HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 2 BLOCK 1 LOT 5 DOBSON 2 OF 3-2 LEGALI t sEcTtoN 04080 MASONRY ANCHORAGE AND REINFORCEMENT I PARTI.GENERAL I l.or suMMARY T A. Seclion Includes: I l. Anchors ond Ties. I 2. Joint Reinforcemenl. I B. Reloied Seclions: I l. Reinforcing Bors: Section 03200 Concrete Reinforcemenl.2. Mosonry Mortor: Section 04060. r 3. Mosonry Grout: Secfion 04070. I 4. Block: Section 04810 Unil Mosonry Assemblies.r 5. Stone: Secfion 04853 Mortor-ploced Stone Assemblies. I PART2- PRODUCIS I 2.OI MANUFACTURERS I A. Accepfoble Monufocturers:r l. Dur-O-wol. I 2. AA Wire Producfs. I 3. Heckmon Building Products.r 4. Mosonry Reinforcing Corporolion of Americo.5. Accepled Substitute T 2.02 JOINT REINFORCEMENT I A. Horizontol Reinforcemenl:I ' :JJ:i:iJ3i,::XJ:JJ[il]::HfX',:"'odrownwire'No esosederormed o. Widlh: Approximolely 2" less thon width of woll. r b. Provide prefobricoted corners qnd tees.r 2. Finish ql Interior Wqlls: Brile finish. 3. Finish oi Exterior Wolls: Golvonized. I 4. Type: Truss design except provide lodder type ol reinforced mosonry wolls.I 2.O3 ANCHORS AND TIES I A. Wire Ties ond Anchors: Dur-O-Wol D/A 515l. Generol: Fobricote from 3/16" cold drown sleel wke. ASTM A82, unless othenrrise indicoted, of length required for proper embedment in wylhes of mosonry. I 2. Unil Mosonry lies:r o. Provide reciongulor lies for use with hollow mosonry units.b. Provide hooked type (90" bend, 2" min. hook) for use with solid mosonry unils. I 3. Stone Veneer on Concrete Block: Adjustoble or flexible type fies of g gqgeI golvonized iron. I oA 9906 04080-l I I 4. Finish: Hot dip golvonized ofier fqbricotion. ASTM A153, Closs B-2 (1.5 oz per sq. ft.) or 7 mil copper cooting, ASTM 8227, Grode 30 HS, except mqnufocfurer's stondord mill golvonized moy be used for interior wolls ond portilions. B. Mosonry Veneer Woll lies: Dur-O-Wol DlA213 Adjustoble Veneer Anchors.l. Drywoll Screws: Self-topping, self-drilling, golvonized No.8 x l-l/4'. Use two screws per onchor. C. Powder Driven Anchors: "Romsel" or equivolenl low or stondord velocity driven fosleners. Minimum I /8' shonk diomeler. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI JOINTREINFORCEMENT A. Mosonry Wolls: | . Instoll joint reinforcement conlinuously in every second horizoniol block course (l 6" o.c.) of mosonry wolls.2. Lop 6" ol splices.3. Provide one odditionol piece obove qnd below openings extending 2'minimum beyond opening.4. Use prefobricoted pieces of corners ond lees.6. Covity Wolls: Spon covity, lopping equolly into block ond brick. 3.02 WALL TIES A. Mosonry Over CMU Bockup:I. where coursing is in olignment: Insloll joinl reinforcing full width of totol woll.2. Where coursing is nof in olignment: Instoll odjusloblewire ties l6'o.c. in boih directions. END OF SECTION I I I I T I I I t I t I I I t I t II I oA 9906 04080-2 I I I I I I T I t I It I I t t I I I I sEcTtoN 04090 MASONRY ACCESSORIES PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section lncludes:l. Control Joints. B. Reloted Sections:l. Mosonry Morlor: Section 04060.2. Mosonry Groul: Secfion O4OZ0.3. Joinl Reinforcement: Section 04080 Mosonry Anchoroge ond Reinforcemenl.4. Block: Section 04810 Unit Mosonry Assemblies.5. Seoling Confrol Joinls: SectionOTS2O Joinl Seolonfs. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI CONTROL JOINTS A. Block control Joints: ASTM D2000, 2AA-805 rubber with duromeler hqrdness ot opproximofely 80. PART 3. EXECUTION 3.OI CONTROL JOINTS A. Instoll control joinls in mosonry wolls os indicoled on the drowings. Joints sholl be instolled completely through ond fuil height of mosonry.l. Both Sides of Joinls: Seoled under Section 07920. END OF SECTION oA 9906 0409Gr I I I I T I T I I I I t t I I I I I I o PART 1 - GENERAL I.OI DESCNPTION: Provide rough stone wall veneer, I,O2 SAMPLES/SHOPDRAWINGS: A. Construct samples for Architect/Engineer/Owner as follows: 1. A 4'x5'sample mortared wall panet with cap as detailed in drawings2. Shop drawings for cut stone layout.3. Anchoring devices, ties or dowels. B. Samples may be constructed as part of work. Unapproved work will be removed and replaced at contractor's expense. I.3 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE: A. Earthrvork - Secrion 02200. B. Concrete - Section 03300. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI STONE: fg: Stone Veneer shall match that of existing stone walls on site rhat are being demolished as part ofthis project. Existing "Mintum Blue" stone shall be salvaged, cleaned and retained on site for use in stone veneer, B. Size: Stones shall have a minimum thickness of 4", width of 5" and minimum height of 5". Unless other sizes are shown on drawings, stone shall conform to sizes shown below. When a definite dimension of a stone is shown on the plans, the stone shall be of the size shown. Limit stones to single quarry. C. @!99: Color of stones and patteming of color shall match that of existing site walls. 2.02 MORTAR: A. Masonrv Cement: ASTM C-91, type II, masonry cement, non-staining. B. fu!: ASTM C-144, 100%passing #8 sieve, 95% passing #16 sieve. C. Water: Potable. D. Hydrated Lime: Equal to "Magnolia", type S lime, ASTM C-202. 2.03 WALL ANCHORS: A. Placed as detailed. Contractor shall submit proposed shop drawings for wall anchors. PART3 - EXECUTION 04450 - I I I I I T I I I I 3.01 3.02 GENEML: A. Deliverv and Storase: -_ l. Protect stone agairuit soiling, mutilation or datnage during shipping. 2. Store stone on-site on plar*s or timbers clear ofground. 3. Cover stored materials at all times. B. Protection: l. Protect completed finished work. 2. Protect manufactured materials within original containers until ready for use. INSTALLATION: A. Mortared Joint Wdlls: l. Anchor stone with wall anchors as detailed and recommended bv anchor manufacturer. 2. Surface ofmortarjoints shall visually match that ofexisting stone veneer walls on site. 3. Beds for face stones may vary from ll2" to I l/2" in thickness. Beds shall not extend in an unbroken line through more than five stones. Verlical joints may not extend in an unbroken line for more than two stones and may vary from l/2" to I l/2" in thickness. 4. Lay courscs level and plumb. Finish for exposed face shall not vary more than 1". 5. Coping stones shall pitch from liont of wall at a 2olo slope as detailed. 6. Mix mortar in proportions lo rnake as stiffmixture as can be worked and only in such quantities as are needed for immediate use during the next 30 minutes. Retempering will not be permitted. 7, Lay stone in full bed of mortar with head and edge joints completely filled. 8. Cover tops ofwalls at end ofday's work. Lay no masonry if temperature is below 40 degrees F. Protect work from weather or construction damage. CLEANING: A. Keep face of stone work free from excess mortar while laying. Brush with dry fiber brush prior to wet cleaning- B. Clean mortared stone promptly with fiber brushes and clear water or cleaning agent. Use cleaning agent according to manufacturer's recommendations. Use of wire brushes or acid permined only with specific approval. END OF SECTION I I 3.03 T I I I t I I t04450 - 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I u. r.02 sEcTtoN 04810 UNIT MASONRY ASSEMBLIES PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Secfion Includes:l. Block mqsonry wolls. B. Producls Instolled But Not Supplied Under This Seclion:l. Mosonry Reinforcing Bors: Secfion 03200 Concrele Reinforcemenf.2. Morlor: Section 04060 Mosonry Morlor.3. Groui: Seclion 04070 Mosonry Groul.4. ltems lo be Built-ln From Olher Seciions:o. Bolts ond Anchors.b. Noiling Blocks.c. Inserls. d. Floshing Reglels ond Olher Sheet Melol.e. Sleel Linlels.f. Exponsion Joints - Sheet Melql or Monufoclured. S. Mechonicql or Electricol Sleeves or Blockouls.h. Access Ponels.i. All Olher Builtln Members. C. RelotedRequkements:l. Joinl Reinforcement, Ties ond Anchors: Seclion 04080 Mosonry Anchoroge ond Reinforcement. 2. Testing: Section 01450 Quolity Conirol.3. Quolily Conkol: Seclion 01450 Quolity Control. Reloted Sections: f . Colking Conlrol Joints: Section07920 Joinl Seolonts. REFERENCES Reference Stondords: See Section 01423. Comply wilh following:l. Americon Nolionol Slondords lnstitufe, ANSI/NBS 2l I (A4t.l), "Buitding Code Requiremenls for Mosonry". Uniform Building Code (UBC). Chopter 2l - Mosonry. ACI 530.1-95/ASCE 6-95 Specificotion for Mosonry Struclures. Nofionol Concrele Mosonry Associofion, NCMA, "A Monuol of Focls on Concrele Mosonry" (collection of TEK Bulletins).5. Portlond Cement Associotion, PCA, "Concreie Mosonry Hondbook ". I.O3 PERFORMANCEREQUIREMENTS A. StructurolPerformonceCrilerio: l. Minimum compressive sirength, f'm of concrele mosonry ot lhe oge of 2g doys: 1,500 psi. 2. ? 4. oA 9906 048lGl 1.04 A. 2. Minimum compressive strengfh, f',n of solid brick mosonry ol the oge of 2g doys: 1,500 psi. SUBMITTALS shop Drowings: submif shop drowings in occordonce wilh secfion 01330 for oll reinforced mosonry. Include minimum of fhe following.I' Fobricotion dimensions ond locoiions for plocing reinforcing sleel ond occessories.2. Defoils of sleel reinforcemenf, including lop lengths ond bends.3. Grode of reinforcing steel.4. Mosonry linfels ond bond beoms. Submil drowing of eoch woll foce of glozed block indicoting coursing ond locotion of eoch lype of block unit with sfock number. Quolity Assuronce Submilf ols:l. Iesf Reporls: submit following lests for eoch closs of unil qnd type of mqsonry ossembloge two weeks prior to stort of conslruciion. Prepore specimens ond iesl in occordonce wilh Uniform Building Code ond stondords cited therein.o. Tesls mode on individuol mosonry units wilhin losi four monlhs.b. Cunent morlor lest including mortor proportions.c. Currenl groul fesl including groul proporlions.d. Currenl prism test.(l) Include mortor qnd grout proportions used in lest specimens.(21 Subslontiote thot eoch type of mosonry ossembloge meels or exceeds requhed 28 doy compressive strength (f'm). certificoles; lf requesled by the Architecl, furnish monufocturer's cerlificotaon onct lesl resulls indicoting lhot concrele mosonry units meel specified ASTM requirements. Mosonry Subconkocfor Quolificotions: Mosonry bidders sholl submif evidence ofquolificotions olong wilh bid proposols. Include evidence of minimum experience ond o lisl of successfully completed projects wilh similor moferiols ond complexily. I.O5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Mosonry Subconlroctor Quolificotions: Mosonry instoller sholl hove o minimum of five yeors experience on inslollotions of glozed block conslrucfion of similor size ond complexity. The mosonry crew sholl be fully quolified to insloll lhe glozed block os detqiled. See Arlicle 1.04 for quolificolions submillol requirements. B. Regulotory Requiremenis: Where o fire-resistont clossificolion is indicoted, comply wilh the opplicoble building code requirements for moleriols ond inslollotion to ochieve lhe indicoled rofing. I.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Generql: Comply with Seciion 01600. B. Mqsonry Units: Hondle corefully to ovoid chipping ond proiecl ogoinsl welling prior lo use ollowing oir circulolion under stocked unils. I t t I I t I I I I I I I I t I I T I oA 9906 048r0-2 b. I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I.07 PROJECTCONDITIONS A. EnvironmenlolRequiremenls:l. Cold Weother protection during Inslolloiion:o. Preporotion: _ Before beginning work, remove ice orsnow formed on mosonrybed by corefully opplying heot until top surfoce is dry to louch. Remove frojenordomoged mosonry. Air Temperofure 40'F to 32oF: Heol sond or mixing woler to minimum of 55.Fond moximum of 120'F. Air Temperoture 32oF lo 25'F: Heol sond ond mixing woter lo minimum of 65.Fond moximum of 120.F.d. AirTemperoture25'F to20'F: Heotsond ondmixingwolerlo minimum of TS'Fond moximum of 120"F. Use solomonder or other sources of heot on both sidesof wolls under conslruction. Use windbreoks when wind is in excess of l5 mph.e. Air Temperoture 20oF ond Below: Heol sond ond mixing woler to minimum of 75'F ond moximum of 120"F. Provide enclosure ond oulifory heot lo moinloin oir iemperolure obove 32'F. Temperolure of units when loid sholl be nof lesslhon 20oF.f. Grout: Ploce groul in mosonry ot minimum lemperoture of 7O.F ond moximumtemperoture of 120'F. Mointoin grouted mosonry obove 32.F for 24 hoursfollowing plocemenl of grout. S' Admixtures: Morlor odmixtures will nol be permilted without writfenocceptonce of Architect.h. Frozen Work: Above porogrophs ore designed to permit mosonry work loconfinue during periods of cold lemperolure. Any frozen mosonry work will beprimo focie evidence thot obove requiremenls hove nol been complied with. Remove ond reploce frozen mqleriols os direcled by Architect.2. Cold Weofher Prolection ofier Inslollolion:o. Meon Doily Air Temperoture 40o F io 32oF: Prolect mosonry from roin or snow for 24 hours.b. Meon Doily Air Temperoture 32oF io 25.F: cover mosonry completely for 24 hours; 48 hours for grouted mosonry.c. Meon Doily Air Temperoture 2soF to 20.F: cover mosonry completely wilh insuloling blonkets for 24 hours; 4g hours for grouted mosonry.d. Meon Doily Air Temperoture 20" F ond Below: Moinloin Mosonry femperoture obove 32oF for 24 hours by enclosure ond supplementory heot. by electric heoting bronkefs, infrored heor romps or orher meihod proven ro be solisfoctory.3. Hot Weqther Prolection During Insfollotion: When oir lemperolure exceeds ?9oF in shode, prolect freshly loid mosonry from direci exposure to wind ond sun.4. Moisture Prolecfion During Instollotion: Where exposed to weoiher, Cover top of mqsonry wolls ol end of eoch doy's work using wolerproof moteriol weighled downlo insure iis remoining in ploce. Mointoin such proteclion unlil finol copf,ing of woll. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MASONRY UNITS A' Lightweight Concrele Block (Less thon 105 pounds per cubic foot oven-dry weight ofconcrete): l. Aggregote: ASTM C33l {Lightweight). oA 9906 04810-3 Hollow Loodbeoring Units: ASTM C90. Solid Loodbeoring Unils: ASTM C145. Clossificoiion: Grode N, Type l.o. Curing: In moislure controlled olmosphere ol normql pressure ond lemperolure, or in on oufoclove. lo comply with requirements for Type I unils. Nominol Size: Eght inch x l6 inch, fhickness qs indicoled. Minimum Nef compressive slrenglh: 1900 psi over minimum ungroufed nel oreo. Provide linlel blocks, corner blocks, jomb blocks, heoder btocks ond required speciol shopes os defoiled or required to complete fhe job. B. Concrete Building Brick:l. Solid Lood-Beoring Unils: ASTM C55.2. Clossificotion: Grode N, Type l.3. Nominol Size: As indicoled on drowings. 2.O2 MORTAR AND ACCESSORIES A. Mortor: See Section 04060. B. Groul: See Secfion 04070. c. Joinl Reinforcement: section 04080 Mosonry Anchoroge ond Reinforcemenl 2.03 REINFORCING STEEL A. Reinforcing Eors: Supplied under Seclion 03200 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Verificolion of Condilions:l. Beoring Surfoces: lnspecl foundolions ond olher beoring surfoces for proper grodes ond elevotions, freedom from dirt ond other foreign moteriol. Reporl unsolisfoctory condilions to Generol Controclor in writing wifh copy to Architecl.2. Anchors: Inspecf dovetoil onchor slols cqsl inlo concrete for proper inslollotion. Reporl unsotisfocfory conditions lo fhe Generol Coniroctor in writing with copy to Archifect. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Cooperoiion: Check relolionship of mosonry lo work under olher seclions, cooperote wilh ofhers ond proceed os desiroble for generol progress ond best interest of project.l. Anchors: Coordinofe instollotion of dovetoil slots cost inlo concrele. B. Cleoning: Remove dirt, ice, loose rust ond scole from wolls, ties ond reinforcing prior io inslollqtion. 3.03 MASONRYINSTALLATION A. Generol: 2. 3. 4. I T t I I I T t I I I T I I I I I I T 5. 6. 7. oA 9906 04810-4 4. B. c. D. I I I I T I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I. 2. 4. Loy mosonry plumb, level ond true to lines lo foleronces indicqied. Bond os indicoled on elevolions ond deloils. Adjusf mosonry dimensions ond insloll slorler units os required to eliminote smoll culs ond lo mointoin bond. Cut neolly oround contocling work. Consfruct slots, choses, covilies ond similor spoces os required for other work. Mosonry dimensions for exferior openings ore nominol. Loy oul mosonry openings lo provide l/4 inch moximum seolonl joinl of mefol fromes. Solid Units:l. Use solid units for top course of exterior piers, wolls, window sills, eic. os indicoted ond required.2. Use solid units for soldier courses in beoring wolls ond wherever cores of hollow unils would be exposed fo view or weofher. Mortor Joinis:l. Loy mosonry work in shoved mqnner in full beds of unfurrowed mortor. Completely fill verticol ond horizontol ioinis ond voids with morlor. Joinls: Plumb or level. Joinl Treolment: o. Tool exposed joints to slighlly concove surfoce well bonded lo unils.b. Cul unexposed joints flush. Avoid overplumbing ond pounding of corners ond jombs to fit stretcher unifs ofler being set in posilion. Where odjuslmenf musl be mode ofter mortor hqs storted lo horden, remove morior ond reoloce with fresh mortor, Built-ln ltems:L Cooperote lo build-in ilems of oihers into mosonry os work progresses. 2. Steel Door Jqmbs: Grout steel door jombs sel in mosonry full of morlor os woll is buill.3. Lintels: Instoll lintels furnished under Section 05500 for openings over l6 inches in width. Instoll in beds of morlor ond do necessory pointing. Fill hollow mqsonry units full wifh grout for three courses oi lintel beorings.4. Choses ond Recesses: Provide choses in mosonry wolls os indicoted ond required for mechonicol ond eleclricol work for pipes ond conduils. Build recesses os required for occommodotion of coses ond cobinets, rodiotors, qnd unit heolers. Instoll lintels for recesses over l6 inches in width.5. Buill-in ffems: Insloll sleeves of proper size provided by others, where directed, to permil possoge of pipes through wolls. Build-in woll sleeves, onchors, ploles, ond olher members provided by olhers. Properly set built-in ilems os wolls progress ond under direclion of porty providing some.6. Access Ponels: Instoll occess ponels occuning in mosonry wolls.o. Access Ponels: Furnished under olher seclions. See Secfion 08310.b. Accurolely locole qs directed.7. Embedded Sheet Metol: Instoll embedded sheel metol floshing, reglels, etc.. provided by others. Cleon surfoces of mosonry smoolh ond free from projeclions which mighf punclure or otherwise domoge embedded moleriols. Ploce embedded ilems on bed of fresh morior. Coverwiih fresh morlor before loying succeeding courses. Storting ond Sfopping: Where fresh mosonry joins portiolly or toiolly sel mosonry, cleon exposed surfoces of sel mosonry ond wel lightly to obloin good bond wiih new work. 2. oA 9906 0481G5 Remove loose mosonry ond mortor. lf il is necessory to stop off horizontol run of mosonry, step bock I /2 mosonry unil lenglh in eoch course. Do nol tooth. F. Culling: Where cutting of unifs is necessory, moke culs with motor-driven mosonry sow. G. Accessories: Insloll joinf reinforcemenl, onchors, lies, control joinls, weep holes, flexible floshing ond olher occessories in qccordonce with Section 04090. H. Brocing: Adequotely broce mosonry unfil cured ond permonently supported. 3.04 CONCRETE BLOCK INSTALLATION A. Generol: Unless olherwise indicoied, loy concrete block in running bond. B. Inslollotion: l. Joints: Uniform opproximolely 3/8 inch wide. 2. Wetting: Do not wef unils. Loy dry.3. Porlilion Heighls: Exlend inferior mosonry wolls lo structure obove unless ofherwise indicoled. 3.05 FORMS AND SHORES A. Conslruct forms os required to shope, lines, ond dimension indicoted subslonliolly ond sufficiently tighi to prevenl leokoge of morlor or groul. Broce or tie to mqinloin posilion ond shope. Do nol remove until mosonry cured sufficienlly to support own weight ond olher opplied loods. 3.06 WIND BRACING A. Inslollotion ond Removol: Wind brocing sholl be instolled os the woll is loid up ond sholl be removed only when permonent supports ond broces ore in ploce, wolls ore fully cured ond permission of lhe struclurol engineer is obtoined. B. Responsibilily: Slruclurol qdequocy ond sofely of wind brocing is lhe sole responsibility of the Generol Controclor ond his mosonry subcontroclor. I I I I T I t I I I I I I I I 3.07 A. B. f\ REINFORCED MASONRY Generol: Where indicoted on slructurol drowings, reinforce mosonry unil cores or covilies wilh deformed steel reinforcing bors ond grout os indicoted. Loyout: Build reinforced hollow unit mosonry lo preserve unobstrucied verticol conlinuity of cells fo be filled. Reinforcement: Hold verlicol reinforcement in posifion oi top ond boltom ond ol inlervols nol exceeding 192 bor diomefers. Grouling:l. Grout spoces less thon two inches in width wiih fine grout using low lift grouling techniques. In spoces greoter thqn h^/o inches use coorse grout using high or low lift grouting iechniques. I I I t oA 9906 04810-6 I t I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I 3.08 2. Hold morlor in bed joinis bock I /4 inch from edges of mosonry unil odjocent to groul spoces, bevel bqck ond upword from groui spoce. Keep morior droppings oul of groui spoces. Heod ond bed joints sholl be shoved ol leost I /2 inch inlo ploce. 3. When lhe grouting is siopped for one hour or longer, stop pouring of groul, one inch below lop of uppermosl unil.4. Consolidofe groul by mechqnicol vibrofion during plocing before loss of plosticity in o monner to fill fhe grout spoce. Grouf poun l2" or less in height sholl be mechonicolly vibroled or puddled. Low Lift Grouting: Grout in lifts not exceeding l6 inches ond pours not exceeding 48 inches. lmmediolely vibrote grout spoces sufficiently to couse groul to flow inlo spoces between mosonry units. ALLOWABLE TOLERANCES Moximum Voriolion from Plumb:l. In lines ond surfoces of columns, wolls ond orises:o. l/4 inch in l0 feet. b. 3/8 inch in ony story or 20 feet moximum.2. For exlernol corners, exponsion joinls ond other conspicuous lines: o. I /4 inch in ony story 20 teet moximum. Moximum voriqiion from level or grodes for exposed lintels. sills, slripes, poropels, horizontol grooves ond olher conspicuous lines: 1. 114 inch in ony boy or 20 feet. C. Moximum voriqtion of lineor building line from on estoblished posiiion in plon ond reloled portions of columns, wolls ond portilions: 1. I 12 inch in ony boy or 20 feel moximum. 3.09 CUNING AND PATCHING A. Cutting qnd Potching: Cut ond potch mosonry wherever necessory for other trodes. Do such work wilh experienced mechonics in workmonlike monner. Do not cuf ond polch work which will tend lo injure slrengih or oppeoronce of finished work. Cutling of finished mosonry for purpose of building-in members will not be ollowed. 3.IO POINTING AND CLEANING A. Cut out ony defective joints ond holes in exposed mosonry ond repoint wilh morlor. Toke core lo motch color of exposed joinls in mosonry which will not be pointed or oihenadse covered, B. Doily Cleoning: Moke every procticol effort io keep brick mosonry work qs clesn os possible during consfruction. At o minimum, dry brush mosonry surfoces ofler mortor hos sel of end of eoch doy's work ond oller finol pointing. C. Finol Cleoning:l. Cleon oll morlor, dirt ond construction film from mosonry using stiff brush ond wqier when mortor is ot leosf 7 doys ond nof more thon l4 doys old. Deviotions from lhis oA 9906 048 t0-7 D. E. procedure musl be requested in witing from lhe Architect prior lo storting mosonry work. 2. Remove efflorescence or ofher sloin in occordonce wifh glozed block monufqcturer's recommendotions. Acid will nol be permiffed. upon completion of poinfing ond cleoning leove lhe work ond sunounding surfoces cleon ond free of mortor spols, droppings ond broken mosonry. PROTECTION Prolection of compleled work from Physicol Domoge: Protecl projecting mosonry lioble lo domoge ofter selfing by suitoble plonking well supporled. Securely box jombs ond sills of openings used for possoge. Replocemenf: Reploce mosonry work showing domoge or disfigurotion during progress of work in its entirely. Potching or hiding of defecls not permitted. END OF SECTION I I I t II I t I 3.1I R T I I I I I I I I I t oA 9906 04810-8 I t I I I I T I t I I I I t I t t I I + 5112' EXSTIiIG INSJLA TO RTI4AIN EXSII}IG SPN t)Efr viATL PNEL 07800 - cEMtNltltous F|R[PR00F|NC; 2 HR. UL DESIGN No. Y702 06100 - PLYIIOOD SHTAIHING: 3/{, N0N-CoMBUSnBLt 07800 - nru 0AULKTNG PLAN DITAIL @ EQUIP. STORAGE l/2'=l'-0' + O DELL TTCf,ITBCTt, I, C.,cl llo, ttCa John A. Dobson Arena ADDITTONS AND RENOVATIONS PRO'ECT lor tlr Vrll l.cr.rtlor Dlrrrl.t rra rlo lor I of V.ll ++ I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I t + + 00silr'rc rN$JtA i0 RttlArt{ [)(FNNG 9N DICK rlATL PNTL O5IOO - STRUCTURAL SITIL RR SIRUCTURAL 07800 - ctMilnnous FIRTPROOFING: 2 HR.; l' THICK tllil. 06100 - PLYW000 SHIATHING: J/4' NON-COiJBUSIIBLI TYPICAL COLUMN llJRAP DTL. @ EQUIP. STORAGE | 1/2'=l'-0' + oDELL A lC n tTt Ctt. t,c.,ol No. tt0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITTONS AND RENOVATIONS PROJECT lor rl. Vr ll lrrtsrtloa Dlrr3lct rra tlt Torr ot Vrll+ lf T ! I I I t I t I I I I T I T I I t f f NOT USID + 0DILL AlCXttlctr. t.c.,ol llo. tt0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATTONS PROJECT lor tl. Vrll l.crrrtl.r Dlrtrlct rra tl. T.r r ot V.ll + I I I I I I T I I t I T I I I I I T t ENSTNG SPN OTfr ITAI PNEL PAINT TISNNG EJLANON l0 REuArt{ BOO BRTAIGR EEilE${ flSnilG Ar{D NTTI CO'{EE|[ COISIRUCTO{; RE: SnUCIURAL 079tt0-SEALml; -zCONNNUOJS FUIL HTIGHT OF rlALL. 80rH sloEs OJ4IO - PRECAST CONCRflE; RIEBEO FORIr| LINEN. TY?. - ()79O() - SIALANT; INSIALT PRIOR TO [,|ETAL STU[) 06ffi -PL$1000 SHEAIHING: 3/a' NON-COMBUSTIBTE 07200 - BAIr rNSUtATloN, R13 E0urPlltr{T SIORAGE I l/2'=l'-0 + + + oDSLL l I Cf, tTt Ctr, r.C.,ol No. tt0, John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PRO'ECT lor tla Vall laaraailor Dlrarlct rra tl. lorr ol Vrtl + f- T I I T t T I I I I I t I I I I I I + + NOT USED +John A. Dobson Arena ADDTTTONS AND RENOVATIONS PX,OIECT !or rl. Y.ll l..t.rllor Dlrtrlsa rra tlr lctl ot V.ll + oDrLL Al,CEIrBCTt. t.C.,cl Xc. tt0a B. c. D. I T I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I DIVISION 5 MEIALS sEcTtoN 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL PART I - GENERAL I,OI SUMMARY A. Seclion Includes:l. struclurol sieel froming ond supporl members, purlins, pipe or iube columns ond slruls, complete with required broces, hongers, connection plotes, welds, woshers, bolfs, nuts, shims, onchor bolts ond templotes.2. Bose qnd cop ploles. 3. Sheor stud connectors.4. Heoded onchorsiuds.5. Erecting, connecting, field welding, ond odjusfing for plumb ond level.6. Olher structurol steel componenls indicoted on drowings. Products Supplied But Not Inslolled Under This Section: I . Anchors, Anchor Bolls. Beoring Plotes, Angles etc. for Seclion 03 | 00 concrete Forms ond Accessories ond Seclion 04810 Unit Mosonry Assemblies. Reloied Requirements:l. Testing: Seclion 01450 Quotity Conlrol.2. Quolily Conkol Sysfem: Seclion 01450 euolily Control. Reloted Seclions:l. Beoring Plole Grouting: Section 03600 Grouts.2. Steel Deck: Section 05310 Sieel Deck.3. siructurol steel sluds ond c Joisls: section 05400 cold Formed Metol Froming.4. Miscelloneous Melols ond Loose Sleel Lintels: Seclion 05500 Metol Fobricolions.5. supports for Mechonicol or Eleckicol Equipmenf: Division l5 ond Division |6. REFERENCES Reference Slondords: See Section 01423.I' Design, Deloiling, Fobricotion qnd Erection: AISC Specificotion for Structurol Steel Buildings, 1989 Edition, or Lood ond Resistonce Foclor Design specificotion for Struclurol Steel Buildings, 1993 Edition.2. Fobricotion, Delivery ond Erection: AISC code of stondord proctice for steel Buildings ond Bridges, Seclions 5 through 7, lotest edition.3. Reseorch Council on Slruclurql Connecfions (RCSC) Specificotion for Siruclurol Joinis Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts, lolest edilion endorsed by AISC.4. AWS Dl.l Slructurol Welding Code - Steel.5. Alsc Technicol Bulletin No. 3, shope Moteriot (ASTM Asz2 Gr 50 with speciol Requiremenls) Morch, I 997. r.02 B. comply with listed reference slondords except qs modified by supplementory Requiremenfs on lhe Drowings or by fhese specificotions. oA 9906 05r20-l I.O3 DEFINITIONS A. Slrucfurol Steel: For lhe purposes of fhis Section, slructurol sfeel is defined os loodbeoring slruclurol mefol froming excluding siructurol sfeel siuds. mefol decking, ond loose steel ongle liniels builf inlo mosonry. r.04 suBM[rALs A. Shop Drowings:l. Submit shop ond ereclion drowings for oll ilems under lhis Section. See Seclion 0 I 330 Submif tol Procedures.2' Shop drowings sholl be originol drowings produced by the subconlrocfor or supplier ond sholl not be reproductions of the Conhocl Documenls.3. Shop drowings sholl cleorly indicole the following:o. Profiles, sizes, spocing, ond locolions of structurol sleel members.b. Conneclions. otlochmenls, ond onchoroges.c. Fromed openings.d. Size ond type of fostenerse. Combers ond cleoronces.f. Shop pointing. 4. Checking: Shop drowings sholl be checked for occurocy by fobricotor ond initioled by individuol responsible for checking prior to submittql.5. Conneclions:o. Detoil, fobricole ond erect siruclurol steel conneclions os indicoled on Drowings. b. lf Conlroclor elecls to propose olternole conneclion detoils, substitution requesl shqll be submitled in occordonce wilh Section 01600. Shop drowings indicoting ollernote connection detoils wilhout Archilect's prior opprovol of substitulion request will be rejected.c. Shop drowing submittol of oliernole connection detoils sholl be occomponied by colculotions for eoch proposed olternole conneclion. Colculoiions sholl beor the seol ond signoture of o professionol engineer regislered in the Sfote of Colorodo.6. Substitutions: Where exoct sizes ond weights indicoted on lhe Drowings ore nol reodily ovoiloble, secure Archilect's occeplonce of occeptoble substitute sizes in time to prevenl ony construclion deloy due to such substitufions. B. Certificotes:l. Mill Test Reports: Upon requesl, furnish for oll structurol steel supplied. Furnish mill test reports ond lood iesl resulls of eoch lot of high strengfh bolts if requesled by Architecl.2. Welder Cerlificqfes: Furnish for oll welding operoiors used for fobricotion ond ereclion. C. Producl Doto: Submil in occordonce with Seclion 01330 for the followino:l. Lood indicolor bolls.2. Exoonsion bolls.3. Adhesive onchors. D. Fobricolor ond Erecfor Quolificolions: Submit in occordonce with Seclion 01330 prior to the submission of shop drowings. I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I oA 9906 05120-2 I I I t I I I I I I I t I l I I I l t I.O5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Welder Quolificotions: Welding sholl be done by AWS certified welding operoton only. B. Tesling Agency: lf directed by the Archifecl, weld tests will be mode by qn opproved lesling loborolory experienced in X-roy or ultrosonic lesting of weld joinls, selected ond pold for by lhe Owner. C. Fobricolor ond Ereclor Quolificotions:l. All siruclurol steel fobricoted qnd erecied under this Section, ond qll Melol Fobricolions {Section 05500), ond Sleel Deck (seclion 05310), furnished ond instolled under reloied Seclions sholl be furnished ond instolled under lhe single subconfrocl responsibilily of on opproved structurol sleel fobricoior. lf the struclurol fobricolor subcontrqcts lhe erection, lhe erection subconlroctor musl olso meel the minimum quolificofions prior io bidding.2. All fobricotors ond/or erectors for this projecl must demonstrole lo the sotisfoction of lhe Owner lhe following quolificotions in oddition lo ony other requirements of lhe Project Monuol. o. Busines longevity under cunenl business nomes of five yeors or more immediotely prior to bidding this project. b. Previous experience showing successfully completed projects of similor size ond complexily os this project involving fobricotion ond ereclion of struclurol steel. Fobricolors must show fobricotion experience ond erectors musf show ereclion experience to be considered.3. Any chonge of steel fobricolor/erecfor required os o resull of foilure lo meet the obove requiremenls sholl be mode ol no qddifionol cosi to the Owner. D. Reguloiory Requiremenis: Exponsion onchors ond odhesive onchon sholl hove cunenl published ICBO Evoluotion Reporl indicoting ICBO opprovol os occeptoble method of construction under the UBC. Comply with oll limiiotions on use of qnchors stipuloted in Evoluotion Reporl. I.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Generol: Comply with Seclion 01600. B. Delivery ond Storoge:l. Steel: Store members obove ground on plolforms, skids or other supports ond stored upright io prevent twisting. Protect steel from conosion.2. Other Moferiols: Sfore in weothertighi ond dry ploce, until reody for use. Store pockoged moleriols in their originol unbroken pockoge or conloiner. 1.07 SCHEDULING A. Moteriols lo be Instolled by Oihers: I . Deliver onchor bolts qnd olher qnchoroge devices which ore embedded in cost-in- ploce concrele or mosonry conslruclion lo project site in lime to be inslolled before slorl of cost-in-ploce concrete operotions or mosonry work.2. Provide selting drowings, lemploles ond direciions for inslollotion of onchor bolls ond ofher devices. oA 9906 05r2G3 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI STRUCTURAL STEEL SHAPES A. Wide Flonge (W) Sfructurol Sfeel Shopes: ASTM A522, Grode 50 enhonced in occordonce wilh AISC Technicol Bullelin No.3. B. Chonnels (C ond MC), Angles (L), Bon ond ptofes: ASTM A36. C. Welded ond Seomtess Sfeel pipe: ASTM AS3, Type E orS, Grode B. D. Hollow Slructurol Sections (TS ond HSS): ASTM A500, Grode B. E. Siructurol Tees Cut From Wide Flonge Shopes (WT): ASTM A572, Grode 50 Enhonced in occordonce with AISC Technicol Bulletin No.3. 2.02 FASTENERS. ANCHORS AND WELDING MATERIALS A, Bolis: l. Stondord Bolts: ASTM A3252. High Slrength Bolts: ASTM A490.3. Slip-Crilicol High Slrength Botts ond Nuts: Conform to ASTM A325 ond RCSC Specificotion. Slip-Criticol bolts sholl be lood indicotor type os monufoctured by Lohr. Le Jeune, Bethlehem Sleel, or opproved subsiitule.4. Conneciion Types: o. Type N beoring-type wilh bolt threods included in sheor plqne.b. Type SC, Closs A, slip-crificol where indicoted on Drowings. B. NUts: ASTM A563.l. Grode ond surfoce finish: Nuts for use wiih A325 or A49O bolts sholl comply wiih requirements of RCSC Specificotion for bolt lype required. C. Woshers: ASTM F436. Provide flot circulor woshers or squore or reclongulor beveled woshers os indicoled or required for eoch bolted conneclion. D. Anchor Bolts: Size, type ond lengih os shown on drowings. Provide hex nuis ond ploin wqshers unless indicoted olherwise.L Hooked Anchor Bolts: ASTM A36.o. Minimum hook projeclion: 3 inches unless indicoied olherwise.b. Minimum lhreoded length: Moich lenglh of boli projection.2. Threoded Rod Anchors: ASTM A36.3' Heoded Anchor Bolts: ASTM A307 with suitoble nuts ond ploin woshers unless othenarise indicoted.4. Minimum length of embedment: 7 inches unless indicoled olherwise.5' Minimum length of projeclion: 3 inches unless indicoted oihenaise, qnd sufficient to fully engoge nut ofter inslollotion of sleel member being qnchored ond wosher, plus ollowonce for normol inslollotion loleronce. E. Exponsion Anchors: Wedge type, complele wilh required nuts, woshers ond monufocturer's instollolion instructions. Sizes os indicoted on Drowings. I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I oA 9906 05120-4 I T I I I I I I t I I T t I I I I I I G. F. H. 2.03 A. l. lnlerior Use: For use in condilioned environmenfs free from pofenliol moislure provide corbon sleel qnchors conforming to ASTM A5l0 wilh zinc ploting in occordonce with ASTM 8633.2. Exlerior or Exposed Use: In exposed or potentiolly wet environmenfs ond for ollochment of exlerior clodding moteriols, provide golvonized or sloinless sleel onchors. Golvonized onchors sholl conform to ASTM A133. Sloinless steel onchors sholl be Series 300 sloinless sleel bolfs wilh Series 300 or Type l8-8 stoinless steel nuts ond woshers. 3. Where onchor monufocturer is not indicoled, subjecf to complionce with requirements ond occeplonce by the Archileci. provide one of lhe following:o. Hilti Inc. Kwik-Bolf ll.b. ITW Romsei/Red Heod Red Heod Wedge Anchor.c. Powers Rowl Fostening Syslems Power-Boll.d. Wej-lt Corp. wej-tl.e. Approved substitule in occordonce with Section 01600. Adhesive Anchors: Threoded steel rod, complele with required nuls, woshers, epoxy or esfer-bosed odhesive syslem ond monufoclurer's instollotion inslructions. Type ond size os indicoled on Drowings.L Inferior use: For use in conditioned environmenls free from polenliol moisfure provide threoded corbon steel rods conforming io ASTM A36.2, Exterior or Exposed Use: In exposed or polentiolly wet environmenls ond for otfochmeni of exlerior clodding moteriols, provide golvonized or sloinless sleel onchors. Golvonized onchors sholl conform to ASTM A133. Stoinless steel onchors sholl be Series 300 stoinless steel threoded rods with Series 300 or Type l8-8 stoinless sleel nuts ond woshers. 3. Where onchor monufocturer is nol indicoted, subject lo complionce with requirements ond occeptonce by the Architecl, provide one of lhe following:o. Hilti lnc. HAS or HIT lhreoded rods. HVA or HIT Hy-l50 Adhesive Anchoroge System for onchoroge to concreie or slone. HIT HY-20 Adhesive syslem for onchoroge to brick or concrete mosonry.b. Powers Rowl Fqstening Syslems Stroighf Cul Anchor Rod wilh power-Fost Cortridge System.c. Approved substitule in occordonce with Section 01600. Welding Moleriols:l. FillerMelolsforWelding: Meetrequiremenlsof AWS Dl.l.o. Skength level: In occordonce with AISC ond AWS specificoiions for bose metols joined, weld lype, ond direciion of opptied lood lo weld.b. Welds for momenl-resisling frome conneclions: E70T-4 not permitted.2. Welding Eleclrodes: AWS 5.1 or A 5.5. Heoded Anchor Sfud connectors ond composite Beom sheor studs: conform to ASTM A108. Studs sholl be monufoclured by Nelson Division of TRW, or opproved subsfifuie. ACCESSORTES shop Point: sleel slructures Poinling council specificotion sspc point I I red oxide. oA 9906 05r20-s r. I I I I I I T I I I I I t I I I I I I A. B. D. \r. H. J. FABRICATION Generol: Fobricole slructurol sfeel in occordonce with AISC specificolions. Connecfions: Provide connections os shown or noted on lhe drowings.l. Connecfions nof shown or noted sholl be slondord fromed beom connections os shown in AISC Monuol of Steel Conslruclion. 9th edition, pp.4-9 through 4-31 inclusive, excepl thof beoring-type bolfs in slolted holes moy not be used to ironsmil ony componenl of stress in the direction of fhe slot.2. No combinofion of welds ond bolls, or of tensioned ond snug tighl bolts, moy be used lo lronsmil slress in fhe some folng surfoce of ony conneclion. Provide onchors for columns, beoms, chonnels, plotes, efc., os indicoled on drowings ond required. Locole os indicoted on occepted shop drowings. Shop Pointing:l. Surfoce Preporofion: Afler fobricotion ond shop ossembly, cleon off oll loose rusl. loose mill scole ond weld spolter, slog or flux deposits in occordonce wiih SSpC procedures os follows:o. Surfoces fo be Conceoled in lhe Compleled Sfruclure: Sp-3 power lool cleoning.b. Surfoces to be Exposed in fhe Complefed Slrucfure: Sp-6 commerciol blost cleoning.2. Pointing: Shop coot fobricofed items with shop poinf.o. Omit shop poinl on surfoces to be enclosed in concrete, surfoces to be field welded, surfoces to receive welded sluds, or surfoces in contoct with slide beoring ploles. b. Omif shop poinf on conloct surfoces in high slrenglh bolled connecfions.c. Omit shop point on surfoces to receive sprqy-on fire protection. Morking: Mork members in protected ploinly visible locofions in occordonce with reference numbers on setting diogroms. Finished Work: Finish work in occordonce wilh occepled shop drowings.l. Work: True ond free from twists, kinks, buckles, open joints qnd other defects. Cuiting ond Fitting: Perform necessory cutting, fitting ond drilling for occommodotion of olher lrodes ond do whotever is necessory lo secure conecl informotion for some, bolh before ond ofler sleel is delivered. culting or drilling not ollowed on project without occeptonce of Archilect. subqssemblies wifh Milled Surfoces: complefely ossemble ond weld before milling. welding: comply wilh Alsc specificoiions ond AWS Dl.l. welds nol specified sholl bel/4' conlinuous fillet buf nol less thon AISC minimum bosed on thickness of poris joined. Splices: Splicing of members to obtqin required lengths not ollowed wilhout prior occeplonce of Archilect unless indicoled on drowings. Combering: Comber beoms ond girders os indicoted on drowings. oA 9906 05r20-6 I I I o I T I I I t I I T I I I t I I I L. Heoded Anchor Slud Conneclors ond Composile Beom Sheor Sluds: Aufomoficolly endweld occording lo AWS Dl.l. Thoroughly cleon surfoce where slud is to be oilocned.Remove scole by grinding or sondblosting where il is sufficienlly thick to inlerfere wilhproper welding. 2.05 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Access: Archilecl, Struclurot Engineer ond Independent Tesfing Agency sholl be offeredunlimifed occess to fobricofion focilily while work is in progress.-Cotperole with TeslingAgency fo ollow weld lesling required on fobricolor's premises. PART 3. EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Embeds: Prior to storl of erection of sleel, check locotion of embedded plotes ondonchor bolts ond report deviolions from embedded plote ond onchor boll setting plonlo Generol Conlrocfor in writing with copy to Architect. Do not proceed uniil qll unoccepfoble conditions ore corecfed. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Prolecfion: Prolect odjocent moferiols or oreos below from domoge due lo weld sploiier or sporks during field welding. B. Shoring ond Brocing: Provide temporory shoring ond brocing os required lo moinloinwork in sofe ond stoble condition during erecfion. provide lemporory guy lines osrequired to properly olign members before bolting or welding. C. Field Meosurements: Toke meqsuremenfs on site os required for coneci fobricotion ondinslollolion. Be responsible for enors in fobricolion ond ior conect fit of struclurol sieel. 3.03 ERECIION A. Ereclion:l. Generol: Erecl shucturol steel in occordonce with AISC specificqlions ond wilh odditionol requirements of lhis seciion.2. Erection Sofefy: Sole responsibility of Controcior ond siruciurol sleel erection subconlroctor. Toke precouiions fo ensure sofety of personnel on site during erecfion of steel. Follow occepled induslry slondords ond comply wilh oll regulotory requirements. o. Provide snd mointoin bonicodes ond remporory coverings over deck openings ond edges until permonenl consiruclion of openings is insfolled-b. Schedule instollolion of projecting items thot moy present lemporory tripping hozords os loie os possible lo minimize time of exposure.c. Instoll lemporory bolted ond welded conneciions during erection sufficienl to hord members in proce untir permonenr connecrions ore compreted.d. Toke speciol precouiions when working on slippery surfqces ond in unfovorobleweolher condilions. oA 9905 05r 20..7 o I I I I I I I t I I I I t t I I I I I Beoring Ploies: sei bose ond beoring plotes level ond leveling ptoles level l! 1 1321qnd of conect elevolions E I /| 6'). Tempororily supporf on sleel wedges or shims until supported members ore plumbed ond grouting is compleled. Field Assembly: Assemble sfruclurol sleel fromes lo lines ond elevotions indicoted within specified ereclion loleronces.o. Afign vorious members torming ports of complele frome or slructure ofler being ossembled ond odjusl occurotely before toslening.b. Splice onlywhere indicoled on drowings.c. Field correcfion of fqbricoted items by gos culting nol ollowed. Field conneclions: Moke field conneclions wilh bolis, hign slrength bolts or field welding unless otherwise indicoted.o. Cleon exisling surfoces before welding lo existing steel.b. Tighten oll slip criticol high strength bolts to provide the minimum lension shown in Toble 4 of the RCSC specificotion unless otherwise shown on design or ereclion drowings.c. Tighlen beoring-lype non-slip criticol bolts lo snug fighf condilion with nul rololion sufficient to bring oll pties in joinf into firm contocl.d. Drifting or culting lo enlorge unfoir holes not ollowed.e. Moke minor coreclions by reoming.f. Do nol conecl serious defecls in field but coll lo ottention of Archilecl for decision os to melhod or procedure. He moy order new holes drilled or lhe member rejected ond reploced. Temporory Brocing: consider struclurol steel os non-self supporting sfeel fromes. Provide suitoble temporory brocing os necessory to mqinioin slructurol steel inproper position unfil permonently secured. Leove temporory brocing in ploce os required for sofety. Field Modificotion: using cutfing forch for field modificolion or refobricolion of structurol sleel not ollowed wifhoul wrillen occepfonce of Architecl. Be responsible for erors in fobricolion ond for conecl fil in field.8' Compression Splices: Foslen splices in compression ofter beoring surfoces hove been broughf into conloct. Cleon beoring surfoces before ossembling. Close gops l/32" wide or greoter by driving non-lopered mild sleel shims full depth of beoring' surfoce olong full length of gop.9. composile Beoms: Field weld sheor studs lhrough mefol deck os shown on lhe slructurol drowings. Automoticolly end weld or fillet weld ol Conlroclor's option. B. Allowoble Erecfion Toleronces: Comply with requkemenls of AISC Code of Slondord Proclice excepl moximum occumulotive toleronce from oll sources sholl nol exceed 1,, on cotumns.L Boses of Columns: Locoted on esfoblished column llnes within +l/9,.2. Members Conneciing io Columns:o. Horizonlol deviofion of memberworking point from posifion wilh respect to supporting column working line sholl nol exceed 1l /16" from lhe locotion shown on Drowings.b. Elevotion devioiion of member working poini with respect lo upper splice line of supporting column sholl not exceed +l lB" or -l l4,,trom lhe elevqlion shown on Drowings.3. Other Members: Deviolion of member working point horizontol locolion ond elevotion with respect to lhe supporling member sholl not exceed +l /16,' from lhe locqtion qnd elevotion shown on Drowings.4. Leveling ond Plumbing: Bosed on meon temperoture of ZO.F. 4. 7. oA 9906 05120-8 D. I I t I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I t 5. Compensote for difference in lemperoture qt time of ereclion. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Tesling: See Seclion 01450. Cosl of oddifionol tesling requked by this Article shqll be bome by the instolling conlrocfor. Testing Agency's lnspector: Perform duties in such woy thot neifher fobricolion nor ereclion is unnecessorily deloyed or impeded. Inspeclor will not recommend or prescribe method of repoir of defect. Field Inspection: Include exominolion of erected steel for welding, proper fitting ond tensioning of bolls ond olignment. WeldingondMoteriols: All weldsforskuclurol steel tobeinoccordoncewilhAWsDl.l for slrucluroll. Inspeclion of welding will endeovor to qssure thot work conforms to specified reouiremenfs ond will include: o. Ascerloinmenl thol eleckodes used for monuol shielded metql orc welding ond electrodes ond flux used for submerged orc welding conform io requirements of this seclion.b. Ascerloinmenl thol specified welding procedure ond specified welding sequence ore followed without deviotion, unless specific occeptonce for chonge is obloined from Architecl.c. Ascertoinment thot welding is performed only by welding operofors ond welders who ore properly cerlified. Tesling Agency will witness such quolificolion testing ot welding operotors ond welders, if required.d. Ascertoinmenl fhoi fil up, joini preporotion, size, contour, exlenl of reinforcemenf, ond length ond locolion of welds conform to specified requiremenls qnd Controct Documents, ond thqt no specified welds ore omitted or unspecified welds odded wilhout occepfonce of Archifecl. Embedded ploles ond ossemblies will hqve qll welded reinforcing fesfed by mognelic porticle in following quonlities: o. Assemblies Supporting Slruclurol Elemenls: 100% b. Assemblies Supporting Mosonry Elements: 60%c. Assemblies Supporting Curtoin Woll Elements:20% The lesling ogency sholl perform the following tests in the fobricolor's shop:o. All Welds: 100% visuol. b. All Full or Pqrtiol Penetrolion Welds: 100% ulfrosonicc. The requirements for independenl inspeclion by lhe iesting ogency in the fobricotor's shop moy be woived, provided the fobricotor is on "opproved fobricotor'' ond sotisfies oll of the requirements of the 1997 Uniform Building Code, Seclion 1701.7. Tesling Agencywill lesl oll field welds, including woll ond roof deck conneclions: 100% visuol ond l0% mognetic porticle. Addiiionol lesiingwill berequiredif morelhon l0%of iesledweldsorerejecied, then odditionol l0% of welds will be tested using some melhod. This l0% odditionol testing process will be repeoted unlil rejeciion rote drops below one in 10. ln oddilion, if defective welds ore discovered, remoining uninspected welds will receive such ullrosonic or mognetic porticle inspecfion os moy be required by Architecl. 4. 6. oA 9906 05r20-9 7. 8. 9. I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I \4. Testing Agency will hove outhorily to rejecl weldments. such rejecfion moy be bosed on visuol inspection where in his opinion weldment would noi poss more def oiled invesligolion. All rejected welds sholl be reploced ond retested ol lhe expense of the conlroctor. Reports by Testing Agency will conloin, os minimum, odequoie descripfion of eochweld fesled, idenfifying mork of welder responsible lor weld, crilique of defecls noled by visuol inspeclion or lesling, qnd slolemenl regording occeptobiliiy of weld lesled, os judged by cunenl AWS sfondords.o. Reporls sholl be distributed os eorly os possible but nol loter thon lwo work weeks ofter lesls hove been performed.b. Architect sholl be nolified by phone if, in judgmenl of inspeclor, lesl resulfs requke immediote commenf . Rodiogrophic testing moy be substituted for ultrqsonic. Bolfed conneciions: Testing Agency will visuolly inspect oll bolfed conneclions lo oscerloin ihol oll bolts, nuts ond required woshers hove been insiolled ond ore ofproper fype, thot oll foying surfoces hove been broughf inlo snug contqcl ond lhqt oll lood indicotor bolts hove been tighlened until fhe spline hos twisted off. Tensioned High Slrenglh Bolls: Inspect the bolt lightness of l0% of the bolts (minimum of 2l), selected ol rondom in eoch high strength bolled connection. lf rejectoble bolts ore found in ony conneclion oll lhe remoining bolts in lhot connection sholl be inspected for tightness. Inspection procedure sholl be in occordonce with RCSC Specificotion. slud conneclors: The tesfing ogency will inspect stud connectors qs follows.o. All studs will be ocousticolly inspected. studs which do noi ring when siruck wilh o hommer will be bent l5 degrees. lf no frociure occurs, slud is considered occeploble ond left bent.b. In oddition lo the obove, not less thon one of eoch lo0 sluds will be tested by bending l5 degrees. lf no frocture occurs, stud is considered occeptoble ond left bent.c. lf ot ony lime the number of rejectoble siuds on ony level of structurol sleel koming exceeds 3%, oddilionql fesling in occordonce with subporogroph b obove sholl be performed on one of eoch 25 sluds of this level ond this increosed frequency of fesling sholl be continued on oll succeeding levels until the number of rejectoble studs ol o level is 3% or less.d. The iesting ogency will verify thot the number of studs provided sotisfies the minimum number indicoted on ihe Drowings. Drilled-ln lnserts: o. self-Exponding Inserls: The lesting ogency will inspect self-exponding, drilled-in inseris shown on the Structurol Drowings os follows.(l) Prior to instollqlion, the lesiing ogency will delermine thot the inslolling confroctor hos the proper moleriols ond equipment for drilling holes in the receiving surfoce of reguired diometer ond length. l2l All inserts will be visuolly inspecled ofter inslollotion to ensure thot lhey hove been instolled perpendiculor lo the receiving surfoce ond to proper depth. (3) The fesling ogency will inspecl l07o of qll inserls ot eoch level for o iension lood of | 507" ot the monufoclurer's recommended qllowqble working loods in lension. rf ol ony time the number of rejecfoble inserts exceeds l0% of lhe number of inserts tested ot thot level, oll inserts ot thot level sholl be tested by the some method ond this .|00% testing rote sholl be t0. ll. 12. t3. I I oA 9905 05r20-10 I T l t t I t I I I I T I t I t I I I confinued on oll succeeding levels until l0% or less of the inserts fesled ot o level ore found to be rejectoble. (41 The lesting ogency will inspect oll remoining inserts for o snug tighl condilion. Snug lighl is defined os the tightness oiioined by o few impocls of on impocl wrench or lhe full effort of o mon using on ordinory spud wrench. lf of ony time lhe number of rejecloble inserls exceeds l0% of lhe number of inserls lested ol thot level, oll inserls ot fhol level sholl be lested by fhe some melhod ond this 1007o tesling role sholl be continued on oll succeeding levels until l0% or less of ihe inserls tested ot o level ore found lo be rejectoble.b. Adhesive-Bonded lnserfs: The testing ogency will inspecl odhesive-bonded, drilled-in inserls os follows:(l) The festing ogency shotl be presenl ol fhe site to observe lhe inslollolion of lhe first 5 inserls ploced ond for oddiiionol observofion os direcfed by the Architect. Such observotion will be lo endeovor to ensure thoi drilled holes ore of requked diometer ond depih, holes ore properly cleoned prior lo inslollotion of the inserl ond fhol holes ore completely filled with properly mixed odhesive ofter insfollotion. All inserls will be visuolly inspected ofter insfollotlon to endeovor to ensure thot the inseri hqs been instolled perpendiculor to the receiving surfoce ond to proper depth. The testing ogency will inspect 207o ot oll inserls for o snug tighl condilion os defined for seltexponding inserts obove. lf ot ony time the number of rejecloble inserts exceeds l0% of lhe number of inserts tested. oll inserts sholl be tested by lhe some method ond this 100% testing roie sholl be conlinued until l0% or less of the inserts lested qre found to be reiecioble. END OF SECTION oA 9906 05l2Gu I I I I I I t I I t sEcTtoN 0s3t0 STEEL DECK PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Secfion Includes:l. Steel roof deck.2. Acousticol roof deck3. Form deck.4. Sleel floor deck.5. Steel deck occessories. B. Producis furnished bul not instqlled under fhis Section:l. Soundobsorbing bollsforocouslicol deck: Seclion07539 C. Reloied Sections:l. Skucturot Sleel; Section 05120 Sfructurol Sfeel.2. Struclurol Steel Sfuds ond C Joists: Section 05400 Cold Formed Metol Froming.3. Steel Opening Fromes in Metol Deck Floors ond Roofs: Section 05500 Metol Fobricotions.4. Concrele Topping: Section 033@ Cost-in_ploce Concrete. I.O2 REFERENCES A. ReferenceSlondords: SeeSeclionOl423. Complywiih following:l. Moieriols, Design, ond Ereclion: steel Deck Institute (sDr) DEsign Monuol for Composite Decks, Form Decks, Roof Deck ond Cellulor Mefoi-Floor Deck with Electricol Distribution.2. Moleriols ond Computotion of Structurol Properties: AlSl Specificolions for ihe Design of Cold-Formed Sleel Slruclurol Members, lofest edilion.3. Welding: ANS|/AWS Dl.3 Struclurot Welding Code - Sheet Sfeet. I.O3 SYSTEMDESCRIPTION A. Performonce Requkemenfs: Design to meel lhe following structurol crilerio.l. Steel Roof Deck:o. Moximum Flexurol Working Stress: 20,000 psi.b. Moximum Roof Deflection: ll24Ospon lenglh, cenlerlo centerof supports under live lood.2. Composite Deck:o. Moximum Flexurol working slress in Mefol Deck under Deod Lood plus Conslruclion Lood: 0.6 times minimum yield stress,36 ksi moximum.b. Live Lood Slress: Yield slress less deod lood flexurol stress divided by 2.c. Concrete: 0.45 times specified 28-doy strength for qllowoble slrength design.d. Construclion Loods: 20 psf uniformly distribuled or l50 lb. concentroted oionypoinl on o I -0 Wide section of deck. I I T I T I I I oA 9906 053rGr 1.04 A. B. e. Moximum Floor Deflecfion: I /180 spon length but nol to exceed 3/4 inch, cenf er-lo-cenier of supports under weighl of wei concrete plus consiruclion loods. I /360 spon length. center-lo-cenler of supports under superimposed deod load plus live lood.3. Non-Composite Form Deck with Concrefe Topping:o. Moximum Flexurol Working Skess in Metol Deck Under Deod Lood plus Conslrucfion Lood: 0.6 limes minimum yield slress,36 ksi moximum.b. Construciion Loods: 20 psf uniformly distribufed or 150 pounds concenlroled ol ony point on o one fool wide seclion of deck.c. Moximum Defleclion: | /180 spon lengfh but nol lo exceed 3/4 inch cenler to center of supporis under weighf of wel concrete plus construction loqds. 1/360 spon length, cenler to cenler of supports under deod lood plus superimposed live loods. SUBMMALS Generol: Submit in occordonce wilh Section 0133O. Product Doto: Submit two copies of monufocturer's current cotolog literoture ond inslollotion inslruciions for eoch product specified under this Seclion. Include monufocturer's certificolion os moy be required lo show complionce with these specificotions. Furnish o copy of eoch insfruclion to the instoller. Shop Drowings: Submit shop drowings ond erection drowings os specified under Seclion 0r330.l. Indicote decking plon, deck profile, dimensions, goges, supports. projecfions, openings ond reinforcemenl. finishes, opplicoble defoils ond occessories, deck foslening types ond spocings.2. All shop drowings sholl be originol drowings prepored by the subcontroctor or supplier ond sholl nol be reproductions of lhe Controct Documents.3. Coordinole with struclurol sleel ond steel joist shop drowings io estoblish consislent deck supporl loyout dimensions. D. Substitutions: ComplywithSecfion0l600. Steelroof deckdesignis bosed on monufocturers ond deck types specified in this Section or os indicqied on fhe Slruclurol Drolvings. Suppliers submiiting subsfilute products of ofher occeploble monufqclurers sholl certify lhot proposed product is equol or betler lhon lhe specified product(s) in lood corrying copocity for indicofed spons, stiffness, ond in diophrogm sheor resislonce for the fostening types ond spocings indicqfed, ond sholl qfloch product doto conoboroting such certificotion fo the subsfitution requesl. lf, in the judgemenf of the Struclurol Engineer ond fhe Archiiect, lhe proposed producf does nof hove equol or beller struciurol copocilies lo thol specified, lhe supplier moy resubmit his subslilution request with o thicker goge of decking, on increose in fostening, or both, os moy be required lo solisfy the Slructurol Engineer ond the Archifecl thol the slructurol design requirements hove been sotisfied. I.O5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Quolificotions:l. Monufoclurer Quolificolions: Continuously engoged in production of melql decking for o period of ol leost l0 yeors. t t I I ,l I t I I I I I I I I I I I oA 9906 05310-2 b. I I t I I I I I 2. Erector Quolificolions: Minimum of five (5) yeors experience in ereclion of melol decking for projects of similor size ond difficulty. Subjecl to opprovol of Owner.3. Welder Quolificotions: Welding sholl be done only by welding operotors curently quolified occording to AWS D1.3. Regulofory Requiremenls: All sleel deck ond mechonicol fosieners supplied under this Seclion sholl hqve cunenf published ICBO Evoluotion Reporf indicoting ICBO opprovol os occeploble melhod of construclion under lhe UBC. Comply wiih qll limitotions on use of deck ond fosfeners stipuloied in Evoluotion Report. Tesling Agency: Tesling ond inspection will be mode by on opproved testing loborolory os specified in Section 01450 Quolity Confrol. Controctor sholl furnish lesting ogency occess lo work, focilities ond incidentol lobor requked for iesting ond inspection. Reteniion by the Owner of on independent lesting ogency sholl in no woy relieve the Conlroctor of responsibility for performing oll work in occordonce with ihe controcl requirements. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Generol: Comply with Section 01600. Prolect sleel deck from corosion, deformolion, ond oiher domoge during delivery, storoge ond hondling. Inspeciion: Inspect metol deck upon delivery to site. Reject ond obtoin new deck meeting lhese specificotions os required to reploce domoged deck. Sloroge:l. Slore metol deck of site obove ground on plotforms, skids or other supports with one end elevoted for droinoge. Cover deck until needed with woterproof covering, vented lo prevent condensolion. 2. Check deck bundles periodicolly for tightness. Retighten os necessory lo prevent wind loosening sheeis. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptoble Monufocturers of Steel Deck; l. Epic Metols Corporotion. 2. Verco Monufocturing Compony. 3. Vulcroft Division of Nucor Corporofion.4. Tomen Building Components, Inc. 5. Wheeling Conugoting Compony. 6. Accepted subslitule in occordqnce with Section 01600. B. Acceptoble Monufocturers of Mechonicol Fosleners forSteel Deck:l. Hilli. Inc. 2. ITW Buildex 3. Pneuiek, Inc.4. Accepfed substitufe in occordonce wilh Section 01600. r.06 A. B.I I I I I T I I I I I oA 9906 053r0-3 2.O2 A. B. 2.03 A. 2.04 A. D. STEEL ROOF DECK Sleel for Roof Deck Unils: Conform lo Secfion A3 of the AlSl Specificotions for the Designof Cold-Formed Steel Slructurot Members.l. Prime Pointed Sheef Sfeel: ASTM 46l l, Grode C, D or E.2. Golvonized Sheet steel: ASTM A653-94 slructurol euolity. Grode 33 or higher.3. Minimum Yield Strength: 33,0@ psi. Roof Deck Types: As indicoled on drowings. COMPOSITE FLOOR DECK Steel for Composile Floor Deck Unils: Conform to Section A3 of the AlSl Specificolions forlhe Design of Cold-Formed Steel Slrucfurol Members ond with ASTM A653-94 Slruclurol Quolity, Grode 33 or higher.l. Minimum Yietd Sfrength: 33,000 psi. Composite Deck: Provide monufoclurer's stondord roll form deck unils of size ond goge indicoled on lhe Drowings. Goge ond Depth: As indicofed on drowings. Finish: Golvqnized, AsTM A924-94 with o minimum cooting closs of G60 os defined in ASTM A653-94.l. Finish for Deck to Receive Fireproofing: coordinole finish with seciion oz8l0. ACCESSORTES Accessory slqndord: Provide occessories of types required by sDl specificotions. I I I I I I t t T I t I I B' Roof Deck Accessories: Provide following occessories os indicoted or os required by SDIspecificotions.l. Filler Sheek: 20 goge minimum, golvonized unils lo motch deck profile ond depth. 7 inch minimum width.2. Inside or Outside Melol Closures: Fobricote of 20 goge golvonized sheel sfeel of some quolity os deck unils. Mofch deck depth. Bend to provide tighf fifiing closures ol open ends ond sides of decking.3. Ridge ond volley Plotes: 20 goge minimum, golvonized sheets. Bend to fit indicoted roof slopes. Length of eoch leg odequoie to lop deck ribs minimum oneinch eoch side.4. Flol Ploles: 20 goge minimum, golvonized sheefs. 9 inch minimum width. provide ol chonges of deck direclion. C. Non-Composile Form Deck ond Composile Deck Accessories: provide following occessories os indicoled or os required by SDI specificofions.l. Z-ClosuresondCell Closures: l6gogegolvonizedsheelsfeel ofsomequolityos deck unils. Molch deck depth. Bend lo provide tight fitiing closures ol open endsond sides of decking.3. Pour Slops: Fobricole of golvonized sheel sleel of some guolity os deck unils. Goge os delermined from SDI Pour Slop Seleclion Toble in SDI Design Mqnuol. Mofch sloldepth. t I I I t I oA 9906 0531G4 I I ! 4. Girder Fillen: I6 goge golvonized sheel sleel of some quolity os deck units.5. Column Closures: 20 goge minimum, golvonized sheets of some quolily os deck 7 unils. Provide os requ'nei oi eoch column penetrotion through deck, sized loI provide minimum one inch lop with deck ribs eoch side of column culoul. I D. Fosteners: I l. Side Lop Fostenen: No. l0 self drilling TEK screv6.t 2. Powder Driven ond Pneumoiic Fosieners: Fqsleners shqll hove knurled shonk; r minimum %" diomeler steel wosher; electroploted zinc conforming to ASTM 8633, I Sc. l, Type lll; meef SDI design requiremenls; ond hove Foctory Mutuol opprovol. E. Acouslicol Insulotion: Gloss or minerol fiber profiled fo decking. I 2.06 FABRICATION t A. Lenglh of Units: Fobricole.deck units in lenglh lo spon lhree or more support spocings t unless indicoted olherwise. with flush, lelescoped or nesfed 2'end lops ond nesfed side tops. D l. Do nol fobricole unlil finol opprovol of structurol sleel, steel joist, ond steel deck I shop drowings hove been obtoined.q 2. Fobricole lengths to provide end beoring lengths over supports indicoted, ond in no cose less thqn minimum l-l/2 inches beoring. I 3. Roof Deck: Fobricqte lenglhs lo provide minimum 2 inch lop ol end joinls, unlesst indicoted olhenadse.4. Non-Composite Form Deck: Fobricote lenglhs lo provide lopped or butted end |l joints. unless indicoted otherwise. I 5. Composile Deck: Fobricole lengfhs to provide butted end joints, unless indicoted otherwise. '| B. Composite Decks: Fobricote with deformotions required to structurolly bond fill moleriol.G C. FobricotionToleronces: I l. Ponel Length: Plus or minus 1/zinch. f' 2. Thickness: Not less thon 95 percent of design lhickness.3. Ponel Cover width: Minus 3/8 inch, plus % inch. fl 4. Ponel Comber: Moximum % inch in l0 foot length. I 5. Ponel Sweep: Moximum % inch in l0 foot length. 6. Ponel End Oul of Squore: Moximum I /8 inch per foot of ponel width. I PART3-EXECUTTON I 3.01 EXAMTNATTONrI A. Verificotion of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600.L Existing Conditions: Before beginning instollolion, exomine supporting members for t correcl loyoui. fl 2. Notificqtion: Notify Generol Conlroctor of unsotisfoclory conditions in wdiing with copy to Archilecl. I B. Acceptonce: Beginning of work meons occeptonce of exisling conditions by instoller. I oA 9906 os3ro,sI I 3.02 DECK INSTALLATION IN GENERAL A. Instoll deck uniis ond occessories in occordonce with monufocturer's recommendolions. SDI specificotions, ond occepled shop drowings. B. Plocing Deck Unils: Position deck unils on supporting members ond odjusf lo finol posilion wiih ends beodng on support ond occurolely oligned end lo end before being permonenily fostened.L Minimum End Beoring: l-l /2 inches unless indicoted olherwise.2. Do nol stretch or conlrocl side lop intertock.3. Ploce deck unils flot ond squore, ond secure to odjoceni froming withoul worp or deflection. c. Fostening Deck Units to supports: secure fo supporting members os indicoled on Drowings. l. Welds: Comply with ANS|/AWS Dt.3.o. Employ only skilled, certified welding operotors.b. Welding Procedures ond Moteriol Seteclion: Responsibility of instoller. Exercise core in lhe seleclion of elecfrodes ond omperoge lo provide o posilive weld ond to prevenf high qmperoge blow holes.c' welds for Deck Unils with Thickness Equol lo or Greqter Tho n 22 Goge; 5/8 inch minimum visible diometer orc spot puddle welds with olfochmenl pollern indicofed on DroWngs.d. Welds for Deck Unils with Thickness Less Thon 22Goge: Wdd deck through minimum l6 goge welding woshers wifh nominol 3/8 inch hole. Weld pottern os indicoted on Drowings.2. Mechonicol Fosieners: Acceptoble syslem subjecf to opprovol of Skucturol Engineer ond Archiiect.o. Powder Acfuofed Fosleners: Instoll fosleners using o low velocily powder ocluoied tool. (l ) The noil heqd stond off sholl be occording to lhe monufocturer's recommendotions ond verified wilh an inspeclion gouge. The power level sholl be delermined by jobsite lesling. l2'l Inslollotion of fosleners sholl be occordonce wilh design requirements qnd insiolled by on operolor licensed by fhe monufoclurer. D. Cutfing ond Fiffing: Cut ond fit deck unils ond occessories oround openings ond projeclions through decking. Moke culs neot, squore ond trim. Cut openings true to dimensions using melol sows, drills or sheors. Do not lorch cul. E. Reinforcemenf ol Openings:l. Provide reinforcing for openings through melol deck os indicoted on drowings.2, Miscelloneous openings not shown on drowings, such os lhose required for venls, risers, conduits, etc. sholl be cul ond reinforced, if necessory, by trode requiring opening. 3.03 ROOF DECK INSTALLATION A. End Joinls: Provide roof deck end lops of nol less thon 2 inches. I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I oA 9906 053tG.6 B. c. D. D. D. I t t I t I t t ,l I I l I F. Roof Deck Fostening to Supports: unless othenrrise indicofed on Drowings, secure lo supporting members of 6 inches on center ot end lops ond l2 inches on center ot inlermediote supports. Fostening Deck Unit Side Seoms: Foslen side lops os indicofed on Drowings.l. Spocing: As indicoled, buf in no cose greoler lhon 36 inches on cenler.2. Foslening Mefhod: Selfdrilling screws. closure strips: Insfoll ol open uncovered ends ond edges of roof decking, ond in voids between decking ond other construction.l. Insloll flexible closure slrips in occordonce with monufoclurer's recommendotions. Roof lnsulofion support: Provide melol closure strips for support of roof insulotion odjocent to edges ond openings. Foslening Roof Deck Accessories: Foslen to supporting members by orc spof welds or self drilling screws ol l2 inches moximum intervols unless otherwise indicoted. COMPOSITE DECK INSTALLATION End Joinls: Provide butled end joints. Floor Deck Foslening to supports: Unless olherwise indicoted on Drowings, secure to supporting members ql l2 inches on cenler of supports. Foslening Deck Unit Side Seoms: Foslen side lops os indicoted on Drowings.l. Spocing: As indicoted, bul in no cose greoter thon 36 inches on center.2. Foslening Method: Self-drilling screws. Foslening Accessories:l. Fosten pour stops ond girder fillers to supporting structure in occordonce wiih Monufocturer's recommendqtions.2. Floor Deck Closures: Foslen column closures, cell closures ond Z closures to deck to provide iight fitiing closures ol open ends of ribs ond sides of decking. Fosten cell closures ol chonges of dkeclion of deck units unless otherwise dkected.o. weld or mechonicolly foslen end closures ot 4g'o.c.b. Weld or mechonicolly foslen side closures ot 36'o.c. 3.05 ADJUSTING A. Inspect deck for leors, dents, or other domoge.l. Roof Deck: Inspeci roof deck before plocemenf of roof insulotion ond roof covering.2. Floor Deck: Inspect deck before concrele plocement. 3. Need for repoir of domoged deck sholl be determined by Archifect. B. Inspect supporting struclure for domoge due to deck welding operolions. Repoir or replocemenl of supporting slructurol members bumed through or otherwise domoged by deck welding sholl be determined by the Architeci. The cost of repoir or replocement sholl be lhe responsibility of the deck insloller. I I 1 I I I oA 9906 05310-7 C. Touch-up Poinling: Touch-up golvonized finishes. 3.06 PROTECTION A. Deck Unils: I I I I I I I I I t T I I I I I I I t 3.07 B. l. Do not use for sforoge or os working plolform unfil permonenlly secured in position.2. Do nol domoge by use os runwoy, sloroge of moleriols or subsequenl work. Do nol ollow consfrucfion loqds which exceed sofe corrying copocity of deck. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Iesiing: See Sections 01450 ond 05120. Tesfing Agency: will visuolly inspecl deck to verify lhol moleriol is in occeploble condition qnd hos been properly inslolled.l. Inspeclion: Include deck welds ond side lop conneclions. END OF SECTION oA 9906 053r0€ I I I sEcTroN 05400 COLD FORMED METAL FRAMING t PARTI-GENERALt- ' r.or sUMMARY A A. Section Includes:! l. Exterior woll steel sluds ond other locqtions where 'llructurol sluds" ore indicoled. . 2. Chonnel frocks ond brocing. I B. Reloted Sections:l. Slruclurol Steel: Secfion 05120 Structurol Sleel. I 2. Miscelloneous Metols: Section 05500 Metol Fobricotions. I 3. Drywoll Porfilion Siuds: Seclion 09263 Gypsum Boord Portitions ond Wolls. I r.02 REFERENCES I A. Reference Slondords: See Section 01423. Comply with following:l. AlSl Specificotions for the Design of Cold Formed Sleel Sfrucfurol Members, lolesl edition. |J 2. AWS Dl.3 Structurol Welding Code - Sheet Steet.3. ASIM C955-96o Stondord Specificotion for Lood-Beoring (Tronsverse ond Axiol) Steel a Sluds, Runners (Trocks), ond Brocing or Bridging for Screw Applicotion of Gypsum I Boord ond Melol Ploster Boses. !. 1.03 SUBMffiALS III A. Shop Drowings ond Erection Drowings: Submit ereclion drowings os required by Seciion --, 01330 Submittol Procedures for oll melol stud syslems defined on the siruclurol drowings. I lndicote oll member sizes including speciol froming ot openings. Deloil oll connectionsa ond ottochmenl to supporting structure including conneclors, fosleners ond occessories. lndicote oll welds using stondord AWS symbols. IJI I B. Product Doto: Prior io storling erection of studs, submii copies of monufoclurer's specificolions covering oll moleriols io be used wifh oll moteriols ond occessories ploinly I identified. See Seclion 01330 Submiftol Procedures. I r.o4 euALrTY AssuRANcE I A. Erector Quolificotions: Minimum lhree yeors experience in erection of cold formed meiol I froming for projects ot similor size ond difficully. l, B. Welder Quolificotions: Cunenlly quolified in occordonce with AWS DI.3. lla. C. Tesfing Agency: Testing ond inspection will be mode by occepted testing loborolory. - See Seciions 01450 ond 05120. I t oA eto5 I 05400-l I )PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A. AcceplobleMonufoclurers:l. Americon Sfudco2. Dqle/lncor 3. Dielrich Induslries, Inc.4. Morino Induslries Corp.5. Unimosl, Inc.6. Western Metol Lofh Co.7. Accepted substilule in occordonce with Section 01600 B. Steel Mechonicol Properties: Conform to requirements of AlSl Specificotion, Section A3.l. Minimum yieldpoinf formoteriot 14 goge to l0gogein lhickness: s0,000psi.2. Minimum yield poini for morerior l6 goge ond less in thickness: 33,000 psi. c. steel Sectionol Properties ond Design: computed in occordonce with Alsl specificotion. D. Sfeel Sluds, Trocks, Brocing, Bridging ond Retoled Meiol: ASTM C955.l. Provide type ond size of slruclurol siuds, kock. bridging, ond fosteners os indicoted on drowings ond specified in lhis seciion.2. Sluds: Sizes ond locolions os indicoted on drowings.o. Provide l6 goge "C" shope if nol olhenarise indicoled.b. Heod ond siil Trock ond Heoder Members: Unpunched trocr, some goge os studs or one goge heovier.c. Minimum flonge Width: l_5/9.3. Slud Bridging: l6 goge chonnet bridging.4' Slip Clips: Minimum l4 goge golvonized steel with minimum loterol copocity of 500pounds per clip.o. Dietrich Big D Stide-Ctip.b. Dolson Indusiries, Inc. Verticol Slide Clip.c. Unimost Lovely Curtoin Woll Slip Anchor.d. Accepted substituie in occordonce with Seciion 01600. F. Finish: Conosion resistonl golvonized cooling conforming to ASTM A653, G6O minimum orRusf-inhibitive cooling providing conosion resisionce equivolent fo ASTM A653, G6Ogolvonized cooling. Submii documentotion from independent tesling ogency verifying conosion equivqlency. t I T I I I I I T I I I t 2.02 A. R 2.0s A. FASTENERS self-Drilling, self-Topping screws, Bolls, Nuts qnd wqshers: ASTM A9o, hot-dip golvonized. Anchoroge Devices: Power driven or powder octuoled; drilled exponsion bolts; screwswilh sleeves. WELDING Welding: Comply with AWS D1.3. I t I t oA 9906 0540G2 I ! B. WeldingEleclrodes: ConformfoSMAWAWSA5.l orA5.5,E60XXorE70XX. I PAPT3-EXECUTION v 3.ol EREcItoN I A. Generol: Insioll froming in occordonce wilh monufocturer's recommendolions. Froming moy be prefobricofed into ponels ot Controclor's oplion. f B. Connections: Welded. Screws moy be used for ereclion only.I C. Woll Froming: I l. Trock: Anchor slud trock lo concrefe os shown on drowings but noi less lhon 3/16" x I I - | /8" powder-driven fosteners spoced not more lhon 24" o.c.2. Sluds:o. Ploce studs 16" on cenier ol spocings indicoted on Drowings ond noi more lhon 2" from obutling wolls ond of eoch side of openings.b. Connect studs lo trocks wilh welding in occordonce wilh drowings ond monuf octurer's recommendotions. c. Conslrucl corners using minimum of lhree sluds. Double sluds oi door, window ond sidelile jombs. d. Insloll intermediote sluds obove ond below openings to motch woll siud spocing. e. Provide deflecfion ollowonce below supporfed horizontol building froming in ceiling or heod trock for non-looding-beoring froming. I f. Ereci lood-beoring sluds one piece full length. t S. Splicing or wire fying of froming components is not permitled.-) h. Refer to Drowings for locqlion of portitions extended to ceiling only ond porlitions exiending through ceiling io slruclure obove. :I - D. Bridging ond Diogonol Brocing: Insloll bridging ond brocing of types ond in locotions indicoted on the drowings. Unless othenarise indicoled, otfoch oll bridging ond diogonol I brocing by welding copoble of resisling o force of 500 lbs. minimum.r E. Miscelloneous Froming ond Funing: Provide for speciol froming ot recesses, speciolty a1 items ond os required./II 3.02 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL tJ A. Tesling: See Sections 0l 400 ond 05120.at .\ B. Testing Agency: Will visuolly inspecf cold formed metol froming to verify thql moteriol hos I been properly instolled. I l. Inspection: Visuolly inspect 100% of welded connections of melol sluds supporting mosonry. t I I oAeeo6 I o t l I END OF SECTION 0s400-3 I I I I sEcTtoN 05500 MEIAL FABRICATIONS PART I . GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes:l. Sleel roilings ond guordroils. 2. Hondroil brockels ond hondroils.3. Steel gotes with opplied od work ol service drive.4. Toilet portition supporl.5. Supports for occordion portitions. 6. Brockels ond supporis for woll mounted locker benches ond lovotory counlers,7. Overheod door steel fromes.8. Sieel opening fromes in melol deck floors ond roofs.9. Drilled-in Anchon 10. All other miscelloneous ongles, chonnels, tubes ond plotes os indicoted ond required. B. Products Supplied But Not Instolled Under This Section: '| . Anchor bolls ond weld ploles for onchoring melol fobricotions insiolled under Section 03100 Concrete Forms ond Accessories ond Seclion 04810 Unit Mosonry Assemblies Steel ongle lintels instolled under Section 04810 Unit Mosonry Assemblies Roiling sleeves instolled under Seclion 03100 Concrete Forms ond Accessories. Steel bollords instolled under Seciion 02751 Concrete Poving. C. Reloied Seciions: Slructurol Sleel: Seciion 05120 Struclurol Steel Field Poinfing: Seclion 09900 Points ond Coolings. I.O2 REFERENCES A. Reference Stondords: See Section 01423. Comply with following:L Detoiling, Fobricotion ond Ereclion of Sfeel: AISC Specificotion for Structurol Steel Buildings, 1989 Edition.2. Fobricolion, Delivery ond Ereciion of Steel: AISC Code of Stondord Procfice for Steel Buildings ond Bridges, 1992 Edition, Seclions 5 through 7.3. Fobricolion, Erection, ond Dimensionol Toleronces for Architecturolly Exposed Struclurol Steel: AISC Code of Slondord Proclice for Steel Buildings ond Bridges, Section 10. Welding: AWS Dl.l Structurol Welding Code - Sfeel. Pointing: SSPC Point Applicotion Specificotion No. I Shop, Field ond Moinienonce Pointing. 2. 4. I 2. 4. I I I l I I I I t V t l l I I oA 9906 05500-l r.03 A. 1.04 A. r.05 A. 1.06 A. r- DEFINITIONS Archileclurolly Exposed Slruclurol Steel: Steel surfoces ond connections fobricoted under lhis Section which will remoin exposed ond subjecf to normol view by the public oroccuponfs of lhe compleled strucfure sholl be considered Archileclurolly Exposed slruclurol sleel os delined by lhe Alsc code of stondord proclice, ond shoil be subjecllo oll requiremenls for Archifeclurolly Exposed Struciurol Sleel specified in Secfion l0 oflhe AISC Code of Slondord proclice. SUBM|rTALS Submiltols in Generol: Comply with Seclion 01330. Producl Dolo: Submit producl doto for oll monufoclured slock items specified under lhisSection, including the following.l. Exponsion bolls.2. Adhesive onchors. Shop Drowings: Submit for oll cusiom fobricoled ilems under lhis Section. lnctude loose steel liniels, plotes ond welded sleel opening fromes.l. Shop drowings sholl cleorly indicole the following:o. Profiles, sizes, spocing, ond locotions of members.b. Conneclions, ollochmenfs, ond onchoroges.c. Size ond type of fosienersd. Finishes, cootings ond shop poinfing. Include erection drowings, elevofions ond deloils where opplicoble. Indicote weld lengths ond sizes. QUALITY ASSURANCE Welder Quolificolions: welding sholl be performed only by cerlified welding operolors cunently quolified in occordonce with the tesfing procedures of Aws Dl.l f,or the weld types ond positions required for the fqbricolions ond inslollqtions indicoled. Regulotory Requkemenls: Exponsion onchors ond odhesive onchors sholl hove curenlpublished lcBo Evoluotion Reporl indicofing lcBo opprovol os occeploble method ofconslruction under the UBC. Comply with oll limilotions on use of onchors sliouloted in Evoluolion Reporl. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Generol: Comply with Secfion 016@.l. slore melols obove ground on plolforms, skids, or olher supports. protect melols from conosion.2. slore olher moleriols in weothertight ond dry ploce, unril reody for use. Moteriols lo be Inslolled by Others:l. Deliver onchor bolls ond other onchoroge devices which ore embedded in cost-in-ploce concrele or mosonry construclion to project site in time lo be instolled before stort of cost-in-ploce concrete operotions ond mosonry work. t I I T I I I I I I I t 2. 3. B. t' U I I I 1 I B. oA 9906 0550G2 rl I I I I T t 2. Provide selting drowings, lemplotes, ond directions for instollolion of onchor bolfs ond olher devices. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A. Steel Shopes, Bon ond ptotes: ASTM A36. B. Steel Pipe ond Tubing: ASTM A53, Grode B, or A500, Grode B, minimum woll thickness t I goge. C. Fosteners ond Anchors:l. Bolts: ASTM A307.2. Nufs: ASTM A563.3. Woshers: ASTM F436..4. Hooked Anchor Bolts ond lhreoded Rod Anchors: ASTM A36.5. Exponsion Bolls ond Adhesive Anchors: Comply with Section 05120. D. Welding Moleriols for Sieel: F, l. FillerMelols forWelding: Meetrequkementsof AWS Dl.l.o. Skength level: In occordonce with AISC ond AWS specificolions for bose metols joined, weld type, ond direction of opplied lood to wetd.2. Welding Eleckodes: AWS 5.1 or A 5.5. Heoded Anchor Stud Connectors: Conform lo ASTM A108. Studs sholl be monufocfured by Nelson Division of TRW, or opproved substifufe. Shop Point:l. Steel ltems lo Receive Pointed Finish or To Be Conceoled in Completed Struclure: Sfeel Skuctures Pointing Council Specificolion SSPC I l. PIPE BOLLARDS Bollords: Six inch diometer steel pipe. stondord weighl, Schedule 40 block iron.l. Concrete Bose ond Fill: Supplied under Seclion 03300 Cost-ln-Ploce Concreie ond instolled wilh concrete rounded oi lop under Division 2 Siie Construction.2. Size, Height ond Embedment: As indicoted on Drowings. STEEL LINTELS Steel Lintels: All mosonry openings 16" in width ond over sholl hove linlels. Provide loose sfeel linlels except where mosonry lintels ore indicoted on Drowings.l. Sizes ond Beoring Lengths: See Liniel Schedule on Slructurol Drowings.2. Weld or bolt members fogefherwhere indicoled lo form compleie ossembly. Where welds will be exposed in the complefed inslollolion, provide conlinuous welds ond grind flush. Mosonry Lintels: See Seclion 04810 Unil Mosonry Assemblies. I T t I 0 T l I T I I 2.02 A. 2.03 A. oA 9906 05500-3 2.04 SIEEL OPENING FRAMES steel openingFromes: supportoll openingsinmetol roof deckgreoierlhon l0"inony direclion on oll four sides by o steel frome sponning belween steeljoists, beoms, purlins or olher strucfurol deck supports.l. Steel Member Sizes: As indicoted on Drowings.2. Wdd members os indicoted lo form complele ond rigid ossembly.3. Coordinqfe with Section 051 20 Sfructurol Sleel ond Seclion 05213 Open Web Sfeel Joisls. Fobricole members bosed on dimensions indicoled on slructurol sfeel ond steeljoisl shop drowings thql hove been opproved for conslruction. provide odequole length to ollow for normol sweep ond instollotion toleronces of supporting members.4. Steel Opening Fromes for Mechonicol Units: Coordinote wifh Division l5 Mechonicol. Do not fobricole fromes unfil finol mechonicol unii size ond configurolion hos been provided. DRILLED-IN ANCHORS Exponsion Anchors: Wedge type, compleie wifh required nuts, woshers ond monufoclurer's inslollofion inskuciions. Sizes os indicoted on Drowings.l. lnterior use: For use in condilioned environmenls free from potentiol moislure provide cqrbon sieel onchors conforming to ASTM A5l0 with zinc ploting in occordonce with ASIM 8633.2. Exterior or Exposed Use: In exposed or polentiolly wet environments ond for otlochmenl of exterior clodding moteriols, provide sloinless sleel onchors. Stoinless steel onchors sholl be Series 300 sloinless steel bolts with Series 300 or Type lg-g stoinless steel nuts ond woshers.3. Where onchor monufoclurer is nol indicoted, subject fo complionce with requirements ond occepfonce by fhe Archifect, provide one of ihe following:o. Hilti Inc. Kwik-Bolt ll.b. ITW Romset/Red Heod Red Heod Wedge Anchor. Powers Rowl Fostening Systems Power-Bolt. Approved substitufe in occordonce with Section 01600. B. Adhesive Anchors: Threoded steel rod, complele with required nuls, woshers, epoxy or esler-bosed odhesive syslem ond monufoclurer's insiollofion insiructions. Type ond size os indicoled on Drowings.L Interior Use: For use in condilioned environments free from polentiol moisiure provide lhreoded corbon steel rods conforming to ASTM A36.2. Exlerior or Exposed Use: In exposed or polentiolly wet environments ond for ollochmenl of exterior clodding moleriols, provide sloinless steel onchors. Stqinless steel onchors sholl be Series 3@ sloinless steel lhreoded rods with Series 300 or Type l8-8 sfoinless sleel nuls ond woshers.3. Where onchor monufoclurer is not indicoted. subjecl to complionce with requiremenfs ond occeplonce by the Architecl, provide one of fhe following:o. Hilti Inc. HAS or HIT threoded rods. HVA or HIT Hy-150 Adhesive Anchoroge System for onchoroge lo concrele or stone. HIT HY-20 Adhesive system for onchoroge to brick or concrete mosonry.b. Powers Rowl Fosiening Systems Stroight Cul Anchor Rod wilh power-Fost Cortridge Syslem.c. Approved subsiilute in occordonce with Section 01600. t l I I I I I IA. I I I ! 0 a I I I I I c. A oA 9906 0550G.4 il I t T I I I I I I I I I I c. Dropln Anchors: Flush or shell lype, complete wifh requhed nuis, woshers ond monufoclurer's instollotion inslruciions. Sizes os indicoted on Drowings.l. Interior Use: For use in conditioned environmenls free from poteniiol moisiure provide corbon sleel onchors conforming to ASTM A5lO with lnc plofing in occordonce wifh ASTM 8633.2. Where onchor monufocturer is nol indicoled, subjecl lo complionce wilh requirements ond occeptonce by the Architect. provide one of the following:o. Hitti Inc. HDI Anchors.b. Approved subslilule in occordonce with Section 01600. D. Sleeve Anchors: Flush or shell iype, complele wiih requhed nuls. woshers ond monufocturer's inslollolion inslruclions. Sizes os indicoted on Drowings.l. Interior Use: For use in conditioned environmenls free from potenliol moislure provide corbon sleel onchors conforming to ASTM A5l0 with zinc ploting in occordonce with ASTM 8633.2. Where onchor monufocfurer is nof indicofed, subject lo complionce with requiremenls ond occepfonce by the Architecl, provide one of the following:o. Hilti Inc. Sleeve Anchors.b. Approved substitute in occordonce with Section 01600. 2.07 STEEL GATES AT SERVICE DRIVE A. Fobricotion: L Froming: Fobricote of steel pipe, lubes, ploles ond sheet ponels os indicoted.2. Posts: % inch lhick sleel tubes, size os indicoted, filled wilh concrele ofter insfollolion. Hordwore Moteriols: Golvonized sleel or molleoble iron shopes lo suil gote size. Hinges: slructurolly copoble of supporting gote leof ond live loqd of 200 lbs opplied ol end of leof contilever. Allow opening ond closing wilhoul binding. The hinges sholl not iwisl or turn under the oction of lhe gote. The gote sholl be copoble of being opened ond ciosed eosily by one person. Instoll in such o monner os lo prevenl removol of gole by lifl-off mqnner. double Goles: Provide locking device ond podlock eyes os on integrol port of lolch, requiring one podlock for locking bolh leoves.o. Podlock: By Ownerb. Locking device sholl be constructed so lhot the center drop rod or plunger bor connot be roised when locked.6. Field Finish: Field point in occordonce with Section 09900. Applied Artwork: Following fobricolion ond prime cool pointing, goles sholl be delivered by controctor to on oddress lo be provided in Boulder, Colorodo where ortwork will be opplied by others. Following opplicotion of orlwork, controclor sholl pick up ond deliver gotes lo job sile for inslollotion. J. 4. ( l I t I t oA 9906 0s500-5 2.08 SHOP F|N|SHES A. Shop Priming: | ' Surfoce Preporolion: After fobricotion ond shop ossembly, cleon off oll loose rusi, loose mill scole ond weld spofler, slog or flux deposils in occordonce wilh SSPC procedures os follows:o. Surfoces to be Conceoled in fhe Completed Slruclure: Sp-3 power lool cleoning.b. Surfoces lo be Exposed in the Completed Sfructure: SP-6 commerciol blosl cleoning.2. Point Applicofion: Shop cool fobricoled ifems with shop point in occordonce with ssPc-PA-1. o. Omil shop point on surfoces lo be enclosed in concrete ond surfoces to be field welded. b. Shop Point Thickness: 2.5 dry film mits. B. Golvonizing: ASTM A653, CCO Ctott minimum. Provide conosion resisfont golvonized cooting on indicoled or specified sleel ilems ofter fobricotion ond shop ossembly. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. Weld or bolf items securely in ploce or ofhenarise fosten os indicoled on the drowings or occepted shop drowings. Include ifems indicoled, scheduled or listed in Article l.Ol . B. Instoll items squore ond level. occurolely fifled ond free from dislortion or defects. C. Field Welds: Perform field welding in qccordqnce with AWS Dl.l.l. Poinfed Fobricolions: Grind smooth ond fouch up wiih compolible primer.2. Golvonized Fobricolions: Afier insiollolion, grind ond louch-up field welds ond scrolched ond domoged golvonized surfoces. Use o primer recommended for golvonized surfoces, D Drilled{n Anchors ond Inserls: Instoll drilled-in onchors ond inserls in occordonce with monufocturer's recommendotions in occurotely drilled holes of required diometer ond depth. l. Adhesive Anchors: Thoroughly cleon drill hole of oll debris ond drill dusf prior to instollotion of inserl qnd odhesive.2. Do not drill holes in concrele or mosonry unlil mqteriol hos ochieved full desion strength. 3.02 ADJUSTMENTS A. Repoir of Defeclive Work: Remove sloined or olherwise defective work. Reploce wilh new moteriol. END OF SECTION 05500-6 T I c I I I ! T I 6 I I I t I I I I I oA 9905 t t I I I I t I I il I I I I I T I OJ4I() - PRTCAST CONCREIE RiiAlNlNC WALL; StRvlCt DRlVt, sMooft nMsH 05600 - sffiL ruEE:3/8'x8'i8' I#I{ILDED CAP IoP O55M - SIEIL GATI FRATAT: Jlto I I I I, 1(J8E STTEL APPI|EO Slttl ART PNttSi 8Y OIHER$ RE: 9ECS $cn0N 05500 .KING KOI'IG HIilGE vr-l/4' STATNLESS SffiL P[{ BY KING SUUPTY C$IPNY. n$, t41-2000-K0tG, TIECI IO SIEL ruK GAIE 9-il i/4' I l/2'=l'-0' + + f 0DtLL AtCEttECtt, l C.,ol Xo. tt0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PRO'ECT lor tlr Vrll lrcrrrtlor Dlrlrlct rra tlr Torr of Vrll + I \l r| DIVISION 6 WOOD AND PLASTICS I sEcTtoN 06100 I ROUGH CARPENTRY I PARTr-GENERALI . I.OI SUMMARY I, A. Section Includes:l. Roofing ond floshing blocking. i 2, Portilion blocking. JI 3. Miscelloneous blocking ond supporls.- 4. Miscelloneous wood sheothing.- ( Rough hordwore.rI B. Producls Supplied But Noi Insiolled Under This Section: E l. Anchors Cosi inio Concrete or Mosonry for Anchoroge of Wood: Instoll under I Seclion 03100 Concrele Forms ond Accessories or Section O48lO Unit Mosonry f Assemblies. a C. Reloted Sections: t l. Cuslom Cobinets: Section 06410.2. Mechonicol ond Electricol Blockouis: Division l5 Mechonicql ond Division l6L Electricol. I9 r.o2 REFERENcEs I A. Reference Stondords. See Seciion 01423. I l. Wood Froming: Comply wiih requirements of Uniform Building Code ond "Nolionol Design Specificotion for Wood Conslrucfion", ANSI/AF & PA NDS-1997, os published I by the Americon Forest ond Poper Associotion. f 2. Lumber: Comply with Groding Rules for Lumber, lolesl edition, os published by Weslern Wood Products Associolion. | 3. Plywood: Conform to APA Plywood Design Specificotion PDS 1986. Comply with US t Deporlment of Commerce Product Stondord PS l-95 Construcfion ond Industriol ',' PlYwood. ll r.o3 euALrTY AssuRANcEt . A. Grode Slomps: I l. Lumber: Eoch piece sholl be WWPA or WCLIB grode slomped. t 2. Wood Sheothing: Eoch ponel sholl be ideniified with APA grode lrodemork. . I.O4 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING I - A. Generol: Comply with Section 01600. Store moteriol olf ground ond cover wilh I wolerproofing coverino. t- I oA eeo6 T 06100-l I.O5 SCHEDULING A. Anchor Bolls: Deliver onchor bolfs ond other onchoroge devices which ore embeddedin costin-ploce concrete or mosonry construclion to pioject sile in time to be instolledbefore storl of cosr-in-proce concreie operotions ond mosonry work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI WOOD MATERIALS A. Blocking, Furing ond Miscelloneous Dimension Lumber: Douglos Fir-Lqrch or Hem-Fir.Slondord Grode or Beller.l. Blocking in Contocl with Roofing Membrone: Pressure treoted with wood solfpreservofive. Use Koppers Wolmonized pressure-treoted wood or other similormoleriol. pentochlorophenol or creosole is nof occeptoble.2. Seosoning (Up lo Two Inches): l9% or less moislure conlenl.3. lnlerior Brocking: Fire rerordonf rreoted with chroride so[s. B' Sheolhing: APA Roled Sheolhing EXP I or APA C-D plprood, inleriorwith exlerior glue.l. Thickness ond spon roling: As indicoted.2. Sheofhing: Fire relordont treoled. 2.02 FASTENERS, ANCHORS AND HARDWARE A. Rough Hordwore:l. Generol: provide necessory borts, screws, noils, crips, proles, srrops, hongers, efc.necessory for c.omplelion of rough corpentry. Provide conecl moleriol of proper size ond shength for purpose inlended conforming io specificotions, drowingi ondopplicoble building codes. Supply onchors io be cosl into concrete ond m-sonryfor onchoroge of wood for instollotion under other Sections.2. Anchor Bolfs: ASTM A307. B. Metol Froming Anchors: Provide with noils ond bolts occording to monufocturer,srequiremenls. l. Monufocturers: o. Simpson Sfrong-Tie Co.b. United Steet products Co. (USplc. Accepted substitute in occordonce with Section 01600.2. Types: As indicofed on drowings. C. Powder Driven Anchors: Romsel or equivolent low or stondord velocity driven fosteners,minimum I /8' shonk diomeier. Length os required to penelrote steet or wood memberond I - | /4" into concrete or mosonry. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. verificotion of Conditions: Verify ihof surfoces lo receive rough corpentry ore preporedto requked grodes ond dimensions. I I I I I n I I I I I I t I T I t I I oA 9906 06100-2 B. I T t I t I I I I I I I t I I I t I I 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Generol:l. Perform in substoniiol monner consistent wifh occepted stondords of corpentrykode.2- Froming: Erect plumb, level ond true ond rigidly onchor in ploce. cut froming squqre on beorings, closely fil, occurolely sel lo required lines ond levels.3. Noil or spike members in occordonce with UBC ond Generol Structurol Noles on drowings.4. Froming: 16" o.c. unless otherwise indicoted.5. Shims: Do nol use shims for leveling on wood or metol beorings. Use steel shims with full beoring on mosonry or concrele.6- Melol Froming Anchors: Insloll where required for proper conneciions inqccordonce wilh monufocturer's recommendotions. B. Anchors: Unless otherwise indicoted, bolt plotes fhmly lo concrele or mosonry with 3/g,'x 12" (3" horizontol leg) onchor bolts, 2'{" o.c. or use powder-octuoied fostening syslem.l. Size ond Spocing: Accepted by Archifect. c. Sheothing: Insloll ponels continuous over two or more spons wilh foce groin perpendiculor lo supports wiih end joints supported. Stogger ends of odjocenl sheets four feel where oossible.l. Foslen per struclurol generol notes on drowings, UBC ond APA recommendolions. 2. Cover woll sheothing with # l5 ospholt soturoted field. 3.03 WOOD BUCKS A. Provide 2" slock. width os shown, ol locolion indicqled. Anchor lo concrele with 3-3/g,' bolls eoch jomb; four onchors if over 7'. Countersink heods inlo buck. WOOD BLOCKING AND MISCELLANEOUS LUMBER REQUIRED FOR WORK OF OTHER SECTIONS Generol: cooperofe with other trodes. provide required grounds, blocking, wood bocking ond froming. Perform necessqry cutting ond polching of rough corpeniry work os required. Interior Blocking: Instoll blocking of size requked for support of hondroils, toilet ond both occessories, woll-mounled door stops, woll cobinets ond other woll-mounted occessoryilems. sel true lo line, level or plumb well secured in stud woll ond flush wilh bqck of drywoll or other woll finish. Exterior Blocking:l. lnstoll blocking of size required for exierior wqll finish moleriols, exlerior hqndroils, exterior woll mounted equipment, roof edge detoils ond ofher locolions osindicoted. 2. Roof Blocking: Anchor of 3 feef o.c. io resisl force of 75 lbs. per lineol foor. oA 9906 0610G.3 D. Roof Curbs: Insloll blocking ond froming os indicoled for curbs of roof openings ond rooftop mechonicol unifs. END OF SECTION oA 9906 06r0G4 I I sEcTroN 06200 FINISH CARPENTRYn PART I - GENERAL I r.or suMMARYJ A. Seclion Includes: T I I . Exterior: o. Wood soffit. I B. Reloied Secfions: t l. Elocking: Section 06100 Rough Corpentry.2. Cobineis ond Cosework: Seclion 06410 Cusfom Cobinets. I 3. Wood Doors: Seclion 08210 Wood Doors. I 4. Finish: Seciion 09900 Points ond Cootings. I,O2 REFERENCES t A. Reference Slondords: See Secfion 01423. Comply with following:l. "Architecturol Woodwork Quolity Slondords ond Guide Specificotions", 1994 edilion. os published by the Architecturol Woodwork Inslitute.o. Comply with Cuslom Grode if not otherwise specified. I r.03 DEF|N|T|ONS I A. Finish Corpenlry: woodwork requiring smoolh finish ond exposed lo view bul not considered os cqbineis or cosework. t r.o4 suBMTTTALs I A. Shop Drowings: Submil in qccordqnce wilh Section 01330 Submiltols. I l. Include conformonce to required reference stondord. f 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING I A. Generql: Comply wilh Seciion 016@. h l. Do nol deliver moleriol until building or sloroge oreo is enclosed ond sufficienfly dry t lo preveni domoge from excessive chonges in moisiure conlenl. PART 2 - PRODUCTS IT J 2.02 EXTERTOR MATERTALS I A. Soffif Boords: Premium Grode Weslern red cedor. smooth finish. I l. SizeondShope:314"x(;',T&GV-groove. I ! oA 9906 0620G1 t I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Verificofionof Conditions: ComplywithSection0l600:I. Loyoul: Verify loyoul of work before beginning inslollotion.2. Blocking: Ensure proper blocking provided under Section 06100.3. Exisfing Condilions: Exomine subshole before beginning instollotion.4. Notificolion: Notify Generol Conlrocfor of unsotisfoclory conditions in wrifing wifh copy to Archifect. Acceplonce: Beginning of work meons occeplonce of existing condilions by insfoller. EXTERIOR MATERIALS INSTALLATION Generol: AWI Custom Grode unless otherwise specified. Soffit Boords: Blind noil or screw lo soffit froming use conosion resisiont fosteners. END OF SECTION I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. 3.O2 A. B. oA 9906 062@-2 I I I PARTr-GENERAL I l.ol suMMARy A. Seclion Includes: I l. Closet Shelf ond Rod I B. Relofed Seclions: sEcTtoN 06410 CUSTOM CABINETS l. Wood Blocking: Seclion 06100 Rough Corpentry.2. Wood Trim: Seclion 06200 Finish Corpenfry.3. Wood Doors: Section 08210.4. Rubber Bose: Section 09650 Resilienl Flooring.5. Job Finish: Seclion 09900 Points ond Cootings.6. Plumbing Fixiures: Division 15. I 1.02 REFERENCES I A. Reference Sfondords: See Section 01423. Comply wilh following: I | . "Architeclurol Woodwork Quolity Siondords ond Guide Specificotions". 1994 edilion, I os published by Architecturol Woodwork Instifute.r o. Comply wilh cusfom grode if noi otherwise specified. I r.o3 DEFrNrTroNsI A. Archilecturol Woodwork: Cusiom fobricoted cobinets ond cosework. OtherwoodworkI nol considered os cobinets ond cosework is considered finish corpentry ond is specifiedI underSeciion 06200. I r.04 suBMmALs I A. Shop Drowings: Submit in occordonce with Section 01330. I B. Somples: Submit complete set of plostic lominote somples for color seleclion inI occordonce wifh Section 01330. I I.O5 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING t A. Generol: Comply with Seclion 01600. I L Do nol deliver moteriol until building or sloroge oreo is enclosed ond sufficienfly dry I fo prevent domoge from excessive chonges in moisfure conlenl. t oAee06 064t0_l I I I I t PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A. Plostic Lominofe:l. Monufoclurers: o. Formico Corp.b. Wlsonorlc. Nevomord. Pionite I I I t t I T I t I T I I t I B. D. e. Accepted subslitute in occordonce with Section 01600.2. Type; Formico Generol purpose Grode lO/HGS.o. Verticol Surfoces: Moy be Veriicol Grode 55VGS.3. Colors: As selected by Architect from monufqcfurer's stondords. Porlicleboord: Motfe formed wood porlicleboord, 4G45# density industriol grode with seoler ond locquer finish.l. Cobinel Inferiors: NEMA Stondord plostic lominofe finish for cobinel inleriors (Korlron). Shelf ond Rod:l. Support: K&V #il92. Rod: K&V #770-l3. Shelf: Plywood wiih wood edge, AWI Custom Grode4. Finish: Poinied finish under Section 09900 Cobinet Hordwore Monufocturers:l. Hinges: o. Blum b. Grossc. Hettich d. Meplo e. Accepted substilute in occordonce with Section 01600.2. Pulls ond Coiches:o. Stonley b. Accepted subsfifuie in occordonce with Section 01600.3. Drower Glides:o. Grontb. Accuridec. Accepted substilute in occordonce with Section 01600.4. Adjusloble Shelf Hordwore:o. Knope ond Vogtb. Slonleyc. Accepted substituie in occordonce wiih Seclion 01600. I I I t oA 9906 06410-2 I I I Cobinet Hordwore:l. Schedule: Furnished ond inslolled by the cobinet supplier: I I I I I t I II I I t I I I I I Iype Monufqcturer Coioloo No.Ein'sh Hinges Slonley 332 26D Pulls Stonley 4483 26D Colches Slonley sP46 28 Drower Glides Gronl No.328 full exlension slide (50 pounds/poirl Zinc Brqckets for Shelves Knope & Voqt 256 Zinc Stondordg for Shelves Knope & Vool 255 Zinc 2. Locks: Provide disc lumbler com lype locks for oll drowers ond doors. Key olike or differenily os selecled by Architecl, moster keyed. provide two keys per lock. 2,02 FABRICATION Awl Grode: Conslruct counters ond cobineis os indicoted on drowings ond os required for AWI Custom Grode work. construclion: Frome counters in substontiol monner with necessory blocking, broces,elc.l. Supports Under Counlertops: Sufficiently heovy 1o corry weighl of 200# mon without sogging.2. Fromes: Pinned, glued, or screwed together in occordonce with AWI cuslom Grode stondords. counlertops covered with Plostic Lominole: constructed of porlicleboord. provide bocksploshes ond self-edge oll exposed edges. Cobinets:l. Provide qnd instoll hordwore os specified.2. Construct shelving, counlers, cobinels qnd cqsework wifh plostic lominote coveredporticleboord. Use Korlron ot interiors.3. Conslruction Type: Flush overloy (not lipped).4. Cobinet Doors: Types, sizes ond thicknesses indicoted.o. Doors: Flush ploslic lominoted foced with plostic T-moldings ot edges.5. Cobinef Bocks Not Exposed lo View: Hordboord. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Verificotion of Conditions: Comply wilh Section 01500:l. Loyoul: Verify loyout of work before beginning inslollotion.2. Blocking: Ensure proper blocking provided under Section 06100.3. Exisling Conditions: Exomine spoces ond subslrole before beginning instol6tion.4. Noiificotion: Notify Generol Conlroctor of unsotisfoclory conditions in writing with copy to Architeci. B. Acceplonce: Beginning of work meons occeplonce of existing condilions by instoller. A. B. (- h oA 9906 064 t0-3 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Counlers: Conslrucl supporls for counters os indicoted.l. Securely oltoch counfers fo wolls plumb ond level.2. Sinks ond Trim: provided ond inslolled under Division 15. B. Cobinels:l. Boses: Consirucl cobinet boses for cobinefs os indicoled ond securely onchor fo floor.2. Cobinels: Securely oltoch cobinels fo boses ond wolls with cobinels plumb ondlevel ond hordwore operoling properly, reody for finish under secfion 099@.3. Rubber Bose: Provided on bose cobinets under Section 09650 ofler cqbinels ore sel in ploce. 4. Sinks ond Trim: Provided ond inslolled under Division 15. c. Sheli ond Rod: AWI cusfom Grode. Insloll os indicoted ond in occordonce wiih monufociurer's recommendotions. END OF SECTION t t I I I I T It T I I I I I t I T I I oA 9906 0641G4 I I I sEcTtoN 06416 LAVATORY COUNTERTOPS PART I - GENERAL I I.OI SUMMARY I A. Seclion lncludes: I l. Lovolory Counfertops t B. Reloted Sections: I l. Sinks ond Trim: Division 15 Mechonicol.2. Wood Supports: Seclion 06100 Rough Corpenlry.3. Steel Supports; Seciion 05500 Metol Fobricolions. I I.O2 SUBMMALS I A. Shop Drowings: Submil shop drowings showing full size deloils, seclions, dimensions, I joinling, bonding, onchoring, connections lo olher work ond oiher pertinent detoils ond notes. I B. Somples: Somple sections 12" squore sholl be submitled to Architect. Somples sholl show color, shoding ond voriotion, ond only lovotory counlertops equol to or exceeding slqndord somples will be occepted os determined by fhe Archilect. II I.O3 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING I A. Comply with Section 01600. Deliver ond store in originol crqfes under cover.I PART 2 - PRODUCTS I 2.01 LAVATORY COUNTERTOPS I A. Acceptoble Monufocfurers: I l. Comtec Indusiries - 2. Accepled substitute in occordonce with Secfion 01600. I B. Mqteriols ond Fobricoiion: I l. Lovolory countertops sholl be monufoclured from l" thickness high density polyefhylene ond sholl be complele with openings for plumbing fixlures, I bocksplosh, end sploshes ond oprons. f| 2. Aprons sholl be of some moteriol ond sholl be foclory ossembled to lovolory countertops. Method of ossembly sholl be monufocturer's slondord; however, r screws ond other devices used in ossembly sholl nof show in finish surfoces exposedI toview.I C. Color: As selecled by Architect. t I oA eeo6 I 06416-t PARI3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. Insfoll oll lovofory counterlops plumb, level ond true in occordonce with lhe drowings ond opproved shop drowings reody for conneclion by other lrodes. Supporting conslruclion for oll componenls will be furnished by olher trodes. B. Moslic sholl be o two (2) port epoxy compoiible wifh o synlhetic countertop moleriol. C. The pofching or hiding of defecls will nof be permitted ond components with ships, stqins. blemishes, crocks. pits, elc. sholl be conecled by redressing, cleoning or replocing wilh new moferiol. D. See plumbing drowings ond Rough Corpenfry Seclion 06100. Where lovolory bocksploshes ond sides conlocl wolls, opply silicone ontibocleriol coulking. 3.02 CLEANING Lovotory counlertops ond components, ofler instollotion, sholl be completely cleoned in occordonce with the monufoclurer's instructions. END OF SECTION I I t I t I I T I I I I I I I I I I I oA 9906 06416-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I + + ser occessofirs sdtodde 07900 - CAULKINC; lp. 061$-S0uD 9JRFAG; bodglo$; l' 06m-silD sutr conlertop; 06a00 - s0Lr0 sulFAcE; oppron, I 06{m - soUD suRFAct -cErter srppo(h 0 J6' t51$ - S|NK: undercounter mounted, RE: plumbing (){2M - CONCREIT IIASONRY UNll: foclory qlozed. RE: portitiori types 0.c. mol 05100 - At uilriluil No.E st,PPffil by cornlertop monuf. 095m - RUBBTR 8AS[: -R[: fnlsh schedl|e O95OO - RUBEIR FLOORING: RE: finish schedule 03J0-cAsl rN PtAc c$cRElE s.A8 Ae t4<t A a 1 TYPICAL LAVATORY COUNTER DETAIL l12'=1'-0' + oD tLt Alcf,tTBctt. t.c,lol l|.. tt0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PRO'ECT los tlr Vrll lrcrrrtlor DlrtrlGt rta tl. lcrr .l yrll + I I I DIVISION 7 THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECIION sEcTroN 07r I I BITUMINOUS DAMPPROOFING I PARTI-GENERAL I I.OI SUMMARY I A. Section Includes:l. Dompproofing on bockfill side of concrete block retoining wolls. Exfend I dompproofing from lop of footing to 6" below finish grode. - B. Relqled Sections:l. Bockfilling: Seclion 02300 Eorthwork. I 2. woterprotfing: Seclion 0Zl4O Fluid Applied Woterproofing.I 1.02 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING I A. Generol: Comply wilh Seclion 01600. Deliverin monufocturer's originol unopened conlqiners ond store oi o lemperolure of 50oF. I I 1.03 PROJECT CONDTTTONS A. Environmenlol Condilions: Do not opply if oir lemperolure or surfoce lemperolure isI below 40"F.I PART 2. PRODUCTS I 2.01 DAMPPROOFTNG r A. Producls: I r. KornoK No. r0o2. Sonneborn-ConlechHydrocide600 I 3. Accepted subslitule in qccordonce with Seciion 01600. I B. primer: ASTM D4l-78 I C. Mostic: Heovy bodied bituminous compound.I PART 3. EXECUTION I 3.01 EXAMINATTON r A. VerificotionofCondiiions: ComplywithSeclion0l600. I l. Existing Condifions: Exomine subslrote before beginning instollotion.r 2. Surfoces: Verify subslrole is smoofh, free of mojor defecls, cured ond dry.3. Notificotion: Notify Generol Controclor of unsoiisfoclory condiiions by opplicotor.II I oA ee06 071I l-l ! B. Acceplonce: Beginning of work meons occeplonce of exisling condifions.by opplicolor. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Surfoces lo be Dompproofed: Cleon ond smooth. Brush down surfoces to remove loose scole, fins, dusl, elc.l. Prime surfoce ond fill holes wifh moslic.2. Penelrolions Such os Pipes: Wolerproof os follows:o. Pock spoce between pipe ond pipe sleeve with minerol wool to within l" of foce of woll.b. Fill l" spoce with mostic.c. Ploce fibergloss membrone over opening ond embed in suiloble cooling. Corefully cut fo fif oround pipe ond extend ol leosl 6" onlo solid moleriol.d. Irowel coot over membrone potch wifh dompproofing.3. Conslruclion ond Exponsion Joints:o. Apply heovy cooting of dompproofing.b. Follow with two plies of woferproof fibergloss membrone extended 6" eoch side of joint wilh pronounced buckle or wrinkle in membrone over joinl lo permit movement withoul breoking membrone.c. Follow with two heovy coots of dompproofing. 3.03 APPLICATION A. Brush or sproy hvo cools of dompproofing ol roles ond by methods os recommended by monufocturer fo provide unintem;pted ond impervious seql. Allow firsl coot lo dry before opplying second coot. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Review: Provide qmple nolice for Architecf to review completed instollotion before covering. END OF SECTION I t I t I I I I T I I I I t I I I I I oA 9906 071t1-2 I I I sEcIroN 07133 MODIFIED BITUMINOUS SHEET WAIERPROOFING PART I - GENERAL I r.or SUMMARY I A. Seclion Includes: Membrone wolerproofing ot the following locotions: t l. Blind side wolerproofing under oll new interior slobs on grode.2. Under sheel metol roofing ol conopies I B. Reloted Sections:l. Concrete Floors: Section 03300 Cost-ln-Ploce Concreie. .. 2. Dompproofing: Seclion OTll I Bituminous Dompproofing. I 3. Fluid Applied Woterproofing: Section 07140. I.O2 SUBMMALS I A. Product Doto: Submil in occordonce with Section 01330. I B. Quoliiy Assurqnce Submiilols: t l. Certificotes: Submil monufocturer's writfen ceriificolion ihof opplicolor is opproved by monufocturer. a1 2. Monufocturer's Instruclions: Submit in occordonce with Section 01600. t o. Submit one copy for Architecl's informotion.r b. Moinioin one copy on sile until completion of wolerproofing instollofion. I C. Quolity Conlrol Submiltols:I l. Monufocturer's Field Reports: See Article 3.04 MANUFACTURER'S FIELD SERVICES2. Monufocturer's Certificote of Complionce: Submit in occordonce with Seclion I 01330. Certify opplicotion in occordonce with Monufoclurer's instruclions ond I specificolions. I 1.03 QUALTTY ASSURANCE A. Applicotor: Compony speciolizing in woterproofing. - I. Applicolor: Monufocturer opproved. I 2. Experience: Conlinuously opplied woterproofing in Stole of Colorodo for lhreer yeors. ) B. Regulotory Requkements: Products sholl be certified to meet the following. I l. VOC compliont with oll opplicoble federol, sfofe ond locol regulotions. I 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING t A. Do not deliver moteriols to the sile until reody for use. Deliver bonding odhesive ond lop seolonl in monufocturer's originol unopened conloiners, I I oA ee06 I 07133-l I t I B. Monufoclurer's Recommendotions: Comply with lhe following:l. Slore membrone no more thon two pollets high off the ground. Provide cover on lop ond sides, ollowing for odequote ventilofion.2. Slore only os much moteriol of point of use os required for eoch doy's work. I.O5 PROJECICONDITIONS A. Environmenlol Requiremenfs: Do not insiqll membrone woterproofing when oir ond surfoce femperolure is below 40 degrees F unless monufoclurer's recommended speciol moferiols ond mefhods ore used. I.06 WARRANTY A. Wononty: Provide two yeor writlen wononfy covering moteriol ond instollofion in occordonce wifh Seclion 01780. '| . Woronly: Include woterlighi condition. PART 2. PRODUCTS 2.OI MAIERIALS A. Blind-Side Modified Bilumen Membrone Woferproofing for Below Slobs on Grode:l. Membrone: Groce Preprufe multi-loyer composife sheet membrone woferproofing with HDPE film, synthelic pressure sensitive odhesive ond protecfive cooling.o. Horizontol Applicotion: preprufe 300, 56 mils thick.2. Accessories: o. Preprufe tope. B. Self-Adhered Modified Bilumen Undedoyment: ASTM D1970.l. Accepfoble Monufoclurers ond Systems: Groce Construcfion Products Vycor lce ond Woter Shield System. Cqrlisle Corp., QSC-707.c. NEI AC Poly lce & WoterSeol.d. Approved subslilute in occordonce wifh Section 01600.2. Membrone: o. Groce Construclion Producls Vycor lce ond Woter Shield or opproved substitule by occeptoble monufoclurer.b. Moteriol: Composile lominoled sheel of polyelhylene film cooted on one side with o focfory opplied rubberized ospholt ond on other side with o removoble protective releose poper. c. Nominol Thickness:40 mils minimum.3. Primer: W.R. Groce WP3000 primer or other VOC complionl primer by occeptoble wolerproofing monuf ociurer.o- cord weofher Primer: W.R. Groce 82 primer or occepted subslitule os recommended by wolerproofing monuf oclurer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Verificolionof Condiiions: ComplywithSection0l600: o. b. I T I t I I I I I I I I I I I t oA 9906 07133-2 I t l. Existing Condiiions: Exomine subslrote before beginning instollotion.2. Notificolion: Nolify Generol Controctor of unsofisfoctory condilions in writing with copy to Archilecf. B. Acceplonce: Beginning of work meons occeptqnce of existing conditions by instoller. I g.o2 TNSTALLATToNI A' Generol: Apply in occordonce wilh monufoclurer! recommendolions. I B. Blind-Side Appticotion:l. Preporolion: Verify eorih subskofe is smoolh ond compocted. Fill oll gops ond I penetrotions with groul. t 2- Apply membrone wilh HDPE side ogoinsl eorfh subslrote ond proleclive cooling focing concrete to be ploced. 1, 3' Overlop seoms of leost 3" olong self-odhesive edge of the membrone. I C. Droins ond proirusions: l. Proieclions: Apply double loyer of membrone oround projeclions qt leosl 6" in oll direclions ond seol terminotions with Bituthene Mqstic.I D. Horizonlol Applicotion ol Conopies: I l. Apply membrone from low points to high poinfs ocross foll line so lhol lops shed I woter. Stogger end lops.2. Roll entire membrone firmly ond completely os soon os possible with linoleum roller I or slondord woter-filled gorden roller less thon 30'wide. Protect foce of roller with t resilieni moleriol such os l/2" plostic foom or two wrops of indoor-ouldoor corpel.3. Seol end lops ond T-joinis ot end of eoch work doy. - 4. Apply double thickness of membrone over properly seoled exponsion, construclion I ond conlrol ioints. 3.03 PROTECTIONI I A. Membrones: Do not ollow wolerproofing to remoin exposed to sunlight for longer lhon recommended by monufoclurer. I 3.04 MANUFACTURER'S FTELD SERVTCES I A. Field Services: Monufoclurer's represenlotive sholl be presenl during opplicotion of t membrone. END OF SECTION I I I I oA ee06 T 07133-3 I t I I I I I I I I t I T t I I I I T sEcItoN 07120 FLUID APPLIED WATERPROOFING PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Seciion lncludes:L Fluid Applied Woterproofing And Roof Insulotion ot:o. Horizonfol decks below pedestol mounled povers.b. below grode horizontol decks2. Verticol woterproofing on bockfill side of new concrete foundotion wolls osindicoled B. Reloled Sections:l. Dompproofing: Section 0/160.2. Pedesiol Mounled povers: Seciion 027g3 I.O2 SUBMMALS A. Somples: Submit somples of cured membrone ond somples of proleclion boord inoccordonce with Seciion 01300. B. Producf Dolo: Submit in occordonce with Section 01300. C. Quolity Conlrol Submittols:I. Mqnufocturer's Instruclions: submil in occordonce wilh section 0,|600. D. Conlrocl Closeout Submittols:l. Wononiy: Submitin occordoncewithSection0l70O. I.O3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicotor: Compony speciolizing in woterproofing.l. Applicofor: Monufoctureropproved.2. Experience: Continuously opplied fluid opplied wolerproofing in Slote Colorodo forfive yeors. I.O4 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Generol: ComplywithSecfion0l600.l. Delivery: Deliver moieriols in seoled, undomoged conloiners, eoch identified Wfhmoleriol nome, dole of monufocture ond lot number.2. Sloroge: Slore moleriols in cool dry oreo out of direcf sunlight. Sloroge oreolemperoture sholl not exceed 80FF. I.05 PROJECTCONDIIIONS A. Envkonmenlol Requirements: Instqll mqleriols in occordqnce with sofely ond weother condilions recommended by monufoclurer or os required by locol, Slote ond Federol oA 9906 07120-l oulhorilies hoving jurisdiciion. Do not opply unless ombient iemperolure is minimum of40"F ond rising. I.06 SEQUENCING/SCHEDULING A. Sequencing/Scheduling: Do not begin work uniil subslroie hos been compleled ondpenetrolions hove been insiolled so membrone will nof be penefroled or domoged bysubsequenl work. I.O7 WARRANTY A. Wononly: Provide five yeor written wononty covering moferiols ond inslolloiion forwolerproofing in occordonce with Seclion Ol70O.l. Wononly sholl cover moinlenonce of woierlight condition. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MEMBRANE SYSTEM A. Monufoclurers:l. Americon Hydrotech, Inc.2. Accepted Subsiifute in occordonce with Section 01600. B. Membrone:l. Plozq Deck Membrone: Hydrotech MM 6125 FR, 215 Mil2. Foundolion Woll Membrone: Hydrotech MM 6125, lg0 mil. C. Relofed Moteriols:l. Primer: Hydrolech surfoce condilioner2. Prolection Sheet: Hydroflex 303. Floshing: Hydroiech Flex-Flosh UN4. Droinoge Boord: Hydrodroin 3005. Rigid lnsulotion: Dow Slyrofoom Plozo deck insulofion, lhickness os indicoled. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Verificotion of Conditions: Comply wilh Section 01600:l. Loyout: Verify loyout of work before beginning instollotion.2. Existing Conditions: Exomine substrole before -beginning instoltotion to verify thotconcrere surfoces ore smooth, free of mojor defecls, cured ond dry.3' Notificolion: Nolify Generol Controctor oi unsofisfoclory conditioni in wriling withcopy to Architecl. B- Acceptonce: Beginning of work meqns occepionce of exisling conditions by insloller. 3.02 PREPARATION A' Cleoning: Remove concrete fins ond projections, concrele splotter, generol surfoce dirtond oiher foreign moleriols lo leove surfoces in generolly cleon condiiion suitoble for I I I I t I I I T I I I I T I t t t ! oA 9906 07120-2 I I opplicotion of membrone. cleon surfoces wifh high pressure oir lo remove dusl, loose stones ond debris. l. B. Potching: Pofch honeycomb, ond grossly kregulor surfoces of concrete. potch wifh Portlond Cement groui, concrete, or epoxy groul. I C. Exponsion, Conlrol, ond Conslruclion Joinls: Cleon, prime, fit with bqcker rod ond fill wifh! seolont. Slrip-coot with 60 mils dry lilm lhickness non-flowing lype membrone fo width ofnot less thon three inches on both sides of joint. Instoll o bulyl or neoprene sheel of someI width.I D. Crocks: Roulorsowculcrockexceeding l/l6inchinwidlhondfill withseolonl. Slrip- I coot crocks with 6o mil dry film lhickness non-flowing lype membrone lo widlh of nol lessI lhon three inches on eilher side of crock. I E. Projeclions: Fill slol oround projection with bocker rod ond seolonl in occordonce with I monufociurer's stondord detoils. Strip-cool with 60 mil dry film thickness for o widlh of nol less lhon three inches oround projection. I F- Prolecfion; Protecl odjocent moleriols with drop clolhs or mosking os required.I G. Metol Surfoces: Remove contominonts which moy odversely offect odhesion orI performonce of cooting sysiem ond opply primer. I 3.03 MEMBRANEAPPLICATION f A' Generol: Apply in occordonce wilh monufoclurer's recommendotions. I B. Applicolion: Apply in one coqt with oirless sproy, roller, squeegee or trowel to lhickness I of not tess thon 125 mils (in oddition to ony preporoiion work). C. Profection Boord: Apply occording to monufocturer's recommendqtions. I 3.04 TNSULATTON I lnsioll over enlire surfoce of poiio deck immediotely prior io pover insulolion. I 3.05 PAVERINSTALLATION I A. See Secrion 02283I 3.06 CLEANING I A. Cleon stqins from odjocenl surfoces qs recommended by monufocfurer. Remove foreign motler from finished membrone surfoce.I I END OF SECTION ! I oA 9906 o7t2o-3I tI I IIr sEcTroN o72ro BUILDING INSULATION I PART I - GENERAL I r.0r SUMMARY I A. Seclion Includes: t l. Rigid Insulotion ol inlerior foce of Foundotion Perimeler or elsewherer' 2. Blonkel Insulotion os indicoted.3. Rigid Insulotion below service drive slob, below plozo deck ond below eorth obovet hockey ieom locker rooms 5 ond 6! B. Relqted Sections: I |. Roof Insulotion: Section 07538 Fully Adhered Membrone Roofing. I 1.02 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING t A. Generol: ComplywithSection0l600. Sloreinsulolionundercovertopreventweotherr domoge. I PART2- PRoDUcTs! , 2.01 RIGID INSULATION I A. Rigid Insulolion ol Inierior Foce of Exferior Wolls: l. Monufoclurers: o. Celotex Corp b. R-Mox Inc.- c. Apoche I 2 fl;,'i'lii?3fli::il'"",Hlfl::ilffi:Ji:'H$:flf3:;ie room p,osric coreI wilh refleclive foil foces on bolh sides. o. Thickness: 2' I 3. Adhesive: As recommended by mqnufoclurer. !B. Rigid lnsuloiion below service drive slob, below plozo deck ond below eorfh fill obove I hockey leom Locker Rooms 5 ond 6: Dow Slyroloom high lood 60 extruded polystyrene. f Thickness os indicoted or required. 2,02 BLANKEIINSULATION I A. Monufoclurers:l. Owens-Corning |] 2. Johns-Monville I 3. CertoinTeed CorP. 4. Acceoted substilute in occordonce with Section 01600. I B. Insulotion: Fibergloss blonkets. l. Thickness ond R-Volue: As indicoled. I oA eeo6 o72Io-II I -lU Width: As required fo fit froming. Focing: Foil foced. c. Exposed Insulotion: Insulotion not instolled substonliolly ogoinst the inside foce of finish mqteriols sholl not hove combustible coverings. Exposedlnsulotion sholl be foil focedwith flome spreod roling of 25 or less in occordonce wifh ASTM Eg4. PART 3. EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Verificofion of Conditions: ComplywilhSection0l600:l. Existing Conditions: Exomine before beginning instollotion.2. Nolificotion: Notify Generol Controcfor of unsoiisfociory condilions in writing with copy fo Archiiecl. B. Acceplonce: Beginning of work meons occeplonce of existing condiiions by instoller. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Rigid Insulotion: Instoll insuloiion boord in os lorge sections os possible in order fo minimizejoinfs. Apply boord to bocking using odhesive methods recommended by monufocfurer. B. Elonket or Bott Insulotion: Instqll insuloiion occording lo monufocturer's recommendotions' Fit light to odjoining work ond odjoining insulotion so lhot complefelylighf enclosure free from open joints, holes, crocks ond voids is ochieved. Atfoch insulolion in ploce in monner insuring stobirity ond to eliminote sogging.l. Foced Blonkels: Secure flonges lo froming for leok free boniei. END OF SECTION 2. J. I I I I I t T I I I I I I I I T I I I oA 9906 07210-2 B. I I I I T t I I I I l I ! I I I I I I sEcTtoN 07413 MEIAL WALL PANELS PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes: Furnishing of oll lobor, moleriols, services ond equipment necessory for lhe complete supply ond instollotion of zinc woll ponels ond lrim os indicoted on drowings ond specified herein including:l. Preformed lnc single skin frqmed woll ponels, closures, foscios ond lrim.2. Preformed Flof lock woll ponels 3. conneclion hordwore for ottochment of zinc woll ponels ond copings to building slruclure.4. Seolonts between zinc woll ponel componenls ond odioining construction. Reloted Secfions:l. Floshing ond Sheel Metol: Section 026002. Slruclurql Sieel Studs ond Joisls: Section 05400 Cotd formed Melol Fromino3. Gypsum Sheothing: Section 092534. Joinl Seolonls: Section 07920 REFERENCES Architecture wilh Reinzink Roofing ond woll clodding. Hondbook os published by Reinzink GMBH D-4354 Dollein W. Germony. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Systems Description: '| . Cuslom mode, preformed melol pon type modulor woll clodding ond soffit clodding. Custom mode flot lock woll ponels. Performonce Requirements (Design Cdleriol:l. Ihermol Movement: Allowonce sholl be mode for exponsion ond conlroclion of oll ports of the melol ponel ossembly coused by surfoce lemperolures vorying from minus 30 degrees Celsius (-22F) to plus 60 degrees Celsius ( I 4OF). Such vorioiion in temperoture sholl not couse buckling, slresses on enclosed or odjoining moleriols ond fqsleners or in ony woy impoir the performonce or oppeoronce of lhe system. Sub system design to incorporole o grid lock lo eliminote rocking of Z-bors on drywoll or olher supporl sub-woll systems.2. Weep Droinoge: Cleor inlernol polhs of droinoge in order lo droin ony tropped moisture fo lhe exterior, dischorging weep woter in o monner ovoiding sloining of orchiteciurol finishes, collecfing in puddles or formolion of icicles.3. Woter lightness: Exterior foscio ond woll ponels sholl be designed to lhe roin screen principles os published by the Notionol Reseorch council ond prevent woler infiltrqtion into the inlerior system. Drive Cleol configurofion behind ponel joinls to incorporote wqter diversion to redirect woter lo the exterior 1.02 In2 A. oA 9906 074lll 1.04 A. 4. Foslening: Pqnel ossembly sholl be foslened fo lhe building slruclure in o monnerwhich lronsmils oll loods fo lhe moin shuclure without excelding the copocily ofony fostener. SUBMITTALS Shop Drowings: Controclor's drowings sholl cleody indicote by woll elevolions ond/orsecfionol deloils oll moleriol fhicknesses. finishes, conneclions,'inserts, joint condilions,melhod of onchoroge, number of onchors, supports, foslenings, reinforcemenrs, methods_of supporling ond inlegroling mechonicol ond eleclricol fixtures, trim ondoccessories.l. somples: somples of metol woll ponels sholl be submified in ocluol metol bosethickness wiih specified substrote. Somples sholl be 45omm x 450mm including ollnecessory item show o verticol ond horizonlql joinl between odjocent poneh] DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING cover prelinished components to protect surfoce finishes from domoge onddeteriorotion in lronsil. slore components off ground fo prevenl twisting, bending ond defocemenl. slope toshed moisture. Remove proleclive film cooting ond cleon ponels os lhe work progresses. MOCK UP Provide o mock up woll opproximotely g'x g' illuslroling metol clodding, coping ondcorner detoil. Mock up sholl not be porl of lhe compleled work. Remove uponcomplelion of work. CLADDING TYPE Moleriols: Preopproved Products: "single skin Zinc ponels" os monufoctured byRheinzink Conodo Ltd. 604/2?l -Bt7 t.l. Ponels & Floshings: Tilonium zinc. preweofhered type (pickling process). Alloy iseleclrolytic high grode zinc (DtN l z06) wilh o 99.995 Zn degree of purity ond oltoyingodditives of l% copper ond l%Tifonium. Minimum floshing fhickness: O.gmm. Minimum double lock sionding seom woll ponel lhickness: 0.gmm2. Profile: As indicoted on fhe drowings.3. Fosteners & Clips: Sloinless steel or lnc, conosion free; supplied in occordonce wilhmonufocturer's recommendotions to meel ihe lood requiremenfs specified ondmoinloin o weoiher-lighf instollqlion. Accessories: As required to complete project sholl be in occordonce wlh moieriol ondmonufoclurer's recommendotions. Underloymeni: Breofhoble oir ond vopor bonier. I T I t I I I I I I I I I I I ! t I I r.05 B. c. r.06 A. 2.01 R oA 9906 07413-2 T .l t D- Joinl Seolont: DOw 795 fo mofch odjoining meiol roofing. Bocking rod sholl be exlrudedpolyefhylene foom os Dow Elhofoom SB or equivotenl; bocker rodlnoU Oe ploced inI joints not less fhon T|y"otils originol size. I E. Insuloling Butyl Tope: Applied lo confocling surfoces belween dissimilor melols ondbelween metols ond concrete or mosonry. I F. Solder: Leod-tinsoflsolderwith4O%tinond60%leod. FollowReinzink'swritfen inslructions for soldering. - t G. Ftux; Reinzink flux Z{4-S. ta H. Breolhoble loyer of verticol reveols: Enkomol 7210. I 2.02 FABRICAITON I A. Fobricolion: All work to be fobricoted with stroighi lines, squore corners or smooth bends.r free from twists or worps, kinks, dents ond other imperfeclions which moy offecl _ oppeoronce or serviceobility. I B. Ponel flotness loleronce in oll directions qcross the surtoce lo be o moximum of O.Z%. I C. System sholl hove o flush oppeorqnce from lhe exterior wilh no surfoce fixings or olher t irregurorities ond with no reveor other rhon the modure joint width. I D. Ponels sholl be oligned wilh no lop or reveol other ihon joint widlh to permif exponsion I ond controction- E' Thickness of melol ond detoils of ossembly ond support sholl provide sufficient strenglh I ond stiffness lo resisl distorfion of finished iurfoce. 'Exposed ectges ond ends of metol shollI be dressed smoolh, free from shorp edges. Conneclions ond joints exposed lo iheweolher sholl be conslruction io exclude woter. l, I F. Ponels lo be conslructed Wth flonges on oll sides. Ponel corners fo hove uniform rodiused corners to 1.5 times lhe moleriol thickness. Ponel corners lo be foctory nolchedond neotly butted. Provision sholl be mode for individuol ponel droinoge ot ponel bose.I! G. Openings sholl be provided ond coordinoled with the work of olher instollers. Holes tooccommodole work of other sections lo be provided in fhe ponel prior lo finishing. The I perimeter of holes greoler thon 30omm x 300mm (12:xl2"l sholl be reinforced lo detoilsI shown on the drowings. il 2.03 FLASH|NGS I A. Floshing: Wherever procticol at corners, jombs ond obutments no floshing will beI permitted. Ponel design to include for fhese conneclions. r B. Sill floshing to be of motching gouge ond finish os ponel complefe wilh sofl soldered mitres ol direclionol chonges. Floshing joints fo ollow for exponsion ond coniroction ofI metol. !I - t oA ee06 I 074133 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI PREPARATION: A. Develop oll dimensions from lhe orchiteclurol drowings ond coordinote wifh fielddimension lo obtoin finol ponel loyout. 3.02 INSTALLATION: END OF SECTION t T I A. B. c. D. Support syslem sholl be ollqched fo lhe slructurol os required lo lronsmil lood designs. Froming ond olher componenls sholl be slroighl to motch plone of ponel os required tomeel the inslolled ponel loleronces wifh stroignt, shorply formed edges. Rodiusedformed components sholl be benl to o lrue circulor curve. Afler fheir conecl posilion hos been delermined ond ollowonces for exponsion, buildingmovemenf, uniform joinl width ond olignment of oll porls hos been delermined. thecomponenls sholl be permonenlly foslened. Joints sholl be not less lhon their dimensioned width ot ony tocotion olong their full lengthond sholl nof be wovy, out of line or of different width from ponel to pon6l. Instoll floshing lo diverl oll moisture to the exterior. Instoll exlerior melol clodding to struclurol supports by hidden mechonicol fosteners. Remove oll excess moleriols, debris ond equipment ol complelion I I I T I t t I T I t I I E. F. G. t t t oA 9906 074t}4 T t I I I I T I I I I I I I T I I I I sEciloN 07538 FULLY ADHERED MEMBRANE ROOFING PART I - GENERAL l.ol suuunnv A. Section Includes:l. Rigid insulolion.2. Fully odhered TpO membrone roofing ond bqse floshings.3. Bonding odhesives, seolonfs, fosteneis ond other occeisories. B. Producls Inslolled But Furnished by Others:l. Sound obsorbing bolfs for ocousticol Deck: Furnished under Seclion 05310 SteelDeck. C. Reloted Seclions: I . Slructurol Roof Deck: Seclion 03300 Cosl-in-Ploce Concrele ond Section 05310 Steel Deck.2. Perimeter Noiler: Section 06lO0 Rough Corpentry.3. Metol Floshing: Section 07600 Floshing ond Sheet Metql. I.O2 REFERENCES A. Referenceslondords: seesection0r423. comprywifhthefoilowing. B. Americon Society for Testing ond Mqteriols Stondords: I . ASTM C I 289 - Specificotion for Foced Rigid Cellulor Polyisocyonurote Thermol Insulotion Boord.2. ASTM Dl0z9 -Terminology Reroling to Roofing, woterproofing, ond Bituminous Moteriols. 3. ASTM El08 - Tesl Melhods for Fire Tests of Roof Coverings. C. Foclory Mutuol Reference Siondords:l. FM 4470 - Approvol Slondord - Clqss I Roof Covers.2. Loss Prevention Doto l-28 - Wind Loqds lo Roof systems ond Roof Deck Securemeni, June 1998 edifion.3. Loss Prevenlion Doto l -29 - Above-Deck Roof Components, June I 99g edifion. D. Underwriters Loborotories, Inc. Reference Slondqrds:l. UL Stondord Specificotion 790 - Test Stondord for Determining the Fire Reiordoncy of Roof-covering Moferiols.2. Roof Moferiols ond Syslems Directory.3. Fire Resistonce Direclory. Volume l. E. Uniform Building Code Slondords:l. UBC Stondord l5-6 - Modified Bitumen, Thermoploslic ond Thermoset Membrones Used for Roof Coverings. oA 9906 0753&l I.O3 PERFORMANCEREQUIREMENTS A. Provide wotertight, leok free roofing system copoble ol withslonding thermolly induced movemenl ond exposure to weother without foilure. B. Wind Uplifl Resistonce Copocity:l. Provide fully odhered syslem meefing FM windsiorm Closs l-90.2. Provide fully odhered splem sufficienl fo resisf wind uplilt pressures colculqled in occordonce with fhe 1997 edilion of fhe Uniform Building Code forwind speed ond exposure required by Locol Code. I.O4 SUBMITTALS A. Generol: ComplywithSection0l330submiitol procedures. B. Product Doto:l. lnclude monufoclurer's specificotions covering roofing system moteriols ond methods proposed. 2. Include monufocturer's slondord detoils for fostening, seoming ond floshing. C. Shop Drowings:l. Indicqle loyout of insulotion boords, individuol membrone sheels ond foslener spocings.2. Include detoils of penetrotions ond perimeler. 3. Indicqfe floshing detoils.4. Include topered roof insuloiion thickness ond loyoul. D. Sqmples: l. Submit | -0" x I -0 minimum size somple of membrone.2. Submit somple of eoch type of insulotion ond fostener proposed for instolloiion. E. Quolity Assuronce Submittols:l. Credentiols: Prior to storting the roofing, submit credentiols from roofing monufocturer of opplicolor opprovol. Wind Uplift Reporl: Submit copies of lesling reporls indicoting roofing system hos been tested ond opproved for wind uplifl criterio specified. Fostener Cerlificotion: Monufoclurer's certificotion identifying moximum upliff pressure resisted by foslener when lesled in occordonce with FM 4470. Design ond specificolion Approvol: Submit Drowings, this section, reloted seclions, ond proposed roofing ond insulolion syslem lo Monufocturer for review prior to submitiol of shop drowings. Prior lo storting roofing, submit o signed stofemeni by membrone monufoclurer lhol the roofing design ond specificofions ore proper for this porticulor projecl. 5. Monufoclurer's Inslollolion Inslrucfions: Submit one copy for Archilect's informolion. Moinfoin one copy on sile uniil completion of roofing sysfem instollolion. F. Quolity Control Submillols: Submif in occordonce with Section 01450.l. Monufociurer's Field Reports:q. Submit wriften report from monufoclurer's representotive ofler inspeclion of roof deck to verify deck is sotisfoclory for inslollotion of system. 2. 4. I t T t I I ,l I l t I l I I I I I I I oA 9906 07538-2 I - ' b. Submit oddilionol report indicoling roof hos been instolled in occordonce wilh monufocf urer's requiremenls. t G. ConfrocfCloseoufSubmiflols: SubmifinoccordoncewifhSecfion01780.l. Record of Work: Submil wriffen recorcb indicoling lemperolure ond moislure I condilions ond the type ond locolion of work being done during eoch doy ofI roofing operofions.2. Wononly. I r.os euALrTY AssuRANcEt - A. Insloller Quolificotions: Roofing monufocturer licensed insloller. I B. Fire Resislonce Requiremenfs:l. Exlernol Fire Resisfonce: UL Closs A. a 2. Internol Fire Resistonce Roiing: Sfrictly comply with detoiled requirements of UL fire f roled roof ossembly listed in UL Fire Resisfonce Directory os referenced on Drowings. I C. FMLisfing: Membrone,bosefloshingsondolhercomponenlsofsyslemsholl meelFMrl 4470 as port of roofing syslem listed in FMRC Approvol Guide for Closs I for - noncombuslible conslruciion, os opplicoble. I D. Pre-lnstollolion Conference: I l. Before beginning roofing instollotion, hold conference wilh Generol Controcior's Superintendenf, roofing conlroctor, roofing monufoclurer's representotive. ondI metol floshing conlroclor's foremon. Nofify Archifect of meeting of leosl lO doys in f odvonce.2. Discuss oll motlers pertoining fo roof syslem instollolion, including defoiling, I preporotion, coordinoiion between lrodes, instollotion techniques ond procedures, I phosing ond scheduling.3. Toke minules ond disfribute lo oliending porfies ond Architect. I Lo6 DEuvERy. sToRAGE AND HANDLTNGt A. Generol: ComplyWthSeclion0l6@. t B. Hondling: Hondle insulolion ond rolled goods lo prevent domoge lo edges or ends. a C. Sloroge: I |. Sfore membrone in originol undislurbed wropping.r 2. Store off the ground oid teep covered with woterproof covering. Moleriols lhol r become wef will be subjecl to rejection. ll 3. Slore oll moleriols in o dry oreo ond ol o lemperofure between 60 degrees ond 90 ' degrees F.4. Adhesive Conloiners: Store wifh lids lighlly closed. I 5. Insulolion ond Underloymenf: I o. Do not leove insulolion exposed to weolher. Keep dry.b. Slore on skids ond complelely coverwilh breolhoble moteriol. I c. Weight lo prevenl domoge during high winds. t 6. Reploce domoged moleriols. I oA eeo6 I 0753&3 1,07 PROJECTCONDITIONS A. EnvironmenlolRequirements: l. Do not expose membrqne ond occessories fo o consfonf lemperofure in excess of 180 degrees F.2. Follow monufoclurer's recommendotions during cold weolher.3. Adhesive Applicotion: Temperolure sholl be minimum 40 degrees F ond rising. B. Adjocent Moferiols: Do nof use oil bosed or plostic roof cemenl. Do not ollow wosleproducis (pefroleum, greose, oil. solvents. vegetoble or minerol oil, onimol fol) or direct sleom venling lo come in contoct wifh membrone roofing system. I.O8 SCHEDULING A' Roofing over Cost-in-Ploce Concrete Sfrucfurol Roof Deck: Schedule insfollqlion of roofing syslem lo occur ofler concrele roof deck hos cured minimum 2g doys. .I .09 WARRANTY A. Provide o monufoclurer's written totol system wononly ogoinst defects in moteriols ond workmonship in roofing syslem for o period of ten (10) yeors in occordonce with Secfion 0r 780. l. Wononty sholl include extended wind uplifl coveroge for mqximum extended peok gusf wind speed of l0O mph. B. Submit conlroct documenls lo Mqnufoclurer for review ond verificolion of Monufocturer's minimum wononiy requiremenls prior to submittol of shop drowings. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptoble TPO Sheet Monufocturers:l. Versico, Inc.2. Accepted substitute in occordqnce with Section 01600. B. Acceptoble Roofing Sysfems:L Versico Versiweld fully odhered roofing sysfem.2. Approved subslitule by occepfed monufocturer. 2,02 ROOFING MEMBRANE MATERIALS A. Thermoploslic Polyolefin (TPO) Sheet Moteriol: Blend of polypropylene ond efhylene- propylene rubber. B. Acceptoble Membrone Producls:l. Versico Versiweld Premier reinforced membrone.2. Accepledsubstitute. C. Thickness: 60 mils. nominol. I I I I I I ! I t I I I I I I I t t t oA 9906 07538-4 I I D. lnlernol Reinforcement: Scrim.l. Minimum Membrone Thickness Over Scrim: l5 mils. t E. SheeiSize: l0foolmoximumwidlhby 100footmoximumlengihof seomlesssheet. No foctory splices. I F. Exposed Foce Color: Groy.I G. Accessories: I l. Bonding Adhesive: Mqnufocturer's stondord wofer-bosed bonding odhesive.I o. Volotile Orgonic Compounds (VOC): Moximum 50 groms VOC's perliler.2. Splicing Cemenf, Splice Cleoner, Seolonls. Wqter Cut-offs ond Miscelloneous I Accessory Moteriols: Roof membrone Monufocturer's stondord products. I!r 2.03 RooF tNsuLATtoN alI A. Generol: Provide insulotion boord ond foslening sysiem opproved ond fully wononfobler by roofing monufoclurer for use wilh fully odhered single ply membrone syslem. t B. System Description: Roofing insulolion system sholl be lwo toyers of rigidt polyisocyonurote wilh iopered insulofion os indicoled, mechonicolly fostened to melol deck or fully odhered with odhesive to deck. I t C. Focers: Gloss reinforced scrim. I D. Thickness: Provide flot rigid insulolion boords in ihicknesses os required to ochieve o f minimum iolol insulotion volue of R-30.l. MinimumThicknessof Eoch Loyer: 1-1/2inches. I E. Topered lnsulolion: Provide foclory-iopered rigid polyisocyonurole top loyer lo provideI consislenl surfoce slopes indicoted.l. Minimum slope I /4 inch per fool ond moximum % inch per fool to droins. I F. lnsulotion Fosleners: Fully cooted with monufocturer's slondord fluoropolymer point for conosion resislonce. Provide type opproved by FM 4470 ond wononloble by membronert monufocturer for roofing insulqiion ond wind uplifl criterio, I G. Cover Boord: Type required by membrone monufocturer for fully odhered system. I 2.o4 MEMBRANE FLAsHTNGI . A. Wolls, Poropets ond Curbs: IPO reinforced membrone,0.060 inch thick, or equol of othert qccepfoble mqnufociurer.,. B. Corners, Penelrolions, Pipe Seols, Scuppers, ond Seolont Pockels: Use roofing I monufqclurer's stqndord premolded occessodes where possible. I C. Penetrotions. Corners ond Olher Locotions Where Floshing Membrone Musi Be Formed: Non-reinf orced TPO membrone. I I oA ee06 I 07538-5 3.0r A. PART 3. EXECUTION EXAMINATION Verificolion of Condilions: Verify thoi work of olher trodes which penelroles roof deckhos been compleled. Exomine surfoces for inodequote onchoroge, droinoge, foreignmqleriol. moislure ond unevenness which would prevenf lhe execution ond quolity dfopplicotion of roofing system os specified. Report unsolisfoctory condilions lo fhe Generol Confroctor. Acceplonce: Do nof proceed until the surfoce lo be covered is occeploble. Beginning of work meons occeplonce of substrote. PREPARATION Surfoces; Dry ond broom cleon before beginning work. Cleon roof droins ond collection boxes os indicoted ond reset if droins ond boxes ore notol lhe proper level lo droin the finished roof. Protection. l. Prolecl poving ond building wolls odjoceni to hoisi prior to slorting work.2. Lop suitoble prolective moteriols ot leost 6',.3. Secure protective coverings ogoinst wind.4. Leove prolective covering in ploce for durotion of roofing work. INSULATION INSTALLATION Insloll sound obsorbing botts in ocouslicol deck immediotely prior to inslollolion or roof insulolion. Instoll rigid boords in multiple loyers with joints offset in eoch direction. Joinls in insulofion boords sholl be l/4" or less in widlh. lnsloll no more insulotion ol onetime lhon will be protecfed from roin or snow by instollotion of roofing membrone on the some doy or prior lo slorm. Instoll iemporory woter culoffs oi complelion of eoch doy'swork ond remove upon resumption of work. Topered Insulqtion: Instoll topered insulofion top loyer in occordonce wilh occepted shop drowings. Aftoch lo insulotion loyer with odhesive os required to prevent shifting orblow-off prior to plocemenl of membrqne. Underloymenl Boord: Cover insulotion with underloyment boord. Adhere insulotion to concrele deck os required to specified wind uplift requiremenls ond in occordonce wilh roofing system monufocturer's inslructions ond recommenclofions. Mechonicolly foslen insulotion lo steel deck os required lo meet specified wind upliftrequiremenls ond in occordonce with roofing system monufociurer's inslructions ondrecommendotions. I t t I T I T I I I I t I t I I I B. 3.02 A. 3.03 B. c. D. D. E. F. I I oA 9906 07538-6 I r 3.05 TPO MEMBRANE TNSTALLATTON i A. . lnstollotion: Inslqll membrone fully odhered over insulotion. Apply, lop, splice ond foslenI using methods ond moleriols recommended by the monufocturer ond to meet wind- requirements of FM l-29. I B. Membrone Inslollotion: Insloll membrone in monner which ollows lemporory seoling on F down-slope surfoce ol end of eoch work doy.l. Mechonicolly fosten to perimeler noilers ond ocross field of roof using opproved I fosieners, ond recommended spocing. Secure ol perimeler of eoch roof level, roof I seciion, exponsion joinl, curb, skylight, interior woll, penlhouse, ot ony ongle chonge which exceeds 2 inches in one horizontol foot, ond of oll other penetrotions. ri 2. Membrone Splicing: Heot welded. Follow monufoclurer's slondord detoils ond I lljttFJSlti.ps: s-l/2 inches orons rensih of membrone sheef where seom foslening plotes ore locoied.b. End Lops: 2 inches of end roll sections.a C. Floshing: epp[. lop ond splice using methods. moteriols ond deloils recommended by I lhe monufociurer. Flosh oround penelrolions using foclory prefobricoled pipe seols I where possible. Field fobricoted seols moy be used where necessory using monuf octurerl slondord detoils. -I D. Terminotions: Moke terminotions occording lo monufocturer's siondqrd deloils ond os- indicoled. I 3.06 FIELD euALrTy coNTRoLr A. Monufocfure/s Field Services: A represenlolive of lhe monufoclurer sholl moke on I inspection upon completion lo oscertoin lhot ihe entire syslem hos been inslolted I occording to monufocturer's specificotions ond deloils. I B. Record of Work: Keep o record indicoting lemperolure ond moislure condiiions ond lhe I type ond locoiion of work being done during eoch doy of roofing operotions. Submit in occordonce with submittols orlicle in Port l. I 3.07 cLEANTNGt . Upon complelion, remove surplus moteriols ond debris from the site. I END OF SECTIONI I I I oA ee06 I 07538-7 I I t sEcTroN 07600 FLASHING AND SHEEI MEIAL I PARTI.GENERAL I I.OI SUMMARY t A. Sections Inctudes:r l. Floshing ond Counterfloshing - 2. Poropet Floshing Cop I 3. Defleclion ChonnelsI 4. Olher sheet metol floshing reloted lo lhe obove, indicoted on lhe drowings ond nof specified elsewhere.r I B. Reloted Seclions:l. Wood Blocking ond Noilers: Seclion 06100 Rough Corpentry. I 2. Roofing: Section 07538 Fully Adhered Membrone Roofing. I 3. Fireproofing Mqleriol for Defleciion Chonnels: Seclion 07840 Firestopping. _ C. Reloted Requiremenfs: I l. Seolonls: Seclion 07920 Joint Seolonts. I.O2 REFERENCES - I A. ReferenceSiondords: SeeSeclion0l423. Complywilhfollowing:l. "Architecturol Sheet Metql Monuol," 1993 edition, os published by Sheet Mefql ond t Air Conditioning Controctors Notionol Associqtion (SMACNA). I r.o3 suBMrrTALs I A. Shop Drowings: Submit in occordonce with Section 01330. Include: - l. Overoll loyoul of sheet metol work.2. Type, ihickness, ond detoils of sheel melol components. I 3. Joints, exponsion joints, otlochment ond onchoring of sheet metol components.I B. Quolity Conlrol Submiftols: I l. Wononly: Submit in occordqnce with Section 01280. I I.O4 QUALITY ASSURANCE I A. Design Crirerio: Comply wifh: - l. Wind Resislonce: Foctory Muluol Closs l-90. I r.os PRoJEcT coNDtTtoNsaA. Field Meosurements: Before fobricoting sheel metol, verify shopes ond dimensions ofi surfoces to be covered. I t oA eeo6 I 07600.1 I I I 2.02 A. B. I.06 WARRANTY A. Wononly: Provide two yeor wrilten wanonly covering moteriols ond instollofion for sheet mefol in occordonce wilh Secfion 0l7ii0.l. Include fhol syslem sholl be wofertighl ond weolherproof. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2,OI SHEET METAL A. Golvonized lron: ASTM A526commerciolquolitysheetsteel, ASTM A653, G9O commerciol hot-dip golvonizing. Provide goges os indicoted ond specified, 24 goge minimum. l. Finish: Mill phospholized for pointed finish under Section 09900. ACCESSORY MATERIAL Clips or Cleots: Some moleriol ond goge os sheel meiol being instolled. Noils ond Fosfeners; Some metql os melol being instolled or other non-corosive melol qs recommended by sheef monufoclurer. Motch finish of exposed heods wilh moteriol being fosfened. Screws ond Bolts: Round heods Roofing Felt: ASTM D266, #15 ospholt sofuroted felt. Building Poper: Resin sized unsoluroled poper weighing six pounds per 100 squore feet. Solder: ASTM 832, composition 50% tin ond 50% leod. Use muriotic ocid killed with zinc or soldering flux. G. Seqlqnf: Approved type of polyurelhone; see Seciion 07920. Roofers mostic is nol occeptoble. 2.03 EXPANSION JOINT COVERS A. Producls:l. MonvilleExpond-GFlosh2. Lexsuco Roof Exponsion Joinl3. InlernotionqlPermoliteMetolostic4. Accepfed subslilute in occordonce with Seclion 01600. B. Type: As indicoted. Provide prefobricoled corners ond intersections. 2.O4 REGLETS A. Reglel Floshing system: Fry Reglet corp., lype os indicoled, 24 goge golvonized sieel. B. Accessories: Provide prefobricoted miiered corners, lop joinls, drive pins ond neoprene- steel woshers os indicoted. I I I t I I I I t I t I t I D. E. F. I I oA 9906 07600-2 B. D. I T I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Verificoiion of Condilions: Comply with Section 01600:l. Loyoul: Verify loyout of work before beginning inslqllolion.2. Exomine surfoces lo receive floshing or sheel melol. Surfoces sholl be smoofh. sound, cleon ond dry ond fobric floshing in ploce before work is slorled.3' Notificolion: Noiify Generol Controclor of unsoiisfoctory condiiions in writing wilh copy to Architeci. B. Acceptonce: Beginning of work meons occeplonce of exisling condilions by insfoller. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Coordinotion: Coordinote work of this section with work of other sections. Verifyplocement of wood blockings. inserts, noiling strips, conts, elc. Coordinole wiih Section 07538. B. Proleciive Cooting: Cool contocling dissimilor metqls with ospholtic compound. 3.03 WORKMANSHIP A. Reference Slondords: See Seclion 01423. Unless indicoted oiherwise on drowings, workmonship ond detoils sholl comply wifh NRCA Mqnuol, SMACNA Archilecturol Sheet Melol Monuol, ond FM Loss Prevention Dolo Sheet l-49. Edges: I . Edges: Hem oll exposed edges, l/2" unless otherwise indicoted.2. Drips: Angle botiom edges of veriicol surfoces to form drips. Joints: Moke joinls wotertight ond ollow for exponsion.l. Reinforce sheet melol corners os required.2. Reinforcemenl: Conceol within finished ossembly.3. Form oluminum seoms with epoxy seom seoler; rivet joinls for oddifionol strenglh where required. Foslenings: Use conceoled hook sirips ond fosteners. Exposed hook strips ond fosteners not occepfoble. Exponsion ond Conlroction:l. Provide for lhermol exponsion qnd controction ond building movement in completed work. Moke woleriight ond weothertighi lhroughoul. unless otherwise indicoted, provide exponsion joints ot moximum of 20 feet ond nol more ihon 4 feel from corners. seoljoinls with seolont in occordonce with seciion 07920. 2. J. oA 9906 07600-3 3.04 A. B. 3.0s A. 3.06 t T I I I t I T I t t t s I I SHEEI METAL Floshing ond counterfloshing: As detoiled of 24 goge golvonized iron. Lock ond solderjoints ond hem exposed edges. Poropet Floshing cop: As deJoiled ot 24 goge golvonized iron similor to sMACNA Figure3-1. cover blocking with roofing fell. Miler. ieom ond seol corners. use Figure &,2,Alternote No. 4 seoms, seoled. Deflection Chonnels: Fobricofe of | 6 goge golvonized iron os indicoled. Insioll wheremosonry porlitions infersecl slructure os indicoted. see section o7g4e tor fireproofingmoleriol. Coordinole wifh mosonry ond drywoll work. EXPANSION JOINT COVERS Generol: Insloll os recommended by monufocfurer. Apply splice strips of butt joints. useprefobricoted corners ot chonges in direclion. REGTET FLASHING Generol: Insloll surfoce mounled reglef ond counterfloshing os recommended bymonufoclurer. Seol top edge of reglet wilh seolqnt. END OF SECTION I l t I oA 9906 076W-4 I t I I I I I I t I t t t T I I I I t sEcTtoN 07620 ZINC METAL FLASHINGS AND TRIM PART I _ GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section includes: Furnishing of oll lobor. moteriols, services ond equipment necessory for the complele supply ond instollolion of zinc floshings ond tri qs indicoled on drowings ond specified herein including:l. Preformed zinc floshing, closures, focios ond trim2. Connection hordwore for oifochmenl of lnc sheeis ond copings to building sfruciure,3. Drilling ond iopping of slructure os required for foslening of oll work included in ihis section.4. Removol of grime ond dirl from the zinc floshing by dry wiping the ponels os lhe moleriol is erected. B. Reloled Secfions: I . Zinc Metol Woll Ponels: Section 074 | 32. Golvonized Sheet Metol Floshings: Section 02500 1.02 A. r.03 B. t.04 A, REFERENCES Rheinzink Roofing ond Wolt Ctodding April 1988. SUBMITTALS SHOP DRAWINGS:I' Submit shop drowings prior lo commencing fobricqtion, indicote detoils of zinc floshings, including loyoul of losleners ond joinls in roofing sheels. The shop drowings sholl be reviewed (complefe with review slomp) by the zinc mqnufocturer prior to submission lo fhe Consultonf.2. Deloils of copings, floshings, closures, seolonls, gouges, thicknesses of moleriols ond deloils of oll penetrotions sholt be indicoted.3. Coordinote with offecled trodes to ensure correct inierfoce detoils reouired toprovide o woterfight ond weolherproof instollolion. somples: Submit duplicole colour somples of floshing for lhe consullont's review ond records. Color somples sholl be ot leosl l00mm squore. QUALITY ASSURANCE The zinc monufoclurer musi be copoble of providing fechnicql drowings services; field reviews; ond hove o proven trock record of successfully built projecls otceptoble to the Owner. oA 9906 07620-l B.instoller must be opproved by lhe monufoclurer of the moteriols before ony work is commenced ond musl be specificolly troined ond experienced in fhe opplicofion of zinc. Do oll roof floshing work in occordonce wilh opplicoble stondords in lhe SMACNA slondords for custom sheel melol, togefherwill oll outhorized odditions ond omendmenls. DELIVERY, STORAGE & HANDLING Moferiols sholl be delivered, hondled ond stored by melhods opproved by lhe monufocturer. Till the zinc moleriol sufficienfly lo ensure no woter remoins on lhe moleriol or in on enclosure prolecled from lhe elemenls or conosive moleriols. Exercise core in hondling ond plocing fhe zinc floshing lo prevent domoge likely to impoir lhe odequocy or oppeoronce of lhe moteriol in the finished condition. It is slrongly recommended fhot instollers weor gloves to minimize the omounl of finol cleoning required. See olso item 3.5. DESIGN CRITERIA Zinc floshing sholl be designed ond erecled for such exponsion ond controclion of componenl moteriols os will be coused by on ombienl lemperoture ronge of minus 20 degrees Fohrenheil lo plus 140 degrees Fohrenheit without cousing hormful buckling, foilure of joint seols, undue stress on fosteners or other delrimenlol effecls. There sholl be no woter infilkotion into the building lhrough the floshing. Conosion free fosleners ond conneclions sholl be designed to withstond the posilive ond negotive pressures due lo locol wind loods os defined by Locol Building Code. Fqslener ond connection spocings in conformonce with reviewed shop drowings. Zinc floshing fobricotor sholl field check dimensions of structure ond design the sysfem lo occommodote specified erection toleronces. INSPECTION AND WARRANTY The producf monufoclurer sholl furnish the owner wilh o signed ond nolorized non- proroled wononty, certifying the performonce of this product ond the consistency of the properfies of such producls offecting lhek performonce for o period of iwo yeors from the doie of subsfontiol complelion. Upon complelion of the Work, this Controclor hereby wononls the metol floshings will stoy in ploce ond remoining leok-proof for five (5f yeors from dqte of substontiol complelion. Zinc floshing fobricolor sholl field check dimensions of struclure ond design the system lo occommodoie specified ereclion tolerqnces. ! t I I I I t I I I I I I t I I r.05 A. r.06 1.07 B. I I I oA 9906 07620-2 ) I I I.O8 PROJECTCONDITIONS A. EnvironmentolRequiremenfs:l. Do not insloll ihe Work of this Section during inclemenl weother.2. Do nol instoll ihe Work of this Secfion when moisiure from roin or olher moisture source is present, forecosled or reosonobly expected. B. Al fhe end of eoch work doy ond when weother threolens, provide woter cut-offs lhot ore proven effeclive in providing weolher-light seols ond in preveniing moisture. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A. Zinc Floshing Preopproved producls: Titonium Zinc, preweolhered type (pickling process). Alloy is elecfrolytic high grode zinc (DtN l z06) wilh q?9.99s% Zn degree ofpurity ond olloying odditives of l% Copper ond l% Tilonium. Depending on the totql moteriol stretch-out, the minimum thickness 0.8 mm os monufoctured ond disiributed by RHEINZfNK Conodo Ltd. 604129 | -Bt7 | . Provide strippoble plostic film on the foscio. B. Fosleners & Clips: Sloinless sleel or zinc corrosion free; supplied in occordonce wilh mqnufocturer's recommendotions to meel the lood requirements specified ond moinloin o weother-tight insiollotion. C. Accessories; As required to complete project sholl be in occordonce with moteriql ond monufoclurer's recommendolions. F. Joinl Seolonl: DOw 795 to motch odjoining melol roofing. Bocking rod shqll be extrudedpolyethylene foom os Dow Elhofoom SB or equivolent; bocker rod sholl be ploced injoinls nof less lhon 75% ol its originol size. Insuloting Bulyl Tope: Applied lo conlociing surfoces between dissimilor metols ond between melols ond concreie or mosonry. solder: Leqdjin soft solderwilh 4oTolin ond 60% leod. Follow Rheinzink's writien inslructions for soldering. Flux: Rheinzink flux Z-04-S. Insect Screen: Conlinuous perforofed zinc. cleols: Zinc, of the some thickness qs the moleriol being secured. Minimum width: 50mm. Verlilqtion Mol: Enkqmot 7210 or opproved substitute. t I I t I I I I il I t I t t t t D. G. H. t. J. oA 9906 07620-3 2.01 A. T t I B. FABRICATION Zinc floshing sholl be fobricoled wifh "Drive cleof or Lock" seoms to monufoclurer's recommendotions, referenced slondords ond lo comply wilh reviewed shop drowings. All ridge, eove ond goble end seclions sholl be formed squore, lrue ond occurofe lo sizes ond profiles detoiled. All seclions sholl be free from dislorlion ond olher defecls delrimentol fo oppeoronce. Form pieces in 3000mm moximum length. Moke ollowonces for exponsion ond conlroclion ot joinis. Hem exposed edges on fhe underside. Milre ond solder corners. form seclions squore, true ond occurole lo size, free from distortion qnd ofher defects delrimentol lo oppeoronce or performonce. Metol lemperolure must be mointoined ol o temperoiure of l0 degree celsius. For formolion by impocl or ol lower lemperotures, pre-heoiing is required to qvoid crocking due lo cold briltleness of zinc. Apply isolofion cooling lo melql surfoces lo be embedded into or touching concrefe, morlor, or ony oiher dissimilor mefol. I I ! I ; T D. F. 3.0r A. B. a 3.02 A. PART 3 _ EXECUTION EXAMINATION Previously execuled work which moy offect the lnc floshing work shqll be exomined ond dimensions verified. Any discreponcies sholl be reported so thot inslructions moy be given for the necessory remediol work. Commencing work sholl imply occeptonce of Conditions. INSIALLATION corry out oll erection work by crews lroined by monufoclurer, or by erector opproved by fhe monufocturer, in occordonce with fhe monufoclurer's specificotions qnd in shict conformonce to reviewed shop drowings. Zinc "groin" sholl be porollel to fhe poropet. Joints sholl be stoggered ond in locotions io consullont's opprovol. Indicote joinl locolions on shop drowings. ell joinls including exponsion joinls wilhin lhe zinc roof syslem ond between lhe zinc ond odjocenl moleriols sholl be roin ond snow proof. All joinf sysfems sholl be reviewed by Rheinlnk. Penelrolions in lnc roofing sholl be mode wotertight by soldering, welding or double welding. B. \-. oA 9906 07620-4 I rl D. Openings sholl be provided os indicoled on the Drowings. When field cutting isrv underloken, core shqll be exercised io ensure thoi cutiiigs do not remoin on-exposed I surfoces. ! E. Insuloting lype sholl be opplied on eoch conlocf surfoce between dissimilor melols ond between melols ond concrele, mosonry or morlor.I t F. Instoll floshing in such o monner lhof horizonlol lines ore lrue ond level ond verticol lines ore plumb withoul wqrp or defleciion.I t G. Remove proleclive cooting, if required, os the insiollotion progresses. A 3.03 SEALANI APPLTCATTON tar A. Seoloni ond joint bocking sholl be provided to perimeter joinls of openings in zinc!, floshing ond ot joinis between zinc ponel roofing ond odjoining construclion.tA B. Applicotion sholl be done in occordonce with joint preporotion ond seolont instollolion procedures of monufocturer ond in occordonce wilh Seclion 07920 - Joinl Seolonrs.I , 3.04 CLEAN-UP J A. Protect ihe work of other sections from domoge resulting from the work of this Section. ! B. Remove ony morks on zinc floshing to Architeci's solisfoclion. Cleon off clippings ondi:\ cultings doily to prevenl scrolching.t I END OF SECTIONt-I I t I I i I DI D OA 9906 07620-5 I I I I I sEcTroN 078t0 APPLIED FIREPROOFING I PART t- GENERAL t l.ol suMMARy I A. Section Inctudes:|l l. Sproyed fireproofing ot structurol sleel. I B. Reloted Seclions:It l. Skucturol Sleel: Seclion 05120. t 1.02 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION t,A. Design Requiremenls: Sproy fireproofing moteriol onlo structurol members os indicoled - on drowings wilh proper thickness ond densities 1o provide fire resisfive rotings osI indicoted ond scheduled. ! I.O3 SUBMMALS f A. Product Doto: Submil in occordqnce wiih Section 01300. I B. Quolify Control Submittols: lt l. Monufocturer's Inslruclions: Submil in occordonce wifh Seclion 01600.2. Tesl Reports: Certified fest reports from independenl lesling lqborotories indicoling I conlormonce lo performonce chorocteristics specified. I C. Controct Ctoseout Submittots:l. Worroniy: Submit in occordonce wifh Section 01200.LI I.O4 QUALITY ASSURANCE I A. Applicotor: Compony speciolizing in sproyed fireproofing. I l. Applicolor: Monufocturer opproved.2. Experience: Continuously opplied fireproofing in Stote of Colorodo for lhree yeors. I B. Regulotory Requirements - Sproyed Fireproofing: Tested by UL or olher certified lesiingF ogency in occordonce wilh El19. I r.o5 DEuvERy. sToRAGE AND HANDLTNGt'A. Generol: Comply with Section 01600. J l. Deliveries: Deliver fireproofing moleriol in originol unopened pockoges beoring f nome of monufocturer, brond ond proper UL lobels for fire hozord ond fire resislonce clossificqtions. | 2. Sioroge: Keep moteriol dry until reody for use. Store pockoges of moteriol off I ground under cover ond owoy from sweoling wolls ond olher domp surfoces. I oAeeo6 ozslo-l 1 1.06 A. t.07 A. Discord bogs fhot hove been exposed lo woler before use. Rolote stock of moledol ond use before ils expirolion dofe. PROJECT CONDITIONS Environmenlol Requiremenls:l. Temperolure: Moinloin lemperofure ond enclosure conditions os recommended by fireproofing monufoclurer. Moinioin minimum oir ond subslrote femperolure of 40.F for 24 hours before ond ofler opplicolion of fireproofing.2. Venlilofion: Moke provisions for ventilolion to properly dry fireproofing offer opplicofion. In enclosed oreos locking nolurol venlilotion, provide oir circulolion ond venlilolion. WARRANTY Wononfy: Provide two yeor writlen worronly covering moteriols qnd instolloiion for fireproofing in occordonce wilh Secfion 01700.I' wononty: Include fireproofing to remoin free from crocking, checking. dusting, floking, spolling, seporotion, ond blistering. Reinstoll ond repoir such defecfs ond foilures. I I I T I I I I t I I I T I I ! t I t I.O8 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Sequencing:l. Ensure clips, hongers supporls, sleeves, ond olher ottochmenls to fireproofing boses, provided under other sections of specificolions ore instolled prior lo opplicoiion of sproyed fireproofing.2. Ensure ducis, piping, conduit, ond ofher suspended equipment thot inferfere wilh uniform opplicotion of fireproofing moieriol is positioned ofler opplicolion of sproyed fireproofing. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI FIREPROOFING A. Monufociurer ond Type: w.R. Groce & compony Monokole cemenlitious fype, or occepled subsiilufe in occordonce wilh Section 01600.L Fireproofing: Formuloted withouf osbestos.2. Bond Strength: ASTM E736, Minimum 200 lbs./sq. ft.3. Bond lmpocl: ASTM 8760, no crocking, floking or delominotion.4. Compressive Slrength: ASIM E761, Greoter thon 500 lbs./sq. ft.5. Deflection: ASTM E759, does not crock.6. Air Erosion: ASTM E859, Less lhon 0.025 gms./sq. ff. B. Interior Use:l. Slrucfurql Sleel Monokote MK-6/CBF oA 9906 078'to-2 I I t PART3-EXECUTTON I 3.01 EXAMTNATTON T A. Verificotion of Condilions: Comply wifh Seclion 01600: r L Loyouf : Verify loyout of work betore beginning insiollotion. I 2. Existing Condilions: Exomine subslroie before beginning inslollotion lo see thol steel, is occeploble to receive fireproofing. Steel sholl be free of oil, greose, loose mill I 3 i''.:F.T'[x'ilil'3:[i"it'Ji;LT::ii3lff]#t?,T::'f."JsiTlTing wirh I copy to Archilect. I B. Acceptonce: Beginning of work meons occeplonce of exisling conditions by insloller. I 3.02 PREPARAiT.N I A. Cleoning: Cleon surfoces to receive fireproofing of rust, loose dirt, greose, oil or onyF./ moleriols which preveni good odhesion. . l. Remove incompotible moteriols which offecf bond.Ia B. Prolecfion: Mosk off odjocent oreos not receiving fireproofing to prolecl from oversproy. Provide drop cloihs os required to protect moteriols below. I L Ductwork, Piping qnd Conduit: Close off ond seol openings to preveni infiltrofion byll fireproofing. r 3.03 APPLICATION It A. Generol: Apply sproyed fireproofing in occordonce with moteriol monufocfurer's ^ recommendotions.I t B. Apply to thicknesses required io ochieve specified fire roting. I C. Potching: Poich ond repoir domoged sproyed fireproofing. I 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL /-'rlt A. Testing: Fireproofing coniroclor sholl selecl ond poy independent testing loborotory lot somple ond verify lhickness ond density of fireproofing in occordonce wilh ASTM 8605 ., "Sfondord Tesi Method for Thickness ond Densiiy of Sproyed Fire Resisiive Moieriol ,t/ Applied to Slruclurol Members" or Uniform Building Code Stondord No. 43-8,'ThicknessI ond Densiiy Delerminotion for Sproy-Applied Fireproofing". ti B. Inspeclion: Ai complelion of project prior to conceolment of fire-proofing. Inspect ] fireproofing lo ensure integrily of fireproofing. Repoir ony domoged oreqs os required. | 3.0s CLEANING A. Cleoning: After completion of fireproofing work, remove equipment ond cleon exposed t surfqces of deposits of sproyed fireproofing moleriols. I I oA ee06 t 07810-3 3.06 A. SCHEDULES Fireproofing: See Drowings for locolions ond required fire rofings. END OF SECTION oA 9906 07810-4 I I t sEcTroN 07840 FIRESTOPPING PART I - GENERAL II t t.or SUMMARY I A. Section Inctudes: f l. Firestopping ond Smokeseqls os indicoted on the Drowings os well os fhe following oreos: I o. All openings in fire+oied floors ond wolls both empty ond lhose i occommodoting penekoting items such os cobles, conduits, pipes, ducls, etc. I B. Reloted Sections: 11 I. Cost-ln-Ploce Concrete: Section 03300.r, 2. Unil Mosonry: Section 04810 Unil Mosonry Assemblies.3. Joinl Seolers: Section 07920. | 4. Mechonicol ond Electricol Work: Division 15 qnd 16. ,I.O2 SYSTEMDESCRIPTION II I A. Types of firestop io be used for eoch condition sholl be lhe responsibiliiy of the instoller qnd sholl comply wilh oll specified regulolory requiremenfs. Firesfop moieriols in exposedrr oreos sholl be compotible wiih specified finishes. It' I.O3 SUBMITTALS I A. Product Dolo: Submit Monufocturer's printed producl doto indicoting productt chorocteristics, performonce ond limiting criterio for eoch producl proposed for use. t B. Instollofion Inslructions: Submit Monufocfurer's insiollolion inskuclions for eoch type of t firestop required by the projeci. t 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCEll A. Instqller Quolificotions: Firestopping sholl be performed by o conlroctor troined or I opproved by fkesfop monufoclurer. Equipment used sholl be in occordonce with U fireslop monufoclurer's written insfollotion instructions. . B. Regulolory Requiremenls: Firestopping moteriols proposed for use on fhis project sholl n conform to both Flome (F) ond Temperoture (T) rolings os tesled by notionolly occepled ll lesi ogencies per ASTM E-814 or VL 1479 fketesls. The F rofing ond T rofing musl be o minimum of one (l ) hour buf not less thon lhe fire resistonce roting of the ossembly being 11 penelroted. The fire test sholl be conducled wiih o minimum posiiive pressure differentiol I of 0.03 inches of woier column. I C. Mockup: Prepore job mock-up of eoch system proposed for use in lhe project os I direcied by Architect. Approved mock-ups moy be left in ploce os port of the finishedr projeci ond will conslilute the stondord for remoining work. I oA 9906 o7e4Gl f I a I.O5 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver oll moteriols in originol unopened pockoges fully identified wifh Monufoclurer,snqme, frode nome qnd UL lobel. B. Moferiols sholl be slored off the ground ond prolecied from environmenlol condiiions osrequired by Monufoclurer. I.06 PROJECTCONDITIONS A. Conform lo Monufociurer's prinled insfruciions for inslollolion ond when opplicoble, curing in occordonce wilh lemperolure ond humidity. Conform to venfilotion ond sofetyrequiremenls, 1.O7 WARRANTY A. Fireslop Inslqller shollwononl fhot firestopping systems used meef firestopping requirements os herein specified. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI FIRE STOP SYSTEMS A. AcceptobleMonufqclurers:l. The Recfor Seol Corp. (Metocoulk)2. 3M Fire Proieclion products 3. Tremco Tremslop4. Hilli Fkesfop Syslems5. Accepted substitute in occordonce with Seclion 016@. B. Moleriols: l. Mqteriols sholl be free of osbeslos.2. Moleriols sholl provide o Flome (F) ond Temperoture (T) roting of ot leosl one (l) hour bul nol less thon lhe fire resistonce roiing of ossembly being penelrofed, ostested per ASTM E-814.3. Mqteriols sholl conform to oll opplicoble governing codes.4. Use pillow type firestopping or intumescent firestop blocks ot lorge openings lhrough fire-roted wolls ond floors.5. All moferiols sholl be compotible with the moleriql penetroting the fire ossembly. C. Accessories: Furnish oll occessory moteriols such qs fire sofing botfs, sleeves, sheel metol, seolonts, etc. necessory lo complefe fire stopping systems unless furnished by others. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.0'I EXAMINATION A. Verificotion of Existing Condilions:l. Controctor sholl inspect ond verity lhot the surfoce qnd condition of lhe substrotes ond oll sleeves or blockouts furnished by others hove no defects or errors thot would inlerfere with the instollolion of the firestopping moteriols. I I I I I ; il I I I I I I ! I T T I I oA 9906 07840-2 I I I 2. Notify Architect in writing of ony defects or erors in workmonship. Do not proceed wilh work unlil oll unsolisfoclory condilions hove been corected. B. Accepfonce: Slort of instollofion of firestopping sholl constituie lhe Conlrqctor's occeplonce of surfoces ond conditions of substroles, sleeves ond blockouls. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Cleon surfoces ond substroles of dirt, oil, loose moteriols ond olher foreign mqteriols which moy offect the proper bond or inslollofion of lhe firestops in sirict occordonce with Monuf octurer's writf en insiructions. B. Provide primers os require which conform lo Monufocturer's recommendotions for vorious substrotes ond condifions. C' Do not opply firestops to surfoces previously pointed or keoled wilh o seoler, curing compound, woler repelloni or olher cooting unless tesls hove been performed lo ensure compotibility of moleriols. Remove coolings os required in complionce wilh Monufoclurer's inslruclions. D. Mqsk where necessory lo protecl odjoining surfoces. Remove excess moteriol ond sloins on surfqces os required. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. lnsioll in slricl occordonce wilh Monufoclurer's prinled insfructions lo provide o Flome (F) ond Temperoture (T) roting of ot leost one (l) hour bul not less lhon fhe fire resistonce roling of lhe ossembly being penelroled. B. Ensure fhot oll occessories such os onchoring devices, bock-up moleriols, clips, sleeves, supporls ond olher moteriols used in the octuol fire tesl ore instolled. C' Instoll firestops wiih sufticieni pressure to properly fill ond seol openings lo ensure on effeclive smokeseol. D. Tool or trowel exposed surfoces. Remove excess firestop moteriol promply os work progresses ond upon completion. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Fireslop Controctor sholl immediotely notify the Archilecl if the firestopping systems herein specified connot meei lhe requirements of the soecificolion- B. Fireslop Conlroclor sholl exomine firestops fo ensure proper insiollotion ond full complionce wilh this specificotion. C. All oreos of work musf be occessible until inspection by the opplicoble Code outhorifies. D. Conect unocceptoble fireslops ond provide odditionol inspection to verify complionce with this specificotion ot no oddilionol cost. 07840-3 T ! t J I I I I I I T I il t I I oA 9906 3.05 CLEANING A. When finished work will be visible, cleon odjocenl surfoces in occordonce wifh Monufocturer's prinled insfructions. B. lf visible in fhe flnished work, remove lemporory doms ofler iniliol cure of firesfops. C. Coneclsloining ond discoloring on odjocenl surfoces. D. Remove oll debris ond excess moleriols enlirely from sile ond leove work in o neol ond cleon condition. END OF SECTION oA 9906 07840-4 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I sEcTtoN 07920 JOINT SEALANTS PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Secfion Includes: Providing oll colking ond seolont indicqted on Drowings, specified herein, ond nol specified under other sections. In generol, seol oll openings indicoted on Drowings ond ot other locoiions requiring seolonl fo seol visuolly ond ogoinsl infiltrotion from oir ond woter, including buf not limited to following:l. Exponsion joinis in concrele poving ond sidewolks.2' Exponsion joints ond control joints in exposed interior concrele floor slobs.3. Floshing reglel ond refqiners. Exterior woll joinls. Mosonry control joints Exterior ond interior exposed joints between ond odjocenf to precosl woll ponels. lsolotion joinfs, between slruclure ond olher elemenis. Joints ot penekotions of wolls, decks ond floors by piping ond other service ond equipment. {excepting fire ond smoke seol) Joints between items of equipment ond other construction. Joinis between door ond window fromes ond odjocenl moleriols, exterior ond inlerior. I l. Bedding for door threshotds. 12. Open joints between dissimilqr moteriols os required to close ond conceol joinling of lhe work. 13. Conslruclion ond exponsion joints, joinis between dissimilor moteriols; joinls oround windows, door fromes, louvers, ond other penelroiions ond openings in the exterior woll; interior wolls os deloiled or specified. 14. Perimeter joint qround ice rink slob 15. Oiher joinls os indicoted. B. Reloled Seclions:l. Seolonts Reloled lo Roofing: Section 07538 Fully Adhered Membrone Roofing.2. Seolonts Reloted to Floshing: Section 07600 Floshing ond Sheet Metol.3. lce Rink Conslruction: Section 13175 I.O2 SUBMITTALS A. Product Dolo: Submit in occordonce wilh Seclion 0.|330 for eoch moleriol ond locolion of opplicotion. B' Somples: Submii in occordonce wilh Seclion 01330 for eoch type of seolont for color selection. C. Quoliiy Control Submiliols:l. Worronty: Submil in occordonce with Section 01780. 4. 5. 5. 7. R 9. 10. oA 9906 07920-l I.O3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Instoller: Compony speciolizing in seolonf opplicotion.l. Experience: Conlinuously inslolled seolonis in Stote of Colorodo for five yeors. B. Monufociurer's Technicol Represenfofive: Obfoin moleriols only from monufoclurers who Wll, if required, send quolified technicol represenfofive fo project sile, for purpose of odvising insloller of proper procedures ond precoulions for use of moleriols. I.O4 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A' Generol: Comply wilh Seclion 01600. Deliver in originol unopened conloiners ond slore in oreq nol subjecl lo exlreme heof or cold. I.O5 PROJECTCONDITIONS A. Environmeniol Condilions: Do not opply exlerior seolonls during wet weother or when outside temperoture is below 40"F or opply inlerior seolonts when inside temperoture is below 60oF. I,06 WARRANTY A. Wononly: Provide three yeor writfen wononly covering moteriols ond instollotion for seolonts in occordonce with Secfion 01280.l. Wononly: Require insloller, of no cost io Owner, to repoir or reploce seolonls which foil lo perform os oiriight ond woterfight joints; or foil in joint odhesion, cohesion. obrosion resisfonce, weother resislonce, exlrusion resistonce, migrotion resislonce, stoin resisfonce, color retenfion. or generol durobilily or oppeor lo deleriorote in ony monner nof cleody specified os inherent quolity of moteriol by submitted monufoclurer's dolo. PART 2 - PRODUCIS 2,01 JOINT BACKING MATERIAL A. Generol: Size joint bocking moteriol for minimum 30% compression when inserled in joint. Moteriol: Round rod or semi-circulor lype. B. Monufoclurers:l. Dow Chemicol Compony, Efhofoom.2. Sonneborn,Sonofoom.3. SchlegelMonufocluringCompony,Schlegelfoom.4. DenverFoqm.5. Accepted Substitute in occordonce wilh Section 01500. 2.02 SEALANT MATERIAL A. Monufoclurers:l. DAP Incorporoted.2. Pon, lnc.3, Pecoro Coroorotion. I t I t I I I I I I I T I I I I I I t oA 9906 07920-2 I I t t t I I I I I I t I I I T I I I 4. Siko Corporotion5. Sonneborn Building producls. 6. Tremco Monufocturing Compony.7. Momecolniernotionol.8. Accepfed Subslitute in occordonce with Secfion 01600. B. Silicone Seolont Monufociuren:l. Generol Electric.2. Dow Corning.3. Accepled Substitute in occordonce with Section 01600. C. AccepiobleMoteriols:l. Inlerior ond Under Thresholds: Lolex ocrylic, ASTM Cg34-25 (1981).2' Exterior: Two componeni polyurethone, FS TT-S-00227E,rype ll. closs A, non-sog.3. Primer: As recommended by seolonl monufocturer.4. Seolqnl ol Concrete Poving ond Inlerior Floor Slobs; Two-component self-levelingpolyurethone, FS n-S-00227E, Type l, Clqss A, pouroble type.5. Seolonl ot Lovolories: Silicone tub seolont.6. Colors: As selected by Architect from slondord colors.7. Seolont for lce Rink Perimeler Joint: siko-Flex 2c,lwo componenl pouroble polyurethone. 2.03 BOND BREAKER TAPE A. Tope: Polyethylene lope or other plostic iope os recommended by seqlont monufoclurer to be opplied to seolonl-contocl surfoces where bond lo substrote or joint filler must be ovoided for proper performonce of seolont. Provide self-odhesive tope wherever opplicoble. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Verificotion of Condilions: Comply wilh Seclion 01d00:l. Inspect joints to be seoled 1o oppricolion of ony work under this section.2. Noiificoiion: Notity Generol Controclor of ony joints which connot be put intoproper condilion lo receive seolonts in writing with copy lo Architect. B. Acceplonce: Beginning of work meons occeplonce of existing condifions by instoller. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Preporotion of Surfoces:l. cleon surfoces in qccordonce wilh monufocturer's recommendoiions.2. Mosk edges, if required, lo protect odjoining surfoces ond produce o siroighl finish line. 3. Cleon joint surfqces immediolely before instollqlion of seolonl. Remove dirl, insecure cootings, moisture ond other substqnces which would interfere with bond of seolont.4. Do nol proceed with inslollotion of seolont over joint surfqces which hove beenpoinied, locquered. wolerproofed or heoted wilh woter repellenl or olher oA 9906 07920-3 B. lreofmenl of cooling. Remove coofing or lreotmeni joinf surfoces before instolling seolont.5. Etch concrele mosonry joint surfoces fo remove excess olkolinity unless seolonl monufoclure/s prinfed insfruclion.indicoled thot olkolinity does nol inlerfere with seolonl bond qnd performonce. Etch with 5% solulion of muriolic ocid, neufrolize with diluied qmmonio solulion, dnse lhoroughly wilh wofer ond ollow lo dry before seolonl inslollolion. Priming: lf required, prime surfoces which ore fo be seoled with monufoclurer's recommended or slondord primer, oflersurfoces hove been prepored os specified. Before use, check primers for discolorolion ond dirt pick-up on odjocenl surfoces. lf sloining occurs, ofler exposure. loke odequote meosures to prevenl primer from beingopplied over foce of odjocenl porous moleriols by mosking or olher suifoble meosures. Joini Bocking:I' Joinfs: Deplh necessory to provide for specified ollowoble lhickness of seolonl ond olso required bocking where ond os specified. provide bocking of exlenl ond type os specified ond required lo provide for ollowoble depth of seolont.2. Bock-up Moleriols forSeolonls: Non-sloining, compotible wilh seolonl ond primer. resilienl noture, ond os recommended by monufoclurer of seolont.o. Size ond Shope: As required by width of joint ond specified.b. Do nol use moleriols impregnoted wilh oil, solvents or bituminous moteriols.3' Compress bocking moleriol minimum of 3O% when inserled in joint. Bocking moleriol for upper portion of joints sholl be round rod or semi-circulqr in cross-section where inconloct wilh seoloni. Bond Breoker Tope: Insloll where indicoled ond os required by monufocturer,s recommendolions to ensure lhof seolonls will Deform properly. I T t I T I t I I It I t t T I T I I I U. 3.03 APPLICATION Exterior Metol Window Sills; Sel in full bed of polyurelhone seolont. Exterior Thresholds: Set in full bed of loiex ocrylic seolonl. Seol Joints:l. Apply seolonts in conlinuous beods wilhout open joints, voids or oir pockets, usingrotchef hond gun or mechonicol powered gun.2. confine seolonls to joint oreos with mosking topes or other precoulions. Apply compounds in conceoled compression joinis occurolely so thol excess compound will not exfrude from joints. 3. Remove excess compound or seolonl prompfly os work progresses, qnd cleon odjoining surfoces. In rough surfoces or joints of uneven widths, instoll seolont well bock into joinf. Recess equol to width of joint, or 3/8'minimum ot mosonry. use onli-tqck ogenl where necessory to protect freshly opplied seolont from public koffic ond dirt. Slightly recess joints lo focililote poinler's line. Hondlool ond finish joints throughout construction.7. Comply with monufocturer's specificotions ond recommendotions. B. (- 4. 5. 6. oA 9906 07920-4 D. E. F. H. I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I Horizonlol Concreie Exponsion ond Control Joinfs Including lce Rink perimeter Joinf: Blowcleon with compressed oir. pour full but do not over-fill. sinks, Lovolories: Fill joints between dissimilor moteriols wilh silicone seolqnf . W_orkmonship: Employ only proven instollotion techniques, which will ensure fhol seolqntswill be deposited in uniform, confinuous ribbons wiihout gops or oir pockets, wilh complele'Wefling" of joinf bond surfoces equolly on opposile sides.l. Except os otherwise indicoted, fill seolont robbel lo slightly concqve surfoce, slighlybelow odjoining surfoces.2. where horizonfol joinls ore belween horizontol surfoce ond verticol surfoce, filljoinilo form slighl cove, so thot joint will not trop moislure ond dirt. Joint sizes: lnstoll seolqnts to deplhs os indicoied or, os recommended by seolontmonufocturer but within following generol limitotions:t. lgt normol moving joinls seoled with elqsiomeric seolonts bul nof subject to trqffic, fill joints to depth equol to 50% of joint widih, bul not more f hon I /2,, deep or tessthqn l/4" deep.2. For joinis seoled wilh non-eloslomeric seolonis ond colking compounds. fill joints todepth in ronge of 75%to l2S% of joint widih. l. Spilloge: l. Do not ollow seolonts or compounds lo overflow or spill onlo odjoining surfoces, orto migrole inlo voids of odjoining surfoces. Use mosking tope or other precoutionory devices to prevent stoining of odjoining surfoces, by either primer/seoler or seolont.2. Remove excess ond spilloge of compounds prompily os work progresses. cleon odjoining surfoces by whotever meons moy be necessory lo eliminole evidence ofspilloge. Do nol domoge odjoining surfoces or finishes. 3,04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Somples: Where direcied by Architect, cul oui qnd remove totol of lhree somples consisling of undisturbed seoloni ond bock-up moleriol from joint. Somples sholl be 6" inlength. Reseol cul oul qreqs with some moleriols. 3.05 CURING, PROTECTION AND CLEANING A. Curing: Cure seolonts ond colking compounds in complionce with monufocturer,s instructions ond recommendolions, to obloin high eorly bond strength, inlernol cohesive sfrenglh ond surfoce durobility. B. Proteclion: l - Advise Generol Conlrocior of procedures requked for proleclion of seolonfs duringconslruclion period, so fhot lheywill be without deleriorolion or domoge (olher thon normol weothering) ot time of occeplonce.2- Protect surfoces from domoge. creon soired surfoces immediotery. Reploce ony domoged moteriol which connot be cleoned wilh new mqteriol. END OF SECTION 07920-5oA 9906 I I I I I I I I I I II t I I t I I I I + 07600 - slA[uss sTEEt - ${ll;o"i tostmeos 09200 - META! SIUDS: 8' -0 16' 0.c.. centered 07100 - MtIAt lRlMl{ORK: Zinc coping, slope l/2' /ft. 071O - 0IAT; golrmnized, 20 gouge ()72O() - ENKAIIAI WTAIHIR BARRITR 06lm - |i00D BLOOilC; 2i8' treoted 07600 - sTArNrtSs sltEL cUP: ottoch 0 12' o.c. O75M - SNCI-I PtY MTI'{ERANE R00F|NG; fully odhered, up & over pdropet on column line 07500 - SIALANI 06100 - txItRr0R PLYivo0D -SHEAIHING; 3/4", fte- retordont treoled \,- t,*-*rP nAsHrNG; Zinc, con linuous 06100 - t{i[Rr0R PlylliOO0 SHEATHTNG;r/t , ttre-ret0r00nt lreoted 06100 - l{000 SIRAPPING: Air sooce u/ 3/8'r.3' treo[ed plyiood 06100 - ur[R0R PLYI{OO SHIATH|NG; l/2', fire-retordont treoted 07200 - EU|LO|NG F[Ll; l5f Perforoted O72O() - ENKAI,,IAT IJEATHER BARRIIR 07100 - tltIAL WALL PANE|: Zinc, double lock stondino seom w/ J/4' protrusion'ot bend 09200 - oiNs-t)tcK R00F B0AR0; l/a' O75M - IAI SITTL INSULATIN PLATT ANCHOR 07500 - IAPTRED tNs.jlAtt0r'l 05i00 - slttr DECK O72OO - BAI] INSUTAIION _thtr SECNON @ METAL COPING 0DILL A I CBtTECtt, t.c,,ol No. tt0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PROJECT lor ll. Vr ll lrrr.rtl0. Dlrt'lc3 .ra tlr To rr ol Yrll + + f 06100 - ExERm ftw000 SHEAIH|NG: l/2-, fre-retordont treoted 06100 - wq00,IJRIPPINC; Air.spoce w/ J/d rJ Ueoted pryfi000 07400 - MtlAt I{ALL PN[L; Zinc, double lock stondinq seom O72OO - ENKAIjAI VfATHS EARRIER 07200 - BUILDING FE[I: 15# Perforoted 06100 - }{000 CANT srRrP. non-combustible PrNo{tt) D0JBLE-Io0( srANorr'rc sAil 07400 - [,|EIAL WAIL PANELI Zinc, double lock stond;no seomr/ seolont slrip O72()() - ENKAMA] MAilffi EARRIIR 07200 - rcE & l'lAtER sHttLD O6IOO - I)(IERIOR PLYITIOOO SHTATHING: J/4', fire-retordont treoted 06100 - rv00D BL0CK|NG 05300 - SttL OECK: Acoustic 05100 - SIEEL TUBE BEAM; Beyond Sl00 - l{000 EL0CKING: 2'x2', treoted, oliqn bottom face with soffit 6oord 092m - IJTIAL FURRING: i/E 012' 0.c.. min. 06200 - SOFFll B0AR0; lx6 l&G cedor. stoined FASITNERS FM I&G SOFFIT $IAI.L 8T BLINO NAILTD O I&G .ONI YACAL ARO{IICruRA 8AR ffill.Lt; 2 ]/a' ww. wl tlz' c$rlrNuous FRAHE, NmIED AtuM[{un Fr{r$l ZINC I{AIL PNTL SYSI[lt. STE ABOVT SECNON @ METAL WALL PANIL & CANOPY SCA"E: l'=l'-0' John A. Dobson Are na ADDITIOU.S TND RENOVATIONS PROIECT lor llr Vrll lrGr.rtlot DlrlrlGt rra tl. lo rt ot V.lloDELL AlCrttectt, t. c. lol No. !l0l I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I T + + 071m - IIETAL R00F PANEL: Zinc. double lock stondino seomr/ seolont strip O72OO - TNKAIIAI IIEAIHER SARRIER 07200-rG & llAltR sfilfl-D O6IM - UIIRIOR PLYVIOOD SHTATHING: 3/4', frre-retordont treoted 06100 - l{000 BLoCl(T|'iG 05J00 - SttL D[CK; Acoustic 074m - I4EIAI TRIMVI0RI(; Zinc foscio flo$i,ng w/ double lock ston0n9 seom 06100 - t{000 BLOCKING; 'l'x4', lreoted 06100 - txltjr0R PLyl{000 SHIAIH|NG; 3/4', fire-retordont treoted AROIIIICIURAI8AR GRltLt: 2 3/a' [loE v r/2'cor{rNuqjs FRAMI, NODIZED ATUtlINUlJ TII{&I 09200 - I',|ETAT FURRING: 7/8" 0 12' 0.c.. min. FASITNERS Fffi I&G SOFRI $IALI. ffi BTJND }IAILED O I&G JOU IMCil. 06200 - S0fTlI B0ARD: lx6 I&G cedor, stoined SECNON @ CANOPY FASCIA SCALI: 3'=l'-0' John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PROJECT lor tlt Y rll l!cr3ltlor Dltatl! a rra tlr torr ot YrlloDELL A lCf, tT!Ctt, l-C.,ol No. tt0a I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I + + 06rm - ul[Rt0R PLYMOO sHiArHtNC: l/2', fire-retordont treoted 06lm - U000 SIRAPPING: Air sooce Y / 3/E'x3' treo[ed ply'riood 07400-MtrAL IIALL PANII; Zinc, double lock stonding seom (}i2M - ftKAIIAl ffiATHER BARRIER 072m - SUltOlNG Ft[T; l5f Perforoted 07600 - sTAtNttss sttEr cLtP: ottoch 0 12' o.c. 07100 - DRIP. FLASHING; Zinc, c0nlmuoJs 07600 - cflJNltR FtAslilNC O75M - SiIGII PLY IjE[4ERNT RO0flNG; fully odhered, up & over priropet 07500 - SIALNT 09200 - DENS-I)ICK R00F A0AR0; r/a' O75OO - 1APIRED INSULAIION O75OO - FLAI SIEET INSULATION PTATT ANCHOR O72M - BAII INSULAIIO'I 092m-MtrAt STUDS: l0' 0 16' o.c. u.n.o. STCTION @ METAL IryALL PANEL & ROOF SCAIE J'=l'-0' + oDrLL AlCf,rTBCTS, l. C.,ol lf c. tr0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATTONS PROJECT lot tl. Yrll l3crartlor Dltartat rra tl. Tor I .l Vrll + I I I I I I T I I I I I I t I I I I I ? f 07100 - ilErAt Y{Atr PNEU Zinc, double locl slonding seom (}72M - ENKAI4AI ITAIHER BARRITR 07200 - BUltOlNG FELI; l5f Perforoted 06100 - iltRl0R PtYTl000 sHtAlHlNG; l/2', fire-retordont keoted 06100 - wq0D,!.IRAPP|NG; Air.spoce |Y/ J/6 xJ treoleo plyt000 06IOO - EXIIRIOR PLYI{OOO SHiATHING; 1/2', fire-retordont keoted OTEOO - CIMilNNOUS FIRTPROOFING; 2-HOUR RAIID 05100 - Slttl C0LUUN 09200 - MTTAL SIUDS: 8'. 16'0.c., u.n.o. 07200 - EAll lNsuLAIr0N O92OO - GYPSUIj B0ARD; l/2' PLAN DTTAIL @ COLUMN SCAII: 3'=l'-0' + 0 DSLL AlCElTlCrS, r.C.,ol No, ,t0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PRO'ECT lor tlr vrtl lrcr3rtlot Dlarrl.3 rra lla Tor r of vrll + I I I I I I t t t I I I I I I I I I I + + I I I 07100 - tl|ETAT tllALL PANTL Zinc, double lock stonding seom O72OO - TNKA}IAT VITAIHTR BARRIER 072m- SUltt)lNC F[l; l5f Perforoted 06100 -E[tRtm P[Yrl000 SHEAIH|NG; l/2', fire-retordont treoted 06I()() - TX1ERIOR PLYi{ffiD SHEAIHING; 1/2', fire-retordont treoted ()72OO - BATT INSUIATION 09200 - MfrAt SIUDS; l0', r0 0.c.. u.n.o. 09200 - MTIAL STU[)S: 8". l6' 0.c., u.n.d. O78OO - CEi/EN1ITIOUS FIREPROOFING: 2-HOUR RAITD OFFICE 20J PLAN DETAIL @ COLUMN f 0DELL AlCf,trECTt, t.C.lol llo. tr0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PROJECT lot tl. Yrll 1.. r.. tl o I Dlrrrlrl rra tl. Tor r ot vrl I + t I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I + + ()78{)O - CEMTNTITIOUS FIRIPROOFING: 2-HOUR RAIID 05100 - slEEr cotuMN 07100 - MtTAt t{Al[ PAN[! Zinc. double lock stonding seom O72M - ff,IKAMAl I'iEATHTR EARRITR 07200 - BUILDING FELT; l5f Perforoted O6IOO - EXITRIOR PLYI4iOOD SHTA1HINC l/2', fire-retordont treoted ofim - ilom srRAPnNq 3/8iJ' treoted plyrood 06rm - qI[Rt0R PLYV{00D SHEATH|NC; l/2-. lire-retordont treoted 07200 - BATI NSUIAI0N 09200 - t[IAt SIUOS; l0', r0 0.c.. u.n.o. O92M- GYP$JIJ B0AR0 r/2' PLAN DETAIL @ CORNTR SCAII: J'=l'-0' + 0DE LL A lC B ttECtt, t.c.lol No. tt0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PROJECT lor llr Yrll l.rrrrllor D l. trlr I rra tlc To rr of Yrll + I ! I t T I t I t I I t I I I t t I I + tDC 0F UPPER LEtrtL g.E trror 09200 - MIIAL STUDS; l0', t0 0.c, u.n.o. 09200 - GYPSIJIJ 80AR0; l/2' 07E00 - cEu${nr0js - IIRTPROONNG: z-HOUR RAIED 2-HOIJR RAIEI) ASSIUBTY 0 SLAB E0GE; RE: 2/Pn8 092m - M^ETAL STUOS: 2. 1/2', r0 0.c.. u.n,0.. loslm lo gon ded pond 07100 - l,|tiAt WALl PANEL Zinc, double lock stonding seom 06100 - v1000 SIRAPPING; l/8i3' treoted plynood 07900 - 8ACffR RoD & SEALANT t$l}'rc 9N md PAI{tt q. PLAN DETAIL @ SPAN DTCK PANTL + oDrLL AICBtTBCTt. t.C,,ol l|c. ,t0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITTONS AND RBNOVATIONS PROJECT lcr ll. Vrll ltcrrrllor Dl.trI.a rrl tl. Tot r ot Yrll ++ t? ! I t ! I I I t I I I I T I I I t I f + NOT USED + oDtLL AlCntTtctl, t.c.,ol llr. tt0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PROJECT lcr ll. Vrll l..rrrllor Dlrarl.t .ra tl. T.rr ot Yrll + I l I I ! I T I I I I I I I I I I t I + + co{snucilor{ J0NI 0 co{ffiflE toJNoAnoil tlAtt EISIG Ffl'NOANON ilttl For,NDAnOl 0]100 - yJAltRsroP RU88ER EAS[: 8tlOtl RE nN$r SSrEt[Jtt 1'-2' ()TIOO - REINFORCEMilT ME|IIERANT 07100 - fLur0 APPUEI) r{ATtR PROONNG OTIOO - DRAINAGT EOARD 0JJ00 - CAST-lN-PLACI CONCRETEt IOUNDAIIOI{ WAIL; RE: SIRUCiURTT| EilSlrNG CoNCffi lt F0JNoAIlorl rlALL I0 RfllAll{; O-EAN, PATOI, N0 PRIPARE IISIIG SJRfAG TO RIGIW NIrl PAIilT NNFI ** - t9,lrtEtl uASof{RY uNrr; ^f-.^aqf-6 4 .P -A a l/2'=l'-Q' + oDBLL AtCBtTBClt, t,C.,ol N., tt0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PRO'ECT lcr tl. Vrll fr!r3rllor Dlrrtl.t rta tl. Tct t ol Vrll f I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I ! I I I 0i500 - rAPtRto tNsutATt0r,r O75O() - SINGTE PLY TIEIIERNT RO0flNG; fully odhaed 09200 - DtNs-DtcK Rotr BoARU l/4', 06rm - Il00 e00sG h, fne-relodont treoted 07500 - ltRlllNAn0il 8AR: -l/8'rl', fosten 12'o.c 075i00 - SIALANI llloter cut-off mostic 07{00 - MTTAL GUruR & 05J00 - srEtl Dtcl( 09200 - MTIAL SItlOS: 6' 0 16' 0.c.. u.n.o. 07200 - BATI lNSUtATlori ()75OO - SINGLT PtY IIEIIBRANE O0fi{SP0uI; Zinc, J' O74OO - MI,TAL CUIJIR BRACKEI; w/ nosrng 0n0 spnng 06100 - EXltRtoR PLYV{ooD -SHEAIHING; 3/4', fire- retordont treoled t{OTt: FASTINING (F tltlAl- BAR IIUSI PRO\4DE CO,ISINT COIIPRESSON ON tlAIER OJT-OFF ilASNC. N0lt: AILOlt ITII,BRNE $tEEl l0 E)(IENI) l/2'tl|N|llUU BELoI{ UEIA| 8AR TO EN$JRE FASITNIR PENEIRANOil IHROUSI SBITI RTINIMGilENI. SECTION @ UPPER ROOF GUTTTR + oDEL L l lCn tttcTr, t.c.,ol No. tt0l John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATTONS PN.OJECT lor tlr Yrll laGt.rtlca Dlrtrlcr ata tla lorr of Vrll++ + + ?I I I I t 09200 - IaIIAL SIUDS; 8",t0 0.c., u.n.0. O92OO - GYPSUM _ 80AR0; l/2' I I T 1 I I T I I I I 07100 - [.|ETAL WALL PANEL; Zinc, lloshinq os recommended bv metol iYoll ponel monufocluier 07900 - STALANI; typ. 06100 - txr[Rt0R Plyiv000 SHEATHTNG; l/2-, fire-retordont keoted 072m - BAII rNSULAltotl tr FLA!{['IC A80Vt Ar IOP OF PARAPET ()J4IO - ARCHIICruRAL FINISHEO PRECAST CONCRT]t: ribbed form liner ()72()O - ENI(AMAT I|/TAIHTR BARRIIR 07200 - BUILDING FELT; 15f Perforoted PLAN DETAIL @ CONC. IryALL & METAL lryAL +T t I oDrLL Al.CBttlcTt, t. c.tol No. tt0J John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PRO'ECT lor tla Vall l.ar.rtlca Dlttrlct rta tl. tor I ot yrll + I I t I I T I I I I I I t I I T t t + + O75M - FLAT SITEL IN$JLAIION - PLAII NCtt0R: see note O75M - SNO.E PIY MEMERNE R00flNG; futty odhered rlrN. r r/2'HoI AtR rtLD 07500 - SEAIANT: see note 09200 - otNs-0EcK R00F 80ARD; l/a' l'l0lE: POSlllO'l FASIENIi{C P|AIES t/2'l0 l'FROI tDC OF DIfi IIEI4BRAI'E N0lt: APPROilIAIILY l/E (3 mm) OlAtltlER tr q,I-tDS $ALNT IS REqJIREO ON q,l MCS Of UEUBRAI{L SECTION @ UPPER ROOF SCALL J'=l'-0' + John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PRO'ECT Fot ll. Vrll lr.r.rtlcr Dlrtrl!t .ra llr tor r ot V.oDtLL l lc E tTEctt, t.c.tol llo. tt0a+ l- +li I I I T I t I I I I I I I t I I + + tnslilG r0q) $s{flIs l0 trrAn{ 06rm - [0fr) FAsclA 02m-rcE & l{ATER$ilEr0; KUn Up mn. 0 (}75()() - SHITT MITAT FIASHING; Golvonized, point to motch color ol existinq wood foxio 07$00 - IERMTT{AT|0|{ 8AR: t/E rl', tosten 12' 0.c., see note belor FASoA r0 ff R$rovto 06100 - ExlERroR PtYw000 SHEAIHING: 3l', fire- retordont treoled 07500 - 8[LL0W5 txPNStoN JOINT COVTR 07500 - StAtNI: see monuf. requi'emutts O75OO - SINGTI PLY MIMBRANT R00F|NG; fully odhered 09200 - DENs-DtcK R00F B0AR0; l/a' O75O() - TAPIRTD INSULATION 06100 - t/00D BL0CKING; 2x fire-retordont treoted 05rm -sHL oEcK PORNOil OF EXSNNG O.UT LAMINAITO FASoA T0 Bi R0/0vt0 N0lt: FASIENING ff IJTIAL TERIIINATIO{ 8AR T{UsI PROVOE CONSTANI coilPRESSO{ O'r tlArtR Cr'r-oFF UASTC. TXSTIIG $AN DEfi I{ALL PANEL IO REI1AIN SECTION @ EXPANSION JOINT SCAtf: I l/2'=l'-0' T oDtLL llcf,tltcT!, l-c.,ol Io. tt0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PROJECT lor rl. Vrll lrar.rtlo! Dlrtrlrt rrl llr torr ot Yrll t I I I I T I T I T I I I I I I I t + + SAIIE O TAST SOF?TR O72OO - INKAMAT I|TAIHTR EARRIER 074m - I{TTAL lRlMt0RK: Zinc coping, dope l/2'll. O74OO - DRIP FLASHING & _ SCUPPTR SLttVt: Zinc 07500 - FLASHING MEMBRNE: Min. 1112" uide hot oir treld 07100 - MtiAL coNDUCrm H[AD; Zinc 06100 - w000 BL0CKING: 2x fire-retordont treoted 07m - U.EIAL D0rlNSPOJl; lnc YIALI O.ADDING SYSIETI 06100 - H!00 BL0CXING; 2x fre-retordont treoted 09200 - IaTTAL SIU0S: 8' 0 16' 0.c., cintered on column line 06100 - ExlERroR PrYr{000 SIIEAIHING; 3/4', fire- retordont treoted ()75OO - SINGLE PLY MIIjBRANE R0OF|NG; fully odhered, up & over pdropet 07500 - FLASHING MEMBRANE: Min. 1 l/2' uide hot oir weld, oroiJnd entire openinq 075$- STALANT; Woter cut-off mostic O75OO - SNCTT PLY MIMBRANI R0OF|NG; fully odhered 09200 - DENS-DICK R00f B0AR0; l/a' O75OO - TAPMM N$JLATION OsIM - S]TEL DECK 072m - cEMENTrlr0US flRtPR00flN6 06IOO - IXITRIOR PLYlllOOD SHEA]HING: 1/2", fire-retordont treoted 06100 - w00D SIRAPPING: Air soocetl 318"x3" treoted plyirood OSIOO - EXI.IRIOR PLY}IOOD SHIAIHING; 1/2", fire-retordonl treoted 07200 - BUILDINC FELT; lSf Poloroted ()72()() - ENKATIAT TTAIHER EARRIIR 07400 - IltTAt I|ALL PNEIj Zinc, double lock stonding seom 09200 - MtiAL STUDS: 8' 0 16' 0.c., centered on column line SECNON @SCUPPER - WEST SCALE: I l/2'=l'-0' oDILL A rCf,tt!cTt, t.c.Jol Xo. tt0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RBNOVATIONS PROJECT tor tlr Vrll lrotaa3lor Dlrtrl.t rrl tlr lor r of Vrll ! I I I T il I T I I T t I I I I I I I + + i OTIOO - BIIHUIENE LIQUID I/IMERANE OVTR BACKTR ROD 07100 - v{ATiR PRooFF MIMBRNT OTIM - DRAINAGE BOARD v{/ PROIECNON 9{TIT' 0i1r0 - PREcAsr coNcRilE 07100 - BACKER R00 & SEALANT OTIOO - BIIHUTEIE LIOUIO I,|TIJERANT OVTR EACKER ROO OTIOO - TIATTR PROOFF [,|Et,|BRANI OTIOO - DRAINAGE BOARD YI/ PROIECIION $ITTIPRTCAST PANEL JOINT SCALE: I l/2'=l'-0' + oDrLL AlCtttEctt, t.c.,ol Ic, tt0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RBNOVATIONS PROJECT lor lla Vrll lrrrrrllca Dllarlct rta rlc torr of Yrll + I t I I PART r -.ENERAL I l.0l SUMMARY A. Seclion Includes:l. Hollow Mefol Doors2. Hollow Melol Fromes r B. Reloted Seclions: t l. Access Ponels: Seclion 08310 Access Doors ond ponels. - 2. Hordwore including Thresholds ond Weolherslripping: Section 08710 Door I 3. iiSisHl'l?, secfion 0ee00 poinrs ond cooiinss.I I.O2 REFERENCES '! A. Reference Slqndords: See Seciion 01423. Comply wilh following:l. NAAMMStondqrdHMMA36l orSDt l@. A 2. ANSI Al l5 Specificofions for Door ond Frome Preporotion for Hqrdwore. II I.O3 SUBMITTALS I A. Shop Drowings: Submit in occordonce with Section 01330.I B. Templotes: Hordwore temploles for hordwore mounled on hollow meiol work sholl be I submilled under Seclion 08710 directly fo hollow melol monufocturer immediolely ofler t occeptonce of hordwore schedule. Reporl foilure to receive templotes wifh reosonoble promplness lo Generol Conlroclor. ;:\ I L04 QUALTTY ASSURANCE r- A. Regulotory Requiremenls:I ' :l'A1ll3;5'i#i?lr,i,illffi'ff1ffi:3$li.i""',"":?l::l'['.::i;;': "'" scheduled io be fire-roted connot quolify for oppropriote lobeling becouse of ils I design, hordwore or ony olher reoson. odvise Archifect pdor lo submission of bids.I 2. NFPAStondord No.80. rr 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING ! A. Generol: Comply wilh Seclion 01600. Store fromes in mqnner fo prevenl twisting. Doors - with dimples or dents will be rejecled.l' I OA 9906 081lGl I l,t DIVISION 8 DOORS AND WINDOWS sEcTtoN 081l0 STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES I PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI DOOR AND FRAME MANUFACIURERS A. Monufocturen:l. Soulhwesiern Hollow Melols2. Gofewoy Mefol producls 3. Hol-O-Met Corp.4. North Cenfrol Supply5. CuniesMonufocluring6. Elco Metol products 7. Accepled substifufe in qccordonce wifh Seclion 01500. 2.02 HOLLOW METAL FRAMES A. Generol: Fromes for hollow melol ond wood doors. entronces, windows ond bonowedlights, etc' indicoted to be hollow metol sholl be of design seclions os detoiled ondossembled os indicoied. B. Goges: I I I I c. D. l. Fromes on Exterior Wolls: l4 goge steel.2. Fromes on Interior Wolls: 16 goge steel. Conslruction:l. Joinfs ond Conneclions: Welded ond ground ond eniire ossembly reinforced ond - brqced os required fo ensure obsolule rigidity.2. where so indicoied or os required, provide c'honnel stiffening wifhin ono securetywelded lo frome member.3. Do not used exposed screws except where specificolly occepled. Accessories: l. Reinforcemenl for Hordwore: Mochine fromes for ottochmenl of hordwore,including mortising, reinforcing, drilling ond topping for hinges.o. ButlHinges: sevengoge. r2"rong, fuilwidth offromJprofireorequivorenr.b. Closers: l0 goge, 12" long, full width of frome or equivolenl.c. Sirikes. Flush Bolts ond Other Surfoce Mounted Hqrdwore: .12 goge orequivolent.2. Anchors: Furnish onchors of lype ond number requked for onchoring fromes lostrucfure, porlifions, elc. os follows:o. Three jomb onchors on seven foot high jomb.b. Four jomb onchors on jombs over seven feef.c. speciol srrop mosonry onchors ot exisring wolls contqining fire-roted ossemblies. Wire onchors will not be ollowed. Provide such inslollolion inslruclions os orenecessqry to ensure proper insfollolion of onchors.3' Silencers: Drill stop of lock jomb of eoch interior frome for inslollotion of pneumotic rubber door silencers. Silencers sholl be furnished under Section 08210, numbers osindicoted on schedule.4. Joinls: conceol welded joints in two-sided mullions or simitor sections behindglozing stops. Continuous weld ond grind smooth exposed joints. t I I I I I I I I T I 1 t t I oA 9906 081l0-2 D. I I I I T I I I I I I I I I t I I T I E. 2.O3 A. B. Hinges: Instoll mortor profection box behind eoch hinge cuf. HOLLOW METAL DOORS Generol: Doors indicoted to be hollow metol shqll be hollow melol, flush, swing type doors of lypes indicoled. Construclion: Conslrucl hollow metol doors from l6 goge steel, fully welded, ground smooth ond completely sound ond fhe insuloted. Provide lhermql insulqtion in exterior doors. Monufocture hollow meiol doors ond ponels with flush tops, sides ond bottoms. Plostic inserls ore nol occeptoble. All veriicol seoms sholl be fully welded. Lock seoms or epoxy filled seoms ore not qcceploble. Lobels: Provide fire rqted conslruction ond uL lobels where listed in door schedule. Hordwqre: Mortise ond reinforce doors lo receive hordwore.l. Hinges: Seven goge steel plote, 9", welded io conlinuous l6 goge interior edge chonnels or equivolent. Drill ond top. Use of coined or exlruded holes not occeploble.2. Locks, Lolches, Push/Pulls ond Ponic Devices: l2 goge sleel spot welded to l6 goge inferior edge chonnels or equivolent ond designed fo provide odequole support ond reinforcement for required hordwore.3. Closers: Nol less lhon l2 goge internol reinforcement. Provide speciol ottention lo reinforcing doors where closers ore fo be bolted lhrough door. Insulolion: Foom or boli type. Honeycomb core is nol occeptoble. FINISH Cleoning ond Primer: I . Thoroughly cleon surfoces of greose, rust qnd scole to insure poinf odherence. Apply filler to doors where required lo produce o smoolh surfoce.2. Doors ond Fromes lo be Pointed: Apply one cool of foctory primer. B. Golvqnized Finish: G-60 golvonized where scheduled, inlerior ond exlerior surfoce of doors ond fromes. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. Fromes:l. Set steel fromes occurotely in occordonce with detoils, slroight ond free of twisl with heod level ond jombs plumb. Rigidly onchor to wolls ond portitions ond securely broce unlil sunounding work is completed. Provide deflection cleqronces ol frome heods where indicoled.2. Fire-Roted Openings: Plqce fromes ond provide cleoronces in occordonce wilh NFPA Stondord No.80.3. Field Welds: Moke welds full length of joints. Remove splolter ond grind exposed welds to motch odjocent surfoces. Provide Architect with omple notice lo review welds before finish operolions begin. oA 9906 08ilG3 B. 4. Wherever possible leove spreoder bors in ploce uniil fromes ore securely onchored. 5. Jombs sholl be filled with groul under Section 04810 where fromes occur in mosonry wolls 6. Provide speciol mosonry onchoroge devices where required for securing hollow metol fromes lo in-ploce mosonry conslruclion. Sel onchoroge devices, opposite eoch onchor locolion in occordonce with detoils on occepled shop drowings ond onchoroge device monufocfurer's recommendotions. Doors: Apply hordwore in conformonce Wth hordwore monufoclurer's femplqtes ond inslruclions. Hong doors lo be free of binding wilh hordwore funclioning properly. l. CleoronceToleronces:o. Heod: l/8'moximum. b. Jomb: l/8'moximum. c. Between Doors (Poir): l/8" moximum.d. Sill without Threshold: l/2'moximum. ADJUSTING Adjusimenl: Al completion of job, odjust doors ond hordwore os required qnd leove in proper operoting condilion. END OF SECTION I I I I I I I T I I I I I I t I I I t 3.02 A. oA 9906 08nG4 I I I sEcTtoN 08210 WOOD DOORS . PARTI-GENERAL I I,OI SUMMARY I A. Seciion Includes: , L Flush wood doors.2. Focfory prefitting ond premochining. I B. Products Furnished but not Instolled Under This Section: - l. Wood glozing stops I C. Reloreo Secrions:I l. WeldedHollowMelolFromes: SectionOsll0steelDoorsqndFromes.2. Glozing: Section 08800 Glozing.3. Hordwore: Seclion 08710 Door Hordwore4. Field Finish: Section 09900 Poinls ond Cootings. I I.O2 REFERENCES - A. ReferenceStondords: SeeSection0l423. Complywithfollowing:l. NWWDA Industry Slondord l.S.l-A - Archifeclurol Wood Flush Doors.2. AWI Archileclurol Woodwork Quolily Sfondords. 1994 edition.3. NWWDA "Core ond Finishing of Wood Doors". I r.03 SUBM|TTALS 'l A. Shop Drowings: Submit in occordonce with Section 01330. Indicote locotion, size, ;| elevolion, detoils of construction, hordwore blocking, fhe roting, foctory preporofion I requirements for eoch door lype. i B. Temploles: Hordwore lemplotes for hordwore mounled on wood doors will be submitled I under Section 08710 directly lo wood door monufoclurer immediotely ofter occeploncer of hordwore schedule. Report foilure lo receive lemploles wilh reosonoble promptness r lo Generol Controclor. IJ C. Quolity Control Submittols:l. Wononty: Submit in occordonce wifh Section 01780.2. Preporotion Instruclions: submil to the Archiiect wlh shop drowings two (2) copies of door monufocturer's wriffen inslructions for preporolion for finishing. I I t I - I.O4 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING t A. Generol: Comply with Section 01600.l. Delivery: Do nol deliver doors lo building until if is enlirely enclosed, drywoll ond concrete work is compleled ond humidity in the building hqs reoched overoge relotive humidity of locolity. I oA ee06 I 082r0-l 2. Sloroge: Stock doors flof ond off floor. Do nol drog doors ocross one qnother.3. Protection: Protecl doors during lronsil, storoge ond hondling lo prevent domoge. soiling ond deleriorolion. Comply with "On-Site Core" recommendolions of NWWDA Core ond Finishing of Wood Doors ond wifh monufocturer's recommendotions. I.O5 WARRANTY A. Inlerior Door Wononty: Provide wrilten wononly in occordonce wilh Section 01780 for solid core doors for life ol inslollotion lo include reosonoble cosl of rehonging ond refinishing. l. wononty: Cover worping (bow, cup or twist). phologrophing of conslruction below foce veneers. ond loleronce limilofions of NWWDA. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI FLUSH DOORS A. Monufocfurers: l. Weyerhoeuser. 2. Algomo Hordwoods, Inc.3. Eggers Industries.4. Oshkosh Architeciurol Door Compony (Feneslro Wood Doors).5 Accepled substilute in occordonce with Section 01600. B. Interior Solid Core Flush Doors:l. Thickness: 1-314" unless othen,rise indicoted.2. Foces: Ploin sliced mople wifh molching mople edges for ironsporenl finish.3. AWI Quolity Grqde: Custom4. Finish: Field finish under Section 09900_5. Under Cutling: Preserve full bottom roil.6. Solid Core Door AWI Construclion Type: PC-5 orPC-7 porlicleboord core. 2.02 GLASS STOPS A. Non-Fire Roted Wood Gloss Stops: Motch door veneer. 2.03 FACTORY PREFITTING AND PREMACHINING Doors: Prefit ond premochine doors of foctory.l. Toke occurole field meosurements of hordwore morfised in melol fromes to verify dimensions ond olignment before proceeding with mochining in fociory.2. Mochine doors for hordwore requiring cutting of doors.3. Comply with occepfed hordwore schedules ond door frome shop drowings with hordwore temploles to ensure proper fil of doors ond hordwore. Toleronces: Comply with NWWDA toleronce requiremenls for prefitting. t I I I I t I T I I I I I I I T t I I B. oA 9906 08210-2 I l, PART3-EXECUTTON t 3.01 EXAMTNATTON I A. VerificolionofConditions: ComplywithSectionOl600:l. Before inslollolion, verify thof frqmes ore proper size ond type for door ond ore I inslolled os required for proper insfollolion of doors.I 2. Nolificqfion: Notify Generol Conlroctor of unsoiisfoclory conditions in writing with copy to Architect. I B. Acceplonce: Beginning of work meons occeptonce of exisfing conditions by instoller. - 3.O2 PREPARATION - A. Conditioning: Condition doors lo overoge humidity in insiollolion oreo prior lo honging. I B. Prefitting: Prefit doors to fromes ond mochine for hordwore lo whofever exteni notI previously worked of foctory os required for proper fil ond uniform cleoronce of eoch eoge.I I C. Seoling: Before instqllotion of hordwore. brush opply exterior seol coot to oll job site cul' or ploned surfoces. I l. Seoler: Type recommended by monufocturer,I- 3.03 INSTALLATION I A. Generol: Instoll doors in occordonce wilh monufocturer's recommendolions.|| l. Fit fo width by ploning ond fit lo height. In no cose sholl doors be cut down lo opening sizes smoller lhon those for which they were monufoclured. I 2. Instolloiion: By skilled finish corpenters or foctory outhorized inslollers.Ii 3. lnsioller: Thoroughly fqmilior with the requhements of the monufoclurer's door wononly os cunently in effecl ond ossure complionce with qll provisions. ! B. Cleoronce:It l. Non-Fire Roted Doors: t 3: il:T5; li3{ r/8"bever in 2'. t c. Between Double Doors: l/8". r i i:ii:n iiL::,";:;il:'il':"To'.";l:]l:l3i ii::ond ,op o*hresho,dt 2. Fire Rqted Doors: Comply with opplicoble building code. I C. Honging: I l. After sizing doors, fil for hordwore qs scheduled. Before instollolion of hordwore, brush opply on exferior seol coot to job site cut surfoces. use seoler recommended | 2. llff:.'"H?:t3!ttYl!?;t bindins wirh hordwore runcrionins properry. rt D. Glolng Slops: Tempororily foclory inslolled. Permonent inslollotion in field. trI i oA 9906 08210_3 I I 3.04 A. ADJUSTING AND PROTECTION Adjusfmenl: Al completion of job, odjusf doors ond hordwore os required ond leove in proper operoling condilion. Prolecfion: Advise Generol Confroctor of proper procedures required lo prolect inslolled wood doon from domoges or deleriorolion until occeplonce of enlire project. Replocemenl: Refinish or reploce doors domoged during insfollofion.l. Couses for Rejeclion: Include chips, scrotches or gouges of veneer. END OF SECTION I I I I I I ! T t I I I I c. I t I I I oA 9906 0821G4 I t I sEcTtoN 08310 ACCESS DOORS AND PANELS PART I . GENERAL I r.or suMMARy I A. Seclion Includes: I l. Access doors into pipe ond utility spoces. t- B. Reloied Sections: I l. Furnishing Access Doors os Specified in This Section for Mechonicol Equipmeni:'a Division 15 Mechonicol-2. Furnishing Access Doers os Specified in This Section for Electricol Equipment: Division t i6 Etecrricot. t 3. Instolloiion of Access Doors: Appropriote seclions. I PART2-PRODUCTS I z.ot AccEss DooRs I A. Locqled in Mosonry, Tile, Concrele, Gypsum Drywoll: - L Milcor Style M2. MM Syslems Boico Style C t 3. Korp Model DSC-214M | 4. JL Industries Model TM5. Nystrom Building Products NW - 6. Willioms Brothers WB-GP I 7. Accepled subslitute in occordonce with Section 01600. r. B. Fire-Roted Access: l, l. Milcor Fire-Roted Access Doort 2. MM Sysfems Boico Fire Roled Access Door Series F3. Korp Model KRP-150 FR I 4. JL Industries Model FD I 5. Nyslrom Building Products lW6. Willioms Brofhers WB-FR fl 7. Accepled subsliluie in occordonce with Secfion 01600.r C. Descriplion: ,l l. Sizes: As indicoied on drowings or os required lo properly service mechonicol or I elecfricol equipment.t 2. Locking Devices: Key operoted com locks. 3. Finish: lf o. Toilet ond Shower Rooms: Sloinless sfeel.U b. All Others: Prime for oointed finish under Seclion 09900. i r, OA 9906 08310-l 'l -\ I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLAIION A. Mechonicol or Elecfricol Access: eccess doors required for occess lo mechonicol oreleclricol equipmenl sholl be provided under Division l5 or Division l6 ond instotteo Oyfhe frode responsible for lhe mofedol in which door is locofed. B. Generol Access: Furnish occess door indicofed on drowings for generol occess lo beinslolled by lrode responsibre ror morerior in which door is rocoteE. I I I t I I lEND OF SECTION I I T I I I U I t i T I oA 9906 083rG.2 l I t sEcTtoN 08330 COILING DOORS t PARTI-GENERAL -' r.or suMMARy I A. Section lnctudes:U l. Rolling Fire Door. . 2. Exlerior Rolling Door. I B. Products Instolled buf Not Furnished Under This Secfion: I . Cylinder Lock: Section 08210 Finish Hordwore. II C. Relofed Sections:F l. Wood Blocking: Section O610O Rough Corpentry. i 2. Electric Roughln ond Fnol Connection: Division 16 Electricol. I t.o2 suBMTTTALs I A. Shop Drowings ond Product Dolo: Submil in occordonce with Section 01300. F B. Controct Closeoul Submiilols: i l. Operotion ond Moinienqnce Doio: Submii in occordonce with Seciion 01700. I../ PART2-PRODUCTS I 2.ot .'ERHEAD corLrNG F'RE DooRt A. Monufqcturers: I l. The Cookson Compony. | 2. Cornell lron Works, Inc.3. Kinneor Rolling Doors. t 4. North Americon Door Compony. I 5. Overheod DoorCompony.' 6. Accepted Substitute in occordonce with Seclion 01600. I B. Descripfion:t L Monufocturer ond Type: Cornell Rolling Fire Door.A- 2. UL Lobel: Two Hour. I 3. Operolion: Motorized wilh Cornell M29 molor. Verify voltoge qnd molor size for sizef of door.4. Controls: Surfoce mounfed 3 button with keyed lockout. I 5. Consiruction: t o. Curtoin: Flot slot of 22 goge golvonized sleel.b. Mounting: As indicoled I c. Hood: 24 goge golvonized steel ond stoinless sleel os indicoted. I e. Trim: Golvonized sieel. I oA e9o6 oe33o,rI I 6. Finish: o. Golvonized Steel: Prime coof of poinl. 7. Closing Device: M58D normolly de-energized releose with | 60' fusible link. 2.O2 OVERHEAD COILING DOORS A. Monufoclurers:l. The Cookson Compony.2. Cornell lron Works, Inc.3. Kinneor Rolling Doors.4. North Americon Door Co.5. OverheodDoorCompony.6. Accepted Substituie in occordonce with Section 016@. B. Descriplion: l. Monufoclurer ond Type: Cornell Insuloled Rolling Service Door.2. Operolion: Cornell M29 motor. Verify voltoge ond horsepower for door size.3. Conlrols: Surfoce mounled 3 bufton with keyed lockoul.4. Consfruclion:o. Curtoins: Double insuloied slot of 22 goge golvonized sfeel with 3/4 inch rigid polyurelhone insulolion.b. Locking Device: Thumb lurn.c. Mounfing: Foce of woll. d. Hood:24 goge golvonized sleel.5. Finish: o. Golvonized Sleel: Prime coot of poinl. 6. Weotherslripping: Al sides, botlom ond hood. PART 3 - EXECUTION I I I I I I I 3.01 A. I \t T I I I U I I I I I B. INSTALLATION Insfollolion: Instoll overheod coiling doors in occordonce with monufoclurer's recommendotions ond occepled Shop Drowings.l. Rigidly secure rolling security grille hood lo slrucfure obove os indicoled. Electricol: Provide eleclricol molor operofors ond confrols. Conduif, wiring ond conneclions qre provided under Division l6. Adjustmenl: Adjust to work freely wilh hordwore functioning properly. Re-odjust ot completion of projecl if directed by Archilecf. END OF SECTION oA 9906 0833G2 I I Ir :::";:T:; sEcTroN 08415 ALUMINUM ENTRANCES I A. Seclion Includes: rlf l. Aluminum Enkonce Froming2. Aluminum Doors t 3. Aluminum Door Hqrdwore I I Cylinders: Seclion 08710 Finish HordworeII C. Retoted Seclions: I . Finol Cleoning ol Gloss: Section 0l 74 | Finol Cleoning. I 2. Seoling Joinls: Section 07920 Joint Seolonts. l' 3. Glozing: Section 08800. i 1.02 SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONlA. DesignRequiremenls: .t l. Windlood: Fobricote ond insloll froming syslems to wilhslond windlood required by l, Code wifh moximum deflection of 1/175 of spon. Reinforce froming syslems os4 required to meef criteriq. , 2. Air Infiltrotion: Not exceed 0.06 CFM/sq. ft. of fixed oreo in occordonce with ASTMri E283. I t.03 suBMtnALs f A. Product Dolo: Submil in occordonce with Section 01330. - B. Shop Drowings: Submil in occordonce wilh Section 01330. I t 3ni!.ry,jltions: Include colculoiions for review indicoting froming meels design l, C. Quolity Confrol Submiftols:I l. Wononly: Submit in occordonce wilh Section 01780. I D. Temploles: Hordwore lemplotes for hordwqre mounled in oluminum doors ond fromes I sholl be submilled under Section 08710 dhecfly io oluminum door ond frome supplier immediotely ofler occeptonce of hordwore schedule. Reporl foilure to receive t, temploles with reosonoble prompfness lo Generol Conhocfor.r I.O4 QUALITY ASSURANCE I A. Instoller: Compony speciolizing in oluminum entronce ond storefront fobricotion ondd' inslqllolions. I 0A9906 084t5-lI ]I \tI l. Experience: Continuously fobricoled ond inslolled enlronces ond slorefronl for five yeors. I.O5 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Generol: Comply with Secfion 01600. Store fromes ond doors in positions necessory to prevent twisfing. Do nof instoll fromes or doors with dimples or dents. I.06 WARRANTY A. Wononly: Provide five yeor writfen wononfy covering moferiols ond inslollofion for enlronces ond slorefront in occordonce wifh Secfion 01780.l. Wononly to include wolerlight condilion. PART 2. PRODUCTS 2.OI DOOR AND FRAMES A, Monufoclurers: l. EFCO 2. Accepted subslilule in occordonce wiih Section 01600. B. Froming Systems:l. Provide oluminum frome secfions in sizes ond shopes required.2. Minimum Woll Thickness:0.093'3. Reinforcement: lf required os delermined by monufoclurer, odd conceoled sleel reinforcemenl to meet design requirements.4. Hordwore Reinforcemenf: Provide 3/16" conceoled steel reinforcement for hordwore including door hinges, closers, ponic devices, etc.5. Accessories: Provide necessory fittings ond occessories for o complele, funcfionol ond wotertight frome instollofion. Provide molching oluminum breok metol, closures, efc. where detoiled or required. C. Glozed Doors: EFCO D502 wide stile lhermql door D. Finish: Cleor onodized. 2.02 HARDWARE A. Furnished under Section 08710 ond instolled under lhis section. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Verificofion of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600:l. Loyout: Verify loyout of work before beginning instollotion.2. Existing Conditions: Exomine openings for oluminum froming to determine thot they ore proper size, plumb, squore ond level before instollolion of fromes is storted.3. Nofificolion: Nolify Generol Controctor of unsofisfoctory conditions in writing wiih copy to Architect. I ! I I I t I I U I I T t I I T 't t I oA 9906 0841 5-2 I I ! B. Acceplonce: Beginning of work meons occeplonce of existing condilions by instoller. I 3.02 INSTALLATIONl\\/ A. Fromes: Securely insloll fromes occording lo monufoclurer's recommendolions ond h occepled shop drowings. Cool fenous metols in dhecl confocl with qluminum wilh lnc I chromole primer os elecfdcol insulolor. -, B. Doors: Apply hordwore in conformonce wiih hordwore monufoclurer's lemploles ond ll recommendofions. _ C. Adjustment: Hong ond odjust doors to work freely wifh hordwore funciioning properly. f Re-odjust ot complelion of projecl if directed by Architecl. 4 3.03 PROTECTION I f A. Prolection: Cover oluminum doors ond froming during sproy pointing, drywolling or other I 3.04 cLEANTNGt -, A. Cleoning: Leove oluminum doors ond froming in cleon condition.-a l. Finol Cleoningof Gloss: UnderSection0lT4l.r B. Touch Up: Touch up domoged finished surfoces. T I ti I I I T I I oA eeo6 I END OF SECTION 08415-3 I T t sEcTloN 08416 ALUMINUM WINDOW FRAMES h PART I -GENERAL lll r.or SuMMARY I A. Secfion Includes: t l. Fixed Aluminum Window Froming f B. Reloled Sections: t t. Gtozing: Section 08800' 2. Aluminum Entronces: Section 08415 a, 3. Aluminum Operoling Windows: Section 08520 Aluminum Windows U 4. Colking: Section 07900 Joint Seolers I.O2 SUBMMALS I A. Shop Drowings: Submil in occordonce with Section 01300. rI I.O3 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING I A. Generql: Comply with Section 01600. Store fromes in positions necessory io prevenl I twisting. Do nof instoll fromes wilh dimples or denls. t PART2-PRoDUcTs f z.ot wrNDow FRAMESa A. AcceptobleMonufocturers:Jt r. EFco f, 2. Accepted subslitute in occordonce with Section 01600 if B. Syslem: EFCO Thermol 5-904 quick set. Provide oluminum frqme seciions in sizes ond shopes t indicoled. l, C. Accessories: Provide necessory fillings ond occessories for o complete, functionol ond ll wolertight frome instollotion. Provide motching oluminum breok melol, closures, etc.q where detoiled or required. A{|\ D. Finish: Cleor onodized. ! PART 3 - EXECUTION t 3.0r rNsTALtATtoN ,1 A. Verificotionsof Conditions: Inspecttoveritythof openingsforoluminumfromesoreproper I size, plumb. squore ond level before instollofion of fromes is stoded. Report unsolisfoclory] condiiions lo the Generol Confrocfor. I 0A9906 08416-r f I I TB. s.02 A. 3.03 A. Acceplonce: Beginning of instollofion meons occeplonce of exisfing condilions. INSTALLATION Fromes: securely insloll fromes occording fo monufqciure/s recommendotions ondopproved shop drowings. Cool melols in direcf contoct wilh oluminum wlh zirc chromolepdmer os electdcol insulolor. CLEANING cleoning: Leove profeclive coolings in ploce until building is substontiolly compleled, remove ond leove surfoces cleon upon completion. END OF SECTION I : I I il I ! I I I t I 0 I t I t oA 9906 out6-2 I il I I I sEcTtoN 08520 ALUMINUM WINDOWS PART I . GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes:l. Fixed ond operoble windows B. Reloled Work:l. Finol Cleoning of Gloss: Section 01741 Finol Cleoning.2. Seoling Joints: Section0792O Joint Seolonts.3. Aluminum Entronces ond Storefronts: Section 0841514. Glozing: Section 08800.5. Aluminum Window Frqmes: Section 08416 1,02 SUBMITTATS A. Producl Dolo: Submit in occordonce with Section 01330. hclude dolo on hordwore. B. Shop Drowings: Submil in occordonce with Seciion 01330. I.O3 DELIVERY. STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Generol: ComplywilhSection0l600.l. Delivery; Schedule delivery to coincide with glozing schedules so thql minimum hondling of crotes is required. Do nol open croles except os required for inspection tor shipping domoge.2. Sforoge: Store coses occording lo printed insfruction on cose, in oreos leost subjecl fo troffic or folling objecls. Keep sloroge oreo cleon ond dry.3. Hondling: Unpock coses following printed inslructions on cose. Sfock individuol windows on edge leoned slightly ogoinst uprighl supports wilh seporolor; between eoch. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.Ol wtNDows A. AcceptobleMonufoclurers:l. EFCO2. Accepled substilute in occordonce with Seclion 01600. B. Descriplion:l. Monufoclurer ond Type: EFCO window series 8l Gl lhermol; projecl oul/fixed window system.2. Finish: Cleor onodized3. Screens: Aluminum mesh I 3 t I I t I ! t 0 I I l N oA 9906 08520-r C. Glozing: All operoling sosh sholl be foctory pre-glozed. Provide glozing occessories. See Seclion 08800 for type. D. Accessories: Provide necessory hordwore, onchors ond reloled ilems. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Verificolion of Condifions: Complywith Section 01600:l. Loyout: Verify loyout of work before beginning insfollolion.2. Exisling Conditions: Exomine subslrole before beginning instollotion.3. Verify lhof openings for oluminum windows ore propersize, plumb, squore ond level before instollotion of fromes is slorted.4. Nolificolion: Notity Generol Conlrocfor of unsoiisfoclory conditions in writing wilh copy to Archilecf. B. Acceplonce: Beginning of work meons occeplonce of exisiing conditions by instoller. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Windows: Securely insloll windows occording lo monufoclurer's recommendolions ond occepfed shop drowings. Cool metols in direcl conlocl wilh oluminum Wth lnc chromqte primer os electricol insulolor. Adjuslmenl: Adjust operoble sosh lo work freely wilh hordwqre funclioning properly. Re- odjust of complelion of projecf if direcfed by Archifect. FIELD QUALIIY CONTROL A. WolerTesfs: Woterlestwindowsuponcompletioninpresenceof Architecf. Conducl lesl using hose wilhout nozzle ond ihoroughly wet entire gloss surfoce. Refesl unlil woterlight. 3.04 PROTECTION A. Profeclion; coverwindows during soroy pointing, drywolling or other conskuclion operotions thoi might couse domoge. complete cleondown of mosonry prior lo inslollotion. 3.05 CLEANING A. Cleoning: Leove windows in cleon condilion.l. Finol Cleoningof Gloss: UnderSeclion0lT4l. END OF SECTION I ! ! I I I f, I I I I I il I 0 I I l t oA 9906 08520-2 I ilohn A. Dobaon Arena I sEcrroN oB?10 - FrNrsH HARD'ARE T PARTI-GENERAIJ I r.. r. sTJMMARYI _i A. SECTION TNCLIDES I 1. The work in this section includes furnishing all it,ems offinish hardware as hereinafter specified or obviously I necessary for all swinging, sliding, folding and other doors. t Except, it.ems, which are specifically excluded from t,hissection of the epecificat,ion or of unique hardware. specified I j.n the same sections as Ehe doors and frames on which they I are installed. B. RELATED DOCI'MENTS J 1. Related documents, drawings and general provisions of - contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions andDivision 1 specification sect,ions appty to t.his section.I C. REIJATED SECTIONS I 1. 06200 - Finish Carpentry2. 08LL0 - HoLlow MeCal Doors and Frames - 3. 08210 - Flush Wood Doors I 4. 08410 - Aluminum Doors and FramesF 5. Division 15 - E1ect.rical r t.2 REFERENCESI A. STANDARDSI I 1. A\ISI A156 .l- - But,t.s and Hinges2. ANSI A155.3 - Exit Devices I 3. AIISI A156.4 - Door Contro18 - Door Closers I 4. AIISI A156.5 - Auxiliary IJockE and Associated producEa 5. ANSI A156.6 - Architectural Door Trim I 6. AI\ISI A156.7 - Templat.e Hinge Dimensions I ?. Al.lSI A156.8 - Door Controls - Overhead Holdersr 8. ANSI A155.13 - Mortise Locks and Latches9. AI.{SI A155.15 - Closer Holder Release Devices I 10. ANSr A156.15 - Auxiliary HardwareI 11. ANSr AL56.18 - Mat.erial and FinishesL2. NFPA8o - Fire Doors and Windows I I Finish Hardware J 08?10 - 1 John A. Dobaon Arena B. CODES 1. AI\ISI/NFPA1o1 - Life Safety Code2, Uniform Building Code (uBC) 3. AI{SI-A 117.L - Accessj.ble and Usable Buildings and Faciliries4. ADA - Americans with DieabilitieE Act - Title III - public Accommodatione 1 .3 ST'BMTTTAIJS A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Submit copies of finish hardware schedule in accordance wj.thDivision 1, General Requirements. B. SCHEDTJLES AIID PRODUCT DATA 1. Schedules Eo be in verEical format, listing each dooropening, and organized int,o ..hardware sets,, indicating complete designaEiona of every item required for each door opening to function as intended. Hardware schedule shall besubmitted wit,hin t.uro (21 weeks from date the purchase orderis receiwed by the finish hardware supplier. Furnish four(4) copies of revised schedules aft,er approval for field andfile uae.Note any special mount,ing instructions or I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I T requirements with the hardware schedule. include the following informat,lon: Schedules eo and codes a. LocaEion of each hardware set cross -referenced toindicat.ions on drawings, both on fJ.oor plans and in door and frame schedule.b. Handing and degree of swing of each door.c. Door and frame sizes and materials.d. Keying informat.ion. e. Ty?e, style, funcEion, size, and finish of each hardware 1Eem. t. Name and manufact,urer of each hardware it.em.g. Fastenings and other pertinent information. h. Explanation of all abbreviations, symbols contained in schedule i. Mount.ing locations for hardware when varies from standard. 2. Submit caEalog cute and/or product data sheeEe for all scheduled f inish hardware. C. SAMPLES 1. Upon request, samples of each type of hardware in finishindicated shall be submitted. Samples are to remain undamaged and in working condition through submittal and review process. Items will be ret.urned to the supp).J.er or Finish Hardware o87LO - 2 John A. Dobson Or"rr" O 1 2. I t I T t I I I I t I t I I I I T I I incorporated int,o the work wit.hin limitations of keyingcoordinabion requirements . D. TEMPLATES 1. Furnieh a complete list and suit,able templates, toget,her withfinieh hardware schedule to conLracCor, for distribution tonecessary tradee supplying naEerials to be prepped for finish hardware. KEYING SCHEDT'LE L. Submit separate det.ailed schedule for approval indicatingclearly hov, the owner, s final instructions on keying of lockshas been fulfi.1Ied. OPERATIONS A}TD MAINTENANCE MANUALS 1. Upon completion of construction and building turnover,furnj.sh two (2) complete maintenance manuals to the owner. Manuals to include the following items: a, Approved hardware schedule, catalog cuts schedule. and keying b. Hardware installation and adjustmen! inst.ructions.c. Manufacturer,s written warranty information. I.4 QUALITY ASSI'RANCE A. SUBSTITUTIONS 1.. AII substitution reguest.s must be submitted vrithin theprocedures and time frame as outlined in Division 1, GeneralRequirements. Approval of products is at t,he discreEion ofthe archit,ect and his hardware consult,ant. B. SUPPLIER QUALIFICATIONS A recognized archit,ectural door hardware supplier who haemaint.ained an office and has been furniehing hardware in theproject's vicinity for a period of at least two (2) years. Hardware supprier sha1l have office and warehouse facilitiesto accommodate t,hie project,. Hard$rare supplier shal1 have in his employment at lease one(1) Architectural Hardware Consultant (AHC) who is availableaL reasonable limes during business hours for consul_t.ationabout the project's hardware and requirements t'o Ehe owner,architecE and conEractor. Finish Hardware 08710 - 3 John A. Dobaon Arenao 4. Hardware supplier must, be an authorized factory distributorof all products specified herein. 1.5 FIRE-RATED OPENINGS 1. Provide door hardware for fire-rated openings that, complywith NFPA8O and requiremente of authorit,iee havingjuriediction. provide only it,ems of door hardware that, ar;listed by underhrriter's Laboratories (ur,) or warnock Hersey(WH) for uae on t,1pes and sizes of doors indicated. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE A}TD I{ANDIJING A. MARKTNG A}ID PACKAGING 1. Properly package and mark iteme according to the approvedhardware schedule, complete wit,h necessary screv/s andaccessories, instructions and inetallation templates forspotiing mortising too1E. coniracr,or sha11 check <ieliveriesagain't accept,ed list and provide receipt for them, afterwhich he is responsible for storage and care. Any shortageor damaged good ehal1 be made without. cost to the owner. 2- Packaging of door hardware ie t.he responsibllity of thesupplier. As hardware supplier receives material fromvarious manufacturere, sort and repackage in containerscrearly marked with appropriate hardware set and door numbersto match the approved hardware echedule. Two or moreident,ical sets may be packed in eame container. B. DELIVERY 1. The supplier shal1 deriver all hardware t.o the project sice;direct factory shipments are not, arrowed unress agreed uponbeforehand. Hardware supplier shall coordinate deliverytimes and schedules with the contractor. rnvent,ory doorhardware joint,ly with representatives of hardware supplierand hardware inetaller/contract.or untir each is satisfiedt,hat count, is eorrec!. I T I II I I I I t I I T I No keys, other than construct.ion maater keys and/or temporary I keys are to be packed in boxes with the 1ocke. C. STORAGE 1. Provide secure lock-up for door hardware delivered to theProject, but not. yet installed. Control handling andinstallation of hardware it,ems that are nots immediatelvreplaceable so lhat complet,ion of work will not be delayed byhardware losses both before and after installation. I I II II ITI Finish llardware 08710 I I I I I I I I itohn A. Dobson erena I 11 WARRANTY AlL items, except overhead door closers, shal1 be warranted inwriting by Ehe manufact,urer against faiLure due Eo defectivemat.erials and workmanship for a period of one (t) year commencingon Ehe date of fi.na1 comtrlletion and acceptance. In the event ofproduct. failure, promptly repair or replace item with noadditional cost t,o the owner. Overhead door closers 6ha11 be warranted in writing by t,hemanufact,urer against failure due to defective materials and workmanship for a period of ten (10) years commencing on the dateof final completion and acceptance. In the event of productfailure, promptly repaj.r or replace item with no additional costto the owner. PART II _ PRODUCTS MANUFACTIJRERS Only manufacturers as listed below shal1 be aecepted. Obtaineach tlpe of finish hardware (hingee, laEch and locksets, exitdevices, door closers, etc.) from a single manufacturer. MATERTAIJS 11III\'ED 1. Hinges shalL conform to A1.[SI A1SG.1 and be five-knuckledesign, ball bearing as specified with NRp (non-removable pln) feature, at all exterior reverse bevel doors. Unlessotherwise schedufed, supply one (1) hinge for every 30,, ofdoor height. Hinges shall generally be 4 tz,, x 4 rr,, exceptfor doors over 3'0" in width, which shall be Su x 4 4',. Heawy weight hinges (.180) shall be supplied at all hightraffic doors where specified. provide hinges wit.h phillips fLat-head screws unless specified otherwise. 2. Manufacturers: a. Specified Manufacturer: McKinney b. Approved Subst.itutea: Hager, Stanley PIVOTS 1. AlJ. pivots shall conform to Al.lSI 155.4 Grade l and shalL have oi1 impreglrated bronze bearing in the t.op pivot and a radialroller and thrusE bearing in the bot,tom pivot.. The bottompivot shall carry the fu1J. weight of lhe door. B. z.L EI z.zI I I I I t I I I I Fini sh Hardr^rare 08?10 - s Jonn A. Dobson Or"rrf 2. Manufacturers: a. Specified Manufact,urer: Rixeonb. Approved SubstiEutee: Dor-O-Matic C. FIJUSH BOLTS A}iTD ACCESSORIES All manual and automat,lc flush bolts to be furnished asspecified. Manufacturers: a. Specified Manufacturer: Trimcob. Approved Substitutes: etrality, Rockwood D. CYLINDERS AI{D KEYING 1. A11 locks and cylinders shall be construct,ion mascer-keyed.AI1 locks and cylindere to be master-keyed or grandmaster- keyed into the existing Best, Loek key system as directed bythe owner. Furnish the following key amounts: a. Two (2) change keys per loekb. Three (3) grand maater keysc, six (6) master keye per maeter leveld. Fifteen (15) construction/Cemporary keye 2. A1l cylinders shall be as manufactured Best Locks. E. LOCKSETS AII locksets shall be ANSI 156.13 Series L000 Grade 1. A11funct,ions shall be manufactured in a single sized case formedfrom L2 gauge steel minimum. The lockset shall have a field-adjustable, beveled armored front., with a .I25" minimumt.hickness and shall be reversible without opening t,he lockbody. The lockset shall be 2 \" backset with a one piece *,,anti-frict,ion stainlese eEeel latchbolt. The deadbolt shalLbe a full throw made of stainless steel and have 2hardened steel roller ineerts. Al1 strikes shall be non- handed with a curved lip. To insure proper alignmenE, aIItrim, shall be thru-bolt,ed and fully inlerchangeabl.e belweenrose and eecut.cheon deeigne . Manuf act,urers 3 Specified Manufacturer: Sargent 8200 Series Approved Substitutes: Beet 35H I I I I I I t I z I I T I t t I t I I 1. 2. 1 b. Finish Hardware 08?10 - 6 John A. Dobson ar"n. I r. I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I III- II t EXIT DEVICES 1. All exit. devices shalI be certified to meet ANSI/BHMA A156.3Grade 1 requirements and shall be listed by UnderwritersLaboratories and bear the UL label for life safety in fulI compliance with NFPA 80 and NFPA 1Ol. Mounting rails shaLl be formed from a solid single piece of stainless steel , brassor bronze no less than 0.0?2" thick. push raile shall beconstructed of 0.062" thick material . painted or anodized aluminum shall no be considered heavy duEy and are notacceptable. Hex key dogging sha1l be standard for aLt lifesafeEy panic hardware. Lever trim shall be available in f inishes and designs t.o mat,ch thaE of the specif i-ed lockset.s. 2. Manufacturers: a. Specified Manufacturer: Sargent 80 Seriesb. Approved Subseitutes: Von Duprin 98 Series DOOR CLOSERS 1. AlL closers shall have non-ferrous covers, aluminum aI1oybodiee, forged steel arms, and separat.e valves for adjusting backcheck, closi.ng and latching cycles and adjustable springto provide up to 50* increase in spring power. Closers shallbe const,ruct,ed with a one-piece body. Closers shall befurnished with paraIlel arms mounting on a1I doors openinginto corridors or other public spaces and shall be mounted topermit 180 degrees door swing wherever wal1 conditionspermit. Furnish with non-ho1d open arms unless otherwiseindicated. Closers sha]I not be installed on exterior orcorridor side of doors; where possible install closers ondoor for optimum aesthet.ics. 2. Manufacturerg: a. Specified Manufacturer: Sargenc 351 Seriesb. Approved Substit,utee: Norton 7500 Series H. DOOR TRIM A}TD PROTECTIVE PLATES 1. Kick plates ehall be .050 gauges with US32D, satin stainlesssteel finish. A11 plat,es shall be two (21 inches less fullwidth of door, or as specified. Push plales, pull plates, door pulls and miscellaneous door trim shall be as shown inthe hardware schedule. Armor plates and door edge plates sha1l be .050 gauge with US32D, sat,in stainless steel finish. Plates to be sized as specified in t,he schedule. Finish Hardware 08710 - ? John A. Dobson I. DOOR I I I I I I I I T I I I T I I I t I z. a. b. ManufacturerE: Specified Manufacturer: Trimco Approved SubstiEut,es: Quality, Rockwood STOPS A}ID HOLDERS 1. CO}MEI{TIONAI. STOPS a. Where a door is lndicaEed on the plans to strike a waII at90 degrees, wall bumpere ehall be provided. provide convex or concave design as indicated. Floor mounted st.opehall not be acceptable. b. Manufacturera: 1) Specified Manufacturers: Trimco 2) Approved Subst.itut,ea: Hager, euality, Rockwood 2. OVERHEAD STOPS a. Where specified, overhead stopa aE shown in t.he hardwaresets are to be provided. Track, slide, arm and janrbbracket Ehal1 be conatructed of extruded bronze and shockabsorber spring sha1l be of heavy tempered sleel. Overhead stops shall be of non-handed design. b. Manufacturers: 1) Specified Manufacturers: Sargent 2) Approved Substitut,es : Gllmn-Johnson J. THRESHOLDS A}ID WEATHERSEAIJ L.Provide continuous weatherseal on exterior doors and smoke,Iight, or eound seals on int.erj.or doors where indicat,ed orscheduled, Provide only t,hose unit,s where resilienr orflexible seal Etrip ie eaeily replaceable and readilyavailable from stockg maint,ained by manufact,urer. Provide threshold uni.ts not less than 4n wide. formed toacconmodate change in floor elevation where indicated,fabricated !o accommodate door hardware and Eo fit doorframeg. AlI threshold units sha1l comply with the Americansh'ith DisabiliEies Acr. (ADA. ) Manufacturers: a. Specified Manufacturers: Pemko b. Approved Substit.utes: Nat,ional Guard, Reese I Fini sh Hardr.rare 08710 - 8 A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II T John A. Dobson Arena K. SILENCERS 1.. Furnish rubber door silencers egual to Glynn-.fohnson GJ64 for all new interior bollow metal frames, trro (21 per pair and three (3) per single door frame, and Glynn-,Johnson G,J65 for al] wood framee . 2-3 FINTSHES The designations used in schedul.es and elsewhere to indicate hardware finishee are those listed in ANSI,/BHMA A155.18 including coordj.nat.ion wit,h traditional U,s. f inishes shown by certain manuf act,urers for t,heir products. Provide guality of finish, including thickness of plat,ing or coaEing (if any), . composition, hardness, and other qualities complying with manufacturer's standards, but in no case less than specified by referenced standards for the applicable uniEs of hardware. PART IIT - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Contractor shall ensure that, the building is secured and free from weather elements prior to j.nstalling interior door hardware. Examine hardware before inst.allation Eo ensure it is free of defects. 3.2 INSTALI,ATION A. Mount. hardware unj-ts at heights indicated in t.he following applicable publications, except as specifically indicated or required to comply with the governing regulations. 1. "Recommended Locations for Builders Hardware for Standard Steel Doors and Frames" by the Door and Hardware Institute (DI{I. ) 2. NwwDA rndustry Standard I.S.1.7, "Hardware Locations for Wood Flush Doors . " B. AII hardware shall be applied and inst,alled in accordance with best t,rade practice by an o<perienced hardware inst.aller. care shall be exerciEed not to mar or damage adjacent work. C. Install each hardware item in compliance with the manufacturer's insLruct.ions and recommendaEions . Where cutting and fitting is reguired to install hardware onto or i.nto surfaces that. are later to be painted or finished in anoEher way, coordinate removal, storage, and reinstallation or application of surface proEection Finish Hardware 08?10 - 9 John A. Dobson Arena with finishing work-specifledinst,all surface -mounted items on the substrates involved. in Ehe Division 9 Sections. Do not until finiehes have been comoleted t I I t I I I I t I I T I T I t I I I h E'. 3.3 A. 3.4 A. 5.5 Provj.de a €recule lock up for hardware delivered to the projectbut not yeE installed. Control t,he handllng and installation of hardware iteme eo that the completion of the work will not be delayed by hardware loesee before and after installation. FIEI,D QUAJ,ITY CONTROIJ The hardware supplier shall do a final inspection prior tobuilding compleEion to ensure that al1 hardware was correctlyinstalled and is in proper working order. AD.TUSTING , CLEATiIING, AI{D DEMONSTRATING Adjust and check each operat,ing item of hardware and each door to enaure proper operation or funct,ion of every unit. Replace unitsthat cannot be adjust,ed to operate freely and srnoot.hly or as inlended for t,he application made Where door hardware ie installed more than one month prior t.o accept.ance or occupancy of a space or area, return to theinstallation during the week prior to acceptance or occupancy and make final check and adjustment of all hardware it,ems in such space or area. Clean operating items as necessary to restore toproper funct,ion and finish of hardware and doors. Adjust door conErol devices to compensate for final operation of heating andvent,iLating equipment . A. Cont,ract.or shall protect all construction gite in a covered hardware inst,alled on doors Inetall any and all hardware at 3 .6 HARDWARE SCI{EDT'IJE Instruct owner's personnel maint,enance of door hardware any elect,ronic devices. PROTECTION in t,he proper adjustment and and hardware finishes and usaqe of hardware, aa it is stored on and dry plaee. Protect exposedduring the construction phase. the latest poesj.ble time frame. A. The following schedule is furnished for whatever assistance itrn;ry afford tshe Contractor; do not consider it as entirelyinclusive. Should any particular door or item be omitt.ed in any scheduled hardware group, provide door or item wit,h hardware same as required for similar purposes. QuanEities listed are for eachpair of doors, or for each single door. Finish Hardware 08?10 - 10 I t I I I I T I I I I T I t I I I I t ,tohn A. Dobson Ot.n" O Doora: 6 1 I 1 B. Manufacturer's Abbreviations: BE Best LockaMK McKinneyPE Pemko Doors: 200A Pivot Set Int. Pivot Exit Devlce Exit Device Cylinder Door Pull Door Closer Drop Plate O\rerhead Slop weatherseal NOTE: Doors must be Doors: 100A Rixson Sargent Trimco lleadlng 1 14? (includes 180 top pivot) 626 RF M19 626 RF 8410 X 106 us32D SA 8410 (exit only) US32D SATE74 626 BEIl95-2 530 TC 351 O (mounc top Jamb) EN sA 350 D EN SA590S US26D SA and threshoLdl by door supp1ler. dogged down for daily push/puIl operation. Heading 2 RF SA TC MK SA SA liE EE MK SA BE TC SA TC SA1 Hinges TA27L4 4.5 X 4.s LockEet. 8204 LV|IJ IJlCyIr Cylinder rE74 Door CLoser 351 CPS Kickplate .050 1O', X 2" LDW ThreshoLd 1?1A X LAR Door Sweep 18051Cp X IJAR Weat.herseal 35061CP X LrAR HeadinE 3 1008 Hinges TA21r4 4.5 X 4.5 FLush Bolts 39L7 Lockget 8204 twlit L,/CYL Cylinder ]F,74 Du6tproof Stk 3 910 Door Closer 351 CPS(at active leaf) Kickplate .050 10" X 2" LDgl Overhead Stop 154 0S(at inacEive leaf ) us2 5D US2 6D 626 EN 530 AIJ c c us25D 626 US25D 626 626 EN 530 US25D Finish Hardware 08710 - 11 itohn A. Dobgon a-"o"! Doorg: 2 1 1 1 2 1 DoorS: 3 1 1 1 1 1 Heading 3A 202A Hinges TA2?14 4.5 X 4.5Flush Bo1t,s 3912IJockact A2O4 IJW],J Ir/ CyIrClllnder LE74 Du8tproof Stk 3910Kickplate . OSO 1O', x Z" IrDw Overhead Stop 15405(at inacti.ve leaf) us25D 626 us25D 626 626 630 US25D I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I t I MK SA BE TC TC SA MK SA !tE SA TC MK SA BE TC TC MK SA BE TC SA MK SA BE TC TC Doora: 117A 101A, 110A, HingeE IJockaet. Cyllnder Door Clo6er Ki ckplate Wall Stop Heading 4 1144 TA27t4 4.5 X {.5 8204 LW]J LlCYL tE14 351 O/P9 .050 10'' x 2" LDW 12 74CCS Heading s TA27t4 4.5 X {.s 8204 LWIaI T.,/CYL tE74 .050 10r' x 2n LDI{ 12?4CCS Heading 6 TA2?t4 {.5 X 4.5 8204 LVi1,J L/CYL 1E7 4 .050 10n x 2" LDV| 154 0S Ilcading Z IA27I4 4.5 X 4.5 8205 I/Wlat L,/CYIJ 1E?4 .050 10n x 2n tDw 1274CCS US26D US2 5D 626 EN 630 azo US26D us25D 626 630 626 US26D us2 6D oz6 630 US26D US25D us25D 626 630 qzo 3 1 1 1 HingeB Lockset Cylinder Kickplatcwall Stop NOT USED Hinge I Lockset Cylinder Ki ckplatc Overhead Stop Door6 : 1 1 'l 1 DoorE : 1 1 1 1 2034 Hinge s Locks et Cylinder Kickplate WalL Stop Finish llardware 0 8710 - 12 I I I I I t I t I I John A. Dobson *.n" O I END OF SECTION 08710 I I I I I I I rinish Hardware I Heading 8 DoorB 3 104A, 106A, 1084, 111A, 113A. 200B, 200C, 201A 3 Hinges T4A3?86 4.5 X 11 .5 US26D MK 1 Lock6et 8237 IJW1J L/CYIJ US26D SA 1 Cylinder IE74 626 BE 1 Door Closer 351 O/P9 EtI SA 1 Kickplate .050 10n X 2" LDW 530 TC1 walI Stop 12?4CCS 626 TC Heading 9 Doors: 102A, 103A, 112A, 1128 3 Hinges T4A3?86 4.5 X 4.5 US26D MK 1 Door Pull Il95-2 630 TC 1 Push Plate 1001-3 (4n X 15n) 630 TC 1 Door Closer 351 O/P9 EN SA 1 KickplaEe .050 10,, x 2" r,D!{ 630 Tc 1 waIl Stop 1274CCS 626 TC Heading 10 Doors: 100C, 100D AlL hardware by door supp).ier. 08710 - 13 I I I I I I t I I I I I I T I I I I I sEcTtoN 08800 GLAZING PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Seclion Includes:l. Gloss ond Glozing For:o. Hollow Melql Fromes ond Doors: Section 08110.b. Wood Doors: Section 08210.c. Aluminum-Entronce Doors: Section 08415.d. Aluminum Window Fromes: Section 08416.e. Aluminum Windows: Section 08520.2. Frqmeless Minors. ].02 REFERENCES A. Reference Slondords - See Section 01423. Complywith:l. Glozing Associolion of North Americo (GANA) Glozing Monuol, 1997 edilion.2' Flot Gloss Morketing Associotion (FGMA) Glozing Seoling Systems Monuol, 1990 edition.3. Seoled Insuloled Gloss Monufocluring Associqiion (SIGMA) Glozing Guidelines, l99Z ediiion. I.O3 SUBMITTALS A. Somples: Submil somples of eoch type of gloss in occordonce wilh Section 01330. Cut gloss sizes os requested by Architecl.I.O3 SYSTEMDESCRIPTION A. PerformonceRequkemenls; l.Generol: Provide glozing systems lhot ore produced, fobricoted, ond instolled lo withslond normol thermol movemenl, wind looding, ond impoct looding (where opplicoble), withoul foilure including loss or gloss breokoge ottributoble to the following: defective monufoclure, fobricotion, ond inslollotion; foilure of seolonfs or goskels io remoin wolertight ond oirlighl; deteriorolion of glozing moleriols; ond other defecls in conslrucfion. Gloss Design: Gloss ihicknesses indicoled in confrocl documenls ore for detoiling only. confirm gloss thicknesses by onolylng project loods ond in-service conditions. Provide gloss lites for the vorious size openings in the fhicknesses ond strengths (onneoled or heol-treoted) to meet or exceed fhe following criterio:q. Minimum gloss thickness, nominolly, of lites in exlerior wolls is 6.0 mm (0.23 inch).b. nnted ond heol-obsorbing gloss lhicknesses for eoch tint indicoted ore the some throughoul Project.c. Minimum gloss thicknesses of liles, whelher composed of onneoled or heol- freoled gloss, ore selecled so the worst-cqse probobility of foilure does not exceed lhe following: I ) 8 lites per 1000 for lites sel verticolly or not over I 5. off verticol ond under wind oction. Determine minimum thickness of monolithic onneoled gloss oA 9906 08800-l occording lo ASTM E 1300. For olher lhon monolithic onneoled gloss, delermine lhickness per gloss monufoclurers slqndord method of onolysis including opplying odjuslmenf foclors to ASTM E 130 bosed on type of gloss. 3. Normol lhermol movemenf resulfs from the following moximum chonge (ronge) in ombienf ond surfoce lemperolures ocfing on gloss-froming members ond glolng componenls. Bose engineering colculofion on moledols' octuol surfoce temperolures due fo boih solor heof goin ond nighltime sky heof loss.o. Temperolure Chonge (Ronge): 120 deg.o (67 deg. C). ombient; lB0 deg.. (100 deg. C), moferiol surfoces. I.O4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. ReguloloryRequkemenfs: L Wire Gloss: UL opproved.2. Sofeiy Gloss ond Glozing: Comply wifh Stote Sfolutes, UBC qnd ANS| Z9Z.l. B. Cerlificotions:l. Insuloling Gloss: IGCC certified to Level A. I.O5 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Generol: Comply wifh Section 01600.l. Delivery: Schedule delivery to coincide with glozing schedules so minimum hondling of crotes is required. Do not open crotes excepl os required for inspection for shipping domoge.2. Sloroge: Slore coses occording fo printed instructions on cose, in oreos leosl subject lo troffic or folling objects. Keep sloroge oreo cleon ond dry.3. Hondling: Unpock coses following printed instrucfions on cose. Stock individuol windows on edge leoned slightly ogoinsl upright supports wilh seporolors belween eoch. I.06 PROJECTCONDITIONS A. Field Meosuremenls: Field meosure openings before ordering tempered gloss producis. Be responsible for proper fil of field meosured producls. I.O7 WARRANTY A. All insuloted glqss in lhe verlicol positions sholl be wononted ogoinsl seol foilure for o period of len yeors. B. All gloss wilh Low E cooting shqll be worronled ogoinsl hozing of the cooting for o period of ien yeors. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 GLASS A. Monufoclurers: L Virocon. oA 9905 I I I t t I T I I I I I I T I I I t t 0880G.2 I I 2. Accepted Subslitute in occordonce with Section 01600. I B. Lobels: Eoch Individuol Piece of Gloss: Beor lobel designoting lype, lhickness ond f quoliiy. Do nol remove lobels unfil reviewed by Architecf. I C. Gloss Types: Provide gtoss of following types os indicoted: II GL-l : Virocon - I " insuloled solor screen refleclive gloss. Type V Al-22,lempered. Locofion: Upper level storefront ond windows. I GL-2: %" tempered Locolion: Inlerior fixed windows ond doors per window ond door schedule GL-3: Wire gloss, cleor Locotion: Roted doors wifh vision ponel (20 min.) I GL-4: Virocon - l" insuloled solor screen refleclive gtoss, fempered.r Locotion: Door 200A Jt GL-5: l" insulofed, tempered, cleor I Locolion: New fixed windows belween existing qreno ond new oddition. t 2.02 GLAZING MATERIALS t A. Glozing Goskels: Aluminum froming syslem monufoclurer's stondord EPDM or neoprene extrusrons. I B. Seiling Blocks, Shims ond Glozing Clips: Size ond type os recommended by glossr monufoclurer. I C. Preshimmed Glozing lope: t l. Acceptoble Products:o. Bostik Chem-Tope 60.b. Pecoro Shim-Seol Tope. I c. Tremco Preshimmed 440 Tope. d. Approvedsubstitule. .' 2. Descriplion: Preformed, odhesive, elostomeric buiyl/polyisobutylene glolng tope | ilj[,:31t;i:T: buili-in EPDM shim. designed for pressure seolins of slozins unils in 3. Seolonl Compolibility: Provide tope compofible wifh silicone glozing seolonl qnd curtoin woll or window woll perimeter seolonls. I D. Spocers: Neoprene.4G50 duromeler hordness, compotible with seqlonls used.I t E. Silicone Glozing Compound: GE Silgloze N or occepled subslifute in occordonce wilh Section 01600. I I oA eeo6 I I 08800-3 2,O3 MIRRORS A. Minors: I /4 inch lhickness polished ploie, mirror glozing quolily with polished edges.l. Sizes: As indicoted on Drowings.2. Adhesive: As recommended by Minor Gloss Monufocfurer. PART 3 . EXECUTION 3.01 rNsPEclroN A. Verificotion of Condilions: Complywith Seclion0l600:l. Loyouf: Vedfy loyout of work before beginning insfollotion.2. Exisling Condilions: Before glozing, verify thot fromes ore plumb ond squore wilh mefols stops sef for proper gloss-fo-slop foce cleoronce.3. Nofificotion: Noiify Generol Controclor of unsotisfoclory condilions in wriling with copy to Archilecl. B. Acceplonce: Beginning of work meons occeptonce of existing condilions by instoller. 3,02 PREPARATION A. Proieclion: Completely cover gloss during sproy poinfing, iexfuring or other construclion operolions thot mighf couse domoge lo gloss. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Stops:l. Hold gloss with wood or mefol siops os detoiled.o. Sloos: Furnished under other sections. 2. Corefully remove ony stop olreody in ploce os necessory lo permit glozing. 3. Hondle slops corefully ond instqll lo ovoid domoge. B. Glozing in Wood or Melol Fromes: l. Tope enlire opening to prevent gloss from touching frome in ony direclion. 2. Cenler gloss in glozing robbet lo mointoin recommended cleoronces qt oll four sides. inside ond out.3. Resl gloss on sefting blocks os recommended by the gloss monufocturer.4. Instoll shims or use shim iope os recommended lo moinloin cleoronce between sfops ond foce of gloss. Instoll glozing tope ond slop in wilh specified stops. Cover top of tope with silicone seolonl on bolh sides of frome. Cut oll gloss wilh smooth, stroight edges of full size required by the openings. Edge cleoronces sholl comply with flot Gloss Morketing Associoiion Slondords.8. Leove seolont smooih ond cleon. Remove seolont from odjoining surfoces without domoging the finish. C. Glozing in Aluminum Windows ond Doors: Instoll gloss on setling blocks os recommended by the window or door monufocturer. Dry gloze using gloss reloiners providing resilient clomping grip on gloss or gloze wilh elostic glozing compound os required. 5. 5. 7. I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I oA 9906 08800-4 I D. Allowoble Toleronces: Moinloin glozing toleronces between gloss ond frome or slops os I recommended by fhe FGMA. I t H:r':ir?Jifkness Gloss: Moinroin l/8 inch cleoronce beiween sloss foce ond I 3.04 MrRRoRs A. Minors: Instoll with opproved odhesive. I 3.os .LEANTNG I A. Cleoning: Leove gloss in job cleon condilion with glozing compound ond putty corefully I removed from gloss ond odjoining surfoces.r l. Finol Cleoningof Gloss: UnderSection0lT4l. I B. Breokoge: Unless responsibility con be ossessed lo onolher confrqctor, be responsible fort gloss broken during shipment, sloroge ond inslqllolion. I END OF SECTION t I t T I I I I T I oAeeo6 o'soo-s t f + EXSNNG I NEW 079m- CAULKTNG m. {f,ro - u000 Br0cr(|l'lc; fhe-retordont lreoted TOUIPTIENI SIORAGE 5112' OI]O() - CAST-IN-PLAtr CONCRTIT SLAE: RE: SIRUCIURAL O]3O() - CASI-IN-PLAtr CONffiTIT SLAB: RE: SIRUCIURAL { I '-tlFI 8.0. EENI RAtt .l-v-tl ror:T- t- 05500 - Slttt Etltl PTAIE: -PAINT, RI: SIRUCTURAT O79OO - CAULKING HtAD 00snm c0{cffirE g.AB THRISHOLD ExrsltNc ARENA ** - !g'lr$t: rlasoNRY uNrT PAINI 05500 - slttL ANGLE OSIOO - HOLTOI'I MITAL DOOR ANO FRAT{[; grout kome sdid O55OO - BTNI PLATE: RE; SIRUCIRAL AIUMINUII IHRE$IOTI) u_coilq###+ l{0lt: 1.0. Ntll C0NC. 0 Et. 100-0'= IXSIING tr. r00-r r/2' SECNON DTTAIL @ HOLLOW METAL DOOR t/2'=t'-0' f oDl LL A lCBttBCti, t. c.,ol N.. tt0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PROJECT lcr ll. V.ll lrGrrr o r Dlr rrl. a .ra tl. tor r ct vrll f I t I I I I T I I I I I I I I I ! I I 05tm - snucruRAL SIEEL E)0slilG 9N 0t0( tlA[ PN& EXSNilG ViOO FASOA IO REIIAIN ilsnflc UEIAI sluD FRAT4ING - ffMENIIOIJS TIRIPROOFING; 2 HR.: l- lHlfi lllN. 5 t/2' :r 8.0. Slttl- B${f H-Altv-n.rg+_ O55OO - STEIT EENT PLA]E; Ri: STRUCIURAI-. PAINT 8.0. 00sI. rAsoA Et. uE -E' HtAD 07900 - cAuLKNq TYP. txrsltNG ARIIIA O6IOO - lvOOD BLOCKING; fire-retordont treoted JAl\/|B ATUIIINUI{ IHRESIIOTD (}55O{) - SITTL BENT PLAIE O0SING c0{c. s.A8 E)(FNNG N$JI.AION O SPN OECK TIAI.I PNEL I0 RttlAlt'l; TYP. THRESHOLO I tlz'HALLE O78OO - CEI'4ilITIOS FIRE PROOFINO: 2 HR., l'lHtCK ri||N. O5IO - STRUCfuRAL SITTL; RE: SIRUCTURAI -+';hL+ - YiOOO ELOCKINC: fire-retotdont treoted -$tl{^$tuo; l-s/a' Tftffi+ O92OO - llETAL TURRING CHNNEL 7/E' 09200 - Gr?suM B0AR0 CtlLlNG; l/2' O92OO - GYPSUII YI,ATI 80AR0: l/2' 07900 - CAUL|(ING; TYP. 08100 - Holtov{ MTTAL D00R AND FRAI',{I: CROUT SOUD TRAMI 07800 - FTRE'0AUIKNG; 07800 - MTNIRAL vl00r BATT NSULATION; MIN 4pcf. 09600 - CARPEI mcmlffi+ PLAN DETAIL @ IQUIP. STORAGE I l/2'=l'-0' + + + 0DILL ArCf,lTtCTt. f .C.,ol Xo. ,r0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PRO'ECT lor tlr Yrll l.arsrtlor Dlrtrlct rtd tt3 lor I of Vrll + I I I T I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I + + 112\,. 2l O72M - BAIT IN$,LATOI'I 09200- MIIAL SIIJOS; E, t0 0.c.. u.n.o. O79M-BAOGR ROO & SEALNI 07100 - MEIA| $!uwQA(; Zinc fioshhg orar building felt O55OO - SHEEI METAL SILL SUPPORT; See dimensions below O6IOO - EXIIRIOR PLYII'IOOD SHEAIHING; l/2", fire-retordont treoted 06100 - l{Ofr) SIRAPPING: Air sooce vrl J/0 xJ treoreo pry{i000 06200 - w000 sr[: lx mople, stoined 09200 - cYPsuM B0ARD; l/2' 09600 - REgutNT EASE 09600 - CARPET 1.0. UPPER ttvtt c0Nc. tL llr'-E' 071m - METAL WALL PANEI; Zinc, double lock stonding seom O72()O - TNKAMAT VIEATHIR EARRIER 07200 - BUIIDING F[Li; 15{ Perforoted 07400 - DRIP FIASHING: Zinc, continuous 0lrm - t{ATtRsIoP 0i800 - ctMtNnnous NRIPROONNG & NRE SAFII.IG 0200 - RIGID INSULAII0N; 2' SECTION @ lryINDOW SILL SCAI: J'=l -0' + oDBLL l lC f, tTECTt, LC.,ol No. tt0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PROTECT lor llc Yall l..Gt.atlcr Dlrlrlct rra tla tart ol Vrll + I I I I I t I I t t t T I I I I rl I + + 06200 - n000 rRtM: lx mople, stoined O85M - AUI,|INUM WNOOI', 07900-8A0ff R00 & STALAN] 10. STTEL TUBE z.r tL r2r:r0'\1 06100 - EXTIRT0R PLYI1000 SHEATHING; t12', fte- retordont treoted 06100 - V{000 EL0CK|NG: 2i2'. treoted. olion boltom foce with soffit 6oord 09200 - MEIAL FURRING: 7/8" 0 12' 0.c.. min. 06200 - SOffiI B0AR0; 1x6 I&G cedor, stoined FASITNERS ffi I&G SOFNI $AIt BE SUND NAITTO O I&G OINI. IrflcAt AROIIIECIURAI BAR CRlttE; 2 i/a' il}E wl t/2' c0{rNUqiS FRrilt. NOOIZED AI.U[|INUI| N[N{ ()72OO - INKAMAT VITAIHER BARRITR 07200 - EUlL0lNG F[LI; l5f oerloroted 074m - DRIP FLA$||NC: Zinc, continuous SECTION @ IUNDOl'il HIAD SCAI: 3'=l'-0'RE: 1/A6.1 0D8LL ATCHtTBCt!, t.C.Jol No. li0l John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND R.ENOVATIONS PROJECT lcr tl. Yrll l3artrtlor Dltartca rra tla Tor r of Yrll f+ I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f + ilsnNG SPAN 0t0( I{Au. PAr{tI ilsnNo [000 rAsoA I0 RtuAil ilSNilC TEIAI. SIUD FRAIIINC 8.0. t$t FAS0A n- ilE-E' ^+. B.O. STTE! EENI PLAIEvEr.rra+ 05500 - slttL EEN] P[Alt; RE: SIRUCIURAI, PAINT HIAD OsIM - SIRUC1URAL STEEI. 07800 - cEllENnlous TIREPROOFING: 2 HR.: I' IHICK MIN +#+ 05rfl1 - vr00D BLOCKING; fire-retordonI keoted 07900 - cAULt$c ExrslrNG ARENA oszm-$rliL"$ru0; rVa' -ffi#+ O92()O - tlIIAT FURRING CHANNEL; 7/8' O92M - GYPSUM BOARO CE|L|NG; l/2' 09200 - MTIAL STUO; 2 t/2' O92OO - G\?SUl'l V{ALL B0AR0; t/2" 07900 - CAULKING; IY?. 08t00 - Hotlol{ MtTAt \lrlNoov{ FRAME; PAINI OEIOO - HOLLOVi METAL WNDOlv FRNI; PAINT ffi100 - t{000 SL0OK|NG; fire-retordonl treoled 09200- MEIAL SIU0; 2 l/2" 09200 - GnsJM IYALL e0AR0; l/2- HAtI@ I-l 0(SING NSJtAT0tl +- O 9N DTO( T{AI PNEI ^.. . TORttlAlN; IlP.SILL 5t12' I,?--!--+ f 06lm - ||000 BLOCKING: -J Atr,; B fire-retordonttreoled I,INE OF gtt BELOYI t*lULLION Lffi OT JNB BEYO'IO HOLLO\ry METAL |rylND0lv FRAMT I l/2'=l'-0' + oDBLL llCf,ItECtt. t.C.,ol llo. tt0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RBNOVATIONS PROIECT lor tl. Vrll l.!r.rtlor Dlrttlct rta tlr Tot r ot Vrll + I I I t I I t I T I t t I I I I t t t ? csrc.EXSNNG sr.A8 'oqffih*f - ciltNnr0us FIRE PROffiING: 2 HR., l'lHlC( |illN. '*-ilfi,:t^Y,!iN' 07E00 - IITNERAL lr00l - BAT] INSULAIIOI.I: llIN 4 PCF EXSNNG SPA}I DEfi UAI PNEU PAIIII OOSIING IN$JLAION rO REMAIN EXISTING AREI.IA 06100 - n000 BL0CKTNG: fire-retordont treoted 07900 - CAULKING: tlP. 05100 - snucIURAL slEtr EQUIPT{ENT SIORACE /\ 8.0. SIEIL EENI PLAft\t tL roFot- O55OO _ SITTT BENT PLAIE 08100 - 0vtRHtAD c0tUNG D00R; sMoffi sEAr LING DOOROVERHEAD I l/2'=l'-0'RL 11A7.2SCAIE + ++ + oDBLL A lC n lT8 CT8, l.C.,ol No. tt0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PRO'ECT lcr ilG vrtl l.cr.rrlor Dlrtrtct .ra tlr lott ot v.ll I I t I I I T I I I I I I ! I I I I I + 5 t/2' BO{D ERtAlG& ffi: snucruRAl OOSNilG N$JLA l0 REtlAill EXSNNG SAI{ t)Efi }IAI,L PNEI.: PAINT 07900 - cAUtKtNc 06100 - v{000 BLocKtNc fire-retordonI treoted O]4I() - PRECAST CONCREIE: RE: STRUCfuRAL 08100 - 0vtRHtAD c0lLNG 00ffi: STETI FRAIJE JAMB ASSIMBLY 08J00 - 0vtRHtAD cOtLNO 00ffi:I HR. RAITD. SIIOKE STAL OSJ()() - OVTRHEAD COILINO DOOR: INSJLAIEO, I HR. RAIID GALVAilTZII) SIEL IHRE$I0_D; orAilot'lt) PtAIt, BtL0w 05500 - sltEt BENT PrArt: Rt: SIRUCIURAI. PAINT PLAN DETAIL @ T IP. STORAGE l12'=l'-t + ODBLL AICf,ITBCTt, '.C.,ol Xc, tr0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PRO'ECT lcr tl. Vrll l!cr.rtlot Dl3r'lGr rta t!r tor t ot V.ll f f T I I t I I I I I I I t t I I t I t I + + (l72OO - BAIT INSUTAIION 092m-rEiArcsru0$ E, 09200 - cYPsu[ -80ARD; l/2'07900 - SEATNI 06200 - w00D iRrI|: lx mople, stoined ()85OO - ALUI,|INUM TINOOI{ 06100 - txl[Rt0R PLyT{000 SHEA.IHING: l/2', fire-retordont treoted sr oo - ff 9d'SP?i,%i'i'fi 3;; 06100 - Exl[RtOR PLWOOD SHIATH|NG; l/2', fire-retordont treoted 0i200 - EUltOlNG F[LI; l5f Perforoteo O72M - ENKAIIAT ITAiHTR EARRIER 07400 - MEIAL WALl PANTL: Zinc, double lock stondino seom SICTION @ l'llINDOI'l| JAi',|B + oD ELL AlCf,tTECtt, r.c.,ol No. tt06 John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PROJECT !or tla Vall lrcr3rllor Dlrrrlcl rrl rla Torr ot Vrll f I I I I I t I I I I I t I J I I I I t + f OSJ()O - OVTRHTAD COUNG DOOR: INSULAlTD 08J00 - 0vtRHtAD C0lLlNG 000R: r STTEL FRAll4I JAll{B ASSEMBLY 06400 - PLYI{OOO SHEATHING -l/4' N0N-C0MSUSI|BLI OiZOO - BAN NSUTATION: CHAIIPHER: l'lYP. O]4IO - PRECASI CO|{CREIT: RIBBED FORli1 UNEN, IIP. COILING DOOR JAI\,|B DETAIL l/2'=l'-0' + oD!LL l LCf,ttECtl, t,c.lol No. tt0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDTTIONS AND RENOVATIONS PROIECT lcr tl. Yr ll l..t.rtlor Dlrrrlct rra tl. lo! r of Yrtl + I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I + + 072m - BAII lN$JLAll0t{: Rl3 06m-PlYloCI, 3/4'- NoN-CoMBUSn8tt SIAMPHER; I'IlP. O8]M - OVTRHEAD COIUNG SITEL FRAUE JAMI OSJOO - OVIRHEAD COILING INSULAIEO OSIOO - HOLLOW ME]AL FRAIIT: GROUT SOLIO, PAINT OEI()O - HOLLOIV MEIAL DOOR: INSULATEO, RE: 000R SBIOULE SIALANI JOINI BTLO[' R[; D00R SCHEDULE rn . E0. i--'-i=I- L L-J. ) 3 3/4' AA .< I\EI\> ( ( C( ( ( A( ( ( € I JAME ASSIIBI.Y Ii 'a.{ ,;_m llll Irll-I t-u DOOR JAMB DETAIL I l/2'=l'-0' f oDILL A lCBr?BCtt, t.c.lol tlo. lt0J John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PROJECT lor tlr Yrll lacrartlor Dlrrrlat ara tl. Tor I ol Vrll + I I t I I I I I T t I I I t I I I I J + + 07400 - }r.lEIAL ttALL PANEL: Zinc. double lock stondino seom ()E4OO - AIUI.|INUM II.IIRANCI MsO() - ALUMINUM ltINDOvt 06200 - vr00D rRr}J;'h mople, stoined 07900 - stArANr (}72O - BAII INSULA]ION 09200- I^qIAt STUDS; 8', tD 0.c., u.n.0. 09200 - GYPSUI4 B0ARD; l/2' SECTION @ DOOR & \ryINDOW JAMB + 0DILL AICf,ITBCTt, t.C.,ol Xo. tt0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PRO'ECT lor tl. Vall liatratlor Dlrarlri ara tlr Torr of Vrll + I I I I I Ij I T I I I I T I t + 07400 - MtIAt ['At[ PANTL ?inc, double lock stondino seom OE4OO - ALUMINUM EN]RANCE 08500 - Aru[,|rNuM t|N0olt 06200 - vr/000 lRrM; lx mople, stoined 07900 - SEALANI O72O() - BAI1 INSULA]ION 092m - MFAI SllJOS; 8', rD 0,c., u.n.0. 09200 - cYPsuil BOARD; l/2' SICTION @ DOOR & I4'INDOI4, JAMB f 0DtLL AlCf,tTtctS, t.c.,ol No. ,t0l John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PROIECT lor ll3 Vall lrarsrtlor Dlrartct aaa rl. lort ot Vtll ?+ I I I I I I t I I t ; I I t I I t I T + + HtAD JAMB {)$m-C0{fitlt tlAS0,lRY UNIT: 8'x E r 16', FACfmY GUZID, B0l{D B[Ata, RE: tlNl$l SCHEDULE FOR G1AZING INFO. OEIO() - HOLLOvi METAL DOOR |RAME: CROIJT SOLID mm - HOt_t0|Y IaEIAL 000R: RE: D00R S$lE0ULt 04E00-C0NCREII MAS0NRY UNII: 8' x 8' x 16". FACIORY CLAZIO, BOND BEAll, RE: FINISH SCHEI)ULT FOR G1AZING INFO. OSI()() - HruOlY IEIAI DOOR FRAME: GROJI SOIJD ()ilm - H0.L0|Y IaEIAI- 000R: RE: 00ffi S$tDULt HOLLOI4' MITAL FRAME @ MASONRY \ryALL t12'=t'-0' + oDt LL Ar C f, tTBCtt, t.C.tol llo. tt0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDTTIONS AND RENOVATIONS PRO'ECT lcr tl. Vall lrrrrrtlot DIrarloI ara llc torr ot Vrll + I I t t I T I I t I I I I I I t I I T + + EOUIPMTI{I STORAGT 05500 - BENI PLAII: - RE; SlRUClRAt MsOO - RUBBER SPORTS FL0filNG: J/E' {n]00 - 0vtRHtAo cotLtNG DooR D00R:,steel frome lmb ossembly, Demn0 OBJOO - OVERHTAD COILING OOOR DQ0R; steel ongle bottom bor ossembly w/ UL listed sr'ioke seols GAI.VANIID SltEL THRE$IOI-O; OIA}INO PLAIT l{0lt: 10. l{EIl C0{C. 0 tL. 100-0'= 00SllNG Er. 100'-1 t/2' OSJOO - CASI-IN-PLACE CONCRITT SIAE: RE: STRUCIURAL OJJM - CASI-IN.PLAtr CONffiEIE: RT: SIRUCIURAL ilsnNG cocffirE s"A8 ENSNNG NSUI.A TO RTTIAIN r'-0'5 t12' EXISNNG SPN OEO( PANEI, T.0. cor{c. llAIN tfvEr * | I .. . A 6 taa a THRTSHOLD O COILING DOOR tl2'=l'-0' + oDILL AlCntTECti, t. c.tol No. tt0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PRO'ECT lot tl. V.ll lr3r.rtlor Dl.trlrt .tl tl. Torr ot V.ll + l I I I I I t 1 I I I I t 1 I I I t I + JAMB/Hrnot-: ()92O() - GYPSUM tlALT 80ARD; l/2" O72OO - SOUNI) BA]T INSULATION 088O - GIAZING; IYPE'0.-2'. RI: SCHEDULE 0E100 - Hottorl, METAL t{N00t{ FRNE: PAINI 07900 - CAU|KING; tp. 06200-W000 SllL; lx Mople, stoin O92OO - GYPSUM lvALL 80ARD; l/2' 092m - I4EIAL SruD HAIT@ N-PURPO$ ROOI@UNE OF SItt EELOW MULLION SILL HOLLOIV METAL \ryINDOW FRAtt,|E SCAI: I l/2'=l'-0' f 0DILL AlCf,rTBCtt, t.C.,ol No. tt0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PROJBCT lor tl. Yr ll ltrt.rtlol Dltfrlat rra tlr torr cf Vrll f + I t T T t I 0 t T I I I I T I t t I I + + HEAt) JAllB 092m - GIPSUil 80ARD; l/2' 07200 - souND BAn INSULAIION: full heioht. extend mi'r' 2'-0' oier'ceiling, typ. 08100 - Hottow MEIAL 000R FRA}IT (16|(l(} - HOLLOIV METAL OOffi: RE: SCHtDUtt 09200-Gnsull B0AR0 r/2" ()72(10 - SOUND BATT INSULATI0N: full heioht. ertend min' 2'-0' oier'ceiling, typ. 08100 - HotLor{ MEiAt 000R fRAMt HOLLOII', METAL FRAME @ GYP. BD. \I||ALL I l/2'=l'-0' + 0DILL ArCEtTECtl, t.C,,ol Nc. tt0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND I,ENOVATIONS PROJECT lor rlc Yrll lrcraatlor Dlttrlst rra tla tor r ot Yrll + I I I I I I ,l t I I I T I I t I I I I DIVISION 9 FINISHES sEcTtoN 09263 GYPSUM BOARD PARTITIONS AND WALLS PART I - GENERA! I.OI SUMMARY A. Secfion Includes: l. Melol stud ond gypsum boord poriitions.2. Metol funing ond gypsum boord.3. Slructurol metol sluds ond gypsum boord os indicoled.4. Sound insulqtion ond seolonls.5. Fibergloss reinforced gypsum rodius unils.6. Deflectionchonnels. 7. Accessories ond finishing. B. Producls Inslolled But Nol Supplied Under This Seclion:l. Access Doors ond Ponels: Seclion 08310. C. Reloled Seclions:l. Gypsum Sheothing: Section 09253.2. Blonket Insulqlion: Section 07210 Building Insulotion.3. Drywoll Ceilings: Section 09264 Gypsum Boord Ceitings.4. Pointing: Seclion 09900 Points ond Coolings.5. Structurol Melol Studs: Seclion 05400 Cold Formed Metol Froming.6' Fireproofing Moleriql for Deflection Chonnels: Seclion 07840 Firestopping.7. Deflection Chonnels for Mosonry Portitions: Secfion 07600 Floshing ond Sheel Metol. I.O2 REFERENCES A. ReferenceSfondords: SeeSection0l423. Complywithfollowing:l. ASTM C645-95 - Stondord Specificotion for Non-Lood Beoring (Axiol) Steel Siuds, Runners (Trocks), ond Rigid Funing chonnels for screw Applicofion of Gypsum 8oord. 2. ASTM C754 - Instollotion of Steel Froming Members fo Receive Screw-Alloched Gypsum Boqrd.3. GA216-96- specificolions forthe Applicolion ond Finishing of Gypsum Boord.4. GA 214 - Levels of Gypsum Boord Finish.5. AlSl Specificofions for lhe Design of Cold-Formed Sleel Siructurol Members. 1986 edition. I.O3 SUBMITTALS A. Producf Dolo: Submil copies of monufoclurer's specificotions covering oll moterio6 with oll moleriols ond occessories ploinly ideniified. See Seclion 01330 Submillql procedures. oA 9906 09263-l I.O4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A' Quolificotions: Sleel sluds, runners ond occessodes sholl be certilied by monufocfurer of gypsum boqrd os occepfoble integrol componenfs of its gypsum boord system. B. RegulotoryRequiremenls: l. Gypsum Boord Portilions: Porlifions listed ond lobeled for fire protective rolings where indicoted. c. single source Responsibility: obloin eoch fype of gypsum boord qnd reloted joinf ireofmenf moleriols from o single monufoclurer. I.O5 DELIVERY, SIORAGE, AND HANDLING: A. Deliver moteriols in originol pockoges, conloiners or bundles beoring brond nome ond idenfificqtion of mqnufoclurer or supplier. B. Store moteriols inside under cover ond keep them dry ond protected ogoinst domoge from weolher, direct sunlight, surfoce contqminotion, conosion, construclion troffic ond other couses. Neotly stock gypsum boords flol lo prevenf sogging. c. Hondle gypsum boords lo prevenl domoge to edges, ends, ond surfoces. Do nol bend or olhenarise domoge metol corner beods ond frim. I.06 PROJECTCONDITIONS A. Environmentol Requirements: Comply with ASTM C840 ond Monufoclurer's recommendolions. During gypsum ponel opplicolion ond finishing, mointoin lemperotures within building wilhin ronge of 55 degrees lo 70 degrees F. Provide odequote ventilolion to corry off excess moisture. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI GYPSUM BOARD FOR DRYWALL PARTITIONS A. Monufocfurers:l. United Stotes Gypsum (USG) 2. Domfor Gypsum3. Georgio-Pocific4. Nolionol Gypsum Co. (Gold Bond)5. The Celotex Compony6. Accepted subsfitufe in occordonce with Section 01600. B. Foceboords: I . Size: | /2 inch f hick unless specificolly indicoted otherwise. 4t| inch wide x lengf h to ollow for verticol instollolion withoul cross joinfs. 2. Type: USG lopered edge Firecode (Type X) or Regulor Gypsum Ponels os required. I t I I U I I il l T I ; l I I T t I I oA 9906 09263-2 t I 2.02 DR'*ALL sTUDs AND RUNNER' I A' f""'rtqil::?f;corporored., 2. Americon Sludco, Inc. I I 3. Clork Steel Froming Syslems.4. Dole Indusldes, Inc.5. Dietrich lnduslries. Inc.6. Honison Monufocturing Co.7. Nolionol Gypsum Co.8. Mqrino\Wore.9. Weslern Melol. 10. Accepted subslilule in occordonce wifh Section 01600. B' Inlerior Non-Lood Beoring Sfeel Studs; 3-5/8 inch depth unless ofherwise indicoted. I ' Steel Stud Goges: Comply with lhe following toble for non-lood beoring interior steel sluds ond limiting heights: Stud spocing is ossumed ol 16" o.c. with ollowoble defleclion ot Ll36O with single loyer ol drywoll on both sides. Stud Gooe Depth limiting Unsupported Heisht 25 goge l-5/8 inches 8'-3" mox. 2-l12 inches I0'-9" mqx. 3-5/8 inches l4'-0" mox. 4 inches l5'{" mox. 6 inches 20'-0" mox. 22goge 2-l12 inches I I '-6" mox. 3-5/8 inches l5'-0" mox. 4 inches l6'-3" mox. 6 inches 22'-0" mox. 20 goge 2-l12 inches l2'-0" mox. 3-5/8 inches l5'-7" mox. 4 inches l6'-10" mox. 6 inches 22'-10" mox. ,lII I 2. Use 20 goge sluds both sides of door frqmes, ot oll fire roled portilions. ond oi oll portitions supporling woll hung cosework, fixlures ond equipmenl.t\I I C. Steel Stud Runners: Unimosl CR 25 goge Runner No.362CR25 (3-5/8 inch) lo molch sluds. Provide long leg runners for slip joint ot slructure qbove where indicoted. Ill 2.03 AccEssoRtEs. t.\ A. Monufoclurers: ,l I. United Stotes Gypsum Compony (USG).r 2. Beqdex.3. Dole Industries. t 4. Domtor Gypsum. , 5. Georgio Pocific.' 6. Nolionol Gypsum Compony. l oA 9906 09263_3 I l/ I il n t t I T 7. Unimosf lncorporofed8. Accepled subsfilule in occordonce with Section 01600. B' Foslenen: ASTM cl@2. oneinchTypesdrywollscrews. use propertypeforgogeof sfud. C. Cornerbeod ond Edge Tdm for Inlerior Inslollotion: Provide corner beods, edge lrim ond conlroljoinfs which complywifh ASTM C 1047 ond requiremenls indicoled below:l. Moledol: Formed melol, plostic or melol combined wilh poper, with melol complying with the following requiremenf:2. Edge trim shopes indicoled below by reference lo designolions of Fig. I in ASTM C to47:o' USGSheetrock No. 103 Dur-A-Beod, l-l14'x l-l/4". unless oiherwiseindicoted.3. One-Piece Control Joinl: Formed with vee-shoped slot per Fig. I in ASTM C 1047, with slot opening covered wilh removoble strip. D. FinishingMoferiots: L Joint Tope: USG Sheelrock Joinf Tope.2, Adhesive: USG Sheetrock Setiing Type Durobond Joint Compound.3. Skim coot finishes by US Gypsum or opproved equol. E. Lominofing Adhesive: USG Sheetrock Setting Type Durobond. F. Sound lsolqlion Moleriols: I ' Sound Altenuoiion Blonkets: USG Thermofiber Sound Attenuotion Blonkets. Three inches lhick unless othenrrise indicoted.2. Acouslicol Seolonf: USG Acousticol Seolonl.3. Duclwork Penelrolions Pocking: Low density fibergloss. G. Funing Chonnels:l. Hot Shope: USG DWC-25 Metot Funing Chonnels. PART 3 - EXECUTION I I t I I 3.01 B. c. D. ERECTION OF DRYWALL STUD PARTITIONS Reference Stondord: Erect sleel froming in occordonce with ASTM C754. Loyouls: Align portiiion studs occurolely occording io portition loyouf. Anchoring: Anchor runner chonnels to concrete slobs with concrete sfub noils or power- driven onchors ol 24 inches o.c. studs: Posilion studs verlicolly in runners. Anchor studs locoted odjocent to openings orportition inlerseclions ond corners io runners wifh USG mefol lock fostener or wilh I /, inch Type S pon heod screws.l. spoce studs l6 inches o.c. unless othenadse indicoted, ond not less thon thol required by referenced sleel froming instollolion stondord.2. corners ond Interseclions: Locole sluds no more ihon two inches from obutting portitions, corners, etc. I I il T t I I I 1 I I T I I oA 9906 09263-4 7. B. I T t ni il I I 't I il t I I I il t 1 1 openings: Frome door openings ro compry with deroirs indicoted, wirh GA-2r9 ondwith opplicoble pubrished recommendoiions of gypsum boord monufqcturer.Locofe sfuds nol more fhon fwo inches from ope-ning fromes. encnor stuJs lo fromeonchor clips by bort or screw otfochmenf. Insiorr runner rrock seclion (for cripprestuds) of heod ond secure io jomb studs. Instol heoders over openings osrecommended by the monufoclurer.o. Wood Doorsond Hollow Melol Doors: provide twosfuds otjombs.Wood Blocking: See Section O6100. Insloll runners (frocks) of floors. ceilings ond slructurol wolls ond columns wheregypsum drywoll stud syslem obuts ofher conslrucfion.o' Where sluds ore insiolled directly ogoinst exlerior wolls. instoll ospholi felt siripsbetween studs ond woll. Instqllolion Toleronces: Instoll eoch steel froming ond funing member so thotfostening surfoce do not vory more rhon l/g inch from pronl of foces ti oo;ocenrfroming. Exlend portition froming full height lo structurql supports or subslroles qbove suspended ceilings. conlinue froming over fromes'for doors ond openings ondfrome oround ducts penelroting portitions obove ceiring to provioe supp-o.t tor.gypsum boord.8. Instoll sleel sfuds so lhol flonges point in lhe some direction ond gypsum boords conbe instolled in the direction opposile lo thol of the flonge. Brocing: Provide diogonol brocing ot heod of studs thot ferminole obove the ceilinglevel. Brocing sholl consist of metol studs benl to v-shope ono extenoing ot as degreesfrom porlition heod to skucture obove. Locore brocing 4g inches moxirium o.c. Deflection Chonnels:l' Provide long leg runners for slip joint ol slructure obove for non-fire roled portitionswhere indicoted.2. Fire Roled Defleciion Chonnels: Insloll ot oll top of fire roled woll terminofions otdeck or beoms, oilowing for minimum defrection copocity of one inch.o. clomp rrock fronge ro steer sruds with minimum 20 goge rire rrot srip crips inoccordqnce with Monufocfurer's recommendolions. - b' Screw deflection chonnel to sleel slruclure in occordonce wilh Monufqcturer,srecommendotions ond os required to develop rorerol copocity of metor worlstuds.c. Firestopping Instollolion: Under Section 07g40. MISCELLANEOUS FRAMING AND FURRING Generol: Provide necessqry froming, ond funing for specior froming or recesses; speciortyitems; wqll mounted cosework, shelving ond eqilipmenl; elc. Frome oround columns osindicoted. Provide necessory froming ond suspension for offsets. v.rii*L, r."."rsecl ondoll olher gypsum drywoil surfoces not provided undersecrion Oyzei Cypsum BooroCeilings. Funing: Insioll funing chonnels over.bock-up moleriol. Posilion chonnels verlicolly of 24inches o.c. unless indicoted olhemrise. Use powder-ociivqted fosleners or slub noils of 24inches o.c. olong olternoiing flonges. Shim chonnels level os required. - -' 4. 5. F. 3.02 A. oA 9906 09263-5 I t t 3.03 INSULATION A. Sound Altenuolion Blqnkels: Ploce in portitions tighf wifhin spoces, oround cul openings,behind ond oround eleclricol ond mechonicol ifems wilhin portilions ond fighf t6 itemipossing through portitions.l. Ductwork Penelrolions: Provide one inch wide cleoronce oround duclwork ondpock with fibergloss reody for colking. 3.04 INSTALLATION OF GYPSUM DRYWALL A. Reference Stondord: Apply ond finish gypsum boord in occordonce with GA 216. B. Loyout: Apply gypsum wollboord ponels verticolly with obutting ends ond edges occuning over slud flonges or funing.l. Joinls on opposife Sides of porrifions: sholl nol occur over some slud.2. Two Loyer Conslruclien: Stogger joinls between loyen.3' Locole exposed end-butl joinls os for from cenfer of wolls os possible, ond slogger' not less fhon 24 inches in olternole courses of boord.4. Instoll woll/portifion boords in monner which minimizes the number of end_butt joints or ovoids them enfirely where possible. C. Fosteners: Apply boord fo sluds or funing with drywoll screws spoced I2 inches o.c. in field of boord ond eight inches o.c. sloggered olong verlicol obutting edges. I . Use Type S-12 screws for oftoching to sfrucfurol sluds. D. Insfoll exposed gypsum boord with foce side oui. Do nol instoll imperfect, domoged ordomp boords. Bult boords togelher for o light conlocl ol edges ond ends wifh not moreihon I / I 6 inch open spoce between boords. Do nof force into oloce. Position boords so lhol like edges obut. lopered edges ogoinst topered edges ond mill-cut or field-cul ends ogoinst mill-cul or field-cut ends. Do not ploce lopered edges ogoinsl cut edges or ends. Slogger verlicol joints over ditferent sluds on opposife sides ofpqrtilions. Atioch gypsum boord lo sieel studs so thot leoding edge or end of eoch boord is oiloched fo open (unsupported) edge of stud flonge firsl. Spot grout hollow meiol door frqmes for solid core wood doors, hollow metol doors ond doors over 32 inches wide. Apply spot groul ol eoch jomb qnchor clip just before inserting boord inlo frome. Form conlroljoinls ond exponsion joints of locolions indicoted, with spoce belween edges of boords, prepored lo receive lrim occessories. Cover bofh foces of sleel slud portilion froming wilh gypsum boord in conceoled spoces (obove ceilings, etc.), excepl in chose wolls which ore broced iniernolly. lsolote perimeler of non-lood-beoring drywoll portilions ol slructurol obutmenfs. provide I /4 inch to I /2 inch spoce ond trim edge with "U" beod edge trim. seol joinis wilhqcousticol seolonf. F. \r. ni il I I T t I I I t I I I I I 09263-6oA 9906 I : Y K. Loyers: Insloll multiple loyer drywoll os indicoled. I L. Top of Wolls wifh Fire-Roled Defleclion Chonnels: Screw drywoll piece lo eoch side of I deflection chonnel. providing opproximolely one inch overlop wilh drywoll on woll studs. Overlopping drywoll sholl be tight but nol fosiened, ollowing freedom of deflection tor struclurol member or deck obove wilhouf inducing beoring loods inlo drywoll portition.I't M. Corner Beod: Apply os recommended by monufoclurer ol exposed oul corners. I N' Trim: Apply os recommended by monufocfurer. where gypsum boord obuls otherr moferiols. ond qs indicoled. I O. Toleronces: Gypsum boord surfqce plone wilhin +/- l/g', in 10,.Iv P. Finishing: Applyjoinf lreotmenlolhorizonlol ondverticol joinis,cornerbeod, lrim, I penelrotions ond foslener dimples os recommended by monufocfurer. I l. Prefill open joinfs ond rounded or beveled edges, if ony, using setting-type joinl compound. r 2. Apply joint fope of joinls between gypsum boords except oi lrim occessories.I 3 ft[f9ffffi::??l?:;1lL'i,:31,i1",:Hi""ffi:ffi:rs ond orter 'os' coot I 3: :iiff::"i:'l':BJlH,l"ffi;Tf&:io,,pose or,oppins compound. I 4. Gypsum Drywoll surfoces to receive skim coot opplicotion. Skim coof fo be troweled on to slroight plum finish prior lo finol woll poinling opplicolion or other 11 finish os shown on Drowings. N O. Finishing: Apply joint treolment ol horizontol ond verticoljoinls. corner beod, trim,- penelrotions ond foslener dimples os recommended by mqnufoclurer. I L Drywoll to be Smoolh Pointed: GA Level 5 finish. - R. Acouslicol Seolont: Applyotperimelerondotoll penetrolionsof gypsumboordinsingle beqd.l. Locotions: Apply ot portitions wifh sound oltenuotion blonkefs.2. Coulk duclwork penelrotions. 3. Coulk both sides of portitions edges wilh continuous beod. END OF SECTION I t I I I I I oA eeo6 I 09263-7 I t t sEcTtoN 09264 GYPSUM BOARD CEILINGS PART I - GENERAL I r.ol suMMARy I A. Section Inctudes:I l. Metol Suspension ond Gypsum Boord Ceilings.2. Accessories ond Finishing.,. I B. Producis Instolled but noi Furnished Under This Section.F l. Access Doors ond ponels: Seclion 0g310. I c. Retofed Sections:l. Drywoll Portiiions: Section 09263 Gypsum Boord Pqrfitions ond Wolls.? poinling: Seclion 09900 points ond Cootings.II I.O2 REFERENCES I A. ReferenceStondords-SeeSecfion0l423. Complywithfollowing: J l. ASTM C754 Inslollofion of Steel Froming Members to Receive Screw-Attoched Gypsum Wollboord. [ 2. GA 216 Recommended Specificotions for fhe Applicolion ond Finishing of Gypsum f Boord. I.O3 SYSTEMDESCRIPTION , A. Design Requirements: l. Fire Roiing: None required. I l.o4 sUBMTTTALs ll A. Product Doto: Submit copies of monufoclurer's specificoiions covering oll mqleriols to | |rt:::ily oll moteriqls ond occessories ploinly identified. See Seclion 01330 Submittql I 1.05 DEL|VERY, STORAGE AND HANDLTNG A. Deliver oll moferiol in originol, unopened contoiners ond slore in q cleqn, dry oreo unlilI reody to use.t I.06 PROJECTCONDITIONS al A. Environmenlol Requiremenls: During gypsum ponel opplicofion ond finishing, mointoin temperotures within building wilhin ronge of 55 degrees to 70 degrees F. provide I odequote ventilotion lo corry off excess moislure. I I oAeeo6 oe264-l I r PART 2 . PRODUCTS 2.OI MANUFACTURERS A. Drywoll, Melol Suspension System, ond Accessories:l. USG Inleriors, Inc.2. Domlor Gypsum3. Georgio-Pocific4. NolionotGypsum Co. (Gotd Bond)5. The Celotex Compony6. Accepted substitute in occordonce with Secfion 01600. MEIALS Runner Chonnels: USG Donn Rigid X System, RMX 12, l-l/2,, minimum l6 goge cold rolled chonnels, block osphollum pointed. cross chonnels: usG Donn Rigid x system, 7/8 inch RCX 4 or l-l/2 inch Dxt 424. Funing Chonnels: USG DWC-25 melol funing chonnels. Steel Studs: Unimost ST 25 goge. Size os indicoted. Honger Wire: No. 9 goge golvonized wire. Tie Wire: No. l6 goge golvonized wire. DRYWALL AND RELATED MATERIALS Foceboords: l. Size: 5/8" thick unless specificolly indicoted oiherurise 48" wide x length to minimize cross joinls. 2. Type: USG Fiberock obuse resislont gypsum ponels. Fosleners: one inch usG Type s drywoll screws. Use proper lype for goge of metol fronring. Accessories:l. CornerBeod: USGSheelrock No. 103 Dur-A-Beod, l-114, xl-ll4',2. Melol Trim: USG Sheelrock No.2008.3. Control Joint: USG Sheekock Zinc Confrol Joint No.093.4. Adhesives: o. USG Durobond multi-purpose odhesive.b. USG Sheelrock Setling Type Durobond. Finishing Moteriols:l. Joint Tope: USG Sheetrock Joint Tope.2. Adhesive: USG Sheetrock Setting Type Durobond Joint Compound. I I I t I 2.O2 A. c. D. E. F. 2.03 A. I I I I t I I l I I t I I I B. c. D. oA 9906 09264-2 I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I t I I t PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI GRILLAGE ERECTION A' Reference Srondord: Erect steer froming in occordonce wiih ASTM c524. B. Hongers: Insloll wire hongen spoced not over 4S o.c. in direcfion oI l-112,' moin runnerchonnels ond within 6" of ends of moin runners or inlem.rpfions of ceiling continuity. Hongfrom structure obove. Insloll hongers 24" o.c.ot gypsumdrywoll ceilingis supporting wooior melol ceilings or other secondory ceiling systems. C' Al light troffers or oiher openings, reinforce grilloge wilh 3/4" cold roiled chonnels wiredotop ond porollel fo moin runner chonnels. D. Erecl grilloge os recommended by the monufoclurer. Provide oll necessory froming ondsuspension for offsels, verticols ond decorolive recesses, etc. Use drywoll sluds wheieindicoted or requhed. See Section 09261 for fype. Insfoll l- l/2" moin runner chonnels 24',o.c' ot ceilings supporling wood or melol ceilings or olher secondory ceiling syslems. 3.02 INSTALLAIION OF GYPSUM DRYWALL A. Apply gypsum boord of moximum prociicol tength with long dimensions ot right onglesto funing chqnnels ond tosten with drywoll screws spoced 12" o.c. in the field of lheboord ond 8" o.c. olong obutting edges. All end ond edge joinls sholl occur over funingchonnels with end joinis stoggered. Properly support gypium boord oround cutouts ondopenings. B. Apply melol frim os recommended by the monufocturer ond wherever gypsum drywollobuts olher moteriols. C. Finishing: Apply joint lreotmenl ot side oncl end joinls, irim, penelrolions ond fosfenerdimples os recommended by monufoclurer.l. Prefill open joinrs ond rounded or bevered edges, if ony, using setting-type joini compound.2. Apply joint tope of joints between gypsum boords excepl ol frim occessories.3. Apply joint compounds in 3 coois. Sond smooth between coots ond ofter lost coot.o. Embedding ond first cool: Selting-type joint compound.b. Fi[ coot: Setting-type ioint compound.c. Finish coot: Reody-mix drying-type oll-purpose or fopping compound.4. Finish lo Gypsum Associolion Level 5 finish. END OF SECTION 09264-3oA 9906 I I sEcTloN 09300 TILE II PARTI-GENERAL I r.or suMMARYI A. Section Includes: I l. Ceromic Floor lile t I.O2 REFERENCES I A. Reference Stondords: Comply with the following stondords:l. InslollolionSpecificolions: I ANS| Ar08.rA-ree2: [:fHlTSH.^[i:Jie in rhe wet-ser Merhod wirh r ANSI A108.5-1992 Ceromic lile lnstqlled with Dry-Set Porllond Cement Mortor r ANsrAro8.rGree2 Ki$ffff:lT,1f'fi:il,'J'"' I 2. Moteriol Specificotions: r lNilli1:2-ii:,tr :1,H,:liiJScement Morior I ANSI Al37.l-1988 CeromicTile3. Tile Council of Americo, Inc. (TCA): 1999 Hondbook for Ceromic Tile Instollofion. I r.o3 suBMrTrALsI A. Producl Doto: Submit coiolog dofo for oll setling, grouting ond miscellqneous moteriolsI in qccordonce with Seclion 01330. I B. Somples: Submii complele somples of tile ond groul lo Architect for color selection inI occordonce with Section 01330. I I.O4 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING I A. Generol: Comply with Section 01600. Deliver lile in unopened, grode seoled pockoges.r Deliver morlor mixes qnd grouls in unopened contoiners. Siore moleriqls in o cleon, dry oreo. I I.O5 PROJECT CONDITIONS I A. Environmeniol Conditions: Do not instoll tile sel in Portlond cemenl morlor when lhe I ombienl lemperofure is below 50'F. Comply with minimum femperoiure requkemenfs of bonding ond grouting moferiols monufoclurers. I B. Profection: Profecf odjoining work surfoces before lile work begins.I I I oA ee06 I 0930Gr I.06 MAINTENANCE A' Mointenonce Moferiols: Provide lhe Owner of complelion of lhe job 3% of eoch size ondcolor used. PARI2 - PRODUCTS 2.Ot T|LE A. Acceploble Monufocturers - Ceromic Floor lilel. Crossville Ceromics B. ceromic Floor lile: ANsl Al3z.l, opproximolely l/4" lhickness, unglozed, foctory mounfed sheefs.l. Size: l" x I "2. Colors: As selected by Architecf C. Accessory Pieces: Provide bullnose ceromic tile pieces of oll oulside corners or exoosed edges. 2.02 SFTTING AND GROUTING MATERIALS A. AcceplobleMonufoclurers: l. Boslik/Hydroment.2. C-Cure Chemicol Co., Inc.3. Custom Building producls 4. Lolicrele Internolionql, Inc.5. Approved Substitule B' Porflond Cement Morlor: l:3 Portlond cemeni/sond gouged wilh C-Cure Lotex Admix oropproved subslilule. Mix os recommended by monufocturer. Bond cool: Neol Portlond cement gouged wiih C-Cure Crele or opproved substilute. C. Lotex-Porllond Cement Morlor (Thin-Set); ANSI I1g.4.l. For lnstollotion on slob-on-Grode: c-cure crete ond c-cure creie powder. D. Grout: C-Cure M-P Groul. Mix os recommended by monufocturer. Color os selecled byArchitecl. 2.O3 EXPANSION JOINT SEALANI A. Floors: Two componenl self-leveling seolqnl complying with FS IT-S{0227E. Color to motch floor groul. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Verificolion of Conditions: Before proceeding, exomine surfoces to receive tile, selting beds or qccessories tor defects or conditions odversely offecting quolity ond execution of the instollotion. Report unsolisfoclory conditions io lhe Generol Controclor in wriiing T I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I oA 9906 093@2 I I wifh copy lo Archiiecl. Verify locolions of oll exponsion ond conlroljoinls in substrole for complionce with Arlicle 3.04. I B. Acceplqnce: Beginning of instollolion meons occeplonce of subslroles. . 3.02 PREPARATION I- A. Cleoning: Cleon concrele bose slob to receive lhin sel lile lo remove dust, dirt ond loose moleriol. Remove curing compounds ond seolers ond lesl for obsorption usingI woler or ocid methodsI 3.03 INSTALLATION I A. Tile Floors - Thin Sel Insfollotion On Concrele Slobs on Grode: Instoll, grout, cleon, proleci ond cure in conformonce with TCA Hondbook Method Fl l3 ond ANSI A108.5 using lotex- I Portlond cement mortor. Slob sholl be free of curing compound or olher coniominoles I before oroceedino- B. Tile Floors - Portlond Cemenl Morlor Bed Inslollqlion: Instoll grout, cleon, prolecl ond I cureinconlormoncewithTCAHondbookMelhodFlll orFll2ondANS| Al08.l. Instollr tile reinforcing mesh in morlor bed. I 3.04 EXPANSION AND CONTROT JOINTS I A. Generol: Comply oll with requiremeni of TCA Hondbook Method EJI7l. t B. Loccrtions: _.t. ueromtc Ftoor ttte: - o. Al inlerseclion of oll ceromic floor iile ond glozed mosonry bose, insloll ond I colk I /4" wide exponsion joinl.t b. Ai junction of floors wilh wolls in showers os recommended in TCA Melhods specified. I 2. Olher Locotions: Directly over oll exponsion ond conkol joinfs in concrete dob I below ond oll olher locotions required by EJ I 7 I . r 3.05 CLEANING I A. Cleon oll floor qnd woll tile occording lo lile monufoclurer's recommendolions. Do not r opply seoler lo floors in showers ond locker rooms. I END OF SECTION t oA eeo6 oe3oo-3 I I t I I I I PART I - GENERAL I r.or SuMMARY A. Seclion Includes: sEcTroN 09510 ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS I l. Suspended Acousficol Grid2. Loy-in Ponels I B. Relofed Sections: I |. Drywoll Ceilings: Section 09264 Gypsum Boord Ceilings. I 1.02 REFERENCES rr A. ReferenceSlondqrds,seeSeclion0l423. Complywith:l. ASTM C635-85 - Melol Suspension Systems for Acouslicol lile ond Loy-in PonelI ceitings.f 2. ASTM C636-86 - Instollolion of Metol Ceiling Suspension Systems for Acousticol Tile ond Loy-ln Ponels. t r.03 SYSTEM DESCRTPTTON I A. Performonce Requirements: I l. Acousiicol:q. Loy-in ponels sholl hove o minimum noise reduction coefficient (NRC) os I b. il1:""T;i":t3l'iJ?30*"0 ocousricoterid ceirins system shoil hove o soundI lronsmission closs (STC! rofing os indicoted in Article 2.01 . 2. Fire: Fire roting not required. I 1.04 suBMrnALs I A. Producl Doto: Submit monufociurer's cotolog doto indicoling oll systems proposed for I instollotion. r B. Somples: Submil somples of eoch type of loy-in ponel ond ceiling grid meeiing lhe I requirements of this specificofion lo lhe Architect. - I.O5 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING I A. Generol: ComplywifhsectionOieOO. Oetiverinmonufocturer'soriginol unopened contoiners ond slore in o cleon, dry oreq until reody for use. I r.06 PROJECT CONDTTTONS I A. Environmenlol Requirements: I l. Do nol instoll ocousticol ceilings until dust generoting oclivities ore completed, wetr work hos dried ond overheqd mechonicol work is completed. I oA 9906 ogslo.l t I 2. Moinloin minimum of 60'F during ond offerinsfollolion of ocouslicol ceilings. I.O7 MAINTENANCE A. Exfro Moteriols: Provide Ownerwilh l% of gross oreo insfolled, moximum of lwo cqses, ofeoch type of ceiling ponel used. PART 2. PRODUCTS 2.OI ACOUSTICAL PANELS A. Monufocturers: l. United Stotes Gypsum2. Accepled subslilule in qccordonce with Section 01600. B. Ponels - Non-Fire Roted:l. Monufoclurer ond Type: USG Mors Climo plus (SLl2. Size: 3/4"x2'{"x2-0,3. NRC: .6$.754. CAC: 35-385. Color: White 2.02 SUSPENSIONSYSTEMS A. Monufocfurers:l. Donn/USG2. Approved subslilute in occordonce wifh Section 01600. B. Suspension Sysfems:l. Systems: o. Non-Fire Roted: Donn DX, l5/16" exposed gripb. Color: White2' Edge Molding: srondord with specified grid sysfem, coror ro motch grid. PART 3. EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION OF SUSPENSION SYSTEMS A' Generol: Insloll suspension sysfems in occordonce with ASTM C636 ond monufoclurersrecommendotions. l. Instoll metol edge molding wherever lhe suspended grid obuls wolls. columns ondolher verlicol surfoces.2. Frome oround openings os required.3. Suspend grid with honger wires from.sfrucfure obove. lnstoll honger wires of oll fourcorners of loy-in lighf fixtures ond os required lo provide moximum defleclion of I /360 of spon ond level within I /8" in | 2,. B. Exposed Grid Suspension System:l. Instoll moin T-runner on 49" centers.2. To complete q24" x48" grid, instoll 4g" cross T-sprines 24" o.c. ot righl ongles lo moin. T-runners. Insloll oddiiionol cross T-splines lo form 24,'grid. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T oA 9906 0951G2 I r 3. Lock T-spline intersecling moldings in ploce. All moin T-runners ond cross T-splines sholl be slroighf in olignment ond flush ol inlersecfions. I 4. Avoid use of less lhon holf widlh units ol borders. t 5. Instoll edge molding ot qll interseclions wiih dissimilor verticol surfoces. End joints lor edge moldings sholl occur only of T-Runners or Cross T-splines ond sholl hove riveledI conneCfions. I 6. Set edge moldings in thin bed of lolex ocrylic seolont lo complefely seol joint - between edge molding ond woll. Where woll inegulorities occur, si'rim edge I molding fo o slroighl line. I C. Reflecfed Ceiling Plon: Follow reflected ceiling plon on drowings in loyouf of grid. Any deviotion musi be occepted by Architect. I 3.02 TNSTALLATTON OF LAY{N PANELS I A. Ponels: lnstoll ponels in occordonce wiih monufocturer's recommendolions. Where I required. cul unils to fit.l. Loy-ln Ponels: o. Insloll ponels flush in grid. Ir 3.03 FINAL APPEARANCE I A. Ponels: On complelion, ocousticol ponels sholl be free from defecls, cleon ond lying flot I in metql grid. Remove ond reploce dirly, defoced, sconed or otherwise defecfive ponels. Touch up of scored ponels nof qcceptoble. I I I I I END OF SECTION I t I I oA eeo6 I 095tG3 I I sEcTroN o96so RESILIENT FLOORING I PART I - GENERAL I l.ot SUMMARY r A. Section Includes: I l. Rubber Tile Floorr 2. RubberBose I r.o2 suBM[rALs t A. Somples: Submii in occordonce wilh Seciion 01330, o full set of somples of the brond of I floor lile ond bose lo be used. Somples sholl be complete ond up to dole. Colors will I nol be selected unlil somples ore received. At the oplion of the Architeci, full size-- somples moy be required. I r.o3 DELrvERy, sToRAGE AND HANDLTNGI A. Generol: Compty with Seclion 01330. I B. Temperoture: Slore moteriols in originol contoiners qt not less fhon 70. F for not less thon 24 hours immediotely before inslollolion. I 1.04 PROJECT CONDTTTONS I A. Environmenlol Requiremenfs: Mointoin temperolure in spoce lo receive lile between 7Oo f F ond 90o F for noi less thqn 24 hours before ond 48 hours ofter instollotion. Following 48 hour period mointoin minimum temperoture of 55o F until complelion of building. I r.os MATNTENANcEI A. Exlro Moteriols: Provide the Owner ot ihe complelion of the project the following items:I l. Floor tile in the omount ot 17" of eoch color used. t 2. One cose bose.3. One gollon of eqch type of odhesive used. I t PART2-PRODUCTS 2.OI RUBBER BASE r A. Acceptoble Monufocturers:l. Azrock Floor Producis ll 2. Flexco Division of Textile Rubber Co., Inc. I 3. Johnson RubberCompony4. R. C. Musson Rubber Compony I 5. Roppe Rubber Corporotion I 6. Burke Industriesr 7. vPl I oA e9o6 oe6sor! t 8. Approved Substilule B. Bose: l/8'fhickness x 4'high unless olher sizes ore indicoted. Provide pre-formed externol corners. Job-formed inlernol corners moy be used of Controctor's oplion. Usetopsel cove bose of oll other locofions. colors os selecled by Architecl. 2.O2 RUBBER FLOORING A. AcceplobleMonufoclurer:l. Becker Areno producls, Inc. Telephone:. ffi1234_5522.2. Approved Subsfifute B. Type l: Nolurol rubber flooring wilh fode resislonl pigments, 0.38 in. thick, 361 36"liles,Sporl Floor by Becker Areno producfs, Inc.l. Colors: As selecfed by Archilect for monufocturer's slondords. 2.03 ADHESIVE A. Adhesive: As recommended by lhe monufocturer of fhe moferiol being instolled.Adhesive for vinyr edging ond bose shoil be o fype nor offected by heot. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Verificotion of Conditions: Exomine subslrote for excessive moislure content ond unevenness which would prevenl execulion ond quolify of resilient flooring os specified.Reporl unsotisfoctory condilions lo the Generol Conhoclorwith copy io Architect. B. Acceplonce: Do nol proceed with instollofion of resilient flooring unlil defects hovebeen correcled excepl where conection is indicoled under Preforolion. Beginning ofinstollolion meons occeptonce of existing subslrote. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Leveling: Level mojor uneven concrele floor joints or olher kregulorilies by bushhommering or grinding ond filling wifh lotex type underloymenl. Leveled oreos sholl besonded to provide o surtoce level 1l18" in l0'. Leveled qreos sholl be inspecled by theArchitecl before flooring work moy proceed. B' Cleoning, Potching ond Priming: Thoroughly cleon concrele floors before opplying floorcoverings. Remove rough spols ond ony foreign moffer lhol might be evidenl inrjugnthe floor covering. Poich minor rough oreos, voids ond defects with compotible bvJtingcompound. Prime concrete floors os recommended by the monufocturer of lhe floorinl. 3.03 APPLICATION OF ADHESIVES A. Generol: Mix ond opply odhesives in occordonce wiih monufocturer's instruclion. Provide sofety precouiions during mixing ond opplicolions os recommended byodhesive monufoclurer. Cover only thot omount of oreo which con be covered byflooring moleriol wifhin the recommended working time of lhe odhesive. I I I I I I I I I I I T I I t I I I t oA 9906 0965G2 T r B. Applicotion: Apply odhesive uniformly over surfoces wilh notched irowel or olher suiloble lool. Cleon trowel ond rework nofches os necessory lo insure proper opplicotion I of odhesive. I C. Cleoning: Remove ony odhesive which dries or films over. Do nol soil wolls. bqses, or I odjocent oreos with odhesives. Promplly remove spilloge.I 'r 3.04 TNSTALLATToN I A. Tile Flooring:t l. Generol: Instoll in occordonce with the recommendotions ond specificqtions of fhe lile monufoclurer. Moke.ioinis slroighl, tight, ond flush. Tightly cement lo floor. I 2. Loyoul: Work out potlerns for eoch lloor oreo ond cufs ogoinst wolls so cuts on t opposile sides of the oreo ore of some width. In order to eliminote smoll cuts ogoinst wolls, loyoul eoch oreo to delermine whelher poilern should stort wifh o I joint or cenler of o lile on ihe center line of lhe oreo eoch direclion. Where lile with I o direclionol pottern is used. confer wilh Architect for direclion of pollern. 3. Loyoul: Work oul pollerns for eoch floor oreo ond culs ogoinsi wolls so culs on I opposite sides of the oreo ore ol some width. In order lo eliminole smoll culs I ogoinsl wolls, loy oul eoch oreo lo determine whelher pollern should storl with or ioinl or cenler of o tile on lhe center line of the floor, I B. Bose: Tightly cement bose to woll with butl joints 'll15" or less in width. Instoll bose in toeI spoce of cobinefs. lnsloll bqse in corpeled oreos, ofter corpel hos been inslolled. I 3.05 CLEANINGrA. Cleoning: Upon compleiion, remove loose, crocked, chipped, stoined or olherwise I defective tile, or bose ond reploce in o solisfoclory monner. Cleon surfoces using only I cleoners opproved by the monufocturer. Remove mostic cement from odjoining work wilh porticulor core io not domoge such work. I B. Buffing: Dry mop ond buff flooring.I 3.06 PROTECTION f A. Prolecfion: Protect finished work from domoge by subsequent construclion operoiions. Where possible, lock rooms following inslollolion ond cleoning. T I I I END OF SECTION I oA eeo6 I 0965G3 I I sEcTroN 09680 CARPET - PART I -GENERAL I r.or suMMARYI A. Seclion Includes:I l. Direct Glue Down Corpel2. Accessories rt 1.02 SUBMffiALSI ' A. Seoming Diogrom: Before storting instollolion. submit o loyoui indicoting oll seoms in I occordonce with Section 01330. I B. Instqllqtion Instruclions: Before beginning insiollotion, submit monufocfurer's written recommended inslollotion procedures for porticulor corpel ond inslollolion conditions.I I C. Mointenonce Inslruclions: Provide lhe Owner, through the Architect,3 copies of o complete monuol of the monufocturer's mointenonce recommendolions for eoch type I of corpet provided.rr r.o3 euALrTY AssuRANcE I A. Conlrocior Quolificqtions: Corpel insloller musf hove o minimum of five yeorsr experience on inslollofions of similor size ond complexily The inslollqtion crew musl be fully quolified fo instoll the type of corpet to be furnished. T I.O4 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING I A. Generol: ComplywithSeclion01600. Storeundercoverinwell ventiloledspocesos I soon os delivered. Protecl from domoge, dirl. stoins ond moislure. Profecl odhesives from freezing. I 1.05 PROJECT CONDTTTONSr A. Exisfing Condilions: Corefully check dimensions ond olher condilions ond be responsible I for prJper fiiting of corpel in oreos designoted. Do not begin inslollotion until ceilingst ond finish work ore compleled. I I.06 MAINTENANCE I A. Extro Moteriols: Provide Ownerwith 5%exlro of gross oreq of eoch corpet type ond r color for mqinienonce purposes. r II I OA 9906 0968&l ! I I I I PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A. Corpef ot Holl 201 ond Office 203:l. Monulocturer ond Type: Benlley Mills Inlerknit2. Locol Represenfotive: Jennifer Brody, Tel: 303/Z15_39963. Color: As selecfed by Archilect. B. Corpet of Mulfi-Purpose Room 200:l. Monufoclurer ond Type: Bentley Mills lnlerlock2. Locol Represenfolive: Jennifer Brody, Tel: 303/Zl5-39963. Color: As selecled by Architecl. C' Adhesive: Re-source multi-purpose 100 odhesive os monufoclured by Interfoce Americos, lnc. D. Edging:l. ApprovedMonufocturers: o. Mercer Plostics Co., Inc.b. Johnson Rubber Co. (Johnsonite)c. Roppe RubberCorp.d. Approved Subsfitute2. Exposed Corpel Edge: Mercer lmperiol sized forcorpet thickness.3. Corpet/Vinyl file Tronsition: Mercer lile ond corpet joiner.4. Colors: Selecled by Architect. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI PREPARATION A. Cleon floors of dusf, dirt solvenls, oil, greose. point ond olher subslonces which would be detrimenlol to the proper performonce of odhesive ond corpet. Allow floors fo dry thoroughly. B. Ensure floors ore level wilh moimum surfoce voriotion of l/4 inch in l0 feet. noncumulotive. C. Ensure concreie floors ore free from scoling ond inegulorities ond exhibit neutrolity relofive lo ocidily ond olkolinity. D. Use opproved cementilious filler io polch crocks, smoll holes ond for leveling. 3.02 CARPETINSTALLATION A. vocuum cleon subsirote. Spreod odhesive in quontity recommended by monufociurer to ensure proper odhesion over full oreo of instollotion. Apply only enough odhesive lopermil proper odhesion of corpel before initiol sel. I t I t I I I I I I I I I t I I oA 9906 0968e2 I I f B. Loy corpel on floors wilh lhe run of the pile in some direclion of onticipoled lrotfic. I C. Do nol chonge run of pile in ony one room or from one room lo nexf where confinuous I fhrough o wqil opening. D. Cul ond fit corpet neotly oround projections through floor ond lo wolls ond other veriicolI surfoces. I E. Fit corpet snugly lo wolls or olher verlicol surfoces leoving no gops. t F. Do nof ploce heovy objects such os furnifure on corpeied surfoces for minimum of 24 hours or until odhesive is set. I G. Entire corpet inslollolion is to be loid lighl ond flol to subfloorwell fostened ot edges ond is lo present o uniform pleosing oppeoronce. Ensure monolilhic color. pollern ond raw+' '?e motch wilhin ony one oreo.I t H. lnsfoll edging sfrips where corpet lerminoles of other floor coverings. where splicing connot be ovoided, butt ends tight ond flush.I I 3.03 CLEANING AND PROTECTION I A. Toke odequole core to protect oll odjocent work from domoge or moring os o result of I lhe work of fhis secfion. a B. Cleon the corpel of oll spots wilh o spoi remover qs recommended by the I monufocfurer. _ C. Cut oll loose threods wilh o shorp scissors. I D. Corefully ond fhoroughly vocuum cleon llre enlire floor surfoce with on upright beoter bor lype vocuum cleoner. f E. Remove oll debris resulting from the work of this section from the site. I F. In oddition lo exlro moteriols in Article 1.06, leove oll usqble pieces of corpet not I necessory fo complele the work on ihe job site ond ploce in on orderly monner in on- oreo designofed by the Owner. I G. Coverwithnon-sloiningpoperorpolyethylene. Leovecoverinploceunlil finolt inspeclion. I T I I oAee06 I END OF SECTION 0968G3 I r sEcTtoN o99oo I PATNTS AND COATTNGSr PART I - GENERAL I l.0l SUMMARY A. Seclion Includes: I I. Poinl or sloin oll exterior surfoces nol specificolly excluded.fl 2. Point or noturol finish qll inlerior surfoces nol specificoily exctuded. I B. Exclusions: In oddition lo mqteriol obviously not requiring poinf such os gloss. floor, tile, I etc. do not poinf or finish:l. Surfoces indicoted by the finish schedule fo remqin unfinished. I 2. Foctory finished surfoces. t 3. Exterior metol woil ponels ond reloted floshings. C. Reloted Sections: I l. Piping ldentificofion: Division 15 Mechonicol.I 1.02 suEMmALSII A. Color Schedule: The Archilect will provide o color schedule lisling point colors setecled. Color selections will be mode by lhe Archiiect from color syslems of recognized point I compony. lf moleriols of olher monufocturers ore used, colors musl motch lhose I selecled. I B. Point ond Sioin Somples: Prepore ond submit point ond sloin somples. Remoke somples I unfil occepted. Furnish point somples on 12" x 12" ponels of gypsum boord. C. Moleriol Lisl: lmmediotely ofter oword of the conlrocl submit o lelter lisiing the I monufoclure ond product nome of eoch different moleriol for use on thelroject.I Moteriols list sholl be occepfed by the Architect before ordering moteriols. I D. Substitutions: See Section 0l600. Requesls for substilutions musf be on compony f leiterheod ond signed by on ouihorized represenlotive of ihe monufoclurer. Letlers from soles represenlotives or retoilers will not be occeploble. I I.O3 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLINGI A. Generol: Comply wilh Seclion 01600.II B. Delivery: Deliver moleriols requked for pointing in unbroken pockoges beoring the brond ond nqme of monufociurer. Order moleriols sufficienlly in qdvonce io be on fhe job I when needed ond deliver ol lhe building in sufficient quonliiies so lhe work will nol be I deloyed. No cloim by the Conlroclor concerning unsuitobility of ony moteriol specified or his inobilily lo produce firsl-closs work wilh the some, will be enterloined unless sucha cloim is mode, in wriling, wiih the moteriol list submillol. t I oA eeo6 I 0990G1 C. Sforoge ond Mixing: Poinlerwill be ossigned o room or spqce in which fo mix or sforemoteriql' Provide golvonized mixing pons for fhis poinl room orspoce in which poinls sholl be mixed. No mixing of point sholl be done excepf in fhese pons. Empty conloinersbeoring lhe nome or brond of ony monufoclurer sholl nol be broughf upon the premises for mixing of poinl unless lobels ore conceled ond conloinen ore c-losely morked os toconlenfs. D. lnspecfion: The point sloroge oreo sholl be open for periodic inspeclion by the Archilecflo insure only opproved moteriols ore being used. I.O4 PROJECTCONDITIONS A. Existing Conditions: Spoces musl be cleon before finishing is slorted. Do not finish rooms or spoces where rubbish hos occumuloled or while rubbish is being removed. Finishing will nof be ollowed in dusly rooms. Do nol remove rubbish wnile finish is fresh. Surfocei fowhich finish is lo be opptied sholl be dry ond cleon. B. Environmenlol Requiremenfs: Do nol finish outside surfoces in extreme cold, frosly, foggy,or domp weother. In winter weother, finish only when fhe temperoture is 50oF or over--' ond surfoces ore obsolulely dry. Exterior poinling sholl not be ollowed while dust isblowing. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A. Acceploble Monufocfurers: The best quoliiy moferiols os monufoctured by ony of lhefollowing monufoclurers will be occeptoble: (point Only):l. For Brush, Roller or Sproy work: t I I I T I T I I t I I T t I I I t I Piitsburgh Sherwin-Willioms Devoe Poinls lCl Dulux Kwol Howells Sophir Monisg. Approved Subslilule2. For High Performonce Cootings:o. Tnemec Compony Inc.b. Approved Substitule3. Epoxy Cooting:o. Piflsburgh b. lCl DeVoec. opprovedsubstilule.4. Inierior Sloin: Shenvin Willioms, piltsburgh or opproved substilule.5. Exterior Sloin: Okon or opproved substituie B. Quolity: All producfs not specified by nome sholl be "best grode" or',firsl line" producls or occeptoble monufocfuren. See Port 3 Execution for moteriols required for this project. Where possible, mqteriols sholl be of o single monufoclurer o. l'..' c. A e. oA 9906 099@2 H. I I I I t t I T I I I I t I I I I I I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Verificofion of Condifions: Exomine surfoces scheduled lo receive poinl ond finishes for condilions lhot will odversely offecl execulion, permonence or quolity of work ond which connol be put inio on occeploble condilion fhrough preporolory work os included under Preporolion. Reporl unsolisfocfory conditions to fhe Generol Controclor in wriling with copy to the Archilecl. B. Acceptonce: Beginning of opplicolion meons occeptonce of exisling surfoces. 3,02 PREPARATION A. Generol:l. Ssnd finishes on wood ond mefol surfoces between cools lo ossure smoolhness ond odhesion of subsequent coots. Use extro fine sondpoper to ovoid culting fhe edges when sonding. Apply pufty or spockling compound ofler surfoces ore primed ond primer is dry. &ing moleriql flush Wth odjoining surfoces.2. Surfoces sholl be perfeclly dry, cleon ond smoolh before siorfing work. Fill crocks, holes or checks full ond moke smooth before finish is opplied lo surfoces. Fill ony crocks, efc., which occur offer wolls ore sized. B. Interior Wood Surfoces to be Poinfed: Remove sop on surfoce by solvenl-wiping. Touch- up resinous oreos ond knots wilh on opproved seoler. Fill voids wilh o high quolity, leod- free Posie Wood filler ofter primer is dry.C. Fenous Melol: Remove foreign moleriol from unprimed meiol wiih wire brush ond dusl cleon. D. Shop Primed Metols: Touch-up shop primed metols wilh o primer similor fo the exisling. Sond shop primer on hollow metol work immediolely before pointing lo remove greose ond dirt film from surfoces. F. Zinc Cooied Metol (Golvonized Surfoces): Solvent cleon wilh minerol spirils or olher occeploble solvenl in occordonce wilh SSPC-SPI fo remove oll residue oil, greose or olher contominotion. Prime os specified. Inlerior Wood fo be Cleqr Finished: Sond os required. Fill voids ond noil holes ofter firsl coot is dry using o filler compoiible with lhe finish system ond molching color. Prolection: Furnish ond loy drop clolhs or mosk off oreos where finishing is being done lo prolect floors ond other work from domoge during the execulion of work. Where il becomes necessory to remove lemporory coverings ploced by olhers. reploce some in proper monner. Remove oily rogs ond wosle from the building every night. Do not ollow fo occumulole. Domoge lo Work of Others: Be responsible for ony domoge done lo the work of oiher frodes, repoiring some lo lhe solisfoction of lhe Architect. Reploce ony moieriols domoged to such on exlent thot they connol be restored to their originol condilion. oA 9906 0990G3 3.03 A. WORKMANSHIP Exisling surfoces: lf fhe surfoces ore nof in proper shope for pointing, repoir, rebuild or refinish before proceeding wilh fhe work. Be responsible for ony poor work coused by improper surfoces. The opplicofion of ihe fint coof does not relieve lhe responsibility for the bose. Do not opply ony cools on eilher domp or wel surfoces ond in no cose unlil fhe preceding coof is dry ond hord. Applicolion: Spreod moleriols evenly wilhoul runs or sogging of mofedols ond thoroughly brush oul. Sond work between cools. Wood Doors: Finish lhe upper ond lower edges of wood doors lhe some os the foce. Do this work ofler doors hove been fitled ond ore reody for finol honging. Colors: Finish coot sholl be color os selecled by Archifect. linl primers to molch finish coot. Roller Applicotion: Where poinf or enomel is rolled on. use o fine nop roller so o neorly flot or oronge peel iexture is obtoined. COATING SYSTEM - INTERIOR Minimum of lhe Following: Deleie primer when re-cooling exisiing surfoces. t I I I I I T I c. D. C. Fenous, Zinc cooted or Foclory-Primed Metols - poinied: I T I I T I I I I T t A. B. Wood Doors - Stoined: First Coot Second Coot Thhd Cool Firsl Coot Second Cooi Third Coqt Sond with No.00 sondpoper belween cools. Woodwork - Poinied: Sherwin-Willioms Wood Clossics Oil Bose Stoin Polyurelhone Vornish Polyurelhone Vornish Suiioble Primer Enomel Undercool Semi-Gloss Enomel Suitoble Primer or Foctory-Prime Coot Enomel Undercool Semi-Gloss Enomel Suiloble Primer Lotex Enomel, Semi-Gloss Lolex Enomel, Semi-Gloss First Cool Second Cool Third Coot D. Drywoll - Pointed: First Coof Second Cooi Third Coof E. Epoxy Wolls ond Hollow Metol Doors ond Fromes: Firsl Coot Second Coot Block Filler or Suifoble Primer Piftsburgh Pitt-Gloze Wqler Bosed Acrylic Epoxy Enomel, Semi-Gloss oA 9906 0990G4 3.05 A. D. 3.06 c. D. I t I I t I T I I I I I t T I I I t I COATING SYSTEM - EXTERIOR Minimum of the Following: Metol Doors, Fromes ond Fenous Melols - High performonce Cooling: Firsi Cooi Tnemec Series 2Z FC Typoxy primer, 4.0 dry film mills Includes Inlerior Foces of Exlerior Metol Doors ond Fromes B. Zinc Cooted Melol (Golvonized) Surfoces - High performonce Cooting: Second Cool Third Coot Surfoce Preporofion Firsf Cool Second Cool Block or Concrele - Poinled: Firsi Coot Second Coot Third Cooi Wood Soffits - Sloined First Coot Second Cooi minimum Tnemec 73 Enduro-Shield,4.0 dry film Tnemec Series 76 Enduro-Cleor,l.G2.0 dry film mils Solvenl Cleoning SSPC-SPl Tnemec Series 27 FC Typoxy Primer, 2.0 - 4.0 mils Tnemec 73 Enduro-Shield,4.Gdry film mils minimum Flood coot of Okon W{ Wolerproof Seoler Exterior Acrylic Lolex Mixed wilh Okon TCS Concentroie Exterior Acrylic Lolex Mixed wiih Okon TCS Concenlrote Okon Wood Preservotive Sloin Okon Wood Preservolive Sloin MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS Mechonicol Piping ond Ductwork: Wherever insuloled pipe or ductwork occurs in rooms where wolls ore finished, cover convos jockef with one cool seoler ond two cools flol woll poinl. wherever uninsuloled piping or ductwork occurs in rooms where wolls ore finished or elsewhere os colled for, finish pipes os colled for under fenous zinc cooled, or foctory primed metols. See Division l5 for ideniificotion morkings. Grilles, Regislers qnd Louvers: Prime cooled grilles, regisfers ond louvers, except lhose built permonenlly info mosonry, will be delivered to this contrqctor by the porty furnishing some. They sholl be sproy pointed in colors os directed thoroughly covering oll surfoces visible otter instollotion ond returned to the supplier for inslollotion. After instolloiion, do such louch up of screws ond scuffed spots or repoinling os required fo ochieve o uniform point job. Objects on Roof: Point oll metol objects on lhe roof including, but nol limited to, rooflop mechonicol unifs, floshings, roof droins, venls, exhousl fons, oir intoke hoods, roof holches, elc. os specified under fenous, lnc cooted melols. Prime cooted Hordwore: Point oll door closers, removoble mullions ond prime cooied hordwore os specified under fenous, zinc cooled or foclory primed melol - poinied. Electricol Wiremold: Point fo moich woll on which instolled. oA 9906 0990G5 3.08 A, 3.09 A. 3.07 A. SPECIAL AREAS Exposed Ceiling Slruclure - Pointed. Scheduled oreos wilhoul suspended ceilings: Sproypoinl oll epolgd deck,ioists, beoms, conduit, ducfs, regislers, mechonicot unihl piping,' insulolion lighl fixture hongen, elc. ot ceilings os follows: I . One (l ) sproy cool Tnemec Uni-Bond. CLEAN UP Finol cleon-Up: Af lhe complelion of work, remove oll surplus moleriols, stoging. rubbish;cleon off oll poinl, vornish, sfoins from floors, gloss, wolls, hordwore; ond leove lhe premises in cleqn condilion. EXTRA STOCK Exlro Point: At the complelion of poinfing, deliver fo lhe owner one full gollon of eqchpoinl color ond iype used olong with lhe color number or formulo for eolh type. Epoxy ond high performonce coolings ore nol included. END OF SECTION I T I I t I T I T T I I t I I I I t I oA 9906 0990G6 I I I I 'ART r -GENERAL ! r.ol suMMARy A. Section Includes: I l. Plostic Toilel Portilions I B. Reloted Seclions: DIVISION I O SPECIALTIES sEcTroN r0r70 PLASTIC TOILET PARTITIONS T l. Toilet Room Accessories ond Grob Bors: Seciion 10810 Toilet Accessories.2. Steel Supports for Ceiling Hung Portifions: Section 05500 Metol Fobricotions. I.O2 SUBMMALS I A. Shop Drowings; Submit in occordonce with Secfion 01300 Submiifols. I B. Somples: Submit color somples for Architecl's seleclion. I I.O3 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING I A. Generol: ComplywithSeclion0l600. Deliverondsloreinoriginol crolesundercover. I 1.04 WARRANTY I A. Provide monufocturer's l0 yeor wononty in occordqnce with section 0lT00. I PART2-PRODUCTS !2,01 PLASTIC TOILET PARTITIONS a A. Monufoclurer ond Type: Comtec Induslries Solid Polymer high density polyethylene.E Portiiions sholl be ceiling hung. I B. Hordwore ond Fittings: Provide stqndord hqrdwore ond fittings. Eqch door sholl ber equipped with one cosl olloy chrome-ploted cool hook ond bumper ond one cosl olloy chrome-ploled lotch. Provide door pulls for out-swinging doors.It C. Colors: Color os selected by Architeci from monufocfurer's stondord colors. Color selecled moy vory from room lo room. I D. Cross Brocing: 4" high HDPE mounfed fo piloslers direcfly below ceiling shoes. It I oA 9906 lolTGl - II PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. Erecl plumb, level ond frue ond securely ofloch fo wolls ond ceilings. Exercise porticulor core lo ovoid domoge to fhe finished portifions, ceilings orwolls. I I I I ! I T I I I I I I I I END OF SECTION oA 9906 1017u2 I I I sEcTroN r02r0 METAL WALL LOUVERS PART I - GENERAT I r.or SuMMARY f, A. Seclion lncludes: ! l. Mefol Woll Louvers 1| B. Reloted Seclions: t l. Mechonicol Louvers: Division 15 Mechonicol - t.02 QUALTTY ASSURANCE tr! A. Design Criterio: Louver monufociurer sholl design ond provide strucfurol supports lo corry o wind lood of nol less thon 40 psf on louvers. Design for exponsion without dislortion ofI louvers.I I.O3 SUBMITTALS I I A. Shop Drowings: Submit in occordonce with Section 01300. Indicote detoils, occessories qnd qtlochments. -.I r.04 DELTVERY. STORAGE AND HANDLTNG ,- A. Generol: Comply with Section 01500. Deliver ond store louvers ond occessories in o dry I ploce fo ovoid condensolion or contocf with moteriqls which might couse stoining suchr os lime, cement, fresh concrete or chemicols. I PART 2. PRODUCTSr2.OI LOUVERS f A. Acceptoble Monufocturers: l. Conslruction Speciolties, Inc. 2. Airoliie ] 3. Accepted Substifuter B. Monufocturer ond Type: Consiruciion Speciolties Model 4105. Provide necessory I occessories, broces ond supporls lo wilhstond specified wind lood. Provide for I exponsion, if required, by size of louver. All fostenings io be sloinless sleel or oluminum. Furnish oll louvers with l/2'mesh bird screen in removoble oluminum fromes. a C. Aluminum Finish: Cleon onodized finish. )I I 0A9906 ro2ro-l ! rlr o PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. Insfoll louvers os recommended by fhe monufocturer ond os indicoled on reviewed Shop Drowings. END OF SECTION oA 9906 1021o-2 I t I sEcTroN t0400 IDENTIFICATION DEVICES I PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY I 3 A. Seciion lnctudes:ll l. Inferior Signs _ 2. Exferior Signs IT 1.02 SUBMITTALS I A. Shop Drowings ond Producls Doto: Submit in occordonce with Seclion 01330. Include t instollofion instruclions. I B. Somples: Submit color somples for seleclion by Architect. Submif full size sign somples for I revrew. I.O3 REGULATORYREQUIREMENTS t A, Complywithopplicoblerequirementsof ANSI All7.l ondAmericonsWithDisobilityAct Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) for signoge thol provides emergency informotion, generol circulotion directions or identificotion of rooms ond spoces. PART 2 - PRODUCTS r 2.01 TNTERTOR SrcNS A. Types: ! l. Room Numbers: Surfoce mount on woll odjocenl to doors os indicofed. T2poinlr letfering. Assume four digifs or lefters for eoch room orspoce enlronce.2. Room ldentificolion: Surfoce mount on woll odjocenl to doors of eoch public foilet I indicoting "Men" or "Women" 48 point lettering. I B. Moteriols: Acrylic sheet, cleor, molie finished cosl ocrylic sheeling by Rohm ond Hoos Jl Co. npp[ grophics to gloss foce of sheels wilh only one motfe finished foce. Applied t finishes io gloss sheei nol occeptoble. - C. Grophic Design: I l. Fobricofion: Enlorge or reduce grophics os necessory by pholo-grophic meons. - Hond cul stencils not occeploble. Form moieriols fo shopes indicofed with stroighl lines ond shorp ongles. at D. Description: L Moteriol: Motie ocrylic ploslic, slondord modulor ocrylic ploque signs. ;1 2. Size: 6" x 8", 8" x 8" (see room finish schedule),! 3. Grophics: Reverse screen white.- 4. Color sproy reverse occording to Architect's color seleclion. I oA 9906 ro4oG,rI IIl 5. Mounfing: Permonenl odhesive.6. Locolions: As direcfed by Archilecl.7. Lettedng Style: Helvelico medium, upper cose fonls. provide normol spocing belween leflers. Voriofion of letfer forms is not occeptoble.8. Broille lype iniegrol with oll inlerior signoge, Grode 2 Broille text PART 3. EXECUTION 3.OI INTERIOR SIGNS A. Generol: Mounl ot locofions os indicoted or os direcfed by the Architecl. Altoch in occordonce wilh monufoclurer's recommendolions. Mounfing height per ADAAG. signs: Insloll shoighf level ond plumb occording lo defoils. After instqllolion, remove proteclive coverings, morks ond finger prints ond leove signs ond odjocent surfoces cleon. Cooperote wiih olher lrodes for instollolion of sign unils lo finish surfoces. Repoir ond reploce domoged unils os directed by fhe Archifect. END OF SECTION l I I t I I I I T t I I I T I I I I I oA 9906 1040G2 I I I PART I - GENERAL I r.or suMMARy sEciloN r0503 METAL LOCKERS A. Seclion Includes;l. Removql of exisfing metol lockers in possoge 122 snd replocemenl wilh new melollockers. I B. Reloted Sections:- l. Wood Boses: Section 06100 Rough Corpenlry I t.o2 sUBMtTTALs A. Shop Drowings: Submit shop drowings for oll lockers ond reloted ilems. See Secfiont 01330 Submittols. I B' Color Selection: As selecled by Archilect from monufoclurer's stondord colors. - r t.03 DEL|VERY, STORAGE AND HANDLTNG Deliver ond slore lockers ond reloled ilems in originol croles under cover. I.O4 MAINTENANCE t A. Exlro.Moteriols: Provide lhe owner ot the complelion of the projecl ihe following items:iI l. Locking Devices: Ten (l0f eoch type of locking devices ond combinotion locks. I PART2- PRODUCTS r 2.ol MATER|ALS I A. Acceptoble Monufocturers - Slondord Lockers:I l. Lyon Metol producfs. 2. Approvedsubslitute. ft I 2.O2 LOCKER TYPES AND SIZES I T I Metol locken sholl be of lhe quontities ond oronged in the groups indicoted on thedrowings ond of lhe following types ond sizes. see following orticles for deloiled description of '!londord" Lockers. J A. "sfondqrd"lockers, 12'wide. l8'deep, T2"high,louvereddoors,mountedonwoodbose.'- Provide sloped fops ond ihree (3) woll hooks in eoch locker. See Drowings for lockerconfigurofion.II oA 9906 r0503-l 2.03 A. D. F. G. H. STANDARD LOCKERS Moteriol: Conslruct doors ond fromes of pickled, cold-rolled ond polent leveled sheet sleel. Conslrucl olher porls from good onneoled speciolly treqled ond poienf leveled sleel. All sleel lo be free from buckle, scole ond ofherimperfections ond cqpoble of toking o high grode enomel finish. Doors: Consfrucf doors of No. | 6 gouge sleel odequotely flonged. Formolions sholl consisl of lwo right ongles ot lock side of doors, two right ongles ol hinge side ond one dghf ongle formoiion of lop ond botfom. Weld oll flonges fogefher ot corners. Louver doors sholl hove stondord louver perforoiions neor lop ond botlom. Door Fromes: Conslruct door fromes of nol less lhon No. l6 gouge sleel copoble ot toking some finish os bolonce of locker. All ports to be of chonnel formofion securely welded fogether. Sides of fromes sholl form q coniinuous door strike. Locking Device: Provide posilive outomolic type locking device of the prelocking type whereby locker moy be locked while door is open, ihen closed wilhoul unlocking ond wilhout domoging locking mechonism. Provide recessed hondles wilh fingertip conlrol. Hinges: Hinges sholl be of leost 2" wide of the full loop, tight pinset lo be securely welded to frome ond bolted lo door with two bolts lo eqch hinge. Doors sholl hove lhree hinges. Body: Consfruct body of locker of not less thon No. 24 gouge sieel with necessory formoiion lo moke rigid locker ond to insure tighf joints between bolls. Fillen ond Tops: Provide blonk fronl ond fop filler pieces of size required wherever groups of lockers odjoin in corners yet do not meet or wherever lockers obul wolls. Equipmenl: lockers sholl hove three (3f woll hooks per locker. All hooks sholl hove boll points ond be codmium ploted. Aftoch oll hooks wilh two bolts. Number Ploles: provide eoch locker wiih polished oluminum number ploles, oluminum bockground ond elched blonk numerols not less thon 3/8'high. Alfoch plotes with split rivets. End ond Bock Ponels: Where o group of lockers hos on exposed end or bqck, furnish ond insloll prefinished l6 gouge end ponel securely ottoched lo end or bock of locker. Finish: Thoroughly cleon oll steel porls ond finish wilh o heovy cool of school furnilure enqmel. Enomel sholl be boked ot 250'. Where boll heods ore visible on outside of locker, finish to molch bolonce of locker. bolts ond nuls lo be ruslproofed before finishing. Color: Color for lockers is to be monufocturer's sfondord color selected by ihe Architect. Combinoiion Locks: Provide Moster Nos. 1630 ond l63l Automotic-Locking Bolt Lock, key conirolled wilh five combinotion chonge feqture. I t I I T I I I I I I I I T I I J. L. M, I I I oA 9906 I0503-2 I I I I I II I t,t PART3-EXECUITON | 3.01 EXAMTNAnON I A. Verificotion of Conditions: Before beginning inslollotion, the locker insloller sholl exomine - surfoces lo receive lockers for ony condifions ihqt would odversely offecl ihe inslollotion. ; lLtJiliJ,fl:::t:'" noled lhey sholl be corecled by lhe Generol controctor before I 3.02 INSTALLATION a lnsfoll lockers, olign ond securely onchor in ploce. Lockers to be plumb ond true with oll I doors operoting ond withouf binding. Reinstoll exisling lockers os indicoled. Furnish oll I fillers ond occessories os required for compleie instollotion. I 3.03 NUMBERTNG f Instqll locker numbers on eoch locker occording to o schedule lo be furnished by the Owner. Insioll new numbers on relocoled lockers.rl I 3.04 ADJUSTTNG AND CLEANTNG I Upon completion of the work, odjust oll lockers, touch up oll sconed spols lo mofch finish I ond leove fhe entire instollotion cleon ond in good condilion. Remove oll pocking- moteriol ond debris from the siie. END OF SECTION J I I oA ee06 l0s0&3 I I T I PART I . GENERAL t r.or suMMARy sEcTtoN 10509 LOCKER ROOM BENCHES A. Section Includes: I l. Lockerroom benchesI I.O2 SUBMMALS t A. Shop Drowings: Submil shop drowings for oll lockers ond reloted ilems. See Seclion 0l 330 Submiilol Procedures. t B. Color Selection: As selecled by Architecl from monufocturer's slondord colors. I.O3 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING r Deliver ond slore benches ond reloted items in originol crotes under cover. I PART 2. PRODUCTS I 2.O1 MAIERIALS f A. Acceptoble Monufoclurers - Locker Benches:!r l. Comtec lnduslries ,r 2. Approved Substitufe r B. Descriplion: Pedesfol mounled or woll mounled benches construcled of l-l12" lhickness high density potyethylene. I C. Sizes: As indicoled on the Drowings. I D. Color: As selected from monufoclurer's slondqrds. I! E. Pedestols ond Woll Brockets: Golvonized Steel. I PART3-EXEcuTroNt 3.OI EXAMINATION ,I A. Verificoiion of Conditions: Before beginning instollolion, lhe instoller sholl exomine surfoces lo receive benches for ony condilions thot would odversely offect the l, instollolion. lf such conditions ore noled lhey sholl be conected by ihe Generol f Controclor before the work proceeds. I I 0A9906 losog-l I a v INSTALLATION Insioll benches, olign ond securely onchor in ploce. I I I I T I I I I I I t I I t, I T I I END OF SECNON oA 9906 10509-2 I T I sEcTroN 10520 FIRE PROTECTION SPECIALTIES I- PARTI-GENERAL r r.ol suMMARy I A. Section Includes: ! l. Fire Edinguisher Cobinels2. Fire Extinguishers I B. Reloted Secfions: l. Mqsonry Openings: Section 04810 Unit Mosonry Assemblies. .. 2. Wood Blocking: Seclion 061@ Rough Corpentry. t 3. Drywoll Openings: Seclion 09263 Gypsum Boord Portilions ond Wolls. _ l.o2 suBMmALs I A. Produci Doto: Submif in occordonce with Section 01330 Submittols. Indicote Vpes ond locotions.I I PART2 - PRODUCTS r 2.01 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AND CABINETS I A. AccepfobleMonufoclurers: - l. J.L. Industries fl 2. Accepted SubstituteI B. Cobinets: J.L. IndustriesAcodemywithconlempororyVdoorwithSoFl-Lock; semi- I recessed 18 goge steel box. Key lockwith lqminqled sofety gloss. Provide fire roled I cobinels where locoled in fire roied portilions. '| . Finish: Brushed oluminum. t C. Extinguishers: l0# multLpurpose A-B-C type wilh pressure goge. Furnish woll brockel for woll hung extinguishers. I PART3-EXEcuTroN 3.OI INSTALLATIONrt I A. Cobinefs: Insloll cobinels occording to monufoclurer's inslructions. Provide necessqry wood blocking.lt J B. Exlinguishers: Insloll in cobinels or on woll brockets ond leove fully chorged. I I oA eeo6 T END OF SECTION l052Gl I I I PART I . GENERAL I r.or suMMARy sEcTtoN t06st ACCORDION FOLDING PARTITION I A. Section Includes: I l. Accordion Folding portition I B. Reloted Sections: I l. Supports Above Ceiling: Section 05500 Metol Fobricolions. L02 SUBMInALSIt A. Shop Drowings: Submil shop drowings. See Seclion 01330 Submittqls. t B. Color Selection Chort: Submit somples for Architecl's seleclion.I C. Contrqct Closeout Submiflols: I l. Wononly: Submit specified wononfy. I I,O3 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING I Deliver in originol crotes ond store under cover.I I.O4 WARRANTYIt Wononl ogoinst defects in moteriol ond workmonship for o period of two yeors from Dole of Substonliol Completion. I PART2-PRODUCTS /- 2.01 AccoRDtoN PARTITION Ir A. Accepfoble Monufocturers:l. Hufcor, Inc. I 2. Approved SubstituieI 8. Monufocturer ond Type: Hufcor Accordion Door Series 44OO or equol of olher I occeploble monufocfurer. Single door with oll slondord hordwore. Type 7l irock t l. Minimum STC Roting: 402. Color: As selected by Archilecl. I 2.02 SUPPORT SYSTEM - Portition supplier io provide threoded rods, wood blocking ond supporls of portiiion I :i^X?r'."*' Continuous beom or chonnel for supporl of threoded rods provided by I oA 9906 t065t-l I t PART 3. EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION By foctory troined personnel in sldcf occordqnce with opproved shop drowings ond monuf oclurer's instructions. 3.02 ADJUSTMENT Upon completion, odjusf portilions for smoolh ond eosy operolion. lf requested by Owner, reodlusl porlitions opproximolely I I months ofter Dofe of Substonliol Completion. END OF SECTION I T I T t I I I t I I t I I I T T I oA 9906 10651-2 I T I PART I - GENERAL lr I.OI SUMMARY a A. Section Includes: t l. Toilet occessories os indicoted ond specified I B. Reloted Seclions: I l. Toilet Poriitions: Section 10170 Plosiic Toilet Comporlments. 2. Fromeless Minors: Section 08800 Glozing. I r.o2 suBMmALs A. Product Doto: Submif in occordonce with Section 01330.t I PART 2- PRODUCTS - 2.O1 ACCESSORIES 'J A. Acceploble Monufocturers: .r. |. Bobrick Woshroom Equipment, Inc. f 2. Accepted SubstifuteIB. Accessory Type Schedule: Schedule on Drowings.t l' PART3-EXEcuTroN - 3.OI INSTALLATION I,A. Generol: Fqslen occessories rigidly ond securely io wolls or toilet porlitions using melhods .r ond moteriols recommended by monufoclurer. I 3.02 ADJUSTMENT I A. Adjuslment Before finol inspeclion, inspect eoch occessory instollotion for rigid ond t secure inslolloiion. Toke oction necessory for rigid ond secure instollolions. sEcTroN 10810 TOILET ACCESSORIES END OF SECTIONI I I I oAee06 I r08rGl I t I I I I ! t I t I t I I T I I I I + f 01200 - c0{ffiEn MAso,rRY uNtt RE frnish sched. 10500 - t0cKtRR00[1 BtNfi TOP: sdid olostic. I l/2' thictit/ ll2'rodiusel top edge, typ. 055,00 - METAL BRACKET:lil l/4' steet bor 0 4-0' 0.c.. ootv.. bdt lo crnu w/ exponsion bdts' ' ()95iOO - RUBBER FLOORING: RE: fmish scheduli. ()]}OO - CONCRETI SLAB ON GRAOE 09600 - RUBBER EASEr RE: finish schedule. TYPICAL l/tlALL MOUNTED BENCH DETAIL l12'=1'-t ? oDBLL AlCEttlctt, Lc.,ol No. tt0a John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PRO'ECT lor tl. Yrll lrGr.r or Dltttlra rra t!r fart ot Vrlt+ t T I I I I Y t I I I I I t I I I I I 10505 - MEIAL toclcR 06tm - PLYW000 sutAtHtNG: l/2" lire retordont ti 095m - RIIBBER 90RIS FL00R|NG; 4- ht. bose skio 0locker' O95OO - RUBBER SPffiTS II.OORING: RE: linish schetule 06l(}0 - rO00 BL0filNG; 2' x 4' lire retordont treoted PR0vlt)E 2'r 1' 0 21' 0.C., ilP; lre retordont lreoled lt,|ETAL LOCKER BASE DETAIL ++ oDELL AlCf,trEcTt. t.c.fcl No. tt0l John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND RENOVATTONS PRO'ECT ?or tl. Vrl I l.Grrrtlor Dlrt.l!t rra rl. ?crr ., Vrlt++ T I T I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I + + IO5OO - I4ETAL IOCKTR 04200 - coNcRtrt I,ASoNRY UNIT: R[: portition tpes 0e500 - lltllEffiPeoRrs Fr00RrNG; ()95O() - RUBBER SPORTS ITOORING: RE: finidr schedule t/2t Oflm - ll000 SL0CKING: CNI., PtR L0fltR MANF. RECOMI'IENOANON! FIRI RTIARDNI IRIAITD OJJ(}O - CASI-IN-PLAS CONCRIIT CURB MEIAL LOCKER BASE DTL. llt=1'-t + oDtLL A lC f, tT!CT!, t.C.,cl llo. ttll John A. Dobson Arena ADDITIONS AND R.ENOVATIONS PRO'ECT lor rl. Vrll l. G.r.3lc I DIrtrl!r rra rl. To rt oa Vrlt + 1 I DMsroN r3-sPEcrAL coNsTRUcTroN sEcTroN r31 75 ) rcE R'NK coNsTRUcTroN rl a PART I -GENERAL I r.0r SUMMARY A. Secfion Includes: ,a l. Removol of existing concrele ice rink floor I 2. Potching or replocemenf of ony existing under-floor insulolion domoged duringI removol of concrete floor. . 3. Excovofion of new heoder lrench I 4. Plocemenl of slob reinforcing ond pipe choirs.[ 5. Instollotion of cooling pipes 6. Tesling of cooling pipes t 7. Instollolion of perimeter exponsion joinl I 8. Pouring ond finishing of new ice rink slob in one monolilhic pour wilhout joints. 9. Curing of slob I 10. Instollolion seolonl ot top edge of perimeler exponsion joinl. I I l. Curing of ice rink slob for o minimum of 28 doys. 12. Groduql cooling of ice rink slob to ice moking temperolure. I B. Retoted Secfions: I l. Concrefe Reinforcement: Section 033002. Cost-ln-Ploce Concrete: Section 03300 I 3. Perimeter Joint Seolers: Section 07900II.O2 SUBMMALSt I A. Shop Drowings ond Product Doto: Submit drowings, specificotions ond producl dolo- indicoting piping loyout ond oll componenls ond ports of the system. I r.o3 euALrTY AssuRANcEI A. Subcontroctor Quolificotions; The ice rink slob sholl be poured ond finished by c I subconlroctor ond crew experienced in pouring refrigeroted floors ond super-flol floors inA lorge monolilhic pours. No exponsion, conlrociion or conslruclion joints will be ollowed in the entke poul. A I B. Instolloiion Requiremenfs ond Toleronces: The eniire floor sholl be poured ond finishedr wilhin o foleronce of I /8 inch of the bosic level. Loser inslrumenls sholl be used to esfoblish toleronce. t I I oA ee06 t l317$r PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A. Reinforcing Mesh: See Secfion 03200 B. Concrele Mix See Seclion O 3300. c. Perimeler Exponsion Joint Moleriol: % inch thickness exlruded polyslyrene cut so fhol fopl-l/2 inch con be removed for seolonl spoce offer slob is finisfred ond cured. D. Joint Seolonl Two componenl pouroble polyurelhone os specified under Section 02920Joini Seolonls. PART 3. EXUCUTION 3.OI DEMOLITION OF EXISTING SLAB A' Sow cut ond remove existing floor slob inlo seclions ond remove corefully to minimizedomoge lo existing insuloiion io remoin. All workmen ond equipmenl sholl work from theexisling slob. B. Repoir or reploce ony insulolion domoged during demolifion using motching moteriols. C. All insulotion sholl be within l/8 inch of lhe designofed level ond oll joints light beforeproceeding. 3.02 CONSTRUCTION OF ICE RINK FLOOR A. Botlom Reinforcing: Ploce o loyer of 6x6 WWM reinforcing on lhe lop of lhe insulolion. Lop joinls by one squore ond oll wires musl line up precisely, lo occommodote iheposilioning of pipe choirs. B. Pipe Choks: Ploce pipe choirs through the wire mesh, resling on lo lhe insulotion. spoced 2 fl. oport. Adjusl the choirs ot lhe ice slob edges lo motchlhe indicoted spocing ofcooling pipes ond occommodole the dosher boord onchors. T I I I I I I I I I I 'l I I I T I D. cooling Pipes: Instoll cooling pipes, os indicqled on the piping drowings, occording lospocing ond frequency. The pipes sholl be connecied to the supply ond return heodersond lhe system pressurized lo opproximotely 40 psi. for lesting. Affei testing pressure should be reduced to 20 lbs for fhe concrefe pour. lop Reinforcing: Ploce o loyer of 6x6 616 wwM reinforcing on lhe top of the pipes. Lopjoints by 6 inches (one squore). Becouse of lhe overlopping, of lhe corners the mesh willbe minimum 3 loyers deep - lhis is unoccepioble. corner lrimming must be done toensure lhot the mesh loys no more thon two loyers deep. Tie bottom loyer with fhe foployer of reinforcing mesh ol 2 ft. inlervols bolh woys. Coution should be used to mointoinlhe level of the bottom reinforcing mesh to opproximotely I inch off lhe insulotion. ondnot more. t I oA 9906 t3t7u2 E. F. I I t ) I I I t T I t T I T t I I I I G. C_udng: Curing sholl be done by keeping fhe ice slob wef ond moisl for o period of seven(7) doys ofter the finishing ol lhe surfoce. Cuf the wire holding the return bends of fhecooling pipes within 24 h ours ofier pouring of lhe ice slob. totllow for fhe conlroclion oflhe dob. Totol lenglh of curing sholl be minimum 2g doys. H. Perimeier Joint Seolont: Remove lop 1-l12 inches of perimeter joint moteriol qnd opplyseolont os specified under Section 07920. Do not insloll seolqnt until slqb is fully cured ' ond slob cooling is completed fo ollow for moximum shrinkoge of lhe cured ond cooled slob. 3.03 USE OF SLAB No rnolorized equipmenl qnd vehicles sholl be used on ihe ice slob during the seven (7) doy curing period. After thot. only light equipmenf ond vehicles moy use fhe ice slob.No looded lrucks or concrefe lrucks ore ollowed on lo the ice slob ol ony fime during conslruction. 3.04 COOLING OF SLAB Cooling of the slob sholl not toke ploce for ol leosl 28 doys ofler pouring of ihe slob. Cooling ihe rink ice slob for the firsf time sholl be groduol. From the ice slqb's initiol temperolure (meosured ot ihe surfoce), reduce lhe iemperoture to 40oF. Affer holdingot 40oF for 6 hours, reduce temperolure lo 36"F. Affer holding of 36.F for 6 hours, reduCelo 32'F ond hold for onother 6 hours. From lhere, reduce lhe lemperolure by o moximum of l'F every 4 hours until fhe desked ice slob temperoture is reoched ond ice moking moy stort opproximolely l6oF brine lemperoture). Pouring concrele Slqb: See Section 03300 Cost-ln-ploce Concreie. Finishing: The ice slob sholl be finished by meons of sleel lrowel mechonicolly propelled to produce o hord, smoolh ond dense lroweled surfoce, free from blemishes wilh odeviotion loleronce of l/8 inch in l0 ff" A non-oil bosed seoler moy be opplied over theice slob. END OF SECTION oA 9906 t3r7$3 I I T I t I t I 7 Ii I I T I t Il I DOBSON ARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION ISOIO . GENEML MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS PARTI - GENERAL I.I RELATED DOCTIMENTS: A. Provisions of the General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division I - General Requirements, and applicable provisions elsewhere in the Contract Documents apply to work of Division 15. B, In case of disagreement between drawings and specifications, or within either document itself, obtain written clarification from the Mechanical Engineer through the Architect. Failurc to obtain clarification prior to bid will result in the better quality and greater quantity hing required during the construction phase without additional reimbursement. 1.2 DESCRIPTION Qf SYSTEMS: A. The related work of Division l5 includes but is not limited to: l. Section 15045 - Mechanical Related Work 2. Section 15060 - Pipe, Valves & Pipe Specialties 3. Section 15190 - Mechanical Identification 4. Section 15250 - Mechanical Insulation 5. Section 15300 - Fire Protection 6. Section 15400 - Plumbing 7, Section 15500 - HVAC Hydronic Systems 8. Section 15530 - Refrigerant Piping System 9. Section 15600 - Refrigeration 10. Section15750-AirHandlingUnits I l. Section 15800 - Air Distribution 12. Section 15840 - Hydronic Radiant Floor Heating & Snowmelting 13. Section 15900 - Temperature Control Systems 14. Section 15990-TestingAdjusting&Balancing I.3 DESCRIPTIONQEWORK: Wor* Included: Unless specified otherwise, provide all supenrision, labor, materials, transportation, equipment, hauling, and services necessary for a complete and operational mechanical system. Provide all incidental items such as offsets, fittings, etc. required as part of the work even though not specifically shown on contract drawings or specifications. Inspection: Inspect work proceeding or interfacing with work of Division 15 sections prior to submitting bid and report any known or observed defects that affect the mechanical design to the General Contractor. Do not proceed with the consmrction work until defecs are corrected. Existing Utilities are indicated as accurately as possible on the Drawings. Ifutilities are encountered and not indicated on Drawings notiry the Architect, prior to proceeding withwork UTILITIES, EXIENSIONS, CONNECTIONS AND FEES FOR WATER AND SEWER: Provide all building sewices and connections to site utilities, as indicated on drawings. 1.4 GENERAL MECHANICAL REQI,'IREMENTS I5OIO.I DOBSONARENA DTVISION 15 sEcTroN 15010 - GENERAL MECHANTCAL REQLJIREMENTS I I T I I t I I I I I I I I i I I I 1.5 1.6 B. Connection charges, membership fees, system development charges and the like, that in principle allow the right to obtain the services from the utility, will be arranged and paid for by the property onaer. C. Tap fees are the cbarges for actual materials an<t tabor for tapping inspection and rccording of the tap and shall be arranged and paid for by the Division 15 Contractor. D. In the event that the serving utility company installs their own taps, service, meters, etc., all costs imposed by this action shall be paid for by the Owner. Extensions from termination points to connection with building services and systems will be the responsibility ofthe Division l5 Contractor. E, Contractor shall be rcsponsible for all pads, vaults, manholes, manhole covers, meter enclosurcs, valves, service boxes, and appurtenances, all in conformance with requirements of the serving utility compatry. F. In the event that the water service to the building is a combination domestic and fire protection service, the responsibility of said "combinalion service" to the point of domestic connection shall be that ofa licensed Fire Protection Contractor, including tap, valves, excavation, backlill, compaction and meters, if any. After point of domestic connectior\ rcsponsibility for separate fire and domestic services is with appropriate trades including all labor and materials as herein before mentioned. REFERENCES: General: l. For products or worl:nanship specified by association, trade or Federal Standards, comply with requirements of the standard, except when more rigid requirements arc specified or are requircd by applicable codes. 2. The date ofthe standard is that in effect as the date of the Contract Documents. except when a specific date is specilied. OUALITYCONTROL: A. Materials and apparatus requircd for the work shall be new and of first-class quality; to be fumished, delivercd, erected, connected and finished in every detail; and to be so selected and arranged so as to lit properly into the building spaces. B. Unless otherwise specifically indicated, equipment and materials shall be installed in accordance with the rccommendations of the manufacturer. This inctudes the performance oftests as recommended by the rnanufacturer. EXAMINATION OE CONTRACT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS: A. The mechanical drawings show the general arrangement of piping, ductworli, mechanical equipment, and appurtenances, and shall be followed as closely as actual building constnrction and the work of their uades will permit. r5010-2 t.7 GENERAL MECIIANICAL REQUIREMENTS D. E. F. 1.8 I I I t l t t I t I I t T ! 1 I i I I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I5OIO . GENEML MECIIANICAL REQUIREMENTS The architectural and structural drawings shall be considered part of the mechanical work insofar as these drawings furnish this Division with information relating to design and constnrction ofthe building. Field veri$ building dimensions goveming mechanical work Do not scale the mechanical drawing for dimensions. If field dimensions are not available take dimensions, measurcments, locations, levels, etc. from the Architectural drawings and the approved shop drawings submitted on the actual equipment to be fumished. No extra compensation shall bc claimed or allowed due to dilferences between the acnral dimensions and those indicated on the drawings. Discrepancies: Examine Drawings and Specifications for other parts ofthe worlg and if any discrepancies occur between the plans for the work of this Division and the plans for the work of others, report such discrepancies to the General Contractor and obtain wrinen instructions for any changes necessary. Order of Precedence: The prccedence of mechanical construction documents is as follows: l. Addenda and modifications to the Drawings and Specifications take precedence over the original Drawings and Specifications, Should there be a conllict within the Specifications or within Drawings of the same scale, the more stringent or higher quality requirements shall apply. 3. In the Drawings, the precedence shall be figured dimensions over scaled dimensions and noted materials over graphic indications. 4, Should a conllict arise between the Drawings and the Specifications the Specifications shall have precedence. 5. Should there be a conllict in dimensions or locations between MechanicalDrawings andi/or Architecturaystructural Drawings, the Architecturaysfiuctural Drawings shall have prccedence. EXAMINATION Qf PROJECT SITE: A. Examine site carcfully to determine conditions to be encountered, work to be performed, equipment, materials to be transported, stored, fumished, and other features applicable to completion of the work B. Study drawings and specifications, report inconsistencies, errors, omissions, conllicts with codes and ordinances. C. Submittal of bid will indicate included in the bid. REGTJLATORY REOUIREMENTS : satisfactory examinations made, applicable allowances 1.9 GENERALMECHANICAL REQIJIREMENTS I5O1O-3 DOBSONARENA DryISION 15 sEcTroN ls0l0 - GENERAL MECHANICAL FCQUREMENTS A. Execute Work per Underwriters, Public Utility, Local and State Codes, Ordinances and applicable regulations. Obain and pay for required permits, inspections, and certificates. Notify Architcct of items not meeting said requirements. B. Comply with latest editions of all applicable codes, st ndards, ordinances and rcgulations in effect as ofthe date ofthe Contract Documents. C. If discrcpancies occur between the Contract Documents and any applicable codes, ordinances, acts, or standards, the most stringent r€quirements shall apply. D' Where hourly fire and smoke ratings are indicated or required, whether or not shown, provide components and assemblies meeting requirements of the American Insurance Association, Factory Munral Insurance Association and listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. I.IO COORDINATION: A. The Contractor shall plan all of his work in advance, and shall inform the General Contractor of the proposed corrtruction schedule and anticipated completion date upon request. Contractor shall complete the entire instailation as soon as the condition of the remaining building construction will permit. B. Before purchase, fabricatioq or installation of items, determine if the installation will pro. perly fit and can be installed as contemptated without interference with structural elements or the work of other trades. C. Locations ofpipes, ducts, switches, panels, equipment, and fixtures, shalt be adjusted to accommodate the work or interfercnces anticipated and encountered. Determine the exact route and location ofeach pipe and duct prior ro fabrication D. Right of Way: Lines which pitch shall have the right-of-way over those which do not pitclr" Lines whose elevations cannot be changed shall have right-of-way over lines whose elevations can be chansed- t I T I I I I I I I E I I t I ) F. Offsets, Transitions, and Changes in Direction: Offsets, transitions and changes in direction ofpipes and ducts shall be made as required to maintain proper head room and pitch ofsloping lines whether or not indicated on the drawings. where major conllicts occur, contractor shall rcly upon the Architect/Engineer to make final decision regarding priority of right-of-way. contracror shall r-quest written clarification from the Architect/Engineer prior to conJlict reaching critical stage requiring removal of previously installed equipment or system components either by himself or by other trades involved. When directed by the Architect/Engineer submit shop drawings showing interrelationship of various portions of work and work of other trades. Failure to properly coordinate may result in removal and relocation at expense to the contractor. coordinate all electrical work with Electrical contractor. Read the electrical specification and repon any inconsistencies. Coordinate all cutting & patching with General Contractor. GENERAL MECHANICAL REQI,NREMENTS G. s I I15010-{ H. J. B, c. I t I I I I I I t I tr T D. I T t I t I I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I5OIO - GENERAL MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS Utility Intemrptions: Coordinatc mechanical utility intenuptions with the Owner and thc Lftility Conpany. Plan work so that duration of the intemrption is kept to a minimurn- l.tI PROJECT CONDITIONS: Accessibility: l. Be responsible for the sufliciency of the size of shaffs and chases and the adequate clearance in double partitions and hung ceilings for proper instatlation of his work. Coordinate these requiremens with the General Contractor. Such spaces and clearances shall be kept to the minimum size requircd. 2. Locate aII eguipment which must be serviced, operated, or maintained in fully accessible positions. Furnisb access doors for this puryose. Minor deviations from Drawings may be allowed to provide for better accessibility. Any changes shall be approved by the Architect prior to making the change. 3. Provide the General Contractor with the exact locations of access doon. 'Locations ofthese doors shall be submitted in suflicient rime to be installed in the normal course ofwork. Fabrication; l. Beforc any ductwork is fabricated and before installing and/or fabricating any lines ofpiping or ductwork the Contractor shall assure himself that they can be run as contemplated in cooperation with Contractors of other Divisions of the Work and the physical constraints of the Stnrctural and Architectural Work. Freeze Protection: l. Do not run pipes in outside walls, or locations where freezing rnay occur. Piping next to outside walls shall be in funed spaces with insulation between the piping and the outside wall. Insulation of piping shall not be considered freeze protection. 566ffelding, Rigging and Hoisting: l. Provide scaffolding rigging, hoisting and services necessary for erection and delivery into the premises of any equipment and apparatus furnished. Remove same from premises when no longer required. t.t2 SUBMITTALS: Within tbiry days after award of the Contract, submit to Architect complete caralog data and/or shop drawings for each item of material and for every manufactured item of equipment to be used in the work Such data shall include specific perfonnance data, material description, rating capacity, dimensions, and type for each item of material, each manufactured itern, and all component parts utilized in final operating mecbanical systern Applicable data shall be underlined and each applicable item identified in each catalog by the same identification acron5rms used on the Drawings. GENERALMECIIANICAL REQUIREMENTS I5OIO.5 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 sEcTroN 15010 - GENERAL MECHANTCAL REQLIREMENTS t i I f' I I I I T I t 1 I 1 I I I I D. E. F. l.l3 l.l4 This Contractor shall submit to the Architect the number of copies rcquired by the General and Spccial Conditions ofDivision l, but in no case less than four (4) copies. Each item submitted shall bear the Coniacto/s stamp, be dated and signed certiffing that he has reviewed and approved the submiaal. For each item scheduled on the drawings, submit a replication of that schedule indicating actual data of the submitted equipment in the schedule. The review comments of the Architect and/or Engineer do not in any case supenede the Drawings and Specifications, and shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for deviations from the Drawings or Specifications unless the Contractor has called to the atte ion of the Architect and/or Engineer, in writing, such deviations at the time of submission, nor shall it relieve the Contractor from responsibility for errors of any sort in the items submined- Test Reports: Submit cenified test repons as required by various Sections of Division 15 showing compliance in accordance with the General Conditions ofthe Contract. G. Deviations: It is the contractors responsibility to indicate deviations from the plans and specifications. Approval shall not be considered scceptance of the deviation unless it has been explicitly indicated. SITE OBSERVATION REPORTS: A. During the consuuction period the Engineer may issue periodic site observation repors. The conractor shall immediately address the issues and provide a wrinen response iderui$ing the 'Responsible Contracrcr,' 'Date,' 'Corrective Action Taken,' and "Recommendations. " B. The written response must be renrmed to the Architect no later ttran (5) working days after receipt of the site observation rcpon. PRODUCT OPTIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS: A. Substitutions: Comply with Division I & Instuctions to Bidders. B. Contractors desiring to use alternate equipment or materials and manufacturers or suppliers desiring to firmish alternate materials or equiprnent in lieu of those specified, shall submit requests for spproval to the Engineer not less than seven (7) calendar days prior to scheduled closing date for receipt ofproposals. C. Materials and equipment are specified by manufacturer and catalog numbers. The manufacturen and catalog numbers are used to esublish a degree of quality and style for such equipment and material. D. When altemate or substitute materials and equipment are used, Contractor will be responsible for space requirement, conligurations, performance, changes in bases, supports, structural members and openings in structure, electrical changes and other apparatus and trades that may be affected by their use. Contractor shalt provide I 150r0-6 GENERAL MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS I I I rl Ii T t I r DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION ISOI O . GENEML MECTIANICAL REQUIREMENTS drawings for altemate/substitute equipment in detait equal to the constnrction documents. I.I5 PROJECTRECORDDOCT]MFNTS: A. General: Comply with Divisiou l. B. Job Site Documents: Maintain at the job site, one record copy of the following: l. Drawings 2. Specifications 3. Addenda 4. Reviewed Shop Drawings5. Field Test Records C. Do not use record documents for construction purposes. Maintain documents in clean, dry legible condition, apart from documents used for construction. D. Record Infonnation: l:bel each docurnent "Record Document." Mark information with contrasting color using ink. Keep each record cunent. Do not permanently conceal any work until rcquired information is recorded. Record the following information on drawings; l. Horizontal and venical location of underground utilities. 2. Location of internal utilities and appunenances concealed in construction 3. Field changes of dimension and detail 4. Changes by change order or field order. 5. Details not on original contract drawings. E. Transfer all information on to CADD files if the original documents were CADD originated. F. Record the following infomration on Specifications; l. Manufacturer, trade name, catalog number and supplier of each product and item of equipment actually installed. 2. Changes by change order or field order. 3. Other matters not originally specified. G. Shop Dra-n ings: Maintain shop drawings as record documents recording changes made after review as specified for drawings above. I.16 ELECTRIC WIRING AND SAFEry DEVICE WORK AND MATERIAL RESPONSIBILITIES: A. Unless otherwise indicated, all mechanical equipment motors and controls shall be fumished, set in place, and wired in accordance with the following schedule: MD = Mechanical Divisioq ED = Electrical Division, TD = Temperature Control Division, I : Installer of equipment requiring electrical service. GENERALMECHANICALREQUIREMENTS I5OIO.7 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 sEcTroN 15010 - GENERAL MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS Note: If Temperature Control Division is a subcontact to the Mechstrical Contractor, both MD and TD shall fall under the responsibility of MD. If no Temperanre Control Contractor is under conrract" Mechanical Division shall assume all Temperature Control rcsponsibilities. I I I f I I t I ! c t I I t I I I I I Furnished Under Set In Place or Mounted Under Power Wird& Connected Under Control Wired& Connect€d Under l. Orher Equipm€nt Motors/Staftas I I ED I 2. Mechanical Equipment Motors MD MD ED TD 3. Mechanical Magnetic Moror Suners MD MD ED TD 4. Conrol Wiring Regardless of Voluge TD TD TD Scc footnotc I TD 5. Contol Componeots: Courol Relays, Thermosats, Control Trans formers TD TD TD Scc footDote I TD 6. Temperature Control Panels, Tioe Clocks. Coutollcrs TD TD TD Scc foobotc I TD 7. Valve and Danper Motors and Actuatots TD TD TD Scc footrotc I TD 8. Connol Valves. Solcnoid Valves TD MD TD 9. Control Dampers lntegral u'ith a Faa Unit MD MD 10. Control Dampers (ducr mounted)TD MD I l. Thermowells in Pipiag TD MD 12. Fire hotection (Tamper & flou, switch)MD MD ED ED 13. Fire aad Smoke Duct Detectors (iacluding relays) ED ED ED ED 14. Fire ard Smoke Damoers MD MD ED ED 15. Pushbunon Stadons aad Pilot Liqhts MD MD ED TD Scc foorDote 2 16. Manual Operating Switches MD MD ED Sca foobotc 3 17. Multi-speed Su'itches (not integral u.ith Equipment sen ed) MD MD ED See foobore 3 18. Fused and Unfirsed Dsconnea Switches & Thernal Overload S*'itches ED ED ED 15010-8 GENERAL MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS I J I 3 ! I I f' I I I I ! I I I I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I5OIO . GENEML MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS 0 19. Conactors ED ED ED ED 20. Tcoporary Heating Connection MD MD ED TD 21, WaerHcaerCorols MD MD TD Scc foou{c I TD I Foobote l: It is the intention ofthis specification for all conduit and wiring which connects . to confiol equipment or provides controls to mechanical equipment to be provided by the Temperature Control Contractor. Other ponions of the specification which may be in conJlict with this concept shall be brought to the attention ofthe engineer for clarification prior to bidding the project. The ED shall provide line voltage wiring conduit and junction boxes for the express purpose of ternperaorc controls. It shall be the responsibility of the Temperature Control Contractor to coordinate the location of the junction boxes (if not otherwise shown on tbe Electrical drawings) and to utilize these junction boxes for temperature control wiring The Temperature Control Contractor shatl extend tine and/or low voltage wiring from junction boxes to all rnechanical and control components which requires control wiring. Footnote 2: For connection to auxiliary contacts ifrequired. Footnote 3: Device is used in the power wiring circuit to the equipment. Control functions do not exist. Foomote 4: A manually operated remote shutdown switch or circuit breaker shall be located just outside the boiler room door and marked for easy identification. Consideration should be given to the type and location of the switch to safeguard against tampering. If the boiler room door is on the building exterior, the switch should be located just inside the door. lf there is more than one door to the boiler roorn there should be a switch located at each door. The onergency shutdown switch or circuit brcaker must disconnect all power to the bumer controls. Use explosion proof switches at indoor switch locations. B. A!! temperature control conduit and wiring will be furnished and installed under temperature control subcontract. In the event that tempemture control is not under sepaftrte contract, Mechanical Contractor shall assume all temperature control subcontract responsibilities. C. Division 16 shall furnish and install all conduit and wiring required for power wiring carrying equipment full load amperage to all mechanical equipment unless shown othenrise. D. Provide Division 16 with a complete sunrmary list of all mechanical equipment and line voltage control rcquiring electric power within 30 days after award of conuact. This list shall summarize equipment power loads, line voltage control requirements, quantities, and locations ofequipment and connection points. E. All starters shall be furnished under Division 15. I.I7 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING: GENERALMECTTANTCALREQUTREMENTS 15010-9 DOBSONARENA DIVRION 15 SECTION ts0l0 - GENERAL MECHANICAL REQUTREMENTS a rl I 0 tl I I I I B. c. Deliver and store materials and equipment in manufacturefs unopened contsiners fully identified with manufacture/s name, trade Dame, qpe, class, gEde, size and color. Protection: Make provisions for coordination with Owner and other Contractors for safe storage of matcrials and equipmenl Store materials and equipment off the ground and under covet protected from damage. All items subject to mois re damage, such as controls, shall be stored in a dry, heated space. D. large ltems: Make arrangements with other Contractors on the job for introduction into the building of equipment too large to pass through finished openings. Schedule delivery of large equipment requiring special openings, as required for installation without delaying the work of other project trades. E. Acceptance: check and sign for materials to be furnished by Division 15 and other trades for installation under Division l5 upon delivery. Assume responsibility for the storage and safekeeping of such materials from dme ofdelivery until final acceptance. F. Inspectioru Stored material shall be readity accessibte for inspection by the architect until installed. WARRANTIES: A. wananty: In accordance with Division I, provide a wrinen warranty to the owner covering the entire mechanical work to be free from defective materials, equipment and workmanship for a period of one year after Date of Acceptance. purchase of manufacturers extended warranty may be required to comply with the one year rcquirement' During this period provide labor and materials as required to repair or rcplace defects at no additional cost to the Owner. Provide certificates for such items of equipment which have warranties in excess of one year. Submit to the General Contractor. B. This warranty will be in addition to the tenns of any specific equipment waranties or warranty modifications resulting from use of equipment for temporary heat or ventilatiorl SCHEDTJLE OE ItrSIIM: A. Provide testing in accordance with the General Conditions of the Contract. Make all specified tests on piping ducnvork and related systems as necessary. Demonstrate the proper operation of equipment insUlled under this project. Equipment shall not be tested, or operated for any purpose until fully lubricated in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and until connections to fully operative systems have been accomplished. A schedule oftesting shall be drawn up by the Division 15 contractor in such a manner that it will show arcas teste4 test pressurc, lengh of test, date, time and signature of testing personnel. All testing must be performed in the presence of the General contracto/s representative; his signature for verification of the test must appear on the GENERAL MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS l.l8 I I T I I I I I I c. Ll9 15010-t0 I I t t V I 0 I t I I tl 'l I ! I t I I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I5OIO - GENERAL MECTIANICAL REQUIREMENTS schedule. At completion of testing the schedule shall then be submitted in triplicate to the Architect. D. Make wre operational and perfomrance tests are made on seasonal equipment. E. Complete all tests requircd by Code Authorities, such as smoke detectiorl life safety, fire protection and health codes. I.2O CERTIFICATESANDKEIS: A. Certificates: Upon completion of the wor\ deliver to the General Contractor one copy ofCertificate of Final Inspection B. Keys: Upon completion of wor\ submit keys for mechanical equipment, panels, etc. to the General Contractor. I.2I OPEMTING AND MAINTENANCE DATA: A. Submit three (3) tfped and bound copies of the maintenance manual, 8-l/2" x I l" in size, to the Architect, for review and approval. These approved copies shall then be transmitted to the Owner. B. The manual shall be enclosed in a stiff-baclq three-ring binder and shall have: L Table of Contents, Equipment List with identification used in contract documents. 2, Alphabetical list ofall s)'stem components including the name, address, and 24- hour phone number of the company responsible for servicing each item during the first yeafs operation. 3. Operating instructions for complete system, including procedures for fire or failure of major equipment and procedures for nonnal startingoperating/shutdown and long-term shutdown 4. Maintenance instmctions, including valves, valve tag and other identified equipment lists, proper lubricants and lubricating instructions for each piece of equipment and necessary cleaning/replacing/adjusting schedules. 5. Manufacturels data on each piece of equipment, including: a. Installation instructions. b. Drawings and specifications (approved shop drawing). c. Parts lists. d. Complete wiring and temperature control diagrams. (Approved shop drawings). e. Completed TAB reporr 1,22 INSTRUCTIONALSE$SIQNI: A. Be responsible for scheduling instnrctional meetings for maintenance personnel on the proper operational and maintenance of all mechanical systems, using the maintenance GENERAL MECHANTCAL REQUTREMENTS 15010-l l DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION t5010 - GENERAL MECHANTCAL REQUTREMENTS PARTII Not Used PARTUI Not Used manual as a guide. These meetings must be scheduled through the Architect or Generat Contractor and far enough in advance so that all personnel can be notified. Provide (2) 4 hour instructional sessions. END OF SECTION I5OIO GENERAL MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS t I t I I I 0 I I I I N 0 I I I I15010-12 I I DOBSON ARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I5OI5. MECHANICAL RELATED WORK l.PART I . GENERAL l.l RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and general provisions of ComracL including General and Supplemenury Conditions ard Division-l Specification secdons, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION Q[ WORK: Types of mechanical related work specified in this section include the following: t I , T I ) l. 2. 3. 4. 6. PART 2 . PRODUCTS 2.1 MOTORS: Motors. Starten. AccBss Doors. Temporary Heat. Excavation. Cuning an<I Patching. Motor Characteristics: Except wherc more stringent requirernents are indicated, comply widr the following requirements for motors of mechanical work: Tempenture Rating: Rated for 40oC environment with maximum 50.C temperanrre rise for continuous dury ar full load (Class A Insulation). Altitude Deradon: Motors to be furnistred to maintain specified ra@d service facmr at altitude of project. Staning Capability: Provide each motor capable of making stans as frequently as indicated by automatic conuol system, and not less than 5 sans per hour for manually connolled motors. Phases and Current Characteristics: Provide squirrel-cage induction polyphase motors for l/2 hp and larger, and provide capacitor-san single-phase motors for l/3 hp and smaller, excepr l/6 hp and smaUer may, at equipment manufacurer's option, be split-phase rype. Coordina@ current characteristics with power qpecified in Division-16 secdons, and wittr individual equipment requirements specified in other Division-I5 requirements. For 2-speed motors provide 2 separate windings on polyphase motors. Do not purchase motors until power characteristics available at locations of morcrs have been confirmed, and until rotation directions have been confirrred. Power Factor: All motors nrted greacr than 1000 waus shall have a power Factor of not less than 85 % under rated load condirions. The 85% pF may be obtained by design of t}le motor or by providing a capacitor. Capacitors, if provide<l ro obtain the 85% PF, must be swftched with the morcr. If the moror draws less than 1000 wacs ar full load, it is excluded from the 85% power factor requirement. I I t I I I I I l t I J l. ) J. 4. 5. MECHAMCAL RELATED WORK l5(X5-r DOBSON ARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15045 - MECHANICAL RELATED WORK I I 6. 7. Efficiency: Moor efficiency ratings stratl conform to NEMA Sandard MG-l- 1987 Service Facmr: l.l5 for duee-phase momrs aDd 1.35 for single-phase motors. Motor Constr,rction: Provide general purpose, continuous duty motors, Design "B' except "C" where required for high starting torque. Provide invener duty motors, for all variable speed motor applications. l. Frames: NEMA No. 56. Bearings: Ball or roller bearings with irurer and outer shaft seals, regreasabte except pennanently sealed where motor is normally inaccessible for regular maintenance. Provide double shielded ball bearings in accordance wirh ANSI- 83.tGt972. Wherc belt drives and other drives produce laterat or axial thmst, in motor, provide bearings designed to rcsist thnrst loading, Refer to individual sections of Division 15 for fractional-hp lighrduty morcrs where sleeve-rype bearings are permitted. Enclosure Type: Except as otherwise indicated, provide open drip-proof motors for indoor use where satisfactorily housed or remoely located during operation, and provide guarded dripproof motors where exposed to contact by employees or building occupanc. Provide wearher-proecrcd Type I for outdoor use, Type II where not housed. Refer to individual secdons of Division 15 for ofter enclosure requiremerus. 5. Overload Proecdon: Provide built-in thermal overload protection and, where bdicated, provide intemal sensing device suiable for signaling and stopping motor at starter. 6. Noise Rating: Provide 'Quiet' rating on morcrs. Motors shall not exceed 80 DB at full speed and power. Name Plate: Provide meal nameplate on each motor, indicating full identification of manufacturer, ratings, charact€ristics, consmlcdon, speciat features and similar informarion. Manufaculer: Except where ircm of mechanical equipment (which otherwise complies with requircments) must be inegrally equipped wirh motor produced by anodrer manufacturer, provide motors for mechanical equipment manufactured by one of tre following: Allis-Chalmen Corp. Baldor Elecric Co. Cenrury Electric Div., Inc. General Electric Co. l"ouis Allis Div.; Linon lndustrial Products, Inc. Marathon Elecric Mfg. Corp. Reliance Elecric Co. We stinghouse Electric Corp. B. I 2 I I I I II I I I t 7 3. 4. c. D. I I Ir5045-2 MECHAMCAL RELATED WORK I I a DOBSON ARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15045 - MECHANICAL RELATED WORK STARTERS: A. Motor Sarter Characeristics: Cornply wirh NEMA standards and NEC. Provide enclosures NEMA Type as required with padlock ears, and with ftames and supports for mounting on wall, floor or panel as indicated. Where starrcr location is not within sight of motor, provide fused disconnect switch within sighr of motor. Provide rype and size of starter recommended by motor manufacturer and equipment manufacturer for applicable protection and start-up condition; refer to individual equipment secdons for basic load requirements. 1. Manual Switches: Provide manual swirch and pilot light for motors l/3 hp and smaller, except where interlock or automadc operadon is indicated. Provide extra switch positions and pilor lighrs for multi-speed motors. a. Overload Protection: Provide melting alloy type thermal overload relays. 2. Magnetic Staners: Provide magnetic srarters for motors l/2 hp and larger, and for smaller motors where interlock or automatic operadon is indicaed. lnclude the following: a. Heavy duty oiltight type hand-off-auro- switch and pilot lights, properly arranged for single-speed operadon as indicated. b, Trip-free 0lermal overload relays, each phase. c. Built-in l2Gvolt control circuit transformer. fused from line side and on secondary side. d. Control circuit conductors to be protected in accordance with Anicle 25G5, Exception 5, of rhe National Electric Code. e. Exrcrnally operated manual reset. f. Undervoltage release or prorccdon. g. Hand-off-auto switch. Single Phasing Protection: All srarters shall include a phase protection relay mounted and wired in the starter enclosurc, egual to time-mark 257 series or motor saver model 201. Saners for motors 5 hp and less may tneer this requirement either by supplying the phase protection relay as above, or by providing a curcnt clifferenrial trip mechanism in the overload relay which advances tlre trip sening 25% or more under single phase condirions, Submitals must include documentadon of the rype of single phasing proection is used. Provide spare normally open and normally closed contacts. Wi0r wo speed starters, include an adjustable time delay device within starter enclosure to allow the motor to oome !o a complete stop 'l I ')) T I I I I I I I I ,t I I t. j. I I I MECHANICAL RELATED WORK 15045-3 DOBSON ARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15045 . MECHAMCAL RELATED WORK when swirching from high to low speed. Two speed staners shall have heavy duty 4 position roary swirch, ,auto-off-low-high.. B. weatber Proection: Provide weather-proof mounting of magnetic sarers for equipment ourside of rhe building. c. unless furnistred odrenrise, provide over currcnt protection for each molor. Coordinate with Division 16. D. Motor starter Manufacorcr: Provide moror starters for mechanical equiprnent manufactured by one of the foltowing: Allen-Bradley Co. Cutler-Hammer, Inc. General Elecric Co. Square D Co. Sprecher & Schuh We stinghouse Elecric Co. ACCESS DOORS: A. Furnish access doors where shown on Drawings and at all locations where required for access to concealed valves, shock absorbers, dampers, cleanous, conuol devices, coils, and equipment servicing. Access doon strall be 12 x 12 for hand access and 24 x 24 for head and shoulder access. or as indicarcd. B. Sandard Doon: l. Frames: 16 ga. seel. 2, Panels: t4 ga. $eel. 3. Finish: Chemically bonded prime coat of baked enamel. 4. Hinge: Concealed spring hinges openable to 175 deg.; removable pins. Provide number of hinges as recommended by manufacnrrer for size of door. 5. locking Devices: Flush sreel, screw driver operated, cam rype lock. AU access doors below 8'{" in public areas shall be key-operated cylinder lock with two keys. 6. Style of doors shall be appropriate for architectural finish at door location. Furnish masonry anchors where require<t. C. Fire Rated Doors: l. Frames: 16 ga. steel. 2. Panels: sandwich type, 20 ga. steel sheets, manufac$rer's snndard insulated core. 3. Finish: Chemically bonded prime coat of baked enamel. t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I i I I Ir5045-4 MECHANICAL RELATED WORK I I I DOBSON ARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15045. MECHANICAL RELATED WORK 4. Hinge: Continuous rype, steel with srainless steel pin. 5. Closer: Aummadc closing mechanism. 6. Locking Devices: Self latching, key-operated cylinder lock witlt two keys; interior, latch release mechanism. 7. Style of doors shall be appropriate for architectural futistt at door locadon. 8. Fire rated doors shall have componenu and assemblies meeting requiremens of the American Insurance Association, Factory Mutual Insurance Associadon and listed by Underwrircrs l-aboratories, Inc. D. AcceDtable Manufacturers: Cesco Karp Associates, Inc. Meadowcraft, Inc. Milcor Div; Inryco Inc. Nysuom, Inc. 3. PART3-EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATIONOE MOTORS AND STARTERS: A. Insall motors on motor moundng sysems in accordance with motor manufacnrrer's instructions, securely anchored to resist torque, drive thrusts, and other external forces inherent in mechanical work. Secure sheaves and other drive units to motor shafu with keys and Allen set screws, except motors of l/3 hp and less may be secured with Allen set screws on flat surface of shaft. Unless otherwise indicated, set motor shafls parallel witr machine shafu. B. Install staners and wiring devices securely supponed and anchored, and in accordance with manufacturer's irsulladon instrucdons. locarc for proper operadonal access, including visibiliry, and for safety. C. tns6ll con6ol connections for motors to comply with NEC and applicable provisions of Division-16 sections. 3.2 ACCESS T9 MECHAMCALWQBK: A. Installation: l.' Deliver access doors to General Contractor for installation and provide instrucdons for their location. Exact location of access doors to be as directed by Mechanical Contractor and Architect/Engineer. 2. Furnish all access doors whether shown or not. 3. Comply with manufacorer's instructions for installation of access doors. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t MECHANICAL RELATED WORK 15045-5 DOBSON ARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15045 - MECHANICALRELATED WORK Coordinate insultadbn widr work of orher trades. Set frarBs accuratgly in position and securely atrach to supporrs with face panels plumb or level in relation to adjacent finish surfaces. Install access doors for the following concealed equipment: a. Shock absorbers (bellows type only).b. Valves.c. Control devices.d. Fire dampers aDd fire/smoke dampers.e. Coils.f. Otlrer mechanical equipment requiring service. B. Adjust and Clean: l. Adjust hardware and panels after installation for proper operation. 2. Remove and replace panels or frames that are warped, bowed, or otherwise damaged. EXCAVATING FOR MECHANICAL W!BK: A. General: Do not excavarc for mechanical work undl work is ready to proceed without delay, so that toal dme lapse from excavation to completion of baclfilling will be minimum. B. Existing Udlities: Locate and protect existing utilities and other underground work in manner which will ensure that no damage or service intemrption will result from excavating and bacldlling. C. All trenches deeper than the footing of any building or sructure and paralleling rhe same shall be at least forty-five (45) degrees therefrom, unless permission is otherwise granEd by the Adminisnadve Aufioriry and Strucrural Engineer. D. Excavation for Trenches: Dig uenches to uniform width required for particular ircm to be insulle<!, suffrciently wide to provide ample working room. Provide 6' to 9" clearance on both sides of piping. l. Excavare rrenches to deprh indicated or required. Carry depilr of rrenches for piping to establish indicarc<l flow lines and inven elevations. Beyonct building perimeter, keep botroms of renches sufficiendy below finish grade ro avoid freeze-ups. 2. Wbere rock is encountered, carry excavation 6" below required elevation and baclf,rll with 6' layer of 3/4" gravel prior to installation of pipe. 3. Where bedding is required, backfill wittr sand 6" below and 6" above pipe. 4. For piping 5' or less in nominal size, do not excavate beyond indicated depths. Hand excavate bottom cut to accurarc elevations and suppon piping on undisturbed soil. 4. 5. I I I I I I I t I I I I I T I I I I I 6. J.J r5045-6 MECHANICAL RELATED WORK 3.4 3.s t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t t DOBSON ARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15045. MECHANICAL RELATED WORK 5. For piping 6" and larger in nominal size, tanks, and other mechanical work in<licaed rc receive sub'base, excavate to sub-base depth indicated' or if not otherwise indicated, to 6' below bocom of work to be supported. 6. Grade bonoms of trenches as indicated, notching under piping couplings to provide solid bearing for entirc bo<ty of piping. E. Shape sub-bases and bottoms of excavatiors with recesses rc receive pipe bells, flanged connections, valves and similar enlargemena in piping systerns. BACKFILLING A. Do nol backfill until installed mechanical work has been rcsted and accepted, wherever testing is indicated. B. All excavations shall be completely bacltrrlle<l as soon after inspection as practical. Adequate precaudon shall be taken to insure proper compacmess (957o density) of backfill around piping without damage to such piping. Trenches shall be baclfilled in thin layers to twelve (12) inches (0.3m) above the top of the piping with clean earth which shall not contain stones, boulders, cinderflrll, or other materials which would damage or brcak the piping or cause corrosive acdon. Mechanical devices such as bulldozers, graders, etc., may then be used to complee baclfll to grade. Fill shall be properly compacted (95 7o density). Suitable precautions shall be aken to insure pennanent stability for pipe laid in ftlled o! made ground. For esdng and backfill material see Division 2 - Site Work. CUTTING AND PATCHING: A. Openings in New Construction: l. Provisions for New Openings: Verify all openings required in the new consuucdon in connecdon with the work under Division 15 witlt the Architectural and Strucnrral Drawings and shall then mee! with and veriff sarne with the General Conractor/Construction Manager who will assign the work !o the appropriate contractor o provide all openings in the new consuuction of ihe conect size and location in walls, floors or through roofs required for the installadon of lhe mechanical work' B. Cuning in New Consruction: l. Failwe on tte pan of the Division 15 Conractor to make the above arrangements for required openings shall cause the cost of cucing and patching for the necessary openings or the installation of his work to be borne by him, eittrer by having the cuning done by the appropriate comractor as assigned by tlre General Contractor or in the form of performing the required cuning himself. In either case, all patching shall be done by the appropriae finishing contractor as determined by the General Coruractor. No cuning or drilling of holes shall be done without approval of tte Archircct/Engineer. C Parching in New Construction: l. The appropriate finishing contractor as determined by the General Comractor MECHANICAL RELATED WORK 15045-7 I IDOBSON ARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15045 - MECHANICAL RELATED WORK shall parch all openings in the new structure. All openings made in fire-rated walls, floors, or ceilings, shall be patched and rude tight to confornr to the fire rating for rhe enclosre. All materials used in parching shall match rhe materids specified in the Architecural Specifications and all parched areas sttall be rcstored o tre specified finish surface to the sadsfacdon of rhe Architect. 2. The Division 15 Contractor shall pay the appropriate Finishing Conractor as deermined by the General Conracmr for all parching resuldng from cuning to accommodaE mechanical work. 3,6 HEATING SYSTEM USED FOR TEMPORARY HEAT DURING CONSTRUCTION: A. Permanent heating system shall not be used unless approved in writing. If for any reason the heating system has been placed into operation, it shall not be shut down except for moderate weather, "nrl all heatcd ateas shall be maintained at a minimum temperanrre of 50'F. 24 houn a day. Building must be rorally enclosed (No temporary barriers). When any air-handling equipment is used for temporary heat, tre filrcrs shall be insalled and maintained. Before building accepance by Owner, ftese units shall be thoroughly cleaned and new filrcrs strall be insnlled. This is over and above the set of filters to be provided the Owner as called for in ttre qpecifications. Coils shall be cleaned if necessary, as determined by 0re Archiect or Engineer. 1. Any and all systems being used for temporary heat shall be come the contractor's responsibility to maintain, and be put into fust class working order beforc acceptance by fte Owner. 2. Any guarantees that *an with rhe use of equipmenr for temporary heat shall be personally exended by rhe conracting frnn holding the prime conrract for construction, so fiat the Owner will have his one-year guaranBe from date of accepance. END OF SECTION 15045 c. I I I t T I t t t I t I I I t I t15045-8 MECHANICAL RELATED WORK I I I I t I I I t I I t I I I t t I t DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060 - PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES I. PARTI-GENERAL I.I RELATEDDOCUMENTS: A. Drawings and general provisions of Contracq including Generat and Supplementary Conditions and Division-l Specification secdons, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION Q! WORK: A. Types of equipment specified in this section include the following: l. Pipes and Pipe Finings. 2, Valves. 3. Piping Specialties. 4, Suppors. 5, Meten and Gages. I.3 OUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Codes and Sandards: 1. Welding: Qualif welding procedures, welders and operators in accordance with ASME 831.1, or ASME 831.9, as applicable, for shop and project site welding of piping work. 2, Brazing: Ceniff brazing procedures, brazers, and operators in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX, for shop and job-site brazing of piping work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PIPE AND FITTINGS: A. Shall be of material, weight, ASTM and ANSI Designation, and pressure rarings as follows unless specifically excep@d otherwise. B. Above Ground Storm Drain, Wase, and Vent Piping: l. Pipe Size 10' and Smaller: Hubless cast-iron soil pipe; Service weight; Hubless casr-iron soil pipe finings, hubless joinrs. 2. Pipe Size I ll2" and Smaller: Galvanized steel pipe; Schedule 40; Class 125, galvanized cast-ton frnings, drainage pattern, screwed joints. 3. Pipe size I l/2' and Smaller: DWV copper with DWV pattem solcler joins. C. Underground Storm Drain and Building Drain Piping to 5 Feet Beyond Building Line: l. Pipe Size 15" and Smaller: Cast-iron hub-and-spigot soil pipe wirh ASTM designation; Cast-iron hub-and-spigot soil pipe finings, compression gasket joims. 15060- IPIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES DOBSONARENA DIVISION I5 SECTION 15060. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPINC SPECTALTIES I I I D. 2. Pipe Size 8' and Smaller: Servicc weight cast-iron soil pip,e with ASTM designation; cast-iron coupling w/neoprene gaskets and stainless steel bolts and nuB, Domesdc Hot ard Cold Warer Underground Inside Building: Include t0'-0" plus or minus outside of buil<ting wall. l. 2-ll2'and Under: a. Pipe: Copper water rube, heavy wall thickness, annealed rcmper; ASTM B 88, Type K. b. No fiuings or joints allowed underground, below floor slabs. Domestic Cold Water, Hot Water, Hot WaEr Recirculation and Condensate piping Above Ground Inside Building: l. 4" and Under: ^. Pipe: Type L, hard drawn, seamless coppertubing ASTM B BE-20. b. Fiaings: Wrought copper or bronze solder joinr pressure type frnings per ANSI 816.22. c. Joins: Canlield Waer Safe.. Hydronic Piping (Heating Water, Chilled Water & Condenser Water): l. Pipe Size 2' and Smaller: Black steel pipe; ASTM A-53; Schedule 40; Class 125 cas!-iron fiaings with rhreaded joints; 150 pound malleable fining. 2. Pipe Size 3' and Smaller: Copper prpe; Type L, hard-drawn temper; wrought-copper finings with soldered joins (95-5 tin antirnony solder). 3. Pipe Size 2%" thru 6": Type L hard drawn copper Dbing ASTM 888-70 wirh Gruvlok copper mefiod futl flow wrought copper with ends formed to Gruvlok copper prep roll or groove specs to accepr Gruvlok 7400 couplings and 7012 flanges, or equal by Vicaulic, 4. Pipe Size 2ll2' and l:rger: Black steel pipe; ASTM A-53; Schedule 40; 150 wrought-steel buuwelding fiuings with welded joins. 5. Pipe Size 2 ll2" and larger: Black srcel pipe; Schedule 40; grooved finings with mechanical grooved couplings. (Acceptable Manufa$urers: Central, Grinnel and Vicaulic. 6. Pipe Run Within Concrete Consruction: Copper tube; Type K, soft annealed temper; no joina or ficings allowed. Sleeve tube with continuous length of 3/8" minimum thickness of flexible unicellular insuladon. 7. In lieu of standard dimension welding firings, branch connections over 2" size may be made with factory-made forged sEel saddles or flared outle6, such as Bonney Forge 'Weldole6", "Threadolets", "Sockoles". Fitting class and material shall be as specified above. I t I I I t I I t I I I I I I t E. F. 15060-2 PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES 2) 3) b. 2. l. c. I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I t DOBSONARENA Dry$ION 15 SECTION 15060 - PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECTALTIES 8. Underground Piping All Sizes: Black steel pipe, ASTM A-53, Schedule 40, Class 150 with wrapping: machine wnp, 50Vo overlap wrap with polyvinyl chloride tape. Hand wrap finings using 100% overlap wrap extending 6" beyond fining onto wrap'ped pipe. Refrigeradon Piping: l.Pipe Size 3" and Smaller: Copper pipe, Type L, hard-drawn temper; wrought-copper, solder-joint finings; brazed joints. Tube Size 4-ll8' and Smaller: Copper rube; Type ACR, hard-drawn temper; wrought-copper, solder-joint finings; soldered joints. Tube Size 7/8' through 4-ll8': Copper tube, Type ACR, soft annealed temper; wrought-copper, solder-joint fi nings; soldered joina. H.Fire Protection Piping: Interior and Exterior Above-ground Piping: a. Pipe and Joins: l) Black srcel and/or galvanized steel trreaded, welded or roll grooved schedule 40 and l0 conforming to ASTM A-53 or A-135. Threadable light wall conforming to ASTM A-135 equal to Allied 'XL" or American Tube "BLT", or replacement Scbedule l0 equal to American Tube Dyna- Flow ASTM-?95 wift a CRR equal ro 1.00, 300 psi max. sysrcm pressures, All pipe shall conform ro NFPA #13, Chapter 3 and shall be UL/FM approved. Fiuings: l)Threaded cast iron 175 psi minimum and in accordance with developed sysem pressures, conforming to ANSI 816.4. Threaded malleable iron 175 psi minimum and in accordance with developed system pressurcs, conforming ro ANSI 816.3. Weld q?e fiuings (schedule 40 pipe only): Burveld conforming to ANSI 816.9. Flanges conforming to ANSI 816.25. Socket weld conforming to ANSI 816.11. A[ welds by cenified welder in accordance with Section 15060. Grooved finings shall conform to ASTM-A47 (malleable), ASTM 536 (ductile), or ASTM-106 GRB (forged srcel), ASTM A-53 type E, F, or S GRB (nipples), ANSI 8-16.5 or 816,I cast iron and carbon steel flanees. Nanrral Gas, Above Ground Inside Building: l. Pipe: Schedule 80 for pipe sizes l/2" and under; Schedule 40 for pipe sizes o\er ll2" , black seamless steel pipe per ASTM A53. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES 15060-3 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES l. ) J. 4. I I IFiuings: a. lll' ard Urder: 300 pound malleable iron flat banded paaern scrcwed fiaings per ANSI 816.3. b. Over t/z' thnr 2': Same as above except 150 pound class, scrcwed or welding fiaings per joints below. c. Over 2': Schedule 40, searnless carbon steel welding fiaings, long radius, 150 pound class, dimensions per ANSI 816.9-1971; ASTM A 234-73, Grade WPB. Joints: ^. 2' and Under: Threaded using joinr compound resisant m gas-air mixnrrc. b. 2ll2" afi Above: Buu-welded. c. Note: Weldoles, Threadolets, Sockolets, where permitted by audrorities having jurisdiction may be used in lieu of srandard firings on naoral gas piping. J.Naoral Gas, Below Ground Ouaide Building: Pipe: Black steel schedule 40, seamless steel pipe per ASTM A 53. Fiaings: Schedule 40, seamless carbon steel welding finings, 150 LB. Class. Joints: Butt-welded. Wrapping: Machine wrap, 50% overlap wrap wirh polyvinyl chloride tape. Hand wrap firings using 100% overlap wrap extending 6" beyond fining onto wrapped pipe. l. 2. Perforated Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe @VC): ASTM D 2729; perfonted except wherc standard sections of pipe are indicated. Finings and Accessories for Foundation Drainage Pipe: Unless otherwise indicaed, provicle finings marching and of same marerial as pipe units; comply with same sandards, where applicable, except fiuings need not be perfora@d where pipe is required to be perforaed. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES J. I I I T t I I I I I I I I I I I Sump Pump and Sewer Ejecor Discharge: l. Pipe: Galvanized steel pipe, ASTM A53; DWV copper nrbe, ASTM 8306. 2. Finings: Malleable iron tlrreaded finings, ANSI 816.3, or square grooved fiaings, ASTM A234, for grooved mechanical couplings; cast copper solder joint drainage finings, ANSI 816.23 wirh silver soldered joints. L. Foundation Drainage Pipe, Finings, and Accessories: r50604 D. E. B. c. 'r) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DOBSON ARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECI.ALTIES MISCELLANEOUS PIPING MATERIALS/PRODUCTS: A. Welding Materials: Except as orherwise indicated, provide welding materials as determined by Insaller to compty wilh insallation requirernens. l. Comply with Section II, Pan C, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for welding materials. Soldering Materials: Except as otherwise indicated, provide soldering materials as determined by Installer to comply wi0r installation requirements. l. Tin-Antimony Solder: ASTM B 32, Grade 95TA. 2. Silver-Copper-Zinc Solder: ASTM 8260-62T, Bag-2. 3. Canfield 100% Water Safe. Brazing Maerials: Except as otrenvise indicated, provide brazing materials as dercrmined by Installer to comply with insallation requiremenrs. l. Comply with SFA-5.8, Section II, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for brazing filler metal materials. Gaskets for Flanged Joints: ANSI 816.2l; full-faced for cast- iron flanges; raised-face for srcel flanges, unless otherwise indicated. Piping Connectors for Dissimilar Non-Pressure Pipe: Elastomeric annular ring insen, or elastomeric flexible coupling secured at each end with stainless steel clamps, sized for exact fit to pipe ends and subjecr to approval by plumbing code. l. AcceptableManufacturers: Fernco, Inc. lndiana Seal 2.3 ]AIJ{ES: General: Provide valves of types and pressure ratings indicarcd; provide proper selection as determined by Installer to comply with installation requiremerus. provide end connecdons which properly mate wi0r prpe, rube, and equipment connections. Where more than one rype is indicated, selection is Insaller's option. Sizes: Unless otherwise indicated, provide valves of same size as upsueam pipe size. Operaors: Provide handwheels, fasened to valve stem, for valves other than quarter- turn. Provide lever handle for quaner-nrn valves, 6" and smaller, other than plug valves. Provide one wrench for every l0 plug valves. Provide gear operators for quarter-nrn valves 8" and larger. Provi<le chain-operated sheaves and chains for overhead valves as indicarcd. Accepable Manufacturers:D. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECI,ALTIES r5060-5 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060 - PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECI.ALTIES I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I t t I T l. J. 4. 5. 7. Gate Valves, Globe Valves and Swing Check Valves: Crarp Co. Milwaukee Valve Co. Nibco, Inc. Stockham Co. WaEs Hammond Valve Corp. Drain Valves: Hammond Valve Corp. Milwaukee Valve Co. Nibco, Inc. Gas Plug Valves: DeZurik Co. Lunkentreimer Co. Walworth Co. Gas Cocks: DeZurik Corp. Lunkenheiner Co. Nibco Walworft Co. Conbraco Ball Valves: Apollo. Milwaukee Valve Co. Jamesbury Corp. Nibco, Inc. Stocllum Co. Wam Co. Hamrnond Valve Corp. Buuerfly Valves: Centerline. DeZurik Co. Keystone. Milwaukee Co. Watrs Wafer Check Valves: Centerline. Techno Mission. Lift Check Valves: 15060-6 PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECI.ALTIES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES Fairbanks Co. Hammond Co. Jenkios. Srocl$am. 9. Balance Valve @' and smaller Venturi Type) Flowset-Flow Desisn Inc. Gerand preso 10. Balance Valve (2" and smaller variable CV orifice type) Armstrong Bell & Gossen Tour - Anderson ll. Balance Valve Qll2" ann larger eccentric ball design). Keystone 12. Balance Valve Q ll2" and larger plug valve type) Dezurik Rockwell 13. Reduced Pressure Bacl{low Prcvener Febco Sales, Inc.; Subs. of Wans Regulator ZurnlWilkins Conbraco Wam 14. Double Check Bacldlow Preventer Febco Sales, lnc.; Subs. of Wans Regulator Zurnlwilkins Conbraco Watts E. Valve Features: l. General: Provide valves with features indicated and, where not otherwise indicated, provide proper valve fearures as determined by Installer for installation requiremens. Comply wirh ASME 831.9 for building services piping, and ASME 831 .1 for power piping. 2. Flanged: Valve flanges complying wittr ANSI 816.1 (cast iron), ANSI 816.5, ($eel), or ANSI 816.24 (bronze). 3. Threaded: Valve ends complying with ANSI 82.1. 4. Bur-Welding: Valve ends complying with ANSI 816.25. 5. Sol<ler-Joint: Valve ends complying wirh ANSI Bl6.1E. 6. Flangeless: Valve bodies manufacrured to fir berween flanges complying with ANSI 816.l (cast iron), ANSI 816.5 (seel), or ANSI 816.24 Oronze). PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES 1506G7 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060. PTPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECI,ALTIES I I I I I I t I I I I T I I I t I I F. Valve Schedule: l. General: Provide tte following vatves for various valve types refercnced in Division-l5 secdons. 2. Gate Valves: a. 2' and Smaller: 125 lb. SWP, bronze, screw-in bonnet, rising stem, solid wedge. Conform to MSS Sp-80. b. 2" and Smaller: 125 lb. SWP, bronze screw-in bonnet, non-rising stem, solid wedge. Conform to MSS SP-80. Threaded Solder Threaded Ends Milwaukee: 148 Endt Milwaukee: 105 Solder Ends t49 Ends ll5 2-ll2' and l-arger: Flanged ends, 125 lb. SWP, iron body, bolted bonnet, solid wedge, bronze mounred. Conform to MSS SP-?0. os&x Milwaukee: F-2885 Hose End; 2-ll2': FM, 175 psi, bronze body, solid wedge, inside screw, non-rising srcm. l) hovide cap and chain. Nibco: T-103-HC. Threaded End; 2' and Smaller: FM, Ul-listed, l?5 psi, bronze body solid wedge, ourside screw and yoke, rising stem. Nibco: T-104{. f. Flanged End;2-112" and Larger: FM, Ul--lisred, 175 psi, iron body bronze mounted, solid wedge, outside scrcw and yoke, rising sem. Nibco: F-607{. Globe Valves: a. 2" and Smaller: 125 lb. SWP, bronze body, s*ew-in bonnet, inregral seat, renewable disc. Conforrr !o MSS Sp-80. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECTALTIES d. 5. I15060-8 Threaded Solder Ends Ends I I I I I I I I I I I T t I I I I I I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060 - PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECTALTIES Milwaukee: 502 1502 b. 2" and Smaller: 125 lb. SWP, bronze angle body, screw-in bonnet, integral seat, renewable disc. Conform to MSS SP-80. Threaaled Ends Milwaukee: 504 c. Flanged Erds;2-ll2' and Larger: 125 lb. SWP, iron body, bolted bormet, renewable seat and disc, bronze mounted. Conform to MSS sP-85. Straight Body Milwaukee: F-2981 4. Drain Valves: a. 125 lb. SWP: bronze body, screw-in bonner, rising sem, composition disc, 3/4' hose outlet, provide cap and chain. Conform to ASSE 1005. Threaded Solder Ends EndS Nibco: 73 72 5. Ball Valves: ^. 2" and Smaller: 600 WOG/150 SWP, bronze bo<ly, standard pon, bronze trim, 2-piece consruction, TFE seats and seals. Threaded Solder Ends EDds Apollo 7G100 70-200 Milwaukee: BA-100 BA-150 b. 2-ll2'thru 3': 400 WOG/150 SWP, bronze body, sranatard pon,2- piece body, PTFE seats with bronze trim. Threaded SolderED& Endr Apollo 70-100 70-2W PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES 15060-9 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060 - PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES Apollo Milwaukee 7. Burerfly Valves: Ends Milwaukee: 509 I I I 6.I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I t Ends 1509 b. 2-112" arfi Larger: 125 lb. SWP, iron bo<ty, bolted bonnet, horizonal swing, renewable seat and disc, flanged ends, Conform to MSS SP-71. 1s060-10 o Milwaukei-BA-100 BA-150 Ball Valves: a. 2' and Smaller: 600 WOG/150 SWP, bronze body, sandard port, bronze trim, 2-piece consruction, TFE seat and seals. Threaded Entls 7G140 BA-100s a. 6' and Smaller: 200 psi, cast-iron body, lug type, extended neck, aluminum bronze disc, bronze bearings, reinforced resilient EDpM seat, rnanual lever and lock. Conform to MSS Sp-67. Ltrs Cenerline zWL Milwaukee CL323EKeystone 222 Grooved Ends: Victaulic Series 700. b. 8' and l:rger: 200 psi, cast-iron body, extended neck, alurninum broue disc, bronze bearings, reinforced resilient EDpM seat, gear operaror. Conform to MSS SP-67. Iilc Centerline 200L Milwaukee CI323EKeystone 222 Grooved Ends: Vicraulic Series 701. Swing Check Valves: a, 2" and Smaller: 125 lb. SWP, bronze body, horizonal swing, renewable disc. Confonn !o MSS SP-E0. Threaded Solder PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECTALTIES t I I I I I ! I t I I T I I I t T I I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECI,ALTIES Milwaukee: F-2974. c. 2-ll2' a^d Larger FM: 175 psi, iron body bronze mounted, renewable composition disc and bronze seat ring, bolted cover, flanged ends. Stockham: G-940. 9. Wafer Check Valves: All Sizes: 125 psi, cast-iron body, aluminum bronze or plated iron plarcs, stainless steel stem, Buna-N seat, stainless steel springs. Center Line: CLC. Mission: 12HMP. Stockham: WG970. Techno 505D Grooved Ends: Victaulic Series 7ll. 10. Lift Check Valves: a. 2" and Smaller: 125 psi, bronze body, lift type, spring loaded, renewable disc, tlreaded ends. Conform ro FCI74-I for design, rating and esting. Horizontal Ansle Jenkins: 655-A ll8-A Lunkenheimer: 233 I l. Gas Plug Valves: a. 2' and Smaller: 150 psi, cast-iron body, srraighraway patrern, square bronze head, threaded ends. DeZurik: 425 Lunkenhe imer: 454 b. 2-112" and l-arger: 175 psi, lubricated or permanently lubricated plug type, semi-steel body, single gland, wrench operared, flanged ends. DeZurik: ll8 Nordstrom: 143 Powell: 2201. Walworth: 1718F. 12. Gas Cocks: a. Gas Cocks 2" and Smaller: 150 psi non-sbock WOG, bronze straightway cock, flat or square head, threaded ends. Conbraco: 50 Series PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES 15060-l I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES 13. b. Gas Cock 2-112" and l,arger: 175 psi non-shock WOG, iron body nickel plated, corrosion resisrant plug, flanged ends, lever handle. Balance Valves: l. 2" Size and Smatler: Provide balance valves equipped with rcadout valves to faciliate connecting of differential pressure meer to balance valves. Equip each readour valve with inregral EPT check valve designed !o minimize sysem fluid loss during monitoring process. Provide calibrated nameplate to indicared degree of closure of precision machined orifice. Constnrct balancing valve with internal EPT o-ring seals to prevent leakage around rotating element. provide balance valves with preformed polyurethane insulation suirable for use otl- headng and cooling systems, and to protect balance valves during shipment. l) Acceptable Manufacurrers: Armstrong Bell & Gossen, ITT; Fluid Handling Div. Tour-Anderson b. 2- and Smaller: One piece, non-ferrous, brorze/brass flow measuring and balancing/shut-off valve combination. The flow element shall be a low loss/high signal Vennrri ryrrc (* 2Vo accuracy) of one to ten rangeability, equipped with dual Schrader Type pressure test posrs and caps. Balancing/shutoff valves shall be Ball rype wirh large diameter placd ball, teflon seats, blow out proof stem witr teflon packing and packing nur. Full size handle, grip and memory stop. Entire assembly ra@d rc 400 WOG and tested to 100% after assembly. Provide one gauge kit consisting of Bellows Type meter capable of reading flow directly in GPM using magnetically anached Eansparenr faces. Meer equipped with 6 ft, hoses, Schrader Type end connecrors, bleed and equalizing manifold and rugged plasdc case wi$ insrucdons. l) Accepable Manufacuren: Gerand Co. Flow Design-Flowset Preso c. 2 ll2' and larger: Provide casr-iron body wirh ball cendc or plug valve design. l.ocate upstream of all flow measuring sBtions an-d or as indicated on drawings. l) Accepable Manufacturen: Keystone - Ball Cenric Dezurik - ,t00 Series (to 4.) PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I Ir5060-12 14. 15. 2. B. I t I I t I 1 I I t I I I I I I I I I DOBSONARENA DTVISION 15 SECTION 15060 - PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECTALTIES Reduced hessure Bacldlow Preventen a. hovide reduced pressure principle bacHlow preventers consisting of assembly including shutoff valves on inlet and outlet, and strainer on inlet. Baclflow preventers shall include te$ cocks, and pressure- differential relief valve located between 2 posidve seadng check valves. Provide funnel drain assembly and airgap drain to floor drain. Construct in accordance widr ASSE Sandard 1013. and is USC approved. FEBCO Co. #880, #880V or #860 Double Check Backflow Preventer: Provide double check assembly consisting of a "Y' pauern design incorporating two spring loaded check valve assemblies, inlet and oudet shutoff valves. Conssuct in accordance witfr USC, ASSE 1015, AWWA C-510, and CSA 8645. Shall be U.L. aad FM approved. FEBCO Co. f870. 1870V and #850. 2.4 PIPING SPECIALTIES: General: Provide factory-fabricated piping specialties recommended by manufacturer for use in service indicated. Provide piping specialties of types and pressure ratings indicated for each service, or if not indicated, provide proper selecdon as determined by Insraller to comply wirh insralladon requirements. Provide sizes as indicated, and connections, which properly mae wirh pipe, tube, and equipment connecdons. Where more than one rype is indicated, selection is Insaller's option. Pioe Escurcheons: L General: Provide pipe escutcheons as specified herein with inside diameter closely fining pipe ouaide diameter, or ourside of pipe insulation where pipe is insulated. Select outside diameter of escutcheon to completely cover pipe penetration hole in floors, walls, or ceilings; and pipe sleeve extension, if any. Furnish pipe escutcheons with nickel or chrome finish for occupied areas, prime paint furish for unoccupied areas. Pipe Escurcheons for Moist Areas: For warcrproof floors, and areas where warcr and condensation can be expecrd to accumulate, provide cast brass or sheet brass escutcheons, solid or split hinged. Pipe Escuaheons for Dry Areas: hovide sheet steel escutcheons, solid or split hinged. Accepable Manufacturers: Chicago Specialry Mfg. Co. Producers Specialty & Mfg. Corp. 4. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES 15060-13 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES D. Saniary-Dash Mfg. Co. Strainers: l. General: Provide straircrs full lirrc size of connecting piping, with ends matching piping system maerials. Select strainers for 125 psi working pressue, with Type 304 stainles seel screens, with 3/64' perforations @ 233 Per sq. in. a. Threaded or Sweat Ends, 2" and Smaller in Copper Piping Systems: Cast bronze body, screwed screeo reainer with centered blowdown fified with pipe plug. b. Threaded Ends, 2" and Smaller: Cast-iron or semi-steel body, screwed screen retainer with cenrcred blowdown fined with pipe plug. c. Threaded or Flarged Ends, 2-12' and larger: Ca*-iron or semi- steel body, bolted screen retainer with off-cenrcr blowdown fitted with ptpe plug. d. Bun Welded Errds,2-ll2' and Larger; Schedule 40 cast carbon steel body, bolted screen reuiner with off-center blowdown fined wirh pipe plug. e. Accepable Manufacturers: Hofftnan Specialty ITT; Fluid Handling Div. McAlear Co. Meraflex Co. Wam Regulator Co. R.P. & C Co. Dielectric Finings: l. Creneral: Provide sandard products reco[unended by manufacnrrer for use in service indicarcd, which effectively isolap fenous from non-ferrous piping (elecrical conductance), prcvent galvanic action, and stop corrosion, a. Dielecnic unions and flanges shall conform to ASA 816.8, and strall be plated as applicable a minimum of .0005 " and have no flow restriction when assembled. l) Acceptable Manufacturen: Epco Sales, Inc. Wa[s Regulator Capial MFG. b. Clearflow dielecric warerway nipple, steel nipple with inen trermoplasric liner. Shall meet ASTM F492-77. l) Acceptable Manufacturen: PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I Ir5060-14 b. d. I t I I t I I I I I I I I J I t I I I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES Perfection Corporation - Victaulic Fire Barrier Peneration Seats: l. Provide seals for any opening rhrough fue-rated walls, floors, or ceilings used as passage for mechanical components such as piping or ductwork. a. Cracks, Voids, or Holes Up to 4' Diameter: Use pury or caulking, one-piece inmmescent elastomer, non-corrosive m meal, compatible wift synthetic cable jackets, and capable of expanding l0 times when exposed to flame or heat, UL-listed. b. Openings 4" or Greater: Use sealing system capable of passing 3- hour frre test in accordance with ASTM E-814, consisdng of wall wrap or liner, panitions. and end caps capable of expanding when exposed to @rqpentures of 250 to 350'F (121 to 177'C), Ul-li$ed. 2. Accepuble Manufac rers: Electo Products Div./3M. (Fire Banier Systems) Nelson; Unit of General Signal. (Flameseal) Pipe Shield Incorporated 3. Fhe Penetration Sleeves: a. Provide ProSet Systems fire rated sleeveicoupling Penetrator for each pipe penetration or plumbing funrre opening passing tlrough floors, walls, panitions or floor ceiling assemblies. All penetrators passing through fire rated construction must comply wirh ASTM E-814, U.L. 1479 or CSAAJLC CAN S-ll5 fue test standards. Sleeve peneuators shall have built-in anchor ring for waterproofing and anchoring into concrete pours. For cored holes use fte special tight fined ProSet Cored Hole Penetrator for cored holes. Chilled warcr piping shall have ProSeal Plugs on botr sides and Firefill insuladon material packed into the void between the pipe and sleeve to preveff condensation problems. All other piping shall have one hoSeal Plug or a Riser Clamp on the top side of the Penerator or altemate rypes of ProSet Penetrators for various piping materials that comply widr ASTM E-814 fire testing as shown below: l) lnslated s1 nnin$hted prpe - Use Sysrcm 'A" 2) Cast Iron Pipe - Use System'B" 3) ABS or PVC waste & vent piping - Use System 'C" 4) Polypropylene acid waste piping - Use System 'C" 5) Glass acid waste piping - Use System 'A' 6) EMT or Elecrical Conduit - Use System'A' PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECTALTIES 15060-15 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES All above'-systerrs arc to be installed in strict accordance manufacnrer's insructions, Alternate firestopping syster$ arc acc€ptable if approved Engineer and local code official. Accepnble Manufacnrers: hoSet Systems F. Water Hammer Arresters: I . General: Provide beltows or piston type water hammer aresers, prcssure rated for 250 psi, tesrcd and cenified in accordance wittr pDI Standard WH_ 201' Piston rype shall have lifetime warranty and replacement without rhe use of an access panel. 2, AccepmbleMaaufacturers: Josam Co. Smirh (Jay R.) Mfg. Co. Zurn Indusnies, Inc.; Hydromechanics Div, Tyler-Wade Wats Sioux Chief PPP. Inc. FABRICATED PIPING SPECIALTIES: A' Drip Pans: Provide drip pans fabricaect from corrosion-resistant sheet metal wirh waenight joints, and with edges nrned ry2-112". Reinforce top, either by sructural angles or by rolling rcp over l/4' srcel rod, provide hole, gasket, and flange at low point for watenight joinr and l' drain line connection. B. Pipe Sleeves: Provide pipe sleeves of one of the following: 1. sheet-Meal: Fabricate from galvanized srreet metal; round tube crosed with snaplock joint, welded qpiral seams, or welded longitudinal joint. Fabricate from the following gages: 3' and suuller, 2O gage;4" ro 6" 16 gage; over 6", 14 gage. 2, Steel-Pipe: Fabricate from Schedute 40 galvanized steel pipe; remove burrs. 3. Iron-Pipe: Fabricate from cast-iron or ductile-iron pipe; remove burrs. 4. Plastic-Pipe: Fabricate from Schedule 80 pVC plastic pipe; remove burs. C. Sleeve Seals: Provide sleeve seals in sleeve as follows: 1. Below grade in foundation wall or exterior walls above grade. a. Link seal. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECI.ALTIES I I I I t I t I 2.5 I I I I I t I I I t T15060-t6 I T I I I I I I t t I I I ! I t T I I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060 - PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECI,ALTIES 2. Peneradon below grade ilrnr floor. a. Provide elastorneric joint sealanr to mainain warcnight and ainighr condnuous seal. 3. Penerations ttuu walls, floors, or ceilings above grade. a. Intumescent fue stop. 2.6 PACKLESS EXPANSION JOINTS: A. General: Frovide packless expansion joints where indicaed for piping systems, with materials and pressure/temperature radngs selected by Installer to suit intended service. Select packless expansion joina to provide 200% absorprion capacity of piping expansion bemeen anchors. B. Expansion Compensators: hessure rated for 60 psi for low pressure systems, 175 psi for high pressure sys@ms; 2-ply phosphor bronze bellows, brass shrouds and end finings for copper piping systems, or 2-ply stainless steel bellows, carbon steel shrouds ard end finings for steel piping systerrs. Provide internal guides and anti-torque device, and removable end clip for proper positioning. C. Acceptable Manufacturers: Flexonics Div.; UOP, Inc. Hyspan Precision Producrs, Inc. Keflex, Inc. Meraflex Co. 2.7 RUBBER EXPANSION JOINTS: A. Construct of duck and butyl rubber with full-faced integral flanges, inremally reinforced with steel retaining rings. Provide seel reaining rings over endre surface of flanges, drilled to match flange bolt holes, and provide exernal connol rods. B. Accepable Manufacorers: Keflex, Inc, Meraflex Co. 2.8 SLIP JOINTS: A. General: Provide slip joints where indicated for piping systems, wittr maerials and pressure/rcmperature ratings seleced by Insuller to zuit intended service. Select slip joints m yovide 2N% absorprion capacity of piping expancion between anchors. B. Slip Joina: Slip type designed for repacking under pressure, with drip connections for seam piping sysrerns, and ends rc mate with piping system. C. Acceptable Manufacturers: PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES 15060-l? DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECI.ALTIES Adsco Manufacruring Corp. Flexonics Diy; UOP, Inc. FLEXIBLE DAII PIPE JOIMS: A. Gercral: Provide flexible ball pipe joints where indicated for piping sy$ems, wirtr rnaterials and preszure/temperanre ratings selected by Insaller to suit intended service. Design joina for 360 degree rotirtion, and with minimum of 30 degree angular flexing movenrent for sizes ll4" to 6',-15 degree for sizes 8" to 30". Provide 2 asbestos composition gaskets for each joint. B. Certiff carbon srcel joina for environmental shock testing in accordance with MIL-S- 21456 or MILS-901C. C. Comply with Section II of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and ASME B3l Code for Pressure Piping for ma@rials and design of pressure containing parts and boldng. D. Test each asembly with srcam at working pressure of piping system for zero leaks before shipmem E. Accepable Manufacturers: Gustin-Bacon Div.; Aeroquip Corp. 2.IO EXPANSION JOINTS FOR GROOVED PIPING: A. General: For piping sy$ems fabricated from cut grooved pipe and couplings, use one of fte following methods for expansion compensation: l. Combination Couplings and Nipples: Provide expansion joins consrucrcd of cut grooved shon pipe nipples and couplings, designed by manufacturer to suit intended service. Provide removable des to hold joint compressed or expanded during piping fabrication, depending on application. Setect couplings and gasket maerials rc march balance of piping system. 2. Slip-Type Expansion Joints: hovide slip-type expansion joins construcr€d of carbon steel pipe and couplings, designed by manufacturer to suit intended service. Select couplings and gasket material to match balance of piping syslem. B. Accepable Manufacnrers: ITT Grinnell. Stockham Valves & Firings, Inc. Viuulic Co. of America. 2.II PIPE ALIGNMENT GUIDES: A. General: Provide pipe alignment guides on both sides of expansion joints, and elsewhere as indicated. Constnrct widr 4- finger spider raveling inside guiding sleeve, with provision for anchoring to building subsnate. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t15060-r 8 PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECTALTIES 2. J. I I I I I I I I I I I T t t I ! I t t DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES B. Acceptable Manufacrurers: Hyspan Precision Producrs, lnc. Metraflex Co. Basic Engineen 2.12 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS: A. References: l. ASTM 8633 - Specificadon for Elecnodeposied Coatings ofZinc on Iron and Steel. 2. ASTM A123 - Specifrcation for Zinc (Hot Galvanized) Coatings on Products Fabricated from Rolled, pressed, and Forged Steel Shapes, plares, Bars, and Strip. 3. ASTM A653 G90 - Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coaed by tre Hot-Dip process. 4. MSS SP58 - Manufacturers Standardization Society: Pipe Hangers and Supports - Materials, Design and Manufacture. 5. MSS SP69 - Manufacturers Sandardization Society: Pipe Hangers and Supports - Selection and Applicadon. 6, NFPA 13 - Sandard for the Insallation of Sprinkler Systems. B. Quality Assurance: l.Hangers and supports used in fire prorccdon piping systems shall be lisrcd and labeled by Underwriters Laboratories. Steel pipe hangers and supporu shall have the manufacturer's name, pan number, and applicable size stamped in the pan itself for idendfication. Hangers and supporu shall be designed and manufactured in conformance with MSS SP58. Suppora for sprinkler piping shall be in conformance wittr NFpA 13.4. Horizonal-Piping Hangers and Supporrs: l. General: Except as otherwise indicated, provide factory- fabricated horizontal- piping hangers and supports selecred by Installer to suit horizontal-piping sysrens. Use only one type by one manufacnrer for each piping service. Select size of hangers and suppors to exactly fit pipe size for bare piping, an<l to exactly fit around piping insulation witr saddle or shield for insularcd piping. Provide baked on epoxy painr hangers and suppons for copper piping systems. Venical-Piping Clamps: PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES D. 15060- r 9 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECI,ALTIES l. Gefural: Except as otherwise indicated, provide factory- fabricarcd venical- piping clanps cooplyiDs wirh MSS SP-58 seleced by Insaller to suit venical piprog sysems, in accordance widr MSS SP-69 and manufacorer's publistred product information. Select size of venical piping clamps to exactly fit pipe size of barc pipe. Provide baked on epoxy paint clamps for copper-piping systenrs. Hanger-Rod Acachments: l. General: Except as otherwise indicated, provide factory- fabricarcd hanger- rod afiachments complying with MSS SP-58 selected by Insaller ro suit horizontal-piping hangers and building amchments, in accordance witr MSS SP-69 and manufacturer's published product informadon. Use only one type by one manufacorer for each piping service. Select size of hanger-rod anachments to suit hanger rods. Provide copper-plated hanger-rod anachmenr for copper-piping sysems. Building Attachmens: l. General: Except as odrerwise indicated, provide facrory- fabricated building attachments complying with MSS SP-58 selected by Installer to suit building subscarc condirions, in accordance wiilr MSS SP-69 and manufacrurer's published product information. Select size of building attachments to suit hanger rods. Finishes: l. Indoor Finishes: a. Hangers and clamps for suppon of bare copper piping shall be coaed with copper -colored epoly paint- Addirional PVC coating of the epoxy painted hanger shall be used where necessary. b. Hangers for other than bare copper pipe shall be zinc plated in accordance wirh ASTM 8633 or strall have an elecrodeposited epoxy frnistr. c. Strut channels shall be Dre-calvanized in accordance with ASTM A653 G90 or have an elec'trodiposited epoxy finish. 2. Outdoor and Corrosive Area Finishes: a. Hangen and strut located outdoors shall be hor dip calvanized after fabrication in accordance with ASTM A123. AIf hineer hardware shall be hot dip galvanized or stainless seel. Zinc plarcd hardware is not acceptable for outdoor or conosive use. b. Hangen and strut located in conosive areas shall be type 3Ol (316) sBinless $eel with stainless steel hardware. Manufacorers of Hangers and Supports: l. AccepableManufacturers: B-Line Systems Inc. Grinnel Corp. Superstrut PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECTALTIES E. I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I F. G. 15060-20 H. 2.r3 I I t I I I I I I I I t I ! I t I I I Schedule: Nominal Pipe 91 Tubing Size 7:" ttuu 3" Material galvanized galvanized 4. Thermal Hanger Shields: MSS Type 40 Constructed of an insert of high density, 100 psi, water-proofed calcium silicate, encased in a sheet meal shield. Provide assembly of same thickness as adjoining insulation. The style of thermal hanger shield assembly shall be determined by shield manufacrurer based on hanger type. 5. Accepuble Manufacturers: Pipe Shields, Inc. Value Engineering Producrs, Inc. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAIJ: A. Metal Framing: l. Supplementary Srucoral Suppons: Design and fabricate supports using structural quality steel bolted framing materials as manufactured by B-Line Systems. Channels shall be roll formed, 12 gauge ASTM A,570 Grade 33 steel, I 5/8' x I 5/8' or greater as required by loading conditions. Submit designs for pipe tunnels, pipe galleries, etc., to Engineer for approval. Use clamps and finings designed for use with the strut sysrem. B. Steel Plates, Shapes and Bars: Provide products complying with ASTM A 36. C. Cement Grout: Portland cement (ASTM C 150, Type I or Type III) and clean unifonnly graded, natural sand (ASTM C 404, Size No. 2). Mix at a ratio of 1.0 pan cement rc 3.0 parts sand, by volume, with minimum amount of water required for placement and hydration. D. Trapeze Hangers: l Trapeze hangers shall be constructed from 12 gauge roll forrned ASTM A570 Gr. 33 sructural srcel channel, I 5i8" x I 5/8' minimum. B-Linc B22 smrr or sronrer as reouired. Shield Gauge Thickness l8 l6 DOBSONARENA DIVISION I5 SECTION 15060. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECTALTIES Saddles and'Shields: l. General: Except as otherwise indicarcd, provide saddles or shields under piping hangers and supports, factory-fabricarcd, for all insularc<I piping. Size saddles and shields for exact fit to mate with pipe insulation. 2. Protection Saddles: MSS Type 39; fill interior voids with segments of insulation matching adjoining insulation or manufacturers pre-insulated type. 3. Protection Shields: MSS Type 40; of tengttr per schedule below to prevent crushing of insulation. Provide coated projecdon shields on cold/ chilled water pptng. Shield l*ngttr t2" t2" PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES 15060-21 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES Mount pipes to trapeze with 2 piece pipe sraps sized for outside diameer of pipe, B-Linc 82000 Series. 3. For pipes subjected to axial movement: a. Suut mounrcd roller support, B-Linc 83126. Use pipe proecdon shielcl or saddles on insulated lirps. b. Stnrt mounred pipe guide, B-Linc 82417. E. Heavy-Duty Steel Trapezes: Fabricate from steel shapes selected for loads required; weld steel in accordance with AWS standards. F. Pipe Guides: Provide factory-fabricated guides, of cast semi- steel or heavy fabricated steel, consisting of bolted two- section outer cylinder and base with two-section guiding spider bolted tight to pipe. Size guide and spiders to clear pipe and insulation (if any), and cylinder. Provide guides of leng$ recommended by manufacturer to allow indicated travel. 2,14 GLASSTHERMOMETERS: A. General: Provide glass thermometers of maerials, capacities, and ranges indicaed, designed and consructed for use in service indicated. B. Case: Die cast aluminum finished in baked epoxy enamel, glass front, spring secured, 9" long. C. Adjusnble Joinu Die cast aluminum, finished to match case, 180"F adjusunent in venical plane, 360 degrees adjusunent in horizonral plane, wiilr locking device, I I I I D. E. F. G. H. I, J, Tube and Capillary: Mercury filled, magniSing lers, lVo scale range accuracy, shock mounted. Scale: Satin faced, non-reflective aluminum, permanently etched markings. Stem: Copper-plaed steel, or brass, for separable socket, length to suit installation. Range: Conform to the following: Hot Waer: 30' - 240"F with 2'F scale divisions. Chilled Water: 30 - 180'F with 2oF scale divisions (0" - 100'C with l"C scale divisions). Acceptable Manufacturers: Cooper Davis Duro Emst Gage Co. Foxboro PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES t I I I I I t T I I t I ! I t 15060-22 I T I I I I I T T t I I I I t I I I I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES Marshalltown Insrume s, Inc. Taylor Trerice (H.O.) Co. Weiss InsrurBnts, lnc. 2.15 DIRECT MOUI.IT DIAL THERMOMETERS: A. General: Frovide direct mount dial trermomeprs of materials, capacities, and range indicated, designed and consmlcrcd for use in service indicated. B. Type: Vapor tension, universal angle. C. Case: Drawn $eel or bmss, glass lens, 4-ll2" diamerer. D. Adjustable Joint: Die cast aluminum, 180 degrees adjusrnent in venical plane, 360 degrees adjusunent in horizonral plane, with locking device. E. Thermal Bulb: Copper with phosphor bronze bourdon pressure tube, one scale division accuracy. F. Movement: Brass precision geared. G. Scale: Progressive, satin faced, non-reflecdve aluminum, permanently etched markings. H. Stem: Copper plated steel, or brass, for separable socket, length to suit irstatlation. I. Range: Conform to the following: 1. Hot Water: 40 - 240'F (10 - lls'C). 2. Chilled Water: 30 - 180'F (0 - 80'C). J. Acceptable Manufacturers: Marsh lnsrument Co.; Unit of General Signal. Trerice (H.O.) Co. Weiss Lutruments, Inc, 2.16 DIAL TYPE INSERTION THERMOMETERS: A. General: Provide dial type insenion thermomeers of materials, capacities, and ranges indicated, designed and consmlced for use in service indicated. B. Type: Blmetal, stainless steel case and stem, l" diameter dial, dust and leak proof, l/8" diameter stem witb nominal length of 5'. C. Accuracy: 0.57o of dial range. D, Range: Conform to the following: l. HotWater: 0-220'F(-10- llO'C). PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES 15060-23 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES I I I t 2. Chilled Warcr: 25 - 125.F (-10 - 110.C). E. Accepable Manufacuren: Marsh lnsm"rment Co.; Utrit of General Signal Taylor Instument Co. Trerice (II.O.) Co. Weiss Instruments, Inc. 2.17 THERMOMETERWEIJI: General: hovide thermometer wells constructed of brass or stainless steel, pressure rated to maah piping system design pressurc. Provide 2" extension for insulated piping. Provitle cap nut with chain fasened permanently to thermomerer well. Manufacnrrer: Same as &ermome@rs. 2.18 PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE GAGE CONNECTOR PLUGS: General: Provide temperature and pressure gage connecrcr plugs pressure raed for 500 psi and 275'F. Construct of brass and finish in nickel-plae, equip with li2" NpT fining, with self-sealing valve core type neoprcne gasketed orifrce suimble for insening l/8" O.D. probe assembly from dial type insenion thermometer or pressure gauge. Equip orifice wlh gasketed screw cap and retaining srrap. Provide exension, lengtr equal ro insulation trickness, for irsulated piping. Accepable Manufacturers: Pelerson Equipment Co. 2.19 PRESSUREGAGES: A. B. B. I I t I T I I t t T t I I I t B. c. D. E. F. General: Provide pressure gages of materials, capacides, and ranges indicaed, <tesigned and consEucted for use in service indicated, Type: General use, l% accuracy, ANSI 840.1 grade A, phosphor bronze bourdon rype, bottom eonnecdon. Case: Drawn steel or brass, glass lens, 3 1/2'diarneter. Connector: Brass with l/4" male NPT. hovide protecdve syphon when used for steam service. Scale: White coated aluminum, with permanently etched markings. Range: Conform to the following: l. Vacuum: 30" Hg - 15 psi. 2. Water: 0 - 100 psi. 3. Steam: 0 - 200 psi. Acceptable Manufacturers: PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIESr5060-24 G. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 sEcTroN 15060 - plpEs, vALvEs AND prprNq spEctALTrES Ametel/U.S. Gauge. Marsh Instrurrcnt Co,; Unir of General Signat. Marshallown Insm,rments, Inc. Mueller Bros. Trerice (H.O.) Co. Weiss Insruments, Inc. PRESSURE GAGE CQCKS: A. General: Provide pressure gage cock between pressure gages and gage tees on piping systems. Consruct gage cock of brass wirh l/4' female NpT on each end, and "T" handle brass plug. l/4' straight coil consructed of brass tubing with l/4' male NpT on eachB. Syphon: end. D. Snubber: l/4" brass bushing wittr conosion resistant porous metal disc, through which pressurc fluid is filered. Selecr disc maerial for fluid served and pressure radng. Manufacturer: Same as for pressure gages. 2.2r WAFER.TYPE FLOW METERS: General: Provide as indicated, cast-iron wafer-type flow mercrs equipped with readout valves to facilitate connecting of differential pressure mercr to flow meter. Equip each readout valve with integral EPT check valve designed rc minimize system fluid loss during monitoring process. Provide calibrated nameplare with flow mercr deailing its flow range Orough range of differendal head pressures. Accepable Manufacturcrs: Bell & Gossen ITT; Fluid Handling Div. PART 3 - EXECUTTON 3.1 PIPE AND PIPE FITTING INSTALLATION: General: Install pipes and pipe finings in accordance with recognized industry practices which will achieve permanenrly leakproof piping systems, capable of performing each indicated service without piping failure. Insall each run with minimum joins and couplings, but with adequate and accessible unions for ctisassembly and mainenance/replacement of valves and equipmenr. Reduce sizes (where ixlicated) by use of reducing fiaings. Align piping accuraaly at connections, within 1/16; misalignment tolerance. lncate piping runs, excepr as otherwise indicated, venically and horizonally (pirched to drain) and avoid diagonal runs wherever possible. orient horizonal runs parallel with walls and column lines. l.ocate runs as shown or described by diagrams, deails and notations or. if not otherwise indicarcd, run piping in shoftest rourc which does not obstruct usable space or block access for servicing building and its equipment. Hold piping close to walls, overhead construcdon, columns and other sructura! and B, B. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES 1s060-25 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES 3.2 permilnent€nclosure elenrcns of building; Iimit clearance to I /2 " where furring is shown for enclosure or concealme of piplng, but allow for insulation thickness, ifany. Where possible, locate insulacd pipr4g for I " clearance outside insulation. Wherever possible in finistred ard occupied spaces, conceal piping from view, by locating in column enclosures, in hollow wall consrucdon or above zuspended ceilings; do not encase horizonral runs in soli<l panitions, excepr as indicaed. c' Electrical Equipment spaces: Do not run piping rbough transformer vaults and other elecrical or electronic equipment spaces and enclosures unless unavoidable, Install drip pan under piping that must be nrn through elecricat spaces. D. Painting of Pipe: Paint all exerior steel piping (gas, condenser, chilled water, etc.) with a rust inhibitor paint. Coordinate color with architect prior to painting. PIPING SYSTEM JOINTS: A. General: Provide joints of rype indicaed in each piping system. B. Thread pipe in accordance wittr ANSI B2.1; cut threads full and clean using sharp dies. Ream trreaded ends to remove burrs and resrore full inside diamercr. Apply pipe joint compound, or pipe joint ape (Ieflon) where recommended by pipe/fining manufacorer, on male threads at each joint and tighten joint to leave not more than 3 threads exposed. C. Braze copper ube-and-fiaing joints wherc furdicated, in accordance with ASME B3l. D. Solder copper nrbe-and-fining joins where indicated, in accordance wirh recognized industry practice. Cut rube ends squarely, ream to full inside diameter, and clean outside of ftbe ends and inside of finings. Apply solder flux to joint areas of both rubes and firings. Use only flux with no lead content. Insen tube full deph into fining, an<t solder in manner which will draw solder full depth and circumference of joinr. wipe excess solder from joint before it hardens. E. Wel<l pipe joina in accordance with recognized indusry practice and as follows: l. Weld pipe joints only when ambient Empenture is above 0.F (-l8oC) where possible. 2. Bevel pipe ends at a 37,5 degree angle where possible, smooth rough curs, and clean to remove slag, meal panicles and dirt. 3. Use pipe clamps or tack-weld joints with l " long welds; 4 welds for pipe sizes to 10", 8 welds for pipe sizes 12" to 20". Build up welds with sringer-bead pass, followed by hot pass, followed by cover or f ler pass. Eliminarc valleys at center and edges of each wel<|. Weld by procedures which will ensure elimination of unsound or unfused metal. cracks, oxidation, blow-holes and non-metallic inclusions. Do not weld-out piping system imperfecdons by nck-welding procedures; re- fabricate to comply with requirements. T I t I I I T T T I I I I I T I I T 4. 5. I1s060-26 PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES I I l J.J I I I t I t I I I I I DOBSON ARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060 - PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECTALTIES 6. At Installer's option, insall forged branch-connecdon fittings wherever branch pipe is indicae<l; or install regular 'T" fining. 7. Clean all welded joina and apply prime coat rust inhibitor. F. Weld pipe joina of steel water pipe in accordance with AWWA C206. G. Flanged Joints: Match flanges within piping system, and at connections with valves and equipment. Clean flange faces and hstall gaskets. Tighen bola to provide uniform compression of gaskets. H. Hubless Hub & Spigot, Cast-Iron Joints: Comply with coupling manufacturer's installation instructions. I. Concrerc Pipe Joints: Except as otherwise indicated, comply with applicable provisions of "Concrete Pipe Field Manual" by the American Concrcte Pipe Assn. J. Plasdc Pipe/Tube Joints: Comply with manufacturer's insructions and recommendations, and with applicable industry strndards: INSTALLATION QE VALVES: A. General: Except as otherwise indicated, comply with the following requiremenc: l. Insall valves where required for proper operation of piping and equipment, including valves in branch lines where necessary to isolate sections of piping. locate valves so as to be accessible and so that separate support can be provided when necessary. 2. Install valves with stems pointed up, in venical position where possible, but in no case with stems poinrcd downward ftom horizonal plane unless unavoidable. Install valve drains with hose-end adapter for each valve that must be installed wift stem below horizonal plane. Insulation: Where insulation is indicarcd, install extended-stem valves, arranged in proper nranner to receive insuladon. Mechanical Ac$ators: Insall mechanical actuators with chain operators where indicarcd. Exrcnd chains to about 5' above floor and hook to clips to clear aisle passage. Valve Sysem: Select and install valves with outside screw and yoke stems, except provide inside screw non-rising stem valves where headroom prcvents full opening of OS&Y valves. Non-Metallic Disc: Limit selection and insallation of valves with non-meallic discs to locadons indicated and where foreign material in piping system can be expected to prevent dght shutoff of metal seated valves. Renewable Seats: Select and install valves with renewable seats, except where otherwise indicarc<l. B. D. I I I t t PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECI,ALTIES F. rs060-27 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES 3.4 G. Fluid Connol: Except as odprwise indicarcd, insall gate, bail, globe, and bunerfly valves to ccimply with ANSI 831.9. Wherc ttronling is indicated or recognized as princlpal reason for valve, insrall globe or buuerfly valves. H. Insallation of Check Valves: l. Swing Check Valves: lnsaU in horizonul positioo wittr hinge pin horizontally . perpendicular to center line of pipe. Insall for proper direction of flow. 2, Wafer Check Valves: Insall between 2 flanges in horizorual or venical position, position for proper direction of flow. 3. Lift Check Valve: Insull in piping line wirh stem verticatty upward, position for proper direcdon of flow. INSTALLATION Q[ PIPING SPECIALTIES: A. Pipe Escurcheons: Insall pipe escutcheons on each pipe penetradon thru floors, walls, panitions, and ceilings where peneEation is exposed to view; and on exterior of building. Secure escurcheon to pipe or insulation so escutcheon covers penetradon hole, and is flustr with adjoining surface. B. Y-Type Srainen: lnsall Y-type $rainers full size of pipeline, in accordance widr manufacturer's installation insm,rctions. Insall pipe nipple and shutoff valve in srainer blow down connecdon, full size of connecdon, exc€pt for strainers 2" and smaller installed ahead of conrol valves feeding individual terminals. Where indicarcd, provide. drain line from shutoff valve !o plumbing drain, full size of blow down connecuon. l. locate Y-type srainers in supply line ahead of the following equipment, and elsewhere as indicaed, if inegral scrainer is nor included in equipment: Pumps. Srcam raps serving steam main drips. Temperanfe control valves larger than 2'. Pressure reducing valves. Temperature or pressure regulating valves. C. Dielectric Unions: Provide dielecric pipe finings and isolators at all connecdons between dissimilar rrctals in the domestic water and fire protecdon systems to conrol conosion poeffial caused by galvanic or electrotytic action. Typical locations for dielecric isolation are: water heaters, storage and pressure tanks, wacr conditioning equipment, pumps, changes in service piping materials, make-up connections to boilers and chilled water systems, valves, deaerators, flexible connectors and the like where materials of different elecrode potential are joined. Storage tar*s shdl be isolated from piping and tank $ands by use of anti- elecrolytic and galvanic isolaton. Fire Barrier Peneration Seals: Fill entire opening with sealing compound. Adhere to manufacorer's insallation instructions. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECI.ALTIES I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I l. ,, 15060-28 D. 3.5 3.6 3.7 I I I I t I I t I T I I T I I I I I T DOBSONARENA DTVISION 15 SECTION 15060 - PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECI.ALTIES E. Water Hammer Arresters: Install in upright position, in locations and of sizes in accordance with PDI Sandard WH-201, and elsewhere as indicated. INSTALLATION OE FABRICATED PIPING SPECIALTIES: A. Drip Pans: Locate drip pans under piping passing over or wiftin 3' horizontally of elecdcal equipment, and elsewhere as indicaed. Hang from sEucore with rods and building auachmenr, weld rods to sides of drip pan. Brace lo prevent sagging or swaying. Connect I " drain line to drain connection, and run to nearest plumbing drain or elsewhere as indicated. B. Pipe Sleeves: Install pipe sleeves of types indicated where piping passes through walls, floors, ceilings, and roofs. Do not install sleeves through strucnral members of work, excepr as detailed on drawings, or as reviewed by ArchitecVEngineer. lnstall sleeves accurately centered on pipe runs. Size sleeves so that piping and insulation (if any) will have free movement in sleeve, including allowance for thermal expansion; but not less than 2 pipe sizes larger than piping run. Where insulation includes vapor-barrier jacket, provide sleeve with srfficient clearance for installation. InsBll lengft of sleeve equal to thickness of construction penerated, and frnish fluslt to surface; except floor sleeves. Extend floor sleeves l/4" above level floor frnish, and 3/4" above floor finish stoped to drain. Provide temporary support of sleeves during placement of concree and other work around sleeves, and provide temporary closure to prevent concreE and other materials ftom entering sleeves. I . Install sheet-meal sleeves at interior panitions and ceilings other than susPended ceilings. 2. Instalt iron-pipe sleeves at exerior penetradons; both above and below grade. 3. Insall steel-pipe sleeves except as otherwise indicated. C. Sleeve Seals: Insall in accordance with the manufacrurer's requirements. EXPANSION JOINT INSTALLATION: A. General: Install expansion joints where indicated, and elsewhere as deermined by Irstaller for adequate expansion of insalled piping system. Install in accordance with manufacnuer's instrucdons. Provide pipe anchors and pipe alignment guides as indicated. and in accordance with manufacnrer's recommendations Align unis properly to avoid end loadiDg and lorsional $ress. EXPANSION LOOP INSTALLATION: A. General: Fabricate expansion loops as indicated, in locations indicarcd, and elsewherc as determined by Insaller for adequate expansion of installed piping system. Subject loop to cold spring which will absorb 50Vo of total expansion between hot and cold conditions. Provide pipe anchors and pipe alignment guides as indicated, and elsewhere as determined by Installer to properly anchor piping in relationship to exPansion looPs. INSTALLATION QE HANGERS AND SIJPPOMS:3.E PTPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES t5060-29 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060 - PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECTALTIES D. E. General: Insall hangers, suppons, clamps and atrachments to suppon piping properly from building srructurc; cornpty wirh MSS SP-69. Arrange for grouping of parallel ruos of horizontal piping m be supponed togerher on trapeze type hangers wherc possible. Insall suppora with maximum spacings per local code. Where piping of various sizes is to be supported rcgether by trapeze hangers, qpace hangers for smallest ptpe size or install inrcrmediate suppors for smaller diamercr pipe. Do not use wire or perforated rnetal to suppon piping, and do nor suppon piping from other piping. Insallation of Building Auacbrnens: l. In$aU building anachments at required locadons within concrete or on sructural steel for proper piping support. Space arachments within maximum piping span length indicated in MSS SP-69 Table 3 or local code, whichever is more sringent. Insnll additional hangers at concenEated loads, including valves, flanges, guides, srainers, expansion joinc, and at changes in direcdon of piping. Install concre@ insers before concrete is placed; fasten insert securely to forms. Wherc concrete with compressive strength less tran 2500 psi is indicated, insall reinforcing bars rhrough openings at top of inserts. Instalt hangers and suppons complete with necessary insens, botts, rods, nuts, washers and other accessories. Except as otherwise indicated for exposed condnuous pipe runs, install hangers and suppons of same rype and style as insalled for adjacent similar piping. Prevent elecrolysis in suppon of copper obing by use of hangers and suppons which arc copper plaed, or by o0rer recognized in<lustry me0rods, or by plasric coated hangers. Provisions for Movement: l. Install hangers and supports to allow conrolled movement of piping systems and to permit freedom of movement between pipe anchors, and to facilitate action of expansion joints, expansion loops, expansion bends and similar unis. 2. Load Disribution: Insall hangers and supporrs so that piping live and dead loading and stresses from movement will not be transmined to connecrcd equipment. 3. Pipe Slopes: Insall hangers and suppons rc provide indicated pipe slopes, and so that maximum pipe deflections allowed by ANSI B3l Pressurc piping Codes are not exceeded. Insularcd Piping: Comply with the following installation requiremens. l. Clamps: Attach clamps, including spacers (if any), to piping with clamps projecting tluough insularion; do not exceed pipe snesses allowed by ANSI B3l. 2. Saddles an<l Shielcl Insallation: a. 3" and smaller piping: Contractor opdon; protection shields or thermal hanger shields. Provide on colct/chilled water a vapor barrier. I I I I I T I I t I I I I t I t I T T F. 15060-30 PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES 3.10 I T I I I I t t DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES b. 4' and Larger: Conracton option; thermal hanger shields or' prorection saddles. Provide on cold/chilled water piping a vapor barrier. INSTAI LATION OF ANCHORS: A. Install anchors at proper locations to prevent stresses from exceeding those perminerl by ANSI 83l, and to prevent Eansfer of loading and sresses to connected equipment. B. Fabricate and install anchor by welding steel shapes, plates and bars to piping and to struclure. Comply with ANSI B3l and wittr AWS standards. C. Where expansion compensators are indicated, install anchors in accordance witr expansion unit manufacturer's written insructions, to limit movement of piping ancl forces to maximums recommended by manufacturer for each unit. D- Anchor Spacings: Where not o rerwise indicated, install anchors at ends of principal pipe-runs, at inermediate poins in plpe- runs between expansion loops and bends. Make provisions for preset of anchors as required to accorrunodate both expansion and contraction of piping. EOUIPMENT SUPPORTS: A. Provide srucnrral steel stands to support equipment not floor mou ed or hung from sFucore. consruct of structural steel members or steel pipe and finings. provide factory-fabricaed ank saddles for tanla mounted on steel stands. INSTALLATION OE TEMPERATURE GAGES: A. General: Install temperanre gages in venical upright position, and tilted so as to be easily read by observer sanding on floor. B. Locations: Install in the following locations, and elsewhere as indicarcd: l. At irilet and outlet of each hvdronic zone. 2. At inlet and outlet ofeach hydronic boiler and chiller. 3. At inlet and outlet of each hydronic coil in air handling unirs, and central systems. 4. At inlet and outlet ofeach hydronic heat exchrnger. built-up 5. At inlet and outlet of each hydronic heat recovery unit. 6. At inlet and outlet of each thermal storage tank. Thermometer wells: Insall in piping Ee where indicated, in venical upright posirioo. Fill well with oil or graphite, secure cap. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES t T I t l 3.1l 3.12 I I I I t I c. r 5060-3 l DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES 3.13 3.t4 D. Temperature Gage Connecor Plugs: Insall in piping tee wbere indicated, loca@d on pipe at mosrreadable position. Secure cap. INSTALLATION OE PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE TEST PLUGS: A. General: lnsall in piping where indicated, tocated on pipe at ttre most readable position. Secure cap. B. For horizontal pipe, install in top halfofpipe line. INSTALLATION QE PRESSURE GAGES: A. General: Install pressure gages in piping ee with pressure gage cock, located on pipe at most readable position. B. Locations: Install in fte following locations, and elsewhere as indicated: l. At suction and discharge of each pump. 2. At discharge of each pressure reducing valve. 3. At waer service outlet. 4. At inlet and outlet of water cooled condensers and refrigerant cooled chillers. C. Prcssure Gage Cock: Insall in piprng tee with snubber. lnstalt syphon for steam pressure gages. D. Pressure Gage Connector Plugs: Install in piping tee where indicaed, locarcd on pipe at most readable position. Secure cap. CLEANING, FLUSHING, INSPECTING: A. General: Clean exterior surfaces of superfluous marcrials, and prepare for application of specified coatings (if any). Flustr out sysems with clean water before proceeding with required tests. Ins?ect each run of each syscm for completion of joints, suppons and accessory items. l. Inspect prcssure piping in accordance with procedures of ASME B3l . B. Disinfect waer mains and waer service including all new and existing inside building domestic HW, CW and HWC piping in accordance with AWWA C651. Disinfecrion of piping and rcsting shall be complercd a minimum of one week prior ro occupancy. C. Provide a prc-sart up liquid alkaline diqpersa:rt cleaner for all the flustring and cleaning of all HVAC water wstems. PIPING IESIS: A. Test pressure piping in accordance wi0r ASME B3l. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECI,ALTIES I I t I I I T I I I T I I T I I I 3.15 3.16 T I15060-32 B. c. D. I T I I I I I t T I I l I t I t I I I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES General: Provide temporary equipment for testing, including pump and gages. Test piping system before insulation is installed wherever feasible, and remove control devices before psting. Test each nanrral section of each piping system independenfly but do not use piping system valves ro isolate sectiom where te$ prcssure exceeds valve pressure rating. Fill each section with water and pressurize for indicated pressure and time. l. Required test period is 8 hours. 2. Test long runs of Schedule 40 pipe at 150 psi, except where finings are lower Class or pressure radng. 3. Test each piping system zt l50Vo of operating pressure indicated, but not less than 25 psi test pressure. 4. Test drainage piping systems at a nominal pressure of l0 ft. hydrosatic head. 5. Observe each resr secrion for leakage at end of test period. Tesr fails if leakage is observed or if pressure drop exceeds 5 7o of Est pressure. Repair piping sysems sections which fail required piping rcst, by disassembly and re- installation, using new materials to extent required to overcome leakage. Do no! use chemicals, stop-leak compounds, masdcs, or otrer temporary repair methods. Drain test water from piping systems after testing and repair work has been completed. END OF SECTION 15060 PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES 15060-33 I I ""'i?ilffi*\lI sEcrIoN 15190 - MECHANICAL IDENTIFTCATIoN I I l. PARTT -GENERAL I I RELATEDDOCUMENTS:IF A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, inctuding General and Supplementary Conditions and Division-l Specifications secrions, apply to work of this section. ! r.2 pEscRrPTroN QF WORK: I A. Types of identification devices specified in this section include the following:II I I. plastic pipe Markers.Z. plasric Tape.3, Valve Tags.q, 4. Valve Schedule Frames. I 2. PART2 - PROpUCTS I 2.I MECHANICALIDENTIFICATIONMATERIATJ: n A. General: Where rnore than single type is specified for applicarion, selection isi! Installer's option, but provide single selection for each product category. I z.z pLAsrIC prpE MARKERS: I A. Snap-On Type: Provide manufacnrer's sandard pre-printect, semi-rigid snap-on, color-coded pipe markers, complying witfr ANSI A13.1. - B. Pressure-sensitive Type: Provide manufacnrrer's standard pre-printed, pennanent I lailT:., color-coded, pressure-sensitive vinyl pipe markers, complying with ANSI ]II c. small Pipes: For extemal diameters less than 6" (including insulation if any), provide I full-band pipe markers, extending 360 degrees around pipe at each location, fa$ened I by one of the following methods: - 1. Snap-on applicadon of pre-tensioned semi-rigid plastic pipe marker. rll 2. Adhesive lap joint in pipe marker overlap. 1 3. I-aminated or bonded application of pipe marker to pipe (or insulation). I 4. Taped to pipe (or insuladon) widr color-coded plastic adhesive tape, nor less I than 3/4' wide; full circle at bottr ends of pipe marker, tape lapped l-l/2'. D. I-ettering: Comply with piping system nomenclanrre as specified, scheduled or shown, and abbreviate only as necessary for each application length. ll l. Arrowst hint each pipe marker with arrows indicating direction of flow, either integrally wittr piping system service lettering (to accommodate both directions), or as separarc unit of plastic. rl MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATIONI 1519Gl DOBSON ARENA DMSTON 15 SECTION I5I9O - MECHAMCAL IDEMIFICATION 2.3 PLASTIC TAPE: A. Gercral: Provide manufac[rcr's stardard color-coded prcssurc- sensitive (self- adhesive) vinyl tape, not less thao 3 mils thick. B. Width: Provide l-12" wide tape markers on pipes with ouside diamercrs (including insuladon" if any) ofless than 6'. Provide 2 12" wide tape for larger pipes. C. Color: Comply with ANSI Al3.l, except where anofter color selection is indicated. 2.4 VALVE TAGS: A. Brass Valve Tags: Provide l9-gage polished brass valve tags with stamp-engraved piping system abbreviadon in l/4' high leuers and sequenced valve number l/2" high, and with 5/32" hole for fasener, I . Provide l- I /2' diamercr ags. B. Valve Tag Fasteners: Provide manufacturer's sandard solid brass chain (wire link or beaded type), or solid brass S-hooks of the sizes required for proper anachment of ags to valves, and manufac red specifically for dnt purpose. 2.5 VALVE SCHEDULE FRAMES: A. General: For each page of valve schedule, providing glazed display frame, with screws for removable mounting on masonry walls. Provide frames of finished hardwood or exmrded aluminum, with SSB-grade sheet glass. 3. PART3 - EXECUTTON 3.1 GENERALINSTALLATIONBEC}IIIREMENIS: A. Coordination: Where idendfication is to be applied to surfaces which require insulation, painting or other covering or finish, including valve tags in finished mechanical spaces, in$all iilentification after completion of covering and painting. Install identification prior to insalladon of acoustical ceilings and similar removable conc€alment. 3.2 PIPING SYSTEM IDEMIEICATIQN: A. General: Insall pipe markers of one of the following types on each rysrem indicaed to receive idendfication. and include arrows to show normal direction of flow. l. Plastic pipe marken, with application system as indicated under "Materials" in this section. B. l.ocate pipe markers and color bands as follows wherever piping is exposed to view in occupied spaccs, machine rooms, accessible maintenance spaces (shafts, tunnels, plenums) and exterior non-concealed locadons. l. Near each valve and connol device. I I t I ; I I T I I I ) I t I I I I Il5r9G2MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION I I I I I I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15190 - MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION 2. Near each branch, excluding shon ake-offs for fixtures and rcrminal unia; mark each pipe at branch, where there could be quesdon of flow pacem. 3. Near locations where pipes pass trough walls or floors/ceilings, or ener non- accessible enclosures. 4. At access doors, manholes and similar access points which permit view of concealed piping. 5. Near major equipment irems and other poins of origination and rermination. 6. Spaced intermediately at maximum spacing of 50' along each piping run, except reduce spacing to 25' in congested areas of piping and equipment. 7 . On piping above removable acoustical ceilings, excepr omit inrermediately spaced markers. VALVE IDENTIFICATION: General: Provide valve tag on every valve, cock and controt device in each piping system; exclude check valves, valves wittrin factory-fabricarcd equipmeru units, plumbing fxture faucets, convenience and lawn-watering hose bibs, and shut-off valves at plumbing fixures, HvAc terminal devices and similar rough-in connections of end- use fxores and unis. List each ngged valve in vatve schedule for each piping system. Mount valve schedule frames and schedules in boiler rooms where indicated or. if not otherwise indicated, where direcrcd by Archircct/Engineer. I . Where more than one rnajor machine room is shown for project, irsall mounted valved schedule in each major machine room, and repear only main valves which are to be openrted in conjunction with operadons of more than single machine room. END OF SECTION I5I9O I B. J.JI U I ) t l t I I I I I MECHAMCAL IDEMIFICATION 15190-3 t ! I r. PARrI-cENERAL o DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15250. MECHANICAL INSI'LATION I I I.I RFLATEDDOCUMENTS: A. Drawings and genenl provisions of Conract, including General and Supplemenary Conditions and Division-l Specificadon secdons, apply to work of this section. t.2 DESCRTPIrONQ[ WORK: I A. Types of mechanical insulation specified in this section include fie following: 4 l. Piping Sysrcm Insulation: I a. Fiberglass. IJ b. Flexible Unicellular. - 2. Ductwork Sysrem Insulation: I a. Fiberglass.b. Calcium Silicarcr I 3. Equipment Insulation: t ^. Fiberglass.rl b. Calcium Silicatet c. Cellular.d. Flexible Unicellular. T I.3 OUALITY ASSURANCE: || A. Flame/Smoke Ratings: Provide composite mechanical insulation (insulation, jackets,I iil,["-f].i?ilil'i"ffi":?',4"*i:Hx'3#tli:'i;ru'$tH;!3i,:i,1,i']'"0 ll 2. PART2-PRODUCTS I 2.1 PIPING INSULATION MATERIALS: It, A. Fiberglass Piping Insulation: ASTM C 547, Class I unless otheru,ise indicated. ,r B. Flexible Unicellular Piping Insulation: ASTM C 534, Type I. -' C. Jackets for Piping Inzulation: ASTM C 921, Type I.'vL L 'yuE ' I D. Encase pipe fiuings insulation with flame and smoke rarcd one-piece premolded PVC E fitting covers, fastened as per manufacturer's recommendations, I E. Encase exterior pipmg and pipe insulation in urnnels wi0r aluminum jacket with I weather-proof consruction. I F. Adhesives, Sealers. and Protective Finishes: As recommended by insulation ll manufacfirer for applications indicated. - I MECHANTCAL INSULATTON 15250-1 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15250 - MECIHNICAL INSIJLATION Jackets for Ductwork lnsulation: ASTM C 921, Type I for ductwork with temperatures below ambient; Type II for ductwork with temperaures above ambient. Ductwork Insulation Accessories: Provide staples, bands, wires, tape, anchors, comer angles and similar accessories as recommended by insulation manufacturer for applications indicated. Ductwork Insulation Compounds: Provide cements, adhesives, coadngs, sealers, proEctive finishes and similar compounds as recommended by insulation manufacturer for applications indicated. Accepable Manufacturers: CertainTeed Corp. Knauf Fiber Glas. Manville Produca Corp. Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corp. Pinsburgh Corning Corp. Rubaex Corp. t I I I 2.2 G. Accepable Manufacorers: CertainTeed Corp. Ifuauf Fiber Glass. Manville Products Corp. Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corp. Pimburgh Corning Corp. Rubatex Corp. DUCTWORK INSULATION MATERIAIJ: A. Rigid Fiberglass Ductwork Insuladon: ASTM C612, Class 1. B. Flexible Fiberglass Ductwork Insuladon: ASTM C 553, Type I, Class B- EOUIPMENT INSULATION MATEBIAI.I: A. Rigid Fiberglass Equipment Insulation: ASTM C 612, Class 2. D. E. F. I I I I t I I I I I I T I T T c. D. F. B. c. Flexible Fiberglass Equipment Insulation: ASTM C 553, Type I, Class B-4. Calcium Silicate Equipment Insuladon: ASTM C 533, Type I, Block. Cellular Glass Equipment Insulation: ASTM C 552, Type l. Flexible Unicellular Equipment Insuladon: ASTM C 534, Type IL Equipment Insulation Compounds: Provide adhesives, cernen6, sealers, masdcs and proective finishes as recommended by insulation manufacturer for applications indicated. r5250-2 MECHANICAL INSTJLATION ': J. I I I I I I I I T s I I t I I a I I T DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15250 . MECHANICAL INSULATION G. Equipment Insulation Accessories: Provide saples, bands, wire, wire nening, tape, comer angles, anchors and srud pins as recommended by insulation manufac$rer for applications indicated. H. Acceptable Manufacorers: CerainTeed Corp. Knauf Fiber Glass. Manville Products Corp. Owens-Coming Fiberglass Corp. Pinsburgh Corning Corp. Rubatex Corp. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.I INSPECTION: A. Examine areas gn! conditions under which mechanical insuladon is to be installed. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been correcred in manner acceptable to Installer. 3.2 PLUMBING PIPING SYSTEM INSULATION: A. Cold Piping sysems: l. Applicadon Requiremenrs: Insulate the following plumbing piping systems: a. Cold warcr piping. b. Interior horizontal above-ground $orm water piping including roof drain bodies. 2. Insulae each piping system specified above with one of the following rypes and hicknesses of insulation: 3. Fiberglass: l/2' &ick for all pipe sizes. 4. Insulation Omitted: Omit insulation on chrome-plarcd exposed piping (except for handicapped fxrures), air chambers, unions, snainers, check valves, balance cocks, flow regulaton, drain lines from warcr coolers, drainage piping located in crawl spaces or runnels, buried piping, fire proection piping, and pre-insulated equipment. Hot Piping Systems (from 140'F up to 180"F): 1. Application Requiremenr: Insulare the following plumbing piping systems: a. Hot water piping, b. Hot water recirculating piping. MECHANICAL INSTJLATION 15250-3 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15250 - MECHANICAL INSUI.A,TION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I J.J 2. Insulate each piping system specified above wittr one of dre following types and' thicknesses of insulation: 3. Fiberglus: t' thick for pipe sizes up o and inctuding I l/4', I l/2" thick for pipe sizes I ll2' through and including 2',2 ln' Orick for pipe sizes over 2". 4. Insulation Omined: Onit insulation on cbrome-plated exposed piping (exccpt for handicapped fxnres), air chamben, unions, srainers, check valves, balance cocks, flow regulators, <lrain lines from water coolers, drainage piping located in crawl spaces or tunnels, buried piping, fre protection piping, and pre-insulated equipment. C. Hot Piping Systems (up o 140'F): l. Application Requirements: Insulate the following plumbing piping systems: a. Hot water piping.b. Hot water recirculating piping. 2. Insulate each piping system specified above wi0r one of the following rypes and thiclnesses of insuladon: 3. Fiberglass: l/2' thick for pipe sizes up ro and including | 114", 1", thick for pipe sizes I l/2' through and including 2',1ll2" thick for pipe sizes over 2'. 4. Insulation Omiued: Omit insulation on chrome-plated exposed piping (excepr for hancticapped fxtures), air chambers, unions, srainers, check valves, balance cock, flow regulators, drain lines from water coolers, drainage piping located in crawl spaces or nrnnels, buried piping, fne protection piping, and pre-insulated equipment. HVAC PIPING SYSTEM INSULATION: A. Sub-Zero Piping (Below 0'D: l. Applicadon Requiremens: Insulate the following sub-freezing HVAC piping systeErs: a. Refrigerant sucdon lines between evaporators and compressors. 2, Insulate each piping sy*em qpecifted above with the following type and thiclnesses of insulation: a. Fiberglass: l' tiick for pipe sizps up to and including l',l-lll thick for pipe sizes over I '. B. Hot Low Pressure Piping (to 250'D: l. Applicadon Requirements: Insulate the following hot low pressure HVAC piping systems (srcam piping up !o 15 psi, water piping up to 250'F. t52504 MECHANICAL INSI.JLATION a. b. d. e. 3.4 I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15250 - MECTIANICAI,. INSI.JLATION HVAC hot water supply and return piping.' Low pressure seam and condensate piping Condenser waer supply and reurn piping. Hearcd tuel piping. Hot gas refrigerant piping. 2. Insulate each piping sysrcm specified above with the following rype and thicknesses of insulation: a. Fiberglass: I " thick for pipe sizes up to and including 1 112", I ll2" thick for pipe sizes up ro and including 4', 2' thick for pipe over 4'. DUCTWORK SYSTEM INSULATION: A. Insulation Omined: Do not insulate fibrous glass ductwork, or lined ductwork. Refer to Section 15800 for Lined Ducrwork requiremens. B. Cold Ducnvork @elow Ambient Temperature): l. Applicadon Requirements: Insulate the following cold ducrwork: a. Outdoor air intake ductwork between air entrance and fan inlet or HVAC unit inlet. b. HVAC supply ducrwork berween fan discharge, or HVAC unit discharge, and room terminal outlet. c. HVAC retum ductwork beveen room terminal inlet and retum fan inlet, or HVAC unit inlet; except omit insulation on reorn ducrwork located in return air ceiling plenums, d. HVAC plenums and unit housings nor pre-insulated at factory or lined. 2. Insulae each ductwork system specified above with one of the following types and thicknesses of insulation: a. Rigid Fiberglass: 1-l/2" thick, increase ttrickness to 2" in machine. fan and equipment rooms. b. Flexible Fiberglass: l-U2" thick. Hot Ductwork (Above Ambient Temperature): I . Application Requirements: Insulate the following hot ductwork: a. Hot supply and return ductwork between fan discharge, or heating unit discharge, and room erminal outlet; except omit insulation on return ductwork located in retum air ceiling plenums. b. Heating plenums and unit housings not pre-insulted at factory or lined. 2. Insula@ each ductwork system specified above with one of the following rypes MECHANICAL INSTJLATION 15250-5 DOBSONARENA DTVISION 15 SECTION 15250 - MECHANICAL INSI,JLATION ard. thicknesses of insulation: a. Rigid Fiberglass: 2' ttrick. b. Flexible Fiberglass: 2'thick. D. Dual Temperaure Ducrwork: l. Application Requiremens: Insulate the following dual temperature ducwork: a. Hot/cold supply and return ductwork benveen fan discharge or HVAC unit discharge and room Erminal outlets; except omit insuladon on return air ductwork located in renm air ceiling plenums. 2. Insulate each ducnvork system specified above with one of the following rypes and thicknesses of insulation: a. Rigid Fiberglass: 2" thick. b. Flexible Fiberglass: 2' thick, application limired to concealed locations. 3.5 EOUIPMENT INSULATION: A. Hot Equipmenr (Above Ambient Temperanrre): l. Application Requiremen[s: Insulate 0re following hot equipment: a. Heat exchangers. b. Hot water expansion tanks.c. Hot water pumps. d. Air Eliminators 2. Insulate each item of equipment specifre<l above with one of the following rypes and thicknesses of insulation: a. Fiberglass: 2' thick, except 3' thick for low-presswe boilers and steam-jacke ted heat exchangers. b. Calcium Silicarc: 3" rhick, exept 4-112" thick for low_pressure boilers and steam-jackercd heat exchangers. 3.6 INSTALLATION OE PIPING AND DUCTWORK INSULATION: A. General: Insull insulation products in accordance wfuh manufacnrer's written instrucdons, and in accordance wi0r recognized industry practices to ensure that insulation serves its intended purpose. B. Install insulation on pipe systems subseguent to installation of beat Eacing, painting, testing, and acceptance of te$s. t I I I I I I t II I I I I t I I I I I15250-6 MECHANICAL INSULATION c. D. F. G. H. J.t I I I I t t t I I I I I I I I I I I I DOBSONARENA sEcrroN r525o - MEcHANr.ot rRlYillo#oti Install insulation maerials with smooth and even surfaces. Insulate each continuous run of piping wi$ flrll-lengtr unis of irsulation, wirh single cut piece to complete nrn. Do not use cut pieces or scraps abuning each other. Clean and dry surfaces prior to insuladng. Bun insulation joina finnly together to ensure complete and tight fu over surfaces to be covered. Maintain integrity of vapor-barrier jackets on insutadon, and protect rc prevent puocture or other damage. cover valves, finings and similar items in each piping system with equivalent thickness and composition of insulation as applied to adjoining pipe run. Insrall factory molded, precut orjob fabricated units (at Installer's option) except where specific form or type is indicaecl. Extend insulation witrout intemtprion tlrough walls, floors and similar piping penetrations, except where otherwise indicaed. But pipe insuladon against pipe hanger insuladon inserts. For hot pipes, apply 3" wide vapor barrier tape or band over the bun joints. For cold piping apply wet coat of vapor barrier lap cement on butt joints and seal joins wittr 3" wide vapor banier tape or band. Insnll insulation and vapor barrier jackets continuous over piping at Eapeze hangers. J. Piping and Ductwork Exposed to Weather: Increase specified insulation rhickness byl" minimum. Protect outdoor insulation from weather by installing outdoor protective jacketing as recommended by manufacturer. INSTALLATION QE EOUIPMENT INSULATION: A. General: Insall equiprnent ftermal insulation producrs in accordance with manufacurer's written instructions, and in compliance wittr recognized industry practices to ensure that insulation serves intended purpose. B. Install insulation maErials with smooth and even surfaces and on clean and dry surfaces. Redo poorly fircd joina. Do nor use masric or joint sealer as frller for gaping joints and excessive voids resulting from poor worf,manship. C. Maintain integrity of vapor-barrier on equipment insulation and protect it to prevenr punctue and other damage. D. Apply insulation using staggered joint method for both single anrl double layer construcdon, where feasible. Apply each layer of insulation separately. E. Coat insulated surfaces with layer of insulating c€ment, troweled in worlcrnanlike natmer, leaving smoodr continuous surface. Fill in scored block, seams, chippecl edges and depressions, and cover over wire necing and joints with cement oi sufficient thickness to remove surface irregularides. F. Cover insulated surfaces with all-service jackenng neady fircd and firnrly secured. lap seans at least 2 ' . Apply over vapor barrier where applicable . MECHANICAL INSULATION 15250-7 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15250 . MECHANICAL INSI.JLATION 3.E 3.9 G. Do not insulate boiler manholes, handholes, cleanouts, ASME samp, and manufacnrer's nameplate. Provide neatly beveled edge ar inrerruptions of insuladon. H. Provide removable insulation sections to cover parts of equipment which must be opened periodically for mainrcnance; include meal vessel coven, fasteners, flanges, frames and acc€ssories. L Equipnrent Exposed to Weather: Protect outdoor insulation from weather by ingallation of weather-barrier mastic proecdve jacketing, as recommended by manufacturer. EXISTING INSULATION BEPAIB: A. Repair damaged secdons of existing mechanical insulation, both previousty damaged or damaged during this construction period. Use insulation of same rhickness as existing insulation, insall new jacket lapping and sealed over existing. PROTECTION AND REPLACEMENT: A, Replace damaged insulation which cannot be repaired satisfactorily, including unis with vapor barrier damage and moisqrre sarurated units. B. Proection: lnsutadon Insaller shalt advise Conractor of required protection for insularion work during remainder of consruction period, to avoid damage and deterioradon. END OF SECTION 15250 I I I I T I t t I I I t I T I I I I I15250-8 MECHANICAL INSI,JLATION I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I DOBSON ARENA DtvtstoN t5 SECTION I53OO - FIRE PROTECTION I. PARTl-GENERAL |.l RELATEDDOCUMENTS: .. A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary conditions and Division-l Specification sections, apply ro work of this section. t.2 DESCRTPTTON g wORK: A. Furnish and insall a complete automatic fire sprinkler system for the entire building. The work shall inctude but not be limited to the following items: l. System Design Requirements. 2, Sprinkler System. B. Related work specified elsewhere: l. Finish painting, including pipe stenciling.2. Electrical wiring, except as noted.3, Excavation and backfilling. 4. Concrete and reinforcing for foundations. 5. Fire extinguishers. 6. Freezing protection heating cable.7. Access ladders to control valves.8. Access doors. I.3 OUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Contractor's Qualifications: Firms regutarly engaged in the design and installation of fire protection systems, of types, materials, and sizes required, which have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not less than 5 years. B. Codes and Standards: l. NFPA Compliance: lnstall fire protection systems in accordance with NFPA as applicable. 2. UL Conrpliance: Provide fire protection producs in accordance with UL standards; provide UL label on each product. 3. Fire DeparunenVMarshal Compliance: Install fire protection systems in accordance with local regulations of fire department or fire marshal. 4. Screw Thread Connections: Comply with local Fire Depanment/Marshal regulations for sizes, threading and arrangement of connections for fire department equipment to standpipe system. I.4 SYSTEM DESIGN BEQIJIREMENTI: A. Veriff requirernens with Jurisdictional authorities, i.e.: Insurance Co. or Underwriter, Fire Department or Marshal, or Building Departments. Provide system complete, functional and acceptable to Jurisdictions without penalty of any type to the insurance FIRE PROTECTION l530Gt DOBSON ARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I53OO - FIRE PROTECTION SUBMIfiATS: A. Product Data: Submit product data for the following items: l. Pipe, fittings, hangers, attachments devices, and valves. 2. Sprinkler heads and escutcheons. 3. Specialry valves and devices. 4. Alarms and connecting device s. 5. Flow switches. B. c. premium rate. System shall be imtalled hydraulically calculared per NFPA fl13,14, &20; System shall be designed to provide a sprinkler head coverage area to an average maximum of 130 squarc feet per head, System shall be desigrrcd to provide sprinkler heads centered on ceiling tiles in a uniform pattern. System shall be designed to provide sprinkler heads at % points in lay-in ceiting tiles in a uniform pattern. All calculations shall include flow test results. Flow tests shall be performed by this Contractor and verified by 0re Fire Department, Architect, and Engineer. Prior flow tests on file with jurisdictional agencies nray be used in lieu of new flow resrs only when previous test has been made within 3 montlrs of project start date. Contractor shalt use 85% of flow test pressure data as the base in performance of the Project Calculations. Six Copies of Hydraulic Calculations and Drawings shall be subnritted for review. Drawings shall show hydraulic reference points, hydraulically nrost remote areas clearly shown, and proof by example that area shown is in fact the hydraulically most remorc. Area and densities shall conform to NFPA #13 or iurisdicrional authorities requiremens. Include all lines as center to center of fittings, not cut lengths, include all fittings. Sprinkler system shall be calculated from the flow test elevation to the highest sprinkler head. Provide all trim and accessories, inlets, alarms, switches, and valves required. Provide bracing, restraining, tlrrust blocks, rods, anchors, cathodic protection, and plastic pipe wrap as required. I I I I I I T I I I I I I I t t I t T D, F. G. H. J. K. L. M. 1.5 r530G2 FIRE PROTECTION I I I DOBSON ARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I53OO - FIRE PROTECTION B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for the following items: l. Engineered fabrication drawings showing main and line elevations, sizes, and routing. 2. Drawings showing lighs, registers, griltes, diffusers, heat detection devices, ceiling grids, beams, joists, trusses and other items of possible interference with proper function or routing of the system and cornponent devices such as access panels, clerestories, display strucrures, skylights, atriums, etc. 3. Hydronic calculations prepared in a fornr wift appropriate information as required and acceptable to all reviewing and jurisdictional agencies. Include cerdfied flow test data with calculations. 4. All drawings and calculations shall be reviewed and accepted by the jurisdictional fire department, buitding departnrent, fire marshal, and the insurance carrier or iruurance reviewing autlrority p;1at to submitting to the Architect. lndication of review and acceptance by all agencies, as appropriate, shall be certified by name of reviewer, agency, and date affixed to the plans or reproducibles submitted to the Architect. 5. Alarms, devices, monitors and all elecuical wiring diagranrs. C. Certificate of lnstallation: Subndt certificate upon comptetion of fire protection piping work which indicates that work has been tested in accordance with NFPA 13 and that system is operational, complete, and has no defects. D. Record Drawings: At project closeout, subn t record drawings of installed fire protection piping and products in accordance with requirenrents of Division I . E. Maintenance Data: Subnrit maintenance data and parts lists for fire protection materials and products. Include ftis data, product data, shop drawings, approval drawings, approval calculations, certificate of installation, and record drawings in maintenance manual in accordance with requirenrnts of Division l. 1,6 PROJECTCONDITIONS: A. Contractor shall not fabricate or install any piping until he has assured himself that the piping can be run as contemplated in cooperation with Contractors of other Divisions of the Work and the physical constraints of the Structural and Architecrural Work. 1.7 WARRANIIES: A. Provide original copies ofall warranties and extended warranties for specific equipment where specified and in accordance with Section 15010. 2. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIATS AND PRODUCTS: A. General: Provide piping materials and factory-fabricated piping products of sizes, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIRE PROTECTION r530G3 DOBSON ARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I53OO - FIRE PROTECTION types, prcssure ratings, temperature ratings, and capacities as indicated. Where not indicated, provide proper selection as determined by Installer to comply with insrallation requirenrents. Provide sizes and types matching piping and equipment co rections; 'provide fittings of materials which match pipe materials used in firc protection systems. Where more than one type of materials or products are indicated. selection is lnsaller's oprion. BASIC IDENTIFICATION: A. General: Provide identification complying wirh Division-I5 Basic Mechanical Materials and Metlrods section 'Mechanical tdentification" in accordance with the following listirrg: l. Fire Protection Piping: Pipe nurkers. 2. Fire Protection Valves: Valve tags 3. Fire Protection Signs: Provide rhe following signs: a. At each sprir*ler valve, sign indicating what portion of systetn valve controls. b. At each outside alarm device, sign indicating what authority ro call if device is activated. BASIC PIPES AND PIPE FITTINGS: A. Ceneral: Provide pipes and pipe fitdngs in accordance widr the following: B. Interior Piping: l. General: Provide pipes and pipe fittings courplying with Division 15 Section t5060. C. Valves: l. All valves are to be indicating type. 2. All valves U.L. lisred, F.M. approved. 3. Refer to Section 15060 for valve specifrcations. D, Hangers: I . All hangers, attachments and components U.L. tisted, F.M. approved. 2. Refer to Section 15060 for specifications and restrictions for hanger sysrems - Caution: Specifications may exceed nornral U.L./F.M. requirenrents, these, where more stringent, wilt apply. 3. Permission to use anchoring system utilizing powder driven studs must De obnined from the Structural Engineer Drig 19 submitting pricing or bids. 2.2 I t I I I I I I t I I T I I I t I I t15300-4 FIRE PROTECTION I I I DOBSON ARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I53OO - FIRE PROTECTION 2.4 FIRE PROTECTION SPECIALTIES: A. General: Provide fue protection specialties, Ul-tisted, in accordance with the following listing. Provide sizes and types which mate and match piping and equipment connections. B. Water Flow and Pressure Switches: l. Paddle Type Flow Switch, for pipe sizes 2" thru E", retard adjustment from 0 to 70 seconds instantly recycling, a. Manufacturer: Notifier b. Model:WFDT with dual contacts 2. Paddle Type Flow Switch for pipe sizes l', t-ll4' and l-l/2", l0 second delay. a. Manufacturer: McDonnell b. Model: FS4-3F with dual contacts 3. Coordinate voltase with Fire Alarm Contractor. C. Supervisory Switches: l. Post indicator valve, and gear operator type: a. Manufacturer: Notifier b. Model: NIPr2. Gate, OS&Y, and other exposed rising stem type valves: Ir I M:ilil'**'' N$ifll,ou 3. Coordinate voltage wirh Fire Alamr Contractor. I D. Acceptable Manufacturers: -r i'll'J3131 Potter Signal, lnc. I 2.5 AUTOMATTC SPRINKLERS: A. General: Provide automatic sprinklers in accordance with the following listing. I B. Sprinkler Heads: I l. Manufacturer: centralI Model I - F|RE PROTECTION t5300-5 I t I I I I I I DOBSON ARENA DtvlstoN t5 SECTION I53OO - FIRE PROTECTION Tvpe Sryle Link Standard Pendent-Upright MReccssed 'Pendent' H Finish: Recessed chrome plated heads in finished ceiling, chrome plated brass pendant heads in exposed ceiling areas and unfinished areas. Sprinkler Head Cabines: l. Provide cabinet complete with appropriate heads, wrench and mounting per NFPA. 2. Acceptable Manufacturer: Subject to cornpliance with requirements, provide automadc sprinklers of one of tre following; Central Sprinkler Corp. Grinnell Fire Protection Systenrs Co. Inc. Reliable Corp. Sar Corp. Grunau Corp. Globe Inc. 3.PART 3. EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION AND I NSPECTION: Field Measuremens: Verify all dimensions before proceeding with the work. Obtain field measurenrents for work required to be accurately fitted to other construction. Be responsible for the accuracy of such nteasurenrents and precise fitting and assembly of finished work. Prefabrication of systems is done at this Contractor's own risk. Coordination: Coordinate all work and placement of components with other trades, be responsible for complete coordination of design and field installation, (renredial field work will be reguired to eliminate conflics) and provide an acceptable finished product. Removal of piping and heads will be required at contractor's expense if field coordination does not take plac€. 3.2 INSTALLATION: General: Provide a complete operable system designed and installed in accordance with applicable local, state, federal and jurisdictional codes, enforcement agencies and insurance rating or underwriting agencies. All systems shall be drainable with proper drainage devices, and drain terminations either to exterior of building or to properly sized recepracles within building. The fire protection contractor shall route drainage per NFPA. Pipe puurp bedplate drains to floor drain. All systems shall be supported and braced for conformance to proper and applicable standards. D. I t I I I I I I I II I t I t I T I I I B. B. c. D. 15300-6 FIRE PROTECTION 3.3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I DOBSON ARENA DMSTON 15 SECTION I53OO _ FIRE PROTECTION E. Care shall be taken with chrome plated or odrer polished finish conrponents so that marring does not occur to the finish, and irrsmllation provides for a uniform pattern and true installation. F. Instalt Sprinkler heads on a true axis line in both directions a maximum deviation of l/2 inch plus or ntinus. Any heads exceeding the maxinrum tolerance are to be removed and re-installed by the contractor. G. Where piping passes thru masonry units or concree walls or floors or other building construction, sleeves must be used. Where exposed piping passes thru finished work, chrome, plated or other finish acceptable to architect, split wall plates or escutcheons shall be installed to fit snugly around piping. Where rated walls are penetrated, approved safing shall be provided at each hole to assure effectiveness of construction as a fre stop. H. AII openings for piping should be anticipated and coordinated with General Contractor. Indicate such openings on the shop drawings. Any additional cutting of openings nust have dre wri$en approval of tlre Architect. I. Contractor shall conrplete the autontatic fire sprinller ready for operation, in all respects, as soon as possible. When system is conrplete and ready for continuous operation, activate the system for its intended use. After system has been activated for continuous use, water charges, if any will be paid for by the Owner. J. Provide identification sign of the standard design adopted by dre Aurcmatic Sprinkler Industry, attachirrg same to all valves, drains, test connections, etc., with clrain around body of valve in such a way tlat dre sign cannot be removed without opening link. K, Provide hydraulic placard indicating the location of calculated systern, the discharge density over designed area of discharge, including gallons per minute and residual pressure demand at fte base of riser. Place this sign at the systeul control valve. L. Use no face bushings. M. Furnish wiring requirements to Division 16 Contractor for interior alarut items furnished in this Section. FIELD OUALITY EQNIRQT: A. Sprinkler Piping Flushing: Prior to connecting sprinkler risers , flush water feed mains, lead-in connections and conrol portions of sprinkler piping. After fire sprinkler piping installation has been completed and before piping is placed in service, flush entire sprinkler systenr, as required to remove foreign substances, under pressure as specified in NFPA 13. Continue flushing untit water is clear. B. Hydrostatic Testing: After flushing systenl, test fire sprinkler piping hydrostatically, for period of 2 hours, at not less than 200 psi or at 50 psi in excess of maximum static pressure when maximum static pressure is in excess of 150 psi. check system for leakage of joints. Measure hydrosfatic pressure at low point of each system or zone being tested. C. Repair or replace piping system as required to elinrinate leakage in accordance with FIRE PROTECTION 15300-7 DOBSON ARENA DlvtstoN 15 SECTION I53OO - FIRE PROTECTION NFPA standards for "little or no teakage" and retest as specified to demonstrate compliance. ADJUSTING AND CLEANING: A. Cleaning and Inspecting: CIean and inspect fire protection syst€ms in accordance with requirements of Division-I5 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods Section 15060 "Pipes and Pipe Fiuings". EXTRA STOCK: A. Heads: For each style and tempera$re range required, furnish additionat sprinkler heads, amounting to one unit for every 100 installe<t unis, but not less than 5 unis of each. B. Wrenches: Furnislt 2 spanner wrenches for each type and size of valve conneclion and fire hose coupling, l. Obtain receipt fronr Owner that extra stock has been received. CERTIFICATE Q[ COMPLETION: A. Obtain certificate of compliance and comptetion for jurisdictionat agencies, as applicable and present to Owner. END OF SECTION I53OO 3.4 3.5 I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I 3.6 15300-8 FIRE PROTECTION I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 I SECTION 15400 - PLUMBING : II I. PARTI-GENERALI I.I RELATEDDOCUMENTS: lI A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplemenary Conditions and Division-l Specification secdons, apply to work of this section. I r.2 pESCRTPTTON Ql WORK: A. Systems and equipment specified in this section include the following: : l. Poable Water System.2. Storm Water, Waste and Vent System. I 3. Natural Gas System.Tt 4. Plumbing Fixtures. r 2. PART2-PRODUCTS I. 2J MATERIALSANDPRoDUCTS: I A. General: Provitle piping maerials and factory-fabricated piping products, and specified t equipment of sizes, rypes, pressure radngs, Emperature ratings, and capacities as indicaed. Provide sizes and rypes matching piping and equipment connections and I provide finings of materials which march pipe materials. Where more than one type of I materials or products are indicated, selection is Installer's option. ) ) PIPES. PIPE FITTINGS AND ACCESSQRIES:II A. General: Provide pipes and pipe fiaings complying with Division 15, Secdon 15060. I l. Basic Valves: Refer to Section 15060 for valve and manufacnrrer I gPecification' a. Secrional and Shutoff Valves: I l) 2" and Smaller: Ball valves. 2) 2-112" and Larger: Ball valves or bunerfly valves. t b. Drain Valves: I I l) 2" and Smaller: Ball valves. 2) 2-ll2' and l,arger: Ball valves or butterfly valves, t c. Oreck Valves: l) All Sizes: Swing check valves. I d. Balancing Valves: I l) All sizes: Calibrated type only; positive shut-off. t PLIJMBING 15400-l DOBSONARENA DIVISION I5 SECTION I54OO. PLI]MBING Poable Water Specialties: a. Hose Bibbs: l) HB-l: Chicago Faucet Co. No. 952; Threaded end, chrome plated, bronze body, renewable composition disc, tee handle, 3/4' NPT inlet, 3/4' hose oudeq integral vacuum breaker; 2) Accepable Manufacnrers: Chicago Faucet Co. T & S Brass and Bronze Co. Zum Acorn b. Wall Hydranrs: l) WH-l: Woodford Model 65; non-freeze cast-bronze hydrant, chrome plaed face, ee handle key, bronze casing, length to suit wall drickness, vacuum breaker, 3/4' inlet, hose oudet. 2\ Acccptable Manufacnrrers: Josam Mfg. Co. Smilh, (Jay R.) Mfg. Co. Woodford Mfg. Co. Zurn Industries Inc., Hydromechanics Div. c. BacKlow Preventers: Per Section 15060. d. Relief Valves: Provide relief valves as indicated, of size and capaciry as selected by Installer for proper relieving eapaciry, in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. l) Accepnble Manufacfirers: Cash (A. W.) Valve Mfg. Corp. Conbraco Indusries. Inc. Waas Regulaor Co. Zurn Indusries, Inc.; Wilkins-Regulator Div. Water Harnrner Arresters: l) Refer to Section 15060 for specification. Trap Primers: Provide bronze trap primer valve with automadc vacuum breaker, complying wirh ASSE 1018, wiilr %" connecdons matching mating piping sysem. 1) Acceptable Manufacturcrs: PLUMBING I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I Ir5400-2 .'. A I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I t I t DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I54OO. PLUMBING Josam Mfg. Co. Precision Plumbing Products, Inc. Smith (Jay R.) Mfg. Co. Tyler Pipe; Subs. of Tyler Corp. Watts Regulator Co. Zurn Industries, Inc.; Hydromechanics Div. Storm Drain, Waste and Vent System: l. General: Provide pipes and pipe finings complying with Division 15, Section 15060. 2. Floor Drain, Floor Sinks, Roof Drain, Area Drains and Vent Flashing: Flashing (safe pan) shall consist of one of the following: a. 4lblft2 sheet lead with appropriate under suppon. b. No. 24 B & S gauge (.02) sheet copper with 15 lb. asphalr felr sub pans (silver soldered seams only). c. .04 thickness non plasticized ctrlorinated polyethylene and asphalted saorated felt flashing as approved and acceptable with jurisdicrional code. Vandal-Proof Vent Caps: Provide vandal-proof vent caps, coated cast iron, counterflashing collar, recessed securing screws with frost proof opening. a. Acceptable Manufacturers: Josam Mfg. Co. Smitir, (Jay R.) Mfg. Co. Zurn Industries Inc., Hydromechanics Div. Drainage Piping Products: Provide factory-fabricaed drainage piping products of size and type indicated. Where nor indicapd, provide proper selection as determined by Installer to comply wirh insalladon requirements and governing regulations. a. Cleanout Plugs: Casr-bronze or brass, threads complying wittr ANSI B2.1. counprsunk head. b. Floor Cleanouts: Cast-iron body and frame; cleanout plug; adjusable round top as follows: l) Nickel-Bronze Top: Manufacturers sandard cast unir of the panern indicated: a) Pattern: Exposed rim type, with recess to receive l/8" thick resilient floor finish. PLTJMBING 15400-3 DOBSONARENA DTVISION 15 SECTION I54OO - PLUMBING I T I I t I I I T I I t I c, d. g. b) Panern: Exposed rim rype, wirh recess to receive l" drick tenazzo floor furistr. c) Patem: Exposed furish type, snndard mill finish. d) Pauern: Exposed flush type, standard non-slip scored or abrasive finish. Grade Cleanouts: Cast-iron body and frame; cleanout plug; adjusable round top as follows: l) Cast-iron Top: Manufacnrrers standard cast unit of the panern indicated: a) Pattern: Exposed flush rype, sandard mill finish. b) Pattern: Exposed flush rype, sandard non-slip scored or abrasive finish. Wall Cleanous: Cast-iron body adaptable to pipe with casr-bronze or brass cleanout plug; stainless steel cover including scrcws. Flashing Flanges: Cast-iron waenight stack or wall sleeve with membrane flashing ring. Provide underdeck clamp and sleeve lengft as required. Vent Flashing Sleeves: Casr-iron caulking rype roof coupling for cast- iron stacks, cast-iron threaded rype roof coupling for steel stacks, and cast-bronze stack flashing sleeve for copper rubing. Accepuble Manufacorers: Joum Mfg. Co. Smith (Jay R.) Co. Zurn Industries Inc. Tyler-Wade General: Provide factory-fabricared drains of size and cype indicated. Where not indicated, provide proper selection as deermined by Architec/Engineer to comply wittr insallation requirements and governing reguladons. Floor Drains and Floor Sinks: 1) Floor Drain (FD-l): Josam No. 30000-A, cast-iron body, flashing collar, weepholes, satin Nikaloy strainer. Roof Drains and Area Drains: 5.Drains: a. b. T T I I I I154004PLI.JMBING c. D. I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I54OO. PLTMBING l) Roof Drain (RD-l): Josam No. 21000-3-30 cast iron leveteze drain body, clamp ring wirh gravel stop, bonom outler, deck clamp, sump receiver, cast iron locking dome. 2) Overflow Roof Drain (OD-l): Josam No. 2100G3-3&16, cast iron body, clamp ring with gravel stop, bonom outlet, deck clamp, sump receiver, cast iron locking dome, 2" water collar. 3) Acceptable Manufacturers: Josam Mfg. Co. Smith (Jay R.) Mfg. Co. Tyler Pipe; Subs. of Tyler Corp. Zurn Industries, Inc.; Hydromechanics Div. d. Non-Meallic Trench Drains: Polymer concrerc, fiberglass, or polyethylene, interlocking design wittr pre-sloped bonom radius. l) Material; Load pressure of 14.500 psi, frost proof, salt proof, inen under dilute acid and alkali conditions, and less rhan 1.0% waer absorption rate. 2) Grates: As indicated in detail on drawings. 3) Accessories: a) Provide as indicated in detail on drawings and/or as needed for proper installadon. b) Provide drain suppon devices as suggested by manufacNrer. 4) Acceprable Manufacrurers: Jay R. Smfttr ACO Zurn Industries Poly Drain Natural Gas System: l. General: Provide pipes and pipe fiaings complying with Division 15, Section 150@. Natural Gas and Compressed Air Specialdes for Science labs: l. Master Gas Solenoid Conrol Valve for Science labs: Bronze body, packless, single seat, explosion-proof, solenoid opera@d, normally closed, U.L.-approved, automadc reset, 120 volt. Install master gas solenoid valves in stainless sreel wall boxes as deailed on the drawings. 2. Connol Station for Science labs Master Gas Conrrol Valves: Key operared, pushbutton switch with relay option to de-energize solenoid valve on power loss. PLI.IMBING 15400-5 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I54OO - PLTJMBING I t IManual rcset required. ASCO AEP-7200. Furnished and installed by Division 15. Wired by Division 16. All coordination by Division 15. 3. Accepable Manufacturers: Automatic Switch Co. Warrick Conuol Inc. PLUMBING FIXTURES: A, I I I I I t I I T I I B. General: Provide factory-fabricated futures of type, sryle and material indicate<t. where more than one rype is indicated, selection is Installer's option; but, all fixtures of same rype must be furnished by single manufacturer, Materials: l. General: Unless ofierwise specified, comply with applicable Federal Specificadon WW-P-54llSeries sections peraining to plumbing fixrures, finings, rim, merals and frnishes. Comply wirtr requirements of WW-p-541/- specification relative to qualiry of ware, glazing, enamel, composition and finistr of meals, air gaps, and vacuum breakers, even though some plumbing fxtures specified in rhis secrion are not described in Ww-p-j4l. 2. Provide materials which have been selected for their surface flamess and smoothness. Exposed surfaces which exhibit pining seam marks, rotter marks, foundry sand holes, srains, decoloration, or other surface imperfections on finished uni6 arc not acceptable. 3. Where finings, trim and accessories are exposed or semi-exposed provide bright chrome-plated or polished stainless steel units. provide copper or brass where not exposed. 4. Stainless Steel Sheets: ASTM A 167, Type 3021304, hardest workable temper. a- Finish No. 4, bright, direcdonal polish on exposed surfaces. 5. Srcel Shees for Baked Enamel Finish: ASTM A 591.coating Class C, galvanized-bonderized. 6. Srcel Sheets for Porcelain Enamel Finistr: Type I. ASTM A 424, commercial quality, 7 . Vitreous China: High qualiry, free from fire cracks, spots, blisers, pinholes and specks: glaze exposed surfaces, and test for crazing resisrance in accordance with ASTM C 554. 8. Fiberglass: ANSI 2124, smoorh surfaced, with color selected bv Architect/Engineer. 9. Synthedc Stone: High qualiry, free from defects, glaze on exposed surfaces, stain resistant. PLUMBING FITTINGS, TRIM AND ACCESSORIES: I I t I I15400-6 z-+ PLTJMBING I I I t I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I54OO - PLI'MBING A. Water Outlets: At locadons u'here water is supplied (by manual, automatic or remorc control), provide commercial quality faucets, valves, or dispensing devices, of type and size indicated, and as required to operae as indicated. Include manual shutoff valves and corurccdng $em pipes to permit outlet servicing without shut-down of water supply piping systems. 1. Vacuum Breakers: Provide with flush valves where required by governing regulations, including locations where water outler are equipped for hose attachment. B. P-Traps: Include removable, 17 gauge, chrome plated P-traps with brass nuts, where drains are indicated for direct connecdon to drainage system. C. Carriers: Provide cast-iron supports for fxtures of eitrer graphitic gray iron, ductile iron, or malleable bon as indicaed. D. Fixture Bolt Caps: Provide manufacturer's standard exposed furure bolt caps finished to match fxture finish. E. Escutcheons: Where fixnrre supplies and drains penera@ walls in exposed locations, provide chrome-plated cast-brass escutcheons with set screw. F. Aerators: Provide aerators of types approved by Health Deparrnents having jurisdiction. G. Comply wi0r addidonal fixture requirements conained in fxrure schedule. H. Faucel/nim shall meet ANSI I 17,I Section 4.20.4. I. Acceptable Manufacurers: l. Plumbing Fixtures (Vitreous China): American Sundard; U.S. Plumbing Products. Crane Co. Eljer Co. Kohler Co. 2. Lavatory Trim: American Sandard; U.S. Plumbing Products. Delu Eljer Co. Kolrler Co. Spealman Co. Symmons Co. Chicago Cambridge Brass Zurn Co. 3. Sink Trim: Chicago Delta Kohler PLI.'MBING 15400-7 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I54OO - PLUMBING American Standard Eljer Cuhbridge Brass Zurn Co. Flush Valves: Coyne & Delany Co. Sloan Valve Co. - 'Regal' Zurn Co. (Red Brass Only) Fixturc Seats: Bemis Mfg. Co. Beneke Corp. Forbes-Wright Industries, Inc. ; Church Products. KoNer Co. Olsonite Corp.; Olsonite Seats. Elecric Water Coolers: Elkay Mfg. Co. Oasis Filtrine Mfg. Co. Halsey Taylor Div. Haws Drinking Faucet Co. Sunroc Mop Basins/Shower Base: Creative Industries Stern-Williams Co. Fiat Co. Florestone Zurn Stainless Steel Sinks: Elkay Mfg. Co. Just Mfg. Co. Kohler Shower Trim: Symmons MCC Powers Process Conrols konard Co. Bradley Corp. Fixnrre Carriers: Joum Mfg. Co. Smith Co. Zurn Industries, Inc.; Hydromechanics Div. Tyler-Wade I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 15400-8 10. PLUMBING 2.5 3.1 I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I54OO - PLUMBING SUBMERSIBLE SUMP PUMPS AND SEWAGE EIECTORS: A. General: Provide submersible sump pumps and sewage ejectors as indicarcd, of size and capaciry as scheduled. B. Pump: Cast-iron shell, cast iron impeller, stainless steel straft, factory-sealed grease lubricated ball bearings and double mechanical seals. C. Motor: Hermetically sealed, (air filled) or (oil filled) design with built-in overload protecdon, elecrical characeristics as scheduled. D. Controls: Mercury float switches with galvanized rod and swirch mounting plate or wall suppon bracket as indicated on the plans. E. Connol Panel: Duplex panel in NEMA I enclosure. Panel to have hinged door and shall include: 1. Fused disconnect swirches with lock-out handles through cover. 2. Magnetic sa(ers with OL and LV protection. 3. Test-off-automaticselectorswirches.4. Electric Alternator. 5. Conrol circuit transformers. 6. Green pump running ligha. 7. OL reset buttons. 8. Alarm silencing swirch. 9. Terminal Switch. F. Provide remote alarm panel for high water condition with alarm bell and alarm light widr flasher. G. Accepable Manufaclurers: Hydro-Matic Co. Peabody Barnes Weil Pump Co. Paco Pump Co. Zoeller Co. E. Myers PART 3. EXECUTION INSPEEIIQN: A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which piping systems are to be installed. Veri$ actual locarions of equipment, fixtures and/or piping connections prior to installadon. Also examine floors and subsrates, and conditions under which work is to be accomplished. Correct any incorrect locations of piping, and otler unsatisfactory condirions. Do not proceed with work until unsadsfactory conditions have been corrected in manner acceptable to Installer, INSTALLATION QE INTERIOR WATER PIPING: Insall piping wi0r l/32' per foot (l/4%) downward slope towards drain point. 3.2 PLTJMBING 15400-9 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I54OO - PLI.JMBING I I I 3.3 B. ktsDall piping level widr no pitch. C. locae groups of pipes parallel to each other, spaced to permit applying full insuladon and servicing of valves, D. Refer to Section 15060 for hanger and suppon requirements. INSTALLATION QE EXTERIOR WATER PIPING: A. General: Install exrcrior water service piping system in compliance with local governing regulations. B. Street Main Connection: Arrange and pay for tap in water main, of size and in location indicaed, by Local Waer Udliry Company. C. Sueet Main Connecdon: Cut into and install new tee for water service in existing warcr main, at location indicated, in accordance with local Water Utiliry Company requirements. Provide curb valve and curb box as indicaed. D. Water Service Piping: Extend warcr service piping of size and in location indicated to water service entrance at building. Provide sleeve in foundation wall for warer service entry; make entry warcnight. hovide shutofr valve ai water service entry inside building; strainer, pressure gage, test tee with valve. INSTALLATION QE BACKFLOW PBEEIIIERS: A. Install bacl:flow preventers where indicated, and where required by governing auttroriry having jurisdiction. Locate in same room as equipment being protected. Pipe relief outlet to nearest floor drain. INSTALLATION QE UNDERGROUND STORM AND SANITARY SEWER PIPINC EXTERIOR IQ BUILDING: A. General: lnstall piping in accordance with governing auttrorities having jurisdiction, except where more scringent requirements are indicated. B, Utility Connecdons: Provide new tap connection to existing Sanirary Sewer Udity main as indicated. Coordinae ap requirements with governing sanitary district, provide all materials and labor necessary rc comply with such requiremenc. C. On-Site Storm Sewer Utility Connections: Make connections to existing piping so ttrat finished work will conform as nearly as practicable to requiremens specified for new work. D. Inspect piping before insallation to detect apparent defects. Mark defective marerials widr white paint and prompdy remove from site. E. t^ay piping begiming at low point of system, true o grades and alignmenr indicated, with unbroken continuity of inven. F. Place bell ends or groove ends of piping facing upstream. I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I 3.4 3.5 15400-10 PLTIMBING G. 3.6 J.I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I T I I DOBSON ARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I54OO - PLUMBING lnstall gaskes in accordance with manufacnrer's recornrnendations for use of lubricants, cemen6, and other special insallation requiremenB. Polyvinyl Chloride @VC) Pipe: Install in accordance with manufacnrrer's installation recommendadons. and in accordance with ASTM D2321. Cleaning Piping: Clear interior of piping of din and other superfluous marerial as work progrcsses. Mainain swab or drag in line and pull pasr each joint as it is complercd. l. Place plugs in ends of uncompleted conduit at end of day or whenever work srops. INSTALLATION OE UNDERGROUND STORM AND SANITARY DRAIN PIPING WITHIN BUILDING: A. General: Install underground building drains as indicated and in accordance with Uniform Plumbing Code. lay underground building drains beginning ar low poinr of sysems, true lo grades and alignment indicated with unbroken continuity of inven. Place bell ends of piping facing upstream. Insull required gaskets in accordance widt manufachrrer's recommendadons for use of lubrigants, cemen6, and odrer special installation requirements. Clean interior of piping of din and other superfluous marcrial as work progresses. Maintain swab or drag in line and pull past each joint as it is completed. Place plugs in ends of uncompleted piping at end ofday or whenever work stops. B. All soil and waste piping: Shall be run at a slope of not less ll4' per foot (2.087o) for piping up ro 4' in size. All piping 4" and over shall be run at a slope of not less rhan ll8" (1.04Vo) per foot. All *orm drain piping shall be run ar slopes indicarcd on rhe drawings. C. Cast-iron Pipe: Install in accordance with applicable provisions of CISPI 'Casr lron Soil Pipe & Finings Handbook'. D. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe: Install in accordance with manufacturer's installadon recommendations, and in accordance with ASTM D2321. INSTALLATION OE ABOVE GROUND STORM AND SAMTARY DRAIN, WASTE AND VENT PIPING WITHIN BUILDING: A. General: Install all piping, as indicated and in accordance with the Uniform Plumbine Code. B. Provide resraints and hangers as appropriate and in accordance with manufacturers recommendations based upon rype of pipe, finings, joina. Refer to Secrion 15060. C. Piping shall be run true, plumb, and straighr, wirh all restraints and hangers adjusred to carry their proponional load and locked rc prevent pipe "wag", misalignment, movement or shear. D. Provide anchors for piping risers on every floor using riser clamps, wall brackets, knee brackes, and foot blocks for all venical piping over 20 feet straight height. PLIJMBING 15400-l I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I54OO. PLTMBING 3.9 15400-12 I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I l I II t E. F. G. H. J. K. L. 3.8 Alf soil ard.waste piping slnll be run at a slope of nor less rhan l/4" per foor e.ilS%) for piping up ro 4' in size. All piping 4' and over shall be run ar a slope of not less than l/8" 0.04%) per fooc All storm drain piping slratl be run ar slopes indicarcd on the drawings. Bushfurgs in soil wase or vent piping shall be prohibired. Tapped spigots or tees shalt be used when changing ftom cast iron plpe to seel waste or vent piping, and for appropriate cleanour plugs. All horizontal storm soil, wasre and venr piprng shall be supported from the building sructurc at not more than five (5) foot inervals. Casr iron no-hub pipe and frnings shall be supported wiftin one foot of each side of couplings. All venical storm soil and venc sncks shall be supporrcd with riser clamps at each floor slab. The wase connecdons between flxtures and their respecdve collection and venting systems stlall consist of galvanized steel nipples and cast iron drainage frnings. All interior wasre and vent piping up to I l/2" shall consist of galvanized steel with cast iron dninage finings. All piping 2" and over shall consist of service weight cast iron soil pipe and finings. All cast iron pipe and finings shall have affxed thereon t}le CISPI grade mark of identification. All vens pronuding through the roof shall be nor less than 2" size and extended rc not less than 12' above the fmished roof, and flashed wirh 24' x24" x 4lb. sheet lead. The flashing shall exrcnd not less ftar 6" above rhe roof and fte edges rumed down into a hub type cast iron vent pipe, caulked in place and finished wittr hot poured lead. All vents shall be locarcd in accordance witr jurisdictional code and in no case less that two (2) feet from roof edge or parapet, or wall line of an "on the roof smrcture'. M. Provide all expansion joints, braces, eanhquake restraints as required by the conract documerus and jurisdictional authoriry. INSTALLATION OE DRAINAGE PIPING PRODUCTS: A. Cleanouts: lnsall in above ground piping and building drain piping as indicated, as required by Uniform Plumbing Code; and at each change in direcdon of piping greater that 45 degrees; at minimum inervals of 50' for piping 3' and smaller and 100' for larger piping; and at base of each venical soil or waste stack. Install floor and wall cleanout covers for concealed piping. Wall cleanouts shall be insalled at a maximum height of l'-6" above finished floor unless otherwise indicated or directed on the ptans. B. Flashing Flanges: Insall flastring flange and clamping device with each stack and cleanout passing through waterproof membranes. C. Vent Flashing Sleeves: Insall on stack passing through roof, secure over stack flashing in accordance with manufacturer's insructions. INSTALLATION QE BACKWATER VALVES: PLI.JMBING I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I54OO - PLTMBING A. Install backwater vatves in building drain piping as indicated, and as required by governing authorides having jurisdiction. For interior insalladon, provide cleanout cover flr'sh to floor ce ered over backwater valve cover, and of adequae size to remove valve cover for sendce. 3.IO INSTALLATION QE FLOOR DRAINS, FLOOR SINKS AND AREA DMINS: A. General: Insatl floor drains, floor sinks and area drains in accordance with manufacrurer's written insructions and in locations indicated. B. Coordinate flastring work with work of waterproofing and adjoining substrate work. C. Cover all drain snainers during building construction wi0r heavy duty tape similar to duct tape. D. lnstall drains at low points of surface areas to be drained, or as indicated. Set tops of drairu flush with finished floor. E. Insall ctrain flashing collar or flange so that no leakage occurs between drain and .- adjoining flooring. Maintain integrity of waterproof membranes, where penetrated. F. Provide flashing (safepan) for each floor drain above grade, 24" x24" ndze. 3.II INSTALLATION QE TRAP PRIMERS: A. General: Insall nap primers in accordanc€ with manufacturer's insrallation ] instructions. Pitch piping towards drain rap, minimum of l/8" per floor (l %), adjust : rap primer for proper flow. Provide trap primers as required by local code authoriries. 3.12 EOUTPMENTCONNECTIONS: A. Piping Runous to Fixtures; Provide soil and waste piping runouc to plumbing fixtures and drains, with approved trap, of sizes indicated; but in no case smaller than required by Uniform Plumbing Code. B. Locate piping runouc as close as possible ro botrom of floor slab supponing fxrures or drains. C. Upon completion of insallations, flush all naps and fill wittr water. 3.13 INSTALLATION Qf ROOF DRATNS: A. General: Install roof drains in accordance wih manufacnrer's written instrucdons and in locations indicated. B. Coordinate flashing work widr work of roofing, waer-proofing and adjoining subsrate work. C. Provide flashing (safe pan) for each roof drain, 36" x 36" in size. D, Coordinate with roofing as necessary to interface roof drains with roofing work. PLUMBING 15400- l3 DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION 15400. PLLJMBING 3.14 E. Insall roof drains at low poin6 of surface areas to be clrained, or as indicaed. F. Install drain flashing coltar or fla4ge so that no leakage occurs between roof drain and adjoining roofing. Maintain inegrity of waterproof membranes, where peneraed. G. Position roof drains so that they are accessible and easy to mainain. H. During application of roofing, plug all roof <lrains wirh test plugs, remove plugs afier roofing has cured. I. Securely lock roof drain domes in place upon completion of construction. INSTALLATION QE PLUMBING FIXTURES: A' General: Insall plumbing frxtures of types indicated where shown and at indicated heights; in accordance wih rrxture manufacturer's wrinen insructions, roughing-h drawings, and with recognized industry practices. Ensure that plumbing fxtures comply *'ith requiremenB and serve intended purposes. comply with applicable requirements of goveming authority having jurisdiction penaining to insallirion of plumbing funres. B. Fasen plumbing fxores securely to indicaed supports or building structure; and ensure that fxtures are level and plumb. secure plumbing supplies behind or within wall construcdon so as !o be rigid, and not subject to pull or push movement. c. Protect insnlled fxtures from damage during remainder of consruction period. FIELD OUALITY CONTROL FOR FIXTURES: A. upon compledon of insallation of plumbing futures and after units are warcr pressurized, test fixtures to demonsrate capabiliry and compliance wi*r requiremens. when possible, correct malfunctioning units at sirc, then retest to demonsnae compliance; otberwise, remove and replace wi$ new units and proceed with rercsdng. B. Inspect each insalled unit for damage to finistr. If feasible, restore and match finish to original at site; ottrerwise, remove fixrure ard replace with new unit. Feasibility antl march rc be judged by Archirccy'Engineer. Remove cracked or dented unis and replace wi0t new units. ADJUSTING AND CLEANING Q[ FIXTURES: A. clean plumbing fxrures, trim, and suainers of din an<l debris upon compledon of installation. B. Adjust water pressure at drinking founains, faucets, shower valves, and flush valves to provide proper flow stream ancl specified gpm. C. Adjust or replace washers to prevent leak at faucec and stops. INSTALLATION QE NATURAL GAS PIPING: I I I J I I I I t t I t I I I I I I t 3.15 3. r6 3.17 15400-14 PLTJMBING I I I I I I l B. c. D. E. DOBSONARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I54OO. PLTJMBINC Use sealants on metal gas piping threads which are chemically resistant to natural gas. Use sealants.qparingly, and apply to only male rhreads of meal joina. Remove guning and threading burrs before assembling piping. Do not insnll defecdve piping or frnings. Do not use pipe with 0reads which are chipped, stripped or damaged. Plug each gas outlet, including valves, with threaded plug or cap imrnediately after installarion and retain until continuing piping, or equipment connecdons are completed. Ground gas piping elecaically and continuously wirhin project, and bond dghtly to grounding cormection. Install drip-legs in gas piping where indicated, and where required by code or regulation. Insrall "Tee' fining witlr bonom ourlet plugged or capped, at bonom of pipe risers. Use dielectric unions where dissimilar merals are joined together. Install piping with l/64" per foot (l/87o) downward slope in direction of flow. Install piping parallel to other piping, but mainain minimum of 12' clearance berween gas piping and steam or hydronic piping above 200'F (93oC). For piping underground beneattr buildings, insall in welded conduit. Extend conduit inside and terminate in accessible ponion of building and seal. Extend conduit ouside minimum of 4' from building, and vent above grade. For piping running ttrrough ducrs or air plenums, insnll in welded conduit, venrilated on both ends. For risers running through concrete or asphalt, install through pipe sleeve to a minimum of 6" above grade. Fill annular space with gravel. Insall magnesium anodes for underground steel pipe, one-S lb. anode for up to 100' in length and one-5 lb. anode for each additional 100'. Insall magnesium anodes for each underground $eel or malleabte- iron fining, isolated beveen 2 sections of plastic pipe; one-3 lb. anode for each fining. For underground piping, provide insulating flange or union above ground prior to entering building above grade. Refer to Section 15060 for hanger and support requirements. t I I I I I t I T I F. G. H. I. J. K. P. a. L. M, N. o. I T 3.18 GAS SERVICE: A. General: Arrange witft Utility Company o provide gas service to building including gas meter, regulator, service shut-off valve, and gas load within 30 days after award of contract. Consult with Utility as to exent of it's work, cos6, fees and permits PLUMBING 15400-15 DOBSON ARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I54OO - PLUMBING involved. Pay such cos6 and fees; obain permi6. Costs for actual installation of service and . sening of meer by tlre udlity company shall be paid by the owner. Coordinate size of concrete pad or wall brackets for udiry company !o set nreer. Exten<l building servicc line from gas rneter iffo building. Provide full size plug valve on downsream side of meter. Enter building at a minimum of 12' above gra<te. Provide shutoff ouside building where indicaed, in adjustable gas service vatve box, with cover set flush o frnished grade. Provide shutoff in gas service pipe ar enrry in building, extend pipe ro gas merer location indicaed; provide pans and accessories required by Utiliry to connect meter. 3.19 INSTALLATIONQEVALVES: Gas Cock: Provide at connecdon to gas rain for each gas-fired equipment ircm; and on risers and branches where indicated. Locarc gas cocks where easily accessible, and where ttrey will be protected from possible injury. Prcssurc Regulating Valves: Install as indicated; comply with Utiliry requiremena. Pipe arnospheric ven! ro outdoors, full size of outlet. Install gas shutoff valve upsream of each pressure rcguladng valve. Veri$ venting requiremens for pressure reguladng valves in factory installed or factory supplied valve trains. Extend atmospheric vent ro ourdoors, full size of vent oudet when equipment is conrolled by spark ignition. When equipment has standing pilot, pipe regulator vent(s) to combustion chamber. VeriS regulator vendng requirements with local authority prior to irutallation. 3.20 INSTALLATION Q[ PUMPS: 3.2r A. General: Install plumbing pumps where indicated, in accordance with manufacrurer's published insallation instrucdons, complying wirh recognized industry practices o ensure that plumbing pumps comply with requiremens and serve intended purposes. B. Acces: Provide acc€ss space around plumbing pumps for service as indicated, but in no case less than that recomrnended by manufacnrer. C. Suppon: Insull base-mounrcd pumps on minimum of 4" high concrere base equal or grearer than 3 times tonl weight of pump and motor, with anchor bolts poured in place. Set and level pump, grout under pump base with non-shrink grout. D. Insall in-line pumps, supported from piping system. SUMP PUMPS AND SEWAGE EJECTORS: Coordinate elecrical power and conaol wiring, panel mounting and remoe and local alarm sy*ems wiring wittr Division 16 Connactor. B. c. D. I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I B. D. I I I I15400-r6 PLTJMBING I I t I t I I T I I I I I t I DOBSON ARENA DIVISION 15 SECTION I54OO . PLTJMBING All openings 0rough basin or cover ro be gas tight, provide unions, valves and checks as appropriap. Note: pump discharge check valves to be non slam rype, dting disc or pilot operaed 45 degree swing design. Lift type or spring operared types will not be allowed. Operating floas strall be ded to venical float rod and strall not swing free in basin. Provide pump power cords of sufficient length to exit basin and connect to power source above floor outside of basin area. Mount control panel and alarm panel, on walls secured tightly and permanently. Basins: Install sump pump basins in indicated locations and connecr to sewer lines. Brace inerior of basin in accordance with manufacrurer's insructions, to prevent distonion or collapse during concrele placement. Refer to Division 3 for concrete work; not work of 0ris section. Set cover over basin, fasten to top flange of basin. Install so cover is flush with furished floor. Electrical wiring: Install electrical devices furnished by manufacturer bur not specified to be factory-moumed. Furnish copy of manufac rer's wiring diagram subminal to Electrical Installer. 3.22 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING Q! PUMPS: B. c. D. E. F. G. A. B. 3.23 EXPANSION TANK: A. B. c. D. E. Alignment: Check alignment, and where necessary, realign shaffs of motors and pumps within recommended rclerances by manufacnrer. start-up: Lubricate pumps before stan-up. start-up in accordance with manufacturer's insructions. Install expansion tanli in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Provide unions and ball valves for complerc isolation of the tank from the system. Charge tank with proper air charge as recommended by manufacrurer. Tank appings shall be provided as deailed or appropriate, ASME welde<t tank flanges or nipples. Suspend nnk from building strucntre. END OF SECTION I54OOI I I T PLIIMBING 15400-17