HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B GOLDEN PEAK BASE 1996 LEGALV.., V.rf*st\ 7 -r"J R t,td*%18^" tI% Ovul@ o Vail Associates, Inc. Crearors and Openton of Vait and Beaver Creekt Resoru IR}}ISITTTAJ. LETTER DESTGN AND CONSTRT'CTION 479-3L4O Telephone 479 - 3148 Fax # PRO.IECT:COIXIRACT NO: REFERENCE NO E/4o DATE: IF ENCLOSI'RES AAE NOT AS NOTED, PLEJASE INFORM T'S I}TMEDIATEI.Y. IF CTIECKED BELOW, PI.EASE: ( ) ACKNOWLEDGa R.ECEIPT oF ENCI.OSI'RES. il RETI'RN ETCLOSI'RES TO I'S. TRA}|S$IT: tr4- xeREwlrrr(') :N AccoRDAlrcE wrrll YouR il ENIDER SEPAR}TE COVER VIJL REQI'EST FOR IOIIR:( )- APPRovAr. F nwrew & cotit![ENT()ssE THE FOI.ILOJYING :t4 onewrNcs( ) specrrrcATroNs() CFA*.IGE ORDER ()Y DISTRIAUTION TO P}RTIES RECORD ( ) urFoRnAtroN SHOP DN.A!{TNG PRT$TS ( ) ser4Pr.Es SHOP DRAWING REPRODSETIONS () PNOOUCT LITER]LTOREI{f'*nexoA- (ouea cetlqtz - (bnnu,,,t i+:to-Eh.tq-4 ACTTON: RE}'ARKS : A. B. ACTION INDICATED ON TTEM (S ) NO ACTION REQOTRED FOR S IGNATSRE AI{D RATI'RN TO TRANSUITTED TIIIS OFFICE FOR S ICTiIATSRE AI{D FORW}IDTNG AS NOTED BELOW I'I{DER N REMARKS II SEE ''REITARKS N BELOW -Nw- :ryn - - -w .?J4 44 - -t-?We - tuse - -W= - - &W+gz CoPIES To: . (wrTH ENCLoSITRE(S| /,/1 , nuasrerFile ( ) lll / /ll //1P:A [] l/'/L/h,4h/ t tt=rl4 -..r-L-'r.<t l: ( ) | /- V 'Wgne'6n/al t I i ,", n/.r c/,'a"rl r'oi""t r{anaser Planning, Deeiga & constructioR Posr Office Box 7 r Vail. Colorado 81658 . USA - (l0l) 476-560l 07/15/96 foN 11 :46 FAI S704764808 June 12, 1996 ADDENDUM #12 lo the DOCUMENTS OF CONSTRUCTION ISSUED TO: FOR: ISSUED BY: ATTENTION: All Plan Holders of Record c,/o Weitz-Cohen Constructio n Company E99 Logan St., Suite 600 Denver, Colorado 80203 Golden Peak Base Facility Vail, Colorado Architect's Project Number 18043.00 Pierce, Segerberg & Associates, Architects: Tom Mayhew 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colondo 81657 This Addendum #12 in its entireqf shall modifi'and become a Contract Documents: ALL parts of the original drarvings dated Project Manual dated 1122196, and previous Addenda #1, #2- Fi. E ooz Page of the l9196, and ,#5,#6. #7,#8- n ith tlre fotlowing#9, #10 ald Addendum #l I dated 6/l/96 shall remain in full fo revisiorrs incorporated. L ArchitecturalDrawings: 30" x 42" reproducibles ofthe original Drarvings dat hereby reissued with revisions dxed 6l12196 for inco the Construction Docunents (see Drasing List belo I lr t9/96 are poration into 't Drarving list: A0.0, Al.l, A1.2, At.3, A1.4. A2.l- A2 2. A2.3.-{41.d. A2 5. A2.6 A2.7. A3. t, A3.2, A3.3. A3.4. A.4.1. Ar 2. A4.3. AJl.l. .{5 2, A5.3, As.4, A6. t, A5.2. A6.3, 47. i. A7.2, A7.3..{i1.1. A7.5, A?.6 A8.1, A8.2, A9.1, A9.2, A9 3. Al0 l, .{10.2, At0 3ilAl0.4, Al0.s All other terms, conditions and instructions of the Contract Documents remarn unchilreed. NOTICE: Receipt of this Addendum must be acknowledged in 1'our bid. Atl ilbidders shall list the following on a cover lener included in their proposai' ii A10.6, A10.7, Al LI, Al1.2. Al1.3. Al L4. Al2.l. iq.l2.2 "We acknowledge the receipt of Addendum #12 and trave incllrded all associated items in tho following proposal." Picrc€, Selerb.rt &ArocirlarAr<hit ct , PC.,A.la- fr'f:fn oftic. f OOO S. Ftont S. Rodw Vril,co 81657 lax:9701761608 ptone:970 476({iX Dcnwr oftcr l6f lWhzee Stnin Sulc C2 oenvcn Co 80202 fo'. ?0t 0) 2267 phoar:30! (13 3355 END OF ADDENDUM #I2 l': prj\goldpcak\docs\addndm I 2.doc ptvuT P'erce. !q6s6qrg & A5ro(E(er A.ch(e<(r. pC..A.t.A. Hern Office t000 S. FronGte Road W vr,t. CO I t657 . for;970 476 4608' phoner 970 476 44ll Denwer Oflice l6l7 Ws19q !11qs1 Silta C 2 Denver CO 80202 for !0] 52] ?261 pi,one !0J 52! 3J 55 June 1, 1996 ADDENDLM #I I to the DOCUMENTS OF CONSTRUCTION ISSUED TO: FOR ISSLIED BY ATTENTION All Plan Holders of Record cio Weitz-Cohen Construction Company 899 Logan St., Suite 600 Denver, Colorado 80203 Golden Peak Base Facility Vail, Colorado Ar.chitect's Project Number 18043 00 Pierce, Segerberg & Associates, Architects: Tom Mayhew 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 This Addendum #l I in its entirety shall modif-v and become a part of the Contract Documents: ALL pans of the original drawings dated l/i9196, and Project Manual dated l/22196. and previous Addenda iil, #2, =i, #4' #5, #b #'1 .#8.#9 and Addendum #10 dated i 7/96 shall remain in full force with the following revisions incorporated Civil Drarvings: i0" r 42" reproducibles of the orieinal drawLngs dated li l6r'96 are hereby reissued u'ith revisions dated 6i l196 tor incorporation rnto the Construction Documents (see Drau'ing List belorv) Drawing list: D.A.M., CA, CB, CI, C2. C3, C4. C5. C5A', C6, C7. C7A, C8, C9, CIO, CIOA, CII, CIIA, CI2, CI3 C14, CI5. CI6, CI7 c18, Cl9, Cl9A, C20, C2t. C22. C23, C24, C24A, C25 Landscape Drawings: 30"x42" reproducibles of the ori-sinal drawings dated l/19/96. are hereby reissued with revisions dated 6l l196 for incorporation into the Construction Documents (see Drarving List below) 2 i ,prj\goldpeakldocs\addndm I I doc { Page 7 Drawing lisr: Ll,L2,L3,L4, L5, L6, L6-t, L6-2, L7, L7.1, L8, L9, Ll0, Lr l, Ltz,Lt3, L13-1, Ll4, Ll5,l-1, I-2, I-3. 3. StructuralDrawings: 30"x42" reproducibles ofthe original drawings dated l/19/96, are hereby reissued with revisions dated 6ll/96 for incorporation into the Construction Documents (see Drawing List below). Drawing List: Sl, 52, 53, 54, 55, 55.1, 56, S?, 58, 59;S10, Sll, S12, Sl3. S14, SIG, S2G, S3G, S4G, S5G, S6G. All other terms, conditions and instructions of the Contract Documents remain unchanged. NOTICE: Receipt of this Addendum must be acknowledged in vour bid. All bidders shall list the following on a cover lener included in their proposal: "We acknowledge the receipt of Addendum # I I and have included all associated items in the following proposal." END OF ADDENDLTN{ #I I t:\,rj\goldpcak\docs\addndm I l.doc t.i I J' t May 7, 1996 ADDENDUM#IO to the DOCLIMENTS OF CONSTRUCTION ISSUED TO: FOR: ISST]ED BY: ATTENTION: All Plan Holders of Record c/o Weitz-Cohen Construction Company 899 Logan St., Suite 600 Denver, Colorado 80203 Golden Peak Base Facilitv Vail, Colorado Architect's Project Number I 8043.00 Pierce, Segerberg & Associates, Architects: Tom Mayhew 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Page I P,er(e. SeSerberg & Assocrares Arrhirect5. PC., A.l.A l'1a'n Ofiice l00O S. Frontage Road \Al Va,i. CO 81657 fox: 97O 476 a&8 ghc/)e: 97O 47 6 4413 One Tabor Center 1 ICO Sevenreenth 5t Surte 5l5 Denv€i CO 8020? fox: 303 623 2762 ptoner 303 523 3 355 This Addendum #10 in its entirety shall modify and become a part of the Contract Documents: ALL parts of the original drawings dated l/19/96, and Prolect Manual dated l122/96, and previous Addenda #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8 and Addendum #9 dated 4/26196 shail remain in full force with the following revisions incorporated. Civil Drawings: 30" x 42" reproducibles ofthe original drawings dated ll16196 are hereby reissued for incorporation into the Construction Documents (see Drawing List below). Drawing list: D.A.M., CA, CB, CI.C2,C3,C4, C5, C5A, C6,C7, C8, C9, cl0, cl0A, c11, cl tA, cl2, cl3, c14, cls, cl6, cl7, c18, cl9, c20, c21, c22, c23, C24, C24A, C25. Landscape Drawings: 30"x42" reproducibles of the original drawings dated l119/96, are hereby reissued with with revisions dated 517196 for incorporation into the Construction Documents (see Drawing List below). l. a f:\prj\goldpcak\docs\rddndm | 0.doc 5. i 6. 7. Page 2 Drawing list: Ll, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L6-t, L6-2, L7, L7.1, L8, L9, L I 0, L 1 1, Ltz,Lt3, Ll3-1, L14, L15. Summary of Addendum #10 Site Revisions-Landscape: 8 l/2" x I I " reproducibies of the " Summary-Golden Peak Addendum #10 L series-Site Revisions" dated 5/7196, is hereby issued for information purposes only, and is not intended to become a part of the Construction Documents. Architectural Drawings: 30" x 42" reproducibles of the original Drawings l/19/96 are hereby reissued with revisions dated 5/7196 for incorporation into the Construction Documents (see Drawing List below). Drawing List: L2.t,42.2, A4.1, A4.2, A4.3, A9.1, All.1, All.2, A12.1. Structural Clarifi cation Drawings : 8 l/2" x 11" and 8 l/2" x 14" reproducibles of the original Drawings dated 517/96 are hereby reissued for incorporation into the Constnrction Documents (see Drawing List below). Drawing list: SCD6, SCD7, SCD8, SCD9, SCDIO, SCDI IA, ACDI IB, SCDI lC, SCDl ID, SCDl IE, SCDI IF, SCDI2, SCDI3, SCDI4, SCD15, SCD16,{, SCDI68, SCDI7, SCD18, SCD19, SCD2O, SCD21, SCD22. SCD23, SCD24, SCD25, SCD26. SCD27, SCD28, SCD29, SCD3O, SCD31, SCD32. SCD33, SCD34, SCD35, SCD36. Narrative of Addendum #10 - Structural: 8 l/2" x 11" reproducibles of the "Addendum #10 - Narrative, Goiden Peak (M&N #2790)" dated 517/96 is hereby issued for information purposes only, and is not intended to become a part of the Construction Documenn. Architecturai Supplemental Drawings : 8 l/2" x 11" reproducibles of ASI Drawings (see Drawing List below) dated 513196 are hereby reissued with revisions for incorporation into the Construction Documents Drawing List: i\prj\goldpcak\docs\addndm I 0. doc all Page 3 ASII, ASI#5, ASI#, ASI#7. 8. plumbing Drawings: 30" x 42" reproducibles of the original Drawings 1l19196 ue hereby reissued with revisions dated 5/7/96 for incorporation into the Constmction Documents (see Drawing List below). Drawing List: P l. l, p2 l, p2.2, p2.3, p3.1, p3.2, p4.t, p4.2, p4.5. 9. Narrative of Addendum #10 _ plumbing: 8 l/2" x I l " reproducibles of the Addendum #10 - May 7,1996 Plumbing Narrative" are hereby reissued for information purposes only, and is not intended to become a part ofthe Construction Documents. AII other terms, conditions and instructions of the Contract Documents remain unchanged. NOTICE: Receipt of this Addendum must be acknowledged in your bid. All bidders shall list the following on a cover letter included in their proposal: "We acknowledge the receipt of Addendum #10 and have included all associated items in the following proposal.,' END OF ADDENDLM #10 t':\prjigoldpcak\docsraddndm I 0.doc rl SUMMARY GOLDEN PEAK ADDENDUM #10 L SERIES. SITE REVISIONS DESIGN WORKSHOP, 5.7 -96 GENERAL NOTES 1' This package contains all L-series drawings. It does not contain the I-series (irrigadon), whichhave not been impacted by any addendum .li-srr. 1. Planter at Apres Ski tenace has been reinstated 2. Low stone band with cap along bottom of walls has been deleted3' Chair 6 retaining wall is no .longer rotated as shown by L-ASI-7: it has been shortened. seesheet L4. 4' All h-cap ramps are to be coiored concrete, to match site colored concrere pavement. Sheet Ll- Overall site plan l' All h-cap ramp shading has been modified to denote that all ramped surfaces are coloredconcrete. 2. Apres ski terrace has been modified a' Stair/ramp mountain access combination has been reduced to a single ramp b. Gate at north end ofupper plaza has been deleted Sheet L3- Lavout Plan I ' All h-cap ramp shading has been modified to denote that all ramped surtaces are coloredconcrete. 2' A snow cwb has been added between the chair 6 retaining wall and the east wall of themountain access ramp. Sheet L4- Layout Plan 1' crosswaik to Manor va' has been changed from painted stripes to paverstones. 2. Chaft 6 retaining wall has been shortened to 50, Sheet L5- Apres Ski Layout plan l' A snow curb has been added between the chair 6 retaining wall and the east wall ofthemountain access ftrmp. 2- Stair/ramp mountain access combination has been reduced to a singre ramp.3. Gate at north end ofupper plaza has been deleted IY Sheet L6- Enlarged Layout Plans 1. All h-cap ramp shading has been modified to denote that all ramped surfaces are colored concrete. Sheet L6-1 - Site Wall Tvpe & Guardrail Reference PIan l. Stair/ramp mountain access combination has been reduced to a single ramp. Sheet L6-2 - Site Top of Wall Elevation Reference Plan l. This plan has been added in its entirety. Sheet L7- Site Elevations 1 . Top of wall e'levations in detail 3lL7 have been modified 2. Gate has been removed from detaii 4/L7 3. Stairway has been changed to ramp on detail 4/L7 Sheet L7-l - Site Elevations and Sections l. Detail4/L7-l has been deleted 2. Handrail has been modified in detail l/L7-l 3. Concrete pavers have been replaced by poured in place concrete walk in detail 5lL7'1 Sheet L8- Site Pavinq Details 1. Notes have been added to L/Lq,2/L8, & 3lL8 clarifying surface treatment of ramps 2. General note has been added for above noted details specifoing that all ramped surfaces are to be coiored concrete. 3. Detail 5,{-8 has been deleted -1. Detail 8/L8 has been deleted Sheet Ll0- Site Stairs and Misc. Details 1. Handrail treatment has been modified in details 4/Ll0 & 5/Ll0 Sheet Ll2- Planting Plan l. Planting removed near chair 6 retaining wall 2. Plant material upgraded to 7 gallon size near transformer enclosure Sheet Ll3- Planting Plan l. Plant material names corrected west of Manor Vail buildine 2. Plant material added south of chair 6 3. Reference to sheet Ll3-l added, revegetation at boulder retaining wall north ofchildrens center Sheet Ll3-1- Planting Plan- Wall at childrens center l. This sheet has been added in its entirety Sheet Ll5- Planting Details L Planting plan modified to show upgraded plant material size. l'- "n?*Srn\){ = f; rEb /,QfIl :';t.Je,xlo (tu' trJ$yto^\) x6lai @",1 I I \ s XIQb|(;f ,JEXIO Fz $ r\ T zo F{\JoJ a{$fiu &fiHriIE;r>Ftu*\.i 'yb ' sx€ x$ lt €uFJqo<oqq, u5do, ( (;it \ 4tkc loox1o e'l ll T$$= \ xii ,:+\ lu-=l ln ila i ifi(eILct & I Xal nir€r SdE*.t3& i&clitocr lf. A.IJ.- ?Ae.rlAL Pc4a1 e- rvPrc*t-LR6e Ooeraate / ua RqnDe-4 Sulfrz7- 'AoJAcepr 7o csLun,{ e 6eD H-z 4: =57 REVISION:t..N". 27?O Shcct: sd9o'-., JlS/ >*c/t/?b *ffii rc bT *T ., _...,.. =PAeKt^i6 aAelGE . ll ,vdl.E.' WALL fEcrrorV /+S Na7.E6 oN : ReF'. sZA ^ ', I ,lqlf 0 REpLAc€s *<.. a/sto frOOa.t0sHT-. seg. FiGrs" ScaE* {f & ,tro;.t t Arditcar P.C. A.It. '€eTtarJ e cAN11 tEueeE> Fo.J^JP,+=noFJ t44rr- @ 4€1O tt REYISION:J*N^ Z'79O Shcct: 5.atoo.--r. J ld u* +f ph6 Sbcct: Scu tlA tfD. Ttao€ 84*4 PEUeftAVoilPETEIL - LEVEL 221!6h e€: 54t 5c.olA $nt ).N- Z??oREWSION: E E+ X ds F$oz E_1 0 A AENT l-Jtzx.A'T u rnF 0f [rl a fiiz ? et \ Or*mit- TTN Iozl \)-u rlz i A (-_|- \$qe\ ,Fi ;tr rt-il=i'-"-' 0z E_{ 0 U tt\ t' I NN u--t a rG\tnl\7 ot*46Y I 4b1413 g l,a"s v rtq?s; : € _f e,do ln%T 7 lrotLrd-Fta/ be2g ,,01672 7AA{7 iSrcrqtql :" :lr..IEitas arald llzr/t -,a :reeq5 l 0622 -xr( I obo6f TblL ls l\ r/.il\r---+--- -o--; &{.N ? i.r'x I(tt -t o/ )\ Nr\ NsI\ 1--1 tn N tr oz 0 q 0zT F ntts 1ed 1-l ata? " llq?s :rJJqs Jna+yl potlf'dL? red t4'+29 ,,oiL?Z 1e\r1 bU Ttrr--{ rilo 22. -4lrr\- lU I o r-.2 -\ ll-! 'rrrv'p1l rErdttv :9 freq6g -|nd 16/zt/P ^w QHZ'"srt :NOISI,ASU -r---+ll tl 0te44 ?blLl5 r$Ds' Ys'Nd d o t-Ls .J frl\l N Nt\\\ o n T v) ov E at7 oz rn Ixl itr gv v - ----{-r{- t\toxtz At4)/Q2 J Qr 0i I 99 ')t19 .7d J< rl l- a< n F 1 UI b | \r/ io sl3l \ + ,-,s -? = tn'q $o$/ r'n,x5'S - -/rx1r14 /E/ ?xsl -/ bqxot|-1 <t (: TV l! v7u rll o I r/clro*ooel nFl z0 UJJ *ulU$ Shcct: 10il e LeveL zz?Largfuri f*t€rp4nol ttyou 624D C-g EEr Softl REVISION: t-f z0ulJ LUT$o c- _l NN ; I+NN rN boi9 :e $r 1., 0l {J+ dz v U N f -ft $$s 0 ts zlll b l 0J o trxo 'd5 \ -t ,,f;5 .,9 Pia.cr ScgEb :rB & A*rc;,t!t AtLit,';u P.C. t.l,L \t -la NNI ll ,,*;o Sheet: 9cDtl F wn". 7110R,EVISION: S64q lE*tEfl4Vo^l U4l6ur 6Ato G-7 E€: scDtlA Scct: 9cDtL Sec.fl]e^l @ rTPtc*t nooR PgVg rTc4nctN CE647ee 7alr4u /tt' tQu+a.E lltD tEsS ffi! zb x+4* (LqeL a'?!-o') t'rN.- 27?OREVISION: Xitt" gcjE*GsU & rtrcircr f{lcHtcctr {.c. A.rd.. SEcJTotJ @. ttlE gAilo4L tttltr uALL (cuu) /FtoozgtAE e 6Rrp F- Z.r E: 34 REVISION: .-. t-N.- z7?o Shccc scD t3D.,r.r''.' J/lf >* 4f ef16 i Ptlt: qEb.rg& ,lrtlitc<n l.C. AIJ{- SEzno'U @ Fooe E44 66fi.til 6 o^J coNceETE SntA ctFE t'\/A+t- 2E: t5, s!4 _ REVISION: - I.lN- Z7?o Shcct: I 'CD I*D'a.r" J /^/ o"'-g/tzf?[t Piircc $*':rbcq&i+*ir- arlfiutt P.F. A.tr, Se.norJ @ tleo 008til4Patr FR4*tril6 7a ,,r4/tt/ fuoF FOl-u ry'G cp/N&Vol-/ !E: s3;, 516 REVISIONT vn..'fl/y'o Shcct: scbl{o-* J*{ P"'4,lzhe Vl t seE :rr{S flo/t,-n :NOTS[AIIU g',lQ2S -9 s :7V 1vUt n>uvtzez) -? luj=lq llalJl'lzl.Stal I4V32 )oo7 '<LLS 'vrv-J'E tt*S".y ru!'o|ry a *+-ftS *rF ftl f ,"-.,s ohLZ..xt| -7t i \sj:_ l- Jr- 6$ Efr{.. H$ \ '.-1. -: l'l'.zr'!-" o- I i m -l.€ f/r/za*oo*to SqrrUcrg 6c Alaiercr Anf,itrcg P.C- AlJ4- ftooF LZIEL Eeau pEuE7fr-477o,( Ly'four GrZrD c-A EE : ScOl6 A REVISION:;.*n". /./lo Shccc ScotbBD'-'. J /// o.-. +/rt hd i:7l- tL-l t ffi:ztA 5Tr z!t (T)a5,114';(7 €w) &'rlowt @\--l I Ie__ @ itl -.__..-__, ----l---. -T_-_ __.j@ )l'lII r- - - -l- -- -.r -t.-lt a I I "/'--\. I l/| n\ l---i_ll'' | |\--l I I L ( IN I -.A' \uJ l- I L.:(t€'\ea. lo tu9 STeP 10?FOOTNa ,*/5 El4lqn ?ARTIALslAtg dz PLAN _ LETEL t?44"Aooa/0 Pi.!rc. S.1r{briE & 4rcfia<rr P.C. A.Ii. ?A?T|RL etA$t : 'rr]"-{zLateL l1'ft-o'' Qe: Sl RIVTSION:t-t1c. Z?2O Sbctt: 5cDl7D*t, -! 1trf u.,4fzqlt Ik 6i- ^-r2-lt | ;:_, '.-== fi H, Psi: 5@lo I 1',-O' I n, I i-t \l I ,l s it;ii t'1i' l'-:: li' - l' :!,1;@ @ FAAF-wl tf 4T tx' €, u4, , C.o.uJ, -tl .L-r----o' (ro7-o') I | -11r- lr | ,'r., ri I e+- rltlra IllEl 'g:> tFJ .., FAeT|AL PLA^! - eL€{.'i4L { grev.s: -LFr€L l9+4" ! tl 4\&ook/o 4'-212"1 (|q+Fol| ..1 ,wnet4 rd or c,ot€- 'LA6 4I N KJfCIEN AREA.MANTAN 4i *^b TrcX}&A'. Q4)a+5x7t-6't 6 AdtToF\ ).ffi.bEetl,w'cauurtlJ R5 g4 iT---i FAFrr(rL PLAN - €rE#loZ tz 4 E|EVAT*+, - LerEL t?#!o"t- N- z??oREVISION: u",llztflc o *=ut<,t ....r.. ),-:4i - '.. e$'i , '-,0.:F::: i9 Elttl7,0, ka,0ct0 i li{.". Scacrb<r; & Alocirrer Ircfactr P.C. A.IA 5eeTr6^/ 3 /s€e eE//,eD Ee: j3A - ssG R,EVISION:I-b z??o Sbrct: S;cD t? i Dn n J/^/ ** /2y'?6 lr* -[s.r.ltq&'rf-ocirts I4frcffbar I f.c. AJrt. I It4r €Eo D^/.o p/Aeo^./nLFtoa,€ Aqfrl_ i i lnru.srolr,w llz+lta lwx. 27{ tOrn', J/A{ I -_J ylthrl F'4 I (--l Qrlr =l9l -l""il t N I l0 a t _l G- {r E$tp I o - -Tt--,l L__ '--|a-- t? --J-^ IJ ol ,l u.l @ l---J-^/ilut{ul-\v L/-1 \I (O) ' \.J- -i- -- r I o_ 0a $laL 6J b$?;!lo*-<i PP,\J- r ui r-*; utldJ-- _J -__-__FEI r- - -^--l,fiJ sh/to keo*lo -.4 .''$ q-(let Efj'l .vJ-d0-l tIJ hb ?4frtAL /14^t@GB|D E_z _ e. il47dt4.LS-/JF)R.EVISION:I*Nc. ZZro Sbcct: ScDz I ulF rr I 0t Uz U N IU av\' I ,o -l.f. o \'{ J tlj l.lj J t Jq- Jq Fqas -iH trura rn9 t 1,Iq {,€J tr l,!.,Y* t' | .l ao "7-rg I '1 t bt,a-? t-z <Q.F96.N? ;N:$'tloogt Iitu,a i'{Er $$F l: Sil 15e,$Ittel^L'INrJ: J , sti I ifl o \9x c0 J v) 1'z 2 (uq-a p o2 6-1 |lNll lol,i 8 s.J -l;f n = 4firca *oo&ra rl $taE {\QJ o *l\r o{ ? rt ulr\a/ "o- ul1 -'+. paenaL@ Get > E- z dD /*r^&/ALs- //E R.EITISION:l.tr- 772O Shect: ScE zz PLice Scasrbcrg & Agocir6l Anhitxtr P.C. A.IJA,. tq5!-t' t€f Tbp6F FNG, t_r c,€. ln,l S-IEP 1v(o* Fle8!t" --J---_-t --+--t,'slirrQrs I L'--i-r@- 3 B?'ffir'-- t-_ I li PAeTIhL llt' F'z'-o' | ,-l, t -r@ d= tr- t- i-l---' llr li,ll' -1 r -'"-i-- I li I -.I-$ i.JI roo /99' | ,\r':,tY *irjto i${ lIQJ IH' I R€: Se>rA S-nfi{ * ' FrG e+to -t,,aal | ----1- ,.-\ '// I .---+---r @r:---11 r.^t I ;l-f ! ; I---' -5 , __tr,li I tD r tF- - ---- ,// |St i i I /t-At! -vsvec.. / 7?!-ot Elqlf! -----f,_(razty l/ \l "*=.^ur ,ALL' t!-tr " lPt-* lS.sdcry&Arorirtcr ArcLi*ctr P.c. A.I"t. irter- 6Rtb B-(l (p,+<,trta " e,+ttnee) eE, stl, Sz€ l REVISION:I"rxe 27rO $hcct;. 3eDz3o,^, t 4a/ h"'a/dtL o ScgErlcr5 a dlrci.rcr A-nf itc.t l.c. A.r-A.. [?:,::?.:f:J"f*,2/f a,r7u_,, RE9ISION:l*No. /_/eO Shmt: 5cD24 ' qlH[fl ri r$ NxIl b' Eo-s.961*3 A iEtsri s (zo'-1;t6, T (zlq'- 7 \\tr o,i,/.AT e,o. S - '-q I I 'i:i'ffi:*r ),o. o_c- I P&rr4s Pq*t e 6lrO J -t€ Lo,-t Rqe cJ x! 3 Picr!! Scgqtcrg & r4-rrcircr Afthirt(rr P.c. A.lr.. PAPn*t qL"AN @G;;-t@ LDc.g RoaF GEf, s3. sf REVISION:l*tt" Z7?O Shccr; 9co zr O.r., f-Z_?6 PialrEc Sgt{5qt & Airqj.'-. Ar"tio"tt P.C. A.t-A- ?APTIAL PUN @ 6l( /b H-ta ,Lo o,J P6oF \Er, ss , s3 REVISION:SIicct: 5A26 Ita* Ilsgctq& .Ar.eirnr Arcti-.rt t.c. A.IA coM.. 47' 7eP oF Sr4r,e n4,GPcD c- ( Rge:,sl --,i RE\|ISIONI EN- Z7?o I sh."r ?fi27o, . J ,tl,/ Y s-7-zd frFwu ft*N u-m LevEL l?4!-o't i teF: ,l R-EVISIoNi Shcct: ScbzB I ' il-- il L -._ _l_(t4'-o1< -----+r: i@ I __,@) r (H-a1 I I l I ( I Lt96'-G1-+ I .\ o ftfr'nAL ?r4A/C GAro #-sff!-t94Lo" ss ti- l:-6rv(?, Ir',lTD LEbAei/-(3 r6,u, 4T . LEDaE 4T ecilJthr / | , t rf REI .i4t;42';b^t u*tz U/ I i I l I I 6t nul ..!... lFtfrR_ Be4i|tl 3e: P2arr1 ryekAL l:l l-|tte SeS*GA & Arrqircr Archit!(o t.c. A.r-6_ See.venl A erre@ 4ND ,E:io E#.-rce t<aJc#DEAUl Per: sz REVISION:,..N".27?o =cb2? 1".o41" .c ?3c:24 @ Ftft. t6q I tJ Iel 7 !-o" Paert(rp@ LEV€L Zo7 t-o,,REVISION:t*N.. 27ro scb 30 ?A(T'AI Pt_Q GErb B-to t-EvEL, Za7LO, 3$" A-4 1,'e, S E e'fle;J Pift. SegE$crB 6c Agocirnr .c. AJ..t. PAATI*L PLAN QLevec Zo7lsn ?er: S"- G€lb g-to R.EVISION:1*uo./]lO Shccc scDJ/ i r' 1 FOe_ , C?Ct'tGhETRATIONS, l:rt't. I 'i__.-.-=_=_-.-___i | | -L2 L Yr- |GRIO',i 1- /'\ lTr\7 Ot o>, ^-r fTK. I IAL PLAU C.ee.Di F-1 LEVEL zc1L6E : Piicc SGSE bqE & rtrrodilct Arcli.!qr l.c. A.I"4r PAtTIqL pL@fr F- 9 LEn€L z-o7 !_o ,, R.EVISION:Sh:ct: 5;cD3z Ut *7-?6 (hknat@ LE{EL 2n7 !-6t'R.EVISION:t**. z7?o Shcct: ScD37 Piar!. Scacrbcrg & ArqirE-r ArcLiErt P.c. A.I!4,. TaATIAL prAG-:q LarcL z6yo?FtD F-?REVISION:r*N- Z7?o sc-D 3/ arr. J-T|L Pi.'r.c. ScSlr5qE & bocirttr Arthiectr P.c. A.IA. ?ntftaL pc@ LEYEL zt?!o,\- bFrD F- I REVISION:)dN- Z7?O 5cD 3s Pi.:rr rEnor S.SFbciB & alcdcirer Arrfi!.ctr P.C: AI.6- P#z\'ttl- eW Levet Zt? !a. Qep t 53 ShtccQ-g+o J-f REVISION:cr No. 2?e^ scD36 tlf\xtra; .-bl+rE_ -la. l r'l t-ll-.Ii l':' Monroe & Newell Engtneers, Inc. May 7, 1996 Pierce Segerberg & Associates 1000 S Frontage Road Vail, CO 81652 Ann: Mr. Tom lvlayhew Addendr-un No. l0 - tJrrtaanrvf. Golden Peak (tv{&N #2790) Item l: Po*r€ Slr gridJ6-5 and 8.6{, ceaterlinc of CCg coluurn and Type Afooting are I 0" off Grid s "oa oij C a"d *rl ";J ;; dii-i. u-, Item 2: Drawing s l ' Grid F-7, dcrete note referring to typicar interior column. Refer tocpnsrete column schedule drawing Sl2. :Item 3: Drawing sr' Grid F-4, Erevaror #r, 9'-g, dimension from crrid F shoutd beg,_10". Item 4. Drawing s l' Grid E4, stair #1, 10,-g' dimerision from Grid E should be l l,_0"_ Item 5: Drawing sl, GridE-l and F-r, footing widtrri around erectric transfomrerwailsto the east should be 3,_0" centered b;*;dll --"! v'vv'rrv !....r Item 6: Drawing sl, Grid c.5-r, dimension fiom Griit l to esst face of g" foundationwall bctwe€n Grids C and D is 6 %,. ltem 7: Drawing St, Stak #4, top of concrcte foundation wall should be 2Og,_0.not20T-O". Item 8: Drarrring,s l, Stair.#4 at Grid C.2, refer to S@27 for pilaster hyout ar rop ofwall at head of stairs. Item 9: Drawing: s I, stair #I, rhe width of the footi4! at thc north and south sides of thestair is 4,-0,' from outside face of walls. Itcrn l0: Drarving s I, Grid E-2, rcfcr to scDzl for layout at materials lift. Item I l: Drawing S I, Grid H.2-5, refer to SCD2g for wall layour at water room. l66f) sewcnreenth st' ' suite to1 r I)e6vsr. colorado ao207 - t30)r 621-4927 - FAX (303) 623-6602 Dqnrer Colo.--+ \d_ Cobr.6 , ,Item 12: Drawins sr, crO-ro, stair #2, refer to s6r7 ro. aio,Qio* ar srrir*/2footmg. Itern I 3 : Drawing s r, Grid E- I 0 a'd G- l o, refer to sGD l g for dimeosiom d Ehators#2 egld #3. Item 14: Drawiirg'$!, Claid H-lo, the footing width is 4-0'befween Ekryator#3 ad GridH-lo. Item l5: Drawing,Sl, Fd Itq, $air#6, step top of qast-west footing ttrrt i5 se6[ sgGrid J at mid-tength ofwalr. rop orioot'ing *"" rr""p ri-",irib" tsz+". Item I6: Ilrawiry SI, gd: F-9, F-10, E-l l, delete note regarding depressing top ofkitchcn area slab. Refer to Architect's drawings roitoc"til., o'rs.r o.pro;oo,ar wdk-in coolers. Item 17: Drawing Sl, Grid l I, refer to scDlo for revii€d foundation waII arong Grid l l. It€m 18: Drawing sz, Grid l and d refer to scD29 for tie between strushrar srab atbuilditrg ard exterior slab_on_grade Item l9: Drawing S{ area_bound€d by Grids 84, H_3; H-5, F_5, F-7, D-7, D9, C|g, C_Tand BJ, dclste 2" stcp down in top of concrj". fop oi.*crt e= ZW0*. Item 20: Drawing 52, Grid B-5.5, refer to SCD30 for revised top of slab qnd layout ofsotrrh entry. ItgE.- 2l Drawing s2' Grid B.6-5 and 8.65, Cc8 colurnns cerrterlines are oftet lo" FoqrGrids 5 and 6. rtE$r 22: Drawing sz, Grid A-6.4, sestion 5/s5 should be sestion 5/s6. rtern 23 Drawirg s2, Grid 8.6-10, refer to scD3 r for mechanicar opening rayout andsection. Item 24: Drawirrg s2, Grid F-9, refer to scD32 for couErste floor beam layout bcrowCMU mechanicet shaft. It€m 25: Drawiog sz ctrid F-5.5, refer to scD33 for corumn and srab step layout atnorth eutry. hem 26: Drawing s2, Grid H-4, 6'-0" dimension at lower stairweil width shoutd be 6.-6,,. Itent2T Drawing s2, crrid r-s,z'-r'dinension to edgerofconcrete slab drourd be 2,-0.. Item 28: f,)rawing s2, Giid D-10.5, E-10.5, F-10.5, up oolumns shourd be type scl,TS3x3xl/4". Item29: Drawings2,GridJ-lo.5,topofconcretewallshotrldl.-zlz'-z"not2l2.-r0,-. Item 30: Drawing s:, Crilr.r and B-4.3, add SCI i*tu-" for rilU"u* rl*.. Item 3l: Drawiry s2' G,id 8.G5.5, top of steer beam rera."tion for wl2xl4 shourd bc219'-0", with Type B ernbed sr:pport plates ri each end. Itern 32. Dmwirqg 53, Grid 87, add Type SC3 up colrrnn at grid intersectbn. Itsm 33: Drawing $3, Grid G7, SC3 up colunn shoulg be locued Z, eas of Grid 7. It€itr 34: Drawing 53, GridF.I-2, the unrabeled up ".*h* sbourd b€ a Type scl. Item 35; Drawingl53, Crrid II-2.1, the unlabeled up column should be Type SC3. Item 37: Item 38: Item 39: Itern 4O: Item 4l: Item 42 Item 43: Item 36: Drawing s3, Grid F-7, rcf€r to scD34 for flolr beam layour at cMU mechaabJ shaft. Drawing 53,:Grid F-9.5, reftr to SCD35 for fioor beam layout at CMU mecfianical shaft. Dta*iog s3, crid G-6.4, thc end of tbe concret€ shear waII is 7n south ofGrid G Drawtrg 53, Grid H.5-4.6, refer to SCD36 fot re,/is€d column layout. : Drawing 53, Grid J-I, refer to SCD25 for roof &aming layout. Drawing 53, Crrid H-10, refer to SCD26 for roof framing layout. Drawing 53, Grid E-2, refer to SCDZZ for coilcrete floor beams at floor p€netnrtiao for materials lift. Drawiog 54, refer to rwised drawing d*ed3/Lg/96 for dimensioning tnformation. Item 44r Drawing 54, Note 13, refer to scDl IA through scDl lF for inbrmation on floor bcam penctrations and reinforccmeil.; Item 45: Drawirg s4, Note 14, refqto scDlz for addltional informgtion regarding reinforcing,u fidl slab penetrations. I ItflD 46. Drawfulg s4, crrid F-2, ref,er to scDl3 for scciion ar slab/cMU mechanical shaft. Item 47: Drawing s4, Grid D4.6, D5.4, re,fer to scf,rr0 for fi'anmg layout at diagonel beams. Itern 48: Drawing s4, Grid c-7, not tbar down column i! 7' east of Grid 7, bear wl0x49 on top of dowu mlumq pmvide (Z) 5116, thick x 24" long web pl*es (l each facc) at east end ofWl0x49, and provide (5) sets of (2)'/i dianr'eter headed anchor silds at 6" o.c. frorn eod of beam to west side of up column. : . .It€rn 49: Drawing S+, cG* and c-9, bear Wl2xEl on.op or"t* aud canrilev€r l'-0,, north of Grid C. Item 50: UrawiS-s :s4, G4d c-t.5, derere wl6x36 alorig Grid c, rwise wlzxl4 bean at side ofloft stair to be Wl6x36. rten 52: Drawing s5, Note 12, rclh to scDl6A thrdglr scDl6B for roof bcam penarations layout and reinforc€mert. Itern 53: Drawing s5, large dormer Grid B-s.5, rwisc;wlo<I2 beams ro wExl0 and top of steel foc ridge beams = Z3g,-3 yz". Item 54: Drawing s5, Grid J-I, ref,erto scD2i forrotrf framingrayout. Itern 55: Crid H-10, refer to SCD26 for roof framing hyout. IteE 56: Draving s5, Grid D.+9 and E.5-9, revis€ wils{lz bent to wlox2z bfft. Iteoa 57: Drawing s5; crrid 8.5-3, nevise wgx35 bcagl above stair #l to wl6x36. Provide WEx35 north of stair. It€,m 58: Drawing s5.1, Grid F-7 and G-3, revise 9" overhang dimcnsion ro lz,,,qDicat at roof monitors. Item 59: Drawing s5. t, Grid c-5, J-5 and c-9, Scction 2olslo shoutd-be Secrion ztlsl0. It€rn 60: Drawing s5. t, Grid E. j-5, Elevati on (2449 'j6") is top of steel beam at ce*erlirp of 8r concrete walt below. Bcam bearing elevation is (244"-l %,). Item6l: Drawings5.l,smalldorrnerframingplan,eavebeamtopofsteelelevationu6 donners on Grid H End J should be 226'4 y.". Itesr 62: Drawing 56, Section 3, refer to SCD24 for renised section. ItEm 63: Drawing s6, section 5, delete u#5u at note referring to vertical dowels from footing. Provide standard,gO" hook on vertical footing dowels. Item ff: Drawing S7, Sestion 7, vertical reinforcing stcel in foundgtion wall shosld bc #5 at I'-{)" o.c. at cetter of wall. Revise 4" dimension to top of wall to read "Re: Architectl. Item 65: Drawing g8; section 3, delete l'-On dimension at right side of section. Iteo 66: Drawing s8, section 24, provide embed plate per Section z6tsl rt bearing of sloped roof beam. Itern 67: Drawing 59, povidc "section 6" label for settion above Scction ?. o Section o should beItem'68: Itern 69 Item 70 Itern 7l : Itent72. Itern 73: Iten74: Item / ): Iterr 8l: ltem 82: Item 83: Item 84: Drawing SIQ 17, l l' overhang dimension 12". Drawing Sl0, Section 7, provide for fietd bolted connection between top ofcolumn and roofbearn i Drawing sl l, partial beam erevariorx, provide sta'dard 90o hook at €trd of"D!bar versus ernbedded hook as shown. T"*tg S12, Sccriou l, .3'-0" minimun" dirnension to bottom offoOting should be'4'-O' minimum". Drewing st3, stair core #l north and south of top of wal etevatio's:23g:J". Provide beasr pockas for roof beams. Beam bearing elwations vary. Drawing $tf , St"ir Cote#2 north elevatiqas, top o,f wall eleration :2!6-l V2,,. Drawing sl3, Stair core#2 west erwatioq top of wall clevr,isn at low section = TJ7-3 t/t''. Driwing S 13, Elwuor Cores I, Z, 3, 4, sectbn cuts should refer to &awing S t4 ;not SI0- Item 76: Draf ing s4 aud s14, crid F-3.9 and section I0 respeotivery,:providq(2) wlor(I2 beams u elerrator door headers T.O.S. = (zZE,_7 ii lula(23'1,-3 ya"). Item 77 Drawing s 14, Section r0, provide the embed ptates at the top sf the core walls at 4'4" o.c. and provide Type A embed prates for suppon oith" wrO bea-r. Item 78: Drawing S14, Section 9, provide llZ,\6,\C, errbed plates atZ'_O- o,c. per Section 5/S9 for support ofthe slab cdge angle. Item 79: Drawing s5, refer to scDg for support of the 9: 12 phched roof eave,adjacent to the colunms ofthe large dormers. ItemE0: Drawings14,refertoscD14forroofbeamberingcoupctionaf theooncrste core walls. Drawing 55. l, Shed Dormer Framing plan, refer to SCDI5 for shod roof fragling Eupport nrcrubers and connections wherc the rigid roof insulation has been deleted. Drawing SlG, sectioo 5, provide (3) #5 x c{utirmous longltudinal and #5 atl'-0" o.c. bonorn for footing reinforcing stil. Drawkg SZG, Grid B-l l, refer to SCD23 for steps in top of footings and layout.: Drawing SZG, Grid I I, refer to SCDIO for the rsvised fioundation wall reinforcing, and footing width and size, I .: Itern E5: Pyr szilia 8-16 and D-r7.5, precast *"1 4gtourd be rabeded as' 'T-t3". Item E6:rha,*ing s3G, GridB.t-l7La/er l9l'-0", provide a24>a2penetrationin thefloor DT betrvccn the DT legs or a rnechardcal duct. Rc: mechanicariforIocetion. ltern 87: Drawing s4G, Grid K-16.5, rsfEr to Architectural ASI #6 and any rwisioas forinfonaatioa ou thc precan t rrri"g.b; ttc north srtrv. Item 88; Dnwing s5G, sestion 3, refer to scDlg for the re{ds€d Sestion at ttie entry silwith treoch drain. Item 89: Drawing s6G, sestion 10, refcrto thc Architcstunl AsI #6 for informatiosabsut thc rwiscd scction o\ - 1rr>\ 5-nt-\ adil. \l.T f, {' \\I. t\'\- ti' :s a?q,q. l&t Ur : o \6-2 1 s. rIz ev\ iaI I I I I I -q \:) f!I T_ -l-0_ _r r :t z UT n -N o lsU *s6$ Lt* s$F t -o e- e Ns \ $* d Llltr d2rtc!o{utE c -:3 4 o L ,6 t$'a fi a--APr..i{A:-\\lf| sr F =..-rJ|i $ ,r\ N l- J_+\I at .\ ' .:i \r -'.- U- (t .4,:(\\J ->- L-_____l I 2d o/c + -l\o i'\nt" lttvtg Pi<rE ScSErb<rE & Asciro.. Architccrr P.c. A.IJL /4" coLDEN pEAK BAsE F.AciLlrv..^ -t-- ------------- V vltt ISSOC|,\TES. IrC vatl. COLOR^OO REVISION: ADDFJ{DUM '8 J.r No. 18043.14 Sbcct: ASI #1 E/s/to Dtr*n: Dr^te.4/5/1996 b,n^,tep 9lsltb,ti -+- .,:J-r Fr"- JI \)l bl F NFZ. -$\ a4+'el +a+Y dotV4+ I-9- .oiTi1- #- iul) o tllN 1 blil '3/ ?6 ,i - -*-r- -iIntlaREUSerz il( N( L1!_\ q s_a er- -a o (( la ^\)u- fr 0_ 1 R$g 6tiGIa-!(o. le rt<\Fi $ -\A F t-- q, s{\u "?'.olh 3\ \f (. ?ls't\N< r- l- = - /a- qoLDEN pEAK BASE FActLrTv...-: V VAJL ^.ssocl^TEs. trc v^tL. coLoR^oo Jor No. 18043.14 ASI #5 tltlzaDrrc,. 4/5/1996 L^t t4ot<e FAltN(,a-oftD Et(5 9varcp CoA(&€Te 'Toff l|lel 74.4 (.c, ?4.or ?.c. 7+flF1 1r"{"F , j Ar'a>r, (ae,tGg+ I I 7)ou-l7l9o'- ( " Ve,rrcLt,i \,A't*65 P.| ' (,. lntt-d' +'-(r" x 4t-gu Q\ fl,vcs,. sa. c.uloua,2* \jV'1" ?-?'-r. ae^t, e,r, W 'P,tleHe,R*-rJF9\€ri-./\ : w L,1,1,1 /Li *frd+ftq. 1t- +" t3'-tl" eB !-to' rygu= 212',-7" o +?Ar+2,(7w, Fa rlt,( 6 ztv, ;6+AT'oH f1IL FF-AHIH Re,ttsev: r/gllfe A, S<gt$<r5 & Alrod&r Archie<rr P.c. a-t.,,r- +V4o* eet1+q? l/.,:i t' rlt/\ ' l "c>' <>, GoLDEN PEAK Bnse nncrllr). V vll rssoct^ras. rrrc. v^rL coLoRroo REVISION: Iso'r4? J.. N.. 1.8,o43.14 Sbcct: ASI#6 tl3ftb 3 7F H q7 FS r-H -DtdR. : F: qrA '.:_ Q4 5 lrZ I,LIa- lt r lra^ I'c lrU,l'r tr cF -->\-_.- .t' '. ./ .,/ './ . ./' ,/l \/ zt . z \/// \ \\ r.,/',& 4t- A t : CO --9 K c.l /:uj' I [fr lrL l'1, "l) ,lF,/l I,/ls-l I'l Irt I i s \ c.' '+ -1 t- <- o.-r O.or{ \) t-z\t\A- qlo1 r) 0_- lt .r cl | "1 ,II $+#'( / //7 ".Nq N r.J \ .._ \! .q r--.\'"6 ci lirrcc S.Sltb<rg & Agoci.-. Alc.hitE{rr P.C. A.tJ- \ \( ./r il <r,- {oi, ^c-o'Q- REU';ED 513l?6 a\&Iro{ lo - \) 11,('.l'- ot' ReuteEDi l0 - Sb 1 l{ = tlr \S l5 -l l3 $(L+- N.\aq- F /s- coLDEN PEAK BASE FActLITY',-, v./ -. ,/ V V JL ^.SSoCI T€S. r|JC v^rL COLOR^OO REVISION:Sbctt: ASI #7 sl4zo GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY Addendurn #10ylay 7 | 1996plumbing Narrative DRAWTNG P]-.1 1- Renoved_ sgrp purnp/sand. and oil rnterceptor Detaj.l,replaced with sand and oi1 rnte-rEpfoJJeta:_:_. 2. Punp Schedule: Deleted punp specification for Sp_1 ,renarned Sp_2 specification to Sp_f. DRAWTNG P1.2 No changes DRAWTNG P2. ]. 1. , Revised Key Note nunber 50 to read r'...CONNECTED LOAD:72,860 MBH AT s.L.''. 2. Added floor drains inpiping. 3 ' rncreased the nurnber of area d.rains beneath 164 stairfron one to tero (Z) draini. 4. Revised condominiurn parking drainage from three (3) totwo ( 2 ) area drains !o natdfr archit-ectrrr.f ai"rj_ngs. 5. Added storm drainage pipinq for deck/area drains added. onLevel 207 between coluins -l_0 and Ll. 6. Deleted one lavatory L_l 7. Added sink S-4 at columnand associated piping. 8' Rel0cated 3'rFD-2 from 138 Mechanical to 139 Mechanical . 9. Added WH-l adjacent to J"oading dock d.oor at column 11_J. Rooms 157 and l_6L with associated fron Menrs public 153. line 9 between coLunns D and D.4 DRAtifNG p2.2 1. Added seven (7) deck/area drains between11/ 8.6 and G. 2. Added sink S-4 in 230 Hall and associated 3. Changed size of vent line near column 3_B2n. Changed Key Note #8 to #39. columns 10 and ni ni n.rI/LE'Ll.Y. fron 1-1/2rr to 4. Modified .pipe drops in 237 Men,s public and 236 wonenrsPublic to acconraodate--aiEni.t"cEuirr warr shifts.Modified floor drain locations 5' Relocated MsB-r- in 234 Janitor to rnaLch revised floorplan layout. DRAWTNG P2.3 1. rncreased vent size from t-r/2rr to 2, on vent routed oncolumn line 3 between columns B and C. 2. Added 1--L./2tt vent drop ad jacent to water closet betweencolurnn lines 3 and i, adjacent to col_unn 1ine D andconnected to 2r vent serving water closet. Added KeyNote #6 to drop. 3. Relocated WH-1 at colunn 2 to the south walI behind thefireplace. DRAWTNG P2'. 4 No Chanqes DRAWING P2.5 No Changes DRAWTNG P3. ]. 1. Deleted srnall sunp and pumps Sp-1 adjacent to sand, oi1and gas -tr?p. Relocated sand, oif an-d gas trap adjacentto sub-drain sunp pit. Changed plan cbde of-subjdrainsunp pit frorn Sp_Z to Sp_l. 2. Added 3[.storn piping riser at column 16-J.4 and belowslab piping with notes. DRAWING P3.2 1. Added area drains to garaqe exhaust air plenuns withassociated piping. DRAWING P4.1 1. This drawing has changed in it,s entirety. DRAWING P4.2 1. Added cold water rough-in for coffee naker at corunn rine7 between columns E and F. Added Key Note #26. 2. Added cold water rough-in for filr faucet at colunn line8 between colurnns E and F. Added Key Note #40. t t ..f 3. Added !?) gas rough-ins for added broilers on cooki-ryline adjacent to colunn rine r. lrodified and added i{Note #L8 to the rough-ins. 4. Added gas rough-in for oven on same cooki.ng line as in(3) above. Added Key Note #42. 5. Modified gas rough-ins on cooking rine at colunn F.5 and7 to accommodate new equipnent llyout. 6. Added WH-1 at column l_O and H and associated pipinq. 7 . Modified,Key Notes #L6, IB | 28 | 35, 43. Added Key Notes#47 and 49. 8. Added four (4) HB-z (chicago Faucet #305-vB) below handsinks. Removed four ( 4) L:2 fixture codes and reraber,edas hand sinks. All hand sinks are provided by the KEc. DRAWING P4 I3 No changes DRAWING P4,4 No changes DRAWING P4.5 1. Revised waste and vent isonetrics to reflect toilet qrouD ruodif ications. End of Plumbing Narrative .t 111 -' April26, 1996 ADDENDUM #9 to the DOCUMENTS OF CONSTRUCTION ISSUED TO: FOR: ISSUED BY: ATTENTION: All Plan Holders of Record c/o Weitz-Cohen Construction Company 899 Logan St., Suite 600 Denver, Colorado 80203 Golden Peak Base Faciliry Vail, Colorado Architect's Project Number I 8043.00 Pierce, Segerberg & fusociates, Architects: Tom Mayherv 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail. Colorado 81657 Page Pie(e. SegerbeB & Algo<rates Architects. eC- A;,\ llain Ofi(c l0@ S. F.ont ge RoadW Va'|. CO 8t657 fox:97O 476 4@ Dhoae: 97O 476 aa3l One Tabor Ccnicr | 200 s€ventecnrh Sr suitc 5 t5 Derwec CO 80202 [ox: J03 623 7261 phone: !03 62J 3355 This Addendum #9 in its entirety shall modify and become a part of the contract Documents: ALL paru of the original drawings dated i/l9/96, and Project Manual dated l/22196, and previous Addenda #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7 and Addendum #8 dated 4/5/96 shall remain in full force with the following revisions incorporated. l.Civil Supplemental Drawings: a) 21" 35" original "Vail Valley Drive, Temporary Bus Turn-Around", C-ASI#5, datd 4126/96 is hereby issued for incorporation inro the Construction Documents. b)8 l/2"x1l" originals, C-ASI#3 and C-ASI#4. ',Vail Valley Drive. Temporary Bus Turn-Around', dated 4126196 are hereby issued for incorporation into the Construction Documenrs. Architectural Drawings: 30"x42" reproducibles of the original drawings dated lllg/96, sheet numbers A2.1, A2.2, A2.6, AZ 7, A9. l, A1 l. I are hereby reissued with with revisions dated 4/26/96 for incorooration into the Construction Documents. 2. f:\prj\goldpcak\docs\addndmB9.doc Page 2 3. Architectural Supplemental Drawings: 8 l/2" x I I " reproducticins of ASI drawings (see Drawing List below) dated 4126/96. are hereby issued for incorporation into the Construction Documents. Drawing List: A5I#6 revised, ASI#l l, ASI#12 through ASI#57, ASI#59 through A5I#86 4. lnteriors Supplemental Drawings: 8 l/2"x1l " reproductions of SK drawings (see Drawing List below) dated 4/26/96 are hereby issued for incorporation into the Construction Documents. Drawing list:sK-6, sK-7, SK-9, SK-9, sK_l_0, sK_l_1,sK-12, SK-13, SK-16, SK-17, SK_19, sK_19,sK-23, SK-24, SK-27, SK-28, SK_29, SK_30,sK-3L, sK-33, SK-35. All other terms, conditions and instructions of the Contract Documents remain unchanged. NOTICE. Receipt of this Addendum must be acknowledged in your bid. All bidders shall list the following on a cover letter included in their proposal: "We acknowledge the receipt of Addendum #9 and have included all associated items in the following proposal.,, END OF ADDENDUM #9 t p.J\goldpeali docsraddndmd9.doc (Fsq^ { "q. \6..-d\9? s.. HSds Ld Lj OO l,lP i 3=-. E ..r USEeF i5u-Jn ;^ 6 ,b tUSSgH HFu3I 1-*,",^ 1 EefsF =auziB Enlzt" FSSqie 6fifr3y ?F.dff(f, i#-f-= 9<>cnB =Ei:f ZPSZ= =Q@<o_ (J<(J<l 'o n9a">tl )-: 2.. =J )) 0r(D --O3s o- or C-Or=i :a v',xoo|r) oB ut= _(/,O tro(J < :3 =-m coo-e .U)tr)< .9 oo U) u I : l E f .E .c biN Ec:tol- I OE.J.Jl- l-o o>\=oos.-o ';o EoF \ F{-_ ?{t-L.-?.Q ilH+s + * Ht Iu | ,l t,c E IoE -:.tl- t-O, >r:go9l_g 3B E P - Z r-'----l 4a@ 1" 'iott€ cn? ( bFfol./D\ a'-Q" o/o f.c. 1)7'- lt" t)'Aot<e F,h/lNA Et(1 - -_ (t \ g$n, o.irl"ffi , o,,, vt,P,vteAbR*iL9\tfr-,^ I tll c4F*W I.IE Yrl.( 4'oPPrF.{q 9wrcp LoAcF,6e Toff IlJel -o ?q. q ?.c. ,1'd', E+rlrl 7N1- f?',+rF.:u5,;,)<- t t.4 Afg*-- davAa€+ :lil 1io'.(" I TJoNT pr1 J zt?:*?tf ''otl mv FFAHIH /-,_ GOLDEN PEl V v{Lrssocr^rEs.^ffi J.r N4 lao43.l4 ASI#6 aVfiost 6 I lrt tJN [t L (I$l + dl? 6FJIol , FltI] I I I I rf\ O s- FJ-\- ;f.!.* $[ t-\+ . rr .t\-\ '1.\ \ \ w -: \r ;--t N* \ /- lir NN -- .-\ / *)l l;\ rl lL.-\ --1r ).i N..-'.$[ ], \ - i '-. \ i \ * F t Il.Itl-''I O\ 5l+ HlS -qilElrl1+ Pictc. S.gcrbqg & ArrocLtcr Archittctr P.C. A.I"{.. GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILIT}' - VAJL ASSoCIATES. lNC. v^tL COLOR,IDO REVISION: A?e -': ila6,'?a J.r No. 18043.14 Shcct:+,,ASI IIDrr-n, fvt I b., ,lf ftfqb -.--.., ^.=,.+ -\ .t--, e : 5\. ! h t\ oF.\ s tr a ilh\;o R ,3 :'. r\,$ Y t^-,.', lf, t El " lF t :t\^ -i--.-P--^tt SF Ar,-H dd,z ? .r--, --.v\ i __+\o).i..\SXs-+ FI r--t ! -. tn- ,{'( {,i--1 --"$ b!.$. r./ '\--l F IFI ... -v -. ] il- i <,I \$-*, Yfi: S r 5i- PHi:i\l:.'i -i EP d.-\ \' i <'\ i3{+) t-t _l _\. is \\ .[ =s\'t\ \\\'. : ,rl lrtI aA. t!{G$I ,."1 -IErr sL\\r) -i - \\))'l.ulrrl-ti s\ I I I \t f'- T- I I I.L s$ d f{.t Pi.:T. S.Eqt<rE & AlocirtEr Archittqr P.C. A.Ir.. COLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY vlJL aSSoCt^TEs. rdc v^tL. CotOR^Do REVISION: .*sod? 7!?c,?6 J.r No. 18043.14 Shcct: AST#ILDt--rr: o",- llnleb lr- _ I' \-, I I TI.t \i I.{ t- I- I \ 0_ 'J)I qo.r \-\=\- l\l l\ I ).i- r ,/ :)'\,,i d. \ tr_ .-_; ,/' I/' c.l\ -_tfJ- +f =z Pic.rsc ScScrb<rg & Agocirtcr ArUtcctr P.C. A.l.{. GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY vlJL ASSOCT^TES. trrc ,atl CoLoR^Oo&REVISION: *oo4q, 4e'"itc J* N.. 18043.14 Sbcet: ASf tvDrtrn: o""' 4f4f1p I rl-10 ',0,€,t80,9, )P FULL <47, ^r-L vs*LL) *;sp (_ - ---Ht? (- Y1l<. ltl?. Ai1-;- LFaabaftcl al PFtVaa l^,qf1rt+ ffiaq 'a l.: | =*.\9 ni$lF.iit4. o^r -l t' , i Ia'g :'iP, it-*-'t'- .u_it,Z,tlCT, AZz,< ' -r'-\rr tAthtil --'--t-' I ,--...,--ej*- z^t -I \_UzT, - :'l(, ',\itlrsov+t ,3cY ::=.\. Pic{cc ScFtcrE & AlGirtct ArtLitrcr P.C. A.I.A- GOLDEN PTNX NASS FACILIT)' vdl rssocl^TEs, tNC. v^tl. coloR^oo REVISION: k'wi? +!7t /?5 J"r No. 18043.14 Shcct: esl+l*Drln: u".t1ltlf<b a i xr,,t v--\.,- F&L c* It---- I @ Til, dltAso r "/) +tft6.1 GOLDEN PTAK SESE FACILIT)' v^IL lssoct^TEs. tNG. vlrl. coLoR^Do REVISION: kgpeQ 4ho(?u Jcr No. 18043.14 ASI# :; .a €YeTEr{ t'loTE5 PAVING Pl-STONE PAVING (SLOPE I A' / FT MIN. TO DRAINS) ON TI{ICKSET GROIII BED. WTIT{ SNOW MELT ON DRAINAGE BOARD ON WATERpRqoF llEl,aRANE ON STRUCTURE w/ 2 qDECKDRATN(WEEP HOLES @BOI-TOM TIER) P3- P4- 4' PATTERNED COLORED CONCREIE REINFORCED SI..AB W SNOW MELT ON CRADE SLoPED (lA'/FT MrN.) PATTERNED COLORED CONCRETE TOPPINGSI.AA WW.W.F. AND SNOWMELT ON. DMINACEBOARD ON WATERPROOF MEMBRANE ON STRUCTURE'- 3'PATTERNED COLORED CONCRETE TOPPING SI..4B w/y.lll1}x4sr IN PLACE STArR wrTr{ SNOW MELT (4. @LANDINGS) 1-o^r lleOto W.n ,/rEftt€|RA|/F_ P6-4'PATTERNED COLORED CONCRETE LOOSE LAID PAVERS ON E.P.S. BLOCK FILL ON 4' GRA\EL FILL ON MIRIFi FABzuC ON DRAINAGE BOARD ON WATERPROOF MEMBRANE ON SLOPED STRUCTURE P7-4'PATTERNED COLORED CONCRETE REINFORCED SLAB WIffi SNOWMELT ON E.P.S. BLOCK FILL ON 4' GRAVEL FII,I ON MIRIR FABzuC ON DRAINAGE BOARD ON WATERPROOF MEMBRANE ON STRUCTURE ,J lo"q ru*e L oP fBtfe.no^t lD,t+pAtL $ar-:rzN> aD rrr ^n /W.P, flGn6r-J^,e ,u >frluc-t ox-4L sLV6 /1I GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY -,vlV VAIL ISSOCI^TES. lNC. vlll. COLoR^OO Shccc 4t, ASI '! jcr No. 18O43.14RXVISION: Afr€?- 4(ea l?6 P i.:rcc ScFrbtl3 & Agocirtcr Arshittcr P.C. A.IL. GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILJTY VAJL ISSoCIATES. tNC v^tL. COLOR^DO REVISION: +oD "1 4?6 i?t )r x- 18o43.14 Sbcct: nstl+Drr-rr: u*7ln f +b t i-'triA Shecc #pASI IO,,-. COLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY.,-, -,tV vrtl rssoct^T€s. lNc. v^lL c010f,^00 RE\IISION: nq lqo Picrcc ScattqB& ArrodrrE Arsf,iacr P.C. AJ.L GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY v|,l. rssocI^tEs. tNc. vll|,. coloR^oo ASI * :?hvo*c, +bo[?6 Jor Nc. 18043.14 - a_ tll1 Yl'7 := : (-- AL(+trI) w.1, ucxtn*iq c'Pf, d4rJ sJ?foW Ttle vemcnr- L.J.P 15 oN JvlE ouTStoe F FC s oF Cr {u Sup?ocl nn uu l\er,'r,2 l" cxo 'fo (,,g'ilct<'o7 .ao4tes hb.1 Shect: ASIT' REVISION: wFq +/26(?6 J"r N". 18{X3.14 ,,f!1,- GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY -. v.a V vAtL ^ssoctrTEs. lnc. v^t|. coloR^oo /-. GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY.,-, v.,a !/ vlIL ^ssoctaTEs. tNc v^tl. coLoR^Do REVISION: Aqoel +l\c(?6 ASI*Z\ Jcr No. l8(X3.14 /A- GoLDEN PEAK BASE FACILIT),-,-. -,av v^lt. lssocl^tEs. tNc. v^tL coLoR^Do iciio REVISION:Jcr No. 18043.14 Sbcct: Asltr",L GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY v^IL ISSoCIATES. ll{C. v^ll. COLOR^OO RIVISION: Aoor? +l\t {?6 Jor Nc. 180t8.14 Shcce ASt s:i Pi.:GG Scgctb.tg& Arrocir.tr Architosr P.C. A.Ir- /-- GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACTLITY.^-, -.-a!Z v^ll ^SsoCt^?ES. ltrc. v^lL COLOR^Oo Shccc rb ASI"l,'f -o E>,psco $4Lu, ,AE( F^r 4,,7att1i Re:s1ccs -@rrlfapLa ffioqa Upt1,$1zp Ate, Ktcb( {tw r1f6.' ' A*YA+t?iv r1#ilttla tpatilfttr :-: iflI. 2r4 -' 4taFttlO' 9cucuA t+ I OF MONITOR EAVE to. Pi.rcc S€crbq& Arrciecr Arcf,iattr P.C, A-I..L ,.I- COLDEN PEAK BASE FACIL]TY -.-!/ vr.Il lssoct^fEs. rNc. v^rL coLoR^oo $cGc hASI K REVISION: 41e6[?0 .a 946-gf tl? hlTric.L*F- - IAl GrYl)4rw-aXb'Aff. ql -f ,, 4^/,\/f+nq fr+9ilt{4(NrJ[tgvz) 7E E*taqo {^l*aL PA, To fLxfiRnf W*ece-6oop,s \----vlL\- 16l+ro.z ,t- coLDEN ,ron uosn FAcrLrrY..-- -./-,-V v^IL ISSoCUTES. lNC. v^l|. CoLOR^Do Shcce ^ .-tFn ,ADr ..b REIISION: Aoo*,1 qho lqC Jcr No. 18043.14 Fxtr Colh:ql.rx'q / (xttlxQue. rprlVArhl I ZEz-ztlr ftfrr+-Vtuao vv,,t{T i ,/-- GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY v v.(IL rssoct^TEs. rNc. v^ll. coLoR^Do n*4lwlqt h lo.'7- e\- K*xe lile: .-"^y,Ll ^,,& H *-al o ffid rt-E--rt-' 9 'PEeox xt)a*r1,s) fuR, yr*yz*L\ tEcuen q R,+t<E -fi Le-| r't #tq *.s|.," ^-t*rc-*e \,N '? lftP'L..-z' ./-. GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY-,-. -'v vAIl AssoctrTEs. INc. v^tl. CoLoRroo REVISION: 'eZ l?a Shccc Ast+:3 Jcr Nc. 18043.14 z<Bla4t+ut--_ '(l lscazoo 2-FLf.iltttq bl J -f1oUr_u 6L(rtl/-|lT Y1fu2. ?rf W,e MEIA 4F{UaHt FkfiY Ei & 8eu-4a6p tJ+rrl) \ EPD^1 ) - "&r,o.t-X. o albe, o*.,n.1beq ft-. \?,qsuc : -'\/'/-) \ K,-38tNt,/L T*?epcv Rr4ro iNtoL, CURB lr to.3 INSUL D SKYLIGHT /a- coLDEN pner eess FAcrlrry-,-. \| -.a V vAJr. ^ssoctrrEs. lNc. v^tl, coLoR^Do REt4SION: Asr^"-1 -- flll ait 2,,A.ed*t{c, I W,f, Hrrfitc ,E*L RElfrnd-o^P FL^t*tNi AP+f dacp*t Altl.P.t4af4grrse Extcrw N,p'nencu'tt +62ess-rQ gao.^r^t .Bt,ttrt,so +-fa*rfiAq b{ 1ct'<ua*r r1f4 i F4 -------ConT,cLEkT U5azooT -z- Bt-a*tYc,. u l4(+tr1\ SlNos GOLDEN PEAX.SEST FACILITY&vAlL ISSOCI TES. lNC. v^tL COLoR^DO REVISION: +l2c l?0 --. Errrrle W' P' 'vlragr*"r- Al'Dr u++'L !J I --1.-.------------- -,- >-< 4lnp-t esr*l I REVISION: o*1 e6n6 ,.- COLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY 'tl..YtV vltl ^ssocrrTEs. INc. v^rl. coLoR^oo ./I. GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY..-. -t!/ vrJL ^iEOCt^tES. tNc. v^rL. COLOR^Oo 7&a. ?0 (?( REVISION:Sbcctr ASIO:i -a Lll( srM)- ' C l)w tA.? rtYt4- eq,7.: ( .-P?f+LLl*tt_ (3't,eq \ rll -a'T oPrn, ( c 6ALv,r4ET. 5cuyps{ -/ =i--ll'-* t$< Etrf,it!v*Rte9 l+r+tr4\ Kn1-q'DairrJ |F; Ll h to-* 7= GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY-^-. v..a -, -,4 v VAJL ^I;SOCT^TES. tNG. v^r|. coloRaDo +o?c? hleofqG REVISION:Shcct: ASItr:'i .a Exrz^to VJ,P,ovuio'hcgos: TZp ep Fe5aA -er?.!rtl,/ ol-Ebtr ! rl'1l^ 2*lo (sta;pd/+p tt lh to.v 7-- G0LDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY-,-.v,a- V v^.tr. rssoct^TEs. iNc. v^ll. colon^Do RIVISION: DUM #8 'x( lqc Jcr No. l804it.l4 Sbeet: ASI ff]T /A, GoLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY-,-.-.t- -, -/v v^JL lssoctltEs. rNc. v^tt. coLoR^Do REVISION: *roerI e6l?( J"r Nc. 18043.14 Shccc #1r.ASI J3 2* b -Iflt/. v/@ . l,z1Tl4 whw FIT itrl Vor-p tiF'*' G'1p,4erert'1 lzf fi rc.'+ I I a /A, coLDEN nEAK BAsE FAcrLrr),a,-V vAtL TSSoCI^TES. It{C. v^tl. COIOR^Do REVISION: i.@tfg -l'letlq6 Jcr No. 18043.14 n*tlftlqt" esfza /a- coLDEN PEAK BAsE FAcrLrr)'-,-. -.aI, --Z v VAJL ^ssocr^rEs. tNc. v^rl. coLoR^Do top3.1 +tzol?6 REVISION: 4aqASIJT ^-.,- Ft't#i+\ yeyouTlrFAKt Exre,tp V/?. ne u, Mpart Tp i D P ECt+tNP cot('CLE^T 214'lJ, cotrc, 1ii,ih,"r 2r+tfrittt/ _ ..r---=7.-r--.t-ir++l-----.-_| - --:-- \.TAPTREP Rt6rP ttlSul,od 5/a'TypE'N'6yp, 9*c*i71t1, aa't,lz,' ALf' Q6oi Dccgt hto.*.". avEF5 \ W.P, Mttt'{, Fcl-'i-\. \ WINDOT /-. GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY],--.r V VAIL rssocl^Tes. lNc. v^tL COL0R^00 koouQ. +fo{qc Sbcct: nsrd38 ;ng# o B i Fo tY F F) ril (J O ns F" s -.1 F r.r t: c{ EI J U) (J a trl r!Fa cf) tr(A @ o { <n u.l I I' '\/ !/ \- / gd. \ $;rlog bz r'. d J q \) @-ts,i*3 . \___ t../ v\ -tr\e{rrtsg =rE$*f,: l-Alo,a k v.JJ s fv rr.l tvHoo rlJJ 0a I 3oJ trl l-. .{l - \-Z' stl*:It'tij iFHJ Fs I sl-{l*r l5 r,tloalk4 ls$ l3i Pi.:rcc Scsubqg & Arrocirrg Archittsr P.C. A.tt- /a- coLDEN eEAK BAsE FAcrlrrya.=..-!/ vrJL rssoctrrEt. r.c. v^tL cot.on^oo REVISION: AooJ? tlruhe l.r N- 18043.14 Sb€.c ASI?.IDcrr: o.,= 4ltel10 . r\ ' DetLL lt + t1*i7@ lt"o,c, ftlFu twt tqexautrtL "4,lrir? FRf fLlwooo, ./': l.jer-'Cf1/-,twe,'nno f+l*es dlTlFe?o .Fen e*tcNeeo vNiiiii;:;7-,iioE' -1< f.farrl ?eou,rz O-"'^;P $1 ffi ncnvsA{F-,3Lo" Z-x,s'Pe huc 44cS y4>4r*Lr oaH'T. 2\\\ d,2 e.Jee -'qt&l?- Tifz go FEL7 TWS MErl'EPANE e lb"o,c' -^ 1e-uL.. ztO/-tL' ,?- - it[SiA;u ,l' f zo- Yn"rrrF, LeczilnLl . rw5 HEA69r+rte -! -. $\ RMER RI I kNv T\?z3o 7et-t T!?tc.AL fa? A.LL ltvgEg, Piqcc Scgcrbcrg & Arrocirar Architccr P.C. A.T..{- ,,/!t- GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY -l,,v./l/ vA[ rssoctltEs. hic v^rl. c0LoR^00 REVISION: lt +rt kPP ** : +-p'bl?( Jor xo. 18O43.14 ^;R, Drnvn: fhtc: ^- R138 lN R-tq ltt 90 L, k.---- \ gli €ret;o*"o-Rl ' E*ttZ ?eTktL9 fttl .) ?tse *'q q N'vzrit,wnJT \._l (--.-' ri l\) ,f\--'',/"---"--'t. cABLE 66*tER EAV; ,;ft;l FFFeiA-Y Piqcr ScSctbq& Arsocirtu ArclitEctr P.C. A.II /a- coLDEN PEAK BAsE FAcTLIT)'.,-..,-2 V vlll lssocrr?Es. rNc v^rl. coLoR^oo REYISION: A"o* ? 4lau1?ro Jor No. 18043.14 "rr+, Drrrn: Drtc: Gr.ILl YtLLEe,_+ffi +'Alo'+ *qt-#8o Picrcc Scgt$qg& A|.oci.hJ Architecr P.C. A.Il- GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILIT)' vl[ r'sSoCt^tES. lNC. v^lL. CoLoR^DO REVISION: fuo+1 +lat {?r" Jcr No. 18O43.14 Shccc ASr',wDrun: fhrc: 2 --l--------r " AaitNrL 4'railL V'HLI* -Crnf ll TtfL coLUn\ | ----..--L><+-W d.? Y1iY1//l r-g^.t.76'4H4 CN -.-----Yt1 ( = +\',, :$ |Ftw*/trrr?tr +,/ - ,.r ^ ,-|.r9)r ff*t E t,M arT{g .i"2 ft., ra .tn;- '.'i ) oq, 'tr i i c'rnattrJ NE COLUMN SECTI ( er; keL# eo>---.- g- klo,+ Pictcr Scgcrs<rB & Asocirtcr Archittctr P.C. A.IT -,t- coLDEN PEAK BASE FACTLITy --. v,/ V vlft ^ssocllTfs. It{c v^rl. coLon^Do REVISION: fov* o, +lau!rc Jd Nc. 18043.14 Sbcct: AsrteDca: Drt : 'f1P'eucoq, ugf, R*ru )a:RWP F \qa L ,-1. .I|. ,T. tu h\J .f & TfR F'F +lAef>,:4-> \u rg,-o'*-t *;i .o.o*Z ?Aw\l+o ?tJ + 12 5',oF ''x SEat-itr- , ffoY">" l-tc;'b 'D,?, nfYa- AFc'-r:> itfl6 i.rD. sli.L* T(tfl cwflEH6, \tll-o U,?, Y'enA biu,'TqPtFa bf :0.61+j3 4l +oft.xl, t/ll fn (s) TFAATED htrbt-x-V,Su -yr u--ftN-Ai h tatf LotJ u?-ve> ?v. ra e1r., 0l-F J\I Lrt, raglL ;l- cAtL'6, Niefte oc ;1 t tti / ol R -14 tPs l, ,/E'El \61 ,R), Lz" [.' --r+- q--.------:L-* *, ^. ;t il'a/i- FRENCH BALCONY SECTION v?\.?L ?l1L'o',Q|JW = llt",l'-o".1'lto'f *W^e; ar?'ri # | : i u'o ''2 i 1lf JolFlT Pi.{cc Scaqbcrg & Arrociucr ArchitEdr P.C. A.l..r. GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILJTY+v^[ lssoct^TEs. Ilc v^tL. c0L08aD0 REVISION: *o"d1 alaa{tb J.. No. 18043.14 Sbcct: esfl{{Drnm: o*.4f rtht KF; he,t i Aa,+wncnlcs | ?l 6"'--r.,ltL. aTuDr5 4-tQ\wfis.2fqd'dfi, w, 4'q*r4D Af'[r]lr-vtrro^Jbr-xlvct A(tv)frcALcAutx \ --' K-t7l" o.c. ,l-t l/:r-e'- 'Zi VD" ,j:? 7), twTe.. FtFe+1flNq np.TeFt^vr."-t/ - fFovtga C*1n*r" FeFt'-tclEc *^v Ut/NaoSl cav <-a rLv'ATOUHD ALL EIDq6oF FAce LAT6p5eC ?q-YLJ*L!- ) 1 ) \ g",.T' )Lzuer- ?-21 ( hx,aloqlol \( DETAIL (GREAT HALL) Piqtc Scgqb<1g & Alocirtr Archittar P.C. A.t.,L ,,t. coLDEN PEAK BASE FAcrLrrYa^ -,V v^[ ^SSOCI^?ES. txc v^lL. COLOR^OO REI/ISION: ktp*1 l'fac;16 Jcr No. 18043.14 Shcct: esrlgDrr-n: Irfuo.,.{ a-Ap.* z FO F]a r4z F] FA rt) .' l I anl c!lrlql ,.1 |.'l ul \-./ \J] dl 6 o I tLl u _l V I u- 6lc\l Irlull>i u1l ulololJlu-l I Piqcc Scgc6<rg & Arrocirlcr ArchitEctr P.C. A.IT GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY+VAJL rSSOCl.{tES. INC v^lL. CoLoRADo REVISION: '\*f1 +leb ftc J"r No. l8ort3.14 Shcct: esrf,teDtrrn: Drtc: Picrcc Scgq6<rg & Arroci..ncr Arcf,iG{tr P.C. AIT GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY vAlL I.SSOCIAt€S. llic v^tL C0L0R^D0 REVISION: k'w*q 4o,,q't J.r N.- 18043.14 Sbcct: asfl{?Dc.ru Drtc: CF R;DGE 9TRUCTUR= =L,OR LEVEL 22, =l-OOR r='/=L 2 :{i.?g----=.=- /=L 2o 'Ii =_co< -=l=L 1 )I -t rT a;-lr\rE a. 4= <E, 4 - AlO.4 ]4TEST COURTYARD ELEVATION l/8" "1'-O" Plftc ScaqS€g & Arrocirt r Archituctr P.C. A.LL GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY v^ll TSSOCIATES. lNC. v^ll. C0L0R^00 REI/ISION: ^ i+ |+lgonn, +l*clqc j"r N". t 8o43.14 Shcct: asf,'{aDcn: Drtc: s'*.- . i-'- I )w^c'=2 SuRRou\i-- l- -i-l !_ (-. \< I .-r i\ I I -INE Atz=2 =. .r.t' ?o dooo ooot c o(,O ,)CO.), Sbcct: AsrqlGOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY v^ll, rSSoCtAtES. INC v^tL. COLOR^oo REVISION: Je eq. llatlrc J"r Nc. 18O43.14 !\ c.r I so ir\J :_ 0) Uo O l!o )-vFz tU G vno \$ )qt\ -J )s/\ /q/J \^ 1 ) l TLoo tl t11z J o U o tuf v-lu\ o J Ft! E o tuFz__< 0_ I I I --fi- - F/ t l z 0 or! otlt (J) 0_\() llt-7 F d) F:l U tr)U f-fUOuu4LLodi()(v F_-Z ultF v.\ LL ul LL !t I l ,/ -\/\ ( *-\1) +lei .' i0- /t6(l' \l)l\l/r\l\-7 r-sc\ _t tu' IU J ?rl avl --.rl LUI r.rJ iJl vlololJItLl + oic.r Ia{l Ju tltJ v.ooJ Picrc. S.gt6qE& Asocirra Artlitccr P.C. A.t,L GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY vlll. r.ssocurEs. lxc v^tL. CoLoR^DO REVISION: loo*1 +lruht J"r No. 18043.14 Sbcct: esf ooDcrn: Drte .- r.\ Phrcc S€gq6.rg & Arrocir&r Arcf,itt.rr P.C. A.IT ,,.1}, GOLDEN PEAK EASE FACILITY -,vV vrll rssocuTts. tttc v^tL colon^oo REIVISION: goo*{ +laalrc Jor No. 18O43.14 Shcct: ASI%IDcar Drte: '.-'.'-s-. f 3i+ ^lr$YlFt-f". I I I _t '-l I \fI t- --{I I \_ I \o I OrF =,? e)dz) | = ? O ot-'l = ? ert- F a-a <- l- i- Nt-r ot3 Jrs:0 YAs -$ -tl _t\-s a:oVr 5-0 -!f I c\o\ I o e.l trrr Ja No. 18043.14 ,t. GoLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITYa,-. -,-. v_/ V u L Assoctl?Es. lrc v^lL coLon^Do REVISION: ipprua,j 4{?61?6 i- 2 J,.\L tl -aorr (Y) T\ Ir-{ Fz EI & tIJt3 .cazo F Qr!q) s>d6 r-< !4lt. 3A9E 33t!oJt!lrl \+\t \k Qr-tD7u_= .*H\.rDun-g-f tr-L$F / +t_/ tl--" /*/ .--+/* Shcct: ^sfqn ,c| Nc. 18043.14 GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILIT)' v^t! AssoclltEs. lNc. v^lL. coLoRaDo REVISION: lvp*4. ^61?6 .- z J O. tvHott o? |\ Ir-{ zo FOlr I V) EE dd8 t< C(+t, sa9> 3stlJo dur \+ \- Qr--tD-7Ir -- ${BrDo ^.rl =N--L- I !-LrlF / *--/ 1t--" /+./1 L-A++ ASI?,( REVISION: hola +faalrrt J. No. 18043.14 GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY vlJL ISSOCITtES. INC. v^tL. C0L0R^00 *",'t/l? !-. fPllu- R2 - FIAT LOCK SEAI\,{ METAL ROOFINC ON WATERPROOF MEMBRNilEON 3/4' FRT CDXPLYWOOD SHEATI{ING ON 8'RIGID INSUIATION 1R = 57.6y w/ 16 GA 8. \ERTICAL RI,NNER TRACK @ 2,4. O.C. AND 16 cA. 8. HORTZONTAL -{UNNER-TRACK@-8!4'.O.C. ON 5t8. TypE )c EXIERIOR GYPSUM SHEATI{ING ON FIREPROOFED I I/2' METAL DECKING ON FIREPOOFED SIR,UCTURE R3 - CONCRETE PAVER BAILAST ON E.p.D.I/t ROOFING ON TAPERED (l/4. / FT) RIGID INSULATION ( 4 tn' TO 1 tn MIN. @ROOFDRATNS) ON sE TypE,X,EXIERIOR GYPSIJM SHEATI{INC ON FIREPROOFED I I/2: METAL DECKING ON NREPROOFED STRUCTURE WITH R-38 BATT INSUI.A,TION R4 . PREMANUFACTURED INSUI.A,TED PANEL SKYLIGI{T SYSTEMR5. CONCRETEROOFTILES ON I X4 HORIZONTALBATTENS ON I X 4 VERTICAT BATTENS ON WATERPROOF MEMBRANE ON 3/4'F.RT. PLYWOOD SHEATI{ING ON I 12' METAL DECKING ON STRUCTURE R6 . FI.A.T LOCK SEAM METAI ROOFING ON WATERPROOF MEMBMNE ON TAPERED (l/4. / FD RrcrD rNSUI^A.TrON( n" To I tD" MrN_ @ ROOF DRATNS) ON s/8" TypE,X, EXTERIOR GY.PSUM SHEATHbIG ON FIREPROOFED I I 2" METAL DECKING ON FIREPROOFED STRUCTURE WITH R.38 BATTINS{JI-ATION T ft -LtrE A-r, IAG, /i =-r -< :: __-@F_&J e % 1 tLq1_cli i t\ 46ualTl+ Wtte# fi kry4ff.flfEff fl tfl F:ffi 'f *rn''a 'ZHTI9,Y 9'0..o"i,c. ^FID un st, o'?rYUHJfff #J:ZH1rrc.v Q't)-o" D,c. Al> lG st, dtho.r-b-oi'faL c.Z/F- tV,qsg e A-o" AL, b* S7,ar'-TtYe | >' ?vtfla o C 6rr, genHrF6 4+ 4w;e&t'ltLtt',Aew. >?z-AnJs q4 Azp7Vss75 stpv.f ts-Ce _\IVC* aAV/APrz?> tZVb' 3VL1 ifl1to??f DEq- [rTH_ rf lo-Bt , L]?,,'Lartta ScpgrJs ^1lt-6, |Jay. /t-N61U? tI-}J'6'll) ?\ .+la,L; A:o,h ;*lo.'1 . Pi€cr Scgcrscrg & Asocirt r Archiccr P.C. A.IJL GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY - vlIL T.SSOCIA?ES, tNC. v^tl. COLOTI^DO REVISIONT +po*q 4atft6 Jcr No. 18O43.14 Shcct:+ ASr 46Drr*rr: ^*+lftlql ?.)qr<P* q(. b>. aiD2b .t) |b EvY. "/a'=nl?'OoTl' ! i\ I I PIP? z!"gsr,Flz- "r" "*t)tl> *fr,b'.A'lPET tl, z.i VUt*?Pfi nPYgkI 10BS fr I i 7 ( /' ) { .,,. sfot"J5 RS N-For) 8D? ',,Muto? ; l-v+d? V?1IluL-u+b6. '?,Wiiu,"';*r 6" / vur. etee zligaz,i- -- l'*?r> a:'re*l1y.-rtll?ttt#T j.,,t.ioL Ni ':'-7 /nr, | --cte /J- W orFET @\,:4' Zla rn ,: K--l 'il|" o,c, Rerue$r cAAlNcLt J7A>V-=z Dc 6'*a gDl'rf,.r CAr;a. /4'' I ^ t r'> i(r.!-)-u? bl?tl, ??ov iD e :D71FL?T efteafiqer *P.t. d/K-ol$I(A, L/'"t)-?AFoUHP Arl "-aG6 ,D'I o" FACE i*'r68s,T DRY!.JALL z,vxvv YpvliT-c ,'-a't :AeLe DP1/8, qav4 P H DTryT ZLi-: HIN, (flo1 tlKLlowL) ??r-lzlr.^liDrs l* g,tK ID f5V SrAt-?b AIF - nuHT f:rrN El-asIc':A)>LoR riKEAT1? ?DT-riu*;+.- Arr,:*.-'l; Vkz ' | - Aq:l ?AF'1, J>-u*bb. A lo,t RC-lo* c,c' ) ?,EttLtzNT c+tntil(/-9 \a 1prl,77ovoe Jtpl-?Te Ift,HfiATe+ *r\1,' A/ \AcoLla1c , Cat*?' \AF.aDHp At-L F,aG6 )oP Fac.E l"AY6iq9 <-oT DRYI.JALL \ '1,, Wpv- -c!l-lsc: ?L4. )c/.$>t ){ -,)-E b{'6 /. 1)-ge oe47T a1' I 1"1 :U ( For 9a1r 1o p/r.rc\\1 +sJg11z;1393 t* Do*#, \4o bu <EA|il Atg- )-f)6*r wl ELAefio (. CAuVY- c3 FttZ\I* puT-; \s?At- ltoYgs -2 ?A<? ' I*-td 2" e:?. a-> h/ /<+J|z_ ' tb ztL'i1et;rrtq Piq!! S%ctbqg & Asocitrq Archi tettr P.C. A.td- /t- COLDEN PEAK BASE FACTLITY "-, v-/ V VAJL ^ssoctlTEs. tdc v^lL coLoR^Do REVISION:k4 +letliA J<* No. 18O43.14 Shcct:l* ASI 50Drrrn: n,"1lnlilo ut T!< so cdi t\l 01 + -f F L- ir__]l ov U( 0{F g Fo uoN x \9 n n 2{ $g\t? -.{ 'l/\\J/lJ^l-t \J $--Ii . ,,,* Rfxit rH?i ids E8*x2:; [u"ffi J;st2$t ifl$iF; $ o : x <{I x $ o !r hF N x o o Jo I I I tril--A-- lUttU F1z, lrt PK ig! r-Ql<$i b-rr-rLJ{ GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY v^ll. ^-SSOCI^?ES, lNC. v^ll. COLO'T^OO esfq+ REVISION; A-^F ;ai ?6 Jor Nc. 18043.14 oo (2= c->-'J) F-=kl- o= 3?L? STAIR OPENING RE: A13.12 GOLD PEAK BASE FACIUTY CONDO UNIT #1 LEVEL 229 REVISION: N!?6 t*N-lgo+3.d A{,,, Picrcc Scgcrbcrg & Agocirtcr Archieca P.C. A.Il- GOLD PEAK BASE FACILIry REVISION: ttae*? 4le6ftb IoMlgo+7,oo Shcct: hql#QoUNIT #2 LEVEL 229 Drru ".-,4/zzf fo .v o I I i { t- |I l?--2 i - -----@ (JaL 0t9L^b STAIR OPENING RE: 413.32 Picrc. Scgtrbctg & Agocirtct ArcLicco P.C. A,I.L GOLD PEAK IASE EAEITITY REVISION: *ro*q, 4p6i?a I*\go44,cn Shcct: A.J"'blUNIT #3 LEVEL 229 Drrro: ",*4loz[f O I I I o- LDtt A aF -L'+B I + ilb$, e!qtF,g*-s 4?-oN 1, t''.,a,U IJlil $as3 STAIR OPENING RE: A13.42 Pkcc Scgct$cq & A.uocirtcr Archite.tt P.C. A.IA GOLD PEAK BASE FACITTY REVISION: hw#l 4leclqb tonl0o4l,oO Shccc xfJ+0'CONDO UNIT #4 LEVEL 229 Dtso: o.et'77,76 I-----?f- I -bl-T STAIR OPENING RE: A13.52 WlZOFStAb-?2/ GOLD PEAK BASE FACILITY UNIT #5 LEVEL 229 l$tH(tt REWSION: 3cftt GOLD PEAK BASE FACILITY CONDO UNIT #6 LEVEL 229 REVISION: latllb t{\go*3,ao ffirF> p,f,n.'nrul Haf, THP].) ,lzlFlT, clW. I6'/, )otf,T swT wa1t'afa bgtr.r rtl SlJoWt'tWT $trt/-Iuf1e Wt a>n UquD w,?.vlw* dv k- Cct ]p,lro nd- r-Tlfl ln,?. Y1tu4a- bI514 TWTCI >FAIH 2f tltt= l-orr Pi.:rc. Scgc6.r5& A.rrodlc Architccr P.c. A-tl_ COLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY vrj|. ISSoCIATES. tl{C. v^lt. COLOnTOo REVISION: Apo* -1, +!etla ,r N". 18043.14 Sbcct: esfioqDtra: **(lzellb il IIETAI- FAHF]FC,ENEF{T €TFJr LLA1EF5 7e" -f16'x' a\f w TYP FrfF4a-\ FFr rY-rail, f lr I t--V l/ ,,t r)t- t-/ | rL_rL.r, ?1- lt .ll_ Pidc. Scgltb<rB & AIocira., ArELitcrtr P.C. A.I.L ,/-- cOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY 4-,v./ V vAlL A.SSOCI/ITES. llrc v^tL. COLOR^DO REVISION: lcoos ? 4toit 6 JoNo. 18043.14 Shcct: +F ^sr Qho..-", fwlJ o",-t:1Jlo.1b -- i\. ,: @Flofr-fZ ov cFlb IJHcFE 4LUFS ?att z41n q^cE r- l'l trr,r,€. 17o' Yet, FuFFrFl6 e'ultto,c, r1/x, -7.d' txT , G\e 6t1CAltt{9 ,alft,',xi /''---i f app ?Vzu YteL FIJFFTHG. Te;n TY?ztx' aln @, aa' FDLL fI..I. FI>EFCA% IF+'UL. , AFID ftl6t>L FAL? L-4r, sxTErroF DTABFG IJALL P.g. r I 111i u-, ,/\rll Al0,l Piqcc Scpr6{tg & Agocirar Architrctr P.C, A.I{ ,/I- GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITYt.). -ty vlJL rssoct^TEs. trc v^tl. coloR^oo REVISION: &pt1 4'l?t i?b Jor N". 18043.14 Shccc nsf,Oto..-.' f'f .l , o"* 1/ardt{, VERTICAL AAR LOCXS A! RlnGc 're.rtcll ba.t rro aulom.trc.lly s{!lrc ro thc.til. hold rrdh lho 3t.e.xllh tnal onlY i-- toP coNfl€cToE; A rttolc arar cO.E{a n raj.trg llnr 93 - rolb dgar\rm SPUCE COTINECTOAS FramDEat, slroogar trrn / walatad |o-ts, a-.* rhc vL<aOvAN- oALocK crn oro. vi66. No Itoov.t - ato tcaFs - no snaPr| lillc.sr 4? coxr|€ctoes Pt"{saarnOlad f[ra(S |.. tic{dr'slmb.d to post3 h $condt. R.ilt.cl VAN. DALOCK p.o- vida5 lrnrDfto sl..ngih - lo. lhc lif. o{ rnt b.ii|d- rE c dnlcur.. accEssoRtEs Ib mrlsh ltl. hrgh t|a.rdrrds ol R.iac.riling af3tcdrs. Ulr Fovtda color.malcrrad 90sl atcr/Gfrao.rs. .ad ra|d polt crgr. arpadsbn tlt .r. irll dips. a.rd o|hcr 3Po- cidv.rcnr3. rour{tlr{G OF Tf*5 Railtec 'ao(r raiirEs ar€ shown here--.4f thh. posa at 5,0'on center, 3}l- space under bottom rail. pGt erno€dd€d a- Mh., verti€l bars at y' centes. Any ol thils€ ctrn€.lrirrs can b€ yari€d b sual requrerylems. )ftlztl t.\ f -rl I T4rua_ gtB TAtuuce }J'T,., -fu T\Kt-kL FtJttDt'.tt (A\U'.Jr. l)T.*, ?Atur$'a+ 6t .c- COLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY RRt'' -ON: A;o*1 4eci?6+vrll ltFctrtct. trc v^lL. courLoo As,t*68 c ] ) ) \ ( ) / \ l ADe1,^t, €rFS TFr^{ @6cc \-/ REi E(Eus+-ta)j q_Q!!EN PEAK BASE FACILTTY vrJL l-ssoo^tEs. tl.c. v^lL coLoR^oo REVISION: )rpria l( t?6 ssfaq o @| -'r ri o @ @ W?LN'0 NrU VwaN CTIVIW MVI&\L Ui lli| 4l?" qu1ttg TYPr'x' @ F?-ptrl h Pi€c. Sc3$qt& Arroci.bt Architcrtr p.c. A.IA ,/S- cOLDE]f PEAK BASE FACILITY.,). -,y vAtL ASSICIAtES. lNC. v^tL. coLoR^DO REVISION: &oi,a, a.!ru16 ,rr N.. 18043..Sbcct Aslif To ?1\l o'-.*@- u*411,%e ;:-.:S,>. (,llo"' lL a")V€l/vnhp (1ur,ttz ol$ 56 tr $ zl \./ | FIkl>l-:t- ;itq F lrt :tsrnl'"''lr.-A '/ l'lc\l i\ l,\li 7z -E t u z u o{ \rt./ ou u.i Io Ec - ---E- - r ,:i -!r'<l ASI#1/ REVISION: A"e*{ abt?b GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY vlll rssoctltEs. ING. vAlL coL-0R^00 D..4.t? q s $ lr F -t--t/ tt ?/tl r0ll $c L41 .,"- r[ 8lr ---Tr 99 nt.{ ' tt6s e Eitrn "1.)' L d5oE:ggq. Fi ^. 0- K 5BE d e-1- I I 9! sl o GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY vlIL .(SSoCIATES. lNC. v^tl. CoLOR^DO REVISION: Jtr*1' 4lebn6 I.l No. 18O43f. $I o I z ,nv Iqd rI UQ Sticcc' t11b oz J z a5 t {Y UJI:II'-- t-d F =Q*tt LS z- t- >Y )l .i6 ;U5l t-@z e frT (L i..1'u^. na . o o6Itr. -qoi frq <5tu, (r lu Jii s{ $ 6' o' o . ..4- 6 .Q:.E d i{3u (Iq-o tl; +i()i I t f;.'4.6' j \* *li 3l 3< 5 o I f ) \ C \I) {' vn q tr! - . --c- {0,o :5 9q REVISION:\*aF9D i 420136 ,-. coLDEN PEAK BAsE FAcILITYa,-.--#4-,v/ V vrll ASSOcll'tEs. tNc v^lL COLOR^Do Ir No. 18O43.Shccc D..-1,l1qA flD aL --< $,l I ai)ai (;t )lilxll 'i ':i" (r | { tl OE 8S i od 9: ^;tu "9-- /,( 0/u; Ooea..l I.tsr i (l {l I .l (l I e9 i* .,.,5slrri !cd lt Fs! Uq : I qi hQ Oi |lF-l lr ,()'1 o b, aA e $ $ <,& r'd o9 d ..) J 1q o oI^ ir; OR q .: 'I)IIYo igd_ ddl,j /-- COLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY..-. -.'v v^JL lssoctrtls. ttrc. v^tL coloR^oo Sticcq ASI#?+ n\ REVISION: Aro t? oiI6 I tl 3q $ R . I I i I-T I \-/ j I I : 9; -i ! Eri 5E r ci,:i tf 5 E $r-s el G'-; Shccb ASI$ ffiza.-- REVISION: ,*4f\oD : {FGiq,( l* No. 18O43- Pi..cc Scgqbqg & fulocirE Arcf,ieo P.C. A.IT GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY - vlll ^-ssocr^TEs. lNc. vAlL cou)R^DO Drrru: o",.e,11e| 15 1 - ."-'n:- Pictct Scgqbqg & Artocirc Arcf,iccr P.C. ,LI*L GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY vlJL TSSOCIAIES. lNC. vArL COLOR^Do REVISION: *rp* q +lulqto t.r N- 18043.Shces ASI# 76 ?3 Dtru: D.4,11.4U N- c- H \0 hr di ttZ ^<l6 ---- \rf\La<lrul I sl '.. q 5\ 6l iI:I I : o o 1o o 9 q ui9o<. Hn. u t\c ctu 6 e9 *5q1 1$uE cr{!lx Fe UT q- ---rl - oq a 96u \f)c H -a \l -t --: $l q Sbcrs ASI#?7?w, Pi.:rcc S.$$qE& Artocir&. Arclicrrr P.C. A-IJL GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY YIJL TSSOCIATES. tflc. v^lL c0LoR^00 REYISION: futo. 4*i1r, )* No. 18043.. Drr*a: D.,4114U '' 1:'g\- +C X tu !i!itruJ. E5[ $6 @-! g -\) hJ tcl EJ : -,/ '')--. REYISION: *oo1? +iaoitQ GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY 11D€6 aJ(f, aJl ) !_ t/ | cw {'ltDt{E EL = 207'-0 Ndr TD --###++ BUILDING STONE BASE Pi.:.c. ScgEbq& Alociras Arclioctr P.C. .LI"L GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY - vrIL rssoctltEs. rrc v^tL coL.oRroo REVTSION: *!'9*1 4l2uqtr ]rr No- lao43..Shcci ASr*19 7la Drr-u: hqJl1'1C ; :"s>. it-, I I| /, \ -.a .. r1r,-_ 1.,A.,llL 'tL.t';t_ ._4F | ,tl I t-2-.4? /uru, tl 1i - L*'---r,z *.f n". ', l-a ., P,'-'/t"t i \-' ,(\ UT llTa'J 'Tb aJr, Ylll ffi Botc tltrT wT .r, . :?t, .: ) trri6) ftilu^') LtQltD N,P' \A1H*?ANL 9gAL A7 ALL PENzTRhliottS GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY vAlL r.sSoCtAfES. tNG. v^lL coLrRroo REVISION: r-.^+41yv , +!ac tTa 5 - *ta,+ IaOeER F. AP .L aS{b(l:rrc) car.4rl€R FLASsri€-l- il@t 16)'t- -l_ I ,1,,. O ralI ,"-"- - il_J*=**;;-[ I a^@ ca'{rER FLAS"|r<' I -a* -.--a;a_- a- 3t\::_::\iD:<\:) - 'r- aeC-a ' -- =:r:,\:<lxD eJrs.lJRFq.r.@teat6Eo 2-, *'1 /I GoLDEN PEAK BASE FAcILITY V vlft rssocllT€s. lNC. v^tl. coLoR^Do REVISION: Eillqb ?71 16) (oAYY I 2@',-ou 7'.-5 1/8'119,-1,, 3'-3" @( ' rl ,'ITY?C'9, f{.lil, It'-@,,1r-rr)ru ll\rE ll\\l|tlffi -1-lffiil ^sr*8? ,.A. GoLDEN PEAK BASE FAcILITY-a- V Yltt rssocl^t€s. rrc. v^t;. cou)Rroo REVISION: li^rr4q' : ,. N.- rs{x3.14 'hr' D€LETE,,C,,,, t\ tr\ qgLDEN PEAK BASE FACTLITY vlrl- lssocuTEs. Irc. vert_ coLotuDO REVISION: trpo#1 tol?b ,.. N.. r8O43.14 A 5u$r8d s$-0 3$E3 Eise ,a .{ t-1 g e 3 J$ =P /-t(p\\\ N# \"c@ Hls @ ...\ \ \ \, 1r'\-.l l ir. .'I \ :_;-7 ts l. {-l.T I-T*:r rts€s v \ \l .-7fl('l I b',*-* I e o-,2 ,, e-. elw-\ g\ b ts T, ,f I5 !> 2 E v $o E 3 { P v2 = Picc. Sqqbqg& Arcf,iactr P.C. A.IJL /A. coLDEN PEAK BASE FAcrLrr), -.-V Y^JL ASSOCI^TES. lrc. v^tL. CoLOR^DO Shccr I Asr *s4 -3t RE\|ISION: hco *1 : J. N. l8(X3.14 4}/ GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILIT}, V v^rr ^.socrrrEs. lrc v^rl. coLoR^Do REVISION: *to*1 , 41at 1? b Strccc ' I Asrt85 ?Ys ,.r r{.. 18043.14 a\.y I I i wt *, GoLDEN PEAI( BASE FAcILITYv"*ffi REVISION: ItPoFl au qb 7* Vail Associates, Inc. Vail, CO e(a 1 1 12 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO 80302 (3O3,t447-gZO2 4t /2t ?Q /lu 72/lt-r- 724 tA/o6v E+Se ail Associates, Inc. Vail, CO QK-7c o M M@ A R r S 1 1 12 Pearl Street, Boutder. CO gO3O2 (3O31447-g2O2 1'lz'V7t, ?!n -P)r-r.r76g4 Y/ T-I ail Associates. Inc. Vail, CO 4k- ec o M tt@ x R T S 1112 Pearl Street. Boulder. CO BO3O2 13031447-8202 ail Associates, Inc. Vail, CO zL.q c o M tA@ A R r S 1 1 I2 Pearl Street. Boutder, CO gO3O2 l3}3l44t-a2)2 7.tr77b/t?45 4,/u 7Q ail Associates, Ing. Vaal, CO 4<-toc o M M@ A R T s 1 1 12 Pearl Street. Boulder, CO gO3O2 (3 031447-8202 orawn by: 4'/??e. FH,i* I I I J \'------- //4714 rV0k'r'766V ECA, GOLDEN PCAX AA c o M M@ A R r S 't 112 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO 8O3O2 (3O}1447_BZO2 Job No: 1560.Sheet: 6k-//Orawn bv:L,rVt7t6 0ats:t/r/v ?G (\ .. -\ \ .!\t '.\ /\ .\ \ ,.\/)r WC_. t'HiawqTa. 2//2tty lrQt fyTfPcZ Ee# //t / \'-'- -iu -amtt*__a&v.H 4A)^/@L, :t427 t6, 4rMtnhn/aj 1t/fuY'tt4n bafi GOLDEN penx ense Vail Associates, Inc. Vail, CO Job No: 1560. =_-Lrrawn oY: L t /7F/*?t. Sheet:/*-/2 c o M M@ A R T S l-l_L2 Bgellrqtreet, Boutder, CO 8O3O2 (3O3,i447-A2O2 Oato: Qt /zr l0 Vail Associates, Inc. Vail, CO 4-/7c o M M@ A R T s 1 1 12 Peart Street, Boulder, CO BO3O2 (3O3)447-B2Oz ?4/N@wqt 2 F-ea?t 4? ,Wuffi2 rnrrylL_, ,PA, W -7 W.. KpsZ Al'. -_ _'a0/c14,? Frz Vail Associates, Inc. Vail, CO 4k-/ 0c o M M@ A 1 1 l2 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO q9!e2 (3O3t447-8202 \ \- T-\l \ IT- \ \\ \ \ ry48/e coLDEN pEAK BASErffi c o M M@ A R r s 1 1 12 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO 8O3O2 (3O3) 447-8202 Job No: 1560.Sheer: 1.^/aOrawn by: b ftPr?'4g Date: 4'/z'qO "l+' \leenr^,- kfT+l YlyoLJa l:4te:z-r c- Orr llv',lrcu U" LAec'-\ tu_- Lr<. t+r Fvvae g 5'-t-o'' Aff 7z" Rvr-n Ya-tsgr: IMxre Fr.,'sr.') l,r.)cr-,r-> P*ar=--*: (t*ec*) Q " t Joci> BAe€ lbre: Errra*rr> {t1vy:l1- t t.=.ro€,4 lx-r o Bl:e /rr-:., ( eo.'t*t f r'lcc At *]c' . -\ Sgcdlo \r @ Cor-rr:,ox.r, ^-,t ,r,"i " 2.t') l+a<.luav loazrocc--Fy"*',e- ' €('----l--,- tn ail Associates, Inc. Vail, CO Job No: 1560.Sheet: h?/uc o M Nt@ A R T S l!_Lllearl Street, Boutder, CO 8O3O2 13C,31447-BZO2 Orawn by: E. etuvqt-?) 0ate:4,/7.qa -V.€l\rDTer4_f tBJ -0,ttr:e.al- ,t3''te" 6MrrCL€VED CAL \i l( ffiT70ro8- \ I \ I I I T I I I I I i -l I I t I I rl ll;l'il,\|\li 'l l:lI ta I--l T::l'ry*zEouq, I IU_'_hure,1| OLDEN PEAK BASE FT Vail Assogiates, Inc. Vail, CO a<-/qC C M M@ A R T S 1 1 12 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO 80302 (3031441-8202 ail Associates, Inc. Vail, CO 4k q+c o M u@ x R T s 1 1 1 2 Pearl Street, Boutder, CO gO3O2 (3 Cl31447-8202 Drawn by:I rr7/ort'*t . GOLDEN PEAK BASE Vail Assgciates, Inc. Vail, CO 6k 71c o M NA@ A R T S 1 I 12 Pearl Street, Boulder. CO gO3O2 (3O31447_g202 Drawn by:/ '/TVnrrtt wi /qq tl Gp-'-nA W4TrtrSto/E- Te ^?-,-_q, +/r./elr oE/r'/^/?F/xlTtrAg oULT /ltuu *nno, _Zg-m44 L<:e) Wzd<ir?w,?-a- GOLDEN PEAK EASE FACILITY Vail Associates, Inc. Vail. CO Job No: 1560.Sh6et "#-27C O M tt@ x R T S _1 112 Peart Street, Boulder, CO BO3O2 (3O31447-g2O2 Orawn by:/ ,fhbruq< . Oate:4,/7'4a .,-^-Druf lrftQ lr7aa. ,./ ,..;1/ " /t"( .. ,. ..1,....!. l/ai:,;;, _d7/'aa4r7a 2+s+'ff"4 /7u - p\ 44tr'{€ lz ae4 -m,&{ ilor t OLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY ail Associates, Inc. Vail, CO Job No: 1560. or"*^;-- / , rTo4,u r. Sheet: 4k-zuc o M M@ A R r S 1'l 12 Pearl Street, Eoutder, CO 8O3O2 BO3l447-B2Oz Oate:t/r/"t ?6. 5i,i,E'iiffizrtt* -t, ryevliz \,Z- rue€ ,//A c re44co*77 ztl \ \) Ee@/6rq/y a --.\l ?',, / GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY Vail Associates, lnc. Vail, CO Job No: 1560. 4K'24c o M M@ A R r s 1112 Pearl Street, Eoulder, CO 80302 $031447-9202 Orawn by:/,r/aru+t, Oate:.Qt/74@ ^thl lr --*', alIt1 GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY- Vail Associates, Inc. Vail, CO Job No: 1560.$- -r- ..1 h.4 ,.-/?/./ t/. ' \\ ac o M M@ A R T S - ' 1''2 Pearl Street. Boutder, CO BO3O2 tr;O3l447-g2}z Drawn bv:/ ;nfDM+1 o]'"4l/3:?. A ----€) GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY Vail Associates, Inc. Vail. CO Job No: l5tio.Sheer: &'?/C o M tt@ x R T s 1112 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO 8O3O2 3O3l44i-B2Oz Orawn bv; /.tftOtttts Oate:4,/7q e Series 1500 lros m lweeP{nPi. Series 2000 hos bp ond boltom sw€epshps on one sld€. rorf'G6{Erl STACKED : on inteqrol port of *re lono life ord sflooft ooerotion on dor.todr model uses {-rvhC tondem cooi*t on f'Pr 50 H.cYt Osrt :*udod AJon lrpo*d r fecared i F-rt"1li""r1-] I '"'L Jl(j'5d-' Stondord 10' . t7' Optio.lol AJI lzcr l"l"od,,ng poc ond z.vheel inrermediote corir€G I g.-21 . OC full wijth otne portrf'o.t, p(oviding o prop* distrihniar of y€ight h eosie, @erution. b?. 7l tlrudcd Aluafsrcd Ooly l)?. t6' tlocvf'ortt tlrudcd Aln wilr &'ibh 'C.i[og Sqlrr, Ipr lt il.ort Oi/tt Larudd ltlcr. wi* Ssith fCc-.{ soyt , OpaicEl A! Si:er Optiomlll $rer Opionol b30 r9' Sbndord All Sirer opiorol All Si&r Opaioool Al Sircr Oplidiol AI Si:cr Optto.rol All Sizer 5tondord A.[ Sizcr Nol Aloibblc I.lot Aroihhrle Nol Awiloblc Stondord AJI Sire! Opionol A.[ Sircr Soll 8conng *itt' l$,bn freod l*' 9€.1 Eoll &oring wrrh Ny'od lreod llt' Sh.l Soll Beoring wiltr Nylo.1 l..od lr ' Sted Boll Scoring wrth Ny'or lreod l_lz1/' hz/t/urrcuze Era65 aaab nxr-aeag^l pfu{2nno\/. 77PE 7/ TPr+CE / re4aef FO*e .z1ereC F/nt/5// 474tr ?rh^tt / a/a{/ try </ 2E€ GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY Vail Associates, Inc. Vail. CO Job No: 1560. "K-(-o rvt M @ A it l\T 5 1112 Peart Street, Boutder, CO qO3O2 (3O3)447-8202 Drawn by: l,fh6fl,t/fs O ate;4 /2'?c. JAX CHEMICAL COMPANY 78-l I 25rth Stree! ftor.t pr.k, Ny I l@4 or8) 147{057 F.x (914) 6684490 JAX CHEMICAL COMPANY CATALOG AND PRICE LI5T (Eft.<tirc oylmb.r t. tE l) ALL.'AX METAL FINtSHtNG AND POLISHIN6 SOLUTIONS: . Produ<e auth€ntic, con!irtent reiulti.. Are lafe and eary to (]!e- . Requi.e no heat or elect.i<ity.. React within se(ond!-. Afe non-flammable. . Are wat€r ba$d.. Are tulv guaraoteed. Thank you for your idter€.t in JAX M.arter Metal Fiairhi.ng products. JAX metal.finirhing aod poliehilg lolutionr are uaed aad recommended bynunotoua liglfting Erturc Ealuf&brrers, arciitects ajrd crafumcn: t}lcv ar,c.€ary to u!6 rnd produce authcutic, cooli8tent re!ult6. Ifyou havc - aqcruorlal quclhon!, or want to tnlk about which ofour products i! rigtrtfor your applic.ation, write or call today lf you'rv-ould like b prepay, pleaae include i3.00 for cach pint and quarrend E4.50 for cach gallon to cover posrage and handhng by United iarcel 'On February 15, f993. Unit d partel Sewice raised its hazardous package surcharge to $8.00. This surcharge affects ev€ry package containing hazardous (corrosiv€) mate.ials. regardless of weighi or volume. The JAX producc that are affected by this UpS regu'iation are denoted with an astensk (r) in this cararoq. Sincerelv..^t 0/kfr<t*<**(r/ U Jacques Simons President, JAX Chemical Company '. itild il , S i ,S .. !,r ll\llvls Sl MASTER METAL FTNISHING SOLUTIONs BLACKENERS JAX SILVER ELACT(ENER'prod(X6-a dart. OtaCL ant,q|Je Ln6h on {rtve. and go.d)y.z> prnt . 147.50 ga on . i I r8 75 Z.s.gatton, . ,2J7.50 s-gdlton, OLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY ail Associates, Inc. Vail, CO Job No: 1560. c o M M@ A R r s 1 1 12 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO 8O3O2 3031447-g202 Drawn by: /,rvo/u s Oat€: 4't2'?0' ar April 5, 1996 ADDENDUM#8 to the DOCTMENTS OF CONSTRUCTION ISSIIED TO: All Plan Holders of Record c/o Weitz-Cohen Construction ComDanv FOR: 899 Logan St., Suite 600 Denver, Colorado 80203 Golden Peak Base Faciliw Vail, Colorado Architect's Project Number I 8043.00 Pierce, Segerberg & Associates, Architects: Tom Mayhew 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 ISSUED BY: ATTENTION: Drawing List: CA, CB, C!, C2, c7 , cg , cg, cl-o, all a fa1 -t\-J_O, WL I , LI6, Ul_y. Page I SeSerb€.8 & Associates Arhirecrs. PC.,At,{ Marn Office 1000 5. Frontate Road W Varl. CO 8 t657 fox:979 476 46O8 phone:970 476 44)3 One Tabor Ceoter | 20O Seventeenrh 5L Suite 515 Derver: CO 80202 fox: 3Q3 673 2761 phone:303 621 ll55 This Addendum #8 in its entirety shall modify and become a part of the contract Documents: ALL parts of the original drawings dated l/19/96, and Project Manual dated 1/22/96. and previous Addenda #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6 and Addendum #7 dated 3/ll/96 shall remain in full force with the followins revisions incorporated. l. Civil Drawings: 30" x 42" blueline reproductions of the original drawings dated l/16/96, are hereby reissued with revisions dated 4/5/96 for incorporation into the Construction Documents (see drawing list below). ca, c4, c5, C54, C6, l'.|1 1uLr, er2, ul-J, c14, C15 .1.|\c20, c2L, c22, C23 , C24 Summary of Addendum #8 Civil Revisions: 8 ll2" x I l" reproductions of the "Summary of Addendum #g Civil Drawings April 5, 1996" is hereby issued for information purposes only, and is not intended to become a part of the Contract Documents (p.l through p.6). APR J I F96 f:\prlgoldpcak\docs\addndm#8.doc J. 4. ). 6. Page 2 Civil Supplemental Information 8 l/2" x 11" reproductions of "Civil Supplemental Grading lnformation, C-ASI#I" and "Temporary Bus Turnaround, C-ASI#2" dated 4/5196, are hereby issued for incorporation into the Construction Documents. Landscape Drawings: 8 l/2" x 14" reproductions ofLandscape Supplemental Instruction Drawings dated 4/5/96, are hereby issued with revisions to the original drawings for incorporation into the Construction Documents (see Drawing List below). Drawing List: IJ-AS1-1, IJ-ASJ_-2, L-AS]_-3, L-AS1-4, L_AS1_5 1,,-AS1-5, IJ-ASL-7, L-ASI_-9, L-AS1-9. Landscape Site Modifi cations : 8 1/2" x I l" reproductions of"Landscape - Addendum #g, 4/ 5 /96, Additional Site Modifications" items 1., 2., 3 ., 4., 5., 6., 7., are hereby issued for incorporation into the Construction Documents. Summary of Addendum #8 Site Revisions - Landscape: 8 l/2" x 11" reproductions of tJre "Summary, Golden peak Addendum #8, L-AS I series: Site Revisions" is hereby issued for information purposes only, and is not intended to become a part of the Contract Documents. Structural Drawings: 30" x 42" blueline reproductions of the original drawings dated 12/28195 - Structural Concrete Package, sheet numbers 54 and 55, are hereby reissued with revisions dated 4/5/96 for incorporation into the Construction Documents. Architectural Drawings : 30" x 42" blueline reproductions of the original drawings dated l/19196, sheetnumbers M3, A2.4, M.5, M.6,All.l, are hereby reissued with revisions dated 4/5/96 for incomoration into the Construction Documents. 8. f:\p4lgoldpcak\docs\addndm#8.doc Page 3 9. Project Manual Specifications: Table of Contents Delete: Sections 02210 - Fine Grading, and Q2232 - Roadway Base Section 02519 Stone Paving Part2 - Products,2.03 DrainageBoard, A. Add: "Mirafr", 'JDR" or approved substitute. Section 03300 Cast in Place Concrete Part 2 - Products, 2.04 Concrete Mixes, Mix D for sidewalks, concrete paving and other exterior concrete. Add: "Maximum water-cement ratio to be 0.45. and a minimum of 5olo entrained air." Section 07113 Modified Bituminous Sheet Membrane Part I - General, 1.01 Summary, A.,2. Revise to read: "All horizontal to vertical building elements exposed to weather. Extend waterproofing 12" minimum at tle horizontal surface and24" up on the vertical surface (behind finishes) or as indicated. Section 07120 Fluid Applied Waterproofing Add section 07120 for fluid waterproofing at Condo decks and planters, grade level and below grade applications for: a) Level 207 and 219 horizontal exposed areas over occupied spaces, at decks, terraces, walkways and b) Underground Parking Garage walls and roof. Acceptable Manufacturers : l. American Hydrotech, Inc. Monolithic Membrane MM6l25-FR (215 mils) fabric reinforced, hot applied for horizontal areas. For vertical surfaces, Liquid Membrane 6090V. 2. QSC Products, Quaker Construction Products, Inc., QSC-500-R System, hot applied, horizontal and vertical surfaces. 3. Alternate: Please provide pricing for the following alternate: Two (2) layer Bituthene system by WR Grace for Plazal horizpntal areas over occupied space. This does not include the underground parking garage walls and roof. Section 07130 Bentonite Waterproofing Delete section 07130 in its entirety. Section 07240Exterior Insulation and Finish System Part 3 - Execution, 3.03 Installation, A. General Add to A. General: "Provide 4" Dryvit Lamina Backwrap, minimum, where the termination of EIFS occurs near or below grade to close off the termination." f:\prj\goldpcak\docs\addndm#8.doc Page 4 Section 07531 Elastomeric Single Ply Roofing Past 2 - Products, 2.03 Accessory Materials, B. Delete: "Roof Walkways" , 24" x 24" concrete pavers. Section 07577 Traffrc Deck Sealant Part I - General, l.0l Summary, A., Concrete Sealer Delete: " 1.a. New concrete traffic topping inside the Parking Garage". " l.b. New concrete slabs-on-grade, concrete paving, curbs, walls, islands and pour strips inside the Parking Garage and Condominium parking area. (Not including enclosed rooms). Section 07600 Flashing and Sheet Metal Part 3 - Execution, 3.04 Sheet Metal, B., 2. Revise downspout "@pper straps" to read "galvanized iron straps". Section 07610 Sheet Metal Roofing Part 3 - Execution, 3.02 Panel Installation, B. Revise to read: "General: Install metal roofing on Ice and Watershield in accordance with manufacturer' s recommendations and accepted shop drawings". Section 07720 Roof Accessories ParIZ - Products, 2.01 Roof Hatches, B., C. Revise to read:*B. Roof opening from Stair No. 2 to be custom size H.M. door and frame, (Door No. 501). Refer to Section 081 10."'C. Roof hatches at rooftop mechanical enclosures: BILCO "NB" series, custom size, 3'-0" w. x 4'-6"h paint bond galvanized steel." Section 08800 Glazing Pafi2 - Products, 2.01 Glass, C., Type Description Revise Type A to read: sections 08213 and 0861 l: 7/8 inch nominal thick- ness double sealed insulating glass, high altitude adjusted. Inside face 3/16 inch lamila1s6 "1.^.,1/2 inch airspace, ouside face 3/16 inch clear LOW-E; simulated divided lights and minimum acoustical ratins of STC37." / f:\prj\go ldpeak\docs\addndm#8.doc Page 5 Section 09200 Lath and Plaster Delete this section in its entirety. 10. Architectural Supplemental Drawings: 8 l/2" x I l" reproductions of ASI drawings (see Drawing List) dated 415196, are hereby issued for incorporation into the Construction Documents. Drawing List: AS#I, AS#2, AS#3, AS#4, AS#5, A5#6, AS#7, AS#8, AS#9,ASI#IO. All ottrer terms, conditions and instructions of the Contract Documents remain unchanged. NOTICE: Receipt of this Addendum must be acknowledged in your bid. All bidders shall list the following on a cover letter included in their proposal: "We acknowledge the receipt of Addendum #8 and have included all associated items in the following proposal." END OF ADDENDTIM #8 f:\prj\goldgcak\docs\addndmf 8.doc ^ -. t..-_ -a SUMMARY GOLDENPEAI( CIYTL I'RAWTNGS ADDEIYDI]M#8 APRIL 5, 1996 Shcct CA 1. Deleted reduced speed ahead and reduced speed signs 2. Trucks entering highway to be black on orange. 3- Added 'T.Io Setvices" At Goldeu Peak signs. 4. Extended orange ski area boundary fencing. Sheet CB L Added r€quirement for lighted barricadcs for overnight road closures, Sheet Cl I . Note that mounhin closes revised to April l5ih. Sheet C2 No changes. Sheet C3 1. Note 4. Silt fence revised to state that all sediment coutol structures shall be inspected clcaned and repaircd within a day ofa storm occurrcnce. 2. Provided a detail of drainage ditches to be constructcd. . 3. Sedimentationpondswctru.dimensioned/sized- 4. Provided a detail of the siltarion bermVstaw bales using an inlet stnrcrure. 5. All inlets being used as siltation berms and detention ponds outlets should be covercd with a filrer fabric. 5. Showed the o<tension of the silt fence to cover all grading at the Children's Center Parking lot. 7. Provided a diversion ditch above the top of the cut for the building per Scctions W-W, Sheet c4. r,l E' Added detail for mud tracking con&ol dcviccs. Providcd a noe and detail of the device and wherc it will necd to be used. 9. Provided a note on mud tracking, strcct sweeping, dust control and the nocessary means needed to address these problems on thc plans- I0. Thc note stating the erosion mntrol for the on mountain gnding revised to say sec Sheet C19 for limits. I | . The elcctric manholc is to be relocatcd. 12. Noted that straw bales may not be required at cvory inlet, as shown per plau. Shect C4 l. Reviscd the location and providcd a derail of the deep well discharge point. 2' Note 10. it may bc appropriatc during the p€rformance of the utility runs in Vail Valley Drivc to use the existing paved parking lot as the detour route while thc work rakes place in Vail Valley Drive. 3. Added note t}at thc removal of the paving at the bus tumarouod at thc Children's Center caaaot take place until thc temporary bus fumalound has bcen instalted and not before Aprit 15, 1996. Shcct C5 l. Deleted Pl3. Added l2xl0xl2 tee. Added 40 LF 6" PVC to trench drain (Tl) at garage opcning. Addcd (Tl) (to dclete from Mechauical Plans). Increased En PVC from Pl3 ro P9 to 12'PVC. 2. A notc was added to consult Sheet L2 for information on trcc rclocation/protcction limits. 3. On the wcst property line, added a smell swale. 4. Deleted 120 LF and added 30 LF of wall drain on the condo court. Added contours and spot elevations. 5. Arrows for the wall drain on the east side of the parking structure entry revised to drain in a different direction. 6. Thc walk area between thc restaurant dcck and the stairs to the skicr drop off plaza rrere slightly revised. 7, Note l0 added to have approval by the Town of Vail. 8. Thc abandoned existitrg storm sewer at the Children's Center should either removed or filled and plugged. ?' ?' 9' A note was- added to statc that pdor to forming the concretc for thc bus tumarouud, the Towni of Vail will be notified and will bring a bus irito the area to eDsur€ t}e dimensions of the turnaround do ueet the requirements of thc bus. Sheet 5A l- Provided a legend for the paver pattern. 2. f'he 4' concrete Pan at the Children's Currcr parking lot exit was labeled. 3. Dcletcd the pan at thc Manor Vail south enty. 4. Provided lighting and irrigation conduits to the Manor Vail nonh entrv. 5, Added 4'ABC below 6,,concrete pavemenl 6. Added l/2'(for a total of 3 l/2,,) depth FIBp ro pedestrian parhs. 7. Sized the pan for the condo entry to be 3' wide. 8. Provided detail of Manor Vail pcdestrian curb cut. 9, Cladfied what the note match existing curb means- t0. Added note that the west Ramshorn sidewalk is to have fibermesh, as well as alt Vail ya;16, Drive curb. gutter, Pans, and sidewalk. Fibermesh is not required on the Golden peak exposed concrete - weldcd wire mesh is required on site sidewalks. Sheet C6 I' Added note that all road cuts will need to be coordinated with Larry pardee (Town of Vail Public Works Department) and requirc a public way pcrmir to perform- 2' Addcd note to dig uP existing water service, nemove corporation stop and replace with plug (requires shutring off main). Sheet C7 l. A note was added to reference Sh€€t Cl9 on remaining notes. 2. Note #6e was delcted. 3. Note #9 (sontact and phone number) was changed, Sheet C8 l. Slightly lowered aad slightly raised some subdrain inverts. 2. Added 4 cleanouts to subdrain svstem. ?,3 3. Added subdrain cleanout dcteil. 4. Changed notes on interior subdrain deail and Section e_e to norc: -6" gravel under concretc slab bctwccn column lines I to 12. -E" gravel undcr concrete slab between column lines 12 to lt, and Mirafi 140N. -Added pop-up daail. Shcet C9 l. Reviscd numbcr of popupa to 25. 2. Added t cleanouts to subdrains. 3. Added note about 8r dgth underslab gravel with Mirafi l4oN. 4. Added or equal Miradrain 9000. 5. Slightly lowered subdrain at 3 locations, Sheet Cl0 l. Miscellaneous changes madg however, Entire paqe Not I_p Contact. Sheet Cl I I. Deleted 135 LF of r*aining wall near proposed Chair #6. 2. Revised Children's Ceutq west sidewalk. 3. Gnding to be rcvised to delete construction of the Mill Creek storm sewer. 'fhe existing channel is to remain. Sheet Cl2 l. Eutire page deleted from rhe contract. Sheet Cl3 I. Deleted PI3. 2. Lowered grade from Pl6 to p9 from l_44Vo to _7y. 3. Lowercd invcrt of P9- 4, Revised T1 on storm sew€r table. Y,+ Shect Cl4 No changc. Shect CIS No changc- Shcct Cl6 No change. Shest Cl7 l. Dcletcd tnrncated domes on the handicap namp,2' i:1fftr1"f.11ft'ffJ:$e1-:-ff# concrcte curbs, waus, ramps and pans on viuage J. provideil a 4, conqete pan detail. Sheet Cl8 |. Providcd a notc thet thc prccast couqEte boxes are rcinforced. Sheer Cl9 l' Provided minor clarifications- Added berm to opening in silt fence to keep nrnoff frorndraining down road - offsitc erosion control Sheet C20 No changes at tlis time. Sheet C2l No changes at this tirne. Sheet C22 No changes at rhis time. Sheet C23 l' Notes addcd that the Ramshorn sidewark is to be 6' widc incruding the 6,, curb. 7,/ Shcct C?4 1. Has been completcly revised: The bus sheltcr is moved wcst to minirn iz-c retaining walls . Vail Valley Drive has beenrealigncd fiom centerline statiqn 2Gf50 to the end of construction to al-gn with firturc roadwotk and to minimize retaiuing walls. Notes clarifring work rcquired to the e1fu{ag fi6hydrant and linris of grading have becn added. The w-alk at th.iuspullout has beenmodified to t' wide aud all road grading has rcrnained identical ti-"rfuinat subminal plan. ?,b t. l ---=--"'/ '/ '%/t ,/ oo'/ ."fl7'/P)/' / ^E/, @ ( \ < 9EF -ER:-6 EBg - -C d. -z 6 t\ / "'^'"*'l *z'=--j- SCALE: 1" -- 20'Aporpp s GOLD EN PEAK BASE FACILITIES SrJPPLEMENTAL GRADING AND DRAINAqE PLAN u*lr+F ./-.*--_ Et e- EE ^t€a lErEr l5lUAE*E l>qrEl lrtilat cgr:El ,a, t3r It. 3>r.na c\or.od l.tltit!!, ltarljtj t{ (rtti ara,l5.t / \r'i J!) rz -\D /\ ( ,.\l \\t/\l -/ X,.} :! _j-) \iX(\ Li- t)oi ,/i=-/k ffi. \i> i-{liluI Ul f;s oO}a'c! t I'I € \- Nn1\0{\ 'J\a t-- SUMMARY GOLDEN PEAK ADDENDUM #8 L-ASI SERIES: SITE REVISIONS DESIGN WORKSHOP. 4-5.96 L-ASI Sheets & Narative LASI-I Overall site revision plan. All following site revisions are called out on this plan. This plan does NOT reflect ttre following changes, and is for reference only. LASI-2 Revisions at Apres Ski Terrace 1. The planter along the back of the Ski Tenace has been deleted. With this deletion, all associated electrical outlets and site lighting in tlle planter has also been deleted. 2. The back wall of the Ski Terrace now has a handrail. Refer to section on L- ASI-3. 3. The steps on the east side oftle Ski Terrace have been deleted 4. The pedestrian gate on the north end ofthe Ski Terrace has been deleted. LASI-3 Section through revised back Apres Ski Terace wall. LASI-4 New 18" stone base to be added to site walls 1. This detail is to be added to the wall surfaces called out in L-ASI-5. This stone base does NOT replace any instances where stone has been specified for the full surface of a wall on previous drawings. This condition should match the sarne condition on tle base of the building, with tie exception of the 18" height. LASI-5 Location plan of new 18" stone base LASI-6 Removal of wall east of lift 6 l. This wall has been removed in its entirety. Although conceptual grading is shown on tlis sketch, all final grading information should be taken from the Civil Engineering drawings. LASI-7 LASI-8 LASI-9 Re-alignment of wall west of lift 6 l. The portion of this wall that runs south toward the mountain will conflict with the existing headwall that is to remain. To remedy this situation, the wall should be rotated the MINIMUM amount to allow room for the wall footing without damaging or interfering with the drainage ditch headwall. The angle of rotation of the wall will be determined once the headwall can be accurately located, and shall require approval in the field by the landscape architect. Rolled "Snow curb" to be added west of chair 6 wall 1. This snow curb does not replace ttre existing snow curb, but is to occur only in the location called out on L-ASI-1. Stone cap removed from wall between skier drop-off lot and Vail Valley Dnve. Landscape- Addendum # 8r 4/5196 Additional Site Modifi cations l. Stone removed from tread and risers of Apres Ski Terrace stairs- modifies detail 4, sheet Ll0. This stair detail shall now reflect a simple 6" rise by 16" tread, made of colored concrete to match adjacent paved surfaces. 2. Steps on north side ofChildren's Ski School are deleted. 3. Stone caps on all site columns shall be simplified to reflect a simple 4" thick flat sandstone cap. Modifies detail 3, sheet L9. 4. In all instances where an EIFS wall surface comes in contact with grade, or is below grade, provide 4" backwrap Dryvit Lamina around board edges. Refer to specifications, section 07420. 5. Replace paverstotres on west side of building with poured in place walk. Maintain 24"x24" pattern by using score joints. 6. Clarification- In all walks and paved areas with concrete unit pavers, handicapped ramps also are to be paved with concrete unit pavers. Handicap ramp details 1/L8,2lI-8, & 3/I-B detail the dimensions and layout of the ramps only. There are no special patterns or banding associated with the concrete unit paver handicap ramps, otler than the standard soldier course shown il detail 9/L8. Transition from walk to ramp surface shall be gradual so that a smooth surface is maintained with the concrete unit oavers. 7. Clarification- In all walks and paved areas with colored concrete paving, handicapped ramps shall also be paved with colored concrete, as detailed in l/L8, 21L8, &,311-8. tr ! I Lr \L-a_..J - ..1-- - llt ti )J { uli ^u; z J o-z a [! ac r r rtll Ir_<g)c) JA <pEl- TUF->oOz z a 2. LrJt L.',z E UJ tIJnZYo:-- z{ trr \h LtJlJr-{I>A t,,<Er. :_ra A A J cc C\I$ ^ JY a J lr- aolt aoo-(/),tz3ofr gF E:*< 8Hof rTFFtok $ -J rf c\lvJ E @r Ja TE N$ J tf olv J IT r'\qg aOiarEH =f g #I tr n t+ *g"5 ;tT = lv-"x l@ii 3fiHd J IT OJ$ oEcoRATIVE METAL RAIL TO STEP TO ACCOMMODATEFINJ S H G RAPE VARTATTONS (SEE PLAN) FINISH GRADE HIGH PoINT 1, STONE VENEER FrNrsHGRADE.VARI.ES I, PEDESTRIAN/.BI KE PATI{ 2Ee F^6r-1 ftoaeooc,r*8 L-Asr-3 alr/?o SITE VALUE ENGINEERING REVISIONS APRES SKI TERRACE WALL SECTION SCALE 314" = 1' - 0" EIFS SURFACE TO MATCH BUILDING FINIS!{ GRADEVARIES APHES SK{ TERRACE EIFS TOP OF WALL WALL- CONDITION VARIES, REF LAYOUT PLAT{ FINISHED GRADE. VARIES f<oor)ouq 48 +({ [xo L-ASl-4 SITE VALUE ENGINEERING REVISIONS 18" STONE BASE ON SITE WALLS SCALE 314" = 1' - 0n STONE CAP- VARIES WITH WALL CONDITION '.THICK STONE CAP TO MATCH CONDITION AT STONE BASE ON ARCHITECTURE ,TELLURIDE DARK' STONE FACIA TO MATCF{ OTHER SITE WALLS AND ARCHITECTURE NOTE: MORTAR JOINTS & ALL OTHER DETAILS OF 18'STONE BASE TO MATCH ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS 77c e ---- ----\\\ '(f , I I [. lli illl r\\i\ t II.2 'li l I I I Irl \\'. /f I .tt \\\ \. tlJ(tooJ o co f() 3oz U) JJoG A3' u)uJ>z "tPra ip 2b $$ fiF* $ff# Y6 J li UJ(r t' UJa co uJzoFa /A t-/ -'- Ats6H FFxu)wa) UJD@6 6x H"' H:' :\J@F LIFT HOUSE /2to ,' -:'-- -t-:- - ,t -- ---- \i rt'l - ] --.- .,t \ 1\ zoa.1*\ I zaE - 7te- - -_z,z _ LIFT 6 +oepovun*B L_ASf_6 +F lq? sIf_E VALUE ENGINEERTNG REV|S|ONS LIFT 6 RETAINING WALL SCALE 1" = 20' ,.1 871+ PREVIOUS WALL LOCATION BUS SHELTEF/ LIFT HOUSE NEW WALL LOCATION EXISTING HEADWALL ], NI ll I ii /<vpeilvo r\+ I L-AS!-7 +/rl?Q SITE VALUE ENGINEERING REVISIONS REALIGNMENT OF CHAIR 6 WALL SCALE 1" = 2O' NEW ROLL CURBl DAY LODGE FINISH GRADE 4ltl tl -lulItE =ilft=ilil SUB BASE UNEER CURB TO MATCH CONDITION AT OTHER SITE CURBS . SEE CIVIL DMWINGS AND SPECS tQPgl;orJ ^&8L-AS|-8 4[S[q6 g|]..E val=uE _E Ngt N EER| NG REVIS IONS FqH__ggBEg ARRIVALPL/Z.N rrlr Acbess RD.SCALE 1 1/2" = 1"- 0" TW 196.5 1" X1'REVEALALL SIDES ROUGH SANDBLAST FINISH CAST lN flace corucRETE WALL - COLOR TO MATCH CONCRETE PAVING qglc_RETE CURB AND GUTTER _ REF. CIVIL DWGS. BFI qIBUCTURAL ENG|N. DWGS. fqnf_oolNc AND ne r ruronCrM SCHEDULE NOTE: THIS DETATL MOD| FtES DETAIL ZLg *o"u'')'\&8 L-Asf_e 4l€ 116 Q ! rE _vaL_u_E_ ENG| N1E E R I NG R EV I S I O N S QKT.EBDROP oFF aARRieF wALt'-SCALE 3/4" = 1' - O" =ot- _r( i$$ \JTf i{. -] F\LI $-P_\- 1r _lo Frl !TrL\y o-5.s?a RE rt r0 n* .I c X .5zi$\ s K-ti Aau tr E ol ul s n2q.g to r{- c3 2o o- 6 lrl?, vl FT $s n\U -T\\\ = a_ \ 0_ =\) -:v i.( --l , Pi.tcc I 1scacr6qg6c I i Alocirtr Il&rriccr I lP.c. .it.IJL I -l- /a, cotpEN pEAK BAsE FAcrlrry -.-l/ yll rssoci^TEs. lfic. v^rL cor.oRrDo REYISION: ADDENTX'M fA J.r N.- 14043.14 Shc.c ASI #1Elcrar t te 4/S/L996 1> d_) I II I I I ) I I i I I I I I I I I I I T I I t- I Pi€cc ScgqSc.g & Alr.odrtr &clib.rr P.c. LIJ- I GOI,DEN PEAK EASE FAC.ILITY&vAtL lssoct^TEs. lNG. v^tl. croton^oo Dr.c 4/5/L996 $\l \9- |<lq-l A-l+-l \$l $ls -Zl ,-ottlt !J -- c\, 1) rts|sat- I /-T-\(, 1)\l_-/ 4.-------t\r-r qq+_ 4,%l/\dt +1'4 4N- su_ A v_ { *b Fr =n i- Y_.-ae $r- Lx\ll! --t ^t--f. RE\IISION:Pic.cr Scgqt<{g & Ar.d.&. P.c. iLL{- F d_FLKd' .oF? l-t4J:ry? lDr.cc 4/5/1996 /} GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY'-.v/ - - V vrJL rss'(rctltEs. r{c. v^rL cotaR^oo :-Y o:_ s_ U a_At- u) 0- U $-oL.o \)o: s- o E$. f 1- lr- o t- Lo a\-r .l =- lr- -ils GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY J FI.. k r_ P - REVISION: itll--J Sbccc ASI #4 Pictcc S€qb<tt& ArcCrs Acf,ibcrr P.c..iLI[ +vltr lssoctltDs. rrc. vr,rt- cotoft^oo ' lDrre, 4/5/1996 | /- | -i- l-aril .,S Tt;$tr NE .-\ o- .a -fi A_ qr 3 \t A lI -th 0_aei h-$F:Ij\ i--rili*-9is f,; .$t{ slr-+- |r- r-f]LIFv_l il_st+t- I/-I-\(t) \_/ a4+'ol +a+Vtatw? GO.u)EN PEA( EASE FACILITY Yr.tL rssoctltts. txq vrt|- coulR^DO+N: Ma8 4prcD\" sio\E c ? (Da1or.-to1 ,L az'' tr' Y lof e ru, '?)'t4orte FAllN& ?f"Wo"-toff ltJel 9v-/r-) Tcf.4 ('c, afl?\ 7/r|r 'Q" o/s 7'c' \'-d' llot.("7JoN7 y2 Afa*r, at^?Aa€ la|,|-dl (t\nka a< "cr'owtttrzl,-d'tO r' ()-b,' L. (a?AIL t q,!, ffixa' (.- tN(4 fo ,l 1..{rl: "-t?il Xil -\n 7,c, ,elYh Ib*flt''oH nIV,FFAflH6 d%ncr+ e ffi7 EFrT.i lPi-cc I lscgttc<rg& | lArrocuer I lAlchicctr I lP.c. iLr.L I -- +GOLDEry PEAK BASE FACILITY vlll TSSOCI^ITS, !rC. vrlL CoLOt^Oo RET'ISION: ADDENDOi{ ,8 ,- N.. t8{X3.14 Asr#6 | Drrru Dre, 4/5/1996 o tsg FS.JlB Eti \\ 2 E&.A - 9 ,;L q t. <. \ $$ s Z(o- J q &c- U0: oo q( J ..; 0: $s.a- .Tg: $a'tJ* c I Reu,seDi l0 - s6 i4 s\ Pi.{cq Scf$<rE& .{raocfuer Artlicdr P.C. LI..L GOLDEN PTAX SESC FACILITY vlrl. rsstctl.?ts. rrc. v^tL coutn^oo REVISION: ADDENDUH 68 J"r No' 18(X3.1tt Sb€cc ASl#7fltrrn: thcz 4/5/1996 Ne^ve^$q@oo?e4 2/. ^'u ,t&e%ft qa\te =ry.-E7//v//.:--.///-.,s//a.!(o"WltlSotkH %qtars+r@ wKE J1t4F1 lQpt Z*xu /ttJC Ll ,/tal€|,- #r,rctLtqltJ-g,riA. A)%J 7W woL DQ*o,s w*(&w@Ftpb Ee.tal. /l//ETtfP Ee /uT41a6P ,l/r' 1p16g.n*N kPJhCENf wAT4- Y€drr't(q. 4e)\ol\J *w$G bust-+xl LlruE .4. nEepee.u Q9) +(, , Lryrtar-\ H g AT {i o ?\rnl N< GOLDEN PEAK EASE FACILITY+vt.Il rssoclrtEs. rxc. v^tL clurRaDo Sb.d ASI#8 Ln,t \ ,4.iT1 t l+'|ot(*.J&l'l u4LL ?ot?tb'z ---i- Pi.r,cc ScAqbqE& Arradlc. Arttrib<rr P.C. ]LLL +coLDEN PE4,K BASE FACTLITY vlll r.sSOCflTES. !tc. v^rL CoU)Raoo RD9ISION: ASI#9 ovEE t*alv fD PBa FG_9tvoctr'.cE: trD = ZveN DFD = Zv^t eo.z&1. ett\ +."t )fi, ,}€.,v\7 .21. n,.t ---.--_2 2./r rtrt 4 flob9 GOLDEN PCNT ENSE FACILITY vllL tssoorEs. tnc. v^tL cotoR^DO Shc.f ASI#10 REVISION: 'l March I I, 1996 ADDENDUM #7 to the DOCUMENTS OF CONSTRUCTION ISSUED TO: FOk ISSL]ED BY: ATTENTION: All Plan Holders of Record c/o Weitz-Cohen Constnrction Company 899 Logan St., Suite 600 Denver, Colorado 80203 Golden Peak Base Faciliw Vait Colorado Architecds Project Number I 8043.00 Pierce, Segerberg & Associates, Architects: Tom Mayhew 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 P;crEc. SeFrbcrg & Alro<iater Arditc<rs. rc_ At.c, t ach Ofi<clm 5. Fro.trrgc Ro.d W V.it, CO 8t657 b':97O 1761@ pt'.,rJ 91O 17 6 a,,lJ Onc Tebor Ccotcr l?m S6,..r..ith Sr sdr.5t5 D.tt\cr: CO m202 fox n) 623 2262 tro€: lO3 623 3355 This Addendum #7 n ir entirety shall modify and become a part of the contract Documents: ALL parrs of the original drawings daied r/19/96, and Project Manual dated l/22/96. and previous Addenda #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, and Addendum #6 dated 2126/96 shall remain in full force with the followins revisions incomorated. Electrical Specifi cations : 8 l/2" reproductions of Division l6 - Electrical (revised electrical specifications) are hereby issued in its entirety with revisions for incorporation into the project Manual, Core and Shell / G.M.P. Package, dated2/26/96. Architecurral Drawing : 30" x 42" blueline reproductions of sheet 42. l, dated 3/ll/96, are hereby reiszued witl revisions for incorporation into the Construction Documents. Landscape Drawings: 30" x 42" bluelile reproductions of sheets L4 and L9, dated 3/11196, are hereby reissued with revisions for incorporation into the ConsEuction Documents. l. a f lplj\goldpeak\do cs\addndm#?. doc 4.Civil Drawiags: 30" x 42" blueline reproducrions of the original drawings, dated1116/96, are hereby reissued with revisionslated 3/l t/91 forincorporation into the Construction Documents lsee Orawing tistbelow). Drawing List C1 , C2, C3, C4, C5, C5A, C5, C7, CB,c9, ct-o , c11, Ct-2 , c13 , C14, C15 , c16 , crl ,c1g, c1g, c2o, c2L, C22, C23, c24. Clarification Request CR #46: ! ll2" x 11" reproduction of June lZ, lgg5 Letter from peter Monroe P.E. to Zimkor Industries, Inc. is hereby issued foraddition o sheet 56, ,,General Notes", for incorporation iato theConstuction Documents (see Attachment .A'). Strucurral Cl arifrcations : 8 l/2" x I l" reproduaion of Addendum #7 clarifications from Monroe & Newell Engi_neers, Inc., including Item I ., Item 2:, Item 3: (see Attachment'B') is hereby issued for incorporation into the Consfiuction Documents. Architectural Drawing: !l?" * 11" reproduction of partial sheet A13.53, Main lgy.1 Reflected Ceiling plan - Unit #5 - Level 2 I 9, dated 3/ l t/96, is hereby reiszued with revision for ilcorporation into the Construction Docum ents, (see Attachment .. C"). Architecnral Drawing: 8.ll/' x I l" reproduction of partial sheet A9.1, Door Schedule,d"ted3/ll/96 (see Attachment .D,), is hereby reissued witl revisions ro Door #lio,#194,#186, #182, Ci tS for incorporation into the Construction Documents. Civil: 8 l/2" x I l" reproduction of "Co-*unication Record" from AJpine Engineering, dated 3lll/96 (see Attachment .E,), is hereby iszued with revisions for incorporation ilto the Construction Documents. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. f :\prj\goldpeak\do cs\addndm#7.doc .a" rt All other terms, conditions and instructions of the Contract Documents remain unchanged. NOTICE: Receipt of ttris Addendum must be acknowledged in your bid. All bidders shalllist the folowing on a cover letter included in their proposal: "We acknowledge the receipt of Addendum #? and have included all associated itens in the following proposal.,, END OF ADDEI.TDUM#7 t\prj\goldp eak\docs\addnde#?. doc \l.il, Coloritdo D<rv<. Q>L:.rdo Mornoe & IVevrell tsCein<:;r.r lrf- I ATTACHMEiNT'A' I Juoc 12, 1995 Zinrkor Induslries, Ine. PO Box 1005 Littlctoq CO 80160 Ath: Mr. John Qrrinn Rc: Eikhorn Lo<Ige (M&N #533) Gentl,.mcn: shop drawiugs on the project a- Reviewed by yoru firm, along b.Sclcctcd by you as Fras:,cd Conncctions per Table II and reviewcd by us- c. Desiped as au altcrnate typc ion by yoru firm with sbmpcd calculations for our revicw. 3. Beam cnd rcactions which cxcccd thc ity of Framcd Bcasr Conncctions 8162(l . <3or) 949-776tr. l;^x (.30-l) 949-405{0048 E. B<:avqr (:re<k Blwd. . Sultc 101 - P. O. lt()i 1597 - o ff ;rou:.rr'; iuly ;q.rfestions or comnnqr:s; pjtusc Veg" urriT Yours, MONROF & NEWELL ENGINEERS, NC. Pcter I'fonroe, F,E. Principai cc: l4s. Arrnc Felhucr, ?*brcsau,J As$<rcircs Mr- Jon McKee, GE Johnson Ccrutrpiinn I I f I TOTR- P.A3 Dcn.,qr, Colorado vall, CoboSo Morlroe & Newell Engincers, Inc. ATTACHMENT IB' Addendum No. 7 Project Goldco Poak Projcct No.: (M&l,l#2790) Date: March 11..1996 To: Pierce Segerberg Archirecs Atq: Mr. TocoMayhew l00O South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Itcm l: ,, Item 2: Item 3: Onrdrawing Sl, planter walls at Grid J-5.5, Refer ro Section l/S t2 for concrete'retaining walls or Section zs l2 for concrete masonry rctaining walls. On drawing 56, Refer to the attached letter (from the Elkhorn projcct) regarding clarification of the steel conneitioo design responsibilities. On drawing S3G, the concrete rc1:iniag walls north of Grid K-12 have bccn rcplaccd with a concreie retaiaing wall at thc lowest level and two boulder walls above. The footing size and rcinforcing for the lower wall shall bebased on aretained earth height (rc: scction l/slz) equal ro the actr:al height plus 2'-0". l6dO Sere.nrcenrh Sr. .: FAX (lOJ) 625:F :I ii Suirc l0l - Dcnvcr. Colorzdo 8O2oZ. (303) 6Zj_4g27 - , 602 I |D\Y I I ATTACHMENT'C' 'ednac@ Oartzrl PZA,<-/ - //('//7-5 -ZerEz- -l z ? @ @ I I Iio I mAt,t/ /EU, 3-t-lu ATTACHMENT'D' 3nv96 ADDE}IDUM #7 DOORS: #170 - Locker Room #l4l DoorMaterial: wood Detail / Head: l0 simitar. STATD H Finish: Type: Jamb: Rating: #184 - Hall #169 #186 - 3'-0" x 7'-0" x Door Material: l0 l-hour I 3/4" (pah) H.M. painted G H.M. painted 6 similar 6 l-hour | 314" H.M. painted E H.M. painted 6 similar 6 l-hour Remarks: Fire rated magnetic hold open. Finish: Type: Frame Material: Finish: Detail Head: Jamb: rating: #187 -3'0" x 7'-0" x Door Material: Finish: Type: Frame Material: Finish: Detail / Head: Jamb: Rating: #l l9 - Delete f:\prj\goldpeak\&cs\attacnd.doc IALPIIVE#==ATTACHMENT'E' COD,OTUMCATION RECORD 'te/Pt/3. Ad E, a2t .tI : r.rlr@Jzuq,l zt /ia,,e s/a4 v, th, ,r/7ra/t -rb /,( hi{ s/o tt/ P.O, 80r 97. Eowards. Cotorado I | 632 .303€2&.3373 . FAx 30392&390 . lrjofe Added +D tzl c3 r cQ ,c5 rcb t c7 , cB, cro r cll Ct{o, LZorCZl zter ca \o UNDISTUREED GROIJNO )R FABRICATED SILT FENCE q \ \ \\l '.,\$*.: \ i"%- POSIS SIEEL OTHER T OR U N"E ORf HARDrooo.ftICe lrcvE{ wnE 14 1/2 cx 6.u^x. uEsH oPo.ilNC. FI.IER CLOJI+ NLER X. I.IIRM IOOX. STAB|UNKA n4ON OR eppnowo EQIJAL PREFABRTCATED UNIT: GEOFAB. O{VIROFDICf,. OR APPRO\€D EQUAL '4Ma.,tzttl ?3-// 'TO 2+' EJCH OJES t AJ.rt) N \N F-v DRI vAt t sro_rv ueMou 1ffitrn* whoro os necesdo -\- N--atri$. J6- U!1. IL}l(} ru) | UNOISTURBEO GROUND SECTION )R FABRICATED SILT FENCE ( *fEf ca\ __\_sr_ 0.Y7. \'Tc) 2+' EACr{ CHES ' t Alro N P6rS SIEE. 8fiER T OR u T.!PE OR2' HrRoYOOo.FArcA $ovot tltRq 11 1/2 cL 6- MAX UE$I OPD{NG. nLIER CtoJlt nLrER X. MTRAR ]OOX ST/€IUNKA N4ON OR ^PPRO\€DEOUAL PREFABRTCAIED UN|T: GEOFAB. AN\4ROFSICE OR APPRO\€D EQ{JAL I hQa,ga2aa 73-// 1., t\l' I a\ ---rr - 102.Jlrv S€ . 6,t.5 Sw - t9.6 YALIfY '$gffi Construc ffironee forr--id-qlse where os necegdor DRI STAEIUZED CONSIRUCTION ENTRANCE not lo rcoro q^c | 2neel \--lI EXIS]NG PAIAIB.IT EIRIH UOUNTAEIT SERU(o?n0|t|^t) STANDARD S]X,|8OL @ DOS]ING GROUNO PROFILE 50' ulN. DOSIING PA\€UO{T PLAN V]EW S TABILIZED coNSTBUCTtoN l[_t Tl0' _L sToNE SZE - us€ 2. CRUS{D SCRS{ED ROC(LETCTH - AS REOU|RD, 8uT Nor uss n#ii so rrr-tHrofiEss - NOI LESS rHAll sx (6) lNoiEs. T3T*;SJI|]-FooT ur'ruuv, du',r xor-riss lH^N 'rH. FULI lrorH ^r po{Nrs r\nER€ rNGnEss nLTEx ctorH - *ltr 8E Pllco ol6t IHE s{nRE AREA pRroR To pL onc oF sTo\re nlriR muSURFACE WATER - ^IL SJIif.]g: IATER FLOITIHC O? DI!€RTED TOW^RO CONSTiUCION DITn,rNCESil#t til,1efl lgr?,f;Jl. orrR^lrce -r prprHC'ri HpR^cnc^r_ e nor,,xir,srE eenu HD,-s; HxNTD{Afic€ - rHE SrRArql $^rr BE r,rlJNT,INED l! A_q,orgfnoN *rJror *u pRt}srr 'RAA.,N oR FLolflNc of sEDrusrr oryro puauCnrarn-#jil,r! nrs uri nEciurii Ffrroorc Top oRsssNitllH AD0lTlolllt sToNE As.coxoraoxi oaalro ruri'i_Ep,,,lR ANq/_oR cLEANour oF Arty uF,..sJREsuSrn 1q rR^p s€uu8.rr- 41 gouori serirb,-b-n6bpEo, r,aeJED oR IRAC€D 'NTO puEuc.3t.gl:-tr-y4y uusr BE norolo ru[eirlrj_y , '"' w sJrNc - wiEas s{l[ BE._odo-rii'haibve sDlu?q pRroR To sirR.A'cr oorTo puzucRr*rrs-oF-w^y- lr+r8'l wr$Nc 6ieauuro,n-sri+ 9e DgflE oN Alr ARFI srAs'TJZED $rTH_srqryF $0 lq,Htc}t oR^srs ryro-4r ,Peno\€D'si:DilEir lTupptNc DEltcEpE*@rc lNspEc'.,o{ Ar.ro NEDED UArxror*rceTi,rri BE PROVIDED AFrCR Ero{ RA,N. l. L 1 1. s H H F H H E i 9. January 1995 Bachclor Gulch Villa_qc _ Filine No. 3 ENTRANCE Tw TW 210. BW 209. TW 210.50 BYr 209.66 N."\/ Tyl Tt{ ZTFI6 21,,+.0 - 2l r.] ?14 a rl .{.0 '7.65 - DRAJN UBORAIN. /- +zo(.is r-rF Dn7 n I DAY LODGE NV-6al CONNECT TO BUILDING SJBDRAIN. IF %_ st(l G P€L,E 741 Aw counuwvg-rF.anl p7ant .t@cS \&FY tlCAnCri Cf PROFCGED xrT P4J X]X CNt D€SE PFC'I IO co{smrJcDo( L.cc^T|art v Y or^}lc€uI lo vrs.JA F;Ec|. rAf s Qoes i)aryZwrx--rF,e6,ae /"*;, FOR INLETS O\€R STRUCTURL - rw--7'i0.5= 207.0: - -nil ?{ FTE 207.0 - ----_----.\ . .t-- ..--- \ 1rry....---4frtr I c5 csT )^,', i FFE 194.0 4"1&lft]l sffi Tw a l/f ?10. bl'Y 2C9. TW ?10-50 BW 209.68 1'tEEe slYAt€ o zr l{N. sLeE AREA IHI.ET RIM-207.5 I rl . t' ./ ' -.:-. , 1j#, . rl.t I . DRAIN ,uBPRAIH. FOR INLETS O\€R STRUCTURE rf=710.3= 207.05 FTE 207.0. CONNECT TO EUILDINC S,JEORAJN. tE J {; $HN ''?-!4---z r:7175 tgfY L5c{!r}a cf PRcFccD '{LETP,rJ ifiH a.1 D,crl6 PFCR TO COrS-' F-|c tar( LE IPI Y Y'O{A}IC€ DUE l0 !rsrj,U- ttt.Bl rHlE Cro,Us, Da^ryLevr*.-r?,?e:.. Peq Aw it:,t' ,'..,:{tg {Fgi*; .1; ., -.* ({g:;' *: "/ '""n-^;3\.,..{ I '-r:\4'* eurxs ,"'oi* +zo(.is ,A)s' _ =tg r'-iEcq . nl'.j- cal a,1[iL]/ to a\\^$b 4,S No Fr ! I a I i -ra \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \, $ F .R sb$ I A 2 -l\l $ )f! I\!\I./t. s II € I nlt (J,\v trull(J,\9/ frrlrrrltIrrr IIIEI rlrri IIIIIII at o NJ ll .<F_ :IIIIITI I J Tq J r: q- = c-;t I ox Itr<I-; 3-'-UL' ) 5H> P-L;"=> (%L rsv z-150€5 14" PROM-DECK ORATN FOR ROOF IVIEMBRANE SYSTEM o vle, ',j'd IUtZI 966I-Irrt ZURN TAG A Mailtrrff7 aldd ia/4 de fa)/, Dlrnansbnr Sublcct b Mlnufrct rhg Tol.nncs, PIPE SIZE (spcdttr) - 2'hru 6'.8',10' - 2'thru4'.6' - f tuu 6'.8'.10'f lhru f,8'.1r fthru4' ENGINEERJNG SPEclFtc,tnON: zuRN Z.tsO-As 14. prorft Ded( dralr\ Durs4ost.d csst bon body wifi promanade ihamq perfonled sxtonsion and heavyduty, hccl priof gnte witl combhallon rrumbra a tushlng cbmp/grant guird. As ys^ OP OHS (CnecUsp.€ity appcopriaa optbnr) OUTLFT tsecdtytt"o)lc Inrldo Caulk lnsldc Caulk wtSe altrol Gs|c Thraeded No-Hub N+l-oc - -vP - .xJ_ -e0 IG IP NH HL z. 7& OB ox -c +A *€ € BOOYHT. DIMENSION $114. 5.1|1 3..94' *111' +5tt PREFXES - z{. suFFtxEs4 O.C.C.L Eody wlth Grab. 9.9.q{. 9oqy wtt't Pottrhed BDnz!_srsr. (4dd 3fif, b f Dim S 3/8 to 14. Duna)o.c.c'|. Body wiri Porbhod Nirjcd Broruc Gntr (Add 3fir ro 2'Di''r & 3/r dii- orrnl Underdeck Ctamp Deep Sumo Bodv oudsbt c;t! Dox-o-lax Fhngo Statlc Extension 1' hru 4. (Spccjf Haignt) Adjustable Extons.bn ,ossem6ty r.'y.1. ttrnj CtA. GaAranizod C6st lron Vandal Proof Secured Top Verdcal Expansbn Joht (Se6 Z.'lg0) 9O' Threaded SH6 Oudet Eody (Z'tll'u 6: (Prwi]u3v Z-1s3) Roof Sump Roceivct Socofldary Clamp Collar 'RECULARLY FURNISHEO UM.ESS OIHERI'V|SE SPECTFIEO an { D{drErEEa Drq- }tYoRonEcx tocs ow- tror acrEillG;q f l clra phonr! strJ,art4tal prrc tl aJr.r+rE J/4S0 .t :3:3:3 | .:.: oooooo i oooo" A- Plpe She In.Appror wt Lb3. Gralo Open Arca Sq. ln 2-31 54 454 5610 REv. B s1TE. 5/20193 cJ{. No. 69045 Dwo.No. 56841 pRoDUcrNo. z'1soas t0d s3lVS 080tH fr08J rfYtg:20 96-20-t0 ( \J .ct.I v) \lf, J $b +E :i'*n\i[-\ Is\,/I+ \B $F FR I R\! ! I rl I, i $l,r\i. s Ft -1,lrn l' lrtlrr *{\t-i xlutl{ < II' Otl,.2 I ll.n =co \- -tI ! ! t! (a -r s r \tlTtifr=.-titltrra-J=->lltrtril ,rrrr,,f.rrr.-,i-rl ! t ra I \ S b? $ b$ tr ql F :i h J lb 3 vr :E Bg ta' HEa1 oO :3 b{ .+ (tttwrrt -- + a I t I h I I @ 5t-5Er c #1 =q1-, >/arrerd la n ars b uHreta itl t arlg bor 6o ) -, ,\--\ -,,.-. a P /' ./ nP\s E rlSx , EI;i d r;ig i Ei:* i rz i<c!'is 3ly=i BHisE P -s -l) s t- il;;rrI ErrF ,^V,: B=i .:3 : i3E: *H r sEit;: 3 f;8,< E? : idt;3 f q vo- =< .gr J tr, < vt -)JF vr> J ?d>z o F<<2arzuf (rtroz E* Fr_ LU -lri3 ; JHftt4<JeJFU' +PSA;A ra <,O J-2 =:aai:s< -'i o.J F<o<zt AH <'K6.f, (I trrf.clzvt;<!:o-Fl' r.l =Ftr,?,tA--<vl,(, -r,.,LJiKH ru(., IA r.JFo F 14 (J (l C ! ! ! ! ! I I I I I I I ? $ $ r+. -aQiieI ;9! t:a3 A( ta J tJ F B o\ Y LJ cl u Li t o I o N a T II -l ! !llt! YIlr I rrrrrjr IAA<xu- HE* EgI { t \r1v d 3 's UH f$ **$ o3<2 0l -. /N b \' a h..) \,N \Sq=a)+, 3$( J \\)ais i#l* l€ -st tLs r.elt v s>:r:-Grs ) 'i- q- -l \-n,i p-}JrlJ + I I I i t l1 ll r{JH -lr ttEi ti -'-r-E cu ri q F IIIII rrlIlI PART I - GENERAI t.J DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION I60IO GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1 r.2 1.5 1.6 1.4 These specifications call out certain duties ofthe Electrical Subcontractor and his Subcontractors. They are not intended as a material list of items required bv the Contract. This. division of the specifications covers the electrical systems of the project. It includes work performed by the electricar trades as well as trades not normallv considered as electrical trades. Provide all items and work indicated on the electrical drawings and all items and work called for in this division of the specif,rcations in accordance with the Conditions of Contract Division One General Requirements Documents. This includes all incidentals, equipment, appliances, services, hoisting, scaffolding, supports, tools, supervision, labor, consumable items, fees, licenses, etc., necessary to provide complete systems. Perform start-up and checkout on each item and system to provide fully operable systems. The mechanical, electrical, structural, landscape and architectural drawings and specifications are intended to be used together as construction documents forming an integrai part of the contract documents. They are intended to define, not limit the required construction and delivery to the owner of complete systems, in perfect operating condition. Special items required may be shown or mentioned in either the drawings or the specifications, or both; however, it is the intent of the contract that these systems shall be constructed completely and conectly and shall include all elements necessary to this end. comply with all applicable govemmental regulations. comply with all Federal, State, city, and other applicable codes and ordinances. If any conflict arises between these specifications, drawings, codes and ordinances, immediately notify the Electrical Contractor. Do not deviate from the drawings and specifications nor install any work that may be in conflict with codes and ordinances. comply with all provisions of the contract Documents including Division l, General conditions, and Supplementary General conditions of the specifications. General Conditions 16010-1 (.lnlrlcn Pcalr Raca F'anilit r o a,,rr',..- .tit<Ett\.:.. |,.14:iri:;:1..!rit;.rii:rir...,iti1rlg4ii. t.7 Make submittals as specified in the General Conditions. Submittals to be made to show that all equipment and materials comply with the specifications. certain sections of these specifications list special submittals required. certain terms such as "shall, provide, install, complete, start up" are not used in some parts of these specifications. This does not indicate that the items shall be less than completely installed or that systems shall be less than complete. It shall be the responsibility of each contactor to examine the contract Documents carefully before submitting their quotation, with particular attention to errors, omissions, conflicts with provisions of laws and codes having jurisdiction, conflicts between drawings or drawings and specifications, and ambiguous definition of the extent _of coverage between contracts. Any such discrepancy shall be brought immediately to the attention of the Architect for correction. Wherever conflicts occur between different parts of the Contract Documents, the greater quantity, the better quality, or larger size shall prevail unless the Architect informs the Contractor otherwise in writing. COORDINATION OF WORK certain materials will be provided by other trades. Examine the contract Documents to ascertain these requirements. Carefully check space requirements with other trades to insure that all material can be installed in the spaces allotted thereto including finished suspended ceilings. Transmit to other trades all information required for work to be provided under their respective Sections in ample time for installation. wherever work interconnected with work of other trades, coordinate with other trades to insure that all trades have the information necessary so that they may properly install all the necessary connections and equipment. identify all items of work that require access so that the ceiling trade will know where to install access doors and panels. Consult with other trades regarding equipment so that, wherever possible. motor controls are of the same manufacture. Fumish to General contractor all sleeves for passage of conduits through structural masonry and concrete walls and floors and elsewhere as will be reouired for the proper protection of each conduit and raceway passing through uuliaing surfaces. 1.9 1.8 1.10 r.l l B. L. D. E. F. :\.tt1'r1!tr/,t!. h/j.,:?ittitw* iBed"e).,..;tte 4(e.e+. re @.1 Provide required supports and hangers for conduit, busduct, and equipment, so that loading will not exceed allowable loadings of structure. Due to the type of installation, a fixed sequence of operation is required to properly install the complete systems. coordinate, project, and schedule work with other trades in accordance with the construction sequence. Examine and compare the electrical drawings and specifications with the drawings and specifications ofother trades, and report any discrepancies between them prior to quotation and obtain from him written instructions for changes necessary in the electrical work. Install and coordinate the electrical work in cooperation with other trades installing intenelated work. Before installation, make proper provisions to avoid interferences. All changes required in the work ofthe contracior, caused by his neglect to do so, to be made by him at his own expense. It is the intent of the drawings and specifications to provide a complete workable system ready for the owner's operation. Any item not specifically shown on the drawings or called for in these specifications, but normally required to conform with the intent, are to be considered a part of the Contract. The locations oflighting hxtures, outlets, panels and other equipment indicated on thewiring plaps are approximately correct, but they are understood to be subject to such revision as may be found necessary or desirable at the time the work is instailed in consequence ofincrease or reduction ofthe number ofoutlets, or in order to meet field conditions or to coordinate with modular requirements of ceilings, or to simpliff the work, or for other legitimate causes. Exercise particular caution with reference to the iocation ofpanels, outlets, switches, etc., and have precise and definite locations approved by the owner before proceeding with the installation. The drawings show only the general run of conduits and approximate location of outlets. Any significant changes in location ofoutiets, cabinets, etc., necessary in order to meet field conditions shall be brought to the immediate attention of the Ensineer. N. obtain from the Engineer the location of such outlets or equipment not definitely located on the drawings. o. circuit "tags" and or circuit numbers in the form of arrows are used where shown to indicate the home runs of conduit to electrical distribution panels and switchboards. These tags show the circuits in each home run and the panel designation. Show the actual circuit numbers and circuit method on the finished record documents and on panel directory card. Where circuiting is not indicated, Electrical Subcontractor may provide required circuiting in accordance with the U. H. J. K. L. M. , ,. . .,,. ./ ,/,ivva.eh?wr,i*t,lttt\,trnva\*it l,rd'rxrrr',aa -. - loading indicated on the drawings, however circuit numbers defined shall be utilized in actual installation. The drawings generally do not indicate the exact number of wires in each conduit for the branch circuit wiring of fixtures and outlets or the actual circuiting. provide the correct wire size and quantity as required by the indicated circuitine ;nd/or circuit numbers indicated and contol, wiring diagrams, if any, specifielcl voltage drop or maximum distance limitations, and the applicable requirements of the NEC. These specifications are basically equipment and performance specifications. Actual installations shall be as shown on the drawings. Installations and details shown on the drawings shall govern where these differ from the specifications. coordinate exact locations of equipment and devices with Architect, project Manager, and all Contractors prior to rough-in. contractor to coordinate voltage, phase and overcurrent devices with all trades prior to rough-in and/or fabrication ofequipment including. Required anchor bolts, sleeves, inserts and supports to be furnished under the same section ofthe specifications as the respective items to be supported. Location ofanchor bolts, sleeves, inserts and supports to be directed by the trade requiring them to insure that they are properly installed. Any expense resulting from the improper location of installation of anchor bolts, sleeves, inserts and supports to be paid for by the Electrical Subcontractor under this section ofthe specifications. slots, chases, openings and recesses through floors, walls, ceilings, and roofs will be provided by the various trades in their respective materials. The trade requirins them to properly locate such openings and be responsible for any cutting and patching-caused by the neglect to do so. Adjust location ofconduits, panels, equipment, pull boxes, fixtures, etc. to accommodate the work to prevent interferences, both anticipated and encountered. Determine the exact route and location of each conduit, raceway and paneVswitchboard prior to fabrication. A. Right of way: Lines which pitch to have rhe righrof'-way over those which do not pitch. For example: steam, condensate, and plumbing drains normally have right-of-way. Lines whose elevations cannot be changed to have right-of-way over lines whose elevations can be changed. B. Make offsets, transitions and changes in direction in conduits as required to maintain proper head room in pitch of sloping lines whether or not indicated on the drawines. P. a. R. S. t.t2 l.l3 l.l4 l.l) l. r6 wherever the work is of sufficient complexity, prep€ue additional detail drawings to scale similar or greater to that of the bidding drawings, prepared on tracing meciium of the same size as contract drawings. with these layouts, coordinate the work with the work of other trades- Such detailed work to be clearly identified on the drawings its to the area to which it applies. Do not submit these drawings to the Architect/Engineer for approval. At completion, however, include a set of such drawings with each set of as-built drawings for owner's purposes. As a minimum, submit for review by Engineer the Main Electrical Room and other electric closets. AS BIJILT DRAWINGS During construction, keep an accurate record ofall deviations between the work as shown on drawings and that which is actually installed. Keep this record set of prints atjob site for inspection by the Architect/Engineer. Upon completion of the installation, obtain from the Engineer a complete set of prints. Enter thereon, in a neat and accurate manner, a complete record of all revisions of the original drawings, as actually installed. All revisions are to be identified in a professional manner equal to the presentation ofthe original Contract Documents; however all deviations shall be clearly identified. Submit one (1) set ofdocument prints ofthese revised transparencies to the General Contractor. The cost for prints and for making required changes to be bome by the Electrical Subcontractor. I.I7 APPROVALS Wherever operating results such as quantity delivered, volume obtained, or the like are specified, or a definite make and size of apparatus is specified, for which such quantities are readily determinable - the make and size of apparatus it is proposed to use must conform substantiaily (in regard to the operating results) to the quantities specified or implied. Same to apply to important dimensions relating to operation apparatus in coordination with the rest of the system, or to properly fitting it into available space conditions. Any substitution of equipment or apparatus to include all necessary revisions, conduit connections, bases, adjustments to electrical power supply, as required to complete the installation. Approval of any submitted data or shop drawings for material, equipment apparatus, devices, arrangement and layout shall not reiieve Electrical Subcontractor from responsibility of fumishing same of proper dimensions and weight, capacities, sizes, quantity, quality and installation details to efficiently perform the requirements and intent ofthe Contract. Such approval shall not relieve Electrical Subcontractor from responsibility for errors, omissions or inadequacies ofany sort on submitted data or shop drawings. A. B. B. /-:^^^-^l /- nn rl iti nn <.1<ntn < I.I8 SHOP DRAMNGS A. submit shop drawings and manufacturer's data for the followins items in accordance with the Contract Documents. Detailed shop layout drawings of electric and telephone service systems Service and distribution boards All lighting fixtures, lamp types, and ballasts Conduit and wiring systems employed (statement and usage) ' Disconnect switches Emergency generator systems Automatic transfer switches Disconnect switches Dimming systems Heat tracing system Wiring devices and outlet boxes (statement and usage) Sound system Cable TV system(wiring only) Voice/data system (wiring only) Fire alarm system (with complete wiring diagrams and sequence of operation) Relays, contractors and time clocks I.I9 CODES REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS A. The electrical installation shall be in compliance with the requirements of all applicable building codes, State standards, O.S.H.A., N.E.C., N.F.p.A. and the rules, regulations and requirements of the power company supplying power to the buildings. Comply with ADA. /-l^-^-^l /i^-l:+:^-^ B. The electrical installation and the Contractor shall comply fully with all city, county and state laws, ordinances and regulations applicable to electrical installations. C. All equipment shall be new and equal to or exceed the minimum requirements of N.E.M.A., LE.E.E. and Underwriters' Laboratories. I.2O GENERALREQUIREMENTS A. All standards, specifications, drawings and codes referred to herein shall be considered a part ofthis specification. B. All local fees and permits and services of inspection authorities shall be obtained and paid for by the Contractor. The Contactor shall cooperate fully with local utility companies with respect to their services. C. The Contractor shall contact utility companies prior to quotation and coordinate all work: U.S. West Communications Holy Cross Electric D. It is the intent of these drawings and specifrcations to establish quality standards of materlals and equipment installed. Hence, specific items are identified by manufacturer, trade name and/or catalog designation. E. Upon award of contract, the contractor with twenty (20) working days shall submit all required shop drawings. All lighting fixtures/lamps to be submined as a single package, as well as all panel boards and switchgear, etc. Fire alarm submission to include a sequence ofoperation and battery calculations. Fire alarm shop drawing to be submitted to local authorities having jurisdiction for review and comment and to engineer for review after locai authorities review cornments have been denoted on submitted shop drawines. Generrl Cnnditinns r6nln_7 n^1..1-- D^.L P^c- t.^il;n, The contractor shall make the necessary arrangements for and provide, maintain and remove after construction a complete temporary power and lighting system to allow work to progress in all phases of construction as per agreement with General contractor. The system shall consist ofa secondary service, distribution sysrem, panelboards with G.F.I. breakers, branch circuits,20 amp duplex groundei rype receptacle outlets, and sufficient lighting to provide acceptable levels of illumination, and all in compliance with all state and local safety laws and ordinances, and in particular with Federal public Law pL-91-596, cited as the williams-Steiger occupational safefy and Health Act of 1970, with all subsequent amendments and supplements as it applies to this project and in accordance with the National Electrical code. Energy costs to be paid by others. Temporary electric service to be available during normal working hours of the electricai trades. All materials to be fumished by the conEactor shall be new and unused (temporary power and lighting specified in preceding paragraph is excluded) and shall be free from defects. All materials used shall bear the Underwriters' Laboratory, Inc. Iabel provided a standard has been established for the material in question. At completion of project, contractor shall provide the owner with two (2) sets of operating instructions and manuals including wiring diagrams and parts list for systems and equipment installed. contractor shall instruct owner as to location and operation ofdistribution equipment and panelboards, areas which panels serve and location and routing of branch circuits to major mechanical equipment items. contractor shall also provide instruction to owner for all special svstems. 1.2i INSPECTION, TESTS AND GUARANTEES C. The work shall be subject to inspection by the Architect and Engineer or therr representatives at all times. After the electrical installation is completed and at such times as the Architecr may direct, the contractor shall conduct an operating test for approval. The installation shall be demonstrated to be in accordance with the requirements of this specification. Any defects revealed shall be corrected promptly at the contractor's expense and the test reconducted. All electrical work and all items of equipment and materials shall be guaranteed for a period ofone year (365 days) from the date ofacceptance ofthe work. The contractor shall be notified in writing of any defective items and shall repair or replace such items promptly without cost to the Owner. r, G. H. A. B. General Conditions I 501 0-C Gnlden Da.rlz R.ce tr.^il;t ' 1.22 EXAMINATION OF SITE C. Prior to submitting quotation, visit site(s) and thoroughly investigate locations, connections and details of all services and systems which would in any wav affect or tie-in with work of these drawines. No extras will be allowed for work resulting from conditions which would have been evident upon a thorough examination ofthe site. Noti$ the engineer prior to bid or quotation (select one), date ofany discrepancies or points of doubt or contention. Failing this, allow in tender for the most expensive course of action. 1.23 PROGRESS OF WORK A. The Contactor shall order the progress of his work so as to conform to the progress of the work of other trades and shall complete the entire installation * roon *ih" conditions of the building will permit. Aay cost resulting from the defective or ill-timed work performed under this section shall be bome by the Contractor. PART 2 . PRODUCTS If products and materials are specified or indicated on the drawings for a specific item or system, use those products or materials. If products and materials are not listed in either ofthe above, use first class products and materiais, subject to approval ofshop drawings. All equipment capacities, etc. are listed for job site operating conditions. All equipment sensitive to altitude to be derated and method of derating shown on shop drawing. where operating conditions shown differ from the laboratory test conditions, the equipment to be derated and the method of derating shown on shop drawings. AII products and materials to be new, unused, clean, free of defects and free of damaee and corrosion Ship and store all products and materials in a manner which will protect them from damage, weather and entry of debris. If items are damaged, do not install, but take immediate steps to obtain replacement or repair. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3. I Follow manufacturer's instructions for installing, connecting, and adjusting alt equipment. Provide copy of such instructions in the owner O+M Manuals. provide a A. B. 2.1 2.2 L.) .,4 General Cnnditinns r 601n_o /1^'lr^- D^^t- D^^^ D^^itl+-. ).2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 copy of such instructions of the equipment at job site. provide all special tools, wiring and accessories. Use mechanics skilled in their trade for all work. Keep all items protected before and after installation. clean up all debris. Perform all tests required by local authorities in addition to tests specified herein, such as life safety systems. Applicable equipment and materials to be listed by Underwriters' Laboratories and manufactured in accordance with ASME, NEMA; ANSI or IEEE standards. and as approved by local authorities having jurisdiction. Before commencing work, examine all adjoining work on which this work is in any way dependent for perfect workmanship and report any condition which prevents performance of first class work. Become thoroughly familiar with attual existing conditions to which corurections must be made or which must be changed or altered. Deliver to owner's representative all special tools needed for proper operation, adjustment and maintenance of equipment. Provide owner with 2 or 3 sets of operation and Maintenance Manuals including shop drawings and manufacturer's information on all equipment provided by the contractor. Manuals shall be provided in a high quality 3 ring binder and be completely indexed. Submit manuals to the Architect/Engineer not less than 2 weeks befoie completion of the project. END OF SECTION 16010 ). t 3.8 General Conditions I Knl n 1n SECTION I6020 WORKINCLUDED PART 1 - GENERAL l.l Provide all items, articles, equipment, tools, appliances, materials, and methods listed, shown or scheduled on drawings or herein specified. Provide all labor, services, supports, supervision, and incidentals required to install the systems complete and in operating condition, all in accordance with the Contract Documents. The work includes, but is not limited to the following: Equipment supports and miscellaneous steel for electrical equipment. Uhderground power and telephone raceways Temporary power and lighting system Service and distribution feeders Complete 480/277 volts and 120/208 volt light and power distribution system, including emergency system. UPS System Lighting fixtures, lamps, convenience outlet systems, and miscellaneous wiring devices .- Fire Alarm System Motor power wiring Miscellaneous electrical equipment and systems, unless otherwise noted Telephone, CRT and TV empty conduit system. (Unless amended otherwise.) Excavation and backfill together with all required barricades. Balancing loads Work Included 16020-l Golden Peak Base Facility Grounding system Sealing ofsleeves and other electricai openings Snow melting and pipe tracing Sorurd system CCTV system Security system ice/data system B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere Finish painting, except as herein specified Housekeeping pads Electric heaters Temporary light and power Openings in duct for duct type smoke detectors Concrete work Sleeves in walls Access panels in general construction Relocation and or demolition of all existing power, dat4 voice, CCTV and other utilities on site to suit new facilities. Control wiring, starters and all other related devices and wiring of any kind or nature for mechanical and plumbing systems supplied under Division 15 of the specifications. 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE Work Included t6020-2 Golden Peak Base Faciliw A. Equipment supplied is to be Underwriters' Laboratories listed and labeled unless . approved otherwise. 1.3 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Delivery of Materials: Deliver materials (except bulk materials) in manufacturer's unopened container fully identified with manufacturer's name, trade name, type, class, grade, size and color. B. Storage of Materials, Equipment and Fixtures: Store materials suitably sheltered from the elements, but readily accessible for inspection by the Architect until installed. Store all items subject to moisture damage in dry, heated spaces. 1,4 EQUIPMENT ACCESSOzuES A. Establish sizes and location ofthe various concrete bases required and provide all necessary anchor bolts together with templates for holding these bolts in position. B. Provide supports, hangers and auxiliary structural members required for support of electrical work including ceiling clips for all lay-in type fixtures. I.5 IDENTIFICATION A. Furnish a nameplate for each switchboard, feeder switch, etc. Unless otherwise noted, use lamacoid or aluminum with a black enamel background with etched or engraved upper case letters, enciosed by naturai aluminum border, or black and white laminated bakelite plate with beveled edges. Utilize red background for emergency systems. Inscribe name and number of equipment as shown on the Drawings. B. Namepiates for equipment serviced by the emergency system are to be red enameled backgrounds with white lettering. 1.6 NOMINAL VOLTAGES (TINLESS OTHERMSE NOTED) A. Secondarydistribution: l20l208volts3-phase,4-wire. B. Convenience outlets: 120 volt, single phase, 2 wire. C. Lighting: Incandescent 120 volt for fluorescent and HID types, single phase, 2-wire. (See luminere schedule for specific voltage) Work Included 16020-3 Golden Peak Base Facility D. Motors: % horsepower and larger 20g volt, 3_phase. E. Motors smaller than % horsepower; 120 volt, singie phase. F. Provide equipment of sufficient poles and voltage rating to correctly function at the above voltage. 1.7 EXCAVATION AND TRENCHING A. Provide excavation for electrical systems. Excavate all material encountered, to the depths indicated on the Drawings or required. Remove from the site excavated materials not required or suitable for backfill. Provide grading as may be necessary to prevent surface water from flowing into trenches or other. excavations. Remove any water accumulating therein. Provide sheeting and shoring as may be necessary for the protection of the Work and for the safety of personnei. B. Provide trenches of widths necessary for the proper laying of the conduit. Grade bottom of the trenches accurately to provide uniform bearing and support for each section of the pipe and conduit on undisturbed soil at errery poini along its entire length. Except where rock is encountered, do not excavate below the depths indicated. Where rock excavations are required, excavate rock to a minimum overdepth of four inches below the hench depths indicated on the Drawings or required. Backfill overdepths in the rock excavation and unauthorized overdepths with loose, granular, nroist earth, thoroughly tamped. whenever unstable soil that is incapable of properly supporting the pipe, as determined by the Architect, is encountered in the bottom of the trench, remove soil to a depth required and backfill the trench to the proper grade with coarse sand, fine gravel or other suitable material. C. Excavate trenches for utilities to a depth that will provide the following minimum depths of cover from existing grade or from indicated finished grade, whichever is lower, unless otherwise specifically shown. l. Secondary electric service: 2 feet (minimum). 2. Telephone service: 2 feet (minimum) I.8 BACKFILLING OF TRENCHES A. comply with the requirements of other sections of theses specifications. Deposit in 6 inch layers and thoroughly and carefully tamp until the pipe has a Work Included t6020-4 Golden Peak Base Facilitv cover of not less than I foot. Backfill remainder of trench by machine. Uniformly grade the finished surface. 1.9 CUTTING, PATCHING. ETC. A. The work shall be carefully laid out in advance. Where cutting, channeling, chasing or drilling offloors, walls, partitions, ceilings or other surfaces is necessary for the proper installation, support or anchorage ofraceway, outlets or other electrical equipment, the work shall be carefully done. Any damage to the building, piping, equipment or defaced finish plaster, woodwork or metalwork shall be repaired by skilled mechanics of the trades involved at no additionai cost to the Owner. B. The Contractor shall do no cutting, channeling, chasing or drilling of unfinished masonry, tile, etc., unless he fust obtains permission from the Architects. PART2-NOTUSED PART3-NOTUSED END OF SECTION I6020 Work Included r6020-5 Golden Peak Base Faciliw SECTION 16030 BASIC MATEzuALS AND METHODS PART I - GENERAL I.I DESCzuPTION A. General: Provide basic materials and methods in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1. Finish painting 2. Groundinp 1.2 STANDARDS A. Except as modified by governing codes and by the Contract Documents, comply with the applicable provisions and recommendations of the following: 1. Electrical Metallic Tubing: Comply with the latest edition of Underwriters, Laboratories standard UL-797 and American National Standards Institute 380_3 2. Rigid Conduit and IMC: Comply with the latest edition of Underwriters' Laboratories standards. 3. conductors: comply with American society of Testing Materials. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 RACEWAY SYSTEM A. Provide raceways for wiring systems. where nonmetailic raceways are utilized, provide sizes as required with the grounding conductor considered as an insulated additional conductor. Minimum size%inchwhere THHN is employed, unless otherwise noted on drawings. otherwise, use minimum 3/4 inch. Home runs with more than (6) 1-pole may not be utilized. Basic Materials and Methods 16030- l Golden Peak Base Faciliw \ .....i;;r;;i-. .. .:. . i.:.;!;r)i.i/:;i- :":irtiiu:7::jJ.i90tiiiiit?lii.iffiljll|i1;tit;.ii:t:1.ij,litilttllffit zri$8lirlo B.Provide electrical metallic tubing manufactured of steel, galvanized on the outside and coated on the inside with a smooth hard finish of lacquer, vamish or enamel. Use steel compression gland fiuings, "Tomic" Tap-ON, "Tomic" compression type or set screw type fittings may be used. Where installed in slab or fill. provide concrete tight f,rttings. Provide rigid conduit manufactured ofhot-dipped galvanized rigid steel. provide doubie lockouts and bushings on conduits terminating at outlet boxes, cabinets, gutters, etc. Rigid heavy wall aluminum conduit IMT or EMT may be used for risers in the electrical closets. Provide fiber sleeves for each conduit passing through slab so that concrete filling of slab does not come in contact with aluminum conduit. Non-Encased Raceways: Unless specifically noted on the drawings for concrete encasement, provide either of the following raceway systems for installation in or below slabs on grade or in earth or gravel. l. Rigid, heavywall, schedule 40, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic conduit, suitable for direct burial and Underwriters" Laboratories listed. Acceptable manufacturers are: Borg Wamer, Carlon, Ethyl, Karloy, or Triangle. Provide offsets and 90 degrees ells of rigid steel plastic coated or painted (2 coats) conduit. PVC may be utilized to exterior luminaires. 2. Rigid, heavywall gaivanized steel conduit or IMTas permitted by codes. Flexible Steel Conduit: Maximum length 6 feet, single strip, continuous, flexible interlocked double-wrapped steel, galvanized inside and outside forming smooth internal wiring channel, as manufactured by Nationai Electric Products, Triangle or Clifton Conduit. Each section of raceway must contain a bonding wire bonded at each end and sized as required, except for lighting fixtures. Provide connectors with insulating bushings. AC cable assembly: air plenum rated with ground conductor, provide with U.L. listed ratings, corurectors and bushings. All conductors to be THHN insulated, use where permitted by code authorities having jurisdiction. MC cable ENT may be utilized in places of public assembly where permifted by Code authorities. MC cable assembly with insulated green ground wire THHN/THWN insulation may be utilized for feeder to dwelling units. Liquid-Tight Flexible Electrical Conduit C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Basic Materials and Methods 16030-2 Golden Peak Base Facility t.Same as flexible steel conduit except with tough, inert watertight plastic outer jacket, "Seal-Tite" Type U.S. (American Brass Company), "Flex-Seal Type LX" (Columbia Cable and Electric Corporation), "Electric-Flex" (lnternational Metal Hose). Fittings: Cast malleable iron body and gland nut, cadmium plated with one-piece brass grounding bushings which thread to interior ofconduit. Spiral molded vinyl sealing ring between gland nut and bushing and nylon insulated throat, as manufactured by Gedney, Appleton, or Thomas & Betts. OUTLET. JUNCTION AND PULL BOXES A. ?rovide zinc-coated or cadmium-plated sheet steel outlet boxes not less than 4 inches octagonal or square, unless otherwise noted. Equip fixture outlet boxes with 3/8 inch no-bolt fixture studs where required. Where fixtures are mounted on or in an accessibie type ceiling, provide ajunction box and extend flexible conduit to each fixture. Fit outlet boxes in finished ceilings or walls with appropriate covers, set flush with the finished surface. Where more than one switch or device is located at one point, use gang boxes and covers unless otherwise indicated. Sectional switch boxes or utility boxes will not be permitted. Provide Series "GW" (Steel City) tile box, or as accepted, or a 4 inch square box with tile ring in masonry walls which will not be plated or furred. Where drywall material is utilized provide plaster ring. Provide outlet boxes ofthe type and size suitable for the specific application. C. Construct junction or pullboxes not over 150 cubic inches in size as standard outlet boxes, and those over 150 cubic inches the sarne as "cabinets", with screw covers of the same gauge metal. Plug any open knockouts not utilized. Provide surface mounted outlet and junction boxes in indoor locations where exposed to moisture and outdoor locations of cast metal with threaded hubs. WIRE AND CABLE A. Provide wire with a minimum insuiating rating of 600 volts, except for wire used in low voltage (below 50 voits) control of signal systems use 300 volt minimum or 600 volt where permitted to be incorporated with other wiring systems. The optional use of teflon (multi-conductor) for low tension systems may be permitted as approved on shop drawings by engineers and where permined by local codes. 2. 2.2 B. D. L-) Basic Materials and Methods li.RNnu' - -: 16030-3 Golden Peak Base Facility B. Conductor Electrical grade, annealed copper, tinned ifrubber insulated, and fabricated in accordance with ASTM standards. Minimum size number 12 for branch circuits; number l4 for control wiring. Wire No. 4 and larger, and only as feeders to panels, switchboards and motor control centers, may be aluminum. Aluminum may be used provided that equivalent ampacity to the specified copper conductor is fumished. Mixing of conductor types is permitted only for grounding conductors, with specific acceptance or as noted on the Drawings. 3. AC cable assembly may be utilized. Provide with THHN CU conductors including ground wire. May be employed only for #12 and#10 gauge branch circuits serving interior lighting and receptacle circuits in accessible hung ceilings and places of non-public assembly or as permitted by codes. C. Stranding and Number of Conductors l. Number 14, 12 and number 10 solid. Cables larger than number 10, sftanded in accordance with ASTM Class B stranding designations. Control wires stranded in accordance with ASTM Class B strandine designations. Cables, muiti-conductor unless otherwise noted for low tension systems, All low tension cable to be identified on cable as per NEC, UL and NEMA. D. Insulation 1.Type THW, XHHW or THHN/THWN Thermoplastic insulation suitable for use in wet locations up to 90 degrees Centigrade. Use for lighting, receptacle and motor circuits and for panel and equipment feeders. Type THHN/THWN - Flame retardant: Heat-resistant thermoplastic insulation, nylon jacket rated for 90 degrees Centigrade operation. Use for lighting branch circuit wiring installed and passing through the ballast channels of fluorescent fixtwes, wiring in metal roofdecks in or near roof insulation, in attic orjoist spaces, or in raceways exposed to the sun. 1l. 2. 2. 3. A 5. z. Basic Materials and Methods 16030-4 Golden Peak Base Facility j 3. Type AF - Asbestos-covered heat-resistant wire suitable for 150 degrees centigrade operation. use for fixture wiring or any wiring within 3 feet horizontally or 10 feet above any furnace, boiler or similar appliance. E. Manufacturer General Electric, Phelps Dodge, Triangle, Anacond4 Kaiser, General cable, okonite, Simplex, National Electic products, collyer, or Kerite, Hatfield, Rome. Cyprus. F. Color-code wiring for control systems installed in conjrurction with mechanical and./or miscellaneous equipment in accordance with the wiring diagrams fumished with the equipment. Factory color code wire number 2 and smaller. wire number I and larger may be color coded by color tapping of the entire length of the exposed ends. G. Connectors l. Make connections, splices, taps and joints with solderless devices, mechanically and electrically secure. protect exposed wires and connecting devices with electrical tape or insulation to provide not less than one conductor. 2. Branch Circuit wires (Number I0 and smaller): use any of the following types of terminals and connecting devices: a. Hand Applied: Coiled and tapered, spring wound devices with a conducting corrosion-resistant coating over the spring steel and a plastic cover and skirt providing full insulation for splice and wired ends. Screw connector on by hand. Manufacturer: "Wing Nut" (Ideal Indusries), "Piggy" (Thomas & Betts) or "Scotchlok" (3M Company). b. Tool Applied: Steel cap, with conduction and corrosion resistant metallic plating, open at both ends, fitted around the twisted ends of the wire and compressed or crimped by means of a special die designed for the purpose. specifically fitted plastic or rubber insulating cover wrap over each connector. c. Manufacturer: "Stakon" (Thomas & Betts), "Number 410 Crimp Connector" (ldeal Industries), or "Wrap-Cap" (Buchanan). d. Aluminum Conductors: May be utilized in lieu of copper. provide compression type. Where terminations on devices such as switches. Basic Materials and Methods 16030-5 Golden Peak Base Facility .AL.-t circuit breakers, and motor starters are mechanical lugs and cannot be changed, make connection to a copper pigtail added to the aluminum wire with circumferential compression connector. H. Electrical Tape I. Specifically designed for use as insulating tape. 2. Manufacturer: Johns-Manville or Minnesota Mining. I. Lubricant: use lubricant only where the possibility of damage to conductors exists. Use only a lubricant designed by the cable manufacturer and one which is inert to cable raceways. EQUIPMENT SUPPORTS A. support raceways on accepted types ofwall brackets, specialty steel clips, or hangers, ceiling trapeze hangers, or malleable iron straps. plumber's perforated straps are not permitted. Acceptable manufachrer's brackets o. haog"rs are Kindorf, Elcan, Binkley, Multi-Frame, power-Strut, or unistrut, or an approved equal. Do not suspend raceways or equipment from other raceways, steam, water, or other piping or ductwork, except as otherwise permitted. provide independent and secure support methods. SWITCH AND WIRING DEVICES A. Local Wali Switches L Mount switches vertically with the "on,' position on top, unless noted or specifred otherwise. where switches are indicated to be installed near doors, comer walls, etc., mount same not less than 2 inches and not more than 12 inches from trim. Verify exact location with the Architect. carefully coordinate the location of switches to insure locations at the strike side ofdoors. 4. Provide specification grade, flush mo'nting, quiet-operating AC type, with toggle operator and heat-resistant plastic housing. Silver alloy contact. Rated 20A at 227Y and capable of full capacity on fungsten or fluorescent lamp load 20 at r20Y for condominium units. Design for side or back wiring with up to 2.5 2. 3. Basic Materials and Methods 16030-6 Golden Peak Base Facility Number 10 wire. verified by uL to meet or exceed Federal specification ws-896E. 5. Use single-pole, double-pole, 3-way, 4-way,pilot or keyed fype, as indicated on drawings or required. 6. switches controlling lighting connected to the emergency power system shall be the illuminated toggle type - illuminated when the switch is in the off position. 7. switches controlling lighting by way of low-voltage lighting control relays shall be 3-position, momentary-contact, center-offtype to match the other . switches. 8. Manufacturers: 562 I -2-W series (Leviton) or equal by Eagle, public spaces; residential units Leviton #5601-I series.. 9. Dimmer switches Lutron-Maestro LU-600P-White. Master Units. Remote Units#MA-R.) B. Duplex Convenience Receptacles 1. unless otherwise noted, mount receptacle horizontally with u-shaped ground position at left. 2. Provide 3-pole NEMA and American National Standards Institute standard type, with bronze contacts that accept plug with 2 parallel blades and 1 grounding blade. Heat-resistant white plastic enclosure with nylon face. Two grounding screws. Break-offterminals for 2-circuit wiring. Rated 20 amperes at 125 volt electrical altemating cunents. Comply with federal specifications WC596-D and National Electrical Manufacturers' Association Standard W. D-1, 3.02 through 3.10 and Underwriters' Laboratories standard 498. 3. Manufacturers: "Catalogue Number 16362-W" (Leviton), (public Corridor, Public halls,lobby, foyer and like areas). Leviton#16662-W or equal by Eagle (All other areas). C. Cover Plates l. When two or more switches or devices are shown in one location. mount under a common plate. Basic Materials and Methods 16030-7 Golden Peak Base Faciliw 2. Manufacturers: Leviton or Eagle smooth white to match device. D. Outdoor Locations l. Protect receptacles located outdoors or where indicated to be weatherproofby' a GFI receptacle or circuit breaker. 2. Protect exterior receptacles by a cast aluminum metal plate with a stainless steel spring-loaded, gasketed lift cover to remain locked in either open or closed position. E. Switch and Pilot Light: "Number 1261" (Hubbell) switch with "Number 1375" (Hubbell) flush neon pilot light with red jewel. PART 3 . E)GCUTION 3.I RACEWAY SYSTEMS A. Install capped bushings on conduits as soon as installed and remove only when wires are pulled. Securely tie embedded raceway in place prior to embedment. Conduits installed below or in floor slabs must extend a minimum of 6 inches above the finished slab to the first connector. Lay out the work in advance to avoid excessive concentrations of multiple raceway runs. Locate raceways so that the strength of structural members is unaffected and they do not conflict with the services ofother trades. Install l-inch or larger raceways in or through structural members (beams, slabs, etc.) only when and in the manner accepted by the Architect. Draw up couplings and fittings full and tight. Protect threads from corrosion with one (l) coat red lead or zinc chromate after installation. B. Above Grade - Defined as the area above finished grade for a building exterior and above top surface ofany slabs (or other concrete work on grade for a building interior. Above-grade raceways to comply with the following: Basic Materials and Methods 16030-8 Golden Peak Base Faciliry c'.:1.,it..:,. 1.Instali raceways concealed except at surface cabinets and for motor and equipment connection in electrical and mechanical rooms. Install a minimum of 6 inches from flues, steam pipes, or other heated lines. Provide flashing and counter-flashing for waterproofing of raceways, outlets, fittings, etc., which penetrate the roof. Route exposed raceways parallel or perpendicular to building lines with right-angle tums and symmetrical bends. Run concealed raceways in a direct line and, where possible, with long sweep bends and offsets. Provide sleeves in forms for new concrete walls, floor slabs and partitions for passage of raceways. Waterproof sleeved raceways where required. Provide raceway expansionjoints with necessary bonding conductor at building expansion joints and where required to compensate for raceway or building thermal expansion and contraction. Terminate raceways 1-ll4 inches and larger with insulated bushings or rain-tight connections with insulated throats. In all remaining areas where permitted, by Code, Electric Metallic Tubing (EMT) may be used. Provide flexible metal conduit in sufficient lengths not exceeding 6 feet for makeup of motor, transformer or equipment, and/or raceway connections where isolation of sound and vibration transmission is required. For connections in locations exposed to weather and in interior locations subject to moisture, use watertight flexible conduit. For connections to recessed lighting frxtures. Provide separate code-size ground conductor in all plastic conduits. OUTLET, JUNCTION AND PULLBO)GS A. Provide outlet, junction and pullboxes as indicated on the drawings and as required for the complete installation of the various electrical systems and to facilitate proper pulling of wires and cables. J-boxes and pullboxes shall be sized per N.E.C. minimum. C. The exact location ofoutlets and equipment is governed by struchual conditions and obstructions, or other equipment items. When necessary, reiocate outlets so that when fixtures or equipment are installed, they will be symmetrically located according to the room layout and will not interfere with other work or equipment. Verify final location of outlets, panels equipment, etc., with Architect. Back-to-back outlets in the same wall. or "thru-wall' 2. -t. 5. ).L B. Basic Materials and Methods 16030-9 Colden Peak Base Facility o . : . . . - :, ii . i . i : : :. : . . . : . ..i. .. .....,. :;.,...,i.ri,i;..;:iJiil);r:j::l-j:i!:!u1!.jla:llvtliir1tl!,!l:ajl}.Xfu&i:;lsji,1 v'!'t type boxes not permitted. Provide 12-inch (minimum) spacing for outlets shown on opposite sides of a common wall to minimize sound transmission. 3,3 MOUNTING HEIGHTS A. Unless otherwise noted, locate outlets as follows: 1. Heights listed are from finished floor to center of device. Unless noted otherwise, verifu exact locations with the Architect before installation. a. Convenience and signal Outlets: 18 inches unless otherwise noted or to suitADA. b. Lighting Switches: 4 feet. c. Disconnect Switches and Motor Controllers: 5 feet. d. Wall Telephone Outlets: 4 feet 6 inches. e. Exit Lights: Wall-mounted 9 inches below ceiling to center of sign. f. Fire Alarm Pullstations: 4 feet 0 inches. g. Fire Alarm Horn Strobes as per ADA. h. Wall Mounted Fixtures: 7 feet 6 inches or over mirrors (as applicable) or 1 foot below ceilings lower than 8 feet. Stairwell fixtures to be mounted 8 feet 6 inches above finished floor or I foot below ceiling where frxture exceeds 4.0 inches, mount 6 feet 8 inches (bottom elevation). 3.4 WIRE AND CABLES A. Provide a complete system of conductors in raceway system. Mount wiring through a specified raceway, regardless of voltage application. B. Drawings do not indicate size of branch circuit wiring. For branch circuits whose Iength from panel to furthest outlet exceeds 150 feet for 120 volt circuits or 300 feet for 277 volt circuits. use number 10 or larser. C. Do not install wire in incomplete conduit runs nor until after the concrete work and plastering is completed and moisture is swabbed from conduits. Eliminate splices wherever possibie. Where necessary, splice in readily accessible pull, junction, or outlet box. Basic Materials and Methods 16030- l0 Golden Peak Base Faciliw . r -:. - t, t,.,.rr;;L;t*i^,.:,iiiiiitiAi; D. E. Provide cable supports for all vertical risers where required by code. Flashover or insulation value ofjoints to be equal to that of the conductor. provide Underwriters' Laboratories listed connectors rated at 600 volts for general use and 1,000 volts for use between ballasts and lamps orgaseous discharge fixtures. Use terminating fittings, connectors, etc. of a type suitable for the specified cable fumished. Make bends in cable at termination prior to installing compression device. Make fittings tight. Re-check splices and termination and make mechanically and electrically tight during a fifteen (15) day period immediately prior to final acceptance of the work. .Apply a.r anti-oxide inhibitor equivalent to "Penetrox,' (Burnday) or ,'Noalox,' (Ideal) to aluminum terminations. Install wire in raceways and make up terminations in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations using special washers, nut, etc., as required. Use an accepted wire-pulling lubricant equivalent to "Yellow" (Ideal) for all wire number 4 and larger. Strip insulation so as to avoid nicking of wire. Extend wire sizing for the entire Iength of a circuit unless otherwise noted. F. U. I. EQUIPMENT SUPPORTS H. 1.5 B. Provide structurai supports for the proper attachment of electrical equipment supplied and also for equipment, such as motor controllers, supplied under other section of by owner, for mounting, connection, and installation under this Section. Mount wail-mounted equipment directly to wall by means of steel bolts. Maintain at least 1/4 inch air space between equipment and supporting wali. Mount groups or iurays of equipment on adequately sized steel charurels, such as those manufactured by Kindorf and Unistrut. Support equipment suspended from ceiling by adjustable threaded steel rods of adequate diameter and strength anchored to the floor arch or the structural steel. Support auxiliary steel, ifrequired. from the building steel. Do not secure hangers to furred ceilings, ductwork, or other piping. Secure equipment and steel to solid masonry by means ofscrew and bolt anchors and expansion bolts. On structural steel use clamps that do not depend primarily on set-screw pressure for security. C. D. Basic Materials and Methods 16030-l I Golden Peak Base Faciliw o i.....rr::ti.iil::r:i.it:4.2;,"it:,;',,...i:).;:,1iiit:,r1'L)r\r2i!:4irijLitr E. Mount lighting fixtures rigidly, with no "rocking" action. where fixtures are surface-mounted, provide one (l) additional support to the longitudinal axis at each end of each 48-inch section of fixture (or on 48 inch minimum centers at tees.) Support fixtures from main (load-bearing) tees only. F. Wlere a space ofover 24 inches to suspended ceilings occurs, the suspending wires or hangers may be utilized to support conduits of I inch or less trade size. G. Mount conduits a minimum of 8 inches above any accessible type ceiling, or with spacing as required to permit relocation of recessed fixtures to any location. H. Do not drill or pierce stmctural and prestressed concrete members without prior . approval. I. Where outlets are installed in steel stud gpe systems, provide additional cross bracing, bridging, and,ior straps to make the outlet completely rigid prior to the application of the wall facing material. 3.6 GROUNDING A. Provide a separate rounding conductor, securely grounded on each end ofsections of plastic, fiber, asbestos cement or flexible raceways. B. Provide grounding type bushings for conduits that originate at the service (main) switchboards and individually bond this raceway to the ground bus in the switchboards. C. Provide a green copper ground wire to match insulation of phase conductor(s) in each and every raceway system employed, other than service entrance conductors unless noted otherwise for services over 600 voits. END OF SECTION 16030 Basic Materials and Methods r 6030- 12 Golden Peak Base Facility PART I - GENERAL I.I DESCRIPTION SECTION I6040 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SYSTEM 1.2 General: Provide electrical service system in accordance with the contract Documents. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere l. Finish painting 2. Equipment supports STANDARDS A. Except as modified by governing codes and by the contract Documents, comply with the applicable provisions and recommendations of the following: l. Switchboards: comply with underwriters' Laboratories Standard uL 891 and National Electrical Manufacturer Association Standard pB 2-1972 and NEC wire bending. 2. In general, except as modified by goveming codes and by this , specification, comply with the applicable provisions and recommendations of the following: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, National Electrical Manufacturers Association, Underwriters' Laboratories, Utility Company Standards, ASA, AIEE. SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings and manufacturers' data for the followine items: L Main Service Switchboard 2. Panelboards 3. Disconnect Switches 4. Emergency System l.J Electrical Service Svstem 16040-l Golden Peak Base Facilitv I PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SWITCHBOARDS A. Provide switchboards of the dead-front safety type, consisting of an assembly of pressue switch and self-contained switch units of the number, size, and arrangement shown on the Drawings or 100% rated breakers as shown in a fully rated enclosure. B. Construction l. Formed structural steel or aluminum, forming a rigid structrue. Turned down peripherai edge on front and rear panels. 2. Conskuct to avoid magnetic loop, which may cause hysteresis heating. 3. Completely enclose on back, front, and sides with removable panels. Provide louvers top and bottom for adequate ventilation. 4. Screw on covers to provide access to interior. Doors are not to be provided over operating handles. 5. All sections same height, except for pull boxes. 6. Paint units with one (1) coat of zinc chromate metal primer and two (2) finished coats of gray enamel. 7. Provide vents on top and bottom ofcover plates. 8. Front accessible and 20-inch maximum depth for 1600,4, and below, 36- inch for 1600.4. to 40004. 9. Provide UL label for entire switchboard, including short-circuit rating. C. Pullbox Over Switchboard l. Provide puilbox of same type of construction and finish as the distribution switchboard where and if required for conduit terminations. D. Buses Electrical Service System 16040-2 Golden Peak Base Facility I . ..e..,,',*,,.;::::i:i:;.:t..'::;:::iiLi;Lit4tf.i2;d:trfttl:;,'d[t!:;i!W$jjfl! l. Copper of 98 percent minimum conductivity or electrical grade aluminum. All buses to be insulated with high strength stand off insulators. 2.' Bolted Connections: Bus conductors interleaved to secure maximum contact areas. Tin-platedjoints and contact areas. All bus connections accessible for tightening from the front. 3. Bracing: (Root Mean Square) continuous symmetrical short circuit current as per drawings. 4. Where 100% rated devices are used basis must be 1,000 Amperes per. squre inch copper. E. Feeder installation and Termination 1. Bolted and accessible. 2. Group cables paralleling one another and ananged so €ls to permit easy insertion of a clamp-on ammeter on each cable. F. Bolted Pressure Switches i. Application: Switches 800 amperes and larger. 2. Dead front, totally enclosed in a cabinet designed as incomplete magnetic circuit. Interlock to prevent access to closed switch. Interlock capable of intentional bypass by knowledgeable personnel. 3. Fuse comparhnent interlocked to prevent access when switch is closed. 4. Maximum temperatue rise at full load - 30 degrees Centigrade spot raihnaf4ttrrarvrrr lJwr s!sr w. 5. Short-circuit rating: 200,000 amperes Root Mean Square symmetrical. 6. Capable of being opened when carrying 750 percent of its rated load. Opening under these conditions required no major physical effort. 7. Arc barriers and replaceable arcing contacts. 8. Manufacturer: Pringle Switch Company, bolt switch or equal. Electrical Service Svstem 16040-3 Golden Peak Base Facilitv \J.Self-Contained Switch Units (Service Duty Rated) l. Application: Switches 600 amperes and below. 2. 3. Quick-make, quick-break, dead-front type. Each switch a self-contained unit, extemally operated from the front. Fuse and switch compartment interlocked to prevent access to the fuse comparEnent until switch is thrown to UOFF" position. Interlock intentionally releasable by eKemally applied tool to permit checking switch and fuses under load. Switch units interchangeable for replacement, without disturbing balance of distribution board's operation. Switches shall reject firses other than those specified; use rejection type. Manufacturer: "Type FDP" (Cutler Hammer) or "Type QMR" (General Electric), SIEMENS/ITE, or Square D. A ). 6. H.Fuses l. Main Switches Silver and current limiting types Capable of operating properly on a short circuit of 200,000 symmetrical amperes Root Mean Square. Capable ofholding 500 percent ofrated current for 4 seconds. Provide (3) spare fuses of all tvpes and sizes used mount in metal cabinet. electric room. 2.Motor Circuit Feeder Switches Silver and dual element current limiting rype. Capable of operating properly on a short circuit of 200,000 symmetrical amperes Root Mean Square. Time delay to permit starting currents to pass through when sized at 150 percent offull load current. a. b. d. a. b. c. Electrical Service System 16040-4 Golden Peak Base Faciliw cabinet. electric room. Provide fuses at a voltage beyond their operating voltage. 3. Manufacturers: Bussman, Chase-Shawmut, or General Electric. Nameplates l.Provide white-background/red-lettering nameplate on each switch unit. Engrave with the size of the fuse and words: "REPLACE ONLY WITH -." Engrave proper fuse trade name and size in the blank space, as well as load specified. Provide switchboard nameplate with minimum 3/8 inch high lettering. J.GROLINDING l.Ground service equipment, conduit systems, supports, cabinets, transformers, poles, fixhues, etc., and the grounding circuit conductors. Provide bonding jumpers and wire, grounding bushings, clamps, etc., as required for complete grounding. Route ground conductors to provide the shortest and most direct path to the ground electrode system. Provide ground connections with clean contact surfaces. tinned and sweated while bolted. Install ground conductors in conduit. Make readily accessible connections to the underground in the vicinity ofthe switchgear. Make connections to the water pipe with "series 3900,' (Thomas & Betts) ground clamp, grounding the conduit enclosing as well as the conductor. Bond cold waterpipe system to separate grounding electrode. Provide a separate grounding conductor, securely grounded on each end of sections of plastic, fiber, asbestos cement or flexible raceways. Route inside raceway. Provide grounding rype bushings for feeder conduits which originate from the service switchboards and individually bond this raceway to the ground bus in the main switchboards. 5. Connect the neutral bus in the main service switchboards to the sround bus by means of removable link. 2. z. J. A Electrical Service System 16040-5 Golden Peak Base Facilitv 6- Provide grounding conductor for dry+ype transformer secondaries to nearest cold water pipe. 7. Provide grounding ofconduits entering motor control centers and panelboards as specified elsewhere. 8. Provide ground conductors in all feeders and branch circuits as specihed therein. K. Modifr switchgears as defined on drawings. 2.2 EMERGENCY POWER GENERATOR A. General 1. Provide a factory-assembled, aligned, and tested diesel-powered engine generator set fuily automatic on transfer and re-transfer and suitable for continuous operation for the duration of any intemrption of the normal electric power source. 2. Only equipment from an authorized manufacturing and warehousing distributor of a national diesel engine manufacturer will be considered. The supplier must be regularly engaged in the manufacture and installation of custom-designed electric power generating systems and have 24-hour service backup plus training facilities for customer personnel. 3. Material and equipment shall comply with Diesel Engineer Manufacturers' Association. 4. Provide wiring and conduit to make the system complete, including that to remote devices, annunciators, and controls in the street level fire command center. 5. Design materials and equipment fumished by the supplier to prorecr operating personnel from injury. B. Capacity and Performance Requirements Electrical Service System 16040-6 Golden Peak Base Facility , '( 't l. Provide a generator set capable of successfully providing standby power to start in the foliowing sequence and run continuously the following loads. a- Electric set rating: As indicated on the Drawings. b. Nameplate KVA: As indicated on the Drawines. c. Power Factor: 0.8 d. Steady state nominal frequency at rated Kilowatt-60 Hertz. Manually adjustable from 59 to 62hertzspeed at nominal frequency of 1,800 revolutions per minute. e. Steady state nominal line-to-line voltage at rated Kilowatts 480/277 volts. Manually adjustable plus or minus 5 percent of nominal voltase. 2. Power Distribution Number of Phases Wires Phase Arrangement Three (3) Four (4) ABC 3. Ambient Conditions: The set is to be capable of providing full-load kilowaus under ambient conditions of i00 degree Fahrenheit. 4. Voltage Regulation: Not to exceed plus or minus I percent (difference in average voltage befween no-load steady state and fuil-load steady state). 5. Voltage steady-load bandwidth not to exceed plus % Dercent. 6. Voltage Transient Performance a. Dip - With step application of 0.8 power factor. Full load not to exceed 20 percent. b. Rise - With step removal of 0.8 power factor. Full load not to exceed 1.5 seconds. 7. Frequencv regulation (difference in average frequency between no load steady state and full-load steady state). Electrical Service System 16040-7 Golden Peak Base Facilitv a. Adjustable from 0 percent to 3 percent. b. Adjusted at assembly to 0 percent isochronous. 8. Frequency steady-load bandwidth not to exceed plus I percent. 9. FrequencyTransientPerformance a. Dip - With step application of 0.8 power factor. Full load not to exceed 6.5 percent. b. Rise - With step removal of 0.8 power factor. Full load not to exceed 6.5 percent. c. Recovery time not to exceed 0.5 seconds. 10. Upon cold start-up, voltage and frequency must stabilize within their specified bandwidths at approximately the same time (difference not to exceed 2 seconds). I l. Provide voltage regulator supplied by the generator manufacturer. 12. Factory wire for extemal electrical cornections for the engine-generator set to terminals in the engine-generator control panei and remote status oanels. I 3. Provide main circuit breaker on the generator capable of carrying the generator full load current on a continuous basis and short-circuit ratins compatible with that of the generator. C. Diesel Engine 1. Liquid-Cooled a. Two-stroke or four-cycle design. b. Fulldieselcompression-ignitionoperation c. Capable of operating and achieving the specified performance with number 2 diesel fuel oil. d. Self-lubricated, positive displacement, gear-driven lube oil pump Electrical Service System 16040-8 Golden Peak Base FaciliW I e. Lube oil pump pressure-relief valve f. Pressure lubricated main, connecting rod, piston pin, camshaft, and rocker arm bearings. g. Full flow, engine-mounted, lube oil filter of the replaceable-element type, equipped with an automatic bypass valve. h. Direct engine-mounted (no exposed oil lines) full-flow lube oil cooler with an automatic bypass valve. i. Maximum allowable exhaust temperahue at engine exhaust manifold outlet - 1000 degrees Fahrenheit. j. Engine must not require a head of fuel on transfer pump. k. Primary and secondary fuel filters of the replaceable-element tyPe. l. No exposed fuel Iines above 30 pounds per square inchpressure. m. Standard Society of Automotive Engineers nuts, bolts, and studs. n. Standard National Pipe Thread or Society of Automotive Engineers tubing and fittings. 2. Generator ' a. Single-bearing alternator directly connected to engine though flexible coupling. b. Rotating field, brushless type c. Drip-proof guarded d. Self-ventilated e. Self-lubricated bearines f. Generator to operate within National Electrical Manufacturer's Association temperature limits. Electrical Service System 16040-9 Golden Peak Base Facilitv 't g. Generator rotor capable ofoperating at 25 percent overspeed. h. Insulation conforming to Class F. National Electrical Manufacturers' Association standards with a maximum of 105 degrees Centigrade rise above ambient. i. Provisions for grounding the neutral. j. Positive ground between generator frame and base through mounting pads, between generator and engine, and between generator frame and extemal control cabinet. k. Generator power connections located in enclosure that is readily accessible for inspection. National Electrical Manufacturers' Association standard telephone influence factor (TIF) 0.50 or Iess. l. Waveform deviation factor less than 10 percent line-to-line m. Full static-type voltage regulator n. Voltage adjusting rheostat shall provide 5 percent voltage adjustment. o. Static voltage build-up p. Voltage silicon q. Rectifier type voitage regulator with silicon diode control 3 Suppressors a. Provide radio suppressions for both generator and exciter. 1. Manufacturers: Detroit Diesel, Allison Division of General Motors Corporation, Caterpillar Tractor Company, Cummins Engine Co., or Onan. A. Vibration Isolation 1. Support the eiectric-set base on vibration isolators. Flexible connections shall be incorporated in ail pipes and ducts connected to the generator set. Electrical Service Svstem 16040-10 Golden Peak Base Facilitv 2. Vibration Isolators - Spring Type a. Number of Isolators: Sufficient number so that floor bearing press're under each isolator is within floor loading permitted and load per isoiator is not more than 75 percent of isolator load rating. b. Attachment: Isolators bolted to housekeeping pad, electric_set base bolted to isolators. c. Adjustments: Isolators adjustable for leveling and load distribution. ' d. Vibration Isolation Efficiency: Not less than 9g percent. e. Sound Insulation: Sound-insulating type or have sourd insulation pad between isolator and housekeeping pad. f. Isolator Location: Equal number on each side of base, spaced for approximately equal load distribution per isolator. Drill electric-set base for isolator bolts. g. Ship isolators ioose with electric set. 3. Flexible Connections a. Provide flexible cormections between the electric set and exterior systems (such as fuel lines, cooling water iines, electrical connections, and exhaust duct). B. Engine Cooling and Heating i. Cooling a. Cool the enginejacket by an integrai mounted radiator ofa type and capacity recommended by the engine manufacturer equal to Perfex. Provide radiator of the vertical type with electric motor pusher fan. Provide system capable ofcooling the unit at full load and 100 degrees Fahrenheit ambient temperature. 2. Heating Electrical Service System r6040-11 Golden Peak Base Facility ,.:,!rt t.9kt,;.,,. 4i1i#Jtht.-\.11?.:t;.4i9:4iJ2rfd;i5tt&,6ttu.tt,l?3ea*,tt! a. Provide a thermostatically controlled immersion type heater to insure a minimum coolant temperature of 90 degrees Fahrenheit in a room ambient of 32 degrees Fahrenheit. The heater is to be suitable for operation with 120/208 volts single-phase altemative current emergency power. provide matching disconnect switch. b. Provide battery heaters. C. Starting System (Automatic) l. Cranking System a. Heavy-duty, long-life (6000 hours) direct-current cranking motor or motors rated at 24 volts. b. Engagement Mechanism Chambered ring gear and pinion Self-lubricated pinion Electromechanical engagement c. Enclosed motor and pinion engagement linkage d. Solenoid relay having contacts capabie of calrying the maximum pinion-engagement solenoid current included in starting circuit included in starting circuit between start contacts and the pinion-engagement soienoid. ' e. Automatic cranking disconnect switch to disconnect battery charger during cranking. f. Battery charger shall be an intemal part of the transfer switch. 2. Batteries a. Provide lead acid batteries capable of cranking the set a minimum offour (4) times for 60 seconds each at firing speed and a room temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit. provide a matching rack and cables of sufficient ampacities. Manufacturer: Nife, Inc. 3. Provide the equipment, devices, and material necessary to achieve automatic starting, power switching, shutdown, and restore to normal Electrical Service System 16040-12 Golden peak Base Facility 'o standby condition; indicating lamp labeled "overcrank cutout,, mountedin autoskrt control panel. In addition to the automatic starting function, the autostart control shall provide for automatic test, manue I start, and starting circuit "OFF" to prevent starting during maintenance. As depicied the automatic test function shall permit the system to be tested manually, causing the autostart control to react as if a power outage has occurred, starting the engine and transferrins the active load to the electric set. Starting Performance a. The electric set shall be capabre of assuming the active road in l0 seconds after a starting signal is applied to cranking motor. b. Measure starting performance time specification &om the time that the power failure evaluation relay has timed out. +. D.Control Cabinet I J. 2. cabinet: National Electrical Manufachuers' Association enclosure: fullv enclosed and louvered with lockable hinged door; entire unit freestanding. Fused Main Switch A.?. Line connected b. Switch size and fuse size as indicated on the Drawings. c. Comply with specifications for main switches in switchboards. d. Manually operated switching with padlocking provisions. Neutrai Ground Provision: Ground terminals to be provided inside cabinet. Instruments voltmeter connected through selector switch to read line-to-line voltage, l-2,2-3,3-1. Label selector switch to indicate meter Electrical Service System 16040- 13 Golden Peak Base Faciliw t connection at each position (i.e., I _2, Z_3, 3_l). Red line at 4g0 volts.. b. Ammeter connected through phase selector switch to three (3) individual currenttransformers to read phases one, fwo, and three. Label selector switch to indicate meter connection to phases. c. Frequency meter (dial rype). d. Ammeter, voltrneter, and frequency meter shall provide 2 percent of full-scale accuftlcy. e. Running time meter (electric or mechanical). f. Voltage adjusting rheostat. Locate on face of control cabinet and label "Voltage Adjustment,', with arrow labeled "Raise" and "Lower". g. Locate engine speed adjuster on face ofcontrol cabinet or on face of control cabinet subbase and label "Engine Speed Control" with arrow labeled "Raise,' or ',Lower". h. Oil pressure gauge in face ofcontrol cabinet or in face ofcontrol cabinet subbase. i. Water temperature gauge adjacent to oil pressure gauge. j. Provide a l00-gallon supply skid mounted double wall fuel tank to provide an immediate fuel supply to the engine fuel pump upon engine startup. Equip tank with an automatic float with a low-level contact (neariy empty) for remote alarm indication. Supply tank shall be UL listed for its intended use and installed accordingly. E. AutomaticElectric-SetProtection l. Protection System: Provide power for sensors, trips, indicator lights, and alarm by engine cranking batteries. Provide fault sensors to cause emergency engine shutdown when any of the following faults occur: a. High water temperature sensor set to trip at 205 plus or minus 3 degrees Fahrenheit, 96 plus or minus 2 degrees Centigrade. Electrical Service System 16040-14 Golden peak Base Faciliw o, ,, ."*^,j..:,. ).., r!:1:,i:vi;:;i2;.: ,.1<!i):ittttttvt!t9"<;.:ta;rrlrtj!, b. Approach to high water temperature sensor set to prealarm at 190 degrees Fahrenheit. c. Low water temperature sensor set to trip at g0 degrees Fahrenheit. d. Overspeed sensor set to trip at 2050 revolutions per minute. e. Low lube oil pressure sensor set to trip at the engine manufactwer,s recommendation for lowest permissible oil pressure. f. Overcrank sensor set to trip after four (4) 60-second attempts to start. C. Generator main circuit breaker rripped. 2. Provide easy-to-read meter scales. Meters and switches to be Iabeled to indicate firnction. a. Must be neat attractive, easy to read, and permanent. b. Lettering to be applied to panel face or to instrument or to permanently affixed plate. c. Lettering to be applied by engraving, etching or other technique that will not rub off or wear off. d. Fault indicators as specified elsewhere. F. Room Air Ventilation (For Self-Contained Housing) 1. Provide normally open contacts to operate the relay of the room air supply inlet louvers when the engine reaches self-sustaining firing speed. 2. Wire the contacts to a terminal board in the control cabinet. label terminals ILR-l and ILR-2. G. Engine Exhaust System: Provide the electric-set supplied with exhaust manifold guard, exhaust silencer, flexible sections, exhaust piping, adapters, and connecting parts. Exhaust system from the load side ofsilencer is by mechanical contractor. ,t Electrical Service System 16040- l5 Golden Peak Base Facilitv l.Silencer Super critical silencing type as manufactured by Morim. Bottom inlet and outlet horizontal type, drain cock at lowest point, one (l) accessible cleanout port. Finished in rust-preventive primer, heat-resistant painted, and completely insulated. 2.Flexible Exhaust Pipe Section One (1) flexible section connected between the exhaust pipe and the engine exhaust manifold. Stainless steel Smoke tight Provide flex section(s) to permit relative motion of engine and exhaust pipe up to I inch (2.5 centimeters) in any direction without strain on engine manifold or exhaust piping. Adapters and connecting parts a. Adapter required to connect silencer inlet to exhaust pipe. b. Adapter required to connect silencer outlet to exhaust pipe. c. Adapter required to connect flexible section to engine exhaust manifold outlet flange. d. Adapter required to connect flexible section to exhaust pipe. e. Bolts, nuts, lockwashers, and gaskets required to adapters. Manifold Guard Provide metal guard to prevent personnel from contacting the engine exhaust manifold if manifolds are not water cooled. Rigid construction of open mesh or expanded metal. a. b. b. c. d. ). 4. b. Electrical Service System 16040- 15 Golden Peak Base Facilitv 5. Insulation: Insulate exhaust piping and silencer with lg00 degrees. Fahrenheit type insulation. H. Fuel System 1. Engine Fuel System a. Provide fuel line sections and adaoters. b. Flexible fuel inlet line . c. Flexible fuel return line ' d. Adapters for: Flexible line to engine fuel inlet Flexible line to engine fuel return Flexible line to fuel supply inlet Flexible line to engine fuel retum e. I00-gallon supply tank f. Provide fuel and tank heaters as required to suit abient conditions in unheated space under winter conditions. I. Fault Indicators l. Provide the following fault indicators: a. Approach to high water temperature b. High water temperature c. Low water temperature d. Low oil pressure e. High oil temperature f. Overspeed g. Overcrank Electrical Service System 16040-17 Golden Peak Base Facilitv h. Main circuit breaker open i. High and low battery charge j. Low fuet oil 2. Provide audible alarm (horn or bell) to sound continuously when any fault sensor trips and the bypass switch is inactive. 3. Mount indicators and alarms in the control panel. provide for manual reset. 4. Temrinate engine protection and annunciation wiring at a terminal strip or block that provides for inter-connecting the enginl protection system to the autostart panel aad remote annunciator. a. Terminal strip enclosed in junction box b. Accessible location on electric set c. Terminals labeled to match conesponding terminal strips in autostart contol cabinet J. Engine Labeling I . Provide a plate permanently affixed to rocker arm cover. List the followi ng i nformation: Engine serial number Engine model number Optional equipment parts type number a. Apply lettering by etching or other per.manent technique. b' The electric-set supplier and engine manufacturer are to retain a permanent record of the data contained on this olate. 2. Lube Oil Decals a. Provide decal located on lube filler to read "Oil Filler,'. b. Provide decal located at lube oil dipstick tube to read "Oil Level Dipstick". Electrical Service System 16040-18 Golden peak Base Facilitv \ ..\!,. t r,.. 1ri|tat.i,,, /.4rat/,i?2,r;,.^n^., 4.erxx)alricaa.ttoo. - K.Electric-Set Finish 1. Factorypruy puint components of the emergency system (e.g., generator and base control panel, charger, battery rack, etc.) in a color as sllectea over a suitable primer. Remote Status Panels l. L. b. h. ). Electrical Service System 2. Provide i4 slain telephone room with auxillary set of dry contacts for interface to owner supplied and connected remote alarm, including all necessary conduit and wiring for same. provide the following alarm indicators per NFPA No. 76 and as specified herein. When achrated, these alarcrs shall sound audible alarms and indicate, by means of individual lights at annunciator panels, which particular malfunction is initiating the alarm. Provide 3/16 inch high (minimum) labeling to identify the alarm. Provide abuzzer and an annunciator panel as indicated on Drawings. Provide hom signal at set location. Provide silencing (ovenide) switch to silence alarm. override switch shall have flashing pilot lamp labeled "override" to indicate that alarm is silenced. Provide power for alarm system from generator battery system. Alarm annunciators shall indicate the following malfunctions: a. High water temperature d. Low water temperature Approach to high water temperature Low oil pressure High oil pressue Overspeed Cranking faiiure (after 60 seconds) Generator output failure High and low battery alarm Transfer switch position lights for two (2) transfer switched (red and green) g. 16040-19 Golden Peak Base Facilitv I. SequenceofOperation: Electrical Service System 16040-20 ,ir:r.t :h d\i! t)lir.<!i.ioroqr.i.r<&r<ii:ltrsJ.,.<..a,a,,l*n).o k.Ground fault indicator with pushbutton and pilot light to trip main switch Pilot light denoting engine selector switch in ,'OFF" position (Fire Control Center onlv) 2.3 m. Start/stop switch (Fire Control Centers only) n. Test switch (Fire Control Center only) AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCI{ES Provide automatic transfer switches as indicated, complete with the necessary potential relays for sensing each phase of the commercial power voltage, control relays, time delays, contact to initiate engine starting, and voltage frequency relay for sensing the generator voltage. The transfer switches shall be rated for 60 herta 3 phase, 3 or 4 wire normal and emergency sources. They shall have full 600 volt insulation on all main conurcrs and cunent carrying parts. The current rating shall be a24 hour continuous rating, with the switch enclosed in a non-ventilated enclosure. The switch shall be unaffected by accumulatrve operations and shall conform to NEMA temperafure rise standards. The current rating shall be suitable for all classes ofloads; i.e., resistance. tungsten, ballast and inductive loads. The switch shall be capable of meeting the latest UL standards. The thermal capacity of the main contacts shall not be less than 20 times the continuous duty rating for 60 cycles. Indicated transfer switches shall revert to normal source position upon a signai from buiiding automation indicating that the system crossover tie circuit breaker is closed. This operation will override normal/emergency soruce transfer sequences. H. The automatic transfer switches shall be capable of withstanding available short circuit currents without contact damage or opening. A. B. C. D. E. L G. Golden Peak Base Facilitv l. 1. I when the voltage on any phase of the normal source is reduced to 700/o of rated voltage for one second, a pilot contact on the transfer switch shall close and initiate starting ofthe standby generator. When the standby plant is delivering not less than 90% of rated voltage and frequency, the load shall be transferred to the emergency source after a time delay of 0 to 60 seconds (adjustable). When the normal and emergency source are energized uansfer from normal to emergency source shall occur after the sources are synchronized. when the normal source has been restored to not less than 90% of rated voltage on all phases, the load shall be retransferred to the normal source after a time delay of 5 to 25 minutes (adjustable). The retansfer to the normal source shall occru after the sources are synchronized. After retransfer to the normal soruce, the standby plant shall run for 15 minutes unloaded and shall then automatically shut down and be ready to start upon the next failure of the normal source. Shut down time delay shall be adjustable from I to 30 minutes. Timer shall be provided in emergency control panel. 5. If the standby plant should fail at any time while carrying the load, retransfer ofload to the normal source shall be synchronized upon restoration of the normal source on all phases without intentional delay. Construction and Performance 2. 3. .+- 2. i't- Each automatic transfer switch shall be a double throw switch, operated by a single operating mechanism, momentariiy energized. The normal emergency contacts shall be inherentry mechanically locked by the operating linkage when in the open or ciosed position. Failure of any coil or disarrangement of any part shall not permit a neutral position. All parts of the mechanical driving system and mechanical interlocks shall be electrically dead. Molded plastic parts shall not be used as part of the operating linkage between the electrical operator and the main operating shaft of the switch. All main bearings shail be of the radial bail bearing fype. Electrical Service System 16040-21 Golden Peak Base Facility 'n 5' Sensing and contror relays shall be continuous-duty industriar type with. wiping contacts rated l0 a.mperes minimum. 6. Each main contact shalr be silver surfaced and protected by a separate renewable arcing contact. 7' switches rated 150 a.mperes or more shall be equipped with arc barriers and arc suppression on each pole. 8. All current carrying contacts and parts shall be readily accessible from the front for maintenance and inspection as individual units. Replacement of any said part shall not require removal of the switch panel from the enclosure, or discormecting the operating linkage or power conductors. 9. The switch shall be mounted in NEMA 12 enclosure suitable for wall or floor mounting or switchboard mounted as per one line diagram. K. Accessories: l. Test switch to be mounted on cabinet or switch panel. 2. Auxiliary contact to close when normal power fails (pilot contact to initiate starting controls on engine). 3. Mounted pilot light for indicating switch in normal position (includes fuses and auxiliary contact). 4. Mounted pilot light for indicating switch in emergency position (includes fuses and auxiliary contact). 5. Two (2) auxiliary contacts on main shaft (closed on normal). 6. Two (2) auxiliary contacts on main shaft (closed on emergency). 7. In-phase monitors for transfer from normal to emergency and from emergency to normal. 8. Integral battery charger. L. Manufacturers: Automatic Switch Company, Russell or ONAN. Electrical Service System r6040-22 Golden Peak Base Facility ,.\ | ,:,. ,' r?, ..\ ' \.* rit / ,,:irCd.t&rrttr.lrj, PART 3 - EXECUTION J- t SECONDARY ELECTRICAL SERVICE A. The secondary electrical service will be r20/20g volts,3 phase,4 wire, be connected. 3.2 GROI.INDING A. B. C. \J. D. Ground service equipment, conduit systems, supports, cabinets, transformers, poles, fixtures, etc., and the grounding circuit c;;ductors. Provide bonding jumpersand wire, grounding bushings, clamps, etc., as required for complete grounding. Route ground conductors to provide the shortest and most direct path to the ground electrode system. provide ground cormections with clean contact surfaces, tinned and sweated while bolted. Install ground conductors in conduit. Make readily accessible connections to the unlerground in the viciniry of the switchgear. Make connections to the water pipe witi "series 3900" (Thomas & Betts) ground clamp, grounding the conduit enclosing as well as the conductor. Bond cold water pipe system to separate grounding electrode. Provide a sep€Irate grounding conductor, securely grounded on each end of sections of plastic, fiber, asbestos cement or flexible raceways. Route inside raceway. Provide grounding type bushings for feeder conduits which originate from the service switchboards and individually bond this raceway to the ground bus in the main switchboards. connect the neutral bus in the main service switchboards to the ground bus by means of removable link. Provide grounding conductor for dry-type transformer secondaries to nearest cold water pipe. Provide grounding ofconduits entering motor control centers and panelboards as specified elsewhere. E. F. H. Provide ground conductors in alr feeders and branch circuits. 3.3 STANDBY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Electrical Service System 16040-23 Golden Peak Base Facilitv B. J*" The standby electrical generating system consists ofa standby diesel-powered generator set and automatic transfer switches that will automatically signal the generator to start and energize the selected load should the normal service to the hansfer switches fail. A housekeeping pad or pedestal foundation 6 inches high and extending 6 inches from all sides of the emergency generator set will be provided by Geneial Contractor. Isolate the generator at the base by means of a combination spring and neoprene pad assembly. Provide wire lugs and./or cable required in rendering this emergency standby power operable. Provide wiring between auiliary contacts and building automation system, fue command panel and elevator conholler as required by codes. Provide complete testing of the system on site with load back at 100% load as recommended by the generator supplier. Provide certified test reports to the engineer and General Contractor for record purposes. C. D. E. F. END OF SECTION 16040 Electrical Service Svstem t6040-24 Golden Peak Base Facilitv SECTION 16050 ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM PART 1 - GENERAL I.I DESCRIPTION A. General: Provide electrical distribution system in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere l. Finish painting 2. Equipment supports 1.2 STANDARDS A. Except as modified by governing codes and by the Contract Documents, comply with the applicable provisions and recommendations of the National Electrical Manufacturer's Association. l. Panelboards: Compiy with Underwriters'Laboratories standard UL 489. Federal Standard W-C-375a, Amendment Number 4. and National Electrical Manufacturers' Association standard AB- I - I 969. 2. Transformers: Comply with Underwriters' Laboratories standard UL 746, American National Standards Institute C 5'1 .12.00-1968, and Nationai Electrical Manufacturers' Association Standard 3T20-1972. I.3 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings and manufacturers' data tbr the following items: L Panelboards a. On lighting panei show main devices and lug sizes; branch circuit device sizes and arrangement; bus ampacities; dimensions and construction; gutter dimensions; nameplate and legend; protective Electrical Distribution System 16050- I Golden Peak Base FaciiiW I coating; and all pertinent details ofpanel, enclosure, cover, and metlod of securing cover and lock. 2. Dry type transformers PART 2 . PRODUCTS 2.T LIGFITING PANELS A. Provide lighting panels consisting of an assembly of branch circuit switching and protective devices mounted inside a dead front enclosure. Provide the number and size of these branch circuit devices as indicated on the Drawinss. . l. Main circuit breakers 2. Split buses 3. Subfeed switches 4. Feed through lugs B. Panelboard Interior 1. Rigid removable assembly of aluminum or copper bus bars and interchangeable bolted branch circuit devices. 2. Bus bars drilled to permit branch circuit devices of all sizes and number ofpoles to be interchangeable and instailed in any spare space of sufficient size, without disnubing adjacent units; without removing main bus or branch circuit connectors; and without machining, drilling, or tapping. 3. Arrange bus in sequence or distributed phasing so that multipole circuit breaker can replace any group of single circuit breakers of the same size. 4. Provide ground bus in each lighting and appliance branch circuit panelboard. C. Enclosure i. Code gauge steel box galvanized. 2. Provide a bolt-on connector to inside box. Golden Peak Base FacilityElectrical Distribution System 16050-2 3. Flush mounted in finished areas and where indicated. Surface mount elsewhere. D. Front ' 1. Heavy code gauge steel as required to maintain panel face flat. 2. Provide door in door construction. 3 Locate main lugs properly at top or bottom, depending on where main feeder enters. E. Circuit Breaker Branch Circuit Devices l. Plastic molded case. Completely sealed enclosure. Toggle type operating handle. Trip ampere rating and ON/OFF indication clearly visible. 2. Thermal-magnetictrip-free,tip-indicating,quick-make,quick-break, with inverse time delay characteristics. Single-handle and common ripping multipole breakers. 3. Silver alloy contacts with auxiliary arc-quenching devices. 4. Bolt-in place to main bus. 5. Bolted type terminals Underwriters' Laboratories listed for either aluminum or copper cables. 6. Minimum Frame a. For 120/208 volt lighting panels: quick lag. b. For2771480 volt lighting panels: GFIB. c. For power panels and mains: EHB & E. d. For LTG circuits that are controlled at panel, provide devices rated for switching purposes. 7. Locate next to each breaker or space unit an individual number button. Where multiple sections panelboards occur, no fwo sections to have like numbers. Electrical Dislibution System 16050-3 Golden Peak Base Facility F. Electrical Ratings 1. Unless otherwise noted on the Drawinss: a. Lighting Panels: 1201208 volt, 3 phase wire, full neutral 10,000 AIC minimum PRL-I Cutler Hammer/Westinshouse b. Lighting panels: 2771480 volt, 3 phase wire, fi.rll neutral 14,000 AIC minimum PRL-2 Cutler Hammer/Westinshouse c. Load center type panels for residential units. 2. The above ratings to be increased as required to exceed available . short-circuit currents. G. Provide main breakers in panels served from transformers, in sections of multi-section panels when two (2) or more panels are served by a common conductor or overcurrent devices. PART 3 . E)GCUTION 3.I PANELBOARDS A. Installation i. Mount panel 4 feet to panel center but with maximum height of 6 feet 6 inches to handle of topmost switching device. 2. Mount surface tvpe panels 1/4 inch offwall. 3. Connect feed-through panels to main feeder by insulated parallel gutter taps (O.2. Electrical Manufacturing Company - Type PT or PTC). Full size tap for two panels on a common feeder, half the main cable capaciry for three or more panels per feeder. 4. Neatly arrange branch circuit wires and tie together in each gutter with waxed twine or Thomas & Betts nylon "Ty-Raps", or approved equal at minimum intervais. 5. Plue all knockouts removed and not utiiized. Electrical Distribution System 16050-4 Golden Peak Base Faciliw I B. Indexing and Identification l. After installations are complete, provide and mount under sturdy Eansparent shield in the directory frame ofeach panel door, a nea! accurate and carefully typed directory properly identiffing the lighting,' receptacles, outlets, and equipment each branch circuit breaker controls. 2. Include on directory the panel identification, the cable and conduit size ofpanel feeder, and the feeder origination point. END OF SECTION 16050 Electrical Distribution System 16050-5 Golden Peak Base Faciliw rl SECTION 16060 LIGHTING FIXTURES PART I - GENERAL I.1 DESCRIPTION A. General: Provide lighting fixtures in accordance with the Conhact Documents. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere . 1. Raceway system 2. Wire and cable 3. Local wall switches 4. Equipment supports C. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings and manufacturers'data for the following items in accordance with the Conditions of the Contract. 1. Lighting Fixtures a. Soecial fixtures shall show full-size cross sections. Indicate finished dimensions, metal thicknesses, and materials- Identify ballast type and manufacturer: b. Show mounting details, including hung ceiling construction. c. Provide earthquake clips or all lay-in type fixtures. d. Tie to structure as per codes on all types oflighting fixtures. 1.2 GUARANTEE A. General: Guarantee ballast for one full year and one year Prorated as per standard manufacturer's warranty against defects for a period of 2 years. Guarantee to include replacing defective ballast with new ballast. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Lighting Fixtures r 6060- I Golden Peak Base Facility 2.1 MATEzuALS C. F. B. Plastic Lenses and Diffusers: Virgin methyl methacrylate unless otherwise permitted. Destaticize after cleaning. Install and leave with no finger or dirt marks on the lens or diffi-rser. Use white gloves if necessary. Parabolic Fixture Care: Parabolic fixtures to be installed with mylar cover over louvers. Upon completion of work, remove mylar cover with white gioves and blow clean reflectors. Finish: Porcelain or baked enamel finish matte white on interior with minimum tested reflectance of 90 percent matte white finish or as specified in visible exterior. Thoroughly clean base metal and bonderize after fabrication. Sockets: Incandescent larnp sockets - porcelainhousings over copper screw shells, with medium base sockets rated at 660 watts. Insulating joint in pull chains. Fluorescent fixture sockets -- white, heat resistant plastic rated 660 watts. Fluorescent industrial sockets - heavy-duty, multi-socket, metal-clad, spring-loaded. Individual tombstone socket for each lamp end. Fixture Wiring: Minimum individual fixtue wiring -- nurnber 16 gauge with insulation with rated operating temperature of 105 degrees Centigrade or higher, i.e., asbestos-covered circuit wires rururing in fluorescent fixrure channels as raceway; type RHH, AVA,or AVB. Terminate wiring for recessed fixtures, except fluorescent units, in an extemal spiice box. Ballasts l.Trigger start for 24-inch lamps and rapid start for 36-inch and 48-inch, unless otherwise noted. Two lamp ballasts wherever possible; no 3-lamp ballasts allowed. High-power factor (over 90 percent). Electrical Testing Laboratories: Certifi ed Ballast Manufacturer's Certification, ballast case temperatwe not to exceed 90 degrees Centigrade during normal operation in 30 degrees Centigrade ambient temperature. Ballast voltage: 120 or 208 volts, as required by circuiting. Ballast shall be provided with the best sound rating available. Ballast Thermal Protection: Built-in self-resetting thermal acruated device will remove ballast from line when excessive ballast temperature is reached. Underwriter Class P. CBM Cenihed. I00% outDut. D. E. 2. Lighting Fixtures 16060-2 Golden Peak Base Facility 3. High-intensity discharge ballasts shall be constant wattage auto transforme r Wpe. 4. Approved Ballast Manufacturers: Advance, Mark III or Universal SLH Series. Provide cold weather ballasts as required. All ballasts to 100% light output. Elecnonic ballasts to be Magnetek (as defined in fixture schedule). G. Lamps l. Provide a comolete set of new lamos in each fixture. Fluorescent lamps: Warm white, I % inch diameter or T8 3500K as specified. Incandescent lamps: Inside frosted Metal Halide Lamps: Super high output HPS - Color stalicized 2. Approved Lamp Manufacturers: General Electric, Phillips or Sylvania. 2.2 FABzuCATION A. Provide fixtures, completely factory-assembled and wired and equipped with necessary sockets, bailasts, wiring, shielding, ret'lectors, channels, lenses. etc.. and deliver to iob readv for installation. 2.3 FIXTURE QUAUTY AND DESCRIPTION A. Acceptable manufacturers are listed on the Lighting Fixture Schedule shown on the Drawines. B. Manufacture fixtures to the specifications described herein. Manufacturers' catalogue numbers are given to further describe the general appearance ofthe frxture. PART 3 - DGCUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION Lighting Fixtures 16060-3 Golden Peak Base Facility tt A. Installation in Hung Ceilings: Architect's and/or interior designers reflected ceiling plans show actual location. Spaces for fixture insertion will be provided by the trade that installs the ceiling. Fumish plaster and other frames for setting and installing under another section ofthese specifications. B. Install fixnres in mechanical areas after ductwork and piping installation. Locate fixhues 8 feet 6 inches above floor. or at suitable locations within soace on walls. END OF SECTION 16060 Lighting Fixtures 16060-4 Golden Peak Base Faciliw It SECTION I6070 ELECTRICAL POWER EQUIPMENT PART 1 . GENERAL I.I DESCzuPTION A. General: Provide electrical power equipment in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: I . Setting of motors 2. Elevators 3. Refrigeration 4. Concrete work 1.2 STANDARDS Except as modifred by governing codes and the contract documents, comply with the applicable provisions and recommendations of the following: A. Motor Control Centers: Compiy with Underwriters' Laboratories standards UL-845 and National Electrical Manufacturers' Association standard lc52-322-1970. B. Motor Controllers: Comply with Underwriters'Laboratories standard UL-508, and Nationai Electrical Manufacturers' Associatio n standard I C S - I 9 70. C. Disconnect Switches: Comply with National Electrical Manufacturers' Standard KS-1-1957 and Federal Standards W-S-865C. I.3 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings and manufacturers' data for the followine items in accordance with the conditions of the contract. Electrical Power Equipment 16070-l Golden Peak Base Facility l. Motor Control Centers: Include elementary contol diagrams, unit wiring diagram for each motor contoller, assembly outline drawings, suminary sheets, shop interwiring diagrams, field connection diagrams, and nameplates with legends. a. Where a contol center assembly is shipped in more than one section, show field interwiring required to maintain circuit continuity upon reassembly. Clearly delineate shipping sections. b. lnclude a statement verifying coordination with the automatic temperatue controls and the fire alarm system. 2. All motor controllers 3. All disconnect switches PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MOTOR CONTROL CENTERS A. Provide motor control centers, completely factory-assembled and tested, metal-enclosed, free-standing, dead-front equipment, with the following general ratings and consrruction designations. l. Voltage: 480 volts as indicated. 3-phase, i-wire to hertz. except as otherwise noted. 2. Minimum bus short circuit rating: 65,000 amperes, Root Mean Square Symmetrical. 3. Motor Controllers: Combination magnetic type with MCP circuit breaker. 4. Feeder Access: From the top for main feeders and circuit breakers. 5. Wiring: Type B, Class I, as defined by Nationai Electrical Manufacturers' Association Standards. B. Provide number of vertical sections and general arrangement of modular control units as outlined and as required. Provide fused disconnect switches or miscellaneous equipment. Each vertical section to contain no more than 6 modular units, unless otherwise indicated. Electrical Power Equipment r6070-2 Golden Peak Base Faciliw C.Provide motor control centers to consist of detachable vertical sections, each a reinforced, shaped, rigid, free-standing stnrcture, with cover plate of steel or aluminum. Provide each standard section capable of mounting interchangeably with various motor confroller units and designed so that control units may be readily removed or added as required. Mount entire assembly on two (2) sturdy structural steel channels, drilled for bolting to floor. Provide each section 90 inches overall height by 20 inches wide by 20 inches deep. l.Horizontal sections of entire assembly to contain the main horizontal bus feeding the busses of the vertical sections. Provide removabie plates for access to main bus. Provide sections above or below control units constituting a continuous wiring trough with screw-on covers along the entire length ofthe contol center. Provide each vertical section to be dead-front National Electrical Manufacturers' Association lA construction. Provide vertical bus full-length and isolated from starter compartments by a full-height fiber barrier, provided with opening so designed that control units ofany standard size can be removed or added as required. Provide a 4-inch, minimum width, full-length vertical wiring trough with cable supports on one side of each section. Provide easily removable isolating metal barriers between control units. Provide a separate, formed, healy sheet steel door for each control unit. Doors secured to the vertical section frame by screw-fastened, concealed hinges and bolted door fasteners, capable ofbeing tightened by hand or screwdriver. Doors to be gasketed dust-tight all around, including disconnect operating handles and knockouts and opening for required pushbuttons, selector switches and indicating lights. Do not attach wiring to door. Provide disconnect handle mounted on door of each control unit to operate switch through adjustable linkage with clearly marked "On" and "Off' designations. Handle designed for padlocking either in "On" or "Off' position with I to 3 padiocks. Provide mechanical interlock to prevent opening of door when handle is in the "On" position. Interlock to be bypassable with special tool. Mount controi center nameplate with l-inch minimum height capital letters at the top of each motor control center. Mount on the door of each control unit a nameplate with 3/16 inch minimum height capital letters. Nameplates to be securely screwed to switch enclosure and provided with white incised letters on black and white laminated bakelite. 2. J. A ). Electrical Power Equipment 16070-3 Golden Peak Base Facility Designations to include unit number and a functional description (i.e., AC-8, first floor supply) as approved by the Engineer. D. Horizontal bus sized as indicated, but not less than 600 amperes. provide bus supports of high quality insulators with high dielectric strength, low moisture absorption and high impact strength, so arranged and secured to bus as to provide the required short-circuit bracing. l. Provide a ground of33 percent ofphase bus capacity throughout the length of the control center with grounding lugs for equipment grounding. E. Provide each vertical section with a number of motor controllers, fused switches, . or miscellaneous equipment units. Provide each unit with components and wiring readily accessible for each of maintenance, and connected to the vertical bus by means of self-aligning connectors having free-floating spring construction so as to insrue a positive silver-to-silver contact with both sides of the bus at all times. Provide stationary strucnue and unit supports designed to support and align the units during removal or repiacement and for locking in the connect or disconnect positions. Provide units of modular heights and interchangeable with other units of same size or multiple of this size. 1. Provide each modular unit capable ofbeing secured and padlocked from the power bus, to facilitate inspection and maintenance. F. Provide motor controller unit of the combination type with fused switches and magnetic starter, complete with auxiliary equipment. including selector switches, pushbuttons, indicating lights, auxiliary relays, auxiliary contacts, and all other devices required for satisfactory operation ofthe equipment to be controlled. 1. Starter short-circuit cunent-intemrpting rating to be not less than 48,000 symmetrical at 480 voits. 2. Provide standard magnetic type starter with 3 properly sized overload heaters for 3-phase motors, manuai rest overload pushbutton, and a minimum of 2 auxiliary contacts arranged in the normally open position, but capable of held adjustment to the normally open position, but capable of field adjustment to the normally closed position. Provide each starter with a long-life green pilot light and a HAND-OFF- AUTOMATIC selector switch. Provide necessary interlocks and remote terminals for both local and remote connections indicated for the electrical or mechanical. Electrical Power Equipment r6070-4 Golden Peak Base Faciiity 3. Provide starter operating coil with voltage of 120 volts. Provide a two-winding control circuit transformer for each starter unit of suffrcient capacity to supply the inrush and continuous voit-amperes required by the starter coil and other devices in the control circuit 200 VA minimum. Fumish a 5-amp dual element fuse in each line of the primary circuit of the control transformer. Required fuse size engraved on fuse block or adjacent thereto. Provide contol center with facilities for future field installation of motor controller units without requiring modification of the bus structures. Thorougtdy clean interior and exterior of entire assembly, including pullbox, after fabrication and give it a rust-inhibiting primer coat followed by 2 frnish coats of medium-light gray air-drying lacquer or baked enamel. Provide control center completeiy assembled and connected at factory and then given operating and high potential tests in accordance with American Institute of Electrical Engineers and National Electrical Manufactruers' Association Standards. Provide entire assembly suitably reinforced for shipping and provided with bolted-on lifting irons at the top. Ship control center as a single assembly unless entry conditions or handling facilities at a point of installation require division into smaller sections. 2.2 INDIVIDUAL MOTOR CONTROLLERS C. Provide suitable fully coordinated starting and controlling equipment for motors as required. Anange the starting equipment as indicated in other sections of these specifications. Consult with each trade affected to determine the exact requirements for each device. Coordinate with automatic temperature control contractor to establish required auxiliaries, including relays, contacts, terminals, and the like. Provide individual starters fully enclosed in neatly finished ventilated boxes of code gauge steel, machine formed and weided. Provide boxes arranged for floor, wall. or angle iron frame mounting, including a door with a spring catch handle with facility to lock handle in open position. Provide engraved namepiates for each unit, nomenclature of each to be approved prior to fabrication, similar to that specified under motor control centers. E. Provide starters for motors less than % horsepower, including smoke dampers. to be 120 volt. 1 phase, 60 cycle, aitemating curent service with pilot light. G. H. A, B. n Electrical Power Equipment 16070-5 Golden Peak Base FaciliW ,t Provide manual starters with overload protection and lockout type disconnect . switch to control such motors, except where interlocks or automatic controls are required. In such cases, provide magnetic across-the-line starters. F. Provide starters for motors % horsepower to 100 horsepower to be magnetic across-the-line, combination type fused discorurect switch. Such starters to be 480 volg 3 phase,60 cycle, altemating current service. Provide each controller with a set of approved fuseton dual-element fuses. G. Provide starters for motors over 75 horsepower to be magnetic, combination reduced-voltage auto transformer with fused disconnect switches. Such starters to be 480 volt, 3 phase, 60 cycle, altemating cunent service. H. ' Provide magnetic starters subject to manual start and in direct view of the motors they control with momentary contact start and stop buttons built into cover. Provide magnetic starters subject electrical interlock or automatic control with Hand-OfF-Automatic switches built into cover. Provide selector switches in staxters to be of the maintain contact type. I. Provide starters with a pilot light built into cover, except those starters that are subject to cycling control. J. Provide starters for service at voltages higher than 120 volt with transformers for 120 volt secondary service built into each starter casing to serve control circuits. Provide transformers as specified under motor control centers. Provide each starter subject to electrical interlock and/or automatic control with the necessary auxiliary contacts. Provide one set of terminals for each control circuit. K. Provide magnetic staners with thermai overload in each phase leg and Iow-voltage protection. L. Provide approved coils, cores, resistance, insulation contacts, trippers, etc., tbr starters and relavs. 2.3 DISCONNECT SWTCHES A. Provide each motor with a horsepower rated disconnect switch. 1. Heavy-duty, single-throw knife switch with quick-make, quick-break mechanism, capable of full load operations. Horsepower rated and meeting National Electrical Manufacturers' Association and U.S. Govemment specifications for Class A switches. Electrical Power Equipment 16070-6 Golden Peak Base Faciiitv 2- Provide with contact arc-quenching devices, such as magnetic blowouts or snuffling plates. Provide self-aligning switchblades with silver alloy contact areas and designed so that arcing upon making and breaking does not occur on the final contact surfaces. Provide with high-pressure, spring-loaded contact. Mount switch parts on high-grade insulating base. 3. Enclosure: Nationai Electrical Manufachuers' Association I with multiple knockouts on sides and back, hinged door, and cover interlock that prevents door opening when switch in "ON" position and can be positively padlocked in "ON'and "OFF" positions. Utilize NEMA 3R (raintight) enclosure for exterior installation. 4. Size, fusing, and number of poles as shown or as required by code. Provide horsepower-rated switch to match motor load if no size is shown. Use 3-pole plus solid neutral switches unless otherwise noted. 5. Provide narneplates on each disconnect installed denoting equipment number as indicated. 6. Approved manufacturers: Square D, Westinghouse, Cutler Hammer or General Electric. PART ] - EXECUTION 3.I MOTOR POWER AND CONTROL WIRING --\. lnstall motor controllers and motor control centers where shown. B. insure that motor rotation is correct and reconnect if necessary. C. Provide motor feeder to starter and from starter to motor, including connections and wiring to and from disconnect switch support conduit feeder descending from ceiling on flanged floor fitting with conduit type fitting connecting to motor with 24-inch minimum of liquid+ight flexible steel conduit. Make electrical field connections to motors and packase machinerv with liouid-tisht flexible conduit. D. Motor disconnect switches shall be mounted on adjacent wall or from the floor with unistrut supports. Switches shall not be mounted on fan housings. E. Provide Type "S" rubber-jacketed cord,600 volts, heavy-duty service. ofsizes and lengths required for all equipment requiring cord and plug connection. Electrical Power Equipment 16070-7 Golden Peak Base Facility MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT CONNECTIONS C. Provide wiring and disconnect switches and make up final electrical connections where required. where equipment in open areas is fed from wiring in the slab, terminate conduit in a flush coupling at the floor or suitable watertight box with telephone ell from which point extends a rigid conduit nipple at least g inches above the floor, and provide flexible conduit connection to the equipment. Make conduit connection at the floor watertight. Provide flexible metal conduit or Type "S" rubber cords, pigtails, caps, etc., to provide an operating system. Provide flexible cords with a grounding conductor. Ground equipment. Refer to equipment manufachrer's shop drawiags for details of equipment condition. Provide receptacle to match the cord, and plug on the equipment fumished. D. Provide 120 volt power supply to exterior landscape controliers. ELEVATOR CONNECTIONS A. The elevators and associated equipment will be furnished, iastalled, and connected under a separate division ofthe specification. provide disconnect switches and extend feeders from the disconnects to the equipment controllers. Provide emergency power outlets for the control ofeach car fan and car lights in eievator shaft and in machine room where directed. provide a receptacle. switch, and light for service at the bottom of each elevator pit. provide necessary equipment and wiring in conjunction with the elevator operation under power failwes and under fire conditions. END OF SECTION 16070 B. J.J Electrical Power Equipment r6070-8 Golden Peak Base Faciliw sEcnoN 16100 FREEZE PROTECTION PART 1 - GENERAI I.I DESCRIPTION A. Provide freeze protection in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1,2 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. , Heat losses shall be based on maintaining 50 degree water temperatures in pipe with l' fiberglass insulation when ambient temperature is 0 degrees Fahrenheit with 25 mph winds. A 20 percent factor shall be included in losses, for voltage fluctuation. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings and manufacturer's data for the following items in accordance with the Conditions of the Contract. 1. Layout of the piping svstems with the freeze protection cables indicating their lengths and showing the locations of the thermostats, connections. and installation details. B. The contractor shall submit catalog cuts for approval of the following: 1. Freeze protection cable 2. Thermostats 3. Aluminum tape 4. Grounded connections 5. Decal rype signs PART 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 HEATING CABLE Freeze Protection 16100- I Golden Peak Base FaciliW B. Heating cable shall be Econotrace Type Fp parailel resistance as manufactured by Thermon Mfg. Co. or ilr approved equal. Heating cable shall be non-varying constant watt output variety, FEp Teflon insulated with double-insulated stranded copper bus wires. Heating cable shall be rated for 600 volts with a maximum exposed sheath temperature rating of 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Maximum circuit lengths to be 400 ft. D. Heating cable shall be continuously fastened to the pipe or vessel with 2 inch wide aluminum tape similar or equal to Thermon Type No. AL_20. E. . At a maximum of 12 inches perpendicuiar to tre heating cable, wrap aruminum tape, heating cable, and pipe with polyester tape. F. Each heating cable assembly shall be field tagged with the permanent U.L. Iabel included in the package with the appropriate connector. The tag shall be securely attached to thejunction box. THERMOSTATS AND RELAYS C. 2.2 D. All heating cables shall be thermostatically controlled as indicated on the contract Drawings. All thermostat switch enclosures shall be for non-hazardous classification. Switches shaii be snap-acting and applied to open on temperature rise and rated 100,000 operating cycles minimum. Temperature control devices shall be accessibly located to facilitate subsequent maintenance, but should be sufficiently close to the sensing point to utilize the standard capillary lengths. Thermostat capillary shall be installed in a flexible metal conduit (securelv fastened at both ends) or factory-fabricated flexible armor rubing between the equipment rack and the pipeline. Thermostat bulbs shall be instailed against the pipe at least 60 degrees circumferentially from the heating cabie, strapped firmly to the pipe, and appiy 20 inch AL-20 aluminum tape longitudinally to insure that heat at the process temperature is properiy transmitted to the bulb. E. Freeze Protection i 6100-2 Golden Peak Base Faciliry i F. Where thermostats are placed on sub-branches of piping, the thermostat bulb should be a minimum of 20 pipe diameters or 10 feet (whichever is larger) from the junction with the main pipe run. If this is physically impossible, the butb shall be as far from thejunction as possible. G. Thermostats shall be similar or an approved equal to Thermon adjustable type Catalog No. E4-35250 with caiibrated dial. PART 3 . E)GCUTION 3.I INSTALLATION A. . The entire freeze protection installation shall be in accordance rvith manufacturer's recommendations for the various comDonents. B. Heater shall be installed on the top portion of the pipeline approximately 30 degrees circumferentially on either side of the vertical center line. C. Thermostat sending bulbs shall be placed approximately 60 degrees circumferentiaily from heating cables and not within three feet of the cold junction. Capillary shall be run outside of thermal insulation and protected along its entire length by flexible conduit. D. Cables should be formed and bent to conform to flanges, valves, and fittings. E. Cables shall not cross, touch, or overlap at any point, and successive tums must maintain I inch minimum spacing. F. Cables shall be carefully located so as to prevent damage coincident with normal operations and maintenance. Cables shail be installed to permit turning, repacking or replacing valves. G. Cable installation shall begin at the coid junction and work toward the hot junction, allowing extra cable as required. Initial cable lay shali be done with temporary taping or banding to permit final placement so as to uniformiy position the cabie on the pipeline. H. On horizontal pipe runs where cables to thermostat capillaries enter the thermal insulation, placement shall be 45 degrees below centerline to minimize water intrusion. F rceze Protection 16100-3 Golden Peak Base Facilitv I. The installed heating cable shall be covered with thermal insulation as rapidly as possible to prevent damage. J. The following decal type sign shall be prominently hxed to the exterior of the thermal insulation every 25 feet and readily visible from ground level: ,CAUTION -- ELECTRIC HEAT TRACING" K. Additional cable shall be provided for valves, fittings, or other pieces of equipment in the lines to offset concentrated heat iosses as recommended by the manufacturer. 3.2 FIELD TESTING A. Before and after the heaters have been completely installed on the lines, but before pipes are insulated, the following tests shall be made: I . Check the continuity of the heating cable to be srue the conductors have not been broken during installation. 2. Test the cable with a 500 volt "Biddle" megger. The cable shail have not Iess than fifty megohms resistance from conductor to sheath and with no decline in readins. 3. Measure actuai applied voltage and load current. B. Repeat the above tests and checks after pipe insulation is applied and installation is complete. 3.3 FIELD TEST RECORDS A. For each heating cable, the heater number aad the test results obtained for each ofthe tests above shall be recorded both before and after installation ofthe heating cable and application ofthe insulation. B. A qualified manufacturer's representative shall be required to make a final inspection before start-up and to provide expert instruction in operation, maintenance, and adjustment of the equipment to include available reference manuals pertaining to equipment installed, 3.4 EQUIVALENTMANUFACTURERS Freeze Protection 16100-4 Golden Peak Base Facilitv 'j' A. Chemlex Auto-Trace self-limiting cable without a thermostat shall be considered equal to the above equipment. END OF SECTION 16100 Freeze Protection I 6 100-5 Golden Peak Base Facilitv DIVISION I6 - ELECTzuCAL SECTION 16I20 INTELLIGENT FIRE ALARM SYSTEM INTELLIGENT REPORTTNG FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM PART 1.0 - GENERAL 1.1 .DESCRIPTION: A. This section of the specifications includes the furnishing, installation, and connection of the microprocessor controlled, intelligent reporting fue alarm equipment required to form a complete coordinated system ready for operation. It shall include, but not be limited to, alarm initiating devices, alarm notification appliances, control panels, auxiliary control devices, annunciators, power supplies, and wiring as shown on the drawings and specified herein. B. The f,rre alarm system shail comply with requirements of NFPA Standard No. 72 for protected premises signaling systems except as modified and supplemented by this specification. The system shall be electrically supervised and monitor the integdty of all conductors. C. Accepted Systems: Notifier AM 2020 or Simplex. D. Systems shaii be supplied and installed as per approvai by fire department. T.2 SCOPE: A. A new intelligent reporting, microprocessor controlled fire detection system shall be installed in accordance with the sDecifications and drawines. B. Basic Performance: 1. Alarm, trouble and supervisory signals from all intelligent reporting devices shall be encoded onto an NFPA Style 4 (Class B)signaling line circuit. Class "A" for water flow and tamper switches. Low Rise Fire Alarm 16120-l Golden Peak Base Facilitv 2. Indicating appliance circuits shall be wired Style Y (Class B) Class .,A,' tamper and flow switches. 3. Digitized electonic signals shall employ check digits or multiple polling. 4. A single ground on any system signaling line circuit, initiating device circuit, or indicating appliance circuit shall not cause system malfunction, loss of operating power or the ability to report an alarm. 5. Alarm signals arriving at the main FACP shall not be lost following a power failure (or outage) until the alamr signal is processed and recorded. C. BASIC SYSTEM FUNCTiONAI OPERATION When a fue alarm condition is detected and reported by one of the system initiating devices or appliances, the following fi.rnctions shall immediately occur: l. The System Alarm LED shall flash. 2. A local piezo-electric signal in the control panel shall sound. 3. The 8O-character LCD display shall indicate all information associated with the Fire Alarm condition, including the type of alarm point and its location within the protected premises. 4. Printing and history storage equipment shall log the information associated each new Fire Alarm Control Panel condition. alons with time and date of occtuTence. 5. AII system output programs assigned via controi-by-event equations to be activated by the particular point in alarm shall be executed, and the associated System Outputs (alarm indicating appliances and./or relays) shall be activated. D. Typical Operation 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Generai: I . Two copies of all submittals shall be submitted to the ArchitectlEngineer for review. 2. All references to manufacturer's model numbers and other pertinent information herein is intended to establish minimum standards of performance, function and quality. Equivaient equipment (compatible UL Low Rise Fire Alarm 16120-2 Golden Peak Base Facilitv Listed) from other manufachuers may be substituted for the specified equipment as long as the minimum standards are met. 3. All substitute equipment proposed as equal to the equipment specified herein, shall meet or exceed the'following standards. For equipment other than that specified, the contractor shall supply proofthat such substitute equipment equals or exceeds the features, fimbtions, performance, and quality ofthe specified equipment. B. Shop Drawings: l. Sufficient inforrnation, clearly presented, shall be included to determine compliance with drawings and specifications. 2. Include manufacttuer's name(s), model numbers, ratings, power requirements, equipment layout, device arrangement, complete wiring point-to-point' diagrams, and conduit layouts. . 3. Show annunciator Iayout and main control panel module layout, confi gurations and terminations. C. Manuals: l. Submit simultaneously with the shop drawings, including technical data sheets. 2. Provide a clear and concise description ofoperation that gives. in detail. the information required to properly operate the equipment and system. 3. Approvals will be based on complete submissions of manuals together with shop drawings. D. Software Modifrcations 1. Provide the services ofa factory trained and authorized technician to perform all system software modifications, upgrades or changes. Response time of the technician to the site shall not exceed 8 hours. 2. Provide all hardware, software, programming tools and documentation necessary to modifu the fire alarm system on site. Modification includes addition and deletion of devices, circuits, zones and changes to system operation and custom label changes for devices or zones. The system structure and software shall place no limit on the fype or extent of software modifications on-site. Modif,rcation of software shall not reouire Dower-down Low Rise Fire Alarm 16120-3 Golden Peak Base Facilitv of the system or loss of system fue protection while modifications are being made. If a computer is required to make software additions changes, one shall be included as part ofthis project. 1,4 GUARANTY: Ail work performed and all material and equipment furnished under this contract shall'be free from defects and shall remain so for a period ofat least one (l) year from the date of acceptance. The full cost of maintenance, Iabor and materials required to corect any defect during this one year period shall be included in the submittal bid. I.5 APPLICABLEPUBLICATIONS: The ptrblications listed below form a part ofthis specification. The publications are referenced in text by the basic designation only. A. National Fire Protection Association (I.IFPA) - USA: No. 70-90 National Electrical Code (NEC) No. 72-90 Protective Signaling Systems No. 72E-90 Automatic Fire Detectors No. 72G-89 Notification Appliances for Protective Signaling Systems No. 72H-88 Testing Procedures for Signaling Systems. No. 101-91 Life Safety Code C. Local and State Building Codes D. Ail requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). I.6 APPROVALS: A. The system must have proper listing and/or approval from the following nationally recognized agencies: UL UnderwritersLaboratories. Inc. FM Factory Mutuai Low RiSe Fire Alarm r61204 Golden Peak Base Facilitv B. Modular Labeling The Fire Alarm Control Panel shall meet the Modular Listing requirements of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. To facilitate system changes and expansions, and to ensure that all subassemblies have the proper listing, each subassembly of the FACP shall carry the appropriate UL modular label. This includes all printed circuit board assemblies, power supplies, and enclosure parts. Systems which do . not include modular labeling may require retum to the factory for modifications, and are not acceptable. PART 2.0 PRODUCTS al EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL, GENERAI: All equipment and components shall be new, and the manufacturer's crurent model. The materials, appliances, equipment and devices shall be tested and listed by a nationally recognized approvals agency for use as part of a protected premises protective signaling (flre alarm) system. The authorized representative of the manufacturer of the major equipment, such as contol panels, shall be responsible for the satisfactory installation of the complete system. All equipment and components shall be installed in strict compliance with manufacturers' recommendations. Consult the manufacturer's installation manuals for all wiring diagrams, schematics, physical equipment sizes, etc., before beginning system installation. Refer to the fuser/Connection diagram for all specific system installation/termination/wiring data. All Equipment shall be attached to walls and ceiling/floor assemblies and shall be held firmiy in place (e.g., detectors shall not be supported soleiy by suspended ceilings). Fasteners and supports shall be adequate to support the required ioad. CONDUIT AND WRE: A. Conduit: l.Conduit shall be in accordance with The National Electrical Code Q.IEC), local and state requirements. Where possible, all wiring shall be multi conductor with overall sheaiths UL listed for life safety cable assembly. Wiring in plenums shall be rated for same. Cable must be separated Iiom any open conductors ofPower, or Class I circuits, and shall not be placed in any conduit, junction box or raceway containing these conductors, as per NEC Article 760-29. A. B. C. 2.2 ) Low Rise Fire Alarm 16120-5 Golden Peak Base Faciliry witittg for 24 volt controi, alarm notification, emergency communication and similar power-linited auxiliary fi.rnctions may be run in the same conduit as initiating and signaling line circuits. All circuits shall be provided with hansient suppression devices and the system shall be designed to permit simultaneous operation of all circuits without interference or loss of signals. Conduit shall not enter the Fire Alarm Contol Panel, or any other remotely mounted control Panel equipment or back boxes, except where conduit entry is specified by the FACP manufa*urer. B. Wire: ). All fue alarm system wiring must be new. Wiring shall be in accordance with local, state and national codes (e.g., NEC Article 760) and as recommended by the manufacturer of the fire aiarm system. Number and size of conductors shall be as recommended by the fire alarm system manufacturer, but not less than 18 AWG (1.02 mm) for Initiating Device Circuits and Signaling Line Circuits, and l4 AWG (1.63 mm) for Indicating Appliance Circuits. All wire and cable shall be listed and/or approved by a recognized testing agency for use with a protective signaling system. Wire and cable not installed in conduit shall have a fire resistance rating suitable for the instaliation as indicated in NFPA 70 (e.g., FPLR). Wiring used for the multipiex communication loop shall be rwisted and shielded and installed in conduit unless specifically by the fire alarm equipment manufacturer. The system should permit use of IDC and IAC wiring in the same conduit with the communication loop. 6. All field wiring shall be completely supervised. In the event of a pnmzLry power failure, disconnected standby battery, removal of any intemal modules, or tuly open circuits in the field wiring; a trouble signal will be activated untii the system and its associated field wiring are restored to normal condition. C. Terminal Boxes, Junction Boxes and Cabinets: All boxes and cabinets shall be UL listed for their use and purpose. D. Initiating circuits shall be arranged to serve like categories (manual, smoke, water flow). Mixed category circuitry shali not be permined except on signaling line circuits connected to intelligent reporting devices. A..t. 5. l. 2'. J, 4. Low fuse Fire Alarm r6t20-6 Golden Peak Base Faciliw z.) E. The Fire Alarrn Control Panel shall be connected to a separate dedicated branch circuit, ma)dmrrm 20 amperes. This circuit shall be labeled at the Main power Distribution Panel as FIRE ALARM. Fire Alarm contror panel primary power wiring shall be 12 AWG. The contol Panel cabinet shall be srounded securelv. MAIN FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL: A. The main FACP Cental Console shall be a NOTIFIER Model AM2020iAIPI0I0/A-FP200 and shall contain a microprocessor based central Processing Unit (CPLD. The CPU shall communicate with and control the following types of equipment used to make up the system: intelligent detectors, addressable modules, local and remote operator terminals, printers, annunciators, and other system controlled devices. l. Function: The main FACP shall perform the following functions: ' a. Supervise and monitor all intelligenVaddressable detectors and monitor modules connected to the system for normal, trouble and alarm conditions. Supervise all initiating signaling and notification circuits throughout the facility by way of connection to monitor and control modules. Detect the activation of any initiating device and the location of the alarm condition. Operate all notification appliances and auxiliary devices as programmed. Visuaily and audibly annunciate any trouble, supervisory or alarm condition on operator's terminals, panel display, and annunciators. B.System Capacity and Generai Operation 2. J. 1.The control panel shall provide capacity for intelligent/addressable devices as shown plus 20%o spwe. The Fire Alarm Control Panel shall include a full featured operator interface control and annunciation panel that shail include a backlit Liquid Crysrai Display, individual, color coded system status LEDS, and an alphanumeric keypad for the Field Programming and Control of the Fire Alarm System. AII programming or editing of the existing program in the system shali be achieved without special equipment and without intemrpting the alarm monitoring functions of the Fire Aiarm Control Panel. The FACP shall be able to provide the following fearures: b. d. A Low Rise Fire Alarm 16120-7 Golden Peak Base Faciiity Block Acknowledge. Charger Rate Contol. Confrol-By-Time. DayNight Sensitiviry. Device Blink Contol. Drift Compensation. NFPA 72E Sensitivity Test. System Status Reports. Alarm Verification. Printer Interface. CRT Display Interface. Non-Alarm Module Reporting. Periodic Detector Test. Trouble Reminder. Upload/Download to PC Computer. Verification Counters.' Walk Test. Maintenance Alert. Security Monitor Points. C. Central Processine Unit l. The Central Processing Unit shall communicate with, monitor, and conuol all other modules within the control panel. Removal, disconnection or failure of any control panel module shall be detected and reported to the System Display by the Central Processing Unit. 2. The Central Processing Unit shall contain and execute all control-by-event programs for specific action to be taken ifan alarm condition is detected by the system. Such control-by-event programs shall be held in non-voiatiie programmable memory, and shall not be lost even if system primary and secondary power failure occurs. 3. The Central Processing Unit shall also provide a reai-time clock for time annotation of all system displays. The Time-of-Day and date shall not be lost if system primary and secondary power supplies fail. D. Display l. The System Display shall provide all the controls and indicators used by the system operator and may also be used to program all system operational Darameters. Low Rise Fire Alarm 16120-8 Golden Peak Base Facilitv 2. The Display Assembly shall contain, and display as required, custom alphanumeric labels for all Intelligent Detectors, Addressable Modules. and Software zones. ' 3. The System Display shall provide an 80-character back-lit alphanumeric Liquid crystal Display (LcD). It shall also provide 5 Light-Emining-Diodes (LEDs), that will indicate the status of the following system parameters: AC POWER"SYSTEM ALARM, SYSTEM TROUBLE, DISPLAY TROUBLE, and SIGNAL SILENCE. 4. The System Display shall provide a25-key touch key-pad with control capability to command all system functions, entry of any alphabetic or numeric information" and field progmmming. Two different password levels will be accessible through the Display Interface Assembly to prevent unauthorized system control or programming. 5: The System Display shall include the following operator control swirches: SIGNAI SILENCE, LAMP TEST, RESET, SYSTEM TEST, ANd ACKNOWLEDGE. E. Loop Interface Board 1. Loop Interface Boards shall be provided to monitor and control each ofthe Signaling Line Circuit (SLC) Loops in the system. The Loop Interface Board shall contain its own microprocessor, and shall be capable of operating in Locai Mode in the case of a failure in the Main CPU of the Control panel. 2. The Loop Interface Board shall not require any jumper cuts or address switch settings to initialize SLC Loop operations. 3. The Loop Interface Board shall provide power to, and communicate with, all of the Intelligent/Addressable Detectors and Addressable Modules connected to its SLC Loop over a single pair of wires. This SLC Loop shall be capable of operation as NFPA Style 4, Style 6, or Sryle 7. 4. The Loop lnterface Board shall be able to drive 2 Style 4 runs of these SLC Loops, each up to 10,000 feet in length, for an effective Loop span of 20,000 5. The Loop Interface Board shall receive analog information from aii Intelligent Detectors and shali process this information to determine whether normal, alarm, or trouble conditions exist for that particular detector. The Loop Interface Board software shall include software to automatically maintain the detectorrs desired sensitivity level by adjusting for the effects of environmental factors, including the accumulation of dust in each detector. Low Rise Fire Alarm 16120-9 Golden Peak Base FaciliW The analog information may also be used for automatic detector testing and for the.automatic determination of detector maintenance requirements. 6. The Loop Interface Board shall communicate with up to 198 Lntelligent/Addressable Detectors and Addressable Modules on its SLC loop and veriff proper device function and status. F. Serial Interface Board l. The Serial Interface Board shall provide the EIA-232 interfaces between the Fire Alarm Contol Panel and the UL Listed Electonic Data Processins @DP) peripherals. 2. The Serial Interface Board shall allow the use of multiple printers, CRT monitors, and other peripherals connected to the EIA-232 ports. 3: The Serial Interface Board shall provide one EIA-485 port for the serial connection ofthe optional Annunciator and Control Subsystem components. 4. The Serial Interface Board shall have LEDs that will show that it is in regular communication with the Arurunciators or other EIA485 connected nerinheral device. 5. All EIA-232 serial outout circuits shall be opticallv isolated. G. Enclosures: 1. The control panels shall be housed in a UL listed cabinet suitable for surface or semi-flush mounting. Cabinet and front shall be corrosion protected, given a rust-resistant orime coat- and manufacturer's standard finish. 2. The back box and door shall be constructed 0f.060 steel with provisions for electrical conduit connections into the sides and too. 3. The door shail provide a key lock and shall include a glass or other transparent opening for viewing of all indicators. For convenience, the door may be hinged on either the right or Ieft side (held selectable). 4. The control unit shall be modular in structure for ease of installation. maintenance, and future expansion. H. The CPU shall be capable of being programmed on site without requiring the use of any extemal programrning equipment. Systems that require the use of extemal prograulmers or change of EPROMs are not acceptable. Low Rise Fire Alarm 16120- 10 Golden Peak Base Facilitv I. The cPU and associated equipment are to be protected so that they will not be affected by voltage surges or line transients consistent with UL standard 864. J. Each peripheral device connected to the CPU shall be continuously scanned for proper operation. Data fiansmissions between the CPU and peripheral devices shall be reliable and error free. The transmission scheme used should emolov dual transmission or otler equivalent enor checking techniques. K. Power Supply: 1. The Main Power Supply shall operate on 120 VAC, 60 Hz, and shall provide all necessary power for the FACP. 2. It shall provide 3,0 amps of usable indicating appliance power, using a switching 24 VDC regulator. 3'. It shall be expandable for additional indicating appiiance power in 3.0 ampere sreps. 4. It shall provide a battery charger for 24 hours ofstandby using dual-rate charging techniques for fast battery recharge. 5. It shall provide a very low frequency sweep earth detect circuit, capable of detecting earth faults on sensitive addressable modules. 6. It shall be power-limited using Positive Temperafure Coefhcient (PTC) resistors. L. System Circuit Supervision: I. The FACP shall supervise all circuits to intelligent devices. annunciators and conventional peripherais and annunciate loss of communications with these devices. The CPU shall continuously scan above devices for proper system operation and upon loss ofresponse from a device shall sound an audible trouble, indicate that device or devices are not responding and print the information on the printer. 2. Sprinkler system valves, staldpipe control valves, PIV,, and main gate valves shall be supervised for off-normal position. M. Operators Terminal: Provide the following frrnctions in addition to any other firnctions required for the system. 1. Acknowledge (ACIVSTEP) Switch: Low fuse Fire Alarm 16120-l I Golcicn ?e:rk Base Faciliw 2. b. Activation of the controi panel Acknowledge switch in response to a single new Alarm and./or Trouble condition shall silence the local panel piezo electric signal and change the System Alarm or Trouble LED from flashing mode to steady-ON mode. If additional new Alarm or Trouble conditions exist or are detected and reported in the system, depression of this switch shall advance the 80-character LCD display to the next Alarm or Trouble condition. Depression of the Acknowledge switch shall also silence ail remote annunciator piezo sounders. Signal Silence Switch. Activation of the Signal Silence Switch shall cause all programmed Alarm Indicating Appliances and relays to return to the normal condition after an alarm condition. The selection ofindicating circuits and relays that are silenceable by this switch shall be fully field programmable within the confines of all applicable standards. System Reset Switch. Activation of the System Reset Switch shall cause all electronically-latched initiating devices, appliances or software zones, as well as all associated output devices and circuits, to return to their normal condition. Ifthe alarm condition(s) stili exist, or ifthey reoccur in the system after System Reset Switch activation, the system shall then resound the alarm conditions. System Test Switch. Activation of the System Test Switch shall initiate an automatic test of all Intelligent/Addressable detectors in the system. The System Test shall activate the electronics in each intelligent sensor, simulating an alarm condition and causing the transmission of the alarm condition fiom that sensor to the Fire Alarm Control Panel. The Fire Alarm Control Panel shall interpret the data from each sensor installed in the system. A report summarizing the results of this test shall be displayed automatically on the System Liquid Crystal Display, as well as on any CRTs or printers in the System. Lamp Test Switch. Activation of the Lamp Test Switch shall sequentially turn on all LED indicators, System Liquid Crystai Display and Local Piezo-Electric signal. and then automatically return the Fire Alarm Control Panel to the previous condition. 3. .1. ). Low Rise Fire Alarm r6t20-t2 Golden Peak Base FaciliW N. System Expansion: Design the main FACP and traosponders so that the system can be expanded in the future (to include the addition of trrenty percent more circuits or zones) without disruption or replacement of the existing contol panel. This shall include hardware capacity, software capacity and cabinet space. O. Field Programming l.The system shall be programmable, configurable and expandable in the field without the need for special tools or electonic equipment and shall not require field replacement of electronic integrated circuits. All programming shall be accomplished through the standard FACP keyboard or through the Video Display Terminal. All field defined programs shall be stored in non-volatile memory. The programming frrnction shall be enabled with a password that may be defined specifically for the system when it is installed. Two levels of password protection shall be provided in addition to a key-iock cabinet. One level is used for status level changes such as zone disable or manual on/off commands. A second (higher-level) is used for actual change ofprogram information. It shall be the responsibility of the equipment supplier /installer to ensure that all equipment supplied wiil fit in locations designated on plans and in the specifications. Specific System Operations l.Smoke Detector Sensitivity Adjust: Means shall be provided for adjusting the sensitivity of any or ali anaiog intelligent smoke detectors in the system from the System keypad or from the keyboard of the video terminal. Sensitivity range shali be within the allowed UL window. Alarm Verification: Each of the Intelligent/Addressable Smoke Detectors in the system may be independently selected and enabled to be an alarm verified detector. The Alarm Verification Function shall be programmable from 5 to 50 seconds and each detector shall be abie to be selected for verification during the field programming of the system, or anytime after system tum-on. The Alarm Verification shall not require any additionai hardware to be added to the Fire Alarm Control Panei. The FACP shall keep a count of the number oftimes that each detector has entered the verification cycle. These counters may be displayed and reset by the proper operator commands. Svstem Point Ooerations 2. 3. A P. a 2. 3. Low Rise Fire Alarm 16120-r 3 Golden Peak Base Faciliw b. Any Device in the system may be Enabled or Disabled through the system keypad or video terminal. Aay system output point may be turned on, or off, from the system keypad or the video terminal. Point Read: The system shall be able to display the following point status diagnostic fi.rnctions without the need for peripheral equipment. Each point will be annunciated for the oarameters listed: a. Device Status. b. Device Type. c. Custom Device Label. d. Software Zone Label. e. Device Zone Assignments. f. Aaalog Detector Sensitivity. g. All Program Parameters. System Status Reports: Upon command from an operator of the system, a status report will be generated and printed, listing all system status: System History Recording and Reporting: The Fire Alarm Control Panel shall contain a History Buffer that will be capable of storing up to 400 system output/input/control activations. Each ofthese activations will be stored and time and date stamped with the actual time of the activation, until an operator requests that the contents be either displayed or printed. The contents of the History Buffer may be manualiy reviewed, one event at a time, and the actual number of activations may also be displayed and or printed. The History Buffer shall use non-volatile memory. Systems that use volatile memory for history storage are not acceptable. Automatic Detector Maintenance Alert: The Fire Alarm Control Panel shall automatically interrogate each Intelligent System Detector and shall analyze the detector responses over a period oftime. If any Intelligent Detector in the system responds with a reading that is below or above normal limits, then the system will enter the Trouble Mode, and the particular Intelligent Detector will be annunciated on the System Display,. and printed on the optional System Printer. This feature shall in no way inhibit the receipt of Alarm conditions in the system, nor shall it require any special hardware, special tools or computer expertise to perform. A.+- 5. 6. 7. SYSTEM COMPONENTS: A. Programmable Electronic Sounders 2.4 Low Rise Fire Alarm 16120-14 Golden Peak Base Facility l- Electronic sounders shall operate on 24 VDC nominal. 2. Electronic Sounders shall have an output sound level ofat least 90 dBA measured at l0 feet from the device. 3. Shall be flush or surface mounted as shown on plans. B. Shobe Lights: 1. Shall operate on 24 VDC nominai. 2. Shall meet the requirements of the ADA as defined in UL standard 1971 and shall meet the followins criteria: a. The maximum pulse duration shall be 2/l0ths of one second. b. The flash rate shall be a minimum of 1 Hz and a maximum of 3 Hz. c. The appliance shall be placed 80 in (2,030 mm) above the highest floor level within the space, or 6 in (152 mm) below the ceiling, thatever is the lower. C. AudibleA/isual Combination Devices: 1. Shall meet the appiicable requirements of Section A listed above for audibility. 2. Shall meet the requirements of Section B listed above for visibiiitv. D. Addressable Manual Stations l. Addressable Manual Stations shall be provided to connect to the Fire Alarm Control Panei Signaling Line Circuit (SLC) Loops. Up to 99 addressable manual stations may be connected to one SLC loop. 2. The Manual Station shall, on command from the Control Panel, send data to the panei representing the state of the manual switch. Manual Fire Alarm Stations shali use a key operated test-reset lock, and shall be designed so that after actual Emergency Operation, they cannot be restored to normal use except by the use ofa key. 3. All operated stations shall have a positive, visual indication of operation that cannot be reset without the use of a key. Low Rise Fire Alarm 16120-15 Golden Peak Base Facility Manual Stations shall be constructed of LEXAN with clearly visible operating instructions provided on the cover. The word FIRE shall appear on the front of the stations in raised letters, 1.75 inches or larger. Stations shall be suitable for surface mounting, or sem!flush mounting as shown on the plans, and shall be installed not less than 42 inches, nor more than 48 inches above the finished floor. 6. The Manual Station shall provide address-setting means using decimal switches. Addressable manual stations that use binary address setting methods, such as a dip switch, are much more difEcult to install and are subject to installation error, and are not allowable substitutes. E. Intelligent Ionization Type Smoke Detectors 5. Smoke Detectors shall be Intelligent and Addressable, and shall connect with two wires to one of the Fire Alarm Confrol Panel Signaling Line Circuits. Up to 99 intelligent detectors may connect to one SLC loop. The detectors shall use the dual-chamber ionization principal to measure products of combustion and shall, on command from the control panei, send data to the panel representing the anaiog level of products of combustion. The detectors shall be ceiling-mount and shall include a t'wist-lock base. The detectors shall provide a test means whereby they will simulate an alarm condition and report that condition to the control panel. Such a test may be initiated at the detector itself, by activating a magnetic switch, or may be activated remotely on command from the control panel. The detectors shall provide address-setting means on the detector head using decimai switches. Because of the possibiliry of installation error, systems that use binary jumpers or dip-switches to set the address are not acceptable. They shall also store an intemal identifying code that the control panel shall use to identify the fype ofdetector. The detectors shall provide dual alarm and power LEDs. Both LEDs shall flash under normal conditions. In certain applications, LED'S may be selected to be polled without flashing through system programming. Both LEDs may be placed into steady illumination by the control panel, indicating that an alarm condition has been detected. An output connection shall also be provided in the base to connect an external remote alarm LED. The detector sensitivity shali be set through the Fire Alarm Control Panel, and shall be adjustable in the field through the field programming of the system. Sensitivity may be automatically adjusted to the panel on a time-of-day basrs. 7. A 5. t. 2. +. 6. Low Rise Fire Alarm r6t20-t6 Golden Peak Base Facility 8. Using software in the FACP, the detectors shall automatically compensate for dust accumulation and other slow environmental changes that may affect their performance. The detectors shall be listed by UL as meeting the calibrated sensitivity test requhements of NFPA Standard 72E. F. Addressable Heat Detectors I . Heat Detectors shall be Rate of fuse Addressable devices. and shali connect with two wires to one of the Fire Alarm Control Panel Signaling Line Circuits. Up to 99 intelligent heat detectors may connect to one SLC loop. G. Intelligent In-duct Smoke Detector Housing l. In-Duct Smoke Detector Housing shall accommodate either an intelligent Ionization sensor or a Intelligent Photoelectric Sensor, either of that provides continuous analog monitoring and alarm verification from the panel. 2. When sufficient smoke is sensed, an alarm signal is initiated at the FACP, and appropriate action taken to change over air handling systems to help prevent the rapid distribution of isolation of toxic smoke and fue gases throughout the areas served by the duct system. H. Monitor Module Addressable Monitor modules shall be provided to connect one supervised IDC zone of conventional Alarm Initiating Devices (any N.O. dry contact device) to one of the Fire Alarm Control Panel Signaling Line Circuit (SLC) Loops. The Monitor Module shall mount in a 4-inch square, 2-ll8" deep electrical box. The IDC zone may be wired for Styie D or Style B operation. The Monitor module shail provide address-setting means using decimal switches and shall also store an internal identifying code that the Fire Alarm Control Panel shall use to identify the type of device. Modules that use binary jumpers or dip-switches are subject to instailation enors and are not acceptable. An LED shall be provided that shall flash under normal conditions, indicating that the Monitor module is operational and in regular communication with the control panei. For difficult to reach areas, the Monitor Module shall be available in a miniature package and shall be no larger than2-314" x l-1/4" x 1/2". This version need not include Stvle D or an LED. I.Control Module I 2. A Low Rise Fire Alarm t6120-17 Golden Peak Base Facility l. Addressable Control Modules shall be provided to supervise and control the operation of one conventional Indicating Appliance Circuit (IAC) of compatible, 24 VDC powered, polarized Audio/Visual Indicating Appliances. For fan shutdown and other auxiliary control functions, the control module may be set to operate as a dry contract relay. 2. The Control Module shall mount in a standard 4-inch square, 2-1l8" deep electrical box, or to a surface mounted back box, or directly in the Fire Alarm Confrol Panel. 3. The IAC may be wired for SWIeZ or Style Y IAC (Up to I Amp of Inductive A,/V Signal, or 2 Amps of Resistive A/V Signal) operation, or as a Dry Contact (Form C) Relay. The relay coil shall be magnetically latched to reduce wiring connection requirements, and to insure that 100% of all auxiliary relay or IACs may be energized at the same time on the same pair of . wires. 4. AudioAr'isual Power shall be provided by a separate supervised Power Loop from the main Fire Alarm Contol Panel or from a supervised, UL listed Remote Power Supply. 5. The Control Module shall provide address-setting means using decimal switches and shall also store an intemal identifying code that the Control Panel shall use to identiff the type of device. Modules that use binary jumpers or dip-switches are subject to installation errors and are not acceptable. An LED shall be provided that shall flash under normal conditions, indicating that the Control Module is operational and is in regular communication with the Control Panel. 6. A magnetic test switch shall be provided to test the module without opening or shorting its IAC wiring. J. Serially Connected Armunciator Requirements l. The Arurunciators shall communicate with the fire alarm control panel via an EIA 485 (muiti-drop) communications loop, and will be able to annunciate up to 64 points. Up to 32 annunciators may be connected to the EIA 485 communications loop. 2. The annunciators shall need only four wires to provide power and data for up to 2048 Svstem Alarm points. 3. Each annunciator shail be graphic type as per Denver Building Code' 2.5 BATTERIES AND EXTERNAL CHARGER: Low Rise Fire Alarm 16120-18 Golden Peak Base Facilify A. Battery: t. Shall be 12 volt, Gell-Cell type. 2. Battery shall have sufficient capacity to power the fire alarrr syst€m for not less than //four// twenty-four// hours plus 5 minutes of alarm upon a normal AC power failure. 3. The batteries are to be completely maintenance free. No liquids are required. Fluid level checks refilling, spills and leakage shall not be required. Low fuse Fire Alarm 16120-19 Golden Peak Base Facility J-l ': PART 3.0 - E)GCUTION INSTALLATION: A. Installation shall be in accordance with the NEC, NFPA 72,Iocal and state codes, as shown on the drawings, and as recorlmended by the major equipment manufacturer. All conduit,junction boxes, conduit supports and hangers shall be concealed in finished areas and may be exposed in unfinished areas. Smoke detectors shall not be installed prior to the system programming and test period. If constmction is ongoing during this period, m€asures shall be taken to protect smoke detectors from contamination and physical damage. All fire detection and alann system devices, control panels and remote arurunciators shall be flush mounted when located in frnished areas and may be surface mounted when located in unfinished areas. J.L TYPICAL OPERATION: A. Actuation of any manual station, smoke detector heat detector or water flow switch shall cause the following operations to occur unless otherwise specified: 7. Activate all programmed indicating circuits until silenced. Actuate all strobe writs until the panel is reset. Arunrnciate the active initiatine devices and zones. Release all magnetic door holders to doors to adjacent zones on the floor from that the alarm was initiated. A smoke detector in any elevator lobby shall, in addition to the above frrnctions, return ali elevators to the primary or altemate floor of egress. Smoke detectors in the eievator machine room or top of hoistway shall retum ail elevators in to the primary or altemate floor. Smoke detectors or heat detectors installed to shut down elevator power shall do so in accordance with ANSI A17.1 requirements and be coordinated with the electrical contractor. Duct type smoke detectors shall, in addition to the above functions shut down the ventilation system or close associated control dampers as appropriate. Activation of any sprinkler system low pressure switch, or valve tamper switch shall cause a system supervisory alarm indication. B. L. l. 2. 4. 6. 8. 9. Low Rise Fire Alarm 16120-20 Golden Peak Base Facility 3.4 TEST: Provide the service of a competent, factory-trained engineer or technician authorized by the manufacturer of the fire alarm equipment to technically supervise and participate during all of the adjustrnents and tests for the system. 1. Before energizing the cables and wires, check for correct connections and test for short circuits, ground faults, continuity, and insulation. 2. Close each sprinkler system flow valve and verify proper supervisory alarm at the FACP. 3. Veri$ activation of all flow switches. 4. Open initiating device circuits and verifr thatthe trouble signal actuates. 5. Open signaling line circuits and veriff that the trouble signal actuates. 6. Open and short indicating appliance circuits and verifi that trouble signal actuates. 7. Ground initiating device circuits and verifu response oftrouble signals. 8. Ground signaling line circuits and verify response oftrouble signals. 9. Ground indicating appliance circuits and verify respons€ oftrouble signais. 10. Check presence and audibility of tone at ail alarm notification devices. i 1. Check installation, supervision, and operation of all inteliigent smoke detectors durine a walk test. 12. Each ofthe alarm conditions that the system is required to detect should be introduced on the system. Verify the proper receipt and the proper processing ofthe signal at the FACP and the correct activation ofthe control points. 13. When the system is equipped with optional features, the manufacturer's manual should be consulted to determine the proper testing procedures. This is intended to address such items as verifying controls performed by individuaily addressed or grouped devices, sensitivity monitoring, verification functionality and similar. 3.5 FINAL INSPECTION: Low Rise Fire Alarm r6120-21 Golden Peak Base Facility 'rL_ [f 1fos final inspection a factory Eained repnesentative of the manufacturer of the major equipment shall demonstrate that the systems function properly in every respect. 3.6 INSTRUCTION: A. Provide instnrction as required for operating the system. "Hands-on" demonstations of the operation of all system components and the entire system including progmm changes and functions shall be provided. B. The Contactor and/or the Systems Manufacture/s representatives shall provide a tlpewritten "Sequence of Operation" to the Owner. t6120-22Low Rise Fire Alarm Golden Peak Base Facility SECTION I6530 SITE LIGIT|ING PART I - GENERAI 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. General: Provide lighting fixtures in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Basic Materials and Methods Section 16050. C. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings and manufacturers' data for the following items in accordance with the Conditions of the Contact. L Lighting Fixtures a. Fixture drawings shall show full-size cross sections. Indicate frnished dimensions, metal thicknesses, and materials. Identiff ballast type and manufacturer. b. Show mountins details. 2. Lighting Poles a. Show construction dimensions, finish and mounting details. I.O2 GUARANTEE A. General: Guarantee ballast for one full year and one yea.r prorated as per standard manufacturer's warranty against defects for a period of 2 years. Guarantee to include repiacing defective ballast with new ballast. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.OI LAMPS A. Lamps: Provide lamps of the size and fype as scheduled in each fixture. Verifu that size of lamps will fit and properly operate in fixture. Site Lighting 16530- I Golden Peak Base FaciliW '+ | ].02 POLES A. Provide exterior lighting units or height and rype as indicated. 2.03 LUMINAIRES A. Provide weatherproof luminaires for use with poles as specified or mounting as indicated. Provide lamps of size and wattage as indicated. Where fixttres are exposed to weather and cold temperature, provide weatherproof, low temperature type fixtures suitable for operation at conditions encountered. 2.04 TRANSFORMER BALLASTS A. Provide high power factor, constant wattage nansformer ballast with voltage rating as indicated suitable for low temperature starting and suitable for installation integral with luminaire housing where specified for of two light ballasts in each transformer subbase where indicated. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.OI POLES A. Set poles on concrete bases as required. Provide conduit sleeves for conductors in bases as indicated on the drawinss. J.O2 LUMINAIRES A. Install and align pole top luminaires square to the architectural features. Luminaire shall be complete with lamp. END OF SECTION 16530 Site Lighting 16530-2 Golden Peak Base Faciiity I February 26,1996 ADDENDUM#6 to the DOCUMENTS OF CONSTRUCTION ISSI.]ED TO: FOR: ISSUED BY: ATTENTION: Pie.ce. Segerberg & Asrocrates Archilecrs.PC.AtA Man Omce l0O0 5. Frontage Road W Va,l CO 8 t657 ibx: 970 a76 a608 pi1o.e 970 176 4a3) One-rabor Ce.ter I 200 Sevenlee.h 5r Si.: te 51 5 Denver: CO 80202 rbx; 103 c2l ll52 pnore: 303 523 J -r55 All Plan Holders of Record c/o Weitz-Cohen Construction Company 899 Logan Street, Suite 600 Denver, Colorado 80203 Golden Peak Base Facility Vail, Colorado Architect's Project Number 1 8043. 00 Pierce, Segerberg & Associates, Architects: Tom Mayhew 1000 S Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 This Addendum #6 in its entirety shall modify and become a part of the contract Documents: ALL parts ofthe original drawings dated,0l/19/96, and project Manual dated 0l /22/96. and prwious Addenda #1, #2, #3, #4 dated 2/ 19 /9 6. and Addendum#5 dated 2/26/96, shall remain in full force with the folrowins revisions incorporated: l. CivilDrawings:a. 30" x 42" blueline reproductions of the original drawings dated l/16 and revisions dated 2/2/96 as previously issued are hereby reissued without revisions (see drawing list below). Drawing List Cl, C2, C7, C9, Cl l through Cl8, C20 through C24 b. 30" x 42" blueline reproductions of the original drawings dated 1116/96 and revisions dated2/2196, as previously issued with revisions- dated 2/26196 for incorporation into the Construction Documents (see drawing list below). Drawing List c3, c4, cs, c5A,, c6, c8, c10, cl9 o Page2 ADDENDUM#6 February 26,1996 J. 2. Landscape Drawings:a. 30" x 42" blueline reproductions of the original drawings dated 1119/96 as previously iszued are hereby reissued without revisions (see drawins list below). Drawing List L2, L5 through L7-1,L9, Ll0, Ll I, Ll3, L14.,L15 b. 30" x 42" blueline reproductions of the original drawings dated 1119196 as previously iszued are reissued with revisions dated,2/26/96 for incorporation into the Construction Documents (see drawing list below). Drawing List L7,L3,L4,L8,L12 c. 8t/2" xlT" reproductions of Clarification Requests - CR #20, CP.#24, CR #34, CR #36, CR #40 are attached, and as previously issued are hereby reissued for incorporation into the Construction Documents. Architectural Drawings :a. 3Q" x 42" blueline reproductions of the original drawings dated 1119/96 as previously issued are hereby reissued with revisions dated 2/26/96 for incorporation into the Construction Documents (see drawing list below). Drawing List A1.3, A2.1, M.2,1^2.3, M.4,A^2.5, M.6, M.7, A3.1, A3.2, 43.3, A6.t,46.2, A6.3, A8.1, A8.2, A9.1, A9.2, A9.3, A10.2, A10.3,All.l, All.2, All.3, A11.4, Lr2.l Structural Drawings:a. 30" x 42" blueline reproductions of the original drawings dated 1119/96 as prwiously issued are here\ reissued without revisions (see drawing list below). Drawing List s9, s12, S13, S14, S3c, S4c, SBSI b. 30" x 42" blueline reproductions of the original drawings dated 1119/96 as previously issued are hereby reissued with revisions dated 2126/96 for incorporation into the Construction Documents (see drawing list below). Drawing List Sl through 58, S10, Sll, SlG, S2G, S6G 4. Page 3 ADDENDUM#6 February 26,1996 5.Interior Design Drawings:a. 30" x 42" blueline reproductions ofthe original drawing dated l/19/96 as previously issued is hereby reissued without revisions Drawing List 5.18 b. 30" x 42" blueline reproductions of the original drawings dated l/19196 as previously issued are hereby reissued with revisions dated 2126/96 for incorporation into the Construction Documents (see drawing list below). Drawing List CAl.l, CA2.l through CAz.3, CA4.l through CA4.6, CA5.1 through cA5.17, CA6.r c. 30" x 42" blueline reproductions of the original drawings dated l/19/96 as previously issued are hereby omitted (see drawing list below). Refer to Architectural drawings A-l I series for information previously shown on drawings CA3 . 1, CN .2, CA3 .3. Drawing List cA3.l, cA3.2, CA3.3, CA5.16 Specifications: 8%" x 11" Core and Shell / G.M.P. package is revised in its entirety and'is hereby reissued with revisions dated 2/2/6/96 for incorporation into the Construction Documents. Alternates: Please provide prices for the following alternates. Description for each alternate is recognized to be incomplete and abbreviated but implies that each change must be complete for scope of work affected. Refe.r to applicable sections @Msions 2 through 16) and to applicable drawings for specific requirements of each alternate. Modify surrounding work as required to integrate with work of each alternate. Alternate A: In Room #120, Wreck Room, add ceiling tile to specified suspended ceiling grid in full room. Tile shall be U.S.G. Auratone "Tahoe" 2' x 2' x 5/e", #632 with square edge. Also delete painting of structure and equipment above grid Please provide a lump sum price for this work. 6. ,, Page 4 ADDENDUM#6 February 26,1996 Alternate B: In Room #201, Great Room, delete 3 color patterned stone flooring within the 2'4" wide M-l band. The 2'-0" wide M- I stone floor band shall remain. Replace stone with carpet and pad on grout bed, thickness as needed to create a level floor Carpet to be type C-5. Please provide a lump sum price for this work. Alternate C: Delete troweled on waterproofing under quarry tile in all food preparation areas (Kitchen 126, Kitchen 206, and Bar 213) and install quarry tile on concrete per Tile Councii of America System F113. Please provide both a lump sum price for all areas listed above and a per square foot price as Owner may wish to maintain partial waterproofing. Alternate D: In all food service areas where fiberglass reinforced panels are called out for walls, change those panels from fire-rated to non-fire-rated. Please provide a lump sum price for this work. Alternate E: Change wood species of all solid wood, veneer plywood and doors shown to be painted instead of stained on Interior Drawings. Species shall change as follows:l. Solid Wood: Change from Larch to Poplar. 2. Veneer Plywood: Change from Maple veneer to A- grade Pine veneer. 3. Doors: Change from Maple to Birch. Please provide a lump sum price for this work. 8 l*.,n;:Ytt'i', :.?o"xH#* Yffi:":'#H:r drawings dated zt6/e6 (see attachments "A" and "B").b. 8Vz" x1l" GBC bound reproductions of Project Manual dated215/96 as previously issued are hereby reissued in its entirety with revision dated 2/26/96 for incorporation into the Construction Documents.c. 8Yz" x I l" GBC bound reproductions of Interior Features Manual dated 2126/96 are issued for incomoration into the Construction Documents. All other terms, conditions and instructions of the Contract Documents remain unchanged. NOTICE:Receipt ofthis Addendum must be acknowledged in your bid. All bidders shall list the following on a cover letter included in their proposal: "We acknowledge the receipt of Addendum #6 and have included all associated items in the following proposal." END OF ADDENDUM #6 02/ zti/ 96 UON l0:03 FAtr CLARIFICATION REQUEST GOLDEN PEAKBASE FACILITY T.522 TO: TomMsJAcilRickCddcll o J'- PSA DENVER @002 cR# 20 Dttc:. OUOT /96 Pagc I of 1 Follow up FROM: lohSmith-Wcits-Coha Claficatioa is rcqucstcd of rhe following; Irrigrtioa & heat in plnfcrs Drawing Shcct and./or Spcc Rcfir€ncc: sce dcscription below Rrquired Rcsolutior to Avoid Delay: 2115196 Descriptim of Probla: Plcase clarify if rhere is to be provisiou for irrigation or heat in thc condo plet rs Possiblc Solutioo(s) to be considand by Desipcr: (ettach skotch as deshod) l. There will bo no irdgation or heat in the condo plaaters. Plaolcrs shall bc water by hosc connected to hose bib irdiosled qa aechnical &awings. Cosl rnd schcdule impact arc to be evaluated upou rctum of wrinca clrification Requcstcdby: WeiE-Cohcn Apprwed for Conformance to dcsip by:Dstc: 02/21t/gti UON l0:03 l'AX o CLARIFICATION REQUEST GOLDEN PEAKBASE FACILITY T.522 TO: TomMeyhcilRiokCaudcll O '-r PSA DENvER @oos cR# 24 Dsrc: OUO1196 Pagc I of I Follow up FROM: Joh Smih- Wcitz- Cohcr Cluificetion is requcsted of lhc following: Warerproofing:/ Damproofmg Drawing Sheet and/or Spec Rcfcrcmce: scc dcscription bclow Requircd Rcsolution to Avoid Delay: 2115196 cost and schcdulc impact ac to bc walualed npon rcturn of urrittcn clarification- Requcstcd by: AAA Watapoofrng Dcscriptioo of Probleo: l. Norc #1 of the "Towa of vEil DRB submittal drawing" Traosmittcd to W/c frorr Desig! Workshop on 215196, " AJlwslls that rctain soil arc to bc waterproofcd ro top of grode" Specifiodion seotion 07 160 calls for dmproofing. Does this uotc superoedc tbe rcquirqcuts of thc specificatioa? 2. Are the aay arcas whcrc dauproofing (as opposcd to watc4lroofr'g) is hr€aded to be used? Possible Solution(s) fo be consida€d by Designer: (attach skctch as desircd) I & 2'- All cxtcrior site retainiog walle are to be DAMPROOFED as pcr specifioation scction 07160. All refercnoes to Waterproofing on lhe L-serries wetl deteils, md rny notcs oo any L-scries plans that cgll for waterproofing should rctually rcfer to DAMPROOFING. Approvcd for Conformncc to dcsign by:Drrc: CLARIFICATION REQTTEST GOLDEN PEAKBASE FACILITY T.522 TO: TomMayhcdRickCsudcll i,r rba u!.N v.bl{ l4 004 cR#34 Dd;c:.02114196 Page I of I Followup FROM: John Snith- WciE- Cohcn Clrificatioa is requestcd of the following: Specification for 2t2'Psvcf,s Drewi-g Shcet aod./or Spco Rcfsqcc: sce description bclow Requircd Rcsohtion to Avoid DeLey: 2nlq6 Descriptioa of Problem: l. Therc is ao specificetiou for thc 2*2' pavcrs as shown ou shcct L-1. Plcasc Providc. Possible Solutioa(s) to be considcrcd by Dcsigncr: (afirch skcich ss desired) l. 2x2 pavcrs are aot e product spcc iten. Thcy are to be oolored cotrcrete to nalch all other colored concrae pwing ou thc sitc, fibricefed as sholrl[ in dctsil S/Lt cost ad schcdulc i,npact are lo bc svaluated upon rctunr of wrinen clrification- Requested by: Voglairm Apprwcd for Codormmce to design by:Dare: vt/ zo/ to Jllrt\ lu: u4 t AA CLARIFICATION REQUEST GOLI}EN PEAK BASE FACILITY T.522 TO: TomMayhcVRickCaudelt O -'{ PsA DENvER @oos cR# 36 Daf.c:OUl4l96 Poge I of I Follow up FROM: Jobn Smith- Weitz- Coha Clarifioatiou is rcquostsd of thG following: Raainiug Walls Adjaccnt to Garage pedes&iq Entry/ Loadhg Dock Drawing Shcet ad./or Spec Refcrcooe: sec dcsoription below Required Resolution to Avoid Dcley: Znll96 Cost and schcdulc impact aE to b€ cvaluatEd upoo return of writtco c6ification. Requestcdby: Weiu-Cohco Description of Problea: l. Sht. L6 refcrmces detail 2/ll0 which indioatcs a6" curb dthe east side of the loadilg dock. El. l/A4.1 sc@s to iadicarc a reteining wsll rt thiq location Which is correct. Pleasc clarify and providc adrlitional information. RE: l/A9.9 also. 2. Sht L3 indicares wing walls at garsgc cntry with a notc 'rcfer"to arch. drawiugs for dctar:ls'. Thesc walls arc shown in elevatiou 1/A3.3 brx lhere is insufiicient infomratiou to describe 1hc w"tlc. Plcase olar.ry. 3 ' Elcvation shosn for retaining wall d wcst side of garage enty n 1/L7 .l is i[cogcct Plcase providc corrcct elwation 1 Sht. .A'3 3 shows stepped rgreinirrg walls al west side of the garagc pcdcstriau cntry adjaceat to fi€ loading dock. Sht Ll indicales boulders. Shi L5 sccms to indicarc rcteining r /alls. Shtie docs uot show eithcr bouldcrs 61 l6lsining yells. Thc oivil drawings indicate retaining o,otto. 1tL"", ,*.* and ola-ify lhis area. Derails and s€€tions 61'the wall abovc thc pedestrian catancc to thc geragc are also nceded.. Possrtrlc Solution(s) to be cousidcrod by Designez: (anech sketch as <lcsired) l. 6' C\ub is correct, ss showu itr det&il 2/L 10. 2. Wing wall detailing irformrtion is to be provided by architccts. 3. Elwatiou has been corrcctcd, see ddendum # 5, L7.1. Wall does not dic i o grade as origiu,elly shown, coatactor shorrld consirltcivil gradiag plaa to detrrmine how grrdc wreps round cod of waIL !.O1thc east edge of the pedesEiaa cotanoc to the gerage, tte fhst wall is a reteining wall, EIFS surfacc, Top of wall elevatioa at19t.0, that ties iu flush with the reuining wall that runs parallel to the facc of the garage, adjacent to fte siacwelk lu ftoot of the parking lot Tlre tertac€s abovc this wall src BOIILDEII terraccs, as shorvn on sheet L I . l[ny derailing or section of thc wall above the pedestriao, eutry is an rrchilcstural issue. Consult arch. drawings. Approved for Conformncc to desigtr by:Dare: uz/ 26/ Yo 'lul\ IU: uil t A.l, CLARIFICATION REQIIEST GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY T-522 TO: TomMayhcw/RickCaudcll o {{- PSA DENVER @ooo cR# 40 DaEi02llu96. Pagc I of I Followup FROM: Ioh Smifr- WciE. Cohcn Cluifrcation is rcqucsted of tho followiag: Sitc wall stotc cap dctails Drawing Shcct atVor Spcc Rcfacnce: 3lL9 Required Rcsolr.rtiou to Avoid Deby: 2t2l/96 Desoription of Problo: l. ca thc sltehmcnl detds as showa in detsil 9/L9 be modifrcd to rebar dowcl anachcocafl Cau this bc osed typicalty for ell stonc caps? 2. The details ud sh4c of thc sendstone oap shown in detail 3/19 co. bc cost prohibitive ro produce. Thcc4 would. hwc to bc fabricatcd io (a) dangular picces lo achiwc this shape (slopcd top diaoond configuratioa). Can 6i-s be modificd to a more stodard shape and altcmale mareriels rxed,ic. ouc piccc limestonc? Possible Solutiou(s) to bc considered by Desipcr: (attech sketch rs deeired) I . Nyloo dowcl co be rcplacod by stainless stccl dowcl, brn uot with gtoderd rebq, which could grescnt nrst problern. 2.-De sign of coh[on cqrs oo to rcmrin es dasiled in 3&9. Dcsip intenl is for cep to be cut from oac peioc of stooc. pleasc sumbir.djqtend€ !o fabrioate oap from uchircctrnal prc-cast concretc to mcct dcsip perueters aad aocuraiely match color md textnre of otbec sitc wall caps. cost aad schedulle imfacr sr€ to bc svaluacd rrynn retrua of writtco olaifioation- Requcsted by: Voglcoau Approved for Coafonetrc€ !o rlesign by:Date: GENERAL NOT o E9: 2- .ii-L DII.iENSION9 ARE TO F ACE 6 g'UD. UNLEgS OTHERJJIgE NOTED, REFER TO ELECTRICAL AND IIECI.IAICAL DR.AIJJINGS FOR ADDTTIONAL iNFOFfiATICT.I. REFER TO gI{EET3 AI3.1.X 5ERIEg rcR gTA\DARD I.tr{IT DETAILg. ALL IIJOOD FR.A|IIF.IG AI\ID BLOC'KING SI]ALL EE FIRE RETARD A^IT TREATED. :,i3t5#,+!]ERloR ELEvarloNs AlD RcF.'e rcR aDDrila{aL TNFoRr1AT|oN oN HEADERS. aRcf€aJ :6. ALL UJALL TYPE9 ARE IYFE 4 r 16 sERIEs u.ON..'I. FROVIDE 9 I/2' FIEErcLA95 INs{ILATIOII AATT9 IN ALL u./ALLs AND CEILIhrGS G AATH ROc,-19 ITjNLESS NOTED OTI..IEQT,I5E. REFER TO UJALL TYPE9 FOR IIJALL CAVTTY INSULATION Ii,IFORrTATIAI igdU" 55tJl?t",f;'fg'Fi"trf#'#"?5lf,5t'lliiffi""?flZE#+3 EErIIEEN rrNrrs aND coFrFrct{ 9. REFER TO I,/A' PLAlg (A2J AlD A2.4) FOR TIAIIT ENTRY DOOR ANO gECONDARY DOOR NIJrIEERE A\]DDESCRItTIOT{9. 1o.ALLExPo9EDeoGe5oFT|LEToEEPoLI9HEDoREuLLNo3ED|$1LE55NoTEooTFrERU|9E. II. gEE gIIEETg AI3.1-I A{D 413.12 rcR FIREFLACE DETAILg I?. REFEF? TO 9HEET AI@.1 F€lF ALL TUALL TYFE9 . 13. ALL GYPgtJrl @A@ INSIDE COFNERs TO BE E,oUARE. '4 4LL GYP9UI'1 @AFID OUT9IDE CORNERS TO BE C{JRVEO I,tJtTH A ts{JLLNOgE CORNER EEAD IIJITH ARADIUS OF l' ,Or.J UJALLS ANp t/4" Ar CElLll.lCr9. 15. ALL GYPSIJI-I BOARD TO 9E 3/AT TYPE 'X". PROVIDE CErlENl AACKEre]OARD AT ALL grcUJER U,ALLs A.lD CEILINGS AND AT ALL TUA PRI'VIDE UJA:IER REgIETTAIT (I!R) 6YFEItrt AoA@ AT ALL OTI.'ER AREA5. AT 5TEA|"1aND CElLlr{69- 19. RE: PROIECT i(ANUAL and INTERIOR FEATURES MANUAL for FTNISH SPECTFICATIONS. KEY N a IlATERIAL 5TANE'FIS)RIFG IN TRREGUIJTR SHAPE. RANDOM PATTERN. vEla H4PLF u€P-aAoRtN'r- E asED KEY FLOORS FLI FL3 FL4 FL6 Fl8 BAgE IN RANDOI1 IJJIDTHg CARIET AlD FAD OVER CARPET BOARD I!+]E RE OCCURS ior{ED |''ARDLE T|LE t2" x t?" HONE9 NARELE TILE 6N X 6" CERAFIIC TILE 12' x t2" CER,AFIC TILE 6.. X A" CERA1IC TILE 4'X 4' - r'lNYL COIIFOS|T|ON TILE ON FIASTEF BATH gI.]ANER FLOOR ON EUNKROOIi 5|{O!JER FLOOR. i2" x 12" IJ.JOOO OASE 'l l/4" r1lGr{. NORT|-rER! glLvER -jF'._= ATTACHMENT IIAII I I I :oF(rrrll.' -rJ' (!r F tD 2 9- EEj ?t o-H E=T i; f h5{ d 9a xn E; 35T +E -E'61 ="e 9FqtL qt- {{{ I!! ititn9|l =5lrr.E=&, {|i 33 ,-, .9 .9A .s ."cH SS t4 u)t{ .. =Aiq2 gggg Fnn OA Tl!E'r9-999.=.:22-S. ^s-e -g --&, rr9p,z, 9.i.e. E ==.2 =-.2 -.! =.2''i 9FiE iiE et: 3 .:c?!; 8? R - = xE xo= -.= -El eE- eg .'ir 4.9i9 { { 'ra n i!-,iI T EglE :g8E €tltr rE L'l- .. hgta .{ *lgE E rtn'! .4 a ;l-gu : E. qa- st 1- F ! T ? ilH tg€ i- I iEE €E H ;F5 E5c alrctc4t<l! d!tgi N€! etJ x 5.xo 6t =t U € A tfr! a) -! ,: tt) Cr ;i.J: t.u ii:o: 9t€tr! x.9 Ie3 t)= t2, o.:EIErH: O,QC\J ,Ol 6'0 co f-e Eg-=:d'1, r\IR: J5 1I) \o i ! .g ;:66qE.:EI:9 E-:; U .Ei =A;Et= €-c> AI:Ai .:' dt oi e, |,| a) ilbt zl taJ/g'(/96 i@| .,clHIr| From: 4eF2522 o |,'lEr rz-LuhEN CUNST CO - A222t9?A4793t NO.458 D15 91o - 41't '3t+8 Weitz€ohen Constrrction ComPanY t4e LFrr sil.t. st tq?v) ffi;R"g**Ft. 3ca{co{Ee We are sending , g page(s) including this page. gfq ywr mdrw ld conrrrnt flrot pqr rpwal flt r4rlA f,5713 lur C.nlor Drl}t, gila 910cobrs $rilp. co 80e18Coltrd $rfr$, COP!rr: 71iD{{l€001Fc il3{r€400€ trn Remarks: rcr tutf gl. For yur hlbrnrlbn n FAX TMNSMITTAL IIcrre:41J&- Hard CoPY tr wilU gltm not ffi , 83/8?/96 L3tg4 |^jEiTZ-COHEN CONST CO ) AAZLg?a4?g3t v 4e,P2522o . NO. A58 DL6 @CG'HEtr|I qOI.DSI PEIA BASE 'ACI!IA:fI{EITZ.COEEI PN,OJECT *T522 DRAWIITO IIST 02/2e/96 CiviL Drawings 4..\-l - \-zc3-c5 i1 c8 c9 cxl - c15 a1 a c:.9 wzv - uzl lzz - uz5 c24 Landscape Drawings T.1 I-,3-L4 rJo _ !o.r l,? .1 Ir8 I.',9 - I/10 LT2 T.1 2 ADDENDUM #L 02/02/96 ADDENDIJM #5 02/26/96 ADDEtrDr,tM #t 02/02/96 ADDET{DIIM #6 02/26/96 ADDENDUM #t 02/02/96 ADDENDUM #6 02/26/96 ADDENDTJIT *! 02/02/960t/L6/96 ADDEITDTJT'| *t 02/02/ 96 ADDE!{DUM #6 02/26/96 0r/25 /95 ADDEIIDTJM *t 02/02/96 ADDENDT,TM #5 02/26/96 ADDENDUM #6 02/26/96 ADDETIDUM #t 02/09/96 ADDENDLM #6 02/26/96 ADDENDTM #L 02/09/96 ADDENDUM #L 02/09/e6 ADDENDUM #5 02/22/e6 ADDEI{DLM *t 02/09/96 ADDEDNTJM *! 02/09/e6 ADDENDIJM *T 02/09/96 ADDENDUM *5 02/22/96 ADDENDLM #6 02/26/96 ADDENDTM #L 02/09/96IJ14 ADDENDUM #1 02/09/.96 REISSUED-NOT REVISED 02 /26 / e6IJls ADDEIIDrJM #t 02/09/9511 - 13 ADDEND(M #1 02/09/96 RETSSUED-NOT REVISED 02 /25 / e6 SerucEural" Drawings s1 - s8 ADDEIIDW #6 02/26/96s9 0t/L9/96 RETSSUED-NOT REVTSED A2/26/96s10 - s11 ADDEIIDIJ}I! *6 02/26/95s12 - s14 0L/r9/96 RET6SLED-NOT REVTSED 02/26/96 s1G - S2G ADDEIIDIJM #6 02/25/96 s3G - S4G 01/r9/s6 RETSSUED-NOT REVTSED 02/26/96s5c - s6G ADDEITDUM #6 02/26/96sEs:- 0L/L9/e6 RETSSUED-NOT REVTSED A2/26/96 . A3/8?/96 L3:A4 @!DEg FE.II B.I^88 ITCIIIII? rrErTz-coEB[ EtoitEet *T522 DITHINO IJTST 02/29 /95 PG. 2 e,rchit,ecE,ural Drar,rings - Core anCt She11 t^rETcoHEN C0NST co ) A2azL9?a4?93L4ap2sz2 NO.ASE AL? @!(]EDIIhI A0. 0 A1 .2 A2.1 - 42.7 A3.1 - A3.3 A3 .4 A4.1 - A4.3A5.1 - A5.4 .A5.1 - A6.3 A7.1 - A7. 5 A8.1 - A8.2 49.1 - 49.3 AIV. J '/aLv.a - J+rv,J AIU.'} - AIU. / AJ-I , J. - AIJ. .I* ALl .L Communication Arcs cAl .1 cA2 .1 - CA2 .3 cA3 . l, - cA3 .3 cA4.1 - CA4.6 cA5.1 - eA5.15 LA5.IO cAs.1? - cA5,18cA7.1 - &7 .2 Food Service Drawings FSl - FSs FS5 FS5A 01,/te /96 ot /19 / 96 0L/Le / 96 ADDENDUM #6 02/26/e6 ADDENDUM #6 02/26/96or/t9 /96 oL/Le /96 0L/t9 / 96 A.DDENDTJM *6 02/26/96o1/te/s6 ADDENDUM #5 02/26/96 ADDBNDUM *6 02/26/96 ot/te /e6 ADDENDUM #5 02/26/96 01,/L9/96 ADDENDIIM #6 02/26/96 ADDENDUM *6 02/26/96 ot /19/9602/06/96 02/05/96 02/06/96 02/05/e6 02/06/96 02/06/s6 02/06/96 - Int.erior Flntsh Drawings ADDENDTJM *6 02/26/e6 ADDENDTJM #6 02/26/96 OMITTED - Refer Eo A].l serieE ADDENDUM #6 02/26/e6 ADDENDTJM #6 02/26/96 OMITTED - Refer Eo A1r. series A.DDENDIM #6 02/26/96 0:,/Le / 96 L2/ta/9s LL/27/9s o8 /3L/ 9s ArchlLect.ural Drawlngs - Condomlnlum Fj.nishes 413 . 01 413. X0 A13 .20 413 .30 At 3 .40 A13 , s0 AJ.5 . bU e,13.71 - 413.02- 413.14- Ax3.24- 413.34- 413.44- A13.54 - A13 .54- A13.73 drawinge drawlnge a3/8'?/96 L5t 44 UEI |Z-COHEN CONST CO + A222r9?A4?93r COITDEII DIft BISE tACIt ItY nEr"z-eOEElr DBO,JBCT *T522 DntHfNC IrIST 02 /29 / 96 PG, 3 Food Service Drawlngs - Cont,'d 48,P2522 o NO.858 tr18 FS7 FSTA FS8 FSSA FCe FS9A FS10 - FS12 LL/27 /96 08 /3r / e5 LL/27 / 95 0e /3L /e5 tL/27 /95 08 /3L/ es L2 /L9 / 96 Mechani cal /Plumbing Drawings M1 .L - M2.I - M3,1 - M4.1 - trlg ,7 M4.8 M13 .11 M13 . 21 M13 . 31 M13 .41 M13 .51 MX3 . 61 rr .l - E'. L - P3,2 P4.1 - M1 .2 M2.5 M3.2 M4.6 ot/Le /e6 09 /ts / 9s oe /t5 / es oe/L5/95or/rs/e6 ot/Le / e6 0L/t9 /96 0i./19/e6 07/ t9 / 96 oLhe/e6 ot/19 /e6 ot/Ls /96 ot /t9 / e6 ot/ 19 / 96 oL/te /e6nl /10 /a4vLt ^-t rY - Ml3- M13- M13- M13 - Ml I - M13 Pl .2 D'q .t2 -22 .52 .42 .az .62 P4.4 Electrical Drawings 81.1 - 81 .4 82.1 - 82.5 l95.L - E5.a 811.1 - E11.4F.tz.r - 8']-2,3 Specificatlons - SpecificaEions - Inuerior F1nl8hes Manual .e.ddendum #t 02/t9/95 Addendum #2 02/t9/96 Addendum *3 02/L9/96 0t/L9 /e6 ot /L9 / 96 0t/ Le / 96 ot/L9 /e6fi/Le/e6 Core and Shell Condominiurn Finiehee ADDEIID(M ADDBNDTJM TDDEITDUM 02/26/95 a2/26/96 02/26 /96 *5 *6 #5 1 l,3./4(/!6 lJ:U5 lrrB I lZ-CUflEN CUNS I CO + g'2j22L97?4?93L - CIOLDET DTA,I' DISB 'ICIIITCrEItZ.COEIlt DrOitEel *1532 DRAWIXO I.|TST o2/29/95 PG. 4 Addendum *4 02/L9/96 Addendum *5 02/22/96 Addendum #6 02/26/96 NO. A5g 019 @!C:CI}IIN 4e,P2522 o g3/87/96 13: g5 tJE I |Z-CUHEN CINST CIJ + V222LY'/44'(93L NO. rZ'59 €oLDEN EEAI EASE IACIITIIY I0EIEZ.COBE}I PBOiIECT *T522 ADDE!{DOU gUtoilARY/ COrffiNTg 02/25 /96 .e,DDEllDnlt *1 02 / 02 / 96 -Revl6es all ciwil drawlnge per bhe Addendum #1 narracive. These ilrawlngs were previously distribut,ed with rerriued Landscape drawings noCed as revised per Addendum #1 ' -sheecs c3 - c6, c8, cxo and C19 have been reiseued per Addendum #6, -A11 Lrandscape dravrlngs have been reissued per Addendum #6. e.DDEllDnU it2 02 /!9 / 96 4AP2J22 o -Revises all Landscape drawings per Ehe narraEive however, tiEle block indicaEes urevisions 02/09/95 - Acldenclum #1" were diFEribueed as parE of Addendum #1 . -Land6cape d.rawings L14, 11 , 12, and 13 were not reisgued vti-gh addendum #r drawiigs (or eddendum #2 as per the narracive) lrut: have subsequencly- been reissued wiEh Addendum #6 reviseqi Landscape diawingi wish ,'revision O2/09/96 Addendum #1" noLed in t,he citle bf ock. -Addresses w/C Clarificacion Reguests #1, 3, 11, t2' !4, ,-7, L9 and 24 and are incorporated inEo uhe conEracc documenEF, ADDETTDW *3 02/].9/96 -Incorporares clarificaCions/rewislons Eo__thc St.ructu:af drawin-gs per leE,ter issued by Monroe and NewelL dat,ed 0t/3L,/96 and pieviousty distributed by weitz-Cohsr prio.r co:lle issua-nce of this addendum. These revisions have subsequen[ly been incorporated inE,o the strucLural drawings per Addendum f5 revisions. -rncorporaEes response co lflc clarificaEion Request #18' "bisinformaEion has 'subseguenEly been incorporated 1nt,o Ehe sErucEural d.rawinEs per-eddenaull 65 3gwlslons (the spacing Of che masonry clip ingies @ 4'-0" O.C. pef deCa-il 13lSB r,cas not noted in tile re-viseb d,rawings however/ but shaLl apPly) ' .ADDANDTD( *4 o2/t9/96 - Adds condominium Interior drawlngs and specificatlone. Tthe condominium gpecificauions have eubeeguenEly been reissued ,,irtr revtsions' per lddendum #6. Drawlngs are daEed 02/06/96 and do oog "ho*'ievisions per Addendurn #4 but are incorporaEed into t,he Contract DocumenEe under Ehis addendum' the :rnd 4J/V l/t6 1J : Utf l.!E i I Z-CUHEN CONST CO r A222I9?A4?93L 48,P2522o NO. A5B C!C'HE[iI COI.,DEN PE.},X BASE FAETI.,,Tn| IIEIEZ.COITEII PROJECI *T522 ADDErirDgt{ smd^Ry/coroclflls 02 /28 / 96pg, 2 A.DDETIDr]X *,t 02/t9/96 Cont,'d -The dravrlng lisE. incLuded ln thie addendum lncludes referenceto sheec A10.10 but is noc included in t,he drawings provided.Ir 16 assumed that thls ls a typographical error and thac Lhereference should be A1 3.10, N)DnrDnlr l+5 02/22/95 -Incorporates response tro w/c quest,ions 1 - 10, datecl oL/26/96. -Inporporates response !o w/C Clarlflcat,ion Regue6t, #15 whichclarifies window types, deeignaEions, Iocat,ione and 6izes andis incorporaE.ed into the ConCracE DocumenEs -Revlses IJandscape drawings L1, L3, L4t L,6.lt L'l , L8, IrLl andL'12. These drawings have subsequent,ly been reisEued wiE,h Addendum #5. Revisions per Addendum #5 and .eddendum #6 haves been lncorporated int,o the complete Landscape drawing packirge to be issued per Addendum #6. A.DDEITDUX li5 02 / 26 / 95 -Revlses Civil drawings c3 - C5, C8, C10 anct C19. 'f,henarrative of t,his addendum 11scs all Civil drawings as ber.ng reiEsued but only those drawings wlth revisions shal1 bediscributed. -Revises r,andscape drawlngg IJ1, L3, L4, LB and L12. SheeEs7L, 12, and 13 are not listed ln the Addendum #6 narraUive or che Addendum #2 narraEi.ve buc are included wlLh Addendum #6and are noEed as revised 02/09/96 Addendum #1 and are incorporated into Che Cont,racE Document,s. -The Addendum 95 narrative lists drawings r.2, l'5 - Ir7.1, L9 - L1l and L13 - L15 a6 t'reigsued ttlt,hout. reviEiong'r however, sheeEs L2 and IJ11 are noted with urevlslons 02/09/96 Addenciumgtu and are assumed to be accurat.e as issued. AIBo, drawltrgs IJ5.1 and L7 are noUed with "revlslons 02/09/96 Addendum #1"and "revisions 02/22/96 Addendum #5" and are a8sumed to be accurate as iEsued. In sumnary, all Landscape drawlngs shall be reissued with this addendum and shall represenE Ehe current lceraE,i.on of thls scope of work. a3/@?/96 13:66 t^'E5c0l€N coNsT c0 -' a222L9?s4?9sL4w2s22 N0. asg EECG}IEN v11 OOI.DBN DEAX EASE FACIITITY wErtz-eoBtlt DRoitEcT *as22 ^lDDEtlDIru Bulo|eRy/coEnrr g 02/28 / e6pg' 3 IDDETTDUII {15 02/26/96 conE'd -RevisesSEruccuraldrawlngsg].-58,S1O,St'l,SlG'S2Gand S6G. Sheee SlC is not llstEd in Che Actdendum #6 narracive but "fro'"s ie.rislons per Addendum #6 an(l is considered t'o be incruaea in c,he- addendum and is part of che congracE DocumenEs. -SErucEura1 alrawings 51, Sx? - S14, S3G'. S4G and SBsl are fliita in che addendum narratlve as reissued withouE revlsione and wl1l noE be dlstribuced- TheEecommencsandclarlflcationsshallservea6anaccuraEeilciesensaclon of the revlsions co the contracE Documenss as a;E;;ffi;- in tnJ addendums listed above in addieion Eo Ehose i;;i;a;d-in che .'"iio"s addendums and shal1 be incorporaced lrrco ehe conEractr poc.t."tts wirh equal force aE uhe addendums chetnselves. February 19, 1996 ADDENDTM#3 to the DOCUN,GNTS OF CONSTRUCTION ISSUED TO: FOR: ISSUED BY: ATTENTION: All Plan Holders ofRecord c./o Weitz-Cohen Construction Company 899 Logan Steet, Suite 500 Dcnver, Colorado 80203 Golden Peak Base Facility Vail. Colorado Architect's Project Number I 8043 . OO Pierce, Segerberg & Associates, Architects: 1000 S Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado t1657 This Addendrm #3 in its entirety shall modi& and become a part of the contraa Documents: ALL parts of the original drawings dated 0l/19/96, and project Manual dateA Oll22/95, and previous Addendum #i and Addeudum #2 dated 2/19196 shall remain in fuIl force wrth the following additions incorporared: 1- Struaural Drawing Clarifications for Addendum #3. 8t/2" x 11" reproductions of the Strucnual Ciarifications, dated Jarnrary 31, 1996, as previously issted *ith Items i: ttuough Item 53;, are hereby reissued for incorporation into the Construction Documents (see attachment). 2. StructuralClarificationDrawings: tVz" x I l" reproductions of the origlnsl drawings (see drawing list bclow) are hereby reiszued for incorporabon into the Consrruction Documents with revisions dated Z/ 1196 Drawing List (2/l/96); scDl, scD2, SCD3, SCD4, SCD5 Pial(a, Segerbe.g & Arso(rares Archne<ts. PC.,i.t.A. Marn Oflice 1000 5. Fron@ge Rolo \ t varl. CO 9r557 lir{ 970 i75 4608 pnore 970 .t75 .i-l3 One Tabor Ca.icr | 2m se/enreeri3 5.- S..ltc 5 r ! Denver CO 50?.02 ,bi(: l0l 521 ::32 lnane tvt .ttJ ::>) Page2 ADDEI{DUM # 3 February 19, 1996 3. StnrcturalClarificationDrawings: t7z" x 11" reproductions of the original drawings (see drawings list below) are hereby reissued for incorporation into the Construltios Documents with revisions dateA 2/ 12196. Drawing List (2/ lZ / 9 6) : scD6, SCDT 4. ClarificationRequests: tVz" x|1" reproductions ofthe original clarification requests, CR#lS and CR#19 dated2/14/96, are hereby reissued for incorporarion into the Construction Docume:nts with responses as noted. .qll other terms, conditions and instructions of the Contract Documents remain unchanged. NOTICE: Receipt of this Addeodum must be acknowledged in your bid. All bidders shall list the following on a cover letter included in their proposal: "We ackaowledge the receipt of Addendum #3 and have included all associated , items in the following proposa.l." EI.{D OF ADDENDIIM#3 6:*a\o" ff tz" LYEETICAL l/t tfr-^lna.t€NT , CAWETE To?711G @IJCRETE,J^IL FTTH HAI-NICI.I AfAT- LEG' ?.b T PLA'.I r.rEo. PAD (T.rP.) Qroo*co^rr -I ToP ANO gol Lor vear 1f<- t Jf qx2txo-,' DEARAIG 9EAT o r veer ?rs-3=OTlol-J q IG EMg@ PI41E l/z"x lo"wx l:-l'rH wl 8) u4, $x6" H,A.s. ( z sets,v 3) >/{ = t'-o : Str6 Picrcs ScFbqE& Arrocirttr Afthitcctr P.C. A.I.{. KEvrssD SEcTloN i/Ss4 REVISION:Jor No.Shcet: SCDsDrnvn: Drtc: FLrr; Si;G$.g& Igairrer ^lnurs RC. AII- 36\tts=D PeEcAsT tAAra6E€- u AD tva scHeDuLE ( Ll We4Ltt ) PEF; s(6 REVISION:Fv ZTqo fuc scbbDffi JIil b- z/tzhb ID6r lrtrFlbl Dlri,l curnc^lloxiErucn GIIEI iEAI lrlr€ FETUTT r-aQl cttrl LT'FD E r olt -h. iLh.LrtGtFEb.rrrt;rrIrF-r i it r.lnl!t.t.rlila.|L.rta/aal.trrrll.trrr!trl!|t Jt'dtr w'rdblh' -1. --t-t-rrr-II--- rat||'? - lhcer uLJ a*led* rep'; HfrA,e-* 9{44 c* t6torv PE for'tgE ---_ 1-o" o.c. 4\-ou o.c- :r<arA $t ,les \ ArJ.- Ltts nqen* uu4' o,t. Le*el Zt?'4u as j*e't woutt h:a*,t lJ be Ldlu ,^,i+4'* wvlls tlto* are orihfe! t) qil goss;blz' ltieclt) lJse Setttis ty':o-,4 tl/,ra. '.l ft1.-^":,1 Ne't4{ ot5lE^txlr E(BJcl't OTDU ?gT t|Jt€ FrcU'JTV t-IA cl'la !.S- Er -rr--tl Tlt!fg3 !q,f '-IT*FHd.:* r. P5.g.rfrO.d!$alc-!t itfl dar!I. rr-hFl-.Fr--drtn .rhlrb ?ePal'tSt, Era..l F-'.t L <f ft'. A",fdz"*; \ 41gi ava,'* ) j' $^,qe I ^lt^'&q{4, bt r/rr Denvff, Colorado vail, C-olorado Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. Structural Drawing Clarifications for Addendum #3 Project Golden Peak Project No. : (M&N#2790) Date: January 31, 1996 To: Pierce Segerberg Architects Attn: Mr. Tom Mayhew i000 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 Item 1: On drawing S 1, Grid D-1, E-1, provide typical 4" concrete siab-on-grade at Stair #4 and transfonner area. Item 2: On drawing S 1, Grid G-10.5, top of concrete at loading dock = 194'-0". Item 3: On drawing S1, Grid A-10, top of footing = (191'-0"). Item 4: On drawing S I, Grid J-6.4,H-9, Re: SCD1 for layout of pilaster at end of Stair #5 and Stair #6 sidewall. Item 5: On drawing 52, Grid E2.5,E-2 to G-2 and F-2.5, delete floor beam 87 and delete step in top ofconcrete. Item 6: On drawing 52, Grid F-3 to H-3 and F-3.1, provide 87 floor beam and step top of concrete at west face of columns. Item 7: On drawing 52, Grid 8.5-7, delete slab penetration. Item 8: On drawing 52, Grid H-9, edge of siab shouid extend 1'-1" nofth of Grid H between Grids 9 and 10. Item 9: On drawing 52, Grid F-3.5, provide penetrations in slab adjacent to rrash chute Der mechanical. 1660 Seventeenth St. - Suite I01 . Denver, Coloraclo 80202. (303) 623-4g27 . FAx (303) 623-6602 Item r0: on drawing s2, Grid F.z-5-s,provide type Bg concrete floor beam belowentry. 'Item 11: on drawing s3, Grid c-l to D-r, refer to sheet 54 and 55 for stub columnlayout at edge of slab. rtem 12: on drawing s3, Grid B-7, aad B-7.9, provide ',SCr" columns as shown onSheet 54. Item 13: on drawing s3, Grid D-3 and D-6.4, column label should be ..sc4,,. Item l4: On drawing 53, Grid D4, coiumn label should be ,.SC3,,. Item 15: on drawing s3, Grid D-10.5, 3'-11" dimension should be 4'-7-. Item 16: on drawing s3, Grid F-10.5, 3'-1" dimension shourd be 4'-0,'. Item 17: on drawing s3, Grids E-10, F-6, and G-r0, top of concrete cap slab should be 219'-9". Refer to Note l l/S4 for cap slab composition. Item 18: on drawings3,GridF4, derete ropofconcretecaroutof23r'-9', at elevator #1. Refer to Sheer 54. Item 19: on drawing s3, Grid J-l and J-10, delete ..SCl" stub columns along diagonal floor beam. Item 20: On drawing 53, Grid J-4, coiumn label should be ,,SC3,,. Item 21: on drawing s3, Grid J-4.3, provide (r) "sc1" up column for loft above. rtemZ2: on drawing 54, various Grids at sides of rarge dormers, delere double up columns supported by bent beams. Item 23: on drawing s4, Grid c.g-'r.3,refer ro SCD2 for revised floor beam layout. rtem24: on drawing 54, various Grids near mechanical penenations in floor deck, provide W8xl0 beams at 4 sides of all mechanicai penetrations not shown. Item 25: on drawing s4, Grid c-10, provide wg x r0 beam with rype A embed plate between column and Stair #2. Item 26: On drawing 54, Grid E_6.4, provide ,,SC2,, up oniy column. Item27: On drawing 54, Grid G.6_g, Section label should be g/S9. Item 28: on drawing s5, Grid D.4-3,wrz x 33 should be w10 x 33. Item 29: On drawing 55, Grid 84, delete down column. Item 30: On drawing 55, Grid E-2,F-Z,W)Z xZ|should be Wg x 10. Item 3l: on drawing s5, Grid D.4-7 .r,D.4-7.9,E.4!t .r, w10 x 53 should be W10 x 33. Item32: On drawing 55, Grid F4.6,G.54.6,H4.6,rop ofsteei = (230,_ 3 3/4-) should be (230, -3 I/2"). Item 33: on drawing s5, Grid F.64.6 and F.6-6.4, refer to scD3 for revised roof framing at shed dormers. Item 34: on drawing s5, Grid G-6.4, Section label 2/s 14 should be 3/s 14. Item 35: On drawing 55, Grid C.5-5, W10 x 49 should beWl4x22. Item 36: on drawing s5, Grid C.5-5 and c.5-6, wr4 x 22 beams shouid be rocated 3" off grid towards interior of opening. Provide doubie angle connections at each end. Item 37: on drawing s5, Grid c-5, c-6, D-5, and D-6, "sc2" srub columns should be located 3" north of Grid C and 3" south of Grid D and supported by W14 x22 beams. Item 38: on drawing 55, plan Notes, add note 12, "Re: Section r 1/S9 for framine around roof penerarions greater than i2" diameter. Item 39: on drawing s5. I, Grid c.5-10, eave beam should be wl2 x 14 (244,-g,'). Item 40: On drawing 55. l, Grid D-7, refer to SCD4 for framing at skylight. Item 4l: on drawing S5.1, shed Roof Framing plan, "SC1" down column ar upper right side should be an .,up" column. Item42: On drawing S1G, Section 1,4, and 5, tateral reinforcing in bottom of footing shouid be #5 at 12" o.c. Item 43: on drawing S rG, section g, lateraj reinforcing in bottom of footing shourd be #5 at 9" o.c. rtem44: on drawing s2G, Grid H.2-l l, width of fooring should be 5'-0,' with dimension string = Z'-1" + 10" + 2'-1". Item 45: Item 46: Item47: Item 48: Item 49: Item 50: Item 51: Items 52: Item 53: On drawing SzG, Grid F.8-14 and F.g-15, delete g" CMU walls and thickened slab below. Provide concrete curb as shown on Architecrural drawines. On drawing S5G, Section 9, provide #5x 8'-0" vertical at 12" o.c. ar face of wall opposite Pc DT bearing seat. center #5's verticaly at bottom ofDT. Provide #4 horizontals as required. Re: SCD5. On drawing S5G, Section 9, refer to SCD5 for embed plates. On drawing S6G, Section 7 andg,provide embed plate ai top connections of DT to cast-in-place wall, 3/8" x 6" x 6,' with (2) 3/4" diameter X 6" H.A,S. On drawing S6G, Section 7 and9, provide #5 x 8'-0" vertical at 12" o.c. at face of wall opposite Pc DT bearing seat. center #5's vertically at bottom of DT. Provide #4 horizontals as required. On drawing S6G, Section 7 and 9, Re: SCD5 for embed plate requirements at PC DT bearing seat. On drawing 52, Grid E.5-5.5, provide "SCl" up columns and Type Bl0 floor beam below columns. On drawing 52, Grid E-6 to F-6, provide Type B l0 concrere beam in floor. On drawing 52, Grid F.5-5, rype B7 concrete beam shouid be type Bg. ./a i/ '*r( \ | "-PLANfER\L_ _ /_L---_-- .{ __ / f 6 | r./ t:--1 | -l .rl |.l t(atv i@I r.o.c-_-J\\ (Frf-o.) ??OVDE 6,STor€ vEl6 Lo.c}'Tt '("* ^".*5t A&.5 LC -<t lts'-c1 r)'-q' / LavEL 194-o,. - PA"TIAL PLAN /b" =l'4''KEF:5I Picrc. Scgcrbcrg & Alocirtcr ArchitEcir P.C. A.IJC,. LEI€L 1144,. - PAFT\AL ?4{AT STAIIZ T'REWSION:t.,.No. z7?o Shcct: Sco tDtt-'.t J /,4 D.r., 2hf?6 @ LEveL Zz?Lo" - PAgrtA't- PLAAI /8"--14" t-z ul o \q Nx nox al 1"'^" ?Er: srL Y Al@x4q .F fnx 7 G-ln*t 5TAI?' Levet zzl!-o" - /a*zT/4L pt4/J 4r 6&rD D-7 REVISION:Wx' Z7?O Sc>z o'", Z/tf?6 lrr a I UJe ri { o d\! I '_t {J \L \v z,iqqllt L o J Sl-o.lt Iq I 'r: --__ v ',,2,4 L -,Q,zl, ). ", ;, -) (.2,/L b-,ea) x .1 5 Picrc. Scgcrbqg & A-ttocirtEs Architcctr P.C. A.IA. ?fr?TIAL ?ooF trU"ALNG PLALI ;- GerD G-+,A *,uD G-b.+ REVISION:t&No. z7?o Shcct: ScD3Dr".*", J /il| o,n, z/r/QL Tos.=(z+7:6lz') @--A.r SKYLTGHT F&+t+uNG. 5ELF-SUPEO&TIN *\UCAr EY I coNN€C71o^/ rF STEEL FPAMU/E WrT-rl srRL. e{6(AIEFE- I 1 t// t1e /'v AL l/- b. pAF1ftL 1P?ER K@F FRArwlJq /g "=l\-o n PEtr: SS.l | ,-|54I$Xt 1 ; scaP€o Phrc. Segerb<ry & ArrocirtEr ArcLitcctr P.C. A.IA. ?*?r*t- uf?eQ R-n= FRAnrilQ A-r Ge(D D-7 REVISION:1*x.. //fO Shcct: sc},4D..-", )/N D,E z/tft6 DATE: TO: FROM: RE: ADDENDUM #4 FebruarY 19, 1996 All Plan Holders of Record do Weitz-Cohen Construction Company 899 Logan Street, Suite 600 Denver, CO 80203 Pierce, Segerberg & Associates, fuchitects; Golden Peak Base FacilitY Architect's Projea Number I 8043.00 Pie(e. Segerbeq & Assocares Ar$(ec!s. PC..AlA. Marn Oflice l00O 5. FronraSc Road W va . CO 81657 iox: 970 a7 6 +608 pholtc 970 476 ++13 (Jne taoor Lenter l2m Seventeenb 5l Sur(e 5 i5 Denec CO 80202 for: JvJ 6tJ tz6t onone: 103 523 I155 ATTENTION:This Addendum /14 in its entirety shail modify and become a part of the Contract Documents: AII parts oithe original drawings dated 01/19/96' and Project Manual d^ted OU2;/96. and previous Ad-dendum #l ' Addendum #2' -d.ada*a..'#3dated2l:Iil96shallremaininflrllforcewiththefoilowing additions incorporated: i. Base Package; Condominium Unit Interiors: 30" x 42" blueline reproductions of the originai drawing dsee drawing list below) dated'ZtdD6' are hereby issued for incorporation into the Contract Documents. The information provided on these drawings is for the condominium units oniy, and is in addition to the Core and Shell package drawings dated 1129196' DRAMNGLIST (2/6/96): Al0.lo A13.20 A13.30 Ai3.40 A13.11 A13.21 Al3.3l A13 41 1^r3 .12 Al3 .22 Lr3 .32 Lt3.42 A13.13 A13.23 A13.33 A13.43 A13.14 A13.34 A13 44 A13.50 A13.60 A13.71 A13.51 Al3.6l A13'72 A13.52 l\13.62 Al3'73 A13.53 A13.63 A13 54 A13.64 2. Base Package; Condominium Unit interiors: 30" x 42" btueline reproductions of the original drawings (Al3'01' A13.02, Al3 24) are hereby reissued without revisions' Page 2 ADDENDUM#4 February 19, 1996 3 Base Package; Condominium Unit lnteriors: - 8 Vz" x 11" GBC bound reproductions of the Project Manuai dated 215/96, arehereby issued for incorporation into tf9 Contract Documents' The #ormation provided in this projecr Manual is for the condominium units only, and is in addition to the Core and Shell Package Project Manual dated Ll2A96. All otier terms, conditions and instructions of the contract Documents remain unchanged' NOTICE: Receipt of this Addendum must be acknowledged in your bid. All bidders shall list the following on a cover letter included in their proposal: .We acknowledge the receip of Addendum *t4 and have included all associated items in the following ProPosal." END OF ADDENDI]M #4 February 19, 1996 ADDENDUM #2 to tbe DOCIMENTS OF CONSTX.UCTION ISSI.IED TO: FOR: ISSI/ED BY: ATTEN-IION: Par(a. Seg:oerg & Ajjo<t.(es Arcn(ecls. PC..A.t.A. lYa|n Ofri(e 1000 S. F.a.ruEc Road W varl. CO 81657 2:974 476 ia08 r/ifi.:970 476 +4ll One Tabor Cente: I ICO S6.€nre€d(h S! sutle i l5 f :n'er: CO 301C2 .': l0l 6:t ZtS2 .-tr.: l0l 62i .il5 5 All Plan Holders of Record c/o Weitz-Cohen Coostruction Company E99 Logaa Street, Suite 600 Denver, Colorado 80203 Goiden Peak Base Facility Vaii, Colorado Architect's Projea Number I 8043.00 Pierce, Segerberg & Associetes, fuchitects: 1000 S Frontage Road West Vail. Colorado t1657 This Addendum #2 in its entirety shall modify and become a part of the Contract Documents: ALL parts of the original drawings dated 01/19/96, and Project Manual dated 01122196, and prwious Addendum #l dated 2119/96 shall reman in fuIl force wrth the following additions, changes, clarifications, aod revisions rncorporated: I . Landscape Drawings: 30" x 42" blueline reproductions of the original drawings (see drawing list below) are hcreby reissued for rncoqporation into the Coostnrction Documents wrth revisioos dzted 219 195. Drawxlg List (2/9/96) Lt, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L6.1, L7, L7 . t, L8, L9, L I O, Lt 1, L12, L I 3, L 1 5 2, Landscape Specification Items (Project Manuai): Refer to Division 2, Sitework, and make revisions to the fol.lowing secrions as noted on the 8%" x I l " attacbment. A. Section 02515 - Uoit Paving, Part2 - Products, Sidewalk PaversB. Section 025 15 - Grass Pavers (Secdon 0215) C. Section 02521- Concrete paving, part Z- products- paragraph 2.03-BD. Section 029J3 - Seeding, Part 2 - Products, Paragraph 2.01, A.i Page 2 ADDENDi.IM #2 February 19, 1996 E. Section 02934 - Sodding:. pu;t Z -products, paragraph 2.0l, A. 1Section 02934 - Sodding, parf Z - produas, f aragraptr 2.01, C.Section 02934 ^ Sodding, part 3 _ Execution, paragraph 3.01, A. 3. Additionai Items @xhibit ,,A,,); tvzx rr" reproduction of the Landscape Exhibit ,,A,, (dated z/g/96)is hereby iiTi.i:"T:s1a15,".* only, and is not intended to become . il;',fre uonrract L,ocumetrts (see anachment). 4. Responses to Specific euestions (Clarifications): 8Vz" x ll" reproduction ofthc Landscape clarificauons (Issue I rhroughIssue 7) and dated uz/g6, are hereby iss""a [. incorporation into the. Construction Documents. S Affenium Summary for Laadscape Drawings and Specrfications; 8vz" .x I I" reprroduction of the Lanjscape Addlndum Summary (dated 2/9/96)are hereby issued for information purposes onjy, and are Eot intended tobecome part of the Contract Documenis lsee attachmenr). All other terms, conditions and instructions of the contract Documents remun unchanged. NoTICE: Receipt of this Addendum must be acknowledged in your bid. All bidders shall listthe following on a cover letter included in their-proposal: "We acknowledge the receipt of Addendum #2 anrt have included a.ll associated itemsm the following proposal.', END OF ADDEND(M #2 DesignWorkshop Addendum Summary for Lan Drawings & Specifications, Sh o eets L 1- 115 t LlqhO o dscape Addendum Items Sheet Ll- Overall Site Plan 1. Chair 6 wall has been shi.fted north to allow room for existing electrical vault. Reference civil dwgs for location of vault 2. The Manor Vail path that connects to Vail Valley Drive has been restored to drawing. This path will tie into renovated road with a depressed curb- Reference civil drawings 3. Hcap lamps have been added in front of the main skier drop-off are4 and in front of the main bus drop-off. 4. The small "stub" to the path up the mountain (east of chair 6) has been deleted. 5. All site lighting symbols have been removed from this and all other L-series plans. All site lighting information is contained on the electrical site plan by Riviera. 6. The snow curb has been removed immediately west of the chair 6 retaining wall. 7. A6'standing curb has been added along the Vail Valley Drive sidewaik between the entrance and exit ofthe skier drop-offparking lot. 8. Fire hydrants have been located on plan for reference only. Sheet L2- Landscape Demo and Relocation Plan 1 . Note has been added to drawing that negates the information on this sheet. If any tree relocation is to occur, it will occur after VA has determined that it is logistically feasible, and the maner will be dealt wit! at that time. There is no tree reiocation included in the bid set at this time. Sheet L3- Layout Plan- Zone I 1. Typical expansion joints have been identified 2. Fire hydrants have been located for reference only 3. Various dimensions have been slightly adjusted- will have no impact on cost, for clarification only. 4. Additional detail callouts added for clarification 5. All site lighting symbols removed from drawing 6. Legend/ general notes added to sheet Sheet L4- Layout Plan- Zone 2 l. Various dimensions have been slightly adjusted- will have no impact on cost, for clarificatiou oniy 2. Additional detail callouts added for clarification. i. The small "stub" to the path up the mountain (east of chair 6) has been deleted. 4. Chair 6 wall has been shifted north to allow room for existine electrical vault. Reference civil dwqs for location ofvault 5. Hcap ramp has been added in front of bus shelter 6. Painted crosswalk from existing Manor Vail walkway across Vail Valley Drive has been removed. 7. Hcap ramp has been adjusted to allow for pedestrian traffic crossing Vail Vailey Drive at the existing Manor Vail crossing point (although no crosswalk striping is provided) Sheet L5- Enlarged epres SkiJout Plan l. Various dimensions have been slightly adjusted- will have no impact on cost, for clarification onlv. 2. Additional detail callouts added for clarification. 3. Snow curb from end of ramp east to chair 6 retaining wall has be en removed. 4. walkway behind Apres Ski Terrace planter has been widened from 10, to l2'. 5. Pedestrian gate at north edge of Apres Ski Tenace has been widened. Sheet L6- Enlarged Layout Plans 1' Various dimensions have been slightly adjusted- wiil have no impact on cost, for ciarification only. 2. Additional detail callouts added for ciarification. 3. Small planter has been adjusted within Condo Courtyard. Clarification that this planter is bordered by a 6" curb, not a wall. 4. Reference added referring design of condo driveway to civil drawings 5. Score and expansionjoint patterns in colored concrete paving clarified 6. Mill Creek Plaza design has been completeiy changed. Sheet L6.l- Site Wall Type and Guardrail Reference ptan I' Due to confusion expressed in questions regarding the type of wall surfacing and the extenr and type of guardrail and handraiis, this sheet has been added in its entirety, and calls out the wall treatment and guardrail location for every site wall not covered by the architectural drawings. Sheet L7- Site Elevations L Detail 3,L7-Top of wall elevations have changed and location of "scallops" have adjusted to gain 200' site distance east along Vail Valley Drive. Sheet L7.1- Site Elevations & Sections 1 . Detail I, L7 .l- detail keyout corrected 2. Detail 3, L7.1- detail keyouts corrected, walk width widened to i2' 3. Detaii 4, L7 ,l- detail keyouts corrected, guardrail removed Sheet L8- Site Paving Details 1^ Detail 4, L8- revisions made to conc. unit paver crosswalk Sheet L9- Site Wall and Column Details 1. Detail I, L9- elevation reference added, waterproofing note added 2. Detail 2, L9- 6' curb added to cross-section of skier drop-off lot wail. other revisions made. 3. Detail 3, L9- waterproofing note added 4. Detaii 4, L9- waterproofing note added, revisions made 5. Detail 5, L9- waterproofing note added, revisions made 6. Details 6 &9,L9- waterproofing note added 7. Detail 8, L9- removed in its entirety Sheet L10- Site Stairs "nA Uirlt"it, I . Detail I, L l0- Expansion joint note added 2. Detail 2,L10- Expansion joint note added 3. Detail 3, Ll0- Expalsion joint note added 4. Detaii 6, L10- Added in its entirety- detail is of staircase on north side of Children's Ski School building. Sheet Ll l- Site Fences & Railing Details l. Detail 4, Ll l- Dimension of gate adjusted 2. Detail 2, Lll- Note added regarding minimum coverage of conduit below grade Sheet L12- Planting Plan Zone I l. Incorrect plant abbreviations corrected as follows: IVSB: ruSB ACEP= ACPS ACER= ACPS'PAST: PACT VINM= (this abbreviation was reported to us as missing, but we could not find it on the plans?? There should be no WNM) 2. Landscaping was removed from conflict areas at the fire hydrants and at the FDC connection. 3. Trees along the top of the chair 6 retaining wall have been moved to the bottom of this wall. 4. Trees along east wall of main structure have been " loosened" . . quantity remahs constant. 5. Grass rings have been called out in two areas to provide stability during times of snow storage 5. Fescue seed has been called out in one area on top of planting structure. Refer to specifications, which have also been amended regarding this new turf. 6. Landscape design at Mill Creek Plaza has adjusted 7. Landscape design at entrance to skier drop-off lot has slightly adjusted to allow room for fire hydrant and project entry signage. 8. Note regarding relocation of trees on west end of proiect has been removed. Sheet Ll3- Planting PlanZone2 l. Trees aiong the top of the chair 6 retaining wall have been moved to the bottom of this wail. Sheet Ll5- Planting Details 1. Note added regarding location of different sizes of pICp (spruce) across site. tr. Specification Addendum ltems i. section 02515- unit Paving, Part?- Products- concrete unit paver spec. has adjusted. 2. Section 02515- Grass Pavers- This section has been added in its entirety 3. Section 02521- Concrete Paving, Part2- Products- Paragraph 2.01-8- PSI has been raised to 4000 PSI at 28 daws 4. Section 02933- Seeding, Put 2- Products- paragraph 2.01 .A.3- Fescue seed mix added. 5. Section 02934- Sodding, Paft2- Products- paragraph 2.01.A.1- Specification adjusted. Paragraph 2.01 .C' Specification adjusted. Part3- Execution, Paragraph 3.01.A- paragraph added. IU Additional Addendum Items Exhibit "A" in this packet is a reduced plan showing the top of wall elevations for all site walls (non- architectural). This information is for clarification only, and supersedes any other information concerning the same issue- This data will be rolled into the civil site grading plan for the final construction package. fV. Responses to Specific Questions Receivgd (from fax on 2-2-96, from Rick Caudell) Issue I . - Concrete patterning- all different score and expansion joinr pafterns have been addressed and clarified in this addendum set. Issue 2.- Color concrete specification. The colored concrete specification is in the existing specifications, and has not changed. Issue 3 . - Information regarding the relocated bus shelter. The relocated bus shelter shall be simply moved to the location shown on the plans. Refer to civil drawings for information regarding this issue. Issue 4.- Fabric at pedestrian barrier. This fabric is Not In Contract. It will be provided by the owner. Issue 5.- Landscape boulder placement. Boulders are to be placed as shown on drawings at the same time Iandscape material is planted. Specifications are included regarding size, quantity and quality of boulders. Issue 6.- Plant items not found on plant legend. See addendum information above. plants of concern have been corrected and clouded on landscape drawings. Issue 7.- Question regarding waterproofing of walls. As addendum items show, all wall that retain grade are to be WATEMROOFED to the top of grade, as per specifications. Where these locations occur is addressed on sheet L6. l. : lai:li r: ij1 (o I C) I N (/) Zo = LI ) Itl ) -l = Lr- - o_ r-) F lrr l-_a .' L- I L__t-l =I >< ttl z; t r cZvzc oi e;62*^ e8q ]58 a?:e=>c. = =<ozi*?,^yl sH.I J XI.rXzioiji.r ;EEi:f;H.r1;s{:C='-o-E'i*d6 -a (v .l: SECTION 02515 - UNIT PAVING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION: work of this section generally includes all materials, labor' equipment' and incidentals for thi completion of unit paver sidewalk. handlcap rampsandapronsshownontheDrawings'specificationsand/or othenryise required herein. 1,02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE: General and supplemental conditions and all of Division one sections govem and are frlreUy made a part of the work of this Section' A. Site Preparation - Section 02100' B. Earthwork - Section 02200' C. Finish Grading - Section 02210' 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Testing and InsPections: 1. The Owne/s Representative may authorize samples to be taken of the pavers and these samples to be tested and analyzed by an independent laboratory'.selected,by tne Owne/s Representaiive' to prove compliance with these sPecifications. 2. Tolerances: Finished surfaces shall be in a plane' pitched and sloped to match the Drawings or existing pavll:nt within a tinisn totetance of 114" in 10'' Pockets on finished surtacet *nich hold water after installation and compaction will be cause for rejection of the paver suriace' B. Layout Lines and Levels: 1. Before base course operatlons commence' the site -shall o" .ro.t"iti"tfu .i"rtb out for the work on this Section for the Owner's R'epresentative's approval' C. The work of this specification section shall be perJormed bV an experienced Contractor having not less than five years successful experience in projects of similar size and scope as this project. 1.04 JOB CONDITIONS AND PROVISTONS: All paving work as specified herein shall be performed under the direct supervision of a construction superintendent(s) thoroughly familiar with the work of this Section and who shall be at the proiect site for the duration of the work of this Section. A. No pavement construction shall take place during wet weather or when temperatures are below 30"F. All such work shall be protected from rainfall and vandalism. B. Contractor shall be responsible for pavement protection until final acceptance. Contractor's responsibility will include the erection and maintenance of barricades, use of watchman or other techniques to protect pavements from any damage. C. Warrantee/Guarantee: The Contractor shall guarantee the pavement will retain its original plane without any disintegration, heaving, cracking, spalling or other signs of imperfection, per General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.05 SUBMITTALS: Shall be made in compliance with Section 01300. A. Product Guarantee: Submit one copy of manufacturer's guarantee that the pavers are meting this specification in a minimum of g7% of the production of the pavers. PART 2 . PRODUCTS 2.01 SIDEWALK PAVERS Manufacturer: Borgerl Products, 56374, 612t363-4671 Type: ASTM C-936-82 "Hollandstone'' approved substitute. O. Box 39, St. Joseph, MN 37lB"x77/8"x23/8"or C. Color: Color subject to final approval of actual samples by Landscape ArchitecV Town of Vail Public works prior to start of project. Provide a mix of paver colors in the following oercentaoes: 1. Charcoal - 50%2. Charcoal 2-11/ Red 2-22 Blend - 30%3. Brown - 20o/o RESTRAINT: Snap Edge, injection molded plastic edge restraint as supplied by Valley Block, PO Box 903, Loveland, CO 80539, 303-677-4480:in Denver 303-534-0972. A. Spikes in length and gauge recommended by the manufacturers. 2.04 MATERIALS: H All concrete pavers shall be cement meting ASTM-C1 50. Aggregates shall conform to manufactured with Type I Portland ASTM.C33. C. Base Course Materials: Gravel for sub-base shall be clean, and free from deleterious material. Gravel shall be 3/4'top size crusher run with fines, dense graded aggregate, or similar material and qraded to the followinq limits: Sieve Size 1u 314" No. 4 No. 10 No. 40 No. 200 % Passing 100. 16 lnn/u - tvv 50-80 35-65 25-5U -\ - t/ D.Leveling Base Material: Leveling base material shall be clean, washed, sharp sand with not more than 3% clay or silt, conforming tq ASTM-C33 for fine aggregates. (Note: Mason sand shall not be used). Leveling base material shall be graded to the followinq limits: Sieve Size Q/Q'' No. 4 No. 100 % Passing 100 YU-Vb 10 - 30 E. Soil Separator: Mirafi 500x or approved substitute. PART 3 . EXECUTION 3.01 SUBGRADE PREPARATION; sub^grade shall be prepared as per the Drawings or as recommended by Soil Engineer to lines, grades and elevationi to match adjacent pavement as shown on drawings. 3.02 BASE COURSE PLACEMENT: Base course shall be spread uniformly over the subgrade to a depth such that when compacted the thickness shall be aJshown on the Drawings. The base course shall be applied by spreading in two equal lifts or a maximum of 6'in loose depth. Base couise shali-be dampened with water when necessary. The appearance and surface shall be uniform and all ridges removed. The surface shall not vary more than one-half inch (1/2") when measured with a ten foot (10')siraight edge applied parallel to the centerline. Anv variation irom tnb above shall be corrected by loosening, reshaping and rerolling. The base course material shall be compacted with an approved mechanical compactor to 98% Proctor Density. 3.03 LEVELING COURSE PLACEMENT: An uncompacted leveling base shall be screed over compacted crushed base to a thickness of 1-113" and not exceeding 1-jlZ". This assumes that after the concrete stones are placed and vibrated, the elevation will be approximately 1/2" lower. 3.04 PAVER INSTALLATION: A. Install pavers hand tight as shown on the Drawings and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Where necessary to cut pavers, cutting shall be accomplished so as to leave a clean edge to the traffic surface. Pavers may be cut with a block splitter or masonry saw. Block splitter: Elmer,s Little D. Helper, ModelSB-9 or SB-12, E & R Mfg. Co., Kirktin, Indiana or approved equal. Vibrating of pavers shall be accomplished with three or more passes with compactor; the first pass shall be made with the surface of the laid pavers brushed clean and joints open; the remaining passes with the vibrator shall be accompanied with simultaneous brushing of sand into the joints. Pavers shall be vibrated into leveling base with a plate type soil compactor capable of 3,500 to 5,000 lbs. centrifugal compaction f9r"?. This equipment should be similar to that mlnufactured by Koehring, Master Division, Dayton, Ohio and designated as thejr Model P-22 or approved equal. lnstall edge restraint where shown in the detail drawings along planting areas per the manufacturer's recommendationt. End of Section SECTION (OZIfl . GEASSPAVER A. Work Included: Provide Grasspave2 Paving System products and installation per the manufacture/s instructions furnished under this section. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFTED ELSEWHEHE A. Earthwork - Section 02200. B. lrrigation -Section 02810C. Sodding - Section 02934 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Submit manufacturer's product data and instailation instructions. B. Submit a 10" x l0" section of Grasspave2 material for review. Reviewed and accepted samples will be returned to the Contractor. C. Submit material certificates for base course and sand fill materials. 1.03 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Protect Grasspave2 material units from damage during delivery and store under tarp when time from delivery to installation exceeds one week. Do not store in a shed where temoeratures can exceed 120 degrees. Keep Hydrogrow in a dark and dry location. 1.04 PROJECT CONDITIONS Review installation procedures and coordinate Grasspave2 work with other work affected. Generally, Grasspave2 is installed at the same time as project grass installation. All hard surface paving adjacent to Grasspave2 areas, must be completed prior to installation of Grasspave2. B. C. Cold weather: 1. Do not use frozen materials mixed or coated with ice or frost. 2. Do not build on trozen work or wet, saturated or muddv -.,t-^--J^)uugt cru g, D. Protect partially completed paving against damage from other construction traffic when work is in progress, and until grass root system has matured (about 3 to 4 weeks). E. Protect adjacent work from damage during Grasspave2. installation. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 AVAILABILITY A. Manufacturer and/or Supplier: (Grasspave2, Hydrogrow, Tensar) Invisible Structures, lnc., 14704-D East 33rd Place, Aurora, Colorado 8001't, Ph. (800)239-151 0. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Base Course: Sandy Gravel material from local sources commonly used for road base construction, passing the following sieve analysis. % Passing Sieve Size 100 3t4,g5 3/9"An $^t?.t30 #405 #200 1. Sources of the material can include either "pit run" or "crusher run'. Crusher run material will generally require sharp sand to be added to mixture (40 to 60% by volume) to ensure long term porosity. B. c 2. Selected materials should be nearly neutral in ph (range from 6.5 to 7.2) to provide adequate root zone development for turf. 3. Altemative materials such as crushed shell, limerock, and/or crushed lava may be considered for base course use, provided they are mixed with sharp sand (30 - S0%), and brought to proper compaction. Hydrogrow Polymer: A dry synthetic crystal made of polyacrylimide (<0.1ok) polyner. Alternative polymers of ionic, or anionic, forms will not be allowed to be substituted. Grasspave2 Grass Paving Mats: Lightweight injection molded plastic units 20" x 20" x 1" high (2.7 square feet each) (or pre- assembled into squares 40" x 40", 10..76 sf) with hollow rings rising from a strong open grid allowing maximum grass root penetration and development. Loading capability is equal to 5700 psi when filled with sand, over minimum of 6" of roadbase. Grass: Seed Mix Type A , Sod shall be Colorado grown to match specified seed mix for native grasses. 1. Sod: Use 1.24 to 1.5 thick (soil thickness) stab sod from local grower. Species should be wear resistant, free frorn diseases, and in excellent condition. Sod shall be grwon in sand or sandy loam solids only. Sod grown in soils of clay, silt, or high organic materials such as peat, will not be acceoted. D. PART 3 EXEEUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Examine subgrade and base course installed conditions. Do not start Grasspave2 installation until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. Check for improperly compacted trenches, debris, and improper gradients. B, Installation constitutes acceotance of existino conditions and responsibility for satisfactory performance. lflxisting conditions are found unsatisfactory, contact Project Manager for resolution. 3.02 PREPAHATTON Ensure that subbase materials are structurally adequate to recerve designed base course, wearing course, and designed loads. Ensure that grading and soil porosity of the subbase will provide adequate subsurface drainage. A. Place base course material over prepared subbase to grades shown on plans, in lifts not to exceed 6 (six) inches, compacting each lift separately to between 90 to 95% Modified procror. Leave'1.5" for Grasspave2 mat and sod fill to Final Grade. B. Spread Hydrogrow at a rate of 5 (five) pounds per 1000 square feet onto the surface of the base course with a hand held, or wheeled, rotary spreader. The Hydrogrow should be placed immediately before installing the Grasspave2 units to assure that the polymer does not become wet and expanded when installing the units. 3.03 INSTALLATION OF GRASSPAVE2 UNITS A. Install the Grasspave2 units by placing units with rings facing up, and using micro posts/holes provided to maintain proper spacing and interlock the units. curring be performed with either pruning - shears or a sharp knife. Units placed on curves and slooes shall be anchored to the base course, using 16d Common niils with 3/16" id x l" odfenderwasher, or4" long,'U" shaped ptns, as required to secure units in place. Tops of rinqs shall be between 0.25" to 0.5" below the surface of adiacent hird sur-face pavements. 3.04 INSTALLATION OF GRASS Installthick (1.25" to 1.5" thick) sod directly over un-fiiled rings. Sod strips should be placed with very tight joinis. The sod shall tFen be vibrated into the rings using a smail (30" wide) vibrating roller or tamping pad, taking 3 passes over the entire area.Sodded areai must be fedilized and kept moist during root establishment (minimum of 3 weeks). 3.05 CLEANING A. Remove and replace segments of Grasspave2 units where three or more adjacent rings are broken or damaged, reinstalling as specified, with no evidence of replacement. B. Perform cleaning during the installation of work and upon completion of the work. Remove from site all excess materials, debris, and equipment, Repair any damage to adjacent materials and surfaces resulting from installation of this work. End of Grasspavers I €eclnl oeret -&rtaccrePrt,',nt 1 Pxnt /- ?ueuerf Design mix to produce concrete which will have compresstve strength of 3500 psi at 7 days and 4000 psi at 28 days' When high-early-strength cement is used, it shall reach at least 4000 psi at 7 davs. Slumo of concrete shall be at least 1 inch, but no more than 4 inches, when tested in accordance with ASTM C143. Concrete oavement shall contain at least 5-112 sacks (94 pounds per sack) of cement per cubic yard, with not more than 6.5 gallons of water, net, per sack of cement (water cement ratlo maxlmum 0.57). Cement content shall be determined in accordance with ASTM C138. Addition of mineral filler may be used to lmprove workability or plasticity of concrete to limits specified. Coarse dry aggregate shall not exceed 85 percent of loose volume of concrete. Add air-entraining admixture to ensure uniform distribution of agent throughout batchl Base air content of freshly mixed air-entrained concr-ete upon trial mixes with materials to be used in Work' adjusted to produce concrete of required plasticity and workability' Percentage of air entrainment in mix shall be 4'112 percent Plus or minus '1 -ll2 percent. Air content shall be determined by testing in accordance with ASTM C231. Use retardant when temperature exceeds 90 degrees F' Proportion shall be as recommended by manufacturer' Use same brand as used for air-entraining agent. Add and batch material using same methods as used for air-entraining agent' a. J. A PART 3. EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION Verify compacted base is ready to support imposed loads' Verify lines and grades are correct.B. 3.12 TOLER.ANCES A. Test entire surface before initial set and correct irreoularities or undulations, Bring surface within requirements of fdllowrng resr and then finish. Place 1O-foot straightedge parallel to center of roadway to bridge any depressions and touch all high spots. Do not permit ordinates measured from face of straight edge to surface of pavement to exceed 1/16 inch per foot from nearest point of contact. Maximum ordinate with 10-foot straightedge shall not exceed 1/8 inch. Grind spots in excess of requirements of this paragraph to meet suriace test requirements. Restore texture bv grooving concrete to meet sudace finishing specifications, 3.13 FIELD OUALITY CONTROI. A.Testing Testing will be performed under provisions of Section 01410 Laboratory Services. Yield test willbe made in accoidance with ASTM C138 for conlent per cubic yard of concrete. lf such cement content found to be less than that specified per cubic yard, reduce weights until amount of cement per cubic yard of concrete conforms to requirements. Minimum of one 4-inch core will be taken at random locations per 1,000 feet per lane or 500 square yards of pavement to measure in-place depth. Each core may be tested for 28-day compressive strength according to methods of ASTM C42lor correlation with compressive test specimens. The 28-day compressive strength of each core tested shall be a minimum of 4000 pounds per square inch. E.Contractor may, at in vicinity of cores cemen IS batch his own expense, request three additional cores indicating nonconforming in-place depths. In- Compressive Strenglh Test Siecimens: Four test specimens for compressive strength test will be made for each 150 cubic yards or less of pavement that is placed in one day. Two specimens will be tested at 7 days. For failed 7-day tests, remaining two specimens willbe tested at 28 days. Specimens will be made, cured and tested in accordance with ASTM C39. Minimum compressive strength shall be 3500 pounds per square inch at 7 days and 4000 pounds per square inch at 28 days. / €&,aA oV7?7 - f&tDt ?aer &-7t ooc.Tt od7 ?*rteqmpA 7.o l, A,3 100% 2. Alpine flower and Native seed mix: Seed mixture shallinclude the following and be sown at the rates shown: "Mountain Mix,, Seedino Mix 10% 30% 10Y" 20% 100/. 10% 100% "Rocky 3% 3% 10.06% 3% 12.04% 3% .24% 10/l/o 15.09% Q A/4 ol 6.04% 12.04% 12.04% .32/" White Yarrow 100% Mountain mix and Wildflower Mix to be combined and applied at the follwing rates: Mountain mix to be apolied Wildflower Mix a rate of 15 Mountain Bromegrass, gromar Orchardgrass, piiute Canada Bluegrass, Reubens th""p Fescu-e, Meklenberger Tall Fescue, Fawn Timothy, Climax Mountain" Wildflower Mix: California Poppy Corn Poppy Lupine Dames Rocket Perennial Gaillardia Shasta Daisy Aspen Daisy Blue Columbine Wallflower Cornflower Baby's Breath Rocky Mtn. Penstemon Sweet William at a rate of 55 lbs./Acre lbs./Acre. Fescue Seed Mix ( On east Side of Parking Structure): Hard Fescue; Aurora Fescue Seed Mix to be applied at a rate of 4_5 lbs./1000 5 Ll. | 1,. SECTION 02934 - SODDING PART 1 . GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION Work of this section generally includes provisions for sod in areas indicated on the landscape drawing(s). 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE: General and Supplemental Conditions and all of Division One Sections govem and are hereby made a part of the work of this Section. A. Finish Grading - Section 02210.B. Soil Preparation - Section 02920.C. Underground lrrigation System - Section 02810.D. Seeding - Section 02933.E. Landscape Planting - Section 02900. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE Materials, items, accessories, manufacturers, processes, proprietary, are listed in Parl 2 - Products and Part 3 - Execution of this Soecification Section. Quality of Materials: Sod materials shall be subject to inspection and approval. Owner's Representative reserves the right to reject at any time or place prior to final acceptance, work and sod which in the Owner's Representative's opinion fails to meet these Specifications. Inspection is primarily for quality; however, other requirements are not waived even though visual inspection results in approval. Sod may be inspected where growing, but inspection at the place of growth shall not preclude right of rejection at site. Rejected sod shall be prompfly removed from site. Inspection shall be made periodically during laying of sod, at completion and at end of guarantee periods by Owner's Representative. 1.04 REFERENCES Comply with requirements of manufacturer, codes, specifications, ano standards cited in this Section, except where more stringently shown or specified, comply with the construction documents. A. Standards: U.S. Department of Agriculture Rules and Regulations under Federal Seed Act and equal quality to standards for Cerlified Seed. B. Cut sod using an approved method, in accordance with local governing American Sod Producers Association. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Certificates of lnspection for Materials: State, Federal, or other inspection cerlificates shall accompany invoice for materials showing source or origin. File with Owner's Representative prior to acceptance of material. B. Maintenance Instructions: At completion of work, furnish three copies of written maintenance instructions to Owner's Representative for maintenance and care of installed sod through its full growing season. Maintenance will be responsibility of Sodding Contractor until final acceptance of project. Owner will be responsible for maintenance after that date. 1.06 PRODUCT DELIVERY/STORAGE/HANDLING A. Deliver sod properly loaded on vehicles and protected from exposure to sun, wind, heating, in accord with standard practice and labeled in accord with Federal Seed Act. B. Chemical Fertilizer: Deliver chemical fertilizer to site in original unopened container bearing manufacture/s guaranteed chemical analysis, name, trade name, trademark and conformance to State Law, bearing name and warranty of oroducer. C. Sod Rolls shall not be droooed from loadino cafts. trucks or sod pallets. Sod damaged in irbnsit or storage-will not be accepted. Notify Owner's Representative of delivery schedule in advance so material may be inspected upon arrival at jobsite. Unacceptable material shall be removed immediatelv from iobsite. 1.07 JOB CONDITIONS Sodding Contractor shall be responsible for proper repair of lawn watering system, other underground pipe or electric wiring damaged by operations under this Section. Repairs will be made by Contractors designated by the Owner's Representative with cost being charged to Contractor responsible for damages. A. Damaged areas shall be repaired to re-establish grade and condition prior to sodding. B. Sod Destruction: Responsibility for vandalized sod will be determined per Plant Maintenance and Acceptance, Part 3, Section 02950. Sodding Contractor shall install barriers for proper protection and traffic control. 1.08 GU.ARANTEE Sod shall be guaranteed per General and Supplemental Conditions to be in a healthy, vigorous growing condition. During guarantee period, sod areas that die due to natural causes, or that are in Owner's Representative's opinion, unhealthy, shall be replaced at once, and at expense of the Sodding Contractor. Such replacements shall be installed as originally specified and guaranteed. PART 2 - PRODUCTS SO D/FERTILIZER A. '1. Seed Mix Type A , Sod shall be Colorado grown to match specified seed mix for native grasses: "Mountain Mix" Seedino Mix - 10% Mountain Bromegrass, Bromar30% Orchardgrass, Paiute10% Canada Bluegrass, Reubens20% Sheep Fescue, Meklenberger10% Tall Fescue, Fawn10"/" Timothv. Climax. 100% Sod shall have vigorous root system, been regularly fertilized, watered, mowed, free of weeds and objectionable grasses, and provide a thick tur{. Note supply source and mixture on Bid Form. Each piece of sod will have a sandy-loam soil base that will not break, crumble or tear during sod installation. Sod shall be cut in strips 18" (50 cm)wide, with asoil base not less than 5/8'(1.75 cm), nor more than 314" (2 cm) thick. Sod shall be cut no more lnan 24 hours prior to delivery, kept damp on pallets at the site, and laid in place within 24 hours of delivery. 2.02 POLYACRYLIMIDE POLYMER A dry synthetic crystal made of polyacrytimide (<0.1%) polymer that is non-toxic and neutral in pH. Alternative polymers of ionic, or anionic, forms will not be allowed to be substituted. Hydrogrow as manufactured by Invisible Structures, |nc.,14704-D East 33rd Place, Aurora, Colorado 80011, 800-233-1510, or approved equal. 2.03 BASE COURSE Sandy gravel material from local sources commonly used for road base construction, passing the following sieve analysis. B. % passing I nn 65 30 Sieve Size 3/4" #4 #40 #200 A. Sources of the material can include either "oit run" or "crusher run". Crusher run material will generally required sharp sand to be added to mixture (30 to 40% by volume) to ensure long term porosity. B. Selected materials should be nearly neutral in pH (range from 6.5 lo 7.2) to provide adequate root zone development for turf. C. Chemical Fertilizer: lnorqanic mixture with the followino chemical composition: 1. Nitrogen - 18%2. Phosphorous - 46%3. Potash - 36% 2.04 SAN D Obtain clean sharp sand (washed concrete sand). PART 3 . EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION Preparation: Sodded areas shall be free from s ano/or r larger than 1" which may hinder tilling, sodding, finish grading or subsequent operations. Accumulated debris shall be disposed of at direction of the Owner's Representative. Sodding Contractor shall pertorm finish grading required by drawings, to maintain drainage into catch basins, drainage structures, etc., and to provide a smooth, well-contoured surface prior to proceeding. 1. Finish Grades: lt shall be Sodding Contractor's responsibility to assure finished grades of sod are such that drainage of storm and irrigation waters will occur and ponding of water will be prevented. Refer to Section 02210. 2. lrrigation Heads will be adjusted to proper watering height according to depth of the sod material but lower than compacted grass blade height to enable lawnmowers to freely cut grass without damage to sprinkler system. 3. Base Preparation: Soil shall be prepared in accordance with Section 02920 (Soil Preparation). No sod will be laid until Owne/s Representative has examined and approved base preparations. Tillage: Sodded areas shall be thoroughly tilled per Section 02920 (Soil Preparation). Work shall not be performed when conditions will not provide satisfactory results. Areas to be sodded with seed mix type "A" shall be identified on the plan and include a 16" strip located between all areas seeded with native grasses and paved surfaces. Sodding Contractor shall verify locations on-site prior to starting operation. 3.02 FERTILIZING Distribute chemical fertilizer specified under Products in this Section uniformly at rate of 1 lb. per 1,000 sq. ft. Fertilizer shall be distributed 30 days after installation. 3.03 lnstall base course, turf reinforcement fabric, polyacrylimide polymer and sand as shown on the Drawinos oer manufacturer's recommendation. 3.04 SODDING Soil on which sod is laid shall be lightly moist, sod ends and sides shall be butted tightly together, laid with longest dimensions parallel to contours and continuous rows. Vertical joints between sod strips shall be staggered, and the sod shall be compacted by rolling so it will be incorporated with ground surface insuring tight joints between adjacent pieces. All rows terminating on designated propeny lines ill be cut equal to a straight line. Topsoil shall be added along exposed edges to match adjacent grade. Feather topsoil out approximately 1' from edge of sod. Sod shall be laid flush with adjacent walks, curbs, etc. A. Secure sod on slopes of 3.5:1 or more with wood pegs as required to prevent slippage. 3.05 WATERING Sod shall be initially watered upon completion of convenient work areas until installation is complete and irrigation system can be operated under full control. Water sod sufficiently to moisten subsoil at least 2" deep, in a manner not to cause erosion or damage to adiacent finished ^,,J^^^^JUIIAUtjJ. 3.06 MAINTENANCE AND ACCEPTANCE Maintenance period shall begin immediately after each area is sodded, and continue until final acceptance of the Project work. During this time, Sodding Contractor shall be responsible for watering, mowing, spraylng, weeding and related work as necessary to insure that sodded areas are in vigorous growing condition until final acceptance. Owner's Representative will direct Sodding Contractor on what sod areas need to be replaced during this period. Urlacceptable sod is defined as sod larger than 6" x 6" which, in the opinion on the Owner's Representative, is dead or no lonoer viable. 3.07 CLEAN.UP Pallets, unused sod, and other debris shall be removed from site, and paved areas over which operations have been conducted shall be cleaned. Paved areas are to broomed and washed with water. End of Section February 19, 1996 ADDENDUM#1 to the DOCUMEMS OF CONSTRUCTION NSUED TO: Nt Plan Hoiders of Record FOR: c/o Weitz-Coheu Coostruction Company t99 Logan Street, Suite 600 Denver, Colorado t0203 Golden Peak Base FacilitY Vail' Colorado Architect's Project Number I E043' 00 ISSLIED BY: Pierce, Segerberg & Associates, Architeas' ATTENTION: lo0o S Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 This Mdendum #1 h its entirery shall rnodify and become a part of the Contract Documents:ALLpartsofthcoriginaldrawingsdated0l/19/95,andProjea Manual daad A1f,]2196, shall remain in fuil force v.dth the fotlowrng revisions incorPorated: i Civil Engineering Drawings: 30" x 42" blueline reprojuctions of the original drawings (see drawing list below), are hereby reissued for incorporation into the Coostruction Documents dzted 212196. Drawing List (212/96): cl.c2,c3,c4,cs, 45, C7, C8, C9, Cio, c11, CI2, C13, C14' cl5' c16' c17, c1t, c19, c20, c21,c22,C23, c24 2. Civil Engineering Summary of Addendum #1: SVzu xt t:' r.proJuctions ofin. citlt Engineering Summary of Addendum #1 (dated2J?J96),and containing p.I, p'2, p3' uehereby issued for info-rmation iurpor., only, a.d are no-t'intend"J to b""ot" a part of the Contract Documents, (see attachment). (l*'"W_ Pierre. Scgcrb.G & Arso(are! A(hrte<-6. rc..A.1.A. :.rarn Oflice l0@ 5. Froni:le Rond w va,r. CO g t657 ibx; 970 a76 .t508 phors 970 a76 {4ll One iaoo. Ce^rer I lco Scvcnrc€nrh S( suit. 515 ri'r l0l 621 2262 pnore JUJ ozj .rJ)) ?rge2 ADDEI{DUM#I February 19, 1995 All other terms, sonditions and instructions of tbe Connact Documents rernain unchanged' NOTICE: Receipt of this Mdendum must be aclnowledged in your bid. All bidders shall list the following on a cover letter included in thcir proposal: '\^re acknowledge thq receipt of Addendum #l and have included all associated items in the foliowing proPosal." END OF ADDENDIIM#1 C2 LJ GOLDEN PEAK REDEVELOPMENT CMI Engineering Summary of Addendum #1 f ebruary l, IyYo C1 a. Noted benchmark, and importance of verifying use of correct B. M., Since there are numerous datums in the area. b. Updated Boundary and Easement information per Land Title company c. Added general notes regarding excavation, stockpiling ofmaterial, etc. a. Accentuated the property line for T.O.V. use in determining setbacks of the building' a. Added erosion contlol fence on south side of Mill Creek for V.A. skiway grading' b. Added nore stating that all construction, including shoring, weils and all construction. must remain within the ProPerry. Added same note as C3.b. Note: See C1 for stockpile and exc. info. Revised Section x-x. New section is on C19. a. Added note regarding limits for scope of work dividing the site work and Schedule "A" Vail ValleY Drive work' b. correct garage roofdrain to gravity drain (iniet P8) not the gravity subdrain. c. All grading to remain within V.A. property. Note added' d. Inlets Pl0-P10A surface drains on the roof were deleted' e. Added subdrains to planter at skier dropoff/entry near inlet P20A' f. Added pipe size and invert information to sand/oil trap #P3 l ' g. Added note #t8 - see C5A for conduit information for irrigation and lighting.. h. Changed not #17 - see sheet CI3 for pipe types. i. Added note to see landscape plans for hardscape details (colors, layout, etc') And a note to see landscape plans for wail profiles/elevations' j. changed the east stairwell and eiectric vault area to the cunent pians. i. n.uir.a outlet pipe for the Chair #6 bus shelter building subdrain near chair #6. The drain now discharges to inlet E6. l. Added note that 1'+ of cover will exist over the existing 66" CMP near the chair #6 bus shelter hardscape area. The retaining wall and footing will need to bndge over the pipe (since the footing is likely 4' deep.) m. Added 70 LF 18" PVC and inlet P57 (connects to P47) near the bus shelter (east of Childrens Center.) Added note to see C24 for grading this area' C5 a. b. p.l ' o. Added note to inlet E5. Either raise existing inlet on E5, or provide grading to the : inlet and leave the inlet as is, or add new inlet (2x2 conc. Box with D&L 13025 to connect to E6.) a. Added conduit locations for lighting and irrigation. with notes to refer to lighting plan or irrigation plan for number, fype, size of conduits. b. Clariiied existing curb locations. c. Added note to see C 15 for C&G layout plans and signage pian, C 16 for C&G profiles. d. See C5 for limits of construction for site work and Vail Valley Drive schedule A. Added note to also see C20-25 for Vail Vallev Drive work. L-O a. Added note to constmct shallow utiiities to depth as required for final grading. b. Added scheduling notes for electrical primary lines. Some lines require relocation prior to removal of the transformer, initial grading. etc. c. Deleted one electricai splice vault and 70 LF conciuit at Chiidrens Center parking lot. d. Adied note to cut T.V. line at proposed T.V. ped. To provide 6' excess cable. Q''forth of lot i 8.) e. All proposed utilities were moved to within V.A. property lines near lots 17,18. f. Revised Electrical and Phone alignment near the proposed chairlift #6 to avoid running under retaining wails. Additionai modifications may be required to minimize conflict with chair 6 construction. g. Added note to see E I . I for site lighting plans. h. Relocated the F.D,C. and added piping to/from the FDC to the water entry room' Added 2" main drain from water entry room. I. Added sewer MH at service connection to existing service. j. Wet Taps will likely be required for water sevice connection to the main. k. Added note to provide additional phone Iines to the Childrens Center to be used for the construction office. C7 a. Moved shallow utility notes to this sheet. b. Moved utility trenches around the proposed Mill Creek Head Wall. c. Revised location of existing transformer and switchgear south of the race finish building and revised utility alignments this area. d. Added utility services to the race finish pavillion. aR aa a. Added note that 8" perf. P.V.C. can be 8" perforated HI-Q Hancor b. Section Q-Q on sheet C8 refers to the south garage wall on C9. c. Added garage floor pop-ups to C9. d. Clarified location of 4", 6" and 8" perf. pipe. e. Specified miradrain 9000 to garage roof subdrain systems to detail. p.2 -- ! I c10 a. Provide new alignment for storm sewer with revised bends, and revised profile (shortened proposed length of 54" RCP) b. Specified 54"RCP class II Bell and Spigot (water tight joint') c. Revised rim elevation Mill #1. cr1 a. Updated Mill Creek Storm Sewer aiignment. b. Provided limits of grading for V.A. showing grading, and site work. (Generally the south edge of existing Mill Creek.) ct2 a. Added reinforcing to headwall. LIJ a. Delete inlets P10, P l0A. b. Added P56,P57. c. Revised note specifying pipe materiai 10" or less diameter, use SDR 35 PVC, 12" or larger use Hancor Sure Lock (smooth wall.) c14 a. Revised same note as in C13.c Misc. Revision to sewer and water service profiles, included. b. Revised inlet numbers on storm sewer profile P41A to P47. Added 68 LF 18' pipe to P57. c. Re-labled water service profile, and revised 8' PVC to 8" DIP. Added sewer MH to Sanitary service connection. Ll) a. Added signage Plan. b. Clarified existing C & G. c. Added note to see C5 for contract limits of sitework and schedule "A", Vail Valley Drive Wall. C16 Entire Page Revised Cl7 No Changes Cl8 No Changes c19 a. Added section thru electrical vault. b. Added off-site erosion control plan. c. Added detail for inlet P32A. \ C2O-24 Vail Valley Drive, Schedule A. Entire Pages Added. p.3