HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B GOLDEN PEAK BASE 1979 LEGALMEMORAIiDUM , T0: Bob Parker FROM: Tom Harned DATE: December .|9, .l979 RE: Golden Peak Master Plan - Multi-Season Use with the TOV As a result of our meeting wjth Dick Ryan, Jim Rubjn and Pat Dodson' the following issues were agreed upon to be pursued. The result to be a multi- use facji.ity and other amenjtibs deve'loped ioint'ly by the T.0.V. and V.A.I. GOALS: . ..,r8 r. r4urtj-use Buildins rtgSP N A. l^|jnter Operations (V.A,I.) '1. Ljft Ticket Sales ' -.n, 44P \,{ ikt sctrool Ticket Sa'les - eg{ ' tJ1- Bratskeller ,A( Snall l^lorld Nursery5. Renta'l Shop - Gift Shop - Skj Check n 't. ?. B. 6. Ca.f eteri a7. Theme Restaurant8. Publ ic RestroomsY. Locker Room and Showers 0. New Race Facility Surnner Operations (T.0.V. ) l. Soccer Camps \,( Day Care Cbnter .c {s.3. Te-nnis Pro ShoP- Qvtp.>e - 4. Tennis5. Tot Pl ayground6. Vol'leybal'l7, ArcheryB. Black Powder Competitions q Restaurant Pub'l ic Restrooms 1, Small Athletic Field Film Showing Facilities Locker Room and ShowersjB. ASSUMPTIONS: 1. 2, Present facilities are overcrowded, disfunctional The new package should satisfy the neighbors' the winter operations. The timetab'le shou'ld be A.S.A.P. and in poor repair. cornmunity and V.A.I . t-'vf \h ^'y'*.rruv \, 3. t Pug. Z - December 19, lgt. Bob Parker ISSUES TO BE RESOLVED: l, Financing (by whorn and means of)2. Parking totals3. Parking useage4. Project phased or one building season5. Relocation of 'l tennis court5. Relocation of tennis to Ford Park 7 . Pro shop 'location 8. Impact on summer recreation during construction9. Regrading east of Chair 12'10. Culvert l'lil'l Creek l'l . Cross country trai'l The concerned part'ies should revjew this data in respect to completeness and accuracy in preparation for a second meeting to be held as soon after the first of the new year as possible. THlj s cc: Hary t.|. Bass, Jr, Rod S'lifer Jack Marsha1l Rich Caplan Ludwig Kurz Dick Ryan Bob Dorf Jim Rubin Paul Go'lden Pat Dodson lnwn u l|flI box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 Mr. Jack Marshall Pres i dent Vail Associates, Inc. Box 7 Vai 1 , Col orado 8l 657 off ice of the town manager November 15, 19i9 Dear Jack: Enclosed for your information are material portions of the appraisal on Vail Associates golf course property performed by Bowes and Company completed in Apri1, 1979. I trust that this information will be of assistance to you in determining your dedication t'ime tables and related matters. In addition, so as to avojd any future misunderstandings related to Gold Peak, 'l et me reiterate what I understand as our mutual conceptual agreement on this matter: (lfThe Town stands willing to work with Vail --/ Associates on a cooperative or joint venture basis to redevelop and upgrade Gold Peak facilities for non-residential purposes. (2) The Town is reviewing all potential uses whjch jt may have on that site in order to determine compatibility for shared utilization of any new facilities. (3) Vail Associates will initiate an appraisal for the Gold Peak property. (4) Annexation of unincorporated Gold Peak property will be a likely condition of ded'ication, sa1e, or joint development of Gold Peak facilities. Page 2 (5) Bob Parker will meet in the near future with me and members of qy staff to re- view and comment on details on Vail Associates original and other proposed Gold Peak plans. (6) The Town ij1l proceed expeditiously to review and process pl ans for Gold Peak so that redevelopment may be ready for initjatjon during the I980 construction season. Given no major zoning issues to be resolved a formal application can be processed within a 60 day period. I look foruard to proceeding on this project'i n a cooperative manner that will serve to satisfy both Vail Associates and the Town's needs. RC/dicc: Bob Parker Dick Ryan Rod Sl ifer Pat Dodson Sincg4ely yours, // r f (,,4, Richard Caplan Town Manager ( MEMORANDTJM PLANNING AND ENVIRONI'{ENTAL COMMISSION DEPARTT-{ENT OF COI,IMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TO: FROM: DATE: 10-5-79 RE:CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST BY TO ALI,OW A TEMPORARY STRUCTURE ON GOLDEN PEAK FROM NOVEMBER I, 7979 TOU IIARNED OI' VAIL ASSOCIATES TIIE UPPER TnINIS CoURTS AT to IIAY 15, 1980. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE The structure w111 be a modular unit used as a nursery for Smal1 WorLdsimilar to the Lionshead program. The unit will be screened from viewby the green windscreens on the fence as one looks toward the courts ina souCherly direction. Vall Associates feels. they can do this with no danage to the courts but guarantees that any damages will be pald forby the Ski School. There will be no evenlng use of the facility. CRITERIA AND FINDINCS Upon review of Sectlon 18.60, the Department of Comlunity Development recomends Approval of the conditional use permit based upon the fol]-owingfactors: Consideration of FacEors: Relat ions and t of the use on develo t obiectives of the Town. There is basicall-y no relationship or impact on the development objectivesof the Town due to the tenporary nature of this request. The effect of the use on light and aj.r, dlstrlbution of population, Erang)ortatLon faciLltles, utiLlties, schools, parks and recreationfacllitles, and other pub1lc facilieies and publiE facilities needs. This nursery service w111 inprove the public facl-lities offered in theviclnlty of the Village Core. Efqect,upon traffic wlth partlcular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and conviencer traffic flow and controlr accessrnaneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. No addltional traffic is anticipated as a result of the proposal. Effgct.upon the character of the area in whlch Ehe propposed use ls to_be located, including Ehe scale and bulk of Ehe proposed use inrelation to surround ing uses. Because the unit will be well-screened from view look south upon Golden Peak, we feel the visual finpact upon the character of the area w111 bequlte rnlnirnal. PEC Memo--VA Temporary Structure 10-5-79--Page firo Such other factors and criteria the Cormisslon deems appLicabLe tothe proposed use. There are none. The. environmgntal impact report concerning the propsed use, if anenvironmental impact report is requLred bv Chapter 18:56.- Not required. FINDINGS AT{D RECOMMENDATIONS : The Department of Connunity Development recomends that the Use Perrol.t be approved based on the following flndings: That the proposed location of the use is Ln accord wl-th theof this ordinance and the purposes of the district in whichlocated. Condit ionaL PUrPo SeS the site ls ( That the proposed location of thelt would be operated or maLntained publlc health, safety, or welfareor improvements in the viclnity. That the proposed use wouLd couplyof this ordinance. RECOMMETIDATION use and the con&1t ions under which would not be detrinental to the or materially injurlous to properties with each of the applicable provlslons The Department of condltions chat: 1.) The applicanc rmlt. 2.) That darnages School after 3.) The facillty Comnunity Development guarantees the proper recornmends approval with the and adequate screening of the to the tennls courta, lf any be paid by the Vail Ski "/lts removal by llay 15, 1979. no be used after 7:00 P.M. Minutes of the Planning and Envi.ronmental ConrnisslonMeeting of 10-8-79 Menb ers Present Ed Drager Ron Todd Sandy Mtl1s Jin Morgan Gerry White Torcrr Council Member Present Paula Palanateer Staff Mernbers Present Peter Patten Jin Rubin Dick Ryan Larry Eskwlth L.) R:df=c+""l." "t Pr.p District. This item was postponed until afcer Iten /12. 2.) Conditional Use Perml.t to allow a temporary structure for Srrall . r, 1979 to May 15, 1980. Peter Patten presented this iten. Ton Harned fron Vail Associates expJ.ained their reasons for thisapplicati.on. Jin Morgan asked how the building wouJ-d be screened. Tom saidlt would be screened on all but one slde with the existing screenlng. Gerry White asked if they had contacted the Recreation District about thls. Tom sal-d they had not but would. Ron Todd asked why the date of May 15 had been picked for the removal. Ton said they were playing it safe ln case there was a 1ot of snow. Gerry llhite said he f el-t that they should be removed and any danaged repalred by Menorial Day Weekend for sure. Ed Drager nade a motlon to allow the Condicional Use Pennlt to a1lowa temPorary structure for SnalL World on the Upper Tennis Courts (Court 7)at Gold Peak from November t, L979 to llay 15, 1980, with the condlrionsset forth in the Department of Comunity Development Sgaff Memo dated 10-5-79 and approval of the MetropollEan Recreatlon Dlstrict. Jln Morgan asked If 1t 1sn't necessary to screen the building from Northwoods. Tom sald the Northwoods people would be the heaviest users of the bul1dlng. Jlm Rubln sald they had been notifled and (\ PEC Mlnut es-VA Teuporary Structure 10-8-79--Page Two that no one had ca1led or vas anyone present today. Gerry Whlte seconded the motion. Sandy Mills asked about the screeni.ng, trafflc etc. A11 her questions were ansnered by VA people. She also asked if they would be applyingfor this again next year. Tom l{arned said they are hoping that alltheir expectations for Gold Peak would be successful but if thev werenot, they night be back next year for the same request. Ron Todd asked lf thls needs to be presented to the Design ReviewBoard. Jirn Rub in said he thought lt could be staff approved since the building is already built.(tt fs a modular unit). Sandy Mills said she thought rhe DRB shouLd be aware of this. Ron Todd asked each member if they would like it Eo go to DRB or be staff approved. Ed Drager said he didnrt care. Sandy Mi11ssaid Lt should go to DRB. Ron Todd said he felt it should bestaff approved. Jim Morgan said he felt lt could be staff approved. Gerry Wtrite said he fel-t tt. could be staff approved. The voce was taken on the motion and lt was passed unanimously. 1.) Rediscussion of Proposed Changes to the Agricultural and Open Space5'isrricr.- Jim Rubin explained thls ltem. It lras tabled six weeks ago so that the Town could work with the Pulises and Vail Associatesin solvlng any problems they might have with the rezoning ontheir l"ots. Ron Todd asked questions regarding items /lt3 and /i9 on the 1ist. Ron asked what percentage of thls land ls left after the tract land would be dedleated t.o the Town. He thinks onlv three orparcels would be llvolved . Sandy Ml11s said she though the only reason it was tabled was because of tax problems with the deeding of the land etc . Jln Rub in said that Larry Rider saLd most would never have bem developed anyaay soreally be effected. Most parcels are controlled by covenants of the dedicated land Ehe value would not or hazards anyway. C. Ron Todd said the Town and Counry are talking about t\ro different thlngs when they are talking about AgricuLturaL. The sEandards do not have to be the same. Jim Morgan said he feels the intention ls the same. Dick Ryan explalned intensive urban development. ot Or department of community development box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476'5613 May 15, 1979 Roger Tilkemeier Vail Associates Box 7 Vail' CO *"(':y:'"I Plat Dear Roger: The Gondola I plat as presented to n9 !y noger^f]lkemeier on May L5, irgilg-i" i" 'accordance with the approva-l from the Plannirrg "n.r'inii"""tt"iar cornmission dited March 13' Ls7s. r found th;^';;;;;"is ano "ir otttut aspects of the Plat to be in order' SincerelY, ,l t 'qa ft. trZ-A^-----.- James A. Rubin Zoning Administrator JAR: caj a. IvIINUTNS PLANNING & MEETING OF: Commission Staff Present: ENVIRONMDNTAL COI\IMI SSION FebruarY 13 ' 1979 3 : 0O P.ltl ' Members Present:Ed Drager Sandy Mil1s Roger Tilkemeier Ron Todd Gerry Whi.be Jim lvlorgan Pam Garton Jim Rubin Thc first item on the agenda lvas Pt:riFl"TY ?t?: of the Redevelopment of 9o14 Pe?E,.,^i;'" *:tmi:l'"' rnc' =io^'- He descrjLed the Master Plan for coro peail"""i'"i'i"i'"4 !l:.:::;'l:^1":rtTllS"il*rf,3o:ii:,lfi-"?i: 'i;:l'iti.'^6i:#";';i;'e4;- 11:5-.or,'oo* in the Bratskeller, the ';;;;'io" t Small \llorld Nursery ' inrproving and enlar:ging the public restroots anO' cafqtgtil:^19:]]"* tlsket windorvs, rep.r'acing-ift"-*"ta1 stairs and increasing the a::ea f or ski instructors.'"n.^'!n"*.4 tn. C"**i="ion a rough site plan and explained that-*iifi the enlargement of the facj'1ity' some parking places t;; ;; 1"ttl.1"t: tiiat this was continsent upon Forest Servj.ce approval' other proposea changes-included reloca"tion of a tennis court, addition or .""til.r-vorrey*bal1 court, and a i.a3"i"i"rr-*ty for better access to the facllity' He explained that GeorgSe Gervin developed the site plan and Gorclon p;;;;;,-ttt" prtr-iiin"rv buil<ii|g nlan' He further explained that tnlil-wouro b; thr;; utut"t*of florv into the bullding t"ot uutJt"tt'o-a"op-off-;;";;-'--ihe plan' is to use the she1l of the existing cafeteria uiiilite *]'!lii^ti;e new building' He then advised the bommissj'on ttrai ttrev wan!'to incorporate four luxu.v .o.,ao*;ti;; within- trt" nu*"bi+11i:1:. He further exp1ained that rin lp""iilte-ti- l|rt surrounding neighbors' at Ir{i11 creek circle ;;;--lti;;;t vail' ;;;' ' trreq lr-aa received verv positive reactrorl io tr't:-t plans' -Ii; "t"t"o the vierv f rom lvIill Crcek should not be impacted at a1 1 lvith the proposed bullding bei-ng only 3o inches h;igher. than it'e exi=ting buil ding ' Because of improvements i;";t;i;;, these neighbors will irave an even better vierv corridor' \ Roger Tilkemej-er stated that it is felt bhat more parking is needed at cora i;;il-;;a tnat it-*""ro not be a rogd il:i-::. reduce the parking there because of the special events' raclng programs and the iifts that drnrvs-so-tn"tty- skiers into that at'ea' RonTodclaskedrvhytlreconclominitrmsarebeingincludcd in the P1,ans? lr{r. Ilhrncd exPla ined the concloni.niunls because of tll<: eipc"A on ot;her pro j ec i"s ' .l'heto helP PaY fol' the cxPanslon ' that the pro.ject tTon't rvork rvithout-amount of moneY VA will nc'ed to r;;..;i the conclomini'ums is necessaly After furthcr discussron LIIU \'\-''r'r^sv+- rndorninitlms that expressed their "i!;i:::^:;,:t?":t}:lllt :l ll: i?;;"';;;;l-l:, H*t il?: ::? ;i:il" "1.'3i i!. 1i?" li' ":tilin *t :" : *;:;'+Til:fi: [:x-t gil:x' l,I ;f, '.f,:' "::il]il:" : i, : :i:',H it"ll t i:-:;,: : it"T: "'di**l""=i"n wltl the exceptlon or ;;;;'tit.v-*""rd be oppirsed to ;;;"';;;;;ined rrom '"TT'lli':1:,.?l.n to a11ow ttre condt*i"iu'=' f,?ffit3t - pLANNTNG & EN''R.N'{BNTAL co*MrssroN After furthcr dlscussiol,ll:^:tiTt:;:":"T::l?l: :,:ll;" ;::":::i;,:o l" :il: *:' :::i'3"il:ilf ;i,:l' u"iii,T:i;hi;1 wtro abstained f rom commenralrts t l-"-- :ondominiums ' the rezoning that"wo"fa f" required to a11ow the c Mr. Harned expressed hls-lltptitt that the Commission would be in oppo=ition 1o these plans' 2-L3-79 D iscussion --:;, a..-do', Architect ' was present to repl'esent the building's olvner "'-;;-;*pialnecr ti'ti'319i::i:::'ll'.:"?: ;:;'::liq::t :i;il::?':"1"*Ui3',1 *itu,lii :::"ix" ;; Iet 1;' ;; ;; ;;";; r eot a Be added to the ot"'iiiel-.1'1t' sno*oli-ixiiaincct-l-:..:nu commissiotr that trre uuir g'"e-iT?; on. ' rea ':i::li;":;:n::l:l ?il""i;l:l:*' ;l:ili;it,llltf:*: t!,: fuill"y'xtl't;=:iii i;::i: ;r?,,;:ili"';;;^;;*" .gltl1:?"1n3'lliE"i,?i?i; r l"ui.a ttri:'e . . :i::n.l:-|ifr"*i;n- iwo lock-?lt.l'i;Jl- tr" "1"?:'*;ll:.1io;":" remodel the targlst-portion as livjng qirarters.ro reJo tn",.=t. or=i;.:;;;;'= :U;hll;:"$:T;l;:T'""T1":I:::*Jiia-"it" like to install an er( Jim Rubin explained^to the Commissj-on^tha"t a Conditionai use permit wouro"ui i.i"il.g_r"t ii.i"-ptoiectl "ld that thev rvou1d be requirea-Io-pal' :-nto tttu"iiitrtine"l"lgl-o= i= the case ro:: addition" "''it'i; Aei' r-l *': ;;;i;liea ,rit"ln;'=;b; ;:l:i"*" fil'*.:;;lt' :l I ;ill.tf aiil:' i'?i"i:;'rii i : :! i: ;li :'li:" i;i;' " for coming rutoil^irl! c"**it"ion is to get thejr recommendations -I""<lc:""l"g the proposal' In answer to a question from tfq g"*Tlssion' ilr' Snorvdon stated that the nlaitiot' i= ptopotJd"ivoura be an adcli-tionar S'SOO to 4,50O sq' ft' Jim Rub j n ""nl1jleg-:",|::r;ii!:i":?l:l$;;'i:=::*";:::-rvi11 be settinE"ar:i:ii$:"t"3"1rr.!a-lr,lt th: .9"lookecl at verv carefull"v:=^ll.I=:1H:";;oi "tr...,, brrt that no 7'oIr1r1s concerned ur'ott"t}'t-ioiiiio"al- commer:cial specc' re gulat ior. = *o' r i^';"'";,i.; i;;.o rrv"in!' pt op o=. a t:xpan s i ou' Mr' Snorvdon told the Cornmission tl]l:"the olner 1s inte::estea i" rt*iiirr'-trto "o'l*t"i"ilon done this ycar-' Pam Garton questioncd rvhethcr this-w?Xtitl\t; l:llt ,. improvcment tt"lin"i"tij-tring' but addotl tblt tnls ''!?f!."-"!a Pagc 3 II{INUTBS - PLANNING & IINVIRoNTIENTAL CoMI{IssIoN 2-13*79 judgment that can be made u'til a more formal plan is availabre. Sandv Mil 1s agrees with pam, and in additlon wouldrea1ly like to check o"[ tr-tu uiu*.o"ticlor to makc sure there rvi1lbe no negative impact from the Fountain P7aza. she is also questioningthe fact that pa"tios seem to ue of great,rriru, JspecialJ.y duringthe surruner monih". The fact that this patio is on the north sideof the building where there-i"--ii*it"d sun time may be a validreason for enclosing it. Roger Till<emeier doesn't have any negative feelingsabout this project. He feels itrat ttre patio at its present locationmay be detrimental and that enclosing ii would make it more attractive.Adding the condomi.niums ir "-."n"""". He feels that rvlth all thetime and effort trrat went into-Crowth l1anagement, further densityis counter prod.uctive. rn "ui."ence to the proposar for the bell towerfor the elevator, he doesn't f;;i this will ;i;:- lvrr. Tilr<ernei.eralso stated that the ad.dition oi-tireplaces is a dead issue. Gerry White questions rvtrether the proposal is rea11ya bet'berment of the community anJ is concernba anout the visual cor:rid.or.Jim lrlorgan war; concerned about the core_vi11age ueing torn up through_out the sunmer months, noting that trre Go'cto1i r building renovationwill be done this sunmer. Ron Todri spoke favorabty o,, the proposaJ,fee}ing that it rvould help the "ppoo"a,n.e of the building. ur' sno'don has his office in the building, and he isinterested in the. proposal especlall], since i-re i".f" it rvouLd clearrup the lines of the uuiroing,^break up the no"in""s that exists norvand make it a much more attiacti-ve structure. Ordinarrce The third itemwhich included on the agenda was AmendmenJs to the Zoningthe following: Elninatigl of Dlst?lce_ Be lding Requirements.'After disclE-s-ion, it was-deEiffis rvilr be e'oughprotection, along rvith the Design Review eoard -p;ocedures that wi]1more closely review site plans and the location'of the structures onthe site. A Motion was- made by Roger Tilkenreier to recommend approrualof the Blimination of Distan"L B"truuen Building Requireme'ts fromthe To*'n of vail Zoning oroinance. The Motion was seconded by R.nTodd ancl the commissioii ""tea o-ior the recommendation and GerrylVhite voted in opposition. ReqUiIe Performance llonding fot Landscauinc.Jim Rubin bzrsed on the landscaping planiy:::tl:: ::_Ltl:^?:5;ign Revi.* noara. rhe staff ;;,,i;";:;';;;"*ili;:_ \,rlrl L ll\-i I .l,Il tl i5 ;::y19,.:"_::b:'11.1:g i1"1,s witrr.irre lancrscaping llan to help irr .1" i" t"il "J,.i ii r "n,r"capi n gDlnn srrrl-rmi'l-1nA T+ ,.,.,plan submitted. rt rvas also .i;"i;;; ;;;; ;;.';;;i"* or drivervay -,-Ittt t"?ffitft - 'LANNTNG & ElivrRoNMm{rAL coMMrssroN 2-16-79 item should such as Projects changing to l. orve r nuniber installation should be added to this' Ed Drager felt that the ;;;;-;h;;io u" 150/' or the estimer"ted cost' Gerry \thite ma'cle the -lt{otion to recommencl -appro""l-:l'*- requiring petto"**ice Lonaing fqr iandscaping and drivewav pavlng improvements. . r'itl^'rtl"ti"" se6ondeo^ilv- noelr Tilkemeier ' The commission voted'; il;-;;ni"""i *ith Jim lrorgan voting in oppositiou' Density Increases for the Provi sion of Long-Term Rubin explained to the Commission that the Council see a policv wtl"rl ;;; ;;;il;rs that are aclded tlrroush be subtracted by atq"iri"g land or future dorvn-zonlng' Rental Units. Jim would lil<e to this Provision Generatitl Pam Garton hacl to ieave the meeting at 5:10 P'M' Jim furt;her explained that this is sinilar to a transfer of densitv' with ;il;-";ffit"itv r-'o"i;s";;;t determinatj-on over the use of the unit s After discussion ' Ed Drager asked' Yhullt" it ivould be better to make aDy density increa"E-rrna"ll this-provision a conditional Use and look at it project- tv.p"ol;t;:- .nt tt:1: there rvould be a better controt Jf-i;"i-f tranoied in this manner. The commission agreedthiswasan.excerrenticlea'*o-tr.'titshou].dbeaddedtothe CEnOitional Use Sections of the ordinance' Gerry White had to leave the meeting at 5:30 P'M' A Motion was made by.Ron Todd to recontmend allolving densityincreasesfortheprovisionoflong-termrentalunitsthrough the condj_tional ;re-s".tion ot till^'zl"i"g Ordinance a'nd according to the memorandui""!,rliniited by t;: ;;;;;?*;;; of cotnntunitv Developmcrlt' The lr{otion was seconded by Roger iitr.'.r"i.r ancl the commission voted unanimous approval of the recommendation ' Recjuj rj ng Ellp1oY99-Hqgsiqg-lgr commercial Proiects , M&t-thAn Ten (10) Etttployees. After cliscussion' the Commission felt this be tabl.cd. They f el-t there we1'e too many variabl'es ' starting with a. "..ii":"- "umber of employees aud then another type of "=o-itititrt could r:equire a higher or of emPloYees. Ron Toclcl made the Motion to table any recomncnclation for requiring employee ftot'"ing to" "ott"tcial projects Eeuerating tttore than ten etnplovees' The Motj-on *;;";;;;;ala [v Jim lrlorsan atrd the Commission.voterl..,noni*o.'''lytotablet}risitcm. Meeting adjourned 5:45 P'M' J) box 100 rail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 [!ay 10, LS79 Roger Tilkereier Vail Assoicate-s Bo>< 7 Vail, O 81657 Re: Cross Country Sri trail from Golden Peak to ttre Soccer Field Dear Roger: Fer cr,rr conversaticn this ns"ning, I wculd very nuch like to uork rrith Vail Associates r"egp.rding the creation of a defined Closs Oorntry SLi Tbail from Golden Peak to the Sacen Field. I understand that at one tjnre a CYoss Country ski trail throglt the Northvrcods project.had been considered. In fact, until this last ski seasont I belierie that there uas a raintaiaed trail between two of the Northwoods Buildilgs. Tttat I world reqrrest is for Vail Associates to investlgate the possibility of developing a cross country trail as part of the final landscape design for the Northuoods project. I personally feel- that it is an fuportant link both for the Vail Assoicates Cboss Corntry Ski School Program and for other Cross Ccuntry skiers in tlre Itrn of Vail. At the beghning of next reek, I mqlld like to set up a neeting with yq:rself , Jirn l{arcarur, Kent Rose and nyself . I will call you to set r4r a specifie tirre. Tbank you for ycrr assistance with this natter. Sincerely,*^!# O+ department of community development Zmilg Adsdnistrator