HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 BLOCK 5 LOT 14 TO 18 VORLAUFER PART 1 LEGALV.;VJ\,1F\S Rb.fr5 r";tr'l b\t \6{0^43 \) Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depafinent of @mmunity Development 75 Sotrth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci,vail.co.us Project l{ame: Minor Alteration DRB Number: DRB010276 Project Description: Raise roof Participants: OWNER COHAGEN, JOHN R. & MARY C. 08/2212001 Phone; 3939 N 95TH ST BOULDER CO 80301-4942 License: APPUCANT lohn Railton 08|2A2OOL Phone:949-5595 Railton-McEvoy ARchitects PO Box 430 Avon, @ 81620 License: Project Address: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Locauon: VORI-AUFER #303 Legnl Descripdon: Lot 14-1 Block Subdivision: VORIIUFER CONDO Parcel Number: 210108232015 Comments: All new materials to match existing BOARD/STAFF ACTIOII Motion By: Action: APPROVED Seond By:Vote: Date of APProvalz 08129/2OOL Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Entry: C/l,12912001 By: George Action: AP All new materials to match existing Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiUes. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paidl l20.OO AU0-20-01 0erll F Ro[l-S|{0W 005 trvE sr,$tTs T-188 P.02/t2 F-??g TOI4hI r-a,.Ct LJ ,|\) !D c.L Application for Design Review _- Department of Community Dev€loFnent 75 South Frcntage Road. Vaii, Colorado 81652td: 970.479.2139 fart 9t0.47g.Z1SZ $reb: www.cl.vail.co, us General Inform*ion: If.lp{fjg. is,for.any.prqjet qquirJp Derign Revlew approvat, Any ffqjecr 'equirinE ftsign nevFw musrr€c€rre apprbvaf prior b submltirE a.bulkting perirlt appbcatton, ,feuu" ,e,ei to.tire srA]ilina-t requirenrents ior thepadcurrr appr-,ar that rs r€ouefred. A. ;6pl;Ad-ii;'db* *ln* cannot be rcep*d untir dr rcquiredintotmattcn is recEi€d bv are communltv.qg"btr#i ;d;*,r, The_pr.oJect nuy aro neeo to be ,€der,n d bythe Town council ardoi the phnnlng and enufnirnentaf -6mmbsi6n. Dis6n R€rier" E;d approvel lapcaconlatr I hdldrng pcrmrt c b.,cdind ;;'#;a; #'lne,r""" wtttrh on. year o? rhe apprornr. Descriptio r oftfie Rsque6t!/+ND Rhrs€ ir t trJg r TZ> RSnar.rE" cryr6f,F5a\ ReFr oF LDtrrr locethn of the pmpoaaft Loh_Block: Phyilcal Addrcssl z- 33 {r {(contact Eagre co, Asses€or at 970-328-8640 for parcer no.) tEe- .ftrucet uF{- E) Zoning: t{enc(s) dOwner(s): Mailing Address:or^ Ourn6?(e) signaturu(3): Name dApplhanh ?ype of Rcvierr and Fer:tr Nelrl Oon$trcrontr Addtion Oaflnor Rtteraton tr Crhang€s ro Appm/ed plans $200 $s0 $20 $20 eE:6G For @nstruction of E new bulldlng or demo/r€bulld. $ an *. {!-o1 wfterg squar€ foGge is ilOeO io €ny resirenuat o, 31t53llr]!T (tncludes. 2S0 adtitbrrs a rlrterroi 6cnvffinsl.Ilgjl I1T.s to.buildings and sih tmprcvements. $dr as,reroorng, patngng, wirdour addltlons, lanrixaplng, fences andretdnlng walls, etc. For. ruvisbns b plans dtrEady app|p\rcd by ptanning Stafi or tlreDe$gn R€viet^r Eoard Te])fttfs 'a"s^acrraa$ ED **$glryr rHrs ApprJcATIoN, ALL SUEI,{ITTAL REQUTREMa{r5AND TI-IE_FEE ro rrr oeeenrryerr or cbirrMui,,iri'dAiEii#1eNr, zF sourH FRoNTAGE RoAD, vAIL, coLori,ioo aieE AUG 2 2 2001 08.3t].01 l0;45 AM PAz AUC-08-01 16r33 FRoil-Srrufl T H\,ESnilTS T-1?0 P.0t/0t F-83t Augu*t 8. ?COl Jol.r; it. Cc.ragen 3939 gsrb Str€ct BouHsr, CO 803014942 vIA FAX (303) 66r-0$]1 DearJohn: This is to confirm thar the Vorlautbr bOard ofdirecrors lraq in concept" appruved your rcqucst to rcnovatc thc ata outsidc of lotu unit, #303. lt is my undcrstandiag tbat you intend ro open thc roofand insall doors add a lqddu to pmvidc aoccss to rhc roofl Of cr)urrtc, we t;arrnalpmvicle oflicial approval of your requ€st until we haw rwicwed archilecrural plans. Should )ou hare any guestbn$ plcasc do not hcsitatero call Shcerely, Nicholas Komp Presidcr& Vorlaufcr Condominium Association -,/08.08. Dl D4121 PM P02 H :$- ELs!'ffr' tJ)s d $ d d K .< $ :>> s ll \ J E:qEE3d -rL $H{$t* il $ 3 oJ o N -.jts \ \ 00 I V) t-\l)*lx^ ^(lr*dilT P$!!ustlo -oSM \ $ A (} 2I u t\ s \ ll\ $$ E$oD $3 $u ((t 7 F $ Jv,sns L5 \{f-rJ -ils B\ stN tqS\l<rs ,J EJ $ fn+ -I I I u) :$ tl- ? $$ 5t $i* $ H o $ s $ $ \L $ ttL-tL s+' :z e up +J {. t-\ .\J\]l &n \I- t\_ l! $ --,t.- I { fI iH. i\H n{p ttrI $5 F" Hirfr ;$ $$\ j LL d Nd> ri ID rlxl-) \U LU il,ocitr $ E5 \5 EL Lqlt* WFF $i f;;tf Y\ ,l N' $ 6f:VI Kti \f It{ \) v)o-)t\j 3d 5 d$ N\ r$* ---r-' I I i .-]$R- --etF1 i) $s )t) *fl= E .5 $ fi a e o _l \F I ? 3oog s( s_ vl 0 \ll vt CJ A- o 02 a_ --i- d hFt $$t $ih ,s ? E F * : u $ JU 5u, i$ -\) 5 R$ N*e +$s+ '0 $i JStu $3{ o u q ax'N b 0 $ il f-.l uto fr A B+utrdl \-+ .}. ,a 'lll l- R A }IJVrJ N\Log !]J-- iG' 6)ll ds\.-_ iF$i$*[I E \-.o*tt(a H$ SH $\r I Iv I ] u J trx .,Y I-ol --r I+l *--'!o :;L-- Sl,li ESr*, ro< Y.):d3\ ll--- ittir-r 1,iiIt' flu i, uil- .ti$*[ffi K "8$10 Xe8 s6ut*\)* $tE *$\ uFs rl tt ${ s8E $ ir Iur- I ilAt $ R UJ2 I I //K,//g'^/?t( EtxohrI 5$ 4t.Irn tnsI-\l< $g $t ar Nl {, ? ,R r$i) =\ ,t\ \ I ) o F Iv,, -.., M<surszLI \ \\zlr-/t r2lxt ^?I{VJ i<.>r:+-vl $ $ Es \ f\+ ?o F $ p ilI |or.Jl\.j +i i \{ i$3 $r r3 Hi o Yi ll'i I iisi t$$ i'. tl $ f N2 $n $$rh $il Ir zo sfi ',h =g $$$ $$'* t#tr Ir Bd st L5 \l t***i*l*l t'i** tltttaa'i'lt t**rtl llr*t** *+'t*t*f +t'l*l'ltf * 't*!tt*** | f *'t:t:tl l+tl{'***t'}ttil tl**'}*t'lt*****t 'lt* Strteme|rtTOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO t**t**'t*tf*t l**attttfttt*+tl+'il*lf t{r+*+f *+trlr*+*f *lt'f **i*tttt't'lt*l**:ti*'}t*!t'}tt'tat't*+t{t'}'tl*t*l**'t stacernent lfunber r R0oo0o12?o Amount: $20.00 08/22/2O01O2''42 VNI Pa)ment ethod: Check Init: JAR Notat.ion: 2606 Permit tfo: DRBO102?6 Tlpe: DRB - l{inor Alteratlon Parcel No: 210100232015 Site Addrcsg r 385 B GORA CREEK DR \rArrJ Location: \TORIAUFER |f 303 Total FeeE: $20.00 thiE Pa]rment: $20 ,00 Total AIrIJ PntE: S20 ' 00 . Balance: 90 .00 t*'lal*i+*it'trtta*+f ra';'rtf *ttl*+*'it+++{rir*rt*t+'t*'t*i**++'t*'t '}'}**r*f*rt****+*t}*'}*f **t+f ++l'tt**'tl+'} ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Cument Pmts DR (}()1()O()O3I122OO DESIGI{ REl/IEt,l FEES 20.00 ,T # Vailtt'tl6W bLv 3 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Ommunity Development 75 South frontage Road, Vail, Oolorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project llame: Knight Residence DRB Number: DR8030242 Prcject Descriptlon: Windows/door replacement Participants: OWNER KNIGHT, CONSTANCE B. 06/2312003 Phone: 385 GORE CREEK DR 201 VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT KNIGHT, CONSIANCE B. 06/2312003 Phone: 385 GORE CREEK DR 201 VAIL CO 81657 License: PrcjectAddrcss: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL locationr l-egal Descrlption: Loft 14-1 Block: Subdivision: VORLAUFER CONDO Parcel Number: 210108232007 Comments: no changes from 2001 approval BOARD/STAFF ACrION Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By: Vote: Date of APProval= 06/25120f.3 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005967 That the size and color of the new door/windows match existing Planner: Allison ochs DRB Fee Paid: f20.0o / \-.t) Mailing lddress: 3 Cree[c {Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:CI1rvt €-L,4- \ Mailing Address:cKD IVLI Type of Review and Feer tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition Minor Alteration (mu lti-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request ,"&VLtI l ut'+ + tr B $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, paintng, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board.NoFee RECEIVE0 3 2fi03 IU Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General InformaUon: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submiftal requirements for the partiolar approval that is reque*ed. An application for Design Rodew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and constructipD ommences within one year of the iiproval. l5', Description of the rI .CrL^JS LocaUon of the Proposal: Lot:_Block:_ Subdivision: Physical Address:Crrco Parcet No.: 710 I 0rz3zoo\ Name(s) of Owner(s): (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) F;'J rff *$sRT@ check No. : D Existing and proposed contour lines. ReLaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Plan: o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures. o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areao Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. REPAINT PROPOSAIS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: o C.olor chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s)tr Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie, siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: Page 5 of t2/02107102 Buildinq Materials PROPOSED MATERHIS Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other # ^1 Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of L2lOZl07l02 May 26,2001 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Community Development Staff: The owner of Vorlaufer Condo #201, Connie Knigbt, has the Vorlaufer Board's approval to change the three single-pane glass windows in her living room to double- pane insulated windows with three awning windows at the bottom and/or ttnee cas€ment windows the same size as existing. She also has our OK to change the adjacent balcony door to a Southwest Door Company San Carlos Standard one panel, six light door and a screen door, like Cohagen Condo #303 or a solid glass door like Carroll Condo #205 andPowers Condo #102. All will be finished and painted to match exterior Odord Brown paint as the rest of the Vorlaufer exterior Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely yours, Vodaufer Board of Directors 2900F. Mssissippi Ave. Denver, CO 80210 Nick Kemp, President &COLOR,ADO RtcDJUN 042001 IOI4'NT) Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 Sorrth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxt 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us Prcject Name: Knight windo{door replacement DRB Number: DRB010148 Project Descriptlon: Windows/door replacement Patticipants: OWNER KNIGHT, CONSTANCE B. 06/08/2001 Phone: 385 GORE CREEK DR 201 VAIL CO 81657 Ucense: APPUCANT KNIGHT, CONSrANCE B. 05/08/2001 Phone: 385 GORE CREEK DR 201 VAIL CO 815s7 License: Project Address: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: Vorlaufer #201 Legal Description: lot: 14-1 Block Subdivision: VORI-AUFER CONDO Parcel Number: 210108232007 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:vote: DateofAPProvalt o6lt3l20o[ Gondltions: Cond: 8 (plAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s)' Cond: 0 (PI.AN):DRBapprova|doesnotconstituteapermitforb.uilgins.P|easeconsu|twith iown of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Cond: CON0004804 fiat the size and color of the new door/windows match existing' Planner: Judy Rodriguez DRB Fee Paid: f2O'OO *,1*t+**l'!t*'f ***'i******t{r,ti!'i**'t * * ** * ******* * tr**'t *'ta*'t'i* **** r.i ****:t*t**'t * *{r'i* *****'***i*'l '}{r*** | TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *'ir * * *,N * * * * ** {. !i:* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **r} '} 'r,r * * * * **** * * +* 't * i * *:t* * {r * {rd. trtl* *** * * * * * * * * 'l '* '}:1.* +'l * * **** | * Statement Nruriber: R030004230 AnounE: $20.00 06/24/2OO3O3:30 PM Payment Method: Check IniE: iIAR Notation: 94 Connie Knight Permit No: DR8030242 114)e: DRB-Chg to Appr P1ans Parcel No: 21O1,O8232OO7 Sit,e Address: 385 E CORE CREEK DR VAIL L,ocation: Totsal Fees: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total ALIJ Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 'i{.'l{.,}*i*t ********'* * ** 't * * ** 'tr * i! *t' {. *:t**'i * * * ** * *'t*t* ***'l *{'*{r'l**** * * ** {.:l'tl ***'}*******{' 'l******'}l*'} ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Cunrent Pnts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI.I FEES 20.00 FROI.I : EAGLE UALLEY CRDII'ET FRX NO. : T?O?48117! ItAv-ld-2002 Tu qqi{jltl!€flNDm. 0ENT.ER *-" ' ' FAx :.EMLE Ufl-LEY CABINET FAX NO. | 976?48!r?9 GLAZING 'Ooubl( pine, Coit i^rulatiog gler: 15 1 fgll vr' lhrk lo on5utl high energy offici.ney. Populof Lot'gldlt wiul uptional argon il also availible. Addit'ofll glalinq 00li0ns include Sronz/Gny finr, 0bscute lnd T(rrt)cr€d g'!tt, n. 2L 26O3 a7:19PM P1 t4 2@2 ll:56Arl t' |'lav' N0. 30328897i5 P1 02 p .'7(_---' o SASft A 0unbl<l trt5, ltlr(" thick, it doubh /ein' forccd Uy mortBl ,rnd trtnon wood ioints, r0rr.r||jd witlt r\€t\l l,tttt^ctJ' fhc cxrcrior, f t0ncd wtL f rtid (0r0"" '(eyod and 3(fcw and t ost ccn!uuctiin' ptomlser 'rupcrlolitrcngllr. Cll,ooll A*,',irri$s O FRAMEs Arvnrng wil'ldow! are liko ?n1'c Dutlding blo(kt' Ellicr0ni i)rt'.1 L'L tJr lutl 'iijtl ilort, thry gain ?x(ilC rn0nt h corl]bln$l'pn, In ribbcn a'lirgemlJnl' rhoy rcve,rl r horizon, frlnrc by lrama Sttrcked fldF1ty.ti(lc, llr?y (teott' o co^tcmpot'rry wi^dow wtll. Nr)r(r) Clad Awnlng Wir)dowl Et in lhe view .wirlro.i?ffitln9 vontrlsrioh tnd lhoy mairl' (tirr s^crgy cllkiq\(y. Ettotiot ftrmf rf t'l rrft lrrrf;ces oro conphtely cov€rod wiih m{,inle' nrh(0.1fco. extfud0d ,llunilun clldding' whlle 0 e-4 nirurrl wcod intoriar rnrnc< drep,lted lor your (hoi{a of ptint or 5tllrt, An |ntogfal altimirruTl nailirg firt itllow! qui(k, 3!ty 6la[5iron. ('lt(Jdlrg iJ ,1v,trlg9le rtr Poltt Whito, Ernhlono Erown. tindtt0nt Sciqe' Ht'; tfotti 6trtn' vinilh crenm ot Sur0ltndy, O trusect SciEgNr A convonianl Pluiocl pllt lyil€rtt !lltJw5 0rrv.in, carv.0ul inttd[ttion of m lituiof insr(t s(ltcn, Alio, o unrqug hcld rcreon clrrrrrrrl yivll yglJ loom ro Jldt o csccn e#iry ;n md ou!, whlh rvoiding d;e ruto' ooenlot trandle. Thr inlcct Jcfton3 tough liborghll mrsh it mountcd ln In rltr' mln0m trt,ttc. Sc|lrar arr available in vnite, 0rfivn ind sandltono, nv $.r rwn r-ia I r r/ritr,l te r-rdr..tnir.vr. rrh tdrr t+ inJr 5..r F, tf? i *^i frti tr:., t- -,;l.f l9ti'f,nar O HARDWARE Two sa:h lock: closo Pgii||vely lnd ,ccurct, n fmooth, ,dlror'actlo6 rcta' opcrdor opr r cld (lotet the saSh with ease, ln addllion, the oplrttol .?m dilronnrdl withoul tools. lhir rlowt a to,tugh cle0ning |totn in,lda' . Hingst !/e (once,:led type. Saeh l0cr5 rnd roto-op0tltort tle availobla in White, 8town, Srndrtonc ot Brtoht Bft!r. FROI'I : EAq-E UALLEY CREINET FRQfl : .gp61_6 uFLLEy r:Aglr€r nAy_tA_2lQA TUE 0grpt vJun, 21 2m3 67:ZAPfr pz ma9. t4 266? 11:SarN pt3032889775 p, 0{ L0c^nor &aE llFoLnF"4---*'*,::-*_ DttonFTfOX Utl,t Oil-l;AE RO00h Opan,no: lft i/a y +r ,,. " nbt'--rllff!: or.n,nn' t6 e& x ss sr4 Frrme Slze; 3!t t SB t/t ItJft"j.::'o'* unr p g611no^*nine r,nn r) WNoilirr Ftn rCV 10,t tov t.1lD6riDtl 970, 7 g.''hrutOrnLlb l/own.Sgtan (gronn-Hdwcl W/l'lailang Fn Alr ?l|E FAX r.10. : FFX TIO, : illltD0[ cENrun 9707487179 97q748r n9 FA)( NO. to,or c00e [r*r 1llri h*4 lll---\{l lrL'ul fr,r,r| E$rrol Scrh: t/t.. l, -4-t !fttlll ftn trtrr6r 5s1 14,11, . Llnc.4-3 -" - F rnc Sl!€: 30 r t0 ,/a(8rohn) Slhllne nl.,l C.s6r]enl Un.is Hi.Altltudr Clcarhrol One'Llte WNdlng Fin / rrCUgTotf.HElOHT- l4nO lnn ft|x111 69916; y4,. 1' *--f,l|frtffi -.+gm*-ftrdl .r,'lrfi-jta rlx on 0lDrd-i, r$Htrr.$s&r.ario.,rq, r,r,,rrrr*nl3tL{jr,. *lllliffiffiff FRDM.: EAGLE URLLEY CABI,ET O FEOH : EffiLE UNLLEY CABII€T )1AY-r4-2002 TUI 09124 AIJ TllE U Awnlng Windows FRX f€. : g1a?Al!r?s Ou". zr AAa3 a?:zffn p1 FFX NO, I 97A14Bt 179 nae' t4 ?A€e 11:564r'l tlrDoll 0ENTER FA){ ll0, 3012889175 P. ffi..oT-l PZ 03 t'till:ff ii?*-;,.f'BE-€':i}:T:i,:':::1ii:111?;*11;:ll;,:in"' :i'T , .{._..:!e.::.---?I _-.1,j_Tj=l_:T: toboth;nhriorrndexteriorof inrut.rodgtrri. iil9 1 ."t*{,,,".nEl.*m,@m ffi ' il':;fiJ,1iilffi::i:ii:flfij;::'r:H,, ,i,r1 u.fl,nfiui", f,],,m,,m ffi , fl'll;ixlili.il,'ilili#'Jl,,,I,areavai,ab,c. i q i 1,,.,-q, 0*^F*,*-[-1,**,8 m ffi ;1t,1 ,,,m,,,.[J",,,H1,*._,H, m H 'Pi(tute Windowtruffi::.$tll;l ifi-{ *H[, P* ,FJ ffi 'f i1 .[1.,,[J" ,[J m l$lt,l *[iI,.,H. .f] F iul'i-l ,,m,,,il, H [J H'11 ffim[lH b]'i{ ,m.,[J,[J F rr'"-l J(a^ !!atn il'Tl [t*rJ ffi [ilI'-J n LJl(ll..aa il$(l.lft [1tJt({,a!rl nr(,.toa0 ns(tl'lllartIN J((t.10|l ffi [J mnv{^,'laril H f ormula for Combinllbn windcws t Oraflll l rna d;ficnjlo^r.rrr aquiulltnl lO !h0 tuft of th.,^(lvi(t:rll titma Cinrnilonr. Owrrltioulh oreninlt rrctqrrivctc^t t9 rE )v||iO, Utr lnallvrCUll lr.mC d|'nanJ;o^r fr"tYr- i^ h.lqht.nd t.. . W;ndow unii gC ltnlliona dra(felto! Dt ioining ,JfiBsro9.that A0 mdlio6t hc,r.,d!intuior,nd tnrfior Bf t.6r.rart, Ctllrla65; @.F.m -l ''-" | | @.L_i-H o.owinot irt firrt f ltl^,l Inotanto litc Fill|rrnf to. Jt)L rDC o/lllrr,'-l I\/ T\*----/ /-' ' /L- LLh _>,ru\il)a I ,"T, tz\:d SLbLLLb2OI :1,r0dl 8s : atr Ea@e-g-Nnr FRON : ERGLE URLLEY Ftrx No. i s?a14ar.:zs a)rr", Ffli {0, 30328897?5 CRBINET 23 ?A@3 12:21Pt'l P. 0? P1 0UOIElr 7i30001s EHIP T0r UHlr ory PRICE EITE DIO 'FRIqE I (" Silcline Awrtng Unlt ..) :, i-.-____ _ tl3s.c4 _-s .. sl,6gIgr_ ' . ,i.i:i:l 10 .r.-.tri3 Cta(, Awning Unll . .:']e'', (Ssrcsbne-l.ldwa) ,::i;g . r:;;i,€. Clad Cegemcnt Unit . . :..rr ''r', ./:::leHT'r Total; f1,107,52 Sub lorrt: $1,007.82 SALEg 7A!( (a,r %l: t7o.t3IETTOTAL: ll,0rr.!l t:. 1clI Ittlrgr r' &litrtD atr.'|la.li r^? nrr ^i, r{i ft to aEtrrlri rr cll. ur/,/0c1. cd:r] a * Le) a -Pg*-t o= iittt o ,).- 223 fr!'ag*\\ +clj.l<-* za ():6 ^.-.ftlqX\9 \r-.*-q e-\13r'€.--Ir.erutj , ,\&"-r.- G--iz-.-.=..-\ 4-geq-s . qA{' iE' Ni fl<- VE A f' e $r? F K'*x F,& u?- IF\ ^+ LiaNdi,yfl PFb C WE * ztr r"l*ruOl "<t*'- "( bt..)c' o *\ c\c'o c- \ rL zrt d:o,r -'".2 \}'J.",,.1 Zrtt \3E ,L!_",&e,L',*-< on- / {- ^rlr;)r-- \9 , =.'*l^-l \--\'L4{'C\ 't $ * \ "k =ei0 -------ax-t- rr'cu t<..- q t7-/' aa-z-*1"{'-"-,gyz-> e;\ ,O''' O' U" DEPARTMENT OF COMMLINITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vAn co 81657 970479-n38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMT Permit #: 8034163 Job Address.: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location..,...: 385 GORE CREEK DR #201 Applied.,.: 06/27/2003 Parcel No....: 270108232007 Iszued...: 07/09/2003 ProjectNo...: p(fSOt+ t<S Expires...: 07/05/2004 owNER KNTGHT, CONSTAIICE B. 06/27/2003 ptrone: 385 GORE CREEK DR 201 VAIIJ CO 81557 License: CONTRACTOR EAGI-'E VAITIJEY CABINET & CONSToS/27/2OO3 Phone: 97O-748-aL79 L,icense:579-B APPLTCANf EAGT,E VATJIJEY CABTNET & CONST06/27/2003 Phone: 97O-748-tL79 Iricense: 579-B Desciption: REPLACE WINDOWS IN LIVING ROOM Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family Type Construction: V lHR TypeOccupancy: ?? Valuation: $1,600.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y Add Sq Ft 0 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of S0 . o0 Total Calculated Fees-> $97. 13 SO . O0 Additional Fees--->$0.00 SO.OO Total permit Fee_> 992.13 $0.00 Payments-> $97.13 $0. 00 Wood Pel]eh FEE SUMMARY Buildlng-> $57. 05 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Che&-> S3? . 08 DRB Fee---> Investigation-> will call-> $0 . 00 ftscreation Fee-> S3 . 00 Clean-uP DePosit--> TOTAL FEE$-> Se?.13 BALANCE DUE--> Approvals:I€e.n: 05100 BUILDING DEPARITTIENI o7 / 01- / 2oo3 ,IRII Act ion : AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEIfI Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENf Item: 05500 PITBIJIC WORKS ,*ttsi*i{t**t*****r*ffi:*l1t*ffi***nffirffiti***rr* ******tr***tr:ffi*ffi See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiory filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct I agree to comply with the infonnation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build tltis structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniforrr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECIION ST{ALL BE MADETWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATI,JRE OF OWNEROR FOR HIIVISELF AND OWNEI PAGE 2 Permit #: 80&0163 CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL as oI07-09-2003 Status: ISSLiED PermitType: ADD/ALTMFBUILDPERMIT Applied: 06/27/2003 Applicanf EAGLEVALLEYCABINET&CONSTRUC Issued: 07/09/2003 970-748-7179 ToExpire: 07/05/2004 |ob Address: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 385 GORE CREEK DR #201 ParcelNo: 270708232007 Description: REPLACE WINDOWS IN LTVING ROOM Conditions: Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQTIIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:14 @LDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILING$AI.ID FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond:15 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALLBEDROOMSAND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.9.1 OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQT]]RED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 'i'i******+*'+'+*{'f*ff1f,+'}*l'**+****+*+*lr********lta**+*****************t!t***{"}t**t't+++ft**+t++** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€Nnent *'l'i ***** f{' + ** **t*alf*f ft*'}*'}*****+*'} + + ********** * ***** ***** + + ++ + +l ++***f+f** f+ * **** ********+ statement Nunber: R030004286 Arnount: $97.13 07/09/2OO3L1 :12 Alr! Pa)ment Method: Credit Crd Init: LrC lilotation: by credit card; Connie Icright Permit No: 803-0163 Type: ADD/AL,T MF BUILD PER.IIIT Parcel No: 2LOLO8232OO7 Sit.e Addre8s: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 385 GORE CREEK DR #201 Total Fees3 $97.13 This Payment: $97.13 Total ALL Pnts: $9?.13 Balancer $0.00 * * ++ +***'t * * ** * * * ftl*f+****+tf*'i*+** * ** *****t * *** ***** + *{' +**** ***r* ***++t***+*** **** * ** *++*** ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERI4IT FEES 57.05 PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 37.08 hIC OO1OOOO31128OO I,JILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO ll AP P L, cA' o N $ @+ il, G -r,."i": JJ \ ._. I | - l- _=-B.Sldjl_e, SeparateTOWll0FYtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado El657 (r-r ' cotuplere vllunrtoNs FoR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: S t'to DD.-ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$TOTAL:$ , ,,zOO.- For Parcel # Contact .Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Pqcel.#, \o\ o?zz?46\ 'tou t'tame:)fi 1.,6rLt- k-s JobAddress: j k< qo^-C^rL TJ.. c Zpr -\)!r' Subdivision: V 0{IC,+_t €fLegal Description Lot:Block:Filing: owners Name:g*ui, a{rr",q L4 Address: ]FS 6a,- (ye"-K,'\. . Phone: q Tto .3 U tS ArchitecUDesigner:Address: t-/Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: \ . tl'V-.o--\4{-O.<.<- g-:s"t-dx:\<)S tvt- \[r/t"\O y'--b{)rvr. . WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel $li- Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( )' . 'I ,,, Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both $l Does an EHU exist at thls location: Yes ( ) No ( '>$ Type of Bldg.: SingleJamily ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family clt)- commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) .. No. of Existing Dwelling Units inlllbuilding:;L 3 No. of Accommodation Units in this buildingl __&6- Noffvpe of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) woodiPellet ( ) wood Burning (\} I No/Tvpe of Fireplaces proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) D6EE aTire ntErrn exist Yes ( ) No ( )@Yes() No( ****************+**r.*U.*r.***r***FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*********d*g.****l.lH.*******i*rt*** L:-- n'off: \\VAiI\dAtA\CdCV\FORM S\PERMITS\BLDGPERM, DOC 07 t26t2002 tl '--ffi Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name:Kw\ Project Address: / This Chsklist must be ampleted before a Building Permit aooliation b acepted, { ltt page's of application is complete {nut DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form q/Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex o Complete site plan submitted o Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) o Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,parkinq or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulderc without written aooroval o Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring o Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) o Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(S sets of plans for MulU-Family and Commercial Buildings) s Window and door schedule s Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) o Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) a Soils Repoft must be submitted prior to footing inspection o Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated s Smoke detectors shown on Plans o Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicanfs Signature: Date of submittan L/?9/- = \Vail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC Received By: 04t02r2003 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Departmenf the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date: ll F: everyone/forms/bldperm3 Signature DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: a The Town of Vail Building Depaftment has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. a The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culvefts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2L98 to request an inspection from the Public WorK Depaftment. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. o Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be approving all final drainage and culveft installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Ceftificate of Occupancv issuance. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed: F :/everyone/forms/bldperm6 PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. ) A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper, An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all fraffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. > The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed, Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. F As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Depaftment will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". ) NOTE: The above pKrcess is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and understand the above. Signature F:/everyone/forms/bld perm5 Date Signed MATERIAL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTION PARKING Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBIJC WAYS PROHIBITED o Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlaMul for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. o Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notiff and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. a Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 ofthis code. tr Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-1 AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED D No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) $ 1) o Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any segtion of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or ciruse it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) $ 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship to Project: te Vtux,t ?::":':::#21"s IOI4'NM Vail 2003 Vail Village and Lionshead Village Gonstruction Hours Information Handout r - Problem Statement Vail Village and Lionshead Village are invaluable assets to the community. Thousands of people come to Vail each year to sightsee, recreate, shop and to enjoy everything the Vail Valley has to offer. The community and merchants rely upon our guest to generate revenue. Our summer/winter guests expect a pleasant experience while in Vail. To insure that all of the proposed construction has as liftle negative impact on the community and on our guest as possible, the Town of Vail finds it imperative to create and implement the Vail Village and Lionshead Village Construction Hours Handout. It would be irresponsible for the Town of Vail, the Construction Contractors and the Merchants, to not actively participate to minimize the impact of construction in the Vail and Lionshead Village areas. Givens The following givens are intended to provide the basic foundation by which construction will be completed in the Villages: . The public's health, safety and welfare shall be honored at all times. . Adequate pedestrian, loading/delivery, vehicle, and emergency vehicle access and circulation shall be maintained. . Roadways and pedestrian walkways shall be kept clean and free of dirt and debris. . All construction deliveries, equipment, tools and materials entering the Vail Village and Pedestrian areas must go through Check Point Charlie. All Lionshead construction activity must go to the Vail Police Department for a parking permit. Do not use delivery zones for construction parking, refer to approved staging plan or make other arrangements for parking. . The hours of Outside Construction Activity shall be as follows: - April 15 - June 20 & September I - November 14,7 a.m. until 7 p.m., seven days a week. June 2O-September 5, work must end bv 4:00 p.m. on Fridavs. November 14 - April 15,2004 work allowed within daylight hours only. - Deliveries shall be restricted to the hours of 7 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Gore Creek Drive and 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. on Bridge Street. - Special delivery permits must be requested in advance, from Public Works in conjunction with Code Enforcement at Checkpoint Charlie. - No construction activity shall occur on Saturday or Sunday between June 21 & September 7. ruw# Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departlent of cornmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479,21$ fax: 970.479.2452 web: wnwci,vail.co.us PToJect l{ame: Knight Residence DRB Number: DR8030242 ProJect DescrlpUon: Windows/door replacement Partlclpanb: OWNER KNIGHT, @NSTANCE B. 06/2312003 phone; 385 GORE CREEK DR 201 VAIL @ 81557 License: APPUCANT KNIGHT, CONSTANCE B, 06/2312003 phone: 385 GORE CREEK DR 201 VAIL CO 81657 License: ProiectAddrcss: 385 E GORE CREEK DRVAIL Locaflon: tegal Descrlptlon: Lot: 14-1 Block: Subdivision: VORLAUFER CONDO Parcel Number: 210109232007 Comments: no changes from 2001 approval BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Moton By: Acton: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofAppmvatz 0612512003 Gondldons: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Tovvn of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PljN): DRB approval does not aonstltute a permit for bulldlng. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to @nstruction acflvlties. Cond: CON0005957 That the size and olor of the nernr door/windows match odsting Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee pald: 32O.Oo .FROII :.EAGLE UTLEY CABII'ET FAX t'fo. i 9W48t7?9 '-vun. 21 269'3 W.19Fn PI hav. t4 290? 11::6r+l 30?2069?i5 i'' O HARDWARE Two sosh lo<ll closo pgiiUvcly lnd ,ocufcr. t'hoolh, tclrr6Fr(llai mra' opcr or oP.t\t !fid (lorot the rdrh with Pose, h iddltion, the ope/tlol nm dii4onn'rt wilhoul lool5. lhi! tlows t tiosugh chrning ftorn in,lde. .Hingrt lfe @ncenled Vpe. sa$ lo(lr ,nd ,oto.oD0nlot, ,r! av|ilabl. il Whitr, 8/o!rn, Srndltona of Erttht lrltt. FRO'I : EAGLE VALLEY CRD IIIIET FCX NO. : |'Ay-14-2002 TUI 09:2d Ail T|{E UII'|DoII CEll'!!E B7s?481t?9 FA,( NO. PI v( p -z(----'' o INSECT SCREgN* A convs0[dl Pluh0cf pln lyilefil lll0wr 0aiy.in, €ilv.001 intblhti0n of In litfriof inst(t i(r?gn. Al$, e uniqu0 helC rcreen slrrrt,d giv|t| }OU toorn t! tf,dl J t(rcen eallty ;n rnd ou!, whlb rvolding iie roh. ooef:lo/ h.ndlQ, ThG;nrcct tcttonS tough {iborghtr mrsh It mCunlcd ln an rllr' mlnlm |smt. lcPml rrr rvoilaDla in yhile. 0Z&vn ond srndrtone, ln..r.ht t {.,..dr',t{ r.arr{r,|.l'r,r.rr.t-r gt. E- fn ,-.a a { .Jai a |L rr.I L^ th.t.{r . .rr. Ltl}r.,, irlrr q.! yl r, d '.r..r l.r I. t''. I r- -J l|.4,l rt1!1,t.6t1t Cll,no[ A*,,',irr$s O FRAMEs Arvotng windowl trc liko g'rrrs lrtdding blockt' ll llicreni ,'lr'.1 ur.\I rurl,i{irt llonr. drly grin excitc mortt In co lrln i'on. In lbbcn atlitlgalll[nt, rhLly reved r hofizoq lrmto by irlmo Stmked t tdl.lty.ti.,lC, thay (tGolr .r conlcmpo/,try wir\dow wrll. Nr)r(D (lad Awnlng Win{gwl llt in the view witlro,ii?iiirtffilln9 yontrtrtion tnd lhey rrrai'r' loifr S^crgy Gffkie (y. Eitodof f/!ma t.tl (r(h trrtfi(Rs afc co?lphl4ly C0verod \,tilh mdinle' .nen(0.1fco, extfuddd 0luninur cbdding, whlle 0 --hrturrl wsod Intorior rnrnat dtep|/c{ foryout cho;{c of point or 3lJn, An nlagral altmittrltt nailirg tin 0llowr q(i(k, ctty rfililhlon. f lir,dr'ro i! itv,trl0gle ur Pqhr Whilu, Ernntono Etown, tondthnt 8ciqe, Ho: tfoni &&n, vsnlllo crc,1fl] 0f lufflundy. O GLATINq 'ooublq pina, ch'lr l&ulaling 9l!t5 E o tull l. " thkk to ensun high energy rificicnql Popr.flir l0l' glctt wiut uplionrl atggn it also availablu, Additiofrl 9U!i,tE opliont include Etonz/Gny Tint, Obscvrc lnd lirr rlrcred gllst, sAst{ A tlvnbh t6ih, lt/r(" thicl, h ddubfe rcin' forccd by ngr litn ,rnd tonon wood joints, lUfursd witll f,\fttt l,lttt^rr5, fhc cncrior, lrllonod wth titid (or'mf t(syed rnd grfrlw end t ost ccnrul,clicn, ptomlset O supodor ..,trcngllr. r.** : EAGLE URLLEY cnErNET .Y, , .F,lg,-E 6LLEY r:,i8tNEr ilAy_ti'_2l|J2 tUt oe,ei nil rrrs [Tfl ottn'not td s/4 x rslrti h*J ila. -\f FAX l.lo, | 9?A74gtt?g -Jun, 21 2983 @7iA@trt pz FAX NO, I l^rll'lD'U CENTE' 9747481L7g FAI( NO, n^+ t4 2@62 3032889775 rr:JEltl'l FJ P, 0{ Vard iu 8{y2 3ci4, '/1,. 1, uit,tfilcE Frame SEe: 18 x 5g t/4 lt#;".1.:l'""or unrt [F stttttno Awnine gp11,,,1 l4/Neilinr Flnrwl.0.typov r.r,lxawr ;ltri?E- l,lunUoin iB-m Ffi'.-i-1;;frox h;.a_.._:Tt!ro. gt0.n Framrs,rel6fi-) 2 f#Ht @tnsr/*, ,"0 : xi.Alrlludc OulnnlOno.Llb lroiln.€gl.i (groui+Hdml WNeitng Fih Frarnc Sizel l{l r {O t/d(8roon) Sltnltnr CM Cas6r,.nt Unil Hi.Alttudr Charhsul one.Uro WNrihs Fin / |!CUETOl,lHElOHrn ' )J)'t'F 'vnr# \r^-r ..r#!Yf' *n' ut' .'' .-,... li"'-'-liltll It ,.rt , ,Jl rrmt lt{ irl|Ihr, !c } rr.o. I, ffi+.JitlreF|F|D$*L ( f FTE"i:- COPY { q trrLrarra offii ,t||fiotrtt tr*r,r ." r *rr,*..Hff*L{j r,,rffi * F.ROII ; EnSLE UnLLEY cnBIMI FAX I,E. FiO]'1 : EAGLE VRLLEY CAEII.ET FRX NO, llAY-'4-2002 TUE 09124 AIJ TllE lrlNDotl ctNTER ,r"F-,*H,@m, ,,H[,-[;;I,,m, m ll.ql firl Fr r.-i ,,,"k'tr*,,lni!1,,[#, I#" "[J*,ffi, ,H, ,m | 9747481179 .-tun. 2L 2Ag3 A7t21Pn P1 | 9?A?4Er t?9 mav, 14 29€a I I i 'i6flr1 PZ FAt ilo, 3032889?75 P03 F-gr.cm , Slmulated oivided lltts (SDr.) 67e py;|1.610 whh ,t". I r/r" ot tlhr muntin baE pcrmoncntly rpplicd to bolh ifitlaidr and erterio, of inrufatod gtrri. t Airrpace grillor, lrlspendad tnlldc inrvlrtod gles, rr. avriloble ln White, Brown, Slndrtonr, Hlnlord Green, Vonillr Crtrm or Burgundy. . KD .nd tull lurround Wood Grillu are avallable. ffi [-3Eril|-l!. f-'l lgrrr.drt[fl(nr{ Windowc,ffi *ffi[,_m,,Hl ffi ffi #,,[J, f] m H ,,[il",,H^,f] il ffi ,,m,il.[J [J m ,fi,"m,,[J H m fTl r'-'x !-t tr-T r1ttil ULI il.j rrr,ilrirr rril,rrr lffi *Hi| 1,,.",0,, mm mtr FM HH fsrnulr for Cofibinfibn winde wr r OvQttlrltrtrra dinrnrlo^r t.rq!rvattnt lg tho ru,h of thrrnnr*0r trom! dinrndonl. Ovg/tll f9u9h oFninga .rc !q!l'Y.G^t te r! )u i u, lt||l lNatlyldutl ff.m c dtrrl!njionr rrtltr" l^ h.ltlhl dl|d '/." ' llii{,'lo,!i5'i?liT,i$tl^,,'. ro9|li.t, At, fie ;o^t hdudr intarior Ind tntrlor m,tltr rrr. Ctn'/ r/tr.8 E[-En. @ f-lr-i I I E,U.H ofawhof irt lirrt[rw, taOfi|lo lirc Ftt(.rr1t to. SOL r6d 0rlll|rr\r I I ) I )\/ h / - I / r\.__.-/ L- ' / L- t) L-2 / J *ft,p, Awnlng Windoun t rIzd gLblJ,LbtOL Zru :l,loul es:atr teaa-g-Nnf P1-:ER6LE UALLEY CABINFT FAX N0. | 919?4SLt19 r-,.Jun, 23 M3 12t21Pn P, 02 0U0TE lr 7J30001s SH|P T0l (" Sfteline Awilng Unlt'.) ' :: _ t53S.6{ --s 3r e9li2 . .r":+ r 18 .rr.'t;r.r Cfad AYr[in9 Unll :rteti (Surdq64e-Pqp61 '. :,, ;9 11i;i)d. cled cafemcni unit ,rr -:.:::lohT'. Total, f1,t0t.S2subtotrt: l1,C0t.B2 SAI€8 7AI (a.4 %): t7o.t3ET?OrAL: 11,6rArr t:. l cll ,.FlM rt urpil 19 gh,rgr.1 Fnli !'10, 30328087?5 #,[r oTY EIIENDto FRICq |r.i tltd .:7 rOi ,! to ard rallf t ldcll. rrtfloCt . t$:,rl f;oFVArL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 Valuation: $2,500.00 FireDlac€ lnformation: Restricled: Y Building------> PIan Check---> lnv€stigation-> Will Call----> # ofGas Appliances: 0 S83 .25 Restusrsnt Plan Review--> s54 ,11 DRB Fee--> $0.00 RecreationFee--> $3.00 Clean-upDeposit*--> Add Sq Ft 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood P€llel: 0 S0.00 Additiond Fees-> DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT S^-.t Oi[[-q. stl Lo,fs tq - .. "%i(t t NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES + so3 ADD/ALTMFBUILDPERMIT Permit #: 803-0202 Job Address.: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: Vorlaufer Unit 303 Applied...: 07/31/2003 Parcel No....: 210108238012 Issued ...: 091302003 Project No...: Expires...: 03128/2004 owNER COIIAGEN, JOHITI R. & MARY C. 07/3L/2O03 phone: 3939 N 95TH ST BOT'IJDER CO a030L-4942 License: COIITRACTOR SNOW GOOSE IIII\rESTMENTS L.L.CO1 /3L/2003 Phone: 3O3-66L-O822 3939 N. 95TH STREET BOIILDER, CO 803 01 License: 104-B APPIJICANT SNOW GOOSE rNVEStttENrS L.L.CO1 /3t/2OO3 Phone: 303-661-0822 3939 N. 95TII STREET BOI'LDER, CO 80301 License: 104 -B Desciption: Raise roof 3', removing existing roof overhang Occupancy: R! Type Consfuction: V l-HR Type V l-Hour Type Occupancy: ?? U-.1"-"^b".-^- s75. 00 SO . OO Total permit Fee___> 9215.3G *t|l|lt|{l:l+||+llt|'|ti+t|..:l|'|ti*t***t'.|'t.+||*t*'|.*+)|t|*ll+'t*.+*i.| 50.00 Total Calculated Fees-> S140.36 $0. 00 TOTAL FEES-__> S140.36 BALANCE DUE.---.-> $21s.36 so. o0 Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMET{II o8/L9/2o03 Cdavj.s Actionr AP subject to Field Inspection Itsem3 05400 PLANNING DEPARII,IEMI o7/3L/2oo3 bgibson Action: AP ITEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PUBIJIC WORKS PAGE 2 **{t*dt:i*{t'}'t.'t*'||,t*{t:f*!*'}**t't|:|t'}!t't'x{!*!t'|t**:t:i*!i*:t't|***:i**'t*!t,*i*:*****!t|********i*** CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Permit#: 803-0202 asof09-30-2003 Status: ISSUED ****|***+,f*+,i***'t{t*!**:i'f'|.'}*'}****:*****'lt{''t'|t{.'}'t{.*f'}**,f***++'}+*+*,*'|'!t'f****t}**{''}****'|tlt*******+*** PermitType: ADD/ALTMFBLJILDPERMIT Applied: 07/31/2003 Applicant: sNow GoosE INVESTMENTS L.L.C. Issued: 09/30D003 303-661-0822 To Expire: 03128/2004 Job Address: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: Vorlaufer Unit 303 ParcelNo: 210108238012 Description: Raise roof 3', removing existing roof overhang Conditions: Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC,3IO.9.I OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: I @IRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE A}.iY WORK CAN BE STARTED. *fi r*'r,r*rll+rr*+rt+'r*iar*,r*tttaaar,rra,r*r***tltarta*a'ra* See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build tlris structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFRCE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF w3offi AppLrcAnoltr wrLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLErt?J"r#,r'@:0E* Building Permit #: 97G47e.2litg on.pccilom) t'Ht!H**|H,H*:k**!H,*titt***FOR OFFICE USE ONLYT****+****|#*t*rft***4*:k****r* 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Golorado 81657 Contact and Phone'Fs:go3-66/-oB2Z 3123-61t-96 of Vail Reg. No.lGeneral Contractor: TH€Sluaar4aos€ & Email address: j 4 e tlA d zn @ sNo at 6 aa S € @ m P*tu / 4, Co /v1,4,, COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT & BUfLDfNG: S 2,5OOoP ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ 2,5OOo" For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit atol-og7-32-ol€Uo,(cl+-{^ FAZ JobAddress: 3BS GoC€ CBcZrcDpr,,,dJob Name: Uonc-nu.fet /OtaagJ p#Bt Subdivision: UlcrA Ur\cgAcrSCr rdo Phone:3dtsfbbl-OAddress: 3131 f S}* 56_ BoucOEn Detailed descriDlion of work:-";;;il*l{uria-.4 *l".-6 t R*:^- o^ & o-J& -^"c-i*' cloc^r Work Class: New( ) Addition ( ) Remodel ( ) Repair ({ Demo( ) Other ( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior ( tf Exbrior (Pt- Boh( ) Type of Bldg.: Singlefamily ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family (/) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: :2 q Gas Aooliances ( ) GasLoos( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (--)Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (,,f No ( ) Otler.f!9s: DRB Fees: Type of Construction: Occupancy Group: \Vail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC Date Received: o4n2/2003 BUI LDI NG PERMIT I SSUANCE TI ME FRAME lf this pamit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Brgineer's (H.tblic Works) revievv and approval, a Hanning Department revierr or l'leallh Department rervietar, and a revievv by the &rilding Department, the e$imated time for a total revieur will take as long as three (3) weeks. Al commercial (large or srnall) and all multi-family permits will have to follo,tr the above mentioned maximum requirements. fusidential and small projeds strould take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or srnaller projects impac-t the various above mentioned departments with regard to necssary review, these projeds may also take three (3) weeksto review and approve. fuery attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as pos$ble. l, the undersigned, understand the plan cfreck procedure and lime frame. I also underSand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, thd I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affec't future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Dde:/7/03 Plint name \Vail\data\cdov\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC 04rc2n003 Q.redions? Call the &rilding Team at 479-2325 Perm it Subm ittal Checklist Department of Com munity Development Project Name: Project Address:/erc ) This Checklist must be amoleted before a Buildino Permit apPlication is accepted. / All pages of application is complete .f,- Has DRII approval obtained (if required) Ptovide a copy of approval form / Oondominium Association letter of approval atlacfred if projed is a Multi-Family complex tAt Oomplete sate plan srbmitted'r' N/F Rrblic Way Permit application induded if applicable (refer to Rrblic Works checklist) u lA Saging plan induded (refer to Rlblic Works checkli$) No dum pster.parkino or material storage 't r' ' allowed on roadways and shoulders without written approval t|lfr Asb6{os ted and re$lts submitted if demolition is ocanrring- t s Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) NIPF /r/**r€72 /eaaqdta Foar Et'?ry e- ----t-----389 6aei lzczzz Zeraf Full floor plans induding building sedions and elevations(s sets of plans for Multi-Family and Oommercial Brildings) Windour and door schedule Full slruclural plang induding design criteria (i.e.loads) Nlh 'd y' $ruduraf Ergineer $amp and signalure on drudural ptans (Al Oommercial and Mufti eanity) (Z a-;^) lilh" Soils Report mu$ be srbmitted prior to footing inspection NlPe Fire resi$ive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated fllFo $noke detedors shovn on plans illP Types and quantity of fireplaces sho,vn Applicant's Signature k+ Date of submittal: \WA|I\dAIA\CdEV\FORMS\PERM ITS\BLDGPERM. DOC Received Byr: o/,n?],ro@ .f KRM CONSULTANTS, lNC. P.Q. Box 4572 Vail, Golorado 81658 (970) 949-9391 FAX (970) 949-1577 s*rr*. I oF-------J- c^,c'.or.o e"-Ee1ll-- ** to ,/ | e / O a CHECKED BY 3/tt'= l'-o : FLA3HTNq RooFlNgND e.[6 lOq'|ilbrt[n tc *LNe) uJ*LLAsseil.tuES s, d. -* t-& rq e! - +!n\,u' v'l/ DE*.tNg t cw oFF EA/E ovERHANqg'Aa, ExTEetoF.. FACE OF 9TUD NALL et)Th. 9TUD NALLTO REMAIN r AoJACaNT STdD TO END Otr EX1TG, BEAM - NEN Zx+ SituD9 ,, @ l6t'o,C, N/ 'l;' FLYND, sHEATHIN€ JY. Jt- f 5m 2_o F $ H dl $i--*1 i I \l l$3 HI lci d3 EI I d: Rtrl \.r-+i I I H$ [tR ['- d. A I a-l b $H $\ I I IJ I t2 R, fr$$PE\ $s: zGtr "ff3NLCtn =$ T I v)o rrri $ tittttRU /,il.ttiHq*tl r-€P1 l"-.f+|$$ rrdgV=?O TO 'OZ"qO PO 1,1Lr..?6. O1 0g:504D/r .at.- ox€ l0tlJ- ts€-'.^: r;L A&uT 16l(/u | _ ='--,:_,,tv+*il-fttlaf,)erYgX;'Ea"tveP?L-jF#'Iri-<auT lt')wt f .5'-E'6rurlF- --- Tfrts FEaP wtll- 't*iE#r$, S?4'T tt't %I?JJrfJR'-F tTtn* vJN@'^) w EUtLgltNg. wff'| wwcuffi t*::iii *s PuoTb6F*?tt g ' a4q1tPPfr I Iv SffiIl"a, s4sta+ a? W*L 6k7w+e 1- dro $ $\ d $ IF ll : J :rbI3d $[* d tq rt $0 zod r^rvgr:60 ro '9t 'eo E $ * $o K u) v1 ,a I CTf-s b ,- 1(58 rPA ,-f [i$ E slU Sgt Eu?l B ; Esn EFil tili "{$T\:i $$$i$ g15" lt f]j"l, nU "[lll' i"l ts -ll ni $q \3 ,$ ;{l ,H iE!g dsl $l $ ? ,g {$ !t \ $$ $ //,l tE. E5 tur,. 5$ u I otrtH E I il\,| \ I I / {n Ht {, I.'\T€g?r?o TO 'OZ "eo?oa .s in "r.{& -.,.-,ii. -- ,1-.-1 - i-r-..r-i--, I $rr. ;.,...r,,.-, ..- i-"..,.'", S^*"^-o.a- ++'ct tj^^-t &l$r^r^-}- a'--6\-- 3939 95th STREET BOULDER, CO 80301-4942 303-66'1-0892 tAX 303-661-0831 July29,2003 Mr. Charlie Davis Ms. Doris Flores Town of Vail Building Safety & Inspection Services 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Davis & Ms. Flores: Please find attached a building permit application for a roof raising and access at our condo in the Vorlaufer Condominiums. I believe all documents are properly attached and I understand that I will need to pay the fee to reactivate the contactor's license for the Snow Goose Companies (Snow Goose Investments) at the time of payment for the permit. If I can be of any assistance in the permit process, please contact me. Sincerely,4,+ zt6tn"P.. Cohagen JRC/dlp G:VOHN\Building Permit Application Enclosure 072903 DLP.doc 3939 95th SIREEI BOULDER, CO 80301 '1?'r2 303,661-0829 FAX 3C3-661 -08:l I^CPY aorJ+. zoo: Mr. Bill Gibson Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Bill: I appreciate the time you took several weeks ago to discuss the status of our Design Review from August 2001. As I explained at the time of our discussion, the Board of Directors of the Association, though giving preliminary approval prior to the submission of the plans to the town, would not give final approval. This caused the project to be put on hold while we worked with the association. The association's concern was that we would create a habitable area out of the space and convert it to use for our personal living. Though this was clearly not the intent, and would in fact violate the Town of Vail approval, it took me well over a year to convince thern of this. I explained that if in fact we were to turn it into a habitable space, the Town of Vail would have action against us; and, all the association would need to do is call the Department of Community Development. The Town of Vail's prior approval was vacated since it took so long to get the association's final approval. Therefore, we would like to reapply for the same approval short of the fold down ladder. We have learned that the fold down ladder would not meet OSHA standards. The means for roof access would not be by an OSHA approved ladder and the roof area will be protected from the hallway by a trap door which will conform to code. I hope that I have included adequate information to seek approval of this minor modification to the Vorlaufer building. I appreciate your attention to this request. John R. Cohagen JRC/dlp Sincerely, -- / /.a'-L'4 G:Uol{NWorlaut'er Approval Rcquesl - B- Gibson - JRC 042403.doc Application for Design Review Deoartment of Community Development 75 south Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci-vail'co.us General Information: Al projects requidng design review must |€ceive appro\ral prior to submitting a building permit application' Please refer to the submittal ,"qrire..nS foi fr" p"tti"rLi appmval that is reqtrested- An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until alt reluired information is JceiveO by the Co.nmunity Devetopment Department' The propct may also need to be revielned by the Town Council-ani/or ttre Planning and Environmental Cornmbsion' Design revlew approyal f"p*"" r"i"ii, a building permit is issued and ctnstructlon commoncos withln one year of tho approval. ?ooF N4Description of the R€quest: frs ,+?P.r-o usD (NDgrL Location of the ProPosal: Lot: -_ Physical Address: parcel No.:,? lOl- O f oeZ (o -onr 9lz<f zoo 1 Subdivision: ORB Blodr: cttE-A C(r.rrf 3r! O 2Z - 3 Z' O | { (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8em fior parcel no') Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Owner(s) Signature(s) : Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:&g>r c+qclz_ _Phone:?O?-LGI- OA LL ,62- (o b l'O8.3J--E-mail Address: .=i c.o { *a Ai6 stsDuJ ' ti oos 6-ectrY\Pc^.r\irls . c-o /\n Type ofXeview and Fee: . Signs . Concepittal Review . New Construction. Addition t/ Minor Alteration' (multi-family/commercial) . Minor Altsration (singl+fiamily/duplex) . cttanges to Approved Plans . Separation Request $5O Plus $1.fi) per square foot of total sign area' No Fee retiaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plars already approved Design Review Board. No Fee For corEtruction of a new building or demo/rebuild' For an addilion where square fuotage b added to any resi&ntial or cornnrercinl building (incltlde€ 250 additions & interior conwrsbrF)' For minor changies to buildings and siG impro\tements, strh as' reroofing, painting, window additions, landscapring, fences and relaining walls, etc. For min6r changes to buildingE and sile improvements, such as, rermfing, paiiting, window additions, tandscaping, fences and $650 $300 93P. s20 by Ptanning Staff or the Cde For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Desisn Review Board ffi location: Vorlaufer Unit 303 (@u-t' ACTION FORM Department of @rnmunity De\dopmert 75 Sou$ Frontage Roa4 Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.48.2452 web: rvww.ci.vail,co. rs Project l{ame: @hagen residence DRB Number: DR8030133 koject Description: Minor Alteration - fire escape and rcof amess Participants: OWNER COHAGEN,JOHNR.&MARYC. 05/02/2003 Phone: 3939 lJ 95TH ST BOULDER CO 803014942 License: APPUCANT COHAGEN,IOHN R. & MARY C. O5lO2l2W3 Phone: 303-661-0822 3939 N 95TH ST BOULDER CO Goosecornpanies.com 80301-4942 License: ProjectAddress: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL l,-egal Description: |.oh J Block Subdivision: VILLA VALHALLA CONDO Parcel Number: 210108238012 Comments: N BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion Byr Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Dateof Approvalz OSlOil2OO3 Gonditions: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): l0o changes to these plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail sbff and/or the appropriate review ommitE{s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to constrwtion activities. Cond: CON0fi)5830 All neur construction shall matdr odsting in terns of olor and materials. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO February 19,2W3 VIA FAXAND U.S. MAIL JohnR Cohagen 3939 95h Street Boulder, CO 80301-4942 Dear John: This to provide approval ofyour proposal to renovate the area outside ofyour unit as outlined in the plans provided to the board. As we have discussed in the past, you have agreed to provide a two-year waranty on any and all work that is performed by your company. Additionally the board reserves the right to hire an independert party to evaluate the plans, as well as the work, as it progresses. Thank you for your continued patience in this matter. Sincerely, Nicholas Kemp President, Vorlaufer Board of Directors cc: Bruce Evans Kate Wasson ffil r'i:., os|. 18. ProJcct ilame: Prcjod DercrlPdonl PaillclPantc: OWNER Prctect Arltlrrtcs LqJal DcctiPtlon: Parcel llumber: Gommentel Design Review Eoard ACTION FORM oeDrrtnen! af ommunRy Detefogment zs soritfi Frontaoe Road, Vril, Colondo 81657 tcl: 970,{r9:21*t faxi 978'179'2452 webl wfwcl'vail.co,us AVIoo1IO:45 PO 1 Minor Alteradon Raise roof DRB tfumb.r: DR8010276 COHAGEN, JOHN R, & MARY C' 08/2720oi Phone: 3939 N 95TH ST BOULDER CP 80301-{942 lJcense; APPIICANT John Railton Oglzzl?fllt Phone; 949-5595 Rallbn-McEvory ARchlEcts PO Eox,+30 Avan, @ 81620 License: 395 E GORE CREEK DRVAIL LoU 1+l ElocNG subdlvlclon: voRLAUFER coNDo 210108232015 All ner,r, materlals to match e)dsting lfr,u,o,) , r{r fl,n' lcrtioni VORIIUFER #303 ilotion Ey: Second Dyi Votel Condltlone: EOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: APPROVED Date of APProvaE oelzglzoo\ Cond: I fpUpli No changes to these plans may be made wlthout the wrltten consent of Town d Vafl statr End/or the.PProprlatE rwlew commlttee(s). Entry: ob/zglzooi' eiiEJtge- Acflon: AP Ail new mat€rlals to match sBting Cpnd:0 iCt qlUl DRB rpprot/at d6es not consfltlte a permlt for building, Please consult wlth iown of Vatt Siitatng personnel prior b construction Ectlvltles' Planner: Geo4e Ruther Post lF Fax Nots '7e7'l ffiT-87' l&{,,> / To 1tfi.xj uttt3,F.t)fiortr,' '- E Cc,/Drpt Cc. Phona d Ptwr e ) -'J ?. .;- ,: j; ;r,:' raJ.' ZAZ A6.t Otsl Et {*x + DRI Fee Paid: $20.00 Reouested lnsnect Date:' Inspidon Area: Stte Address; A/FID Informaton ActivlU: B03tlam Tvps: AMF Const TyfF: Occupaity:O*ner: CO|IAGEN. JOIIN R. & MARY C ADolhant: SiIOW GOOSE Ih|\GSTMENTS L.L.c Co'r#actor: SiIOW GOOSE IIR/ESTMENTS L.L.C Thursday. Julu22,2004 CD 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Vorlaufer Unit 303 SubType: AMF Us€: V l-HR Phone: g)3€61{E22 Phon€: 4)}661-0422 StNtus: lnsp Ar€€' ISSUED CD DescrlDuon: Ra|3o roof 3. remot lno €xisflno reof werhtno Cuninent ROIJTED TO BILL ANb CD FbR REVIEW -bFLORES Requested lnsoec-tlon(s I Item: 90 BLDG-Flnal Requ€stor: SNOW GOOSE IM/ESTMENTS L.L.C. Comrn€nts: 4303 As{1ngd To: CDAVE Aclion: _ Tirns Erp; 90 BLDCrFin l 21 PLAI*ILC Foundclbn Pbn 22 PLAI$ILC Sat Plan Insoecton Hlstorv It€m: 226 FIRE DEPT. l.lOTlFCAnON Item: 30 BLDG-FrEmlno * Aooroved " 10/09/B -lnso'eclor: CDAVIS Acllon: Item: 50 BLDG-lnsuhtlon Approved " 1O/09/O3 Insp€ctor: CDAVIS Acuon: Item; 60 BLDG-Sh€strock hLil " Approved ',|(}/09()3 Inspoctot: CDAVIS Acllon. Comm€nts: EXTERIOR SHEET ROCK COMPLETE AP APPROVED APAPPROVED AP APPROVED Requested Tlme: 08:00 AM' Phone: 30!817-5066 Entered 8y: DGOLDEN K W* fisn: llem: Item: REPT131 Rtrn Id: 2LLL TO1^,[\.IOF VAIL zs s. rRowrAGE RoAD VAIL, CO 81657 97M7%2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT , I O"-^\ f)'f\<'1' :$ Lc(: (q-t( Qtss- (\ f I\tJ1 \ ._r-.{_\\ \-4_\ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES U ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 8[.2-0194 ]ob Address.: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location......: 385 EAST GORE CREEK DR #103 ParcelNo....: 210708232W3 Project No...: f\J*-- Status.....: ISSUED Applied...: 05/79/2002 Issued...: 06/25/2002 Expires..,: 72/22/2002 OMIER ROSEI,A}IDS INC * MR. KEMP PO BOX 169 IJE"XINGTON IIJ 5l-753 I-,icense: coNrRAeroR BETTER HoME rMPRovERs o6/L9/2oo2 Phone: 970-476-4712 2595 SOIITH FRONTAGE ROAD W. VAIL, CO 81557 License:120-B APPIJICANI BETTER HOME IMPROVERS I6/L9/2OO2 Phonez 97o-476-47L2 2695 SOIITH FRONTAGE ROAD W. VAIL, CO ar657 . L,icense: L20-B Desciption: REMOVE NON-LOAD BEARING WALL. CLOSETgREFRAME SMALLER CLOSET Occupanry: R1 Multi-Family Type Constmction: V 1-HR Type V 1-Hour TypeOccupancy: ?? Valuation: $3,100.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas l-ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellet *-* FEE SUMMA Building-> gB5 . oo Restuarant Plan Review-> SO . Oo Total Calculated Fees-> $143 .25 Plan Check-> S55 . 25 DRB Fee..-...-.--_-> gO. O0 Additional Fees-> 97s. 00 lnvestigation-> $O.OO ftscreation FeF-_-> 9O.OO Total Permit Fee-----> 5218.25 Will Call-> g3. OO Clean-up Deposit-> $O . O0 Paymentr-> S218.2s TOTAL FEES;---> S143.2s BALANCE DUE-> $0.00 Approvals:I€dm: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT 06/24/2002 CDAVTS Action: AP SIIBiIECT TO FrEr-,D TNSPECTION Item: 05400 PITANNING DEPARTMEIfrT Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PUBIJIC WORKS 06/19/2002 Phone: See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fulI the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and zubdivision code+ design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECnON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OLIR OFFICE FROM 8:(n AM - 5 PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: N/A SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI PAGE 2 ffi*ffi***!*,t*'t*|#**ffi#******itttl.:ffi*|hh*******|s*'*it*'t**it***it**i*it** CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Permit #:8,024194 asof 0G?5-2002 Status: ISSLIED Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applicanfi BETTERHOME IMPROVERS 9704764772 Job Address: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 385 EAST GORE CREEK DR #103 ParcelNo: 2707M232W3 Description: REMOVE NON-LOAD BEARING WALL, CLOSETgREFRAME SMALLER CLOSET Conditions: Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALIS,CEILING9AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond:16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQTIIRED IN ALLBEDROOMSAND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 OF THE 1997 TIBC. Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Applied: 06/19/2002 Issued: 06/25/2002 To Expire: 1.2/22/2002 ****+ * + + i** *** t * * ** * ** + +* * * ++t * ** ** | * ** * * * * +* t * * * ** * * * * * * * + f *t + tt * ** * * * ** * + + * * f, + * ++ * * * * *** f * + TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO StatemeNrt **+*+'|+*l'*{'* *****ti**++'l'++*t+'*************,}***i****t****+f,******+*+f+*f+** *******+**tlt:}:tl+,t Statement Nunlcer: ROOOOO2625 Amourt: $218.25 06/25/200209:41 AM Pa)ment Method: Check Init: LC Not.ation: #5149 Better Homes lflE)roverg PermiE No: 802-0194 Type: ADD/AIT MF BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2LO1OA232OO3 Sitse Address: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL, Locatsion: 385 EiAST GORE CREEK DR #103 Total Fees: SZLg.25 This Payment: S2].8-25 Total AL,t Pmts: 92t5.25 Balance: $0. oo **t*'i*t***t***{'+f+'l*'}** **'}**{'+*****'f*+* *****t**ll****:l*i'*+**l****ff*'l!t'**+***ll f :}'}**tf t*{.*tf l ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES CL OO1OOOO3123OOO CONTMCIOR LICENSES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES t.JC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 85.00 75.00 55.25 3.00 APPucArroNila$m**ll Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: -dn 37t 5q14 COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT BUTLDTNG: $ 3r lo0 ELECTRICAL: $ [-JrAwJ^L- PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: I I ROu lEr" IY'iore,r, sttIAIIL For Parcel # Contact Assessorc DNEROUTEU:recccws-ffi Parcel,# ato lo8 a3a oo3 (application will nqt be acepted without parcel number) Job Name: kr *{Job Address:?'89 Edsl Gore. c"e.L. Dn - Vo r|",ff n I d3 Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners Ntt"' Q,o€*jo*ds -J-^c Address:g,.,^ lGe l+..,"o..t ^ I,rl . b |153 Phone: 3n" 365 &q I Architect/Designer:Address:Phone: Engineer: 6u), n, €na,,,,-,.,L Address: bxe.sae u-.;l G tulg| ll PPg"d aql stss Detailed descriptioll of wok: \' 0. ^.n.o nr)n/o.J Loo.n^ t^Jo ll r loctis - "rl)-, s rnll,,r c,/os.1 WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel(y' Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( /) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (lz) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) MultFfamily (.zJ Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Ober ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: g q No. of Accommodation Units in this building: O No/Type of Fireplaces Existino: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ('/) No/Tvoe of Fireolaces Prooosed: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (\ ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No 1w11r) Fees: DRB Fees: F:/eveq/,one/forms/bldgPerm ********************************** TOhNM Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Depa ftment of Community Development IItProject Name: Kt nnP Project Address: / This Checklirtmustbeompleted beforca Building Permitappliation isaceod. { All pages of application is complete v\t \ Has DRBapproval obtained (if required) Providea copyofapprovalform a Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex .N\$ = ComPlete site Plan submitted V l+ -t Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) ^l[ q1b Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,oarkinq or material storaoe '- I '| allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aoproval rvttir.cP -.e lil"**ra and results submitted if demotition is occurring*Vlts E Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi famity) ,r , E Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for MultFFamily and l"' I t commercial) V\l '*. window und O*r. schedule .l\$E Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) \ Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) n F \ Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection MA" Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated 4li\ Smoke detectors shown on plans dA"Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: t':\_ ^s."J-r..At$/rJ N$tEvnY HOW DIDWE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Departnent Russell Fonest Director, (970)179-213e Check allthat applies. L What is the best time of day for you to use fre Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenb you have which would allow us to better serve you next time? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are commited b improving our seMce. 1. Which Dpparfnent(s) did you contact? Building \ Environrnenhl _ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB PEC _ \ 2. Was yourinitidcontaciwith ourstaffimmediate_ dow \ or no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait how long was it before you were helped? &? mnular 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No if no, why not?_, 5. Wasthis yourfirsttimebfilea DRB aq44d PECapp Bldg Permit z?.,rd ttUA 6. Please rate the,pgrformance of $e staffperson who assisted you:5 I 3 z (1)ttame:,Jd),.Dd*, ehnl,o (knowledge; re$onsiveness, availdbility) 7. Overall efiectiveness of fie Front Service Counter. 5 4 t(? t \ \ \ \ \ \ h h PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE "PUBUC WAY PERMIT": Is this a new residence? YES Is any utility work needed? Is the driveway being repaved? QUESNONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A NN Is the Right-of-[q, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YES_ NO_f_ If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2L98. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Contractor Signature Job or Project Name: Date Signed: F :/everyone/forms/bldpem4 WHEN A *PUBLIC WAy PERMIT" IS REQUIRED FOLLOWING N, Does demolition work being performed require tlq use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES_ NO_)_ YES NO\ YES Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES NO\ Is any drainage work being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public propefty? YES NO_ar__ Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? Company Name 0-tz-oz r0wn aF PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Buildino Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifu (locate) respective utiliUes prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review, If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is requircd each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. /-tz-02 Date Signed and understand the above. F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Englneer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Depaftment review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame, I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. l- rz-oz F: everyone/forms/bldperm3 PW*:TT'ITTT APPLtcArtoN parcer#:IlIn'II!-II III Alh FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTcwAYPERMTT le- Blds.Permito,E I I-I I n I T,mvmp Job Name Streot Addrsss I nnn-Tl (ltunknowncall L-J t-J LJ I 479-2138 exl.o)2.Ercavating Contractor Name Mailing Address TOV Conlrector's Uconse NumbEr REOUIREO () Phone fApCity 3. 4. Start Dat6 Work is for (circle one) Other Complolion Date Water Sewer Gas Electric Telephone (Psrmil Explrati-on Data) CATV Landscaping Temp. Site Access 5.Trench-width (min.4') Bond Amount $ 6. ALL MATERIAL. EOUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC JOB IS STARTED. 7.Rubber out-riggers are required on Asphalt surfaces undemeath the A signature below indicates a signalures are obtained, permittee necessary Town of Vail signatures. BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE working on asphalt. at all times. utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company application through the Public Works olfice to obtain the up to one week lo process. Depth TotalSF $ Total LF $ Permit Fee Total Permit Fee $ Public Service Natural Gas Group (1-800-922-1987) Public Service Company (1 U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (1-800-922-1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (970-476-7480, ext. 114) Holy Cross Electric Company (1-800-922-1987) Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town ol Vail lrrigation (970-479-2158) Town of Vail Public Works Conslruction Inspec'lor (970-479'2198) 9. THERE W|LL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit, 10. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). 11. pennitte€ must contaci Publlc Works Oepartmant at 479-2198 24 hours prior to commencino ol work. Failure to notify the Town will result in torfeiture ol bond money, Scheduled inspections which are not roady may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. 12. I certify that I have read all chapters ol Title 8 - Public Ways and Property, ol the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. Contracior's Signature ol Agr€emsnt ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. usE DASH LINES FOR CUT. Prlnt name clearly Date ol Signature Whito - Public Works Yellow - Contractor DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: \ The Town of Vail Building Depaftment has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culvefts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Depaftment. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. \ Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancv issuance. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed: "tt Wl"[ lB ('r|-tt F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSTTS ON PUBIIC WAYS PROHIBITED \ Untu"rfut deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to titter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may Guse any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. Notice and Penalty: It is unlaMul for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A.I AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTINGTRAFFIC &IMPOUNDMENTAUTHORIZED No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 1) Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) $ 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship to Project: \ \ \ DateSigned: h-t1'Ol- F:/everyon e/form s/b ld pemr T Cc.ndmo4af . LVPE oF ac. Pl CDu J6,rpoefloL0 : U _ t t+pK.^P R*s' aL^ -<, -kiln, fLmc- f^pr.rr.s tlt-c t-JAru n-zyn6crrs /hu:r BE l-.t*{t T\PE-a$,Vorlavter to3 n--*1YED C:;:.:::;. ly L: ; .,.lopment Departrnenl CDrttSre.rc ciwl ctosa q7 0e. src. bo6. I Ec{ton 10513, Unlloro or 8!rnti[g,of a p€rmit or Ydnty ol PGrolL tgadficadont rd ahall mt bc constnEd b bc I ar |99(avrl of, uy of tlp prcvisionr of thir codo &qdhtooof hmis'prcsu ming to 3iw aclcdb codc or othcr ordinancer oftb T}c lsuancc of a pcrnlt baro &0mrbvdi4 mt,?r€vcnr rhe building of,icial gton il said plans, specilicadons opcrAions being wbco in violuioa of lry o&cr ordinanccs , or sarsirll xrior of boildin3 rlo c ot TOWI,I OF VAIL $l$'+ii,,% #ii'ti,ffi OFF! A6/14/2082 13:28 18188998399 tr U'|pnl O Fcr kvlcr o ?lc.rc Comrn.|tttrthnn pry WESTERN AI.IALYTICAL PAGE gI W wortrrn Anrlldc.l Lrbo'tory, lnc. lII'. frrfird Strcct Fra- lll.''t4tlt U|t r, tc lllltt-ott A{c, CAtllll FoxTronsmlaal fprm Tc Ghrler G, lrnhenlt Flun ComDan : ftr. !h|rEil$, tlrclr. rwrrtcr! Frro|'nb.n ?toatG7a3l tnolrlllltt4t.';s lll-tt4ltt Drt r.nc 6fl{01 t.l:t Fl{ l{umtc of prlrr lrrhdq corr ggr:J /}tcsqgc: Aaofu ore tert rusufb ofJ $ornphs you wffie4 for onol,4lii The iotntcwrt|ound for @ Rasidence contsin lc$s thon lI osDestor In (dorodo, <lI osbcstos Gorrcentrstion is q.llivorcfi to no*o$css @tttoiniry. Tho ffi|tnrton conffi h thlr lb( n€rr€s moy bo prMhgod, onirtartdd, and pmbd.d tt n dlrcbJrta. f l,ou a.c not thc irh.rdod rrq)ient rry lud|r dircbei,c or uro. draer$natlon, drulhnbn, or cogyhe of ttb rm.r4p oi rny &dune(t ir rt*iy fnilfrt. ll}?u lhir* lh3t ypu hn! racrhrld thb ?mail ]||!$agc ift crmr, plc.$ d..tot n Jrd nodry tr iridcr. 86lL4/28a.? 13:28 18188998399 WESTERTU AITATYNCAT T.ABORATORY t€SlERN AMLYTICA- IEST RETORT PAGE 03 P.gf I ot 1 EFOATilO: OATE FEC€IVED; DATT REOUTFED: SUBJ€G7: MET}IODOIC'GY: AGGREOITED: trull Jrltr l+ 2qtl .htlr lt, A,O2 CLlEllT: Chrtot G. Brynhrrtr 2C9E S. Frcnt gr Rd. W.rr Vdl, Oo 8lG6z FEFERENOE: XrnpFb:fttcncr 3t6 E. Gorr Crcct Dr., Unit l0gV.it. CO Folrrtfd ugtrt Micro.coPy An.lylh for Arbcrtor; | ,amglt "Mcrhod tor rtc Orlr?rfrnfiton ol ArbFto. In gufr Buitcfirp MrtGrbb.,(EPA 600rn.93fi trt: Ithlonal Inrttrnr of Bt ndrnlr rnd lcohnobgy {tttvl,Apt t ZO0O37 i|MI,EDm,m t mtGtocAYto[ Am ntcf,Prm VEUAT DE80fr7nox rtlE8ffoilmfitfiat onm rEnout NATBIALS flotr[n|o|rt TAIEilAL' orA (lv|ng FOom Drywd fryiltr elfrv||'/ttrour T.n flbrlrra ilm-tdrblt ro||Dnrcld Cdrdotr a*Grandar llincrdr Gyprun ofB Uvt'lg Fbotrr Joitrt Cotttpound Wtdll gnnulr t{on-frilblc Crryreefr =rf ilom Drtrarcd Grcruhr iiln rlb Oremiot r: t rlca r grfilr lhfn lrf, <t - lH thrn Optk!.f Mbrorcogi.t 'ThalPArnnodb.-maq.rthFF arr' tlrr:HrrillnrrrfiObrFlrtltnntIrblrorrtrlo,r!r*.dnraG -|t. af i|I! drf,tTlf tltE|ttr.Er.t||. ||rt9rlrt mrl-_-r-!t TrFtaE Dr-ltrrlilE_-t ttE - rE rr, tu l|llrr tra_m rr:rt tqn flEt rha:rDb fr IrDhFf tlDr]lD irl .||flr r::!rrr - irr iCrq:|r5 ||rilf r* '.tlt h!. !r|['l||rc Tr.slr.r{ttttrAl rr.lrrnt-td!tr-r rE|f {rrtaof|nr'|racraII| r.!firu|t. twlP&c.t|lcmtn l t|.rbcd !' b ctllt'b rlh rrdH Jrffiu rrvrr'|' a]v|g.nc, cha uaOolrnnt |27llllrmfordStrrr:t,Suirrt9. Arf.rr.cAgltSl . (tlOlti{e€. (ttc}!9}-ot99fu uot Ltt Lag! Lz: t|.a I /U5s95l5J It i.s not e structural. or rherely provl,des a dividect and the entry-rray. There being el,iminated. SFSNCER CO.IC / EI'IIFG PA€E 81 .Iune 16r zoo2 Bernhardt and Associ.ates 2695 S" Frontege RoadVallr Colorado 81657 EAt( (970) tt?6 - 7651 RE; The Kenp Residence VorLauf,er Condoni.niums #103 385 E Gore'Creek Drive Vall, Coforado r have lnspected the entry area of the condominiwn. the rall to be renoved is located imrrecliately to the left of the front door. It extends approxiroatel"y eight feet into the room frorn the door, lorming an entry hall . Dear Chas: load bearing wall. The wall entry bebween the living room should be no problem with it Vdl, Col6.do t1558 ,( (L u'o? tob Tuesdav, JanugrY t 4. ?o0l cDAvrS' BLCTG CD 3I}' &. GORE CREEI/. OR VAIL 385 FFST GORE CREFK DR S{03 ftllp€ctcr. GRG Act(}I|. DN DSNIED Exbuno smcfis d€tsc(t'r In l$ll not rortlnq trxl no SOs 6dded rn 2 bedrooflr$ a3 p€r codc and al rrteo riir approved F,r€ns. lrl€as€ rlso redocs ehcrrkal cover da|€s r€mov€d for pshtlng ild ebc{rhal flnat lnspecflon aFfriv8l ls reqlrhsd, ttequssted tnsp*;, Dlte, .e,siruned To: tmgecti6n Type: Inspacucn,qres: Slte Address: A/P,D ln{srmitlon A'dn try: Const Tl,pe: OTVTEI: ApDlksr|t cafnnlenr: 8024194 - Typt: A-lrlF Sub 1.yp€: .A-irF._Ocanpatthy Us€' u1.HP ROSEIAND€ll,'tC SETTER l'lClME IMPROII€RS Phone: 97O'4?64712 ,tOUTEe T(} CftAltlrq r?n ngr1|:xV,APFnOVAt-S - Dt'LOnrS' Siat$: ISSUED hi8p Are6: CD Req.Jes ted Ttme: u8:00 AI$' llhon€: 97V17&4712 -or. 37& 5SS4 Fnter.edF+: DGOTDEN K EgCUeChglneSCSflon{Sl lhm: e0 A-DG-Flnal RcquGro{i BE-rTER HOME IMFRo1/ER!. Cfl{menb: AErl.Jrfl,1?: unit l(R CDAVIS P8(DLD n-' tl4P n\_6 Tltre Erp / aclrr,,r/ s loaP.ttt ffi lhm: 1)0 0?.?flcfi BLDC-Mlsc. BLffiFhrol tlr01loa CorrutunE: Nsil krsoeciol * Agpr ;uad " ,,]FM- Rtln Id: 736 .} {\tl\ L/c-r--,-\ \J [-.r|. {'t : ISSUED: 07115/2002: 07/16/2002: 0l/1212003 .. [\"* tS (8, E\K tTOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vAlL, co'81657 970-479-2138 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location.....: 385 E GORE CRK DR #103 ParcelNo...: 210108232003 Project No : owNER ROSELAIIDS.INC O7 /L5/20O2 * MR. KEMP PO BOX 159 I,EXI}TGTON IIJ 51753 I-,icense: DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNIry DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E02-0132 U-. \--.^fr-^- CO}TTRACTOR NATIVE EIJECTRIC P.O. BOX 1807 EAGIJE, CO 81631 License: 143 -E APPLICAIiIT NATIVE ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 1807 EJAGLE, CO I r_631 License: L43-E ElectdcaL----> DRB Fee-----> Investigation--> wilt calt--> TOTAL FEES-> Status . . . Applied. . Issued . Expires . . Phone: 07 /15/2OO2 Phone: 97O-32A-1293 07 /L5/2OO2 Phone t 970-328-L293 Desciption: ADD RECESS LIGHTING RELOCATE RECEPTACLES Valuation:$800.00 *++++t*+'|+'t*.l|,l****:i*++l+++.|+.t*++|.+t.+*+l|+.+|1+*'}l*|:t+*,l.}t*+,t*FEESUMMARY'}*'l,t*t*******++t $50.00 $0.00 90.00 $3.00 $53.00 Total Calculated Fees-> Add itional Fees--------> Total Permit Fee----> Pa)'ments-.---_---> BALANCE DUE-.-.> $s3.00 $0. 00 $s3.00 5s3.00 s0.00 Approvals:Item: 06000 EITECTRICAL, DEPARTMENT 07/Ls/2oo2 DF Item: 055O0 FIRE DEPARTMENT l*:l a**artl,ta+,tttllt llt**.1+++t:i* a*'lta*l I't a:l**a++a:|:lt*:l:ll.* a'llataaa:r:l*:|:i:l* | CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 .l?---:]..;.,.:::::..1T::-'::::X--TI-,l::-'.T::,--::,.-:.1'-::.i::.:::,:.::li.llTl-'-.-...:,,*.,+,,**,***,*,,,,.1,.a****,. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this aiplication, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agee to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. Action: AP REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE-\ SICNATURE AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. R FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF taa**'l*ltl't*tt***+alfitfllla+tl+a*ra*+a!'t*l+tlltl+{'a'rrr****rll'tt+**l**r+l*t++++llttfftlt'}**atf TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat€ment ffftt**raaffllt*f*fflttllltl'*'lrttaffllr**++tllltlll***+tlltr*f*+**l*fr*r'i'if+*+alttfflt'i'3***tf Statement Nuriber: R000002734 Amount ! $53,00 07/16/2OO2t1 :15 AIrI Pal'menE Metbod: check Init: DDG Notation: Native Electric 3132 Permit. ljlo: E02-0132 T)pe: ELECTRICAI PERMIT Parcel No: 210108232 0 03 SiIe AddreE6: 385 E @RE CREEK DR \TAII., L,ocation: 385 I @RE CRK DR #103 Total Feea: 953. oo Thle Payment: $53.00 Total ALL Pmts: $53.00 Balance: $0. OO llaaaf**fa+atal+**allltf*atf**l*llltt*t**lttflla'l***++*tlll'i'i****++tt**lt*+*+tttfla**l+aaal* ACCOI.JNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts EP 00100003111400 TEMPORARY P0|'JER PERMITS l,lc OO1OOOO3112BOO }IILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 50 .00 3.00 APPLICATION COMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 O - 47 9' 2149 ( I nsPecti ons) 7flJ/VTIOPUAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 8 CoMPLETEsQ'FEETFoRNEwBUILDSandVAIUATIoNSFoRALLoTHERS(Labor&Materia|s) 'p-fo ,u 6sazTown of Vail Reg. No.:E/49 ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ Conbct Isires5r,/s Ofrice at 97O-3231pQ!p or vp!!forParel # 4 rr /23 Job Address: hS e, bie cii -AJob Name: 6ck, U{rhu( - WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel f| R"ptit( ) T"TpP*"t( ffi Eru ",.itt tt this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Work Type: lnterior !,zl Exterior ( ) Both ( ) ffi)Dup|eX()Mu|tFfamityFo''u'.ia|()Restaurant()other() l\lq of Accommodation Units in this building: No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yell)-[q ffiv"1LL__Io(_iErist: Ves (7) No ( ) *****r.****Jr***,t************************FOR OFFICE USE ON LY* * **** J'** ** ******** ** **************** Other Fees:Date Received: DRB FCCS: P161il1g1 5iqn-off: € I I F:/everyonqforms/elecp€rm TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 Location.....: 384 GORE CREEK DR ParcelNo...: 210108232002 Project No : OWNER POWERS, HOWARD F. I VAII-, REALTY & RNffAI, MGMT 302 }IANSEN RANCH RD VAIIJ CO 8L657 License: CONTRACTOR PLATI{ EONSTRUCTION P.O. DRAWER 5920 AVON, CO 8162 0 L,icense: 148-B APPI-,ICANT PI,ATII CONSTRUCTION P.O. DR;AWER 5920 AVON, CO 4L620 License:148-B Occupancy: Type Conshuction: Valuation: $19,986.00 Add Sq Ft 0 Fireplace lnformation: Restricted: Y # ofGas Applianccs: 0 + *:t*:r:r*r*:lt*al,t Building---> $245.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check--> $159.25 DRB Fee-----------> Uo-t(,"^$^-^. Description: RE-ROOF lnvestigation-> will call--> 90.00 RecreationFeF------> $3.00 Clean-uPDePo5il---._-'> TOTAT FEES -.... . S4O7 .25 BALA}ICE DUE--.>s0. 00 r*rr,r rrra,rra+raa r,rrrrarirrrrrr,|*a***,t*a:tr'|aaa,lr**'l:t'ttaa*a**a '|.*l.a r,t***a+*:*r:ta**aaala* *1*t*l*ara*1*al*at*a,l* atla**'* Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT o8/28/2oo2 DF Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEMT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI{EIfrI Item: 05500 PITBI-,IC WORKS DEpARTMENT oF coMMuNIry DEVELopMENT r'-l t-^^ ( u ' t\'''X t \t, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 802-0283 Job Address: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 08/2812002 Issued. .. : 09/0512002 Expires...: 03/0412003 o8/28/2002 Phone: 08/28/2002 Phone: 97O-949-agos 08/28/2002 Phone: 970-949-L905 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood P€llet: 0 FEE SUMMARY t:ia.taa*aitltat'|t*'r.:r*rtr'lt*:lai*a S0. OO Tolal Calculated Fees-> i4O1 .25 So. oo Additional Fe€s----->s0. 00 S0.00 Total Permit Fee----> S40?.25 $O .00 Payrnents-----> 5401 .25 See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. 138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE OF O CTORFOR HMSELF AND OWNER PAGE 2 **:i{t't:f*'t*'}{t't'}|'|****'t'}t*,}'l*{.,}|***'t*:*'**!t**'*********+!***,|t*:t:t*'}*'|.,*,}!f!|t CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 802-0283 as of 09-05-2002 Status: ISSUED {tt'}|'t'}{''t't'}'tl|t|*****'t****{tt't|*****:***'|t'l't|t*|*:}+:|*****'}{.,|******+****|{t,}{.********'}*****,t:}***:8'!:t'}*:|''}******* Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 08/2812002 Applicant PLATH CONSTRUCTION Issued: 09/0512002 97U949-1905 To Expire: $lMn003 Job Address: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 384 GORE CREEK DR ParcelNo: 210108232002 Description: RE-ROOF *!N.*'|''t**'|.l.**{.{.'t!*'}***,**:**:*'|t't'!*'|.*:*'|.'t,},}!tt|.'|.**'*,}'l'}******Conditions'}!t.,********** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FrFLD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLJIRED To CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.I OF TTIE 1997 UBC. + + * +* * * ** * ** t * {. * ** ** * a ***** * * * *t * *** l* * * * ** + * * * *+ ** * + ++ t + + ++ * * * ** * * * ** * + t ++ ** * f+ *:1.*+ + * * +**** TOWNOF VAIL, COLORADO State,ment ++ + t+ * * ** * * + ++ i*** * * * ** * * +**** **** * * t* * * * +* * * + +*** * * *** + * * * * * * * ** * +'i * f +* * +* * a * f* f | * ** * * ** + * + Statement Number ! R000003023 Amount: $40?.25 09/05/2OO2r2:37 PM Palment Method: Check IniE: L,C Notation: #28937/PIaE}: Construction Permit No: 802-0283 l!pe: ADD/AIJT SFR BUIIJD PERMIT Parcel No: 2L0L08232002 SiIe Addresg: 385 E GORX CREEK DR VAII., Locaeion: 384 GORE CREEK DR Total Fees: #407.25 This Payment: $407.25 Total AL,L Pmts: 5407.25 Balance: $0.00 t +* *+* * * *'t {t *** * * * *** + ++* * + ++ + * + *{' f ** *+*** * *{' *** * *++*+* +*+ t i ***+*++ * t * ++ * ** *** * ++* + | ++ ***+ ** f ACCOI.]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescniDtion Cunrent Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES 245.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 159.25 h/C OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO tl APPLICATI 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 mechanical, etc.! CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town of lail Reg. No.: - lqor COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT & Materials BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $orHER: $ lq ,4 { b .o o PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ ForPatel O{lrer Fees: Fees: rublic Wav Permit Fae: F :/everyone/f orms/bld gperm of Construction: #As*ssorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit i2@2.-. pted withdut parcel number) rob Name: Vot<lawhr And,,y^LryLLtLLf robAddress: 3Yg Gun \w)r--br Legal Description ll tou ll Btock ll riling:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: Architect/Designer:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work:-M rti-; i' i # ;' ; ;, l,.or <{^,k *Dnflet t 0 t *, R . ( t A n r s hs,l^4r .oU ff 4k ent"l #;, lrVorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( )(;fu,= WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noflypeof FireplacesExistinq: GasApoliances( ) GasLoos( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq( ) Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Eurninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ***********************************rr**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**********r.*************************** i0l,t/N Project Namet Project Address: This Checkh'st must fu omoleted beforc a Building Permit application is auephd. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a MultFFamily complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,narkino or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted praor to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Date of submittal: Depaftment of Community Development D !J tr tr o o D o o o o o o D Applicant's Signature: F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: HOW DIDWE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Dorelopment Departnent Russell Fonest Directoc (970)179.2139 Check all that applies. '1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you contacl? Building , Environmenbl- Housing_ Admin Planning . DRB PEC _ 2. Was your inilial contact wilh our staiff imme diate/ dow no one available ? lf you were required to wait how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project revienred on a timely UasisTGs l.ho lf no, whyno? v 0r 5. Was frs your first time b file a DRB app- PEC app Bldg Permit_ N/A (k nowled ge; respo nsiveness, 6. zPfeqse rate fie performance of he stafi person who assisted,Grt 3 2 i Name: CX\t7?attakag,r,u 4 I ifr.,t Q,r"s 7. Overall efiectiveness of fre Front Service Counted5/ 4 3 Z 1 L What is the best time of day for you to use tre Front Service Counter?/l\-t- 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you next time? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are committed b improving our seMce. PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": T0t1\I0F WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED ONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A Is this a new residence?YES Does demolition work being performed require the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or QUESN No----r- NO ,/' YES No ."- NO public propefi? YES Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? o Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES- NO - .- Is any drainage work being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES NO- Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES NO /'- a Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES No----.--- If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? YES NO-------- If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. lob or Project Name: Date Signed: Contractor Signature Company Name F :/everyone/forms/bldperm4 PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Aoolication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all baffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.), This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew, The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". ) NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and understand the above. Signature F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 Date Signed ., TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 816s7 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNIry DEVELOPMENT U<-^-^\ f)'\\*1S{f--d NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES \).r.. \-*41^ \^ots r L( - (& r' B\\< s- ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: BO2-0I58 ,'\ 4O.( Job Address.: 385 E CORE CREEK DR VAIL Status.....: ISSUED L,ocation......: #204 Applied...: 05123/2002 Parcel No....: 210108232010 Issued...: 05/29/2002 Project No...: jq5ol - o io 8 Expires'..: lll25l200z OV{NER MARY LOU H. FLATER IRREVoCABOS/23/2002 Phone: 5151 I,AKBSHORE DR ITfTTLETON CO 8 0123 License: coNrRAcroR Rusry wooD coNsrRucrroN, rNc0s/23/2oo2 phone: P O BOX 1147 VATIJ CO 81658 IJicense: 1-69 -B APPLICANI RUSTY WOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC05/23/2012 Phone: 970-827-4ot4 P O BOX 1147 VAII, EO 816 58 Lricense; Desciption: CARPET UPGRADE-LINOLEUM UPGRADE-REPLACE NEW TOILET/SINK. EXISTING TUB Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family TypeConstruction: V l-HR TypeV l-Hour Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $8.500.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fircplace Information: Restrict€d: Y # ofcas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet 0 t,i.l:+ +ir:i ta '|'tt,t* l l * Buifding-----> S135. oo Restuamnt Plan Review-> $O . OO Total Calculated Fees--> i225 -15 plan Check-> Sgz. ?5 DRB Fee----------> gO . O0 Additional Fees---> $?s.00 Investigation-> $0.00 Recreation Fee--------> $O.OO Total Permit Fee-'---> 9300'75 will call--> $3 . oo clean-up Deposit----> $o . 0o Payments---------1 $300.75 TOTAL FEES----> S22s .'ts BAI.AIVCE DUE--> 90 . 00 Approvals:Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARI'II{ENI o5/28/2oo2 JP.NI Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEMP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PITBI-,IC WORKS ta't'tll**'t*alltta+*+*allt'll'ta,lt:l**attt+*t:}t*lttll*laatta'|'ll'|lt'}tt'lttllfltlt+* See page Z irftnis Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARANONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state tlat all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE B FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: N/A OWNER OR CONTRACTOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI PACE 2 ,t:l * l:lt *'f * ar* * *** * t 'fl * *{t:t * * i!*** * * * *:f '} *,i *:t * 't * ** * | * ** * *:f :}+:**+,r*** +:f******** ***** *:t** * * * ** * * * **,* *,}* * *:t 't * * {t,*.t** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 802-0158 as of 05-29-2002 Status: ISSUED **f ***'l*tl 't* ****:l'*****,|!{.,1{.'** * ****,f ****,f ****,***,1.* * *t*'t{.******** ** f **** * *:l * * *,X***,1.'}'|l,t:t ********:}{.'l.f**'}'tft({'** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 05/2312002 Applicant: RUSTY WOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC. Issued: 05/29/2002 970-8274014 To Expire: ll/25/2002 Job Address: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: #204 ParcelNo: 210108232010 Description: CARPET UPGRADE.LINOLEUM UPGRADE-REPLACE NEW TOILET/SINK, EXISTING TUB Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.6.I OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. *{'lt * * **** ft I *i *+**'}*'t * + ** * * * f* * * * ++ + * * * *'t '+ * + *l' {' * + * *+{' ** + ++ f * * **{' '* *+* * f i tt * **t** *** 'l * ++** + +* + TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Stat€ment * {t + * * * * 'N. * * * * * * * {. * + + !* 't + + * * * 'lt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **t *'}**{r'}'} ****'}**,1.'} * *+**+ ****** * ***** Statement Number: R000002474 Amount: $300.75 05/29/200212229 Pln Palment Method! Check Init: L,C NotaE.ion: #8512/RusEy Vfood Constructi-on Permit No: 802-0158 Type 3 ADD/ALT MF BUITD PERMTT Parce1 No: 210108232 010 SiIe Addregg: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAII, L,ocation: *2O4 Tota1 Fees: 53 00.75 This Palmene: $300.75 Total AIJL Pmts: $300.75 Balance: 50.00 * * ** **** * * + f'i + **+ + * * *+*+ * +***** ****+f * | * *+ +***++ +* * * ** * * * *+ + * * ** * * + +* + * * ** * * + +** * ** * * * *** t f* ACCOLTNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES cL 00100003123000 C0NTRACT0R LICENSES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES I.IC OO1OOOO31128OO I.I]LL CALL INSPECTION FEE 135.00 75.00 87.75 3.00 L-l 'rTJ'HX:M 7 Vail, electrical.e NTRACTOR INFORMATION ?a{37, Town of Vail Reg. No.: PLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials # Contad Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit et#) 2/O rlrL 7ZAIU fication will not be accepted without parcel number) , olLt WorkClass: New(1 Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Refair( ) Demo( ) other Does an EHU exist at this location: YeS ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior ffi Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-famity ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-familv@ Cottetcial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Gas Loqs ( ) WoodiPellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT D&s a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) of Constructionr ***********t **************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************r.************************* | (Xher Fees: I I DRB Fe€s: i@ F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMI.JNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #; E02-0109 Job Address: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: #204 Applied. . : 06/2012002 Parcel No...: 210108232010 Issued. . : 06/2112002 Project No : e n-\152 -Ot @ [,, Expires . .: 1211812002 OWNER MARY I.,OU H. FI,ATER IRREVOCABO6/20/2O02 PhONC: 5151 I,AICESHORE DR IJITTLETON CO 8 01_2 3 License: coNrRAcToR DOIIBL,E Q EITBCTRIC 06/20/2002 Phone: 97O-74A-97AO P.O. BOX 242 EDWARDS CO 81632 I-,icense: 190-E APPIJICANI DOITBIJE Q EIJECTRfC O5/20/2OO2 Phonez 970-748-978O P.O. BOX 242 EDWARDS CO aL632 Iricense:190-E Desciption: MOVE LIGHTS AND PLUG IN BATH Valuation: $1.000.00 FEE SUMMARY +t*arl+trrt'rt'r*rt****r*tr*r:rll+t****al'ltr*l+l***r*a*+r*a!t**l Electrical-----> DRB Fee------> Investigalion-> wil call-> sso. 00 $0 .00 90 .00 s3.00 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-----> ss3 . o0 s0. 00 Total permia Fee-> 953 .00 Payments------------>$s3.00 TOTAL FEES-> S53.OO BALANCE DUE---_> SO. OO l.l *+l ltl ll* r *t*'l'r. Approvals:Item: 06000 EI-,ECTRICAL DEPARTMENI 06/20/2Oo2 DF Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTME$IT a{lt*'ltt:l*altlta+*ltlrt a,lllt*1*l +a+*:}*'t ||.,tl +a:ltir+la,}al 'la't a't* * li {a'lall'|+:*l "l t'*'l'll l CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. **:t *:a**,3:tt aat'r:! lt *l}l 't l+ ll:l atll *t * *l t l a* lt *r l +t'l:|l *'t* l a,l*,|,1 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. Action: AP REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS tN ADV SIGNATURE OF AT 479:2138 OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. CTORFOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ** + 'l 'l' * * * * * * I *+ *+ 'i* *+ * 'l * ** * * * *+ i * + *t * 'l * * +{' * !t* ** {' * ** * f* !t +* +{' t* * ** * * '} * + * * + t + * * * ** *** ** * * * t * '} '} ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ***f'}+*++*t********++**++*+**{r**,}********++**t*******t****** *++:l.tl'* *********'}******++**t***** Statement Nunber: ROOO0O2508 Amount: $53.00 06/27/2OO2L0:01 All Palment Method: Check Inits: LC Notation: #09852/Double Q Permit No: 802-0109 Type: ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2LO]-O8232O1O Site Address: 385 E GORE CREAK DR VAIIJ Locatsion: #2O4 Total Fees: $53.00 ThiE Payment: $53.00 Total AIJL, PmtB: $53'00 Balance: $0.00 * * r' * t | * * * * i ** ** *** f * t t* | * * * * | + * * * * + + + * * * +* * * * * i * * ** * * 't 't + t * t * * * * + + * f * **** t + '1. + | +* f * * ** *:it + + f t * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curnent Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEI4POMRY POI/ER PERMITS t'JC OOiOOOO31128OO bJILL CALL ]NSPECTION FEE 50.00 3.00 AULAl26A2 15:22 DIII.JBLE O ELECTRIC PAGE 62 Buildlttg P'mntt*l TfrNUYTN 75 S. Froile3c nd. Vell, Golorrdo t1657 ,*P?rd# .. rr..nr.. rr.tr.......'...r...........rFOR OFEICE USE OilLY......ai.............. aaaa.........r. \\ --t U ,J' \t' ELECIRICAIVAL1ATIOil; I l4nra caAlroJilr oF sQ FT IN STRUGTURE: M I Job t{anr:Fr a.rEP- Bttr ArnaUf ffiva(uAlJetra? 5 E €,qrc e,.-l< Da, trOal Deeclpttn I tIft I Elck I fnnC:Subdhdslon: Phonc: ttcblcd dcscription d wodc oAa,.s l*-t^rr<. i P1--.. I D\ Gr}tt lilortoass: t{ew() A.tdiuon( ) R€rnoddt4 hpat( ) Temphs,er( ) gqer-(_l workType: IntefiorlJ Efterlor( ) Edt( )Do€s an EHU €xbt at thb botlon: V€s ( ) No ( ) Typlof Bttg.: ShC+hmfy( ) Oupb( ) lhru.hrtttQ C0mmc[dtl ( ) Rtrbur|tt( ) odtc?( ) No. of Eristing Drclllng UniE .n tfib buildino: /Z_ib. otArorrrndatbn UnE intftb hfdh9: lL lsthis oermitfora hothlb: Yes ( ) ltto()4 Edtt Yas( ) t5( ) F:/G,EE/turns/dcegln TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBINC PERMIT Job Address: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location.....: #204 ParcelNo...: 210108232010 ProjectNo : {(-TSZ -Clcp l' owlIER MARY IJOU I{. FLIATER IRRSVOCAB06/L8/20O2 Phone: 5151 I,AXESHORE DR I,ITTIJETON CO 80123 License: CoNTRACTOR StNDAIICE PT,I'MBTNG & HEATTNG O6/L8/2OO2 Phone| 970-748-a977 P.O. BOX 3684 AVON, CO 81620 I-,icense : 101- P APPIJICAI.IT SI'NDAIICE PIJIJI{BING & HEATING O6/L8/20O2 PhONCZ 970-748-8977 P.O. BOX 3684 AVON, CO 81620 I-'icenae: 101-P Desciption: BATHROOM ADDITION AND BATHROOM REMODEL Valuation: $3,500.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: ?? # ofGas Applisnces: ?? #ofGas togs: ?? #of Wood Psllet: ?? tt:}:}*'l*'.*l.t*.'|l|..:t'.||.l.*|t+l'.:}'+'|..*.'l|.{|*.l'*.*|+**.|t+|*|..l Plumbing-> 9G0 .00 Resturant Plan Review--> S0. 00 Total Colculsted Fees-> $?8. 0o Plan Check-> S15 . OO DRB Fee+-----> $O . O0 Additional Fees----.> $0.00 Investigation> $0. O0 TOTAL FEES-.-_-----.> S78. O0 Totsl Permit Fee----> $78.00 will call----> s3 . o0 Payments-----------> 97s ' 00 BALANCE DUE-----> S0.00 +a'ittat,tataatatatIteM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT o6/L8/2o02 DP Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELTD IIISPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAIICE' DECLARATIONS l hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. Permit #: P02-0071 Status...: TSSUED Appfied. . : 06/1812002 Issued. . : 06/26/2002 Expires. .: 1212312002 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE OF O CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET +* * * * +* * * *** ** * t + + + t* * * t * * * ** * * * + * * * + * + * +* * ** * * * * * * * f * * rl.l. + * * * * * * * * * * * + + '| + * ** * + * +** t *t** *t ** * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement + 't* + *** * *****++* + ++f{. ** *** ** * * * *t + * * *+*** * +t * * ++*+ f f * f*.t{. * ** * f * '}+ * * * ** + f * *****+ +** +* **** * * * * Statement Number: R000002543 Amounts r $78.00 05/25/2OO2O2:55 PM Palment Metshod: Check Init: LC Notation: *reeO/Sundance Plumbing Permit No: P02-00?1 TIT)e: PIiJMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2101082 3 2 010 Sitse Address: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL IJocation: #204 Tota1 Fees: $78.00 This Pa)ment: $78.00 ToEaI AL,L Pmts| $78.00 Balance: $0 ' 00 *t + *** * **+** +f* t +*+ | + * ++ + *+***+** + *** *+ * * * *+t 'it + ++*** ***** **{.** *i * * f,:}+ + {. + *+ * * **t ***+ I * ** t * * * ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curnent Pmts PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 15.00 PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUMBING PERHIT FEES 60.00 WC 00100003112800 l4/lLL CALL INSPECTI0N FEt 3.00 IF INCOMPLETE OR UN Building Permit #: Eo:-- o\!(R Plumbing Permit #: 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) mtrT{0Fvtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VATUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (tabor & Materials) Plumbing C,ontractor:Town ofVail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: PLUMBING: $ Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Job Address:- Vor +o"1 WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration(rzli Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single.family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*****************r.******************* Otter Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:AcceDted BY: Planner Sion-off: rNe F/e\reryoneforms/pl mbp€rm {,rilP l.*Y o-'| Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Vorlaufer Gondominiums DRB Number: DRB030462 Proiect Description: Re-roof, same for same class B cedar shakes: 12" slope will be added to roof-to-wall junctures Participants: OWNER VORI-AUFER CONDOMINIUM ASSOC 10/1412003 Phone: o/o BETTY J. PENNER 8082 ROUTT ST ARVADACO 8OOO5 License: APPUCANT PI-ATHCONSTRUCTION L0ll4l2003 Phone:97G949-1905 P.O. DMWER 5920 AVON, CO 81620 License: CONTMCTORPIATHCONSTRUCION 10/1412003 Phone: P,O. DMWER 5920 AVON, CO 81620 License: 148-8 Project Address: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 385 E,GORE CREEK DR Legal Description: Lot: 14-1 Btoclc Subdivision: VoRLAUFER CONDo (ail V;l i('" Parcel Number: 210108232020 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACIION Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:vote: Date ofApproval: 10/15/2003 CondiUons: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 lax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a b refer to the submittal requiremenb for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review -cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community ESyf Fftlgdry+rer1t-frccannot be accepted until all required information is received by the fummunity eWAFFn oroiect mav also need to be reviewed bv the Town Council and/or the Plannino HrU Envirproiect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning "'fiiiilffii c""i*'". one year of the approval,t"s:6 of the Location of the Proposal: Physical Address: Application for Design Review Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) 3l $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign No Fee Y IJ area. j7'@ {> ySo $20 No Fee parcerNo.: Z I Sl 0fiA$'t)rq (contacte"grelo. Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s Mailing Address: Phonq- E-mail Address:Fax: '5., Type of Review and Fee: . Signs . Conceptual Review . New Comtruction. Addition $6s0 $300 Changes to Approved Plans For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or mmercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). inor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. aq'_uttL RECDOCT-82003 *lsg"ffi'1. '/r 3 Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within Name of Applicant: multi-famil ingtfdTamily/duplex) For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: _ Check No.: Page 1 of '12106123103 Appllcation for Deslgn Rcview Clroill I nfor.itllon: onc tat Ctl|3 rgtdrl. ot lho Lccrtien ef thr Prcpoerh !ol: PhtrlcdAddrt .: P.IECI ilo.: Zoning: tlenc(r) of Owncr(s): rrlfiqAddrc*: At gft&d! t!$rlhg dcdgrr cvlow nuH rrcrfn afO,od 9.lor b atnining I bulding pcrrfl !p9lic!do.t. PlGx refer h tlc a/bmt}ll lcqdofiranb ,o, hc Fdairr .gero€l thnt lo lr+lclgd. An 4plhaUon tDt Dnlgn tuvbw cilml b€ rcqpt€d unu au €qul]od hfuiltilofi lG ftcolvod br he corrunlv Detcbpnatt rrs.|rm.llt Ttr prg.d .nrt ,$ n .d ao b. Erisd by !r Tewn Coulcf sld/or $c Flamhg and Envkoncrcol Confifsldr.p.di|o rwLw lF[.ovi lrFr urrlri e bolldirE pa?rnlt b l|lrd md ond'|r.tlon cqrmrnort wilftb OGo.rt t d Oorrr|rfily Dcvdep|rE(|t 70 60u0t F,D|rn0p R€d, vd, ffirado 01057 iol: gilr.|7!.zrlg hr 970.{tL2,152 wob: vwryd.\tal,6,u! -- (ConLd Eaele Co. Agsesor at Ct0{40464r0 br psprl m.) Fhqrrl (n|r.{rl ll|I!. ot Applloa t: IallirrgAdd|r.|: E.ntailAddaoC Tynr of Rrvlcr end Fo:. Slei!. Cono+hrrt fuvbw . t$wooatudbn. Atldltion ' i/tr|6?Ahdhn (rtltl-hmtycommrdal) C|!g|-bAegrowdR-rr lcFttr$Ol lbqal ttfnorAedon JE(*rete+entty/drehl ^ 320 Ito PIu3 ii.00 p6r 5t|E3 tuor of tobt 6bn u!.. No Fe€ $e0 fur cordudin d a now hilf.U or dcno/tbhrlld.fgF For gt rddlon *wC cq&e hilO. b aatad ro my,,ra6ldc.{d ct cortrrErca outrq (holdlr 2$ rddtloic t lnbrlor oo rorohd.32to Fer olm, chE Tpr b Dllklmi drt ngrlonrn|., t|,ch s. ,uoo0nO, pdlino, Ulttdo!il addlionr. l{rdEfhe. fenoes and - aiahho rdl, da fu filhor dr|tFa b h*lhgr.rxf sne htForrc|Inf* asdt -.t Aoflng. gdrtri?, rddoir r.iri[ons, nntcephs, forE iahinhBmlb.eb,C|D Fr ftudofir !o pla|t &rdy .pplpvod by phnnftE gbt Bt Ctrien Cb\rlOW 8mrd,NoFc a0. rh6 hrtb Corarrd ' Im. P.O. t r33dt Erlb, C.lc.|to lt(lll lD.t0) 12LtSt5 , PAX tGt2t,JO0 Rod4 Prop6.l FrgG I dI SrblGlb: vorfrufrroouloilIrlur PtE?: Itc476?061* gt'4lf,F ,oblb: 3Stt Gorc Crt 'L Dlicc Uoit Ra ro raqldlufcr Condonininrns Vlllt GI) ll6:t7 Ar\lacrDr:of lru; Locltlo' O,flon #2 WG htr.cDt Fto[c lo funbh rll l$ord nsid $0&C to ncrbrooamofirs qcdtrad bdortt d oi iulrd MG). Ail$ld sbctftl ro r por of 6ir pn4ocrl. UUt olhntc rycdthe tho fotlovin; cmdi{cue obdl qply: l) Ary gutrcco ittsoq ut u bo ilid uotlt tbc couur pd{ tt *-t[t+-t" frtll' 'I1o gdtrD6;ttl x rcso$dtGlo th.lrd dsy6a Pbth corcucdm wo*od otbc job' 2) Mldhg p.rtr ad do|lgdlrt s lalljld i! or Pda3. 3i Ody nitio" vru uc-rcqrrireO to o.|Elac (nE Dordm ot thc wort rt hdttdcd in |his erqrrt. l{o didtsnr Arbing (rlndow rill. grrtlnr, oc') lt bdrdod' f) All urrld it gurrmtcod io bc * :Pcc16cd, 5) 11l sork rh1& o4k6d ln I uorlmnltla iot1c rcoding to sp.dficdioos nt6366 Aiy dlria.leoe6-eancU,.' fu1h Edlaly upotr ed&D dd63t rtl Adl bccm1 !! erE| cb|lgo o5n rnd rtovo tlc cooorcr pricc. O ert ou r"ortcrr rtt Nly cowrcd ty wqbu'r Coqcordd lmrca wo llllDt fllEc s llru Jl M]lll Itg lloof qxEE r! ir"B'r\r'r& '|l'r q'ers'-r-"*e sdfufir, fqbamotl Fclacdollodllri16@12 iaRodlltoodtLdio!. ThbbH wlthin 30 drndt/ArGl. lx)IJ./|ns $!!34@ Prtr.rt loDc rl follor$ Arrtrr.t d EIS'trrr.E, Etadl CattanrCiart frs AccrillEGGsdr@ydrE rod. Yqr rc artorti to o oo nmfi rr roffi . Prymr wll bc uroe s atdilpd rborc. AsMApf $etn, Or{tar or dta$, Irlrmlsiglrdcry 1n ovffie, t***+**'l'** *****+ * 'i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 'l ** * + * * ** * * * * * * * +t * **** * * ** * * * ** * * * ++ * 'i*+ * *** * * *** * * +t + + * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Copy Reprinted on 10-14-2003 tt 07 :48t24 10/14/2003 Statement * {. + *+ + l.lt * * * f * * **+ * + *:* +* * * * * * *.1. 't t * * * * ** ****'l**** * * * * + * * t ** + * * * * * * * * * * * * t * tt ***+** * tt **** * * f, t* Statsement Nuniber: R03 0 OO4923 Amount : $250, 00L0 / L4 /200307 r48 At4 Palment Method: Check Init. I DF Nouation: #3 0559 Permit No: DRB03 0452 T!4)e: DRB-Minor Alt, Comm/Multi Parcel No : 210108232020 Site Address: 385 E GORE CREEK DR \TAIL IJocation : 385 E.GORE CREEK DR Total Fees: s250.00 This Payment3 $250.00Tota1, AL,L PmtE: $250.00 Balance: s0.00 + + + * *** * * | * + t +** +** + + + +**** f, +:l:l'l tl.** + + * * *** **+ * * * **+*++* * + +*t* *+ t***+t'i* * $ * * * ** * * * * * * * ** * ** + ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on Current Pmts DR 00100003112200 REVIEI,/ FEES 250.00 DESIGN r lrt A hf' /r Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Developtnent 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel : 970.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Pruiect llame: Knight window/door replacement DRB ilumber: DRB0101€ Ploiect Description:,,,, - ) -...- t ) - -----,------rWindows/dmr replacement Paticipants: OWNER KNIGHT, CONSI-ANCE B. 06/08/2001 Phone: 385 GORE CREEK DR 201 VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT KNIGHT, CONSTANCE B. 06/08/2001 Phone: 385 GORE CREEK DR 201 VAIL CO 81657 License: ProjectAddress: 3S5EGORECREEKDRVAIL Location: Vorlaufer#201 legal Description: Lot 14-1 Block Subdivision: VORI-AUFER CONDO Parcel Number: 210108232007 Comments: ,-t) BOAR,D/STAFF ACITON Motion By: Action: SrAFFAPR Seoond By:Vote: DateofAPPrcval: 06/13/200f CondiUons: C,ond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constihlte a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0004804 That the size and color of the new door/windows match existing. Planner: Judy Rodriguez DRB Fee Paid: l2O.0O .,rt rts .l Best copieg Available I : i':-. ' ) " i ,,. ,*.4"r. :1;ti.\ 'l i1ti,i.1 l ',; . ..^r r-f ri/, !:.:.1 iial ',-:i.i':'t:.,i.rIi|.j...l-''.'1:';ii,'2i-]rc:''.l:li..c.;;..'.;1;r:\r{.i'':.';-n.,p;..'jl.I:.'.:'rl'.,i.ll*si.. .!' ..,i1 r,rl.-,i 11,..ubri: :,t-:. .i)r a Dl,l-,1:r-1 -:-,lttii FiiI::1.tci:ii ,*foat,rtto,t \?,-.i,r' ..:'.r'.i:''-,;l.l]|:ji.]'-''il:iJl!}ir:l.\:]h.ill..'i]..::'i-iTir*.irr.rjjr',rl'',',:..l*1i,-]r;je\:.+ftFif;:j '.,.l'-'r.:]'...ii.|j,i|.Tl:qi':'r.e,..l..-jr''i:1:ii.:.i*!i.I'^,}.i.'.iii..''l]n.'.iirl':..i.n ' 1,. ;,.1, ,.'.. j 1.::r 1,,'{tLjrL,.5l;r;1. itq..1. lr hCviqr., Solffi Ap;rf ri't1l s'- :'fsOIie\t'ilf itiisf ttUal ,rr,i, ,r. r i,t:,i'il':,,. t,ir,rtit i'i rr:i Jtd ..! ;'.n:['itictiuU,J i{..itirLi. :.e( Lc: L vr L- t I t--e g\cJtt-# Da Aa- wl- ir r l ,l,r-rL i\. F+ o2l(k A =L /r i'l r ':.1i ii. i','",rz.r'll-L-;: ?'.,:. 1'.: '. ,_ i-,'. :.. jr l'.i''i'. .',1 :1 'r!' . (r\\ \l f ;r\,) \ll;\ r. i l;]l$'rSrl I'i-r!i!i.,. :: -.\t,i-,i.Itl r], | _e__*tuu? r i.riI.Fir-; r.i'r.rili. .;.:, 4altWr_ A-J, -'r&;1' .LZ z- F (. J, l-t-i. ,f -- i:i. 'i '1 .,: il ;.1.i:;i: \ : \\, r. \l.i [:r.i: i i\et' Cou-.;ti uctirrlr $lUti i , : ilt- .)1 :, :l;';' lrrr,iiti:. i i-nC.ttil:S itili Adrjltton ',\:tiie 5il1:iti',r ', C0i-tu-;iir'. l.' l bU liltl,_ inciul':s i:i..ro; :hsrige , , ' rei,,rc'fil,.r,';ailfr;:,;.', li : u'lriis, .:;. . I1tr.l]{ ir:rs Jrr lt'r-.'t: raid at thc ::,i:,' *f i 1-r1i;i;13). i ;,.. the ,lct, tt-r;tlg r, ailialitlil rrl t.h*piuile L l1i1 ,,",1, i r.;ii ','id,.ili1i r.11. i-l i_jr{l rl'r^i\il i- i'i,}." .'.!'r'l r1l, iiJl- i ! : r,).; itI iri_,, AA, .-& iii'','r.I: _*A-*{ RECEIYEO , .ri j,. i:i .. :.-,:,i r ,g* 0 g, 2001 il ,l"ddition - 550 Irt d[ llinor .rJt''rarion - SZu 41f0t:crVB04{fr/O///F i - - _-* -r.-. ..i )(-- x=x V- n\.d.f- -€-!.-\ =dl ,t3 4, rf,z--a'.-=-..*\^{T\ h,-- ,\ E jl1=DiNiillA'lEB:il j : R<eri Sidinq Other'vYall tiaterrals [;"r,. ia J( I lL5 Yvr,i rafr rrJ ?tir, ',.t l- '',.'., ;. '' i ic;,C -ii i.,r.r-i.. i{.iri( Flu..s Fiashir rc.t C[ii, nreys TriJsh Ericiosurex Gr,*liigut* ReGining W'rlls F-<ietior LiUhtintt fither TrPF_Of I'IATEEIaL.:Ciii ilFl. U'"r- W<r' trQ + t'4 * Fieas€ specify ihe manufuctrrrer=s ccrro!-, nurnber anc attacn a $natl color chrp k Ali extenor ltgntrhg m,ust m€€t Sre lc,wrr=-q Ltghtng OrdirBnce 1?-11-51. If exteflor lighunq s profr.Y..,t1c. pleise indirate the nunrber of fixtures and lxation-<. on e separate lghgnc pkrr, irJent-ii.v each fiv,turp t.v1i,; and irrcvlde tile height dbove giade. lurnen= o|J(puf lumfno'rs area, anrj atiach a (.rrt sheet of the lighiir,,"r tixt'Jftri o o v o rlAV- i.1 -tr1 l.j , 2Fr FROlq, TO\,,-COM-DE\r--DEPT,lD gT@4';112'1 "2 F li {l; gsEAlEUsArff _qQi!LEBE$i,t; A pr*applhation co ference with1bwn of !'ail siaf{ ts requr!-ecl, ilo apf,iraafion flan F€ E(ceptr:11 uniess the rnandatory pre-applicatitm rnePjing has treen complete,J, It is the appiiranf.,l; rupr:rrsibility to scheduie this rileetrng by calling gi0-479-ltlg. .IIIlE.EECIUIELSENIS The. Design Review Board rneets on the lst and 3ff irVednesdays of each rncnth. A comD1sie applicatron form end all accompanying material m'Jst be accepted by the Community Developnt:r"l: Depamreft a minimum of three and a half (3 1/2) weeks pr;or ro tfte cate of the DRF pubiii heannE. Lq4E4LCRIIERTA your proFosat wili be rcvrewd for conrpliance witn the Desrgn GurCelincs as set fonlr in S<ton i2" 11 of the tvlunrcipal t-iode. itiD"l E TO A.L APJ'U(.Affi : A. if a proffiy F iocated in a nnppe{ ha:ard area (r.e. snc','r +'v:drani-he, ;cr.ki-ell, floodpiarr,, detxb flow, weUa'1d, eicj/ a hazard study muS be subrnitte' an.J rt.!e owner nr,.rst sign arr affidavt frtcogr,izing ihe haedrLi report prkJr to fre rss,tance rf a builCing Eeffnit. Appticanf: are encourageJ to chesl( with the Dlanning sf,aff prrer to sulrn)rffdl of a DFE applicati-,n :", detemrine the reJaiionship of the prc,pefry io ail mafrped nd(ards. B. Basa Plan Sheer Fornrar. For ali surveys. srte glans, l{r;rl-crjatrr-: irr rpruverrelrtT ,rlaIr.', dli uf tne foiiorving mirii b€ lncwlr. l. flan Sh€r"l Size mUSt be Z4"x 36". For l;rrge il -.)jFl .1.5,- larqr-r fian srze nla} t_r 3ilowL.r1,:. Scale. The rritiiri'[rrn scale is J' -2ri'. nii piars inu:t De atthe S.ri]le s*tl€.3. GraP'hrr hdlr S{iie.4. lh.rrth irr0uv. 5. Thie bloct" projs;t i-idnle, iircisct ei.kjrcs$ iind iegal ;rescr:ptnn.6. Irtdication 0i pl*n ;-r,'eparer, adrjr.:ss nnd l)h':nt 'rurribcr.'i . lldtts Ot r,:flgrr'ai plan pregdrai;?n arrd ail revlsrcn Cetts.F t/icinrty map or lxatiorl rfiap at a stale r.,f f'=f ,rj.J0' .-,r' r.irgei.3. Sheet lcb';ls aird iurnters. i0 A border rvith a rninimum lefr side rnargin rjf 1.I.,.1.:,.. Nsmcg uf ril adjlrent roa(jwtys,1?. PIar, legiind. C I or ne,v cDnstrr-, :L/cn ano additions, thd .jtJi)ii6nt rr'r rsr. b1?; k'.t 3qd t.lpe iiii ;i'l;'.:r1gi;s ;., i;'.ciicate properL) iirres, p'cposec b'uil(:;rq5 6rlil bLril.irng c!rne{T. A,i ts4fs tt, rr. rft.;rrj.;1';1 rrirt!'I be tilp8l. The eF{.}l||ar 1' nlust tnbtire tnar Slaking (l,lire ,tl,itrlg tht} ,r,1'gi,r 1i 1,,.,, ouried iry snow. All site tir;_.rnqr and s*,rktng rnnst be crrrnpieted pnor to th* dev of the DRB m*tting. D. A:.'r',;r( tsr'tri wht'tail tl AJ,i.,p,; :*ri.l,: tilF L,F:.|:,i F.:!rr:.,, gitiir J C* ii.gti c{h.d ii..,t! !.r d€hrt.; .:,:t <i :i y,vi.,. :,gv+ .itJt ,"'/1,: ti gj,,iriii, 1'';'t, I ..,. l,iil0r.,:r' . !,,r, r,.rr]? i1,1 r,i,;' ..;p,rq-{, ,,,.rr -:i'i, rli.tai, ilir'r4 :r,11;;. ,r .:. r'i .c L)r(L :. 1 ,:, .,1)trt .iU:,. I.,,.,;. .r5 the itgrlr if,S B,-*ri -r''rt.'l'::r' I lijr,ri')r" . ' ,r .,rir ,)'r,i|+,..,,i.i,t!- {nL.i]iii!:3tions, dll conditiofiS 0f ,..ii i.,., '.1, .. -i.' .. , . ,i ,1.,;. ,.;. ;i hlril(i|1-ltl pjrti;t. TT Ifi. Vi, _\ i t.l r ;{rt'r.! rvt\l ;" ;;;;, *u, r*reru and appr.;ve *$igr{ Revrri,'! apprcairr.,iis, ap{iio'+'.^;ilh .eruu1 lrc"rfr:-,ru'"r,: deny the ap$ication, or may rerer ihe appiication trr iie Dffi':\n Re.vrew BoarC for oefisroll. Ali : ld r aFfr!--,vals are subjert to final ag.rproval bry tJre DRB. The tbl{ov/ing .i-.{r=J oi Da:icri -ievie''^, ai}Fiiie:t.::ls :.' ' ' tre vjrff apploval: A, Any applicatbn fur an addnion tc dn exlsting building tfiai is consrstent r"virh th8 SrcnitectLial desi';" matenals and colors cf the building, and approv"l has been t'eceiveJ bv 3n autjrorBe.d rlrtttll;^:r :-r: a ccnci0nrinium essoriatio n, rf .r irplica ble; B. Anv appticaton to rffidfl/ an exisring buildinq that doeE rroi significantly change the exrxrng [rra, rri of the Duiiding and 6 geneB{h* coilsifi€nl r^iilh rhe arrJrrfeci'..iral rj'lsiln, rr*teriais e nrj ;'r:Jln' ni $e lruilclini.l, incJuding, b,Jt not hmrt€d to exteftor Duitding flntsh rnntenab {e.9. gton**"*ot'li siCirrg, rr"lf nrat-erralc, paint or stain,i. exterior lightrng, canoflies or ayvnirtgS, fences, entennag &?tellre dt\f-,e', r."iind+u.rs, skylightl, siding, rnirr,or r-onmrycrol facaoe irnprovements, anC'":thv r:iniilar nl.rl ifK/f,tiij,'.r.' I C. Any application ior sire rnrprovements or modit'icationr if'cluoing, birt not lirnrtsJ tu, d' tvg;":y mcdrficattons, srte gradinq, she vJalB, rernoval or nrOditicatlOns t0 exrstrflo lanrjscdurng/ Insfalllnor . oi accesscry sinr{tures lr recreltional facilrties. r.u!.!GQiiAt-8f 4.-li{AI't-D*Lsi9 A.. 1f this epplicatron requires a seplirBte rer.'ien by any local, fiate cr i*:de:ai a,;enc/ oth€r titd'; 1-r *.j Tov,'n of Vail, dte applicatrorr fee shall be rncrqesed by S2ti0.uil. ixampies of si'l':h revie('/ irrr'e include, bilt are nct lrnrted to: Colurado D?ptrirxent C l-i!gn'o','av ,u.rr-*s tenl,itt Ar;r'.y Clrr':' .'r Engineers 404, e-tc. b The apptGnt shalt be reprrnsible tor payng an:.r pubibhing fees vrhrch a!'e iR exL-esi il 5rjl- iii :r-r appli,cation fee. If, at the apprirant's requ€st, ar'ry firalier |!i postporilit for heartnS, Laugrn! ti:. matter to ne re-publ'shect, then sre enEre ie€ for such ie-cubircatjon sirail ix= lxd by ilre appik-a": C. Applicatjons deemed by tlte Cornrruntty tjeveloprnent Departnent to na"e d€sun. ialLi itse or rlijrr'i rssu6 which may have a signtficant rmpact on the aornmunity nray r€,qui!-e review by colrstri'rdr:"> in addihofl ti Town staff. ShoulEi a deterrnination be mcde oy tf re Towri sFff tnot atl ou!5rrJi corrsultaqt is needed, the Com:irunity Developn)eilt Deodrtrnent rr 'ay irire the ccnsuhsni rl. Departryrent sirall estimar"e the ernoufit c;f nsney necrstn 1 to gt'y iirr: it'n:r:ltant 3nC ,*,is arr:':,:' , shali be fonvantaC to the Towir by the apFlR:ant at the tinle cf fiiitig an frpplicatQtl. F-xpei-,!.i incurrel by the Town in {'JceS! nf th€ arrt)unt fc'ni/ard3,l i)y'trie eppirntiun shali t* paid tu lnry Torvo [y ti.r9 applicant rvithin 3C .iayt of ni.ttianfiCn by IhF Ti)r,Jr!. Any 5'tce55 futrr;js wili he r,o,{ Lrr';'r.i tu dte up;:lit:, ,i '-il rrrn r'.,:i lerv Crrrrrpi':tiur. May 26,2001 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Community Development StaIE The owner of Vorlaufer Condo #201, Connie Knight, has the Vorlaufer Board's approval to change the three single-pane glass windows in her living room to double- pane insulated windows witl ttree awning windows at the bottom andlor tlree casement windows the same size as existing. She also has our OK to change the adjacent balcony door to a Southwest Door Company San Carlos Standard one panel, six light door and a screen door, like Cohagen Condo #303 or a solid glass door like Carroll Condo #2O5 and Powers Condo #102. All will be finished and painted to match exterior Oxford Brown paint as the rest of the Vorlaufer exterior Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely yours, Vorlaufer Board of Directors 2900 E. Mississippi Ave. Denver, CO 80210 Nick Kemp, President COLOR,ADO RE0DJUN O4?r/rJ| llil*fi*tf{t**f**t+lri**ti*i******ffltt***ttf*t*ttf*t'trtt*tt****fti*'hti*t'trrrfttt*i*t**t*'rit**l TOWN OF VAU,, COLOMDO $srccn€Nrr,ll'|r't*ft'tlft*fll*'t**i'trlltfftrtiftt!tf+**t:t*:i,t*tt!t**f'it**tft*fl***t*ft**ttf****r**tt*i**!+*l**i**'+ fltatement Number: ROOOOOO91B Anrount: g2O.0O 06/OAIZOOLOZ:52 p!{ Palment ethod: Check Inlt: JAR l{otetion: Permit No: DRB01014O T14re: DRB - !{inor AlterationParcel No: 2LOLOA2}2OO? Site Addrege: 38S E GORE CREBK DR VAIIJ Location: Vorlaufer #2 01 Total Peea: $20.00Ttrie Payment: $20.00 Total ALL kttE: S20.00 Balance: 90.00'ltt i*'tt f 't*t **'tt****+ f 'ri*t t***t lr*i t|t* I t'|'l*** l***rt*+ f *rtt**** a***t* * t **** ****'t+t*'t{r*+ *'t+ *+** +'t* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code 0escription Current pmts DR O()1O()OO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI1I FEES 2O.OO t Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Jordan Residence Project Description: Revised Windows Project Number: PRJ00-0235 Owner, Address and Phone: Jay Jordan c/o Jody Lindvall Management, PO Box 1174, Edwards' CO 81632 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Bill Reslock, 7233f,. Costilla Place, Englewood' CO 80112 Project Street Address: 385 Gore Creek Drive #302 Legal Description: Vorlaufer #302 Parcel Numbe r : 2l0l-082 -32-01 4 Building Name: Vorlauter Board / Staff Action Motionby: Seconded by: Vote: Action: StaffApproved Conditions: 1) Colors to match existing. 2) This approval is not valid without condominium association approval. Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: August 11,2000 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\911 DRBAPPR.FRM DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 Qucstions? Crf} Planning Staff at479'2l2fl APPLICATION FOR DBSIGN REVIEW APPROVAL OENERAL INFORMATION This application is fbr any fojcct rcquiring Desig R_cvierv approval. Any project requiring dcsign rcvierv tnttst rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicrv approval prior to stlbmitting for a Uuli<iing pcrnrit' Forspecific irrfomration' scc thc subnittal rcqtrircnrcnts tbr thc particular approval that is rcqucstcO- iftt ufipiitution cannotbc acccpted until all thc rcquircd intbrnration is submitted. fft. piJi.CI tllay also nccd to Uc rcvicwcrJ by thc Torvn Council and/or the Planning and Environnrcntll Cou nission. Dcsign Rcvicrv Bonrd approvnl CxpirCS onc ycar after finat apprOval unlcss a hrrilding pcrmit is issucd and construction is startcd' A.DESCRTPTION OF THE REQUESI':uJ ?_t',ltstolst a exr5T t vJ rilI)ow o?cr.l*Ial Laao { v{ilt2a'r AA$O"eEa- LO(lATlON OF PROPOSAL: LOT:.-_-BLOCK:- FILING: TOWN OF VAIL B. (:. D. E. ba6PHYSICAL ADDRESS:P.r'tt- + leL pARcEL * alot 0&2- 32n/F (Cortact Eagtc Co. Asscssot's Ol'ficc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING: NAlv{E OF O\Mi,IER(S):c/,Jilfi;i, ruoNe a?o aZt" l*t -?.OIVNER(S) SIGNATURE(S)r c- JA{ Jof,.l2aj G.NAIVIE OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: AD IIZ PHONE: H. TYTE OF REVIEIV AND FEE: O Nov Construction - 3200 tl ,*\<tdiflorr - $50 -g Nlinor Altcraiion - $20 -tt+e e <-sl'tr7V|' u*E:+-!:!^ *o'l C:onsfnlctiotl of a trcrv building lnctudes any adtlitiorr rvhcrc squarc tbotage is addcd to arry rcsidcntial or cornnrcrcial bttilding. Inclutlcs nrinor clrangcs to buildings and sitc inlprovcrrtcnts' such as' rcrooling, pointing, rvindorv additions. landscirpirrg' fcnccs and rctaitting rvalls. ctc. DRII fces arc to bc paitl at thc tinre of subnrittal. Latcr, $,hcn applying tbr a building pcrntit' plcasc identity the accuratc valuation ofthc project. Thc t-orvr.l of Vail rvill "ojusirnc rt" accolding to thc projcct valuation' pLBASE SUBN{lT THIS APPLICA'|'I()N, ALl, SUBiVtITTAI' REQUIREI\IENTS AND Tt{E FEE TO THE DEPr\ll]'i\IENT oF coi\,INIt.JNlTY D[vELoPivrENT, TS soUTH FltoN.tAGE RoAD. ,.\ )>]-tq4 VAIL, COLORADO 8I657. fficDAUG 102000 zs I l( x,.\ \t2bo IUv 6-zf I s 5:l 2 $ $ ( U]tLl -rl-)l<l -lIcl sl N a + t- z-_J froz$-h$ !.Ps)-s.l \Lt $l {t\ v \.q $s 3Bs$L-'3- t-rr$ ::, os> 'q', r t ll I !L\l tl ^r!-4 d5 *$ d$z19'. -.E.S I; Y$it>uIEo $3FntrZtlbE RY$2io N $t dr $& .3 s"-oZIt$J 0o+ $5 o..R i .e3 {[ 3{ $ + sl UJtL 2Jdo rJap-uAtJFeR + 3oz Depailment of Communlty Dwelopment 75 S. Frontage Road Vall. CO 81657 tLL ln'/n Recd$No 5/ 5L 5 Pleaee make checks payaHe to the TOWN OF VAL 314 1110 14 111 Code - 1997 - Volume 1&2 001 0000 314 1112 qniform Building Code - 1997 - Voturne 3 314 1112 1 0000 314 11't2 Int€rnational Mechanical Code - 19gB 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1996 001 0000 314 11 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 1 0000 314 111 0000 314 1112 of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codae 14 1112 oo1 0000 314 1211 1 0000 314 111 1 1 0000 314 1.1 001 0000314 1111 001 00003112300 001 0000 3124000 001 0000 315 .001 0000 310 1100 001 0000 311 001 0000 311 Extedor Alteration - Lees than 100 sn. ft. 0000 311 2500 Alteration - More than .100 so. ft. t ,-,/ 4 f/ChecL* /6 2b Receivcd by: F:/Ev€ryone/Fonf E/Sd$act o(. il-=*-- . RECHPT - Qown of vdlll -:r'-+{ tl orrn ll N9 51565 ) r,,(., r r t', , Permit Numbers HOW PAID-Cash-(heck L /i NECEIPT - The Tovm of Vail ,*" t f to ,e-@- N9 51565 RE.ET'ED ,*ou I Lt,cfuot- I &x/,ar-4.-- ADDRESS Permit Numbers HOw PAID-cash-Che ,r /Sffi Tom of UaiIr*r CIEIITER RETEIPT }T IlfllE: 8/10/ffi 01 f,ECEIPT: fr1?580 IESCRIpTIII{ 0w illllT Ip Ir *lffIil ffi&Hto*rr cr r?c'm rDR '( IB{IIER IEIRIL0( t838 I)flfE: 8/l0/fi TOTfl. OfH ffiTt{T IilO€RED |es.m TIIC:1{:18:45 €c.m tee.m IIfl( YIIJ FtlR YqJN FEYTE{TI vu,lu;1$t{' VoAa*rr DEPARII,IENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AI-,IJ TIMBS ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 800-0135 .lob Address: 385 E GoRE CREEK DR Status.. Locat.ion.. -: 385 E GORE CREEK DR (VORLApplied. Parcel No..: 2L0L-082-32-014 Issued.. Project, No. r PR,J00-0]-72 $q)ires. Description: INTERIOR REMODEL Occupancy: T14pe Constsruction:q4ge Occupancy: Valuat,ion:140, 000 FireDlaca Infornatsion! RestricEed: Y #of Ga6 AppLi.anceE I llof GaE r.oga:*of wood/PeLlet I FEE SUUUARy :'t**t*r'lr*ti'** RcFtualanc Plan Revicv- - > DRB Fee-------- Rccr6ation Fec----------> clcan-UD D.Dosit- --- -- --> lj*irr.ri r*lr*,*lJ ** See Page 2 of this Document for any condiEions Ehat may apply Eo this permj-U. DECIARATIONS I h€r€by .cknorledg€ that I hav6 rcad chL6 appltcaLi.on, filled ouf in fu1l the inforuaLion requilcd, cdE l.Lcd an.ccurat. plot pfan, .nd 6tatc th.ts aI1 Ehe infornation providod a6 r€quired iE correct. I agrc€ co conply riEh lhe infornation and plot plan, to co|lply vith all To!.n ordinanccB rnd sbace Lais, and to buitd lhie Btructurc accolding to thc Togn's zoning and aubdLvj.rlon codqs, d.sigtr rcvicn approwed, Uniforu Building code anil other oldinanccB of tsh€ Torat applicabLe bhcreto' REQT'E8TS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAN', BE Ii{ADB ffiEMTY-FOt'R HOI'RS IN IDT'ANCE BY S6nd Clsan-Up Dcpodits To: PLITUB KENDAI,L ISSIJED 06 /t3 /2000 08 / 07 /2000 02/ 03 /2OOL t TOV{N OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLIEANT col{TRAeroR OWNER Building- --- -> 900.00 PLIJMB KENDALL CONSTRU TION P.O. BOX 408, EAGI-,E, CO 81531 PI,T'MB KENDALL CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 408. EAGLE, CO 81631 ,]ORDAN JOIIN III Phone: 970-328-3355 Phone: 970-328-3355 TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-r-rp DePo^sit RR1 t"ttt-t-*i1il, approvedv 1-HR TlPe v 1- amount Plan check- - -> Inv66tl,grtion> will c.l1----> TotaL calculatsed F..E- - - > Additional F66s-- -- -----> Tobal Pernits Fce_-_-----> Pa)m6ntsa------- BALANCE DUE.--- 5S5.00 .00 3 -O0 2,0se.00 .00 2, Ogg .00 2, Ogg .0o . oo IEem: 05100 06 /20 /2000o7'/27'/2000Item:05400 07 /27 /2000Item:0550006/20 /2OOOItem:05500 06 /20 /2OOO BUILDING DEPARII,IENTiIRM ACt.iON: NOTBiIRM ACEiON: APPR PI-,AIiINING DEPARI'II,IENTiIRM ACtsiON: APPRFIRE DEPARTUENT ,tRM AcEion: APPRPI'BLIC WORKSiIRM AcEion: APPR .Dept: BUILDING Division: lrm Dept : PL'AI.INING Division: DepC: FfRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Divisj.on: lans to PPROVED N/A N/A N/A Add detft: .00 100 .00 .oo 500.oo TOTAr, FEES----- 2.0S8.O0 'rrirrrri*itt*r}r****t*trr*ttt** t * r t r I * * * t * * ir * * * l*r*a*ir******, SIcInTItRE oF oWNER oR coNTRAcTOR FoR HIUI'ELP eID OWNER *****************************************************************:l************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 800-0135 as of 08/07/00 Status: TSSUED******************************************************************************** Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 06/]-3/2000Applicant: PI-,I,MB KENDALL CONSTRUqTTON rssued: 08/07/2000970-328-3355 To Brpire z 02/03/2OOL ilob Address: LOCATiON: 385 E GORE CREEK DR (VORI,AI'FER 302)Parcel No: 2101-082-32-OL4 Description: TNTERIOR REMODEL Conditi-ons: l- . FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAI{CE. 2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,ATiID FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITII A}I APPROVBD FIRE MATERIAL. 3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AI.,L BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.310.6.1 OF TIIE 1997 I'BC.4. FIRE DEPARITI,IENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAIiI BE STARTED. a******att*t+t+l****:l*l**t*l*****a!t*****A*'r******lttrt**t******t** TOI{N OF VAIIJ, COIJORADO Statenmt l*lt*rl.l'l***ll****il****a**t*l*!r*****tl****Al****!r**ttt******ir*t** gtatemnt Number: REC-O663 Anrount :2, Oa8 - oO Oa/O7/Oo LL-.35 Palnnent Method: CK Notation: s3660/PLUr,rB KEIID Init: LC Petmlt No: 800- 0135 n'pe ! A-MP ADD/AIJT MF BUrtiD PER Parce1 No: 2101- 082 -32-oi-4 glte Mdress: 385 E @RE CREEK DR Location: 385 E GORE CREEK DR (VORLAUFER 3O2) Total Fee6: 2, oa8 . o0 ltri6 Palrnent 2,O88.0O Total ALL Pmt6: 2,088.00 Balance:.00 t*t******t****tt**+*****i+******************t**t*i**t*i******r** Account code Description BP 0O1OOoO31111oo BUILDING PBRI,IIT FEBS DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI{ FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PIJAN CHECK FEES AD D2-DEPOS CLEAT\IUP DEPOAITS WC 00100003112800 WIIJI' CAL,IJ INSPECTION FEE Anorrnt 900. oo 100.00 585 . OO 500.oo 3.00 Building Permit #:o - ot99 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) rcVNOFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colora-do 81657 uired for electrical, plumbing,Separfermits are /!-€ 't'to req -*-lr mechanical. etc.! l.-{Dco- 6o Contact Assessrc Oflfce at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parce(W 2trO'o8.r'3f,olt Job Name: Vr>r-lrru Ee, t 3c>:l , Jo..l-'. Rc';..r",.,r c Job Address: -361 G*r<- L-ft<-l:- Dr..r,'c -* 3',.\ Vr.-( Ci: -dt\:S -) Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name:^ , -r-la)Y\f\ lQrct- r. l4-Address:Phone: Address:Phone: Enoineer:(i\ rrr 1t rn.-., r*z-. -- A <Address:Phon"t .Fa.1 .. s.a , Detailed descriotion of work:<<><1<, , r1C4' Z-.i i-r(,^< +\., r.1t r.--:) $.-*r.,v.'..-. - F-f'+.,'". f -4- L.''r\,t, ,'C.tr\.rc-<. c\\\ \rJ(-!r$. 5t -\r -.) ^-\, (xto r-1(fglod .|<, WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel(X) Repair( ) DemoQC) Other( ) Work Type: Interior (p Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single.family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( y) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvoe of Fireolaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ()d) No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Aopliances (x ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOTALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ({) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( I ruo $<) COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $orHER: $ il'*'{ES. rYrc) PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: S i.{O.oc,c REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: p(1-;,v\b t-rt,..!.^ tt Cr.,.,:l{,o<-i.'o.e J'.-.c- CONTMCTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: ?[u ,,v b (,:-..1". tt Lc,'.ttrwfrcr-r Town of Vail Reg. No.: f')t - ? Contact and Phone #'s: At,rv \v'ti ntL^-,..- -*io .ltSS ContractorSignaturfr---)) / trl (x f ****r.**'r*'r*****r.******f **********rrr.t***FOR OFFICE USE OI\LY* * * *,+ * * * ^. * * >t * * * )t * * rt* * * * * *** * * rt * * * ** t * F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 I0I,I'N Department of Community Development Project Name; '\lor [c.., [-e.- \I P*:.r Project Address: / This Checklist murt be completed before a Buildino Permit apolication is accepted. All pages of application is complete Q ,Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval.form / Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex o Complete site plan submitted u Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) d, F. a a/ Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster.oarkino or material storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) D Window and door schedule s Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) o Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) n Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection o Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated o Smoke detectors shown on plans D Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicanfs Date of submittal: F :/everyoneforms/bldperm2 Received By: BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all mulU-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by:tlt,avv.1 ( J- {-rr(-\ Project Name: .l rDate: ra I \ l> loc> PriRt name F : everyone/forms/bldperm3 TOWN OF WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OFTHE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS REGARDiNG THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": a Is this a new residence? YES NO )c o Does demolition work being performed require the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property?-Noy Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? NO )' YES Noy Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES NOy Is any drainage work being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES NON Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES No* Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES NOF----T----- If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YES_ NO y If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public WorK at 479-2198. I HAVE READ/ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESNONS. Job or Project Name: Date Signed: F: /everyone/forms/bldperm4 Company Name rcmtw PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBTIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Aoolication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. you can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifi7 (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware lhat your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to peform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". i NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is requircd each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have rpad and understand the above. ' " /- "z-1. 'l, /, /,,.. (:/ - ,l . ( /'Signature,/ 1 F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 Date Sagned DRAINAGE AND CUTVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the itemS below: D The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. I The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culvefts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. o Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancy issuance. Agreed to by: rcnieVv-et 6ne! Project Name: Date Signed: Vo" io,-'. tr<,.'Jl =t.-r L t' >- ls., F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 rcwlw MATERIAL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTIOI{ PARKING Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED n Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any streef sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. J Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notiff and require any person who violates or Guses another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. o Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1{-1 of this code. D Notace and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Work as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7.3A.T AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED ! No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 1) o Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any seqtion of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or ctruse it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) g 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship to Project: Date Signed: F:r'everyone/formVbldpemtT Tr1 . c-t v.<l 6r; et Aug. !2 ArgDn 31. t000 tody Lltrdvrll lf,rna$msrt, Ir&, Dar lody: Tlrir Lcr will uvc u rppronl lbr tho now windnir ibriF for unit 3@ u dcmn n 6c &r*lry by Dlll frrhcl' Archirccl W"-ll//l Vdutrr fbrn*nsr Asoerlti on fficDAUG282000 o TO: JodyUnCuU Propnrylfisgrbr l{r.Iohn torfn, E Dc$trody, ltc Eord ofdintton of Sro Vorlnr&r Honeownlrl Atmirtion hold I tuc*hg on t\,hil 15, 2m0, b rtrilm ptrno nbnrlttod ao rhc Eourl rofardlns fio ronwrtion of 33J Ooro Crds Drivg #1O2, Vd[ Colmdo 11657, onmcd by Mr. Iobn W. Iodur. II,I qnr dcldcd m rgprovo drc plrno ol rubmi$ed unrhr ttrc blse,hg conditionr: ' A vido inrycEtm lud documartrtion thcroof ip lnfofined n assrrc rdqurto rowrgr ory&ity &r thc propo*d rc,nmntionr D*tis &qn rlarclldon nill bo dirposcd of thrur4h a propr dilpocsl cbts, stetdtts &ort rf c'uf &dag wlndow to r dumprcnbdow, parbd in pn&hg ryrcc Gt & cler Cofruffon rnatcridr will bo liftod rnd delivcrod tluugh 4r crs fuhg wlndow. ' Conrfinlicn puking will bo linutod to Diccs Ql & G2 snd thc udgrd ps5rU m|ao&runlt302. Simcnly, BdmD.It{ailsPil[rd Bor{ofDlnqon VodneHmnu'lurAffg . t, > . Jot Ua^d,valLUanag&rt, Inp. 00t P.O. Boa,tI74, Edna.rd,y, CO 8t632 Phaar,e (97o) 926 -74tt Fa* (97o) 926.tst7 jtng+n7@bwrunnf February 14, 2000 John W. Jordan, ll Jordan Industries, Inc. 875 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 4020 Chicago, lL 60611 Sent Via FedEx Dear Jay, Enclosed is the asbestos test results from Vorlaufer #302. There are 3 materials that contain asbestos: Drywalljoint compound Sheet flooring ( in the laundry room ) Exterror window putty The drywalljoint compound is discussed in detail in the report and basically is considered non-asbestos containing material in a demolition situation. The sheet flooring is a non-friable asbestos material. lt must be handled and disoosed of according to proper asbestos abatement rules. The exterior window putty can be left as is, but if you decide to demolish or replace the windows they must be disposed of according to proper asbestos abalement rules. Let me know if you have questions about the report, or you can contact D&D Environmental. Sincerely, COPY Jody Lindvall ' -.._.::jt D &D Environmental' C orls'ultine; Inc.'. - . February 7, 2000 Mr. John W. lordan, II Owner C/O Ms. Jody Lindvall Broker Jody Lindr"all Management, Inc.. P.O. Box | 174 Edwards. CO 81632 RE: Report of Findings - Asbcstos Survcy Vorlaufer # 301 385 East Core Crcek Drive Vail, Colorado Projcct No.0001 l6 Dcur Ms. Lindvall: D&D Environmcntal Consulting. lnc. (D&D) is plcascd to providc thc rcsults of'thc bulk samplcs collcctcd of suspcct asbestos-conta in ing rnatcriuls (n CM) at thc Vorlaufcr Condominiunrs #302 locatecl at 385 East Gorc Crcck Drivc, VailColorado. Thc sarnpling rvas conductcd by a D&D reprcscntativc on Januarv 31. 2000. UNDEIISTANDING OF TIID SITUATION D&D understands that a represcntative ofJody Lindvall Manaqenrcnt. Inc., w,as sccking a profcssional cnvironmental consulting company to conduct an asbcstos survcy of Unit 30? in thc Vorlaufcr Condorninium complc.r. located in Vail, Colorado. Rcportcdly, thc asbcstos survey was conductcd in support of the sale of the Unit and futurc renovation. SCOPE OF WORK Thc work scope for this project consisted of a walk through of Unit # 302 ro idcntily suspecr building materials that may contain asbestos and to collect and submit for analysis representativc bulk sanrples of these materials. In addition, the work scope for this project included preparation ofa report offindings. SAi\{PLING PROCEDURES D&D's onsite representative collected t\.\,enry-three bulk sarnples of suspect building materials from the interior and exterior portions of Unit # 302 located in Vail. Colorado. Suspcct interior and exterior building materials included the followine: 7N)0 S.,uth BnxuJqtr,-, Suita 2D Littlck,n, Cabrudo ll0 t ?2 Phoue: J0-1-7J0-7,\77 l'ot: JOJ-7J0-7ltll7 l\l r. John \\. Jordan Fcbrurr-r i,.:000 Peg.2 . Drlwall;. Drywall joint compound;. Sheet flooring: ' Soffit - roofing shingles:. Soffit - tar paper;. Fireplace backing nraterials; and. Windorv put1r,. A minimurn number of bulk sarnples wcrc collected of suspect building materials to determine if the particular suspect material contained asbestos. In sonre cases, depending on the quantity of the suspccl nraterials, nrore than thrcc sarnplcs rvere collectcd and submitted for progressive anal),sis. Thc bulk samples rvcre collected:rs rcquired by the Dl)A (-'l0 CFR 763) and the Statc of Colorado (Rcgulation No. 8), bascd on thc quantity of thc parriculer suspcct building rnatcrial. Bulk samplcs \\,cre not collectcd of roofing materials duc to adcquatc patching conccrns. ANALYTICA L PITOCEDURIiS Thc bulk santplcs collcctcd olsuspect ACM rvcrc dclivcred to Rescrvoirs Environnrcntal Scrviccs. Irrc., a National Voluntary Laboratory Accrcditation Progranr (NVLAP) asbcstos laboratory locatcd in Dcnvcr for anal;'sis. Accordinq to tlrc analytical Ilborrtory, thc bulk sanrplcs rvcrc analyzcd in accordancc with EPA lvlcthod 600iMl-82-020 and EPA Mctlrod (r00/l{-9illl(r. Smallportions of thc sarnplc r.r,crc placcd in Scrics: E l-ligh Dispcrsion Refractivc Inclcx t,iquid orr a nricroscopc slidc. Thc prcparcd santplc uas thcn obscrvcd at l00X (powcr) undcr polarizcd light using a McCronc Dispcrsion Staining Objcctivc. 'l'he chalrctcristics of thc fiLrcrs rvcrc conrparcd to the known propcrtics ofasbcstos fibcrs for dispcrsion color, polaritv. c\tioction and gcncral morphology. Sarnplc conlcnr (civcn by pcrccntagc) rvas ntadc by visual cstirnatcs lry cornparison ofasbcstos flbcrs to totll rn:ttcrials. ITESULTS According to thc analytical rcport, ofthc twonty-thrcc bulk sanrplcs subnrittcd for analysis. thrcc rvcrc reported as containing astrcstos in lrrroLrnts grcatcr (hiur onc perccnL, thcy arc:. Dryu,alljoirrt conlpound.. Sheet flooring, and. Exterior window putt\,. Dryrvall was not listed as a nraterial that rvas positive for asbcstos content bccause tlrc layer that contained asbestos in the first dry.wall samplc is consistent with rhe description of the dryrvalljoint compound. The drywall sample u,as obtaincd near the corner ofa wall and in an inconspicuous area and the joint compound tvas evidently spread over tlre area. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) a material is defined as asbestos if the suspect material contains greater than onc-percent asbestos. Therefore, matcrials that are reportcd as containing one-percent or a "trace" amount ofasbestos, are not considered to contain asbestos. Ho*,cver. the National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants - Asbestos - recommends that if the asbestos content is estimated to be less than l0-percent by a method other than point-counting, the determination might be repeated using the point-count analytical rnethod. ( )I I \ \ ) \ lrtr. John W. Jordan Fcbruary 7,, 1000 Pagc 3 The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment has issued a policy statement regarding demolition and renovation projects impacting asbestos-conta in ing dryu,all finishing mud and joint compound that is often referred to simply as "mud". Dryrvail mud has been found, in many situations, to contain significant amounts of asbestos while the substrate material that it is applied over may not cbntain asbestos. The State addresses horv best to handle denro lition/renovation projects when the mud is identified as asbestos-contain ing and the substrate material does not contain asbestos. This is the situation tlrat was identified rvitlr the drlvall and dryu'alljoint compound in Unit # j0l, Relative to dryllall and rnud, three distinct situations may occur. First, the demo lition/renovat ion (DiR) project may inrpact on the mud alone, as could bc the case during a sandinq opcration of the asbestos- containing mud for re-finishing. In this casc the sanding opcration is considered to be an abatenrent project and all applicablc asbestos abatcmcnl rulcs and regulations apply. The sccond case involves thc cotnposilc ntalerial tlrat contcins qrcetcr than onc l)c'fcent asbestos (percent of asbestos in the combincd mttd/drywall). ln this situatiort. whcn tlre rnatcrills it disturbcd it nrust be dtxe under asbcstos abarcnrcnt conditions. In tlrc third situation, if tlrc conrpositc analysis indicatcs an asbcslos contcnt ofonc-pcrccnt or lcss' cvcn though the nrud may contain grcatcr than onc-pcrccnt asbcslos, thc matcrial is not considcrcd asbcstos-contain ing for thc purposes of dcmolition of thc entire wall and tlrcrcfore does not firll trndcr thc asbcstos abrtcment rcquircrnents of'tirc Rcgularion. If thc rvallarca is to be renovatcd ancj not dcrnolislrcd, and thc rcnovltion inrpacts tl)c ilsbcstos-conta irr inq mud, the projcct is considcrcd ab tcrlcnt. Thc following exarrrple rnay hclp to clarify thc situation. 'lhc laboratory artalysis rcport of a bulk sanrplc thilt was conrposcd of fivc pcrccrrt rnucl and 95 pcrccnt drywall irrdicatcd tlrc rnud containcd two pcrccnt esbcst<.rs and tirc drywall did not conrain asbcslos. Thcrcforc, thc totfll astrcstos contcnt for thc corrrpositc samplc (bolh mud und drywall) is 0.1%. IIcncc, figuring thc entirc rvall(drywall and dryrvalljoint cornpouncl) tlrc compositc arralysis is lcss tlran orrc pcrcent asbcstos ltttd is considcrcd non-asbcstos corrtlirring lnd an urrrcgul tcd ntatcriul in a dcmolitiorr situation. Thc sarnplc rcsults frortr thc analyticll lubonrtor,v'arc prcscntcd in Attachnrcrrt A tnd'fhc Stltc of' Colorirdo policy,statcnrcnt rcqarding Dryu,alland Dry,rvallJoint CorrrpoLrnd is irrcludcd ls Attaclrrncnt ll ol'this rcport. CLOSING CON,IMI'NI'S D&D apprcciates thc opportunitv to assist you u,ith thc u'ith you on future projccts. If -r'ou havc an\,qucstions lrcsitate to call us at (303) 130-7877. Sincerely, D&D ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, INC. Robert T. Harvbaker Proj ect Manager aftachment rcpons 0001 l6 Vail asb survcv asbcstos sanrpling and looks forward to',r,orkinq rcsardinq tlris report ol'Iindings. plcasc do not Douelas A. Aldingcr, OHST Ceneral Manager ATTACHMENT A BULK SAMPLE RESULTS I N f--F\NO)-c>s E t\l, \Jtv, nlF)#t-t-l::' ]El< i |.: t: c :E ,I zza : l" lq)t; to ro l; v z. llJ c.l C'o=J) (D-cr .- c c- n.916 .= _ 5=9; s- 9.:< t e< .: ari: zt 3*b:! E E ; : 3! E E -J=4E* i i r r 9I r. I t33-=:E E E E : ;;. E E :=:e;e95= i = : = '='=dE= 2 2 2 2 =- 2 2 ;;E ol-luJtE F<J(J ooo f- o->rl-.r: I=.-.t O-O>?-I Oc;-<in$ LL = UJ J F uJ:ct -Xqo .! lJ llJ 'iiz6ro..o(/, tto E>EE E> @l0b=6A tt,-- EQ <E rrJ.E -rtr F< oIz< N \ aJa! = =otr =N a: -;;)ot .a')9- = 'E-* it. f -.#o i5+9Ellqc) l,l- lL nt .6 i.i o iio {, cL.'o; >-D.- FF = s .: '_- v =t'iF.:EE: ^rar,- E ; . IIJ Ozf, .: \J(n:luqOo ; >: 2t?= =EF Y aFJ2 Fgz6 0LUe rrs\z* oo; s ? flolt=;€ t' F2= 9 rEllJ! eJ- gggE *- 3,i =F a €-Oi o EE)c- - Eoccq =trl -;> zii' J-| =;IIE .7 ttl I v ..H -1 - t- EcO- Fz n tl |)oozz3:t:.?> .: 6-: n I o I I at c l- a NL.) C9-qf)F) (Oo ; aii =FE- 3 lE>Og i I I I Il.l-; I u, .:-t>; lo. qr l- I I I l- uu,': : = lo di: i C./ $<t stq IIJ IJ |lF\O6.1Ol1 (n(, C.) ss+(+<i' ?trqtsf Eu.l tlt Lu tt tu TN <t s IU S,/i\Uourt (2"* ti5 J3[ul\--rYJ1?ry\+N.iN\Nc!o \c a o o i o cj(r \ I'J rrr iq s) .ce . .\- I E z t: tJ (tf9c)00 i3il lF 9A ZQ /.'\ a'l n n,.1zzzzzzzzz:?if.:--=r<2=-- ccul c02 5 IIooooool I i 4 M ll 1*|s;Yq.+(J{ aal!El!F F F '.r- r! |I'!LlN N C\ N N Ni .,i OF=.!lc F<-9 n ,'\ ^ur+x<o 4(J uJ .;z6 co .{s !> IB UIr.= n'th o9 .=E go <3 uJ .s,^=E :]E 2 lJX -.| = rey yu - z< z E NN< \,,1C)a\\(J€ ll 5-*\r/ ,\ = !- N q; /^! -'-t =:;i!11 ts d5 d :/ TE:..Plf- A at eF-!u E.!>o;; E!: q;i Z gXEf;=x z cl .9 ;> cIu= (.9(/, - =gri :l ,a qjqroo taoe9 rlit-t !2=2=.!;;===to:i::EIE = P gl ct ct l.!- 3 - la -* * ts 3 3 l:,1;;.'t.\.'ri3-9dr cc co o cd it| g ,,- t a'r F FEiE i \ ;- =- :- = 9:' c,y Oi 5 o > rr > ri 2: 62 Z aa 6; a';; 6 In l= ")t,'t I!te=|, -.' 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F= -;;5; .^' > 9 -: EA e Q!E*I @J3otJ-c-N E .tu Oz? r= LJa=uJo(J o ;., -c)2- zctro oIJJ F i-o= F€ 5za5Hs c) 4s trJz-E o-o; s =ri. : : -! t1 : =.e u -Efr€ * d5 -.= HJ (')'=(/)x L'J- F 6C; .n- 6r'! --oi 6 nE)o-E< -'-::> z Y," - J J-oal r-c ,,: z - o.-' ;: '): F CrU .: ;>1(n Ca F. g1 gl i-2=.: E:(z uJFz g tl c 5 c F i ; t; 1;_i t; i:i o ,9 t; c =c 3' ;3 ooa.= .=oo9 q.;(t'j';';.cocoz c l/'l->6-tn I i.. I6ric.. I>El l.'|^r='" i l=ijE; i! -E E E ! tod;zAE I E tv,oo -g):o E LIJ 5 LU 5 tu ,la(cF. q'q9 (o(o(o {+it !: .r; co -1)2 ;=E(\l a.l N s=:K F= o(/) i< :< '.; o- I (\r\\ r.o MJ .) E F'd c N oo .} F 7 x ru Fb eN qt oo .} ts z anFz a) lr\t Irl --J Irlc)|aol I Irxl nlNal rkltlIJIH l:lI.lt-ltlt.J\l -v\t -l\l sl ^l !.t ^\, | '--!l\JI \l {l :l\l&, {l 2,2DzzFF(Jo F f r'l r Y'l a 3 f r'l J U) J ch \\ Slool I UI Isl:lqJl {I I Gtl.s Rla\ - '\j$r.l =-{i:sl€t"v1 XS;SJt\n a v) (t\ \ :t-r Ifnl q qo \l .\\ :> U \\}l \\l {) E hb G| N oo Z= I) U ).ql .kl 'l \91 -..< \ I * ( & tt- i.( ^ll ||| e \ F 0? \j I ,l IZ t:U J J I (n \ qrl\l':l{l I I I I I I I I ^llqNI,erl sl ..irl\l \\t UI I,l .!-l-'-l vN dl\ e'I zF(.) d I']'l\ll I \lrl 4)a \\ N <v\, ; ra zF C) o .i* f r"l f r'l v) t-1 fYl *l \rz, CN \ i -t E v) \ N\1\ I rii;-F. -.1 : cn at o ATTACHMENT B POLICY STATEMENT LETTER STA|E OFCOLOIUDO COTORADO DEPARTMENT OT HEATTH 4 210 Eart Ilth Avenue Denvel, Cotorado 80 2 20.17 16 Phone (l01) l2 0.8J l l Tclc lrr| (10il !lf -9076 {M.ao Suilding/Denvcrl (loll ll0- l 519 (Pr.rm'8rn Pl.(c/Drnvc" ll0J) 216-7196 tC.rnd Junction ReBron.l Otlicel POLICY STATEHENT IIANDLING ASBESTOS-CONTAINING DRYI.TALL FINISHING },!UD /JOINT COMPOUND The Colorado Department of Health, Air PoIIution Control Division (Division) has taken the foLlowing position regarding demolition and renovation (D/R) projects jrnpacting on asbeBtos-cont a in lng drywall finiehing mud and joint compound: Roy Romcr Covernor lhomar M. Vernon. rt.D I rc(ul ive D're(to, DrywaII finlBhing mud and joint compound, referred freguently haa been found to conta!n a significant (i.e. greater than 1t), while the subEtrate it is not contaln rsbestoa. The question, then. ia how compoBite material !n the event, of a renovat j,on or that will impact on the aforementioned materials. to 6irnply as -mud", ajnount of asbestos applied over may or may be6t to handle thls demolition proj ect Tr.ro diEtj,nct aituationa may occuri f!r6t, the D/R project rnay impacc on the mud alone, auch as could be the case during a aanding operation, or aecond, the D/R project nay irnpact on the composlte material (the mud and the aubstrate drywall it is applied over), auch as trould be t'he case in the demolition of the drvwall. In the aecond case, the project. is considered an asbestos abatement Project if the composj,te analysie (the percent of asbestos in the combined nud/dryvall composite material) shows an asbestos content of greater than ll. If, on the other hand, the composj,te analysis indicates an asbestoE content not greater than lt, even though the mud may be greater than lt, according to Regulation No. 8, the materj.al is no! considered ACU and doea not fal,I under the asbestos abatement requirements of thig regu lation. This policy is effective through a revlsed policy iEeued prior to If you have any questiong regarding thie policy Etatement, please contaci In the first case, if the mud ia greater must be handled as an a6besto6 abatement applicable requ j-rements of Regulation No. Compliance Honit.oring & Enforcement Ai! Pollution control Division S ilhti+kT December 31, 199X, unless superseded by this date. than 1t asbestos the project Project,, Eubjecr to aII the q steven D. Fine, Industrial Hyglenist compliance Honitoring & En f orcelTrenE Air Pollution Cont!oI Divislon our asbestos group at 3*i*?O -de-3t87- David R. Ouimeete, Chief jt-8/polj.cies/4 :+REcDJULzbzooo fLuj4b ktlPAt t, CoNfieuctpN covt? w1., 0 utL2 N q rEAtuE, FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO:FROMI AlexI( MintlingJ.R. COMPANY:DATE: Town of Vail Building Department 07 /25/M FAX NUMBERI TOTAL NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: Engineer:ng for Jordan Residence-Vodaufer PHONE NUMBER:SENDER'S REFERENCE NUMBER: VodauferCondos #302 YOUR REFERENCE NUMBERI Iordan Residence Perrnit E unceNr Et ron r.svlew E prn,rsp coMMENT E prpasp nrpr,y E pr,rase REcYcLE NOTES,ICOMMENTS: DearJ.R., Enclosed are 2 copies of the engineeling for the Jordan Residence f Yorlaufer Condos. If you have anymore questions of concems that may hold up the permittingprocess, please call me at 390-9755. SiggerelR 4lt-2"---- -Alex Mindng PHONE / FAX 970-328-3355 CF.LL 970-390-9755 PAGER 970-845-4940 Post Office Box 408 Eagk., ColnroAo 81631 PhanelFax9T0-328-3355 " '.- i-' i--ltl z,ttv-utJ 4t4d [ | 7''./ W,t LP -.-:,. PA,-l4l Ut\uL. t aolJiitvJ(f|2N\ tl ilj,-- 'LtY?1 I NoTi '1,'.11-.-l.r Ptf arl Pt'l l/,rt* 1'Pr',rr-rr'lq MAIN LEVEL PLAN t rldrof rtldlcar r LO. a. SAUSSY TNGINEERING 530 STEPHT]|5oN AVL Broc. a sum 200 P.O, 8OX t { 0 (Jta05) sAvx{MH. cl. Jt 105PHONE (9t2) 2J2-5IOJF^I (912) 2J3-lool ;il.!,s,3 Vi['-...r*bt#rc2 \./ArL. @l-AAtnef E\ilB I 160 N. FROM'A6E 80.un68 P.O. 80X Js5 (81657)vrL c0 tr658P]toNE (97O) .7t-2239F^( (gto) {77-2259 IILE: l*4@\tE,M.EFlTtTa €919n1*Ja sal l-or/l hY.Deootq e DUILl'lNl PFtvtr-79f IY a/tb. SAUSSY TNGINEERING 530 STEPHO{SON AVE Broc. a sum 2@ P.O. SX r.t r 0 (J 1,106) s^v .lrMH. cA. J t {o5PHONE (9r2) 2J2-5|OJF^x (9r2) 2JJ- tool illl II il tl rl l-i- : I I I trty fot ttc vicci'ttc jrct ot, or ,rsqucntly F IAs F U . bUILT IN _srof'ro ', truLv 3zL l, r''^* o'o :--q---+ -\rt UPPER LEVEL PLAN --1-'-t--i--iri Vo**rr* Copw%z vArL. cnlaabaon00 lr. FRoMTAcE R0. uNlI 60 P,O. BOX J33 (81657)vrL co 6t 654Pro{€ (970) .77-2250rN( (e70) {77-2250 IM@\4E}.\ENT€w F_Kl€:n|Ja snrZ orZl l^!:;A zttz , -/ 41,,\tc Z/,C.t{la e-fzi AL',to| SECTION zbzt_D a?elJtlcr \' l.ltN aearJ.+l 12? llli rr'| .l . | ..1 .-'.-.-1.- '..' | | !lA : I (- ( SAUSSY INCINEERING 3lo STEPHOTSON Avc BLoC, A SUm 200 P.O. 8OX i4r rC (Jr4O6) 9{VrNMt{. CA" Jl1o5PttoxE (9r2) 2J2-5IOJFAX (9 !2) 2JJ-roOr Fagirltc' i' trc rrqoi oro ranlly ?.o. 't&*,r*btw%z \./AlL. @l-oeAttur t60 N. TRoMTACE RO. UNfi 58 P.O. 8OX J55 (8r0s7) v tL co tr638PhoN€ (9701 .77-2250rN( (97O) t77-2259 lu@E ^ENT€To EKlgnua sHT 3 o(?l FFt ef$ SAUSSY ENGINEIRING 5lo SltPBEXSOlr AVL 6L0c. a 9urE ?00 P.O. oOX t4l19 (Jr4O6) 9AV tMH. Cl. JraO5PHOlit {012) zJ?-srolF^x (e r?) 2JJ- r0o l i:'|,ia'|i trl o Q.Vswe MVC490F ilc16 l { *t"-- l I I hy rad tottl , to!lor l$$';3;* i'qii!:-q ,tt ,NALY' r, a.-i tl' SAUSSY INGINIERING 530 SIEPHEXSON AVL BLO€. A SUITE 2OO P.O, 8OX r4r lo (Jr405) S VATMH. GA. JIiO5PtloNE (er2) 2J2-5r0Jr^x (9 12) 2JJ-l@r tlrl I I I**-t-- I I I' --- l -- I \./Ar L. @l-cElEDO V#,o..,* C^#rc2 DEs ev: ft fI t6o N. FRo}IIAGE R0. UNIT 68 P.O. oox JsS (6! 657)vrL co at65aPHONE (970) 477-2259FIJ (97o) 177-2259 1y4@E.N\gNT6To EKl9nNa snt (iotZl li--:.--.ltitti Prrffcrrirind rlnicci r.o ri foutrd Inrtfucltont il Srrftty lngincirilg ur rr rrd foi !rc bl tbr iccio sc{rico' rrc ribr inlendcil prqlcct rrqui(qtlcnl!. Srrcirfrr or olnltiiont rl !ut1!cqucn(ly dcvclopcd rcrilnl i i-l---*-.-sA-usI P.O. BOx t55 n,l6-77.1- ',t, ll-r- MVC491F ,I : tlii ?;j-i ?p'tl t' l?i .-"."Es irt!-r '-r'l I !- i- i 1"".'q6;3 \*7tvit; Srrry Engiqcarirg uc to nrd for rrc b'l thc fccioi Sr(r'icc' rrc ibr irrtcr,rcd "t&*.r* C"*w%z V,At L @t€,EA,rZc> lt_llii.- hof.!rioDrl t,lrri".l r. rnio(!tct iiiiiu-ri(;t 510 srEPHorsoN AvL BLoC. A SUIE 200 P.O. BOX 11r 19 (Jr405) s v^lrtr^r{ cA. lt 105PHONE (9r:) 2J2-5|OJf^x (9r2) 2JJ-ro.ll r 180 N. FRo|{rAGE R0. UNtI 68 P.O. 8OX Jss (81657)vNL CO 8t658PT1ONE (97O) .77-2259r^x (97o) 177-2259 lMFuovE:^^EN16TO EKI9NN4, h"a fr.r. FCJTLr\;FJE I I I I rbtu{ Lir.d lotrl 'forI orol ruppli SAUSSY ENGINEERING oar..,6tf snr fi,_ otQ/ j.j MVC-492F RJELINEST6 !!i"'i!'J rry F.agiacirirg !c ro for urc bJ tlc iccipiiccl'rrc nbt intdndcd alrifud outriI}iriric-tirir-i P.o. {ox 055 -27'bc-\;". of informrt rrtrcd by thc .t:.p _:. im rt r.q or omlt, SAUSSY TNGINEIRING 5JO SIEPHOISON AVE. 8r.DC. ^" SU|IE 200 P.O. 8OX 1.1r 9 (Jr106) s^v l{.w{. cA. J1,ro5PlloNt (9r2) 2J2-3rOJr^x (912) 2JJ-loOl 11 60 N. FRoI{TACE R0. UNTI 68 P.O. 8OX Jss (81657)vlrL co 81656 IVfu]E^.IFN15To '€_glqnrso h+ fr-.. Fg-r.t^rl+t-t+ "{&*r* btw+tu2 wArL @l-ozAttu PnoNE (97O) .77-2259rr"\ (97o) 477-2259 sHT lotll SAUSSY TNGINEERING 5J0 STEPflorSOlr Al,f 8t0c. a. su[E 200 P.O. 8OX t1 9 (Jr 406) sAVArflAH, C . .lta05P8Or.E (912) 2J2-5|OJr^x (9 12) 2JJ-roor Trlr.-c lMlZ: /E,xr\EFlT€Ta EKlgnl-l4' 2F+ fi-. Fei,r:l+r+sHT b o(21 v#**b,tw%zvArL.@t-Mttu om'@tf mvc-494f (fonnat change to PNG {Portable Network Graphic)) SAUSSY TNGINIERINC 5J0 STEPHOTSOI| AVL Btoc. a suSE ?@ P.O. BOx 11r ro (Jr406) s^v ro{ H, GA. 3t.t05PHONS (9r:) 2J2-3rOJF,r.x (9 12) 23J- l00l I IOO N, FROMT^GE BO, uflff 60 P.O. 8OX J55 (41657)v L co 8t63€PHONE (97O) 477-2:59 FAx (97o) 171-22s9 T]TLE: lMtZc}VEiAAFFlT6TA EKI9NN€' hp fr-. Ferttr\tt-1c V#*.r* Ca't#rc2 VAtL @LCetXrct s{r Aot4J. (t u +raLLATl6>h-t rD 46vYQE'MIIJ 4- STWet !r-J EEsrarr.-r("\ mvc-495f A oo Qx+ FUt-t- *GT €aVW lb€uow ,L.t'.*lrEL A.r JAMI2 AF W)W)?O*J t?Eue\./ '-..-t--.. I I'"1 br. l-- I I I F.: lo". trJ.;, SAUSSY TNGINTERINC 5JO SIEPHO{SON AVL 0t0c. a sum 200 P.O. tlox r.rr9 (Jr,.06) s,{vr|lal^H. c^ Jt403PHON€ (9t:) 2J2-5IOJF^-x (912) 2JJ-lool 1160 n. FROi{IACE RD. uNrT 60 P.O, 8OX J5s (81657) v^rL co 81656 lMI@\IEAAENT=;T> E;41961.1o 4,s g-.- E,z''.xt*tr-tc l$.,'*iJlli-_-i--i--i- V#*,.,* bpw+?oz \,/Af L. @l-aAr2o PHON€ @7Ol 177 -2259F^x (97o) 477-?2s9 o*c,62f SHI lpot ?.) P.O. DOx !55 lti-li 't&*,r* A,t&zoz \,/AlL. @l-M|b __,_-l--- I SAUSSY TNGINIERING MVC496F ITLE: lU@rt/E'^ ^\€N16To €KlgnNa he fi-,. FcJ\t.\qFre Tlct| 'U rlvcdlln thr 510 srPHarsoN AvE 8LOC, A SUIIE 20o P.O. oOX lane (Jr,r06) s^v^fl]l^H. GA. Jl1O5PflONC (9r:) 2J2-3rOJr^x (cr:) zsl-rmr 1180 H. IROMIICE R0.ufln 68 P.O. oox Jss (81657) vNL CO C1638Pr|oNe (97O) .7?-2259f,A)( (97O) 477-2.^59 SHT !!!_otZ t MVC498F (Altered, Lighting) SAUSSY INGINEERING 5J0 STEPHO{SON ^\t8LDC, A SUTIE 2OO P.O. 8OX l4t to (Jt4O6) s vxtM}{. cl. Jta05PHONE (9 r:) ?J2-510JF^X (9r2) 2JJ-l$l II8O N, FRO ]AGE FO. UNII 6O P.O. 8OX J5s (61657) vNL CO Br65aPrioNE (970) 477-2250FA( (97O) 477-2259 ITIE: W@E'itrEr_lT6Ta Ef,196t1o AF+ fr-. Fctxtt:.tr-tO sHI lZor?l Vl[*..r* b,t#zoz vAtL. @icetdttu otte:6t/ MVC-499F l_iti!ol!|-rrd lorirriln lcn'icfr iy d Sciriccrf rrdSrtr(y F.ryioclri!g lra lo ur{ fur rrc bj rbc lcciri 5.{vicfi ' rr. nbr intdr,,lcil prqJcct r.qIirqa(ors. Sr! ctfura or omlrriotrr:r ruUrcqucitly dcvclopcd rcrrcol I i { totd lor r'- - l- I ---i- sius I P.O. DOx 955 n,b.h.xtEJl PROJ€CI:'i2xl,r..rr-e.o AuwbozvArL.@t_Mrb ITLE: IMI4}/E^r'\ENT€To Eggal*l4 SAUSSY TNGINIERING 5JO STEPHO{SON ^VE.Btoc. a sum 200 P.O. 8OX llrr9 (J1106) SI V rltwl. CA. J 1.105PHofl[ (9r2) 2J?-5toJF^x (9t2) 2JJ- | ool t 180 N. Fnot{Tlc€ R0. uNn 68 P.O. oox J55 (81657) vArL c0 El65&P8ONE (97O) ,.77-2259 r^x (s7o) {77-22s9 hp fi-. Fc6sa1.r1p SHT14 ot4l MVC-500F rldi ritcdi totrt I pplla-d. rr I SAUSSY ENGINIERING 5JO STEPHOISON AVL tltoc. a surrE :00P.o. oCrx t.r t9 (Jt4o6) s^v^lrN J{. cL Jt.osPHOI|E (9r 2) 2J2-5IOJr^x (9r2) zJJ- toot I \V@\.E}^ENt€To €Klgnlia ; ii - .-. -i.- !ltl:l 'i:. -;*-L-_ _._ .-tcl I '>2,'7ot I i-i-il Itrr, ,fiff'l PROJECT: VAI L. COI-CZtXVCIr 160 N- FRofl^cE R0. UNII 6O P.o. Box Jss (81652) v rL co at65aProNE (97O) 477-2:59FAX (97O) 477-22i9 $ix 8r: lr{6' 2?e ft-. MVC$O1F I Prqtc!r io I n l0lllt I Stc$y F, rrq fol I St dr iccl' for r'--" ' (o- .'\+f- !.1 II4WI-./E,/'-..E:FIT€ T.O EKI9T.\Na ^p fr-- Fe-66a-|ttlrU V&*..r* b*w+?oz wAlL @l-Er6w) otrc,6?1. MVC{O3F for rrc b{ thc trc jr;-:.:l::,' "' :f"":ifl':il:',";': i il bv i;t-ri ifomrl by i l srtd/o( rddf.l| r I I--t-'' l.w-IZI\lEt.olENT€To EK1qlrao hp fi.. Fzalrr+lt+ V&*r* b,t&zoz \./,Al L. @l_CP/A'r7fz MVC{04F (Altered, Roration) I I I I rdd/or tddl.r| I A SAUSSY TNGINTIRING ll€0 N. FRoT|TAC€ R0.uNlI 68 P.O. BOX JSS (8t657)v{L co 0r65aP'forfE (97o\ 112-2239 (97O) 177 _2251 lMru?vE:A,l'E'NT€To EKt€nLr€' hp n-- Fe:au^rr.t* ,rr.irrr.*...r --'t--_-_F-.- PROJECI: V&r,rurr"s Copw%z \,/Ar L. CotceAtht3J0 STIPHO|SON ^vLBroc. A sunE 2mP.O. 8(}x t.t t9 (Jr4o5) s^v^}{N fi. cr. JirosPHONE (9t1) 2J2-5IOJt^x (9r2) 2JJ-lml oxrc 6?/SHT 11 of 2l |r(i rit!rti ' rorrl i I tor l'- t-.o, I VJ[*u* C,,.&zoz \,/ArL @l-o6rn t,trw d, PUee0.N 1180 N. FROffiACE R0. UNTT 68 P.O. 8OX J55 (81657) v rL c0 8165€ PTIONE €ta s{rlb.ora TITLE: IMFVaG:A^ENT€"ro exl€:n*u, 4EP rr-- F2rx,-\'\+F+ oI IIrt MVC-506F (Altered, Lighting) I I I "tH.,^.r* b,t#rc2 vArL @l-@AW SAUSSY INGINEERINC 5JO SIEPHOISON AVL BLoC. A SUm 200 P.O. S|OX l.r r9 (Jrao6) s^v rlwr. c. Jtlo5PHONT (gtl) 2J2-5|OJFA{ (9r2) zJJ- lool Ffrus oes ov: flfI I8O R. FROMACE RO. UNlr 68 P.O. SOx J55 (Ere57)vrL co ar65aphON€ (g'tol 177-2239 F^x (97o') 171-2259 IV':c@|/E'}a'FNT'Ta Eg19a1p. he n-.- F'2,"x sHT lll ofll l',i - i iii illiai-li- --t--I Mvc-so7F (A I lffim *il1 ffil * I i'rllllli t--r-l i-i -l- i--l- r- [-i- Itered I, Li1 ffi , $iS Ihting) o I I I I lii lrrffcrriotrt tiricci ' -rhirotrtcil initiscti<ir Srriry f.ngiocfritg fr trq lol lrc Dy llc rl Srrlrico'rrc nlr intdr Pt$.c( rcqlrrq@€!t+ crlprt of omt!tron! rotircqucnrly dcvclopdidol i il----i-sAI P.o. Box I Dr[/z2ai":"ltr con. fchrit bc coaridcrf ro(:dd/or t o rrldfclr r{ iy E!!ioeri r. rct!ll ol rd r0corPorl tl Y [,r{GrNl Y^!Lr,$ tia ?to :crPr dcd Srs ll cdr u3i 55. c to thc d{i;n fcn ic d m iLinilcd Schico licatiorly.lftcr|'U rrFtllt in{otv.dlln thi irg airuoef -ao-l[hilir'infonn:tign rigDlir (, rittd i ' toul I i fo!l- I Otl I Il' I s',P$iryl#;si l-r->e I *[J,\ / //L// / =t ffi,e, /1X 8&6-/ L 'lcd liy lh! I s[uilG- DORAD( rccipicnt I I TM f6s i !.:l' i i I 61667 \?-.1 t..'I dmllic jy://///t I I I 1 '::li::i{- L-i -.lti l!il r-----r-t sAUssY ENGINEERING V*.-,.-.r* b*&rc2 vArL, COI-aAtb SCALE:2erav 5JO STEPHOISON AVE 8t0c. a sum ?00 P.O. llox larl9 (Jla06) s^v rl^{'r}l, GA. J1105PHONE (91?) 2J?-5!OJFAx (9 12) 2JJ- r 0ol FFst I I8O tr. FROHTACE RD. UNIT 60 P,o. BOX Jss (81657)vAL CO 81 55€PHONE (9701 177 -2259F/\)( (97O) 177 -2239 DEs BY: fl€QQCTITLE: lMltEa=}\/E^.\EN16To EKl9n$€ /pp trt-'. Ele-'r.AruqFte cur< ov: lr{6, oxrc,6tl.d sar@orfu i' orlo MVC-s10F l: li H. SAUSSY TNGINEIRING 5]O STEPHAISON AVL 810C. A. SUfrE 200 P.O. AOX r4rr9 (Jr4O6) s^v flruH. cA. J l,r 05PRJNE (9r?) 2J2-5!OJr^x (9r2) 2JJ- rool tlli- -,--i_-i-ili V#*..r*Couw%z \.rAtL. @l@.120 DEs BY: l-l €1160 N. [R0M,16E R0. uNn 68 P.O. SOX Jss (81657) v iL co 8165€PflONe (970) 477-2259FN( (9tO) 477-2259 l4W-/EJv\ENT€ T'o 'E9191-1*o TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICAIil:T CONfRACfOR OWNER ilob Address: LocaEion. . . : Parcel No..: ProjecE No.: 385 E GORE CREEK DR 385 E GORE CREEK DR 2101-082-32-0L4 PRiIo0-0172 Permits #: Status..(voRlApptied. Issued. .$q)ires. D00-0024 ISSIIED 05/t3 /2000 06/L4/2000 L2/LL/2000 DEPARTI4ENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOtrE: TIIIS PBRMIT MUST BB POSTED ON iIOBSITB AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BI]DG. Description: INTERIOR DEMO ONLY Occupancy: R1 Tlpe ConstsrucEion: V L-HR I:T)e Occupancy: Multsi-FamilyI\pe V l-Hour Phone: 970-328-3355 Phone: 970-328-3355 *of wood/Pallcts: PLUI,IB KEIIDALI-, CONSTRUCIION P.O. BOX 408, EAGr-,B, CO 81631 PLI'![B KENDALL CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 408, EAGLE, CO 81531 JORDAN JOHN III Valuatsion:5, oo0 Fircplac€ Inforoatsion: Rcstricledt *of GaB Add Sq Ft: Appliances: #of Gas Loga: * ,, i ., r a * t * * i r * * e FEE glrlilMARY t*'i**t*'r*ia*'i Building-----> 95.00 - 61.75 . o0 3.O0 Rqgtuarant Pfan Revicw--> DRB F€6-------- . o0 20 ,00 Rccrcation Fce----------> .00 Total CaLculal.d FceB- - - > Addicional FacE---------> Totsal Peruits Fcc_-------> 779.19 .00 L79.75Plan check- -- > Inv66tigation> wlIl call---->clcan-up Depo6its--_-_--->.00 DepE. : BUILDING Division: PI,ANNING FTREPt,B WORK HEALTH CLERK Division:Division:Division:Division:Division: DepE:Debt:DeDt:Debr:Dept: IEem: 05100 05 /L3 /2000Item: 05400Item: 05600Item: 05500Item:05700Item:05900 Palmcnts------- BAIANCE DUB---.TOTAIJ FBBS- - - -- BUILDING DEPARII{EIiITiIRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PI-,ANNING DEPARIIIET.ITFIRE DEPARTMENTPI'BLIC WORKS EM/IRONMENTAL HEALTH I.,IQUOR +tt,lf*r***.rri*rrirr*r*rrrrtr*tttt**t****r*rt*rtt**r**********tt*rtrr**tat*tt**.1***|rt***!r***ttt*******tt*** i,rtatt'tt*'l See Page 2 of Ehis Document for any conditions that may apply to Ehis permit. DECI,ARATIONS I h.r.by acknoyledge thrt I havc r.ad tshLGl applicabion, fil,I.d out ln ful1 tshe inforsaeion roquir.d, conpleecd an iccutrt. plot plan, .nd Btate thats all th. inforoation provided a6 rcquired Ls correct. I agr€6 to coDPly rifh lha Lnforuation and ploC pl$' !o conply riCh all Town ordinancca !r.!d Btat'c Lars, aDd go buiLd tshis 6tructure according to thc Torn'6 zoning and gubdivirion code6, dcsiglr !.wicw approvcd, IrniforE BuiLdinE codo and otsher oralinanceo of tshe Town applicrble chcrlto. REQI'ESAS FOR rNSpEerIONg SHALL BB ttADE fi{EltTC-pOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE Bv TELBPHONE AT 4?9-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROIT S:00 Alt 5!00 Ptl Sand clG.n-Utrr D6posit To:SICINATT'RE OF OWNER OR COMTRACTOR POR HIMSELF AND OWNER ******************************************************************************** COIIDITIONS Permit #: D00-0024 as of 06/L5/00 Status: ISSIIBD******************************************************************************** Permit Tlpe: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG. Applied: I5/L3/2OOO applicant: PLUMB KENDALL coNsTRUqrroN rssued: 06/14/2000 970-328-3355 To E:<pire I L2/LL/2000 ilob Address: Locat.ion: 385 E GORE CREEK DR (VORLAITFER 302) Parcel No: 2101-082-32-0L4 DescripE, j.on: INTERIOR DEMO ONI.,Y Conditsions:1. TIIIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY. AII ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CBRTIFICATE SHOWING TIIE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS TS REQUIRED PRIOR TO AI{Y FURTHER WORK OCCURING ON TIIIS SITE. IF FI'RTIIER QIIESTIONS ARISE, CONTAqT THE VAII., FIRE DEPARTTI{ENT AT 479-2250. 2. FIRE DEPARIII{ENT APPROVAL IS REQUIPCD BEFORE A}IY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 3. FIELD INSPEfTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IANCE. *****t*a**lltt**ltt*ttt*ttt*!tl***rlt*rl*|}l*t*'t'l*t*ttl**t***t**l*t* TOmt oF vArr,, coroR.FrDo gtatemnt *tt**********l***t*t*rlt*t**t+*tittt*******l***tt*l***tt*t***ttti* gtatenDt lilumber: REC- 0541 Amourt :t79.75 O6/L5/oo 09:53 Pa)ment l.lethod: 3569 Notation: PLITUB KENDALL Init : .llil Permit No: DOO-0024 Type: A-DEltO DBMO. OF PART/ALL BU Parcel No: 2101-082 -s2-oI4 Site Addresg: 385 E GORE CREEK DR Locatlon: 385 E GORB CREEK DR (VORITAUFBR 302) Total Fee6: L79.75 ItrlB Payment L79,75 Total A],L Pmte: 1'79.75 Bal-ance :.00 ll!tl**l**il*ll*l****l*at*tt*t*ttt***a**'l*il*l*ttl********il**t**t*a Account Code DescrLption BP OO1OOOO31111OO BI'IIDING PBRUIT FEBS DR 00100003112200 DEAI@{ REVTBW FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHBCK PBBS WC OO1OOOO31128OO }IIIJIJ CAIIL INSPBCTION FEB Atrrount 95.00 20.00 6L.'15 3.00 i ) "b'JiJ?l'iiyo" - ot,?- Separatgf ermi ts a re rei; ui red fo r electrica l, {-b,^" *lf 'onad As*s'orc Offie at 970-328-8640 orvisit -egal Description lwners Name: description of r\( l*.!i $.o-tr., V c, g. -., . r-<- r>(.i.- ?. (\tt ruJi'r. | /r<i , 5t -'. rS , r1c-.., i:3i-eri^. \ _4i1.+u_o_5 .L cJ.ir.tr |,a1 r l/ork Class: Neut ( ) Addition ( )Remodel (E) Repair ( ) Demo 0C) Other ( ) ype of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family (,9 Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) ,lo. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Gas Gas )oes a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes COMPLETE VALUATIOT{S FOR BUILDING PERMIT (labor & Materials) IUILDING: $ 'LUMBING: $ (EFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: CONTRACTOR INFORMATXON ieneral @ntractor: u vnb tt Ccr" :ontractor *******************OFFICE USE ON LY* * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * -& * * * ir * * * * Building Permit #: mvfiwratl 5 S. Frontage Rd.ail, Colorado 81657 plumbing, mechanical, "r", - OO2-{Dcl Pa for Parcel # , vc. .'r i nt1 .f<- /t/ork Type: Interior (p Exterior ( ) Both ( ) NOT OWED 97 O- 47 I -2149 (Inspections) r oE.]if.ot t Job Address:'16A Gpr<- <-r.<x.- 'Dr.,vc -Jt 3",.I r/c.L t c-6 '&\rs -) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes Contact and Phone #'s:Town of Vail Reg. No.: Planner SlEn-off: everlondformsAldgperm ********* TOIIN OF VAII. 75 S. FROIITAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2A38 APPTICANT COMTRACTOR OWNER ilob Address: Locat.ion. . . : Parcel No..: Project No-: 385 E GORE CREEK DR 385 E GORE CREEK DR 2r_01-082-32-OL4 PRJo0-0172 .AT AIL TIMES #: P00-0085 SEaEus...3 ISSITEDApplied..: 08/Ls/2000Issued...: 09/06/2ooo E:qrires. . : 03/05/200L DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMEI T NOTE:TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE PermitPLUMBING PERMIT PERKINS MECIANIEAL 317 I{T. SHERMAN DRIVE, PERKTNS MECHANTCAL 317 }4T. SHERMAN DRIVE, .JORDAN .]OHN III LEADVIIJLE, LEADVILLE. co co Phone: 80451 Phone: 80461 7L9-486-8425 7L9-486-8425 Descript.ion: PLUMBING FOR rlVrERrOR REMODEL Valuation:2, 000 . 00 8EE STJIiIMARY Plus.bing- ----> Plan check---> rnvestsigacion> wil.l caII-- - - > Re6tuarant Plan R6wiev-- > TOT}I, FEES- -- - - Tocal. calculatcd FaeB- - -> AddiEional Fees---------> Toial Peni.u F€€--------> PayueDbs- - -- - -- 30 ,00 ,00 3.00 .o0 40.50 40.50 40.50 BAIAIICE DU8---. .OO Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUII-,DING Division: O8/L5/2OOO JRM ACtiON: APPR APPROVEDrEem;'.05600 Frne DEPARTMENT Dept: FrRE Division: 08/L5/2000 JRM Action: APPR N/A **r**at*r*a**t*t*rtr***,rr********rt,ltttlt***rlt t**t*'rttt*ttttrr*rr?r*r.r**titi**Jt**ttttt*tlrJr*rt**ttt*Jt+rttt*ttt**J*t CONDITION OF APPROVAI. 1- FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE. DECI,ARATIONS f hercby acknoxlcdgc lhat I hawe r.ad thi! alplication, fillcd outs in futl thc inforEation requirad, codp1.E6d an plan, and 6t.c6 thats r11 th. infornacion provided aa rcquircd is cori6cc. I agr.e co couply rich tshc infolrletion to comply uich a1l, losrr ordin&ces and state Lays, and to build Chis allucture according tso tha tovn? s zoaing a:rd codcE, d.6ign rovi€s approv€d, unif,ore Building Code and oEhar oldinences of the Tosn applicaltlo thcr€co. RSQUES?S FOR INSPECTIONS SHAIJIJ BE UADE TSIETTTY-FOIJR HOI'R6 IN ADVANCE BY TEI'EPHONE AT 479--?!14 OR A'r accuraec plot and ploh pl.n, subdiwision 8:oO AJ,t 5:o0 PU FOR IIIM€ELP AND OWNER *tt***f*t*t*rl****arlllat**ttr}**rllrl*!ta*ttit***a*tttttl*t********a*** TOI{N OF VAfIJ, COIPRADO Statemrt *ta t *l*.lt arl* *a*a l +t +!rt at*l*!t*****i*i** **rl*li *t rt* +* t ** *it *t+ *:r !rt !rra gtateont Nurber: RBC-06?4 Arount,: 4o.So 09/06/00 o8:1? Palruent l{ethod: 1804 Notatiqr : PERKINS UECmltIC IEit : ON . Pernlt No: P00-0085 T14e : B- PLrl{B PIJttl,lBING PERIiIIT , Parcel No: 2101- 082-32 -014 site AddresE: 385 E GORE CRBEK DR rocatioa: igs s coRa CRBEK DR Total- Pee6: 40-50 IltiE PalmeDt, 40.50 Total AIJL Pnts 3 40.50 . Balancer .oo ***art****ltatlitii***'latl**rt**a*t**ti*lrla*!r***il*l*l****i*rl**a*rtt* Account code Description Inrounc PP OO1OOOO31111OO PLU}IBING PERMIT FE88 3O.OO PP 00100003112300 . Pr4tN CHBCT( EEES 7.50 rc 00100003112ao0 wrLL CALIJ INaPEerroN rEB 3.o0 97 O- 479 -2L49 (Inspections) Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) robAddress: 335 E Qovu c \foo \'a - Y zW*D ,- e-y; S,+i WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Alteration(t/ nepair( ) btnSrt I TypeofBldg.: Single-family( ) Duplex( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) OtherW ZO No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No mvryuFvtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colqrado 81657 Contact RTCD AU Assessorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PTUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) ',ootr,for Parcel # PLUMBING: $ooo, o o CONTRACTOR INFORMATION 'W': Rl:'ii' \",,\-.., ^l Town of Vail Reor.f{o.:f,rs- V Contact and Phone #'s: 9-1o- 39 o- 3J3? Contractor Signature: **r!************tr*r.*********************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*********:+****'tr.**/.*J,**:trr************ O'lher Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees: Pl:n Sisn-off: F/everyone/f orms/pl mbperm tf .. o HOW DIDWE RATE WTTH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Departnent Russell Fonest Director, (970)479-2139 Check allthat applies. 1. Which 0eparfnent(s) did you conbct? Building Environmenbl_ Housing Admin Planning DRB PEC Was your inilial contact wih our stsfiimmedide_ dow no one avdlable____r_? lf you were required to wai! hol long was it before you were helped?_ 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why nof_ 5. Was his yourfirsttimeb file a DRB app_ PEC app Bldg Permit_ t\UA Please rate $e performance of he shfipenon who assisbd you: 54321Name: (knoudedge; responsiveness, availability) Overall efiectiveness of he Front Service Counbr. 5 4 3 2 What is fte best lime of day for you b use fie Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenls you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you brhking the fme to compleb tris survey. We are commited b improving our service. a o. T. 8. TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 #*rr*r oF coMMUN,r" oruurot", NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERM1T Permit #: E00-0194 Job Address: 385 E GORE CREEK DRVAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: VORLAUFER#302 Applied..: 1010512000 ParcelNo...: 210108232014 Issued. . : 10105/2000 ProjectNo : fRlcto - O//2 Expires. .: o4loSl2oor OWNER JOHN W. .]ORDAN II REVOCABLE LO/05/2OOO Phone: 875 MICHIGAII AVE 4O2O C]IICAGO II.,, bUT'II CONIRACTOR WAGNER ELECTRIC, INC. L0/05/2000 Phone: 970-949-6LGL P.O. BOX 1620 AVON, CO 8L620 Licerrse: 223-E APPLICANT WAGNER ELECTRIC, INC. t0/05/2000 Phone: 970-949-61"6t P.O. BOX 1520 AVON, CO 8152 0 Desciption: COMPLETE ELECTRICAL ROUGH AND TRIM Valuation: $20.000.00 FEE SLMMARY Total Calculaled Fees-> 5353. ooElectr-ical-> 5350. 0o 90. 00 90.00 s3.00 TOTALFEES-> 5363 .00 Approvals:Item: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMmflt DRB Fee-> Invcsligalion-> wilt call-> 10/05,/2000JRM Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMnflf Total permit Fe€-> 5353 . C0 Paltrerts--__-> BAI A]{CE D[fE--> Additional Fees-->s0.00 s363.00 90.00 Act.ion: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CSIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hueby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot pla4 to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towrs zoning and subdivision codes, desigr review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FoR INSPECTIoN SIIAII BE I{ADE TWEIi:|Y-FOLTR HOIIRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPIIONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. 1,./ z))t a,/ L.. CONTRACTOR AND OWNE o f l'|**********l***'tttt*'l*l*'t**l******l***'t*t**!S**'t***'|:;'ri*'t'f *f t'f '1.*la'l****l**'f **t*'il'l't*t**'tl**l TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Repdnted on 10{15-20fl) at 12:55:34 l0/{XtlllXl0 StateNnent *l'l:i,tr***lr***rt**ti*{!*tr*!t'lr*'t*'l***t'tlrt*t{.'t *r.*t*t *rt*rt**,f **'tr{r *r!!tt* | *'t l tl ii***,}* + +:i*****tt *tilrrt*:}'t**t'l Statement Number: R000000010 Anount: $363.00 t0/05/2OOOO7:46 Att eayment llethod: Ctreck Init : ill{ Notation: I|AGIIBR BIJESrRIC Pernit No: 800-0194 T14re: BIiECTRfCAIJ PERUIT Parcel No: ZJ.OL- OA2-320f-4 Site Addreee: 385 E GORX CREEK DR \,AIL Location: \toRraIJFER #302 Totar Feeg: 9363.00 Thie Payment: $363 . O0 Tota1 ALL krte: $363..00 Balance: 90,00 *+,t f +1.;f t'|rl!t'f l**rT***{r'llr*{r*:f tl*tlf t'lttt{.:f +***{'*'t!tllltf,t*f *'1.{.* * l !t **'t l ri rt** '}'l * *'}rr ** *rt f lf **li'*'}*{rttl'} ACCOIJNT ITEMLIST: Account Code Descri otion Current ftttts EP 00100003111400 TEMPOMRY P0l,lER PERMITS hf OOIOOOO31128OO I,JILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 360 .00 3.00 ApplrcArrtlrrll Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMplloR uNsrc Project #: Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 O -47 9 - 2149 ( Inspections) NWNuFyln 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 o o;, df?{ ,aele-countv,com for Parcel ilContactAsressorc Office at 97O-328-864O Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) rob Name: /aataraf ?oz robAddress: 385 €. $et 6fu1.k. owners NanevA/ty' Uea*t Detaileddescriptionof work: fuV/Za €/aa/,,arc.Z f f.er*l WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (t'J Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior (/) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family (/) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 12 7 No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (X ) No Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No coMPtETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUTLDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ 2O. a.AMOUNTOF SQ FTIN STRUCTURE: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE gNtY..****** RECD oCT 042000 F:/everyone/forms/elecperm o o tr D r_l Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-6. Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker oanel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easilv accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa! require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade/ you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platForm, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verifli that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. n If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questaons, please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at970-479-2147. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and gam. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. a a rstand the above. 'a !' Xtr'inAf=v:/ NwFvffiV HOW DID WE RATE WrrH YOU? Town of Vail$rlcy Community Development Departnent Russell Fonest Director, (970)17e.213s Check dlthat applies. 1. Which Departnen(s)did pu contacf? Building _ Environmenhl_ Housing Admin Planning DRB _ PEC 2. Was your inilid conbct wih our sffi immediab_ slow _or no one available___---? 3. lf you were required b wail how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project revianed on a limely basis? Yes / No lf no, why d , 5. Was ilris yourfirstlinreb file a DRB 4p- PEC app- Bldg Permit_ IUA 6. Please rab $e performance of the sffiperson who assisbd you: 54321Name: ftnovledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overdl eftctiveness of fie Front Service Counter. 5 ,l 3 2 1 8. What is the best time of day for you to use ilre Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenb you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttinp? Thank you for taking the time b compleb his survey. We are committed b improving our service. PJPTl-3]-Run Id: 29O 12-22-2A00 Inspection Reouest Reportinq Page 6- -- -- - '---'--V;ii,-C;---iryof - - " Request€d Insfrect Date: Frlday, Oecember 22, 201,1{,' fuuoedliorr Ar ua: JRffi Slte Address: 385 E GORE CREEK DR vAlL 385 E GORE CREEK SR {VORLF.UFEF. 3021 i'i P/D lnfotnratlon Activitv: 80S0135 Twe: A-MF Sut, Tvpe. AMF ' $iatus. ISSUED Const Tvoe. Occuoahbv. Use V 1 HR Incp.tuei: JRl, Aoplic-ant: PLUMB KENDALL CONSTFUC1ION Phone 970-32&3355 Ccitlractor: PLUMB KENDALT CONSTRUCTION Phone: 92G328-3355 Ownen JORDAN JOHN lll O€scrioiion: INTERIUR REMODELliuiiue. NO TCO ll.lSPECTlOi.l Ul'lTlL ELECTRICAL PERMIT REII'ISPECTIOI'I FEE HAS BEEI{ PAID - CDAVIGn,rtitat'it. ^r'\ilni/"! Aee/l^ | ET?EO nC ADDO^\lAl c|CnEll/En OfrCrrrn (-n4l/lQ Comment: J.R. I.S WA,ITING FOR STRUCTURAL DWGS AS OF 71.144]O TO APPR. - KATHY Reouested lnso€ctlon(s I Itsm: Reqtlestot': Comments: Assigne d To: Actron: lnsoectlon Historv 53{l ELDG-Temo. ClO PLUMB F.ENDALL CONSTRUCTION/John Unit 302 Tims Ep: Item: 226 FIRE DEPT. NOTIFICATION (Reqr.ired) Itcrri: 510 diiv-wav orade finEl {ODlion6l) Item: 20Item: 520Iteml 30 tterr: 60 aio+sr,e,etroJftfiEf?,. Jo$tonart *&oro*-o^L,on: ApnppRovrJ./10115J0$ lnsoe Item: 533 PW-FINAL C/O (Optional) liem: 54u BLuGFrnal c/L) (Rdquiredt Reouested Tkne: 08:00 4ft4' Phone: 3987773 Entered By: LCAMPBELL K Corff.rei tls. STRUCTURAL Ei.lcll,lEER'S R€PORT Vr/lLL ALSO BE SUtslvlITTED.IIAM tn trl n/: l^-,'lari^F //\^fi^^al\ H A^^r^r,-d n 11!11fr0 lnsoector: ' JRM Action: AP APPROVED COTTMCNIS: INSUL APPROVED 2 AREAS OF CONCERN SAFETY GLAZING REO'D DOOR TEADING TO DECK.AND DOOR HEAO HEIGHT NOT MET OI.J i --- loTt€,ti--lisplctor: c;Rb - - ,^.ction: AP nPPRovElyt Item: 70 BLDC-Misc. (Optional) , \ I iiEil. 331'F,hli+flb ss '*"0:.$ll'hi,? ^d. *J " ii:n: ;i9 Eltil?F^ftfi?a' l$'il$Ji' 0{ u A ltem: 538 FIRE-FINAL c/o JPIJ,,:13,[ -l n /jrl/ 00" - oo'{ I /_4/rj "r- ff_;":,,_j^t"-^g ry ( 7{' 3t/: iee'oo(J oo 'ioaoo!ootr o c; co C' o rt -:: iiEgEg oo:8!!rc'A '[). C. cT Et! (J g |l E a!Eax FI lqtto O.E oo C'EOAE F o oo o o co o .( a)tl o b A EEaE' Bt o c|E c l.(6 o o F C'o F AH 8B!.oETE' PH FI F'a3-oHTl0t l, e lr lr EBi8 Itro Eo FHH,oc 88 a I FI t T E ,* E It{ C. HE6EE EI 'ECl c'!H Cc| E 68 Ho U E EA =l E{ EA!ol E !.E oa l. l, E o 1: o'o .r ft Htl aor)Eltda o1Ea!' drot EEE DEPARTryIENT OF NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .JOBS]TE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit, #: 898-0240 ,Job Address: 385 E GORE CRSEK DR Status..LocaEion...: 385 E GORE CRK DR (303 VOApplied. Parcel No..: 210L-082-32-0L5 Issued.. Project No.: PRJ98-0203 Extrlires. l,/. /* /-' // i/''- o /,t-'iir;t;4F coMMrNrrY;*;"Ji" L' /a7z' -tfl/ ISSI]ED 08/24/LgeB 08/27 /1998 02 /23 /L999 co 80301 co 8030r. FEB SUI'MARY ..-.....T?l*":3li;;;;;;;;;;;;;:i.".-....i:ill;l:......-THli.iYl;;;;;;.;;;;;;:..,.....".-.:::... ITCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:O8/.24/L998 JFjM ACEiON: NOTE PI,ANS TO ,JRI\4.08/25/L998 JPlilI Action: APPR APPROVED .IRMrTCM: .O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMEI{T DCPT: PI,ANNING DiViSiON:O8/24/L998 JNY ACT,iON: NOTE PLANS TO PI,ANNER08/25/L998 BWILSON Action: APPR approved eostII,eM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DEPT: FIRE DiViSiON:08/24/7998 JRI4 Action: AppR N,/AIECM: O55OO PI]BLIC WORKS DEPT: PUB WORK DiViSiON:O8/24/L998 JRM AcEion: APPR N/A See Page 2 of Ehis DocumenE for any condit.ions that may apply to this permiE. DECI,ARATIONS I hereby ackno{1edgc lhaL I have lead thiE applicaLi.on, fill,ed ouC in full th6 inforbati,on required, conpLeted an accuraee pl,ot plan, snd lbatc that. all thc infotdalion plovidcd aa rcquj.rcd i. corrccts. I aglce lo compl.y witsh chc information and ploL plan, to coRtply gilh ell Topn ordinanccB and 6tet6 lal'6, and fo build lhia structsure according tso lha Town,6 zoning and aubdiviaion TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2]-38 APPLICAMT SNOW GOOSE IIirVESTTT{EIiIIS L.L.C. 3939 N. 95TH STREET, BOULDER, CONTRACTOR SNOW GOOSE INVESTMENTS L.L.C. 3939 N. 95TII STREET, BOULDER,OWNER COHAGEN JOHN R. 75, 000 +of cas Applianccs: 3939 N 9TH ST, BOUTTDER ,CO 80301 Description: IIfTERIOR REMODEL, NEW WINDOWS AND SKYLIGHTS Occupancy: R1- MulLi-Family 114)e Const,ructj.on: V 1-HR Tlpe V l-HourTlpe Occupancy: Valuat.ion: Fireplecc InforDetion: Rcstrictcd: Y Add Sq Ft: *of cas Logs: Phone: 303 -65L-O822 Phone: 303 -661,-0822 Phone: 303 -661,-0822 *Of wood/Pallets: TOV/Comm. Dev. amount date Building-----> Pl,an Check- - - > InveEligation> t{il1 call----> .00 .00 100.00 .00 250 .00 .00 ReBluaranL Plan Rcviee- - > DRB Fre-------- Recraation F€e----------> cl.rn:Up D.posic- -- - - -- - > Totsa1 calculatcd Feee- - - > Additional Fee6------- --> ToEal Perui! Fc!-------- > Paytnent6------- L,36'r.'lS srl,RetuDeClean-up approved codee, dceigm rcvi,cr approvcd, Uniform BuitdinE cod. and och€r ordinanccB of Lhc To\rn applicable lherctso. Send CI.an-Up D€porit. To: sNOW cOOSE O sTcNATURE fr*u* oR coN'rRlcloR roR Hrr4sr:Lr' Air!) oliNdd ******************************************************************************** COI{DITIONSPermit #: 898-0240 as of 08/27/98 SEaEus: ISSIIED .'r. * *rk*************************************************************************** PermiE Type: ADD/er-,t MF EUILD PERMIT Applied: 08/24/L998 ApplicanE,: SNOW GOOSE INVESTMETVTS L.L.C. Issued: 0e/27/L998 { 303-651-0822 To Expire: A2/23/L999 : Job Address: LOCAT,ION: 385 E GOR.E CRK DR (303 VORI,ATTFER) Parcel No: 210L-082-32-0L5 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL, NEW WTNDOWS AND SKYLIGHTS Conditions: r 1. FIELD INSPE TIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. A].,L PENETRATIONS IN WAI.,LS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED ] WITII AIV APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.; 3. SMOKE DETE TORS ARE REQUIRSD IN AI-,L BEDROOMS AIiID EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 I]BC.4. FIRE DEPARTWIENT APPROVAIJ IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.I s. vEtirrrr,ATroN REe'D rN BATHRooMs i-99i. uBc 1205 : 6. SAFETY GLAZING REQ'D r-991 I'BC 5406 ', 7. HAI{D RArr.,S REQ'D 1991 UBC 3305 i8. GUARD RArt REQ'D L99a VBC a7L2 9. CLOTHES DRYER DUCT TO EXTERIOR ]-991 i'MC 1903 Totlll OF V lL, COLOnlDO gr.c.Dnr ,t t t r t t ra J ft rt ttt rtttt rr i tr t ri tt ttr*i tttt r t ttt trrr it.r t rrr*lr tar a tt t gc.c.uft Nuob.r: REc-0{11 Anoune: L.357.7s oe/21/9a L2|.51 Pry!.nC U.ehod: CK NoErllon! 00U96 Inig! TD P.nlt No: Br8-02t0 Tltrc: A-IP .lDD/Al,I t|F BITtLL PER PrEcrl Nor 21Ol-082 -32-015 gig. Addr...: J85 E OORa CREEK DR loc.Eion3 385 E OOR! CRr DR (303 VORITAITFER) Tosrl F..a: L,367 .75 l'hi! Prl'uqnc L.3a7.75 ToE l A!! Ptl!! L.367.78 Balan€a! .0o AccounE ood. DaacrlpElon lrcunc EP 00100003111100 BtttlDffo pERrdrT lBBg 61s.00 IJR d0i00003112200 DEgIgal REltIBlf FEBS 100,00 Pt 00100003112300 PEltf cHEcK FEES 399.75 lD D2-DEPoa Ct BltrOP DtpogrTg 250.00 rc 0010000!112soo tfILL crrrL tngpaexlot pEE 3.00 oo 'c{c,zolt.oO:E H3B.oo(J oo o oc 0 o oo o t o o E E cEI eo B 5 E l.r HioE E Iqt OL 68ZAqE oo OEoElE E YuEAoA ddol =t Ulr{ EI c 6 t(l l{ ltl o ..8ie trH egclc'a ali BB!.OTTErl ;rF ts EE E9oap 1 rr Er24 'OtiEH'Ito p a< lrr1z|ODooATF' T EA h EIA FI Il.{Ir T6raoEE A4Id ErH EA B f;8 Al.licl B g H A D ai&o Ec A B 1lv lrI EA .; T ID F' gt c|Et9.({ o a(! 6eo t EE8 .1, IWUl ;:";;:r*:l[.3'ill"rf::iT:" "'r'j;$ J; *,o," coNsrRucr-l-"i[e z0 $s pE&\ri r ff" "7 .'Y#,i",VE)2rY*' PE 1g - oz;.APPLTCATION MTIST BE FILLE T }1AY NOT BE ACCEP?ED t*******t********************* PEFiIIIT fNFORI,IATJON * * * * * * * ,r * * * * * * * * * * * t ****'t ** **\a t{rJ-n,ri-raitg [ ]-P]umbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other rob Narae:Uont-Ai.FcR O-rD, #3o3 Job A<tdressz 385.(^OrzEqqer.On. 4SoB. Legal DescriPtion: Lot Block- ,ilir,e . mr.m*,,a to,38a3ao,s Town of vail Reg- NO. Phone liunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Plrone Nrrnber: Town of Vail Phone Nu;rber: Reg- No- OFFf CE USE * ;! * tr * tr** * * ** *i** * x* * )t * * * r1 * * * t i ; BUILDING PLAN Ci{EcK FEE: ................ PLUMBTNG PI'AN CHECK TEE: },IEC}i.LNICAI, PLAN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: A^-,<-^* lomnents: )wners N.r" r]Jl-E!o R. eorr*a addr"s='9131 N. QS:StRezr pn- BourDe" c-o<-o $-3ol -qg4z .\rch itect,M ouu." == = ffilftoa'orRit$eHN RAtt-roN b.F6y .f3o AooN co --Ph-qq9 -S5.1S ;eneral Description: R sn^dtcl l,l i.r rr- Xr*;rfta- ."gts rA rv$ou\,r,l. sgctT'g tork C1ass: [ ]-Ne?-J,zf-.ntt"tation [ ]-Additional [ ]:Repair [ ]-other- trrmber of Dpelling units, I Number of .A,ccornmodation Units t / 'tprnber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances._ Gas Logs_ llood/pellet_,*_t-7 /' .9+4"r-l^^..\-V****;****+****i.***:t************* vALUATIoNs * * * 't * * * J. * * * * * * * * * * * r. * * * ; ,i * ** * ;, ,i * * \--' lurr,olN", + 75-zza I ELEcrRrcAt: $-- ori{ER: $ ?LUMBING: T-- MEclIANrCAlr $-I --- TOTAL: { ____--=-- ,- - _*L INFORMATfON * * * * * ,, * * * i. * * * * * * rr >t * i ** t i'i* * !e n e ra 1 Cont ra c to:; SD.olA3 oo*r- l,^),'*Tr4BNrF r 9. g=_g Town of vail Reg. No-lDq-B;thrddriss, 313q. N. 3.S* S€REtT@ Phone Nunber:361 .:recrricar contractot' TtsP 3q3-O-2/O'.ddress: rddress: lechanical Contractot:. 7@rddress: r ir r\:i * * * z? Jr J<* trtr ** tr * * * * * * ** * * * *** * * FOR }UIIJDING PERMIT FEE: )LU.[,'BING PERICIT FEE : ICCHANICAL PERMIT FEE: .]TECTRICAIJ FEE: )THER, TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: VALUATION n l:ifttrY\ L/t 39Vd zsbz6LbgL6, o,l ' rd30-430-HOJ-n Or ' nodl lb'zr C'6-zr-gnv o MEMORAND.UM ALL CONTRACTOHS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMTT' TO: FROM: DATE: RE: DEPARTMENT IS REOUIHED Job Name: Please ans$/er the following guestlonnaire regari ls this a new residence? Is demolition work being performed thal requires the use of fhe right ol way, easemenls or public property? ls any'utility wor* needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed to site other than exisling driveway? ls any drainage wort being done affecling lhe right of way, easements, or public properly? ls a "Revocable Righl Oi Way Permit' rcquired? A. ls the righl of way, easemenls or public property to be used lor staging, parking or lencing? B. lf no lo BA, is a parking, slaging or fencing'plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of lhese questions, a "Public Way Permit" rnu* be oblained. 'Public Way Permit" applicalions may be oblained al the Public Wo/r's office or at Commurrity Development- lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis,lhe Town of Vait Construction Inspeclor, al479-218- I have read and answered alllhe above questions. ace YES re. x X X x Y 1) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7) 8) /"/*Job Name L/b ggvd Contraciofs Signature zsbz6lbgL6'or e 'rd3q-n 3o-t{oJ-Aor ' noalJ zb'zl €,E-21-gnv -o AtL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYT REGISTERED WITiI THETOIfN OF l'.,ArL TolrN oF vAIt puBLIc woRKs/coMMuNITy DEVELOPIIENT MARCH l-6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE (i.e. contractor, owner)r TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ?5 :outh troolege road vail. colorado 81557 (303) 479-2138 or 479_2139 oltlce of communtty devetopment ' rd30-A3q*HOJ-n OI'r{OatJ zD'z I a6-er-gnv rn surnnary, ordinance No- 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit. ""v-=lir]"-#i, sand, debrisor naterial, including trastr hurnpst.rs, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles. upon-anv =i""u[l sia"""iil-"iiIv or publicplace or any portiLn tue-r-oi- --rl" right-of-way on arI Town ofVai1 streets and.Igag= i= approxir.l"iv-s"i".-iti pavement_rhis ordinance wirl be =tri;[it-'enforced by the Town of vailPublic works Departrnent- i;"i=i,n= found "i-or"[i"g this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written--notice to remove said rnate,riar -Tn the event the person so notified, does ";t-';;;pty with thenotice within the 24 r'our tirn"-=p".iii.;,"il"'iliti. worksDepartrnent will remove said rnateii.r .t ir^"--""p";;;'";";;;"""notified- The provisions of in:.s ordinance snirr not beapplicable to cinstrrlction, r,,aintenance or r.p"ii projects ofarty street or atley or any utilities'i; a;"^;iiii-"_"uy_ To review Ordinance Nd: e in ful_I, please stop by the Torrn ofVail BuiLding oepartment to obtarn a copy- Thank you for your-cooperati_on on this matter- ili Read and acknowJ.edged osition/RelEffin$it L/Z 39ttd zsbz8lboLB. al EUILDING PERI.'IT ISSUANCE TIHE FRAI.IE If this qerqjt. requi,res a Tovrn of Vai't Fire Oepartnent Approval ,Engi neey r's_ ( pub) i i lrorks ) reyi ew a na approvail'"' pi'",i,ii nl'bepart nentreview or.Heat th oepartment review, "nb' a-""ui"; Li-;il";"itoingDepartment, the estimated tine for a totar rev-iew iav iai'e.'as r6ngas three weeks. l]] .?Tr:I:ia'l ('large or snatI) and ail mu1ti-family permits willnave to toilow the above rnent'ioned rnximum requiremlnts. Residentialand.s.mall projects^shou'ld take a lesser amount or-time.' However, iiresidenti'a'l or sna'l ler projests impact the various above rnentioneddepartments rvith reoard-tg necessaiy review, these projeati ,uyal so take the three week period Every attempt wil'l be rnade by this departnreni to expedite thisperrntl't.aS s.qon as possible. i-' th" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and tinefrane. 75 coulh ,ronl.gc rord v!ll, color6do a1557 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 Communi ty Developnent Department - otflce of "ot-,rntly devclopmerrl 'rd30-A3q-hIO3-AOr ' nodl Zb'al C|Ei-el-9nv39VdL/e zgbzElboLE . ct I TOhIN OF VATL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr_,, co 81_657 970-479-2L35 DEPARTT4ENT OF COMMUNIT1I DEVELOPMEIiI:f NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLTJMBING PERMIT Permit #: P98-0123 ilob Address: 385 E GORE CREEK DR StaEus..L,,ocation...: 385 E GORE CRK DR VOLAItFEApplied. Parcel No..: 2101--082-32-OL5 Issued..Project No.: PRJ98-0203 Erqrires. ISST'ED 09/04/L998 os / 04 /L998 03 / 03 /19e9 APPLICAI T BOULDER PIT]MBING & HEATING CO.8483 STONE RIDGB TERRACE, BOULDER, COlil:fRACTOR BOIIIJDER PLINAING 5C HEATING CO. 8483 STONE RIDGE TERR.A,CE, BOT'IDER,OWNER COHAGBN ,JOHN R. 3939 N 9TTI ST, BOULDER ,CO 8030L Description: pLttMBINc FOR 3 BATHS Phone: 303 -440-4874co 80302 Phone: 303 -440-4874 co 80302 Phone: 303 -66L-0822 Valuation:4, 000 . 00 FEa sInitr{ARY Plurblng-----> Plan Chcck- - - > fnve6Cigation> niIl ca1l,----> R6ECuaraDt PIan Revier- - > TC'TAL PEES- - -.. Total calculated Fe€E---> Additional FeeE---- ----- > Total Peroit Pcc------__> PaynontsE- -- - -- - - 60,00 15 .00 . o0 l.o0 .00 ?8.OO 7g .00 . oo 70.oo 78.O0 -...-.-"..TT:::"3::.;.;;;";;;;;;;...--.."-...;::.., IIem: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARIT'{EIVI DepT: BUILDING Dj-vision:o9/04/L998 iIRM Action: AppR APPROVED ,JRM-Ilgrlri .056q0 FIRE DEPARTUENT Dept: FrRE Division:O9/04/L998 iIRM Acrion: AppR N/A **t*+.*ttt*arr**att*rr**r*r*rt *rrrt*irtrr*rt*t*r**tra**r*ttrt***tr****arr**rrrtrrrt* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD TNSPESIIONS ARE RBQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMpLrArirCE. DECLARA:TIONS I hcr6by acknowledge that I have read ghis appllcatlon, fllled oqr in full tshe lnfornacion required, conpleled an accuraer plotsplan' and slale !ha! all ch. l-nforoation provldrd ao requircd i6 corrects. r agr:re Eo conply $ith th€ lnformacion and plot p]ln, to conply t{itsh all Tonn ordlnrnceE and 6!a!c 1are, and tso build chis Egructurr .ccording co the To$n'6 zoning and Eubdivi6ion cod€e, daEign reviaw approved, Unifonn Buildl.ng Code and otshcE ordt nenceB of lhe Town appliceble REQUESTS FOR INSPE TIONS ST{AIJL EE NADE TWENTY- FOUR HOI'RS IN A.O\IANC8 BY 138 OR AT OUR CE FROM 8:00 Al.l 5100 Pl,l OF OIINER OR FOR HII.ISELF AND OI{NBR *******************************************!r******************** TOI{N OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt *****************************************f ********************** SEatemrt, Number: REC-0449 Arnount:78.00 09/L6/98 L3246 Init: ,JR!IPayment Method: CK Notation: 9077 Permit. No: P98-0i_23 Tl4pe: B-PLMB pLtMBINc pERMfT Parcel No: 210L-092-32-015 SiEe Address: 385 E GOFA CREEK DRLOCAIiON: 385 E GORE CRK DR VOLAI'FER 303 This Pa)ment ToEal Fees: 78 . 00 ToEal ALrL, Pmts: 78.00 78 .00Balance: .00**************************************************************** Account Code Descript.ion PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLI'MBING PERMIT FBESPF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CIIECK FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WrLL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 50 .00 15.00 3.00 Office v184f2+D OIIN OF VAIT PERUIT APP APPLICATTON MUST BE FILLED OUI COIITPLETELY OR IT dEPNg4 lwO"""","O''L,,t'\"rt4!'rr guDr Itli rr!t.l;L, oUT COIIIPIJTELY OR fT ldll| nblF ttr-I,CCEpTED.TIr* ***** ************ * *** ** * **** pEIll{IT rNFORl,tATroN *****************************rl -[ ]-Building D(l-nruoing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibar I J-other rob Name: 0d^q18 ,,- Un# rob Addre"",lAuud**^fo.- BD. -L,egal Description: Lot Block_ piling Owners llaro": G Address: lU.' Ph.t,acrl€\ architect:\Address: Rar-.r=.,o t-..,, pt . ceneral Description: I{ork CLass: [ ]-New \-afteration t l_Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwelling Units , !Nunber of Acconrnodation Units: Gas Logs_ I{oodlpelletl[nber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appriances {* * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * vALUATToNs ********************************* OTHER: $ Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: PTUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: FOR BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATT]RE: TOTAL:f-........- oN *************************** Town of Vail Req. NO.Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. oFFrcE USE *******************************. BUILDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLIIIT'BING PLAN CHECK IEE:MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERUTT FEES: Contractor: VALUATION 75 soulh tronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: oltlce ol communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOI{N OF VAIL TowN oF VAIL puBLIc WoRKS/CoMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ltARcH t-6 , L9 B 8 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit unv-.Jir]-rl"t, ,una, d.ebrisor materiaL, including trash hu*p=."r=, portabre toilets andvorkmen vehicles. rpo.-..y =I.""1, sidewalk, alley or publicP]?:" or any portiln tr,ei"oil--rf. righr-of-vray bn alr Town ofVair streets and.roads is approxi"r"l"iv-s"it.-lrr pavement.rhis ordinance wirl be ;a-i;iit"enforced by the Town of VaiIPublic works De.artment. --F"i=lns found .,riirr.t:.ng this ordinancewilL be qiven a 24 hour written n"Li""-to-;;;;;;'said rnateriar.rn the event the person so notified does-";4"';;;p1y with thenotice within rhe 24 hour.tir.-=p.Ji;il;,"ii""i"iric worksDepartrnent wilr remove said mare;i;i-;a-inJ^^!"p.i=;"";";:;""nnotified. The provisions "t [ni= ord].nance shalL not beapplicable to ctnstruction, 'nuir,t"r,ur,ce or repair projects ofany street or atley or any util_ities i; t;"-;i!ii._u_r.y. To review ordinance No- e in fu'l, pLease stop by the Town ofvair Buitding Department to ob.ain a copy. rhani< you for your.cooperation on this r,ratter. 'ill'1f knowledged (i.e. contractor, owner) ..'ll'ltl 75 :outh tronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 I, the unders'igned, understand the I rame , otf lco of communlly developmerrl BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TII.'IE FMI,|E If this permi.t requires a Tov/n of Vail Fire Department ApprovalrEngi neel''s. (.Publ ic 'uorks ) l"ri", ana'ipprouut,' a ptinnini'iepartnentreview or. Heat th Departm6nt ieview, .n['.-r"ui.; ;i"ii;;"drii arngDepartment, the estimated time for'a iotal i.ui"*-iluv"iu[a'a, tongas three weeks. A] I commercial (rarge or smail ) and a] 'l murti-family permits wiilhave to follow ttre ibove r"nii6n"J-ri*irrr requirements. Residentialand.small projects shourd take a reistr amount or-iirul However, ifresidential or snraller projects impact the various above mentioneodepartments vrith regard'to-necessary review, th;;; ;;;j;.[i ,uyalso take the three weet< peiioJ. Every attempt vrill be Tgge by this departnrent to expedite thisperrni.t.aS s.qon as possible. - plan check procedure and time Communi ty Develo5rment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY t WORKS PERMIT'' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer he fci lowing questionnaire ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being perlormed that requires the use of lhe right of way, easemenls or public prope(y? ls any'utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls dif{erent access needed lo site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecling the right ol way, easemenls, or pubfic property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit' reouired? regarding the need lor a "Public Way YES Permit": NO X1) 2) \( K K X \ 3) dl s) 6) 7) B) A. ls the right of way, easemenls or public property to be used lor staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no lo 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any ol these questions, a "Public Way Permit" musl be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applications may be oblained at lhe Public Work's otfice or at Cgmmulity Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, lhe Town of Vail Conslruction Inspector, at.479-2158. I have read and answered alllhe above ouestions.questions. Contractols nalure a TOVJN OF VAII-, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81_557 970 -479-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OhINER Occupancy: Rl T)4ge Construction: T1rye Occupancy: Valuation: Fireplace lnformabion: Restricted: DEPARTMEIiN OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEIiTT /l NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON DEMO. OF PART/ALL BI]DG. .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Phone: 303 -661,-0822 Phone: 303 -66L-0822 *of wood/PalIet: Permit #: D98-00L3 JOb AddrESS: 385 E GORE CREEK DR STATUS...: APPROVEDLocation...: 385 E GORE CRK DR (vOLAUFAppIied..: oB/o4/L998 Parcel No..: 2LoL-082-38-012 Issued. . . : o8/o4/L998 Project No.: Errpi-res..: OL/3L/I999 SNOW GOOSE INVESTMENTS L.L.C. 3939 N. 95TH STREET, BOI'LDER, SNOW GOOSE INVEST'I\4ENTS L. L, C. 3939 N. 95TH STREET, BOIII.,DER, s00 +of cas Appliances: 80301 80301 Add Sq Ft: #of cae Loge: co co COHAGEN 'JOHN R & MARY C 3939 N 95TH ST, BOITLDER CO 803014942 Description: DEMO REMOVE DRYWALL, CAP PLI'MBING, CEILING STRUET Multi-Family FEE SWMARY Building-----> Plan check- - - > Inveatigation> wilI call- Restuarant Plan Revietr- - > DRB Fee- -- --- -- - Recreation Fee- - - --- -- -- > CIean Up Depoeit--------> Total calculated Feee-- - > Additional Fees- - - - - --- -> Total Peimit Fee--------> Paynents-------- BALANCE DUE- -.. 20 .00 13 .00 .00 3 .00 . o0 20-o0 . o0 - o0 56-O0 . oo 56.00 - oo 55-OOTOTAT, FAES--- -- 55-00 ITEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARI'II'IENT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:08/04/L998 .JRM Action: AppR AppRovED ,JBIvl-ILCM: O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTMEIiI'T DCPT: PI,ANNING DTWIIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIiITITCM: O55OO PITBLIC WORKSITCM: O57OO ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTHIrem: 05900 LIQUOR See Page 2 of this Document for any condiEions that may apply to this permit. DECI,ARATIONS I heleby acknorledge that I have lcad thie appli.caLion, filled ouE in full the informati.on requircd, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the j.nformation provided as required is correct, I agree to comply vrith lhe information and plot plan, to conply Hith all Torn ordinance€ and Etatse lars, aDd to buiLd lhis gbrucLure accolding to the Tor'n's zoning and subdivision code6, design review approved, Uniform BuildiDg code and o!he! ordinances of the Toen applicable cheleto. REQUBSTS FOR INSPBCTIONS STI,AIJL BE IitADE TWENTY-FOUR HOI,RS IN AD1IANCE BY TEI,EPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OI'R OFFICE FROM A:OO AI., 5:OO PM Send Clean-UD DeDosi-t To: SNOW GOOSE INVESTMENTS SIGNATURE OF OWNBR OR COIIrRA(TOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: D98-0013 as of O8/O4/98 Status: APPROVED******************************************************************************** Permit Ttpe: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BIIDG. Applied: O8/04/L998Applicant.: SNOW GOOSE INVESITVIENTS L.L.C. rssued: o8/o4/L998303-651--0822 To Expire: OL/3L/L999 ilob Address: Locatsion: 385 E GORE CRK DR (VOLAUFFER 303)Parcel No: 2l-01--082-38-012 Descript ion: DEMO REMOVE DRYWALL, CAP PLI'MBING, CETLING STRUCT Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTI,/IENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIPJD TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.3. ASBESTOS ABATEMEIiIT MAY BE NEEDED IN THE DEMO OF THIS STRUCTI'RE - 38,ffiL6lBt' S|\[I^I G[XISE INJ. ) .. - a.L- - ItEa- L .*icontect EaSlc LounEy ,rsliCrsolsr 1 ^cs'(^l:-2lo;?28;8,6!o^l','-"i'-":1j!a:!Il-glY;nii"i#1,?1,':;,t2"*4i,I.'g"^*nllil,ffi iliffi ffi fl ^QateRec^elved- 9ffiL6lBt S|\[I^I GIXISE 939 W. L D .'''r54-a924Sz Af.G 04 '98 en.Lg PAGE I'I 5 IIATE:AU6 04 1990 r APsLreaTfoN DIUst BE Frrr;ED olrf coltpuHlEl,y oR fT tay llor BE ]CcEprED qf__; [********+t**t**!r*********r**r PERIIIT lilFon|ftI1roU rr**rr**.****r*r***l******rrtrlB/;Auifaingr t l-Ph!trbing [ ]-Btectrlcat I l-trechanibal g(]-Otbe Job ltand; Dp Jqb Addresg: I€SaI oescriptLon: Iot Block Arcbitecr : @ *u*"= = ooElloti83 d,3?,en..?/o-ev?-syt ir}r^o (AACL /e-Re Fr-rew1q,, ro work class; I l-Nw [rfl[teration lrzf-ndaitionai F EaeFtt s /€ru&1 grztptzt tgcJ-Repair F,.3-Otbcr__ lfinber of Dvelling units: "1 Nutber of Accomodation Units; Yn.E4F"d*,@,z Gendral tescrf.ption: l)*"t and Tlpe of Fireplaces: car .lppriancea_ cas r.Efs_ woodr/Ferlet_J(_ [*]l:ttt"-l-:::a**r*****!r.**** varrtarlrolls .***..r*rr**']ft*****!r**r**r!rr*r**** !Y-MII9' ! 5-?2tl -.- ELEcrRrcArJ: l- onHER: I - PiunrBrNG: $ uEeEANrctE: s::--T- iofli; corrt3.astor: Electrica]. Contractor: Address: +i_-' CONT\lgtOR IfFORltAff Olf * * r* r rr * * * * * rt* * * * * r * r * * * r * r* E(C Towr of Vail neg- xo. /A/-BPhone Nu&ber: VE- 6ffi2 .PluEbing contractor: Addressi Torrn of VaiI Phone Nunber: Torrn of VaiIphOne NrDnher: heE. uo- Reg- rto- uechanical Contractor: Addrese: l*******i***!t*til** ** **a,* * **r*l l* BUILDING PER}TIT TEE: PII'ITBIIIG PERITT gEE! UECIINTICIL PENMIT FEE.- EITECTRICAI. FEE: clfHm llfpE oF FEE: DRB T.EE3 Toyn of Vail Reg. Pho. ne Nunber: . FoR oFFIgE USE *r***************ar*.******r**r. BUTI,DTIIG PTA}I CIIECK FEE: PUII.IBING PIATT CIIECK FEB:I'TECHA}IrGTL PTIN cHEctr I'EB3 REGRE]ilTION PEE: CI,E:AI'-uP DPposIT: TO4TI, PENUET FEES: Br(TIDTITG: STG}|ATTIRE: ZONIIG: srG:ltAttrne: s3661@31 GIX]SE INU. DATE: TO; COIIPAilY: Pltot{& FAK FROII: GOTPAilY: PHOI|E: FAX: RE: Numbcr of pegc inclrrding Covrr ghrd: sl{l^lI Sttott, $oose Inyesbttents, .CIC 3939 I{. g{ StYeet Bou{der, Co tora{o Sojot-4g42 939 PE1 A.-G B4 's W2W Taall ap.0/a( (apr aor peo) -4t38 ? Vo ^ 4lq -trr, . fl'nmGocc ltlcstments_ I.LC _ floslt0l-{tE Xl {3rr3166!.{tt31 y't .*rr6u- /anoo {,.ns z tr€SSAGE +6r- t)m f t7.h) Wt?rT ruFre74c-E Eyp.oaa 77€ Sruaru€, ryu*z9tt^ 4 StWf ftfs 1/.71 3 e z t7- 7 ,trzc '€ ."ll c/rt aL- -P. Zff a"lF ,$octott € ?Aa:--S TOWN OF VA]L DEPART}IENT OF COMMI]NTTY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELEETRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E98-0210 'JOb AddTCSS: 385 E GORE CREEK DR SEAEUS...: ISSI'ED I-,ocat,ion...: 385 E GORE CRK DR Applied..: 09/03/L998 Parcel No..: 2101-082-32-oL5 rssued...: 09/03/L998 Project No. : PR,J98-0203 Expires. . : 03/02/L999 APPLICANT MOIINITAIN VIEW ELESTRIC Phone: 303-530-3788 5350 NAUTILUS DRIVE, BOULDER, CO 80301 CONTRACTOR MOITN'TAIN VIEW ELECTRIC Phone: 303-530-3788 6350 NAUTILUS DRIVE, BOULDER, CO 8O3O]- OI^INER COHAGEN JOHN R. Phone: 303-66L-0822 3939 N 9TH ST, BOIJLDER ,CO 80301 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR II\IIERIOR REMODEL Vafuation: 7,500-00 FEE STJMMARY Blectrical---> 144.00 Total Calculatsed Fees_--> !47.oo DRB Fee Inve6!.igation> .oo Total Permit Fee------_-> 747 'oo Will CalL----> 3.OO Pa).m€ntg-------- 147-oo TOTAL !'EES--.> !47.OO BAI,ANCE DUE..-- .OO Item: oSooo EL,ECTRICAL DEPARII{ENT Dept: BUILDING Division: o9/o3/L998 ,Jwt AcEion: APPR APPRoVED ,JBrvrItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTT4EMT Dept.: !'rRE L,l-vl-sl-on: o9l03/r-998 JRM AcE,ion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. i ** ** * *tr*:r** lr* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge thats I have read thiB applicabion, filled oub in fuI] Ehe information lequired, comPleted an acculatse plo! plan, and stsatse tshats all the information provided ae required is correc!. I agree to conply with the information and PLots Plan, to comply with all Toen oldinances and stsacc 1aw6, and fo build thi6 Etructure according !o lhe Town'6 zoning and gu]tdiwiaion code6, desigr! review approved, Uniforn Building code and ocher ordinance6 of the Toi.n aPPlicabLe thereto- REQUESTS FOR INSPBCTIONS SltAIJt BE MADE T''{EMIY-FOI'R HOLTRS IN IDVaNCE BY TELBPHONE AT 479-2133 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM a:OO Alt 5:00 PM SIGNATT'RE OF OWNER OR COMTRACTOR FOR HIMSE],F AND OWNER TOn!{ OF VArL,COLOR.t.Do R.pring.al. fllLolga 10ra6 gcrcrqti ,17 .oo 09/L6/9e LL.34Itt.c.unt IuDbGr: REC-Oa{8 }DounC : PryBlnt lt ghod! CK Notation B 1558 lniE I .tR}l P.alIlE No! Prrcal No ! glce lddrGe! : Location! Thle P.yncnc E93-o210 T!'!t.: B-8!Ec BIJECTRIeA! PERIIIT 2101-082-32 -015 395 B GfiA CRIEK M, 385 E CORB CRR DR ToErl P.c.: 147.00 147.00 Totrl AIJTJ Pr!C. !1t7 .00 Accoun; Cod. D..criPeion BP 00100003111,100 EIJECIRICIT PARIIIT FBB8 tfc 00100003112800 wILt CIIIJ INSPBC:TrON FEE Brlrnccs .oo tt**ttrl, .latrltt*atttttraa*atttt*attttttr* lanounC 144.O0 3.00 - - .IsEp.' 1.1998 11:3BAM MTN vrEH ELEcrRrc if$:iituli:ilri:dl#d$ dl"n x]$t Etili r$"s#cfrrrncrr, f: Flot-c,f DAIEI_EI-3I-38- N0.252 P.2/5 PE8IIIT f ^ APPLICATION UUST BE TTIJI.ED OqT COI,FI.ETEIT OR I! I{AY IIOE BE ACCEPTED I**********i**t*****r******r*i* pER!{Il! trttFORl{ATfON *******r********************tA"g 1-auilding g 1-Plurnbing q,{l-ntectrlcol I i-Mechanl'catr [ ]-other Lt4,Job Name ! Sno..: Gooec.-t. t *{f,ou".etdr"se : -.@f_€....Gp.r 'c.-a l.< Dri vc. . Iegal Descriptl.on! Ipt- :loc}- "t"tnt owners Na[e: ,iloh,^ Coha4e.., Arldressl Sqgq Nt.9d!5rEou-tdcrph. Ct'l-bgra Architeat: Ad4ress: - Pb. ceneral oescrlption: work clas6:- [ ]-New [ ]-Alteratton t)fi-Actdlitlonal I J-Repair [ ]-Otber l{urlber of, Dwelli-nj'units: I - !!truber and Tlpe of Pifeplaces: Gas ApFliances-vIr*** * * ******** ***** * **r **t* * *** ** * v,|I;uAllloNs * ** '!AUII,DING: $EIJECTRTCAL,: I'l.5Oo,o t@cHN{rc}L: I''1.5OO,,OO BUU,DING PERT.IIT FEE: PLUI,IBINC PERUIE FEE! !{ECHANICAI, FER}TIT FEE : EI,ECTRIC'AII FEE: OIBER TYPE OF FEE8 DNB FEE: c Nuubes of Accomlodatlon rtnlts: _ ( Gaa Irogs l{oodr/Pel1et_ ****r**** **f********************* OTTTER; TOTAIJ: COff,[RAc:IOR INPORIIATION ** i* * * * * * f, *fr* ** * * * *** ** * ** * Electrical Contractor! Address: Tolnr of vail ReE. No._ Phone Nunber: ?gA_Lb t- eg'e,' Town of vaLt Reg. Yg.lLZ t I Phone Nrrnber: 3O3,-53o:E8_ PIJWBING: I Y** **** * ************** *** ***fleneral conElactor: Slrour GAcldresi:5q3 .ptunbing contractor, - ECit: O2lOro*r, of vair Reg. No.-.- Phone Nunber:Address: t{echanical cohtraqtor.: AddreEi: Town of vail Reg. NO. Phone Nuuber: ' ********** ********** **** ******** l.oR orFIcE usE *****************l******r*r**r* BUILDING: SIGIIATUI{ES ZONING: SIGNAT'IIRE: ' FITII.dXNG FI.AN CHECR FEE: PLUUEINC PIAN CHECK FEE! UECIIANfeAIJ PIJAII CHBCK f,EE: RECREAtrION FEE8 CIEA}T-UP DEFOSIT; TOTAIJ PERUTT FEES: onnents; ---: .-;sEP. t),t ' ,;' '. 1.1998 11:3841'1 .t - 'I'ITN VIEN ELECTRIC 75 roulh l.onlrgo ro!d yall, coloredo 01657 (303t 479-21.38 0r 479-2139 t NO.e6e P.3/5 olllce al communlly devcloPmanl TO: FSOM: DATE: SUEJECtr: ALL CONTFACTORS CURRENEIJYL REGISEERED TIITH THE :TOT{N OF VAII, ToWN oF VAIL PUBIJIC I{ORK6/col{MttNITy DEVEI,oPMEN'II MARCH 15, L988 CONSTRUCTION PA8KING E I{trTERIAIJ STORAGE (i,e. contractor, owher) In sulunary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawlul f,or any person to lltter, Lrack or deposl.t any soJ.I. rock, sand, debris or rnaterial, S.ncluding trash dunpsters, portable toilets and lrorkrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewall<, alley or public place or any portion thereof. tlhe right-of-way on aII Town ofVaiI streets and roadE is approximately 5 ft. orf Favenent.fhis ordinance wiII be striltly enforaed by the Town of VaiI . Publlc worFa DepartmenL- Pe,rsons found violating thls ordinaneewlIl be'given a 24 hour written notice to,renove said rnaterial .In the event the person so notifiedl does not cotnply with the notice withJ.n the 24 hour time specifled, the Public works Department wiII renove said material at the expense o! person notitied. The provJ,slons of this ordJ.nance shal-l not beappllcable to constructJ.on, naintenance or tepair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in,the right-a-rray.- To leview ord,ihance No, 6 in fuII, pfllLe slop by the Town ofVall Bullding Departhent to obtain a copy. Thank you for your' cooperation on this tnatter. aeknowled 5:" SEPI 1.199€ 11339RM MTN VIEN EL.ECTRIC NO. ?62 P.4/5 otflc. 6l communllY dovoloPmolrt ?5 roulh ,,onl!9o rold vtll, colcrrdo t1557 (30st 479-2138 ot 479-2139 lutr-otne PERHIT IssuANcE TII'IE FRANE If'this permtt requires a Toern of Val'l Flre DeParhent Approval, " Engineerrs (pultii $lorks) reyiew and approval. a Planning Dgpartment retier$ or Heralth Departmdnt reviewr and a revlew by the Eulldf4g Department, the estimated tinre for a total revlew may takE as long as three weeRs. A'l'l commercial '(.large or smal'l) and al'l nulti-fami'ly permits tvi]l have to fo'llow ihe Sbove mentl6ned naximum requirernents' Residenttal and srnall projects should take a lesser amounf of tlme. Howeverr.if resldentiai oi smaller proJects impact ths varlous above nentloned departmonts with regard to necessary revieu,r these projects may a'lso take the three week period Every attampt w'il1 be made by this tteParhrent to expedite thls'. ' pern{'t.aE s.qon as possi b'le. I, tbe underslgned, understand the P'lan check piocedure and tJme frame " v ( Sno.p. Goose- lnve-st-rnen'{-s lre- '' PrcJect Name Development Departrnept. VEEtcctrio Comnunity - -T.SEp. 1.1998 11:394M ,,1,'i. -' '- .1 '-' TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MTN VIB{ ELECTRIC I MEMoFANp'uM ALL CONTRACTORS iowx oF vAtL punltc wonKs DEPABTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WNEN.A "PIJBLIC WAY PEBMIT'IS BEQUIRED 1.l).262 P.5/5 Job Name: Fno,rr Goqso lnve's+rnFJar-€ Date: B 13 ! lq.a-.,,-,, -^-.i,,-- - rliP|easeansw6rthetott@ardingthene6d'ora"Pub|icWayPermit.: ls lhis a new resldence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of lhe righl of way, easemenF or public propeqty?. ts any'utitity work needed? ls the drivewaY belng rePaved? ls ditferent access needed 1o site othef than existlng drivewaY? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right ol way, €asements, or public ProPerty? ls a'Flevocable Righl Ol Way Pormit" required? '' A. ls ihe right of way, easernenls ur public property to be used for staglng' parking or lencing? B, lf no 1o 8A, is'a Parlting, staglng or lancing'plan required by Cornmunlly YES F*ne t,otlt gL $ QrSr4rd? 4-rttsf W tr Fhdry. Ng K 1) 2,F 3) 4) 5) 6) { { Y 7< )o X 7l 8) Development? lf you answered yes to any olthese queslions, a'Public Wwl:i:1itl muslbe oblained' ;'p'r;i;'W;t Feimit" "ppii.arilin" miy Ue obtainea gt the-Pubiic Worlt's otfice or at cfi;u;'ttlrbevetopmehi. tf you have'any-questions plaase callCharlie Davls,lheTown of Vail Construction Inspector, at 479'2158. I have tead and answered alllhe above questions' Job Name nV Conlnactols Sig 3r li I O. 2?, 9A 1 1 : O O Alrl PO1 lllH0I.XctUlYARCHITECISlv0 N PtoJtcI colcEs . itlDortrli nra sS . ur!$.rr oBsrl POhlItm. color|th 0165t (3Al S4E.5595. r X9{0'551C g-T ZZ lga ffiAN of u*l/(-- BUtt PNe Dq--T' Date Received (D(}CT 22 1998 ?Lffise h-ft(4 W qnctr (F tP\)-eii qqtw. aTls l/w?t< t,s +PoG@tD6' *tr 2 d!^Ga\) uNtT uoRLktlw' BUIDT 'E' Ukbt' rsrrrP,i" -ih'n + D96' @t3 ' uPtT f =o=' T1+ls Evtt Dtp6- ls atK&A$lLf BaN6 FE1!W@ op z-k€' 'fi'-&ER- oF fiIs wrc ffictnw kat fl+e s-rP'oorvt2*'L avoytes N^lAt[}6s ffi en*i'u6' ffiSrvE W Pail' -7tE dt1n^)a fuot tse!H,,1 Is A 6 t to td)o 's UNP46IZ-' ' rc 6 *a'va 1*e E*IITING 6' tto FaaF Jotsrs entR' a'tNT Is Px?c*a*sa 'Tbtts 8414 1b entffie*t WrtU ffi ffi rfs StzE &)P To p^PPEv€' i'* ffiLtlx ftr dLEe6e"E 'ta -7L on frsp\affi ?tfrR To TalE WMStre' oF Beffi' btkllE k JY. dutqEvTLY J{,t^" fu'Hv^' Ctf&%te .ryt)ls. bto' offia*t- Fxx' 41e- 2.+52 fTTA-rF^'>t ' a'0 il " .w.tail F, I t Id'rq, ttxt ,el k;{ M -- 't,i .,J^ 'i.\1. (r)- lJ.oe 1g9 r'l | ,rr lrll lv | ./F . -, ! ! l,- 16U M. ?,0 fi-.A.--. t Ie ?, :!.e*eTa,hY,lo TYP, " ala ) l{ ji txs Se "rl g t[ c.\ cl :tz r,l t*r(' I II ._ (e). I A/c I gout ! .,t (t't' I r- -._ M zr.4t"tl- E N{ I+ \, I -'l 2, t ,*rr -qNftf : #*,',..P \'1 " \'In t \V\ ti s r.l ,4\',',,-----+1q IvaPrJuFEPl # ?03 KPM coNeu+TANTe to/zz/40 i #qt# 1C). 22. SA 1 1 : O OAll KRFTI COHSULTAHTBT lHC. P02 P.A2 . t-+x4*ftxabll, :4''/i'Q n{E{r- 13 EAiH LEq r. ro caa4la. 1) 'f 691o 915?? 0 KPM coNeu+TANTe, iN4, to/zz/40 i #q60?-t3 10, 22. 98 1 t : O OAItr K COHSULYAHTA, INg. PO3 ?"6949t374 KRM CONEULTAVr5, INC. P.O.tu4872 Vail, Colotttto 81658 (!'70) t49.93tr rAx (970' 9tlrtg77 shxrcil, h.L, o= u*xq Q'b 1 ttoT+* btlds ro gFAta FLA.r t'*i 4zl4' ErLeTE,{rrl0 EE FILL lN F*,9f4, Na?4,,+ h\- t-+x+xl+xo'.dr/ wl ts) - thl + rrrEu -taLTE )-u+x,+ x'l+t,o'-Eilz it Ol- /+" b rnev-F,LrE =A, ttu,EA' a-Ec{ (:) -lltx tl% uvl ,rxo (t) '_lthx 14 LvL BrianD. Menk Secretary Board ofDirectors VorlauGr HotrFowneni Association 385 Gore Creek Drive #R4 VaiL CO 81657 JohCohagen c/o Snow Goose Investmeilts 3939 95th Street BoulderCO 813014942 Ju1y21,1998 Dear Joh: A meeting was held on July 8, 1998 by telephone conference by the Vorlaufer Homeowners Association Board of Directors. Bi[ Hanlo& Comie Knight and Brian Menk wene Fesent. Approval was grven b the Board of Directors to allow the iryrovements outlined in yorn letter and plans of July 8, 199E. Tbe board requires that th€ reqponsibility documeirt relating to the skylight work be recorded against the deed on file in Eagle Cormty as soon as possible. Tbank you for your patience. Sincerely, . BrianD. Menk LLC 3939 95th STREET BOULDER, CO 80301-4942 303-661-0822 Fli( 303-661-0831 Oate Received AUG 2 4 ru98August 20, 1998 Ms. Mary Ann Woods Town of Vail Building Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Vodaufer Condominium 385 E. Gore Creek Drive. #303 Parcel# 210108232015 Dear Mary Ann: The above referenced property is currently being estimated value of the remodel is $75,000.00. lf information olease do not hesitate to call. (v ?a- oztoRe: remodeled. The you need further JRC/dp trage: P O9: OO DflTA SHEET 8L / L?/ 1999 Data: Conment s Data: Locks, Holds, Not ices Data: Inspect i ons It em l CI4910 F,LftlB-UndergroundIt en : 0Ae?,4 trLFtB-Rough/D. l.J. V. Dept: BUILDINBDept: BUILDING AF,F.R UNDER FLT]OR D. I"I. V AFtrR Flow test 0K DePt: FIRE Dept I BUILDINE AF,F,R Rough water OK Dept: BUILDINE AF,F,R Air test 1B*/l5min OK Dept: BUILDING Dept I BUILDING AF,F,R upper lvl rad/ht PO* Dept: BUILDING Dept I FIRE LA/eg/199S trD 11/O3l199S RRT Act i on: Actionr Divisionl Division: Tinel Time: Division: Division: Tine: Division: Ti ne: Divisionr Division: Tine: Divisionl Division: 0B:3O O0: 1O €tE: lO O0:15 00:00 ItCM: OAEES FIRE-SF.RINKLER ROU6H I t e m r OO8SO trLFlB-Ro ugh /l^lat er 1l/03/1998 flRT Actionl Iten: t&8te4@ trLltlB-Gas Fiping rt/Q3/1998 ART flctionl Iten: AtaASta FLMB-F,oo1lHot Tub Item I tl@g6gt FLMB-lvli sc. Lt /03/ r99A ART Actionl Item: A0E9A FLMB-Final Iten: OO53S FIRE-FINAI C/g Datar F eopl e APPLICANT CONTRACTCIR OtdNER BI]ULDER F'LUMBIN6 S4S3 STONE RIDGE BEULDER, CO a03Ee License: 1S9-F' BOULDER F'LUT'IBING 84S3 STtrNE RIDGE BOIJLDER, C0 8Asgre License l lO9-F' COHAEEN JOHN R. 3939 N gTH ST BOULDER , CO BO3Al & HEATING CO. TERRACE Also is & HEATINE CCI. TERRACE A9/A4/t998 Fhone:303-444*4474 ET]NTRACTOR @9/A4/1998 Fhone:303-44r4-4974 Al so i s Appl icant A9/@4/ 1998 Fhone: 3IZ3-661-OBEE .Data: Addresses 3S5 E EORE CREEK DR 69/CI4/ 1998 Data; F arce 1s e I ra I OSeSeC' 15 /aa trermit No F98*Et1EJ DATA SHEET rAl /1el1999 Fage: 1 rZr9: r?rl Data: F'roce s s Tables Screen No: O1 Ease Infornat ion Farcel No : ElrZrl-O8g-39-815 Ewner: COHAGEN JOHN R.Status: ISSUED Descriptionl FLUMBING FOR 3 BATHS Location: 3€15 E GORE CRK DR VOLAUFER SraJ flct i ve/Inact i ve: A Zoning: Val idated BY: JRM App Type: AAF,T (N=new or A=add/alt + SFR| DUF'i nFTr C0lYlr IND) Valr-rationr 4rOrZlB.OOInsp Area: trDflpplied: O9lO4l199€ trIan Ck In: E9/O4./1998 Approved: tl9ltl4l1994 F lan Ck Exp: O3,/83/1999 Issuedt 9i9/e4/L998 Fermit Exp: O3l6el1999 trompleted: AA/$@/DAQ?i Cert of Occ: tZtB/Qt$lQ0ra[t Screen No: 0E trllrmbing trernit Fees Valuation:' FrIr.rnbinq F,ernit Fee: F lan Review Fee: InveEt igat ion (Y/N) : N AddL F l,an Review hours: Addl F lan Review amolint : Restaurant F'1an Review (Y/N): N Des. Review Board Fee (Y/N): N tr1ean-lJp Deposit tY./N): N Refund Deposit (Y/N) l N tli I I Cal I Inspect ion Fee: Wai ve Fees (Y./N) : N Total FeeE: 4, eiOA.0O 60, Ora 15. A0 . tArA .EA , ura . rao . rarA .a@ . Ara 3. OO 75.60 Data: Ful l Description Descri pt i on : F,LUMBING FtrR 3 BTITHS Data: flppro va I s Itemr ASlSra BUILDINE DEFARTMENT Dept : BUILDING Division: Division:a9/o4/r99S JRMItem: E56CnA FIRE DEFARTMENT 69tA4/1998 JRM Actionl AtrFR AFF'ROUED JRMDept: FIRE Action: FTFFR N/tr Data: Conditions Id: lP FIELD INSF,ECTIONS NRE RECIUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE C[]}'IPLIANCE. REPT I31 tdg/ t3/ t999 a TOWN 0F VAIL, CULORADO O7:51 REOUES"TS * INSFECTN I^,URK SHEETS FtrR: 9/15/1999 trAGE 1 AREA; CD 898-fte40 9/ 13/ l9 lype: A-FIF Status: ISSUED Constn: AlrlF 365 E 6ORE CREEH DR 385 E BBRE CRH DR (383 etAl-Arge-3e-ra15 INTERIT]R REMODEL, NEI..J 5NOW 6T]O5E TNVESTMENTS COHAGEN JOHN R. SNOW GOOSE INUESTMENI"S Use: V 1-HR flctivity; AddFesc: Locat ion: Par*ee I : Description! Appl icant : Owner: Contract or l VORLRUFER} WINDOWS AND L. t-. c. L. L. C. Oce: SKYLIGHTS F,hone : 30::-661*OBee F,hone: 39t3-661-08ee Frhone r 3O3-661-ABee Loeks, HoIds, and Notiees.. AtrTIVITYNotice:5Iot 38 Inspeet ion Reque st Request orr John Req Tine: 01 rtZlqtItens reqr.rested to AQA9A BLDG-Final I n fornat i on. . , 3ra3-A17-5A66 Commente: wi, 11 be Inspected.. Inspect i on Hi st or"y. . . . , Item : ragt030 BLDG-Framinq7IiA3/98 Inspectorr ART Notes r EXCETTIONr - WINDING STAIR NUT TRERD WIDTH BEINGlI/o,4/98 Inspector: CD Notes: I,JINDINB STAIR TREAD A HANDRAIL ALT]N6 THE ATTIE ACCESS WILL BE It en t AO05CI BLDB-Ineulat i on LL/?r9/94 Inspeetor: CD Notesr ffDD FIRE BLOCKING AT Item r uiAA6rzt BLDG-Sheetroek Nai I tt /?3/98 Inspector.: GRG Item : Ee'la78 BLDG-ttlisc.Item: OOA9A BLDG-Final Al / L4 /99 I n s pect or.: GRG Phone: 3tI3-661*OAEP479-73t4 *343 n Comnent E Tine Exp Action! AFtrR Approved with exception! APF'ROUED BECAUSE OF INSIDE I^IINDER LESS THAN 6 INCH MINIMUFI Action: AFtrR STAIR TREADS WIDTHS HAS BEEN RESOLVED BY INSTALLIN INNER SIDE OF STRIR RUN trROU I DED Action: fltrtrR SEE NOTES ALL DROF. CEILINGS Action: AFFR ALL 5/6" TYFE 'Xr Actionr AF|CR OK FOR TCO. . . ce11 ca11, . Aeti Noteg; OK FOR TEfIIFURARY BCCUFANCY. MISCELLANEOUS WORK STILL RENAINING TO BE DONE. PLEASE CALL FOR FINAL INStrECTIT]N RFTER ALL IiIISCELLANEOUS ITEI{S HAUE BEEN I]CIMPLETED. , -tt'tp :l REF.T 1 31 TOt^lN tJF VRIL-r l-l:tl-UilflD0 vt\/1t',11999 fiSr i6 lil,trl.JH$Tli * INSF'ECTt-l hJ$nv, :IHEF:Tl] FrlR: 9,/tirr199T Uc'r:[.ls e : F,ri n rr e i. :jr43.:-- 44t1* rr8-/ 1.1. i'lrane: 3O.:; -b'f: I -l,l'Hii:;: F,!-i{ine: *1f,r.: *lr 4t71-zrB74 F'flGE 1 AtlEn ! L-iD firt i v ity : i:'98-tlJ ;:13 \lLAt19 Ty5'e: 8-FLl{E 5t.rtr-i'.;r liSUr;D Corr;tr-: AAFT fiddr esri: ,iBli t: GFRF CRIF-K nR F'arre..l : ;:1. A 1. - tz.tg;;:'- 3i1-A 1.5 Ilescri Ft i on : Fl."LlnlB.tl''16 FnR 3 BATHE Appl ir*nr: Iltlt-.rl-trfiF tlLbi4BING ff. flfl{:r-l INEi Cn. 0wnEr': LillJffGFt',1 ,i.!l-lN R. f,ontr-ar:i:c'r': Ffll-ILDE-R FL-l jMiJING & flh.A-l INb-:i iltl, I n s riitr, t i on l]eti,-rc=et Re qt"1p st or' l ..i r,frn Req Tine: rilr8:Ettil Itens l'eqr-(e ir-. ed to rilrzir:9fi PL.MB* ,'::i na I Inf oi'mat i on, ". Cctrnnr e,rrts: wi l1 LJE ttr')[J(:!-;lj(Jr " Fhcnn :'Jt2t'i;66 llA{:lIg c;i1L .i7$-73izt Act i on []omrnetyLE Ti rne Exp Inspeeti.on J.tBm: Item: Hi.etilry,,,,, " tzllll;'J tzi F:'l-.lrlF* l-.ln C ei'qr.o r_tnci o€ri:;:o F,LFIB-Ror-rqlr/D. l.J. V " 1tzl,/;t9 /99 I r:ip:ect.,ot.: CD I 1./ft3l98 In*pecLoi': AR-[ A[1;t3tzr F l.FlF- Rc1 r-r!]h,/[rlat o r' 11/Al/98 Ir'speet c,r': t:\R"I' Of rI4fl F,LFIE{- G.1s F,i. p i n q 1iltlf,r'9F Inspertor: QR'i- !-atiJl5.'tZt F,Lf'lB-F,o,: I ,/Hot 'l'r-tii r"7.rk1;:6 rzr F,L-lYlB-14 i .5.:, :1. I i'tll;1./9€i In+per:t ar" r AllT Ul0ii9O F L.lt1B-F: i na I tltl / lzs./99 Insper'tor. I GRG lle'[. i. rrrr ; r:.\t:,F,R l-tr,lDER FLni]R il" W. V tict r on ! AFF'l? Fir:w tPst Ul"i fic..L i rrr, lj AF,f:'F eoi.rqfr wat er. OK firtion: r:lf:'FR tfir f ."r:t l. 13,ii/1.Sr'iin t-lH llc:1.irrn: AFUR ijy. ri:[]!l r-f0,. " Itenr: Item: Item: Ttrm: Itenr Ar:'iriorr; AFFR l-lpfrer lvl r'"rr1/ t-,t ltZ# Notes I rlK FflR ].HMF,ORARy {jtjt:t_tF,Fl].lty" ST:[_1. NIJID r-i_r t;t.rjF,t_t-t-E II,l$ fA ATION tlF LAUATrJRY Ir'l L..fJUiEE LFVE!.. tifil-Ll E l-tl-li'.1 IiiIfjIEF If'l L.O["J LEtJb"L- {":l-{,1liET, F,LFtl5E {:f1Ll- FnR RL:.,iN5F,Eil1"Ir"lil hHr--f'l tlLL- UJnRH I $ T-,ilI4F,LETE. ooo (\.1 @ an IJJ IJJu- b =t uJ o- c o lU F z z ! .D € =zo E F e.FI ==o z luJIF I I I I I I t_, r(J Ittlltio t= t* l! uJ =I (Eot! E o (D o Ec(! tuE o o) == E o =l o o o.o-(! ! .q o) .c. =oF o o o =o G 0) =of o .9E = -o lt 6 a; 3(g 3 F o i(! o- o (t a! E o o .P-3 o E o o) o, o) ct € $oo .9 0)'3 cto o6 Do R. E Ao'E(5 E o 'a C' o (! ah C' (l' o- a o (! (t (E EoI CL Eo o oo E o) c o (5o o. G o E6 E o c (q o O)o (D]o J (g -oo o F =gJ z z6 El E (nulut|r, E =E IIJo J FoF HI6 lTl I itHl I E8l I 6BEl I 3 =F;lJi lslHH gelqi utl I = IL uJE J z E x zIt uJ J <l FI 2_l zl .. >l uJ lU u.l2o tr = UJ ) z Eo ul lJJ d (t luzv iF s+l Lat (9z J u- o JFI 1l.+l F{ IF J covlv,(t = ui =z o.-.) JI "lol El lrrl @l-l ta4l dd J E olol .61+iq(7)ol co!r\r! sf_lr.l aaololol F-{l Ia- EE dE =o (,ovtu, oa g ='(, =tr I I d(rl tul Gl il>lttl :| PI I It!lrlotlFrl-l Iol =.1olull :l <l>l 3l zl 3l 9lFI (J !+)(Jo t! ! o =g dl =.1olu.[ cEl 3 u.lol zl 3loFI I I I I I I sl cil uJl .ElJI <l>l r.r-lol zl 3lolFI I I I I ?lol uJl il>lttlol Pl r oF() FzuJ uJ 2?o9>d Jt-)zrro z I uJ = Eir[! f-., Z -.r O<FC()uJ<zE[!F(iZo C)2 z ,r9zeoo =z=r=d8 =f;=;Hg t]n! t Gul lt E ^rJJE:E<ctf€uB9.oA Ed =>E d=E h=E :g: 3t : O|!E ooI iurEX(Lt x>t q-o-i!i ul @ F I =-!trn t-s UJ F-oooazo F(L uJY ut @ oF ts tf UJ o- b*l >@lc>lt, ::lr-) :'l rNlrl Hqri^Flvtzo F =E,lrlo-zoF C)f E,Fazoo l IrlJIF lo I I I I I I t_,, rcl IF t3 ,2. I I I .Ft<to I I I I IE IFl9z l=to lolz <F?a YZo< tl-)gt 'r lt E;r;: ;Es:E .9E og'r=5€Eti E;.s5X :g€EF(uo'-i-.c: o /, E NO[Vn'lVA zo ;r (L E9a0 =>6XrL< v= i-ot()FO ..;<ri 3 3 F llJ Jitl<tllz |,-l II rlE gl E :lsiElE< .hl (Dlarlo - a E Y) d) J \ rjj =z .D ") JI,t I$il$l.Id \$Ht,J I!l<{4A I{ \\ ts(J A8l ,.{ xl $| slst\l\(n atlttlcl CIctI E il\ t N N.{ tr alol uJl 1l al>l u-lol gl olFI I I I I I .;l =.1olutl JI-l>l t!lol zl BlolFI ?lolr!l 1t <lilol zl 3lolFI ol =.1olr!l cEl *lol zl 3lolH ull JI <l>l LLI Pl E F LlJ E? o! <F u,J <ZE,ulFarz O <o()F =<)Hf42 (,o<,ts =ff,Fd6 C) z () IJ = Ei. =-(r Fo2 C) !!! zo9ze =zd8 ..*-5 =E< Y ir r =u1 ErF= !N! tr gJ lr lr,l z ; F a JFut-h= o- uJ>0-O|! xo-x> t!' l! ul @oF co Ectoo E .E E Eoo o co E ooo! t6E lcE-- L 'ei u)(- u.) Yvo2 -----) '4o 14, 77a..<r?a q /ont'nz'ra l4'> Eea4 T,O L+/<soa'' '4'o g/ ,,Vnt<t;-4 / tx'72-+<r I 4 lclrrt'y''r- I 3 /Cr''zrzrzr I //,/ , "1o-oauzf-Tzroou ry'/L 7/z o-"'t"'o1 t,tt/Prq6 7H7' ,i Fr'?osr4 ' i'/./ i fuv7 /tLr" J."24 ,*ril"noN REeuEsr TOWN VAILOF *,)'-DATE NAME INSPECTION:MON TUES JOB CALLER FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr.tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REOUIRED -t' DATE L.INSPECTOR tl ",(r,?:,8 DATE ! t :ltoB NAME INSPECTION:MONREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND . tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ,-, ROOF & SHEERtr prYwooo r.rlilrrue tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB rlSHEETROCK NAIL - tr tr r_l FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - nn tr FINAL tr FINAL O,aPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR -- t ,*rfE"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL OATE '! ' JOBNAME INSPECTION:MONREADY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED FRITHUR '- l,/ :.. PM tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR -i ii! \ilign Review Action Ftn TOWN OF VAIL Category Number oate 'l 16 /7'/ Project Name: \llr'---''--.1Vaf Le,vl<t- | t-{' t'1 tv,av'uL Buifding Name: Vc I I c*. {<f C.lc{ . ,u,ur.,,-' I ProjectDescription: Rt *, cv { -f,": c I i-.( 4 c', owner,Address anapnone: VL'r Lr, -'ft,- f z"nnlc ,'f-=s,r). -_T: Grr-('r..(rDi, L;o', 1 (o V/t,S- &*ibcvcontact,AddressandPhone: 't"l ,'L L,'r,'r.,tL- ffe-E o€ (en'o/: '4-'-rt/ 7,gs Gcre Crc*k Dr l,in'( ,Cr>,grcsz un,,l"tes (/ze-;€?6) Legat Description: Lotl:t!16 Block 5 suoavsion 'i ,'i ( lt) ( (og< .A I zone District l/lhf Project Street Address: -; Board "?.-.0 Staff ActitorL-, uotionby: tt/-/ Seconded OV: Ph ! Approval D Disgpproval E4taft Approval Conditions: 'RS'D APR 5 lO revieed slulsL DRB APPIJICITION - TOIIN.OF ITAIIJ, COIPRADO DATE AppLrcATroN REcEr\r-ED 3 3'-/7' // t DATE OF DRB MEETING: ******r*** TSIS .IPPLICAIION 9'II,.I. NO! BE TICCEPEEDuNltIL .a!L REQUTRED INI.ORIttrlrION IS SIIE!|ITIEED*t*t**i*t*r.PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTIONl .t bo,.1 ut a k*u7 ttzl / / Re,.rttt- r4rf, -lieh is 5n/./ '(aqC:eaqd 's y'ro-. -t- ' - ' ')L,rrrt 2aJ hr{ P f"/ih. B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00) c. D. Minor Alterat,lon (S20 .00 ) Addittoni ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS, . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoI Subdivision Block If property is described bydesqription, please provide attach to this application. ZONING: a meets and bounds legalon a separate sheet, and E. F G. LOT AREA: If reguired, applicant,stamped survey showing lot, area. nust provl-de a current Phone ./' - 2L2,1. tt t / NAI.{E OF APPLICANT: l/a. / tqler Mailing Address tl NAME OFMailing APPLICANT' S REPRES9NTAIIFt Address:.r.ta I t ac ^- I/f, Phone f . NAl,lE OF OWNERS , 4rr.1 .1:Z *STGNATURE (S) :Mdiling Address: .t. Condoni4lum Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlme of submittal of DRB application. Later, whenapplying for a buitding permit, please ident,lfy theaccurat,e valuation of the proposal . The Town of VaiIwill adJust the fee according to the table belod, toensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATIONI 0 - $ 10,ooos 10,001 - $ 50,000s 50,001 - s 150,000 $150,001 - $ so0,0o0 s500, 001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 ffg PAIO: S * DESIGN RE\XXE!{ BOJARD APPRO\TAL E'@IRES ONE YEAR ETTER FIttAT, ePPRo\rArr uNr.Ess A BItrr.DrNc PERMIT rS ISSUED IIID CONSIRUCTION ISSrIRIED. **No APPlrcAlroN llrl.r.. BE PRocESsED ltrrBoul owNER's STGNABURE \-. 1 FEEI20.00s s0.00 $100 .00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 slsr(q4slst(q4 a:30a-,\ P{tr 385 Q"r<- Cc. Dn.ti.")o",1.r Ecsl u:o.t\ r. 'lstlt4 9 : zt a",- P{P- 385 Q"..- Cr. D., \/oct?i,rf3-€"+ u)"-\( s[stlt{ 1.:z{ a-,. P4K- 389Qc,z- Cr. D. v,.la.,fc/ l. .>outh 9nbfunc.€- oz ts =tIu o- ta a.r) uJ UJu- ==tulI ssfff eLstlFra @ o\ N FT z <t> H4M z - 9J so u-lt. z uJF c F FI =o =z utl!Foz oz dJlo€ ozz ltJul att = .Eor! GoFo IEFzoo Eo Eulz Bod |!a!6z;tEvIUlFI<FZa9>o< 5lBe Ioo Ia-s' Itrl8*l5E I iEll t€ sl Fgf, -, F\ lEJ€e I in iN;E .:o9 o o- EtE* At] P 99 e(E9 14 --- q) E6E'=O.,, sbE coo.e; 3 EgF EgEc-o efs :gFd'5 =c9c EsE_'; > g E-s,FOO gr; rli i.Y- 6o-o o- $EEo- o-E9s 966E: EO(!: EdE_E.g -eC(! o'-5ac E't €-9i3 =6>,P Ilo E; A eE: €59 -o(! oJ\o c lr) e F =E UJo-ozo =f,.o :<oU ()z o- IJJ lu oz6 =- ) C)z () ll,l UJ u,lt!z tr tu u,l .o =uJ UJ z 6q.t trv, o- UJo o- z uJJ x F l!o U' IJJ uJlr- E =t ITJc J FoF zoJ J c uJJ IJJ z ao =J J Iz I llJ- F r NOtrvnlvA J - z F uJ J UJz UJ =>E --aQ =(DN zzoo :a -r-FP 6 att o1>9(J<)zlr- <otuI t{o-Yi5j<ri ls lg F t IE t;lz|r'It> |rlllu) ln I'r H E F aF|<rrF A K: t. k Fi z IIq o o Hrn uJE z Eoo ? J tr llJ 3 z l l v) =zlzO(/, <oo< =Fxl!Uo<z u)F (i 9z Io3tr IJJl) E oa uJzY- F z F J:) .J)z --l I t{zoz -;'l f :I lr o = a o'l FI zl zl .. >lo UJourulzot E uJ(! z E z 6 H 1 I l "lz,YI <lo. l I t;,; I HHH '.'v' C! '9.mc)a lD x $ \? { \ UJF o.ooazo Fo-utY ul co oF tr5@dPuJ ": bdl o- .lo F{l.- c)l .-lrlgeJOEzo t =G lUo- lto!ulEO E<clldoEo69t, ir =EE'tt- =lrJ-E h=E :*b =*-r 669 iutE XO_t x>G=Ftt "ioi!* uttdl F -- -- z '"9z-< 60 =zJOrL u- :E? ;HE ts =E lrJ o-zoF()fEF(nzoo El! I zl OIutljl al>l Ir-|ol zl tlFI zl oluIlcl JI 3l ttlol zl;lotH I I I I 9l ol rl <l>l tI-lol pl r Il-Ir I I ) uN,UI otdsJ =o l-.la- I fidI J<trE() ctl =.1oltul 1l ?l>l 3| Fr 5 Htn FlFfH l! tr Fl 'ii=z d)o-") ('z d) =) EoF C) tFzoo z T C) [U = t-E irg+trOz E -.r O<FEO IJJ <zE IIJ F6Zo J o EF() uJ F UJF LE!! antu z oz J .6 o =zo I I I I r< I tJ>zt= lolz l- !6 d U'' IUlt =E uJ J F F x l (n rl, UJl! !U o lr, o- : 3 UJ UJ z gJ tr E(J.: o Y L) (J = zio F oz Ir!ld I tt, l= t:lot: l6tFtol<l<lilofo lG loItrtu,lz3oc :; E\J FI <FioYZq< iA IiE e Iln6 I t,t; at / |, cr€ ' Iil- |,oo Io5 |- aa lr6.gSFll !, asJ l:>o. \lr = t! Y tr5 c **l;;E:li E: oli '" € l0 .:'E:13b3 llc: P -3lEiE J-,lE - .u5 :3 S:: o, lo '= lu) 3O. "E ><i;X )o loD ;! r@ o c D'q, o cl o; .g o J;Fa"ri-:i:!)€(,'' fcol '36,c (.). != :.a'o>ci'>51 i",i -EF;".: '; .i'i _15 3qNq Pct :FoSqB =i- Fo-- =-oe)-E = --r.! '-:P€-oo ;3():aJct :==iof rc4E ?to TJ '=- U.^9 OOq C(!oi rt {,i;atO '-o -r: Qt v,g! OCL)(? .2 .!,oBc)C.:c -o n 3'crooF. >= :'-r 5't .l = >) - cc) O'r: a! ::- t a-F: i.'a:: =^ -c co =(l :: o(/t '= a, gU cql '=x :cJtrr C' G' =El3'i:-o o.9 | CJEI_=il = 9- 11 = c =- a f,- cJ c ;EE i- F.-o I co= Fc) g- 3.t(J>. r? (l:. x a. .5a Eo o (il I E'-I SE ! gE I io a avt| ^'-I =Ptev : tf l:c,I Er C' G' g'; -o 5 c'o.9 gtr o'- | = 9.il * r.:- ( o- cJ ( .2= i = or- :(r"iio !-cLor oieiF - a-9 -- = cr crl ;'s =ei336>. (J _- r'\'"xa\.: ^ !Eg -9.i. c) 3 cx o t,z 'E <lulzl<lJ;l< NOuvn.lvA tl.. >lo UJo UJq,z at, = u, J zo F6oltl r!tU tr, () 2 J <n (J i: i< ;i<t ol 5tl<tl = = z t -l =e UJ I oSPdFq90a>9C'lr:1l-<.o q, rrr fo-()>(JFO -j .'i z ^c." l't'' ol- -J .F H El {.rE( rsgg cl! r< rgCL-,- t.9&9 =< c, -l lr- (a !<H CD1r- v C c . =lO c.Jl(r .^ l-lo Eol H .:llrJ T, AJIuJ c -l=oc.lU EI3. 8fol =.: El 3 L srlO 0).rJlJ.J cJIJ.) v'tIo(U Itr- -l e! | Ilr, I-..1r- -{ c!r r-,': E==<cru a/O c \, li!EO:s !te'- Y i'< Pt-u:lJJ o<= F-r-cE ::: q ==>E=:9=ql s=-*o-A =-i9ci-F :<Jvu; -w-oIo iF.r F = lJ.lo-zo F(J f, FazoO (\. C{s Nn Yf-i "i I AT?LI 1F x UJ ts U'dlo zo .F'rL,u, uJto o-o^O;l, irgFoz g FFOz ,<5 ll >o tl =s li =R ll\'' ll 9o<l =sd= url -rlr!lFll-l tl il tl ,il F UJ -.r O<FEC)tu< o3 o = l I I>lFl I I I I u.l cta Ja =IFll o, II 9J l6 i< I IJz =o cll.A I-rt ttt u, =z ..| -tr! J<c)0u)uJ u, I I I I :<'J I I I I F J ,{ b,\ o I 4 ol il uJl(rl JI ?l>l r!Ioj 2l 3l FIEo o z C) ol "=luJl 5l :l 6l FI H t-o zoo z,^o 2Z rvtrril{nn J .^<5YY---=5 lB;3A.tuln l- =IJ' UJ >a<_xX -r J:t ."0. a. ln'ln u llar 75 south fronlage road vail. colorado 81857 (303) 476-7000 department of public wo rks,/tran s portatlo n T0l FROM: DATE: RE: rn summary, ordinance No. 6 scates chat lt ls unlawful for any person tollErer, track or deposit any soiJ., rock, sand, debris or maEerial, includingtrash dumpscers' porcable toilets and worknen vehicles upon any street, . sidewalk, all.ey or public place or any portion..thereof" T.he. righc-of-way on alL. Town of vail sEreels and r'oads ls approxiroacely. 5 ft" off pavemenr.This ordinance wL1l be strLctly enforced by che Town. of Vail public worksDepartment. Persons. found viol4ting tshis ordinance will be given 24-hourwriEcen notLce to rernove said rnaterial. In the event the person so nocified does not cornply with the notice within che 24-hour time specified, chePublic Works Deparcnenc nill remove sald rnate.rial at the expense of personnotified. - The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable tocorrscructlon, malnEenance or repair. projeccs of any s.treeE or a1ley or any..ut111ties in the right-of-way. 'To review Ordinance No. ,6 1n DepartmenE to obEain a copy. Read and Acknowledged by: full,. Please stop by the Town of Vail Building Thank you.for your- coopera! ion in this matter. +*'J,,-r,|, a.. d-!) lili vArL1989 ME}IORANDLII ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH TI{E TOI{N OF VAIL TOh'I'I OF VAIL BUILDING DEPART}IEIIT UARCH 16, 1988 OR.DINANCE NO. 6 Vo t I oqlru 6u re 'I Room s Con)orr., n;urtrs { 6{tl.' koom5 30- o"+- I [ _.1 t il e.*' Vq ll s Blr)os,n3 Lau'nrl ty Aocro ll.utclosat O r-tt_ltc) |tltl D G) L-J (, o rl ., '.r 'r r' ,.:\ t rj ,l 2t: t ,ri.i , ),..i :I A E c z4 o =z\I a. o Uro 2 AEsAR; u?a 6 w,5 J,Or'.,:i -E ft E 'y: q3 u 2inji*dt '' .i i G-_-!) 2 tqi ?no Ll \---l tf'\!,/ ()\_l t-@ - T q,l gv) sE Eo.- I AJo -l- -j s \,, 7 a{g \)OtiIt --+ Os>\' ,*til.toNTOWN OF REOUEST VAILPERK.T NUMBER OF.PROJECT oor...''- .' |ii-JoBNAME CALLEB READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MoN ruES (wiB' rHUR FRI PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL {roro*, GROUGH / tr GAS PIPI tr FRAMING |-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL FFPROVED COFRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBEB'OF PROJECT ,*r(},";;*o$, $fgue:r JoB NAME U-:-\orDATE CALLER : READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES. WED BUILDING: PLUMBING: trFOOTINGS/STEEL trUNDERGROUND ,' . Iffi tr FouNDATtoN / srEEL pneue H / D.w.v. i'-, "\'\ T i''\.., i'<-! "' - -. '' tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEERtr ;iyi,vob; r'r-iii-rr.rc D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr n r_I tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - f-1 f1 tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED/>yffipssv=, L--r'coRRecroNS: INSPECTOR ,*f,"noN TOWN CALLER INSPECTION:I\rf'\Nl Tl ltrq \A/trn i THUR FRI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT\,\. \ ( [--r q] \ \ _-r f. onre \--, ---.--J----- JoB NAME REQUEST VAIL Ar\f PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT n tr FINAL PLUMBING: E UNDERGBOUND { ^oro" / D.w.v. r|t FJlouGH / wArER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DI.SAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR \-'-)'.\-.J -' J. .] JOB NAME INSPECTION REQU.EST I' TOWN OF VAIL !.ih-.. PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT B tr tr E tr tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND .E:Rouctr / D.w.v.FOUNOATION / S TEEL FRAMING - E-.FIOUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL --,, E'APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR -; { '' L'' T JOB T NUMBE li PERMI DATE O o 'i(.,'-1 t CTION REC TOWN OF VAIL NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THURBEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: INSPECTION REOUHST BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR I PE'7 i':-,tNs :-J. .1. CTION TOWN OF REOU.EST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,' \' tl z.DATE - I ./ JOB NAME \,/, VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MoN @ WED THUR FRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E} SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL OVED RRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 't!'-Ftf.$! {'.i,.r, ,:-t: 1 I t 5t-1e Project Application Date 5- /7' 7? ProJecl Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: 4''t k#,= Date:5, /?, ?z Stafl Approval -@es!gn ?ili,- May 19,1,992 Mr. Chuck Feldman Town of Vail Building Dept. 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Dear Chuck: At Connie Knight's request, I am enclosing a sketch of the proposed guardrail around the Vorlaufer's window well for your review at staff meeting today. It will be 42" high, black wrought iron to allow maximum sunlight into the garden-level apartment. It will be anchored to the wall at both ends and hinged at the north end for emergency egress. I hope this will satisf y the Building Department's concerns. I realize that the window well no longer meets current codes, but the contractor simply replaced an existing wooden enctosure with a block wall of the same dimensions. Because of snowmelt heating coils in the new paving slab, it would be extremely dif ficult to widen the window well. Please give me or Connie a call if I can answer any other questions. Sincerely, ful^ilr,,4Tht,Me Sherry Dorward cc: Connie Knight Siterlv Llorwaro asia landscape architect box 3766 varl colorado 81658 303 476 9537 " * \pRtAUftE h/ti.tfzt^t wetfFAlLfNc, T:?Y^oh3tMe*\aJnwil+urralqh* itan aL+- 4"?a,r,.q\f 7)'aa Wrtl (z) J t-;'Qbftitwe cn rb t'r'Yt'ttr4d &fzoa wmu4W wea+tue 4" +1a4"r+Ote aub W3r+a4 /attwt4uaa(ab tls F S+tffiWV,*.., z .".t4:" ry;il|^;ai 2t+ covcrek btpuwrll Covv'pa*J yU,Jhet ro*la*a ea,.\rark 'Trr' i <l'{: ' i.,x.q+4qgdd rr t., F-j Project Application j,tt,qz Proiecl Proiect Contact Name: Description: Person and Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Com ments:i}9 1-* C^t'rl \-,r-)e Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: z'{rHtsnx -=- DISAPPROVAL Town 1z Pla n ner Date:) ,1t Stafl Approval o RTf,B MA R 7 r rqozl 27 | L992 l{iss Kristan Pritz, Director Connunity Deve}opment Towrt of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, CO 81657 Dear Kristan: A quorum of ovrners attending the annual Vorlaufer Condoninium Association neeting, held Decenber 30, 199!, voted unaninously to approve the exterior improvenents of landscaping and flagstone entry, located at 385 core Creek Drive. n Bids are being let and it is anticlpatff tnu, work will get underway this spring. If you or your staff need any other infornation, please don't hesitate to call any nenber of the board. Ed wasson, Vice PresidentA*% "err;" {" o!n"7 s ".tetary Gore Creek Drive qt Gore COLORADO Creek *, *o*?*u, n March 27,1992 Mite Mollica, Community Development Dept. Town Hall 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mike: Enclosed are the three sets of landscape plans you requested for the Vorlaufer. They show a few minor revisions that are not on the drawing you have, such as the possible addition of a drip irrigation system and an underpavement hcaiing system and the deletion of the light fixture you askcd for specs on. Also, please note <ln the landscape plan (sheet 2) that very little additional planting is planned for the east side, where the new sidewalk will eventually go. Please let Connie know whether the plan can be approvcd by staff or if it needs to be presented to DRB. Call me anytime if you have any other questions. Sincerely, 4,rrrwt Sherry Dorward t cc: Connie K night f hnrr', ,nr'",rrz{ anra lannnn. I i_= y ,\ it vvotLl cDrq tq '\_./Juclvg cr tt I tgL L box 3766 vail colorado 81658 303 476 9537 O reviscd 9/419L COIORADO B0 MAR 1 61ee2 f o EPPTI CITXOT - TONN OF \IAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** TETS APPLTCAITON WrLL NOT BE ACCEPIEDITNTIL eIlI. REQUTRED INTORMATTON rS SI'BTITITTED I. *********r PROJECT TNFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTTON: EI TYPE OF REVTEW: NehI Construction Addition ($50.00) ADDRESS:a{ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision ($200.00) t4inor Alrerarion Conceptual Review ($20.00) ($0) D.Lot Block If property is described bydescription, please provideattach to t.his application. ZONTNG: a meets and bounds J.egal on a separate sheet and E. LOT AREA: ff required, stamped survey showin NAME OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address: applicant must provide a currentIot area. NAME OF MaiJ-ing APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE :Address: Phone I.NAME OF OhINERS: *SIGNATURE (S) :Mailing Address: Phone J. Condominium ApprovaL if applicable. ensure the correct fee is paid. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of submittal of DRB application. Liter, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify Uireaccurate val-uation of the proposal . The town of VaiIwill adjust the fee according to the table be1ow, to K FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ 0 - $ 10,000 s101001 -$ 50,000$50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 9500,001 - $1, 000, 000I Over $1,000,000 * DESTGN REVIEW BOARD APPRO\TAL EXPIRES APPRO\TA! T'NIJESS A BUrI.DTNG PERMIT IS FEEs 20.00 $ 50.00 $r.00.00 $200 .00 $400.00 9500.00 ONE YE.AR AFTER TTNA! ISSUED A}ID CONSTRUCTTON STARTED. **NO APPIJICAIION I{TLI. BE PROCESSED IIITEOUT OI{NER' S SIGNATT'RE 1 IS ! II PRE-APPLICATT MEETING : A pre-appl"ication meeting with a menber of Lhe planningstaff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication information is needed. It is the applicantrsresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff todetermine if there are additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline theapproval process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. All trees to be removed must be taped. Allsite tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The revievr process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual approval and a fina] approval . Applicantsshould plan on presenting their development proposal ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval . C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has been republished. D. The following items may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the Community Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addition proposals not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the time such aproposal is submitted, applicants must includeletters from adjacent property owners and/or fromthe agent for or manag'er of any adjacent condorninium association stating the association approves of the addj.tion. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must. sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building pernit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town Plannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. F. For all residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building; and b. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance frorn the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to Tordn issuance of a building permit LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT:et \ ^<- LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION,OE P -.t- The following information is Review Board before a final required for submittal to the Designapproval can be given: A. BUILDING I4ATERIAIS : Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR LANDSCAPTNG:Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED ,tlndicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. PLANT MATERIO: Botanical Name Co**ooame Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED SHRUBS .t EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size5 qallon.of proposed shrubs. GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior light.ing J.s proposed, please show the nurnber of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting pIan. rdentify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height abovegrade and type of light proposed. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swiruningpools, etc.) Pfease specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. D. ; ii J, 'i TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT SALES ACTION FORM ttt ///) .,' \/ '- ' ,-{t / c 2 //, /.i -\xm ( ,(yt yu* Afuu-Q kX- asvs2 g lU -7d- : :::i!1:'i::::i ,"Ogr:i.:' i3COfff.rf Ub. , . , , ,'t .l',i '., i ,. :; ,.' ;,. l :l ;.l ,n..1.:f.,. ,i ,tiftftl ,ti ,.iii i ituiit ;i;i;,:XO,,,, 0r 000041330 COM. DEV. APPLICATIONFEES PEC 0r 0m041540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0l0m04zl5 I'NtrORMBT'ILDINGCODE $50.00 0r 0m042415 UNIFORM PLI'MBING CODE $36m 0r 000042415 I,JNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $32.00 01000042415 TJNIFORMFIRE CODE $36.00 010m042415 NATIONAL ELECTRI,:AL CODE $30.00 0r 000042415 OTHER CODE BOOKS 0r 000041548 BLUEPRINTS Of}II-ARS)$7.00 01000042412 )GROX COPIES / STI.'DIES s025 01000042371 PENALTY FEES / RE.INSPECTIONS 0rcfno42322 OFF HOTJRS INSPECTION FEES 0l 000041412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 01000041330 OTHERFEES 0l 000041413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE $20.00 010000 01 0000-42L40 vTc Art .Proiect Donatlons 01 0000 41331 DEST(:N NFgTEg BOAND FEBS 4ao #do e6ffiEl.r_isf,-.-ffi1 It 5/s/eo Permit issued to Carrol Unit LO5 that will connect units LO5 and 205 and create one single unit with 2 entries. SheIIy Mello Project Appllcallon Proj€ct Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: /r\f*li Legal Descriplion: Lot t, Block t Commenls: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL oo ?o\r +hxv-otto It tltg urloninuie- aVgrwoJus Sr lt)a*rus iloh qc* RAuG+di' (xn :i1n&rcs t^ilnr,- \hl, c, hnffa;yni* o$ fuodt*t ou)rrfrr, l4r hhrran ftphJhr ?ru.^bd lJg'ppir*L 6 tlrr tecot c?'v-r"r.rcrl'of rlih L i* 4 r@e. Srlu att^ci i^tttbt, apgrawl, on a. eefrab i*e,$ - "{|ar ,?||u", ha|,g ea. qh* ,.p S.* uow 9.4V +tfu esdpl qorr ?rr^;A7-v:t u.ritl.'q, "qw?osl: 'F +)r- eCFf, tv$cAGA i 5* yar*1s 'frr ono lJail ?fu. Calt Y c \0.jo h** qwAtiws, J Rcla hwarytt$, I. Applicatio' Ou APPLICATION F'ORM ITOR A VARIANCE This Procedure is reguired for any projecg requesting a Variance. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. B. NAf,lE OF ADDRESS NAME OT ADDRESS APPLICAITT 9. AUTHORT ZATION4 0F PROpERTV OmrER Samuel AelMcCray LEGAL DESeRrprroN rorl4-lE ulock-.$- rilinsvAlLvlu4pg ES' E. F. postaSe Lhe PHoNEgLl,24b7 llo APPLICANT I S REPRESENTATIVE RrcK BAt-otr)trrl : enowa416'4Fi9) Edr.rard B. Wascon SIGNATURE ,,,tO^-OC B ADDRESS PHONE The BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE VORLAUFER CORPOMTION'a' D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL FEE. $100.00 plus an anount equal to the then current first-class rate for each property owner to be notified hereunder. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to subject Property and their addresses, LOCATION OF PROPOSAL pi@rc@. boldwin ond ossociotas, inc. orchitactura . plonning NATURE OF VARIATICE REQUEST This varlance request pertains to Chapter 18.64 "Nonconformlng Sites, Uses, Structures and Slte Improvements, " and, more specif J-ca11y, sec- tton 18.64.050 B, "Structures and Slte Improvement, tr (Density Control). The Vorlaufer is one of the early Vatl structures which has been classi- fted as nonconforming with respect to density due to "post applicatLon" of the Towrr of Vail Zonlng Ordinance,Tltle 18. A strLct or llteral lnterpretation and enforcement of sub-section 18.64.050 B llnlts unduly a property oruner s utilLzatlon of l-nterlor space or volume. It is requested through this variance that an addl-tionaL 146 sq. ft. GRFA be al-lowed for the addltlon of a 3/4 bath and loft space withln the exlsting space. Note al-so that there is an existing loft that ls approxLmately 55 sq. ft. thus creatlng a net lncrease 1n exlstlng area of only 91 square feet. DISCUSSION AND JUSTIFICATION FOR VARIANCE The nature of the renodel-ing belng pursued by the appllcant l-ncludes enlargement of spatially substandard kitchen facllities by the elinina- tion of and expansion Lnto an exlsting bedroom, effectively reducing the unit from 4 bedrooms and a loft to 3 bedrooms and a 1oft. The applicant feels the loss of this bedroom is not sl,gnificant due to current degree of utll-lzation and the space being better al-l-ocated to irnprovlng the kltchen facility. Addttlonally, "overflow" sleeping area may be acconttnodat ed l-n the l-o f t on the rare occas Lon that it ml.ght be required. There exlsts two fuLl bathrooms which serve two bedrooms each und er the current arrangernent. If a 3/4 bath could be added, one of the exlstlng bathrooms couLd then be converted to a private bathroom for the master bedroon creatlng l-mproved privacy and better space utillzation wlthin the residentlal unlt. In order to comfortably accomrodate the new 314 bath, some space will be taken from one exist- l-ng bedrooro and the existing loft. The addltlonal area, requested wl-ll be util-ized l-n the l-oft 'rsittlng room" area creating a full ce11-- ing over the dlning room and turproving circulation. Al-1 of this expan- slon can be done internally without al-tering any of the building envelope, or adding to the encLosed volume. In Section 18.04.130, GRFA, the new definltion would allow the creatLon of up to 200 square feet of additionaL area for use as storage without the necessl-tv of a varlance. The appllcant has full support of the Board of }Canagers of the Vorlaufer Corporation as signified by the signed applicatl"on form. '1000 south frontoq@ rood ur@st . voil, colorodo 81657 n3/4764433 AP PLI CAT I ON FOR PROPERTIES IN FOR ADDITIONAL GRFA TXCESS OF ALLO|,IABLI GRFA h%,'.'il'5 Date of Appl Date of DRB ication Meet i ng A pre-applicatjon conference vlith a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to discuss the provisjons under wh.ich additional GRFA can be addLd PRE-APPL iCATION CONFERENCE Applications for additions under this sectionare complete. This'includes alI informatjon Design Review Board subrn'i ttal requiremenrs. will not be accepted unless they required on this form as well as to a site. It should be understood that this ordinance does nor assure eacn property an additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance allor,ls for up to250 square feet if certain conditions are mer. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address VOFeAtlFe[ * 3of Legal Description: Zone District Bl ock Fil ing C. NAME OF APPL]CANT: n NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: €E.e A6eUa _ Address phone E. NAI'1E 0F OIiNER(S): MG 4 MtzS a.ur. Or{*s>(t=e_ Signature(s) 4Address J phone -Filing Fee of $100.00 i req at tinre of submittal ,7,2. Names and mailing addresses of adjacent propertyl-'l-\ units on the same lot. This informatjon is evail( - Assessor's office. 1..,'3. C_gndominium association approvai (if appl icable). t 41 t^isting floor plan of structure. Lot Address 41 E_ MFApEr.) DrL. vAi_, ro 6rL<? phone_iJh.=S!OS_ The fol].owing information, in addition to DRB submittal requirements, sha11 bereqq2red with this submittal: /. Verificatjon that the unit has received a final certificate of occupancy. owners and of owners of able from the Eagle County Ir zf 'z It$.-\ [il1 department of community development vai!, colorado 81657 ' 1303! 476€613 lfiay 11' 1979 Vorlauffer Bcu< 612 Vail, @ 81657 Re: Rrlclic/Private Joint V@ture Program Dear Sir: I am sorry to ilfonn you that your project has not been approved ;-i;;-"i the Rrrlie'lPrivate ioinCventure Proerarn for rv79' Ttre Tqrn Council has decided ttat yotlr project should- not-le nta"a due to its being located iran area wtrere the benefit to the public $quld be lirnited. I vpuld lil<e to thank you for applying and hope you have a good stnmsr. Siacerely, A^,.'-o- ^, V-4"--/1" - '-" Jires A. Rrbin Zoning Adninistrator JAR:caj o nuspecrGru'FIEGIUEST TOWN OF VAIL .:,1 : - | / .-.,t ..-\, ! a2.4.-. ..,olte ",,,..J -.;'.,; ' .,''5 JoB NAME trtr",*'/-' :' );"'rlw|":- -*l TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orHrn fl pnnrtnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR AM PM. MON COMMENTS: FRI I aeefoveo E otsnppRovED duto* THE FoLLowrNG coRREcrtoNS: CORRECTIONS "' B'lilr)r'i' INSPECTOR oF O Fz -J az. F z 9HiH=<F1<:trF:F.F-<9.,9 <'..92?. tr F ,, Z'<:":.-^lr;;[i u iaoYrr42<ea; < o zoAzzT); c < E5vFrotr <a!dzx 'i3tiai:y: :<a- <FSgiHIi"<etr>-(,<o*=n€!<tr < 3-r F E(! ul\ J Y ul z J z iH 13 o IJJ z !) z S !c z lll uJ tr E E ul Lll IE J F F - a ! Er lrl o o z -o Jf o -l<> LLo =, =oF i z l! uJ =YE o I lJ" z -J F II IJJ ul z J E oz oJ 2 J @ tt llt F z (J ur J ul ulo ul 3 F{ uJ ur FIL z FI Et IJ z Fv, IJJ oz F E ut J z [l u- llJY E z F t U,J llJ 2 tr CE llto oz c o IJJ II 5 lrJ o-o llJ)Yz lll llt Eo2 F ul B )! =Fx uJ Io a0 o Ftt ci o llJ F lt z Fzf z ll. 2 J 9 cc F ql lll NOIIVNlVA YE = z tr a. ut. J- Eql z IIJ !>(Jc| :*N z<l 9 z trqqd.6 9OA> -z*< >oFO ;(.i Goo J a IJJ 6 ) a E z o Fo z F J UJ o uJ tE J rNsiPEcrGru ,^,, I I lrg hl JoB NAME oWo FIEOUESiT VAIL 2n1> 1ME REcErvEo q'lq d[evl CALLER a-*- I orHen I pnnnnl.LOCATION TUE READY.FOR INSPECTION '.'.-.'.-..'- ..\, '{*-_!.r"9.. ,-' rHUR AM PMMON GOMMENTS: )-,\/l APP ROVED IYJ UPON THE CORRECTIONS flotsnpPdovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS:...____-'- D netNsPEcr ./) DAIE ,.//'- ?+ *2 ,) INSPECTOR : i:, -.t{- - '."--' oere i, t."i' C '?7 JoB NAME '' INEiPECT}N FTEOUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,'tv*-/r ., : -i.''\r' TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxen E penrreu. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURi. MoN ) COMMENTS: EJeppRovED E orsappRovED E nerNsPEcr LI UPON THE FOLLOWING CORREGTIONS: CORRECTIONS ! t,ailf,$ t'{ DATE INSPECTOR PLU MEil NGi.' M ECHAN I CAL TOWN OF VAIL P EFIM //: /,DATE / ToBNAME Crl* 303 (' OWNER ADDRESS coNrRAcro' dttzn<t K**A-PHONE OF BUILDING: oF woRK: n ruew E aoorrroru ffi* ! n.ro," IPTION OF WORK: t^***4t*z; PLUMBING: NUMBER 7, E"MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALuArroN E /,2-A0, oo VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: ,r*'db/fu/PERMIT FEE ffi,4rtt'fi, rt ! appnoveo E orsmpnoveo TOTAL FEES: T M DATE F Q Fz O !lz; a D!r z z F Ol F z I ,l) z td = o o = u,l |E z u,ozg Fz IJJ =IJJ ul F u E ul F , F ul J F F L Er ul o 0 z -oJ -l o -l< lr€ =, =et- a Y 3 lt z F ul llJz \t!l\{ UJ zo9 z trY=e6Fccqa =>'z*< o- (J:P ;ci 6',9 : :}lx ."d :{ ) r4 I { j:l , DATE OIr I,lEIiTIr\ IllrlvliliillS l)ltDslllt I' : /oq&ruru3-1tu8:- I,/ r1/f.^- hna'./7f . SUI]J]iCT: ACTION TAKEN lvlQTIOll : VOTE: l3Y IrOil: SUCOND,iJI) IJY AGA INST AIID; APPROVI]D: DISAPPITOVID: SUI,lMAITY ,'\iJi'}.L,,l CAi'l'1' )- F, 2 lr llc () &l o R\ to EH>E<rr +ts] ()l/, \8 I\=<tAz EY,11 F/?3*iir =<Ei I FT N rd.. \il. (Ji/C'I2l<l zo t- IJ4E o IIJ ul z lrJoz sc 9 zt! =t!o ut o F t gl E Eoo tt ul G FoJ FoF uJE EooJtt J t-oF E trIl q. o z -o Jf tr -l<> lrG' -,-el- C'zvE d<totttto C'2 o oJ Foltt! v,I!I!ttvaul (, 2 J G UJ zo F oo 2o F E uJFJ Bt!z C'z J Ett u,lof Ftt z F 0 ul v,E ul v =trcv, qI (c ll. !J-ozso o ooJo tl.o Ftt Fi aD NO|lvnlVn \tF\f t- N$s-i4 \ !o t- =-l! >(,4 =ozo9 -o t zo FYid6FG9C =>xo:z6f l!JA(Jit -d vEoI z Fg C'o uJo //2/I BUILDING PE ITA CATION Applicant to Jurid iction numbered spaces only, ! | 0Escrt.{Llllr artacxeo sHErr) Zta /o Sozob coN TiAc roF 3 tl MAtL ADDrEss // ARCHITECi OR OESIGNEi MAII AOORESS FXON E LICEXIE XO. MAI I AOORESI! PHOXE LICEI{9E NO. L ADOtelS SiANCrl IJSE OF gUILDING I Crassofwork: trNEW DAootTtoil EALTERATIoN DREPATR trMoVE DREMoVE 10 Change ol use from 11 Vafuationo{work:$ tO, O CI J AOPERMIT FEE , . SPECIAL CONOITIONS: Slze ot Bldg, (Total' sq. Ft. Flrs Sorlnklsrs R€qulr€d Eyos DNoAPPLICAIION ACCEPTED BY APPBOV€O FOR |SSUAlrrc€ SYI ,,a< -L -JJJ OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUM8. tNG, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEB WORK IS COM. MENCED. BE 3I CNATU RE O' CONTiAC WHEN PROPER Y VATIOATCD (IN THIS SPACEI 'HIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOB cK.PERMIT VALIDATION cK. IJtl /0 . PINK - APPLICANTCANARY - AUDIT 6) GOLDEN ROD _ TEMP. FI LE Urtf tr'bo+o z ^lFL,.L,t[ 3€.(/rl = 3 o r/3,c,:. 7 xls bxt4 -- 7 x'l *- _ \., (\\ .^ ' '\P.h-. +uQ\= CJ.J),.^, llp,,.lZo.llo 3o tlzo q1 lszq r lrl [JJ;[,'"" >(A37 = C.eo bloc-le' "t4-\b 6Yr.Pn*t*J 7s o'l ,{ ,/ 6 l1 i '{rv, , Ji tl q ,ul *q *{, b 1 g H \d. f:-ov.s r fg Y\^'{Jli(U f aAq 76t, alTz L-7/72 -2oK s &8o1 WFVB+t-- e/(& /(llr",,x Sf J& (f) I SSION I, ) PI,ANNING AND ENVIRONMIN'i'AL COI'IMI Monday, Octobcr 12, 1981 3:00 P.nt. Approval of minutes of Sept.enber 28, 1981 . Request for density control variance to extend existing loft area on unit 1t304 of the Vorlaufer. R.H. Pickens. Request for a conditional use pernit in order lift the restriction to limit the student body of the Vail Mountain School. Request for a variance fron side and front setbacks for a residenceat 1763 Shasta, Iot 12, Vail Village lttest FiLing lt2, Applicant: Gottfried Angleitner. 5. Request for: a conditonal. use permi.t to have a real estate office in space #7 of the Vail Village Inn, Phase III. Applicant: P. Van Ewing, III. 6. Request for an amendment to the Town of Vail Zoning Ordinance No. 30, series of 1977, to add the allowance of one enployee unit, on Lot 6, Block 2, Potato Patch. Applicant: Vail Investnent and Developrnent, Ltd. Publishcd in thc Vai.l ]'rail October 9. 1981. 3. 4.