HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B GOLDEN PEAK BASE 1981 LEGAL1,,( ? p,"i E^ f t1 Caruvvw^z+S Vail Associates, lnc. 'y,ut Y u""fi December 4, 1981 l'[r. Di-ck Ryan Conmunity Development Director TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 8l-657 Re: Proposed Golden Peak Re-zoning Dear Dick: Pursuant to our good rneeting on the 19th, I enclose our suggestions regarding language and subject changes in the draft new zone district proposed conditional uses. Please note thatI have left out your draft itern (P) , "Public Theaters, " but have i-ncluded meeting rooms in item (D). Vail Associates doesnot believe that there is sufficient space at Golden Peak,given all the other priority uses, to include any type of theater/structure . With regard to subjects in the draft, we would propose the following changes or additions: K;,4 N,o^lt\ ,rrh Ts M 1. Heiqht In our 1979 plan for Golden Pgsdevelopment, we proposed a buil-ding height of PL\ /feet above grade.This height resulted from a ftelr/6nab1e developmentplan including condominium sp-aces, and was only 5feet higher than the existing restaurant building. this regard, we are currently pursuing an analysiscost and rei-urn on the total projcct, and we'lIin a position t:o recomrnend a total density formulathc near f utur:e . ,l Tuve- We believe this height should be used in the newdistrict language, as representing a reasonablestructural parameter vis-a-vis proposed uses andexisting structures. Densitv Regarding the allowable sguare footage for the condominium unit, we would prefer total square footage for both the condominium and employee units be established with the final square footage assignmentper unit to be at the developer's option. 2. Inof bein d *:+ S$-" Box 7, Vail, Colorado 81658.303/476-5601 f l{r. Dick Ryan December 4, 1981 ,age' Two 3. Parkinq We see no problems meeting the parking requirements relatedto the dwelling units proposed for Golden Peak. However, we would like to urge that the Town of Vail continue to make the soccer field parking lot available for winter season parking related to Golden Peak skiing operations. Regarding your question about the annexation of the countyland south of Golden Peak, our corporate counsel is reviewingthis matter and will be getting back to us as soon as possible. Thank you for your proactive stance with respect to thisproject. We look forward to meeting with you in January tofurther address the re-zoninq and other issues. Sincerely, Robert W. Parker Senior Vice President RWP/mk Enclosure cc: Harry W. Bass, Jr.Paul Golden Ludwig Kurz Roger Lessman Jack Marshall o Conditional Uses The following cond,itional uses shall be permitted, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.50: A. Alpine and Nordic Ski SchoolB. Restaurant, Bar C. Ticket Sales and OfficesD. Mountain Operation Offices and lvleeting Rooms E. Town Recreational Offices F. Day Care Facilities G. Children's Ski and Summer Facilities H. Tennis Pro ShopI. Ski Repair, Rental, Equipment and Accessory Sales and StorageJ. One Condominir:m Unit hrith a ltlaximum of 2,000 Square Feet Gross Residential Floor Area K. Dwelling Units that are an Accessory Use Within or Attached to the Principal Structure Used for Employees of Vail Associates (the Number and GRFA of Such Units to be Determined)L. Public Parks, Playgrounds and Recreation Facilities M. Ski Lift and Ski Tows, for Both Winter and Sunner Uses N. Pedestrian and Bike PathsO. Seasonal Structures or Uses to Accommodate Educational or Cultural ActivitiesP. Public Utilities Installation Excluding Transmission Lines and Pertinent Eguipment O. Public or Private Parking Facilities or StructuresR. Suruner Recreational Facilities; Alpine Slide, etc. S. Public Restrooms T. Parking Structures U. Storage of llountain Eguipment MEIIORAI{Dt,M .Novenber 30, 1981 fi): Jon Eberle . FROM: Dick Ryan SUBJECT: Re development of Gold Peak Area Attached is i site plan for the Gold Peak area, This was done by the Town of Vail site planning consultant in'1979. Review the plan for bus service, general street and parking circulation, If you, Skip, and Pete have your own recormendations, nark up the plan to reflect your desired approach, (-\ Al J) v,'s r drt' (ltvb Y'{\wrt v 6 . L :doI'lEl"0lWil.) ,f:i-tl",past.few years, redevel0pment of Gold peak base facilities havetreen under discussion' After revierving the Agriculturai and open spaceDistrict where the Gold peak r""iiii.i"r are located, I find the districtnot appropriate for. the redeveropr'ent of this a,.ea,' rirra, the districtintent is not cornpatibre "itrr trri u."". second, permitted or conditionaluses do not fit the-current use pattcrn of the itiu"t,rr". It would beinpossiblc to expand the faciliti"r -"ra"r the curr.ent zoning uses. Thiswould defeat the nurpose of redevelopnent of the site to have it workfor the number of'skiers ;";";;;";5 uuiraing now. I propose that a new district be established that allows for the properredevelopnent of Gold Peak. The new airi.i.t-r""ri^i"^rp".itililtir-'d"sigr,"dto ski base facilities and rown recreation facilities. probably all usesshourd bergo,ndi!iona1 to. insure adequate ,*ur""-iy abutting prpperty owners "o".rrj -il";;";;, i."n sreat interest by^Jzg I :n" adjoining property orr,"i, to date, and in the past t$o weeks r havef-' received an inquiry by the manager of the Al 1 seasons condo developmentand an ohner of a condo in the generar area. past contact has been withrJ 3i:l.otttt, Manor Vail, A11 Seasons, and o ners of condominiurns in the ,*/r lryi't Proposed District ski' Base Facility and Recreation Redevelopnent District ('BFRR) Purpose The ski Base Facility and Recreation Redevelopment District is intendedto provide for the essentiar uase racirities necessary to operate theski rnountain. rn addition, rurru,.-""Ji"ationar uscs and facirities shouldbe considered to achieve ioint rr. .i-rr.," facirities ."J iir"ia* for effectiveand efficient use of the iacirities.- iitq deveropment standards are intendedto allow for the redevelopment of the GoId peak f.r" r""irities and mai"ntainthe open space character south of the area. Perrnitt ed Uses IU:Rich, Peter, peter @ FllOM: Dick //DATE: October 9, 19gl RE: New zone.district proposal for the Gold peak area Not applicable in the SBFRR District !$ $:g \a\h R {a tt. \lI h. q (q ? ul V R !-irt I. Ski repair, sales and accessories v\ t tJ.affiiondominium unit with a maximun of 2,000 square feet Grosr; ) * * * -lii\6siaential Floor Area (rt'er. Hr aqia1>^O !znl,1 a.tl'-c..o l/) -t $ -'-/K./ Drvcll ing unj-ts that are an accessory use /ithin of attached to'the ,||h -2- ro/9/Br Conrli t i. ona 1 Us es The foll owing conditional. uses shall be pe:mitted, subject to issuance of a conditional use pcrrnit in accordance with the provisions of Chaptcr I8.60: A' Ski school ' L t! uJ B. Rcstaurant Bar /,1 r gvi l/it'/' utt -t{ c. Ticket Sale5 ---..- W'' / " $D. l'lountain Operati.on Offices F \E, Tovn Recreation Offices .\r/\ \fl. Uay LarC racl.tltles -lG. Childrents Program and School S eH, Pro shop Tennis * tT. ,_/,,* principal structure used for ernployees of Vail Associates (the number { "u'- and GRFA of such units to be deternrined by the Planning and Environnentalit- Comnission of the Town of Vaill L. Public parks, playgrounds and recreation facilitiesM, Ski lift and ski tows N, Pedestrian and bike paths O, Seasonal structure-s or uses to accomnodate educational or culturalactivit ies Public theatees and nre€ting rooms Public utilities installation excludingpertinent 6quiprnent Public or private parking facilities or <4D^,1 li nt Zn,;rno;t 1../ ' . a | .t Accgssory Use.s A. Accessory buildings and uses custonarily uses. Lot. Area and Site Dimentions The mininum lot or site area sha1l be t3 buildable area. acres wlEn a ninimum of l0 acres Setbacks ln t[*c'SgpnR District, the rnininun front setback shall be twenty feet,with the side and rear det-crnj.ned by the Planning ancl Environrnental Conrnission. geisE a P. a. R. transmission lines and structures incidental to condi.tional ,\l For a flat or rnansard roof, the hcight thirty-five feet. For a sloping r.oof, excecd thirty eight fect. of br,ril dings shall not exceed the height of bui.idings shall not o sBrrRR -3- t0/e/8r lgl'i!Y- Not more than one condominiurn unit shall be permitted by conditional reviewfor each 13 acres of site area. Said dwcl ling shall not cxceed 2,000 square feet of GRFA, For employee units, see Section K of the conditional usc s ection . Coverage Not nore than flve percent of the total site area shall be covered by . buil dings. Land-scaping and Site Devel opment Ali setbacks along a public street must be landscaped and other areasshall have natural or fonnal landscaping. Park ing Off-street parking shal1 be provided in accordance reith Chapter 18.52. / No parking shall be located in any required setback area, except as nay ( b" specifically authorized in accordance with Chapter 18.62. \ \ \/\r f oM .fr|E.DDryT codx-,EANED W\TH sEEr4l2 /1 Cav+f 2EALt4tc ot f''"-Rt/.l b 9rP)u- 5 fiPPe4rztr4g 6H eoLD rcr\ 4ory,,, 4LUHOU6H fn&Rl\rb /zo 6LE\)S wtLt-' /38 .Jctaz'y'3c- nAUt t) CoNDtrtok)AL USE PE4L^)|T 44ocE€s. /S rT /ossrat-E To flrr Frat<)AG t/ME 2-- b/?rcuxYJ 2 T SCrzoA) 6c:/ svPPoE coNa lfleN4t- USE STPut-QfrLl{. NV\6 MEI-{ORANDIJM TO: Ri-ch, Peterr Peter 6 Jin FROM: Dick DATE: October 9' 1981 RE: New zone district proposal for the Gold Peak area For the past fehr years, redeveloproent of Gold Peak base facilities have been under di.scussion. After reviewing the Agriculturai and Open Space District where the Gold Peak facilities are located, I find the di.strict no1 appropriate for the redevelopnent of this area. First, the district intent is not conpatible with the area. Second, perrnitted or conditional uses do not fit the current use pattern of the structure. It would be inpossible to expand the facilities under the current zoning uses. This would defeat the purpose of redeveloprnent of the site to have i.t work for the nurber of skiers that use the building now. I propose that a new district be established that allows for the Proper t"'d"rr"1opr"nt of Gold Peak., The new district would be sPecifically designed to ski base facilities and Toun recreation facilities. Probably all uses should be conditional to insure adequate review by abutting proPerty owners through the public hearing process. There has been great interest by the adjoining property owners to date, and in the Past two weeks I have received an inquiry by the nanager of the A1 I Seasons condo develoPnent and am o"n"t of a tondo in the general area, Past contact has been bey Dick ,Allis, Manor VaiI, All Seasons, and owners of condoniniurns in the area . Proposed District --_-__2Sk[ tase Facility and Recreation Redeveloprnent District (SBFRR) Pgrpose The Ski Base Facility and Recreation Redeveloprnent District is intended to provide for the essential base facilities necessary to oPerate the ski nountain. In aildition, summer recreational uses and facilities should bp considered to achieve joint use of the facilities and provide for effective and efficient use of the facilities. Site develoPnent standards are intended to allow for the redeveloprnent of the Gold Pe;ak base facilities and naintain the open space character south of the area. Pernitted Uses Not applicable in the SBFRR District O/\ ^ \?v" \ ,\, facilities or structures O* -z- ro/s/8r to conditional Conditional Uses Thefollowingconditionalusesshallbeper:rritted,subjecttoissuance of a conditional use pernit in accordancl with the provisions of chapter 18'60: A. Ski School B. Restaurant Bar C. Tick'et Sales D. Mountain OPeration Offices E. Town Recreation Offices F. Day Care Facilities G. Childrenrs Program and School' H. Pro ShoP Tennis I. Ski repair, sales and accessories J, One condoniniurn unit with a rnaxinun of 2,000 square feet Gross K. Residential Floor Area Dwelling units that are an accessory use within or att.ached to the principal structure used for ernployees,of Vail Associates (the nunber ana Cnfn of such units to be deierrnined by the Planning and Environmental Conmission of the Town of Vail) Public parks, playgrounds and recreation facilities Ski lift and ski tows Pedestrian and bike Paths- Seasonal structures tt .*"r to accorunodate educational or cultu'.al <ge L. M. N. o, activit ies P. Public theatbes and nedting rooms a: public utilities installation excluding transnission lines and pert inent equiPment Public or Private Parking'tifr"' < oo (a-at'z -'' R. s. 4 Acc_essgry Udes A. AccessorY buildings and uses uses . Lot. A.re,a .and Site- Pimentiions The mininun lot or site area shall buildable area' ,-/ . ,?'l' tA t'/ \";.) custonarilY incidental o(@i"., with a ninimum "( * D"' Setbacks fn.tI;3SfnR District, the mininun front setback shall be twenty feet, with the side and r"*t d"t""tined by the Planning and Environnental connission' He-igLt For a flat or nansard roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed thirty-fi.ve feet. For a sioping roof, the height of buildings shal1 not exceed thirty eight feet. o SBFRR -3- ro/s/8r , Densitl Not rnore than one condoniniun unit shall be pernitt.ed by conditional reviewfor each 13 acres of site area. Said dwelling shall not exceed 2,000 square feet of GRFA. For enployee units, see Section K of the condit.ional use section. Coverage Not nore than five Percent of the total site area shall be covered by buil dings. Landscaping and Site Development All setbacks along a public street nust be landscaped and other areasshall have natural or fornal landscaping. Parking Off-street parking shalI be provided in accordance with Chapter 18.52. No parking shall. be located in any required setback area, except as nay be specifically authorized in accordance with Chapter 18.62. t MEI"IORANDUM TO: Rich, Peter' Peter q Jim fROM: Dick DATE: October 9, 1981 RF: Ngw ?orrg district proposal for the Gold Peak area F91 the past f,ew years, redeveloprnent of Gold Peak base facilities huve ppen under discussion. After reviewing the Agriculturai and open Spuce piitli.i *treie the Gold peak facili.ties are located, I find the distrlct n*-aipf"p"iate for the redeveloprnent of this area. First, the district inid.a^is'tto! ggmpatible with the area. second, permitted or conditlonal $ag 4" r"i ii.i-tr," current use pattern of the stfuctufe. It would be j!,!!rppiUf" to expand the facilities under the current zoning uses. 'fhis igUld def,eat the-purpose of redevelopment of the site to have it work fef the ttulfigf gf skiers that use the building now' I pfOpgpe thet e new district be established that al1ows for-the proper ieiaiiri,iqi,r;i-oi Gold peak. The new district would be specifically rlesigned iC-itj--U-"r" irgliiti"r and Town recreation faciliti.es. Probably all uses SirgillO !e qgn@llional to insure adequate review by abutting proPerty owners iiiiearlit tf.t" ptr_6ii" hearing process. There has been great interest by the adjoj,ning pfoperty o*"is to date, and in the past two weeks I have iiiieii;eg tn irtqlri"y uy tne rnanager of-the A1 1 Seasons condo development ena'a;iru-er gi'3 tondo in the general area. Past contact has been vi11 D$f*1i1', Ueigi Vail, A11 Seasons, and owners of condoniniums in the aFe?i' * lgeperrg ojet:lEg I ! Ski Eese Fgg I n*'^-" TheskiBaseFpg!1ityandRecIeationffi*Districtisintended ifr-pigiria" for'ihe oix*ist base facilities necessary to oPerate the i[itrb,.ttrt"itr, !n addition, sunmer recreational uses and facilities should 6i-ppnSiOeied to achieve joint use of the facj,lities and provide for effective iiO'bfii":,uni Uie of the iacilities. Site developnent standards are intended ig'eilp" fqf the redevetopnent of the Gold Peak base facilities and maintain thg ppgn 5pag-e g\aracter south of the area. "(A.* D;:6.n-- \pt applicablg in the SBFRR District Conditional Uses tnJfETsrnR District, the minimun front setback. with the side and rear determined by thc Planning L-,.RR -2- LO/g/8L shalI be twenty feet, and Environmcntal Coruniss ion . o qeA F. Day Care Facilities G.--4hildrenrs Progran and School -d.*ro Shop Tcnnis t ( Ski repair, sales and accessories , V One condoninium unit with a maximum of 2,000 square feet Gross \'/ -Residential Floor .Ar:ea t >') t \r / - K.Dwellingunitsthatareanaccessoryusewithin.orattachedtotheprincipii structure used for employees of Vail Associates (the nunber and GRFA of such units to be deterrnined by the Planni'ng and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail) L. Public parks, playgrounds and recreation facilities M. Ski lift and ski tows N. Pedestrian and bike PathsO. Seasonal structures or uses to accomrnodate educational or cultural act iv it ie s P, Public theatees and meeting rooms a: public utilities installation excluding transnission lines and pertinent equi"Pment R. Public or private park ing facilities or structures Accessory Uses A. Accessory buildings and uses custornarily incidental to conditional uses. Lgt Area .and Sit.e Dinentions the minimum lot or site area shall be buildable area. Setbacks 13 acres with a nininurn of 10 acres Igiqlg For a flat or nansard roof, the height of buildings shall not cxceed thirty-five feet. . For a sioping roof, the height of buildinS,s sSall not exceed thirty eight feet. o ' !- ssrnR -s- Lo/slsrrt Density Not more than onc condominium unit shall be permitted by conditional review for each 13 ac!r.'; of site area. Said dwelling shall not exceed 21000 . square feet of !ril:A. For employee units, see Section K of the conditional use section. Cpverage Not nore than five percent of the total site area shall be covered by buildings. Landscapilg and Site Developnent A1l setbacks along a public street must be landscaped and other areas shall have natural or formal landscaping. Parking Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 18.52. .No parking shall be located in any required setback area' excePt as nay'be specifically authorized in accordance with Chapter 18.62- !! ):/ ""N , t\P ( /J,, /^ )'Ji ^tn'f" ,.'r/ (y Rich, MEI,lORAI'IDUM Peter, Peter & Jiut Dick R/A^J 0ctober 9' 1981 New zone distTict proposal for the Gold Peak area c'"'" "h, For the past few yearst redevelopnent of Gold Peak base facilities have been under discussioil' nri"t reviewing the Agricultural 'and open Space District where the C"ia'p".t-facilities.are l6cated, I find the district not appropriate for ;;; ;;";iopment or iitis area' First' tbe district intent is not .otp.tiUi" with thl area' !""ona' perrnitted or conditional uses do not fit the current use pattern of the sti"11"11r..-It would be inpossible to "*p",,a"ii"-it"iriti"s under the current zoning uses' This ,oo,rld defeat the purpose of redev"roptt"i "i trt" site to have j't work i"t-Ift"-t"tOer of'skiers that use the building now' t propose that a new district be established that allows for the Proper reievLlop^"nt ot coia*i".il--.,o" ."* ailiti"t would be specifically designec to ski base facilities and Town recreation facilities. Probably all uses should be conditionti toint"t" adequate review by abutting ProPerty owners through the public i"tti"i"pt;"uit' There has been great interest by the adjoining p"op""iy-o'i"tt to date' t"a i" the Past two weeks I have received an inquirv ;i ;il";";i"t oi'tn" Al1 seasons condo developrnent and am owner of " "onao in the general area' Past contact has been with Dick Atlis, Manor Vai" A11 Seasons' tnl-o*tt""s of condominiuns in the area . Proposed Distric! Ski Base Facility and Recreation RedeveloPment District (SBFRR) Purpose The Ski Base Facility and Recreation Redevelopnent District is intended to provide for the !'rr""if.i'i"r"-i".iiities necessary to-operate the ski nountain. rn addition, sunner t"";;;;;;";t-t""t ana raclr;-ties should be c.nsidered to achieve joint use of ii"-i."iiities and provide for effective and efficient use #^;;; iu"iriti"'-' iite developrnent-standards are intended to allow for the redevelopnenl ol tle ;;i; P;;k Lase facilities and maintain ihu op"n space character south of the area' Pernitted Uses l,iot applicable in the SBFRR District f The following conditionaL uses shall be Permitted, of a conditional use permit in accordance with the Conditional Uses Children' sfograrn and School L Ptrrfle-Ski School ,/ / Restaurant *d *trncz. g,A?- /BAe_ il::l::,:'l; l"ii, * flr," J . u<D, Fr, Env'' oo*-2- ro/e/8r subject to issuance provisions of ChaPter 18.60: Town Recreation Offices -,t t L DaY Care Facilities-1r- | -' (tF[' Pro Shop Tennis 6-Ski repair, sales and accessories , - - ,, Qr0,,4"" One condorniniun unit with a naximun of 2,000 square feet Gross / f Residential Floor Area Dwelling units that are an accessory use within or attached to the principal structure used for ernployees -of Vail Associates (the nunber ana Cpin of such units to be deiermined by the Planning and Environrnental Conunission of the Town of Vail) Public parks, playgrounds and recreation facilities Ski lift and ski tows Pedestrian and bike Paths seasonal structures ot us"s to accornmodate educational 0r cultural activities Public theatb"s and neeting roons public utilities installation excluding transnission lines and pertinent equiPnent R. Public or private parking facilities or structures 3. 5TbaA6,c 6 ,,r4strrAtN 6Qur tu'tEut- k J.F-r, , Accessory uses S,'"* -'#*!-t('',,""rl- al"*\ < f A. Accessory be5fd' uses custonarily incidental^to4$diii'onal I ,"kuses. ?M.X,.M ' ns'r"*w_ L. M. N. 0, P. a. uses. Vt'-""-d*e{ /tr'-*,fr Area and site Dimentions f 'r,./ Thu ninimrn lot or site area shal1 be 13 acres with a minimum of 10 acres buildable area. Setbacksl;TaTSfnR District, the ni.ninun front setback shall be twenty feet, with the side and rear deternined by the Planning and Environrnental connission' HeigIt For a flat or mansard roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed thirty-fivefeet.Foraslopingroof,theheightofbuildingsshallnot exceed thirtY eight feet. d'iy SBFRR -3- r0/e/8r , Density ,,\ Not tnoref)1an o4'e copdoniniqm unitFh'{for eachf l3\acles of'rsi,te ar\a. ,9aid d square feet df GRFA. For empboy'ee unit conditional review .eed 2,000of the conditional u-se section. Coverage Not nore than five percent. of the total site area buil dings . shall be covered by Landscaping and Site Developnent All setbacks along a public street rnust be landscaped a other areasshall have natural. or fornal landscaping. Parking Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance rdith Chapter 18.52. No parking shall be located i,n any required setback area- exqffiuffi . beP n\tted by el ririg shAll no Secti-bfl- K Imn 75 south trontage rd. vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476.-7000 department of transPortation MEMO TO: Bob Parker, Charlie Gardner FROM: Jon EberleRE: Go1den Peak Development Plan DATE: 5/lI/8I In your consideration of the Golden Peak DeveloP-'ment Plan, please try very hard to seParate cars and buses. I recognize the necessity for a skier drop-off in the area but would suggest it be provided apart from the bus stop. This would prevent the frequent conges- tion in the area and actually reduce the number of buses required to offer peak hour service. The Tovtn is doing its best to provide exclusive bus lanes on the shuttle route whenever possible. Your assist.ance in this effort will greatly benefit public transportation in Vail . Thank vou.