HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B GOLDEN PEAK BASE 1979 PRIOR TO LEGAL2 Fo F 2 o (9z j e 2 !l '': lFlc> =aO'th YZ ect{az QZz7<E ali2c=8.1 a U,'i <; ft\lp- ,l &r J toc x |llIoz 4 oulF4 uJoo F Q Fz o Ir1z ' 9l F z Irl F tr F Ft F z Id F \J A4 A( x -t gn \s4 bs'/l t' 3> '- It 3 t Er lu 0. o z -oJ -f o lre --oF-o uro, lEr !s >(9(' :*N U'l F =ozo9 - 4,,t z tr(tc -l.oFlc9o=>:z:< 6- (J>9 -.i 4t(t ?o.a-( C4 to'-o o.L. vt, z"n1 d Et-t< ltlb.' ^ a\ | b't PRgVESll RAILTNOl.?€A'fla{ 'tUTUcE i2AILINa LACATIAFT @d q L'-b tt Lf HRJ Re C^?gJ-Hot-zb tt.t NEv\,/ 4t'c- 5aA66,,€ku/qw€ ee'D 7tQ tala..M\L1otu(1ASls ,.t/ tOd4 vv C4"o.t Vrtlbl eFaArE t-Aol +lcl rrera I eA exba 4' * FRE-IRrrl- HoLc-.1 | \1 C|-JI ?)6 ?%gtz)?ea!t% a,l<lrtqlT JNftWM @hA New wtA^tt.9 wet&fa |Jewt$ ftz N ?.t4 lEqaES6x Y/lo-/eqE(,/tN(. 3UrcP'( Tae trLbew@ &(& 7L",,wraext4t 1f O ru.^NY?*e*t?1lNO I I N.2T='-,pe 5l b-t 6l-t t44 *)WE q,Y,te2 V?,N2.T?3 2 .O?iAi--6::=' F6r- g++4{izN' '4- fr6d -e-15q1?Afg -zN-NBN MAIEPIAr-9. R.AILIN6 1 DECV EXTEI\i:i'N PI I.',T Y''i)Vz"= il KETCHUM.KONKEL.EARRETT.NICKEL.AUSTIN I orre'. 4'2b'78 consutting Ensineers I oesteNeoBY:M't'{'lJ' I S-2 OENVER COLORADO PRAWN BY : Q'.P.V. 2-12.,C Zb Ia? CW?9 (l.)(rf) eu )L*e.+tz14xq@ eAWWl zYzlx*trot-qr tOvo e.c, e- cI?. o?.PL+TpvDe-zyzrxq$ $49ae4 4Op * y4txa-?F-w.e ta.a,.q.@ t4tte.w.i@{1 t(u f We 63.'il, 1 :l-wcg ta I tl-T$aD-W?l-PZ-\Dadd ALI anauuP L aa ?, ,f3fen ?t- INSTALI-NIANNaTE: FrNtg*t Vr Pl- $6fl G-mautc?-_Q_cEwEtP?zttrt-etgl:r ewce' , Zrri+iN6'ouot P?' N .?t- tu Xal-+'atCfzAa,tqlfl Y1., F.$J,2.C,e.tFA )/4t*zaIDE. -i.w-'ei tla .fu@, - ?' lZ'tZ' ctDgtw?L aN -foweR. Lee 1o Pev. x -?rcT s4q(zz ceglbl )rlvt'lqoq Epx['6E Dw tw'pgtArte t iof eltawN F.W. - FILLET WELP fo? aAOP:D Es1t\URcEt\4ENT DETAIL llt = lt- o ceturaeceraENT RE4utrrED g ?-e9 P R E l= I.t't I N A R y orre--A_Ap-R -lA-- 2-rzczo,7 Q''ttcp?e (?xtfi) or Q ao srL ?tre (acer) rcc.NorE i ce 2A 9'l elv\.t14-,elel,oa? a*eg':--= - bErAi.S Na'r €HawN AUWT Ta'|/EE egfNeacceUENf N FerNFatrcE[rrenrr @ auftsr'to\ilrl:' aNLY INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE J-'19- 7Q JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: , CALLER ECTION:TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL $tao,oO (.t( ,{o ELE trT DR trc tr_ MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED GORRECTIONS: oerc 7-- Z.t -'7rZ lNSpEcroR ^ INSPEGTIOIV FIEBUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JO8 NAI\4E TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orHea E pn,nrrnl LocATroN B EADY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMMENTS: AM PM PARTIAt, LOCATIO|{i ' ! nppRovED ! DrsAppRovED ! netNSpEcr tr uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE rr.rsercf Q,lir- fuf'lt"w/'/,o to reduce, or at least not increase the Go'l den Peak area. to establish a pedestrian walkway/greent Val 'l ey Road , connecti ng the Ti vol i I otof Manor Vail to Ford Park. They seek the north edge of the Golden Peak park- understandi ng regardi ng on November 21, 1978 Golden Peak Master with Jul ie Takahashi , George Gi rvin and items were covered: ctivity center as , retain present ' Ski School. t Ski School facili-of vehjcular park- acti vi ti es, i ncl ud- sociates that there ossible for this opment of Phase Iacilities. al teri ng general Allenr result of my meeting Rubi n, the f o'l l owi ng Town of Vail desired vehi cul ar traffi c i n Town of Vail desires space parallel to Vaiwith the bridge northa right-of-way along i ng I ot. Town of Vail wants to c'l ose to vi 11age cent tenni s courts adjacen Vai I Associates desi rti es; mai ntai n or i ncing, increase level sing possible Alpine S It was agreed by Town are at least three ge area, all three of wh and II of the Ski Sch a. bui 1d faci 1i ti es area confi gurati o 3. 4. Vail lnc. November 2l , 1978 Mr. A'l'len Gerstenberger Town of Vai I Vai I , Col orado 8]657 Subject: Memorandum of Plan Meeting Dear As a Jim l. 1. mai ntai n a sports aer as possible, i.e.t to Vail Associates es to upgrade presen rease present levelsof summer recreationlide facility. of Vai I and Vai'l As neral alternatjves p ich assume the deve'lool and restaurant f as p'lanned, wi thout n; a Assochteq Box 7, Vail, Colorado 81657, 303/476-5601 Mr. Gerstenberger page two November 21, 1978 Vail Associates agreed to Abey to refine Golden Peaknatives ci ted above. Vai I wi th avai I abl e i nformati on bui I di ng program, topo ofa schedule of Vail Associa 8. Both parties agreed that and that decisions as toinsofar as possible to alspring of 1979. Si ncerely, VAIL Robert l{. Parker Senior Vjce President - 0perations Rt'lP/ r j b dd pedestrian walkway/green spaceg lot, thus reducing net parking agrees Vail Associates couldto Vai I Associ ates' empl oyees e were built);plan which expands parking, moveseld, expands tennis and volleyball adds Al pi ne S1 i de aneni ty i n summer.also allow pedestrian walkway b.bui'l d facilities, and a on north edge of parkin capaci ty, (Town of Vai I I imi t parki ng i n wi nteronly if this alternativfol low Vai I Associ ates 'tennis to old soccer ficapacity, and possibly(This alternative might Iabove]. ) retain Royston, Hanamoto, Beck Master Plan, and pursue the al Associates will supp'l y George on Alpine SIide, Phase I and I exi sti ng terrai n and f aci'li ti estes uses for the area. &ter- Gi rvi n I , and Town of Vai'l agreed to provide to George Girvin a list of Townof Vail concerns and possible uses for this area. time is of the essence in this project,al'l of the above woul d be expedi ted low construction to begin in the a: C\-p | !C-*c <Y> FFC.ro ^ cc?z? ,;z6 oO i!o.-412 Q ZO < E5 O'rti zYE::o Fcr)< ; ,1 tll !-l<C a *'tr !<< =il NOtrvn'rvn I CE 2i;ro 2o ll- Itt>(9(r| 2*N zo9 -c0 z tr -f,EO QO =>:z:< o,o>oFO -.i + F =E ut o u, ur z ul z s Fzul Eul ul F |ll o IL J F ul J J F L .E =r=H o z -oJ -l o l-et =, =oF ! o 'TownofVail H.T]CIRICAL PER1IIIT Job N N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Received By 492 $-..-..-..........-.......... $...... $..-...PI|r! ChGck r Date naid.....-. N.;$t0..:.LL.............. t: U*rr* ZfuL- /a-:?-{'?-Z ,//a w Elu'tl.drr offlclal - / Dat THIS FORilI 13 TO BE POSTED 01{ .'OB 3ITE DURITG COilSTRUCTTOT{ 2I H(X'RS ADVANCE NOI1CE REQIJIRED FON INSPECTIONS j Date of Applicatiorl..- -.--.------l/--C-t-..--.-rL-t..-----..--..--.------....---.19.-..2?--.--..--...- Electrical conto"tor -... rL.i f .d.... f,.u.Lra,.g"..fue. APPROVAIS rrr a. f. saaarar ao,. oatavai lroart REVIEW BOARD DATE OI' MEETING: october 20. 1977 MEMBERS PRESENT: BILL BUOFF LOU PARKER .. BTf,FEISITOP -SIIET{F€'EI\ ABE SHAPIRO ,r- I,li i. ;s'f rt 1i t,t i $ o DE SUBJECT:GoId Peak - stairs , BLOCK , tr'ILTNG ACTION TAKEN MOTION . VOTE: DISAPPROVED.: BY BOABD: sEcoNDED sv, ?ap#a[?- AGAINST: w owtwwxna^ SUIrllvlARY: {o ,r' DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION , ', I,\ t,,NAME: r'''lJ-';(i, ADDRESS (MAILING). NAME OF PROJECT: ,/' DArE oF MEETTNG' vl-f,-t /f ;?'"/ Jt ((; t / ( rft.i- DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: IJ. 4" ! LOT_, BLOCK_, FTLTNG PLAN #: Town of Vail nI,NCTRICAL PMilIIT Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee 460 $-.................---....... tka......... r. z/P. Total Fee THTS FORT Ig BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING GO]ISTRUCTION 24 HOT'RS ADVANCE NOTTCE REQI,'IRED FOR INSPECTIOIVII APPROVALS txt t. a. Haratlt !o., oalYlt rroas2 I .oo DESIGN nEVIEI'L iQ4nD UEI.IBERS PREStrIIT:Bill Ruoff Lou Parker Bill BishoP Ron Todd Abe ShaPiro ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MOTION: VOTE:FOR: I. t ITIEETING: September l5, ig77 ABSTENTION: APPROVDD: DISAPPROVI-D:- SUlrll'lAII.Y: /--- ^#Eato*FIEEUESTBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 E-A€++-€€+r+t+Y DATE JOB NAME -rrTIME BECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orurn /:. E pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION -iu;)WED THUR FRr z,/ 41J l"A[D PM W+f'eRovED EI uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECrtoNS: COBRECTIONS E orseppRovED E nerNsPEcr ; , . . -.-!- -*-Sr!- lD DESIGN RSYIEW BOARD APPLICATION ADDRESS (MArLr{q) NAilE OF PBOJECT: DESCRIPTION OT PROJECT: . FILING PI,AN #: .t a o t DATE ON MEETING: UEIIBERS PRESENT: DEqIEN-8EVI-EW Bo^RD -4*_ i. .,,, i t "/o'/ Bifl Ruoff Lou Parker Bill BishoP Ron Todd Abe ShaPiro ACTION TAKEN BY UCITION: VOTE: ABSTENTION: ' f--^t, ,t tt ifl. Ll'{ltvA ll..i '-./', .APPROV.ED: ' DISAPPROVED: SUlrlllARY: ffid o DE August 25, L977 Bill Ruoff Lou Parker SICN NEVII'I1' BOARD DATE OT }IEIIBERS , rrl:n|T| T l\tn . I PRESEI{T: Ron Todd Abe ShaPiro SIJdJECT: AdTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MOTION: VOTE:FOR: APPROVIp: DISAPPROVED: SECONDND BY: ' AGAINST: ABSTENTION: $UlrllrtARY: o f)lt$I0N nt:vIlil'l rx)AnD .t DArr orr l,lurrrNc' l\la" lci .\ci1;/ 'o.rr l,trillBEns PRDSaNT: KU O \t _'thi'lcei' l0ltifi:, . qlnpiro 9TION TA}iIII{ BY BOARD: VOTD:FOR: SECONDED BY: AGAINST: I AI3STENTION: APPROVDD: DISAP]'IiO\IIiD: SUI\IIIAIIY: Irl F. z Itl z 2 2, F. ,lti F = : h e \ z F. B 9 Ll ? E l'1 e =2 a 2 6 e --9 e F F F !lF h c 2 h e UJ IIJ z uto2 s G tr UI G .Eoo It !J Fo) J u, oo t!) F \-.{ $ > *t N. ltl N' -$ f, a\ \'t \-t oFzul E uJo gl J ! Er lrl 0. g z -o Jf o J lret -,-G'F i ! E s Y\ o'3 t.!l z tat t!t>(,o -ttN 2 -tt zo Fcqd.6 9o;i> -zl< >o -.i DDSIGII _,lwr d rq75 Ctbw U ffiI'ft, 6*.1/,^>-€,* lJ 2r,,. 0 {, /e--_. r r;,,;r, i- ",, 14/ /ot l(_: ^_ I l:IiT - /o' DISAPPROVED: liIJI,IIJTIRY: N\.ss >'$!eit;s iE;? EEEq EisEo<o<aHz eFEi3?5..HEEilHr<a>-<on9lE=c <. t + =E zotrOiH :$a.(J o lllEt! o()zD uloz s G z!l E||lo ul o t- !E ul .E oJtt |tlE F l FoF uJt GooJ t! FoF E Ec ul o o z I oJ If E =J L|-o -,-G)l- .E aAIt .E I 2o F 6o : 2 9 F EulF f IIJz qF 2 z Jtto oz 6 G- :- >(9:ogl =o o -.tzo Falgaf-oFG9A6):(r> 6fHAit - .,i [s,ga ozo.t E Eluo 2o IJt t! |llF o .+v- L'.)r43 74 ,.1 Town of. VaiI H.|ICITRICAL PF.,RIIIIT roa Na,nu..Qg.e .P,e p e S- E"z-^.* s(a*,0.0..... Appricant. - fu* Z ..{"/" s./.e..aorao...-.... sr'dature / '/ APPROVALS 4@s..(a..-. ,.....8.9 $23 N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 5B /,rt Er ectricar con, ^"tor. (4.i *-- /k t-r, t n. R.... -... THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED OT{ .IOB SITE DURING CONSTRUGTION oO ?, HOUilI ADVANC.E NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS ?xa !. r, H!:crar ao., !rtvaa !Dtttl rNs'Etrfi"# gL':g:srcr OF VAIL DATE I JOB NAM TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER E orsen E penrrel LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED FRIMON COMMENTS: TUE AM PM ElrppRovED E orsappRovED E nrrNsPEcr ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS CTORtfrtsPe DATE rNsFE"hi:l'nll.uEsr. DATE . , TIME RECEIVED E orxen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE E pnnrrnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR AM PM I orseeeRovED E upolrt rHE FoLLowrNG GoRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS fl app RovED I nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR t'l \ L 1. MEMO TO: TOI{N COUNC I L FROM: PLANN ING COMMISS ION RE: VA I L ASSOC I ATES - COND lT | ONAL USE PERM lT PUBLIC SKI STORAGE ADDITION . GOLDEN PEAK BUILOING DATE: OCTOBER 1, 1974 ' Vall Associates proposes to extend the east end of the bul lding at Golden Peak underneath the balcony to encom- pass the wa lk that I s presently fhere . P lann I ng Comml ss lon unanlmously voted, with Jen !,lrlght abstainlng, that all three flndings, ln accordance with Sectlon 18.600 of the zoning ord I nance, were mef. Merv Lap i n, Cha I rmanPlanning Commissiorr ML/nm Application Hear ihg Da tc APPL ICAT ION IJCR VAR IANCE AnrJ/Qr COI'ID IT IOIIAL USE PER14 IT Ordinence l.lo. I (Series of 1973) DateSqpternber 4, 1974pubt ica.t.ion oate Hearing Fee F1n61 Dec i s i on da're f or Town Counc I I (we) Vail Associates, Inc.of P (App l icanl ) Co lorado Vail pnono 476-5601 ( State ) dc hereby request perrisslon to Commisgion J-o request the follow (City) appe a r bef ore the Vail Planning ing : cle_, Section fo For the Fl ll ng C lea r ly Va r i ancc f rom Arti Zon ing Ch a nge f rornParki ng VarianceConditionat Use Permit to ailowPubl ic Ski Storaqeaddition at Go'l den Peak Building . Golden Peak AreaLot/t ra ct_, S Foc* state ourpose in Aqricu'ltural Zone. follovring descr ibed proper.i y: Number and ski intenf of and boot th i s app lication To DroVide q_ facility for the skierchanqinq ro0m anct storaqe as an addition to the East end of the ex i sti ng rental shop. f lockinq ski racks and boot coin 'l ockers in this area. It wi'l I !onsist of 265_sq. ft. of space gained by closing off under the North L of th_e East bal cony at the Gol den Pea k restaurant . What do you feel is the basis for hardship in this case? -fu,{,S i gna fuv7tf.v. h" Ua* ue.4!k !,L/ Og,z,r).lr> znt'. TO: FROM: RE: 14EMORANDUM TOl.lN COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - LIFI #I2 SEPTEMBER 3, I974DATE: At their meet'ing on August 29.' 1974, the Planning Commission considered a request for a Conditional Use Permit by Vait Associates, Inc., in order to construct a ski ljft in an agri- cultural zone. Said lift is to be located in the Golden Peak area currently being used for the poma lift and mighty-mite. The lifthouse building wil'l be approximately l?t x 24', 13' high. The design of the lifthouse building 'is scheduled for design approval on Thursday, Septerilber 5, \974. The Chairman reviewed the criteria and findings of the zoning ordinance; the Zoning Administrator advised that an environmental impact report is not necessary. The Commission then found, in accordance with Sect'ion 18,600 of the zoning ordinance; (1) That the proposed locat'ion of the use is in accord with the purposes of this ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. (2) That the proposed location of the use and which it would be operated or maintained to the public health, safety, or welfare, the conditions under wi l l not be detrimental or material ly the vicini ty.injurious to properties orimprovements in (3) That the proposed use wili comply with each of the applicable provisions of this ordinance. Based on the above findings, the Commission voted unanimously (Hanlon absent; l.lright abstaining) to approve the request for a conditional use permit and to recommend the sante acLion to Town Council. /nrun APPL ICAT ION TOR VAR IANCE coNor'olli'3[, ou*,,,, O Jrd i nance No, 8 ( Ser ies ol 1913\ Application oateSeptember 4. 'l 9T4Pubtical ion Daf e Hear i ng Da fe Hea r ing Fee F;n31 Decislon date for Town Councll (we) Vail Associates. Inc. ot ( Ap p I i co n t ) P.0 Box 7 Co'l oradc Vail (Address) enone 476-560'l(Sfaie) (City) dc hereby request pernission to appear before the Comm i ss i on ro reo uest the {o I low i ng : Va i I P lann i ng Variancc f rom Arf icle_, Sectlon-- Zon inq Chanqe from to., :rarK I ng va r ranceConditionai Use Permit to attow Pub'l ic Ski Storaoe in Asricurt-ura'r zone. ;:3lt;;l.|llnSoto'n fol rowing described property: Loi/tract Golden,Pe**^ta Number X For the Fl I t'ng C lea r ly state purpose inlent of this applicationTO Dfovi de aand skichanq i nn nnnrn :nrl and boot storaqe faci'litv for the skier as an addition to the East end of the existin -a rental shop. se of lockin i racks and boot coin loc_ket"s in this area. It will c onsjst of 265 sq. ft. of space ga East bal cony at the Gol den Peak restaurant by closing off under the North ! of the ,|}{hat do you fee I is the basis for hardsh ip in this case? lr2t&d.4.. .(q.-- S ignafure ot &Fp I icanf ' Dtv7tfiv. ua4l4; &M h" U i2. ott ni(E; zt t. o MEMORAN DUM Jim Bartl ett Bob Gagne Proposed addition tu Go'lden Peak Shop September 3, 1974 The expansion of the restrooms at Publ ic Ski Storage arca took away needed storage for our" customers Golden Peak into the 300 square feet of TO: FROI4: SUBJECT: DATE: Last year this space handled an average of seventy pairsof skis and boots per day belonging to our rental shopcustomers. In addition, they handled another thirtysets (per day) of equipment belonging to other customers.This takes place from 8:00 a.m. to l0:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. This shop produced a net of $4,000(gross less labor) last season. The existing rental shop wi1'l outfit an average of seventy-five new customers each day in the exisiillg space of 'l ,000square feet. This iakes pilace from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. This shop is at an opiimumcapacity under these average loads. The proposed additiongive us an additional Vai I Food Serv'ices canfeet of space adjacent to the Gol den Pea k renta I shop wi I 'l 265 square feet of space. Also,give us approximately I00squareto the existing repair shop, (se.e ons and modifications will allow uss ketch ) . to: These additi r) 2) Continue to provide a storage customers and the publ ic. Give us better efficiency frompersonnel and they will now bethe repair shop. service for our rental our storage shop able to work in 3) Keep Golden Peak outside area from the unsightlyclutter of paid ski lockers. The cost of this project is $6,000 and I have yet to get theestimate of installing baseboard electric heating. Land p'lanning could fit this project with the work schedu'le ofthe rest rooms if we can get a qu'ick go ahead. Also, they need time to get approval from the Town Design Review Board. cc: Bill Fisher,Tom Hill E;El' iE$ i;E$ h.t*Xrc cS?E(Rll F = -< \\\t €r, TH il 3B U\E 'ol El VI ET t4$il f ;bI E FFl -: t<lFltc J oE4G voulaoz Jc 6 iE o utt t|J oozt ul z v, zut E uJ at ut IF c ut G Eo E ut .E Fo -t FoF u,t cooJII J FoF J* tL! , t 6Fx u, 7 * g r,)! LI u,s F' & n\ll t .E =tr= ltl olreto -==ot=t L---I l o ozvE d. F ahltl!o G 4ul G 2o F 6ot< iI;o F tItlFJ 3ul2 (,z o J lolto |llof oG UJ JY =Eo at ul G II NOU.Vn'rVA 2o F o J E lt u,lF o (9 =tt xJo FoJ (,o uJ o o Gfo .E(:, (,z ctot a\i ier \=,A IIv E' = ;IFolttFozo(J t|.o ul4 F; Y IEo3tto 2o FG Gooulo .\ \ "I \vs P \ RlI sEP 16 1974 Town of VaiI H,TiTCTRICAL PERMIT toaNarne...6....e:t2...&at...Errr,totnm...Eo.*.o.,rL;. Date or Appricatio*... 'L/tZ Erectricar "ooro"ro.b( ( (l'*,gr* /= J.c-' tppricant....dza.ouj. 4 K*h srsnature f !"on'( /)' APPROVALS N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 42, $......-..................... s.l.C.c:ri..ry.. . A -/7a7 .giey- z.+ Dare Paid.. .. ?/to / lY Received 8y...........""...... .JA.., ... . FORtrI IS TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURING CONSTRUGTIOI{ 24 ITOURII ADVANCE NOTICE REQUNED FOR INSPECTIONS t|lr a. a. iot!trr to.. DallYar l0tttl INSiPE"#bH' 27p.74 - . l:F|EEUEST JOB PM MON COMMENTS: I./,.PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED . THUR FRI?t tE AM PM E,app RovED ! orsneeRovED n nrrNSPEcr Eltponr rHE FoLLowrNG con RECTToNS: CORRECTIONS Best copy Available INSPECTOR .'f ' rb ocr 271s74 rNst=.f)o^, TOWN OF ) ;'i'-::..:r 1" lr FIEOIJEST VAIL DATE J*; li*,"' 7+JOB NAME '--.. I TIME REcEIvED ,i'ir.> nrut.f[-;, cALLER f]orxen COMMENTS: TUE. MON ! pnnrtnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI 'AM PM 'fJnppRovED ! orsneeRovED E nerNsPEcr D uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE O Hu oc:r t 8'iq74 PLUMBTNGi.TMECHANICAL PEFlMlr TOWN OF VAIL OF BUILDING: oF woRK: D new E aoornon El nemoort- E ntpo,n IPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NuMBER ISOE -P MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION S TOSO VALUATION S REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMTT FEE 52. Yo PERMIT FEE ed'/i!, opoe L€ o<.r Z* fa" tD '7ZO . rNsPEctoru nwnsffdUEbt T-OW{$ *O. DATE TIME JOBITAJT4E RECEIVED AM PM E orxen I pnnnau LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: AM PM El-appRovED E orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr EI uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG GoRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR sc)sIt) J1 i(i g( En EHz 'h E DF zo vt 2 tr @z o z tl ,0 ttt Eioa v2 HH!Iaz 1E sO 92!tBEO9t F. voul z JG o !E oul IEul ooz li h FI o{ e{ Eg<t o, lr P u,l(,2 3 F llt G Goo t|. ulE FoJ J FIF ||lc GooJlt J Fo oa rl qt-zul =ulo u,l t .E =r=H o z -o Jf tr OrrGe --e]- (9z Y IE o F.vtItt!o G 4|lJc zo F oo zo F GulF Ftt z FI c, uta att- z u2 J t!o ciz p \ E rdilo- Qr ^2x<--\t z-tqo -t22' zo t- I Bg tto uJF o ; *tic Jt) F o tt a Nq F. JI F (J (,z J E z t0 FoJ aE- :- Jrt>oc' UIF zo9 -o-ot zo Fc*n6FEqo =>6g6f l!J!-(J>(,FO d .\i $ I ilr F F cliz c l-E EIz7 h tst lr 2(, FIt Cz z a Ec , z at) z z z- F rl tr t F ee z li ttc& () at, fl J! Er!l FI lr o2 z l. () .D F a $6!lI'/r\e $[ '.!E F! I I l ?\n.\ \ \l \ J \) oulE!l o2 D uJ(,z 3c 9' 2ul Eulo ltl 9F E ulE GooJtt u,lE FoJ J FoF ltl IEoo tt J oF ! .E:-tr = lrl o o z -oJ -f,u l-G' -,-G'F I =Y a3 Biv,Ittt c aAulE r1t 2o oo r+zo F Gl|lFJ aulz (,2 oJ 56tto l! 3 o GI! JYz Eav, u,l l! =ozo-9=4? 2o F9*d.dFtl2: _696fuJfAC'tt;.i Y G 5 tto2 9 g. EIu,o rNsit=.t*FIEOUEST" JOB NAME I TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLEB ! ornen MON GOMMENTS: I pnnrreu. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION weo THUR FRI AM PM {neeRovED EI' upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! orseppRovED ! nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR rNso=ttb* TOWN OF FIEtlUEST. VAIL oarc 6:b t 73 J9BNAME (ll.'...qrc *l Fe av- Re :ri ,E.q^f( TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER I ornEn MON GOMMENTS: E pnnnnu LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE rar /i0O oq_i*i €Lnpp RovE D E orsappRovED E nerNsPEcr E upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS PLUMETTNGi/MECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL '1 oo'1\J'^-z-4=LJ rr-^* ,*r ,?zn-d fs z^- . --b-u i - i ,a , , S '/ownetT/,r,-'/ /rhZt-" - -a-/t.za ADDRESs Zla;-/ t & CONTRACTOR C OF BUILDING: LASS oF woRK: ! new E eoorrron E nenrooel ! nepnrn IPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NuMBER ,/64. * /MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION $ /*r?.4*-VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMITFEE (/r, 5^o) %u PERMIT FEE oerc 4 Ju'r tt rN=i"=rt* HEo'==t. TOWN OF VAIL /1 n --'2 l- ,or, ' 1 (Yt,l) 7:!,- JoBNAME i:-tJcpt,'; f"t< 'i'1:', 'r,.' q;:t n.]f TIME REcElvEo ,,J3::r , {:!9jFu CALLER J / ,, E orren MON COMMENTS: FRITUE E pnnrral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECT!ON WED THUR AM PM @nen Rov ED I orsnee RovED fl nerNSPEcr E upon rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS lNSPECTOR 7, ' -Forrrx o- VAr,_ I lN lf rc TloN REauErT Go.z e/\/ fPa< JO= Nf-V= C nn,r' i, rrr tr,/tt(-rnn/<t /o,t>c' ew\ <L.Larz V" A ' l>UlLPl l.l6-C o.r. ra ?uU ivr?'lr'.t G-h4Ee!.1,1,!':iC;1r- l l r l FoolNc- Fouruaaltoi.t FPapt'lHc- Flnau B At<p^u rocATloN: Req. iZr-1,nr n Sneeyro.x D VrHeEr< n Koor B lZ=1,o,- Loc,+1ron.l' ?ouet+ zrANTPiPt VtC Ftr-rat- I Venr1,.,a1tont fI l-{eo1xc- D Hooa+ n BTar<1,ar- Localrors'. : it rl n C ! E Var<1ran LocaTlo.l: Eo E A<1,*u. Localront Fsarz v +*- =x +z€.-1lolL :.VEV Tttu( FerIIIF /eoo ""@ l.,Otnvexrl+: ll' dAvrRovE?OtVtA??Rovez tr l4-tNrrt"scT D",""r.1oNt i 3x-s I II lN$P€cibre- s$q- r TOVIN OF VAIL BOARD OF ZON Ii!G, APPEALS AND EXAN4INERS MEET I i,IG OF NOVEN4BER I 6, 197 I Vail Mun ic ipa I Building. B. The following members were present: lniessrs. J im Viele, Mitch Hoyt, Robert Clark and Ed Struble (ex-officio). C. The fol lowing guests were present: lulessrs. Peter Cramerus, Bob Lazier, and Chuck Rosenquist Meeting ca I led .to oroer:A. The'meeting was called Past Bus i ness: A. Case B-14-7 on the lower staB. Case B-lB-71 - R ... to order at 9:30 in. fhe Town of tl sented a solution for the Boardrs consideration on a variance which was hea rd on 0ctobe r 21 . Fi e proposed nan0- Ch uck Rosenquist - Mr. Rosenquist pre- rway. chmond Assoc iates (Kiandra Lodge) rails on the street side of the Creekside buitding tosatisfy the needs of -fhe traffic flow as far as handrailsby putf ing one fo And res, one to the condomini.um area onthe east side of the building. There i's also a question of who is respons ib le for putting the railing on the lowerstairs, but Mr. Rosenquist will meef with Vail Associatesto determine th is matter. A motion was made by Mr. Vie lethat Mr. Rosenquist will be required to use four handrails--one on the west end at the point where the sta irs break,two in the center and one on the east end. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hoyt and approved unanimously by the Board. The Board went to the site to determine what should be done - Fredric ||l New Benedict & Associates submitted alternative solutions f or the circular sta irs on the case oresented at the October .2 1meeting. A motion was made by Mr. Viele thaf Scheme A be approved. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hoyt and appnoved unan imous ly. Bus iness: Case Z-14-7 1 - Mr. P. A. Cramerus - Request for zoning varianceto allow no setback on the creek side in lieu of l0r and 5ron the pa rk inE lot s ide in lieu of l0r in order to enlargethe Cornice building with the present width dimensions The Board first examined fhe plans of the property of the proPosed variance. lt appears rhaT the Town of Vail has a lease on some of the property on which Mr. Crame rus has anoption. The Board must determine who holds the legal r ighf to the p rope rty be fo re the variance can be den iedor granted. A survey must be made of the property and thecorrecf p rope rfy lines determined be fore any act i on can be faken. The property surveys in ex istence were referred toMr. La rry Robinson, Town Attorney for his op in ion. Case B-20-71 - Mr. Robert T. Lazier - Request for building variance to allow non-f ire retardant wood in lieu of f ire retardant in nonconformance with Section 200.5 of the Uni- form Building Code; and request to use non-conforming stair construct ion . Mr. Lazier stated that the siding is approxi- mafe I y 60t f rom the nearesf building so fhis doesnrt present a f ire hazard. He then presented his case for the non- con form ing sta ir. They will put | /Ztt p lywood f ire retardant. a The entire stair is inside a prestressed concrete shell.He also wants to use the same exferior f inish where the olansshow stucco. A motion was made by Mr. Hoyt fhat the variancesbe granted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Viele and ap-proved unanimously by the Board * ,C. Case B-2 1-7,1 - Gold Peak bv Vail Associates - A motion wasmade by Mr. Viele that temporarv mechanical window ventila-'tion be put in the cnilCrenrs waiting area immeoiatelyand fhat work start on June I and to be completed by July | ;to bring the ent i re bu i ld ing venting up to the Code stan da rds.The motiOn was seconded by lVr. Hoyt and approved unanimouslyby the Boa rdD. Case B-23-7 | - Mallory Noftingham - A building variance wasrequested by Mr. Nott ingham to use f i re retardanf treatedshingles over plywood in lieu of 5/8tt gyp board in a smallareainhisf|ower5hop.AmotionwasmadebyMr.VielethatMr.No,ffinghamberequiredtousefireretardant coat ing over the sh ing les. The mot ion was seconded byMr. Hoyt and approved unan imous ly by the Board. 0the r Bus iness:A. |t4r. Strub le brought up theVail for Avis Rent-A-Car. faci lifies of any type must noiother business, the gas tank proposed for ManorA ruI ing was made that gas-oIine go i n Heavy Se rv i ces Zon i ng . rheeting was ad joqrned . lv. Adjournment:A. As there wasat ll:15 a.m. Respectf u I ly TOWN OF VAIL submitted ,d&). e{e" *- Ed Sf rub le(Ex-officio) dw w,/TOlJl'l 0F VAIL BOARD CF ZONING, APPEALS AND EXAMINERS MINUTES FCR y,EETING 0F AUGUST 12, 1971 I. order at 9:20 in the Town ofAThe meeting r\ras called to val_I uri ]-ce . The following members were pnesent: Messns. Knox, Young and Struble (ex-officio). The following guests were present: Messrs. and Ke11er. C1a:rk, Viele , Gorsuch, Craig II. C. D. The minutes of the meeting of JUly B, 1971 were approved. Past Business A, Contnactons Iicense fon Percy Saddonis d/b/a ValIey Plumbing After. considering aII possibilities, the Boand decided they had no other choice than to issue a license and if thereare fu:rther eomplaints, Mr. Saddonis will not be issued alicense next year. Mr. Knox made a motion that we grant a license to Mn. Saddo::is which was seconded by Mn. Vie1e.Mr. Young abstained from voting as he felt Mn. Saddoris should not be granted a license due to certain problems that the Bank of Vai] had experienced. III. .l\ eW bUS Lnes s A. Case Z-B-7I - David Gorsuch - Request for setback variance. M::. Go:rsuch requested that he be allowed to erect a two can garage within 5r (in lieu of 10r) of property line. Mn. Cla:rk stated that M::. Pul-is had verbally objected tothe va:riance when Mr. Clank spoke to him on Sunday, August B; however, Mr. Pu1is did not appean at the meeting nor lodgea formal complaint in writing. Mr.. Clark informed the Boar:d that the notice requinement of the Ordinance had been met and that in addition, he had personalty informed Mn. Pulis of the time and place of the meeting. It was nn r'nl- azi aI+ }.-*, -y both Mn. Clark and Mr. Gorsuch that the l-otnext to the proposed setback va::iance is not useable as a 1-..-'i l.:-- ^r..rLrrruJrrB DILE, o.o -LL lrr.vyD L,rrr ctL :'UUll d.lf d.llBICcould not be built on this lot. Mr. Gonsuch also showed .{-}. - -F -F}-^ ^---Lrlcl L urre 5e.r'o.g€ woul-d be aesethetically none PLeasing withthe garage located so that the vaniance is nelcessary thanif the garage were placed on the lot in such a fashion to make the va::iance unnecessat:y. Mr. Knox made a motion that . we grant the vaniance if Mn. Gorsuch would agnee to plant tr.ees along the propenty line towand the Pulis house. Themotion was seconded by Mr:. Young and passed by the Boand with Mn. Clank voting negatively. tsoand of Minutbs Pz r., a ) oZoning, Appeals and Examiners /"'-r1qt -l ? l q? lvI rlEs LIrrE vt tluts\r.J L rr- , rJ, r Case B-9-7L - Elton Parks, Jn. by Kel-Ier Construction -Recrresr f or. br:ilfiinp var.iance to py'pr'f s,f FC.l sni -p.1 Stainin place of existing wood stairs. The Board asked for Mr'- Sfrrrhlets. oninion and he stated that he felt that thesteel spiral stair will be nuch safer than the existing r^iood stair even throueh it does not meet the Uniform Build- .i-- a'^,-r^ ^ -^+-'^* .,:- *-r^ !-., r/.rrr6 \,\-,\4s.. n rr.,L4(rrr wq.o rrro.,.,rv r.r y rr.P. Viele to grant the vaniance --, ^^^^-l^J 1-.. rd.rlLr >cuurrucu uy r'{n. Knox and approved unanimously by the Board Case B-l-0-71- - Vail Assoclates - Request for building vari.ance to a1low use of 36'r guardnail in lieu of 42't guandrail in accordance with the Uniform Building Code for the Gold Peak Addition. It was pointed out that the new guardnail is a continuation of existing guardrail- which is 36rr in height. The appearance of a 42rr guandrail- connected to the existing 36r' gua::drail would not be pleasing. Thene is also a problem of space if the 35t' guardrail is replaced entirelywith new material . Mr. Knox made a motion that a variancebe gnanted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Young and passed unanimously by the Boand. Mr. Struble stated that he has no oblection to this IV. 0then Business A The following applications app:roved subject to receipt fon contnactolrs I licenses wene of insunance certificates : 1. Athey Beaman Conrpany, Inc2. Dover Elevaton Company3. Eagle Val.ley Roofing4. Fowle:: t Son 5. Gulf Automatic Sprinklen Company6. Howard Electnic7, Steve Jones B. Ludwig Kurz and Karl Hochtl 9. Quality Plasterine10. C. A. Stanley Plumbing and Heating1l-. Isiodoro Quintana12, R. A, Waffensrnith t Company13. Garfield Roofing Companyr lr A^^ D^^F.i-- r\^*^-*., T-^Ir . a1\-s r\\_,rv r- rrr.B vgJltPo.rry , rrru .15. Tenrence P, Cowhev It was also discussed what procedure should be followed when contractors have fail-ed to get insurance informationinto the Town of VaiI office, after a reasonable period from the date a temporary license is issued. It was de- cided that the enrant contractors should be written lettensto be sent by centified mail stating that their" licenses would be revoked within 7 days from the date of the Letterif insurance information is not received within that time. I 4l b O, nAT r' . r,a-varl-ance .tron ti!6 neo-ufre;G;F0f the Vail Zoning Orainarr". -in or Sectronorder to fu,r AP.DL:CATiO N TO .{PPEAR BIFO?tr TT{FtsoARD o? zar:Nc;il;si;;in"'" BOARD OF BUILDING APPEALS respeetfully .lo' request and Section F.rri l.l"-^ n- qa a \rrr. Ei v - rn making a deteninination on zoning the Boand considens only, 1. un-ciue handship, 2. -need fon the f::opdsea-rr"ri"nc", 3. compatibirity of,the proposed vaniance with ttre'sui'r-ou"ai"g-i"."j ,*. effect on futunedevelopment of the anrea and, 5. health, "Ir"iv, and the welfane ofthe inhabitants of the town. -..' vs-ee' q rn.buildilg code va::iances the Board may considen only, 1. suit-abiliry of ar-tennate mateniais and metn6ds or coisir"6ii"" ;;e:2 .. reasonable inter"pnetatio,rJ- oi- th; p;;;i"io"" -"i -li; -;;;":..*' The Adrninistrative officir-r :iray ehallenge any vaniance gnanted whichgoes beyond the scope of the p-o,veos or [n"-ii6""I. rt is undenstood that a fee of $2s.00 is payabre in advance and, thara ten (L0) day posting peniod -is-:reguinta-pi,i."-to a pub).ic hearingon the above nequests. -. Signed:.f \/t/*A UA. I I h''t \ a. Novombcr 17, l97l Val I Arroclater, Inc.P. 0. Box 7Vall, Colorodo SubJectr Gold Peak Bul ldlng Deor Mr. Gagnc: Thr Board of Zonlng, Appcals tnd ExamlBors mot yestsr- day to detcrmlne the outcomo of your vtrlance appllca-tlon on the Gold Peck Bulldlng. The Board decldod thot femporory nochonlcal wlndowventllaflon mugt bc provldcd for the Chl ldrcnrs roltlng oreo lmnedlately. The remclnder of the bul ldlng shall be brought up to the Bul ldlng Code rlth respect to ventl lltlon noxt Sprlng as you rcquestsd. t{ork rhould begln no lrfor lhan June l, )972 lnd bo complefod nolater than July l, 197?. lf you havc further queiilonr, plcage cal l. Thank you for your cooporatlon ln thls natter. Yourc tru I y, BOARD OF ZONING, APPEALS AND EXAMlNERS Robert R, Clark Chol rman of the Board dY. . Novembc:r )., 197L Hr. Rod SIifEnVail Metropol,itan Recrcatl,on Dietr''ict Vail , Colonado Dsan Hr. Slifen: .. fhig ia to inforun you that VaiI Aeaociates have agplied fon a building vaniance in nonconforrnanoewith Sectlon L0tr of tha Uniforrn Bulldine Code inondernottoventl.1atetheGo1dPeakbuiIdingas reguincd Tire Board of Zoning, Appeala and cxaninens will neeton Thuncday, Novenber 12 at 9:00 a.m. Ln the Hunicl.-pal building. Ifyouwl.ehtoprotcetthisvanianac|PIcag€bG prcsont at thie rneeting or ecnd your pnotsst byorntifird rmLl. Youns truly, BOARD 0F ZONING, APPEALS AliD EXAUINERS Robcr:t R. Clar.k. Chainman of the Boand dw Csrtifled Mal.l I a o APPLICATIO N TO APPEAR BEFORE THEB94RD OE ZOMNG ADJUSTMET,tr-- BOARD OF BUILDING APPEAiS varlance from t neq remdnts o ecti-on respectfully request of Jhe Vail Zo and SectionBuilding CodE n orden to nance t n o en to rn making a detennination on zoning the Boand considens onlyr f. un-,,d:f handshipr 2..need ron trre-pnop6sea-"."i.r,"., 3. compatibirity ofthe proposed vaniance with the'suinounai"g-ii"ii +. effect on futunedeveJ-oprnent of the a-nea_ana, i. health, safety, and the welfane ofthe inhabitants of the rown. e"' eq''s"r' ( rn building code vaniances the Boand may considen only, 1. suit-ability of artennate mateniais ina meth6ds oi-constnuction and,2. reasonabl.e intenpnetaiio;;-"F tire pnovi"i"nJ-"i-i;;-;;;.:"" The Adninistnative Official nray challenge any vaniance granted whichgoes beyond the scope of the f6,o"o" of the Boand. .ft is undenstood that ? tg.n (10) day posting . on the .above ne[ueetsi . a Signed: /2b2 -/t/ MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only, 1[se: r'rrncxro srttr) I Dtsa i, 2 h,' CON TiAC IOi MAIL ADOiESS LICENSE NO, XI'ECT OI OE5IGNER LICENSE NO. ENCIiIEER IL ADDi E3S LICENSE NO. U3E OF BUILOING 8 ctassof work: E NEw Faootrtol fIALTERATI0N 0 REPAIR ,h Tvpeof Fuel: oit E Nat.Gas E t-PC. D PERMIT FEES SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Air Cond. Units-H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-Tonnage Ea. Forced Air Systems-B.T.U. M Ea. PLAXS CH€CKEO 8Y 'ff*"',r"" Wall Heaters-B.T.U. M Unit Heaters-B.T.U. / -Q-{rah MNOTICE THIS PEBMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WOFK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 6{) OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABAN DONE D FOR A PERIOO OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. N ri Ac Itl or Air Handlim Unit- C.F.M. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATEO (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VAL PIN K _ APP M.O. CASHIDATION cK. , j*f 'o''',1)WHITE _ INSPECTOR CANAFIY _ AUDIT GOLDEN ROD _ TEMP. FI LE /2/oz O 2. PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Juridiction of, Applicant to complete numbered spaccs only, 1[st: rtrecxto sxterl I oEsc l. IICENSE NO. AiCHITECY Oi DE3IGN MAt L ADDiEs3 pXON E LtcEflsE NO. EI{GINEEi MA|L AODiCSS PHONE IICENSE NO. U3E OF BUIIOING 8 Ctass ol work: tr NEw @nootrtOl tr ALTERATIoN n REPAIR Typr ot Firturr or lt m WATER CLOSET (TOILET'SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK & OISP. ^?Pew7'3y^NcE8"' WATER HEATER U R INALNOTICE THIS PERMIT EECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 6() DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENOED OR AEANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCEO.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BETRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOt-ATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR--SINK OR DRAIN GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING A TREATING EQUIP. WAST€ INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS SEPTIC TANK & PIT Oi AU ?HOF I ZED ACENT WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATEO (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR RMIT PERMIT VALIDATIPLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.O. CASH cK. ta --71,\ Nw GOLWHITE _ I NSPECTOR CANABY - AUDIT PI NK - APPLICANT OENROD _ TEMP, F ILE Itt z srATE Or COT.ORADO )I SS. conNTYoF.EAGLE ) DECLARATION CF I;AND. ALLOCATION I,, bEhg firet duly aworn upon oath, depoee and say that the fdllowing statemente are true and correct accorCing to my beet knowledge, information and belief, to wit: l. That this etatement is made in conjunction wltb the filing of a-n application for a building pernit to the Town of lVail and to comply/with the requirements of Article VII, Section 3, Ordinance Number 7 (Serlea of 1969) Zoning Ordinance for the Towa of 1lail. Z. The deg ription of tp buitd site for the propoaed building la as followe: (Description rnay be attached or surveyorre map may be ueed to ahow dea- cription. ) 3. The propoeed building gite containe sguare feet, and the propoeed building containe equare feet of area ae defined in the aforeeaid T,onlng Ordinance. 4. The propoeed buildiag, ae it relateE to the building aite area, cotrrpliea to the Floor Area Rptio for the aoning which appliee to the building aite, al defincd in the' aforeeald T,oning Ordinance. The aworn toafL da}l of .ily Gommision expircs Apr. 2l'.lgl4 foregoing affidavit and declaration wae duly aubecribed and beforerne, a4tarypublic,.ay F ',l. 4),q"e- , tbis , Lgff. 7/-,. zY \ JuIy 27, L97L Hallen 6 Lar.eon Architects 3707 Cherry Cneek Drive Denver, Colorado 80209 Subject: GoLd Peak Building Addition Gentlemen: I have checked the plans fon the above-eubject job in accordance withthe provisions set forth in the Unlforrn Building Code (1970) aa am- ended and adopted by the Town of Vail , and find the following: Use zone ie A; occupancy group is C-3 and F-2; type of constructionis fII, one houn. The following itema shall be corrested by revisedplans or addendum pnior: to iesuance of building permit: I. Submit a notanized Declaration of Allocation (copy encloeed). 2. Provide an approved outside gas shutoff valve conspicuously rnanked. 3. Rooms 100, 101, I08, and 112 do not meet nequinements of Sectione 805 and 1105. 4. Ventilation fon boysr and ginlst reetrooms at childreneI anea ehallbe in accordance with Section 805. 5. A1l extenior. walLs ehall be vratenpnoof in accondance with Section L707. 6. A11 wood waLls shall have a rnininum of one houn fire resistiveprotection on both sidee. Some detaile show 1/2t' gypsum boardand gome ghow wood with no gypsum board. 7, Extenior wood siding shal.1 be fine netandant in accordance withSection 1705 (c) 2 ae anended (Copy enctosed). 8. Guar.dnaile sha1l be a minimum of 42r' in height. 9. Maximurn nestaur.ant capacity of 126 shall- be posted in accondancerrith Section 3301 ( j). 10. Exit doons shall be in accordance with Section 3303 (c). 11. Mechanical noom I04 shall have combustion air fron the outeide in acconlancc with Section 603 of Unlfonn Building Code, Volune II. 12. Pleaee subsrit a nevieed floon plan inconponating wall changee.. ExietLng boilcr room muat be one houn thnoughout. I neceived youn lettcr and nevised dotail of July 20 and ace€pt thcm aB part of_the plans. A building gernit haa been applied fon showingthe vaLuation at $10r,000.00. I undenetand the low bid wae around 9150r000.00i at any rate, the leaet valuation I can give thle pnojcotia 9110,000.00. t{hcn the above itens have beon corrected by reviecd plane o:r addendum,I wiLl be neady to leeuo a buitding pcnnlt- for the suUJect Job. YounE very truly, TOWII OF YAIL Ed StnublcBuilding Official dw cc3 Vail Aseociatee : Jim Cr"aig Conetruction Conpany Encloaunea ./ o' Oatobcr 28, 19?1 lb. Bob GagniVall Araoslatra, Xnc.P. 0. Bort 7.Va{l, Colorado .SubJcct: Gold Pcak Additlon Dcan Bobl In aooor.dancc with .Sestlon l0lt (b) of the Untforn Bul,ldlng Codc: "lfhcn addl,tionrn altanations, orp rcpaLne wlthl,n any l2-nonth penLod excced 50 llcneentof the veilue of, an cxl,eting bullding o:n atrueturc, auch buLldlng or atruoturo ohaU bs nade to conf,onmto the rnqulrcacntg fotr ncw bulLdinge or etructurct. rf If you gleaee Your"e would llka to hrv. funthar elanlflcatlgn,oaIl . tnuly, TOI{N OF VAIL Dlane llygant BulJ.dlng D€pilitmcnt.... dw ,/ aO H"ALLER A N D LARSoN oARcHITEcrs.AlA July 20, l9?l Mr. Ed Struble Building Official Box 631 VaiI, Colorado Re: Gold Peak E>rpansion Dear Ed: I enjoyed our visit and much appreciate your concern for our project. The building has three types of occupancy; the restaurant is anI.-?, the nursery (for limited day-care for children) is C-3, and instructorst room (ski instructorsr storage area) is F-2 occupancy. We classify the building as type III-one hour, and the building is under the allowable maximum square footage. The different occupancies shall have one-hour separations. Horizontally the occupancies are separated by 8'r block walls. Vertically they will be separated by a double wood floor over wood joists, assembly described in the f 970 U. B. C. on page 530, itern 27, and further explained by Note I4(b) on page 533. Ed, you and I discussed adding a layer of l4 lb. asbestos paper, but in rereading the note, I feel that the .01Otr rosin paper will fit our construction. Regarding the column base connection, we shall request that the contractor add a pair of | /4tt clip plate s to each column, thru bolted to the column with 2-5l8'f 0 bolts and lagged to triple blocking between joists with 4-5/9tt 6 bolts on each plate. This detail shall apply to all columns where there is no way to run the continuous 2 x 6 down the wall face.. Jerry Muth should receive a letter from our firm about the same time you receive this letter, regarding the one -hour protection of the old boiler roorrr. I hope I have covered all the items you requested clarification on. If not, let me know and I will be most happy to supply any additional information you require. ..4.1so, I appreciate your inwitation to the building code conference you are 3707 CHERRY CREEK NORTH DRIVE ' DENVER, COLORADO 8O2O9 ' PHONE 399-OAO4 Mr. Ed Struble Re: Gold Peak July 20, l97l Page. Two having, but I find my schedule is such that I I may stop by the job late Friday afternoon. lf,e appreciate your concetn and intereat ia hope for a well constructed safe building. Very uly yours, AI',ID LARSON, ARCHITECTS Haller calurot attend. However, our project and, ae you, Adr/ttJ t,14n SegT *- -2-7ao s..tn,,/nlet a.-,-- J 6/C te W*Et tO ttg_xtNJa - ZFi'P =r ?'c.l . t.l} l,r;€ F. L Ay t''l Er.]T' 2rr2 a-<lc, ,.-- fr'*tcvg " .oto R>5rxr A.F=K, 3t o< 4 x til-a:K"b *T .-br+r* ',etV.LE ajD ,qDO 2"r2- 7t--KL a)ta+€i. -!5Tl5 rvEc€ ,/-l-d;-s !v€t€\ ' ,P @s&r a_-o;-JMN RE\,i=ION tffi,-D FEAK =x7z^N5;:cNlVAu .4$Oa. \A' L, Qo\e lraLLtrK. t l-a,e:aU -- AFr't-+rrEdTE i. t." ^, tq 9r 4t u {I e"=*it No: =,lZ6Z-: I ,u'" . PLAN CHECK LIST ,?^/l=.?tsuird:ne (9 c O ?eftL Arr, -.ail tate k"4nL e A-i. Use Zone r \ 2. Occupancy Grou f-z-- ? A rrorzr-a cro Arr: zlo 4. Height of Building 5 . No. of Stor.ies 6. Floon Anea 7. Type of Const::uction 8. Lot Anea 9. Floon Ar:ea Ratio dL 10.Setbacks *.n"t:.^tk.., F:ront /) 1L. Occupant Load Z"- ,^ 01,,-aA &* 12. Panking Required - C - l-3. Loaoing Benths R"q*io" 14. Compliance With: - \ /1^^..^ -- ^.-c\ / v\-v L.ycr...ry sec . 5 b) Occupaney eroup f'L c*> c) Type Const. Sec. L7 .'rTf- t / ,,d\ Tvoe Const-:bL_ I la^ ,./ e) Exits Sec. 33 f) Genenal Ensrs. Sec. 23 g) Masonry Sec. 24 n., wooo uec. -t5 j) Concnete Sec. 26 ta' k) Steel- Sec. 27 |, 1) m) ,n) o) p) n) S) v) x) y) z) o,6 ) ab) ac) Ex., Fdtns., Ret. Walls Sec.29 Veneen 'Sec. 30 Roof Const. Sec. 32 Stages See. 39 Fine Pnotection Sec. 42 Fine Standards Sec. 43 Public Pnotections Sec. 4+ Occ. of Pub. Pnop. Sec.45 Dnywall 6 Plaste:r Sec 47 Pne-Fab::icated Const. Sec. 50 Plasti.cs Sec. 52 Gl-ass t Glazing Sec. 54 Skylights Sec. 34 Penthouses Sec. 36 Fir^eplaces Sec. 37 Fire Svstems Sec. .ut lI' '7 4o rc Zs = /tzO lso6 3+6b 96oL . .\80* 46 z2 x- 3s Lfiuer t&e-- 1{ t4@c725pr 3v* Ga -]a 46.-, ry-/:@ Ztl o , 3Lftlo z 31 z7 ,L? q Lg /o f6 tt r{ffi1t gffi : 198 1,y*,u Best copy Avaitable o lll; ADDENDUM NUMBER THREE GOLD PEAK EXPANSION VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC.VAIL, COLORADO 81657 HALLER AND LARSON, ARCHITECTS 3707 CHERRY CREEK NORTH DRIVE DENVER, COLORADO 8OZ0g :-'yi_'-l:ll___-_ The following sha1l be incorporatecl in and become a part of the specificationg and drawings for the above named pl'ojecto All parts of the original specifications and drawinge dated August lZ, 1969 shall remain in force, except as noted below: Item I Delete post and beam in storage aaea, Install Z x4@ l6'r stud bearing wall with double top plate for joist support. Wall shall rest on lOttwide x l6rrhigh continuoue concrete footing with Z #4 continuous and #4 @ L8tr transverse reinforcement. Rest wall on 4" high curb so that bottom of lower plate is at finish concrete floor elevation" This footing can be monolithic with the slab" Delete struck joints ir, block rvork. Eliminate trash chute and dumb waiter and masonry to accommodate them. Substitute 2 x4 @ 16'r stud wall with 5/8" gypsum board for rnasonry wall between stair and kitchen" Stucco sha1l be applied ttirectLy to block. Delete reference to rneeh reinfor.cement" Use 5 x 14 r,ough sawn timber in lieu ot. 5-l/4 x l1-5/8 laminated beam sbor.vn for roof purlins" Ridge beam shall f,emain as shown on drawings . DetaTls L | 6 and 7/ 6. triiminate gutter and install cold roof,lnffiilZ x T spacers at 2t -0tr o. c-" r'rith rigid insulation between and l/2'r GD plyivood ai'.d the built up roof over.. Gravel Stop detail shall be similar to that detai.led including metal gravel stop, 1 x 6 facia and I x 10 sub-facia, Install continuous galvan- ized ecreen facia vent and a continuous ridge vent" El.iminate double dooc at South Entrv" Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Ite rn ,ii+ - Item d PAGE ONE OF TWO Item 9 Item l0 Item ll Item lZ Itern 13 Item 14 Item 15 Item 16 Item l7 Item l8 Item 19 Item 20 Item 21 Itern 2Z Item 23 Ltero 24 Vent and windorv <letail shall be of. 3 | 4't lough savrn cedal glass stops on Z:r 4 or 6:< 6 clear fir mei:rbers,, All stops shal"l be set in cau'-lLliilg and outsicle joirrts cauihed" Slope siil and weatherstrip vent section" Delete ticket winclorv complex and rear bearing v..'a11" Provide floor: ramp up to cooler floor. Delete Ski Racks" Delete change in main electrical service. Service shall remain as existing. All electric panels shall be rrI. 1'. E.'r" Electric receptacles sha1l be (F! and srvitches to be (P&S) provided contrac'cor supplies part number he intends to use to Architect for approval. Eliminate all electrical heat tapes excePt in gutters over entry and stairs" Boiler and radiation in the existing buiiding shall remain as previously installed,, New boilero heat exchanger" etc., shall be planned by Aspen Valley Plurnbing and Heating Co. Contractor sha1l provide plan to Owner for his approval prior to any purchaee or installation" Neither the Architect nor his consuLtants shaltr be in any way held responsible for this phase of construction" Water service ehall remain as presently installed in existing DUlrorng. Delete hot rvater replacement air unit and substitute a gas fired unit" Hood and vent over dighwasher shall be galvanized iron in lieu of copper shown" Baseboard radiation shall be slant fin with back p!.ate. Delete unit heater in kitchen. Stub in rough pipes for future installation. O"vner is hereby made aware the kitchen may become cold enough to create fteezing conditions in this area" Boiler vent to be in new locatlon by door" DeLete aLl gutter and copper downspouts. PAGE T1IUO OF TWO o o \ o o v o o BUILDING PERMIT APPLIC o AT roN /x6-1 Juridiction of 'T O c^t LJ ot vAr L to complete numbered spaces only. S I I l^ u 0 0t 6 t n o(' bqt ilht' h N c:-o.69d €)sArd I oE3Ci.1[see erucn eo sxe er1 ztc PHoltE MAI L ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. AFCHIT€CT OI DESIGNER 'E&Y9"trrrer L ADDA E5 S PHONE MAI L ADDNESS EiAXCII USE OF BUILDING 8 Cras of work: tr NEW fl A00lTt0N D ALTERATToN D REPAIR tr MoVE tr REMoVE frr usc of tho Skl Seboql 10 Chrnge of use lrom 1l Vrlustion of work: $PLAN CHECK FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: ?ii,l'i,?li.' ;,. t z,o t t No. of 4Storles a- Flrs Sprlnkl€rs Requlrett [y65 fl11e No. ol - f.t -Owelllng Unlts NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ABE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING. VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONTNG. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. SOIL REPORT WHEN PROPEBLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUF PEBMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION M.O.ffi1otffrl'; INSPECTOR iEOFDEi FiOM! INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILOING OFFICIALS ' 50 !O. LO3 iOILE9 O'ASAOqNA, CALIFOiNIA 9IIOtForm 100,1 9-69 |--1 TOWN OF VAIL Building Perrnit Supplenent rAt Project Golden prrft Skt sohool ,'.c3itior Date 6l/Ztrhl I, and under stand in full the follornring excenpts fnom the Uniforn Building Code and that a copy of this supplementshall be posted with the inspection cand at the job site: t Rrr{ 1rl ,'v. Of the o nereby certlry tnat I nave reao Sec. I07 Sec. 202 (e) Sec. 302 (a) Sec. 302 (c) Sec. 304 (a) Sec.304 (b) Wheneven ther:e is insufficient evidence of eompliance with the pnovisions of this code, the Building Official nay nequine tests as pnoof of compliance to be made at the expense of the owner or his agent, by an approved agency. Whenever any wonk is contnary to this codet the Building Official rnay onden the work stopped until he authonizes the wor-k to proceed. Appnoved plans ehall not be changed, rnodified, on altered without wnitten authorization frorn the Building Official . No penmit gives authonity to violate anyprovisions of this Code, on any othen ondin-ance. The issuance of a permit shall not prevent the Buitding Official fnorn thereaften nequiring the con:reetion of non-conformities. At the request of the Building official , aletter shatl- be submitted to hin fnom a registered land surveyor or engineen certify-ing the location of the building in relationto property lines, pnion to the instal-lation of the foundation wal-ls. Inspection cand shall be read, filled out in fu1I , and posted conspicuously at the job site. Do not cover up any wor:k not signedoff by Building Inspector. Befone any sign nay be used or posted, it shal1 be approved by the Sign Review Cornmittee. oRD. 15-1967 N". ....1?. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY AND COMPLIANCE Vail, Coloraao - --D- -g-g- - i--6- - " I 9 - --6-q Permit is hereby granted- - - - -VaiI- Associales - Iac'' - - --' - - - - - " - to occupy the. building 45 - - - -. Golden. P-eak-rSki Sp-hsSL " - - " "' on Lots -.Traet--F---.-.--, Block---.....Edth..qi-I.tng----... Addition. Located in . -. --. - -hNic -Recrealion Irnd - - - - - - zoning distict. Theaddressknorvtras---------V-a1l--Vall-e-y-D-ri-v-e- Applicant shall maintain said building in accordance with all psesent or fuare ordinances with respect to sanitation, buil' ding and zoning.-9. d" o 6o/./ ,'ru.,t ,4./,1,'f,;,,.: nt Yr71t -/4'4, 7rr, 1-,r'-4ttr,',,'' fr et(e"/e V^'/", retrty't t f 11,''/+., a.t f 1!t''/+tt t, APPLTCA?TON FOR BUILDING PERMTT THE TOWN OF VAIL (Applicant fill iu {ihfe acetion onty} Datc of Application Tc No. City city Dr:NVec Tel. No. aH- Block TEA(- BUILDING INFORMATION A ltc r ation_-12 R cPa_i r c-- Type of occupaacy:T.7kte Bo &IL Total floor area (eq fq% No of etorles 7 ' Ht. Ni. "r'oo-elfrro.-Eit-h!3No. of watet cloaets lC2 ESTIMATED COST I oF coNsTRvcrwN@ (Materiale & Laborl ,1 J A"""*--^fr;'*"-' Occupancy group A. B. C. D. EIR C.H. I. J. ?,2. Approval by planning and architcctural control committce to obtain buildlng pcrmit. Date Sigaeturc BUILDING INSPECTION Recclpt of Plane Approval of Plaoa Tot l 2 eets required)Date /lq* c!0t "f' (Circlc correct eleesificetlonl -111 Type of conrtructiol I.II.,9I)M, Itot.tl Amount of Permit E"c $/f/.fOtlfi|f _Amount of Clcan up Fec $ 7*o Date permit igaued Fioal inapectioa sr Paid: Caah $_Cb'ac($s0 2.J Patd: Caah $_Ghcctt>=--.- o7*-a- V$sop." k$-------- /ec"itl * dto Tap fee paid Amount (All parte of building) No. of Familiec (Permittee) $soe.a2 Certificate of occupancy Coastruction clcan-up STATE OF. COI"ORADO COT'NTY OF. EAGLE .t:";Qr,rre F'"/t'"t,, .r' ,4, ,/..4) DECLARATION CF. LJAND. ALLCCATION ;r",1/ )) ss. ) 2, The as follows: \k,VLLl , tVlzq,qUZr, tAL,, bEtrg firet duly swotn upon oath, a"po"d@tements are true and correct accorCing to my beet kaowledge, iaformation and belief' to wit: l. That thiE statement is made ln conjunction with the filing of an appllcation for a building pertnit to the Town of ,:Vail and to comply with the requirernenta of Articte VtI, Section 3, Otdinance Nurnber 7 (Seriea of 1969) Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Vail. description of the building eite th * e Pro eed building iafor (Deecription cription. ) may be attached or e rte map may be used to ehow des- 3, The proposed building eite containe square feet, and the proposed building contains equare feet of area as defined in the aforesaid T,oning Ordinance. 4. The proposed building, as it relateg to the building aite area, compliee to the Floor Area Rptio for the zoning which applies to the building site, as defined in the aforeaaid Zoning Ordinance. 2 OWNER The foregoing affidavtt and declara uxtt subscribed and , thie"*":Y"6V"re me, 9,.totaty public, ddy oftl^--*7 , 19.T L4A, bZ g Commissicn expires November 18, 1fi2 NOTARY PUBLIG Pe rrnit Perrnis s ion BUILDING PERMIT VaiI, Colorado nate z4q 22, 19-6-2 is hereby gt^fi"d l/ai,/ /ttoct'erlet ^" &ncc to Ceatfrqcf ^story /'il'h)a "" 6o4 Pecf In accordance with the provisions set forth by the VaiI A rchitectural Control Cornmittee, subject to the rules and regulations as set forth in the Vail Village Protective Covenants, and in cornpliance with the 1964 Unif o rrn Building Code. Type of Constructio" -Et ,/ )r^ Group 1E' / taa,"", Tn..f 4 ld Fihgr Contractor A pproved Vail Building Inspector INSPECTION RECORD (For Departmental use Only) INSPECTION FOUNDATIONS .\ PPROVA L COMMENTS DATE & SIGNITURE d FRIMING FINAL o0 ) trl ROUGHo {) 14 FINI L ROUGH bo F p.FIN' L ROUCH u0;d a)F I I t o E FINA L ScDtrnber .Hallor & LirFrr,'.6,rchttGcts 9?0S Chcrry Ct€ok North Hve Denver, Colorado 80200 Fr:' Gotd hel -+-_-__-Genttr;mrn: I, Btrock crork shall be tn rcqulraments of the Untfo $. Ertcrtor tnconbusttbfr TOWN OF VAIL Cb*lor G. Blmun" P"E. Bu[dtng OfHshl CGB/gu cc: Vrtl Acroctrtcr; Im.Srv Construc6on Co. the m,lnlnum Seo enclosure. valla chould be two-hour Teble l?A and Sactlon 9003(a). butldng nocds tro rncans of cqrce+ hlldtry ghould hrve barc ao that a nlne-tnch S.. Need a two;houf llrs pa.retlon between tJte xrurBcrl and the'Tdblo 5-8. ,INSBDCIION nDCOBD 'J BUILDING DEPARTMENT Vd, Colorado Phone 476-5613 Notice: .Inspeciions will not b€ made un]ess this card is posted on tlte job. ALL subcontmctors must be liensed and sigr this To Insure Inspection the sam'e day call: 4?6-5613 bdore 11:00 A M DO I$qT COVER UP ANY WORK NOT INSPECTED card to obta,in inspection. Concrete H€ating Eleobrioal Plumbing Rooifing Dry Wall or Lathing T() C||MPTY WITH CllIIE INSPECTION RDCOBI) To obta'n in:pections call 4?6-5613. Inspections will be made the same day on calls before 11 A. M. No idspection will be made on Saturday, Sunday, or legal holidays. Inspections wltl not be matle until permit ha,s been secured anil contrac- ' ior has signed anil plarced his llcense number in the sPaces abovo Inspection lFootings - +r- Foundabion IVtrasonry Plumbing Approrred Rejeoted ,/2 ' +.- /, Notice: Certificate of Occupancy and Compliance must be ob- tained before structure is occupied. &.- .--r..t -, Lrr-'u,oil' .J---.J.o 9 September 1969 Mr. Chorles G. Bynum Buildins Officiol Town of Voil Deor Chorlie: Regording your letter to Holler ond Lqrson of September 5 referring to hem tr2 -- the proposed childrents woifing oreo is nol o nursery. The uses of this oreo ore os follows: l. An oreo for children to woit for their porents of lunch time ond ofter skiing. These children will be only those toking lessons in the ski school ond will oll be obove the oge of five yeors. 2. A room for the children toking ski lessons to eot fheir bog lunches. 3. A ploce for ski instructors who hove childrenrs closses to toke their chorges when fhey gef cold. As I undersfond if none of fhe obove uses would quolify thiswoifing oreo os o nursery occording to code. Therefore it would seem thof the fwo hour fire resisfive construction which you mentioned in your letfer would not be opplicoble. Pleose let me know if there ore ony furfherquesfiors regording this motter. Yours truly, Execulive Director Voil Ski School ar"dfM" Zlr JM:mio cc: Holler & Lorson TELEPHONE:475.56OI ,-'? - -a-'t ^-- '- -'-/.. . ' ),/I \ / / c i-I \ ''.A\- (l-'-.^,C:.' C,Nn lli.-:1,rI lSliil c.\,.o I GOLD I.;!:i.a\i-i :l_f(;] q;lt.iICFt'VAll,,'il0i-,()ii,/rlitl , BeSt , ' r;ripiur"rilnp. ?a" r 96t Available,tarf r,rrv iri'r<i this :itlde:iduin shall t'It. . . De,:(J:.l+ e. a Fa:,'r of thrt ccn'ir:a..af ticcll ii:r erii,r r; cil..l: e,:i 1\r.-qu.si j:1, tg6? as ihotrgh herein artt:;chr:ri, i.r: a.i.iccc. i);r'r$c i. l.t::ti .i.ri..ax:,r {f j'i--..,u-.ir:i1s e nrl ,3s,ccif rca.ti.onl;" , ,/t::'t"/t. D::ar..'irrit. ,'!-,'i-t - \l'cs.; iri.iil 'i it r, I r: l ? c ::i ) .- tr, ]l .lor,l i.T't l . '),:rlel.e iu:::iii:'g ;rlri c_r)'l.r br:ri.:..ii. -i':.:'icil '.i,ti.:'i gih,ji..e- ii:stalli::g gypsulTl board' .I' .,,,, .1. r.' ' '' t' ',,,t,,',l ?-t, .,. CI1ari'11g_AA- l - tlo::rh 1',;:Ll .";rcii:i,ct:ni ic.r'ii,icir:nii::ii. F:coirr l$.J iu.,l ,i . , .r ;t11r.':_"_t1.__J'!_i!lii.:\r:r-.r t r, ,- ,t .' .',. . : i.i , I , li.r' .' i.,ii,' '+. ,1'',", .'.: ....: , ,;, ,r i: ; i: il" ''. ,.' 'i i ;r l:.;r ;-' s .:. .-t.- .,...i, r :?.i ': r': ir" \'y r_ _l irl| i. :t' , l: i-' :-' . ! "' 1. ',.r.1r 'i l- I I ', ?, ., Lrt..,'!r{ t'A*3, 'Ie:::rrc':,'a r,r ;"] ir,:i.a r L:'.:rice iluciostrre -- -.. .-,- -1" *.--..-";. --..,-.-r--,'i ],.!e.lete :ii J. ner.Le,-:: {:r:':rci:r3i i::::C i:.crJ;)(:i::.::r;i .i"{::rl;\i ::: rr-'i ir:':aceg, cc:ine cliorts, _t': t gic. .J, lrrtt;,irr l,:::: ri.$ ug.t -Fr:e.'Ii:lb rinc-;r' ici:c ii',p, aioiird '; g:lrr Poi.'et:ry roof Are;l - ? eei ./'i ar.i-" r61.il;;':i:,fi,r,.- iiise, ,:lc,. :r.ir,-,, l..rai'r'i:',r:,;ri1 l:.lc':ri:rd. 9., ': Ll r a'..'.rin g A.A.'1 ' t3ti1i)r-:r e.,'i"; ::ooi,. ' . i r v.-!, r\ b;lr;e r:i:.e:r{:lV/:l 1iy .i0 i fr.i;; i,r€..' I ;ii"irg":itrite --nfi.ri$ R:.i r.'€ c c:tll jll ende rr' . . hy i: or.rf iglg €.P::-r. i c a, t:l.c.rr $ ul-',c s::1: t:tq L c: :;o:: a cri-r e iIelrl' .rocf inst;rllation, 'f0. Erarrvir:g -An-J, l)rilrvi::,q.,q.5-i - lieclr ]r'j:tL:riei: t'i.i:tr. ij.:.-!r:r:cte:: SenchIJfAI\:r1rlg $n -J, utilWL1:rf.i .,1...1' -:: - L.r'?Cii iri;,r1r'e j: tl'r--l!. i-e:-Ijl9ie:: I'enCn.1u. l-,(a!\vlI:4 frtl ..J: lJrrawl.l.r}.i .r-;_:1 --, - r-.-'1;.-:r a-.:.(r,.1rl:,=J. ri !--tl. t .;::,:..::=!J,r- lJctr\.alII . fleL*t,: :,:j,l r:e i''erer:cil a r-rri ;.i:,i:a.'li i-: :.i. s I ,t! ': i ar lal c ';r: ii;b. d,rrci< ai:r nl;e v /-Dench. NotI 'tt:r be corrs i:r:ucte'l uncle:r Iihas,: I cf ih.e ...rroii:<.. : ' IJelei;c ilJ.l 3'e:-le rence a:i:{:i. ic.t;Lii:: i"i:rr i r::i"i:ii:c il. !',,i-ili fipen joini pcrirrietel' tiie I d:r:iiira6:e. .irr Lo,:: dej.e'i:e irr Lcis (joni:,:rr.'rriiiil ,r;i.t i'uc piratvel b:lckfi.li. . :1.t ,,. l.1,..: r. I'''t' I I)eJ.ett: atl tciei:ei-.ce to ihe :.rril.,rir';i.1::inr'iii!ri1e.L. ;r:,d t,) Crela'.i1 rrAtr. t a/l^ )z' M4:2 -,l: Deieie aLt r.--l'e l:ecci:r lu hcalirfi str.p:,-,.i:,li:.rc r,", i: i; g 11t !''.vl'r) e.l.i. i n g :rarrel s. I , !-s'',':Hi'rtyr;2:Bei.ete .8 -.3 il::i;r1".i:rg1 'j t$ilei riocrlls, ic'r:,;:1:;rir a'r,il iel;,ri:,..;r:l ; 'iui-r'li;: i: i', o,,.i't", : I .', T 4. $Pilr:iirl:i.qif:fF; il'ilf,ts,$.'; Sil:itCi.rI,;-'\if:{:j}l I1'flr,,iS ,!ii.lrlr.t; iirrL,r';r.li:i;i.oir anr.[ s,.rlistiiut : t i 2-" .i1r:rr:e.f] e:;I '', " .,, :: Oele'ce rlcnresti* c.r.lrJ u,alrr:: ,;i;.,.:. , , j ,' 1r, o,.rla liorr. i-rr:1.::i';l iv;s;ii.r;l.l:i D::r ,,\rr r.ii+ i.ir',., r: e s i.i:: i'.ii ,.,,':.rtr::i' lirti.ng anil the !reai;irr1; -, pipil;1 co.rro.r')F ld't''l:. /.. 5" : . ,9pec if icaliolr 'it,e..n: ij-I;t lYiril:..' f:i Lo:r.'i,X: 1,";ri'r?; -. *:.--,-..* .: . ,: l ' ,rj, I i h:e r-r. ia fc '"orith .i' j 8:i?i :xa19r'.6: siii. irii;;it i,,:;; iil a.l.'! ci: r:c r,',: -':r:d '.rirh l,fi gauge , . .' ,:'.: ,' g:r!. v:rr: i:rcd s'i:.:e. :{!uir:lre:{ r;.r ilir i.,:Z'' i.r:; $i.;:'t;r'!.{ crJ:tei.i'i.and 5 cE, canvas -i l;lc.tae!, I I I I t .: t I PAGE'i.'ill:il:it Oif TIInEL:: j., !1:1i- !tl,..,lll:::::'g_:t I lapiiiil;=.pl;;.;.;}.i;, - clr:1.:1:r:r rr.rirr c.,i:.,tiibr.i;.icrr ,::,:r:i.i.. .irr .iis pLace :T I . for r,\all3i.'rBrr :"nd a .1C'C.,\.,I"":iIri :a.in tigi:i,";:ii:;i.y au'itdh for e:li.sting panel. t lre:tis LO Franel 'ii(t rr a.i:tl !:r: ;..:li.st'.i:,.t ;:t,:ci io i,:);.r] !t-i i.r zis sho.,;;e On the Onc I s;::rvice tc 4-35CMCi'i i: .l -t !2" c';: i.r:.ii c'.:i j::.'e;;: r:.a:,: :n crr:.ni.c.l tra.nsfoirae::I ' b*rle. l'lor firtu:re paralLci I'r',:ia'::e :;:rle :.... l.J rr'i,.i-<ie r-pace at €iui;tet' for a I futu:e 6t)04 n:rl,.i:r. T-.'.:.e|.'.'.Lielein.li:!.lil3]'l.-.:.,'Jrt;c!1.'tlc.0.j..,i,!:ig..r:t:ilcl;j-.j't,:'::;'.in. I , .. , circuit v;i.rin6;-he:rt'ing i"::: tl'.$ sieir:,', : I 3" E qui.v;; i'.e:,rt ldtrysl,ffn.e .ii ,.r'l.:i: ':,:t: u .r'itc iii:i:ia\,.'cd fr::r tyr;gu r,"', 8:'ri!rr" i.i:dtl-rtcr s.II4 4.. De'Leti all. cuid.oor type tri.,i'' .1. .i. ..*l,ri :r e ;; o:fr .i:'":?r ie i ic, u-,:rpe::' :1cck. Il:.'I FIA L Lq R A l{D :i,411 $Ol{ . .,9R {-: ij iT, r.l C T:I; 3?0? 6FjE:FF1: ';:,Iirii l.if:]F:i',il irr. r.1r.r:. D.EIIVEi?.) C:f,I-tiR ri iif"r r^0il{tii I I I I I I 'Jld i''.JI.i.3rILl lf Yt L, C; C :-,I.) tr -O ri.i'i I..'i,:].ir:. i. tii I {}l'I v.ril:L, 11i,f c. ci_:r.ilrilt.r, llJC. VAIL., CC'I-'l:il.i riir{} 8!.65? .-rI iil-,1-ilt Aii.,S .r-,,,illSC)lI. -\ll Criif i:-l;'i i: 3 ?0'?'lr:IER P. V Uii. iilil( NOii'L' ii DE,.-rVfrl f,ti!1.:'ii,t.P.q itf":,OF.;1DC 80409 .'.i.p::i.. .-..., 1 97," ,': '. I i:e . l<:'11-.xtr j.ni; :iii :-:,':-'-'wings ar :.cl r:l i. a.,virtgr: b: ior..': j,;em : iteic.: Z If ,f i-' ..rti,.r. ,:e incorpo|ert*tl irr ai:cl. hecome a pa'.'i: of t|.r: specifi,ations :ilc::r ti:e ar?:c'ue nar:red i31- o"ie ct. -l+11 parts c ihe original s; ecifications c1atod.:\ugllst 1?, 1969 sir.aL: :remiii.n'.rn foi:eo et;cept aB r'*ed iJi.vie,icrr. 9-F'ini.skree" Se <:iii:n 9 It, .Fi'.rqti yi. i.i;affi Iitr?EAt. iAF Ft:;[p' : dpE ;*EIdf. i: c,-G ; & "sgucctj speci!'ica-rion sirali gor.re !:n" fichecLulr of Peinting, ' ' , Itenr (i) etrierior .r.)j.,ri.sic.r.r 9 -FiniBhee,, ;jr:!-,etirrJ.e cf .Pi:rintin1. Seci;ion I', lnleri()1: Gypsut' ' l.'ir.?frr.*ifi-a11s"E':-CaTIi4;-I:tar€33:aFF--n-=iir-ftaaTT-tilese fi:rish i;cl;rci.ule on clr.ci,rlngs-cails fcrll ti:rtu:e f.itisb - subcoX i!.'aetoa ,.o fuf,nit' lrir:'s:a1iinlr;e:r:"a1q:t":irrishl)(j:,1]:.]eco]'.])fie:odclcirnai-rtfactuyerlg. ' s 1:e ciiic ations as n: p.an:-ilactu:i'<:t I;y U" ii, 'iiri:s crll CnmPaey" -,: :.cl:r.. tr:, <:ti.r1i:1 .Drirrl,ii...',c, !J:.'a..,r,i.11q .A-ll, l'i:l'icl"r SC leCULe, I'iiai,,a lGfilT: oon -?iOl;-liit'.1;e n---iji;'i;l;'iri.iit-rg c.lrlx:n ilF.'rrish'1, {lJ ha.:rge t ".il e:,.::ure I t i o :' c a'J I t.fi :raln el' r. I-i-':,-:,r..':. : Ai.Ili L.i::ESiNa l..F'J;iI?g L;',I ;! :\'7f i ,.:r:i'l' Crer.,.k lioul,ll ,?:-'i,rc lic:ti'.' . C<"ilrrEar.lo i)'t)7,1') ;:. -' ADDENDUM NUMBER']THITBE GOLD PEAK EXPANSIONvAlL A.SSOCIATES" INC"VAIL, coLoRADO 8165? HEL,LER AND LARSON, 4RCI-IITECTS3?0.7 CHERRY CREEK NONTH OzuVA-DENVER, COLORADO BO2O9 JUNE 8, lg?l The following and drawings and drawings Item I shall be incorDorated in ar,d become a part of the specificationsfor the above rlarned.p""5""i ;;';;r;"tof the original specificationsdated August lZ, t969 shail ,"*iii i" force, except as noted below: Delete post and be,am. i-n storage axea. Install Z x 4 @ I 6,, studbearing rvall with dggblc top pi"1* f", ;olut support" Walt shallrest on l0'r rvide x-l 6,, higlicbntinuous.orr"""ti footirrg;,iltl,Z {t'4 continuous and #4 @1g" t"aris;eise reinforcement" Restwall on 4"_high curb so that bottom oi fo_", pf.t.:i" afii'i"tconcrete f100r elevatir:n" This footing can be monolithic withthe slab" Delete struck joints ir block work" f#X:"*. trash chute :rnd dumb waiter and masonry to accommodate Substitute Z x4 @ 16,' stud wall with 5/g,, gypsum board formasonry wall betrveen stair and kitchen. s-tucco,shall be applied rrirectly to block. Delete referenceto mesh reinforcement" Us_e 6 x 14 rough sarvn timber in lieu ot 5_l/4x ll_5/g laminatedbeam shorvn for roof pur.rins. niage u1"m shalr remain as shownon drawings. Details ll6 and2/6" trlilnigte gutter and instau cold roof" ''soulf, x 4 spa;-s_ ar 2,_e,, on J.-_iif, r.igid insulation betweenand lf 2,, cD piywoocl ",..,d th" u.irii "p """f1ver" c;";;i;;"pdetail shall be sim'av ro that aei"iiiJir,"ludinj *;-t;i!ri""lstop' I x 6 facia and r :< ro "uu-raclil Install continuous galvan-ized screen facia vent and a contirr,rorr" "ids.;;;;" "'*-*- d Eliminate double door at South Entry" Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Item 7 Item I PAGE ONE OF T1VO Item 9 Item l0 Item Item Itern Item Item 15 Item l6 ltem l7 Item l8 Item l9 Item 20 Itern 2l Itern 22 Itern 23 Item 24 tl TZ l3 t4 Vent and windon detail shall be of.3/4,t l.ough sawn cedarglas,s-stops on Z:t,! or 6 x 6 clear fir :..,erl.rier"" Ati;topsshall be set in caulking and. ou,iside joints caullced" Slope'sill and rveathe r.s t::ip vent section" Delete ticket window_complex ancl rear beaeing wall" providefloor ran'rir up to cooler fioor, Delete Ski Racl<s" Delete change irr main electrical service., service shall remainas e>ri s i:i ng Al1 electric pauels shall be "I. T.8. il, Electric recepta.cLec shalt be (I"l and switches to be ( p&S!provided contrac,jor supplies part nurnber he intende'to useto Architect fos approval. riliminate ali eLectrical heat tapes except in gutters over entryand stair s,, Boiler and radiati-ein in the e:<isting building shall remainas previously installed New boiler" heat exchanger, etc", shall be planned by AspenV,1lle.y Plumbing azrd Heating Co" Contracto-r shall provideplan to Ovrnef, for his approval prinr to any pui:chasl orinstallatiotl" Neither the Archiiect nor his consultants shallbe in any way held responsible for this phase of construction, Water service ehall remain as presently installecl in exietingbuilding. Delete hot water replacement air unit andfired unit. Hood and vent over dishwasher shall be galvanized iron inlieu of coppe r shorvn. Baseboa.rd radiation shall be slant fin with back plate" Delete unit heater iir kitchen. -stub in rough pipes for futuseinstallation, Owner is hereby made awarf the'kitche" ;;tbecome cold enough to creats freezing conditions in this area. Boiler vent to be in new location by door. Delete all gutter and copper downspouts substitute a gas PAGE TWO OI'TWO