HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 2 BLOCK 1 LOT 5 DOBSON 2 OF 3-1 LEGALV,J \*"'.-[^.) F\2 \ l".k I l^.ffs Dnt*-,. ^4fu ) Drbon /co Wb I 1., r I I l!_ tt t I f I It t t I I F r, Illlr i it". t qsrmpy ffigD tulAR 13.aoolCA PROJECT MANUAL FOR . JOHN A. DOBSON ARENA ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PROJECT Vail, Colorado PROJECT NO.9906 ODELL ARCHITECTS, P.C. 32065 CASTLE COURT; SUITE EVERGREEN, CO 80439 Eptfft ;"!CI,n,t.96'i) i-rq.o.-l-e.-cB ,:,#ffi ffi,te ffi,ffift 3j...2'1;.ol -.',*e ffiaitr"nd Februory 12,2001 oo PROJECT MANUAL FOR JOHN A. DOBSON ARENA ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PROJECT VAIL, COLORADO PROJECT NO.9906 ODELL ARCHITECTS, P.C. 32065 CASTLE COURT; SU]TE I50 EVERGREEN, CO 80439 FEBRUARY 12,2001 I I PROJECT DTRECTORY I JOHN A DOBSON ARENA I Additions ond Renovolions projecfr Voil. Colorodo I voit Recreotion District owner/Tenontt 700South Frontoge Rood Eost Voit, Colorodo 81552 I 9701479-2461 I 9701479-2197 FAX I Ode[ Architecis, p.C. ArchilectsI 32065 Costte Court; Suite l5O Evergreen, CO 80439 303/67G5980 I 303/670-7I62FAX I Peok Civil Engineering Civil Engineer I 1000 Lions Ridge Loop I Voil, CO 81657 970t476-8644 I 9701476-86l6tAX I uesrgn worKsnop Londscope Architecl I 953 South Frontoge Rood WeslI yfl,f,:5113" ''"' 970/476-8409 FAX I KL & A of Colorodo Slruclurol Engineers Consulting Skuclurol EngineersI 805 l4mSlreet I Golden, Colorodo 80401 303/38,,f-9910 I 303/384-eers FAX t The Bollord Group Mechonicol ond _ Mechonicol Consulfing Engineers t 2525 South Wodsworth Blvd. Plumbing Engineersr Lokewood, Colorodo 80227 303/988-4514 I 303/988-4sr7 FAX I Gordon, Gumeson ond Associotes, Inc. Electricol Engineer I 7430 Eosf Coley Ave., Suife 200I 5tg:frY;?*:ororodo 8or I I &3t694-9144 tAX I I oA 9906 I I I I I Specificolions Consullonls, Inc. Specificotions6l I Norlh Weber Slreet; Suite l03 I Cotorodo Springs. CO 80903I iii"iii_71"!,^. I Koechlein Consuliing Engineers, Inc. Geolechnicolt 12364 West Alomedo porkwoy Lokewood, Colorodo 9022gI 303/989-1223 r 303/989-0204 FAX I A Cut Above Forestry Foreslry ConsuliontI PO Box 7133 Breckenridge, Colorodo 90424 9701393-7322 I 971t4s3-ets4FAx Peok Lond Surveying, Inc. Lond SurveyorI looo Lions Ridse ioJpf Voil, Colorodo 81652 970/476-8644 I 970/476-8616FAxr R. A. Nelson & Associoles, Inc. Generol Controclor I 5l Eogle Roodt i).",?.ii'iJldo 81620 970/949-4379 FAX I t I I I I I END OF PROJECT DIRECTORY I oA ee06 t I I I I t I I TABLE OF CONTENTS fo* PROJECT MANUAL JOHN A DOBSON ARENA ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PROJECT VAIL, COLORADO PROJECT NO.9906 Februory 12,2001 EIDDING REQU'REMENIS AND COND'I/ONS OF IHE CONIRACI 00200 00300 006r0 00700 00800 Inslruclions fo Bidders Informolion Avoiloble to 5ub-Controct Bidden Performonce, Poymenl ond Wononty Bond Generol Condilions Supplementory Conditions SPECIF'CAI'ONS 1-7 1 l-3 1-51 1-2I I I I t I I I I I DIVISION I . GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 0l 100 Summory of Work01230 Allernoles01312 Project Meelings01330 Submittol Procedures01410 Regulotory RequiremenlsOl42l Abbreviotions ond Acronyms01423 Reference Siondords01450 Quolity Conirol01454 Full Scole Woll Mock-Up 01500 Temporory Focilities ond Controls01569 Tree ond Plonf Prolection01600 ProductRequirements01722 Field Engineering01732 Cutting ond Polching01736 SelecliveDemolition 0l 741 Finol CleoningOl77O Closeoul Procedures0l780 CloseoulSubmitlols D'WS'ON2 -S'IEWORK 021l0 Sile Cleoring02210 Finish Groding02240 Dewolering l-3 l-2 1-2 l-4 I t-2 I l-3 t-2 t-5 l-16 l-5 1-2 t-2 t-J t-2 I l-4 l-2 t-2 1-2 t-2 l-6 t-2 Excovotion Supporl ond Protecfion 02300 Eorthwork02313 Boulder Plocemenf oA 9906I I I I T I I I T I I I I I I I I I T 02370 0249 02510 02520 02530 02s70 026?0 02732 02741 02751 02783 028rs 02850 02910 02920 02930 02950 PM2 DtvtsloN 3 - coNcRAE 03r00 03200 03300 03410 03480 03515 036@ PM3 D'V'S'ON 4 - MASONRY Concrete Form ond Accessories Concrete Reinforcemenl Cost-ln-Ploce Concrele Plonl Precost Slructurol Concrete Precosf Concrete Speciollies Cemenfitious Topping Grout Division 3 Deloils o Slope Proteclion ond Erosion Conlrol Droinoge Slruclures, Pipes ond Fillings Woter Syslems Precosl Concrete Poving Sonilory SewerSystem Telephone, Coble Television ond Eleclricol Sysfems Subdroinoge Roodwoy Bose Aspholtic Concrete poving Porllond Cemenl Concrete poving Pedesiol Mounted Unil povers lrigolion Syslem Prefobricoted Pedesirion Bridge Tree Tronsplonling Soil Preporotion Lowns ond Grosses Plonling Division 2 Detoils t-4 l-8 l-l I I-4 t-8 l-6 l-3 1-2 l-6 l-5 l-3 l-10 l-3 1-2 t-4 l-4 l-10 l-6 l-5 l-15 l-6 l-3 t-2 l-3 1-2 l-3 t-2 1-2 l-8 04060 04070 04080 04450 04810 PM4 Mosonry Morlor Mosonry Groui Mosonry Anchoroge ond Reinforcement Rough Sione Veneer Unil Mqsonry Assemblies Division 4 Detoils DIV'S'ON6 .WOOD AND PIASIICS DIV'S'ON 5 - MEIATS 05120 0s310 05400 055@ PM5 06100 062@ 064t0 06416 PM6 oA 9906 Structurol Sleel Steel Deck Cold Formed Melol Froming Melol Fobricolions Division 5 Detoils Rough Corpentry Finish Corpenlry Custom Cobinets Lovotory Counters Division 6 Defoils l-l I l-8 t-3 l-6 l-4 1-2 t-4 1-2 I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t-2 t-3 t-3 t-2 l-4 1-7 l-4 t-5 l-4 l-4 t-5 t-4 1A t-2 t-2 l-? t-z t-2 l-t3 l-5 t-7 t-3 l-3 l-3 l-3 l-6 D'V'S'ON 7 .IHERMALAND MO'SIURE PROIECI'ON071ll BituminousDompproofing 07ln Fluid Applied Woterproofing07133 Modified Biluminous Sheet Woterproofing07210 Building lnsuloiion07413 Metol Woil Ponets07538 Fully Adhered Membrone Roofing076@ Floshing ond Sheel Metol07620 Zinc Metol Floshings ond Trim07810 Applied Fireproofing07840 Firestopping07920 Joinl Seolonls PM7 Division 7 Detoils D'VIS'ON 8. DOORS AND WINDOW08110 Steel Doors ond Fromes08210 Wood Doors08310 Access Doors ond Ponels08330 Coiling Doors08415 Aluminum Enlronces08416 Aluminum Window Fromes08520 Aluminum Windows 08710 Door Hordwore08800 Glozing PM8 Division 8 Deloils D/V'S'ON 9. F'N'SHES 09263 Gypsum Eoord Portitions ond Wolls09264 Gypsum Boord Ceilings09300 Tile09510 Acousticol Ceilings09560 Resilient Floodng09680 Corpet09900 Points ond Cootings PM9 Division 9 Deloils D'V'SION I O - SPEC'AIIIES l0l 70 Plostic loilet Portitions10210 Woll Louvers10400 ldenlifying Devices10503 Mefol Lockers10509 Locker Room Benches10520 Fire Protection Speciolties10651 Accordion Folding Porlition10810 loilet Accessories PM l0 Division l0 Detoils D'VIS'ON II . EQUIPMENI PM ll Division ll Detoils 1-2 t-2 1-2 l-3 l-2 I 1-2 I oA 9906 l-3 I I I I I I I I t D'WSION '2 - FURNISH'NGS NONE REQUIRED D/VISION 13 - SPEC'AT CONSIRUCI'ON13175 lce Rink Conslruclion D'V'S'ON 14. CONVEY'NG SYS1EMS NONE REQUIRED D'V'S'ON 15 - MECHANICAT15010 GenerolMechonicolRequirements15045 Mechonicol Reloled Work15060 Pipe, Volves & Pipe Speciotties15190 Mechonicolldenlificotion15250 Mechonicollnsulolion15300 Fire Protection15400 Plumbing15500 HVAC Hydronic Systems15530 Refrigeront Piping System15600 Refrigerotion15750 Air Hondling Units15800 Air Distribution15840 Hydronic Rodionl floor Heoting & Snowmelting15900 Temperofure Control Syslems15990 Tesfing Adjusting & Boloncing D'WS'ON 16 - ELECIR/CAI I 60 | 0 Bosic Eleclricol Requirements16050 Bosic Eleclricol Moteriols qnd Methods16140 Wiring Devices16170 Molor ond Circuil Disconnecis'16450 Grounding16470 Ponelboords16745 OvercurentProtecliveDeviceI6485 Molor Storten16515 Lighting16720 Conventionol Fire Detection ond Alorm System END OF TABLE OF CONTENTS t-12 l-8 l-34 l-3 t-8 t-8 r-r8 1-t5 l-4 t-4 l-3 I -14 l-3 l-8 t-7 t-18 l-l I l-4 t-2 l-4 l-4 t-2 r-3 l-6 t-12 t I I I I I I I I I oA 9906 I I I DOCUMENT OO2O5 INSTRUCTIONS IO SUBCONTRACT BIDDERS I. CONTRACTSII The Generol Conlrocfor for this projecl is: R.A. Nelson & Assoc., lnc. I 5l Eogte Rood I Avon, Colorodogl620 970t949_5152 I Except os indicoled othenarise, qll work under lhis coniroct will be under lhe direclion of!' lhe Generol Controclor. The successful bidder(s) will execute o subconlrocl or purchose rr-lo1 tryitfi lhe Generol Conlroctor on lhe Generol Controclor's slondord forms.It wherever the words Controclor or Generol Controcfor ore used in fhe Project Monuol, fhey sholl meon R.A. Nelson & Assoc., Inc. . T 2. STATE AND LOCAL LAWS I Bidders ore expecled to fomiliorize themselves with the lows ond octs of the Stote of I Colorodo ond the ordinonces of the cify or counly in which the project is locoled. ,_ 3. TNTERPRETATTON OF DOCUMENTS t No interprelotion of the meoning of lhe plons, specificolions or other pre-bid documenls will be mode to ony bidder orolly. I Only inferpretofions mode in conformity with fhe following procedure will be volid. _ Interprelotions eilher written or orol by ony of lhe Architecl's consullonfs will not be volid. t Every requesl for such interprelotion should be in wriling oddressed to the Archilect ond to be given considerotion musl be received by the Archilect before: I 12:00 Noon, Seven Colendor Doys Before Dote set byI lhe Conkoctor for Receipi of Bids I Any ond oll such inierprelotions ond ony supplemenlol insfruciions will be in the form ol! written oddendo which, if issued, will be moiled to fhe respective oddresses furnished lor such purposes. Foilure of ony bidder lo receive ony such oddendo or inlerpretolion sholl I nol relieve such bidder from ony obligotion under his bid os submilled. All oddendo soI issued sholl become o porl of lhe Controcl Documenls. I 4. CONSULTANTS r As o motler of identificoiion, the nomes of consultonls employed by the Archilect or Owner for vorious phoses of lhe work ore lisied on the drowings ond in the ProjectI Monuol. I I oA ee06 I 00205-l I I o. Per drowings ond specificotions, ifemize cosfs by eoch specificofion seclion. Show I totol cosls (toxes, freight, elc.J I b. List ony specificotion item exclusion seporolelyc. Note oll oddendo included in bid.d. lndicole lhe number of working doyr required lo complete bid work. lf work is I phosed, provide lime schedule for eoch phose of work. (i.e. electricol - elecfricolI roughin ond eleclricol lrim workwould be different phoses of work.) I Refurn drowings ond Projeci Monuol wilh bid to lhe Generol Controclor nol loler thon I doie requesled. I Any bid relurned to fhe Generol Controclor incomplele including ony ond ollI informolion herein requested, will be rejecied upon such delerminoiion by the Project!r Monoger. I lf the porty bidding is on incorporoted body. the proposot shoil be signed by the,! president ond secrelory or o duly oulhorized ogenl ond be occomponied by the corporotion seol. lf.noi o corporolion, oll inlerested bidders musl sign lhe proposol. I The proposol form ond oll ottoched documenls together wifh ony required proposol guoronty, sholl be ploced in o seoled envelope morked for identificolion ond delivered I 1o ihe ploce indicoted by the Controclor prior to the dote ond hour stipuloled. I B. sALEs AND usE TAXEs I This Project is lox exempt, See Supplementory Condilions for requiremenls.I 9. PLANS FOR REFERENCE I Complele sets of plons ond specificotions foroll portions of lhe work moy be exomined by Controclors, subconlroclors ond moteriol suppliers ot the offices of lhe GenerolI Conkoclor ond/or Architecl. a END OF INSTRUCTIONS TO SUBCONTRACT BIDDERSI I I I I I oA eeo6 I @205-3 I I I DOCUMENT OO3OO INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO BIDDERS I I.OI SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION r Eoch qffected Bidder sholl be fulty fomilior wilh lhe following documenf which hos been t prepored for the Owner by his seporote consullonls. .I! A. Subsurfoce Invesligolion (Geotechnicol Reporl): I Soils ond foundotion InvestigolionI Proposed Addition John Dobson lce Areno I 321 Eost Lionsheod Circle I Voit, Cotorodo Koechlein Consulling Engineers, Inc. - Lokewood, Colorodo I Job No.98-l4l Augusi 4, 1998 I B. The obove document will be ovoiloble for exominotion ol the offices of the Owner ondt Archilect. In preporing his bid. eoch Bidder sholl consider ond evoluole dolo contoined in lhe obove documenl os well os the drowings ond Project Monuol prepored by theI Architect. I C. Such dolo is offered solely for reference ond is nol lo be considered o porf of lhe I Conlroct Documenls. The doto contoined in the obove listed documenf is believed io t be relioble; however, the Architect does not guoronlee its occurocy or completeness. END OF INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO BIDDERS I I I oA eeo6 I t I I I 00300-l THE STATE OF couNwoF That we, PERFORMANCE, PAYMENT AND WARRANTY BONI) ) ) sS. KNOW ALL MEN BY TITESE PRESENTS: ) I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I the City of County of and State of (hereinafter called "Principal") as Principal, and (hereinaffer called "Surety") as Surety, authorized under the laws ofthe State ofColorado to act as surety on bonds for principals, are held and firmly bound unto (hereinafter called 'Owner") as obligee, in the penal sum of (S-) in lawful money of the United States for payment by Principal and Surety, and bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administraton, successors and assigns, jointly and severally and firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Principal has, on l9_, entercd into a wrinen Agreement with Owner for constnrction of the hoject as defined in said Agreement, which Agreement is by reference made a pan hereof and is hereinafter referred to as the Asreement. NOW, THEREFORE, the conditions of this obligation are that if the Principal shall: (l) faithfully perform said Agreement on Principal's pan and satis$ all claims and demands incuned for the same; (2) fully indemniS and save harmless the Owner from all costs and damages which said Owner may suffer by reason of Principal's failure so to do; (3) fully reimburse and repay said Owner all outlay and expenses which said Owner may incur in making good any dcfault; (4) pay all pe6ons, firms and corporations alljust claims due them for the payment ofall laborers and mechanics for labor performed, for all materials and equipment fumished, and for all materials and equipment uscd or rented in the performance of Principal's Agreement; and (5) keep the Work constnrcted undcr this Agreement in good repair for a period oftwo years from date offinal accepance by said Owner, then this obligation is null and void: otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. cohrhJc\p.trling\ow<rd.hoi l.rv{6r31 t I I I To the extent permissible by law, rhe Principal shall protect, dcfend, indemniff and save. harmless the Owncr, the, Architect and their ofliccrs, agents, servants and emptoyecs, from and against suits, actions, claims, losses, liability or damage ofany character, and from aiid against costs and expcnses including, in part, attomey fees incidenal to the dcfcnsc of such suits, actions, claims, losses, damages or liability on account of injury, disease, sickness, and death to sny person or damage to property, inctuding in part the loss ofusc rcsulting therefrorl based upon or allegedly based upon ani act, omission or occurrcnce of the Principal, or his employees, servants, agents, subcontractors or suppliers, or anyone else under the Principal's dircction and control, and arising out of, occurring in connection with, resulting from, or caused by the performance or failure of performance ofany work or services called for by the Agreement, or from conditions created by the performance or non-performance of said work or services. This indemnity shall not extend to liability arising out of the preparation by the Architect ofthe design or specificarions for the Owner or the giving ofwrinen directions or instruction by the Architect as may be required by the Conlract Documents, provided the giving ofsuch written instructions or directions is the proximate cause of the injury or damagc should it occur. Whenever Principal shall bc, and is declared by Owner to be, in default under the Agrcement, thc Owner having performed Owner's obligations thereunder, the Owner may avail itself of the provisions of Section 15.02 B ofthe General Conditions which are incorporated by reference in the Agreement and the Surety shall promptly pay the amounts, if any, due Owner by Principal. Any suit under this Bond must be instituted bcforc the expiration of three years from the date on which finat payment under the Agrcement falls due. No right of action shall accrue on this Bond to or for the use of any person or corporation other than the Owner named herein or the successors and assigns of Owner and to all penons, firms and corporations for all just claims due them for the payment of all laborers and mechanics for labor performed, for all materials and equipment furnished, and for all materials and equipment used or rented in the performance of Principal's Agreement. co6tr*\pdnling\o*qC.nol lr.v4335l I I I I I I T I I t I I I I I I I I I I By: By: I I t I I I I t I T I a I The Surety hereby waives the right to special notification ofany notification ofor alterations, omissions or rl reductions, extra or additional worlq cxtensions of time, Change Orden, Field Orders or any other act or acts of I Owner or its authorized agents undcr the terms of the Agreement; and failure to notiry Surety of such shalt in no t way relievc Surety ofits obligations. I Signed and sealed this _ day of _, l9_. PRINCIPAL: Witness (Address) SURETY: Witness (Address) Surety's Telephone No. T I I ed|{n c\shtne\o',6c.nor tl.v{63!t I l(oo I I I cENERAL cor{DrrroNs (o I I TABLE OF CONTENTS PrraNumber TltlcI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART 1. PART2. 2.01 2.O2 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 PART3. 3.01 3.02 PART4 - 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 PART5. 5.01 5.02 5.03 s.04 s.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 PART 6. 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 DELIVERY OF BONDS ........... EXECUTTON AND TRANSMISSION OF DOCUMENTS ..............................3 COPIES OF DOCUMENTS...... AVAILABILITY OF LANDS; PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; REFERENCE POINTS AVAILABILITY OF LANDS................5 PHYSICAL CONDITIONS . ITWESTIGATIONS AND REPORTS ..............5 UNFORESEEN PI{YSICAL CONDITIONS................... .............6 REFERENCE POINTS... ....................6 BONDS AND INSURANCE Table of Contents (cont) t I I I I I I I I I I 5.09 6.10 6.11 6.r2 6.13 6.r4 6.15 PART 7 - 7.01 7.02 PART 8 - 8.01 PART 9. 9.0r 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.0s 9.06 9.07 PART TO. 10.01 PART T1- 11.01 tt.02 r1.03 11.04 PART 12. 12.01 12.02 PART 13 - 13.01 13.02 13.03 USE OFPREMISES. CHANGES INTIIEWORK owNERMAY ORDERCHANGES .....................25 CHANGE OFAGREEMENT PRICE ...................26 AGREEMENT PRICE CHANGED ONLY BY CHANGE ORDER.............26 cosT oF THE WORr( ....................27 CoNTRACTOR'S FEE .............-......29 ADJUSTMENT OFTHE UNIT PRICE ...........30 CoNTRACT TIME AND CHANG8S.............. ...........................30 DETERMINATION AND EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME ................30 CONTRACT TIME CHANGED ONLY BY CHAI\GE ORDER..................30 WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE; TESTS AI{D INSPECTIONS; CORRECTION, REMOVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTM WORK........ .........................31 WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE .................. ...........................31 ACCESS TO WORK.. .......................31 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS ...........31 t I t I I I I I I I o Table of Contents (cont) 13.04 UNCOVERINGWORK......... ...........32 13.05 owNERMAy STOP THE WORK........ ..............32 13.06 CORRECTION OR REMOVAL OF DEFECTIVE AND UNAUTHORIZED WORK......... ..................32 13.07 TWO YEARCORRECTION PERIOD ..................33 13.08ACCEPTANCE OFDETECTMWORK .............33 13.09 OWNER MAy CORRECT DEFECTM WORK........ ..............33 PART 14 - CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE, SCHEDULE OF VALUES, PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTORS AI\D COMPLETION IVIISCELLANEOUS u t T I I t I I I I t I T I tl t I I 14.01 14.02 14.03 t4.04 14.05 t4.06 14.07 14.08 14.09 14.10 14.11 PART 15 - 15.01 15.02 15.03 15.04 PART 16 - r6.01 t6.02 16.03 16.04 PART 17. 17.0r r7.02 17.03 r7.04 PART 18. PART 19 - Table of Contents (cont) PART 20 - STREAIVILII\ED SPECIFICATIONS ;.....;...........46 PART 2I - HANDLING OFD 21.01 DISPIIIES..................47 21.02 DISPUTES WITH THIRD PARTIES PART 22 - DUTIES, RESPONSIBILnIES, AND LIMITATTONS OF TEE AUTHORITY OF RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENTATII|E OFAND..... .........................47 ....-.-....47 DUTIES AI\D RESPONSIBILITIES................... .......................48 LIMITATTONS OFAUTHORITY......... ...............49 DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES, AND LIMITATIONS oF TrIE AUTHORITY OF THE OWI\ER'S REPRESENTATIVE.............50 DESCRrPTrON.................,..50 ,..50DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 22.01 22.02 22.03 I I T I I I I t t t I I I I I I T I I PART 23. 23.01 23.02 23.03 lu t I I o General ConditionsPART 1. DEFIMTIONS I I I I I I I I I I T T I I I I Wherevcr uscd in these Gcncral Conditions or in the other Conract Documcnts, the following terms have themsanings indicated which are applicablc to both the singular and plural thereof: Addenda - Wrinen or graphic instumens issued prior to the opcning of Bids which clarify, correct or changc thc bidding documents or the Contact Documcnrs, Agreement - The writteu agreerncnt bctwecn Owner and Contactor covering the Work to be performcd. Agreement Price - The moueys payable by Owner to Contactor undcr the Contract Documents as stated in &e Agreement Application for Partial Payment - Thc form designated by Engineer which is to be used by Contractor in requesting progress or final payment atrd which is to include such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Documents. Bid Form - The offer or proposal of the Bictder submitted on rhe prescribed form sefiing forth the prices for the Work to be performed. Change Order - A writren order to Contactor signed by owncr and Cont-actor authorizing an additiorl deletion, or revision in the Work, or an adjustment in the Agreement Price or the Contract Time issucd after the effective datc of the Agreement. Contract Documents - The Agreemenr; Addenda; Insructions to Bidders; Bid Form; performance, PaSrment and wananty Bond; Notice of Award; Notice to proceed; Drawings dated . consisting oi sheets numbcr - thrrough -; Specifications; Addendum no(s) _ io .p"ciftcationf, if any; tiese General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions, if any; Documentati-on srbmitted by Contractor *iO siaand prior to Notice of Award; CouEactor's Bid (pages - to _, inclusivc) marked as Exhibit A to theAgreement; any Notice of Partial Utilization; Notice oi Substantial Completion and Notice of FinalCompletion and Acceptance; Sumnary of Work; and any modifications, Changc Orders, Field Orders orother such revisions properly authorized aftcr the exccution of the Agreement. Contract Time - The number of days stated in thc Agreement for thc Completion of thc Work. Contractor - The person or eutity with whom Owner has entered into the Agreement to perform the Work. Day - e calendar day of hnenty-four hours measured from midnight to the next midnight. Defective - An adjectivc which when modifying thc word Work refers to Work that is unsatisfactory, faulty or delicicn! or does not coofomt to tbc ConFact Documents or does not meet the requirements of an]inspection, test or approval referred to in the Coutact Documents, or has been damaged lrior to Enginee/s recommcndation for final payment. Drawings - The drawings which show the cbaractcr and scope of the Work to be performcd and which have becn prepared or approved by Engineer and arc rcferred to in the contract Documens. Effective Date of the AgreemeBt - The date indicated in the Agreement on which it becomes effectivc, but if no such date is indicated it means the date on which the Agreement is signed aud delivereil by the last of the parties to sign and deliver. t T I Engineer - Named as Engiuccr in Agrccmen! who shall also serve as Owne/s Rcpresentative unlcss Owners sball appoing in writing a diffcrent rqprescntative. Field Order - A written order iszued by Engliter which orders minor changes in ihe Work in accordancc with paragraph l0.0lB but which does not involve a cbangc in thc Agrecmcnt Price or the Contact Time. Modification - (a) A written amendmcnt of rhc Contact Documents signed by both partics, (b) a Change Order, or (c) a Ficld Ordcr. A modification may be issued only after thc cffcctivc datc of the Agrecmcnt Notice of Award - Thc written noticc by Owncr to thc apparent successful Bidder suting that upon compliancc by tbc apparent successful Bidder with tbe conditions preccdent enumcratcd thercin, within the time specified, Owner will sign and delivcr the Agrccmcnt Notice to Proceed - A writtcn notice given by the Owner to Contractor (with a copy to Enginecr) fixing the datc on which the ConEact Time will corlmencc to run and on vehich Coutactor shall start to perform his obligations under tbe Contract Documents. Orvner - The District with whom Contractor has cntcrcd into thc Agrcemint aud for whom thc Work is to bc providcd. Plans - The official plans, working drawings, or supplemental drawings or exact reproductions thereof, prcpared by or approved in conccpt by thc Engineer which show the location, character, dimensions, and details of the Work to bc done and which are to be considered as part of the Conract Documents, supplcmcntal to thcsc Spccifications. Project - Tbe total constnrction of which rhc Work to bc providcd under the Contact documenc may be the wholc, or part. Resident Project Representative - Thc authorizcd reprcsentative of Engineer or Owner who is assigned to the site or any part thercof, Part - Section(s) ofthesc Gcncral Conditions. Shop Drawings - All drawings, diagnms, illustations, schedulcs and othcr data which arc spccifically prepared by Contactor, a Subconfactor, manufacturcr, fabricator, supplier or disbibutor to illushtc somc portion of the Work and all illusrations, brochures, standard schedulcs, performauce charts, instnrctions, diagrams aud othcr information preparcd by a manufacturer, fabricator, supplicr or disuibutor and submitted by Contractor to illustratc material or equipmeut for somc portion of the Work. Specifications - Thosc portions of the Contact Documents consisting of writtcn tcchnical descriptions of materials, equipmen! constnrction systcnrs, standards and workmanship as applied to the Work and ccrtain administative details applicable thereto. Subcontractor - A person or entity having a direct contract with Contractor or with any other Subcontractor for thc performance of a part of thc Work at the site. Substantial Completion - The Work has progrcsscd to the point where, in the opinion of Engineer as evidenced by his definitive certificate of Substantial Completion, it is sufliciently complete, in accordance with the Contract Documents, so that the Work can be utilized for the purposes for which it was intcnded and it is rcady for punch listing. I I I I t I I I T I I I t I I I I I t I T I ! I I t I I I t I I I I I PART 2. 2.01 Work - The cntire completcd coustruction or thc various scparately idcntifiable parts thercof reguired to bc furnished under thc Cotrtact Documents. The tcrm "Work" shall be undcrstood to mcan the fumishing of all labor, matedals, equipmcn! aad other incidentals necessary or convenicnt to the successful completion of the Projcct and the carrying out of all thc duties and obligations imposed by thc Contact Documents and the entire completed construction or thc various separately identifiable parts thereof required to be fumished under the Coutract Docuncat$ 2.02 PRELIMINARY MATTERS DELIVERYOFBONDS When Contractor dclivers the executed Agrccmcnts to Owner, Contractor shall also deliver to Owner the Performance, Payment and Warranty Bond. EXECUTION AND TRANSMISSION OF DOCUMENTS A. At least six (6) copies of thc Contract Documcnts will be prepared by Engineer. All copies will be submitted to Contractor and Cortractor shall exccutc thc Agreemen! insert all Certilicates of Insurance, ard submit all copies to Owaer within ten ( I 0) days of Notice of Award. The date on the Agreement and Bond forms and the Certification Date on the Power of Attomcy shall be left blank for completion by Owner. B. Owner rvill execute all copies, inscrt the date on the Agrecment and Bond forms and the Certification Date on the Power of Attomey, and Eansmit all copies to Engineer within ten (10) days for review and distibution. Disribution of signed copics will be one copy cach to Owner, Contactor, and Engineer, Contractor shall be responsible for distibution of copics to thc Swcty. 2.03 COPIESOFDOCUMENTS Owner shall fumish to Contractor ompletc sets of the Contract Documents for use in the cxecution of the at the cost of the reproductioq which is: will be furnished upon reques! Complete set of project Drawings Complete project Specifi cations Individual sheets of Drawings lndividual pages of Specifications 2.04 COMMENCEMENT OF CONTRACT TII\{E; NOTICE TO PROCEED The Contract Time shall commence to run on the day indicated in the Notice to Proceed. 2.05 STARTING THE PROJECT Contactor shall start to perform the Work on the date whcn the Contact Time commenccs to run, but no Work shall be done at the site prior to the date on which the Contract Time cornmenccs to run. 2.06 BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUCTION A. Beforc undcrtaking cach part of thc Work Contactor shall carcfully study and comparc thc Contact Documcnts and chcck and vcrify pertinent figures shown thereon and all applicable field mcasucmcnts. Contactor shall prorrytly rcport in writing to Enginccr any conllict, error or discrepanry which Contactor may discova; howcvcr, Contactc shall not bc liablc to Owner or Enginccr for failrre to rcport any conllic! cror or discrepancy in thc Drawiags or Specilications, unless Contractor had actual knowledge thercof or should reasonably have known thcrcof. B. Bcfore any Work at thc sitc is stanc4 Contractor shall deliver to Owner, with a copy to Enginecr, ccrtilicates of insurancc (and other evideacc of insurance requested by Owner) which Contactor is requircd to purchase ald maintain in accordance with Part 5. 2.07 PRECONSTRUCTIONCONFERENCE Withiu twcnty (20) days aftcr thc cffectivc datc of thc Agrecmcnt, but before Contactor starts thc Work at tbc site, a conferencc will be held for review and acceptance of the schedules referred to in Section 6.13, to establish procedures for handling Shop Drawings and other submittals and for processing Applications for Partial Payment and to cstablish a working understanding among the parties as to the Work. PART 3- CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: INTENT AI\[D REUSE 3.01 INTENT A. Tbe ConEact Documents comprisc tbc cntire Agrccmcnt betweea Owner and Contractor concerning thc Work. They may bc altered only by a Modification. B. The Contract Documcnts arc complcmentary; wbat is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. If, during the performancc of thc Work, Contactor finds a couflicg eror or discrepancy in thc Contact Documents, hc shall report it to Engineer in writing at once and beforc procceding with thc Work affectcd thcrcby; howcver, Contactor shall not be liable to Owncr or Enginecr for failure to rcport any conflict, cnor or discrepaucy in thc Specifications or Drawings unless Contactor had actual knowlcdgc tbercof or should reasonably have known thcrcof. C. It is thc intett of the Specifications and Drawings to dcscn'be a complete projcct (or part thercof) to bc consEucted in accordancc with thc Conract Documents. Any Work that may reasonably be inferred from thc Spccifications or Drawings as being rcquired to produce thc intcnded rcsult shall bc supplicd whcthcr or not it is specifically called for. When words which have a well-hown tecbnical or trade meaning arc uscd to dcscribc Worl matcrials or equipmen! such words shall be interprcted in accordancc with such meaning. Refercncc to standard specifications, manuals or codes of any technical society, organization or association, or to the code of any govemmcntal authority, whether such reference be specific or by implication, shall mean the latcst standard specification, manual or code in cffect at the time of opening of Bids (or, oo the cffectivc date of tbe Agreement if there were no Bids), except as may be otherwise spccifically stated. However, no provision of any referenccd sundard specification manual or code (whcther or Dot spccifically incorporatcd by rcfcrcncc in thc Contact Documents) shall change thc duties and responsibilities of Owner, Contractor or Engiueer, or any of their agents or employees from those set forth in the Contact Documcnts. t I T I t I t I t I I I T I I I I I I I I t I I I T I I I I t T I I I I t I Clarifications atrd interprctrtiotrs of thc Contract Documeats shall be issucd by Enginccr as providcd for in paragnph 9.03. D. Thc Contract DocumenB havc bcen madc, executed, and dclivcrcd iD the Statc of Colorado and shall bc govcmed and construcd for all purposcs undcr and in accordance with the laws of thc Satc of Colorado. E. Th€ ftojcct Marual consists of llvitation to Bid, Instnrction to Bidders, Bid Fonn, Bid Bou4 Agrcsmcnt, Pcrformance Payment and Wananty Bon4 General Conditions, Supplcmcntary Conditions, aud Spccifications. Should any constnrction or conditions which arc not thoroughly or satisfactority stipulatcd or set forth by the Specifications bc anticipated on any proposed project, Supplementary Conditions for such Work may be prepared and attached to the Bid Proposal Forrr and Agrecmcn! and shall be considercd as part ofthe Specifications, ihe samc as though contained fully thcreia. Should any Supplementary Condition conllict with rhc Gcncral Conditions, thc Supplementary Condition will govem. 3.02 REUSE OFDOCUMENTS Neither Contractor nor any Subconmctor, manufacturer, fabricator, supplier or disributor shall have or acquire any title to or ownership rights in any ofthe Drawings, Specifications or other documents (or copies of any thereof) prepared by or bearing the seal of Engineer; and thcy shall not reuse any of thcm on extensions of thc Project or aay other project without writtcn consent of Owner and Engineer and specific written verification or adoption by Enginccr. PART4- AVAILABILITY OF LANDS; PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; REFERENCE POINTS 4.01 AVAILABILITYOFLAI',IDS Owner shall fumish, as indicatcd in ihe Contract Documents, the lands upon which thc Work is to be performed, rights-of-way for access thercto, and such other lands which arc designated for the use of the Contactor. Easements for permancnt stnrctu€s or permanent changcs in cxisting facilitics will bc obtaincd and paid for by Owner, unless otherwise provided in thc Contract Documcnts. In acquiring cascmcnE or rights-oiwan thc Owner shall procced as cxpeditiously as possiblc, but in the cvent all cascmcnts or rights-of-way are not acquired prior to tbe beginning of constnrction, the Contactor shall bcgin Work on such casements and rights-of-way that havc bccn acquired. In thc event a delay in thc acquisition of rights-of-way causcs uaavoidablc delay in Connacto/s prosccution of tbe Work then Contact may make a claim for an cxtcnsion of ConFact Time, as providcd in Part 12. Contractor shall provide for all additional lands and access thcreto that may bc requircd for temporary coustruction facilities or storage ofmatcrials and equipment. 4.02 PITYSICAL CONDITIONS -IIWESTIGATIONS AND REPORTS Ov"ner shall identi& and makc availablc to Contractor copics of thosc rcports of i:nvestigations and test of zubzurfacc and latent physical conditions at ibc site or othernrise affecii'g cost, progress or perfonnancc of the Work which havc becn rclied upou by Engineer in prcparation of tbe Drawings and Specificatioos. Such rcpors are not guanoteed as to accuracy or completencss and arc not part of thc Contract DocumcDb. 4.03 UNFORESEENPIIYSICALCONDITIONS A. Contractor shall promptly noti$ Owncr and Enginccr in writing of any latent physical conditions at the site or in an cxisting structurc differing matcrially from those indicatcd or rcfemed to in thc Conract Documents. Engincer will promptly review those conditions and advisc Owuer in writing if furtbcr invcstigation or tests src necessary. Promptly thereaftcr, Owncr shall obtain thc neccsssry additional investigations and tests and fumish copies to Elgbccr and Cmactor. Jf Fngi[ecr finds that ihc rcsuls of such investigations or tcsts indicatc that there arc latent physical conditions which dilfer materially from those intended in the Conts'act Documents, and which could not rcasonably have been anticipated by Contactor, a Change Ordcr shall bc issued incorporating the necessary revisions. B. Rock encountered during cxcavation, and dewatering of soils shall not constitute unforcsecn pbysical conditions pusuant to paragraph 4.03A. Contactor shall not be entitled to a Change Order for cxperse and dclay resulting from greater than anticipated rock excavatiou or dewatering. 4.04 REFERENCE POINTS Owner shall providc engiaccring survcys for constr,rction to establish rcference points which in its judgment are necessary to enable Contractor to proceed with the Work. Contactor shall be responsible for laying out the Work" shall protcct and presenc the established reference points and shall makc no changcs or rclocations without tbe prior written approval of Owner. Contractor shatl rcport to Engincer whenevcr any refercncc point is lost or dcstroyed or requires relocation because of necessary changcs in grades or locations, aod sball bc responsiblc for replacement or relocation of such rcfcrence points by professionally qualified pcnonnel. PART 5. BOIIDS AIID INSURANCE 5.01 PERFORMANCEAT{DOTHERBONDS ConEactor shall fimrish a Performance, Payment and Wananty Bond" in an amount at least equal to thc Agrccment Pricc as security for the faithftl performancc and payment of all Contacto/s obligations under thc Contract Documcnts. This Bond shall remain in effect at lcast until two (2) years aftcr the date whcn final paymcnt becomes duc, or until the two-year concction period in paragraph 13.07 is over, cxccpt as otherwise provided by law or regulation or by the Contact Documcnts. Contractor shall also firnrish such other Bon4s as are required hcrein by the Supplemcntary Conditions. All Bonds shall be or the forms prescribed by thc Contract Documents and be executed by such Suretics authorized to do business itr the Statc of Colorado as arc namcd in the current list of "Companies Holding Certificatcs of Authority as Acceptable Srueties ou Federal Bonds and as Acceptable Reinsuring companics" as published in Circular 570 (amended) by tbe Audit Staff Bureau of Accounts, U.S. Treasury Departrncnt Each Bond shall bc accompanied by a power of attomey authorizing thc attonrcy-in-fact to bind the Surety and certified to include the date of the Boud- If the Surcty on any Bond furnishcd by Contractor is dcclared a banknrpt or becomes insotvent, or its right to do busincss is terminatcd in any state where aay part of the Project is located or it ceases to meet thc requircmcnts of paragraph 5.01A Contactor shall, within frve (5) days thereafter, substitute another Bond and Surety acceptable to Owner. Thc Pcrformance, Payment and warranty Bond shall be in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Agreement Pricc, as indicated by change orders and alt modifications, I I t I I t I t t I t It t II t I T I I A. B. c. l, I 5.02I t I I t T t I I t t t I I t I I as security for papr.cnt of all wages and bills contsctcd for matcrials, supplics, and equipment uscd in thc performance of the contact CoNTRACTOR'S INSIJRANCE REQUIREMENTS A- Conhactor shall purcbasc and maintain during tbe entire term of this Agreement including any cxEnsion of thc c,ontrast Tirc through chmgc orders, aad as provided in paragraph 5.028 such commcrcial gencral liability and other insurance as will provide protcction from ilaims set forth below which may arise out of or result from Contractot's perfonnance of the Work and Contractot's other obligations undcr thc Contact Documents, whether such pcrformance is by Contactor, by any Subconractor, by anyonc directly or indirectly employed by any of thcrq or by anyone for whose acts any ofthem may bc liablc: 1. Claims under workers'or workmcn's compensation, disability benefits and other similar employee benefit acts; 2. Claims for damages because ofbodily injury, occupational sickness or disease, or death of Contractor's employees; 3. Claims for ttamages because of bodity injury, sickncss or disease, or death of any person other than Contactor's employees; 4. Claims for damages insured by personal injury liability coverage which are sustained (i) by any persou directly or indirectly resulting from the employment of such person by Contractor, or (ii) by any person for any other reason; 5. Claims for damages, other than to the Work itsclf, because of injury to or destuctiotr of tangiblc propcrty, including loss ofuse rcsulting therefrom; and 6. claims for &mages becausc of bodily injury or death of any person or propcrty &mage arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use ofany motor vehicle. B. Tbe insurance required of Contactor shall include the specific coverages and corresponding limits of liability provided in paragraph 5.02E, or as rcquired by law, whichever is grcater. All coverages shall be underwrinen by carricrs authorized to do business in Colorado, with an A.M. Best's rating ofnot less than A- and a classification ofX or higher, unless otherwisc acceptable to Owner. All such insurance shall contaiu a provision that the coverage afforded will not be canccllcd, materially changed or renewal refused until at least thirty (30) days'prior written noticc has becn given to Owner and Engineer. "Will cndeavor" and "but failurc to mail such notice shall impose no obligation ofany kind upon the company, its agetrts, or representatives" wording shall be deleted f,om the certificates. All such insssase shall rernain in cffect until fiual paymeut and at all times thcreaftcr whcn contnctor may be conccting, removing or replacing defectivc Work in accordance with paragraph 13.07. In addition, Contractor shall maintaitr such complcted operations insurancc for at lcast two (2) years aftcr fmat payment and furnish Owncr with evidence of continuation of such insurancc at frnat paymelt and two (2) years thereafter. C. Workers' compensation shall include "alt states" endorsements. To the extent that Contacto/s work, or work under his direction, may require blasting, explosive conditions, or underground opcrations, the comrnercial general liability covengc shall contain no exclusion relative to blasting, explosion, collapse ofbuildings, or damage to underground property. contsactor and his insure(s), agr€e to waive all right of zubrogation against thc owner, thcEnginccr, and thcir subconsultants, cmployces, offrccrs and directors, for work performcd under this Agrccment Policics shall also spccif that thc insurancc provided by thc Conhactor wilt bc considcrcdpriuary and not coDEttutory to any other insuranci availabla to the owna or the Euginccr. colractol shall indemnif, defcnd and hotd harmlcss thc owncr and Engineer for workpcrformed uoder rhis Agrecnent The limits of liability for contactot's Liability Insurancc shall not be lcss than: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t T 1. Workcrs' Compcnsation: 2. Emptoye/sliability: Commercial General Liability: a. Bodilylnjuryad Property Damage Combined: or as to b. Propcrty Damage only: 4. ComprehensivcAutomobile Liability: Statutory $100,000 Discase each person $t00,000 Each accident $500,000 Disease Policy Limit $rs0,000 Each pcrson $600,000 Per occurrcncc Combined Singlc Limit $1,000,000 Gcneral Aggregatc $1,000,000 ProductVCompleted Opcratio$ A ggregab $6OO,OOO Pcr occurrencc $1,000,000 aggregatc t I I l. I t a. Bodily Injury and hopcrty Damage Combincd:$150,000 Each pcnon $600,000 Pcr Accidcnt or as to b. property Damage only: $600,000 Pcr Accident $1,000,000 aggregatc F. At the optior of Contractor, evidence of coverage and limits may be firmished by an umbrella liability policy certificate in addition to certificates for Workers' Compensation and emptoyer's liability, and commercial automobile and general liability poticies. 5.03 CONTRACTUALLIABILITYINSURANCE The cornmcrcial genenl liability insurance required by articlc 5.02 shall include contractual liability insurance applicable to Contractor's obligations under paragraphs 6.14A and 6.14B. 5.04 OWNERAND ENGINEERADDITIONALINSUREDS CoDtractor shall uame Owner and Engineer as Additional Insured under is Commercial General Liability insurancc, and shall furnish proof of the same by delivcry of a currcnt and valid Certificate of Insurance. The liability limiG shall be as specified for commercial general liability insuraucc. 5.05 PROPERTYINSIJRANCE A. Owncr man but only will do so by Change Order or Addendun\ purchase and maintain Property insurancc upon the Work at lhe site to the full insurable value thereof. This insurance shall include the interests of Owner, Contractor and Subcontractors in the Wor! shall iusure against the perils of fire and extended coverage and shall include "al! risk" insurance for physical loss and danage including theft, vandalism and malicious rrischief, collapse and watcr damage, and shall includc damages, losses and expenses arising out of or rcsulting from any insured loss or incuned in the repair or replacement of atry insured property (including fces and chargcs of eogineers, architects, attomcys and other professionals). con&actor shall purchase and maintain similar property insurance on portions of the Work stored on and offthe sitc or in transit when such portions of the Work are to be included in an Application for Partial Payment. Owner intends to, and man but is not obligated to purchase and maintain boiler and machinery insurancc. If contractor requesb in writing that other special insurance be included in tbe propeny insurance policy, owncr shall, if possible, include such insurance, and the cost rhereof shall be charged to contractor by appropriate change order. prior to commencement of the work at the site, Owner will in writing advise Contactor whether or not such special insurance has been procured by Owner. B. I T I I I T t I t t I I T I t I c. I T I I t I I I t t I T I t I I I I t D. E. F. Buildcr's Risk Insurancc. 1. Contractor shall purchase and maintain buildet's risk insurance. This insurancc shall bc writtcn in completed value form and shall protect conffictor, owner, and Engincer against risks of rtamagc to buildings, structurcs, and matcrials and equipment lot othcrwisc covered undcr installation floater insurance, from thc perils ol firc and ligbtniog, tlc perils includcd in thc standard cxtended covcragc etrdorsemcnt, and thc perils of van&lisrr and uralicious mischief. The amount of such insurancc shall bc not less than thc insurablc value of the Work at complction tcss the value of thc materials and cquipmcnt insured under insallation floater insuratce. 2. Builde/s risk insurancc shall providc for losses to bc payablc to contractor, owncr, and Engiaccr as their intercss may appcar. The policy shall contain a provision that in thc cvent of payment for any loss under thc coveragc provided the insurance company shall have no rights ofrecovcry against the Contractor, Owner, and Eugineer. lnstallation Floatcr Insuraucc. 1. Contactor shall purchasc and rnaintain insaltation floater insurance. 2. Equipment such as pumps, compressors, basin equipmen! motors, switchgcar, transforrners, panel boards, contol equipment, and other similar equipment shall be insured undcr the installation lloater insurance when thc aggregate value of the cquipmcnt exceeds Ten Thousand Dollan ($10,000.00). This insurance shall protect Contracror, Owner, and Engineer from all insurablc risks of physical loss or damagc to matcrials and equipment not otherwisc covered under builde/s risk insurance, while in warchouses or storagc areas, during installation, during tcsting, and after the work is completed. It shall bc ofthc "all risk" type, with covcragcs dcsigncd for the circumstances which may occur in the particular Work incluiled in thc Contract Documents. The coveragc shall bc for an amount not less than the insurable value of thc work at completion, less the valuc of materials and cquipmcnt insured undcr buildeds risk insurancc. Thc value shall include the aggregatc valuc of drc owncr-furnished equipmcnt and materials to be erected or installcd by Contractor not otherwise inswed under buildey's risk insurancc. lnsatlation floatcr insurancc shall provide for losscs to bc payablc to Contactor, Ownct and Enginccr as &eir intcrcst may appcar. The policy shall contain a provision ttrat in the evcnt of palment for any loss under thc coveragc provided thc insurance company shall have no righs or rccovcry against thc Contactor, Owaer, and Engineer. 3. Certificates of insurance covcring insellation floater insurancc shall guote the insuring agrccmcnt and all cxclusions as they appear in thc policy; or in licu of certificatcs, copies of the complctc policy may bc subnitted. Buildcrs risk insuraucc policies shall contain a provision that thc coveragc afforded will not bc canccllcd or materially changed until at lcast 30 days prior written notice has becn given to Owner. Insured losses under policies of insurance which include Owuer's interests shall be adjusted with owner and made payable to owncr as trustee for the insurcds, as their interess may appear, subject to the requirements of any applicable mortgage clause, and any direction by arbitators. Owner as tnrstee shall havc the rigbt to adjust and settle losses with the insurers unless one ofthe parties in intercst shall objcct in writing within 5 days after the occunence of G. l0 I I I I loss to Owne/s exercisc of this powcr an4 if such objection bc madc, arbitatos shall be choscn as provided in the Gcneral Conditions. Owner as trustcc shall, in that case, make settlement wiih the insurers in accordance with the direction of such arbitrators. If disribution of the insurance procecds by arbitation is rcquircd, the arbitators will direct such distribution. Owncr ald C-onractor waivc atl rights against cach othcr ald againct Engineer for damagcs ciuscd by fire or other pcrils to tbe cxtcnt covcred by insurancc except such rights as tbey may have to thc procceds of such insurancc hclil by Owner as trustcc. Co[tractor shall require 5irnifu1 s{v66 by Subcontzctors. Each waiver shall be in favor of all other parties cuumeratcd in this paragraph. 5.06 PARTIAL UTILIZATION - PROPERTY INSIJRANCE If Owner furds it necessary to occupy or usc a portion or portioDs of thc Work prior to Substantial Completion of all the Work, such use or occupancy may be accomplished in accordance with paragraph 14.064; provided that no such usc or occupancy shall corlmence before the insurers providing the property insurancc shall conscnt by endorsement on the policy or policies, but the property insurance shall not be cancelled or lapse on account ofany such partial use or occupancy. 5.07 ACCEPTA}'.{CE OF INSURAI\CE A. If Owner has any objection to the coverage afforded by or other provisions of the insurance required to bc purchased and maintaincd by Contractor on the basis of its not complying witb the Contract Documents, Owner will notify Contractor in writing thereof within ten (10) days of the date of delivery of such certificatcs to Owner in accordance with paragraph 2.068. If Contactor has any objection to the coverage afforded by or other provisions of the policies of insurance required to be purchased and maintained by Owncr in accordance rvith paragraphs 5.05A and 5.06 on the basis of their not complying with thc Contact Documents, Conractor will noti$ Owner in writing thereof within ten (10) days of the date of delivery of such certificates to Contractor. Owner and Contractor rvill each provide to the other such additional information in respect of insurance provided by him as the other may reasonably request. Failurc by Owner or Contractor to givc any such Noticc of Objection within thc time provided shall constitute acceptance of such insurance purchased by the oiher as complying with thc Contract Documents, 5.08 DEDUCTIBLES No insurauce coverages rcquired to be obtained by Conhactor or Owner pursuant to this Part 5 shall have a deductible greater than $1,000 or as reasonably approved by Owner. PART6- CONTRACTOR'SRESPONSIBILITIES 6.01 SUPERVISIONANDSUPERINTENDENCE A. The Contractor is an independent contractor aud nothing berein contained shall constitute or designate the Contactor or any of its employees or agents as cmployees of the Owncr. The Work to be performcd by the Co!tractor shall be at its sole cost, risk and expense, and no part of the cost thercof shall be chargcd to thc Owncr, except the paymcnts to be madc by the Owner to the Contractor for the Work performed as provided hcrein. Owner sball not be responsible for Confactor's mcans, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction or for safety precautions and programs incident thereto. I I I I I I I t I II I t I I I ll B. Contractor sball supervise and direct lhe Work conrpctcntly and eflicientlg giving thc Work tbe consistcnt sttentior nccessary to facilitarc its progrcss and applying sucb skills and expcrtisc as may be ncccssary to pcrfomr thc Work in accordancc with thc Contract Documcuts. Contactor . shall be solcly responsiblc for tbe lacans, methods, tccbniqucs, sequenccs and procedures of constuctioa- C.ontractor shall bc rcsponsiblc to sce that thc frnished Work complics accurately wiih rhe Contact Docuncns. C. C.ontactr sbtl cryloy at all timcs during its work progrcss a competcnt residcnt superirtcndent, who shall not bc rcplaccd without written noticc to Owncr and Enginecr exccpt under extsaordinary circumstanccs. Such supcrintendent shall be capable of reading and ihoroughly undcrstanding thc Plans and Spccilications and shall receivc and fulfill instnrctions, suggcstions and communications from the Engincer, or its authorizcd representative. Tbe superiuteudent shalt bave full authority to cxecutc thc Work spccified in thc ConEact Documents without dclay and promptly to supply matcrials, tools, plant equipment and labor as may be required to pcrform such Work. Such supcrintendent shall be fumished incspectivc of tbe amount of \ltork sublet Tbe superintendcnt will bc Contracto/s representativc at tbc site and shall have authority to act on behalf of Contractor, All communications givcu the superintendent shall be as binding as ifgivcn to Contractor. D. Thc Contractor shall employ such superintendent and foremen as are careful aud competent, and the Engineer m8y request the dismissal of any person or persons employcd by the Contractor iu, abou! or upon thc Work who shall misconduct himself or themselves or be incompetetrt or negligent in the proper pcrformance of his or their duties, or neglect(s) or refuse(s) to comply with thc Contract Documcnts givcn and such person or persons shall not be cmployed again thercon without thc written consent of the Engineer. Should thc Contractor continuc to cmploy, or again cmploy, such person or persotrs, the Engineer may withhold all pay cstimates which arc or may bccome due, or the Engineer may suspend thc Work ultil such orders are complicd with. All materials and cquipmcnt sball bc applied, insallc4 connectc4 crccted, used cleaned aud conditioncd in accordance with thc instructions of thc applicable manufacturcr, fabricator, supplier or disuibutor, cxccpt as otherwise providcd in the Contact Documents. E. The Contrastor shall noti$ the Engineer at lcast forty-eight (48) hours in advancc of the time he intends to start Work on thc sitc. Thc Contractor shall operate at such poiuts as the Owuer rbrough thc Engincer may direcr The Conractor shall conduct thc Work in such a manncr and with sullicient matcrials, cquipment, and labor as is considcred necessary to insure his completion within the time limit sct forth in thc Agrcement Should thc prosccution of Work for any reason be discontinued by the Contractor, he shall noti$ thc Enginecr at lcast forty- cight (48) hours in advancc ofrcsuming opctations. 6.02 LABO& MATERIALS, AND EQIIIPMENT A. ConEactor shall provide compctcnt, suitablc qualified personnel to survcy and lay out thc Work and perform constuction as reguircd by the Contact Documents. Contractor shall at all times maittain good discipline and order at the site. Except in connection with thc safety or protection of pcrsons or ihc Work or property at the site or adjaccnt thereto, and except as otherwise indicated iu the Supplementary Conditions, all Work at the sitc shall be performed during rcgular working hours, and Contractor will not permit overtime work or the performance of Work on Saturday, Sunday or any legal holiday without Owner's written consent given after prior written uotice to Engineer. I T I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I T t t2 I B. c. D. I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I Coutractor shall fumish all matcrials, equipmen! Iabor, transportation, constr.rction equipmcnt and machincry, tools, applianccs, fucl, power, light, heat, tctcphone, water and saaitary facilities and alt other facilities and incidenals neccssary for thc execution, testing, initial operation and conrplctiou of the Work. Thc Contractor sball fumish such equipment as is considcred ncccssary for the prosccution of the Work in an acccptable mannir and at a satisfactory ratc of progrcss. All equipmeng too\ and machiacry used for handling materials and otecuting auy pan ofthe Wo* shall bc subject to ihe approval of the Engineer and shall bc maintained in a satisfactory working condition. Equipment used on any portion of thc Work shall bc such that no daoage to the Work, roadways, adjaccnt propcrty, or other objecS will result from its use. The Agreement may be terminated if the Contractor faits to providc adequate equipment for the Work The source of supply of each of 0re materials required shall be reviewed and accepted by the Engineer before delivery is started. Representative preliminary samples of the charactcr and quality specified may be submitted by the Contactor or producer for examination and testing. The results obtained from tesling such samples may be used for preliminary review but will not be used as a final acceptance of the materials. All materials proposed to be used may be inspected or tcsted at any time during tbeir preparation and use. If, after testing, it is found that sources of sup'ply which havc bccn reviewed and accepted do not fumish a uniform product, or if the product from any source provcs unacceptable at any time, thc Contractor shall frrmish acceptable material from other sources acceptable to Engineer. Samples of all materials for test upon which is to be based thc acceptance or rejection shall be taken by the Enginecr or his authorized representative at the discretion of the Engineer Materials may be sampled either prior to shipment or after being received at the place of construction. All sampling, inspection, and tcsting shall be done in accordance with the methods hereinafter prescribed. The Contaclor shall provide such facilities as the Engineer or his representative may require for conducting field tcsts and for collccting and forwarding samples. The ConEactor shall not use or incorporate into thc Work any materials lepresented by the samples until tests have been made and the material found to be acceptablc. Only materials conforming to the requirements ofthcse specifications and which have been accepted by the Enginccr or his authorized agents shall bc used in thc Work. Any material whic[ after accqptance, bas for any reasou become unfit for use shall not be incorporated into the Work. Additionally, Contractor and Engineer shall be subject to rhe procedures and rcsponsibilities set forth in paragraph 6.13 as it pcrtains to samples. Except as otherwisc provided hcrcia sampling and testing of all materials, and the laboratory mcthods and testing equipment requircd undcr these Specifications, shall be in accordancc with thc most current edition of the standards set forth in Tcchnical Specifications. The tcsting of all samples shall be donc at the cxpense of the Contractor at an indepcndent laboratory acceptcd by the Engineer. Laboratory sieves shall havc square openings of the sizes specified. Thc Contractor shall furnish the requircd samples without charge. All samples have been checked and stamped u'ith the approval ofthe Contractor, identilied clearly as to material, manufacturer, any pertinent catalog numbers and the usc for which intcnded. The Contractor shall givc suflicient notification to the Engincer of thc placing ofordcrs for materials to permit tcsting. All materials and cquipment shall bc applied, installe4 connected, erected, used, cleancd and conditioned in accordance with the instuctions of ihe applicable manufacturer, fabricator, supplier or distributor, cxcqrt as othcrwise provided in the Contact Documents. Matcrials shall be storcd so as to insure the preservation of their quality and fitness for thc Work. When considcrcd necessary by the Engineer, ihey shall be placed on wooden platforms, or other hard, clean surfaces and not on tbe grourd, and shall be placed under cover or E. l3 othcrwbc protcctcd whcn requestcd by the Enginccr. Storcd matcrials shall be located so as to facilitatc prompt inspcctiou. ConEactor is responsible for the safety of any of its matcrials, tools, possessions, and rented itcms storcd ou ihc job site, and for protection of thc project and shall hold Owncr and Ownefs autborized rcprcscntative harmtess for any damagcs or loss incurred thcreto F. No matcrial, equipmea! tools, suppties, or instrumcnts other than rbosc belonging to or leased by Contactor will be rcmovcd from tbc projcct sitc by Con&actor without the prior wrinen approval ofOwncr. G. All matcrials not colformiDg to thc requirernents of these Specifications sball be considered dcfectivc. Whcthcr in placc or not, such matcrial shall be rcmoved immediatcly from thc site of thc Work, ""less otherwise pcrmitted by thc Enginccr. No rcjected material, the defccts of which havc been subscquently correctcd, shall bc used until approval has bcen given. Upon failurc of the Contactor to comply promptly with any order of the Engineer made undcr the provisions of this article, the Engineer shall have authoriqr to remove defective materials and to dcduct thc cost of removal and replaccment with spccified materiats from any moneys duc or to become duc the Contactor. 6.03 EQUIVALENT MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT Whenever materials or equipment are specified or described in the Drawings or Specifications by using thc name of a proprietary itern or the namc of a particular manufacturer, fabricator, supplier or distibutor, the naming of thc itcm is iDtended to cstablish the qAe, fi.rnction and quality rcquired. Unless the name is followcd by words indicating that a substitution is not permitted, materials or equipment of other manufacturers, fabricators, suppliers, or disributors may be accepted by Engineer if sufficient iaforrration is submined by Contractor to allow Enginecr to determinc that the naterial or equipment proposcd is eguivalent to that namcd. Thc procedurc for rcvicw by Engineer will bc as set forth itr paragraphs 6.03A. and 6.038. below as supplcmented in the other Contract Documents. A. Requests for review of substitute items of material and cquipment witl not be accepted by Engiueer from anyonc othcr than Contactor. If Contractor wishcs to fumish or use a substitutc item of rnaterial or cquipment Contractor shall make wrinen application to Engineer for acceptance thcreof, certi$ing that the proposed substinrte will perform adequately t]rJ functions callcd for by the gcneral dcsign, bc similar and of cqual substance to that specificd and bc suited to the same usc and capable of performing the same function as that spccified. The Application shall sate whethcr or not acceptancc of the substitute for usc in thc Work will require a change in the Drawings or Specilications to adap the design to the substirute and whcther or not incorporation or use of the substitute in conncction with the Work is subjcct to payment of any liccnsc fee or royalty. All variations of the proposcd substitutc from that specified shall bc idcntified in thc Application and available maintenance, repair and rcplacement servicc will be indicated. The Application sball also contain an itcmized estimate of all costs tbat will rcsult directly or indirectly from acccptance of such substitute, including costs of tcdcsigo and claims of other coDhactors affected by thc rcsulting chauge, all of which shall be considered by Engineer in cvaluating lhe proposed substitute. Enginccr witl be thc sole judgc of accepubility, and no substitute will be ordcrcd or installed without Enginec/s prior written acceptancc. Owner may require Contractor to furnish at Conractor's expense a special performance guarantee or other Surcty with rcspect to any substitute. B. Enginccr will record time requircd by Engineer and Engineer's consultants in evaluating substitutions proposed by Contractor and in making chaugcs in the Drawings or Specifications occasioncd thereby. Whether or not Engineer acccpts a proposed substitute, Contractor shall I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t4 I I I I I I reimbu$e Owner for the charges.of Engineer and Enginee/s consultan8 for cvaluating any proposed substitutc. 6.04 CONCERI\UNG SI'BCONTRACTORS Contactor shall not employ any Subcontractor or othcr pc6or or organization (including thosc who are to firmish thc principal itcms of marcrials or cquipmert), whether initially or as a substiarte, agains whom Owucr 61 Fngincer ma] havc rcasonable objection- A SubconEactor or other pc, son or organization idcntifrcd in writing to Owner aud Engineer by Contractor prior to the Notice of Award and not objectcd to in writing by Owner or Engineer prior to the Notice of Award will be deemed acccptable to Owner and Engineer. Acceptangs e; ant Subcontractor, other person or organization by Owner or Engineer shall not constitute a waiver of any right of Owner or Engineer to reject defective Work. If Owner or Engineer after duc investigation has reasonable objection to any Subcontractor, other person or organization proposed by Contractor after the Notice of Award, Contractor shall submit an acceptable substitute and the Agreement Price shall be increased or decreased by the difference in cost occasioned by such substitution, and an appropriate Change Order shall be issued. Contractor shall not be required to employ any Subcontractor, other person or organization against whom CruEactor has reasonable objection. Contractot shall bc fully responsiblc for all acts and omissions of his Subcontractors and of persons and organizations directly or indirectly employed by them and of persons and organizations for whose acts any of them may be liable to the same extent that Contactor is responsible for the acts and omissions of penons directly cmployed by Contractor. Nothing in the Contract Documents shall create any conractual relationship between Owner or Engineer and any Subcontractor or other person or organization having a direct contact with Contractor, nor shall it create any obligation on Ole part of Owner or Engineer to pay o! to see to the payment of any moneys due any Subcontractor or other person or organization, except as may otherwise be required by law. Owner or Engineer may furnish to any Subcontractor or other person or organization, to the extent practicablc, evidence of amounts paid to Contractor on account of specilic work done. The divisions and sections of thc Specifications and ihe identifications of any Drawings shall Dot control Contractor in dividing the Work among Subcontractors or delineating the Work to be performed by aay specific tsadc. All Work performed for Contractor by a Subcontractor will be pursuant to an appropriate Agreement between Contractor and the Subcontactor which specifically binds the Subcontractor to the applicablc terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for Oc benefit of Owner and Engineer and contains waiver provisions as required by the Contract Documents. Contractor shall pay cach Subcontractor a just share of any insuraace moneys received by Contractor on account oflosses under policies issued pursuant to the Contract Documents. Contractor shall fully cooperate with Owner and such othcr Contractors or Subcontractors as may be performing work or supplying materials ia connection with the Project and shall carefully lit its work in wiih that of all such other pcrsons or entities. Contractor shall ncither commit nor pcrmit atry act which will interfcre with the performance of ihe Project by any such person or entity Contractor shall promptly pay in ftll for any and all damages caused to the project site by Contractor orby any Subcontractor or other person or entity ofany uature fumishing materials, equipmen! machircry, supplies, labor, skilled services or instuments for whose actions thc Contractor is responsible hereundcr, A. B. c. D. E. I I I I I I I I I I I t I F. t5 6.05 PATENT FEES AND ROYALTIES If the Conhactor is requircd or desires to use any dcsignn dcvice, iuvention, product, matcrials, or process covcrcd by letters of patcnt or copyrigh! hc shall providc for such usc by suiablc lcgal agreement with thc patcnrcc or patcnt owncr and shall pay all liccnsc fccs and royalties ald assumc all cosB incidcnt to said usc in pcrformaacc of thc \trork or incorporation of the rirorh Thc Coutractor ald tbc suety shall indcrrnity and hold harmlcss the Owner and Engineer from any and all claims for intiagcmcot by rcason of thc use of any euch patcotcd design, devicc, invcntion, produc! mataial, or proccss or atry tradcmark or copyright in connectioa with the Work agrced to bc pcrformcd undcr this contact, and shall indemnify thc Owner and Engineer for any costs, expetxie and darnagcs, including attorney's fecs, which thcy may bc obliged to pay for reason of any zuch infringerrcnt at any timc durbg the prosecution, or aftcr thc complction of the Work. PERMITS Unless otherwisc provided in the Contsact Documents, Contactor shall obtain all permits and licenscs, pay all chargcs and fees, including but not limitcd to all inspection charges of agencies having appropriate jurisdiction and give all notices neccssary and incidental to the due aud lawful prosccution of thc Work Owuer and Engincer shall assist Contactor, when uecessary, in obtaining such pcrmits and liceuscs. Contractor shall pay all chargcs of utility service companies for cornections to the Work, and Owncr shall pay all charges of such companies for capital costs related tbcreto. A copy of all pcmrits and licenses procurcd by Contractor shall be supplicd to Engineer within a reasonablc pcriod of time. 6.07 LAWS AND REGIJLATIONS Contractor sball be familiar with all fcdcral, statc and local laws, ordinances, rules and rcgulations which in any nunncr affect thosc cngagcd or cmploycd in thc Work or the material or equipment used in or on thc site, or in any way affect thc conduct of the Worlq including rule and regulations that Owner may promulgatc at any time for the safc, ordcrly and efficient conduct of all Work on the Project ("thc applicablc regulations"). If Conaactor obscrves that the Specifications or Drawings are at variancc thercwith, Contractor sball givc Enginccr prompt writtcn notice thereof,, and any neccssary changcs shal be adjustcd by an appropriatc Modification. Thc Contractor, at all times, shall observc and comply with all applicable regulations and thc Contact Documents and is surety shall indernni$ and hold harmlcss thc Owner, the Enginecr and their consultants, agcnts, aod employees, against any claim or liability arising from or based on the violation of any applicable rcgulations, by anyouc for whom Contractor is rcsponsible. 6.08 TA)(ES A- Contractor shall pay all salcs, consumcr, use and othcr similar taxcs required to bc paid by him B. Owncr is cxcmpt from Colorado State sales and usc taxes. Accordiugly, taxcs from which Owner is exempt shall not bc includcd in the Agreemcnt Price. Owner shall, upon requcs! fumish Conractor with a copy of its ccrtificate of tax exemption. Conmctor and Subcontractors shall apply to tbe Colorado Departncnt of Revenue, Sales Tax Division, for au Exemption Ccrtificate and purchase the materials tax frce. Pursuant to Subsection 39-26- 11a(lXaX)O0(A), C.RS., Contractor and Subcontractors shall be liable for exempt taxes paid due to failurc to apply for Exemption Certificates or for failure to use said Certificatcs. I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I t I 5.06 16 I I I I t I I I 6.09 USE OFPREMISES A. Contactor shall conline constructio! cquipmen! thc storage of rraterials and equipment and the operations of workmen to arcas pcrmitted by law, ordinances, permirc and the requircmenB of &e Confiact DocuDctrts. B. During the progrcss of the Wor! Contractor shall kccp the premises frcc ftom accumutations of wastc matcrials, n$bish and othcr &b,ris resulting fiom 6c Work At thc complction of thc Work Contractor shall remove all waste matcrials, rubbish and debris from and about the pranises as well as all tools, appliances, constnrction eguipment and machinery, temporary structues, stumps or portions of trces and surplus matcrials, and shall restore to tbeir original condition those portions of thc site not designated for altcration by the Contract Documents. Materials clearcd from the site and depositcd on property adjacent will not be considercd as having been disposed of satisfactorily. C. Contractor shall not load or pcrmit any part of any structure to be loaded in any manner that will endanger the stnrcture, nor shall Contactor subject any part of the Work or adjacent property to strcsses or prcssures that will endanger it. D. All structures or obstructions found on thc site and shown on the Contract Drawings which are not to remain in placc or which arc not to be uscd in the new construction shall be removed to ihe satisfaction of the Engincer. Unless specified in the Bid Proposal, this Work will not bc paid for separately but will be included in thc price bid for that portion of the Work requiring the removal of the obstuction. All material found on the site or removed therefrom shall remain the property of the Owner unless otherwise indicated. E. The Contractor, with the consent of the Enginccr, ruy use in the proposed construction any stone, sand, or gravel found on thc site. The ConEactor will not be paid for such excavation rrnlsss 5pssffi63lly stated in the Bid Proposal, and it shall replace with other suitable material, without corrpensation, all of that portion of the material so removed and used, If it was intended by the Engineer and indicated in the Specification that any or all of the material so, excavated aad used was to have been wasted, then the Contractor will not be required to replace iL The Contractor shall not cxcavatc outside of the proposed slope and grade lines as indicated on the Drawings, without prior conscnt by the Enginccr. 6.10 RECORD DOCUMENTS ConEactor shall keep one record of all Specifications, Drawings, Addenda, Modifications, Shop Drawings and samples at lhe site, in good order and annotated and updated weekly to show all changes made during the construction process. These shall be available to Engineer for examination and shall be delivcrcd to Engineer for Owner upon completion of the Work. All changcs of drawings from thc original drawings shall be neatty marked thereon in brightly contr35ting color. 6.11 SAFETYANDPROTECTION A- Contractor sball be solely rcsponsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising aU safety precautions and programs in connection with thc Work, Contactor shall take all neccssary precautions for the safety of, and sball provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: 1. All employccs on the Work or other persons who may bc affected thereby; I I I T I I t I I I t t7 I I I I I I I I I I I T I T I I I I I B. c. D. 2. All thc Work aud all matcrials or equipmcnt to be incorporatcd thcrein" whethcr in storagc on or olf the site; and 3. Othcr property at thc sitc oi adjaccnt thcreto, including tees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavcmcnts, roadways, structurcs and utilities not desiguatcd for removal, relocation or replaccmcu in rbc coursc of consEuction- Thc Contractor shalt bc rcquircd to assume sole and completc responsibility for job sitc conditions during the course of constnrction of thc Projccq including the safety of all persons who may cntcr on thc job site for any reason and thc security of all property locatcd on thc job site. This requirement shall apply at all times during the course of the contact and not only to normal work hours. Contractor shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rulcs, regulations and orders of any public body having jurisdiction for the safety of pcrsons or property or to protect them from damagc, injury or loss; and shatl crcct and maintain all neccssary safcguards for such safety and protection. Contactor shall notify owners of adjacent property and utilitics when prosccutioa of the Work may affcct thcm. All damagc, injury or loss to any property referred to in paragrapbs 6.llA.2 or 6.1lA.3 causcd directly or indirectl% in whole or in part, by Contactor, any Subcontactor or anyonc dircctly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, shall be remedied by Conractor (except damage or loss atributable to thc fault of Drawings or Specifications or to the acts or omissions of Owncr or Enginecr or anyone cmployed by eithcr of them or anyone for whose acts eithcr of thcm may bc liable). Contractor's duties and rcsponsibilities for the safety and protection of the Work shall continue until such time as all thc Work is completed and final paymcnt has been made. Contractor shall dcsignate a responsible membcr ofhis organization at fte site whose duty shall be the prcvention of accidents. This penon shall bc Contactor's superintendent unlcss othenrisc dcsignatcd in writing by Contactor to Owncr. ConEactor has the affrmative duty of ensuring compliancc with all Occupational Safcty and Health Administation (OSIIA) rcgulatiotrs, of designating a representative who is a competent person for purposes of identifying cxisting or predictable hazards at the site, of providing required safety instruction for Conractor's Subcontactors and employees, and of immediately taking prccautionary measucs when neccssary and rcmcdying all idcntified OSHA violations. Daily, and othcr, inspcctions of thc work site, including of excavations, adjacent areas and protectivc systcms, shall be thc solc rcsponsibility of Contactor. Contractot's obligation to indemni$ Owncr pursuant to paragraph 5.02D, shall include failure of Contractor to effect full compliancc with OSHA rcgulations. E. The Conractor shall at all timcs conduct thc Work in such manner as wilt incur thc tcast practicablc interfercncc with trallic and existing utility systems. No section of any road shall bc closed to the public, nor any utility systcm put out of service except after permission has becn granted by the Enginecr. Each item of Work shall be prosccuted to complerion without delay and in no instauce will the Contactor be permittcd to frnsfer its forces from uncompleted Work to ncw Work without prior writtcn notification of Oc Conhactor to the Engineer. Thc Contactor shall not open up Work to the prejudice of Work already started. Unless the Conract Documents specifically provide for the closing to tralfic of any local road or highway while constuction is in progress, such road or highway shall be kept open to all rafftc by the ConEactor. Thc Contactor shall also providc and maintain in a safe coadition temporary approaches, crossings, or intenections with roa& and highways. The Contactor l8 I I I I G. shall bear all cxpensc of maintaining talfic over the section of road alfectcd by the Work to be done undcr this Contsact, and of constructing and maintaining such approaches, crossing, intcrsections and any ncccssary fcaturcs without dircct compensation, cxccpt as otherwise providcd. Thc Contractor shall not'close any road to thc public except by cxprcss permission of the appropriatc cngincering authority. When thc road under constuction is bcing used by the rrvcling public, spccial sftention shall be paid to kccping the subgrade and surfacing in such condition lhat thc public can travel ovcr samc ia comfort anil safety. Thc Contactor shall cooperatc with the appropriate ollicials in thc regulation of taffrc. If thc Contactor constucb temporary bridges or tcmporary strcam crossings, its rcsponsibility for accidents shall includc the roadway approachcs as well as thc structures ofsuch crossings. The Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain all necessary barricades, signs, dangcr signals and lights to protect the Work and thc safety of the public. Contractor shall comply with the provisions of any and all applicablc Traffic Safcty Manuals which may be published by a govemmcntal cntity having jurisdiction ovcr thc project area. All barricades, signs and obstructions crectcd by thc Contsactor shall be illuminated at night and all devices for this purposc shall bc kcpt burning from sunset to sunrise. Thc Contactor shall be held responsible for all danagc to thc Wort duc to failurc of barricades, signs, lights and watchmen to protect ig aud wheoevcr evidmce of such damagc is found prior to acceptance, the Enginecr may order the damaged portion imrnediately rcmoved and replaccd by tbe Contractor without cost to the Owner if, ia its opiaioa, spch action is justified. The Contractot's responsibility for necessary barricades, signs, and lighB shall not cease until the Projcct shall have becn accepted. The Confrctor shall provide and maintain in a neat, sanitary condition such accommodations for tbe use of its employees as may be neccssary to comply with the requiremcnts and regulations ofthe State Departrnent ofHealth or of otber authorities having jurisdiction ovcr the Projcct. When thc usc of explosivcs is ncccssary for the prosccution of thc Work, the Contractor shall use the utnost catc so as not to eDdalger lifc or propcrty, and whenevcr dirccte4 the number and size of thc charges shall be reduccd. Thc Contractor shall noti$ the proper representatives of any public scrvicc corporation, any company, or any individual, at least eigbt (8) hours in advance of any blasting which may damagc its or thcir propcrty on, along, or adjacent to the site. All cxplosives shall bc storcd in a sccure manncr and all storage places shall be marked clearly "DANGEROUS E)QLOSWES,' and shall be in care of competent watchmen at all timcs. 6.12 EMERGENCIES In emcrgcncies affecting thc safcty or protcction of persons or the Work or property at thc sitc or adjacent thereto, Contactor, without special instnrction or authorization from Engineer or Owner, is obligated to act to prevent threatened damagc, injury or loss. Contractor shall give Engineer prompt written Notice of any significant chaages in the Work or deviations from the Contact Documents caused thcreby. 6.T3 PLANS A}ID SHOP DRAWINGS A. The approved Plans will show details of all stnrctures; lines and grade of roadways and utility systems, t)?ical cross-sections of roadways; character of foundation; location and designation of all structures; ald the general arrangement of circuits and outlcts, location of switches, panels and otber Work. F. t I I I I I I T I I I t I I I l9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I B. c. D. E. F. G. Drawings and Spccifications arc complcmcntary each to thc othcr, and what is callcd for by one shall bc as bindiug as if callcd for by both. Data prcscntcd on Drawings are as accurate as planning can dcrcrmine, but accuracy is not guarantccd and field vcrilication ofall dimcnsions, locations, levcls, ctc., to suit ficld conditions is dirccted. Thc Conmctor shall revicw all stnrctural and mes}euigfl p!6 and adjust all Work to confirm to all conditions shown thercin. Tbe mechanical Drawirgs shall take preccdene ovcr all otber Drawings. Discrcpancics betwccn dilfcrrot Plals, or bctwccn Plans and Specifications, or regulations and codcs governing thc installation shall bc brought to tbc attcntion of the Engineer in writing as soon as said discrepancics arc noticed. ln the cvent such discrcpancies cxist and the Enginecr is not so notilied, the Engineer shall resen'e thc right to cxercise sole authority in making final decisions in resolution of such a conflict. It is mutually agrccd that all authorized alterations affccting the requirements and information given on the Approvcd Plans shall be in writi"g and approvcd by tbe Enginccr. When at any time referencc is made to "The Plans", the intcrpretations shall bc thc Plans as allcctcd by all authorized alterations then in effect. Plans will bc supplcmented by such Shop Drawings to be prcpared by Conuzctor as are necessary to adequately control the Worlc Aftcr chccking aod vcrifying all lield mcasurcments and approving of Shop Drawings, Contactor shall submit to Engincer for rcvicw, in accordance with the accepted scbedule of Shop Drawings submissions, six copics (unless otherwise specified in the Special Conditions) of all Shop Drawings, which shall havc been checked by and stamped with the approval of Conractor and identified as Engineer may require. The date shown on the Shop Drawings will be complete wi$ respect to dimensions, dcsigu criteria, materials of constuction and likc information to enable Engineer to rcvicw thc information as requircd. At lhc timc of each submission, Contractor shall in writing call Engineet's attention to any deviations that the Shop Drawings or samplcs may bave tom the requirements of the Confact Documents. Enginecr will rcview with rcasonable prompbess Shop Drawings and samples, but Enginecr's review shall bc only for conformancc with the design concept of the Project and for compliance with thc information givcn in thc Conuact Documcnts and shall not extcnd to mears, mcthods, sequcnccs, tccbniques or procedures of constnrction or to satisfy prccautions or programs incidcnt thercto. The review and approval of a separatc item as such will not indicatc approval ofthc assembly in which the itcm functions. Contactor shall make aay corrections required by Enginccr aud shall retum thc required number of correctcd copies of Shop Drawings and rcsubmit ncw samples for Engincc/s review. Contractor shall direct specific attention in writing to revisions other than the corrcctions callcd for by Enginccr on previous submittals. Contacto/s stamp of approval on aDy Shop Drawings or sample shall constitutc a represeDtation to Owner and Enginccr ihat Contactor has either determined and vcrified all quantities, dimensions, field construction criteria, materials, catalog numbers, and similar data or assumes full responsibility for doing so, and that Contactor has rcviewed or coordinated each Sbop Drawing or omplc with &e requirements of the Work and the Contact Documents. Where a Shop Drawing or sample is required by the Specifrcations, no related Work shall bc commenced until thc submittal has bccn rcviewcd by Engineer. Engineer's review ofShop Drawings or samples shall not rclieve Contractor from responsibility for any deviations from 'the Contract Documents unless Contractor has in writing called Engiaee/s attcntion to such deviation at thc time of submission aud Engineer has given written H. 20 I J. A. B. I T I t I I T T I I I I I I I I T I concurencc and approval to the specific deviatiorl nor shall 8ny concrurence or approval by Engineer rclicvc contactor from responsibility for errors or omissions in the Shop Drawings. The cost of fumishing all shop drawiags shall be borne by thc Contractor. Finished surfaccs in all cascs shatt 666;[ss1 with lines, grade, cross-sections and dimensions thown on thc Approved Plans. Any deviations from the plans and working Drawings, as may bc requircd by thc demands of constuction, will in alt cases be detcrmined by the Enlinccr and authorized in writing. Ii The Plans and Specilications, and all supplcmentary plans and documents, arc essential parts of the ConEact Documents, and a requiremcnt occurring in onc is just as binding as though occurring in all. Thcy are intended to be cooperativc to descntc and provide for a complieWork. The Contractor shall not takc advantage of any apparent error or omission in the ilansor Specifications. In the event the Contractor discovers any apparent conllict, e[or or discrepancy, hc shall immediately call upon the Engineer for his interpretation and Engineefs decision sball be final. Any apparent error or discrepatrcy must be resolved before Coitractor proceeds with the Work affectcd thereby. 6.14 CONSTRUCIIONSTAKES Unless otherwise directed in the Supplementary Conditions, the Contractor will furnish and set construction stakes establishing all lines, grades, and measurements necessary for the proper execution ofthe Work contracted for under these Specifications. The Owner will provide basic horizontal aud vertical contol. If construction surveys are provided by the owner, the Contractor shall tequest that Owner provide engineering suweys and placement of construction stakes rro less than 48 hours prior to the time such service is nccdcd. The contactor shall satis$ himself as to the accuracy of all measurements before constucting any permancnt structue and sball uot take advantage of any errors which may have bcen made in laying out thc Work' Tbc Contactor shall be hcld responsibte for the proper preservation of all marks an6 stakes. Stakes providcd by the orvner, which must be reset after initial placemcn! will be replaced at Contractot's cxpeuse at thc currcnt billable rate for a three-p-rson survcy crew unless the stakes were rernoved or destroycd by causes beyond the Contractofs controt. Said cost may bc deductcd from any funds duc the Contractor. The Resident Projcct Representative shall bc authorized to inspect Work done and material furnished. such obscrvation may cxtend to any part of thc work and to prcparation, fabrication, or manufacture of the materials to be used. The Resident Project Reprisentativc is authorizcd to call the attention of the Contractor to any failurc of the Work or materials to conform to the Contact Documents. He shall have the authority to rejcct naterials or suspend thc Work not conforming to Contact Documents until any questions at iszue can be rcfcrrcd to and decided betwccn thc Enginecr and thc owner. If the contracror refuses to suspend operations on verbal order, the Rcsident Project Representativc shalt issuc a written order giving thc reason for shutting down the work. After placing the order giving tbe reason for shutting down the work in thc hands of the penou in charge, the Rcsident project Representative shall immediately leave the job. Work done during the absence of the Rcsidcnt Project Representativc will not be accepted nor paid for. The Resident Project Managcr sbal in no case act as forcmau or perform otbcr duties for the ConEactor, nor interferi with the managemeDt of thc Work by the latter. Any advice which the Resident Project Representative may give the Contractor shall in no way be construed as releasing the Contractor from fullilling all of the tersrs of the Contact Documents. 2t PART 7- 7.01 6.15 PRTVATE PROPERTYAND EXCAVATION Thc Contactor shall not cnter upon private propcrty for any purposc without first obtaining pcrrtission' and hc shalt be rcsponsible for thc prcscrvation ofall public and private property, trees, fences, monumcnts, uadcrgrouud sbucturrs, ctc., on and adjacqrt to the sitc anO slati usl .""-pjecaltion Decessary to prcvcat damagc or injury tbcrcto, He shalt protect carefulty, frorir or damagc, all land rronumcnB and propcrty rnarks until an authorized ajent haswittcsscd or otbcrrdsc refcrenccd their tocation, and shatl not rcmovc thcm until dtccted. He shall be rcsponsibtc for all damagc or injury to property or any charactcr rcsulting from any act, omission, ncglect or misconduct in his or any subconEactofs mantrcr, or mcthod of executing said Wor( oi due to his or any subcoutracto/s non-execution of said worlg or any time due to deiective Work or materials, and said rcsponsibility shall not bc released until the Work has becn completed and accepted" Thc Conraaot's atteDtion is dircctcd to thc importance of protecting all public utilitics encounlercd on tbc Projcct. Thcsc may include telephone, telegraph and power lines, water lincs, sewcr lincs, gas lines, railroad tacks and othcr ovcrhcad and underground utilities. Before any excavation is bcgun in tbe vicinity of water tincs, railroad tsacls or stuctures, sewer lines, gas linei,or telephone conduits, cach utility company concerncd must be notified in advancc of such excavation, and such excavation shall not be made until an authorized representative of the utility comPany concemed is on thc ground and has dcsignatcd thc location of their facilities. Whcn or where any direct or indirect damagc or injury is done to public or private property by or on account of any acg omission, ncglcct or misconduct in the exccution of the Work, or in consequencc of thc non'execution thereof on the part of the Contactor or subcontractor, Contractor shall restore at his own exPense, such propcrty to a condition similar or cqual to that cxisting before such damage or injury was done by repairing, rcbuilding or otherwise restoring, as may be directed, or he shall make good such damagc or injury in an acceptable rnatrncr. ln case of the failure on the part of the Contractor to restorc such property or to havc started action to make good such damage oi injury, the Enginccr may, upon forty-cight (48) hours' notice, procecd to dircct the repair, rebuilding of or otherwisc restore such propcrty as may be decmed nccessary and the cost thereof will be dcducted for any moneys due or which may bccome due thc Contactor under the Contract Documens, The cost of damagcs duc to Contactot's operation or cost of protecting utilities where required to pcrmit construction uudcr thesc Contract Documents shall bc included in the original Couract prices for thc Projecr COORDINATION OF WORK OWNERS RIGHTTO PERFORM Owner may perform additional work relatcd to the Project by himselfi, or havc additional work pcrformed by utility scrvicc companics, or let othcr direct contracts ihcrefor which shatl contain Gcneral Conditions similar to these. Contractor shall afford the utility servicc companics and the other contractors who arc parties to such direct contracts (or Owner, if Owner is pcrforming thc additional work with Owne/s employees) reasonablc opporuuity for the introduction and storage of materials and equipmcnt and tbc cxccution of Work, and shalt properly connect and coordinatc his Work with tbcirs, and shall conduct his operations as to minimize the interfercncc with thcirs, as directed by Engiaccr. I I I I I I I t I I I T I I I t I I I 7.02 CONTRACTORTO COORDINATE A. If any part of Contractot's Work dcpends for proper execution or results upon the work of any such other confrctor or utitity ser,vicc company (or Owner), Contractor shall inspect and promptly report to Engineer in writing any patcnt or apparent defects or deficiencies in such work that render it "ncuitable for such proper cxecution and rcsults. Conracto/s failure so to report shall constitute an accepr.nce of tbe othcr work as fit and proper for integration with 22 I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I t I I I Contactods Work cxcept for latcnt or non-apparent dcfects and deficiencics in the othcr work.Such accgrr"tss by Contractor shall rcndeihim responsiblc for subsequent."r".tio;;l;;; such work B' Contactor shall do alt cuning, fining and patching of his Work that may be rcquired to make its sevcral parts come togetber properly and iDtegrate with such othcr work. Contractor shall notcndangcr auy yorl of others by curiag, cxcavadng or othcrwise altering their luorf, .ii *ifionly cut or alter their work wi& thc written conscntif Enginccr and the othcrs *t o.. *o* Jiibe affectcd. C' If the performance of additional work by other contractors or utility sewice companies orOwner was not noted in the Contract Documents, written notice thereof shall be'given tiConEactor prigr to starting any such additional work. If the performance of such aJditionalwork not noted in thc Contract Documents causes unavoidabte additional expense to Cont.aio,or causes unavoidable delay in the Conbactor's prosecution of the Work, Contractor may makea claim therefor as provided in parts I I and 12 respectivety. PART 8- OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 8.01 OWNER TO COMMUNICATE THROUGH ENGINEER OR OWNER,S REPRESENTATIVE Except as otherwise provided in these General Conditions, Owner shall issue all communications toContactor through Engineer or the Ownet's Reprcsentativc. PART 9. STATUS OF ENGINEER DURING CONSTRUCTION 9.01 DUTIES OFENGINEER Enginccr will be Owner's lcPresentative during ttre construction period unless the Owuer shalldesignatc in writing another representative. Tbi duties and t rpo*ibiliti., and the limitations ofauthority of Ownet's representative during consEuction are set forttr in ttrc Contract Documents andshall not be extended without written consent of Owncr and Enginecr. 9.02 VISITS TO SITE Engincer will make visits to the sitc at intervats appropriate to the various stages of construction to observe the Progress and quality of the executed Work and to detemrine, in g-neral, if the Work isproceeding in accordance with thc Cotrtract Documents. Enginecr wili noi be required to makeexhaustive or continuous on-site inspections to check thc quality or guantity of the Work. Engiuee/selforts will be- dircctcd toward providiag for Owuer " gt .t"r icgrec of confidencc that thccompleted Work will confomt to the Contract Documents. On thc baiis of such visits and on-siteobsenrations as an oqericnccd and qualificd design professionat, Engineer will keep Ownerinformed of the progrcss of the Work and will cndeavor to guard Owner against defects anddeficiencies in the Work. 9.03 CLARIFICATIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS Engineer wilt issue with reasonable promptness such written clarifications or interpretations of theContract Documcnts (in tbc form of Drawings or otherwise) as Engincer may determire necessary,which shall be consistent with or reasonabty inferable from thJ overall intent or tle ContaciDocumcnts. 23 9.04 RBTECTINGDEFECTTVEWORK Engiuccr will havc authority to disapprovc or rcjcct Work wbich is defcctivc, and will also havc aurhority to requirc -special inspectiou or testing of thc Work as provided in paragraph 13.048., whc&cr or uot the lVork is fabricatcd installed or completed. 9.05 PROJECTREPRESENTATION Euginccr will funist a Rcsidcnt Project Represcntativc to assist Enginecr in obsewing the performancc of the Work. Thc dutics, responsibilitics and limitations of authority of any such Rcsidcnt Project Representative and assistants will bc as providcd in part 22. 9.06 DECISIONS ON DISAGREEMENTS A. Enginccr will bc the initial interprctcr of the rcquirements of Ore Contact Documents and judgc of thc acceptability of the Work thcrcunder. Claims, disputes and other matters relating to the acceptability of the Work or the interpretation of the requircmcnts of the Contract Documents pertaiaing to thc cxccutioa and progrcss of thc Work shall bc referred initially to Enginccr in writing with a rcquest for a formal decision in accordance with this paragraph, which Engineer will rcnder in writing within a rcasonable time. Written Notice of each such clairq dispute and other maner shall be dclivcred by lhe clatnant to Engineer and thc other party to the Agreement within fiftccn (15) days of thc occurrcncc of &c cvent giving rise thereto, and writtcn supporting data will bc submitted to Engineer and the other party within forty-frve (45) days of such occurrencc unless Enginccr allows an additional pcriod of time to ascertain more acculate daa' In his capacity 8s intctpreter and judgc Engineer will not show partiality ro Owner or Conffictor and will not bc liable in connection with any interpretation or decision rendercd in good faith and in accordancc with profcssional standards in such capacity. B. Nonrithstanding Paragrapb E of Part l0 of the Owner.Contactor Agreement, the rendering of a decision by Engincer pursuant to paragraph 9.064. with respect to any such clair4 dispute or other matter (orcc?t any which hrvc bccn waived by dhc 'nlLing or acceptance of final payment as provided in paragraph l4.ll) or tbc detcrmination by Engineer rhat it shall not render a decision wiih rcspcct thercto, will be a condition prcccdent to any cxcrcise by Owner or Contractor of such rights or remedies as cither rnay otherwisc have uuder rhe Conhact Documents or at law in respcct of any such claim, dispute or othgr maner. 9.07 LIMITATIONS ON ENGINEER'S AND OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES A. Neither Engincc/s nor Ownels authority to act undcr this Part 9 or clsewbere in the Contact Documcuts nor any decision made by Engineer or Owner in good faith eithcr to exercisc or not to exercise such authority shall givc rise to any duty or reqponsibility of Enginecr or Owner to contsactor, any Subcontractor, any manufacturer, fabricator, supplier, or disributor, or any of their agcnts or employees or any other person performing any of tbc Work. B. whenever in the contract DocumenB tbc terms 'as ordercd" nas directcd" "as required," "as allowedn or tctms of likc clfcct or inrport arc used, or the adjectives nrcasonable,,, ,'suitablc,n "acceptablc," "propcr" or "satisfactory" or adjectives of like effect or import arc used, to describe requirement, direction, review or judgment of Engineer as to the Worlq it is intended that such requircment, direction, review or judgcment will be solely to cvaluate the Work for compliance with thc Crntract Documents (unlcss Oere is a specific statement indicating otherwise), The use of any such term or adjective never indicates that Engincer shall have I I I I I I I I t I I t I I T I I I I 24 c. D. A. B. c. D. E. t, I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I T T PART 10 aulhority to supervisc or direct performancc of ihc Work or authority to undcrtake responsibility contary to thc provisions ofparagrapbs 9,07C. or 9.07D. Enginecr will not be responsible for Contactor's means, methods, tcchniques, sequences or proccdurcs of consEuction, or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, and Engincl will not bc rcsponsible for Cotrtractoy's failurc to perform the Work in accordance with Oc Conract Documcnts, Neither Enginccr nor Owncr will be respousiblc for rbc acts or omissions of Contractor or of any Subcontractors, or ofthe agents or employecs ofany Contractor of Subcontractor, or ofany othcr persons at thc site or otherwise performing any of the Work. CHANGES IN THE WORK 10.01 OWNERMAY ORDER CHAI{GES Without invalidating the Agreement, Owner may, at any time or from time to time, order additions, deletions, or revisions in the Work; thcsc will be authorized by Field Orders or Ctange Orders. Upon rcceip ofa Field Order or Changc Order, Contractor shall proceed with thc Work involved. All such Work sball bc cxccuted undcr the applicable conditions of thc Contract Documents. If any Change Order causes an iucrease or decrease in thc Agreement Price or an extension or shortening of the Contract Time, an equitable adjustrnent will bc made as provided in Part I I or Part 12 on the basis of a claim made by either party. The Engineer, by Field Ordcr only, may authorize minor changcs in the Work which do not reguire al adjirstment in the Agreement Price or the Contract Time and which arc consistent with thc overall intent of the Contract Documents. Only changes authorizcd by a Change Order or Field Order shall be binding on the Owner. The Contractor shall perform changes authorized by a Field Order in a timely fashion and as specificd in the Field Order. I[, notwithstanding this Paragraph 10.01 8., a Field Order causes unavoidable additional expense or unavoidable delay in Contractor's prosccution of lhe Work, Contractor may make a claim thercfor as provided in Part I I or Part 12, rcspectivcly. Additional Work performed without authorization of a Clhange Order will not entitle Contactor to an increase in the Agrcement Pricc or an cxtcnsion of the Contract Time, cxccpt in the case of an cmcrgency as provided in paragraph 6.12. If Notice of any change affecting the general scope of the Work or change in the Agreement Price is rcquired by the provisions of any Bond to bc givcn to the Surcty, it will be Contracto/s responsibility ro so noti$ thc Surcty, and the amount of cach applicable Bond shall be adjusted accordingly. Contractor shall fumish proof of such adjustnent to Owner. If Owrrer and Contractor'are unable to agree to an adjustnent in the Agrecmcnt Price or Contact Time ofa Change Order as provided in Pads ll and 12 herein, thc Owner may issue thc Changc Order without an adjustment aud the Parties may proceed to Dispute Resolution. The C,ontractor shall promptly pcrform any such Change Order. Altematively, the Owner rsservcs the right to perform the Work described in the Change Order dircctly or to hire other conftctor(s) to pcrform said Work. In this case, the Contractor shall not be cntitled to any incrcase in the Agreement Price, nor to any additional cost or fecs, nor to any extension of the Contract Time, aud the Contractor shall permit free access to thc site by the Owner or any other conaacto! €ngaged by Owner to perfomr said Work. 25 PART 11 11.01 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I . CIIANGEOFAGREEMENTPRICE AGREEMENT PRICE CHANGED OIYLY BY CHANGE ORDER .d Thc Agrccmcnt Pricc constitutes Oc toat compensation (subjcct to authorized adjustnents by Changc Ordcr) payablc to Conbactor for pcrforming thc Work All duties, responsibilitics and obligations assigned to or unrtcrra&en by Coatactor shall be at his cxpcnse witbout change in the Agrecmcot Pricc. B. Thc Agrccmcnt Pricc uray only be changed by a Changc Ordcr signcd and approvcd by Contactor and Owner or by a Change Ordcr issued pursuatrt to paragraph ll.0lB. When a price for exta or changed Work by way of a Change Ordcr has been issued under pangraph I l.0lB, Contactor and Ovmer agrec that thc price set fortb in the Change Ordcr shall includc thc cost of thc exta or change plus any direc! indirect, and impacted costs attributablc to the changc or cxtra. In thc cvcnt that thcrc is an immediate need for a Changc Order involving a change in thc Agrecmcnt Price, a Change Order may bc approved by the Ownc/s Rcpresentative and thc Engineer, subject to thc following conditions: (l) the owner's Representativc must obtain and document the oral approvat of one member of thc Owner's Board of Directors to thc changc ordcr; (2) thc contraaor must approve the change ordcr; and (3) thc amount of tbc aggegate valuc of any Cbange Ordcrs issucd under this immediate nced may not cxceed, within any 30 day period, S200,000 or five pcrcent of thc Agreement Price, whichevcr is lcss. C. the Owncr, through thc Engineer, may request changes to thc Agreement for additional work or in response to claims by Contractor. All Changc Ordcr pricing and time extension analysis shall bc in accordance with the following: I. Thc Engiueer shall submit to the Contactor a "Request for Proposal' outlining the scope of work contemplatcd for said construction changcs. 2. Thc Conractor shall submit $"ithin feurtsgtr (14) days of reccipt of a "Rcquest for Proposal" a complete cost and fcc and time cxtcnsion analysis for the proposed change which shall includc: a. Detailcd itcmization of matcrials and labor cstimated for said work; b. Detailcd itcmization from all Subcontractors for their rcspective labor and matcriats for said work; c. Copies of quotations fiom suppliers substantiating all materials and equipmcnt costs; d. Itemization of overhead and fees in accordance with Paragraph I 1.03A; e. Any rcqucst for Contract Time extension with all substantiating rationale therefor. D. Contractor shall bc cntitlcd to submit a claim for additional compensation for changes ordercd by Owler tbrough a Change Ordcr, if such Change Ordcr does not contai1 an agreed-upon adjustnen! and for changes ordercd by Engineer tbrough a Field order, subject to the provisions of the Contact Documcnts, If the Contractor believes extra compensation is due him for Work or materials not clearly covcred in the Contact Documents, or not ordered in writing by the Owner or Engincer, he mus! prior to beeinnine the Work on which he bases thc 26 l. I I clairn submit in writing to the Enginecr and the Owner his intention to make a claim for such cxtra corpcnsation and must afford thc Engincer cvcry facility for keeping trick of the actual cost of the Work. Failurs on tbe part of thc Conuactor to givc such notification or to afford thc Fngiassr psopcl facilities for kecping strict account of actual cost shatl constitutc a waiver of the claim for such cxtra cornpcnsation- Thc filing of such noticc by Contractor and the kecping account ofcosts by thc Enginccr shall not in any way be constnrcd to provide thc validity of thc clairr. Whcn such Work has bccn completed, the Contactor sball within lifteen (15) diys filc his claim for exta compensation with the Engineer, including atr itemizatiotr of all items for which cxba compensation is requestcd znd documentation rcasonably satisfactory to Ow3cr. Fngincer shall present the claim to Omer with Engineet's rccommendations. E. The value of any Work covered by a Change Order or of any claim for an increase or dccreasc in the Agreemcnt Price shall be determined in one of thc following ways: l. On the basis of the estimated Cost of the Work (determined as provided in paragraphs ll.0lC.) plus a Conracto/s Fee for overhead and profit (determined as provided in paragraph I1.03A.); 2. By mutual accepancc of a lump surn 11.02 coSToFTHEWORK A. The term "Cost of the Work" means the sum of all costs necessarily incuned and paid by Contractor in the proper performance of the Work. Except as otherwise may be agreed to in writing by Owner, such costs shall be in amounts no higher than those prevaiting in the locality of thc Projec! shall include only the following items and shall not include any of the costs itemized in paragraph 11.028. Whenever thc cost of any work is to be determined pursuant to paragraphs I1.02A. and 11.028., Contractor will submit in form acceptable to Enginecr an itemized cost brcakdown togcther with supporting data: 1. Payroll costs for emptoyees in thc direct employ of Contractor in the performancc of tbc work under schcdules of job classifications agreed upon by owner and contactor. Payroll cost for cmployces not employed full time on the Work shall be apportioned on the basis of their time sp€nt on the Work. Payroll costs shall include, but not limited to, salarics and wagcs plus the cost of fiinge bencfits which shall inctude social security contn'butions, uncmployment, excise and payroll taxes, workers' or workmen s compcnsation. Such employees shall include superintendens and foremen at the sitc. The expenses of performing work after regular working hours, on sunday or legal holidays, shall be included in the above to the extent authorized by Owner. 2. Cost of all materials and cquipment fumished and incorporated in the Work, including costs of transportation and storagc thercof, and manufacturers' field services required in conncction therewith. All cash discounts shall accruc to Contractor unless Owner dcposits funds with Conractor with which to make payments, in which case the cash discounts shall accrue to Owncr. All cade discounts, rebates and refunds, and all rchrms from salc of surplus materials and equipment shall accrue to Owner and Contractor shall make provisions so that they may be obtained. 3. Paymcnts made by conaactor to the Subconbactors for work performed by Subcoutactors. If rcquired by Owner, Contractor shall obtain competitive bids from I I I I I I I I I I T I t I I I 27 t I I T I I t I T I I t I I I I I I I c. 4. 5. subcontractors acceptablc to contactor and shall dcliver such bi& to owncr who wilt then detcmring, with thc advice of Enginccr, which bids will bc accepted. .If a subcontract providcs that the subcontactor is to bc paid on thc basis of cost of thc work plus a Fec, thc Subcontacto/s Cost of thc Work shall be determined in thc same rnanncr as contractot's cost ofthc work. All Subconractors shall be subjcct to the other provisions ofihc Coneact Documcots insofar as applicable. Costs of special consulta[ts (iacluding, but not limitcd to, engineers, architects, tcsring laboratorics, survcyors, lawyers md accountants) crnployed or scrviccs specifically related to thc Work Supplcmcntal costs includc thc following: a. Cos! including tansportation and maintenance, of all materials, supplies, equipmcnt, machincry, applianccs, and hand tools not owned by the workmen, which are consumcd in thc pcrformancc of thc Wort and cost lcss market value of guch items uscd but not consumcd which rcmain thc property of Conractor. b. Rentals of all construction cquipmcnt and macbinery and the parts thereof whcther rcntcd from Contractor or others in accordance with rental agreements approved by Owner with the advice of Engineeq and the costs of tansportation, loading, unloading, installation, dismantling and removal thereof - all in accordancc with terms of said rental agrcements. The rental of any such equipmen! machinery or parts shall cease when thc use thereof is no longer necessary for the Work. c. Any sates, usc or similar taxes rclatcd to the Work, and for which Contractor is liablc, imposed by aDy govcnncntal authority. d. Deposits lost for causes other than Contractor's ncgligencc, royatty paymcnts and fccs for permits and liccnscs. Losscs and damagcs (and rclatcd expcnses), not compcnsated by insurance or otherwise, to thc $iork or otherwisc sustained by Contactor or in connection with the execution of lhe Worl providcd they havc resultcd from causcs other than the negligence of Contactor, auy Subcontactor, or anyonc directly or indirectly employcd by any of thcm or for whosc acts any of thcm may be liable, Such losses shall includc scttlemcnts madc with the wrinen consent and approval of Owaer, No such losscs, darnagcs and expcnses shall bc included in the Cost of thc Work for the purpose of determining C,ontractoy's Fec. I{, however, any such loss or damagc rcguircs rcconstnrction aDd CoDtactor is placcd in charge thereo{, Contactor shall be paid for services a fee proportionate to thrt statcd in paragraph I1.03A. Cost ofpremiums for additional Bonds and insurance required because ofchangcs in thc Work The proportion of ncccssary transportation, ravel and subsistcnce expenses of Contracto/s cmployees incurred in discharge of duties connected with the Work. The cost ofutilities, fuel and sanitary facilities at the site. Minor expenscs such as telegrams, long distance telephone ca[s, telephone service at thc site and similar petty cash items in connection with the Work, h. 28 I I I I B. The tcrm Cost of the Work shalt not includc any of the following: 1. Payroll costs and othcr compcnsation of ConEacto/s ollicers, cxecutives, principals (of Parhc$hips and solc proprietorships), general manager\ cngi[eers, architects, estimators, lawycrs, auditors, accountadts, purchasing and contracti4g agcnts, expediters, timckecpcrs, ctcrb asd othcr pcrsonncl crnploycd by C.onlractor whether at thc sitc or in his principal ora branch office for gcncral administation of the Work and not specifically includcd in the agreed upon schedute of job classifications refered to in subparagrapi I 1.02A.1.-all of which arc to be considcred administrative costs covererl by tie Contractor,s Fce. 2. Expenses of Contractor's principal and branch ollices other than Contractor's oflice at the site. 3. Any Part of Contractor's capital expenses, including interest on Contacto/s capitat employed for the Work and charges against Contactor for delinquent pa)ments. 4. Cost ofprcmiums for all Bonds and for all insurance whethcr or not Contractor is rcquired by the Contact Documrnts to pucbasc and maintain the same (except for additional Bonds and insurancc requircd bccause of changes in thc Work). 5. Costs due to thc negligencc of Contractor, any Subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whosc acts any of them may be liable, including, but not limited to, the correction of defectivc Work, disposal of materials or equipmcnt wrongly supplicd and making good any damage to property. 6- Other overhead or gcneral expense costs of any kind and the costs of any itcm not specifically and cxpressly included in paragrapb I 1.02A. 11.03 CONTRACTOR'S FEE A. The Contracto/s Fce allowed to Contractor for overhead and profit shall be determined as follows: 1. A fec based on the following percentagcs of tbe various portions of the Cost of the Work: a. For costs incurred undcr paragraphs I1.02A.1. and I1,02A.2., the contactor's Fee shall be ten percent (l0olo); and b. For costs incurred undcr paragraph 1t.02A,3., the Contactor's Fee shall be fivc percent (5%); and if a subcontact is on the basis of Cost of the Work plus a Fee, the maximum allowable to the Subcotrtactor as a fee for ovcrhead and protit shall be ten percent (107d as set forth in Paragraph I1.03A,1.a.; and c. No fee shall be payablc on thc basis of costs itcmized under paragraphs I1.02A.4., I1.02A.5., and I1.028. B. The amount of credit to be atlowed by Contractor to Owner for any such change which results in a net decrease in cost will be thc amount of the actual net dccreasc, When both additions and I I I I t I I I I I I I I t 29 11.04 PART T2 12.01 12.02 crcdits are iuvolved in any one change, the combined fce shall be figured on the basis ofthc net increase ifany. ADJUSTMENT OF THE UMT.}RICE Whcre the quantig of Work with respcct to any item tbat is covcred by a uait price differs matcrially and sigaificaotly &om thc quantity of such Work indicatcd in the Contsact Documctr$, an appropriate Cbange Orda sball bc issucd on rccornmendatiou ofEagincer to adjust ihe unit price. . CONTRACT TIME AND CHANGES DETERMINATION AND EXTENSION OFCOMRACT TIME The Contractor shall pcrform fully, cntircly, and in a satisfactory and acccptable manner the Work conEactcd, within thc numbcr of calcndar days stipulated in thc Agrcemenl Time will be asscsscd against thc Contractor in accordancc with thc Noticc to Proceed. If thc Connactor does not begin thc Work within the limit designated in the Notice to Proceed, the calendar days shall start on the first calcndar day after the last permissiblc surting date as set forth in the Notice to Proceed. If thc satisfactory cxecution and complction of ihe Work shall rcquirc Work or materials in greatcr amounts or quantities than tbosc set forth in the Conuact Documents, thcn the Contact Time may bc incrcascd as negotiatcd betwccn Contractor and Engineer and accepted by Owner as set forth in a Changc Ordcr. No allowances will be madc for dclays or suspensions of the prosecution of the Work due to thc fault of the Contractor. CONTRACT TIME CHAI\GED ONLYBY CHANGE ORDER The Conract Time may bc changed only by a Change Order. tf Conractor desircs to make a claim for an cxtension in thc Contract Time he sball givc immcdiate verbal notification to Engineer followed by wrincn notice delivcred to Owncr and Enginccr within fivc (5) days of the occurrencc of thc cvent giving risc to the Claim" Notice of thc extent of the claim with supporting data shall be delivered within {ifteen (15) days of such occurrence unless Engineer allows an additional pcriod of time to asccrtain morc accuratc data. All claims for adjustneDt in the Conract Time shall be determined by Enginecr if Ovmer and Contactor cannot otherwise agrec. Any change ia thc coDEact Timc rcsulting from any such claim sbalt be incorporatcd in a Changc Ordcr. Ia thc cvcnt that therc is an immediate nccd for a Changc Ordcr involving a cbangc in thc Contact Timc, a Change Ordcr may be approvcd by thc Ownet's Rcprcscuative and thc Enginccr, subject to the following conditions: (l) rhc Ownels Rcpresentativc must obtain and documcnt tbc oral approval of onc membcr of thc Owne/s Board of Directors to thc Changc Ordcr; (2) thc Contractor must approvc the Change Ordcr; and (3) the aggrcgatc amount of thc timc cxtensions of auy Change Orders issued undcr this paragraph 12.02A.2 may not cxcccd wilhin any 30 day pcriod, tcn &ys. where, due to delays beyond tbe control of conbactor which cause unavoidable detay to the Cootracto/s prosccution of the Work, Contractor is prcvcnted from completing any part of the Work within thc Contact Time or within schcduled milestoncs, Contractor shatl bc cntitlcd to rcquest an cxtension of time equal to the time unavoidably lost if Conractor makes a claim thcrcfor as provided in paragraph 12.01. Such dclays may bc caused by acts or omissions of thc Owncr or othcrs performing Work as contemplatcd by Part 7, or to fires, floods, labor disputcs, cpidemics, acts of God, or to abnormally inclcmcnt wcather couditions. Wcather conditions shall ouly be considered abnormally inclement if there was greater .han normal inclement weather considcring the tcrm of the contract and thc latcst ten-year average of accumulated record mean values from data compiled by the U.S. Deparuncnt of Commerce National Occanic and Atmospheric Adminishatioo for the locale of thc Wotk. I I I I I I I I I I I T T I I I I I I A. B. 30 I I t c. PART 13 All thc time limits stated in the contract Documents arc of the csscncc of thc Agreemeni. Thc provisions of this Part 12 shall not excludc recovcry for damages (including compensation for additional professional services) for dclay by cither party. WARRAI\TY AND GUARANTEE; TESTS AND INSPECTIONS; CoRRECTION, REMOVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE WORK B. C. I t I I I I I I t I I T I I 13.01 WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE Contactor warrants and guarantees to Owner and Enginecr thag without exception, all Work will bein accordance with the Contact Documents and will not be defective. Four copies of all manufacturerts guaranties or certificates that are required by the Contract Documcnts shall be submitted to Owner througb Engineer prior to acceptance of the Work. No exceptions to Contract Documents and guarantee or warranty requirements are permitted. Prompt noticc of all difects shall be given to Contactor. All defective Work, rvhether or not in place, may be rejected, correctcd or accepted as provided in this Part 13. 13.02 ACCESS TO WORK Engineer and Engincer's rcpresentatives, other representatives of Owner, testing agencies and govemmental agencies with jurisdictional interests will have access to the Work at reasonable times for their observation, inspection and testing. Contactor shall provide proper and safe conditions for such acccss. 13.03 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS A. Contractor shall give Engineer timely Notice of Readiness of the Work for all required inspections, tests or approvals. If any law, ordinance, rute, regulation, code, or order of any public body having jurisdiction requires auy work (or part thereof) spccifically to be iuspected, tested or approved, contractor shall assume full responsibilig therefor, pay all costs in connection therewith and fumish Engineer the required certificates of inspection, testing or approval. contactor shall also be responsible for and shall pay all costs in connection with Owne/s or Engincer's acceptancc ofa manufacturer, fabricator, supplier or distributor of materials or equipmcnt proposed to be incorporated in the Worlq or of matcrials or cquipment submifted for approval prior to Conuzcto/s purcbase thereof for incorporation in the Work The cost of all other inspections, tests and approvais required by thc Contract Documents shall be paid by Owner (unless otherwise specified), cxccpt that the cost of re-testing of materials and equipment as a direct result of a failure to pass a specified test shall be paid by Con8actor. All inspcctions, tests or approvals other than those required by law, ordinance, rule, regulation, code or order of gY public body having jurisdiction shall be performed by organizations acceptable to Ownir and Contactor (or by Enginecr, if so specified). If any Work that is to be inspected, testcd or approved is covered without writtcn conclurence of Enginccr, it musg if requested by Engineer, be uncovcred for observation. such uncovering shall be at contracto/s expense r'''less contractor has given Engineer timely Notice of conractor's intention to cover such work and Engineer has not acted with reasonable promptness in response to such notice. D. 3l I T I E. Ncithcr obscwations by Enginccr or inspoctions, tcsts or approvals by others shall rclievc Contractor &om his obligations to pcrfonn the Work in accordancc with thc &Irtract Documenb. F. Any Work outsidc th; nonmal fivc (5) day, forty (a0) hour week may requirc that thc Resident Project Rcpresentativc bc on thc job. All inspcction so requircd shall bc donc at thc Contactods cxpcnsc st Rcsideot Projcct ReprcsentativCs currcnt billablc ratcs and thc cost gsp6f <hrll bc deductcd from any funds duc Cotrtsactor. The Contsactor shall noti& the Eugineer at least 24 hours in advancc of starting any such ovcrtime Work 13.04 UNCOVERINGWORK A. lf any Work is covercd coDEary to thc writtcn request of Enginecr, it musg if requested by Eugiucer, be uncovcrcd for Engincc/s observation and rcplaced at Contactor's cxPensc. B. If Engineer considers it necessary or advisable that covcrcd Work bc observed by Engineer or inspected or tcsted by others, Enginecr shall issuc a Field Order so directing and Contractor shall thereupon utrcovcr, cxpose or othcrwisc makc available for obsenratiorl inspection or tcsting as Enginccr may rcquirc, tbat portion of thc Work in question, fumishing all neccssary labor, materiat and equipment If it is formd tbat such Work is defective, Contractor shall bear all thc expcnses of such uncoveting, cxposurc, observation, inspection and testing and of saGfactory corrcction or reconstsuction of thc defcctive work, including, for all of the forcgoing tasks, compensation for additional professional serviccs. Contractor shall not request payment for, nor shall Contractor be entitlcd to, compensation for such cxpenses. If thc Work is found not to bc defective, Contractor sball bc allowed an increase in thc Agreement Price or an cxtcusion of the Contract Time, or both, for any cxpcnsc or delay dircctly atributablc to such uncovcring, cxposure, observation, inspcction, testing and reconstruction, provided that Contractor submi8 a verified claim as providcd in Parts ll and 12 within twcnty (20) days of pcrforming anY such tasks. 13.05 OWNERMAY STOP THE WORK If tbe Work is defectivc, or Contractor fails to supply sullicient skilled workrncn or suitablc matcrials or eguipmcng or fails to ftnrisb or pcrform the Work in such a way that thc complcted work will conform to thc Contact Documcnts, Owner may order Gntractor to stop the Work, or any portion ttrereof, until the cause for such order has been eliminatcd; however, this right of Owner to stoP the Work shatl aot givc risc to aay duty on tbe part of Owncr to exercisc Oris right for thc bencfit of Oontractor or any other PartY. 13.06 CORRECTION OR REMOVAL OF DEFECTIVE AI\D UNAUTIIORIZED WORK If rcquircd by Engineer, Contactor shall promptly, without cost to Owner and as specified by Engincer, either correct any defective Worlg whethcr or not fabricate4 installed or completed or, if thc Work has bcen rcjccted by Enginecr, remove it from thc site and rcplace it with nondefective Work. Work done without lines and grades baving been given, Work done beyond the lines and gradcs shown on the Plans, or as givcn, except as herein provided, Work done without proper inspcction, or any cxtra or unclassified Work done without written authority and prior agreemcnt in writing as to prices, will be done at the Contractor's risk and will be considered unauthorized and, st thc option of thc Eoginecr, may not be mcasured and paid for and may be ordcred lcmoved and replaced at ihc Contracto/s expense. I I I I T I I ! I I I T l I I 32 I I I I I J I I I I I t I I I 13.07 TWO YEAR CORRECTION PERIOD If witbb two (2) ycars after the datc of frnal payment or such longer period of time as may bc prescrib€d by law or by the temu of any applicabte qpecial guarantee required by the Contract' Documcnts or by any specific provision of the Contract Documens (unless establishment ofa shorter corrcction Petiod is made by Addendum), any Wort is forud to be defective, Contractor shall PromPtly, urithout cost to Ocacr and in accordancc witb Owncds wdtteu instructions within scven (7) alays aftsr Ownet's issuance of writ&n instructions corrrrt the dcfective Work at Contractot's cost' lf Contractor does not promptly comply with the terms of such instructions or in an emergency where delay would cause serious risk of loss or damagc, Owner may have the defectivc Work corcctcd or the rejected Work removcd and replaccd, and all direct and indirect costs of such removal and rcplacemeng including compensation for additional professional seryices, shall be paid by ConEactor. Contactor shatl also pay for any damage donc to other work, other property or persons which occurrcd as a result of tbe defcctivc Work within the conection period. 13.08 ACCEPTAI\CE OF DEFECTIVE WORJ( I{, instead of requiring corrcction or removal aud replaccmcnt of defective Work, Owner prefers to accept it' Owner may do so. In suc,h case, if acceptaDcc occurs prior to Engincet's recommendation of final payment, a ChaDgc Order shall bc issucd incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documcnts, including aprpropriate rcduction in the Agreement Price; or, if the acceptance occurs after sucb rccommcndation, an appropriate amount shall be paid by Contractor to Owner. 13.09 OWNERMAY CORRECT DEFECTIVE WORK If Contractor fails within a reasonable timc after witten Noticc of Engineer to procced to corrcct and to corcct defcctive Work or to temove and replace rejcctcd Work as rcquired by Engineer in accordancc with paragraph 13.06 or in accordance with paragraph 13.0?, or if Contactor fails to perform thc Wotk in accordancc with the Coutract Documcnts (including any rcqufuements of the prcgrcss schedule), Owner may, allcr seven (7) days' writtcn noticc to Contractor, correct and rcmedy any such dcticiency. In excrcising its rights uldg; this paragraph Owner shall proceed expeditiously. To thc extent necessary to complete corredivc and rcmedial actioq Owncr may exclude Contractor from all or part of the site, take possession ofall or part ofthe Work, and suspend Contracto/s scrviccs rclatcd &cretq takc possession of Contractot's tools, appliances, construction equipment and machincry at thc site and incorporate in the Work all matcrials and equipment stored at the site or for whicb Owner has paid Contractor but which are stored clsewhere. Contractor shall allow Owncr, Owuct's reprcsentativcs, agcnts and employees such access to the site as may bc necessary to enable Owncr to cxercise is rights under this paragraph. All direct and indirect costs of Owner in exercising such rights shall bc chargcd against Contractor in an amount vcrified by Engineer, and a Change Ordcr shall bc issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documcnb and a rcduction in the Agrecment Price. Such direct and indircct costs shall include, in particutar but without limitrtion, compcnsation for additional profcssional scryiccs rcquired and all costs of repair and rcplacement of work of othen destoyed or damagcd by correction, removat or replaccment of Contacto/s dcfcctive Work Contractor shall not be allowcd an extension of the Contact Time because of any delay in performancc of the Work attributablc to tle exercise by Owner of Owne/s rights bereunder. I I 33 PART 14 I I t I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I A. B. CoNSTRUCTION SCIIEDULE, SCHEDITLE OF VALUES, PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTORS AIYD COMPLETION 14.01 SCqEDITLES A- Within tctl (10) days afrer issuaDcc of the Noticc to Proceed and at least ten days prior to submitting the fust application for a progrcss pa)'Dmt thc Contactor slull prcparc and submit to Ocncr thc progrcss schcdutc listing all Worlc trsb requircd, duration of tasks, scquence ofWorl and signilicant milcstonc cvcab; a schedule for Shop Drawing submission; and a scbcdulc of values. Thcsc schcdulcs shall bc satisfactory in fomr and substancc to thc Owner and tbe Engincer and shall emptoy thc CPM or PERT method if so dircsted in the Supplcmcntary Conditions. The progrcss schedulc shall be an accuate rcflcction of thc Work to be Pcrformcd by Contractor. Tbe progress schedulc shall be subject to thc review and concurrcncc of Owncr, but Ownc/s conculrcncc shall not constitute any guarantee or warranty by Owncr tbat thc Work can bc performed as scheduled- Not$,ithstanding Ownet's review and concurrencc of the progress schcdule, Contractor shall be paid only according to its completion of the schcdule of values, as set forth hcreiu, and not according to the progress schedule, The Contractor shall rcvise thc progrcss schcdulc ifso requested by Owner. B. The schcdulc ofvatues sball indicate quantities and unit priccs aggregating the Agrecment Pricc and shall subdividc the Wort into componcnt parG in sufficient detail to serve as thc basis for progress payments during construction. Upon accaprengs sf ths 5ghedule ofvalucs by Enginecr and Owncr, thc schedule shall bc incorporatcd into the form for Application for Partial Paymcnt and such form shall bc subjcct to Engincet's and Ownet's reasonable approval. The Contractor shall rcvise thc schcdulc of valucs if requcsted by Owncr. The Confactor may includc on its Application for Partial Paymcnt, paymcnt for materials stored at the constuction sitc, provided that titlc to such matcrials will pass to tbc Owner rt thc timc of payment free and clear of all claims, sccurity incrcsts and encumbranccs. 14.02 APPLICATION FOR PROGRESS PAYMENTS At least ten (t0) days bcfore each progress paymmt falls duc (but not morc often than oncc a month), Contactor shall submit to Enginecr for rcview au Application for Partial Paymcnt completed aad signcd by Coatactor covcring thc Work completed as of the date of the Application and accompaoicd by such supporting documcntation as is required by the Contact Documcnts and also as Enginccr may reasonabty rcquirc. Each subsequent Application for Partial Payment shall include an afli&vit of Contractor statirg that all previous progress palments rcceived on acsount of thc Work hsve becn appticd to discbarge in full all of Contacto/s obligations reflcctcd in prior Applications for Partial Payment. The amount of retainagc with respect to progrrss payments will bc as stipulatcd in the Agreemenl The detcrmination of quantitics of Work acceptably completcd under the terms of the Contract Doeuments will bc madc by thc Engincer and bascd otr measurements taken by him or his assistars. Thcsc measurcments will bc taken according to the United States standatd mcasurc, AII surfacc and lincar measurcments will bc taken horizontally unless othcrwisc shown on Plans or specified" Stnrcturcs shall bc mcasured as shown on the Plans. When base coursc, topsoil, surfacc coursc, or any materials arc measurcd by the cubic yard in the vchicle, such measuremcnt shall be taken at the point of delivcry. The capacity of all vchiclcs shall be plainly marked on said vchiclc and the capacity or marking shall not be changcd without perrnission of the Engineer. Thc Engineer may require all vehicles to havc uniform capacity. 34 I t I C. No progress Pa)'rnent excc?t finat payment will be mattc for a sum of less rhan $ 1,000.00. Thc estimates will be approximatc only, and all partial or monthly estimates and payments shall bc subjcct to correction in the cstimatc rendcrcd foltowing discovcry of an error in any previous es-'z'tes. Shoutd any dcfective Work or matcrial be discovercd or should a reasonab-le doubt arisc as to the integrity of aay part of the Work completed previous to the final paymen! there will be dcductd from thc frst cstinate rendered aftcr thc discovery of such Wori an amount cqual in value to the defective or qucstioncd Work, and this Work urill not be included in a zubscquent estimate until thc defccts havc been remedicd or thc causcs for doubt rcmoved. 14.03 COI{TRACTOR'S WARRANTY OF TITLE Contractor warants and guarantecs that title to all Work, materials and equipment covered by any Application for Payment, whether incorporated in the Project or not, witl pass to Owner at the time of payment free and clear of all claims, security intercsts and encumbrances (hereafter in thesc General Conditions referrcd to as ,'Claims,'). 14.04 REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS FOR PROGRESS PAYMENT I B. I I I I I I c. I I I I I I I A. Engineer will, wirhin ten (10) days after reccip of cach Application for Partial Payment either indicate in writing a rccommcndation of payment and present the Application to owner, or retum the Application to Contractor indicating in writing Enginee/s reasons for refusing to recommcnd paymem. In latter casc, contractor may make the necessary conections and resubmit lhe Application, Thc owner shall pay conrractor within forty-five (45) days of Ownet's approval of the Application for Partial payment. Engineer's recommendation of any payment requested in an Application for partial paymcnr will constitute a representation by Engineer to Owner, bascd on Enginee/s on-site observations of the Work in progress as an cxpcrienced and qualified design professional and on Engineet's review of the Application for Partial Payment and the accompanying data and scbedulis, that the work has progresscd to the point indicated, and that, to the best of Engineer.s knowledge, inforrnation, and belief, the quality of thc work is in accordauce with the contract Documcnts (subject to an evaluation of the Work as a functioning Project upon Substantial Completion, to the results of any subsequent tests called for in the Contract Documents and any qualifications stated in the recommen&tion). Howcvcr, by recommending any such payment Engineer will not thereby be deemed to have representcd that exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections have been made to check thc quality or the quantity of rhe work, or that the means methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction have been reviewed or that any examination has been made to ascertain how or for what purpose contractor has used the moneys paid or to be paid to Contractor on account of the Agreement Price, or that title to any Work, materials or equipment has passcd to Owner free and clcar of any Claims. Engineer may refuse to recommend, and the owner may refuse to pay, the whole or any part of auy paymetrt i{, in their opinion, it would bc incorrect to make such payment. They may also refuse to recommend to makc any such payment, or becausc of subsequently discovered evidence or the rcsults of subsequcnt in5pections or tests, nuuiry any such pa)meDt previously rccommended to such extFnt as may be neccssary in Eugiaeet's or ownels opinion to protect Owner from loss becausc: 1. The work is defective, or complctcd work has becn damaged requiring corrcction or replacemeng 35 2. Writcn Claims have becn Eradc agahst Owuer or Oairns havc bccn filcd in conncction withrLc Worlq 3. The Agreemcnt Price has been reduccd becausc of modifications, 4. Owner bas becn required to correct dcfcctive work or completc the Work in accordancc wirhparagnph 13.09, 5. Of Conractot's unsatisfactory prosccrrtion of thc Work in accor&nce with thc Contract Documents, or 6. Of Contactot's failurc to makc paymcnt to Subcontractors for labor, materiats or equipmcnt 14.05 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION When Contactor considers the cntire Work ready for its intended usc, Contractor shall, in writing to Owuer and Enginecr, certif that thc cntire Work is substantially complctc and rcquest that Enginccr issuc a Certilicarc of Substartial Complction Within a reasonable time thereaftc, Owner, Contractor, and Engineer shall make an inspcction ofthe \llork to determine the status of completion. If Enginccr does Dot consider the Work substantially complete, Enginecr will notify Contractor in writing giving his reasons tbercfor, If Enginecr considers thc Work substantially complete, Enginecr will prepare and dclivcr to Owncr a teDtativc Ccrtilicate of Substantial Complction. Thcre shall be anached to tbe Certilicatc a punch list of itcms to bc completcd or corrected beforc Project complction and final paymcnt. 14.06 PARTIAL UTILIZATION A. Use by Owner of completed portions of the Work may bc accomplished prior to Substantial Completion of all thc Work subject to thc following: 1. Owncr at aly timc may rcquest Contractor in writing to permit Owner to use any part of thc Work which Owncr belicvcs to bc substantially complete and which may be so used without significant interference with construction of thc o0rcr parts of thc Worlc If Contactor agrecs, C.ontactor will ccrti$ to Owner and Enginecr that said part of the Work is substantially complete. Wirhin a reasonablc timc thcrcaftcr, Owner, Contactor and Engincer shall make an inspection of tbat part of the Work to detcrmire its status of complction. Prior to Owne/s use, Enginccr will dclivcr to Owner and Contractor a written recommcndation as to tltc division of responsibilities pcnding final payment bctween Owner and Contractor with rcspect to security, opcration, safety, maintenance, utilitics, insurance and correction periods for tbat part of the Work which is binding upon Owncr and Contactor as to that part of thc Worl unlcss Owner and Contractor sball havc otherwise agreed in q/riting or sball objcct to the Engineer in writing within fiftcen (15) &ys of receiving Euginee/s recommendatious. Owncr shall havc the right to exclude Contractor from any parr of thc Wort which Owuer uses, but Owner shall a ow Contractor reasonablc access lo cornplete or correct itcrns on the tentativc list 2. In lieu of thc provisions of paragraph 14.06A.1., Owner may takc over operation of a facility constituting part of thc Work whcther or not it is substantially completc if such facility is functionally and separatcly useable; provided tbat prior to any such takeover, Owuer and Contractor have agrced as to the division of responsibilities betwccn Owncr I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T 36 I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I t aud Coatactor for sccurity, opcration, safcty, maintenaDcc, coEectiotr perio4 hcat utilitics and insuraacc with rcspcct to such facility. 3. No occupancy of pan of thc Work or taking ovet of operations of a facility will bc accomplishcd prior to acknowledgmcnt from thc iosurers providing the property insurancc on thc Work that notice of zuch occupancy has bccn rcceivcd and that said insurers, in writing, havc cffectcd thc changcs in covcrage neccssitatcd thercby. The insurcrs providing thc propcrty insuatrce shall coascnt to srch use or occupancy by cndorsemeot on the poticy or policics, but dre propcrty insurancc shall not bc canceled or lapse on account ofany such partial use or occupancy. 14.07 FINAL INSPECTION Upon written notice from Contractor that thc Vr/ork is complete and that all itcms on the punch list have becn completed, Engincer will make a final inspcction with Owner and Conhactor and will notify Contactor in writing of all particulars in which this inspection reveals that the Work is incomplete or defective. Contactor shall immediately take such measures as are neccssary to remedy such deficiencies. 14.08 FINAL APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT After Contractor has complcted all such corrections to the satisfaction of Engineer aud delivered all maintenance and operating instructious, schcdules, guarantces, Bon&, certificates of inspection, marked-up record documents and other documents-all as required by the Coutact Documents, and after Engineer has indicatcd that ihe Work is acceptable (subjcct to the provisions of paragraph l4.ll), Contactor may makc application for final payment following the procedure for progless pa)ments. The final Application for Paymcnt shall be accompanied by all documenation called for in the Contact Documents and such other daa and scbedules as Engineer may reasonably rcquire, together with corylcte and lcgally effectivc rcleases or waivers (satisfactory to Owner) of all Claims arising out of or filed in conncction with the Wotk ln lieu thereof and as approved by Owncr, Contactor may firmish reccipts or rcleases in full; an affrdavit of Contractor that the releases and reccipts include all labor, scrviccs, material and cquipment for which a Claim could be filc4 aod that all payrolls, material and equipment bills, and othcr indebtedrcss connccted witb thc Work for whicb Owner or its property might in any way be reqponsibtc, have been paid or otherwise satisficd; and consent of thc Suety, if aDy, to final paymcnt If any Subconractor, manufacturer, fabricator' supplier or distributor fails to fumisb a rclcasc or rcccipt h full, Contractor may fimish a Bond or othcr collateral satisfactory to Owner to indcmni$ Owner against any Claim. 14.09 FINAL PAYMENT AND ACCEPTANCE A. If, on the basis of Enginecr's obsenation of the Work during construction and final inspection' aud Engineeds review of the final Application for Payment and accompanying documcntation-atl as requircd by 0re Contract DocumeDts, Engincer is satisfied that the Work has been completed ard Conffictor has fulfillcd all of his obligations under the Contact Docunrents, Engineer wiU, within tcn (10) days after rcceipt of the final Application for paymen! indicate in writbg his recommendation of payment and present the Application to Owner for payment Thcrcupon Engincer will givc written noticc to Owncr and Contactor that the Work is acceptablc subjcct to the provisions of paragraph l4.ll. Othcrwise, Engineer will retum the Application to Contractor, indicating in writing tbe reasons for refusing to recornmend final paymeng in which casc Contactor shall make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application. If the Application and accompanying documenation arc aPProPriate as to fomr and substancc, and acceptable to Owncr , Owner shall, within thirty (30) days thercof, cause publication to cornmencc of Notice of Final Settlemen! in accordance with statutory requirements applicable to Owncr. ln thc event no claims are made against Coutactor 37 in rcsponsc to said publication, Owucr shalt pay Contractor the amount of final payment recornmcndcd by &e Enghecr in accordancc with ihe Noticc of Final Settlement. In thc evcnt any claim is madc agaiDst Contractor, Owncr may withhold up to twicc the amou of any esscrtcd claim against Gntractor until said claim has bccn rcsolved togcther with other amouob pcrmittcd by thc Agrccmcnt and Part 18 hercof; howcvcr, Owocr shall pay Contractor the batancc of thc linal paymcnt nct of thc witlrhcld amourt B. If, lhrough no fault of Contactor, fiaal corrplction of thc Work is significaotly delaycd and if Enginccr so confirms, Ocacr shdl, upo rcccipt of Cootraao/s final Application for Paymcnt and rccommcndation of Enginccr, and without tcmrinating thc Agreement, makc payment of the balaocc due for that portion of the Work fully complctcd and acccpted- If the rcmaining balance to bc bcld by Owuer for Work not fully complcted or corrected is less than tbc 1616inagg stipulated in thc Agrcement, and if Bonds have bccn fumished, the vrittea consent of thc Surety to thc payment of thc balancc due for that portion of thc Work fully completed and accepted shall bc submittcd by Conhactor to Engineer with the Application for such payment Payment shall bc made undcr thc terms and conditions govcming final paymeut, except that it shall not constitute a waivcr of claims. 14.10 CONTRACTOR'S CONTINUING OBLIGATION .{. Ttrc Confact DocutleDts will bc considered complete when all Work has been finished, the final inspection madc and the Work Iinally acccptcd by the Engineer, all claims for payment of labor, materials, or sewiccs of any kind uscd in conncction with thc Work have been scfilcd by the Contactor or its surcqr and final payment has been madc by Owna. The Surcty Bond executed for performaacc of thc Contact Documents shall be in full cffcct for a period equal to thc warranty correction period following thc datc of final papnent. B. Notr*"ithsanding the provision of paragraph 14.10A., Contractor's obligation to perform and completc thc Work in accordance with the Contract Documents shall bc absolute. Neither rccommcndation of any progrcss or final payment by Engineer, nor thc issuance ofa certificate of Substantial Completion, nor any paymcnt by Owncr to Contractor undcr thc Coutsact Documeats, nor aay usc or occupancy of the Work or any part thcreofby Owner, nor any act of acccpance by Owner nor any faiturc to do so, nor thc issuancc of a Notice of Acceptability by Euginecr pursuant to paragnph 14.09A., nor any correction of dcfcctive Work by Owncr shall constitutc an accep:hnce of Work not in accordancc with the Contract Documents or a release' of Contractot's obligation to perform thc Work in accordancc with thc Conract Documents. 14.11 WAIVEROFCLAIMS Thc making and acccptancc of final payment shall constitutc: A. A waivcr of all claims by Owncr sgainst Cont?ctor, cxccpt claims arising 6o6 "ncettled Claims, from defectivc Work appcaring from final inspection pursuant to paragraph 14,07 or from failurc to comply with the Contract Documents or thc terms of any special guarant?c specilicd therein; however, it shall not constitute a waivcr by Owncr of any rights in respect of Contracto/s continuing obligations undcr thc C,outact Documcnts; and B. A waivcr of all claims by Contractor against Owncr other than those previously made in writing and idcutificd by the Conractor as unscttled at the time of the Final Application for Paym.cnt. I I I I I I I I T I I T I T I I I I I 38 t- T PART 15 a B. c. I I I I T I I I I J I t T l I I t SUSPENSION OF WORK AI\[D TERMINATION I5.OI ENGINEER OR OWI\TER MAY SUSPEND WORK .d Thc Engineer, in consuttation with Owner when timc permits, shall havc the authority to suspend thc Work wholly or in part becausc of unfavorablc weaiher or other essential conditiorq or bccause of the failurc on tbc part of the Contractor proPcrly to Ptosecutc the Wort in accordancc with the Contsact, to carDr out ordcrs or to rctnove defective material or Work The Conractor sball not nrspend thc Work without written authority from Owner or Engineer. Prior to resuming WorlC Contactor shall give the Engineer adequate notice to atlord opportunity to re-establish observation and inspection of Work beiug performed In the event Contactor is ordcrcd by the Eugineer, in writing, to suspend Work for some unforescen cause not provided for in the Specifications, and over which the Contractor has no control, the Contractor may be reimbursed for actual money expended on the job during the period of suspension. No allowance will be made for anticipated profits' The.period of suspension sball be computed from the date set out in the written order for Work to cease until the date of the order for'Work to resumc. Claims for such compensation shall be filed with thc Engineer within ten (10) days after datc of the ordcr to resune Work or such claims will not be considered. Thc Conhactor shall submit wiih its claims, subsantiating documcnts covcring the entfue amount showu on the claim. After receiving rclevant information from the Engineer, the Owner shall take the claim under consideration, and may make such invcstigations as are deemed neccssary, and shall be thc sole judgc as to wbether such claim is cquitable and such decision sball be final. No provision of this article shall be construed as entitling the Contractor to compensation for delays duc to inclement weather, delays due to failure of surety, for suspensions made at the request of the Conractor, or for any other delay provided for in ftc Specilications. Owner ma5 at atry time suspend thc Work or any portion thereof without cause for a period of Dot more tban nincty (90) days by notice in writing to Contractor and Enginecr which shall fix the datc on which Work shall be rcsumcd. Contractor shall rcsume the Work on thc datc so fxed- Contractor will be allowed an incrcasc in the Agreement Pricc or an extension of the Contract Time, or botll dircctly attributable to any suspension if he makcs a claim thcrefor as provided in Parts I I and 12. 15.02 OWNERMAY TERMINATE A. Upon the occurrence of any onc or more of the following cvcnts, Owncr may terminate thc Agreement if: 1. Contactor is adjudged a bankrupt or irsolvcng 2. Contractor makes a general assignmcnt for the bcnefit ofcreditors, 3. A tnrstee or receiver is appointed for Contactor or for any ofContactot's propcrty' 4. C.ontactor files a petition to takc advantagc of any debtot's act, or to reorganizc undcr thc banlxuptcy or similar laws' 5. Contactor repeatedly fails to supply sullicient skilled workmen or suitable materials or equipment 39 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. contactor rcp€atiedly fails to mrkc prompt palrmcots to subcontacton for labor, matcrials or equipmc,n! Contactor disregards taws, ordinaaces, rules, regulatious or orders of any public borty having jurisdiction, ConEactor disregards the authorigr of Enginccr, C,oDtlctor fails to sart lhe Work on thc datc given in thc Notice to proceed, Substantial evidence that progress bcing rnadc by the contractor is insullicicnt to complcte thc Wort within tbe spccificd time, Contractor dcliberatcly fails to observc any rcquirement of the Contact Documents, contactor fails promptly to make good any defccts in materials or tffork or any dcfects of any other nature, the correction of which has bcen dirccted in writing by thc Enginecr, conEactor fails to remedy any dcfault under thc contract Documents within seven (z) days ofrcccipt of Notice of such default from Owncr, or 14. conractor othern isc violates in any subsuntiat way any provisions of the conuact Documcnts. Beforc the Agreement is terminated" thc Contractor and its surety will fust bc notitied in writing by the Enginccr of tbc conditions which make tcrmination of tbc Agreement immincnt. Scven (7) days aftcr this is giveq ifa satisfactory efort has not becn made by the contsactor or its surcty to concct the conditions, tbe owncr may declarc the Agrccment terminated and notify the contractor and its surcty accordingly. Upon reccipt of noticc from thc owner that the Agrccmcnt has bcen terminatc4 thc Contractor shall immediatcly discontinue all opcrations. Tbe owncr may thca procccd with the work in any lawful manner that it may elect until it is finally complcrcd. Owner may cxclude Contactor from the site and takc possession of thc work and all conuacto/s ools, appliances, constnrction cquipmcnt aud machincry at rhc sitc and usc thc samc to the firll cxcDt thcy could be used by Contractor (without tiability to crntractor for tespass or convcrsion), in thc work all matcrials and cquipmcnt storcd at tbe sitc or for which Owner has paid Contactor but which arc storcd elsew[crt, and finish thc Work as Owner may dccm expcdient ln such casc Contractor shall not be entitled to rcccivc any firther paynrent until the Work is finishcd. If tbe unpaid balancc of thc Agrecmcnt Pricc cxcecds thc dircct and ildircct costs of complcti"g the Worlq including compensation for additional professional serviccs, including but not lirnited to fccs ald charges of enginccrs, architccb, aud attorncys and any court or arbitation costs, sucb cxccss shall bc paid to the conhctor. If sucb costs cxcced such unpaid balancc, crntractor shall pay thc differcncc to owacr. such costs incurrcd by owner shall be verificd by Engineer and incorporatcd in a chaagc ordcr, but in finishing rhe wor\ owuer shall not bc required to obtain thc lowesr figurc for thc Work pcrformed Whcrc Co[tracto/s serviccs havc becn so terminatcd by Owncr, the tcrmination shall not alfcct any rights of owaer against contractor thcn existing or which may thereaftcr accrue. Any rctention or payment of moneys due contractor by owner will not reteasc confiactor from liability. t I I I T t I I T I I ll. t2. r3. B. I I t I I I I I c. 40 T D. Upon scven (?) days'writtcn notice to Contsactor and Enginecr, Owner may, without causc and without prejudice to any other right or rcmcdn clcct to abandon the Work and terminatc thc Agrcement In such case, Conhactor shall be paid for all Work executed and any expensc sustaincd plus reasonable termination cxpcnscs. 15.03 CONTRACTOR II{AY STOP WORK OR TERMINATE If, througt no act or fault of Contactor, thc Work is suspcnded for a period of morc than nincty (90) days by Owncr or under au order of court or other pubtic autbority, or Engineer fails to act o! any Application for Panial Payment within ftirty (30) days aller it is submitte4 or Owncr fails for forty- five (45) days to pay Contractor any sum finally detcrmined to be duc, then Contractor may, upo1 sevcn (7) days'written notice to Owner and Engincer, terninate the Agreement and recover from Owncr payment for all work executed and any cxpcnse sustained plus reasonabte termination cxPctrses. In addition and in lieu of tcrminating the Agrccmcng if Enginecr has failed to act on an Application for Palmrent or Owner has failed to make any payment as aforesaid, Contractor may upon seven (7) days' notice to Owner and Engineer stop the Work until payment of all amounts then due. The provisions of this paragraph shall not relicve Contactor of his obligations undcr paragraph 2l.0lC. to carry on the Work in accordance rvith the progress schedule and without delay during disputes and disagreements with Owner. 15.04 OWNERMAY TERMINATE FOR CONVENIENCE The Owner may terminate the performance of Work under the ConEact Documents in accordance with this section, without causc and in tbe Owaer's sole and absolute discretion. such termination may be in whole, or from time to time in part. Any such termination shall be effected by delivery of a written Notice of Termination to the Contractor specifying the extcnt to which perforoance of Work under thc Contract is terdDated and the date upon which termination bccomes effcctivc. After reccipt of a Notice of remrinatioo, and cxcept as otherwise directed by thc owner, thc Contractor sball: 1. Stop Work under the Contract on thc datc and to thc extent specified in the Notice of Termination- Place no further orders or subcontracts for materials, services, or facilities exccpt as necessary to corplete the portion of the work under the coDtract Documcnts whicb is not terminated- Terminate all orders and subcontacts to the extent ihat they relate to lhe performancc of Work temdnated by the Notice of Temrination Assigu to ihe Owner, in the manncr, at the timcs, and to the exteDt directcd by the Owner, all of the right, title, and iaterest of the contractor under the orders and subcontract so terminated- Thc Owner shall havc the rigbt, itr its discrctioD, to settle or pay any or all claims arising out ofthe termination ofsuch orden and subcontracts. Settle all outstaading liabitities and alt claims arising out ofsuch termination oforders and subcontracts, with the approval or ratificstion of the owner to the extent it may requirc. Its approval or ratification shall be fural for all purposes of this clause. I I A. B. I I I T I I 2. 3. 4. 5. I T T l I I I 4t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I b. 7. 8. c. D. 6. Trasfer to the Owncr, and deliver in thls manner, at'tc times, and to the exteat, if uy, dircctcd by thc Owncc The fabricated or unfabricatcd parts, Work in proccss, completed Work, supplics, atrd oth6 Datcrial produccd as a pan of, or acquircd in conncction with thc pcrformancc of, ibc Work terminatcd by thc Noticc of Tcrmination; and Tbc coqilctcd or partially completed Plans, drawings, information, and othcr propcrty whic\ ifthc Projcct had becn conplcrcd would havc been required to bc furnishcd to thc Oumcr. Usc his best cfrorts to scll, in thc tnanner, at thc times, to the extent, and at the price or priccs that tbe Owucr dirccts or authorizcs, any property of the types refcncd to above in Paragraph 15.048.6., but the Contracton a. Shall not bc rcquired to cxtcnd credit to any purchaser; and b. May acquire any such property under thc conditions prescribed and at a price or priccs approved by thc Owner. The procceds of any such transfcr or disposition sball bc applicd io reduction of atry palments to be madc by the Owner to thc CoDEactor uudcr thc Contact Documents or shall otherwisc be creditcd to the Agrecment Pricc or cost of the \llork covcrcd by thc Contact Documents or paid in such other manncr as thc Owner may dircct Complcte performancc of sucb part of the Work as shall not have been terminated by &c Noticc of Termination. 9. Takc such action as may bc nccessary, or as the Owner may direct, for the protection and prcservation of thc property rclated to thc Projea wbich is in the possession of thc Confactor and in which thc Owner has or may acquire an interest. After receipt of a Noticc of Terminatioq thc Contactor shall submit to the Owner his termination clairn, in tbe form and with thc ccrtification thc Owncr prescribes. Such claim shall be submittcd promptly, but in no cvent later thar sixty (60) days from the ctfective date of thc tcrrrination, unlcss oie orinorc cxtcnsioDlt in writing arc granted by the Owner upon reguest of thc Conhactor madc in writing within a onc (l) ycar pcriod from the effectivc datc of the tcrmination or audrorized extension. Howcver, if the owner determincs that the facs justiry such action, it may rcceivc and 8ct upon any such terminatiou claim at any time after such sixty (60) day period or extension. If the Contractor fails to submit his termination claim wirhin thc timc allowcd, thc Owner may daemriac, on drc basis of inforoation availablc to it, thc amount, if ann duc to Conractor bccause of the termination Thc Owner shall then pay to the Contractor tbc amount so determincd- Subject to the provisions of this paragraph, the Con8actor and thc Owner may agree upon the wholc or any part of the amoutrt or amounts to be paid to the Contactor bccause of the total or partial tcrmination of work under this subsection. The amount or amounts may include a reasonablc allowaucc for profit ou \ltork done if acccptable to Owner, Howcvcr, such agrced amount or amourts, cxclusivc of sefilement costs, sball not exceed thc toal Agrcement Pricc as reduced by thc amouat of paymenb otherwise made and as firther reduced by the Agreement Price of the portion of the work not terminated. The contact Documents shall be amended accordingly, and the Conkactor ghall be paid the agreed amount. Nothing in this paragraph prescribing thc amouDt to be paid to thc Contractor in tbe evcnt of the failure of the Conuactor aud the owlcr to agrcc upon thc wholc smount to be paid to the contractor because of 42 I t t t termination of Work undcr this Scction shall be deemed to limit restrict, or otherwise determine or affect the amount or amounts which may be agreed upon to be paid to the Contactor pursuant to this paragraph. E. If the Contactor and thc Owner fail to agrcc on thc whole amount to bc paid to the Contactor because of thc termination of Work u1ds1 rhic scctio4 the Owner shall determine, on the basis of information available to it, thc dnount, of any, due to the Contractor by reason of thc termination and shall pay the Contractor the amounts determined as follows: 1. For all Contract Work performed before the elfcctive date of the Notice of Termination the total (without duplication ofany items) of: 8. The cost of such Work. b. The cost of settling and paying claims arising out of the termination of Work under subcotrEacts or orders as paragraph 15.048.3. abovc provides. This cost is exclusive of the amounts paid or payable on account of supplies or materials delivered or services fumished by the Subcontractor before the effective date of the Notice of Temrination. These amounB shall be included in the cost on account of which paymcnt is made. c. The rcasonablc cost ofthc preservation and protection of property incurred and any other reasonable costs incidental to termination of thc Work under the Contract Documents, including expense incidental to fte determination of the amount due to _ the Contractor as a result of the termination of Work under the Contact Documents. 2. The total sum to be paid to the Conractor shalt not exceed the total Agreement Price as reduced by the amount of payments otherwise made and as furtber reduced by the Agreemant Price of Work not terminated. Except for normal spoilage, and except to the extent that the Owner shall havc otherwise expresly assumed the risk of loss, there shall be excluded from the amoutrts payable to the Contractor the fair value, as determined by the Owner, of property to the extent that it is undeliverable to the Owner, or to a Buyer under paragraph 15.048.7, of this Pan 15. If the parties do not reach agreement under Paragraph 15.04D. and the Owncr utilized this Paragraph 15.048., no allowance for profit shall be included in the calculation of the sum to be paid to Contractor. F. The Contractor shall have thc right to dispute under the Disputes provision any determination the Owner makes under this Part 15. But if the Contractor has failed to submit his claim within the time provided in paragraph 15.04C and has failcd to request an extension of time, hc shall havc no such right of appeal. In any case whcrc the Owner has determined the amount due, the Owner shall pay to tbe ConFactor the following: l. If there is no right of appeal hereunder or if no timcly appeal has been made, the amounts so determined by the Owner; or 2. If a dispute proceeding is initiated, the amount finally determined in such dispute proceeding. G. In arriving at the amouut due to the Contractor under this clause there shall be deducted: 1. All unliquidated advance or other paymcnts on account therefor made to the Contractor, applicable to the terminatcd portion of thc Work. t I I I t I T t I l 43 PART 16 I I I I I H. I I T I I 2. Any claim which thc Owner may have against the Conhactor in connection with the Contact Documcnts. 3. Thc agrccd pricc for, or thc irioceeds of sale of, any materials, supplies or other rhings kc"t by thc Contactor or sold, under Oe provisions of this section, and not otherwise rccovercd by or c,redited to the Owner. If the termination hcrcundcr b partirl, bcforc the sctttcment of the termimted portion of the Contract Documents, the Contactor may filc with the Owncr or rcqucst in writing for an equitable adjustment of thc pricc or priccs specified in the Contract Documcnts rclating to the coutinuing portion of thc Work (the portion not terminated by the Notice of Tcrmination). Such equitable adjustncnt as may bc agrccd upon shall be madc in the pricc or priccs. Nothing cotrtaitr€d hereiD shall limit the right ofthe Owacr and thc Contractor to agree upon the amount or amounts to be paid to the Contactor for the completion of the continued portion of the Work when the Contact Documents do not contain an cstablished Contract Price for the continued portion. MISCELLANEOUS 16.01 GIVING NOTICE Whenever any provision of the Contract Documents requires the giving of written notice it shall be deemed to have bcen validly givcn if delivcred in person to the individual or to a member of the firm or to an otficct of ihe corporation for whom it is intcndc4 or if delivcred at or sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid" to the last business address known to the giver of the notice. Notice may also be given by facsimile, providing the noticc is also immediately sent by fu'st class mail, exccpt in lhose cases which rcquirc an original to confimr thc validity of a signature or other element of the document 16.02 COMPUTATION OFTIME When any period of time is refcrrcd to in the Contract Documents by days, it shall be computed to exclude thc first and include the last day of such period. If the last day of any such pcriod falls on a Saturday or Sunday or on a day made a legat holiday by the law of the applicable jurisdiction, such day shall be omitted from the computation. 16.03 CORRECTION PERIOI) Nothing in the General Conditions conccrning thc correction period shall establish a period of limitation with respect to any other obligation which Contactor has under the Contact Documents. The establisbment of time period relatcs only to thc specific obligations under the Contact Documents which may be sought to be cnforced not to the time within which proceedings may be commenccd to establish Contsacto/s liability with respect to ir obligations other than specifically to correct the Work. 16.04 GEI\TERAL A. Should Owner or Contactor suffler injury or damage to its or his person or property because of any error, omission or act of the other party or of any of the other pargr's employees or agents or others for whose acts the other party is responsible, the injured party shall noti$ the other party withir a rcasonable time of the fust observance of such injury or damage. I T I I I I 44 B. c. I T I I T I I I T T I l I T PART 17 The dutics and obligations imposod by thcsc General Conditions and the rights and rernedics available hereunder to thc partics hcrcto, an4 in particular but without limitatioq the warranties, guarantees and obligations imposcd upon Contactor by paragraphs 5.05, 13.01, 13.06, 13.09, 14.03, and 15.02A. and all of the righb and remedies available ro Owner and Engineer under the Conhact Documents, shall bc in addition to, and shall not be constued in any way as a lirnitation of, any rights and remedies availablc to any ofor all of tbem which are otherwise irnposed or availablc by law or contract, by special warranty or guarante€, or by other provisions of the Contract Documcnts, and the provisions of this paragraph shall be as effective as if repeated specilically in thc Contract Documents in connection with cach particular duty, obligation, right and remedy to which thcy apply. All representations, warranties, and guanntees made in the Contact Documents shall survivc final payment and termination or completion of the Agreement, Should Owner determine that Contractor is performing in such a fashion that Contractor will not complete the Project timely, Owner shall give Confiactor notice of Owner's determination and Contractor shall have frfteen (15) days from the issuance of Owne/s notice within which to conect his performance and to fumish evidence satisfactory to Owner that the Project will be completed timely. In the event that Contactor does not within said fifteen (15) days correct his performance and furnish widence satisfactory to Owner that thc Project will be completed timeln Owner shall have the right to remove the Contractor and retain a replacemcnt contactor to complete the Project Owner may thereupon withhold all payments to Conractor until the replacemant contractor has completed the Project and then determine what amounts, if any, are due Conhactor. ADDRESSES 17.01 OWNER Owner is the District named in the Agreement acting through its duly authorized agents. All notices, letters and communications directed to Owner shall be addresscd and delivered to Owner at the address indicated in the Agreement, with one (l) copy to Engineer. r7.O2 ENGINEER All duties and responsibilitics assigncd to Engineer in the Contract Documents, with the corresponding rights and authority will bc assumed by the Engineer named in the Agreement and its duly authorized agents. All notices, letters and conrmunication directed to Engiaeer shall be addressed and delivered to Engineer at the address indicated in the Contact Documents. 17.03 CONTRACTOR The business addresses of Contactor given in the Bid Form and Contactor's oflice at the site of the Work are hereby designated as tbe places to which all notices, letters, and other communication to Contractor will be delivered. 17.04 CHAI\IGE OFADDRESS Either Owner, Contactor, or Engineer may change its or his address at any time by an instrument in writing delivered to the other two. T I I T 45 PART 18 PART 19 I T I I I I I I l I I I I I A. B. A. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Timc is an essential condition of tbc Contract In casc the Contractor shall fail to fully pcrform and complctc the work in conformity to the provisions and conditions of ihe conFact Documents witbin thc spccified timc limits sct forth in thc Contract Documents for such pcrformance and cornpletion or within such further time as, in accordance with lhc provisions of tbe Contact Documcntq shall be fixcd or allowed for such pcrformancc and completioq the cortactor shall and will pay to tbc owncr for each and cvery day of the additional time in cxccss of the specified timc limib ard any grarted extension fiereof, thc sum set forth in Part 5 of thc Agreement as liquidatcd damages aDd not as a penalty. The parties agree that owner will suffcr loss and dFmrgc; howcvcr, due to tbc uncertainty and difficulty of measuring actual damages for cvery &y thc work rcmains uacompletcd and unfinished, the parties agree that said sum is a reasonable forecast of compensatory damages. The owner shall recover said damagcs by deducting the amount thercof out of any moncys which may be due or becomc due the contractor, or by an action at law against the conEactor or its surety, or by either or both of these mcthods. should the cntire complction and final acceptancc of the work herein embraccd, together with any modificationJ or additions, be delayei beyond the time herein set,it is undentood aud agreed that aside from any other penalty or damage, all costs of the engiaecring, observation and inspcction on behalf of the Owner which are incurred after the specified ltng lirnits have clapsed may be charged to the Conbactor and be deducted from any estimate or paymcnt othenvise due and payable to hirn In casc ofjoint responsibility for dclay in the final completion of the work, where two or more separate conFacts arc in forcc at thc same time and cover work at the same site, liquidated damages assessed against any onc contractor for the delay shall be determincd by, and in the judgment of, Engiueer. EXISTING UNDERGROTJND INSTALLATIONS Existing underground installations such as water lincs, gas lines, sewers, telephone lines, power lines, or similar concealed structures in thc vicinity of the Work are indicated on the Drawings only to the cxtent such information was made availablc to or discovered by Engineer in preparing the Drawings. There is no guarantee as to the accuacy or completeness of such information, and all responsibility for the accuracy and completeness thereof is expressly disclaimed. Generally, servicc connections are not indicated on the Drawings. B. Contractor shall be solcly responsiblc for locating all existing underground installations, including service conncctions, in advance of excavatirg or trencbing, by contacti"g the owners thcreof and progpecting. Contractor shall use his own information and shall uot rely upon any information indicatcd on thc Drawings conceming existing underground installations. C. Thc General Conditions provisions regarding Unforescen Physical Conditions do not apply to the existing underground installations indicated in the preceding paragraphs. Any delay, additional Work, or extra cost to Contractor caused by underground existing installations shall not constitute a claim for extra Work, additional payment, or damages. PART 20 . STREAMLINED SPECIFICATIONS These Specifications are written in the sreamlined or de clarative style, utilizing incomplete sentences. Omissions of such words and phrases "The Contactor shall," "in conformity therewith,,' "shall be," "as shown on the Drawings," "a," "an," "the," and "all" are intentional iu steamlined sections. Omittcd words shall be supplied by inference in the same rnauler as when a note appears I I I I 46 I T I on the Drawings, Thc omission of such words shall not relieve the Contractor from providing all items and work dcscnted hcrein or indicatcd on the Drawings. PART21 - HANDLINGOFDISPUTES 21.01 DISPUTES A. Aoy clainr, disputc, or other matter in question betwecn the Contractor and the Owner aud relating to the acccptability of the Work or the interpretation of the Contract Documents pertaining to tle execution and progress of thc Work shall be referred initially to Engineer, as specified in Section 9.06. Any such claim for which Engineer has rendered a decision, or any other claim between the Owner and Contactor, may be submitt€d to alternative dispute resolution, including arbitration or mediation, or any other dispute resolution process, excluding litigation, upon the mutual consent of the parties. The parties shall determine whethcr any such arbitration shall be binding or non-binding. Neither party shall be compelled to participatc in any alternative dispute resolution process and nothing in this paragraph shall preclude either party from pursuing any legal remedy available to it, subject to the conditions of Paragraph 9.068. B. If the parties agree to submit a clairn, disDute, or other matter to arbi8ation, the Constnrction Industry Arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association then obtaining shall bc used, unless the parties munrally agree otherwise. An award rendered by an arbitrator or arbitrators in a binding arbitation shall be final and binding on all parties to the extent and in the manner provided by the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure. All awards may be filed with the clerk of one ol more courts, State or Federal, having jurisdiction over the party or parties against whom such award is rendered or its property, as a basis ofjudgment and of the issuancc of execution for its collection. C. The Contractor shall continue to perform the Work and adherc to the Contracto/s construction schedule during all disputes or disagreements with the Owner. No Work shall be delayed or postponed pending resolution of any disputes or disagreements, except as Contractor and Owner may otherwisc agree in writing. 21.02 DISPUTES WITH THIRD PARTIES t I t I I T I I I I t I ; I I PART 22 22.01 A. All disputes which involve partics in addition to the Owner, Engineer and Contractor shalt not be the subject of arbitation, except by thc mutual consent of all the parties involved in tbe dispute. B. Engineer shall not be deemed or considercd a third party beneficiary of the Agrecment or Contract Documents, nor a party thereto. - DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES, AtlD LIMITATIONS OF TIIE AUTHORITY OF RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENTATTVE (rF ANr) DESCRIPTION Resident Project Representative is Enginee/s Agent and shall act as directed by and under the supervision of Engineer. He shall confer with Engineer regarding his actions. His dealings in matters pertaining to the on-site Work will, in general, be only with Enginecr and Co!tractor. His dealings with Subcontractors will only be through or with the full knowledge of Conbactor or his 47 supcrintmde|rt He shall gencrally comnutricatc with Owlrcr only tbrough or as directed by Engiuccr. 22.02 DIJ|IIES AI\D RESPONSIBILITIES A- Confcrcnccs: Attend prcconstructioa confercaces and regular project revicw mcetings, B. Liaison 1. Servc as Engincct's liaison with Contactor, working principally through Contactor,s superiutendent and assist him in undcrstanding the intent ofthc Contract DocumetrB. 2. As requcstcd by Enginecr, assist in obtaining from Owner additional details or infonnation, when rcquircd at the job site for proper cxecution of thc Work. 3. ln the interest of preserving the propcr chanaels of communication, advise Eirgineer of any direct communication between Owner and Conuzctor. Shop Drawings and Samplcs. 1. Receive and record datc of reccipt of Shop Drawings and samplcs which have been reviewed by Engineer. 2. Receive samples which arc fumishcd at the site by Contractor for Enginecr's review, and noti$ Enginecr of their availability for examination. 3. Advisc Engineer and Contactor or his supcrintendent immediatcly of thc commcnccment of any Work requiring a Shop Drawing or sarnple submission if the submission has uot becn accepted by Engiaccr. Revicw of Work Conduct on site observations of thc Work in progress to assist Engineer in determining that the Project is proceeding in accordance with the Contact Documents and the complctcd Work will conform to tbe Contact Documents. Report to Enginecr whenevcr hc bclieves that any Work is unsatisfactory, faulty, or defective or does not conform to the ConEact Documents, or has bcen damaged, or does not mcet thc requirements of any inspcctions, tests, or approvals required to be made, and advise Engineer when he bclievcs Work should be corrected or rejected or should be uncovcred for observation, or rcquires special testing or inrycction. Verify that tests, equipmcnt, and systcrns start- ups and operating and maintenance insructious arc conducted as required by the Contract Documcnts and in presence of the required personnel, and that Contsactor maintains records thereof; obsewe, record, and report to EugiDeer appropriatc details rclative to the test procedures and start-ups. Accompany Owner and visiting inspectors representing public or other agencies having jurisdiction over ibe Projec! record the outcome of these inspections and report to Engineer. c. I T I I I I I t I I I t D. l. T I t I I I 48 I I Interpretation of Contract Documcnts: Transmit to Contractor clarification and interpreation of thc Contract Documents as issued by Engincer. Modifications: Consider and evaluate Contracto/s suggestions for modifications in Drawings or Spccifications and rcport them with rccommendations to Engineer. 7. Rcco,rds: a. Maintain at the job sitc orderly filcs for conespondance, reports ofjob conferences, Shop Drawings and sample submissions, reproductions of original Contract Documents including all addenda, Change Orden, Field Orders, additional Drawings issued subsequcnt to the execution of the Agreemen! Engineer's clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents, progress reports, and other Project-related documenb. b. Keep a diary or log boolg recording hours on the job site, weather conditions, data relative to questions ofextras or deductions, list of principal visitors, daily activities, decisions, observations in general, and specific observations in more detail as in the case of observing test procedures. Scnd copies to Engineer. c. Record names, ad&esses, and telcphone numbers of all Contractors, Subcontractors, and major supplicrs of equipment and materials. d. Advise Engineer whenever Contractor is not currently spintaining an up-to-date copy of Record Drawings at thc site. Reports: Furnish Engineer daily and wcckly reports as required to represent the status of the Work and of ConEactor's compliance with the approved progrcss schedule, schedule of Shop Drawing submissions, and other schedules. Guarantces, Certificatcs, Maintenancc, and Operation Manuals: During the course of thc Work, veriS that guaraDtees, certificates, maintenance, and operation manuals and other data required to be assemblcd and fumished by Contactor are applicable to the items actually installed; and deliver these data to Engineer for his review and forwarding to Owner prior to final acceptance of thc Projcct. Completion: a. Conduct final iirspcction in the company of Engincer, Owner, and Contractor and prepare a final list of items to be corrected. b. Verifr that all items on final list have been corrected and make recommendations to Engineer conceming acceptance. 22.03 LIMITATIONS OF AUTHORITY Resident Project Representative shalt be limited in authority except upon written instnrctions of Engineer. The Resident Project Representative shall not: 5. 6. 8. 9. A. I I I t I I T t I I I I I I I I t 10. B. 49 l. Authorize any dcviation from the ConFact Documents or approve any substitute materials or equipmcnt. 2. Undertakc any of the responsibilities of Contractor, Subcontractor, or Contractor's superintcndcnt. 3. Advise on or iszuc dircctions as to safcty prccautions and programs in connection with the Work PART 23 - DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITTES, AND LIMITATIONS OF THE AUTHORITY OF THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE 23.01 DESCRIPTION The Ownet's Reprcsentativc is thc Owne/s agent and shall act as dirccted by and.under the supewision of Owncr. Hc shall confer with Owner rcgarding his actions. His dealings in matters pertaining to the on-site work will in gcneral be only with Engineer and Confractor. His dealings with Subcoutractors will only be tbrough Contactor or his superintendent. 23.02 DUTIES AI\D RESPONSIBILITIES Owner's Representative shall coordinate all construction activities and Owner Purchase Agreements. He shall: A. Conferenccs: Attcnd Preconstnrction Conferenccs and regular project meetings. Arrange a schedulc of progrcss mectings and other job conferenccs as required and noti$ in advance those expectcd to attend. Conduct mcetings atrd maintain and circulate copies of minutes thcreof. B. Liaison: Serve as Owner's tiaison with Contractor and Engineer, working to help expedite the project to assure the scheduling requirements are mct. C. Modifications: Consider Contacto/s suggestions for modifications in Drawings or Specifications and report them with rccommendations to Engineer. D. Reports: 1. Fumish Owner with pcriodic reports of progrcss of work and of Contsactor's compliance with the approvcd progrcss schedule, schedule of Shop Drawing submissions, and other schedules. 2. Consult with Owner in advance of schcduled major tests, inspections, or start of important phases of work. E. Payment Requisitions: In cooperation with Engineer, review Application for Payment with the ConEactor for compliance with the established procedure for its submission and forward it with recommendation to the Owner for payment. t I l t I T t I I I I I t I I I I 50 I t 1 I I I I I T t T I I I I 23.03 LIMITATIONS OF AUTHORITY Owne/s Reprcsentative shall be limited io authority cxcept upon written instructions of Owner as follows: l. Except as provided in paragr.ph tl.0lB. and pangraph 12.024,. shall not authorize any deviation frour the Contract Documents or approve any substitrte materials or equipmen! modifications or Change Orders. 2. Shall not undertake any of thc responsibilities of Contractor, Subcontractor or Contracto/s superintendent 3. Shall not advise on or issue directions as to safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. t I I 51 I T t DOCUMENTOOSOO SUPPLEMENTARY CONDlTIONS I sc.l SUPPLEMENTARY CONDTTTONS - The following supplemenls modify, chonge, delete from orodd lo lhe "Generol 1| Condilions published by the Voil Recreoiion Districf ond Bound herein. where ony orlicle I of fhe Generol Conditions is modified or ony porogroph, subporogroph or clouse fhereof is modified or deleted by ihese supplemenls, the unollered provisions of ihql qrticle, II Chonge the word "Engineer" lo "Architect" wherever occuning in the Generol Condiiions. 'l All divisions of fhe specificotions sholl be subject lo lhe Generol Condilions ond Supplemenlory Condilions. I SC.2 MODIF|CAT|ONS TO ARTTCLES OF THE GENERAL CONDTTTONSt PART 5 - BONDS AND INSURANCE t s.o8 DEDUcTIBLEs I Add the Fottowing: f, The controctor sholl poy the deductible when moking ony cloim ogoinst builders riskD insuronce. I PART 6 - CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES I 6.03 EQUTVALEM MATERTALS AND EQU|PMENT I Delefe Porogroph B ond Substitule The Following: I B. See Seclion 01600 Producf Requirements for oddilionol requirements concerning requests f or substilutions. ,l, 6.10 REcoRD DOCUMENTS i Add fhe following: t See SectionOl780 Closeoul Submittols for odditionol reouiremenls. i 6.13 PLANs AND sHoP DRA*TNGS Add the Following:It L. See Seclion 01722 Field Engineering for oddilionol requiremenls. t I OA ee06 0080Gt II 6,14 PLANS AND SHOP DRAWINGS Add fhe Following: c. See section olT22Fierd Engineering for oddirionor requiremenrs. PART 9 - STATUS OF ARCHITECT DURING CONSTRUCTION 9.05 PROJECTREPRESENTATION Delefe this orlicre. Residenf projecr represenforive is nor requlred. END OF SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS I I T I I I I I t I I t I I I I T t I oA 9906 0080G2 I T I I t I t I I J I t I I il J I I I DIVISION I GENERAL REQUIREMENTS sEcTtoN 0l100 SUMMARY I.OI CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS A. Division I - Generol Requiremenls govern work under oll divisions of specificolions. I.O2 SCHEDULE OF DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ADDENDA A. Drowings: See index on drowings. B. Project Monuol: John A. Dobson Areno, Addiiions ond Renovolions project, Voil; Colorodo doted Februory 12,2@1 . C. Addendo: All Addendo issued prior to bidding. I.O3 EXAMINATION OF SITE A. Foilure lo Visit Sile: Will not relieve Conlroctor from necessity of furnishing moleriols orperforming work lhql moy be required io complete work in occordonce with drowings ond specificotions without qdditionol cosl lo Owner. 1.04 CoNTRACTS A. Single Controcl: All work under this conkoct will be executed under one prime confrocl between Owner ond Generol Conkoclor. I.O5 CONTRACTOR USE OF PREMISES Access: L Conlroclor's Access to Sile: coordinote wifh Owner's Representolive. construction Porking: Porking for construction lobor on sile is nol ovoiloble. Emergency Exits: Mointoin oll required fire exils from exisling building ot oll limes exisling building is occupied during conslruction process.I. Exit Doors, sloirwoys ond Dischorge Areos: Acceploble to locol code outhorily. Conslruclion Operotions: Limiled lo oreos where work is indicoted. See Section 01500 regording construclion fence.L Toke precoutions io ollow for conlinued building operotions including employee, student ond public occess.2. Power Oufoges: Coordinole ond schedule ony required eleclricql or other utility outoges wilh owner. ouloges sholl be ollowed only of previously ogreed upon limes. In generol outoges sholl be scheduled ol limes when lhe building is not being utilized. B. c. D. oA 9906 0r r00-l F. Sequencing of Conslruction Plon: Before storl of construction on siie, submit three copiesof conslruciion plon regording occess lo work; use of site; ond phosing of new,demolition ond renovotion work for occeplonce by owner ond erchiiecl. Afterocceptonce of plon, construcfion sequencing sholl comply wilh occepfed plon unlessdeviolions ore occepled in writing. owner's schedule of Evenis: The owner hos scheduled fhe following events lo fokeploce during ihe conslruclion project. The conlroclor sholl coordinoie with the Owner foollow o minimum of disruplion fo lhe Owner's plonned evenfs. Februory 2,2001: Speciql Event Februory 3, 2001: Speciol Events Februory 26,2@l: Speciot Otympics Februory 27-28,2@l: : possible Concerf Morch 2, 2001: Red Wing Alumni Hockey Morch 3, 2001: Red Wing Alumni Hockey Morch 15. 2001 : Sef-Up (No lce) Morch 1 6. 2001 : Concert Morch 19, 2001: lce Token Oul Morch 23, 2001: pedro Concert Morch 24, 2001; "UNVA|LED" Concerl Morch 25, 2001: Speciol Evenl Morch 2&29, 2001: Concert Series Morch 30, 2001: Pedro Concert (Lost Event) July l0,20Ol: tce Compelition July 14, 2001: Possible Conceri July/Augusl, 2001: Summer Skoling School Jul l7-21, 2001: Voit Invitotionol July 2l-28,2@l: Bob Johnson Hockey School (Tentotive) Augusf l-3, 2001: Hockey Ctinic September 8-9, 2001: Speciol Event Seplember l0-l l, 20Ol: Speciol Evenl G. Owner's proposed conslruclion schedule for rink ond dosher boord reptocemenl. seeSeclion 13175 lce Rink Construction. I I e I 'l I Morch l9-20,2001 Morch 26-April2,2@l Moy 8-10: Moy 9-10: Moy 8-12: Moy 22-25: Moy 29: Moy 29-June29: oA 9906 Remove existing ice (by Owner) Remove exisfing dosher boord sysiem (by Owner) Remove existing refrigerolion equipmenl, i.e. skid, condenser. etc. (by Commerciol Refrigerotion) lnsloll new Condenser (by Commerciol Refrigerotion) Remove exisling rink slob (Generol Controctor) Prepore new rink slob (requires coordinqtion of Generol Conlroclor ond Commerciol Refrigerolion) Pour new concrete rink slob (by Generol Controclor with Commerciol Ref rigerolion supervision ossisloncel New concrete rink slob cure period I I I T t I l E I t I I 0t t00-2 I f, I June l2-16: June 19-22: I t, I 1.06 A. new dosher boords instolled (by Becker) Seol new concrele rink slob (by G.C.) poinl new concrete rink slob (by Ownerf June 3O-July 4tn Instoll new ice (by Owner w/commerciol refrigerolion ossislonce) July 7: New ice rink reody for scheduled evenls COORDINATION Generol: Coordinqle work of vorious sections of specificotions to ossure efficient ond orderly sequence of insfollotion of conslrucfion elements, with provisions for occommodoting items inslolled loler. Equipmenl: Verify thol chorocteristics of elements of intereloled operoting equipment ore compotible; coordinote work of vorious seclions hoving inferdependent responsibilities for instolling, connecling to, ond plocing in service, such equipment.l. ElectricolRequhements: o. Comply with NEC.b. Provide UL listed ond lobeled producis where opplicoble.2. Motors: o. Generol : Provide built-in ihermol overlood protection, NEMA No.4gD fromes, roted "Quiet" generol purpose continuous-duty Design B, clqss B temperoiure roling, copoble of 5 siorts per hour. Spoces: Coordinote spoce requirements ond inslollolion of mechonicol ond elechicol work which ore indicoted diogrommoticolly. Follow rouling indicoled for pipes, ducls, ond conduils os closely os proclicoble; moke runs porollel with lines of building. Ulilize spoces elficienfly lo moximize occessibilily for oiher insfollotions, for moinlenonce. ond for repoirs. Finished Areos: In finished oreos conceol pipes, ducls ond wiring in ihe conslruciion. Coordinole locotions of fixlures ond outlets with finish elements. END OF SECTION a n i I I I I I I t I I I I t oA 9906 0t r00-3 I I t ,l l.0l A, sEcTroN 0r 230 ALTERNATES DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS Definitions ond Explonotions: "Allernotes" ore defined os olternote producls, moteriols, equipmenl. systems, melhods, units of work for mojor elemenls of construction, which moy, ot owner's option be selected for work in lieu of corresponding requiremenis of Conlrocl Documenls.l. selection moy occur prior lo conlroct dole or moy be defered for possible selection of subsequent dote.2. Alternotes moy or moy noi chonge scope ond generol chorocler of work subsiontiolly.3. Requirements of this section moy be reloled lo, but musi not be confused with, requirements of coniroct Documenls reloted to "unit prices", "chonge orders",'substilulions" ond similor lerms. 8. Accepled Alternotes: Refer to owner-conlroclor Agreemenl ond subsequenl modificolions lhereof (if ony) for determinolion of which olternotes lisled hove been occepted, ond ore, lherefore, in full torce ond effecl os though originolly included in Conlrocf Documenls for bose bid. C. Noiificotion: lmmediolely following oword of controct, prepore ond distribute to eoch entily or person to be involved in performonce of work, noiificotion of sloius of eoch olternoie scheduled ond including those subsequently odded by notificotion during bidding. Indicole which olternoies hove been: l) occepled, 2) rejecfed, ond 3) delened for considerotion ol loter dote os indicoted. Include full description of negolioted modificotions to olternotes, if qny. I.O2 GENERALALTERNATEREQUIREMENTS A. Generol: Description for eoch olternote is recognized to be incompleie ond obbrevioted bul implies lhol eoch chonge must be compleie for scope of work offected. Refer lo opplicoble sections (Divisions 2 lhrough l6) ond io opplicoble drowings for specific requkemenls of eoch olternote. Modify sunounding work os required fo inlegrole wifh work of eoch olternore. r.03 DESCRTPTTONS A. Add Alternote No. 1: Moin level rubber Flooring, pointing ond rubber bose. Remove opproximolely 3,200 s.f. of existing rubber flooring of mqin level eniry oreo ond reploce with new Becker Sport Floor rubber flooring tiles. See Secfion 09550. Remove exisling plosiic bose ol oulside foce of existing Ticketing, Concessions, Pro shop, Offices ond Skole Rentol spoces efc. Remove existing plosiic bose ond reploce wilh new 6', hl rubber bose by Johnsonite or opproved equol. Repoinl oulside drywoll foce (surfoce focing oreno) of existing Ticketing, Concessions, Pro shop, Offices ond Skote Rentol spoces etc. with new woter bosed epoxy point. Repoint exisling melol roiling of upper level overlook ond sfoirs oi Eosl ond wesl sides wifh new woter bosed epory poinl. 'lI il t I t t I T ,l I I i l t oA 9905 0r23Gr t T I x l 1 I I t t ! I I I I ; T I B. Archiiecf ond owner sholl selecl color of new rubber bose ond poinf upon owner occeplonce of Alternote No. I ond review of monufocturer's slondord color choices. G.C. sholl refer lo sheet A7.3 for loyout ond descriplion of new work reloled lo Aliernole No. l. see secfions 09560 Resilient Ftooring ond 09900 poinls ond cootings for oppticobte requiremenls. Add olternqle No. 2: Sensor operofed flushomelen. At oll new woter closets ond urinols provide botiery powered sensor operotor royol woter closet ond urinol flushomefer less hondle opening wifh melol cover by sloon oplimo syslems. Woler closel: Model 8l lo.LH-Mc wolersover (3.5 gpf/l3.2 lpf). urinol: Model 8186-LH-MC Woter Sover (1.5 gpf/5.7 lpf). Add Alternote No.3: Removol ond replocemenl of exisling ice rink slob ond refrigerolion system: Provide cosl breokdown ond lotol for oll work included in the removol ond replocemenl of ihe exisling concrele ice rink slob ond refrigerolion syslem. Generol controclor sholl refer lo construcfion documenis for qrchitecturol, structurol, mechonicol, plumbing ond eleclricol work qs required lo remove, ond provide new construclion os necessqry for new ice rink ond refrigerotion work. The owner hos reloined quolified refrigerotion ond dosher boord components. The Generol Controctor sholl be responsible for complele review ond underslonding of ihe services provided by Owner hired consullonts. The Generol Controctor shqll contocl Mr. Jim Heber - Direclor of the John A. Dobson Areno 9701479-2268 tor odditionol Owner hired consullonf scooe of work informolion. See Seclion 13175 for odditionol requirements. END OF SECTION oA 9906 01230-2 t I l.0l A. 1.02 B. sEcItoN 01312 PROJECT MEEIINGS PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCES Preconsfruclion ond Conlroct Accomplishmenl Conference: Meeting will be scheduledby Architecl ofter Nolice of Aword.l. Conkoclor will submil execuied bonds ond insuronce certificotes ond will signcontroct ot fhis meeting.2. Adminisirolive reguiremenls such os producls lists, schedule of volues, poyment opplicotions, progress chorls, chonge order procedures ond projecl closeoul will bereviewed in deloil. Site Mobilizotion Conference: Meeling will be scheduled by Archilect ot site immediotelyprior to Conlroctor move-in. Representolives of Conlroctor, Mechqnicol ond ElectricolSubcontroctors, Geotechnicol Engineer, Owner, Architect qnd Architect's Consultoniswill be present. Job sife procedures lo include following items will be discussed:l. Procedures for moinloining projecl record documents.2. Owner'srequiremenls.3. Conskuction focilities ond conlrols.4. Temporqry utilities.5. Security ond housekeeping procedures.6. Moteriols testing.7. Services of the Geotechnicol Engineer.8. Requiremenls of storl-up trodes.9. Building loyout. 10. Communicotionswith Architecl'sconsullonls. I l. Access lo ond use of site in relotion to continued use of exisling fqcilities. PROGRESS MEEIINGS Meetings: controctor will schedule regulor periodic meelings ol conlroctor,s job sitefield office. Representotives of owner ond Architecl wiil belnvited to oliend. Alsoinviled os oppropriole to iiems under discussion, will be selected subconlroctors ondsuppliers qnd Architeci's consullonts. Following items will be discussed: I . Review of work progress since previous meetings.2. Field observolions, problems, ond conflicts.3. Problems which impede consiruction schedule.4. Review of off-site fobricotion, delivery schedules.5. correcfive meosures ond procedures ro regoin projected schedure.6. Revisions to construction schedule.7. Plon progress. schedule during succeeding work period.8. Coordinotion of schedules.9. Moinlenqnce of quolity stondords. 10. Review submiftol schedules; expediie os required. I l. Review proposed chonges for effect on olher irodes, conslruction schedule ondcompletion dote. 12. Coordinotion of sepqrote conirocts. 13. Other business os required. oA 9906 013r2-l o I I I ) I I c. D. Agendo ond Minufes: Controclor sholl esloblish ogendo, subjecl to Owner ond Archilecl review, ond keep ond dislribule minutes of progress meetings ond lisfs of those presenl ond ofhers os direcied.l. conlroctor: Advise Archilect ol leosf 24 hours in qdvonce of meeting regording ilems odded lo ogendo. Persons Represenling Conlroclor ot Meeiings: Hove oufhority lo commil Conlrocfor to solulions ogreed upon in meefings. To moximum exlenl possible, ossign some person or persons lo represenl Confroctor ol meelings fhroughoul progress of work. Coordinotion Meetings: Progress meelings sholl in no woy be considered subslitufe for Contrqctor/subconlrocf or coordinolion meetings. END OF SECTION I I I I t I r I I I I I oA 9906 013t2-2 3 I t I.OI RELATEDREQUIREMENTSI it A. List of Subcontroctors:' l. Insfruclions to Bidders.I I B. Products List:l. Section 01600 product Requiremenfs ] C. Progress Schedule:4 l. Generol Conditions. J D. Schedute of Volues:I l. Generol Conditions. I E. Performonce Bond/Lobor ond Moleriot poymenl Bond:| ) 3ll'.:li3:f.',,'3::^ I F. Insuronce Certificotes:f,'7 l. Generol Condilions. I G i:''E:1"#la'i"?,i["J]' I H. Project Record Documenls: I L Secfion 01780 Closeoui Submiftots | '' It"!:SXn orzeo croseour submirors. ,r J. Finol Poperwork: I l. Seclion 01780 Closeout Submiilols.t K. Controctor's Quolily Conlrol System: ,l l. Section 01450 Quotity Controt. I I.O2 GENERAL I I A. Submittols: Mode eorly enough lo occounf for processing described below ond two? week period for review by nrchitect ond Engineers. r I I oAee06 01330_l i sEcTroN 01330 SUBMMAL PROCEDURES I.O3 PROGRESS SCHEDULE A. Schedule: In form of chori ond indicqle stort ond complefion of eoch of elements onSchedule of Volues. I ' Compleiion Time: As specified in Agreemenl. Revise schedule when completion fime is revised by chonge order. B. Schedule Submilfol: Wfhin ten doys ofler receipt of Nolice lo Proceed, submil onereproducible copy ond four prints of preliminory consfruction schedule. | . Within l0 doys ofler receipl of review commenls on preliminory schedule, submif one reproducible ond four prints of conslruclion schedule.2. With eoch monthly opplicolion for poymeni, submit four prints of updoted conslrucfion schedule indicoting ocluol work progress in comporison lo scheduled progress. C. Eslimoted Poyments: Prepore qnd submii esiimote of portiol poyments os reflected byestimoled work progress with submiilol of consfruction schedule. D. Monthly Reporfs:l. wiih eoch monlhly opplicolion for poymenf. submil ilemized report of delivery stoius ol mojor ond criticol ilems of purchosed equipmenl ond moteriol, including shop drowings qnd stqlus of shop ond field fobricoted work.2' lf completion of ony port of work or delivery of moteriols is behind construclion schedule, submit plon for bringing work up to schedule.3. Owner sholl hove right io wilhhold progress poyments for work ii Conlroclor foils io updole ond submit progress schedule ond reports os specified. E. Controclois Responsibility: Nothing in ihese requiremenls sholl be deemed to be usurpotion of Controclor's outhorily ond responsibility lo plon ond schedule work os he sees fit, subject fo oll olher requkemenls of Conlrocl Documents. I.O4 SUBMINALS LIST, SCHEDULE AND PROCEDURES Submiltol: wilhin 30 doys ofier oword of controct, ond before ony ilems qre submitted for review, submit lo Archilect two copies of submiilol list ond schedule. Schedule: Compile complele schedule of oll submittols onticipoted to be mode during progress of work.l. Include list of eoch type of item for which conkoclor's drowings, shop drowings,product dqto, certificoles of complionce, somples, wononlies or ofher types of submittols ore required.2. On occeplonce by Architect, Conkoctor sholl odhere to schedule except when specificolly olherwise permilted. code Designotion: on schedule, designole eoch ifem wilh number code utilizing specificotion section five digit numbers.l. Eoch Submiiiol: Morked with some code designoiion ond chronologicol number for eoch submittol. coordinolion: coordinote schedule wilh subconlroctors ond moteriols supplien. I t T tl l T I I I I I ! 1 t I t $ l i B, c. D. oA 9906 01330-2 E. I I i F. Revisions: Revise ond updote schedule on monlhly bosis os necessory fo reflecl condifions ond sequences. Promplly submif ony revised schedules lo Archilecl for review. Tronsmitlols: Include tronsmittol letterwith eoch submiltol, identify item by obove code designoiion ond reference to specificotion section. Use seporote lronsmittol for eoch submittol.l. Eoch Submitlol: Hove chronologicol submifiol number.2. Resubmiflols: Hove originol submitlol number ond lefter in olphobelicol order for eoch resubmittol.3. Mechonicol ond Eleclricol Submiltols: Broken down inlo ports so thoi individuol porls con be resubmilled withoul confusion. Deviotions: cleorly mork ond noie ony deviotions from conlrocl Documents in submittols. SHOP DRAWINGS Shop Drowings: Moke porticulor note of field-meosured dimensions, os-built conditions, ond conditions requiring speciol coordinotion with other controciors ond requiremenls ofqctivifies of Owner. Subcontroclor: submii one reproducible lrocing ond two prinls per shop drowing sheef ond specified number of somples to Controcior. Controctor:|. Review shop drowings for occurocy, compleleness, ond conformily with coniroct Documents. Moke noles ond coreclions on reproducible trocings ond prints.2. Stomp with Controctor's stomp/dote. Signoture of individuol who reviewed shop drowings is required below Controcior's stomp. Print os required for Confroctor's record. Send reproducible lrocings ond lhree prinls lo Architecl. Shop drowings nol siomped ond signed by Controciorwill be returned. Architecl:l. check drowings by moking noles ond correclions on reproducible irocings ond prints, sfomp "No Exceptions Token", "Revise ond Resubmif', "Rejected,,, elc. os required. 2. In the evenl thot shop drowings requhe consultont's check, route reproducible ond print ihrough consultont ond bock to Architect os necessory. Consullont will reloin one sel of prints. 3. Retoin one sei of prinls for record ond tronsmit one sel to Owner if required.4. Relurn morked reproducibles lo Confroclor. Controcior:l. Send reproducible trocings lo subconlroctor. Subconlroctor: l. Print necessory copies for record, distribution, etc. t I 4.( R D. t I l t ! I t I I t t I I I G. r.05 oA 9906 0r330-3 I IG. Resubmitlol: In event shop drowings hove fo be resubmilled lo Architect, originol reproducible hocings ond prinls sholl be refurned direcfly lo Confroclor. Subcontrocior sholl moke his coneclions ond re-roule new reproducible lrocings ond prints os oullined obove. H. References: Reference shop drowings to opplicoble drowings ond specificotion sections lo focilitote eose ond occurocy of checking. I.06 PRODUCT DATA A. Subcontroclor: Submit six copies of brochure moteriql ond ony required somples. B. Routing: Routing will be os indicoled obove for shop drowings with Archifecl ond Engineer retoining fhree copies for file ond returning lhree copies to Conlroclor for his file ond distribution to subconlroctor os opplicoble. C. Reference: Reference producf dofo to opplicoble drowings ond specificoiion seciions to tocililofe eose ond occurocy of checking. D. when contenls of submilled lilerqture from monufocturers includes dolo not pertinent to submiftol, cleorly indicote which portion of confents is being submitted for review. I.O7 JOB SITE DOCUMENTS A. Documenfs: Keep complete set of occepled shop drowings or product doto of jobsite. I.O8 FIELDMEASUREMENTS A. Field Meosurements: Responsibility of Conlroctor. I.O9 CERTIFICATES OF COMPLIANCE A. Cerlificotes: l. where Certificotes of Complionce ore specified, show on eoch cerlificotion nome ond locolion of work, nome ond oddress of Controclor, quonlily ond dote or dotes of shipment or delivery to which cerfificote opplies, ond nome of mqnufocturer. Certificolion: In form of lelter or compony slondord forms. Cerfificotes: Signed by officer of monufocturer. Loborofory Tesl Reporfs: Show dole of tesling, specified requiremenls for which testing wos performed, ond resulfs of lesfs. END OF SECTION I - t c I I I I 2. 4. I I l I l I t I I oA 9906 01330-4 l t I t I I I D z I I J 0 I I I I t I sEcTtoN 01410 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS I.OI PERMITS AND FEES A. See Generol ond Supplemenlory Condilions. I.O2 CODES AND ORDINANCES A' Complionce: All conlroclors sholl comply with oll opplicoble codes, ordinqnces ondregulolions in effect of time of bid opening including bul not necessorily limited lofollowing: Applicoble locol codes ond ordinonces Uniform Buitding Code, 1997 Edition Uniform Mechonicol Code. l99Z Edition 1998 Inlernotionor Mechonicor code (rMc), (r992 uMC Arternote) Uniform.plumbing Code, 1994 Edition (1997 IFC Alternote) Governing fire deportment requkements Utility compony requhemenls Slote of Colorodo Energy Stondords Stofe Deportmenf of Lobor Requirements Stote Deportment of Heolth Requirements Nolionol Fire protection Associotion Slondords Stole qnd Federol Sofely ond Heollh Lows Uniform Electricol Code (UEC). 1999 Edition CABO/ANS| Al l Z.l Accessibitity Stondords (C/A) B' Discreponcies: lf discreponcies occur between Controct Documenfs. locol codes, locolutilify requiremenls, efc., mosl skingenl requiremenfs sholl opply. END OF SECTION oA 9906 0t4lGl I I I I I I I I J I I l I I T I I I t sEcTroN 01421 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS I.OI RELATEDREQUIREMENTS A. Drowing or Schedule Abbreviofions:l. Drowings or schedules. I.O2 SPECIFICATIONLANGUAGEEXPLANATION A' These Specificotions ore of obbrevioted, simplified or slreomlined iype ond include incomplele sentences.l. Omissions of words or phroses such os "the controclor sholl", ,ln conformily therewith", 'sholl be", "os noied on lhe drowings", "o", "lhe", ore inleniionol.2. Supply omitled words or phroses by inference in some monner os they ore when " NOTE occurs on drowings.3. Supply words'sholl be" or'sholl" by inference when colon is used within senlences or phroses. 4. Supply words "on lhe drowings" by inference when "os indicoted" is used with sentences or phroses. 5. "Provide" sholl meon furnish ond insloll. I.O3 ABBREVIATIONS A' Reference in Coniroct Documenls lo lrode ossociotions, technicol socielies, recognized oulhorilies ond other inslitutions include following orgonizofions which ore somelimes refened to only by conesponding obbreviolions: AA Aluminum AssociotionAAMA Americon Architeclurol Monufoclurer's AssociofionACI Americon Concrele InstiluieADA Americons wilh Disobilities ActADAAG Americons with Disobiliiies Acf Accessibility GuidelinesAF&PA Americon Forest ond Poper AssociotionAISC Americqn Instilule of Steel ConskuctionAlSl Americon lron ond Sleel InslituteAITC Americon Inslitule of Timber ConslructionANSI Americon Notionol Stondords InstituleAPA APA - The Engine^red Wood AssociotionASHRAE Americon Society of Heoiing, Refrigeroting ond Air Condilioning EngineersASTM Americqn Sociely for Testing ond MoteriolsAWI Architecturol Woodwork InstiluleAWPA Americon Wood Preservers AssociotionAWS Americon Welding SocietyBIA Brick Industry AssociofionCDA Copper Developmenl Associotion, Inc.CRA Colifornio Redwood AssociotionCRSI Concrele Reinforcing Sleel InsiituleCS Commerciol Sfondord (U.S. Deportment of Commerce) oA 9906 0t 42t-l DFPA FGMA FM FS GA rcBo MIA MIL MLMA NAAMM NBS NCMA NEC NEMA NFPA NOFMA NPVLMA NTMA NWWDA OSHA PCA PCI PEI PS sDl sJl SMACNA SPA sPl SPIB SPR ssPc swl TCA TIMA UBC UL WCLA wRl WRCLA WWPA Douglos Fh Plprood Associolion Flol Gloss Morkeling Associqiion Foclory Mutuol Engineering Division Federol Specificotion Gypsum Associolion Infernoiionol Conference of Building Officiols Morble lnstitule of Americo Militory Specificotion Metol Loth Monufoclurer's Associolion The Nolionol Associotion of Architecturol Metol Monufoclurers Nofionol Bureou of Slondords Nolionol Concrete Mosonry Associolion Notionol Electric Code (of NFPA) Notionol Eleclricol Monufocturer's Associotion Nolionol Fhe Proteclion Associolion Notionol Ook Flooring Monufocturer's Associotion Notionol Poinl, Vornish ond Locquer Monufoclurer's Associotion The Notionol Terozzo qnd Mosoic Associotion Noiionol Wood Window ond Door Associotion Occupolionol Sofety ond Heolth Adminiskotion Portlond Cemenl Associolion Preslressed Concrete Institule Porceloin Enomel Inslituie Product Slondord (U.S. Deportmenl of Commerce) Steel Deck Institute Steel Joist Inslitute Sheet Melol ond Air Condifioning Conlroclors Noiionol Associotion Southern Pine Associotion The Sociely of the Plostics Induslry, Inc. Southern Pine Inspection Eurequ Simplified Procfice Recommendofion (U.S. Deportment of Commerce) Sfeel Struciures Pointing Council Steel Window Institufe Tile Council of Americo Thermol Insulotion Monufocturers Associolion Uniform Building Code Underwrif ers' Loborotories. lnc. West Coosl Lumbermen's Associolion Wire Reinforcemenl lnstilute Weslern Red Cedor Lumbermon Associotion Weslern Wood Producfs Associolion END OF SECTION I I I I I I I I I I I il I I I I I I I oA 9906 01421-2 I I I sEcTroN 0t423 REFERENCE STANDARDS I t.0l QUALTTY ASSURANCE I A. Reference Slondords: For producls or workmonship specified by ossociolion. trode or il federol slondorcls. comply with requiremenls of sfondord, excepl when more rigid I requirements ore specified or ore required by opplicoble codes.r l. No provision of ony referenced siondord specificolion. monuol or code (whether orI $:'ff:'["JllJ[:'!:"il,":iJ;:';:""lffiii]li:3n':?::ffJff[?;111[?,., t ony of their consultonls, ogents or employees from those set forth in Conhoct Documenfs, nor sholl ii be effeclive lo ossign lo Architecf or ony of Archiiecf's 1| consullonls, ogents or employees ony duty or oulhority lo supervise or direit I furnishing or performonce of work or ony duly or ouihorily to undertoke responsibililies conkory to provisions of Generol ond Supplemenlory Condilions. I B. Effective Dole: Dote of stondord is thoi in effecl os of documenls dote excepl whenIt specific dote is specified or when stondord is port of opplicoble code which includesr. edition dote. r C. Copies: when required by individuol sections, obloin copy of slondord. Moinloin copy ot job site during work. END OF SECTION I t I I I I I I I oA eeo6 T 0r423-l I I I t I I I t I I I t t I I I t t I I sEcTtoN 01450 QUALITY CONIROL I.OI RELATEDREQUIREMENIS A. Cost ol Tesling: Generol ond Supplementory Conditions. 1.02 TESTING - GENERAL A. Conlroclor: Provide equipment ond focilities os required, subjecl to Architect,s review,for conducling fierd tests ond for coilecting ond forwording sompres.l. Do noi use moleriols or equipmenl represented by sJmples until lests, if required,hqve been mode ond moteriols or equipmenl found ro be occeptobre.2' Do nol incorporote ony producl inlo work which becomes unfit for use ofleiocceptonce thereof. B. Tesiing: Moteriols or equipmenl proposed io be used moy be tested of ony lime duringlheir preporotion or use. Furnish required somples wilhout chorge ond give sufficienfnotice of plocing of orders lo permil lesting. Products moy be sompleJeither prior loshipmenl or ofier being received ot site of work. C. Tests: Mode by occrediied testing loborotory selected by Owner. Except os oiherwiseprovided, sompling ond testing of moteriols ond loborotory methods ond testingequipment sholl be in occordonce wilh lolest sfondords ond lentotive methodiof ASTM.l. Specific informolion concerning iesting methods, somple sizes, efc., is included under opplicoble seclions of specificotions.2. Any modificotion of, or elqborqlion on, these test procedures included for specificmoteriols under their respective sections in specificotions sholl loke precedence over lhese procedures. I.O3 TESTS PAID FOR BY OWNER A. Conirol Tesls of Fill ond Bockfill: At such times ond in such numbers os specified in Section02300 Eorthwork. B. Conkol Test of Aspholt Poving Bose ond Finish Courses: At such times oncl in suchnumbers os specified in Secfion 02740 Flexible povement. C. Confrol Tests of Concrete Work: At such times ond in such numbers os specified inSeclion 03300 Cost-ln-Ploce Concrete. D' Conlrol Tesls of Mosonry Morlor ond Grout Ai such limes ond in such numbers qs specified in secfions 04060 Mortor, 04070 Mosonry Groul ond 04gt0 Unif Mosonry Assemblies. E. Control Tests of Welding: At such times ond in such numbers os specified in Section 05120Structurol Steel; olso the following seclions:l. 05310Sfeel Deck.2. 05400 Cold Formed Metol Froming. oA 9906 01450-l 1.04 A. OTHER TESTING Following Tesfing: Performed ol expense of instolling controclor:l. Olher Tesfs: Any olher lesls required by Conkoct Documenls not listed in oriicle ooove.2. Any oddilionol tesls required becouse of ony lesfs thof foil subjecl lo fol@wfig condilions:o. Quonlify ond Noture of Tests: Delermined by Archilecl.b. Tesls: Token in presence of Archilect.c. Proof of Noncomplionce: Conlroclor lioble for coneclive oclion which Archifecl feels is required including complele removol ond replocemenf of defective mof eriol.3. Moferiol Subsfitution: Any tests of moteriol or equipment offered os substilule for specified ifem on which test moy be required in order lo prove its complionce wilh specificolions. Controctor: Moy hove fesls performed on moferiol ond equipment for his own informotion ond job conlrol so long os Owner does nol ossume responsibility for cosls or for giving them considerolion when opproising quoliiy of moteriols. TEST REPORTS Reports of lesls mode by tesling loborolories sholl be disiributed by testing loborotory os follows: Copy - Controctor Copy - Applicoble Supplier or Subconlroclor Copy - Owner Copy - Applicoble Engineer Copy - Architecl Other Copies - As Direcled I,06 CONTRACTOR'S QUALITY CONTROL SYSTEM A. Quolity Control: Estoblish syslem to perform sufficienl inspeciion ond lesls of oll items of work, including thot of subcontrqclors, to ensure conformonce to Controcl Documents for moteriols, workmonship, conslrucfion, finish, functionol performonce ond idenfificofion.l. Control Syslem: Estoblish for oll conslruction excepf where Controcl Documenls provide for specific complionce iests by iesfing loborolories ond engineen employed by Owner.2. Conlrol Sysfem: Specificolly include oll lesling required by vorious sections of specificolions. B. Quolity Conlrol Sysfem: Meons by which Controclor ossures himself lhol consirucfion complies wilh requiremenls of Controct Documenls. controls: Adequote lo cover oll conslrucfion operotions ond keyed to proposed conslruclion schedule. C. Records: Mointoin conect records on oppropriole form for oll inspeclions ond tesfs performed, instructions received from Archilect ond octions ioken os resulf of those inslruclions. I I t I I I I I I I T t t T t I I t T R r.05 oA 9906 01450-2 I t l. Records: Include evidence lhot required inspeclions or lesls hove been performed (including type ond number of inspeclions or tesfs, nolure of defects, couses for I rejection, etc.) proposed or direcled remediol oclion, ond coneclive oclion loken. t 2. Documenl inspeclions ond lests os required by eoch section of specificofions. I.O7 SPECIALINSPECTION r A. Regulolory Requiremenls: lf required by lhe Building Officiol. speciol inspeclions will beprovided in cccordonce wilh Seclion lTOl of the 1997 UBC. I B. Speciol inspeclion services will be poid by Owner. I C. Speciol Inspector: Quolified person occeptoble fo Building Officiol wilh jurisdiclion over I this project lo inspecf porticulor type of construction or operotion requiring speciol inspeclion. I D. Speciot Inspection Reporls:! l. Dislribulion: o. Building otticiol: Oneb. Archilect: Onec. Slruclurol Engineer: Oned. Coniroclor: One2. Finol Report: Speciol Inspeclor will submit ond dislribuie signed report sloting wheiher lhe work requiring speciol inspeclion wos, lo the best of lhe inspeclor's knowledge, in conformonce with lhe opproved drowings ond specificolions ond lhe opplicoble workmonship provisions of ihe UBC os odopled by lhe locol building code jurisdiction. E. Work To Be Inspecled By speciol Inspeclor: see Divisions 2 fhrough l6 specific requiremenls. END OF SECTION t I I I I I I t I I I oA ee06 T 0t450-3 I I I SECTTON 01454 FULL SCALE WALL MOCK-UP PART I - GENERAL I l.0l SUMMARY I A. Seclion includes full scole woll mock-up os indicoled on the drowings ond including theI following componenls:l. Concrele foundotion os required. r 2. Shop fobricoted exlerior woll ponel. I 3. Fully glozed windows of lypes indicoted.r 4. Joinl seqlonts.5. All required supports ond wind brocing. t B. Reloled Sections:l. Archileclurol Concrete Mock-up: Section 03300 ;; 2. Glozed Mosonry Mock-up: Section 04810 f 3. Metol Woll Ponels: Secfion 074134. Aluminum Wndows: Sections 08416 ond 08520 I t.o2 suBMmALsI A. Shop Drowings ond Product Dolo: All moieriols instolled in the full scole woll mock-up I sholl hove individuol shop drowings, producl dolo ond color somples reviewed ondI opproved before the mock-up is consfrucled. The Generol Conlrocfor sholl submit shop drowings indicoting oll detoils of the proposed mock-up conskuction including wind I brocing ond foundotions to the Architect for opprovol prior lo consfructing the mock-up. t I.O3 QUALITY ASSURANCE I A. Full Scole woll Mock-Up: Following opprovol of the Owner ond Architecf, the mock-upr sholl serve os lhe stondord of visuol quolity for exierior woll construction. The mock-up sholl be demolished ond removed from the site when directed by the Architecl. I Individuol componenls of lhe mock-up moy nol be used in lhe finol buildingI construction. I I,04 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING I A. Full scole woll mock-up sholl be conslrucled os neorly os possible ond musf be I corrpleted ond opproved prior to the slort of exlerior woll construction or stort of t fobricolion of exterior woll ponels. I.O5 MAINTENANCE I A. Full scole woll mock-up sholl be protecled from vondqlism or conslrucfion domoge ond mqinloined in good condition unlil ordered removed by the Architect.I I oA ee06 I 0r454-l PART 2. PRODUCTS 2.OI JOB INSTALLED MATERIALS Comply with opplicoble sections indicoted under Article l.0l B Relofed Secfions. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI CONSTRUCTION OF WALL MOCK-UP A. Locolion: In o protecled oreo of lhe site os directed by lhe Architect. B. Foundotion: Consfruct suitoble concrefe foundolion to corry the ponel lood ond prevenl fhe ponel from movemenl or rocking. C. Conslruction: Construction sholl molch ocluol woll conslrucfion os neorly os possible. Deviole from ocluql construction detoils only os required for stobiliiy of the ponel. All moleriols sholl be erected or instolled occording to opplicoble sections of fhe specificolions. 3.02 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspeclion: Mock-up is subjecl to opprovol of lhe Architect ond owner prior lo proceeding with fqbricotion or conslruclion. Moke minor conections or revisions lo the ponel os necessory to obtoin opprovol. END OF SECTION I I t I I I I I T I I I I t I I I I t oA 9906 01454-2 6. B. c. D. I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r.0l A. sEcTtoN 01500 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS TEMPORARY ELECTRICITY AND LIGHTING Service ond Distribulion: l ' C.onlrocfor moy connecf lo existing electricol power system for source of temporory ^ electricity ond lighting. Coordinote locolion ond meons of connection wilh Owner.2. Prov'rde lemporory erectricor service ond temporory wiring, ouilets, lights, etc. osrequired for consirucrion power ond righting during'constirction pertd.3. Properly ground service ond diskibutioi ryriu- in dccordonc. *itn Nec. provide ground foull inlenupters os required by code.4. Remove temporory elecfricol service ond wiring upon complelion of work. Temporory Power Dislribution:l. Provide minimum of one double duplex l20V ouflef for every 100 lineol feel oflemporory loop.2. Eoch conlrqclor: Furnish exfension cords necessory to convey eleciricity fromtemporory loop ouflets to locotions of work.3. speciol Power Required for Welders or otherspeciol Equipment: provided byconlroctor requiring such power.4. Distribution equipment ond wiring devices for remporory power ond righting neednot be new. however, inslollolion shqll conform lo'sofe generol procfi-e oirequiredby OSHA. Temporory Lighting:1. Provide one light for every inlerior room regordless of squore footoge oreo exceptcloseh ond pipe choses. In lorger rooms, provide one light foreu"ir-ZSO squorefeet.2. Eoch confrocror: provide prug-in portobre righfs os required for tosk righring. Use of Permonent Syslems: 1 ' Afler work is compleled io extent ihot permonent eleclric service info building isinstolled ond permonent ouilels ore ovoilobre, permqnent system moy be used osnecessory for power ond light.2' Be responsible for ony domoge to permonent wiring or fixtures os resull of lempororyu5e.3. Permonenr bronch circuit wiring moy be used ro suppry pigtoir rights if protected byproperly sized circuif breoker or fuse. Do nol use permonenl receptocles forconslruclion power. Reploce receptocles ond device ptotes snowing *.o|. o,obuse. Provide lomps necessov..to Jgmggroriry light work in permonenfly insroiled fxtures.cleon permonenlly inslolled lighl fixlures which ore used for lempo.rv righringduring- conslruclion using merhods ond moreriols recommended by the - monufocturer. Remove lomps used tempororiry in permonent fixiures ond reploce wirh new rompsol completion of work. 4. 5. oA 9906 0r50Gl E. Consumpiion: owner will provide eleclricify consumed from exisling sysfem for use during conslruction of no cosf fo Controclor. I.O2 TEMPORARY HEAT AND ENCLOSURES A. Temporory Heot: Provide lemporory heol necessory for execulion of work. Insioll, moinloin ond operoie temporory heoting opporofus in monner lo focilifole work, so work con conlinue ond so finished work will nol be domoged. Enclosures: Provide femporory enclosures necesscrry for holding lemporory heot for mosonry ond concrefe work, ond for lhowing frozen ground. Use of Permonenf Syslem:l. Afler building is entirely permonenlly enclosed, glozing of exlerior openings compleled, permonenl or lemporory doors on exterior openings ond permonent heoting system instolled ond copoble of being odequolely controlled, permonent heoling syslem moy be used to provide heoi for building.2. In using permonenl heoting sysfem, ossume complete responsibilify for its proper operolion ond for ony domoge which moy occur lo heoiing opporotus or ony phose of work excepl such weor ond leor which would ordinorily result from normol usoge. 3. At complelion ond before work is occepled by owner, cleon qir vents ond coils. cleon cleonoble filters ond reploce replocemenl oir fillers.4. Owner will poy for gos ond eleclricily used in connection wilh operotion of permqnent syslem.5. lf permonent heofing system is used during conslruction, Conlroclor sholl remoin responsible for full mechonicol guoronlee from dote of Nolice of substqntiol Completion. I.O3 TEMPORARY WATER A. Existing System: Coniroctor moy connect to existing woter dislribution system for source of temporory woter.l. Coordinole locolion ond meons of conneclion wifh Owner.2. Provide temporory conneclion, plumbing, piping, elc. necessory lo convey some lo oloces needed.3. Owner will provide woter consumed from existing syslem for use during construclion ol no cosf to Conlrocfor. 1.04 TEMPORARYSANITARYFACILITIES A. Toilet Focilities: Provide ond mointoin, in neoi qnd sonilory condition, odequole chemicql toilef focilities for use of employees engoged on work, in complionce with requiremenls of opplicoble codes, regulolions, lows ond ordinonces.l. Toilets in exisling building sholl nol be used. I.O5 FIELD OFFICE AND OTHER TEMPORARY STRUCTURES A. Field Office: Provide ond mointqin suitoble femporory field office.L Telephone Service: Insloll telephone in field office. Poy for instollolion. mointenonce, removol ond olher chorges for use of lelephone. I I I I I I T I T t t I I I I I I I I c. oA 9906 01500-2 I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.06 A. t.o7 B. 2. Moke office ond lelephone ovoilobte for use by Owner ond Architecl. Temporory slructures: Provide lemporory slructures ond sforoge oreos os required.l. Remove offices ond other temporory structures from sile upon completion of work.2, Locole on site in orderly monner os coordinofed wilh Owner. TEMPORARY PROTECTIVE FACILITIES Provide ond moinloin prolective devices ond focilities for proteclion of public ondgenerol proleclion of workmen on project.I' Provide worning signs ogoinst hozords creoled by such feotures of conslruction osprotruding noils, hoists, well holes. window openings, sloirwoys ond folling moleriols.o. Donger Lighls: Keep lighted eoch night from sundown lo sunrise.2. Provide ond moinlqin fire extinguishers ond oclive fire hydronis where required. Mqintoin fire lones io hydronis ond other equipment os necessory for proper fireproieclion during conslruclion.3. Provide temporory wolks, roodwoys, lrench covers, bonicodes, bulkheods, roilings, donger lights ond signols, etc. required for work by opplicoble sofety lows oncl building codes.4. Moinloin lemporory profeclive focilities in good condilion throughout lerm of work. Remove ot completion of work. Repoir ond reploce work domoged thereby. SCAFFOLDING AND RUNWAYS Scoffolding: Provide os necessory for work. Runwoys, Guord Roils, Plotforms ond similorTemporory conslruclion: provide ond moinloin for sofe performonce of Conlroct.l. Provide fqcililies of type ond onongement os required for lheir specific use, substonliolly consirucled, slrongly supporled, ond well secured.2. Comply with opplicoble sofely lows ond codes. r.08 cLosuREs A. Temporory Closures: Erect over openings when weother conditions render such oclion necessory for proper inslollotion of work. I.O9 PROTECTION FOR WORK IN PLACE A. Work in Ploce: When subject to injury becouse of operoiions being coried on odjocenl, cover, boord up, or subslontiolly enclose with odequoie proteclion.l. Block ond boord heods. jombs ond sills of permoneni openings used os thoroughfores for introduclion of work ond moleriols.2. Conslruci forms of proleclion in monner thot, upon compleiion, eniire work will be delivered lo Owner in undomoged condition. I.IO CONSTRUCTIONFENCE A. Conslruclion Fence: Provide os required for securiiy qnd the sofety of the public.l. Fence: 6 -0" high choin link fencing with steel posls g'4,'o.c. oA 9906 0r50G3 r.l I A. 2. Gofes: Provide where indicofed ond required. Keep gotes closed ofterworking hours. 3. Af complelion of exlerior work (except sile development work) remove fences from the site. Potch ospholt domoged by fence posts ofter removol.4. See Secfion 0l 100 regording restricfions on use of site. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION SIGN Sign: Furnish ond insioll poinfed project identificotion sign consisiing of four foot x eight foot 3/4 inch plywood wifh exterior glue on 2x qnd 4x supporting slructure.l. Exoct Design. Text ond Colors: Provided by Architect, inctuding nome of building ond Owner, ony emblem selected by Owner, Architeci's nome, nomes of Architecl's principol consultonls, Controctor's nome, ond nqmes of firms execuling principol porls of lhe work.2. Ploce in locotion direcled by Architect ond moinloin for durolion of projecl. ACCESS Limif occess lo necessory roufes to perform the work.l. Coordinole occess wilh Owner.2. See Section 0l 100 for limitotions on occess to site. TEMPORARY CONTROLS Generol: Comply with locol codes, ordinonces ond regulotions. Noise: Minimize noise neor occupied oreos. Properly muffle equipment. Do nol operole noisy equipmeni during business hours. Dust: Conlrol when conslruction procedures resull in dusl which becomes nuisonce io Owner, privofe property or lroffic. I I I I t I T I I I I I I t 1.12 t.t3 A. B. D. Woter: Control flow of woler ol site lo prevent domoge fo Owner's privote ond public focilities. E. Debris: Continuolly police work to prevenl collection ond scollering of debris uncovered, loosened, or coused by proseculion of work. F. Pollufion: Toke precouiions lo prevent spilling ond littering of woter polluting substonces. Do nol dump ony foreign moteriols into sewer ond sform sewer colleclion systems.l. Burning of debris or ony olher oir polluting methods or equipmenl not ollowed. G. Erosion: Provide focilities necessory lo prevenf erosive domoge lo Owner's property ond fo odjocent properlies. I.I4 CLEAN UP A. Generol: Moinloin project ond sile in cleon ond orderly condiiion. Periodicolly cleon interior oreos. Regulorly remove woste moteriols, debris qnd rubbish from sile. I I I I I oA 9906 0150G4 f B. lnlerior Areos: Cleon prior to siori of finish work ond conlinue cleoning os required. Control cleoning operotions so thql dusl ond olher podicles will nol odhere fo newlyI cooled surfoces. I C. Finol Cleoning: See Secfion 01741. END OF SECIION I oA ee06 01500-5 I I I I I sEcTtoN 01569 TREE AND PTANT PROTECTION lntroduction t Facility expansion is a difficr.rlt task and can become more complex when tree preservation is involved. Yet, mature trees offer invaluable benefits to the I landscape that relatively small transplants cannot. When properly planned for,t trees need not unduly complicate the renovation process. I To insure a successful tree preservation plan, five areas must beI addressed; the existing site conditions, potentiai construction impacls, mitigation tactics and techniques, prescriptions for tree health before, during and afier I construction, anO monit6ring trbe health and contractor complian& duringr construction. I The Doubloon Arena projecl will consist of a building addition, a service! drive and rebuilding the plaza above the locker room. The surface of the drive will be paved and the cut bank for the drive will be held with a retaining wall.II Present Gondition I All trees on the property are identified on the site map. The trees that will- be directly impacled during construclion have been assigned identification - numbers. Specific data was gathered on the nine trees to be directly impacted by I the addition. I Tree diameter for large trees was measured at 4.5' above the ground. I Diameter for transplantable trees was measured at2'above the ground. Crown ratio represents the percent of trunk that supports green branches. Treer condition indicates the general health, foliage and stem condition. I Most trees on the property are in good health. A small infestation of t Cooley gall aphid is present but no serious insect or disease problems are I Present. I Presently, soil compaction is the greatest detriment to tree health on the I site. Years of pedestrian trafiic and past building projects have compacted the soil within the rooEone of all trees on the site.t I I oA ee06 0r569-l fi F. I ( tI { t;t. Construction lmpacts and Mitigation Measurcs All trees on the site will be either directly or indirectly impacted by the proiiec{. The indireci effects include changes in water from grade changes and chemicals leaching into the soil. Direct impact is those activities that invade the root-zone the crown, the trunk or require the tree lo be removed. This construction projecl will direotly impacl tuienty-six trees on the site. The project will require cutting down six aspen trees located inside the proposed service drive. Another thirteen spruce trees and one fir tree are in the construclion zone. These fourteen trees will be moved to an off-site location. Six spruce trees are near the construction zone and will be impacted by excavation, materials storage, foot traffic and soil compaction. The first cone€m is to bring the trees to optimal health before construction starts. To insure the trees have adequate nutrients, deep root feed all trees to remain after construction with a root stimulating fertilizer. To enhance the performance of the root system, the soil within the root zone should be inoculated with mycorhizalfungi spores. The soil should be aerated within the root zone to mitigate soil compaction problems. To minimize damage to the crown, prune any branches that will be in the way during construction. See table 1-2for individual prescriptions. The second @ncem is to protecl and treat the root zone. The tree protection zone will be delineated with fencing. To minimize long term damage to the root system, all roots over W in diameter encountered during excavation will be root pruned. See table 1-3 for the required tree protection zone size. Specifi cations for Tree Preservation Fertilizing 1. Deep roots feed all spruce trees to be preserved, 2. Feed with a root stimulating fertilizer. A mycorhizal inoculate will be added to the fertilizer. 3. Feeding will be performed in a radial pattern with the feeder needle being inserted 8-10" belowthe soil surface. Insertions will be made at 18" intervals on the edge of the drip line. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r SoilTreatment t 1. Soilwithin the dripline witl be aerated with a 2" soit bit. 2. Drill pattem will be concentric in design with holes spaoed at 18" intervals and I to a depth of at least 18'.r FencingfT - 1. Fences have been erected to protect the trees to be preserved. Fences define I a specific protection zone for each tree or group of trees. Fences are to remaint in place until a// site lrlork is completed. Fences may not be relocated or I removed without uritten permission of the consultant. t 2. Fence alf trees to be retained to completely enclose the tree protection zone, ,a as indicated in table 1-1, prior to demolition or grading. Plastic snow fencing I attached to metal posts driven into the ground will be acceptable fencing. lf the fencing is continually damaged or torn down, it will be replaced with chain link I fencing. Fences will remain until construction is completed. Chain link fencing I will be used for tree # 15. I 4. Construction traffic and material storage must remain outside of the fenced I areas at alltimes. I Pruning I 1. A. Prune dead branches ftom crown. l. I B. Prune branches to provide adequate clearance for scaffolding and construction crew. I 2. An arborist orforester is to be present at alltimes during pruning. The tree service must provide proof of insurance for liability and workers compensation. I 3. All pruning will be within the Tree Pruning Guidelines (lntemational Society of Arborculture) and adhere to American National Standard for Tree Care a Operations (ANSIA300) I 4. Any additional tree pruning needed for clearance will be performed by an I arborist, and not by construction personnel. I I t I a:. , :i t' I L 2. 3. Root Pruning 1. All encountered roots over 1/2 inches in diameter will be cut off with a sharp tool. Root will be pruned with a sharp shovel, saw or by-pass pruning tool. Any roots damaged during construction shall be exposed to sound tissue and cut cleanly with a saw. lnigation 1, An inigation system will be installed to insure adequate water supply to the retained trees. 2. lrrigation will be provided on an "as needed' basis but in sufficient volume to maintain soilmoisture to a 3'depth. 3. The inigation system can be a timed drip system or as simple as letting a hose run untilthe soil moisture specifications are met. General 1. Before beginning work, the contractor is required to meet with the forest consultant at the site to revienr all uork procedures, access routes, storage areas and tree proteclion measures. 2. Any activity within the tree protection zone must be approved and monitored by the Consulting Arborist. 3. Any herbicides placed under paving materials must be safe for use around trees and labeled for that use. 4. Any grading, construction, demolition or other urcrk that may encounter tree roots should be monitored by the Consulting Arborist. 5. Do not store or dump excess soil chemicals, debris equipment or other materials within the tree protection zone. 6. lnstall and maintain a 4"6" layer of mulch within the tree protection zone. The mulch will help reduce soil compaction and moderate soil temperature. 7. Construction traffic and trailers must stay outside of fenced areas at all times. I I T I t I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I t ]tI II t- I t I I t I t t t I I t I I I I I I 8. All underground utilities and drain or inigation lines shall be routed outside the tree protection zone. 9. lf injury should occur to any tree during construction, the consultant should evaluate it as soon as possible so that appropriate treatments can be applied. 10. Spoilfrom trenches, basements or other excavation shall not be placed within the tree protection zone either temporarily or permanently. Post-construction revegetation and landscaping: 1. Turf grass should not extend into the drip line of existing tree. 2. Trees should be mulched to maintain soil moisture. 3. Affected trees shall receive annual deep root feeding to provide additional nutrients. 4. Annually inspect trees for insect, disease or environmental problems. Monitoring tree health and compliance Trees cannot be preserved during construction. Successful tree preservation programs start during the planning phase when critical design decisions are made. However, activities during construction and post- construction phases are critical to successful tree preservation. ln other raords, trees cannot be preserved during construction but they sure can be killed during construction. Monitoring tree health and compliance during construction helps ensure that the program and details specified in this Tree Preservation Plan are properly implemented. The monitoring phase of the plan is fourfold: 1) Maintain the integrity of the Tree Protection 7one,2) Assist with field changes, 3) Continually evaluate tree health and injuries, and 4) Communicate with OdellArchitec{s, the superintendent, and the Vail Community Development department. I Data Sheet I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I T I t I 1.1 . t' I t j i r I i I I L. t- 'i t Table 1-1 Species Diameter inches Height Feet Crourr Ratio % Crown Diameter Tree epndition 1-8 1&14 30.36 Spruce &10 35 95 6',€'Very good heelth and structure. Young and vigorous.I Fir I 35 95 28',Very healthy vigorous tree. 15 Spruce 56 40 16',Good health and structure. No insect or disease problems. Undoubtedly suffered some root damage during wall construction in 1979. 16 Spruce 27.5"X X x Good health and structure 17 Spruce 17.0 X X x Good health and structure. 18 Spruce 14.0 X X X Good health and structure. 19 Spruce 32.5 Good health and structure, Forked diameter is from biggest fork 20 Spruce 9'30 95 9 Good health and structure. Planted during original epnstruction. 21 Spruce 17"50 95 23 Multi-stemmed spruce tree. No insect or disease problem. Located close to street and pedestrian walkway. 22-27 31-35 37-39 Aspen 7"30 25 Fair to good condition, most trees have basal scars from lawn maintenance. 28 Spruce 28"62 80 32 Old scars, boring indicates significant stem rol 29 Spruce 17 59 80 22 Good health and structure, may look one r tlr t;;;;;;;Fl I I oo t I t I I I I I I I I I I l i e'. Recommended Prescriptions Table 1-2 Tree #Prescriplion 1,3,6- 10,12, 13 Transplant trees to on site location. 11,14,Remove, not transplantable 15 Deep root feed, Soil drilling, Fence tree protection zone, Cover soil with 6" of tree chips, prune roots encountered during construclion to root pruning specifications. 16-19 Deep root feed, soil drilling. Fence tree protection zone for group and mulch with 6'tree chips. 20 Deep root feed and root prune prior to construction. Fence tree protection zone and mulch with 6' of tree chips. 21 Deep root feed, soil drilling, Fence tree protection zone with chain link fence and mulch with 6' of tree chips. Do not allow dny activity beyond existing edge of pavement 22-27 Transplant onsite 28 This tree only has 4.5' of sound uood. Given the location and the activities that go on around the tree, I recommend removingthis tree for safety reasons. 29 Fence at edge of aclivity with chain link fencing. Construction and paving will cause stress on this tree, any road alignment that will move the edge of pavement farther to the north is recommended. Use a boulder retaining wall to minimize excavation. 30 Retain on site, trees should be fenced and fertilized to standards described in specifications. 31 Transplant onsite 32-35 Retain on site, trees should be fenced and fertilized to standards described in specifications. 36 Remove 37 Remove 2,4,5, 20 Transplanted off site in fall of 1999 tree orotection zones Tree # Tree protection zone (distance auay from base of tree in all directions. 10-14 NA 22-27',NA 15 28'28',NA 16-19 Pavement 29',17', 20 I' 21 Pavement and Creek I I I I I I T I Dobson Arena Tree Evaluation Tree #15 t Age 200 (approximation) : Diameter 27.s" F Height 56' I Crown Ratio 90% (Percent of trunk that supports green branches) - Cror,rm Class Open GrownJ - Architecture Crown is slightly heavy to east. Top raas broken, I subsequently; a lateral branch has taken over as the leader - lnsect None I Disease None I Foliage Good color and growth I- Relative Tolerance Moderate II Position Tree is located in front of Dobson Arena, it is sunounded onr- three sides by a rock retaining wall (see diagram). The t retaining wallwas built in 1979. Construction of this vrall I undoubtedly removed part of the root system. lam also speculating that the roots u'ere tom by equipment rather l. than pruned during excavation. Tom roots are less likely toI wall off rot fungi than clean wounds. ln addition, tom roots | ;[,5:'JiH',1,yfi?""?"Jif,ffiHT'nbers than roots T I i. lmpacts Recommendations Construction activities will come within 20'of the trunk Some of the root system will be removed for the ret-ining wall on the west side of the service drive. Soils have been compacted over the years with construclion and pedestrian aciivities. The root system was impacled 20 years ago by the addition of a retaining wall. keep afl construc{ion activities at least 25'trom the base of the tree. Fence tree protec{ion zone with cfrain link fence. Root prune all roots over 1" in diameter. Use light equipment (small backhoe) for excavation within 28' of the tree trunk, this will allow an arborist to locate and prune all roots over 1" in diameter before they are tom. Install4", of mulch over the tree protec{ion zone. Provide inigation to keep the soil moist to a 3' depth. Feed trees prior to construction with a root stimulating fertilizer and inoculate soilwith a mychorizal solution. Perform a soil aeration therapy as described in the Tree Preservation Specification section of this report. I I I I I I t I I I I I : : I I I I I I I I t- I I t. : t-t. { ooI t I Root Zone Disturbance lllustration Tree # 15 FiS-E Ersingf,oclZ* ffi ft*.a BootZe I T I I I t I I l I I I l I I I I I I I t I Dobson Arena Tree Evaluation Tree #21 I Age 2OO (approximation)l- , Diameter '17.1 r Height 50' I Crown Ratio 95% (Percent of trunk that supports green branches)I Crown Class Open Grown II Architecture Tree is multi-stemmed, the branch weighting is slightly heavier to the east. I! lnsect None ] I Disease None - Foliage Good color and grorth I Relative Tolerance Moderate I I Position Tree is located Southeast of the Dobson Arena, !t is sunounded by pavement on tr/vo sides the creek is located D approximately 20' to the east. Turf covers the root zone to I the north. l,t lmpacts Construc{ion activities will come withinlO' of the trunk Some of the root system is undoubtably damaged or missing I due to the soil compaction required for paving. lf t_ construclion activities do not extend beyond the cunent edger *J#"#,"^Tl[:H":.'i:J::1''?'"T,$,ffr"S1y5;a rhe t I' I pavement damage to the crown could occur if the branches are broken by equipment. Recommendations Limit allconstruction activities to the existing edge of pavement. Fence tree protec{ion zone with chain link fence. Lightly prune the crown to avoid damage during construction. Remove as little food producing foliage as possible to keep the crown safe from construdion damage. the last four or five years groMh should be enough to protect the crown from breakage. Install 4' of mulch over the tree protection zone. Provide inigation to keep the soil moist to a 3' depth. Feed trees prior to construction with a root stimulating fertilizer and inoculate soil with a mychorizal solution. Perform a soil aeration therapy as described in the Tree Preservation Specification section of this report. I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T .l :.t_ I 1l l I T I Dobson Arena Tree Evaluation Tree #28 I Age 200 (approximation) Diameter 17.1 I Heisht ss' t Crown Ratio 80% (Percent of trunk that supports green branches) Crown Class Open Grown I Architecture Crown is heavy to uest since it has groun Wth tree #28 as a as a close cohort. The root developmenrt on the raest side is questionable due to the presence of the stream. Insect Slight Cooley gallaphidItI Disease None I Foliage Good color and growth . Relative Tolerance Moderateilrr Position The tree is located on the south side of the bridge neat the access gate. A live stream is present to the east and a turf covered park is located to the east. A vehicle bridge was constructed approximately 25' to the north of the tree. Triro large culverts located under the bridge allow for streamfolow. Presently, the culverts are sunounded by a dirt bank. I rmpacts s:1,'Jtili"J;$:xn#t',li:",HlJJ;:','[xl#1t" I t t I I required tuming radius for large tractor trailers and for the sl retaining urall on the south side of the bridge. Soils have been compacted over the years with construction and pedestrian activities. Unfortunately, tum radius requirements push the pavement vuell into the tree protection zone. Any adjustments to keep the pavement farther auray from the tree will enhance the chances of the tree being contributing part of the landscape. lf possible use a boulder retaining wall to minimize excavation on the uest side of the tree. Fence tree protection zone with chain link fence. Root prune all roots over f in diameter. Use light equipment (small backhoe) for excavation within 28' of the tree trunk, this will allowan arborist to locate and prune all roots over f in diameter before they are tom. lnstall 4" of mulch over the tree protection zone. Provide inigation to keep the soil moist to a 3' depth. Feed trees prior to construction with a root stimulating fertilizer and inoculate soilwith a mychorizal solution. Perform a soil aeration therapy as described in the Tree Preservation Specification section of this report. I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I Recommendations I t t: 'L i t ? : LOT 4r\ Ir ,o l - I o{P wo ao€l *l&l>--.- -.------o /k/ y/ re, IRACT C dk JtI I Ii# ,r'#!t9 \)..ffN ffH{ T,W,-# 33 g- I t I I I //1 ,/ IRACT A NOTE: TREES #2,4,5,20,22,AND 38 HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY REMOVED BY I t I I f,lo/ ,.o I I I I I l.0t RELATED REQUTREMENTS t A. Generot ond Supplementory Condiiions. t l.o2 pRoDUcTs ! A. Products: Include moleriol, equipment ond syslems. t I ' Comply with specificolions ond referenced stondords os minimum requiremenls. t 2. Components Supplied in Quontity within o Specificoiion Seclion: Some ond inlerchongeoble. ) 3. Do not use moteriols ond equipment removed from exisling siructure. excepi os t specificolly required, or ollowed, by Controct Documents. I.O3 TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLINGIl' A. Tronsportotion: Tronsporf producls by methods to ovoid product domoge; deliver in undomoged condition in monufocturer's unopened conloiners or pockoging, dry.I I B. Hondling: Provide equipmenl ond personnel lo hondle products by methods to prevent soiling or domoge. I C. Inspecfion: Inspecl shipments lo ossure producfs comply wilh requiremenls. quonfities- ore corecl, ond producls ore undomoged.t Reject domoged ond defective ilems.II D. Eoch Subconlrocior: Be responsible for hoisting ond slocking of his moteriols ond equipment on sile.l. Moteriol stocked on Floors: Pqlletized or pockoged in oppropriole conloiners on floor by floor bosis.2. Moieriol Siocking: Coordinoted with Conlroctor's superintendent.I I r.04 SToRAGE AND PROTECTION I A. Sloroge: Store products in occordonce wilh monufoclurer's recommendolions, with I seols ond lobels intoct ond legible. Store sensitive products in weolhertighl enclosures;- moinfoin wilhin temperolure ond humidity ronges required by monufocturer's I sEcTtoN 0r 600 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS recommendotions.l. Slore loose gronulor moteriols on solid surfqces in well droined oreo; prevenl mixing wilh foreign mofter. ;; B. Exterior Storoge Protecfion: t l. Fobricoted Products: Ploce on sloped supports obove ground.2. Cover products subject lo deteriorotion wifh impervious sheef covering; provide ventilotion to ovoid condensqlion. r I oA eeo6 I 0l60Gl c. 1.05 A, B. c. D. Inspection: Anonge sloroge to provide qccess for inspeclion. periodicolly inspecf to ossure producls ore undomoged, ond ore mointoined under recommended condilions. INSTALLATION Pre-lnslollolion Conferences: Hold pre-inslollolion meefing ot sile before insfollotion of eoch unif of work which requires coordinolion wifh ofher unifs of work. Insloller ond monufoclurer's representotives of porliculor work ond offecfed work sholl otfend.l. Nofify Archifecf of meeting lime.2. Discuss coordinolion of work wilh olherwork including shop drowings, producl doto, possible conflicfs. compotibilily concerns, occeptobility of substrotes, proteclion, elc.3. Record significont discussions ol eoch meeting, ogreements, disogreemenls ond finol plon of oclion. Diskibute record lo lhose in oilendonce ond fo Architect.4. Do not proceed with unif of work unlil pre-instollolion meeiing is successfully concluded with ogreed upon plon of oclion. Inspection of Subslrotes: Require insloller of eoch mojor unit of work to inspect subsfrqte fo receive work ond condilions under which work is lo be performed.l. Insloller: Report unsolisfoctory condifions lo Generol Confroctor in wriling with copy to Architecl.2. Do nof proceed wilh work unlil unsolisfoclory condilions hove been conecled lo solisfoclion of instoller. Monufoclurer's lnslruclions: Where insiolloiions include monufoctured producls, comply with monufoclurer's opplicoble instruciions qnd recommendotions for inslollolion. io exfenl lhol lhese instruciions ond recommendolions ore more explicil or more slringenl lhon requirements specified or indicoted.l. Notify Architect of ony conflicfs between monufocfurer's instruclions or recommendotions ond requkements specified or indicoted. Aitochmenl: Provide ottochmenl ond connection devices ond melhods for securing work. l. Secure work kue to line ond level, ond wiihin specified tolerqnces, or if nol specified, industry recognized f oleronces. Allow for exponsion ond building movemenf. Exposed Joinls:o. Provide uniform joinf widih.b. Arronge joints fo obtoin besl visuol effect.c. Refer queslionoble visuol-effecf choices lo Archilecl for finol decision. Meosuremenls ond Dimensions: Recheck os inlegrol sfep of storting eoch inslollofion. Climotic Condilions ond Project Stotus: lnsloll eoch unit of work under conditions lo ensure best possible resulls in coordinolion wiih enlire project.l. lsolole eoch unit of work from incompotible work os necessory lo prevent deteriorotion.2. Coordinqte enclosure of work with required inspections ond tests to minimize necessily of uncovering work for ihose purposes. I l I I T I T I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. 3. E. F. oA 9906 0160G2 G. B. I I I I T I I l I I I o l.06 A. 1.O7 A. B. Mounling Heights: where not indicoled, mount individuol unifs of work ol indusfry recognized sfondord mounting heights for porticulor opplicotion indicoted.l. Refer queslionoble mounling heights choices to Architecl for finol decision. PRODUCTS LIST submiltol; Wilhin 30 doys ofter Nofice of Aword, lronsmit fhree copies of lisl of mojor producls which ore proposed for inslollqtion, including nqme of monufqcturer.l. Tobulote products by specificotions seclion number, title, ond orticle number.2. For products specified only by reference sfondords, give monufoclurer, irode nome, model or cotolog designolion, ond reference stondords. Archileci: Will promptly reply in writing whether lhere is reosonoble objeclion to listed ilems. Foilure lo object to listed item sholl not constilute woiver of reouirements of Conlroct Documenls. PRODUCTS OPTIONS Producls Specified by Reference slondords or by Description only: Any product meeling fhose stondords. Products Specified by Noming One or More Monufoclurers with Substitution Porogroph: Producls of nomed mqnufocturers meeling specificotions. Submil request for subslilution for ony monufocturer not specificolly nomed. '| . Products of occeptoble monufocturers ore subject to requirements of specificotions for specified producl. Products Specified by Noming One or More Monufoclurers: Producls of nomed monufocturers meeting specificolions; no oplions, no substilufions.l. Products of occeptoble monufocturers ore subject lo requirements of specificolions for specified producl. I I I I I I I D. Products Specified by Noming Only One Monufocfurer: No oplion, no substituiion ollowed. I.O8 LIMITATION ON SUBSTITUTIONS A. During Bidding Period: Instrucfions to Bidders specifies limes for submitling requesls for subslilulions. Submit requests lo Architect ollowing odequole time for review prior lo bid ond in complionce wilh requiremenfs of this section, B. Affer Bidding Period: Requesls for substitulions of producls ofter doie of Owner- Controclor Agreemenl will be considered only in cose of producl unovoilobilily or other condilions beyond control of Conlroclor. C. Subslitutions: l. Will not be considered when indicoted on shop drowings or product doto submittols withoul seporote formol requesl, when requesled directly by subcontrocfor or supplier, or when occepfonce will require substonliol revision of Coniroct Documents. 2. Do nof order or instoll substitute products withoul writlen occeplonce. oA 9906 0r 600-3 3' Only one requesf for subslitufion for eoch producl will be considered. When subslilulion is nol occepted provide specified product.1. Archilect will delermine occeptobilily of subslitutions. I.O9 REQUESTS FOR SUBSTITUTIONS A. Submittol: submil fwo copies of eoch requesl. submif seporote requesf for eoch subsfilufion.|. ldenlify producls by specificotions seclion ond orticle numbers.2, Provide monufocturer's nome ond oddress, frode nome of producls, ond model orcotolog number.3. List fobricolors ond suppliers os opproprioie. B. Documenlofion: Document eoch requesl wilh complete doio subslontioting complionce of proposed subslifution wilh requiremenls of Confrocl Documenls:l. Atloch Producl Doto os specified in Secfion 01300.2' Give itemized compodson of proposed subslilulion with specified product, lislingvoriofion, ond reference lo specificotion seclion ond orticle numoers.3. Give quolily ond performonce comporison between proposed substitution ondspecified product. 4. List ovoilobility of mointenonce services ond replocemenl moteriols.5. Stote effecf of subslitulion on conslruction schedule, ond chonges required in oiherwork or producls. I.IO CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATION A. Requesl for Substiiution: Represenfolion thof Controclor hqs investigoled proposedproducl ond hos determined thoi it is equol to or superior in oll respects to specifiedproducf: I controclor will provide some wononly for subsiilufion os for specified producl.2. Conkoctor will coordinote inslollolion of occepied substitule, moking such chonges os moy be required forwork lo be complete in oll respecis.3. Controctor woives cloims for odditionol costs relofed lo substitution which moy loterbecome opporent. Replocemenl: lf substituted producls do nol meel or exceed obove requiremenls,whether before, during, or ofter incorporoted into work, Controcior sholl, of no oddilionol cosi to owner, reploce substituted producls with products originolly specified. SUBMTTAL PROCEDURES Architecl: Will review Conlroctor's requesls for subslifulions with reosonoble promptness.l. lf occepted by Archifecl. products proposed for substitution will be occepted subject to modificotions by monufoclurer, if necessory, ro meer defoiled requirements of drowings ond specificolions.2. Architecl will not moke exhouslive oliempt lo determine thot producls proposed forsubsiiiulion ore equol to, or con be modified in order fo be equol to specifiedproducts. I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I B. l.l I A. I t I I oA 9906 01600-4 I - B. Archilecl,s Acceptonce: rr l. During Bidding Period: Architect will record occeploble subslitulions in Addendo. t Acceplonces of substilutions during bid period ore conditionot upon furlherr investigolion ofter oword of conlrocf.2. Affer Aword of Conlrocf: Archilect will nofify Conlroclor, in wriling, of decision toI occepi or rejecf requesled subslitution. C' For Accepted Producls: Submit shop drowings, producf clolo, ond somples inj occordonce with Seciion 01330. t I I I I I I I I t I I I END OF SECTION I oAeeo5 I 01600-s I I t I I I I sEcTtoN 01722 FIELD ENGINEERING PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. seclion lncludes: Field engineering services required for proper execulion ondcomplelion of work under lhis controcl. 8. Reloted Seclions:l. Record Documenls: Section OI ZgO Closeout Submiltols I.O2 SUBMMALS A. Quolily Conlrot Submiftols:l. Documentolion ond Records: Mointoin complele ond occurqle log of conirol ondsurvey work os il progresses. On request of Archilecl, submit documentqlion loverify occurocy of field engineering work. I.O4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Quolificolions:l. Inslrument Mon: Quolified ond experienced in use of surveying inslrumenls.2. Be responsible for locqlion of building ond mojor sile elemenfs; esfoblishmenl ofbuilding horizonlol ond verlicol controls; inslollolion of control siqkes os requhed;ond finol verificolion thot finish groding hos been completed within loleronces specified. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Not Applicoble. PART 3 - EXECUIION 3.OI PROJECT SURVEY REQUIREMENTS A. Reference Poinls: Owner will idenlify exisling conlrol poinls ond property line sfqkesindicoied on drowings ond site survey. lmmediotely upon entering projecl, locole ondmoinfoin bench morks ond oll olher grodes, lines, levels ond dimensioni. Report ony - enors or inconsislencies to Architecl before commencing work. B. Permsnent Bench Morks: Estoblish minimum of lwo permonent bench morks on sile,referenced lo doto estoblished by survey conlrol points. C. Bolter Boords ond Levels: Sioke oul building ond provide ond rigidly set boller boords.l. controctor: Remoin responsible for their moinienonce ond occurocy.2. From permonent bench morks, oscertoin grodes ond levels to building os needed. I T I I I t I t I I T oA 9906 01722-1 D.Preservotion of Monumenls ond slokes: corefully preserve monuments, berrch.morks,properiy morkers, reference poinls, ond slokes.l. In cose of his destruction of lhese, controclor sholl be chorged wilh expense ofreplocemenl ond sholl be responsible for ony misfoke of loss of lime thol moy becoused.2. Prolecl permonent monumenls or bench morks which musl be removed or dislurbed unfil properly referenced for relocolion.3. Furnish moleriols ond ossisfonce for proper replocemenl of such monumenls orbench morks. Loyoul ond Conlrol:l. Building: Estoblish building horizonlol ond verticol conlrols by instrumenlolion.2. Site: Esfoblish lines, levels ond locolions by instrumenlolion. Sef conlrol slokes for finish groding. Resef stokes os required during progress of work. Completion: Upon completion of work, survey sile io verify lhol locotions ond elbvolionsrequired by conlroct Documenls hove been ochieved within specified loleronces. Eqch subcontroctor: Provide complete engineering loyoul for work to be performed under his subconlrocl, including grodes, elevqtions, ond oll olher engineeiing required loperform his scope of work.l. Generol Controcfor: Provide building horizonlol controls ond elevolion confrols. END OF SECTION I I I I I I I I t I T I I T I I t ! I E G. oA 9906 0t722-2 I I sEcTroN 0t732 CUTTING AND PATCHING I PARTr-GENERAL I r.or suMMARy A' Section Includes: All cufting, fifting ond poiching required lo complete work ond lo: I l. Moke ils ports fit together properly. f 2. Uncover portions of work to provide for instollqtion of ill-iimed work.3, Remove ond reploce defective work. T1 4. Remove ond reploce work not conforming lo requirements of Controcl Documenls. t 5. Remove somples of inslolled work os specified for lesling.6. Provide routine penelrofions of non-struclurol surfoces for instollotion of piping ond eleclricol conduil. I B. Reloled Seclions:l. Selective Demolition: Section 01736. I.O2 QUALITY ASSURANCE 11 A. Notificotion of Archifecl: Notify Architect well in odvonce of executing ony cufting or f olterotion which offects:l. Work of Owner or ony seporote controcior. r 2. Slruclurol volue or integrity of ony element of project. I 3. |;li"%t; of effecfiveness of weolher-exposed or moislure-resislonl elemenls or 4. Effi.i"n"y, operoiionol life, mointenonce or sofety of operotionol elemenls. | 5. Visuol quolities of sight-exposed elemenlsI PART 2 - PRODUCTS t 2.01 MATERTALS I A. Generol: Comply wilh specificolions ond slondords for eoch specific product involved. r PART3-EXEcuTtoN I 3.or EXAMTNATToN A. ExisiingCondilions: I l. Exomine exisiing condilions of project, including elements subjecf lo domoge or to I movemeni during cutling ond potching. 2. After uncovering work, exomine condilions offecling inslollqfion of products or I Performonce of work. I B. Notificotion: Report unsolisfoctory or queslionoble conditions lo Architecl. Do not proceed with work unfil Architecl hos provided further instruclions. I , 0A9906 01732-l t frI 3.02 PREPARATION A. Prolection: Provide odequote temporory support os necessory to ossure struclurol volue ond iniegrity of offecfed portion of work. Provide devices ond methods lo prolect other porlions of projecl from domoge.l. Provide proleclion from elemenls for lhol portion of projecf which moy be exposed by cuiling ond polching work. 3.03 CUNNG AND PATCHING A. Generol: Openings in new conskucfion which ore required by other conlroclon sholl be leff by crofts involved.l. Vorious Controclors: Be responsible to supply in odvonce, proper ond sufficiently detoiled informolion. 2. In event of foilure lo supply this odvonce informolion, required culting sholl be done only ofler concurrence of Architeci ond of expense of negligenl porly. B. Cuiting: l. Execute culiing ond demolifion by methods which will prevent domoge fo olher work, ond will provide proper surfoces lo receive instollofion or repoirs.2. Employ experienced ond troined insloller or fobricolor fo perform cufting ond potching for:o. Weolher-exposed ormoisture+esislonl elemenls.b. Sight-exposedfinishedsurfoces. 3. Cul concrele or mosonry using mosonry sow or core drill os opplicoble. Pneumotic tools will not be ollowed unless occepted by Architect. Filling: Execute fitfing ond odjuslmenl of products lo provide finished inslollotion to comply with specified products, funclions, toleronces ond finishes. Fit work oirtight to pipes, sleeves, ducls, conduii qnd olher penelrofions through surfoces. Polching: Wherever ony pipe, conduit. duct, sfeel member, brocket. equipmenr, or other moteriol penefroles or posses through fire-resistonl woll, ceiling or floor, completely seol voids in conshuction wilh cemeni grout, plosler, or fire+esistont moteriol, embedding seoling moteriol full fhickness of woll, ceiling or floor. Finishing: Where surfoces ore exposed, finish wifh some moleriols specified in finish schedule or moleriol thof is on conslructed surfoces.l. Work: Accomplish wiih mechonics skilled in finish trqde.2. Refinish enlire surfoces os necessory lo provide even finish to molch odjocent finishes: o. For continuous surfoces, refinish lo neoresi intersecfion,b. For ossembly, refinish entire unit. END OF SECTION |- n I I I I T t l I T t I I I t I l I I I oA 9906 01732-2 I I I I I I I G t I sEcTtoN 01736 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION PARI I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Seclion Includes:l. Ereci dustproof enclosures seporoting demolilion oreos from oiher oreos before beginning demolition. Remove enclosures when work is complefed ond polch surfoces domoged by work.2. Remove designoted building equipmenl, cobinels ond fixtures. slore ond prolect ifems noled to be soved or reinslolled.3. Remove designoted portilions; wolls, ceilings, floors, doors ond fromes, windows, ductwork, piping ond other building componenls.4. Cop ond idenlify exposed utilifies.5. Remove ond dispose of site elemenls such os curb qnd guiler, sidewolks ond poving desrrgnoied for removol.6. Provide necessory shoring ond brocing.7. Dispose of debris off sile.8. Cleon up ond leove building ond sile prepored for renovolion. Reloled Seclions:L Bqnicodes, Worning Lighls ond Signs: Section 01S00 Temporory Fociliiies ond Confrols.2. Use of Premises: Seclion 0l100 Summory. PROJECT CONDITIONS Environmenfol Requiremenls: Execute demolilion in monner lo limil unnecessory dusl ond noise. Burning of moieriols on site not ollowed. Existing conditions: Portions of the building will be occupied during conslruction. see seciion 0l 100 Summory. Do nol interfere with use of occupied portions of building. Mointoin free ond sofe possoge lo ond from occupied oreos. Exisiing Utilily Services:l. Copping: Anonge ond poy for disconnecling, removing ond copping ulility services wilhin oreos of demolition. Disconnecl ond sfub off. Notify offected utility compony in odvonce ond obloin opprovol before slorling lhis work.2. ldenlificolion: Ploce morkers to indicote locotion of disconnecled services. ldentify service lines ond copping locolions on projecf record documenfs. Protection: Provide necessory iemporory shoring ond brocing to support qnd protecl portions of exisfing building during demolilion operofions. Leove such shoring in ploce until permonenl supports hove been inslolled. Be solely responsible for design. sofely ond odequocy of lemporory shoring ond brocing ond its obilily io corry lood forwhich inlended. t I I l.o2 A. B. I I I I I I c. D. oA 9906 01736-l E. Sofety: Ceose operotions ond nofify Archiiect immediotely if sofety of slruclure oppeor to be endongered. Toke precoufions fo properly support slrucfure. Do not resume unfil sofety is restored. PART 2. PRODUCTS 2.O1 MATERIALS A. Moteriols lo be Reused: Corefully remove moferiols, speciolty ilems, equipmenf, cosework, etc. scheduled or noled lo be reused in olher portions of work ond slore ol sile for loler reinstollolion. Repoir ony domoge coused during removol. sloroge or reinslollolion fo solisloclion of Archifecl. B. Moleriols lo be Removed by Owner: lfems which qre removed prior to slort of demolition sholl remoin properfy of Owner. All olher ilems indicoled lo be removed but nol indicofed for reinsfollotion sholl become property of Conlrocior who shqll remove lhem from site.l. llems lo be Removed By Owner: Will be designoted with morking prior lo pre-bid lour of sifes. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI PREPARATION A. Exterior Openings: Erecl weotherproof closures for exlerior openings. B. Dusl Proleclion: Erecl ond moinloin dustproof portilions os required to prevent spreod of dusl, fumes ond smoke to other porls of building. On complelion, remove portilions ond repoir domoged surfoces lo motch odjocent surfoces. C. Building Occuponcy: Cony out demolition work to couse os little inconvenience to occuponts os possible. l. Do nol operqte very noisy equipment such os jock hommers during operoting hours. 3.02 BUILDINGDEMOLITION A. Generol: Demolish in orderly ond coreful monner os required lo occommodote new work. Protect exisling foundotions ond supporting sfruclurol members. B. Repoh: Repoir demolilion performed in excess of ihot required of no cost lo Owner. 3.03 SITE DEMOLITION A. Site lmprovements: Remove existing curb ond gutter, sidewolks, poving ond olher site improvemenls os indicoted. Where new ospholt odjoins existing ospholf, cut exisiing ospholf lo skoighl line using mosonry sow. I I t I I I l I I I I I I I I I t I I oA 9906 01736-2 I I 3.04 cLEAN-up I A. Cleoning: During demolilion operolions, keep premises free from occumulotions of t wosle moleriol or rubbish cqused by employees orwork, ond ol complelion of work remove rubbish, lools ond surplus moleriol ond leove premises cleon ond reody for -r subsequenf work. Promplly remove woste, rubbish or debris from sile.ft END OF SECTIONt I I I I I t I I I I I I I I oA 9906 0r 736-3 I I t I T I I I t I I T sEcTtoN 01741 FINAL CLEANING I.OI RELATEDREQUIREMENTS A. Cleon-up during conslruction: Seclion 01500 Temporory Focilities ond Conlrols. I.O2 CTEANERS A. Cleoners: Professionol cleoners with exception of cleon-up of site ond cleoningspecificolly ossigned to instollers ond opplicotors under vorious sections of SpeCificotions. I,O3 FINAL CLEANING A. Exterior: ln oddilion lo items specified below, corefully ond lhoroughly cleon ott su*oceson exlerior: concrele, metol, elc. B. Gloss: Corefully ond thoroughly cleon boih sides of gloss ond leove obsolutely cleonond free kom point, lobels, greose, dirt, etc.l. Cleqners: professionol window cleoners. C. Hordwore: Cleon ond polish hordwore ond leove cleon ond free from point, greose, dirt. etc. D. Plumbing: Cleon ond polish plumbing fixlures, fittings ond exposed ploled piping. Leovecleon ond free from point, greose, dirt, elc. Remove lobels. E. Electricol: Cleon ond polish electric fixtures, including glosswore, switchplotes, etc. ondleove cleon ond lree from point. greose, ciirt, etc. F. Equipment: Corefully ond thoroughly cleon items of equipment, mechqnicol, electricol.cobinets, ducfwork. etc. G. Floors:l. Resilienl Floor coverings: Mop with worm woler ond mild delergent osrecommended by monufocturer of flooring, lhen lhoroughly mochine buff.2. corpering: Vocuum qnd creon. Remove -il spots os r.ci.mended bymonufocturer. 3. concrete Froors: Domp mop or scrub concrere froors os required.4' Floors: Leove lhem lhoroughly cleon when building is turned over to Owner. H. Ceromic Tile: Remove grout hoze, observing tile monufoclurer's recommendolions, Rinse tile work fhoroughly wifh cleon woler.I T I I oA 9906 0174t-l L04 A. COMPLEIION Entire Work Inside ond oul: Firsl-closs cleon condilion upon compleiion before being occepted by Owner. END OF SECTION oA 9905 0174t-2 ) t ; I t t I I t I I I I T sEcTtoN 0t770 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES I.OI FINALSITE REVIEW A. Procedures: Following project closeoul procedure defines responsibilities of Conlroclor, Owner ond Architeci in closing projeci: Step I Coniroctor odvises Architeci in wrifing thot he hos reoched'Subslonliol Complelion" ond provides lisl of iiems lo be compleled or conecled. Closeout moy be conducted by oreos or porlions of work if requested by Owner. Step 2 Architect inspecls work to determine if it is substontiolly complele, ond issues Certificote of Substontiol Completion plus "Punch Lisi" of items to be completed or conecfed. Step 3 Controctor completes ond/or conects oll punch list ilems ond notifies Archifecl in wriling thot his work is reody for finol inspection. Al this time, finol opirlicotion for poyment is submilted. Step 4 Archilect mokes finol inspeclion. When work is found lo be occeptoble under Contrqcl Documenls, ond contrqcl fully performed, Archifecl will issue finol Certificote for Poyment. END OF SECTION I T I I oA 9906 0177U1 sEcTtoN 01780 CTOSEOUT SUBMITTALS I.OI RELATEDREQUIREMENTSI t A. Operotion ond Moinlenonce Dolo Submittots: Seclion 01785 Operolion ond Moinlenonce Dalo. I l.0l PRoJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS r- A. Project Site Record Documents: Mqinloin of project sile one record copy of following:t t. Drowings t 2. Specificotions3. Addendo t 4. Accepted Shop Drowings, producl Doto ond Somptes I 5. Chonge Orders- 6. Other Modificotions lo Conkoct - 7. Field Test Records t B. Record Documents: Do not use record documenfs lor conslruction purposes. Mointoin documenfs in cleon, dry legible condilion, oport from documents used for construction.It C. Record Informolion: Lobel eoch document',Record Document,,.l. Mork informotion wiih conlrosting color using ink. D 2. Keep eoch record cunenl. Oo ntt permon6nfly conceol ony work uniil requiredI informolion is recordeo. 1| D. Drowings: Record following informotion on drowings: I l. Depfh of foundqtion elemenls.2. Horizonlol ond verlicol locotion of underground utilities. r 3. Locolion of inlernol utilities ond oppurtenonces conceoled in construclion. I 4. Fietd chonges of dimension ond detoil."r 5. Chonges by chonge order or field order.6. Detoils not on originol conlrocl drowings..t\ t E. Specificotions: Record following informotion on specificofions:l. Monufocturer, frode nome, cololog number ond supplier of products ond ilems of t equipment ocluolly instolled. I 2. Chonges by chonge order or field order.3. Other motters not originolly specified. tf F. Shop Drowings: Moinloin shop drowings os record documents recording chonges moder ofler review qs specified for drowings obove, l, G. Submitlol: Atcompletionof project,deliverrecorddocumenfstoArchiteclWlhI fronsmitlol lefler confoining dote, projecl tiile ond number, Conlrocior's nome ond oddress, litle ond number of eoch record documenl, ond certificoiion thot eoch I document is complele ond occurote. Submittol sholl be signed by Conlroclor.l\ - oA 9906 ol78o_t I t T I T I t1.02 FINAL PAPERWORK A. Finol Poperwork: Prior lo releose of finol poymenf, Confroctor sholl deliver following items lo Archiiect:l. Inspection Cerlificoles, os opplicoble.2. Controclor's Wononly of Moleriols ond Workmonship.3. Mointenonce Monuols ond ports Lisls, os specified.4. All Guoronties, Wononlies ond Submillols, os specified.5. Receipis for Exiro Moteriols Delivered fo lhe Owner.5. Miscelloneous Keys, Swilches, Efc.7. Finol Applicolion for poymenl. 8. Consent of Surety (if ony) io Finol poyment. 9. Confrocfor's Affidovit of Releose of Liens (AlA Form G-ZO6A).10. Project Record Documenfs The obove ifems ore described in following oriicles or opplicoble sections of the' specificoiions. I.O3 INSPECTIONCERTIFICATES Eoch subcontroclor sholl, upon complelion of ihe work, secure in triplicote, ceriificofes from ony sfote or locol governing bodies hoving jurisdiction in dictoting thot the work is in skict occordonce wilh the opplicoble codes ond deliver some lo lhe Controclor for lronsmiftol to lhe Owner. I.04 WARRANTIES A. one Yeor correclion Period: Remedy ony defecls due lo foulty moteriols or workmonship ond poy for ony domoge to olher work resulting lherefrom, which sholl oppeor in work within o period of one yeor from lhe dote of Noiice of Substontiol Complelion ond in occordonce with the lerms of ony speciol worronties provided in lhe Conlrocf Documents. The Owner sholl give notice of observed defects with reosonoble promplness. wononty: upon complefion of work, lhe controcfor sholl deliver to the Archilecl. in duplicofe, o wrillen wononty bosed on the provisions of lhe controcl Documenls properly signed ond notorized.l. Woronfy sholl be oddressed lo fhe Owner.2. Provide seporofe written wononlies from mechonicol ond elecfricol subconfroctors. subconlrocior wononiies: Include lobor ond moteriols signed by monufocturer or subconlroctor os cose moy be ond counlersigned by subconlroctor.l. Address wononly to Owner.2. Deliver to Architect upon complefion of project ond before or with submission of requesf for finol poyment. Extended Wononties: Deliver in duplicote exiended wononties os specified ond doted from the dofe of Nolice of Substqntiol complelion ond signed by subconfroclors qnd monufoclurers. Monufocturer Wononties: Deliver in duplicote monufociurer's wqnqnties os specified ond dqted from dote of Notice of Substontiol complelion signed by monufoclurer. t I I I I I I I t t I I I I I T I B. c. r\ oA 9906 01780-2 B. I f t I I I t I t n t l I t I T t r.05 A. 1.06 A. l. Monufocturer's wononties: supplemenl ond not reploce implied ond express wqnonties provided for by Uniform commerciol code. Any stoiements in monufocfurer's wononties denying or limiting responsibility for such implied ond express woronlies sholl be void. MISCELLANEOUS KEYS, SWITCHES AND WRENCHES Submittol: Al complelion of project, occounf for oll loose keys for hose bibs, odjusfmenf keys ond wrenches for door closers ond ponic hordwore, keys for eleclric switches,eleciricol pqnels, elc. ond lurn over lo conlrocfor for lronsmiilol to owner. OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE DATA Equipmenl Mqnuols: upon completion of work, submit lhree lyped ond bound copies ofoperoling ond moinlenonce monuol or monuols. g%" x I l" in size, to Archilecf for hisocceplonce.I' Monuol: Hove index with tob dividers for eoch mojor equipmenl section to focilitote locoting informotion on specific piece of equipment.2. ldentify dolo wilhin eoch seciion wilh idenfificolion numbers os they oppeor on drowings ond by specificotion section ond orlicle number. Doto: Include os minimum following dolo:L Alphobeticol list of oll system components, with nome, oddress ond 24 hour phone number of compony responsible for servicing eoch item during first yeor of operolion.2. Operoting inslructions for complele system including:o. Emergency procedures for fire or foilure of mojor equipment.b. Mojor stort, operoiion ond shutdown procedure.3. Moinlenonceinstruclionsincluding: o. Proper lubriconts ond lubricoting instructions for eoch piece of equipmenl.b. Necessory cleoning, replocement ond odjustment schedule.4. Monufoclurer's product dolq on eoch piece of equipmenf including:o. Inslqllotioninsfruclions. b. Drowings ond specificotions.c. Ports lists.d. Complete wiring diogroms (os-built).e. Morked or chonged prints locoting oll conceoled porls ond qll voriotion from originol system design.5. Schemotic diogrom showing componenf porls of system.6. Simplified syslem descripiion ond prevenlotive mointenonce progrom. C. Operoting qnd Mointenonce Dolo: See following seclions for equipment requiring operoiing ond moinlenonce dolo monuols:l. Inigoiion Syslem: Seciion 02810.2. Seeding: Secfion 02923.3. Sodding: Section 02924.4. Exterior Plonts: Section 02930.5. Coiling Doors: Seclion 08330.6. Door Hqrdwore: Section 08710.7. Corpel: Section 09580.L Mechonicol: Division 15. t I oA 9906 0r 780-3 9. Eleclricol Division 16. see obove seclions for specific requiremenls of operoling ond mointenonce doto for eoch group of equipmenl. END OF SECTION I t t I I I I I I I t I I I T I I I I oA 9906 0178G.4 John A Dobson Arena Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering Inc. PART1 GENERAL I.OI SI.JMMARY A. Work Included: Removal and satisfactory disposal ofbuildings, foundations, fences, signs, structures, pavements, trafic control devices, utilities, and other obstructions not designated or permitted to remain. B. Related Work: l. Grading: Section 023002. Slope Protection and Erosion Control Seaion 2370. I.O2 PERMITS A. Stormrvater Discharge Permit (NPDES) I.O3 JOB CONDITIONS Protection: Protect all vegetation, utilities, structures, and other facilities to remain. from damage in a manner acceptable to Engineer. Maintain designated temporarJ' roadsal s, rvalk*'a1's. and detours. PART2 PRODUCTS None. PART3 EXECUTION 2.01 A. SITE CLEARING. O2llO Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. B. TOPSOIL Topsoil is defined as friable clay loam surface soil found in a depth of not less than 4". Satisfactory topsoil is reasonably free of subsoil, clay lumps, stones, and other objects over 2" in diameter, and without weeds, roots and other objectionable material. Strip topsoil from areas of building construction and paving to whatever depths encountered in a manner to prevent intermingling with the underlying subsoil or other objectionable material. Finely shred all vegetation down to ground line and leave on surface. Remove heavy growths ofgrass from areas before stdppinC. Where trees are indicated to be left standing stop topsoil stripping a sufrcient distrance to prcvent damage to the main root system. SITE CLEARING John.d Dob.oo A."rr" O Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. C. Stockpile topsoil in storage piles in areas indicated or directed. Construct storage piles to freely drain surface water. Cover storage piles, if required, to prevent windblown dust. The quantity of loose stockpiled topsoil will be measured by the Engineer after stockpiling work. Contractor will be required to replace any missing amount of stocrkpiled topsoil with specified topsoil. 3.02 CLEARING AND GRI.JBBING A. Clear required areas of the site oftrees, shrubs, and other l'egetation, except for that indicated to be left standing. Completely remove srumps, and roots. Remove debris protruding through the ground surface. Use only hand methods for grubbing inside the drip line of trees indicated to be left standing. B. Fill depressions caused by clearing and grubbing operations rvith satisfactory soil material, unless further excavation or earthwork is indicated. For materials, placement, compaction, and testing comply with requirements of Section 02200. 3.03 STRUCTURES Remove small Structures within projea limits or as shown on drawings. Protect ponions to remain from damage. Damage to be repaired at Contractor's expense. B. Remove all abandoned farm buildings and structures so only foundation remain. Backlill foundation to match grade and cover uilh an additional 2' of excavation. 3.04 TJ-TILITIES Remove designated utility lines within project limits, properlv capping or plugging existing lines to remain. Coordinate all work with the respective utilitt' companl . B. Remove septic tanks and cap well heads if required. 3.05 DISPOSAL A. Deposit all remored material in designated rvaste areas. Grade and shape disposal site. Complete topsoil and reseeding of site if required. Where disposal sites are nol designated, remove and dispose of all uaste materials off site in a legal manner. 3.05 RESTORATION A. After removal of obstruction, fill and compaa to finished grade in accordance u'ith these specifications. END OF SECTION 2IIO SITE CLEARING - 02110 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. T 0 I I t I I I I I I I I T I t T I t f; C I 0 l I I I I I I t f, I 3 I I T Jobn A Dobson Arena Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. PART1 GENERAL I.OI SIJMMARY A. Work Included: l. Exlent of earthwork as indicated on Drawings. 2. Removal, stockpiling, and placement of topsoil. 3. Preparation of subgrade for building slabs, walks, and pavements. 4. Disposal of materials removed.5. Structural fills for building slabs. B. Related Work: l. Slope Protection and Erosion Control Seaion 2370 2. Site Clearing: Site Clearing 021l0 I.O2 OUALITY ASSURANCE A. Prior to construction, meet with a representative of the Soils Engineer and the Contractor to discuss site preparation, grading specifications, equipment tobe used, and any unusual soil conditions or special requirements. B. Permits: Stormuater Discharge Permit (NPDES) C. Testing and Inspection: A testing laboratory to perform soil testing and inspection services for quality control during earthwork operation shall be employed by the Contractor. I.O3 JOB CONDITIONS A. Existing Utilities: Locate line and grade of existing underground utilities in areas of u'ork. If utilities are to remain in place, provide adequate means of support and protection during eanhwork operations. Noti$ engineer if conllias exist u'ith the proposed work and exiting utilitl' lines. B. Protection of Persons and Property: Barricade open exqvations occurring as a part of this work and post wilh warning lights and signage. Protect structures, utilities, sidervalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, freezing, undermining, washout, and other hazards created by earthwork operations. EARTIIWORK. O22OO Peak Civil Engineering, Inc EARTHWORK John.{. nonson erena O Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc PART 2 DEFINITIONS A. Suitable Material Earth fill material consisting of on-site or similar non-organic sands, gravels, clays, silts and rnixtures thereof with maximum size of6". Bedrock that breaks down to specified soil types and sizes during excavatio& hauling, and placement may be considered as suitable material. Rock fill material which consists predominantly of cobbles or boulder-sized pieces of blasted or broken rock wirh maximum sizr of 2'. Unsuitable Material: Any material conuining vegetablc or organic matter, muck, peat, organic silt, topsoil, frozen materials, trees, stumps, certain manmade deposits, or industrial waste, sludge or landJill materials, or other undesirable materials. Unclassified Excavation: Any and all materials, including surface boulders. encountercd during constnrction. Rock formations that can be removed by ripping with D-9 tractor in good repair with single tooth hydraulic ripper are considered unclassified excavation. Rock Excavation: Rock formations which cannot be excavated without blasting. Includes removal and disposal ofall rock. Bacldll and Embar*ment: Embankments, including preparation of area upon which they are to be placed. Placing and compacting approved material within areas where unsuitable materials have been removed. Placing and compacting of material in holes, pits, and other depressions to lines and grades shown on drawings. Use only suiuble materials in construction of embankments and bacldills. Borrow: Bacldll or embankment material rvhich must be acquired from designated borrorv areas to make up deficiencies which cannot be completed from excavation nithin rvork limits. Borrorv material must be approved by the Engineer. Proof Rolling: Appl]'ing test loads orer subgrade surface by means of hear-"v pneumatic-tired roller of specified design, to locate weak areas in subgrade. PART3EXECUTION 3.OI TOPSOE Topsoil shall be removed and stockpiled for use after grading has been completed. The stockpile areas shall be designated by the Orvner. Excess topsoil shall be disposed of on site in an area designated by the Owner. To'psoil shall be placed to a depth of6 inches in all areas designated to be revegetated. EARTIIWORK. O22OO Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. T t f, tl I I I I ! c. D. F, t I I I Ii T I t B. c. I il I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I I T John.d Dobson Arena O Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc 3.02 EXCAVATION A Excavation is unclassified, and includes excavation to subgrade elevations indicated on the drawings, regardless of the character of materials and obstructions encountered. B. Unarnhrized excavation consists of rernoral of materials beyond indicated subgrade elevations or dimensions withort specific direction of the Soils Engineer. Unauthorized excavation shall be at the Contractor's expense. C. Additional Excavation: If unsuitable bearing materials are encountered at required subgrade elevations, carry excavations deeper and replace malerial as directed by the Soils Engineer. Removal of unsuitable material and its' replacement as direcred u'ill be paid on basis of contract conditions relatil'e to changes in work. D. Stability of Excavations: Slope sides of excavations to comply rvith local codes and rules and regulations. Shore and brace u'here sloping is not possible because of space restrictions or stability ofrnaterial excavated. Maintain sides and slopes of excavations in a safe condition until completion of backlilling. E. Dervatering: Prwent surface water and subsurface or groundnater from flol'ing into excavations and from flooding project site. L Do not allorv lvater to accumulate in excavations. Remove \l?ter to prevent softening of foundation bearings, undercutting footings, and soil changes detrimental to stability of subgrades and foundations. Provide and maintain pumps, well points, sumps, and dlscharge lines as necessary remove rvater from excalations. 2. Establish and maintain temporary drainage facilities outside excar,ation limits to prwent runofr from entering excavations. 3. Notif Engineer and Owner immediately if groundwater is encountered. Contractor is responsible for obtaining construction des'atering permits. F. Material Storage: Stockpile excarated materials until required for backfill. Place, grade, and shape stockpiles for proper drainage. G. Excavation for structural fill shall be within the project limits or in approved borrow areas. H. All excavations shall comply with OSHA rules and regulations. EARTHWORK-O22OO Peak Civil Engineering, [nc. .-,I John A- Dobson Arene V Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Enginecring Inc 3.03 COMPACTION General: Control soil compaction during construction providing minimum percentage of density specified for each classification listed belorv Percentage of Maximum Density Requirements: Compact soils to not less than the following pcrccntages of maximum density in accorclancc v/ith ASTM D- 698. l. Paved Areas: Compact top 12 inches of subgrade and each lift of bacldill material to a minimum of 95% maximum density. 2. Landscaped or Revegetated Areas: Compact top 6 inches of subgrade and each lift of bacldrll material to a minimum of 907o maximum density. 3. Walkways and sidewalks: Compact top 6 inches of subgrade and each lifr of bacldll material to a minimum of 95oZ maximum densitv. 4. Building floorslabs; 95%o, Compact top 6 inches of subgrade and each lift of bacldill material to a minimum of 95olo maximum density. 5. Structural Fill: Compact top 12 inches of subgrade and each lift of bacKill material to a minimum of 100% maximum dersity Moisture Control: Soils shall be placed with moisture content of 27o plus or minus l/2% of optimum moisturc. Where subgrade or a layer of soil material must be conditioned before compaaion" uniformly apply rvater to surface of material to prevent free water from appearing on surface during or zubsequent to compaction. Remove and replace, or scari$ and air dry, material that is too rrel to permit compaction to specified density. Soil material that has been removed because the moisture content is too high may be stockpiled or spread and allowed to dry. 3.04 EMBANKMENT AND FILL CONSTRUCTION A. Place eanhlill materials for backfill or embankrnent in thin horizontal layers and compact zrs specified before nefl layer is placed. Use efrective spreading equipment on each lift to obtain uniform thickness prior to compacting. As compaction of each layer progresses, continuously lwel and manipulate to assure uniform density. When directed by Engineer, remove excess moisture in bridging across streams, ponds, and swampy ground. Placc embankment in layers not greater than 18" which have been demonstrated to meet compaction standards. Occasional cobble and boulder-sized pieces of excavated rock with sizcs from 6" to 2', may be placed in earth fill as approved by Soils Engineer. Space large rock so compaction of earth fill will meet compaction requirements. EARTFWORI(. O22OO Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. I 'l I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I l. 2. B. c. I t I I I t I I l I t I I f, I I I I EARTFIVORK. O22OO b Peak Civil Engineering, Inc f John .{. Dobson Arena Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering Inc B. When embankment is to be placed and compacted on hillsides, or when new embankment is to be compacted against existing embankments, or when embankment is built one-half width at a time, slopes which are steeper than 4: I shall be continuously benched over as rvork is brought up in layers. Benching shall be keyed in to existi4g slopes and material rernoved for the benching shall be excavated and recompaaed along with th ncw embankrneirt material at the Contractor's expense. C. Remove all sod and vegetable maner from zurface upon which embankment is to be placed. Completely break up cleared surface by plowing, scarifiying, or stepping a minimum of6" to ensure a bond between embankment and original ground. Recompact to specifications D. Frozen materials shall not be used in construclion of embankment. E. During construction maintain uork area in such condition that it *'ill be rvell-drained at all times, including at the end of the construction day. 3.05 GRADING A.General: Uniformly grade areas rvithin limits of grading under this section, including adjacent transition areas. Smooth finished surface within specified tolerances, compact $ith uniform slope betrveen points where elevations are indicated, or betrveen such points and existing grades. Grading Adjacent to Structures: Grade areas adjacent to buildings and other structures to drain arvay from structures and to prwent ponding. Compaction: After grading, compact surfaces to the depth and percentage of maximum density for each classification. 3.06 OUALITY CONTROL A. Testing During Consuuction: Allorv Soils Engineer to inspect subgrades and fill layers as required l. Perform held density tests in accordance u'ith ASTM D 1556, ASTM D 2167, or ASTM D 2922, as applicable. When ASTM D 2922 is used, the calibration curves shall be checked and adjusted using only ASTM D 1556. Soils Engineer to deternrine testing procedure and interval. 2. Paved Areas and Building Slab Subgrade: Make at least one field density test of subgnde for every 2000 sq. ft. of paved area or building slab. In each layer of compacted fill, make one field density test for every 2000 sq. ft. ofpaved area or building slab. B. If in the opinion of the Soils Engineer, Engineer, or Owner, based on test resulr and inspections, subgrade or fills are placed below specified density, the Contractor shall provide additional compaction, replacement, and testing as required to meet minimum densities. 3.0? MAINTENANCE B. JohnA. nobsooA"ena O Arlditions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc Protea graded areas ftom traffic and erosion. Repair and re-establish grades in settled, eroded, and rutted arcas. Where complaed compacted areas are disturted by subsequent construction operations or adverse weathcr, scarry surface, rcshape, and compact to reguired density prior to firrthcr constnrctiorL Where settling is measurable or observed at embankments or excavations during the warranty period, add bacldll material and compaa. Restore appearance, quality and appearance of surface to match adjacent work. Revegetate and repair any distufted pavement or irrigation systems. 3.08 BORROW Provide test pil if required by Soils Engineer to evaluate acceptability and limits ofborrou' source at Contractor's eryense. If more borrow is placed than required, amount of ovemrn will be deducted from the borrorv volume. Contractor shall noti$ Owner and Engineer at least l0 working days in adr,ance of need before opening borrorv area. Strip all bonow areas of sod, topsoil, and unsuitable materials. Provide adequate erosion control during borrow area use. Restore borrow area, grade, reshape, and revegetate following use. 3.09 DISPOSAL OF MATERIALS Deposit all surplus or unsuitable rnaterials in such places designated on drau'ings or as approved by Orvner. Grade and shape disposal site. Place topsoil and rwegetate as required. Where disposal sites are no( designated, remove and dispose of waste material offsite. END OF SECTION O22OO EARTIIWORK . O22OO Peak Civil Engineering Inc. I I $ I I I t I I t I I I I t t I I I I i I' pARr r -.ENERAL ll/ B Related Work:r Tree Protection - 01569 n Selective Clearing - 02115 I Landscaping - Section 02900? Lawns and Grasses - Section 02930 Earthwork - Section 02200 r u t.02 PRoJECT/SITE CONDTTTONS A Existing Conditions: For protection ofexisting planr to remain, see Tree Protection - Section 0l532 B Dust Nuissance: Assume full responsibility for alleviation or prevention of dust as a result ofgrading work. 1.03 SEQUENC|NG AND SCHEDULING: A Complete finish grading prior to installation of sprinkler inigation systems in each area graded. I PARr2-PRoDUcrs 2.01 TOPSOIL: See section 02200, Earrhwork, and 02920, soil preparation I PART3-EXECUTTON I 3.0t EXAMTNATTON l! A Verification of Conditions: Verif that the following items have been completed prior to commencement of fi nish grading: I l. Completion of sitework construction elements (i.e. walks, walls, decks). I 2. Incorporation of soil amendments. 5' 3.02 INSTALLATION i A Finish Grading: f l. Provide grades for natural runoffofwater without low spots or pockets. I ffi:T:.gj;!ffJ line grades at 2 percent minimum gradient unless otherwise ) 2. Finish gades shall be smooth, even and on a uniform plane with no abrupth changes of surface. Slope uniformly between given spot elevations.t-I I 02210-1 t FINISH GRADING SECTION O22IO I.OI SUMMARY A Work lncluded: Execute finish grades complete, as shown, and as specified. T t 3. Grades not otherwise indicated shall be uniform levels or slopes between points where elevations are givcn, or between points established by walk, paving curbs or catch basins, -_ 4. Tops and toes ofslopes shall be rounded to produce a gradual and natural- appcaring transition between relatively level areas and slopes, B IslgrgrsQs: l. Grade planting areas, including lawn areas, to gra.de within I in. when tested with a l0 ft. straightedgc. 2. Hold finished grades below top of adjacent pavement, headers, curbs, or walls as nfollows: g END OF SECTION I I J 02210 -2 t I I 6 I I Shrub, Annual and Groundcover Areas: l-12 inches. Sodded Lawn Areas: I inch. I I I 0 ! t I I I I I I I I sEcTtoN 02240 DEWATERING PART I . GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes:l. Design ond instqllolion of dewolering syslem lo prolecl excovotion from ground woler ond to ollow construclion of foundolions ond wolerproofing in dry conditions.2. Moinfoin dewofering syslem os necessory unlil woterproofing, bockfill ond bosement floor slobs ore completed,3. Remove oll dewotering equipment ond fill in well points with concrefe when directed. B. Reloled Sections:l. Excovolion: Seclion 02300 Eqrthwork.2. Excovolion Support Syslem: Section 02260 I.O2 SYSTEMDESCRIPTION A. Design Criterio: Dewolering Controctor sholl be solely responsible for design ond insiollotion of o dewoiering sysiem cqpoble of ollowing construction of oll work locoted inside lhe excovotion supporl system in dry conditions.l. Dewotering system sholl consisl of o series of well points os required.2. Comply wifh requiremenls of soil ond foundolion invesligolion.3. Dewofering syslem must be compofible wilh consiruclion procedures ond occeploble to the slruclurol engineer, geotechnicol engineer ond generol controclor. B. Moinlenonce: New ond existing dewotering syslem sholl be conlinuously mointoined by the dewotering controctor os directed ond until dewolering is no longer required. I.O3 SUBMITTALS A. Dewolering Plon: Dewotering coniroclor sholl submit o plon indicoting proposed locotions of well points, submersible pumps ond poinls of proposed dischorge, oliernole well poinf locotions if oddilionol well points become necessory ond electricol service. Dewotering plon sholl be opproved by ihe Owner, Archilect ond struclurol engineer before drilling begins. I.O4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulotory Requiremenls: Dewotering conlroclorsholl obtoin ond poy for oll required permils. 'l I I I I I I I ! I I I I I oA 9906 02240-1 I.O5 PROJECTCONDITIONS A. Tesl Holes: A series of tesf holes hove been mode for Owner by his seporole consultoni. See Document 00300 Informotion Avoiloble to Bidders. Log ond reporl ore believed fo be qccurole; however, neither Owner nor Architect guoronlees informolion confoined iherein nor do they guorontee condilions indicoted lo exisl ol locofions of fesl holes will prevoil ql other locotions on sile. B. Exisfing Utiliiies: Locole oll exisiing utililies prior to drilling. Dewolering conlrocfor sho1 poy for ony domoge to utililies coused by drilling. PARI2. PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A. Dewotering Sysfem: Provide oll necessory moleriols for inslollolion ond complele operotion of dewotering syslem. Provide spore pumps, hoses, elc. qs required. All pumps shqll be new ot fime of instollotion. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Existing Condilions: Exomine existing conditions lo determine dewotering requirements. 3.02 PROTECTION A. Toke oll necessory precoulions qnd moke provisions lo prolect odjocent existing improvemenls from domoge from dewoiering operoiions. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Design ond instoll syslems os required. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Moke periodic inspecfions ond verify thot the sysiem is moinloining o dry excovofion. END OF SECIION I I I I c t I I I I t I t I I t t I oA 9906 02240-2 I I I PART r -.ENERAL sEcTtoN 02260 EXCAVATION SUPPORT AND PROTECTION I r.or suMMARy A. Section lncludes: 2 l. Design ond instollolion of shoring ond underpinning sysiem fo protect excovofion t perimeter from movemenf or collopse.2. Prolection of odjocent buildings ond improvements from movemenl, settlemenf orD collopse. , B. Relqted Seclions: a L Excovofion: Secfion 02315 Excovoting, Bockfilling ond Compocting. t l. Excovotion: Section 02300 Eorthwork.t 2. Concrele Formwork: Section 03100. I 1.02 SYSTEM DEScRIPTIoN I-^ A. Design Criterio: Confroctor sholl be soleiy responsible for design of shoring ond t underpinning syslem os required lo resisl loterol eorth pressures ond surchorges due fo I tro.ffic, storoge of mqleriqls, odjocent struclures ond oll other loods imposed on odjocenl soil during the conslruction period. Comply with requirements of soil ond foundotion t investigotion. Type of system used must be compolible with construction procedures ll ond slruciurol detoils ond occeptoble lo the Slruclurol Engineer ond GenerolIt Controclor. I r.o3 euALrrY ASsuRANcEt , A. Regulofory Requiremenls: Comply with oll opplicoble requiremenls of Locol Code. I Obtoin permits ond permission of odjocent property owners os required.r1 -l - I.O4 PROJECT CONDITIONS A t A. Existing Condiiions: Investigote to delermine lhe locolion of odjocenl existing.t underground improvemenls. I B. Subsurfoce Invesligotion: A subsurfoce investigolion reporl hos been prepored for ther Owner. See Seclion 00300 Informolion Avoiloble for Bidders. I PART2-PRODUCTS ' 2.ol MATER|ALS t A. Excovofion Support System: Provide piles, piers, wolers, logging, sheeting, qnchors ond- struclures os reouired. I I OA 9906 02260-l T I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Existing Conditions: Exomine exisling condilions lo determine shoring ond underpinning requiremenls. Exomine existing odjocenf improvemenis io determine their condition before storling work. Record their condilion by written reporl, survey ond phologrophs os required. 3.02 PROTECTION A. Toke oll necessory precoutions ond moke provisions io protecl odjocent existing improvemenls from domoge from shoring, underpinning ond excovolion operotions. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Design ond insloll sysfems os required. B. Moke proper ollowonces for building slruclure ond improvements including woterproofing, dompproofing ond foundolion droinoge syslems. C. Shoring moy not be used os concrele formwork for outside wolls becouse of specified type of woterproofing. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Moke periodic inspeclions ond surveys of existing odjocent improvemenis. Keep occurote records of movemenls or chonges in their condilion. 3.05 REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT A. Repoir ony domoge or reploce domoged exisling odjocent improvemenls. 3.06 REMOVAL A. Remove shoring ond underpinning syslems os reguired ofler permonent sfruclure is in ploce. Leove shoring in ploce where serving qs outside woll forming. END OF SECTION I I c I I I I I I t I t I i I I I I I oA 9906 02260-2 I I sEcTtoN o23oo r-r' EARTHWORKI' PART I . GENERAL t l.0l SUMMARY \t A. Section Includes: f l. Buitding Excovotion ond Bockfill2. Site Groding - 3. Over-Excovolion ond Sfruclurol Fill It B. Reloted Sections:l. Soit Testing: Section 01450 euolity Conlrol I 2. Loyouf: Section OlT22Field Engineering I 3. Mechonicol Excovotion: Division 15 Mechonicol4. Electricql Excovqlion: Division l6 Eleclricql I 5. Subdroinoge: Section 02620 f| 6. Dewolering: Section 022407. Excovolion Support ond Proteclion: Section 02260 a 8. Boulder Plocemenf: Section 02313 I 9. Slope Profeclion ond Erosion Control r- t.o2 REFERENCES |\ A. Reference Slondords: Comply wifh following:l. Excqvolion: Colorqdo Division of Lobor Rules ond Regulolions. |1 2. Compoction Stondord: Modified proctor Density ASTM DlS57 t 3. Compoction Stondord: Stondord proclor Densiiy ASTM D69g I r.03 suBMlnALsltA A. Quolity Control Submillols: Test reporls ol soils testing during construction specified ,- under Field Quolity Control will be distributed by the lesling loborotory in occordonceI with Section 01450 Quolity Control. t I.O4 QUALITY ASSURANCE 'tf A. Tesfing Agency: Soil tesling during conskuclion will be conducted by occeploble testing loborotory. See Section 01450 Quolity Conlrol. I B. Geolechnicol Engineer; Moteriols ond operotions under lhis section sholl be executed I under observolion of Geotechnicql Engineer employed by Owner who will ploce ' quolified personnel on site during eorlhwork operolions os necessory. I r.o5 PRoJEcT coNDrTroNsr,.f A. Tesl Holes: A series of test holes hove been mode for Owner by his seporote consuliont. I See Documenl OO3OO Informotion Avoiloble to Bidders. Log ond repori ore believed lo t be occurole; however, neilher Owner nor Architect guoronlees informolion conloined I oAeeo6 I 02300-l lherein nor do they guoronlee condilions indicoled lo exisl of locolions of lest holes will prevoil ol other locotions on sile. B. Exisling ulililies: Prolecf from domoge ony sewer, woler, gos, elecfric, phone or otherpipe lines or conduils uncovered during work unfil fhey hove been exomined by Owner.l. lf such lines ore found to be obondoned qnd not in use, remove offecled seclions withouf extro cosl.2. lf such lines ore found to be in use, corefutly profect ond corry on work oroundthem. lf Owner deems it odvisoble lo move such lines, Ownerwill poy cosi of moving. I.06 WARRANTY A. Fill ond Bockfill: Conecl setilement in bockfill. fill, or in slruclures buill over bockfill or fill. which moy occur wilhin one yeor coreclion period. Restore ony struclures domoged by selflement to lhek originol condilion of no cost io Owner. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 TOPSo|L A. Topsoil: Topsoil sholl consist of moleriol thot is stripped from gross oreqs lhot will be disturbed by conslruction. Topsoil moy include moderoie omounts of gross rools ond of her orgonic moteriol. 2.02 FILL AND BACKFILL MATERIAL Moleriol: on-sile excovoled gronulor moleriol imporled fill free of rubble, orgonics or debris ond qpproved by Geotechnicol Engineer. cobbles lorger thon 12" d'rom. Are nol occeptoble. P^RT 3 - EXECUTION I I I T I I I I I n I il I I I I I I I 3.01 3.O2 A. B. EXAMINATION site Visit: Visit ond inspect sife ond loke info considerofion known or reosonobly inferoble condiiions offecting work. Foilure to visit site will nol relieve Conlroctor of furnishing moferiols or performing work required. PREPARATION Field Engineering: See seciion 01722 field Engineering for bench morks, monumenls, botler boords. reference points ond loyoul ond checking of lhe work. Prolection: l. Mointoin soil under foundotions ond slobs ol noturol moisture contenl.2. Provide ond moinloin slopes, crowns qnd dilches in excovotion to insure solisfoctory surfoce droinoge ql oll limes. Provide lemporory droinoge focilities loprevent woter from droining into excovolions. when work is compleled, reslore temporory diiches or cuts to originol grode or finish grode os indicoted. oA 9906 02300-2 A. R D. I 1 T I I ) I I I I I I I t I I I I J 3.03 F. 3.04 A. 3. Boiling or Pumping: lmmediolely pump or boil out wofer found in excovolions, whether roin or seepoge. Keep excovotions free from woler qt oll limes. Toke meosures ond furnish equipment ond lobor necessory lo control flow, droinoge ond occumulotion of woler os required to permil complelion of work under this secfion lo ovoid domoge lo work. EXCAVATION Generol: All spreod fooiings sholl resl on nolurol sonds or new struclurol fill. Over-Excovqfion:l. Under Footings: Remove oll exisling fill down lo nqturol sond ond grovel. Confer wifh Geoiechnic.:l Engineer ond comply wiih his recommendotions when excovoling odjocent to exisling building foundolions.2. Under lnterior Slobs on Grode: Remove oll existing fill down to noturol sond ond grovel. Confer wifh Geoiechnicol Engineer ond comply with his recommendotions when excovoling odjocent to exisling building.3. Struclurol Fill: Reploce over-excovqted oreos with slruclurol fill os specified in Arficles 3.04 ond 3.05. Footing ond Areo Excovolions: Excqvole site os required for wolls, foundolions, piers, oreo pifs, etc. fo depths indicqted on drowings.l. Trenches: Boltoms of full widfh required. lf through enor, trenches ore corried deeper fhon required, fill excess depth wilh compocted fill or leon concrete os directed qt Controctor's expense.2. lf debris, soft spots or loose or excessively moist qreos ore found ol boitom of ony excovolion, immediotely reporl condifion lo the Geotechnicol Engineer who will delermine if coneclive work is necessory. Compocl excovoted oreos with o smoolh vibrolory compoctor immediotely before forming ond pouring concrete. Unclossified Excovolion:I. All excovotion is considered os unclossified ond is defined os removol of oll moleriol encounlered, regordless of soit type. Unclossified excovolion is considered normol excovolion ond no exiro will be ollowed. Cobbles ond Boulders: Where cobbles or boulders ore uncovered during excovotion ond ol footing elevqlion lhey sholl be immediofely reported to the Geolechnicol Engineer to direcl lheir removol. Cobbles or boulders sholl be corefully removed lo prevent disiurbqnce of odjocenl soils ond fhe resulting depressions sholl be filled with compocted fill or leon concrete. Stockpile boulders l2" in diometer ond lorger for future londscope use in on-site locotion qs directed. Slore suitoble bockfill moleriol os spoce is ovoiloble. Remove oll other excovoted moteriol from lhe sile. PREPARATION OF NATURAL GROUND Generol: Remove lopsoil ond vegetolion before beginning preporotion of noturol ground. Remove frozen or muddy ground in fill oreos. oA 9906 02300-3 3.05 I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I T T I t 2. 3. c. D. B. a Fills Mode on Hillsides or slopes: Plow or scorify slope of lhe originol ground upon which the fill is to be ploced to o minimum depth of 6". where slope rolio of originol ground is sleeper lhon 5 horizontol to I verticol, lhe bonk sholl be stepped or benched. Proof Rolling: Before beginning subgrode preporofion, in poved oreqs, eorthwork subconlrocforsholl proof roll subgrode wilh heovily looded pneumotic tired vehicles. Areos which deform under proof rolling sholl be reporled fo lhe Geotechnicol Engineer before proceeding. Preporolion: Mix ond blend the plowed or scorified surfoce wifh o disc or groder blode so ihe surfoce will be free of lorge clods or rocks, ruls, hummocks or ofher uneven feofures which would fend to prevenl uniform compoction by fhe equipment lo be used. Scorificotion ond Compoclion:l. Noturol Ground Under [Fill Areos Belowl Inlerior Floor Slobs: Scorify to o minimum depfh of 6" qnd recompoct ol neor optimum moisfure conlent lo ot leost 95% of its Stondord Proclor Densily, ASTM D598.2. Noiurol Ground Under Exleriorslobs, sidewolks ond Poving: scorify lo o minimum depfh of 6'ond compocf of neor optimum moisiure content fo ot leost 95% of its Sfondord Proclor Density, ASTM D698.3. Noturol Ground under over-Lot Fill Areos: scorify lo o minimum depth of 6 inches ond compocl ot o moisiure conlent of or slightly in excess of the optimum to ot leosf 90% of its Stondord Proctor Density, ASTM D698. FILLING AND COMPACTION Generol: Fill ond compocf io levels required fo complefe the work indicoted. Filling moy require soil moteriol in excess of quontity of suitoble moferiol ovoiloble from required groding ond excovolions even though not indicoled on the drowings. such moleriol sholl be imporled of eorlhwork conlroclor's expense. Plocing Fill: Distribute moteriol lo qvoid formqtion of lenses or loyers of mqleriol differing substontiolly from sunounding moleriol. Deliver moleriol of uniform rote lo permif sotisfoclory procedure to resull in uniformly compocled fill.l. Avoid unnecessory concentrolion of lrovel cousing ruts ond uneven compoclion. Regrode ond compoct ruts ond hollows more ihon 6" deep before compocting.2. Spreod fill moleriol in horizontol loyers no greoler thon 8" thick. Bockfilling: Fill ond compocl temporory holes ond excovolion oround interior wolls, grode beoms, piers, trenches, on inside of building ond excovolion oround exferior foundolion wqlls. I . Bockfill in even lifts on both sides of foundoiion wolls lo preveni excessive pressure on one side. Broce unsupported foundotion wolls, grode beoms, ond piers thoroughly before bockfilling ond leove brocing in ploce until supporling floors ore in ploce. Obtoin permission before bockfilling. Debris, consfruction moteriols, exponsible cloy, or lorge chunks of eorth ore not ollowed in bockfill.4. Bockfill ond mechonicolly compoct os indicoted below. puddling not ollowed. oA 9906 02300-4 D. I I t I I I I I I I I I I t t t t I t F compoclion of cohesionless Moteriols: when compocting moleriol such os sonds ondgrovels, deposit moteriols in loyers ond compoct by surfoce or inlernql vibrotors, smoolhor pneumoiic rollers, hond or power lompers, or by other meons qpproved byGeolechnicol Engineer.l. Thickness of horizontol loyers ofler deposilion shoil be noi more thon 6" ifcompoclion is performed by, surfoce vibrolon or similor equipmenl. lfcompoclion is performed by internol vibrolon, lhickness ol horizonlol loyen oflercompoclion sholl be nol more fhon peneirofing length of vibrotor heod.2. Ponding or woter flooding nol ollowed. compoction Requirements: compocr eoch royer by methods occeprobre roGeotechnicol Engineer to minimum of the following slondord or uodified proclor Densities os determined by ASTM D698 or D | 557: l. Fill under fooiings2. Bqckfill ogoinst sides of footings2. Fill under interior floor slqbs3. Inlerior utility lrench bockfill4. Fill under exlerior slobs ond sidewolks5. Fill under qspholt or concrele poving6. Foundolion bockfill under poving ond slobs on grooe7. Other foundolion bockfill8. Exterior utility trench bockfill under slobs sidewolks ond poving9. Other exterior utiliiy trench bockfill10. Overlot fitl ASTM DI557 9s% 95% 90% 90% 9V" 90% 90% 90% ASTM D698 98% 987o 95% 95% 9s% 95% 957o 90% 3.06 3.07 3.08 A. B. 90% 957.'90% 90%90% 90% compoci mechonicol ond electricol trenches excovoled by uiility componies osspecitied for utility lrenches. EXCESS OR UNUSABLE MATERIAL Excess Moteriol: Remove from site DAMAGED EARTH Eorth thot hos been rendered unfit to receive plonling due fo concreie woter, morlor orlime woter dumped on it shoil not be used in oreos fo receive prontings. FINISH GRADING Generol: cut ond fill oll oreos lo elevolions ond toleronces specified. Leove groded surfoce cleon, free from rubbish ond lorge clods ond reosonobly smooth. subgrode under Building: Finish grode lo smoofh, even, well compocled surfoce oldensiiies specified under Article 3.05 to elevotions indicoted.l. SlobonGrodeSubgrodeToleronce: (!tO.O2, (1141. subgrode Under sidewolk, curb ond Guller: Finish grode to beoring surfoce osrequired. Toleronce: (t) 0.04' (l/2'). oA 9906 02300-5 D. Subgrode Under Aspholf Poving: Finish grode to botfom of full depth ospholl oroggregofe bose course. Toleronce: (1) 0.04, (l/Z). E' Subgrode Unde-r-Concr_ete Poving: Finish grode lo beoring surfoce os required.Toteronce: (! 0.04, (l/2). F. Subgrode Under All Other Areos: Finish grode to 6" below grodes indicoted os soddedond fo grodes indicoled in oll other oreos. Ioteronce: E) d'. l' 1 f -f la1. 3.IO PLACING TOPSOIL A. Topsoil:l. Ploce fopsoil to even depih of 4" under sodded or seeded oreos indicoted ondrowings.2. Repoir eroded oreos ond reploce topsoil immediolely prior to sodding or seeding.3. Hond roke lo smoolh even surfoce free of noxious weeds, debris, clods, rock oni'vegeloble motter greofer ihon l/2" in size. Compoclion of surfoce prior toseeding or sodding sholl be fkm but not hord. 3.I I UNSUITABLE BEARING MATERIAL A. Pockets of Sofl or Exponsive Moieriol or Debris: lf such pockels ore found, GeofechnicqlEngineer moy order lhem removed ond reploced with compocted eorth fill.l. Fill Moteriol: On site or imported moleriol opproved by Geotechnicol Engineer.2. This work will be covered by chonge order. 3.12 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL The Generol Conlroctor sholl conlocl the generol confrocior prior io siort of fill ondbockfill operotions lo schedule test dotes ond limes. Plocement Method: obtoin fhe Geotechnicol Engineer,s opprovol of mefhod ofplocing ond compocfing before storting compocred fiil or bockfiil procemenr. compoclion: obloin wrillen opprovol of the completed compocled fill ond bockfillfrom lhe Geolechnicol Engineer who will hove sufficienf tesls mode io oszurecomplionce with these specificolions. lf. becouse of unsotisfoclory test results it isnecessory lo relesf ofter coneclive works cost bf lesls oiher lhon initiol tests sholl bepoid by Conlroctor. Density Tesls: In occordonce with ASTM Dt556, ASTM D2922 oTASTM D2l62. seeSection 01450 Quolity Control. Field Engineering: See Section OlT22Field Engineering. b. c. I I I I t I I t I I I I I I T T T I I D. END OF SECTION oA 9906 02300-6 T I I sEcTtoN 023t3 BOULDER PLACEMENT PART I - GENERAL I I.OI SUMMARY I A. Secfion Includes: I l. Plocement of cobbles ond boulders sfockpiled during eorlhwork operolions. I B. Relofed Sections: I l. Excovotion ond Siockpiling of Cobbles qnd Boulders: Section 02300 Eorthwork. I.O2 QUALITY ASSURANCETI A. All boulders ond cobbles sholl conform ond blend with the nolurol color ond texture of existing rock formotions in the immediole projecl oreo. I B. Field Direclion: Londscope Architect sholl opprove boulders lo be locoted, plocemenl ond deloils of olocement. t r.03 DEL|VER, STORAGE AND HANDLTNG ,- A. Hondle boulders with non-moning slings such os nylon strops. TI PART 2. PRODUCTS I 2.ot MATERTALS I A. Boulders ond cobbles will consist of on-site stockpiled moteriols removed during buildingI excovotion ond olher eorthwork operotions. t B. Londscope Architeci to give finol opprovol of boulder seleclion by Controclor prior lo I instollofion. I C. Diometerrongeisquontifiedosopercenlof thetotol numberinstolled. Totol numberto be determined ot lime of instollotion, ond is o function of ovoilobility. Approximote t desired size:I 5+ diomeler 30%3.5' diomeler 40% I 2' diomeler 157"1.5' diometer 15% I I I OA 9906 023lll I I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI LAYOUT A. Exoct plocemenl ond onongemenl oiboulder groupings to be delermined in the field ond coordinoled with lhe Londscope Archifecl. EXCAVATION AND PLACEMENT Over-excovole o smoll depression to occommodole opproximoiely 20% surfoce oreo lo be buded. Ploce boulden individuolly. where boulders occur in groups, fill voids wifh noli.re soil ond compoci so os to give o nolurol looking bed. END OF SECTION I I I 3.02 A, t I I I I t I I t I t I I I I I oA 9906 02313-2 I John A. Dobson Arena Additions and Renovations project I Peak Civil Engineering, Incr sEcrIoN 02370 ND EROSION CONTROL T PART1 GENERAL I l.0l pEscRrPTIoNr A. Work Included: Excavation, grading, and insallation of riprap, filter material, jute netting, straw bale sediment barriers, and all necessary appurtenances. - B. Related Work: 1. Site Clearing: Sedion 02110I 2. Earthwork: Section02300 3. Drainage Structures, Pipes, and Fittings: Section 02430 I l.o2 suBMTrArs A Tesl Reports: If requested, furnish copies of tests from certified and acceptable testing I laboratory 1. Gradation and Soundness of Riprap. I 2. Gradation of Filter Material. PART2 PRODUCTS I ,rt----*I Hard, dense, sound, rough fractured stone meeting AASTITO T 85. Excavated shot rock may be I used if agreed to by the Orvner's representative and the Engineer. Neither breadth nor thickness of t single stone to be less than one-third its lengrh. Nominal Size Min. Volume Min. Weight9" 0.25 CFS 30 lbs. t 12" 0.5 CFS 75 lbs. 18" 1.8 CFS 250 lbs.24" 4 CFS 600 lbs. Size of stone and total thickness of riprap as shorvn on drawings. Stone rvell graded so voids can be filled, and at least 50olo of mass equal to or larger than size called for on drawings. SLOPE PROTECTION AND EROSION CONTROL23TO - Peak Civil Engineering Inc I T I I T I I John.{. Oobron ^r.o" O Additions and Renovations Project Pcak Civil Engineering Inc 2.02 FILTERMATERIAL Sieve Size t/i No.4 No.200 2.03 FILTERFABNC Weighr Thickness Grab Strength Elongation Break Burst Strength Trapezoid Tear Srength Water Permeability Water Florv Rate Equivalent Opening Size 2.04 ruTE NETTING Aggregate Filter: Conform to following gradation: I t I I T I I I T I I t I T I t I I B. c. Percenuge by Weight Passing Square Mesh Siwes 100 20-90 0-20 0.3 Manufactured especially for subility of erosion control construction. Made from poll'ethylene and polypropylene yarns, in accordance with following: 4.0 ozJyd 15 mils 130 lbs. 62Yo 125 psi. ?0 lbs. 0.02 cm/sec. .80 gaVmin/ft 70-100 U.S. Sieve ASTM Dl9IO ASTM DI7?7 ASTM D1682 ASTM DI682 ASTMD7742 ASTM 2263 CFMC CFMC ASTM D422 Heavy-woven jute mesh of a rugged construction. Made of undyed and unbleached, tuisted jute fibers, having smolder resistant treatrnent. Provide in rolls 225'by 4' l'ide containing 100 square 1'ards weighing approximately 90 pounds. 2.05 SILT FENCE Silt Fence Fabric: The fabric shall meet the follouing specifications: Fabric Properties Minimum Acceptable Value Test Method Grab Tensile Strength (lbs) 90 ASTM D1682 Elongation at Failure (7o) 50 ASTM D1682 Mullen Burn Strenelh (PSD 190 ASTM D3786PunctureStrength(bs) 40 Slurry Flow Rate (gaVmin/sf) 0.3 Equivalent Opening Sizc 40-80 Ultraviolet Radiation Stability (o/o) 90 SLOPE PROTECTION AND EROSION CONTROL23TO Peak Civil Engineering Inc' ASTM D75l (modified) US Sieve CW-02215 ASTM-G-26 Fence Posts (for fabricated units): The length shall be a minimum of 36 inches long. Wood posts will be of sound quality hardwood with a minimum cross sectional area of 3.0 square inches. Steel posts will be standard T and U section weighing not less than 1.00 per linear foot. Wire Fence (for fabricated units): Wire fencing shall be a minimum l4-l/4 gage u'ith a maximum 6" mesh opening , or as apprwed. t I John a Dobson Arena Additions and Renovations Project t Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. I D. Prefabricated Units: Envirofence or approved equal may be used in lieu of the above method providing the unit is installed per manufacrurer's instructions. PART3 EXECUTION t 3.01 FILTERFABRIC I Place fabric over shaped surface loosely where, when large stones are placed, they will not cause I stretching of fabric beyond elastic limits. Overlap joining sections 2' at edges. Secure overlappedr edges to subgrade with cinch pins. If riprap is dropped, place aggregate bedding 2" thick over fabric. Place riprap in a rnanner that fabric will no be damaged by sfetching, punching, or I ripping. I 3.02 RIPRAP I A. Reasonably rvell-lraded from smallest to nraximum size specified. Stones smaller thanI 10olo of smallest iize not permitted. Control gradation of riprap bl visual inspection to assure lhickness of riprap conforms rvith drawings. I B. Hand Placed: Rectangular to facilitate butt placement. Fill openings with loose, s'ell- graded road aggregate base material. I 3.03 FILTER MATERIALI Wet subgrade, reasonably shape. and compact prior to placing filter material. Filter material ma)' I be backdragged u'ith loader bucket to a reasonably smooth surface for placement to lines and I grades ofdrawings. 3.04 WATERBARS/INTERCEPTORTRENCHES I Construct dirch in accordance with drawings. Florv line of water bar not steeper than l%o. Discharge on existing vegetated slope alternately to a1'oid erosion. I 3.05 STRAW BALE SEDIMENT BARRIERr Use strarv bale barriers at storm drain inlets, across minor srvales and ditches, and other I applications where barrier is of te*por"ry natute. Bind strarv bales with nylon or bailing rl ire, not I trvine. Anchor bales to ground with two posts per bale. I 3.06 ruTE NETTING 'r Sbrt jute roll at top of slope or channel and umoll dorvn grade. Lay second strip parallel to first and allow 2" overlap. Bury top end of roll in trench, minimum 4" deep. Anchor jute roll to eanh I surface with srakes of 8 gaugjsteel, 8" long, approximately 12" apart. Staple outside edges rl' to I l0' apart and along overlap edges. Overlap end rolls by 4" and anchor securely. r 3.0? CHECKDAMS - Install bottom of check dam at least 6" below depth of newly graded channel. Extend to 6" above maximum design water depth. Install materials in accordance u'ith drawings. I I SLOPE PROTECTION AND EROSION CONTROI-2370 - Peak Civil Engineering, Inc I John A- Dobson Arena O Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. 3.08 FILTERBERMS/SEDIMENTPOND Field construct berms as directed by Engineer. Place washed l" to l-l/2" aggregate with 2' top and 3:l side slopes exlending to bottom of channel. Berm to retain sediments by retarding and filtering runofi, Place sand on face of berm for future replacement of filter material. Construct in accordance wfth drawings. 3.09 SILT FENCE Install silt fencc in accordance with drawings. END SECTION SLOPE PROTECTION AI{D EROSION CONTROL23TO Peak Civil Engineering, Inc T I I t T I t t tl rl rl I I t I T t I I I i"ili,t?:lTrl##."t.o r 1.02 SUBMITTAL Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. I I PARTT GENERAL I l.0l pEscRrPTroN I A. Work included: Excavation, bacldrll, bettding, and installation of pipe, manholes, catch basins, inlets, outlets, underdrains, irrigation ditches, channelization, detention storage. siphons and all necessitry apputenances. B. Related Work: l. Clearing: Section 02110 C. Definition: L Trench Excaration: Excavation of all nraterial encountered along trench other than rock e\cavation. 2. Rock Excavation: All solid rock formalions which cannot be reasonablv broken by a backhoe with % cubic yard bucket curling force and stick crorvd force of 35,000 lbs. each, and requiring drilling and blasting. Boulders, large rocks, and chunks of concrete three cubic lards or larger, considered rock excaration. T I I t I I I I I I I T A. Submit shop drawings or product data shorving specific dimensions and construction materials for: l. Precast Manholes 2. Precast Catch Basins 3. Frames, Grates, Covers B. Test Reports: Submit laboratory gradation tests for bedding and trench stabilization materials, concrete rnix design, and compression test. C. Permits: l. Construction Dewatering (NPDES) I DRAINA'E srRucruREs, prp's, AND FITTING' - 02430 Peak Civil Engineering Inc. I John .d nobson Arena O Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. I.O3 JOB CONDITIONS Environmental Requirements: Except by specific written autlorization, cease concreting when descending air temperature in shade away from artificial heat falls below 35 degrees F. and there is frost in subgrade. When concreting is permitted during cold tveather, temperature of mix shall not be less than 60 degrees F. at time ofpiacing. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.OI PtrE AND FITTINGS A. Non-Reinforced Concrete pipe: ASTM Cl4 B. Reinforced Concrcte Pipe: ASTM C?6, circular; ASTM 506, arch; ASTM 507, vertical or horizontal elliptical. Class pipe as shown on drawings. C. High Density Polyethylene Pipe - smooth interior, ADS -Nl2 or appror,ed equal. AASHTO M-252 and,M294 D. Comrgated Steel Pipe and Arches: AASHTO M36, gauges as shorvn on dran'ings. Bands shall conform to the following: Pipe Size Cornrgations Number Bolts Inches 2-213" x%" 3"xt" 6-30 2ea 3ea 5ea 36{0 t2"14" I I t t I I I I t I I t I T I I I I I 66-120 24" 20" Thickness ofband one gauge less than pipe but not less than 16 gauge. E. Comrgated Steel Pipe End Seaion: Sizes and dimensions shown on drarvings. Materials s:rme as corugated steel pipe. F. Bituminous Coating: Where required on comtgated steel pipe and fittings, AASFIO MI90, Type A, rvith minimum thickness of 0.03". Coupling bands full1'coated. 2.02 PREFABRICATED INLETS AND OUTLETS A. Comrgated Steel Units: Conform to drarving dimensions, AAStnO M36. Bituminous coating when specified, AASFrrO M190, Type A. Steps fabricared into unir. B. Precast Concrete Units: In accordance with drawings, ASTM C478 and C789, wall "B", rvall thickness l/12 inrernal diameter. Steps precast into units. 2,03 MANHOLE A. Manhole Bases: Precast concrcte. Manhole base and first barrier seAion cast monolithic per ASTM - C478. B. Manhole Sections: ASTM C478. Precast concrete with minimum q'all thickness l/12 of internal diameter. Cones eccentric. DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, PIPES, AND FITTINGS - 02430 Peak Civil Engineering, lnc I I I JohnA* DobsonArena O Additions and Renovations prdect Peak Civil Engineering Inc. C. Manhole Ring and Cover: Cast greater rhan 400 lbs.. machined asphalt. iron, ASTM A48. Ring and cover combined weight to fit securely. Non-rocking cover. Hot dipped in I T I I t I I t T I T I I I I t D. E. Manhole Steps: Two non-skid grooves in the surface and capable of carrying load of 1000 lbs. 6" from face of manhole. Manhole Joint Sealant: RubberNek. Metal units conform to drain dimensions and to following for designated material. A. B. c. D. Gray lron Casings: AASTITO M105. Carbon-Steel Castings: AASHTO M103. Ductilelron Castings: AASHIO A536. Structural Steel: AASHTO Ml83 and ASTM A283, Grade B. Galvanizing. rvhere specified, AASlffO Ml I l. 2.05 BEDDING A. Pipe and culvert - Class 6 Aggregate Base Course. B. Underdrain - sashed gravel: percent by rveight passing square mesh sieves: 1", 1007o: %", 95-100%; No. 4, 0-5%. 2.06 CONCRETEMATERIALS General: All materials furnished from sources approved by Engineer. Cement: ASTM Cl50 for Portland Cemenr, Type II. Cement u'hich has become partially set or contain lumps, caked cement and have been exposed to inclement rveather shall be reiected. C. Aggregate: ASTM C33. D. Water: Water used in mixing or curing concrete shall be clean and free from oils, acids, salt, alkali, or organic materials harmful ro concrete. 2.07 CONCRETE MIX A. Design Mix: L Proportions: Cement 5-l/2 sacks per cubic yard Coarse aggregate 43oZ Water 5.5 Gallons per sack Maximum size a ggregate tA" 2. Slump: 4" maximum DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, pIpES, AND FITTINGS - 02430 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc A. B. JohnADobsonArena O Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering Inc 3. Strength: Minimum 3,000 psi ar 28 days 4. Air Content: 5Zo-7oZ B. Job Mixed Concrete: Mixed in dnrm mixer conforming to Concrete Paving Mixer Standards of Mixer Manufacturers Bureau of Associated General Contractors of America Mxer shall be capable of combining aggregates, cement, and water into thororgNy mi>red and uniform mass. Discharge entire contents of dmm before recharging. Continue mixing of each batch for not less l0 minutes afier alt materials are in drum. C. Ready Mxed Concrete: Proportioned, mixed, and transported in accordance Mth ASTM C94. Any concrete no plastic and workable when it reaches project shall be rejected. PART3 EXECUTION 3.OI TRENC}IING A. Trench Excaration: Excavate to depths required. Confine excaration to *,ork limits. B. Rock Excavation: Prior to removal, notiry Engineer ofareas requiring rock excavation. C. Blasting: In general blasting urill be atlowed in order to expedite the rvork if a permit by the local authority having jurisdiction is granted. All explosives and appurtenances shall be rransported, handled, stored and used in accordance with the laws of the local. state, and federal governments, as applicable. All blasting shall be controlled as not to injue any existing structure or facility. The protection of life and property and aU liability for blasting shall be placed solely on the pcrson or persons conducting the blasting operation. The hours of blasting shall be in accordance rvith the permit ofthe local authority. Prior to blasting , provide minimum 24 hour notification to Engineer. 3.02 UNSTABLE TRENCH BOTTOM. EXCAVATION IN POOR SOIL If the bottom of the excavadon at subgrade is found to be soft or unstable or to include ashes, cinders, refuse, vegetable or other organic material, or large pieces of fragments of inorganic material that cannot satisfactorily support the pipe or structure, then the Contractor shall funher excavate and remove such unsuitable material. Before the pipe or structure is installed, the subgrade shall be accepted by the Engineer. 3.03 BEDDINGOTHERTHAN1JNDERDRAINS A. Pipe: Insull in conformance with drawings. Place form minimum of 4" belorv bottom of pipe to centerline of pipe for entire width of trench. B. Culvert: Install in conformance with drawings. Place from minimum of 6" belorv bottom ofpipe to centerline of pipe for entire width of trench. 3.04 PIPE INSTALLATION DRAINAGE STRUCTURXS, PIPES, AND FITTINGS . 02430 Peak Ciril Engineering, Inc. I I I t I t I I I I t T t t I T I I I l. I I t I t I t T I I I I I I I t I I T John A. Dobson Arena Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc" A. General: For nerv embankments, place fill so width each side of pipe is at least five (5) times pipe diameter. After embankment is placed, proceed with trenching. Begin all pipe installation at downstream end. Bell or groove ends of rigid conduit and outside circurnferential laps of flexible conduit facing upstream. Place flexible conduits with longitudinal laps or seams at sides. B. Comrgated Steel Pipe: Remove all loose excavated materials from bonom of trench and install bedding to required thickness. Insull pipe true to line and grade. Install remaining bedding material along sides of prpe to avoid any voids. Repair bituminous coating damage using similar coating material. Lubricate coupler bands. Vertical elongation caused by bacldrll operation shall not exceed 3olo of pipe diameter. Compact backfill to 85% AASIIIO T99 and continue to I' over rop ofpipe. C. Concrete Pipe: Exrend bedding around bell where bell and spigot pipe is used. Place pipe on bedding as sho\rn on drarvings. Place remaining bedding along pipe sides rvith no voids. Compact bacldll to 85% AASHTO T99 and continue to I' over pipe. D. Underdrain Pipe: General: Install to lines and grades shown on drau'ings. Extend underdrain material a minimum of6" over top ofpipe. Cover underdrain material for entire width of trench rvith filter fabric. If shown on drau"ings, line trench sith fabric before installing pipe and underdrain material. Concrete Pipe: Install sith bell resting on trench bottom facing up grade, n'ith underdrain material supporting pipe. 3. Comrgated Steel or PVC Pipe: Holes or perforations placed dorvn rvith maximum l" underdrain material under pipe. Joint according to nranufacturer's recommendations. 3.05 MANHOLECONSTRUCTION A. Manhole: Construct in accordance with drarvings. Extend concrete manhole base at least 8" below pipe barrel. Slope floor of manhole from centerline of pipe to maximum 2" above top of pipe at face of manhole. Shape invert after manhole is set. Construct side branches with as large radius of curvature as possible to connect to main invert. Invens shall be smooth and clean with no obstruction , allorving insertion of expandable plug in pipe. Place complete and continuous roll of joint sealant on base ring in sufficient qmntity, so there rvill be no spaces allowing infiltration. Join each succeeding manhole section in similar manner. Trim arvay all excess material and repair all lifting holes. Turn eccentric cone and steps away from roadway ditch. B. Manhole Ring and Cover: Install at grade of finished surface. Where surface will be completed affer manhole construction, set top of cone so maximum of six - two inch thick reinforced concrete rings rvill adjust ring and cover to final grade. 3.06 CONNECTION TO DflSTING MANHOLE DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, PIPES, AND FITTINGS - 02430 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. ^John .4- Dobson Arena J Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I T T Make connections to existing manholes, where no pipe is stubbed out, in similar manner as new manhole. Break small opening in existing manhole as necessary to insen new pipe and attain watertight seal. Chip existing concrcte bench inside manhole to provide enough thickness for mortar bed to make new smooth continuous invert. Place expandable waterstop around ponion of sewer pipe iruerted into €xisting manhole. Use erpandable groul to completely fill hole in manhole to create watertight repair. 3.07 CONCRETE WORK A' Placcment: Place to required depth and width conforming to drawings. Place concrete as uniformly as possible to minimize amount ofadditional spreading. Place and consolidate with suitable tools to avoid formations of voids, honeycomb, or pockets. Well vibrated and tamped against forms. B. Retempering: Do not retemper concrete or mortar which has partially hardened b1' remixing with or without additional cemen! aggregate, or water. Provide concrete in such quantity as is required for immediate use. C. Curing: Protect against loss of moislure, rapid temperature change, rain, or florving water, for not less than two days from placement of concrete. Immediately after finishing, cover concrete surface with curing medium which is applicable to local conditions as approved by Engineer. Protect exposed edge of concrete slabs br remo'r'ing forms imnrediately to provide these surfaces with continuous curing treatment. DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, PIPES, AND FITTINGS . 02430 Peak Cirdl Engineering, Inc, I John A- Dobson Arene O Additions and Renovations project I Peak Civil Engineerins. Inc. r 3oE BAcKFILL T I T I T t I I I t I I I I I I T A. One Foot Over Pipe: Use %" road base for cover malerial and baclfill by approved mechanical me tods. Cover material shall be clean, free from organic materials, chunks of soil, frozen material, debris or olher unsuitable materials. Place and compact starting at top of pipe bedding extending upwards to I' above top of pipe. Place in lifts to a density of 90olo AASIITO T99, at a point 6" abwe top of pipe. B. Remainder of Trench: Bacldrll with same materials excavated from work limits unless unsuitable. No boulders over 6" in diameter in top 12" of trench. No bacHrll material uith boulders larger than 18" in diameter. Carefully lorver boulders larger than 12" in diameter into trench until bacldrll is 4' over top of pipe. 3.09 COMPACTION A. Demonstrate method of compaction. Engineer will test compacted demonstration section for uniform density throughout depth of each lift. Alter construction methods until proriding one acceptable to Engineer. Continue same procedure until significant change in soils occurs, or required compaction is not being achieved, then demonslrate ne$' method. B. Compaction requirements for all trenches rvithin limits of pavemenl, shoulders, or back of curbs: L Predominately of cohesive soils u,here AASIITO T99 procures are applicable: Compact uniformly throughout each lift to 95% AASFf|O T99. 2. Predominately of rock, to 18" in diameter: Place in loose lifts up to a\erage rock dimension. Placing of occasional boulders of sizes larger than maximum layer thickness may be agreed to by Engineer, provided material is carefully placed and large stones sell distributed rvith voids completely filled rvith smallest stones, earth, sand, or gravel. Level and smooth each la]'er to distribute soils and finer fragments ofearth. Wet each loose lat'er as necessary to facilitate compaction prior to placing additional lifts. 3.IO CONCRETESTRUCTURES A. General: Cast-in place concrete conforming to dimensions shou'n on the drau'ings and accurate to tolerances of %" . Install forms so all finished lines $'ill be true and straight. lnstall reinforcing steel u'ith the spacing betrveen the forms and betrveen bars as shorvn on drarvings. Keep excavation dry during construction. Compaction requirements same as above. B. Inlets and Outlets: Either cast-in place or precast units, in accordance with dra$'ings. when required, set castings accurately to grade with adjustment courses of brick in full mortar beds. Construct pipe inverts or smooth conffete inverts same size as pipe up to centerline of pipe, with bench to stand on. C. Frames, Grates, Covers, and Steps: Install accurately according to drawings. Anchor castings in place and set in adjustment mortar to assure firm foundation. D. Trash Guards: Install in accordance with drawings and manufacturer's recommendations. DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, PIPES, AND FITTINGS . 02430 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. John .4,. Dobson Arena Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engincerlng, Inc 3.I I PAI|/EMENT REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT Score existing surface with cutting wheel to crcate clean brcak line. Remove and dispose of existing surface and aggregate base course. L,eave 6" of undisturbed subgrade lip on each side of trench. Aft€r trench has been backfrlled and properly compacted, place aggre$ate base course in acoordatrcc with p€mit rcquirernents or minimum thickness in these specifi€tions. Compact aggregate base course to 95% AASI|TO T180. Replace pavement in accordance with permit requirements or minimum thickness in these specifications. Compact asphalt to 95% ASTM D1559; consolidate with vibrators. 3.I2 FIELD OUALITY CONTROL Notiff Engineer at least 24 hours in advance of pipe being laid in any trench. Cover no pipes until observed by Engineer. 3.I3 CLEANI,JP AND RESTORATION Restore all pavements, curbs, gutters, utilities, fences, irrigation ditches. 1'ards, larvns, and other structures or surfaces to condition equal to or better than before work began, and to satisfaction of Engineer. Deposit all waste materials in designated waste arcas. Grade and shape disposal site. Complete topsoil and reseeding of site if required. Where disposal sites are not designated, remove and dispose of all waste materials off site. END OF SECTION 02600 DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, PIPES, AND FITTINGS - 02430 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I l I I t I I I I I I I JohnA-DobsonA"ena O Additions and Renovations project I peak Civil Engineering, Inc. I SECTION O25rO WATER SYSTEM PARTT GENERAL II I.OI DESCRIPTION I A. Work Included:r ' :ffil,",'fiijffHl'*11ff##r*$,?l3,lij,,l'ill;i;1Tl3i:1fi*:::*:,, necessary appurtances. I B. Related Work: l. Sile Clearing 021l0 ! C. Definitions: I l. Trench Excavation: Excavation of all material encountered along trench other than rockI excavation. 1; 2. Rock Excavation: All solid rock formation l'hich can not be reasonably broken by a backhoeI Xf.Jili:l',fi1,1ff:1,T$,1#.|n',:Hffii;[1T;:I,':?:liffi:i]i;'"1',lli;iff} considered rock excavation. f D. Eagle River Water and Sanitation District: All sork shall conform to the standard specifications for lrater lines as adopted in the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District specificationi. Complete I insullation must be acceptable to the Eagle River Water and Sanitation Districi. Eagle River Water and I Sanitation District inspections are required. t 1.02 SUBMTTTATS !A. Submit shop drarvings or prcduct data showing specific dimensions and construction materials for l. Valves and Valve Boxes2. Fittings 3. Fire Hydrants4. Vaults 5. Service Lines 6. Meters B. Test Reports: Submit laboratory gradation tests for gradation for bedding and trench stabilization materials, concrete mix design, hydrostatic testing, and disinfection tests C. Certificates: Submit copies of acceptance from Health Department prior to placing water s5'stem in sewice. D. Permits: Submit copies of all permits issued for project. I I I I I I wArER sysrEM - o2sro Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. T John A. Dobson Arena Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc I.O3 JOB CONDITIONS Environmcntal Requirements: Except by specific written authorization, cease concreting h-hen descending air temperature in shade and away from artificial heat falls below 35 degrees F and/or there is frost in subgrade. When concreting is permittcd during cold weather, temperature of mix shall not be less than 60 degrees F at time of placing. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.OI PIPE AND FITTINGS All ductile iron pipe and fittings shall meet the latest AWWA Specifications. A. Pipe: Duaile Iron Pipe: AWWA Cl5l, l'orking pressure 350 psi, minimum thickness class 52. rvith cement.monar lining, AWWA C104. Bituminous outside coating one mil thick. Pipe joints. pushon qpe utilizing rubber ring gasket, AWWA C I I l. B. Fiftings: Fittings shall be ductile iron and in accordance l'ith tle requirements of AWWA C153, pressure rating 350 psi. Mechanical joints shall conform to AWWA Cl I l. Bolts and nuts shall low-alloy steel. All fittings shall be cement-mortar lined, AWWA C104. Bituminous outside coating one mil thick. 2.02 VALVES The valras shall be the same size as the main. A. Gate Valves: Mueller A-2370. Can iron body rvith pressure rating 200 psi, bronze-mounted. AWWA C509. Resilient seat gate valve. Valves, flanged or mechanical joint as required. Valves rvith ring stem seal, two inch (2") square operating nut, open left. Use gate valves on all pipe sizes up to hvelvc inches (12"). B. Butterfly Valves: Mueller Class 200 B. Conforming to AWA C504. Tight closing with rubber seals fastened to ralve body. Open left. Use butterfly valves on all installations larger than 12 inches (12"). C. Valve Boxes: All buried valves shall be provided rvith a six inch (6") cast iron vah,e box, screr\' g'pe. The valra box shall be of a design s'hich rvill not transmit shock or s[ess to the vah'e and rvill have enough e.{ension capability to be raised to final street grade. The valve box shall be cast iron, adjustable screw tJ?e, with minimum five inch (5") diameter shaft provided rvith cover marked "WATER'. D. Pressure Reducing Valres: All pressure reducing valves shall be Golden-Anderson cushioned, single globe, pitot pattern, hldraulically operated with flanged ends. The valve body shall be of cast iron ASTM.I26 $'ith flanges conforming to the latest ANSI standards. The valve body shall be extra heavy construction throughout. The valve interior trim shall bc brolze B.62 as rvell as the main operation. The valve seals shall be easily renewable while no diaphragm shall be permitted wilhin the main valve body. All controls and piping shall be of non+onosive construction. All service stubouts are required to have pressure reducing valves located within the building. CLA-VAL and Watts pressure reducing valves may be considered as an acceptable alternative. WATER SYSTEM - 02510 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I T I I t F. I I I t t t t I T I I T I I I I I John A. Dobron Ar"rr" O Additions and Renot'ations Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc Air ReleaseA/acuum Valves: APCO series l40C as manufacnred by Valve and Primer Corp. The valve shall have a cast iron body, cover and baffle with a stainless steel float. The seat shall be fastened into the valve cover, without distortion, and shall be installed on all main line exteruions at the high points in the system. Check Valves: Golden-Anderson Silent Check Valve (Figure 280). Bronze mounted, AWWA C508. High strength cast iron gate with bronze gate ring. Bronze, back-faced seat ring. Solid Y- shaped hinge. 2.03 FIRE FTYDRANTS A. Fire Hydranrs: Mueller "Centurion" or "Waterous" conforming to AWWA Standard C502. Wotking pressure 200 psi. Six inch (6") mechanical joint inlet, minimum 5-l/4" compression- hpe main valve rvhich closes n'ith pressure, two 2-112" hose nozzle, and one 4-l/2" pump nozzle. Nozzle threads ANSI 826. Nozzles easily replaced in field with standard tools. Operating and cap nuts l-l/2" No. l7 Naiional Standard hex main valve opening left. Direction ofopening indicated be arrow cast on top of hydrant. Breakable section lvhich permits clean break at or near ground level, preventing rvater loss in case ofbreakage. Working parts renor"ble for mainlenance or repair without excavation. Operating mechanism non-rvetting, oil reservoir lubricated, with O-ring seals. Barel drain bronze mounted rvith at least trvo outlets, and operate automatically $'ith main valve. Fire hydrants must be installed at the end of all main lines. B. Fire H1'drant Ertensions: Same manufacturer as fire hydrant or approved equal, complete with barrel, operating rod, and all appunances. C. All h1'drants shall be installed rvith a guard valve to isolate hydrant for repair rvhile maintaining sen'ice to main. No sen'ice line taps r.r'ill be allowed between guard valve and h1'drant. Guard valves shall be installed a maximum of three (3') form the center ofthe fire hydrant. 2.04 SERVICE LINES A. Copper Tubing: Tlpe "K', ASTM 888-62. Connectiors to be compressed or silver soldered. B. Corporation Stops: Mueller 300 Ball Valve No. 8-25008 or b25028, AWWA C800. All brass construction uith conrpression connection. McDonald No. 4701 BT or:1704 BT, AWWA C800. C. Curt Stops: Mueller 300 Ball Curve Valve No. 25209 with compression connection, AWWA C- 800. Mc Donald Ball Cu$ Valve - 6100 T AWWA C800. D. Curb Boxes: Mueller H-10316. 2-ll2" shaft u'ith extension, Tyler l0lF with €rlension or equal. Shaft extensions over nine feet (9') u.ill not be permitted. E. Saddles: Mueller H-10500 or approved equal. Double flat strap design with ductile iron body. Conform to AWWA C800. 2.05 METERS A. AII meters shall be purchased ftom the Eagle River Water and Sanitation Distria and shall conform to the specifications in the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District specifications. B. Installation must be in freeze-proof, accessible area. I WATERSYSTEM - 02510 I Peak Civil Engineering, Inc John .d Dobson Arena I I I I T I I I I I I I I T I I I I I Additions and Renovations project Peak Civil Engineering Inc C. A telephone jack must be installed within five feet (5') of the meter to provide for future automated reading. D. Installation will be in approved vault as specified in the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District manual. E. Master Meter Vautts: All master metcr vaults will be required to have a six inch (6-) Rockwell turbine meter with a two inch (2") positive diqplacementlow flow meter. The Contractor shall submit a piping schematic to the Town of Gpsum and the Engineer prior to any installation. Refer to the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District manual. 2.06 BEDDING A. Granular material - % " scrcened rock. The bedding material shall be free of corrosive properties and shall conform to the following gndation limits when tested by means of laboratory sieves: %" Screened Rock Siere Size %" 3t8" No.4 No. 8 Total Percent Passine bv Weieht 100 90-100 40-70 0-15 0-5 B. Onsite l-l/2" minus well grade screened material, free from organic materials, chunks ofsoil, frozen material, debris, or other suitable materials may be considered for bedding. Use of onsite materials must be approl€d by Engineer and the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District. 2.07 TRENCH BACKFILL Bacldtll with same materials excavated from lork limits unless unsuitable. No boulders wer six inches (6") in top twelve inches (12") of trcnch. No bacldll material with boulders larger than eighteen inches (18") in diameter shall be bactdrlled in the trench. 2.08 POLYETI{ELENEENCASEMENT When required, a polyethylene encasement material shall be manufactured in accordance rvith AWWA C105, with the following additionat requirements. The raw material used to manufacture polyethylene film shall be Tlpe l, Class A, Grade E-1, in accordance with ASTM D-1248. 2,09 TI{RUST BLOCKS AND ANCHORS Concrcte thrust blocks and anchors shall be sized for the internal pipe pressure and soil bearing capacity. Standard sizes and shapes of thrust blocks and anchors are shown on the details. No thrust block shall be smaller than that size required for an eight inch (8") main. Thrust reaction blocking shall be concrete of a mix not leaner than I part cement to 2 l/2 parts sand and 5 parts stone, and having a compressive strength of not less than 3000 P.S.I. after 28 days, Megalug thnrst restraints may be substituted for concrete thrust blocking provided prior approval has been given by the Districl and the Engineer. WATER SYSTEM - 02510 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. 3.02 I I T I t I T I J I I I I I I I I I 1 John A Dobsoo Arena O Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc PART3 EXECUTION 3.OI TRENCHING A.Trench Excavation: Excavate to depths requfued. Confne excavation to work limits. Rock Trench Excavation: Prior to removal, nodry Engineer of areas requiring rock excavation. Trench Support: The trench shall be adequately supported and the safety of workers provided for by the most recent standards adopted by the occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standards Board. Sheeting and shoring shall be utilized where required to prsvent any excessive uddening or sloughing ofthe trench rvhich may b€ detrimental to human safety, to the pipe and appurtances being installed, to the existing utilities, to existing structures. or to an;' other facility or item. UNSTABLE TRENCH BOTTOM AND EXCAVATION IN POOR SOIL If the bottom ofthe excavation at subgrade is found to be soft or unstable or to include ashes, cinders, refuse, vegetable or other organic material, or large pieces or fragments ofinorganic material that cannot satisfactorily support the pipe or structure, the Contractor shall further excavate and remore such unsuitable material. Before the pipe or structure is installed, the subgrade shall be accepted b.v the Engineer and the Eagle River Water and Sanitation Departrnent. 3.03 BEDDING Install in conformance s'ith drau'ings. Place from minimum of 4" below bottom ofpipe to centerline for entire width. See drarvings for exact bedding details. 3.04 PIPE INSTALLATION A. General: Deliver, handle, store, and install in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations and the applicable paragraphs of AWWA C600, AWWA C603. and ASTM D2321. Carefully examine all pipe and fittings for cracks and other defects. Groove in bells of ductile iron pipe to be full and continuous or be rejected. Remote all foreign matter form interior and ends of pipe and appurtances before lorvering in to trench. Carefully lou'er all pipe, fittings, valves, and hydranf into trench piece by piece ro prevent damage to pipe materials, protective coatings, and linings. Do not dump into trench. During pipe laying, place no debris, tools, clothing or other materials in pipe. Keep trenches free from water during pipe laying andjointing. Dervatering oftrench is considered as incidental to construction and all costs are considered as included in contract prices. When pipe laf ing is not in progress, close open ends of pipe by watertight plug, or other means approved by Engineer. WATER SYSTEM - 02510 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc JonnA-nousonarena O Additions and Renovations project Peak Civil Engineering Inc I I I I T I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I B. Defleaion of pipe: Pipe deflections are discouraged. Do not exceed 50% of the deflection limits for each rype of pipe as rccommanded by pipe manufacturer. C. Pipe Jointing l General: Cut pipe for inserting valves, fittings, or closure pieces in a neat and workmanlike manner with no damage to pipe or lining. Leave smooth end at rightarylcs to axis ofpipe. 2. Mechanical Joints: Thoroughly clean tast 8" of spigot and inside bell to remove oil, grit, tar, and other foreign matter. Coat spigot and gasket with solution fumished by pipe manufacturer. Slip cast iron gland on spigot end of pipe rvith lip exension of gland toward spigot end. Coat gasket rvith joint lubriclnt and place on spigot end of pipe to be laid, with thick edge torvard gland. Push entire section forward to seat spigot in bell ofpipe in place. press gasket into placc within bell, even around entire joint. Move ductile iron gland along pipe into position for bolting all nuts with suitable torque rvrench. Alternately tighten nuts 180 degrees apan to produce equal pressuie on all parts ofgland. Pipe Size 3" 4"-24" Bolt Size Range of Torque 45-601 ft-tb 75-90 ft-tb 5t8"t/i' 4. Push+n Joints: Thoroughly clean exlerior 4" of spigot and inside bell ro remore oil, grit, tar, and other foreign matter. Place gasket in bell rvith large round side of gasket pointing inside pipe betl. Applv thin film ofjoinr lubricant orer gasket's entirc exposed surface. Wipe spigot end of pipe clean and insert into bell to contaci gasket. Force pipe into bell to manufacturer's jointing mark. Flanged Joints: Thoroughly clean faces of flanges of all grease. oil. and orher material. Thoroughly clean rubber gaskets and check for proper fit. Assure proper seating of flanged gasket. Tighten bolt so pressure on gasket is uniform. Use torque rvrcnches to insure uniform bearing. lfjoints leak n'hen hldrostatic test is applied, remove and replace gaskets and retighten bols. D. Thrust Restraint: Concrete thrust blocks are required. 3.05 SANITARY SEWER CROSSING WATER SYSTEM - 02510 Peak Cilil Engineering, Inc. A. Normal Conditions: Whenever possible lay water mains over sanitary se\\,ers to prwide vertical separation ofat least 18" between invert of water main and crorvn of selver. B. Unusual Conditions: If above separation cannot be met, use the following. l. Server passing over or less than 18' under water main. a. Replace sewer pipe with one continuous length of rvatertight pressure C900 PVC 20' long centered on water main. b. Sewer pipe encased in 6" concrete around pipe, and extend 10" either side of main. I I I I t t t I T I I t I I I I I I I John A. Dobson Arena Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc 2. Water mains passing under sewers: Ifvertical separation is less than 18", provide structural support for sewer. 3.06 TAPPING PIPE Use experienced workmen with tools in good repair and proper adapters for size of pipe being tapped. Drilling and tapping machines proposed for tapping directly into pipe agreed to by Engineer. If tap is improperly installed with leakage around threads or, in the opinion of the Engineer the connection is substandard, provide tap saddle at Contractor's expense. If damage to pipe can not be repaired by saddle, install approved repaired sleeve over damaged portion of main and retap at Contractor's expease. Install corporation stop and couplings, clanged coupling adapters, and service saddles to provide clean seat. Wipe gaskets clean before installation. Flexible couplings and flanged coupling adaper gaskets rnay be lubricated for installation on pipe ends. Insull in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Tighten bolts progressively from opposite sides until all bolts have uniform tightness. Use torque rwenches or other approved equipment. 3.07 SERVICE LINE Place true to line and grade in accordance with drawings, from nain line to curb stop or meter, in shortest direct route by continuous section of pipe rvith no splices. Locate a minimum of l0' horizontallv from all sewer lines or services. Terminate as shorvn on drawings. 3.08 VALVES AND HYDRANTS Carefully inspect valve and hydrant before installation. Clean interior. Operate ralve and hydrant to determine if parts are in proper uorking order, lilh valves seating and drain \alve operating propoly. Set plumb and secuely brace in place. Set hydrant rvith bury line at finished grade, with hose nozzles parallel to and pumper nozzle facing pavement, at least 6" behind curt or sidesalk. Provide drainage pit having 9 sq. ft. of surface area and 2 ft. of depth below seep hole. Bacldrll pit with l-l/2"$ashed rock to 6" above barrel drain hole. Provide thrust blocking at bowl end of each hydrant as shorvn on drau'ings. Do not obstruct barrel hole. Backfill h-ydrants and \alves with l-l/2" aggregate road base to subgrade. Valre boxes centered and plumb orer the operating nut. Valve boxes supponed b1' bricks or other means to prevent any shock or stress transmitted to pipe or valve. Set valve box covers to just below subgrade level to prevent damage during construction of surfacing. if applicable. Adjust to grade of surfacing. 3.09 PLUGGING DEAD ENDS Install standard plugs or caps at dead ends of all finings and pipe in accordance with drarvings. If dead end is not to be extended, place water service line as near to end as possible. Provide thrust blocking as required. 3.IO VAI.JLTS Construct vaults on line and grade as shown on drauings. WATER SYSTEM - O25TO Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. John A. Dobson Arena Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc 3.II CONCRETE WORK 3.12 BACKFILL A. 3.13 COMPACTION A. WATER SYSTEM - 02510 Peak Civil Engineering Inc. A. Placement: Place to required depth and width conforming to drau.ings. Place concrete as uniformly as poSsible in order to minimize the amount of addifional spreading. Place and consolidate with suitable tools to avoid formations ofvoids, honeycomb or pockets. Vibrate and tamp against forms.B. Retempering: Do not r€temper concrete or mortar rvhich has partial hardened by remixing with or without additional ccment, aggegate, or water. Provide concrete in such quantity as is required for immediate use.E. Curing: Protect against loss of moisnre, rapid temperature change, from rain, and flowing water for not less than two days from plaement of concrete. Immediately afler finishing cover concrete with curing medium which is applicable to local conditions as approved by Engineer. Protect exposed edge of concrete slabs by removing forms immediately to provide these zurfaces with continuous curing trErtment. One foot over pipe: Use %" screened rock for cover material and bacldlll by approled mechanical methods. Cover material shall be clean soil, free from organic materials, frozen material, chunks of soil, debris or other unsuitable nraterials. Place and compact starting at top of pipe bedding extending upu'ards to I ' above top of pipe. Place in lifts to a density of 90%, ASSHIO T99. Remainder of Trench: Bacldlll with same materials excavated from rvork limits unless unsuitable. No boulders over 6" in diameter in top 12" of trench. No bacldrll material sith boulders larger than 18" in diameter. Carefully lou'er boulders larger than 12" in diameter into trench until bacldll is 4' over top ofpipe. I t I I T I t I I I I I I T I I I I t B. B. Demonstrate rnethod of compaction. Engineer rvill test compacted demonstration seclion for uniforrn density throughout depth of each lift. Alter consl.nrction methods until acceptable to Engineer. Continue same procedure until significant change in soils occurs, or compaction is not being achieved, then demonstrate new method. Compaction requirements for all trenches: l. Predominantly cohesive soils where AASfilO T99 procedures are applicable: Compact top 12 inches of subgrade and each lift ofbackfill material to a minimum of 95% AASffO T99., l00o% near roaduals for top 2' of trench. 2. Predominantly rock to 18" in diameter: Place in loose lifts up to average rock dimension. Placing of occasional boulders of sizes larger than marimum layer thickness may be approved by Engineer, provided material is carefully placed and large stones are well distributed lvith voids completely filled with smaller stones, earth, sand, or gravel. I I t I T I I I I I I T I I I t I I T -,.r0nn A. uoDson Arena It Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc 3.I4 PAVEMENT REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT All street cuts must conform to Eagle County specifications. 3.I5 FIELD OUALITY CONTROL A. Noti$ Engineer at least 24 hours in advance of pipe being laid in any trench. Cover no pipes until observed by Engineer and/or Eagle County Water and Sanitation District representative. Notif Engineer at least 48 hours before pipe is to be tested. B. Hydrostatic Testing l. General: Perform pressure and leakage tests on all newly laid pipes. Test two or more valved sections not to exceed 1000 feet. Test first section ofpipe laid to veri$ if rvatenight Lay no additional pipe until first test section has passed tesrs. Furnish following equipment and rnaterials for tests, unless othenise directed by Engineer: 2 graduated containers 2 pressure gauges I suitable hose and suction pipe as required 2. Testing Procedure: Test each 1000 feet of line installed s'hile trench is partially backfilled and joints are left exposed for examination for leaks. Do not conduct pressure tests until 48 hours afler placement of concrete thrust blocks. After pipe has been parrially bacldilled, slorvly let rvater into line. Vent to allot'air in line to be released. Flush line as necessary for cleaning. Leave uater in line for 24 hours prior to pressure test. Test at l-l/2 times rvorking pressure, calculated for low point of test section, or I 50 psi, whichever is greater. Valve off pump and hold pressure in line for test. Test for two hours or as agreed to bv Engineer. At end of test operate pump until test pressure is again attained. Calibrare container of $?ter for pump suction to determine amount of uater to replace leakage. 3. Leakage Allo$ance: Leakage is quantity of $'ater necessary to refill line at end of test period. No installation rvill be accepted until leakage is less than: ALLOWABLE LEAKAGE PER IOOO' OF PIPE (in GPTI) 41,g. Test Pressure (psi) Nominal Pipe Diameter (inches) 6!1012 18 0.64 0.85 1.06 1.28 l.9l 0.59 0.80 0.99 l.l9 t.190.55 0.74 0.92 l.l0 1.66 0.50 0.67 0.84 l.0l l.5l0.45 0.60 0.?5 0.90 r.35 200 t75 150 t25 100 For pipe with l8' nominal lengtlu. To obtain allowable leakage for pipe rvith 20' nominal lengths, multiply the leakage values in the table by 0.9. If pipeline under test contains sections ofvarious diameters, allorvable leakage u'ill be the sum of computed leakage for each size. Reduce allowable leakage proportionately for sections less than 1000 ft. WATER SYSTEM. O25lO Peak Civil Engineering, Inc, John .{. Dobson Arena Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering Inc 3,16 FLUSHING AND DISINFECTING A' General: In accordance with AWWA C601. Acc€ptable cNorine disinfectants are calcium hyPochlorite granules, sodium hlpochlorite solutions, and calcium hlpochlorite tablets. B. Chlorine water solution method: Chlorine Required to Produce 25 ml Concentration in 100 feet of Pipe (by diamaer) Pipe t00%o t% Diameter (inch) Cilorine (h) Chlorine Solution (sal) I I I I I I I I I I I t I T I T T I I lllll lll22 12234 22245 3446746710 13 4 6 I l0 t2 t6 4 6I l0 t2 l6 0.013 0.030 0.054 0.085 0.120 0.2t7 0.16 0.36 0.65 t.02 t.44 2.60 Induce chlorine solution into pipe al a continuous feed rate to attain a concentration of25 mg/l free chlorine. Tablet Method: May not be used on soh'ent welded plastic pipe. May be used only shen all foreign materials have been kept out ofpipe. lf groundwater has entered pipe during installation and tablers have been installed, flush main and use chlorine-rvater solution method. Do not use if temperature is below 5 degrees C. Place rablets with non-toxic adhesive in each pipe lengrh in top of pipe in accordance with fotlon,ing table: Pipe Diameter (inches) Number of 5-g t{ypochlorite Tablets Required for Dose of 25 mfl* Length ofPipe Section (ft.) 13 l8 20 30 40 *Based on 3.25 g available chlorine per ublet, any portion of tablet rounded to next higher number. WATER SYSTEM. O25lO Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. 10 il I I t I T I t I I I I I I I I I I I T John .4- Dobson Arena Additions and Renovationiproject Peak Civil Engineering Inc. D. Chlorination Test: Aszure valves are closed on exiting system to prevent chlorine solution flowing_into existing system. Retain 25 mg/l chlorinited water in pipe for a minimum of 24 hours. During retention period operate all new valves and hydranG to disinfect. At end of 24 hour period, chlorine in system to be no less than l0 mg/l thioughout length tes(ed. when section tested meets l0 ml cNorine after 24 hours" flush main. water simples taken shall show no coliform organisms. If water in pipe does not meet the goveming health agency requirements, repeat disinfection procedure at Contnctor's expense, until requiremints are met. Furnish acc€ptance forms from gwerning agency to Engineer. Restore all pavements, curbs, gutters, utilities, fences, irrigation ditches, 1ards, las,ns, and other structures or surfaces to condition equal to or better than before work began, and to satisfaction of Engineer and Olner. Deposit all waste material to designated lvaste a.eas. Complete topsoil and reseeding of disturted areas if required. Where disposal site is not designated, remore and dispose of all tvaste off site. END OF SECTION 02510 3.17 CLEANI,JP AND RESTORATION WATER SYSTEM - 02510 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc I ; pREcAsrcoNcRErEpAvrNG sEcrroN02520 I PARTI-GENERAL I I,OI SUMMARY I A Work Included: Provide precast concrete pavers, complete, as shown and as specificd. I B Related Work:r E***titrg, f".kfilling and Compacting - Secrion 0 2300,02732 I C Unit pricins: per square foot.I I.O2 REFERENCES I A ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials I t.03 SUBMIfiALS t A Product Data: Manufacturer's current specifications and catalogue cuts for precast pavers and prefabricated edge restraint. |, B Samples: I l. Precast Pavers: Four (4) for each type and color. I 2. Prefabricated edge restraint: Two (2) linear feet. C Test Reoorts: t l. Compressive strength ofprecast pavers. 2. Chemical and physical composition ofsand used for the project.t 1.04 QUALTTY ASSURANCE I t A Oualifications: Show not less than 5 years experience in installation of slate systems similar to rhe work required for this project. I B Source: Single manufacturer and from the same batch. -C Mock-Up: 3 ft. x 3 ft., sullicient to show full color mix if solid color is not used. - t 1.05 DELTVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLTNG J A Labeling: Furnish standard products in manufacturer's standard containers bearing I original labels legibly showing quantity, type and name, address and telephone number of rnanufachrrer. I B Deliverv: Detiver paving stones and unload at the job site on pallets and bound in such a I rnanner that no damage occurs to the product during hauling, handling or unloading at the job site. I I t 02520 - 1 C Protection: Protect materials from staining or chipping. Replace damaged or defective stones at no additional cost to Owner. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 INTERLOCKTNG(PRECAST)PAVERS A Materials: Materials used to manufacture precast concretc pavers shall conform to the following: l. Portland Cement: ASTM C150. 2. Aggregates: ASTM C33 washed, graded sand and rock. No expanded shale or lightweight aggregates. B Compressive Strerieth: Minimum 8,000 psi in accordancc with testing procedures ASTM c140. C Typc. Size and Color: 1. UNI-STONE Interlockingpaverstonc 2. 80mm Thickness 3. Paverstone color shall match as closely as possible to existing paverstones on project sitc. Contractor shall submit proposed paverstone color for review and approval by owners representative. Manufacturer: Pavestone, Co. 9401 East 96s Avenue Hendersoq CO 80640 303-287-3700 Or approved equil. SAND LEVELING COURSE Tvoe: Clean sharp plaster sand without any clay content. Phvsical Characteristics: I l I I t I I 2.02 I I I I I T I I I t I A B Percent Passinq r00 95 76 47 l4 5 2 Sieve Size #4 #8 #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 02520 -2 I I I T I I I I I I T t T T I I I I T 101 2.03 PREFABRICATED EDGE RESTRAINT A. Type l. PVC paver edge restraint system consisiing of rigid and flexible sections, manufactured in l0' lengths, able to withstand service/ delivery truck vehicular loading. B. Manufacturer: Pave Tech Inc.- PaveEdge Rigid and PaveEdge Flexible Pavestone, Co. 9401 East 96fi Avenue Henderson, CO 80640 303-287-3700 Or approved egual. PART3 -EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A Verification: Verify that subgrade preparation for precasl paving has been completed prior to commencement ofwork and that subgrade has been graded to allow for placement ofaggregate base and sand leveling course. Verify that adjacent vertical surfaces (walls) and concrete paving (band) has been installed defining limits ofprecast Pavers. B Inspection: Inspect pavers to be clean and free of foreign materials before installation. C Notification: Notifr Landscape Architect of conflicts discovered on the site, or prior work done by others, which would prevent proper installation ofprecast paving. 3.02 PREPARATION A Agsresate Base Course: Install in accordance with drawings and details. B Prefabricated edger: Install according to manufacturers specifications and as shown on Drawings. Accurately align as shown, and install level and true to line and grade. C Sand Base Course: Place sand base course over aggregate base as shown on drawings by screeding and compacting until surface conforms to finish grades shown less depth of precast paving after vibration settling. INSTALLATION A Lavout: Minimize installation of pieces smaller than one quarter full size of precast paver. B Controls: Install precast paver plumb, level on the undisturbed sand leveling bed and tnre to line and grade. 02520 -3 oo c D &iglE: Install precast pavers hand-tight, eUSlAg: Use a masonry saw to cut precast paveE. END OF SECTION I T t I I I02520 - 4 I I I I I I t I T I I t I I I t I I T John A- Oobsoo Ar"rr" O Additions and Renovations project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc PARTI GENERAL I.OI DESCRIPTION A. Work Included: Excavation, bacldll, bedding, and installation of pipe, manholes, sen'ice uyes, service lines, force mains and all necessary appurtenances. B. Related Work: l. Clearing: Section 02110 2. Topsoil: Section 02489 C. Definitions. l. Trench Excavation: Excavation ofall material encountered along trench other than rock excavation. 2. Rock Excavation: All solid rock formations rvhich cannot be reasonabll. broken bv a backhoe with % cubic yard bucket curling force and stick croud force of 35,000 lbs. each, and requiring drilling and blasting. Boulders, large rocks, and chunks of concrete three cubic ]"rds or larger, considered rock excat'ation. D. Eagle fur'er Water and Sanitation District Specification: All rvork shall conform to the standard specifications for se*'er lines as approved by the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District specification. Complete installation must be acceptable to the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District. Eagle River Water and Sanitation District inspections required. I.O2 STJBMITTALS A. Submit shop drau'ings or product data shot'ing specific dimensions and construction materials for pipe, fittings, and manholes; or certifications that products conform tlith specifications. B. Test Repons: Submit laboratory gradation tests for bedding and trench stabilization materials, concrete mix design, and compression test. C. Permits: Submit copies of all permits issued for projea. I.O3 JOB CONDITIONS Environmental Requirements: Except by specific rvritten authorization, cease concreting t\hen descending air temperature in shade away from artificial heat falls belorv 35 degrees F. and there is frost in subgrade. When concreting is permitted during cold weather, temperature of mix shall not be less than 60 degrees F. at time ofplacing. SANITARY SEWER - 02530 Peak Civil Engineering Inc. SANITARY SEWERSYSTEM John.4,. Dobsoo Arena O Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering Inc. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.OI PIPE AND FTITINGS A. Polyvrnyl Chloride @VC): a"-15", ASTM D3034, Tpe PSM. SDR 35; l8'-27', ASTM F6?9. Push-on joints and molded rubber gaskets. Maximum pipe length l3'. B. Ductile Iron: AWWA Cl5l, Class 52. Pushon joints. Cement-monar lined. AWWA c104. C. Yelomine: Restrained joint PVC pressure pipe and fitings. Conform to ASTM D224I "Srandard Specilicatiom for PVC, pressure rated pipe (SDR Series)." D. Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe and Couplings: AWWA C900, rvorking pressure 200 psi, rvith push-on joints ASTM D1869. 2.02 MANHOLES A. Manhole bases: Precast concrete ASTM C478 B. Manhole Sections: ASTM C478. Precast concrete rvith minimum rvall thickness l/12 of internal diameter. Cones eccentric. C. Manhole Rings and Covers: Cast iron, ASTM A48. Ring and cover combined rveight greater than 255 lbs., machined to fil securely. Non-rocking cover. Hot dipped in asphalt. HS20 tra.ffrc loading. D&L A-1043 or equrl. D. Manhole Steps: Tno non-skid grooves in surface of step and capable ofcarrying load of 1000 lbs 6' from face ofmanhole. E. Manhole Joint Sealant: Rubberneck. One inch (1") on 48" diameter manholes. l-l/2" on all larger numben. 2.03 BEDDING A. Granular material - %" screened rock. The bedding material shall be free of corrosive properties and shall conform to the following gradation limits u'hen lested by means of laboraton' sieves: %' Screened Rock I I t I I I I I I I I Sie\e Size tA" %" 3/8" No.4 No. 8 SANITARY SEWER. O253O Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. Total Percent Passing by Weight 100 90-100 40-70 0-15 0-5 I I I I I I I I B. On-site l-l/2" minus rvell-graded screened material, free from organic materials, chunks of soil, frozen material, debris, or other unsuitable materials. Use of on-site bedding material must have prior written approval of the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District. I John A. Dob.on Aren" O Additions and Renovations project I Peak Civil Engineering, Inc I 2.04 CONCRETE MATERIAL I ^ General: All materials furnished ftom sources approved by Engineer. I B. Cement: ASTM Cl50 for Portland Cemenl, Tlpe II. Cement rvhich has become t partially set or contain lumps, caked cement and have been exposed to inclement neather I shall be rejecred. C. Aggregate: ASTM C33. I D. Water: Water used in mixing or curing concrete shall be clean and free from oils, acids. salt, alkali, or organic materials harnr.frrl to concrete. -r 2.0s coNcRETE MlXI A. Design Mix: a l. Proportions: Cement 5-ll2 sacks per cubic yard Coarse aggregate 437or il:$i;l$t"i!::1,?1,, l, 2. Slump: 4" maximumI] -3. Strength: Minimum 3,000 psi at 28 days f 4. Air Content'. So/n'l%" B. Job Mixed Concrete: Mixed in drum mixer conforming to Concrete Paving Mixer I Standards of Mixer Manufacturers Bureau of Associated General Contractors oft f,T:,,"r,r, *TJr'lli iil:'#ff1,:'"Bl$ilil.'Tf,1":"'f,ff,:'"?"li:iJT.iil: recharging. Continue mixing ofeach batch for not less l0 ninutes after all materials are in drurnI C. Ready Mixed Concrete: Proportioned, mixed, and transported in accordance rvith ASTMt C94. Any concrete no plastic and workable t'hen it reaches project shall be rejected.Ir 2.06 TRACERWIRE I - *-*0.*, be ten (10) gauge uninsulated copper wire. Tracer rvire shall be installed on all I Yelomine pipe u'here changes in alignment may uke place and/or rvhere curvilinear pipe installations occur. I SANITARY sEwER- o2s3o J Peak Ciril Engineering, Inc I T I John.d Dobroo A."n" O Additions and Renovations project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. PART3 EXECUTION 3.OI TRENCHING A. Trench Excavation: Excarate to depths required. Conline excavation to work limis. B. Rock Excalation: Prior to rcmorra! notif Engineer ofareas requiring rock excavation. C. Blasting: In general blasting will be allowed in order to expedite the rvork if a permit b1' the local authority having jurisdiction is granted. AII explosives and appurtenances shall be transported, handled, stored and used in accordance with the larvs of the local, state, and federal governments, as applicable. All blasting shall be controlled as not to injure any existing structure or facility. The protection oflife and property and all liability for blasting shall be placed solely on the person or persons conducting the blasting operation. The hours of blasting shall be in accordance nith the permit ofthe locat authority. Prior to blasting , provide minimurn 21 hour notification to Engineer. D. Trench Support: The trench shall be adequately supported and the safety of uorkers provided for as required by the most rccent standards adopted by the Occupational Safetl' and Health Administration (OSHA) Standards Board. Sheeting and shoring of shall be utilized where required to prevent any excessive widening or sloughing ofthe trench, u'hich ma1'be detrimental to human safety, to the pipe and appurtenances being installed. to existing utilities, to existing structures, or to any existing facility or item. 3.02 I.JNSTABLE TRENCH BOTTOM AND EXCAVATION IN POOR SOIL If the bonom of the excavation at subgrade is found to be soft or unstable or to include ashes. cinders, refuse, regetable or other organic material, or large pieces of fragments of inorganic material that cannot satisfaaorily zupport the pipe or structure, then the Contractor shall further excavate and remove such unsuitable material. Before the pipe or structure is installed, the subgrade shall be accepted by the Eagle Rirer Water and Sanitalion Distria. 3.03 BEDDING Install in conformance u'ith drawings. Place from minimum of 4" below bottom of pipe ro centerline for entire width of trench. 3.04 TJNDERDRAIN A. Water seeping from trench banks, but not flou'ing in trench bottom: Install gravel underdrain in accordance with drawings. B. Water flowing in trench botton: Install underdrain pipe in addition to gravel l'here rvater volume will fill a 4" pipe % full. Cleanouts at each manhole in conformance l'ith drawings. C. Daylight all underdrains as shown on drawings as directed by Engineer. SANITARY SEWER- 02530 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. I I I I I I I t I I I T I l I t t I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I l t t I T I John .d Dobson Arena Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc 3.05 PIPE INSTALLATION A. Construct pipe accurately to line and grade shown on drawings. Pipe installation may be lamped <Laity by Engineer or District. Remove and replace pipe not conforming to line and grade at contractor's a\peNe. B. Install to manufacturer's recommendations, continuously upgrade. Bell ends face upgrade. Prior to making joints, clean and dry all surfaces. Use lubricants in conformance with manufacturer's recommendations for insertion of pipe in joint. Set pipe in position and check line and grade. Keep dirt from entering all exposed pipe ends. Joints rvatertight. C. Wyes and Risers for Service Conneaions: Angle uptvard so l/8 bend connected to fitting will make sewice line invert equal to inside crown of ses'er main and cro$n of server. 3.06 WATERLINECROSSING A. Normal Conditions: Whenerer possible, lay $ater mains o\.er sanitary servers to provide vertical separation ofat least 18'betu'een invert of rvater main and crou.n of se$,er. B. Unusual Conditions: If above separation cannot be met, use the follorving: l. Sewer passing over or less than 18" under water main: a. One continuous length of rvatertight pressure pipe C900 PVC 20 feet long centered on l'ater main. Joints betrveen different pipes encased in concrete 6" thick and exlending 6" either side ofjoint, or b. Server pipe encased in 6" concrete around pipe, and extend l0' either side of rvater main. 2. Water mains passing under servers: Ifvertical separadon less than 18", prol'ide structural support for sewer. 3.07 MANHOLECONSTRUCTION A. Manhole: Construct in accordance with drawings. Extend concrete manhole base at least 8" belorv pipe barrel. Slope floor of manhole from centerline of pipe to maximum 2" above top of pipe at face of manhole. Shape invert afler manhole is set. Construct side branches with as large radius of curvature as possible to connect to main invert. Inverts shall be smooth and clean with no obstruction , allowing insertion ofexpandable plug in pipe. Place complete and continuous roll of joint sealant on base ring in suffrcient quantity, so there uill be no spaces allowing infiltration. Join each succeeding manhole section in similar manner. Trim away all excess material and repair all lifting holes. Turn eccentric cone and steps al'ay from roadrvay ditch. B. Manhole Ring and Cover: Install at grade of finished zurface. Where surface rvill be completed after manhole construction, set top of cone so maximum of six - two inch thick reinforced concrete rings u'ill adjust ring and cover to final grade. SANITARY SEWER - 02530 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc JohnA. DobsonA.ena O Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. 3.08 CONNECTION TO EXSTINGMANHOLE Make connections to existing manholes, where no pipe is stubbed out, in similar manner as new manhole. Break small opening in existing manhole as necessary to insert new pipe and attain watertight seal. Chip existing conoete bench inside manhole to provide enough thickness for mortar bed to make new smooth continuous invert. Place expandable wate$top around portion of sewer pipe inserted into cxisting manhole. Use expandable grout to completely fill hole in manhole to create watertight repair 3.09 SANITARY SEWER SERVICE LINES Place true to line and grade in accordance with drawings, from main line to house sen'ice, in shortest direct route. Locatel0' from all water lines. Terminate 5' from lowest corner of lot or as shown on drawings. Where wyes have not been installed in main seuer, tap by machine drilling hole in main, sized to fit saddle for service line. Each uye or drilled tap and saddle shall be inspected prior to bacldilling. Service line minimum grade of %" per foot. If service line is ro be stopped at property line, place 6-foot steel fence post at end, extending 2' above finished ground. Place rvatertight plug in end of service line. 3.IO CONCRETE WORK A. Placement: Place to required depth and rvidth conforming to drawings. Place concrete as uniformly as possible to minimizc amount of additional spreading. Place and consolidate rvith suitable tools to avoid formations of voids, honeycomb, or pockets. Well vibrated and lamped against forms. B. Retempering: Do not retemper concrete or mortar n'hich has partially hardened b1' remixing with or rvithout additional cemcnt, aggregale, or r4'ater. Provide concrete in such quantity as is required for immediate use. C. Curing: Protect against loss of moisture, rapid temperature change, rain, or florving $aler, for not less than t$o days from placement of concrete. Immediately after finishing, cover conqete surface with curing medium which is applicable to local conditions as approved by Engineer. Protect exposed edge of concrete slabs by removing forms immediately to provide these surfaces rvith continuous curing treatment. 3.I1 BACKFILL One Foot Over Pipe: Use %" road base for cover material and backfrll by approved mechanical methods. Cover material shall be cleaq fice from organic materials, chunks of soil, frozen material, debris or other unsuitable materials. Place and compact suning at top of pipe bedding exending uprvards to I' above top of pipe. Place in lifu to a density of 90% AASIITO T99, at a point 6" abwe top of pipe. Remainder of Trench: Bacldill with same materials excavated from work limits unless unsuitable. No boulden over 6" in diameter in top 12" of trench. No backfill material with boulders larger than 18" in diameter. Carefirlly lower boulders larger than 12" in diameter into trench until bacldill is 4' over top of pipe. SANITARY SEWER- 02530 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc I t I t I I I I I t I I I I I T I I ! B. I I ! I I t T 'I ! I T t I t t JohnA"DoorooA..n" I Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering Inc 3.I2 COMPACTION A. Demonstrate method of compaaion. Engineer will test compacted demonstration section for uniform density throughout depth of each liff. Alter construction methods until providing one acceptable to Engineer. Continue sarne procedure until significant change in soils occun, or required compaction is not being achiwed, then demonstrate new method. B. Compaction requirements for all trenches: l. Predominately of cohesive soils where AASIIO T99 procures are applicable: Compact uniformly throughout each lift to 95% AASHTO T99. 2. Predominately of rock 18" in diameter: Place in loose lifts up to alerage rock dimension. Placing of occasional boulders of sizes larger than maximum layer thickness may be agreed to by Engine€r, provided material is carefirlly placed and large stones well distributed with loids completely filled with smallest stones, earth, sand, or gravel. Lwel and smooth each layer to distribute soils and finer fragments of earth. Wet each loose layer as necessar] to facilitate compaction prior to placing additional li.fts. 3. Trenches outside paved areas: Compacr to 90% AASHTO T99. 3.I3 PAVEMENT REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT Score existing surface rvith cutting lvheel to create clean break line. Remove and dispose of existing surface and aggregate base course. Leave 6" of undisturbed subgrade lip on each side of trench. After trench has been bacldrlled and properly compacted, place aggregate base course in accordance rvith permit requirements or minimum thickness in these specifications. Compact aggregate base course to 95% AASFmO T180. Replace pavement in accordance rvith permit requirements or minimum thickness in these specifications. Compact asphalt to 95% ASTM D1559; consolidate u'ith f ibrators. Steet cuts nust conform to Eagle County specifications. 3.13 FIELD OUALITY CONTROL A. Notift Engineer at least 24 hours in advance of pipe being laid in any trench. Coler no pipes until obsewed b1'Engineer. Noti$ Engineer at least 48 hours before pipe is to be tested. B. Testing: l. General: Conduct infiltration or exfiltration test for each section between manholes. Test first section of pipe laid to veri$ if watertight. Testing ma)'be required during course of work where inliltration appears to be greater than maximum allowable, or quality of work is questionable. No server line rvill be accepted rvhere water tightness tests shorv leakage exceeding 200 gallons per inch diameter per mile per day. Flush and clean seser line prior to testing, wening pipe, and cleaning our debris. Plug all pipe outlets to lest pressure. 2. Infiltration Test: In high ground water table installation only. Plug upper manhole to determine leakage in section of line betrveen consecutit'e manholes. Record quantiq' of water collected in time period ro calculale infiltration rate. SANITARY SEWER. O253O Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. T I I JohnA-Dobsonnr"n" O Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineerlng Inc. Pipe Size (inches) 4 6 8 l0 t2 l5 t8 2l 24 3.I5 CLEANTJP AND RESTORATION 3. Exliltration test: Test each section of pipe between consecutive manholes to determine test duration for section by computation from Air Test Tables. Prcssure-holding time is based on arr average holding pressure of sewer line is raised to approximately 4.0 psi gauge. After intemal pressure of approxirnately 4.0 psi is obuined, allow time for air pressure to stabilize. Pressure l'ill normally shon' sonre drop until ternpsraturc of air in test section stabilizes. When pressure has stabilized and is at or above starting pressure of 3.5 psi gauge, commenc€ test. Before stafiing test, pressure may be allowed to drop to 3.5 pi. Record drop in pressure for test period. If pressure has dropped more tlun 1.0 psi gauge during test line has failcd. Test may be discontinued rvhen prescribed test time has been completed even though 1.0 psi drop has not occurred. ASTM C828 "Low Pressure Air Test for Sanitarv Sewers." I I I I I I I I' I I I ) I I Time (minutes) 2-Lt2 i 5 6-v2 7-v2 9-v2 t2 l4 t5-u2 Restore all pavements, curbs, gutters, utilities, fences, irrigation ditches. yards, larvns, and other structures or surfaces to condition equal to or better than before rvork began, and to satisfaction of Engineer. Deposit all waste materials in designated waste areas. Grade and shape disposat site. Complete topsoil and reseeding of site if required. Wherc disposal sites are not designated. remove and dispose of all rvaste materials ofr site. 3.16 POST-TELEVISING OF COMPLETED SECTIONS The Contractor will provide the Town of C4pzum a color video shou'ing the completed uork including the condition of the restored sen'ice connections prior to requesting pa]ment. Telet'ision inspection, tapes and repons shall be in accordance lr'ith relel'ant item. Upon completion ofthe installation work and testing, the Contractor shalt restore/clear the project area affected by his operations per the provision of the relevant item. END Otr'SECTION 02530 SANITARY SEWER - 02530 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. I I I I I I t I John.d Dobroo Aoo" O - Additions and Renovations project I Peak Civil Engineering, Inc I SECTION 02570 r TELEPHONE, CABLE TELEVISION, AND ELECTRTC SYSTEMS T PARTT GENERAL I l.0l pEscRrPTroN I A. Work Included: Excavatioq rock excavation, blasting, rock disposal, dewatering, bacldtll, bedding, compaction, installation of conduis, vauls, pads and all necessary appurtenances and coordination rvith the telephone, cable telEvision, electric companies. B. Related Work: l. Site Clearing: Section 02110 C. Definitions: t l. Trench Excavation: Excaration of all material encountered along trench other than rock excavation. ]t 2. Rock Excavation: All solid rock formations rvhich cannot be reasonably broken Va by a backhoe rvith % cubic yard bucket curling force and stick crou'd force 3 5,000 lbs each, and requiring drilling and blasting. Boulders and large rocks one cubic lard or larger, are considered rock excaration. I! D. Utility Company Specifications: All rvork shall conform to the standard specifications of I the telephone conpany, the cable television company, and the electric company. D I I.O2 SUBMITTALS ;| A. Submit shop drarvings or product data shouing specific dimensions and construction I materials for pipe, fittings, and vaulls: or certificarions that products conform sith specifications. I B. Test Reports: Submit laboratory gradation tesrs for bedding and trench stabilization tr materials, concrete mix desigq and compression test I C. Permits: Submit copies of all permits issued for projea.rI l.o3 JoB coNDITIoNS L Environmental requircments: Except by specific written authorization, cease concreting \r'hen I descending air temperature in shade and away from artificial heat, falls belorv 35 degrees F, and there is frost in subgrade. When concreting is permitted during cold wealher, temperature of mix hall not be less than 60 degrees F at time ofplacing.trr|l4 PART2 PRODUCTS I *t r"" ^* rt--*I]E A. Polyvinl'l Chloride (PVC): 2"-8", Schedule 40 PVC. - I 2,02 VAI,JLTS Il Telephone, Cable Television, and Electric Systems - 02570 I n Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. t John.4. Dobson A"eoa O Additions and Renovations project Peak Civil Engineering Inc All $/itchgear, transformer, splice vaults, pads, and bases to be supplied by Holy Cross ElectricAssociatio4 Inc. 2.03 BEDDING A. Granular marcrial - %- screened rock. B. On-site l'l/2' minus well graded screened material, ftee from organic materials, chunks of soil, frozen marcrial, de,bris, or other suitable materials. Use of on-site betlding rnaterial must have prior written approval of the utility company and Engineer. 2.04 CONCRETEMATERIAL A. General: All materials furnished from sources agreed to by the District. B. cement: ASTM c-150 for pordand cement, Type II. cernent which has become partially set or contains lumps of caked cement !-hall be rejected. C. Aggregate: ASTMC33. D. Water: Water used in mixing or curing concrete shall be clean and free from oil, acids, salt, alkali, or organic materials harmfiil to concrete. 2.05 CONCRETE MIX A. Design Mix t T I I I l I l. T I I I t I T I I I I T 2. 4. Proportions: Cement 5-l/2 sack per cubic yard Coarse aggregat e - izrl" Water - 5.5 gallons per sack Maximum size aggregate - t/," Slump: 4" maximum Strength: Mnimum 3,000 psi at 28 days Air Content: 5-7% Telephone, Cable Television, and Etectric Systems - 02570 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc I I I I T I T I t I I t t I ,l I T John.{. Dobroo Ar"o" O Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc B. Job-Mixed Concrete Mixed in drum mixer conforming to Concrete Paving Mixer Standards of Mixer Manufacturers Bureau of Associated General Contractors of America. Mixer shall be capable of combining aggregates, cement, and water into thoroughly mixed and uniform mass. Discharge entire contents of drum before recharging. Continue mixing of each batch for not less lhan l0 minutes affer all materials are in drurt. C. Ready Mixed Concrete Proportioned, mixed and transported in accordance with ASTM C94. Any concrete not plastic and workable rvhen it reaches project shall be rejected. PART3 EXECUTION 3.OI TRENCHING A. Trench Excavation: Excavate to depths required. Confine excavation to rvork limits. B. Rock Excavation: Prior to removal, notiry Engineer of areas requiring rock excavation. C. Blasting: In general, blasting will be allowed in order to expedite the rvork if a permit br the local authority having jurisdiction is granted. All explosives and appuertances shall be transported, handled, stored, and used in accordance rvith the laws ofthe local, state and federal governments, as applicable. All blasting shall be controlled so as not to injure any existing structure or facility. The protection of life and property and all liability for blasting shall be placed solely on the person or persons conducting the blasting operation. The hours ofblasting shall be placed solely on the person or persons conducting the blasting operation. The hours of blasting shall be in accordance rvith the permit of rhe local authoriS'. Prior to blasting. provide minimum 24 hour notification to Orvner, Engineer, and Fire Department. D. Trench Support: The trench shall be adequately supported and the safeq' of workers provided for as required by the most recent standards adopted by the Occupational Safetv and Health Administration Standards Board. Sheeting and shoring shall be utilized u'here required to prevent any excessive rvidening or sloughing ofthe trench, which mal' be detrimental to human safety, to the pipe and appurtenanes being installed, to existing utilities, to existing structures, or to any other existing facility or item. 3.02 UNSTABLE TRENCH BOTTOM AND EXCAVATION IN POOR SOIL If the bottom of the excavation at subgrade is found to be soft or unstable or to include ashes, cinders, refuse, vegetable or other organic material, or large pieces or fragmenls of inorganic material that qmnot satisfactorily support the pipe or structure, then the Contractor shall further excavate and remove such suitable material. Before the pipe or structure is installed, the subgrade shall be accepted by the Engineer. 3.03 BEDDING Install in conformance rvith drawings. Place from minimum of 3" belou'bottom ofpipe to centerline for entire *idth of trench. Telephone, Cable Television, and Electric Systems - 02570 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. I t John A. Dobson Arena Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. 3.04 TJNDERDRAIN A. Water seeping form trench banks, but not florving in trench bottom: lnstall gravel underdrain in accordance rvith drarvings. B. Water flowing in trench bottom: Insall in addition to gravel where water volume will fill a 4" plpe % firll. Cleanours at each manhole in conformance with drawings. C. Daylight all underdrains as shown on drawings as directed by Engineer. 3.05 PtrE INSTALLATION A. Construct pipe accurately to line and grade shown on drarvings. Remove and replace pipe not conforming to line and grade at contractors expense. B. Install to manufacturer's recommendations, continuously upgrade. Bell ends face upgrade. Prior to making joints, clean and dry all surfaces. Use lubricants in conformance with manufadurer's recommendations for insertion of pipe injoint. Set pipe in position and check line and grade. Keep dirt form entering all exposed pipe ends. Joints watertight. 3.06 PADS AND VAIJLTS Install pads and raults to line and grade shovvn on drar{ngs. 3.07 PTJLL STRING Pull string shall be placed in all conduit to facilitate placing cable. 3.08 CONCRETE WORK A. Placement: Place to required depth and s{dth conforming to drarvings. Place concrete as uniformly as possible in order to minimize amount of additional spreading. Place and consolidate with suitable tools to avoid formations ofvoids, honeycombs, or pockets. Well vibrated and tamped against forms. B. Retempering: Do not retemper concrete or mortar which has partially hardened bv remixing with or rvithout additional cement, aggregate, or water. Pror"ide concrete in such quantity as is required for immediate use. C. Curing: Protect against loss of moisture, rapid temperature change, rain, and florving $ater, for not less than tuo days from placement of concrete. Immediately afier finishing, cover concrete surface with curing medium which is applicable to local conditions as approved by the Engineer. Protect exposed edge of concrete slabs exposed by removing forms immediately to provide these surfaces with continuous curing treatment. 3.09 BACKFILL A. One Foot Over Pipe: Use %" screened rock or on-sile screened material (if approved by Engineer) for cover material and bacldrll b1'approved mechanical methods. Cover material shall be clean soil, free from organic materials, chunks of soil, frozen material. debris or other unsuitable materials. Place and compact starting at top of pipe bedding exlending upwards to above top ofpipe for entire trench width. Place in lifts to a density of90% AASIITO T99. Telephone, Cable Television, and Electric Systems - 02570 Peak Civil Engineering Inc. I T I I I T I I I t I I I T I I s I I I ! I I il I t n I T I t I I I I t l t .ronn A. DoDson Arena o Additions and Renovationlproject Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. B. Remainder of Trench: Bacldll with same materials excavated from work limits unless unsuitable. No boulders over 6" in diameter in top 12" of trench. No backfill material with boulders larger than 18" in diameter. Carefully lower boulders larger than 12" in diameter into trench until bacldll is 4' over top of pipe. 3.IO COMPACTION A. Demonstrate method of compaction. Engineer will test compacted demonstration section for uniform density throughout d@lh of each lift. Alter construaion methods until. providing one acceptable to Engineer. Continue same procedures until significant change in soils occurs, or compaction is not being achieved, then demonstrate new method. B. Compaction requirements for all trenches: l. Predominantly of cohesive soils where AASHTO T99 procedures are applicable: Compacted uniformly throughour each lift to 95% AASHTO T99. 2. Predominantl5' of rock 18" in diameter: Place in loose lifts up to arerage rock dimension. Placing of occasional boulders of sizes larger than maximum layer thickness may be agreed to by Engineer, provided material is carefully placed and large stones rvell distributed with voids completely filled rvith snaller stones, earth, sand, or gravel. Level and smooth each layer to distribute soils and finer fragments of earth. Wet each loose la1'er as necessa4' to facilitate compaction prior to placing additional liffs. 3. Trenches outside road right-of-way: Compact to 90% AASI{TO T99. 3.I I PAVEMENT REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT Score existing surface with cufting rvheel to create clean break line. Remove and dispose of existing surface and aggregate base course leave 6" undisturbed subgrade lip on each side of trench. After trench has been bacldrlled and properly compacted, place aggregate base course in accordance uith permit requirements, or minimum thickness in these specifications. Compact aggregate base course to 95% AASHTO T180. Replace pavement in accordance with permit requirements or minirnum thickness in these specifications. Compact asphatt to 95% ASTM D 1559; consolidate concrete lith vibrators. Street cuts must conform to Town of Glpsum specifications. 3.12 FIELD OUALITY CONTROL A. Noti$ Engineer at least 24 hours in advance ofpipe being laid in any trench. Cover no pipes until observed by Engineer. Notif Engineer at least 48 hours before pipe is to be tested. B. Testing l. General: Conduct testing in accordance with procedures approved by the appropriate utility company. Telephone, Cable Telerision, and Electric Systems - 02570 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. John .A. Dobson Arena Additions and Renovations ProJect Peak Civil Engineerlng, Inc 3.I3 CLEANT'P AND RESTORATION Restorc all pavements, curbs, gutters, utilities, fenccs, irrigation ditches, yards, lawns, and other structures or surfaces to condition equal to or better than before work began, and to satisfaction of Engineer. Deposit aU waste material in designared $astc arcas. Grade and shape disposal site. Complete topsoil and rcseeding ofsigh! is required. Wherc disposal sites are not designated, remove and dispose of all waste material ofi site. END OT'SECTION 02570 Telephone, Cable Television, and Electric Systems - 02570 Peak Civil Engineering Inc I I I I t I I T t I I il I I I T I t I I ! I I t T I t I I I I I I I t I I 1 o sEcTtoN 02620 SUBDRAINAGE PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Seclion Includes:L Droinoge pipe ond fiiling ot foundqtions.2. Curtoin type droinoge ot foundotion wolls.3. Droinoge pipe under bosemenl or ground floor slob.4. Free droining grovel ot droin.5. Droinoge pipe to doylight ond concrele ouffoll. B. Reloted Requirements: Comply with:l. Concrete Work: Division 3 Concrete. C. Reloled Sections:l. Trenching ond Eorth Bockfilling: Section 02300 Eorthwork.2. Bockfill Over Droin System: Section 02300 Eorthwork.3. Under Slob Grovel: Seclion 02300 Eorthwork. 1.02 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A' Deliver ond store moteriols in qccordonce with Section Ol600. Stockpile ond sloremoleriols so noi fo bury or domoge. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI DRAINAGE PIPE A. Types: Perforoted odjocent io building foundolions, ond under floor sides; unperforoied elsewhere. unperforoled Pipe: Rigid polyvinyl chloride sewer pipe ond solvent welded fittingscomplying with ASTM D2779. Perforoled Pipe: Perforoted rigid polyvinyl chloride leoching syslem piping ond solvenlwelded fitlings complying with ASTM D2229. provide solid end cops ol'ler-minolions. Filtings: Provide oll stondord fittings required os well os tronsitions from differenl pipe diomelers. CLEANOUTS cleonoul Pipe ond Fitiings: cosl iron soil pipe. provide eqch cleonoul wilh o brossfenule qnd cosl brqss screw joinled plug wilh socket for wrench. provide floor cteonouts or woll cleonouls os indicoled. D. 2.02 A. oA 9906 02620-l 2.03 ACCESSORYMATERIALS A. Prefobricoted Droinoge Boord:l. Products: ._ o. Merconfile Developmenl Geofob Fin Core Droinoge System.b. Eljen Development Etjen Curtoindroin.c, ENKA ENKAdroin.d. Mirofi Inc. Mirodroin.e. Accepled Subslitute in occordonce with Section 01600. B. Pervious Bockfill Moleriol: Coorse Aggregole:3/4 inch crushed woshed rock occepted by Geotechnicol Engineer. C. Prolective Covering for Pervious Bockfill: Mirofi l40N or occepted substitute in occordonce wifh Seclion 01600. Submil somple for occepfonce. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. Generql: 'l . Keep lrenches dry during instolloiion of droinoge syslem.2. Use fittings ot interseclions ond right ongle intersections. B. Bedding:l. Ploce groded bedding prior to loying of foundolion droin pipe or tite.2. Resl eoch seclion firmly upon the bedding, through entire length.3. Foundotion Droin: Loy on minimum depth of 3 inches.4. Under Slob: Loy on minimum depth of 2 inches. C. Pipe Loying:l. Loy droin lines io uniform grodes ond olignmenl, wifh coniinuous foll in direction of flow with minimum slope of l/8 inch per foot.2. Cleon interior of pipe or tile thoroughly before being loid.3. Loy perforoted pipe with perforolions focing down.4. Remove ond reloy ony length lhot hos hod ils grode or joints disturbed.5. Tie info existing droin os indicoled. D. Chonges in Direcfion: Moke with 90. ell fitfings. Jointing: Solvenl weld fittings Cleonouf: Provide cleonouts ot locqtions indicoted. I . Unpoved Areos: Set in | 2 inch x 12 inch concrete blocks. Comply with Division 3. G. Concrete Outfoll: Construcl in occordonce wilh requirements of Division 3. Locoie os indicoted on Drowings. H. Bockfilling: l. After pipe instolloiion hos been occepted, ploce pervious bockfill moteriol on eoch side ond top of tile lo dimensions indicoted. I I I I T I I I I I I ! I T I T I I I E. F. oA 9906 0262G2 llr 2. When plocing crushed rock bockfill, prevenl disptocemenf of or injury lo pipe or tile.3. Ploce proleclive covering full widlh of hench, over pervious boctRlt befoie ofherr bockfilt is ploced under Secfion 02300.I fl END OF SECTIONI T I I I oA eeo6 7 I I I t il I I I I I 02620-3 | fljn,f,;?rrlffir"r,rli,o3"",o, I Peak Civil Enqineerinc. Inc a sEcTroN 02732 ROADWAY BASE II PART1 GENERALI I.OI DESCRIPTION I A. Work included: Preparing surface of subgrade after utility contractors have completed insullation of all utilities and furnished and placing one or more counes of aggregate in conformance rvith lines, grades, and typical sections shorvn on drawings. r B. Related Work: l. Earthwork: Section 02200 I - 1.02 SUBMITTALS -f, A. Test Reports: If requested, furnish proposed source of materials and copies of tests from-, cerlified and acceptable testing laboratory: l. Sieve analysis - ASTM Cl36 I 2. Wear Abrasion- ASTM Cl3l I 3. LiquidLimit-AASHTOT8g,T9o 4. Moisture Density Cun'es - AASHTO T99 ,[ f PART2 PROpUCTS 2.OI AGGREGATE IJ A. Aggregate shall conform to follorving gradation: ' Sieve Percentage by Weight passing square Mesh Sieves I Size chss I class 2 class 4 ctass 5 class 64" 1003" 100 95-100 f! 2- 95-100 - 100r-112" - 90-100 fr %" - 50-90 - I00a No.4 3065 - 30-50 3o-zo 30-65 No. 8 - 25-55 No.200 3-15 3-15 3-12 3-15 3-t2 I Liquid Limit not greater than 35 for Class 2; 30 for Class 4, 5, or 6. I Plasticity Index not exceeding 6. Ir B. Requirements for this Project: Furnish Class 6 aggregate for this Project. llI II RoADwAY BASE-02732 IV Peak Ciril Engineering, Inc I John A. Dobson Arena Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. PART3 EXECUTION 3.OI PREPARATION A. Subgrade Preparation: Shape and compact to cronn, line, grades, and typical cross section shown on drawings before placing base material. Compact to 95% ASTM-698 3.02 MDCNG The Contractor shall mix the aggregate by methods that insure a thorough and homogenous mixture. 3.03 PLACEMENT If required compacted depth of aggregate base course exceeds 6", construct in trvo or more lal ers of approximately equal thickness. Maximum compaaed thickness of any one laler shall nor exceed 6". When vibratory or other approved types of special compacting equipment are used, compacted depth of single layer may be increascd to 8" upon apprwal of Engineer. 3.04 SHAPING AND COMPACTION Compact each layer to 95% ASTM-698. Maintain surface of each layer during compaction so rhar uniform texlure is produced and aggregates are firmly keyed. Appll' nater uniformly during compaction so moisture content is rvithin 2olo of optimum. ENII OF SECTION 02732 ROADWAY BASE - 02732 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc I ! I I I I I I I I l T I ! I t .T I I Additions and Renovations Project I Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. I SECTION 02741 I John.d Dobson Arena I I PARTT GENERAL ASPHALT PAVING. O274I I Peak Civil Engineering Inc. T ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING T I I I.OI DESCRIPTION I A il;:['*r]ij::iHjil"f;,f1ll3;lJ'lJ:fiffi,ffi'|ll#::ifr',li:,:i:1ff:.j.,,. drawings. I B. Related Work: I l. RoadrvayBase: Section2732 I l.o2 ouAt-rry ASSURANCE A. Source: Engineer shall have access to batching plant at all times work is in progress. B. Record of Work: Contractor shall keep record of time and date of placement, temperature, and weather conditions. Retain until completion and furnish copl'to Engineer. C. Owner rvill arrange and pa1'for all field tests to determine compliance ofbase course and pavement materials and compaction with the specification and the approved design mis formula. - I.O3 SUBMITTALS r A. Samples: If Requested, provide samples ofproposed materials. I B. Test Reports: If requested furnish copies of tests from certified and acceptable testing t laboratory: l. Aggregate - AASHTO T96 I 2. Tar - AASIITO M52 Grade RTC B-5, Ml18. 3. Liquid Asphalt - AASHTO M8r, M82; ASTM D2026 I 4. Emulsified Asphalr - AASIITO Ml40 5. Compaction - AASIITO T230 t 6. stability and now - AASHTO T245 I C. Job Mix Formula: Provide Engrneer proposed mix design based upon aggregates to beI used. l. Submit design mix to Engineer for approval along with Marshall series performed by an independent laboratory. 2. SubilityperASTMDl559: 1500lb.minimum I I John A. Dobson Areo" O Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Enginecring Inc. 3. FlowperASTMDl559: .08to.16inch 4. Air Voids percentage per ASTM D1559: 3 to 5 perc€nt 5. Use an anti-stripping additive form the approved list of additives in Chapter 400 of the Colorado Department of Highuays Field Materials Manual 6, Mnimurn Asphalt content: I.O4 DELIIyERY. STORAGE. AND HANDLING A. Transpon mixnues form mixing plant in trucks having tight" clean, non-sticking compartments. When transporting, provide covers to protect from $'eather and prwent loss of heat when temperature is below 50 degrees F. During temperatures belo$' 50 degrees F on long distance deliveries, provide insulation around entire truck bed surfaces. r.05 JoB coNpmroNsA. Environmental Requirements: Do not place asphaltic concrete on 1r'et surfaces. or shen temperalure is belorv 40 degrees F, unless agreed to by Engineer. B. Protection: Affer final rolling, do not permit vehicular trafic on asphaltic concrele parement until cooled and hardened. Provide barricades, flagmen, and s'arning devices as required to protect pavement. Mainuin pedestrian and vehicular tralhc as required. Cover openings of structures in paving until permanent coverings are placed. D. Confirm in writing, aggregate base @urse constructed by others has been compacted to requirements of these specifications. Use any means necessary to proof roll or test to confirm aggregate base is satisfaaory to receive asphaltic concrete. NotiS in rvriting to Ovuner any deficient areas so they may be brought into conformance sith specifications prior to placement of asphaltic concrete. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI AGGREGATE Clean, hard, durable particles of crushed stone, cnrshed gravel, natural gravel, or crushed slag sith not more than 45olo of wear, AASHTO T96. Sizes #8 and larger, tolerances + 8%; #30 + 37o; rvhere 100% passing, no tolerance. Percentage by Weight Passing Square Mesh Siwes t I I I I t t I I t II I I T t I I t I t-v2" t" t/;, 3/8" #4 #8 #30 #200 Grading G 100 90-100 63-85 46-78 22-54 t347 4-26 l:7 Grading c r00 90-100 ?0-89 60-88 44-12 3042 l2-38 5-l Grading cx 100 90-100 74-89 50-78 32-64 l2-38 J-l Grading F 100 ot-tt 7-13 ASPHALT PAVING. O274T Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. I I I John.{. Dobson Arena O Additions and Renovations prdect Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. Use Grading CX for this projea. 2.02 ASPHALTIC CEMENT AASIilO M226, Penetration Grade Bj-100. Use AC-10 for all paving. 2.03 TACK COAT One ofthe following, grade and tJpe as recommended by supplier: A. Emulsified asphalt, AASHTO Ml40 B. Cationic emulsified asphalt, AASIIIO M208 2.04 MIX DESIGN A. Determine design mix based upon aggregates to be used. l. Submit design mix to engineer for approval along $'ith Marshall series performed by an independent laboratory. 2. Stability per ASTM Dt559: t500 Ib. minimum 3. Florv per ASTM D1559: .08 to .16 in. 4. Airroids percenuge per ASTM D1559: 3 to 5% 5. Use an anti-stripping additire form the approved lists ofaddirives in Chapter 400 of the Colorado Department of Highrvays Field Materials Manual. 6. Minimum Asphalt content: 5.8% Furnish aggregate gradation. Accepted design mix shall meet compaction requirements of these specifications. 2.06 MIXING t I I B. c. E. T I I T t I IrI I I t I I I B. c. General: Comply with ASTM D995 for material storage, control, mixing, and plant equipment and operation. Aggregates: Keep each component of various-sized combined aggregates in separate stockpiles. lvlaintain so separate aggregate sizes will not be intermixed and to prevent segregation. Heat-dry aggregates to reduce moisture content to not more than 2o%. Deliver dry aggregate mixer at recommended temperature to suit penetration, grade, and viscosiq' characteristics of asphaltic cement, ambient temperature, and workabilig' of mixture. Asphaltic Cement: Heat bitumen to viscosity at which it can be uniformll' distributed throughout mixlure. Select temperature range of 215 degrees F to 350 degrees F to suit temperature - viscosity characteristics of asphalt. Do not exceed 3 50 degrees F. Mixing: Accurately weigh or measure dry aggregates and u'eigh or meter asphaltic cement to comply rvith job-mix formula requirements. Mix aggregate and asphaltic ASPHALT PAVING - 02747 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. John A Oobron n""o" O Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. cement to achieve 90-95o/o coated particles for surface mixtures rvhen tested in accordance with ASTM D2489. PART3 EXECUTION 3.OI PREPARATION OF SIJRFACES Base Course: Blade, shape, and smooth aggregate base course to uniform section. Remove loose materials. Clean the surface to be paved by mechanical sll€epers, blorvers, or hand brooms, until surface is free from dust. If time lapse from final shaping to placement is longer than 24 hours, reshape, $€t and compact surface, or apply prime coat. When prime coat is used, apply at rate of 0.3 gallons per square yard as soon as praclicable after surface has been prepared and is sufficiently dry. Calibrate distributor and furnish calibration to Engineer. Adjust spral' nozzles and spray bar to provide uniform distribution of prime coat. Cease immediately upon clogging or interference of any nozzle and correcl before distribution is resumed. Protect adjacent surfaces from prime coat material. Remore prime oat from adjacent surfaces. Retum to same condition prior to work beginning. Maintain prime coat and/or base course surface until covered by asphaltic concrete. Where prime coat has been applied for 48 hours, and has not dried suffrciently, materials ma1' be blotted l'ith ^Egregate in manner agreed to by Engineer. Clean anl'damaged area of all loose material, and repair base course to satisfaction ofEngineer. Reapply prime coat. B. Existing Surfaces: Clean ofall foreign materials. Fill holes and lou'places rvith leveling courses and compact prior to surface placement. Tack coat existing surface at 0.1 gallon per square yard. Apply only to areas on n'hich surfacing is to be placed inrmediatell'. Do not exlend more than 2000' ahead of paring equipment. Prerent traffrc from travelling on tack coat. 3.02 FRAME ADruSTMENTS Set frames of structures to final grade. Place compacted asphaltic concrete to top of frame. If permanent covers are not in place, provide temporary covers over openings until compaction is complete. Where frames and covers are paved over, mark so crervs can find on an emergenry basis until cut out and adjusted to final surfacing. 3.03 PLACEMENT Place at temperatures of not less than 280 degrees F, or more than 350 degrees F. If temperature is below 50 degrees F and falling, asphaltic concrete mix shall not be less than 300 degrees F, u'hile on trucks just prior to laydown. Mechanical, self-porvered parers shall be capable of spreading mix within specified tolerances, true to line, grade, and crorvn as indicated on drawings. Road grader equipped rvith automatic blade control may be used for leveling courses. Pavers shall be equipped rvith hoppers and distribution screws rvhich place mix evenly in front of adjustable screeds. Screeds shall be adjusuble for height and crorvn, equipped rvith controlled heating dwice for use as required. Screed shall strike offmix without tearing, shaving or gouging surface, to depth and cross-section specified, q'ithout aid of manual adjustment during operation. Pavers shall be capable of placing courses in thickness' from %" to 4" and from widths of 8' ro l5'. Erlensions and cut-off shall permit changes in u"idths by increments of 6". Strike finish surface smooth; true to cross section; uniform in density and texture: free form hollorvs, transverse corugations, and other irregularities. Paint contact surfaces ASPHALT PAVING - 02741 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. I t I I t T T I I t I I T I I I I I B. t I John A. Ilobson Arena B. c. I I T I I I I I I I T I t I t I I I Additions and Renovations project Peak Civil Engineering Inc between gutters, manhole rings, catch basins, and other similar struchrres rvirh thin, uniform coating of lack coat. Final surface shall be %" above all structures and gutters sloping auay from paving, flush with gutters sloping torvards paving. C. Hand Placement: Where certain areas because of inegularity, inaccessibility, or unavoidable obstacles, do not lend themselves to machine placement, Engineer may agree to hand placement. Spread and compact to same finish and compaction tolerances of these specifi cations. D. Joints: make joints between old and new pavement, or between successive day's rvork, to insure thorough bond between old and nerv surfaces. Clean surfaces free ofsand, dirt. dust, or other materials, and apply tack coat. Constructionjoints must have same texture, density, and smoothness tolerances as other surfacing. I . Construct tranwerse joints to existing material by cutting material back to expose full depth edge. Paint thin uniform tack coat onjoint and place new asphaltic. concrete. 2. Prepare longitudinal joints overlapping screed l" on existing surface. Deposit sufficient material to complete joint. Push excess by hand rake l/2" on new mat leaving vertical unoompacted face approximatelyl" high. Compact againstjoint bv rolling equipment. No depression allorved exceeding l/8" for rvidth of6", afl.er final compaction. E. Finish Tolerance: Place leveling courses rvithin %" ofdesign grade. Finished surfaces $'ill be tested with l0' straight edge, parallel to center line at location of rvheel paths for each lane. Straight edge rvill be advanced 5' and space under straight edge shall not exceed %". Correct areas deficient in smoothness by completely removing surface material and replacing. Overlay corrections may be made only if approved by Orvner. F. Thickness Tolerance: Compacted thickness shall be no less than that sholvn on drarvings. Any surfacing rvhich does not meet minimum thickness shall be removed and replaced. 3.04 COMPACTION General: Provide one pneumatic-tired and one steel-wheel roller to obtain required density, surface te$ure, and rideability. Begin rolling operations immediately follorving placement of asphaltic concrete. Do not p€rmit heavy equipment, rollers, etc. to stand on finished surface rvhere deformation may occur. End each pass of roller in different place. Rollers l. Steel-wheel rollers self-propelled, developing contact pressure under compression wheels of250 to 350 psi per inch of width ofroller rvheel. Rollers equipped with adjustable scrapers and means for keeping rvheel wet to prevent mix from sticking. 2. Pneumatic-tired rollers self-propelled, developing contact pressure under each tire of 85 to I l0 psi. Wheels so spaced that one pass $'ill accomplish on e complete coverage equal to rolling rvidth of machine. Wheels oscillate but not wobble. Remove and replace immediately any tires picking up fines. Compaction Procedures l. Compact longitudinal joints and edges first, starting at outside edge and gradually pro$ess towards center of pavement. Begin superelevated curves ASPHALT PAVING. 02741 Peak Ciril Engineering, Inc John.4,. Dob.on A"ena O Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering Inc. rolling on low side on prwiously tftmwersely compacted material. Successive passes should overlap by one half width of roller. Mat temperatures must not be below 150 degrees F. 2. Immediately follow rolling of longitudinal joint and edges with breakdou'n rolling. Place drive wheel nearcst paver and pull roller towards paver. Return roller to existing surface and makc gradual shift to werlap previous pass by half roller width. Operatc pneumatic-tired rollers as close to paver as necessary to obtain density re4uired. Make enough passes for reasonably smooth surface. 3. Final rolling by combination of steel and pneumatic rollers to obtain density, surface texture, and surface tolerances required. D. Compact to minimum of 95% Marshall Design method data submitted, or from field samples taken by the Engineer, and prepared in accordance with ASTM D1550. Re- compact asphaltic concrete not conforming to density standards to these specifications. Cut out compaction test plugs as directed by Engineer. Contractor shall cut test plugs, fill, and repair test holes at his expense. 3.05 PATCHING Cut out and fill s ith fresh, hot asphaltic concrete. Remove deficient areas for full depth of surface and base course. Cut sides perpendicular and parallel, and perpendicular to direction of traffrc to extent of failure. Apply tack coat to exposed surfaces before placing nerv pavement. Compact and finish to specilication. 3.06 CLEAN tJP Aier completing operations, clean surfaces, pick up excess paving materials, and clean sork area. END OF SECTION 02741 ASPHALT PAVING - 02747 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc, I t t I t I I I I I I T I T I I I I I I John.{. Dobson Arena O Additions and Renovations project I Peak Civil Engineerine. hc- I SECTION 027s1 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING I PARTT GENERAL _ I.OI DESCRIPTIONII A. Work Included: Furnishing, forming, jointing, placing, and curing of concrete Pavement curbs and gutters, sidewalks, ooss-pans, in conformance with lines, grades, and tlpical cross sections shonn on the drarvings. r B. Related Work: l. Roadrval, Base 2732 I I.O2 OUALITYASSTJRANCE I A. Source: Engineer shall hare access ro batching plant at all times uork is in progress.T B. Record of Work: Contractor shall keep record of time and date of placement, temperature, and weather conditions. Retain until completion and furnish copv to I Engineer. I l.o3 SUBMITTALS - A. Shop Drarvings: Reinforcement, precast sections. I B. Manufacturers Data: Additives, joint materials, curing compounds.r C. Mix Design: Proportions of fine ald coarse aggregate, tlater, cement, air content, admixtures. See specification section 3. I D. Placement: Method proposed, if requested. I 1.04 JOB CONpTTTONS I' A. Cold Weather: Except by specific u,ritten authorization, cease concreting rvhen descending air temperature in shade and auay from artificial heat falls belorv 35 degreesr ffix:H::?*iliil.ill',i;fi*J,H:ffi'.'JL1?fiffi::1iillf,:o'!dnea'lher, I B. Hot Weather: When air temperature in shade exceeds 90 degrees F concrete mix at I delivery shall not excess 80 degrees F. Fog Sprayers of special rvetting agents ma.\' be required for protection. I PART2 pRopucrs I 2.OI READY-MDGDCONCRETE I AASHTO Ml57 I CONCRETEPAVING-o27sl I - Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. I l"Jxi t ?:lTl*Tiiit""o;"* Peak Civil Engineering, Inc 2.02 CEMENT AAS}TTO M 85, TYPE II,560 POI,JNDS/CIJBIC YARD 2.03 AGGREGATES A. Fine Aggregate - AAStmO M 6, 33 to 39% rotal B. Coarse Aggregate - AASHTO M80, size dZ, 35i, or 467 2.04 Warer - AASIIIO T26 A. Slump l" to 4" B. Water cement ratio - 0.48 maximum 2.05 ADMIXTURES A. Air Entraining Agent - AASFITO M154, plus-minus l-l/2% Aggregate Size 3/8" Air Content o/o I %"6 l" and larger s B. Chemical-AdmixturesAASHTOMlg4 2.06 OUALITY A. Follow agreed mix design B. Conform to applicable requiremenrs of ACI 301 C. Field cylinden shall produce 28 day minimum compressive strength of3?50 psi. content 564 lb./cy minimum. 2.07 REINFORCEMENT A. Deformed and plain billet-steel bars AASIITO M3l B. Fabricated steel bar rod mats, steel n'ire fabric AASHIO M 54 2.08 JOINT MATERIAL AASHTO MI73 2.09 CURING MATERIALS A. Burlap cloth from jute or kenaf - AASfffO Ml82 B. White liquid membrane - AASIIIO M148, I gaVl50 SF c. Sheet Materials - AAsIfIo Ml7l. 4 mil CONCRETE PAVING - 02757 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I T I T I I I I T I t I I John .d Dobson Arena Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering Inc PART3-EXECUTION 3.OI SUBGRADE/BASECOURSE A. Check for soft spots by proof-rolling or other means prior to setting forms. Remove soft yielding material and replace. Compact to specification. Wet to optimum moisture to 6" deep, not more than 12 hours prior to placement so subgrade will not absorb moisture from concrete. B. Test for crorln and/or elwation by subgrade planer to assure specified thickness. If additional material used to bring subgrade to correct elevation, compact to specification. Before placing concrete, clean subgrade of all loose materials. No disturbance inside forms after fine grading subgrade. 3.02 FRAME ADruSTMENTS Set frames of structures in firll monar bed to provide proper bearing and to final grade. Form construction joints and blockouts in accordance w'ith drawings. 3.03 FORMS A. Capable of supporting loads imposed by construction equipment, with maximum deflection of %". Straight and free form rwap, with maximum deviation of surface l/8". In good condition, clean, and strong enough to resist pressure of concrete s'hen placed. Joined neatly and accurately to line and grade, and mechanicallJ' tanped to assure firnr placement. Oil prior to concrete placement. B. Set douels, expansion joints, preformed construction joints, and header boards in accordance with drarvings. Securely stake preformed baskets to prel'ent moYement. Grease dowels on one side ofjoints rvith caps on greased end. C. Backfill behind forms as required to prevent water form entering subgrade. 3.04 REINFORCEMENT Place as shown on drau'ings. Hold all tie and marginal bars in proper position by sufftcient supports or pins. If center longitudinal joint sarved in lieu of placing metal or plastic strip, bars may be mechanically installed or placcd on supports. Where rod mats or steel rvire mesh is required, place on freshly deposited concrete struck offto required eleration for steel placement. Where two layers of mesh are required, support bottom layer by bar chairs rvith separators for top mesh, if strike-off cannot be properly used. Lap adjacent mesh sheets in accordance with drawings. Laps and ties ofbars in accordance tvith drawings. CONCRETE PAVING .02751 Peak Civil Engineering Inc. I I I I I I I I I t I t I I T John.d Dobson Arena O Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. 3.05 PLACEMENT Deposit near final position on grade with minimum segregation and without damage to subgrade. Operate transit mixer outside fonns at all times, except in locations agreed to by Engineer. Place concrete on subgrade in successive batches for firll width beween forms in manncr requiring as linle rehandling as possible. Spread mechanically to prevent segregation and separation of materials. Additional spreading may bc by hand shovels. Deposit excess concrete to provide roll ahcad of strike off screed for firll length of screed. Consolidate concrete rvith vibratorc and spade next to forms, so final surfaces will not have holes or honeycombs. 3.06 FIMSHING A. Use equipment designed to spread, consolidate, screed and float freshly placed concrete in one pass, providing rvell consolidated, homogenous mixture. requiring ntinimum of hand finishing to meet surface tolerances. Strike hand finished surfaces to tolerances by methods agreed lo by Engineer. Finished surfaces $tll be tested with l0' straight edge parallel to center line inrmediatell following first floating of surface. Straight edge will be advanced 5' and space under straight edge shall not exceed 3/16". C. Final finish pavements after floating and straight edging rvith canvas belt, other suitable belting 12" rvide, or rubbing. Work belt longitudinally with crossrvise motion. Curbs. gutter, cross pans, and sidervalks finished rvith burlap drag, sood float. or brush. 3.0? C1JRING Apply curing conrpounds, shees, or burlap immediately after finishing and rvater film has e\€porated from surface. Do not mark or mar finished surfac€. Coat sides rvithin one hour after form removal. 3.08 PROTECTION A. Have plastic sheeting or other suitable materials available at all dmes to protect fresh uncured surfaces from rain. B. Provide full protection from freezing. Admixtures (calcium chloride) are not acceptable for freeze protection. I I I I I I t I t I I T I I I T I I I c. 3,09 JOINTS CONCRETE PAVING - 02751 Peak Civil Engineering, lnc For hot rveather, use fog spray or water retarding additives. Do not thro$' rvater directll' on surface. A. Contraction joints, minimum depth % thickness of concrete. l. Hand formed with tool, header board, or trowel pushed into surface to nove all aggregate from joint. I I I I 2. Saw joints as soon as concrete can zupport equipment without marring, no later than 12 hours aft.er placement. First joints sawed approximately 60 feet apart, intermediate joints sawed after initial joints. Joints to be straight, true and perpendicular to centerline. B. Longitudinal joints in conformance with drawings. l. Fabricated steel or plastic strip held rigidly in place with adequate pins driven I into subgrade. 2. Joints constructed by forms with recess and tie bars. 3. Sarved joints, tvith suitable guidelines to ensure joint is true to line. Sarv as soon as possible to prevent enatic or uncontrolled cracking. I C. Construaion joints perpendicular to centerline at end of each day's rvork. Use do$'els, bars ot load transfer devices in all construction joints in accordance rvith drarvings. t D. Expansion joints rvith preforrned joint filler in a vertical position, deviating not more than l/r" from a straight line. Install at all existing and proposed stmctures projecting through, into or against pa\€ment, in accordance with drawings. ! E. Install joint sealant al temperatures above 50 degrees F. in accordance with manufacturer's reconrnendations. Clean all dust. debris. and water from ioint. I 3.10 THTCKNESS - Remove and replace work less than 95oloof thickness according to drarvings at Contmctor's I expense. I 3.II CLEANI.JPI I A-fter completing concrete operations, clean surfaces, pick up excess materials, and clean uork area. I 3.12 OPEMNG TO TRAFFICI After 7 days or concrete has attained 550 psi flexural strength. No vehicle loads exceeding design I loading. No equipmenl permifted on new pavement until strength attained.r ENI' OF SECTION 2751rI I John.d Dobson Arena I ii"';'3,T,Tl*['JJ#:':il.:'"i*', CONCRETE PAVING. 02?51 I Peak Civil Engineering, Inc I I I I t I sEcTroN 02783 PEDESTAL MOUNTED UNIT PAVERS I PARTI-GENERAL -r r.or suMMARy I A. Secfion tnctudes:r l. Unii povers ol exlerior lenqces.2. Adjustoble ond fixed supporls. I 3. Premixed grouf. I B. Reloled Sections: I l. Deck Wolerproofing Under Povers: Seclion 07140 Fluid Applied Woferproofing I.O2 SUBMMALS I A. Shop Drowings: Submil shop drowings indicoting size, finish ond loyout of oll work underr this section. I B. Product Doto: Submit product doto for oll occessory items.r C. Somples: Submii pover finish somples for Archilect's color seleclion. I D. Design Colculolions: Submit design colculolions indicoting thot concrele unil povers will spon o disfonce of iwo feel corrying o livelood of 125 psf ond will support o - concentrqted loqd of 1750 lbs. ot the center of o 2 ft. x 2 ft. pover I I.O3 QUALITY ASSURANCE I A. Monufocturer Quolificolions: Concrete povers sholl be monufoctured in lhe shop by o! fobricotor speciolilng in precost concrete producls. I I.O4 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLINGr lnspect poving units upon delivery ond hondle corefully to ovoid chipping ond I breokoge. Slore on pollets or concrete slob on grode unlil reody for use. Cover ond I protecl ogoinsl weiiing prior to use, ollowing oir circulotion under stocked unifs. Store occessory moteriols off lhe ground ond under cover. I r.os PRoJEcT coNDrTroNsI A. Prolection of Compleled Work from Physicol Domoge: I l. Prolect woterproof membrone from domoge during inslollotion Do noi sfock f poving unils on woterproof membrone. 2. Reploce ony concrele povers showing domoge or disfigurotion during the progress I of work in ils entirety No polching or hiding of defecls will be permilted. a I oA eeo6 02783-l I I.06 MAINTENANCE A. Extro Moteriols: Furnish Owner with two (2) blok-hondle lifiing devices for removol ond replocement of povers. PART 2. PRODUCTS 2.OI CONCRETE UNIT PAVERS A. AcceptobleMonufqclurers: l. Teno Poving Producls Division of Wousou Tile Inc.2. Approved Subsfifuie B. Description: 2" fhickness x24" x24" nominol size shop precosl reinforced concrefe povers wilh finish os selecled by Architecl. Acluol size to ollow for I /4" spoce belween units. 2.02 ACCESSORYMATERIALS A. Adjustoble Pedesiols: Terro Poving Producis Ten-Adjust or opproved substitufe. B. Pover Supporls: Teno Poving Products Teno-Tobs or opproved substitute. C. Pedestol Grout: Teno Poving Producls Sysiem One premixed grout or opproved subsfitufe. PART 3. EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Verificoiion of Conditions: Exomine subslrole ond membrone wolerproofing to insure lhol condifions ore solisfoctory before proceeding. 3.02 PREPARATION Loyout locolions of pedestols on top of woterproofing protection boord before proceeding. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Pedeslols: Instoll pedestols ol eoch joinl inferseclion ond odjusl pedestol lo proper level lo receive povers. Fill pedestols with grout ond cure os recommended. Instoll pover support units on pedesfols. Provide edge supports os recommended by lhe pedeslol monufoclurer. B. Pedeslol Mounfed Concrete Povers: Following predelermined loyoul, sef firsl row of povers of on exlerior edge of qreo fo be covered. Sel remoining povers. Corefully lower povers horizontolly onto pedesiols to mointoin olignmenl. Bult povers tight ogoinst supporl unit joint spocer to moinloin uniform I /4" joint width. Leove instollolion compleie with povers uniformly supporied ol eoch corner ond with top surfoces in on even plone, free of offseis, projections or other noticeqble unevenness. I I I t T I t I I I I I I I I I I I t oA 9906 02783-2 I t 3.04 cunrNc AND FmrNG I Employ skilled filters for necessory cutting os ihe job progresses. The instolled shollI cooperote fully with other trodes ond sholl do such culling ond drilling lo occommodoie fhe work of others os moy be reosonobry impried from rhe drowings. I 3.os ADJUsTING AND cLEANTNG Cleon pover surfoces with mild soop ond woter. Flush cleqn with cleor woter. UponI ff#i:::.',:.?1":45:,1.*ng,:il;Jil,i;iti';;;;e p,ores where required,o I END OF SECTION I I I I I I I I I I oA eeo6 02783-3 I I I t1 - SECTION02815 I IRRIGATIONSYSTEM I I PARTI-GENERAL I l.0l WORK INCLUDED - Work of this Section generally includes provisions for the installation of an I underground irrigation system including the following: I A. Static pressure verification and coordination of irrigation systcm installation with landscape material I installation. B- Trenching, stockpiling cxcavatiou materials, refilling and compacting trenches.It C. Conplete irrigation system includirg but not limited to piping, backllow preventer assemblies, booster punp assembln valves, fittings, hca&, controllers and wiring, and final adjustnents to insure corrylete coverage. r D. Water connections. I E. Replacement of unsatisfactory materials.r F. Clean-up, inspections, and approval. I G. Tests. |t 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS I A. Examine all sections related to project work. I l.o3 REFERENCES t A. Perform Work in accordance with requirements of Conditions of the Contract and Division 01 - I I t t t I I I I General requirements as well as provisions of all applicable laws, codes, ordinances, rules, and regulations. B. Conform to requirements of reference information listed below cxcept where more stringent requirements are shown or specified in Contract Documents. l. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) - Specifications and Test Methods specifically referenced in this Section 2. Underwriters Laboratories (UL) - UL Wires and Cables. 1.04 QUALITYASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications - Installer sball have had considerable c:cpcrience and demonstrate ability in the installation of irrigation syster{s) of specific tlpe(s) in a neat orderly, and responsible manner in accordance with recopized standards of workmanship. To demonstrate ability aud experience necessary for this Projec! submit ifrequested by Consultang prior to contact award the following: 1. List of 3 projects conpleted in the last 2 years of similar corplexity to this Project. Description of projects shall include: John A. dobsonArena 02815-l IRRIGATIONSYSTEM I 1.05 Name ofproject. Location. Owner. Brief description of work and project budget. B. Special Requircments: I . Work involving subsantial plunrbing for insallation of copper piping, bacldlow preventer(s), and related Work shall be executed by licensed and bonded plumbe(s). Secure a permit at least 48 bours prior to start of installation 2, Tolerances - Specified dcpths of mains and laterals and pitch of pipes are minimums. Setttement of benches is cause for removal of fiaish gnde treaEncnt, refilling, conpaction, aod rcpair of finish glade treatmcnl 3. Coordination with Other Contsactors - Protect, maintain" and coordinate Work with Work under otber Scctiou 4. Damagc To Other lnprovcments - Contractor shall replace or repair damage to grading, soil preparation, seeding, soddiag, or planting done under other Sections during Work associated with installation of irrigation system at no additional cost to Owner. C. Pre-Construction Confercnce - Contractor shall schedule and conduct a confcrence to review in dctail quality conbol and consEuction rcquircmcnts for equipmen! materials, and systems used to perform the Work Conference shall be schcduled not tess than l0 days prior to commencement of Work. All parties requied to be in attendance shall be notified no later than 7 days prior to date of conference. Contractor shall noti$ qualified representativcs ofeach party concerned with that portion of Work to attend conference, including but not limited to Architecq Consultang Contractor's SuperinteDden! and Installcr. l. Minutcs of conference shall bc recordcd and disributed by ConFactor to all parties in attendance wiihin fivc days ofconference. SLTBMITTALS - Prepare and make submittals in accordance with conditions of the Contact. Materials List - Submit a complete matcrials list indicating manufachuer, model number, and description of all materials and cquipment to be used. Show appropriate dimensions and adequate detail to accurately portray intent ofconstruction Rccord Drawings (As-Builts): l. At onset of irrigation installation secure Mylar sepias of original irrigation design from Owner. At the ctrd of cvery day, rcvise prints for Work acconplished that day in red ink As-built sepias shall bc brought uptodarc at thc close of the working day every Friday by a qualifred draftsperson A print of record plan(s) shall be availablc at Project Site. Indicate 2sning changes on weckly as-built drawings. lndicatc non-pressure piping changes on as- builcls. Upon conpletion of Projcct, submit for review, prior to final acceptance, final set of as-built mylar sepias. Dimcnsions, from two Perrunent points ofreference (building comers, sidewalk road intersections or pennancnt structures), location of following items: a. Connection to existing water lines. b. Routing of sprinkler pressrue liues (dimension maximum 100 feet along routing). Sprinkler contol valves. Quick coupling valves. Drain valves. Control wire routing if not with pressure nainline. g. Gate valves. h. Contol whe splices Owner's Representative will not certify any pay request submitted by the Contractor if the t I I t T I I I I I I I t I I I T I a. b. c. d. c. d. e. f. B. 2. Jobn A. Dobson Arena 028rs-2 I t I I I T J I t I I I I t I I I T t IRRIGATION SYSTEM as-built drawings are not clurent, and processing ofpay request will not occur until as-builts are up-dated. C. Operation Instuctions - Submit 3 written operating instuctions including winterization procedures and start-up, with cut sheets ofproducts, and coordinate confoller/watering operation insruction with Owner maintenance personnel. l. Contoller Charts: a. Do not prepare charts until Consultant has reviewed record (as-built) drawings. b. Provide one contoller chart for each automatic controllcr installed. l) Chart may be reproduction of record &awing, if scale permits frtting of contoller door. If photo reduction prints are required, keep reduction to maximum size possible to retain full legibility. 2) Chart shall be blueline print of actual "as-built" syster4 showing area covered by that controller. c. Identi$ area of coverage of each remote contol valve, using a distinctly different pastql color drawing over entire area ofcoverage. d. Following review ofcharts by Consultant, they shall be hermctically sealed between two layers of 20-mm thick plastic sheet c. Charts shall be conpleted and reviewed prior to final review of irrigation systern" f.06 DELrVERY, STORAGE, AllD IIANDLING - Delivcr, unload, store, and handle materials, packaging, bundling, producs in dry, weatherproof, condition in manner to pr€vent damage, breakage, deterioration, intrusion, ignitior\ and vandalisrn Deliver in original uuopened packaging containers prominently displaying manufacturer's name, volume, quantity, conteDts, instructions, and conformance to local, state' and federal law. Remove and replace cracked, broken, or contaminated items or elements prematurely exposed to moisture, inclement weather, snow, ice, tenperature extremes, fire, or jobsite damage. A. Handling of PVC Pipe - Exercise care in handli.g, loading and storing, of PVC pipe. All PVC pipe sball be tansported in a vehicle which allows length of pipe to lie flat so as not to subject it to undue bending or conccntrated external loads. All sections of pipe that have been dented or ilamaged shall be discarded aud ifinstalled, shall be replaced with new piping. 1.07 JOBSITECONDITIONS: A. Protection ofProperty: 1. Preserve and protect all trees, plants, monuments, stuctures, and paved areas from damage due to Work of this Section. ln the event damage does occur, all damage to inanimate iterns shall be conpletely repaired or replaced to satisfaction of Owuer, and all injury to living plants shall be repaired by Owner. All costs of such repairs shall be cbarged to and paid by Contractor. 2. Protect buildings, walks, walls, and other property from damage. Flare and barricade open ditches. Damage caused to asphalt, concrete, or other building material surfaces shall bc repaired or replaced at no cost to Owner. Restore disturbed areas to original condition. B. Existing Trees: l. All Eenchirg or other Work under limb spread of any and all evergreens or low branching deciduous material shall be done by hand or by other methods so as to prevent damagc to limbs or branches. 2, Where it is necessary to excavate adjacent to existing trees use all possible care to avoid idury to trees and tree roots. Excavation, in areas where 2 inch and larger roots occur, shall bi done by hand. Roots 2 inches or larger ir diameter, except dircctly in the path of pipe of conduit, shall be tunneled under and shall be heavily wrapped with burlap to Prevent scarring or excessive drying. Where a trenching urachine is operated closc to Eecs having roots John A. Dobson Arena 02815-3 IRRIGATION SYSTEM smaller than 2 inches in diameter, wall of tench adjacent to tree shall be hand trimme4 rnaking clean cuts tbrough roots. Trenches adjacent to trees shall be closed within 24 hours, and when this is not possible, side of trench adjacent to uee shall be kept shaded with moistened burlap or canvas, Protcction and Repair ofUnderground Lincs: l. Rcquct prrpsr utility company to stake cxact tocation (including depth) of all underground clectic, gas, or telclbom lincs. Takc wbatcver prccautions are necessary to protcct these lines from clarnagc. If damage does occur, Utility Owner shall repair all danage, Contractor sball pay all costs of such rcpairs unless other arrangements have been madc. 2. Rcqucst Owuer, in writing, to locatc all private utilities (i.e., electrical service to outside lighting) before procecding with excavation If, after such request and necessary staking, private utilities tbat wcrc not stakcd arc encountered and damaged by Installer, Ovmer shall rcpair them at no cost to Installer. If Contractor damages staked or located utilities, they sball be repaircd by Utility Owner at Contacto/s cxpensc unlcss other arrangements have becn made. Replacenrnt of Paving and Curbs - Where tcnches and lines cross cxisting roadways, paths, curbing, etc., damage to thcse shall bc kept to a minimum and shall be rcstored to original condition, WARRANTY/GUARANTY: - Manufacturer shall warrant nraterials agaiast defecs for a period of one year from date of Substantial Conplction. Installer(s) shall guaranty workrnanship for similar period. A. Settling of baclJilled tenches that may occur during guaranty period shall be repaired at no expense to Owner, including conpletc restoration ofdamaged propcrty. B. Expcnscs duc to van&lism beforc substantial corrylction shall be bome by Contactor. C. Owner will rnaintah turf and planting areas duriag warrarty period, so as not to hanper proper operation of irrigation slatern MAINTENANCE: A. Fumish the following maintenance items to Owner prior to final Acceptance: l. 2 Sets of special tools required for removing, disassembling, and adjusting cach tlpe of sprinkler head and valve supplied on this Project. 2, Two 6foot valvc kcys for operation ofgate valves or stop and waste valves (ifapplicable). 3. 2 quick couplcr keys and 2 matching hose swivels for each tlpe of quick coupling valve installed. 4. 2 aluminum drain valvc keys of suffrcient length for operation of drain valves. B. Winterization - include cost in bid for whterizing coryletc system at couclusion of sprinkli"g season (in which systcm received final acceptance) within 3 days notilication by the Owner. System shall be voided of water using coryrcssed air or similar method rcviewed by Consultant. Reopen, operate, and adjust system malfimctions accordingly during April of following season within 3 days of notification by Owner. 1.10 EXTRA STOCK - In addition to installed systcm firmish the following items to Owner: A. l0 Pop-up spray heads with nozzles ofeach tlAe used- B. 4 Rotor heads of each tlpc used. 1.09 t I I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I c. D. John A. Dobson Arena 02815-4 I ! IRRIGATION SYSTEM PART 2. PRODUCTS I 2.ot MAfiRTALS: I A. General Piping: I l. Pressure Supply Lines (downstream ofbacldlow prevention uDits) - Schedule 40 PVC BE 11 2. Non-pressure Lines - 80 PSI NSF Polyethylene - l" minimum diameter I 3. PVC Sleeving - Class 160 PVC. B. Brass Pipe and Fittings: I l. Brass Pipe - 85% red brass, ANSI Schedule 40 screwed pipe. 2, Fittings - Medium brass, screwed 125-pound class. I C. Plastic Pipe and Fittings: -1. IdentificationMarkings: i a. Identif all pipe with following indeliblc markings: I 1) Manufacturey's name. 2) Nominal pipe size. 1. 3) Schedule ofclass. I 4) Pressure rating.f 5i NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) seal of approval. I 2. solvent fJ"u tt""":i;iH:liLu uo,n virgin polyvinyl chloride (PVC) conpound in t accordance with ASTM D2241 and ASTM D1784; cell classification 12454-8, Tlpe I, Grade l. ,h a. Fittings - Standard Wright, Schedule 40, injection molder PVC; conplying with [ ASTM D1784 and D2466, cell classification 12454-B..I l) Threads - Injection moldeal qpe (where required). 2) Tees and ells - Side gated. b. Threaded Nipples - ASTM D2464, Schedule 80 with molded thrcads. c. Joint Cement and Primer - Tlpe as recommended by manufacturer of pipe and frttings. 3. Flexiblc Plastic Pipc - Manufacturcd from virgin polyethylene in accordance with ASTM D2239, with a hydrostatic design stess of630 psi and designated as PE 2306. a. Fittings - Mauufactured in accordance with ASTM D2609; PVC Tlpe I cell classification | 245 4-B. b. Clanps - All stainless steel worm gear screw clamps. Use 2 clanps per joint on l-l/2 inch and 2 inch fittings. D. Gate Valves: l. Gate Valves - Brass construction; solid wcdgc, IPS tbrea&, and non-rising stem with wheel opcrating handle. E. Quick Coupling Valves - Brass two-piecc body designed for working pressure of 150 PSL operable with quick coupler. Equip quick coupler with loclong rubber cover. Key size and tlpe as shown on Drawing. F. Valve Boxes: l. Gate Valves, Quick Coupling Valves, Drain Valves and Wire Splice Box - Carson Brooks I I T I t I I t JohnA.DobsonArena 02815-5 IRRIGATION SYSTEM #910-10, box as detailed.2. 3/4 inch tbrough 2 inch Connol Valves - Carson Brooks #1419-12 box. Electrical Control Wiring: l. Low Voltage: a. Electrical Contol Wire - AIVG 1JFUL approved No. 14 direct burial copper wire.b. Elcctical Common Wire - AWG LJFUL approved No. 14 dircct burial copper wire.c. Wire Colors: l) Control Wires - Red. 2, Common Wires - White.d. Conrol Wirc conncctions and splices shall be made with 3M DBY dircct bury splice, connectors, or similar dry splice method. Automatic Conroller - Existing. Elecric Control Valves - Size and tlpe shown on Drawings having manual flow adjustment (except drip valves) and manual bleed nut Spririkler Heads - As indicated on Drawings. Fabricated riser units in accordance with details on Drawings - with riser nipples of samc size as riser opening in sprinkler body. Backflow Prcvcnter - Existing PART 3 - EXECUTION LAIIDSCAPE PLAI\I REVIEW AI\D COORDINATION - Contactor will be held responsible for coordination between landscapc and irrigation system insallation. Landscape material locations shown on the Landscape Plan shall take prccedcnce over thc irrigation system equipment locations. Ifirrigation equipment is installed in conllict with the landscape rnaterial locatioDs shown on the Landscape Plao, the Confiactor will be requircd to relocate tbc irrigation equipmen! as necessary, at Contactor's expense. STATIC PRESSURE VERIFICATION - Contactor shall field veriff the static pressue at the project site, prior to commencitrg work or ordering irrigation matcrials, and submit findiags, in vriting, to Coosultant. If Con&actor fails to veri$ static water prcssure prior to commcncing work or ordering irrigation materials, Contractor shall assume responsibility for all costs required to make system operational and the costs required to replacc any damaged landscapc material. Damage shall includc all required material costs, design costs and plant replacerreDt costs. INSPECTION: - Examinc areas and conditions under which Work of this Section is to be performed. Do not proceed with Work until unsatisfactory conditions have been conccted. A. Grading operations, with the exception of final grading, shall be conpleted and approved by Owner bcforc staking or installation of any irrigation system begins. PREPARATION: A. Staking shall Occur as Follows: l. Marh with powdered lime, routing ofpressure supply line and flag heads for first few zones. Contact CoDsultant 48 hours in advance and request review of stakiug. Consultant will advise installcr as to the amount of staking to be prepared. Consulant will review staking and direct changes if requircd. Review does not relieve installer from coverage problems due to furproper placement ofheads after staking. H. L J. T I I I I I I I T I I T I I I t I T IJohn A. Dobson Arena 02815-6 d. T I I I T J t I I I T I T I T I I I IRRIGATION SYSTEM 2, IfProject has significant topography, fieeform planting beds, or other amenities, which could require alteration of irrigation equipment layout as deemed necessary by Consultant, do not install irrigation equipment in these areas ufltil Consultant has reviewed equipment staking. B. Install sleeving under asphatt paving and concrete walks, prior to concreting and paving operations, to accommodate piping anrt viring. Conpact bacldrll around sleeves to 95% Modified Proctor Density within 2% of optimum rnoisture content in accordance wilh STM D1557. C. Trenching - Trench cxcavation shall follow, as much as possible, layout shown on Drawing. Dig tenches straight and support pipe continuously on bottom of trench. Trench bottom shall be clean and smooth with all rock and organic debris removed. l. Clearances: a. Piping 3 Inches aud I:rger - Make tenches of sullEcient widtb (14 inches minimum) to properly assemble and position pipe in tench- Minimum clearance of piping 3 inches or larger shall be 5 inches horizontally on both sides ofthe trench' b. Piping Smaller than 3 lnchcs - Trencbes shall have a minimum width of 7 inches. c. Lini Clearance - Provide not less than 6 inches of clearance between each line and uot less than 12 inches ofclearance between lines of other trades. 2. Pipe and Wire Depth: ^. Pressure Supply Piping - 18 inches from top of pipe. b. PVC Sleeving - 18 incbes from top of pipe. c. Non-pressure Piping (rotor) - 18 inches from top ofpipe. d. Non-pressure Piping Gop-up) - 12 inches from top ofpipe. e. Conhol Wiring - Side of pressure main. 3. Boring will be permitted only where pipe must pass under obstruction(s) which cannot be removed. ln bacldilling bore, frnal density ofbackfill shall match that of surrounding soil. It is acceptable to use sleeves of suitable diameter installed frst by jacking or boring, and pipe laid tbrough slccves. Observe same precautions as though pipe were installed in open trench. INSTALLATION - Locatc other equipment as near as possible to locations designated. Consultant shall review deviations prior to installation. A. PVC Piping - Snake pipe in trench as much as possible to aUow for expansion aud contaction. Do not install pipe when air tefiperatue is below 4G-F. Place manual drain valves at low poins and dead ends of pressrc supply piping to insue conplete ilrainage of systcm. When pipc installation is not in progress, or at end of each dan close pipe enrls with tight plug or cap. Perform Work in accordance with good practices prevailing in piping trades. L solvent Weld PVC Pipe - Lay pipe and make all plastic to plastic joints in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 2. Flexible Plastic (Polyethylene) Pipe - Iay pipc and assemble frttings following manufacturct's recommendations. B. Coufol Wiring: 1. Low Voltage Wiring: a. Blgy control wiring bctween controller and electric valves in prcssure supply line trenches, stnrng as close as possible to main pipe lines witb such wires to be consistently located below and to one side ofpipe, or in separate trcnches. Bundle all 24 volt wircs at l0 foot intervals and lay with pressure supply line pipe to one side of the tench Provide an expansion loop at every Pt€ssure pipe angle fitting, every electric control valve location (in valve box), and every 500 feet. Form expansion loop by wrapping wire at least 8 times around a 3/4 inch pipe and withdrawing pipe' Make ali spliccs and E.C.V. connections using 3M DBY coDnectols or similar dry Jobn A. Dobson Arcna 02815-7 c. t T I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I t D. E. F. G. H. IRRIGATION SYSTEM splice method. e. Install all contol wire splices not occurring at control valve in a separate splice valve box. f. Install one control wirc for each contol valve. Elcctric Control Valves - Install cross-handle 4 inchcs below finished grade where shown on Drawings as detailed. Whcn grouped together, allow at lcast 12 inches between valve box sides. Install each remote control valve in a separate valve bor Install individual valve box flush with gradc. Quick Coupling Valves - Install quick couplers on double swing-joint assemblies of Schedule 80 PVC pipc; plumb and flush to grade. Anglcd nipplc relative to prcssure supply line shall be no more than 45 dcgrces and no less tban l0 degrecs. Install quick coupling valvcs as detailed. Drain Valves - Install manual drain valves at all low points in pressure supply line as detailed. Provide a thrce cubic foot drainage surp for each drain valve installcd. Valve Boxes: l. Install one valve box for each qpe of valvc insalled as detailed. Valve box extensions are not acceptable except for mastcr valvcs. Install gravel sunp after conpaction of all trenches. Place final portion of gravel inside valve box after valve box is backfilled and compacted. 2. Brand controller letter and station nuriber on lid of each valve box. Letter and number size sball be uo srr,aller than I inch aud no greater in size than I l/2 inches. Depth of branding shall be no more than l/8 inch into valve box lid' Gate Valves - Install wbere sbowu on Drawings as detailed. Sprinklcr Heads - Install sprinklcr heads where designated on Drawings or where staked. Set to fmish as dctailcd- Spacing of heads shall not excecd thc maximum indicated on Drawing unless rc-staked as dirccted by Consultant ln no casc shall the spacing excccd maximum recornnended by manufacturer. Install hearls per details. Adjust part circte beads for proper coverage. Adjust heads to conect height after sod is installed. Plant placement shall not interfere with intended sprinHer head coverage, piping, or other equipmcnt. Consultaut Inay request nozzle changes or adjusUnents without additional cost to the Owner. Backfrlling - Do not begin backlilling operations until required system tests have been conpleted. Backfill shall not be done in freezing wcathcr except with review by Consultant. l€ave trenches slightly mounded to allow for settlcment after backfilliag is conpleted. Trenches shall be ftnish gradcd prior to walk-tbrougb of system by Consulant l. Matcrials - Excavated material is generally considered satisfactory for bacldill purposes. Bacldll material sball bc frcc of rubbisb, vegetable rnatter, frozen rr,aterials, and stones larger than I inch in maximum dimension Do not mix subsoil with topsoil. Material not suiable for bacldll shall bc hauled away. CoDFactor shall be responsible for providing suitable backfrll if excavated material is unacceptable or not suflicient to meet backfill, conpaction, and final grade requirements. 2. Do not leave trenches open for a period of more thaa 48 hours. Opeu excavations shall be protected in accordance with OSHA regulations. 3. Corryact backfill to 90% maximum dcnsity, determined in accordance with ASTM Dl55-7 utilizing the following methods: a. Mechanical tanping. b. Puddling or ponding. Puddling or ponding aud/or jctting is prohibited within 20'-0" sflgllding or foundation walls. Piping Under Paving: John A. Dobson Arena 02815-8 I I I I I I t I t I I I I T t t I I ! IRRIGATION SYSTEM l. Provide for a minimum cover of l8 inches betweeu the top ofthe pipe and the bottom ofthe aggrcgate base for all pressure and non-pressure piping installed under asphaltic concrete or concrete paving. 2. Piping locatcd undel areas where asphalt or concrete paving will be installed shall be bedded with sand (a layer 6" below pipe and 6" above pipe). 3. Compact backfill matcrial in 6" lifts at 9Mo maximum density determined in accordance with ASTM Dl55-7 using manual or mechanical tamping devices. 4. Set in place, cap, and pressurc test all piping under paving, in prcsence of Owner prior to bacld'illing and paving operations. 5. Piping under existing walks or concrete pavement shall be done by jacking, boring, or hydraulic driving, but where cutting or breaking of walks and/or concrete is necessary, it shall be done and replaced at not cost to Owner. Obtain permission to cut or break walks and/or concrete from Owuer. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL: A. Flushing - After piping, risers, and valves are in place and connected, but prior to installation of sprinkler heads, quick coupler assemblies, and hose valves, thoroughly flush piping system under full head of water pressure from dead end fittings. Maintain flushing for 5 minutes through ftuthermost valves. Cap risers after flushing. B. Testing - Conduct tests in presence of Consultant. Arrange for presence of Consultant 48 hours in advauce oftesting, Supply force pump and all other test equipmert. l. After backfrlling, and installation of all contol valves, fill presswe supply line with water, and pressurize to 40 PSI over the designated static presswe or 120 PSI, whichever is greater, for a period of 2 hor:rs. 2. Leakage, Pressure Loss - Test is acceptable ifno loss of pressure is evident during thc test period. 3. kaks - Dctcct aud repair leaks. 4. Retest system until test pressure can be maintained for duration oftest 5. Before final acceptance, pressrle supply line shall remain under pressure for a period of48 hours. C. Walk-Through for Substantial Conpletion: l. Arrange for Corsultant's presence 48 hours in advance of walk-through. 2. Eutire system shall be conpletely installed and operational prior to scheduling of walk- through. 3. Operate each zone in its entirety for Consultant at time of walk-through and additionally, open all valve boxcs if directed. 4. Gencratc a list of iterns to be corrected prior to Final Conpletion. 5. Furnish all materials and perform all work reguired to correct all inadequacies of coverage due to deviations from Contract Documents. D. Walk-Tbrough for Final Corryletion: l. Arrange for Consultant's presence 4E hours in advance ofwalk-through. 2. Show evidence to Consultant that Owner has reccivcd all accessories, charts, record drawings, and equipment as required bcfore Fiml Conpletion walk-tbrough is scheduled. 3. Operate each zone, in its entirety for Consultaat at time of walk-through to insure correction of all inconplete items. 4. Items deemed Dot acceptable by Consultant shall be reworked to corylete satisfaction of Consultant. 5. If after request to Consultant for walk-tbrough for Final Co4letion of irrigation systern, John A. Dobson Arena 02815-9 o I I I I T I I I I I I T I t I I I t I IRRIGATION SYSTEM Consultant finds items during walk-tbrough which have not been properly adjusted reworked, or rcplaced as indicated on list of inconplete items from previous walk-througb Conhactor shall be charged for all subsequent walk-thro'gh(. Funds will be withheld from final payment and/or retainage to Contractor, in amount equal to additional time and expcnses requircd by Consultant to conduct and document fixther walk-tbroughs as deemed nccessary to insure corryliancc n/ith Contract Documents. ADJUSTING - IJpon completion of installation, "fine-tunen entire s)rstEm by regulating valves, adjusting pattems and break-up arms, aad scttilg prcssure rcducing valves at pro-per and similar pressurc to provide optimum and efiicient coveragc. Flush and adjust all spriDklcr heads for optimum performance and to prevent ovcrspray onto walks, roadways, and buildings as mrch as possible. Heads of same tlpc shall bc operating at sarne pressure +/- 77o. A. If it is detemrined that irrigation adjustm€ns will provide proper covenge, and inproved water distributiou as determined by Consultang contactor shall make such adjustnenb prior to Final Acceptance, as directe4 at !o additioDal cost to Owncr. Adjustnents may also include changes in nozzle sizes, degrees of arc, and contol valvc throttling. B. All sprinkler heads shall bc set pcrpcndicular to frnish grade unless otherwisc designated. C. Areas which do not conform to designatcd opcration requtements due to unauthorized changes or poor installatiou practices shall be immcdiately corrected at no additional cost to the Owner. CLEANING - Maintain continuous cleaning operation throughout duration of work. Dispose o{, off-site at no additional cost to Owrcr, all trash or dcbris gcnerated by installation of irrigation systenl END OFSECTION Jobn A. Dobson Arena 02815-10 B. I T I I T T I I T I I t t T I T t I I sEcTtoN 02850 PREFABRICATED PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Seclion Includes:l. Foctory engineered, pedestrion bridge B. Work Not lncluded Under This Section:l. Concrelefoundotions2. Anchor bolt templotes, onchor bolts ond oll olher moleriols to be set in concrele.3. Setting or supervision of sefiing of onchor bolls4. Grouting or filling of ony kind under bridge supports.5. Electricol opporotus, equipment or wiring. 1,02 SUBMMALS A. Shop Drowings ond Producl Dolo: Submil drowings, specificotions ond product doto indicoting oll componenls ond porfs of ihe bridge system. onchor bolt loyout, ond oll olher equipmenf qnd occessories. All components ond ports sholl be cleorly morkedqnd erection drowings sholl be supplied for idenlificotion ond ossembly of the porls. All drowings sholl corry the seol of o registered professionol Engineer. B. Design Colculqtions: Submil four (4) copies of design colculotions signed ond seoled by o registered Professionol Engineer for lhe slruclurol froming ond floor ponels. Such design colculotions moy be monuol or by eleclronic compuler ot the discretion of fhe monufocfurer. Include colculoiions for qnchor bolt design. r.03 Foundolion Design colculolions ond Drowings: Mezzonine syslem supplier sholl supply Generol Controclor with oll system reoclions, dimensions ond building defoils requked lopermit foundolion design or revisions for lhe system. lf bosic foundotions must be revised or modified from lhol shown on lhe consfruction Documents, qnd lhe modificotion results in odditionol construclion cost, this cost musl be included in lhe controct price of the supplier. Any required foundotion revision ond redesign sholl be mode by the projecl Slructurol Engineer of the expense of the bridge supplier. QUALITY ASSURANCE Ereclor Quqlificqiions: Supplier/ereclor shqll be o confroclor regulorly engoged in fhe supply ond erecfion of cuslom engineered steel bridges ond hoving experience in projecls of similor size ond complexity- Design Criterio: Mezonine syslem monufqclurer sholl be responsible for proper design of the shuciurol system to complywilh the following requirements;l. Live Lood: As required by Locol Code.2. Eorfhquoke: Design for Seismic Zone l. oA 9906 0285G.1 3. Foundolion Design: Foundoiion revision or modificotion if required sholl be designed by the projecl Slrucfurol Engineer of lhe expense of the mezzonine supplier. Controcfor sholl coordinote foundolion ond mezonine consiruclion.4. Anchor bolt design sholl follow the requirements of 1997 Uniform Building Code. Design sholl sotisfy sheor ond lension volues for minimum 3,000 psi concrele. C. Relerence Slondords: Comply wifh fhe following:l. Sleel:'Sfondord Specificolions for Slructurol Steel" ASIM Designotion A36, lofesl edition.2. Sfeel Deloiling, Fobricolion ond Ereclion: AISC'specificotions for fhe Design, Fobricolion ond Erecfion of Sfruclurol Steel Building", lotesl edifion.3. Welding: AWS'Sfruclurot Wetding Code".4. Uniform Building Code, l99Z Edition. I.O4 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Structurol Sleel: Shucfurol steel members which ore slored ol ihe project sile sholl be obove ground on plotforms, skids or olher supports ond slored uprighi to prevenf twisting. Prolecf sleel from conosion. Store other moferiols in o weolherlight ond dry ploce, unfil reody for use. Sfore pockoged moteriols in lheir originol unbroken pockoge or contoiner. Store ponels ot the sile obove ground on plolforms, skids, or olher supporis with one end elevoled for droinoge. Cover ponels wilh o woterproof covering unlil needed. Bridge sholl be foctory ossembled lo lhe greotesl exlent possible. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI PEDESTRIANBRIDGEMANUFACTURERS A. AcceplobleMonufocturer: L Conlinentol Bridge Highwoy 29 North, Roufe 5, Alexondrio, Minnesoio 50308. Tel: 8@t328-20472. Accepted substilule in occordonce with Section 01600 PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE Descriplion: Confinenlol "Conneclor'' Model Proft Truss wifh minimum comoer.l. Size l2 fl. cleor widfh x length required. Decking: Weofher resisionl hordwood Hondroils: l. Hondroils sholl be steel pipe, l-.|.4" 1.C.. Schedule 402. Finish: Field pointed Finish of Bridge componenls: Weothering steel. 2.02 I T I I I T T I I t I I t I T T I I I B. oA 9906 02850-2 I t PART3-EXECUTTON .. 3.OI EXAMINATION I- A. Verificotion of Condilions: Verify dimensions ond condilions of foundotions ond qnchors ,\ lo ossure proper motch with mezonine syslem. Report ony unsofisfociory conditions loI Generol Coniroclor before proceeding wilh ereclion.I B. Stort of ereclion meons occeptonce of foundotion ond oll oiher existing conditions. t 3.02 ERECTTON Ereclion procedures sholl be os recommended by the bridge monufocturer ond in occordonce wilh opproved shop drowings. END OF SECTION T I T I T t I oAee06 028s0-3 t T I I t I I t T I I I I I I I I I I PART 1. GENER.A,L I.OI SUMMARY A Work Included: Perform ransplanting of tees, co[plete as shown, and as specified. B Related Work: Selecrive Clearing - Section 021 l5 Excavating, Backfilling and Compacting - Section 02220 lrrigation System - Section 02810 Soil Preparation - Section 02920 Planting - Section 02950 I.O2 SUBMITTALS A Oualifications: Statement ofqualifications including not less than five (5) years experience in Tree Transplanting in the State ofColorado. B Tree Transplanting Schedule: Recommendations for transplanting of trees including the following: l. Time of year for transplanting. 2. Transplanting methods. 3. Follow-up care and maintenance. C Warranty for Transolanted Trees: Two (2) years. SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A Work Schedule: Proceed and coordinate with the work as the site becomes availabte. 1.04 c I I I t I I I consistent with seasonal limitations for transplanting. Selection and raeeine of Plants: owner's representative will select and tag at the site, those plants to be transplanted to new locations. Transolantinq: During cool weather. Avoid moving plants on very hot, dry or windy davs, PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 oRcANIc AMENDMENTS AND CHEMICAL ADDITIVES: see Section 02920 - Soil Preparation. 2.02 BACKFILL MIX FOR TREE PITS % Native soil excavated from trench % Compost 02910 - I 2.03 EQTmMENT A Prunins Tools: Usc only sharp, clean tools, sterilized prior to use on job site. B Transplantine Tools: Confiactor's option. Size of vermeer spade, if used, is to be large enough to encompass fibrous feeder roots of cach plant, consistent with standard nursery sizes for the plant being relocated. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A Verification of Conditions: Verify with the owner plants to be transplanted prior to beginning of work. MATERIALS TO BE TRANSPLANTED A General: Transplant plantings as shown on the Drawings. Proceed with transplanting operations based upon Owner-accepted schedule and methods. PREPARATION 3.05 A. Treatment of Roots: Cut roots cleanly. Do not crush roots or permit splining or tearing away ofbark. Treat cuts with standard nursery tee wound sealant on roots l" diameter or greater. Do not use asphaltic compounds. Completely remove roots within the trench area, DIGGINC FOR TRANSPLANTATION A Protect the rootball by completely wrapping with burlap per standard nursery practice. Wrap rootball as necessary. RE-PLANTING A Locations: As shown on plans and directed by the Landscape Architect at the project site. B Procedure: l. Excavate planting pit 2x width of root ball. 2. According to industry standards for project area. 3. Trees shall be full staked and guyed to insure stability. Contractor shall submit proposed staking and guying methods based up size requirements offiees. END OF SECTION t I I I 3.02 3.03 3.04 I I I I t I I t t I I I t I I02910 - 2 I I I PARTT-GENERAL r l.ol suMMARy I A Work Included: Provide soil and soil amendments products, including imported topsoil -, as required to make up deficiencies in quantity of soil available on site. Execute labor to achieve soil preparation, conplete, as shown and as specified. t B Related Work: - Finish Grading - Section 02210 f Lawns and Grasses - Section 02930 Planting - Section 02950 I C Unit Pricine: Include price for accessories and components in the unit price of that item! for which it is fumished. Item Unit Pricine I l. Organic Amendments Cubic yard ll 2. Soil Mixes Cubic yard! I 3. Topsoil Import Cubic yard at- I.O2 DEFINITIONS -I A ffiP,"*ti::;itffiT#"t1*":1"::*T.T,'fi:lffJl:ll.i,lliili;I Section. See Drawings. ! B Subgrade: Soil tevel resulting from the rough gnding work under another Section. Cultivation ofsubgrade areas prior to amending is included in this section. C Toosoil: Soil stockpiled for spreading over prepared subgrade. l. Stockpiled Native Topsoil: Topsoil stripped from the site prior to rough grading work under another Section, to be spread and amended as work under this Section. 2. Imported Topsoil: Offsite topsoil imported and stockpiled under this Section, to be spread and amended also as work under this Section. I I t I I 1 02920 - | I.O3 SI,JBMITTALS l. Fertilizer 2. Herbicide 3. C.orryost PART 2. PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS Product Data: Manufacturer's cunent catalog cuts and specifications of the following: I I I I I T I I Stockoiled Native Toosoil: Stockpiling: Stripped topsoil shall have been stockpiled on the site under Civil work. Composition: Fertile, friable, well-drained soil, ofuniform quality, free of stones over I in. diameter, sticks, oils, chemicals, plaster, concrete and other deleterious materials. l. 2. 2.03 B Imoorted Topsoil: l. Quantity: Import topsoil as soon as an insufficient quantity of native soil is verified. Quantity of topsoil to complete the work shall be calculated by the Contractor. 2. Stockpiling: Stockpile on site as direcled by Owner. 3. Composition: To match or exceed in quality accepted native stockpiled topsoil. 4. Samples: The Landscape Architect reserves the right to rake samples of the imported topsoil delivered to the site for conformance to the Specifications. 5. Rejected Topsoil: Immediately remove rejected topsoil offthe site at conEactor's expense. SOIL MIXES A Amount per Plant Pit % Soil from Plant Pit % Compost ACCESSORIES A Pre-emergence Weed Control: "Treflan5G",byElancoproducts Co., (317) 261-363g, or (209) 486-3020 or "Enide 50W", by TUCO, (616) 385-6609, or equat. B Water: Clean, fresh and potable, as available from Owner. Transport as required. I T I l I I t I I t I02920 -2 I tt 2.04 oRGANIccoMpoNENTs tI A Compost:I l. Well composted compost material suitable for project area and specified plant t material. Contractor shall coordinate with landscape contractor L submii , compost sample for approval by landscape architect. I 2.05 coMMERcl"AL FERTILIZERS t A pre-plant Fertilizer: ,l I t ff;,H;l,:i;.o.-.t.t.l fertilizer supplier and consisting of the following l8-18-6 (N-P-K) Sod lawn areas only !2. Manufacturer: Sierra Chemical Co., (a08) 263-8080 or W.R. Grace and Co., (800) 527- 1893, or equal. F PART3-EXECUTION I 3.ot sorI- MorsruRE CoNTENTIA General: Do not work soil when moisture content is so great that excessive conpaction I will occur, nor when it is so dry that dust will form in air or that clods will not break t readily. Apply water, ifnecessary to bring soil to an optimum moisture content for tilling and planting. B Ranee: Maintain within 2 percent above or below optimum moisture content during the work. I 3.oz CLEARINc AND cuLTIvATroNI A Clearing: Clear planting areas ofstones 2 in. diameter and larger, weeds, debris and other ,l extraneous materials prior to soil preparation work. B Cultivation of Existins Soil: l. Cultivation: Rip or cultivate areas of existing soil to receive planting to a depth,l of 3 in. immediately prior to applying soil amendments I 2. Trees to Remain: Hand cultivate within the dripline of existing trees to remain. f Depth of cultivation shall not exceed 2 in. Cultivate immediately prior to amending existing soil. !, C Cultivation of Subgrade:t- l. Verification: I I I t 02920 -3 t I I 3.03 a. Verify that subgrades for installation oftopsoil have been established under rough grading. Do not spread topsoil prior to acceptance of subgrade work. b. Depth: Veri$ that subgrades are 6 in. below finished grades. Report all variations. 2. Cultivation: Rip or cultivatc subgrade in planting areas to a depth of3 in. immediately prior to spreading topsoil. SPREADING OFTOPSOI A General: Spread Stockpiled topsoil over accepted subgrade prior to incorporating amendments. B Resnictions: Do not commence spreading of topsoil prior to acceptance of soil cultivation above. Do not place topsoil under muddy or frozen conditions. C. Toosoil Deoth: Minimum depth of 6 in. after natural settlement and light rolling conforming to finished grades shown on Drawings. SOILAMENDMENT A Amending of TooSoil: l. Preparation: Do not commence amending of existing soil prior to acceptance of soil cultivation above. Do not work soils under muddy or frozen conditions. 2. Soil Amendments per 1,000 Square Feet: Incorporate rhoroughly with top six (6) in. ofsodded lawn areas: 20 pounds preplant fertilizer - l8- l8-6 (N-P-K) in lawn areas. 3. Compost: compost to be applied to all planting pits according to section 2.02A PRE.EMERGENT HERBICIDE A Apply pre-emergent weed control to areas to receive woody, nonJawn omamental planting after incorporating soil amendments. B Apply strictly according to manufacturer's current printed specifications. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A Tess: Right is reserved to take samples of soil mixes for testing for conformity to Specificatioru. Rejected Materials: Remove offsite at Contractor's cost. Pay cost of testing of materials, not meeting Specifications. t I I I I I I I l I I T I I I I 3.04 3.05 3.06 END OF SECTION 02920 - 4 I t LAwNS AND GRASsES sEcrroN 02930 I -^nt t **"*" |D l.0l SUMMARY I A Work Included: Provide lawns complete as shown and as specified. -, B Related Work:\' D Finish Grading - Secrion 02210t #f$l:;iffi"ri:fi::"#:l' Planting - Section 02950 r C Unit Pricing: per square foot. -,I r.02 SUBMTTTALS I A Product Data: Manufacturer's current catalog cuts and specifications for I incorporated fertilizer. - B Samples: One pint each of mulch r C Certificates: l. Certificates ofinspection as required by law for transportation of each shipment of sod along with invoice. D I.O4 DELTVERY, ST.RAGE, AND HANDLING I A Sod: l. Harvest and Delivery: Harvest from the source and deliver to I project site within 24 hours. Deliver only as much sod as can be t installed in one day's work. fJ 2. Review: Sod not transplanted within this time period shall beI| reviewed prior to installation. 1 1.05 PROJECT/SITE CONDTTTONS A Climate Restrictions: Do not install lawns during rainy weather. I r.06 TMIN..FTNSTALLATT.N J I t I t T I A Sod l. Immediately after finish grading and irrigation installation are accepted. I.O7 WARRANTY A Time Period: Warrant that lawns shall be in a healthy and flourishing condition ofactive growth one year or one growing season from date of Final Acceptance. B Appearance During Warranty: Lawns shall be free of dead or dying patches, and all areas shall show foliage ofa normal density, size and color. Delays: Delays caused by the Contractor in completing planting operations which extend the planting into more than one planting season shall extend the Warranty Period correspondingly. Exceptions: Contractor shall not be held responsible for failures due to neglect by Owner, vandalism, or Acts of God during Warranty Period. Report such conditions in writing. PART 2. PRODUCTS 2.03 LAWN SOD Nursery-grown sod, species to match existing sod on project site. Contractor shall coordinate with Town of Vail landscape architect to determine and receive approval on final sod species. Sod shall be dense, healthy, field-grown on fumigated soil with the grass having been mowed at I in. height before lifting from field. Sod shall be dark green in color, free ofthatch, free from diseases, weeds and harmflrl insects. Sod shall be reasonably free ofobjectionable grassy and broadleafweeds. Sod shall be considered weed free if no more than ten (10) such weeds are found per 100 sq. ft. ofsod. Sod shall be rejected if found to contain the following weeds: (common bermudagrass), quackgrass, johnsongrass, poison ivy, nimbleweed, thistle, bindweed, bentgrass, perennial sorrel, bromegrass. All sod to be cut I li2 in. deen I I I I I U I I I D B c D t I I I I T E F I I T- 2.05 ACCESSORIES I A Water: Potable water as fumished by Owner. Transport as required. I Pre-plant Fertilizer: See Soil preparation - Section 02920 C Top-Dress Fertilizer: 16-6-8 (N-p-K) planting - Section 02950. I | 3.ol EXAMTNATT.N I I t t I I I PART 3 - EXECUTION A Verification of Conditions: l. Grades: Verify that grades are within I in. plus or minus of the required finished grades. Verifythat (fertilization) (and erosion control materials) have been installed in other sections. Report all variations in writing. 2. Stones, Weeds, Debris: Verify that all areas to receive (lawns) (grasses) are clear of stones larger than l-ll2in. diameter, weeds, debris and other extraneous materials. 3.02 PREPARATION A Excessive Soil Moisture: Do not commence work of this section when soil moisture content is so great that excessive compaction will occur. B Inadequate Soil Moisture: Apply water, as necessary to bring soil to an optimum moisture content for planting. Do not work soil when it is so dry that dust will form in air or that clods will not break readilv. 3.05 SODDED LAWN INSTALLATION I A Sod Bed preparation: I l. Rolling: Roll amended soil with 200 pound water-ballast roller. I 2 Yi.':::l;:',,u,*il,ffi',',il";;ffi:ilil;#l,itlfil,',T,?",i1,,n" t 3' :'#lf;r*';H1""::ffill,jy*ner' provided the sodbed has I t B Sodding Operations: l. Starter Strip: Lay first row of sod in a straight line, with subsequent rows parallel to and tightly against each other. Stagger lateral joints. Do not stretch or overlap sod. Butt all joints tightly to eliminate all voids. (Sodded areas shall be flush with adjoining seeded areas.) 2. Cutting: Use a sharp knife to cut sod to fit curves 3. Tamping and Rolling: Thoroughly tamp and roll sod to make contact with sod bed. Roll each entire section of completed sod. Slopes of 3:l or Greater: Lay sod with staggered joints secured by pegs driven through sod into soil. Drive pegs flush with turf. Space pegs 18 in. on center. Pegs to be pine, I in. square x 6 in., or 6 in. lengths of lath. Watering: Thoroughly water sod immediately after installation to wet the underside of the new sod pad and the soil immediately below to a depth of6 in. Contractor shall verify sod does not dry until project final acceptance. Top-Dress Fertilizer: Apply at the rate of (6) to (8) pounds per 1,000 square feet at 25 days and at 50 days after sodding. 3.06 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Tests: Samples of materials may be taken and tested for conformity to Specifications at any time. Rejected Materials: Remove rejected materials immediately from the site at Contractor's expense. Pay cost of testing of materials not meeting Specifications. 3.07 CLEANING A Erosion: Immediately restore eroded areas. Keep all adjacent paved surfaces cleaned ofdirt, mud or stains and organic debris. I t I t l T I I 4. ). 6. I I I I T I I I I T I B END OF SECTION I T I I I T t I T I Unit Pricins Each Square Foot t r.o2 nrrenr2Ncrs i. B "Hortus III", 1976 Editio4 Bailey Hortoriuq Comell University. = l.o3 suBMrrrALS T I o PART I - GENERAL I.OI STMMARY A Work Included: Provide planting complete, as shown and as specificd. B Related Work: Finish Grading - Section 02210 Irrigation System - Section 02910 Soil Preparation - Section 02920 Lawns and Grasses - Section 02930 C Unit Pricine: Include cost of all products used in installation unit price of the item for which they are furnished. Item l. Plants f 1.04 DELIVERY, SToRAGE, AND HANDLING A Delivery: Do not deliver to the site disease-infected plant materials. t I A "American Standard for Nursery Stock", 1986 Edition, American Association of Nurserymen, Inc. A Product Data: Manufacturer's current catalog cuts and specifications of the following: l. Mulch and fertilizer tablets. 2. Tree guy anchors. B Samples: l. Mulch: One (l) pint c certificates of Inspection: As required by law for transportation of each shipment of plants along with invoice. 02950 - I o I t I I I I I I t B c D Labeline: Furnish standard products in manufacturer's standard containers bearing original labels legibly showing quantity, analysis, genus/species and name of manufacturer/ grower. Storaee: Protcct metal containers from sun during summer months with ternpcratures abovc 70 degrees F. Keep plants that cannot be planted immediately upon dclivery in the shade, well-protected and well-watered. Heel in and protect with burlap B & B plant materials which cannot immediatcly be planted upon deliver. fu!!!gg: Do not lift or handle plans by tops, stems or trunks at any time. Do not bind or handle plants with wire or rope at any time, except wnpped rootball offield dug material. Diesing: Dig B & B plants with frr& natural balls of earth of diameter not less than that recommended by USDA Standard for Nursery Stock, and of suflicient depth to include the fibrous and feeding roots. Wrap and tie as required to prevent all cracking or loss ofsoil from rootball. PROJECT/SITE CONDITIONS A Protection of Existine Plants to Remain: l. Operations: Do not store materials or equipment, permit burning, or operate or park equipment under the branches ofexisting plants to remain. 2. Baniers: Provide banicades as shown on plans and landscape details to protect existing plants to rernain from damage during constnrction. 3. Notification: Give written notification if other construction activities threaten to damage existing plants to remain. Replacement of Damaeed Plants: l.Replace existing plants to remain which are damaged by Contractor during consbuction with accepted plants of the same species and size as those damaged at no additional cost to Owner. Landscape Architect will determine extent ofdamage and value of damaged plans. SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A Acceptance: Do not install plant rnaterials prior to acceptance of finish grades and main line tenching/installation of irrigation systerrl B Coordination: Coordinate with work of other sections to insure the follorving sequence of evenE: 1.05 I I I I I I N I I I 2. 1.06 02950 - 2 I 1 I I I.O7 WARRANTY ll A Warrant that plants planted under this Contract will be healthy and in flourishing l. General: Sprinkler system to be installed and operable prior to installation of plant materials. Schedule hand watering of plant materials installed prior to sprinkler irrigation s),stem. 2. Plants in Pots: Schedule delivery ofplants to coincide with installation ofpots. 3. Pruning: Do not prune plant rnaterials prior to irstallation and acceptance. Request review by Landscape Architect prior to prulhg. condition ofactive growth one (l) year from date of Final Acceptance. B Correct Species: Warrant that plant materials are ttue to species and variety. C Delavs: Delays caused by the Contractor in completing planting operations rvhich extend the planting into more than one planting season shall extend the Wananty period conespondingly. D condition ofPlants: Free ofdead or dfng branches and branch tips, with foliage of normal density, size and color. I T t T 1 I E Replacements: As soon as weather conditions permit, replace, without cost to Owner I dead plants and plants not in a vigorous, thriving condition, as detennined by Landscape Architect during and at the end of Wananty period. I I F Exclusions: Contractor shall not be held responsible for failures due to neglect by Owner, vandalisnl and acts ofGod, during Wananty period. Report such conditions. I L08 MAINTENANCE PERIOD AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE: Contractor shall maintain all plant I materials until project final acceptance. I 1.09 REPLACEMENTS I- A Failed Materials: ir ' :T;ff1'#?::'.:":ffi:'J:,',*:Hlflix'"T,:T:':#:i,ili,,," Contactor.If 2. Closely match rePlacements to adjacent specimens ofthe same species. Apply requirements of this Specification to replacements. Ir 3 :::ffi':trJ:H.",??i":J;lH:J::T":'#*if.,'.,llcements foreach fai,ed ll B Incorect Materials:t I ' 3ffi',y"'ff:y,':'.;::i.::'Ii:::ffifi::l#T.:1il::1.,i::;Hl: 02950 - 3 2. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERTALS Provide replacements of a size and quality to match the planted mateials at the time the mistake is discovered. Plant Materials: Veriry that container stock has been grown in the containers in which delivcred for at least one growing season, but not over two (2) years. l.Growing Conditions: Nursery-grown in accordance with good horticulrural practices under climatic conditions similar to those ofproject for at least two years unless otherwise specifically authorized. Appearance: Trees shall be heavy, symmetrical, tightly knit, and so trained or favored in development and appearance as to be superior in form for their species, with regard to number of branches, compactness and symmetry. Vigor: Sound, healthy and vigorous, well branched and densely foliated when in leaf, free ofdisease, inscct pests, eggs, or larvac, healthy, well-developed root systerns, free from physical damage or adverse conditions which rvould prevent thriving growth. Condition of Root System: Samples must prove to be completely free of circling, kinked or girdling tnmk surface and ccntcr roots and show no evidence of a pot-bound condition. Upon inspection by Landscape Architect at the job site, if five (5) percent or more of the plants ofeach species are found to contain kir*ed, circling or girdling roots, all plants of that species will be rcjected. @$e!l!g: General: Caliper is measured at a point on the b:unk 6 in. above natural ground line for trees up to 4 in. in caliper and at a point 12 in. above the natural ground line for trees over 4 in. in caliper. a. Measure foliagc across mean foliage dimension when branches are in their normal upright position. Foliage origin along main trunk shall be measured from soil line. b. Height and sprcad dimensions specified refer to main body ofplant and not branch tip to tip. Properly trinnncd plants shall measure the same in any direction. If a plant is unevenly grown, it shall be classified in the size category of the smallest dimension. Size Range: If a range of size is given, do not usc plant rnaterials less than the minimum size. The measurements specified are the minimum size acceptable and are the measurements after pruning, where pruning is required. Plants that meet the measurements specified, but do not possess a normal balance between height and spread shall be rejected. Substitutions: Substituted plants shall be true to species and variety and shall conform to measurements specified except that plants larger than specified may t I I I T I I 2. J. c I t I I I I t I T t t I l. 2. 3. B 02950 - 4 D 2.02 t t I I I I I I I I I I I l t t I t be used if accepted. Use of such plants shall not increase Contract price. If larger plants are accepted, increase the ball ofearth in proportion to the size of the plant. Plants overgrown for their container size will be rejected. Unacceptable Trees: Trees which have damaged or crooked leaders, rvill be rejected. Trees having a main leader shall not have been headed back Trees with abrasions of the bark, sunscalds, disfiguring knots, or fresh cuts of limbs ovet 3/4 in. which have not completely callused, will be rejected. Pruning: Do not prune plants before delivery. Consult Landscape Architect for pruning after installation. Field Dug Stock: Prior to digging of field grown plant materials, insure that excess loose fill resulting from cultivation around stems and over roots be removed down to natural finish grade at crown ofplant materials. During digging, verify that size of tree spade or other equipment is adequate to encompass the actively-growing root zone. plants which, after digging, show mostly large fleshy roots and ferv fibrous roots will be rejected. MIXES A Backfill Mix for Plant Pis: See Section 02920 - Soil preparation. B Commercial Fertilizers: l. Top-dress Fertilizer: Complete fertilizer, 50 percent of the nitrogen to be derived from narural organic sources or urea-form. Available phosphoric acid shall be from superphosphate, bone or tankage. potash shall be derived from muriate ofpotash containing 60 percent potash: 14% Nitrogen 5% Phosphoric Acid 5% Potash 2. Slow-release Fertilizer Tablet: "Agriform" 2l gram tablets with 20-10-5 (N-p- K) by Siena Chemical Co., (408) 263-8080, or equal. ACCESSORIES A Tree Stakine: I . Stakes: Lodgepole Pine with l0 in. tapered driving point and chamfered top, green color, feated with copper napthanate to heartwood, or metal .,T" stakes, minimum 48" lensth. 2. Ties: Black rubU], tire ti" or other tie as accepted by Landscape Architect. 3. Spreader Board: I " x 4" treated wood, length determined by stake spacing. 4. Auxiliary Stakes: l/4 in. - l/2 in. diameter spring-steel wire, fiberglass rod, bamboo, or split wood, as accepted by Landscape Architect. Stakes shall have no rough or sharp edges capable of damaging bark. 02950 - 5 B Tree Guving: l. Ground Anchors: Duckbill-type galvanized steel ground anchor and cable assembly, by Foresight Products, Inc., (800) 325-5360 or accepted equal. C Wood Chip Mulch: l. Tlpe Corrposted cedar barb frce of sticlcs, dirt, dust and other debris, as accepted, or shredded bark. 2. Size: ll2 in. to I in. diameter. D Water: l. Clea4 fresh and potable 2. Transport as required. 2.M SOURCE QUALTTY CONTROL A Review of Plant Material: Submit photographs with a person adjacent to each individual Spruce tree for preliminary review. Photographs shall be suffrcient to show all sides of tree. Such review shall not impair the right ofreview and rejection during progress ofthe work. B Unavailable Material: If proof is submitted that a specilied plant is not obtainable, a proposal will be considered for use of the nearest equivalent size or variety with conesponding adjusnnent of Contract price. Substantiate such proof in writing no later than 30 days after award ofcontract. C Special Conditions: Contractor is not relicved of the responsibility of obtaining specified materials in advance ifspecial growing conditions or olher anangements must be made in order to supply specified materials. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION 3.02 A Verification of Conditions: l. Soil Preparation: Do not cornmence planting work prior to conpletion and acceptance of soil preparation. 2. Irrigation: VeriS that irrigation system has been installed and accepted. PREPARATION Layout and Stakin_q: Lay out plants at locations shown on Drawings. Use 3 -ft. lath, color-coded for each specie ofplant material. Outline shrub and groundcover beds with lime or other material. t I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I02950 - 6 B B 3.04 t I I t I I I I I I I I I r ! I I I t 3.03 B Review: Locations ofplants will be checked in the field by landscape architec and will be adjusted to exact position before planting begins. Right is reserved to refuse review at this time if, in the Landscape Architect's opinion, an insuflicient quantity ofplants is available. Contractor shall contact landscape architect at least one week in advance to schedule planting layout review C Dieeing Plant Pits: Dig ree pis and scariS sides ofthe tree pit after excavation - see below. Do not use an auger or tree spade. DRAINAGE TEST OF PLANT PITS/OBSTRUCTIONS Testine: Immediately after completion ofexcavation, test drainage ofplant pits by filling with water nvice in succession. Give written notification of conditions permining the retention of water in plant pits for more than twenty-four (24) hours. Correction: Submit for acceptance a w tten proposal and cost estimate for the correction ofpoor drainage conditions before proceeding with planting. C Obstnrctions: Ifrock, underground construction work, tree roots or other obstructions are encountered in the excavation ofplant pits, acceptable alternate locations may be used at direction of Landscape Architect. TREEAND SHRUB Handling and De-potting of Plant Materials: l. Damage: Avoid damage to containers, wrappings and rootballs. If rootball is cracked or broken during handling and de-poning, plant will be rejected. Do not remove plant from container prior to completion ofplant pit preparation. 2. Canned Trees and Shrubs: Metal Containers: Cut can on two sides with accepted cutting tool. Do not use spade. Plastic Containers: Tip container to horizontal orientation and shake carefully to remove shrub. Support rootball during installation to prevent cracking or shedding of soil. 3. Balled and Burlapped Plants: Lift and carry by bottom ofball only. Do not remove wrapping until plant is set in plant pit. Cut wire and peel wire and burlap away from upper l/3 ofrootball prior to backfilling. Installation: l. Scarification: a. Plant Rootball: After removing plant from container, scari$ the sides of the rootball to a depth of I in. at four to six equally-spaced locations around the perimeter ofthe ball or at 12 in. intervals on sides ofboxed materials. Cut and remove circling roots over 3/8 in. diameter. b. Plant Pit: Scarify sides ofplant pit, thoroughly breaking up surfaces and eliminating "glazed" areas. 029s0 - 7 I ! I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I t 2. 4. 3.05 Positioning: Install and position plant material according to planting details. Thoroughly foot tamp all backfill. Position plant in planting pit, maintaining plumb condition. Maintain tluoughout planting operations. Backfilling: a. Use backfrll mix to backlill plant pits as shown on Drawings. Brace each plant plumb and rigidly in position until planting soil has becn tamped solidly around the ball and roots. b. When plant pits have been backlilled approximately 2/3 full, water thoroughly and saturate rootball, before installing remainder of the backfill mix to top of pit, eliminating all air pockets. Staking and/or Guying: When required, stake or guy as specified below Slow-release Fertilizer Tablets: Place evcnly distributed in plant pitswhen backfilled 2/3 according to the following schedule or per Manufacturer's larest specifications. (container stock) I gallon can - 2 tablets 5 gallon can - 4 tablets 15 gallon can - 6 tablets (B & B stock) I tablet per l/2 in. caliper or I ft. ofheight, whichever is less 24 in. box - 8 tablets 36 in. box - 10 tablets 48 in. box - 12 tablets C Waterinq: Immediately water plants afier completion of planting operations. STAKING AND GUYING General: l. Trees shall be able to stand upright without support, and shall return to the vertical after their tops have been deflected horizontally and released. Stake or guy trees which do not meet this qualification. 2. Trees shall remain plumb and staight from installation through the wananty period. 3. Tree support, ifrequired, shall be done as outlined on the following tables. 02950 - 8 ! I il I 1 I 1 I I I I I I t ! t I I t B Staking: l. Locate stakes as detailed in the Drawings, perpendicular to prevailing wind and as close to the main runk as is practical, avoiding root injury. Drive stakes at least 36 in. into firm ground. 2. Nail I in. x4 in. spreader board to stakes at detailed height making sure minimum tnrnk clearance is maintained. 3. Remove nursery-supplied stake and tie to new stakes using two tree ties. Find proper height for point oftree ties and attach as follows: a. Hold trunk in one hand, pull top to one side and release. Height at which trunk will snap back to upright position while hand-held is Base Height. Attach tree ties to tunk 6 in. above Base Height. b. Nail rubber ties to stakes using two (2) galvanized roofing nails at each end of tie. After total securement, cut olf stakes to an even height determined by the Landscape Architect. c. Iftnrnk is too "whippy" to support tree plumb, use auxiliary stake as follows: I ) Attach auxiliary stake as required to supporr trunk. Extend stake 30 in. belorv finish grade up to a point no closer than 24 in. from top of leader. 2) Round and wap the ends of the stake with friction tape. Attach stake to trunk with I in. wide vinyl or polyethelene tape at l0 in. to 15 in. intervals. C Guyine: l. Positioning: Guy trees at points ofbranching, with guys spaced equally around and outside perimeter of ball. Cover guys with rubber hose at points of contact with bark. Position guys at crotches and fasten to a deadman. 2. Turnbuckle: Provide one ( 1) turnbuckle for each guy. Use 2 cable clamps at each cable connection. (Place white plastic guy covers on all guys.) Tree Caliper @ 12 in. Turn- Deadmen Above Grade Guys Size Buckle /Anchor 3 in. to 3 l/8" 3/8" x 4" x4" x24", 6 in. 7 x7 10-5/8 18" Deep (on-structue) (or)'Duckbill' 68 DTS Kit 02950 - 9 6 in. to 3 3116" 3/8" x 6" x 6" x 30", 8 in. 7 x7 10-5/8 30" Deep (on-strucnre) (or) 'Duckbill' 88 DTS Kit 3.07 MI,JLCHING A Install a 2 in. deep layer ofmulch over shrub areas including hee and shrub watering basins, and in areas depicted on drawings, 3.08 PRUNING A. Contrzctor shall prune ncwly installed plant material to remove dead, brokeq and unsightly branches according to direction oflandscape architect. END OF SECTION d I I I I I I I t I I I I I 2 I t I t02950 - l0 I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I f, I rta 02200 - coMPAcTm nLr 07200 - RrcrD rilsulAlto|l 02600 - L00st fltt GRAvEt OTIOO - DRAINAGE BOARD u##ffffie 07200 - RrGrD rNSuLAiroN, 2' 07100 - PR0lEcnoN SHEET OTIM - FLUIO-APPIIED TIATERPROOFING ()TIOO - V{ATERPROOF ME|I|ERANE FLASHING: typ. 0 oll existino un-olioned concrete slirbs, extend f inir. oei monuf. txsl|t|c g.ftD 8' coilcruE g.AB. ELEVAII0{ vARrts FR0|I 1|',-2 tl2' l0 il0'-r0' G.c. T0 vtRlFY tN FtEt0 ilsnilc s.@E0 t2' c0{cREtt s.A8. ruvAn0i vARrEs FRotr ilt'-1' r0 il0'-r0' G.c. l0 vtRtFY tN FtEo SECTION@PLAZA-NOR]H SCAII: l'=l'-0' + + + oDELL A ICB rT 8 CtS. t.C.lol No. tl0J John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PROIBCT lor rlr Vrll lrarartlor Dlttrlaa rra rlr lor r ol vrll+ t I I I t t I I I I I I I I t I I t I f f 07200 - 8An NsuLAlroN 05100 - srtEL ruff -COLUMI{; Bepnd 0e200-ltEiAL sluos 8" 09200-cYPs.lM -80ARD; l/2' 09600 - RE$LrtNl BAs 09600 - cARPEi 07800 - cEMtNTrTr0us. FIRIPROOqNG & FIRT SAFINO 06100 - ilrER0R PtYw000 StltATHlNO; l/2', keoted 06100 - l{Om SIRAPPING: Air sooce Y l Jl8'x3' treoied plyirood 07{m - METAL I1ALL PN[L: Zinc, double lock stonding seom ()72OO - TNKAMAT WATHIR BARRIER 07200 - BUIIDING FELI; 'l5f Perforoted 07100 - OR|P FLASHING; Zinc. continuous SAN0 BED; I l/2' OTIOO - DRAINAGT EOARD 07200 - RlGlO INSULAII0N; 2' 07rm - PRortcn0N SHTEI 07100 - Fturo-APPLTID V{ATtRPR00FING: Iurn up plyrood oppiox. 5' 071fi1 - FIA$||NG; eilendJ tlp. 03300 - E)osnNG coNcRilt Stt FLOOR PLAN foR txltNT & LOCATION OF CMU VENETR I.O. PLAZA OIO( Er. ilr'-7 r/2' O2iOO - UNIT PAVTR: 24'x24"x2'' SECTION@PLAZA-SOUIH + 0DILL AlCAItECtt, t.C.,ol }|c. tt0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND IENOVATIONS PROJECT lor tl. Vrll lr.rr.tlcr Dl.rrlcl rra llr lor. ot Vrll + I I I I I t t I I I t I I I t I I I I + + NOT USED + 0DELL rlCnttBcrl. r.c.,ol No. tt0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITTONS AND RENOVATIONS PROJECT lor tla Vr ll lrsrrrllcr Dlrttl.t rra tl. ?orr ot V.ll + I I I I I I t I I I I I t T I I rl I UNIT PAVIR: 24't21'fl' sND StrTtNG 8tft | t/2'Rl00lNSULAll0{; 2' -.\ EXlSlrNG CoNCRflt SIAB & FOUNDATION WALL SNIM iO RTUAII{ GRAVTL FIIL SHTE] Y{ATTRPROONNG FLUID APPUEO lvATERPROONNG vPRorEclt0tl sHEEr ABOVE; TIP. APPRO( ENSNNC SECIION @ PLAZ SCAII: J'=l'-0' + + oDtLL AtcItrEcTr, t.c.,ol llo. tt0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND N.ENOVATIONS PROIECT lcr tl. Vrll l,..r.ttlct Dlrart!t r.a rl. lcrt of vrllI+ I I t I DIVISION 3 CONCRETE sEcTtoN 03100 CONCREIE FORMS AND ACCESSORIES PART I - GENERAL t l.0l SUMMARY A. Section Includes: I l. Formwork for Cosl-ln-ploce Concreter 2. Formwork Accessories3. Dovetoil Slots for Mosonry Anchors I B. Products Insioiled Buf Not Supplied Under This Section:l- CostJn ltems such os Angles, Plotes, Pipe Roil Sleeves, Anchor Bolls. Etc.: SuppliedI underSections05l20ond05500. I C. Reloted Sections: r l. Loyout: Section OlT22Field Engineering I 2. Exterior Concrete: Section 02750 Rigid Povemeni ond12776 Concrete Curbs onor Sidewolks. 3. Steel Reinforcement ond Accessories: Seclion 03200 Concrete Reinforcemenr. I 4. Concrete ond Flotwork Screeds: Section 03300 Cost-ln-Plqce Concrele.I 5. Sleel Deck Forming: Seclion 05310 Steel Deck.6. Mechonicol ond Elecfricol Blockouts: Divisions l5 ond 16. I 1.02 REFERENCES I A. Reference Stondords: See Section 01423. I l. ACI I l7-90 Specificolions for Toleronces for Concrete Conskuction ond Moleriols.2. ACI 301-96 Stondord Specifcotion for Slruclurol Concrete.3. ACI 303.1-97 Stondord Specificolion for Archileclurol Concrete. I B. Comply wilh lisled reference slondords except os modified by supplementol requirements on ihe drowings or by these specificotions. t r.03 PERFORMANCE REQUTREMENTS I A. Sofely: Assume responsibility for sofety of formwork ond provide necessory design, f construction, moleriols ond moinlenonce lo produce required concrele work sofely. r B. Verticol Formwork: Design formwork lo wifhstond pressure resulling from plocement ond t vibrolion of fresh concreie ond lo mointoin specified iolerqnces. C. HorizonlqlFormwork: I l. Design formwork to support deod lood weight ot fresh concrete ond constructionI live lood of 50 psf ond to mqintoin specified loleronces. t oA 9906 03100-l I 2. Design formwo* fo hove sufficienf comber lo mointoin foleronces specified. Provide comber sufficienl lo compensole for weight of fresh concrele.3. Comply with odditionol requiremenls indicoted on Slructurol Drowings. I.O4 SUBMMALS A. Shop Drowings: Submil drowings indicoling form liner. form joint ond tie locotions for oll orchilecturol concrete in occordonce with Section Ol33O. All shop drowings sholl be originol drowings produced by lhe subconlroclor or supplier ond sholl nol be reproduclions of the confrocf documenfs. I.O5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Pre-lnstqllofion Conference: Altend conference. See Section 03300. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI FORMWORKMATERIALS A. Form-FocingMoferiols: l. Foolings qnd ofher non-exposed concrete: Plywood, sieel or dressed lumber.2. Exposed Wolls: One of the followingo. New APA B-B Plyform Closs I Exl, 4'x 8'sheelsb. Temperedconcrete-form-grodehordboord.3. ArchilecturolConcrele: ComplywithACl303.l.o. New APA High Density Overloy Plyform Closs I Ext, 4'x 8' sheets. B. ChomferStrips: ChomferStrips: 3/4"45.jobcutwood ot3l4"4So pVCforunexposed surfoces. Use PVC for exoosed surfoces. 2.02 FORMWORKACCESSORIES A. Form Ties: Adjusloble in lengfh to permil iighlening of forms ond of type lo leove no metol closer lhon one inch of surfoce nor holes or depressions lorger ihon 7/8'in diomeler.l. Exposed Concrete: Bor breok bock type with breok-off poinl minimum oI 1-112" behind foce of concrele. No cones. B. Clomps, Brockefs, Broces, Woshers, Wedges, Wolers, Eic.: Confroctor's oplion. C. Shoring System: Controctor's option. 2.03 MISCELLANEOUSMATERIALS Form Oil: Non-sfoining. Conkoclor's oplion. Slob Edge ond Exponsion Joinl Premolded Filler: Biluminous fiber type complying with ASTM Dl75l. Thickness os indicoted by full depth of slob. B. I I I I t I T I t I t I I I I I I I t oA 9906 0310G.2 I I I I I I I I T I I T I I I I I I t c. slob construciion Joinl Forms: Burke Keyed Kold, superior John Lood Key Joinf or opproved subslilute in occordonce with Section 01600. Provide sirippoble vinyl insert oljoinls fo receive seolonf specified in Seclion 07900. D' Slob Conlrol Joinl Forms: Demoy Equipment ond Supply Co., Inc. Zip strip Wth red zip top or Burke Zipstrip. E. Compressible Form Tope: Beor #536 Vinyl Foom. 2.04 WATERSTOPS A. Preformed Adhesive Wotersfops:l. Adeko Ultro-Seol2. Approvedsubslifute. 2.05 EMBEDS A. Dovetoil Slols: Provide continuous doveloil slois cosl into concrefe where mosonry wolls orslone obul concrele. Doveloil slots sholl occommodole mosonry onchors to be provided under Secfion 04090. B. Adjusloble Melol Inserts:l. Monufoclurers: o. Gotewoy Ereclorsb. Heckmqn Building Produclsc. Meodow Sleel Produclsd. Approved Substilute in occordonce with Section 01600.2. Description: Gotewoy Sofe-T-Lood Type SL-R. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Foundolion Beoring Surfoces: Inspecled ond opproved by Geotechnicol Engineer prior lo sforf of formwork. B. Formwork: Provide omple nolice fo Archilect to ollow for review of formwork surfoces ihoi will provide finish surfoce of exposed concrete. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Loyout: See Section 01722. B. subgrode Under slobs ond Foolings: Fine grode to smooth, level surfoce prior lo instollolion of forms.l. Gronulor Bose Over Vopor Relorder: See Seclion 07261 Underslob Vopor Reiorder. 3.03 ERECTION A. Conslruction ond Ereclion: ACI 301.l. Lop Forming: Not ollowed oA 9906 03r0G3 2. 3. 4. Provide forms conforming fo shope, lines ond dimensions of members indicoted on drowings, substontiol ond sufficienlly tight to prevent leokoge of morfor. Properly broce or lie to mqinfoin posilion, shope ond loterol stobility. Cleorly mork lop surfqce of concrele on form wolls. Sel elevofions ond verify formwork locolions ond olignmenl using surveying inslruments in occordonce wth Section 0l722.o. Moke required odjustmenfs prior lo concrefe plocemenf. foleronces: ACI I17. Footings: L Use of eorfh os form nol ollowed.2. Butf form moferiol end to end.3. Close gops greoter lhon 3/4 inches between bollom of forms ond soil surfoces ol isoloted over-excovoled depressions. Wolls ond Grode Beoms: Use of eorlh os form not ollowed. Provide sufficienl slrenglh fo cony conslruclion operotions ond moleriol deod loods without deflection or vibrotion.3. Design forms lo be copoble of needed odjuslmenfs. Wqtch corefully os work proceeds ond promplly conecf foults.4. Where finished concrele will remoin exposed, spoce joints regulorly ond hold to minimum bolh horizoniolly ond verficolly.5. Provide occess ponels in formwork for cleonoul or plocing os required. Embeds:l. Anchors, Inserts, Blockouts ond Buill-in lfems: Securely.foslen onchor bolls, inserls, form blockoufs ond other items buill into concrete lo formwork or hold in ploce with femplotes. Insertion into concrete offer pouring nol ollowed.2. Doveloil Slots: Insioll verticolly 24" o.c. Coordinote with Section 04810. Archilecturol Concrete: Comply with ACI 303.1.l. Construcl forms with joints regulorly spoced ond held fo minimum both horizontolly ond verticolly. 2. Between formwork joinls ol exposed ouiside corners, instoll I /g' x 3/4" compressible form lope to prevenl leokoge of mortor from forms.3. Unless tie hole locolions ore indicoted on lhe drowings, insloll form ties in regulor potfern occeptoble lo Architect ond os indicoted on occepled shop drowings.4. Do not locote form ties within four inches of edge of ony concrete surfoce. Rusticolion Joints, Moldings or Bevels: Comply with ACI 303.1.l. Securely noil wilhin forms using finish noils2. chomfer exposed verticol exterior corners of concrele 3/4" unless olhenarise indicoted. 3. coordinole wilh work specified in Seclion 03300 for replqcement of removed rusficotion slrips prior to sondblosting. I I t I I t I I I I I I I t I t I I I B. c. D. I 2. F. \r. oA 9906 03r0G4 I ! 3.04 JOTNTS I A. Generol: t l. Use consirucfion joinls ot femporory slopping of concrele plocement or os indicoled on drowings. 11 2. Submit locolions of joints desired for conslruclion fo Archilecl for occeptonce. I 3. Leove joints in reintorced slrucfurol members rough ond provide longiludinol or verticol keys os indicofed ot leost l_l/2,,deep. r 4. Instoll conlinuous woterslop between pours wherever exierior grode is oboveI inlerior floor level. ! B. Slobs on Metol Deck ond Topping Slobs: Locote construction joints where occepted byI Architecl. I C. Slobs on Grode: I l. Locote construction joinls ond control joints os indicoted on drowings. I 2. Ploce joint forms in stroight line flush wiih finished surfoce ond in occordonce wilh monufoclurer's recommendoiions. r 3. Wire boltom olignment slols ond bottom of key to mefol support stokes. I I Do not exiend reinforcement fhrough joint form unless so noled on drowings.r 5. Sowed joints nol ollowed. I 3.05 SHORTNG I A. Design: Design shoring to foke full lood of concrele. Ploce directly obove ony reshoring I occuring below ond keep in ploce unlil slructurol members hove obloined minimum I concrele sirenglh os colled for on drowings. I B. Removol Slrength: Delermine in occordonce wifh ACI 301. Moke shoring ond reshore I colculofions ovoiloble ol request of Archilect. 3.06 FORM COATING I A. Cooting:L Coqi surfoce of formwork prior to eoch pour. T; 2. Apply in occordonce with monufqclurer's recommendolions. I 3. Apply cooting prior 1o plocing of reinforcemenl.4. Promplly remove excess cooting moteriol. I 5. Remove coolings of dust from confocl surfqces of forms prior to deposiling t concrete. 3.07 REMOVAL I A. Removol: Remove forms only in monner lo insure sofefy of struclure. I B. Iiming: I l. Generolly, forms moy be removed from:o. VerticolSurfqces: Atter24hoursfrom limeof plocing. I b. Horizontol Surfoces: Afler 72 hours from time of plocing. Unless olherwise I specified under Cotd Weofher in Section 03300. I oA eeo6 I 03100-5 3.08 REUSE A. Forms: Cleon form moferiol suitoble forreuse before erection. Form moleriql will not be l"_9:It9Pf"j"I reuse, if in opinion of fhe Archilecl, il will nol produce finished surfoce vt ...e& rurr\,|rrt \.||rJr |ir \rt \.rJt t\a r\rr \rt | \|| \aw[ tyJ. END OF SECTION I I I I I T I T I I I t I t I I I I I oA 9906 03r0G.6 I I sEcTtoN o32oo CONCREIE REINFORCEMENT I PART I - GENERAL I I.OI SUMMARYI A. Seclion Includes: I l. Reinforcing Bors for Cost-ln-ploce Concrete.! 2. Welded Wire Fobric for Cost-ln-ploce Concrefe.3. Dowels lnto Exisling Concrete. || 4. Dowels for Joints in Slobs-On-Grode. I 5. Welding of Reinforcing Bors. I B. Products Supptied But Noilnstqlled Under This Section: I I . Reinforcing Sieel for Mosonry for Seclion 04810 Unit Mosonry Assemblies. _ C. Reloled Sections: I I ' Exterior Concrele: Section 02750 Rigid Povement ond Section 02776 Concretet Curbs ond Sidewolks.2, Formwork: Section 03t00 Concrete Forms ond Accessories.I 3. Concrele: Section 03300 Cost-ln-ploce Concrele.t 1.O2 REFERENCES f A. Reference Slondords: See Section 01423.l. ACI I l7-90 - Specificotions for Toleronces for Concreie Construclion ond Moleriols. .. 2. ACI 301-96 - Stondord Specificotions for Sfructurol Concrete. I 3. ACt Detoiting Monuot (Sp66). t994 edition.r 4. ACI 318-95 - Building Code Requirements for Shuclurol Concrete, Ports 2 ond 3.5' ACI 503.1 -92 - Siondord Specificofion for Bonding Hordened Concrele. Sleel, Wood,I Brick ond Oiher Moteriols to Hordened Concrete with o Multi-Component Epoxyt Adhesive.6. MSP-l-97 - Monuol of Stondord Prqctice of the Concrete Reinforcing Steel lnstitute.tt 7. ANS|/AWS Dl.4-98 - Structurol Welding Code - Reinforcing Sleel.r B. Comply with listed reference stondords excepl os modified by supplemenlol I requirements on lhe drowings or by these specificotions. - 1.03 suBM[tALS t A. Shop Drowings: Submit in occordonce with Section 01330.I |. Indicole size, configurofion, pertinent dimensions, number, exoct posilion, ond spocing of reinforcemenl ond exocl locolion of openings, froming, qnd speciql condilions offecting work. Include woll elevotion of eoch reinforced concrele woll.2. All shop drowings sholl be originol drowings produced by lhe subcontroctor or supplier ond sholl nof be reproduclions of lhe confroct documenls. All plons ond elevofions wholl be %" = l'-0" minimum scole. I I I oA eeo6 T 03200-r C. Certificofes:l. Welder Certificotes: Submil for oll welding operolors used for welding reinforcing bors. I.O4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Pre-lnslollofion Conference: Attend conference. See Secfion 03300. B. Welder Quolificotions: Welding sholl be performed by AWS certified welding operolors onlY. I.O5 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Generol: Comply with Section 01600 B. Reinforcing Sleel: Unlood ond slore reinforcing sleel lo keep cleon. Store on timber skids while owoiling use. PART 2 . PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A. Reinlorcing Bors: Conform lo generol noles on slructurol drowings. B. Welded Wire Fobric: ASTM A185. c. Dowels for Joinls in slobs-on-Grode: ASTM A36 or A30z smooth round bors.l. Diomeler: 3/4 inch2. Length: l6 inches, sown to length, not sheored3. Bond Breok: Greose olong holf bor lenglh. ACCESSORTES Tie Wire: No. 14 or No. l6 gouge, block, sofi iron wke. Wire Bor Supporls ond Spocers: Comply with CRSI MSp-1. provide rigid suppori ond cleoronces required in footings, wolls, columns ond flotwork.l. Agoinst exterior exposed surfoces: Closs t, plostic protecled.2. Supported on Soil or Fiber Void: Closs 3. Provide eorlh-beoring ploles. Precosf Concrele Bor Supporls: Comply wifh CRSI MSP-1.l. Locofions: Use to support foundofion mofs, reinforcing bors ond welded whe fobric in slobs-on-grode, ond bors supporled on fiber voids only.2. Types: Provide ploin for single mots, doweled for double mots.3. Sizes: o. Depth: Sized io provide exocl cleoronces indicoted.b. Widih ond Length: 2" minimum, 6" moximum. All-Plostic Bor Supports: Not ollowed for slobs ond flotwork. E. BondingAgenl: ASTMC88l. SikoCorp.Sikodur3l,Hi-ModGel oropprovedsubstitute. I I I I I I I I 2.02 A. B. I I I I I I I t I I t c. |.r oA 9906 032002 I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I F. Reinforcement Bqr Mechonicol Conneclions:l. Couplers sholl develop in lension or compression o minimum of 125% of lhe specified yield strength of fhe reinforcing bor. Threqded Rebor Couplers: Lenlon Slondord Couplers or opproved subsiitute. Flonge Couplers:o. Willioms Form Engineering Corp. Rebor Flonge Couplers.b. Erico Producls Lenlon Form Sovers.c. Richmond Screw Anchor Co. Dowel Bor splicers.d. Approved Substilute4. Provide internol coupler prolectors for oll lhreoded rebor couplers ond flonge couplers. 5. Reinforcing bors lhreoded for connecfion to existing slructure sholl be compotible wifh Lenlon Threoded Rebor splices os monufqctured by Erico Products. PART 3. EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Reinforcement: Provide omple nolice lo Archilecl fo ollow for review of compleled concrete reinforcemenl before plocing concrele. 3.02 PLACEMENT A. Generol: Comply with generol noles on siructurol drowings ond ACI 318. B. Bending: l. Bend reinforcemenl cold.2. Provide full length bors, occurotely bent to deiqils.3. Do nol field bend bors porliolly embedded in concrete except os indicoted on the drowings or specificolly permilled by the Architect. C. Plocing: l. Ploce reinforcement occurolely ond hold firmly in ploce before ond during the plocing of concrete. Provide minimum concreie proleclive cover for reinforcement from lhe exlerior foce of members in occordonce wifh ACI 318 ond nofes on drowings. Provide bor supports ond spocers to plqce bors in the proper locotion ond wire odequotely ol interseciions to hold bors firmly in posilion while concrete is ploced. Projecl dowels odequotely 1o provide Closs B splice unless olhenarise indicoted. Wire bent dowels in ploce before pouring. Toleronces: Comply wilh ACI I 17. D. Supports ond Spocers:l. Provide supporfs properly spoced ond wilh sufficient strength fo corry loods of reinforcing sleel ond deposited concrele wilhout collopsing or ollowing bors to sog. Provide plostic cooted or sfoinless sleel prolected bor supports ond spocers where they will be in coniocf with concrete surfoces exposed io weolher. Do nol use bor supports to support runwqys for concrete buggies or similor loods. Brickbots or precosl blocks used to support mots of bors only with occeptonce of Architect. 2. J. 2. 4. ( 2. ? 4. oA 9906 0320G3 E. Lop Splicing:l. Wherever it is necessory to splice reinforcement other thon os indicoled on drowings, chorocfer of splice sholl be occepted by Architect on bosis of sfress in reinforcement of splice.2. Do not splice of poinfs of moximum slress nor splice odjocent bors ol some poinl.3. Provide lop splice lengfhs os noled on fhe Siruciurol Drowings. F. Dowels ol Joinls:l. Locotion: As shown on Drowings.2. Dowel Size ond Posilion: As shown on Drowings. Dowels shqll be kepf horizontol ond perpendiculor lo fhe joinf, with o moximum voriofion of l/4', in g'. 3. Melhod of Instollotion: Insert Dowels through side forms prior lo stort of pour ond hold in posifion during concrete plocement operotions. Toke core to keep the dowels in ploce during the pour.4. Greose: Al construclion joints, cool of leost holf the length of eoch dowel with pelroleum greose. G. MechonicolConnections:l. Comply wilh monufoclurer's recommendqtions ond noles on struclurol drowings.2. Provide full concrele cover fo foce of sleeves ond couplers.3. Attoch flonge couplers to forms fo prevenl dislodging during concrete plocemenl.4. Provide plostic inserfs ot oll couplers to remoin open during concrele plocemenl. H. Welded conneclions: comply with ANsuAws D 1.4. undercul bors ore subject to rejecfion. 3.03 WELDED WIRE FABRIC A. Inslollotion: I. Loy welded wire fobric conlinuously, with edges ond ends overlopping odjoining sheels minimum of one full mesh, plus 2", ond not less thon 6", tied ond ploced over oll piping ond conduil.2. Support fobric on bor supports ot position indicoted on Drowings.3. Where required, construcf bulkheods ol conshuclion joinfs ond screeds to ploce fobric in proper position. 3.04 DOWELS INTO EXISTING CONCRETE A. Drilling: l. Drill holes info existing concrete os indicoled with hole diomeier 1/4 inch greoler thon octuol dowel diometer, ond with depth equol lo l5 dowel diometers, unless indicoted olhenvise.2. Do not drill lhrough existing reinforcemenl withoui prior opprovol of Architect.3. lf thickness of exisling concreie member is not odequole to ollow specified dowel embedmeni ond minimum l-l/2 inches of concrele cover remoining beyond end of dowel, notify Architect before proceeding. B. SurfocePreporolion:L Holes: Cleon out dusl, foreign podicles ond disinlegroled moteriols for full depth of holes. I I I I t I I t T I I I I T I I I I t oA 9906 032004 I I - 2- Dowels: Cleon lo bore mefol, free of dust, greose, scqle ond ony olher foreign moferiols on surfoce of dowel lo be bonded. a C. Applicolion:l- Comply with Monufocfurer's recommendolions, including conloct iime ondt lemperoft.re fimilqlions. f| 2. Groul neolwiih epoxy bonding ogenl.3. Insert dowels providing full l5 diometer embedmenl. '. 4. Fill enfire onnulorspoce with bonding ogent. t D' Prolecfion: Mointoin wifhin odhesive monufocfurer's recommended temperolure rongeond prolecf bors from disiurbonces for minimum 24 hours ofler grouting. Do not plocJ I concrele until odhesive is fully cured. 3.05 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL I A. Inspeclion: All reinforcemenl lo be inspecled by owner's inspection ogency. I 3.06 CLEANTNG r A. Reinforcemenl: Cleon prior lo plocing concrefe lo remove oil. soil, ice or other cootingslhot will destroy or reduce bond. II I END oF sEcTtoN I T I I I t I I oA eeo6 m2oo-5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T sEcTtoN 03300 CAST-IN.PLACE CONCRffE PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes:l. Formed Cost-ln-ploce Concrele2. Concrele Flotwork3. Topping for Sieet Deck4. MiscelloneousConcrele5. lce Rink Slob-Allernote B. Producfs Supplied But Noi Instolled Under This Seclion:I' concrele for silework for seclion 02776 concrele curbs ond sidewolks.2. Concrete for Vehiculor poving for Seclion 02750 Rigid povemenl. Reloted Requhements:l. Testing: Seclion 01450 Quoliiy Confrol.2. Quolity Control: Section 01450. Reloted Sections:l. Formwork: Section 03100 Concrete Forms ond Accessories.2. Reinforcemenl: Section 03200 Concrete Reinforcemenl.3. Non-Shrink Groul: Seclion 036@ Grouts.4. Reody-Mixed Groul for Mosonry: Secfion 04070 Mosonry Groul.5. Allernole Bid: Section 01030 Allernotes6. lceRinkslobConstruciion: Section 13175 REFERENCESr.02 A. Reference Stondords: comply with following excepl qs modified by supplementory requkements of this project specificolion.l. ACI I |7-90 - Slondord Specificolions for Toleronces for Concrete Construclion ond 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Moleriqls. ACI 301-96 - Slondord Specificotion for Struclurol Concrele. ACI 306. | -90 - Stondord Specificolions for Cold Weof her Concreling. ACI 308.1-98 - Stondord Specificotion for Curing Concrefe Acl 318-95 - Building code Requiremenis for Sfructurol concrete, ports 2 ond 3. Acl 503.2-92 - slondord Specificotion for Bonding ploslic concrete lo Hordened Concrele with o Multi-Component Epoxy Adhesive. Acl 303.1-97 - stondord Specificotion for cosHn-ploce Archileciurol concrele. ASTM C94-96 - Stondord Specificotion for Reody-Mixed Concreie. ASTM c494-92 - Stondord specificolion for chemicol Admixtures for concrele. B. Guide References ond Sfondqrd Proctices:l. ACI 2l l.5R - 96-Guide for Submiltol of Concreie proportions. 2. ACI 305R-91 - Hot Weother Concreling.3. ACI 309R-96 - Guide for Consolidolion of Concrete. oA 9906 0330Gr c.Field References: Keep or reosr one (r) copy of Acr 3ol on site or oil rimes. orherreference stondords listed obove sholl be kept on sile when directed by nrchilecl orEngineer. SUBMITTALS Mix Designs: Nol less lhon two (2) weeks prior lo plocing ony concrele, submil concrefemixe-s for occeplonce in occordonce wiih Producf Dofo provisions of Secfion 01300 ondACt2l t.5R. I ' Submil monufocturer's dolo ond/or certificolions verifying conformqnce of mix ^ moteriols including odmixtures with specified requiremen-is.2. Submit seporore mix design for eqcrr concrere mix fype ro be used in project.Include following: I T I I I I t I I I I t I t I I I I I r.03 A. c. 1.04 B. o. b. A e. t. Mix identifi colion designof ion. Slotemenl of intended use for mix. Mix proportions, including odmixlures. Wel ond dry unit weighf. Enlroined oir conlenf. Design slump. S. Design compressive slrengfhh. Woler/cementiliousmoteriolsrotioi. Aggregole Sourcej. Strength quolificotion doto.3. Slrenglh Quolificolion Dolo:o. submil required overoge skength quolificolion dolo ond documentotion perACl30t 4.2.3.b. lf trior botches ore used ro quorify overoge srrengrh, mix design shoil beprepored by on independenl lesfing roborolory qnd shoil oc-hieve overogecompression strength o minimum of 1200 psi greoter thon specified streng-fhwilh slump within one inch of moximum permitted ond oir content within 0.5%of moximum ollowoble.c. lf field test doto is used ro quorify overoge strength, submit seporotequolificotion doio for eoch producrion focirity which wiil suppry concrere roproject, including copies of concrete tesiing ogency's,eporis'from which dotowos comoiled. Tesl Reporfs: Reports of control lesls, speciol iests ond core tesis specified under FieldQuolity control in Port 3 sholl b_e distribuled by independent iesting loborotory inoccordonce with Section 01450. Somples: Submit somples of colored concrele for color seleclion in occordonce withSection 01330. QUALITY ASSURANCE Testing Agency: Ail testing.will be conducfed by opproved testing loboroiory. see FierdQuolity Control - Port 3 ond Section Ol4SO. source Quolity conlrol: Architect sholl be offered uninlem;pled occess lo reody_mixbotching plont while work is in progress. oA 9906 03300-2 A. B. I I I I I ! I I T I I I I I I 3 I I t c' Record of Work: Keeprecord lisfing lime, locoiion ond dofe of plocement of concrelefor slrucfure' Keep. such record until complelion of projecf onO more ovoiloble loArchiteci for exominolion of ony iime. D' Pre-lnslollotion Conference: Before submittol of mix designs, hold conference withGenerol controcior's superintendenf, independent testirig loborotory, concreteformwork insloller, reinforcernenf insioller, concrefe suppl'rer, concrele instoller, pumpingequ]pment operotor, ond monufoclurer(s) representoiive(s) in occordonce with Section01600. Also notify Architecl ond Slrucluroi Engineer of meeiing ol leost to doys inodvqnce. l ' Discuss oll motters perioining lo proper forming, reinforcemenl plocement, concrelesuppty, concrele plocing, concrete lesling ond concrete curing.2' Toke minules ond distribute lo ottending porties, Architect ond Slructurol Engineer. I.O5 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Generol: Moleriols hondling ond botching sholl conform to opplicoble provisions ofASTM C94. Houling Time: Dischorge concrete tronsmilfed in iruck mixer, ogirotor or olhertronsportotion device within l -l /2 hours ofter mixing woler hos been odded. Extro Woler: l. Deliver concrere to sile in exoct quontilies required by design mix.2. should extro worer be-required for workobility before deposr:ling concrele ondwoter/cement rolio of occepted mix design will nol be exceedled, GenerotContrqctor's superintendenl sholl hqve sole oufhoriiy lo oulhorize oddilion of woler.Any oddilionol woler odded lo mix ofler leoving botch plonl sholl be indicoted on - lruck tickel ond signed by person responsible.3' Where extro woter is odded to conciete it shoil be mixed rhoroughry for 50revolutions of drum before deposiling.4. Woter moy be odded ot lhe site only once for eoch bqlch.5. No woler moy be odded for ice rink slob concrele D' Redosoge with High Ronge woter Reducing Admixlure (Superplosticizer): Moy be donewilh prior occepronce of Architeci regording dosoge ond time periods. I.06 PROJECICONDITIONS A. EnvironmentolRequiremenls:I. Cold Weother plocement: o. When for lhree successive doys prior lo concrete plocement the overoge doilyoutdoor remperoture drops berow 40oF or when the overoge ourdoortemperoture is expecred io drop berow 40oF on the doy of concreteplocement, preporotion, prolection ond curing of concrele sholl comply withACt 306.t.b. Minimum lemperoture of concrele upon delivery sholl conform to ACI 30.|4.2'2.7. Concrete temperoture ol plocemenl sholl conform to minimum voluesof ACI 306.1 Toble 3'2.1, ond sholl not exceed minimum volues by more thon20"F. oA9?06 0330G3 c. Subject to occeptonce of Archilecf, on occeleroling odmixlure moy be used. Admixfures sholl meet requiremenls of Port 2. Colcium Chloride ond other chloride-lype occeleroting odmixlures will not be ollowed.d. Subjecf lo occeplonce of Architect. Confrqclor moy substilute cemenl for equol weighl of fly osh in design mix.e. Comply with concrete proleclion lemperolure requiremenls of ACI 306.1. Record concrefe lemperolures during specified proleclion period ol infervols nof fo exceed | 6 hours ond no less lhon lwice during ony 24 hour period.f. Submittol of detoiled procedures, meons. ond melhods for producfion, fronsportolion, plocement, profeclion. curing, ond temperolure monitoring of concrele during cold weolher is nol required.2. Hot Weother Plocement:o. When deposiling concrele in hot weother, follow recommendqtions of ACI 305R.b. Temperofure of concrefe of lime of plocement sholl not exceed 95.F.c. Temperoture of concrele for ice rink slob sholl nol exceed 75.F of lime ofplocemenl. d. When ok lemperolures on doy of plocement ore expected to exceed 90.F, mix ingredients sholl be cooled before mixing. Floke ice or well-crushed ice of o size lhqt will mell complelely during mixing moy be subsfituted for oll or port of mix woter.e. Retording Admixlure moy be used subjecl lo occeptonce of Archilects Admixlures sholl meel requirements of port 2.f. Prolecl lo prevenl ropid drying. Stort finishing ond curing os soon os possible.3. Unless odequote protection is provided, concrele sholl noi be ploced during roin, sleei, or snow. Roinwoler sholl not be ollowed lo increose ihe mixing wqler nor to domoge lhe surfoce finish. I.O7 SCHEDULING A. Interior Flotwork Over Vopor Borrier wilh Gronulor Protecfion Loyer: Schedule concrefe plocement lo occur immediolely following inslollotion of gronulor protection loyer. See Seciion 07261. B. Instoll interior slobs on grode os lole os possible. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2,OI MATERIALS A. ACI 301 : Provide moleriols in occordonce wifh ACI 301, porogrophs os lisfed, unless omended or superseded by requirements of this section or generol nofes on struclurol drowings. B. Concrete Moleriols: ACI 301 4.2.1.l. Reody-mixed Concrete: ASTM C94. On-site mixed concrele not ollowed.2. Cement: ASTM C 150, Types os indicqted under Concrete Mix Types.3. Fly osh nol ollowed.4. Aggregote: ASTM C33, obloined from some source throughout project:o. Fine Aggregote: Noturol sond. I I I T I I I I t t I t I T T I I I I oA 9906 03300-4 4. I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I b. Coorse Aggregofe: Grovel or crushed sione contoining no deleferious subslonces which couse surfoce spolling.5. Woter: Pofoble.6. Air Enlroining Agenf: ASTM C2607. Woter Reducing Admixlure: ASTM C494,Iype A: Eogle Admixtures Conod N. Euclid Eucon WR-75, WR-89, or WR-91. Mosler Builders Pozzolilh 200. Prokrele Indusf ries Prokrete-N.e. Siko Plostocrele l6l.f. Approved subslilule in occordonce wilh Seclion 01600.8. High Ronge Woter Reducing Admixture (Superploslicizer): ASTM C494,IypeF or G:o. Euclid Eucon 37 or 537.b. Siko Sikomenf 300.c. Mosfer Builders Rheobuild l@0.e. Approved substilute in occordonce wilh Section 01600.?. Non-conosive, Non-chloride Accelerotor: ASTM c4g4. Type c or E, conloining not more chloride ions thon present in municipol drinking woter ond with long lerm lesi dolo from independent tesling loboroiory providing non-conosive effeci on reinforcing steel:o. Euclid Accelguord 80 or 90.b. W.R. Groce Doroset.c. Siko Plostocrete l6l FL.d. Approved subslitute in occordonce with Section 016@. Colcium chloride ond odmixlures conloining more lhon 0.10 percent chloride ions or sodium fhiocyonotes not ollowed. 10. Woter-Reducing, Retording Admixlure: ASTM C494. Type D: Euclid Eucon Reforder 75 W.R. Groce Dorotord-17 Siko Plostocrete l6lR Approved subslitute in occordonce wilh Section 01600. C. MiscelloneousMoteriols: l. Curing Compound - Verticol Surfoces: ASTM C3092. Curing Compound - Inierior Slobs to Receive, Tile in Mortor Bed, Resilient Flooring, or Adhered Corpel: VOC-complionl, non-membrone forming penetroting lype.o. L&M Cureb. Approved substilute in occordonce with Secfion 01600. Comply wifh requiremenls of floor finish monufocturers. curing ond Seoling compound - Interior slobs lo Remoin Exposed without Hordener, ond Exierior Concrele: ASTM C309, Type I ond ASTM Cl315, Closs B. Minimum 30% solids conlent, moximum moisture loss of 0.030 groms per squore cenlimeter {300squore feef per gollon coveroge):o. Euclid Super Aquo-Cure VOX.b. L&M Dress & Seol WB 30c. Approved subsiilute in occordonce wilh Section 015@. Comply wilh requirements of floor finish monufoclurers. Floor Seoler: Second cool of Curing ond Seoling Compound - Inlerior Slobs to Remoin Exposed. o. b. c. d. b. d. oA 9906 03300-5 2.02 ADHESIVES AND BONDING COMPOUNDS Epoxy Adhesives for use in All Slruclurol Repoirs: Two component. 100% solids, l0o% reoctive compound suiloble for use on dry or domp surfoces ond comply with ASTM c88r.l. Eucfid Euco Epoxy 452 or 620.2. SikoSikodur32 Hi-ModorArmolec llO.3. Approved subslifute in occordonce wifh Section 01600. where epoxy injection procedures ore used. use low viscosity epoxy mode by one of obove monufocturers. Bonding Compound (lnterior only):l. Euclid Euco Weld2. Lorsen Products Weldcrete3. Siko Sikobond4- Approved subslilute in occordonce with seclion 01600. use only ol oreos nol subject to moislure. C. Epoxy Joint Filler/Seoler: Two component, flexible, solvenl-free, moisiure insensitive compound with minimum ASTM D2240 Shore A hordness of 80 ot 28 doys. Use self- leveling formulolion for floors. Use non-sog formulotion for verticol ond overheod joints.l. Euclid Euco 7@.2. Siko Sikodur 5l NS/SL.3. Approved substilute in occordonce with Section 01600. 2.03 PROPORTIONING AND DESIGN OF MIXES A. Relerence Stondords: ACI 301 Seclion 4, ond ACI 318, Chopter 4. Design: conform to generol noles on slrucfurol drowings. proportion ingredienls for mixes in occordonce wilh ACI 301 4.2.2 ond 4.2.3.l. Should controctor require speciol mix due lo siruclurol requiremenls, weolher or mqteriols, submil somples of cement ond oggregote to be used fo opproved festing loborofory. Testing loborotory will moke onolysis of moteriols ond design proper mix lo be used. Durobilily: conform fo Acl 301 4.2.2 ond Acl 3lB chopter 4 os modified herein.l. concrete Exposed to weolher or Freeze-Thow Including poving, sife work ond ExleriorSlobs: Meelrequirementsof Acl 301 ond3l8lobles4.2.2ond4.2.3except thoi concrefe sholl hqve o woter-cement rolio nof exceeding 0.45.2. concrete Exposed to Deicers or Aggressive chemicols Including porking slobs, Vehiculor Romps ond Looding Docks: concrete sholl hove o wofer cemenf rotio not exceeding 0.40.3. Colculotion of Woler-cementitious moteriol rotios: Woler includes free surfoce moisture on oggregoles ond liquid odmixture. Slump: Design concrefe mixes lo provide slumps indicoted under mix type.l. concrete contoining High Ronge Woter Reducing Admixture (superplosiicizer): Slump of 2-3" upon onivol ol sile, moximum slump of 8'ofter oddilion of superplosiicizer.2. Other Concrete: Moximum 4". A. I I I I T I I t T I I T I t I I I I I a b. D. oA 9906 03300-6 I I 3' ffi"JyJ#?Pll::""*te mixes fo be ploced bv pumpins to provide desisn f E. Woler/Cemenlitious Moteriol Rotio: Provide concrele with following woter/cemenlitious- moteriol rotios:l. Concreie Subject to Freelng/Thowing: Moximum 0.50.I Woler includes free surfoce moislure on oggregotes ond liquid odmixture.r F. Concrete for Floors: Conform lo ACI 301 f G. Admixtures: l. Generol: No odmixtures will be qllowed except os specified herein unless I quihorized by ihe Architect. All requesls for opprovol or substitufion musl be mode I by lhe Generol Conlrqcior ond be occomponied by sufficient informolion ond lest'- doto for evoluofion.2. All odmixtures sholl be chemicolly compotible wilh cementitious moteriols ond oll I ofher odmixlures used in the mix. I 3. All odmixtures sholl be chloride free. No colcium chloride sholl be odded lo concrete. f H. Chloride lons: Moximum woter soluble chloride ion concenirotion in concrete mix sholl not exceed following percentoges by weight of cementitious moteriols. I l. Concrele Over Melol Decks: 0.06% I 2. Other Concrele: 0.15% - l. Mixing: Add oggregote ond opproximotely two-thirds of required woter to mixer first ond I mix minimum of 70 revolulions ot mixing speed to ensure wetfing of oll oggregoteI porticles, fhen odd cement, oir entroining ogenf ond remoining woler ond mix minimum of 30 revolutions ol mixing speed. t 2.04 coNcRErE MtX TYPES I A. Concrefe Mixes: r Mix A - For Interior Slobs-On-Grode: I ,ffi 3n SffiT;l#Jff1i"':1"r1'Jl.:';T"'j,ii":lXiote,io,s per cubic yord.r Fly osh nol ollowed. 3/4 Inch Moximum Aggregote Size. I 3% Moximum Air. t 4 Inches (8 Inches with Superplosticizer) Moximum Slump. Woter Reducing Agenl: Use in occordonce wilh monufocturer's recommendolions. I Mix B - For Foolings, Columns, ond Wolls:r 40@ psi minimum compressive strength ol oge of 28 doys. I Type l/ll Cemenl minimum of 470 pounds cementitious moleriol per cubic yord. t 3/4 Inch Moximum Aggregole Size.t 6%+ 1-ll27o Enlroined Air. _ 4Inch (8 lnches with Superplosiicizer) Moximum Slump. I I oA ee06 I 03300-7 Mix C - For Topping for Metql Decking: 4000 psi minimum compressive strength ol oge of 28 doys. Type l/ll Cemenl. minimum of 564 pounds per cubic yord. 3/4 Inch Moximum Aggregote Size. No enlroined oir or fly osh ollowed. 4Inches Moximum Slump. Woter Reducing Agent: Use in occordonce wifh monufoclurer's recommendotions. Mix D - For Sidewolks, Concrele Poving ond Other Exferior Concreie: 4000 psi minimum compressive slrenglh ol oge of 28 doys. Type l/ll Cemenf, minimum of 564 pounds per cubic yord. Fly osh not ollowed. 3/4 Inch Moximum Aggregole Size. 6%!l-1 l27o Enlroined Air. 4Inches Moximum Slump. Woler Reducing Agent: Use in occordonce wilh monufocturer's recommendotions. Mix E - For lce Rink Slob (Alternote Bid) 4,000 psi minimum compressive sfrenglh ot oge of 28 doys. Type l/ll cemenl, minimum of 564 pounds of cementilious moleriol per cubic yord. Fly osh not ollowed 3/8 inch moximum oggregote size No eniroined oir Woter/Cement Rolio: 0.43 by weight 3-3-l 12 inch slump ol huck botching Add super-ploslicizer on sile fo produce 6-l l2-7 inch slump Moximum lemperoiure ol hose dischorge: 75'F. Add ice if required. No wofer moy be odded ot the sife. Mix F - for pipe kenches ond occessories 2,500 psi compressive slrength 3/4 inch oggregofe size Slump: 6 inches Admixlures: l. Non-Conosive, Non-Chloride Accelerotor: Use of oll concrete slqbs ploced of oir temperoture below 50oF. Air Entroining Agenl: Use ol oll concrefe required lo be ok entroined. Superplosticizer: Requked For: o. All pumped concrete.b. Concrete with wqier/cement rolio below 0.50. c. lce rink slob C. Mix Designs: ldentify by mix idenlificotion letler. Submil new mix designs indicoting slump, oir conlenl ond odmixtures for oll mixes designoled lo receive tibrous reinforcing. T T T I t I I I I I I t I2. l I I I I T oA 9906 033@-8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I t PART 3. EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Archilecl's Review: Provide minimum of 24 hour nolice to Architecf to ollow him lo review forms ond reinforcement just before concrele is ploced ond fo observe plocing ofconcrete. B. Conlroclor's Review: Controctor sholl inspeci forms ond reinforcing prior lo concrefeplocemeni lo ossure occurole plocemenl of embedded ilems. 3.02 GENERAL A. Insloll concrele work in occordonce wiih ACI 301, porogrophs os lisled unless omended or superseded by lhis section or notes on slructurol drowings. 3.03 PREPARATION A. Do not begin concrete work until operolions ore complete enough lo ollow plocemenl to be coried on qs continuous operotion for enlire seclion thot is to be plqced. Cleon equipment for mixing ond konsporting concrete.l. Forms: Cleoned of debris qnd ice, wetfed (excepl in freezing weother) ond cooted os specified under Seciion 03100.2. lf woter occumulotes in forms, pump oul before concreie is deposiled.3. Cleorly mork finish top surfoce of verticol members on form wolls. B. Proteclion: Cover mosonry wolls, glozing, ond ofher finish mqteriols with polyethylene or othenrrise profecf from domoge due lo plocing of slobs, sidewolks or floors qbove. 3.04 PLACEMENT A. Generol: Comply with ACI 301, Section 5. B. Plocement: Ploce concrete in opproximotely uniform horizonlol loyers not over twelve inches in height. Piling up of concrete in forms or chufing in mqnner lo seporole oggregotes will not be permiited. Do not drop concrele in free foll over 5 feet. C. Woler: Prevent qccumulotions of woter on surfqce of concrete due lo woier goin, segregotion, or other couses, during plocement or compocting. Moke provision for removol of woter os moy occumulote so lhot concrete nol be ploced in such occumulolion. D. Consolidolion: Consolidole concrete during ond immediotely ofler deposiling by meons of mechonicol vibrotors. Supplement by hond spoding ol corners ond ongleiof forms, oround embedded fixlures ond in other difficult oreos.l. MechonicolVibrolor: Complywifh ACI 301,Tobte5. Do nol use vibrolors to trqnsport concrete inside forms.3. Inserl ond withdrow vibrotors verlicolly ol uniformly spoced locolions nol forther thon visible effectiveness of mochine.4. Ploce vibrotors to ropidly penetrote ploced loyer ond ol leosl 6" inlo preceding loyer. Do noi insert vibrolors into lower loyers of concrefe lhol hove begun to iet. oA 9906 03300-9 5. Al eoch insertion, limil durolion of vibrotion to lime necessory fo consolidote concrele ond complete embedment of reinforcemenl ond other embedded ilems withouf cousing segregolion of mix. E. Finishing: Where lops of cost-in-ploce concrele wolls will form finished surfoce, immediotely finish concrele in form by skilled cement finisher. Wolls or surfoces nol finished lo level subjecf fo removol ond replocemenl. 3.05 FLAT WORK Screeds: Estoblish finish plone of horizonlol surfoces by screeds, corefully oligned ond securely set, spoced nol over eight feel oport ond instolled of proper level or slope, prior to plocing concrete. Use wel screeds for ice rink floor. Floor slob Tolerqnces: Level wilhin moximum toleronce ot l l 4" in l 0 feef excepl slope fo droins os indicoted. comply with sfricter tolerqnce requiremenls of floor finish monufoclurers where opplicoble. See section I 3l 75 for ice rink floor toleronces. Selection of Finishes: In occordonce with ACI 301 5.3.4 unless otherwise indicoted. Finish surfoces sporingly with speciol fools, such os roller bugs, lo force coqrse oggregote slighlly below surfoce. Jifierbug tompers nol qllowed wiihout occeplonce of Architect. Dusting of weoring surfoces wifh dry moteriols nol ollowed. Sleel or mognesium trowels ond flools sholl be used for finishing inlerior slobs conloining fibrous reinforcing. Requirements for slob Finish: comply wilh requirements of vorious sections for slob toleronces, finishes, curing, elc. Be responsible lo repoir orreploce slobs os required ond specified in ihose seclions fo meel requiremenls. Exlerior Slobs: Instolled under Section 02776. 3.06 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS OF STRUCTURAL MEMBERS A. construction Joints of slructurol Members: Acl 301 s.3.2.6. Use polyvinyl ocetoie bonding compound, opplied os recommended by monufoclurer.l. Joints subject to Moislure: Do nol use bonding compound. use epoxy odhesive.2. Use of olher bonding melhods such os surfoce retorder, Portlond cement grout, or roughening of surfoce nol ollowed wilhoul writlen occeptonce of Archilecl. 3.07 REPAIR OF SURFACE DEFECTS A. Reference Stondord: ACI 301 5.3.7. B. Inspection: Allow Architecl lo inspect concrete surfoces immedioiely upon removol of forms. C. Repqh:l. Modify or reploce concrefe not conforming lo required lines, defoils, ond elevotions.2. Repok or reploce concrele not properly ploced resulling in excessive honeycombing ond other defecls. Do not potch, repoir or reploce exposed orchiiecturol finished concrefe except upon express direction of Architect. I I ! I I I I l I t I I I I I I I I I A. c. D. oA 9906 03300-t0 4. ( D. I l t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I 3. Potch holes ond defecls. Repoir defects in slructurol concrete wolls os follows:l. Deep Defecls Exposing Reinforcing: Chip lo sound concrele ond cleon thoroughly to remove loose concrele ond dusl. Apply thin coot of epoxy odhesive. Form ond pour full wiih non-shrink grout prior lo developmenl of lock-free condiiion of epoxy odhesive. slrip forms ofter groui hos hordened ond provide specified finish. Moisf cure ond opply cleor curing ond seoling compound immediotely ofter finishing.2. Defects Greofer Thon I /2 Inch Depth Noi Exposing Reinforcing: Chip, cleon ond opply epory odhesive. Ploce or dry pock using non-shrink grout prior lo developmenl of tock-free condifion of epoxy odhesive. lf dry pock consisfency is required, use non-shrink groul domp pock formulo. Provide specified finish ond cure.3. Defecls Less Thon ll2lnch Deplh ond All Tie Holes:o. For concrete hoving o specified compressive slrengfh of 5,000 psi or less: Chip ond cleon per l. obove. Dry pock, finish ond cure per l, obove.4. other equivolent repoir procedures moy be used subjecf lo review of Architecl. Unformed Surfoces: I . Test unformed surfoces, such os monolithic slobs, for smoothness ond verify surfoce plone to loleronces specified for eoch surfoce ond finish. Correct low ond high oreos os herein specified. Test unformed surfoces sloped to droin for lrueness of slope in oddifion 1o smoolhness using o iemplote hoving required slope.2. correci high oreos in unformed surfoces by grinding or olher methods occeploble lo the Archilect ofter concrefe hos cured o minimum of l4 doys.3. Correct low oreos in unformed surfoces during or immediolely ofter completion of surfoce finishing operotions by cutting oul low oreos qnd replocing wifh fresh concrete. Finish repoired oreos to blend with odjocent concrete. Where occeploble lo lhe Archilect, lhe specified underloyment compound, opplied in occordonce wiih the monufocturer's insiruclions, moy be used. Repoir defective oreos, except rondom crocks qnd single holes not exceeding l" diometer, by cutting out ond replocing with fresh concrele. Remove defeclive oreos to sound concrele with cleon. squqre cuts ond expose reinforcing steel with ol leost 3/4" potching concreie ond opply specified bonding compound. Mix potching concrete of some moteriols fo provide concrele of some type or closs os originol concrele. Ploce. compoci ond finish to blend with od.jocent finished concrete. Cure in sqme monner os odjoceni concrete. Repoir isoloted rondom crocks ond single holes noi over l" in diomeier by dry pock melhod. Groove lop of crocks qnd cuf oul holes to sound concrele ond cleon of dust, dirt ond loose porticles. Dompen cleoned surfoces ond opply specified bonding compound. Mix dry pock, consisting of one port Portlond cemenl lo2-l12 ports fine oggregote possing o No. l6 mesh sieve. using only enough woier os required for hondling ond plocing. Ploce dry pock ofter bonding compound hos dried. Compoct dry pock mixlure in ploce ond finish lo molch odjocent concreie. Keep potched oreo conlinuously moisf for not less lhon 72 hours. 3.08 TREATMENT OF FORMED SURFACES A. Reference Stqndord: ACI 301 5.3.3. oA 9906 03300-r r Form Removol: Finish ond cure concrete surfoces covered by formwork immediolely ofter forms hove been removed. Do not expose more surfoce qreo fhon con be finished ond cured in one working doy. Polching: l. Polch voids, honeycombs or domoged oreos in occordonce wifh repoir of surfoce defecls obove.2. Add white cemenl to polching groui os required fo molch color of exisling concrete where polches ore exposed lo view.3. Potch oll lie holes.4. Use specified bonding compound ond epoxy odhesive. Loilonce: Remove deposifs of loifonce occuning on top of concrete surfoces os soon os concrete hos hordened sufficiently fo prevent injury to concrete. Repoir oreos where loitonce is removed os specified for polching. Unexposed Concrele Surfoces: Treot surfoces of concrete wqll, slobs, beoms. ond columns, which ore to be covered by subsequent work. os specified under potching. Unpointed Exposed Concrete Surfoces:l. corefully protecf from domoge ond soiling concrele surfoces, bolh inlerior ond exterior, to remoin exposed bul unpoinled.2. Polch where required os specified under Pofching. upon complelion of work, recleon domoged or soiled surfoce os required to moke cleon, smoolh ond finished in every respect. Pointed Exposed Concrele Surfqces: Provide groul cleondown:l. Remove fins ond inegulorities with dry corborundum stone from surfoces.2. Repoir defeclive oreqs os specified under Potching.3. Thoroughly wet down surfoce ond opply grout mixture wilh brushes or sproy gun uniformly ond completely filling ok bubbles ond holes.o. Groul Mixfure: One port cemenl, I - I /2 ports fine sqnd, ond 50:50 mixture of Euclid SBR Lolex or equol ond wqler lo consistency of lhick poinl.4. lmmediotely ofter opplying slurry, floof surfoces wilh cork or olher suifoble floots, scouring surf oces vigorously.5. While slurry is still plostic, finish wifh sponge rubber floot removing ony dried moteriol. There sholl be noticeqble film of slurry remoining ofter this rubbing.6. Complele entire cleoning operolion for ony oreo some doy it is slorled. Do nol leove slurry on ony surfoces overnighf. 3.09 CURING AND PROTECTION A. Reference Stondords: ACI 301 5.3.6 ond ACI 308.1. B. Prolection: Proleci exposed surfoces of concrete from premoture drying ond frost. Protect freshly ploced concrele from roin domoge. Prolect finished slobs from mortor leokoge from pouring of slobs obove.C. Form Removol: Do nol remove forms unlil limes os specified. Remove corefully lo not injure concrete surfoce. Protect edges ond corners to prevenl crocking, chipping or ofher domoge ond premoture drying. I ! I I I I T I I I I I I I T I t I I R D. F. oA 9906 03300-12 n I I I I I I t I I I I t I I T I I I I l - use wooden wedges only for removing forms from exposed concrele wilh orchiteclurol finish. Verticol surfoces: cleon surfoces of loose sond, morlor, debris ond grout; sproy lighllywith woler ond cool with cleor or tronslucenl curing compound qs soon os possible ofterremoving forms- Appry curing compound some wo*ing doy thot forms ore removed. Horizontol Surfoces:l' As soon os possible ofter plocing concrele, coot exposed horizonlol surfoces wiihcuring compound in occordonce with monufoclurer's recommendolions ond coverwith white poryethylene sheeting of minimum of six mil nominol thickness. Givespeciol oltention to providing odequote curing of slob edges.2. Provide polyethylene sheeting os wide os proclicol, edges-lopped minimum of sixinches, weighted to prevenl blowing, ond seoled to prelvent ioss of moislure. Keepsheeting in ploce o minimum of seven doys.3. Slobs to Receive Thin Set Ceromic Tile: Wet cure wilh wet burlop for ot leost sevendoys. Do not use curing compounds. F. Archifeclurql Concrete - Cleoning:l. Cleon off oll stoins for discolorotions from concrete wolls using methods opprovedby the Archileci immedioiely prior io opplicolion of woter repellent coolings.2. lf diluted ocid is used. surfoces sholl be thoroughly flushed wiih cteon wqter loremove oll ocid-following cleoning. Use only fiber brushes if brushing is requked.3. See Section 0Z l g4 for woler repellenf cooiing. G. Proteclion: Protecr concrele surfoces from sfoining, crocking, chipping, ond oiherdomoge during progress of the work, ond leove in good condition upon complelion. 3.IO FLOOR SEALING A. Floor Seoler: Cure concrete floor slobs os specified obove.l. Prior lo completion of project, opply second coot of curing ond seoling compoundlo concrele floors nol receiving other finishes in qccordonce wiih monufoclurer'srecommendotions.2. Upon completion, provide surfoce cleqn withoul discolorotion or trqces of excessmoteriol. 3.I I MISCELLANEOUS CONCREIE REQUIREMENTS A- Olher Concrele work: Furnish ond instoll olher concrete work indicoied on drowings,even though not specificolly mentioned herein lo complele work, including followiij:l. Anchors: Instoll onchors furnished under Seclions in occordonce wilh-occeptei shop drowings for siructurol ond miscelloneous sleel.2- Equipment Boses: Furnish ond insfoll concrele boses for pumps, boilers, tonks, fqns,lronsformers, floor mounfed eleclricol equipmenl, etc. os indicoted. Furnish ondinsloll concrete fill in inertio bose fromes provided under Division 15. Instoll onchorbolls qnd inseris in occordonce with selling diogroms furnished by conlroclor responsible for insfolling the equipment. Finish boses in workmonlike monner wilhlroweled finish. Locote ond size boses os determined by controctor furnishing equipmenl. oA 9906 03300-13 3' Light Pole Boses: Form ond pour lighl pole boses shown on elecfricol drowings.Coordinote with work specified in bivision l6 Eleclricol. 3,12 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. ReferenceStondord: ACI 301 l.6ond l.Z. B. Generol: Tesling will be conducted by on opproved lesling loborolory. see seclion01450. C' lesl Priority: Conlrol tesfs sholl be used lo delermine concrete quolity lhroughout project;however' speciol lesfs sholl hove precedence over conlrol lesls. qnd core tesls shollhove precedence over oll previous tesls. D. Tests: Cooperote fully with lhose moking lesls. Following iests ond procedures oresubject to chonge during consfruclion of discretion of Rrchitect:l. Test Reports: InoccordoncewilhSection0l4S0.2. Slump Tests; The Generol Conlroclor sholl provide necessory equipment ond shollmoke iesfs in conformity wilh ASIM C | 43. The Controclor sholl moke slump tests onthe first lruck of eoch pour ond os offen os deemed necessory by lhe Conlroclor tomoinloin lhe required slump ond odequote records. In oddition, the Controctor sholl mqke slump resrs when directed by the Archilect or Engineer.o. Tests sholl be mode by person lhoroughly fomilior with requirements specified.b. Somple concreie ol point of plocemenlc. Should slump exceed limits stoted Concrete Mix Types in port 2, botch sholl berejectec.d. Keep occurote record of time, locotion in work ond resulls of slump lesis which sholl be ovoiloble for inspeclion by Owner ond Architect.e. Slump lest will be loken by lesting loborotory ol some iime os control lests.3. Control Tests:o. conlrol lesls of concrete work sholl be mode on every 50 cubic yords orfroclion lhereof of concrete ploced ond, in ony cose, minimum of once durinoeoch doy's pour. b. Eqch test shqll consisl of six siondord 6" test cylinders cqst ond cured inoccordonce wilh ASTM C3 l ond ASTM C l Z2. Somple concrefe ot point of plocement. Two cylinders shqll be broken ot end of seven doys offer plocing, two cylinders sholl be broken ot end of 28 doys ofter plocing, ond remqiningLylnderi shollbe stored until lheir disposilion is determined by Archilect. In generol. remoining cylinders will be broken only when previous lest reportsindicoted unsotisfociory resulls. Tests on remoining cylinders sholl be ot expense of the Conlroclor.s. Architect reserves right lo stop fufure concrele work when seven or 2g doy testsindicote unsolisfoclory resulis until, in his opinion, proper conective meqsureshove been ioken lo insure quolity concrete in future work ond coneciionsdeemed necessory hove been mode.h. Tests sholl be mode ot lime conkol iests ore ioken ond so stoted in reports todelermine slump, oir confent, unit weighr ond remperofure of concrete.i. All tesls sholl be mode in occordonce with ASTM cl3g or ASTM c231. Control Tesls for lce Rink Floor concrete: c. d. e. f. I I I t I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I 4. oA 9906 03300-14 I t I T I I I o. Four sets of four cylinders eoch ore to be tqken ot fhe time 25, I OO,l 75 ond 250 cubic yords ore delivered lo the site.b. All tests sholl be ioken ot the heod of the pumping spoul.c. One cylinder sholl be left of the site nexf lo the slob where token ond the ofher lhree token lo the lob for iesting. One cylinder sholl be broken ot 7 doys ondlhe olher fwo ot 2g doyc.5. Speciol Tesls;o. Should Conlrocfor desire conlrol tests to focilitole eorly removol of forms. They sholl be mode in oddition lo lhose specified for conirol tesls ond sholl be compleiely site-cured.b' Expense for moking odditionol fest cylinders, testing, curing ond proteclion sholl be Conlrocfor,s.6' Skength Level: Considered sotisfociory if overoge of oll lhree seis of conseculive slrenglh lest results equol or exceed specified slrenglh ond no individuol strenglh lesf resull folls below specified slrength by more thon 500 psi.7. Core Tesls:o. lf, of ony lime, concrefe conlrol fest specimens show compressive strength of 28 doys below required level, or if concrete hos been frozen before it ho-s toten. finol sel, so severely thoi, in opinion of Architec'l, its slrenglh hos been odversely' offecled, Conlrociorshotl, oihis own expense, hove sufficienl core lesls foken, number qnd locolion lo be occepled by Architecl on such poriions of work os moy hove been offecled to determine octuol conditions of concrete.b. Securing, Preporing ond Tesling: ASIM C42. Should lesls reveol lhof concrete does not meel requiremenls of this specificoiion, Confroctor sholl, ol his own expense, reploce entire seciion involved or mqke correclions deemed necessory by Architecl. 3.I3 PROTECTION A. lnstqlled Work: Prolecf newly finished slobs from weother domoge. I I I I t I T T I I I I END OF SECTION oA 9906 03300-t5 I I I sEcTloN 03410 PLANT-PRECAST STRUCTURAL CONCREIE - PARTI-GENERAL I ' r.ol SUMMARY I A. Seclion Includes:tI l. Woll ponels. 2. Accessories. I B. Products Supplied But Nof Insiolled Under This Seclion:l. Sleel shopes ond onchors for conneclion of precost to supporling struclurol syslems: I See oppropriote reloled sections.r C. Reloted Secfions: I l. QuolityControl: Secfion01450. I 2. Concrele Topping ond Concrele Supporl Seclion 033@ Cost-ln-Ploce Concrele.I 3. Non-shrink Grout: Seciion 03600 Grouls.4. Woter Repellenl Seoler: Section 07194 Siloxone Woier Repellents. t 5. Joinl Coulking: Seclion 07920 Joint Seolonts. !1.02 REFERENCES I A. Reference Slondords: See Secfion 01423.l. Precost qnd Prestressed Concrele Members: ACI 318-95 - Building Code . Requiremenis for Skuclurol Concrele. fl 2. Produclion of Precost/Prestressed Units: PCI MNL I 16 - Monuol for Quolity Control forrr Plonls ond Produclion of Precost ond Preslressed Concrele Products. 3. Welding: AWS Slructurol welding Code Dl.l Steel ond Dl.4 Reinforcing Steel. I B. Comply with lisled reference stondords excepl os modified by supplemenlol , (equirements on lhe drowings or by lhe specificolions. ! r.03 SYSTEM DESCRTPTTON I A. Design Requirements: I l. Fire Rotings: Comply wilh UL ossemblies os opproprioie ond indicoled:!' o. Woll Ponels: Two hour. I l.o4 suBMtTTALs A. Shop Drowings ond Erecfion Drowings: Submit in occordonce with Section 01330. I L Include conneclion onchoroge ond insert detoils; dimensions; finishes; size ond t locotion of reinforcing sleel, prestressing stronds ond inserls; lifting devices; ond member idenlifi cotion morks. - 2. ldentificotion Morks: Mork in conceoled locolions on members. It B. Somoles: I oA 9906 o34rG,rr I I ' Exposed Concrele Finish: Prior lo mqnufoclure submit totol of lhree p) 2a: x2a,,somples for occepfonce in occordonce wilh Section 01330. C. Quolily Assuronce Submillols:l. Design Colculotions: Submit in occordonce wilh Seclion 01330. Include cotculoiionsfor eoch lype, shope ond spon of precost/ preslressed unils indicoled on lhedrowings. Design of members sholl include comberond defleclion colculolions.lndicole required concrele sfrength ol sloled oges or stoges of conslruclion. SeeGenerol Nores on srructuror Drowings ror odditionor requiremenis.2. Tesl Reports: Moke ovoiloble to helrchilect, upon request, records of concreiecylinder breoks for concrele used in fhe precost/prestressed concrete producfs ondmill tests of reinforcing ond preslressing sleel used.3. Cerfificoles: Submil writlen certificofion thot fobricolor is cunenlly pCt certified.submil werder quorificotion cerrificotes to Archirecr upon request.4' Field Somple: Submit full size somple of spondrel beom wilh exposed concrete finishfor occeplonce. Accepled field somple moy be instolled in completed project. I.O5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Designer Quolificotions: Siruclurof design of precosf units ond qll reloted supports ondconnections sholl be under lhe direcl supervision of o professionol engineei registered inlhe sfole of colorodo ond oll colculotions sholl beor his seol ond signoture. B. Monufocturer Quolificotions: Compony speciolilng in design ond monufocture ofprecost/presiressed concrete units.l. Monufocturer's Plont: PCI certified for Group C4, Presiressed Droped Strond Slruciurol Members.2. Experience: Conlinuously monufoctured precosi/prestressed concrele in Stote ofColorodo for five yeors. C. Erecfor Quolificotions: Monufocturer or compelenf ereclion subcontroctor ofmonufoclurer speciolizing in ereciion of precost concrete.l. Experience: Conlinuously erecled precosl/preslressed concrete in Slofe ofColorodo for five yeors. D. Welder Quolificotions: Cunenfly certified occording to AWS Dl.l. I.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Generol: Comply with Seclion 01600. B. Delivery ond Hondling: Use core in tronsporfing precosl/presiressed units to jobsite. Hondle members in monner io prevent excessive slresses, spolling, or crocking. C. Storoge:l. Store producls ufilizing good plont procedures ond proper hondling in monner loprevenl domoge. Slore oll units off ground seporote slocked members by boitens ocross full width of eoch beoring print. Stock so thot lifting devices ore occessible ond undomoged. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I T I I 2. 4. oA 9906 03410-2 I I I I t I I I I I l T I T I T I t t 5. Do nol use upper member of slocked fier os storoge oreo for shorter member or heovy equipmenl. I.O7 SCHEDULING A. Anchors for Precost: Deliver onchon for concrele ond mosonry work under Sections 033@ ond 04€ll0 in lime for embedmenf qs work progresses. Coordinote locolions. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MANUFACTURERS A. AcceplobleMonufocturers: l. StressconCorporqlion.2. Rocky Mountoin Preslress.3. Accepied substitule in occordonce with Seclion 01600. 2.O2 MATERIALS A. Generol: Comply with stondords referenced in ACI 318 ond AISC specificoiion for Sfructurol Steel Buildings, 1989 Ediiion, ond with generol notes on Siructurol Drowings. B. Concrele Moteriols:l. Portlond Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I or lll.2. Aggregotes: ASTM C33 or C3303. Woter: Potoble4. Air Enlroining Admixtures: ASTM C2605. Woler-Reducing Admixfures: ASTM C494 C. Reinforcing Steel:l. Reinforcing Bors Requiring Wetding: ASIM AZ062. Olher Reinforcing Bors: ASIM A615 or A7063. Welded Whe Fobric: ASTM Al854. Prestressing Strond: Uncoqted 7-wire strond conforming to ASTM A416, Grode 250 or 270. 2.O3 DESIGN A. Design Precosl ond Preslressed Concrefe: In occordonce wifh ACI 318. B. Design Loods: Design unils to suppori live ond deod loods ond loterol forces indicoted on slructurol drowings ond lo occommodote onticipoted looding due to hondling ond ereclion. Connections ond supporfs for precost units shqll be designed to occommodote I l5% of lhe forces colculqled from lhe design loodings. C. Prestress Force: Tensioning ond releosing of siressing strond moy be by either single or multiple strond procedures in occordonce with ACI 318 ond pCl MNL I 16. D. Concrele Mix Design Criledo: Comply with requkements indicoled on slruclurol drowings ond in occepted design colculolions.l. Minimum Concrele Compressive Strength: 5000 psi ot 28 doys.2- Exposed Concrete: 4-l l27o lo 7-1 127" enlroined oir. oA 9905 03410-3 4. Moximum wofer-soluble chloride lon conlenl by weight of cement: 0.06 percenl.concrefe Exposed to solt or Deicing chemicols in service: Moximum woter- Cemenlilious Moteriols Rotio: 0.40. FABRICATION Fobricotion of Precosl qnd prestressed unifs: In occordonce with pcl MNL-I16. Finishes: I' PrecoslWoll Ponels: Noturol groycolorwilhsmoofh,densesurfoceosproctucedby plosiic form liner. Polching:. Cosmetic potching of woll ponels ollowed only ofter Architect's occeptonce of methods ond workmen fo be used. Openings:l. Monufocfurer: Provide for openings six inches or lorger os indicoied on drowings. Locole, furnish ond instoll inserts ond weld plotes in complionce wilh informoiionindicoled on drowings.2. Openings Smoller fhon Six Inches in Tee Unils: Core-drilled or sow cul ofler ereclion ^ by lrode requiring them, subjecl lo review ond occeptonce of monufoclurer.3. Openings in All Other Members: Cost ot plont. Testing: somple ond iest in occordonce wilh monufoclurer,s sfondord procedure, subject to occeplonce by Architect. STEEL PLATES AND ANCHORS For Precosl: supply sleel onchors, onchor ploles ond ongles cosl inlo coslin-ploceconcrete or built into mosonry fo receive precost members. In Precosl: supply ond instoll steel or fhreoded inserls cost into precosi, wetd ploles between secfions of precost, ond loose steel ilems needed for ereclion of orecosl. Moleriols:l. Steel ploles ond shopes: ASTM A362. Bolts: ASTM A307 or A3253. Welded Heoded Siuds: AWS DI.l, Type B I T I I I t I I I I I t t t I t t I I 2.04 A. B. D. E. 2.O5 A. B. D. Finish:l. Sleel ploles, onchors ond inseris: Uncooled unless oihenarise indicoled, cleon of oil.greose, dirl, welding slog, ond other foreign molfer.2. Cootings where indicoted:o. Hot dipped golvonized: ASTM Al53b. Codmium Cooiing: ASIM Al65. 2.06 GROUT A. Moteriol: Comply wiih Section 03600. oA 9906 0341G4 T I 2.O7 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL:) t A. Quolity Conirol of Precosl Concrete Products: Responsibiliiy of monufoclurer. f PART3 - EXECUTION I 3.OI EXAMINATION f A. Verificotion of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600:! I. Loyout; Verify loyout of work before beginning inslollotion. Check locolion of I 2 ;llffi::X5,ii:::':flk'l5lil'?,1?l?'il?; besinnins insro,,o,ionI 3. Nolificoiion: Nolify Generol Conlroctor of unsotisfoctory conditions in writing with d copy to Archilecl. I B. Acceptonce: Beginning of work meons occepionce of existing condilions by insioller. I 3.02 ERECTION IO A. Time of Erection: Do not erecl precosl units before supporfing cosl-in-ploce concrele hos reoched sufficient slrength.I! B. Generol: Lifl members by meons of suiloble lifting devices of points provided by fobricotor. Provide lemporory shoring ond brocing in occordonce with monufocturer'sI recommendolions. I C. Alignment: Align members ond level os required by occepled shop drowings ond wifhin I ollowoble foleronces. Level oul voriolions between odjocenl members by jocking, I looding, or other feosible melhod recommended by monufocturer ond occeploble to Architect. Position members so cumulqtive dimensionol errors do nol occur. I D. Welding: Use equipment ond moieriols compotible lo bose moteriol. Profect units from - domoge by field welding or cutling operoiions. I E. Repoir: I l. Exposed Woll Ponels: Cosmelic potching will be ollowed only ofler Archiiecl's occeotonce of methods ond workmen lo be used. t F. Lift Anchors: Do not cut off liff qnchors unlil occepionce of Archileci is obioined. - G. Grouiing: Grouf under precost/prestressed beoring ploles where indicoted. Insloll ond t cure groul in occordonce with monufocfurer's recommendotions. Groul horizontol joinls - between precost members ond between precosl members ond cost-in-ploce concrere. ^ H. Atlochmenls: Subjecl to occeptonce of Architecl, precost producls moy be drilled or t "shol" provided no conloct is mode with preslressing or reinforcing sleel. Repoir onyt spolling os specified in this seciion. Powder-driving onchors not ollowed in lower holf of lee stems. I I oA eeo6 I 03410-5 3.03 B. ERECTION TOLERANCES Generol: Erecf precost concrete members in posilions indicoled on Drowings wilhin following limits. Woll Ponels:l. Plon locolion from sfruclurol grid dotum: plus or minus l/2 inch.2. Top elevolion from nominol fop elevofion:o. Exposed ponel: Plus or minus I /2 inchb. Non-exposed ponel: Plus or minus 3/4 inch3. Differenliol lop elevotion between odjocent ponels:o. Exposed ponels: l/2 inch moximumb. Non-exposed ponels: 3/4 inch mqximum4. Beoring elevotion from nominol beoring elevofion: plus l/4 inch, minus I /2 inch.5. Moximum plumb voriolion over heighf of ponel: One inch.6. Moximumplumbdifferenliol inony l0feetof ponel height: ll4inch7. Moximum differentiol in olignment of motching edges: l/4 inch8. Joint Width: Plus or minus 3/8 inch9. Joini loper: o. Overlengthof ponel: ll2inchmoximumb. Over l0 foot length: 3/8 inch moximum 10. Moximum differentiol in olignment of molching foces, including motching foces of odjocenf non-precosl construcf ion:o. Exposed foces: 3/8 inch moximumb. Non-exposed foces: l/2 inch moximum I l. Differenfiol bowing between odjocent woll ponels ot erection: l/2 inch moximum. FIETD QUALITY CONTROL I I t t I I I I I I I I I T I I T I A. Testing: See Seclions 01450 ond 05120. B. Tesling Agency: Will visuolly inspect thot precost concrele units hqve been properly inslolled. l. Inspection: Include testing of welded joints. 3.05 CLEANING A. Cleoning: Cleon exposed surfoces os necessory to remove dirt ond stoins which moy be on surfoces ofter ereclion. Cleon precosl unils qfler inslollotion procedures ore completed. Wosh ond rinse exposed surfoces in occordonce with precosl monufoclurer's recommendolions. Remove weld stoins. END OF SECTION I oA 9906 034 t0-6 roo I sEcroN 03414 ^ STRUCTUML PRECAST CONCRETE PARTl GENERAL I r.ol RELATEDDocuMENTs: A. Drawings.and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions I and Division-1 Specification Sections, appty to work ol this section. - 1.02 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: I A. Work under this section consists of furnishing everything necessary for, and incidental to, the! execution and completion of all structural precast concrete work, as shown on the drawings and specified herein..l I B. Precast structural concrete work includes, but is not limited to, design, fabrication,- transportation, erection, sfroiing and grouting of all structural precait concrete members including, but not limited to:ll 1. Wall Units 7 C. Work includes materials, fabrication, and installation of all connecting and supporting hardware -: I and all other material and equipment related to the work described above. ! 1.03 RELATED woRK spEctFrED ELSEWHERE: I A. Cast in place Concrete Work, Including Forming.I B. ArchitecturalPrecastConcrete. I C. Exterior CIP Concrete. 1.04 WORK FURNISHED BUT NOT INSTALLED t A. Embedded steel shapes and anchors required for connection or support of precast structurat members which are to be built into other work. t 1. Precast Closure Panels I 1.os coDES AND sTANDARDS: ALL coDEs AND STANDARDs ARE LATEsT EDrrroN uNLEss NOTED OTHERWISE. t A. "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete,', ACI 319 I B. "Specifications for Structural Concrete Buildings,,, ACI 301 I C. "Manual for Quality Control for Plants and Production of Prestressed Concrete products." pCl Manual MNL 1'16 I D. "Reinforcing Steel Welding Code,"AWS D1.4-79 and "structural Welding Code," AWS D1.1 I E. Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute - "Manual of Standard practice" I F. Governing Building Code, governing safety code(s) and locat regulations. I I Dobsen lce Arena Expansion 0U14.1 STRUCTUML PRECAST CONCRETE 1.06 FABRICATOROUALIFICATIONS: A. Minimum of five years successful experience in structural precast concrete work similar to the work required for this project. Fabricator must have sufficient capacig to produce required units without causing delay in the work. B. Producer-member of Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCl) and/or participate in its Plant Certification Program. Fumish evidence of membership and/or participation. C. PCI Design Standard: Comply with recommendations of pCl MNL-120 ,pCl Design Handbook-Precast and Prestressed Concrete" applicable to types of structural prCcast concrete units indicated. D. PCI Quality-Control Sta_ndard: Comply with requirements of PCI MNL-116 "Manual for Qualig Control for Ptants and Production of Precast and Prestressed Concrete Products," including ' manufacturing and testing procedures, quality-control recommendations, and camber and - dimensional tolerances for types of units required. E' INSTALLER OUALIFICATIONS: Engage an experienced Installerwho has completed structural precast concrete work similar in material and extent to that indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in-service performance. F. WELDER QUALIFICATIONS: Welding shall be done by certified welders qualified according to AWS D.1.1 1.07 QUALITY CONTROL: A. Quality control of structural precast concrete work is the responsibility of the precast contractor, including responsibili$ for workmanship and materials furnished by contractor's subcontractors and suppliers B. ArchitecVEngineer and Owner's Testing Agency shall have access to the manufacturing plant at all.times during manufacture of precast members. Manufacturer shall provide casting - ' schedules when requested. C. Inspections and tests. performed by the Owner will not relieve Contractor of his responsibility to provide materials and workmanship in compliance with specified requirements 1.08 QUALITYASSURANCE: A. The Owne/s surveyor will monitor precast concrete work for conformance with fabrication and erection tolerance requirements. Surveyor shall report nonconforming work to Contractor and ArchitecVEngineer. B. The Owner will engage a qualified Testing Agency to inspect precast concrete work and to perform tests and prepare test reports. Testing Agency shall comply with ASTM E329-77 and shall fumish written certification of compliance, including the name of the registered Engineer responsible for management of the Agency.1. Furnish Inspecting Engineer and Testing Agency access to work, facilities and incidental labor required for testing and inspection. 1.09 DESIGN: A. Contractor is responsible for design of precast members, bearings, attachments, embedments and connections of precast members. I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t IDobsen lce Arena Expansion 03414 -2 STRUCTUML PRECAST CONCRETE I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I t I t I B. A Professional Engineer, registered in the State where project is to be built, retained by Contractor, shall prepare detailed design calculations and supervise preparation Of shop drawings. C. Design units for loads indicated on drawings plus handling and erection loads as determined by Contractor. D. Fire Rating: Provide 2 hour fire resistance rating on all precast units. Further, provide certification letter cert'rfoing same including method of documenting or confirmation, ie, calculations, fire test or appropriate reference to UL "Fire Resistance Director/'. Certification letter shall be signed by Professional Engineer responsible for design of all precast units. 1.10 SUBMITTALS: Product Data: Manufacturers specifications and instructions for manufactured materials and products. Include manufacturers certifications and laboratory test reports. Concrete Mix Designs: Per Division 3, Concrete Work. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings and placing plans for all precast concrete members.1. lndicate dimensioned locations of members and cross section dimensions, size and location of reinforcing steel, prestressing strands. Include special reinforcement and lifting devices for handling and erection. Include detailed description and location of devices furnished or utilized to support formwork for cast-in-place slabs. Detail inserts, connections and joints, including accessories. lnclude type, size and location of formwork and/or temporary shoring. Include grouting requirements.a. lndicate member identification marks on shop drawings and on each fabricated member.b. Provide locations and details of anchorage devices to be embedded in other construction. Furnish templates, if required, for accurate placement. Include special placement procedures, sequences, tolerance requirements for other work.c. Individual member details and placing plans shall bear the seal of the Professional Engineer responsible for the design of precast units.d. Refer to "Concrete Work", Division 3, for design requirements for formwork, shoring and reshoring.e. Each individual member detail shall list design live and dead special loads, anticipated cambers, short and long term deflections, etc. Placing plans shall include tabulations of similar load information for each member shown on that placing plan.f. Submit ONE (1) SEPIA AND TWO (2) PRINTS of each shop drawing. Reproducibte copies of contract documents shall not be used as shop drawings. Shop drawings shall be reviewed by Contractor prior to submission. Drawings shall bear Contracto/s approval stamp accepting responsibility for coordination of dimensions shown in the contract documents, quantities and coordination with other trades. Drawings not bearing Contracto/s stamp may be rejected at the discretion of the Architect or Structural Engineer. Calculations: Submit representative detailed design calculations for each type and size of precast member and connections. Computer calculations will not be accepted unless accompanied by sufficient descriptive documentation that will establish and verify design methods, procedures, etc. Calculations shall include loadings and spans, anticipated cambers, deflections - short term and long term. Upon request, submit calculations for all members and connections.'1. Calculations shall bear the seal of the Professional Engineer responsible for the design. Test Reports: Manufacturer shall make records of concrete cylinder tests, mill tests of mild B. c. D. Dobsen lce Arena Expansion 03414 - 3 STRUCTURAL PRECAST CONCRETE steel reinforcing and prestressing steel, and related concrete product information available to the ArchitecvEngineer and Contractor upon request PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: A. Structural precast concrete shall be manufac:tured and erected under a single contract responsibility. The following manufacturers are acceptable. 2.02 MATERIALS A. General: Conform to requirements of ACI 318 and applicable ASTM specifications. See general notes on structural drawings for additional requirements. B. Formwork: Provide forms and, where required, form facing materials of metial, plastic, wood, or other acceptable material that is nonreactive with concrete and will produce required finish surfaces. C. ReinforcingMaterials:1. Reinforcing Bars: ASTM 4615, Grade 60, unless noted othenvise.2. Steel Wire: ASTM A82 plain, cold drawn steel.3. Welded Wire Fabric: ASTM A185.4. Welded Deformed Steel Wire Fabric: ASTM A497.5. Prestressing Tendons: Uncoated 7-wire stress relieved strand complying with ASTM A416.6. Supports for Reinforcement Provide supports for reinforcement, including bolsters, chairs, spacers and other devices for spacing, supporting and fastening reinforcing, complying with CRSI recommendations. Use CRSI Class 1 or Class 2. D. Concrete Materials: See Concrete Work, Division 3. Minimum concrete strengths are shown on the drawings. E. Connection Material: Steel plates, shapes, ASTM A36. Provide clips, hangers and other material required for installation of members and for support of subsequent construction, formwork or finishes.1. Finish. Galvanized perASTM ,{153, except material completely surrounded by concrete may be unfinished. F. Headed Anchor Studs and Deformed Bar Anchors: Conform to AWS D'1.1 . G. Anchor Bolts: ASTM A307, regular hexagon nuts and carbon steel washers. 2.03 FABRICATION: A. Accurately construct forms, mortar-tight, of sufficient strength to withstand pressures due to concrete placing, temperature changes and when prestressed, pretensioning and detensioning operations. Maintain formwork to provide precast concrete units of shapes, lines, and dimensions indicated, within fabrication tolerances specified.1. Unless forms for plant-manufactured prestressed concrete units are stripped prior to detensioning, design forms so stresses are not induced in precast units due to deformation of concrete under prestress or to movement due to detensioning.2. Coat surfaces of forms with bond-breaking compound before reinforcing and embedded items are placed. Provide commercial form+oating compounds that will not bond with, I I I I I I 1 I I t I I I T ! t T I tDobsen lce Arena Expansion 03r'.14 - 4 STRUCTURAL PRECAST CONCRETE B. c. D. F. G. I I I I I I I I I I I t I I Tl I I I stain, or adversely affect concrete surfaces, and will not impair bond or adhesion of subsequent treatments. Apply in compliance with manufacture/s instructions. Tolerances: Unless othenrvise indicated, all precast units shall be manufactured to the following tolerances: 1 . Length of Columns and Height of Wall Units: 1/8" per 1 0 feet of length but not to exceed +3l8" or-112".2. Cross-Seclional Dimensions: Dimensions greater than 24": +l- 112"3. Dimensions greater than 12", but not greater than 24"i +l- 318'."4. Dimensions not greater than 12": +l- 114".5. Horizontal Alignment (Sweep): '114" per 10 feet of length, but not to exceed 1/2".6. End Squarenessi +l-112"7. Elevation of Corbels and Bearing Ledges: +l- 114"8. Locations of Holes and Blockouts: +/- 1" from centerline location shown on approved shop drawings.9. Size of Holes and Blockouts: +314", -1n" 10. Location of Anchors, Inserts and Embedments: +/-1" from centerline location shown on approved shop drawings. 1 1. Location of Bearing Plates: +/- 1/8" from centerline location shown on approved shop drawings. 12. Flushness (Tipping) of Embedded Plates: +/- 1/8" 13. Camber Deviation from Design Calculations: 1/8" per 10 feet of length. Standard Finishes: Unless otheruise indicated, finish precast elements as follows:1. Underside: Finish resulting from casting against approved forms using good industry practice in cleaning of forms, design of concrete mix, placing and curing. Small surface holes caused by air bubbles, normal form joints, marks, and minor chips and spalls will be tolerated. No major or unsightly imperfections, honeycombing, or structural defects will be permitted.2. Top: Finish produced by vibrating screed and additional hand finishing at projections. Normal color variations, minor indentations due to required covering, and minor chips and spalls will be permitted. No major imperfections, honeycombing or structural defects will be permitted.3. Ends of Prestress Elements Exposed to Mew: Strands to be recessed 3/4" minimum and ends of members shall receive sacked finish. Patching: Minor patching in the plant is acceptable providing the structural adequacy and appealance is not impaired. Cosmetic patching of exposed members will be allowed only after the ArchitecUEngineer's approval of methods and workmen to be used. All patching shall be done by manufacturer. Openings: Provide sleeves or blockouts for all openings 8" and larger shown on drawings. Include opening requirements shown on Architectural, M.E.P. and on precast shop drawings. Openings in flanges of tee or hollowcore units smaller than 8" may be core drilled or sawcut. In stems of tees or hollowcore units, or in other structural members, openings shall be cast in plant. Furnish and install loose material for erection of precast elements and for connections from precast elements to precast, cast-in-place concrete or structural steel. Grout Nonshrink grout as follows:1. Nonmetallic, Nonshrink Grout: Premixed, nonmetallic, nonconosive, nonstaining grout containing selected silica sands, portland cement, shrinkage-compensating agents, plasticizing and water-reducing agents, complying with ASTM C 'l'107, with fluid consistency and a 30-minute working time. Dobsen lce Arena Expansion 03414 - 5 STRUCTURAL PRECAST CONCRETE 2. 3. I IEpory Grout ASTM C 881, 2-component epory resin, of type, grade, and class to suit requirements. Portland Cement Grout Mixture consisting of Portland Cement and sand proportioned to achieve a 28-day compressive strength of 4000 psi. Dovetail Anchors: Provide continuous dovetail slots with filler strips cast into precast elements as requited for connection of adjacent masonry construction. Dovetail slots prefabricated of 24 gauge galvanized steel, unless otherwise noted, and shall accommodate l" dovetail masonry anchors installed by others. Closure Panels: Provide 2" thick reinforced precast concrete closure panels to close off space between tee stems where indicated on the drawings. Furnish for installation by others. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 DELIVERY, STOMGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver anchorage items which are to be built into other construction before start of such work along with setting diagrams, templates, instructions and directions for installation. B. Deliver precast concrete units in such quantities and at such times to assure continuity of installation. Store and handle to prevent cracking, distortion, staining, spalling, or other physical damage, with markings visible. Lift and support units at designated lift points only. C. INSPECTION: Prior to start of erection, check alignment and elevation of previous construction at points of support or attachment of precast work. lf extent of deviation of such work from acceptable locations will not permit Contractor to install precast elements in compliance with this specification, Contractor shall immediately noti! ArchitecVEngineer and shall not proceed with erection until corrective measures (approved by ArchitecUEngineer) have been agreed upon. Should Contractor fail to comply with this requirement, any corrective work required to comply with this specification shall be bome by Erector. D. ERECTION'1. Erector Qualifications: Normally engaged in the erection of this type of material, and subject to the approval of ArchitecUEngineer and Owner.2. Hoisting: Lift members using suitable lifting devices at points provided by manufacturer. Shore and brace per manufacturer's approved erection plans.3. Alignment Align and level members as required by shop drawings and within tolerances. Correct variations between adjacent members by jacking, loading, or any other feasible method recommended by manufacturer and acceptable to ArchitecUEngineer. Position members so cumulative dimensional enors do not occur.4. Welding: Weldingbycertifiedweldingoperatorsonly. ComplywithAWSDl.l andAWS D1.4. Protect all units from damage by field welding. Protect exposed units from stains and weld spatter.5. Repair: Units may be repaired providing damage does not impair the structural adequacy or appearance of member. Cosmetic patching allowed only after Architecfs acceptance of materials, methods, and workmen to be used.6. Erection Tolerances: Install precast units level, plumb, square, and true, without exceeding the recommended erection tolerances of PCI MNL-127 " Recommended Practice for Erection of Precast Concrete."7. Shore and brace precast concrete units to maintain location, stabilig, and alignment until permanent connections are installed.8. Grouting Connections and Joints: After precast concrete units have been placed and secured, grout open spaces at keyways, connections, and joints as follows:a. Grout Type: Epoxy grout. H. I I I t I I I I I I ) T I I IDobsen lce Arena Expansion 03414 - 6 STRUCTURAL PRECAST CONCRETE 10. T I t I T t l I I t I I I I I I I I I b. Provide forms or other acceptable method to retain grout in place until hard enough to support itself. Pack spaces with stiff grout material, tamping until voids are completely filled. Place grout to finish smooth, plumb, and level with adjacent concrete surfaces. Keep grouted joints damp for not less than 24 hours after initial set. Promptly remove grout material from exposed surfaces before it hardens. Cleaning: Clean exposed surfaces of precast concrete units after erection to remove weld marks. other markings, dirt, and stains.a. Wash and rinse according to precast concrete fabricato/s recommendations. Protect other work from staining or damage due to cleaning operations.b. Do not use cleaning materials or processes that could change the appearance of exposed concrete finishes or existing construction.c. Clean up after erection is the responsibility of precast contractor. Attachment of other work: Install inserts or anchors required for support of work of other trades in a manner that protects precast units from damage. No drilling or installation of power-driven fasteners permitted in precasUprestressed units without prior acceptance by precast manufacturer. END OF SECTION 03414 Dobsen lce Arena Expansion 03414 -7 STRUCTURAL PRECAST CONCRETE I l t sEcTtoN 03480 PRECAST CONCREIE SPECIALTIES PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Seclion lncludes:l. Precosl coping ol eosl plozo stone woll B. Reloted Seclions:l. Mosonry Morlor: Seciion 04060. I.O2 REFERENCES A. ReferenceSlondords:l. Produciionof PrecostUnits: ComplywilhPCl MNLllT-Mqnuol forQuolityControl for Plonls ond Production of Archileclurol precost Concrele products. 2. Moteriols: Comply with ACI 3.|8-95 Building Code Requirements for Slruclurol Concrete. Porl 2. I.O3 SUBMMALS A. Shop Drowings: Submit in occordonce with Section 01330. Provide drowings of precosl unifs ond kim componenls including onchoroge. lndicote drips ond reveols on shop drowings. Do not fobricote precost units until shop drowings ore opproved. shop drowings sholl be originol drowing produced by the precosf concrefe controctor or supplier ond shqll nol be reproduclions of fhe Conlrocl Documenls. B. Somples: submil somples of precost color ond finish for Architect's opprovol. I.O4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Monufocturer's Ploni: PCt Certified for Group Al, Architeciurql producls. I.O5 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Tronsporting: Use core in fronsporling precosf unils lo the jobsite. Hondle members in o monner lo prevenl excessive siresses, spolling or crocking. B. Storing: Slore producis utilizing good plont procedures ond proper hondling in o monner to prevenl domoge. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A. Moleriol: Comply with ACI 318, Chopler 3.l. Cement: ASTM CI50, Type l. oA 9906 0348G1 2.02 M|XES A. ConcreteProperties:l. Concrete Sfrength: 4000 psi minimum ol 2g doys.2. Woler-Cement Rotio: Moximum 40 lbs. woter fo 100 lbs. cement.3. Air Enfroinmenf:o. With 3/8 inch moximum oggregole she:- 7-l12%b. Wifh l/2 inch moximum oggregole size: 7%c. Wiih 3/4 inch moximum oggregote size: 6%d. Toleronce: plus or minus l -l /2% B. Testing: Sompling ond tesfing in occordonce with the monufocfurer's slondord procedure, subject to opprovol by the Architect. C. Color ond Finish: Grey, medium ocid etched. 2.03 FABRICATION A. Monufocluring procedures sholl be in generol complionce wilh pcl MNLI lz. B. Finishes - Exposed Surfoces:l. Motch sqmple opproved by Archilecl. 2.O4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Quolity conlrol of precost concrele producls sholl be lhe responsibility of fhe monufoclurer. The Architect or his represenlotive sholl hove occess to lhe monufocluring plont ot oll fimes during lhe monufociure of precost concrele products. The mqnufociurer sholl cooperote with the Archilecl by providing cosfing schedules when requesled. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Verificofion of Conditions: Prior lo stort of inslollqfion, the beoring surfoces io receive precosl unils for proper grodes ond elevotion. Verify surfoces ore cleon ond properly prepored for precosf instollotion. Reporf unsofisfocfory condilions in writing lo Generol Controctorwith one copy to Architecl. 3.O2 INSTALLATION OF PRECAST CAPS A. Loy precost units in flol morfor beds in horizontol courses. Do nol wel units. Loy dry. 3.03 JOTNTS A. Fill oll bed joints solidly with morlor throughoui entire thickness of woil.1,. Width; Uniform, opproximotely 3/B inch wide. B. Avoid sploshing exposed foces of precost units with morlor. Remove droppings ond sploshing immediotely Wth cleon sponge ond woler. t t, l I I t I I I I I I t I I t t I I oA 9906 03480-2 I I I c. Tooting: Gtove rqked. | 3.04 PATCHTNG 11 A. Repoir: Unils moy be repoired providing domoge does nol impqir lhe skucturol odequocy or oppeoronce. Cosmelic potching will be qllowed only ofler ihe Architect's opprovol of melhods ond workmen fo be used. 3.05 TOLERANCES I A. Moximum voriotion from level or grodes for exposed linlels, sills, slring courses, copings, horizonlol grooves ond olher conspicuous lines: I /4 inch in 20 feel.,t1l B. Erection Toleronces: Erect precosl cops with joinls in positions indicoted on the drowngs' ond wilhin the following limils: n l. Foce Width of Joinls: .Drowing dimension plus or minus I /4". f 2' Joint loper: I /40" per fooi of length wiih o moximum length of topering in oneF direction of l0'.3. Step in Foce: l/8" moximum. i} 4. Jog in Alignment of Edge: t/8,,moximum. I 3.06 JOINT CAULKING I A. Leove cleon ond open joint belween end joints of precost cops. Coulking will be inslolled by coulking contrqcior under Section 07920. I 3.07 cLEANTNG4 A. Cleoning: Cleon exposed surfoces os necessory fo remove dirt ond stoins which moy be I on surfoces ofier instqllotion. Cleon precost uniis ofter inslqllolion procedures ore - completed. Wosh ond rinse exposed surfoces in occordqnce with precost monuf octurer's recommendolions. r I END OF SECTTON t oA 9906 t I I I I I 0348G3 I t t I I I I 1 T I I l I U sEcTtoN 03515 CEMENTITIOUS TOPPING PART - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes:l. Cementitious floor topping lo level floors oi obondoned floor droins ond elsewhere 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Product Doto: Submit in occordonce wilh Section 01300. B. Controcl Closeout Submittols:l. Monufoclurer's Inslruclions: Submit in occordonce with Seciion 01600. I.O3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicotor: Monufociurer lroined ond opproved using monufoclurer opproved equipment. I.O4 PROJECTCONDITIONS A. Environmenlol Requkemenls: Mqintoin building lemperoture ol lemperoiure obove 50oF before ond during instollotion ond unlil slruclure ond subfloor lemperolures ore siobilized. Provide conlinuous heot ond odequote venlilotion to ropidly remove moislure from oreo until deck moteriol is dry. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI CEMENTITIOUSTOPPING A. Monufocturers:l. C-Cure Chemicol Compony, Inc.2. Approved substitute in occordonce with Secfion 01600. Moleriols:l. System: C-Cure Lolex Underloymenl2. Primer: C-Cure Cure Bond3. Feolher edge fo 3/8'plocements: Regulor 9624. l18"lo1-1 12"plocemenls: Hi Build967 Mix: Mix componenfs occording lo monufocturers inslruclions. Compressive Slrengfh:l. 3375 psiol T dqys2. 4,000 psi ot 28 doys. B. I t t I I D. oA 9906 035t5-l PART 3. EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Verificofion of Conditions: Comply with Seclion 01600:l. Loyoul: Verify loyoul of work before beginning insfollofion.2. Elevotions: Prior lo inslollolion, survey existing lloor lo occurofely determine exisling elevolions.3. Exisfing Condifions: Exomine substrole before beginning insiotlotion lo ensure lhol it is sfruclurolly sound, vocuum cleoned, ond free of mud, oil, greose. curing compounds ond ofher coniominonis. Exisling droins sholl be plugged.4. Nolificotion: Notify Generol Confrocfor of unsolisfoclory condilions in writing with copy to Architect. B. Acceplonce: Beginning of work meqns occeplonce of exisling condilions by instoller. 3,02 PREPARATION A. Preporotion: Cleon floors os necessory. Floors must be dry ond free of dusl, seolers ond olher confominoies. B. Primer: Prime existing concrefe surfoce wilh brush or broom. Allow to dry unlil tocky. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Generol: Ploce cementitious fopping in occordonce with mqnufocturer's recommendolions. B. Insfollofion: Instoll topping in l-l/2'moximum lifts, spreoding ond screeding lo smooth surfoce. Ploce os confinuously os possible so no cemenl is ploced ogoinst cemenl lhot hos obloined its inifiol set.l. Finishing: Steel lrowel immediolely offer plocemenf. Do nol over trowel.2. curing: Allow eoch lift lo cure for 24 hours before opplying succeeding lift.3. . Priming: Prime surfoce of eoch lift ofler curing ond before opplying succeeding lift. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Dryness: Topping will be considered dry if no condensoiion occurs overnighf under 24'l 24" section of plostic loped ol edges. END OF SECTION I I I T I t I I I r I T I I I I t I I oA 9906 03515-2 1 T sEcTroN 036@ GROUT- v pARTI-GENERAL L I r.0r SUMMARY ,, A. Section Includes: I l. Shrink+esistont, cementitious, non-melollic grout under steel, beom ond column! beoring ploies. 2. Shrink+esistonl groul elsewhere os indicoled. I t B. Reloled Sections:- l. Concrete Foundolions: Section 03300 Cost-ln-Ploce Concrefe. | 2. Steel Froming ond Bose Plotes: Section 05120 Skucturol Sfeel. ! r.o2 REFERENCES I A. Reference Sroncjorcjs:4 l. Corps of Engineers CRD-C-621 Specificofion for Nonshrink Groul. -, 2. ASTM Cl 107 Siondord Specificotion for Pockoged Dry, Hydroulic-Cemenf Grout -t (Non-Shrinkoblef . !. I.O3 SUBMITTALSI I A. Product Dolo: Submil monufoclurer's producl dolo sheefs ond insiollofion insiruclions ' for eoch groul product to be inslolled under this Section in occordonce wifh Seclion t ol30o. I r.o4 DELrvERy. ST.RAGE AND HANDLTNG I A. Comply with Seciion 01600. U B. Delivery: Deliver polletized in originol sound, dry. unopened conloiners wilh I monufoclurer's source code morking. a L. Jlorqge: r l. Store under cover in dry oreo. I 2. Sloroge Temperoiure: Minimum 40 degrees F, mqximum 90 degrees F unless!t recommended olhen,lise by monufocturer. a 3. Sloroge Domoge: lmmediolely remove from site ony moferiol which becomes I domp or olherwise defective during sforoge. t 4. Sloroge Time: 6 monlhs moximum, or shorter time if so recommended by nonufocturer. l1\r II I oA eeo6 o36oGtt I I tPART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MANUFACTURERS A. AcceplobleMonufoclurers:l. Euclid Chemicol Compony.2. L&M Conslruclion Chemicols, Inc.3. Moster Builders, Inc.4. Approved subsiiiute in occordqnce wilh Section 01600. 2.02 SHRINK-RESISTANT. CEMENTITIOUS, NON.METALLIC GROUT A. Groul Under Sfeel Joisl, Beom ond Column Beoring Plotes: Meet oll performonce requiremenfs of CRD-C-621 ot flowoble to dry pock consistency.l. Acceptobleproducts: o. Euclid Dry pock Groul.b. L&M Durogrouf.c. Mosler Builders Sef Grout.d. Approved Substitute in occordqnce with Section 016@.2. Compressive Slrengfh: 2 inch cubes, stiff domp pock consisiency, in occordonce with ASTM C109.o. 3 Doy Slrength: 5000 psi minimum.b. 7 Doy Strengih: 550O psi minimum.c. 28 Doy Slrenglh: 800O psi minimum. PART 3. EXECUTION 3.OI PREPARATION A. Surfoce Preporoiion for Cementitious Grouting:I' Cleon sleel ond concrete surfoces of dirt, oil, greose, lqitonce, loose concrele ond olher confominonts. 3.02 PLACEMENT OF CEMENTIOUS GROUT A. Generol: Mix ond instoll grout in qccordonce with monufocturer's recommendqfions.l. Mix wilh minimum woier necessory for plocemenl method to be used.2' Extend grout with grover for procements greoter thon 3 inches in depth. B' Grouling Under Steel, Beom, ond Column Beoring Ploles: Ploce grout ol non-sog. domppqck consislency, complefely filling oreo below plotes with grout. Monuolly compocl to eliminole oir pockels ond voids. 3.03 FTNTSHtNG A. Finishing Edges of Cemenlitious Groul: Before groul hos reoched finol set, remove forms, if ony, ond remove oll groul obove botlom edge of plole. In no cose sholl grout extend upword olong side of bose plote or mochinery foundotion. Trowel edges ot opproximotely 45 degree ongle from bottom of plote to top of substrote. Horizonlol shoulders will not be ollowed. I I D I I' I v I I T l I I r I I I oA 9906 03600-2 f 3.04 cuRtNG I A. Curing Cemenlitious Groul: Complywith monufocturer's instruclions. | '' H:tff 3i,:*,1ffi."::H:""?erween 40 desrees F ond e0 desrees F ror minimum I 2' Cover exposed grout surfoces with cleon, wei rogs ond mointoin moisture forI minimum 6 hours following plocemenf.t 3. lmmediofely ofler removol of wel rogs, opply Curing ond Seoling Compound os specified in Section 03300. [r I END OF SECTIONIIa II I I 3 I t I t I t I I oA ee06 o36oG3 I t I I I 6 N t n I tl T I I ! tt I I I + i>' I 1 t\ fiTR RCI stAtNlIt ' \,.--.r^nr\( l^xar PLAN 2 t12' Htlt/2'44/z' CORNER srDE tLtvAnoN -l's---+: [ F {#|" ".-t t\--Tr* -'lJ-' \ FRONT ELEVATION PRECAST CONCRETI RUSTICATION DETAIL SCAE I l/2'=l'-0' + 0DtLL Ar C E tTBCTS, t.C,tol No. tt0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RBNOVATIONS PROIECT lot tl. Yrll l.cr.ralor Dlrtrl.l rra tlr torr ol Y.tl +f I I t I PARTr-GENERAL I r.or suMMARY A. Products Supplied Bul Nol Instolled Under This Seclion: I L Mortor for Section 04810 Unit Mqsonry Assemblies. !t B. Reloied Requiremenls: r l. Tesling: Seclion 01450 Quolity Control t C. Reloted Seclions: l. Mosonry Grout: Seciion 04070.2. Joint Reinforcement, Ties ond Anchors: Section 04080 Mosonry Anchoroge ond Reinforcemenl. 3. Block: Section 04810 Unit Mosonry Assemblies. I 1.O2 REFERENCES I A. ReferenceStondords: SeeSection01423. Complywithfollowing: I l. ASTM C270 - Sfondord Specificotion for Morlor for Unif Mosonry I.O3 SUBMITTALS I5 A. Test Reporfs: Reporis of tesis will be distributed in occordonce with Secfion 01450. I I.O4 QUATITY ASSURANCE t A. Testing Agency: Testing will be conducted by occepled lesling loborotory. See Seclion f, 01450. t PART2-pRoDUcTs | 2.or MATERTALs A. Portlond Cement for Unit Mosonry: ASTM C150, Type l, except Type lll moy be used forI cold weolher conslrucfion. ll l. Mosonry cement nol ollowed. I B. Hydroted Lime: ASTM C207, Type S. |l C. Aggregofes: ASTM Ci44. t D. Woler: Cleon ond free from deleierious omounls of ocids, olkolies or orgonic moleriols. I oA eeo6 04060-l a t DIVISION 4 MASONRY sEcTroN 04060 MASONRY MORTAR I 2.02 A. B. Other Admixtures: Nol ollowed. l. Anlifreeze Compounds: Colcium chloride or other ontifreeze ogents not qllowed.2. Use of occelerotors not ollowed. MIXES Mortor Moleriols ond proporlions: Compty with ASTM C220. Unil Mosonry Seiling Morfor:l. Type: Type S, 1800 psi overoge compressive strengfh in 2g doys. Poinfing Mortor: one port porflond cement, l/g port hydroted lime or lime putty ond iwoports oggregote possing lhe No. g0 sieve. Meosuremenl Method: By eiiher volume or weighl so thot specified proporlions con becontrolled ond occurotely mointoined. Meosurement of sond by shovei nof ollowed. Mortor Mixing: Mix cemenlilious moleriols ond oggregole for ol leqst fhree minules ondnol more lhon five minules in mechonicol bqfch mixer, wiih moximum omount of wolerfo produce workoble consistency. Retempering: Retemper morlqrs thot hove siiffened becouse of evoporolion of wqferfrom morlor by odding wcter os frequenfly os needed io restore reqjired consislency.l. Use mortor wilhin 2-1/2hovrs ofter inifiol mixing. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Morlor cube Tesls: Morlor cubes will be prepored, cured ond fested by occepled lesting loborotory. See Section 01450.l. Tesiing: lnoccordoncewifh ASTM C780ond CMt2Ol.l. site-Mixed Morlqr: compressive slrengfh tesls of mortor mixed on-site to specifiedproporlions is not requked. t T I I I I I I I I 2 t T I il t t I T a PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI PREPARATION A. Cleon equipmenl for mixing, fronsportotion ond plocing mortor before slorling work. 3.02 MEASUREMENT AND MTXING B. ?n? A. END OF SECTION oA 9906 04060-2 t I t sEcTtoN 04070 MASONRY GROUT I PART I -GENERAL t r.or suMMARy -I A. Producis Supplied Bul Not Insfolled Under lhis Section:t l. Groul for Section 04810 Unit Mosonry Assemblies. fl B. Reloted Requkements: ! l. Testing: Section01450euolityControl |, C. Reloled Sections: t l. Mosonry Morior: Section 04060.' 2. Joint Reinforcement, Ties ond Anchors: Seclion 04080 Mosonry Anchoroge ond,r Reinforcemenl.'[ 3. Block: Seclion 04810 Unit Mosonry Assemblies., . I.O2 REFERENCES- at A. Reference Stondords: See Section 01423. Comply with following:L ASTM C476 Slondord Specificotion for Grout for Mosonry l' l.o3 SUBMITTALS ,l A. Test Reporfs: Reports of iests will be distributed in occordonce wilh Section 01450. t B. Groui Mix Designs:l. Submif in occordonce wifh Product Doio provisions of Seciion 0.|330 if reody-mix t groui is to be supplied. Mix design submittol is not requked for sife-mixed grout.lU 2. Follow provisions of Section 03300 for mix design submillol requhemenls ond procedures.III I 1.04 QUAUTY ASSURANCE ,l A. Tesiing Agency: Tesling will be conducted by occepled lesting loborolory. See Seclion I 0t450. tt PART2-PRODUCTS I 2.ol MATERIALs I A. PorllondCementforUnitMosonry: ASTMClsO,Typel,exceptTypelll moybeusedforI cold weother construction.l. Mosonry cement nol ollowed. 'l\ t B. Hydroted Lime: ASTM C207, Type S.t I' OA 9906 0407G1 I Aggregoles: ASTM C404. Woler: Cleon ond free from deleterious omounts of ocids, olkqlies or orgonic moleriols. Admixlures: Not ollowed. l. Antifreeze Compounds: Colcium chloride or olher ontifreeze ogenls nof ollowed.2. Use of occelerolors nol ollowed. 2.02 MTXES A. Sife-Mixed Groul for Mosonry:l. ASTM c476. Proportion by volume wifh sufficient woler odded to produce consistency for pouring wilhoul segregotion.2. Coqrse Groul: Coorse grout moy be used only in filled-cell construcfion 3" or more ' in bolh horizonfol dimensions. Coorse groul lo be composed of one porl Porflond cemenl wilh nol more lhon one-tenlh port hydroied lime or lime putly odded, ond two ond one-fourth to fhree ports sond, ond not more lhon two porls grovel.3. Fine Groul: Use fine grout in oll locolions where coorse grout moy not be used. composed of one port Porflond cement, with not more thon one-renth porr hydroted lime or lime pulty odded, ond two ond one-fourth lo three porfs sond.4. Groul sholl oltoin o minimum slrengfh ot 2g doys of 2,000 psi. B. Reody-Mixed Groul for Mosonry: Proporlion wilh sufficienl woter odded to produce consistency for pouring without segregolion.l. Minimum: 28-doy compressive skengfh: 2,000 psi2. Aggregote Size: 3/8 inch moximum.3. Design Slump: 8 inch minimum, l0 inch moximum. PART 3 - EXECUIION 3.OI PREPARATION A' Cleon equipment for mixing, fronsportotion ond plocing grout before storting work. 3.02 MEASUREMENT AND MIXING A. Meosuremeni Mefhod: By either volume or weighl so thoi specified proportions con be controlled ond occurotely mointoined. Meosuremenl of sond by shovel not ollowed. B. Sile Mixing of Grouf: Mix cemenf ond oggregote for ol leose 3 minutes ond nof more thon l0 minules in o mechonicol mixer with lhe omount of woter required lo provide f he desired workobilify. 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Groul Tesls: Control tests will be conducted by occepted testing loborotory. See Seclion 01 450 ond Section 03300 for requirements. B. Reody-Mixed Grout: I ' Compressive strenglh sholl be sompled ond tested in occordonce with ihe ASTMcr0l9. I I I I I T I I I I I il I t I I I c. D. E. I I oA 9906 04070-2 a, l' 2- Iesting Agency: Grout lesfs will be conducted by o lesting loborolory selecfed ond poid by lhe Owner. f 3. Tesl Specimens: Toke groul somples os groui is being ploced inlo lhe woll.I Conslrucl three lesf specimens in qccordonce wifh ASTM Cl0l9 under lhe observolion of the tesfing ogency. cure, prolect. ond slore specimens on-sife for 48 hours. Protect from freezing ond voriolions in lemperoiure unlil collected by testing I 4. fl3illb, Minimum of one sompte consisiing of three specimens shott be buitt ond tested for eoch 5000 squore feel of woll oreo os mosonry conslruclion progresses. r C. Sile-Mixed Grout; Compressive slrength lesfs of grout mixed on-sife fo specified proporlions is not required. t I I I I I I I T I I t END OF SECIION I oA eeo6 t 0407G3