HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B GOLDEN PEAK BASE SKI CLUB VAIL LEGALfr*rign Review lcfrn Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Ski Club Vail cign -. file under Gold Peak Ski Base Project Description:Addition to existing sign Owner, Address and Phone: Vail Resorts P.O. Box 7 Vail, CO 81657 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Pete Seibert Jr. 20Vail Rd Vail, CO 81657 479-5520 Project Street Address: Gold Peak Ski Base kgal Description: Parcel Number: Building Name: Comments: This is an addition to a previously approved guest services sign. 20 sq. ft. of sign area is approved for the Ski Club Vail portion of the sign. Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: n/a Conditions:Approved as requested Town Planner: Mike Mollica Date: 4ll5l98 Staff Action Action: StaffApprovednla nla F;\EVERYoNE\DRB\APPRoVAL\98\sKICLUBv.4 I 5 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $40.00 I qucrtinn"? Call thc Planning Dcsk at 479-2t28 SIGN/AWN ING APPLICATION This application is tbr any sign that is locatcd within the Town of Vail. Specific rcquircnrcnts arc availablc fiom tlrc Dcpartnrcnt of Conrnrunity Dcvelopnrcnt. Nanrc of llusincss: Building namc and Namc of owncr'{r^l Rr-\cJr ph Mairinga<rdrcstt thu ? Vafl , (O F{ef Z Signature of owner: Namc of pcrson submittin ( lf dift'crcnt than owncr) Addrcss: F.Typc ofsign (scc back for definitions): { Fr"estanding tr Wall sign Ef Other, spccify: Lcngth of busincss frontagc: Hcight of sign abovc gradc: TOl'/iN OF VAIL A. B. c. D. E. G. H, M. N. tr tr Hanging sign A r .1. K. L. Nurnbcr ofsigns proposcd: \ Nunrbcr rurd sizc of cxisting rigrrr, Sc-- /.fotr fl-f. --_-_--T--_-_- Locatiou ofcach sigrt (attach a sitc plan and an clcvation dmwirrg or a photograplr clcarly indicating thc proposcd location): on": - Ll?C -'l3 o/ Matcrials and colors of sign (attach sarlplcs): ofsign (existing or proposcd): o.FEE: $20.00. PLUS $1.00 PER SQUARE FOOT OF SIGN AREA. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS: tr Conrplctc Application. tr A sitc plan showing thc cxact location whcrc thc sign is to bc locatcd. tr Elcvation drawings or photos showing proposcd location of thc sign or awning. tr Colorcd scalcd (l/4"=l') drawing. including spccific lcttcring and dinrcnsions and a photo. ifavailablc. D Sarrrplc of proposcd nratcrials. tr Drawings showing how and whcre sign or awning will attach to thc building and how the awning will bc constnrcted. tr Condonrirriunr Association or Landlord approval - attach a lcttcr. SIGN CATEGORIES: l. Frccstanding -A single or nruli-faced sign affixed to a supporting stnlcture, or imbedded in and cxtcnding fronr thc ground and detachcd from the building. 2. Awning or Hanging -Any sign attached to a building and extending in whole or in part nlore than 9" bcyond thc building linc, 3. Wall - A sign attached to, paintcd on. or erectcd against thc wall of a building or stnrcturc with thc cxposcd thcc of thc sign in a planc parallcl to thc facc of thc wall and not projccting nrorc than 9" lionr tlrc thcc ofthc wall. ' 4. Display Box - A frcestanding or wall sign encloscd in glass for thc cxprcss purposc ofdisplaying rrrcnus. currcnt cntcrtaintncut or rcal cstatc listings. 5. Joint dircctor.v sign - A frccstanding, hrurging or wall sigrr that lists all thc tcnants within a nrulti-tcnant building. 6. Subdivision cntrancc sisn - A sigr to idcntify a major subdivision, a condonrinium complcx. or group of apartmcnt buildings having at lcast 100 lincar fcet of liontagc along a vchicular or pcdcstrian way in any RCl, LDMF. MDMF. HDMF. or SDD zonc district. SUGGESTIONS: L Copics of thc Sign Codc arc availablc liom thc Dcpartment of Conrmunity Dcvclopmcnt. You nray wish to check thc Code to verify the type and size of sign you arc allowcd. 2. Bc specific. Vagueness in the description ofdesign, size, conshuction may dclay the approval ofyour sign. 3. Mca*surc thc frontage of your business to detennine thc size (arca) of the sigr you arc allowed, 4. Lighting lbr awnings may spotlight only the sign lcttering on the awning. Lighting may not shinc into pcdcshian or vehicular ways. 5' All individual busiuess signs will bc rcvicwed by thc Departmcnt of Comnunity Developmcnt. Ncw sign programs or anrendmcnts to sigt prograrns will be reviewed by thc Design Review Board. Ir: cvcryorre/fonns/si gns/si gnapp.tt I 3 frurufrlr - s t_-l- l-cl: : iFi: slFl ill I t;t; *lBt-st: i .;i u,i*$ir iiis$iffii:I-I' =l: *: b$e $$l I II I I F!tpxs "Z.l$ fd sd .qt lrt fr*s 'r !.1tgJ JIE-p pt II$ $5ii5F IH{ t b t -r- E<J ".F \/? 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