HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 BLOCK 5A LOT P3 GENERAL LEGALVtuJ VJIc1,FJ1E \t*/ sA ;;r 73 1'--JOJ oott lil9lrY IEtrElrPtlEl{I Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Communaty Developtnent 75 south Frontage Road, Vall. Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 tar;970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov"com Project Name: Project Descriptron: P3&J CHANGE-GAMGE D@R DRBNumber: DR8070180 RNAL APPROVAL FOR ACHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI.ANS FOR THE REPI-ACEMENT OF DCSNNG P3&J GAFAGE DOOR. VAIL RESORTS DEVELOPMENT COM05/0U2007 Phone: 970'7542532 Pafticipants: OWNER PrciectAddress: P3&J-FOUNDERS PARK Legal DescripUon: Parcel Number: Comments: 137 BENCHMARK ROAD AVON co 81620 APPUCANT VAIL RESORTS DEVELOPMENT COM05/01/2007 Phone: 970'7542532 137 BENCHMARK ROAD AVON co 81620 384 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: LoE P-3 Bloclc 5A Subdivlslonr VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 5 2101-082-3900-3 SEE CONDMONS BOARD/STAFF ACIION Action: STAFFAPR Date of APPronalz 05l 0L l2OO7 Cond:8 (Pl3N): No changes to these plans may be made without the wrltten consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rariew committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does rct constlhjte a permit for building. Please consult with Tourn of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cnnd:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become vokJ one (1) year following the date oi iinal approvat, unless a building permit is isued and construction is commenced and is diligenUy pursued toward compledon. Cond: u3 All development applicatlons submitted to the Tourn after the effectlve date of Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: It Ordinance 26, Serles 2006 shall be subject to the pending employee housing regulations in whatever form they are flnally adopted; provided, horvever, that if tfie Tourn faib to acbpt the pending ernployee housing regulations by April 15,2007, this Ordinance shall not apply b sr.rdr development applications. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $2O.O0 1lp TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement Number: R0?00005S9 Arnor:nt: $20.00 05/OL/2OO709:35 Alt Payment Method 3 Cash Initr iISNotation: $/coPY o' KEIJIJY Permit No: DR8070180 TlT)e: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parcel tilo: 2101-082-3900-3 Site AddreEB: 384 GORE CREEK DR VAIIJ I,ocatlon: P3&iI-FOUNDERS PARK Tota1 Fees: 520.00 Thia Paymen!: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00Balarce3 S0.00atlfa**tll*****+ttlttttlf++*{'+*t****t***+**f'}f++ff**t*******llf{.{r{r{.t{r++++++t+t+*t{'{"}+**t{'+*l ACCOI,JNTITEM LIST: Account Code Deacriptsion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3T]-22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 tl TOI4'N# ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 9il.479.2139 ful 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us Prcject Name: FOUNDERS GAMGE SIGN DRB llumber: DR8050291 Project Descripdon: FOUNDERS GAMGE SIGN Pafticipants: OWNER VAIL CORP O6I22I2W5 PO BOX 7 VAIL co 81658 APPUCANT DAN FEENEY 06,12212005 Phone:845-2352 PO BOX 959 sTE 108 AVON co 81657 Prcject Address: 384 GORE CREEK DR VAIL loca6on: P3&J PARKING LOT/FOUNDERS PARK Legal Descripdon! Lot: P-3 Blodc 5A Subdivlslon: VAIL VIII-AGE RUNG 5 Parcel l{umber: 2101-082-3900-3 Comments: SEE CONDmONS WtWtttq-fi'ry{ 6rtdl4+ 6mqu Design Review Board I BOARD/STAFF ACTTOI{ l.lotion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DabofApprovalt O6l23l2OOs GondiUons: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. @nd:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and becorne rroid one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a buiHing permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligenUy pursued toward completion. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $57.00 o,ST DVAL \-dr'\ Ir Sign Application for Design Review EW Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado g1657 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com I0t4 r ,czE:.qELrnrorTnaEfD t*_ __ j. '-r ,, . ...,. i.t .:rJ. fll,J.fl"A::Hi3n^,0_e@st receive a.pproval prior to submitins a buirdins permit appiiiiiiriii.*pt,.Ete::- I '---- leJlo.tl'e subTittal requirements ror.ttre particurli.ppiJr.r *''Jt i;;ilH;.- iluiffiil;TffiHJl ,iJ[i;Ircot be accepted until all required information is reieived by the communitv o"u[rlpr.nt Department. Theproject may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or ttr" prunning ana -gnuironmental commission.Design review approval tapses untess a building permit is issued and construction commences withinone year of the approval. o, (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-g640 for. p.rcel no.1 6) H::"il:::*G)b@]D{f '::@PH/IE ts-{r/tr/6t:D O nvaAt I0 ff./k\? / ) * phnnc. /n6 / 61/ f- 4"T? I l)vlOwner(s) Signature(s)r / T*, ,( ,- Name orAppricantt Dt) ftrntil ^-.1o EI Conceptual Review NoFee - t7 ntr New construction $650 For construction of a new buitding or demo/rebuild. Gf ttr Addition $300 For an addition where square fo-otage is added to any residential or E MinorArteration g2s0 ;:1ffi:?':*Ti*i"0;:iffi;,'::r':ii''lJ;*J::.:i%::ffi':::"r. Qrb(multi-family/commercial) reroofing, painting, windoi additions, 'landscbping, fences and E Minor Alteration $20 l:P[il3Xi:,UTto buirdinss and site improvements, such as,(single-family/duplex) reroofing, painting, windoi additions, tandscaping, fences and o chanses to Approved prans ,$20 l:f'l:lt-'Hlt'ftfians arreaay approved by prannins sraff or the'. Design Review Board. OATE: STAFF: :-.",,1:o':s: afurf 6.//2,/.ttsmil. c,xa,. ,4? r-la {6 - a ^ Type of Review and Feej N,>$:n:r,rarReview lt"o*" *$1'oopersquarefootoftotalsisnarea' J; Physical Address: Mailing Address! tr Separauon Request No ffi IolvjvOFffillffiooT, SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS IOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW STAFF APPROVAL \ .L -ds STAFF:.rG General Informatipn This application is for any sign that is located within the Town of Vail. Specific requii Department of Communlty Development. I. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS o. D. Name of Business: Building name and physical Written approval from condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. Type of sign (chect all that apply): . EFreestandino Siqn)fidl sisn - - FHanging / Projecting Sign FDisplay Box trDaily Special Board trJoint Dhectory Sign Fsubdivision Entrance Sign Number of sions Sign message: Sign and lettel 1/q" = 1\: )FfuiHing Identification ' D Mural tr Window Sgn tr Sign Program tr Gas Filled/Fiber Optic tr TempoGry Sign tr Other F. l-.1 I J. K L Length of business frontage: Height of sign(s) from grade: Sign Location (attach a site p proposed locrtion of sign(s)): gp'lrsexistino: d \,'".""^'d'2ryid;)"i1f"*"itW:F::xrt)il#ifepsu4) i:iliWtWtffi6#"p?P4ffi'*"' Materials and colors of si (attach samples): Sign lighting plan: Q Indicate gpe, loiation and number of fixtures. E Indude height above grade. lumens ouFut, luminous area. O nttactr a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. M. Drawings showing how and whqre the sign pr awning will attach to the building and how the awning wlrbeconstructed jW f/DrD { gilf N. The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine wheher a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicaEd. I have raad and understand the above listed submittal requirements: JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER J 'IJ > ' t r ' 'l I, (print na'me) \- .' , a jolnt owner of propefty located at (address/legal description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to $e To^rn of Vail @mmunity Development Department for the proposed improvemenb to be completed atthe address noted above. I understand thatthe proposed improvements indude: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's appllcable codes and regulatlons, (Signature). (Date) Page2of 4104128104 N. The Administrator and/or DRB may requlre the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a p@ect will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. NOTES TO ALL APPLICANTS Time Reouirements The Design Review Board meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at http://ci.vail.co.us/commdev/olannino/drb/meetinos/default,htm Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in T'itle 12 (Zoning Regulations) and Tide 14 (Development Standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Desiqn Review Board Meeting Requirements For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that sbking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicant, or their representative, shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. ff the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Staff Aporoval The Administrator (a member of the planning stafQ may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Review Board for a decision. All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. Pase 4 of 4/04/28/04 ,^.-1+{I\^ \[s;) NYNfruny HOW DID WE RATE WTTH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community D evelopment D eparbnent Russ el I Fonesl Director, (970)47s-213s Check allthat applies. 1. Which DeparFnent(s)did you contact? Building _ Environmental _ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB _ PEC I 2. Wrryourinfialcontactwitirourstafiimrnediate-slow or i..,, .. .:. :, no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helnpd? 4. Was your.project revieured on a timely basis? Yes / No (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall efiect'veness oi tre Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 I A. Wilat is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenb you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are \ commited b irnproving our service. lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first time to fle a DRB app- PEC app- ....rr. .:.;i. .1,.i: ,:: Bldg Permit- N/A 6. Please rate fte performance of the stafiperson who assisted you: 54321Name: MJ LS ffi4 ffi wM MJ ffiffi*T a\*d ffi ffi.- F;o-l ,r::i ft'i .'.''].:'. ,.'...:.."; ifi EA \*3 t\ a\ F \--r": a*; "* 32 i5 lv. .* i.r-.1Uer Sy" ;* .L xi]: i, :_ )"4 \ rr-1 in,. Ys nl{ "4: TJ C,) ,4\ Evr, 0.,fiF \9: -_ -:avl (E(n -o F .rt x.=:- c (.,-l tn n') u L? s U p LIJ Az :)oIL 6 |.r}Oc)at ,.i :X *i.,r$ {f.,e,iffl .-{e\ @ Yr\ as\F {.ib{\ *r..& e:' :'{{}* ll *ra* 't lds 4 L;r rY# *i rzr*C:q l- K!, *x *\ ti.l r".s : s ea 'rts ,s '* it: *c "rJ a) rt "-*s {i4 fl\# LUf o_ IJ.JNzoEdt Flrl U tr*cr* ;l1 t:; # : i1 i ii. r"f I ":i' i:.: fi;; 11 !. l t*+++t*+f'i*'}**ff*+*+{'**+l+*****+*aa++t+++l*ltlt+*+a*t+*++*++++t+*tt**********t'tfl.l!f+********** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement Number: Pa)rment Method: PETERSON R050000908 Amount: S57.00 Check 06/22/2ooso3:32 PMInit; iIS Notatj-on: 7051/BAIL,EY & $57.00 **f*********************t*************l***********ll+***++*++**t*t****+a*rt*:t:l'|******+*l***** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriptlon Current Prnts Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: IJocat.ion: This Palment : DR 00100003112200 sP 00100003124000 DR8050291 T)4)e: DRB 2101- 0 82 -3 900 - 3 384 GORE CREEK DR VAIIJ P3&'I PARKING IloT,/ FOI'!{DERS DESIGN REVIEW FEES SIGN FEES - Sign Applieation PARK Total FeeE : Total ALL Pmts : Balance: 9s7.00 957.00 90.00 50.00 7.OO MEMORANDUM TO: Longlel Donaldeon FROM: MaryAnn Best DATE: June 3, m05 SUBJEGT: Founders Garage Park Easement Attach€d is the recorded €asemont for the parlr on top of Founders Garage. Please place it in the fire safe. Attachment xc: ryfikGreg Hall Town Attomey File ilril il]tr|lffi ililr utn liltt ltil til tillt..k J Bll|onton Eagl., co t74 PARK EASEMENT AGREEMENT .?r# a"v "f ARK EASEMENT AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is made as of the , 2005, by and between VAIL ASSOCIATES HbEorNCs,-rm@Ownet'), and the TowN OF VAIL, a municipal corporation and political suMivision of the State of Colorado (the *Town"). FOR GOOD AI\|D VALUABLE CONSIDERATIoN, the receipt and sufficiency of which arc hereby acknowledged, Owner hereby grants to the Town, alrd the Town hereby accepts, an easement (the "Easement") upon, acros and over the surface of the "Park Area" (defined below) for the use and enjoyment of the same for recreational purposes that are consistent with ordinary uses for public parks within the Town that are of a size commensuatc with the Park Area, including but not limited to, picnicking, sight-seeing, and bird warching (the "Park Uses"), and also for the subjacent support of the surface of the Park Area by those rmderlying zubterranean areas owned by the Ovmer. The *Park Area" shall rnean that certain real prbperty in the Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, which is presently owned bV dwner and is legglly described on s[j!i1-1! attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. The Easement is granted and acceprcd upon the following terms and conditions: l. The Easement shatl be for the use and benefit of members of the general public (collectively the "Invitees'), all ofwhom shall be regarded as invited guests ofthe Town ior purposes of C.R.S. $ 3341-103. It is mutually intended by the parties that the Owner have tne futf tenegt and protection of the provisions of C.R.S. $ 3341-103. The Ovvner specifically agrees that no charge shall b€ levied upon and no revenue shall be collected from any Invitee for any entry into the Park Arca for the use and enjoyment of the Easement. 2. The Owner may limit and regulate the scope and extent of the uses to be enjoyed as Park Uses, especialty given the limited size of the Park ArEa, as deterrnined by Ovmer in its ordinary business judgrrent (including, without limitation, regulations and limitations to protect the Owner's interests in relation to the Park Area), but after good faith consultation with and due consideration ofinput from the Town, and provided that such limitations and regulations must be generally uniform in nature and may not discriminate bstween the Owner (or its successors) and the Invitees in the proper enjoyment ofthe Park Uses In connection therewith: (a) The Owner may post notices of pertinent limitations and regulations. Any infraction of any posted limitation or regulation, or any ur€ or activity within the Park Arca that is unlawful or materially inconsislent with the intended purpos€s of the Easement, shall be outside the scope of the Easement and may be rega,rded by the Owner as a fespass upon the Park Area The Owner will have rights against the pertinent Invitee(s) to exercise such remedies as may ordinarily be available at law or equity for a tespass, and may also preclude access to affected portions ofthe Park Area for appropriate periods of time and resort to other lawful self-help remedies in order to prevent the continuation or, or mitigate the effects of, any such fespass or series of trespasses. Owner will consult in good faith with the Town before exercising any such self-help remedy (orcept in cases of emergency necessitating immediate action, as determined by Owner in its ordinary business judgment). ililtx R 38. 642O7.i Z RCn$l SKLD LG t72.20 -29.20 EG 91L288-2005.001 (b) In connection with any enforcement action for a trespass, Owner will be entitled to rccover, from the trespassing Invitee(s), Owner's oosts of enforcement, including attomeys' fees. Enforcement of Owner's rights under this paragraph 2 will be at Ownei's sole election, and Oumer will have no obligation to enforce its rights for the benefit of fire Town or any Invilees. Owner will have no obligation to the Town or any Invitees to establistr security for or otherwise police or manage activities within the Park Area. The Easement rights in favor of the Town will include the right to come upon the Park Area and enforce its laws as it may do so in any public place; providcd" however, that the Town agrees that it shall solely bear any liability that may result therefrom, and that it shall pay any sums, costs or expenses, including attomeys' fees, that Owner may incur in connection with any such liability or claim thercof. The Easement will not include any rigbts of the Town to improve or make alterations or modifications to the Park Area 3. Notwithsandhg the Town's acceptance of the Easement grant hereunder, the Town strall not have any obligation or responsibility for maintenance of the Park Aree and any maintsnance to be rmdertaken wi[ bs borne solely by or through the Ovmer. Any landscaping or other improvements to the Park Ar€a will be undertaken in accordance with the generally prevailing legal requirements of the Town as applied to the Pak Area (inctuding any arising under any applicable design or developrnent plans approved by the Town). 4. The Easement shall be non-exclusive, and the Ovmer will retain all rights to use and enjoy the Park Area for any us€s or purposes that are consisteot with the Park Uses as establistr€d hereunder. In any event these rctained rigirts may include, without limitation, the following: (a) Thc constnrction, installation and location within the Park Area of paved walks and stairs (and snowmelt frcilities therefor), landscaping, park benches, and other furnishings and improvemeDts asociald with park or pedestian uses. Ovmer will also have the right to alter, modify, maintain or r€move any zuch landscaping fitmishings or improvernents from time to time. All furnishings and improvements that may tle undertaken shall be in accordance with the Town's generally prevailing develop'ment and desigr reguirements, as applicable. O) Utilities useq and specifically (and again without limilation) the grant of easem€nts to ulility zuppliers for the locatioq use and enjoyment of utility facilities witbin the Park Area. (c) The construction, modificatiorL alteration, maintenance, use and enjoyment within or adjacent to the Park Area of a pavilion building, vehicular entrances and exits, stairs and stairwayg and other improvements and facilities (collectively the "Parking Appurtenances') thal provide access to or are othenvisc associated with the use and eqioyment of subterranean parking garage facilities to be located in part under the Park Area (the "Garage"), and access ov€r, on and across the Park Area to and from the Parking Appurtenances. As part of the Owner's rights under paragraph 2, Owner may establish and enforce rules, regulations and measures (including security systems) for 114!076 2 Bcnsr 2 L' EG 977248-2005.OO2SKLD LG o purpos€s of limiting access to and the use and enjoyment of the Parking Appurrenances to owners of interests in the Garage and their invitees. 5. Nothing herein shall be deemed or construed as a gant or public dedication of the fee oo"tenliip interests in the Park Area, and the Owner shall retain those fee ownership intercsts io all respects, it being the intention of the parties hcreto that the sole prop€rty interest conveyed herermder is and shall be the easement rights in favor of the Town lhat constitute the Easement, as the same is governed by the other provisions hereof. 6. The term of this Agreement and the Easement shall be in perpstuity; providd however, that in any event the Town shall retain the power and authority to amend, modifi or lerminate this Agfeement and the Easement pursuant to any fiuther agroement made mutually with the Owner, which further agrcement may be approved and adopted by the Town by resort to the same procedures by which this Agteement has been approved and adopted by the Town. 7. In the event any litig3tion or tegal proceeding arises out ofthis Agreement between the Ovrner and the Toum and is prosecuted the final judgment, the prcvailing party shdl be entitled to recover from the other (and the presiding court will be bound to award) all ofthe prevailing party's costs and expenses incurrcd in connection therewith, including reasonable attorneys'fees. 8. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to tlre benefit of the Town and the Owner and the Oqmer's successors in interest in the ownership of the Pdk Arca. References herein to the *OwneC' shall mean from time to time the party or parties that are then the owner and holder of record fee title to the Park Area No Owner shall havc any liability for obligations, if any, accruing under this Agreement following the term of such Owner's ownership. Any Owner may delegate and assign its rights and obligations hereunder to any ownels' association forured with powen of govemance in connection witb the Garage and Pa* Areq and such association shall become solely rcsponsible for those obligations to the extent the association assunes zuch obligations accruing dr.uing the term of the assignment and delegation. Rights to enforce the Easement will be and remain vested solely in the Towr1 and no Invitee shall have any enforcement rights, The Town may not assigr or delegate the Easement or any of the Town's rights or obligations hercunder, and at Owner's eleclion any purported assignment or delegation by the Town will be null and void ab initio and/or constitute a brcach by the Town of this Agreement. 9. This Agreement shall be govemed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. 10. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, and which together shall constitute one and the sarne agr€ement. [Brlance of pege intentionally left blankl 6a2orri ! f,cnsH 1_72.20.29.20 .EG tJ 9tr2a8-2005 - oo3SKLD LG IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Owner and the Town have made this Park Easement Agreement as of ttr day, month and year first above written' VAIL ASSOCIATES HOLDINGS. LTD., a Colorado corporatron t|Frrtrbfr-vi.|'Flcllrqtt#tn *'n';&w. -- '4-rotbK By: Name: Tirle: STATEOF COLORADO COIJNTY OF EAGLE 6410t6 2 ICFISH SKLD LG I72.20.29.20 EG P* The forecoine inskument q'as acknowledged beforeifrt fld..L .zd'os,-uy filarfLo- D.Kphi u r'ail Alsociates Holdings' Ltd., a Colorado corporation' ) ) ss: ) my hand and official seal. expires: 1 lt of' [Signature Blocks Continued on Nert Pege] 4 911288-2005. O04 me this sr. ffii":ls TOWNOFVAIL, a municipal corporrtion snd politicd subdivision ofthc Statc of Colomdo STATEOFCOLOMDO COI.JNTYOF EAGLE Witncss my band rod otficial scal. Mycocrmissioncxett-t VX/A* SKLD t72.20.29.20 EG 9LL2AA-2005_OOs r- --'-- EXIIIBIT A l,egd Description for Perk Aree (see attached) A-l SKLD LG 772.20-29-20 EG 9r12AA-2005.OO6 r-:-'-t. I I I I I SKLD 9rr28A-2005. 007t'72.20.29 .20 TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT O VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: ALARMPERMIT 384 GORE CREEK DR VAIL 384 GORE CREEKDR 2t0108239002 Permit #: Status . . Applied. Issued . Expires . VAIL CORP PO BOX 7 VATLco 81658 License: TRI PHASE ELECTRIC 0325 HARDSCRABBLE ROAD GYPSI'M CO 81537 LLcense: Itu-E ATM SECURITY PO Box 2856Dillon, Colorado 8043s Li-cense: 686-S $0.00 s0. o0 s0.00 s3.00 $r ,247 .50 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-----> Total Permit Fee----> Payments-----------------> BALANCE DUE..-----> $r ,2a'7 .50 $0.00 st,247 . so sL,247 .50 s0 .00 ProjectNo ,?g o,y*oo4g OWNER APPLICANT CONTRACTOR Desciption: NEWFIREALARM SYSTEMFORPARKINGGARAGE Valuation: $27,000.00 ,i*r*,|**,rr**r*r:t *i.l*{**r**r**.t r'r***rt *|.'r,**rr,rL,r*:r:}r.i.r.* FEE suMMARy Electrical-----> DRB Fee--------> Investigation---> Will Call------> TOTAL FEES_> 09/03/2004 Phone: 09/03/2004 Phone:9'7 0-524-7135 Ll, / 30 / 2004 Plrone :(970) 389-s007 A04-0057 Po (-'oo (8 .: ISSUED .: O9lO3/2004 .: 1211012004 .: 06/08/2005 Approvals: Ilen: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIIT 09/22/2004 mvaughan L2/08/2004 mvaughan Action: DN conEractor on Action: AP application is noE fire alarm CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, flrlled out in full the inforrration required completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infonnation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws. and to build this structue to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Toy{applicab BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2135 FROM E:00 AM - 5 PM.REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SEALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ********+*+++*******++*+++++******+++++++f**********f,*********t't+*'t+++f+{.+++++++*+**++***+** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement 't********************+*+************f***f,*'tt*+1.{.1*1.******i*t*******t*************,}**'}******** Statement Number: R04000?249 Amount: 5I ,247.5O t2/t0/200403:36 PM Palment Method: Check Init: DDGNotation3 Aim Securitv 0l-9 0 Perrni t No: A04-0057 ll!.tr)e: ALARM PERMITParcel No: 2]-0708239002 210108239003 SiTe Address: 384 GORE CREEK DR VAILLocalion: 384 GORE CREEK DR ToEal Fees: $1, 247 .50This Payment: 51,247.50 Total ALL Prnts: 5L,247.50Balance: S0.00 ++t***********t******'i++*'l'|+***********ti**+**+++*ff**************+i!+*+****f,i********l'{'+,1':lt*+ ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31,11-1OO FIRE ALARM PERMIT FEES 1,012.50 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 232.00 WC OO].OOOO31128OO WILL CATL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO ffi MWNOFVAILIY ,hotl156+-) APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED REVISION TO TOWN OF VAIL'BUILDING PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Golorado 81657 General Contractor: A, 4",. 5"a v,r i i Y Town of Vail Reg, No.: GSb.S Contact and Phone #'s: 3bq- fc'ts+ ATTENTION: JR, CHARti|E, GREG,5ER3 cXntracfi Sisnatye: '/.-1r.ZL 1-?_-^ OMPLETE REVISED VALUATIONS FOR PERMIT (Labor & Materials REVISEO AMOUNT: $ELECTRICAL: $OTHER:$ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $REVISED TOTAL: $ c For Parcel # C ******r***********r*r****rr.****{Ro uTlN G INFORMATION FOR oFFlcE usE o N Ly*****i.***********r.***************** ,rL/ \\. ? 0'' ' or Parcel # Contact Eaqle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaqle-countv.com Job Name:Job Address: Legal Description ll Lot: ll Btock: ll fiting:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: ArchitecVDesigner:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: REASON FOR REVISIONS: P*c \ike U61\^ql,,N )r.I ar ^,'-{. .l N t Re a.,l af nt. 'CI,a- 1 ; aq AJr\\t o f l': rri-r^.fo T per-t-. i-l- fc A,.r l<Ct^.f,'t / BUILDING DEPARTMENT:PLANNING DEPARTMENT: i;. {T C:\windows\oesktop\DFL9RESrtFOwevis/031d(O*;--oR{10t16t2402 mmlNwn Frontage Rd. 81657 Alarm conlr6clor: mr, ,,Qr wtLL Nor BE AccEPTED tF lNcoMPt SS ll"'. tiulldlng Permlt #: Alarm Pormit #: 9f $17 9-21 3 5 (los lloelisn s ) INFORMATION Conlac{ and Phons #'s: otl-oo l ijLlAND ()-5 /-q--l I FlreAlarm: $ COTPLETE VALUAIONS FORAI-ARil PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Job Address: Bbt GOfc C g6(_tJobName: ?3+J ?o.rln.o Lsf> or vlslt for Parcel *Conbct Typeof Bdg.: Single-famlly( ) Drvelling Uni&r buildlng: Exist l $ RECEITEO .,'li J .-.*.'. 07n4finoz$VrTUsb\cd6AFORMS\PERMITS\ALRMPERM.DOC PREPLAil INFORTANON SHEET VAIL FIRE & ETTIERGENCY SERVICES BUILDING INFORXIATION : BuildingName: Y5F Street Address & Phone #: Alarm Panel Location: Alarm Silence & Rest Knox Box tocation: ?AVrLtoS DocL Leve L 4 ?,+c rr oc RPS': Names & Phone Numbere (work & home): owner VAtu Ass.ccrA-te> Property Manager: Property Maintenance Manager: Alarm Service Company: TFD BUILDING UTILITIES: Gas: Main Location: Other Locations: Electric: Main Location:Lbvel- | Sub-Panel Locations: Water: MainValve t-ocation: L€vFL 0-, SP0r nl-r'(r Qoutq llMain Fire Valve Location: Secondary Water Valve Locations: WaiMabtcdedFORMS\PERMITS\ALRIIPERM.OOC vn4nwz TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970479-2738 -j ;rll*** oF coMMU*,t or*rt** NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES . i ,_, ^ t/ $ NEWCoMMBUILDINGPERMIT Permit # 80tL0018 DL>Oq- UU t Job Address:384 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location....:366 HANSON RANCH ROAD Applied . . : 03/03/2004 Parcel No...: 210108239003 Issued . . : 05/20/2004 Expires . .: 71/76/2A04 coNrRAcToR HYDER CONSTRUCTfON, rNC 03/03/2OO4 Phone: 303-825-1313 543 SAI.ITA PE DRrVE DEIiMER, CO 80204 L,icense: 109-A APPIJICANr Vail Resorts Development Co 03/03/2004 Phone: POB ?vail, co 81658 License: OWNER VAII, CORP Phone: PO BOX 7 VAIIJ eo 815s8 Desciption:TownofVailAdiustedValuation: 6,476,800.00 NEW I]TTIDERGROITI{D, CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE PARKING STRUCTURE, PARK PAVIIJION, PARKTNG DECK Occupancy ?y?e Tota1a... Factor Sq Feet Valuation 52,145 i6,475,800.00* Fireplace Infomuti,on: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pelleh 0 FEESUMMARY Building->$25, s 99 . SoReshrarant Plan Review-> S0 . 00 Total Calculated Fees-> i42 ,242 .6't Plan Check->$ 15, 63 9 . 8 TDRB Fee----> S0.00 Additional Fees-> $0.00 Investigation-> S0 .ooReceation Fee--> $0.00 Total Permit Fee-> $42,242.67 Wifl Call-> $3.00clean-up Deposit-> $0.00 Payments--> 542,242.67 TOTALFEE$->542,242.61BALANCEDUE-_> 90.00 Approvals:I€dm: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPARTTIIEMI O5/t4/2oo4 JRIti Actj.on: AP IIEM: O54OO PLANNING DBPARTMENT o5/t7/2oo4 rf Action: coND Item: 05600 FIRB DEPART{t{E[flf o4/2L/20o4 mvaughan Action: AP Item: 05500 PttBtIe WORKS 05/t3/2oo4 ls Action: DN Awaiting for vail Resorts or Hyder construction to provide Pw with aO" ,oting informatj.on. tt 1. RevocaSle Right of Way Pemj.ts for the proposed soil nailing within ROw. 2. Vail Resorts to provide a signed Development Agreement to the Town for the land at the Private Ship Park. 3. Eroison control plan and grading permit for storage dirt piles within the of Vail linits, on Vail Mountain. o5/17/2oo4 Ls Action: AP fax copy of the Revocable Row permit reciewed and eroaion control plan for dirt stock piles within ToV limits. Item: 05550 ENGINEERING See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforstation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structue according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved Uniforrn Building Code and other ordinances of ttre Town applicable thereto. REQI,]ESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-21 AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 SIGNATURE OF OWNER ANDOI^/NEF PAGE2 CONDITIONSOF APPROVALPerrrit# B04l-0018 asof05-20-2004 Status: ISSUED PermitType:NEWCOMMBUILDINGPERMT Applied: 03/03/2004 ApplicantVail Resorts Development Co Issued: 05/20/2004 To Expire 77/16/2N4 job Address:384 GORE CREEKDR VAIL Location:366 HANSON RANCH ROAD Parcel No: 210108239003 Description: NEW UNDERGROUND, CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE PARKING STRUCTURE, PARK PAVIUON, PARKING DECK Conditions: Cond: CON0006428 EnEy: 05/17/2004 By: RF Actiort AP Public Works and/or planning need to approve of sedement mitigation for dirt storage prior to the creation of dirt piles. Fnfry: 05/17/20M By: RF Action: AP AII dirt piles that are left on site without activity for more than 3 montfu must be reseeded with a native seed mix or the VR seed mix used on VaiI Mountain. Enfry: 05 / 77 / 2004 By: rf Action: AP Only approved for 1 08 parking spaces as per the approved PEC and DRB plans. Entyt 05/17 / 2004 By: ls Action: COND Due to some construction streetscape work on Hanson Ranch Rd. a new box culvert needs to be install in the fall of 2004. The new planter at the intersection of Hanson Ranch and Mll Creek chute must be coordinated to allow delivery of box culvert. Contact Scott Blumh TOV or Bob M. B&B Excavating. Contractor must communicate during construction. *i*t+ **+*** *+ +*+ial *i*+t+* * t * ++ I l' +:*i a l +*** | I ** **t a* t + * f * ++l * * * t*t +r t** * 'i 't+ +ttl * + '1. t * * * +** * * ** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statementt+l't*rt*rlr'l*'|r*++*a*t+{ll"i+*tt**tl+t*'|f**+**t*ft*******+++t*+rt'*i***a*f **+*at***t*++*r*+*++* statement Nuiber: Ro4oo05854 Amount. ! 142,242.67 05/Lg/200407:56 Ail Payment MeEhod: Check Init: ifRlt! Notation: Permit No: Parcel No: 2LOLOA239002 Site AddreEs : Irocation: 00100003111100 00i00003112300 00100003112800 3 84 GI'CRE CREEK DR VAIIJ 356 HAI\TSON RANCI{ ROAD $42,242.67 BUILDING PERM]T FEES PLAN CHECK FEES I'llLL CALL INSPECTI0N FEE Total Fees: $42,242,67 Total AIJ-, PmtE: 542,242.6? 25 , 599. 80 16. 639. 87 3 .00 804-0018 T)4)e t NEW COMM BUIIJDING PERMIT 210108239003 Thls Payment 3 Balance:$o. oo +*t*+ *++ *tt+ + + *+t i*'i*** **l' l' + +**i+ * **l' + + * a ** *i* + ** i t.t *+* * ** i** + r ** **** * * * ** t **** * * I * * | * * 't *+ + ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descni pti on Current Pmts BP fl |tiC oFdr#r'itipy drd' TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 out''"r*T oF coMMrJNrrY DEVEL'.il*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES NEW COMM BUILDING PERMIT Permit # 804-0018 Job Address: 384 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 366 HANSON RANCH ROAD Applied . . : 0310312004 Parcel No...: 210108239003 Issued . . : 05/2012004 PcJeS'oe+ Expires. .: ll/16Do\4 Ptzd otf-oo*? coNrRAcToR ITYDER CONSTRUCTION, rNe $/03/2004 phone: 303-82s-1313 543 SAIITA FE DRIVE DEI\TVER, CO 80204 . License: 109-A APPITICAIiIT VaiI Resorts Development Co 03/03/2004 Phone: POB 7 vail, CO 816s8 I-,icense: OWNER vAfIJ CORP Phone: PO BOX 7 VAII, co 8L558 Desciption: Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 6,639,550.00 NEW IJNDERGROUND, CAST IN PITACE CONCRETE PARKING STRUCTT]RE, PARK PAVIL]ON, PARKING DECK Occupancy Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y Ilrce Tota1s... Building--> 526 ,'J-94.75 Restmrant Plan R€yiew-> Plan check-> s17, 026 - 59 DRB F€e--> Factor Sq Feet Valuation 52,L45 $6,539,550.00* FEE SUMMARY **aat'ra+*at*tra*****ar:ra'r*ar+ar'tatraa+'|ta*aa'lar*a'!**a*'r*l'*aa so, oo TotalCalculated Fees--> 943,384.34 S0.00 AddilionalFeos----->s0.00 S0. o0 Total Permit Fee-----> $43,384.34 gO. OO Palments--__.--> $43 , 384 .34 # ofGas Appliances: 0 # of Gas togs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 Inv€stigation-> Will Call---> So. 00 Recreation Fee--------> 53 .00 Clean-uP DePosit-> TOTAL FEES----..> S43 , 384 . 34 BALANCE DUE-_-->$0.00 Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDTNG DEPARTMENT o5/L4/2oo4 JRNI Action: AP Itemr 05400 PLJANNING DEPARTI'{EIiIT o5/L7/2oo4 rf Action: coND Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMBII o4/2t/2oo4 mvaughan Action: AP Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS OS/:-3/2OO4 Is Action: DN Awaiting for Vail Resorts or Hyder Constru provide PW with the following information. 1. Revocable Right of Way Permit for Ehe proposed soil nailing within ROw. 2. Vail Resorts to p.o*. a signed Development eg..*nt to the Town for the 1an, Private Ship Park. 3. Eroison control plan and grading permit for storage dirt piles wiehin the Town limits, on Vail Mountain. o5/L7/2oo4 Ls Action: AP fax copy of the Revocable ROw permit recj.e' erosion control plan for dirt stock piles within TOV limits. IIEM: 05550 ENGIITEERING tt.l'tt**t'i*|**'|''***++ltt'*l||l|.|.||+*t'|tlt|t*t*.|l|t|l1t|lt'l|l|t*lt|*l*|*ll|ll*ft*tllt+|+t|+|*r|t|***'ti**{||***ii See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOIjRS TELEPHONE AT 479.AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER ANDOWNEF PAGE 2 **'}*'8**'|t****,|.,*'|'|.****'}*:|.'}:|t,|t'.!**,|***+,t't*,**:*'t+!t***,}:|t'}*'t*{.**'l**'|*'}!*****'|****'|***,t***4.********** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit # 804-0018 n of 07-29-2004 Status: ISSUED * 't*'t,f *'** * ***'i* ********'t*,i '|,i* * ****'*tfit *'t ****f ***{.,}*,}{r*tt t*****'t***,*!t't *,t * {. * * + * *,} * *,* *:t * * !r *:* !* *.r * * 'f *****f ****** PermitType: NEW COMM BUILDING PERMIT Applicant Vail Resorts Development Co Applied: 03/03/2004 Issued: 05/20/2004 To Expire: 1l/16/2004 Job Address: 384 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 366 HANSON RANCH ROAD ParcelNo: 210108239003 Description: NEW T]NDERGROT]ND, CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE PARKING STRUCTURE, PARK PAVILION, PARKING DECK Conditions: Cond: CON0006428 Entyt 0511712004 By: RF Action: AP Public Works and/or planning need to approve of sedement mitigation for dirt storage prior to the creation of dirt piles. Entry: 05/17 12004 By: RF Action: AP All dirl piles that are left on site without activity for more than 3 months must be reseeded with a native seed mix or the VR seed mix used on Vail Mountain. Entry: 0511712004 By: rf Action: AP Only approved for 108 parking spaces as per the approved PEC and DRB plans. Entry: 05117/2004 By: ls Action: COND Due to some construction sheetscape wor Hanson Ranch Rd. a new box culvert needs to be install in the fall of 2004. The new planter at the intersection of Hanson Ranch and Mill Creek chute must be coordinated to allow delivery of box culvert. Contact Scott Blumh TOV or Bob M. B&B Excavating. Contractor must communicate during construction. +* {. * * ** **** * **** * * * ** * * * ** * + ++* i * + *t* t * * +* +* * tt ** *** * +* * ** ** * * * ** +** t t+ lr * * ** * ** ** * * * * * ** *+ +* TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Statement * t ++t * * * * * * *** ** +** * I t * *** *** l* +*'tf + '} * *** I * * * * * t | *i * * * * * ** * * + ** * * * * * * * * a * * * * * l. f +t + + * * i **** + * Statenent Nrudber: R040006297 tunount 3 $1,141.67 07/29/2OO4O2:43 PM Palment Method: Check fnits: DDG Notation: Hyder Construction I\c, 49271 Permit No: 804-0018 Tlpe: NEW COMM BUILDING PERMIT Parcel No: 21010823 9 003 270LO8239002 SiIe Addregs: 384 GORE CREEK DR \TAIIJ Location: 355 I{AtilSON RANCH ROAD Tota1 Fees: $43,384.34 Thia Palment: $1,141.6? Total ALL Pmts 3 $43,384.34 Balallce: 90.00 :t ** * * * * * * * ** * * * ** + + *+{.*+ + +{.++*** * * **+* * * * t* +** **** f,**t +t + * l' ** .. f * *+ + ** t +t*** **** * *** t *t + + * +* * ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescfiiDtion Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 594. 95 546.72 .e# tNt$ APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGN REVISION TO TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 tl CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION General Gontracton hLtw.Ama- r*- Town of Vail Reg. l{o.: lg-/4 Contact and Phone #'sr Cfr) AzfirtrlDooafrn,*t tlnAtEz'Sztl ATTENTION: JR, CHARLIE, GREC, DORTS COMPLETE ihror,okFoR pERMrr {Labor & Materiats REVfSED AMoUNT: $ nt:@ ELECTRICAL:$ /f OOA REVISED TOTAL; $PLUMBING:S e.tsa For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www. 2lolo JobAddress:39t &38 cJob Name:Vret P*cJr- ? etwn c 16O Legal Description ON FOR REVISIONS: E6poSoN aF {RlPl'(.O 'Exran>rD Breac-r 6P;*OC- ftf l#vd A 3 -t o AD t P*r46t0E s?rrce1 ?e?fiL 6/ Lt1,Jro - r**r*r*r*r***.rffir*.*****+**RouTlNc INFoRMATION FOR OFFICE USE O N LY*|!r**ffi**r*r*'**i*****.ir'Hi}l} BUILDING DEPARTMENT:PLANNING DEPARTMENT: C:\rrindows\OesktopUFLORES INFO\Revised Bldg permit.doc 10/16n002 o BUILDING PERMTT # THIS CHECKLIST MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE REVISON PERMIT APPLICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED: . NEW REVISION APPLICATION FILLED OUT . PAGES OF DOCUMENTS BEING REVISED . PAGE #'S BEING REVISED l,lUST BE HIGHLIGHTED OR BALLOONED Jet eA er6,e gf. ficl JOB ADDRESS: -?2 f*rpr-^o %^rr. G*.s y'*rf REASON FOR REVISIONS DRB APPROVAL IF NEEDED . 2/ sets oF REvtsEDpLANs ARCHITECT /ENGINEERED DRAWINGS STAMPED Appllcantts signatr^:, e: Date of Submittal: _ Received By: TOI#N OT VAIL APPLICATION o WILL tl 'o00vN or B E Ac cnryEE f ff B" r.rJ|.jo":i}rs$! Buildinq Permit #: MMIOPVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Golorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: /kOeZ (arogmrnrnn. r^ro Town of Vail Reg. No.: /aq-tu Contact and Phone#'s: W4 TFUFp(s) BtG ruz Emaif addresst Z dthomcso*C AqdA Lnc. (pm ContractorSignature: \ , - \_)e-^-_- -,/ \.... GOMPLETE VAL/A}NS BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDfNG: $ 5:6OO,O@e ELECTRICAL: $ j@,O@a ffiEFt** Bn,oo a PLUMBING:$ /ff6.666 o MECHANTCAL: g 4b? . g@ @ rorAL: $ 641L O&) - For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 orvisit www. Eilffili* ltotoB23g@s f 2toto82 3?oo7 JobName:l&z t?ar i 6r*r*@fu ;\JobAddress: JU ,&nasr^r llrr*la+ RO Lesar Descriptio" ll r-ot'{tr} ll ero"r'5:^4 ll ririns, trtprtr ll suuoiui"ion, (tru y'rrr*az ownersNane:y$aylgg D''djl ^df,,,E}i1TnqPfffi PP. l.ar.q(?snll Phone.,*,)WB{7 ArchitecUDesiqner:.tt /tk-t -hzrn*rnE EIfl"A* <.. srn-2n',1"*rc (h tm 10ne:'4D2q2-339R Ensineer4dorl 2 hh.osu 6.. ll #9jg'"iD,t x*o*-rcmfum>h fu24 Bg15 aag -4qL) Detailed description of work: lr,lDErLLfuzAlD . r1+<r.,rn-a,tpr rlntraaitr-ffit41:tl|, <lrt1ftDE, ,?Ael. frlbltuO. ABntn vAX WorkClass: ftewQt'eaaition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (2f Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (ff Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial (/Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: b No. of Accommodation Units in this building:d Noffvpe of Fireolaces Existinq: Gas Appliances (a) Gas Loos (a) Wood/Pellet (a) Wood Burning (o) Ct Noffvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances (@) Gas Loqs [t) Wood/Pellet @) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED] Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (tf, ll Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No |f ********!t*****t*****t**:r*************FOR OFFICE USE O N LY*****t******************************** 07 t26t2002 Date Received: \\VailUata\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM. DOC .--1 <l).t 2DDt v6- REPT131 Run Id: 3069 O&3GADS hspectlon Rcquet Reportlng Page 10 4:37 prn - VAIL- CO : Tolltfi{ OF - R€que3bd lnsp€ct Drte:- lnsp€c'flon Ars.: SlbAddret3: jsi"*y, l|trc-t| 31, 200s 384 GORE CREEK DRVAIL 368 HANSON RAI.ICH ROAD Slirs:lffipAn : A/Fltl ln{brmatl'on Apolhtnt: Cotractor: D.sc|lpdon: i,lothe: Commc|{: CommgntConmnt Co0menf Commnl: Commet{: ConmenL Cqnment: Commant Commcnt lbmCom|r|eris: llemCommer{s: lirmC,orrnrrG: lbnCoomfib: Rcoucebd lnsocoilon(sl Rrnch RE\4StOt*f J8I,'THER PVI/has l.cbwd a far GI,'ARDS rcOFOR ONTEOP€N DOORSIN COi,€lJltD Sub ll.tC Pltonr: 30382$1313 , CAST tN PTACE COI.ICRETE PAfilq}JG STRIJCTURE, PARK PAVILIOT.I, nc,-.rErsJalrq,: DGOLDEN K GARVER RE OF EAST UPPER DECK. SI,JBSTA}'IIAL VEHICIE {G Ct Rg SECIRELY ATTACIED TCt flE DECK.AMni[MUM X ELEVATION C,}IAMIES OF 3{T OR GREA'IER. :L SIJRFACE P RKltlG AREA Oit-Y. stct+oFFsot(AY oRPt c. ISSI,'ED JRM ].L0Dbr|s REVISlOl.l ,r <l 17 !.dillo 3o.c.s fth|ouoh . 3d hlrl| lr|b b.on chocked ad compty - EECKEL $,BilItIED ITD ROUIED TO fi , GEOFGE RUTHER, FIRE Af\D R,H-IC YTFRKS . tppforr€d th. lmvocrbl€ L3iler3 of Cted'fitot th3 Fqdred of-slb hp|ovlme]il! b Hansen Okb cell ln for TCO ln3Docdon. - GRUTHER Hgii$Srhffii{Fd*H tfrffi5?o cEoRcE RUTHER AtD JR, - Jsut €R otth. R.i,ocrbh RO|Y Fomlt awalths tor thc htrd copy rnd te.. - CDAVIS .d( to b. suffid to G.o|ue Rrfier -}tb aporoval wl[ b. flqu||rd. - CDAVIS I'tG PLAN RE\flEl,vIrE r lLL B€GIN AllEVt/lrlllEN COrtlDl'TlOtlS BY OI}ER RMET. CDAVIS 20 IIIN RATED I IE I{OLR RE@. BE SI..tsIITIED ANDI AIDPROT,ED. roR. 6-A SIIEEP HAS BEEN ADOED TOATL DooRS OVER 3tt.r e'AP. llem Commertb: FIRE, PLAl.JlrfftlG At{D R.tsLlC lrlPRKS AFPROVALS FOR REST OF GARAGE REOO. Gr-pmtil--ls /l/trt{E- A -rnt/tp^ Fry * 6utMx Urttcs s/-frlz--7 >e Pmu, BV nut7 C/" o 4121usu a'gz?'6/4/ From the duh of,, . . /) flt -/@t Greg Denckla fl,u-t@a/'L U Fe4.sP-q #hU D/A-' Tqt o#q,% p-J ,h.- d@u-/h'L r/ry2/-ieeilJ MD'o':"a-' )t+,1'4"* /ilrt,''$W il@ fu1"'l*/,:L- fuu,wr!tV*@,,*w /4'() S, nncvuraumn Hyder construction Or"orroo5 3:39 pAaE ztzaRightFax s3/3A/2995 r.4:. a9/?a/26as 4s 3833221433 15!3€ s137456374 lt ARC}IITECruRA DOGS STEELoRAFT E.l€ PAGE PAGE a2/62 a2 Stelcrrft MlEoftli|'lot carp||w ml7 Elno A.t| nad CfDchrrf . 6b A''2.2 orD ?.t.6.o March 30, 2(Xlt Mr. tcry Oundn Archltctu'rl Dooft. Ine. 3900 llotly Saeer Donver, CO EOffit SubJ6c l.ottor ot Cqdncrilon. FirG Rrrsd Doon . t6b: 1'stl Gir.8e StlGtcrafr Ord.r tt 4659g3 tt3m 9Doormrk nunb.rs pl04A,p304A. p3O2A, p4O2A. rod pd09A Dor; Jcrrt lttt;. louar.lr lo oatift lh.r ftG T Serlcr doqr mmuflctorrd on thc o+dq nfcrrmad for rhc obo.re Jobqurlafy lo bG Urted wlth Underrvrllar hborrrorlar lac rnd corlply *lth UL procerft[e n-lcr-igggtrwlnslnl flra doors" Thc t L ll8th8/clsrcifcdor mirh(hb.fii'jeprl6d;rf,;-dod *F"io-rr.",. n.rnrrcrial rrftrarrccd rboyG rrst nrenufra,rrcl ie ia compti.nce wtU'nt- proaoCui ot'Uofi"r,rl,.*r-rbo.srorr6 Inc. and would qua[f r bcrr r t-tzfwt,xo a"s." "fo ;; fir; ;;,t.& -. -' slnca i 611631-n3 Dsoro. tnc' rs r gtcctcraft / uL rpprovad frbttcrdon frcility, underr*rta*Laborarcler. trc. hu glrrcn !o Archlla€rurat Doo*. i*. rpp_".| to ryply rhc conar alatrtficrtton nsrkg Pl€lro cortrct UF wrib lf you rtgulrc ddiioorl informetion, Sincctrly .^+-"..q)rh rKnonn,, *-*1"**'"nn / 1 Prn of wuldcdd. InScrol l-Rond * * * * * ** * * * * + 'l*+* +**'f * {. * * * * +*** * ***** * * * *** ** * * a * ** * * * t ** * '}{. * *'}*** * * * * * * f * * * t +*** * +'t'} ** * | * * * + TOWN OF VAIL, COIORADOCopy Reprintcd on 0$19-2004 at 07:57:01 05119/20M Statement * ** * * r ** * * + + ** + t't't't * !t '| * * * * **'** ** *** * rr f {r *'t *** * * * t*** r* +*** * * ***** ** '} + | t ++* * * + **** *'i't't * + + | * t + + statement tilunber: R040005854 Amount: s42,242.57 05/19/200407:55 AM Payment Method: Check Init: iIRM Notation: Permit No: 804-0018 T!pe: NEW COMM BUILDING PERMIT Parcel No: 21010823 9003 2totoa239002 Site Addreee: 384 GORE CREEK DR VAIL L,ocation 3 355 HANSON RANCH ROAD Total Feee: $42,242.67 ThiB Paymene: 542,242.57 Total Ar,r, Pmts 3 $42,242.67 Balancer $0.00 ***+**+:* *+*t***t | * l' *t***l+ ***** a* * t******a** + f********** *****t*+** * + t+***li **l*+*'l*** ** * t* a !t ACCOIJNTITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES 25,599.80 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 16,639.87 l^lc O()1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO 07-25-2006 Inspection Request Reporting Page 20 5:20 om Vail CO'- Cittr Oi - Requested Inspect Date: Wednesday, July 26, 2008 Insp€ction Area: JRM Site Address: 384 GORE CREEK DR VAIL 366 HANSON RANCH ROAI) A/P/D Information Activitv: 804-0018 Const Tvo6:Owtier: VAIL COF Tvoe: COMBUILD Occupahby: sub rgoe: [,fortl Status: ISSUED Insp Area: JRM NC Phone: 303€25-1313 T IN PLACE CONCRETE PARKING STRUCTURE, PARK PAVILION, the required off-site improvements to Hansen P'- dEHIfFftr* *HEN coNDrtoNs By orHER awaruno lor me naro coDv ano Tee. - uu, RUTHER. FIRE AND PUBLIC WORKS - (through a 3rd level) have been checked and comply - EECKEL ITTED AND ROUTED TO GEORGE RUTHER AND JRM - JSUTHER roroe ruther - JSUTHER 'iRE HYDFNNT ISSUES SUBMITTED AND ROUTED TO GEORGE RUTHER - tNc R6qu€st€d Time Exp: Contractor: Applicant: DeSiription: Notice: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Gomment: Comment: for <11 Reouested Inspection(s) Insoection History Item: Requestor: Assiohed To:- Action: ,/t )kiMI i',( tJ ,v/ lt !L) Item: 502 PW-Rouoh oradeItem: 503 PW-FinaTdnTvewav oradeItem: 10 BLDG-FootinqsrStdel 08120104- lnspector: CommenI 08t23t04 Comment: 08!31t04 Comment: 09t02t04 Comment: 09/03/04 Comment: o9t07to4 Comment: 09/08/04 Comment: o9114t04 Comment: 09t't6t04 Comment: 09t20t04 Comment: 09t21t04 Comment: " Aporoved *' GCD " 0,*i.,/ NOTTREADY FOR TNSPECTIONNR VIS PART OF NOT PER PLAN AS Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION AS NOTED ON PLAN.Action: CR CORRECTION REQUIRED . NOTE MADE OF FIELD ISSUED A TECH ENG THE P.E. SET 2 #4'S IN LIEU OF 1 Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION REPT131 APPROVED Run Id: 5521 STANDING Item: 20 09t28to4 Comment: 't0t04t04 Comment: 10105to4 Comment: 10t08t04 Comment: 10114t04 Comment: 10128104 Comment: 11t15tO4 09114104 Comment: 09/16/04 Comment: 09t20t04 Comment: 09121104 Comment: o9t24to4 Comment: 09/30/04 Comment: 10to1lo4 Comment: 10105104 Comment: 10t08to4 Comment: 10t19t04 Comment: 10t20t04 Commenl: 10t27to4 Comment: 't0t28t04 Comment: 't1t04t04 Comment: 11104104 Comment: 11t10to4 Comment: 11t12t04 Comment: 11t't5t04 Comment: Comm€nt: 09t10t04 Comment: Action: AP APPROVED TION WALL ALONG GRID 1 BETWEEN GRIDS E.8 AND L.'GRID LOCATIONS 1218.2 & 14lD AND 1-Cl COLUMN AT BETWEEN GRIDS D.5 & H AND 16&18. ALSOAPPROVED BETWEEN EL FOR REMAINDER OF FOUNDATION WALL ALONG GRIDLINE L LINES 1 & 7 Action: Pl PARI BETWEEN B AND D LINES ANAction: Pl PART BETWEEN 1 AND 2 FORM ON.BETWEEN A AND C.2 Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION re to forms at north v Action: TION WALL STEEL Action: at grid FXH.18 FX16line Inspecton ( COULUMNS InsDector: GCD 8'WEST OF P1 TO S LINE. Inspector: Art Action: AP APPROVED APPROVED FOUNDATION WALL STEEL AT LEVEL 1 ALONG GRID'A'BETWEEN GRIDS 9.6 6 NOT READY FOR INSPECTION Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION 11 AND 16. CORNER BARS PER MONROE AND NEWELL RFI Action: AP APPROVED Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION @ SECTION F LINE 16-18 AS NOTED AND HIGHLIGHTED ON PLANS. ND COLUMNS TO BE INSPECTED AND REPORT SUBMITTED TO TOV AP APPROVED NG. WITH ING IS ON PLANS IN FIELD FOR F E LEVEL 2 COLUMN MAT AT STEEL AS SLAB ; Action: CENTER OF PROJECT; Action: X A-J 1ST LIFTDSXC L INSPECTION OFW FROM 8.2 TO 18iFROMATOCFNATB&16.Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION 18 LINE FROM A TO 8.5. FORM ON. WALL SECTION ON 18 FROM B.5 ON G LINE. WATER IN FTGS, 9l'14. RID LINES 1 & 18 AND GRID LINES GRIDS B,9 & K AND 9.6 & 18 WINGS CHECK SPLICE ON HORZ BARS 28' REPT131 Run Id: 552L Continued: Comm€nt: 09nzrc4 Comment: 09t2u04 Comment: 10t04104 Comment: 10/05/04 Comment: 10/08/04 Comment: 10t14to4 Comment: 10128104 Comment: 11t15t04 ogt14to4 Comment: 09/16/04 Comment: 09t20t04 Comment: 09121104 Comment: o9t24to4 Comment: 09/30/04 Comment: 10to1to4 Comment: 10/05/04 Comment: 10108104 Comment: 10t19t04 Comment: 'tot20to4 Comment: 10t27t04 Comment: 10128104 Comment: 1',|O4t04 Comment: 11t04t04 Comment: 11t10t04 Comment: 11t12t04 Comment: 11t15tO4 Comment: STANDING Insoector: Item: 20 ON PLANS IN FIELD FOR LEVEL 2 COLUMN MATAT STEEL AS ; ' Action: CENTER OF PROJECTi Action: 1ST LIFTc INSPECTION ONOFW toM 8.2 TO 1 ROM ATO CATB&16.Action: Pl P 18 LINE FROM A TO 8.5. PLANS. TO TOV . WITH WATER IN FTGS. 9t14. LINES 1 & 18 AND GRID LINES GRIDS 8.9 & K AND 9,6 & 18 WINGSComment: 09/10/04 Comment: CTION AND 9 CTION Action: Pl PARI BETWEEN B AND D LINES AN Action: Pl PARI BETWEEN 1 AND 2 FORM Olr. CHECK SPLICE ON HORZ BARS 28' ON I.AFROM 8.5 fio, **o" FoR rNsPEctoN AND NEWELL RFI BETWEEN A AND C.2 Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION RID'C' InsDector: CANCELED lctionl, Pl BETWEEN 11 AND,t6. COI ) Actidn: AP APPROVED i REMAINDER OF FOUNDATION WALL ALONG GRIDLINE L1&7 Art Action: APAPPROVED FOUNDATION WALL STEEL AT LEVEL 1 ALONG GRID 'A BETWEEN GRIDS 9.6 Action: AP APPROVED REPT131 Run Id: 5521 Continued: Comment: & 18 111'l'8104 InsDecton cdavis Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION _ _ _ _ Qgmme_nt: . de_ck slab reinforcing located on 2nd level grids 1-8xA-F 520 PLAN-ILC Site Plan * Adoroved "" ^03/18/05 lnspector: Georgd Action: APAPPROVED Item: 30 531 cJz Item: 533 Item: 538 Item: 534 Item: 539 Comment: 02t24t05 Comment: 02t28t05 Comment: 04i01/05 Comment: FIRE.TEMP. ( PW-TEMP, C/ 02t25to5 | Comment: ( I'Approved ** r: CdaVii Action: AP APPROVED for ulrper outbuilding and stru.cJure made: file shall be completed by final c/o utbuildino and structure" Action: AP APPROVED BY,I6" HEADERATTHE GAMGE ENTMNCE TO BE COMBUSTIBLE WOOD BLOCKING SO OPENINGS GARAGE REQD. IRED .I 1/2 HOUR REQD. AND APPROVED. 'GAP. Item Item W-TEMP. C/O ** Aoproved ** 02125105 Insoector: ls ' ' Action: DN DENIED Comment: Christiania Lodoe Parkino deck. Not Readv Will stoo bv on l\ilondav Feb 28. 2005 02128105 Inspectbr: ' ls Action: AP APPRO\ Comment: Foi Christiania Lodoe Parkino Lot onlv. Too outside deck 03117105 Insoector: ls - Adtion: COND APPIComment: 1 : Concem of ADA oarkino soaces inside oaraqe. Will cr O3l17lO5 Insoector: ls - Aetion: CComment: 1 : Concem of ADA Darkino soaces inside oara(2: Fire hydrant issde to bE c6nacted in spfinq j 3: Hvder to maintain construction fence/Site in 03117105 Inso6ctor: ls Action: Di omment: Pei Greo Hall. a bond for road imorovements ft lmDrovefrients for Hanson Ranch'Rd. Messaoe 03124105 lnsoector: cs Action: AF to complete proiect. Comment: Pei Greo Hall. a bond for road imorovements ftom Vail Resorts was to be submifted to TOV. lmprovefrients for Hanson Ranch'Rd. Messagq was_lpt fqt_Doug T. and Dan Fe€ney.rmDrovements ror Hanson Kancn Ko. Messaoe 03124105 lnsoector: cs Action: AP Comment PLAN-TEMP. C/O * Aporoved * 02128105 lnsoector: GEORGE Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Comment: Thi's approval is for,the upper surface.level only. Additional inspections by Planning are required tor me r€)marnoer ol Ine oarKtno structure 03121105 InsDector: Georoe Action: AP APPROVED _.CSjnngnt J['s approval is-Jd,r the entir_e, structure. A Planning final is required FIRE-FINAL C/O -03122105 Inspector: mvaugh'an Action: AP APPROVED Comment: PLAN - FINAL C/O * Aooroved * ^03/29/06 Inspector: 'George Action: APAPPROVED Comment: PW-FINAL C/O01/09/06 Inspector: ls Action: DN DENIED REQUIRE APPROVAL BY P /V,PLANNING,FIRE REPT131 Run Id3 5521 50 BLDG-lnsulation60 BLDG€heetrock Nail70 BLDG-Misc. 02124105 Insoector: GCD Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment STUCCO LATH SCREWS REQD TO BE 6" OC03/01/05 Insoector: CGUNION Action: DN DENIEDComment PAVILLION LATH ALREADY COVERED WITH SCRATCH COAT, UNABLE TO INSPECT 90 BLDG-Final 530 BLDG-Temo. C/O " Aooroved * 02l24lOS lnsoecton JRM ' ' Action: NO NOTIFIED Item: 520 Item: 30 for uot RANCE TO BE COMBUSTIBLE Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: 533 02t24t05 Comment: 02n8t05 Comment: WOOD BLOCKING SO OPENINGS 03/'17105 Comment: 03t25t05 Comment: AND PUBLIC o4to1to' Comment: Item: 531 FIRE-TEMPItem: 532 PW-TEMP. 02t25t05 Comment: 02t28105 Comment: o3t17to' Comment: 03t17t05 Comment: o I made: file shall be completed by final c/o '* Aooroved * ls ' ' Action: DN DENIED Lodge Parking deCk. Np! Ready r ontrIondav Feb 28. 2005ls ' Action: AP APPRO\ rnia Lodoe Parkino Lot onlv. Too outside deckls - - A6fion:'CONDAPPI of ADA oarkino sDaces inside oaraqe. Will cr rant issde to bE cbrracted in soiino -of 2005. Item: 538 Item: 534 Item: 539 REQUIRE APPROVAL BY P/W,PLANNING,FIRE REPT131 Run Id: 5521 stre€tscap€ \ivork on Hanson Ranch Chute and the intersection is not completed. AP APPROVED Continued: Comment: Comment: BLDG-F|nal 02t04to5 Comment: 03t14105 Comment: 04/05/06 Comment: PLA}+ILC Fo 03/18/05 540 21 Action: NO NOTIFIED engineer of record reciev-ed apprgunguse of upper surface area for parking- Action: NO NOTIFIED ction approved spe file _-. REPTl31 Run Id: 5521 Itom: 21 PLAN{L 03/1 DENIED St$liB il'8fr oRKS APPRovAL l2;45 PM strcebcape work on Hanson Ranch Chuts and the intersaction is not completed. Acdon: APAPPROVED REPTI.31 Run Id: 5521 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 orfir"r*r oF coMMUNrrY DEVEL.'R, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E04-0027 '3Or 'oo t8 Job Address: 384 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 360 HANSON RANCH ROAD Applied . . : 04/06/2004 ParcelNo...: 210108239003 Issued. .: 06/14/2004 ProjectNo : Q?sO,( - OO{K Expires. .: l2lll/2004 owNER VArL CORP 04/06/2004 Phone: PO BOX 7 VAIIJ co 81558 IJicense : coNrRAcToR TRI PHASE ET,ECTRTC 04/06/2004 phone: 970-524-7L35 0325 HARDSCRABBIJE ROAD GYPSI'M CO 8163 7 License: 118-E APPLICANT rRI PHASE EIJECTRIC 04/06/2004 Phone: 970-524-7135 0325 IIARDSCRJABBI,E ROAD GYPSI'M CO 8163 7 I-,icense: 118-E Desciption: ELECTRICAL FORNEW PARKING GARAGE AND PARK P3 & J Valuation: S160,000.00 i*:****:|lt**++*+tt+l*lt|*t|*i'|*.*|lt****t**|*:t|*|*i**|*'it*ti*lii******i El€ctrical----> 12,'t't't .oo Tohl Calculated F€es-> $4, 585. 05 DRB Fee____> S0.oo Additional F€es___> 90.00 Invesligation--> $0. oo Total Permit Fee--> $4. 585 . 05 Will Call--> S3 . 00 Pa)'rnents--_----.> S4 , 585. 05 TOTALFEES-> $4, s85.0s BALIU{CE DUE-----> S0.00 Approvals:Item: 06000 ETJECTRICAIJ DEPARTMEMI 06/09/2004 JRNI ACtiON: AP APPROVED PER BG Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIfff CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAI'TCE' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OF OWNEROR CONTRACTORFOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF * ** ** * * * +** * *+ * * * f+ + + + ** * * * ** * * + ++ +++ + +* + ** * +{' * * * ***+ * * * *t *{r *** + +** * * * * * ** * * * + ** * + + *** +* * * | * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statementlf**t * * * ****+ +t***** * * l****f**l**+** | * ****+ a +*+ + +**+*!t t + ******+****** * * * ++ * + * ** * * * ** **** * * ** Statement Number: R040006013 Amount: $4,585.05 06/1-4/2oO4L0:35 Atrt Palment Method: Check rnit : LrC Notation: #f5247 /Tr! Phage Electric Permit No: EO4-OO27 qrtr)e! EIECIRfCAIT PERMIT Parcel No3 210108239003 Site Address: 384 GORE CREEK DR VAIIJ Location ! 360 HAI\ISON RANCH ROAD Total Feea: $4,585.05 This Payment 3 $4,585.05 Total ALL, Pmts: 94,585.05 Balance: S0. o0 I + t f* * * * * * + * ** * {' * *{' *** ** * * * f*** * lt+ + +* *+ + + * ***f * *i f* ******t *t *+ * * * ** * l' + *+ * + * ++ * * * ** + + + *'lt'}* + * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Curnent Pmts EP OO1OOOO31111OO TEMPOMRY POIiER PERMiTS l.lc OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.582. 05 3.00 +fl*++*******l*1.******alf+aa++al'}*****+**+*ral*t***f++aaa+*'l*al*'l+l''l*+afa*lfff+t*tflt*tl+**tt TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement * * | *{' * **t | + * *t a * * '}**a{r* l** ***t'tit*+ +f*t* a ***+ **'}tr* ** *{r*a* * '} | 't * + + *+ * * *'},}rr* f*r* * * **** a' '} +r ****t Statement Number: R04OOO5O13 Amount: 94,585.05 06/L4/2OO4t0:35 Atrt Payrnent lq6thod: Check Initr LC Notation: *16247/Tri Phaae Electric Perml-t No: 804-002? Ty?e 3 EIJECTRICAIJ PERMfT Parcel llo: 210108239003 Site AddresB: 384 GTORE CT,EEK DR VAIIJ L,ocat,Lon: 360 HAIISON RANCH ROAD lotsal Feea: $4,585.05 ThiE palment: $4,585.05 Total ArrL Pmts: 54,585.05 Balance: $0.00ll***+flllt++al**aa{'t:}*t+a'**alll*f+*tffl+a+*+*lttr*****t*f+ltll*r'}*rt*l+**lf*r+a**l*tl++{.tlt ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31111OO TEMPORARY PO,IER PERI..IITS !|lC OO1OOOO31128OO }IILL CALL INSPECT]ON FTE 4,582.05 3. 00 64/95/2664 13:a7 ! rutil 7ss.F Vall, COMPLETE SQ. FEETF 370_524_7f_4e, APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF II{COMPLETE OR Prolect #: Building Permit #: Electrlcal Permlt #: g7 0 17 g -21 4S ( | nc pectl onc) INFORMA NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & MaferiaB) oit24tz,bz I -00 AMOUNT OF SO FT tN SrnUCrune, -fl ELECTRICAL VALUATION; $ Contect lor Percel# ..' Parcef # ;ll}tObdq?O( naNane: y'ftrLb F<o^n lhAK rob Address:iQP l|ryu*il KNg1+ Legal Description t"tfi*Vl arocr: $ftll ririns, .€) ownercNamei.VtqtL-(WnllAddress: (O Eol 1 l,/,+-.- lenone: g/O-432q ,l Ensineer.4Zl40 fl{M[Address:L)Enn/fu_ OD llPhoy WorkClass: ruewfi Addluon( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) i Worft Type: Interior ( ) Extedor ( ) Both M ll Ooes an EHU exist at this location: Yis ( ') ;,No (r. 1 Type ofBldg.: SlngloJamlly ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( 1 Commercial() Restaurant ( ) Other( ) l. ' ls this permit for a hot tubr Yes ( ) noX) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (X) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler Systern Exist: Yes ( ) No ( , \W!ilu.trkdev\Po RM! OERMITS\ELECPERM.DOC t..5ii1,!;l,n A4/45/28A4 I3iA7 97A-524-7r-,: 0 e TRI PHASE ELECTRII switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel, ' I i i The main disconnect swltch shall b€ located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the struotlrfe easll!fiaccessible. :'' i All underground conduits are required to be insp€ct€d before back-filling the trench. . In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another" Common wall6 and spaces are accepted, NM Cable (Romex) is not allou/€d in commsrcial buildings or structures exceeding thra€ (3) stofles. i No use of aluminum wire small€r than size #8 will be oermitted with the Town of Vail. , , ., . TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES : il All installations of enerior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This appliOatioh will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). '.., l, . ;:. lf this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deolt ovdr 30i above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. . , 'l lf this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated piatfurm,;a struclural engineer must review the exisling condition and verifu that it will support the added ctncentrated load, Please provide a copy of the structural angineers wet stamped letier ot drawing with this application. lf this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letterof permi5sion tum the associaiion is required. , , , lf rhis permit is for a commercaal space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required, l Date Slgned lf you have any questlons regarding the abovc information or have addltlonal questionS, pleaee contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at 970-479.21i17. The Inspector csn be rEatshed on Tuesdav, Thursday and Fridav morninqs between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also ieaveTuesday, Thurcday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may a voice mail and the Inspector will call you back. \wril\drtaVd.v$ORMs\PERMITS\ILECPERM,DOC i l \-:!-6 /l mwn|Yarlw It: .: | .a Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C, Town of Vall Ordlnance 10.1.6. , ; ; and the above. TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT' VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8I657 970479-2r3s NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLER PERMIT PErMit #: FO4-0049 Eo"{ - aarg Job Address: 384 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: 350 HANSON RANCH ROAD Applied. . : 1010112004 ParcelNo...: 210108239002 Issued. . : 1212812004 ProjectNo , frl o(-oolt Expires. .:'rJ OWNER VATL CORP 10/01/2004 Phone: PO BOX 7 VAILco 8l_558 License; CONTRACTOR FIRE PROTECTION, INC. l0/0L/2004 Phone: 303-399-1355 4981 EAST 39TH STREET DENVER, CO 80207 License:175-S APPLICANT FIRE PROTECTION. INC. 1,0/01/2004 Phone: 303-399-1366 4981- EAST 39TH STREET DENVER, CO 80207 License: 1,7 6-S Desciption: P3&J-NEW PARKING GARAGE AND PARK-INSTALL COMPLETE DRY SPRINKLER SYSTEMS (2) THROUGHOUTTHEBI.JILDING AND ADRY MANUAL STANDPIPE Valuation: S'72,023.00 r.a* *rlr * *.*,* t:1,* *:t a,t * Mechanical-> SO . O0 R€sfirarant Plan Review-> S0. 00 Total Calculated Fees---> 53, 413 . 98 Plan Check--> 5350.00 DRB Fee-----------> 50-00 Additional Fe€s-----> (53.00) lnvestigation-> 90.00 TOTAL FEES---------> $3,413.98 Total Permit Fee------> $3,410.98 Will Call---> 53.00 Payments----------------> $3,410.98 BALANCE DUE.----.-.> SO. OO Item: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTMET\ITItem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEIiT 1-1,/24/2004 mvaughan Action: DN plans are inadequate for review. inaccurate of standpipe location, 12/13/2004 mvaughan Action: APPR see comments CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. ) BEMADEREQIIESTS FOR TNSPBCTTON SHALL FROMT:00AM-sPM. TWENTY EOI]RS IN ADVAI{CT BY TEI,EPEONE AT 479.2II5 FORHIMSELFA}.TD OWNER *******+*********{t**+'}t***t**+l'++**l********++**ff+**********t++**++++*****************++*** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statementt*++fl**********+rt****t******++++f*******t*****t+t*+*++*+++********************t***t**t***t StatemenE Number: R040007300 Amount: $3,410.98 12/28/200411 :55 AM Palment Metshod: Check Inits: DDGNotation: Fire ProtectionInc. 26456 Permit No: F04-0049 I\De: SPRINKLER PERMITParcel No: 210108239002 2r-0108239003Site Address: 384 GORE CREEK DR VAILLocation: 350 IIANSON RANCH ROAD Total- Fees: 53,410.98This Payment: $3,41-0.98 Total ALL Pmts: $3,410.98Balance: 50.00 ACCOIJNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description CurrenE Pmts BP OO1.OOOO31111OO SPRTNKLER PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 3, 060.98 350.00 INFORMATION COilPLEIEVALUAflONS FOR ALARU PEmfr (Labor&hff r zrcl 087-3 ?oo 3 Fke Spdnkler Conbactoc fire SruuELEL- L\e. , own of Vail Reg. No.: ScdF Roll es-n?-BbG ldegrqn2@ q,Wcg+, Assessor:r Ofllcr orvlsit w.e'erldiauiiuiffintor*trt*_ t--F=l]y11_-{--,a^_AV q>r V71t tParcer# Ngr AvAtLABl, UNTTL q-30-o4_1 l^l tI+ ,.r.\t\ L-{ /. 7-l{h.+*l:l Jobtfame: Vlu-Panrlle @W AT P-ta:f- 7'odo/ 6,eL-24.JobMdreas: 35O HonScrPa\ch Ro"{d LegalDescriptitm lLot lBtoctc lfiling:SuMivision:<. own*st$mlhlhfrffA- I ^f*qp"s.*[,"at L (ool.Awn I Phon€:g?a-g+s- z53q Ensne€':strA&A^r q4 lf{ffi. n$Ava. bc'r,s Sdat ["non"ro3 - jn- Bob DolallodLocationof work(i.e.,foor,unit#,bldg.#) Paqllioai 6gye I_^/;l; t4 Debil€dd€scrintion,otwo*13as\J^l enngle*e. Qy SprtnLler iyS*emS e) l$ronf\@W.btuldtoq and a Drtt lbntal gqadp,be.' ' WorkGlass, Hew){ Addilion( ) Remodel( ) Repah( ) Rerofl( ) Ofter( ) No. of Existing Dwelllng Units in his building:l.lo. of Accommodalion Units in lhis bnilding: Do€sa FireAlam Edst Yee ( ) NoP{tloes a Flre Sprinkle System Exist Yes ( ) No }{ ttttt*ttt**rtt*.r*t*****t*r*ttttfi***rrFoR oFFlcE usE ottLy*f **r*t*r*ffr***r.*rf r* r** *r**r*i RECEIM OcT 0 1 2004 \WriMrt bd.vlFORM$PERf,flTS\SpRXpERM.DOC l.;c>L*ptt*07n42W2 TOV€OM.DEV. '.t:; .:l -. Y-.'.! : It t '> ' \.r, !.\ '! (.i,.'.' \.itr'-., a ;;11ri. t.:;Bt ior , eEps..elE.orP nwA,hrol j,ronlxs rrr .dF*tr{t*lril iit\ -lft-Eot T0sol rr,,trd OvA,|*ru .! t!l! .ud hArArilt Proiec,t#:Bo -00 Bulldlng Permlt #:tu8 ryryft*: toV- @*7 970-lT0-21 35 (Ins pecilon s) 75 S. F onlage Rd.vall,'ColoIdtTZ Fjn -ltsltlqr slrop d_rmtngs .Tji-"1-,IflT1?_9"_9log|ng.permlrappflcafi onwiltnbtueaccepredwlthout evel lll (mln) stamp. lon Contractor. -'olnBAcToR INFORMATION Townof Vail Reg. No.:t76-S fuact and Phone#s: Saff Roll e3-3qq-ts6; E tlrAddflr: ?oo 3 '6uqe t-3 ) otter( ) ( ) Twufamlly( )illMulti-family( ) Cornmerclal Restaurant( ) Other( ) v{orc,I4rtaJ.| umplefe. ht SonnLler 5a Dru |MAuaI %^,t^,h; Addilion( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Retofit( RECEIVM OcT 01 2004 TOV.COM.NFV TOWN OF VAIL D 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 ",tr"*, oF coMMUNrr" ou*ror#*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M04-0034 gle4-oott Job Address: 384 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 384 GORE CREEK DRIVE Applied . . : 03117/2004 Parcel No...: 210108239003 Issued. . : 10/22/2004 ProjectNo : i'z' , .rF) Expires. .: 04t2012005frJ 64 -2a?Y OWNER VAIL CORP 03/11 /2004 Phone: PO BOX 7 VAIL co 81558 License: CONTRACTOR MTECH MECHANTCAL TECHNOLOGTEB /t7 /2004 Phone: (303) 550-4000 6830 N. Broadway Unit A Denver. Col-orado 80221 License : 28t-M APPLICANT MTECH MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGTE}3/1,'7 /2004 Phone: (303) 550-4000 6830 N. Broadway Unit A Denver, Colorado 80221License: 2 81-M Desciption: BOILER PLANT, HOT WATER UNIT HEATERS, VENTILATION SYSTEMS, SNOWMELT FOR NEW PARKING GARAGEAND PARK Valuation: 5418.800.00 Fireplace lnformation:Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas logs: 0 #of WoodPellet 0 Mechanical--> S8,38o.oo Restuarant Plan Review-> 50.00 Total Calculaled Fees--> 510,478.00 Plan Check--> S2,o95.oo DRB Fee--------------------> S0.00 Additional Fees------> 50.00 Investigation-> 50.00 TOTAL FEES----------> S10,478.00 Total Perrnit Fee-----> S10.478.00 will Call---> s3 . oo Pavments------------------> 510,478 ' 00 BALANCE DUE---------> S0.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 01 /2L/2004 JRNI Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTTON ArR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 199'7 UMC, OR SECTTON 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (BLDG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1.99? UMC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALI-, TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 199? I'MC, OR CTAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:29(BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEAT]NG EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O17 OF THE 1997 I]MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:31- (BI-,DG. ) : BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTI LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOOR]NG.Cond:32 CONST. UNLESS (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSTS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond:30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANTCAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATTNG OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 1,022 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR :.T-9lT-9x--1-P-9-1;-9---o-T-.IY.l-.1-9-:-]---1Ys-.--|t*|l|**+|*tt'***,l.:}.'l.'******|*** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infomration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stuctwe according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniforrn Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry-FOUR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY I49 OR A OFFICE 8:00AM-4PM. o BLE /a CTOR ANDOWNER **{t*f**********l*l*lttl****t*ft+lt**************l*lt'}'}ftffflf*********'t************t**f**tl* TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Staternent ******l'*i*****+++t***********llll|***tt****l+**'|l'**lt'|*****r|***'t**tl'l*tltlti*+tf**l*tt*****{t'}'t**** Statenen! Number: R040006949 Amountr $10,4?8,0010/22/200409:34 Ar'l Palment Method: Check Init: LT Nocacion: ldTech ,/ ck 5855 Permi t. No: Parcel No: 210108239002Site Address: Locatsion: This PaymenE: M04-0034 21010823 9003 384 GORE CREEK 384 GORE CREEK s10, 478. 00 fl4)e: MECHAIIICAL PERMTT DR VAIL DRIVE Total Fees: $10,478.00Total Ar.;L PmEs: S10,478.00 Balance:$0.00 ACCOTJNT ITEM UST: Accounts Code 00100003111L00 00100003112300 00100003112800 Descriptsion MP PF wc MECHANTCAIJ PERMIT FEES PLAN CI{ECK FEES WIIJJ CAITIJ INSPECTION FEE Current Prnts 8,380.00 2,095.00 3.00 AppucATroN 'fi. no, BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLETrQ un* Project #: /0r.Building Permit #: mvI'tOPwn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 r Mechanical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 -2149 (I nspectio n-s) N0tC, Permit will not be accepted without the following: vide Mechanical Room layout drawnto sgale to include: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor: llZUu/,*'entuC Town of Vail Reg. No.:26 l-'t/C-ontact and Phone #'t: ,/erpfi n kovit4 97o - to t -o 3 3o Contractor Signaturg: COMPTETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials ** ********* *************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY** ********** *************** 004 \WAiI\dAIA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\MECHPERM.DOC Conbct Assessons Office at 970-328-8640 or uisit for Patel # Parcel # 2totogz??oo2 I ?totoAz3 ?oo3 Job Name: F3 / 7 Fe,rk>2&ue/u*c 'oo *Vli/v'ob- Lesat Descriptionllrct=ftNfll Bbct:s'.t li riring, s subdi-vision: V,e; / V//"1- owners Name: y^'f Resonr ll Addiets; ,rt*f **A t4 Aoo-t llenonel- - ,,tr- z',?r ,W,n"",, lff . E!,31 _ n u,.Address:69o /r4 ,J, &7,"iR ll phone: Jo7_/-z?-6zoo Debiled description of work: boihn Pli{r /J^/ uttJa, u^ti/ /"*/rtr, uarrr/i/.,/;'n, Sqtl<,--t , ttw*tne-l* WorkClass: newQ{ Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) other( ) BoilerLocation: Interior(tf Exterior( ) Other( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: ua No. of Accommodation Units in this building: .va No/Tvoeof FireolacesExistinq: GasAopliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurning( ) *t Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed; 9a:AOnliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buming (NOT ALLOWED) E this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No (l,z) 07/26n002 RECEIVFD JAN t 5 2004 t''"#'"*'*tffi tvc January 13,2004 42140 Architecture 1621 18'h Street Suite 200 Denver, CO 80202 oFFrnb"diipyAttn:Randy Hart Re: Vail's Front Door P3&JParkingGarage Dear Randy, Please issue the following letter to the Town of Vail Building Department conceming the P3 and J parking garage. This letter is being requested by the building department to explain the control of the garage exhaust system. The P3 & J parking garage exhaust s1istem is desigrred per Section 404 of the 2003 Intemational Mechanical Code which requires 1.5 cfm of exhaust air volume per square foot. Based on this air volume the total exhaust for the garage will equal 65,000 cfm. The exhaust system is designed to operate automatically upon detection of a concentration of carbon monoxide of 25 parts per million by an approved automatic detection device as outlined in Section 404.1. The purpose of the automatic detection device is to allow the exhaust fans to not operate continuously, but onlywhen necessary. Continuous operation is not needed since this parking garage does not have a loading dock and is not for commercial use. In addition, continuous operation of the exhaust fans will result in a waste of both motor and heating energy. For this project the automatic devices will be carbon monoxide sensors. Should there be any questions, please contact us. MLA/rap P:\2001-134{l\ADMINWech A\CorrespondenceV-etter_Code_Revie*_Exhaust_Explanation_01_13_04.wpd I123 AURARIA PARKWAY. '4OODENVER. COLORADO AO2O4 303-623-6200 FAX 623-443s Partner RECEIM JAN I 6 2r/r,4 42I4OARCHITECTURE INC. COXSULTA January 13,2004 4?40 Architecture 162l lSthSftet Suite 200 Denver, CO80202 Attn:Randy Hart Re: Vail's Front Door P3&JParkingGerage Dear Randy, please issue the following letter to the Town of Vail Building Departnent conceming the P3 and J parking garage. This letter is being requested by the building deparrnent to explain the control of the garage exhaust qctem. The P3 & J parking garage exhaust system is desiped per Section 404 of the 2003 Intemational Mechanical Code which riquires 1.5 cfin of exhaust air volume per square foot. Based on this air volume the total o<haust for the garage will equal 65,000 cfrn. The exhaust system is designed to operate automatically upon detection of a concentration of carbon monoxide of 25 parts per million by an approved automatic detection device as outlined in Section 404.1' The purpose of the automatic detection device is to allow the exhaust fans to not operate continuously, but only when necessary. Continuous operation is not needed since this parking garage does not have a loading dock and is not for commercial use. In additiorU continuous operation of the exhaust fans will result in a waste of both motor and heating enerry. For this project the automatic devices will be carbon monoxide sensors' Should there be any questions, please contact us. MLA/rap pM0ol-13441\ADMIN\Mech_AEon€spondenccurtbr_codc_Rcvicw-Exhausl-Exptanation-O1-13-04.wpd I I23 AURAFIA PARKWAY. */'OO OENVER. COLORAOO EO2O' 303-623-6200 FAX 623-6433 Partner GOXIULTAX January 13,20M 4?40 Architecture 162l l81h Street Suite 200 Denver, CO 80202 Attn: Randy Hart Re: Vail's Front Door P3&JParkingGarage Dear Randy, Please issue the following letter to the Town of Vail Building Departrnent conceming the P3 and J paxking gfrage. This letter is being requested by the building deparfrnent to explain the control of the garage exhaust system. The P3 & J parking garage exhaust system is desigrred per Section 404 of the 2fi)3 Intemational Mechanical Code which requires 1.5 cfrn of exhaust air volume per square foot. Based on this air volume the total exhaust for the garage will equal 65,000 cfrn. The exhaust system is designed to operate automaticallyupon detection ofa concentration ofcarbon monoxide of25 parts permillion by an approved automatic detection device as outlined in Sectiol 404.1. The purpose of the automatic detection device is to allow the exhaust fans to not oPerate continuously, but onlywhen necessary. Continuous operation is not needed since this parking garage does not have a loading dock and is not for commercial use. In addition, continrrous operation of the exhaust fans will result in a waste of both motor and heating enerry. For this project the automatic devices will be carbon monoxide sensors. Should there be any questions, please contact us. MLA/rap P:t2001-13,1-Ol\ADMlN\Mcch-AEorrcspsrdcnceVcttcr-Codc-Review-Exhausr-Explanalion-o1-13-04.u/pd I I29 AURARIA PARKWAY. I'{X' DEXVEF. COt-ORADO 8O2Oa 303.a23-6200 FAX 623-84!5 fl6bt RECEIvED JAN I 5 2004 42|4oaRCH!TECTURE tNc. Partner MAR. e,2005 2:09PM HYDE||0NSTRIJCTI0|\I _ alo N0,87t ?' 1/23 II)aDER -r 'd'7 ! corrrsrnucrndil^*b $dlt- Fo,(covERsm'r $ry ll*o.* From; Date: SubJect: Total Pqcs, fucludlng covcr 23 - ,-/rF{ ' b<uq+DtF-t +KTFCDcrR7 t \ Tr:wn of Vail OFF$trH COPY If you rcoeive less tbar tho number of pagos indicatod above, please call orrr ofEcc within 1 5 minutes, othcrnrise we will aszumc this tursissiou is oomplcte. ltnk you r.-. MAR, 9,2005 2;09PM* '-' HYDEUONSTRUCTION N0,875 P. 2/23. WEF. A P.O, n e7706 EWn, @. &2n EA 303?Cn:?53 IISIITTF eD]ugruE 6::TUE{ EITiIEDG eoE8,&LEE Etc[a!8etE u88tBcg86, EnC. tqF f,o$ers-slzg EEII, mmC EqMD IEEIC{ rrcEH[ Vnq.'E ntltr m lilI& EN@G m - EjI' vnr,, txfrlDo t14t7 ECMAT, EGUEB SFta|rE!|L qwm ll-EE GUP BUlnnG clqf c.cEt[!it.crEEI rc ntrcd 200tt aEBlatE lrc TATOG]ERETI'I IIXD Br!ru AIECIGER sm@ tE rrf, c000 M!!!tr1 99lls@ aDrea!(n AIGR tlm DfiilBLv([sm re USEIBT, XB 0{t.25' 0-O.t0" IOD'DCIj@ DRTE! SE t|srffijlc crcl DGlstnE ffA 0-0.50' fl.0u 012.0' H.0t 0J.0' -3ll-130 EsI 0-60 l8E 0-1m 88I resshE sE DImu[nE Entrcm ND 0-90i 0-100" Ft(n' rlSr n0 lltmgq,n&88 rmE rtD! 395 TIIB 'E'rE '2|GCNGEEI'R' IKTEIEIJf,TNT 5200, EIIn @ rcmEr 1.10 Elrlir lot M ( f, mcm I AErc ERES$M OreMOI l.zl \ TEDCTI? w Sl|Sruc lllDDFc.E nlire crelE HYDEUONSTRUcTI0N cd[F8a!! lGc[l[Ictlr Fr"r-trF, 8to . , MIAR, 9, 2005 2:09PM N0, B7t P, 3/23 EIYN GAhD rc1 all sE$E| rilrrp gEnr::-- iI6: vDq.'s llll'! m, r4qE lllEItE 4E lGa ftlP &13t t (F rutf,rqt m! il1. l$q clu c[r nn,D tot turfft mcsqEgr.I sF-t SEPITY SF.A-Z .ruR! 700 737 10!i , Eo0r V, 99 u00 u3l 103 Dneg{r5mt@ B00 79|| 1@ @wErqc cGi ocic (DE*[U$IJ CEf, CIII,Y 000 79s 100 OP8B4lODG CEI OEC cEs:rcm[ (trq oEg oIEtI|'1E|TL IlErr OEil oFtin|Innc.il{f, Glga olEArtrESIr CEf drig @rfr:fttsl cGf, q[il DME Dn!}I DEI DRTTE DEf AI{E m[ anE UEF DRIIII DreT H:[TI DEI NIIB mt Dnntl rer 4nl DIIEI TTIYE SDPLY 8IE?T,! SER!|T DIRD g,PTBT qFE,r SEFDT SDPIX gTEPrJ lnFPttr PBE EMI T lr@ltgr l(rlnl c[u-t-l clFlLz cli F:t FF-I IH.2 FF3 rE-F]| ta.F-5 If,.An E+-1 8P4-2 6 7 I 9 10 lt t2 13 t4 EmtED . r4-r EEnIEl 8+-2 g@[. u00 13000 igm {00 500 900 5Llt l,?B73 6arr f56 612 1028 t) 100 g, lta 1tl ua lli-15 17-18 19 20 l\a{R, 9,2005 2:0ePM HYDE||0tlSTRucTl0il cltrF Dclltrcrl| tl&ltrrr E, il0. 875 P. 4/23 Dlil9R .+rdtp reu\ rr s!ilI! Erl Et - lf,tdis{rir*s |v|AR, 9.2005 2:09PM HYDEUNSTRUCTION Cnpl.ta rroLelLcrl aateac*Bgr tlo. B)tom - !m@r E. 712 rc E?rk roG cnEr n[rxn[.,lG- 5,0 liR. la8 rcXAC 7,2 N0,875 P. 5/23 E DM |4S.\I[4S (Lrtl $. 1.23 n@ tilG flg tleilS.\ftrtts (I&) 19 s FxG 8.{ ?IIBT E 6.0 clffi . - .@mn5s (48*l sf RUIFmals _-. {trED'Dl sP:mEGg!E& EEI lld|EEllDD ErEE!!trt DIDRII4 afitl - gEilrE x EE q/a" ., . SE X P.EDE 1 tor, n7. DIlfrI CL m3ri. (mJ nr MAR, 9,2005 2:09PM Goghtt LGh.tr{,cat Enl|[BlEgT tl8c IST'ry.Mi HYDEU0NSTRUcTI0I|N0,875 P, 6/23 o3-{t44t m rah NG LTE 6.1 r5w Bl ![= .ortr|.mD. rp ril 2451 FE @ silD I tm clEll qf 9.56 A, rn.x r-trnBrg.s Q. tir n eag FtF a9' @a. . g* : MAR. 9, 2005 2:l0P[l HYDEUONSTRUcTI0N AqrIPTEE DITf, I|0, 87i 6 P,7/23 OB.O?.{D Geclhtr Irab.nLall Delalalagr tEco rew m duHrE,_,,wgTE|p.r.rcr rctrG u5nilDrc 5i5 clguR sr@0r8 toagt preIE@r!r |EAgl Drel ---- 0GQ"pl ^I@'nE:N, - _- ntvrqg re , gnqry, il Et tlr 4.11 Et Ctl -0,21'Ir. rF -O.O? Ir. Glxt@ --E[EH],10_ E..l4.x U5 lgl ?S @l , tmt , : MAR, 9, 2005 2:lOPM CdDlrtlloLulorl EahDsLtgl t!3. N0,875 P, 8/23 s!w HYDEU0NSTRUcTI0N 03{7{5 roor'|En BEr GEf,E ENT E. .O!I eE glrEf lllE urs GrEl n. 1 p p luu gran les.l4!E E/T.l A. mS Gllu m lEE .1:10 clgmRrq$s- tqlt il,n@G@d5_.. {B'Dt &;nm . _Erra DldrlEm ffirol EEL m 0.a12 Dlrt[rEd sE rq . EqG ffixF.Enslm..ut u/@r cI.. EA. !lE@8 IU trt.. @! il. , ItP :, , It .-__|w@, IT D$ qT UL re DI. @.wttr^ El Dt (Itr [L E !r. ltlDrusr_.D+c.,F..:relqs,t'!l r)Gffi - mil.llDnt.ffiA MAR, 9,2005 2:10PM Goryrlrtr llrpLail.ctl EaLrncLnge f!r!- HYDUo|\lSTRUcII0N lQtrlmrr Dma N0,875 P. 9/23 0il{|l05 TCnd nns'wlc rl,rr.l . - s. ng e|td nnEt Elc lH, ?EFFI - ffi r-1t t r-r7 rn- rirg eg rc f,Ie l;tl-IIIE CTH rrug r.u r r.u aadclEm, .crnls tmr$ 43Ftoslmsrs - JE'DI XDJmE cEpr urulgpmm, - Et![T, qFTE ErE s@ lt F.IEE PI. lUt. IlI/(Irf . Ct' 0E$' -rrt'E4r . . EEcDrl .= " E|Etrd3 I{. trl, €9 d' -. rF , s: rrarr. ng glru@ tru lE qtl lE nl$ ls r'f meao lrE n' .q ,n- E crr[.|cE, Elte r . zrol$s MAR, 9, 2005 2:10PM HYDEUNSTRUCTION cotpt.tr hntollcel lrlus!.lg; !!Go N0,8i5 P. 10/23 rE9 re il}{lJ5 roulffi!! Dlla F, lD._ r}a$rsqoot4sc- !ryu , mEE[lE -------rrutE!, DrrlEeE . fF E. Mm 1.2 1.1 1.o E 55 @ffi 2;6 i-zl'g-{ r's - ;6 - 2.6 Erurc - l-2 r.1 1.0 ctgil@r $lrEG D - sEE ry etn| -:EaIs . rurun l.o m 1:5 (Ec$) nf re .li! @l-[E - - (E'Dl ll?.FE -1'3 Al HYDES0NSTRt]cTT0N loulDrErt Dilla \Z[E'S tE|! UEn U[r DEE s @lEr EE EF GnE| E 3 nry @ 1l'O !s.lEr$t GlLl 178 l?, {78 8F .1'0 t@)\@E 208 - z:tr / 160 Mw,m - 1,0 1.2 1.1 , .,8tr" 56 l@doE - 2.6 - 2.6 / 1.3 $.lrc &Gt 2, ?2 zil 2F .. g Prc . .riru. xDs 1.0 L.2 l.l c)sE gffi p s@ ElG qillEt MSIS pilUil t,0 IP 1.5 . t$trl 13 XG 1..3 tm$I5 _ (E'pt _4r?.tl@G t.t -.- MAR, 9. 2005 2:10PM Gorpl,rta IroDrllcrl Erluotlgl lto. Hre N0,875 P, 11/23 .lo 03.O{J!i rtlEf F. . IEiF.'2 Eil IE" r4. tr. l|l|5uEoolml IE B cnl. mF,t 9. lT,tt ,, f:'|r . 4l , |v|AR. 9, 2005 2:l0PM HYDEU0NSTRUcTIoN Gclgrlrtr IrcluLer!. tltrluel.lgr t!c. IE DE N0,8i5 P, 12/23 1l 03{a:.{13 lOtrtDIEll DrlT AlFry._ \nE,S tm DB_%g, l9FG ffi U D . - u-F-3 El5> ffi miDE .. tF D' E-t@ ES.llIG E/Ct 27Z , r,0 2?r 3.1FE ry EmD ffi 1.1 l.t tr.z cl.m, wp . se|G lnEqlH I'o :to l'5 t4lill !F R!'= ------l!l tHlDtr - m!trrm| .mlEE , FilIHr FEIEG rns.rrrc tr.rrl +zg r4 lze g. i.o rc wcs eor - zg0 I 150 . F[' Srr. u |V|AR, 9,2005 2:10PM HYDEUoNSTRUcTI0l|l Gmplotr Ircbellorl Salele|.agl I!c" N0,875 P, 13/23 *! E A)mm! rnolI|lllr DrEa \AII.'8IWM AI! MGffi UEB m. E 8-l Ellfl tG. - ElloB . . @Eq EEF E ria sl@n'lF w Gr.F| .-.llt0 lGrs.El8s lrr'tl ttt {?9 {78 s. 1.0 ru ufE zE - 230 4 {50 ugrrlter. ngs 1.2 1.1 rcnG3 .6-2.6 I1.3 ttns.lulstu,GJ.?z 40 m , IEm6 lfIE Enfrm 1.2 1.1 1.2 lmss DIxt! 1,.0 .D l.i (4FEsl np mffi 1.3 Enrus _ lEn'Dt ne.ffi 1.3 EF_ s@ I DEr8.EIS lEu!.qI5B lll8 CIIE- ErEtrEts s . . DN. @r u. rr u. .-- MAR. 9, 2005 2:l0PM HYDEUOll|STRUCTIOt'l o ri0. 875 P. 14/21 eotDl.ta fooDrnLcolgalaaclagr tns. IOUTDEI! DTtrI AtErilEI 11trr.'5 nm[ Dq 14ID ffiE eW-- II{I[ ID. IE{€ IIN I]8. rn. rc, .to45uili00l@ _wnE, , ry,|E5,ffi @m\E., tilEl mnrw Etlm (3gtf,L EIEI lD, V2 . rt* E"lF mE GFifEt -alffi lrtt GrnEt E. I tE tF 1uo tGes.lrrEs (rll) a?E {?9 4il a. r.0 rc wls 2m - 230 / 150 - 2.6 I t.3 lEs@(I/('r 2zl 270 271 r s Pm E gF .l:urfi.lrc 1-1 1-1 1_2 clsqlEryArS eD'U 1.0101.5 tffil -xe nmq t.3EIEE (Drt r.esmF r.r Dlrnn,85 rew ERIIIR xtD. ur.trE_ry-_ _ IEEW. EIEtrCFS S !$ Ar! - __Dt. ilP .. ![.- # woE, rr. ry,. qr! 4, E .. If, Itr\t___![ |= eG Dt q4 EGF ![. @ . It, _ 8)Etffi MAR, 9, 2005 2: 10PM HYDEUoNSTRUcTIoN rloDhtt hctro{crl Lt.lsldgr iloo IO|IIPIIETT DETf, almEt Inqr'S tm !m aE|raE llEE 0,82 N0,8i5 P. 15/23 0:r{{5 E E s- lp. fo!5t5umc001 ..nlldr . . , ,gwFE mq Fcr Et'l, uEt lD. IEff E[ar r4. . '.._ !$e-luc (r./Tl ... L Et @tDr !F lqm -rxt I|ELIE_^_ O-& clmRE .. sEE!Gr6 (ECSI .np rm ,EEE - (E'DI NO.ffi lltl, E. U'ES Cr E ..IrtrrEre ry@r - slutrllEs q Df. cr !t E u. rt'tIf. Il du.@ !t trtL @ trI. .. f !Lw D| .ucur. (lE EEil @ e MAR. 9, 2005 2: I IPM HYDEUoNSTRtJcTIo|\l CcOl.tt tlrsLral,orl Ealelelnge ttr€o TE E N0.875 P. 16/2J o!{5{:t ".r--!- lourllErr nrt AlmE! \AI[.S EnA n rnE EemE qE TIE! D. E!iELT DIN XE.loE @[. lm.F.. 19.@!l-ll.s , t 0.frL7:r5,c m .EBqt[{ t 3 rcSD@ 1t7o lGrs.wfif (r.ft,| !q0 !?9 478 C. 1.t5 tre wGl z:il! / 150 4 lD&ffi E.t 2f'3 2S.2 tn 28et es 70.0 / 35.0 $acl trnG,msrs (Ecm rp nrmG ._ FAI6 (n'Dl - ^ro.nFil(nF vtnu*caryrc* . lls. F B.l 26.3 U.2 ro.4r, ov6! c" Eg. ln[tEcnE IQ|E EEffi llE , Iru @r If ur. Cm Dt. E_- !|. MAR, 9. 2005 2: llPM HVDEUoNSTRUcTI0N N0,875 P. 17/23 16HS05 tr-rrdp- tdrrlalrrtrdng, IRIEN EDEE.tSGrD qNR& CEIW' rntrlmEmBrmF(re hqd:d ctui EAm0 cr Dd, d-e 55 ni& Ir Eg fepDE{ ."T, tllt t.b. r z2.* Ol. Ft_: x u.r iriiEEvE ss lFtd rddrb.---t r -Tu;,ue Dttdr-:Fbl r6t. . Z5.lItsQa[ ndtr5r 1 1€ dnfrnr 6f &u I ttr. rrlFdr. ffi d aaf rdrt6 (6'Dr. trE dlv.l (6r E. F div.l rEtic trl cts Dtgtl Hgr pr. Vnr.,-_2?9 EEL 0-lA- ZIl9EDl| | fs'f,IflEl@p Q r 22.$ fl!F[.]- slllt 6l 99l C SEBED. MIAR, 9, 2005 2: llPM HYDEUoNSTRUcTI0N N0,875 P, 18/23 Gor;llrtr lroludael lalrnclngj tDoo aootllcrE nlA Alno@ lBE,s tnE tm, rnE lnEru; ffi t|ro,n| |03J EDW. BltrtlF ,.Erc EE . E. 3 rc tElE 90,2 / 82.5 ras.EfiE ll/Ll 178 J?9 a78 g. LlE n@\r[s . zl0 / 160 nE!IALnG! 5.9 5-2 ,.2 tE. 18{i! tFDm ul.'g I 5-l rElT_ E 0!t {LJs q" D. 0fi.rdEr --ffi . 13000 cllt IElEl|Lmr . 51.59 E8 @ r:ntD s.9 ,.2 3.7 DlGt'5.5 tD t.0 DlEfi,B[ xu{ sGr@ E1716' rnEn tep55 .. sls ll/.8' E)EII@S il -!|. @r. il, q s. El4 @r E DL -.arF It tE IX. ' Df. qlf clsN, FEUIG D - qIA rB GItd _ Egnnls ...__ (E'p) f,",w .. strup MAR, 9, 2005 2: I IPM oqltdblHdqfnrt.:r-l{g, Er HYDEUo|'lSTRtjcTI0N IECD 'lEmil' @rE! N0,875 P. 19/23 EIEE 0yl!t4l IR(IEIt RXIDm,Bll.rcffi hil-dgtsi______!f000 eil DEt riz 4 3!!ds Y 2n hr Dp, m litrD q.U. -_ 9Ji8!1, F-.x' 10 RI-Iffi 30 rffiar *idth._...!. g&rl diry ( 16 ddrn, 6f ndta ) ttl. (6r DB, 3n div.f (6i s, Fr die.l dlfts in sllr I@E cmE6 d -'E'rrtlfri Deth lHfg' ,!t rrEJ.r l5l3 lt Q-lh- UtUtDll I f9sINlD'r Q r 9'17 Eg'E!.le f$71 CFI 1o?r € EErEtrD. MAR, 9, 200t 2: 1 lPMl HYDESONSTRtlcTI0N Gnglrtr Lohr!lclI tdalalrgp tlc. lQ['rttEn ltEt Ero N0,87t P, 20/23 03-05-lF rryrg| amcfnnn - ffi,@ mNS (pCgEr llllroC.UGIS - (Fp'Dl l5G.mFQ[8_. FUCnrUF4ptm , , IEEE SrlE T ID.EIE TNNIE CWE EECrc EIEIG I[ - F: qr!. il. E _-!t.@ Gf, u[ I[. OU!s. re rt clqr@ ut . E[ @. F RXs .rr E! MIAR, 9, 2005 2: llPM HYDEryNSIRUCTION coglrtt lreilllcrl Salractago !lE. loolrtEtE Drtr rc E N0,875 ?, 21/23 qlo+os Al mFcp llrEEr mt rflE na qvEr stD lt00rBns rut DEEUITJ rc @3rs tacs| x"rcmrus lEasl x"ro .QEB.-- rE[Df cE[m@ .. stB f ndCfi, OU, Dl tf. qt!TL ftPil IlL ffi ut qn o.tj| tt. n[8 0.13 trt c,xrD Iu . Dl[ q4 DEr rE -pS[ Er g4D Gp rEg_* t[ .qr! lF Rre r![ t[rtE)Erc GrEtE e@ m.l.fl a. !!.r 30t mf- 5|ta, cnl , FrutLF s. Fr.x 3t9 !flF 572 t|YDEUNSTRUCTIO||l GolplrCr xralularL EtlG!€.tlg; IDG. lquffilt! Drfir o N0,875 P. 22/23 u<.'........r-- 0jr-0?-0sH__- Ere il IlE! lD. n-ELt It,F - "l lE ltil-_--- l+=5E'rre' !t !r1 3E - =rrry..IE 7-r r-i t.f- cl ES? egwr' r.o !d 13.o OR .-EttgrErtrE sl xEE - El lm grD If trf. qE !I. E !f. cl EtD ry el.o F qi _ 62.0 u-:rrq f rm -e0.0!r fr_ ffinnENls ','. MAR, 9. 2005 2: 1 IPM ||YDEry||lSTRUCTION N0,8i5 P, 23/23o cortEt!! #3 22EGltIrqrD E O:Lqr-0!,Er&n8Gltgr EtCo ETEFE m EilrE EEA! ilq,D nEE lr#E!$T,ErreEtrfqfETIottDtt(il tWL19.zell tw 30,00 17,00 31.00 l7.,n 1088219.26t trn 30.00 17.00 &,gt 17.fi to3 8qE 3 19.8?rtn 30,00 17.00 r0.00 17.00 100ntllg.zqt I Uz 30.00 t7,00 29.0 16.tl $100t cfmE519.zGl t Llz 30.00 l!r,00 x2.n ln.85 86aE6tlt,7a,L rtz 20.00 15.@ 2L.s0 15.&t tal(BE s,00 fi.7t 99 Erc o DEPAR o VELOPMENTTOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 970479-2t38 TMENTOF COMMUNITY DE NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBINC PERMIT Permit #: P04-0013-so\(-oDtk Job Address: 384 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: 364 GORE CREEK DRIVE Applied. . : 0311712004 Parcel No...: 210108239003 Issued. . : 07/27/2004 hojectNo : JT{s-oi -ooo\ l7rtsc>x -<16'(( Expires. .: 0112312005 owNER VAIL, CORP 03/L7/2004 phone: PO BOX 7 VAII, co 81558 License: coNrRAcToR TOTAT PLIJT{BING 03/77/2004 phonet 3O3-393-727L 4701 N. COI.ORADO BI,VD DEI{MER, CO 80216 Lricense: 110-P APPLICANI TOTAIJ PI'ITMBING O3/L7 /2004 Phone: 303-393-7271 4701 N. COIORADO BIJVD DE\TVER, CO 80215 I-,icense: 110-P Desciption: PLUMBING IN A NEW PARKINC GARAGE AND PARK Valuation: $180,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: ?? # ofGas Appliances: ? f ofGas l-ogs: ?? # of wood Pallet ?? :}ilt*t*:t*f.l'*..*:}:tt|'t|***+t:|f|*t.t.t|l.|iltt||ll*t.'l.l'|'}'tt'.'t*|t'.:t|FEEsY Plumbing--> $2,700.00 Restuaranl Plan Review-> $0.00 Total Calculatod Fees-> S3,378.00 Plan Check-> $5?5. 00 DRB Fc€-----------> S0.00 Additional F€es- - 90 ' 00 Investigation-> 9o-OO TOTAL FEES----------> $3,378.00 Total Permit Fee------> 93,3?8.00 Will Call---> S3.oo Payments-----------1 93,378.00 BALA|ICE DUE_> g0 . 00 +ttt't|+t|||il|tti+|l+.|+tl|tti.+.t|**|'lt*'*'l||ll|t||t|l.|.ti|l|'||'lttl.ll*.tl|flltll++'+*r*.|.**'i|* Ttsem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTI,IENT 07/2L/2004 JRNL Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information requiredo completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4 FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET"ro*oru>y, ++****{''***+*****!t*+*{'****lt'f*********{r*****'l''}f************{'**ff i**t*****+***+f*****tt******+* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Sratement * ** ***+f * * *+* * * *t I t++*i++ '}***+** + *t+**'i + + **** * *+******** * * +*+ + +ft+** * **** ***+**t *+**** * * * *+'| Staternent Nuiber: R040006289 Amount: $3,378.00 07/27/2OO4!2:59 PM Paltment Metshod: Check Init: LC Notation: *113 o/Total Plumbing Permi t No: P04-0013 T)4)e: PLIIMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 21010823 9003 21010823 9002 Site AddreEs: 384 GORE CREEK DR VAIIJ Localion: 354 GORE CREEK DRM TotsaI Fees: $3,378.00 This Payment: $3,378.00 Total AIJIJ Prnts: $3,378.00 Balance: 90. O0 * f * + * * * * t * '* * * !* 't * * l'lt** +1**t *t|t*'i + *{' *'t * * * '} * * * * *a' * *** * !t !t't'}* * t * * * * t '} l' * * +**** + i + * * * *** * {. * l' * * '},} '} * * ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 675.00 PP OO1OOOO31111OO PLUMBING PERI'IIT FEES 2.7OO.OO lic OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO 75 S FninEge Rd. Vail, Coloredo 81657 rfAL FusrrEllhtc I 3*r'A,aT-tb Itb>D V77-1a <a . (L..tlF PUJMBING: $ lAS. QE 16l6|Ee??*u zta IGB rob Name! f"+ J qAtAi.e lobAddress: ?-+ *oS*F* SubdMsion: VAtr- V t r'rac,q )ne; a1el . g4c, .Z?iar 7.c-z-7. L't Da --a h.lE\.I F,lulrr LEsrrsL tae,z.rnrc- z-rroo( Wdrkcl : nevt?{ Addirion( ) Atterarion( ) Repair( ) O$rer( ) TypeofBldg.:Slnglefrrnfiy( ) Dupler( ) Mr.ilti-Emily( ) Gmmerdal ( ) Reshurant( )Olher( No. of ExisUog Dwelling Units ln tfi's building:lilo. of Accomriodatlcn UnlB in hF bulldlng: Is hls a onversl'on hom a OOMPI.ETEVAII'ATIOIII FOR PLUMBING PERHIT (IAbOr & I{AtCddC) ************at**tLl***f**tr************rFoR oFF:IcE usE oNLY**:r********r******rrr***ir*,r***+*!r*# \wrilr.Eb\cdw\FoRh;'h-iyt?"'li ilffiiilji, f I ; I 5Alr| 07n6/l002 I TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMLINITY D 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2738 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOESITE AT ALL TIMES PUBLIC WAY PERMIT Permit # PW0!0080 Job Address: 354 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: P|&3 site on Hanson Ranch Rd. Applied . . : 08/19/208 ParcelNo...: 210708239002 Issued. .: 08/79/20V3 Expires. .: APPIJICA}IT VAIIJ CORP O8/A9/2O03 Phonc: PO BOX 7 VAIIJ CO 81558 License; CONTRACTOR r,iving water systems, Inc. 08/19/2003 Phone: 303-674-4048 P.O. Box 459 Pine, CO 13885 Wandcrest Rd Pine, CO 80470 I-,icense: 665 -S owNER VAIIJ CORP OS/L9/20O3 Phone: PO BOX 7 VAIIJ CO 81558 License: Desciption: PiI&3^ site - Monitor Vfell Investigations FEE SUMMARY o EVELOPMENT Public Way--> Investigation->?? pavmmts-> S150.00 Bond Amount-> TOTALFEEg-> $15o. oo BALANCE DUE_>$0.00 Approvals:I€em: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS v8/L9/2OO3 Is Action: AP ITeN: 05550 ENGINEERI}IG CONDITION OF APPROVAI, DECLARATIONS I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 12-STR of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilitiid as requfued. I .-"----- ----r---I RGCEI?T_ fh Torn of Vrt }{9 5fi80i ontr g I tS ,20-Q- .'r - otooo RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS Permit lrlumbers Folicc Rcceipt NumbcrslrBv r-v-How PArD- cash-Check JS?? I o f'ublic'Works will have a spec/detail boof available in April of 198.o **** REQT]ESTS FOR INSPECTION SFIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ***" ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-21,49 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTORFORHIMSELF AND OWNER o +Fl i€izio+'l]l<IE l.'!ot9ib iFi8 (o atricPcrr<o a-ooH5f? (t =2ogdai'ttoo Pr! Foo r,,Eoooootf'A {Jl .\,N tt-o r 1t> F(, Poo o 0o tsro HNTO--FO<ftl,,V'.Oq-l l|l l-l ..t? &r ,lH. t,(JP!t"3 o)r UT(t ro€ qt P.l+orordti poo trn no oo 3!rooF-cr Fl HcrP.Oo o zzItooo ;;:;C{'lP=F|FOOI' FUOo IoocooFFNodtdtr0oo \I|0OoOFoF FINtd!4XoIUOF Fto<F< blro,dHg E'.5! XE €t,x rt,t{,t HFl Fl!t 14o ro !, 3oil(t >oxoctO =t4a4 x'Exl .D- tll F Q F.l i oooo(.t N) oo ++iIt*tt+t,tititat*t*t+**IttIt++++++t+t++t*ttt,tta.-,tttt.t.t+.Ft+t+++t.l .ltt.l l+**t.*+t*+.lttt**tIt* U) !to 3o5 {J> ts(to oo E f"!'t- Fl.ol,crttts !,!, E{ FlHDt'dF3(Do rrO93!3 .U} {Dtsts.uD tjt (,tooo oooooo o(D o"t c+ C)c.J-:o T' T' t- al rflrrl(!', ur Iloy'lo, uhlu 'ogilo3 APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 2sf&6 O -.rrPRJ#: Lf -l ]f] Pw*:Zg nq garcel+:B Lt 70 I Tn-TI BA-WZgwaa--!Il ! 1. 2. Pr; t F"l 3. W+t<,> 1/a Contractor Name iw</ 4. Work is for.lcircte onel Water Sewer Gas Electric bni Mailing Address 9a tr] Telephone CATV b,4 S l; r- u@ a s Hli;J:il TOV Contractor's License Number (5a-) ) Landscaping 7. n Bond Amount $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, JOB IS STARTED. AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFOBE THE Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket and lugs shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow up to one week to process Xcel Energy (1 -800-922-1 987) Xcel Energy High Pressure (1-800-922-1987) Qwest (1 -800-922-1987) (Permil Expiration Date) Comcast (1 -800-922-1 987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (970-477-5453) Holy Cross Electric Company (1-800-922-1987) - f&n of Vail Electricians (970-479-2 158) () t , /n r , Y;;;"; ;,;;,;;rn^",n,,,.; -W 9. THERE WtLL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction traflic control plan must be submitted and approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. 10. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bil 172). 11 . Permittee musl conlact Public Works Deoartment at 479-21 98 24 hours orior to commencing of work. Failure to notify the Town will result in Jorfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. 12. I certify that I have read all chapters oJ Title B - Public Ways and Property, oJ the Vail Municipal Code and all utility agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have notifled as required. '(rnf €ullu Signature of Agreement Print name clearly Date of Srgnature ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. White - Public Works Yellow - Contractor Projection: Stab Plan€ Colorado Contral, Fe€t MD 1 983 Township 5 South, Range 80 West Proposed Bore Hole Locations N..^\ <ltv S o rr5 ,5o 51tr d Watar Conaut''n'!. lnc.SITE MAP5C5 Girpln Steet ... ^terven CO 80218 Jqvi^r^rylo-.- -GF I ml,i;ff".]"..Vail's Front Door TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2738 NOTE: THIS PERMT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PUBLIC WAY PERMT Permit # PW03-0081 ]obAddress: Status...: ISSUED Location.....: Vista Bahn Area Applied . . : W/79/2003 Parcel No...: 2701'08242008 Issued. . : 08/79/2003 Expires. .: APPI.'ICAI\TT VAIIJ CORP O8/t9/2O03 PhONC: PO BOX 7 VAIL CO 81558 License: CONTRACTOR L,iving water systems, Inc. o8/a9/2oo3 Phone: 303-574-4048 P.O. Box 459 Pine, CO 13885 Wandcrest Rd Pine, CO 80470 Lricense: 666-S ovfNER vArr, coRP oe/$/2oo3 Ptrone: PO BOX 7 VAII, CO 81558 Iricense: Desciption:visEa Ba-trn ski yard area - Monit,or well / Ground vitater investigations. FEE SUMMARY o EVELOPMENT Public WaY-> Irwestigatio,n-> Payments---> $150.00 Bond Amount-> TOTALFEES-> Slso. oo BALANCE DT'E:_>$0.00 Approvals:I€em: 05500 PIIBITIC WORKS o8/L9/2oo3 ls Action: AP ITEM: 05550 ENGINEERING CONDITION OF APPROVAJ. ;;;ffiffiffi***' I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 12-STR of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, v signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilitiid as required. Public Works will have a spec/detail book available in April of 198. *ffi REQIIESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN **** ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-n49 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. ORCONTRACTORFOR HIMSELF AND OWNER o +{'tt*t*****tt****atl+ttttft******tr}t*+*{'{'af+t***t**ra*a*+at+r**t**a'*ttt'f+all+*f+'}a++r++'t+t*'t TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€metrt l*'|**ffa*t*+atttt*lttlati'}tttttl**ff*taattl**ttfttatatff*a***t*fa*****ttaaaal'tttt'ttt*ft*'tat*'|t Statement lfunber 3 RO30OO4523 Anount: $150.00 08/L9/2OO3O?:52 ?M ""' "": Method: check t"1io.L"ror,: ck* 5see Permit No: Ptf03-0081 TlTte: PITBLIC WAY PER!4IT Parcel No: 210108242008 Site Address :' Location: Vista Bahn Area Total Fees: S150.00 This Palment: 9150.00 Total AlL PntE: $150.00 Balance: $0.00 fa*a+tal*attl**ttt*****'l*ar*'3*+******+*r**a*ftttttttfa**at+**aat*+r*+lt1}'.l'}+*'til+a'tflaatf+a** ACCOTJNT ITEM UST: Account Code Description Current ffis ST OO1OOOO31121OO PUBLIC hIAY FEES 150 .00 1)vruiler t'loll :%i*L APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PuBLTcwAYPERMTT zo& IT.ITTIuaw Parcel*:W D-W@A-We-AAA etog.p,ermitu'E I I- I I I I o PRJ#: PW#: 5. -,/l/n;l\ 6ou\ fraiv ' srqt. l,r tlt s Job Name Street Address www B li8Ti."#;[rv;U*l,-s#zts Mailing Address TOV Contractor's License Numbet 9o,lzo (<oa) 4. Work is for (circle one) Water Gas Electric Telephone CATV Landscaping Other Trench-width (min.4')Total SF $ Total LF Bond Permit I Fee $ MATERIAL, EOUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket and lugs shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow up to one week to process Xcel Energy (1 -800-922-1 987) Xcel Energy High Pressure (1-800-922-1987) Qwest (1 -800-922-1987\ 7. 6. (Permil Expkation Date) Temp. Site Access Comcast (1 -800-922-1 987) Eaole River Water & Sanitation District (970-477-5453\ Holy Cross Electric Company (1-800-922-1987) Electricians (97 O-47 9 -21 58) of Vail I rrigation (97 0- 479 -2'l 58) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction traffic control plan must approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done bv hand wilhin 18" of utilities - (Senate Bil 172). Contractor's Signature of Agreement Print name cleady ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streels with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. submitted and 10. 11.Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2198 24 hours prior to commencing of work. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. 12. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 8 - Public Ways and Property, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility coltpany agreernpnts, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as_ required.[d/f ,htt{,/ ?ak# Go(k- uftr/ol of Signalure White - Public Works Yellow - Contractor v Gqt,r. \* A-NM Projectbn: Stab Plane Colorado C6nfal, Feat NAD 19&! Township 5 South, Range 80 West Proposed Bore Hole Locations 0+ Wzaer Consut'!n6., Inc.SITE MAP,:*:::IZ*tr: JTP,0il321-8335 t''Project No. 561 . 1 Front DoorDate: Auoust 14, 2003 Wzaer Consut'!n6., Inc.SITE MAP5C5 Gflpln Steat JF', co 80218 Project No. 561 . 1 Date: Auoust 14, 2003 Vail's Front Door321-8335 Vail's HYDERCONS-IRUC f ION INC. April 1,2004 oFff,CHiipv Mr. Leonard Sandoval Town of Vail Department of Public Works 1309 Elkhom Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 Dot Nte Re: Construction Site Access and Staging Plan Vail Park & Garage at Lots P3&J (HCI Job No. 24002) Dear Leonard: Following is a summary of the site staging and access plan for the referenced Project: I. Attached Project Schedule representing a start date of May 3,2004: A. The Construction Schedule is based on Monday through Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Fridays 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Saturdays 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. B. Vail 2004 Vail Village and Lionshead Construction Hows Information Handout for holiday hours is incorporated into the Project Schedule. C. The work may commence any time after May 3,2004 and prior to May 15,2004. The Project Schedule will be updated once a Notice to Proceed is issued to Hyder Construction Inc. from Vail Resorts Development Company. IL Attached are four (4) separate traffic control plans: A. Traffic Control Plan MHT No. 1 represents the basic site set up which occurs throughout the duration ofthe Project. B. Traffic Control Plan MHT No. 2 represents closure of Gore Creek Drive which will be necessary for the following events: I . Placement of dewatering duplex pump vault ( 175 ton hydraulic crane is required for this operation). Road closure would occur from 7:00 a.m. and be opened again by 4:00 p.m. 2. Tower crane erection using the same or similar hydraulic crane as noted in Item No. L 3. Removal of earth ramp out of the excavation. 4. Concrete pumping operations for l0 to 12 concrete pours. Each pour would commence at 7:00 a.m. and be completed by 12:00 p.m. No concrete pours requiring road closure are scheduled for Saturdays. The cut sheet of a 45-meter concrete pump is attached for your reference. The outrigger spread is 27'-3". The pump position is identified on the Site Access and Staging drawing attached. 5. Dismantline of the tower crane. 543 Sanra Fe Drivc . Denver, Colorado 80204 . (3O3) 525-1313. Fax (303) 825-3223 . Email hydcrinc@hyderinc.com . Vcbsite www.hydcrinc.com Construction Site Access and Stasins Plan - Vail Park & Garase at Lots P3&J April l,2004 Pase 2 of4 6. Installation of storm sewer piping, vaults and manhole. 7. Road surface replacement. Traffrc Control Plan MHT No. 3 represents closure of "The Chute" which will occur during the following events: 1. Drilling of dewatering wells and drilling for shoring piles. 2. Storm sewer installation. 3. Road replacement. Traffic Control Plan No. 4 represents closure of Hanson Ranch Road which will occur during the following €V€rlsl L Drilling of shoring piles and drilling for dewatering wells. 2. Storm sewer installation. 3. Road replacement and streetscape. The site will be sunounded by concrete traffic barricades on the south and the west site of the site tight against the excavation footprint as shown on the drawings and the attached detail representing the "shelf' around the site for dewatering piping and access to dewatering pumps. A 6'-0" chain link fence with tr'vo layers of green fabric will be secured to the top ofthe concrete barricades. The north and east side ofthe site will be surrounded by 6'-0" chain link fencing mounted into the ground with two layers of green fabric as per the attached plan. All fencing will be installed to withstand winds of 80 miles per hour. A temporary asphalt walkway will be provided along the south side of Hanson Ranch Road in front of Christiania where the minimum road width of 12' forces pedestrian traffic off of the road. V. The existing island the southwest corner of the site on Hanson Ranch Road will be removed at the outset of the work and will receive a temporary asphalt patch until the streetscape improvement is completed. VI. Homeowners in the surrounding areas will be provided with notice of the construction site access and staging plan once the plan has been approved by the Town ofVail. VII. Names and contact numbers for Hyder Construction Inc. are listed below: A. Doug Thompson. Project Executive Office: (303) 825-1313 Direct: (720) 932-3264 Mobile: (303) 829-5950 B. Steve Garver, Project Superintendent Mobile: (303) 829-5621 Site: To be provided C. D. III. IV. Construction Site Access and Stasins Plan - Vail Park & Garase at Lots P3&J April 1,2004 Page 3 of4 C. 24 Hour Emergency Number (303) 489-5208 VIII. Staging, loading and unloading will be accomplished on the north side of the site within the f'enced in area. Any deiivery requiring encroachment beyond the site fence will be coordinated with the Town of Vail and possible street closure or flagging operations will be provided as necessary. IX. Concrete deliveries will occur on the north side of the site. The concrute placement for all footings and rvalls will be accomplished by crane and bucket. Slab on grade and elevated slab decks will be placed with concrete pump. Orientation of the pump wiil be in the east west direction with the tail of the pump on the east end allowing the concrete trucks to anive facing east on Gore Creek Drive via Hanson Ranch Road and "The Chute". Flagging operations will be provided as necessary. X. The existing fire hydrant located at the north east corner of the site rvill remain accessible at all times. The construction fence at the northeast corner will be erected in such a manner as to provide adequate vision for parked vehicles parked at Vallhalla to see west along Gore Creek Drive. XII. Temporary caged 'Jelly jar" light fixtures will be mounted on posts around the site as indicated on the Staging and access plan. XIII. The tower crane will be erected so as to allow 20' of clearance under the crane hook above the highest projection around the site. The tallest element within the radius of the crane is the chimney and adjacent tree at the Christiania. No crane pick will be allowed over occupied areas or buildings. XIV. An aviation beacon light will be mounted at the top of the tower crane' XV. Concrete truck and concrete pump wash out will not be allowed on site unless a "tub" is provided which can then be dumped into the trash roll off. If trucks are unable to complete wash out at the plant a contained wash out area may be installed at the "ABC Lot" at the southwest corner of Mill Creek Circle. XVI. A copy of the storm water discharge permit is attached. XVIL An asphalt loading/unloading turn out area is to be provided as indicated on the Staging and Access Plan. XI. Construction Site Access and Staging Plan - Vail Park & Garage at Lots P3&J April l, 2004 Page 4 of4 We recognize that there will be a considerable amount of construction activity occurring concurrent with the construction of the P3&J Parking Structure. We understand that modifications to the above plan may be necessary for the work in the area to be completed successfully and on schedule. We will cooperate in anyway feasible recognizing of course that we are also under a very tight construction schedule for the completion ofthe garage. Please let me know when we can meet to review and incorporate our Staging and Access Plan with the other plans being developed for the Town of Vail Streetscape and Tivoli Projects. cc: Mr. Dan Feeney, Vail Resorts Development Company Mr. Charlie Davis, Town of Vail Chief Building Official /\/'? /\,,\ o EXIsftnr2 Qr?t*l€ O:Pe?ere B*,qRros{>e Cop,Tt?}f<rfoo D€ocnrE!?.5to? \4PE S+$TY P/fruIN(" iDbE oF / S*toUNlz I)errcL k STA|E OF r(ADo o COLO March 18,2004 Doug Thompsor5 Project Executive Hyder Cons truction, lnc. 543 Santa Fe Drive Denver, CO 80204 303/825-1313 RE: Final Permit, Colorado Discharge Permit System - Stormwater Certification No: COR{36357, Eagle County P-3&JPark&Garage Local Contact: Doug Thompson, Project Manager,303/ 825-1313 Anticipated Activity: 0411512004 through 1213112004 On 10.8 acres (7 acres disturbed) Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed please find a copy of the permit certification that was issued to you under the Colorado Water Quality Contol Act. Your certification under the permit requires that specific actions be performed at designated times. You are legally obligated to comply with all terms and conditions of your certification. Note that the stormwater permit for construction activities now covers construction sites disturbing down to one acre (the previous threshold was 5 acres). Effective July l, 2002, any construction activity that disturbs at least I acre of land (or is part ofa larger common plan of development or sale that will disturb at least I acre) must apply for permit coverage. Please read the permit and certification. If you have any questions please visit our website at http://wwu/.cdphe.state.co.us/wq/permitsunit/wqcdpmt.htr , or contact Matt Czahor at (303) 692-3575. Sincerely, A/A"l4 Kathryn Dolair' Bill Owens. Covernor Douglas H. Eenevento, Executive Director Oedicated to prctecting and impmving the health and environment of the Fople of Colorado 4300 Cherry Creek Or. 5. Laboratory and Radiation Services Division Denver, Colorado 80246-l530 8100 lowry Blvd. Phone (303) 692-2000 Denver, Colorado 80230-6928 TDO Line (303) 691-7700 (303) 692-3090 Located in Clendale, Colorado hnp : //www. c d p h e,state, co, us Stormwater Program Coordinator Permits Unit WATER QUALITY CONTROL DIVISION Enclosure xc: Regional Council of Governments Local County Health Departrnent District Engineer, Technical Services, WQCD Permit File Fee File Colorado Depanrnent of PubticHealth and Environment RECEIVED MAR 22 200t Hyder Construction Inc. ')\ Permit No. COR-030000 Facility No. COR-036357 PAGE I of17 CERTIFICATION CDPS GENERAL PERMIT STORMWATER DISCHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH COi\STRUCTION Construction Activity: The construction activity includes the construction of an rurderground p arking garage. This permit specifically authorizes: Hyder Construction, Inc. to discharge stormwater from the facility identified as P-3 & J Park & Garage which is located at: 360 Hanson Ranch Road Vail, Co 81658 latitude 39/38/25,longitude 106/22/15 in Eagle County stonn sewer to Gore Creek effective: 03/16/2004 Annual Fee: $449.00 (DO NOT PAY NOW. You will receive a prorated bill.) Buildins s"r.l;T il"I3llt"" services C-?s soulh rronlase Rd. Townof Vail -flvail, Co. I(s'o) 47s-213e /Fax,:;i;:': $FFICE S0PY rf-rhe 2oof1f;.ffi1liHJ"iiiril,.n ""u" ^ ^{fD-Project Nnmber: PR.t03-0004 Date: March 26, 2OO4 ItProject Name: VAILTTS PARK AllD GARAGE @ P3&J !- Address: 356 IIN{ISOI{ RAIICH ROAD Occupancy: S-2, Construction: I-A Contractor: IIYDER CONST Architect : 42 / 40 ARCHTTECfiIRE Engi.neer: MONROE & NEWELL, Report By: iIR MOI{DRAGON NOTE: The code items listed in this report are nots complete listing of all possible code requirementsIt is a guide to selected sectsions of the code. Report created using Plan Analyst software by IHS SPRINI0-,ER SYSTEM: NFPA 1"3 sprinkler system throughout the building Sprinkler . system used for t hr. subsLitution -- Table 501, Note d F:RONTAGE INCREASE: Perimeter of the entire building = 530 feet. Perimecer which f rorat s a puJrlic way or accessible open space = 530 feet. Minimum width of puJrlic way or accessible open space = 20 Al1owab1e area increased 50.08 for frontage increage, -- Sec.506.2 FIJ NAME OCC MAJ( FLR AREA ALIOWED RATIO STATUS intended to be a in the 2003 IBC. Global 800-854-7179 1 Mechanical Room TOTA]-, FOR FLOOR81 Parking Garage TOTAI, FOR FI.,OOR82 earking carage TOTAL FOR FL,OORI}3 Mechanical Room83 Mechanical Room (H20) 83 Mechanical Room (EL,E) 83 Parking carage TOTAL FOR FTJOOR BUII.,DING TOTAJ-, -- Sec. 503, 504, 505 I s-2 s-2 s-2 s-2 s-2 s-2 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ok ok ok ok ok ok ok 384 UIII,IMITED AREA 384 UNLIMIrED AREA 10768 I'NIJIMITED AREA 10768 UNI-,IMITED AREA 17287 IJNIJIMITED AREA T7287 I'NLIMITED AREA 26T IJNLIMITED AREA 105 IJNIJIMITED AREJA 91 I]NIJIMITED AREA 15483 I'NLIMITED AREA L6940 ITNIJIMITED AREA 384 I'NI-,IMITED AREA and Table 503 Page # 2 Code review for:Project Id.: VAII-r'S PARK AND cARAcE @ P3&J AddrCSS: 365 TIANSON R;ANCH ROAD AllowabLe area and height calculations are based on the most restrictive use. Different, uses are not separated by fire barriers. -- Sec.302.3.1 Basement area not included in the total when checking allowable area. -- Sec. 503 .1.1 The actual height of this building is 18.0 feet. The maximrm height of the building is unlimited. -- Table 503 PROPERTY DESCRIPTTON: North Side tras a property line. - Distance to propertsy line = 40.0 East Side has a property 1ine. - Distance to property line = 70.0 South Side has a property 1ine. - Distance to property line = 80.0 West Side has a property 1ine. - Distance to property line = 50.0 EXTERIOR WAITJ FIRE RATINGS A}ID OPENING PROTECTION Sec. 602, Tables 601 and 602, and Sec. 704 NORTH EAST SOIITH WEST OCC BRG NON OP}IG? BRG }ION OPNGT BRG NON OPNGT BRG NON OPNGI WA]JIJ BRG ITP/PR WAI-'IJ BRG UP/PR WAI'T' BRG I'P/PR WAI,I-, BRG I'P/PR s-2 . 3-hr o-hr Nr-,/Nr-, 3-hr 0-hr Nr,/NL, 3-hr o-hr NL/NL 3-hr 0-hr NL,/Nr., The exterior walls are required to be of NONCOMBUSTIBLE material . -- Sec. 602.2Projections from exterior walls shall be of noncombustible material . -- sec. 704.2.1 Exterior wall-s are required to be fire-rated for exPosure to fire: 1. From Both sides when fire separation is 5 feet or less. 2. on the interior side only when separation is greater than 5 feet. -- Sec. 7O4.5 Then maxirmrm percent of area of unprotected opening has been adjusted for an automatic sprirrkler system, -- Sec. 704.8.1 Page # 3 Code review for:Project Id.: VAIL'S PARK AIID GARAGE @ P3&.I Address: 355 IIANSON RAIICH ROAD up/pr = Maximum percent of openings in the exterior wall . -- Table 704.8 up - The naxj-mun percent if all openings are unproEected.pr - The maximum percent if all openingrs are protected. If some are protected and some are not, then use formula in Sec . 704.8 openings in l-hr walls are required to be protecEed with 3/4 hour asseribLies. -- Sec. 7O4.12 and Sec. 715.4 openings in wa11s required to be greater than Lhr are required protected wit,h L t/2 h;ot:r assemblies. -- Sec. 7t5.4 NLr = No fire protection requirements for openings. NP = Openings are not permitted in this wall . * = These walls may be required to have a parapet walI 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet vrall is required to have the same fire rating as the wall and shafl have noncombustible faces for the uppermost 18 inches. -- Sec. 7O4.Lt Exception 1: A parapet waII is not required when the wa11 is not required to be fj.re-resistive. Exception 2: A parapet wall is not required when the floor area Excep'Lion'' ll.igfuiiliiil;li:l"i:#Hx,'rr;::;$';:i,rg Page # 4 Code review for:Project Id.: VAIL'S PARK AI.ID GARAGE @ P3&iIAddress: 366 IIANSOI{ RAI{ICH ROAD PIRE RESISTAIICE RATINGS FOR BUIIJDING EI-,EMENTS -- Table 601 EIJEMENT MATERIAIJ RATING NOTESStructural Frame llonconbust,ible 3 hour Note 2fnterior Bearing wall Noncombustible 3 bourInterior nor:brg wall tiloncombus t ibl e 0 lrour Note 5 Shaft Enclosure Noncombust ib le 2 hour Note 1 Floor/Cej.ling Assembly }loncombustible 2 hour Noce 9Roof/Ceiling Assedbly Noncombustible 1 1/2 hour Note 4, 13 Stairs Noncombustible None IiIOTES: 1. Fire resistance rating for shafts based on Section 707.4 NoTE: See Section 7o7 -2 for shaft enclosure exceptions.2. Roof supports: Fire resistance rat ing of structural frane and bearing walls are permitted to be reduced by t hour where supporting a roof on1y. -- Table 601, b.4. Heavy timber shaU be permitted where a t hour or less fire ratingj.s required. -- Table 5OL, e.2.5. Fire-retardant, treated wood shall be permitted in:A. Nonbearing partitions where the required fire-resistance rating is two hours or less. -- Sec. 603.1, 1.1. Partit.ions diwiding portions of stores, offices or similar places occupied by one tenant only aIrd do not establish a corridor or serve an occup.ult load of 30 or more may be:A. constructed of fire retsardant treated woodB. one trour fire resistive constructi.onC. wood panels or similar up to six feet in height. -- Sec. 603-1, Exception 89. Parking surfaces shall be of concrete or similar noncombustible and nonabsorbent materials. Asphalt parking surfaces are permitted at ground leve1 . -- Sec. 406.2.613. Fire-retardant-treated nood shall be allowed in buildingsincluding girders and trusses as part of the roof construction. -- TabLe 601, c.3. Page # 5 Code review for: Project Id.: VAII"T'S PARK AIID GARAGE @ P3&iI Address: 365 IIAI.ISON RANCH ROAD SHAFT REQIIIREMEIITS: Openings other than those necessary for the puryose of tshe shaftshall not be permitted. -- Sec. 7O7.7.I Penetrations other than those necessary for the puryose of the shaftshall not be permitted. -- sec. 707.8.1 Shafts that do not extend to the bottom of the building shall:1. Be enclosed at the lowest leve1 with the same fire-resi.stancerating as the lowest floor but not less than the ratingof the shaft enclosure; or2. Terminate in a room having a use related to tbe purpose of theshaft. The room and openings shall have a fire-resistancerating at least equal to the shaft enclosure; or3. Be protected by approved fire dam;rers installed at the lor.testfloor level within the shaft enclosure.-- Sec . 7O7 .Lt PENETRATIONS OF FTRE RESISTIVE ASSEMBI,IES -- Sec. 7I2 WALIJS ASSEMBIJIES -- Sec - 7L2,3 Through penet,rations of walls:L. Penetrations shall be installed as tested in the fire resistance rated assenbly. -- Sec. 7L2,3.L.L2. Penetrations shal1 be protected by an approved penetration firestop system with a minimum positive pressure differential of 0'01 inch of water and shall have an F rating of not less thal the required rating' of the wall penetrated. -- Sec. 7L2.3.1'.2Exception: Where penetrating' items are steel , ferrous or copPer pipes or steel conduits, the annular space between the and the penetratingi item and the fire resistance rated wa1I shall be permitted to be protected as follows:1. In concrete or masonry walls where the penetrating item is a maximum of 6 inches nominal diameter arrd the openings is a maximum 144 square inehes, concrete, grout or mortar shall be permitted. 2. The material used to fill the annular space shall prewent tbe passage of flame and hot gasses sufficient to ignite cotton. Page # 6 Code review for:Project Id,: VAILr'S PARK AND GARAGE @ P36.,JAddress: 366 IIANSON RANCH ROAD Membrane penetrations of walls : The requirements are the s:rme as for through penetrations.-- Sec . 7L2.3.2 Exceptions: 1. Steel electrical outlet boxes that do not exceed 15 square incbesprovided that the area of such openings does not exceed L00 square inches for any 100 square feet of wa1I area. Boxes on oppositesides of the assenibly shatl be separated by a horizontal distanceof not less than 24 inches.2. sprinklers wiEh metal escutcheon plat,es. FI.,OOR/CEIIING AI{D ROOF/CEILING ASSEMBI,IES -- SEC. 712.4 Through penetrations of fire-resistive horizontal assemblj-es:1. Through penetrations sha1l be installed as tested in an approved fire resist,ance rated assembly. -- Sec. 7L2.4.L.L2, Penetrations sha1l be protected by an approved penetration firestop system with a minimrm positive pressure differential of 0.01 inch of water and shal1 have an F rating and a T rating of not less than t hour but not less than the required rating of the floorpenetrated, -- Sec. 7L2.4.1.2 Exceptions: 1. When penetrating' items are stee1, ferrous or copper conduits,pipes, tubes and. vents through a single concreEe floor, the anrrular space shall be permitted to be grout or mortar. The minimum thickness is the thickness required to maintain the fire rating. The maximum size of the penetrating items j-s equivalentto a 6-inch diameter and the opening is a maximum of L44 square inches.2, Elect,ricaL outlet boxes that have been tsested for use in fire -asseniblies. Membrane penetrations of fire-resistive horizontal assedblies: The requirements are the sane as for through penetrations. -- Sec. 712.4.2 Exceptions:1. When penetrating items are steel , ferrous or copper conduits,electrical outlet boxes, pipes, tubes and vents through concrete or nnsonry and the ar:rruLar space is protected by an approvedpenetration firestop assembly or protected to prevent the free passage of flame and products of cofiibustion. Such penetrations sha1l not exceed Ern aggregate area of L44 square inches in any 100 square feet of ceiling area in assemblies without penetrations. 2. Electrical outlet boxes that have been tested for use in fire- assemblies. 3. Sprinklers with metal escutcheon plates. Page # 7 Code review for:Project Id.: VAfI-r'S PARK Al{D cARAcE @ P3&iI AddrESS: 355 IIANSON RANCH ROAD DUCTS AND AIR TRANSFER OPENINGS -- Sec. 716 Dampers shall be accessible for inspection and servicing. 716.4 where required. -- Sec. 716.51. Fire walIs. -- Sec. 716.5.12. Fire barriers -- Sec. 7!6.5.2 See exceptions3. Shaft enclosures -- Sec. 716.5.3 See exceptions4. Fire partitions -- Sec. 7L5.5.4 See excepLions5. Smoke barriers -- Sec. 7l-5,5.5 (smoke damper ) See exceptions OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS -- Sec. 302.3.2 and Table 302.3.2 Uses are not separated by fire barriers. The construction of the buildingis based on the mosL restrictive use. -- Sec. 302.3.1 SEPARATTON OF INCIDENTAT USE AREAS -- Tablc 302.1-.1 Furnace rooms vrhere any piece of equipment is over 400,000 BTU per hour input -- Smoke barrier -- Sec. 302.1.1.1 Rooms with any boiler over 15 psi and 1.0 horsepower -- Smoke barrier -- Sec. 302.1.1.1Refrigerant machinery rooms -- Smoke barrier -- Sec. 302,1.1.L Parking garages -- t hour and an automatic sprinkler system rncinerator rooms -- 2 hours and an automatic sprinkler system Storag'e rooms over 1OO square feet -- Smoke barrier -- Sec.302.L.1.1Note: This lists covers only the most contrnon uses. See Table 3O2.L. l- for a comDlete list. EXIT REQUIREMEMfS: FI, NAME NUI4B MIN MTN PANIC CORRIDOR DOOR NOTES OCC EXITS WIDTH IIDWR RATING SWING 1 Mechanical Room 1 1 o.2 No N/A N/R 1 2 o-2 No N/A N/RTOTAI-, FOR FI.OOR TOTAI, FOR FIJOOR 81 Parking carage 54 2 8.L No N/A out 1 54 2 LO.8 No N/A Out 82 Parking carage 86 2 L2.9 No N/A out 1 TOTAI-, FOR FIJOOR 86 2 17.2 No N/A Out Page # 8 Code rewiew for:Project Id.: VAfL,'S PARK AND GARAGE @ P3&,J Address: 366 ITANSON RANCH ROAD 83 Mechanical Room 1- 1 0.2 No N/A N/R 83 Mechanical Room(II2o) o.o No N/A N/R 83 Mechanical Room (EL,E) o . o No Il/A N/R B3 Parking earage 82 2 L2.3 No N/A Out 1 TOTAI, FOR FIOOR 83 2 L6.6 NO N/A OUt FOOTNOTES: 1. Two exj-ts are required from this area since the occupant load exceeds allowable in Table 1014.1 NOTES FOR EXIT TABI,E Door swing is based on Section 1008.1.2 Occupant load is based on Section 1004 and Table 1004.1.2 Exit width is in inches and based on Section L005.1 & Table L005.1 width shown for all areas is based on other egress components. Width shown for 1st floor is based on other eg'ress components. Width shown for other floors & basements is based on stairways. For the minimum width of doors, see Section 1008.1.1. For the minimum width of corridors, see Section 7'07-6.2. For the minimum width of stairways, see Sectj"on 1009.1-. Exits shall be continuous from the point of entry into the exit to the exj-t discharge. -- Sec. 1003.6 EXIT SEPARJATION In areas where 2 exits are required, the minimum separation is 1/3 of the maximum diagonal of the aiea or fLoor measured in a straight line between exits or exit access doorways.-- Sec. 1014.2'1, Exception 2 Multiple means of egress shall be sized such that the loss of any one means of egress shall not reduce the available capacity by more than 50 percent. -- Sec. 1005.1 EtrT SIG}IS Exits and exj-t access doors shall be marked by an approved exit sigrr 'Signs shall be placed where the exit or the path of egress travel is not irmnediat,ely visible. No point to be more tha.n 1OO feet from an exit sign. -- Sec. 1011.1 Exception 1: Exj.t signs are not required in rooms or areas which require only one exit . Exeeption 2: Main exterior exit doors which obviously and clearly are identifiable as exits need not be signed when approved. Br:Lt sigus sbatl be internalty or externally illuminated. -- Sec. LOL1.2 Exit sign shal1 be illuminated at all times including during loss of primary power. -- Sec. 101-1.4 & Sec. 1011.5.3 Code rewiew for:Project Id.: VAII-r'S Address: 356 IIANSOII BOI-,T LOCKS: Manually operated -- Sec. 1008.1.8.4 PARK AIiID GARAGE @ P3&iI RANCH ROAD Page # 9 elewation on each t/2 irj.ch lower than the flush bolts arrd surface bolts are not permitted. Exception 2: Wtrere a pair of doors serves a storage or equipment room, manual ly operated edge- or surface-mounted bolts arepermitted on the inactive leaf. IJOCKS AIiID I'ATCIIES : Egress doors shall be readily openable from the egress side without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort. -- sec. 1008.1.8 Locks and latches sha1l be permitted to prevent operation where any of the following exists: Exception 2: The maj.n door or doors in Group B, F, M and S areas are permitted to be equipped with key operating locking devices from the egress side provided: 2.1 The locking device is readily distingrrishable as locked. 2.2 A readity visible durable sign is posted on the egress side stating: THIS DOOR TO REMAIN IINLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED Exception 3: Where egiress doors are used in pairs, automatic flush bolts shall be permitted to be used, provided the door leaf having the automatic flush bolts bas no doorknob or surface-mounted hardware. ADDITIONA.IJ DOORS: Where additionaL doors are provided for egrress purposes, they shaLl conform t,o the requirements in Section L008.1 I,A}iIDINGS AT DOORS:1. There shall be a floor or landing on each side of a door. -- Sec. 1008.1,42. Such floor or landing shall be at the same side of the door, -- Sec. 1008.1.43. The floor or landing sha.ll not be more than threshold. -- Sec. L008.1.54. Landings shall have a width not less than the width of the stairway or width of the doorway, wb.j.chever is the greater. Where a landing serves an occup;rnt load of 50 or more, doors in any position sha11 not reduce the landing dimension to less ttran one half it reguired width. The minirmrm length in the direction of exit travel is 44 inches. -- Sec. 1008.1.55. The space between two doors in series shall be 48 inches plus the width of door swinging into Ehe space. -- sec. 1008.1'? Page # 10 Code review for: Project Id.: VAILr'S PARK AIID GARAGE @ P3&,t Addrcss: 355 TIANSON RANCH ROAD STAIR REQUIREMEI{|S: Stairways:1. The riser heights shall not be less than 4 inches or greater than ? inches. The minimum tread depth is 11 inches. -- Sec. 1009.3 The maximum variation is 3/8 inch between the largest and the smallest in a stairway flight- -- Sec. 1009.32. The minimum width of a stairway is 35 inches, 44 inctres if the occupant load is greater than 50. -- Sec. 1009.1 elsol check exit Lafte above to see if minimum wj.dth is gr6ater than 44 inches.3, Prowide a haldrail on each side of stairways. -- Sec. 1009.11 Handrail height, measured alcove stair tread nosing, shall be not Less than 34 inches and not more than 38 inches. -- Sec. 1009.LL.L HandraiLs with a circular cross section shall trave an outside diameter of at least r. r/+ inches and nots greater ttran 2 inches or shall provide equivalent graspabi l ity. -- Sec. 1009.11.3 Ilandrail-gripping surfaces shaIl be continuous without interruption by newel post or other obstrucEions. -- sec. 1009.11 .4 Handraj.Is shall return to a wa1l, grrard or the walking surface or shall be continuous to the handrail of an adjacent stair flight. Where handrails are not continuous between flights, the handrails shall extend horizontalty at least 12 inches beyond the top riser top riser and continue to slope for the depth of one tread beyond the bottom riser. -- Sec. 1009.11.54. open sides of walking surfaces which are located more than 30 inches above tshe floor or grade below are required to have a guard. - - Sec. 1012 . l- 5. The minimum height of gnrard is 42 inches. -- sec. 1012.2 6. open grrards shal1 have balusters or ortlarnental paEtern such that a 4-inches diameter sphere cannot pass through any opening up to a height of 34 inches. From a height of 34 inches a.bove the adj acent walking surface to 42 j.nches above the walking' surface, a sphere 8 inches in diameter shall not pass. -- Sec. 1012.3 Exception 1. The triangular opening formed at the riser, tread and grrardrail may be 6 inches, Exception 3. Areas which are not open to the public within I-3, F, H, or S occupalcies, balusters, horizontal intermediate rails, or other construction shal1 not permit a sphere with a diameter of 2t inches to pass through. 7. The minimum headroom clearance is 80 inches (6 ft.- I inches.) measured vertically from a line conlecting the edge of the nosing. Headroom shall be continuous to the point where the line intersects the landing below. The minimum clearance shall be maintained the fulI width of the stairway and landing. -- Sec. 1009.2 8. Enclosed usable space under ttre stairs is required to be protected' by l-hour fire-resistive construction or the fj.re-resistance rating of the stairway enclosure, whichever is greater. -- Sec. 1019.1.5 9. A flight of stairs shal1 not have a vertical rise greater than 12 feet between floor levels or landings. -- Sec. 1009.6 Page # 11 Code review for:Project Id.: VAIL'S PARK AND GARAGE @ P3&iI AddrCSs: 355 HAIiISON RJNiICH ROAD STAIRWAY ENCLOSIIRES:'1. Stal.rwaya are requi red to be in 2 hour fire resistive exit enclosures. -- Sec. L019.1 Exception 4: Stairways that are not a required means of egress element only need to comply with sbaft enclosure reguirements in Section 707-2 see Exception 2 to shaft enclosures in Section 707.2 Exception 7 in Section 707.2, Not required if: 7.1 Does not connect more than two stories. 7.3 Is not concealed.7.6 Is separated from openings to other floors by constnrction complying wiLh shaft requirements. 2, The openings into the exit enclosure are required to be L L/2 }eowr fire assenblies. -- Table 7L5.3 Otrrenings into enclosure are limited to those necessary for exit access to the enclosure from normalty occupied spaces and for eg'ress from the enclosure. -- Sec. 1019,1.1 Doors shall be self-closing or autonat ic closing. -- Sec. 7L5.3.7 3. Exit enclosure must discharge directly to the exterior of the building. -- Sec. 1023.1 Bxception 1: 50 percent of the number and capacity may exit through areas on the level of discharge provided all of the following are met :1.1 There is a free and r:nobstructed way to tshe exterior that is readily wisible and identifiable form the exit enclosure. 1.2 The level of exit discharge is separated from areas below by construction conforrning the fire resistance rating for the enclosure. Exception 2: 50 percent of the nr:niber and capacity may exit through a vestibule provided all of the following are met: 2.L The area of the vestibule is separated from areas below by construction conforming the fire resistance rating for ttre enclosure.2.2 lhe depth from the exterior of the building is no! g'reater than 10 feet ald the length is not greater than 30 feet. 2-3 The vestibule is separated from the remainder of ttre level of exits discharge by construction providing at least the equivalent of approved wired glass in sEeel frames. 2.4 The vestibule is used only for means of egress and exits directly to the outside . Page # 12 Code review for:Project Id.: VAII-,iS PARK AND GARAGE @ P3&J Address: 355 TIANSON RANCH ROAD 4. The wa1ls and soffits within enclosed usable spaces under stairhrays sha1l be protected by 2 hour fire resistant construct.ion. Access tothe enclosed usable space shal1 not be directly from within thestair enclosure. -- Sec. 1019.1-.5 5. If a stairway cont inues below the level of exit discharge, an approved barrier is required. at the level . Directional exit sigrrs shal1 be provided. -- Sec. 1019.1.6 tt svnron RBeuTREMENTS r1. An approved pictorial sign of a staldardized design shall be posted adj acent to each elevator call station on all floors instructing occupants to use the exit stairways and not to use the elevators in case of fire. -- Sec. 3002.33. Hoistways of elevators penetrating more than three stories shall be provided with a means for venting smoke and hot gases to the outer air in case of fire. -- Sec. 3004.1 F,AI4P REQUIREMEMIS: l-. The mj.nimum width is 44 inches. If a ramp serves an occupant load of 50 or less, it may be 36 inches wide. If the rannp is serving a high occupant 1oad, check exit table above for required width. -- Sec. 1010.5.1 & 1016.2, Exception 22. Tf the ramp is part of the means of egress, the maxirnum slope J-s l-:12, All other ramps may have a slope of 1:8 or 1ess. -- Sec. 1010.23. The rise for any ramp shal 1 be 30 inctre s maxj.mum. -- Sec. 1010.4 4. Landings shall be provided at the top, bottom, points of turning and at doors. -- Sec. 1010.6 Landings shall have a length of at least 5 feet in the direction of travel . -- Sec. 1010.6.3 Where cha-nges in direction of travel occur at landings, the landing sha1l be 60 inches by 60 inches minimum. -- sec. 1010.5.4 5. The surface sball of slip-resistant materials th.at are securely attached. -- Sec. 1010.7.16. Handrails sha.I1 be per stair requirements. -- Sec. 1010.8 A rail shall be mounted below the handrail 17 to 19 inches above the ramp or landing surface, -- Sec, 1010.9.17. A curb or barrier sl.all be provided that prevents the passage of a 4-inch diameter sphere, where any portion of the sphere is within 4 inches of the floor or <rror:nd surface. -- Sec. 7-o7.o.9.2 EXIT ACCESS TRA\/EIJ DISTA]iICE: The maximum travel distance in Group s2 is 400 feet. -- Table 101-5.1 The maximum travel distance in Group B is 300 feet. -- Tab1e 1015.1 Page # l-3 Code review for:Project Id.: VAIL'S PARK AIID GARAGE @ P3&J Address: 366 HANSON RANCH ROAD BUIIJDING ACCESS IBIIJITYl-. In addition to accessible entrances required by Sectj.ons 1105.1.1 through 1105.1.6, at least 50 percent of all puJrlic entrances sha1l be accessible. -- Sec. l-L05.12. AE least one accessible entrance shall be provided to each tenant, dwelling unit and sleeping unit in a facility. -- Sec. l-L05.1.6 3. Where parking is provided, accessible parking' spaces ha1I be prowided in compliance \rith Table 1t-06.L -- Sec. LL06.14. At least one accessible route shalL connect each accessible level . -- Sec, L104.4 See exceptions.5. Accessible routes sba1l coincide with or be located in ttre same area as a general circulation path. Where the circulation path is interior, the accessible route shall also be interior. -- Sec. 1104.5 6. On floors where drinking fountains are provided, at least 50 percent, but not less than one fountain sha1l be accessible. -- Sec ' l-109.5 ROOFIITG REQUIREMEIfTS :1. The roofing on this building is required to be Class B or better. -- Table 1505.1 AIIIOMATIC SPRINISJER SYSTEMS -- Sec. 903 An automatic sprirrkler systern is required throughout buiJ-dings clasgified as encloeed parking garages. -- Sec. 9o3.2.9 An automatic sprinkter system is required in an enclosed parking garag'e where located beneath other g'roups. -- Sec. 9O3.2.9 An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throug'hout buildings used for storage of cormnercial trucks or busses when the fire area exceeds 5000 sq.ft. -- Sec.903.2.9.1 WARNING: -- If any of the above require a sprinkler system throug'hout the building', then the sprinkler system cannot be used for one hour su.bstit,ut.ion. -- Table 501, Note d STANDPIPE AIiID HOSE SYSTEMSi -- Sec. 905 Class III standpipe systems shall be insLalled throughout buildings where tshe floor level of the lowest story is J-ocatsed more tharr 30 feet below the highest level of fire department vehicle access. -- Sec.905.3.1 Exception: Class I standpipes are allowed in buildings with an automatj"c sprinkler system. See sections 905.4 and 905.6 for reguired locations. See section 905.7 for cabinet recruirements. code review for: Page # 14 Project Id.: VArL'S PARK AIID GARAGE @ P3&'J Address: 366 HANSON RANCH ROAD L,IGHT AIID VEM| ILATION1. Every space intended for human occupancy sha1l be provided with natural light. The minirmrm net glazed area shall not be less than 8t of the floor area. -- Sec. 1205.1 and L205.2 Any room is permitted to be considered as a portion of an adjoining room where one half of the area of the conmron wa11 is open and unobstructed and provided not less than one tenth of the floor area or 25 square feet, whichever is g'reater. -- Sec. L205.2.L Artificial 1i9ht shall be provided that is adequate to provide an average illumination of 10 foot candles over the area of the room at a height of 30 inches above Lhe floor. -- Sec, L2o5.3 2. Natural ventilation of an occupied space shal1 be through windows, doors, louvers or other openingrs to the outdoors. -- Sec. L2o3.4 The minimum openable area to the outdoors shall be 4 percent of the floor area. -- Sec. 1203.4.1 Any room is permitted to be considered as a portion of an adj oining room wlrere unobstructed openings are provided that have an area not less ttran 8t of the floor area of the interior room but no less than 25 square feet. -- Sec. ! V{hen opening:s are below grade, clear space measured perpendicular to the opening sha1l be one and one half times the depth of the opening. - - Sec. 1203 .4 .L.2 3. Rooms containing bathtubs, showers, spas and similar bathing fixtures sha1l be mechanically ventilated. -- Sec. L203 -4.2.L CEIIJING HEIGHTS: occupialrle spaces, habitable spaces and corridors shall have a ceiLing height of not less than 7 feet 6 inches, Bathrooms, toilet roonsi, kitchens, storage rooms and laundry rooms shall be permitted to have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet. -- Sec. L2O8.2 Page # 15 Code review for:Project Id.: \IAILT'S PARK AlfD cAIAcE @ P3&,J Address: 356 HANSON RANCII RO,AD WAI-,I, A}ID CEIIJING FINISH:1. Wall and ceiling finish materials are required to comply with Sec. 803.5 and Table 803.5.2. Textile wall coverings shal1 have Class A flame spread index andshall be protected by automatic sprinklers or meet the criteria in Section 803.5.1.1 or 803.6.L.2. -- Sec. 803.5.13. Caa?et and similar textile materials used as a ceiling shal1 have a Class A flane spread index and be protected by automatic sprinklers.-- Sec.803.6.2 4, Expanded vinyl walI coverings shal-J. comply with the requirements for textile wall and ceiling materials. -- Sec. 803.75, Toilet room floors shalI bave a smooth, hard nonabsorbent surfacethat extends upward onto the wal1s at least 6 inches.-- Sec. 1210.16. Walls within 2 feet of urinals and water closets shaLl Lrave a smooth, hard nonabsorbent surface, to a height of 4 feet above the f1oor. -- Sec. L2LO.2 INSIILATION NOTES:1. Insulating materials shall have a flame-spread rati-ng of no rnore than 25 and a smoke developed index gf not rnore than 450. -- Sec. 7L9.2 ( concealed installation) and sec. 719.3 (exposed installation) Foam plastic j-nsulat.ions are required to be protected. -- sec. 2603 Page # 15 Code review for: Project Id.: VAIL'S PARK AND GA.RAGE @ P3&,J Address: 366 HAIiISON RAITCH ROAD ADDITIONAIJ REQUIREMHflTS :For S-2 occupancy For B occup€rncy Floor-B 3 Occupancy-Parking GarageVehicle barriers not less tha! 2 feet high are required where the difference in elevation j.s greater than L foot. -- Sec, 406-2.4 Vehicle barrier systems shall be designed to resist a single load 5,000 pounds applied horizontal . -- Sec. L6O7.7.3 Note: Garages acconmodating trucks and buses sha1l be designed for that use- Floor-B 2 Occupancy-Parking GarageVehicle barriers not less than 2 feet high are reguired where the difference in elevation is greater than 1 foot. -- Sec. 406.2.4 Vehicle banier systems shalt be desigrred to resist a single load 6,000 pounds applied horizontal . -- sec. L6o7.7.3 Note: Garages acconmodating trucks and buses shall be designed for that use. FIoor-B l- Occupancy-Parking carage Vehicle barriers not less than 2 feet high are required where the difference j.n elevation is g,reater than 1 foot. -- Sec. 406.2.4 Vehicle barrier systems sha1l be designed to resist a single load 6,000 pounds applied horizontal . -- Sec, L607.7.3 Note: Garages accommodating trucks and buses shall be designed for that use. ACCESSIBI-'E FACILITIES : IiIOTE: Except as noted, section numbers listed below are from rcclANsr A].].?.1-1-998 V{ATER FOITNTAINS A}lD WATER COOLERS: Accessible r:nits must comply with the following:L. spout is to be within 36 inches of the floor. -- sec. 602.4 2. Spout arrang'ed for parallel approach shall be located 3 1/2 inches maximum from the front edge. Units with a forward approach sha.ll have ttre spouts 15 inctres minimum from the vertical suPport and 5 inches maximum from the front edge of the unit. -- Sec. 602.5 3. Spouts shall provide a flow of water 4 inches height minimum. -- Sec. 602.6 Page # 17 Code review for: Project, Id.: VAILr'S PARK AIiID cARAcE @ P3&if AddreSs: 365 IIANSON RANCH ROAD TOIIJET FACILITIES:1. A 60 j.nch diameter turning space or T- shaped space is requiredin the toilet room. -- Sec. 603,2.1 and 304.3 Doors shal1 not swing into the clear floor space for any fixture. 603.2.3 see exception for rooms used for individual use. 2. water closet sha1l be mounted adj acent to a side wall orpartition. The distance from the side waLl or partition to the centerline of the water closet shall be 16 to L8 in, Sec. 604,2 3. When the accessible water closet is not in a compartment: Clearance around the water closet shal1 be 50 j.nches minirmrm, measured perpendieular to the side wal1, and 55 inches minimum, measured perpendicuLar to the rear wall . -- Sec. 604.3.1 4. When the accesgible water closet is in a compartment: Wtreelchair accessible compartmenLs sha.Il be 50 inches wide minimum measured peryendicular to the side waI1, and 56 inches deep minimum for wall hung waLer closets arld 59 inches deep for floor mounted water closets, measured perpendicular to the rear waIl. -- Sec. 604.8.1-.: conE)artment, d.oors shall not swing into the minimum required compartment area. -- Sec. 604.8.1.2 Page # L8 Code review for:Project Id.: VAII-r'S PARK AIiID GARAGE @ P3&.fAddress: 366 IIANSON RANCH ROAD 5. Gra.b bars shall have a circular cross section with a diameter ofI t/4 inc}a minirmrm and 2 inches maximum, or shal1 provide equivalent graspability. -- Sec. 609.2 The space between the wall and the grab bar shall be L L/2 inches. Sec.5O9-3 Grab bars shall be mounted in a horizontal position 33 inches minimum and 36 inches maximum above the fLoor. -- sec. 509.4a. Side wal1 grab bars are required to start within 12 inches of the backwall and extend to 54 inches from the back waII. (Ttre minimrm length of the bar is 42 Lnl -- sec. 504.5.1b. The rear bar shall be 24 ln long minimum, centered on the water closet. Where space permits, the bar shall be 36' in long minimum, with the additional length provided on the transfer side. -- Sec. 604.5.26. The top of the water closet seats shall be L7 to 19 inches above the floor, -- Sec. 604.47. Accessible urinals shal1 be of the sta1l tlpe or wa11 hung with the rim at 17 inches maximum above the floor. -- Sec. 605.28. Accessible lavatories shall be mounted with the rim 34 inches maximum above the floor. -- Sec. 606.3 9. Sinks sha1l be 6 L/z inches deep maximum. -- sec. 606.510. wauer supply and drain pipes under lavatories shall beinsulated or ottrerwise treated to protect against contsact. -- Sec.606.511. Mirrors shall be mounted !"ith the bottom edge of the reflecting surface 40 inches maximum alcove the floor. -- Sec. 603.3 Page # 19 Code review for:Project Id.: VAILr'S PARK AND GARAGE @ P3&iI Address: 366 HAITSON RAIICH ROAD GI,AZ ING REQUIREME}ilTSAI1 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetyglazing mat,erial . -- Sec. 24O6.LLocations: -- Sec. 2406.31, Glazing in swinging doors except jalousies. 2. GJ-azLng in fixed and sliding panels of sliding patio door asseniblies and panels in sliding and bifold closet door assemblies. 3. Glazing in storm doors.4. Glazing in all r:nframed swinging doors.5. Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, satlnas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in aly portion of a building wall enclosing these compartments where the bottom e>rposed edge of the glazing is less tharr' 50 inches above a standing surface.6. Glazing in fixed or operable panels adj acent to a door where ttre nearest e:<posed edge of the glazing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less tharl 60 inches above the walking surface. Exception: Panels where there is an intervening wall or other permanent barrier between the door and glazing. 7. Glazing j.n an individual fixed or operable paneI, other than those locations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets all of the following conditions:7.1 E:q)osed area of an individual pane g'reater than 9 square feet. 7,2 Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches aJrove the floor.7.3 E)<posed top edge greater ttran 35 inches alcowe the floor. 7,4 One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of the plane of the glazing- See Exceptions .8. Glazing in guards and raiLings regardless of the area or height above a walking surface.9, Glazing in watls and fences enclosing indoor and outdoor swinuningpools, hot tubs and spas where all of the following are present: 9.1 The bottom edges of the gtazing on the pool or spa side is less than 60 inches abowe the walking surface,9.2 The glazing is within 50 inches of the water's edge. 10. Glazing adj acent to stairways, laldings and ramps within 36 inches horizontally of a walking surface when the glass is less than 50 inctres above the plane of the wal-king surface. 11 . Glazing adjacent t'o stair.ways within 60 inches horizontally of the bottom t,read of a stairway in any direction when the exposed glass is less than 60 inches a-bove the nose of the tread. See Excentions . 7s south Frontage Rd. i OWn Of Vail ,r', o, nr[lil"ii;"? 3i 3 1-' r0f pi * "i n0tlan analysis based onthe 2003 Internatiorral Building Code Proj ect llurnber : PRiIo3 - 0004Project Name:VAII-,'S PARK & CIARjAGE Address:356 IIAIiISON R,L}ICH RD Occupancy: S-2 Construction: I-A / / "/ / / / Date: March 26, 2OO4 Contractor: IfYDER CONST Architect:42/40 Engineer: MONROE & NEWEITIJ Report Byr iIR MONDR;AG|oN NOTE: The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirenrents in the 2003 IBC.It is a guide to selected sections of the code. Report created using PIan Analyst software by IHS GIobaI 800-854-7179 # SIIEET IDENTIFICATIO}I CORRSETION REQUIRSD 1 AJ,I-,Approved numbere or addresses shall be provided in aposition that is visible and legible frorn the streetor roadway. Lettera and numbers shal-L be a minimumof 3 incbes in height with a minj.mum 0.5 inchstroke. -- Sec. 501.2 At least, 50 percent but not less than one entranceshall comply with accessibility requirements. -- Sec. 1105.1 The walls of this exit enclosure are not 2 hour fire resistive. -- Sec. l-0L9,1. openings to the exit enclosure are required to be 1 l/2 }:o:ur fire assernbl-ies. -- Table 715.3 Exit enclosure must discharge directly to the exterior. Note: 50 percent may exit through a vestibule conforming' to the fire rat ing for the enclosure. -- Sec. 1023.1 Indicate that building has an automatic sprinkler system per NFPA 13 on the p1ans. -- Sec. 903.2 Show the class of standpipes on plals. -- Sec. 905 2 AIJIJ 3 ALI-, 4 AL,IJ 5 AIIJ 6 AJ-,IJ 7 AI-,L o-?q*u'\*dl Code review for:Project Id.: Addresd:/.t A AIrIr{ , *tJ 1OALL / , 11 ALI-, / Page # 2 Standpipes must be shown in the correct locations. -- Sec. 905.4 , 905.5 & 905.5 All glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety gLazLng material . -- Sec. 2405.1 & 2406.3 Show all desigm loads used in the design of this building on the plans. (snow, uind, seismic, Iive, etc.) -- Sec. 1603.1 Include a copy of the formdation jrnd soils investigation for the site to be built on. -- Sec. Lao2.2 Va il, Colora do Denver, Col ora do Dillon, Colorado December 28,2004 4240 Archrtecture, Inc. 1621 Eighteenth Street, Ste Denver, CO 80202 Boul- oo, g Attn: Mr. Randy Hart. Senior Associate Re: P3 & J Parking Structure, Vail, Colorado (M&N #5762) Gentlemen: We understand the contractor is in the process of installing sand, snowmelt tubing, and pavers on the top level of the structure at this time. The intent is to open the structure for parking this week. The concrete structural slab supporting this area was placed on December 6,2004 and will be approaching 28 day of age when loaded with vehicles. Based on 4 andT day concrete cylinder strengths, it is our opinion the structural slab will be ready to support vehicle traffic as soon as the contractor completes the parking surface. If you have any questions or comments, please call. Very truly yours, ENGINEERS,INC. P Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 200 Princi ,E"io 120+2}JY* rFa.ffil"o, eVa;n';.", company (Mr. Dan Feeney) Hv@i,affiage'[iqtr {Mr. Do u g Thompson) ro*n'&oXfiartffi itirarte s oavi s) 1701 Wynkoop (303) 523-4927 r FAX l00l Plrlinom Sponer. rn( ('otod.lo Ch.prcr oa 1fu ln.ri.m l|trritur. xf,{stiocts ww&'. monroe -neq'ell. c om Street. Suite 200. Denver, Colorado 80202 (303) 623-5502 o email: denver@monroe- newell. com s-4 From: Bill CarlsonTo: Charlie Davis Date: Subject: OA/1712Co47'.46:44 AM Re: P3 site and work stoppage Charlie, No Red Tag has been issued by TOV, nor has it been discussed with Hyder or VRDC representatives. We have a gentlemens agreement to stop daratering if visible sediment is discharged into Gore Creek. A 19,000 gallon frack tank was dropped off yesterday that will be used as a seftling basin allowing solids to settle out prior to draining into Gore Creek. This BMP will be connected today and monitored for compliance. Hyder must excavate a platform for the construction crane that will impact the dewatering well (cause cloudy water) this week. Once that is completed, the impact to ground water near the concrete vault should be zero to minimal. I will be monitoring the situation every day this week and keep you informed. Let me know if you have any other questions. Bill Bill Carlson, REHS Environmental Health Officer/Planner Torun of Vail 75 S Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Ph: 970.479.2333 Fax:970.479.2452 EcQ --oo,8 l{AR-l1-2005 FRI 12:41 Ttr: Fr'gfir: **5 s.dlJ:;'H"o' /a',L 0t.\nr- ,Pr,rrr r(:*, C* n./rA5+ P, 01 fl Elqwlop Plan Revicw l!1" Elemtor'I'est and InspecUon I Lgcatjon 3'5 b lfrt"'Yt"t pemrlt n111n1bsr 1J r^r( Cc't Eievial'orType tiV[tnJi e llan,bcno'4':a [] 'the plans lnve beerr reviewecl ancl found to conform b all appllable ANSI 17-1 and UBC cocles V{ llrc elevator/esemr:HiftsFdonrbudterat the above location was lnspected and tmte<J on 3- tlo{ and a; n TEMPO|{ARY Certiflcate has been issued. frl FINAL Inspection Ceffflcate has been issued' t-l N0 certlflcate is bclng lssued. Corrlillent$: /*rpr,.L ,P.t /n:t 4(1 G- Otl_ t2.3 ry Northwost CdoredoOounorldco/crrnnror8 r FQBox2SOg r Silverthorne r @ r 80498 970-4il"0295 | triu 970*468-1209 r vwvw'nwe,cog,co'us 00.r14l 2004 N0\ 15: 32 Fd,[ rcr 2seL3 6oozt ooz RFI No.0r0 R-EQUEST I oR INFOR]yIATION Founders Park and Parking Garage iICI Job No. 24fr02 Arcltitect Job Nrt. STRL)CTION INC. TOI Attu: Randy Hart 42140 Architecfure DRA'VING No(s): SPECIFICATION: DES(:RIPTION: Crane Pad RFI In rtiated By: Hyder Subcor tractor RFI No. Attac.rments: R.EPI,Y NEEDED BYr 6/ 18/2004 DATE OF QUESTION: 6/11/2004 tsd1 'oo'(u,,,n Signed: road a,:cess frorn the Town of Vail linriting roacl closrrrcs for concrel e purnping activities. The information was forwa: ded fbr preliminary reveiw to incorporate the pl,d in the footir gs at the basc of the shaft and the stair adjace rt to the elevator. Hyder requests that Moffoc lrleweli revierv the crane pad design previously provided and pr lvide Lhe detailing as necessary. Please advise if additional information is required. Doug Thompson Project Manager ANS'ilER: 3e g- fi"fA4Hf-b ftrsrs€-b Fbul..\oAr\o}-i F-axf AFDb 8ec-rrog. THe 6EATJF= ?Ab Fo.T-rrl6 6'rbuuD BE. lF\C/5.<poR.ArEC> rsJT6 ]-HL Erj'uATo( /grnr< ?Ab Foo-rrn.tG A3 srousxt /fr 7/l.tbrfrz-1 1\o4(oEq x{e'^rA)- 6/zq/".,.l Ansrve: ed By, 42140 Archirccturc Signe<l: Date; Randy Han 5lls"n!3 Ir Llrite, Denl,cr, Co)orido li0?ii4 Phorc (J0J) !25-l.Jt., Fnr:625-312.1 Ertrll: info@hydcriDc.com \TL'bsitc: w\tr$.lydcriDc.conr ,-r{-0S-hi.r-rchgl t€ \/ ' ls!:y$Fi"i =-l- ,' "'/2,t'Or-v=^ ."J sv :-.(-. .1-^ta>- v - 5? e11o ii'-E"1:'?" t! ' , ,*i.Qrl7" /\ I l I s,^?ocb n /\_ n",3 / eu ^Y ,//' lh I l ll tri / l'l )'l r\J/ 2rEi{ijt'- - ,t\,'y6V,o_tl + \D::1 ,/ ', \ \ r;r', ^ t-rn- ' l / ' I il,i V\\lgllrl lil I t6- i ior-o12;etiyg:3 a '/.I l J\r @ "P1 i "F,t .-t i I i .dr^J'Ri,:."- ; eiI$;;ri^e. _ Y1'.oI t; I "- IItat:l"l.1..'-J. t "'."\-o.. t i\t:\r\\z /' ..'s/o)3u /:\> fr^t F ?'o*o" $7'i/ 3ss".- *JSN 1x.s. \,,/oi,.ro.... b -l to 1l-- U ilnl d) I cit- UI (t UJ 0 s U M t-L { d tllil IU :) IUa \)fl lui d t-,IL '- :] ril0<M-l+<srir6 XZr,n0( J:CUg0F 5'_U()(tuo:> zIU]J dd.\|llYT u$ o NV-ld,fzr '5f rdvn lLl z d M U ou 0F IU o.( u 0 z o r0 Jo F 4 o z 0 F( J tJl :f\\ lllJl LI IUT\)o IUF;i ,atuu I I II CC\ Z e t_- r) IU ($-) -. ,,'ot-. z?ou--r _Lr[-o {XIH rf\ ul S rN lllu:i X;9 Fdr'r6," L t-in'<< 0. IU IU0.^r \JU_'u <.xrri i\rv xI l.''J FzoN^ -l ul l^L 7l9\ ni: ri SJ -SLO<2 :F(= ruv0\) 9Sfir.ds {' rl fiI .l tl ' ,\***,.., :,'\*.*.*.ja U.rio -.2)c).o XO_M 0,i g 7V \0!x{. tltltlt\ I $x bm ?u: :* *i r0ul\)^utPI IU<iu il,1M M"'0 00zzzO Oo0 oil-nb ioH z):fJ o\) IUt-z -ul <lv1\)L7..UIU OM fi 0-:) -Y rfi: \l' r- rl < m {. Jo Ksa _.ut$MSuoI tfi !! X..-p rutuSvu- rl U \)\flFz \J .J il tuz ul (D d N tU:tF \) zI ( oz:ln IL trlz( tl t)z \) ryo u- Z IUtf rv \l IL 7 J (L ui {v uJ {ft d fy *lq ult- IUu \)zo,t.)r o< JF f<7rnnf NQ tL a- OFLz ,ra O n' \) b _la X oJ tu=<o C\ -lAN ,nFil'{ J eb r -' >0t .^Fi"{ 0B /.2L/ 2004 ' 4t rJ l, [, I I il"];,^;' ::il#;,TRUcrroN ..: :-lO }II.DJ X=I\TH<' :JJ oA/27/ 1004 UoN l5:15 il l':t,+i ;'6tbs'-o" fqi I @ AD IL---- @ooztooi Oa. rY ..lra? t:t ! rA^ (TxlRx No selg) @ooz .!) !-l tttti H.{ , ^:' {atr*ad / ='---#'-l'"ol't P 2 t? ) / I . ;>--a"l ri''l' I ' 4 ..lo\Q/x ^!.yrl /i\-tz .9r.,- oGl\9'/'/ "%.,"W":;-o- -d ..\',/(n ,.ts ^44 / .-,0.Q4"()a----,/- tj \/\,/ )dro,i tt} M\ LO/ZZ'd gatszSe€i 0l raas Lgt ea, "":; il 11 lil-j^';;,^il **till T RUc r ro'',,IIIAKFER C rrofd! !6d tfldlrtt riagtlll C O n C f gt e9@ Ncrtn Gs'vlr eordrbnrE.Ohro4soso.l2rr COnStfUCtiOn 5lC,6sE.rm (Om 619,$${sro IrAI] rocl|.tN6 Skqrc l'|0, 1 18 @oo.lroot P.3 E16l-- l"\r(, ZB )+Yef'ze-r{ar( = *t stz,,6e-,Ev/ Toc Xt$] !:l\.Htr :rJ g0o1 UoN 15:15 cl;,tl Fre.r z .r7 ttlf [TxlRX lio 6e1s] @oo3 5ooo Fs\ SQr - 19 tt Totr or FA/ ',tl.oe 12,,. 'lt;i ':l'rj ,aag LqF 'atr LEtg'4 EASSesSEt 0J 0g/zL/ ,' "li-:i H;' ;;, ^il- i:il'##; *.,c i r0r , KD yJ$i'^,X fT*tmenr 3216 pfinlle Road SE Salen, OR 9?302.0306 USA *,, t*ar*.rl N0. I 18 f.4rg vttvo Fax @oot t oot P.O, Bot3S0B sqjem, gR 07t02-1s44 USA Fh: (503) S8gs?z1 Far (S03) 3tgt29z rxx{.lrormwoquitment@m 7o; Norrn Hatdezr Baker Concrele FaE so3€67{ool. Pl one: 303-367-81f1 Fridry, Marchg.ZOO4RefNn COR,1ES2EFagesr 1 ol q Yt l* Temporary Constructio$ Tower Cr:ane Reaclion ForceePrr isgt B€ko! CgrrEr6te ' ' - --rr -rs'rs r\cq(.rrerr rercqE Vlllk Fon! Door Vail, Coforado Mesarse: [ffi'.ll',iHti,irffi*:ffifH,,Hfl,??nfllf':#ffj,T#3i:#?,'lJf,ffi$H.iffihsB,l4:l,,in 124rorw6fd6d lo you at 0 Fleass no(e that (he I Efl$nHHlii{ii?fil9ffi5'"'""""Eli$ls'?,r,";ii:*T["J;;[?ffi,ililTifffty#it?Ji:;f,f.til*i,,." The. r€infolceo €ncrEcnsinrershsl a,;r,;"'iiJ"l1{}!,.}5'*igru;#!ifr"ffi!iftffiff#?s:fjJi;Ti"Hig,3gE&,Rio* "nc take itrro aecounr "it",pe.nc roJn-o-"Fon-a!?rfiTeqr,rir.onU.,r.,Jrnil;,il,ilil;;ecr geoiecrrnicar ensineer,Please fed free to cal if trye can be of any furlhe, sg6l;Fnc€. B€st regards. M,AFron.; tsill Seebef +rEheenDg Depaifient tsxt 316 FaX: (Sr3) glS_12s? b.eacbcr@norrow.ooln Copies: F e. phit Tell.nah. Dab Cqx. MEC g"I Engineolnl I tretartment Ext 318 FEX (603) :l{ 6.rt9? 9.cochrener 0rnorf ow, corn t'tptr 69 zgu 7612E /-B/Pa'd taZESZeCaE Br pBgB ,98 EEE 1563151?9?PFGE. al Iill! xaYHF )rJ Fa. ET l'aaT 17 \rn. 06/21/ Z0o4 iloN 15:16 ITI/RX NO sgrg] @ ool 06,/2L/ 2004 ll0N 16:57 FAX JUN.21.2004 3,2OAM o*rr"*,O ,uo, l1B P, 5c aztua'Kb lt'J?1Y EqurPmen!Fooling loading S2'lB Prlnqte Road, SE Sales'1, Qrsgep 9730A.1 544usA ::ilJ#ffiTRUcTror !{uxxu!, P.C'. Bax 3309 Sal,rrn. Oregon 87e02.0300usl @o05 / o07 Ph: (503) 5EE.s/21 Frxi (503) s16-12s7 \,vwl,v,morrowequjp mEnt. corn PRELI[dINARY Prcjed: ' Baksr ConstnpliDn Vrllt EFotrt Deor Vail CO Rof*ence#: 1sf1 E?,ulgment Peccosx40 F aach, ni Atl H:ight, ft.: 70 Confi gurationi 4x $95 S16 or cquJvrlent Conmenb: (mr: Nl (m)i 23.20 prepared hyi Ei[ Seebsr EZzfSaBiAE Ar v^ae lgf EEr xtr! 08/21/ 2004 "@ M: Overtuming momont hl Honzonbl load at the lop of coaereo V: Vertlcal load Mdr Elel.ring torquo morncnl abou! the cenlerlihe of Ihe rorl,er Md r05 lbs 587.E37 kNl 79r l(Nm lbc o fi-{be KN 0 ,(Nm Gencral Notes I ' Tne contracror ,ha' b. r""pon.Eiiilffier oe-sign and conrrudion orthe tower c.arre footinq. 2. Thr aoh!flctor shatl ob:sewe all local, sFatr: or prqvincial ard federal codes goveming - rhe design and corrsuucrion of t}re 6ra"e jo.if;. '--' 3' The crane founda on sh€il 1e..aes6nic 61;.lr#*rronrr . Fgneer regrsrered wrlh rhe rocali":#iT:l Ttre rnglrrc.pr sharr. ac&mmoirat6-proJea specrc conditions slrch as ailow3g1e. so DeadnE prEssure, differentlaj set(etne n!. and LaeTtat le lnllurnc!.j. fhe $oong toading is per FEM 1.001.o' 1l': lo3th6 r'*a orc.on.ry varid for rigrd fortings. Frexibre r teer suppons wifi h6vo ro T.Brstrle hcreased toads due ro_ lovrei se&nd uruir aeneciror, .dri.ti, lf;i mui'ili-Jor-oinaruo ^ -ih.Mcnow Englnoortng DeparUneni. '- o. I ne lounct€lion anchors shalt be ltcurGd t: a to\^/er seclion €Dd neld plurDb and securelo e tolerahc. ot 1i.oo whir! 'rc concrete tocrtr.bli oiiig conrtruct.d end csred,7. ?he concrete mr.rsi reach a miniraum ryrhfF of 3060 psi b.:ftre ereetion oF the toyzec crane-E. ln Opera'iicn -rs reeklared t!_w;n_dspgects upio aS Mp Hl ir *irdspeeos exceed. orare enlio'rpotc! io lxceed 45 MpH, rne Uvi,,ti crane cn.ti ue praeea OUt 0t ep6€tl6n 6n6 ^ {he lower sene allowed to weathenr'ene 3EO deare6s.v, I ne con:,rEElor 6nall ved# ell dlfiensi,ons arrd siie cooditionl r pficr to starting, wbrl(, Anydeviatlons frrm rhese doiuments snai u. i,roiEtrrG'iie rmr neotate at*nton of the '.Tlli,,Y'#glfililf,3flo$Tl; -- -:: ' r" - Y Mafch 5,2004 SllA:gB pM MAF| eS ZgA4 r62at lB/ffi'd y'"' - Checked Uy: @?' . 1sag3rdl?r? pnGE,a?. }]+{HF }l.t aA.rrT Faaz T? \rn. [oN 15:15 (rXZnX NO S919) 4005 06121/2004 MoN 16:58 FAX JtN. 21. 20C4 3:21AM "iltffiriucTrof @ ooozooz tl|0, 118 P, 5 Eeinforo'ng stgel lsF.rnC boRo ttch wa), ct NOTEThe dlnbing rlde cfrhe ctznc MUST le perpcndicujar torheface ofthe swctu re or line ofclearancs for DloDrrlimbing rnd dlsma nrlehrent ofthe crane.Iha web ofthe towcf leltrnusr b€ D!.allelto rhe face of t}re strunurc. Peqco Si35 Series -..----l--Foundation plan €inbing lugs 53S tower gection Found:don anchots Rehfsrchg xeel Iop rnC bortom er<h way ll+Vaies IIT+tl 2]9r varies Flgll teveting pods 2,.6, square, _ nergDt qeptndahr upon footing ciepth Forrndatiorr SEctioi NgTe Tha foundrdol :lnd]ottthallbs 5ecufed !? a.tqb.e t{r;oF and hctd FLUMa rndiCu ie (r a_tore.bhEc of l :50o _vlalc|lt wfi ile Uie foundn-ren '5 eetnt (onjztuulednnd cudnt. FAtLlJlt to 9'l1_I! tl.J!tuJe o uld. rcsrrh tn ntrr[g n lnenro? l?r€ lorvlfCaiC tad .osf V Corre(d\re miAgurec Pecco Sgi5 Serles fiG^terEqtbnadl tttEnllEnn I___l I :--_JFotrndatiorr usinq Pec co 535 Tov,rer Section nFI: 05 aQAa 16cas L@/%.d Dgl02{t.ol ot.bY9M <l<bv. 15e33rst29?PAGE. B3 )l:!+fEI }lJ Ea'rrl.f t aGz |l9 !|.r^ lfoN 15:13 [TrlRX NO Serg) @0oS xl.lx og / 21./ zo0 t Ph: tso$ ssss22r er* rsorijil.r iiz -i#d; |ffi]ififrff ; uffi,m= EaZESeEEoI 0l yBaB Ls, ':Qt 0s/2i/ t004 va li ,1' v\rr. z I,NO, 1 18 @oot r oot P, i Top offoundation NOTE: The web of rhe anchor beam rnust be parallet to rne btrilding line for climbinq, 7or1 159131s12s?PAGE. 04 >flJrl lFlrFr,q x4 AA rnl nAoP I z Nn I og/21/ too4 [0N 13:13 [rtrUnX XO 691s] @007 iloN 16:58 FAX 303 252 XLLS 2004i- 3:21Atr,l ttvl0cot,tstnucttot' li il il il il il ll il 1l tl il ll ii il I il lllL- IF IE ll ro ll De undation Anchor Stooltail Hrr? 05 zag4 16:3g LA/LA',A EZZEsegtBr o! Paw zgE EoE s7/gu 14!,mrn ['lanView E E clr Eftvation 06/21/ 2004 1 \t r (!v t, I , lfON 14:00 FAI 2004 12r00AM "il'#,'o'uiTRUcTro,u @oozrofi ffi rq9f REQUEST I|OR INtr'ORJ VIATION Foundcrs Pa;k and Parki.ug Garage HCIJobNo,24002 Ardritect Job No. N0,0e2 RFINo,016 STRUCTION TO: Ano: RandyHan 42140 Architcofr:re DRA\VING l{o(s): S}ECIFICATION: s104 & 3/s203 03300 DaTE oF QUESTIONT 6/2tlz00a DESC NPTION: Detail 3/5203 Ciarificatioa ffi$fliffir$'*ri,i',,, ;'riliiI:, :.'..: fl _':''. Pleasc provide detail 3iS203 refereaced on sheet S 104 RFI Inldatod By: Baker Ccncrete Subcon h:rctor RFI No. 003 AttiGl:boctr:Referenced Detail S104 REPLY NEEDED BY: 6IZ3DOO4 . .-.-.. - -:- . :: .,..,.", .. -:l . .:- .-. . :,: . (ffiachcd) al pyir{lings D-7 and 8. s;go"a= W(. Dorig Tholpson hoject Morgor TLeASE, SeE, ATTAOHED Answer, rd Byr 42y40 Arcbitec re SSned: RmdyHan ,'.'...--', ''..'-,,:l,r?''.'.: ].*..'"ii'. ' ', ,j' "''.,ii; /e/_ 0urlRaE. e t(E^Er-*/zs/*t Dnte! 5i: S!Dt! FcDrivc, Dcnvcl, Qe1s116o 60204 yhons (303) gz5-1313 EtXt t:3.9::t Era.1 t. info@byderioc,com lf,rebsite: www.hyd.thc.coD C.fL05-hri._u|nPlrla 06/21./2004 NON 11:55 (TXIRX N0 gs02t @002 04"12L/2004 MoN 14:00 FAI JUN 21. 2004 12:0OAM "ilffii:TRUciron,@oorzorg N0 092 Y1 ./ ->/ Q'*., -/ -tr;-ry /-te*-- Ef5..??,3k ! = 9159'-tl ' r@ ri Egs,?i,3k ' I. A156'-r' I F---! ' I r--Ira? oF ge$-l I I IJ IELEVATIoN'p Ot36|3 t/2-!, Q.oV .:tu"L*i t-%tl'a-.' -q*-i-gffirft'#I c Al31'-5 v2" Eegr?+'3k^D"a al='1'-le.x --t 08/2J/ 2004 IION r-1? 65 lrxznr No 6so2I @oog 0 m#Nf\UWYY Monroe & NeEr8trulq -..d'!9HIl&Ir,"tgsfiIlfi rqo0t..{caidr-ErE{*adr '-olHER&g. tlxo0aal€.3lalr- .li-'-tEE{-i'raldl REVI9ION DATE:PROJECTT P3C J PAR{<INO 9TRUCTURE glr.t6. BYt 4HEC,KEO gYz 6-24-O4 CLH R.A.Z 9JtsJECTt SLA.B gTEP PETAIL gHEET NO. RFI* OI5 -tog NO. 51b2 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 F/lX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov,com March 28, 2005 Mr. Doug Thompson Hyder Construction Inc. 543 Santa Fe Drive Denver, CO 80204 Re: Vail Park and Garage at P3&J Permit Number 8004-00 I 8 Dear Doug: I have received your letter and have passed it on to Charlie Davis. No temporary certificate of occupancy will be issued until the opening protectives noted on the approved plans meet the required rating and are labeled as such. This includes the doors to the exterior of Stairs I and2. Regarding item two all guards need to be checked to make sure that the maximum four inch spacing is maintained. Item five is a requirement of the boiler installation instructions. One other item that has come to my attention is the sound insulation in the ventilation shaft. I don't see this was noted on the plans. This material is required to meet flame spread and smoke development as noted in the 2003 International Building Code section 719.3, please provide a listing for this material. I have received the generator commissioning report. Sincerelv. ,4nQr,'r'tu Greg $nckla Town of Vail Building Inspector/Plans Examiner gdenckla@.vail gov.com {p ^".,"""o,,," MAR.26,2005 8:51AM IvIaEh 26, 2005 Mr- CrregDenckla Town of Vail Dept. of Community Dwelopment Vail, CO 81657 RE: Vail Park & Qaragc atP3&J HCIJobNo.240@ Bo4'N8 Dear Greg I uu,lerstand &on yonr inspcction on Friday afternoon on lvlarch 25, 2005 for tho purposes of providing a Temporary Certificatp of Occupancy (TCO) that there werc several issues that need to be corrected or addressed in soue fashion in order for the Toqm of Vail to approve the building for occupancy. I understand thesc items to be as follows: 1. The labels ettachcd to the doors leading into thc stairwells do not appear to provide tle 90-minuG ratings as required. 2- T\e railing at lcvel 3 at the ramp adjacont to thr shaft is oonstruc.tcd away from the cwb at thc west ond and ends up having spacing grcater tlan 4", 3. A copy of thc tosting and cornmissioning cortifioate for the goncrator is necded.4. Copies of "spccial" inspeotions performed by third parly inspectors are nccded. 5- Condensato piping from the boilers to the floor drain is showiag evidence of corrosion and is to be changed from coppcr to PVC. With respcot to iteur No. I, I have attaohed the original door sche&rle from thc spccifications callirg out ratings for thc strirs as 90 minute with tbe exception ofthe doors at th€ top ofthe stair leading to the er<terior at tlrc pavilion and tho door at tle top of stair 2 leading to tbe exterior. Both of thcse openings are not rated. With regards to the 90 minute rated openings, I have attached both the approved subuittals and the actual invoices for the doors and franes both of which identifr tbe opcnings in question to be 90 mhutc as rcquired. Ctearly, if tho labels do not list the doors as such tharr either the doors are mislabelod or we received incorrect doors for the stairs. We bave notificd tlre supplier, Architccnral Doors, ia order to addrsss this issuc immediately- If in the ond the doors are insorrcct ard nust be changcd ou! is thcre a possibility of the issuance of a TCO provided that a dcfined and agreeable dcad line is established to make thsse corrections? Iteqr No. 2 regarding tho railing, this item is soheduled to be modified for other assthetic issues on Thursday lfarch 31,20M aqd we will make the necessary pennanent provisions to modify thc railing at {nt tinc. Wc witl add temporary oompon€ats to the railing to reduce the spaciqg to less tlran 4" prior to tho permanent repairs bcing madc. Itcrn No. 3 regarding tho gonerator, Cr:mmins tested ald certified the emeryency geaerator. A copy of the certificate will bo forurarded to your attention as early as Mouday. HYDEUONSTRUCTION N0, 581 P. 2/7 J43 Srila Fc Drivc o Dcaner, colondo g02$ . Bory ex-titr . rr"x glofl gz5_ : rrynr.hvdcrino,com MAR,26.2005 I:51AM t|YDTuollSTRUcTIoN N0. 581 P. 3/1 Page2of? TCO Inspeotionlssrcs March 25,2005 Iten No. 4 rogarding the "special' iuspections, we will rcrriew to makc certaia that oopies of all irupcctions supplemeatary to the To*a of Vail inspcctions are forwardad to you in the next fcw days. Therc a,re quitc a number of conorete reinforcing inspections that were conducted by Dave Sturgeon with Indepen<lent Inspectiors aud we noed to make ccrtain that we havc complae and Icgible rcports pnorto submifiing. Item No- 5 rcgarding the conderuate pipe fiom the boilers, we have notified Mtech oftbr issuc aad havc advised them to change the oopper to PVC ptpiag 8s early as Monday. Please let me knorv if I havo ovcrlooked any of the items that nrore notcd during your inspeclion on Friday aftemoon in order that I can addross the problem(s) immcdiately. I will bc in oontact with you on Monday moming March 28,2004ta discrss further- Dan Feeney, Vail Resorts Developaent Co. Raady Hart 4740 ArchiGctwe Doug Thoupson ,' Y,\11;iiourr,t;u'o*rr*oJfoo'f0rlsTRUcTION q'ril$€ Rocln !'nt O ilo.593"J,_i ^rnGummlns A00USHfinyc350 GradJutrfifi.elrdoE1506 (e7o)2{2S7|0TOCKY f,OUNTAII LLC M.r&11,2005 RqprdE, ToWhmftldrYCopcm: Ttirt*tcrtc b cqfu ihat crnniru On Gcororcr' liodd 80 DOD\ SN: goaqri{3%od-crdhsgu.tlrmaf ,sf f urfcrsndtc&,fr{odd(/[F@36'SN: 'lWt tm' tof'{gdat Vril ?r*i!3 GctgB tts bcco catifd utd bd dd i! rnrrotrd fion Qr{l,I-?ffi b @i1tl.At05. € onn are,, irc 6tr :nA qaaz lgz lEa I Auo, 24 2004 I 10:44AM VAIL vRDcdNsTRtj0T r0N ei0-845 _2358 N0,8300 D1t. I RESORTS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET *'c//lglE ?fru FROX:' DaoFceocy,scaior DAr& g, FAxNUrrEEar qn_rL TOTAT NO. dF PAGA ONCUUOIXO COVE4: PHONP NUT|IEN;SEINDET'S F.{T NUMEBfu 970-845-2158 'ENDEI'S DHONB NUT'ES& no€/lr2352 EunOgnr EtFOrreuev EptSlsscOMXENT EprSASeleu,v I PLBASEnBctrCLE NOTES/COI'XENTS: C/",/, ^//,;//t*,J6# -Urrr^ar,urJrf ^br,,otr @-r^r{ P0 BOX 959 AVON, co 81620 ",[ t,1, z +r10 0J4] ! iulu " r' $ I cJ N ql UqT.l.Qli. . .!. Alen G. Thurmtn, P.E.' Ph.Il. ,. ,r . .*.,1f!/ tr.. ,, .r { ,, at 9 ai/ . ,.,' ' trar 970-845_2358 so3 c 66J10'8300 P' 2e-oz TElr $O0,761.4t65 ru: sol'70r.608c at'burm rn@denvErDoSGolJ.9oD June 2t,2fi)4 Mr. Tom List 1228 t51h Srcct,2nd Ftoor Denver, Colorado 80202 6486 S. Clar*con Street Grr.enryood vlllrltet Color.do 80 12 I Vail hrking Garagc and Chrtstlrna and Villa Valbdla Buildlngs Report#l Dear Mr. List: On Friday, Juno 18, I had occasion to stop by the subjcctconstruction sitc to obscrve ongoing p*gr"*. and to spcak with thc Schnabel tield suporinterndcnt, Progress has becn slowcr han 'oniiiiparca because of tho many largc rocks which-hava been oncountercd during drilling' As of the end of last week, 14 of rhe rcgui"a 56 soldicr piles still had to bc placcd across the nonh end of the site. t aggrng berween rhe soldier pilcs already in place will begin this week.(June 2l), This will also alloi de ercavadon work to begin in camesi along the cast' Eouth and west sides of the garagc fopprint, Initial anchor instrallation will not occur before Junc 28' I havc rcceived building monitor survey data for May 22,Mzy 27, June 4 and Junc ll' Differences during this rttioC runu"t survcy ascuacy ra$er lhan movcmcnr' One survcy pin apparpntly has been moved but not permane;tly damagcd; rcadings of this pin will- continue with ifiJ lun" i tfi rcaaing being uscd as ihe baeis for assessing future movement at that locadon. I have received tlre pre-construction inspection rcport by Cadillrrc Home Inspection Services' The information thercin, plus my May i+, Z0O4 ptroto-record, provides a good rccord of the condition of the Christiana and Villa Vattt"tt. Buildings previous to construction of thc Parking Garagc, During both my tvtay 28,and nine t8 visits to the site, I stoppcrl by-the chrisliana managcr's desk and lcamed ,tt"t no ptobl"r;1t . conditions of mouemint or distfsss had been reported' Earlier, jrur before my M8y lt sitc visit, a smatl localized nrea of pavemcnt setiloment hsd A"""i"pJa in fronr of rire Christiana building. That probably rcfleclf scttlement in an old utiliry +;-.hI;; il b"ticni ir itt"olvcd basic movcment of thc sita or of the Christiana building' c,r'AUi:24:- l2 2005J0:45AM".,-r[f?cJNslRtlcTI0N 9i0-S45-235S 3oB 'f 66:|\|0'8300 P' 3 p.oa Vrll PrrthS G.rr3.r Lpcr *l Prgc 2 Thc difficulr drilling condilions have caused the soldicr PilE-s to hc placcd with lcss control of "fig"r"", than origi-nally pl""""A Ttrc difficult_conditions have also coused incrcased ground diiturbancc duing &if[ni. fi=sumaUly, these difficultics will continue during ground ?ryh* inriJrrrioo, Alth6ugh thii wil increasi rhe potcntial for movcment aI the christiana and Villa Valhalla Buildings, iho potcnti.l for damaging movement rpmains low' If thcro are quesrions about this t€Port, pleasc call mc. And please alert mo, if new issuos devclop."wfu Cc: Du Feeney, Vail Resons Development, Fax: 90-E45'235E Doug Thornpson, Hyder Constnrction, Eaxz 3O3'8?J''3223 John-Franceski, Sclmabcl Foundation' Fax: 303-?45'0887 I i AU0, 24, 12004 10:45AMi f.. .- vRDUNsTRucTr0N9T0-845_2358 I Allbn G.Thurman, P'8.' Ph.Il. RECE,YED AUG g 2004 Yflac@lJs?n ucTroN August 6,2n04 Mr. Tomlist 1228 ls'h sueet,2od Floor Denver, Colorado 80202 Vail Parking Gorage end Chdstiaua and Vitla Vslhdh BuitdinSp Report#2 Dear Mr. List: I visited thc subjecr constnrstion site Monday, August 2,2f'04. mi1 slle visit followed calls from Christiana managemeru ragarding new dietft*Jin the Chrisriana Building' This Report fi2 presenm my obscrvatilOns and asscssment Of the drstress, This Rcport also discusses suflcy monitor data for the period May 22 ttrrough July 28' 2004. Work related to the Parking Garage soldier piles and ground anchor tiabacks had been compleied rhe week prcvious-to rny site visit. Except for thelast few feet, laggng was in placc alrd excavation was nearing final depth. Sito dewatenng had not yet drawn the water don'n to lfwesr floor leveh it is planned thit dewatering will oxtend below floor levol and continuc p'crmanently ro provide dry conditions for constuction and for the completed stnrcture. Both the excavation work and the dewatering havc potential to cause moverncnt at the Christiana and Villa Valhalla BuildingB. 1.0 New Dlscees, Chrlsllana Buildtng Areu of new disbess or increased di$tcss were obsen'ed in Rooms l0t, 103, 203 and 303' in the stairwelt immediately west of the entryway, and in the exterior at ille entrance' I At of ,n" disbess I observod can be categorized as cosmetic rarher than struchral in importancc. The causc of the distress is vedical and horizontal movemcnt of the front wall of tlre building, including the fr,o,nt zones of tho entryway andthe stairwell. The movement apParcnt!:xtcnds to about 6 fcct from rhe front wall in the inrErior portions of the stainilell and in Room 103. 5455 E. Orr*con E$eef rdraarrrmd ltrllloda fnlatrdo l||l 2l N0,8300 P. 4 Telr 8O8.?61.4d55 Iu: g0f .78l.66A4 elhurmrn@demrcrDo3Glts',G 0m Au0, p4,2004 10:45AM \iRDUNSTR(]0T r o|\l 9 70-845 _2358 N0,8300 P, 5 hge2VdlPuSuGffige'RlDqtf2 i I Riferencing dirpctions by sayng the Chrisdana Building faces north, specific distresc includes the following: Room 103. Separuion of the outpr wall ftom tho interior cast sidc pafiition has caused a flom-to-cciling oaok. Separation wrthin the west sid€ panition has caused a floor-to' ceiling cnck ihirh theo continues several fcet across the ceiling, following thc cdges of drryall panels. Room 101- fie separation at the northoast corner of Room 103 extcnds to the northwest comer of Room lgj, caused by the samc building move,tncnt. Thc separation in Room 103 appeuod somewhat great€rthan inRoom l0l- Room 203. The scparation/movement at the northcast corrter of Room 103 apparently extends venically ui to the northcast comor of Room 203, The eeparation in Room 203 is less than in Room 103. No signs of distreso wcre obsprved in the west wall of Room 203, despite the magninrde of distrcss below, in Room 103. Room 303. Although the separation/novemeot at the northeast com€rs of Rooms 103 ard 203 appears to cxtmd vfrca[y up to the nortlreast ccner of Rmm 303, dro disbess in Room -:bf ie "oy limited" No sigrs of distoss were obserrred in the wcst wall of Room 303. Entryway. Despitc the separation/movemeil in thc west wall of Room 103, no distress was observsd on thc other side of that wall, in the emffyway. Stairwctl. A door in the west wall of he enfyway opons to a three-story stairwell. The west wall of *re etairwell has se?arated approximately /r inch, floor to ceiling in a vcnical linc locatpd at the end of the snir and the bcginning of the landing, This separation extends across the ceiling at the end of the second level stair md upper UnAing. There is also vertical buckling on ttris primary Vinch separation. Tho west wall of the-first floor landing area also has small vutical and horizontal cracking, which apparently outlines cractlng of concrcte block monar, Additional signs of movement and disr€ss exist in soveral areas of thc upper ptts of thp stairwell' I did not inspect all parts of the Christiana Building, Areae which I did enter included the front portion of the othcr intyway, the first and second level hallways, the 4n floor condominium unit ibove the rcfercnced "nEyr"ay, and tfie laundry room. These areas did not apPeaf b havc &pericncea movement/distress. Based on the obeerved disbess, it scems likcly that Rooms Z)1' 30i, 105, 205 and 305 also may have experienced some movempnt whether or nol of a nsgnitud€ to ceuse disFess. A UG.l0:45AM ' v.ll P".Liog G."r$r R$ort #a z+ foo+ l10.8300 P, 6 I i ThE crack of primary conoern, the t/r inch widc crack in thc west wall in the first level of the ,-t{i*Ji, CrA liiri .i the time of my initial site inspection May 14, 2004. I did not record the ;;Fk ;iltL i" Mryi ho*""*, my photos show that ii was namow but beyond hairline widtlt' 1 Survev monitm point C-2 is located on the front outeidc wall about 15 fcer wcst of tho above- *H;""d G;;ii. Monitsr point C-2 has not recorded identifiable vcrtical, northcrrly m il;;it;ifrr"-rr. spminr *'adings have been inegulu, without effects of accumulation, and without apParent tr€nd' slrrru monitor point c-5 is located on the fronr outside wall, near the position of ttro partition b&#]{cr;;'fOi -a 103. There has been no measurable vettical move,ment at C'5. The ;Jil;;;;; C-liia"urco movomcnt to the nqnh (rue nsttr) of slightlv over o01 td!:4 t$illi ,t "*tL Ur* no-.tt*it sinoe luty ?. Between July 2 and JyfV ]8' the rerdings at C'5 irl6Ji" .."r*""r io the ""ri 1true eaetj of about 0.02 feet (V inch); the rate of change was ufiforur ovet the four week period' Considcring the tnre north and mrc east meagurcd movcmgnts and the rpferenced north of fte Christiana iuitOing, the combincd vector diregtion of thE rccordcd movcment would be approximately perfrndcutar to the front wall of the building' Such -measur€d movenrent fits wirh tre obscncd *o"r*ontlartress discuseed above and with physical limitations which would be imposed by the structurc of the building. Although the survey monitor data do not indioarc that vcrtical movcm€nt has ocouned at the-Ctuistiiia guilding, rf,. ncw fractures in ttre west wall of Room 103 and the buckling in the west wall of the stairwell suggost that some difforential vetical movement has developed' Howovot' horizontal movoment has been tho pnncipal cause of thc distess' vRDUNSTRU0T r0N 9 70-845 _2358 PqSe 3 2.0 VillsvalhallaBulldtns on August 2,2W4, t also inspected parts o{ ttre villa Valhalla Building,-botlr extcrior and ihterior. Anas of disuess pleviously observed did not ap?car to have changed' Nq aIeT ofrew distr€ss were observed. Disfess has nOt becn reported to ttre nanagement' Monitor data have not indicated movement at Villa Valhalla- It presently appears that no movem€nt drre O the excavation for thc Vail Parking Gcage' har occuned at thc villa Vatratta guitong. If ttnrc has bcco movemcnt, it has been ineignificanr rll AU0. 24, 2004 10:46AM Veil Prlfng G*rgq RcDortf2 Pagc4 3.0 Monitor lleta I Monitor pins were installed on the Christiana and Villa Valhalla Buildingp by Peak l,and Survevine, Inc. The locations werp selected by Peak hn4 with general agtreemont by Thurman. dr fiuif]Oioes,,monitor locations and the Vail Parking Garage are shown by a Peak Land driwing OariA *rne 2,2004. Peak Iand's firet einvey of rhe monitor pins was done May 22, ZOO+. Aaaitional surveys have becn comploted on a weekly basis ttrough July 2t' 2004' lr I have plothd ttri survey monitor dan for six types of rcadings, and these plos are provided with this Report by enclosure: Christiana, Change in Vertical Elevation; Christiana, Change Towards the Nonh; Christians, Change Towuds fte East; Villa Valhaila" Change in Vertical Elcvation; Villa Valhalla, Change TowarG thc North; Vilta Valhalla, Change Towards the East. The initial May 14, 2004 moniror readingp should not be considerpd'?erc or basclin€ teadinp." Like all ourvey readings, thcso initial readingn wert subject to stlfvcy accuracy, As indicated June 21, 2004, in my Report #1, placement of lagging and major excavation work did not begin until the week of June 27,20M, Placement of the eoldier piles and early stagcs of excavatio;may have caused some grormd movement, but it is unlikely to have bccn sigrrificmt previous !o June 2l,2}f/., Therefore, morc rcal or accurat€ "zelo or bascline readings" werc jomnutcA as frc average of ffvc readings: May 22, \Izy 27,June 4, June l1 and June 18. Both tfue initial readings and the computed zefi, or baseline readings arc noted on tlre left'hand side of the enclosed plob. The "actual" movoment at any monitor point and u any time is bcst considered to be the amount of change from tho computed zem m baselilre reading- \.{ quick review of the plotted data shows that individual moflitor readings vary up/down' nbrrffsouth and easy'woir, These changes generally involve suney aesuracy' not acual slovement. Mcasurable movcments are unlilcely to have occuned unless changes have been reorded and sustained over sEveral monitoring periods, or unlcss changeo have occurpd in an accumulating manor over several monitoring periods. Through July 28, 2()04, none of the monitor dua show distinct movements or probable FOvemcnt trcnds. l \/RDcdNSTRUcT ioN 970-845_2358 N0,8300 P, 7 I AU0, 24, 2004 l0:46AM vRDU|{STRtlcT roN 970-845 _2118 N0,8300 P, B V.[ P$*in! Grrrgq Rcpdtnz Pile5 From July 2 through July 28, thc monitoring data for point C-5 (initial rcadingffiMl indicates that point G5 has had email nordrorly and eastcrly moverncnt. Thie small but rcasured movem€nt is probably associated with the obsened distress in the Christiana Building. Furthm doscription of the apparcnt interrclationship betwee,n movomont and distress is providsd above in Section 1.0, New Distress, Christiana Building. I 4,0 Potentlol Repair As mentioncd in Section 1.0, Ncw Distress, Christiana Building I believe the new or increased distress in the Chrietiana Building can be classified as cosmetic rather than stnr$ural. ll I belerlc the crackJdistress in the stairwell should not be repaired at this time. The stairwell is not rcgularly uscd; thue, the crackJdisbess wilt not affect the use of the building but may enhanco ossessment of additional movement' if any' tI believe rhe cracks/dishees in the Christiana Rooms could be repaired at any time without 'significantly changing the ability to monitor and access oontinuing movcment. Repair would alloil rcntal occupancy. However, repair at tbis tire may not bc pcrnancnq morc mov{ment/distress may develop, requiring additional repair at some fimrc dat€. The movement/disress in the rerntal rooms appears to bo on the joint lines of drywall panols' Rcpair should includs: (l) stip old joint tape; (2) re-nail at f-inch cent€rs using drpvall screws; (3) ro+ape using floxible fiberglass tape; and (4) paint wall to wdl. fhe movemenfldi6boss in the gtainrrell also involves drywall. In addition, thcrc appcars to be moverncny'crapking in thc monar lines of concrete block. This ehould be rcpaired by rafhcr decp tuck-pointing, followod by rcpair of the texturpd surfacc ad painting, Unless tho movement and resulting distress significantly increases in magrritude or changes in characrcr, I do not bolieve conective repairs will need to be exrcndcd to sEtlctural or foundation clemcnts. I 5.0 Continued Monitoring Observatione of thc conditions in the Chrristiana stairwoll should be made twice wcekly. The rooms now exhibiting dietress shoutd also bc obscrve4 particularly Room 103' ehange,rl or increascd distress can be expeced befqe Ute Parking Guage construction has bcen cbmpieted. If tlre primary crack in the stairwelt rpachps th iurrch in widttt, or if the crack pbpag"t s to the ext€,rior, timporary bracing or structural enhancement should be implementcd. , o/u 24 2ootr / ( i Encloeure: 6 Plots of Monitor Data, Christiana vRDUNSTRU0T rOil e70-845-2358 Paul Johnson, Christiana at VaiI Dan Feeney, Vail Resortg Development Doug Thcmpson, Hydcr Construction Iohn Franccski, Schnabel Foundation 10:46AN4 N0. 8300 P.g! 6 ,Considering thc very little movement measurpd to this datc, I see no reason to incrcase the monitor surveys to more than one per weck, The monitor data for each week should be distibuted aB soon as practical for continuing assessment of hc ouistiana Building. 6.0 Spnary I A lPortion of the Cluistiana Building has apparontly cxpcrienced small movements sometime befween July 2 and July 28, 20O4, due to ttre ongolng oxcavation work and dcwatering for cofstruction of the Vail Parking Garage. This movemont has caused new distess and increased didress of prcviously existing conditions. As of this datc, the movement/distess is best classificd as cosmetic rather than strLrctural. r Thc lugest movement/distress exists in the first levcl of fie stairwcll. I recommend that this condition remain unrepaired/untouched to allow continuing assessment for ongoing movement. Othq areas of dishess could be repaire{ but distr€ss might redovclop as a rcsult of the contiquing construction process. t flilrolgh he sunrey monitor indicates little or Do movememt at most locations of the Cluistiana and Villa Valhalla Buildinp, the area of the Christiana Building which is dishesscd appears to have moved latcrally as much as /r inch. It is recommended that this area of the building be visually inspected twice a ureek and tlrat monitor roadings be continued on a weekly basis. I will be glad to answer questions regarding tbis Report f2. If.large distress changes occur, I should be notified iomediatcly. OthErwise, I will plan to make my next obscrvation of the Christiana and Villa Valhalla Buildings in earl I I I I Allep G. Thurman, P.E. Cc denclosure: I 'rirt*.*""".**1" feo"t'ta6 {ffi *u u%1--',o,,o-1'18\33' ii, ii ilil'ffi oo OG ,.-C-g.-g-o."":5 N()TtCe I ,h,!nl)y ccrtir! rhrt I h No rcrl rntl rt.trtrinrd t\N litfiiai:rtdi lt:r,l lincrv tl!,,! *itrn.: l0 bc tr'Jc rid concct All pi\ir lsions ul' lq*s {nd ortlinsnccs gorrrning rhrr typc ol' '.rott s'ill !r eonrpli.ttl sidr whcthcr s?r'ci(itd hursin or r('!. llrt gfl,rtitri! of lr pcinrir dooJ tirrr lltjqnc to grr.t lutlloiry 1.r r.lrrl ,lr'0r.-inc,:l tl:!, pro\.i\iont of;r+.othcr sl::u cl lo.:clL,r. r4ulcting ccr1l:(rucririn or tbc pcrfor'nt!A,;c of coi:ii|Jcli0t1, _ /-"*"\ /{-;:-/4.-;[&- il:#g , S i'.:ri,it;{.r rrtrr.:nrruilCr Cr llrl:ofiz:d r3Cnf (Dira} SiJ{:;.ruru o I arvour (nrrcl USLI-\S',r-.J' J, t c.rJJoNlEt: s : tl$cl gt r or (lcigh ! clcr;r to r, crct li tor. 6 svi13 rvllkl Up to rnd inuludrng 550.000.00 o[vrlu*ion - S!-i0 00 Orcr SJ'l.000.00 ol"r'ah:riion - 5350.00 plus 95 00 rbr usr:lt 5 | .000,00 sr frcttion ficr'jut uver S50.000,00 Dumhrv iLtt or pt'iv:trc rc!;duAcc clevdt0f: Up to ortd includrng S1Q.000.00 ofvrlurtian - S1i0 00 Orcr Sl0.0tl0 CD of',nlursron . 3:J0.00 phu lj,0Q f,y crrh J 1,000 00 cr t?itctr0n r;)crrof ovff 520.000,00 u.utlul.[rrtB A rlllN-tf, ,':"t Frrr'for nrrjor ult'ritrinns shsll b; ur ser lbrrh in flblc j-A ol {rc Unil'onn,r,tlnri:r$rrtrir'c Cod€ cf Tihls No. lvLof thc Unilbrrir Buikling Codl. vAr,u^rroN si 4,,1 ,J:<o, oo_r:_l 10,_9,#_ Jl_--&. 'l"rrrnl lfcc lrilte p:t;d Rcccipr # ELEVATOR PE Jurisdiction Applic*tion #. Joh .,\dtlrcssr I.cHrl Dcscr: $lec:r{o r Contrrrctor: _d14 &hiliug Arldrcss:- [-f),i-q_Liic Phcrt.r # : - jio'1.=1'*: jjg'...,arl ,r#n)"cArroNwc Pcrrnit#. O(-/QZ - Clirrs oIWorlc: _ lENsrv Instalhrion tr lvhjor r\lrcrarionI)qrcjihcworli:--t)r;e;rd*-=t,;l;;-,ult---"-'.---h-+*!r^-tl* ";'.Jg=,^.{-.,* ilpror'cd !yr [;.;;;; l Gr,r crrrt cr'r ts, I corrtlcting tho L)-I'.c:lll(;: reyi*v nnd fie inspcc(ious sill ba condtrcl(d lohns will bc lonr.rrdtd to NI\/CCOG fcrr rcvieru N1VCCOG Elrtiuor Inspccror nr (9i0) ,tfs.03ts by rltr i\0 hrve|i( Colofnd0 Council of :rnd itpprov:rl- Schcdulo iuspcctionr by I t08. Flcaso nurlc chcckt plytblc to [|AR,29,2005 3:31PM HYDUONSTRUcTI0|\l un lohnsllllawille DssoriDtioo Pennecote Linacounio Sbndard and HP an f,exible ductliner imulations made from scong glace fiberc bonded wld a fiem06adng te$in. The aictrerm surLce 's protected wlfi Pefinacdbr, r sbtg{t-thgan acrylio 60 aae ooatng qFten ficort-AHlled Edg. Gmtiogl Edge cordng 'rE facery appfied b ftr :dgcs of fie liner con, asslrlng corcrage of $e le.ding edg.s Dar N,AllWS[,lAC],lA requireneml Stnp ftbdcadon cuB may be ooated wifi fte supsrSsrlt DuDt Buibr and Edgc Trrament produco (refer n publ'rcrdon AHS-2021. Us3s PenncoE tlnrcousdc Sndard .nd HP ele specfioally desigmd tr lniu sheet metal &rcfi ln rh cordidoning heahg and ventlali]E systens. Tho qclusiva Pennacoe ll cortrg q,stm olht! gxcgptionaldurabiliv ln rxposurB rD air vslocny, rl wsll |'suprfior acousdcrl rnd $srmrl perfonnance in sy$gns operdhg atvalochier upo 6.00lpm (305 nVsecl and opdating bmpemnes upts E(lT(lZfO. Perntoob ltEcouris HF offrtt mrc Dutonnance per inch of fiicknoss dlan o$erliners, making t r clerr chnice lor special pedoft mcs spscilicdbtr, Adwnrr5ar lq|!v6 Inaoor Bulldhg EndrunEd. P€rmacqe Linacou$ic imprwcs ln&or cruironmemal quality by hrlping t conrol botr tsmperaturu rnd roord ttilh$rdr ILh Y.hci4, Permasoe Unacouiic pmductr hrw been esled b fiE recommmdsd madmm velocity of 0,000 fpfli Gn.5 ry'sccl. Fbgr eroabn ea GsulE war de&rmhed using thc lsokincdc Ssmpling Mstrod dxcdbrd ln JM Fber Etos'ron Tesdng Faat Shed HSE l:BFs Abaoltc Dlnullnr Sound. Permrcoo Unacousrio has r,(ceptbnll $0nd.absotbhg p&pGfdls trr crceedng the rcquiremems of ASllltr C lltl- Duct Ernsmi$d nobe. suoh rs orcs$dk lnd sound ena|tytrom €it mwEtrEnt and mechrnlcd equipmm b notceaUy reduced. Conercr Emgy. The unique glrss ffbotL.lion procsrs ussd in |'le manufacture of PennacsB Unacoustic Dtovides very good $ermal prupe des. hsiffi b Drt i|d Dln The Fugh, aorylo po]y,mer Pcnnacd coaling hdps guad egafiFtfie hcudon of durt or din ino 6s subcfrfE, ntnhting dte polgdC br biolog'tcal gto{yfi. Uylll tot SryEon f,icntial Eor&, Pcmacoe codq ls brmul3ted wih ! protscdus .gemlo p|gbatrhe oosdng agaln$ pmndd gounh otfungus ind baclrdr. Ths pr$scdve agem'rs EPA regtstend for u.e an HVAC appllcadonr, and designed D lrs! fie lifg ofdle slsGm Pernpcob Ljnrcousic duct liner mce|E .ll nquirunem otAsllvl C l07l hr frngl ard brcrsrirl r.si$.nc., Tcsts vrne conduc&d h accordrnca wl|n ASru C lSgE ad Asintl G 2l tfungl cs{ngl rnd ASntI 6 z lb.ct ria GCsftt0ce Dsdngl. 0@ilerl hbrmr&n b alailable in JohN Manvitlehctshee HSFImH!. . lr8 &olNc.Wq Crl|dlr Pnatt|o lrll,rl; dr?9.rnt ! dha o'3nliE T.|lFrflr€ liElt 2!i0'F (l2l'Cl Nob: Aswih anytype of sudace, miorobhl gmvfi mry occur in rccurDulalsd duct glf$em diG glt,en certaln condftlong. This rtN( b minimized wih proper deslgn, fituation, me imenanae and opeodon ofrhe l{vAc sY$sm, Elccnrblrry, lf HVAC sysfi9m ds.ning -rs i3quind.$e PermaDoti airsre.m surtce nay be oleaned urlh industpr3cognized dry medrodE See fie llodr Amedcan IncJlerion Man tactrters Associiltn lNAlMAl 'Clesnlng Fbmrs Cliss lrrdmd Ar Duct Sycms.' tirdnires PrGIGtrlhion Drnngc. The PsttnaootD ll coatlg sysem has more than wvice rhe toughness ofthc odginal Pormacota lt effeolively doubles rfie reslsrrncc b damage $it can oocur from in.shop handling. fabrioation ioblits shipplng, 3nd itlsmlnion. lnoe*lci Besirimcr o $lDe The Peflnloot ahstrrm cordng resisB pen€don of incidcfil wrer lruo $e fiber gla*rwoolcora. Ersil !o hbdcrb. PrrmrcoF Unacougdc is ligtn In weiglt and r.syrD handle, Clgan even edges can br lccunely cuu,irh tagulal shop bols, AYailable Folls Pmclh:dllP th I 7Yt 2 t3a 38 51 I E RollWdthr linl lmml (inl (mm) 3lo3E 86fo 914 3fES! 884b 914 {4!o18 1il8b 1219 {fo18 lll8b r2r9 56060 l1uelil1 56b60 ltfl4rll&4 061072 l678to 1829 061072 107n& ftA Rolltengtt-llimalfcdl llinealmeon) 0lnealtset llinerlnebal50 rs 100 305tfil 31150 16an 6l 'Ad .hf Flrmlrc'nrr rc||!rt rit Fbrft. wrll aql Thiclness linl lmml ,Ugl, l€ &Crc|. rc.00 MAR 2e':;.#:]., #,U.NSTRU.T ro' frhctOhrpDua/tiaux fhemrl Prrftrrnnce lhickners FJValue Sound A[soTrion cocffiai.nts lTlne .A. ttbumtng) Pemcor Umcoort'o Strdalt Sound Alsoption Cocllicicnt arF€quenoyThioltcsr (4ctet per Seconrll of linl 0n!l :: t4 .250, 500 t000 2000 {In NRC N0,685 P.3 lS0 9llll Gcr{ificdon Johrrs Mirlille nschanlcal insuladon gtoduco ars drslgned mrndrctrcd and Erbd In our oun taollldcq, whieh an certified ad rugbbr.d !o sulmcmlS0 CU lANSUAStlC90l saier quatiry strndarde This crrffrclio[ along wlrh legulrr, indcpendE||tdlfd-Frrv iudiring for oomptrncg h your sorance drrt Johng Mafivllh poducG delivsf oonclstcnt high qu.liry, Condueanoc zEl t38 0tl o.74 t3t 038 16ItTr 2r1.11 .161.41 .t3 'hI3Urei'J,|h 30 6.32 51 8.0 08, 0r1 0,s 1.01 ogE 0.m 1.0r r.0 085$2 ri3 0.90 0:t2 0.91 r.03 r.6 ot5 qdt 0.9{, 1m 2l 3t .51 .51 .03 .@ 2l .m %13r4 r% 98231 $ufacc Buming Charaardcdos Fl.me Sprud Sroke Dan{oped not ocr 25 not over 50 P.rtLt?tAgnll tar|tCAU,|DSt(&l||lr{Dtd., t lru|..ltn |rg-i.!.tr.t!c r$rd rjr!C 0r8t Specif,c!fi on Conplianoe . ASIM C tOL Type l. Hrdbtc lReplacad Hll-l€t5B ?nd MIMA AfiClorl .ASIM0?landGz . Calibrnia lluc 2t. SIIIACNA ADDlicEfi on $and€rds for DuctUneft. MllttlA Fborts Ghss Duot Uncr ln*rllrtbn Sbndrrd. NFPA lnA rnd gttB, FtlG2dE0 and Limited Combusdbility. ConfomsloASHRAE6}S9. NYGMEA3${9M. Srars of Wbshington Bulldlng Srwic.s Dep.rmeft nqutrsmenb fbt emissions qf ubl votrdlr ogrnlc comXonndr lTVOCl and formrldehydc {CHOHI ln rcconhnce rvftlr ASTlllDsile$. Can€dE CGSBSt€p-tlM cAwtcsl@-t 88 Pcrmroo0. Unaoourrlo Flodon ol Alr ln Slnlglt Duof tn orF 0.r 02 05 Frblen [orc In hcnroof tthterPr100Fcat 'iarEq u|e'||l& strf.ftd r? Br8|br p$gLt rJr r*d{rta tEld rttdr! trhDaddrr{Ualr!$rcl|;{Ert'tr|rth.olclrrartr! O{A,ifl Urr&frt iiidl{., 1000 nl|ut 200m t00|I,, gl00 2m t000 5|p N to II 3E .tsrt a o|l al-ICI |tlAR, 29. 2005 3:3lPM HYDUoNSTRUcTI0N Guide $pecifications Dwtlking(hffinl tl'lBrl!ls litire lbr Rdcbnguhr llurl Ductr A[ dtrct+ lrtere shonn onte dh^,fng6, *r.I be lhcd witlr l. (6 nm) |hick permacob Lr:nacouriollba gbss dust fnerwidt fadorpapplhd edge coaing or approved equrl,lhc limrshallmist'dre Ute siterr St8nd.ds .s estaltl$ed by NFpA 90A and SlB. FIG ?.980 ani Umhed Combustbiliv !ndfia aict'ean 6u.frca coadng shoutd oontrln an immobilized EpAFr€gisrered, amimicmbial agem so h ruT notsuppon microbhl gmwfi as e*ed in accordanci widr ASTM CA a[d EzZ The duc imrshal conbfln ro fie GquiremEms of ASIIII G t(|7l, vlffi an NRC not less $an .?0 El bstsd pefASltl C 4Zl using a Type .A. rnoundnq, snd a trcrnll o.onduc{viry no higharrhan .2S Bnr.in/(hFfir.F} .t75'F [ts0WffC rt z4.CJ nean trmpeftnra Xeil ||.rdlilg l|d $onto pmnrcor Linaoousic shall be tept clcan and dry dudng ranspoftarbrU 6b1lg8 rnd insbll ion. Care should !! tahn ro Drobct$e [mrfom Erpo8utr bdl€ elemenb or damagefmm moohanic"trbu6e. ApFllcrtlon blLtlon Eccormrftdon* At ponions ol duc desbnBd a rsceiv€ drEt trnsr 6lxll be compleely covered uriEr l. lZ5 mmloicl Pernaoob linacoustia The smootll btrclg rorylic-co*ed suilaco! ot lte PennacoE Linacourdc Ahallfrcr drs al|tt|arm. All Permaco$ lJnacousdo rhrll bs cutto arsure dght, gverl€Dpod comer ioims. Ihc op pleces drall bc supponed bytE sids DiloB. Permrcoo Unacousiic shrll bc l|Eialled lolloryhg $e guide- lines inrhc MIMA'Duot llngr tnslalladon Standlrd.' - Pem.core linacoustic shall be adhsred !o fir shcet mzulwifl full covenge of an apprwrd rdhesiw trrt conftnns b ASiIll C 9l$ and all oqced bading adges and [anevcrce loino sholl bc coated with P*mrc@ frsbrl,.apptied orfetd..Dined edsc aoatng .nd shall be nearly buttsd wtdrorn gaps, Shop or fiild cu6 slill be tibsrafly coated wilr Johm Minvillo SuierSeaP Edge TreEnentor approved rdhcsiv* Mebl mrings dralt bs securcly lnsblted ovrrfrn$rssely- orlemed Incr edgesfrcing tfit lirsiEeam rttorrwrd d-mhi4crnd .ny poim lvherc llmd duot is Feceded Dy unlined rfucr. When rrrlooity exceeds {0m fim {AJ dscol, u,re rneial nosino 0n svsry lcldlng ede e, Noslng nay be fbm.d on duct o, bo - channel 0f eS at ched !y rcmrus, tivaB or wrtds. Permacoo Linacousdc shall br additionalty r:cund raftr mechldlcrl ts@nerc sprced per$e schsdJle sholvn in Ue diagran on the back pege. Thc pln tengtr drould be r ch as m h0ld Uo matdrl firnly In place wfih ninlmum comprgsshn oftle maorlaL |\l0, 685 DT nssolctfol3 ird liltit{io|r| ot Uo! Fber glass liner sfiould nor be used ln rhe bllowlng appticarionsr . ln air duotsysteme ogendng abwe 8+ ltzt'Cl. ln sysrms cotwcying solds or corrosive gases. Notcloscrto dscdc coib orgEs hgalcG$rn indtcated by eqdpmcm nandactrrer. ln dlsts oporsdng at a velooity In excess of $r llnc/s madmum recoimended vsloclty. Prrcautlone drould be ukrn t keep linettrofi coming in cocact wifi liluid urater wficn tt is inctalled widrin rhe fir* sixfret (l.E ml {tomsfieam fiom r fiesh ai imake, otttsidc gdll+ in duct humidifier or o$er sourca of lvrbr. In comrfi wifr wsrsr dfain prn of dehurnidificafon ccib SlccrlApplhations llmodilionrd $r:c. Al dusc located ousidc of the buitdirq or in ortrgr unoondithnsd atras ,nry requirc a ldgher rhermal rssi$anc! b P|8trsm oondensEdon or energy wrrlg, t,,f or ?pt mn or5l mml Pcrrnaco@ Uhroousdc rnay be specifisd Metaf d0cb mu$ be 6ealed t0 prevem moisilrrs .nd din fitm enbflng fis sysEm, $eid l&icc Coettl In plenuns or &ct syEerm x,lh $/ers ndrs condldons or mote dmuding acouslicrl rgquircmentr, use Pennrc@ Linrcounic HP, orl 15? lnnl Pefimcore Linacouslic. thspftrls rnd Xedbrl hcilldcr. uuct liner can be usstl ryl&our ary spechl apglicathn or in:nltnion rcquiErte sinducr sysnnu saruing general rrcm offie hospilal, Ductllmrs cannot bs us$ In duct q6rsme supplylng surgical suftes, deliwry rooms, imensiw cNre unhs rnd lsolation ateas !3 llrtsd lD irc Ansrican l]r3dtuE of ArghtEcB -Gu'rdelines for ColEurcdon and ftuipmem of l{ospitals rnd Mediorl Fac[td.e,' | !tFS, Edtbo MAR, 29. 2005 3:31PM HYDUolt|STRUcTI0N Pernaeotee linacoirgic" Standard/]lP ffic'.SfuDwtt,,ctt lluct Umr lnshllatloo Whrn wlooiV qcceds ff fpn ED.3 ry'sec). use metal rcdry 0n avcry lmdh! edga Noslno rnry bs formcd on due or be chlnnd ottee aitrchsd by sc'3*trE, tivlt3 orw€[s, A metll noalng shall abl be hstrltid at$ef.n trFoharu! rnd et any polntwhsrc fined ducrls preBded byunllnad duct o |\|0. 685 Ph AllTnnsvettc Edg.s to bE Corted wtdr Adhesivr Albm3to hlded Comcr Air Fow r-8,+,.*L+ the velo clry+ated side of llner must facefie rirflour Duct Sccton Wpicalh4ft orSt! F22 m or t52 mll tiner adhercd bthc duewirh Str Ddo. rrca oowrrge of .dhsh/r. AdhBhrs shal amfDrn !o A.SIM C gta Shop or lleld outs rhall De ll!.rllly cosEd with Supcr8caF Edgc Tr.{m9m or agprorrrd .dhr6ivc. Madmm sptoi[g to] hstanrre Acdal im*rolr rn .Dpmxin e. ---- DitrnJonr vJlo$f ttnlhml fn)(mml thl(nml tinltmml0-Amtm 3 7t tz illi e m la lflrm t02 167 E278 l0-lz7 nAoa) 250I{0Ofrm Tyge 1 Clinahrd Pln: Inegfil Head-lmp.crApplied Nominrl lneulalion lhiclglese lll/rsicr lJncr Liner _\_ll-I-l r--G- Ttpe2 Wefded Fln: lmegnl Head Type3 Type4 Weldcd Pln: PrFs{n Hcad Adhered Ph: Prces-0o Hred Cuopad Bevrlcd{_ - tlil tlu HerdTYPes v iii;Hi ,Rtte 'lrrtat I lor|.lail a aar ltOr ldl {!ocf. h||.n rrdnEt! Nott Amrhrr 8rl9s 0ttlo!* P3donDanoc ilnrrirb Din}ion ElstenB.Ilon CcrtrrlRagioq, 0oB[daltontt 80. Boxl68 Wblmrn ncgbn Amdoa Dcfirnco, 0H aiFl2 P-0. 80x 5108 13031 Cr8.|6siH$78e7000 Denr€r,co8@t7 FstS@grAzS2t(toOasl"aw KEle&2281 Far61917r+7E66 1000136S-1aS1 Frr l303l97E406t SttLOSJ||trttE!t. ?|tua h t8l w]lir ptrpical and clrericrl popcder of Pcnnrcoe! Unacoudc.Stsndrrd and pymcod llnrcou3ff HP fibrr Cfrlr duct limf! nFGrmtypical avcnge urbos ot bln din rgcordsncs wirh tcorplrd lest harhods lnd rr3 subisclo normal rmnufaoorlng rnria&ns llsy are supptled .t a tohnical tgruic. and Ue su4serlo oiange udfrorn nodoi Nunerical lb mr sFead rod rnolc_devclopcd rrdngs are not imlndrd to rr{act trrzrrdr prcscnnd by $.s0 of any odt.r rmrirls undcr rc!|d fi|r oordibnr. Chec(with dre Rrgloaal Srlcs of,ice noe6tyouE.$un ouTatt ifr|||Edoc ll Jahi fllrrilr gl0tct Jr rold rlFdb&l|r3Lrrlllctl.IilldlhnalfraU.ilinCBrnofi,ftrr coTdt! JotiludtbUrld lh]r|.ryilt thnldat 0f bt, cottrhr fr nrrbcr hetou, For lrlbmnton on o0ter Johns Mrrvillc drrrmrt ineulrdcns and spens rad a copy otdrg Spco-llnr. CSI ftmrmd speclfrordorN. crtl@f gt+.?lE To access rubmrndfar.o*iemrnd mMcs Inde Uahed Mes rnd Crndr, slmply crll t{!91il51lfi l1{89{E -B[30l from . frr or phore. totnrafy|arnfille Peilomamc thbrlab Dlrkior P0. Box5t08 Dsnvsi C0 802U-5108 Product Informarion: l8{Il} 654-3103 rwwjm.com !r|l$lt !{ 6.rhc. ncl TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-213s Lo4-?, 3 \K >-4 ALARM PERMIT Permit #: A04-0057. _Bo.i: Ootk Job Address: 384 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : FINAL Location.....: 384 GORE CREEK DR Applied . . : 0910312004 Parcel No...: 2lOlO8239N3 Issued. . : I2llOlzOCA Project No : T'RSO3 -ooo \ Expires. .: Wll4l2005 owNER VArT_, CORP 09/03/2004 PO BOX 7 VAII-, co 81558 coNrRAcToR ArM sEcuRrTy Lt/30/2oo4 phone: (970) 389-s007 PO Box 2856 DilLon, Colorado 8043 5 License: 586-5 APPIJICANr TRI PI{ASE ELECTRIC O9/03/2OO4 Phone: 97O-524-7L35 0325 HARDSCRABBIJE ROAD GYPSI]M CO 8163 ? I-,icense : 118 -E Desciption: NEW FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FOR PARKING GARAGE Valuation: $27.000.00 AD yArL'^E Lr_BrAr(rrvrEr' W;\ U,. L\..1- S ? s,. s P'^Lq Cxor{^'*^- NOTE: TFIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES d qr FEE SUMMARY *'t***+rt:ri+****:t't*:*******'r**'|**'******'r'rl.t*:i'r*:t+lt***:***'l*,*,t,.**:i Totaf Calculated Fees- > 5L,247 .5o Additional Fe€s-*-*- >$0. 00 Total Permit Fe€------- > 91,247.50 Payments---------- > SL,247 .5o TOTAL FEES--> 51,24?. s0 BALANCE DUE------- >$0.00 ;;#i'---+'||+*|+*lt.{.t||i*|{.+|'+ti+*t+*!i|*|+++*+{.*|.,|.|i**+**|,|+***|t|i+*{.****l.{.,l*{(+,i+'|*'t:*|llt*,l.**** Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTI4ENI 09/22/2004 qrvaughan Action: DN contractor on application is not fire alarm contractor.' *|++*+****};d*o*?/-19f-i-*-'-?]l9kl******'******;.*!*'**o*?****tI**********+*+*******++**'**!|||l't:|.:.********* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL t|+**al|l+l+*|****i.**,it*|+'t***'t*'}'t:t*****{.tt***'l.t+|+'|'|****+{.|{.|***{+|.+***:}****at**'i**'t*'i+*d.l.lr*:|.******* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge ttr,at I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOL'RS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPIIONE AT 479-2135 FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Electrical----- > DRB Fee----- > Investigation-- > Will Call-------- > $0. 00 $0. 00 $0. 00 $3.00 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI \ #'1T-#ffiffi W$ryif'*ii"3r'""?i; I \ App,-rc^.or{ tlrt,.l Nor BE AccEprED tF tNcot$pLETE oR ,(1}| o,",.r"r'F-,{6*-c 97017 0'27 3 5 ( I n s'€,c{,i o n s)rrnffifll ffiimeor7's. INFORMATION Fire Aarm: $ for Parcel * Fir€ Alarm Conlractor: TR.T ?UASE FLTCTT\t romrcrvaipo. Ho:contac{and Phone#s: EZtA SE|gA$D*ffitrst 1r,c.rzt]']3r E.llall Address: - Contnactor SignaUre:\ \^- COnPLETE VALUATIONS FORALARM PERMIT (Labor & llaterials) @ntact Easle County Assessors Office at 97G328-8H0 or vlsft Parcel# CIO\OSpaq OOj JobName: ?3+ J Pa.\],"*, Lol>JobAddress:3bt Gore c[.Gct DE, t/Atr L€sal Description I Lot ? j ll BbdcOS-l ll Filins: ll suuoivision: drrots llP**' Engin€€n ll Address:Phone: Detailod location of work: (i.o., noor, unil #, bHg. #) Fr.luu Buruorucy lPntt,*rr. Geen(rt D€tailsd doscription of wolk: NGw FrLt ALA*pr S{SIeu Fo[- r..rur?ALtrucr 0ACSG! Woft Class: New ffi Addition ( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) -591(>fl (r'\#lFftFbl'l [ffis aFir€EFrinkler Svstem Exisli--Yes F No V RECEI!EO , rj .i --F 07n4nffi2\Vailldab\cdev\FORttls\PERMITS\ALRMPERM.OOC Fire Protection Drawing Submittal Review Date: From: Project: 10110104 Job No:2003-050-00 Brad Gettel Page: I53O I6TH STREET SUITE 4OO DENVER CoLoR ^Do 8o2oz 303-6236200 (VolcE) 303"623-a435 (FAx) ABSCONSULTANTS.COM Vail, CO r.,C Log Ho: nd General ComPliance with the lnformation Given is the Contract Documents, Any Actio-n Shown ls Subject to the Requirements of the Pians and Specifications. Contractor is Responsible For: Dimensions Which Shall B! Confirmed and Correlated at the 'lob Site' Fabrication processes ano Techniques of Construction, Coordination of His Work with That of Other Trades and the Satisfactory Performance of His Work. ACTION C No Exceptions Taken Rejected Make Corrections N( "d R MC RR S Subltitted ltem Manufacturer & Model Number P:UOol-13{-01\ADMlNlPlum-A\conllpondencctFp shop olvg Roview |530o4t'001 l01o04 Doc Fire Sprinkler drawings FP-1 through FP-6 reviewed from Fire Protection, Inc. dated 09124104. 1. 2. >3. 4. q F8. 9. Revise and Resubmit Submit Specified ltem 10 11. Provide approval letter from Fire Department. All sprinklei head typcs and locations to be reviewed and approved by the Architect and Owner' Verify use of drop in .flchor at concrete tees with structural englneer' Coordinate all auxiliar y drain down locations with Architect and Owner' Coordinate FDC and horn/strobe location with Fire Department' Coordinate flanged outlet for domestic water with plumbing contractor and pluntbing design' No segmentally weldecl outiets as snown on General Note! shall be accepted per specification '15300 Provide mechanical te(j s as required. coordinate fire/domesti,; water entry requirements with water District. Verify proposed submitted pressure reducing valve station r . acceptaote to water District. coordinate exact requirements with water Distrist' C-oorOinite ill exposed sprinkler pipe with Architect and Owner. Confirm minimum piping height requirements oia's;. Dr}l standpipe I,ipiil ;;d-sFiniter main from entrylo follow column line 14 as required by Architect' Confirm eiact rouiing. liefe-r to ptuirUing drawings issued for final construction dated 04 05 04' coordinate and show f ll mech equip & d-uctworklnd other ceiting devices as specified. All lighting appears to be shown. Show sprinkler pipe r<' rting heights from finished floors. trh ^+ "%o ?rv ( -a- 4,r+,rt)flr\Da^ €r*._. {' _ :., D:ts LgEz and Garage at Lots P3&J