HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B GOLDEN PEAK BASE 1983 LEGAL,' I il I ciz E =G UJ6- t olol @l =flotli o oosl- a uJ u.lt! tr = UJ awT€L;V#XD o uJF z oz J od ozz NI [il ]qi ie/ liE rE I slE iil rE uJz3o ul'I F z UIGlFE o o 6 q) Eoo g) ! o E =:) ;'t E 6Q ^q,io:o!. a:4).:-o;_o ,i; 'ct i orri.s LN ^o 3l .F ru o ,ol P.oO,o'(I o. o atIoi E:'-1 -o!e!IE( 6. uia3:(!! E6s'= g) (r, g8E F,2 R, EEF P 6P.=;oe:5 :€Pts'! =c96 d63 uEi =r-l:soo iE c) 9'; eF5;.Y- (6 0-(5 o- sEE.9-o.5 9o, E6:Ee E E t-6 EE.E - 4,9:PP tr6 0'-.ic; dr i .|t O +.1 gEE I €Eii E:ql E; EJ .a'6 e I9E orcEg; - o (6: or.rl sfst o Ol(\l Oq |Jt (Y) oo o oo oori OO oo oo cf) G,gJ z J :< UJ oz J J 9 ForU u, z ao =J =I() uJ = UJu,Ez tr LU u,t o =u.|t uJ z 6 UJ o UJ z ul x F ula,l (t) ITJ UJu- F =E, lr.J J Fo F z dJ @ J EFogJ ut oz @ =J Iz o uJ = NO[vn'lvA tl9i " lrl =6s l#l = =FEI9 I o<alp; =F=h fi E f€ls E F E1' 2 tr < l! o- t!c oo ooo <f UJ llt< lg d -lzl trl<lEI 9.J I dl :l 3l 9u Jl<ltr zl zl .. >lo UJo L/Jq,zoF (r ll, -J zsF o Ol ol ,1, .lllol<!ldtrrto CLL<>og (o (f)(o {J.tJ co {JP at' P.tJ ao dl tr =F ut o rlJlJ cE Q uJz iF 2 F Jllt)z Illtl I Lzlz YO>FU<oo< > iir>E xr!bo<z U)Fz .. 9z -F,'ado3d t!o z (l z 6 GI 3dt i) z zeoo =zf,:f CL LL EBi A;E DD! uJF a) coo-tzo Fo- IJJv LrJo oFt =t UJ o- asl R=lx \.Jv-lr-l IJJF !r, \,,zo L IJJ t!o uJ()z (tto F E Jt-ul :-h= o- uJ>[ \J LL9o\UJx(!x>ilFJ t! uj @oF tro E Clo o ot .E t E Eoo rr\ o l-!'l-El=E -cL:o -E j i F =Elr,q. zIF()fEFazo() l. IU(u EL <, o(5 L(t (I, CL ! o(5 1'ooo(5 v,'o oq1 rii z d) I I Il.l* I I r)(4ru d CIf,<trEo ol =l€l3l.'=l -* :l . stl-l .Jfird.od>nIg5 I I I I +rl+rlolcI-lg-lol'il col I>l trl lltll-l - lslUt | .il6l zlololI url'ct I ccl "Elil*J ;| EI PI tlL4t I3t IFrl IF{l I,ll'it IPl ^l8t =lEl sl =l 1lsl 3lI r|-llollzl =31o< olILI FI tltltlt.ltillolI uJlItrltJlt<ll>l t6ltzl =t ;l(tst ..'lrr-t Fl rltlttIIllt.ltot| =.1tolI tll t5ltall>lj l|-lloltzl Et xt ILI FI I I I I .;l-l tul 5l =l|!l elr(r -lO<F(E()uJ<zE (nZo EF tTJJ OOz. l =< =JZrLo z T UJ E, F E z l- = L/ z <(Jao -.rt H ntrtr Vdi t <d^ e t&,-(*tt-(t' . f : I rl { f{': 3 s,:a :\' I ouiultt F =E uJG ,sl i= != $l $ J C)lttl.o(Jz 6J oulF z oz !fo .6 o =z t!Jul U' go(!() ct s 3. F A bl at, 0,o s,€o\ B E 15 (! 0)Eo O gl E dl E o =l o o o. (6 '.c) Q) pF Eg '.8 .=Eo o E qt o) '= oN o xo'F !) o CD ! ooo(u g Q .9 ! o c6 o3$ ;=ol:oo 5goct .2noUg)c EE-o&.-,i !tF'S=o(! 5t'; :rG=tEoo:o'-oor5i =!@o Eo€cL9u6C (,! 'v -.9(O+ -(5CE o'-;o-.co!Ect;=B'()>(ga (E: H669 EorEEO(')OG E' ((l E o G |tt o !t a!q) o (! (5t o)oto(D 3 : (! tto o sl) $il t \ N "d 0 s :),YI I a 0 o 0 0 \ \ o $ $ s $ q. \k n F =e. uJo- zo .o x uJ oz Jo- 9G o uJJ UJ z =J J z ut =u oE o co =g ruEzo v,t! F tn UJ z IJJ x F ulof ./)ul IJJ l! F =[u(L J Fot- z J 5 J F uJJ uJ z =J =o UJ = NOtrvnlv^ I uJF o JI,rdlF -fl* ; gs 55q =Eil 3 gr (9 $\= Qe =$ z Ei\ o- E9tn <t1>t? c)\JZrr-<(o*H6toFO ici 1,i JJI z9F f c o oeo \t!IL $ ss$ ao-llt z E o z tr UJF 3qJz a)Fzlz tr o =o !, F2 zfJt!3o o,u, Jo, UJ G oz 2 FI 6I t\* N nn ts$ llJf) aalllzx =F IU(L ) : \(s I $ = a o JI<l trl zl zl .. >-l ul ut UJz F UJ o- zIF \ \ .- z trv) t[tl lql: l'''ls*kl>og z Y G (|. I a ol T,?Ikt tilit * | 3 | zl : | ; I o s N zo9z_e 60 =zJO CL r,! DtnF tr: uJ o, o!! ulEO2zE<ctf60EeE9tt;a9 ! o.* => t- 'e)a)co Y ot ---,*-,) o N lt4 N iffoo= =83dd= a9 ! o.* =>:ul-5 E=o o,- E: >o E 659 \utE XO-r x>6:Fcl.1o-i!E UJ F I-- (,z J ll- eoa(J r P 7) ovl t; =z =:l(9| Hl dzl FI tltttltltlldllzlJsln.l cl )Jlqsl 4bltzl Ed /i z ,i uI J ttoz3oF c -rO<FG(Jur<zE4rFtrz-o O E 2? s3 =Fd5o z T (J ul = F() Lu E osb =+tFFo2 o(J <o(t an 'i' U-,JO Dflfl ,rr#"toN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr d'rrrunl tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR O FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR /: INSPECTION REQUEST -.1' ,.' 1,1 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON TUES FRI r-Ai,r-) errir TOWN OF VAIL CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR Vrrrunl FINAL ppRovED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED IRECTIONS: I INSPECTOR DATE l''/ 7 'i- INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t:,t;::. - !! t- /'"-1--\'TUES WED i THUR.,' FRI\- - READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON AM 6ALLER ,l'/.,t .,-' d, /, -. ,: '-': - , ,,'' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI 0 rRRuttrtc / Q-rEEt ' ,7. ' PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL D tr tr tr ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FIMAL tr FINAL ./..fr"tkreaoveo, CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ;.:' / -'i INSPECTOR :;:)::.. t.\ .i ,.1 ,1 DIREQUE VAIL /f/1r: ''a'{' i\i, ,/i J /rz/ ' tl' {,/'\c INSPEC-TI*OU, r1' { DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR PM o /' .,/ l.P ,r , BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr D tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr tr FINAL - tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: I. tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING F ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT r'1 tr SUPPLY AIB n tr FINAL tr FINAL {neenoveo " boRRecttoNs, tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE o = SE T3 I l--r to IE E/o a ;af;;;lS.9=aPE F.5 E F U. E gE,9:s: E;E SE :-oE 3d Efi:;;it:;i EFEgi gT;FE EiSsE rl<I;-| zl zl .. >lou,out llJz <D = (f t!(L J zs =o Ytr-c+,o;u2 u-'eoo+)I 6e6E8 6(E HF 3EE(/|z9llJ.r-o oz oul IC J l!oz3o F ol =.1ol IIJI :l al>l r|-Iol zl 3lotFI I I I el el ;l bl =l sgP <f x (oro I r\s IJf,l H3l 1HlFi Jl'e 3l lal cil =.1olurl 1l al>I rLlol zl 3lolFI llF(OCF\(lstu io r.o(o @ o(J (d>>E L L ut =z I I I l- I AulEI CIqI =() J(d (u CL (u! o z J lt (l,c so at' =+, c)lz(J t- JZ ao(l, CL c(uat o(5 'jj=z.oo E ir =*Eoz t = rr, 1t- =#)z('|-O z 'l- (Jt! = <F uJ<ZEUJFtrt Z-o() E () tlj il F u,JF lrJF at)ooazo Fo- 1!Y ulo of- tr Gluo|ro Goo I !H z.n9 z_e c00 =z=fJO O- lJ- ifio(J= =riet3 tr u,o- IJJ z oI =o- Jl-uJ-h=:Eo- lu>dOu-9o xo-:>fiF tr llJ F to Eooo ott .E 3 E Eo|) f\O =l l, T(D>Ff=E =c:qt -! ts =E, lrJGz9F(JfEj-u' zoo tr!! 5 eIf 3 DED VV"\ < ftt\et-(A--1" oo antrlt! u_F UJ ICEto lb lg lg t: l3 lr- ql:i CC \Jful TTz^9>(t< ><xxxx><xxxxx ><x ig?ci ir:-'\,q, dot E-oc) -€6.9 EE ;3pF (e -C9-.:o e (DiN()IoS 3= - ?--g ct\-='trO.E ia.t= )o lot)-::E rc0 o = o (g 'c) Q) iEFr|/|x(iu6iE; l(,'g35C() r- .:.:o.: 3€ .-r- : , i 9,JB.: ( -:-3:o.N (Ea! o; jooi -r )5sEi.: {_oLC-?r :-! ":p 4)o6B : () al) o-:Gld) l()f:3(D r(,|c .ge !.: !>.Eu49o9 .,*EFt-' ah 3)3';og) !t: gg6.6 =Ot/|gEE 5:3 EE3c.=- (! Esitrr-^ o.sc =: i:5-:9o iE5 i 3aiilE' :: U: iE e; i-C._.r; --- d-t c)- c .E E! a/, .v O..tco aoo65 (rl (l;: o:()*Ef *;; o-€.c (!-cc 3'i o o >r'=G!= X -l-!-tso_ o-iat;'o c:- 6).o - =@.t,lsi, !t:E6 =o) 6-r OEQl c .?l EE E.= .t Cr.; c,crr oaE € !-: = -.'oo. q)cr o- ( = q'p: (:- ci rs- ? !=t: (l)- ,g sio'u :- F1:JFrq'E rcF o,: -Co-aP o.r =|(!-c 3';(t :\G!;-=;ts!3.teEoccr O(,I(J 6.1 ID'IEt:tg Ttrtet€I E.tegcf;I E. f =rI :'; I cit:' I olI o?I g! I cc9;Eio-==OGo-(gF tt =Eo-6Ei;q)E o|o GC -a(g0 O0, €,E:dr:;3o Gt. tF(gE r>.9,-o o.9E,q)Elro( t- o UJ A. z luJ C' o o 3ql qJ z qt UJ IIJrlz F rlJE qJ E -J ogJ J tl, :< uj ().z an trJ UJ t+. F = UJ J F z f =>G 3 rrr =o zI ir O--=o.OF.EQ<3:>9()\rz o*{ul5a.o>oFOj.{ =l\ .. >l uJ ulu,zoF tuc J z 9L o uJo. lrio u, G UJzxo t:tct< ls l*!<lzlol oti :ll z F- lrrFJ 3 z o lrlo oz Y a|- (,z Flt o al,J s F Il F o z (5.=z-< coo =zd8 ."i5 6F*JC)^53d(DuJ> L .cuF.c-. t|-u.JOe .E* Zu)<\zfe.E oFXcolJFbr h--i-4> I o.:=El&rl:Fol\ tIlI .-d!l5-'lJ.,l\--*k n=rrl- coE. CLo at oE .E t E Eot o o, E |l,q q,! t- 'o)0,co )z l-.o 3,DDD -E' oz J t! (rt t- ._vl r!l H ql t Th o b I N =lolurl Gl il itol 3lolFI z ol! 51 <l>l bl 3 ! ,tt(JoJ EJO<FGOuJ<ze.UJFQzoo Fo UJ ts?()c JE69 f;Fl!=do gF gE d6 C) oF(J GFzoo 9z () t! = trtrD tc, /1/ I o,1..: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I NSP ECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES i WEO( ,." :-/ ( \. AM PM tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr tr HEATING CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR _g APPROVED .,tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ffi DATE INSPECTOR G' \t oz F =tuld bisiaISejE EIJ r i "glfl- r (') +rl I = H *EIH FEF t :S E E =F{g = 6H E F *fl z F tu z l F.DulE ,i F oE lrJ o() z i'ii Y<e6fTttP,rri u.{ g iP8<oz6Z:f a UJtoo J? C =oF H E+) cq.r-l H { F{.Fl cl ul =z sll'1 IEl I Et I sl J FI H H3 (, =Jtr t 2? s3fF d-zo() toFo EFzoc) z -oul = ot-tri) =+E t-o2 o & -tO<FEC)r!<zEUJFa6 C) oz F() ut-)ot TL o) Y(06t dt IIJF o Jzoz .r9ze dlo =zlfJc)(L LL EEi =HE co Eeoo oT' .E fr-t:-E=8F 61! lPO5pE>IF F =Eulo-z9F()fEFazo() nntr nEn Q,r[/e-'--' VzotlI \/ uil q o t I I I I Iu 6 I l-rllo It lot(t t4lO r= r.I) u-' L =E tU J FoF F -r/lo lrto (L l -i UJ (J otr. o .D u,l; C, UJo t,^:t lr- F9 o tt., o" l- o J !2( F(.) UJ E c(tu ct o !(-) C) o- tltz:< S] F it:i;T;T - <o|^!lei!rli.'lz-<';<or- i.i12:ct-rCt, < (-l. <UG,i.rf:'*rEi; <(,.slgjli.-,<o>_<o.-9lo:4<' I I 1,, t:i I I QI oF F o z o I I antt IIJtl- =2 Gllj o_ o A4 oz F{ u, o- antut-oz <)2 =o I I I I I I I o :: dl (J =F lrJ an F f F uJ E, I \l F v, J3(J G llJ (J anbz:lzotr O ./l9=acl =oocc(_) o(J tr'<l)rltttltt .n tsz (Jz =t!- 1-o<5 a z E z9 F ll, Z Ft|.tJo c;z t'I' I I Eut3o.r. \ :)F F d zot :)o (t (J d $ .J q u\ ulolc( crl.rl -{ .rt:l =.>e, - I..9'=uJ.t =' (ll (\r rJollva'lvA h oi tlJ lr.o ul o. l' h l2 .a- rrt:)J ?d ur UI o- F FIo i vl cr!F < c;oo .( Jo vl (,F LU :tr zI F J z (,z =cc G.o lrJg irj oo (,'2.vri- trlr?3 =d.oUJ uJ+crteG9t,|"rOoTZ() uto- t- zzoo Xf,;ooFEvr0z>-oo0()zrr<o o-- f,o>(JFOjN'tu ttl ar,J ^-J!!<r-:?=o3F'9 u, o.c :<J(o Jz,ozIF ozfo ,rl- 9'A (,z co :) Jo- D c Q' Eo-Iq, au't) .:c5 E Eot) o a: I: t: (r()() j .( (f()() D >- ll (a C) c).( :,(? F-:o= -, tl. J.t sig 1I :j sl i;:, L'! I t, -:)< (, :.: t-() lll !qo t'|.oz9t- g()vl auo J Gtrtz r'll oi:it .. INSP o EC TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOB LOCATION: AM PM B tr tr tr tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT trF trc tr- CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL E] APPROVED GORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR Mr. Richard CaPlan Town Manager Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail-, Colorado 8L657 Dear Rich: The Town of vail asked vaiL Associates, Inc. to address " "*U.i oi fo"g-tui* i""nus of mutual concern in July L982. Vail Associatesl Inc' has been able to make substantive progress on a number of the issues raised and I am pleased 'to 6" able to pro.ria. the Town of Vail lvith a suutary of our progress on several of these today. our attached coneeptual Plan For Golden feak.Redevelopmentaddreises all the ffiexation issues as well. Redevelopmenc of Golden t"onGilDEhe- single most needed facility "pgi.a" project in'ff aE least insofar as sti-iefated fati-lities are concerned. The existing Golden Peak complex, representing as it e;;; *;;y of-our Eustomers' lii"t-i"troductibn ro Vail M.ungain, is significantly beloqi t'world class" resort standards. Along with Golden Peak, there,is a complex "can of wor-si' of"other i""n"" between Vail Associates and the Tovm ihac needs to be resolveC, if Lhe colnPany and the Town are ro move forward i;;;-ift"-ttigftfy competiEive environment of tHe 8Oi" "" major players on a-unified, connnunity team' It was with this in rnind that Vail Associates has attemilei-io addre"r-""-*""y of these elernenLs as.possible, i;-;-t;ilrehensive package -lttrictr beneiits, we believe' boEh if,e "o**i"ity and-ti"-"ofip""V. The Torsn'i, and-in fact the rii"i""""*"i""it-yt" concurrence must be obtained if the Golden Peak project is Eo go forward. I have outtined the key elements of the- proposal to reaerrefop'Cofden-iieui. at wci.l as resolving tha land dedication and annei<.aLion issues as follows: \AilAssociares' Creaton and Oni:rators of Vaii and llcarur Creek llay 2, 1983 post Officc Box 7 . Vril, Cok'rir.il' S l(\5S . { J0J )+7()- i(,il l{.ay 2, 1983 Page Two Vail Associates would Town of Vail would: deve, 12 to 24 res s ble in l) Agree to a new ski axeaf recreational Golden Peak and th{L -onsH skier runout areas. Golden Peak zone would include the annexed l'1i11 Creek Eagle County parcel. \'-,rfA-or,med s tream tract/ opensspace properties to the TOV, a:and a TOV buy-out of the:.femaining VA-owned golf coursea-*areas, at Ehe discountec:of-.the existing I::ig:in the vicinit 6).'-Agree Eo negotiated EE-trfl6ment : -of -remainins odd-parcel Drorrer-of -remaining odd-parcel property 1) Support the creation of zoning category called Base Area-Recreational RedevelopmenL Zone" for Peak and LionsHead'/-:--\42) Incorporate si(x (6lhesidential units- in the Gbtd-en Peak ski base area/recreational zoning. Support VA in the aoProvals process for the develoPmenEof a new Golden Peak basefacility including si*' for-sale residential units. J Support VA in obtaining, if the market permiEs, Industrial Revenue Bond funding for at least $3.7 urillion of Golden Peak non-condominium costs or in other rrays agreeable to eachparty assist VA in funding the proj ecE. Agree to support VA in obtaining rezoning within the TOV of VAI's Spraddle Creek property, such chat it would be legally base a nevt "ski Golden 2) -Agree to annex to the TOV the Suraddle Creek and Mill CreekEigle 9_oqlty parcels 3) -,31-:pu61""te the North Anl-holEz-r/,/ (west of Tovrn Shops) paF.ceT' :to the TOV. ---'' (The preceding actions relate:to- 14 residential units as -:zon6E- in Eagle County or inVail: Spraddle Creek (l), 5)I Mitl Creek (1), North Antholtz 4) t a : S)--:_tgr.u to a definitive schedufecbf:dedication of all remainin\derren fl r approximatelyential units,the densities found the platting process -.issues with TOV, i.e.: Concert:--HalI steps, i"*is Town Hous. ',,.,,r, s :gtreeE , Bootl'r Creek tennis L'i,.* \)i : court area , e tc . ft' ,,t), , ./,4" s{ whichof $150, 0 (It is undersEood that costs associated with the convey- ance of the properties inall of the foregoing would be -met by the re_cipient.) I -wou1d like to gmphasize that no parg-9f t-he foregoing propo-sal coulil or woul{- be aecomplished unlEbs all elements qi ille tgla-f P-f p9.s9].pe59 gonfiimed and consurunated. -B) l(ay 2, 1983 Page Three Vail Associates would: ( 9) -Nggo,tiate -new, reasonable, lhgirgh nominal gontracEs,/ !99_s-es w.I.!h !9V and/or 'Vir+l x'ecr_e_ation D-istrict ggga5ding tennis,- tbt=l-ot p_r- ggher Town*-r9-Jgte d gegFea!+q.4al g-s,eq .oF V.A FF.opg:rEy. Sincerely, VAIL Robert Senior , INC. 'l{. - Parker Vice PresidenE Rr,rPlkt oo.1 rA ..1 o c/l (,otr5Nc)OAu,do'.r o '.\ € '.'l .lrOlJ () l'.r (/) (d OOt{AJ Hrdr! hcoo v)5C) O Ed (ur'r (/) t-1.1 O.u --r B |{s)ooo +J.;oz vr:) ll ao 'r'{! ['{o l.{ >.p o(J o F{ b0(d I .-\ !'Ho HZZ FJ M r'1 A Fl14Fl :z D AF4 T4HTTIHFJr:lOMM>AFap4Fq()C) td E IJF '1- = P 6 FJ z !., E EJ-l53_ gl. zrv *lzt)Y o ".J9H F=a".- I,Efiq iiH \ lrlo1o =z>J sfi a\ \ a t I a I E E I L g F U)tEoEu- 9dE6 HET.Z = s z =F t-a Lrl& trlLi{Ez- E<TZ B r33HS 33S 3 11H3tYn 'ol rU) TUE rrr.UJJ *o l! t- =<TZ B t! 9i t t iEjjri {! nI 'z .1 .) ffi @ '.-. : :\\i ) (' I fi I | .al ---t_t' ti j\ I .a-:" o '-) l ItI FI ._LI o o q o o.$ p c_! i--?--r, --1 -f 9 I -gto:b_-+>".r. trr eei . tFher 3.6 i*T | ..'- l\ t_ Il' ^tO otI iJ -tI -.t |i -Qi g,q* lv>i< I i i: .aII i i ; i' : t' : ''jl 'tr'l I E-t -^ ' i'!'; r. :,1. r{ii:.:(r .-.'.' :: :, n:-tf+l; l+.'^.'i /i;i+f'.:i*nI4.. , ,'i j."..1 i1.':t"'yi),*':.! ': .,4' ? :#:.!n :!.i.-.1-,{r t3' ,$,.1:.1 ri.''..-X't": ;,rt;'',-li.,:. 'l.r i'r. r r;.;:,1-1.t ', t,:-':.r: 7i, -.^ i ii,{i.ri r tl.'. i., itJIti;'lf .J.' ,r" \, .:{it^ tl ./,tl .l.,.|,,.I I t'l ,.1 t-! ,L:r I tri.f,"lv'7 . -.y./ i '.. --"-! / , - --- ./,!--r'' ) i. lI.*--- i\ ( GOLOTN PEAI( P.EDEVILOPI4ENT PRO F0:1i'1A AREA SUi'liYARY FIRST FLOOR Ski Renta'l ShoP Accessori es Sal es,/Repa j rs Pub]ic Lockers (560) Publ ic Restrooms Video Arcadepublic Circulation (Arcade) Subtotal - PUBLIC SPACE Condomini um Garages-' Condomini un C ircul ation Subtotal Condomini ums TOTAL - FIRST FLOOR ( Jack D. Hunn April 25, 1983 PAGE 1 OF 4 Employee Locker Room Empl oyee Restrooins/Shovter Employee SPorts Medicjne Ski Storage/l'lax Room Meeting Rooms/Audio Visual Kitchen Storage, Loading Dock' Freight Elevator & Tra5b Room Employee Circulabion Methani cal /E I ectri cal /Te1 ep hone Janitorial Subtotal - 0PERATI0NS NSF 1,764 908 1,720 1,097 GSF 1, 760 908 1,200 1,720 1,097 4,315 2,906 1,500 1, 240 L,625 ':1!' 2,O72 642 I, D+J 28 -.r 2,906 1 ,500 r,240 r,625 1 ,468 2,072 642 1, 543 28 5,485 13,024 484 18,993 HSF 484 1,200 484 25,708 GSF 13,02.i ( GOL DEII PEAT.. P.EDSVELOPI4Ei'IT PRO FO?.iIA F.RIA SUiI'IIARY sEcolto FL00R Ticket Sales Ski School Instructor Check-0ut Bratsk el I er Smal l l,lorl d Subtotal - M0UNTAIN OPERATIONS Din'ing (200 seats ) Apres Ski (100 seats) Scramble Cafeteria K i tchen Manager's Officer EmploYee Restroo:ns Scu'l I erY Storage Convenbion Storage Bar Accessories Sales/Storage Erployee Circulation Public Circulation PubIic Arcade Subtotal - F000 Mechanical Electrical Electrical Roqn Jani tori al Subtotal - BACI(-OF-THE- HOUSE Condomi ni um Circul ation subtotal - c0lltJMINIUl'is TOTAL - SECOND FLOOR (( PAGE ?0F1(. ., NSF L,127 1 ,430 484 2,238 896 GSF L,L27 1,430 484 2,238 896 2,10? L,979 L,6L2 789 120 144 375 484 324 150 314 891 900 6,1756,175 2,r02 I,979 1,6L2 789 120 144 375 484 324 150 314 891 SERV I CE Chase 9,2U 460 16,006 NSF 10,184 267 668 17,294 GSF 30 57 180 30 57 87 460 668 ( GOLDTN PEAK REDEVTLOPI4EIIT PRO FOIII4A AREA SUi'ii4I\RY THIRHLOOR Condominium #1 Condorninium #2 Condonri ni urn #3 Condominium #4 Condominium #5 Condonini uinl#6 Subt6tal' -' COND0MINIW Condomi ni um Ciicul ation Trash Room Bal con i es Chase Space sintotat' - coNDoMINIUivl. CIRCULATION (C (. NSF 2,595 2,052 1,144 1,042 L,2Zl 1,985 1,128 -_:' 10,0 39 1 ,1.64 11,203 NSF .PAGE 3 OF 1 10,129 4,228 14,357 GSF GSF 2,610 2,067 1, 159 1 ,057l, 236 2r000 1,336 JO 2,788 68 TOTAL.- THIRO'FLOOR = TOURfl.HtOOR Condominium #1 Condomi ni urn #2 Condomini un #3 Condominium #4 Condominiun #5 Condom'i ni um #6 Ba'lcony ChimneY Stai rs 1,226 1,226 1,013 863 1,013 ,r_?!, 1, 570 1, 570 1,092 942 1 ,092 1, 290 160 I ncl I ncl TOTAI - FOURTH FLOOR 6,552 NSF 7,715 GSF { t C(( GOLDEN PEAK REDEVELOPMENT PRO FORI,IA AREA SUI'IMARY AREA SUI4IIARY . BUILDING COMPOSITE First Floor Second Floor Third Floor Fourth F'loor TOTAL AREA SUMMARY .CoNDoMI NI Ufs PAGE 4 OF 4. C NSF 18,993. 16,006 11, 203 6,552 3RD FLOOR GSF 25,708 t7,294 14,357 7,7L6 52,754 NSF 10,039 65,075 6SF Condomi ni um Condomi ni um Condomi n i um Condomi ni um Condomi ni um Condomi ni um TOTAL #1 #2 #3 #4 #s #6 2,595 2,052 1, 144'1,042 L,221 1,985 L,226 1,226 1,013s3 1,013 1,221 4TH FLOOR TOTAL 3,621 3,?78 7,157 1,905 2,234 3,206 6,552 16,591 /t" viItlIill i,/ i HHE uJ t! uJ Es2 -J- -5 -tao-0-0. Oo@ ry ..\ ) v g.tt'1 A. (Jtsz Fl P{|r'lFl ) t/zfis DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS WIIERBAST vall Agsoclatesr lnc', a colorado corporarlon ("Declarant")' ls the owner of all of the land descrlbed ln ExhibtC A, atEached hereto and by reference lncorporated llereln (the "SubJect Land" ); and WHEREAS, lbe SubJect land locluCes a subst.antlal porElon of land ln- cluded wlthln the Vall Village Ftfth Ftllng, according to the recorded Plat thereof, Eagle County, Colorado ("Flfth Ftling"); and I,IHEREAS, Simultaneously with the execution hereof, those certain Protec-- ttve Covenants of Vall Vlllage Ftfth Ftling, flled of record on l{ovenber 19, 1965, in Book 187 aE Page 35t (Ehe "Flfth Flllng Procective covenancs"), have been aoended ln order to further establish and rnalntaln the character and value of the real proPerty lncluded w-tthin such flling; and I^IHEREAS, Declarant cooteiDplates thaE Chat PorEton of the Subj ect Land described i.n E:<hibit. B, at,tached hereEo and by reference lncorporated herein (ttre " Inproved Parcel"), w111 be ioproved by the conscrucElon of a prlnary structure or 6Eructures (the "fbin Bullding") and certaln accessory lnprove- rnenEs I and WIIEREAS, Declarant deslres to create certaln proEectlve covenants affecttng the Subject Land wlth wtrlch Co lnpose land use rest.rlctlons and in- sure Ehe contlnued exlstence of permanent green areas and open spaces for the beneflt of all of the present and future ownera of the SubJect Iand and che ordners of land descrlbed as follows ("Beneftted land"): Iots 1-ll lnclustve and 1o t.s 13-19 lnclustve, Block I' and Iocs l-15 inclusive, Block 4, Vall Vlllage trarst tlling; Iots l-9 tncluslve, Vall VLllage Fourth Flling; Iots A, Br P-lr P-3 and 3, Block 3, Vall Vlllage Ftfth Ftllng; and lote A, B and C, Block 1r Vall Vlllage Seventh Flllng, accordlng Eo the recorded Plat Ehereof, County of Eag1e. No^t, TIIERSF0RE, ln conelderatlon of the premlses, DeclaranE, for ltself and lCs grant.ees, successore and asslgnS, doeS hereby iropose r establlsh, pub- llsh, acknowledge, declare and creaEe the followlng ProEective covenants for t.he benefit of all persons who nay non own or hereafter acqulre a fee silple ownershlp lnteresg ln the SubJ ect Iand and Beneflted Land, all of vitrlch cove- nants shall be deened Co run wlth aod be blndlng upon the Subj ect Land and to lnure to Ehe benefit of the subjecc land, Beneflted land, and any owner thereof. I. LAND USE.lhe Subj ect Iand nay be used only for the followlng: the Main Bulldlng located on the Inproved Parcel I Skl Iocker s/ nnployee locker Rooms Ski School and Skl Pacrol Faclllrles Ltfr Tlcket Sales Tennls Pro Shop Skl Repatr, RenEal, Sales and Accessories Rest,aurant/ Bar/ Snack Bar/ Candy Sales Winter Seasonal Ski School Relaced Child Care and Chlldrent s Slct School and Appurtenan! Recreatlonal Facllities and Programs Surmer Seasonal Town of Vail RecreacLon Offices l,leeEtng Rooms for Declaranc and Couununicy-Orlented Org anL zat lons I.l Wlthln 1.1. r l. r.2 l.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6 1. 1.7 l. t.8 l. 1.9 ^l I l. I.10 InJury Prevention and Rehabillcaclon Facllities for Declarantr s uge 1.1.11 Basket Rental 1.1.12 Speclal Conmunlt.Y Events 1.1.13 Slx (6) Multl-Farnlly Dwelling Unlts wlthin the l4aln Bullding I.2 Ttre followlng uses outslde of the ltain Bullding located on the Subj ect Land: 1.2.1 Ski Tralls, SloPee and Llfts L.2.2 Snormaklng Facilltles I.2.3 Bus aod Skler Drop-Off wlthin Ehe InProved Parcel 1.2.4 Sur face Parking Iots wtthln the Improved Parcel 1.2.5 Skl Raclng FaclllEles L.2.6 Public Park, ToE lot, Tennis and Volleyball Courts and Playlng Fleld I.2.7 b<isttng Water Treatment and Storage Facilitles f.2.8 Mountaln Storage Bulldings llmlted to thelr Present slze and general locatLon 1.2.9 Skl School ActivlEles l. 2. 10 Special ComrnunltY Event s 1.2.11 outdoor bar aad barbecue on Ehe south slde terrace of che Maln Bulldtng. 1.3 The following u8es, subJect to DeclaranEr s having been issued a condltlonal use permlt (lf requlred, or lf not required, provlded Declarant sha1l have obtal-ned speclflc approval therefor frou the Vail Torqn Councll) r l-n accordance wlth the appLicable provlelons of the Vail Municlpal Code: 1.3.1 RecreaElon RoonL/ l[ioor Arcade I.3.2 Addltlonal SEorage Butldlngs for lbuntaln Equl pnent f.3.3 Sumner Outdoor SEorage for Mountain Equlpment 1.3.4 Redevelo prnenE of l{ater Storage ExEractlon and Treatmenc Facll ttles 1.3.5 Redevelop,ment of Sl<1 Raclng Facilities 1.3.6 Redevelopnent of Rrbllc Parks, Playgrounds L.3.7 Summer Seasonal Connualty Offlces and Programs 1.3.8 Public or Prlvate Parklng Structureg f.3.9 Seasonal stfuctures to accomrnodate aEhletic' cultural' or educaEional services 1.3.10 Redevelo ptent of skl Llfts and Tows requlrlng a coaEe- rlal change fron Ehe Present configuraElon' 1.3.11 Underground parklng structure located wlEhln Ehe perl- rueE.ers of Ehe land descrlbed in ExhiblE C' aEtached hereto and by reference incorporated herelnr together -2- -fith reasonable access thereco ' provided thaE the e*is t.ence of any such structure shall not raEerlally affecc the exlstlng elevaElon and grade of such land. I.4 Accessory uses custonarLly lncldental to those descrlbed ln paragraphs l.l, 1.2 and 1.3 above. f.5 llome occupacioos, subJect to the issuance of a horle occupallon perolE, ln accordance wlth appllcable provlsions of the Vall lfunlclpal Code. f.6 The followlng shall be prohlbited uses on the SrbJect land: 1.6.1 Retall sales establistments other than as authorized 1n Sectlon 18.39.080 of utre Vail }funicipal Code L.6.2 A11 other comnercLal uses or facillties other than as perillELed ln Sectlons 18.39.030' 18.39.050 and f8.39.070 of che Vail Municipal Code f.6.3 Dwelllng Unltc ouEslde of the Maln Buildlng i.6.4 Any surface parking, parklng structure or use descrlbed ln paragraph l. I above outslde of the Inproved Parcel , except as nay be perolEted as a condiEional use pursuant to paragraPh 1.3.11 above 1.6.5 Anlmal and/or Llvestock Corals or Barns f.6.6 Speclalty Food Establlstunents L.6.7 Surface Parklng beyond the approved DeveloEnent Plan 1.6.8 Alplne Sllde f.6.9 Enclosed or covered Eennis or volleyball courts 1.6.10 Any other use oot permlEted for or allowed as descrlbed in paragraphe l.l, I.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 above 2. NUISANCE. No ooxious or offensive activity shall be carried on nor etrall any*r-fflEfdone or perrnicted wtrtch shall consciEuEe a publlc nuisance on the SubJ ect Land. 3. EFFECT AND DUMTION OF COVENANTS. The condltlons, restrlctlons, stlpulattons, agreenents lnd covenants contalned hereln shall be for the benefic of each tract lying wlchin Che Subject Land and Beneflted Land and each owner of property rheiel-n, and shall cootlnue in full force and effect untll January L, 1999, at whlch tlme they shall be autonatlcally extended for flve (5) successlve terrns of Een (10) years each. 4. AMENDI{ENT. lhe conditlons, restrlctions, stipulatl-oos ' agreertrenta and covenai6-E6ffi1ned hereln shall nou be walved, abandoned, tennlnated or amend ed except by wrigten conaent of fhe owners of (a) 7 57" of Ehe prlvaEely owned land within the Subject land, and $) 75% of the privately owned land rJ'l f,hln the Benef ited Land, as the s.rne nay then be shown by Ehe publlc rec- ords on file in the offlce of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Co lorado . 5. CONTROLLING LANGUAGE. That as and where there nay be incooslstency orcoof11c@rPre!ac1onbecweenthisDeclaraEionofProcec- tlve CovenanEs and the Ftfth Ftliqg Protectlve Covenants, as anended, the provisloos cont.alned wlEhln Ehis Declaracion of ProEecElve Covenants shall govern and concrol. 6. EN?ORCEIIENT. If any person shall vlolate or ttrreaEeo to vlolate any of ftreli6vfsfons of Ehis lnstrumenE, lt shall be lawful for any persoo or persons ownlng real property rdthin the Subject land or Beneflted Iand Eo lnsiltuCe proceedlngs aE law or ln equlEy to enforce the provislons of thls Lnst,rurent, to enjoin the person vlolatlng or EhreaEening Eo violate them and to recover damages, actual and punltlve for such vlolatlons. -3- :. lt 7. SEVEMBILITY. Invalidation of any one or oore of the provlsions of chis tns trGffi-5!$f,-gpelrE. or court order or decree shall ln no wlse affect any of the ocher provlslons hereof which sha11 retlail'l ln full force and effect. IN WITNESS WI{EREOF, the underslgned' hereunto set lts hand and seal Ehls 2Othday being the DeclaranE hereln, has of December , 1983. AI,,I[,ST: vArL AssocrATEs, rNc., a Co lorado Co rporaElon ( "DEC lnstrurent wae acknowledged before me thls z1t!n day of , 1983, by }brry H. Frarnpton III, as Presldent, and by , as @ SecretarY of Vail As sociates ,Inc., a Co lorado Or rporat.ion , as Ile clarant . WITNESS MY I{AND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. t*{y Cornml-s s lon explres : 6-27-84 MORTGAGEE:REPUBLICBANK DALLAS, N.A. as Admj-nistrative Lender for itself and Continental I11lnois National Bank & Trust Company of Chlcago, First Interstate Bank of Denver, N.A., Bankers TrusE Company and First National Bank of Minneapolis STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS SI'ATE UF COLOMDO COUNTY OF EAGLE lhe foregoing December )) ss: ) )ss I The foregoing Certi.ficate of acknowledqed before me this 8thbv - tletlt i. !qyu-Hi':?'Gff "*'Il'l.iil "urr 3,ri{r.3h Address 2207 Longwood Lane@ Mv corrnission expires:8/26/86 Witness mv hand and seal. Pr es id enE Address Pres iden t -4- EXHIBIT A (Attached hereto and forming a part hereof of Covenants dated December 20, 1983.) on of ProEective ENTIRE GOLDEN PEAK PARCELD$IBIT A A tract of land located ln Sectlon 8, Tovushlp 5 South, Range 80 lJest, 6th Prlnclpal Uerldlan, Eagle County, Colorado belng a porclon of Tract B,Vall Vlllage Seventh F1l1ng as recorded 1o the Offlce of the. Eagle County Clerk and Recorder Decenber 1.7, 1965, flle no. 102780; Trac{ F. AnendedVall Vlllage Flfth Ftllng as recorded 1n the Offlce of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder Novenber 15, 1965 flle no. 102538 and an unplaced parcel of land located ln the SWl/4NWf/4 and the S1/2N81/4 of said Secrlon 8, belng uorepartlcularly descrlbed as fo1lor.rs: BEGINNING ac a polnt on the East ltne of the SE 1/4 NW f/4 of sald Sectlon 8, whence the NE corner of said SE I/4 Nw 1/4 bears NorEh 00"01 '06" Vest, 274.44 feet, said polnc belng on Ehe Sourherly rlght-of-lray 1lne of Vail Valley Drive and on a curve !o the lefc; THENCE 154.79 feet along the arc of said curve having a delca of 53'57'15", a radlus of 175.00 feec and a chord bearing Souch 48'22'32" Easr, 158,77 feec; THENCE South 75"21'06" Easr,2l5.00 feet along sald Sourherly right-of-vay llne to a pol.ot of curve to the rlghr; THENCE 34.90 feec along said curve havlng a delta of 16"00'00", a radius of 125.00 feec and a chord bearing Souch 67o21'06" East, 34.79 feet; THENCE South 59o21'06" Easc, 40,00 faer Eo a poinc on the liesterly boundary line oi a 0.255 acre parcel of land; THEIiCE along che boundary of said parcel che following courses; Souch 30'38'54" Ltesr, 90.00 feec; Sourh 67ollt35" East, 155.28 feec; North 07"34'57" Easr, 90.00 feer ro a poin! on the Southerly righr-of-way line of Vail Valley Drive; THENCE along said righr-of-way llne South 82'25'03" East, 128.00 feec !o a poinc; THENCE deparcing sald rlghc-of-way line Souch 01"19'57" Hest' 357.45 feet to a polnt on Ehe Souch boundary line of sald Vail Village Sevenrh Filing; THENCE a)-ong sald boundary llne the following courses; South 79"?O'05" Easc, I35.I0 feer, Norch 89"42'37" Easc,515.00 feet, Souch 80"32'23" East, 355.00 feer, North 82"58'00" East, f05.00 feet to a point on the WesE boundary line of VaiI Village Tench Filing as recorded ln che Offlce of che Eagle Counly Clerk and Recorder Aprll 11, 1973, File no. 1234383; THEI.:CE South 07o02'00" Easc, 354.78 feec along said boundary line ro a poinc on the Easr-lirst Centerline of said Secrion 8; THENCE South 89'42t37" l"esc, 3086.04 it'ct tr.r a point; Titiltici: North 00o09'00" l.lesc, 876.50 f ee! ro a poinc on Ehe Soucherly bouncary Ijne oI VaiI \rilla.rq Firsc Filing as recorded ln the Office of the E;rgle Ctiunt)' Clerk and Recorder August 6, 1962, Flle no. 96382; THE.r*CE alt.n3 s; i ' rrrundrr)' line Sourh 62o28'00" Easc, 6f1,50 feet; Souch 80"00'C0" Easr, 1..,.". iee!; Norti: 32"29'00" Easc, 405. 19 feec; North 13"50'18" Wesr, 202,56 fctt; \orcir 70o30'00" \iesE, 16I.92 feec to a poinE on a curve to lhe righc; Tlii:l:cE S1.15 fcet along the arc of said curve having a delEa of 28"43 r00", a radius o: 161.92 ieet and a chord bearing Norch 33o51t16'r EasE, 8O.31 feet Eo a po,int 3f rever-se curve. Co the lefE; T}{ENCE 9,24 fee! along the arc of said curve, ireving a delca of 03"11'13", a radius of 166.05 feer and a chord bearing r.-orrh {5"36'56" EasE, 9.2i feer; THENCE North 45o35r44" Easr, 84.80 feec toq point of curve co the rlght on the Southerly right-of-Lray llne of Gore Creer Road; THE\CilZg.fC feec along the arc of said curve havlng a delEa of 80o36'13" and a radius of 20.00 feet to a polnt of curve to the lefc; TIiENCE along saiil Southerly right-of-uay line, 120.50 feet on the arc of said curve having a delca of 30"41f09", a radius of 225.00 feet and a c5ord bearlng South 59o08r34'r East, 119.07 feet to a polnt; THENCE Soutb 84'29r09t'Easc, 171 .80 feet _a_!ong said Southerlv rlght-of'wa)' Uqg_!o_-!_pobt:of:'qurvq_ to ^t!re- lef t; IHENCE 104.25 feet along eald Southerly rlght-of-uay llne on the arc of sald curve havlog 8 de1t8 oE L19"27t44", a radlus of 50.00 feet and a chord bearlng South 84"29109" East, 86.37 feet; THENCE South 84'29'09" Easc, 53.99 feet along the Southerly rlght-of-way line of Gore Creelc Road to a polot of curve to the rlght; THENCE 131.58 feet along the llesterly rlght-of-way llne of Vall Vlllage Drlve on the arc of sald curve havlug a delta of 90o38103", a radlus of 83.18 feet and a chord bearlng South 39o10r07'r East, 118.28 feet to a polnt of curve to the left; IIIENCE 84.13 feet along sald lleeterLy rlght-of-rtay line on the arc of aald curve havlng a delta of 27o32t45r', a radlus of 175.00 feet and a chord bearing Souch 07"37'28" Baet, 83.33 feet to the POINT 0F BEGLNNING contalnlng 49.835 acres Eore or lesa. INOTE: Thls parcel does not close uelng the recorded plat of the Anended , Plat of Vall Vlllage, Fifth Ftllng; Vall Vlllage, Flrst Flling; Va1l Village, Seventh Fillng, and Vall Vlllage, Tenth Fillng as recorded ln rhe Offlce of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. The acreage rlas coDPuted uslng a delta of 76o03t30" and ar arc length of 26.55 feet. o Declarat i (Attached hereto Covenants dat.ed and forming December 20, EXHIB]T B a parE hereof 1983. ) of Declaration of Protective EXII IB IT B IMPROVED PARCEL A tract of land located in Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 30 i.'c:t, 6th Pri,ncir.lal -'l.eri,Jian, Eegle County, ColoraCo being a portion of Tract B, V,ril vj.llage Scventh FiIing as recorded in the Of f icc .i: i-.re Ee<;le Cotrnty Clerk and Recorder December 17, 1955, f ile no. 102 7,]0 ; Tract F, Anrended Vail VilIaEe Fifth Fili,ng as recorded in the O:flr:e of the Ergle County Clerk and Recorder |lovember 15, L965, file .ro. 102536 nrorc oarti.cula rIv desCr:-tred as follows: BEGII;NII.IG at a point on the Southerly right-of-way li;re of VarI Valley Dri.re whence the NE corner of said SE.kNWl bears North 24 07 '21" West, 432.91 feet; THENCE the folloeting courses to a point on the Easterly right-of-way line of Mill Creek Circle; 1) south 49'18r16" west, 85.71 feeti 2) South 90"00r00" west, 43.00 feet; 3) North 84"17'39" West, 43.26 feet; 4) North 6S'11'55" West, 80.78 feet; 5) North 38"39t35" lrle'st, 32-02 feet; 6) North 86" 28 '43" West., 195.37 feet; 7) North 37"0Br4B" West' 41.40 feet; 8) West, 50.00 feet; 9) North 78" 4L'24" West, 50.99 feet; LO) North 68'11 '55" West, 53.85 feet; 10A) North 53'07r48" West, 25.00 feet; 1f) North 26'44r44" West, 26.97 feet; L2) North o6'18'13" west,26.o7 feet; 13) North 20'oo feet; 14) North 26'33'54" west, 44.72 feet; f5) North 52'25'53" West, 82.01 feet; 16) North 69"26'38" West, 42.72 feet; 17) West, 28.35 feet to a point on a curve to the right on the Easterly right-of-way line of Mill creek Circle; 18) THENCE 42.95 feet along Mill Creek Circle on the arc of said curve havi.ng a delta of 15 ll'55", a radius of 16 1.92 feeL' and a chord bearing North 40 36'37" East, 42.83 feet to a point of reverse curve; l8A) THENCE 9.24 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a delta of o3oll'13", a radius of 166.05 feet and a chord bearing North 46 36 '56" East, 9.24 feeLt 19) THENCE North 45 35,44n East, 84.40 feet to a point of curve to the right on the Southerly right-of-way line of Lore Creek Road; 20) THENCE- 28.L4 feet along ttt" arc of said curve having a delta of 80 36'13"and a radius of 2o.oo feet to a point of curve to the left; 2L) THENCE along said southerly right-oi-way 1ine, L20.50 feet on the arc of said curve having a-della oE 30 qt'0g", a radius of 225.00 feet-and a chord bearing South 69 08'34" East, 119.07 feet to a point; 42! THENCE South 84 29'09" East, 17I.80 feet along said Southerly right- of way line to a point of curve to the left; 23) THENCE 104.25 feet along said Southeify right-of-way line on the arc of said curve having a delta of 1i9"21 ,44", a radius of 50.00 fcet and a chord beariig south 84"2gt09" East, 86'37 feet; 24)THENCE south 84"29'09" East, s:.ss feet along the southerly right-of-way line of Gore creek Road. to a point of cuive to the right; 25)THENCE f31.58 feet along the westeriy right-of-way line of Vail ViIIage Drive on the arc of said curve having a delti of 90o38r03", a radius of 83.18 feet and a chord bearing 6outh 39o10'07" East, 118.28 feet to a point of reverse curvei 26) THENCE 248.93 feet along the arc of said curve having a delta of 81"30'00", a radius of 175.00 feet and a chord b€ariig South 34o36'06" East, 228.47 feet; 27, THENSE South 75'2L'd6', East, 60.11 feet to the POINT oF BEGINNTNG containing 3.649 acres more or less. NOTE:This parcel does not close usning the recorded plat of the Amended Plat of Vail Village, Fifth Filing; Vail Vi11age, First Fj-ling; Vail Vi11a9e, Seventh Fi1ing, and Vail Village Tenth Filing as recorded in the Office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. The acreage was computed using a delEa of 76' 03'30" and an arc lenqth of 26.55 feet. ,aj ., rl 't HCIIBIT C (Attached hereto and forming a part hereof of Declaration of Protective Covenants dated Decernb er 20, i983.) POTENTIAL SITE OF PARKING STRUCTURE EXUIBIT C A tract of laod located ln Sectlon 8, tormshlp 5 South, Range 80 l{estr 6th Principal Herldlan, Eagle County' Colorado betng a Portlon of Tract B' Vall Village sevench Filln! as lecorded ln the offlce of the Eagle county Clerk and Recorder Deceobei 17, 1965, flle no. 102780; Tract F. Anended Vall Vlllage Flfrh l;lllng as recorded 10 the Offtce of the Eagle County -Clerk and Recorder Noveoter 15, 1965, fIle oo' 102538, belng nore Part'cularly dcscrlbed as follous: tsEGINNING at a pojnL on the souEherly right-of-way l1ne of vall valley Drlve wirerrce Ehe NE corner of said Stf/4Mif/4 bears Norfh 24"07' 21" West, 432'91 feec; l) THEI;CE south 49o18'16" WesE, 85.71 feet;2) THENCE souEh 90"00'00" l{esc, 43.00 feet; 3) IltENcE Norch 84"17'39" west, 43.26 feet; 4) THENCE Norrh 68o11'55" WesC, 80.78 feet; 28) TIIENCE South 12o05'41" West, 71.59 feec; 29) THENCE Sorrih 18'26'06" EasC, 79.06 feet; 30) THENCE south 87o16'25" Easc, 105.20 feer; 31) THENCE South 05"02r33r'[dest, 170.66 feet; 32) THENCE south 84"35'46" East, 37r-65 feet; 33j THENCE North 07"07'30" East' r51'25 feet; 34) THENCE 85"i4'52" Wesc, 140.36 feet; 35) TllENcE North 03"10'47" Easc, f71.96 feer.; 36) THENCE North 75o2I'06" West, L31 .99 feet to che POINT 0F BEGINT|ING concaining 2.640 acres oore or les9. o LA THAM & WATI{INS ATTORN EYS AT LAv\/ 555 SOUTH FLOWEFI STREET LOS ANG ELES, CALIFORNIA 9007I-2466 TELEPHONE {213) 495 - l?34 CABLE ADORESS LATHWAT TWX 9lo 3? l- 3733 TELECOPIER 12l3) 660_ 209e PAUL F. WATS|N! ltA99_ 197!l oaNA latH^ra (lc9!-ltt4l December 16, 1983 70r "B" stREEt/ sUlrE 2loo sAN OlaGO, CALIFOFN lA 92lOl_4197 tElEpHOrlrE 16191 236 - la34 TELECOPTE'r (6r91 23e-36e4 ry€-!]!9t9!:-L!:o!!lg! 1333 NEW HAMPSHIFIa AVE.,n.W.,sUrlE taoo wasHr NGTOr{, O. C.20036 - l3C. rElEPHollE l2o2) aa6_4aoo TeLECOPIER {2O21 626- 44r3 lwx 7ro g2a-9375 3AN DIECiO OFFICEcHlcaco oFFrCe 5EAit9 lOWEF,gUrlE C9OO cHrcaoo, llLrNols'o'o' TElEPHoNE l3tz) 6?a't'oo aELEcoPIER l!r2) 9et_e767 TWX ero Zzr-O3ts '!s:9.!r_!-E49-!_-9!!9c tt6o N€wPotll CENIER oFttvE,I5ullE lrtoo N EWPORY 'EACX, CALIFOFNIA 'A6gO TELEPHONE (7r41 75a _9rOO rEL€COPtER l7t4l 759 _6e91 VIA EXPRESS MAIL Mr. Rod Slifer Mayor Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Re:Vail Associates RedeveloPment Dear Mr. Slifer: I am writing this letter on behalf o{-tl clients who are owners of UniEs D-7, D-13, E-10 and E-11 in North- rroods Condoroiniums to make you artare of their position concerning the redevelopment plan !:.1"-a by-Vail A-s-sociates with respEct to the Vaii Villhge,,Fifth-FiliJIC: We under- stand thit this matter is presently pending before the Town Council. It is mv clients-' positibn that under no circum- stances should any parklng, including underground parking, be permitted in the-area of the existing-underground ski cluL facility to the southeast of the main building.. Any parking garale in this location, whether-undergrgund or iurfac6,-pos6s the threat of sertous tlaffic problems on Vail Vailly Drive and would create iraffic noise and con- gestion in'what was formerly a scenic' oPen sPace area' If idditional publtc parking i3 requiredr w9 are sure that other more ippropriate sites are available nearer to the Ftontage Road-which could accosmodate any need for additional parking. My clients feel strongly about this natter since several of then purchased their units in reliance uPon- -representatlons by Vail Associates that the area iumediately adjacent to Northiroods would remain undisturbed -open gPlce- ant would not be developed in any manner other than with the & WATI(INS Mr. Rod Slifer December 16, 1983 Page Two existing underground ski club building and relaEed recrea- tional facilities. Should Vail Associates now choose to breach that understanding, my clients would have no choice but to pursue all appropii-atb 1egal remedies to enforce their rights. We have reviewed the letter to Mr. Patten dated December 15, 1983 frour Lewis M. Quirk and en4orse the position taken in that letcer on behalf of the Northwoods Homeowners Association. Please bring this letEer to the attention of the Town Council prior to the final hearing on the redevelopment plan for the Fifth Filing. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully submitted, rtr'.)n " !- ..f ' i, /'u *=-- Donald P. Baker of LATHAM & WATKINS cc: Peter Patten Robert ParkerZ. Jane Carpenter Louis M. Quirk o 60 u, ?a Al- ,-/ , , / '+- ffi; d-/z4zf hrz4"44/ ,JL4 *,,2/,4- -&/--y'r; -fz-,-t'<7 f * z''< '-=^// fu*ffi2*z*Za,*r;d--4 na &, f 'ZL/'k d',-*'; S/*1r- t) rpffi,,- %hz A",-tZ o / ft Ait n-o4t 5"",-r< {"rt .- ea Atler, Zalland Haligman A Professional Corporation Attomeys at Law VIA EXPRESS MAIL December 15, 1983Please reply to: PO. Box 4587 Englowood, Colorado 80155 Noah A. Atler Ronald l. Zall Edward l. Haligman Jon M. Zall Alan B. Lottner Richard l. grown James P Gregory A. Craig Fleishman Louig M. Ouirk Hrck J. HUOrn Todd J. N,lcNamara Richard J. Saul Anthony J. Rechlitz ll Marshall H. Fishman Jon E SandE Kathy Eaton Cranmer Robe.t G. Levine Davrd J. Rubin Scott L. Levin James L. English Amy L. Durtee Max P Zall Ot Counsel AZH File No. 7887 E. Belleview, Suite 7OO Englswaod, Colorado 80111 T€lephone (3O3) 85O -7487 Telecopier t3O3) a5O -7667 w,Yrfr,G,tl"'- 12 nc t r Mr. Peter Patten Town of Vail Planning Department. 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Associates Re-development Plan for Vail village 5th Filing Dear Mr. Patten: rhis will confirm our telephone conversation of December 15, 1983. As you are aware, we represent the Nort.hwoods Homeowners Association with respect to a certain re- development plan filed by Vail Associates with respect to VaiI Viltage 5th Filing, and presently pending be- fore the Town Council. It is our understanding that the re-development plan provides for "potential undergrround parking" underneath the tennis and/or volleyball courts to the southeast of the main building. In our telephone conversation, Youstated unequivocally that the provision for such poten- tial underground parking, as provided in the re-develop- ment plan, does not in any way constitute a waiver of any conditionat use or other requirements normally im- posed by the Town of Vail for the development of property- In fact, that portion of the re-development plan only states the present master plan of Vail Associates for that property and it does not constitute either a re- quest by VaiI Associates for approval of such plan or approval of such ptan by the Town of Vail. The document is advisory and anticipatory in nature rather than final and binding on any party. We have been advised by our client, and wish to put the Town of Vail on notice, that Northwoods would object to the approval of any such underground parking in the Io- cation shown on the re-development plan. The reasons for such objection are numerous and include the following: (1) current road access to the site is no! adequate to handle the increased traffic flows which would re- sult from additional parking; (2) increased traffic in the area would significantly alter the present residential character of the neighborhoods, I Atler, Zall and Haligman A Professional Corporatron Attorneys at Law Mr. Peter Patten December 15, 1983 Page Two and would substantially and adversely impact those neighborhoods by increasing traffic, noise, pollution and safety hazards; (3) more appropriate locations for such parking are available in closer proximity to Interstate 70, and the selection of any such locations would confine the adverse affects created tl:ereby to areas which have already been impacted by substantial traffic. Please see that this letter is brought to the attention of the Town CounciJ- prior to the final hearing on the aforesaid re-development plan for vail village 5th Filing. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned- Sincerely yours, ATLER, ZALL AND HALIGMAN a Professional Corporation LMQ:rjg CC: Mrs. Jane Carpenter Charles H. Cowperthwaite' Esq- Kevin Conwick, Esq. Donald Baker, Esg. PEcJ/12/83 -3- st for modification to re-al i n East Mil'la new ski and st reserve A letter was read from which.they stated that they werell l:y::_:t^!|._.,T:giillation and recornmended .e"rtiir-iir.rl-a.ptl,r,-and shapes :,i".:ly"Il::l1,dil.nio! gflln.l. patten iiui.i-ir,it-eiii'e"ii;;: il;r"$6ii."., I:r-,!:i.-gp!9:.d lo..ll'g modification to the flooapiJin,-;ni ;;-i;;;'"oii; i;i;to divert more of Mill creek to East Mill creei-ihin"ir-p".sently aitowea.' '- Patten added that the pEC concern about the stream being re-exposed to thesurface on the east end of the parking lot was discussed with council on Decem-ber 6, and council fert that this Jrei was needed for snow rtor.g. and thestream should be curverted in this rocation.--JJ. r'ri.vl".epiesening vai1.Associates, stated that.the requeitea-m.uru.., recommLnded'by Hydro-Triadwere incorporated into.into the deveropment plan-i;a ;;;i; 6e implementedas recommended. He added that vA was ilso wittin! io il;k iitt, sil.t Andrewsto address his concerns. rrout queiirJnea now'iE iis;;;; were arrived atin the Hvdro-Triad tabte of^eitiilGd #;i ii;w-;it.i]-'-ilacy saio that theywould soon have two years of oata to uie. Donovan was concerned that the9ylyery would become-a place io"-lias-io play and for trash to cotlect, andthat there was a long clrvert uetween ihe texas Townhouses and Manor Vairthat would be affectdd uy increiieJ-run-orr. piper felt that perhaps a bermwould help hide the djtcir. 6.uest for an exterior alteration to One Vail Pl ace in order to enclosean area to e used as a ra o nea -set renta outl et.cants: vassoc i a pnen Communica 0ns Tom.Braun presented the staff memo adding that on November 14, the cormissionreviewed a similar oroposal for Lionsheii, and ihui-itii-"equest was merelyto modify an exist.ihg space at One Vail piace. - -"'- '--' ,Joe Macy felt that there would not be major impact, because||ilg 1l 1l.gli:!its-buirdins, ;il h; iaaea tr,it-iir-i["r"icilong an existing wal1. Donovan felt that the corner'whichwas a.very busy one, and Macy answered that it was ieti ttritroom in that location for the rental outlet. of the location would be relocated would be affected there was more Trout moved and Viele seconded to rove the uest per the staff memo.vo g_!qs 6 'tn favor with one aqa r ns pson fe a l,'lOU too much congest-on--ln floodplain in order se fac'i I i tv at sociates, PEc 1J2/83 -4- 7. Prel imina lqview of exterior alterations to decide le h of review riod. 60 day: Landmark Condomiums, Unit 70.l , to increase loft area.App'licant:Lonn i eams . 90 day: Red Lion Inn, to instarl portabre prexigras windows in west war'r . . App.licant: Bud parks Yglellingpli- 8eslaurant, Plaza Buirdino,. sregnhoule encrogure over partor west deck @rreet Restaurant Assoc. Villaqe Center, new retail addition. Applicant: Fred Hibberd P'l anning and Environmental Commission November .l4, l9g3 PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Diana Donovan Gordon Pierce Duane Piper Howard Rapson }r|il I Trout Jim Viele ABSENT Jim Morgan Duane Piper, chairman, called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm. Apprgvgl-pf minutes of 0ctober 24, lgg3.Donovan moved & Rapson seconded to 2.lp:::::^lh:^minutffitewassinravor'*itt.vi"i"-auiialning. Dick Ryan Peter Patten Jim Sayre Tom Braun Betsy Rosolack 4-request fgr g colrditional use permit in order to construct commerc.i ai:tofgq" rnit. itt Appl icant: ea 3. This application was withdrawn by the appl uesf amend the official zonintions App to 8; B. cant: Va Associates,I nc. town 'ln accoroance wi th i cant . of the (' zont n on an a acent 35 acre unpl at own. a aqe 5t nri cu ture an nS ace to ecreat i o n stri ct arce recentl y annex tot Tract . t00 - 18.66.t60 ;n-TlTfaqe-7TE- to rezone ract Peter Patten reviewed-the necessary steps in the approval process and expiainedthat. one requirement_for rezoning wai-i5 app"oue ah-associhtuo-ouv"iopil;i-pi;;which.was being reviewed.today. - He discussed the site with a site plan and indica_ted changes made since the ralt presentition. Bob F;rie;;-or vn, poiniJa-ort'inutthe loading dock entran:! ltd ueln ctrang"d by enlu"ginf-una tandscaping both sides,and described other changes.- Craig Snowaon,-arctrit6ct, ifroweA a model and describedthe floor plans on each ievel of tfie ouitalng. -e.b-pJ"k";: summarized by statingthat the proposal was the result of muitr communjcation between VA, the Town staffgltd.tfg neighborhood grgyp. Jim Lamoni,.representing the neighuoitrooa g.orp-iiit"athat they were to meei tnis coming situraay. He feii ih; ;;; ior iong"iurfi ioiuilonsto.parking and to traffic. access,-uoirr pedistrian inJ ulfili.. He added that theneighborhood group felt that the mix of'pedestriJn-ina-vehiiurar traffic wai-oing""ous. Bob Mccarten of AlI seasons stated that they hoped to delay a decision on theproposal until the Saturday neighborhooa me-etin!. Fi"lur-"stated that ilre iiiuesbrought up by Mccarten and Lamoit naa nJt been 6rought up at any of the jointmeetings, and he felt that it was unreiioniti" io-iil""j!.I'tn.t. concerns atthis late date. He said that a warr<wiv was requested by the neighborhood, thatthe walkway on the north side of ttre roia was a'neighuor'noJJ piouiem, noi-rin;r-"prob'lem. He further stated that the siart ana tne neitnnorhood had asked vAt0 ascertain whether or not a pedestrian walk coula ue"iocaieo on the north side ( PEc r/ J3 -2- of the project on TOV right-of--way It was VA's impressjon that ManorVail greatly desired the walk and that their owners and guests would use the vlalk the most. He added that'VA felt the matter should be decided between the Town of Vail and the neighborhood, but that VA should not be burdened in its review process. Regarding the structured parking, Parker pojnted out that this proposal did not require any new parking except for the 6 condos, and that parking was providedfor. He added that VA would greatly improve the parking area, and felt thatthis type of improvement should be extended to the other parking lots in the neighborhood. Piper pointed out that structured parking was not a new issue, but was mentioned by the commision on 0ctober 24. Pierce felt that this was a much needed project, and wondered if the bus lanes could be namowed. Patten stated that the widthof the bus lane indicated on the site plan was requested by the djrector of transportation, Skip Gordon. Gordon had stated that this was the busiest skier drop off in the town. Pierce felt that there was not enough snow storage. Parker stated that in the document, VA had recognized the need to truck snow away from the area. Pierce stated that he felt VA should agree to shovel the walks in the winter that lead south of the structure. He felt that the TOV should provide walks and lighting along the north side of the parking area as soon as possible and that Manor Vail should upgrade their parking 1ot. Viele said that he echoed Pierce on the fac'i1ity and design. He felt that thetraffic and parking issues needed a little more work. He was disappointed not be see.structured pqrling, adding that if the parking were not structured at thistime' the Town would lose an opportunity to solve a planning problem. Viele asked Parker about vA's schedule, and Parker answered that vA felt they couldnot complete the planning process and issue a construction contract uniil thespring of .l985 because of the short bujiding season and the tjme consumed in theapproval processes. Donovan said that she wished the structured park'ing could be worked on, because from a winter point of view, there were no changes-from today. she expressed again concern about the parking problem in Vail, ttre targe amount of room givento the bus drop off, and the location of the Town right-or-way with relation to the. pedestrian path. Joe Macy of vA stated that theie was enough room in theright-of-way for a pedestrian path without narrowing down the eiisting road. Rapson-mentioned that he wou'ld like to see a curb next to the walkway, and alsohe would like to see some consideration by the Golden Peak Neighborn66a membersof screening their park'i ng areas. Trout ielt that discussion of tne structure wascounter productive. He felt that the walk on the north sjde should have curbsand identification for snow plowing. He feit that the staff should reach the owner of the home whose view m'i ght-be affected by the bell tower, and was concerned rthat.there be enough signage so that the walkway to the south would be utilizedby skiers com'ing from the village. Trout felt that there had been several meetingswith. the neighborhood committee-and djd not feel the approval should wait foranother meeting with still other members of the neighOb;^hood. Piper.asked-if the parking as planned met the requirements, and Patten answeredthat it in fact exceeded the requirements. Parker added that there were l4 spaces more. than required, with the covered parking for the condos and the added paricingto the west end. Piper then felt thei^e were two issues he was concerned about, C PEc 1[4/83 -3- on. "u, the added asphalt to the west, and the other was the 5 additional spacesplanned over the culvert on the east end. eiper-ielt irrai ine iiieir-loura"iiiins^u1fa9g at.this point-with landscaping instead of the extra parking,pi..r. -fi"' felt the.skier drop-off was very uhstiuctured, out-pipe"-aaabo il'at t,! ieii tnir"was sufficient staff input to vote on the issue. Ilgy! ulgrsht up the subject of conditions which were imposed by the pEC taterDelng cnanggd Py !!e DRB and wondered about the legality of it, and whether ihenEne.proposat should come back to pEC. Larry Eskwith, town attorney, came into_discuss,this point with the commission wiitr ttre iauii" ilrat tne "orie-hai jurisdic-r]on over design, but the pEC had jurisdiction over pianning, and that ttre Fechad no right to lock in design. Ht added that in rahy iiiei it was difficuti l?-:"" just exactly where the PEC jurisdiction left otf, una the DRB jurisaiition Degan. ftqut To)red and Pigrce seconded to approve the request for zonjng per the staffmemo with one coffi That additional study be madepast the service ramp south of The yole was 5 in favor th Donovan aqa'inst because she felt there should be mo re study of the tra ic and of estri an wal kways. qest for an exterior altqration of less than .|00 square feet in orderadd an add on of 99.are tee outside sta i rwanq to be usecl as a ra o neadse ren al outlet.Appl icant: Val Assoc i ates Stephens Commun cati on ele ved and Donovan seconded to apDrove the uest per the staff memohe vote was 5 in favor with Repson;A;Tnst-apson felt t anger in regarding exposing Mill Creek after it goes the loadinq area. Piper reminded them that this approval was merely a recommendation to the TownCouncil. Randy Milhoan, one of lhe area residenis, stated that he relt thii projectwould increase traffic and the Town should ioJi"ii'il,"-piouie* and provide leadershipin solving it. Dick Ryan answered that this area was a'priority item for neigh-borhood studv. 4.( Dick Ryan described the addition with elevations and floor and site plans.steve wherrY., rePfesenting stephens Communication eiplained-that irili wJilu nu*system that has not been iried before, that-jt was sulrcriftion radio for eniertain_nent and communication, that there would be four frequencibs with l0 watts, itre'receivers were smal 1, there would be interruptions fdr announc"ments from VA.Rapson was concerned about safety and wanted to know if any-studies had been made.Joe Macy answered that studies nia Ueen made, and there was no indication ofsubstantial danger. Trout asked about commeicia'l s, and t,lhemy stated that therewouid be no comiercials. the use of headphones,because of thE-wav Jn woul d have I imi ts- on which different :rI L. ere was peopl e react to them.Wherry said the volume Appiicants: ,lotrn S@ Jim Sayre gave the staff reoort. Peter Patten state that the reason the staffhardship was self created, one of tht-reasonsand Rider. Mr. Houston explained his reasonswhich neighbors had receivbd variances or had recormended denial was that the mentioned in the memos from Eskwith and gave out site plans which indicated added to their buildinqs. He also /oc/ 4 @",'eteZ/?nz/735 '/ . -/'l-r'- -.- ,/ ,7 11), rtzrD / - & , J, azr) 1c"--<->:4- 4/"2 zz7)-.o/ - L /) a (($ tt/t A P 4lG //,t/,t17-o^-r"' Z 1srotre at/ teza-rrtz/@ /, fu-,"-t/"rA'ZM,L /s-. Z fuffi-rnZ,s*Ai*ffi niltffi*-p'ran4*"o4f/W ?tr"-,^ 'l7 +uH%zz/af* f4//" o ,/)/1 //+7///.-&74att /'/zz e-t o dy ,.'fon-r/xrr- (// - /P1' kte//- r, /* /9e. ;22 ;?M&o -//t "lU /r rA"^ 6/L dr.lhZrrZ -- &r, anzL *T azt aary' Sfudz I I t t ttt /i t t t/f ,a>t L CrylEgI -i o /)om'* z-i-// k4 A U%&rzq-flrM4*tf"#-f' - in ( t'r=d2 -- 2rA" C/,1"? - € / .Vr2z/afi*/ s/""A rfrrlr'z ryZr-r4r;- n/*--Y sffi//*"7 W,tffi1ry b-a 'r/4* a/hr"/ hv-D - /n,--- ffi*;, - ypz.u2 av ez r;a .ri F cYz-tLu^ ? 'fr)t d'l5-t ffi*u.n fiVp'zrrc u / ,.',1(u f*d-r4*/ a-*-k '' ,/rho/z%rz{,ff'T il*- SLtrlsrntlD MMr fiML Qr{ ^-f 'DuiD Uirtktc c,,J /Lfb o //' &t{ .'/Lo. frap- e7w4h/ a z,r*H iili fu 5"*>r-- 4,,A' irro. >9,-a7/a furr:r, /,,6 nu /.:t * rfl * ;da)f /O 2 //nrt, ; r, /,,J"oo-p,q*n;"an-/ vu** - //ud* (ruT /.9,,i/ - ;fr; L.A""r'f* Ln'7nro"'u''^"/ (fjo r-{ r-l tr.!1.'.-l lrdcd PEH arrt oegh =@od..\ -.\ 'd A ooooo '1.'aaaalt ==(n=E: fi..Fl a) .f{ f ? I h CB ti c) J4 ^l Fro A h C) = a\---..-\ 2(,o'O,ta 'A .P+)ot{Odo -;otr+rPcdl+o/'ooQAhq)Oht'{+rosNoq'J\ \\' il So\ N p. +) r.\ d 'O\\F\qPo -I {v {J d q +r \.i t{ Qd \\ o U) E rtr{cp.EgHc'e\r- g 9.9 14 fidO-<\+.r(Dcd4lrih'.rAdcd>Ollo.od\dd>oo,{#'FrtlZPf-{r'{Od0+r!(tNt{d9.FlACflc O>L O N O O P o *fiO€O\.AdcOb0q15oEtrtlro.qc!Qb0cdF-{op.dl+)k r-l .Strc\,trO|oCtir'{ao'ritroutlt;OOOF{dUl!:}6Otr.'tqd+rO€Fib0Qq{l>d.|{o>trPc'r{coOfiOr-t:fhOO'.ldtOOAq-lEEiut-t'oF{Ob0.+rF{OO$Pd{D}oct-',,..${oooooo.'-{d.991H8.1 .2.9.23dSil>dffrdo>E s + fi I fi_s s & s E 3 {oot"ooloooooo b0 .ri '"{r-{.rl E +)h H o.rl h trt o \ F il* F> a >{d F1 H'"\ O ! o OOhOfi 'l .{ }aa ^t ==Fl?. ]Fl (1) P k q) ko \CJ rl q"'q.i .p \J AAQo+r\oEg.{rxH-r-Y;6 .5)Aohn> .Fl r''l -\ Aoto\J.rldd€OOtr>l€t{Ed'-{OEG'ob0b0Eq'r{gg5cB> .r{ .Fl Ao.!4A>ht{OOq)ctdA,AOQE' +Jooooo '-fQAQAQr .Fl .Fl .rl .Flg>ooooq)r\ 1+ t .Jo o- o o o F{ x FrH Fl t-t z v) irl trl z Fl .!4doA,q dco(DArtr{ lio(uc5€r{r-{ F{ O.l-t o dl BoO>ql oEltrh'{.|/'|cooA+rE.rl +.t o. c)oqlo+r-r{Q+)O>lJO'.lO..{OEllrt<toAoo9Ek'{aodqlt +r t{ot+r+,hortooOr-{OOOC r-l .,ll Fl Fl.Ft o o o o' =ora(aqlo o f o I I xd c)fto =El E:{orlo '-l h0odOA ),, L TO: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commiss.ion ( FR0M: Conrnunity Development Department DATE: November g, l9g3 SUBJECT: Request for a.rezonr.ng for two.parce.l s of land: Tract F, Vail Vjllaqe5th Firinq and Tract 6, vaii vtirus" ith Fii;;; from Asricurturar aniOpen Spaci lo !li saseiReireaii;;-;;r;;;.i. "iYro,'a concurrent requestto impose the-Ski ease/Recreia;;; ;j;i;jii'on^."li.enrry annexed, un_platted parcel adjacent ana-ioutn or-iraJis-B ;il";. All parcelsare located j.n. tt,i Golden F"ir.' sri Base Area.Appi f cant: va.ii Asioii;;";"^ I. INTRODUCTION The redevelopment of the Gorden peak ski.base facirities has now receivedseven months of intensive review and study t"or-siuii,' iail Associatesand the Golden peak Neishb";i';; iiiociation. Th;-'pj;nning ano Environmentarcommission and rown ,g::l.ii h;;; ;i;; reJn rept .or"iii"'Jr the deve'ropmentof the proposal via y914 sessions, iite visit! unJ iu"ioi.,c progress reports.A plannins proces:..!!ir iri;;-;4ii.iJiion,,una .orp"of,ir."ietween a, interestedparties has been succ"ssiuiiv riiiii"o;,i; h";'il;"i:"iiri"o in a much superiorproduct for the benefjt oi ult-irr,ii""o parties. The past and present steps in the approval process are as follows: 1' Annex 38 urr"-g:1.:r south-of existing improvements. This was completedon final approvar bv Town counirji in droifiii;; i0;i i983 on 9/20/83. 2. Create new zone district to enable Golden peak and, possib.ly, othersimilar areas, to redeveioj-uni-rpg.ua". rhis wii-iciompr isheo upon'finar approval oy couniii-rn"o.ilnun.e 38, of rg83 on 10/18/83. 3. Rezone Tracts ,8.:l!_f from-Agricultural and 0pen. Space to Ski Base/Recreation and..]1q,ose. sr.r a;iuiR"creation upon the' recentry annexedparcel. A requirement of su.tr'r"ioning ir-!o upp.ou."un associateddeve'l opment plan. ftris,'oi-cor"]!, .,, wnere we are at now. 4' 0btain approval: for. q.modification to the froodplain for East Milrcreek and u rilgl".'suro,rviiron-ilctirn the three i6ti into onu. The frood, :,,iplain request wit be heard uv pei on December 12,iwhi1e the minorsubdivis'ion must wait uniri iinriiv, arter io"irg'ii"irna.rized. 5' Obtain the necessary Design Review Board approvar. This process probabrywill be initiated l-n tutu"Junri.vl II. t' t Rezone of GoJeak -2- 11/8/83 ( The Planning and Environmental cormission is quite famjliar with theproposal . The 'last study session revealed the latest revisions to thedevelopment plan, and thlre are no significant changes rrom iiios"-piansin this final submittal. Vail Associites has proviied tne ntannini inaEnv'ironmental Comission with revised notebooks containing af f suUriiiiafrequirements in detail. You should carefully read througfi the notebookso a full understanding of all aspects of thi project can be achieved.The-on'ly segment of the submittal not included'is-the view analysis, whictrwill be reviewed Monday on the site. III. EVALUATION OF REQUEST }Je feel that there are three sets of criteria to adequately evaluate theproposal . First, a discussion of the rezoning request itsetf which concernsthe suitability/non-sujtabil ity of the existiig zdning as well as a carefuloverview of the land use cornpatibility and orderly growth impacts. The second and third sets of criteria are found in the Ski Base/RecreationDistrict. One deals with an evaluation of the compatibility and impaiianalysis for multi-fam.i iy dwelling units, while the other sbt ot criteriaaddresses specific items included in the development plan. Some cr.i teriaand their respect'i ve evaluations will overlap and, thls, will not be - - repeated. After thorough analyses of these three sets of criteria, thestaff will deliver a reiommenditjon to the Planning and Environmentalcommission. Your decision is a recommendation to ihe Town counc.i 1, whohave final approval power. THE PROPOSAL A. REZONING REQUEST Suitabil it of Existint. The Golden Peak ski base facilities were constructed in .|967-6g when the Town had no zoning. When zoning was subsequently adopted,the district imposed was Agricultural and 0pen Space, whith isthe zone on the property today. Everything'existing is legal non-conforming except for the tennis courts, lacrosie field andski trails.which are permitted uses in the A0S zone. Because of this non-conforming situation, no expansion of anykind can-take place on the builging, only repair and upgrading. Thus., existing zoning essentially ifreezLs" the base failtitiisto their existing status. The question then becomes: 'Is thissituation appropriate for Vail in .|983 and the future? It is obvious that vail has come a long way in the 15 years GoldenPeak has existed. The jncredible success itrat Vajl hai had, bothas a developing ski area and as a community, warrants continualupgrading of the facjiities which serve thi main function of usbeing here: skiing. Thus, conditions have changed which renderthe existing zoning inappropriate for the site aid for Vail.Zoning on this site must be congruent with the proEress Vail hasseen, and more importantly, that which we anticipa[e. Rezone of f o peak -3- tt/B/83 2.!s the rezon i n 4oposal presenti a convenient workabie relationshiamonano uses consistent with mun cl pa I ob.tec ves ? \ 3.Does the rezonin osal 4ovide for the lowth of an orderl andvia As noted above, the.rezoning proposar is actuaily.recognizing the ex'stingsituation and arlowing e*is[rig-[.ii'to -u*pana .ira irpiori.' rnu rezoning'rs not brinqinq in new-and non-ciomptemenia"y ski uses to the site withthe exception dt ttre six dwej I i;s'ril;;: The surroundinq land uses are ail residentiar or open space. To thewest is a low iensity residentiui ur"i-"ni.h wiil be buifered from thebuilding and its associated aitiuiiiui Ly tennis courti and-g"uun space.To the north and "u.l^.ll:^llgt, u"niiiv-ris.iaentiat areis-cJnsisungof condominiums and townhousis, most 6r wnicn nave reen-tiJre as iongas the ski base facility.. fnese ireai are buffered/screened by theuse of landscaped berms-with miny-eu"igr""n trees. The ski area itselfand other Forest service tanoi-a're-iJciteo aajacent to the south. The negotiative process has been successfur in assuring a convenient,workable relationship.among aff tfrese-iind use.s. n greit deal of study3ll"iffl?i; :i:.:'^' into fne i'i"g'.ti* or thjs p"Ji"ii iitn tn" ( r.l \.{'\ \' i X ,p\.),\\lv 'i\ The proposal actually_makes a more viable community. By improving theGolden peak base raciritiei ;t ;;;";;;ii proposed we are, as .a community,mak.ins the statement. tnit-we-;";-;;;;;;itbo !r-riavin-g JhJ ili'sn.rt suar ityin Vail. ',e are saning-iti'i;;"'J;;;iy.as good as our weakest tink.,,$:",lul_ a,s !9i l. t'tounia.in op_erationi inO"iri base facit ities go, GotdenreaK ls today the weakest'l'i;[. - - - - - Fina'l ly, great effort has been shown to make sure this proposal presents :n.,g:9ul]y growth scenario. A p;;; .i tne suomittal requiremenr wasa rong-range plan for.Gorden peht is-a oase faciliiv. -i.ouisions tothoroughly examine future parting iia-rlcreationar facirities are apart of the ski Base,/RecreatiJn dritrici. ftre propoiii'rrii-consroereo, llil;"}'ll.short and tons-"inse ;i;;;;;; ano prbvilei-io,-6"auriy,-.r"i- B.MULTI-FAMILY Dt,'lELLING UNITS EVALUATION The ski Base/Recreation District provides-that the conditjonal use criteriaand rindinss be appiieo to ir'ii-r5ii".i'or-ih; i;p;;ui."'no""ouer, theymust meet three other criteria aa-ili;i betow: l. No residential use on ground 1eve.l 2. Visual jmpacts ty:|r l:.surface parking for the dweiljng units shallffi.Tlllt ffif , l{,!:"" Ji G ;;'i";;;^;0t ;;' tii=."61i ""i'pi,ri ns wi thi n ( { Rezone or eofleak -4- t 1/B/83 3' The maximum qross residentiar froor area_lglFA) devoted to drvellingHlll.r;iillrl:l .*.u"0 30% of ffre-totar sross iquare-iootase of the The proposar meets ar] gr the above regurations_(see pages 3 and 4 0f theArea Summary sectfon and page r of the'iraffic Report section). 4. Conditional Use Cr.iteria ( a.Rel ationship and acts of the use on develo nto ect i vesqf the Town. b.Effect of the use on I iqht and Qistribution of ul ationtransrtati on fac i ties trl it es, schoo arks and recreationitiesothe r u c ac ties an c facilities nEEG c.Effect upon the cnaracter of the area in which the roposed usestoocatencludinqa: I onreat ion to surroun the ano bu lk of t ro The phrase "development-objectives" is not defined in this criteria,fyi,ol: iesi timate aeveropileni';;j".i;r; deal ins with compati bl erand uses has arready-been discusiuo uoou... using this developmentobjective as a criteiia, it i;-;i;;; iilt *," proposed residentiatuse on the site is not-in confrict wiih either its own site or itsadjacent properties. Th; ;i; il"iii,ii'rrit, ur.-noi"l"liiine unysignificant negative impacts upon the neighborhood. Thus, the dwell_lng units do not comproriise ttr6-oeveiopm-ent objectives of the Town. I!:, rtelicab're factor here is distribution of popuration. The Gordenreak nei ghborhood i s, ^ bas i c_ar tv, -i iidri' dens i tv res ii"iii ut' uruu,with a small pocket or singre iirir;'u'na orpt"" units. The additiongl^tix-a"rt lins-units wiii'rJt il;;i ii,u' oirt"iuution of population.Inere are no effects upon the oiher-faciors. The-dwel I ing unitsscate and bulk ofset of criteria. the main building, and thediscussed in the fol lowino The.conrmunity Development.Department recommends that the sixdwelling units be aoproved ;;-u-;;;;";i or the project. We findthat the criteria hive been r"t ind irrit no significant negative'impacts result with their ln.irrion. """" are integrated intothe building wilI be ( ) ( Rezone of eQpeak -5- 11/B/g3 EVALUATION OF DEVELOPMENI PLAN ::;t::?.]r'39'r20 0f the ski Base/Recreation District provides us with these 18.39..|20 Design Standards/Criteria for Evaluation The development oian for.the ski Base/Recreatfon district shall meet eachgi l!: roiiowin-s standardi o"-e;r;;;;;';ie_that either one or more or them1s not applicable, or.that a practiiit-solution-i.riiri"rt".ith the publictnterest has been achieved: 1.devel oper will rovide a buffer zone inatitr nda buff ra one ened tost be ma Eh UIYA a buffer zone of suff use trom the undse, adeq u a r base ( As noted earlier in this-memorandum, all_but one side of thjs propertyis abutted bv residentiat oeveioJr"rt. "It is ar high density exceptfor the Min creek circte ;;ri;;;;;;. No chanse in ih"-;;;;tins situa_tion is proposed in the.."J uJiu."ni to r'riri dreel Ci;.i;'e-xcept for theextended parkino tot to ttre norin wntctr wili bJ.G;i;'y" i.ru"n"ofrom view. 0n itre north and easl lia"t or the buitding an improvedbufferi ns over the existi ng -siiritid.-lvt r r o-lcur. "ir,"'l inol.upuplan places heavv oriority"on i;i;;;;r; screening in these areasto that this bufiei^ zone is etteiiive.- eof ermitted jf ltr-efiil-C sedr emergenc ses.Bi le traf allroved when the sitE sto 2. rated The circulation svstem for vehicres is improv_ing under the proposar,expecially on the eastern "na oi'itru'iark.in9 1ot. This rot wiilbe a loop type circutation-"itt oiiig"l.i paiting. rnii "iir accommodatedrop-off spaces tor !u::lr: a"oppind-oii and_picking up their childrenat the ski schoor and.day care ibciiiti"s. These spaces are rocatedthe closest to the uuitaing-rdr;;i;iy.= A fuil time parkins lot ift"ili"Jrtrli,].t"1" on site iurins tn" iri season in the contior shed t Also improved length of theis a confusinq do not know ii -Currently, the entire Gore Creek Road. This Creek Road because theyroad is indeed a parkbd :: !!" a-ccess/egress situation.parking.lot is access/egress tosituation for drivers on Gorethe car parked adjacent to the Rezone of Goleak -6- l1/8/83 car or a car attempting to get onto Gore Creek Road- Also, theexisting situation alIows cars to back onto Gore Creek Road whichis dangerous. Improvements have been proposed to the bus/skier drop-off areas. The bus lane will be double-wide so buses may pass each other and the bus lane will now be an access-controlled situation viagates on both ends of the lane. This eliminates a major problem currently of tourists parking in the bus lane. A bus shelter matchingthe architecture of the building is proposed on the southwest cornerof the bus plaza. The skier drop-off lane will be increased incapacity and also be double-wide so cars- may pass each other. The number of parking spaces proposed meets and exceeds the parking requ'irements of the zoning code for the building functions. The useof the lot wjll not change from the existing situation in that 80%or so of the spaces will be for V.A. emp'l oyees, with the remainder open. for the "ear1y bird" skiers. The reduced use of the buildingin the summer wi1'l produce many extra spaces. Moreover, the lot will contain adequate internal landscaping to visually "break it up" and make it as aesthetical 1y pleasing as practical . a. Preseryation of natural features: The main natural feature to be preserved is East Mill Creek. The creek is being featured as a main amenity to the bus piaza on the east s'ide of the building. Thisis accomplished by having a series of four bridges crossing the creekwith the creek bed itself improved and relocated slightly. In orderto relocate the creek, an approvai for modificatjon to the fl ood plainwill be required. This will be scheduled for your December'l Zth meet.i ng. b. Recreation: The redevelopment with regard to tennis will resultin stata:oT-Tfi-e-art facilitiei. 0n the noithwest corner of the secondfloor the pro shop will be enlarged to 1728 square feet with a hugeviewing and_sitting deck. The one tennis court lost to building ixpansiorwrl be replaced, so no loss of tennis court capacity will result. The remaining western tier of three courts wi'l l'become a small tennis stadium with the addition of tiered grass seating on the south and west, ends,..The p_roposal also improves the tennii facilities operationall.lby the ability of pro shop personnel to more easily monitor courtactivity on a greater number of courts. 0ther recreation improvements planned in the future are upgrad.i ngof the."Race_c.,ty" building to t,lorld cup Racing standards'ino refitacementof chair 6 with a new, upgraded lift system. The remaining recrea-tional facilities will remain as is. c. Views: The last time the building was staked out a number ofphotographs were taken so that a detailed view analysis could be performe< A study of the view anaiysis draws one to the conclusion that thebuilding's designers have been very sensjtive to surrounding properties'views. l,rlith one minor exception, it appears no significant viewswi'll be negatively affected. IThe possibie exception (which will 3. r\ 1{*frNn Functi onal servation eatu re s ncluding trees and drainaqe areas 4. 5.Privacy in terms of the needs individuals lqqt lies and neiqhbors. Rezone f eof o peak -Z- t1/B/83 require,further study at.the Design Review Board state) is tne residenceadjacent to the site on.the weii.J ii'upp.urc the proposed crockTower coutd intrude on the.'rower.fiortion bi a-eofe [un6J'ii"" rro,nthis residence. Further study wiil reveal the actuai i;p;;;. Sljgty in terms of: hous.inq type, densit.ies, facjljties and openspace. This criteria is not,rery applicab'le to the proposal , but the designof the condominiums nas lreitly improved in terms or'tfieir-variety.Formerly the units qglg;ll ve-ry simifir to each other,-wiriie now _t!gv.rg all quite different uni iii but one are',corner units,,whichmakes them much more livable and desirable. The.redesign of the dwelring units as noted above has greatly improvedtheir privacy. M \ 6.edestrian traffic in terms safe ces s ildin iP, and bulk. The pedestrianization issue has been adequately-addressed by proposinga sidewalk five feet wide on the north iide of Gore creek Roatr which ijll^:j""1jf?.ttI.into Manor vail's new watk on-ii," "isi"ti"uoingro f0r0 Park). signage and lighting will be reviewed uy ona to ensurethe pedestrian knois ihere to g; a;; is'safe. Once on site' pedestrianization wiil be greatly irnproved with theplazas and clocktower leading the ped-itrian into the interior mainarcades. . Attactive, formal Tandschping is proposeO io" i["'plaiiareas with the creek featured on the eist siae. Also. proposed are severar walks through the landscaped berm on thenorth.side of the parking rot which ailows the pedesiriin fo get ontothe site,from various :,p6ints along eore creek hoad. on ilre northwestcorner of the site, pedestrianization wiil. ue rmpioved oy-'u"irsi"s --- a-new entrance to the existing bike path down to the inilrsectionof Gore. creek Road and Miil cieet ciliil. This connection alrowsa.pedestrian approaching from ihu w"si-ihe opportunity to enter thesite and.get off the stieet "ighi ;;;i ind cbmpret.t "tt"-pul"strian circulation system around ano itrrorgh'tt'e entire project. t0n co n ven i ence , ( 7.rel ation- The density proposed on the siteand is definitely appropriate inrecreational nature of the site is about one unit per eight acresrespecting both the open space/ as well as not adding a lot of densitv Rezone ofrO peak -B- t1/g/g3 to an already dense neighborhood. The building's bulk and scale havereceived nuch discussion throggtrout ihe-project's development. Themajor concerns were raised o"idi"-ir,""ieteni revisioni ;5li;" designof the buiiding. These revisions have iigniffcantly broken up themass of the buirdinq to where ii no*'"uuoi us iiror't i"J"iiiiioing,with the clocktower separating them. -- Architectural and ttlg:ggoinn elements, as.welr as a variety of exteriormateriats have at praved' imiorruni "oiu, in-tn.-i"iuiii,ir"it perceivedmass' Also contributiirq to ttre iliriiiiuuness of the buirding,s scaleis the bi-jevei roof ridges;hi.h-;;;;-no more than six feet abovethe existing building 31"i11_ttigtr.ti-poirt. The buitdins steps downin height on the wesi to respeci the views of the residents to thenorthwest of the project. ( The preliminary landscape plan refrects a we, thougnt out programfor the specifig u..orplirilJnt aesireo;il-;;"-;h; speciric areaof the rir":-*Tl:-qllllrq gi"a-ana.roiJing-a"ei i"l uo"qrateiy screenedwith permanent landscapei berms wrricrr-iisJ p.orii""r"" some snow storage.The plaza areas are talraicapuo-ror. formairy which rs nrore suitedto these pedestrianiz"a,-iraij-surfaced areas. The effect ol-i|". lgighborhood is quite positive, as the east andnorth sides have receivea a great ciear-oi-aii;;;;"; in their screening,and the neighborhooa asso.iaiiJn rras expressed their approvar ofthe landscaping tor ttr"r.-i""ii. Berming and planting in frontof the northeait tacaae-or-tiJ-oritding has improved that erevation. RECOMMENDATION The community Devel0pment_Department recommends approva'r of the rezoningrequest for tracts B^and F, vaii viirini s*, uno-iit-riifis, ""rp".tivelyand the imposition of the 5ti-riit"un"iilation District on ir'" newry annexedparce'l 'adjacentto the south. ,n" ;;;-;i;.sed to oe a-pa"l or *," pranningprocess which has taken place ror-tili!'iroject ana lob[ ior"uro to continuinothis process in the a"u"ioprlni"or"un"oiura'r neighborhood plan which thisproject has stimulated-. w! i""r-inJ"."ilu, been dramatic improvement tothe deve)opment pran whici-ha;-;uiuiiio"in 9-;;"j;;;-;r,i.n',,ii, be an improve_ment to the site and to ttre neig[bJrrr..o. rui^tnir ""iin.r.nt, in detairswi I I be necessarv ut- ll" o"r ign'ii"ui"i"tou.a r ever tJ ;;ilil workabi.r ity.:;ri::'i:;i 8ff,,*?iilr p'opoiir';;'il in extremeiv p"iiii,. one ror the 8.andsc inq of the total s teint rms of:sui tabi 1 it-v, and eTtect on the ne iq borhood. es , rla i ntenance, 7&' \._ +/"rtJ , a-fut-'rq ,r//// ?-t--/oz z /42.a. % oci /rkf/,*r fua&{ wrLLr^x 5. POwf ,ls ROgEFT S. ^PPEIWILUAM P JOHNSOH ooNALO l- Gr^coxlr'l POBEFI S,9LO5t(Y ooxaLo P. sHw^YoE'| cHAtrLES l! COWgERTFW^lT€ xoFr.^N tl. HELwlo JAMES H. LYONS FIC'iAFO X. CL FK cx^lLEs GOLOAEFO 'ENNTSON u|. qElEBENA'I oFrEcotlt(- wtLLl^ias OFEOORYA |(A|\|AX HEFBEF.r x. o^vri a JAx€5 R. EVEFISQTa i.ICHAEL O. NOSLEF LYXNE EISA6UIRFE O FIR'' '. APP€L .Nor ^oFrr(o rx coloa^oo ROgEFT S. ^RTXUR, JR. txoH^5 x. YOUNO OANIEL S.JAPfIA slEPHE.i'r. JoHNsox ^N6€LlN^ IFIIZ^FttY ar-aN w. ^No€Ft50r{JAMES 5- SIJOLER.lll .JANTC€ r.." tErSct{ oorJ6LAS D. SCOiT JAY I.( FINESTLVE" raaRCta ra. |{uox€5 r..rcxaEL O- AUFNS J. SCO.rr SW€N5Ol{ FREOERIC( J. EAUMA N o^vrD f( 6AiE BFENT Fr. cotl€il ALLEN J. A^E'I' RotHcERaeR, APPru & PowERS Ttl/ENTY.FOURTH FLOOR I600 BROAOWAY DENVER, COLORADO 8O2O2 TELEPHoNE (303) a6l-2600 OcEober 31, 1983 IRA C. F|OTxGEtts€Ft (1676 '195'l waLrEFt !.. aPPeL lr679"i93ll TELECOPIETI (303) e6l-zeoo exrENSloN 313 cAtLE AOOttEss . APFIOPO' OENVER IRA C. ROTBGERBER' JFT' COUNSEL Kevin Conwick, Esq ' Holme, Roberts & Owen 900 Boettcher Bldg' 84OO E. PrenEice Ave' Englewood, CO 8011I Re: Golden Peak RedeveloPment Plan (P rotective Covenants) Dear Kevin: Enclosed is a coPy of uhe mosE recently revised draft of the Declara- tion of protecEive covlnants .rr.orp"""irl tire colden Peak area' Based upon our recent .or.r"rr"iion which included -r!fur".r"" to the facc that only the existi-ng fifEh filj.ng ProtecEive covenants would require amendment ' I believe Ehat this aol"tent will now "t'f fitt subject' of course' to the inpuE I receive from our clients' Renaining to be done is a review of all of the Property which will fir within Ehe designation of "benefitll Lnd" and aiditionally' we will wish to pin d own ti?t'-ptecision the ftgtf a""ttiPtion for the "Improved parce1,, referenced i.' itr" Decl-aration." G.rr.r"lly speaking, the Improved Parcel consisEs of ittt northern most 3 plus acre segment of Tract F' I shall look forward to receiving your conments wiEhin the next few days. Very yours, Char I es 11. CowPerthwaite CHC: do Enc Io sur e cc: Dick Elias Robert McCartan RandY Milhoan John CurrY GerrY WhiEe Jane CarPencer Cecil & Lilliaa Ishii Louis M. Qu irk tTtt w DECLAMTION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS WTIEREAS, Vall Aesoclates, Inc., a Colorado Corporatlon ("Declarant"), ls the owner of all of the land deecrlbed ln Exhtbtt A, attached hereto and by reference Lncorporated hereln (the "Sublect Land"); and IIHEREAS, The SubJect Land Lncludes a subatantlal portl.on of land tn- cluded wlthin the Vall Vtllage Flfth Fl1tng, according to the recorded Plat thereof, Eagle County, Colorado ("ftfttr Flling"); and WIIEFEAS, Slnulcaneously with the executLon hereof, certal.n protectlve covenanta affecting the Fifth Flltng have been anended ln order to further establlsh and naintaLn the character and value of the real property lncluded wlthin such flllng; and I,IHEREAS, Declarant contenplates that that portion of the SubJect Land descrlbed ln Exhlblt B, attached hereto ard by reference lncorporated hereLn(the "Inproved Parcel"), will be improved by the construction of a prl-nary atructure or structures (the "Maln Bulldtng") and certain acceasory Lmprove- oents; and WIIEREAS, Declarant deslres to create cerlain protectLve coverurnta affectlng the SubJect Land with whlch to Lnpose land use restriccLons and Ln- sure the contl-nued exLstence of permanent green areas and open spaces for the benefit of all- of the present and future ownera of the Subject Land and the ownera of land descrLbed as fol1olre ("Benefited Land"): Lots l-1 I lncluslve and Lota l3-19 lnclusive, Block l, and Lots l-15 inclusive, Block 4, Vall Village FLret Filing; Lotg l-9 lncluslve, Vatl Vtllage Fourth Flhng; Lot B, Block 3, Vail Village Fifth Fillng; and Lots A, B and C, Block l, Vall Vlllage Seventh Flllng. NOt{, THEREFORE, ln coneideratl.on of the premlsee, Decl-arant, for ltself and its grantees, succea8or8 and asslgns, doee hereby Lmpose, establLsh, pub- lish, acknowledge, decl-are and create the followlng protective covenants for the benefit of all peraons who rnay now own or hereafter acqulre a fee sfunple ownershLp Lnterest in the SubJect Land and Beneflted Land, all of whlch cove- nants shaLl be deened to run with and be binding upon the SubJect Land and totnure to the beneflt of the SubJect Laod, Beneflted Land, and any owner thereof. I. LAND USE.The SubJect Land nay be used only for the followl-ng: the llain Bullding located on the Inproved Parcel: Skl Lockers/Enployee Locker Rooms Skt School and Skl Patrol Faclllties Llft Ticket Sales Tennls Pro Shop Ski RepaLr, Rental, Sales and Accessories Restaurant/Bar/Snack Bar/Candy Sales Winter Seasonal Ski School ReLated Chtld Care and Chlldrenrs Skl School and Appurtenant Recreational FacllLtl-es and Prograns Sunne r Seasonal Town of Vail Recreatlon Offlces lleeting Roomg for Declarant and Cotnnunlty-Orlented 0rganlz at lons InJury Preventlon and Rehabllltatlon Faclllties for Declarantrs use t.l Wirhin 1.1.1 1.1.2 1. 1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 l. 1.5 l. r.7 1.1.8 r.1.9 l.l.l0 l.l.ll Basket Rental l.l.12 Speclal CommrnLty Events 1.1.f3 Slx (6) Multl-Fanily Dwelllng Unlcs within the llal-n Buildlng 1.2 The followtng uses outside of the Main Buildlng located on the SubJect Land: 1.2.f Skl Tralls, SJ.opes and Llfts 1.2.2 Snorrnaklng Facllltles L.2.3 Bus and Skler Droo-0ff L.2.4 Surface Parking Lots L.2.5 Skl Raclng FaclLltles L.2.6 Publlc Park, Tot l,ot, Tennis and Vo1leybal1 Courts and Playing Field L.2.7 Exlstlng Water Treatmert aod Storage Facili-ties 1.2.8 MountaLn Storage Bulldings llmlted to thelr present sLze and general locaElon I.2.9 Skl School ActivLtl-es 1.2.f0 Speclal Connqrnlty Events 1.2.11 Outdoor bar and barbecue on the south side terrace of the Maln Bullding. 1.3 The followtng uses, subJect to Declalantrs having been lssued a condltional use permlt (1f requlred, or lf noE requlred, provlded Declarant sha1l have obtalned specific approval therefor from the Vail Town Councll), in accordance with the appllcable provlsloos of the Vatl Munlclpal Code: 1.3.1 Recreatlon Roorn/Ml.nor Arcade L,3.2 Addltlonal Storage Buildinga for Mountain Equlpnent 1.3.3 Summe r Outdoor Storage for llountain Equipuent 1.3.4 Redevelopment of Water Storage Extractlon and Treatnenc Facllltles f.3.5 Redevelopnent of Skl Racl.ng Facilltles f.3.5 Redevelopnent of Public Parks, Playgrounds f.3.7 Summe r Seasonal Conmrnlty Offlces and Programs 1.3.8 Publlc or Prtvate Parklng Structures 1.3.9 Seasonal- structures to accomodate athletie, cultural, or educatlonal servi ces 1.3.10 Redevelopnent of Skl Lifts and Tows requLring a uate- rial change fron the presenE conflguratLon. 1.4 Acceseory uses customarlly lncldenEal to those deecrlbed in paragraphe l.l, 1.2 and 1.3 above. 1.5 llone occupatLons, subJect to the issuance of a hone occupation permLt, Ln accordance wlth applicable provlslons of the Val1 Munlclpal Code. 1.6 The follorrlng shall be prohiblted uses on the SubJect Land: -2- f.6.f Retall sales eetabllshnents other than as authorlzed ln Section 18.39.080 of the Vail Municipal Code L.6.2 A11 other commercial uses or faclllcles other than aa pernltted ln Sections 18.39.030, f8.39.050 and 18.39.070 of the Vall Munlclpal Code 1.6.3 Dwelltng Units outslde of the Main Buildlng 1.6.4 Anioal and/or Ll.vestock Corals or Barns 1.6.5 Speclalty Food Establishnents 1.6.6 Surface Parking beyond the approved Development Plan L.6.7 Alplne Sltde 1.6.8 Any other use not pernltted for or allowed as described l-n paragraphs l.l, I.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 above 2. NUISANCE. No noxlous or offensive actlvlty shall be carrled on nor ehall anytlG[TE-done or pernitted whlch shall constitute a public nuLeance on the SubJect Land. 3. EFFECT AND DI'RATIoN 0F COVENANTS. fhe conditions, restrl-ctlons, etlpul"tlo talned hereln ehall be for the benefit of each tract lylng within the SubJect Land and Benefited Land and each owner of property therein, and shall contlnue in fu1l force and effect untll January I, 1999, at whlch tine they shall be automatlcally extended for ftve (5) successlve terns of ten (10) years each. 4. AI*{ENDI{ENT. The condition8, reatrictions, stlpulatlons, agreenents and covenants contained hereln sha1l not be waLved, abandoned, terminated or arnended except by wrltten conaent of the owners of (a) 757 of the prlvately ovrned land wlthln the SubJect Land, and (b) 7 57" of the prlvately owned land withln the Benefited Land, ae the same mry then be shown by the publlc rec- ords on flle in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. 5. ENFoRCEMENI. If any person shall vlolate or threaten to violate any of ttre-frffiiG of thls lnstrument, lt shal1 be lawful for any person or persons owning real property within the SubJect Land or Benefited Land to lnstl-tute proceedl-ngs at larr or Ln equLty to enforce the provLslons of thLg Lnstrunent, to enJoin the person violating or threatening to violate then and co recover danages, actual and punitive for such vLolatione. 6. SEVERABILIfi. Invalldatlon of any one or nore of the provl-slone of thls lns t rrAZit-Effid-gmen t or court order or decree shall ln no wlse affect any of the other provlslons hereof whlch sha1l remain ln full force and effect. IN I.fITNES S I{HEREOF, the unders Lgned, belng the Declarant herein, has hereunto set Lte hand bnd seal- thls day of ,1983. ATTEST: vArL ASSoCTATES, INC., a Colorado Corporation ("DESLAIANT.) By:By: -3- Senlor Vlce Presl-dent STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTT OF EAGI,E ) se: ) and by , es Secretary of Vall Assoel.atest Inc., a Colorado Corporatlon, ae lleclarant. WITNESS I{Y HAIID AIID OFTICIAL SEAL. My ConnLeal.on explree: The foregolog lletnrmnt $aa acknowledged before ne thls day of ., 1983r by Robert Parker, as Senior VLce Presldent, Notary Publlc Addreee lrro l ./^ /)htnt fur ,*r1' o //fuaft/,,r1 7 I i14 r./-- -+fl'Teil' D* Y,h-' t'"? ^-'Z-'-/A*;# .Uo^Uh^--, ' %."".**1- "r/-L ,.; ' a -?r-fura/{d.-u / fr(fr'zW -s/ry--t*^t/-" -fu>-yz-a.4ad dJ a,ru/ %/ Ct,(L z-- a,ru/ %/ Cpt il/ 6/-/*,p a 'k f/ ,rf ,-/ h*luorf*- - L-rz {*q2/*+ .p/, Uz& '* tu/r*(/ -s/:bd//*A u***- r?n g'/*tz% lown 75 soulh trontrga road uall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 4.. b. offlce of lown altomey October 18, 1983 MEMORANDUM TO: Vail Town Council FROM: Larry Eskwith/Peter PattenRE: Ski Area Recreation Zone District The staff would recommend the following changes be made inthe ski area recreation zone di-strict ordinance: 1. 18.39.030 C1 shal1 be amend.ed to read as follows: The dwelling units sha11 be a secondary use within' the main building if they meet the following crlteria. 2. 18.39.030 C2 sha.ll be amended to read as follows: Before acting on multi-family dwelling units, planning Commission sha11 conslder the following factors in regardthereto: c. Relationship and impact of the use on developmentobjectives of the Town. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution ofpopulation, transportati_on facilitiies, utllities,schools, parks and recreatj-on facilj-ties, and otherpublic facilities and public facility needs. Effect upon trafflc, with particular reference tocongestion, automotive and pedestrian safety andconveni.ence, traffic flow and control, access,maneuverabllity, and removal of snow from the streets and parki-ng area. Effect upon the character of the area ln which theproposed use is to be located including the scaleand bulk of the proposed use in relation to thesurrounding use . d. 3. 18.39.030 C shall be amended by the addition of paragraph 3to read as follows: 3. The Planning Commtssion shaIl make the findings set forthin 18.60.060 B before permitting multi family dwe1llngunits within the main bul1ding. 4. 18.39.120 A wil.l be changed to read as follows: 18.39.120 A The developer will provide a buffer zone in areas wherethe ski base recreation dlstrict boundary is adjacent toa residential use district boundary. The buffer zone must be kept free of buildings or structures and mustbe landscaped, screened to protect lt by natural featuresso that adverse affects on the surrounding areas areminimized. This may require buffer zone of sufficlentsize to adequately separate the proposed use from the, surrounding properties in terms of visual prlvacy, noise, adequate 1ight, air, air pollution, signage and other comparable potentially incompatible fastors. t, 74v,a+ ,rttazt*,tt-**urthrp k4^/ &rzerfilf f€ .5,uzzps41 , P/44Qry '/"'fAoz{ %*r.UrZrnv-1/m /24-; o, eL&e- I st 4.-4,;_#-. ffir;,- {f'rnd h 4t"',v4 .fi,9 *;ffi d>r- I 3 :' MEMORANDUM T0: Town Council FR0M: Conrmunity Development Department DATE: October ]4, l9g3 SUBJECT: Revisions to the Ski Base/Recreation District After First Reading The council' in.il:-Igtion to gpprove Ordinance 3g on first reading, made somespecific wording changes as weli'as d'ireitins-itiir-Io'work with vail Assocjatesand the neighborhood group on making the dtsiriii ro". generic (tess specific). I. These changes are the specific ones in the motion to approve: 1. Page 1,030 A ll: delete,,headset rental', 2. Page 1,030 B l,last line: delete,'and headset rental,, 3. Page 4, 075 #7: delete ,,Alpine Sl ide,' 4. Page 7, .l70;3rd and 4th lines: Change 33 feet to 35 feet 5. Page 7, bottom, delete staff recommendation section II' The foliow'ing.are changes in an effort to make the district less specificto a site and/or proposai. These have been agreed upon by staff, vailAssociates, and the heighborhooa associiiion," ---' I' Page l, o3o A #9: Meeting rooms,for owner use and community-oriented organization: 2. Page |, 030 A #.|0: Change "Vail Associates,, to ',Owners, Use,, 3. Page l, 030 C #l: Delete #l; re-number section 4. Page 2, 030 D: change to read: ,,The foilrowing uses shall be permittedoutside the main building as sFown on the appriivea ieu"topr.nt p'l an. " 5. Page 2, 030 D #6: Delete: ,'tot lot" 6. Page 2, 030 D #8: delete: "limited to their present size.', 7. Page 2, 030 D #9: should read: ,'Ski School Activities,, 8. Page 2, 030 D #11: de'lete ,,on the south side terrace,, 9' Page 3, 050 A #2: should read: "Addition or expansion of storage buildingsfor mountain equipmentrr - r54/83 Changes to Ski Bafecreation Dist. -2-v 10. Page 3, 050 A #8; should read: "Public or Private Parking Structures beyond the approved development plan" 11. Page 4, 075 #6: should read: "surface Parking beyond the approved development p1an" 12. Page 6, 130, should read: "Lot Area" (i.e. delete "and site dimensions") A] so, same section' should read: "The minimum lot or site area shal 1 be 40 acres of site area' at least one acre of uhich shal] be bui'ldable area." o !o /o. //ZZa,e _fr-.,- -1a-.-...* "1,. 3 --+- I \r,?oo €tatt- leaz ra/a1rrsa&flla, orr 'rU/.td-?/s/p€ fuao t"rc;*za*r /Prznbtau /tu;i o @ara(c)r- 7/u la'u T,, ,'t' t L --4 ll- a 7 o 1 t' -r\Jl t';'r\/ -ri' tl l, )u ,.. i I Tn. FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: PROPOSAL MEMORANDUM Planning and Envjronmental Conrnission Cormunity Development Department 0ctober 5, .l983 Request for mjnor subdivision to combine one in the Golden Peak Ski Base Area Appf icant: Vail Associates three parcels into Vai'l Associates wishes to make one parcel out of the following three existing parcel s: 1 Tract F, Vail Village Fifth Filing (4.2 acres zoned Agricultural and Open Space). Thjs parcel contajns the existing ski base facility and the four adjacent tennis courts. 2. Tract B, Vail Village Seventh Filing (8.9 acres zoned Agricultural and Open Space). This tract contains the base of chairs 6 and .l2, the three upper tennis courts, vollybalI courts and soccer fjeld. 3. Parcel C, an unplatted parcel recently annexed (35.8 acres unzoned). This parcel goes up the skj hjll and behind MjlI Creek Court and Northwoods. The upper'l imit of the parcel js Chair 12's upper lift house. The reason for the request is to incorporate this larger area as one parcelfor the purposes of more comprehensive planning in the re-deve1 opment of Golden Peak ski base area. It is felt that since it is the intention to rezone to Ski Base/Recreatjon District that thjs larger planning area wijl enable a single plan to be developed for the entjre activity area. CRI TERIA Section 17.16..l .l0 of the Subdivision Regulatjons states that the review criteriaare "its appropriateness jn regard to Town of Vail pol icies relating tosubdivision control, densities proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, environmental integrity and compatibilitywith surrounding land uses." CRITERIA EVALUATION The minor subdivision will give the Town more control over dens'i ties in this area by treating the three parcels as one. This is reflected in the large minimum lot size proposal in the Ski Base/Recreation District. The combininqof these parcels and subsequent re-zoning into Ski Base/Recreation Districtwjll allow the proper reguiation and control over this ent.i re area. Theproposal is not jn confljct with any ordinances, other documents, environmental r0/5/83 -2- ?t Sub of Golden Peak. integrity and does uses. RECOMMENDATION not result in any incompatibility with surrounding land The Cormunity Development Department recommends approval of this minor sub-division. lle feel it is beneficial to the intention of redevelopment and appropriate control over this area. The annexed parce'l can remain in an "unzoned" condition until the rezoning for this parcel is requested. I tln I ORDINANCE 38 Series of ]983 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE ADDING A NEI.I CHAPTER 18.39 I^IHICH IS A NEI,I ZONE DISTRICT ENTITLED SKI BASY RECREATION DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the zoning code is cumently inadequate in the ability to appropriately regulate and provide opportunities for development and re-development of ski base areas and facilities and their associated recreational activities; and WHEREAS, it is beneficial to the community to al 1ow for and to regu'late such deve'lopment in ski base areai and hlHEREAS, the P'l anning and Environmenta'l Conrmission has recorrnended that the Town Council adopt this zone district as part of the zoning code; and WHEREAS, the Town council is of the opinion that the adoption of this zone district is in the interest of the public health, safety and welfare. NOI^I, THERFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL' COLORADO' THAT: Section I The following zone district shall amend the zoning code as Chapter'18'39: r ). { ) C;'y'r/ae .r C; CHAPTER I8.39 SKI BASE/RECREATION DISTRICT 18.39.010 Purpose The Ski Base/Recreation District is intended to provide for the base facilities necessary to operate the ski mountain and to allow multj-family residential dwellings as a secondary use if certain criteria are met. In addition, sulnmer recreationalusesandfacilitiesareencouragedtoachievemulti-seasonaluseof some of the facilities and provide for efficient use of the facilities. .|8.39.030 Pernitted Uses A. The fol lowing uses sha'l'l be permitted Ski Base/Recreation District: within the main building in the t. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. Ski Lockers/Emp'loyee Locker Rooms Ski School and Ski Patrol FacilitiesLift Ticket Sales Tennis Pro Shop Ski Repair, Rental , Sales and Accessories Restaurant/Bar/Snack Bar/Candy Sales Winter Seasonal Ski School Related Child Care and Children's Ski School and Appurtenant Recreational Facilities and Programs Summer Seasonal Town of Vail Recreation 0ffices Meeting Rooms for 0wner Use and Commun'i ty-0riented 0rganizations Injury Prevention and Rehabilititatjon Ficilities for-Owners' Use Basket Rental Special Community Events 10. lt. 12. B. Retail and Meeting Room Space Limitation 'l . Retail sales space, whether it be a permitted orfirst two floors shall be limited to a maximum of gross square footage of the main building. Under shall be defined as tennis pro shop, candy sa'les, and accessories, and basket rental 2. Meeting rooms shall be limited to a maximun of 5% gross square footage of the main building. conditional use, in the 15% of the non-residential Section .|8.39.030, retail ski repair/rental /sales of the non-residential C. Multi-family dwelling units within the main building if the following requ irements are met: The dwelling un'its shall be a secondary use within the main bui'l dingif they meet the foi lowing crjteria: a. No resident'i al use on ground level.b. Visual impacts such as surface parking for the dwel'l ing units shall be minimized by providing at least 40% ot the required parking within the main building. -_) ( , c. The maxjmum gross residential floor area (CRFA) devoted to dwelling unitsshall not exceed 30% of the total gross square footage of main structure. Before act'i ng on multi-family dewlling units, the pianning commission shallconsider the following factors in regard thereto: a. Relationship and impacts of the use on development objectives of the Town. b. Effect of the use on_1ight and air, distribution of population, transporta-tion facilities, utilities, schools, pdrks and recreation facilitiesr' and other pub'lic facilities and public facilities needs , :.:c. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive .: and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow aid control , access, . i.maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking a.ea.,.;; d. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to '!':'' be located, including the sca'le and bulk of the proiosba use in relation .lto surrounding uses. .. . The Plann'ing Commissjon shall make the findings set forth in 18.60.060 B beforepermitting multi-family units within the main building. D. The following uses shall be permitted outside the main building as shown on theapproved development plan. ',4 f aut" 18.3e I I -2-cr, Ski trails, slopes and lifts Snowmaking facil ities Bus and skier drop-off Surface parking Iots Ski raci ng faci I ities Public park, tennis and volleyball courts and playing fields Water treatment and storage facilities Mountain storage buildings Ski school activities Special commun'ity events Food and beverage service 2. 3. 1. 2. J. A 5. 6. 7. 8. o 10. lt. 7) C"',f cr,upteJ.is u-C / 18.39.050 Conditiona'l Uses A. The following conditional uses shall be permitted in the Ski Base/RecreationDistrict, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordancewith the provisions of Chapter j8.60: 1. Recreation Room/Minor Arcade2. Addition or expansion of storage buildings for mountain equipment3. Sunrner Outdoor Storage for Mountain Equipment t. Redevelopment of l.later Storage Extraciioh and Treatment Facilities9. Redeveiopment of Ski Racing Facilities 9. Redevelopment of public paiks, playgrounds7. Summer Seasonal Community 0ffices ind programs8. Public or Private Parking Structures OeyonO the approved development9. Seasonal structures to accornmodate athllt.icr cultural ,-o"----educational activities.l0. Redevelopment of Ski Lifts and Tows B. The zoning administrator shall require an environmental impact report aspart of the approval process for the following conditional uses: 1. Public or Private parking Structures2. Future Recreational Fac.i iities The report shall fully assess the following items: l. Adverse effects which cannot ?. Mitigation measures proposal3. Possible alternatives to the4. Relationships between short5; I rrevers i bl e envi ronmental ( t of the proposai.6. Growth inducing impacts of be avoided if the proposal is implementedto minimize the impact proposed action. term and long term uses of the environment. changes resulting from implementation the project. .|8.39.070 Accessory Uses The fol]owing accessory uses shall be permitted in the Ski Base/RecreationDistrict: A. Accessory uses customarily incidental to perm'i tted and conditjonal usesand necessary for the operation thereof. B. Home occupations, subject to the issuance of a home occupation permit inaccordance wjth the provisions of Sections 18.58.130 thrbugh 18.58..190. -) t\f 18.39.075 Prohi b.ited Uses The l. 2. J. 4. 6. 't -4- .|8.39.080 as permitted tn a .|8.39.090 Development P'lan Required A. To ensure the unified development, the protection of the natura1 environment, the compatibi'l ity with the surrounding area and to assure that developmentin the Ski Base/Recreation District will meet the intent of the District, a development plan shall be required. The_proposed development plan shall be in accordance with section 1g.39.1.|0 andshall be submitted by the developer to the zoning aaminiitiitor, who'--'shalI refer it to the planning and environmental -commission, whfchshall consider the.plan.at a ieguiariy scheduled meeting. A reportof the pl.anning and_environmental commission statr'ng it; findinls andrecommendations shall be transmitted to the Town council for apIrovalin accordance with the appiicable provisions of section 19.66.060 ofthe municipal code. c- The approved development plan shall be used as the princj pa1 gu'i de forall development within the Ski Base,/Recreation Disti.ict. D. Amendments to the approved deve'l opment plan which do not change itssubstance may be approved by the planning and environmental commissionat a regulaliy scheduled public hearing in accordance with the provisionsof Section 18.66.060. E- Each. phase of the.approved development plan shal 1 require the approvaloI ll',. design rev'iew board in accbrdancb with the apiticable prbvisionsof chapter .l8.54 of the municjpal code prior to the'commencement of sitepreparati on. cl fol lowing are prohibited uses within the zone: Retail sales establ .i shments other than in Section All other commercial uses or facilities other than18.39.030, 18.39.050,'t8.39.070 Dwelling units outside of the main structure Animal and,/or I ivestock corrals or barns Specfalty Food Establ ishments Surface parking beyond approved development plan Any other use not specificelry permitted or conditionar in thiszone district. .l8.39.080 Location of Business Activity A' All offjces and retail sales conducted in the Ski Base/Recreation Distrjcrshall be operated and conducted entiretv wiinin u uriih.i"g,.i..pt-io" ' approved specia'l events. -2 fr C chaptertr.3 -5-a-,, .|8.39..l.l0 Development Plan - Contents The proposed development plan shall jnclude, but is not limited to the fo1 1 owi ng: A. Addressing Effects Upon the Environment: l. An open space and recreation p'l an sufficjent to meet the demands generated by the development without undue burden on available or proposed pubi ic faci I i t'ies .2. Identification of environmental hazards on the site such as floodplain and landsl'ide areas3. A detailed view analysis from the north, east and west of the proposed structure(s).4. A massing model of proposed structure(s) and an on-site demonstrationof the ridgeline(s) of roofs. B. Other Information Required for the Development Plan: l. Existing and proposed contours, after grading and site development, having contour intervals of not more than five feet.2. A proposed site plan, at a scale not smaller than one inch equalsfifty feet, showing the approximate locations and dimensions of all build'ings and structures, uses therein, and all principal site development features, such as landscaped areas, recreational faciljtjes, pedestrian plazas and walkways, service entries, driveways and off-street parking and loading areas. 3. A prelim'inary landscape p1 an, at a scale not smaller than one inch equals fjfty feet, showing existing landscape features to be retained or removed, and showing proposed landscap'i ng and landscaped site development features such as outdoor recreationalfacilit'ies, bicycle paths, trails, pedestrian piazas and walkways, water features, and other elements.4. Preliminary building elevations, sections, and f1 oor p1 ans, at a scale not smaller than one-eighth inch equals one foot, 'in sufficient detail to determine floor area, gross resjdential floor area, interior circulation, locations of uses within buildings, and the general scale.and appearance of the proposed development.5. Aconc'i se reporton the long-range deveiopment plans for the Ski Base/ Recreation District addressing ski lift upgrading, future potential recreati onal faci l i ti es and parki ng fac'i I j ti es to accomodate future improvements shall be required. -) C,,r.rn c ) 18.39.120 Design Standards/Criterja for Evaluation The development pian for the Ski Base/Recreation district shall meet eachof the foliowing standards or demonstrate that either one or more of themis not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the publicinterest has been achieveri: A. The developer wil!-provide a buffer zone in areas where the ski base recreationolstrtct boundary is adjacent to a'residenlial use d.i strict boundarjr. The..,buffer zone must be kept free of buildings or structures and must bL landscaped,screened.to protect it by natural featuris so that adverse effects on thesurrounding areas are minimized. Thjs may require a buffer zone of sufficientsize to adequately separate the proposed use irom the surround'i ng propertiesin terms of visual-privacy, noise, qdequate-light, air, -air pottit'ion',_=ignug"ard other comparable potentially inComgiatible iactors.' B. A circulation system designed for the type of traffic generated, takinginto consjderation safety, separation fibm living areai, convenience, - access, noise, and exhaust control . Private internal streets may be permittedif they can be used by police and fire department vehicres for ehergehcypurposes. Bicycle traffjc shalI be consjdered and provided when the siteis to be used for residentjal purposes; C. Functional open space in terms of: optimum preservation of natural features(lnctuding trees and drainage areas), recreation, views, convenience,and function; D. variety in terms of: housing type, densities, facilities and open space; E. Privacy in terms of the needs of: individuals, families and nejghbors; F. Pedestrian traff.ic interms of: safety, separation, convenience, accessto points of destination, and attractlveness; G. Building type in terms of: appropriateness to density, site relationship,and bul k; in terms of: purposes, types, maintenance, neighborhood. be 40 acres of sjte dr€d, 6l least one acre c,' H. Landscaping of the total sjtesujtability, and effect on the 18.39..|30 Lot Area The minimum lot or site area shallof which shall be buildable area. I B. 39. .l50 Setbacks Il !!" Ski Base/Recreation district, front, sjde,shall be as on the approved development plin.rear, and stream setbacks 7 { ) {crrapterlg -7-('/ 18.39..|70 Height For a flat or mansard roof, the height of the buildings shall not exceed thirty-five (35) feet. Up to 60% of the building (building coverage area) may be built to a hejght of 35 feet or less. No more than 40% of the building (bujlding coverage area) may be higher than 35 feet, but not higher than 40 feet. Towers, spires, cupolas, chimneys, fl agpoles, and similar architectural features not useable as Gross Resjdential Floor Area may extend above the height'l imit a distance of not more than twenty-five percent of the height limit nor more than fifteen feet. .|8.39.180 Density Control Total density shal'l not exceed one dwelling unit per eight acres of site area. 18.39..l90 Site Coverage Site Coverage shall be as shown on the approved development p1an. .l8.39.2.l0 Landscaping and Site Development Landscaping requirements shall be as shown on the approved development plan. All areas within the area(s) of disturbance in the landscape plan not occupied by building, ground level decks or patios, or parking shajl be landscaped. .|8.39.230 Parking 0ff-street parking shall be provided jn accordance with Chapter .l8.52 and/or as specified on the approved development p'l an. -2 I C / Section 2. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Torvn Council hereby decfares it would have passed this orclinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, stlbsections, sentences, clauses or plrrrses by declared invarid. 't- Section 3. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety ar,d welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section 4. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shal'l not affect any right whjch has accrued, any duty imposed, any vjolation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecutjon commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repeaied and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED ON FIRST READING rHTs //IJ) day or-O.z'(z/,) 1983, and a public hearing shall be held on this ordinance on the /fz-o day ot Ct&-A) ,1983, at 7:30 p.m. in the Councit Chambers of the Vail Municjpal Building, Vail, Co1 orado. 0rdered published in full this /t/,luv or ddt-Z) , 1e83. INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED READ ING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED day of ON SECOND ,/f,u: i fer, Pamela A. Brandmeyer Town Clerk Rodney E.i fer, Pame'l a A. Brandmeyer Town C'lerk ,-z-,n) ,-d - tt this / , .|993. Zry d"t+ -E ,lrt - ,/zz r^-/^ L nZ),2-ro.- 42 - ?L/,t ,,1', ll "/w,[q"\n* it/il'/*l#,%#trr ,I fu,/Hb -hzzz( f*- i' r ''! d'1,'170 s{ r',ti{r ',7fuwttr,.ftt/^n / .o7f "(/ u #7&;*t*A'z/r;d '( il'v-@ r/ I-i u a? rt0) , 03".6 (1) thilr*zl;*/**/ (, (, P'lanning and Environmental Cormission September 26, .|983 PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Dan Corcoran Diana Donovan Gordon Pierce Duane Piper Jim Viele ABSENT Jim Morgan Dan Corcoran, chairman, called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm. Corrections were made on pages 3, 5, and 7. Donovan moved and pierce seconded to approve the minutes as corrected. The vote was 5-0 with Piper abstaining. 2. (dealt with at end of meeting) 3. l,fegues!_to ameld the Vail Municipal Code to add a new zone district ent.itledSki But"/R".""ution D Peter Patten stated that there had been extensive meetings between VA representatives,Gold Peak. Neighborhood Association representatives, and ihe Town staff. He wentthrough the proposed zone district and outlined the major changes. He statedappreciation for the neighborhood efforts to help and termed it a posit'ive process. He added that the staff ieconrnended approval with one condition, thit le.:9.bsO,conditional uses should add #ll. Redbvelopment of ski lifts and tows. Bob Parker, Vail Associates vice-president, thanked the planning staff for theircooperation as well as the neighbbrhood asiociation. He'added ihat VA coulOnot agree with 18.39.110 8.5. which addressed impacts of the long range developmentplans. He pointed out that vA did not hive-iong'iinge-ptuni as !et, 5ut that ' these items could be applied to 18.39.050 B. As far as the building height and mass, parker wanted these items left for afinal determination when t[e final plan was proposed. He felt that vA neededthe flexibil!ty to satisfy roof heights requbsted by neighbors, but retain somewnerein the building the space required io have'the activitiei proposed. Jim Lamont, yepresenting the Gold peak Neighborhood Association, stated thatthe GPNA would like to see a master plan aid read a letter of resolution, andhoped that it would be part of the ai:prova'l and that the Council would includeit.as part of the plan. Kit cowperthi.raite, representing the GpNA, thankeo vA-and the staff. He stated that GirNA and VA would work together with protectivecovenants. Parker confirmed that vA does agree to become a party to a masterplan process and to develop protective covenants in cooperation wittr the GpNA.He asked if the GPNA wanted the alpine slide under prohib'ited uses rather thanunder conditional uses, and was answered that GPNA did. Dick Ryan Peter Patten Peter Jamar Jim Sayre Larry Eskwith Betsy Rosol ack (- PEc s/26/8j Discussion following concerning the amount of meeting space, and Parker statedthat the GPNA did not want so much meeting space thai it could be a potentialconvention center, and Patten pointed out that item 9 under permitted uses stated"meeting rooms forvai.l Asssociates and conrnunity oriented organizations.', Section .l8.39.170 Height was discussed, and Eskwith explained that 35 and 3gfeet would be the limit unless the zoning code were amended. Donovan said thatit appeared that this zone was concerned with only one sjte. Eskwith explainedthat this would be alright if the following crjtei^ja were met: that theie wasreally a furtherance of comprehensive land use in the town, and if it is reallybeneficial to the health and welfare of the town. He went on to explain thatthis site was djfferent from any other site. Donovan wondered if Caicade Villagewould fit the description, and it was pointed out that 4g acres was the minimumsize. Donovan wondered why minor arcades were mentioned under space limitation, when they weren't listed under permitted uses. Patten suggested eliminatingminor arcades under space limitation. Donovan questioned 18.39.120 A "low density residential use district" and wondereclwhat the exact meaning was. Patten stated that this quote came straight outof the SDD. Lamont sajd that he had interpreted it td mean resident'iil uses.Cowperthwaite suggested leaving out the words ',low density.,, Piper wondered jf Lamont was unhappy with the surface parking, and Lamont answeredthat he was in accord with the procbdures, but had queitions-Uea1 ing with thedevelopment plan stage. More discussion iollowed concerning the enii"onrenlit implgt report, the possib'i1ity of underground parking, and ihe conflicting statementsin the height section. Eskwith pointed-out thlt the-aocument could be amEnded -yP^t9-tltg 2nd.,reading of the counc'il. The wording of the height section wasolscussed iurther- corcoran asked if the wording could be ieft-open ended, andEskwith stated that there has never been a zoned-istrictwithout a'treighi-resiriction.Corcoran suggested ieaving the restriction in, Parker suggested putt_iig the lre-ightrestriction under language "as approved on the developmeii piin.[-- ooh"ovl'ri iii't't tnatif there were no heighl t-;m'itation, ano tnen tnJ Commlinltalion oetween the interestedpdrties broke down, it would be possible to have no restrictions at all, because VA was not bound to build this siecific building. She suggested'leaving the i3 and38 foot restrictions in and removing the rest of tne worAiig. Parker siated thatthat restriction made it very diffiiult to respond in a meaiingful way to the GpNAconcerns and have all the required uses in the structure. Ue iaaea tiat the westend was offensive to All Seasons, and so VA had planned to lower the profile on thatend, and to do that, they must shift some height'to the middle of the'building. Piper suggested a percentage figure, and Patten said that that had been discussed,but that there had been some concern with the highest height. Patten felt that it would be appropriate for the pEC to state what they thoughtwouldbe an appropriate height. Pierce felt that the height should be open lnOeA Seciuse there. were many other restrictions and VA needed soie range. Donovan pointed outVVI where the stipulation was that 60% of the building should not excebd a heightrand 40% cou'l d be a certain height. Parker stated that that basic concept was acceptable to VA. Cowperthwaite agreed. PEc wzatJe- ( recommend approval of the zone district as proposed by the staff withthe followinq chanqes: 0n page l, Section '18.39.030 B.l. delete "recreation room/minor arcade. page 3, Section 18.39.050 A. add #1.|, Redevelopment of ski lifts and tows Section .|8.39.050 A. delete #6, Alpine slide Section 18.39.075 Prohibited Uses, add #7 Atpine Slide add #8 Any other uses not specificailypermitted on conditional in this Section 18.39.120 A. eliminate "1ow dens'ity Section 18.39..|70 Height, eliminate all wording after ,,..35 feet,, andinsert "Up to 60% of the building (building coverage area) may be built . to a height of 35 feet or less. No more than 40% of the building(building coverage area) may be higher than 35 feet, but not higherthan 43 feet. Towers, spires, cupolas, chimneys, flagpoles, and similararch'itectural features not useable as Gross Residential Floor Area may extend above the height'limit a distance of not more than twenty-fivepercent of the he'ight limit nor more than fifteen feet. Page page 4 page page Donovan a 6, 7, l, section 18.39.030 B.l. "whether it be a permitted or conditionalafter the words "Retail ,sales space,', usg" fel plan for some problems ( :g+!9gd gld tfe vote was s-l with cerco@did not understffi 4. 4 request,fgr ql exterior alteration to the Lionshead Arcade in order to builda comrnert Viele moved and Pierce seconded to table until 0ctober l0 at which timethe PEC will act to approve or deny. The vote was 6-0 in favor of tablinq. 5. A request for an exterior alteration to the village centef prgject at l22East Meadow Drive to add a new retail addit'T(56-onthe d6-st end, to revise theentrance to Toymakerll Trgil, to construct additions to the reiail ,h;i;;;;;to construct a new.sidewalk arong the north side of the project Appl icant: Fred Hibberd - Peter Patten said that the staff had been working to include a masterthe Village center complex. He felt th;t it shoila be tabted becausehadn't been solved, and needed further review. Trout moved and Donovan seconded to table until l0 83.The vote was 6-0. ( oO G*",) hrc z/4"t/,;; dr-*l V;L, y4, etu1 4*, a,,/^, //a,-/6, fwl ,ktt /vE7€//. /55uES; Z- /tt,,r *aE - a/s/,^tr/f ,"/ -hT F a'zifteu /4.a'' ,q6/4 Ab /7f ; My'.o'-r/ /r,'Try /At /;dril^ Jar6orl-. h ht* *- /fu /uuz, V / ), 2- .z/- /n-. ^..i, ^-t , Z,;,/. '---^k j,.','[] tJA A*, br,4a;/-/ /r'-4 "**,e t4-'/,'.r/r''^A t 1*7/ + T"^'t 4 r:7. r-1a*vtr Wn4L'fu la a.?,L u-/ a,/ r'/,*, fr 4rd1 " Hr* ('MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Cormission Community Development Department September 22, 1983 TO: FROM: DATE: BACKGROUND Ig tgY that the review of.this proposed zone district has been exhaustive sincethe last Planning and'Environmehtai Commiss'ion meeting *ouio ue an understitement.Togethen.'the:€olden Peak Neighborhood Associat.ion, v.I. representatfves, andTown planning staff have spent a great dear of time in atiEmpting to come ioan agreement on language and, intent which would satisfy all parties t . 'v.i The proposed zone district as contained in this memorandum comes as close aspossible to that satisfaction of all involved. As a result of the many hoursof discussion and compromise which have occurred, we have agreed on neirly everyword in this document. The following zone district proposal is as proposed by vail Associates. staff recommendation fo'l lows the proposed district. (r o %e-fu (/r/3 t* - /,1., i///*SrtF-+rfu' o %rttl -tt -rr1 Crt*r{tt*t-""- aZ*a"Q///AJ - hn$lQuk S/n4 % natnda/ oz5 ,fu//,o,,ryt az Uzc&Ut*A /5sae5 -.--- {>4!:r //,/ -e/-sLn6 /y'tztttrtz la d(v ' n)t4* Ft/r?,/*" ct;4ri" *r/t7/yr fu*g f*/vftr4 @).o' tK y'lq ka / er-*q* E1-1 fu-- ry lz dtu4,.',',-l o, o =fff"'*E'=lY, lze3 SXI BASE AND IIIULTI PURPOSE RECREATIONAL ZONE: SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT 1O l4d,l4 du' The Ski Base and Multi-purpose Recreation Zone shallprovide critcria and standards for the imposition ofa. Special Dcvelopnent District upon sites that require ^ n I *it;*:mii:ll'iiJii :iJ':t1"tfl"fT;;::a;i;":liili:', il,,;,r) q" Il".f':ffff":;"'li";l;iill,.:I"il:T:;"iffi:i:. i"f'nl.A./il//t'of land in order to promote its nost "pprop"iot" V{ ,t"' /. /,.. use: to facilitate the adequate and economical t r.rIWprovision of streets and utilities; and to dStl\l t preserve the natural and scenic features of open u, t ^area. (ord. s0(re78) Bs(part).J Al filKThe ski Base use is intended to provide for the necessary llllf-facilities that protect the safeiy and insure the welfareor rhe varl skier. Further, that said Ski Base uses shallbe consistent with the required services which provide forthe comfort, safety and needs of the skiing pubiic. TIre Multi-Purpose Recreational use is intended to providero.r the seasonal operation of recreational , educational ,cultural and civic prograns within the ski base facilities1n a rnanner that is conpatible with thc surrouncling char_acter of the residenti.al neighborhood and consisteit withthe protection of passive opEn sp"cu on the site. G,(N,A rr"wa>PURPOSE: ; shall apply to the Golden'ni'iii.. -"i"i i The tion and lirnitation of specif! sed fc enent sspeciause permits. provide for the specific linitation of all or sone of thepermitted, accessory, and conditional uses with the SkiBase and Multi-purpose Recreational Zone in order toProtect the unique qualities of the Golden peak ski Baseand the surrounding neighborhood. $< Cliteria and Findings: and lvfulti Purpose Recreation Zone, and additional Prior to the inposition of the Ski Base A Speci:rl Developnent District, the approval of any subsequent permitted, accessory, or conditional uses; xtwt and the approval o.t any ordinalce, s contract or speClal use pc'tx[L; tltc Pltuuting iutd linvirururcntul C<xrmission:rnd the lbwr Council sha11 xvrtxrtpx ffiid6*"( evalUate and nnke itt9ryc*CryooO< mnnry'rnnr.x fecanrendatiOn I .for approval, disappnrval or nodification of the proposal upon the fotlowing criteria: Tl.:i:T:*.and lnpact of the uae o'' developneut gl'}Tg*F-, oelrp,.l' 4{*l;3F. F}ivljftE?rH{Bhsthiiitit'%i*il:""::J":;}"'o"' .'' Aera'ra-}'' recreatlon faclllttes, and other publlc facilltles and publlc facllltles needs 3 Effect upon trdfflc, wlth partlcular reference to congestlonr . aulonotlve and pedestrlan safety and convenlence r tlafflc flow and conlrol, accesst naneuverabillty, and remval of snow fron the streets and Parklng area; Effect upon the character of the area ln uhlch the Droposed uee ls to be located, lncludlng the ecale aod bulk of the proposed use ln relatlon to surrounding uses; lffiings. ^ 3il:,1*rF,rthrFffi* . r"'ii.|iliiil,X'l;,iT,,fi:1iff to thc rcqucstcd veim: edYrg ano =pDzv D r'i1 'l. Thc relutionship of the requestrd vrrbau to other exisling or potcntirl usr:s tnd structurcs in the vicinity: l. The dr'grec to which relief from the strict or literal intcrprr'tltion rnd enlbrccmcnt of a specifred reguhtion is ncr'cssary to achieve conrpatability and uniformity of trcatmcnt among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objcctivcs of this titlc Mthout grant of special privilege; J. ,M h( (L 4. Such otltcr lactors and crit e'!i515-t lt c conrmission. dr'cnts o .,,,.',lll1ii,1if JilH,lJ:if+:$ffi :#tttiniiiio,u i n e IJffi c-a'r4r L hc tb ic gr ln t i n { :Ht{+i{n cc : 1 ne .rp<t=*ryr}n', P'l!1uct 7L Tlrlt thc gnrnting of the' varilrtcc' rvill not constittttc a I alrl distribution fxc il i t ir..s. ir r r hl i++de'imies a nd u tilitlts,-:md-Fu bl ic sa fe ty : [,rrnl of spccill privilcgc inctlttsistcnt with tltc iimitutions on otlrcr- propertie's cl:rssil'ir-'d in ttrc santc' aa.1rrr,rri4, district: Th:rt. thc. grrrnting of lhr'vlrilncc rvill rtot be dctrimcntnl to thc public heulth. satt'ty, or rvulllre, or matcrially iniurious te propgr_t ics or irnprovcmcnts in thc vicinity: Tlut rlrt gBlSFIir wrrrrrrtcd lbr onc or rnor.' of tlic tbllowing rc'rsons: }S l},. strict or litcral interprctrtion un,Qforccnrcnt ol' the spccificd regulation would result in practical tlifficulty or unnL.ccssary physical hardship inconsistcnt rvith thr. olrjcctivcs of this titlc,b. Thurc {rc cxccptiorurl or extraordinary circunrsturrccs or conditiorrs applicable to the sitc of -ttc=tttffmqg thlt tlo not lpply generally to other prrltrt icsli"l |tc *nn++rnt'. v\€ | q+\ }t/*trao o' c. l}c strict or litcrul intc'rprctotion and cnforccment ol' thc specificd rcguhrtion rvould dcprive the O'1retrr1 . applicunt of privilegcs enjoycd by the owners of A F\a c-G'lfotkr propurtics-i^thc samHtistriet. h El<}l Brr!,.,+laDO (()rrl. ti( l'fi3;.s t9.ObO.) a L -f o_o Beforc acting ulnn rul irpplication for the inqrosition of a ski Base and Iilulti Pulpose Recre:rtional Zone , and A special Development District the @*iao< Applicant nrrst nust cornplete il conjunction with the town of vail and the affected. EEiSlex neighborhood. 1' An Envirtrurental Inpact statenent which address the applicable prwisi.ns lnlprct rcport includcs the following natural systemt ot Ir cr studics:l. llydrologic conditions, such as surface drainrgp ,#, l.l rvutcrshcd cha racteristics, grounclwatcr and soilpcrrncability characterist ics, nitural water featurcs antl ch lract cristics, and any potcntial changcs or impacts;l. Atrnosphcric conditions, suclr as airshecl charactcrist ics.potcntial cmissions, and any potential changes orirrrplcts: , 1 -t. Gcologic. conditions, such as lancl forms. stope, soil \f^9,. ctl rsctcnsttcs. potential hazards, ancl any potcntialI' cn cnscs or lmpacts:. -1.4. Biotic conditions, such as vegetativc characteris rics, lv.U'_ wildlifc hrbitats, and any poteniial changes or impacts:-\. u tcr envrronmental conditions. such as noise leveis and ^ , A otlor ch aracteristics, and any potential changcs orVn inrprcts: 'rd u ,iJ: ,Vt'l\' Visu:rl conditions, such as views and sqenic values, and uny porcntial changes, impacts, or marked contrasts: Land use conditions, such as characteristics of uses.competibility rvith officially approved land use and()pen sl)ucr. prrlicics antl objcctivc.s. and potcntill e ltunur's ()r inlpitcts:('trcttlltiott lntl transportatiol contlitions. strclt as|olutncs und truffic llorv pattr,,rns, tfilnsit scn,icc n!.cds,lultcrnltivc trxllsit systcms. and potcnlial clrlngcs ortll)ilcls: - f'} [)rD11l;11i1v11 c ltu ntctc rist ics. sr.rcl as rcsidcntial dr,nsitics, l^/A' rtciSltlrrrt'ltotrtl [riltturns. potcntial tlispllccntc,nt o1.t lr'\l(l('ltl\ ()r lrttsirtcSSCs. frtd trott ntial clt:trtgUs OrllllllJdt{. of rhe f:11orving.c!n-ir* n "I#:,51qlSrL .,, TlrE 1u.56.0.10 Srudies and data rcquired. / ,,ffi | 'L Tlrr: cnvironrnc.ntul inrpact reSnf{ shall be baxdldfl s)'srr.ntilric stu(lics conductcd(by thc town staff or ffilpr()lcssionnl consultants, as detcrmincd bv the udntinistrrror. Thc' environrncntal impact report on a projr'ct ura! bc preparc-d by tlre rcsponsible pubticagpntl tr1' proti.ssionirl constrltants it engages. The -range of stttd ncrd'id to dcvelop thc technicrl drta for an I JkaElFt Neighborhood lr,laster Plan and Urban Design Gr:idetines: hior to the approval by the Design Review Board, the applicant, the Tbwn of vail, in conjuction with Representatives frrcm the neighborhood shalr prepare a Neighborhood ulaster plan and urban Design Guidelines for the site and the affected neighborhood. said docunents shall include , but not be lirnited to inforrnation contai.ned in the Ervincnlrental Inpact Report and the applicants prroposed development p1an. The planni.ng doucnnnts u subrnitted sha1l intluoe ttre phasing, tirning,financing nethods and obligations of public capital irrprovLnents tobe nnde onpublic and private properry in the neighborhood, on adjacentparks and open space and within the propsed site. I'\ A. the Master Plan shaIl include: \ 1. Surface and structured parkingi \ 2. Fedestrian r,valkways and ne'lls \ \ 3. Paxks, playgroturds cultur.ar and recreational anrenities. .t IIIO I 4. C.'eneral landscape inprrcvenentsry-tt I - rrk"tA 5. Tlaffie contrors and area of rimited vehicurar access.t\ \ O. lrtass transit routes and service 1eve1s. I I | 7. lvlethods of contrrclling noise and other noxious condltionsI ftom on site recreational activities. I \ 8. ltethods and proceedures for granting special p.r use pemits, so as \ t9 rninimize the effects from crowds and increased sunner usage on the\ site.\ V4\ Urban Design G.rideline sha1l address: // ..t I(}fLD/ The relationship betureen tlre design of structure or stmcture within \ - .,t the pr.oposed district and\--l 1. Tbe established architectural and urban design of the adjacent neighborhood. 2. Architectural and landscapc dcsign altcrnative for the structureor stnrcture on the site uhich ptace simllar function within seperate stmctures on the site. 3, Tl:e relationship of the prroposed structure or stmcture on thesite with existing zoning ordinance developnent standards for existing structure in adJacent zone distri.cts. 1ne /. I fttl 'l i "o o 18.39.090 Dcvuloprrcnt l'lan ltcrlulrcd 19.39.080.and shall be subrnirced by che developcr to the zonlngadnlnlscrator, who shall refer lt to Ehe To ensurc llre unlfled dcvelopmc.t, chc proccctlon of the natural envt ronnent,the courpuclbllluy wlttr the surroundlng area and to assure thaE developnentln che skl Basc/Recreuclon Dlsrrrcr r.rilr mcct the lntent of the oruc.i"il-a developmen! plan shall bc requlrcd. The proposecl developmcnt plan shall bc ln accordance wlch sectlon '----------.-'_ conrnlsslon, which shall consldcr thc planneetlng. A report of the nlannlng andflndlngs and recourmendatlons shal1 befor approval ln accordance wlth Ehe f9.t-0.0^O-0q of the munlclpal codc. plannlng and en..'lronmenEalar a regularly scheduled aoplicable provislons of Sectlon cnvlronmcntal conrnlsslon stating ltscransnlfLed to the Town Councll Theapproveddeveloprnentp1ansha1lb'e-.used.as-thepr1nc1palgu1deforarl devclopmenc wl'hi. rrre skl sasc/R6"d?edtT,i",i"or"c.r.t!!p.-Z' iJJg-".-f Dir- Anendmetrts to thc approved- developrncnc plan whlch do not change ltssubscance may be approvcd by chc plan.rng and envl ronr"ntui-"orrlssronat a regurarly scheduled publlc heartng ln accol<tancc.wlth the provlsioneof Sectlorr 18.66,060. Each phase of rhe approvcd devel.oprnenE plan shalr requlre the approvarof the deslgn revlew board ln accordance wlth the appllcable provlslons .of chapter 18.54..of the munlclpal code prlor to the courencement ofslte preparatlon. tirl t8.40.050 Dc'vcloprnc.nt phn_Contcnts. ., Thc proposed rJcvuro'nrcnt prun srruil incrudc, but is not ^,Limited lo lhc follorvin:: dr tr : X An tnviro.rrnrcntirl inrp:rr:t report slrlll bc subruittcd to thc- \zontng adnlrnistrutor in accorrl:rncc wilh Chapter 1g.56hereof unlcss rvuived by Section I g.56.0l0,exernpt projects;B. An open spuce und recrcarionar phi, r,tiii.:i.,rr ro meet thcdcnrands gr:nc'rcd by tlre devclopnrunr ivithout undueburdcn on al'lilablc or proposccl pubiic fucilitics;C. Existing rnd proposcd ionro,,ir, .n*i--orr,fing and sitedevcloprnent, having contour inrervlls of nir rnore than fivcfccr if r,'c avcrrse slopc of rhe sirc i, i;.;;il.- p.r.ent or less,or rvith conlour intervals of not rnorc thrn'ten fcet if theaverrgc slope of the site is grcater thln nventy pcrcent;D. A proposccJ s.ite plon, a.t a scile ,,ot ,rn.ll.f rhrn onc inche-quals fifty l'ect, shorving the approxirnrrc tocations anddirncnsions of all buitdings arrd ,t*.ii,i.r, us:s therein,and. all principat site .developrn.,rr i..rirr.s, such aslandscapcd rrels, recrcationat iicitiii.ls. liJcstrian ptazasand rvalktvays, service entries, drivervrys, lnd off*treetparkirrg lrrd lording areas; ,ij],,,.,:'1"::.lT!'ntrl impcct rcport shail summarizc rhctl : : !l " s. . n.t'.. o'n,n.n','dt-i o"t ii' i r *.",i.i.iliT1ff l'"r, ;:;:t:pirLts1i11g stutlics in tcr..'" rr',,,r-' ^-.,:";':"::_-'"\r vrrrql .,i..jrr!r.,,.,.r ,--. -1trns ilrut-S!_-&__O5r,ssed rnd i..., H*:l--1 t:yl- iiL;;;;s ";;atiffi#iH# It'.Ti ilit:rr-- .ifi r-Ri#+. :.h)cun)r.p tulion. f.aiinl.., -- Js('r'ri'rL'(r irs sl'lppQrtlng o'rc.r nr.r,,,rrr,"., ^- _-^..11 _dirta prglarr:d.irs , p,:ri ot.ani L]l l] :: f::::: 1L ., ...n "i,.;'".*'" i',ii'.riioi" llT :i illctlicr r)r,ii,r.,n,.,, ,," ;;;i:-, -. . cnvi. .nrcnt. Thc anulysis shall describe tem! -rary r'ffccts that rvill prcvail tluring construction. and long'tcrm cl'll'cts that rvill prcvail lllcr complction. Tltc anulysis shall tlcscribc hotlr hcncliciul clTccts and dclrimcntal cll:cts. Thc anall'sis shall r,onsidcr printury cffccts and sccondary effccts which rvill rcsult tionr tlu,' projcct. Thc anal.vsis portion of thc cnvironnrcntul impact rcport shall lulll' asscss the follorving itc m s: I I I 5. Residential : a. Or sitc rnalager drvelling unit (not to exceed 1,500 square feet) The fcliorvj.ng shaii be permitted uses for seasonal activities witbin the rnin structure. Said uses sha11 be in cnnjunction with recreational, cult'.raL, educational aad civrc dbckfjrsx activities granted to publ:.c or private ccncessionaires and corrrunity service organizatlons.- '-.*i .t1. ..-i : 1. Recreational equipnent repair, accessoly sales and rental. ..-t-!. \ ,j t .: ._.1 Classrcoms . ,.,',. .t',,,..€' Cflild 6r:e €enter,'.. i '-&' "- A prclirrrirrary lirnrJscapc ptrn. rt a scale not smallcr-ttrai 2. ; ig. F. onc irrcir eqirlls fifty feet,' sltorvirrg r'.risting landscapc fcaturcs to Lrc rcttincd or rtntolr.d, lnrl sho*.irig proposed landsc:rpingl tntl l:rrrdsc:tpcd sit,.' dcvcloprucnt llllurcs, suclras ouldoor rr'crc:rlion:l1 flrcilitics. bicrch: pilths, trails,pedcstrian pl;rz:rs :rnd rvalkrvrys, rv t.cr. ir..lturcs, and other clcnlcnts: Prclinrin:rry buihJirrg clcvalions, sr.ctions, :rnd Iloor plans, at a scrlc. nol srrrlller th:rrr orrr'<ishth inch rtlruls one foot.in sufljr-icnt dct:ril to dr.tcrntinc llo,r1 11J1.. gross residcntillfloor lrcl, ints.rior circul:rtiorr, lo,::rtrorrs of uses within buildings, lnd th.. genc'rrl scrlc und Jppclrance of the .proposed tlevcltrpnrc.nt. (Ord. 50r l97S) i 9 1p:rrt).)C.'ril4-t5.79) 2rr, . P:phibited Use.s: lhe follorving are prohibj.ted u-ses within the Special Developrnent District. //- il"^ W b/-Ll ; 6r.;1ad u sc" D,relling @drsRNlil\drkiNt rurits outside of the nain stnrcture animal .roh livestock corrals or kRr{ u^rns -cor-"u".^y' hry"r- storage building for rountain equipnent r.ra/{tzr/ Outdoor storage of lbuntai.n Equiprent Rrbric or B Private parking structur€ not attached to the nain bulldlng. *k* A L-?@ A,/-:,;a - h4'ru4 fu%-*-/ UtIrl* 2.Alpine slidepr, lz^ fft{+f?0 Devctoprncnt stjndrrds. ?"'r".""j,T:::""1:L'..'-0..'-'iL:lrli'slor!r@-q!mcnsions, r.,L vsruprlct I I slrnoaros. Inclrrding loqrcasetbacks, distancc betwecn builrtirrls, hiliiiser ba cks, d is t. n.. u. t*.'.'n ililili:,:Hliffi#f iil'fllli:site covcrage, hncrscrping ana prtri,rg. si,iii'f Ja.t.r"rirr,.rr r.,rrshrll.be_.dcternrin..d by . ll;; r, llf ' ::. lj,:1, .:i:::,_.1 toi .".i ii i,ii "i ;i';;il1:::i ; I :l',., t ".:1, : g : I ?'" i'_ -p-1 r r. o f r I r e "w; ;;;J' ; ;;i";"ril ; ili:(Ord.50(197E) S 9 (pirt).) ,T Appr\ *.r4D 6t74. Dlwr-' EAl6lEnt6 € er B.s,tc-.d*rE- ,\ rz-+--rt r-)---'1, - tF B'zrtlodeiE_-A agryq p=4+8 *a€i+ = 6ry-'\asE* I t.a) =1-.BAen5 (= I N=r= AT5 C+) 3tTe C-.uaaa.1e C-) Lanlp-- pe 4-'-*s 6 r7* ba.+r-op,,,€NT I (d) D.aoa] lz_ fS+9f40 Dcvcloprncnt slandards. ?:,1-.t"ll: I I : tr n d a rd s. i n c I u d i n g t o rl*g. :iIg jlm c ns io rrs, ::,j'^.1:-1,:,11e, b e t lvee n bl i L| in i:i, r, dstffi;;il;;i:site coverage, landscrping and prrkirrg. strrit 6. J.r.rn,i.$..vJesl/,.,s .rl|$ p.rrAI|ts. snJl| De- oclerntittcd bythc planning and r..nvironnr.ntoi .on.,iiiiri;;;H rDDror.r.rr rrvapprovetl t:y ll.-,, o.y?, : g: I :t t^ T par r. o I the a p f ro i.. J' ; ;;;i"il; ;;';il;'.(ord.50(t976) S 9 (pin).) (r,)L,.J Arqe+' .,arnD 5t7a, D'-"EJ'r6lD.a6 I ,$F % 'f,y-stcr.rA6?*E- A, rzqrTX plER+A *,-r.*>=> = {cry-A-"a_<,-* | t*) a1 .BA-A- (=t N=r-' AT5 C+) 5t7e C-a-aaa1e (o) I -rr.'.ro-*Fru Arnrs 6 r7s bauer-op!4€NT I k) P^o"tl t4- SPE = h r .Be.:rE-'.,-' rc trt..,,-T R "pt"*?**ryU" Dtq 18.40.030 Applic:rtion. An applic:rtion f<.rr district may bc lrlcd by propcrty to bc includcd'l'hc lpplication vrill bc town and ntusl ittclurlc: approval ofdpccial devclol'rrrcrrt a pcrson h:rving an interest in tlrc in thc spcci:rl tlcvclopmcnt district. madc on thc l'rrrnr providcd by thc A. A lcgal dcscription of thc propcrty, the amount of acrr:lgc of the property, and conscnt by thc orvncrs ofall prol)erly to be includcd in th0 spccial dcvcloprnent district, l hc application nrust bc accornp:rni':d b1 l dcvelopment plurt. furthcr dcscribcd in Section 18.-10.050, and a list ol' ull adjoining propcrty owncrs. (Ord.50(1978) S 9 (part).) 18.40.0.{0 Dcvelopment plrn-Approval procedurcs. A. Bcfore the developer comrnenccs site preparation, building construction, or other irnprovement of open space, thcrc shall be rn approwd development plan for said district. B. The proposed developrnent phn in accordance with Scution 18.40.050 shall be submitted by the developer to thc zoning administrctor, rvho sh:rll rc'fcr it to the plunning . and environnrcntal comnrission. u'lrich shall consider llrc plan at a rcgulady sclredulcd nrccting. A report of tlrc planning and crrvironruental cornruissiorr stating its findings and recommendations shall be transrnitted to tlrc torvrr council for approval in accordancc with the applicrl'lc provisions of Section 18.66.060 of the nruniciprl cotlc. The tinre dcadlines for thc :r1:provat of thr: sp..ui:rl dcvelopment district shall bc tltosc used in the rmerrtlur..'nt proceedings found in Sr'ctiorls 18.66.130 through 18.6(i.I 0C. C. The approvcd developnrcrrt phn shall bc used us tlre principal guide for all d,:vcloprnr:nt within thc spcciul developnrent district. D. Amendments to the ilpprovcrl dt'vr.'loprnent plan rvhiclr Jo not chartgc ils substirnce rn:tv ['c:rlrprovcrl by tlte pl.rrrnilg and cnvironnrent:rl conrrnissiorr :rt a regularly sclre.luicrl public he:rrin-r: rn eccorduncc rvith tlrc provisions ol' S,.'ut iott 18.66.060. E. Each phlsc of thc lpprovcd dr:vt'loprrtcnt plan sh:rll ter;ttit.' tlrc ;rpprovll ol thc ttcsign revicrv bolrtl irr :r.'cordrnce witlt thc uplrlicubl,: prtrvisiotts of Clrlptur 18.5J 'rt'tl:c municipul ctltlr: prior lo lltr: e trttt tt tt tlccrllc rl t 0f :itc lttcltlr;rtton' (Ord. 5C( 19751 \ 9 (Prrt).) tt") I 18..{0.090 Recrceriorr rmerrilics trx. ALl revenues generated from the project andthe@shall A recrerrion anrenirics ras shrll t c.lsfilc1*c.t ou .ffip..irtdevelrrt'rl gnr clisrric r in rcr:ortl:rncr. r"i ii/e.;;; i, -1. .l 6l of rheVa.il illtrrricipel CoJr. :rr I r:rrc rol.rc.ttt"rhrTfrf,ffil;;":;;;and cnvir.nnrcnLrr conrrrrissi,r. r'rris r:rttr s.rrritlc Lll.sc'a on trreratc.ef thc prcvious zonc tlistrict .,r.r/o, iir.i'r"t-,: wrricrr most l closely rescmblcs the density plann.:J for trre district. (o^r..' --. 50(1978) $ 9 (part).,l 18.40.100 Tirrre rcquiremcnts. A. The applictnt must bcgin consrruction of thc spucilldevelopment district within cightecrr months from trr. rin,eof its final approval, ancl coitirru., diligently tow:r rd rhccompletion of the p.roject. If rlic spiciat'Oeu.tupnl,..i.,idistrict is to be deve-loped in srrgcs, ihe applicant r)rusrbegin construcrion of cach srilgc 'rvithin eigirie.n ,ri ii,i_ 9l !h. complction of thc previoui sr:r_rc.B. If the appliclnt does not begin and <liligently work lowrrd.the complction oi rhe speciil d er.clo p,ll"n t-'airtri.t or anystage o[ the special developncnt riistrict within thu rirnelimits imposed by the pre.i,iing subsection, the pfunriiii!and environmental.. commission sltrll review the spccialdevelopment district. They srrail ,..onrn.,.nd to thc torvrrcouncil tliat either the approval of the special developnrunt . . district be extended, .thar rhe approval of tfr. ip..i;idevelopment distrjct be revoked, 'or that the spccialdevelopment d istrict be anrended.(Ord.50(1978) g 9 (part).) 18.40.1l0 Fecs. The town council shall establish u fcc schcdule for spcciatdcve.lopment djstrict applicarions to .ou.i- tn. cosr ofprocessing and revierv. (Ord.50(197g) S 9 (part).) by the Recreational arnenities tax, be allocated for improvenrents to the u publ'c street, walla,vays, nnr1s, landscaping, bus shelte.s w'thin the neigh_ bor hood and cultura'/2/frI recreation facllities on a.djacent parklands. -'.-/ O)'lJtlJ ' ' r€, ' i-/ r/\' F SEqD rcltsoltil[)lu in rr:spcr:l to thc pft_r mudr'. (ord.4(1970/AA5 $ 6(l).i .20.190 Dedic:rrion of public land_Other than/ purposes. ln lir..u ol' tlt'tJic:rtion ns provitlcd in Scction 17.20pl.rnrrirrg cortrrnission ntay ilgrcc to tpprove, and thenlay tgrc!. to rnlkr', I rcscryltion or dedication of landprrlrlir; plrppssc olll0r tlrrn purks ilnd opcn spitccs. (Ord.4(l!Arr.5S6(-1).) ' r- Whcrc suitabld tion of public aryer. Lr pnvale open 5"*srC,.,r I 7. :0. 170. Dedication "f p{rtil;;l;; ,",',::.-,llj,. strau ..receive th" ;r,p;;i';i';. ilXlI ['j : ". ^": Iri: _ll, su uo i v lJc r ;,"r",' l 0.i,. jll." " t#ili,j e q u i va I e n t t o a t I ea s t -e i-gh-t;';i Til i,.", ; ffi :".'J.?# iil: i::i,":."i, :::1i:':1".1 rlit ineluoin;',il; ;ild trrere60 forpcrk s an d o pc,, s pa ccs ;; r:i;,illi'ii. ;';,,1' ;r'";#Iffi t ir,li:5|3no use masier plan. The pr"r,iirs'".l,niliou,6oru.u"r, f]l]l'. _r--""" rvirh rhe appticanr un<1. /edication of tess thai :i:ili,ll,'':'.":11: ::.:::::' .f i',lii: pll'"idyr ttrc rcsscr percentagg b: N:#::i;tilHl,Til:il j#!ilf,i,iti!iii,,1;T:i jt$ j:ft i ll.,,5t:,'::" "1: n llljl,:: ano, py'mises'wi rrrin' -tne proporcd rsrrtrd\,ion. ftr considcring, th{ reasonablenes, ;i ;ilTf, i l'fl '1'-::\':1'-Y i :: l'.,1 l' : pr3f in e com m iss ion st r at t cinfri ith,: rctlui\cnrs of rhq tanrfse ;r;i;; ;i;;, ;hc""'" *u"q.' ., i::n:i, j,\".1 id ;t- /J ; ;il- -* .'"?1#',1ffi$* ; il:lJ"':',:";,:N?:Tf 'x'iffi:111'1T"fl'::**i:E:space or open \paces, fhe character of the neighUortroi lLyj'll:9,.^.lr'.. -::Nifr to bo generatect by sucli pro;# ::::li::ll:.1t ^:':,1!._\y'"i:.mcnts, and rhc siic, u* b, brhi, ::lt-t, i.j_t, ",1, I l."f,rA.t y -in . rcspect t o which applicationlii lb lo 4.9 | 7.10.J00 rccrcational la cilit ics lntl /or 'rcscryllion :tgrccrncn t bctw space and tJedication in part by (Ord. 4( I q ,-proflttqlL public landoc wrivcd -in -r,,rr"t ^, lopcr. tion of thc zoning o , or which is not the volu nt ary ent of the i thcreto. No such agcement shdl be aPP by council unless il finds the agre crncn t to bc an<l in thc Public intcrest. (Ord- 4( 1970) Art. 5 20 Dedicution of public la required. uncil approval No agreement shall be bintling for any until it has eration, andbr'cn submitt!'d to the torvn council for its c until it has been approved by the town council. ( Art. 5 S 6(6).) 4( r 970) oo "1 LJ'/^l/ hgrrn -/4vnr/vz M)r-r") ,/-,".,,r / , A-a.-tUA oaa /fl. h e*'#*/fililU/L 4,/urfo vr%uu^T -/uW tka'tuh H c/,4;4 #",t ,^*7 h n1 dr{ a€T' g6l-w IAI 75 south lrontage roed Yail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce ot communlly development September .l6, '1983 Vail Associates Bcx 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 STATEMENT Re: Golden Peak annexation, and new zone district, Total $200.00 Fee for rezone, minor sub, rt oo *%rH,*/1ffi hrytnrA -,// L u,*,/C-L^l' d-* T; '6{ ,0; o,-( 'l 7{/o>/7-'.-,+'/" 'i lLL-,.--- W -tUt ar -' h*..vE/(rn- tTsd/trc.- / / /; J*..=- 4.ur' L//^a^/ +*^/p4ft-)aalr 7rz f*emfu--;3)*fu/' Z/q-r*. {ff4 li a"/.-/b4fr.4a/"-aI L*#tu I,l A-f* fr/* il ri 'l a v \./ HYDRO-TRIAD, TTD. September 13, 1983 Hr. Joe l,lacy Vail Associates, Inc.P.0. Box 7 Vai I . Col orado 81658 Re: Golden Peak Development Dea r iir. Macy: As requested, we have investigated the potential encroachnent ofthe proposed Golden Peak Development on the existing Mill Creek Diversion Channel . Based upon our investigations, it is evident that the proposed buildings and appurtenant structures will encroach on the channel . However, with certain modificat'ions and improvements to the channel , y{e feel that construction of the proposed project can be acconplished. A discussion of these modifications and improvements are orovided below. Inltially, the hydrologic and hydraulic characteristics of theMill Creek drainage basin were examined and peak flow rates in the channel were estlmated for various storm events. This was done using data provided fn the "Gore Creek Floodp'lain Information Report" pre- pared by Hydro-Triad, Ltd., dated ,lune 1975. The estimated peak flow rates are shown in Table I below. TABLE 1 Estimated Peak Flow Rates - Mill Creek Basin Snownel t Return Period (years ) 2 10 25 50 100 500 Peak FIow (cfs ) 190 290 340 400 480 700 These flow rates represent snowne'lt runoff as opposed to rainfall generated runoff. The peak flow resulting from a 100-year thunder- storm event was estimated to be approximately 800 cfs. \r' 42687 WEST CEDAR DRIVE. SUITE lOO LAKEWOOD, COTORADO B022B PHONE 303-989-1264 Mr. Joe l.lacy September 13, 1 Page Two At the present time, a diversion structure'located in Mil'l Creek divides and directs the flows from the basin into two channels, the main l'lill Creek Channel and the Mill Creek Diversion Channel wttich crosses tJte proposed development site. The diversion structure has a hydraulic capacity of'less than the 2S-year snowmelt runoff peak' 340 cfs, and divides the flow approximately 60 percent to the main channe'l and 40 percent to the diversion channel . Flow rates in excess of this will overtop the structure and continue downslope as sheet f'l ow. As a result, shallow flooding across the existing and proposed developnent may occur, regardless of the improvements and modifications to t}te Mil'l Creek Diversion Channel at the site. Localized grading, flood- proofing and a storm water drainage system wou'l d help alleviate this loca'l flooding. Based on these conditions, the improvements to the Mi'l 'l Creek Diversion Channel at the site cou'l d be based on a flow rate of 40 per- cent of the Z5-year peak flow, wtrich is approximate'ly 140 cfs. How- ever, the Town of Vai'1 , or others, may improve the capacity of the diversion structure in the future. The extent of the improvements are not known at this time but the 100-year snowrne1 t peak flow (480 cfs) would seem a 'likely design discharge. Assuming the same 60 percent/4O percent division, the flow in the Mi'l I Creek Diversion Channel would be 190 cfs. There is also the possibility that the 100-year thun- derstorm peak flow (800 cfs) could serve as the design discharge. This wou'ld resu'lt in a peak flow of 320 cfs within the Mill Creek Diversion Channel . Any one of these three peak flow rates (140 cfs, 190 cfs and 320 cfs) could be used as the design discharge for improvements to theMill Creek Diversion Channel . The final choice would depend upon economics, the degree of risk of loca'l flooding deemed acceptable and discussions with the Town of Vail pertaining to improvements to the l'lill Creek diversion structure. For purposes of our investigation, we have assumed that improvements to the diversion structure wil'l be madeto acconrnodate the 100-year snowrne'l t peak f low w'ith the 60 percent,/ 40 percent division. This results in a design discharge of approxi- nately 190 cfs. In addition, we have investigated the results of a thunderstorm event if the diversion structure were to be improved to hand'le the 100-year thunderstorm peak f1ow of 800 cfs . The des'i gn discharge in this case is 320 cfs. The fo] lowing recommended improvements are based on the proposed development plan shown on Sheet l0A of 20 as prepared by Mountain Engineering and Land Surveying Co., and a design discharge of 190 cfs. The improvements were a'l so checked for a fl ow rate of 320 cfs. As indicated, the Mill Creek Diversion Channel is to be re]ocated to the east of its current location, The new channel shou'l d be trapezoidalin cross section with a bottom width of 5 feet, side slopes of 3 hori- zonta'l to I vertlcal , or flatter, and a depth of 4 feet. The proposed bike path and pedestrian crossings should span the channel with a rninimum freeboard of one foot above the estimated water surface e'l eva- tion under peak flow conditions. If columns or supports are needed, they should be placed outside the flow area if possible, or at least within the fringe areas of the channel . o 983 Mr. Joe Macy September 13, 1 Page Three Due to the steep slopes and curves, erosive velocities can be expected. The proposed channel should be lined with durab'l e rock riprap upstream and downstream of the bike path and through the curvedportions of the channe'l . In addition, riprap should be p1 aced aroundany footi ngs, co1 umns and supports used for the bi ke path and pedestrian crossings. The proposed grading will a'lso require the installation of a cul vert, approximately 165 feet in length. This could be metal or concrete depending upon the requirements of the Town of Vail. Becauseof'limited headwater depths, grades and cover reguirements for the proposed parking area, the vertical height of the culvert cannot exceed approximately four feet. One so1 ution wou1 d be a standard size a'luminum box cu'lvert 3 feet-6 inches hlgh by 15 feet-l0 inches wide. For the design discharge of 190 cfs, the culvert wou'ld flow at a depthof approximately 2 feet-10 inches, which is slightly less than fullflow. This size culvert would a'l so accormodate the thunderstorm peak flow of 320 cfs; however, an upstream headwater depth of approximately5 feet wou'ld be required. This would create a backwater effect upstrean possibly resulting in overtopping of the channel banks. If desired, berms could be constructed a1 ong tte channe'l banks to alle-viate this problem andlor the channe'l could be widened. Also, other types andlor sizes of cu'lverts cou'ld be investigated. }lith the above recormended improvements, your proposed development p'lan will not adversely affect the Mill Creek Diversion floodplain. The size and type of culvert identified is just one solution andfurther investigations could identify other alternative culvert types and sizes. Please review the information and cal'l me if you have any questions or need additional information. Si ncere'ly, HYDRO-TRIAD, LTD. ,1 - /7 ,-/., / ..rttau 'J.(/rA'/Brian S. Ko'lstad, P.E. Senior hlater Resource Engineer BSK/J h #600 o 983 L'\r/ -flown of VaiI )lPlannine and Env ironment a1 Commission lBox 100 lVai1, Colorado 81657b, Dear Planning and Environmental Commission Members: Please be advj,sed that a-s -1:epresentatives of the Golden ?eak Neighborhood Associationuffive resqrvations regarding Vail -ASsociatesProPosedGo1denp.if-ffii-.cr!ationDistr4'ct Master P1an. .,'lHe f ind that the proposed b nlfu{*^"t inscances, "ft,@ rh r -3=tf-=* e'rcra\ 1>.\To) uses for the district,l-n frq 1/: I.l e believe that some of the uilding and reement w e properly amen 7errnitted ises within t and inten e believe the proposed an ,r#, distrjct could negativelt noact the residential charac ter of the neighborhood b.@ ng pas slve greenbelt and into a more active urban environment._ 4R4,. - -The terrns and condit ions of the proposed zone district &s -ill defined and do not permi t accurate interpretarion of it terms. We request that a special developrnent distrlcE be created that would conf orin to the final f orin of the proposed structure and general si te uses'and fur ther, that the terms of the SDD coencide with approved revision in the neighborhood covenents so that it wi 1l fu1fi1] Ehe terms of the district into PerPetuity.q pE5]Ec-)-, L l- (L'e believe that the pioposed project and anticipated moun t a in development could have a negatlve impact upon the distribution of populat ion, the safe f 1ow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and and the residenEial character of the ne ighborhood. We request that a conprehensive environment inpact staLement be requi,red according to the provis ions of the Municipal !p-d9-. Further ' that a urban design nas\ppl an wi th supporting urbafil?tlae I ines be com- pl eted, that would address off-site is sue s of s truc tured parking, recreational anenities, mass transit, and nece s sary capital inrprove- ment s for the neighborhood. In s ever al instances we h ave concerns regard in g the slze and seasonal operat ion of uses wi thin the proposed s truc tu r e. We would ask that each use within the s truc ture and on the gener a1 site be substan- tiated. as to the 1r app rop r ia tene e s and need.v. U^'r Ur a, \)-L4- 1 .We believe that the nass and bu 1k of the p roPo sed building should be reconsldered and o ther alternative archi techural and design solut ion be considered on a t imin s basis We seek a long term plan tha t would resolve the negative aspects of surface park in g, the separa E ion of ped es trial and vehicular Eraf f 1c and o ther func t iona 1 and aesthetic concern of Ehe ne ighborhood - We reqLrest tha t our ne ighborh ood organization be given the opportunity to r.rork in conjunction with Vail Associates and the Town of Vail to draft the necessary docuilent. to :nitigate our concerns ' Our intent is i-rot to delay construction of the project, brrt only to iind a long tc-rn :?nd lesting re so 1ut i on of the neighborhood co-ncerns. Therefore, uc requcsi '-h.ar prior to acccptjon an). ner.' Zorle Distrjct that our concerns be specif ical1y addressed. \'e are in ccncePtual agreement tltat i n p r o '.' e :-" e n t s r:'rade to rhe Golden ?cak site wi 11 beneflt both oui r)eighborhood and the co;:un j.t.;"'. ;f Thank vou f,-r r'.rrr r co:rsidcrat ion. Sinccrely, C0I-Dl'-N lEAii liEI(lllBCrliIl00D ASS ICATl0ii a. -+< A LETTER 0F RES0LUTION \ _\- Be it resolved that prior to the approval by the Design Review Board that, Vai1 Associates Inc., The Town of Vail, in conjunction with representative from the Golden Peak Neighborhood Association sha11 prepare a Neighborhood Master Plan and Urban Design Guide1ine for the effected site and the ndighborhood. Said documents sha'l'l includlbut not be limited to information contajn in an environmental accessment study and the applicants proposed devlopment p'l an. The p1 anning documents submitted shall include the, phasing, timing, financing methods and obligations for public capital improvements to be made on pub'l ic and private property, in the neighborhood and on adjacent parks, and open space w'ithin the proposed site. A. The ltlaster Plan shall include propoSed';ldcations for: 1. Surface and structured parking. 2. Pedestrian wa'lkways and malls. 3. Parks, playgrounds, cultural and recreationa'l amenities. 4. General landscape improvements. 5. Traffic controls and areas of limited vehicular access. 6. Mass transit routes, stops and service levels. 7. Methods of controlling noise and other noxious condjtions from on site recreational activities. 8. Methods and procedures for grant special events permits, so as to minimize the effects of crowds and increased sunner usage of the site. B. Urban Design Guidelines shall address the following: The relationship between the design of structure or structures within the proposed district and: 1. The established arihitectural and urban design of the adjacent neighborhood. ': 2. Architectural and landscape design: alternative for the structure or structures on the site which place simi'l ar functions within seperate structures on the site. 3. The relationship of the proposed structure or structures on the site with existing zon'ing ordinance and developments standards for existing structures in adjacent zone districts. o A letter of Reso'lution page two The'aforemntloned parties do hereby agree to sharc equally in the cost and provide contributory expertlse to cunplete a llelghborhood llaster Plan ln harmony with the cmnunity's development obJectives. Slgnators: Tovrn of Yail Go'lden Peak Neighborhood Association Vail Associates Inc. ,o /,r/r" L G/u^ tu' /4ril^ 4 (t/,,r,,,t-. / - ltzzt4hl - */r t"rlL *rr/.;;aL/7@ '|qt,r^-, ,--'*t/ frt fu/&, Otl L 7in;7 sa+,+ &tzra,u-t a4' ?ap : - C*2tuz-t'Vdr/rr*1 0 fr"h,'?fr -rr*-/ a:rJ./t/ ,) tt o. L/4zz/A -a-4-/--d ,-f#/L-/r\') /1 - t4t t-Sza447*(A .z- a*f /u"r 'sor11- /3. Lruolr) bnn',--Ma*L-ry,ffiWfufl ' ntrLtt-u,t 0"ca-/zo - ry-*P lr"/tts y{^};,^ (or* - tzirwrl;* L+ /tsz.{ - A- ,"-rrz fu ' .- /AZA*re- zzy-fld*t a*""4- u/ ' / / 5k c/z/ /r,'/'-6th fr't /" lL fu*rl, -*ifu /ruryn/*v4^/"/c"?r-r{*ft./aT /bUo /.r4/Z- rtl/;d^, / u -eez"1-* uo..r.ffir*:LJffiffi*,- rft%p,,,/*'L{zd %/L ir6 51rr"7 ( - h'"fu W';hrrr/ > Alr& rz/4;;fuW';;h,,rranhh rz/4 @ b /a"uh#/n4- I 8. 39 . 0l 0 PurPose The Sk'i Base/Recreation District is intended to provide for the base facil it'ies n.."rrury'ili ti"tli"-the ski,to'ntuin' and to allow multi- familv residential dwell ings as a seconoiiv use if certain criteria lii',1,'"t.-"i.-.iAiti"rl ir"ilu.-.u.reational uses and. facil ities are en- couraged to achieve t,lli-itutonal use oi'to*t-or the facilities and ;;;;iA; for eff icient use of the fac'il ities' ,r.rn.OrO Permitted Uses A. The following uses shall be permitted wjthin the main building in the Ski Base/Recreation D'i strict: ?-, CHAPTER I8.39 SKI BASE/RECREATION DISTRICT Ski Lockers/Employee Locker Rooms i[i l.hoot and' Ski Patrol Facil'ities Lift Ticket Sales Tennis Pro ShoP Ski RePajr, Sales and Accessori es Restaurant/Bar/Snack Bar Chjld Care and Chifotliis Ski Schoo'l and Appurtenant Recreational Faci I i ti es and Programs Town of Vail Recreation Offices H3:ilt-:;:ili,.,.,ation Facir jties ror va.ir Associates Emplovees uni s-xi club Vai'l Personnel Snowmaki ng I 2. 4. 6. 7. )< o.l0. il. B.Multi-Fami.|ydwellingun.itswjthjnthemajnbuilding.ifthefollowing requi rements are met: l. A maxjmum of six dwelling units will be allowed' Z. The forfeitr.. ot"li'i"lit"ii"-ui'io*uUt" dwell ing units on property owned by tne appij;;ti-;;; dedjcation of such property to the Town of Vait. lt snaii"n.-auiu.rined by'tn"'f"*. Cbrnlit is being benef.icial to the community ifii saia property be in publ ic ownership' 3.Thedwellingunitsshallbeasecondaryusewithinthemainbuildinguii t""ti ng the fol'l owi ng cri teri a: :;:n":,tfi:?t.l"lilotne ror the dwerring units- No residential - Visual imPacts -2- shall be minimized by providing at least 40% of the requr'red parking within the main buiIdjng.- tfre maiimum gross resident'i al fioor area (GRFA) devoted to dwelling unjts shall not exceed 30% of the total gross square footaqe of the main structure.4. l4ultilFamjly dwelling units shalI also be evaluated by the following: - Relatjonsh'i p and impact of the use on development obiectives of the Town;- Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilitjes, util ities, schools, parks and recreation faciljties, and other public facilitjes and public facilities needs;- Effect upon traffic, wjth particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control ' access' maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking area;- Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed usejs to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relatjon to surrounding uses; .|8.39.050 Conditional Uses The following conditional uses shall be permitted in the Ski Base/Recreat'ion Distrjct, subject to the jssuance of a conditional use perm'i t in accordance with the provisions of Chapter .l8.60: l. Redevelopment of Ski Lifts2. Storage Buildjngs for Mounta'i n Equipment3. 0utdoor Storage for Mountain Equipment4. Water Storagq, Extraction and Treatment Faciljties 5. Ski Racjng Hut6. Alpine Slide7. Public Parks, Playgrounds and Recreational Facilities other than those contained in .l8.39.030 A (7) 8. Seasonal Structures to accomodate Educational or Cultura'l Activities 9- Public or Private Parking Structures 10. Specialty Food Establishment wjthin the Main Building .l8.39.070 Accessory Uses The following accessory uses shall be permitted in the Ski Base/Recreation Di sctri ct: A. Accessory uses customarily incjdental to permitted and condjtional uses. B. Home occupations, subiect to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions Sections .l8.58..|30 through .l8.58..l90. .|8.39.090 Development Plan Requ'i red A. To ensure the unified development, the protection of the natural environment, the conipatibility with the surrounding area and to assure that development in the Skj Base/Recreatjon Djstrict will meet the intent of the District' a development p1 an sha11 be required. -3 B. The proposed developnrent plan shalI be'i n accordance with SectJon .l8.39.080 and strati bb submjtted br-tn.'developer to the zoning administrator, who shall refer it to t[i planning uhO environmental commissjon, which. shall consider the piah at a iegu'l arly scheduled meeting' A report of the planning and'environmental commissjon_stating its findings ano recommendationt sniti'b. t.unttitted to the Town Council for approval jn accordan." riit-it'" applicable prov'i sions of Section l8'66.060 of the municipal code. c. The approved development plan shall be used as the pni ncipal guide for all developrnent witi.rin the Ski Base/Recreat'i on District. D. Amendments to the approved development plan which do not change its. substance ru' O"'upiloved by the blann'i ng and environmental corunjss'ion at a reguluriy..t'![li"J pr"ttic hbaring in acco.dance with the provisions of Section .l8.66.060. E. Each phase of the approved development plan shal 1 require the approval of thb des.i gn ."ui.*'board in accordancb with the applicable provisions of Chapter Tg.Sq'oi the municjpal code prior to the commencement of site preparati on. .l8.39..|10 Development Plan - Contents The proposed development p1 an shall jnclude, but js not limited to the fol1owing: A. Addressjng Effects Upon the Environment: l. An open space and recreat'ion plan sufficjent to meet the demands generated'by the development wjthout undue burden on avajlable or proPosed Public faciIities.Z. iOehtificit.ion of environmental hazards on the site such as f1 oodplajn and landsljde areas- 3. A detaifea view inaiysii from the north, east and west of the proposed structure(s).4. A massing'rodet of proposed structure(s) and an on-sjte demonstration of the ridgeline(s) of roofs. B. 0ther Information Required for the Development Plan: l. Existing and proposed contours, after grading and site development' having iontoui^ intervals of not more than fjve feet' Z. A profosed iit" pfin, at a sca'l e not smaller than one inch equals-- fifty feet,-tto*ing i1. approximate 'locations and dimensjons of all bujlijngs and struitures'' r.rses therejn, and all principal ::t9 .'.r:!.:^- develOpfrent features, such aS landScaped areasr recreatlonal tac'l lltles' pedestrianplazasandwalkways,serviceentr.ies,drivewaysandoff-street parki ng and I oadi ng areas . -4- A preliminary landscape plan, at a scale not smaller than one inch equals fifty feet, showing exist'ing landscape features to be retained or removed, and showjng proposed Iandscaping and landscaped sjte deve'l opment features such as outdoor recreationalfacilitjes, bicycle paths, trai'l s, pedestrian plazas and walkways, water features, and other elements. Preliminary building elevations, sectjons, and floor p1ans, at a scale not smaller than one-eighth inch equals one foot, 'in sufficientdetail to determine floor area, gross resident.ial floor area, interiorcirculatjon, locations of uses wjthin buildings, and the general scale and appearance of the proposed development. A brief report on the long-range development p'lans for the Ski Base/ Recreation District addressing ski l ift upgrading, future potent'ial recreational facilities and parking facilities to accomodate future i mprovements . .l8.39..|30 Lot Area and Site Dimensions The mjnimum lot or site area shall be five acres of sjte area, one acreof which shall be buildable area. .l8.39..l50 Setbacks In the Ski Base/Recreation District, front, side, rear and stream setbacksshall be as on the approved development plan. .|8.39.170 Hei ght For a flat or mansard roof, the height of the buildings shall not exceedthirty-five (35) feet. For a sloping roof, the heighl of buildings shallnot exceed thirty-eight (38) feet. .l8.39..l90 Site Coverage Site coverage shall be as shown on the approved development plan. .l8.39.210 Landscaping and Site Development Landscaping requirements shall be as shown on the approved development plan.All areas wjthjn the area(s) of disturbance in the landscape plan'not occupied by buildings, ground level decks or patios, or parking sha11 be landscaped. .|8.39.230 Parking 0ff-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter .|8.52 and asspecified on the approved development plan. ? 4. 5. DRAFT OF NEI,J GOLDEN PEAK ZONE DISTRICT CHAPTER I8.39 SKI BASE/RECREATION DISTRICT 18.39.010 Purpose The Ski Base/Recreation District is intended to provide for the base facil'ities necessary to operate the skj mountain and to allow multi-family residential dwellings as a secondary use if certain criteria aremet. In add'ition, surTrner recreational uses and facilities are encouraged to achieve joint use of some of the facilities and prov'ide for efficient use of the facilities. Site development standards are intended to allow for the redevelopment of the Golden Peak base facilities and to maintain the general open space character of the area. 18.39.030 Permitted Uses The following uses shall be permitted in the Ski Base/Recreat'ion District: A. Ski Lockers B. Ski School and Ski Patrol Facilities C. Lift Ticket Sales D. Pro Shop - Tennis E. Ski Repai'i, Sales and Accessories F. Pedestrian and Bike Paths G. Ski Lifts and Tows E. Multi-Famjly dwelling units within allowed if the follovring criteria in Chapter '18.60) : -2- to the main building are addition to criteria as outl ined '18.39,050 Conditional Uses The following conditional uses shall be permitted in the ski Base/ Recreation District, subiect to the issuance of a conditional use permit 'in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.60: A. Restaurant/Bar/Snack Bar B. Mountain 0peration 0ffices C. Town of Vail Recreation 0ffices D. Day Care Facilities or attached are met (in 1. The forfeiture of other al'lowable dwel'ling or accomodation units on other properties in the Town of Vail by the property owner via dedication of such land to the Town of Vail Such forfeiture of dwelling units shall be an equal (or better) trade-off of dwelling or accomodation un'its (i.e. 10 forfe'ited' maxjmum of l0 received). 2. The dwelling units shall be clearly a secondary use to the principa] I permitted uses. The des'ign of faciljties in this zone shall reflect this through such measures as no residential uses on ground level , minimizing visual impacts such as parking of the residential use, and limjting the max'imum gross square footage devoted to dwelling units to a maximun of 20% of the total gross square footage of the main structure. -3- G. Pub'lic Parks, Playgrounds, and Recreational Facilties H. Seasonal Structures to accomodate educational or cultural activities I. Meeting Rooms J. Public or Private Parking Structures K. Specialty Food Establishment -18.39.070 Accessory Usesf- The fol'lowing accessory uses shall be permitted in the Ski Base/Recreation Di stri ct: A. Accessory uses (i.e. race hut) customarily incidenta'l to permitted and conditional uses. B. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions Sections 18.58..|30 through .|8.58..l90. 18.39.080 Deve'lopment Plan Required A. To ensure the unified development and to assure that deve'lopment in the Ski Base/Recreation District will meet the intent of the district' a development p'lan shall be required. o -4-o B. The proposed deve'lopment plan in accordance with Section .l8.39,085 shall be suhnjtted by the developer to the zoning administrator, who shall refer it to the planning and environmental commission, which shall consider the plan at a regularly scheduled meetjng. A report of the p'l ann'ing and environ- mental commission stating its findings and recommendations shal'l be transm'itted to the town counci'l for approval in accordance with the applicable provisions of Segtion 18.66.060 of the municipal code. C. The approved development plan sha'll be used as the principal guide for al1 development within the Ski Base/Recreation District. D. Amendments to the approved development plan which do not change its ' substance may be approved by the planning and environmental conunission at a regularly schedu'l ed public hearing in accordance with the provisions of Section '18.66.060. E. Each phase of the approved development p1 an shall require the approval of the design review board in accordance with the applicable prov'isions of Chapter 18.54 of the municipal code prior to the commencement of site preparation. '18.39.085 Development P'lan - Contents The proposed development plan shall include, but is not limited to the following lAta:/f/ A. An open space and recreational plan sufficient to meet the demands V publ ic facil ities i ,/' ,f :-rtr4^o propo:"o gJ6(r"r,.arter :radins and site development, areas; -/D, A preliminary landsffiplan, at a scale not fifty feet, showing existing landscape features and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped p1 azas and wal kways, 'water f eatures, and othery'ements ; -/ E. Preliminary building "lqi4K,, ,"rirK, and floor pl{ut a scale having contour intervals of not more'than five feet; ,,F, A proposed site plan, at a scale not smaller than one inch equals fjftyll feet, showjng the approximate locations and dimensjons of a'|1 buildings and structures, uses therein, and al1 principal site deve'l opment features, such as 'l andscaped areas, recreational facilities, pedestrian plazas and wa1 kways, service entries, driveways, and off-street parking and loading smaller than one fnch equals to be retained or removed, s'ite development features such as outdOOn recreational facjlties, bicycle paths, trails, pedestrian : .l'. .\. p'l azas and walkways,'water features, and other -5- generated by the deve'l opment without undue burden on available or proposed not sma'ller than one-eighth inch equa'ls one foot, in sufficient detajl to determine floor area, gross resjdential f'loor area, interior circulation, 'locations of uses within luildings, and the general scale and appearance of the proposed deveigfment. F. A detailed v analysis f the north, east and west of the proposed structures. G. A massing of the ridgel model o sed structures and an on-site demonstration ines(s)roofs. 18.39.090 Lot The minimum lot of which sha'l'l Area and Site Dimensions or site area shall be five be bu i'ldab]e area . acres of site area, one acre O -6- .|8.39.1l0 Setbacks IntheSkjBase/RecreationDistrict,theminimumsetbacka.|ongstreet frontageshallbetwentyfeet,withthesjdeandrearsetbacksdeterm.ined by the Planning and Environmental Commission' 1 I .39 . 1 30 Hej ght Foraflatormansardroof,theheightofthebuildingsshal]notexceed thirty five (35) feet. For a sloping roof, the height of bui'ldings shal'l not exceed thirty-eight (38) feet' 18.39.'140 Site Coverage site coverage shall be determined by the Plann'ins and EnxiFonmenta'l conrnjssion and approved by the Town councir as part of the upprouutffie]opment pran. 18.39.150 Landscaping and S'ite Development A1 I 'land within setbacks along a public street must be'l andscaped' also' theareabetweenthepropertyljneandpavementonstreetsshallbe landscaped.Allareasnotoccupiedbybuildingsorgroundleve]decksor patios shalI be landscaPed. .|8.39.'170 Parking off-streetparkingsha]lbeprovidedinaccordancewithChpaterls.52. Noparkingshallbe]ocatedinanyrequiredsetbackarea.Parkingfor "open-market" dwelI ing units shal'l be'located underground' j : I i II I Iit J '-} PRESENT Dan Corcoran D'iana Donovan Gordon Piercel.lill Trout PRESENT FOR MEETING Jim Morgan ABSENT Duane Piper The meeting was Planning and Env'ironmental Conrnission September .|2, 1983 STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Dick Ryan Peter Jamar Jim Sayre Larry Eskwith Betsy Rosol ack called to order at l:00 pm by the chairman, Dan Corcoran. Donovan moved and Pierce seconded to approve the minutes. Vote was 5-0 in favor. 2.uest for an exterior alteration to the L'ionshead Arcade in order toa commerc]al a plicant: Lazier Cornmercial Prope read a letter from Viele moved and l. Approval of minutes of Auqust 22, .|983. Corcoran ember 26. the applicant asking to tab'le this item until Donovan seconded to table as requested. Vote J.A requqs! !o amend the Vail lvlunicipal Code to add a new zone distr t entitledski Base/Recreation Di strict. Al io, a dj scussion cotcerning-th-e-Col redevelopment proposal wilftake p1 ace. Applicant: Vail Aisociates Peter Patten explainedthat this was the first step in a somewhat complex approvalprocess. He stated that the first step would be to request to amend the zoning codeto get a new zone district, and the second step was an informal discussion to ieviewthe,proposed development plan. Peter went over the proposed zone district with the:!?ff's suggested changes of rvhich there were eight. Larry Eskwith emphasized thatthis was not an SDD' though it had many elements of an SDD. He added that the zonewas also subject to use in other areas, not just Golden peak. Bob Parker, of Vail Associates exp'l ained that the reason for a zone change wasthat Golden Peak was zoned Agriculture and 0pen Space, although it had aiways beenutilized as a ski base. He added that VA had a maSor committfrent to upgradi ttrisarea. vA felt that it was important to maintain a competitive posture in the skiresort market p1 ace, that the level of competit'ion was very high. Parker said that Golden Peak was a maior.statement by VA in'response to req-uesti from Vail Viliagemerchants. He explained that the Uuilding has'met basic concerns in that the piofile Sept- was 5-0. oe/r2/83 PEC -2- was no hjShel_than the existing bu'ilding, and the design fit the neighborhood. Hestated that VA had met with a number of-neighbors and iesponded to ai many of theirconcerns as possible, and remain flexible and wiiling to discuss any legiimate concerns, a'l though there were basic perameters related to operiting needs whiih w6re not nego-tiable. Larry Eskwith answered Corcoran's question of appropriateness of djscussion of thebuildjng' when what was being discussed was the'zone amendment, bJ stating that therelvas no reason to get too much detajled information at this time. Parker stated that the staff's change in .|8.39.080 did not take into account specia'levents that were held outside such as the Rotary breakfast, Vail Fest, art shows,and future plans to have outside ticket dispensers at the base of the chair lifts. Jim Lamont, representing a group of neighbors calling themselves,,The Golden peak Neighborhood Association," read a lettei from the asiociation stating concerns, anctasked that a Special Development District be created instead, that tiere be an envi-ronmental impact statement required, that there be a master plan to address parking,traffic, capital improvements for the neighborhood, etc. Lamont stated that he represented Manor Vail, Gold peak condos, Texas Townhouses,Texas Townhouses Norty, Al 1 Seasons, vail Trails East, Vail triit cnalet, andthe Rams Horn. Kit-Cowperthwaite, of Vail Trail East agreed with Lamont, and added that the amendmentcould impact other areas of the valley is well as Golden Peak. He felt that VA withthe amendment could build a much larger footprint than the one proposed. Randy Milhoanof Texas Townhouses was concerned wjih the pi^ofi1e, scale, trafiic'and parking-. Corcoran read into the minutes a letter from Wm A. Bours III, a Manor House owner, who was also concerned about traffic, parking, snow storage, etc. Morgan was concerned with the original proposai from VA in April concerning severalparcels of VA land in an exchange-with TOV. Parker answered'that Va had c6ncludedthat the package deal was not feasible and had decided to proceed one element at atime. Eskwith stated that this should be judged in terms bt whether or not it wasa,good.plan.strategy_overall. Morgan ast<ed ii it could be an SDD, and Eskwith repliedthat vA needed to fol low a zone djstrict. Morgan asked jf jt were zoned, then coirldvA come back with an sDD request, and Eskwith iepliedthat they could. Parker addressed the concerns of the neighbors about what would happen in the future. He stated that VA had agreed in public that they were willing to hive restrictionsin covenants. Pierce asked what'other areas coirld be potentialty affected, and patten stated that the staff hadn't looked at other areas, bul possibly-Lionshead and VailVil'lage. Pierce asked if the ski school was going-to be'eipanaira, ina partei saiait wouldn't be. He added that VA had proposei an-alpine slide beiause they had beenapproached !v malv Vail Village busineisei to increase summer act.ivity in ihe core.He stated that if it conflicted with the neighbors, VA was negotiable. He said thata physical therapy room was planned, a baskel locker room 1arler than the presentone' and a video arcade,had been proposed (it would close at i:00 pm) and that iherewou'ld be meeting rooms for VA jnsiructors, instruction, and community groups.t 03- PEc e/12/83 Pjerce felt that the size of the building was rather modest, and would not generailyimlaq! the neighborhood. Viele said he igreed with Gordon, and if VA were iitiingto add covenants to protect the neighborhood, that should hopefully resolve orobldms.He asked about other_vA property that could possibly affecteb ai witil-ina-p5"i""answered that in Vail Village, the property currentiy is primarily own"J Uy ih"Forest Service, although there..were'mahy 1lgal questions ibout whit propeiiy wislegally annexed to the Town. He stated thai the amount of land ui ebtoEn piu[-"ut 2+ acres. (.of land ngt a_lready zoned). He added that One Vail place wai at-ineextent that no additional building wrjuld be allowed. Parker stated that at Lionshead the buildings were al ready zoned. Corcoran asked Eskwith if different conditions could be applied to another area underthe same district and Eskwith replied that they coutd. vibre tert ihii itre-riciiitiesat Golden Peak were.woefully inadequate, but that the concerns of the neighborsshould be listened to. Donovan warited to know if all of the proposed LH iacilities 9y! 9f the.Agriculture zoning, and Parker stated that the buiiaiirgs were out of 119 ttg zoning, but thati:the ski lifts, bridge, sno mak.i ng, etc. ii currently inA0S. Donovan was concerned with future chaiges, and woniered about the posiibilityof limiting the.square footage, and wondered"if'theie wtre ptans to convert thetne space. Parker answered.that they would not convert the space and explainedthat. the^meeting rooms would be used-by ski Tnstrultors,-itrat'they would'be availablet9 t[e TOV staff, but would not be con-verted. He stated that in the summer time,the facility and grounds were highly used by the community, and that jt was notoccupied by a commercial facility, ind if tlere were no aifine slide, there wouldnot be any money making activity in the summer. Patten stated that no major arcade was proposed,that part of the proposal so he assumed that they had dropped Donovan asked who owned the sma11 graveled parking area, and Parker stated thatvA did'.that they had been asked b! the T0v'that if it were to remain, that itDe gatecl' paved and landscaped. Donovan suggested some part of the agreement shouldcover special events. Trout asked Cowperthwiite to reitbrate his posltion, and ::l:d.il Cowperthwaite would be happy-i,rith,special covenants. Cowirerthwaiie replieof,nat tne protective covenants for Vail Village 5th were ignored because Tract F'was to have been "open area, park, no above lround buitdiigs until 1999" and thatrney were not to be amended, modified, etc, fn any way without lS% of the owners'permission. He stated that he had heard little riom vR of implementing thecovenants. Therefore, he felt special covenants would not be enforceadle. Eskwith explained that the protective covenants were filed before the ToV existed,and that they were.an agreement between VA and the property owners. He added tharEney naO been abandoned and not enforced, so the question would be whether or northe covenants had in fact been abandoned or not. 'cowperthwiite suggested an amendment !:_l!:..:Ijtting covenants. Eskwith stated that the ibv iouio impoi6 enforceabteconoltrons. Trout asked Lamont to expand on his letter, and Lamont was concernedabout an EIR, was hoping to have an sbo, was concernea iuoui the increase intraffic in the w'inter,-suggested putting the parking unaergiound, the linkage betweenthe golf course and Gold F6ak, anb the Frontale Roai. -t -o- e, s/12/83 Gerry White said that he failed to see the need for a new zone, but if new uses were established, limitations could also be established with variances then usedto go beyond the l'imitations. He was also concerned about future use. He feltthat if it were rezoned, there should be clear limitations. Trout asked Parker of future expansion of ski lifts and runs and wondered if VA was p'lanning_even more expansion. Parker answered that in light of the impactof possible future increase in traffic, VA was planning only i modest expansionin each function, but not a major expansion because of the nej ghbors. The expansion was l/3 lo 1/2 more than the existing building. Trout wondered about events iikethe Olympics which Byron Brown had a'l uded to, and Parker responded that Brown didnot speak for VA. He added that the ski club building was not part of the Goiden Peak.requested zone. He also added that the ski club planned to lengthen the FIS Standard G.S, and had expanded the slalom start to meet FIS standardi, but that VA had no plans to add major race facilities. Trout felt that the proposal wastimid and saw positive steps. Corcoran was concerned over the alpine slide, but that jt would have to come inon its own merjts. He did not feel that a good sDD was any more restrictive. He stated - the entire parcel was included and VA would not be coming back with another plan, and fe'lt that the'impact was minimal. Morgan asked wliy the staffwas concerned that there might be year-round day care. pitten answerLd that withoutbeing able to study all areis, the staff felt ii was best to have restrictions,and in the future conditional uses could be reconsidered. There was some discussionabout-a1lowing a video arcade, and Patten said that it could be handled thru condi-tional use processes- Ryan expressed gratitude that the neighbors had shown interestand suggested that they work wjth the itatf on the pedestriai and traffic plan,and Parker suggested that VA be included. Patten stated that under information required for the development plan, limitedretail sales and parking information shduld be requ.ired, and that iil retai.lsates should be conditional . Dick Elias of Manor Vail stated that he did not know that this item would be votedon today' and he felt that the neighborhood concerns should be included in therecommended district. Patten repeated that there were two separate points to be considered today, one was to vote on whether or not to recommend the district to the Town Councji, andthe other was simply to discuss the Golden Peak district, but not to vote on it.tl|y:t|expiained that after the district is added to the zoning code, vA wouldstill have to come back w_ith a zoning amendment, then if that ii approved, theywould have to have a development p1 an to get approved. Corcoran stated that he felt that the agenda was quite clear. Trout asked Lamontif he wanted to see changes, and Lamont said that jt was the jntent to have ajoint meeting with the TOV staff, but that the staff didn,t feel it was appropriate !9 m99! before this presentatjon. Morgan asked if this should be tabled'irntiltne luv' vA and the neighbors could meet. Parker stated that the VA positionwas.the one presented, with possible changes in reference to an alpinb slide.He did not see why the process could not 5e continued while this dbcument wasrecormended to Council. "tr ( More discussjon followed.- Donovan stated several things that she felt shouldbe addressed. She felt that parking and pedestrjans w6re both major issues. Shestated that it gppeared_that the pedestriins would be walking in ine street, thaton the corner where Mill Street used to be the planters wouli not be big.n6ugnto.hide the cars, that at the mothers'drop off'there rui-no p1 ace to rit" i-'ioop,and so cars would be.backed up, that on thb bus turn around there was triii igainmuch room as was needed, that the parking was pushed into the neighborhood tjomuch, and that she was concerned about snow storage. Parker answered that without exception, every concern had been expressed by thepianning department, and,that they were 1ook"i ng ii u rino. refinement of t"ne pian. Donovan stated that the inpact of-the facility on illegal parking was incredi'ble.Viele felt that the plan wls fairly modest uui oion't-g; rir enoigh to solve inePglli!s problem, that the plan did-consolidate many things and cafjtatized onMjll Creek. Pierce agreed with Viele anU suggeiiei unoeigouno pai^king under thetennis courts. Morgan felt that jt was diffiiult to undeistand'how ii came toth'i s state without pedestri an wa1 kways. He felt that the circulation was worseneo.Parker explained that they had consiierea moving itrJ uit. pailr-up ttre liop.-.ritie it..direct'ly to the sidewalk so that the aveiage person would'want io bo inatway. He added that the problem with pedestrians-in'winter was that room trasneeded for snow storage. He added that the parking problem would not be alleviateduntil there was underground parking. 4. Board appl icatiol .gtiIppTTcani : -Io-in tsr.r scoe Peter Jamar explained that the appe'l 'l ant submitted an application for DesignReview in order to construct threL units. The staff did'not accept the applicationdue to the fact that this rot is noi ioneo ror inv aoJiiionar units. Eskwith explained that Briscoe had asked the County for the units, then the 111-,yl: annexed bv the T0v. The rOv had asked Br'iscoe to exhaust administrativeI'rrcure5' Mr. Briscoe stated that the court told him to come in and get eitheran approval or a denial. Eskwith explained tnat ine property was zonei duplei-and that there were presently 3 uniti on it alreaJv. 'H"'stated-that Eagle Countyhad approved the three_units which were then built and then rigt. aJrniv i.f,.j'"him to go back to the Planning conrnission ror-approvai oi-ilr" iecond g";,up-;i-three' The applicant did. noi make uny-rr.t apprication to the Eagre countyPlanning Commission, and thereforf'nir'upp.oval had expired. Pieice seconded to PEc -Q snzrcz Morgan asked Eskwith whether or not the Council could recornmendation went to them, and Eskwith answered thatmajor changes, they would send it back to the pEC for make changes 'if if the Counciltheir input. the reconrnended Morgan moved and Donovgn-lqqqnqedlo tab]e lhe item until September 26 for further aga j nst . Viele moved and was 6-0. trold ihe staff's decision to den o CHAPTER I8.39 SKI BASE/RECREATION DISTRICT 18.39.010 Purpose The Ski Base/Recreation District is intended to provide for the base facilities necessary to operate the ski mountain and to allow multi-family residential dwellings as a secondary use if certain criteria are met. In addjtion, surffner recreational uses and facilities are encouraged to achjeve multi-seasonal use of some of the facilities and prov'ide for efficient use of the facilities. 1 8. 39. 030 A. The ski 'I 2 5. 7. o 1n ''| I rL. Permi tted Us.es following uses shall be perm'itted within the rnain building in the Base/Recreation District: Ski Lockers/Employee Locker Rooms Ski School and Ski Patrol FacilitiesLift Ticket Sales Tennjs Pro Shop Ski Repair, Rental , Sales and Accessorjes lestaurant/Bar/Snack Bar/Candy Sales |lJinter Seasonal Ski School Related Child Care and Children's Ski School and Appurtenant Recreational Facilitjes and Programs Summer Seasonal Town of Vail Recreation 0ffices Meeting Rooms for Owner Use and Community-0riented 0rganizations Injury Prevention and Rehabil it'i tation Facil ities for Ovrners' USE Easket Rental ipecial Community Events B.RetaiI and Meeting Room Space Limjtation l. Retajl sales space, whether it be a permitted or conditional use, in thefirst two floors shall be limited to a maximum of'|.5% of the non-resideni.iai gross square footage of the main buildin9. Under Section .|8.39.030, retail shall be defined as tennis pro shop, candy sa1es, ski repair/rental,/sales and accessories, and basket rental o . 2. Meeting rooms shall be limited to a maximum of 5% of the non-residential gross square footage of the main building. C. Multi-family dwelling units wjthin the main building if the following requirements are net: The dwelling units shall be a secondary use within the main buildingif they meet the following criteria: a. No residential use on ground level.b. Visual impacts such as surface parking for the dwelling units shall be minimized by providing at least tl0% of the required parking within the main building. Ski Base 18.39 O c. Th'e maximum gross residentia'l floor area (GRFA) devoted to dwelling units shal I not exceed 301 of the tota'l gross square footage of main structure. 2. Before acting on multi-family dewlling units, the planning conrnission sha'll consider the following factors in regard thereto: a. Relationship and impacts of the use on development objectives of the Town. b. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transporta- tion facilities, utilities, schoo'ls, parks and recreation facilities, and other public faci'lities and pub'lic facilities needs. c. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control , access, maneuverabi'l ity, and removal of snow from the streets and parking area. d. Effect upon the character of the area jn which the proposed use is to be located, including the sca'le and bulk of the proposed use in relationto surrounding uses. 3. The Planning Commission shall make the findings set forth in .l8.60.060 B before permitting multi-family units withjn the main building. D. The follovring uses shall be permitted outside the main building as shovrn on ihe approved development plan. O l. Ski trails, slopes and lifts 2. Snowmaking facil ities 3. Bus and skier drop-off .. Suriace parking lots 5. Ski racing faciljties 6. Publ ic park, tennis and volleyball courts and playing fields 7. Water treatment and storage facilities 8. Mountain storage buildings 9. Ski school activities .l0. Special community events ll. Food and beverage service Chapter 18f -3- 18.39.050 Conditional Uses - A. The following conditiona'l uses shall be permitted in the Ski Base/RecreationIt District' subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance. with the provisions of Chapter 18.60: 1. 2. J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 8.. The part t. 2. The Recreation Room/Minor ArcadeAddition or expansion of storage buildings for mountain equipment Summer Outdoor Storage for Mountain Equipment Redevelopment of water storage Extractioir and Treatment Facilities Redevelopment of Ski Racing Facilfties Redevelopment of Public Parks, playgrounds Summer Seasonal Conrmunity 0ffices and programs Public or Private Parking structures beyond the approved development plan. Seasonal structures to accommodate athletic, cu'l tural , or educational activities Redevelopment of Ski Lifts and Tows zoning administrator shall require an environmental impact report asof the approvai process for the following conditional uses: Public or Private Parking Structures Future Recreational Facil ities report shall fully assess the following items; 1 i 4. 5 Adverse effects which cannor M i cigation measures proposal Possible alternatives to the Re1 ationships betr.reen shortIrreversible environmental be avoided if the proposal is implemented to minjmize the impact proposed action. term and long term uses of the environment. changes resulting from implementationof the proposal.6. Growth inducing impacts of the project. . d.39.,.l70 accessory Uses The following accessory uses shall be permitted jn the Ski Base/RecreationDistrict: A. Accessory uses customarily incidental to permitted and conditional usesand necessary for the operation thereof. B. Home occupations, subject to the issuance of a home occupation permit inaccordance with the provisions of sections lg.5g. 130 through 19.59..|90. 18.3e l- O 18.39.075 Prohibited Uses The fol'lowing are prohibited uses within the zone: l. Retail sales establishments other than in Section 1g.39.090 2, All other conmercial uses or faci] ities other than as permitted in 18.39.030, .|8.39.050, 18.39.070 3. Dwelling units outside of the main structure 4. Animal and/or livestock corrals or barns 5. Specialty Food Establishments 6. Surface parking beyond approved development p1 an 7. Any other use not specifically permitted or conditional in thiszone district. .l8.39.080 Location of Business Act.i vity A. ,1ll offices and retail sal.es conducted in the Ski gase/Recreation Districtshall be operated and conducted entirely wj thin a building, except fcr approved special events. .|8.39.090 Development Plan Required A. To ensure the unifjed development, the protection of the natural environment' the compat'ibility with the surroundjng area and to assure that development jn the Ski Base/itecreation District will meet the intent of the District' a develcoment olan shall be required. B. The proposed development plan shall be in accordance with Section 18.39.'l l0 anoshall be submjtted by the developer to the zoning adminjstrator. v,ho shall refer it to the planning and environmental commission, whjch shall consider the plan at a regularly scheduled meeting. A reportof the planning and environmental commission stating its findjngs and recommendations shall be transmjtted to the Town Council for approvaljn accordance with the applicable provisions of Section 18.66.060 of the munjcipal code. C. The approved development plan shail be used as the principal guide forall development within the Ski Base/Recreation District. D. Amendments to the approved development pian which do not change its substance may be approved by the planning and environmenta'l comrnission at a iegularly scheduled public hearing in accordance with the provisions of Section 18.66.060. E. Each phase of the approved development plan shall require the approval of the design review board in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter ig.S+ of the municipal code prior to the'iormencement of sjte preparati on . Chapter'18.39 -5- l8.39 .1 '10 Deve'lopment Pl an - Contents The proposed development plan shall include, but is not limited to the fo1 | ow'i ng: A. Addressing Effects Upon the Environment: l. An open space and recreation plan suffjcient to meet the demands. generated by the development without undue burden on avai'l able or proposed public facil ities.2. Identification of environmental hazards on the site such as floodplain and lands lide areas3. A detailed view analysis from the north, east and west of the proposed structure(s).4. A massing model of proposed structure(s) and an on-site demonstration of the ridgeline(s) of roofs. P. ither Information Required for the Development Plan: 1. Existing and proposed contours, after grading and site development, having contour intervals of not more than five feet. A proposed site p1an, at a scale not smaller than one inch equalsfifty feet, showing the approx'imate locations and dimensions of al'l Luildings and structures, uses therein, and al1 principal site development features, such as landscaped areas, recreational facilities, pedestrian plazas and walkways, service entries, drivelays and off-street parking and loading areas. A preliminary landscape plan, at a scale not smaller than one inch equals fifty feet, showing existing landscape features to be retained or removed, and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped site development features such as outdoor recreationalfacilities, bicycle paths, trails, pedestrian plazas and walkways, water features, and other elements. Preliminary buildjng elevations, sections, and floor p1ans, at a scale not smal ler than one-eighth jnch equals one foot, jn sufficient detail to determine floor area, gross residential floor area, jnterior c'i rculation, locations of uses within bui'l dings, and the general scale and appearance of the proposed development. Aconcise reporton the long-range development plans for the Ski Base/ Recreation District addressing ski lift upgrading, future potential recreational facilities and parking facilities to accomodate future improvements shall be required (.. +- 5. 18.39.120 Design Standards/Criteria for Evaluation The development plan for the Ski Base/Recreation district shall meet each of the following standards or demonstrate that either one or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieveri: A. The develop€r wil.l'provide a buffbr zone in areas where the ski base recreation district boundary is adjacent to a'residential use district boundary. The. , buffer zone must be kept free of buildings or structures and must be landscaped' screened to protect it by natural features so that adverse effects on the surrounding areas are minimized. This;nay require a buffer zone of sufficient size to adequately separate the proposed use fron the surrounding properties in terms of visual privacy, noise, adequate 1ight, aiE, -air pollution,. signage ard other comparable potentially incompatible factors. B. A circulation system designed for the type of traffic generated, taking into consideration safety, separation fron living areas, conven'ience, access, nojse, and exhaust contro'l . Prjvate internal streets may be permitted if they can be used by police and fire department vehicles for emergency purposes. Bicycle traffic shall be considered and provided when the siteis to be used for residential purposes; C. Functional open space in terms of: optjmum preservation of natural features (including trees and drainage areas), recreation, views, convenience, and function; F Variety'in terms of: housing type, densities, facilities.and open space; Privacy in terms of the needs of: individuals, families and nejghbors; F. Pedestrian traffic interms of: safety, separation, convenience, access to points of destination, and attractiveness; G. Building type in terms of: appropriateness to density, site relationship, and bulk; H. Landscaping of the total site in terms of: purposes, types, maintenance, suitabi'l ity, and effect on the neighborhood. .l8.39..l30 Lot Area The minimum lot or site area shallof which shall be buildable area. be 40 acres of site dr€d, 6l least one acre 18.39.150 Setbacks In the Ski Base/Recreatjon district, front, side, rear, and stream setbacks shall be as on the approved development plan, D. Chapter ls.l -t- 18.39. 170' Height For a flat or mansard roof, the height of the buildings shall not exceed thirty-five (35) feet.-_Up to 60X of the building (building coverage area) may be built to a height s6 35 feet or less. No more than 40X of the building (building coverage area) may be higher than 35 feet, but not higher than 40 feet. Towers, spires, cupolas, chimneys, flagpoles, and similar architectural features not useab'l e as Gross Residential Floor Area may extend above the height limit a distance of not more than twenty-five percent of the height limit nor more than fifteen feet. I 8. 39. I 80 Dens i ty Contro'l Total density shall not exceed one dwelling unit per eight acres of site area. 18. 39. I 90 Si te Coverage Sjte Coverage shall be as shown on the approved development plan. .l8.39.2.|0 Landscaping and Site Development Landscaping requirements shalI be as shown on the approved development p1 an. All areas r.rithin the area(s) of disturbance in the landscape plan not occupied by bujlding, ground level decks or.patios, or paiking shall be landscaped. .|8.39.230 Parking 0ff-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 18.52 and/or;s 31er-iiied on the approved development plan. "rl t/ORDINANCE 38 Series of 1983 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE ADDING A NEhl CHAPTER I8.39 t,tHICH IS A NEl.l ZONE DISTRICT ENTITLED SKI BASF/ RECREATION DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the zoning code is currently inadequate in the ability to appropriately regulate and provide opportunities for development and re-development of ski base areas and facilities and-their associated recreational activities; and WHEREAS, it is beneficial to fhe cornmunity to allow for and to regulate such development in ski base area/ and NOl'l, THERFORE, BE Section. I \ The following zone inq and Erlvironmental Conrnission has recommended that the-l Ithis zon{ distrjct as part of the zonjng code; and I Council js of the opinion that the adoption of this zone Iintere6t of the publ'ic health, safety and welfare. I I I IT ORDAINED THAT: I I I district sha'll amend the zoning code as Chapter '18.39: WHEREAS, the Plann Town Council adopt WHEREAS, the Town district is in the CHAPTER I8.39 SKI BASE/RECREATION DISTRICT .|8.39.0]0 Purpose The Ski Base/Recreation District is intended to provide for the base facilities necessary to operate the ski mountain and to allow multi-family residential dwellings as a secondary use if certain criteria are met. In addition, surmer recreational uses and facilities are encouraged to achieve multi-seasonal useof some of the facilities and nrovide for efficient use of the facilities. 18.39.030 A. The ski Permitted Uses following uses shall be permitted within the main building in the Base./Recreation Di stri ct : Ski Lockers/Employee Locker Rooms Ski School and Ski Patrol FacilitiesLift Ticket Sales Tennis Pro Shop Ski Repair, Renta'l , Sales and Accessories Restaurant/Bar/Snack Bar/Candy Sales Winter Seasonal Ski School Related Child Care and Children's Ski School and Appurtenant Recreational Faciljties and Programs Summer Seasonal Town of Vail Recreation Offices Meeting Rooms for Vajl Associates and Community-Oriented 0rganizations Injury Prevention and Rehabilititation Facilities for Vail AssociatesEmployees ------\ t IBasket Rentalf, \r'r"tr{ L,/,-. Oi:L'td.'./ Special Communfufven+s.--.{---l / |\-)/ltt,-f/.ia^ i t. 2. J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. o.l0. ll. 12. B. Retail and Meeting Room Space Limitation l. Retail sales space, whether it be a permitted orfirst two floors shall be limited to a maximum ofgross square footage of the main building. shall be defined as tennis pro shop, and accessorie?.Pasket rental. 2. Meeting rooms shall be timited gross square footage of the mai conditional use, in the 15% of the non-residential Section'18.39.030, retaili repair/rental/sales'Hrtz toa 6f 5% of the non-residential C. Multi-family dwelling units within the main building if the fol'low'ing requirements are met: l. A maximum of six dwelling units will be allowed. Z. The dwelling units shall be a secondary use withjn the main building via meeting the fol lowing criterja: a. No residential use on ground level.b. Visual impacts such as surface parking for the dwelling unitsshall be minimized by providing at least 40% of the required parking within the main building. sal es , n building. 'r.o -2- c. The maximum gross res'idential floor area (GRFA) devoted to dwe11.ing units shall not exceed 30% of the total gross square footage of main structure. 3. Multi-family dwelling units shall also be evaluated by the following: a. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town b. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreationfacilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. c. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control , access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking area. d. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed useis to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. D. The fol'lowing existing uses shal'l be permitted outside the main buildinq: l. Ski Trail5, Slopes and Lifts 2. Snowmaking Facil ities 3. Bus and Skier Drop-off 4. Surface Parking Lots 5. Ski Racing Facilities 6. Public Park' Tot Lot, Tennis and volleyball courts and playing Field 7. Water Treatment and Storage Facilities 8. Mountain Storage Buildings limited to their present size. 9. Ski School 10. Special Community Events ll. Outdoor bar and barbecueffi chapO 18.3e -3- 18.39.050 Conditional Uses A. The fol'lowing conditional uses shall be permitted in the Ski Base,/RecreationDistrict, subject to the issuance of a cbnditional use permit in accordancewith the provisions of Chapter .l8.60: 1. Recreation Room/Minor Arcade?. Additional Storage Buildings for Mountain Equipment3. Summer Outdoor Storage for Mountain Equipment4. Redevelopment of Water Storage Extraction and Treatment Faciljties5. Redevelopme of Ski Racing faiilitiesq. Redevelopment of Public Parks, playgrounds 7. Summer Seasonal Community 0ffices and programs ..8. Publ ic or Private Parking Structures 1yy.,,1"/S1hy".tA9. Seasonal structures to accommodate athl6"ti'c, i-dftural educational activities10. Redevelopment of Ski Lifts and Tows B. The zoning administrator shal'l require an environmental impact report aspart of the approval process for the following conditional uses: tL, . pld* ' oPU I . Publ ic or2. Future Rec Private Parking Structures reational Facil ities - The report shall fully assess the following items: l. Adverse effects which cannot be avoided if the proposal is implemented?. Mitigation_reasures proposal to minimize the impact3. Possible alternatives to the proposed action.4. Re'lationsh_ips between short term.and long term uses of the environment.5. Irreversible environmental changes resulting from implementationof the proposal . 1 6. Growth inducing impacts of the project. .|8.39.070 Accessory Uses The fol'lowing accessory uses shall be permitted in the Ski Base/RecreationDistrict: A' Accessory uses customari'ly incidental to permitted and conditional usesand necessary for the operation thereof. B. Home occupations, subject to the issuance of a home occupation permit inaccordance with the provisions of sections lB.5g.l30 thrbugh .l9.5g..|90. C, -4- .l8.39.075 Prohibited Uses The following are prohibited uses wjthin the zone: l. Retail sales establishments other than in Section 2. All other commercial uses or facilities other than18.39.030, 18.39.050, 18.39.070 3. Dwelling units outside of the main structure 18.39.080 as permitted 1n 4. Animal and/or livestock corrals or barns 5. Special ty Food Establ ishments 6. Additional Surface Parking h,i't 2.7.7,, I =.?:-AtftrFst-idr ,_t,yt)7,' ntht / r' .|8.39.090 Development P'l an Required A. To ensure the unified development, the protection of the the compatibility with the surrounding area and to assure in the Ski Base/Recreation District will meet the intent a development plan shall be required. natura'l envi ronment, that development of the District, B.The_proposed development plan shall be in accordance with Section lg.39.ll0 6p6shall be submitted by the developer to the zoning administrator, who----shall refer it to the planning and environmental commission, whichshall consider the plan at a regularly scheduled meeting. A reportof the planning and environmental commission stat.ing .its findings and recommendations shall be transmitted to the Town Council for approvalin accordance with the applicable provisions of Section .l8.66.060 ofthe municipal code. The approved development plan shall be used as the principai guide forall development within the Ski Base/Recreation District. Amendments to the approved development plan which do not change its substance may be approved by the planning and environmental cornmissionat a regularly scheduled public hearing jn accordance with the provisionsof Section .l8.66.060. Each. phase-of the approved development plan sha11 require the approvalof the des'i gn review board in accordance with the applicable provisions of chapter .l8.54 of the municipal code prior to the comnencement of site preparati on. L. D. .lir1",.4.- 8. Any other use not specifically permitted or conditional in thiszone district. 18.39.080 Location of Business Activity A. All offices and retail sal.es conducted in the Ski Base/Recreation Districtshall be operated and conducted entirely within a building, "".ept-fo"approved special events. Chapter 1f9 -E- .|8.39.1.l0 Development Plan - Contents The proposed development p'lan shall include, but is not limited to the fo'l 1 owi ng: A. Addressing Effects Upon the Environment: l. An open space and recreation plan sufficient to meet the demands generated by the development without undue burden on available or proposed publ ic facilities.2. Identification of environmental hazards on the site such as floodplain and landslide areas.3. A detailed view analysis from the north, east and west of the proposed structure(s).4. A massing model of proposed structure(s) and an on-site demonstration of the ridgeline(s) of roofs. B. Other Information Required for the Development Plan: 1. Existing and proposed contours, after grading and site development, having contour intervals of not more than five feet.2. A proposed site plan, at a scale not smaller than one inch equalsfifty feet, showing the approximate locations and dimensions of all buildings and structures, uses therein, and all principal site development features, such as landscaped areas, recreational facilities, pedestri an plazas and walkways, service entries, driveways and off-street - --.parki ng and I oadi ng areas . 3. A prelim'inary landscape plan, at a scale not smaller than one inch equals fifty feet, showing existing landscape features to be retained or removed, and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped site development features such as outdoor recreationalfacilities, bicycle paths, trails, pedestrian plazas and walkways, water features, and other elements.4. Preliminary building elevations, sections, and fl oor plans, at a scale not smaller than one-eighth inch equals one foot, in sufficient detail to determine floor area, gross resjdential floor area, jnterior circulation, locations of uses within buildings, and the general scale and appearance of the proposed development.5. Aconcise reporton the long-range development p1 ans for the Skj Base/ Recreation Djstrict addressing ski lift upgrading, future potent'ial recreationa'l facilities and oarkinq facilities to accomodate future improvements sha'l I be required. 18.39 -6- .|8.39..|20 Design Standards/Criterja for Evaluation The development plan for the Ski Base/Recreation district shall meet eachof the following standards or demonstrate that either one or more of themis not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public'interest has been achieved: A. A buffer zone shal1 be provided that is adjacent to a residential use district. The buffer zone must be kept free of buildings or structures, and must be landscaped, screened or protected by natural features so that adverse effects on the surrounding areas are minimized. This may requirea buffer zone of sufficient size to adequately separate the proposed use from the surrounding properties in terms of visual privacy, noise, adequate1ight and air, air po1 lution, signage, and other comparable potentially incompatible factors: B. A circulation system designed for the type of traffic generated, taking 'i nto consideration safety, separation from living areas, convenience, access, noise, and exhaust control . Private internal streets may be permittedif they can be used by police and fire department vehicles for emergencypurposes. Bicycle traffic shall be considered and prov'ided when the siteis to be used for residential purposes; C. Functional open space in terms of: optimum preservation of natural features(including trees and drainage areas), recreation, views, conven'ience, and function; D. Variety jn terms of: housing type, densities, facilities and open space; E. Privacy in terms of the needs of: indjviduals, families and neighbors; F. Pedestrian traffic interms of: safety, separation, convenience, accessto points of destination, and attractiveness; G. Building type in terms of: appropriateness to density, site relationship, and bul k; H. Landscaping of the total site in terms of: purposes, types, maintenance,suitability, and effect on the neighborhood. 18.39.130 Lot Areaffi // / 12+ t, ?s-/ The mjnimum lot or site area shalI be 48 acres of site areaj,(one acre of whichshall be buildable area. .l8.39. 150 Setbacks In the Ski Base/Recreation district, front, side, rear, and stream setbacksshall be as on the approved development plan. 18. 39. I 70 Hei ght For a flat or mansafive (35) feet to a height o to et cnaptf a.se -t- , the heigh! of the buildings shall not exceed thirty- *{ the building (building coverage area) may be buiit ffi ;: i .T:'. f i''Hy, "l lirffi I Gross Residential Floor Area [ry". than twenty-five percent No more than 40% of the building (building coveragebut not higher than 43 feet. Towers, spires, - similar architectural features not useable as extend above the height limit a distance of notthe height limit nor more than fifteen feet. €t, and may of 18.39.180 Density Control Total density sha'll not exceed one dwelling unit per eight acres of site area. 18.39..l90 Site Coverage Site Coverage shall be as shown on the approved development plan. '18.39.2t0 Landscaping and Site Development Landscaping requirements shall be as shown on the approved development plan.All areas within the area(s) of disturbance in the landscape plan not occupied by building, ground level decks or patios, or parking shall be landscaped. .|8.39.230 Parking Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance wjth Chapter 18.52 and/oras specified on the approved development plan. NDATION The nity eve I rtment re feel that nd approval o the posed S Ba eat i on Di stri and doc ne rep I den ak Nei bor Associ a ion whoin the +L weeks uld bete suc sof ior ti at on and romis n a supe any 've see compl emen to Town'Zoni ng Code. 0is as fol S on .l8.39. ondi t ional Use s hould har ll: sentat i ve worked re for the which to da r effor s taken. This ion of a .T I ace i stri rova of Va I Associ ntl ess yon '| tes 5 willingness Sand u resul wi l1 cond i the ro 6 ol? as I I . Re-de nt of Ski Lif and Tows o1 lowing a -2- Section 2.ff any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of thls ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsectlon, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases by decrared invalid. 't' Section 3. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary ind proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail anc the inhabitants thereof. Section 4. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shal'l not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shal'l not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. INTRODUCED, 1983, and a 0f READ AND PASSED ON FIRST READING THIS public hearing shall be he'ld on this day of ordinance on the day the Vai'l l'lunicipal Build.ing, Vail , 0rdered published in full this ATTEST: , 1983, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Col orado. day of , 1983. Rodney E. Slifer, Mayor ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED day of Pamela A. Brandmeyer Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED this Pamela A. Brandmever Town Clerk Rodney E. Slifer, Mayor , 1983. ll:15 l2: 30 PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION September .|2, .|983 Site Inspections Study session: PEC phirosophy of Development of Spraddle creek I :00 pn publ ic Hearing l. pm To be tabled Approval of minutes of August ZZ, 1gg3 leqges! for an exterior alteration to the Lionshead Arcade in orderto build a commercial addition. Applicant: Lazier conrmerciil-piJperties A alequest to amend the vail Municipal code to add a new zone districtentitled Ski Base/Recreation District. Also, a aiscusiion concerningthe Golden Peak redevelopment proposai will iake ptice. Appl icant: Vail Associates An appeal of an administrative decision regarding deniar of a DesignReview Board_application on Lot Zl , Block d, tnt6rmountain'subdivision.Appl icant: Tom Briscoe Request to amend section 18.36.030 of the vail Municipal code to permitprivate helipads as a conditional use in the public-uie.on" oirt"ict.Appl icant: Preston Ewen. Request for a conditional use permit in order to install a major arcadeon the first floor of the lnn it West VailApplicant: Inn at West Vail, James Craaaoct Request to amend the entire chapter of the Vail Municipal Codeconcerning Design Review (Chapter .tS.54). Applicant: Town of Vail .: .r 2. 3. A 5. 6. 7. Tn. tv|EMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Cormission FR0M: Department of Conrnunity Development DATE: September 8, .|983 SUBJECT: Request for an amendment to the zoning code to add a new zone district entitled "Ski Base/Recreation District,' Appl icant: Vail Associates BACKGROUND Attached please find the proposal from Vail Associates for a new zone districtentitled Ski Base/Recreation District. It is, of course, the jntent to requesta rezoning for V.A.'s land in the Golden Peak area once the new zone djstrictis in p1ace. However, it should be clear that the formal request in front ofthe P5c today is only to amend the code to make it possible iri ttre future torequest a rezoning to facilitate the Golden Peak re-development. you will begiving a recommendation to the Council concerning the district. The zone district has been prepared with the consultation and advice of theplanning staff. It is designed to meet Vail Associates' needs with regard toa multi-purpose ski base facility as well as maintaining the proper municipalcontrols over certain uses and divelopment standards. The,proposed district is very similar to a special development district, but could not be conceived as such because there is no under'lying zone districtexisting which could be used from which to base the SDD. -Thus, you'l'l recognize much of pages 3-5 as language from the SDD section of the code and this'is well-suited to the flexibility required for such multi-use facility. The following will bring the reader through the district section by sectionwith corrnents where required: '18. 39. 030 Permi tted Uses A. Uses within the main building. This section sets forth the most obvious and most compatible uses for the district to take place within the mainbuilding. The staff has no basic problems. l,lith the proposal here exceptto.put ceilings on the overall square footages allotted to meeting rooms and retail sales space to prevent the possi6ility that a major portionof the building could be converted to those uses-in the future withoutgoing through Town approval processes. We feel a ceiling of 15% of thegross square footage of the first two floors for the retail operations(i.e. ski rental shop, basket rental , candy sales, headset rentals, etc.) and 5% of that total for meeting rooms would be suitable for the district.Also, child care in #7 shou'ld be clarified so that it's clear that thisis ski-re'l ated child care and not a year-round day care center. Ski Base oistricf - s/s/83 'J B. Multi-Family Dwelling Units Numbers I and 2 in this section will be deleted and there will be a newsection .|8.39.180 Density control which will simply state that ,'Total density shall not exceed I dwelling unit per 7 acrLs of site area.,, This change will make the structure of the district nore compatible with theexisting ones in terms of how density is treated. Item #3 establ'ishes that residential use is not the primary intent andrestricts the floor area devoted to residential in this respect. Item #4 is allowing conditional use criteria to be applied to thb units to make sure these are met while at the same time eliminating an extra approvaiprocess for the C.U.P. itself. A point of clarification should be made here. It is the intent of thedistrict to allow the existing facilities to remain. That is, the tenniscourts, soccer field, ski racing hut, etc. is essential1y "grandfathered,' and will not have to go through any approval process to iemiin. However,the re-development of some of the faciljties, specifical'ty ski ljfts,ski racing hut and water storage, extraction and treatment facilities(there is an existing water storage tank in the parcel to be annexed)is a concern to the staff to the extent we feel such re-developments should be conditional uses. This is a point of conflict with Vail Associates. Thus, the staff feels comfortable, under heading C - Permitted uses outsidethe main building, with only ski trails and slopes, snowmaking facilities, bus (and skier) drop-off and surface parking lots. The condiiional usesection should, accordingly, be expanded from the 6 items listed to includethe fol lowing: 7. Re-development of ski lifts and tows8. Re-development of ski racjng facility9. Publ ic parks10. Water storage, extraction and treatment facilities we feel that these facilities' re-development and/or proposal for theski Base/Recreation district will allow proper conditional use reviewto ensure workability and compatibility both within the district and inthe neighborhood. 18.39.080 Location of Business Activity The staff would like to insert this new section to regulate outside vending: A. All offices, businesses and services conducted in the Ski Ease/Recreationdistrict shall be operated and conducted entirely within a building, exceptfor permitted unenclosed parking or loading areas and the outdoor display'of goods. Sflse District --?- 9/8/83 B. The area to be used for outdoor display must be located directly in frontof the establishment displaying the'goirds and entireTy upon the estab'l ishment,sown property. Sidewalks, building entrances and exits, driveways andstreets shall not be obstructed by outdoor display.' 18.39.090 Development plan Required This sets forth the reasons for requiring a development plan and the approvalprocesses which it will be subject to , both now and jn Ltre future. 18.39..l.l0 Deveiopment plan - Contents This section was -determined by staff according to what we felt was the necessaryinformation needed.to evaluatl the proposal. The requirements represent botha "mini-environmental impact reporti' ai welt as speifii oevetopreht-oiiiriii' requ i rements . .l8.39.130 - 230 Site Development Standards Most of these are geared toward flexibility to the development plan with theexception of height, lot area and the new iensity control'sectjbn. partilng- must.meet the general requirements of the parking chapter of the zoning coJe,but is also according to'the deveropment pian wh6re fiexibiliiy-ii "ied"a.--' STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Department of community Development recommends approval of the proposed new zone district'. With some revisions as noted, thb'djstrict will'aliow formulti-use ski base facilities of a quality nature while maintaining proper municipa1 Pl:tlllg "!d zonins controls for initiar ieveropments ina rutrr" "e-beuliod;i:Ine to,l lowing are.revisions the staff is recommending and our approval is tonditionalupon their inclusion: r. 18.3e.030 (A) 7 Insert "Ski-related,, in front of child care. 2. r8.39.030 (A) 9 should read: "9. Meeting rooms comprising a maximum of 5% of the totalgross square footage of the first 2levels (non-residential) of the majnbuiding. " 3. r8.39.030 (A) l2 should read: "12. Retail sales space comprising a maximum of l5% ofthe total gross-square footage or tne first two ievets (non-iesiJeniiat)of the main buildinq.', ski BlDistr.ict -4- s/s/83 I8.3e.030 (B) De'lete numbers I and 2. Re-number accordingly. r8.39.030 (C) Should read as follows: "The following uses shall be permitted in bui I di ng: 1. Ski trails and slopes2. Snownaking facil ities3. Bus and skier drop-off4. Surface parking 1ots" the district outside the main 6. t 8.39.050 Add the following: "7. Re-development of ski lifts and towsq. Re-development of ski racing facility9. PubIic parks and recreational facilities10. Water storage, extraction and treatment facilities,' 7. Add Section .|8.39.080 Location of Business Activity 8. Add Section 18.39.I80 Density Control Total density shall not exceed one dwelling unit per seven acres ofsite area. 4. 5. A. B. All offices, businesses and services conducted in the ski Base/Recreationdistrict shall be operated and conducted entirely within a uuiioing,----"except for permitted unenclosed parking or loading areas and theoutdoor display of goods. The area to be used for outdoor disp] ay must be located directlyin front of the establishment displaying the goods and entirelyupon the establishment's olln property. -sidewilks, uuilding entrancesand exits, driveways and streets shall not be obsiructed b! outdoordi spl ay. MEMORANDUM T0: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: DATE: Department of Conrmunity Development September 8, 1983 SUBJECT: Initial Review of Goiden peak Development proposal INTRODUCTION A1 though many in the community have discussed Vail Associates' intention toat some time re-develop the Golden Peak ski base area within the last severalyears' it wasn't until April of this year that a proposal was formal ]y introducedto the community. The proposal was revealed as a segment of an overall packageprogram between the Town and Vajl Associates involving various land use ind zon-i.ng ipprovals on some of v.A.'s land in exchange f6r dedication to the Townot V.A.'s remaining open space,/stream tract lands. Despite the existence of the package pian proposal , the individual planning and zoning decisions must, of courie, be treated by the PEC and CouhciI on-their own merits. V.A.'s top priority item is to re-devLlop the Golden Peak ski base 9nd' as such, is the first elem-ent to come into the Tbwn's approvai process. -- Due to the many varied approvals required in the Golden peak'froject alone(1.e. annexation, minor subdivision, zoning code amendment, re_zoning, designrev'iew, etc. ) it will not be an entirely quict< and easy process, but indeed- wr il probabty require approximately three months. Thus,.at thjs time, we are initiating the first review of the development plan'in a discussion-type format to begin to understand the project ano ihitiattysort out the key issues and areas-requiring further work. -There will be no-formal staff reconmendation delivered at this t.ime due to the above. GOLDEN PEAK - EXISTING CONDITIONS Currently, Golden Peak exists as one of the three major base ski areas for VailAssociates. It has always been known to many as the most uncrowded base area qno tfg easiest andquickest route up the mouirtain. probably the major reasonfor this is the severely limited park'ing availability. The -Golden Peak parkinolot currently has only about ll0 spacei and the socier field lot aOCs sbme moie,but this.is compared to over 1000 spaces available at both Vail Village (lliis-'I and 16) and vail Lionshead (Gondola and chair g). This requires thit,'it one_wishes to.park here_to go skiing, one needs to be at the 1ot probably beforeB:15 am' or the lot will be full. Many of the cars parked at Golden peak areV.A. employees. The building exi.sting has been there since ]967 and contains about 13,000 sq.tl. lt houses V.A. ski op-erations such as ski school and associated day carefacilities' cafeteria, offices, t'icket siiei, ski instructoi iiciiiiiei, puuilcrestrooms and so on. Golden_Peak has also become famous as the center of ski racing,both_amateur and professional , of Vail. in the summer Golden peak is known asEne lown's main tennis center with nine tenn'is courts and a full-size tennis proshop. 0ther summertime recreation includes some quality votteyUaii-courts anl - a soccer/lacrosse field. The site also includes a busoff and pick-up. Last season within the majn lot primari'ly ski school/day care programs. THE PROPOSAL Initial Review e0n Peak -2- g/8/83 drop-off area and a lane for short-term skier drop-V.A. provided an additionai drop-off/pick-up areito accommodate mothers and their children in the One can readilydecipher that there are a large amount of on-site activities whichvary from season to season and are carried out by different organizations.This realization,makes the coordination and satisfaction of all those interestedparties, including. the. immediate.neighborhood, a substantial challenge.Since April there has been a good deal of communication involving thi varjous TOV departments, the Vail Metropolitan Recreation Djstrict (who is responsiblefor a'l I the tennis activities), various consultants on parking structures andurban design, the immediate neighborhood residents, the Town Council and Va'i IAssociates. Vail Associates has digested all this input and has produced thedocumentation we'll review on Monday. Keep in mind that a1 though'we're enteringthe approvai process stage at this time that we st'ill remain in the feedback stigeas wel1, and this js why we are structuring Monday's discussion on the developmentplan as merely an informal review. THE MAIN BUILDING A great'ly expanded facility is proposed for the main building which would containsix condominium units averaging 2.180 sq ft each. The condominiums occur as asecondary use on the third and fourth floors, while al 1 operational facilitjesoccur on the lower two floors. Due to a change in grade on the site, the buildingreads as 3-l/2 stories from the north and 2-l12 stories from the south. The usesproposed on the first two floors are not significantly different from those nowoccurring--they are simply.expanded. New uses include some expanded retail space(skier-related), a basket (small ', locker,') rental area for the public and empioyeephysical. therapy and locker rooms. The dining/drinking facilities are greatiy - expanded, as is the day care capabilities and employee spaces. New meeiing rbomsare also included. Please refer to your notebook in the sections on propoied uses and pro forma summary for a detailed explanation and sizing of the iroposeduses. As you can see from the.elevations.and perspectives in your notebooks, the buildingis designed with a sloping roof and varied roof lines. Liberal use of dormersand_large window features are used to attempt to "break-up" the sca'l e of the structure.Public access is provided through_skier "arcades" which are open-air (unheated) hallways designated as main circulation ways for pedestrians. BUS PLAZA AREA The real "front door" of the building occurs on the east side where the proposed bus plaza and skier drop-off area occurs. The proposal is to create a piaza ty[eatmosphere here with expanded bus.lanes, paver treatments, bridges going over -' East Mill Creek, a bus shelter and extensive landscaping. This-arei hai received s/8/83 Initileview Golden Peak -3- a large amount of input from the Town's Transportation and Public Works Departments, and they are quite pleased with the proposed design, as it will greatly improve the workability of this area for busses and drop-offs. This area also provides for emergency ambu'l ance pick-up of injured skiers. Vail Associates is cumently studying the possib'i lity of more stream and less pavers in this area to enhance the creek more as a site amenity. Also occurring on the east side is a loading dock area for small trucks delivering supplies to the kitchen. Most of the trucks using this area will be V.A.'s own large pick-ups and slightly larger beer trucks. This loading area has been proposed to be heavily screened with large bl ue spruce due to its visible location. SOUTH SIDE DECK AREA 0ccurring to the south of the main building wil l circulation, dining, apres-ski and other special the outdoor experience for the facility. V.A. is the b'ike path to the south of the deck to make jt the patjo. TENN I S be a large patio area for skier events. This should enhance currently studying locating conti nuous without going onto The size of the proposed bui'l ding pushes it to the west enough to necessitate the elimination of the easterly tenn'is court. The proposal is to replace this court next to the two lower courts by abandoning the Chalet Road right-of-way. This will leave the same number of courts overall, but reduce the main tier of courts to three. Grass bleachers are proposed on the hills to the south and westof the remaining three courts which wili vastly improve the spectator facilit'ies and provide for top quality tournament viewing. The summertime tennis pro shop wiit atso be enhanced with a new second level north- west corner location. Provjded will be a new expansive tennis viewing deck on the north and west corner of the building as wel 1 as expanded pro shop space. PARKI NG The parking lot will be expanded to the west with an addition of 27 spaces. AIso, the existing lot w'il1 be striped to take advantage of the compact car size space. One area which has proven to be a tough one is the treatment of landscaping to screen the parking 1ot along Vail Val 1ey Drive. The conflict is between snow storage and a sufficient, attractive landscape buffer between parking lot and road. Currently, the proposal is to have removable planters simply placed on the asphaltin the spring through fal1. These would be removed in winter to allow for maximum snow storage jn this area, which has been a problem in the past and will not get any better under this proposal , especially with the new westerly parking lot occurringin an existing snow storage area. The solution is simply to haul out a lot more snow than previously. Initial Review coldelak -4- g/B/A3 Basically, we feel that the removable planter proposal is too far toward snowstorage on a continuum between it and maximum landscape buffering. The woodentie planters placed_on the asphalt wi'l 1_look temporary and read as a half-heartedeffort to screen a large.and very visible parking lot. A project of this siop.,stature-and permanency should carry out a high quality program in every detail,especially in the most visible and most frequented aria. ile would fik;6 ioni;nueto work with V.A. and the TOV.Public Works Department in arrivinq at a comoromisesolution to this area. A permanent gurb such as one normalty seEs is u-t'iin*Jvdivider could possibly be provided which had clumps of heavy-landscaping *fiiijleaving the vast majority of the area for snow storage. 0ther concerns related to the parking area are the northwest corner of the newparking area and the mothers' drop-off. The new lot needs to be sjted more tothe south to allow for heavy landscaping-on this corner. The mothers' drop-offarea is in conflict with pedestrian traffic near the main entrance to the'buildingon the north side. These ".|0 minute only" spaces need to be relocated in a lessheavily traveled area. 0verall, there is a gain of some 26 spaces or so for a total of 136. This exceedsthe parking requirement_slightly for the functions within the building .itself. The traffic pattern will not_change as a result of the project except-to provide one entrance to the parking lot year round, whereas now in the sumrner you canenter the lot anywhere along the north side of the lot, as there is no barrier. PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION The bike path system will be maintained essentially as is but slightly modifiedto go around the new bus plaza area and back down to the street to tnL east ofthe development. The path will still continue going easterly next to tennis courtsas well. A probiem encountered_in the provision of pedestrian paths is thata sidewalk can't really_be located on the north side bt ttre parking lot becauiethat area must be used for snow storage/landscaping. Thus ii was decided to makea stronger connection of the existing path on the iar west of the site with thestreet and attempt,_n!lh bolstered signage, to get people to walk on this paih-on the south side of the courts and the buildin!. This stronger connection ofthe path to the intersection of Vail Valley Driie and Miil Cr6ek Circle is notshown on the plans currently. SCALE OF BUILDING The.proposal entails a.very large structure housing all the principal uses andcondominiums. With this in mind, it is essential inat aesigh soluijons be irrivedat to reduce the appearance of this mass, especially the laFqe roof mass one viewslooking toward the south. The large glass features and dormers have begun to "break-up" the mass, but more needi to be done. v.A. is currencly "oiring on thjs. Initial ROen Godlen Peak -5- 9/8/83 SUMMARY Overall, the proosal goes a long way toward a greatly improved ski base facilityto benefit the community. The proposal still needs work in the various areasoutlined above_and probably in others the PEC will note at l,londay's meeting. Itis important that the PEC read thoroughly the notebook that vA has prepared onthe proposal so you thoroughly understand this large gnd somewhat complex project. As a staff, we look fonvard to continuing to work on the project in hbpes bf imivingat a fina'l solution which all concerned parties will be please with. ORDINANCE # 30 (Series of 15s3)www) AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO THE TOWN OF VAIL A PARCEL OF PROPER?Y LOCATED IN THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, COLORADO AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT ''A'' ATTACHED HERETO, PRESENTLY OIYNED BY VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., AND SETTING FORTH FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS AND OTHER DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO. WHEREAS, a petition for annexation into the Town of Vail of a certa"in parceJ. of property located in Eagle County, Colorado, and more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, has been submitted to the Town Clerk of the Town of ValI and referred therefrom to the Town Council; and WHEREAS, the owner of one hundred percent lfOO%) of the property proposed for annexation, exclusive of the streets and a11eys, is Vail Associates, Inc.; and WHEREAS, the petition was signed by Robert Parker, Vice President of Vail Assoclates, Inc.; and WHEREAS, in accordance with CRS 3L-12-1O7 (1) (g), L973, as amended, the Town Council may by ordinance annex the above specified property without notice, hearing or election i-nasmuch as the petition was signed by one hundred percent (100%) of the property owners; and WHEREAS, the Town Council is of the opinion that the petition should be granted and that the subject property should be annexed to the Town of Vail: NOIV, THEREFORE, BE rT oF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN Section 1. Findings. The Town Clerk of the Town of Vail has referred to the Town Council a petition for annexation of a certain parcel of property (herelnafter referred to as the "subject property") and whj.ch is more specifically described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and the Town Council specifically finds upon review of said petition: (A) The petitlon is in substantial compliance with the requlre- ments of CRS 3L-L2-1O7 (1), 1973, as amended. (B) The petltion was signed by the owners of one hundred percent (10070) of the area proposed to be annexed, exclusive of streets and a11eys. -2- (C) Thesubject property is eligible for annexation to the Town of Vail in that at least one sixty (L/6) of lts boundarles are contiguous with the Town of Vail, there ls community of interest between the Town of Vail and the subject property, the subject property wilL be urbanized 1n the near future, and it is cabable ot being integrated lnto the Town of Vai1. (D) There are no limitatlons to the annexation of the subject property to the Town of Vail and that no land held in identical ownership has been divided without the written consent of the land owners thereof, no land held in ldentical ownership comprising twenry (20) acres or more with an assessed valuation in excess of $2O0,O0O.OO for ad valorem tax purposes has been included without the written consent of the owner, no other annexation proceedings have been comrnenced by another munj-cipallty in relation to the subject property, and no area will be detached from a school district by this annexation. (E) No additlonal terms or conditions are to be lmposed upon this annexation.' (F) The subject property may be annexed by ordinance wlthout notj,ce, heari-ng, or election in accordance with subsectlon (g) of 3L-L2-LO7, CRS, L973, as amended. Section 2. Annexation. The property presently owned by Vail Associates located in Eagle County, Colorado, more particularly described in Exhiblt ttAtt attached hereto is annexed to the Town of Vai1, Colorado. Section 3.. Zoning. Pursuant to Chapter 18.68, after the effective date of this ordinance, the Planning Commlssion shall .set a date for a public hearing to consider the zoning districts to be imposed on the subject property. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED ON FIRST READING THIS dav of , 1983, and a public hearing shaI1 be held on this ordinance on the __ day of , 1983, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vai1, Colorado. 1983. Ordered published in ful1 this day of -3- ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandneyer, Town Clerk PETITION FOR A}INEXATION OF UNINCORPORATED TERRITORT IN TI{E COU}ffT OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLOMDO, To ntE TOUN 0F VAIL, COLoRADO (An Unplatted Parcel of Eagle County) , TO TTIE TOWN COUNCIL OF IIIE IOWN OF VAIL: The underslgned, ln accordance rlth the lluniclpal Annexatlon Act of 1965, as amended, hereby petltlons, as che bole landoliner of the area, the Tonn Councll of the Torrn of Vall to cormence proceedlngs to annex to the Tor.rn of Vatl certain unincorporaced terrltory located in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, legally described in Exhlbit A attached to this petltlon and by this reference lncorporated herein. rn support of said petlt.lon, the petitioners alLege that: .1. Vail Associates, Inc, is the sole landowner of Ehe area proposed to be annexed. 2. It is desirable and necessary that the above described territory be annexed Eo the Town of Vail. 3, Not less than one-sixth of the perirneter of the area proposed Eo be annexed is conciguous with the Town of Vall- 4. A conrnunity of interest exists between t.he territory nroposed to be annexed and the Town of Vail. 5. The territory proposed to be annexed is comprised largely of open space, skl trails and reLaced improvements, and sunner recreational amenities. 6. The territory proposed to be annexed is integrated or is capable of being integrated with the Town of Vail. 7. No land held in identical ownership has been divided lnto separate parEs or parcels without the nri!!en consenE of che landowner. 8. No land held in idencical ownership cornprising twenty acres or nore with a valuaEion for assessrnent in excess of $20C1000 for ad valorem tax purposes has been lncluded wichout Ehe wriEEen consent of the landowner. PEIITION FOR ANNEIGTION cont. -2- 9. No annexatlon resolutlon pursuant to C.R.S. 3l-11-106 and no annexatlon petltlon or pett.tlon for an anne:catlon . electlon pursuant to C.R.S. 31-12-107 have been comenced for . the annexatlon of part or all of such terrltory to another exlstlng nunletpaltty. 10. Thls proposed annexatlon n1.11 not result 1o the detachment of the area frou any echool dlstrlct. 11. fhe maillng addresses of the slgners of thls petltion and the date of signlng are afflxed to the petition. L2. Atcached to thls petltlon is the afftdavit that the signature heteon ls the slgnature of the person whose narne he purports to be. 13. Accornpanying thls petitlon are four prints of an annexation urap also included in Exhiblt A attached co this petition and by this reference incorporated herein, containlng the following lnf ornacion : a) A written legal description of the boundaries . of the area proposed to be annexed; b) A raap showing the boundary of the area proposed to be annexed i c) Next to the boundary of rhe area proposed to be annexed is drawn the contiguous boundary of che Town of VaiI; d) The dlmensions of the contiguous boundaries are shown on the nap; e) The map bears the certlficaEe and seal of a regiscered engineer or land surveyor and shows the dirnensions by scale of Che boundaries L4. This PetiEion nay be executed in councerparts, each to have the effect of an original. -3- PETITIOI| FOR AINET(AIION coor. ,,rrlii./,\ '., _t r'., ,' I r.)) 1, ; 'i,' ,',. , \, ,' ,:, . i..,.r;It, ) \ ,i.t.: ,,. . )''l. 1,t\ ) The Pettti.ooer bereby aequeata that the fotm Councl.l of tbe Tolta of Vall, Colorado, Eake a flndtng of conpllance for thie petltlotr aDd co@ence proceedlngs for annexatton of sald terrttory. Petitloner VAIL By . Vice-President Mailing Address: Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 + \hitAssol{atesrLrc. Creaon and Operaton of Vail and Beaver Creek Ttre underslgned hereby certlfles as folloss: 1) I an the duly elected aod quallfled actlog Aseistant Secretaryof VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., a Colorado corporatlon (the I'corporation"); and ae such am authortzed to nake this certlfi.cation; and 2) that Robert W. Parker ls a duly elected, quallfled, and actlngVice-Presldeat of the Corporatlon, and as such, he is authorizedto execute on behalf of the Corporatlon, :m annexatloo plat; aDd 3) the slgnature appearing oppoelte his name below is the genulne slgnature of Robert ll. Parker, VLce Presldent of the Corporalion; Robert W. Parker and n'ltaesa lrhereof ,the corporate seal of August, J.983. I have here uuto subscrlbed eald VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., IEy nErne and af f lxed this 15th day of Post Office Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 81658 . (301)476-5601 a lfx/'//6/r A PARCEL TO BE ANNEXED A tracE of land locared in Seclion 8, Township 5 Souch, Range 80 West 6ch P.M. Eagle Courrty, accordlng to the Map of Vail Village Seventh Flling reception No. 102780, and the Map of Vail Village Tenth filing recepEion No. 12lr43 and according !o Lhe llap of Vail Village First fi'ltng recepciou No. 96382 as filed in the Officc of the Eagle County Clerk andRecorder, more particularJ.y described as follows; .BEGINNINC at a poinL on the Soucherly boundary line of Vail Village Sevench filing Erac! B whence the Norcheast corner SoutheasE l/4 Northwest Il4 of said Scccion 8 bears North 42" 20'01" Easc, 893.42 f.eeE; TtlIiNCti along said Soucherly boundary llne the followinp, courses; South 79o 20' 05" E:rst, L379.28 teet; North 89" 42t 37" East, 515.00 feet; sourh 80" 32' 33" l:ast, 355.00; Norcir 82o 58' 00" East, 105.00 feeu to a point on the Wesrerly boundary line of Vail- Village Tenrh filine; TtluNCE Sourh 07o 02'00" l':ast 354.78 feeE along sald boundary to a poin! on the EasE-Wes! Ccnt-erl jtte of said Seculon 8; TIIENCE South 89" 42' 37" l./es t 1030.35 feet to a point or) chc EasE boundary line a parcel described ac Receptiorr No. ll5li8 irr llre Eagle Councy Clerk & Recorders Office; TtlEliCE along said botrndary the following chrc..e courses; NorEh 02o 5Ot 00" West, 2L4.27; South 87o l0' 00" !'jest, 200.00r; Soirrh 02o 50t 00" Easc, 2O5.39 !o the Easc-West ccnterljne of Sajd Secrion 8, TI{ENCE along said cenEerline Souch 89" 42'37" Wcsc' 1855.69 feet. !o a pcjnt; TIIENCE North 00" 09' 00" I'lesc, 876.50 feec to a poinc on Ehe soucherly boundary line of Vail Village I:jrst filing; TIIENCE along said boundary line the following courses; Souch 62" 28' 00" East, 611.50; Sotrch 80o 00r 00" East, L2A.44 feer; North 32o 29'00" East, ll0'f9 feeE to P.o.B. containjng 35.802 acres ) to .\ Q're/-z /JuA,4*, A---- o/,/rr.t',-,rr"-o /fr4h;4 /, / l' ;{1- L{A Ec.e*t a-<q' ut.r* /-^4 fr ( tz"-!-41t tuL1;,^-/.-^+ , >,"u{fuU-4,/zp4rL. . ^ /d-47** ( x'z,rrZ/./*r6r)* *Ht& 1*/ */) /,./i/ Jid,*4 I | - * / r--, / -z H?.{zz. 4f* - .k-a sz zr.&fu-ft*>r;Zlh& tr*- *uh fu%tz*Z- -n;:*f/-.'fuV*yrz aau.-"* ery -^1 FzA4t-4 h-4 L^.t .*t->-1--/u0 OO /*.V,J" /rL- t5*. ,.-/ ,rtt ) A.- f*^* -/ 0 - eZ-?rA, D/4.d'2. /,/r-," A*h*/,b.".=-&n'd rc rc..24/i* hvhi !-a'-e *; u -zZ)/*Az".J S7a-ZU*{ I ,^*- jo*d:r ,f-prZ)+^eh**"-r-.dtflr4"A . .1&*6/ // &/,," -/"4#L/ "-*Z-.-rnr4.n ^ / -. c^"1-*'1,'^ % fu? ,yr*(et/'fr2'4-? ,-,.---/ r?a-41/ Ut- a-^Z-/A * a- a o o urtl!- tlt/ tn*n $*ulrrh.ft' .----F I ltZfoo lt 8?- to 6( lb t7?*-.---- {z lz teul NW 0Pn*- ,Ultr 1{'( t' /b774- /r*1 1t Itbf z? !,ag suttcl r rfz ftor: /l LlsQ t4zsr-'-""-7/f, €*r /h 4tuze4 I '\ f-vU-\' . v/t' TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM August 23, .|983 Bob Parker, Larry Eskwith, Kevin Conwick Peter Patten, Joe Macy Dick Ryan Schedule of events for Gold Peak l. August 26th - 2. Sept 6th Public notice in paper for request to amend zoning code to pennit a new zone district - Review and comment on development plan Public hearing with ordinance before Town Council on the Gold Peak area to be annexed. Ordinance on annexation published in Vail lrail ?rc ru..,..'*'"^dtliry rn yr*,JZar - Agf . ar!;*;E / il^;e.*r";. di-n 44i(z-t< /ztaL du./rnn-^f N,,-.,-l) 2nd reading on annexation tordinarfce 2) Ist reading on new zone district3) Town Council by motion directs the Planning Commissionto set a date for a public hearing to consider the new zone district on annexed areas. The Planning Commission sets date for zoning the new annexed area. New annexed area now in T0V. 2nd reading on new zone district Town Council Public hearing on applying new zone district to annexedpropelty (initial_zoning) and land that is in the Town ofval I (rezoning) plus minor subd.i visions First reading by Town council on the initial zoning and rezoning 5. 6. 7. a 9. 10. 3. tspt eth furr. tru 4. Sept 20th Sept 26th Sept 28th Oct.4th Oct. 24th Nov. I st Nov. l5th Nov. 23rd Second reading rezoni ng. Zoning becomes by Town Council on the initjal zonjnq and effective on property.il. August 18, 1983 Mr. James Ream Robbins and Ream Inc. 212 Sutter Street San tr'ranci-sco, California 94108 Dear Jim, Thanks for your prelimlnary cost estlmates regarding two options for parking structures at Golden Peak. They w111 be very useful in assessing the future viability of such projects as they relate to potential future activitles at Golden Peak. I have taken the liberty of copying your letter to the Town of Vail Planning staff for their information. Please 1et me know if we owe your firm any financial consideration for the work done on this estimate. Werd be happy to take advantage of your "speclal sale" rates as referenced in your letter. Good seeing you on our field t-rip in Vail. Ilope to continue a dialogue, should the parking facility become a reality. Sincerely, vA*b--asQocrATES, rNc. ' ''-'2 '--J/>6>e_ Robert W. Parker Senior Vice President RrtIP/k1 cc: Rich CaplanLarry Lichliter Gordon Steadman boe. C)i.K g1,--., */.^^.-l Post Office Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 81658. (1011476-5601 2r? SUTTe.F Sllr!EI EAN FRANCISCO CAtiFOllf.lih s)4r0f i.1 i5l ${r! lai,iti August 12, 1983 Mr. Bob Parker Vail Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 7 VaiI, CO 81558 Dear Bob: We have taken a brief look at the two basic alternati-ves we discussed for increasing parking at Golden Peak. A detailecl study would, of course, include a more comprehensive investigation of alternatives which should be performed at a later time before a scheme j-s committed. The alternative schemes are natural solutions in that Lhey relate pre- cisely to the dimensions of the existing athletic courts. It is assumed for this exercise that the new parking space wil-l be limited, in the first scheme (Option 1), to the land area of the three tennis courts remaining after the construction of the new ski school facilities. In the second scheme (Option 2) the parking space is defined by the com- bination of the three eastern tennis courts plus the width of the three adjacent volleyball courts. The width, north to south, of this struc- ture would equal that of the tennis courts for its full length Because of the additional site area avaiLable in Option 2, this solu- tion could be extended to increase the car count if desired. The ad- vantage of limiting the construction to match the courts above would be the uniformity of structural conditions and the avoidance of spec- ia1 construction features such as additional- expansion joints and waterproofing space beneath structurally supported landscaping- The options provide the following preliminary statistics: Constructed area:2L,600 SF 35,280 SF Area,/Stall: 318 SF 276 SF We would visualize that' in addition. to the direct cost of the garage construction, some design effort should be made to enhance the exper- ience of using the facility, probabty in the.pedestrian entrance and exiting and in arranging for natural light to enter the space.where feasible. We have included an amount for these improvements in the cost projections below. a 1"1r. Bob ParkerVail Associates August 12, 1983 Page Two On a preliminary basis based on 1983 prices, amounts are exclusive we would project thefor the constructionof architectural and followingof Options engineering approximate costs, 1 and 2. These fees: Cost per Square Foot of Parking Deck, 21r600 SF Building /st Foundations,story, reduce .04 to 50*z. Excavation, 12' deep, 608x24' Slab on grade (5tt concrete, vapor barrier + base)Superstructure, columnsPrecast ties with topping, 250 psf loadDoors: 2 over head doors 0 1600. Membrane e 5.09/SF + topping slab 0 2.19 Openings (ventilation) Floor finishes Ceiling finishes, paint DrAinage systemFire protection Ventilation, 4 fans G 2500.= 10,000.Electrical servicelight & povrer . alarm & emergency lighting General conditions (O.H. & P.) € 15t 4.95 (21,800 SF building) Reduction for targss_-project (-10t) :1.??4.14 OPTION A: Structural Parking Under West Tennis CourtsTotal added parking: 58 cars 3.55 2.45 .45 13.00 7.28 .05 .50 .20. .16 .50 .45 .05 .94 .22 Landscape: Allowance = 20'000.00Subtotal (I2 ,7 94 / carl = 870 ' 000 . 00 Reconstruct 3 tennis courts = 108 ' 000 .00 OPTION B: Structural Parking Under East Tennis Court and Three Vo11eyball CourtsTotal added parking: 128 cars Area: Entry 3 Area: Entry: 2L,600 SF 0 37.93/SF Allowance 35,280 SF e 34. r4lSF Allowance = 820,000 . 00 = 30,000. 00 =I'205,000.00= 40,000 . 00 Land.scape: Allowance = 251000.00 Subtotal ($9,922/carl I'270,000.00 Reconstruct tennis courts e 35,000 = 108,000.00 Reconstruct vollevbalL courts € I Mr. Bob ParkerVaiI Associates August 12, 1983 Page Three We should emphasize that the above cost projections are done without the benefit of a thorough investigation of the site or your final pro- gram for this facility. We have checked them against standard cost references and find they are in line with current unit price quotations as modified for this project and location. They should serve' there-fore, for a preliminary assessment of project feasibility. If you canproject ahead to a probable construction date, you should add an escal- atj-on factor which, these days could be as low as 4-58 per year. Please l-et us know if vre catr be of further assistance at this time. We are having a special sale on architectural services this summer in honor of President Reaganrs economic policies. Very best regards, --" -'?Z/'4r':24- " James Ream, FAIA JR:kms lAfJ Fl-iAl{dls(-,:, tjj.i r!.0f]!i^ $4r0i' i.l irr) rl,i.f i: r6 August 12, 1983 Mr. Bob Parker VaiI Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 7VaiI, CO 81658 Dear Bob We have taken a brief look at the two basic alternatives we discussed for increasing parking at Golden Peak. A detailed study would, of course, include a more comprehensive investigation of alternatives which should be performed at a later time before a scheme is committed. The alternative schemes are natural solutions in that they relate pre- cisely to the dimensions of the existing athletic courts. It is assumed for this exercise that the new parking space will be limited, in the first scheme (Option 1), to the land area of the three tennis courts remaining after the construction of the new ski school facilities. In the second scheme (Option 2) the parking space is defined by the com- bination of the three eastern tennis courts plus the width of the three adjacent volleyball courts. The width, north to south, of this struc- ture would equal that of the tennis courts for its fuIl length Because of the additional site area available in Option 2, this solu- tion could be extended to i-ncrease the car count if desired. The ad- vantage of limiting the construction to match the courts above would be the uniformitl. of structural conditions and the avoidance of spec- ial construction features such as additional expansion joints and waterproofing space beneath structurally supported landscaPing. The options provide the following preliminary statistics: Constructed area: Area,/St-aIl: 21,600 SF 35,280 SF 318 SF 276 S" We would visualize that, in addition to the direct cost of the garage construction, some design effort should be made to enhance the exper- ience of using the facility, probably in the 'pedestrian entrance and exiting and in arranging for natural light to enter the space.where feasible. we have included an amount for these improvements in the cost projections be1ow. Mr. Bob ParkerVail Associates August 1,2, 1983 Page Two On a preliminary basis we v,rould project the following approximate costs, based on 1983 prices, for the construction of Options I and 2. These amounts are exclusive of architectural and engineering fees: Cost per Square Foot of Parking Deck, 2L,600 SF Building Excavation, 12' deep, 608x24' SIab on grade (5" concrete, vapor barrier + base)Superstructure, columnsPrecast ties with topping, 250 psf loadDoors: 2 over head doors Q 1600. Membrane @ 5.09/SF + topping slab G 2.19 Openings (ventilation) Floor finishesCeiling finishes, paint Drainage system Fi.re protection Ventilation, 4 fans € 2500.= 10,000.Electrical serviceIight & power alarm & emergency lighting General conditions (O.H. & P.15*4.95 Total building construct on cost 37 .93 (21,800 SF building) Reduction for larger project (-108) -1.?9 4.14 OPTION A: Structural Parking Under West Tennis CourtsTotal added parking: 68 cars 2 .46 .45 13.00 7 .28 .50 .zv .16 RN .45 .94 .22 Landscape: Allowance = 201000.00 Subtotal (12,794 / carl = 870,000. 00 Reconstruct 3 tennis courts = 108,000.00 OPTION B: Structural Parking Under East Tennis Court and Three Volleyball Courts Total added parking: L28 cars Area: Entry: Area: Entry: 21,600 sF @ 37.93/SF Allowance 35,280 SF G 34.IAISF Allowance = 820,000.00 = 30,000.00 =I, 205 ,000. 00 = 40,000.00 Landscape: Allowance = 251000.00 Subtotal ($9 ,922/ carl L,270,000. 00 . Reconstruct tennis courts e 36r000 108,000.00 Reconstruct volIeyball courts 0 8.000 = 24'000.00 Mr. Bob ParkerVail Associates August L2, 1983 Page Three We should enphasize that the above cost projections are done without the benefit of a thorough investigation of the site or your final pro- gram for this facility. We have checked them against standard cost references and find they are in line with current unit price quotations as modified for this project and location. They should serve, there- fore, for a preliminary assessment of project feasibility. If you canproject ahead to a probable constructi.on date, you should add an escal- ation factor which, these days could be as low as 4-5* per year. Pl-ease let us know if we can be of further assistance at this time. We are having a special sale on architectural services this sumner in honor of President Reagan's economic poJ.icies. Very best regards, .z':. t/ t' z ..,;?/--/z{"+'{ James Ream, FAIA .TR: kms /L (L o U ro*TdD ririvrsED: lf22/83 Joe Macy CHAPTER 18.39 SKI BASE/RECREATION DISTRICT 18.39.101 PurPose The Ski Base/Recreation District is intended to provide for the base facilities necessary to operate the ski mountain and to al1ow rnulti-faniily residential dwellings as a secondary use if certain criteria are met. In addition' sunmer rccreational uses and facillties are encouraged to achieve j'oint use of some of the facilities and provide for efficient use of the facilicies. Site development standards are lntended to a11ow for the redevelopment of the Golden Peak base facilitj.es and to maintain the general open space character of the area. DRAFT OF N[I,I GOI,DIN PEAK ZONE DIS'I'RICT 18.39.030 Permitted Uses A. The following uses shal1 be permitted in the Tows z/ ,,/. Q. t- .,. ,. ., Ski Base/RecreaEion District: .,t(-r " tl t r>- o Ski Lockers/Employee Locker Rooms/ '; rt tr't r1*tl*+ltq Ski School & Ski Patrol .facilities Li f t. Ticker Sales Pro Shop - Tennis Skl Repair, Sales & Accessories Res Eaurant /Bar:/ Snack tsar:/Liarbecue C.HrrP q16 ni:tst+e"gar & Chlldrenrs Ski School Facillties Ilountain operations Off j,ces' Recreation IJistrict 0f f ico=-Cs*r**g4 MeeLing Rooms o-_-!g<ies t r:i.an & Bil: e Pa t:hs o rt.. ^ r c'-:Injury Rehabilitation Facility t4 .E \----=--\ " Snorumaking & SEorage iacjljtics \tater SEorage & Ireatnent Facilities ' B' Ilulti-Farnily dwelling units rvithin or 4EE-ffi? the rlain building are a1lor,red if the followlng crj.teria are met (in addition !o criterj.a as outlj"ned 1n Chapter 18.60), + u*-t:-- .'-. / tt;-,'{ ,'" J'---'.'-- ,l'. ,\ -l Ski Raci,ng faciliti e Ski Trails/Skijng 1. The forfeiture of other a1l-owable dr'relllng or accomodation units on other properti-es ln the Town of ValL by the property owner via dedication of such land .to the Town of Vail' ,,,P:n forfeiture of dwelllng units shall be an equal (or bet+er) ttade-off of dwelJ-1ng or accornodation unlts . (*.+'-i-+g-+osseitea- ftd nr**illrln-e€-fa'+ irt€'\*') ,-y 7.b), The dwel-ling unlts shaLL be €- a secondary use to the ^r.n Ei:ry' principal, permitted uses. The design of facilities in this '"'hl/^"\y'',- oo" zone sha11 reflect thls through such measures as no resldentiaL '\it uses on ground t""%F1n';-H*"#f :roacts such as parking of the residentlal use, and lirnitiirg the maximum gross square footage devoted to dwelling units to a maximum "f 89 of the total gross square footage of the main structure. / 18.39,050 Conditional Uses z. The foll-owing conditional uses sha1l be permitted in the Ski Base/Reception District, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions.of Chapter 18.60: A. Alpine Slide B. Public Parks, Playgrounds, & Recreational FaciLitjes c. seasonal Structures to Accomodate Educational 0r Cultural Activities D. hd*ercsC Public or Private Parking Structures E. Specialry Food Establishment 18.39,070 Accessory Uses The f ollowing accessorY uses District: shall- be permitted in the ski A. Accessory uses (+=qt-..eedrt ) customarily\ lncid6ntal to permitted and conditional uses. r a'J '"r'''t-'' '-' n? o -3- B. Hone occupaEions, subjecf to iss\rance of a home occupation pcrmlt ln accordance wlth the provislons Sections 18.58.130 through 18.58.I90. 18.39.080 Development Plan Required A. To ensure the unified development and to assure that developnrent ln the Skl Base/Recreation District w111 meet Ehe lntent of the district, a development plan shall- be requl-red. B. The proposed development. plan ln accordance with Section 18.39.085 shal1 be subrnicced by the developer to the zoning administrator, who shall refer it to the planning and environmental commission, which shall consider the plan at a regularly scheduled rneeting, A report of the planning and environmental commission stating its findings and recommendations sha1l be transmitted to the toQn council for approval in accordance with the applicable provisions of Section 18.66.060 of the munj,cipal code. . C. The approved development plan shall be used as the principal guide for all development r.tithin the Ski Base/Recreation District- - D' Amendments to the approved development plan r^rhiclr do not change iEs substance nay be approved by the planning and environmental commission aE a. regularly scheduled public hearing in accordance wich the provisions of Section 18.66.060. E. Each phase of the approved developmenE plan shall require the approval of the design review board in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 18.54 of the municipal code prior Eo che commencemenE of site preparation 18.39.085 Devel-oprnent Plari - Contents The proposed development plan shall include, but is not l-imired to the following data: A. An open space and recreational pLan sufficlenc to mceE the demands g,enerated by the development witlrout undue burden on available or proposed public facilities B. -4- Existing and proposed contours, after having contour intervals of not more grading and sire dcveloPmentt than flve feec - ' : D. A proposed site plan, at a scale noE smaller than one inch equals fifty feet, showing Ehe approxinate localions and dimensions of all buildings and strucEures' uses' Eherein; and: all principal sirta:': - development features, such as landscaped arLas, recreationat lLLjlitics, pedestrian plazas and walkways, service entries, driveways, and off- streeE parking and loading ar€.3s r A prelirninary landscapc plan, 'ai a scale not smaller than one-iirch equals fifty feef, showing exlstlng landscape features to be ieiained or renoved, and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped sitil : development features such as outdoor recrealional faciljCies,:bicy'c1e paths, trails, pedestrian plazas and walkr*'ays',' water featurei:,'Hnd oEher elements l-'"' ' '' -r' c Preliminary building elevationbl; sections; aird floor plans, air L- scale not small-er than one-eigtrth inch cqial; one foot, in sufficient detail to determine floor arear- Sross re,sldential floor ar-e..ar1jntgrior circulation, locaEions of use-s.1.ritlrin building,s, and che gen-q19f1 -scale and appearance of t.he proposed: devglqpmellE.r. l.: - r : . -- j,c p:'. - A detailed view analysis from the north, east, and wesE of the Proposed structures, :...i -:. . ....-. - '-:...- .'. '.'-' : . -::r a;:: ' A nassing model of proposed sttuctures and an bn-sjte demonsttbt'ion of the ridgeline(s) of roofs.:-': - ::-:: '-- : '-cr'i i 18.39.090 Lot Area and Site Dimensions - :. -;- . : The minirnum lot or site area of which shall be buildable sha1l be five acres site area, 1"8.39. f10 Setbacks of one acre 1"! |li,* In the Ski Base/Recreation Dlstrict:, thL nrlnlmum: seEback along stf de)c frontage sha1l be twenEy feet, wlth the side ond re"r setbacl(s determincd Uy itre Planning and Envj.ronmental Connnisslon. -'''')- A4t ' ;' ----"- /:i\'-"r- { i 1. ) .' t) {- -J-.,.--/ ^ 1''7 ' ( 18.39.130 Height I'or a flat or mansard roof, thirty-five (35) feet. For not exceed thirty-elghE (38) 18.39.140 Site Coverage Slte -coverage shall Commission and approved development p1an. 18.39.I50 Landscaping and Site Development -5- the height of che bulldlngs sha11 not exceed a sloping roof, the helg,ht of buildings shall feet. - | '4t*-Q-'-- a-'L''':u'* cr* lannlng and Environrnental d6iloval of the t- pk n iu''' '.'(''- 'A11 land within setbacks along a public sEreet must be landscaped, also' the area between the property l-ine and pavement on streets shal1 be landscaped. AlL areas within the area or areas of disturbance in the landscape pl-an not occupied by buildings or ground 1evel decks or patios off-streec parking shall be p;""rd"d l;T accordance ttlth chapter t't;52;-{1,,Yrfr'I f"A7 Surface parking w111 be pernitted as Lras done prior to rezoning except "/ ln off-season when temporary planEers shall be placed to screen the 10t. Six (6) parking spaces for t'open-market'r dwelllng units sha1l be located d, Additional parking spaces for the dwelLing units shall be reserved surface spaces. ./J I p--#;,** {^ fr-fi,'- crrl*hA atry-t"-/aZ ,6e * 6^-r';/"r z.bff,-**NT, -ffi / frl /-4-,.- 64t- Z,L d'/lk4 ,, /F..1 AGI],EEMT}]T ,l,l?'U*"! THIS AGREEI'IENT executecl this is between the. Town of Vai1, Colorado' (the "Town"). and Vail Associates, Inc' ("vAr"). day of , 1983, a home rule citY , a Colorado corPoration I. Background The Town and VAr have thj-s day executed an escrow agreementf a coPy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A (the "Escrow Agreement"). The purpose of ttre Escrow Agreement is to estabtish a mechairism under which (a) the Town can annex certain land owned by vAI and consirler the appropriate zoning an<.t development to which such land and certai'n adjacent land should be subjected in accordance with good 3rlanning practices and free of any coercive elements, anit (b) tln Town and VAI are assured that if, after due cons-ideration' the Town does not beLieve that such land should be zoned oi deraloped in a fashion rvhich VAI presently believes is appropriate' tlhe parties will be returned to the status quo' This Agreemertl'is intended to suppleinent the foregoing purposes 'and to help create an atmosphere under which neither the Town nor VAI risks rn*ing any permanent change in. its position, until the Town has ddtberateci the appropriate zoning and cleveloPment for the laud being annexed and certain adjacent land'. II. VAI's ObligationF 2.L Ttr order to facilitate the puposes set forLh above, VAI agrees to take aII steps necessary (a) to aecomplish -; the annexatic.:n of the Spraddle Creek and Mill Creek .Iracts (as defined in the Escrow Agreernent), (b) to apply for a minor subdivision of the Golden peak suboi-vision, incorporating three tracts identified as tracts ,and in the Escrow Agreernent, (c) to have the Golden peak subdivision (as defj-ned in the Escrovr Agreement) zoned as ,'sk.i Base/Recreation District'r, (d) to apply for ar.r necessary approvars and permits to construct a building in the Golden peak subdi'.rision meeting the minimum requirements set forth in paragraph 7 on page 2 of the Escrow Agreement, (e) to subdivide the spracldre creek Tract into not Iess than nor more than lots, and (f) to apply to have the spraddle creek Tract zoned single Family Residential. Arl of such actions sharr be pursued di.rigently and in good faith. . 2.2 VAI also agrees that if (a) all of the events set forth on page 2 of the Escro\^/ Agreement have not occurred by December 31, 1984, and (b) the Spraddle Creek and MilI Creek Tracts are de-annexed from the Town as reguired in secti-on ur below, vAr lrill consent to have the Gorden peak Tract rezoned to its current zoning category of Agricultural and Open Space. III. 3.1 The Town agrees that if by Decenber 31, 19g4, all of the events risted on page 2 of the Escrow Agreement have not occurred, if requested by VAI, the ,.ltown will promptly take whatever steps are necessary to de-anncx the spraddle creek and Mi-11 Creek Tracts. -2- o 3.2 The Town shall land in connecti.on herewith or title insurance fees, recording other costs associated with the VAI to the Town. pay all costs of surveying with the Escrow Agreement, costs, transfer taxes and conveyance of such Tracts any all any from w( [n'uulW9 &o! 3.3 Neitherthis Agreement nor the Escrow Aqreement shall reguire the Town t.o grant VAr any zoning change. variance, ar.L/,i"4.€Fee*d use permit or other approvar in.connection herewith, it being understood and agreed that the Town will make all decisions on such matters in accordance with its own best. judgments of the merits thereof. IV. Miscellaneous. This instrument (a) ernbodies the entire agreement, representations and. warranties among the parties with respect to the subject maLt.er hereof, and it supersedes a1l prior agree- ments and negotiations, (b) may not be changed, waived, discharged or terminated orally, but only by an instrument in writing signed by the party against whom enforcement of the change, waiver, discharge or termination is sought, (c) shatl not be assignable by any party without the prior written consent of the other, (d) saaIl be governed by the laws of the State of Colorado, and (e) sharr bind and inure to the benefit of the parties anil their respective successors and (to the extent varidly assigned) assigns. -3- / . The headings in this Agreement are for convenient reference only and shall not limit or otherwise affect the in- terpretation or provision thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Ag'reernent as of the day and year first above written. TO!{N OF VAIL Mayor vArL ASSOCTATES, rNC., Colorado corporation By: a Vice -4- r€'t /c''Ta;'^ ('--*" lrx. h#^i!> 595 Evaif 9a[gpao6*- BIL,G[r'nrfo $6si sos.+i6.s6s,I .r- ^ ^n- T1ftx 150261 e .i : :.i July 19, 1983 Mr- Rod Slifer, I'tayor Town of Vail 100 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 . Dcar Rod: : On October 16, 1979, I wrote you about my plans for a substantially enlarged Golden condonriniuns (see enclosed). Reading this definitive plans nord in the open, I donrt revisions. ... concerns over Vail Associates I Peak facility, including over now, with VAts nore think ny 1979 letter needs any In surunary, I agree that VA needs a larger, more modern facility at Gold Peak. Such a facility will, horr'ever, attract nore business, rvhich means nrore traffic, rnore snow disposal problems, and squeezed parking in an area that has these problens in spades now. Including condominiums only makes these h,orse, and, in addition, adds bulk to an already planneil large building. Size and height are not neecl4$irectly at the-base of the mountain. I certainly hope the Tor"n Counci1 will prevail upon VA to reduce the size of the building, consistant with getting their needed facilities, so that the toh:nrs problems r^'ith cars and snow r^rill not be unbearably multiplied; and so that a precedent for nore large buildings close to the nountain will not be established.. Bob Parker \tai I Assoc i.ates cc WILLIAM A. BOIIRS UI 1Od Klldonrrn Gien Conterville, Dela*'are 18 3O7 Mayor Fod S-lifer Town CouncilVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Rocl: October 16, L979 Si ncerely yours, i,Ilren I visited in Vail over the Labor Day week-elldr I learned of ,a potential- problem involving zoningat the Vail Associates Golden peak Ski School euilding,on which I want to express an opinion, ' I have owned a Manor liouse in Manor VaiI onthe first floor closest to the Golden peak Ski SchoolBuilding since I974. I hear rumors that Vail Associateswould like to rebuiLd the present Ski School Buildingyit! I l-arger, multi-sLory buildingi , containing con-dominiums. f write to express my strong oppo=ition tochanging the zoning for such a building. Being a nejghbor of this building, f can seethe excessive traffic, both pedestrian and automotive,and the overcrovded parking that now exists in theyicinity. Enlarging the building to include residentialunits will only add to this congestion and wi1l createmore pollutioq from busses and cars and probably addi-tional pollution from new fireplaces. Furthermore,raising the height of the building will establish aprecedent for more high rise buildings at the foot ofthe mountain, thereby blocking the view f::om the village. I have no objection to Vail Associates expandingthe present building to provide additional space forthe present com-rnercial_ operations, but I strongly opposea building higher tban the present one, with any resi-dential activity. I hope the Town Council will give this matterserious consideration if it does come up. Let us notcreate any more eyesores, blocking out the view of Vai1tsgreatest asset, its mount a in ! .i //l .'/,,/ l,i't( \l-t.(' l-'y''t,,...^, --.L:_ -. f-.v-y!-l{, A. Bours Mr. oick Elias l.ranor Va i 1 P. O. Box 606 Vai1, Colorarjo 81657 r BCC: *r*#iut"qlrc. Creators and Ooeraton of Vail and Bearer Creek Jul-y 19, 1983 Mr. Peter Patten Senlor Planner Town of Vall 75 South tr'rontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Peter: Enclosed 1s a draft of the New Goldeo Peak Zone District with lnput fron Vall Assoclates, Inc. Our approach was to lncLude all uaes which were 1o effect prlor to redevelopment as pernltted uses wlth three (3) exceptlons. Certain other uees sere added as conditlonal . uses. We have provl-ded a red-llned copy indlcatlng the changee for your convenlence. I suggest neetlng Jolntly to revlelt the document at your convenlence. Vall- Plannlng & Technlcal JII/cs Enclosure be Macy Post Office Box ? . Vail, Colorado 81658'(l0l)476-5601 DMFT OF NEW GOLDEN PEAK ZONE DISTRICT CHAPTER ].8.39 SKI BASE/RECRNATION DISTRICT . 18.39.010 Purpose The Ski Base/Reereatlon District is lntended to provlde for the base facil-ities necessary to operate the ski mountain and to a11ow rnultl-farnll-y residential dwelllngs as a secondary use if certain crlteria are met. In addltion, summer recreational uses and facil-ities are encouraged to achieve ioint use of some of the facil.ities and provide for effi.cient use of the faclllties. Site deveLopment standards are intended to a1low for the redevelopment of the Golden Peak base facilitles and to maintain Ehe general open space character of the area. 18.39.030 Permicted Uses The fo11ow-ing uses shall be permitted in the Ski Base/RecreaEjon District: o Ski Lockers/% o Ski Ciub Vail Fecif ity " Skl School & Ski Patrol facilltles " Ski Racing Faciliries " Lift Ticket Sales " Pro Shop - Tennls o Ski Repai.r, Sales & Accessories o Pedestrian & Bike Paths o ^r . , . -.5Ka Larfs d 101ts " Surface Parking, o Rus & Skier Dropoff o .SLgns, Information Kiosks, Fene{ng o Snowmaking & Storage F:cilities ' Ski Tratl s / Skiing o Restaurant /Bar/ Snack Bnr/Rarhecr''e " Bratskellar & Childrenrs Sk'i School Facil i ti es o Mountajn Operations Offi ces " Recreation District Offlce ( srrrnrner only) o Meet ing Roorns o Injury Rehabilitation Facil i ty " Radio Rental out l et o Oversnow Vehicle O:gl.!ig"" 18.39.050 Conditlonal Uses The followlng conditional- uses shalL be perrnitted in the Ski Base/Recreation District' subject to Ehe issuance of a conditional use permiE in accordance -2- rrith the provislons of Chapcer 18.60: A. Alpine S11de B. Swi rlrni n g Facil_iJy C. Multi-Famlly dwelllng unlts within or attached to the urain bullding are - allowed tf the followlng criterla are met (in addltlon to crl-teria as outlined in Chapter L8.60): 1. The forfelture of other aLlowabl-e dwelling or acconodation unlts on other properEles in fhe Town of Vail by the property owner via dedication of such land to the Town of Val1. Such forfelture of dwelling units shall be an equal (or better) trade-off of dwe11lng or accomodatlon units (i.e., 10 forfeited, maximum of 1-0 received). 2. The dwelllng units shal-l be clearly a secondary use to the principal, permitted uses. The design of facilities in thls zone shall reflect this chrough such measures as no residential uses on ground level , minirnizing visual impacts such as parking of the resldential use, and h'_mlting the maximum gross square footage devoted to dwelling units to a maximum gross square footage devoted to dwelling units to a maximum of. 302 of the total gross square fooEage of the main structure. D. Public Parks, Playgrounds, and Recreational Facil-ities E. Seasonal Structures to accomodate educational or cultural activities F. Undergro""d P"bf s G. Specialty Food Es tablishment H. VICTORY GARDENS 18. 39, 070 Accessorv Uses The following accessory uses shal-l be permitted in the Ski Base/Recreation District: A. Accessory uses (i.e., race hut) cuscornarily lncidental to perrnitted and conditional uses. -J- B. Home occupations, subJect to lssuance of a home occupation pernlt 1n accordance vith the provislons Sections l-8.58.130 chrough 18.58.190. 18.39.080 Development Pl-an Requlred A. To ensure the unified developrnent and to assure that development in the Ski Base/Recreation Distrlct wl11 meet the lntent of the district, a development plan shal-l be required. B. The proposed development plan ln accordance with Section 18.39.085 shal1 be submitted by the developer to the zoning adninistrator, who sha11 refer lt to Ehe planning and environmental conmission, which shal1 conslder the plan at a regul-ar1-y scheduled xoeetin8. A report of the plannlng and environmental comnlsslon stating its findings and recommendaEions shall be transmitted to the tohm councll for approval in accordance wiEh the appllcable provisions of Section 18.66.060 of the rnunicipal code. C. The approved development plan shaLl be used as the principal guide for all developnent nithin the Skl Base/Recreation Distrlct. D. Amendments to Ehe approved development plan which do not change iEs substance uay be approved by the pl-anning and environmental connission at a regularly scheduled public hearlng ln accordance with the provisions of Sectlon 18.66.060. E. Each phase of the approved development plan shall require the approval of the design review board in accordance \tith the applicable provisions of Chapter 18.54 of the municlpal code prior to the comnencement of site preparation. 18.39.085 Development Plan - Contents The proposed development plan shal1 incLude, but is not limlted to the following data: A. An open space and recreational plan sufficlent to meer the denands generated by the development without undue burden on available or proposed public facilities -4- B. Existlng and proposed contours, after grading and slte develoPment ' havlng contour intervals of not more than five feet C. A proposed si.te plan, at a scale not smal-ler than one inch equals flfty feet, showLng the approximate locations and dlmensions of all bulldlngs and structures, uses thereLn, and all prlncipal slte development features, such as l-andscaped areas, recreational facilities' pedestrian plazas and walkways, service entries, drlveways, and off- street parking and loadlng areas D. A prelininary landscape p1an, at a scale not smaller than one inch equals fifty feet, showlng existlng landscape features to be retained or renoved, and showLng proposed landscaping and landscaped site development features such as outdoor recreational facllities' bicycle paths, trails, pedescrian pLazas and walkways' water features' and other elexnen ts E. Preliminary building elevations, sections, and floor p1ans, at a scale not smaller than one-eighth inch equals one foot, in sufficient detail to determine floor area, gross residencial floor area, interior circulatlon, locations of uses wlthin buildings, and the general scale and appearance of Ehe proposed developmenE. F. A detailed view analysis from the north, east, and wesE of the Proposed s t ruc tures . G, A massl-ng model of proposed structures and an on-site demonstraEion of the ridgeline(s) of roofs. 18.39.090 Lot Area and Site Di.rnensions The mlnlmum 1ot or siEe area sha1l be fLve acres of site area, one acre of whlch shall be buildable area, 18.39.1-10 Setbacks In the Ski Base/RecreaEion District, the minimum setback along st.reet frontage sha1l be trdenty feet, with the side and rear serbacks determined by the Plannlng and Envj.ronmental Conmission. o -5- 18.39.130 uelght For a fl_at or mansard roof, the height .of the buildings shal1 not exceed thlrty-five (35) feet. For a sloplng roof, the height of buil-dings shal1 not exceed thlrty-elght (38) feet. 18.39.140 site coverage Sl,te coverage shall be deternined by the PJ-annlng and Envlronmental Cornmissl-on and approved by the Town Councll as Part of the approval of the development plan. 18.39.150 Landscaplng and Site Development A11 land vithln setbacks along a publlc street must be landscaped, also' the area between the ProPerty llne and pavement on streets shal1 be landscaped. A11 areas withtn the area or areas of disturbance in the landscape plan not occupled by buildlngs or ground level decks or Patiosshall be landscaped. 18.39.170 Parking Off-street parking shall be provided ln aecordance with Chapter L8.52. No parking shall be located l-n any required setback area. 9-!LGIf4&fgg Addltional oarkine sDaces for the dwelling units sha11 be reserved surfac-e sDaces. es for t'oDen-markettt dwe units shal-l- be located underground. Crcattrrs anJ C)pcrators of \hil ard lJcarcr Creek July 19, L983 Mr. Peter Patten Senior Planner Town of ValL 75 South Frontage Road Vall, Colorado 81657 Dear Peter: Enclosed is a draft of the New GoLden Peak Zone Dlstrlct with input from Vail Assoclates, Inc. Our approach was to include all uses which were in effect prlor to redeveloPment as permltted uses with three (3) exceptions. Certain other uses were added as conditional . uses. We have provlded a red-l-ined copy indicating the changes for your convenience. I suggest-meeting jointLy to review the document at your convenience. S|ocery7y,lE doe Macy Manager Vall Planning & Technical JM/cs Encl-osure R,sr ()ftjc,.' l],,. " \hil. Colt'ra,l,' trl/.rt$ . 1 ltll)47tr-56trl OF NEW GOLDEN PEAK ZONE DISTRICT CHAPTER 18.39 SKI BASE/RECRIATION DISTRICT 18.39.010 Purpose The Ski Base/Recreation District ls intended to provide for the base facilitles necessary to operate the skl mountaln and to al1ow nulti-farnily residenElal dwellings as a secondary use if certain criteria are met. In additlon, summer recreat.ional uses and faciliules are encouraged to achieve ioint use of some of che facilitj.es and provide for efficient use of the facilitles. Site deveLopment standards are intended to allow for the redevelopment of the Golden Peak base facilities and to maintain the general open space character of the area. 18. 39.030 Permitted Uses The following uses shall" be permitted ip the o Ski Lockers/lmploye e Lock *r--&oont 0*- o -Keslr-aoms." Skl School & Ski Patrol facilicies o Ski Base/RecreaEjon District:? 5-ki__Club_Vai1 FacilitJr-:, t I Ski--Becinc-F3c i 1 i ties - ntd h'411 c''tr' ,.]f,fti_faait s / _Sk-l.rn& Res taurant /Bar / Snack Bar/Barbecue Lr-a!s&e]l-a,r---&-C-biadrenls--Skl-School Facil i i'i ec o -Uleturla j n Qp-erations-Offiies- Recrea t iqn D^iglr-i.cl-01-ffc.e-=(sr:mner--on1y ; -U-e-etjng-3qoms- Jn iury-Behabili tariole--Eacj-1i ty -&adi o-.Ben t al 0u cle!- --------------a ) a7Oversnow Velr j cle ( Operatlons -/ .1*a24 '-i- o Lift Ticket Sales o Pro Shop - Tennis " Ski Rcpair, Sales & Accessories o Pedestrian & Bike Parhs " ski Lifts & Tor,/s " Sy-t-te-se-l:a*inc//- " -Bus &-Skier orcpottfu L8.39.050 Conditional Uses The following conditional uses shalL District, subject to the issuance of be permiEEed in rhe Ski Base/Recreatjon a condj.Eional use permit Jn accordance -2- wlth che provisions of Chapter 18.60: A. B. c. .Alp-r.ne-SJ-lde Multi-Famlly dweL1-tng unlts within dt attached al.lowed if the folLowlng crlterla are met (Ln to the main bullding are addition to criteria as outl-ined in Chapter 18.60): 1. The forfeiture of other aLlowable dwelling or accornodation unlts on other properties ln the Town of Vail by the property orrrer via dedication of such land to the Town of Vall. Such forfeiture of dwelJ"ing units sha11 be an equal (or better) trade-off of dwelling or accomodation units (i.e., 10 forfeited, maximum of 10 received). 2. The dwell-ing units sha1l be c1-earLy a secondary use to the principal., permitted uses. The design of facilities in this zone shal1 reflect this through such measures as no resldential uses on ground 1evel , . minirnizing vj,sual impacts such as parking of the resj.dential use, and lj,rnlting the maximun gross square footage devoted to dwelJ-ing units to a maxinum grp,F\Rquare footage devoted to dwelling units to a('/ \maxirnum ofl 301l pf the total gross square footage of the main,/sEructure. -_- Public Parks, Playgrounds, and Recreational Facil_iCies Seasonal Structures to accomodate educational or cultural activitles D. lf U."aurgtou"d Prb].i Private Parking Strucruret -O-L Specialty Food Establishment VISIOBI-EABDIN5- 18.39.070 Accessory Uses The foll-owing accessory uses shal1 be permltted ln the Ski Base/Recreation Districc: Accessory uses (1.e., race hut) customarl.ly lncidental to permltted and conditional uses. -3- B. Home occupations, subjecL to lssuance of a honre occupation permlt in accordance with the provlslons Sections L8.58.130 through 18.58.190. l-8.39.080 Development Pl-an Requlred A. To ensuie the unlfled development and to assure that developnent in the Ski Base/Recreation Distrlct wl11 meet the lntent of the dlstricE, a development plan shall be required. B. The proposed development plan i.n accordance with Section 18.39.085 shall be subrnitted by the developer to the zonlng administrator, who sha1l refer it to the pl-anning and environmental commission, which sha1l consider the plan at a reguLarLy scheduled meeting. A report of the planning and environmental comnission stating its findlngs and recommendations shall be transmitted to the tor+n council for approval in accordance $tith the applicable provisions of Section l-8.66-060 of the muni.cipal cotle. C. The approved development plan sha1I be used as the. principal guide for a1-l devej.opment within the Ski Base/RbcreaEion District. D. Auendnents to the approved development plan which do not change its substance may be approved by the planning and environmental commission at a regularly scheduled public hearing in accordance with the provisions of Sectlon 18.66.060. E. Each phase of the approved development pJ.an sha11 require the approval of the design review board ln accordance with the appllcable provisions of Chapter 18.54 of the urunicipal code prior Eo the commencenent of site Preparation. 18.39.085 Development Plan - ConEenEs The proposed development plan shal-l include, but is not llrnited to the following data: A. An open space and recreaEional plan sufficient to ncet the demands generated by the developmenE !.tit.hout undue burden on available or proposed public faciljries F _.+_ B. Existlng and proposed contours, after grading and slte development, havlng contour incervals of not more than flve feet C. A proposed site p-lan, at a scale not smaller than one i.nch equals fifty feet, showing the approximate locatlons and dimensions of all buildi.ngs and scrucEures, uses therein, and all principal site development features, such as landscaped areas, recreational facilities' pedestrian plazas and walkways, service entries, driveways, and off- street parking and loading areas D. A preliminary landscape plan, at a scal-e not srnaller than one inch equals flfry feet, showing existing landscape featuies Eo be retained or removed, and shorvlng proposed landscaping and landscaPed si-te development features such as outdoor recreacional facilitiesr bicycle paths, trails, pedestrian plazas and walkways, water features, and other el-emen ts E. Preliminary building elevations, sections, and floor p1ans, at a scal-e not smaller Lhan one-eighrh inch equals one foot, in sufficienc detail to determine floor area, gross residential floor area, interior clrculation, locations of uses within buildings, and the general scale and appearance of the proposed development. F. A detailed view analysis from the north, east, and wesr of the proposed sErucCures. G. A masslng model of proposed structures and an on-site demonstration of the ridgeline(s) of roofs. 18.39.090 Lot Area and Site Dimensions The minimum 1ot or site area shalI be five acres of site area, one acre of which shall be buildable area. 18.39.110 Setbacks In rhe Ski Base/Recrea t. j on Discrjct, the rninimum setback along street frontage sha11 be t$renty feet, \rj th the side and rear setbacks determincd by the Plannlng and Envjronrnental Commisslon. -5- 18.39.130 Heighc For a flat or mansard roof, the height of the bulldings shall noC exceed thirry-flve (35) feet. For a sloplng roof, the helght of buildings shall not exceed thirty-elght (38) feet. 18.39.140 Site Coverage Slte coverage shal1 be deterroined by the Pl4nning and Environmental Corunission and approved by the Town Council as Part of the approval of the devel-opmen t pl-an. . LB.39.l-50 Landscaping and Site DevelopmenE A11 Land withln setbacks along a pub1lc street must be landscaped, also' the area between the ProPerty line and pavement on streets shall be landscaped. A11 areas vithln the area or areas of disturbance in the landscape plan not occupied by buildings or ground level decks or Patios shal1 be landscaped. l-8.39.li0 Parking Off-street parking shal1 be provided in accordance with Chapter L8.52. No parking shaLl be Located in any required setback area. S-i"-l!)--lglh!ng spaces for Iopen-marketrt dwelling unlts shali be locaEed urylerground. Additional parkine spaces for the dwellins units sha11 be reserved surfaqe spa ces. /i \AilAssoirates,hac. Creatt rs and Orx'rators ,f \'iril and Bcaver Crcek dto July 19, 1-983 Mr. Peter Patten Senlor Pl-anner Town of Vail- 75 South Frontage Road Val1, Colorado 81657 Dear Peter: Enclosed ls a draft of the New Golden Peak Zone District wlth input from Vall- Associates, Inc. Our approach was to include all uses which were in effect prlor to redevelopment as pernitted dses wlth three (3) exceptions. Certain other uses were added as co[diEional . uses. We have provlded a red-1ined copy indlcating the changes for your convenience. I suggest meeLing Jointly to reviev, the document at your convenlence. Vall Pl-anning & Technical JM/cs Enclosure Rrsr (Xtjcc Rox Z . Vnil, (l rlrrnr,j,r 81658. (1011.176-5f,01 oe Macy DRA}'T OF NEW COLDEN PEAK ZONE DISTRICT CHAPTER ]"8.39 SKI BASE/RECREATION DISTRICT l-8.39.010 Purpose The Ski Base/Recreation Districc ls intended to provide for the base faciLltles necessary to operate che ski nountain and to allow rnultl-fanily residential dwellings as a secondary use if cerEain criteria are net. In addition, summer recreational uses and facillties are encouraged to achieve ioint use of some.of che facilities and provide for efficient use of the ' facillties. Slte development standards are intended to allow for the . redevelopment of the Golden Peak base facilities and to mainEain the general open space character of the area. 18. 39.030 Permitted Uses The following uses shalL be permitted in the Ski Base/Recreatjon Dlstrict:' o Skl Lockers/guprsJcc_1qckftH?e8ft". o tut club v.il iacitity o Ski School & Ski Patrol f;.iliti"s o Ski Racing Iscil ities o Lift Ticket sales ski rrails / skij!-g- ' o Pro Shop - Tennis " -Bg "-Lauta-gt / Bar / Snack R.";'/Rarheeue o Ski Repair, Sal-es & Accessorles o Bratskell-ar & Childrenrs Ski S-chool o pedestrian & Bike paths Faeirid-e's o Ski Lif ts & Tovrs ,, o --Usttlt-cajn--Operati-ons-O:E-fices- o Surf ace parking f,. . ' ; 7f i.'.t'- o RecreaEion !--istricr of f J cP {s:urner-on1v ) o Rus & Skier Drppof f o Meeting Rooms' o .Signs, rnformalinn Kiosks, Fenclng. o J'd ury Retr361-1itar'l on Facilit| o - snowmaking & s ro.age Fgcir 'i t r ps " -B;l-d i-o-Benl-a I -ouElet. "@ 18.39.050 Conditional Uses c "' i''''' t ,r" '' '" ' " The following conditional uses shall be permicted in the Ski Base/Recreation Dj.strlct, subject to the issuance of a condtclonal use permit in accordance -2- wlth the provlsions of Chapter 18.60: ' A. ,Alp-ine--.1lide B. Swiming_IacLllty - .C. Multi-FarniLy dwe1l1ng uniEs wlthin or attached to the nain building are : aLLowed tf the followlng crlterla are met (tn addtcion to criteria as outlined in Chapter 18.60): 1. The forfeiture of other alLowable dwelLing or accomodation units on oEher properties in the Town of Vail- by the property owner vla dedication of such land to the Town of _ Vai1. Such forfelture of dwelling units shaLl be an ' equal (or better) trade-off of dwelling or accomodation unlts (i.e., 10 forfeited, maxj.mum of L0 received). 2. The dwelllng units sha11 be clearl-y a secondary ,r". to th" principal, permitted uses. The design of facilities in this zone shall- reflecE this through such measures as no resldential uses on ground 1eve1 , minimizing visual impacts ' such as parklng of the residential use, and limiting the . maxinum gross square footage devoted to dwelling units to a naximum gross square footage devoted E.o dwe11i.ng units to a maximurn of. 3OZ of the tota1 gross square footage of the main s E ructure . D. Public Parks, Playgrounds, and Recreational Facilities E' Seasonal Structures to accomodate educational or culEural activitles f. !"a.tgto""d P"bli. "G. Specialty Food Es tablishmentH. YICT!8J-SABDENE- 18.39.070 Accessory Uses . The foLlowing accessbry uses shall be permitted ln the Ski Base/Recreation Dlstrict: A. Accessory uses (i.e., race hut) customarlly lncidenEal to perrnitted and conditional uses. -3- B. Home occupations, subject to lssuancc of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provislons Sections L8.,58.130 through 18.58.190. ' f8.39.080 Development PJ-an Requlred . A. To ensure the unifled devel-opment and to assure that develoPnent in the Skl Base/Recrearlon Districc will meet the lntent of ehe district, a developrnent plan shall be required. B. The proposed devel-opment plan in accordance r.rith Section 18.39.085 shall be submirced by the developer Eo the zoning adrninistrator, who sha11 refer iE co the planning and environnental commission, which shall consider the plan at a regularly scheduled meeting. A report of the planning and environnental conunission statlng its findings and recornnendations shall be transrnitEed to the town councll for approval in accordance wich the appllcable provisions of Section 18.66.060 of the municipal code. C. The approved development plan shal-l be used as the principal guide for all developrnent wiLhin the Ski Base/Recreation District. D. Anendurents to the approved development plan which do nor change its substance may be approved by the planning and environmental comrnission at a regularly scheduled public hearing in accordance with the provisions of Section 18.66.060. E. Each phase of the approved development plan sha1l rcquire che approval of the design review board in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 18.54 of the municipal code prior to the commencernent of site preparation, 18.39.085 DevelopmenE Plan - ContenEs The proposed development plan shall include, but is not .lirniEed to.the following data: A. An open space and recreational plan sufficient to meet the dernands generated by the deveJ.opment nlLhouc undue burden on available or ploposed public facllicies ' .: -4- B. Existlng and proposed conEours, after gradlng and slte developmenc ' having contour lntervals of nor' more than flve feet C. A proposed site P1an, at a scale not smaller than one inch equals flfty feet, showing the approxlmate locations and dimensions of all buildings and structures' uses thereln' and all principal site developnent features, such as landscaped areas, recreational facllities, pedestrian plazas and walkways, servicg entries, driveways, and off- 6treeE parklng and loading areas D. A preliurinary landscape plan, at a scale not smaller than one inch equals fLfty feet, showing exlsEing landscape features co be retained or removed, and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped site developnent features such as ouEdoor recreational faciliries' bicycle paths, trailsr pedestrian plazas and walkways, nater features, and' other eLemen Es E. Preliminary building elevations, seccions, and floor plans, at a scple not snaLler than one-eighth inch eguals one foot, in sufficient detail to determine floor area, gross residential floor area, interior circulacton, locations of uses within buildings, and the general scale and appearance of the proposed development. F. A detailed vlew analysis frorn the north, east' and wesE of the proposed 6trucrures, G. A massing model of proposed structures and an on-site demonstration of the ridgeLine(s) of roofs. 18.39.090 Lot Area and Site Dimensions The rninimum lot or site area sha1l, be five acres of site area, one acre of which shall be buildable area, 18.39.110 Setbacks In the Ski Basc/Recreatlon District, the minirnum setback along s[reet frontage sha1l be twenty feeE, with the side and rear setbacks determined by the Plannlnli and Environrnental Cornmjssion. -5- 18.39. L30 Height For a flat or mansard roof, the height of the bulldings sha1l not exceed thirty-five (35) feet. For a s!-oping'roof, the heiSht of bulldings shall not exceed thirty-eight (38) feet. l-8.39.140 Site Coverage Site coverage shall be decernlned by the Plannlng and Environnental Comarission and approved by the Town Council as Part of the approval of the deveJ.opnent plan. 18.39.150 Landscaping and Slce Developnent A11 Land withln setbacks along a publlc street nust be landscaped, also' the area between the property line and pavement on streets sha1l be J.andscaped. A11'areas within the area or areas of disturbance ln the landscape plan not occupied by buildings or ground level decks or paclos shalL be Landscaped. 18.39.I70 Parking Off-street parklng shal1 be provided in accordance wllh Chaprer L8.52. No parking shall be locared in any required setback area. S.L(€I-pgI8!,"g AdditionaL oarkine spaces for the dq-e*lling units shaU be ce sDaces. aces for ttoDen-markettt dwel units shall be located underground. ooq ffi-a-"a"") ful. ,/,4t y'azrczr4frt/t !u,u,,J 6ez-z-*n'4 fona^/, fEt )nt ,lrr.egalfeT/oJ aF ,Za**eo SrrS ft-#^/ 0.1@ Trft A*,*l - A"-( tut ,r-,J *A 4 br'- b-----"--a'AC, " '/ 41 4o'u/-L./.-<-.s-.1*ffi, ft*-l--?/,r24e7ryry a,-. -/ 4rc.-a'v<-t *rtr 7 tL.--+-<r' ---7 /,-%-**- oZr/""^ ; r-v/e';{.* JtrC7 *2rk- *;/", 1/J/tf"^f, /,4 ) O/: fit,ffitr*l#$ sl*.,._, /:-{ lrL27 \1,430 \120 |*/ o MEMORANDUM TO: Bob Parker FROM: Joe Macy DATE: July 12, 1-983 RE: Golden Peak Parking Use 0ffices Ticket SaLes Skl School Restaurant Offlce . \ Accessory .Sales 2nd Floor Eating & Drinking - ,Dlning - 200 seats .-Apres Ski - 100 seats 300 seats tion fa Retall Stores. Personnel - Servlces $*nepaly shops L space per 300 _\:::":::::i;L,760 908 150 5, 115 spaces 't-/- Rec be .J 1/ Sur,,-ary ll*rr- ryO , 0,u " Requirement 1 space per 250 S.F. Net J.0 spa I 2,418 39 spaces- Facilltles--publlc or private;parking requirenent to determlned by Plannlng Cornmlsslon. 300 seats 3L0 seats )l 17 sPaces "fL 1 space per I seats I, space per 8 seats o MEMORANDU}I Kltchen S Scu1lery Sto Conventl Eor Acces Storage Other OP Requirement 1 space per 1000 S.F. Net 2,072 375 484 150 3,081 Condonrlniun Unlts Condo #1 Condo /12 Condo #3 Condo /i4 Condo ii5 Condo /16 Total Parking Requlred AvallabLe Spaces Uultiple Use FacilltY Net Deflclt 5Oo-2oOO)s}{. 2000 s.F. + 2 spaces / unit 2.5 spaces / unit 2,5 2.5 2.5 2-0 2.5 Issues to be Resolved: o of avallable spaces ,, / r. , //* q^+"-/,^f tZ-"^/"X- t^"f Zs-%alu Bob Parker sAe" 3,72L 3,278 2,r57 l_,905 2,432 3,196 16,689 per Parklng Code Deductiotr: Mtr f any -frandfathered, w111 result ln lossRecreational Facl-llty Ass illi0. li/\ilrJlt V\ rrti_{l 1Jt ir0 lltJ /):=- I I I=?------- ',1 gl li'll' (li; !/ ts----\R, u Ll (J frd {{,l) rY UJ n {l o o J -7.nr $$ S'td() tur {tnl-,,qtir l-t t- rf s fl{r $ 'i I c,.rtr,lg? | I ..srqle 4 I I- ,"-:--- + lW .',r' t "i- I ll/,/ ." r\I ll /,' I "'l | ,.\Ir UafuD co'riror>ii ,Y '/,.' '=_?"gd lf' ,'.. l+ ," -1 -E]r-f' I i---c Sa$\ it- a rr-l :r-trO-? --J J.. r.U -{ZJ H/L fj rr-t1 .Ls- l_: {n Snu.l :z fttu X)/\ l.l-.arrai{,'Th\-/ ll_ illrllll .l q\ gh = \.,s Q\\s-+\\ \ ;';.1=t- *'oQ,-*2i,, abwD 6se73ll',iir,'b'ryt il xill ^A,iYui,l | -riij /__l ifu,,l U'i,i1 1 FSt,ir - *ff- ;lt i -o +,.r:r:I ttt .\ ' III F ln ,4:1 e)i#:l ,T R\b,$ i--) ' Il,it"Il,.:,;'I I 't :' 'fl /-> I ,i i ;lt- I r! i,i i 'lrll-i<l i l'- Il$ t7{* $il dit $il ul -f lir- ll .,--li N. t', ,f li ilnli =jj bE o I I nfr {.i F-- <<:-ri\ lt ./ $4 I --\F I'o om Yr;".\tl :r '- ul -J4IV vr /---\ 0. p r0 3 r0 i-rllti L] nlllll-r A/'J{J'> u{tJs q" s tl l_5..___,' Ov Lffi, ,"'f/,P - 'flo-^. /g.11 sLa--Qu /-/;.^1) 4g-/*"-*5*2 t ^e k) ; *aV - r-t ',/ so&/L "h //llC",l- * k 4o a-Ma.* **uH- /"r- t6 az' a,4 /fu*24 --./ I./- - , /t - ,tht$r-rf 4€4ail1 QZdL-& U z.'t-a- 4 s/.iu 4h. ,%tA^tu#/ "t4u?'a/ 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 475-7000 July 11, 1983 Bob Parker Vail AssociatesP. O. Box 7 Vail, C0 81658 Peter Patten ti;;;'"i-v;ir ,/ Vail, CO 81657 Dear Bob and Peter: At the last Board meeting of July 7, 1983, the Vail Metropolitan Recreation District Board of Dir-ectors recommended the attached considerations relating to the construction of the new Golden Peak FaciliEy be submitted.- The items are in two cateSori-es - desirable, meaning-necessary and nicer- meaning would add to the tennis experience. we appreciate vail Associates sincere interest concerning cle. Distiict and tennis operation and look forward to working with you towards a successful winter and summer. Sincerely, '^r--z ! -','^/. i i/:. t.J/I/-v-.v't / t -;_,4,t_<\Patrick li. Dodson Recreation Director Town of Vail : sml Enclosure COMMEI.ITS TENNIS SHOP AT GOLDEN PEAK BUILDING Items which are desirable 1. Must be able to walk from shop to courts 3-4-5-6 without going through a parking lot. 2. Should have viewing to 3-4-5-6 and also courts L-2-(3) from shop. 3. Area between building and courts should be as open as possible for lounge chairs and tables. o ON Shop should ideally be on northwest Office space is needed vrith the shop corner of the building. with view into the_shqP-sEg tournaments. room. 4. 5 courts if possible. 6, Vail Associates should consider donating Ehe land under the tennis courts (L-2-3-4-5-5) to V.M.R.D. Items which would be nice to have 1. Restaurant porch should look out over courts if possible (decks could be wraped around the builditg). 2. Have use of the lockers and showers during sumners 3. Have storage area for ski equipment in the back of 4. Dressing rooms. for the ///ad av't'\ o'it" a lruZg2 ,//PrM 47r",ffi,t //t trl frf",l /r/- /1.t42,2 ra* eZ n /2./frdUU /./r'/-/t4t/^+ v.*->fn- y".y rur'nlu / ?7f fullTtb fu -7 *'u"''""2 rl -t o /4-a,*/ ftns tk/* !Dtrz-nn*'* {.k*,/or4\fu .4///€q 6fr.""^/&a 742//& Wlt/N -V+a- ?aeSa>/. -Zz*nn *zz"n,r-.t + 1**- s-L/-* 7r7-**- d;*r/4- -frr:nn" uqa- fu o-- A^z-f Z^/ q'/ 1' A-- /.-%- - /1,t/-,.r-,---z^^) /-*-q* h,- k"we77o/4t" Oz,Jbret /s. 7-,f'"*,4=, f ;r---;- e-# A.Z u%,fr ua,.",9e 4 unrr-b - ; A;^- Q kl"-,- ZZ /*t^/.*z.t-r^*,"/ a B*d A-r/- c-._.,.,_r4 -21 / "%4 u.utu "*-4 fr*IL^*, ,{a,cr /0 /,a2ry/6 - /;"r* 7v?/"rffi n rffi,-f,-' -'/zr'r-, /"rz// 41 .z-1-/lL"j& ly \I -Td-7 /uf ; /tuc'c..1 L /* 2 7 (r%atu*- -/r*.tf,t-y /L p-124il, /r'q7 fteAzry4 v+ Ltuw.u + \hilAssrciatcqLrc. Creators and Operators of Vail and &aver Creek June 30, 1983 l*lr. Peter Patten Senior Planner Town of VaiL 75 South Frontage Road VaiJ-, Colorado 81657 Dear Peter: One of the lssues whlch wl-LL have to be resolved regardi-ng the redevelopnent of Go l-den Peak is the locatlon of the set back of the new bulLding fron Mill Creek. If we have to l-ocate the bulldlng 1n accordance wlth the set back requlrement of the zonJ.ng code, 1t wlL1 necessltate removaL of a second tennls court. I would appreclate if you wouLd dlscuss this issue vith your staff members and get back to me regarding the staffrs position, so that we can proceed with the finaLizatlon of the conceptual plan for Golden Peak. Sincerely,4ihz r7l/-?n"r{^.y ( / / _Iranager .4 /1f3Vail Plaruring & Technical- //t, JM/cs /t'r*,*; ,/,1tr= r4 "*fr 4*;tT/ / u4 rz_ Post Office Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 81658 ' (301)476-5601 \hilAs*-s,Lrc. Creators and Operators of Vail and Beaver Creek June 22, 1983 Mr. Peter Patten Senior Town of Val1 75 South Frontage Road Vall, Colorado 8l-657 Dear Peter: I wouLd like to ask you to work ldth Pat Dodson to resolve the lssue of relocating the tennls court whlch wllL be losL when Golden Peak ls redeveloped. The probJ.en, ln short, is that the Recreation Dlstrict has requested that the court be relocated to Chalet Road adj acent to the other courts located there now. Unfortunately, the neLghbors aeem to be oppoeed to the slte on Chal-et Road. I'le are prepared to construct an addltlonal tennls court in any locatlon that the Town of Vall and Recreatlon District desire, as long as the nelghborhood would support the nerl l-ocatlon. Best ValL Plannlng & Technlcal JM/cs t4acy Post Office Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 81658 . {10l)476-5601 o June 20, 1983 Mr. Jim Rea:n Eobbins and Ream 212 Sutter Street San Francisco, California 94lQB Dear Jim, As a part of Vail Associatesr development of a plan for new facilities at Golden Peak, we would like to consider the possibility of a parking structure underneath the three tennis courts that will remain on the site. We've talked wittr the Town of Vail about this, and they suggested we contact you. On your next visit to Vail, could you meet with us to discuss general design parameters for 3uch a structure as well as the possibility that construction of such a facility night be accomplished ln conjunction with the proposed extension of the nain village transportation center structure. Look forward to diseussing this with you in Vail. Sincerely, INC. Robert 1{. Parker Senior Vice President *tl.**ut"s,Lrc. Creaton and Operators of Vail and Beavtr Creek .((u // {l n/., w"^ ^kpt" . it{ i' RWP/k1 cc: Rich Caplan Joe Macy. ,zDick Ryanr./ PostOffice Box 7 . Vail. Colorado 81658'(30i)476-5601 6]tfi o Q,sgr/aySt O Wn Isdtur{ Aa\e{ ,fu ruT: VWLL'&27 Vyr',fT Wtr'6ii 3',tfuW 7" @v fnn near7 frrV tq{5 l44a-@tra%ss T,4AE I W f &'a,{r,rea htUe tr -ttL^A T//Y€,? - C,fu ffiZon,'w\ E3ur* f&c ,1 /' d'aneYq h'^-r'-* f G'wo 7 M ffiz ,'d,- Neo Za\rE T4gzrcT Aazaqate re /<A.uo 2stzlcT kl,/y Cr).r', oe. V4z/,1,"'crgl I<'EQ'A I 77, (-// hlW rd Sr'da/ ht#rh-E<'7h4/ /rfr/E ,t2- // &//T /,V ( rylfr/L 4.s+9 UArzry a- ETle/s&u,tdTof ?a,W 2,Ttrczf Tffi- LXLo&L{ 6e Ustl drY ryY'r fartzry t k, oo ;rw+l 2.,.?/, ^ r,.r?,L Ly ; fu - /--1n-^ / nh *) ".,1/,* ' / oL /o.r", ^/**, ,i-,^'-:^i{y-, Toz/,rl ., h E. /*,4 */d"e- #at 4z ""fu.//z Az ',1,' / 6*'a-"-"4 / . 4. / a-,-,,-y. ^fl-J/-i/r-f,."d,2ft ' /);/ /--,zv-Y^/ li, - 4, /lL"- t*z - a,/'1 ,S /Afu. " - +*/4 4, ,: SrTfua; 7-"7/"7L''-; Ll/'*Z ,i 1, /e-e v- a.6 v .,/,, G*;"5ffi* //-'.4 d;frHt, - ) r g u -l ners fu)^"-' 2 (/,l / 7^7n' IIrI / on"* ," . I a ry',?r,--4 d"*'"'"^1r I L 2z r u7p Ja<-z.du o{94aan<.'t^'( ;;l/ 3. 4-4.%*V fr*=JO--""- I i,4/ /^ - / 1qr,v,L a-.,424///r/iz'h ,..-,-C , . ',&d M tulLuzL,zl "J/fu *?f d ' 9L-7 "/ZL r4& 4 n-".-^./, oo 64/^ fu €'ye,,,* Abi,/*; // fufu//"*4-J str*,-.-,-, P'ry- tf** k bT frL;' -''h'&,r*"r-/ - wla-fr;u*,;"r*i'/ zM-.raz/fux hr/ r r4-( eJ !n-.*r*.L /- *"1 "r# Emffi4,t- /nrrfPA'I A1/r5r,- Av.-*, eA- ; &.6,y' i. hL. S(. a 4Af uarvY gs;vtcf o ffin%. a'-i/ y'- t^ &- 24^ -Z#L v2"4"-d'"F"*qT/h/-#&. c/ -r /,&i/g[*;e %/t t /1-7r-1J/o tu^M-fz 6o.Z -**-,{l-Edz o -'-rz*#a //*"/,*-A d,tt-*,/ /,-Z- D% l- (/ - ; t*l/*,/"1 U*uS" n * /ail- 4tA/4- /Tt'7u ffi. ".lrArl-Zt "t ,r,/; fui /d ffiixvtu4efu W2tHlWA A,z,/*, @ D. - //.n'1"; o b l*yr*, t' 4/, /.,*- "a ez><- n*""r^rq / /7cr-x-ula 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 June 1 0, '1 983 Bob Vail Box Va i'l Parker, Senior Vjce-President, Operat'ions Associ ates , Inc.., , Colorado 81658 Re: Gold Peak Dear Bob, I thought I'd complete giving.you initial Town of Vail staff input wiin i6r" iomments from-Russ"M-otta, Police Chief, and Bill Wpight' Town of Vai'l tennis professional , First, Russ Motta. Russ felt, overa'|1, .very favorablt-!ol1ld the project' He,s anxious to see eoiaen Peik improved. ile had two conments about the ptans that you have submitted to us; l. Make sure the drop-off area is in close enough proximity to..the Oi,-ciie-ticititiis so that it is used and is conven'ient. He coirmented that the area provided for this last year was often not used. 2, He felt the location of the restrooms would encourage vandalism in that area. Bill htright fe1 t strongly that the existing "social area"^between the pro-, shoo and the courts n.Eata-io O. prov'ided. He feels the Golden Peak facility tii"[rl"io.ii"r"-t6-ul-in. *iin-nuie of the Town's tennis program and-in that'light, we must have a top tevel facility providing for both dai'ly and tournament use' Bjll wou1 d like to have the "grass bleachers"on the hill behind the courts carried around the southwest iorner of the courts to the west side. Currently' this area'is a cut siop" *ni.t has never been revegetated., The best location ior-ttre-iennis pro if'o[-*outa be the.northwest corner of the building where ir""".ifv-itre cbndo qil.g.i and meeting rooms are. This location would uiion si'Slftt lines to"the-adiacent courts as well as the lower courts' Moreover' :9t Bi'l'l felt the plan showing the parking for and courts was unacceptable for safety and no problems with 'locating the lost tennis currently. condos between the tennis shoP practical reasons. Bill had court below where there are two I hope this rmation helps you in your ongoing planning for the proiect' Si ncerel A.PATTEN, JR Senior Planner APP: bpr \ DRAFT June 7, 1983 Mr. Randy Milhoan Golden Peak Neighborhood AssociationVail, Colorado 81658 Dear Randy, I{e in Vail Associates would like to thank you and all others who participated in the discussion on our Golden Peakproject last Saturday. IVe received some excellent input to the Golden Peak plan and will try to incorporate many of the suggesti.ons into our final plan. For the record, the following are the j-ssues, alongwith suggested actions or mitigations, which were put forward at the meeting. Please let me know if we have omitted anything substantive: I. Fears that the present project is just the beginning of ongoing heavy development of Golden Peak. Response: V.A. and G.P.N.A. work together to develop legally binding assurances that such will not be the case. II. Concern that the proposed condominiums add too muchbulk and height to the building, thus unnecessarilyblocking the view. Response: Work with archj,tect to lower profile, possibly break up the roof line to mitigate vj.ew impacts. III. Question as to why V.A. feels condominiums are necessary. Response: With the high leve1 of.mountain improvementsrequired annually on Vail Mountaj.n, there is not enough cash available from operations to finance a $5 millionoperations facility without some subsidy from condo sales. IV. Concern regarding parking and traffic problems created by improved facility. Response: V.A. and Town of Vail will do parking demand and traffic study. - V.A. and T.O.V. study the possibility of a parking structure, limited auto access and other mitigationsfor the area". DRAFT Mr. Randy Milhoan Page Two June 7, 1983 V. Building expansion wiLl necessitate changing siteof one tennis court to location unacceptable to neighbors. Response: G.P.N.A. work wi-th T.O.V. to site tenniscourt appropriately. VI . New development may create undesirable, inapproprlate conmerci.al activity in area. Response: V.A., T.O.V. and citizens assure permitted and conditional uses in new Ski Base Area/Recreational Zone are appropriate to mountain operations and neighborhood. VII. Question as to whether "expanded" facilities and/or condominiums could be sited elsewhere at Golden Peak. Response: Operating space requirements both winter and sutruner, make proposed site only viable one. fn addition, Manor Vail has major concerns with other siting. VIII. Fear that V.A. and T.O.V. will create a "carnival"of summer activities at Golden Peak inappropriateto the site. Response: V.A. and T.O.V. and citizens assure permitted and condititional uses in new Ski Base Area/Recreational Zone are appropriate to mountain operations and neighborhood. IX. Concerns regarding final dispositions of propertyissues involvi-ng north tennis courts, Chalet Road, Texas Town House parking strip, green belt strip eastof T.T.H., and green belt north of T.T.H. and VailTrails East and West. Response: Vail Associates 1s willing to address concernsof condominium associ.atlons and or individual residents,as expressed in writing to V.A., before finalizingdisposi.tion of these properties with the lown of Vai1. Sincerely, vArL ASSOCTATES, rNC. Robert IV. Parker Senior Vice Presi-dent BWP/k1 cc: Kevin ConwickDick Elias Harry H. Frampton Bob McCartan T,W },t 1 I DMFT OF NEhl GOLDEN PEAK ZONE DISTRICT CHAPTER I8.39 SKI BASE/RECREATION DISTRICT 18.39.010 PurPose The Ski Base/Recreation District js intended to provide for the base facili"ies necessary to operate the ski mountain and to allow mult'i -family residentia'l dwellings as a secondary use if certain criteriaaremet.Inadditjon'summerrecreationalusesandfaciljties are encouraged to achieve ioint use of some of the facil'i ties and provide for efficient use of the facjlities' Sjte deve'lopment standards are intended to allow for the redeve'lopment of the Go'lden Peak base facilities and to mainta'i n the genera'l open space character of the area. 18.39.030 Permitted Uses Thefol.|owjngusessha.|lbepermittedintheSkiBase/RecreationDistrjct: A. gf Ski Lockers B. Ski School and Ski Patro'l Facilities c. D. L. r. u. Eltrt Ticket Sales - Pro Shop - Tenni s Ski Repaii, Sa] es and Accessorjes Pedestrian and Bike Paths Ski Lifts and Tows 18.39.050 Conditional Uses The following conditional uses shall be permitted jn the Ski Base/ Recreat'ion District, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit jn accordance with the provisions of Chapter l8-60: A. Restaurant/Bar / 5l/acr 'BA€- B. Mountajn 0peration Offices C. Town of Vail Recreatiorr.Fkses- 67:'::', e{,\ D. Day Care Faci I 'i ti es F. Multi-Fami'ly dweliing units withjn or attached to the criteria are met (in addjtion to criterja as out'l ined jn Chapter ]8.60): l. The forfeiture of other allowable dwelf ing or accomodat'ion ,/) J.i T1 units on other properties in the Town of Vail by the property owner via dedication of such land to the Town of Vail . Such forfeiture of dwelling units shall be an equal (or better) trade-off of dwelling or accomodation units (i.e. l0 forfejted, to the in this ii r ")i'tn0'j I.QI'r, {:'1, (l ! 'v t.| ' h r maximum of 10 received).t4/ t' , princi pa'l r permi tted uses . The desi gn of faci I i tj es -l zone sha'l I reflect this through such measures as no residential ---r,--\ ' lge/on ground leve'l , minjmizing visual impacts such as parking of the residential use,,and limiting the maximum gross square footage devoted to dwelling units to a maxjmun of 20% of the total gross square footage of the main structure. a_1 3. For each dwelling unit a'l lowed under the conditional use permit, 1/2 of an emp'l oyee housing un'it, as restricted by written agreement between the land owner and the Town of Vail, shall be provided on site. Minimum amount of gross residentjal floor area devoted to employee housing shall by'l 0% of thetotal GRFA approved for "open-market" dwe'l ling uni ts. Public Parks, P1 aygrounds, and Recreational Facilties Seasonal Structures to accomodate educational or cultura'l activities Meeting Rooms Public or Private Parking Structures llSpecialty Food Establishment U4"48 /ta H. I. J. K. .|8.39.070 Accessory Uses The folIowing accessory uses shall be permitted Di stri ct : A. Accessory uses (i.e. race hut) customarily and conditional uses. B. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a jn accordance with the provisions Sections in the Ski Base/Recreation incidental to permitted home occupation permit .|8.58..|30 through .|8.58..l90. which shal'l be bui l dab'le area. i+-its t^l h- l'-.-, C.( , ...)' f A-''"-" ' C,a"^ --/-2,.'- $osntrari es. !./ t8.39..|10 Setbacks In the Ski Base/Recreation District, the minimum setback along street frontage shal'l be twenty feet, with the side and rear setbacks determined by the Planning and Environmental Conrnission. .|8.39..l30 Hei sht For a flat or mansard roof, the height of the buildings shall not exceed thirty five (35) feet. For a sloping roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed thirty-eight (38) feet. '18.39..|30 Si te Coveraqe di ngs. .|8.39..l50 Landscaping and Site Development All land within setbacks along a pub'l ic street must be landscaped, a'l so, the area between the property ljne and pavement on streets shall be landscaped. All areas not occupied by bui'l dings or ground level decks or patios shall be landscaped. '| 8.39 .'170 Parki ng 0ff-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chpater 18.52. No parking shalI be1ocated in any required setback area. Parking for "open-market" dwel l i ng uni ts shal I be I ocated underground. \,H u/ #m, {-T#f4 ** e E€4s, tu?x a,rz^/ / - --r' c//rs -d SzrF g, - /,,r,/rt/ -/;Z* d ,- fa-?rr-z-U,// n arp^/; *,fl Zz-z-b'rr "/r-;4,.,- &- c,4<2."L z.+z^c-- 4 -fA,1"221 -*/d-- /n'k;//-/t. - Z/'^--*--(/ la t,-n / /*- ,1/p-*t.r.fi/c,-,/ 1, *-**/ / /-r{-,".-p/,--a //,-- .x ',"1-1-'fr1*fu 'i14 ) \ e2,,44, h+/ z*ti.; -rd- t A^"-- t+ fn " ,fd€ ,L/, T &zt.fuorezX, fu?XQlre^/7 6/r,//yt -d *tn,1ts g"-rqa/?1/ -/;g.-d .- fe-?t*/-_U/r/ fi hvry44tF; IZl-zz*r*#TW &- c?u* lt/4 ru-' /). / 3r? -zzfa rb/L4l^*% ,u @/ - ; f-,z1l.,re 1 t1"-- rf"f/ 49 / aaz.- 4 -fZrlez/'*/ fu-ffi- /';,1a.1r,. 2+>+<-o z1r.-/rZ- h.b /'?-W/*-7-u l0 Z(/?tazt/ " eZr,4A- 1".*/ /,,//, *r4{- ol^t - t+ /v 42 we3t mGadow d Ye vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-2200 flre deparlmenl May 31, 1983Peter Patten Community Development Town of Vail Re : Gol-d Peak Re-Development Dear Peter, r have revi-ewed the plans for the Gold peak re-devel-opmentand have identified the f or]owing concerns. These are not tobe considered the only items of concern to the Fire Depart-ment nof j-s this to be considered a complete fist, but onlya review. It appears the loading dock area will obstruct the bustraf f j-c, private vehicl_e traffic, and Fire Departmentaccess. It woul_d also appear that the space allocated forthe l-oading dock will be inadaquate for V.A.,s needs. The currently available fire flow is j_nadaquate to meetthe existing need. Future development should address theincreased fire flow requirements ( additional fire hydrants ) I would presume the bui_Id.ing would be totally sprinkleredand I know the building wilt be required to rrave a completefire a]arm system. Fire Department access to all sides ofthebuilding appears impossible; subsequently, total_ sprinklercoverage should be a prerequisite. The architectural chimneys do not show the required sparkarrrestors, thus the design may change slight1y. In so much as the Fire Department will be responding to thebuilding due to false a]arms for the first 90 days the syst.is on 1ine, where are we preposed to park? I have a feellngthe parking 1ot i-s not goi-ng to be as open as the architectshows on the prints. lmnr ual 42 wert meadow drlve vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-2200 tlre deparlmenl -2- Access and egress to the Bratskeller and Sma1l World Nur-sery is not adaquate. Small children should never belocated above the first floor in this type usage. Eventhe public schools do not locate children below the 2ndgrade above the first floor. I do not like the idea of locating the mechanical room beneath the stairs. Mechanical rooms are classified as hazardous areas. 8. With respect to the "package deal", I cannot comment onthe proposed Spraddel Creek development beyond statingthat the development of 24 units at thta site would bevery difficult due to non-existant water supply, access on grade, turn around for fire trucks, etc.. I feel we should meet with V.A. to have them answer thesequetsions prior to approvals other than in concept. I dofeel Gold Peak needs improvement. The existing facilityform a fire protection standpoint isin dire need of attention. S incerely, -- :t<?,-<,.21- /-4 !.2-- Michael McGee Vail Fire DeDartment 6. 7. Wue-'il^tu frr -..J -o o F 06-/,>r, UtAlfira^-"t- /w rl' f7/4*l %zn/--t- /,;*)O?ri/^- oo z .i q- e Lr.,-*,i, . /?rn.4 t ;t/ & ftr.*-- dr-.-..-4f;* 7; <,--'r.+t'tuJ lgz llr*.-^- ,-*t- O'- l-+/k 'fu, ( ! -.t.,*, orn oiln-" ( .5- 4f(*- *(/rv,L c^aJQL, c-,-L"^_ n i -/t -:--*--q, Ltu-L7 /La*- h C:v4y'.--t/ U,.t- I t 9. ., /l O _, 't, G-L ,i2"*L cr^-fu!/* &/f 6,{^: ol 'fl{L l,,,tL PJ L, o-,,- tl, 3, / / r // P"Jr^-^ *-".pfr-\I LU u- 4,-/.- Tznz-. */ r{^r,..* 6/.;/7 c.-*".'-1t-- L-1- '1v.-l,g-d Z"- 6r/;A -,a,W.',// C/r44 _l L;a a,-/*"- /)^"-L-7///-/4- %,kfu &( ifr il/t''/ /?z A') /t*frrr' */ A,t /:*a f{-)ruu Hflk o 6/ h&n^,h%,/h.h/,,^ rf* Mrz'2. qr.r* ftazr.- "d-:,)4ate**--6lvry /f / tzrZ*zZ A,.,r'-u,"-",;l eu,24,d Ztt -L r/.rzl:* -sA"Z( Z rt/27 "'h4 re dna /Aro .hrffirn*- 'L zz4*u/a b.-z4//Mrz%po {//' ,// :"// 7 -r".-/t -h*aoM il,L-/,/^fw9r ;/'h:e,-z A;An lfuZ /..^..",,-rtb4 L'^ ' C rr""1rr,4 ,-r"rZh, 6 /.;Zfr- tl 1 /t-.rro; -r,-./ / I --" tif I var-Zho a-d4 | ^'to"r/ "Zro - 7"Vr-/c-r,*,'I z;-a;;, ffi,7*fr'fu;4-M-r-g*--//-/4 tuafu*oM(<a@"fnfr*,fr "ry &* - 7"'*y'arrZ ,-z( ,-t-/ St&- /hlffiM' 'fr ,z.e //42/4iz,z 4, r/-'fl- HZ /u4f >r,4^t "ffirl4.g e/4K -CVl"zt /*26 / .4-.'-c rt/4 -a f'" 75 soulh trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 [{r. Bob Parker Senior Vice President Vai.1 Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 7Vai1, CO 81658 Dear Bob: Enclosed is a copy of the Vail A11 Seasons Newsletter regarding the Golden Peak rezoning matter.I hope that it will be of interest to you in preparation for your discussions with them regarding the Golden Peak redevelopment. Also enclosed for your information is a diagram showing the proposed site for the Claes Oldenburg fishing pole. I9hi1e I appreciate that Vail Assoclates has not been formally re- quested for authorization to use this site, I am sure you reca11 my ha.ving briefed you on this concept earlier this spring. I should point out that it was emphasized to Mr. Oldenburg that the Lionshead Skl School area needed to be avoided, which he has done by setting the site on the lower bench of that area. I'urthermore, it would be anticj.pated that this would be land ultimately dedicated to the Town, along with other remaining stream tract por- ti-ons - Please give me a call if you have any questions on either of these matters. Rj.shard Caplan Town Manager cc: Harry Frampton, VA Joe Macy, VA , uD{ck Ryan, TOV O-O ( &- <'il r"''lf oflice of lhe lown manager May 24, 1983 t ,ll'' '',.2 l'" ili, ':!.)-r:,'li.i il.l?li tilflt, t'f l'.\Iil;: -"i\: ,il*,li,lr,L[d tufi f,55CCtATi0 phone 4 76_3 760Lotorado 8165 7 )'/*', (<\ -". i_>* (-i';:1"= f,:: i , OIJt.L ciii.tD0f,itii P.O. Box 93? Va it_ The A11 Seasons Board ofi t ems r,'e Golden peak Rezonin Bylaws Revi ew Status of the A11A draft has beena finalized draft Roof Snow Re tainers )!ay 19 , l, 983 NNiSLEiTER )ianagers he 1d a rneeting in Denver on l.lay 12. Many t!llt0 60 ::lirlT;"I;T:""t::'on Mav 2 submitced ro-rhe ror^'n of vail (rov) a proposalrequesr was ror .h."::;":f":'::':l:/::de'relopment i.;;";:' vA's nurnber onerequesr was for rhe-rezoning of rh! ..ii"r.lf"lili.'il"5ii",,,fo"l"3fii"!"?roto enlarge rhe ski facilicvl f"iii-r")oo "u..,".iu-""-f'.ir". six luxury coi_rdo_niniuns arnong orher tr,tngs'ar-cill-ri"lunr rr.i r""iiiir].,"ri". This vrould enla-.-cpthe presenr buil<iing dlrJcrlv ;;;":;";'"' Ar1 seasons ,.o,'";..]li:-:::l: ill:^."to 70,000 square feer. Tire or.,ners ,ro,rna rn" ..".-i;"i;;;:;ri:il:T::i: ii.j.lldTown Houses, \'ai1 Trails rast uni t,".t'."a others .." ir"i-""rly agai,nsr ttre;:ii";:-r:l: ::T:::",1lii.l:"r:jr;li':."". An area honeowners, lubric nueting :::"::f ".;:;;;::_j,.' rraiis ia;.';;;;:iriii .f;,;:::":,.;: ::::;":,;l:.ji;:"va'. piopol;i.'";i;';j;:::'";';ir';::::::: ;::,:^;.:j;.i;jl-:;:::"*"r::ffj.opposing the rezoning effort r,-a-"o*rJi.ializarion or-aiJ'op.r, ".... rn aunanimous decision on liay r:, ar.',.-solii ug...a Eo set asideif need be, ro assist i"'.rri=i"":;:':^-":::_':::-"". as_ide as much as g:,000, T"ui:ng on rune ;;-i.",i:'i,:y"iltojni.i";;';l:r:r;;;;;."ii:t,:.1]*;::.F'to the improvernenr or cie lti i".iirii icsurrr-:. ',u"i"-'io'be done, buE ir isthe rezoning and cor-,roer"irri"utiJ"--Ji'ar," ar-ea that is opposed. beasons B1'1aws Revier^r ConrnicEee was briefedsent ro conmiitee members fo, ii,.ir"uJiror,.can be sent to all owners for review soon. by 4'1 Seltke.It i.s hoped rhar The roof snow retai: ;F:iiii:;ir"# H:ir"'";: jj{i'*:H, i; i::l ii' ::!*:: :', :":"r :;::"r :; ;:: Painting I: '.:as Jqre:C to inirr.i:r: inclu ji;r -;.;;-,-:;:;": ::;"i::"";,:"nuoule rhis srii:-.,er. A11 rough-s:.*neic' r''i11 be paintec. r.'o.n sc.ps ":rri'i5"iiol;:::: trrm, acijoining siair o-o,", PhVi'-ott Tt\.,)i. ta Conni t t ee Ctzzo o .-------- -\\ '--=l\g\\ \ q $ -1 F $ * \_ l."r.c/< /"" - '',/ a lailn n t:n iljri 75 south f ronlage road Yail, colorado 3'1657' (303) 476-7000 May 18, 1983 Bob Parker Senior Vice-President, 0perations Vail Associates, Inc. Box 7 Vail, Co]orado Bl658 .Dear Bob, The planning staff has now had a chance to review your submittals to date on i irlii;i;;iy basis. -t;O tjke to address our comments on a project by project basis. '1. Golden Peak Redevelopment This project will require the annexation of the southerly parcel; an amendment to the zoning cooe iJ.'ine-aOoption of-the new district; zoning of the newly inn.*"a-pu".6.|, r""roning oi thb Agricultural and.0pen.space p1T!l:i-1 Ti:::-. subdivision makins ii.ii"ir.,i"""i;;;r;-i;i; on"l outitninb tire.necessarv conditional ui.-p".*iti under"the new djstrict; and, fjnaily, the approval of any vapiances required under the ii"*'ii.iriit (J'pii:iins'variince may' be necessarv). we feel all of these processes, minus the annexation itself, shou'l d be-addressed at one meeting of tte-i'ianning'an6 Environmental Conmission. This rvould probably take the form of u rp".iii t.6ting which rvould occur 30 days after submission oi'-io*pf.t. appt icai!ons-anO-tn" 6olden Peak project-would be the only agenda ii.i."'"i6"-pE[-,rorii,-ii init-tueiing, recommbnd to Tovtn Counci] on al'l of these requests. The rown-iouncil could 11r6n coniio"i ti'" project as a package, as we]l. The following are our preliminary comnlents concerning the Go]den Peak project as per the information we've received to date: A. Designing a new zone district. l|le are in the process of final izing what form we feel the new zone district shou'ld take. lre ifrint<-tnat there ihould be a number of perntitteA gt9: repre- ienting the nrore oOuiori, cornpatible uscs in the district. Some of the other uses should requiie a ct6ser ioof for-iJtpiliUitity,, etc. and will be labcled cond.itional. As you-knir,-n developttcnt ilan will be rcquircd as.part of the nel district. llere are our conltnents on tire materia'l we have receiVed: t Paqe 2 I Parkr:r' VA, 5/1u/t\J I ) Any condorniniurirs must meet a pre-set t,lhere, dc.nronstratiorr ovcr thc onc al I o';r;rble wil l be a conrl i tional use vrhich nurrrbcr of cri teria srrch as dedicatiorr of open space'' el se- ol' corrpatibif ity r,rith tlre district, e Lc. 2) The condominium units proposed Secrn to contain excessive GRFA and shou'l d be reduced in size. 3) Coordination with Skip Gordon of the Transportation Department, as viell as with our staff, concerning the drop-off and bus lane area should take pl ace in the very near future. The pedestrian walkway proposed right through this area presents nurnerous conflicts with loading, auto and bus traffic. 4) The'loading area is in conflict with the bus and drop-off'lanes and cannot be at this location. 5) With the six garage doors fac'ing Va'il Val1ey Drive and the bulk of the western part of the building, the buildjng "reads" as a multi-family condorniniunr complex wjth some ski base facilities as almost secondary. This should be reversed by the provision of one single garage entrance to underground parking (2 spaces/unit) as well as a design of the build'ing which generaily de-empha- sizes the residential aspect of the project, 6) The bike path to the south of the project must be continuous to the east and also should connect with Vai'l Valiey Drjve. 7) Consultation with Pat Dodson of the Tor,rn Recreation Dcpartment should take p'l ace regarding the provision for spectators as well as a sitting area(i,e. patio tables and chairs now between the pro shop and courts) must be met. 8) A'l'l skier-re1 ated uses shoul d be I ocated on the second 'l evel near theticket windows for convenience of the skiers and circulation purposes. 9) V.A. shou'ld determine which side they vli sh to be the "front door" of the project and design according'ly (i.e. place loading and garage doors away from this side), There may be a winter and a summer "front door" based onactivities at this location. l0) There shou'ld be adequate parking for the uses proposed. We don't want to create a park'inq problem wjth this project. In this regard, the long- range role of Golden Peak as a major ski base faciiity should be forrnulated and the design of the orof,ect related to this long-range plan (i.e., tripie chair 'lift on #6?, China Bbwn plans?, etc). l'l ) A buffer zone betr.reen the structur"e(s) and activitjcs which will result must be provided betvreen Golden Peak and Mill.Creek Court residences. l2) A detailed v'ierrr analysis from north, east and r,rest Inust be perfornred. Required will be a nnssing model and on-sjte denronstration of the ridgelinc(s)of roofs [i rr ll ['', rl'.t.:r 5/17 /i).J p 6rjc 3 'l 3) Tovtn Councjl at thcir work scesion a. Condos should.be reduced in size b. The skiing and retail uses should south side. c. The lover level of uses of the building. on May I7 harl Lhe fol lowing cottlrrents : and possibly the top floor clinrinated. be located on the second Ievel- shou'l d go undergound to reduce the mass . d. The single roof line should be e'liminated. The build-ing-is-generaily too maiiive and shouid be more "broken up." This wou'ld include the 1ong, s'loPing roof . e. Parking shou'l d be undergound for the condom'injums' 2. Lionshead Rezonjng This would requjre a rezoning from Agricultural and Open Space to the new skj base district. At'this time, we do not s6e the need for thjs rezoning, as the uses present- ly existing fit jnto the A0S district quite we'll. 3. Spraddle Creek Project Uponreviewofthesubmittedtopographic.informationwiththe.lot'|ayoutandroad access, the staff feels there are-some significant problerns w'i th this developnent. the roiA grades on the ionger stretches viry from,9.6'L to l3'1 - this is unacceptab'l e for a roai accessing a maj6r subdivjsion. -Several of the lots will have problcns meeting the siope riquireinents for nel, lcts' however, this canriot-be specifica11y detennined untii mord detailed jnformation is received. As a vthole' we question the viabjl ity of this proposal. I hope th.is provides you vrith the initial feedback you need to proceed.with.your ipplications. We wili stay in a close working relationship with you tb.roughout the processes. Sincerel54a! ,,'jf, A. PETER PATTEN, JR Senior Pl anner APP: bpr cc Rich Caplan, Tovtn Manacler Larry Esklith, Totvn AttorneY Pat Dodson, liecrcatjon Departnent Djrector Skip Gordon, TratlsIot'Latiotr Dtlparttlttlnt Joc ltlacy, Gordon Stcatlrtlan, Vail Asstrt:iates n o Afr/^ - t/tk ,/,j b MA,-f/rte * 27,,-r- /rk ^-rprutu4 h;r*h A-"*f fu --.aaof fuqffizU // // F S--rr% @7"4 fu/rhd%.o9arl,-aa*/-=/ftu^/ *-fr.*: 4 u.A/.t---r<i^uvdil;A / -rt- s...%'4--t-A ktz-t'<-K hz1/ Oz+ Ll- 7nt',*-,rrfa., / ,^r.1, -/t*, + r*x"r Urhzau/yllf /"-t?"- /.,{ i.c. /,//. ,-,...^- / -/0 /,:1 4/.., ,..//, ,.-/*i-,*-/ozr/ tt4-, /^44 t-/ V frJ tl t H,*'u, I // ahk. ao /4 frartz4 '//* {qLW P d,e- ltzt-era.zu- ,&- /,/ "/*'o,,^( fu*,4*t- 1,.;Aa - ,-n/ /r/, % 3yfi'%srtr"or4# L-/ fa*-taA-y ,t/-Tdd M" -- /, 4 /.-' tttvrs(f'L'*r; &/- t /. 4e r{ l,l I z4 T"fry * /4 /4 Da74d--ha %zrhe* -b=r+=',' #r-P"^"r*-s/s/rs tu O^/%-r/ &,* 'a) *bD A.ky' r'/'/z'Z #ff , /r; "-r- /*'/. 61* /?/4il2 u/ e,*1 e^/r,"-eA/ 4 eZ -e/A- /rz ' rfu4.az4-L n- t4 'ry-Z //u-', n , /t(- ar/,*-/ /' /at-" ^'-4 % Z" 7 .7r{ E-+ gA. ?*r"b/,,42a*2-W]+)ffi,r-*'!-mYffi-fr It T0: Peter P. FROM: Peter J RE: Comments on V.A. ProPosa'l DATE: MaY 12, 1983 I.riew zone district for Gold Peak and Lionshead: II. 'l I think a lot of work could be done on but it is certainly better than what's great improvement if done ri9ht. What is our role in terms of the new zone district? Are *" ift" appl icant or is V .A.? I /,1/V tt ,--) Is the zone district contained w'i thin the memo .fron Dick'/ ""io7s78i_thecurrentproposa1forthezonedistrjct? 3. I can't see why Ljonshead area needs to be rezoned as all the indoor iacir iiiei ire 'located w'ithin Ccz' . l! ]: .e tota1.1v , r different sitrution-irom-OoiA-peak which has the bui'lding and proposeo facilitjes in the Ag/Open space zone which I agree.is inappropriate' The tennis courti uib-l,urutLa building at Lionshead are 0.K. as conditional uses in thr Ag/open space zone' rea11y need to worq-o[ the new zone district to make sure that is geared towgrcs ,*ffi-r"-."iiionat needs and study the 'impacts V.n];l p.opo{a A un}/:n relationshjp to the desired uses' \..- "-- General 1y, the uses proposed on the first and second floor (with ir,"-li..i,iion of the-vibeo arcaae) seem to be appropriate, however ithe or.ientation seeis io-Uu *rong. For instance, the ski renta'l l;; ;;i;;-i;;ii";;-;;ouia-".iuit"to th' ski mountain rather than It"-th" Gore Creek Road side of the build'ing t Does the bike path get re1 ocated, and'if so' they should do this' I think a lot of study should go into the bus stop/drop-off area lo try to improve on the current situation' 2. 4. we --+IL of 2. J. n exterjor des'ign of building' there now, and would be a III. Spraddle Creek l.Ireallycan.tunderstandwhytheyare.going.forunitshere,cons.idering costs and O ifiliuit'- getting- una-iuitifiing-the zoni ng change requ'i red' It r^muld seem to me that if they iete gbing to get units that'it would be ,nor. Jpp.opiliiu (anO-Lasier ior us to justify) to 'locate thsn in an area that is surrounded by density and c'lose to transportation'{ ;\ ,l -!.A' ProPosal 5/1?/83 It to know what discussionpark'ing, ski area , etc. has a'lieady taken Place 2.. Spraddle Creek wou'ld be \ decide to give it to us 3, We need to get an accur the smal 1er scale toPo. I think we need on this issue' a great P'lace and-qet-B0its ld they just enlarged 'l , sit appears that theY f ProcesseS code-and annexations need to be done first and 6r item III. Amendment IV.0ther Items Rdzoninqs of Go]d Peak, Lionshead (if stil'l desired)' and Spraddle Creek cou'ld take place at the same llme' 3.Thesubdjvisionprocessfor.spraddleCreekwou.|dhavetofo.|low annexation uno .[ning"]na-tnr' prel iminary,plan^submitta'l would have to wait untit tn!'iriitU-ni|-U!.n ipp.oubd'bv Counci.l at two readinss' However, you,O ,ini'"'ngod jdea.of i,lhat they cou'ld do prior to zoning. i;;+tr;irian submittil would then rollow' hffi{"* of Gotd Peak could take p'lace after the conditiona'l use *review of the uses. l. I think we need to analyze whether a benefit with the restrlctlons or ltlhy does VA need sPaces there? I Christiania'lot is reallY and VA Parking requ'irements'gett'i ng the Christiania 2. Need to get of the llth VA to also sel'l us the golf course property iust west Filing (not shown on their maP)' I i to zoning luwn 75 south frontage rd. vail, colorado 81657 {303) 476-7000 department of transportation 14EMO TO: Bob Parker, Charlie Gardner FROIvI: Jon EberleRE: Golden Peak Development PIan DATE: 5/II/8I In your considerat.ion of the Golden Peak Develop- ., . ment Plan, please try very hard to separate cars and'' buses. I recognize the necessity for a skier drop-off in the area but would suggest it be provided apart from the bus stop. This would prevent the frequent conges- tion in the area and actually reduce the number of buses required to offer peak hour service. The Tor^/n is doing its best to provide excLusive bus lanes on the shuttle route whenever possible. Your assj.stance in this effort will greatly benefit public transportation in Vai1. Thank you. 75 south ,ronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 475-7ooo l.lay 6, 1983 Bob Parker Vail Associates, Inc. P.0. Box 7 Vai'|, Co]orado 81658 Dear Bob, l,lith regard to your recent proposa'l which wil'l be required to go through These are: l. Amendment to Zonjng Code A. Request to amend code for 2. qofden Peak Redeve A. Annexation of southernmostB. Rezoning of entire area todistrict. C. 0btaining conditional use one. A. Rezoning request 4. Spradd'le Creek_Subdivjsion A. AnnexationB. ZoningC. ihjor Subdivisjon to the Town, I see four different items the p'lanning/zoning approval Processes. creation of new zone district. parcel . new "ski base area/recreationa'l zoning" permits for those uses which would'require D. Desiqn.Review Board approval d;i,R,'ili{dr's"^BW/rarr/ ,. "J vail Assryes s/6/83 -Z- A1 so, once we're into more detailed review there may be some variances requiredon each item. The following g'ives you more detail concerning these four processes: Anendment to zonin code for new district This will fo] |ow the requirements and procedures in sections 19.66.'l 00 through 18.66..|60. l've enclosed these for your use. Because thisprocess goes to P1 anning and Environmental Commission before Council ,it will take a minimum sf two months. 2. Go'lden Peak Redevelopment A. Annexation This is initiated via a letter from Vail Assocjates, Inc. to the Town requesting the annexations. As mentjoned in our meeting on May 4, this procedure follows state statutes which Larry Esk;ithis familiar with. I believe this type of annexatjon is fairly simplefrom an adminjstrative standpoint (if all criteria for annexaijon ' are met) in that it goes to. council in ordinance form for two readingssubsequent to sufficient publ ic notice. Zon i ng After Council has approved the annexing ordinance, the next stepis zoning the new parcels which begins at pEC (with recommendation from staff)_and_aga'in ends up with two readings of the zoning ordinanceat council level . This process also follows the procedures ind reouire-ments in sections'1 8.66.100-.|8.66..'|60 with development plans requiredfor the rezoning application. Conditiongl Use Permits Enclosed please find a copy of chapter 18.60 explaining this process.This does not go to Council unless appealed. D. Desiqn Review Board I bel'ieve varjous members of your staff are famjljar with this process.hje're in the process of revising this chapter of the code,,and yourstaff should probabiy attend the upcoming'hearings at PEC and C-ouncilto stay abreast of the revisions. 3. Lionshead Parcel Rezoning this parcel wi'l I fo]low'1 8.66.100 through .|8.66.'1 60, a9ain.A development plan will be required for this pro[osal. Spraddle Creek A. Annexation - same proceds as Go'lden peak B. Zoning - fo1'low Sections 18.66..l00-.|9.66..|60 c. Hajor subdivision - please follow the major subdivision chapter ofour new subdivisjon regulations (enclosed). A complete environnrentalimpact report will be required. B. c. 4. ,-a VfAssociates 5/6/83 -3- our meeting on May 4, some of these processes may be able tobut this 'is a tough decision due to the abil ity to separate- -a jo'int.approval process. It wou'l d be premature at ihis pointI you vrhich processes can be combined, as this is a total staffbelieve I can get that information to you by the middle of nextor so). As I said in be combined, out issues infor me to tel deci sion. I week (May 11 I hope this with you and S i ncere] A.P R PATTEN, JR. Pl anner he1ps us both to start "tracking" and I 'look forward to workino our staff further on these matters. Sen i or APP:bpr Enc'|. I MEII,ORANDUM T0: Rich, Peter, Peter S Jirn FROM: Dick DATE: October 9, 1981 RE: New zone.district proposal for the Gold peak area Qil,"? For the past few years, redevelopment of Gold Peak base facilities have been under discussion. After reviewing the Agriculturai and open spaceDistrict where the Gold Peak faci-lities are located, I find the disirictnot appropriate for the redevelopnent of this area. First, the dj-strictintent is not conpatible with the area. second, permitted or conditional uses do not fit the current use pattern of the structure. It would beimpossible to expand the facilities under the current zoning uses. This would defeat the purpose of redevelopnent of the site to have it workfor the nuniber of skiers that use the building now. I propose that a new district be redeveloprnent of Gold Peak. The new district would be specifically design r,l4ut1to ski base facilities and rown recreation facilities. probably arl uses l,should be conditional to insure adequate review by abutting property ortt.tr | . through the public hearing process. there has been great interest bythe adjoining property owners to date, and in the past two weeks I have received an inquiry by the nanager of the All Seasons condo development (/J'l and am owner of a condo in the general area. Past contact fras Ueen wiiir l(Dick Allis, Manor Vail, A11 Seasons, and owners of condoniniums in the z jea . l,fl@' ' - .^o* Z Skr Base@i and Recreation Redevelopnent District (SBFRR)(/t' purpose il{l fh.* f /ue*fr." e,7^4 The Ski Base Facili reation Redevelopnent District is intendeF-to provide for th ski mountain. In ase facilities necessary to operate the 6-n, sununer recreational uses and facilities should (}- subj ect to provi s ion s -2- r0/9/8r Conditional Uses The following condi.tional uses shall be pernitted, accordance with thof llc2nditi-onal userPernit in{/ trA/,*;!L /.'xtL.w,./^."7,;1;;'i&ffi, issuance of Chapter Restaurant/ Bar Ticket Sales a/7a- 'f"i" Mountain Operation Offices Town Recreation Offices Day Care Fagilj.L&s Children' sfPfogran\and School Pro Shop Tbnrris-J Ski repair, sales and accessories One condominiurn unit with a rnaximum of 2,000 square feet Gross Residential Floor Area Dwelling units that are an accessory use within or attached to the principal structure used for ernployees of Vail Associates (the nunber and GRFA of such units to be deternined by the Planning and Environnental Corrunission of the Town of vaiL)f/ut6iQA r^/'%ru--4ftl Public parks, playgrounds and recreat j-on facilr'tiJs Ski fift and ski tows Pedestrian and bike paths Seasonal structures or uses to accomrnodate educational or cultural activit ie neeting roorns XR. PubI ic or private 'x5 6r;4paA park ing Lot Area and Site Dimenlions The rnin irnum 1ot or site area shall Se tback s inJlE-sspnR Districr, with the side and rear the rnin imun-4# N,a*ttz- ith a mininun of 10 acresb ),Li',L1 .d /l u; v',', rtLL'""(/ . ;.w Sr4,He-ig4t f raa"3 D'{) tuForz For a flat or rnansard roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed thirty-five feet. For a sloping roof, the height of buildings shall not "*"""lthi.tv "ish: Jat -SL*/rt"lr* A.. t /,42-" -t//s6"'/ a*/ frGez z c /.-z*/ t7Pz''ra.-ie,U 18.60: N r .zy'u: ort s1 SBFRR -3- r0/9/8r um uAi t shal1 permit\ed by on t ional,/review area.id ling shal no exc 2, br enployee see Section of the itional Off-street No parking parking shall be shall be located daz, /.v' /t,':c'a,ffi' LL *'Vu t " u'y "i"ro+-"trrrt-JF"t{ U with Chapter 18.52. area. 4x€€pt---a'54€f h:/t t nore,rthan o eacH 13 acre feet of section. Lindscapi.ng and Site Developnent /*,2.r/r4/; All,nsetbacks along a public street Parking provided in accordance in any required setback 7"/o (j | ,, tuwn u l|/f,ilv 75 toulh lronlage road eq Yall, colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 May 6,' '1983 Bob Parker Vai'l Associates, Inc. P.0. Box 7 '6ooQ Vai], Colorado 81658 Dear Bob, with regard to your recent proposal .to,the Town, I see four different items iiiilr''niir-ue rlqrirli-toi5'i[iough the plannins/zonjng approval processes' These are: 1. Amendment to Zoning Code A. Request to amend code for creation of new zone district' 2, Go]den Peak RedeveloPment A. Annexation of southernmost parcel . B. Rezon.ing of entire a;. 6 hew "ski base area/recreationa'l zoning" di strict.C. OUtiining conditiona'l use permits for those uses which would'requjre one.D. Design Review Board aPProval 05 3. Lionshead Parcel A. Rezoning request 4. Spradd'le Crqett !t'!!jJj!jg! -^f e. Zoning a L C. Major subdivision ( O. confrtlf, Au.' <"tOa'vtEtoN 17|Pran!ra't4TS \ .rtr) Pr/*rry| 4p-r€ tsfr*e - (u-r* \f /N €)s *o'?\ ,.Yrl,r . '/ tP ,ii'iirr7 46^* ,*e tp,er/LL! A. Annexation JT vair nssoff s/6/83 -2- review there maY be sorne You .o.e detail concerning This will fo1'low the requirements and procedures in Sectjons l8'66'100 throuqh 18.66.160. tlvJ-enclgsed thesb ior yo" 's"' Because this oroceis qoes to pfannini unJ i.uirorr..tii C"ommjssjon before Council ' it witt lake a minimum of two months' Th.isjsinitiatedviaa.letterfromVai.IAssocjates,Inc.tothe Town requesting ihe'inn.*iiiont' As mentjoned in our meeting on May 4, this procedrr" fotlows state statutes which Larry Eskwith is fami] iar with. I believe this lvpe-or annexation is fairly-simp1 e from an admin.istrati";-;;ilp;ini (i?-atI criteria for-annexation are met) in that;;';;";-lo-Coun.ii 'in ordinance form for two read.ings subsequent to sufficient public notice' B. Zoning After Council has approved the annexing ordinance'.the next step is zoning the nei p!l."ri which.begins"at PEC (with.recommendation from staff) una uglln-"na, up with-two readings of the zoning ordinance at Counci'l tuu"rl"i'r,i;";;";!t; uito iorlows ihe procedures and requ'ire- ments.inSectionsl8.66.100-18.66.l60withdeve]opmentplansrequ.ired for the rezoning aPPlication' of Chapter 18'60 explain'ing this process' un'l ess aPPeal ed. staff are familjar wjth this process' this chapter of the code,'and your-- upcom'ing'hearings at PEC and Council Rezon.ing th.is parce'l will fo]'low 18.66.100 through .|8.66.160, again' ;i-;;;;i;d;ni btun witt ue iequired for this proposal' Spraddle Creek A. Annexation - same proceis as Go] den Peak B. Zoning - follow Sections 18.66'.|00-'18'66'.|60 c. Major subdivision - p1 ease fo]]ow the major subdivjs'ion chapter of our new subdiviiion 'retulations (enclosei). A complete environnrental 'impact report wi I I be requ'i recl . Also, once we're 'into more detajled on eich item. The following gives variances required these four Processes: 2. Amendment to zonin code for n!!t djstrjct A. Annexation c.Conditional USe Permits Enclosed P1 ease find a coPY This does'not go to Council D. Design Review Board I be1 ieve varjous members of Your ble're in the Process of revising staff should ProbablY attend the to staY abreast of the revisions' Lionshead Parcel3. 4. {oo vflciates 5/6/83 -3- As I said in our meeting on May 4, some of these processes may be able to be combined, but this is a tough decisjon due to the ability to separate- out issues in a joint approval process. It would be premature at this point for me to tell you which processes can be combined, as this is a total staffdecision. I beiieve I cah get that information to you by the midd'le of next week (May 'll or so). I hope this helps us both to start "tracking" and I look forward to working staff further on these matters. S incere'l A.P R PATTEN, JR, P'l annerSeni or APP:bpr Enc'l . L 2. Urt-l- A^4 L-t- La,- /l--l +( At T-'**- -tr4 - ,-/-o- drcu^,^T- € u..--fu-^.-,; c'z4E ,lr^*F ao - A 8"*,"* L*-,-p^T f*/,/+ A /,A,. -^rZ tf5 C3/4".*a J' Ct? &-*,- f,,f K*^1f dL ,/rU % -(A L *. l#-J/ /1r" 4/ u II' L 4Ir s \t' Lu* {- E Ta'zr'- F/*6)<?- . ;t L-E\JI L*+z! €"--'! g t u-*-d Pr-aE 6W P*-L t/-Te4l+ ft azt'' " .a\+Zo*z- /&<<ck-ttv '/ t . lt , I1 z.*" &-t,fr-U U^f aE f ORDINANCE #45(Series of 1983) AN OBDINANCE IMPOSING THE SKI BASE/ RECBEATION ZONE DISTRICT ON AN AREA NEWLY ANNEXED INTO THE TOWN OF VAIL AND REZONING AN AREA LOCATED WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAIL KNOWN AS THE GOLDEN PEAK SKI BASE AREA FROM AGRICULTURAL 0--/xE4ry lza/fs AND OPEN SPACE TO THE SKI BASE RECREATION DISTRICT. WHEREAS, Ordi.nance #30, Series of 19g3, annexed into the Town of vail a parcel of property located in Eagle county and more pa.rticularly described in Exhibit A a.ttached hereto; and WHEREAS, i-n accordance with Chapter 1g.6g of the Municipal code of the Town of val1 as amended and 31-12-11b cRs, as amended, upon receipt of a report from the planning commission the Town council must determlne the zoning district to be imposed on the annexed a.rea within ninety (90) days of annexation; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town has recornmended that the zoning to be imposed on the newly annexed area should be ski base/recreatlon zone district; and WHEREAS, the Town Council is further of the opinion that - the real property located within the Town of Vail a.nd known as the Go1den Peak ski base area more particul-arly described in Exhibit B attached hereto is not appropriately zoned at the present time; and WIIEREAS, the Planni.ng and Environmental Commission after numerous hearings has recommended to the Town Councj_1 that the Golden Peak ski base area should be rezoned from the a.griculturat and open space zone district to the ski base recreation zone d.lstrict. NOW, THERnFORE, BE IT ORDAINED By THE TOltrN couNcIL oF THE TOIIN OF VAIL, THAT: Secti.on 1. In accordance with Section 31-12-115 CRS as amended and chapter 18.68 of the Municipal code of the Town of vail as amended, the ski base/recreation zone district is hereby imposed on the recently annexed unplatted parcel adjacent and south of Tract f,of Vail Village Fifth Firing and o{ Tract B of vair village seventh Filing, more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto. I -2- Section 2. In accordance with the recommendation of the planning and Environmental Conmission of the Town of Va.i1 the area located within the Town known as the Golden Peak ski base and described as Vall Village Fifth Filing amended rract F and vail village seventh r,iI1ng Tract B, Eagle county, colorado, is hereby rezoned from the agrlcultural and. open space zone district to ski base recreation district. Section 3.In accordance with Chapter 18.09 the zoning adrninis_ trator is hereby authorized to amend the official zoning map of the Town of vait to reflect the zoning changes adopted in this ordi_nance. section 4. rn accordance wi.th section 19.39.110 of the ski base/ recreation zone district, the development plan submitted by the developer vail Associates for the recently annexed. parcel of property and. for the Golden Peak ski base area is hereby approved by the Town council and incorporated in this ordinance by reference. Section 5. If a.ny part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be lnvalid, such decj-sion sharl not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and eaeh part, section, subsection, sentence, elause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 6 The Town this ordinance weLfare of the Section 7 Council hereby finds, determj_nes and declares tha.t is necessary and proper for the health, sa.fety and Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof The repeal or the repeal and reenastment of any provision of the vail Municipal code as provided in this ordinance sha11 not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repeared or reenacted. The repeal 0f any provision hereby shal.l not revive aDy provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressr-y stated herein, t- INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED PTIBLISHED oNcE rN FULI rErs 6th day of December, 19g8, and a public hearing on this ordinance sha1l be held at its reguLar neetlng of the Town Council of the Town of vall, coLorado, on the 2oth day of December, 19g3, at 7:3O p.n. in the Municipal Bulldlng of the town. Rodney E. Sllfer., llayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk READ oN sEcoND BEN)rNG, APPBOVED aND ADoprED TIIrs 2oth, day of December, 1983. This ordinance ordered pubJ.ished on sesond reading. ATTEST: ( ExHUr "A" \ ?ARCEL TO BE ANNEXED \ a A trac! of land located ln Section 8, Township 5 South, R:rnge g0 Wesr 6chP.M. Eagle Counly, according to Ehe Map of VaiJ, ViUage Sevench Fllingreceprion No. 102780, and che Map of vail viuage Tenth filinq, recept.ion '-. No. 12443 atrd according co che ltap of Vait Village First filing, recepciop :.. .. .No. 96382 as filcd in the offlcc of the Eaqle county crerk andRecorder, more particularly describecl as foffows;' .BEGINNING at a point on the Southerly boundary line of Vail Villace Severrchfiling cract g nhence che Northeast corner SoutheasC l/4 NorchwesC l/4of said scction 8 beari North 42o 2ot 01" Easc, 993.42 fcer; l-HEticE ulongsaid soucherly boundary line rhe following courses; souch 79o 20' 05', East,1379.28 feec; NorLh 89" 42t 37" Easc, 515.00 fect; Souch g0,'32'33,'l:asc, 355.00; Norcir 82" 58'00" Easc, 105.00 feet co a poinE on the wcsterly boundary line of vail Vtllage Tench fJlin,{; T[uNcE souch 07" 02'00,'iiast 354.78 feet along said boundary Eo a polnt on the Easr-HesE ccnrerljne efsaid secrion 8; THENCE south 89" 4zt 37" wcsc 1030.35 feer to a poirrr orr che East boundary line a parcel described oE RecepElon No. ll5llg in thcErgle cotrncy clerk & Recorders office; THEI{CE along saJ.d borndary chefollowing chrce courses; Norch 02o 50' 00" wesr, zL|.z7: souch g7o l0' 00,'lr'esc, 200.00r; souch 02o 5or 00" EasE, zo5.3g Eo Ehe Easc-lfesr centerlind.of sajd secEion 8, TllENcE along said centerline souch ggo 42, 37,'wesr, 1g55.69feer. !o a poinc.; lnENcE Nortlr 00o 09' ob" l.tesr, g76.50 feec to a po.inc on Ehe sotrtherly bourrdary line of vall Vjllage IrjrsE filing; TllENcE along saldboundary line che following courses; souch 62o 2g' oo" iast, 611.50; souch80" 00' 00" East, 120.44 feec; North 32" Zgt 00" Easr, llo.l9 feer'ro P. O. B. containing 35.802 acres ) ' i t ! rlh& \t t o i'.' S-:f, o I i! N f,\ N $ +ltl (I1" I W $J $'; B { ftl' 0r c o