HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 3 GENERAL LEGALV;\",--tJ-\= A^--i +d -.^--t .t"-, irrc. .r".il, J-.-,J. Septenber 29, 1971 Mr. Terry Minger Town of VailVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Terry: Enclosed is a petition and related nap narked Exhibit A requesting changes in zoning of the parcels outlined in red and blue on the Exhibit. We would seek these changes at the November 2' 1971 con- bined neeting of the Town and the Planning Connission. Please advise if I nay be of further assistance. Sincerely, vArL ASSOCTATES, INC.ffi Robert H. Nott Vice President - Real Estate J Encl osure s cc: Larry Wright AREA CODE 303 476-560r . BOX 7. VAIL. COLORADO 41657 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE is heneby given that a Public Heaning will be heLd before the Boand of Trustees of the Town of VaiI anfl the Planning Comnission of the Town of VaiI, punsuant to the pnovisions of the zoning or.dinance of the Town of Vail (Ondinance No. 7, Series of 1969, as amended) on the petition of Vail Associates, Inc., a Colonado conporation, fon nezoning a pontion of Lot 1 Bfock 2 and Lot 7 Block 1, VaiL/LionsHead Third Filing, acconding to the :.econded plat thereofl fnom High pensity Multi-Family (HDMF) to Public Accommodations (PA); qnd nezoning Lot 5 Block 1 Vail,/LionsHead Thind Filing, according to the neconded plat theneof, fnom Public Accommodations (PA) to High Density Multi-Family (HDMF); and to amend the official zoning map of the Town of VaiL in accondance with said zoning ondinance. The Public Hearing will be held at 7:30 otclock p.m.r Tuesday, Novemben 2, i-g7J-, in the Vail Municipal Build'ing, Town of Vail, at which tirne all intenested persons may appean and be heand.. DATED this 13th day'of October, 1971. PROTECTIVE COVEN.CNTS OF VAIL,/LIONSFIEAD, THIRD TII.,ING, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO WHEREAS, Vaj I Assocj.ates, ized and existing under the laws inafter sometimes referred to as following descrjbed lands, wh-ich VaiI/Lj onsHead, Thi rd Filing, on County Clerk and Recorder of the Colora<Jo: Inc., a corporation du"J-y of the State of Colorado "Owner"), js the owner of are shown on the plat of f-ile in the office of the County of Eagle and State or9an- (here- the the of :::"':n:::: i.i::?:hed hereto and incl-uded within which are all of the lands designated as Lots 21 through 3O inclusive, Vail ViIIage, Second Filing, prior to the vacation of a portion of the plat of Vail Vil-lage, Seconcl Filing, by instrument recorded in Book 217 at page 674 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. AND WHEREAS, Vail Associates, Inc. desires to pLace certain restrictions on the use of the lands included within Vail,/Lions- Head, Third Filing, for the benefit of the Owner and its respec- tive grantees, successors and assigns, in order to establish and maintain the character and value of property in the Vail,/LionsHead, Third Filing area, NOw THERES'ORE, in consideration of the premises, Vail Associat,es, Ing., for itself and its grantees, successors and assigns does hereby impose, establish, publish, acknowledge and declare that for the benefit of all persons who may acquire an interest in any of the lands in Vai1,/LionsHead, Third Filing, all of the lands in Vail,/LionsHead, Third Filing, shall be subject to the following restrictions, covenants, and condiLions, which shall be deemed to run with the land and to inure to the benefit of and be bindlng upon the Owner, its grantees, successors and assigns. Protective Covenants Vail,/LionsHead, Third Filing 1. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROI, COMMITTEE I.I Committee. T-he Architectural Control Committee, here- inafter referred to as the "Committee", sha11 consist of five members who shal 1 be designated by the Owner, its successors or assigns, to review, study and approve or reject proposed improve- menLs within the area described in the plat of Vail,/LionsHead'. Third Filing, of which these restrictive covenanLs are made a part. The members of the Committee shalI serve for one year, at. which time they sha1l be re-appointed or their successors shall by appointed by the Owner. If no successor is appointed by the Owner on the anniversary of a member's term, he shall be deemed to have been re-appointed by the Owner. A new member shall be appointed by the Owner on tbe death or resignation of a member- L.2 Rules, The Committee shal-l make such rules and bylaws and adopt such procedures as it may deem appropriate to govern its proceedings. 1.3 Approval of PIan. No building, Iandscaping, parking or vehicular driveway, fence, wa1l or other improvement shall be constructed, erected, repaired, restored, reconstructed, altered, added to or maintained on any lot until building plans and site plans and specifications showing the color. location, materials, Iandscaping, and such other information relating to such improve- ment as the Committee may reasonably require shall have been sub- mitted to and approved by lhe Committee in writing. 1.4 Criteria. In passing uPon such plans and specifications the Cornrnittee sha1l ionsider: 1.4.1 The suitability of the improvement and of the materials of which it is to be constructed to the site upon which it is to be located; 1.4.2 the nature of adjacent and neighboring improve- ment's t I.4.3 The quality of the materials to be utilized in any proposed improvement; L.4.4 The effect of any proposed improvement on the outlook of any adjacent or neighboring property; -2- Protective Covenants Vail,/LionsHead, Third Filing Any governmental zoning requirement applicable and improvements thereon; and The rules and reguJ.ations of the Committee. It shall be an objective of the Committee to make certain that no improvement wiII be so similar or so dissimilar to others in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic. will be impaired. 1.5 Effect of the Committee's lailure to lct. In the event the Committee fails to approve or disapprove plans and specifica- tions submitted to it within sixty (60) days of submission, approval shalL not be required. 2.I.AND USE 2.I The lands within Vail,/LionsHead, Third Filing, designated as numbered lots shall be used for high density, multi-family res- idential structures, public accommodations, public uses, and com- mercial and recreational structures; EXCEPT that L.4.5 to the site L.4.6 2.L.L Lot 4, Block L, tional area, subject to the recreational facilities and may in the future from time shall be used as a recrea- construction of such improvements as the Owner to time designate; and 2.I.2 Lot 6, Block l, shall be used for vetricuLar parking and such other purposes as the Owner may in the future from time to time designate, including, by way of illustration and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, as sites for lodges, hotels, transport,a- tion centers, and recreational facil-ities: provided that if the use of a portion of such lot for such other purposes shall reduce the parking capacity of such lot for the months of November Lhrough April as agreed upon by the Town of Vail and Owner, then Owner shall provide, or cause to be provided, structured parking in a volume sufficient to maintain a parking capacity for such months at the volume agreed upon by the Town and owner, but not to exceed the eapacity which existed for such months prior to such construction; and 2-J-.3 The Owner may impose restrictions prohibiting the use of certain numbered lots, or portions thereof, for commercial purposes. -3- Protective Covenants Vail,/LionsHead, third Filing 2.2 Ttre lands within Vail,/LionsHead, Third Filing, designated as "tracts" shall be used as follows: 2.2.I Tract A shall be as an open area subject to the right of the Owner to improve such Tract by land- scaping, paved or graveJ- pedestrian walks, decks, re- taining walls, steps, and recreational facilities above' on, or below ground level. 2.2.2 Tract B shall be used and held by the Town of Vail for the duration of its lease for the use of the public as open space, which shall be mainLained in its native state, subject to the reservation by the Owner of such easements within a corridor bounded on the easQ by a line extending from the southeasterly corner of Tract D, Vai.L/LionsHead, First Filing, to the westerly corner of Lot 1, Block 2, VaiL ViJ-lage, sixth Filing, and on the west by a line extending from the most southerly corner of Tract i, vuit/r-,ionsHead, First Filing, to the northwesterly corner of Tract A, Vail Village, Sixth Filing, for pedes- trian brirlges, ski lifts, and skier crossings as are in the opinion of the owner now or in the future reasonably nec- essary or desirable, and further reserving to ttre Owner the right to construct, repair, maintain and operale such ski lifts in or on such corridor in Tract B as are, in the opinion of the Owner, needed or desirable in the future' I'he town of VaiL may construct for public use, pedestrian and bridle paths in conformity with a landscape plan to be prepared by the Town and approved by the Oltner' No improve- ment constructed on adjoining or contiguous propert.ies shall encroach upon the said Tract B. vehicular passage shall not be allowed on this Tract except by special permit from the Town of VaiI and the Owner, excePt that the Owner reserves the right to construct or cause to be constructed upon or over Tract B public transportation facilities, including by way of illustration and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, an aerial, rail, or mounted conveyance system' 2.2.3 Tract C shaLl be used as open area' as a pedes- trian circulation area, and as the means of ingress and for pedestrian traffic to and from adjacent properties and for emergency vehicles, subject to the right of the owner to landscape and to construct walk-ways thereon and to provide by private agreement for uses therein which may be incidental to the use of adjacent property and not incompatible with the above uses. -4- Protective Covenant.s Vail,/LionsHead, Third Filing 2.2.4 That portion of Tract D lying easterly of the northwesterly extension of the westerJ-y boundary of Lot 31, Vail Village, Second Filing, shall be used in conjunc- tion with said Lot 31. for such uses and purposes as nec- essary in the operat.ion of sewage disposal systems; and that portion of Tract D lying westerly of the northwes- terly extension of the westerly boundary of said Iot 31 shall be used in conjunction with Tract C, Vail Village, Second Filing, to be dedicated to such use as Vail Associ- ates, Inc., and its successors and assigns, shal-1 designate, but in no event shall such designated use be inconsistent with these covenants or the protective covenants of Vail ViJ-lage, Second Filing. 2.2.5 Tracts E and F shall be used in conjunction with roads and may be landscaped and lighted. Signs and small covered structures for bus passenger use may be erected. Otherwise, these tracts sha1l remain open and unimproved. ' 2.2.6 Tract G shall be maintained by the Owner as a private road for the purposes of granting ingress and egress to and from Tract H and Lot 2, Block 1, and Lot 8, Block I, YaiI,/LionsHead, Third Filing; Lot 4, Bloik 1, Vail,/LionsHead, First Filing: and Lot I, Vail,/LionsHead, First Filing, First AddiLion; County of Eagle, Col-orado; provided that Tract G rnay be improved with paving and may be dedicated by the owner to public use as a road. 2.2.7 Tract H shall be used as a service area for buildings erected on Lot 2, Block 1, vail,/LionsHead, Ttrird Filing; tot 4, Block L, YaiI/LionsHead, First Filing; Coun- ty of Eagle, Colorado, upon which Tract H service vehicles may be loaded and unloaded and empJ-oyees of owners of such buildings may park cars and trucks in accordance with plans submitted by said owners and approved by the Ownert Pro- vided, however, that the Owner reserves the right to con- struct and maintain, or to al-Iow the construction and main- tenance of, structured parking facil-ities on said Tract H; and provided further, that the Owner reserves the right to make any use it may from time to time designate above the height of fifteen (15) feet from ground level, including, by way of j-Ilustration and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, an elevated walkway, elevated commercial facilities, and elevated parking facilities, so long as such uses shall not unreasonablv interfere with the above -5- Protective Covenants Vail/LionsHead, Third Filing described uses of Tract H below the height of Fifteen (15) feet from ground level. 2.3 The Owner reserves the right to make additional restric- tions and limitations upon use not incompatible with the foregoing nor less restriclive than any applicabfe regulations of any gov- ernmental agency. Any additional restrictions may be included in instruments of conveyance or lease or by supplement to these pro- tective covenants to be filed in the office of the Clerk and Re- corder of Eagle County, Colorado. 3.EASEMENTS AND RIGTITS-OF-WAY 3.1 Easernents and rights-of-way for lighting, heating, elec- tricity, gas, telephone, water and sewerage facilities, and any other kind of public or quasi-public utility service are reserved as shown on the plat of vail,/LionsHead, Tlaird Filing. No fence, wall. hedge, barrier or other improvement shall- be erected or maintained on, across or within the areas reserved for basements and rights-of-way, nor in such close proximity thereto as to im- pair the access to or use thereof. An easement for pedestrian use shall exist and is hereby reserved on, over and across those portions of the p1-at of Vai1,/LionsHead, fhj.rd Filing, reserved herein for utility service and facil-ities. 3.2 Easements for drainage purposes are reserved as shown on the plat of Vail/tionsHead, Third Filing. 3.3 Easements for drainage purposes reselved in these cove- nants and on the Vai1,/LionsHead, Third Filing, plat shall be per- petua I. 4.SIGNS No signs, billboards, poster boards or advertising display or structure of any kind shall be placed or maintained within the subclivision for any purpose whatsoever, except such signs as sha1l have been approved by the Committee as reasonably necessary for Ure identification of streets, residences and places of business and location markers, 5. WATER AND SEWAGE Each structure designed for occupancy or use by humans shall connect. with the water and sewerage facil-ities of the vaiL water and Sanitation District. No privaLe well shall be used as a source -6- ProLective Covenants Vail,/tionsHead, Third Filing of water for human consumption or irrigation in Vail,/LionsHead, Third Filing, nor sha1l any facility other than those provided by the vail water and Sanitation District be used for the dis- posal of sewage. Mechanical garbage disposal- facilities shall be provided in each kitchen or food preparation area. 6.TRASH AND GARBAGE 6.1- Disposal of TrasJr and Garbaqe. No trastt, ashes, garbage or rubbish may be thrown or dumped on any tand within Vail/Lions- Head, Third Filing. No burning of trash, garbage or rubbish shall be perrnitted in Vail/LionsHead, Third Filing. No incinerator or other device for the burning of trash, garbage or rubbish indoors shall be constructed, installed or used by any person except as approved by the Committee and the Town of Vail. Each property owner shall provide suit.able receptacles for the collection of trash, ashes, garbage or rubbish. Such receptacles shall be screened from public view and protected from disturbances. 6.2 Definition. As used in this Section 6, "trash, garbage or rubbish" shaIl incl-ude waste, rejected, valueless or worthless m'atter, materials and debris, useless, unused, unwanted, or dis- carded articles from an ordinary household, waste from the pre- paration, cooking. and consumption of food, market refuse, waste from the handling, storage, preparation or sale of produce, tree branches, twigs, grass, shrub clippings, weeds, Ieaves, and other general yard and garden waste materials; but sha1l not include food or food products to be prepared over outdoor or open fj.res nor wood or other materials used for fuel in fireplaces. 7. LIVESTOCK No animals, livestock, horses or poultry of any kind, except dogs, cats and other household pets, shall be kept, raised or bred in Vail,/LionsHead, Third FiJ.ing, except in areas designated for such purposes by the Committ,ee; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to permit the commercial breeding of dogs, cats br other household pets or animals in Vail/ LionsHead, Third Filing. 8. TREES No trees shall be cut, trimmed or removed in Vail,/LionsHead, Third Filing, except with prior written approval of the Committee, and alL such work shall be performed by persons approved by the Committee or by the Town of Vail. -7- Protective Covenants Vail,/LionsHead, Third Filing IO. LANDSCAPING AND GARDENING AIt ground surface areas not used as improvement sites but disturbed by construction shall be returned promptly to their natural condition and repJ-anted in native grasses, unless such areas are to be utilized for gardens, lawns, and exterior living areas. Every improved building site within the subdivision sha11 be landscaped according to a plan approved by the Committee. The landscape plan shall be submitted to the Committee at the time of the submission of construction plans and approval by the Committee of either plan may be denied until- both the plans for building construction and landscaping shall have been approved. Easements adjacent to a lot but outside the boundaries thereof may be appropriately landscaped, subject to the provisions of €hese covenants, by the owner of the lot, but in the event such land- scaping is disturbed by use of the easement, the cost and expenses of restoring such landscaping shall be solely that of the owner of the lot. 11, AREA REOUIREIIENTS No living unit designed for human use or habitation shall be constructed unless the aggregate floor area, exclusive of open porches, basements, carports and garages, shall comply with appli- cable governmental zoning requirements and shall have been approved by the Committee, The Committee sha1l determine from the design of the improvement whether an area which is partially below grade may be used to calculate whether the proposed structure complies with the minimum area requirements. The Committee may. pursuant to these covenants. impose greater minimum floor area requirements than those imposed by zoning regulations and may apply different criteria for determining compliance. L2. TRADE NAMES No trademark, trade name, trade symbol or combination thereof shalt be used on structures, or for businesses or services in vaiJ-/ LionsHead, Third Filing, unless the same shall have been first approved in writing by the Committee. 13. TEMPORARY STRUCTURES No temporary strucLure, excavation, basement, trailer or tent shall be permitted in Vail/LionsHead, Third Filing, except as may be reasonably necessary during construction and authorized by the Committee, and except as may be ne cessary for. athletic events- -8- Protective Covenants Vail,/LionsHead, Third Filing L4. CONTINUITY OF CONSTRUCTION A11 construction commenced in vail,/LionsHead, Third Filing, shal1 be prosecuted dil-igentJ-y to completion and shalL be com- pleted within twelve (12) months of commencement, unless the Owner or the Committee sha11, in writing, grant additional time. }5. NUISANCE No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on within the subdivision nor shall anything be done or permitted which shall- constitute a public nuisance in Vail,/LionsHead, Third Filing. t6 FENCES No fences, walls or other barriers sha1l be permitted in Vail-,/LionsHead, Third Filing, except with the written consent of the Committee or as otherwise herein expressly permit,ted. L7. EFFECT AND DURATION OF COVENANTS The conditions, restrictions, stipulations, agreements and covenants contained herein shall be for the benefit of and shall regulate the use of each 1o!, block and tract in va i l-,/LionsHead, Third Filing, Eagle County, Colorado. and shall be binding upon each owner of property therein, his successors, representatives, and assigns. These covenants shall continue in full force and effect unt,il January 1, 2O7O. 18. A}4ENDMENT The conditions, restrictions, stipulations, agreements and covenants contained herein shall not be waived, abandoned, ter- minated, or amended except by written consent of the owners of 65 2/3% of the surface area within the boundaries of VaiL,/l,ions- Head, Third Filing, as the same may be then shown by the plat on file in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. ]-9. ENFORCEMENT lg.L Procedurs for Enforcement. If any person shall violate or threaten to violate any of the provisions of this instrument, Vail Associates, Inc. or its successors or assigns, the Town of Vail, or any owner of real property in Vail,/LionsHead, Third -9- Protective Covenants Vail,/LionsHead, Third Filing Filing, his agents or employees, ftErlr but without obligation to do so, enforce the provisions of this instrument by: 19.1.1 entering upon the property where the violation or threatened violation exists and re- moving, remedying and abating the violation; such self-heJ-p shall only be exercised after having given fifteen (f5) days prior written notice to the owner or owners of the property upon which the violation exists and provided the owner shall have failed within such time to take such action as may be necessary to conform to the covenants; or 19.1.2 instituting such proceedings at law or. in equity as may be appropriate to enforce the pro- visions of this instrument, including a demand for injunctive relief to prevent or remedy the threat- ened or existing violation of these covenants and for damages. L9.2 Notice and Service of Process. Each o\rrner of real pro- perty in Vail,/LionsHead, Third Filing, hereby appoints the Town Clerk of the Town of Vail as his agent to receive any notice pro- vided for herein and to accept service of process in any court proceeding brought to enforce the provisions of this instrument. Any not,ice required rrnder this Section 19 shaLl be written and shall specify the violation or threatened violation objected to, the property subject to the violation and shall demand compliance with these covenants within fifteen (15) days after the giving of such notice. If after reasonable effort the person giving the notice shall be unabl-e to deliver the same personally to the person to whom it is directed and shall be unable to obtain a return receipt, showing delivery of notice to the person to whom it is directed, then the required notice shall be deemed sufficiently given if posted upon the property described in the notice and mailed to the last known address ,cf the person to whom the notice is dir- ected and if also mailed or delivered to the Town Clerk of the Town of Vail as agent of the.property owner. Personal service of pro- cess upon any person owning land in this subdivision made in accor- dance with the preceding sentence may be obtained, but only for the enforcement of these covenants, by service of process upon the Town Clerk of the Town of Vail as agent for the said owner, if after reasonable diligence such defendant cannot be found within the State of Colorado and personal- service cannot be otherwise obtained under the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure. - r0- Protective Covenants Vail,/LionsHead, Third Filing l-9.3 No Liabilitv for Damaq-es. Vail Associates, Inc. , the Town of Vail, or any other person hereby authorized to remove or remedy violations or threatened violations of the provisions of this insLrument in accordance with paragraph 19.1.3, shall not be liable to any person for so doing except for any injury or damage resulting from intentionally wrongful acts. Any person acquiring any interest in real property in vail,/LionsHead, Third Filing, after the recording of this instrument in the records of the County Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, sha11 be deemed to have waived any and all rights to or claims for damages or injury resulting from efforts to correct or to prevent any violation or threatened violation of these covenants in accordance with para- graph 19.1.I above with respect to the real property so.Scquired. J-9.4 Collection S>f Costs jrnd Expenses. Vail Associates, Inc., the Town of Vail, or any other person or persons proceeding in accordance with paragraph 19.1.1, shall have a claim against the owner or owners of the property with respect to which the vio- lation or threatened violation of these covenants has occurred in an amount equal to the actual costs and expenses, including appur- tenant reasonable attorneys' fees. incurred in connection with preventing, removing or remedying such violation or threatened violation. Such claim shall not exceed the amount of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for any one violation or threatened violation of the provisions of this instrument and shall be enforceable through any appropriate courL action. Vail Associates, fnc., the Town of VaiJ-, or any other person or persons bringing a proceeding under paragraph 19.1.2 to enforce any provisions of this instrument shaLL be entitled to judgment for the actuaL costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred by such person in the prosecution of such proceeding in addition to any other relief granted by the court.' l-9.5 Waiver. No assent or acquiescence, expressed or implied, to any violation or threatened violation of any of the provisions of this instrument shalL be deemed or taken to be a waiver of any succeeding or other violation or threatened violation of these pro- tective covenants 20. DEFINITION OF PROPERTY OWNER As used in this instrument. the phrases "real ProPerty owner" or "owner of real property" shall mean any natural person, partner- ship, corporation, association or other business entity or rela- tionship which shall own an estate as a co-tenant or oLherwise in fee simple or for a term of not less than forty-nine (49) years in -tr- Protective Covenants , Vail/LionsHead, Third Filing any portion of the lands included within the boundaries of Yail/ LionsHead, Third Filing. Such phrases sha11 not include within their meaning the holder or o$rner of any lien or secured interest in lantls or improvements thereon within the subdivision, nor any person claiming an easement or right-of-way for utility, transpor- tation or other purpose through, over or across any such }ands. '.I. SEVERABILITY A determination of the invalidity of any one or more of the provisions of this instrument by judgment, court order or decree shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions hereof, which shall remain in fulI force and effect, ExECttTED THfS -- day of , L97L. (sEAL) ATTEST: vArL ASSOCTATES, rNC. By By President Secretary STATE OF COLORADO) ) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing instrument was acknoivteAgea before me this day of , Lg'lL, by President of VAIL AssocIATEs, INc. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My commission expiYes: Notary Public as -L2- EXHIBIT A TO PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR vAiL/LI0NSHEAD EAGLE COUNTY, LEGAL DESCRlPTION OF PLATTED LANDS THIRD FILING COTORADO Part of the south half of section 6 and part of the North half of Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Town oi Vait, County of Eag1e,-State of Colora'tlo described as conmencing'at the-Northwest Corner of said Section 7, thence S 0o06'06'' ltl 634.I4 feet along - the west line or siia section to the true point of beginning, which point is the Northwest Corner of VAIL VILLAGE, SECSND FITING; ihence N 73"42'37" E 396.79 feet along the Northerly line-of said VAIL VILLAGE SECOND FILING to thA NorthEASt COTNET Of Forest Road as shown on the Plat of vAIt VILLAGE, SIXTH FILING; thence S 16oL7t23" E 325.39 feet along the Easterly boundary of said Forest Road; thence N 88o00'00t' E 208.90 feet along- the Northerly line of said Forest Road; thence S- 58"00'00't E 50.47 feet aiong said Northerly line to the Southwest Corner of Lot 8, Block*2 of said VAIL VILLAGE, SIXTH FILINGl.thence along th6 boundary line of said Block 2 on the follortring threE courses: (il N 2o00r00rt E 120.00 feet; (2) N 81"46'54" E 610 .92 feet; aria- (s) s 68"00 | 00r' E 266.80 feet to the Northeast Corner of-Lot 2 of said Block 2; thence N 11"24'18" W 69.38 feet; thence N 81"27 1301t E 151.03 feet; thence N 690231 40" E ZSq.53 feet; thence N 04035'58" W 155.27 feet to a point on the Southerly line of Tract B, VAIL/LIONSHEAD, FIRST-FILINGl thence along the Southerly boundary line of said Tract B on the folloiing four courses: (1)-546"22'30" W 133.89 feet; (2) S 72"54r6[rr ry 100.00 feet; (3) N 78o42'00" W 80.00 feet; and (4) N 65"13r00rr W L42.00 feet to the South- west Corner of said iract B; thence N 1"57t17" W 118-50 feet along the West line of said Tract B and Tract A' VAIL/LIONS- HEAD; FIRST FILING to the Northrvest Corner of said Tract A; thenie N 87o00'00" E 45.40 feet along the Northerly line of said Tract A to the Southwest Corner-of Lot 1, VAIL/LIONSHEAD, FIRST FILING, FIRST ADDITION; thence along the boundlry-1i19 of said Lot i on the following three courses: (1) -N?"!9'!7': ^^.w 772.00 feet; (2) N 43o55',00n E 232.45 feet; and (3) N 87"00'00" E 62.00 feet to the Northeast Corner of said Lot 1, a point on the Westerly line of VAIL/LIONSHEAD, FIRST FILINGi lhen-ce.*1"-lq^..said IVesteriy line on the following five courses: (t) N 4o2-7'00" W 98.84 feet; (2) N 26'57'00tr W 33.87 feet; (3) N 4"27'00" W 38.47 feet; (+l ll 28o53r30'r E 45.49 feet; and (5) N 4'27'00" W 424.68 f6eri to the inost Northwesterly Corner of VAIL/ LIONSHEAD, FIRST FILING, on the southerly line of Intelstate Highway I-70 Right-of-lviy; thence along said Southerly Right- of]Way- line on ihe foltoiving eight courses: (1) Southwesterly EXHIBIT A tO PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR VAIL/LIONSHEAD THIRD TageT FrLrNG, EAGLE couNTY, C0L0RAD0 406.88 feet along the arc of a 31650 foot radius curve to the Left whose central angte is 6o23i73" and whose long chord,bears 5 ZS.ZS:S3', W 406.67 ieet to a point on a 3650.00 foot radius ""r"";-(ij Soutttwesteify 582.13'feet along said curve to the left whose centtai-a"Si;t it 9o08'16.4" and whose fglg 9!old . U"utr S 65o26'45" W 5E1.51 feet; (3)S 55o50r10'r W 176'80 feet; (4i a is'str44" l{ 178.10 feet; (i)' s. lso3s:?7"^1:10e'80 feet i6 j s Zi" 43t 4)" v1 ios.so feet i (z) thence.,370 ' ?9, feet-, along in6 "t. of a 623.00 foot radius-curve to the right, whose centraf angle is 34 o 0 7 '0 8" and whose lqlg -:Iqld...bearss +06 sg's zn lV 365'.55 feet ; and (7) s 70" 33t 28" w ^223 '20 feet to the true point of-beginiiirg containing 30'3352 acres, more or less. IncLuded within the above description of Platted Lands are ;ii-;; p""it of Lots 21 tlrrougl so incruslvg' yArl'' VILLAGE' SECOUD itllll..tC, a subdivision [1at recorded in Eagle County, C"irr"a",-nei6ption lfo. 96928, filed in Plat Book at Page i6; ;;-;i"r,d"d'by a plat which is filed under Reception No. 97199 in Plat Book at Page 58. " 'r r" l-i ,t' /''.,?auoat','.j '...*-..-** PROTECTIVE COVENANTS OF .VAIL/LIONSHEAD, FIRST FILING, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO UIIIEREAS, Vail Associates, fnc., a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the Stat e of Colorado (hereinafter sometimes referred to as "Owner" ), is the ovJner of the follcwing described lands, which are the same lands shown on the plat of the Vail/LionsHead, First Filing, on file in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of the County of Eagle and State of Colorado: A part of the South one-half of Section 6 and part of the North one-balf of Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the Sixth Principal- Meridian, County of Eag1e, State of Colorado, more particularly descr-ibed as follows: Beginning at a point on the Southerly right-of-way line of Interstat,e Highway I-70 frcrn whence the South- vrest corner of said Section 6 bears 5.70"47'32" W., LA44.96 feet; thence Northeasterly along said Southerly right-of-way line and along a curve to the right having a radius of 3550.00 feeb, a central angle of 00"23'53", an arc distance of 25.29 fee|L (the chord of said curve bears N. 76o38'56" 8., 25.29 feet); thence s. 04o35r58" E., 236.44 feet; thence N. 85o24r02" E., I50.OO feet; thence N.04o35'58" W., 255.67 feet to a point of intersection with the Southerly right-of-way Iine of said Interstate Highway L-7Qi thence North- easterly along said Southerly right-of-way line and along a curve to the right having a radius of 365O.OO feet, a central angle of L4"23'34", an arc distance of 916.89 feet (the chord of said curve bears N. 86o25'04" 8., 914.48 feet); thence on an angLe to the right of L46"O7r10" and along a curve to the left having a radius of 46.00 feet,, a central angle of L44o4O'19", an arc distance of 116.15 feet to a point of tangent(the chord of said curve bears S. 12o36'09" 8., 87.66 feet); thence S. 84o56'18" E. and along said tangent \ r. ' Protective Covenants Vail/LionsHead, First Filing 140.00 feet to a point of curve; thence along a curveto the right having a radius of 151.00 feet, a centralangle of 88003'00,'. an arc distance of 232.05 feet to a point of compound curve (the chord of said curve bears s. 40o54'49" E., 2O9.gg feet); thence along a curve to the right having a radius of l73.OO feet, a central angle of 90000100", an arc distance of 27L.75 feet to a point of tangent (the chord of said curvebears s. 48006.42" w., 244.66 feet); thence N. 96o53'1g,' W. and along said tangent, 65.90 feet; thence S. 05o43,5I',w., 341.I0 feet; thence N. 90"00,30" W., 2L5.00 feet; thence N. 89o2I'OO" w., L4L.7O feet; thence s. 64022.0o"w., 126.50 feet; thence s. 17"10r30', w., 100.50 feet; thence s. 11002 r30,, w., 153.50 feet; thence s. 54o34,00,'vl. 89. 00 feet; thence N. 79 o13 | 30,' w. , l5g. 0o feet; thence s. 83o35,0O" w., 59.50 feet; thence s. 46"22.30"w., 275.50 feet; thence s. 72o54,00,' w., I0O.OO feet; thence N. 79o42,00,' w., g0.00 feet; thence N. 65o13'00"' w., l42.oo feet; thence N. 01"5'7,L7" W., l_1g.50 feet; thence \T. 86o51t43tt 8., 2L7.40 feet; tbence N. 03oog,17" w., 5.00 feeti thence N. 96o51 ,43,' 8.. I2O.OO feet; thence N. 04"35'59', w. , L54.36 feet; thence N. !2"43'23" w., 130.48 feet; thence N. 44o50,0g" W., 52.O2 feet; thence N. 04"35'59" w. , LO2.94 feet; thence N. 27og5r5g,r w., 33.97 feet; thence N. 04o35,59" w., 38.47 feet; thence N. 28"44'30,' 8., 45.4g feet; thence N. 04"35,59,, W., 424.68 feet to the true point of beginning; contain- Lng 24.081 acres, more or less; ernbraced within which are aII or portions of Lots 14, 15, 16, L7, L8, ]-9, 20, 2L, 22 and Tract B, Vail Village, Second Filing, Eagle County, Colorado, the plat of which is filed under Reception No. 96928 in the plat Book of Eagle County. Colorado, at page 56, as amendedby a plat which is filed under Reception No. 97 I99 in said Plat Book at page 58. AND UEIEREAS, Vail Associates, Inc. desires to place certainrestrictions on the use of the lots shown on the plat of VaiL/ LionsHead, First Filing, for the benefit of the Owner and itsrespective grantees, successors and assigns, in order to establish and maintain the character and value of property in the Vail/ LionsHead, First Filing area, -2- Protective Covenants Vail,/Lionsgead, First Filing NOW, TIIERFORE, in consideration of the premises, VaiIAssociates, Inc., for itself and its grantees, successors and assigns does hereby impose, establish, publish. acknowledge and declare that for the benefit of all persons who may acquire an interest in any of the lots in Vai1r/l,ionsHead, First Filing,all of the lands in Vail/LionsHead, First Filing,sha1l be subjectto the following restrictions, covenants, and conditions, whichsharl be deemed to run with the land and to inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Oviner, its grantees, successors and assigns. 1. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE 1.I Committee. The Architectural Control Committee, here-inafter referred to as the "Committee, " shall consist of five members who shall be designated by the Owner, its successors orassigns, to review, study and approve or reject proposed improve- ments within the area described in the plat of Vaii/LionsHead,First Filing, of which these restrictive covenants are made apart. The members of the Committee shall serve for one year,at which time they shall be re-appointed or their successors shalrbe appointed by the Oniner. If no successor is appointed by the olvner on the anniversary of a member's tern, he shall be deemedto have been re-appointed by the q^rner., A new member shall be appointed by the Owner on the death or resignation of a member. L.2 Rules. Tlre Committee shall make such rules and bylaws and adopt such procedures as it may deem appropriate to govern its proceedings. I.3 Approval of Plan. No building, landscaping, parking orvehicular driveway, fence, wall or other improvement shall beconstructed, erected, repaired, restored, reconstructed, altered, added to or maintained on any lot until building plans and siteplans and specifications showing the color, location, materials, landscaping, and such other information relating to such improve- ment as the Committee may reasonably require shall have been sub-mitted to and approved by the Committee in writing. In passing upon such plans and specificirt ionsL-4 Criteria. -3- Protective Covenants Vail,/Lionsgead, First Filing the Committee shall consider: 1.4.1 The suitability of the improvement to the site upon which it is to be located and materialsof which it is to be constructed; 1.4.2 The nature of adjacent and neighboring improvements; I.4.3 The guality of the materials to be utili- zed in any proposed improvementi L.4.4 The effect of any proposed improvement on the outl-ook of any adjacent or neighboring propertyt 1.4.5 Any governmental zoning reguirements appli- cable to the site and improvements thereoni and 1.4.6 The rules and regulations of the Committee It shall be an objecLive of the Committee to make certain that no improvement will be so similar or so dissimilar to others in thevicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic, will be impaired. 1.5 Effect of the Committee's Failure to Act. In the event the Cornmittee fails to approve or disapprove plans and specifica-tions submitted to it within sixty (60) days of submission, approval shall not be required. 2.LAND USE 2.1 The lands within Vailr/LionsHead, First Filing, d.esignated as numbered lots shall be used for high density, multi-familyresidential structures, public accorrunodations, public uses, and commerciaL and recreational structuresi except that Lot l, Block2 shall be used for vehicular parking and such other purposes asthe oliner may in the future from time to time designate, including,by way of illustration and without limiting the generality of theforegoing, as sites for lodges, hotels, and transportation centers, provided, that if the use of a portion of such lot for such oLher purposes shall reduce the parking capacity of such lot as grgreed , ,:" ' upon by the Town of Vail and Owner, then @\'ner shall provide, or cause to be provided, structured parking in a volume sufficient -4- Protective Covenants Vailr/Lionsgead, First Fiting to maintain a parking capacity at the volume agreed upon by the Town and Owner, but, not to exceed the capacity which existed prior to such construction. The Owner may impose restrictions prohibiting the use of certain numbered lots, or portions thereof, for commercial purposes 2.2 The lands within Vail/LionsHead, First Filing, desig- nated as "tracts" shall be used as follows: 2.2.L. Tract A shall be use{-as_an opa.' area for - recreationaltu r . - It may be irnproved by landscapj-ng, paved or gravel paths, decks, retaining walls, wind screen walls or fences, parapet walls, minor vbhicul-ar driveways, fountains, steps, recreational facilit.ies, including swimming pools and related appurtenant buildings, all of which shall not protrude above the elevation of the present ground sur- face and shall be suitably landscaped to conceal such structure. ' 2.2.2 Tract B shall be dedicated t,o the public as open space subject to the reservation by the O,vner of such easements for pedestrian bridges, ski lifts, and skier crossings as are in the opinj-on of the Owner now or in the future reasonably necessary, and further reserving to the Oarner the righL to construct, repair, maintain and operate such ski lifts in or on Tract B as are, in the opinion of the Owner. needed in the future. The Town of Vail may construct for public use, pedestrian and bridle paths in conformity with a landscape plan to be prepared by the Town and approved by the Ov,iner. Adjoining or contiguous proper- ties shall not have any construction or improvement which encroaches into the said Tract B. Vehicular passage shall not be allovred on this Tract except. by special permit from the Town and the O^,ner. 2.2.3 Tract C shall be used as open area as a pedes- trian circulati-on area. and as the means of ingress and for pedestrian traffic to and from adjacent properties andfor emergency vehicles. The owner retains the right to landscape and.to construct walkways thereon and to provide by private agreement for uses therein which may be incidentalto the use of adjacent property and not incompatible with the above uses.' 2.2.4 Tract D shall be used for the purposes and uses permitted in Tract A but, in addition, there shall be -5- Protective Covenants Vail,/LionsHead, First Fiting permitted in Tract D the following uses: ski lift terminals, a health club, underground parkingi pro- vided, that the health club and parking improvements sha1l not protrude above the elevation of the present ground surface and shall be suitably landscaped to conceal such'structures. SmaIl portable structures .for use as ticket booths, information centers and other uses appurtenant to the permitted uses may also be maintained on Tract D with the consent of Owner. There is reserved to the Owner an easement for drainage pur- poses over and across Tract D to drain water from Tract D and adjacent lands to be located, at the Ownerrs dis- cretion, in a manner wbich will not interfere with the development of the Tract. 2.2.5 Tracts E and F are to be used in conjunction with roads and may be landscaped and lighted. Signs and small covered structures for bus passenger use may be erected. Otherwise, these tracts shall remain open and unimproved. 2.2.6 Tract c shall be maintained by the Owner as a private road for the purposes of granting ingress and egress to and from Lots 5 and 6, and may be. at the Owner's discretion, J-n conjunction with Tract H used to provide access to and from Tracts B and D. Tract G may be improved with paving and may be dedicated by the Owner to public use as a road. 2.2.7 Tract H shall be maintained as an open area and it may be used, at the Ownerrs discretion. in con-junction with Tract G to give access to and from Tracts B and D. Tract H may be improved with paving and may be dedicated by the Owner to public use as a road. 2.2.8 Tract I may be used for or in conjunction with roads as a means of ingress and egress to and frcrn lands outside the platted area. 2.2.9 Tract ,J shall be used as a landscaped open area and for pedestrian access to dedicated open areas. 2.3 The Owner reserves the right to make additional restric- tions and limitations upon use not incompatible with the foregoing -6- 3. Protective Covenants Vail/LionsHead, First Filing nor less restrictive than any applicable regulations of any governmental agency. Any additional restrictions.mqy be in- cluded in instruments of conveyance or lease and by supplementto these protective covenants to be filed in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. EASEMENTS AND RIGITTS-OF_WAY 3.1 Easements and rights-of-way for lighting. heating,electricity, gas, telephone, water and sewerage facilities, and any other kind of public or guasi-public utiJ-ity service are reserved as shown on the plat of Vai1AionsHead, First Filing. No fence, wall, hedge, barrier or other improvement shall be erected or maintained on, across or within the areas reservedfor easements and rights-of-wdy, nor in such close proximitythereto as to impair the access to or use thereof. An easementfor pedestrian use shall exist and is hereby reserved on, over and across those portions of the plat of Vail,/LionsHead, FirstFiling, reserved herein for utility service and facilities. 3.2 Easements for drainage purposes are reserved as shown on the plat of Vailf,ionsHead, First Filing. 3.3 Easements for drainage purposes reserved in these covenants and on the Vail/LionsHead, First Filing, plat shall be perpetual. 4. SIGNS No signs, billboards, poster boards or advertising displayor structure of any kind shall be placed or maintained withinthe subdivision for any purpose whatsoever, except such signs asshall have been approved by the Committee as reasonably necessaryfor the identification of streets, residences and. places of business and location markers. 5. WATER AND SEWAGE Each structure designed for occupancy or use by humans shall connect with the water and sewerage facilities of the Vail Wat,er and Sanitation District. No private well shall be used as asource of water for human consumption or irrigation in Vail,/ LionsHead, First Filing, nor shall any facility other than thoseprovided by the Vail Water and Sanitation District be used for -7- Protective Covenants Vait,/LionsHead. First Filing the disposal of sewage. Mechanical garbage disposal facilities shall be provided in each kitchen or food preparation area. 6. TRASH AND GARBAGE 6.I Disposal of Trash and Garbaqe. No trash, ashes t ga.t- bage or rubbish may be thrown or dumped on any land within YaLL/ LionsHead, First Filing. No burning of trash, garbage or rubbj-sh shall be permitted in Vail/LionsHead, First Filing. No incinera- tor or other device for the burning of trash, garbage or rubbish indoors shall be constructed, installed or used by any person except as approved by the Committee and the Town of Vail. Each property owner shall provide suitable receptacles for the collec- tion of trash, ashes, garbage or rubbish. Such receptacles shall be screened from public view and protected from disturbance. 6.2 Definition. As used in this Section 6, "Lrash, garbage or rubbish" shall include waste, rejected, valueless or worthless matter, materials and debris, useless, unused, unwanted, or dis- carded articles from an ordinary household,, waste from the pre- paration, cooking. and consumption of food, market refuse, waste from the handling, storage, preparation or sale of produce, tree branches, twigsr grdss, shrub clippings, weeds, leaves, and other general yard and garden waste materials; but shall not include food or food products to be prepared over outdoor or open fires nor wood or other materials used for fuel in fireplaces. 7. LI\/ESTOCK No animals, livestock, horses or poultry of any kind, except dogs, cats and other househoLd pets, shall be kept, raised or bred in vail/LionsHead, First Filing, except in areas designated for such purposes by the Committee; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to permit the commercial breeding of dogs, cats or other household pets in VailrlLionsHead, First Filing. 8. TREES No trees shall be cut, trimmed or removed in Vail,/LionsHead, First Fj-ling, except with prior written approval of the Committee, and all- such work shall be performed by persons approved by the Committee or by the Town of VaiI. -8- Protective Covenants Vail,/LionsHead, First Filing 9. SET BACK REQUIREMUNTS There shall be no general requirement for the location of improvements within property lines except those shovrn on theplat of the subdivision or imposed by governmental zoning regu-lations, but the Location of each improvement must be approvedin advance by the Committee. fn determining the proper locationfor each improvement. the Committee shall consider the proposed Iocation, the location of existing and projected improvements on adjacent property, the effect upon adjacent property ownersof any proposed. improvement location. and such other considera-tions as it may deem appropriate. 10. LANDSCAPfNG AND GARDENING All ground. surface areas not used as improvement sites but diSturbed by construction shall be returned promptly to theirnatural condition and replanted in native grasses, unless such areas are to be utilized for gardens, lawns, and exterior 1ivingareas. Every improved buirding site within the subdivision shalr be landscaped according to a plan approved by the Committee. The landscape plan shall be submitted to the Committee at the timeof the submission of construction plans and approval by the Committee of either plan may be denied until both the plans forbuilding construction and landscaping shal-I have been approved. Easements adjacent to a lot but outside the boundaries thereof rnay be appropriately landscaped, subject to the provisions of these covenants, by the owner of the lot, but in the event such land.seaping is disturbed by use of the easement, the cost and expense of restoring such landscaping shatl be solely that ofthe owner of the lot. 11. AREA REQUIREMENTS No living unit designed for human use or habitation shall be constructed unless the aggregate floor area, exclusive of open porches, basements. carports and garages, shall complywith applicabl-e governmental zoning requirements and shall have been approved by the Committee. The Commjttee shall determine from the design of the improvement whether an area which ispartially below grade may be used to calculate whether the pro- posed structure complies with the minimum area reguirements. The Committee may, pursuant to these covenants, impose greater minimum floor area requirements than those imposed by zoningregulations and may apply different criteria for determining compliance. -9- Protective Covenants Vail,/LionsHead, First Filing T2. TRADE NAMES No trademark, trade name, trade symbol or combinationthereof shall be used on structures, or for businesses or servicesin vail/LionsHead. First Filing, unless the same sharl have beenfirst approved in writi_ng by the Committee 13. TEMPORARY STRUCTURES No temporary structure, excavation, basement, trailer ortent shall be permitted in Vaitr/tionsHead, First Filing, exceptas may be reasonably necessary during construction and authorizedby the Committee. L4. CONTINUITY OF CONSTRUCTION All construction commenced in vair/LionsHead, First Filing,shall be prosecuted diligently to completion and sharl be com-pleted within twelve (12) monttrs of commencement, unless theonrner or the committee sharl, in writing, grant additional time. 15. NUISANCE No noxious or offensive activitythe subdivision nor shaIl anything beshall constitute a public nuisance j-n Filing. 16. FENCES shall be carried on within done or permitted which VailrllionsHead, First No fences. warls or other barriers shall be permitted inVail6ionsHead, First Filing, except with the written consent ofthe committee or as othervise herein expressry permitted. L7. EFFECT AND DURATION OF COVENANTS The conditions, restrictions, stipulations, agreements andcovenants contained herein shall be for the benefit of and sharlregulate the use of each 1ot, block and tract in Vailr/LionsHead,First Filing, Eagre county, cororado, and sha[ be binding uponeach orniner of property therein, his successors, representaLivesand assigns. These covenants shalr continue in furr force andeffect until .Tanuary r, Lggg, at which time they shall be auto-maticall-y extended for five successive terms of ten years each. -10- Protective Covenants Vail,/Lionsgead, First Filing 18. AMENDMENT The conditions, restrictions, stipulations, agreements and covenants contained herein shall not be waived, abandoned, terminated, or amended except, by written consent of the owners of 66-2/3% of the surface area within the boundaries of Vailr/ L,ionsHead, First Filing, as the same may be then shown by the plat on file in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, except that use changes of Tracts A and D shall also require approval of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Vail. 19. ENFORCEMENT 19.1 Procedure for Enforcement. If any person shall vio- late or threaten to violate any of the provisions of this instru- ment, VaiI Associates, Inc. or its successors or assigns, or any o$iner of real property in Vailr/LionsHead, First Filing, his agents or employees, may, but without obligation to do so, enforce the provisions of this instrument by: 19.1.I entering upon the property where the violation or threatened violation exists and re- moving, remedying and abating the violation; such self-heIp shall only be exercised after having given fifteen (15) days prior written notice to the owner or owners of the property upon whieh the violation exists and provided the owner shall have failed within such time to take such action as mav be necessary to conform to the covenantsi or 19.I.2 instituting sueh proceedings at law or in equity as may be appropriate to enforce the provisions of this instrument, including a demand for injunctive relief to prevent or remedy the threatened or existing violation of these covenants and for damages. L9.2 Notice and Service of Process. Each owner of real Property in Vail-/LionsHead, First Filing, hereby appoints the Town Clerk of the Town of Vail as his agent to receive any notice provid.ed for herein and to accept service of process in any court proceeding brought to enforce the provisions of this instrument. Any notice required under this Section 19 shall be -1r- Protective Covenants Vail/LionsHead, First Filing written and shall specify the violation or threatened violation objected to, the property subject to the violation and shall demand compliance with these covenants within fifteen (15) daysafter the giving of such notice. If after reasonable effort the person giving the notice shall- be unable to deliver the same personally to the person to whom it is directed and shall be unable to obtain a return receipt showing delivery of notice to the person to whom it is directed, then the reguired not,ice shall be deemed sufficiently given if posted upon the property described in the notice and mailed to the last known address of the person to whom the notice is directed and if also mailedor delivered to the Town Clerk of the Town of Vail as agent of the property owner. Personal service of process upon any person owning land in this sulcdivision made in accordance with the pre- cedi-ng sentence may be obtained, but only for the enforcement of these covenants, by service of process upon the Torvn C1erk of the Town of Vail as agent for the said owner, if after reasonable diligence such defendant cannot be found within the State of colorado and personal service cannot be othemise obtained under the Colorad.o Rules of Civil Procedure. 19.3 No Liability for Damages. Vail Associates, Inc., or any other person hereby authorized to remove or remedy violationsor threatened violations of the provisions of this instrumentin accordance wj-th paragraph 19.I.1, shalt not be tiable to anyperson for so doing except. for any injury or damage resulting from intentional-ly wrongful acts. Any person acquiring anyinterest in real property in Vail/LionsHead, First Filing, afterthe recording of this instrument in the records of the CountyClerk and Recorder of Eagl-e County, Colorado, shall be deemed to have waived any and all rights to or claims for damages or in-jury resulting from efforts to correct or to prevent any viola-tion or threatened violation of these covenants in accordancewith paragraph 19.1.1 above with respect to the real property so acquired. . L9.4 Collection of Costs and Expenses. Vail Associates,Inc., or any other person or persons proceeding in accordancewith paragraph 19.1.1, shall have a claim against the owner or owners of the property with respect to which the violation or threatened violation of these covenants has occurred in an amount equal to the actual costs and expenses, including -L2- Protective Covenants Vail/,ionsHead, First Filing reasonable attorneys I fees, incurred in connection with prevent-ing, removing or remedying such vioration or threatened viora-tion. such claim shall not exceed the amount of Two ThousandDorlars ($2,000.00) for any one violation or threatened viora-tion of the provisions of this instrument and sharl be enforceable through any appropriate court action. Vail Associates, Inc. or any other person or persons bringing a proceeding under para- greph 19.1.2 to enforce any provisions of this instrument shaltbe entitled to judgment for the actual costs and expenses, in-cluding reasonable attorneyst fees, incurred by such person inthe prosecution of such proceeding in addition to any other re-lief granted by the court 19.5 Waive!. No assent or acquiescense, expressed orimpried, to any violation or threatened vioration of any ofdreprovisions of this instrument sharr be deemed or taken to be awaiver of any succeeding or other vioration or threatened viora-tion of these protective covenants. 20. DEFINITION OF PROPERTY OWNER As used in this instrument, the phrases "real property owner"or t'owner of real property" shalL mean any natural person, partner-ship, corporation. association or other business entity or rela-tionship which shall ov\rn an estate as a co-tenant or otherwisein fee simple or for a term of not less than forty-nine (49)years in any portion of the rands includecl within the boundariesof YaiL/LionsHead, First Filing. such phrases shalr not includewithin their meaning the holder or owner of any rien or securedinterest in rands or improvements thereon within the subdivision,nor any person claining an easement or right-of-way for utirity,transportation or other purpose through, over or across any such lands. 2L. SEVERABILITY A determinatj-on of the invalidity of any one or more ofthe provisions of this instrument by judgment, court order or -13- -,-' -'' Protective Covenants' vailr/LionsHead, First Filing decree shalI in no wise affect any of the other provis.ions hereof, which shall remain in full force and effect. EXECITTED THIS dav of ,1970. (SEAL) ATTEST: VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. By Secretary STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. conNTY oF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , L9'7O, by President of VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. Witness my hand and official seal. ![y commission expires Notary Public as -L4- t''-.'\ , . AI'IENDI'IENT OI' PROTECTIVE COVENANTS OF VAIL/LIONSHEAD, THIRD FILTNG EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO The undersigned, as owners of 56 213 ot rcore of the surface area within the boundaries of vail,/Lionshead Third Fiting, Eagle County, Colorado (the Subdivision) ' state as follows: 1. Vail Associates, Inc., a Colorado corporation (ovrner), filed for record Proteqtive Covenants for the ' Subdivision on october 15, Lg7L, in Book 22L at page 991 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado (the Covenants). sequently D, Morcus 2. Lot 5 and Lot 6 of the Subdivision have sub- been resubdivided into Lots A and B and Lots C and Subdivision, Eagle County, Colorado (the Resubdivision) ' 3. A portion of Tract C and a portion of Lot 8, Block 1 of Che Subdivision have subsequently been resubdivided into Lot 1, Vail/LionsHead Fourth Filing, Eagle County, Colorado (the Fourth Filing). 4. Owner desires the Covenants to change the land use restrictions on Lot 4 and Tract C of the Subdivision and on Lots A and division. 5. Written consent of the owners of 56 2/3 percent of the surface area within the boundaries of the Subdivision is required to amend the Covenants. WHEREFORE, for the reasons set forth above, the undersigned owners of 66 2/31 or more of the surface area within the boundaries of the Subdivision consent to the following aruendments to the Covenants: l. Section 2.1 and its subsections are hereby amended to read in their entirety as follolts: 2.1 The lands within Vail/Lionshead, Third Filing, designated as numbered lots and Lot C and Lot D, Morcus Subdivision, Eagle County, Colorado be amended to a portion of C of the Resub- .t^-.i '/ w' (portions of the resubdivision of Lots 5 and 5, Block L, YaiL/Lionshead, Third Fil-ing), shall be used for high density, multifanily residential structures, pubtic accommodations, public uses, and commercial and recreational structures: Except that 2.1.1 l-,ot A and Lot B, Morcus Subdivision, Eagle County, Colorado (portions of the resubdivision of Lots 5 and 6, Block I, Vailr/Lionshead, Third Fil-ing) shall be used for vehicular parking and such other pur- poses as the Owner may in the future from ti:ne to time designate, including, by way of illustration anil witbout limiting the general- ity of the foregoing, as sites for lodges' hotels, transportation centers, and rec- reational facilities; provided, that if the use of a portion of such lot for such other purposes shall reduce the parking capacity of such 1ot for the months of November through April as agreed upon by the Town of Vail and Owner, then Owner shal-J- prowi.de, or cause to be provided, structured parking in a volume sufficient to rnaintain a parking capacity for such months at the volume agreed upon by the Town and Owner, but not to exceed the capacity which existed for such months prior to such construction; and 2.L.2 The Owner may impose restrictions pro- hibiting the use of certain numbered lots, or portions thereof, for commercial purposes. -2- 2. Subsection addition of the the subsection: 2.2.2- is hereby amended by the following sentence at the end of Owner, for itself and its successors or assigns, reserves the right to construet, repair, maintain and operate such other recreation facilities as is deemed necessary as aPProPiate including, without limiting the generability of the foregoing, swimming pools . 3. Subsection 2.2.3. is hereby amended to read in its entiretv as follows: 2.2.3. The certain portion of Tract C described in Exhibit A attached hereto (Part of LoE 1, Fourth Filing) shall be used in the same manner as any lands within Vail/LionsHead, Third Filing, designated as numbered lots may be used for- The remainder of Tract C shall be used as oPen area, as a pedestrian circulation area' and as the means of ingress and for pedestrian traffic to and from adjacent properties and for emergency vehicles, subject to the righE of the Owner to landscape and to construct walkways thereon and to provide by private agreement for uses therein which may be incidental to the use of adjacent proPerty and not incompatible with the above uses. E)GCUTED effective as of the lst day of Ju'l v , L977 ' Percent of Date Interest Owners of 596,973.08 sq. ft. SecreEary -3- VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., A +L1773% Ornrners of 123,562.47 so. ft. Date M-K CORPOMTION, A Colorado corPoration t lot B*l 5/26t77 5/26/77 By Percent of InEerest 9.3509% .8539% '10.65r 0% , nro^I t ot) 61.-l BAeI I t Ao7 v D L^ t '/'251 | l'tottl{ CAA 3 E.t owners ot G,r t -t/il /roasnr#Fla1\4L4dV ll,283.00 sq. ft. A Owners of portion of Lot Owners of 53,227.49 sq. ft. INC., a Colorado Orsners of 4.0281% 1, Block 2 President Hansen, Sec 'y. /Trea. -4- STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE 10rh lt -r,JU ) ) ) ss. ss. nstrument was ss. acknopl.gdged Th da foresoing instrumentof x.y- ,1977, STATE OF. was acknowledged before me this bY Richard L. Peterson as e v sslon explres:December 16, 1980 hand and Official seal . ss. my hand and Official ) ) ) was acknowledged before me this by Kaj-ser E. Morcus as Presidenl and , L977,by , /e l*re /7ri was acknowl-edged before me this by Leon Diecas as Managing Director exPrres r December 16, 1980 Witness my hand and Official seal . ) ) ) t,'/'/ Notar.y Public expires:- May 26, L977. rhirs J rucj e -5- OF ILLINOIS 0F cooK STATE OF COLORADO OF EAGLE foregoing instrumenE v/as of ,Trne -' L977 ' acknowledged before me this ) ) ) ss. my hand and Official seal- ) ) ) ss. foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this of .lUltE , L977, bY .remeq J. tJansen expires t h'iy ccrnrnission e:i;''ires sept' 1' 1979 my hand and Official seal. b] .tospnh .r. nanoan couutission expires': IQ/30/77 -6- Exhibit A to Amendment of Protective Covenants of LionsHead, Third Filing., dated July 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION YaLL/, L977 A tratt of, lard lyilg witlrin VArL/uoNsHEAD, ltlrRD FTIJNG, a subdivision vrtridr is a resubilivision of parts of VAIL \rII;Lq@, sEtrcx{D FILING ard of Sections 6 & 7, To"nship 5 South, Range 80 l{est of t}re 5t}r Prilcipal t'!e:idian, To^rn of Vail, Eagle 6cr,rnty, Colorado, as filed for. record ir the office of the Clerk ard Re- corder, Eagte County, C.olorado, nore particularly described as follo,'rs: Beginnilg at tlre soutluest c'orner of Iot 1, \nIVLToNSHEAD, ITiIRD FfIfNG, said point being tlre TRIJE POnvI OF BEGINNING; tlerrce N 85" 33' O0" E along the'*"tf,rtfy bounaary lile of said Lot I a distance of 167.59 feet; t}errce S 04o 27' oo" E a distance of 20.00 feet; thence S 85o 33' oo" w a distance of 147-50 feet to a point on t}e easterly Right-of-1^fay l-ire of ldest Lionshead Circle' a dedicated p'Jrlic street as shor.rr on the plat of said \aIlLIO'lStEAD' ltllRD FIl,IllG; t}erlce northwesterly 5,57 feet along the arc of a surve to the left havirrg a radius of 67.00 feet, a cerrtral angle bf 4o 45' 59" and a ctrord bear- irg N 47o 52' 18u I,J a distance of 5.57 feet to a point of tange-nqg; tj-:ence mntinul-ng along said easterly Rightrf-i^lay line N 50o 15' 17" W a distance of 2?.81 feet to the TRttE PODIT OF BEGINNING, containing 3149 square feet or 0.072 acres, rpre or Less. \\ l. e- \ Il-r 4.. E-r: tt..'. ' cD \i _..' tcQ ,:iF-r ii(5 i. I+,ti i id, s i,t S -^P ! 8tr$ 6s: e E fii=*b;;5 H P5E b'.i:F NoI\qflnri I gr:! ; +*rf igffj; ii iis .js; iri tr;rui #ffj; iu *rysli ; ff f i F$ ,;fffifi# ff# itriitr # f ruiri r'i#f *, fis# i gg sj j;i#ii, ,#iff ',# ffruHtr #'g; ,,=i,i ll -:. 5 !'ij;*-; i;ff i;rsi ='ir- ;'fi,; ;if; ifjf$ ff$fiifffs t;r;l; ; $sirg ififj f:i;;r';r e gi #irii r itrff iiii$ iiuu$iIifg.rs fi;rif ;s iliif riftr $rfiiffjls s H jfilfi rl ;ii;r iiffs jt;sffl;f; i;;ri; ru ;ftta rf;$i,F:if!lfffuii;ui, fi#r trilii ffgi*j;ir -f;;j f;iif ,E;rr if;i*;ff |- --'r I t ' to ! .{ 0la) l -..t E 4.4a > it OiO > {, I L Or.,C t,r E O lr>ocoo ,r.., ooL rlcOr q Qror{t,r EE C,AOE ,cat\ 09t l,r. O aa)Er< - o |.. E atr' tJ Q9 "! r.rn'r.J>oo >r 'o 9.o>(,.,o O 0 O > IJ ri .r rr lr @ E Q ./ t qr'iOq ;-! c>o 9l .J O.i.rO J > C O -OOO gvlF.AC qJ O C l{ tr .J E o a E Q C 'e u g.C! r.q}.o | | O io.rr. /oEECqJ(u C ,ea0 .i qr.cO o 0!y{ ll, oE!.qqal ltt !r.o o .c q !,) ! r. ! 0 ti ' q o > ] a, .toa .,.orrarati9 o r! GJ .ao. U.:r.a !..r ci/'FO Oi r.4O.J -a<t'JO]J r..r. tr '! C 1, FO'E tro cio (Jrr9!ttol| ro q'..'o-{z ! q) (,,t o 3notl}.r().oC i-{.n O$..-6Or{ C r.O oOt F 9o. 9dt.Jt.Qi{r> oQrerO .O.1 '. .o oo .4o o >, |o > o ru ,! c .c I G c', 'l. rl,o.iqro.dc!, IA It rJ,r t>x* ', toc, i ^c oo{Jo. E tD.ot,)Ecr.) q,> .oF.u9c>ro..r '|l:t 9ar Od-C-ct r..t . o Ot.r.fl.t !err'O.onE oc:r..C.oAlx qr{ > || c .r .r o a, F 0, o o o o o ri Qroq,4l!002Dr o qr.a 9., EEo.|,oH a).a c.tcEE c ln tlr.r'o cv)ua trq ricr0,u k q c oD ' O(J >'C!o-.J94C t C@"r:,!'lo A.JaE |!l.' Or'{ O.C Ir. Lo.O EO!|OOOOit o^o tO=r.a.ctttt]JE O!OOOE{ (Lraro Aia' o}.-oo.iotuc !Qr(,E o.! oaJ c.'{ ll, c I r..i....c tiJa||{ qr.-r..{ c € ku,JJ14 o t ..l C O A A 6 Qt t ,l '4 O-{o|! qro .ro!t< E 4 t do cr>ra, o a > .a dt t a a 4 6 a <, t n .a a c 9LcuEEr.)ttloa ! E,-.ui.c,Et - !rirr. l!rr'!.o .rrdo9|! o.4a o|!Eo'.J o. OOlo 't'O_.rct.t-9o o1 .r(Jtqrre.!to .r.i C-,C O r!.r 0 0, O.d CCi0 ot_ c a[o.roto xoax soE .a o. >9Ea,rrq.nE oEQ'{o la oco o lt>ouo..{E.'{,r! Q.aE!| FA9lt E n o >(u'o!, c |!.i a- iA6ta it,qrqr!o.agr{.r U>>4OA.d r. (t .-0,o r.CiE- o or;r, '6tro- '! o.i .-E E rrOr€ !9.rO.{O !,c'o.c } qrooo >Lr! o ,o a l, k c, . . .c !. . .l rr L l. !i S arli o a aJ.,o..rl.cg' oo.9a, ooooO.cq. (J.r oo (u'O! >o'.J(rcr!.r ' lt .v r', >rOO 6r.or. a;i ri,o-.J i t ,or c.cr..co..r>O lofixoot-{ ,rreOa .r Ii '.a r\a/ (, - 'o .r).;c EoG'o.dr.i.i (r.r!'| 9or.Jo.- r!orr|!ot{ . ctlr QE.oO' Or Or.O-.{otic r.r!r.ot4+cu u or.E!! q I }oq I\O -O.; {J r{ .o.'Ei ! A .d H !r .a i o r. t A s c" r. E L ^ I x -oQ.rrt .o!t.u uc)" '-. G - 0. ' -.a'art o E.-rk 9..i O ,.{ tU O 1, , rr t0 E r! a, ! l-.. c 9rrO ' .r o .!,-. u q,tn nr .rtdao, F'.r,cO-i.J- tn. alG| </gqcOF.rqOE '{ a a^ar9.a >a o {ro5 oO:t|!.J|DaE 'D'.r., O c -JcEOccr C. I &!o o -'o,O!Ora -e!> 0, .c t i.-o'-\{c'0,u(J uoo.oltoo.ttJF-a ,Ea trlHaJA C.O 'oorE.d 'lI'c -e CEiEEtDT!'i gr. (, D'i r. (r.e o r{ !tOOudr a u E o <loort @arrcJE|! Qo q0r! a'..atc a !ruco (Ja -cco-.J . -6-.r- .r |! ^'.r 'r. r . .r c . .i c '{ ! c c E ..{ o o 6uo.Ao o0t(rootr -- .j-ett .J r! cr-o { t.rxo4x}.aoot F o'. ''dic 9c,.o E-ar. ta, iroo!t6 oio?ld'o o.;'ltooc O-.o €,<,c'n C.O.r o oOr.rHOc,!.r, 'a -O r! -c a i!, o'coJ( Ja, r.Ot .aAoatu.JcO) d o.dr.r U.r O.!cE o' 9!6.dr !rdc o d :E U aJ \ o . O .,{ O O O |! .r .C ., lslJ9.l{. !.JO.i tala tr,{ a 6o- F-o -.J,c,.hOealdd,Et,' E> '!{J(JCE .r Dr l. o r..c! EnqC C.{ rt{>il rl, CL 0r a C CA.4.aA o.JqrOE.r 9. tOO!'.OFoC i.J0rC|!Oo. d|! ol!.{ a) trorrcrooF:ol.o F.t^ rr{ >r.a .'r, a.e ? >o !>.o aE -.-0.6; N-.J 'D E.r.i > !{r qf oo,Q]J2Do .J4o rir(,,c qqro O r! 'i ,0 3q, ! o.rCiX'l ro q;Ot.rdrO O>rOiOr .!o>9.rotUIJO a, N-c. -O .rL.o'|.'ar\- -Ori OEt CnAcEt EA4 (1, .\r'<'i U rlotttIi !r . ir. rr t',' ! Ot, dj t r .r|.;aat .!G(rooCr'-r.r.Q '{ O > .- .i O O tr r. o o i O i l. q O N ,9u.rq)>c - .r, r.i;o ;> coo .r q, cq ! r.,<.4 F,!l o od rr o'd co|oo!.coiO t o.C -ra.a E.4 > '.1 ,OCocO q Ar,koC r. GOr k!' 9..9>.t4 .\a - ar;-;. dn.r-di- gr o r. i r a o -a .- a) .t, o c u ' (r o,>lt .irt <, c of, rl .L E.Jac .oalEa - e c) r. o '.' a l' .c x o. .c c k (, c o o .c > |! E r.erE'!>o.Qar\ .\l .9 i6.Jo > o E o a O o ) F. u , o a, .J , o t- o tl E !, .o l. .J o t ., ., o.ar.{.Q.r o .|J'.OqLo aa> o o I E$,go ar', larEE a u .\oO tO, ar.'r a V r..{ o ,o >,.{ o> n o ut! .CEO rlr.'t .a.rO - .q a,{ Ea . .Jdk U. !|.rC kO | ! Eoo.ro!. -'{(, O .'{ otOF CrEo I ,o.E '.{ 6 o.rOlECCA .J.ra Or C!' |! .Co.O 'O rD O L .rrr>OD EOtt.arO -.r rLA O -'{l. o. ar 6..1 s. r !, ll) t o LAa >,'{ E.ro !Ol\ .r o a, E o . t o rr c o C ! >OD O O O tE .i Oq -{ .rE..r C!or Ur..r o I }! .r f),4) &n!i>EAe ,c }.a E !, H c..1 c..ro c, oq Jc >.isro.cu.ra o c ooE crOo og 4a, ,E o ar>!rc4v)at |!t.O ,Ear O U .A t AJ Q O >r! ao>t@t{.r o!.E 09C (J O .oa ."rEtJ o2!.. E.tieOO ui-r C Oq, i, *r -{ .rl co o. ... or!o r. bcl ,rr tf al:'.4 'r9.t ltog (t X '< ol |o ..-{, vt D Or.cc Ar.O E O3A CCo t o !.-{ 4la '.t |g >r.Q o otqro r.{o-4r!. o ooonl.ot ooL , Eo! lO.O ,UaE OoF FlJotot'rH>o C q .d -'ldtr .-r - ol ,r,. o..r |u ur .o!:' idr .J r.d >,q ..,..,ac r|.r o.d. lloo Eo oco..r tf o -{ (l' o, o rJ { ,{ (,, x , c L qr.tra o .rEu l>> Frc.er ro!o tt v E $ ..{ o u .a c rr .'{ o o .ioo .i< ol oo oo& a.4aQ, toE.roario!3|!(, ,.r kt!|.r. o o !r.r ril lid -'ocll rr ru'o .C-^ EA o,aoo.oE r.,Q C O!|O rl O. .O O(J OOE ttr.r !1 -...C O< O.!to oturo o p.At il o.^ i!.c.,{ x !roo .q .c.-.ru9 d.or5o a, oogO d .r!.r ..1 oo OEll.rrrl !>g o!,.d!'(Jt .CoqrOk.r k '1 t ! .d o clo|o =.io r{ JJ O.,{ -r o .J rJ O lt o fn Cn .C ! o r9o o EOo trl.i- cl-ct !. '-{ '' li! -{ r!.'r b\!i c t.r 5 drqj..l O!r' oE a E!||! lE C OO .C'). O!)CE,lt l|{.d O .JCEX Or'N.rr a o ol > o!.Eo .coFo E 0'' o.-r o-r or4 rr.(r.i.Jo 0o Ior 9r|r{ -lr.aj ..lO Er{ o 9.r.9 ood-io ri.c ti t} c, '{ Fld o q, O O OIO X 'l r{ O, O o C C o Jr o tr ri >i rc E Iaar ! O qJl .4. \ u.J .Otq, ro.o.rr.OOor C.r6.Qq n!0c .qq> .rl 0, sl .o ,{|E, uo aEEE .t r.! t o.,{..r !}oq. i !lgo ro .., r! t .Jl > o ..roor .|J o.-r t o|l].r.rqr ajo c.cF >rUr IUE E i{o .-l OCr. r!o k l( .lr ! qro,C o r..t.Q -6O3C r!lu.c E!, o r{.,{ rJ El p.....r >ru.r 9oo u E.roq,oJrE!! al o E.q d)i. c> oE0, alolE ) .'{ o o.r(}E oed..o!q. 0rcocr> El)Fr r.O t -rC Olp.! It FO-{ -{ .-O -o9}!u o>o.O.i !.. ,aar.l a) !. l, c,oo ulo-o, .,i -o.o.-. !a !.r t{ @E .d (lJ r!o J --r o'o'r E oEok >ll i > g I lF 4 a6 o..r r.{ ,ooD|l )2a >.rru(,o I l!0E a .,t o crlo ,-r&E . {r..{ .o!c qrto -.roc{,is.i 3ci.o ori L .ro. -clrj.J a, -,...{ o d.^..r o ro o |'| '() o o \}r o ! .i ! 9r. |J o-{tal{ (,, o .Jl ..{.o !o -; o9r{ .c ll, rb( !o>qooo(, a.ll.aJ..f >t a) a, O a, I!| -C o.r D a a ) .r t, E C G O E o (,) 5 O.99E aC I .-.c| t qrl-l o ar oooo o!l9]ar ot..ro. o.{ or.r Q, l. .c k '-r.F <o t .o -t Ol..{ +r O 15 ''lo, j , ,l o .rJ .d d\ . r ,i I O .O O ql o {r t{ooC OH o l|! C C o t t{ .'{ +. .J C o io.l rr E.C o L).rlct. o ,r> Jrlq 1' |o!ir(, dro EEo.-trrqr.ccco 2.rc u>! rn., € C-{ Ul q/4 dOUO, -{OCO N C d !. O O l: o O } J rJ '{ O i1 {r|.Oo . o!, Arl qJ .J.{ ;tt .kO.C .n q.p an.J.l EO CO'qU 'O tl,OO tla <l o qrl {l9|! !t o, i. ,{ o.-ii .r rqo q,r c o l{lllO>0, '-.1 EE . . t]'r,c r..l.r -.{ -c rD .ttl JJ'r, t ..r .u\ r ! q,e.{o a, r.,r o,c .oEon do a 9c rJ Nl!Eo 5 t<oroc N.{r!c ol c o -r o u .,{ o .c o r o 0 I u .{oo>C t ilt .aA r. a o tU.-r itiqr O.r.co.i.C Xt aQ!.o , ..rE> Ea-i o i,a c ! xti c.rq .r 9!.{ar (, -.t,! .-. orJ r^Eoo 2 at6.< ou> ,{ .r oo|lktr rr{ c!Q -,r o |! >.'{ .O > 1 .€.a. .- tDO l! r 'H E q .C r O > r 5 .r o o loru\ .Lt .coE Fr(J!ro tl ..,t r,p.i ,rrE a !.r o.r.rr 9.+., o dr a.r.p .rr rH.),r 6 kd c tr c c uO -'. o.U o o l\ a, r.r.a .u E.,r .c.lo. ! o 'Er.,A> r'ai > .Jlro ar a;E ,+.r'," i: ill: i . o'FrS' ! g Et | 'o E | ! a ,(|.:r ! -i o I u I . r I o o I t{ o o o t-.i I:t-r O > ! q, O >> O U E th q q, ..q L D' -{ o 5!O\O!rtE dqr.q E.,{E O|tr q >O >OoOa, l6t6,oE\or tloarctcr 'o]cqr ' o 6E '!c ia ",lr !o! ctoOEO-i> O (,!, Ata .e -6=allro>rtoE .r5 orrE (r.., t 9 E ! O o>rtr{.gd (,ra oEh or .aroo tt ll !'c ,a oF.oF oqE co Oq)|looool da .i..rooA c4ao ro a.Jx .4 az lardooo,, r c, -{ qEcst oGal a.cY.4 rr ,r, .r. o Er.r. io Eo ,ooq e>E'.t E.ro oo ora tukoou .tE bn.,.r; o o a- or. o rt, !..{ otJ ,t.orro.o. tt ! -too .coon -rto! u l..i oro^turq o u! q, c .a or - EJE .J..J 4 .) tUC l.kEE > .i.U DAECO >.ri{o>cq, ..a.-,i{)rtooc.r r{ o .i{rI u .Q tut E t* r! cr.c tn-. >;.a aJ !r.r o-r i, .l'-. , F t >r! r&!g .!J ,EE{J q.i rr.i >, .A t, Ol! 9.aoa.< qro- ooo q, .-Uor&.{L .! k!'. tl, > ara ,q o Ao a d o?ir.{ u,a t^ io>cc, ,. r.. >4rro ao-aE at.oaqq. O -c r|. oooioiE ru U' .oclrq'o ooor Ja-{ oo o. o >r..c {r.i E or. !, t'c ..aqroc 94Er. O..,Q.'I.J O ..to.r.ioLEo .r{ k q, r{ r!(,oa Or., to Edr{aro(J i u,.r-E .a th -.c,. nt !.< r.ExoE a\ u d odlr.roxoctro o croo >.1 aOEO-)\rq r!.4 FdOoO q, oror o& t. r.o a)4AO r., O-{ r..or. OO, rcrot i..t IUC O OO - O CqoS lJ.oo O ril2tE!.o.q!'r,.r 04 o! ! r{oc l!,!}.P .rrCcor. C, oCrO .( C, o..r O-{ O|. rr!9oo q.q.. E-,ruooo >o9q,> c, >o-r r!.. 9.,a r0o> a a ol Cn 4r. E a .;EOOI, r.:E.,r kg. r.,C OOorO'd (, O.'I i {r.j a4 } '! .r o rr .c o . q, t, t, ) al- .Q6ooo (, uro IH ! O rI-.{ O r I C.OCO..Jd|..oCo 9. 'O g. 4t ug Oa>' \Oq, ! 9c-a4C o soroE l.,ooor.4trld o o c c,, i'o )r o a.-.d c c, !..- c, 'r{ o! o o'.{ !{ o l-q, Eo oF{ O < | r{ | ,.1 -acr{ ,.t rt o'E o, '! rJo.cE - 03 aE> .t a >a.A 'o r{ 3 oar.,r\r.too>\c rol< oar D'Q3Et so(tt C, tC.r'.OrO | ,.rthaa)tai.Oai'' C Cf: O O.r oOa ttA 6 O.i O '-.1 '{ l|. .C O O.i!.a o.J (r.-t .46 O-.ar(') O O 2,.| u oc ! .io o b1lra.Jt r.co, oto aa at {, o't-. o.!l >ocrJorsLr | .a tr>o corr>o r.o r.o .r!oor. EcE r{|rorlo (, r{ - t.AttE .- Ito a.,r oE 9.t:$ lna.ts tra @aE c(t). h c,!ci!o r qi> !q d 'ooq.ro .i .,o '| .)>t!!> I IEOOO L d|or{ uot i{\ r. a oh(,9 sr. Oo C> .,r (, gO !|or..i !, OC L.4 rO.O Q >r\x ' (t O,'{qe t{C0,t<(rOE H o-C9.lt oCO .!r o sO OE .QOO !l (t.r L2-1 O> >r)) E A..i r! oO '0|! .i r! Jl.d> t4 (, ar',cta aE !i< c o 6!,,aa.a rr.og-> o,l o> -xc!ca, < c, loQF OO O.J! tOo(J A ua -oq!U>.roo., .r\ I a ,oOOJ. I '.G tr! €t!O>9.rr Z CO' li r! i! A C- g!, 'r> >..r t{ !l raro!, ! rr. ]'.J.i u Ea 4 o.ro.er6 3o.ro-t o-/ aE .Qct o.r in !, tE?E 0.drrC$<|!4 E .C, t - r ttt th.C.i EO et .OlroE Ol.,a0o lrr E.Jqroco\ (,, {r.q..J crroir.|, ar> q} . \.Q-u ,) a o{JO O{r !r.-oo so e. oro .ooux a 6 ?/tE oqr r!.,{ E 2 tl:,e7 D t' ,C..rOOo>!l Z do ct I uqrq rr. oo cocoqo 4 ,4.)q, !r .is. F ri .J o td lrl ot! o o,! o,! o r. 9l o r|: o o .i.. o..{ olE |. ! icu,.. t c .o nr.., i o 'o rn ..r aJ.i c.J, E t.t<o u^ cooo o rll r..!coE-coaoer .9 c z !rrroocro t! E .a a1 .1 '|1,.| ..rno.rEilj rh a >)a l.c.i o\.c in c n|o r'ra, o a.-to tu(, lr '(r ar c9 r'. o.{ . OCr>r. < .t O a.ii.COC t-. O.r>.a.oO <: oU.g<l\ at ti a,r r..i q, ,{ rrt.dL!.!r. itA Froa th Z|J4 aa 3 Oqr(a O< Ol{CoUr. .,{ A d.a 'O.a !, ! r. O 99 L, > or'!t C9|.G iO!CtrO . rr.roOoCOttOg li tt a, . tta'cq . OCr> u c at-.| .rQ r'r ..rodtEooto..q t alL a ',ac.J.o 6 ua I r! rl"r? l' " !.<a, u | ... F, . h t t o (, o | -. E, o -.r o OF Ctt -(rcc.{ .o (0 r.-o *o.rr,{ | c6 .t er..{.-l.t.,aarlDt..,toooro.,l tc ! allt looE ! r u () o o. o o E rr rJ .r g i (J o oQ-Ccr"roio.,{.Jo Oo c aa.r.o! OF. ,{ r. Cr uJ .aor.|!ialFa C (,O ootro> .i On OO-aAoI r{ '..Ciq,C A Er!Orlu'okq do ot }.Ja< {i.< {ron |r |f llkc .troo.J ocr{.a>r!,Eolr|r U d ..E q-r ! o!. U C C O o Ja o C o |or' C > .-l . .,'! t< q OH C E C t:rG| !r r,r,r 'a d Eo ccr>q, cot9ca . a, r!.i ol9 -aoaroo.c.4 CrEr. >.d-t o t.ial\ Sarcoootn'o r{ariot o.rcuor!cbo-<,r.>v{ o 0,, o! o-{(Jo ^oEo or.oHdoEo o :c .,{ (', o q, E .c o -i ,c ..r(l)r. 'j]Jc.al< >r!c., c bh Qd .-o g)k.4 Fo !cn.-l!.Jo al!l] o.cJJoEOol o.,{ t4C O OC Oq. \ ->! OC }}CO.iuD .r.r.!OorrE,!oE>ruc)ot0o ,o u ' vr-r Eda -atrlo uo!t oio |.(, !) oF{.r.r16Eo!nE >o Og !rO ., <ti-l O.t! .'{.d at o !O )CAEA o.toarA .Jr|{ ..O 0, C0, E Or! |!Er > i r. o ri r. .c O r{ O > o', > tr > tl0 tL.{ o -qro > .i.r|.t >car>':.cr !\.i o o!-c.rr r{.,{ o, c 0, {J a,u|! C' ot! ur)Eoo .qo\ .o.-r o o rrl .ro o r{ t:. I u JJg)'|nr.-r./-{.,.rr.E .a!OO> tOo(J !C.O rri tl . ..r tl *l o (,, 'i CClo(D ,OrrOi> EO t{.1 .aa lU..{ Ci "{ 'oC!l .l 9.}tU o -!Od.q4O..1 (''lfO.i .,t g{;\-{?<o o.>r! U,C n !, o.t O.-r Oo .. O O l!>OOO O()rJ! CE r.{ r{odEoooE> 5 !||! ct -brJ Ea 'lt.o>ct'> n a, t.,r >,,r a,O.o.'_i!Cr{rd{ri !o.C iEnNCO>O o . tD li O ... (1, L (0 .-{ t{ E O ..{ o U ,O..r.r !, rO tlr 2Fr o rJr, er6Oo O ..{ 'l .,>U oH!EF.H > {rE..{ cj.'a q }'!Ctloo .ro !ou .oor,. I r..9.{ co-{ o rI0' o o.r lJ caJ on.J.y r{.,{r, !, roo.oJ:occc, r qoo.,rrorq-. !xE.cEr<rrru '!' ta1(rt - tr, o, !r|!tn9 .r<,o., ..r ,f t{cOq..O o9OUo(,o.}.f '.{OOEOoulxa ln.c !! 3 >.{ .do -rorc, r0n tonEa o o.i-,r )9. o 9o.c}c-{fqcoS H!.Ooo! oo..ol! Ecrll,tt -r9. rFri.c! r{ o r.-t cro 9! tra II<E-{tqru\l{ 0,t {)& -co l. otck... a\}c., .,H c.c o {i.,{ ol( o ral. 4 F{OoCti,C,uOtO OOt.J OOo.-torcArO O ,i o .O F o..{.rE }0,tiC Ir.r -..r -,{.rO|Eo rU oO .aql .C E O.O.r .e.!.c oc} .r. -{ .r .rroO9ri'{ r{q > o,.r o o.c.c J{.o t{ !, r. If{d.i N o o.o c oo o k !ar ru! |! QoO OO-.rcr.r.aout a q Aa '-i.r>k i >o.(,o !oo oa> l!q| E 'o.H 3(r!(rt loooa, ..{ o.,p -i..r o q, alr ).o o!., o.cErsoor'ooE 9gC tcl glUO!tr.. C-,{ Or! |! O'ttlloEE dO. oOr..Ct .rO FrO r{! .-rOO -O Oa'Oa O!^ o r.., -Caroo o ! Er-t'{.Ot (,.rOE t^Cq}aJC4 I 'r OF..'r|JE.h od c qrt o.cr.o!<oo o o.ro6 o -r.oo 6J:f trl|'ortro.rccJ a'|.4 !r-a,o. .rtr= o Ex.oq93!.|!.r{ F{.iE>L Qc(, 6r! o.Qo|!Jrd - oo (i' - iri !!! a, :Eoor!, OoCto>-.roo..tELO .'t r.!i u !,t tr.- o>5o kEc.iou,c o|. x rc..{ !.c o o io_!9 ! -QSE.O O',ro oO. .J,D r...r 9OOOt.!l!.r .rr ! i O ! r. E , o u .r E C t{ . O a!t .rxo|lo C.rr C (JErJ3t (J${|{,{ .r! U oro-r C o-.{ artr{ (D ar dr,!l -r ocrE'r orq c..r t'!o! o ot ,o rHi.D"tr> o.9 ooq|! -ctril!q,oc'oFlE€ 5- r! 1J OO .CC>C !! q' r.'o \! rQ lr (,) !(Jt o!.a.ir.4.J).4r:.{r9F tr.>Hq o *-lur'!ooo tr co.c F.rltoil!., F qr\t E> o6o qHoa|!E HdTD,r:COc)C >(JO O O.r., OC--t0, b.oo !. .o6>>E .O {J.-td d\ .C!, ! r:{o.roco.,r }() o !o. !ooiq€t, o.r{),oE.oar -otrH'.qr.!'>lt <l cr> --r(r9d. ar(o vro(D-.o \O > o.t-.!jt F-O;i--l.o,.r.Or ioor! Ec.,.r .-uoln .,u> o ..ro cA c .o|:drovtltJoco.r rur!ooo(rg nr o - ! rr rr X O ll C C q, . NinO r> N!r.O.-i|oU r{ Ur lr|iolO.Cd >)rOOs-4,-E .Sr<: Q!r.a H ,rO .OOOO rr! -ri q qr..r .r,.rt Eo qrOr .ro!, oi r\to,>\q 5 E.r Ur Nt 0, lr 6t>o >: 'oE N+5\ oJ i .r . .p u ! '! .r > (D .i t7-q .. E>_rr >... g ..d o ,i.r O .d oX\.u..r O $ c r.t.Q lc.-t! (r C o. Eqtan9 ? ar r-r-{ O !l .C Fl .C-r (, E r.{OUF{o>lt F{..r O aEa) '! a, U'} r.i.4?-1 !. -OdlOrrlooo!.r.r .J i! q, r.. or!o.-!o --r - x..{ -Q'n r. coL.-t (, (,!f !r (, < < (' .c o .c o ar :| .i q ..r€ r.c bi,{o.i t.r rd>o5r.rt.rog|l!t >q6tso! o.e.J o(/) o.Q !> ! o q, t . ar,q > a{ t).a .o E.., E.Q o > o{r o E.c! oqi ottAO-l A> I |t, \-",..E . t o .l 9 o 3 ti t.>o!^!.CO.|J u d t doc.fatug., C,o QJaE., CaF u C rC r. g.eo.aucoC r.> .JE,a tAE o.ioo 1r a, q, -.t c ctu-a r..i.Eo I .eJ|!(,,>6 eEC E ao.a a 6oo.oO,ir.,r. .cal/,, !d'>t424 .i€iCr OoXl oo. |EC, rr,Ot iU U'.t g lo!.1', o o ... c rl, .9 o G o o, o -{ o o EoE .9 lErr.as d cOE O!, (J;c.Oq, i-tc-OOa)q Coe. l4 .,rt l,.rior.;.Je,-.a t:'!.c€q, q.-aOo;OAu..r Oe, ooo> - !lo6lrsQa >.incE cot!r.co (,|o duc icrNa,,,l(,o-!{a.a.tEA a aau o at -o ir -k .!i < q, d9.a' trr.>E t- .E{ro .io>- - r.> > n>c, AXIUO Cl,.ae., r..Cr O r, '.. .)>aUe.>aeAA Er.A M O.'!c>:,.J'.,oo>,oo o 6ir)r>oi.rEa, l> -a a, .J E.ta, '{ x.oc| .aq>o|,co- .JoEoe-(, r.a 4o!u .!oE+r -a,t ., O a,,C CrO.r .a>CEq|!rOoo e > aTa.119Oo oer{riut!.r.Ot a -OtO- .arrO g!'! oCGF>Eo! !.Jogc.9;ar(rE i u ,{cr99rr.> UOE c4 rr.oooco.J.t>'''lLJcy, Et Ex.,{ac'r'Duo a oaloaLLot!4 .i o-.,!t.a at7j -.t.-.ltr.;": .aOE l.tr{ EAcAOo .9>Er. ll >-c >r L l6Eeo-.t,EA O llr.{ o!.o!E i.. .QEc. co'oi.- o.-c!'L iu Erro ta o o '.'OOoC OQqroarlr 9Q d'O OroO C .'. ot l!!q|Ho E.i!(.ro.q I ao-cEd !) a, rllriouEo olug| !ea-oEO].CO tt r. .iq/O lrk rqc, A" A eE .'i.i -a|.>o.r>o! oo E, tdooEEoatE6 E.a 1l -5.PrJ 4 d .a O E C E O .n .C t O O lJ u.t.; t >OE Ets9O!.r.r ]r..ro.r>C.J1') a, Cr.tn'|d.-trFtCO oto O aatOara. O OOa t.'t oOit.r-E .a.a Adt. ..{.r., -rco!rqoo.oEoo o e orc|!3o E.r. lu i|, .Jg.Jl!a Co GtC'- .ot . a t;aail:.- E. oO .c!OO O|!QU!, c ej... o -...{ -' rroA Es.6E6o-tr!-.O iEoE.t >qr9o .aJ .o ; .o tt g, 9 a ^ a v u o E o -6 o .rorg t|r'r.J 6:col' toO l- oqrO!GEoaiE M c!o!.r.g.roo I "! (,,tQ--{nco b|,dt cAto -o Or',c.aa {oooO.A }.6e XE Ol, .{Ooral|..rCt'o .; !r,ri |.ioort tEA'r.,r .OoE OOo|r,t]2 at t7{.l .a io (,,r.c O on !^ aru C.r q/ r. q at qr9 .!E-En |.. a.Cf !IOE.-1'tn.ct.r C € 4, o Ar ..r O C, rr qr or Z E -a\t !-g.a rrc z ooao-. tl .JqrErr|r (r.'. qrr.e!E t,. co ooE o\r.a-. tfl |- H,.i.'.O r O;-i dr ,.. ri o. i o.r. eu't2A^9 aet?O 9..)EF. c| .eA a.'izc C-.r -Or.! rFlno o\O o (tos e E at'! aaF',r d, OO!.4 !O|crt U ..r |og.FQE ertuOO('! Oa.u 41 9oe. < O'-t r. qr d|O.J!(JOO!.>rO o .e.lr! r-N a !O9 tt ,( O>>racl u, N!Ero o oar.or .^ c,,ooco!Jo E 4 o9c> i> t r.cO oO!<O< CrUlE.roC C a- .tJE|.,OAEAld.A>C r. it.A A tr rEo!tL a) {rtcl>84 o.Qctut.oo z .t NF}:lo t.a It.1 \, 9.ag'9.,-. Z tr4 diOtaq c-OoOci-< a I - O!. E ,aa,| D o oOc.l, < ).t .rr.oo >d n .D t ..rao- .ri.oQL .t'hE & EalJoF ,acto.oErr{l! !cru!.8 ra cor,16.c,! .Jqro x .4 lr >r{roxc c' co Eo!|oE!oa.ctu c )o crqrooEc!r.J (4 r. c9.J rt r.rtroor. z ao ioda cAaLt.tJ H i(!g(,,E "ooo 9l oo}..i o.rc>.D H aa)ttt ccco 6a 5 ErcE0J.JooEar,..o E E .dt >. rr.i tO.0 A r.i >!oOrE G>>.i O c)OE.J>9.4o4 l OrE, G QF>C9O < O>OOr.qrH<iC d.O!|.^ rrt ... !)E#O a>..t Z !{rF ( t} }. -1 .!c (,, r. .o c , I '). o. o g, o o a, c. d >oc|.Etlr.do o o!t c q EQPqra t, or o >6 ut aau -|,.a.) .iq,.o0,Eqc,Eoa,r.. a| r.t.n 0 ar q.o ->c o .tt|,qr||lo ar-ir.rJ oo.iko I aat >oEo t Q , .o t I co{O 2 -.o |r oO.Eorq.ri., o; tl u -oO;roooo < oo! t qrOo at +! 4 aaa.! tEo.Q,crcr.canu c otoit, Etit-4 tl o.al i, o lrl QIlo.J(,-l .I <r.r! t c o t .t , ta f- 6 c ct o I zu (1, c, g rlr.., o9 r. 1- z :E? a< z o.,Cr\ t r. o o .o ., t .a t <) O C .a at E .J,clt'cEA E tl, .<oO -t at{.).< .rtc.nrO Cr!|r!t a, O.r., l'l)Aot ErSlJ iCr 4&EO.,. . Or(rq, CO C^a>io . C!.q >r.J ro.r{ . ooq . 6 Er.a o -{ o ! r. o o 4 s o t q" o o r. !. .< ooo>rrr.oro.cr. d !.rrl .'r ,ca,oe> -f !caoaa io(,oouooo ... uouroEl.r.J(, .< o,f a a n.ou . .,j . . ! 3 > g'.a Utrnl{l. Or|t 3ta, {,l. '. -{)-clooo Erar- | ic,.c !| l\rrrll a !.ro.o'o t -a !o6 od!r. ..{,{ tuo r., ruo ll, oc > !e4339: H'j,b?,io, f,5'i.3"":.: ib*i-. sE:ts;-€ o>.:;'3&6'. SXb".dEi* ".33.!' EA,acoar ..4neE (,|o.i-ra t .caro.cc .o.rc!rlt 99ot.ca Itoia,oxr{.J-ao - -.9ot dlD. !or! r.i ',! It -r A-t o o>54<oouoO ,ctr'El r.t'. oo c.'{ c, rt, o -'.:0, (,jt ; i- t.A-o - ot -c. ? -oOoEar6ot.rOO .{oO,6EE \.q>\oLr, 6c ua c-c.'4 6a o .Jookoo u .!( t .a.c E'''r d.Jo.-ao oi o'{t cto9i lt tJ!'ckr.&>c9o t.J0!: r{ !t{ O.r. -. .qO.'.|-!|oOo|- .J o or.. |o O-i >rO uo -o! t}o.c ., ll|||oqrt . ar3 .J r.{ o '{ l! E,P'(, r > 0Ir.>'tE,U|o .c .{irOr.q) ao 4aaroO,4il|o ot! kor. o- O-r, -olt'|ZoO oo!r .orruJa oor ooo.co cFlcEoait| |!'r! ..E|!d lDt tLtD -ro-r rHJ( o >.1 -roQ--8"-o r'E€.gli!"o' c;dlg?3"3q o"99,3 'BEcraroc |!od'ooot 0rE o>o a..t.J)c >!do..!I 9x?o -ooo o... tFc! >ouo .a o.. d, io'r r. -E* aHbt5;8.i z,-.5l-i'**9.i td?3353'"- i:i -o. Eoa..cooo C.Ci Ur O. tUartOO --rUO A o 'O qd 9 -t!.r.,r- r{ .oo'3& q Olt corJ ,Cr.rCoo>t Q.c!!, O r{ g>r -or.E|! {rl o .oq-.oo 9.'o o oi,-{ o$. q.oottoE arnk ., 0. rtcl{,o-colut9 o0rorre.{cr! o.'..J !utioOar 610rn_ot6.oq d6orO.|rqio|' L.!i> o Orq-3EFE tl.*i[,.ts"o g 59.9!cg35g3 o35iEt .'!E r::;e. 31 8.oi""o-93;9 ..9i.981;&! 3&.trer Plb: ioorDo lEdi.|!..oiooo, .,.r a, t k .r q, o E o o o ur.-., ! E l.*.,{c G..r uro tll tc!oo k..< I dq! !o !.oEaroq, yl 0r.r |!6*...r-G ilrr.ro -;o no 9o.CEo..ooAt o-r-roEl !{-lq>!n d od ol coo-{c{roE ruoo./t )! soattq2 .rxe.C a, >ir r! l{ ll{!:ECol!-atl! ol.'too.r.oOo E4ttu (, s. lll -. oc{t.)o .clo r o.'{! -a! r tr!c!r.co!-{ . tl, lrr'd . ooI 5'E:; ?l""5iE$9,1 ,3603S"o.1 t3"E.3b-. iSle9. i|-{Ur o ru rl } o- J.'{rr.'.r 04 1)FE ! -c.,r. oorio ('t o!{.'1 l|E-{ E4 l.l OZ,.rA Ot > '.{ O.OOOO O .r'' Ea\ta ot E t4!).o oo!uo g! lk \ -.ioo oE c.r oo o.r., o E a.t { I !F!l u65E: P tlf.i.gtE'F.9 jr5F6"'C;te 9b'.3i31 '"of qa.c, E J. E| | ol.!.r!o.or-{ ol r.. roois i,4..9o a. d!l .€aF at{t L dloc> uaJ.d r.-o .i1..{ !l9 trrb^ !t t<.r'tl . d !rx.,a- Eoo.r ( ol.a; - !r->'!E .ul'{ '{ aa.oOo od>olt9 ox!9.' -?"tgB o 3l >ile!-99'":l_3.1 3!:3Fb.6 "'o*!Psi €'g.ao- ' -=o!, a ol'! l! !).rp.-E .al or.-oo-a o x -cg)!t.-{€.c('$ bg-4. 7 .!l'.t85x-39 ;l' g:8F;83" 8 C"3g!*" 3966g? r{..{d"'.,. 016.:j.!u.o.r.ci.. "16Ei.E.Eeo fi ;3:&5o.; (,' g:aq iai r..i >r!.O q 1!;orOEtat| t oqOo ! Fr o t!\ L(, ttrro 91 9yr q .r, '! O lr. Oc, < .{!F.Ett.O Out 0, ol .O. O.c{.''{LO > O-rt qo Id F..{qo .l i o € .Z .:o L > rc .be.o.i.9.cooo !r o -'r (\ c..{ I & o auar\ .@Ea4 h \ot.ot-o|{-cru (t, (ro.r (, r. ' rr z.o ..ro o F. zoo.a.td ]! r..,|!> LE (!rlr-r !. llr o rlr r.r.EloEEoo o>.cooE r. Eoi -. g)o o -c|!oc,!k ,Fr{ooEor. a^ uLll,o dloEr.6 n.c:xor. . karoi.colr.o &ooot r.oroo . octok..J . .cEaa> okreq to o!c!otao.ro oEUq'H.Qd!,..c F rolr a.ejld (D Faq| II ; I L !e [r!.,*,t::"fr. "ri;f ui;ir.;r i I '! E 5.'=5"8^ZEX5* "*6,1 f €v o oo, ac-> E).to o o.i >r 6r. Q, n u r. c a E e o u o 4 'a o r.. Ac corJ .r9uoE\E ., u!r(,ooarcoq,ro.3 oq,>, 56'.' t ! P ? E 3 .:, 0 ; , 3 t 6 i4 e '^ oooL;rra ,,v ;:a li,!*: ltL55i4'pEi:.1EIEiiE",..i7€; tse,elii .{;:IF !;F:rllEl]i::;!;iils;$!i8u8. !e...5rii",. "iEf ! to' re00qrd.''o.3Lfr;-;;3Eibat (Jcc>oc. Fo";IE,ead ;;E;F :t98"ai'aiEiseF r.,'6i-6q,.iz_ ! qt:6 q: r; r'!'r 6 E I g gzili; tg : I $.:E P g i :;;;:r, ?i:!:g!3; €€lai "tsb.:6i6EE.":e;r38!?A:::Edz^2 E.;;;3,'tt 5 3 ".! ?, ;,.:3:;:€E^ -E;2)An o ,,95 g 3€,d o .Jt .> aotiii al-- -.i io,nt oi!,rIst.+,> e-dr. c o6.i,. iu o o o," r..., 3l ".': g e Ef, "a€ u 5 o Ig9,,- if ;b b S g gii 495 H i t5 {, o !."i '.5 Bl g;.:9.9E6- l.e - g.o qr r. cr !.. ,! oei .d r.nt o!E., , q qr,'. {"*: ;f,.i 6; ;lj $i [i E.i;!r.E i,o &b 6.5 u >.,r i^0 o. (u.J.rr (.r.. .ro I.a iuq,(,',c rE (/ rut c(r> > qtE'o{J4 ' o;3 ..9! f i,x o o a b. j 5; qlr. o t' ithtt tr Qa.; b.r'a >F o- ai it.aS; et;6a.:t;i ;IE;.i ?leI*icrlltzi6"eisi!64",'S'f-i'. g 55 iozat, !c,F -c.E;.r gl.!ri.82l1..:6i6.iiF=:i:EEe!3" 4 1-. E,Eo'it"ib iSioi ;l€ " 3 b " 5 -g .i 3 o o c{ .lJ r' o " o o' o o 6 o 'j ..' . 1 ga t9c>c o.J sr r .,oo k! aoc{lrq.r,/ceoE 9*rol-.5"6-.lo,, c c D a.^ e.1 3l_- i o igi. o!^ r..J 6 >.r.9 35.,, c3;3 E B' & o> !a iaU:te !!.:*) 16>! cautrl q, ! c, s .,, k a ! o .i (, > o.r? bE ii.ij:f r;; Er".gc Elc;; e>pi;t;i.te"Ei..E"*."E8Ei ?c'li'ts3i." ^'ii'3 'l EoF.,E'3:;E3?,&.'tg33o!..; i" i5 -BE63bIib *E'".1 ,i q/r oc r:r'oro tr'cEaEo !r'!Fa',o!i!' Be, ..i E s.i;:l; I l.; s d $ :lii; c;iE? !:;E r'-z2E E o'3'eT s on .(J .O ad(/oto .rJ .a A cld_ r.t.a> 6 -r.;i(,o .:;E!tfl ;n:i:f ;l):flE9rli.i:iFir:$>;t:!33;E :i :;c+!5irg eeB!58 =',382:;;l;s;:i5Lt:;E::#:t8 :5 E3 6;:9.,;:. .;.3t; ":;*b.t.:&E3t6'r6n- .!ocra;-o' 4r..1 . i o a,qi Fe. ,,";iiEi :riEi ,'l::iEj[;ErlEt:;:;]:E:?:: ii :1 ii88,;.f,t'i'393'!>gE€t[*gis i3 8.6't[..i65'iap3gEe93:3#5iy.ii :,;' !; d 5 t rl'.;.; !r 15 Ii".ct e & caoogl' cr.qc oco-.. Z ..{ 4rE C a, Otqro.>C alUOO.!. ..t a,,{oo,9 ru .,. c rEr.,{a , .16> >aEl,!c-{ |J.C t.rro O O rt .t , oii., t}}{t ,..r -c r. .0o ,t,co\ot .J.ti\oc -{t oiO l! E]|.i qrc. CEOCJJ (,, ClOi A ,1 r.|z.E.ltloc O S .rr O€ il)a..|d CL rl, llrC.iOO oO lrr. oo |Dt- .ruq, E dtc,o EctllEu El;or{.. Grd lal .t{ a, qr{.{\ c or.. ooo>.r !1 ..t.c -E A,'1 t or.J r EC., OO-{.iO O1t ll, .., ttkoq-| ."r.r 'O L O.,{ k .'{.Q r...a k E (}r.r >'4 Cdt OEta !.ao OarE OIIJ o q !-r U\|!.CO.oo| O..r -t-O E t.E{, A.P r. D-',r> O qi t a,O! o oJo!! -o r! kiC iCr q -Q k r.{ O tCtl APC'|lo!.J llqo Okol .OC - r]qrS O o^CqrcE.r p.c !t oc.aH rE o.o.'{oq{ 9.s..r o 3E O C' C Cr O )i q i) H o.,{ Ct| k4 O O O.,.nt Ea ! rr..{ -aoA o.o., o ti olu.rd6 > o.lccirr. orf aE!, ."{ (r-coo ..{ > cllt l. coa\ooout ,{ \ d.po ar(loon:r aJ-.to ccQ, aq ,ag-,. < -r a).{ t o 4.c r1 oc oooro! o k-.a. J.r c, - og,r -j!! i-+i.r<, o.- r{}qo,<! rl.loa\q,Eo. .coo .J q. a gtJ$ a o,a.ro r.oalZs o.!> ,.'t X &'l!oGUC &lD() U -.{ o.,{ ErO-,{ L t !'| ..r O C t O +r.a {, q, !' > ! CoEo{J >OC lll .4 .U$ro.og .r CEA& .OO..{>o n .r.Q.rt drJc F o o o.uo, .plr{ o9r.1. -,{ L o..,t 2 oL€!l-.r o! >r Et ctg.o) >rE O! > U'6, to)o a -!Udd-{ .CrJEtlE Ol O,p I-tO -t!qo t!(,tr Z q O r..C t! o .,..,{ E a Elq, O r. O\' .JatE .u..{ c roxo t{ c-rF{ o .t c'.r r.! oltoo IZ E ta4 t)En a., i > oi.or.'o od'{r{rx qllrOo t, >r, ..ro r. o ,ro oc -.{ i -rEk kl .'ots udc r >.,. o -ll, o !.c.udo. .r.cxloo olq l.or F cuo.. oda .coro u-orJ ttr .r o 9r.o a,-{ rFlooag I ocE- >oc .r c,r & { o.r.rcF '{ o (J cl .,.'l p Ec, a < O..{ I O l{Cd>(joo !C!Oa, t{l>-r-ra c, E or^.c o'-{ (, -{ L r..t ir.c cN .r,r (l t{.c o lc 6:f t O--ia! |' C -t.'t Ld(U Z l|OEC!,O oOOO.!,.C r.lo L (,h (/' u-{..r o o.{ O&.q O |, r. U,Z 4-<) q.c.O -, t iOoO>O,.{ r{OXOr r.il O! I E'rJ O !ro2 oT|O e. toulu EQrod{{ l.r ! rr..!k o o a, rJ o o .{k z . -}r tr -' d o a,,l 6.a, o.t4 d'o >.r t '..,{ o d i.tr|.{oroo! o!lo'+.. l]l-r c9& E .r C,i{ koF i!.c o 5 poo,{o.o'! carar!u\o "l or{r.-F O U.,,E Og lt A Oc t'.Oot Ocotgu 'r]l..t rUE tAtE O r{ *.rO n!r.J:C -.{.i C o..{.a F. q,l >.qo. F !9rlo oc.r ..o o 9oor^loF.o 1troo -. r.. z 9l o!|?.o F ., !) I aoz o.o 2 4.J r rt l. .ir.r E o{r{ 3'l Ol Oq}O0o i ooc lit o..r.r ar|oo d !:c = !co..c'|.o = !l.J t9 O p C Oi O I < ntr (, qr o c o o o'o ..-r ttl c o {J trl al o >, z a\tE z xirJ U) c=.r ti ol)E'j rl -,.r E our{ T,o a) c.ac9q !. u rr!.J < O>n l|l q, o.r (J O ,.^ !.C+r O U Our.E & Ogr!2F F !. tn r..r c () r|r c-{ &1 r doo\c ! o o.i..,, o Fr.! or{(, Z '<c,}r. }. .oO Z OE r! Oriu.,rC{r trl gr. t: O f!. .|!or. +f 1 I .1 ! O p Q.ou. or O.iE I' EC rJElol E ECliqF,Co Z o(lroOq-H I < s z za on 9. z'.lo l|l t<oo o rr..r d k o q,..r -{o lrt -th<oa€ \(J c:t rlQ <.J\ - k -c.t.1 r{.r a) ,< q, t l.-c o o r!f!o aJ o '.9 -,a -ao r.r . ooF . l)|!.{ . rro . 5 or.i-or3,r. . tE d...t F{!-o c !Ic.1 I vr E !..i \O a.C r. OOtoc'!r @ o.i\o o-.t o o Loaei> .. r. crc| ..{ .r st !. .{ >.r F. ur{E aro r, -{ uEloE,.1 (J -{ o>> g 1 I j l-' i (J2 li| a< 8 o4 1 E !)e (, lo ltt !,qllE c) I 0 o ci,e d|q o atl .J o oFF IrJ!E\ t >'o 0 cr -u -a < ., c rl . E q,4<.ra ! o t o aJ t !QElll CA O !>.9.JtroC tr.0,-..co r.o o.o.rHStiErr-r- o q eotr! . ..C ! O O,!roc>o o r{ ;Oa'{olJ t Er.o Fr-1 ).A.^O !r.C (^'kUug,.-r !4 4r! t O.i.'r > O ! Dl!<o>.uc ocI .aa 6 t, 0 |t.,Ltr c.J.a IOOO.a!o O r.dr It a a O o, a.a Ic oru o >o > |o-. {, r. c a o Il-i-{O>O o |. la, r!'-..c |n o ror I.c .93 '.{.J Lli:o>lr{Octill{r c q{{ o !, o _cl.coo.-O >E.c. ol!l,.cI|..pq\J,-l'l o!r .J.lJ (1, .irooo .,1 ' e o'i,c > '!r t q, ?l|. 3 otrO d hos. Itrr. .c q. Ii, llGr aL r r! \, !,! F O E > ! r.{tE3[,t o| C r.! O.rUOr{Ot ..{.r O EItr O? q,, O C o >E Ctrr{ErJ r. luo> oir ...r otc.c l:Eco tld o, .J t o u..4 O.L'|E r{ r. =lI 1t olqr.! 0, i, 5r.J.Jo !lcc !Eo|n o,|or. .rl..l oi_r o o o E c, _la r. -.i O E Or Or C a,...{ I.r, n .dJ:o |. Oc& oA. >ca so'!t tt,a F ! !, o .o 0. , D.aa ..rlD4r. F in E 0,, Elr. t.,O.lnl. x AuthE a.>,tt rr{i E q !, i ,.oo o.cotd.4 '|c )r E'r. I o(J O t E Et ,ll k O C nrI I .i r..d O < q, O.i t<o !l o -c o o d .r o c o )>q <'oo a! Q 0rE E u.r.o .JOC'ouo > 90car td.t4 ! (, E.D !l .i.a r.o.J OE ccc tt <o lll-..o\ 0.l, 9 r! o o daaata 94a|,,a >a.1 :,::or. xo !, L.r ' o o a :r.a c4Ecot a ,.EEA> a.l .r< A.r rt O.o o I I 0,!, x a, (., o Ea (,2 rdF4 I vt4 o q, o I.lil 'l ,J -A ZI I o -l 3 lrl o Fz o(., xrJtttl1) | I iO o|C 1r o' O r r.r C- oot E > . Dr oct ca iDao I .,r o >r{ Fa, Eaa, r. .qotc to!r{r! c 44A .o E4E -a.. dc(a oat.,{40!! qi O.ptOoa, ...r.., > O. D..r i.O, o.{,{ otoo E.ro t.9 (|.rIr..cr !L -.o or '!(\l!r.r o]ra, a, Ed !, l!doil!, O|!dOt tOCCo.a o 0, C 19 O o i i, O o rU . o ., C] F r< -.{ o(e n b|!ara|!. > t G 'O ? c O c) .d O o. 7 c, Ot./.c ! .-cEd r.(r''CO .dOar qr.d !,dt5-"8j65'5rf ;3S"!grgt'.9€99.:Egb b3"f i.,.I"cor{do.!..i croo.ro :. ! r! lc o .4 c d o > o H 9. x(''( rr (u r.coqJ^D.l t 'lio Arq! UO. UU,tOq, I U r ci O.$ ar 0.>'|J Oij-lon--nEFC O urOlo O e-..O)/ tEr"oL -.!4 O O .iO Oo).u$.O>ltkO! A at.a o olrdE at .c OOg| .c !.C oOr! Or..r O.,|)rg tor{o.qo>o o c G I o o u ! i! c e a, D. i c 'o > o.cflE L cr..l|u !..rrr<'O o O> 4Od oCO OCrC!C ft)C au O Ae.uL-.4 9 e.d\ sqF!.iE>c.i ouo.c..rcr. .Joodrp 6. f. tld coc6C' :dqFq!-{r!cl!ri il{ r, co.rro .ioog} o.|.{ t .<a a).:a r!.?d - ('.|'t!o!9 .-{ !) l! o.o Eorcruc .r>o xo0ro oo .rc!,.ar,c.>>, -o.q !s. olL .J r'J o (r c r r. .c o .r ', o .o .J {, ,a.i o!oc to r. trr s! c c 'tt ! o r{ ! O O > qrOC0, OO.c orrcO > O |ito,!X.l at do<fir ocur{ r.>ooU'c,aEl.Ja o.Qouoc .c o.,r r fr 0, cl,258e1 €.3oi*934 ..".e*66'-i"'.i<";-9.9 n'6r'> "E.i3b-) e.o.o.i<'!r(, d olc q,> q.€{{)o.c-{c,<o r., trrr ctt !) ott{do!'|!qoc .!Errc.6 gl 3 : " g d g .g 5 . o ,r o > ' , .i ooaro o>roi>5Hqt.9.:3'io-g cr'.,!a ri> o.-,ggi33 c;*5 f FnoS>€!93"t.,6i3!" gl E6:gE3r5;-- &o.6'jo 3i"t 6.;b"6r{a|!Ud-{C(J cE Xl lO(,C9tD6 . >Cr.C t.rr.O l!.(:oifi6 *6,1 i9.5b3" Frlr. . E 4t c'-rJcr.c-<.,-. .toot o.r'.J6.$.ie;E;ii;;s3 el*1i-"!-':b:Ee:113"-' H6rf 5Eo"3 ,ElHr'i.!!5;i-38, Elt:itBUF:l5tEP.5*I r'3Hr E .i5t1 j ElUp;€i;.:8!i;E ql>eie13lPg!1i.i*'e! iq-Ul F iE*it t .re.ou->,.r 4o!:c. ;l F .. [.9 ? - E - " E i B.: : ] E tgo6 o gooo'Yf es0i|-uronloc,o ol c'. .lau)Ed>.a5 c,.rco !, o !r.{ : eL:Ft€lUF€:iA:ii.rs olbs.sitas.EE"gb;gEb s*nt L --*ilfiib5q",i-"*E tl .f".9"i""";;iri'o' -o-'li t EbESE lll;xSE;3;i5S; 31643-..6iqi*r.i>-rcotei ":E'l E qlB..r'."ro co.rsc'.cqr..{o il" " I 3 o " .5 i A o b E .' 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O.?t,o 9 O <o ! t. =5ogci urc|=dooa o-Lq?\rOO5: -C, -NO tJ O.a a).. rD Ea (J gc! ioa a9.^at>orh o.i.J5.rorac o.tro io .:. r. or<\oi.i a,-vA^t c^i !o --_ ort- 6r\ olF.i ar4 s.r t/l ','.oa @ --vv 3v< .- e(i.r.J..)c).J|,1qr.cA60 (lio c, r-,-i.r-J.i !.na,.= .€ .Cr ir et.a = - -:A 6 3 .A !@r* o.r ! <J o.9.1 ct at ,t o =.t.-t/'oute.EU) (Jcl6 .o -c:. 06.<.,< o,d<!rr lr: .r =.-\" 3 o|J .P .a co.Jr.i er ! ,16 CaL(,C,;\cr.oo.JooO > .i pr!r!< 9ii<H'J) o- () oH > .6abaLr ,. ooca ' ' Ot'rqe .c.r'< O-i a "a-1 '-uE.ar.9- t-o o ra,i . qt (!! \oo =<.ror?6ol'/| oPac€or,.aql =ot,)o ;zD..iat o: -=. .^ o, eJ .<>.o F !o= lr.^ ..) u:,C (Jd :l .J.. Oo .r r ! e - : : .r ,4 r. , crr .! !a. it 5=- -r.t\9 rrF .io -ar.?.!Cr-oo3+r O=eO E ,,a ! a.)9 ,, Lr.l_ - 6< P q7- o-1 d.J : eo: (, <, .a.r-<c-c, of'^or^.''tr.. aF.= r- 3 r.A o1o rr.^.r r,c)o o o 66! o 3- -E.*o- -o (^4 - E ='a.:;:.o6c.4 r.) :arra.r ui6 o c, .! .r.o3N.-, r< rr..re . -tFieul.o o 9 !,Vtqt l! Lo \A JO.arl€O\..J6>e t !art! a ao 6\c!i.- r! €^^o cr s s ,tr-l.j- -io (/ = a <tr<t1e , o q-!..i o\oF--taV) |J4rov!/.) Ur/rr-r cJ H 6,,Ur')or abE .- o ao<)' EE .9.'. U i : : i ;55;. ,.5E(J9 xX cltC, r^ co . o.C.J' <O:o -N3: t.rr.r.\og.\! ,?,, o J Loa t u - < .Jo : o ! cJ(4.-q!l.) cNo e60 o .r.< a,O oo H (rFc'c: ia \c - ar< o- to',a< o=.r<Fr C tc: o .t.t-Za, cl -J c.rOE.tOo !.() r -t a)4q.ra6r Oq<c:) t,.a- <o,..; o o- i,.Jul4OL.CoOr C Cio o'4boo dr ti=O- -1, Hea:'. o Ou;zON he eta) .|J p (r e c r- .r rr = :, 6 - ,J ! c i <) o (/) No c.J u do xloz ac - i!\rr t4 t:' C .a r oF o o .i.o!cr oNz oN.o (ro-\.n.iF rr. o^F-o .J (, \.<.Jr..e rr o6do ez.,b.Jct!,-t eiu^roco F = . J i. < J 6 N ^ nr -c H.v , i e a eO(4OccZ >.r.F oo !.(rOia C.i.i\t e.oHF \s.3 i, rr,| <C!.ar.. o o ,i o i o !o \ o 6 o ra < o7-QraJarz a< >.j c v. .a:a>.- o (iO.J . d oo(J !L, <r.r(^ }i<^.J =r4\ (/) O->€-H l^ ,-r.- Eqoo!6o!c, .r- =iON c'ei.-l \ ^p .i rr< oi.tt (r,.:a^t".q er. c)at^ .Dt E e.u (ro.,) u H !^r.t - -6.r>.oecezllr 6oot^rr= cau.J e o(J e.n )rL o q,.-<.J<s.J < vr -C C' Oi q,^e Oir! cJ 3 C, (H . r" d < r/| . o o cr.-cJ o.J >.!,v o: .J -o -tJ !l)r4 t- oute!? o9rrtEoor:ioo.-rd@u!/r=.cp(!.co: i .-or-pq r-i i. ii ir-v-Joq!,.i 0i4.c-trlJo c Feo d c,€ -5 eq.auoo !rre!BrJ cc.;!. 4 11 .o s{ r. o<9 JO caroo<tcJcr|.>o E.a- caco.- - .o rroots rr r- obo'|ar'Fu.J o i,o' tr. HQ .! 60 ZH,;J-< O .q;:r-.,t, ij .6rrar^.J tr!.o.^F qr oj C r.q o!/) cr.-(J \t/r a,rrr < cx rox.rzJrJ o\o orlu>.L; .o La oJ c4ot! < u1nt & \o !!.r o€ A>i ts :.-O -.to\o.v .o cr- r.c)ruaV ;:gqr: or^rq.i i(! c, Xr. ooiF OQ c< c-c fa hoo< bao-o ! ..!9dqr.rros io o.!,J€ o!&.i taoc-t4 l: l: f !\o or c<> <o 6 (Jxo - o.^oF ct o . az. G5 co- . r.i F- qr F-c o Ao = ;E -, .9.J3--i?:'*:;&953:*E*=*5'3-"*-5b33ilbd.":-g;i. .- 3 t< t2l t', 6 .J>- 6oo.!o .4rH : !A otr.d o a-? cr<Nc<r..<rooi p i ei Zl i6j*;0.!*-:--L;-;--3:. 3,,33-a5i:"5-:5-bli-;g.BA:.! F lJ *i {l (')(4.a<oro qr(t.l <rco ox .9:, .rodc q o-c.!-c e(J.J a(/)o-.t.coE.H = -_- 24 rl utaao LdJ.roc' rt6 cr.i (, o) bo: -14 !Eoc,* : E- Rl :::!3e!-i**=3b;fe"'*15-tH3:.-Fbe;;.:3;9!a-b-f.o* - <u lll rlY cr. .J iorH oor tlr => o.. o^r \ .a-o 4.oZ oO!- r! -rqro: Zq q!: 9.-- Fl rr.ioEo rrF-u._ar. u.d.J (!o\o o .-?r bo'e r^ ,i olHor^cr\ - o o.-.;:l - J.i El --c E cq.,!,c.-r<'ooo Nd.J r- € oo\o.J i! <).+,c Fdr^.cr {rNh.r \tl,! :r rl .<l ! ul F ou) o(J\oo .^otlo,a ^r t/r) .D (.r o o:o uv|.c.!!do !x-crn- 6 -croi >!l :rl .qFf u .* orz c..r.c oz r! o .r cr.qdi^rz d .r(nf Q orir.<!o r.o(j'=; :J n= al _!_o o.r.Jr.c' oro! {r1 cZ^oz{.<.rl.loF- ri (s noosreo> \ot EZ._E =* *l E€'3:3 3-E "*..t3..,1 3'o-3"*.,?Fo3,ur<"=2,..8-L" jt€ P (.)l ? : .rrr- a= .!, do ^ (.i u!,rr4 o o v.o o oF.€ oo zN.cs I_l -9 -q!.c_.4: o: .!ou) \r<.iroc. e.c^ .i q(9: -cao.J^-c o .p!:r.J q). 1l urF cJ., r! !Nqt-c.i o c NLvc o$ o c) pN-o r!.azo!.a N.Joc^:- EEol 'i5 .i 9 r.r(r i,/|r!ca.r d ar 6 r..c r.!.c-c vcrr-Ho Ecv c,i6r oF oot:l o q'o.a -l!O- < - dq.)<.d o|Jr.r.J.J q .! _t- O!r. e O.,{ds^rJ{/l,{il .c o'dFNv):a^rJ'^F! ouc...-< o-r ....rHo.r .-.Jt< .{. c<ca q3!l !.1 Lu s J n H o \d o :l /r ! L .-Lu c r- .r.-oolo x.-!.JH o-l r_9 f< o .)<6-ooooe o(r.a oe o . <(j) o.r >.:etll !gzo o o.cra>.J\o rr r. l..o.a.rc) o: z oor.=Fr zeooir.o..o Fr c)9l oq l.a rJFoo., t- L- o<a.JFee< (D o (4colr- o '.r cr r. o o.J'i. -, - 92l. A4 .rO rJO l&.C Cr -{r5 .r(rsr CJ o 'r. c or! oJ-t tt (r|J+r {r Q-.;Pl ?. .JO OCvT:.HC<(^ e (r@.CoN r, -.4tst!<n !3H2.!H c' C,'<o< aFl Fe A-J Cr.i.i < 3 r<(- .J ocr.r.orn o ar. l.(Do oe!r t ;i.ioo !r o.r '_-\o!:.t \.l -r! O.,r rat/)i O>., tD,r O p . Or4r\t e F .o(J qrF ._ .O O=@ .= 6 >\tl 4 ut .Ju o u 6 Z r.- O o! o o .C . o F ra. bo.U FntN.= .r..t(4= k'_<l q<co_Jec<_l 9cu| sJc d (4 .t n o r c ar < = !n , F N !o*N.ia.c-!?t r'Hd.ro.r c,.< F c, oL\o L\o\o d,,-46 6 o< Cr.r.a i\o0r.-6.=<>u,El F k o € q, o= 6 o.c!-qortd-c c oE nt oFrr.c.r-r! .E.J co F.-!{rrl EA(J v|3 Ae v| ir- +, O.rr^ O atep.:2LZ rJ lrr o= - ] .B= +r ,) !r. O3 gr.J ')= .a!,J= O c F. z -l\o >o /,oo9l& FF2,2<pzo !t<> trt F- 'J)'.4 o l!; Fcbruary 9, 1.970 !lr. CIey ljinon Vicc-Prse. I Gen. Hgr.VaiI AseociateE, Inc.VaiI C0 Ilsat Clayl thr Plannlng Corurission net the other night to nevlew the LlonsHrad and North till1side plats and to considcn thc zoning ohangc ncquests, lkrneHcad PLat l{r antlclpete having a diecuasion wlth you and Geonge tteandalcy 18 roon aa poeaible. In the Lnterlm, rre erouLd llke to naka thefollowlng observations and requeats. 1.. lJc would llko to have a copy of the eovenanta fon thj.s anaa. 2. t{c negucot that you stake at S0-foot Lntervalc the northlinc of T::act B es indlcatad on tho P:relimlnar^y Outllne Dovclopnant PIan. i.ts then plan to look at thls in tbc f,iald. l. tfc would llkc to have a written statemcnt on the antl.elpltcd land uses fon thc varioue lots in tho plat. [,ls afo not rrquaeting thle wlth the intentlon of connitting you ln thc futurc to Gxaet Lot-by-:.ot land u8os--but to Est a bcttsr Ldea of, ygurn present thinking. Wc ane eopaclally lnterestrd Ln thc ualrs contomplated for Tracts A and Lr. Ihc Conrolsslon nants you to senloualy consl,dtr rnaking amr type of blndlng Block 2, l€t 1. ouss lt slth thc ants you to serlousry con8t'otr InaKlng 8mrpublic panking commitaont fo:r a poztlon of You should think about thls and plan to dL!- Conrnisslon at a meetlng. 6. Do you lntsnd to dedicat€ the main street wlth a one-ntltEtlpulation? The Conrolealon feele thl.e is a logieal tneat- nent of trafflc f,low, but thinks the Tonn ahould not accept FtrEGt dedlcatlons wlth reservatlpne of thls naturt. ,wy 6. Tha Conrniseion feels that building eetbacks shoul,d be pno- vided whsne buildings abut the maln stneet. ?, E. Thc Corunisgion would Like aome Departrnent will not object to assurane€ that the fnontage noad accese HLghwayto Lot t+ Bl6ck 1. f,rDeirn,.t-.'. )i' :,' ,,f.;'r'"-.'!5r"9,.\( Ehe queation of guarant€eing vehicular acceee to Lots and 2 tn Block 1 was dlecussed. W€ naalize this wil.l solv€d with the next plat, but wonder lf it nlght be I beeuit- 9. able to deecnibe an acceos road by metes and bounds with autonatlc yacation qhen tlre next plat ls approved? /a, / ,#tec' 44 i " s' j l{s want to neceive a drainage plan fon the have aufficient infornatlon with resDect to SCtrGr erysten. 10.Hhat le the proposed name fon the naln et:rcet? lonlnF anea. the I think waten and 1. a. q, ?he Connission feels9, and 10 should not ( LlonaHead ) that Tnacts A be zoned fon and D and cornmerci.al lota ll , 5, purpoaea. 7)8t:.r 2. Thc Cornmission feels that Lots ?r 8, and I should be congldertdfon PA zoning. (Lionsllead) exieting zoning eaet of Mlddtc The uppen portion near thenotel sitc is zoned HDMF. Ttie Drive ehould renain MF duE tothe neighbonhood on the eouth ; this' ' Liong-,, changodr, zoned north of the Holiday Inn The Commleel.on feeLs that the Creek should not be changed. fnontage road on the propoeedlote abutting on West Meadowthe nesidential character of stde of 'Wcet l{eadow Drive. Ilue to the lact of specific planning time, the Commlesion feels that the llaad plat, and west of Middle Cr:eek, wLth the exception that the portion MF ehould be changed. data zoning shouldof Lot available atsast of thenot yet be 9 curnently $. 6. Ths Cornrnlssion ahoul.d be zoned The ComnLgsi.on anea ehould be the Commlseionof l'la,non VaiI that the be zoned -2- old golf courae }ID}4F. agrees fnom agreeE zoned agnees should thatAto that fnorr the HDMF. the }IDMF site VaiI Aeaociateeto HF. enployee lot t- :7. rt. t, t" IT. t';. /jt I : ?. ri r, i i - "'-"'' "-*-t:] I .:l 8. Tho Corunieslon agr'€es that the propos€d fl1ing area ereat of, Ptannlgan Road ehould be zoned R. 9. Thc Connissiotr agnees that the site west of the Wedel Innshould be given commercial zoning designation with the pno- vLsion that on-site parking is nequirecl. Thls nlght be accompliehed by zoning it with the new Cornrner"clal Cone Dietnlct,.. 10. The Conmission agrees that public utility structuree andinetal"latlons ehouLd be made a condltional uae fon the ADletrict. However, the Commission and Trustees wlll declde whethcn or not to gtant such a conditional use pernit to tha Talcphone Conpany after funthe:r evaLuating the pnoposal baaed on lts nerits. Nozth HlllsLde PIat 1. The Conmission would like a copy of the covenants fon this an d and a statexnent neganding tnact lancl usage. 2. Ttrc CommloaLon wants to discuss with you the questlon of landdedlcation for thls a:rea. At this point we are not extnemely lnteneeted ln publie site Lan<1 dedication in thle fillng, but wieh to consider the natter further aften diecussing it wtth, you. Open apace neaervation thnough the covenants night nrakc8en8s. Perhaps hiking on bridle path nights-of-way ahouldbc eonaidened. 3. We would like the road lmprovement epeciflcations fon thlc :trrBa. We are espeeially iritereeted in gome cross oections : l' r and whethen the toe of some of the noad banks night encroach on the lots. +. l{c have a f6w questione on naten and sewer eaeenenta that I ;thlnk we! can eatLsfactonily resolve with Ken Rlchhrds. '; . S. ldhat ane the pr^oposed street names? What is your propoaadtlnetablo fon base wonk and paving? 6. Wc want a fainly detailed drainage plan with culvert Elaes : lndLcated. I reaLize nruch of thla work is al,neady conpleted,but lt ahouldnrt be much troub1e to pnovl.de ue wlth a plan. Since:rcly, THE TOI{}I OF VAIL Sdg;t,<i F. Blake Lynah Town Manager FBL/car cci PJ.anning Commissioneris; Geonge Beardeley ' i;;; r i; t'tris ta to renlnd you of oun phone convensattonlnportanee of eendlng uB a copy of the covenant6-rll1 be flled with the Lionstlead and Nonth Sidelhc Plannlng Connission neede theee.docunente toqurtcly evaluate the plats, SLncerelyt on thcthat.plate. adc- FBL/cer February 16, .|970 657 Lot l, Block I - 35 to 40 condominium units with additiona'l hotel rooms or al'l condominiums, as we] 1 as possible Bl ake Lynch Manager TOI{N OF VAI L , Col orado 8I 3. 0n page 3 of the protective covenants, Sectiol 2, Land use, tract usage-from A to J js spelled out. The only change in tng aeiirlption is that under 2.6, tracts G and H will be only gsed for peOesti^ian and vehicular access to Tracts B and D, and to the adjacent properti es. I woul d hope that havi ng these I and use deicriptibns'in covenant form, the Plqlling Comm'issjon and future lot ow;ers in Vai'l LionsHead, first fil'ing, will be assured of the spec.ified uses. current thinking on the y:us" for the various lots in Vail/LionsHead, fjrst filing, is at follows: Mr. Town THE Vai'l Dear Bl ake: l{e appreciate your prompt consideration of the LjonsHead plat' North Hil liiae ptat,- and i^equbsted zon'ing changes. Bg'low are our comments to your lettei of February 9th. I-underitand that after the P'lanning Coritiision has had time t6 review these comments and the information io Ue-ioiwaiaea by George Beardsley's offjce, th9 Planning Commission will call a meeti-ng at itrjch Vail Associates' and their_planner should attend. Since we ilish to convey'land as soon as possible in the LionsHead plat, and North Hillside P'l at, time is of the essence to us' LIONSHEAD PLAT 'l . Enc'l osed is a preliminary draft of the protective covenants for Vail LionsHead, first filing. 2. Vai'l Associates wil'l stake the north line of Tract B. However' instead of staking it at 50 foot intervals' we will merely stake the points at whiih the tract line changes djrection. I am sure this'will g'ive you an indication of the area to be enclosed by. iia.t g ani perftii us to avoid the surveying.costs of staking it at 50 foot intei-va'ls. Chan 14elin feels that thjs staking can be compl eted by Tuesday, February l7th. AREA CODE 303 476-560r oNE WALL STREET, VAIL, COLORADO 41657 ' r t, L ir I I I Mr. Blake Lynch Page Two February I6, I970 Lot 'l , Bl ock I commerci al space for(cont) si te parki ng wi I I be Lot 2, This is the gondola terminal s tages of compl eti on. Lot 3, l-'b t Lot Lots Lot purposes. Lot 1, Block II, This area is detai'l s are conta'i ned to be maintajned for parking. i n the next secti'on. res taurants and shops . 0n orovi ded. which is almost in its final The This is a proposed hotel-condominium site with approximately 60 hotel rooms,60 studio condominium units, and approximately20,000 square feet of commercial space. 0n site parking wj l'l be provi ded for al I parki ng requi rements. 4 and 5, 35 condomj n'ium uni ts are to be bui'lt on each 'lot. 6 This is the site of the LionsHead Centre condominiums,25 units with commercial sDace for shops. 7,8 and 9 to be deve'loped either as lodge or condominiumstructures. Currently we are attempting to interest three l odge propri etors on these s i tes . 10 This'l ot is to be owned in common by the owners of Lots 7,8 and 9 to be developed jointly for mutual recreational '\8 \k1 d"Mt@ {o{Pr^ boq-& \'!u'4- t*J - Under separate agrebment Vail Associates will make a parking commitment of 350 parking spaces to the Town of Vail on BlockE ;l J I ! 1 I i l I .) 'i i 5.I ,1, I Lot I . Essenti a l ly there wi 1 'l be two areas of parki ng. 0ne eection wi l'l i nc'l ude approxi mately 100 reserved spaces for commerci a'ltenants, and Vail Associates office personnel i the other section of 250 spaces will handle the visitor parking, 150 long term and 100 shortstay. The entire area of the Block 2, Lot I, will be reserved forparking requirements, with only two exceptions; a) a transportationterminal may be erected to aide in pedestrian movement; b) VailAssociates reserves the right to bui'ld condominiums and/or lodgingfaci I i ties, wi th the understandi ng that any of the parki ng spaces removed are to be replaced by an equal number of stpuctured parking,in addition to the on site parking requirements in the buildings being constructed. Vail Associates feels strongly that the main street traffic flowshould remain as lndicated, for the following reasons: a. the grading of the road logically indicates west to east traffic movements since the incoming traffic is coming down a 7 per centgrade and going out a 5 per cent grade. b, all lot accesses to the new road are designed for a west to easttraffi c fl ow. c. we have a'l ready been i n contact wi th the Co'l orado Department of v n: Mr. Blake LYnch Pace Three February 16, .|970 for designing changes on. the south frontage irii'eis-afia .dresi irom the main road to the f-. I II !' i I 7. The Percy Wilson Mortgage and Finance Corporation' whi the 1n1estw.ind condominiums, and his an option.on Lots 4 have received curb cut approva'l from the. state Hjghway for frontag" .Jia-uii.si'bireittv.from the 'lots' Feel request a conii"*.iion from the Higtrway Department on Hi ghways Personnelroad, i:e. ProPer Ioop road. Inordernottoestablishaprecedentwecan.fi]eourfinalplat without a traffic flow designation' but in v'iew of the three aforement.ioned reasons, we woiia-i.i.i it appropriate to have a I tetter of ag"""r"nl-ir'it tt'" ;p;.iiiea one'way'traffic flow piit""n wouid be established by the Town' Vai'l Associ ates agrees that bui l di ng setbacks shoul d be prov'i ded where the buj I di;;;'lBui"ii"-;;i; ;i';;i. An excepti on sho-ul d be consi dered ro,^ ,^uili liTr.*ivt' "iir.'- riiii ni ng wal l s that afford access onto the main strebt. 14here not sp;;iij"a 61 the, oreliminary plat we will continue the 15 foot UuifOing ieibacf' -We'feel that a 6 foot setback fo" i.rr,ing'irJui-ir-iaEqriit in !l.l there can stil'l be adequate 'landsbaping between th;-;diIing area and the road' 8.If requested as a condition for final plat applgval ' Vail w j'l 1 des cri be bv 't.i.i' ina uo'nas , i .rbad sr'an!]ng vehi cul ii i"ii- i una 2" i;-di;.I r . r,te woul d propose, to dedi cate to the Town of vuirI wilt' the understanding that the Town would vacate tn.^roia""f'"n-itt. ptit-ior thit area is filed oermanent roads in-airierent locations ' but 'leading to the termina'l site. ch has built and 5, Block I depa rtme n tfree to thi s fact. Associ atesar access thi s roadof Vai l showi ng s ame a name for the main street' By the next have th'is name. A drai nage Pl an for the area wi I I be submitted from Beardiley's office ! f rl il hl tl il !l tl il 10. lrle have not Yet des'i gnated meeting it is hoPed that we ZONING I and 2. tl 'i th respect to Lots 4, 5,7, 8,.9-and 'l 0' Vail Assocjates does not object to [t'. -".*ouu1 of-u- iomr.rii at core zon ing. !de woul d propose an Hour 'toniti be. ippt i;; f; these '!ot: ' 0ur i ntentl ons are not to permlt'commlrciar imbirovemenis on L9!t-7' 8 and 9' However' as devet opers ,,. i!"i'-*. if'ou1'd hau" the f 'lexi bi 1i tv of l odge or condominium improvements on til;;; ioit. -iii!t reipecf to Tracts A and D, we request"''tiii-1f.'"-e"i!titii'CC'ieiignation remain in order to perm.it us to .Jiiiir,iti ei ilrer 'ili"r iii iii*init s , ma jor swi mmi r!e Poo'ls and,/or possi bl e hea.t th cl uls , ii a"tc"i bed i n . the covenant draft. I am not at{are of other zonjng alij;;;iiini-ttit would permit us thls Mr. Bl ake Lynch Page Four February l6, .|970 type of use on the land and remain wjthin the zoning ordinance. 3. Vai'l Associates agrees with the Commissjon on not changing theexlsting zoning east of Middle Creek. changing the has not yet been sti ng MF zoni ngfor this area. 5, 6, 7 and 8. Fi ne 9, In trying to jnterest potentia'l developers of this area for a community center, we will attempt as much as possible to require on site parking. It would not be reasonable to require the deve'l operto provide spaces for a convention ha'l I requirement or for multi- purpose uses like the transportation center. It is reasonable, however, to require him to provide a'l I of the condominium and hotelparking as well as commercial space parking in the ratio of 2/1000 square feet on site. It must be remembered, both from the pricingof the land and from our on site parking requirements, that to makethjs community s'ite feasib'le for any developer we must be flexib'le i n any requ'i rements , otherwi se the whol e concept of devel opi ng a community center wi'll be economical ly unfeasjble, which I do notthink is in the best interest of the Town of Vai'l . l 4. Vai I Assocj ates agrees wi th the Commi ssion on not zoning for this area, primari ly because the areaplatted and, a'l so, with the proviso, that the exinot be a judgment on what future zoni ng shoul d be i l ! I : 10. Agreed NgBTH HILLSIDE PLAT l. Enc'l osed are the covenants for Vai I be very s'imilar to those covenants P'l at, with appropri ate changes for Vi'l'lage, 9th f i 1i n9 r whi ch wi I I adoBted for the North Hi'l'lside the proper zoning and land usage. 2.l.lith respect to Tract Land Usage, it is intended that these spaces remain open spaces and be developed only for recreational or other natural uses, such as hik'i ng or brid'l e paths. We would proposethat Tract A be dedicated to the Town of Vai1, since it alreadycontains public uses, such as the vrater tank and should always remain as permanent open space. hlith respect to Tracts B through F we would propose to deed, after the majorjty of the lots were developed, an undivided interest in all of these areas to theproperty owners on th'i s pl at through an owners associ ation. Then, minimum improvements needed for recreational purposes and al'l maintenance can be carried on them. Prior to that time, Vai'l Associates, wou'l d assume responsibility. i],i : i de accordi ng to speci fi cati onsifrom George Beardsley's 'ito Lots B, C and D. In all iy i n p'lace. Pri or to the ie a survey made my MS and M io determine whether or notare called for. lle wou'l d mi ddl e of March. trle s ubject to an acceptabl ed for I Road, which woul d cover le hi l1 top wf thi n the jfinal grade along with i do not propose to pave It of the 'lots are constructed 'lthe road brought about by Iavoi ded. Natural ly Va'i I : regulations in article .,of the three requi rements th e road ."t rainage plan for the i : 1 rmation that will be forwardedining Commission with the inary approval of our outlined ining Commission's approval ;information that wi'll not be Iest approval subject to oceed with the develoomentat final plat would be r r t,, i, I I,' !" b i' r fl i' 3. Road improvements in thfs area will be maon file in your office. l,te will submitoffi ce cut and fi I I j nformation adjacentof the other areas the roads are current'lsubmjssion of the fina'l p'lat, we will havto check the existing road improvements tminor easements or lot line modificationsanticipate that this cou'ld be done by therequest approval of the preliminary platsroad survey wi th modj fi cations when cal le 4. Fi ne 5. The proposed street name is Potato Patchthe entire roadway system on the northsidplat. |/'|e propose to bring the road up tothe necessary base work this summer. Wethe entire road unti'l at least 50 per cenupon. In this way some of the damage to cons tructi on woul d be at I eas t parti al lyAssociates wil'l abide by the subdivisionsix, whereby the developer nust meet onein order to insure future construction of 6. I wi I'l contact MS and M to uodate thei r dnorthside hilltop. It i.s hqped that these , comments and the info f rcnlBeards l ey' s of f j ce wi I 'l prov'i de the Pl annec€6s"iry'information to consider the pre'limi development p1ats. It is hoped that the Planwill not be held up due to the requirement of avai'l ab'l e f or a month or so; i ns tead, we requcertain conditions. In this manner we can prof our final p1at. Naturally, approval of thsubject to the conditions as specified. Mr. Blake Lynch Page Fi ve Febnuary '16, '1970 cc: Gerry Wh'ite George Beards 1ey lr' t t. tl 'r i ! ''. George Beards I Commi ssi on at ey and myse'lf are wil'ljng to meet with the Planningyour earliest convenience. Yours truly, VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. C'lay R. Simon Vi ce Presi dent & General Manaqer PETITION IOR A]VIENDMENT i COMES NOhr, VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., of Vai1, Colorado, as the sole owner of land described belorv and shown on the attachc<l vail/Lionstlead Third Filing Plat narkerl as Exhibit A: Lot 5, Block 1; Lot 7, Block 1; ancl a Portion of Lot 1, Block 2, Vail/LionsHead Third Filing and requests zoning changes on these parcels of lan<l to bettel accornmodate the growth of the Vail/LionsHead area for the bene- fit of the public. Applicant requests Lot 5, Block 1 which is presently zoned PA (Public Accomnodations) be rezoned to HDN{F (Higlt Density Multi-Fanily). This parcel is shown outlined in blue on Exhibit A. Applicant requests Lot 7, Block I which is presently zoned HDI{F be rezoned to PA. This parcel is shorr'n outlined in red on Exhibit A. Applicant requests that a portion of Lot 1, Block 2, further described as: A portion of LoE l, Block 2, vAlL/Lloi\sHEAo, TitlRD FlLlllG, a subdivlslon In vall,Coloradc dcscrlbed as: -_Deglnnlng at thc nnosi North:Lrly coinur of sald Lot l, r,rhlchpoint ls at tho end of a 25 foot radlus curve ond on tho $outherly Rlght-of-l,lay IIneof lnterstate Hlgh'vay lJo. /0; thence Southrr,cstcrly on sald R.o.l.t.' ilni t25.00 ieet alongthe arc of a 3550 foot racJius curve to tlrc left r"tl'roce centrcl angle ts l.i7r4!i,'and rvhose.fong-chord bcars S 67"27'll" l/ 124.99 fcct; thencc S 23.02146', e"ZiO.S4 flltj rhcnces 79"10'53" E 8c.94 fect to a polnt on the Eastcrly llnc of sald Lot I r.drlch ls on thearc of a 150 foot radlus curvc; thence l,lortlrerly along sald Easterly I ine on the fol lorvlngfour^courscs: (l) 18.00 fect olong tho lrc of said iurve to the left whose central englcls .6o5?.tlZrt and r.rhose- long chord beirs il l026rl6''.E- 17.99 fcot to a polnt of tangenr;(2).N 2"00' w lB5.00.feit to a polnt of curvei tjl ;,olpO feet alorrg tho arc-ot u te5 foorodlus curve to the lcft r.rhose centrcl angle i, i9.46ri2rr nn6 rvhosl long chord bearsN-ll'23r16'' !r 40.7B fcet to a polnt of coi;rpourd curvc; end (4) lg.gr ioJt-oiong thc arcof a 25 foot radius curve to tire lcft r',fioso sentral angle ti go;it|,zS',-ano-ritroso tongchord bears N 66'l0r14" r/ 35.60 feet to the folnt of biglnnlni, contitnrng zz,g16,9g'squsrc fcet or 0.6423 acres, ncre or lcss. which is presently zoned FIDlvIf be rezoned to PA. This parcel is shorvn outlined in red on Exhibit A. THIS PETITI0N rvas executed and suburitted by below signed applicant this 1st day of October, L97L. VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC Hn. Lanrrlr tfrlght .Houaa CouneelVall AtaocletaePort Offlor Box 7VaiIl Colo:rado Dcan Lannyr ulLtl copy wl.ttr youn necotrds forr fu- 1 .,j I an lonuerdtng hsrcnith a copy of a doourncnt whl.ch har' bern :rcoor{ed trnaan Reccptlon-ilo. 1I?EB7 on Oatobr! 6,I9?1, Ln Book 22I at nagi SOO of thc necondr of the EiglrCounty Clerk .and Reeonden. Ihe pufpote of thl.e ,,nstnruontt+r to dootncnt the abandonnent of caeessnte in Vall/Llone Haad Seoond and Thind Filinga. You nay rlrh to pl.ace thlstuna nefrtlencor Yourr'v6ry tnuly, THE TOT'N OT VAII Ltrnranoe B. Xobitrson Torir Attoqrcy LBRinN Enolorum KEY TO LIONSHEAD MASTER PI.AN Existine I/1773Condo. Lodge PlannedSite# Nane lr? Vail Tennis Club 314 Snowbird Cordominiums 5 Enzian 6 VailGlow 7 Antlens d ,t_,.t on square 9 Montaneros 10 Snowbind Lodge 11 'Landnark L2 GONDOLA BUILDING t3 Westwinds 14 Vantage Point tS Lift House 16 LionsHead Arcade L7 VaiL 2l 18 LionsHead Centne 19 Bus Station 20 TneeTops 2I LionsHead Condo. lLodge 22 Hilton Inn 23 VaiI fntennational TOTALS Units Rooms Condo.. Units Lodge Rooms 72 64 40 .35 38 45 14 2t 25 30 98 80 8 4L 58 27 14 65 66 52 32 q, .) 66 128 29 18 401 30 391 396 v4&, .,\e - ^--tJ.." i,.c. --rt..-L--t July 5 > J-972 Mr, Ter"ry Mingen Town of Vail Municipal Offices Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Ten::y : This is to clanify those agreements made in Septemben and October of 19 70 regarding the neduction of al1owable Floor Anea Ratios unden the Commencial Cone II, Public Accommo- dations , and High Density Multi-Farnily zoning dist:ricts. As you may neea1l , we agneed to the neductions that weneultimately effected by the Town on the condition that twoland developments then in pnogr''ess would not come undenthe new ordinance. These projects were the Lions Squarepnoject being developed by Jim Cunningham and the Vail/ LionsHead Condominium and Lodge project being developedby the Sandstone 70 Conp. of which Dudley Abbott is apnincipal . Acconding to our understanding, the Cunningham pr^oject, which is in the Commercial Core ff zoning district, wasto be allowed an u]timate floor anea natio of 1.5:1 in accordance with the o1d ordinance. For your information Cunningham has submitted plans to us fon his third andfinal phase and the total floor area ratios and develop- ment program of lodges, condominiums and commercial space complies with iontractual agreement of what shouldultirnately be developed on the property, Also acconding to oulr undenstanding, the Abbott pnoject, which is in the high density nulti-family zoning distnict, was to be allowed an ultimate floon area ratio of 1.5:1,in accordance with the old ordinance. Abbott has sub- mitted prelinLinary plans to us fon his second and final AREA CODE 303 476-560r BOX 7. VAtL. COLORADO 81657 l ,r July sr lgTz Mn, Tenny Mf.ngen Page 2 phase which nesult in an ovenall floon a::ea natio fon theenti:re pnoject of .832r1. This floot? al?ea ratio togethenwith his development program of lodge and condoninium unitscomplies with oun contractual agneement of what should uI-tinately be developed on the pnoper"ty, ff the fonegoing is not in accondance with youn undenstandingof the matte:r, please do not hesitate to contact me. Veny tnuly yours, vArL ASSoCTATES, INC,tr/t/*/Robent H. Nott Vice P:resident - Real Estate ,... u, ,-' i ;\:' 1- ..... \ '+a -^ -o-i..t-r, irrc. .-ft. .-L.-f,o June 23, I97Z Mr. Terry MingerCity Manager Town of VailVai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Terry: I understand Ken Richards is updating the Town ofVail zoning nap. To avoid any confusion, I would like toreiterate those zoning changes that were agreed to by the Town during the course of our neeting on the natter inOctober of 1971. The rezonings which I refer to are in the Vail,/Lions- Head Third Filing and are shown outlined in red on theenclosed copy of the plat nap. In accordance with myunderstanding, the Town agreed to nake all of Block 1,Lot 5 high-density multi-family. In return, Vail Assoc-iates agreed to rezoning of Block 1, Lot 7 and portionsof Block 2, Lot 1 from high-density rnulti-fanily to public accomrnodations. The portion of Block 2, Lot 1 that we were rezoning was the Holzfaster.parcel for which we have an accurate 1ega1 description and p1at. It was agreed at the tirnethat an additional parcel to the west of Holzfaster shouldalso be rezoned pubtic acconnodations, however, we did notdefinitely fix a westerly property line for this parcel. As I recaIl , a ninirnum size of approxinately 20,000 square feet of land was discussed. For your information, we are now dealing with a Mr. Jin Hansen for the saleof a portion of property to the west of the Holzfasterparcel. It appears that it will be approxinately 55,000square feet of land. We should know the exact locationof the westerly boundary within the next ten days totwo weeks. Hansen's development program will consistof 50 pure lodge units and 8 condominiurn units. AsI interpret the zoning ordinance, this would require AREA CODE 303 476-5601 BOX 7. VAtL. COLORADO 41657 Mr. Terry Minger Page 2 June 23, L972 a publ-ic acconnodation zone. As I also understand the general feelings of the Town, public acconnodation zoning, which results in a pure lodge type development, is very des irable . Consequently, I an requesting that you give us a period of ten days to two weeks to fix the westerly boundary of Block 2, Lot 1, which will describe that area which is to be zoned public accornrnodations . Very truly yours, VAIL ASSOCIATES. INCfuq#ffiRobert H. Nott Vice President - Real Estate cc: Mr. Ken Richards Enc losure /jn tItr f:li illt :il rtIt t -. I ii.* :l h,i)ril;b il;l: ,l .irii I l Gl;: ' iil ,, iii.ii -iiit' $tii: ilfll , Slii,!r. Nit hS $ ,l$ f*tl ri t'r !i ll'.ntf irill1l{il ii ;'s kti.ril Q'-t g e --r ih-\u i0.9;; .S {i .l "l:l *ii t s I I I{ I $ I I t t I I I II ( I Iat Nii{F Ilrll15" bt i I I : i ili tlijii li-f.q 'F. a v NJ t I t" rq. r+ il t il\pt 3,r TN iX .i' $ l $ II $ Ir ii ii IIlrh Itt,l$ll H :rI .-_]=- ia\ .ir{!l t${i'l-h -L-+I\" {"l v q i $$s $\I$ s$N $$i $$ \ts "E I L\i uii' I t']II \ .B \'\ u '_ il,uuli ;",$1,.. ------*r N IIl $} IIq{ $ II !tI h t II! tI I tI IIi III ItI tI iI tI IiI III iililil!l!ll[i ili h t II It t I !i I aI II tI I II \t t ill;lllllllill tI It t I II \t I I {!{t I I iI It It I ilillllll t t I t I lI Tt I t t{II t I It I i I t I R It I I II I t tltltl!ltlr t tlr tll I! tII t III II tI ttI i\i I I i ittF iII IIt \I I I iI ItI iliiilrlilililililtii i! 1! vArL ASSOCTATES, rNC. LIONSHEAD MASTER-PLAN PRESENTATION TO TOT{N OF VAIL MANAGEMENT, TRUSTEES, AND PI,ANNING COMMISSIONS February 2' 1973 objective: To acquaint the various officials and governing bodies of the Town of VaiL with the total lionsHead planning and development concept to facilitate their evaluations of specific projects for the purpose of granting building permits. site gackground and oestription o Logical site for additional out of valley capacity and mountain expansion . Bounded by: Holiday Inn to the east '. - Forest Road to the west Gore Creek to the south - Frontage Road to the north '. Former gravel pit and hiEhway right-of-way .a. Total land areaz 7O acres . Little vegetation or tree cbver Original planning considerations o Pure pedestrian core area o Higher density in core area o Public Parking situated away from core yet within easy walking distance of lifts r Open Space; - Stream tract - MalI - Landscaped areas - Recreational- and open space tracts - Private developers required to structure or cover 40t - 50$ of parking LIONSHEAD MASTER-PLAN PRESENTATION 2/2/73 Page 2 o Terminal building to be established as ultimate point of destination o Complete range of services including nurseries, ski school, convention facilities, shops, office space and summer re- creational ameni-ties a I\^to one-way loop roads to reduce frontage road cuts and to provide efficient auto circulation outside of the core area. o Total density - 3500'beds, 7OO condominium units' 350 lodge units, 1050 living units, I20,000 square feet of commercial space, 15 living units per acre. Current Status - Sales and Development ? AII land is annexed to Town and to fire, water and recreation districts o A11 land has been platted with appropriate restricted covenantsfor over l-L years o AIt sites except No. 24 sold and schedufed for development within the next three building seasons )review site by site) A11 streets paved a Underground storm drainage system 75? complete ' o Sewer, water and gas lines all in and operational o A11 power lines buried with exception of Sites I & 2 . East and west public parking lots paved and landscaped o Pedestrian nall 50E completed a Seven restaurants, shops and offices Forecast of Ultimate Density o 4,000 beds (Sites 23 &241 ; 800 condominium unitsi 425 lodge unitst L225 living units; approximately 120,000 square feet of comlr'ercial, 17 living units per acre . Shops, stores and office space LIONSHEAD MASTER-PLAN PRESENTATIoN 2/2/zI Page 3 Summary of cpen areas includinq parkinq vs. buildino coveraqeareas (see attached) Proposed Uses & Implementation of Designated Open Areas andI(ecreatLonaa 't'racts . Tennis Court Tract (Block 1, Lot 4, Third Filing) o Tract A, First Filing o Tract D, First Filing . Tract A, Third Filing o Portions of vacated VaiI Vitlage Third Filing(South of Gore Creek) General o confLict of Town building code objectives with aestheticobj ectives . Ultimate total cost of malls and landscaping - g600r00O a Majority of condominium projects incorporate "front desk',type rental operations or will be managed in conjunctionwith a lodge oepration . Terminal building covention facilities . Higher density generates more favorable tax base o LionsHead bearing part of o1d Vail Villages' public parking demand o High quality of infrastructure o Pedestrian and bicycle path connecting with west Meadow Drive . Lift facilities with total out of valley capacity of 2400skiers per hour o Total public parking capacity - 700 autos, (i.e. one stallfor each 3.22 persons per hour of uphiI1 lift capacity) a Private parking for approximately 1900 autos of whichapproxinately 900 stalLs are structured or covered. *ooFI \o F @ rl F{ \0('t n- \O Ol (\l (a.iN \OO1 cO r-'l @ F.n C{ F- F- \O Ln Fi $ @ \o or Fl o crl .-r (n o o.-{ Fl Fl .-{ O Fl Fl c.l c{ O N lfi O c\ O O O o O Oc.l .-l{! o ET q.l o {J trool{oA a'l l--\oo (\o r{l d \O|.- F C\ O\ F- lY)(O rn Or rn co aa (\ ai (Y c! 9 \oHl o\oo (v) or co rn c\t tt\ or o\ \.o c! o.-l o Ft -{..)..1olHl Or-{c!.-l Oo '-{ roO c{ r.t F.l O O O ooOC!Fl \0 ar{ .:l .4 r^ ra GlA4l c{ -l' Fl olt{l(Ul o o ooAI |r) BJ .:l ;F-.',oi.o@@ 'rJ | \o c{ lr) ri (.t.{ f"l ..{ |.,{ | ooooooo5l rql zOHz&<N4(/)A ztAF{Hodtl>HHD( F ro F- r\ rn(\ o c\N C',| (! Frl0, (!l #nl F @ \o |-- rO Fl F{ ool 6t) ET ..{ tl.tJ -{O r.l0d€E(, A \0 rnt- ,.o O.{ o..1 .prd(!oot1 Ho4o UTtr.r{ o)1 {Jl.r OdFl EI 6o] FI F- CO <!oorrn FIOO (\I l'- EI (.) 4 z EI Hz zH cl) zd * oz H F{ 14tn\O i-@(O @Or@ l'-.nc{ an (o r'- r'- co (a F-.J c! o o F{ OOOF{O()()COO OOO @(n an.Y}N \oC\O O..{Fl (.)t'. Or @ F- F{Otr) |'nF-ln Or{ OOF{ oo r5o .A o (oo l.{ FI r- .{JJ{J.lJ+JlJ.p-pOo iJ o o u o o u6(drirdrS.drdiU(!(Ulrlr!t{trHHllO,-r.{ Fl .-.1 'l .{F-{NtsFrFrHHFrHFd .lJ .tJ lJ .tJ .lJ .tJ JJ {J .{J ]J o. o (J (J () () (J u o o od.l 16 ru .d rd d rd rd d d ts rdJ1l ! l{ k ! l.r t{ lr tr l] h OFll .{ r-t '-l '-.1 Fl Fi r{ c.l H H Er Er H H Er H E-r H Ercl rnF. r1 H E-r4 FI Hq!AZo4 N.nsrn\oi-@.{d Cf OO Fl Et{ (, iq otsFlm ool +)lSl Flc{(.l t! rn \o r- F{ < O U O l{ h (, !d H t-) sl.'r IF{l.r{ I r'. I ci c{ 17) .nooNN F- N -{.O O o O o.{.J oo o (') an ('l af) (i d) a') (Y) (Y) aY) ta rYl ('t lYt (n rn (nt1 d .1 .1 F.t .-l ,l .l .l ,.{ rl Fl -r-{ Ft F{ .i r-{ ,-{ .l Fl KEY TO LIONSHEAD MASTER PLAN. Fxistine 1/1/73Condo. LodgeSite# Nane lr2 Vail Tennis Club 3r4 Snowbind Co:rdominiums 5 Enzian 6 VailGlow 7 Antler"s 8 Lion Square 9 Montanenos 10 Snowbind Lodge 11 'Landmank 12 GONDOLA BUILDING 13 Westwinds 14 Vantage Poi:rt 15 Lift House 16 LionsHead A:rcade 17 Vail 21 18 LionsHead Centne 19 Bus Station 20 TneeTops 2L LionsHead Condo. /Lodge 22 Hilton Inn 23 VaiI fnternational TOTALS ' Planned=---'-'-uonoo.. rrooge Units Rooms Units Rooms 72 64 40 '35 38 45 lIt 2I 25 oo an lr 1-tr EO 27 'l llI= 65 65 52 32 52 66 L28 30 29 l_8 l+0 L 30 391 396 IMPAST REPOHI &f@the PROPOSED 5rd FILII\TG Cf LION'S RIDCTE EAC}LE COUTUTT4 @ronAm Allen Gerstenberger Asgociates PC)40 l4t,fr Str{rirt, Slrite IOO Boulder, Colorado aOSOZ (343)447-4749 IMPACT REPORT LIONIS RIDGE SUBDIVISION PROPOSED FILING NO. 3 EAGLE CoUNTY, C0L0RAD0 Prepared for: Jeffery B. Selby and Maro Selby P.O. Box 1528 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Prepared by: Al1en Gerstenberger Assoclates 2040 l4th Srreet Suite 100 Boulder, Colorado 80302 28 August 1979 TABLE OF CONTENTS Int roduc t ion OVERVIEW THE PI,AN i..... THE IMPACTS 3 6Social & Economic Impacts Popula t ion S choo 1s Fire Protection Police Protection Recreat ion Visual Impacts EurpJ-oynent Retail Sales Governmental Revenues Physical Impacts Vege cat ion Geology, Solls, Dralnage, & Slope Stabil-lry Wa ter Sewer Alr QualityTrafflc Transit 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 l0 10 l0 l0 l0ll T2 IITITIGATION MEASURES L2 13Notes r Blbliography . ., . , .. ,. L7 Intervlews INTRODUCTION This report reviews the naj or issues Lrnpacted by the zonlng of theProposed_Lionts Rldge subdivislon Filing No. 3. rrnpacis resurting from thezoning of the 43 acres, rather than environmental inpacts resurt.ing fromthe speclfic site design, have been studied. These include the soclar,economic, and sone physlcal issues. Derailed analysLs of site speclficenvironnental irupacts (such as sJ-ope stabrlity or iralnage) have not beenconpleted at this tlme. Engineering reports on the geot6gy, dralnage,and sol1s are belng prepared and wiil be submlttea to tt"-bounry ar aLater date. The forraat of this report is sirnple: brief comments about each ofthe naJor issues are presented, sumarlzing the pertinent polnts. Thesupportlng reports and calculations have not been Lncluded in the text,aLthough s ome explanatory infornation has been included at the end of thereport. Note that the figures presented are approxlmations. proJected lrnpactsare estlmates, intended to represent the order of magnitude of the inpact. Inpact Report Page 2 OVERVIEI^I * The proposal 1s for the subdlvlslon and zonlng of approxlmaEely 43.33acres, located about l% miles west of Vail above the North Frontage 'Road. The property ls accessed from Sandstone Drlve and Buffher Creek Road. * The requested zonlng uould permlt 13 single family lots and 5 duplex lots; 67"1 of. the site would remain as open space or "resource', zonLng. * The projected population ar ful1 build-out will be about 76 persons;this represents less than r<7. of the effective population of the Gore Va1ley. * An estimated 3 to l0 new students might be added to the school dlstrict;the capacity is available to rneet this demand. * There would be liEtle negative iurpact on the service ability of chefire departnent; the site is not presentLy in a fire district. * There will be negligible visual impact from the hlghway or other neighborhoods because of rhe el-evation of the site above the highway and the Lopography of Ehe site itself; only 6 units r,rill be vislble fromthe highway. * No new permanent jobs will be creaEed by thts development; about 100-150 person-years of constructl-on employment will be generaLed. * There will be one-cime fees of abour 960,000 and about g108,000 of annual revenues generaEed aE full build-out (received by all local govenmental entities) . * For Eagle County alone, one-Eine fees would Lotal abou! $20,000 and the annual revenues would be about $16,000. * The water and sewer districts have sufficlent supplies and capacitiesto meet the additional demands. x The project will represent about l% of the flreplace pollutlon ln the West Vail airshed and about 1% of the automobile air pollutlon ln the airshed. * An additional 140 vehicle trips dal1y will be generated by Ehe developmenE; there will be about 80 trlps dal1y on Buffher Creek Road and 60trips on Sandstone Drlve. Both roads have the capaclty to handle theadditional traffic. * A demand for about 35 bus rides daily (wlnter) could be generated atfull development; this alone is insufficient to merlt bus service. Impact Report Page 3 THE PLAN The property being reviewed involves Lhe subdivision and zoning ofapproximately 43 acres of meadow and hillside properEy, located abouc1! miles west of the main vail interchange above the North FrontageRoad, accessed from Lionrs Ridge Loop. It would be descrlbed asLionr s Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 3, Blocks 1 and 2. The proposed land use is residentiar and open space. rt wirl incrude13 singl,.: farnily and five duplex lots for a total of 23dwelling unics at full build-ouC. The densiry is consistent wlth neigh6gling developmenrs, The site includes a varieEy of land forms lncluding neadows, aspengroves, and steep hillsides. o r!" following exhibit sunmarizes data about the proposed developrnen!p1an. LION'S RIDGE FILING NO, 3 (PROPOSED) SIJMMARY OF LAND USE DATA Area of Block I Area of Block 2 Water sEorage s ice Area Eo remain ttResource Zonett Open space TOTAL Area--518 "cres9.46 t.27 19.00 9.72 Units 43.33 acres 23 units 10 l3 Design Solution x rhe lntent of theland use plan is Eo mlnimize impacEs to the exisEingland form and vegetation, and to conceal as much of the developmentfrom other neighborhoods or from public access corrldors as posslble. * The large lots provide for good building sites; thls was done to e1i- minaCe unnecessary disruption to the site. tl Road designs, lridrhs, and locations have been based on the existing t.opography and vegetatl-on so as to minimize earthwork required. * Two-thlrds of the site has been designated as open space. i'luch is excel-lent for hiking and passive activlties; lt will also provide an importantvisual open area (on visible hlllsides) from the valley f1oor. lmpact Page 4 +--r )?' ) \ ..1ocl.do>\-o'r{ [ 'o '-{ax or) !60a'o.A'donxzoooboO- C o,A 6 .'{ F.{O O'{ dla ..{ ..{ oAFlh .^ Ff z HH FI .E g ' 4r. }\qi \\ \\\r LfuT I/lt Impact Report Page 6 THE IMPACTS S choo 1s Minturn Middle School BaEtle Mouncain High School TOTAI.S Fire Pro Eec tion SOCIAL IMPACTS Populatlon * F9t purposes of proJecting population, 1tthe population resulting from this project(This will not be the case "" ".rr"."1, ifdeveloped by exiseing pe rrnanent resldencs.this scudy, the ,rworsE case situation was rc Although all units are classified as "rong-term resldentlal', units, wehave assumed that about one-third of them will be rented on a short-Eerm basis. The projected population at fulr buird-out and fu1l occupancy is esti-rnated to be approxima tely 76 persons (aE an average of 3.3 01.".n"7J.".1.1 The. present overnight popul_ation of rhe Gore Va11ey (residents andvisi.ors) is es.imated to be berween 17,500 ana ZZ,OdO (depending upontheestinaEednumberofpersonsperdwei1inguniL) The- full development of this site as proposed wourd represent abouLO.4Z increase in Ehe Eotal overnighc population 1n the Gore Valley,if nothing else in Ehe area developea. At the projecEed ultlmaEe popu_lation of Ehe Valley, rthis projecE will only consciEuEe abou. 0.2"r of.the total population. has been assumed that all of 1s new to the Gore Valley. not all of the 1ots, will be Ilowever, for purposes of assumed). * This project 1s noE expecEed Eo generate nore Ehan 3 Eo l0 students.The school DistrlcE can easily handle thls lncreased demand. * The following chart indicates enrollment and capaciti.es for Ehe schoolsserving this si te: Capacity Enrollment Keq bancsEone !,lementary School 500 430Batcle Mountain ElemenEary School 430 0 500 500 230 342 1,930 1,002 a fire district. It lsFire ProcecLion District * The 43 acre site is not presently located inpresenEly served as a "courEesy" by the Vall Impact Report Page 7 Based on an intervieir wi-th Flre chief Gordan swanson,3 there is noreal problem in serving the area. He recommended that the area be annexed lnto the Fire protectl-on District. rnclusion in the Distrlctwould improve the fire insurance ratlng. rf the site is rocated outsldeof a district, it will be a class l0 (no service); if they Join WestVail Fire District, their class would be an g; it would drop to 6if in the Fire Protection District. The response time would be longer than to most other areas in the community, but would noE be longer than some areas in Blghorn. (Seethis page for discussion of "Response Timert. ) The Discrice is pur-suing ttre construcEion of a substation in l,Iesc vail EhaE could re-duce the response time required. No addltional equipmeqE or manpor,/er would be required to serve theproposed development.' Police Protec tion The development of the 43 acre site would marginally increase the dernand on the County Sheriffts Department, The actual manpowerdeterminaEion would be based on Ehe lever of service requiied by the development of oEher projects in the west vail area after additionalprojects are built. A project of chis size and naEure will, practically speaking, require infrequent service cal1s. The site will have a long response Line from the county sheriff's offlcein Eagle and could possibly negarively affecE the response timeto other areas of the county, depending upon service requlrements. The intersect.ion of Buffher Creek Road and Li-onrs Ridge Loop is pre-sently a relatively dangerous intersection. However, it wtll be up-graded as a parE of the development of parcels C, Dr& E of Lionrs Ridge 2nd Filing. Recreat ion * There will be a rnarginal increase in demand for recreational facilitiesas the resulE of fu11 development of the project; but it is impossible Eo quanEi.fy the exEenE of Ehe d^mand. * It is recommended by the Recreation Director 5 thaE this area be annexed into the Vail Metropolitan Recreation District as soon as poss ib le. Visual Impacts * The project has been sited so as to have minimal visual exposure Eotraffic on the rnterstate or Frontage Road. This is possible because of Ehe land forms and erevaElon changes invorved. onry four loEs areeasily visible from outside the projecE. Six lots will be visible from areas outside of the proposed site.These lots are all visible for both eastbound and westbound trafficon the ]-nterscate. The sitlng and design of the buirdings on theselots is critical to their inpact. They have trre polentirl co b" .*-tremely vislble and "loud', buildlngs, or unobErusive, ,tquieE" build_ 1tg". The sltlng, relaElonshlp to the slope, colors, eic. will be veryimportanE in making the buildings as subEle as possible. The issueof design review and confrol ls extremely important. Emp loyment n Th. development will have no significant impact on empJ.oyment. New"local service jobs', will not be created. tt remporary, direct constructlon employmenE ls esEimared to be abouE100-150 _ perRon-years of employnent spread over rhe 5 to 15 year build-out period, " Retail Sales * At full development, increased retalr sales are proJected to be appro-ximately $50,000.00 annual-1y. (Thls is based on one-chird of che unitsbeing rented on a short-term basis.) rne followlng exhibit presentsthe estimated retai.l sales by season: Impact ReporE Page 8 S eas on Winter 60 days (150 days) (4OZ) Surnrner 18 days (120 days) (15%) TOTAL Occupancy Ave rage Expenditure Number of Units AnnualRate by Group/Day (Short-rerm & Expendi- 2nd home owners) Eures $100 $zo 7 (33"1) 7 (33%) $42,000 8.800 $50, 800 The sales cax (at 4%) generated by this level of expenditure would be$2,000.00 per year. Governmental Revenues * The estimated annual revenues to all governmental enEities serving Eheproposed is (at completion) 910g,000.00 per year. * The one-tine revenues (f rorn construction) for all governmenEal entitiesis $61,000. ImpacE ReporE Page 9 ,k The annual revenues to Eagle County are estimated to bb about $161000per year at full development. tt One-Eime revenues for Eagle County are projected to he about $20,000. 't The following Eables summarize Ehe calculations, sources, and recipients of revenues resulEing from Ehis developmenL: ESTIMATED ASSESSED VALUATION OF LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 3 TyP e Numb er Es t. Value Total Market Value Assessed Valua t ion@ $110/sf a L/. Sing1e Family (ave 2500 sf) Dup lexe s (ave 3500 sf) IJ $2 75,000 $3,575,000 $786,500 $38s, 000 $1 . 92 s . 000 $42 3 . 500 TOTAL 23 d. u.$5 , 500, 000 $1,210,000 REVENUE ESTIMATES FI.JNDS FOR EAGLE COUNTY, SPECIAL DISTRICTS, and SELECTEDfor LIONSRIDCE SUBDMSION FILING NO. 3 EnEity/Source/ Fund Basis Annually G Fu11 Devel- 0ne- Elme Constructi.on EAGLE COIJNTY 1. County General ProperEy Tax 2. Construction permits Sub-total: Eagle County UPPER EAGLE VALLEY SANITATION1. Property tax 2. Sewer user charge 3. ConnecEion charge LIONSRIDGE WATER DISTRIC! 1. ProperEy tax 2, Water user charge 3. ConnecEi-on charge VAIL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT (assumes annexaEion COLOMDO IiTOT]I,ITAIN COLLECE RE5OJ SCHOOL DISTRICT TOTALS oDment 12 . 78 mi11s $16,000 8.0 mllls $7.40/rno/DU $800/DU 8.0 mtls $12.50/rno/DU $1000/ DU 3.25 nills 5. 36 mi1ls 45.94 mil1s $16,000 $10, 000 $ 2,000 $10,000 $ 3,500 $ 4,000 $ 6,500 $56,000 Ch a rse $20, 000 $20, 000 $18,000 $2 3,000 $108,000 961, oo0 Impact ReporE Page l0 PHYSICAL IMPAC"TS Ve ge tat ion * VegeEation generally consist.s of grasses, sagebrush, willows, evergreens, and aspen trees. * Because of che exEremely 1ow density of ehe proJect, Ehere will be mini- mal change in vegetation patterns; roads and building sites have been sited so as to have little affect on existing trees. * Most of the south facing slopes, generally covered with aspens and natural grasses, will be dedicated as open space. Geologic. Soils. Dralnage, and Sl.ope Stability * At the time this impact report hras prepared, no engi.neering st.udies had been conducted regarding geologic, soi1s, drainage, or slope stability issues for this site. The developer is in the process of obtaining these reporEs and copies should be submitted to the County staff for revlew when conpleted. Llate r >t The property is in the Llonts Ridge Water District. )t The District has the capacity to serve about 900 to 1000 dwelling units; about 480 DU are presenEly being served and an addltional "couple of hundred" are being added this sununer. / * Jlm Collins, manager of the Districtr s affairs, stated EhaE, aE this, time, there should be no problem supplying vrater for the developmenE.' Sewe r * The property is in the Upper Eagle Valley Sewer District has a capacicy of rreating 1.1 million gallons of sewage lowLng the planE expansion (to begln shorrly), they wlll about 3.5 million gallons/day. tt According to Jim Collins, nanager of the DisErict, there problern serving the proposed developmenE. whi.ch presently per day. Fol- be able to treat should be no Air Quality r. The West Vail airshed has an estimated time. Assuming that the dwelllng units(in fact, the average is slightly less number of fireplaces is projected co be West Vai1.8 900 to 1000 fireplaces at this average one fireplace aach than one/DU), then the ultimate 2,265 aE fu1l development of Impact Report Page 11 rf developed in the county, each dwelling unit in the proposed subdivisi-onand Eownhouse complexes would probably have one fireplace. External combusEion air, heaEilaEor design, and glass doors to conserve energyshould be requlred. At ful1 build-out, the proposed developnent would constitute about lzof the fireplaces in the west vail airshed and about 0.2y. of. the totalnumber of fireplaces in the Gore Valley. This project will represent sfeul 1.4% of the carbon monoxide in the com-bined Vail Village and tr/est VaiI airsheds and about 0,7% of the nirrogenoxides and hydrocarbon emissions.9 Traffic The developrnent of this site will result in about 140 vehicle trips perday and an estimated 560 vehicle-rniles per day wirhin the Gore vairey.ro The maximum capacity of the Frontage Road is about 2,000 vehicles perhour. There should be no problem nith the abilicy of che Frontage Roadto handle the traffic generated by this project. The Trafflc from the project w111 increase the use of several existlngresidential roads. About 80 additional daily trlps will be rnade onBuffher creek Road; and about 60 daily trips on sandstone Drive.Both roads have the capacity available to handle the additional demand. * The followlng diagrarn indicaEes g[re distrlbutlon of the daily traffic aE compleEion of Ehe development tr: aUFFHEK CREEF Pb 60 vPD U vPD 7o VPD /aRTH FRaNTAaE tec, TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION AT TULL DEVELOPMENT RESITLTING FROM LIONIS RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO.3 VPD = Vehicles per day Impact Report Page 12 Transi t *r The project could generate a demand for 35 bus trlps per day and only 4trips during the peak hours. (This assumes the same leve1 of servl-ce asBighorn).I2 Thls area is not presently servlced by a bus system and given the limited demand, lt al-one would not merit service, MITIGATION MEASURES x To improve the insurance rating for the residenEs of the area and to generate revenues for Che fire dlstrlct, the areas should be annexedinto the Vd.ll Fire protection DisErict. * The area should a1'so be annexed lnto the VaiJ. Me[ropolitan RecreationDistrict to assist in paying for some of the addltlonal recreatl-on demandthat will result. x The vlsual lnpacts of the six lots located on Sandstone DrLve isof concern, It is inportant that. design controls be imposed to ensure that the bulldings are compatl-ble with Ehe surrounding resldences and the character of rhe nelghborhood. The developer should establishprotective covenanEs chac provide for architectural and design revlew controls. * Fireplaces should be limiEed co one per dwelllng unit and energy conservation measures should be requlred, lncludlng Ehe use of exEernal combustion alr, heaEilator design, and glass doors. 1 Impact Report Page 13 NOTES The actual occupancy of dwelling units in Ehe Gore Vdlley has not been accurately deEermined. The Vail DeparcmenE of Communicy Development and the Growth Management study assumed 4.4 persons / dwelling unlE' A phone survey of 550 Eagle County residenEs indicated an average of. 3.2 persons/DU. Accordi-ng to Terrill Knight, CounEy Planning Direct.or, the County uses an average of 3.3 pe rsons /dwe11ing unlt. It is belleved Ehat Ehe estimaEed 3.3/DU is most represenEative of the permanent populaEion and even of the second home owners. It should be noted Ehat' at besc' the populatlon projections indicace only a relaEive number of people, and not the exact or annual occupancy leveLs. The present population of the Gore Valley estimares are based on infor- maclon from the Vail Department of Communi Ey DevelopmenE (51L5/79). The projected population is based on a soon-to-be publlshed report for Ehe $rater districts by che firm of Camp Dresser & McKee of Denver. It should be noted that the percentage of population represented by che developmenL of the Lionrs Ridge parcels is consistent whether therfper dwelling unit" population is assumed to be 3.5 or 4.4. The foLlow- ing table summarizes the informaLion in the Camp Dresser McKee popula- tion study. (The present number of rrexisting units" is estimated to be closer to 5,000 than the L977 fig:oes presented in their report.) SUMMARY OF PROJECTED DEVELOPMENT for the GORE VALLEY Camp Dresser & McKee 2. Water District (a)Exis ting Total Ultimate Ul t imat e Unlts (b,c) Units (c,d) Population (e) Gore Va11ey Bigho rn Vail Lion's Ridge Vail Village Wes E Vail Intermountain (f) 160 450 2L5 27 48 365 615 1005 626 4184 964 1609 656 (t) 4422 2754 18410 4242 7080 2886 (f) Totals 4553 9044 39794 (a) Includes all areas served by that vraEer disErict. (b) Based on latest figures where known, otherwise based on May 1977 figures. (c) A unil is I residence, or 2 overnight rooms, or 2 employee housing accomodations.(d) Based on Growth Management with Vail Planning staff, engineers. (e) Unit times 4.4 persons per (f) Includes Highland Meadows Sub-Committee Report, and coordinaLion and water district representatives and unit, with 100 percent occupancy. Filtngs I and 2. 3. ImpacE Report Page 14 Phone interview with Chief 20 August 1979. Intervlew with Pat Dodson, Gordon Swanson, Vail Fire Protectlon District, DirecEor of the Vail Recreatlon Department. 5.The construction enployment estimates are based on the rule of thunbthat there are 16 full-time equivalent jobs per rnillion dollars of sales value of construction. Given the level of knowledge abouE the actual number of units that rdill be built after subdivision, the value of the buildlngs, etc., the estimated number of construction Jobs created is presented only as an excremely rough estimate. Phone lnterview wirh James Collins, manager of the Lionrs Ridge WaterDistrict, 20 August 1979. The unpublished report prepared for the water districts by Camp Dresser and McKee was used as the basis for the number of dwelling units yet to be constructed in Ehe WesL Vail airshed. Refer to the notes on popula- tion for more information abouE Ehe number and locaEion of units anti.ci- Dated. 7. ImpacE Reporc Page 15 8. IntervLew with Dennls Murphy, Envlronmental Health Officer, DeparEmentof community Development on 15 l4ay 1979. And from the Emissions rnventoryfor the Gore Valley, Vai1, Colorado, 1978. DeparEment oFtoi*tr.,i ty Development, paBe IV-14. Auto emlssions resulting from fu11 developmentof this project are based on an estimated 560 vehlcle niles per day, The unit emission factors are frorn the colorado Air poll.utlon concrolDivisiott, Co.poslce Motor Vehicl. E*is=Air Quality Emlssion Invenrory, Department of Community Development, Town of Vai1, Dennis Murphy, prlncipal researcher, 1978. The following table summarized Ehe data used: VEHICLE EMISSION FACTORS AND CALCTJLATIONS for Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No, 3 Ca rbon Monoxi de Nitrogen Hydro Oxide Carbonsllnit emissions (kilogr:arns per rnile G 30 mph in winter) Est. vehicle nriles per day at fullbuild out 0.0811 560 45 )ou u.o/ 0.0012 0.0064 560 J.Ol,Iinter daily emissions (kg/day) Es t. wincer emissions @ out of Vail Village o Present emissions o Present dwelling o Emisslon/d. u. o Full build out of o Future emi-ssions for proj ec E fu11 build & Idest units d.u.ts 3r72 1666 3888 0.428 74L3 93 434 49 228 3888 3888 0.0126 0.05867413 7413 3L72 93.4 434.4 % increase due to project (in Vail Village & West Vail) at full-bui1d out 0.77" 0.82 9. The vehicle-rniles per day assumes 6 trips /day /dwe1ling uniE with an average trip digtance of 4 miles, This is based on phone i.nterview with Bob Tenney, Traffic Controls Divisi.on, Colorado DepartmenE of Hlghways on 14 l{ay 1979. 10. A number of assumptions r,rere required to projecE the distribuEion of traffic on the existing road sysEem. The following table indicaEes che number of daily vehicle trips, Ehe assumed directional flow of traffic from the parcel, and rhe resulting number of vehicle trips made on each road. hnpact Report Page 16 TMFFIC FLOW ANALYSIS Parcel D.U.'s Estirnated Daily Auto Buffher Frontage Road Trips Crk Rd. East West"All z-ltzll Filine 23 560 100 560 50:l 280 50"/" 280 ll2 11. Calculations of the .transit demand are based on data collected and pre- sented in the Eagle County and Town of Vail Transit Developrnent Plan' 1978-83, May 1978, Department of Community Development, Town of Vail. Ridership characteristics have been assumed to be consistent with those of the Red Sandstone area. Based on the factors used in the sEudy and historical ridership data for the Sandstone bus route, the projected ridership demand is calculaEed to be only four bus trips during Ehe peak hour and only 35 per day. Inpact Report Page 17 The John Ryan Colorado. BIBLIOGMPIIY Company, Denver. 'February 1974. the ,{ohn Ryan Coopany and THK Aspoclates, Denver. EnvlronmentalEnvlronmental Impact Report Co19qa.dg. September 1977, Transit Developnpnt PLan for Eagle County and Town of Vall, Department of Cornmunity Developnent, Town of Vall. L978. Carnp Dresser McKee, Denver. Selected pages of report to be released for water districts ln the core Va1ley. Vay L979. a t Inpact Report Page 18 q.lNER/pEVELoPE\g Jeff Selby Ronald Todd TOWN OF VAIL Gordon Swanson Pat Dodson Dennis Murphy INTERVIEI{S Owner ProJect Architect/Planner Chlef, Flre Department Director, Recreation Department EnvironmentaL Health 0f ficer EACLE COUNTY Terrl1l Knight Dlrector, Department of plannlng and BulLdlng Inspection IJPPEE. EAGLE VALLEy SAITITATIOII pTSTRICT LIONIS RIDGE WATER DISTRICT Janes Collins Dlstrict Manager l. LroNsHEXlrl,'At;;3:iHf i**ilE*'o',o' TO TOI{N OF VAI]-, MANAGEMENT, IRUSIUNS, AND PLANNING COMMISSIONS February 2, 1973 Objective: To acquaint the various officials and governing bodies of the Town of Vail with the total LionsHead planning and development concept to facilitate their evaluations of specific projects for the purpose of granting building permits. Site Background and-Description r Logical site for additional out of valJ-ey capacity and mountain expansion o Bounded by: Holiday fnn to the east '. - Forest Road to the west Gore Creek to the south - Frontage Road to the north "o Former gravel pit and highway right-of-way ... TotaL land area : 70 acres o l,ittle vegetation or tree cbver Original planning considerations a Pure pedestrian core area o Higher density in core area o Public Parking situated away from core yet within easy walking distance of lifts o Open Space; - Stream tract - MaIl - Landscaped areas' - Recreational and open space tracts - Private developers required to structure or cover 40S - 50E of parking LTONSHEAD I,IASTER-PLAN PRESENTATION 2/2/73 Page 2 o Terminal building to be established as ultimate point of destination I Complete range of services including nurseries, ski school, convention facilities, shops, office space and summer re- creational amenities o Tr^Io one-way loop roads to reduce frontage road cuts and to provide efficient auto circulation outside of the core area. o Total density - 3500 beds, 700 condoninium units' 350 lodge units, 1050 living units, I20,000 square feet of commercial space, 15 living units per acre Current Status - Sales and Development ? A11 land is annexed to Town and to fire, water and recreation districts o A11 land has been platted with appropriate restricted covenantsfor over I! years. o A1l sites except No. 24 sold and scheduled for developmentwithin the next three building seasons )review site by site) A11 streets paved a Underground storm drainage system 758 complete ' . Sewer, water and gas lines aLl in and operational o A11 power lines buried with exception of Sites 1 & 2 o East and west public parking lots paved and landscaped Pedestrian mal1 508 completed o Seven restauranLs, shops and offices Forecast of Ultimate Densitv o 4,000 beds (Sites 23 &24\i 800 condominium unitsi 425 lodge unitsi 1225 livinq units; approximately 120,000 square feet of commercial, 17 livinq units per acre o Shops, stores and office space LIONSHEAD M}.STER_PLAN PRESENTATION 2/2/73Page 3 Sufimary of cpen areas includinq parkinq vs. buildinq coveraqe Proposed Uses & Impl:ementation of Designated Open Areas and o Tennis Court Tract (Block 1, Lot 4, Third. Filing) o Tract A, First Fili_ng o Tract D, First Filing o Tract A, Third Filing o Portions of vacated Vail Village Third Filing(South of Gore Creek) General o conflict of Town building cod.e objectives with aestheticobj ecti ves o Ultimate total cost of malls and landscaping - $GOO,OOO r Majority of condominium projects incorporate ,,front desk"type rental operations or will be managed in conjunctionwith a lodge oepration . Terminal building covention facilities o Higher density generates more favorable tax base . LionsHead bearing part of old Vail Villages' public parking demand e High quality of infrastructure o Pedestrian and bicycle path connecting with west Meadow Drive o Lift facilities with total out of valley capacity of 24O0skiers per hour a Total public parking capacity - 700 autos, (i.e. one stal1for eac:r 3.22 persons per hour of uphill lift capacity) t Private parking for approximately 1900 autos of whichapproxi:nately 900 stalls are structured or covered. ro F ;oo F{ 6 .{.i F rt' o r\ol lr)ol F o \l) io l'- \O Or N aO an f{ \O O't 6 Fl @ |-- an (\l r-' r,-!gln F{ $ @ \O Or rl O C!.{ ca O O.'t Fl F{.{ o.-l F{ c\l c{ O r.{.n O F- O O OOO Oc\l |Y) r\\oo oto FI (|l -{ \O r- r\ C! O\ F\ (r) \O a4 crr |tt 6.a c{ r'r.! N S\I)t<l 01 co O (') or O ca c! F. Or o) \o N o F{ o..t F{ (n..} OIt{l O F.{ c{ '-{ O O -l rn O ct r.{ -{ c| c| o' OO O ol '-l c'r €r FI \olr|F. r.O O.{ co r't .1 a?) (\ roclo OF{FI cn oo ooo o l- Ol O n- .-.1orn lnF|r} O F.{ OOF{ .tJ {J {J .lJ {J .tJ lr lJ {J +.| o- o o o o o u u o o ord.l rdrddl!d|U('dd|!dJ1l t{ tr g t4 ! lr t{ lr f{ ! OFrl F{ Ft r..t.{,l F{ F{ N H F E{ Fr H Er t-r Er H Er C4l \o rn sl..r I 14 rn ('1 Nx | ^r .e. .,1 (\l ,rlf;l . o oo .H'l -,-rnorco@@ "C| ro c\l rn rn .n F{ .'l Hl r r.; .;.;.; "; (\I c\ o'c.r{ o J1 +Jt{Otd Fl ql EIol&l zOHzx4e(U]A zklHFa<d>HH €A c\@rtOorlrl .-{oO tr .A t{ .tJ r{ U r-{c)(! 'r, EoA E +JIdolodl! r{l +J E{lull rl o +.trddo(ur{Ho( ItJ OJo(,o IUoo t4 ( N z A o x H zH (/] z4 frtLl (nz H HF '< H(/lAZlqd l.l{ F .{d +)o F.. r|{ o {J (, ot{ C' F-(o.l F{ ON N .rt Fl fil O a.l {J J .lJ.lJ .tJ .tJ .p +J uu o o () () () () ()dtd.Jl!rddrd.d(ddt{!.tt{!lrlr!'{OE{E-{HErE-rEi€rErC 6t.nsf rr'tol-@Fld 11 UO FlE (,!q.{ c\l (n <! rn ro i- Fl 4CqUOFlFr(Ji4Hl.)rl .{ '-l .l r-l .{ Fl .{ ol Fl rd {J Hil F) c! (n (noo N C.l r'. (\l rl .O OO O OFI-I \o an lV) oo o (ocooto r- (n (\l .n F..{ (\ O O .-{ oofao ooo (')!nr.oF@ (4 \O |*- t- cO OOOFIO ro F- F{ (rt ac) f'| fn rq ci ao ci f4 cn ca an an (Y) rn c4r-{ .{ '.{ -l -J Fl Fl -l r-{ .J .-{ .-.1..{ r{ ..1 .{ '.1 .-{ .{ -l