HomeMy WebLinkAboutCROSSVIEW AT VAIL BUILDING F LEGALt REPT 131 TOWN OF UAIL. COL-ORRDO AI/EA/98 08r35 REGUESTS FOR INSFECTIUN NORK SHEETS FOR:' t/i26/98 Activity: E97-O849 t/efr/9A Type: B-ELEC Status: I55UED Constr: AddresE; 146€t BUFFEHR CREEK RDLocation: CROSSVIETJ nT VAIL BLDG F lf,arce I : 31O$-lEe-ra0-0918 Deseript ion: ELECTRIERL FOR NEIJ SFR Appl icant: VAL'5 ELECTRIC Request or: TIB Reo Time! 08!BlA F.R6E E3 AREA: EG ======= NSFR Owner r CRUSSVIET^I F ROFERTIES l-TD * ULT IM Fhone ! Eontnactorr UALI S ELEETRIC F'hone: 3O3476 1318 Inspection Reqnest Infor^mation..... Occ: Use: Fhone : 3O34761518 Phone: 479-9133 Conrments z TIB/479-9 lEJ UNIT F Itens reqttested to be Inspected... OtAl98 ELEC-FinaI }"ffi.'-+J- Insjrection Item: ,Itanl Hi st ory. . .-. . 06110 EIIEC-Tenp. Fcwep AqleO ELEC-Rot-tgh Lq/t6/97 Inspector'; EG 60134 ELEtr-Condr-rit rAOl40 E[-EC-Misc. lAAl9la ELEC-Final aA?,84 FIRE-ALflRM ROU6H 44538, FI RE-FINflI. C/O Act i on': AF'F R AF'F ROUED item:)'., It.en;'|teq: ' .It en.1It erdi TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community D evelopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138 HX 970479-2452 January 16, 1998 Mr. Robert Ullman Crossview at Vail 2255 Cumberland Parkway, Bldg. #700 Atlant4 Georgia 60339 Re: Crossview at Vail, Developer Improvement Agreement ExpirationlRenewal DearMr. Ullman: On Friday, January 16, 1998, I spoke with Ms. Sally Jackel. Ms Jackel is the auomey representing the buyer ofCrossview at Vail, Bldg. "F"/1460 Buffer Creek Road. The purpose ofour discussion was to confirm that financial security had been provided to insure tle completion of the driveway paving and landscaping for Building'T". A review of our files confirms that $16,662.50 is currently held in an esorow account with Stewart Title of Eagle County to cover the costs of paving the driveway and that $5,000 is held in escrow with the Town of Vail to cover the costs of installing the required landscape improvements. Our files further indicate that the Developer Improvement Agreement o<ecuted by and betrveen Crossview Properties, Inc. and the Town of Vail to insure the completion ofthe paving has o<pired. The expired agreement needs to be renewed so that I can issue a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me by telephone at 97 0-479-2145. Good luck with the completion of your project. Sincerely, 1L- *Ru*t'a George Rutherl AICP Senior Planner LeeRimel Sally Jackel {p *"n"uor r", FILE cfir TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Rod Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 August llt, 1997 Mr. Robcrt Ullman Crossvicw at Vail 2255 Cumbcrland Parkway, Bldg. #700 Atlanta. Ceorgia 60339 Rc: Crossvicw at Vail, Bldg. "A" landscaping Dcar Mr. Ullman: On Thursday, August 14, 1997.1 wcnt to thc Crossvicw at Vailiob sitc to invcstigatc a concern cxprcsscd to mc by thc owncr of Crossvicw at Vail, Bldg. "A"/1460 Buffcr Creck Road. Mrs. Cracc Smith bclicvcs that thc landscaping installcd on hcr propcrty and approvcd by thc Town of Vail is in scrious dislcpair'. My inspcction of thc sitc confirmcd Mls. Smith's bclicfs. Much of thc plant matcrial installcd last summcr is dcad. Thc wildflowcr and nativc grasscs that wclc to bc plantcd at'c noncxistcnt. Thc cdging installcd around thc foundation of thc housc is buckling and coming apart. Much of thc landscapcd arca is bcing uscd to storc constluction matctials. Pilcs of dirt arc bcing dumpcd against ncwly plantcd cvcrglccn$. And flom thc condition ofthc yard, it docs not appcarthc irrigation sy$tcm is opcrational. Thcsc issucs nccd to bc addresscd. Upon rcccipt of this lettcr, pleasc contact mc so wc rnay discuss a solution to the cxisting landscapc situation at Crossvicw. I am confidcnt we can rcach a solution that is agreeablc to you, Gracp Smith and the Town. You can rcach me by telcphoncat9T0-479-2145 or by mail at thc addrcss abovc. Sinccrcly,lL+?,sua Georgc Ruther. AICP Town Planner Lee Rimel Mm. Grace Smith {9 r"n"uor r", TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 PLan Check---) 1,001 .()0 Investigation> .00 tli tt catL----> 3.00 Item:05100o4/rr/tee7 o4/L6/Lee7 Item:05400 04 /tL/tee7o4/L't /Lee7Itemr 05600 04/tL/tee7 04 /L6/Lee7Item: 05500 o4 /LL/tee7- 04/22/ree7Item: 05550 o4/LL/Lee7 o4/22/Lee7 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 4ts# ff_,,Kffiwr 'L p,lv' i- ISSUED o4 /tr /tee7 04 /23 /7se7to /20 / LeeT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PROJECT TITLE : CROSSVIE!^I."8^ NEW (SFR,P/S,nUe1 ennurr JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Job Address:Location...; Parcel No.103-122-00-008Project No. !PRJ9 7 .00 200.00 727 .50 TotatCatcutatedFees---> 3,971.5O .00 3,971.5O 3,971 .5O .00******t*********************************i********t*********i***************************************************ff***************** Additional, Fees---------> Totat Pernit Fee--------> BUILDING DEPARTMENT CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS DAN Action: APPR PLANNING DEPARTMENT CHARLIE AcLion: NOTE PLANSGEORGE Act,ion: APPR FIRE DEPARTMENT CHARIJIE Action: AppRDAN AcLion: APPR PUBLIC WORKS CHARLIE Action: LARRY_P Action: ENGINEERING CHARLIE Action: NOTE SITETERRI Action: AppR SEE Dept.: BUILDING Division: TO DAN Dept,: PLANNING Division: TO GEORGE Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: PLAN TO LARRY Dept: ENGINEER Division: PLAN TO TERRI CONDITIONS N/A N/A NOTE SITE APPR LP permir #- Status. .plied. Issued.. Expires. APPLICANT T.I.B., INC phone: 30369710?699s9 SOUTH TURKEY CREEK ROAD, MORRTSON CO 80465 CONTRACTOR T.I.B. , INC Phone: 30369710?69959 SOUTH TURKEY CREEK ROAD, MORRTSON CO 80465OWNER CROSSVIEW PROPERTIES LTD * ULTIM HOLDTNGS, 4000 CUMBERLAND PARKTNG BLDG, ATLANTA GA 30339 Description:NBw SFR Number of Dwelling Unitg: OOLOccupancy Type Factor Sq. Feet ValuationDwe11i-ngs Zone 2 V-N 96.72 2,425 234,546.00Private Garages Zone 2 V-N 25.56 483 LZ,34S.4BSubtotal:2 t9O8 246,89I .48Table Date: 05/17/1996 Tota1 Valuation:. 246,891.48 Town of VaiI Adjusted Valuation: 300r000.000 Fireptace Information: Restricted: YES #Of Gas Appl.iances:#0f Gas Logs: 1 fot Uood/Pa l, Let: ***********************************t*********************** FEE SU14llARy **********************************tf*******t************** Bui Lding-----> 1,540.00 Rcstuarant ptan Revierr--> Recreation Fee----------> ***********t*********t**************************************************t*************tr********ff******************************** S6e Page 2 of this Document for anv conditions that DECLARAT]ONS apply to this permil. I hereby acknoutedge that I have read this apptication, fit(ed out in ful,l, the information required, cornpteted an accunate plot ptan, and state that att the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty vith the information and ptot ptan, to compty uith atl Town ordinances and state taws, and to buitd this structure according to the Tolrnrs zoning and suMivision codes, design reviev approvcd, Uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Tovn appticabte thcreto, REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IAOE TI,IENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY send ctean-Up oeposit To: T.L8.SIGNATURE OF OI.'NER FOR HII'ISELF AND OI,INER o nay TOV/Comm' Dev' Clean-uP DePggjt Refund approved amount date PAGE 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit *: 897-0049 as of 04/29/97 Statu6: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit.Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMTT Applied. o4/tL/1997Applicant: T. I . B. , INC rssued . O4/23'/t997Job Address: 1460 BUFFEHR CREEK RDLocaLion: CROSSVIEW AT VA]L BLDG FParcel No: 2lO3-L22-00-008 **************************************dr******rr********************************** CONDITIONS * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *1, THrs PRoJEcr wrLIJ REQUTRED A srrE TMPROVEMENT suRvEy. sucH' SURVEY SHALIJ BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FORA FRAME INSPECTION. 2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS,AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OFTHE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAIJ MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. 3. CULVERT MUST BE EXTENDED. RIP RAP MUST BE ADDED AT CULVERT OurFALL.swAr,E MUsr BE DUc DowN To WHERE ExrsrrNc CHANNEL rs wELL DEFINED TOWN OF VAII-, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArI_,, co 8l-657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON Description: PLUMBING FOR NEW SFR **********************************ft *i********i*********tt* F EEPtunbing-----> 270.00 PLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: 1460 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Status...: ISSUEDLocation...: CROSSVIEW AT VAIL BLDG F App]ied..: O4/LI/1997 Parcel No..: 2103-L22-00-008 Issued... ! 04/16/1997Project No. I PRJ97-0030 Expires. . : 10/13/1997 APPLICANT ROYAL FLUSH PLUMBING & HEAT Phonez 970-328-6213 POB 1168, EAGLE CO 81631 CONTRACTOR ROYAL FLUSH PLUMBING & HEAT Phonel 970_328_6273 POB 1168, EAGLE CO 81631OWNER CROSSVIEW PROPERTIES LTD t ULTIM HOLDTNGS, 4000 CUMBERLAND PARKING BLDG, ATLANTA GA 30339 Ptan check---> Restuarant Plan Revi ew--> TOTAL fEES----- JOBSITE Permit AT Totat Catcutatcd Fces---> Additionat tees---------> ALL TIMES P9 7-002I 340.50 .00 accurate ptot and pLot ptan, subdivision Rol'l 8:00 Alt #: Valuation:t7,879.00 sul lARy *******t********************ff *********t*******ff ****tt*** 67.50 .00 340.50Investigation> .00 Ui Lt cal,l.----> 3.00 Total Pernit Fee--------> 340.50 Payments-------- Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Divieion: ****************************i***t****************i**********************************************i.i*****t************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ].. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. **************t****i**************f,****tt*************f************f***i***********************i***t****************************** DECLARATIONS Ite.m: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT04/16/1997 DAN Action: AppRITEm:' -O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENTO4/L6/7997 DAN Acrion: AppR N/A I. hereby .acknoutedge that I have read.this apptication, fil,ted out in futl, the information required, compteted anp.tan' and state that all the informati.on pfovided as requi red is correct. I agree to conrpty riith tire inforrnationto.compty lrith aLI ToHn ondinances -and state.tarrs, and to buil.d this structure according io the Town,s zoningcodes, dcsign review approved, Uniforo Buitding code and othef ordinances of the Town afpticabl.e thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TTIENTY-FOUR HOURS II{ ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE OF OTINER OR FOR HII4SELF ANO OIINER TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,, CO 81657 9'7 0-47 9-2L38 OWNER Description: ELECTRICAL FOR NEW SFR *******t*t******t*************t*************************t** F EE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON EIJECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 1460 BUFFEHR CREEK RDLocation...: CROSSVIEW AT VAIL BLDG ParceL No. . : 2LO3-I22-00-008Project No. : PRJ97-0030 APPLICANT VAL'S EI.,ECTRIC 2199 CHAMONTX, #14, VAIL CO 8165? CONTRACTOR VAL'S ELECTRIC JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E97-0049 Status...: ISSUED F Applied.. : 04/Lt/t997Issued...: O4/L6/1997 Expires. . : LO/L3/799'1 Phone: 3034761518 Phone: 3034761518 2199 CHAMONTX, #14, VAIL CO 81657 CROSSV]EW PROPERTIES LTD t ULTIM HOLDTNGS, 4000 CUMBERLAND pARKrNc BLDG,ATLANTA GA 30339 Valuation: 9,218 .00 sul.lllARy ****i**ift************t**t*****ti*******ttt************** E tect ri ca t---> DRB Fee Invest i gat ion> tli l. L Cal, L----> 129.00 .00 .m 3.00 Totat Catcutated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> Total. Pernit Fee--------> Payments------- 132.00 .00 132.00 132.00 ToTAL FEES---> 132.00 BALANCE DUE---- *****i**************t*************ff*************************************t***ff************************************************i* Dept: BUIIJDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: *****************f,*****'r***********************************************t*******************************t*******t*t****t*********** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *****t**********f**********************i****t*********t*************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS Ite,m: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT04/16/1997 DAN Action! APPRItE-m:. .05 6OO FIRE DEPARTMENT04/76/7997 DAN Action: AppR N/A I. hereby .acknog ledge that I have read.this apptication, fitLed out in fuLt the information required, corpleted anptan, and state that atl the informtion provided as required is correct. t agree to compty riith tire inionmationto comPty with att Town ordinancrs and state [aws, and to buiLd this structure according iothe Tovnrs zoning andcodes, dcsign revieu approved, uniform BuiLding Code and othcr ordinances of the Toun aipticabl,e thereto. accurate ptot and ptot ptan, subdi vi sion 8:00 AltREqUESTS fOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE 'IADE TIIENW-FOUR HOURS TN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2158 OR AT OUR OFF HII.ISELF AND O}INER APR-crEl-El7 12: 2s| FROM:TOV-CoM-DEV-DEPT.rD.s"g47s24S2 PAGE 2/g PERMIT # 770- Ph€:.L.9.8_0q_ 7 0=328:8640 .'f o r "paicEr.:i # - v jr6t{N tioF*vatl' riopsrRucrt o, f :lqrt of A -. pERMIf AppLICATfON F6RM) irJ3 - D) - OO - o ag DArE:!4-oe-e7 . , . APPLfCATION l{Usf BE FIr'riED OUT cor.tPIJqfELY oR fT r.IAy NOT BE ACCEflIED Xi**********rb****************** PEIUIIIT INSORI{A$JON **:********************it******rl ft;i-Building 8E-Plusbing BxJ-Erectrical s{-Mechanlbal I J-other ,Iob Nane: Crossview at V+il F ifob Addressl !l!0 Buffehr Creek Rd.' VaiI, CO Legal Descriptien: IFt Block 81657 Crossview Properties; Ltd.Owngrs l{abe:'Da}rar} M rr'r 'r r''-n t.t,{r6prrhort- M^ Ullman Aditress: Bui!4in9 700 Atlanta, GA 30339-451 5 qznAddress:p.o. Box 1292 Ditlon, Co ph.iiH_sazr --- Ro416General oescription: work cr.ass: 8xl-New [ ]-Alteration I J-Additional I i-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of firzellLng UnLts: . 1 Nunber of Acconnodation Units: Architect: R. J. Hodqes 80435 Itnber and Tlpe of Firepraces: Gas Appri:LceEJ_ Gae r,ogE!_ wood/pellet Pe Jq BUIT,DTNGs +2ti-9, 903. 00 PLUUBTNG! S17.87S-oo Er,EcrRrcAl,: I gzt e. oo OlllER: $ BLUI.IBTNG! $ r z. ez9. oo lfown of Vail Reg, NO.212-B lhone Number: l6g-agtidte- Electrical Contractor: Valrs Electric '/-bgqf T<rwn of vail Reg. xo._i77- pAddress:2199 Chamonix vai1. CO 81***.=oo-r ptrone Nunber: !76_151 g _ l}:*i:* c3nt_r_a1to5-i Reval rrlsh pt-umbinqf//- O6)&o*n of vair aeE. No, /6 3 - pAddress:p.o- sox 1 1 68 lEiEl-6--81 63 1)x rrbu, Eagre, co 81631 . ptrone Numberl :2e_eeo6- _Ioc/ ** !tr*:**** **!r****************** *** FOR oFFrcE usE *** * * ***** *********************BUIIOTNG PER}ITT EEE: PI{'MBING PERMI1T FEE; I{ECIItrI.IICAIJ PER!,IIT FEE: BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK F8E: PITIMBING PIAN llechanical Contracto^r: allen.,s ueaqilg-fl'f / - v"' 'Eo*r, of Vail ReE. No. /Si - /nAddr.""rs fi;*-N"rbiis;J_szr _4020 EI,ECTBICAT FEE! OTHER EYFE OF FEE: DRB trEE: T.TECHA}TICAI, .RECREATION CI,EAII-UP lloTAIr PERMIT 80465 I I I BUTLDTNGS SIGNAIIURES ZONING: STGNAfl'RESonmentg: APR-OE|-8? 14. 29 FROM s TOV-CoM-DEV-DEPT. 73 louth tront ge rord vaif. colorado 8lG3? (3031 479-2r.38 oz 479-2139 lIO! EROM: DATE: .suBrEets ID,A?947sl2452 o PAGE 3/E rn suumary, ordr'nance No- 6 states tbat it iE unrewfur f,or anyperson to litter3 llack or deposlt.any,"if;-""d[, sand,, debrisor naterial, incrudr"ng trash iunpsterl, po*ariJ-toilets and!,torlsren vehicles. upon-any otrcet', sfderraii,;ii;y or publlcp1?9" or any porrion theieot. ifrc rtght_"ij;t-an arl, Town ofVail streets and.roa$e i1 fpFroxirnateiy s ft.-'ofi pavenent-This^ordinance r.rirl bc "triiiiv--inforced by the foun of vailPublic works D€Dart'cnt. pers6n" gouna-vi6r;tin; this ordinanee:ill- be given a 24 hour writien nogrce to reEove said urateri_aI-Xn the event the percon so notified-doee ,"i-"onpfy with thenotice withl.n rhe- 24 rrour^tjrni-"p.riir"a,' 6"-ii[iic worksD€parhmeht wirr reuove said mateirai "t tne'"xiEil", or personnotiried- rhe proviei6ns "aahi;-;=ai"*i"I ;ffiii'hot beappricable to c-onstiuJii"n, ^*iii["tr"nce or rep"ii projects ofany street or al1ey or any utilitlee fn it"-ilgfri_"-".y. to review ord,inance Na- 6 in furl, prrase stop by the rown ofI:il^*illfns ogpartnenr to olfiin a c6py. rhank you for yourcooperation on this [atter. otfles of comnunlty developmcnt AI,L CSNTRA TORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WXfIT TIIETOWN OT VAIL TolrN oF vArL, PUBIJC WORKS/COMMUNITy DE\TELOPIIENT T4ARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUSIION PARKING & MATERI.{TJ STORAGE (i.c. cbntractor. ownerl f*.--!L. \\-1? - APR-EtS|-S|7 12. 3O FROM, TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT.tD. a7a4 452?92 o PAGE 4/E 75 totdh fronttgc ro.d vrll, colondo ttg57(tog, 479-2L38 ot 479-2139 olllce ol eommunlfy deyalopment t BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FMM' ll_!li:_fryl!..1:qu.i.re: a Town of Vait Fire Deparrnent Approval ,EnslneerGs (.public $tlrl |"viey and approva't,' a plannini-Oepariment . review.or Health Departnent.revtevr, anit'a_reuiew uv liii'Euirbing ---- Department, the estimated rirne toi'a totat ;dilt;ai"LlE'as rongas three weelG. l]l .try:ryiat Clarge or small) and ail multi-family permits willhave to fo]Iow the above menti6ned maximum requiremlnli.""iesioentia'land.small projects shoutd take a'lesser amound of ;i#:'However, ifresidential or smaller projeets tmpaii the various above mentioneddepartments wrl th. rega rd to- necessai.y revi e*, -iG;; ;ilj;";;' *yalso take the three-week period. Every.attempt will be made by this departnent to expedfte thispermi't.aS sgon as posslble. - I.f-l!" undersignedr ufid€rstand the plan check procedure and timeTrame. (.^t\ -? Conrnuni ty 0evel o frment Depa rtmer.rt. { !f-ygu- algwered yes to any of these questlons, a "Public Wayi permit'must be obtained.'Public Way Permit" appllcations mey be obtained at the'Publia Wort's office or at ?.ryfrytty Developmenl lf you have any questions ptease catt Gharile Davis, the Town of Vail Construction frrspector, at 479-21b8.' PAGEAPR-et9-9? 72,30. .,.. ., TO: FROM; DATE: RE: FROM. TOV-coMo -DEV-DEPT. MEMOEANDUM tD.37@4"9J245?s/B ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1994 WHEN A.'PUBUC WAY FERMIT'IS REOUTRED 1) ?',) Date: u:- t(^ q--l Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way Permit': ls thle a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requlres the use of the right of way, eas6m6nt$ or public propefi? ls any utility work needed? ls tne driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any dnalnage wod< being done affecting the right of way, easements, or public property? YEq A NO --{3) 4) 5) 6) x' )-- 7) Is a'Revocable Right Of Way permit" . requlred? E) 4,. ls the right of way, easements or publio propeny to be used for staging, parking or fendng? B. lf no to 8A, is a parting, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? I have read and enswered allthe abovq quesilons. ^€r0A/t \" l 'l (' Job Name Contractor's nature Date Town of Vail 25 south Froncage Road Vail . Colorado 81657 (303) 479 -2138 PLan analygis baeed on the 1991 Uniforn Building Code NOTE s The code items Listed in this report are not intended to be a comPl'ete Listing of all poosible code requirenenta in the 1991 UBC. It is a guide to eelected sectiong of the code. Proj ect Nunrber: PRJ97 - 0030 AddreEa: 1460 BUFFEHR CREEK Contractor! T.I. B. INC Architect:iI R HoDGES Plans BxamiDer ! DAN STANEK SEPARATION DIRECTION BOT'NDARY AREA INCREASE NoRfH Property line 13.0 Feet EAsf Property line 9.0 Feet SOttTH Property line 10.0 Feet WEST Property line 18.0 Feet EI{TERIOR WAI,I, FIRE NATINGS AND fable 17 -A & tabl,e 5 -A NORTH EAST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG WALI lfALL, PROT WAL,L WALL PROT R3 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ml Ohr ohr None ohr ohr None Narne : CROSSVIEW VAIL Date! April, 16, 1997 Occupancy 3 R3,l{1 Tlpe of Conet: V-N FIRE PROTECTION 13.0 Fe€t 9.0 Feet 10.0 Feet 18.0 Feel OPENTNG PROTECTION SOUTH BRG NON.BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT ohr Ohr None ohr ohr None WEST BRC NON.BRG OPNC WALL I0AIJL, PROT Ohr Ohr Noncohr ohr None None -- No fire protection requiremente for openings. NAl,lE AREA UIN.I,IGI{T MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EERESSFI, 2 Uaater bedroom 350 2 l{aeter bath 105 2 Ha1le, clo5etE, etc. L76 TOTAIT FOR FLOOR 632 1 carage 483 1 Living room 475 1 Dining tr Kitchen 267 1 Pond€r room 26 1 tlaIls, closetE, 6tc. 151 TOTAI, FOR FIJOOR T4L2B Bedroom #1 249B Bedroom fl2 341 B Laundry room 80 B Ha11s, cloBets, eEc, L94 TOTAIJ FOR FI",OOR 864 BUII,DING TODAI, 2044 35.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.50 26.70 0.00 0.00 24.90 34.10 0.00 0.00 1?.50 5.30 0. 00 0. 00 z5 . t ) 13.35 1.50 0. 00 12.45 17. 05 4.00 0.00 Yee No No No No No NO No Yea Y€g No No Y€a .t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FOOTNOTES: f) fCnUSS - An operable window or door that opens directLy to the exterior is required from this room. The minimum clear openable area must meet the f ol l-owing . - - Sec . l-2 04 - 1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 sguare feet 4) The maximum siII height is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on TabLe 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanical ventilation system nay be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilabion. -- Sec. 1205. (c) a) Tire retuiremenb for an eg'ress window in the basement is based on Sec. 12 04. ROOM DII1ENSIONS: HabiLable space shal-I have a ceiling heighb of noE less than 7 feet 5 inches.Kitchens,halls,balhroomsandtoile!compartmentsmayhavea ceiling height of 7 feet measured to lhe lowest projecLion. If the ceiling is sloping, then the minimum heiqht is required in only \/2 of the area' - - sec. L207 . (a) Every dwelling uni! shall have at least one room which has not less than 120- "qo.r" feet of floor area. oEher habitabLe rooms except kitchens shall have "r, "."" of not less than ?0 square feet' -- Sec' L207 ' (b) Habitable rooms other ehan a kiichen shall not be less than 7 feet in any dimension. -- sec. 1207. (cl GI,AZ ING REQUIREMENTS : A11 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetv glazing material . -- Sec. 5405. (d) 1) Giazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies' zi elazinq j-n fiiecl and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging d.oors other than wardrobe doors' 3) clazinq in storm doors. 4) Glazing in aII unframed swinging doors. 5) Glazing in doors and encl'osures for hot tubs. whirlpools' sauna6' steam rooms, bathtubs and sho!'ters. Glazing in any portion of a buildinq wa1'1 enclosing lhese conpartments where the boEtom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above a sEanding surface and drain inl-et. 5) Ctazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest "*por"d edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of eilher vertical edge of the door in i ctosed position and where the bottom exposed edge oftheglazingislessthanS0inchesabovethewalkingsurface. 7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel, other than those locations described in items 5 and 6 above. than meets all of the following conditions: A' Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet' B. Exfosed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor' C. Exposed top edge greater than 35 inches above the floor' D. One or mor; walking Eurfaces within 36 inches horizontally of the plane of the glazing. 8) elazing in railings t.guidl.tt of height above a walking surface' rncluded are structural baluater panels and nonstructural in-filL panel s . See excepEions. SI.{OKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : A snoke detector is required on the ceiling or located in lhe corridor or area giving accesa -- sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke debector is required on area. -- sec. 1210. (a) 4. the ceiLing or A smoke detecEor is required in the A smoke detector is required on all rf the upper leve1 contains sleeping' in lhe ceiling of the uPper level -- sec. 1210. (a) 4 wall at a point centrally to each sleeping area. wa11 in each eleeping basenent. -- sec. 1210. (a) 4' stories. -- sec. t210. (a) 4. room(s), a smoke d'etector is required close to the stairway ' power source and of the dwellinq be a! leasb 36 inches wide. -- Sec' 3306' (b) 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches' Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the building's shall- be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec' l-210' (a) Detectors shall sound an alarm audi-ble in all sleeping area in which t.hey are located. -- sec. 1210. (a) 4' OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the resid'ence, maberials approved for thr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors betsween che garagie and the iesidence are to be a self -elosing 1 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door' -- Table 5-B & sec' 503' (d) exc' #3 STAIR REQUIREMEI{IS: A stairway in a dwelling must The maximum rise of a step is -- sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- sec- 3305-(i) provide a qruard rail where drop off is qreater than 30 inches. Mininum heiqht = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 i-nches ' -- sec' L7L2 ' (a' exc' f1 The minimum headroom is 5 ft.- 8 inches' -- sec' 3305' (o) Enclosed usable spaee under the stairs is required to be protected as reguired for thr fire-resistive construction. -- sec. 3305.(1) SHAFT ENCLOSURES: 1) Chutes and dumbwailer shafts with a cros6-sectional area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on lhe inside with no! less than 25 gaqe qalianized sheet metal with all joints locklapped. The outside must be i hr construction. All openings inlo any sueh encLosure shaLL be protected by not less than a sel-f 'tlosing soLid wood door 1 3/8 inches thick or equivalent. - - Sec. 1705. (f) 2) cis vents and noncombustibLe piping installed in wal1s passing through 3 floors or leas do no! need to be in I hour shafts' f actory'builE chinneys, pipi-ng, or ducts that do more than 2 floors need nob be in t hour shafts' - - sec. 1?05. (c) 3) ShafEs for gae venta, noE exgend through not - - Sec. 1705. (c) 4) Alt other shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly- -- sec. 1705. (a) ADDITIOI{AIJ REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occuPancy Thie projlct will' require a site irnprovemenb survey ' Such survey ghall be submitted "nd appro.'"d prior eo requesc for frame inBpection. A11 crawl Epaces within the Town Of Vail are linited to a earttr to Etructural floor ceiling height of 5', be earth floor only, be ventllated as per uBc 2515(c)5 with minimum acces€t as per uBc 2515(C)2 and maxinurn accesE of 9 sq. ft' Any building site with a slope cif 30 degrees or more shall require an ""ii"".i aeiign. Such Clesign sha1l. addrtss drainage, soil retainage and struclural deeign. Excavation below slabs on grade shalL not be permitted without prior approvaL . Address numbers ehall be posted plainly visibl'e and legibJ'e fron Ehe s treeC , For M1 occupancy slope garlge iloor to a11ow for drainage to outside- co provide a ffolr drain with eand and oil intercep€or to dry well- or Lo Eener' Any garag€ floor drain connected to Eewer mue! be approved by Upper EagLe valley Water & sanitatsion District. In garageE with living bearing Ehe area above resistive construction. area above, the waL18 of the qarage wiiclr are shall be probected with one hour fire uBc 503 (B) . Town of Vail 25 Souhh FronEage Road Vail, Colorado 81557 (303) 479-2138 Plan review based. on the 1991 Uniforrn Building Code Project Number: PRJ97-0030 Name: CROSSVIEW vAI I-' F Address: 1450 BUFFEHR CREEK Date: April L5, L99'l contractor: T.r.B- rNc occuPancy: R3'M1 Architect:ir R HoDGEs Type of const: v-N Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK # SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connected directly to hhe outside shall be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water closet or lav. may be ventilated with a recirculating fan. uBc 1205(c) ' DomesLic clothes dryer exhausE ducts sha1l be installed as per uMC 1104 and 1903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 5' in length and sha11 not be concealed within construction- Ducts sha1I herminate outside the building and not exceed 14' l enqth . Heating and cooling equipment located in the garage shal1 be j-nstalled with the pilots and burners or heating el-ements and switches at least 18" above the f loor level of the garage. WC 508. Supply a mechanical drawing indicating d.esign of system, size (BTU and vol,ume) of equipment, vent location and termination, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installatj-on. Gas piping shall not be instaLled in or on the ground under any buildinq or structure and exposed gas pi-ping shall be kept at least 5" above grade' uMc 2213 (b) The garage nust be separated from the dwelling by Lhr fire-resistive construction on the garage side. -- Table 5-B & 503. (d) exc.*3 The door between the garage and the dwelling is required to be a l- 3/8 inch thick solid core or 20 minuEe seLf closinq door. -- sec. 503. (d) exc. #3 A handrail is required along a stairviray. It is required to be 34 to 38 inches above the nosing of the steps and if the side is open, the maximum size of an opening in the railing at the stairway is 4 inches. -- Sec. 3305. (i) & 7712. t ,4 ' 10 11 L2 A 35 inch high guardrail with a maximum openlng of 4 inches is riquied where sbep ig greater than 30 incbes to floor or grade belolt. -- Sec. 1?12' The open side of atl decks, porches, stairg, €tsc' which- are more than 30n above grade shalL be protected with a guardraiL. Openings can not exceed 4t. within R-1 occ. and all R-3, height min' ie 36" -outside R-1 occ. height min- i-s 42r'' LBc 1711' Because of this Project's location, the foundation ie required Eo be dampproofed !o prevents damage to areas bel-ow finished grade. IJBC 170?(d) ' Include a copy of the soils report for the Eite to be built on. -- Sec. 2905. EEEgE Eiiiii o Jq- vtl o oz ? F oc =J 2 = U L- (.ttoo I o\ z I I I I I I I I I Ei 6nlel I I & tsti B z U I I I :i7lHI -tl FI 1ll-ll t-{ |<ltrl El EIHI>lutlutlal&l "l i =z. IrJ lr.l faxtr- :EEY\-<>xo ,., \J >zzrQs< is<9i:z"v-<i Hrb'->drL ,:ou: F-Z EQA<F(= oa c4 ca or z3-F-rrJ<H:iF<!.,l otsEl=ztra>!:P EE+3PFtrAr! il*o>isft9 =<aQ H35=OI.-AV i- t\ e :F>oyc<:-?,Fuc=!.-'SYl+*g*t ;: -\ ir-i-v/- rl{ -(H ET F -t(tsl HLa FT O. FR EN F -rrFaat{ .f- !t.?F Ert fiJ6F it{ f?r\EY F -':1tF? 11|9 a+\aat{ta *H1-L.f-l +?f\EY fH trt a.rf{aLIrPtFl .lJ {r}fref € o oo 3toE|d3ca ooo oo cora o oo E{9E JUo EI AI o o co at F aa o u El otaarl trolra .Utrao.ATH .?cC'6 IE:E TOIA IEEB .. ol|.0 tI4 H oE tr H!tEop o o a{ ,<I o : EH HE::EH,e^E}{ BFFlr ER Eex!:dn\uou E! EE Ea :r Fr AE EI E{ EE EIoI H 1.. Ht..t EE Eo e T ii * B H orHEE:8!B cuU S.f, zaB 6" e H.'DU E E{ Hd Ed B EE F't{oo E CT o 6; ip I HIqa aiadl[AO-EOHEll!lAA}I RI:l-'1 i "i 1 lelfi8/'Jg E7:46, RHQUESTS TOI,IN OF VAIL-., CLILURADI] FOR I|!SI-'EC,TION t.lORK SHEETS FtrR: tt:i 8/98 FJffEE I E AREA: CF: Activity: 897-OtZt49 Hcldress: 146O BUFFEHR CREEI( RD Locar b i on : CROS$V I Et, AT Vfl I L BLDIi F l-,ar.ce I I EIOJ_1EE_C,rA*fiU,6 De scr" i pt i ott : NEI,J SFIt Ftpprl icant: 'f . I. B. , INC Uwner": CROSSVIEW FROFERTIES LTD % ULTIf4 Contractcr'; T. I. F. . INC lgl S/c)S Typer il-BUiLD 5t.ibr-rsr I$SUEtl CorrstrI NSFR Occl ctt?ltl.t7 Use: V N Fhrrne: 3O36971t17e' l-'horre: Flrone i :JtaJ697I076 Inspect i on Request Itrf onmation.... Reqrest or: TIB |'leo -l i ne : tlB: OtZt Conment s: NILL Iten* r'equesbed to be Insper:'bed.,. 'a'454u hLDil*Final C/Ct rrhone : 3o3-697-l11176 CALL J.tct i cn Cr.:'mnrerrt s .Tinre Exp r-iA.Irt -. Inspet:t i on History...,. Item: lZllA3tatA PH-Backf i11 Inspet:ticin ltem: tata5fi1 Pt^l-Tenp. accebs/drarnage I hen; OE5'AI FLI-'Rough gr.ade Al /e?/qE Inspectr:rr l-l-' rrb Fruvtt r,/J Act iorr: Ar-'Lft AFF'ROVED/CORRECTION READ IT 51 RIN6ERS I.IITHIN FRNFIE / t .TRAN$ITION FROM +1!AT A MAXIMUM OF .1O '{ Itenr Item: Notes: GRADE DRIVEWflY & trAVE AAEgtS Frl"l.-F i na I dr i v eway grad e I NSF.ECT I ON : - COMF.LETE FIRE BLOCXIT.IG AT 5'I-A1R t^IRLLS FIRE BLCICK ALL CONCHALT:D $t-'tti.;t:$ IHAT VERTIEAL TO HI]RIZBNIAL S!.ACES.. FIRE BLOCI( ALL CONCI:ALTIJ I.IALI- $PACEEi AlaOlra FLDG-Foot i ngs/5t ee I A5/A6/97 Inspectorr CF tret ion: Il}:itrR add bar"e at f ireplc pad Nr:te!r: sbruebural eng approva.l cif wal l heigliL$ r'eqr d tiAS/lt,/97 Inspectorr Elf Ar:tiarr: FIFFB walls bldg f It em : Otrtzlger BLD6-Fotrndat ionlsteel Item: Oet5g$ IrLAN-It-C $ite tr1an tA/3ft/97 Inspector: EEDRGH Aet iofi: RF,F,R I1FFROVED Iternr lAerOSO BLD6-Franing : tW/-c1/97 Inspector': ART Actiorr: DIrl ILC not provided Lfr/3L/97 lnspecto!.! ART Act ion: QFFR w/correct ions as noted ! NeItes I FRAMING COI1RECTIONS 1O I]F. VERIf:IED RT TIME OF INSULhTION Item : Uraosrzr BLD6-Insulat iorr 1O,/51/97 Inspectorr ARI l'lotee : VERiFY CORRECf IONSIt /@A/97 Inspector': UD Ftr:l; i on r [.] R cst'r'ect i un a! not ecr: NOT[trn UNDER FHilFlING A f T]HE OF IN$F'. Ai:b ion: AFTFR AFf'liUVED l.lotes: FIRE BLOCKING BEING F,I,AL:ED FNOIJ I bsrm: O|A06rZ' t{LD6*Sheetrock Nai I tl/ Lq/9"7 Inspector. I CO Act isn I FIF.'FIi f{FFl?OUlaD Notes r t^lRAl- SUpF'LJRT COLUMN Ii! Gf.lRAGLi Item : tZlCtCtTrA BLiIG-t4i se, Lb/ee/9i Irrspector: tili I bem: EOtZrgrZt BLDG-'Final It:crm; laASJA FLDG-lemp. LlCl tA1 t'i:'aLl tlA I r , ui rr r" r ' 1. r r r ' : {.li {-tr:b i rrn: AF.,F R |.-ATHE INSF'ECTION pnl.ir,i,r lrt.l llNLf REPT I31 Le/tAA/99 TOI^IN OT: VAIL. COLTJRfiDO A7t46 REGUESTS FOR INSFECTIOhI WnRl{ $}-IEETS FORr tel g/gB Notes: MUST FROVIDE l FlR OCUUF,ANCV SEI-'SETI^IEEN GARAGE AND UNIT COIYIF.LETE SOFFIT IN BARAGE COMPLETE GRSUND JUI4I. AI WA1ER I{ETER F.LtrNNING NF.trROVAL REOI D FUBLIC WORHS APF.OVAL RE&t D ELEC FINAL REU'D REMDVE CJONSTRUCTION MIITERIRLS F.RBE T 3 AREAI CF '' INSTALL F.ED DOOOR I.'IIJLOSER BETHEEI{ INSTflLL RRNCiE IIND OVEN REMOVE KEYED DE'TDBOLTS UNCOVER SiT4trKH DETHtrTORS CI]SMETItrS NOT COMFLETh. Qt /e3/98 Inspector: Cl)Act i on : FIF,F R CiNRAGE AND UNIT 'O ,r 'h. AtrFROVED PENDINGT lrlotes: trLANNIN{! DEFT nFF,ROVAL REtl' D ADJUSI COOKTOF, TO BURN F'ROPERLY THUMBLATCI{ REQ'D RT DECK DOOR IFJ KIICIIEN COSMET ICs NOT COMF'I.ETE Ii;eml OO53E Ft^l-TEltlP. C/A AL/ee/gA Inepector: LF Ac:bionr AFEI? Af'FRIIVED,/CORRECTIUN REED Notes: THEY hIEED TO PAVE DRIVET^,AY & ROADWAYIten: euztij3S PLAN-TEMF,. tr/tr Vt/ee/SA lnspector: GEBREH Ar:tionr flPFR DIO extended for feving I b em: rAO537 PLAN-FINAL C/O i I t en r er8539 F,tl*F INJIL C/O I ILen: OO54O BLDG-Finat C/O I tril5 511 f'n$6K e { rrru c e \jrrfltW\ i.r I nspect i on It en: Itenl Iten: ItemrIten: Histony..,.. gt058@ FW-Eackfi l1 Inspeet ion 00501 trt^l-Terp. access/dr"ai nage 0A5Og Ftl-Rough gi'ade occ: rZtOtZtT Use I V N Fhone: 3O36971O76 Fhone: 479-9 1P3 Tire Exp Al*- TRANSITION FROM i "va" AT A MAXIMUIIOF IO-:\ trAGE II AREAI CF M:eTER y' OOFA3 trW-Final driveway gr'ade AUrAltzr BLDG-Foot inqs /St ee I A5/A6/97 Inspector.: CF Actiorr: AFFR add bare at fireple pad Notes: strueturel enq approval of wall heights reqrd 0,1/le/97 Inspector: EB Action: AtrFR walls bldg f Item : OAAEgt BLDG-Foundation/5teeIIteml OOSaO F,LAN-IL.C Site Flan L0/3A/97 Inspector: EEORGE Action: ffFtrR nppROVED Iten: 00630 BLD6*Ft'aming t LO/e7/97 Inspector'! ART Aetion: DN ILC not provided LA/31/97 Inspector: ART Act ion I APFR w,/corr"eet ions ag noted! Notes: FRAMING CURRECTIIIN$ TB BE VERIFIED AT TIME OF INSULATION INStrECT ION:* COMFLETE FIRE IJALLS BLOCKIN6 AT g-IAIR STRINEiERS t^'ITHIN FRAME - FIRE BLOCR RLL CT]NCEALED SPACES THAT VERTItrAL TO HORIZON-TAL SPACES._ FIRE BLOCK ALL CONCEAT-ED hIALL sF'ACEs Item r Ego?A BLDG-Insulat ion L@/3t,/97 Inspeet or: ART \ Act i on : CR conrect i on as not ed r Notes: VERIFY CDRRECTIONS NOTED UNDER FRAI{ING AT TIME OF INSP. Ll/a5/97 In€$ector": CD Action: AFF'R AFFRovEDNoter: FIRE BLOCKING BEING F'LACED FNOW \Itenr: o6?6q BLD6-Sheetroek Nail Ll/L9/97 Inspector: CD Action: AFtrR ftFpRoVED Notes: WRAF' SUFF,ORT COLUMN IN GARAGE It enr : AA9ITA BLDG-Mi sr:. , lO/EE/97 Inspector": CD ActionI fiFrFR LATHE INBPECTION Iten: AOO9O BLD6-Final Item: 04530 BLDG-Temp. C/A 6l/etn/g8 Inspector: CD Action: DN UNIT F ./NoteE: MUST FROVIDE l HR oCnIJpANCV $EF BHTWEEN GARRGE AND UNIT,/. REF,T131 TOWN OF VnILr CU|-ORADO Al/EO/9A O8:35 RE0UESTS FBR INSFECTION WURK SHEETS FOR: l/Ag/94 Iten: OA53e Item: 40533Iten: oo3.37Item: 4ll539 Iten: Cl054O COMF.LETE GROUND JUMF. AT I.IATER F,LANN;NG AFF,ROVAL REnt D PUBLIC WORKS ffFF.OVAL REGI Dtl ELEC FINAL REA.I D y' REFIOVE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS INSTALL trED DOOOR I.I/CLOSER BETI,IEEN GARAGE AND ['NIT r' INSTALL RRNGE AND OUENT- REMOUE KEYED DEADAOLTSa UNCT]VER SMOKE DETECTOR€I' -, COSMETICS NOT CtrMF.LET{ trw-TEMp. C/A trLAN_TEMF.. C/A trLAN-FINAL C/O PN-FINAL C/O BLDB-Final C/u .1..;; ttlif'!i/ Fll\Ur ? lr1qL \a\\$\=gCQar*Kr t$ft ijE.\Lcr cF\Br.r\fc.H Dr\\D fr-'t" 1f ^-f REPTISI TUWN OF VAIL, COL0RADO PA6E IQ RRERI CFor/eW/g8 O8:35 REAUESTS FOR INSFECTION I^,URR SHEETS FOR: L/:Et0/98 Aetivityr 897-OO49 t/Eg/gA Type: B-BUILD Statucr ISSUED Congtrl NSFR Adclress: 146O BUFFEHR CREEK RD Location: CROSFVIEW AT UAIL BLDG F F,aree I l PtOS-1tA-OO-alaB Descript ion r NEl.l $FR Appl icant : T. I. B. , INC OWNCr': CRT]SSVIEW PROF,ERTIES LTD ./. UI.TIM F'hONE: Contractor^: T. I. B. t INC Fhone: 3et36971O75 Inspect i on Reqlrest Infonmation;.... Reqr-restorr TIB Req Tioe: tZtBrOO Connents: TIB/479-9 133/UNIT F ttens requested to be Inspected... Action f,omments StO530 BLDG-Tenp. tr/tr ,l I P97-@0eB l/eA/98 Type: B-F'LMB 1460 BUFFEHR CREEH RD CROSSVIEI4 AT UAIL BLDG F e1ra3- I ee-tzro-oos PLUTIIBING FOR NEW SFR RT]YAL FLUSH F'LUNFING & HEAT CRT]SSVIEt,{ PROF.ERTIES LTD '( ULTIM ROYAL FLUSH FILUMBING R, HERT PAGE lE AREAT CF = = = == = ==============t-=====Et Statr,rs: ISSUED Const!^t NSFR Occ:UEe r F'hone: 97O-388-6€13 Fhone: Fhone: 970r-.338-6813 REPT131 @l/e@/98 E8:35 REAUESTS FOR Activityl Addr"ess: Locat i on t Parcel: Description: Appl icant: Owner r Eontract or: T0t^tN 0F UAIL-, EoLoRADO INSpECTION hIURK S}{EETS FuRt 1/'P,@/98 Inspect i on Requeet Reque st or: .TIB Heq Ti sre r O8:6OIteng requested to O6eg€t trLlvlB-Final Infornation..... Comnent s t TIB/ 479-9193 be Inspected... flct i on Fhone : 479-91E3 UNIT F Co mm ent s Time ExP Item : OAeIO FLMB-Undenground A6/eQ/97 Inspector': DS Item I UtAeeO trLltlB-Rough/D. t . v. tA/L'4/97 Inspectorl ART Item r Aqe3A trLMB-Rough/Wat er lA/ t4/97 Inspeet or': ART Iten: OAe46 FLltlB-Gae Fiping Lft/L4/97 Inspector: ARTIten: OOeFel trLMB-Pool./Hot Tub Itenr ooe66 trLMB-MiEc.It em: AG€9O trLltlB-Final AI/el0/9A Inspeetor: CD Action: AFFR NATER TEST IIASTE Aetion: APFR w/corr. add nall flction: AtrFR w/cot*r. add naiI Action: AFFR air tegt 13/15 OH Actiorr: DN UNIT F & UENT pl at ee plater Notes: I4UST 6RUUT RITCHEN COUNTER TOF' / ' GROUT TOILET BASES AND BATHRODMfL{IORS1I - ---*---- \INSTALL sINK IN tr!!DEl-.|!gI-oI.,W ACCESS IS REA'D FOR JACCUZZI TUF INSTALL FIXTURE HANDLES (MASTER BTNTH) \{[4 -a : REpT131 TOIJN OF VAIL, CULORADO 6I/'&,fr/98 IZIE:35 REQUESTS FOR INSF'ECTISN I^,ORK SHEETS FORZ IIVE/98 F'ABE AREAI CF t3 ,Aetivity: /t Addr ess:' Locat i on: FarceI: Deseriptionr Appl icant: Owner: Contract or: t497-$o47 L/eA/98 Type: B-MEEH 1460 EUFFEHR CREEK RD CROSSVIET^I AT UAIL BLDG F e l rzr3- 1ee-46-ooB MEtrHANIEAL FOR NEId SFR ALLEN' S HEATINGt A/C & SHEETME CROSSUIEI,I F.RTIF,ERTiES LTD T ULTIM NLLENIS HEATING, A/tr & SHEETME StatLrs: ISSUED Conetr: NSFR Occ r Use: F,hone: 3O34814036 Fhone: F,fione: ;1O34814O?O Inspect ion Reque st Requssf,sp: TIB Req Tine:08r6?t It ettts requested to O039gr MECH-Final be Inspected, . . Aet igyqCcnment s A nOf:oYl rc_ffi Infor.mation..... Fhone: 479-9 1ts3 Connents: TIB/479-9 leJ UNIT F Tine Exp lnrpection History..... It em: OAIF:OO MECH-RoughIA/e7/97 Inspector: ART Action: AFtrR W/correctionE: Notd,s: INSTALL GAS DRYER VENT TO THH EXTERIER AND CFLL FOR INSF.. BOILER VENT IN coNTAcT I^,ITH I^IooD FRAMING' F'ROVIDE CLEARAN ftem: ,.#Ee4A FLMB-Gag F,iping Iten: 0tO31O MECH*Heat ingIten: qtet330 MECH-Exhaust HoodEItem: A'2r330 MECH-$upply Air I t em : OA34@ MECH-Mi sL-.Itenl rZtOSgA HECH-Final Ot / 16/9A Inspect or: CD trct i on : Dl.l DENIED Notes: COMFLETE.BARRIER INsl'At-ATION TO FROTECT MECH EOUIF IN SARF cOMFLETE F/P TRIM AND IN5TALRTION OF GAS LINE NT]T CT]MtrLET ACtrESS TO JACCUZZI TUB EGUIF t\EGtD---/ DRYER NT]T INSTALLED Act i on: AFtrR W/correctionE: *iL 1/."' *isiBilfufflilFln Category Number t7IL oate ili z1 f eA Project Name: Building Name: Project D€scription: ,1,-J I l^rJ \ f-..y/ r&J(xa C alot1s Owner, Address and Phone: *"rrit"@ffi)AddressandPhone: 1a,: (,,,tcl lQ i4,,elcla ';f. \Jl"l , (a 3ll-F:i1 q-iq" Zr,rL Legal Description: Lot 6 Bbck- Subdivision C"2cr-<=*r,e,J Zone District 1i)T) Project StreetAaaress: l4&\"€ " & ,x-taz- ( 'l'<)- 'Qnm", Comments: Board /^gtaff ActioDL_.____._ Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval ,{ stattRpprovat Conditions: Town Planner oav: Bf Vtf ql: DRB Fee Pre-paid o t rr. A pTg-eppllcatlon meeting with a member of the planningstatf ig-encouraged to deternine if any adclitioialapplieation information is needed. It is the applicant'sresponsibility to nake an appointment with the i-caff todetemine if there are addiEional submittat requirement,s.Please note that a coMprJETE application will st-reanl.ine thereview proceaa for your projell . A. B. c. D. E. F. III. IIiI'ORIIIIM TTOEICE RBGINDNTG AI,L STIBlNrsgrOltg tFO ITEE DRBI In addition to meeting submittatr requirements, theappLicant, must stake and tape the pioject eite toindicate property Lines. Uuitaing finEs and buiJ.dingeorners. ALl t,rees to be resroved must be taped. A1Lsite tapings and staking must be coq)Leted piior to theDRB site visit,. The appJ.icant nust ensure Lhat stakG;done during the winber is not buried by snow. The review process for NEt{ BUIITDINGS norrralLy reguiresEwo separate meetings of the Design Review Boardj aconceptual revierr and a finaL review. Applicants wlro fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their schedul.ed meeting date and who-have noLasked in advance that discussion on their iten bepostponed, will have their itens renoved from the DnBagenda until such tine as the iterr has beenrepublished. The folLowing items may, at the discretion of thezoning adninistrator, be approved by the ComrunityDevelopment Deparument staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. rtindows, skyligbts and similar exterior changes' which do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building additlons not visible from any other lotor public apace. At the time such a proposal issubnitted, appJ.icants must, incLude leEteis fromadjacent property ormers and/or from the agent foror manager of any adjacent condoninirrn agsociationstating the association approves of the addition. If a property is located in a rnapped hazard, area (i.e. anow avalanche, rockfal.l, fl.ood plain, debris flow,wetLand, etc.), a hazard study snrst be subnitted andthe owaer nust sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardrepgTt prior to tbe isguance of a buil.ding psmit.Applicants are encouraged to cbeck with a-Town plannerpfio-r to DRB application to deternine the relatiousbipof the property to aLl mapped hazards. For al1 residential construction: a. Clearl.y indicate on the floor plans the iDEideface of Lhe exterior structural walls of thebuilding; aud b. tndicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance fron the exterior fac-e of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. If DRB approves the application with conditions ornodificaLions, all coaditions of approval must beaddresged prior to the application-lor a buil.clingpq:rrit. G. t rL.d rtrTtt. o o DBST@I Rt.lrltEl| BOARD APPLICATTON . TOWN OF VAIIJ, COLOR.ADO I. A. DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:trrr****** TNCOMPI,EITE APPLICXEONS MAY NdT BE SEEEDTTIJED F.OR,REy:TEW. *l}rl*t*tt** PROiIECT INFORMAITIdI: DEscRrprror,r: C€oS9v,2w 4-r* r'ai L r\ B.TYPE OF REVTEW: New Construction ($200.00) Addit.ion ($50.00) I,EGAI, DESCRIPTION:.4Lot C Block Subdivision If property is described by a meets and bounds 1egaldescription, pLease provide on a separate sheet and attachto this application. ZONING: S ,L NAII{E oF ApprJrcA}rr .Ce.clssut 7i Lrt Maiting Address: Phone Fpn=r- -,-/*!not ALrerarion (g20. Oo)JConceptual Review (S0) ADDREss , /+46"2" Ruec-P,<-Crz=-e* ?Oc. D. E. F. I. J. G.NAI'IE OFMailing APPIJICANT I S Add,rees: H.I\[A}I!E OF OWNER(S) :C eossr;r,',- /ao?rzr;r5 , Lt o- Mailing Address: Phone APPIJICA''IONS WIi, No'X BE PROCESSED I|TTHOW OWNER'S STCMT"UN.E Condoniniun Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at thetime of subnittal of the DRB applicaEion. Later, whenapplying for a building pernit, please ident,ify the accuratevaluation of Ehe proposal.. The Town of vail will adjust thefee according to the t,able below, bo ensure the correct feeis paid. FEB PArD: I CIIECK #: DATE: By: FEE SCHEDUI.TE: VAIJUATTONs 0 $ 10,000$10,00i-$ bu,uuu $ 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500, 001 - $1, 000, 000$ Over $1,000,000 FEE $ 20.00 I50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 ss00.00 DESIGN REII'IIEI| BOARD APPROVAIJ E:IPIRES O![B YEAR AFIIER PIIIAIJ APPROVATJ ItNr.,Bss A BUrr.,DrNc PEru{IB rs rssuED AND cslgtrRucTroNrS STARtrED.