti maintained by governmental entities that we either obtain directly from those entities. oi from our affiliates or otheislandt From consumer or other reporting agencies. Our Pollc{es Regarding the Protcction of the Confidentialtty and Security of Your Pcrsornl Information We mainhin ohvsical. electronic and orocedural safeeuards to protect Vour Personal Information from,unauthorized iiiess oi intrflshn. We tiniit aicess id ttre Personal Ififormatiori only t6 those employees who need such access in connection wilh providing producls or services to you or for other lagitimate buslness Purposes. Our Pollcies and Pracdces Regarding the Sharing of Your Pcrsonal Information We may share vour Personal Information with our affiliates, such as inqurarlce companies, agenb, and other real eslate s'etilemeit service providers. We also may disclme your Personal Information: lo aEents. broken or reoresentatives to provide vou with services you have requested; io ffird-iarty contract_ fi or -rvice Foi'iden wto provide servicds or perfomi marketing or olher firnctiont ori our behalf; and tb-others with whom wi enter into joint marketing agreements for products or services that we believe you mav find of interest. In addition. we will disclose vour Personal lnformation when you direct or sive us permission, whm we are required bv law to do so, or when we-susDect fraudulent or criminal aclivides. We al6o may dlsclosp yoqr fersonal Iriformation when otherwise oenirined by aoolicable privacv laws such as, for example, when disclosure is needed to enforce our rtghts arising irut of any dgrde:ment, t'ansaction or relationship with ybu. One of the importanl responsibilities of some of our aflilialed companies is to record documents in the public domain. Such'doclmenti mav contain vour Personal lnformation. - Right to Acccs Your Permnat Information and Ability to Corect Enors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Certain states afford vou the risht to access vour Personal Information and, under certain circumstances, to find out to whom vour Persori'al lnformHtion has beei disclosed. Also, certain slates afford you the right to r€quql -corrrctioil, amendment or deletion of your Permnal Information. We reserve the right, where permitted by law, to charge a r6asonable fee to cover the c6sts incurred in responding to such rtquests. - {l-r,qquests submitted to tlre Fidelity-Natio-nal.Fina4gial Group of Companies/Chicago Title lnsurance Company shall trb in writing, and delivered to the following address: Privacv Compliance Officer [6gb'8$f[?f smff #'" Santa Barbara, CA 93110 Multtplc Products or Scrvicts If we provide yoU with 4rorc than one financial, product or service, you may receive more than one privacy notice from is. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. - Folrn PR[V. PCL,A{ SILTRIHFE If -sIt{3tuDsenrr bsrrtr !EfcnFgorlrtr b|0'rilltnastfl !ilhd4tGdfire6Frlnddrytib+-d lbo to wrfl glirg aott&-A ffi tu a Altr zdCBS brd hccfr*rS g:fb*prd&Fkrrtd sdrifng ffi|s. rlE Dbr, H*f gl! fte ft htst d *t+ fl he-frEdbt:frt*f rEca rb*urd aduffi. stB.rnroturro rrm-m*rmfis"ceillHrF tilmTlCllfglnr Oot|glres, lr tD& il rr*b ffi m:ris ff}rr* tlfu 0t!3e ffi ThT{rn dld. Osefcf &Gorhdgcaftf,r GroE b ecf Eill,{6&686(H) 970.1168.ogi2(lb()6nG gETel€f senrrlh&6cn*,cqn re,EEgfrq6rrrrE*firsgro.e{ffi@ flL,ffiAfimGD+ffiElSkEEffi &TG806ffi . m}gs5ffi(u)fi}s|t,nel@)OrE lefiteoomtsomgepe.onre.w TCIIBf.f tha 4$ agpu* Lcril*r fucr he*o*ns Aunadrcf, trrilp coryI+ d m cnrr*s a ddcdy on iln fr4 c m dijim ts t#t llih 2 i!.}s dr frc [ry ltr!tsl d fu tt,B il|.Ir -fEffil lh Tflr t lrtr||tetfit ttrF G |p. reblno ad lb rhcl6 cr Fod 2. E a Q ry be mr S b gf colrudq' !h ury Frfte ff e @ oo tl! ud&ttctffin brgr Ertllgrts e p,&r dfr EGto hnsd;d. Ilr-sGffi nsl bc dffi ila {rrr'il LG"bdre Tqn d llhL l{rorr, Fa.s H h ffi th G lr the asp@ d ft 4 carryry d |||e T?h* b rcsolt eo6ffiCnik3.Tteysffi|s & rd rEEcurstlbdtu E5F*bffi a REHLr &f,iatr$tb Deglndd Fa(:l!trIl681lnl T'lIlItrTPDTS TWIGtr.lof, F6 EztrF 8:6 ?-@ W 970.264ffi@902A.m*(H)erG |(tAoFtffilAtlEtlvttuffilRasirmEtre! 970.,rt6,3rfr,$41 97(L,EAJB(b0 Con*l Red tb*e ftaa-arrsl"AOcmFrcfix.E-s L4r8.e|8Gl 97uef.9r38F0 &ntr.t'btfilEAnsd|tftlsnrffiffi.drl n$ftIffiaC{cTmdll hqFiftr$tffise.$tr:rr udtf*rthfmrdYil. + Ihc fpbprrl} egHd{ncsbsffi ry|ltidddpEthrestrc*Ed e.GlFffir f Urrrffif pEtrll alrnd h af |cf r4ts$c ffit *nt.Gr* (r*iEdl|rlclf€dEf noEd nffi lft qwncil art ofdtsbfin). mehpr*Sm*re & Fdrdliilll ll:ll :. -f !!.t- silffrrEIE ma'3|l nnlsTprm.rrffim T-rE l-Irrll Fta2 E FrlG r'9?U.C.Gmea€,ETfbbE.'.rdld.!-Er.a.drnnrc97!':nlqGlYrn/BrE(EOrcErIr*rtatrf'c.StrarEErrcllt sSl:rGITEenrsl'F)9'O96JC[(:'cEE .l:lm twsrcF|lcrc,gDr.ED?O:EG(LlgAnE-Gr(ED ffiFIEJ@nlElmt3rmEErmm9?o{racfi CEIdE F'}ITEft..faalrt-fqoo*frc:lsr.-rl.flleTu9tgtro@tE nll kt &raC orrHr.cdrD clElttc CffiMTTh|fI. EIT_ d:&o7 E = r-;-- Ltr!E-E r{Er!fl GrE--Er.--IlEinG T =!E=' -:E.E=- -:lts-||Eil"t-E!EGEE rElE E-!I!GE TETIG-ETEETG-Ta t.Q- ts rm 5 bmd @ b*T!*-dr !c Q+c| F r.G,EErfu -icrrf GGbltrrn DEdbts{lllb-&-blErilr CtI' ra, lEtstf rE -'tt li -.f, E-;.r-- IiF- a aIFrFEf, r- r:-.F|!Ea.G-IdEFltlFFrrll.rrirlts - rcofcdt l6!t E liirtJll |I{!r -s1* l|!Ir!E-I!/tErD bddCEffif3!Prt! *ffi l-ttu * , -g# REETD.EdE!btc'h.fir3+ltEffi"b|FanEFGrEhll-ilc*@, tzt.zrzatt rru l:at Flr trltattrrl gdEllc A*c!dtuE Nv,{f ufltlTYrfPBiltltwrflmil :nt'bil cGEnfitfi ft FFdEiEEt dbFq€GatrFlgd llE $riElt -d 5to rcrff sre dtnf ad bcrb F crcaffi rd *d tcd b o*re r'lr |rrnrhe prq ftr..,ntdriltg r'tq- e sL Fq HfiE gsE dq. fb |} rd cHbq, il b d|bE E * ffi |iEs frrrmurnl alwEr pf.eSCffIOS el0 ZrSFOnmfl.*GniltgIS EqlTrG UltrllT @pllE5. Etqr G u*to frh Ciil- tHh/ne F* ffi TlETdr d ld w_?#A._fw.Lz*. l--\3 b llterr!tl (rcrm€squ) 9?Ss8.ffi{h)adr.tF S Tooqrgqd-Iaobb*.cnn r,r@iffiFeEfi,4n6{dtg?trS.t{0!.(r} Gs'Ehsiaa*frr nrl:dd-ElqtICYffiffif 9?B9f5e5(H)m,s.m.{k}ffi lfthnj$FolrltrFG,En r.ffiTsrrEL.Ettu)rt!.leef (El aarfiaF EqEtl('hFhad!ffi,ErF6rf.cEr Elglllttr|rEt:ilmtlTurElslrrcT 97C,{rE 7{!0{E+ 9'B.i?6Jm(hr)C,ilE ff tEg h*rla-ltg G*FTGI.:srurr.@i(Elgntscrr(806rG ldfur thtif egrtUf.sEsr gsl z_+z_c1 I I _l tGls L Fth u&.fd t*r&bbrEecg*rysfrmrrqh dfic l&Wit+ i5 mcrmlcb ar**edy u| thh" atD'ril| btsbrffirf *d [G LS rsrt+t d |h ha grcf Gddin l$e Tsr rfl ptsm t|If ipc rE rp ffi -d lhdrrtrbGrf cn F,EIGI Fr '.rt @mf lrsos$ tbc md @rlEilnt, h I|try iltrrsEttdtcfl d &..ry m h tffytrHar 6m h ftc ic e frl*n frr * E E rd. IL ht d trco h ffi lN & &l Hb b th Tan d H- lhE F! bF ir d H t b [h c+oara? d ft *' .[ror d k *fbt b llnltJcfffidFl*m. &firrEffi & dnk&ffi dh wd*b&! &H HtuSr *SrGtdScltr.tlcTmd!ti-tuqFft fiitd{q ac.slttEtfrhtudufl. +Iln Oarhr h laial d r6ca b CrrtrlcEftdistu rc+ffin f dneffii pl-|3ir rhtrd hilf Etr alEhdraaraselr*ree f|rlrsou|.r{eTrril.'+@rinir$Ec[rncrt4rd'tihhhl Derrbcr"gFrlre SE Pert dta $lArlqE T B 1 1 i t.t i.i,tii r It-" i I t I f !l i I! i I L !loodlBru€ck.r lrc{l$0 I /- /5 316-4{7-6544 p.5 Jrrl!-1007 ll:13 DATE: TO: FAX lrp. PlrO[€ill. FROX8 PAGF: @PIES: ItBt6aia ErctrRn En WArEi tSrlrrrrpt Drnrr r.. lshold,cr.-trp,rioft?t-.trr |JOCa.{tf rrmd?rdlrcl . in,rd,rura Fax o - 412- wirh ftB lrarr nissbn, c"*"..ffi"t ,rrffi3 r{?! f ar/!m ro? COIr$G[{ns: For confirmatiut afrlu lTrgt6Ar.:ft GaenrrrorC A l$$ucer|[D? SrsrElt T\O F dl TXut =@ = pct (tz Fztrl H(.) o 6zElHE X e o (,6 xo :<utbJu o iIE o. =o- G6oE o 6 €=rg FE &J €E 8-E 8f_o.6 E'fli#FF g -f EE .HE--T a HE p? eq e 6 fti*,/Ys /nd /# /;' .o" >€ F!ulJ sf()' f; a EE ng Ja'|oanJ{/'Pootlarsa-eti- o I6 Ladltr$.arat. Jrrtl{rt ,llrlt rFi fr4n b# $Hr.-nrffi0ail/r.'al4GG Elts'fr- G-||I|tddm-/FFH'r|dEdTFI-I rr"'olrlEruo.FFlSta,5lFOffir f FrrfllErr EF!'ilnlrlBor3rrEtfil3/Crrbqrr ffir#rtr'.ntDFlil,orf,Fcfft!|-fl .ha|a ffiEtf* I b.lI January3t,2007 Bruccker lrood f,cetATTI{: tfr, grrbrre 130 Old y no|d f 5E bcrnechacm UH,''ffiIn -* tt a-t+7-rtlitl.{E t rlt J'4. d n P.D ffi.-rfiJ|rg2FdtE! irlF !!fi,--.r-E-Fra \aaqAr,J!ffhh-r-r-r Wt&o7, w# rr -F ---dbr :E !!1!4:!:-tj! '........-_4E --.rf ,., .-t" -o'11 d". ao . to. ts9r-' -' --' ^o-ttir'.o1o t lDt 'Emra. ?O lot tt$q'ffoorftacG cdInE e 'n?6sn-rattm*3 Goldcn, dondo RE: Vr[ Tralb Errr, Derr Srrbara: Enclored tl/rse<o twl .s.t-a-aa -t &.- r'- - {rloodlBnuccker 916-ir47-45+A p.4 eec.926E o Smitatioa f,iistrict or pper tsEgre Kt45N"'" " *:';; otiher-ul "titity * dedi€ed or irsprovernen|s @wr wE GENERAL AnEncroattd c,qtstfusson, Yyate( mdof seu/sr SUBMITTAI- n resu€sE l bdolt ; fiffi" Gat Foresr Roo4 vait) for insertioo into1. Compl6cfte 2. Subrit$isi A signedmd Aere€m€$tfitffu', ttt"*ng 4plicable proq"dv hA-Te1g boundaies, RTTER WATEB & SANITATION DTS"TBICU .ilAEffiitonr,wrmnllg1P;g1 ENCR t-1""#tGila;irMExtnsQunsrFoRM Ht ncqr-t Fro b rcarired Aoen $ e Fagle Riverw*r & ffi ffr. nb*"r *"f]fuag"Hffi* ffi,;T.1}Tli;:#'*;qftadcroaomtlProvidedffiilorgG*ilI;aio be aneched rooreinitid Agreautl witt bc rcryiewed sd' if approve4 vi[ be signed ffilI"iii ' rryhi&willrhcdbc c District 'plii.nil r"o' drc annnt or&e,** g11*Yg"*T;LflJi i#i;;ffiffid"dt"t"ix'i"tupmryflicat's xrmu, for Ure prrpose of legal **4; --^-,r-,+ bya 4. 5. subnrittal. The Tbe applicut ofiEccto sign norized bY Wevill la Eagle signanrrc of 7. Adicaltt Agreenmt by the Di ffi#ffi" bv e€ rtsttsict sd Gq.qgei) igvdt 6'*i til *pi'aia ooc (ricosv "f ryE ryth*ti#niJ i-fu t''&te courtv for fifirre refcrence' REQUIREDINFA Full l€al nrneof .TIG{ (P!ec Prir): own€r: Contrct Person Gf Aomormer): Telephone mrmber area code): Legal d€scription for whicL Encrmr.bment requested (incl isbebg lot, Uoct" subdivision, Physical strca IrirriC os'nedI-€ngfi and wiitlh e{EeBtsnf Mecwd of mcroachncr* -.nr. ESTAT€fr<Lt-sr47€D tooat/Bru.clcr-916 - +a? -6548 P.7 ENCROACfl r|E {T AGREEMET{T STATI OF r I EB-CO{'NTYOF i The foregolng tnstrurncnt r5 ad(nor|'o ::,lffi:"? Brinkten, c€n€rar r.Bn e.r WTI{ESS my hand and ofrcid s€al.uy commEston axgircs: SffiSii,crnEf#sTroc " of-c€rraln 'ral p,roprny drs{ribed as; Cordorflintum ttnn 168, Vail Trals t 't, as!:-*:tJTl'I? s_sor6,.lzrgi oo Gi "d d; in.r:i:. ;",e- ti,i.,r,rv |le(er|on No. eze.ee ln rh. office fu *," r.gl a;nty oi,i'illi6i*, e.d., rs5odared wtth dte proxl'nity of tha tnrrroE'|t nt3 to t 9h tplragE clccrrc porru SlnlJ--coodnL! rc atdraan de$..fp ha2:rd insuraDa tot ft? protccrlon of allv ot maB{rerr?r dr.rrctcr owned b, dE owner gthin or adiajin to tri rasc_art Orunar.tor drm{es to th€ t'|pmr,Gnafis arirlng oti of ,ts usa of ll: Eascmenrt( f.€ilidcs. ftom eny Indrsa in tr cojt of cmsrru(ioo of arry fw ur ry lh"5 6 ln tfiary trn€s, 3udr incrc.sr, lf arry, du" ro dlr cn.;-#;i;;;i;;;;*o 'n, - d 4rdl inuru to tha bGncft o,, rl|e perdcs lErcto, thclr h€f5. succaa3ors arr,1q.* 199-v .ttd -ft F".etncnt tcrirr o.o.riu"o, umn'trii-uili o.I by noh_crost, or t'tc --o*hm."r ;;;;;;;,iy-;;;A :iii.'i;"",".r, in Egh County. Color.{ro. harr" crlscd this Agrecrn€m to br sc(rrlcd es of ttc day and year SFUECXIa WOOD NEAL E5rATE TRI'ST DAT@ AtrcUS, 9. 2OO5 Ey:edtaffi *l#iffiBm"a*#*m'.- ffi Addrlss: WHEREA', f|cr€ ir a ten flOl toor udtrly caremem acrocs rhc propfly {h€rclnat&r drc .EagGmcnf), .nd WHEREAS, {€nrtn exisdng hrp, rascment In ll1 attt Shotw as .and proposcrl improE Lnts (couecfil! .t'|prowme|nt encro,ach uDon dieATE |OCATnH OF Er{Cf,Oec}tnENr on'anafrcJ E tffi;-- -" -* NOU/. THEREFORE, ln congdaradon of col/tmnts rnd promlrcs i?reln, $a p|rd€j hcrab, agr€€ as blas:l. Holy Cros3 shdl pcr||ltt the to ens€dt upon d|G Erremant. THIS AGREEMETfi, is made rnd BRUECKER VY@D REAL ESTATE to rs "Holy Crossl. !.VHE[EAS, Orner rr prcrcntly the shoun on |e C.ondomlnlum t|apdercribcd.t Re€epdon trfo. lOOiSl-acoror.do, (herclndt"r thc.hoparq/): 2- Thc OJaer acceprs eny and rllltnet. 3.Oyfier r ram.i ttat h n6y harsfirctsres, bcf lths or oth.r Holy c'oss shall |Iatr bc litbl€ toto tnstlll. rcp:ir ard mrlntrtn tt' t The Onncr rhall Indcmntfy Holy Ccosr ot any npeirs to HoV Cross'slnto tr!. Eai€ment. 8tr lN WTIIESS WHEREOF tie partils rtrst aDotr! wrlttcn_ HOLY CROSS EttERGy Rlchad D. Bdnklcv. Cct Ele<tfk Op€ration3 rrd STATE OF l<. COUNTY OF ThE forugolr|g Instrum€nt res acl|r*lbY BAREARA SRUECKER, |5 TRUSTEE Of WTNEI'S rny hand and fficirt se.l. My commtsslon :xoir€s: ffi Aatdr€r5: ryO# OtiE:52-58;lAit Tt lts Ersr, Udr r Frl(rqltmem:t /3t lvl .gaofa?uectar al tzrlauuT At rrzll a)r rrartl'ttr e''r3'r E it t D-?r r-Dtaa rd?Llt'#tJ"*!!F *9.'-r*#rtlrlrrr--f-l-r C* -.FGc.raao f,ronnw,*BTITN'Innfiiltrefl;F*rl- E ID'IGGtlotretDFml|}llfrt'E-rhffiErri :rrtn--fbl lrhh|lh- ls{lilEE ttt- lr rerhdrlnrMF 51ruf,r{EET-?narr;ltf,r'r-rraAEh.|IlfEll cElrrtr|nillD-Dtf lqq-oT ItrtEF?rlfflntIrEran t-rflfi,. a-*sr-bahlfra?lhdL lr tffi r!3-lr.-$1l60tt uErr7tnr@ Hti=[ t'i ,., ltt * --------'---l-f-I-f-'- t-,a-.'ErG-rr-- '--_.---5. --Eaa*- llF -t -c'-t--t-'-t--'t- IE-=.DITIT E-IETII---E'-;ffii r- --=.E7-6 Li q ll irFr - Uood/Bruccker I r 6-i+4?-65/+AF'6i-'l?l'-oIJi p.Z "ft,o{gllst uoo a\.9rc?6.24ff,7/SEU!grlx f 'e J!n *M.*-rtt :wlf,illrtrGilln r -.r r- --EGt'-EtltEr tlrE Di-= r c -rr* r-ru r - ro4rc -rlf'q ? * -' Ir ;||rt--aanlrr r-rrdldr-lFrrtF rQFl-l ; rcd-l} bfi,Jaa** rr ltltE D tt! tldr - SlriE fltttt E Gt-Cr€.aE|,tairS Hlc a-Fkf,arrr{rrrel illIroJraatt ro.i,'ratilt€rn *. mr|IdGeie_o tr.o x'|nuJE|nl*Fs!"ncHto..s.!It(iltEEtsEhs558 rctsn[;lctorpt€tsnfi3lEtL{ret?El@ID H.EnnrEOirenhrtJqirro.Frrrlr-F ru3rl5lrffinlrltrFf!ftr{D(rf6'ollclllffiFhtt*orG$r ililrJtr||,Dcunm$!.rt;Ez([affi ri flt'i.r.n &E&EqrIlm J@7 atirQFl lr {|uFrrrrrb r-ffi -t rrltFll rlrtlfrl{|arhf irhri .r bffralbt-itope, atrrtlrl; lrq{*tErllr'tar.la rlt !r argd (-ril} - Q rE-rr lrt |rr a4ttarl| , *rtar rDBrff, I|SlJrralI'' bdrHnr5rf lrtrrlrhliln dq. tm, rbs b d I|}i !t rlr rrlrtt Jlr glt atriltfi E'lro|!E rEh!**lFtl-. Sl'rE*rh-ilt .|}QHl|trrFlttrff6ffirltlnrtilrtilt rltrilxathl!Tb;rtfl, rr|Fa.qd raril t Elar-rrtr{rF-ilrl lr.{rr}rrrttrlllrF:|trFarr -t|lLrl rElrtrfl{n*f€.-€drfrlrm "r-t{aifft} Er E ta,rlrir t*l ut 'g? tsrL.3Gt 5trS S8 Jan giLtERITffi€ r't o'? l2!OlP. JoodlBru€ck!r :19?04681401 916 - r*.97-65rt8 Jan It z( rr Lt-'w' 3D3- 5e6 - 58S t Di e. I IF UOOD/CKER 'lqrtjr-.I. P.s lIYaslxtt't IllEfqri-cEEry t$lr rFitr.tE *rEarn a|tt a.!tr9rg@ rdtrrgreq rfttDb:c'rdltr-'rhtrErd-rstrEb! 6tpnF4tF.rqdFllttdrlgtrl fro.fi! rt.lr-|rc. 6r u oiriairr rurii rr; ptio$r.rrtl'Errn ffit -r.*.t, t- 4PW {r,rl.J x.f,'rl. nIr rcrffosrEriaa? ndbalndE*E ffiB ri*$lfrr#ord fd rrarath. 9ro51r.zl9@9O!4G4L) tn587.sr2f {cdOco|G: gtr ut&rsdasihtrrft.drr i.ra,*o f to nreaz)EB,trrElllrts9r05a{6t4!!ro.d.rtr0b)O.!.t Rlt! S.irB lo$tGrglattGrr.rrasrsGtgD.rraf,l&d 6t.cr- tdtrrrlm t!Epah6hc6.c6i &f.trEyrD.GL.tt! (htqN|tE: nlryr970.Z6C.{0t+rEfii|rfrgat *tclnurn!rrytrrruDl3firrEr 9U..?47{0 (at)rzo.+ro8od)erE Fi|td tadrlhrdaco.'rri,ar at*Stcrrt9D.{*.A td. rrs (l)ro..ro-fitz (ftt aqs|cx Srut ofc braddv rbaoc$Fgqrracfltr FEBlT W ttlr,ou{l tc.r-t+P65. a. r. drry srFq lr- qE is,flt r, ttEa&.ppEHt f crkrbrD o:r !:g br" trtoir d t!s'E ruart t:0}!!r.!lId|JL|'k€.Frrr rrrDqlr'-E n aE rrE r: tlDllr.rID!d*Fsnf erltliE FE oEEs, * r.e |tFEiltJrE sral ,E cca, o .t rqG 5 D Er#. rrr iqrr ml C:r tc Urca n _GO-iJa- o trDr .I h rE+.ilAr d f! l& @Fy rr, hl *bl ;arc r t tF4rflt oadr I R..EIB 'E|t't| tc ft Dryr.ntofin^-t FJE rlifdrat rsE rEf ?- =FF q-t! 't |trcb GrlFn l.G.rGntEln.' '|c-E Eo rttt|ad-{Ulrdsrrb€C0d'ttECErf rcfur ft'.!-Dr!tr F!!|!E r;ant Ei &a:r. ,I- *r+ nidrat d p$a.fr, ;.;:ErftEEDrEGroE ?r.r|It ltrF r !r yrn of ffia t* rants| |h.fst.f fat, rrta ot !t bn{, SbJaG :!rG h4.rr3 cl-d rrtlrE 5 raaD.E trat F-ronrf -f- Drt ]uErd'{ ''r4I/s i 'l ll :\. +J' ,,i'uJl (:r.til ', lrv ,.3:\^4ftsi,.\ a 2<*t;s6.FE}3I; r I i+r SPtli F!g \i tfl'r i U sr-]L _ia 6i t \4 U -'- l-:' \l}I\z i ',,' i\t,\ ti,rl; {-- ---.i. : \rl/ \;l'- t i \-\_>"-\ .<,i! i !Y s ''j v .3 "tf,Z? ? '-j 4 4 li 9, .'- \J !,. i {.- i( -v -J 4 ; i\ u-) \J /'-- -kfrI:(+ Y.. d I frx::, Xl:l 2 Exterior Renovations to: Vail Trails East 433 Gore Creek Dr, Lots 1-15, Block 4' Filing 1 Vail Colorado, C0 81657 Roofing: Main Roof - Existing ballasted torched-down roof Metal Roof at new shed roofs - Color: Medium Bronze Flashinq/Gutlers: Existing flashing and Copper flashing Color: Copper - Natural Patina Sidinq 2x12 Ship-lap wood siding with 10" exposed face (horizontal) Color: Olympic Semi-transparent Stain 705 Texture: Light Hand Planed Window/Door Trim Color: Olympic Semi-transparent Stain 705 Texture: Light Hand Planed Fascias, timber columns, knee braces, wood railings, decking Color: Olympic Semi-transparent Stain 705 Texture: Mill finish Stone: Match Exsting River Rock thin veneer retaining walls Windows: Aluminum Clad wood windows and doors Siena Pacific Windows Color: Sandstone - matching existing newer windows Stucco: Cement stucco system Color: Benjamin Moore - See Colors Below Texture: light sand smooth to lightly modeled texture BUILOING A UPPER: MONTEREY WHITE : HC-27 LOWER: SHELBURNE BUFF : HC-28 BUILDING B . WEST UPPER: LITCHFIELD GRAY : HG78 LOWER: ALE/GNDRIA BEIGE : HC-77 EUILDING B - EAST UPPER: BLEEKER BEIGE : HC-80 LOWER: NORTHHAMPTON PUTTY : HC'89 BUILDING C UPPER: ABINGTON PUTry : HC-99 LOWER: HAMPSHIRE GRAY : HC-l01 ffi Color Board NOIIISN}III I,ii!il,1N:tiII NOITISNVJdI .!il fl [I NOIIISNYI.L 99 llE2 iTtl f r--'llll l/'4T6tu -' "' Desisn Review Board Vo*nftf lT t ACTIOT{ FORH -, N-f Department of community Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vri[, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 ta': 97A-479.2452 rveb: www.vailgov"€om Prcject Name: VAILTMILS FIST Project Description: VAIL TRAII-S EAST TOWNHOMES DfiERIOR RENOVANON-DffERIOR MODIRCATIONS AND THE ADDMON OF A BAY WINDOW, Participants: OWNER VAILTRAILS EASTTH CONDO ASOL|LS|2OOT Phone: 303-756-1585 c/O VAIL HOME RENTALS 143 E. MEADOW DR, VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT JOHN G. MARTIN, ARCHITECT LLOLILSIaOOT PO BOX 4701 EAGLE co 81631 License: C000001843 ARCHITECT ]OHN G. MARTIN, ARCHTTECT LT0IILSI2OOT PO BOX 4701 EAGLE co 81631 License: C000001843 Prcject Addressr 433 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: VAIL TRAILS EAST TOWNHOMES Legal Description: tot: 1 TO Block SuMivision: VAIL TRAILS CHALET Parcel Number: 2101-082-3300-1 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION MoUon By: Second By: Vote: CondiUons: Cond: 200 A conceptual review is NOT a Design Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Number: DR8070011 Action! CONCEPT Date of Approval: Review Board approval. DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.OO Jan 12 O?O3: 36p'i.,: c'!e Jir Gu i ffne RoblFt Dalc 303 -?56 -?537 97(r-926-e3?6 p. r o.? iiln r Erigrix' Aiigauriip (,-'. '.i t N\". [\\,/.., -.-..,!TUSI{0F'/tit7 G.e.naltr.rrlt* Dcartnart dcml'|q Da.hc.tsr 75 Sa,l| tu tagF R64 n!+ C@ 815st E|: !70.479.2U4 fiD.: 97Lf9.]'t5? JAN 15 I"OWN OF aI Fois 'rqnng 69n rq,i' 6 |td* Ffil pfir b ratttt D a !|ldi!9 pcttrt #catul Flet* rEfer b u! srtrad rqrtrnsis bt: gfthJF atgrlri t|- 3 cqtd. rn ?fic.li.,l 'r tlsign hcYiew crnot E .ce9Ed |,|! .l rqt*rit rffii b J€'Gt br t'! cmvrrry oGdFttt apatffi' TIE p{ojad mav abo aEld !o b. Gilrcd q dE Tosl 6tdf rldbr tsr 9|n||tg rd E'|*srsld @ntrtEgan *lfr rrrt.' {|rcrJ ts! -. fff€ Fr* - id d .-.o{cr cna ritlir o||{rFerd|laTlag. Dcrcr?fb.dthfee rJA.\L f?^r-\ ffi lhNpo*tNliltutst _.- ,]--ill"l iIliri!ill I L =J eqrpiScaiirrii ioi- Desigiii c k".1"+ Qat zonineE nem{s)olOm(r} f.b-rglffi-rc: Oms(rlSgnrorr{* [rrtr.otft?fq* il.figrftlrr. C{.ilrdi'r-:J@ TtFotEri.wil.lfu O SgrE O CofEe0tJ.l b,i abrCr€lrdrl Aauftdl t|Irbr|lb&l(ttrrdfadt/dilncrdJ) mmr Altliaitlrl(inghaty/4C"x) Cha|9[3b^pFvdPLr Slpf.do|lneaa Pr.6t IP F4e HdEl jgn cra. Fr oEtndo.r da rE hftirt r ddnCttidd. .dF 'uN tu fr aaEar drarcsql- boEE fF & b y rfrircrtial q crrn rdl hd@ Fdrb z5Denri ittsbr cctt 5lI!3),Fr dfE dirltar bbtlr-d stt3 irf*rrcrr+ s.dt C,rc'(oofrt, t ||l|, ri.tu .@sC, tsrC6tin9, tsnces andIgarrEF€,ac- Fr drc firlgr' b hEEs -n itr rn''ou6rEG, gdt 4tc{€frng frg,, tu.dCiFE tf qiE, ttn6.s -dtEaalrgd+* *2O tu rE slaE tD 9a.E atldt qrgdi,' Dy pbnrrng sl or t'E Osf9o Rar*!, Erlbh FV trP,E V @,,0*O { IL 3s0 l.oFle teDGM $lc, lzo 40s ,.*llns o o -a nlr tr n o 1e\roook". /otli a.-, v (JlDCk lao.; | - - | E|r:_o* Z- 'J -Q 7 o*r*.. . Jpn l? 07 o3:37p Jin Guiffre 303-?56-7s37 Voil Tnails Eost Homeowne?s Associotion clo Vdl Home Rentals 143 E. MeodowDr.,#397 Yoil, CO 81657 Mr. BillGibson Design Review Board Torrn of Vait 75 S Frontage Road Vail. Cobrado 81657 Dear Mr. Gibson, The Vail Traib East Home Owners AssociatiJn has recorded a vote from homeowners to approve the exterior renovations being submitted foryour consideration. The exterior renovation received a 60% favorable vote from the owners and an 80% favorabb vote from the Board of Managers. The style being submitted vralhe chobe qt79% of those owneci voting. Sincerely, \- \\tfr(rT rt u) \lf{ l/ t\-- fflt/\ \ (\tw \arls Guiffi,/ Phesldent Vail Trails East Home Oumers Associaticn 3ffi-52m870 p.2 .Printable Search Resrlts report.' '' ' VAIL Tt<A\t? ffi5T ++ 0.A . Account # Parcel # PWO743 P000791 P000871 P00't203 P001429 P005247 P005818 P009535 P011194 P020828 PO21314 R007130 21010823/'009 R007150 210108234003 R007190 210108234017 orner H'S Hjg ciry Xit?"il' ffi?t;'fiPr* 442cooK DENVER AI DDC'IITfii;;i""' ** t*,* 22JoGREENsAr{FRANCTSCO iJiiv'li.ip rro GoRE cREE BULKLEY, P.GREGORYA, fiN43358 DoNALDo. & GoREcRErx F-I.. ^^ SPoKANE R|CHARD -'cA TYoNDR FowLER, J.R., fin433 1oA=* ffi*t*o.*ur*JR-ETAL G.REcREt ocDENST ffR*'uurot ffiltJ*"rr* ?#*Sr ottwER TYLER. JOHN 1., JOHN L., JR ROBERT L & ROOSEVELT, (xXM32 MARJOfiIIE S- GORE CREEK CAVANAUGH, JAMESM. A MARY S. - MG$CO, LLC - SIMONTON, WLLIAM K EBER, EUZABETHA TYLER, JOHN L, JR. TYLER, JOHN L, JOHN L-, JR, ROEERT L. & GEORCf M, - FULLER, UXX33 1AE MARGARET @RE cREEK T. DENVER a8 rYLER' J'HN ffi'.'fr.* lPfiffi "t**^ ffi{:.H:r*'ffi*u.RANCH RD 9[*tfsEl, *t*'. rooLDY coLDEN i's"r;"#'fi[srcoRE cREt PAcK FRED & oq)433 rA zb sANDy JT @RE CREEK cHRtsrol METUCHTEN PANzAREALwffiPJL* 40s1 srvY ENGLEwooD [+?tffit"*ffilt&.r* Fo Box Z]4'.LENDALE nsuNsEr ElrclEvlooD DIGGS. MARSFIALL flxx33 118 R-, JR & c'oRECREEK At\tt{E B. ENGLEI'VOOD sl81 s OEXTER ST C/O VAIL M(X33 13A REALTY @REcREEK 3o2HAxsoNvAL RAIICH ROuxx339B 433GORE GoREcREEK cREEKDR VAIL fin4333A 3l0EUDORA GoREcREEK ST DENVER GEORGEU. - FULLER, fiD433 1A MARGARET coREcREEK T. DENVER u8 Staie co CA WA co co co co co co NJ co CA co co Page I of 2 zip 80206 94123 99224 802094423 80206 80206 w?2,0 81657 80401 08840 80111 91209 801 10 80'110-5147 81657 81657 80220 80206 80206 vlv2007 R007330 210104234021 R@772A 2',tO108ZUO13 R007730 210108734005 R00240 21010823/,002 co co co co CTAYTON ST CAFIPtrP /I J ST VILLA Roo7e10 210108234006 ;a[ifir,ia I913^a--- CAPARRA ^[ilij;; GoREGREEKGUAYNABo PR O(NM6 R007930 2',t0108z34915 VANOYAN, fiXX33 108 442COOK D€M/ER CO http ://fcs. eaglecounty.uVpatie/printable_rezults.dm ,Printable Search Reurlts report AUSEA Page2 of2 10011 Nn2 80209-4423 44115 80206 w724 @103 81657 80111 80401 67216 9t123 28207 80110 08840 80206 R008090 21010823/;018 R008160 210108234019 R008180 210108234016 R008220 210108234014 R008600 210108z34010 R(n8740 210108234007 R009400 21010a234044 R009610 21010823/,011 R00920 210'to82uo2. R009880 210108234024 KAHiGIT.IGI.EBY.fl N4iB I 1 A EUZABETH GORECREEK FOSTER fin|:}3 12 FAMILY LP GORE CREEK FOlr\[_ER, J.R., gX]433 10A JR - ETAL CORE CREEK 951T.9$- . nxx33eA : -':-=1"'-"' o coRE CREEKA|UY M- -\r l VANOYAN, {XXX337BAUSEA, GORECREEK BULKLEY, GREGORY A, qXX33 58 DOFIALD O. & GORE CREEK RICFIARDKLEMM, (xX}43338 BARRETTR. GORECREEK FRAY,.1.,pRilA (xp€37A ffi&?. coREcREEK PANZA REALTY qN433 1/ILLC GORECREEK F,Fff**ffif"'#o \Ar\MA..I(;;;;.;:;'" qn433 8 -.'::::": GORECREEK *"^,I?'' fixxs316A b?iiiip r_ro GoRE CREEK lllIg{EY' qxx3315 iibt'iG'; Jr GoRE CREEK RIORDA'\I GERALDR. & fiXYt33 138 MAUREENG-- GORECREEK JT PACK FRED& fln433SASANDYJT GORECREEK IGRN, VIVIAN flXX33 1€A. GORECREEK ffi DENVER OGDEN ST c/o ADVISORY sERvlcES cLEVELAND 142.EUCUD AVE RM 1O1O g"* DEtwER P.g2W SPOI(ANE CANYONDR PO BOX lOzgNORTH PLATTE ffiffirvnrr- 40s1 s lvY ENGLEI/IrOOD 3'0oLDY @LDEN ffi11.,1wcHtre 2280 GREEN sAN FRANCTSCO 'tt, CFEROKEE CFIARLOTTE RD 108 GLENMOOR ENGLEV\,OOD DR zb CT{RK9ToL METUCHIEN ST ?#DArls sr DENvER GORE CREEK ST S3WNINTH ST 60s Ct-ERtilOtlT ST C/O FOITILER ?.IEWYORK DENVER t{Y co OH co co WA co co NE co co KS NC R0t0060 R010210 R010250 R0103 t0 R010780 R010790 2101042i4012 210108z3/]O25 21010873/,023 214108234024 210108234008 21010423/,001 http : //fcs. eaglecounty.us/patie/prinable_results.cfm t/ll/2007 Buildino llaterials Roof SidirE Other Wall Materials Fascia Sofnts Wirdows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Raib Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining walls Exterior LightirE Other uinrDar t$g\h PROPIOSED IiATERIAIS Tvoe of llaterial Exlr'rN4 Nore 3fuU.4 \Arrop Wm hutt^Nurt cuo'iftffi@w@ fleAI,eA,bru-, Woop ten+r WreD #a ?*fib - r.taftL 4o$ce6-c Color N/^ rt lt egry.@ 5€ M r r Fl*.b fr rgt+f stritt\' - aot-o ?- < eo 91s11 IBANSTPPeN( ,faN' cotoc- .rBr'l t\Pfiul ^xvnrq uNtr*B@w <<l.At tl - rzart+re- fGDtcMrft N'fr,;'lt( 5rA0.I-@tn-<b teaun*qt"n{csva sruN- Cqpll{.,. +an'fArN,. ?fri,'/' cd,,A7fi ,2^\ n*/(g-.416'r* N/^ -tN/A 6{hrNq ftnfcU Er;t+T IIN( #t€ €t*f' Ilotes: Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color rnme and rumhr and attach a color chip. EXtbftNto NtrLtzN. lATtNh / epsr[Jh Hnd 4prfNq utN*un €$qnpa F:\cde{FoRilS\Permits\Hanning\DRB\&b_narcr_at_101&2(m.doc Page6 d 13 rLl23l2@5 IIL Dninage (dreck all that apply)o The rcquid Vaby Pan b sNrwn on dE gE phn 6 per Det elopflEnt $ardads, p. 12.tr (Note: Vafey pan must not be trcated)o 4 Foot Corrcrete Pan o 8 Foot Concr€te Pano Positive and a@uate drainage b rnaintained at all times within the proposed site.o Culverts have been prwitled and are hbeled ad dirssbned on the site plan. o A Hydraulic rcpoft has been prwiJed. (As requested by Town Erpineer) IY. Erosion Control (Check all that appty)o Disturbance area is greater than one half itcre- o A sepaftrte Erosion Conbd Pbn ha been FofesslorBfiy erEineer€d and PE stamped.o Less than one half acre has been disturb€d, ard p|ofr ercbn cortrol dwi:es are strcwn on the site plan. V. Floodplain (check all that apply) o The proi?ct lies within or ad'pcent b a 100 year Hoodpbh.o 100 year Floodphln b shown on the sfe pbn- o A Floodplain study has been goviH- (Re+a€d f fuodptin b wtfiin @nstnrtion limits or 6 requested by Town Engineer)o The prc|:ct does nd lie within or ad*rcent b a 10O yed fuodplain VI. Geological/Erwironmental l-lazards (dreck a{ Srat epty)o The project lies within a GedoguftvtuonrEntal r,Mrd ar€a. (See Ootelopnent Standards, p. 20) tr A Hazard Report has been prwided o The prclrt does not lie within a Geologk/Erwirormental Hazard area. VII. Gradirg (check all that app!)o Existing and proposed grades/onburs arc proviled on the site plan. o All disturH areas have been rctwned b a 2:1 grade. o All disturbed ar€ss mt rchrmed to 2:1 grade have been Proftssimdly Erpirreercd with slope pmtection and/or stable soib. PE stam@ detaib are prcviled within plans. a Only existirE cortours are slpwn m tln site pbe there b lp pmpced grading. VnI. Parking (check all)o All residential and cornrnerciid pa*ip sprc orfrrm b tle DadopfiE t Standards, pp. 12&15. D(. RetainirE Walb (cfrcck all Srat apptt)o All rctainirE walb corfumr b BEffirds inthe DetebrrErt StardarG, p. 19.o All retaining walls and combination \irans orer 4 fee{ hrc been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped detail has been prwide<l withln the pbs- o All retaining walb are slpwn on the sib pbn, wfrr bbefed top ard bottorn of wall elevatbrls and type of wall consbuctbn.o ilo retaining walb arc r€quircd br Uts prois. X. Sight Distance (cfieck all thatapply) o Proper sight distance has ben attalrd ard slpvrn m sle pbn c per Dorelopnent Standads, p.12. tr Proper sight disutnc has mt befi ened- E:Ohafn rtry:_ Additional Comnrents Please provitle any addtbnal oornnrerts Otat p€rt*l b Rtr Wod6 Rdien. F : \cdev\FGMswmits\Harr$nglpR8\db_Eiu_*_lGl&2llbdoc Pi€p f2 d 13 rn3n@s h*" s,5'.1 rti .. !-;r:]l t';,..'l*i: -,i r. i.. t.l l'',;: 't; lrr' - { aqr,ru ff it- WJ '4r\S ,€*'Ig, .-'z $7'w wv,,,ib tR,-4Ar/-Ay ? \:------===_- !\ \\\\\\ ry I /^\s\.4-'-'f| 1.,t,\re \ i\' --v\ I n?'cw.\/ AJ :5 /t, . .d' lll '/{\r " I)$ 1A lP I Vr d7; 'Ls *? tstP U w(\ >) $$$$ l\\ ,n c a- s * 'A$+ H "-t 6 rlul $ "J A \l M $ A]'1 st nl ,il 1( ,il pr t I I I 9- *.u u9. frl:t t$ *ri n r;uJ Xr2 r,{$ .t\lJ . q.t FTNI rqdJ J rll 1 lu .4al $ d $ + nrt s s [lII UIs rl 0ll utIt-F .'l11 u Fp\r x T rF_ q ,*,,t- r,ti- .ry. "' "l \ \ \ o2 r, ,, i* $?;E F,t5 9$ s |P n 0l: )'? t : .l gLffi <-- <ITV\TLAF- LANr:P{./ F\xTuR.a tok l<tj_qNlr ENT{:\- Ltq{T{ ADD ?-."63 MAK6=-11 F{)R A.rt- uxi tT9 tr **********++++t*'l'l**f*************+*+***+'t'i'**:t++*tt++++++++ff++**f+++*******,lt'l'i*'i*'|++*+t*t+ TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement Statement Number: ROTOOOOO46 Amount: $300.00 OL/L5/200702:50 PM Pa)ment Method: Check MOI]ITTAIN CAD SERVICES Init: iIS Notation: 1051/ROCKY Permit No: DR8070011 Tlpe: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 2101-082-3300-1 Site Address: 433 GORE CREEK DR VAIIJ I,ocat,ion: VAII, TRJAII.,S E;AST TO$INHOMES This Payment: 9300.00 ACCOI.]NT ITEM LIST: Account, Code Descrj.ptsion DR OO1OOOO3TT22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES TotaL Fees: $300.00 Total ALL PmCE: $300.00 Balance :$0.00 Currents Prnts 300.00 fLt cupr TOMIOFI/AIT Departmmt of Community Deuelopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colnrado 81657 970-479-2 r38 FAX 970-479-2452 wwut uailgou. corn January 23,2007 Jeff Manley John Martin Architects PO Box 4701 Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Vail Trails East - 433 Gore Creek Drive/Lots 1-15, Block 4, Vail Village Filing 1 Dear Jeff. The Town of Vail has preliminarily reviewed the design review application for the proposed renovation to the Vail Trails East al 433 Gore Creek Drive, the lollowing is a summary of the comments from that review: 1. A title report must be submitted. 2. Since the proposed bay windows are detined as site coverage, existing and proposed site coverage and landscape area calculations must be submitted. 3. Since the proposed bay windows are detined as GRFA, one set ot "red-lined" floor plans must be submitted showing how the GRFA (gross residential lloor area) was calculated in accordance with the provisions of Chapler 12-15, GRFA, Vail Town Code. 4. The proposed north bay windows encroach into the required rear setback and can not be approved without Planning and Environmental Commission approval of a variance. The 50' Gore Creek setback must be identified on the site olan. 5. Cultured stone is not a permitted exterior building material. All exterior stonework shall be natural stone. 6. Utility approvals must be submitted. Please submit revised plans to the Town ol Vail Departmenl of Community Development addressing the above listed items. This application will be scheduled for review by the Town ol Vail Design Review Board after these necessary revisions have been submitted. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town ol Vail $htcvcuo uptn O+ copr DEartment of Community Deve lapment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Cohralp 81657 970-479-2 r38 FAX 970-479-2452 wwut,uailgoucom February 8,2007 Jeff Manley John Martin Architects PO Box 4701 Eagle, CO 8'1631 RE: Vail Trails East - 433 Gore Creek Drive/Lots 1-15, Block 4, Vail Village Filing 1 Dear Jeff, As you are aware, on February 7'n the Design Review Board "conceptually" reviewed the proposed renovations to Vail Trails East at 433 Gore Creek Drive. The following is a brief summary of the DRB's comments with majority support: '1. The north elevation needs lo be upgraded to the same degree as the south elevation. A master plan needs to be developed for the north elevation window and door schedules. 2. The south planter box timbers should be repaired at the existing trees preserved or the planter boxes should be replaced with bollards and the landscape area expanded. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, AZ//:hh, -4rt__ Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail $hrt:vctto r** ,l IOI4'NT) Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co,us Project Name: Vail Trails East re-roof DRB Number: DRB030040 Project Description: Common Element re-roof, from rolled to tar & gravel. Pafticipants: OWNER TYL"ER, JOHN L. OZl27l2O03 Phone; 2552 E AI.AMEDA 37 DENVER CO 80209 License: APPUCANT Mark Fester, President 0212712003 Phone: 303-321-7997 Vail Tmlls East Condo Assoc 2,f0 Milwaukee Denver, CO MarKester@milehigh.net 80205 License: Project Address: 433 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 433 Gore Creek Drive - Common Element Legal Description: Lot: 7 TO Block Subdivision: VAILTRAILS EAST f)t-l.t t$ parer Number: 210108234002 3\K'( t^'ct> r-r; Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval:05/06/2003 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paad: $25O.OO -> FOSTER; P age oReceaved: 2l1g/03 1 :4OPM; FEB.L9'?a@3 3z@7Pn NO. 171 P.?/L3o Application for Design Review ,,trsnH,ffi4fi$ry-flu,frHl{$:" - Lot;-Blocu' { s"wtu'ton' V l/ f "' -'location of the Proposal:;"d; X o $s0 No Fee $6s0 $3oo $zso $20 $20 No Fee PluE $1.00 per square tuot of tobl $gn area' For construdim of a new h,lldlng or demo/rebulld' . . r ior an aoaiuon wher€ squate fcitage is edded b any ted*S Jtt.rcfur ouirOing (includes 250 additions & interior oonverson ilitiiii'ol.tiri""to''uuitotngsandsiteimpro\cmens'tlt?l:ft;r'ns painifiq, wlndot' addlflons, tandscaping' fences retaining walls, etc''ri,ilni'i3iat.ttqo b h,lldlnge and slte imflovemenE' such at L"roo;'rq -p"iriune, wlndow addlUons, landscaplng' rences 4c2-JIy 'F-r- {t 3 ffiiN ,r*ffi Descdption of the R€quest: Parcef No,r V/2-/ a! Zonin!l: '-83 Name(s) of owner(e): Malllng Addresg: Owner(s) Slgnat0re(s): Name of ApPllcant: TYp€ of Revlew and Fee: tr Signs D Conceptual Retiev, D New @nslrucfiontr Addluon Minor Alteration (multi-family/commerclal) Minor Alteration (s|nElefamih/duPlex) Changes to APproved Plans dontad Eagle Co' Assessor at 970-328'86'10 for par€el n0') /a)i*lt fm/aen"/amt 4ttt'r,tt t /a tlttzu firL Zft 4)'*naltz* Phonez Sq> >+{ ''. ' /ltrr;ala*f retaining walls, etc.'ei?'*'itionl i" plans alrcady approved by Plannlng Staff 0r tfie Design Revlew Board. lhtcErlEt .'tfuAR"l S and ?ssj x*r*)?w Aoplicaton Date:-slearno.r-4fu-Nvt - A4/3Al2AV! 13: b2 3U33 / /4.l,99 I4E MILWAUKLb, LLU tsAr$. lJ I vAtt r&ttr, ?off Ho4 t+//zo "Q L27IL4 NaekC Fottcr, E $ 240 Mllnrufta Srcet Darvar, CO t0206 Trl: 303-J2l-799? For: 303.321.2576 April 30,2003 TumerMonis Tonn of Vail Via Fax lD?0-262"5943 Re: Vdl Trialr Eeot Coudomlniumr This lctcr authoriro Tumcr Monis to in$trll I ncw rrof on Vail Tnils East. Thc toof si jl bq tar andgtrvcl as approrrd by the TOV. You rney dcal dircctly rvl1}1 Tlm Mqrrrir in all marcn "elcvert to th. fgof Inst:rtlg:io_t lnstaliatlon schcduh is complorion by Juty l, 2003, vTE AsrociNtiod 4lfrv. /7477 -Jo<-rN aF v4tL i,:' i I li'ti i i ii ll4',.i i i il, IURNER MORRIS COMMERCIAL ROOF SYSTEMS Tim Morrls Mobil€: 72G9392668 Mgtro Donvor Phon€ 303431-13.. . Fax 300-4ilt .6400 Summit Couniy Phons 97G262t 700 Fax 970-262€943 Mailing Addrsss 50tl Marshall St. Arvada, CO 8m02 a E4i24i2Ag3 13i52Rcealvao: .l/90/('3' 04/g1/2003 12:21 3A337 74199't'o'"hro, i ll Iti.l i : i ll I l,!|'l I I i i li t i,,tI t i lt :lt,ilitttti'tlt 248 MILI,AUKEE LLC eToAea6eeg -> FCCT-n; froc-r*o *=f PAGE 82 PAg A2 'iii!tit'tl : i tt t li'ti',i titt : i tl I tl:ti l, STIBMITTTD?OI VeilHomndtb 143 E. Medosl)rivc Vrl, CO 816i7-52,18 PRO.trlCTr vdTn[rE rt 433 Gon Creek Drivt vqil. CO PROPOSAL if lvhrch 13' 2003 (n0r47f..3j[ll ofte toho tltcidrt ProPortY Managu (970) 90il'1252 mbile !'lark Foctcl' HOA Prltidcil 303.321"?197 oi[cc 301'tt3'7t91 mbib 301-321-25?6 fu $llClllCAIlOD{r l- Roorobcrqr md rrrrfc nrr, 2. Tar ofisirbl roofrg rad herl runy &bir. Errahc rof dr#m rd ri;hor .6y roth Plyrrsd rt r unfi cod b$is of lx.lO pr r,f. l. go( h ,scf trrtlrrodioa rtt$o lHrhr urd llclh ln wtth nodllod thmcn ltd mrd cdet* fl$ttiw .t ptr nor&rdr rprcifcrtimr. 4. l.hhlicdly hnr to drdr nltb sfsr rid od {i*r filrtrhl rchfucd r?hdt h! Sd- 5. Frlly.dhr. ilcd&d bltrDa b ia.., rll rmr brt rddd C. fdtyr&roor@f?rirrco6 Etc.noCndut1rur ceprlrrt. Frtrlo&rnd hdl 2jl 6r pr.fltiCrdnctrl &itr.d.' (oolor.lDc b' ffi), 7. Fully droouod6d hlmn q fi*, l, F$d€il rd har[ pncfiniJrd mrd uubr llrrhiqrt dl 'rrllr md{Nnrtot$ crta witb'arcprturcdtncoa*, (l.ftbt colc dm bf ovmt.1 9. Affr 30 dry qrc, rtric rof rit[ anulim nd F3 |trrd' t0. trlrl rilratg hrttrpr m rod, Srl ury of ontcr 0rrhing I l. Funur unuftoaurtr tr| 'E bb{ |rld nrtrtial urrtrry, Erchgbrt lrtt t, ?.Plsad htrt||F ed ro|r tconl.lLl* Mqrir hc. vnrrtll rll nru Mrn& uodonAF ft trrc tnrr &qrr tho of omplcdm. waF*rhirslnildl.f |r36fll* tr rnrfc ntt rDarr Olilffi, h tc ln ll S62rte0 phr| ounieipr! ftand trra. thr uy dr* qtnnrrt dtgfpr, hlor irrchdn lrrr rrlr hl, dnP h.r' ltd [tld*. Add {Fnrr.i Sthoo *y,lilhb rith d6nd do'$t drd d$'lldtttitb 6md hrh SMiSltt emcl to bc bronzc rlunriann nd fh:lu rlll tc n*r o ch c cbr m e|rr, ore't duris Add 3 3{5 Fc lbllCtr 0n!dc 0nirh nol irdudd) ?Ofiant b L e.dr r fflowr: JOI b rdrrrcl, aolf,ty faofr$ pqmo rd 1016 ujm tul Tlirppd,includfutltr!{rdtlilothrmtrrridr,.}rlL Au0tciDlff rdca roofd by }u+ cautlur surc lalm ur, md rll Slgnurc _11fu2prir rcpadct fi 1;riilrntr oot nrccpcrtod hrrin unnc#,t.-?WrV/^/4ft3 g- ACCEtrIA}€E tr rROFOSAI Tfi. rlun pica, |pe;fiqlbr rd Sfnulc ocrdfio rro rrirfrcory ttlC .rr hrty..qtd. Yan rrr a{hrbd , . ./- . /z zs dg lhr ${f* rl Drdicd. hila|t will h rnrdl rt <ndiicd .ta* h of roo+mor -Y : q -t vrl TdL Lr l.rrp 'aF lil tr'.l.rrryb.a*|.i bt € arn -.d.a ,riL tOdi. GOMNEFCIAL ROOF SYtTET'S 30ll[t1.'!300 Otfic. 3{,3/{t1{adl F.r 5054 lilrilhall Strest Arusd|. GO t000t Summlt County e7ez62.lnn +a! *fli +f+****tt ++ + **+ + t*++i * * *+1+++ *++** + **t +r** ++* *****'l*+ ** rt+*** ft f** +* * ** **** +{' *l'*t{' * *++ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement t*++tar*****++*'l+*t*+*+rri*tl"t't+**++***+** * +*f+t*f*****+****+a+f,tt*+******+i*+*+* + *++ * **++**** Slatement Nurdber I R03000358? Amount: $250.00 02/21 /2oo3o4l.42 PM Pa)ment Method: Check Init : iIAR Notat,ion: 2466 Vail Traila Eaat Condo Assoc Permit No3 DRBO30040 Type: DRB-Mlnor AIt, Cornn/lftrlti Parcel No: 2IOLO8234OO2 Sl.te AddreaB! 433 C|ORE CREEK DR VAIL Locatlon: 433 Gore creek Drive - conn|on Element Total Fees: 5250.00 This Pa)ment: $250.00 Total AIJIJ Pmts: $250.00 Balance: S0.00 *'| *** f at ** | * ** *att*l' | * * *a + * t f*:t * + +*+ + ** * t{' f++ | f{'i + ** * *t** r*aall' | * fa}tt** * ** *a*a*+ ***l* t**a+* ACCO{JNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OOIOOOO31I22OO DESIGN REVIEI,I FEES 250.00 Va^[-T;^.L's Planning and Environmental Gommisssn ACTIOII FORM Department of Comm unity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Calorado 81657 tel: 97O.479.2139 fax. 970-479'2452 web: www.vailgov-comogltl,|rY €I/ELOPI€{r Proiect Name: Project Description: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments; VAIL TRAILS EAST PEG Number: PEC070010 FrNAL APPROVAL FOR A VARIANCE FOR THE ADDmON OF BAY WINDOWS (GRFA) TO THE EXISTING NON-CONFORMING BUILDING AND ROOF AT UTILITY EASEMENT (NORTH EASr @RNER) AT VAIL TRAILS EAST TOWNHOMES DffERIOR RENOVATION Participants: OWNER ZIMMERMAN, J.D. 3709 DARTMOUTH AVE oa26l2007 DALI.AS TX 75205 APPUCANT JOH N G. MARTI N, ARCH ITECT LLO2I 26 I 2OO7 PO BOX 4701 EAGLE co 81631 Liense: C000001M3 ARCHmCT JOHN G. MARTIN, ARCHTTEC'I LLO2|26|2OO7 PO BOX 4701 EAGLE co 81531 License: @00001843 433 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: VAIL TRAILS EAST TOWNHOMES Loe 1TO Block: Subdivision: VAILTRAILS CHALET 2101-082-3300-1 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Condltions: K'ESBO BERNHARDT 6-0-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval= 03126J20O7 @nd:8 (pf-nru)' No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 pEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinane 26, Series 2006 shall be subJect to the pending employee housing .- regulations in whatever form they are finally adopted; proviled, however,.that if- thE tor,r,n falls to adopt the pending employee housing regulations W Aprll t5, 2007, this Ordinance shall not apply to such development appllcations' Cond: C0N0008797 This apprwal is @ntingent upon the appllcant obtaining design review apprwal of the design rarlew apPlication associated with this variance request' BillGibson PEG Fee Paid: $500.00 MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and EnvironmentalCommission FROM: Community Development Deparlment DATE: March 26,2007 SUBJECT: A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-6H-6, Selbacks, and Section 12-14-17, Setback from Watercourse, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Yariances, to allow for the addition of bay windows, located at 433 Gore Creek Drive/Lot 1, Block 4, Vail Village Filing 1 , and setting forth details in regard lhereto. (PEC07-0010) Applicant: Vail Trails East Homeowners Association, represenled by John G. Martin, Architect, LLC Planner: BillGibson I. SUMMARY The applicant, VailTrails East Homeowners Association, represented by John G. Martin, Architect, LLC is requesting a variance from Section 12-6H-6, Setbacks, Vait Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Yariances, to allow for the addition of bay windotla, located at 433 Gore Creek Drive/Lot 1, Block 4, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Based upon Slaff's review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, subject to the findings noted in Sections Vlll of this memorandum. It has been determined that this proposal does not affect the Gore Creek Setback; lherefore, no variance from the stream setback is required for this proposal. II. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The subject property, Vail Trails East, is located at 433 Gore Creek Drive and is located within the High Density Multiple Family Zone District. VailTrails East lot and building are legally non-conforming in regard to several of the zone district's development standards, including setbacks. The applicant, VailTrails East Homeowners Association, represented by John G. Martin, Architect, LLC, is proposing to construct four above grade bay windows and one patio roof on the north side of the Vail Trails East building within the rear setback. The proposed bay windows are approximately seven feet wide and protrude two feet from the face of the existing building wall and will add 81 sq. ft. of GRFA wilhin the setback. The proposed patio roof is 15 feet wide and protrudes three feet from the exisling building wall. r[. A vicinity map (Attachment A), the applicant's request (Attachments B), the proposed architectural plans (Attachment C), excerpts lrom the Vail Village Master Plan (Attachment D) and the Public Notice (Attachment E) are attached for reference. BACKGROUND The Vail Trails East building was construcled in 1965 and was part of the original Town ot Vailcreated in 1966. The existing lot and structure is legally non-conforming in regard lo many of the current High Density Multiple Family Residential Zone District development standards, including setbacks. There have been only minor renovations to the struclure since its original construction. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTIi Staff believes that the following provisions of the Vail Town Code are relevant to lhe review of this proposal: TITLE t2: ZONING REGULATIONS Section 1 26H-l : Purpose The high density multiple-family distict is intended to provide sites for multiple-family dwellings at densities to a maximum of twenty five (25) drelling units per acre, together with such public and semipublic facilities and ldges, private recreation facilities and related visitor oriented uses as may appropriately be located in the same zone district. The high denstty multiple-fanily district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities commensurate with high density aparlment, condominium and lodge uses, and to maintain the desirable residential and resort qualities of the zone district by establishing appropriate site development standards. Ceftain nonresidential uses are Wrmifted as conditional uses, which relate to the nature of Vail as awinter and summer recreation and vacation mmmunity and, where permitted, are intended to blend harmoniously with the residential character of the zone district. *ction 1 2-6H-6: *tbacks The minimum front setbacl< shall be twenty feet (20'), the minimum side setback shall be twenty feet (20'), and the minimum rear setbad< shall be twenty feet (20'). Chapter 12-17: Variances (in Part) 12-17-1: Purpose: A. Reasons for Seeking Variance: ln order to prevent or to lessen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this title as would resuft from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, variances from ceftain regulations may be granted. A practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing structures thereon: from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cost or innnvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. tv. Vail Villaoe Master PIan VailTrails East is located within the "periphery" area of the Vail Village Masler Plan area and is located within the East Gore Creek Sub Area. Excerpts from the Vail Village Master Plan relating to the subject site have been atlached for reference (see Attachment D). V. SITE ANALYSIS Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Currenl Land Use: Lot Size: Standard Setbacks (min): North: West Side: East Side: South: GRFA (max): Site coverage (max.): 433 Gore Creek Drive Lots 7-15, Block 4, Vail Village Filing 1 High Density Multiple Family District Vail Village Master Plan Multiple Family Residential 19,933 sq. tt. (0.4676 acres) Allowecl/Reouired Existino Proposed 7 ft.* no change no change no change 19,345 sq.ft.** 10,961 sq.ft. (55%) 20 ft. 20 ft. 20 ft. 20 ft. 15,150 sq. ft. 10,963 sq. ft. (55%) 7ft. 4fi. I fr. 5 ft. 19,264 sq.ft. 10,880 sq.ft. (557") *no change to the point of greatest setback encroachment *'GRFA allowed pursuant to the "250 Ordinance" VI. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Norlh: South: East: West: Land Use Village Master Plan Village Master Plan Village Master Plan Village Master Plan Zonino Natural Area Preservation High Density MultiPle FamilY High Density Multiple FamilY High Density Multiple FamilY vil.CRITERIA AND FINDINGS The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by Chapter 12-1 6, Vail Town Code, A. Consideration of Factors Reoardino Variances: 1. The relationship ol the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The existing vail Trails East building currently encroaches in the required 20 foot rear setback. The proposed bay windows and patio roof are located on the north side of the Vail Trail East building. The norlh side of the subject building is located adjacent to Gore Greek; therefore, Staff does not believe lhis proposal will have no impact on adjacenl uses' structures, in the vicinity compared to existing conditions. staff does not 3. believe the proposed above grade bay windows and patio roof will impact Gore Creek compared to existing conditions. The Vail Trails East building is currently located within the required rear setback. Had the Vail Trails East building been originally constructed at the cunent minimum rear setback standard of 20 feet, the provisions of the Town's zoning regulations would allow the proposed bay windows and patio roof to be constructed three feet and four feet respectively into the setback area. The degree to which rellef from lhe strlct and literal Interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatlbility and unitormity ol treatment among siles In the vicinity or to attain the obiectlves ol this title without a grant of special privilege. The Planning and Environmental Commission has consistently held that the construction of buildings prior to the Town's adoption of zoning regulations is a hardship that may justify the granting of a variance from the Town's curent zoning regulations. Staff believes the applicant is requesting relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of the rear setback regulations necessary to achieve compatibility and uniform treatment of site in the vicinity. Setback variances have previously been granted for renovations at lhe Texas Townhomes and the Vail Rowhouses which have similar site constraints and legalnon-conforming status as VailTrails East. Approval of this variance request will also allow the atfected individual condominium units within the Vail Trails East building lo construct bay windows in the same manner as the north facing condominium units located in the cenler of the same building. Staff does not view the approval of this request as grant of special privilege. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportatlon and traflic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff does not believe that the requested rear setback variance will have a negative etfect on light and air, dislribution of population, transportation and traffic utilities, public facilities and utilities, or public safety in comparison to existing conditions. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. Vail Trails East is located within the "periphery''area of the Vail Village Master Plan area and is located wilhin the East Gore Creek Sub Area. The Master Plan emphasizes the following objectives pertaining to this sub area: 4. Objective 1.22 Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial lacilities. Staff Response: Staff believes this proposal is consistent with lhis objective. Objective 2.3: Increase the number of residential units available for short-term rental. Staff Response: Staff does not believe this proposal affects this objective. Objective 2.6: Encourage the development of affordable housing units through lhe efforts of the private sector. Staff Response: Staff does not believe this proposal affects this objective. Objective 3.1: Physically improve the exisling pedestrian ways by landscaping and other improvements. Staff Response: Staff does not believe this proposal affects this objeclive. Objective 5.1: Meet parking demands wilh public and private parking. Staff Response: Staff does not believe this proposal affects this objective. Objective 6.2: Provide for the safe and efficient functions of fire, police and public utilities within the context of an aesthetically pleasing resort setling. Statf Response: Staff does not believe this proposal affects this objective. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino lindinos before qrantino a variance: 1. That the grar-rting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsislent with the objectives of this litle. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Departmenl re@mmends approval' with conditions' of a variance from Section 12-6H-6, Setbacks, VailTown Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, to allow for the addition of bay windows, located at 433 Gore Creek Drive/Lot 1, Block 4, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth delails in regard thereto. This recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vll of lhis memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose lo approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission pass the following motion: "The Planning and Environmental Commission aproves the applicant's request for a variance from Section 12-6H-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, to allow for the addition of bay windows, loated at 433 Gore Creek Drive/Lot 1, Blrck 4, Vail Wlage Filing 1, and sefting forth details in regard thereto, subiect to the tollowing oonditions: l. This approval shall be ontingent upon the aplicant obtaining Design Review Board approval of the design review application associated with this variance request." Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following findings: " The Planning and Environmental Commission fids: 1. The granting of this variance will not constitute a granting of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the High Density Multiple Family District as the Planning and Environmental Commission has consistently held that the construdion of buildings prior to the Town's adoption of zoning regulations is a hardship that may justify the granting of a variance from the Town's current zoning regulations. 2. The granting of this variance will not be dettimentalto the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. This variance is warranted for the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unneoessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of nile 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code due to the legal non-conforming location ot the existing building on the site. b. There are exceptions or ertraordinary circumstances or anditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same distict due to the legal non-nnforming location of the existing building on the site. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district due to the legal non-onforming location of the existing building on the site." IX. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Applicant's Request C. Architeclural Plans D. VailVillage Master Plan (excerpt) E. Public Hearing Notice Attachment A tF8;9E3;tqHF F3;g!9 9! t i€B EPIq: f N;E16nE50 :59 $xI gs 'q9t 9FET r- B P ; E FrooN (oc{ -cIo gOlIa)Vt .- r_(EA ea.a - q, E..tA,^OE =EF-tuo(5 E 9tr-oE =(9 P(Eoo F>s c ru !c(It o).cCC(u tr Mffi-6-EEA7 65:554 FROMr Attachment B Memo ru Elill Gibson, Planner, Tom of Vail Gom. Dev. Gc: JimGuiftE Fu! Jelli€yPM4lbYAlA Bb 3l5t2n7 k VbilTnilEettotl-15, Bhck4 VailWlageftllry 1 Ttr=419?45?P.e Wba1g mquesting am6ncebrtheeddition of ashed rmf at unit 168l,vhidr prctrudes inbfie ulility sabacd -frra eiliting nonneast comer of frra luilding ie alnady wlhin-his esemetl! Tho uUllty companns trare ncf -baen appcaO U ttis encro*tirent of hd new 16p ml slnce he unlt (16A) abon hasa bry hat*eady Ptotudes. Inc|uftd lbr inbnnallo'l b t1o MasEr Build{ut pbn lt hF been Eq..eqreO Oy fte ORB bat a mast€r plan bcdcvelopcd ihdbrhgs someotderand eymm€tyb Ure nofi ehtrtslion' Thanks, Jefrey P tlianley tArortd'rq in collabontlon wtth John G Martin Acttltsct LLC PEC, . Psge I Attachment G - ^{''Iu . -r\ ," li 'l,rW i lr '"?. i t 5 F. B? e ffil1ffiqi tiiiiiiilati;iil iitt lllf ;.E I ._i I a1 . t "a EXHIBIT VATL TRAILS EAST TOWN OFVAIL. F]zF;r -fis sEFr\) F.i 4 c> _*ii{F- ;t b<D =gz B*=-iio h Eg eZ 6-FgE ur FC)E *So *=r-s #g O rr'F z bh h fthtfr,uc *b bL AO t{I*hhrdb.-dq,bHlE4ltl Ih.OE ------E: L III - olo I o ii*l E t$ Er iilr {" d;if, lSFr !1ri ( efrEE B6cEdl,iF- ; liE n tfrEi 1!Ui4$ii ztll € F,Tt Frltaefrl(t)-tIrlU $fii ii ?t'8. Hru e dlB r.$.lll 1r I s.6 5si if,Ilrllnr lrailil a{ ut HUFoI Flo \tFI F.IE zo ttl (A ttt trt 3 llF Fii til ;g ztrt {oFEI FrD Egi :Irl !l;t t: $ :E{ Elln!; T! I' T5 F i'$ !l lit6-i il I ii[[ iii! ! Il! tifiiil: '.I N Iut !!;:t6 ttf !tl :!E rl llorI,r&,uftl|r L-nlrF t- l# zF' €oFE Ftda rIa FtrrtU G al:Tit $ ,'4 rrtv F z, =t ^zt 3xt ?i t!! e t-l , 'i ., ta 7F'9 n ^f-la-rt b"*"il o F ffi\ C E E g Eil 3"8 EilE f,I R H/ E ? :*trg, g&l Eil F/ g ;l !f; t (A H Fd l'r z o iE -l ,El 'l I o.t .F o'.l ,F o + gliiiiniili ii;;+ffi| 'r i5,1,$*, l.-. lTdrabhrdbi tF-EEi i F----jffiii++#1I lUtL:l I | &HLr-|.rEr Lrl I - | : I I Eh.OA I I I I I T I t I t I Attachment D EAST GORE CREEK SUB AREA (#6) A nunber of the earliest projects developed in VaiI are l-ocated inthe East core Creek Sub-Area. DeveLopment in this area is exclusively nulti-fanily condominiun projects with a very linited amount of support cornmercial . Surface parking is found at each site, which creates a very doninant.visual inpression of the sub-area. While the leve1 of development in East core Creek is generally greater than that al-lowed under existing zoning, this area has thepotential to absorb density without conpromising the character of thevilJ.age. This development could be acconmodated by partial infillsof existing parking areas balanced by greenspace additions or through increasing the height of existing buildings (generally one story overexisting heights). In order to maintain the architectural continuityof projects, additional density should be considered only inconjunction with the comprehensive redevelopment of projects. clearly, one of the main objectives to consider in .the redevelopmentof any property should be to improve existing parking facilities.This includes satisfying parking demands for existing and additional development, as well as design considerations relative to redevelopment proposals. The opportunity to introduce below grade structured parking will greatly inprove pedestrianization and landscape features in this area. This should be considered a goal of any redevelopment proposal in-this sub-area. Developnent or redevelopment of this sub-area will attract additional traffic andpopulation into this area and may have significant irnpacts uponportions of Sub-Areas 7 and 10. I I t I I I I I .--a: - | 52 I ! #5-1 Residential InfiII Additional floor or residentrar development over what is existing. Additional densitY to be considered onlY in conjunction with a comprehensive redevelopnent of each project. A keY factor in the redeveloPnent of theseproperties will be to relocate ieqirirea parking in underground structures. This will allow for increased landscaping and overall improvements to pedestrian ways in this area. In all cases, the mature pines along Gore Creek shall be naintained. Stream irnpact must be considered. Special emphasis on L.2, 2.3, 2.6, 3.1r 5.1r 6.2. #6-2 Manor VaiI PossiUte residential infill on portions of existing surface parking area and additional floor to the two northern most buildings adjacent to Gore Creek. Infill project must include addition of greenspace adjacent to East Mill creek and other adjoining pedestrian areas. Heigtrt of structure shall be liurited to prevent impacts on view to the Gore Range from Village core and Vail Valley Drive. 'Present and future parking denand to be met on site. Traffic considerations must be addressed. Special ernphasis on L.2, 2.3, 2.6, 3.L, 4.L, 5.1, 6.1. ad |rlr rlr tFr x errar cva oraa srq $.,I I 53 Attachment: E THIS ITEM MAYAFFECTYOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmenbl Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12'3-6, Vail Town Code, on March 26.2007, at 1:00 pm in the Town of Vail MunicipalBuilding, in consideration of: A request for a final review of a rrariance, from Section 126H€, Setbacks, and Section 12-1+17, Setback from Watercourse, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, to allow for the addition of bay windows, located at 433 Gore Creek Drivet/Lot 1, Block 4, VailVillage Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC07-0010) Applicant Vail Trails East Homeowners Association, represented by John G. Martin, Architect, LLC Planner: BillGibson A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-6C4, Setbacks, and Section 12-6G9, Site Coverage, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12'17, Yariances, to allow for a residential addition within the setback and in exoess of the maximum allowable site coverage, located at 5119.Black Bear Lane/Lot 8, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision, and sefting forth details in regard thereto. (PECO7-) Applicant Lisa Augustine, represented by JMP Architects Planner: Bill Gibson The applications and information about the proposals are arrailable for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is inMted to aftend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. PleaSe call 97G479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call 970-479-2356, Telephone forthe Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published March 9, 2007,in the Vail Daily. t#, * Page 1 Memo TG Gc: Florrr Dfrr ne &.f Blll Gibson, Pbnner, Town dvd Csn. DEt. JimGdfte Jefrey PMail€yAl,A 2n6n@7 Vail TEil Easf Lot 1-15, Bod( 4, Vd \@E fi3rg 1 Vainrcercqrcd PEC, Vrb a rq.c$ng a vabe b llle ffon d GRFA h [E bm d bey uhdors b Op Vd Trd Ed BuiltiitB. Tlis b st older exidirB hrtdry hrifr in 1W +/- and lre H severd addilbn GRFA addlirs h ttp E ff? htE g b morhiB rS le m GRfAEr i # F a]lnt totm code. Scryerd wss twe lepboed *rtucttle ru&sibcrtEhttg nd lru#dbayritu:. Tlirlrift harfr'm#red and uugrtrdGFda. fYere ddBfidOF PEC board levbryfp taqr*dfu tay uhddla Tfpse rhtussil be tepffi snrenty with the curent o€b cmnlb| prid. Plea & rwiGrt|e K Pfil &ldodeleudq| trfic &!l€d funre lclms d bry$ndoun It lre bsr rcgced dt|e DRB H a m&r Can be <brdqed H briqs scne order and sTmmefry b the ls|h tralirn. Thanks, JefteyPf*t Working in coldralln uitt Jdn G ilalintuciled tIC o PagEl > ,|***+*+ttt++t{r{'{'*******ta*t*+f+*f,*i+**a'tl****+**ll+*++ffff*+***fa**+*******+**l'*{"t********** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Statetnent Number: RO?OOOO2O1 Amolxlt: $500.00 02/26/200703:00 PM Pa)ments Meehod: Check Init: 'fsNotsatsion: 1571/iroHN G. MARTIN ARCHITECT PermiU No3 PEC070010 TlDe I PEc - variance ParceL No: 2101-082-3300-1 Site Address: 433 GORE CREEK DR VArL Location: VAII TRAILS E;AST TOI|NHOMES Total FeeE: $500.00 Thia Pa)ment: $500.00 Total AJ,IJ Pmta: $500.00Balance: $0.00**t*****++******+****+*++**a***a'f,tt*****++******l'i++++*t*1.tlt:t.}ti******{r:}f*+********t:}****+*** ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account code Deecriptioa current Pmts PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPIJICATION FEES s00.00 ?EWtg? eilliln FE t fID.T4t? fiilffihrffin$hlljnffi rC ngn.'/ z€ H' 5 +-. Idt 'IQ-*FI-# E*, 5tiF H -artl L L J* -fl rjt-rrfi, -ir-r*i.et dft F --tarkF rlfr -lt.*.LI-r-a iarc-{-I-:*bIq:qri-b&, 1{r,-tge.E^rt P.a ,Et'--'b.at-,--n-,tfiE.r-.!+r----------'rr*;fr|$'E r+-r-*E-E r ar - lI-itrht-i*5te-iEtgrrrrFSrErD}'gr*,,--r=t D$ FrtE ulvs# l^lse+ - +rED--rr!-D-:-r--rrElr-lll.L aiqErfr -ftrrtr-ut;- --*Je#rr{ibEb*--Qlft -rrr*rf - -tts:l*rrirc!-D-] - LG---EIrr- r_i-rr---,--r.rt*. G,-rr. F---.r-E-rr.---IrE. 4=i== ==#2'w&'sqY(fft*-ts--t-rF---! i d*rrr-rrebbo-.*-rg, E?fi* i!|t4 ,F B |F-rbb-ntlr-ry--. =-+f rf Ertb;rga|ffi*ffi8, -- r-'-'---r-:-Irr.-,G_*--rrttr.EE rpr1ri--F-,: lbbqlt-l--3rbrE-'-ts|-.JEt.tFrAtsrdn- h I rE- *-Erfl * r-r.dF-f -#-C bTr |'I' rEl€rEFgqdb*t *, --J.- rh b- Jl* rE- b+r!tr} raFf -r-hrl tc ** -hd: FE tlrer--r--t}' a-Fr-Ft-ttaE'.t--.q-I-Err-lg.- L NI,re lhrd--bbHtx*r!} "{Jh"jko, Itr t-4 A[ SeacqpGqfrni*rn ]lOA C/O BROACH, R DUDIEY 8{N BURNING TREE DR MARIETTA GA 30067 Neighbor to the Soror PARKER. FOXHALLA & HETENW - JT 205 HONEY I{OLLOVV RD POUIID Rf,reE, TY flX''6 (Texas Tovrhome lo eest) VailCHetilOA c/o Phillips and assoc PO Bo( fil{B\rtOO8tet/ Neighbor to theWeS LurnrVdl LLC 285 Bridge ST Vail, OOEl6l Neighbor to the Norfi .1 l- TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 8I657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Lo{ r- tS -B\kq| " \'- cfuc"^\ o. t(.6_ t"lc",.\ j".r^k E NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 433 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location.....: 433 GORE CREEK DR ParcelNo...: 210108234001 Project No : Permit #: Status . . Applied. Issued . Expires . OWNER KARN, VIVIA}I A. 2 ADAMS ST #904 DEIIVER CO 80205 License; CONTRACTOR SHAVil ELECTRIC P O BOX r_451 AVON CO 8162 0 License:105-E APPLICANT SHAW EI,ECTR]C P O BOX 1451 AVON CO 81,620 Iricense : 106 -E Desciption: ADD NEW HOUSE PANEL FOR HEAT TAPE Valuation: $1.200.00 FEE Sllt!'l l\,lARY Eleclrical----- - DRB Fee-_ ., Investigation--:' Will Call------' TOTAL FEES-. 1"0 / L5 / 200]- Phone : L0 /Ls /2001 Phone: 970-926-3358 LO/L5/200L Phone: 970-926-3359 9s0.00 $0.00 s0 - 00 93-00 s53 . oo T otal Calculated F'ees- Additional Fees---------- 'Iotal Pemit Fee--- Palme[Ls--------- BALANCE DLTE.-.-..' $s3.00 s0.00 ss3 . o0 s53 .00 $o. oo Approvals:Item: 06000 BLECTRICAL DEPARTMEUT ao/L5/20oL DE It,em: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: l-2 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have rcad this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, g^"^A E0l -0239 ,: ISSUED . : l0ll5/2001 . : 10/2212001 .: 04120/2002 Unifortrn Building lode and other ordinances of the Torvn applicable thereto.n)lo*-G,Sl*,-/ FROi'1 :PF|t}\$: e7ee2633ss ocT, a9 mt efj.a3Fn PL ti. NMT{&UIM ?5 S. Froatrgc Rd. Vril, Coloredo Et65l (ot*', r,. qzo-335 Ef{ta.^>=qo-tgreLfu'L ETECTRTCTLVALI ATTON: $ (zoo --.AMourrroFserrilsrnucrune: N+ roo name: -,6mi iir.o#i'W t ,f lobAdrtrcss: 4\4 &q Gat" l\1 . V o',1 t-egaf Desqhtin I -r F-aw"Fq. I rnine,Srrbdivbion: Englneet:Addcs:mIE: Wo]* CK: ll€rn ( ) Additbn ( ) - .. .t- . lr I ooes an EHU s(bt at $b bcatbn: Yes ( ) ]{o Vl iyp:dBktq.r gqoL.fam[r( ) hd.n( ) Mu&f.!t$tt/l Cornnr.rol( ) nrearant( ) otEr( )€ !b. ol Eddng Drretllm Unlts In thb buldhg: , trf,tt ffiEAcqttnodafion unls ln $b bultsins: l&tt I Is this Dermil fior a hot tub: Yes ( ) No (\./l i....ii...tl*..1.tr..r....t.t..r..t.i..FOR OFFICE usE ollLYtt*"tttr"..'1" " ""'r "r'l'r't't' F:/arEryonqrFniqrElt@ 0 TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community D evelop ment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 January 13,2000 Mr. Edward Balkin Coover-Clark & Associates 333 W. Hampden Ave., Suite 315 Englewood, CO 801l0 Re: Vail Trails / Lots 7-15, Block 4, Vail Village l" Filing Dear Edward: Per your information request dated l/l l/00, following is an inventory of information on file with the Town of Vail Department of Community Development regarding the above- referenced property: r Improvement location survey, elevation rendering, and section drawings dated 4/22/64 by Meurer, Serafini, Meurer, Inc. . Proposed Street Vacation and Association Parking Plans dated l-27-77 by Meurer, Serafini, Meurer, Inc.. . Floor plans and partial elevations for Units 12,9A, and the Hartley, Wilson and De Loache residences. . Complete records of building permit applications, land use/zoning applications and staffcorrespondence for all units at Vail Trails East and West. These files are organized by unit number. These items are available for public review at the Town of Vail Department of Community Development at the address listed above. Our ofhce hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Vail Trails East & West properties are zoned High Density Multiple Family (HDMF). Since the properties were constructed prior to the adoption of the Town's zoning ordinance, existing site non-conformities are "grandfathered," while any new construction would be required to comply with applicable zoning code limitations FILE TO {;run *or ro r-. ( .r.t "!Tlg|t* z$ t*i"baks and the required 50' setback fiom the centerline of Gore If you would like to discuss this matter in greater detail or schedule a meeting to discuss future development potential on this property, please do not hesitate'to contact me at (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, Fte.4 C^//4-",- Brent Wilson Planner II I /o NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ArT MF'BUTLD PERMTT Permit #: 895-0303 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: REROOF WITH LIKE MATERIALS Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: Rl Multi-FamilyV l--HR Type V l-Hour 30,000 Add Sq Ft: #0f Gas Logs: Job Addrees: 433 GORE CREEK DR LocAtioN...: VAIL TRAILS EAST Parcel No.. : 2101-082-34-019 Project No.: BOYD CONSTRUCTION, INC. 2109 Perry Street, Denver, CO 80212 BOYD CONSTRUCTION, INC. 2109 Perry Street, Denver, CO 80212 FOSTER RICHARD W & BETTY LOU - BASLER KIMBERLY FOSTER - FOS, 885 S D ep ar tm e nt of C ommunity Status. . .applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . .00 Total catcutated Fees--->.0O Additionat Fcca-------->.00 Total Pernit f ec------->250.00 Payments------------:--> Phone: 3034583805 Phone: 3034583805 coLoRADO, DENVER CO 80222 #0f l,lood/Pa t tet: Development ]SSUED oe /L4/rees Lo /05/Lee5o4/02/7ee6 Fi reptace Information: Rest ri cted:fof Gas App[ ianccs: **ff*ffiffi#ffffiffiffi*r.***td#*ffi**#*#(* f EE SUlll,lARY Bui tdi ng-----> Ptan chcck---> Investig!t ion> l,li l. L c!1. L----> 350.00 227 -50 .00 3.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi eu--) 0R8 Fee-------------> Recreation tee---------> C tean-Up Dcposi t--------> E30.50 .00 830.50 830.50 TOTAL FEES---.- *'r*'r*lrffi *ffi *ffiffi t**fi *ff #***ffi *ffi rffi **rt*rttH **1ffi fficH***ffiffi ffi **ff(**ro*ffi *#ffi *** Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB VIORK Division: rte.m: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTO9/14/L995 DAN Action: APPRItEm :. -O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENTO9/L4/L995 DAN Action: APPR]t'eM:. 0560O FIRE DEPARTMENTO9/L4/L995 DAN Action: APPRItem:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKS09/L4/L995 DAN Action: AppR *||**i*ffi *rr*t***ffiffi**ffi*ffi*tr**#**ffi *ffi **ffi **ft ffi *ffi *ffi ffi ffiffi** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that, may apply to this pernit. DECLARATIotiS I.hereby ccknovlcdge thrt I have rrad this apptication, fitted out in futl, the information requi ncd, comptet.d !n accurat. ptotp[an, and statc that a[[ thc information providcd as requircd is correct. t agrec to conpty riith thc iniormation and p(ot itan,to coryty Yith att Tovn ordinances End statc [aus, and to buitd this structure acconding to the To]rnt s zoning and subdivisi6n codes, design nevien appnoved, Uniforn BuiLdir€ Code and oth.r ondinances of th! Tovn appticabte thercto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI,IENTY-FOI'R HOURS IlI ADVANCE BY TELEPIIONE AT 179-213E O S.M CLean-Up oeposit fo: 8OyD t2 *tno"o"u'" o ****************************t********************************** r-\ , ***Tolt{v0p CONDITIONS a8 of Lo/05/95 t *glw4f9'grtrylrytH# ***************!r!r**********!r!r'r!r*************!r**************** FAX970-479-2452Perrnit Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMIT Applicant: BOYD CONSTRUCTION, INC. 3 03458380s 75 South Frontage Road lffifrdbr&o {B6SF0303 Job Address: Location: Parcel No; Description: REROOF SIITH Conditions:1. FIELD2. REROOF Department of Community Development Status: ISSUED Applied: oe/74/te95 IBEued: L0/05/1995 To Expirer 04/02/t996 VAIL TP..AILS EAST 2L0L-082-34-019 LIKE I'{ATERIALS INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED WITH LIKE MATERIALS. TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. {j^ototoruo .v v t*****************:t********************************************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** stat,emnt Number: REc-0081 Amount: 830.50 10/05/95 72zLL Payment Method: cHEcK Notation: *1538 Init: LRD 895-0303 Tlpe: A-MF 2L0L-082-34-019 433 GORE CREEK DR VAIL TRAILS EAST Total Fees:830.50 Total AIL Pmts: Balance: Description BUITDING PERMIT FEES PI-,AN CHECK FEES CLEANI'P DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE *****************************i*********************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4t332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 ADD/ALT MF BUTLD PER 830.50 830. s0 .00 Anount 350. 00 227.50 250. 00 3.00 l3'!gg5 App'rcArroN lrusr BE Frrr.ED our colrprErEr.,y oR trI0U.{01\ffi,{f{S58T-..vcr. &rs a rr.rrrr.rr \rrrr l,vft.rr.|l.l-ErJr Lr.t( I-I':f tgfiF - lulul UHfl. /LHghlIyUp I X*******************t********* pE[u{IT INFoRltATroN *r************************i** " l,ltg !-"orrdtrrn t 1-plunbing t l-El/Lctricaf [ ]-uechantbal f,fl-otfr."{ Job Natne: ll^il {t*,'/, ry|T fol0{"rAddress: 4q3 4^.n Ctc.rc 02 Ph. Architect: General Description: l{ork Class: [ ]-New I Electrical Contractor: Address: 'l"ll o4tfta-Alteration 'zr 4 c oyt - < (F-r l-Additlonal Address:Ph. Z+l Ay'r/o/ Nnmber of Dwelling units: llfu*r.- Nunber of Acconmodatlon unl.ts: fle." and I'1pe of Fireplaces: Cas Appliances cas Iogs_ Woodr/pellet '-v ,t**** * *** * **** *********** ********* VAIJUATTONS ************* ******************** iutrorne , ErrgcrRrcAr,s I crrItER: *lLtr;, $uMarNG: INFORI{ATION **********************t**** tAfia., W R.eF(a,- H +.tr--q- .[,{-Repair [ ]-other I Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: _ "':-- r| Aa|to ^* ** **** * * * * * * * * *** ** * * * *U*b"Cttt7 Eeneral Contractor: lV tz-htt t I;;;il ; ; ; ;' /r,:ffi "?ff: :"" .'"''"*'. "\;; - : ; -;: i i T:; :. i,;.H :jaddress: ------"^ffivl--A- il:l"";J;:irfu,y Plunbing Contractor: Address: llechanical Contractor: Address: *!r******l!*********************** FORBUTLDING PERUTT FEE: PLT'}TBING PERUTT FEE: I'fECHN{ICAL PERMIT FEE: ELEqTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Phone Nuraber: Town of VaiI Phone Nu:nber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. oFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CIIECK FEE: PLUUBTNG PI"AI| CHECK FEE3 UECIIANTCEIJ PI..AI{ CHECK FEE: RECRE,ATION FEE: CIJEAN-UP DEPOSIT: BUTI,DTNG: STGNATT'RES ZONING: STGNAI{TRE: ,IIegal Descrlptions Iot_:- DJ.ock_tl- Filt ,/ltt. ri Lt,A.t t/'l f , -7^,n ,owners Name: /t(ltftL Address: crrHER: *1ht,;, lffi l-t-t- t-t-t-r-r_t_ 4LE^{ UP DEPOSIT NEN'f,D Tlt: /4toh+ct 6or/A td 1 f."rl Det 4. ?oztz I MEMORANDUM o ALL COI{TRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMEI.IT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A'PUBUC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Job Nama:Date:_ 1l Please answerthe 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public prope(y? 3) ls any utility work nEeded ? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls difierent a@ess needed to sitE other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfeaing the dght of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a'Revocable Right Of Way Permit. required? 8) A. ls the dght of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? '/o ,n , p to'b, t questidffiAarding the need for a'pubtic Way permif : YES L/ t/ ,-/ ,-/ ,-/ ,1 NO lr-- !l_f9u_ a19wet9d yes to any of these questions, a'Public Way Permit' must be obtained.?ublic Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at C-o-TT{n,ty Development. lf you have any questions please caltCharlie Davis, the Town ol Vaif Construction Inspector, at 479-218. | lave read and answered allthe above questions. Job Name f sig lnwn TO: FROI,I: DAIE: su&rEqt: 75 .outlr |r!nt|gr road U|ll, colondo 8t657 (3qtl 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 offbc ol comtnuntty d.uclopm.nt To.review ord.l-nance No. 6 in full, please stop byYii_l Buildins Department to outiin a copy. Thankcooperation on this rnatter. Read and acknotrledcrart trrr. AI,L COTflTRACTORS CURRENXLYL REGISTERED r|IIts TIIElo!{N OF VArL TOWN OF VAIL PUBIJC IIORKS/CO!.IUI'NITS DEVEIOPIIENT IIARCH 16, 1988 CONS:rRUqIION PARKING & I{ATERTAIJ STORAGE the Tolrn ofyou for your rn sun'ary, ordJ-nance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to tritter, track or deposit.any soif,-roci, sand, debrisor naterial , including trastr h"'lpster3, po*aui"- toil.ts andworknen vehicres. upon-any streetl ;ie#"ik;;i;y or pubricp1?:" or any porri6n tbeieof. iie risbt;i;;t-;n arr rown ofVail streets and.Igags is approiiuateiy s ft.-6fi pavenent.Trtll ordinance nirt be striElii--enrorc3a-rv-trr"-i"rr, of vailPublic l{orks DeDart'ent. p;;;;"; found viala{in; this ordinanceyill- be siven a 24 hour rritten noEi""-ti-;;;;:t="id nateriar.rn the event the person so notified-aoes noi conpry with thenotice nithin the- 24 rroui tinJ-=p""iiiil,"i;.-;;;:.ic worrcsDepartnent wirr renove said aateii"r it fut;-;r6;;se of personnotiried. rhe provisions-Jr-trri"-"iai"";; ;ffiii not beappricabte to c-onstrrrction, nainienance or repair plJ:l!t= "rany street or alley:or any utitities in trre-iiJfri_"_r"y.. (i.e. contractor, owner) BUILDING PERI'|IT ISSUANCE TI|{E FRAitE If this permi.t ""qul,fg:_l Town of Vail Fire Departrnent Appruval ,Engi neer's..(.publ ic fttlr I "evie* .nJ -ipb-rut,' a ptinnt ni"blpurrnentreview or Health Departmint revieyr, .;e-;-;;;i; ly-ii.l_"iriioi"gDepartment, the estimated timi to"'a-tt"r review may ake as rongas three weelts. Al I corrnerciar ('r arge or sma'r r ) and ar I mu] ti -fami ry permi ts wi r rhave to follow ttre iuove renii6ned-maiimurn requirements. Residentialand.small proJects should take a tesiir--amound of time. However, ifresidential or smailer.projects impiii ilre-viriouslirJr. mlntioneodepartments wi th reoard. to- necessii.y- rev.i ew, -u,"i. p"ijJ.ii' *valso take the three-week perioO.- Every.attempt will be Bge by this department to expedite thispermit as soon as possible. ' l_1. undersigned, understand the p'lan check procedure and timetrame. luun 75 .outh frutt|go rord u.ll, colo.rdo 81057(c06t 479-2L38 ot 479-2139 Devel opment Department. o'lfrco ol comnunlty. drudoprnorl Communi ty i I t I t dr..\ | _N{ | Jl lt; a: ,,/a--9 It\t I'|ll t# \l I \l I3 CHECKEESUEST ""ts t/tr/fi N^IE-o-tro*-Z@ occoan{rNuon"e* 01 000022002 OONO'X'OFREFLTND: 64fl'D DATEAPPROVED= f'iq,-?@. APPROVAL SIGNATURE: OCign Review Action Fe)n TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Date Leqal Description: Lot Block- Subdivision Project Street AQdress: Comments: Board / Statt Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval {rl.att npprovat Conditions: -/u^*.rA Town Planner DRB Fee Pre-paid tI revleed 7 /lt/94 DESIGN REVI BOARD APPIJICATION - TOWN VAIL, COLORADO DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:********** INCOMPLETE APPLICATTONS MAY NO? BE SCHEDTTLED FOR REVIEW. *********!t PROJECT INFORI'IATION : DEscRrprroN. AtPf.M 7lz4 &unou ya t- I OF o EW I. A. B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New consE.ruction (g200.OOl y'uinor Atteration ($20.00)Addirion ($50.00)ConcepEual Review ($0) C. ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision n LoL Block If property is described bydescription, please provide Lo Lhis applicat.ion. ZONING: a meets and bounds on a separate sheeL legal and attach NAME OF Mail,.ing APPLICANT: Address: APPLTCANT' S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: NAME OF Mailing H.NAME OF OWNER(S): sr Mailing Address: I. Condominium Approval if applicable. .1 . DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are t.o be paid at thetime of submit.t.al of Ehe DRB appticacion. Later, whenapplying for a building permiL, please ident,ify the accurat,evaluation of the proposal . The Town of vair will adjust thefee according to the table below, Eo ensure the corrLct feeis paid. APPLrcATroNs tIrrJL Nor BE PRocEssED wrrflow otlNER' s sreNA?uRE FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ o $ 1o,ooo $ 10, 001 _ $ 50, 000 $ s0, 001 - $ 1s0, 000 $150,00L - $ 500,000 $500,001 - 91,000,000^ $ Over 91,000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAL IJNLESS A BUIIJDING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. FEE a ,.r 11 ar^D ZU. UU $ s0.00 $1 00. 00 $200. 00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YBAR AFTER FINAI-. ISSUED AT.ID CONSTRUCTION oo LArAtc6ga_TO, PArrrnr I Dt-L ro B e I L /? ctztann-a NAME OF PRO.TECT:, LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: I,IST OF II{ATERIAI,S LOT BLOCK The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING !{ATERIAI.TS: Roof Sidins Other waIl Materials Fascia Sof f i t.s Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Cbimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining wa11s ExLerior Lighting Other reguired for submit.tal t.o Lhe Design approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAIJ COI,OR Designer: Phone: ?€norrlc -osftf,A (-6q./ .g/hf fok E ?t,3 C_- EI I,ANDSCAPTNG: Name of PLAI{T *t"*tr: Botanical- Name PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS f. f,Ptlnuu, tct s At'fr'. nz I I '/o'2,"2J o* l' *Indicate caliper for deciduous Erees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicat.e heighc for coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 5'feet.**Indicate size of proposed shrubs, Minimum size of shrubs is5 qallon. Tvpe GROUND COVERS Scruare Footaqe soD SEED TYPE OF TRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. IJANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exLerior light.ing is proposed, please show t.he number of fixtures and locations on a separatelightinq plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting planin the space below and provide Ehe height above grade, tlpe ofliqht. proposed, lumen output, luminous area and a cuE sheeE, ofthe }iqht fixture. (SecLion 18.54.050 ,I) OTHER TANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heighEs of retainingwalls. Maximum heiqht of walls within the front setback is.3'. Maximum height. of walls elsewhere on the property is 6, co**olou,n.Ouantitv Size* D. TOWNOFVAIL CHECTS TADE PAYABLE TO TOVN OF VAJL OJECTDONATION 0t finO 42371 ORETF{AN IOO 0l fino 41330 fmtf - !ts, Tovm of Vdl RECEryED FROM .ADDRESS -? Permit Numberc HOW PND-Ash v ** Polico TShJF{ {fT L'FI I L l"liscel larteous Cdl Bi f,8 :rjt 14:21:37 llereipt S 15541i' fiscsuri t. # URIL InFrIL5 l]C'tln0 F550C\fRgfPID Di?8 Biii':unt. !*nd* t-ed ) 24.6S itenr paid fii. *!:rfifl4i f,f,1o'fier -rlll lgr: l::rl'r-rl i IFU Tt !gF$< Anount paid ?8. BB E. S€ rr'Cl lJ ',r,rui- c.:shi*r lif I ['I UJF E e. lt)z = I I I I I I I I I I rd'zlz1lFI z' IH lo I I I I I I I IElo tzro c.l rn F E zz E Fl F4() U)ulultL tr =E uJ t!Jul = l! F EFzo E. o (l' o o .c) G o G 3oF o o ooo (5 .g\1t Q) E € oE O cI E l d c, o o.o,6 3 .!t q) '=O.,;i*iutE8F"; E.9 R€*t e s E Sp:6c-o> ef;E =gi;c9cE -*io)35;5 EEF::€8t ScePE!teo-.! o--sEieoiEor =fi:€E6:FEE E T i;Eg -+ c lq, O'- .=txrDo ef;! r g d'-e9 (!a5 *5 E: efiB E9E o - iE$E autullJ- L = UJ J Fo E = uJ z -J l NO[VnlV @ \o tn c\l v) Hz zH t{c, A 14 H Fl u, ts zl-{ F-l u) zHvz & J =Zu-oo6zto-tr a() UJ J llJz LU =>E -- z Ee EP'u, o1>q) (J<)z lL< HFIEr6i 'iEri o (n u, z tr .. >l UJo IIJ IIJz <t) =2(r lrJc J z Eo :l-) (r zYorF z tr Jloz EzlzOa <Oo< >E 2(!Rtrdo<z =z \52 --o=trOI I J =.1 Els ilr H- 4 (9zH E FlA HH tl1z z rri uJ J tt z =oF I I I .lzl dlrul 5l al>l 3|*ol uJFI F ol =.1ol u,tl 5l al>l t!lol zl 3lolFI z J lJ- v7 (){ E tr Hv2 utFlH fi F{ i'i z --) lc{lotF(l !nat Il\o|<l FrEl .i(Jl HI E 8l I(rt Iril*l utn.r =l F-lessl><FEO I I ILl' I I.4ulq CI CI<oJ><= =o ol uJl TI <l>lLIol zl 3lolFI l-E iruri :-b= E,2? EE dzo E <Foa() IJJ <zEt!Fa6 F(J uJF -o oz ts =t UJo- ,Fl oF o =< 14coo x =zt --.t O <ncr! ('l ---jiftxt I!( .--" -)*ff(5(J=zE t< dd= h uJ o- : ^r!E:E<of6<D62e9!a 'ES =>=1!i-5 b=() ii-E :o-E U69 iurE XO-f x>t q- o-i!tr uJ F -I -nnn cr)(o -J lrOOO u H ch(,- 3 ul ui ts <h @o1zo Fo llJY uJo oF ts cc IJJ o- l!o o-oo I uJFoz No\ Ol C\ F1H&A !r.tF o ts =Elrl o-zoF C)3EFozo(J { 75 routh tronlsg. rold v!ll. colorldo 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2\39 olflcc ol €ommunltY dcvcloPmcttl BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer''s (Public Works) review and approva'| , a Planning Department review or Health Oepartment review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a tota'l review may take as long as three weeRs. All commercial (1arge or smal'l) and all mu'lti-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Resident'ial and small projects should take a Iesser amount of tjme. However, if residentia'l or sma'l 1er projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to. necessary review, these proiects may also talte the three week period. Every attempt wi1 I be made by this department to expedite this permi.t as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. aa'-Jo Communi ty Devel opment Department. 75 roulh frontagc road vail, colotado 81657 (3031 479-2138 or 479-2139 oftlcc ol communlly develoPmcnl TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT !{ARCH 15, 1998 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE and acknowledged by: fn summary, Ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawful for any person to-i.itter, track or deposit any soil, r9ck, sand, debris-or rnaterial, including trash dumpsters, portable toilets and workrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portibn theieof. The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft- off pavenent. This ordinance will be stri-tly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Departnent. Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said rnat'erj.al. fn-the event the person so notified does not conply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified, the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified. The provisions of ttris ordinance shall not be applicable to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way- To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of Vail Building Departrnent to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperatlon on this roatter. Pos lEiETfeletionsbip to Pro j ect (i.e. contractor, owner) t, l_'l 'i 'l ,l t\\i r $$te $\.r\\ -\ \ r.r )\1.\\ tqr' 1...) ,:-S\\\ \ I s.e -\- N-\,il € l*o {t U \ \ N ,\ \ a-,..li [ *i.F;; $.tJ{ -. {,rSi,F t,t t'r f -.u \D s l ,i ,i {,3 \\ (\ s $ it \*\"-;; \l t \"b-o roO =FL)/: ...\ \t \ N\foog ;,dat_9\\-J r r\t ..o- \d\ H1 n a \ ,i i { i, it lr$ t'l ?i.' l\ S$ ti i\^ {s\\ Ri Tto, rr) O k CJ 3 I q\ l{tr \\ a P* oz :ykui ei I\ I\ \ \ \ h \ N \s i, T vt : 6r\ I a in in €o + of .1 '\r ') :t\'ci : .. I L G ,,) l,l o i 5i I \i ^*9\\\'f:'\\tsa\U\ 3r v nrls * s'' \\.1 ( | \:\r\f)or}.\ nt t( N\\J \ ft \ \ \ N \ \t\s -I \/) ltt.- c, c* J] q "- -sG I u-i;ro-i > qvl U|lJF q 3 ql -S a\-. c( a O6/LI/SZ 09:lE Booloo Fostpn & Br.em i,.,^. ArroRNEys AT r-Aw ltC'0 [l.iY | ? n,alrl A Ar|rt*€f.9 Ce.|tti.*i€ dFtoliesdqoJcqFrdar. ' ''/ tVffJ !E6 €CtUD{Oq.Of, DOEitEt atrp oEi tER, cc|-ffiArE €[1222 1EI.EFTtDEFGD?:a@ 'rE€FaX F6 ZZ*SAO d*, fg** ap {t* flq -3/{'l ftv T7^.-; rt c'Jfi f,X E-:^';# fb7 ; a*=M'/ / ry 7*--/* ifllld * /;Fa fut" Y"-6* 644 f,''' /' f*h/,Vtu Mopr6x fo;l'*/ lTf , fuld 't/'fra Manx C. Fos ren AA5 SOUTH COTORADO BOULEVARD DENVER. COLORADO 80222 TELEPHONE t303) 722.6500 TEIEF AX t303t 722.9270 W0lttnV 1 l Bsz May 7, L992 Town of Vail 75 South frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Trails East Fireplace Conversion Dear Slrs: This letter is to advise you that Burnett Plunbing has beenhlred to lnstall gas lines to the units j.n Vail TraLls East for theconversion of the wood fireplaces to gas log fireplaces. P1easecall me lf you have any guestions. il;re Plan Revier Based on the 1992 Uniform Codes NAME:VAIL TRAILS EAST #12 DATE:5/14/92 ADDRESS:433 GORE CREEK DR. CONTRACTOR:BURNETT PLUMBING VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT:NONE OCCUPANCY:R]. ENGINEER:NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V PLANS EXAMINER:C. FELDMANN CORRECTIONS REQUIRED Tbc iteus listed belor are not intended to be a cmplete listing of aII possible cod€ requiremeats in tbe adopted codeg. rt is a gruide to selectod sections of tbe codes. Tbe following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the pro- vigions of tbe adopted codes or any ordinance of tbe Torm of vail . 1) SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRED PER SEC.L2LO 1991 UBC. 2) DA},IPERS NEED TO BE FEMOVBED FROM FIRE PLACE. 3) FIELD INSPECTION REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Air-ru. (t[-t\ t. 'iS'-ltrr'l PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL (r DATE READY FOR LOCATION: .TYts , * JOB NAME MON tl CALLER \J .1t,)y\ --t / BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL o o tr o tr tr n UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDEFGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLING GAS PIPING D INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL hr' i:rlt l/\i. -,Fr[", iLl\(]tJ1E FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT t-l O SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL O FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: nffistoo TZ,e / P. )/r-q,tr. l - t .:4"':r:.ir. .* Project Ap'pliGhtion Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: I o7 Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: D ISAPPROVAL Su m ma ry: taff Approval o Mnrrr< C. Fost'utr aa5 sou I tl coLoFtADo RouLEvARt) DENVER. COLOFIADO 80222 TFLEPfTONE (3O3) 722 6500 tIt EFAX (3O3) 7?2 9270 Septenber 28, L992 To P2 Assoclation Members - VaiI Re: Trash Container for VailTrails East Dear Associatl-on Representatlves : I am Presldent of Vail Trails East condominiums Association. In connection with the recent remodeling of the outsLde of our building we have begun using a central trash container. The container is temporarily located in the P2 area for Vail Trails East and we would like your permJ-sslon to build a pernanent enclosure for the container. The container would be located as depicted on the enclosed rnap and hldden by the present landscapingIn the P2 area and also by a atructure to be constructed out of landscaping ties and a plcket encLosure using the same picket design that wag used for ttre new balconies constructed at VaiITrail.s East. This plan has been approved by the Town and requiresonly your consent before we can construct the enclosure. Pleasecall me if you have any questions. If you consent to thisenclosure plan please slgn at the bottom of this letter and returnit to me so I can deliver it to the Town. Because winter isquickly approaching I would appreciate your prompt response. Very truly yours, .,/:'//a,y',t-ftrffi Mdrk C. Foster y'1VnJ' 6rrt*/L €* Mntrt< C. Ft.rs ttirr AO5 SOUTII COLORADO BOULEVARD DENVER. COLOFADO 80222 tEtEPr'loNE (3031 7?2 6500 rEr EFAX (3O3) 722 9270 Septernber 28, 1992 To P2 Association Members - Vail Re: Trastr Container for VailTrails East Dear Assoclation Representatlves: I am President of Vail Trails East Condominiums Association. In connectlon with the recent renodeling of the outside of our building we have begun using a central trash container. The container is tenporarily Located ln the P2 area for VaiI Trails East and we would like your pernlssJ-on to buiLd a perrnanent enclosure for the container. The container would be located as depicted on the enclosed map and hidden by the present Iandscaping ln the P2 area and also by a structure to be constructed out of landscaping ties and a picket enclosure usJ-ng the same picket design that was used for the new balconLes constructed at Vail Trails East. This plan has been approved by the Town and requiresonly your consent before we can conetruct the enclosure. Please call me if you have any questJ.ons. If you consent to this enclosure plan pJ-ease sign at the bottom of this letter and returnit to rne so I can deliver it to the Town. Because winter isqulckly approaching I would appreclate your prornpt response. Very truLy yours. -,/1Vq,/t?fr.:fr,Mdrk C. Foster 177"'l hr F* d*t/ Mnrrx C. Fos rct{ 8A5 SOIJT}] COLORADO BOULEVAND DENVER. COLORAOO 80222 rEl IPHONE (3O3] 722 6500 TETEFAX (303) 722 9270 September 28, 1992 To P2 Association Members - VaiL Re: Trash Container for VailTrails East Dear Associatlon Representatives: I am President of Vail TraLls East CondominLums Association.In connection with the recent remodeling of the outside of ourbuilding we have begun using a central trash container. Thecontainer is temporarily located ln the P2 area for Vall TrailsEast and we would Like your perrnisslon to bulld a permanentenclosure for the container. The container would be located asdepicted on the enclosed nap and hldden by the present landscaplngln the P2 area and also by a etructure to be constructed out oflandscaping ties and a picket enclosure uslng the same picketdesign that was used for the new balconLes constructed at VailTrails East. This plan has been approved by the Town and requiresonly your consent before we can construct the enclosure. please call me lf you have any questions. If you consent to thisenclosure plan please sJ.gn at the botton of this letter and returnit to me so I can deliver it to the Toern. Because winter isquickly approaching I would appreciate your prornpt response. Very truly yours, l77a-J: b^\ Q,nllr'u' OUTLINE OF WALLS D IA. CM PARr(NG D !Vl0t R o ,-/. ,o G._()/$ .. ,{. ,ty,{*i.'.* o o.1. ,\/ \i.r.\\ '4^. '\/(.'+ I i <'/ F la\T D-2t-J | | c- -"\-: ' i :'r EDGE OF PLOWED ASPHALT PAAKNO r\d \f . ) I.ry^l*'f;/WOOD TIE R€TAINING WAII (,,,\w t rrr,' r 'L - lofr* c..bsuv- 0 6 ?-2'8ntr;1 jo* o'1lt e*l *Lo* uln ry ,* {n lA 'lfr t;u + wd Mnrrx C. Fos rr:r< AA5 SOUTH COLORADO BOULEVARD DENVER, COLORADO 40222 TELEPHONE {3O3) 722 6500 TELEFAX {3O3) 722 9270 September 28, L992 To P2 Association Members - Vail Re: Trash Container for VailTrails East Dear Association Representatlves ; I am President of Vail Trails East condominiums Association.In connection with the recent remodeling of the outside of ourbuilding we have begun using a central trash container. Thecontainer is tenporarily located ln the P2 area for VaiL TrailsEast and we would like your pernission to build a pernanentenclosure for the container. The container would be located asdepicted on the enclosed urap and hidden by the present tandscapingin the P2 area and also by a structure Lo be constructed out oilandscaping ties and a picket enclosure using the same picketdesign that was used for the new balconies constructed at VaitTrails East. Thls plan has been approved by the Town and requiresonly your consent before lre can construct the enclosure. pleasecaII me if you have any guestions. If you consent to thisenclosure pran please sign at the botton of this letter and returnit to me so I can deliver it to the Totrn. Because winter isquickly approaching I wouLd appreciate your pronpt response. Very.-truly yours, ,-7// l, 'l ^- ^ / -///rtt ( i -T h::='t-X,/ "o 'L/lM6rk C. Foster OUTLINE OF WALLS 'l I .\ PAR( ING DlVIOEF POSTS ''T.''' ,t. ,o u ,,\ 'tr$ ^,A- ,'"''^K\/rVr/ '',r**/il_/'**,.* \1\ ,",, ": \;---- ,\, -4.-..\o .-.-a-\ I IE fIt]AINING WALt.- LOT P-2 EDGE OF ftOTVED ASPHALT PARKING ,A\ .'/ .//.i. r/ ..' ./,, l' .'.' \{' /'/. '.4 ,\\n'd ri, i., ),+"i*' 'ili/" EOGE OF*y"Y\ ^ ,) )li['i . WOOD TIE RETAININC IVALL QtC\ -.. l- '//r-lnn fzAtts eHeuT htE tutstt Tct 7et t,6 ym't ilrn I eatiuc* tL a4A- /lUtic taf ts Sr"?4/a an TTIE efufutn. Zf t'et// ur rpr+tu'' t^/,fl, /a*tit'c & 'tp /AUk s7rcEs .|28 Psr. T pr., 97 gl/eal f/fbiatfety 3 {uT rtuto fi- /rnttnTeJ tjqz-tt, luc fi.es-er:lt h' &s/*lJ - /.t ti ftu;/l l* d. ca.&rrac. fle *t"c/csap u,'l/ ilrr nW /, tco{ ( A7, c'rhri,+ les /*) apV ztttt ,pr htrE f/?4T f)a-9. Cf aa7/ ,1 CzaelVtef e? unU LNvty'aT fi., + /tLtetf ffirr iil'a Trt Sr?ne ,F ltE QetUatT 7estcn otv cr.A 63*, H,)' h/ pt a/at/V ,t71..rr.1 ITl h*r,,,- f7 ),;*-,t a,y' 4. Aiiz rt r 6l*. /r*u /nt ; a ,/, /-4. / 6A^t' ar'l/ ,?ll il. €aat2ez,v hq- ilal /* /L /ta( c^ hrpn. /t- /es,y* is i T//E tuilasrtz a';// L: /r.4 P/r* ctl ,l'/ 1/n,pttI lp i/annfu ,ilfl( -tas7t4 lffi,r EAst El'f,v{Ttaa T//E tuilagrtz a';// L: 72L'6t-oo ; )\.:/-'o VAIL TRAILS EAST \ PARXING i8Ffi*T ffi\%pic AREA \br TITBER WALL t $ il , ,!, ry z- h/r-^.- f Ta*4coln** AL! St A SONS $grgQlNG staff's recommendation was to approve the extension, even though the PEC originally denied the request Othenvise, Council would again have the opportunity to overrurn that decision. She felt this would be an unnecessary burden on the applicant. Kathy Langenwaltcr moved to approve the request for an extension of a previously approved variance for the Neuswanger Residence, lot 6, Block B, Vail Rjdgel26y''2 Cortina Lane, based on the comments made by Kristan. Dalton Williams seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved by a vote of 5-0. 2. A request for front and side setback and site coverase variances for the Wilhelm Residence. 4289 Nusget Lane. West Unit/Lot 5. Biehom Estates. ResuMivision of Lots l0 and 11. Biehorn Estates. Applicanc Robert and Karen Wilhelm Planner: Jill Kammerer Kristan Pritz briefly reviewed the rcquest. Staff rccommended approval of the variances, with the exception of the storage proposed on the west side of the lot. The applicant, Bob Wilhelm, explained that since there was no gamge for the unit, there was very limited storage on site, and the extra shed was necessary. Dalton Williams agreed with staff's recommendations, as did Gena Whitten and Kathy Langenwalter. Diana Donovan also agreed with stafPs assessment, but stated if the applicants found another location, she would be happy to review it at that time. Kathy Langenwalter moved that the request for front and side setback and site coverage variances for the Wilhelm Residence, 4289 Nugget l,ane, West Unitll-ot 5, Bighom Estaes, Resubdivision of Lots 10 and 11, Bighom Estates be approved per staff s memo, which excluded the west storage area, witi the findings that the lot layout constituted the hardship. Greg Amsden seconded the motion. The unanimous 5-0 vote approved the motion. 3, A rcquest for front and side setback variances to allow for the extension of balconies at the Vail Trails East Condominiums. 433 Gore Creek Drive/Lots 7-15. Block 4. Vail Villaee First Filine. Applicanu Vail Trails East Homeowners AssociationMark Foster. President Planner: Shellv Mello Shelly Mello explained the requested variances. Staff recommended approval of the rcquest for Building A, finding a hardship existed, but rEcommended denial of the requested variance for Building B, finding that the 0 setback which would result was unacceptable. Mr. Castillo, representing the Homeowners Association, presented a letter to thc Commissioners from Mark Foster oudining the Association's position. Diana Donovan said Building B's open space was behind the building, and did not believe pushing out the building in front was in .the public interest. Planning and Envimnmental Commission . AVil n, 1992 . Page 3 Kathy Langenwalter agreed with staff s assessment that the requested variance for Building B would result in an unacceptable encmachment. She found the r€quest for Building A to be more acceptable, since it was a side setback. Gena Whitten was happy to see the upgrade, but found the variance rcquest for Building B to be excessive, and believed the mature trees should be protected. Greg Amsden did not support a variance for Building B, agreeing that it was excessivc. Kathy Langenwalter moved the request for side setback variances to allow for the extension of balconies at the Vail Trails East Condominiums, 433 Gore Crcek Drive/Lots 7-15, Block 4, Vail Village Fint Filing be approved for Building A, and the request for front setback variances to allow for the expansion of balconies for Building B be denied per staff memo. The motion was seconded by Gena Whitten. It was unanimously approved, 5-0. ' A reouest for a conditional use permit to allow an outdoor dinins patio on the fust floor at the I-odee at VaivWildflower Restaurant. 174 Gore Creek Drive/a Portion of Block 5C. Vail Villaee First Filine. Applicant Lodee at VaiVSherrv Dorward Planner: Andv Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen reviewed the request. Staff recommended approval of the conditional use permit with the condition that a master landscape plan be designed for the courtyard area before scheduling any public hearing, whether that be with DRB or PEC, for the proposed Intemational wing. Jay Peterson, representing the applicants, thought the master plan requirement was a reasonable condition. Diana Donovan was concemed about the placement of two tables in the design, as she believed they werc located in the public way. Jay Peterson and Paul Jepson, from the Lodge, did not think those tables would actually be placed per the drawings presented. Dalton Williams moved the request for a conditional use permit to allow an outdoor dining patio on the frst floor at the Lndge at VaiVWildflower Restaurant, 174 Gorc Creek Drive/a Portion of Block 5C, Vail Village First Filing be approved per staff's memo, with the recommendation contained within that memo. Gena Whitten seconded the motion. It was approved, 5-0. 5. A reouest for an amendment to an aooroved develooment olan for Spruce Creek. Phase trI. 1750 S. Frontaee Road West/Spruce Creck. Phase III. Applicanc Michael Lauerbach Planner: Andv Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen summarized the proposed amendment. Staff recommended approval, stating they believed good design solutions had been achieved. Planning and Environmental Commission . Aprrl 27 , 1992 . Page 4 *,:r,.,.r, ^ *^.Yeft'w*r *P MEMORANDI.'M Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department Apm 27,1992 A rcquest for a setback variance to allow for the cxtcnsion of balconies at the Vail Trails East Condominiums, 433 Gorc Cleck Drive/Lots 7-15, Block 4, Vail Village Fint Filing. Applicant Vail Trails East Homcownen Associationfir{ark Fosrcr, PrresidentPlanner: Shelly Mello r. pEScRJpTroN oF Trp VARJANCE REOUESTEp The applicant, Vail Trails East Homeowners Association, is proposing a remodel of the exterior of the Vail Trails C.ondominiums. Vail Trails East is zoned High Density Multiple Family GIDMF), and as such the setbacks are 20 feet on all sides of the property. The project consists of three attached buildings. These units were built within the 20-foot front and side setbacks required in the HDMF zone district and, therefore, the existing buildings and decks constitute a non-conforming structure. It is for this reason that setback variances are required for most modifications to the project. The remodel includes expanding the second floor decks on the south side of Buildings A and B which will encroach into the 20 foot side and front yard setbacks, respectively (see anached drawing). The request is to allow for a 3'4" deck expansion on Building A and a 2-foot deck expansion on Building B. Section 18.58.050of the Townof VailMunicipalCode allowsdeckswhichare more than5 feet above grade to encroach not more than half the distance into a setback, nor more than 5 feet. In this case, the buildings aheady encroach more than 5 feet into the setback. Building A encroaches 16 feet into the 2O-foot side yard setback, which creates a 4-foot setback. The proposed deck does not encroach any further into the side setback than the existing building, resulting in a 4-foot setback. By expanding Building B's deck by 2 feet, a 0-foot setback is created. The building currently has a ground floor deck that extends to the property line, creating a G.foot setback. In March of this year, the DRB approved a number of exterior materid changes for this project. These changes include: new front doors, facing stucco walls to the south of the units with stone, r€painting the exterior and new deck railings. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: o This proposal does not include a rcquest for any additional GRFA. The south property line of the project is adjacent to the road right-of-way for Gore Creek Drive. This right-of-way has subsequently been vacated and the 40-foot strip of land is dc€dcd to the P-2 Association, which consists of the surrounding condominium associations. II. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS Zoning:High Density Multiple Family GRFA: No change to existing Site C.overagc: No change to existing Heighr No change to existing Sctbacks (Required 20 fect on all sidcs of goperty): North South East West * Decks more than 5 feet above grade!*'t Building refers to the entire structurt (3 attached buildings) This project was condominiumized in 1964. Records show that it is currcntly located on Lots 7-15 of Block 4, Vail Village First Filing. Unlike other projects we have reviewcd rccently, the common walls of the units do not relate o the underlying properry lines. In completing this review, the staff considered the property lines as those which were established by the condo plat in 1964. This property line surrounds the entirc Vail Trails east dcvelopment and does no_t intersect the building. The saff finds that it is not n€ccssary for any action (i.e., major subdivision) to be completed to eliminate the propcrty lines benreen Lots 7-15 because the project was completed and condominiumized pnor to the establishment of the Town of Vail suMivision regulations. The project is considercd legal, non-conforming. Fagle County also considers this as a single parcel as opposed to 8 individual lots. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Depaftnent rocommends approval of the side yard setback variance request to expand the sccond floor decks on the south side of Building A, and denial of the front yard setback variance rcquest to expand the second floor decks on the south side of Building B, bas€d on the following factors: Allowed Buildine Decks* 2O feet 15 feet 2O fert 15 feet 2O feet 15 feet 20 feet 15 feet Existing Buildins** Decks 7 fent N/A Propced Decks No Change 0 feet No Change 4 feet 5'-6" 9'-6" 0 feet 2 fent 4 feet N/A ,a A.Consideration of Factors: l. The relationship ofthe requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The requested sidc setback variance for the decks on Building A will have a minimal impact on property ownen to the west. The staff bclieves that said encroachmens will not negatively impact adjoining or neighboring properties. Currendy, Building A encroaches 16 feet into the side yard setback Vail Trial Chalets, the adjacent property to the wcst, cncrcaches 7'-6" into its side yard setback. There is approximately 16'-6" between the two buildings. This separation will not change as a rcsult of the construction of the Building A dech bccausc the deck is parallel to thc p'roperty linc and cncroaches no morr than the existing building. However, the staff finds that the requested 2 fmt incrcase in the setback encroachment for Building B will impact.the existing aspens located in the planter in the front of the building. Although the location of the building could be considered a hardship, we find that thc impacts on the existing mature landscaping, and the fact that a 0-foot setback results from this request on the second level in addition to the existing fust level 0 setback, makc this portion of the proposal inappropriate. In reviewing this request, the staff considered allowing the relocation of landscaping within the planter boxes by enlarging them. However, we found that this would not be possible because it would result in an increased encroachment of the existing parking into the right-of- way. The grcatest impact of this proposal would bc on the 4O-foot vacated right-of-way and those properties adjacent to Vail Trail's East. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation . and enforcermnt of a specified regulation is neccssary to achieve cumpatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. The location of the Vail Trails as it relates to the property lines esublished in 1964 make it difficult to modify the units without a variance request. In fact, the existing units already encroach significantly into the required side and front yard setbacks. The staff believes there are extraordinary circumstances due to the original building layout of the Vail Trails East and that the approval of a variance request for the Building A decks would not be a grant of special privilege. Similar requests for setback variance have been made by individual units of the Vail Rowhouses and Texas Townhouses. It should be noted that setback variance requests have been approved in the past for both of these developments. However, because of the impacts on existing mature vegetation fr as a result of the deck expansion of Building B and Gfoot setback, we do not suppon a further encroachment into the setback for Building B. 3. The efrect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The staff finds rhat the requested variances will have no sigrificant effect upon any of the above considerations. B. The Plannine and Envircnmcntal Commission shall make the follou/ine findines beforc qrantine a variance: l. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a Fant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. Z. That the granting of the variance will not be derimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following rcasonsl a. The strict literal intcrpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. ry. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the side yard setback variance request for the expansion of the second level decks on Building A. We bclicvc there are extrao'rdinary ctcumstances on this site (i.e., building location) which do not generally apply to other propenies in this same zone district. However, we are unable to recommend approval of the request to expand the second level decks on Building B, because of the impacts on landscaping and the 0 setback that results from the request. It is felt that the granting of a side setback variance for Building A would not be derimental to the public health, safety or general welfare, or to properties or persons in the vicinity, nor would it be a grant of special privilege. However, we find that the necessary rcmoval of mature vegetation which would rcsult from the approval of a setback variance for Building B would be detrimental to the area. The staff believes that findings m(B) 1, 2 and 3(a) apply to the sidc setback variance request for Building A. Please note that, under Section 18.62.080 of the Town of Vail Taning Code, the approval shall lapse if construction is not commenced within wo years of thc date of issuance and diligently pursued to completion. c\cc\ncmc\niltrd.427 bu,lo'u,o/,to ' ct- I }llarttP^ - W(arVwrlgnl gi/"nAi/,t I ,cl er# WtD ,,-r)."- UfD WWf'^-(- '</ -ll V ' -e Alta'r/'J^ W^/ AnMWtfWX- t1,ti tul,{"v\ 4/t2 thu vknti hA lJ ' "/\ U Wwy- V.fu04{ &a a!'( 4l^r(l W t*y B l-dl^ttelu , -.,,Aclt U ' s bl(u L,? ?o f^a{vw ' ! .' l. l I a\x.T: t\\U\ -\Z_s -\ T T L \'' t n \.\--'/ ----------+; T'l/ l', t'Etr\J G,> c\ N \\' $R N tnf il/h, ,(ti /r' -# IL$ u I l l/fl 1l ,zz_.i ,a Allq A 1|rt|ls I a nl\ g G,ri ls %ldo L llr,lsI x <^"^ "-"'-E*-- ffi Tff_K W' E0ApR20€e2 . t' NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section '18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on April 27 , 1992 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request lor an extension of a previously approved variance for the Neuswanger Residence, Lot 6, Block B, Vail Ridge/2642 Cortina Lane. Applicant Chris Neuswanger Planner: Jill Kammerer 2. A request for an extension of a previously approved variance for the Christiania Lodge, 356 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot D, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Paul & Sally JohnstonPlanner: Mike Mollica -X S. |p n request for setback and site coverage variances to allow for the extension of two' ' (r w balconies and an airlock at the Vail Trails East Condominiums, 4..33 Gore Creek ^ -K "]%)Drive/tets,7-15, Block 4, VailVillage First Filing. \Ni q{\- Applicant:l agrVail Trails East Homeowners Association/Mark Foster, President \\" Planner: rg0 ShellV Mello I 4. A request for a conditional use permit to allow an outdoor dining patio on the first floor at the Lodge at VailMildflower Restaurant, '174 Gore Creek Drive/a Portion of Block 5C, VailVillage First Filing. Applicant Lodge at Vail/Sherry Dorward' Planner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A request for setback and site coverage variances for the Wilhelm Residence, 4289 Nugget Lane, West UniVLot5, Bighorn Estates, Flesubdivision of Lots 10 and 11, Bighorn Estates. Applicant: Robert and Karen Wilhelm Planner: Jill Kammerer 6. A request lor an amendment to an approved development plan for Spruce Creek, Phase lll, 1750 S. Frontage Road WesUSpruce Creek, Phase lll Applicant: Michael LauterbachPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 7. A request for approval ot a modification to the final phase at Vail Point, 1881 Lionsridge Loop Road/Lot 1, Block 3, Lionsridge Filing No. 3. Applicant: Steve Gensler Planner: Jill Kammerer 8. Any items tabled from the April 13, 1992 meeting. The applications anO information about the proposals are available for public review in the Community Development Department office, Town of Vail Community Development Department PubJished in the Vail Trail on April 10, 1992 ^F . lJ r.l,Y.!i_ /j.-! 1-v::- i : j,,.; cu i t,,.:\ rll . ; ::i.---..,-- - l ii\ ..,.,''i { '. ^:i'1'\'l:...' .Ir''- --.''-. r.l!/ '1'-l ? a .j{ '-' --:' i-!=c.' ',j'\-=-'' 3a 6cg o- E IF FO€ ER P EE Eage /,trj/i$ l//;'5[ \I : ?' .pI ! : .i I.tNiE s$ ET :E4gps tI M^Rr( C. Fostb:n A€3 SCUTH (D!ORAD<' SOI,LEVAEO oeNv€R, coLoR.ADcl 80222 TELE9FTONE,30C) 722-o5CO TSLEFAX i3o.ll 72".92m EOWN OF VAIL PIANNTNG COIOfiSSION FOSTER, PRESIDENT, VAIL ERAILS EAST CONDO}If,NII'MS RE: vi\lLrANcE REQU-ESf ro ExrE$D FouR BAlcoNrEs aT vArrJ cRArrs EAsr DATE! ApRrL 27, L992, plrAl{Nrllc cou!,rsslo}r EEiaRnIG 2 p.U. rd 0ir2 UEMO: TO EROM: lrlARR r artr sor-ry that r could not be at thLs neeti'g. I' person. ourassocj.ation has requested approval fcr the el*ten=ion oi t;u.rbarcoeies, tno on Bui.ld.ing a ana two on Building B. r und.erstand.that the staff hae relcomnLnded approval for thd extension oi [iebalconies on Buildilg A, but does not reccmmend the extension oithe balc'olr.ies on Building B. There are tvo reasons that we vorrld like to exbend these batecnies.As constrrcted th.e balconies are too narrohr for use by the "d;i;.r/ai1 i-s oriented to outdoor enjoynent ana tirJ approvar qf ttrebalcony ertensions uouid per:n-it trrese unit ovmer= -Co ""i"y-in"i,u'rits, and access to trle outdoors. This is very i.rnportanl tor ttreoiftiers- t$e have obtained permission from tne uf,it orrners below and.have carefu]ly reviewed the irnpact on light to tbe rouer uni[J.Because Lhr: balconies are carrield on a bead.Lr bea:cr, ttre epproxi-matetwo foc,t extension wirr nor irFact on tb.e light or viei'iin*E-i;tire lower u:'rits. rn fact the extensions bave deen neasured to stopshort of the er:tended view and li.ght]tnes from th.e lower unite i-othert absoluteil.y no rregative inpacl occtr-rs. sec.olflv, rast year the Associ.eticn hired Bill. pierce to review thearcbr-tecture of tl,. buil.rling and tc uake recoramend,ations ioiI?I?g:li"S.-, One obsei:vat:'_on itood out; ilrar our build.ins laci;eqimerlslon, ther'e rdas no re-]ief betrueen units and therefore it 100kslil." a. 1cng, fraL. and boring buildirrg'. rti; -er"tension or in"balconies at Builciing _B are aiso desjgiea to-rerieve this aesignf'a$. The exrLensions wilt grive - the building ;;il -td;; di,lensional feeling that it now licks. Ife "t" "tpelrding a GE; ::-t-?-f i:T:_y. thi-s year ro upgrade the buildixg wi-tir nEw-""tii"i,arcnlEecrural entry doors, rrew balcony des5-gms, paint and, a river -r?:t l:t.inins_ w.a11. without the apprtvar o-t tird ortenii"" to-t-rr".barcontes on Bqilci.ing Br tbese impiovernents wilr be conproni="d.The couments wi-I1 be .rt trourd havt rootcea greaClr it ve-re ""i =oflat, there is no sense of any d.i-:nension i"-i[. n"i1d.inF': --Tir; l-:l::ll _.1i11 approved by rhe Design Review Board vary retwelnmrrrqrng's ra, B, alld c. ey design u:e balconj_es need sor.e-reriet oioraens]-on t a 0 r:!0J lle have also inspected the randscaping irr tbe areas i.n front of thetralconieE, soae of the AgFen trees have grown too ]arge for thearea in which they are plar,ted. rle vil1 attenpt to translranitb.ese trees and pl.ant new trees in tbere p1ace. -Tb.e extensi-on ofthe batconies on Buirdilg B have very little irupact on theIa+dscaping. To the extent the exteGions would encroacb. ;"existing treeE, these trees already require attention toacconrnodate the river rock waIl and because they have outgirown thearea. . Land.scaping is one of tbe most i'nFoftant iten6 to th;Association. r assure you that no rlldscapfng witr suffer ry tu"entension of tbe balconies, w€ wirl reltait as necessar] torcaintain a landscaped facad.e. Ih*ry, the. requested- extension is for onry approxinately twofeet. fhis is not a gross enlargeuent of an-exilling *im"'ture.The benefit to the omlers and the architecturar rerief- it adds iaroutueighs any . concern about extending into trre set back. Thebarcony extension on Building I will not ex--end beyond. the existinqretaining we11, coes not irrterfere with tbe use o-f ""v "tn""-"riiowners, does nc)t encroach on any putric uses, and does not i:upacton a-rry- neighborlng buildings. naving olmecl a unit in vaj.r tdri;Easa since 196s and seen the constmc{ion of eeveral rui:aings {hiit*}y impact the open space in valI, r ca-n see no reasoir th;t tbtsenaLl reguest shotrld be derried, whea tbere is absolutely no negai:ivei'npaccs, only posi.tive results fcr-our buildint. youi approial ofour reque.st to exLend these balconjes is critic.rl to the-ioni,inueaimFrovement to the building. pl<:ase unclerstand. that we haveapproached the need to extend these balconies with caretur trroutui3b?!!.tb,e i.mpact on our bu:rdirrg a:rd tbe limits rore lrave witrrin 6uibui-Lci'.rg envelope. ?hanl you fbr you-r ti-ur.e ancl consiaeration. -- v v MRE. PETER K. RoosEvELT A9 SUNSET DRIVE CHERRY HILL€ YILLACE ENOLEWOOD. COLORADO aollO 77/'/#6'&tZfz Dp.62aZ /k//'/a4-' I"o fitca npn 6 qp fu24( ama//4'V4- tuffi 4*:5/-'/tu'/ aa'z'%;W,*,ff;"r;fu'tum ;;;tu-ffiffi" , - ,/./z , 44 /0 ,s M fufi,lfuwk<z>'-- Faz_, fiauW4,m&rzsry-#?"*iru;z*2fu'; '%fu4Arzz7-- ,.'.#Z//2, fu';'t'&&t %o-/2/24/2. M44 re' 4'eah 'ft"""t#'''Wfe // e-lrL todtrz'* *n ., h v -ffi;r,,.^itr-ePtu'l''.- . r, z'vb 52ffi Mau, CazTt,tz -;)r*r-M-7il*z-7'f,ry. xfZ'-*ff'': "%e'oza&Palx !of CHARLES H. COWPERTHWAITE Atttrney at Law 3575 Cherry Creek Norti Drive Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80209 Telephone (303) 322€499 Telefax (303) 394-2836 April 6, 1992 Vall Trails East Condominium Association clo Mr. Mark C. Foster 885 So. Colorado Blvd. Denver, CO 80222 RE: BuiJ-ding Improvements Vail Trails East 433 Gore Creek Drive Gentlemen: ft has been brought to my attention as owner of Unit 8r VaiI Tralls East, that the Condominium Association is proposing several improvements to the building, among which is one involving the extension of the balconies by two or three feet together with a redesign of the raillngs. I heartily support this plan which I feel wilL add some depth and additional perspective to the building and which I feel will be visually appealing. As it stands right now' most of the balconies on this building are quite narrow and lack much function as a result. Because of this and the old solid design of the balcony railings, the building lacks any relief, much of which could be significantly improved from a visual and functional standpoint were your plan to be approved and inplemented. Please feel free to make use of this letter in connectionwith any approvals you may need to obtain from Town of Vail representatlves. cHC/ks APR 7 So lPt t o\@ v rr'- Fosren & Blatn ATTORNEYS AT LAW o A Partnership Consisting ol Professional Corporations AA5 SOUTH COLORADO E}OULEVARD DENVER. COLORADO 80222 TELEPHONE (303) 722 6500 TELEFAX (3O3) 722 9270 - .-, ) .t/ /lrl ll^-.- (/f /// , rl Stlu'/ o to1? / ,,*'- n "/ s/srflu EE; nE /atso^-'- fry* .D^, gl1'+relln/! rya'tur/ il{rlt,APii 6 g 6*,[*,/,*'h)fu4"*/'"t -fio 7,/';t'm.er ?ffc t/Lr7 -, /. /r,l-',*,*u^ffi*/ -:h/2 f;:^ / ao/'u 4 3- lZ /* 4'. L**ft *- rYy'*a'; 4 fu*t ) i?'l / /4 /- /il/;;r;;'"ttL 6 b,ltu lfu %tr"/69 ffi A"/ ryftt fff/._; J ; 2,,/ a,, ,ffiT/.%,'ilv/;"%fllnffi -// ;:il :.j:: i, TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT SALES ACTIONFORM 4/ ) D rE J /A7/qz l::* i:iili ,''':':i :::i : : ::!t : ':: ii t:: ITAL.rrir 0r 000041330 COM.DEV.T{PPLICATIONFEES .GZC*t 250s )sD? 01000041540 ZONING AND ADDRESS lvlAPS $5.00 0l000042415 UNIFORM BI'ILDING CODE $50.00 0t 000042415 TJNIFORM PLI'MBING CODE $36.00 01000042415 IJNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $32.m 01000042415 I.JNIFORM FIRE CODE $36.m 0l m0042415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $0.m 01 0000 42415 OTHERCODEBOOKS 0r 000041548 B LUE PRINTS (lvfin-ARs)$7.00 0l 0000 42412 )GROX COPIES /STUDIES $025 01000042371 PENALTY FEES / RE.INSPECNONS 0r 000042322 OFF HOIJRS INSPECTION FEES 0r 000041412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 01000041330 OTI{ER FEES 01000041413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE $20.00 0t 0000 01 0000,42L40 vTC Art.Proiect Donations ol 0000 41331 TIE.STCII NFirIE!I BOAND FTNS e-oEiffiil )/1tu/L I ot ' r- X&"^,tu(%Wtfl" ^ rysn PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of lhe Town of Vail on April27,1992 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: l. A request for an extension of a previously approved variance for the Neuswanger Residence, Lot 6, Block B, Vail Ridge/2642 Cortina Lane. Applicant: Chris NeuswangerPlanner: Jill Kammerer 2. A request for an extension of a previously approved variance for the Christiania Lodge, 356 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot D, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Paul & Sally JohnstonPlanner: Mike Mollica 3. A request for setback and site coverage variances to aliow for the extension of two balconies and an airlock at the Vail Trails East Condominiums, 433 Gore Creek Drive/Lots 7-15, Block 4, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Vail Trails East Homeowners Association/Mark Foster, President Planner: Shelly Mello 4. A request for a conditional use permit to allow an outdoor dining patio on the first floor at the Lodge at Vail/Wildflower Restaurant, 174 Gore Creek Drive/a Portion of Block 5C, VailVillage First Filing. Applicant: Lodge at VaiUSherry DonrvardPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A request for setback and site coverage variances for the Wilhelm Residence, 4289 Nugget Lane, West UniVLot5, Bighorn Estates, Resubdivision of Lots 10 and'l 1, Bighorn Estates. Applicant: Robert and Karen WilhelmPlanner: Jill Kammerer 6. A request for an amendment to an approved development plan for Spruce Creek, Phase lll, 1750 S. Frontage Road WesVSpruce Creek, Phase lll Applicant: Michael LauterbachPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 7. A request lor approval of a modification to the final phase at Vail Point, 1881 Lionsridge Loop Road/Lot 1, Block 3, Lionsridge Filing No.3. Applicant: Steve GenslerPlanner: Jill Kammerer 8. Any items tabled from the April 13, 1992 meeting. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public review in the Community Development Department office. Town of Vail Community Development Department PubJished in the Vail Trail on April '10, 1992 /t',,J {-n-?}a6 ; .l- Dean Miller, Presidenl Apollo Park 2030 West Boca Raton Frank Wyman, President ll &nn Goddard All Seasons V Vail Intemational, Inc. 375 Paft Avenue 2121 N. Frontage Road, #2€ Phoenix, AZ. 85023 Barbara Fey, President Vail Trails Chalet 4200 East Belleview Avenue Greenwood Village, CO 80121 New York, NY '10152-0172 Vail, CO 81657 irevised 9l419L I'Application PEC MEETING oarc-&- DATE tl- 21 - 1L IPPLTCAIION TOR I .IITRIAITCE I. This procedure is required for any project requesting a- -variance.Theapplicationwll].not-beaccepteduntllall information is submitted.tt -t 1^-t ? t f /l A. NAME oF *rrr"^, /l,i TMils 6s/ hh) . ADDRESS AL.r\,/tlWf tasW, 'fec'si4a** eHoNQ /'?L2- 6fao B.NAME OF APPLICANT, S REPRESENTATIVE mtztL f.slr* mopass 96{ S'' Cb**olo /3lrl / ''|at - 6\'ot) NAME OF owNER (S) owNER(S) (t.yPe SIGNATURE (S) ADDP€SS PROPOSAL:LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT c. D.LOCATION OF BL0CK_ ADDRESS E.FEE $250.00 PATDJCK * BY d- PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. names of owners of all property adjacent THE FEE MI'ST BE DEPARTMENT WILI, A lisL of the to the subject ACROSS STF€ETS, APPLICANT WILL ADDRESSES. pTOPCTIV INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND'an'A tfrltr mailing addresses. THE BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING II. A Pre-aPplication conference wlth a planning.staff mernber is stiongfy- suggested to determlne. if any addltl'onal inrorfraiion-is needed. No appllcation will be accepLed unless it is complete (must include all itens required by itte ioning administrator) . rt is the applicant's i."po""iulfity to make an.appointmelt with the staff to find out about additional submittal reguirements' I III. PLEASE NOTE T}IAT A COMPLETE APPTICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE AppRov.r\L PROcESS rOFTG pnOJECT Bv DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND EM/]RONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULAIP' I^'.L coNDITIoNsoFAPPRoVALMUSTBECoMPLIEDWITHBEFoREA BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A.AWRITTENSTATEMENToFTHEPRECISENATUREoFIHE VARIANCEREQUESTEDANDTHEREGULATIoNINVoLVED.THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: . 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing -or potentiai uses and structures in the vicinitY. or print) urscniprr liFrDtscRlPii gYT 6net lN w<-''/ 'q'2*ry u/'rt'"-"- : q 4 3!,y:*,,"1, ff er,u^2-3 ft fvk-nsioni', edur, aoe. | 2-3^ry t:S:::"r/ aq,f:-,;';'tl),ir,ua 'Jao uftrtt2ru To uSE ,.d fr Um;nc7 f ..1". a.. | _... /-.a tz)ao Nnq.per Ta uSE ,.d fi Unl-;n'ca To c'/o't' /^) r/'v <'^ ',,^... <]*,a u,& ; b;t ;: -a't[ti -'h7 a'"-/ a) lcoL' a?o^ sln'Bt'"o(y'' J" CRITERIA AND FINDINGS review of Crlteria and Findin Consideration of Factors. lationshio of th ted variance to ot ructures in u__r_g_q_n 3._It_g_uJ lDs Shelley lleflLoEll: Hark Foster, Presiderrtl' YaiI. a?ails EaEt Condei.uitr associatl,onnE: Requ€st for Variance of Set Baek A- 1. RelationehiP" of V,arianae to Stnrshrre Exten(l taro balconies on south side of building. These baLconies are currently only three feet nide and useless to the orAners. !{e are rencdeling the balcony railings this year and in conjunction with this project $ant to e:ctend tuo balconies approxinately r0 incbes. The errtension of these balconies do not encroacb cn aIry otherproperty or interfere vith any use of tbe property by cutzent osners nor does it negativel-y impact adjacent owners. The requested extension is depicted on the survey suhtuitted $ith this request- It is noteble also that Gore Creel< Drive to ttre south' of our building is treated by the Town as a private road. The Town does not plow the road and does not maintain the road. TIre extension of balcony no. 2 is ttre only $<tension which affects tlre 2o foot set back on the side by Gore creek Drive' TIre exteasion Of the balcony does not eXtend pa-st any curent structure and tleererfore does uot bring tlee building out any furtller toward Gore Creeic Drive. The extension of balcony no' I needs a variance only because of tl:e side set bac!<, The bel-cony is to be erLended onfy foratard towarcl core Creek Drive, not west toward the r.rest side lot line. fhe property adjacent to the west is a rarely used ualk ttrrougb between vail 3rails Chalet and Vail trails East. I have spoken to tlre president of, VaiI Trails Chalet and. she has no objection- e letter frcn Berbara Fey to tleat effect lrrill. be supplied to the reView corrmi ttee. . The second purpose of tJre va-riance reguest is to encl-ose an open vesti.bule-slairt-ay on lhe ttest end oi'tJre buiiding. -It-ispiesentJ-y eln unattractive 'lean-to tlpe 'roof ' The enisting Ltructure would n6t be enlarged - it Ltou1d only be enclosed w.itlr a door on eacb end and, a wihdow to the vest. A dralring of the proposed, enclosed area is attached along with pictures of lhe current gtructrrre. the oetller, vivian Jella' very much d,esires to enclose tlre Stairsell for Safety, convenience and aestJretic appearnnce. z. .Essnstjbitrigs" Granting of tlris varialceto be used in tbe salre meglner request worrld. allov as tb.e balconies on thethe balcon-iesreuaining part of the building and the co?rmon usie sf balconies in the Townto utiliae and enjoy the outdoors. 3. Ef=-ect. ['he variance has no adverseof poBclation, tralsportati.on,publie safety. il. colglf.eEgnaive P1aa. the varlance reguest does Plal. B. $rrvey Enclosed- impact on light, air, distributiontraffic facilities, utilities and c. D. E, not affect Vailts ComPr:ehensive SIte PI'an on Suwey. Eleuatime Attatihed. rot Agplicable- F. ltre rsrdetsigned ag President of, vail T:r-ails East Eoueocrner's Association hereby states that the Board of Directors has revierped tb.e reguested variance and unaninously supports the request'particuiarly because the inprovements will significantly improve the appearance of tbe building. lmre nanes and addreeses of adjoinlng land owners are3 1. Apollo Far]cl Dean Miller' President 3020 ifest Bo(:a Raton Phoenix, Az 85023 2. vail Traits chalet: Barbara Fey, Preside-nt 4200 Ea-st BelLeview Ave$ue Greenwood ViIS'age, co 801?1 1- AII Seasons: Franlc Hlaan, President 375 Park Avenue New Ybrk, NY 1oi'52-ol-72 4. Texas Town Ilome: VAIIJ TRAILS EASf ASSOCIATION CONDOImiTUI'[ " {4k F6ster, President b- ; () = --' /-o o , -?,o r, I z 6|um. J3omT F F Dxz,p6l a/ / / \X)s* N \$ I--{ l\ l6rB ,m o_rl T m =mz Ihtt U \II i; I\ t t F ".b 11" t\ Jt:t'rl $-- rym ET fi-=-m ll !,-'f lat' t\ ,{--- I I I I I I I I I IIIt llirt-t(rll\ t ,i, !l i .l , il r+ {,rll f ,'. i (4 -lp s' -l(-.' No r) t ;,:l 1l'l ,l I.,1 r I I I I'\ q\l) I (\ $ t I I .l t, \ I' (\ ) D t b t H\tt Tffi I I j It ( '! T ( \ 'Flt! {l\ rl tllrll trl tl'l'r' ry F ffi ll tlg t,tll lli,l'lL- t'[ti l* lr!l Itrr t{. l;.: PlAllf' lt:ttr Llii tw l1r, lt lii t i t t'it t. ,#:ffik f:Liiftr I UIJ PH.