HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 BLOCK 5 LOT 14 TO 18 VORLAUFER PART 2 LEGAL.ry PLA}INING AI.ID ENVIRONI{ENTAL COMMISSION MEETING October 12, 1981 PRESENT Gerry White Scott Edwards Dan Corcoran Duane Piper Will Trout Roger Tilkeneier Jin Morgan later l. Approval of ninutes of September 28. 1981, STAFF Dick Ryan Peter Patten Peter Janar Betsy Rosolack Larry Eskwith COUNCIL Ron Todd will rrout pointed out that iten 7, requesting a rear setback for Lot 1, resubof Lot 14, Block 4, Bighorn 3rd, did not include a request for a variance frona setback from a watercourse. Wi.th this conection, Scott 4oved and Dan secondedthat the ninutes by approved. The vote was S-0 in favor. 2. Applisatign for a 58 square foot Gross Residential Floor Area variance for unit #304 - Peter Jamar explained the merno adding that the applicant had also submitted two alternate schemes which would not require a variance, and that the staffcould not see that the applicant had unnecessary physical hardship. Tin Clark, architect enough roon in this for Beck Associates, sai.d that the applicant didnrt have condo (which he had recei.vpd in an exchange), lie addedthat there was not enough height room in the loft at present for anything e1se. H-e explained that to use the alternate plans would nein having to go throughthe bath roon to the dressing or storage area. Roger statea inat periraps itthe plan were a better one, that was reason enough to grant a variince.- Dick Ryan reninded them that a sinilar request in west Vail recently wasdenied. Peter Jamar read part of the code, 18.64.010 regarding nonconforminguses and -structures being limited in enlargeinent or alteration if it would incr-ease the discrepancy which the Pickens request did (nade it nore non-conforn-ing/ Roger felt that each case should be judged on its own nerit. Duane feltthat inconvenience did not sound like a real hardship. hlill felt that thearchitect couldntt achieve the same thing with the aiternate plans. scottstated that he didnrt have any problen with the bathroon as pioposed, but thatin order to follow the ordinance,didntt see how they could approve the request. Gerry rnoved and Dan seconded to {eny_l}e requeg because there was no realhardship shown, and because withlthc-Giiaifrrans, the applicant could have a bath without the variance. .Rogerandtvillvotedagainst,Rogcrsta-ine@etalIbut the hardship criteria, and Will had stated his reason. t lrr-r PEC -2- r0/L2/8r 3. Request for a condi.tional use pernit in order to lift the restriction to limit the student body of the Vail Mountain School . Dick Ryan gave facts from the nemo and stated that the school had been a good neighbor in the Booth Creek area. He added that two agencies would have control over the nurnber of students in the school: The State Department of Education of Colorido and the Board of Directors of the school. Joe Stauffer, chainnan of the board of the Mountain School explained that the reason the school wanted to have larger classes was a social one, that the classes of 6 children were too snall. He added that the school has fulfilled all the pronises made to work on the log cabinn pave the parking lot, and landscape. With the addition of students, they would not increase the size of the school building, and that the present facilities are adequate and can handle nore students. Discussion followed concerning whether or not to set a top limit of students in the conditional use permit. Joe felt that without a top set number, that the school would use good judgenent with safeguards also froro the State. He added that if the classes were too Large, nany parents would conplain. If the number of students became too much for the present facilities, they would have to come back to the PEC to increase the size or nurber of buildings. Dan spoke in favor as a neighbor, as did Nancy Miller, another neighbor. Scott felt that if they removed the student 1init, it r,ras likely that the next request would be for an increase in the size of the building. Joe said that the present board was not planning on increasing the size of the building, but that later they were planning on coning in to ask to put in a custodial apartnent in the loft area. Roger was involved in the original application process with Vail Associates to use the land for the school , and renenbered that the biggest concern was to restrict 6he nuniber of students for the benefit of the neighbors adjacent, and felt that he had no objection to the increase if the students could be kept within the present building. Will Trout wanted to know the precise number of students per square foot of building limit the State would have on the school . Joe wasnrt able to answerthis, but state.d that 12 students per class was the ideal class size in theiropinion. Scott felt that he would personally prefer a limit, even if it were beyond the boardts expectation. Duane agreed with Scott, but also agreed with Dan that the school rvould be using the State guidelines and also that the school had been a good neighbor. Roger noved and Dan seconded to approve the request for a conditional use perlnit in order to lift the restriction to linj.t the student body for the Teason that the State would restrict the nunber of students. The vote was 6^1 in favor with hlill voting against. i{il1 was not opposed to expansion but felt he couldnrt vote without knowi-ng exactly what the State restrictions were in terrns of nunbers. The request was granted. !-- PEC -3- r0/12/8r 4. Reque.st for a variance from side and fro.nt set-backs fo.r a residenceat 1763 Sl'rasta, Iot L2, Vail Village West Filing #2. Applicant: Gottfried Angleitner. Peter Patten explained the memo adding that the staff recommended denial or tabling to let the architect arrive at a better solution to the site. John Perkins, architect for the applicant, stated that the issue is that Mr. Angleitner desired to build an European style chalet, and that the house would have to be rectangular. Outside dirnensions would be 30 x 40, feeling that 2400 sq ft was a necessary size for a fanily of 4. He explained that the lot faced south, and also the views are to the south, so they wanted to put the garage in the back and out of the way. Dan stated that after being out on the site, that he would agree that it was possible to have a better design. He was nore in favor of putting the garage in the front. Johnrs reply was that he didntt want to show the garage doors on the front elevation. Roger suggested'putting the garage on the other side, and Peter replied that this would move the house within 5 feet of the property line, and that those neighbors had already disapproved of the plan as it exis ted. John said that he has a letter fron the owner to the west and that this owner did not have any problen with it. Gottfried Angleitner, the owner, stated that he had bought the lot before annexation and didn't realize the restrictions. He felt that the ortheast corner was not buildable. Dan pointed out that the neighbor to the west had sold the lot to Anglei.tner. Gerry felt that building the house as presented would overcrowd the neighbors. Duane said he did a hasty check on square footage and found that with 1100 sq ft footprint, with height, could allowthe structure to be close to the required size, and that there still could be a Tyrolean style. John explained that the lot was 4 to 5 feet lower in the back, and wantedto work with little excavating or fi11, More suggestions regarding steppingthe li,ving spaces down, trying to adjust the building shape to fit the lot, and the south exposure followed. Roger nentioned that the PEC is concernedwith energy conservation, and that the soilth exposure was important. Perhapsshifting the house to the east was discussed, though a letter had been received t-ron the property owner to the east protesting the setback requests. The orr,ner requested tabling until the next regular pEC rneeting. The menbers voted in favor of the request to table. .51' 'Request. for. a condilional, use- pe,rmi! t_o. have a rea.l estatc offiie in spacef7;f-tl-G-Vm*VITIage Inn, phase IIL AppLicant: p. Van Lwing, III. Peter Patten explained the rneno, adding that this nrall would be sinilar tothe malls in Lionshead and Vail village and should be treated the sane way. Jin Jacobson, representing the applicant, stated that the location was idcalfor officcs rather than retai-l siops--that it was located toward the back. Prc -4- LO/12/81 He added that one would havc to go down stairs and that it didntt fit i.nto the traffic pattern and was not on the street level. He added that. if thcre were to be a rnix of retail space, this would be as close to retail as many things. About the parking issue as stated in the nemo, Jacobson felt that the whole idea of malls is to get people in, and didnrt see how a real estateoffice could generate more traffi.c than a-Eurniture store, (The staff in the memo stated that with 12 sales people, the real estate office was boundto conpound the parking situation.) Gerry mentioned that thj.s was to be a pedestrian retail spaces became offices, the mall-c iTEi estate office could be on the 2nd floor as well, whole village should be treated the same. nalln and that if all the would be lost. The real he added. He felt that the Dick Ryan explained that one reason the new nall had a connection t or4rard Crossroads was to connect to the opening in Crossroads to the west. He agreed with Gerry that the idea was to.have a pedestrian, shop oriented nall to tryto tie together the whole village. Jin Jacobson mentioned that there was already a parking problem on the backof Crossroads and wondered how that could be a good place for people to walk. Dan felt that this connection was better than the one in front of Crossroads where there were 50 or 60 cars. Gerry White said that the pedestrian level shouid be a more active shopping center or dining, rather than office, Peten P. added that the, uses should be visitor oriented. Dan poi.nted out that the visitor is already going to be on foot after parking in the parking structure, and so would not generatetraffic as a real estate office would. Scott stated that back when real estate offices were a real threat-.when they were naking nore noney than the retail shops., it made sense to legislat.e then out of the core areas, but that people do browse through real estate offices looking at the pictures and brochures. Howeverr.he added that a real estateoffice on the ground floor does becone very valuable space, Roger agreed that it nade sense to legislate real estate offices out of Bridge Street or malls, but didn't think it. made sense to conpare this nall withVail Village and Lionshead. He felt that each particular applicant should be decided separately. Dants concern was with the idea of just how naDy lnorereal estate offices were going to want to be on the ground floor if one was allowed at this tine? Peter repeated that this rna11 was designed for an interesting conmercial, shop-oriented atmosphere, similar to Comnercial Cores I and 2, designed for high traffic and was planned to be a prine nall as stated in the neino. Jacobson said that the developer had designated busi,ness or professional usefor that spot and for another spot also. lle added that tliEre were no real estate offices in the crossroads area, He felt that the environment shouldbe looked at each time, and didntt feel they were setting a precedent. PEC _5_ 10/12/8r Dan nentioned that fr9 had just cone from a vacation in Durango and as he walkedthrough the town, didnrt like all the real estate offices on the nain strect,and that they were no! looking for real estate offices. Erj.c Bachman feltthat if Dan had been-frorn Darias, perhaps, they might.-have been looking forreal estate offices, He added thai they intended io have the office vfryattractive with lots of nodels. Jin suggestedlimitingthe nunber of real estate offices in that nal1. Gerryrepli-ed that there wourd_be no way to rimit other realtors from asking forconditional uses. Dick Ryan rnentioned that peopie-r,"J-i"it"a to hirn aboutchanging the first ftoor bf tne rianat" to real estate offices. Jim wonderedabout using a deed restriction. will Trout wanted to know what percentage of the area the reat estate officewould be taking. scott saw tto -differ"nJe if Gore Range properties asked tobe in that building. than in the nug shop area. Jin Morgan fert that naybehorizontal zoning ihoura ue tarteJ-alo,rt "itr, the whole area in nind. Jirn Jacobson suggested looking at having only one real estate office in thebuilding with a non-comPeting lease in the deed restriction. Dan renindedhin that they couldn'a e."a around the parking and traffic. Jacobson wantedto see studies showing that it,would indeed generate traffic, Gerry feltthat the parking was not th-e issue, eor ir there was any parking at arr, peoplewould use it. Roger felt that there were nany unanswered questions. scott and Duane felt that if there were arready 42 spaces short, what thedeveloper put in the spaces would have nothing to do with the fact thatthere wer-e already too few parking rpr""r. Roger stated that he would. voteagainst the project now, bui with rnoie informaiion might vote for it. Jacobson asked if the only additionar infornation needed was with regard toparking and deed restrictionr, r'd "it"a "rro fo" ; p;ii or opinion fron themembers. Jim stated that if the applicant could come back r+ith a deed restriction and'eirse his concern of the parking, he night vote in favor. Duane felt that he did not want the applicant to show a deed restriction. Dan felt that what was needed was a clarifi-cation of restrictions concerningparking and he was concerned with traffic. Gerry felt he would vote no now, how many real estate offices were because who knew the magic number oftoo nany? will would like to see a rear estate office there with a rease agreement. Scott rsas in favor of the real estate office without a lease. Rogcr was concerned about the parking pnogram for the whole progran. Jacobson asked to table till the next regular rneeting. The. members voted7-0 in favor of tabling. I PEC -6- rO/12/81 6. Request for .an amendment to the Town of vail Zoning ordinance No. 30 b -Tfni ' Applicant: Vail Investment and Development, Ltd. Peter Patten explained and listed the restrictions in the neno, Craig Snowdon, architect for the applicant, stat,ed that the applicant agreed to the restrictions and added that these would be luxury units with a single access onto the Potato Patch Dri.ve. Peter stated that he had received a letter from John Hall stating that he approved the request, Craig explained the access fron Potato Patch Drive and also the visability. GeIIy stressed that the total allowable GRFA wouldnrt be exceeded. He was concerned with the growing need for employee housing. Jin Sheehan stated the plan was to incorPorate the employee unit with the cabana near the Pool . Roger noved and Will seconded to recol nend to Town Council approval of the anendnent with the conditions ,of approval listed by staff, The vote was 7=0 in;.favor, unaninous. 7, Request for exterior alteration a]rd mgdific,ation to the 9asilro.Bg!19ingfor the deck area to determine the anount of office space on deck. APplicantsl Carlos Agostoni and Janes J, Sprowls, Rick Baldwin of PierceBaldwin Associatesn architects for the project stated that Dick Ryan recornnended they cone before the PEC that day, Dick Ryan said that the Council had approved the Casino requlst with changes, and that Mrs, Hill had sent a letter showing no real objection with the extension to the west. Rick added that the bridge was a dead issue at present-- that other external factors had forced this decision. Dick felt that the PEC rnust concentrate on the issue. The discossion which followed concerned liking the proposal . Dan noved and Roger seconded to approve the exterior alteration of the deck area. The vote was 7.0 unaninously in favor. The neeting was adjourned at 5:40. t' IyII]IlORANDUM TO: PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COWIISSION FR0lvl: DEPAR'I'MENT OF COI.II"iUNITY DEVELOPI'IENT/PITER JAl"lAR RE:Application for a 58 square foot Gross Residcntial Floor Area variance for unit #304 Vorlaufcr Condominiurrr. APPLICANT: R, l{. Piclcens IESCRT Prigri 0F VARTANC!_&a!E9M The applicant requests a Gross Ilesidential Floor Area variance in order to add approxinately 58 sq ft to the inside of his condoninium at Vorlaufer Condominiuns. He requests the rrariance to enable hin to extend an existing loft area approxinately 8 feet to allortr for an addition of a bath,/dressing Toom area as part of an over:all remodel of the unit. The Vorl.aufer Condomini.rLns are located on lots 14-18, Block 5, V:riI Village sth F jl.ing. The condonti.niums are located in l{igh Density lrlultiple Farnily Zonc llistrict n'hich allows a total Gross Residential Floor Area for thc project of 7,364 square feet. Currently, there exists 21 ,951 sq ft of floor area. Thus, the project as it now stands is 14,587 square feet over the al1orr'able square footage. Unit #304. currently has 1392 sq ft of floor alea, The applicant feels that the variance rcqlrcst is justified because the addition is minor and is internal and wj1l not affect the exterior of the building. The applicant has given no statenent as to physical hardship or unnecessary difficulties rvhich would be caused by c<rnrlrlying wi.th the zoning ordina:rce ' CRITNIIIA AND FINDINGS Upon rcview of Criteria anrl Findings, Scction 18.62.0(r0 of !!q lte4gipel -@_,-f&- @r4194_j-f_]qg{]i'lsqtll_qsrgld^ ", t d;,di";6-at" I' i-taihe * q' " + - d ygrl1lc.g_las"d "pon the, follo* , Consideration of Factor s : The rel_alionship of the requested vasia.nce to other existins or Potentiil us e s._.an-<l st ru ctur es .i n -!lS_" t!_frf1!)i_ Therc nray be other building-s in the arca that ar:e at thelr max j.rnun or over in G::oss Residentj"al Floor Arca that could l:cqrrest addiLional CIIFA. Tho degrce to which rcl je'f from the str-jct or litcral j llterpt:etat ion andam;_@_11!.tlliijg_:,;_tri:c_,'..gD-t-.:-1gIlF-{:--.-"t'il.If if iq arlrl ur)ifolmi t;' of treatrnent :rrnong sitcs in the vicjnit)' or to lttain the ou j cct ive-.*t- ot'-Tli is t i t I . w-fftr ou t- gr,rrr t-" r sp'Jc laf rlr iJi t c*el=_=--- Thc g:'anting of the variancc is not unifor,'nity of trcatncnt rr[ong si tcs the gllrnt of a spccial privilcgc not zoncr tl i.st lict . nolccssrly to aclt.it:vc in thc vicinity and gj.v(xl to aIl si1.cs cornpatability and h'ou id constitutc wit.hin the sanle 1' -2ot Vor'l ;rufc - 10/e/BL 'l'hc ef fcct of thc l4riucstcd variancc on I i.glit and air, d j.strj.but iorr o f _p9p t r I :r t i ojt , Lll!Lipl,_'' tjlt -fS n jf,l!L_tlq-!-t,:-.._-l,fCl f .ilj e!-l_l]llq LLs _t-:' cjl r!ig:_ ard util itigJ_r_,rnd lg!Ug-g&g: No i.mpact, Such other fu.caots and criteria as thc conrrni-ssion deerns atrplicable to the IIOP.9Jgg_vjltlgjs: F ]NDINGS: r.L!.--Prltrt-rng"-erg ry.v-ug!9$e1*c-sp'.ri.l-."n*'-bell-.:l*\s-tlt9-{9!19!Li.L& li!g-rnc.-s-bcforc -grant ing a variancc: That the granting of the varj.ance will not constitute a grant of specialprivilege inconsistent rvith the linitations on other propcrties classified in the s arne district. That the granting health, safety, or in the vicinity. That the variance is rvarrantcd for one or more of the following reasons: The strict or 1j-tera1 interpretation and enforcement of the specified regu- lation would r:esult in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of thls ti-tle. There are exceptions or extraordinary circunstances or conditions applicable to the site of the varj ance that do not apply general ly to other properties in the sane zone. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regu-lation r.rould deprive the applicant of privilcges enjoycd by the olners of othcr prope::ties in thc sane district. STAFF RECOIS,IENDATIONS : The Departnent of Cornmunity Development staff rcconunencls denial of the of the variance will not be detrinental to the public welfare, or naterial 1y injurious to Droperties or improvernents variance. 'Ihe granting of the variance woul.d not lessen any practical ties or unneccssary physical hardships which arc lnconsistent with the ordinance and r,rould be granting a special privilege. reques ted diff i-cu1- zoning I .-',l ?rw PETIT]ON FOII.M oo?o"u*o^4ENr ro Pctition DaLe q.14,21 'iD zoNrN" tr*o".u I. This procedure is reguired for any amendment to the zoning ord.inance or for a request for a district boundary change A. NAME OF PETITIONER R.H. PjCKCNS 214 ADDRESS exas 75225 PHOr.{E 369-7471 NAME OF ADDRESS REPRESENTATTVE Beck & Associates, Inc. C. AUTHORIZATION O SIGNATURE 7y'"/rt ADDRESS Pnor/",t 8,+u,furr.ls G,PHONE 3(7-7q'7 ) ?57a5- LOCATION OF PROPOSA], ADDRESS Vorlaufer Unit #304 ORneQ{tBgreR' '; I AcIrANc Varta,t(-<-/ PETITIONER ' S P.0. Box l4l3 Vail , Colorado 81 658 pHoNE 827-5960 D. \ '. A. E'v'\ LEGAI DEscRrPTroN lot l4-lSUtoct<filin Vail Village 5th FEE $100.00 plus 15C for each property owner to be notified. r'.A list. of the names subject property. Unit to the East Jane Stal der 2800 S. University Unit #8.| Denver, Co. 8021 0 Downstairs Unit of owners of aII proPerty adjacent to the Un'i t to the West llr. & Mrs. Ed l',lasson 1600 Broadway Suite .|705 Denver, Co.. 80202 Mary & Jackje Flater 515l Lakeshore Littleton, Co. 80.|23 '/r, /n" {L ("-("-z)( ,.4"'7''/r' Pcrtiti<;n forn for'l Amen. JoninS Pagc 2 Orcl or Request f --.change in boundaries It rr. Four (4) copies of the forlowing information: A. The petition shall- incl-ude a surnmary of the proposed revision of the regulations, or a'comPlete description of.ttre proposed changes ii aistrici boundaries and a nap indicating the existing and proposed district boundaries. III. Time Requirements The pl.anning and Environmental Commission meets on'the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A petition with the necessary accompanying naterial must be submitted three vreeks prior to the date of the rneet- ing. Following the Planning and Environmental Commission meeting' all amendments to the zoning ordinance or district boundary change ' must go to the Town Council for final action. t proZer-r 9'tWsoD*, o N VAIL Atr+t EfiO gJJb 4trCo - 94 ?, b flV*Voul Qtz\ve VblU> 06,no\b5oo I oloo @uf 13, r{ r, r'r -TuyorTtm/*,*\---' +, _-,fu|_--,_ (/aV fr * L,^ /_ s_ ottg)o fl"rJ / /t t (r^ (4|^ c*-(u , Ao ^ tiu Bd,6{n Uus u, , {o -, e-< t /r )(a^ 4'?;:T u;t 't.t- | ) v bo't< 6V oltYqi1 €7C I a.kt - V. -'/ l-" * *4 tt-24 /- 5 f f O 7/e t/,,7, e^^/i o . 5 u - ,' orfl)j fi ::- ,<t F s F*f @ Ganper-{ oF tblE e,oDS 41to -obSL bov e.qrq,4 VAIL c'o) Z,lb1"o .a-+. -1 o J(o, (W. t.St"Ld.o, t . 2SOO Soutfr (Univezitta {:""!l 't;'*i!!;,i[ -lfro* tl thrl J7n'u") J|'tr' P/n*wrfu * hzmtnM/ \ftuL , f&/attzfu. S/15/ At)-Qtan (M, o J/.4ll (naruoq/rA ry dD Y aili' p/L- (n /rr*r,rrfl*- /u t e( oha? At-t^t I +/ . ^/ "d/pLd-{4,: d", adfuillru t/ Al ll.rft +o' t,*/ #so4 al /r/ Ud t/ 2") ,/r-^,t ,t -J 'A,-. n u/' -t .4 '&^ y ,ftulr^zh /[t'rr/, fua,*aaz'd / __ffi DATE: OA/L4/Et COt'lDOt,l I f.lIUtl L I ST I NO CODE: OL92 CONDC|"|Il.lIUFi: VAIL TRAILS CHALET OOrf,l SCHEDULE: OO9'I7O DISTRICT:1Oa BALKII{, GILBERT A JEANIIE E. 45 StrUTH ELI,I STREET DEi{VER STATb: CO ZIP CODE' E0aaa UNIT 9 BK Oa14 PG '1374TAX ITEI4S: 1112 1417 r-1OO? SCHEDijLF: ODTB?O DISTRICT: lOe BALKIIJ, CILBEHT A JEANNE E. 45 SCUTH EL.I{ STREFT DEt{Vr.R STATE: CO ZIP CODE: 80222 UNIT 7-B Bt( O??1 PC 0561 TAX ITEI'iS: 1112 1?17 0003 SCHEOULE: O1O74O DISTRIGT: rOe BIGELOI.I, E. R * PETTINA A. atzO ENER6Y CEI{TEE ONE; 717-l7TH STREEI DEIJVTR STATE: CO ZIP CODE: BO?O? UNIT 6 EK OE51 PG DllE TAX ITEI4S: LL|Z L?17 OOO4 SCHFUULE: OOS97O DISTRICT: lOa BISKIS, 14. INUREIKA 57O5 JAI'lbS D0i^JNiFt{5 eROr./E STATE: IL ZIP CUDE: 60515 UNIT 5E BK 0240 PC 04?3 TAX ITEI,IS: LLL? l2t7 OOO9 SCHFOI,LF: OO731O DISTRICT:1OagOi.IR, RICHARD 60A5 DEEP I{OOD DRIVE I'IORELAND HILLS STATE: CIH ZIP CODE: 440aa UNIT 15 B^ Ot77 PC 0507 TAX ITEI4S: ILL? L277 O0j]6 SCHEOULF: OO776Q DISTRICT:10? CURRY CORP., THE 12343 EAST ARhAhS,'rS PLACE AURERA STATE: CO ZIP CODE: BOOlO Ui{IT 16 PK O19l PC 0575 PAGE: 1 ----- DATE: AA/14/Bt CONDOHINIUI,I LISTINC 6ODE: O1?A CO.'lDOIlINIUM: VAIL TRAILb CNEI-ET TAX ITEI'{9: ltI? L2I7 OOOT SCHENULF: OO7A5O DISTRICT: I02 DALE tl. ATKII{S & CO. 3?82 SOUIH CH.I:SE i.lAY DEi'IVER STATE: CO ZIP CODE: 80235 ur.tI T 12 BK Oal9 PC O7?2 TAX lTEl'lS: ll12 l?17 OOOB SCHFOT LF: OO7a7O DISTRICT: t0e DEL OACHE, t4trRTHA l,l.goK 157 VAIL STATE: CO ZIP CODE: 81657 UNIT 2 EK 0263 PC 0508 BK Oe?8 PC 0723 TAx ITEf'fS: LlL2 L2L7 OOO9 SCHENULF: OlO7EO DISTRICT: IOE FEY, gARBARA J. 4AOO EAST BELLEVIEW AVENUE LITTLETCN STATE: CO ZIP CODE: EOlel UI{IT 5A BK Oe35 PC OO85 TAX ITE|4S: LLLZ t2L7 OOtO SCHEDULE: OOA54O DISTRICT: 1O? GIBBtrNS, CAF5lYlg - ZAVELL, STEPHFN - hIHIPPLE, JACK \'. H. II 16T9 SOUTH BENILFY AVENUE LOS ANGELES STATE: CA ZIP CODE: 9OOeF UNIT 3-A BK Oe68 PG Oe41 TAX ITEI'|S: LtL2 l2t7 OO11 SCHEDULE: 009960 DISTRICT: 1O? HILAI.IO, ROSERT L. & EARBARA A. BOX 638 VAIL STATE: GO ZIP CODE: 41637 UNIT 13 BK O?3S PC 0897 TAX ITEI15: LLL2 L?17 FAGE: 2 EAGTFffi DATE: O8/14/Al CONDEIIII.IIUH LISTII.IO CODE: O1?2 fOlrlDCilINIUM: VAIL TRAILS CHALET OOle SCHEnULE: OO89$O DISTRICT: lOe HIT,iSEL, DUNSTAI{ C. & SHARON J. 415 SUNNYSIDE LATIT BOULDER STATE: CU ZIP CODE: 8O3Oe UNIT 7-A 86 0e33 PC 0?60 BK 0253 Pe O43$ TAX ITEt'iS: LLL2 121,7 OO13 SCHEDi,|LE: OOBBEO DISTR ICT: lOe I tHR I i.tVESTt4Et{ rS Z iIILLER, OERAI D 4945 EAST 9TH AVEi.IUE, SUITE 260 DENVTR STATE: CO ZIP CODE: 8Oa2O UhIIT 3-B BK 0316 PC 0991 TAX ITEI'15: LIL? LJLT OO14 S}CHEnULE: OO755O DISTRICT: t02 HUSTEO, HEI'ti{\' C. & Al,.lNE C. 2q73? GLET.IF.-ACLES R[]AD PERRYSBURO STATE: OH ZIP CBDE: 43551 UNIT 14 BK Oe46 PC 0590 TAX ITEI,|S: Ltt2 l2t7 OO15 SCHFDT'iF: OO987O DISTRICT: lOa LEHIS. GORDDI{ E. 13490 LAhEERtrIK FEllTUl{ STATE: HI ZIP CUDE: 48430 UNIT 10 BK 0266 PG O9e6 TAX ITE|4S:. LtL2 l2t7 OO16 SCHE0ULE: OO734O DISTRICT: lOe OSBBRTJE, ROSERT P- Box 90s COLORADi] SPR II{ES STATT: Ctr ZIP CODE: 8O9O1 UNIT 11 BK 0273 PC 0161 TAX ITEI{S: 111? 1?17 PAGE: 3 DATE: OA/14/AL CODE: O19e ltrl{D3l'lINIUl,l: VAIL TRAILS CHALET OOTT SCHFDUiE: OO985O DISTRICT: TOA RUT,IBOUGH, STAh:i EY H. JR. z l'lEyER HANoELtlil{ co. BO PII.IE STREET NFI.J YORK STATE: hlY ZIP CODE: 1OOO5 UNIT 4 eA ot77 PC 0403 TAX ITEi4S: tLt2 l2l7 OO18 SCHEOULE: OD7?OO DISTRICT: lOe STODD.IRT, LEh:9RE T. EIO1 EAST 4TH AVET.IUE DEI.IvhR STATE: CO ZIP CODE: AOeO6 UI{IT E BK 0A67 PG GSOO TAX ITEIIS: llLZ l2l7 OO19 SCHFDULE: 008640 DISTRICT: 102 z Ii,lllFRt4Al.l, J. D. 5335 SOUIH DEIJII{ECD DRIVE DALLAS STATE: TX ZIP CODE: 73?eO UNIT T BK O23O PG O1B3 TAX ITEI{$: llt? l2t7 tsA$Lh UUU,'{| Y 45E'h.t'5ur{ CONDtrMINIU'.I LISTINC PAGE: 4 ==3== ==..i"!!= ==-====tE=== ====ll=-== === E===== ts@GK AND ASSCCIATES, INC P.O. Box 1413 Voil, Colorodo 81658 (303) 827-5960 September 8, 'l9B1 Town of Vail P'lanning & Environmental Commission Frank Payne Proposed Bath Addition, Pickens' Residence Vorlaufer Unit #304, Lots l4-.|8, BIock 5 Vail Village, 5th Filing Gentl emen: 0n behalf of R. H. Pickens and his family, we are requesting a variance at the Vorlaufer Condominiums which would allow him to add approximately 58 square feet to the inside of his condominium. This addition would be accomp'l ished by extending an existing loft area approximately 8 feet to allow for a bath dressing room addition. t.te feel our request is justified because of the following: (a) the addition is minor, (b) the addition is internal and does not affect build'ing density in the village and (c) thE;;III6 of the change will not affect the intended use of the original property. Please refer to the accompanying plans for further information.If you haveany questions, please call me at (303) 827-5960. To: Fm: Re: Frank Payne Beck & Associates, Encl osure fep/km cc: R.H. Pickens Inc. Designers/Builders . Construction Monogers llgrrL-EerIrv" pETr'toN 'or* uooQn*l'IDl'1E^lr ro rtiE zoNrl'lc t'|'*o"'o OR A .IIANGE lfitH?3T-l3l uo*oo*tu, I. This procedure is required for any amendrnent to the zoning ordinance or for a request for a district boundary change A. NAI{E OF PETITIONEn----8..!-.-ES-Len! ADDRESS exas 75225 PHONE 369-7471 Beck & Associates, Inc.B.NAME OF ADDRESS PETITIONER I S P.0. Box'14]3 REPRESENTATIvE Vai'l , Col orado c.AUTHORIZATION O SIGNATURE ADDRESS : 4zr/", G+u* /3' LOCATION OF PROPOSAI. 81658 pHoNE 827-5960 7y'"/rt fu,ras fr'PHONE 3(f -7v7 / 2{aaJ- D. Vorlaufer Unit #304ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION lOt 14-]8bIOCK r r_I t-n Vai 1 Vi 1'l age 5th $100,00 plus I5C for each property owner to be notified'E. F.A list of the names of subject ProPertY. Unit to the East Jane Stalder 2800 S. UniversitY Unit #81 Denver, Co . 802] 0 Downstairs Unit Mary & Jackie Flater 51 5l Lakeshore Littleton, Co. 80.|23 owners of all property adjacent to the Unit to the West Mr. & Mrs. Ed lrlasson 1600 BroadwaY Suite 1705 Denver, Co.. 80202 I-gt:rE-rv-rVtw'- purr'roN uo,* oolororrDMENT To ru' zoN''c Gr*o"au OR A cIaNG" lfioHi3;*l3l "o*DARrEs I. This procedure is regui.red for any arnendment to the zoning ordinance or foi a request for -a district boundary change A. NAME OF. PETITIONER R.H. PiCKCNS ADDRESS exas 75225 PHONE 369-7471 REPREsENTATTvE Beck &Associates, Inc.B.NAME OF ADDRESS PETITIONER ' S P.0. Box'14'13 c.AUTHORIZATION O SIGNATURE ADDRESS LOCATION OF PROPOSAI Vail , Colorado 8'1 558 ?y',/u 4,i.", G+u, B,/)+,,r95 Tr* 2{aas- pHoNE 827-5960 PHONE -7(7-7v7 ) D. Vor'laufer Unit #304ADDRESS fitinq Vail Village Sth notified. LEGAL DESCRIPTION ]-Ot I4-]8U1OCE $IOO.00 plus I5Q for each property ovrner to beE. F.A list of the names of owners of subject ProPertY Unit to the East Jane Stal der 2800 S. UniversitY Unit #81 Denver, Co. 8021 0 Downstairs Unit Mary & Jackie Flater 5.|5'l Lakeshore L j ttl eton, Co. 80]23 all proPertY adjacent to the Unit to the llest Hr. & Mrs. Ed l'lasson 1600 BroadwaY Suite 1705 Denver, Co.. 80202 . rggIE=E,r I rJs ev?lv+ _ _ nurrrro* uor* ooo,,"rBr,rDr'1ENT To rlr' zoN'..c Gt^o"ao OR A .I'ANGE lfioBi3;"I3il "o^oo*ru, I. This procedure is reguired for any amendment to the zoning ordS-nance or foi a request for a district boundary change A. NAI'IE OF PETITIONEN - R._!j--!J-9-G!! ADDRES.S exas 75225 PHONE 369-7471 Beck & Assocjates, Inc.NAME OF ADDRESS PE?ITIONER ' S P.0. Box '141 3 REPRESENTATIVE Vail, Colorado 81658 pHoNE 827-5960 c.AUTHORIZATION O SIGNATURE D. IOCATION OF PROPOSA], /o/t/ 2.rr/"u G+u* Bt@HoNE 3( r-7/) )eoosxss f 0D t'. ", -.- - .'-* .- - _7{eas_ ADDRESS Vorlaufer Unit #304 LEGAI, DESCRIPTION lOt 14-18U1qqL $100.00 plus 15C for each property owner f ilinq Vail Vi'l1age 5th to be notified.E. F A l-ist of the names of subject ProPertY. Unit to the East Jane Sta'l der 2800 S. Univers'itY Unit #81 Denver, Co. 8021 0 Downstairs Unit Mary & Jackie Flater 5.|5'l Lakeshore Littleton, Co. 80.|23 owners of all property adjacent to the 'Uni t to the West Mr. & Mrs. Ed l"lasson 1600 BroadwaY Suite .|705 Denver, Co.. 80202 Vrw pr.rr'r'roN uor* ooCtortDMENT To rii' zoNrlic O'*o"u OR REQUEST FOR A CI{ANGE IN DISTRICT BOUNDARIES This procedure is reguired for any amendment to or foi a request for a district boundary change the zoning ordinanceI. A. NAME oP PETITIoNER----B=.!-,-I-q-!en! 75225 PHObTE 369-7471 B.NAME oF pETITI9NER's REpREsnntaTtvn Be_ck & Associates, Inc. ADDRESS P.0. Box '1413 Vai'|, Colorado 81658 prroNE 827-5960 c.AUTHORIZATION O 7/tu 't/ SIGNPJURE ADDRESS LOCATION OF PROPOSAI, Z.rrt."' A,+o'* /3'/.)hqs ft" 2s2a5- PHONE 3(7-7v7 / D. ADDRXSS Vorlaufer Unit #304 ADDRESS . 800 Preston Bank Build'ing , Dallas' 'fexas LEGAT DESCRIPTION lOt ]4-]8bl-ql! $f00.00 plus I5C for each property owner filinq Vail Village 5th to be notified.E. F.A list of the names of owners subject ProPerty. Unit to the East Jane Sta'l der 2800 S. UniversitY Unit #81 Denver, Co. 80210 Downstairs Unit of all proPertY adjacent to the Unit to the West Hr. & Mrs. Ed l'lasson 1600 Broadway Sui te 'l 705 Denver, Co.. 80202 Mary & Jackje Flater 515'l Lakeshore Ljttleton, Co. 80123 AND ASSOCIATES, INC PO Box 1413 Voil. Colorodo 81658 (303) 827-5960 September 8, l98l Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Cormission Frank Payne Proposed Bath Addition, Pickens' Residence Vorlaufer Unit #304' Lots l4-]8, Block 5 Vail Village, 5th Filing To: Fm: Re: Gent'l emen: 0n behalf of R. H. Pickens and his fami]y, we are requesting a variance at the Vorlaufer Condominiums which would allow him to add approximately 58 square feet to the inside of his condominjum. This aibition wouid be accomplished by extending an existing loft area approximately B feet to allow for a bath dressing room addjtion. l,Je feel our request is justified because of the following: -(a)the additionisminor, (l) ttre additjon is'internal and does not affect Uuitaing density in itri vi't'tage and (c) the n;lure of the change will not affect the intended use of the original property. Please refer to the accompanyjng plans for further information. If you haveany questions, please ca'l I me at (303) 827-5960. l- Frank Payne Beck & Associates, Inc. Encl osure fep/km cc: R.H. Pickens Desrgners/Builders .Construction Monogers AND ASSCCIATES, INC PO. Box 1413 Voil, Colorodo 81658 (303) 827-5960 September 8, 198'l Town of Vail P'lanning & Environmental Cormissjon Frank Payne Proposed Bath Addition, Pickens' Residence Vor'laufer Unit #304, Lots 14-18, Block 5 Vail Village, 5th Filing To: Fm: Re: Gentl emen: 0n behalf of R. H. Pickens and his family, we are requesting a variance at the Vorlaufer Condom'iniums which would allow him to add approximately 58 square feet to the inside of his condominium- This abittion would be accomplished by extending an exist'ing loft area approximately 8 feet to allow for a bath dressing room addition. We feel our request is iustified because of the following:-(a) the add'itionism'inor, (U) ttre addition is interlq! and does not affect building density in ini village and (c) thE-fr|ffi of the change will not affect the jntended use of the original property. Please refer to the accompanying plans for further jnformation. If you haveany questions, please call me at (303) 827-5960. Frank Payne Beck & Associates' Encl osure fep/km cc: R.H. Pickens Inc. Desrgners/Builders . Constrr-ction Monogers ts@ck AND ASSOCIATES, INC P.O Box 1413 Voil, Colorodo 81658 (303) 827-5960 ) September 8, l98l To: Town of Vail Planning & Environmental CorunissionFm: Frank PayneRe: Proposed Bath Addition, Pickens' Residence Vorlaufer Unit #304, Lots l4-18, Block 5 Vail Vil'lage, 5th Fil'ing Gentl emen: 0n behalf of R. H. Pickens and his family, we are requesting a variance at the Vorlaufer Condominiums which would allow him to add approximately 58 square feet to the inside of his condominium. This addition would be accompl'i shed by extending an existing loft area approximately 8 feet to allow for a bath dressing room addition. hle feel our request is justified because of the following: (a) the add'itionisminor, (b) the addition is internal and does not affect building density in thd village and (c) the;ature of the change will not affect the intended use of the original property. Please refer to the accompanying plans for further information. If you haveany questions, please call me at (303) 827-5960. Frank Payne Beck & Associates, Encl osure fep/km cc: R.H. Pickens Inc. Designe:'s;'Builders . Construciion lvlonogers 'oz ==EqJ o-\t ('l \o o uJ UJ]Lt = UJ ., .@ /,,3 (4r '1frl.' d)r Irl !,1,,Foz z J c0 .a zzo llrttl Iirll- !H 13tol .Sr I Io|\l1r I ll I -ll I';t-I; r.-, 15 x15 tE2l+ .=f ;a l=a rg 'E z t6. 12 X r= rE llJo = o ruz3 !., F z(r o 0) cto o !t: g 0, :: Gt ':crv, g8E caDt/).e; g EE9 € gE c*5:98;l'i=c9d E s'E EEA --: () .!'i g 'tq! cg= rit .o,o o.' ;) N rno aO\o o N-t .s .+ o t/) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r ,l o ca\' cn F = u.l z ) a0 I () z 9 Fo u., l! z oz uJ = !u z F IIJ tu =llt ltlolz a o-ql t u, () x F ut Fr FJ 3 6 uJ u_F ru Fo oz J o () (J 9., z = z C)!u = NOtrvnlv ; B zo F E UJo z UJo =>0a -=clitr.q =tr|N zz Fo- -9 =a e ano1>9(J.J2rr- <oo-g8 FOj.i il, il3IJ[<lt> rl I l$t l;l 'fl Fl il^[-lct< tu, I t; IF l.l^lKI EI ;lcll{lil<l ^il vtlitl uJ llztl .. >[ lri UJtuzo =: gJ J z tr 6uJib u,l J lotaluJlzIYt9l.F F 2 tr 5oz ttllll]I Fz zOo <oo< =s>Ex rr.6o<z tltltttt tt =3; 9z da3tr o =gJ z Y z an ah J F UJ \r;'E 6 s; €E="9! E€E sg :es:e ahta2v)<t-t (.j A; 2>f:l C4 raO (?l E(fI F H U) 2 Fl -- c:CIt c= d, (o c sE:;5 iFg:$ I F/ T N uJF U) ?zo Fo. uJY uJ d) oF F E \:,>o\cEq o- tr F{o-lid8Hrg HuJbkzo D J ooza 3555coIU .X.X tSLX tr cc LIJ TL !i IJJF() E< ooE2B9tt ir 'e=E=>EJF5 f;=() i i:iE :FE 66 I \luc xGE :>r!-Fo. "1.' -'i!i IJJ oF zo9 =<coo =z=r :) de F =E lrJ o-zo F(JfEFazo() trl c! N & !q <r, z&<o JCJ !;?. >-99 ll IJ {H l'l"tzF-i JlL J< (.)oct3H l3li IA t; lrlu;l= z oa IrI lcoI lo\iholl*I lo\tll' zll*t IFrl I El flfl Eiili€eiaEc) lll.rlll Jg,l I I-lTINlrnl*l ol*zl.r ,,,i1 co Et* =l F-<l>ltrlol Fl , el i tl Hl 3l'l :l>rl Irt]l I sl fl; Hl 3$l'lol I dE|HlEFI FI JIAIHI AIFqtlEl -rt I q=l tll olil zlo lfl slRlv)l rEl 'rt I El flrl df,ilI rlt.ltltl I'llel lItrl I t3t I16l I dflill I I I fl uJlil sl flr: tr UJz3 Fo F'r E -rO<FEOr.! <zE oo Jt<o(JF FSfiF',2t E99 =#JZrro C) 6p =3g6 FgX o2 C) TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLTCATION FORMD^rE. /c'/^ ,q/ r-' -;-)" - : -. ' ii--'\ / PER.rrr ,, ff|'J i Cir; il.,jit r Appr,rcArroN lrusr BE FTLLED our coMpLErErJy oR t* *jr,J1qt$HirpffifiP'i, S*i*************************** p'pJtrr rNFoRl,tATroN *****************************t\t I J-Building al.)rPlunbilg ..t ]-Ellctrica1 6 1-r,techanical [ ]-other.- t 4vatttwS rRn{Lpenm \ '> rs.- i / /) r.\rob Name: ffi.er"$"i Address: 3 ff Ab C'-"k Legal Descriptj-'on:Lot Block Owners Name: Architect' WffFff'$rA.z*, Address: ceneral Description: 't work class: 96-rew [ ]-Alteration t!-aaartional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwelllnq Units: tJ Number of Accommodation Units: !-u-rrrryt, ,Z-on!i=. -^ ELEcrRrcA".iffi z-o,- o*""*, q JLUMBTNG, !@Jfi - l,{EcHANrcAr,r $-------- TorAr.z i7@. !Y 'i2 T I*************************k* CONTRACTOR INFORI.IATJON *******************f Eeneral Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. NOAddress: 33.)t &i m Phone Number: Electrical Contractor:NAddress: Mechanical Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg. Phone Number: sQ. FT.VALUATION BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATURE: rown of Vail Res. "o.<lPhone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: ********************************FOR OFFICE USE ** ********* * * *********** *** **** BUII,DTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: -=F'_ MECHANTCAL PrAN CHECK FEE: ,,14- - .^ RECREATION FEE:7 o" A)4>t(a,!/& cLEAN-up DEposrT: TOTAL PERMIT Comments: BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEEs PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: I,IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: CLBAN I'P DEPOSIT REFIIND TO:D t2,33o r So La 7 r' I a 75 soulh Ironlagc road Yeil, colo.ado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 ottlce of communlty deyelopmc||l BUILDING PERI-IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAIIE If this penlit f!9ui,reg ? Tow! of Vail fire Departnent Approva.l,Engineerts (.Public works) reyiew and approvai,'a piinnini'oip."t "ntreview or Health Department review, anb'a-review uy ine 6uiibing'-Department, the estimated time for a total review-nny-ia[e'is r6ngas three weeks. l]]_.p:lSial (targe or small ) and at't mutti_famity permits wi.t.lnave to foilow the above mentioned maximum requ.iremLnis. Residential :19.,:Tul] projects.-shoutd take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresroentraI or smal'l er projects 'impact the various above mentioned 9:11"!ry!q, with regard. to necessary review, these proje.i, rnuyalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be qrale by this departrnent to exped'ite th.ispennit as soon as possible. I' the underSigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. = 4o4 .4 ', Ft,4 ?eA 6ta*s ProJect, Name Date Work SheeVwas turned into t Commun'i ty Development Department. 75 south fronlage road Yeil, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 oftlce ol communliy deyelopmenl TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETO}IN OF VAIL TO!{N OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOP!{ENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I.fATERTAL SToRAGE rn sunmaryr-ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyPerson to litter, track or deposit any soif, ,"ci, sand, debrisor naterial, including trasb auurpster3, po=i.ui" ioileti i'a---workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewaik, ;ii;y or publicpl1ge or any portion theleof. rr," iighi:;i_;;t-;n att rown ofVail streets and.Ig"gr is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be strillry -enforced by the Town of Vair.Pubri-c works DeDartment. pers3ns found vi6lating trris-ordii"rr".will. be given a 24 hour writren ".ii""-ti-;;;;:"=aid rnareriar.rn the event the person so notified does not cornply with thenotice within the 24 hour time =l"Jiii"a,--[t.-iillic worksDeparrmenr wirr- remove said mareiiai-;a-th;--;";;;.e of personnotified. The provisions of this ord.inance sharl not beapplicable to c-onstruction, mainienance or repair projects ofany street or arley or any utilities in ir,"-iltnl_"_r"y. To review ordinance No- 6 in furl, prease stop by the To!,rn ofYi-ir Building Department to obtain a copy. tlant you for yourcooperation on this natter. r (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 south lrontrge road v!ll, colorldo 81657 , (303) 4792138 (303) 47$2139 oflice ot communaty development NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OT{NER BUILDERS Effectj-ve June 20, L99J, the Town of VaiL Building Department has developed the folLowing procedures to ensure that new constructionsites have adequately established proper drainage from buildingsites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be reguired toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads orstreets and the installation of temporary or permaDent culverts ataccess points from the road or street on to the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any request for inspectionby the Town of Vail Building Department for footings or temporaryelectrical or any other inspection. Please caII 4'1 9-2160 torequest an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. A1so, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approvingal-L final drainage and culvert installation with resulting roadpacching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to Fi nal Certi-ficate of Occupancv issuance. TOWNOFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 3O3 -479-2 I s8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-24s2 1. 2. FAILURE Department of Comnuniry Deve lopment IXFORI.iAIIOtr f,EEDED l{llEN APPLYING FOn A MECHANfCAI PERIIIT 3. 4. HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU R,ATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. SHOVil SIZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EOUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. IO PROVIDE THIS IIfFORIiiATIO[ WILL DET.,AI YOUR PERIIIT. TO:' FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPAFTMENT MAY 9, 1gg4 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMI.r'|s REQUIRED Job Name: YES ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires lhe use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different aeess needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right CI Way Permit" required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, pafting or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lryou answered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit' must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's ofiice or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction lnspector, al47g-21*. 0Zln+t 'Efz- -#a /l px., NO V V V { X Y { 1) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7) 8) - PUBUC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building permit: 1)ermit a lication. 2) 3) 4l s) 6) 7) lf yes was answered_to any of the above questions then a'public way permit, isrequired. You can pick up an apptication at either community Deveropment,located at 75 s. Frontage Road or pirotic works, r"*trd "t ii6vair Valrey Drive. Nolice sign otfs for utility. companies. All utilities must field verify (locate)respective utilities priol to signing apprication. some utility-companies require upto a 48 hour notice to schedule i tdiate). A construction traffic-co_ntrol plan must-be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.This plan will show rocations of ail tratfic dbntroldevices (signs, cones, etc.) andthe work zone, (area of construaion, staging, etc.) sketch of wof b_elng performed rnust be submitted indicating dimensions (rength,width. & depth of work). This may be drawn on the ramc bntror pran or a siteplan for the job. submit compreted apprication to the pubric [grk,s otfice ror review. rf required,locates will be scheduled forthe Town of Vail Etectrici"nr "no litig"tion crew. Thelocates are take place in the morning, but may require up to 4g hours to pertorm. The Public wort's consiruction Inspector wirr review the apptication and approveor disapprove the permit. you wiil be contacted as to the si,itr, "no any changesthat may be needed. Most permits are rereased within 4g hoursoi being received,but please allow up to one week to process As soon as p_ermit is processed, a copy wiil be faxed to community Deveropmentallowing the_"Building permit" to be rel'eased. please do not confuse the ,public way Permit" with a "Buirding permit" ro do wortc on a prolea iire'itserr. Note: 'The above process ls for work In a right_of-way only. tPublic way permrt's are varid onrv untir November 15th. 'A new Public Way permit ls required each year. Plan Review Based on the 1,991, Uniform Codes NAME: EVANS REMODEL ADDRESS; 385 GORE CREEK #202 VAIL, CIf,LORADO OCCUPANCY:R-l TYPE OF C0NSTRUCTION: V-IHR DATE: lG-l4-94 CONIRACTOR: RON ADAMS ARCHIIECT: NONE ENGINEER: NONE PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CoRRECTTONS REQIJIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirenrents in the adopted cndes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted cndes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR AN INTERIOR BATIIROOM REMODEL ONLY. 3. FrELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 4. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER WILL BE REQI.'IRED TO APPROVE ANY STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY TOV. 5. VENTTLATTON IS REQUIRED AS PER SEC 1205 OF THE 1991 UBC. 6. ALL PENTETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WTIII AN APPROVED FIRE MATERI.AL. 7. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQITIRED rN ALL BEDROOMS AS PER SEC 1210 0F Tr{E 1991 UBC. WESTEFIN AFICHITECTURAL GF|OUP Anchitects - Plannens - ConsulEanEs Oci 111ss{ EAI; SloueF-NFW bE D llOOrtA, PARTIAL-doo[?nN l/2tt =1r -orrE(l>Iit{(? ENTRAN C' N I*o I? CCNT &lD\r\ \ n{ \ fnil DONNA AND BRUCE EVANS: OWNERS NOTES: *LAYOUT TO BE SAI'{E AS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED FOR T'NIT #101 ?IWORK TO CONFORM To THE 1991 EDITIONS OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE AND THE UNIFORM I'{ECHANICAL CODE. 'IWORK TO BE fNSPECTED BY THE AUTHORITY HAVING ;gglgnlnloN (EITHER Iu :HE TOWN OF UL OR EAGLE COUNTY) 5994 So. prince Sr,. . LiEr,teton. CO BO1AO. [gO3) 797_616? Ll TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138ROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND FOUNDATION / STEEL # ,oro" / D.w.v. /l % l{^ounr/ wArER {/ -rFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER O HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. November 14, 1994 R&D Enterprises 3301 SouthLogan Street Englewood, CO 801l0 Attn: Mr. Ron Adams Re: Vorlaufer Lodge, Vrut2O2, Vail, Colorado (tvf&N #2745) Gentlemen: As requested, Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. recently conducted an observation of the unit. The purpose ofour observation was to observe proposedjoists penetrations for installation of a new bathroom. The existing joists are 2x12 at 16 inches and span approximately 7'-8. Four joists will be drilled for a 3 inch nominal toilet drain and one ofthese joists will also be drilled for a 2 hch vent pipe. The two joists supporting the headers should be reinforced with a 2 x 8 sisterjoist prior to drilling. The otherjoists and the header can be penetrated without reinforcing. Ifyou have any questions or comments, please call. Very truly yours, MONROE & NEWELL ENGINEERS. INC. !iil, Colorado Denver, Colorado N Peter Monroe, P.E. Principal PDNd/kbf 0048 E. Ileaver Creek lllvd. . Suitc 3O1 . P. O. Box 1597 e Avon, Colorado 8162O t (3O)) 949-7768 r FAX (303) 949-4054 v-ail, Colorado l)enver, Colorado Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. November 16, 1994 R&D Enterprises 3301 SouthLogan Street Englewood CO 80110 Attn: Mr. Ron Adams Re: Vorlaufer Lodge, lJrntz}?,Vail, Colorado (I{&N #2745) Gentlemen: As requested, Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. today conductg{ a ryc^ond observation of the batt[oom remodeling. This obseiation was to view the additional framing in the north wall to support the floor above. Based on our obsenratioq it is our opinion the framing as installed is structurally adequate. If you have any questions or comments, please call' Verytrulyyours, MONROE & NE\ryELL ENGINEERS, INC. Peter Monroe, P.E. Principal PDM/Kbf OO48 E. Ileaver Creck Blvd. r Suite 3O1 . P. O. Box 1597 o Avon. Colorado 8162O + (3O3) 949-i76a e FAX (3O3) 949-4Oi4 . .t* .,.1;*r* '*t-INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,) 479'2138 /'. 1i/- i,.QQat,-.._ READY FOR INSPECTION;'';: <'l ( CALLER TUES.-l WED r1u* (sp--. ------@ ," "Jl- J fi 't-OCATION: ..r-- f+ ?02 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER B FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING ,-, ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCKiNAtL tr FINAL'tr FINAL ,j,8 MECHANICAL: tr TEMP.tr HEATING E_.noucn tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D- tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED 7.: /l tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR rNffitoN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL .l I rgj /./'4t479-2138'/ x ,t/ -.f- ./-\ /l /1 -t L tlV ^.t U Y- Uz,Q{.t.fr-o>- R OF, PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: d-L-- BUILDINGT tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGHOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR .?, 4{-r -.INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 |,I t I la, PERMIT NUM DATE NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: APPROVED '//A/ -@ PM t 72- 84 CALL TUES y'e.-- Za O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: ECT 'Itt, RO l. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER B FOUNDATION / STEEL FBAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR DATE INSPECTOR ,t INSPECTION REQUEST rl .+"t:TOWN OF VAIL CALLER @ THUR FBI /6D 2,*T 'Y'lt,'8\- /--\ -J/ AM) PM\€READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: SAPPROVED Ferr.rspecTroN REouTRED PERMIT NUMBER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND )raroucn / D.w.v.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING -rbnouan / wArER 1 tr GAS PIPING -tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL t] FINAL O FINAL tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED COFRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ' ll4 l'*'/-- ,r ,tt-H ,4+,\ / | | PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT rN#noN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 { I I I Ii DATE NAME INSPECTION:MON .TUES CALLER WED I J ta l': 14 JoB READY FOR LOCATION:\, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND B ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNOATION / STEEL FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL DtrtruRu tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT - tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR I I ctz t-t uJo- N @ IJJ UJlr == UJo- lbUb+Vl dK rluls zz t |;F] 4(J (J rlrllrllrl tHl ilrlrltl Irl i_,r 15 l ib l rEI t= a z E z z e.l Fl v) A IA IElF{ tcl ;T4ii&FoqZg1 z8qr'r JLI @A (*t) lr'-1lelH tFl l*tz IH lErlt{ lcozH o FfF]Hh o\ o E 0t (, II(q .9 CIo.o 3oF o o o o oE o Ec6 ott o,c E cD E o =l () C' '.9 E oti (l'.Y'.=66st *ioiESEa .;fieE -.= 6 -E=-.96 E 6P:Ec-o> ef;E;{i;c96E -*=d)B E;.; EEEI EE gF I-:se cL 6 cL- SE; e oi-o-Or =€e€E6:F :EEFEeEei6=.f_o.:o --c!6 0'-.:c; o (a --E,-ef;;E E s;= Ic :;gE-o - Esgg -o6: rt (7) (f) .if + .$+ 1r]+ E =Euto. (Jz6J co ! C)ul C)z o- 9cF() UJ trJ z6 = d oz ut = qlq/ll.z tr u,c() uJt @; uJ uJez0 UJo Fo uJ z luJ x F UJo ctul !Ult ts =E uJo- J FoF oz 6 @ C) F alJ uJ z .o E o- J oz o UJ = NOTMtVA 2 t rt 3 zu z z I 2FFF -' ; l! z c a IJJ J ulz uJ(J =>04 i u.l (t =oN zz.9oF^V'X5F90oo1>q) (J<)zlr- <v=H6toFO.i (\i zH zHA F1H iJ ho lrl z z T4 tsz trr 14 B H rJ) z tr lt 4 qJ F N IJJE -)z E Rttz tr Lll FJ =luz trzlz koo< =E2t!R(Ldo<z Fz, gz :E|lrO3EOI ul JJ (! U'oulzY if- lu F z F laz I I-t lizorI I _tql -lal:l 8l llJit X N X X Flo 7Fo J oz Y t! ilr-l zl zl .. >l IJJ IJJ llJz t: lu zo Eoo "llolloll =ll --'1 il tlctl5tl 'll -ll. <tlI tlllrtl r t = "ttt : ^uIE>.E{sgu =89=tt>) '0 d'EEn E i -r" E FEI\E EdI O =r! 6 XI -a-b.-vI^ -lDF','l--E ?tl: EE q rl a =€ -= n .t ; @ F -rFlrJl.|4 - x I o zo q DB zv,Izoq, ui =z ot ololanlol ol EI EI =4 rn oo(n IIJG = ta) Is Fl tso = (L atlon uJG ) = o- - 6 =c l!lol zl Bl el = E z uJ J t! z3o F 2 u { u 3 II tr zH t j tsts a& =Etr E I oz o UJ CE J t!o z3oF N\ornrn IF- N @ g cil z.J utlcl JI <l>l tl.l zl Bl 9l UJ) uJ t-', l,ll rl (5z J lL F J UJz. =o F() uJ E :EoE E -rO<FcouJ<zEurF(rz-oo Je,<oC)F E3 S?F =zr t2? e3 =Fd5o i5::F +3g5 =g Eiruri FtOz J<()(4 u',ri' LU =o IJJt @oo zo Fo- IJJY l!o oF e.lF O'\ =3ccH"l ra ^r9Eli<loolO ;.1rEl'&lHI"AEzo E =e,trlo.zot- C)f E, t-u, zoo noHts(J trlo..ttaF{ 3 BIl-lh (Jtrp c'r o uJF 2 oz J @ .rt ozz EJF EoF Et-(t z =o zz I I ILIJIF I I I I I I t6 Itrltr. lvtgtzro t* tn uJ lrJIL F = UJo- %tli + a;;9c EIEEi EiEEFI it se'- o,.c ^FEE=5: ?ri;-Oa)6;: o.N O =EE,E Et;Ei g;teg SEiei f E;9596,865 EEE gg :9f 3d c;o.')tr sEii: EsHei gEi;g (t uJ UJII E =tr uJo J F F IIJ rlJ z tr UJE() uJ F6ocllJ o.l z ulJ F =(r IIJ z = d) z6 J(L NOtMlVA X H x l i z 6 z Y(E o .. >l ulo uJl!za =t uJ o- .J zo Eoo 2 F J laz I =l il EI el'l slEIol2l tsl ;lzlr{l fl x 3Zu-oo62.to = IJJ t uJztu =>E 3tu ztr^ F9itoz>-Oar()z l!<v= io;oFO LLe o f (L uJg. z Eo F.e<z E(r IJJ el ol uJl :l al>l |rlol zl 3l PI n|\0 rn I N €O rltll:l(9ttlzolHOIEl .-r IHI.i .la'd olt2lH .;l HHIcl Jl a=lI lrlloltzl3n =t L4 I I Iol =.1olrJll 5l =lbl Pl e =.1ol uJl 5t 3l rLlol zl 3lolFI zl dlull 5l olFI E B2to E 'ii z 8lal z J tr \o |n I rf,s FfH F & xdc) tstdo(.t lno(') u1 uJ o = avi z () d llJ z (! tt; uJ oi &oozr-;o =f)zll-o FO z C) z T C)t! EF(J lrJ E -rO<F uJ<ZEUJF(tZ O uJF - E oz ts =c, uJo- oz =f,J tr d*a.! a i =zdio'-x -r -i uJ6il= F CC IJJIL Ll- uj z oo F CE Eo- Jl- llJ i-h="iGd r.!>cOu-9o -UJx>Er- J,trutcl F tro Ect -9o Btt .E t E EoIJ o D!E \! o)-it Lf)c)c) '', i. P -.t r: { +i: tA {{tL f8b n9 irH'^o''oaQ,zlortrLlJ ;YruJPoiotF.ri. l- 0\r=1 :trto-t"iirt "l;odi; qco d "o-J{rg "f H uJ 'u9.8l ts =E, UJ o-zo Fof E,Fazoo tl t Fllf rl ir$'! JiIr .q J} , i, I IEINi l- N $tl Gr|,zto lrta oz \ ll, aD =I Eol! G0 tt G zoo tEo c'\. !! --r O\JJie\ zl .. >lo uJo UJ UJz u, tr =CE UJ J z E z io. vttJlr.azli< rJ= trH:5 trDtr z o= =e!00 =zlfJO O- t! :E: =sFntN I I. -]-l sl 1 oz E $JEEHoo z 3s, ss Hr F*l i \t I H \11r\l ! El E E uJo- bEHE-BAEsE9!i 'EE =r=uJEr,odE=iUE: TEsi HoF rs\vli=Xz-r1 E =E, UJ o-zo Fof E,Fazoo ==G u.,clto UJ azI|r ! F J I\l \,rl :>^l S\)Sr ilR \\ \ \t..lu,l=l<lzltolo L- xN'l $ \) "f \ = { \ is \\q u E t .A an E -) I T Ec I I :l 'lotH o 7q UNcl ? llrqz;oF I I Iil {l \ lIsl qI\ -I =E I\lr\ \ oz 0 |rJtr J ltoztoF { N F I\\\ u u F lo 1lo HJ 6z;oF t UJ u,F t\\ Fo UJ E-() g, -rO<FEOa!<z0t (qZ-o(J JCE<o()F !-<:iE i.l,i F;3 C) gF 3Ed6() -x =3EE go l+. () =*EOz o(J <(Jfi8JO *, 75 3oulh tionlega rord Y.l!, color.do E1657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 offlcc ol communlly d.YoloPmaltl EUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If thi.s permit requires a Town of Vajl Fire Department.Approval 'Engineer"s (Pub1 ic tllorks) review and approva'l , a Planning Department reiiew or Health Departmint review, and a revjew by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weeks. All commercial (large or sma'|1) and all multi-family permits will have to fo't low ine iUove mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time' However, if residentiai oi smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as. soon as Possible. I, the undersigned' understand the plan check procedure and time frame. U- 2e-eL Date Work Sheet was turned lnEo Ene Conununi ty Oevelopment Departnent. I 75 louth front.g! rold vail. coloredo 8'1657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 offlce ol communltY develoPmcnl lo: FROM: DATE: SU&IECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE fn sunnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or naterial, including trash durnpsters, portable toilets and workrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewallc, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on al-l Town of Vail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavenent. This ordinance will be stri-tJ.y enforced by the Town of Vail Public l{orks Departnent. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said rnaterial.In the event the person so notified does nots comp.ly with the notice within the 24 hour tine specified, the Public Works Department will remove said uraterial at the expense of person notified. The provlsions of this ordinance sball not be applicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town ofvail Buildl.ng Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on thl.s natter. Read and acknowledged by: Po s itton,/ Re I at ionsh ip k-Jc-72 Date (i.e. contractor, owner) May 5, 1992 Mr. Chuck Feldmann Bui'lding Inspector/Plans Inspector Town of Vail 75 S Frontage Road Vail, C0 81657 Dear Mr. Feldmann: Burnett Plumbing, Alpine Gardens and Tara Masonry al1 have Board of Directors and homeowners approval to proceed with the front entry improvements as per the p1 ans approved by staff and as per the letter written to Kristen Pritz. If you have any questions, please cal'l me at 476-3615. Thank you for your interest. t?I|AY 0 5 Eg? Si ncere l y, ti Connie Knight Presi dent cc: Burnett Alpine Gardens Tara Masonry Ed llasson, Vorlaufer vice president Bruce Evans, Vorlaufer secretary ) ki COLORADO r .:* /s/INSPECTION REQUEET TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER DA1E 5--,."4 READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:Jtr! BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: o 0ruoeRcnouruo tr ROUGH / D,W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL o tr D FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT.tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL R\PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR oz ts =G, llJo- e.l ra F (n UJull! F =EllJL /6, 4 hlAl-r| utlnz tt N z zz E FJIrl }4 i*O2tr2*<oE26o!z [lJIF IJJ e az zz otuFoz z Jl ID .a =z l!z3o uJIF Hv,ZqovC) \< EqFI crllrrr-trr ci C <X (/JFQ|- .o<(,AF H z Ff II uJo =I t! oF Fz o q) rl) G .a CL CLo c 3oF 0)E o p s a !) c(! o o) .=I o E o = f Eo oo (! ! .9 q) col'6 Q'tt g;oo (, .9o € -ofo E (o otceoN -oc 3oF q)E o Ol ;Y ()o6 Et oJ o .9 =o o o (5 at]6 o (5 ro E G U'o G =o c 'oF (! Eoo o g o. -9 (! o G E c o.c = 'o. Eoo o o Eo6 go'5E E8 c.2,o-'EXg: ;ocL o63n =E.=>c9'- o.EcooED(6oc $o Ctr ';,vRi!=o(! d(c_- -c 'F q) -(!E60rE cr6i;rg -o.(!0 ogr.r, (6 o= ;dO(Ec.--Y=c?>y-o Q, 9E_ AEr-o -o N\' \T rr) .+ o\ + r'l F (''l F =E uJ z J f Y uJ z J J I Fo(u J IIJ oz6 =J 9z uJ = t! uJu-z tr UJ o @ =ultu, z a UJ F r ll, o- z llJ x F IIJo atul lrJ lJ- tr =tul o- J F F z I IcFo uJJ uJ z =J o- J 9z - uJ = Fl ts H NOrrvn'tvA > 1.,>t-lz (Y)l (o lU:(\l I rrr = (D N lFi -Xct_.tOb, =Z Z r!(j)9 902F^OZH3E =FE6 6 ElrZ r (JP.r89 f'ur!<oq :<5H gE ri Ued tsF] F-1 c.l Ff E & z tr IL .L o 3 F llJE z Eoo :+ ?zo ulFJ B UJz tllltltl atrzlzOo <oo< <u2tr xr!6o<z Fz. 9='i f- doBtrOI X X X X F () Fo z F- Jo z Y =u,I i-l 2l z .. >lo UJo llJ IJJzo tr E.ul o- J z E aufJ (E Q IJJzY iF zo tr J oz I -..t-\{(o @ E1 LO t crlo\o\ f\ C.l z 7..H IIJF o trlFo @o-zo F(L IJJY ul t0 oF F E UJ&lro o-oo uJFoz H ZNt^&(9= ()zQ.,acoo c =z o5= oi9 -** co - r-l r('lLJLJT I J "39=EeQh- '-r -: uJ6il= tr l! o- .F' tl.|E9EAcll60ioE9ttir 5EF'tt- =uJ-E b=(, ;' ;'ii : >t!I O r.r-E 9oI 5urEXa!t x>t q- o-j!E ltr @o I -- F =E lrJ o-z9F(Jf &, azo() I I.$lot . cn lOtc,alZlo:< (J J g ftlttr '-l&o z J lJ- dl N 9.1 Hlzlpl F J d EIrl zH FI ii =z -1I zH Fl (J HE 14 FAa a) E z zH z t.i uJ J : F.l + Fa O-H & E;r ==E aal! c (J H .J)2 trt .A =dtr Io\ C\ .iz UJ ! Itoz3oF =tr o =. LIJ 5 <l>l t!tqz 3iotFI =z E H v Ff tr A I .i z ,i uJE tt z3oF N }\o\ Irrr.i.o\ u E tr oz o nJG J l! 2 3o F =tr ci =" UJ 1l <l>l tl-lol zl;lolFI u,)uIF uJz = F IubI E E <Fcc) IJJ <zG.t!F(rzo(J JE 5P Ff4'a8 E2e =<=E=Fd6 <=etr =3 =8 Ei\g rJZ <oqH-7 FltrtTtXJ L-J L_] >s\o U, UJlu1! E =G uJc s\ l*-u t3 UJ oz olrto iEiEg cL=-o-E ): O-! s;39fi 6 0'-: -s; o c) tr ee:.3::,!s5= cx 5'; -:)ZZtL3 ^ Bg:3 =F.t0EZt-()oo!4.az*r!<oq iEg E.q 6rN(9 --FtIut.t =on| zl .. >l UJ UJ !lz an tr llt z 9 N-A E7t .n9 \la =E$I =<G5 ,. ;F$F bnndLlb=l J s sl :E: 3 gl'=gg, i NDq utl@lor o E I.' o c E oo o co E E CLo! o = ts = IJ,'c. s {' N l!F t{ ts =E, irJ o-zIF() E,Fazo() -I =- |\, (9z -)lt-J *fls ^$ s\\.j G uJ =z c q \ i.$s ' tr\+l\ i;sMPi<fr'=: = = B' = E C) N0 \ ct a(' ul 5l a i1 ol zl 3lIFl $ \A N\ I N dJ UJF :g z .; uJ J, l! z3I F S +j {sL'$i =tr LqI r_ a tlol=tt(,1lult5t<l>ltuJfqfzt3l9F] I I I I I 1"4('a I Waa,-r 3 uJF = d UJ J >1 tt ;t 31 9i = E z gl J z3oF UJ UJF' IJJz =o F UJ E?o -lO<FEOr.! <zEUJF<rzo() <oc)F FS!:FC (J = =Jo- ) )) i5:lF =3Y., =8 :():+(lo2 oo <oqg * ul oa o F uJ uJ oi F lJ- ...| I z 75 soulh fronlage road v.il, colorsdo 81657 (303) 479-2L38 ox 479-2\39 ofllce of conrmunlty devclopmenl BUILDING PERI.lIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If this permrlt requi.res a Town of Vail fire Department Approval, Engineer''s (.Pgb'lic l.lorks)' review and approval, a Planning Departmentreview'or Hea'l th Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as longas three weeRs. All commercial (large or small) and al'l multi-family permits will have tq follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and sma'l 1 projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects may a'l so take. the three week period. Every attempt wi.ll be made by this department to expedite this permi.t as. s.qon as possible. I', the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. u.L Project'Name Corrnuni ty Devel opment Department. 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81557 (3031 479-2L.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ofllce ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII THE TOWN OP VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor ruaterial , including trash dumpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, altey or publicp1?9e or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. 6ff pavenent.This ordinance will be stri-Lly enforcad by the town of VaiIeg!]ic Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancevilI be given a 24 hour lrritten notice to remove-said rnaterial .fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice wittrin the 24 hour tine specified, the puLfic WorksDepartment will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance strltt not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utiLities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain I copy. tirank you for yourcooperation on this matter. acknowledged (i.e. contractor, owner) CEORGE SHAEFFER P.O. Box 373 Vail, Colorado 81658 (303) 84s-s6s6 Unit #203 Unit #304 GALVIN REI'ICDEL Vorlaufer Units #203 & #304 385 Gore Creek Dnive Vai-t CO 81657 Replace 2 Tubs, 2 Toilets, ard 2 Lavatories Remodel Closet Rep.lace 3 Cor:ntertops, and Lavator-ies Build 1 Closet under Stairs $2 ,000 sl- ,000 $3,000 s1 ,000 Plan Review Bas6d ontbe 1992 [tnifor.tr Codee NAt"lE : GAL,,VIN REMODEL ADDRESS:385 GORE CREEK DR.#203 vArL, coLoRADO OCCUPANCY: Rl TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V DATE: LL/30 / 92 CONTRACTOR: GSEC ARCHITECT:NONE ENGINEER:NONE PLANS E){AI4INER:C. FELDMANN CORRECTIONS REQUIRED Ehe itens listed belor ar€ not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirenentg in tbe adopted codee. It is a gruide to selected sections of tlre codes. lbe following is not to be construed to be an atrrproval of any violation of any of tbe pro- visione of tbe adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. CLOSET AREA UNDER STAIRWAY MUST BE 5/8/ '' TYPE X DRYWALL. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REOUIRED PER SEC. 1210 OF THE 199]. UBC. FIELD INSPECTION IS REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 1) 2) 3) <ru, ) PERMTT NUMBER dr pno.lecr rN#cnoN REeuEsr oo* ,;/: I JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: "o*1'{Fr ']-_ ,' WED , THUR i(!:. /4--"t' {.Jot 4 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, D ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oerc z Yal/Q z-lNSpEcroR a/?/4d^-^----- The ltens below need to givlngapernLtaflnal Please check off Ln the FINAL PL1IMBING C* r*sPEcrroN's colrPtETED be cooplete before CofO. box provlded. DATE: FINAL MECHANICAT DATE: IMPROVEI'{ENT SI'RVEY RESID. NAUE: DATE: tl n n u m u FINAI ELECTRICAI DATE: TEMPOMRY C OF O DATE:tl CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PAI{CY DATE: I,AI{DSCAPINC DUE DATE: FILE NAME: oz F =tql o- dtt \o U' UJulu- E =E UJo- dfr68/l,tb Leqet +dJ o\ @ c! tllh a H z tl.l F) tru-ooz = UJ o F Fg ==o zz U) UJ z z 6 o rd ozz t..! l!J uJ(t) =I lr ro EFz (,) uJz3od |f lll6z:3 EvfuJFI<F1a =zo< Hco H.{.\O(J -r -lo(n@(/) r-'{ .A<xo .d FEI M'FJ rd.<€o{> (o ;ot- o,q o o Q'() 6 o o o p 6 (l)o o E d) =cf Eq) o CL(! =.9 6' o i c .:a.=6Ue?*to6E8E; F.g R€Etgs E1E5 € EE:g ef:E ; gi; c9oE -*;o)3 5;.; EE-st:€8i€Eet *; se*E:9.i5=oos*e€ P6(!6 :EEg E6ES :-oE 3co-!-c= o o s€; Etcli9cai lfis;9E o -eEg: - (.) (6: c{ F\CN \'.if C.l\oc! a E =e, uJo- z ) o ! C) UJ () z Jo- J 9EF() UJJ !!l oz (o: E 9z uJ = UJ uJll.zo F uJ t)llj co 3g uJE z. 6 UJ E o uJ z uJ o x F lllo at UJ uJ l! E =t Lt,o- J oF z = lo J () F uJJ uJ z to = o- J oz -otu = F-l H H NOrM'tVA Ec YzCF =FZ Z tLltO OO(,tr ^ .r, Zd3i:9riF Y I-I ir99 Bt89 E.u-<oq ?eEF fi=axzrc'. : t! d)HNo' =>G -laofu,t3 =aON z HH M Fl t & l-t H 2 lFil'lt< lBtz IH lHl|-{lFt4t< la z E !L (r rri l uJIL ln E Ll.t J z E R*H E uJ J =UJz tlt1litlatrzlzoq) <oo< =s>(r xrL6o<z a trz. 9z -iF fi(,3tr I t1 tl t"Ttoltoltil !Jl) (E at)(t) IJJzY if- ul F zIF J:)oz Ir'lz z -) =F ul E o 3 u) o Jl<li-l zl zl .. >l uJ IIJ UJzot t UJ o- z Eoo z ll} I! riI I Iolzl!lEI<l(ll il; l;,; I& -) 1.,)--(, c)o /i A.'L4 Lfr n ,1 e ui Eo t0o-zo Fo- IJJY ulo oF F EO\ul@o-o\ trlo{>-l ^(L .lv FclloHlrl HFJoEz6 ts =E LtJo-zo F()f E,F0zo() t ! oazo(J g EItsI&o z J lJ- I Jo Fo J N Ff E rr1 ts Hzv iri =z o-) ..1|{aAolq E(] F{ ETI EtlEI F4lXI Dit I FtlEIEIHI*l ul >l 4 -t r'! { r\ cf) X UJeo J LN c7l I\o io- FlH !E.t! ttrEoo = o- x tn F-{ H at) Di, IF z o uJE l! ol z1 31olF F- IF-(\I @ H H Fl l-t H B tr rd In{ ri oul CE J] a IL 3iolH cn .+ FI I \'o\ ll !t = tr oz at uJ J ? t! z3oF =tr z ciul E. J ai z3 F = G oz ou,E t!oz3IF uJJulF E uJz = Fo uJ =r d t -rO<t-G()ur<zEIIJ Ftrzo JE<oOF trs s2E\z-i8 ooz. 1- 6Y>D )zrr- o i5YF =3E6 E. E ;\ o2 J<Oo?. -.:-r-a Lrt. z- (5=.-,z_z Q 22" =f .n -JO co O- u- c.))+-- xlL__lt t J "dg =-r3dd= ts uJ : :t!E2E<ctf6V)EoE9I'L EE =>FJI- =uli-E b=ti;E x**E U69 itrE XO-t x>t q-o-:!i uJ oF I --Fr'+rr D<j DCI Ll l{ u, o' l_ t?ro I oF(, cE zoo lcc l9 t>locl).! Ur,oz ',. }Eofr!fT,z^ 9z-(r, < I I t' tt LUr]- F c Lt, o-,t; u,Foz oz o J CO =zo rE IPt< l6zt=IO lolz IE 3l;l HI =l (J E z,^o !oF! U-fFr"--\N[.JLJ NottvnlvA LU J u- ll $ T d I t,l' I I I 5 ul o_1 J?x ^:< qLr=qs F o_-. tt-LrJoduJ<.(J <::Jaa FX ol! c_c-r uc-F-:i'5l!=; (J=/-! Fev '-\ LLI :r>- ul: o-1FL- cct E o o E (, o CJ L_ l'Q) 0)(- (n To {'--.-J I oGh9V l-- 2.o ;*oYFzortro5 =8 !20 -t? Jz c) <l- r.L< II' F()z (_) <oOF *.-< (J4 l!=C F(J UJ =7 c) -o il< :-6Ou a F t I I fiUil N\ il l.,I li ,$ <3 J I I I /$/ilg/g/,/ /# I.(l I$ I/l (J f, .. >lo UJol.! LIJz =e a! J z o uto-!L:o l z or F o lt: t< t* t!t^t l-l <: 0ti!tlcriotl<ll ^tl li- ; ;l o F q o "l 9l6l :-YO oo-93f:)cO^FC?o:> v= r!fc- (J> (-)FOj a\j oo tt ul o (9 UJ 1! z 3 oz ou, o zi N o $r lal . ,.'t ^r>,r-. .it0 \'. o,b + a al i. t .,. di. .-r !-olroi d z d d : .d J c ! P!\te uf',b(r- To rt-o' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT rN$PECITON:MON ',1 ., ll,.;l APPROVED,,,.?tr DISAPPROVED INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL /r''rr * i i i '-1 --- n- , ut -< I P'-t / ,/ D^rE ;f t 5f ? cl JoB NAME CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING n tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING <{orn"o tr D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI ,-'--f'AM PM.READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLU trU\l BIR ., l.qR OP tr_ MBING: UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D,W,V. {r^o",ro ROUGH / WATER 6 tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT f'l tr SUPPLY AIR n tr EtM(tr FINAL /,4,J,/OVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED .) DATE /. / ... l, INSPECTOR _l ' 1.:i 'f,ilI I \ I i w4'4w-4t'v\ | I 'A*luEwP-b++1btw I II \1_ J__--v- -:- r__ {ut?o 7>m- (s61tda l?ANl $ -g $l I[\r -f ----le *tgn-lrc n'nepw Ie+-+t|(? l)AL I *wn{e wM -LWAbt r,/,,{L. \---/-' I ,%lofavfl*e 4-24a)ivtJ 4wn1g,f,iw fl* xr>?q-(o 6414t)tJd15(l?wD I. I I ,U # A/4rY2 2*4a l %tzt,+ta utat W:tate-p. .)/w \- X UJ 7 5 "44b<1 t-lr I .l )2t-Ll/)E '.t}Y)*a taur{zq )il?r zcx:W wre6--v4'bWtufr{antn@ )A@+1 atal!1 l%11*ryrw efli\eA)ihAra pfiA.rz$4Afi, - - NE 4w4tt1'l rN ftfaU Jnw4,<tU-/444y-ry A6 E4Jt@ a)ErVc?tkr*)ttad,,ffi-ffii*!2"ay2ne-!24 W., EfP k# rofui*@tv' o W 1A)1, -tmr &, ofu(haQ &frftf AnLiwEWt lfiafi Vaev.ffi U,/lw,?awyan vAtvlQ, Ot6e {btotzzl lb@)rv( q7 llrl , h,e::+or'; , hrr.r F : PROJECT DATE READY FOR TNSPECTION: LOCATION: INSPECTION REOUEST .. TOWN OF VAIL '//'7 uA THUR FRI ,t7 '-' au pM. #J, s/50 JOB NAME BUILDING:PLUItIBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL i ROUGH / D.W,V. tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL /aeeaoveoi{ tr DtsAppRovED tr REtNsPEcrtoN REeutRED fRRECTIONS:CORRE "-1,-t, ,")t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: \ ET APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED BUILDING: El FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR . FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The below items need to be complete before giv'ing a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING CERTI FICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMP0MRY C of 0 DATE: DATE: ci =E =E UJo. \l D{ -{ c(\Oo(o (\t r.o sf(\t C'' r,u uJu- F =E UJd av'w sF/6//L/c.FhE4y)tlllIr llrl #H CE lts tlco@-{ ,{ *{l1 tl dolnlcuoY+.j| .dk H< 5E 'lH J=or: l= aE ied6 d> oulF z z 6J dt .a oz? uJz3o l!IFoz fvl \ \rA.}- s\(€+s * l,l d$s $ s S Eolr E F F2oo Go lto ult:lF 2o v) <Dooc TEc o o Ec(g oE oo E o E o =f d(D o o.o. C' '.g E S?Exo-o (5F -= o. E:31 :E P6 -l,6E 5or t.=>6o.N 5-:(J; ooaF Ec +.O cL ct, ='.9-p({6 co eH9q) e6.sP or6 E.s C.C'iu i;Eoo+,oEoc -6or-oq' PE ItE6'5E F6-(,t: EEF'= "08 o6€o =EE>c9 -tCo.o E6otr bo CCge g= o_(o i6'- -c'Fo -6E6 LC OOierg -o,(ll0 -o. dt q) l?, a0 E8o(!c-tFcto>9 €3 OEso -c) rr, a)F\ lr)(\l rf)(o o (o <\J(7: cc o or.r)(\l t\ t\(\lt\ Ete, uJcoz 6J .o touJI()z J EF C) uJJ uJ oz .D = c 9z IollJE UJu, z9 t!E() UJc oE o6 e tl,e2 6uro o u,loc 2 uJ o X F ul attl (n !U IJJtt ==E UJo-J FoF z J o EF uJJ uJ z ao =Jo. 9z gJ- NO[Vn]V J I;3e lt--,6_ ltqF|j ; *. .l =tZ Z tLCo o oitr ^ 62< BE =EJee fijlI<oq?\ I H gF .l' +) crt' zo F DJ l!c ci d c,(J UJo. F O r.o sr(\l G cllJE J z =oo zo utt-J 3 uJz otrzlz tr oo = o <t) Ezfo =J-)ut B oul uJclt ciz Iz Io tr uJ = oo IJJzYIIF auo. zIF 5loz I B F ul o3 o o 1lII ^l =luJlol ,\s o4 ;r* oz Fo Jct a.'l -*'lrl7l ."1zlYI <lcl ET-]t+lAlI tJ lqlSl''' I lE'F (f) I * @ C? r{ c\JOO IIJF o rl. I It\ ts =e, lrJo-zIFc) =Ej-, zo() IuF' (t, @o-zo Fo- uJY ul @ oF tr CEulc tto o-oo I l!Foz z ,r9zeoo =z=lf o-- P J EEi =Hg En! tr Elllo.lt E9E5€EE9.ltEa9'58 F-JF E FE: >o.; 8b9 iutE XO-E ;Taul €= ulooF E - OJ vl = 4 ull JI <l>l t!lIilolFI I J :l 6l Fl e r(' trl I(o o. (t n r- G) tn tr- (f) @ Iror\<ir co I =fr\ ctz (9 ulE ltoz3oF o z J c(o .EO lr' co +, g !(uIts ro ! ii =z coo-| gir =iEOz 9(r O uJJ UJ '6 t EE! ulz3o u, oz 'Rci9€5tr.;o ^g=35ori ()E : 5.8 iB-a:€ s r€ Ci;E.tF :-tD a-:o 53rv u' -'i qss6PFO eb' o o.. -ECD€C('Eo56 3oooD D.S l:o : t: : ,c0i-t(:ro = d c) oq 6 3 G) 0 d;sg;g iUF;i iH l; +€.E,! iSgE i;E Itf d.E :-trF i:- F-: 'iE;iF$ 5*E:ei -FO E€E -*o 69-EOCD€-c('EF o :8.E3 (,' =.lct ao:::c0,ta(: ;c€ E -,'.Eu.49o9 E.&t-r cr G);';(gO o .g D o o()c B.::*3i gEE c. .tt u €FEE= ! €si o€=5p i =€f.E; = -=5 6 !. iEF lE elrE .'i-Cr iE:.rrEs: o- c EEE(aeC !!cQ-oo(lt=.! -lE a a€6 -9 -:q9(o o=.rl6cE :51o :\'= i5e d orc:oc,:- 6\c' -l:os)lig,il -u,o€Gr =€cP:a. og EF EC-e.;.t[t eEiCL- G(g:q=j tr o- -E !i(a'!P€ l t-; JCF .a€i6s;E9qr=rEc d;():\(!^- hE -od (,, :o -o. c'trooo,() dr- lB'tils l:st5f| 35 I o..EI CL-cEut=Eo ;E9rE .gr-' _at (E O- !, o: flsi EHJ €si(!Ra \JA.ct o:9-oootroc6E ot|,Foz (9z oJ J @ '*SttFi I I I It.-.trtt i Gl illgl tUgJr!z UJ (, UJE J s2z o UJ = oz = J UJ u, x .z =qJ (Jz o E anul IL E =c UJ F UJo z Jo ; UJ z ul tJ.le J FoF U' 2 z tr oo :o o I I ?3r:g: liE96r' l<( lslc I t^ tJl<l FI <ll ^tl : {r! E al 9lol _l:l =\>.Fr-brrC oQ 7z bc Ea3 =tsq9o:>u96fqrlo- (J>. c,FO (,z -,lt Fo 9F 3Ed5() CEoFo Fz JO<FG()uJ<ze,tuFozo(-, F() u, F J. C)G !n 'ttd<3->.€O(,oJ .,i =zla)lql J<c)ov,tr., uJ -rO fl H 6l zl il ;l ;l zl FI d 1 ;l :lol zl 3lFl oz ('q,l .El JI s-l fl -E?oz oo F() q Fzo C) 9zr()lr, = I I u,|- z,:9z? aDo =z \.- P , trtrD E =ur-'O.-' TI-LJOG E<ztt,<\Z#,:€ oF>< Clrr f,F>rr+- ar..,- ry= &tFol-r tJ'l Ix-ro- |#.15*-t --{ :e.J coE. CLoo ot c: c EoIJ o <u E q,.rt t- 'e)0, :.o )zLo 5t - I € I "d66;SJ(Ji =uJxcQ rl > crlt'r -. =J LaJ t_l X >< 5.. Jul-y 12, 1985 Morter Flsher Architects L43 E. Meadow Drive Vai1, Colorado 81657 Attentlon: Michael Hazard Gentlemen: Thank you for sending a set of plans on the remodel-ing of Mr. & Mrs. Chandlerrs Unlt #305 in The Vorlaufer. trle have reviewed the plans with Rick Baldwin and have no objectlons to tihat isproposed. lle appreciate your sensitivlty on the plannLng of the door to the balcony, keeplng the I-ntegrlty of the exterior the same for all units. Yours very truly, {t*-.-l E D?^*, n--- Edward B. Wasson for the Board of Managers' The Vorlaufer Associatlon Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Chandler COLORADO to rNs#toN REeuEsr( / i ,/ TOWN OF VAIL \,',,, |/'L'Itn ^r* PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON /.1 tr.. @) rHUR FRI t (' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OFPERMIT NUMBrl DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIO JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr Y Y tr tr D tr tr UMBING: qirouruonrtoN / srEEu AFRAMING b 19.9::1H5FT .,^ - UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED _L- DATE '/ -c.:'INSPECTOR rt PECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL I {r\'-!l'.( (-')'j ", INS I l'i,t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT r' 'il't \., l' iNEn) rHUR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: N TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D o CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED RRECTIONS: /r tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED /)DATE INSPECTOR JOB o INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL UR FRI /\i j- e- 3'. oo AM {rt-: 2\3{ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: . MON ,)l l___,<-\ | | TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. BOUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION KSHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr /NAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ciz F =t UJI @(\lo (o an IJJ uJt! E =Eulo- .nhLft,frw ro @ FI(a o.{ (l, N+)C' (5 o .|J @E!lrJ 9J? s tru-o I('z 6J 5 UJ F FI == =z o IJJF z oz oI (o 06 o =zo t!J uJ U' =I ott CEoFo Fz o z3od u_ ltl6z;=Ev PH<F7o2zo< o) BgEo) $e8* -(l'o.Y \gb{ :FN F P\\P;L e s=SNOrSo> \: : c'-.)aE-F3\q6tE o)cc(5 EToo EoGO) o.S:! Ed 6-E oO !:) .'dg .99 EO.trG-; siot';.6E -i- o) oti (! '=o|,l g8E cat o3;g E5E6FE o(!S :EFd'i =c96 BE' EEA ==E,FOO iEo.e'; I F5 c.=- 6 cL(o o- *EE o? o_E*: EE bo(!= EE E -PC.c; o dt O+EE:oi3 '5>.o (u: I* g F6eI -o- o) eEg -o(o o U ; t- oO oF\ ==Ell,lcoz = t0 Y C)ul z J o EFo UJJu, oz =J J 2 qt = UJ uJ z tr uJ o uJ o =uJ UJ z 6 UJo EU' o- llJ c z tu C) x F IJJ U'f (n uJ uJt! E =cul o- J FoF z co J !uJtll 26 E Jc oz uJ- tO rd (l,L rF NO[Vn'lVA lE l6 IB l;ql- 'lENlsN1(6 "(uxl- 9*Z ul+-ooo.nztoe arwq;eo(lnuJcZeut =>E = ,,, z9F^ iotrcthO1>t)o0z(l-<(o* ^ ();oFO;oj z tr l! t!o- F o- au zo tr z F UJF 3 uJz <\ <oo<o* =Pxr!5o<z -1 | IItl o trz. 2= UJ93EOI dl9 o 3 at) Jl<(li-l 2_l zl .. >l IJJ t!ulzot llJ ) z E J ; F llJ l! E rrlIc- I I ..1zt--ol -l?l f I or,lozli z F 6iaE E a olu) uJ / F F{r-- C\J cf,c) LlJFo @oazo FL' lrlY ut dt oF F Gul o- .ltl olrElx\lV sf l.U\Ir -llr _l i Hulbkzo z '"9z2!oo =zll dP E*=B;E E CEul o- u- :H6vE<cll€aB9!t ir 5gF-J_-=u-: h=o dil: >o-I OtlE oo9 iuiE X(Lt x>t q- €= luooF I]I ts =E UJo,zo F C)f E. 6zoo nfE =.1 uJl 5l <l>l rLlol fl @sf oI Ct!sfOl ui ulF UIotn 9-ol-(u +)c U.T .tJ+t(l,rt0(tt ct! oz ti ru J a tl. z 3 =.1olull 5l al EI zl 3lolFI =.1ol uJlEl il 6l zl 3l 91FI Eo o =lJ- =d, J l+ld, l! Lrl LL = Jd,o UJ zoo-) !orE g. ql5 .U (u !Lfit:J lu =z I I el cilutl cEl il>l lr.l EoF Fz (Xir -trJ \., z O JE<oOF F? FT-,2fro() ooz. l;o =#)zr-L o 'E F I ! n!tr l_ t<ro I Riil (.)lrl \15 I I\r otu oz =J .o 6 zzo I I I Il!! l< z t=lo t2.zt9 an IJ.J lJ.,q_ = UJ J F F] r tt t, Ax F UJ IJJ i gJ 3 UJ z o UJ UJg- otr IJJ (n ul lJ., IJ- IU == uJ oz ! = 2 u.r = z = (J o lJ.l Y z \s \. $ E z oPzz coo =zde J-l< F**(-: t\ J- CO r.u = lF =UJ u- UJ >1F-l t! rn:< = x taJ rrl = F o I_, I -tlr- | ...16I lrjJ o c, q' oo .D \ I I NO|lvn'IvA DD tr!tr UJ(\ r!lo zl .. >l L) UJou,(Uz an! UJ J zo F r|J J u,zY F z F ul sE ll u E 3o ffis H,/S/{ ' > v \.- ,OJ &308 !J'- c o ... 9L - =.ovc --r 9- oJi.'- c' arr- v c xe .'3 oocGc.rLrr !a !L +, -., -g E o Ho.gEru! 0., o!-Ll g F (J:zoo--l5I:-< E O..J .s P*- -Z9- q; ra .n g) -:< =LurcLO 0.J +>.- a+to=t-J +J (' aito 0., r- (Ll! -J C\, -O C: r! F-r(\t s $l rEr I IUF x oF F =cc uJ o- ll-o o-oo I u,Foz Ftr)L\J r4 scrC) ctz b =E uJo- F'D (r, uJi!tl F = lJ.lo- \s\ss o| @ c.l |l.lrn an H4 2 b r@ '9 luJtF .^ 16x I p.1 I t!].A .LA<tr6Tii FlE>OA 2x -.i H = tl. uJ E F EF2z = z 2 inulFoz ozoJ co .! =z Jltlo =T lr oFo cEFzoo Eo o o, (, -g-o(u .9 clo.o c .9o @! ..tio!o E (! oE.E oN Qc. e\ c) o o) € ooo(E El of o .2 = ! (! a](5 -ot:6 Qtotoocod2goB9c SE o6c .t]6.oE'F5=OG cl R s ! o CL (! co $ E o .= oE c .P- =b E o o o ID o,(lt foo .9 E Q'.= qt oo oE Yo co (! E o o (5 (g o (t o 6 6 o o. o (tt f(Jo(t, (lt () o Eo oo'.qo o 6 E o o .s o Eo co (lto CLeo .9t 1t(0 g o (U -c (! E o)g,E -!t ' .Yo$ .oo o.c eJr!-- r l< E*.Tr H-a:=il{l5E\ \tr:d<t9=E A1o<cl,t'4 ULEq o .-./Eo,.o /,r, .7- tt1, El7=Z /4,* ! = 't i) f EW2 p.t i ilio Hl !6 *l i ' zl ao <l I E 5liL C)t I o\.n .n ('l (rl c{(r) @ trEEIl.l z l - IIJ z) J F |.lJJ uJ zo J 2 (u = rJ.l uJ z tu Lu =uJ uJ z o u,l F6oo-ulo o- z uJJo x F UJo (t uJ uJ lJ- E =E uJoJ FoF z ) EF qJ J UJ oz = d 2 I() uJ- 3 - NOrlVntVA a ;d{* :+<1-90 |-{-lo-- -trd, H <t) H6< =>E --Ft =(o(\l zzootr^695EP o ooz>-oaJo2r!<oq lll -9U dci E Hti.{ F E FrXHt Fl r: FC n v. t1 n Elrl z tr -) t! UJIL @ t! z Eo {{-{ z tr !!F =IJz tltlIItl (ttFzfz9c <oo< =Fxr!6o<z Fz, 9= -.1 'r urO3tro- nIF trtr[l Itl l-"1toltoltdl ulf = E u) o)r{zY =F at F 2 F 5oz a I 3 F llJ = o o JI<lr-l zl zl .. >lo lrJ uJulz aht UJo.) zIboo oz Fa g) I t;,; I& ;--."s,(} ,.Y)..:)o ar, ,/h d /4 ,3 /r.v/ IJJ E u)ooazo F0- IJJY ulo oF FE-!+@uo\ b;li*l ^Hl6fi|t'lgr..JbEzo z_-o(J:- =Q.c00 =z CL tJ- =E? -;\ ! aHg E UJ II z!!E2E<cllo t!) EB9vcE :E =>.=ut:-F h=E ;gE =d-_ (J t!E oo9 EurE XO-t x>E=Fe'io-iEtr IJJ oF I =I ts =E. IJJo-z9Fof E,,a zoo E!tr 6 z) u- l_lo l* IF.T lF{r'g o&l Itrlllr. E FF J F-l A E Ir1& ts ra Fz ri,iE z \-) f H { E] v a r'lf) q> al> UJ J = - tsz ts2 E =tr o uJeoo J = zt tsIAz zH F1 B I2B G GI I .i z .; ul J a t!oz;I \' I \'( I tl Hx Ll F] -:: H z PE =tr z ti uJ J ? ttoz 3p T -1 (! \o 'aral IF C! @ u u F zl-l E Fl Pr FiHElz&p FC >lEtr tu K)P oz o u.l J tto z3I N ulrn Ir\ c.l @ II |rF = l'r- .iz o UJI a>l tt zl;lI =tr o oul =e1>l lto zl 3l 0lF ulJ IJJF Eulz =o Fo u.I =I()E E -.r O<F(rC)uJ<zE!!F.42o c) J o EF C) uJJ -.1r- I i Y z z o =J i z f,) *5YF =2+c iz =g |r t-Xi) =+Eo2<c)ffn=lEE! = al! u.J lJ- L =o UJFoz oz al lD .a ozzoN t I lr,IJ I tJ, lo o o Fzoo o i z3 uj F z l! B lr- z IE;€F lB;f:gI q.gs?*5 IEp;r*E:3f eg Il;;:=$ | I :E:;F4 r:€:$N ;;5N $i5'e E\o(! o.- =(I e-: -: o :cr-.liSi: >< EgEFg " orolGPi.Eg€ -c:oJ - -'f| s*i:: B i;=i5 Eta:e E;5: Elio-f EFq; E-5;'sE I C., F q, ; g, () 3 z UJ t! uJ z tr tuE(J .() (J UJ rlJ NO|.lvn.]vA 3 i UJ z () ,- zo l z F FrI t< 5iol EI ol<t UJ 3 = 6EQs g E9 6 9o8gtr<r8>c)FO.:oj o u,l tuutz aJ,F =ulq J zo l- 6o .. trj OF J.-.i ca ..-,. =< €eL) EH:S Ct O- )<z<oJ -\ -J lr r,F. F. CDu-v cll- o: .'ll \.. C) c .iJ I\l LL (,.| l-l t|1 o 3=lo Hsfil ' trJ cFlzoc-l(J ElH3=316 cc P"-l(I) z$- o_l9 E'--[z 3stl9 d;-lF ta _r cll U.| lJ,J IY-..t uf F- a.r loto-:f I =l #let4llv,i, I z.F FI9 ><l * i 1 oP =< =z \de . Nll =l J Fl =69ol :=3Pl =o*:l eHg SEtr rr-r EcaE<.E r|JL4G =bEEg :^ * 956 irJJ O;= F-F CC :-q =!9 >F_JE= g 8d3-=so-*;-ldCJ-F :,., oEi; r.l3<f,rlE -w-.oIo 1tF* F E trla-zo l-(J :) Fazo C) r$ il ? ald /diJJ$'Mil lffi:ilB $: IEJ .l<< <-r I zO !4 1 ro C)u,Frc)e. -:o<FE()t!<ZEuJ l'- oo -_e i --::-- -s20 I <= il ;zF I (Jts ll _ y .n() I lir ll G{< t 5Z li 'rJ Z =q il :; r E5E-[_ +E il* =d6ilEEll " =B -.. L'r 'i, .|)-,. luwn 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 departm€nt of pu bllc works/transporta on T0:. FROM: DATE: RE: In summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that 1t is unlawful for any person EollEter, track or deposit any sol1, rock, sand, debris or material, includingtrash durnpsteis, portable toilets and worknen vehicles upon any sEreeE,sidewalk, a1ley or pubric place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town of vail streecs and roads. Ls approxinately 5 fc. off pavement.This ordinance wi1l be strlctly enforced by the town of vail public worksDepartment. Persons found violacing thls ordl-nance will be glven 24-hourrtritten nocice to remove said naEerial. In the event the person so notified does not cornply arith the noEice within che Z4-hour time specifled, thePublic works Departrnent will remove sald mate.rial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable toconstructlon' loal-ntenance or repai.r projects of any stleet or alley or anyutlllties ln the right-of-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of vail Building Departmenc to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation in this natter. VAIL1989 I,IEMOMNDIIM ALL CONTMCTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH THE TOI,IN OF VAIL TOI.IN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARTT,IENT MARCH 16, 1988 ORDINANCE NO. 5 ed ged September 20' 1988 Town of Vall 75 South Frontage Road Val1, C0 81657 To Whom It May Concern: Re: Unlt 102 Vorlaufer Condonlniums Mr. & Mrs. Willlan R. Grant, Owners Thls conmunicatlon ls Itrltten to conflrn that the Board of ltanagers of The Vorlaufer Condomlnium AesocLatlon has revLewed the plans covering renodel- lng of bathroom Ln Unlt 102, The Vorl-auf er Condominium Assoclation, and has approved said plans. It ls our understandLng thac Brown-Wolln are the contractors for the proposed project ' It is aLso our understand- lng that Burnett Co. will be doing the plunblng. Burnett Co. ts conpLetely fanil-iar wlth our bullding. Please proceed Itith the Lssuance of the requlred bulldtng pernit. Board of llanagers Arthur Carroll, Jr. Pres ident Ac/bJ p COLORADO HAt-t- trN_.rf,Y EXIIilINE4 bNIH fb-[E" nqsm]6 c_1ODJ<1LE=:FN -ro f\EAAIN"EAOIN 7l|ID q$\\EL-roEE- <ca161. {fr7-'V7'7=71-l t '/ }"2 ^--'-1 \ i I lL/r r,,L-4-+--,/ 7+ J\t V cn)vN.vo-ll-\ orNil. /^F,N N-i- -K=nlr\F-N r'p\.--rt I Y \! I I | \ t--\'/ t t\--l |*_-I l\*/t tr\-rl-\ fiE/rcnEr 3(AL-E- L"--l!O" F\IlGf,'FEFff;i'T4 Sru7, PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE TION REQUEST OWN OF VAIL JOB NAME o2'/ttF€ .ALLER !1r'u - ?zoot+t 4)O.>6 J READY FOR LOCATION: PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED -BrZ "*( rNSPEcroR*--=' , PERMTT NpMBER OF PROJECT rnsft;*o$,REQUEST' VAIL INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES 1 WED ] THURREADY FOR LOCATION: .BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E FRAMTNG C.+-- , n ROOF & SHEER :-- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - N SHEETBOCK NAIL r-t tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH t-t /r/"'ra I r-\ | ttt PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr B FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR t tq FINAL tr FINAL CI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREO INSPECTORDATE PERMIT NUMBE DATE .. - rNsl"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL \\ \i.i-i CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES ffiED THUR FRI - AM PM''.\ LocATtoN: ' .i=X\.-:\ ' . "'1. . 'i. '''. - BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r.1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION -tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR .J':.t/ t t t -.lNssrloN , , IOWN OF ;.,/1,:,",il.' / JOB NAME REQUEST', VAIL DATE CALLER TUES .a/ READY FOR INSPECTION:MON rHUR tlr)AM LOCATION: -.- j '- BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB ELE DI trF OC tr tr HEATINGTEMP. POWER tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 't /flsEiit,f ,,IF]t r.ti F1:fI7. r.lffF' !E1.!E'f S9 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT LOCATION: TION REOUEST1tJJ"o$' Tfi.aut"t\r ,ba ll b CALLER TUES .I\A/ED / THUR\_--./AM@ oerc tt fzlft/ JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: MONMON loa c(s lta 4 13 l< O BUTLDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION . b sxeErRocr n't NAIL n tr FINAL tr tr FINAL tr z vffinoveo CORBECTIONS: .- tr RErNsPEcnon neouheotr DISAPPROVED ER, 7 ":,{', I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oorr'\- L-'. \$.- JoB NAME e"\\N'l",sqlit";1,*oN,REQUEST VAIL CALLEH TUES ,.iFn:. THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDEFGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr tr tr POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr E tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR NAL N FINAL Ttr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR O O SPE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL \ \ ( -*, '\..\.,. _-- \.. \. -\. -;IN NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUESMON AMFRIWEDTHUR BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: UNDERGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING D tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL - tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n O SUPPLY AIR n Yrrrunr-tr FINAL /aeeaoveo .'..,./::- /'"'tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR FINAL INSPEgTION'S COMPLETED The belor items need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: ELECTRICALFINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ctz ==E, UJL {+ oo st/](Yl o ooo an(r) tnulIul! F =Euld $R$N.N\o I I <t) t-{ l&&lolz1 rrlIolr"l o\ I 01 Irn uJF ol < ilr9tsrl!6rl = r-.1- J_ V)fl I'J E l- F2z = zz inulFoz oz oJ l.o .O o =zo rl 3 :-{ n j z t) ll!IJlul9t:o t=elc:IH FNIF = \\-too Vl<6 \lc(! \lEi .\t8 i1\ \\l (r-\ - \to 5 \JtS :Nl;" E\k3 PI NPHo:l l<FxN l6e .c rt' to< :dFV\ €",Y)eix : Pf ?.1\ gl^-.---sR* Er.9..g€ Sa ;p.gE0j () ;-oc is€f, €E gE E.:6 - 9 EP:Ec-o> CT;E E€i;c96E -*-g)I 5 i'=' E EE: EE;Eg-;Eg SE; e oiE-ots*e€ E6:F ;EEe_ o..y o qt o'- i.c:oo s€; E E E;E Ff; E;9E or -eSgi - o (s.:g oo .n (7) D Nn rn @ oo o(f)N o N @ E eIuo-oz 6 = ao Y C) alJ oz o () IJJ IJJ oz @ =l J 9z () UJ = UJ IIJ z tr UJ UJ o B IJJ UJ z 6t! F6 o-uto o. z ul o x uJ(tt U' uJ uJl! = =tul o- J FoF z J F uJ |rr z ao J oz Oq, tnt,oF NOrlVn'rVA .E I' -1 - lE 99 -*lr = i ,sB l,f:: dljtl6|= =7,,o o o.!tr ^ 6z*9 5 5 9.rE P O E}'!, o ciZ:o o n,o z x:r!<o q i'li s gj r(\tO z9F a t! UJ F E Itll ) z E Ezlz tr o Fz z lrJ 3o a uJ Jo.ulg oz F z FI trI tl f-] ll u t-] toltolI Jl ut 3 E U'a UJzY i F. f- zI oz ;J ; F ul o B a JI<l F-l zl zl .. >l ur UJ UJz ts CEtu z E o -l_l 2 tr(t, d I& z E uJFJ 3 4Jz H tl Lf) Ir-- CD --1O t))uF-u .f'4,J4 /)h-4 UJ Eo c0oazo Fo-ulY IJJ ao oF b rE ltJ o- lt o-oo I llJFoz o\ or-{ rn lrJF o l; LI X z oPze coo =z=rfdP = tro tl- EgE<o'l€3B9E' ir 5[E dEE FEE =*E d6 19 \uttr xoE ;-aulo-iIri HoF -=- ts =E,lrlo.zIF()fE 6zo() !! ,"*6 =83- 7r.r-- u1u 6il= zA tltl tu # r4-,1lv'? IIOtz.F-':;A\ -lJl! F{oto o& FI lrlrd uJ =z tn -)I t t{}{(! C' ; Hc! 4 rr t{ ".1=4 H -,'lxqqrqoit{ C' otr (J rn @(r) vlU\ulEo = \o ct\ll \oDN.l CDFrOF\.it- r-l.d(! E 'Flli = ll. N rJv) d ot{ F\ F\ a uJ c rn oF\ I oc lroX>Xtrfro D(a =o t{o B =r lrjE a u.o z3oF 4A l.{q) +,t,o lr F =c ll. UJ 5 ttoz3 F 4 ru +J +ro tr =g II o2 u J e l!o z3 F tr dt tutr rJo l{ Fq z o uJ ) a Itoz =oF (JzH r,o o =t F I N oz ci ll,l J a u. z3 F F\ \o.it I\o F..{' uiJult- E uJz = t-o uJF Tot E -rO<Fo(()uJ<z.et I.IJ F(42-o dF IIJ) UJl E i I E 2? s3 =Fd6 C) <x :<F =+3 Y, z. =g Eo l-gt) =+E t-o2 )<Ogr JO a En! oz E-e, UJo a o \,) N x 8l $ \ i ,a st { f4 v ts vl lvl o l,lJ llJ .E =e lrJc UJz3o x 5 EoF() EFzoo Gt,z:o o go6.9-a\q €qlo.F ()E e. l}.oa,c.o .gl,s B\ op rC6 oEoo otg !t =to E o = Eq) ,oooE'';oi'tro CD Eo()oqt (J 5 at .2 I 5D o !t (E at '6 c.9ooE ,tioEo(, c .9o .:.Eo:o ttc6 ct!sco -oc 'oF oE'o .o Eo()oqt E (J 5 at .2 tt :'5,lt d:9 |o; 6.1'=ot'; gEEI e!gl € sE: g$E. e96'- clc = ---tb].:'E >, g EE!'o o'--: o ili: SEr(!: c\'E *: g;E il"EeetrrE O'-5at gEi €EE EEA -o6 8l J C 00 U\ (-l lnU 9t IA w dl Y n Br r1 ( d sl r( \I FtE o (9-o 6 -ogJ oz o E () u,J uJ c'z totl {Iz Iul. ullltt!zo UJc(J llJG oE oE u,l5 GzI w 6I oL? e () T UJ.hf an UJ UJ =e, UJc o o =o! =o oaF(, gJ uJ az 6t =A :aIz () llJt NOrl' ]VA !Id$ = =iH5 B = Fq EiE{ zo { o c oEo ul :lel .(l $l :l zo:- Ez tr F : i z ilFI zl zl .. >lo UJol!ulzoF ul z f J oo zv F F 2 5 z tltltltl al,F 3z9o.6?o+IP XSuetltltl o <F2=.:F d6Eg o:(uo ozIc 4 =Fa 5o { d 3 Y \0 crlJ tf: :la. fa.a !!tr == uJr o llJo- E =G UJo. 6EE22E<*eie,_tIEEa9.EE l>. =uJEF85E=j-XCY9<EX tq€i ut @oF z,n9Ztoo =z =E ooZ-eoti 33 CD UJ E =E,l!o-zIF(J3E 6zo(J lu o is ts {q c{ tL { J Iz a r,lJ =D oz l! I I II IJJ @ oJ d q H ;s\sa\ *+iA \J ;\lxJ- IFr6 tJx l"l F l4l;Jl >l d f;lt :|d=qqa H3E I I I ..-l 1-l--91*] SJ R ?ql: 0c tg oz o UJG o z]oF JI Hg dfls I I T1'vl sJNtlis/ : t!,.1 :lg oz (, uJtr lro z]c ll\.\\$ \ r.riJutF I Slv o*l R l--t - $l 3>l H Yl 3q! EI F G UJz3o F(J UJ ts-() E E -rO<FG()uJ<zq trl 2-oa *5c)F F3q: .8 2F s3DFd6() dE =3gE gos{ 6 E T$Es"8qE x)<)<x>( EN i'\f'. 75 3outh t?ontagr rotd U|il, colo?ldo El657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 TO: EROM: DATE: SU&TECT: offlcr ol communlly dcvclopmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII THE TOWN OF VAIL TOI{N OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT UARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING I }TATERIAL STORAGE fn sunnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor material , including trash duurpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on aII Town ofVail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VaiIPublic lforks Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said naterial .In the event the person so notified does not conply with thenotice within the 24 hour tlne specified, the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utillties in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this natter. Po- iti otilef.ttonsh-.p to Pro j ect (i.e. contractor, owner) April 20, 1990 Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 To l{hon It May Concern: This is to advise that the Board of Managers of The Vorlaufer Condoninlun Association has approved the remodeling proJect of Unit No. 105 thereby connectlng lt to Unit No. 205 located ln The Vorlaufer, both units owned by Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Carrol1, Jr. Slncerely, Board of Managers By: Po6t.t"roulln0 rcqu€lt pld 7404 ROUTING - REOUEST PLas6 ! ..oon "o"o..E or"rou. endn ro*ro*ofl .rrr*" tr *ttt oR DrscARD To COLOR,ADO --7-_-' COHEN CONSTRUCTIONnTc. (o (. P,fi { a/r^n^' Dtu To tt/ltc*',b *( 6or"rt-ovV'- o.l 4k p*^*r, hxt'ttu ^*A*A'i* f,*"' rs AtoL|frt fu l*/dng,A*tA'i^Af'r*'6- u*W' Bu'uel/ PrA" (N'ulA W* oyfr4lV [t ol+<-' d-^oolu P'-'(-w A,p fuf, tl*"/L(- t| .t', I /nUb/-- qwr'n p.u.c' 4-zo'qo P.O. BOX 837 / VAIL, CO 81658 / 303-476-4ffi7 -o luwn 75 south trontago road vai!, colorado 81 657 (303) 4?1t-21q' Uay 10, L990 Carroll remodelVorlaufer Unit 205 Contractor: Cohen Const. Pennit # 4375 Plan review is based on 1985 edition of U.B.C., U.l.l.c., U.P.C. and 1987 edition of N.E.C.. The following list of items are deficient in rneeting the minirnurn code requirements adopted by the Town of Vail . Subrnj.tted plans are amended as follows to meet code requirements. 1.) Building is Type v l-hr, all structural eleurents and walls are to be protected with 1-hr fire resistive construction. If there are any questions concerning this issue or any other items pleas feel free to call. Joe Norris Plans Examiner Town of Vail INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMB It/) OF PROJECT INSPECTION: L'AIE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED AM@ BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O FOUNDATION i STEE_ D FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB IJ tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL o D FINAL TGoucH z o.w. X:::T:T'tr GAS PIPING p-{enoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: / Q -Q,-,DATE u- a ,/\--- TNSPECTOR INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOB LOCATION: CTION: JOB ul''q, 6Dr@:\ -(r _., BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E]fOUNDATION / STE tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ''i\\\ r.cr \ | RAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D tro O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: E TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAIJST HOODS O CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR E tr trtr FINAL FINAL qSeenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED ,/ r^oarc h'/7 -,6V rNSPEcroR n$fts,oo lar s ttlx\*rt"*oN REouE$r' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t-.-.-_''--TOWN OF VAIL c-, CALLER TUES c- THUR FRI oor. I l=l JoB NAM READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING O ROUGH / WATER 1-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr TEMP. PO O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oo.rr# 3-t- /C rNSpEcroR l eN\\d\ rrus#crtoN REeuEs.r' TOWN OF VAIL \ \ \ .- r r JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON TUES -S 5 I'c--r€ t--"-a-rl- @ \\ PMTHURFRI Ir'1 -.-q5l) PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEEL boroucn / D.w.v. 94ouc^/ wArERtr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL Kott*ou=o CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED Ot/1DArEx- l-.)o |NSPECTOR + ,1i '*r#iroN REeuEsr'+3+r PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: TQ)ryN OF VAIL c^Rt<ov- -uo[,L/]u44t WED THUR FRI AM PM CALLER oHEN BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL E UNDERGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEEL O ROUGH / D.W.V. ts raRutrlc tr RoUGH / wATEB ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILINGE tr tr u tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL - O o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER o nor-t'bn tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR otr tr FINAL O FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING V(qppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED oor= F-7*Qo rNSPEcroR rNs CTION TOWN OF REQUES,T VAIL JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMB R OF PFOJECT CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB HEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR V 37s PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DA-IE r'/t-// JOB NAME'// -'' INSPECTION REQUEST . OWN OF VAIL FRI q7/ 7t READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES THUR r c/- t BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL INAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr F|\AL tr FINAL tr APPBOVED COBRECTIQI:IS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTI.ON REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR q37{I INSPECTION REQUEST T. TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME \'.J CALLER INSPECTION:READY FOR LOCATION: TUES THUR FRt /" BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR O FINAL APPROVED EI DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEOUIRED INSPECTOR niGs.loP fu/t CTION TOWN OF I /05 REQUEST VAIL /"/j PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME PM BUILDING: B FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W,V. D ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr_- #r'*o. 1tl 0 Ur,*o.- ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING RouGH {D D tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL Hfi'erruspecroN REeur REDPPROVEDtr DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: n-."{. u,q INSPECTOR fnu. r*sPEcrroNrs coltPLErED a Tbe lteue below oeed to be coupl€te before glvlng a pernl.t a flnel C of 0. PleaEe check off {n the box provlded. rINAL USCHANICAI FINAL PLNAING DATE: IMPROVEUEN! SURV T RESID. NAME: DATE: M FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE: WEST SIDE:\-\s-\tDATE: rultLl=-" I TN,TPORARY C OF O DATE: f- I i CERTITICATE OF OCCUPA}TCY DATE:l LAI{DSCAPINC DT'E DATE! FILE NAUB: -,) -t) oz ts =EqJ o- IH lo I I I I I I l- r6 IE tzro I I l.', .Ft<to I I I l- rE IFlaz t= lotz -i- o tr tr+6*E.q ld Effi€ \IE E6A-EsEasi.9;aqr=sfi:€i :(/)'voo uP 5 30 EiEsE- o;9fr .c= d) (,, c st!r€6 i;o: 3 H:Ea iBiEi Y o =ZZU-o ooE o- 4= P E AE .r,oEZt-()garn.JZXu-<9q iHcrg =R 2'. Y uJHN(J zl .. >l IJJ UJ IJJzotr UJ -J z E o :< q, IJg)lco.6 | t=ll>l I co 1.,- '-1(url>+l o'tz F-i Jl! OJ!o (U d. otn an .tt = ui =z o..) I JIItrlol zl FI Pvlco(-) L o)q-rF c,(o -cal, E l! ol =.1ol|rtItrl il ilol zl aFI (J I +J cto UJ tr Jl <l>l t!lol zl 3lolFI I I I I "lzl oll!l 5t al>l lLlol =l g Ol uFIF (r UJz I.lJ J d. tlj tJ,l E.2? =#]F-.6 o F Fz. () z t I,IJ Eii b= u,l tsu,oo-zo F(L ulY IJJlo oF FQco =@lr chu.t Fo. bKl o- F-l8il I ol gur 2E )\\.L z.-o :ytr csF*- 53 :d8> F u, uJoz oo F IEc JFr-= O. IJJ>o-O|!9o\ LlJxo-x>EF J)tr llJ F go Eco o oE 'E rE E IJ o go E oo,o!--- E =E UJo-zIF()l E.Fazo() D!tr E*= A;E a gEn A IH:>J $t : ] F -) \.J a:) o tr o €o ).> -l) G' IF lo I Idr'lut! =E trJ oz = uJ o- 'rc o ! oEoo O)co'5 @ E o :) 0, o o-o(! 3 .9 o c 'F o ooo o o (D o t,;(g o E 0, 3 E o E (D o (J c o) c 0) c) q) 3 o E euJl :l flzl >-l olFI loin t s z(,9zQ coo>z Jcl O- Lr-\Nnlr o! (D o u,F6 ..' zo F LIJY llj oF tr E uJ ll-o o C) I luFoz F:<Fz,:, YZut< .. >l o t.IJtrlz an tr ul o- J zo E o o =z.>f,9z EO3E J =l+l t!F o b E& tr.lo-zo F C) EFazo() u, ul F zIF v7z F tt,: T (J J<</r(5(j= =ai _'i -: ur,6ri= ,\',\ ', ,L.lL. Jr J E ul4ttoEEyzE<af€fra9va('=s I i'-. 5 FE; >o-i 8t9 lrn= xo_; ;-X tu'd1Ei UJ @ oEE LU:c G.FFoz E F() F -.r O<FC(Jr!<zE trj =z CD -) LU(!l llt t F qJ u)ttluu- L = ) oF F z = UJ z F- lrJ o =g IU z -r/l lrJ oj l J 9 t- C)u, UJ zI F {-to3l!ozIFe. E() tllo Gluz uJo zz F.o- A ){ "iJ5 6 7>.6:(!< v=a-d>C'FO .i .'i =I u, G ltl zo Eo I zo F cttFJ B UJz Jl I;l Iit Igl "ldl 1llsl Qt :l0l illolJfl: iJ FI F oz dtu& I t!oz 7oF t- ( IJv 0,/\\ )rtr\ ; {l El dlzl dl fl ;l 2l 3l FIq= lt ?l L il l- JJr{frt3tdgli 4=u ^fil $ FI R ,dt.ltr'll ol 3lgl oz F =G llJL !f, N c) rr) an UJult! F =E UJo- rll i {1 , '-, /:,f n l,I lt :.?: 4l ll o IJJ F z zof o .6 =z I l"', .Ft<to I I I I l* rE z t= lotz ,z [!IF 9l!u-o (Jz J UJz B ut z oc 6.9)63qEE (Dc -\(E(,'y io Qi \ Sn* \9c F. I p'6 E \,,o::9 .. e€:'' \,5.o c .t6;X'' l -!F..1E5e E?I -:.5 E r,.9N P YE-4,; \* 3 Ee, \iootr \-F O Eec -o;6o9: n.= '-Ep9(!66 Es3I qr.E :E= E3d o(/,FEo6 'iol- :''= pqoytsopo-;-! o-oc6l'; s.g s E'S E go'=E g8 -A € -..qsF35g cL'-oo(! -:=e;> ci Er- d.outoc eo Cg €eJq!-=- o-(! ;(5'-E <t r. Ee(! E6OELtr O(! 6c-c(5 -E60 nr@oE 0)fE8o(! tFGO >,9-oo9' O,o)F-c6 -o a f..$. q (] N\ $o $c\ \ 3 t c N "t{C)o (.c)fo cc c c ({ ) CfrJ) t()N rD E =e UJo-oz Io uJ oz IEFo uJJiu z ao =J J () z tu = UJllJt!zoF u.l q) uJ oo; u,l u,Ezo ulo o- uJ 2 IJ,JJ x F uIo a uJt!u- ==t u.lc J FoF (Jzo -tlo J EFo UJ arJ ozo =J L Iz o IIJt NOtlVnlVA xEo =Zu-oo6zto ao uJo uJ2!! N E >G E tr,t =O z tr^ FEato1>9C)aJzt!<oo- lr-(J;o .ioi z F J 1! E ti UJ F 6 =UJ zo Fo z E tlJ J =IJJz tltltlll P_zlz9n<oo< =Hxrr <z oFz,. 9z .": F tro =tr IJJ lJJ ci (t, (1, luzYI ulat F ) o 3 a trl =l zl .. >loul UJulzot5trut(L z Eoo II l.lol<t9td l;:lioH =Y cc co I vl ai-t J < l<{l x i }(,t o I F =l d I t t! (E L 11rf) f) ,'...,] t i i i. i r.:. i {UJ-F >@,o,oi i-;z o F,0-ulY uJo oi.F ',F, Enrfrg r o.'', bdr>. oF. 8El< HuJ,bk;zo ; z t',l.Y Z*.dto =z dP if;3dd= tr ltl IL E Itloz ; F I (L Jl-LU-h= o- lu>LO|!9oiulxo-x> ;F =tr UJ(0 F co Ecloo Btt .E .5 E EoIJ o ts =E, UJo-zoF()fEF CNzo() D!! :<o I coro IFItelPl IF) l.'-ll!rrtl 2 i^r J :lr o!aFuE co]nvl att = ii =zoo -! dl z.l ol IJJI ccl JI ?l +,ul l-(u(F(F (u (rt at1 G I I dl =.1ol :|ilol zl 3lolFI C' L +J C.,(u t! =tr ol IJJIEl Jl <l>l bl zl 3lolFI ol z.l (rl llll 5l <l>l l!lol =l olFI I I I .l =.1ol IJJI 1l <l>l |rIol =l sol u.rFI F OOzl- =<ZE )zrro E -rO<F r!<ZE[!F(1 Zo o [! E z To t/J = \.,, z I EF! BATJIWIN ASSOCXATES ARCBITECTS, INC. 1000 solnE FRoNTAGE RBAD, fi3ST v.trTl, COLORADO 81657 (303) 476-4433 28 Aprtl 1983 ME}O TO: llr. Steve Pett6rson Tom of Vatl - Chlef Bulldtng Offtctal Steve, I have dl.rcuescd wlth Mr. tfagson your stipulatlon for approval of the Lnstallatl.on of rough-ln plutblng ln the loft 3/4 bath wfrlch ts pendlog future approval by the Plenning and Enflromeotal ComLeelon and Torm Councl,l. ltr. lfarson hae agreed to rerove the p&dbtng rough- ln ghould the future approval be deoled by the above ageacles. RIiB:p t DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER 0,utr' fu a AM PMTUES /WED t THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED GORRECTIONS: //-zv-f?INSPECTOR O TowN oF vAlL O INSPECTION CARD (MUST BE POSTED ON JOB S|TE) NAME PERMIT NO./6.t / Lrc. No.NTRACTORS Owner: General Contractor: Excavator: Foundation: Plumber: Electrician: Mechanical: r1,(D E<6cfPtc Framer: Insulator: Dry Wall: Painter: Roofer: CONTRACTOR NAMES AND LICENSE NUMBER MUST BE LISTED INSPECTIONS Excavation Footings / Steel Foundation / Steel Ground Plumbing Engineering (Utilities) Temp. Electric Rough Plumbing - D.W.V. Rough Plumbing - Water Rough Electric Gas Piping THE ABOVE TO Hough Framing Insu lation Sheet Rock Nail Exterior Stucco Wire Nailing Final Plumbing Final Electric Final DRB Fire Inspection Final Engineering (Utilities) Final Building BE COMPLETED AND APPROVED BEFORE PROCEEDING ,.7 UPON FINAL APPROVAL OF ALL ABOVE INSPECTIONS, RETURN THIS CARD TO BUILDING DEPT. FOR ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPPANCY $25.00 REPLACEMENT CHARGE FOR LOST INSPECTION CARD FOR TNSPECTTONS CALL 476-7000, EXT. 101 0R 102 24 Hours In Advance Belween 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday Through Friday DISAPPROVED I INSPECTION. TOWN OF REQUEST, VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI 21AMI PMUJ BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB B.hPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR L^ln i t u't B *.d-{CTION TOWN OF REQUESTVAIL .. (l C. o t+'> IN ZJ ro, *o",Uu. / 6, ,,L-DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:@;,WED THUR\'a BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE. tr FRAMING tr INSULATION ET SHEETROCK n tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n B FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT T1 O SUPPLY AIR n aMr tr FINAL //,* 4FfftovED EI DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED ICORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR I 1,. i]DATE r -.,1 . JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSP^ECTION: rNsPECfl*O|l, t\ ..4 ttl REQUES.TVAIL t CALLER TUES THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND -*1BOUGH/D.w.v.. d BOUGH/WATERFRAMING\|. L\, tr tr tr tr tr tr tr o ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr lqls PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr pOOr- / H' TUB NAIL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. PO\ ER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL REINSPECTIOru. REOU{FCOPROVED COBBECTIONS: E] DISAPPROVED /- ; INSPECTORo, or*5- 'i'-'(2 ,"#"toN REeuE$r TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr tr tr .tr tr {] tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr B cl tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PEC MINUTES FOR THE 8/2 I 2/83 MEETI NG : trese mrls approved. 1._to_ have not been 5.Request for a dens i t control vari ance ction .l8.64.050 B) in orde to et an CI sqfto to the 'i nterior sDace o un orrau er oml n t ums at 385 ree Dick Ryan presented the memo. Rie n said that heat a broad brush change (a zoning amendment) and was nowstated that the staff's entire basis for denial was that demonstrated (that was not self imposed).. Baldwin stated that Vail was mostly small lots when it was created, and thereforethis was a hardship in a way. He felt that the TOv would receive a benefit by eliminating one bedroom, therefore density is being reduced. Baldwin added thathe understood there would be a proposal made by the pianning staff regarding changesallowing an increase in interior space when thire wei^e iial6-orts whiitr wouTa benefitthe town' Baldwin wondered if the definition of density was the size of bedrooms,or the type of space use. If:.wl::oll:-tlre app'licant, ggve the history of the units in the vortaufer, statinsrnat the l(itchens were 6'x 7'with a loft over each kitchen. Pierce felt that the applicant had. a legitimate request, that he was not creatinga situation for new construction, he wai el iminating a bedroom, and not changingthe exterior. Pierce said he was not bothered uv itris ieqr"sr. Morgan asked how the loft was going to be used, and wasson felt it might be a TVroom' but the ceiling was-low. Morgan felt the proposal looked favorible, sincethe staff had talked-of allowing tride-offs. Viele agreed with Gordon in. feeling that this was a special case, had a pos.itiveaspect' an improvement in the unit, and said he could'see the traiasn.i p. Piper stated that originally when he read the memo,and was still not sure therb was a hardship, but hewas a positive aspect, especially since there were Donovan said she would like to support the request especialty if the Town were to Tg:iI:_: written.guarantee that the density would remain reiuced. However, ihesalo Enat she could not support the increasbd density considering the memo ieceivedfrom Rider and Eskwith regarding variance requests. Trout said that he had no problem and agreed with Gordon. Corcoran stated that the board did have a set of rules to follow, and had to dealwith the zoning ordinance. . He suggested that wasson could maybe appeal to td--Town council. Ryan stated that ii and when the unit *is sot-a, tnbi.e wai-no - guarantee that the space would not return to a bedroom. pierce asked if the boardcould add a condjtion that the space-iou'ld not be rs"d as a'bedroom, and Eskwithanswered that a condition courd be added if it were reasonably retaiea, b;i ih;;"was a question of enforceability. l,,asson stated that the.ililng *ii io-fo*l'tn"space could not ever be consideied a bedroom. Donovan moved and iorioian-sei6ioeo !o deny th--e-- request qer,the staff memo. The vo Corcoran, Morgan, and Piper votinq nial . had made an attempt being specific. He no hardship had been he had felt no hardship existed,felt that eliminating a bedroom no exterior changes. Town of Vail F:I,ECTRICAL PMMIT Job N Electrical Contractor Date of Applicarion.... .-...-.4-^.t.---.4.F-.-..--.-.-...-..-..-...-----rs..2/......-....... N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee rra t. f. ttclara! lo,, oaxvtl lloalz 51,4 s-...-..-...--.....-......... * Jso.4 $...-....-..-............-... $.................-.......... APPROVALS ft,6t ,/t z5'?z THIT FORT Ig TO BE FOSTED Oil JOB SITE DURII{G CONSTRUGTTO]I 2I IIOUNS ADVANCE NOflCE REQI,'IRED FOR INSPECTIONSI , I'Util lc N0 | tcl NOTICE IS llEREllY GIVLN Lhat the Planning and Environnrental Crrrruuission of thc Town of Vajl will hold a public hearjng in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on August 22, 1983 at 2:00 pnr in the councjl chambers in the Vail municipal building. Public hearing and consideration of: l. Request for an amendment to Sections .|8.04.030, .|8.22.090, and 18.24..|30 in order to remove accommodatjon unjts from density controls jn the Commercial Core I and the Publaic Accommodation zone districts. The procedure will follow those set forth for amendments in Sections .l8.66..l00-.l8.66..l60. Applicant: Lodge Properties, Inc.. 2. A request for an exterior alteration to the Village Center Project at 122 East Meadow Drjve to add a nel retail addition on the east end, to revise the entrance to Toymaker's Trail, to construct addjtions to the retail shops, and to construct .a new sidewalk along the north side of the project. Procedures will foilow those found in Section .l8.26.045 of the Vail Municipal Code and the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan. Applicant: Fred Hibberd 3. Request for a density control variance to Section 18.64 (B) in order to remodel and add 9J square feet of GRFA to the interior space of unit #306, Vorlaufer ,,, Condominiums at 385 Gore Creek Drive, Lots l4-18, Block 5, Vail Village'5thV in accordance with Section .|8.62 of the municipal code. Applicant: Edward B. Wasson. Request for a conditional use permit in accordance with Sect'ion .l8.60 of the Vai'l Municipal Code in order to construct an enclosed swimmjng pool on Lot 5, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch,758 Potato Patch Drive in a Primary/Secondary zone district. Appl icant: Gary Bossow Request for a rear setback variance and for a stream setback variance in a High Density Multi-Family zone distri ct in order to enlarge a deck on units 4A and 48 of the Texas Townhorror, 483 Gore Creek Drive. The procedures will follow those set forth for variances in Section .l8.62 of the nrunicipal code. Applicants: H. Thomas and Delores B. Coghill 6. Request for the modification of a conditional use permit in accordance with Sectjon 18.60 of the Vail Municipal Code in order to expand the playground to accommodate a sodded soccer field at the Vail Mountain School at 3.|60 Katsos Ranch Road, on part of lot .l2, Block 2, Vajl Village 12th. Applicant: Vail Mountain School , Inc. 4. 5. 7. Request for a condjtional use perrnit in Special Developrlent lljstrict #4' Cascade Village in order to construct a sl<i trail connecting Simba ski trail below the lower face to Cascade Village. Applicant: Andy Norris B. Request for a minor subdjvision to vacate a lot line between lots 25 and 26' Bighorn Terace Subdivision. Procedures to follow those found in Section 17.20 of the Vail Municipal Code. Applicant: Ted P. Stockmar 9. Request for exterior alteration to the Lionshead Arcade located on part of site A plus Parcel l, Lot 3, Block I, Vail Lionshead First Filjng, at 483 East Lionshead Ma] t in order to build a commercial addition in the interior corner facing northeast. Applicant: Lazier Commercial Propenties. The appljcation and information relating to the proposals are avajlable in the Zoning Administrator's office during regular business hours for review or inspection by the public. TOI'JN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A. PETER PATTEN, JR. Zoni ng Admi n'i strator Pub'lished in the Vail Trai'l August 5, 1983 PLANN ING l2:00 pm Si te Vi s'i ts 2:00 pm Publjc Hearing I. 2. Approval of minutes of meeting of July 25' Request for in order to Core I and Propert'ies , AND TNVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION August 22, 1983 Request for exterior alteration to the the deck of Blu's Beanery. Applicant: 3. Request for a cond'itional use perm'i t 'in Special -Development District #4, C;a;;de Viitage'in order to construct a ski trail connecting Simba ski trail below t[e lower face to Cascade Village. Applicant: Andy Norris an amendment to Sections '18.04.030, 18.22.090' and 18.24..|30 remove accommodation units from density controls in the Commercial the Public Accommodatjons zone districts. Applicant: Lodge I nc. Gore Creek Plaza Building to enclose Charles Rosenquist 4. 5.Request for a density control variance to Section 18.64'050 (B) in orderReAUgSt fof a dens'lty COnIrOl varldnce LU JELL rUIr rerv'r'v"v \r', li"i"iio"i'uno-ioa 9i square feet of GRFA to the interior space.of unit #306, Vorlaufer condominiums at 385 Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Ed Wasson Request swrrmr n9 for a conditjonai use permit in order to construct an enclosed pool at 758 Potato Pitch Drive. Applicant: Gary Bossow to be tabl ed to be tabl ed 7. 8. 9. '10. ll Request for a rear setback variance and for a stream setback variance in orciei to enlarge a deck on units 4A and 48 of the Texas Townhouses' 483 Gore Creek Dr.ive. Applicants;. H. Thomas and Delores B. coghil1 Request for the modification of a conditional use-permit. in. order to expand tnd-piivgiound to accommodate a sodded soccer field at the Vail Mountain Schobl i[ StOO Katsos Ranch Road. Applicant: Vail Mountain Schoo], Inc' Request for a minor subdivision to vacate a Iot line between lots 25 and 26, Aignorn Temace Subdivision. .Applicant: Ted P' Stockmar Request for exterior alteration to the Lionshead Arcade located at 483 fadi t-ionsnead Mall in order to build a commercial addition in the interior iorner facing northeast. Applicant: Lazier Connercial Properties' Request for an exterior alteration to the Village Center Proiect at 122 Eadt Meadow Drive to aaa a new retail addition on the east end, to revjse ihe entrance to Toymaker'.s Trail, to construct additions to the retail itops, ana to consiruii d new sidewalk along ttre north side of the proiect' Appl icant: Fred Hibberd , MEMORANDUM T0: Planning and Environmental Commission FR0M: Department of Conunrlnity Development DATE: August .|8, l9B3 SUBJECT: Request for a GRFA variance for Unit #306 at the Vorlauferto add approximately 103 square feet. Applicant: Ed Wasson DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED Mr. Wasson wishes to remodel his condominium at the Vorlaufer, and in so to_add about 103 square feet to his existing loft. The vorlaufer is overallowable GRFA and, thus, no more floor area is available for him to add.appl.icant argues that the proposal better utilizes the interior space of condominium and that the result would eliminate a bedroom which attually"theoretical" density on the site. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS doi ng its The +L^LI IE reduces Ypon-revigw of crileria gnd !ind=rngs, section .t8.62.060 of the Municipal code, the_Deparlmen! of Community Development recommends Oeniat @variance based upon the fol Th9 rglat!onshiq of, the,rgqyested variance to other existinq or potential uses and structures in the vicinitv. *re *t, " r" --,t- t-*ts created on existing or potential uses andstructures in the vicinity. The board of djrectors of the condominium assocjation has endorsed the proposal . Consideration of Factors The ree to which relief from the strict or literal 'i nter retation and enforce- ment of a specif regul ati on 'i s necessar to achieve atibilit uni iormitof treatrnent among aitea.nJ-Tfe-tTal;j-W or to attai n ecti vestitle without grant of specjaT-privJtEG. Ne, of course, have had many similar applicatjons such as this for GRFA variances 9y"-lg a change in family slze, famjly'tomposition, personal interior likes anddislikes' etc. The pl anning staff ani PEC have been consistent in the recognitionthat these arguments do not represent a justifiable hardship to grant a GRFAvariance. This type of variance request falls into the category of self-createdhardship andnot one related to physical difficulties of the iite which cannotbe overcome. While the staff realizes that negative impacts upon others wouldnot.be created, there remains no valid reason, under the given criteria, to grant such a special privilege. #306 Vorlaufer -2- e/18/83 lle gffEct or the req?.ts{1eriance on :infrl-ur!-jfir$r.lqtj-9!-9lpopylation, transportatJon and traffic facilities, public facilities andutil ities, and publ ic safety There wou'l d be no effect upon these factors. deemsSuch other factors and criteria as the commi ssion proposed variance. FI NDI NGS licable to the recommends denial of the requested varjance.find no bona fide hardship and feel the fhg Planning,and Envilonmental commission shatl make the following findings betore granting a variance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classifjed iir the sime d i stri ct. That the granting of the variance w'ilI not be detrimental to the public health, lgfety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements inthe vicinity That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation w9u]d result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inionsistentwith the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions app'l icableto the site of the variance that do irot apply generaliy to other prbirertiesin the same zone. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation'ryoul! deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other-propertiesin the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The Department of Conmunity Development As in similar previous applications, wegranting would be a special privilege. f4 o boldwin ossociotas orchitocts, inc. orchitactura . plonning NATIJRE. DISCUSSION AIID JUSTIFICATION. OF VARIA}ICE REQI'EST ThLe varlance request pertalne to Chaptet 18.54 "Non-conformlag SLtes' Usee, Structuree and Stte Inprovementr'r (Deneity Control). Unlt #306 of construct lon hae owned the FIn the Vorl.auf er hae been tn 1967 or 1968. 0ver the applicant since lte 15 years that tlre applLcant owued by the pa8t wLth fact, the epatial requLreoents for 4 bedroous and a loft DJe to the arrangenent of the bedroome and bathroo[e tbat thls sLtuation too could be lnproved upon, along Lt a 314 bath could be added there- fore allowlng an eni8tlng bath to be nodlfled to serve only the master bedroon. The new 3/4 bath would Eerve the other upstairs bedroom and the loft elttlng area, aad the lower lenel bath would reoaln ae Lt exists, servlng the 3ril bedroom antt tloublLng as a povder room for the lower level elthout dl.rect acceaa through the bedroon. CF plan area and the of the for a loner, non-vault ed ceillng over are no longer neceseary for thffi Realizlng thLs' along with the deslre to Lmprove upon a groesly m facllity anffithe appllcant wae itilliag - {|-tq and nake them functlonally more ueefull an rqll} In aalditl.on, thle unlt in Lte 4 bedroom conflguratlon had only 2 sna1l bathroous each shared blFnrtt-l Lt wae apparent lower level the Beat ing des lre dining been accompllshed wlthout altering or lncreas lng the encloged voluue. A11 aDy The Vorlaufer le one of the early Vail. structures whlch Lfled as non-confo to the current Zonlng Ordinanq e deneity. the8e nodifLcat ioae have the exterlor bulldlng eoveloPe has been claes- lrlth respect to of of tlI|IIIFl Lt ts re@eeted by the eppllcant vla this variance thar aD aaldltlona-(appro Thie Lncrease ln of bedrooms fron GRFA would 4to3and be nitlgated by a reductlon ln the number theref 1000 south frontogo rood utast . voil, colorodo 81657 303/4764433 The applicant haa full support Corporatlon as elgnl.fled by the It should be further noted that of the Board of Managers of the Vorlaufer slgnatures on the appll.cation form. Sectlon 18.04.130, GRFA tould allov the cr:eat ion of u 0l{ 7 rI\ , \, at rd , d D d il I ,,o:2 "6 ali EI $l d o J j s zrl d 0 Ht 6l fi i' t, 2-r?il "oiD -- r,f ''C ='ro l-t3 oL'8-t,,?-,9 /.r..r d a$e N f- t b\ ,a,t?o2 t ill ) o UJ t1./- do\L -,t I ,rV-r1 ,reJ' u?iv rt ;";T rf .r,r d n2 {t ?r.. ? n\ -* -t I II I I oo I I Id 2 rJl 4.- J t E E 3 dot =-l -'i!i I I Oo TF il*II t ' ,1.,. r. Thi: 1l ,The A. i t" ,B; Application n.to@ l+JuLy t162. APPLICATION FORM I.'OR A VARIANCE is required for any projecb reguesting a Variance. will not be accepted unt.il all information is submitted. s Procedure application NA}48 OF ADDRESS NAME OF ADDRESS 9. AUTHORIZATTON4 OF PROpERTV OWNER Sanuel A'4McCray APPLICA}IT PHoNEebl,24b7 uo ApplrcANfls REpREsENrArrvE RlcK E Altll)lN . c. LEGAL DEScRrprroN lotl4-lE ulock 5 rlrir,svAllvruJV}F- gs. 04 E. .F postage thebl t/rit 'r'.^) t ,iU ''twry ,t1./' ft.r' I t-!.=\:=416.Mrt Edr.rard B. Wasson OF THE VORLAUFER CORPOMTION SIGNATURE -t7.LcL B ADDRESS PHONE . The BOARD OF MANAGERS a D.LOCATION OF. PROPOSAT ADDRESS FEE. $100.00 plus an amount equal to the then current first_ctassrate for each property owner to be notified hereurder. A l-ist of the names of owners of all property ad,jacent tosubject property and thelr addrcsses, I -,v lAl'lhfr I3il5||rrao.ra oata DIL1E - Forr| wVB.t Y-l for epplleetl.oa for a Vatleoe.. Ed Waeem ProJect tE3Of ' ":>'.'" u^ A* ott.olttTtot 1 F. Vatl Athletl.c Club 352 Eaet Meadow Drtve Vall, Colorado 81657 476-0700 (North) Vail Tralle Chalet West (East) 413 East Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Garileo Of The Gbde Club At Vall (South) 355 Gore Creeh Road Vail, Colorado 81657 476-0852 Row llouee Condonln iums 303 Gore Creek DrLve ValI, Colorado 81657 (west) hok/ ,r///rs o = ts =e UJo- r) -l D3) .ft ooo o (Y o IJJ IJJt! F =E UJc '/tTn*d t\ O) (Y) $j L =, dd. ==>d. rr\rcoro\ ti Ir ",.i' (\l tLllik-to'i t< zrg =>r ?- 2vgE uJF F F z = zz tt)lllF z o =oJ (D .at o 4z..) ulIFoz t!J UJo =I trot! toFo c 2oo ulGlF zoo (o rr) !-lo CY) xoco o EoE auls L o{.c s( E\}q-\.!a <tz4(|l Eo a)E ooc(E oT'oo o) .g =f .rtdla, F56c) sbJEiox(-)t ioltl t-lcl'l6 ^l ==l'= zl6<tE Ult z. t!Jc) o.o.6d 3 EEgg Eg E: € EE:3 ;E:E !EEf EE: E s.; ge SEie EEig EEEE -o,Yo-+. tr f60'-EG',:i o c' gEi; lfiE;9E-o -eEgi - o 6= c! (r)<ir-(I r-{ otr)(\l lr(\ f DD -l -{ E =G, uJo0 =J Y llrI z ) F I! uJ (,z to = J 2- uJE UJutItz tr gJ IIJ o o @ =UJ UJ z 6 uJ al, q- uloc?z IJJJ x F uJol (t uJ IJJu- E =G uJo. J FoF z 6 -J to C) EFo UJJ uJ z E J 9z -o uJ- FcF NOrrvntYA IE IEt==l&>El d)l =iNl== o cu l= EE = =ic9 90- ;e =iiOOEFe, flib{ :FEg g= F.NO F o z.lrj F :Z zo F J l! CE c(9 uJo- F o O(a g o- llJc, z tro6 i-zo F c, llJFJ =uJz tl U' 2 z9.qkoo<o* =Pii .: <z oF<F9= EOBdOI ui J (E o ao IJJzYIIF z F oz J =F IJJ lt 3 _l -,r I<l FI zl zl .. >lo llJ uJu,zo = ul J zI =oo z tro 5ql lt- l"lrt5t6l|!JltJ> I lE'F t-{ I l-l an r,rJo(\ O C:) 44a ru A 2 ',a- J.a uJ E(t) c)oazo Fo- UJY UJo oF Err Eso. lt l\lo-l )rlo- '-l(') llo o.lrl PuJ 23 z oPz4 0oo =z=>JO O- u- Enn E UJ |to+. utE9E<CL]6Ut6u)E9!ir 5EF '-t t- = tJJ :-E h=o JiiT :FE 659 \utE XO-t x>t q- €= uJo oF II - E =Elrlo-zoF()f E. 6zo() EEi =H5)<><- EIESJU ', J t! Fo o(\t Jrdag lrl JJod.d. O 1! =z (D -) JJodd, (J F&. =z U)th IJJ J = (O or(o(\t I(o j o- .d n E ttlItlllEoo I o- n FIJ'zo(J =lJ.l.roc)t t!- oz oulE) tl.o z3 F lrj I 1r)<lr-l l oz ci u.l J IIo z3o F (\l(a Iol<fo) u u F o , = I J Ll J )= Etr lot 7olulE J t!qz3 F r.o (7)r\ LO INGI@ uiJ IIJ F g tI- ciz ci IJJ J a tt z3oF =tr lol z.J olutlEl J <l>l ltoz =1oF uiJ' UJF. I g, uJz =o Fo IJJF C)E t -rO<FG()uJ<zEIIJ F <5 zo () J 9EFO uJ - Y 2 Y z)J ozo = Jo- Y, 5{I z 6E 43 gE trtr =+Eo2<QgE ^ I I oos o lrJl'|tgt i .Eolt oFo Fz o ut E 0)E g .ct .E .9 CLq (o. c 3foF @\-c o atoo 6 6 b. o o Ec(lt oE o CDc = dl E o =cl do o clo.o ; .o o j-oc o?i (!.Y,.=6Ak gEE: EEHE =j.:oE 6P:Ec-o>'-a =.s:5i ; gi; =968IoSoB5;; E EiRI!Eo Et gE ElsecL o o-isEteo!Eor =fi:€E6:F :E! H *eEEa,!=; - CL; C) 6o'-!.c= 0, (,, gtie ; s:; FA;E cSgg - o 6J I I I o o \" Io oo E Et! z ! ao (n IIJluu- E =cs J FoF ttso =l!oz 9Fo- Eo UTo J E uJz uJ(, lr) ,R\J z9at 6 o.foE(, (,z c ()oo a\i \ A EJ: z9 ol z o UJL F; t! ci u.) J z9troo .. >lo u.lol!ulz <tl- = UJ z E zo F tulF 3llJz il t!l :l FI J.3 {tlJq eC \\ ol =.1ollJllGlJI <l>l ltlol =lolH I .il ol ;l AI il =ol uJFIF uJ =z .Do-l G, -rO<FEQ r.lJ <zEUJF6Z-oo oF(J tFzo() J c Fo UJ uJ -(r()O z, l =f]Fd6 (J o F C) g. Fzo() (rt: = Oz lrl F ,-r (\t F =dl+lo- (5 = -J lJ- dol! olrlolr,lrjz, t/, (tz. =JJot! UJFa @o1zo Fo- uJY ulo :{ IuF o o- I utFoz ilrd><fr 91 o-x5Esg = €E3B =3 : lrl I =zifg- =F5 ff l- ,-,EEl E= H =I i=g sl :r? E5E El =sgSHJ \uKn Jur Ip+* --E E =E lrJo-zoF(J:lE 6zo(J - e .xx oF E E uJ_.4,lro lr t! Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Carroll, Jr. c,/o Brandess-Cadmus Real Estate 281Bridge Street Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Carroll: This letter acknowledges your request to proceed with remodeling of unit #205 recently purchased by you in the vorlaufer condominiums in accord- ance with plans submitted bY You. These plans have been reviewed and approved based on the following condicions: No plumbing or electrical alterations will be incompatible with present installations (the Board is concerned with alterations that could cause leaks and damage to other apartments). I.{o alterations will effect load bearing walls. The enterior of the Vorlaufer building cannot be changed in any way' on behalf of the other owners of vorlaufer, we would like to welcome you to our building. Sincerely, Board of Managers -.-_ COLORADO PERMIT UMBER OF PROJECT CTION TOWN OF PE REQUEST VAIL INSPECTION: CALLER TUES ] i\i\ '')h't l, ;;J FRI)'k<. . , , il11 READY FOR LOCATION: ,ir'i,\,\ 11 ' MON WED PMAM j[) r. / CORBECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMTNO'in',.ti \,'''.fr D 19.95:W.qFl tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr E POOL / H. TUB NAIL o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER o tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr F'dAL tr FINAL yI'APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE + ,,L L7 /lNSpEcroR -/.",- ,' , r'*\ .-:.-, ,,,// on @ YoFWLlr v? ||ca d FF-l4o ?91 vA[ L, *QWFFW 'b YI|Y l4b1 *rlpafrPF P ?a tsFelL a1 VLVVI-TqA + fiqTW v bq/eer€'nesng irc 143 e rneodor d. suile n-'10 crcs|od shoppn€ c€de{ \od. colqodo 81657 n3/476-2170 i 4'L"l 6.ffi PFHqrg 'J tl E sr { s tn ,1al*ft *RH4 Hruu I do6f+ fnb(sawry'or{ t on r-.t -,'---\-t\| -/-'-'\ \ I t / /t I tll\-/ +'-- -- ' .'r I br')de er€rnee{r€. rrc 143 e rreodo,v dr surle n-10 crosroods slrcppirg cefl ter rorl. colorodo 81657 3n3/a7G2170 o,^\ '. :'L! {'..5ffis#i'li f4eo6 +f--v\oo !-t.t'+ +AretI bTtr'lqh "','; T /,e r' l% rll /or4'La''- wxl6Tttl4 ?".'lrii r*4 Qr v L F PVovJ telv+ avr-t4 b roxb ti,rtL|r4tl/a e,b.r, 4 Ntt'L,, , "'tr t4,L 3E*Y1 h brQ,&ctLll4tlq F/l"vr*;e wt-Fl\' bl 5f eo r1r: f V*e o ffi.t^F Q re ac, rt-l y1 H4 a A 't ' lVa .x]h f4- Vl D 4ilv f Lo€' ? Ltid {e Cgqbltr tflve?Ir-r>' 1' ?f F e.fobfiFCfr z1)o Vtc'.:? Jui'vI> lo ll=L'+ 4 ?ttl€ /-*6 FFt-('tt'1l htlcila+ + ,e'T' vEtsrt . V{hF rlfN a:?D ?L,;*'g ?F-pfl<' od Ex l6f lHcr lApVt'* ' ,1 Ft4p1 . PPD '.zo itr2 51 u Pt gv uail. V oFLFUf LF +aoq #'(t,czv, Vftt- ,6aroghpobo hf P-t L 14b1 1tt-a" L ){{>t t-u"x\\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILonlur,{.20fJOB NAME CALLER MON TUES * I I Itoerc 3 lV,tl/ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL a h'f r .' ,, { " z l'-, ,':f tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR tr 4,*o,tr FINAL \PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED r- oA_,-.- :,'-..t('' 9 INSPECT .)- PECTION I ro{\-{.F REQUESTVAIL t ------@ PM ,\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECTq-- DATE -J =*<'l-\\tJoB READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. GAS PIPING ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT _tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED - | INSPECT i''q+<: I, \ \).-r \+ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAMEDATE , -- READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL {aoucn/D.w.v.ffi ffnoucx / wArER (J t f^ ' I\. r-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT'\ \ \! -\-s\DATE '.,JOB NAME -...1-t -INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL (S. 1\. CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIO MON TUES WED rHUR 6l--)PM .,)r. BU trl El trl IDl ol Ol tr ILDING:PL tr tr o tr tr tr UMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:M tr tr tr tr ECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER HEATINGI rEMP. \noucn EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL ,,F/nppnoveD --?.,'/\ / / CORRECTIONS: - tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED ., r 1., INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . {,/u, I n {ru -_@@ (_ (,h/.() / READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor= .t lz lf1 ,o" BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB VSHEETROCK 11411- Clr---= tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECT PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE *-sv^ s PE c-rl*o||, $E Q u Esr . ,,/. INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR EI APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: \:| DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ol INSPECTION TOWN OF a REQUESTVAIL t ..----tr -- ol JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI AM ,PMREADY FOR LOCATION: r',''i11 WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATERtr FBAMING 11 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr;FINAL tr FINAL ('ti ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL B..FINAL PROVED i CORRECTIONS: tr OISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION FEQUIRED INSPECTORDATE I M FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belovr item need to be complete before giving a permit a fjnal C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMP0MRY C of 0 DATE: oz E =Gulo- or t\ o Oo@ OIootr) (ft uJulu-t =I!L s Ni= I N'$ \LF Jig: lu o e. F Iz o o = U' uJF z zo =l (D o! z? lllz =o uJI z @roro| Or F{(oO(oCDrX'ro.oco> I.. '(to(u+,.IJ(o !EO'rCr-!o =vlPCooL(J o.c =.5()C'-(6!oq, =E(J< o (D o o)!\=o.o,o c 3oF () .c o EDo() (! o c oEo o) =o E o l !o) oo (! '.0) o) j-oc o: (! .Y', iEE: =.es€ EgE; E 6P:Ec-o> ef:E ;gi;c96E 3 5;.5tEisE!Eo :€ 3E €cet Elaco- o cL-sEtsoiEor s *:€E6:i :EEH crEE_ o..y o (it O'- !.c;oU, $f;; EgEl= P Ilos sfis;9Eor -cEg! - ct 6: c rJ': (c rJt(\,I sf(f, oo I{) (f) o o F{ oO oo rot\ r\s(\l @ tr u,o-oz : Io LtlI(Jz J F ulJtll (Jz @ J oz uJ = UJtull-2 E uJ IJJ @;g t! z a uJ tra o. uJo I:)z LIJJ x uJo (n uJ UJlJ- tr =t UJo J FoF oz = a IJJ UJ oz6 = d J z (, uJE NO|lVn]VA EHFrt =qET E1 ). ,-E r.> \C\>- -- r-s'- r'\9 = rJJ .n =.0N zz Es e-E9 0 tnO =>6>4<9Sg8 FO -r oi z tr UJ F o Ol F\ UJe. z E 5z tr utF B UJz tltltl tlaFzl .z 9qkoo< =E2(rxrrdo<z !)Fz ,. Oz fio}E ull = at a UJzY iF z tr loz ;U, Jl<l trl zl zl .. >l tuoIultlz E E uJ o- z E o z tra) IDH z :<c A (Y) I d I -'f (o Ff()o uJ E U' @oazo Fo-ulY ullo oF tr G lrJL l!looliElo rol;-\ Nl tolgu,9Ezo L(U(l- 5 at' Lo oz. J tr Jtrl FoJ (u !o {,E r.oor{:F L c)(F 5(o ,o ii =z d]o-) =ctL+,tt, €Lru =of =z .lPl:l {J' Rl ;l (ol $l ut fr clo{J = oFI{5NOo(o Ir:t-a\ .YFtocl\l =c) Fo c = .o co J L) &. =e. l! (u UIlqPco!u- ttt ooo uJe = (o cr).ir st' j oc) rd - ;i c,+, l!! o0 o(.) E ao cr Lc, t .] c!l olzl olullI IL ol z1 B1 9lFI @oco I(ot\<r u u F () !.tJ (J(l, lrJ !. (lJ & (u .tJ = = tr lrlrJtsfr-l .iz ciul J lt z3oF o(\t(\l Iorsf Or t i gl = CL Jo o)i-L) L(u roo =g o|r)rt Fl z ciul(r J l!oz =oF Olsfrf) Io)sl-ol IJ ll F tr z olll J tloz 3oF =tr z ri uJ J a l! z =oF lljJujF I uJz =o (J UJF T E E -.r O<F0(OuJ<zEt!F <J zo () d. uJ ul r ;( z ) z o ==J(! t3 z ix ::F 13H! =g ol-Xo =F t--o2 J<o(tt al,rir l'l.l -JO.- z oPzQ roo =zlfd9 "3q =ridd= Etn tr UJ l!o lrloz l o F I q. JT- h=:(ro- llJ>[Or!9o \ llJxox>Er- =IL ur co F F t6 { = lE sE, l..o.iLrJ r- o-zoi-r',bc(JE rh CL-c€ts' :z'EOE(JE /c=\; , .. T;J I' t \. _/gtE I\)-ilt=E\ (.-J / li=E FYrr= e -€t 7Y, tt t7]Lz- -.VJ' EE! o UJl!lr E =(E uJ o- F Iz = oz u. UJo: trott .EoFo (EFzo o .c UJz3od u- lllatZ .-- =EefuJ <F2a9>o< o) a; .9EO;o;i -c 9g1JO -(go.Y'64 ;o.6(o-Qcr'v'o EFcota-c .cOCttooNCI --' (6cc EEFO s\ ov PFF* 3o(EoD o, .= ?'i'5rd)!-at 3:, 3€ EJ Ego9 !o.c6t; 91 .19t> -sE D .:5E6s'=Oo IbE cv, at.e; I89tre.= (! bF€c-ocf::€F-i '5 =c96 EEE E E-ssoo --i = o saen: i.=- (E CLO CL sEE(,,€ O. =€eE;(!6-'-EE EO6: EEF_ o,,yt 6.s4; O)e --c gEs '6>,O (d= E{E .B't e 9-o,odtrg)!ocD -cr(|' 3t) LIJ uJl! ts =E uJo- J FoF Ari zzoo ho- I Ep =ano ET|r<oq F()F8.;<ri --ftn Y =l!ozo o- E_() qlo UJz uJ E o- UJE z E .. >l l! UJ u,lz U't tc UJ o- J z E (tz J lr I I I J d FoJ s x N x \ii =z co -l f.] $ H o\ 'l$lq anat,ruqq dI = t si ri E- t^i \ s S Eo $ ^i s € =ctr I n I d f,r{ q aA(nulEod -.1 E $ *io. s s (J J $ \ N\n E tr $ 0oct 1o zJ oj uJl :lil>lttlol zl 3lolH h € s {t N =fi \, $ ciz dullr J a l! 23o F 0 RI trtIF uiJlu F { 1 { $l E -tt! \ h { ciz qj UJ = lr z B F $ $' s arl uJF =E t! =.1(,l u,rl 5l <l>lttlq zl 3lolH =g olutl :l <l>l l!lol zl =loFI uIJulF t G uJz =o Fout E C)t E -.1 O<Fcc)ur<ztUJFo6 C) JCE<oC)F =O-<ir 0i ;5o oz6 = -lI J 7 J *5 =3gE croGligi t-o2 oo J<()o9.3E - z ,rPzz.oo ==de =f?;Hg t UJcltoEE9zE<cLl€ai9ELae'= o-- =>E dtrE !E? =Ei 8a!9 iurtr x(LE X>t E*o-i!tr Ho '- -I t-'el a) -co v o3 KD! AFD April 19, 1984 Mr. Rick Baldwin Baldwln Associates, Inc. 1000 S. Frontage Road lJest Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Baldwin: In response to your telephone request, please be advised that the Board of Governors of the Vorlaufer Condominium Association have no objection to the modification of the existing kitchen and its orientation in Unit /i106. You also requested that we approve the change of trimwo rk and covering of the window on the hallway, leaving the exterior window trim the same. These changes are also approved. Please indicate to l'1r. Strauss that we vi.sh hin well on his remodeling . Yours very tru1y, {,t,r-,*a B }r-" n--'=-- Edward B. Wasson EBW: ss cc: Ann S. Daley 15 lvy Lane Denver, Colorado 80220 San McCray 4130 Linden Avenue, /1390 Claypool Building Dayton, Ohio 44432 COLORADO 'NJAtoNTOWN OF itl REOUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER TUES THUR FRI PMWEDREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. B ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n 1995^&^si.qFn...^ o cAs prprNc -- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr - nr_l- tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MEGHANIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -nFt tr FINAL tr FINAL ..Gf-APPROVED , CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rNserroN TOWN OF I't -'l ,t. REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON cAl-r.ER TUES WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB g SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELEGTRIGAL:TTIECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH B EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR N OF I' REOUEST VAIL DATE INSPEGTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR,PMAMFRIREADY FOR LOCATION: rNs#no TOWN JOB NAME MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL fi noucH / D.w.v. tr FRAMING EI ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIB tr tr FIML tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR .T JOB NAME t, 1\ rNs#toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB n t-1 tr FINAL TTIECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - n tr FINAL tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING C] INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: TEMP. POWERtr tr tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL B APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rNsttoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER ITIECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR EI t] FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ciz E =t uJo oo oo<\l |r) <n uJ uJt! ts =E tl.lo- -e8-r-b l. L €€but $=J? I I I ql "lHd" I d {$\o\'lo N6 n=_ uJ OE Iz z2 =o otn = (U .ct oP Eo!(U (F ooL f tnvl .d (-) <Aul o2 o zoJ .6 ozz l>tr- lo lrtslolo t; t;lLl- l+)l.o lE l!Jul .Jt =T, t! troFo tFzoo E!lz3o ct EoE -g4qt .9 CL CI G 3oF o o U' 0, a)c6q E\o oc Ec6 (Dooo o)c E dl E o =l q, o o.o,6i .9 E -oc* E.9Y^-^ oE;Toc -()(!(') fi eE.=aS-z.s 6 d P:0-o> ;:g'i=9 P6;o5o 5'r.:E>; ;: CLNEEo €85;9P !€eo o.- Eae Eis6.!5 EEH;Eectrlo..: o -cf;oo 6- -g EE€;3p HA: FFe H 6o *oclg- 6clo - E$E !t '= oo o (t E o .g oc 5 .E o rc -9 io .! ,oao.6 .2 E(t E q) 6 =atlE 0) ctlE .g 3 C.Y(,6 .cIo (l) lo (O |.n ro(\l @(\,1 oo o Fl o oori oo oo rr)N <rol(\l tr Eg, qJ 0z .o I UJ-oz 9 FotlJJgJ oz ca =J 9z - UJ IJJ UTt!z Et!E() uJ ao 3g UJez 6 UJ F o uJ o- z uJ x F uJo (tst! 5G UJo- J FoF z lo aF C) IJJ tr (Jz .o =Jo- J z o uJ = rFooL IoE NOTMIVA E = =iio oo; E s gai E 9 OE t, O lEl+6a filY.e 6t9q {(Eq fro '6=-iotO S* =;s=uJN .\l=lD i It ;) I t, zo F J E oal, q f UJo F oo C\.lro x E o- LIJ J zo Fo zo F IJJ FJ 3 uJz ||tlJrll = .^zi = * CAbEgHSs <@ofIltlttttl s-*!43 i rH2 3=d. i*=gEoo():Ez zIF J U>z F luT uJ u/ o = qJz-I F co I UJ F o =<u-x-o Jt-Y q, ! rv) Flr{OD (\l @ I(\I I Ol ul E U'ctoazo Fo- UJY UJo oFt IE UJ TL l,!o (Loo I utFoz u.JF o z .n9zzcoo =z>f,JO(L l! dfi :f;= =qil6il= E trulo- bP ll,lE9E<Etl€uE9It ir TE5tE dEE h:=9l "i ae truJ; >o-E 8b9 lutE XO-E ;T6. ulo-iari luooF T -- E =Elrl o-z9F(Jf E,ta zoo ttn tltl ',llft I f;l el=l ol EI HI +tl Jl'El =l=l rl EI FI I I I I I I 3|url ccl JI al>l t!lol 2l 3lolFI tllltl l,ltlltolI rrJl| .El tJlt9 lbllzl Ed I I ol uJlEl JI al olFI I It; l" I JQIulEctctcI =() (,z J u- rFoo! Io,e, U'o'(' oL) L (L,tF 5 .U Io ii =zo EoFo E Fz c) z Io LU = Eirt! b2 O JE<oOF !-<iiEYl-22troo ZY =sf,Fd3 J E uJzul(, ; a E t nnD n*{'{ ,) n\ \ N m \o sll)o I}. I \ .r J ) F(F U oz ts =G UJo- z (J= z_4 coo>z d9 E =E, IJJ o-zIF() D E,F'anzo C) t uJ o-t! fuJ59E<c!l60EoB9tt ir 5EE drF h=tt f c- o- LllE =*E 65 9 \utE XO_t x>E=Fc.ioiIri uJo F $Jlcolrl$Jlrlo'l I uJF o utF U' @o-zo -ouJ-Y UJct oFt E IJJo' u-o o-oo I UJ..oz t]Dtr ..i3 '!/ |.., = =E*3- 7\ -.r- = t! ;''idd= t F L .g 6_rl-rg oulFoz z = !5 z I l_ ,Ft<to I I I I I,,9t< IFta,= t=to lotz N: \:--.1 lgr ''v.< llo.\ I --1,. i: ,'\Ii,. -c '\j ulI Foz t!Julo =I tr Fo E z ujz3o )r o 0, o -9o$ :=o.o.$ 3ot- 0).c o q>o 6.9 o o (! c) oo o) .g =fdl E o =:f d Q) oo,(5 3 .o) E j-oc o - (6 .=' :eg$E8E; F.e C?€*t P a E 6E:Ec-o> EesE =E€;e't=gc96E.l of or 3 5;.; E EARE-Eo*-€8; € eBP E!seo-(u o,r FEasoi-o-or: fi:€E;:FEE E H E6Eg 60'-ir:oo ETEf g E'-E9,!a5 *FF.9 iE; e9E o - iE$i .t r.lJulu- = =E uJ U'ut[uu- h =E uJIL J F F ct 3 -IJJ UJ z 6 L]"lo uJ E ; g: 33. 79 t- AF 89 HT-il E(udqJzlu .)\5;{s tE,) >-r{': - *s.) =[!cn =6N zz9o XfF9o667. >_Oz!L<o* i-o =8;ni z tr :) FIL o-l - TJJ z Eoo z tr UJ J =UJz z2*xSEB.^sa EnEgF t'EEO332aoof et? = 1r?2 ? =da..,43iEg;3H5o(,orz Fzlzo eo- z EJ af,z. uJzY9I cil uJlcl Jl <l>ltrlol zl 3lolFI =.1ol uJl ct al I EI I I I I ol =.1oluJl 5l <l>l rtlol Fl g Ol uJFI F IA LoPat (u .+, c = E tr I I I l'.l" I Ij IJT u.Jl dsl><= =o I I I I =.1olurl ccl )l <l>l l!lol zl 3lolFI =.1olull 5l al>l u-lol zl 3lolFI z:tr r+-o L. I Q.'&. atlo.l' o(J Lc,rFt(t !o il =z .D I E B](roo =J E ouJ UJ E2? ;f t" =o CJ oFO Fz z I(J U = (r i\ (JZ F LuF T <F I.JJ <zEUJFttZ trntr ooo INSPECTIO N OF REQUEST VAIL DArE ,/-kf3 JoB NAME INSPECTION:MONREADY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES THUR FRI PM BU! trF trF trF rrF"F trtl trs tr_ LDING:PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL Vr,*o,-tr FINAL ELE trT trF trC tr_ CTRICAL:M tr tr tr tr ECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER HEATING BOUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL E FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED D^rE /-A-H rNspEcroR oz E =E uJc o X 6 tt :r (n llJ UJt! E =E, IJJ o- l I I I I I I I I lr ll ri li li /l . Si 'Nr( \\ \l o,N.\\51r !El? :{sli ,,IE I =\Nli r3:,1 N 1,4tvl Nt\laIuJIFloz oz I-l ,'@ Ji o =2o:N 1 \\ \ \ I F I )..J ?a ltJl|l att Ei IEo GoFo EF2oo Eo E uJz3odr!|l,62 .;. =c-ofuJFI<F2s 9.2{r< j-oc6* E.9 giEEE iFiii €;Eee EEEEg iiiiF f'4 \i u I V) ^l ,[ {( 0 \ \ 0 \ \ \ I b N $ s. \ tr =Gurg ozoJ o xo UJI z I a u UJJ llJ (,z JA. J Iz uJE gJ u,ltzo F rucoulE o oto;g uJEz 6 uJo F |lJo AD2 luJ C) x F ul(t, f \ an uJ IJJtr E =G, uJCJ FoF ('z J C) E F uJJul 0z to =fJC J gz ()It = {t (+ o ^o NO|lVn]V \* Ed =-Z.ZtLi; :il ./, o c,ae, fti EE N zo F -J lr o c =oeo ll,a- F 0c\u ,1\n G Lu,t zIEoo 29F eltF =ulz Jltl EeEEItt e9a; gE3 *EEFg zIF J =3nz ult G F l! at (, u,J u.l o = c Joa a UJz 9-F sn I \ ulA. F IF=bir P gJ \ K\ -frnt'lr{(f J !uF o ul ts0oo-tzo Fo- u.lY Lu lD oFt =Elrj o- lto o-oo I IIJFoz zo9ze coo =zde E-Gt!Gtto u,oz foo 6F TE 9 .EAi=t FEI3tloolE r'rl6$l: >.1 [i Fl JJ l! uJoo -et F =E.lrlo.zo F-(JfEF CNzoo !D! EE* aHg oz Jtt I J @ FoJ uJ =z .oo-) iq \.\ ! \-'J E = o UJ o J = :EL F()=e lJ- oz out .E J tto 23oF E ulF d c'1u,i a>l Elq zl;lolFI =tr o 4 olutl rEl JI <l>l \lq zl =lolH - CE o =o u.l 5l <1>l t!lq zl 3l 0lFI i "l_<j -lsgl { .E : \|i H s EI r4 t F { oz 0 uJtr J l!oz30F \5\\ s rr4\ { u! utF I etuz3o F(J luF E E -.r O<FG()r,! <ztU.,F62o() JE<oC)F =c)iEiiF fr6lo E, 9P;C)=<-e d5 dE =3gE E,TE,$Eido !?.-d!trn 7 z U z J z F F z_ td z z z i z F F F F z z F o i F F o ': z I luJ IE I I I I I,,oIFt< rF z t=to lotz ** t+-Tn --2y\1t b (t)ulul Ll- E = UJIL E =tx.t! z co ts =E uJ 4F F e 9, ,2=, i E 3 fr *E;EEH z =G6g@ot-- ItizoEE;vstrE,6iu.J l!(Dgo z F U)z - tlle ) z tr (t,go !!t.t'EFo> =-: :(u =,2 it>:lPo F'r: ztr^o=;otrGa,/t o1>9(JozIr <(oc n-()t()FO ";c.i N N - (D z9F tuF url 1l <l>l |ltltl|lllIIll l."lt(/,lI uJllGl tolt<l =l --,1Et <lct >l tltl tltltl td tgdJct <lfl>l lltl tlll t8lIelloltolt<;t itr|El cc (l,!,oEoE. ai 0,-v C) o- ui =z -'l 6 Icolil =fl-l 5 t- ll.t+EOz 2? =<z.EfF d'z.,o oFo -zo E -rO<FGOuJ<ZE o(J +-t{ oP L] I I I oz tr =(r IJJo- 2 z--o\J ;-zedro2z O. LL "dg =83dd= E1!! tr =E 4.|ar ttot!o- co Ect .9o o!t ':ca E Eotl o co E E G' CLotl tarl-l- --- I EtrE oz Fo uJ-)oE, o- .{@ E<fGI 6o} ulF o ts =Elrl o-zIFofEF@zoo '/,.,' rNsefi"J'f="r#WN OF VAIL oate 3 -z z'-t L- READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI 3t 5 Q)(t aa/t€fi, L) .'... 0u t i' /O,bo ,ffi) py\-....., 3o pf BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK n tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n |frr'rnu tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr fl t-l TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FID}AL tr FINAL 'u{peaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR INSPECTION TOWN OF \. REQUEStr"vArL / . JOB NAME fc/t,DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI '(. t-) .ALLEB fer,( y' ,4rr,',, rffi; weo rHUR FRr @ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING D POOL / H. TUB t t TFn' fl Ffsrffi.tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL BOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED - / ,l,a DATE =/'t7-rrc-' TNSPECTOR --'l,- INSPECTION} TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL 4 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON ';j ,/ CALLER TUES THUR FRI (. /"' (WED . l/ . l. ,-).Y .) , .: ' ,,, . tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rN,ilttoN TOWN OF REQUEST, VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: \, /1*,J Po-+nQ-- WED THUR '*P - AM PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEE, tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING O INSULATION E SHEETROCK n tr GAS PIPING NAIL O POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR xVe,r\-<r '- () tr F_DnL tr FINAL ]4PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTO ..F vDL t /s" Ii>, 'N$AnoN REQUEST' 7(', ') TOWN OF :'f , .(J FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER !@ THURINSPECTION: Es* TUES WEDJf . r*!!-( / \D (1.Cll'.'a-y1 t._ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK O GAS PIPING NAII-u tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL FINAL ELE trT fir trc tr- CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING RouGH #tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr TNAL E FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR _,,_,."."" " i:!li,,1 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION://--.-\MON TTUES) WED THUR FRI VAIL ^M@ff 3,o{/ z- .t-t iK- ,-,/, : + BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBINGT tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION fisHe ernocr n tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB r'l tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING o tr tr ROUGH E tr o EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR E FrryAl tr FINAL t "6,easvEs tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR -. , -\.j 2-" -- rNsttoN .' REQUEST' /) IowN oF AIL DATE JOB NAME IN CALLER MON {UES_/WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: SP ECTTtON:,flc -- PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W,V. tr ROUGH / WATERI rnnHarr.rc tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n tr GAS PIPING NAIL O POOL / H, TUB - n tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT T1 O SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL O FINAL D APPROVED , rffisAppRovED ----E},R EI NSPECTION REQU I R ED CORRECTIONS: t ./ '7 a)P./DATE l//'' J' [ ' TNSPECTOR rNst TION REOUEST' ?nt TOWN OF VAIL . DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER ES WED THUR @INSPECTI =Rs BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL g UNDERGROUND \noucH / D.w.v. \noucn / wArERN FRAMING D INSULATION tr SHEETROCK t-l D GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H, TUB n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n D SUPPLY AIR EI I-I FINAL tr FINAL ROVED tr DISAPPROVED INSPECTION REQUIRED.'/ CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR rNsttoNTOWN OF VAIL ?,' l)Li.,.- ti--r".-,1 eL CALLER TUES DATE REQUES} JOB NAME MONREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL AMING tr ROUGH / WATER INSULATION SHEETBOCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL IPHOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .-''" ) r-*/galE .//- C-.- t,z tNSpEcT , :: -,, f..: "_:j-i- :ily'"elriTc'ir-,.4 a/r.-::z ='.i= .a::,i f.;.':lf:i;':I:l 1a -tr!*iElil , <* i> _/t<a:tdi::< d<'.: az)zI o : a(.) I.I I trzf, z J =o il-rlo: ll:i il*il -fl ^tl -tl<tlzI ailFtl ;i tl'll^tl ll;tl 9ilFtl.( Ll ru I!il "ll^tl t1 >l =l \\ u z tr l i IltJ I =+ J! |l:.1 l-l a | .Fl I=; EEl I =; xq.H=c "(u I EXAI;ol .l 6 =" bJgltr ^ ,/' z OlOlg 5 : eE-l E,g"EH*I?2 Eildlo q i*EH i sts;l: I Eqsl UJF o z F LU o z F Jlaz 4 g. o-o ca C) zl F LU:I c;z I I oz.-c =ruG}ao tnZU, y<: dco|'-(u Lu aziq?uf c(< r?f9=do<=isrr!s(Jr!=c(dEooootz(J a UJFoz J t"uo- ; F v) z.{ F 3 a uJI z. z. .n9 a< >z JO c) E oo ,^iEaeV dd:! tr =E llJ lt-o ul t- k H Ldo- 7oF(J E F-az C)() Ettrn F Oz(, 4z F G(J () o- t-rJu- t: L'< G trJd- rf)(r) NOltvnlv^ O @ r\ ,.:: a:)::: !?z< I { !?(! (_) u) 6: :f, (L .t!l -(I(J ul i q = :f a 0) :) l- c (-) IF !(u -o q- )q<u-9=o t-:j(Lx ul .F., Lr) (, =J G -Jdt I I Id I Fo (l, Eo (U E. o,lz(J rii .,: (n cI i ci uJ 5 u)l r-l IJl .ul IJaB(u*- -oo<o!oo5 -11r\it <fl1r!l ltl ^otl<t (ql_ (rtlNll o- ll!l tl!l -Yxt !HI .c ltFU{I C Gtl F[C -i 'Frdll Fcfl tll>ll :)- !t cr | (rll t4 I loIralllrtl<\ts.ol d FI.+l xl col c.,col EI9i> <l nl . tt(ollolllr.,ttlvtl I Ftol lc!.+rl I co .Pl "'i :(JI '-lol <ll'l '-l|,tt.<t xolcl(Jool cqtlgl ul-(Jl u,l 'F3I EI SIH| .{l El il i ll"{tt(\qlLrt 'Fl I (ylqlrlfltq(Jtc{allol -tl-lLtl I *ltq*l>f' -l Iol -l I-i -l I -l lldxq tdtlA.l ,/'l I11 v'4 e4oi :J .nct :t rqt{d- l<l:aJc(l <l = ttltl<9 I c']cl I c'l''- | | r'..ol I I =l lK -t tgo-t | *II>l co(Ut (o -t I cFt x c.ol q>t dtttc oJ | ,nl r-r-l url Eo,l gl .cfdt xt 4 L't | 5ll<lti 'lsl ai t <fr.f)(\l TsfNII o. c) E vlo (5 a tltllLrlt.gltol 1". Il.v I tElorlq() 'Fl+f (tldEO'r1#AI''E '34*'lIt :{16;:(J E -a F. =I CY Et!, z- <o(JF :.< 'rr,r O Q <F L!< t! f- L)7o EooZt- .: Cl ,JZ () <^ Yl-z()-4 I F t- r!l (-- a <()qfl![,itx Veetern ConstructfiTt Speeialties, Inc. l2szwintersAve'' Box2781' o'""0'.T:l;l;Sllili!Llll3] ill\ { CONTRACT SPECIALTI DOOR HARDWARE FIFEPLACES GARAGE DOORS HOLLOW METAL DOOBS ITEMS FOR CONCRETE REBAR & REMESH ROLLING DOORS STYROFOAM INSULA TOILET PARTITIONS J., L J,",7 vt 1,3z5I $ $ 3u 9 EuFo o It; IL u Iu v, \t g G\\t s\lt F \\l !t+ Jg Lt F 3tz tz o ?tf*j r{e,i ( $ m NA\' s{AKes. NA^/ HEAT MAT'ea,&t AeEDp T.IEil.ffiIHARY. IN ANLY tcrt ?l rt-,nrsoo llErt, R|glg ltlSllusnd. 16x;'sErciltrAtryr ;Pl,1P3l5l!,N gatdf AEEAS ol.lLY. NE{I' 2X4 q.EEPEFS ?JsSf. T{6 PtAl.Kll€' t aA€R\r4 rrA$rN WtTlDuf FAlclA Al.lD eufl€c rota 9ArA oF C|A|C!TY. cjz E =ol uJo- cccN ooro t{(\ralr tn IJ.J UJl! E =ulL \4,( 'vf,BBp Lr) $t o aoLL :i - (5 lro | -.\ lg c!k ''\oo .a!6 =tn!+d6=oOzs6r- = uJ F I ==o =z utluFoz ozof o c6 (5 =z l!J lrJ(t = IgKtErg.; E"gC )$?SE;si €Eig!D6.665 :EE H;, :EE €EGo'-.!a.c= @ o c E't;tE E Ei=6 sis; $ e;H'ei N ) E; *E'=o)(/);i sbE: :es?€ Eeffi "A Se:Ec-o>'-a = =Eei c96F (o Ir) lrt(\t @ C\I (f (\l o o t-l tlt) tr = UJ zoj co xo UJI()z J L J I Fo IJJJ u.l .Jz6 t o- J z T. C) UJ = rJ.ltu z tr LU tu .o '_lu llJ z 6 uJ F ta uJ z llJJ x F l!o (n uJ uJt! F =Iuo FoF z J a0 () F uJ gJ z 6 E J oz ollJ = NO|lVn']VA ;Eo =o1s!/+ O-lcQ<:1.i\6(v)<C !!Tt'c6( . >G _-ar) itr E =@Gl zz pa 2 oO =rE;!s|.,= o.- !.?EE..i^i zo F J lt- E o o-foco UJo- F oolf) to t o- IJJE J z E zo F llJFJ 3 UJz Llllla z z9 ,,,.). koo< =o- =Hoo<z g) trz, 9z d63trOI llJ:))J E oa IJJzYo F c F z tr) oz L I ; = :I lr ct 3 U) f,o Fa Jl<l FI zl zl .. >lo UJ uJ uJzoF (E IJJ J zo Eoo z tr 6 z Y G .L It s ,f cO AJ(v OO rtt @ Ol F{ t\ L(I,a (u oz llJF o ut E @ @oI zo F4luV IJJ @ oF F t u.l o- IIo o-oo UJFoz trn! IF zf z =l c "39 =83F!=nD! tr ul uJ z @L F ao- JFtu-h=AE(L Lll>o-O|!9o\uJxo:> ul'JJtr u,loo -f - E =E, ITJo-zo l-()f E, 6zoo I C o, _cl.Plrol olsl .t'1 -l =l =l.E zftr J 3 1 t--o (oo(\I .P c covltn(t = t-ri =z (D oa 3E =tr {J rnco(J L(l,q-lF (u ar1 E tr z uJ rL z3 F olzl ,:il ;l |!lol zl;lolFI L c, Ld u ol =.1olull 5l al>l g 3lolFI ql <l>l t!lol fl .l =.1olull il>l 5l El rOl uJFt l- J ulz uJ t2? =#]Fta zo o z () z T r.u = r, t: =!-o2 (J-9t6/ lih T <l3lil (Jltul:lJ U r! o oF t! z Et!,(\ lr--o l:-lrotr-l<lJI tnlzl F F I zf o 5o =o o l I il^-llct< lv t^ttlr:l otl;ll c-il <tl c aa o f x o = ol l!o, r|JIz (,i- (J I =tl I:,_l I X"l8 I? d.lr\ld Nllr-,1<V' -*.3=.c-::ra__j, =:cJ u-.t -C O!- <t(JC3r o.9HC-C.r _J O- .O - rg f.- c,r-. ._ dJ F'- .n o-9vgrXs- (J c 6.',o 3'5 t3€rt L!.j O -c- | -E;E IH(JF I =sFE I =.:'- IO l* oi IJ'Loc tJcJ Jo.J (, = .:<,u_ +r.rr ro d_ araJl- d =--FqF-S{f l (n utrl- F.; !r, F z o u,2 =o U' UJF l ctzz r9 2z z UIL F >( F u.l o o + <) i t zF (-) Q I C) lu (J r:J UJE F z(5 g, I r t lNor lYn.-vA xxxx)<xxxxxxx>< ':*B{h$q'" z o)(,= luz= l\Fi $r $5N F =o--.lr-tlJo=uJ<.o Z'Jr _<\< -E.€ oFX 9uF Iiru.e-le=l o-L=*l(-)=^l;-;'rl - (!rl o--alFr' J t4 5qE o E o e c, =t E Eo(, o G' E :c l_ 'o)a, -_c_o )z. (- o5i J .30 o:S -"r (J i \o\1.., =NNn oF(J EFzo(] t ll s il=Io t 6FZC' -9<3= =$ :P;o =Ef,F:= (J JE59FO EEv2UJO(J JO<Fq(J tr-l < IUFozo C' !/- -9D< =r:> td J .l<< olz3 3lr- ol X rN#ctoN REeuEsr TOWN VAIL ,. ; i'', PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE I ,I .)oJOB NAME INSPECTION:MON WED THUR i-i t'CALLER TUES PMREADY FOR LOCATION: FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL trl tr r'l tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING E ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED r' CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR * SPE * JOB NAME IN ---.,')," CTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL : , /) ( t DATE CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND -8. ROUGH / D.W.V )6 ROUGH /WATEB tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB n r-l tr FINAL MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - n ! noucH/wATEB tr GAS PIPING T] POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr FINAL q tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT trF ',/ L F , ryAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ciz t =E uJ o- Ooo NI O'l ooo o FI olu uJII E =t IJJo- ru,4[fh tsJ rorA@'-\.1(Yt I(\l , lJ)\,1 O@. \.lo' cftl\rt6 =l'Fl g(dl roL, ES-l.F €rEe rl5 t(o 1,. ''-a"zd r6ri I ItlF o Foz = =z olttF z o =J @ .a ozz.) (,F oI (n (a (d c) s>L.s.3\ e5 (6 (u CJ o EoE, -9.o6 .9aoo 'oF q o oo(,G$ .g P o3 o Ec(t o€o o) E @ E o =c d 9 seo- tg 3 .g o j-oc 6 * 8.9' a EE: EgE: E 6P:Etr-o> s$:3 EE!pc96E.lo5o !Ei F gE;E E!teo- $ ct- SE; e sEig E:EE - o.,i: o ---p(' 0'-.=s; o g'r, -E -^dl (D # .:: 9E€5 E E;E *ffi EEgg - o (E:g oo @(Y) =f O or Fl s.l oo o(\l Fl oo o|J) (\.1 oO o Flrft oo r\(Y)lrt E E uJ (Jz J ao xouJ ()z) g. urJ uJ z lo: 9z ol! UJ uJt!z tr UJ qJ @ 3g uJ z -o uJ F altoo- UJ o-fz ulJ C) x F uJo U' UJ UJl! E =g, lrJ o- FoF oz 6J @ J IEFo uJ qJ oz to = d z I() uJE NOllvn'lVA t- II lse l'F-1,fi l: N l.F - lq- EE3o 6 b.:.D Z# = F.r-cxaa 14{-at #rU,l! Es E >E -- zI F ^ F9v,o1>9(J<) z.u- <(o* ^ (J>c)t-o;(\i IF ;lb t;'l.|Jrl ttrl(l,,l= 'tl . :IE ilE,l; .F ts(olcl'rsld, l{Jt(6 lc,lrl-lolr l*r l(U loLc l+)l5 l.r-,l-r lrlt l(6l(uIL l16 zIF 1 tr ci UJ F ooo (\Io x G I UJ z E 2o F UJ =u,z I trz z Eoo =oo (o b2 =JJ IIJ3 o!Jo 5c uJ .E z I =F tr tltl t-] ll u t.] tol l-el ut) ulzY F u/ F 2o F JlU'z o 3 o o .r,l<t IHIztl I =,1t,lI F o F ul uJ uJz tsz uJ az too =F.o $Jrl GJ c\.1c)O rfl @ sf (\,1 Or utt U' @o?zo Fo- IJJY UJo oF E Eut o- ILo o-oo I uJl-oz F E uJo- bEqES€frB9E; 5:Eir =LU:-E h=E is = >o-i 8alP HutE XOt x>t q- €; HoF ffiv/J= -- u,lF o z oPz4oo =zll dP ifioo= =F,ia;3 ts =Elrlo-zo F CJfEFazo() !nn ttlol zl3olH oz ci UT J t!oz =oF I I I .lo|zl sl 3|ol zl 3tolFI tl tl |] t3I uJl l3lloltzl =;lg9l s-t Fl -l sl Iol zl FI o (Jz ! LLcto l4le, e, tJJl! Jd,o ii =z o-) I I I Jg !o j (l, o,!(J c,!o(J rll @(Y) 2? E?AE d6 O t -.r O<FGC) IJJ <zf (nZ-o C) o E,F() uJ tr trtr! )(u a,t', =I crott o zo(, aro Eo (,c o E 6 (D Eoo ot =dt E o,'- f, 1'o g( o$ 3 .9 ID -oc]oF o .olc o() (E ct l () o at, c D. o E 6 at; ='(! Eo() o (! E. oo (g c .o (! E ; 't o Eoo !) o, (!, (J o o) 0 0, att(! o)E o CL -c LEocEc'-cor5c =$oE G; !orD-(uc 6tF ?icco qE ;tD_E o-(!C 3t9>"oCC:oxo!l..(l): E- orEEoo)()(6 Do o tr q) o E 0) o (lto o, (E o {, (u (E o,_ ct)o c)E] c,x;o(El >,1 o; c)| -l .n IJ.JIuu- == uJ(L r1 Itlrr \b.\\ N ol\\ .i \e\\, ]N\i h .r' C...J ^Xs'\\ \ N !t! " =:=rd iiidE<|r e.,nuE:Z()2dzE <<cL=:oo;:9i xog= F '+9:'ai ',, >e =J > 5 Hf; =e =i ii-rr-==o r-i u r 59 rr.coyoct F ,.. .o-YFa4Y ! uJ= 2wd(oJOo-F +- a)o .C \a) !Io7A>,I .^.hE \ v/It=\z/J= -e, zo9ze(Do =zd8 J ,^*-6>=2 ^;g dd= NOTIVnIVA FE=E$$l :i'J${i F\NN 8 p ^H: EHEs i;l;ffi;lsl;I, ]uF o llI\Jr. l,t co.\r{ fulcl2F-3tr z =u- \ o \q'v. n\t\ "l\'\ \\\t\ UJ =z dt -) {l tl$l \JI\lsl\)l 'v) |\l TI.rrlutEIol <l -{ = tl llllEI| .rttfltElt(I El 3= I I\l I )zl ,,il tul CElJI AI>l t!lol zl aFl tltl|l l3l lsltall>lI ttl t9lgBlqoltrl Fl I I =.1ol rlil>l r!lol zl BIolFI tltltltlldlt=ltolI r.rjlI CEIlilt>l lsltzl EI EI I I I Inl =.1 uJl -lJI slt!l il g ol uFI F [tz3 JO<F(ts(JuJ<zE t.r.l F<tz <o(JF =< =zr.! O 2? =E)z O oF Fz 2r tu = HY tJz (J J<Ooo!H "f ?<o* PlULI ,' ,) t .)<- ,t i ':*. INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMI DATE JOB NAME " i/. ;CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI AM T NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING \tr RoUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. fI ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr F. tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR FINAL APPBOVED ECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE aA\ a PERMIT NUM ER OF PROJECT oora \\ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER FRI INSPECTION REQUEST OF VAIL rurs (wt *run BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr_r-cT;tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr_ E F}AL tr FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ee\ e INSPECTION REQUEST WN OF VAILITNPERM DATE 5 \f,5 JoB NAME ER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:MON CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: UM \r BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEH" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR oz ts =t UJo. rJ)(\l (7) o(v)U (t ul UJlr- F =e UJ o- sg l2,f/blaseS+Y) r(, .\\ (or .\. cn c (6 IL E Ll(tt r.u @<- -\\ O) -l<c,o=l$>6al 2 o^u 6 .rl tl IIJF F e,FIz = ozz oulFoz oz 6 d) .t (,z zo tc UJz3o uJIFoz fv) Fj-{s-r-{s 5t9olx(5eO lr J u,lo: =Eolt lto autrfF zo ah og o Ec(g oooo CDc! o E o =f T'€' o o.cl6 io E c.9 U'oo atoEoo co th.; CD .E oN w 5oF (,.c o o Eoo(, E () o ..2E I 4 o T'c rlt tli;(E !i: g E6g'=Oo g8E EEH .0 8Ec-o =$E c96'- clc e5t_'E >, E E-cr-oOi=oI'i e EIs 0.6 cL $EE o+, CLE€e E6 T E E.E E 6-6 EEF -+,C,6 0'-sae $tEsgl9 c -o. ifiEPEo cEg -(J0 (x rJ) <\l r+ (Y)oN ot{ c oc Lr)N F(f)(\I ts =Eu,o-oz6J Io -C)ut oz)c J IeFo uJJ UJ z @ = d J Iz -o uJ = u,l UJt!z tr u,E C)uJE o.o =uJ UJEzIv,ulo Ftl,oo- UJ z uJJ x F utol u, UJ IIJt! ts t IJJ o- J Fo F (,z 4 o e ulJ UJ oz t0 = & J s2z o uJt NO[Vn]VA lc)toI aEllo.t' ls lFli.. c)-5s;' OE; 6etr=o-+JE(oB!t- CEoaEwtnE}F\<( zzoo Ha= og E9r!<o*ut iii5 -j$i >G 3ur =.D z9 F J { l!q uJ F o IJ'sr st tr o- uJ z Eoo z. F llJ B uJz II 2 zIF oo I tz: zfJtu3 4,, IIJo 5c IIJE lr o2 f, z F- EiI UJ J oa, UJ2- iF UJo. z tr Jloz I _1 I _1 I I -oljl<lllFIilt F o Fo dl zl zl .. >louloululz U' tr E uJc J z E z F J c) zxc o. (7) I Fl l-l or-{ C\J GJOO ul Eooo-'zo FoulY UJdl oFt tr UJ.Lblisl 8Rl| "\lgurbEzo z oPze 60 =zlf dP "dE 5fi$-r -i t!E6= F G uJ ll.oEgE5€8B9?k gg F'Jt- =ul:-E FE: >o-E 8bE itt x>6=Fo'i€; uJ .DoF E =Elrl o-zIF(JfEF, zo(J nnD olzl ('| q ;lolFI r- c, tt, a).co an c ol =.1olurl 5l <l>l tr.lol a ciz o uJG t!oz =oF =.1ol uJl .El JI <l>l (J !.tJ C)o LU =oz, c l! sf r.ct xoo U) IJ,J d = I I el cil Hl JI sl H scL; c = 3 : tr <fc) !-(u(ts 5.rt Lo JL!o =|JJ lJl =J tr =zoo-t t irg+E t-o2 E -.r O<FEC)uJ<ZEUJFa6 o 9 F() ulJul EAD I I l_ t<ro I I I I l. IPt<( $ 6 l2 (E ulz3o UI oz !t tu =I Gol! Eo o zoo aro at UJz3o lto oooc(gc CD U'oE v, 0,ooo o U' Eo o oco ct) N v, 6.c o CD .E o()o6 o o Q .9 E E (g ./i '' q) (! o E (u ooo (Ec E o 3oF qt 3 o. o' -gcl o. oc(! co ((l E o ;E .E = Eo(, o oo o)(! :o'=E E8 c.2 EEF'5 .EB '-oO(EE*-x =€cg'- cl5coo5E6Oc CC.-o, ,= -.o- rE sE Ee6E6oo o, F: cg - cL. G o'ga og:lrr6-! r-; ;8o (!' -Y= 6E>g.o lD. L=9El!ol -Ot a uJ uJt! 17 E fr aL' J t-oF = = uJ zz Fo- 4;E=.t0<>9()rJ2lr<oQHdtoFO d a\i u, z Foo z tr uJFJ =z t- so t- os U' IJJ IJJtt F =E uJ o- ctz F =cuto- uJF U'oo.: zo Fo-utY u, co oF F =cclll o. l! >\0- --9 SD l,rJF I lrJ Foz z !,, :-za EZ JOtL IJ- =f;==;odd= D!! t Itl !LoEE =zE< ooE2a9tkie.EE =>E ::.'| F5 H=o i liit =dE U3P 5et :>AHF oirri uJq, oF -t- AJ qJI \a) !Io7 -t=t =tr 3 r s2e.u( IJA:+ \J F6 I I UIrrl $lrl tlg do{J = r$Ia -| d) s;q !r.lulE 4 I I .l z.l ull CEI JI <l EI 3l 9lFI ?o q o F f;s 3tlj2 E I ?lolurl rEl *lol zliloiFI \' Nc| E It 5:\) d I I g l!l rl r o -tAJs ui =z o-t F ut =-() E <Fc()trj <ZE,IIJ F(rzoo c) EFzoo J trF uJJ UJ 9P =sfF =JZr!o C) oF Fzoo Eh =o2 oc) J<c)a?.3H !nD el :1 +l El €o gt- I\t3 1 Plan Build l- tl zo:tJd €t tGaa ' ;iJ -+= U)I\ 6Jl -r.rvrt J.Irn\3 \) J 4 Town of Vail Communitv Developmenl Fire tr n Hoalth tr tr \, Dc{lJ5!)l! l? *"x '$*'p+ N Validity of Pern,it Sec. 303 (c) 19S2 U.B.C. 7 t ---''Yv tv' 'v! r: iii:'*l H iT:l'$"'j .1 : glijt. g,3p?,9ya I el prans an dcito.n$hltl not be consrrued to be a permit ior, oiin "el of,:Kylviotation of any of the proviiions ot tnisioOsi anv oEle/ dfdinenco nf ihp irrrie.li^afi^a Thd i..,,-^^^ ^. r:'mit based upon plans, specitications and other Oata sfrali ; ffy:rt-Jhg britding ofticiat from rhereafter requiring ihe =0 _l IocFllp ol ur, of errors in said plans, specifications 'jnO 'omer d9 8l -t Hl= :l d7l L+Ol= sl5 rll oof> 2lol-fr-El el at# 5bl sl zol<l €t tl foau3 I\t2 jI + { I =€o dx+{r N Js;$ Q+ tsN-{o"\S + \) J 4 Town of Vail Communlty Develooment Flro tr n Build tr n Health tr u oo oocAIl @ o? br .5-=0 _l 'oz1e/ I43 bdc .5€og Io-t lvir. Fred P. BluneP. O. Box 504 Cheyenne, Wyoning 82003 Dear Mr. Blune: Thank you for your letter of Septenber l'3th' 1985 and your reference to the letters we received fron Mr. Arnulf Albrecht and his request for approval, to n-ake changes-to Apt. #104 in the Vorlaufer. We havb-reviewed this proposaL and have no objections to it and thereby grant our permissi-on to proceed subiect to the plans presented by Mr. Albrecht. We wish to advise you however, that plunbing changes and additions like the ones being proposed have caused a great deal of trouble in the past. IVhen changes were nade to Apt- #106 for instance, watei leaks were experienced in the unit below or 2 or 3 separate occasions. Please have the contractor use great care in sealing the shower unit that you insta1l. This also pertains to any other hookups to existing plunbing. Septenber 15th, 1985 Yours very truly, /a,'n*/k$7aLr'4-- Edward B. ltlasson For the Board of l'lanagers The Vorlaufer Association 1700 Broadway, Suite 2302 Denver, Colorado, 80290 Sanuel McCrayBetty Penner )t:> /0 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT .^ I tonre 'lli V JoB NAME / INSPECTION REQUEST.D , TOWN oF VAILf -* | t' t*) t L.r t]l t"--' I(CALLER i)411 h,J to) .{-; y.o rHUR FBIREADY FOR INSPECTION:I O^AAM (Y\_,, LocAtoN: \r/t.'' / n ,, { "*-'--' / *t t/ FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND FOUNDATION / STEEL ,(*oror / D.w.v. ( noucn / wATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr F'NAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING tr tr u tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR -21 t r INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT NAME CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr o n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGBOUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERE FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICALT tr HEATING { nouen tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERM DATE .-Q;,i lt-t I OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON ,l I CALLER TUES INSPECTION TOWN OF1l l r' ( THUR FRI REQUEST VAILITN ),1 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH i WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS Fr a\r lnFrr \/ ,/r rl'fJJ-\r\/\tJl I n\ lJ 9\,rrrL t aatrr D, - HrrNnll trFrNAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR -f,oo(\J OO z o9zF< coo ==dP =Ei =$g u,lF U'cloazo Fo- UJY LUo oF ts tr uJ o- b$lr>6qlONIrl H!!2E tr .Eulo.ltoEqES€frE9?ira95Ee 'r|- =l!-E !EE :FE Ub9 iurE XO-E ;t6. ul o-j!i ltlo | € .*/Vl-p\ \.-,'t I t-\ {.1 / t= -=-c E =E, lrJ o-z9Fq) -t E,ta zoo !n! G ! t o = ts-E |lJo-II iFI; Fi3Ii s?-It-j-otr i;t :c EEEEfr E€Eig!EtFe iiEc; iEe: e*.€ 3EF €qeFE c"; ae €SErsi :EEEE iEE Eg:-oi3d(' 0'-.E -<: o g, c s€Es€ *el=3 iEiig UJ F oz |r UJ U' =i t l! o ull f sl zl oluo Jo- tr,l IE z a!tzY9IF zl >l F z F I UJI gt J 3 F IIJ llJo- ll.>o J zI ts I =lgl =li: ";l- - t'r .pli u S9l = !o *.Il ;Go =5 6btr ^ azg 5 >9E P OE vroG,FE fi;i (]oq iEg H '.N(, I olullEI 3lo{FI I I J cil il l!lol =l s Pl s, r.orosl I o1<for I I I -l r{l-j olzl ('l url 5t al>l ru :l 3lolFI () () L+)Uo IJJ =(I)z. T tr - oc) 6 .lLIol .:Zl'l(ulLl (5l rr)l @l-l ttlIAul CIoq J - C) rn tn = (o =g tt t')+tlL a/l o F{ l-E ir Y o2 J 9EF C) LU tr G,2? E?ZE d6o J ctuz uJ(.' ncln DDD z(59 =Q(rto =zd8 J Iz To UJ :E J dFo r.lJ -lUJ 2?- 3Ffr A;En(n F =Elr.F.Or-. tr.L.lod E<zv)<:Zw.Eol-XE. 9l#Fbr EEI&fl !.l501I url Lj:'f9-' , d*trEJ tll toE. CLso Btt ct E Eo(, o cq, fitq c,! LroJ 0, _-co v(* o3 A.AI .^'AE \Vll= iE = F I t l<F lEeld,< NOttvntv^ $1. ;$I :r IF.-o= Jl! T ,$ H oL 3 \)\ JA.l ctlcq* ldc flfqll,| ,aEl ! il,\ilbol zl3t q et g 3 c 5l flzl il TE J J .ts< ol z(J 9?lco FC' LUF () G xx><><x >< = (5z. J lJ- tr- o UJ t! lrJz. an z. =O J t! LU-F t INSPECTION REQUESTPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ) ,.\t,t r I i'i (r r:** 7t.:AIL DATE (" READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES rHUB ,(;ii;WED PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUilBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O ROUGH tr CONDUIT FINAL ,P'APPROVED r', CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tffil PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES BUILDING:PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr tr tr tr tr o tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL u tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICALI r] HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED ,tf nerruseecroN REoUTFED DATE INSPECTOR t\ tSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL - 1,zr/ ";,.;, IN nfr,f 7-"Ffti I JOB NAME INSPECTION:t MON 0t DATE READY FOR LOCATION: /: CORRECTIONS: 1cf // /tr L//.' t u R//1 9 CALLER TUEq '"i oi 'THUR ,E_. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. BOUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr_ tr tr n POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n d rtrunl tr FINAL tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED DATE *,J\,1 I ER OF PROJECT JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: FRt-./'2.-.AM ,/PM t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL WED THUR | !r' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr o tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr FINAL '--Fi{ppRoveo CORRECTIONS: tr OISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ,' . INSPECTOR FAsT.ootrrH. Y2" 'l"o' oo 1\ Il'- rr It - -,.1i I II-J\lf-rf + T tr %" Septenber 18, 1985 Town of Val1 Vail, C0 Gentlenen: Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Wasson, the owners of Unit 206 ln the Vorlaufer Condourln{um, 385 Gore Creek Drive, have requested approval to add a three-quarter bath to thelr Unit. The Board of Managers of the Vorlaufer Assoc{atlon have reviewed their request aod have approved lt. Yours very truly, BOARD OF }'ANAGERS Samuel McCray EBW: lt Q^-rA hn-\ Edward B. llasson 7* tit --r COLORADO \! l,alE I r,t I ----_.-,a . ----- - I ooI I:,JtL-[ ET I t