HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B GOLDEN PEAK BASE 1982 LEGALMEMORANDIT4 T0: Dick Ryan FR0M: Ruth Cogan DATE: 9/9/82 RE: Gold Peak Redevel opment As I have discussed with you, my only concern with the Gold Peak Redeveloprent is with the restaurant/bar facilities. Once the existingbuilding is torn down they will no longer be covered by the grandfather clauses. Therefore, the new fac'ility must meet all sections of the Rules and Regulations Governing the Sanitation of Food Service Establish- ments of Colorado. I wi'|1 be happy to discuss the regulations and plan review with Vail Associates at their convenience. $h6"9 MEMORANDUM Septenber 3, .|982 TO:Rich Caplan, Jon Eberle, Pat Dick Duran, Steve Patterson, Jim Sayre, Ruth Cogan FR0M: Dick (yan e€. SUBJECT: Gold Peak redevelopment and Dodson, Skip Gordon, Russ Motta, Peter Patten, Peter Jannr, Cascade Village ski lift A couple of weeks ago I ret with Harry Frampton, and he said that Vail Associates were to start the planning process for the redevelopment of Gold Peak and theski lift for Cascade Village. I feel that we shou'ld start our thought process at the same time to see what we consider needed by the cormunity, what problems, constraints and opportunities there are at each location, and what impacts there nay be on cormunity faci'l ities and services. At the Gold Peak site I can see where the following items shou'ld be1ooked at: l. Improved bus drop off2. Areas for skier drop off3. Safe drop off for kids4. Do we want to change the location of the road--reduce the curve?5. Additional or improved or relocated recreational facjlitiesa. improved vo'l'ley ball courtb. tennis seating for tourneysc. improved access to the Vail Traild. bike path location 6. Improved parking 'layout and pedestrian walkways7. Relationships of Gold Peak facilities to the other side of the street8. Relationship to Ski Club Vail For the potentia'l Cascade Village ski lift, I can see the following issues: 1. Impact offor drop ?. P1fo"rr'rri,. Acequatelift.4. Cost to I if t on Town roads by adriitional ti"-::;. i;o c03-...ic Villageoff-a.td itional bus service for the l.Jest Vail areaparking for people who will want to park their cars and ride the the Town by providing parking spaces, new buses, etc. These are sorie of the,potential. changes,. impacts and opportunities that impactvail_in a. positive and negat_ive way.' t-et;s'gei-sii"t.i'io*l ,o that we willdevelop what is best for Vail. I-trrgrld appreciate your comments in writing on each area by septenrber 11,lggz.If I do not receive anything back, I assum6 you hive no coinnent. 75 loulh frontago road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 departmenl ot lransportallon/publlc works IO: Dick $an I:RCFI: $<ip Gotrn RE: Issrre of Golden Peak DAf,E: SepUsrlcer 3' 1982 I rculd realty lijce to see @Iden Peak re-done. Ttre bus stop needs to be inprorrcd ard cars need to be kept cnrt of tlle bus stop al€a. ltrat rIEa;Is no drcpoffs at the tr.rs stop- Ttrose need to be on the other side or r,re could designate arpther place for drop"'offs' I \dculd also like that ctrnze taken out for safety reasons and to rnake traffic Lun nDlre woottrly. Ihat cul:ve has alr'ays been a big problen with the hlses. Reqardjng cascade village, I \^rculd til<e to see uft jusb n:n thei-r bus foi Urenr-anA not add our cafit buses on ttre rroute. If I have to zut e:ctra hrses on ttre rcute, $len the ItcNn [^rill need to bu1' one or naldce t$D ne$r brses. o:r buses are getting older and I need all the bad<-up hrses I now tnve for nrstr-hour. So it Casca& Village is going to pressure us for npre busas at l{est Vail, tlen ve rrill havre to kook at brlyirlg additicrnl hrses. ,w ll ,1,,- /ts PEFI H {H3 Eesnlf $;"';VoFE og :EEgE i$EE9co'-.:-5E 9 o cqe:.3I EH:E; gEiEg E$Efr€ iEi*i F-o =ztYY ?g3 < E2 ?=-.1 <Eigt=Hooo:c 'Fgg 3FgbitP uJ =>G --.Y) C)Lz, OOz.* EtnS =COSI cn F Ldo =z. UJJ(J ril- @ d,-) t! U\ t! -)(J LlJ -J l! t! u- vl F z. lrl ='tlJ z. LIJUI&.do EO >2. >L!F{E (-) UJ<co ; G,ofZZU-o ootr ^ Azq 5 >eF9 OE .ttOCZr()8e Ar!<oq iH6 sEH 2'. : ulrN(, z a,t 9 Z*.coo =z=r) o-- P EEi ;H= nDn L Guto.It EE9,2E<ttf€aB9!a 'EE =>E dEE FEE =*E 659 lurE XO-E X>t q- o-i!E uJo F 3 --; tIra I ?lol r.ul cEl Jl <I>l |rIol =l9lFI =.1olull 5l al>lluol zl 3lolFI ootn tn .! : ii rlI'tlrlr.ltttolllltolI IJJIljlt<ll>lI ttlt"ltzl EFI oz outE J tlo2 =oF .Y .tt(u o- v (5 I !.o 5'('o =ii =z (Do-| I II'l" I I dq ct cJ =o o .a- c c lrJ z E <FCOuJ<zEr!F(rzo(J u. Fz ,"x>Y;C) =#:)F.-5 oFO EFz z T IJJ = E l,r =+.8 l-Oz <Oon3o!nn ar{ C\I ' !-{c)o ll,JF ro ulF @!oo1zo Fo-ulY Luo oF F c UJ o- lr'o coo I LrJFoz tr!! z o9 =adro2zffde ."38 -=trisr(-,- -!-ul6il= trKrl E =G,utct!oEq33€8EgEab9'=[ F H;E BftE ooE :H E HTo-irrE u,!0oF EI -E ts =E, UJ o- "z9.F C) =)g,Fozoo Ftt , oz E =E, uJa- llrlE ;€giffir SE;eJ I € E='gF igii,-s:eiiifl= !iEEg igiiE EEgg eotr-^ ;ncE 42iiE FttZJ3S(9(J2ClsEga3 o(Jo =>G 3ru =(o =Ib* BEtDOz>9('rJzu.<o1H6;oFOj a\i (,z J l! I J @ FoJ t! =z ctE, I \fi E \.1.Ys - ; =z I I Ill l"-ltlI i'<]t9mf, ultantull5tdt3| -.1t<l= x '*N\iL ,E()=g tl aalt !,JGoo J = o. F6 =g l! al0ll!l .,-l <l>l t!lol zl 3lotFi i\nl $! \cl.q \\c{s\ uiJ IIJF G ll. oz ol!G J lro 2;oF o 0tull cBl J >1r!qz =q F E TL oz qt uJG J t!o23oF uJJulF G uJz3o Fo UJ E () G, E, -rO<FE()ur<zE IIJ Fo8 o JE<oc)F fr3E!G c 2P eBfFd6 C) 6F F3 E6 GoGhsi+e FOzoO J<()f53=1 INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUEST VAIL &. DATE [ -1 INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON TUES AEl THUR FRI CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: ILDING:PLUMBING:' tr UNDERGROUND tr HOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB BUII uF trF N/F/bD;j trn trS o_ OOF & SFIEER tr GAS PIPING FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ' PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR OVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ,*ril"toN neouisr ,''f{.i.) (\' r OF VAIL l.'.. , "1'. i t,.'t DATE : I ,i T t". JOB NAME 'I CALLER TUES rHUR GFI-.,WED AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUItIBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB n tr tr FINAL IiIEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - tr tr FINAL tr o tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOb NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: TEMP. POWERB tr tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT -:;:.1:"--i t F FINAL a E,APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIFED I DATE ,, " t,' INSPECTOR / 262-4 I BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Juridiction of GOLDEN PEAK KITCHEN AND BAR Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. Vail Associates, Inc. Box 7, Vail, Colo- 8L657 FW 7th Filing (LlsEE Arr^cHEO !HErrl OIYNEi MAIL AoDAIsg zIP FHoNE2 Vail Associates, Inc. Box 7. Vail, Colo. 81657 476-560I coNTiacroi MAIL aooitss F80NE LtcENS! |lo.3 Vail Associates, Inc. Box 7, Vail, Colo. 476-56OL AF CH ITECT Oi OESIGNER MAI L ADDiESS 3707 Cherry Ck. N.""o*' 3 99-080 Denver. 80209 LtaEf{3E XO.4 Haller & Larson EI{GINEER MAI L AODiES S PXONE LICENSE NO. usE o7 6utLDtN67 Cafeteria and liquor sales 8 CIASS Of WOrK: E NEW tr AODITTON tr ALTEBATION tr NEPAIR tr MOVE tr REMOVE I Describework: Installation of kitchen and bar eguipment by VaiJ- Associates, Inc 10 Change of use from I I Vaf uation of work: $ IO ,942 .OO PLAN cHEcK FEE /J-{O PERMIT FEE y'7, o a SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Sizo of Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. Flro Sprlnklors Requlred Sy65 [N6""^7''3*^"*'" OFFSTREET PARKING SPACE5: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS AFE BEAUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUM8. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENC€D WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTFUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDEO OR ABANDONED FOB A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. SOI L REPORT ECK VALIDATION cK. M.O. CANARY - AUOIT '4t; WHEN PROPERLY DATED (IN THIS SPACE' THIS IS YOUR PEBMIT cAsH PERMIT VALIOATION cK. WHITE - I NSPECTOR PINK - APPLICANT GOLDENBOD - TEMP. F ILE l2oo ^, 2ro Novenber l, 1971 !nr. Ed Struble Butldlng Inspector llwn of Vall Vall, Colo. 81657 Egtiruated Kltchen & Bar Egulpnent For G,oldcn Peak Restaurant 1 stove $sso'oo I refrigorato{ (uged) 300.00 1 warming cebl.net (used) 250.00 I deep frycr (ueed) 150.oc stcan tablee (ured) 100.00 I kitchen glnk 385.00 1 ice nschlnc (used) 550-00 1. hood 2l5o.oo I firc protcctlon sycten 650.00 $51rs.00 IE' Bar Equipncnt I bar tabrc and back bar 91900'oo I undcr brr areenibly 400.00 1 becr cooler (uced) 200.00 I rcfrigcrator 50O'0O I becr cooler (walk in) 1400.00 $aatt.* IEI-E If you aced any norc lnfornation, pleaee fael frcc to call uc. Yourt glnecrely. . 'Otto stork, Food & Bsverage l'lgr.' .l +a $s8o. oo 300 .00 250.00 150 .00 100.00 385.00 550. OO 2150.00 650.00 If you need any more information, please feel free to call me. $slls .00 $1900 . O0 400 .00 200 .00 500 . oo 1400 . o0 $4400 . oo Otto Stork, Food & Beverage Mgr. oNE WALL STREET, VA|L, COLORADO AtO57 kod apuicea, inc,, u&i!,, calnzodo !e. Ed Struble Building Inspector Town of VaiI ,*tt. Colo. 81657 'Dear l4r. Struble: I stove 1 refrigerator (used) 1 warming cabinet (used) 1 deep fryer (used) steam tables (used) 1 kitchen sink 1 ice machine (used) I hood I fire protection system Bar Eguipment I bar table and back bar 1 under bar assembly 1 beer cooler (used) 1 refrigerator I beer cooler (walk in) Estimated Kitchen & Bar Eguipment For Golden Peak Restaurant November 1, L97I AREA COOE 909 476-560t