HomeMy WebLinkAboutCROSSVIEW AT VAIL BUILDING G LEGALI T7ear,Trflcrs ErDavis AEor$rsl.crcr m{ llllt[.GrlArlAt Il!,q8{LrlNDIDNgETIs2O eSouurRlNrr(tslot|DtllsrV/t[.6f,rFfft tlEtRVlrllnnroDUrvur CilCBDAVB l['lllarcrqETTYT.EN6 Memo tbt Gsoqe futtgfs{n dvd CornmurW Dc'cloprrr't *at eraw{/ Drr GIn/SE f tdo.ouvlardVal 1l|! nroqftft.almrdlFq{lfltlSilAlffiatrl* Fnthr to o|r tdlPhoDc cmftrcncc withIfi Rimclm lliday, wo IEquGst' fu lhc baffioftbopucbacar "il"tC, C.."r;o* *V-"i1" t"tt" To*l allow tb clcing of6ir t-,rdo* lrfijod b tbc withiliditg ffi mt obcioe ths b11owi'g iums (to bo hdd in c a@fiue{m ffioa, with ibc Touar} l. $lE?ts?.50 ftr complilio of rhivcway ($23'600 bid tirnos 150/o' hss $16,6625 curcdlY hell in 6crw. 2,$ff00.00fumpldionoflntGlad*api!g($5,0@bidtincr1507r). 3.$ll'250.00foeryldioofryrinklcr(S?'500bidtimcs150/o) 4. TOIAL'837"1E7.50 Hopcailv, thie ratirfee ib Torvn in thd it will hold a cubsiErtirl ortr of mury b gueffi trc dadlindc obligdmr c cql* rmo, if nccssay' Ptccec callmF to cofsr tbdeir uogeo€nt will 8ati4' tbc Toum udto advire ns of lha logirtic! of gcaing thic cuo*r b f'ur bmtls' Thukftou- ac: IIcYPage oP{ol a/z'acvi glll 9L, oL6 9UTAVUJ ? UVgf 6Z:91 (ronl 05, g0'Nnf TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 9'7 0-47 9-2738 DEPARTMENT OF' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERM]T MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECT TITLE: CROSSVIEW Br'p$^."q NEW (SFR,P/s,DUP) PERMTT Job Address:Location...: Parcel No..:Project No.:PRJ97-0031 1460 BUFFEHR CREEK tatus. .plied. Issued.. Expire6. cRossvrEw AT VArL 2rfi-122-00-008 ir Description:NEW SFR Occupancy DweIIingsPrivate Garages Number of Dwelling Unite: 001 Type Factor Sg' Feet Valuation Zone 2 V-N 96.72 2'329 225'260'88 zone 2 V-N 25,56 576 L4,722 '56 Subtotal z 2,905 239 t983 '44 Bui Lding-----> Ptan Check---> Investigation> ui tt Catl,---> 1,608.00 'l ,o45 .2O .00 3.00 Rcsturrlnt Ptan Rcvi c|r-->TotaI CaIcutated Fees---> Additional Fees--------) Tota I Permit Fee-------> DePt: BUILDING Divieion: PLANS TO DAN DePt: PLANNING Division: PLANS TO GEORGE t,,O5t,.90 .00 1,O54.90 1,O54.9O .00TOTAL FEES-----BALANCE DUE---- *t*rt*trffiffiffirnr**t*rrl'*iffi*t*t*}/rrt**ffi*iff**ffitt*ffiJrtr**r*#rlrrik**ffi,r*"**lot**r*****ft***ffiffiit*******ft* Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/7l-/1.997 CHARLTE Action: NOTE o4'/17'/L997 DArr Action: APPR Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 04/IL/L997 CHARLIE Action: NOTE O4'/L7/L997 GEORGE Action: APPR Itemr 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT u4iIr/I99'l CHARLTE Action: APPR Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 04/II/7997 CHARLTE Action: NOTE 04'/22/1997 LARRY_P Action; APPR Item: 05550 ENGINEERING 04/It/L997 CHARLIE Action: NOTE o4'/22'/Lgg7 TERRr AcLion: APPR N/A S]TE LP Dept: FrRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: PLAN TO LARRY DePt: ENGINEER Division: SITE PI,AN TO TERRI SEE CONDITIONS **r****r**t******** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay apply to this permit' Permit G .: ISSUED . ! o4/rr/Le97 . ! 04/23/.Lee7.: to/20/Lee7 APPLICANT T.I.B., INC Phone: 3036971076 9959 SOUTH TURKEY CREEK ROAD, MORRTSON CO 80465 CONTRACTOR T.I.B. ' INC Phone: 3036971076 9959 SOUTH TURKEY CREEK ROAD, MORRTSoN co 80465 OWNER CROSSVIEW PROPERTIES LTD t ULTIM HoLDINGS,4oooCUMBERLANDPARKINGBLDG,ATLANTAGA30339 Tabfe Date: 05/17/1996 Total valuationz 239,983'44 Town of Vail Adjusted Val-uation: 317'000'000 Firepf.ace Inforration: Restricted: yes fof Gas APpl.iances: fof Gas Logs: I {Al Uood/Pattet: **ttr*********ffi(iffirlH***ffirrHnhhirfrr'ffiffi***fri f EE SUl4llARY **,t*rrffttffirk,*ffnHr*t*-*t***ffi******t'drHffit'*ffi*ff*ff** .00 200.00 DECI-,,ARATIONS Iherebyacknowtedgethatlhavereadthisapplication,'fi|'|'edoutinfut|'theinformationnequired,conptetedan pLan, and state that al.t the information provided as requi rcd is correct' I agrle to compl'y vith the infornation to compty rrith a!1, Toun ordinances and state [aus, and to bu'i I'd this structure according to the Toun's zoning and ;;;;';:";;; .""r", "oo-*0, uniform Bui r.ding code and other ordinances of the Town appticabte thereto.,/) REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE T'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send ctean-Up DePosit To: T.I.B. accunate p(ot and ptot pl.an, subdivi sion I}ISELF AND OI,INER PAGE 2 ************'r*****d.***,.********************************************************* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL permir €: 897-0050 a6 ot 07107/.27.. status: rssuED **************************it*****************,1***********J.*'.*************'l**!k**** Permit Type: NEW (SFR'P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applicant: T' I.B. ' INC IobT iddrESS: 1460 BUFFEHR CREEK RD LOCAtiON: CROSSVIEW AT VAIL BLDG G Parcel No: 2103-122-00-008 Applied I 04/tI/.Ie97 Issued. 04/23/1997 ****************x*************************************************************** CONDITIONS ***************Jr********************'.****,.****'.********************************* I.THISPRoJECTWILLREQUIREDASITEIMPRoVEMENTSURVEY.SUCH SURVEYsttel,T,BESUBMITTEDANDAPPRoVEDPRIoRToREQUESTFoR A FRAME INSPECTION. 2. ATT]C SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. 3. CULVERT MUST BE EXTENDED.RIP RAP TFAI-,L. SWAI-,E MUST BE DUG DOWN TO ELL DEFINED. HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR I-,ESS' THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE MUST BE ADDED AT CUI-,VERT OU WHERE EXISTING CHANNEL IS W TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ***J.**************************,.***J.******'.**********'.*********** Statemnt Number: REC-0295 Amount: Payment Method: CHECKT Notation: 2908 2,723.90 07 /07 /97 15:31 Init: LRD Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41310 01 0000 22002 30 0000 45032 01 0000 41336 897-OO5O Type: B-BUTLD NEW (sFR,P/s,DUP) PE 2103-t22-00-008 1460 BUFFEHR CREEK RD CROSSVIEW AT VAIL BLDG G **************************************************************** Total Fees: 2 ,723.90 Total- ALL Pmt6: BaLance: Description PI,AN CHECK FEES BUILDING PERMIT FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES W]LL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4,054 . 9o 4,054.90 .00 Amount -85.80 1,608.00 500 .00 698.70 3 .00 TOV/Gomm. Dev' Clean-uP De Refund approved amount date , ..'t. EOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8165? 970-479-2t38 Deecription: MECHANICAL FOR NEW SFR Fircpt!c! lnfofirtlon: Rlstrlct.d: Y llcchani c!t---> Ptan ch.ck--> lnve3tigttlon> DEPARII'MENT OF CO!,TMUNIIY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT Job Addreaa...: 1460 BUFFEHR CREEK RDLocation : CROSSVIEW AT VAIL BLDG GParcel No..... : 2103-122-00-008Project Number: PRJ97-0031 ON .IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Pernit #: M9?-0048 Statu6...: ISSUED Applied. .t 04/tI/1997 Issued...: tO/24/1997Expiree..: 04/22/1998 APPLICANT ALLEN'S HEATING, A/C & SHEETI,IE 5570 HARLAN STREET, ARVADA CO 80002 CoNTRACTOR ALLEN'S HEATING, A/C & SHEETI{E 5570 HARLAN STREET, ARVADA CO 80002OWNER CROSSVIEW PROPERTIES LTD t ULTIM HOLDINGS, 4000 CUI|BERLAND PARKING BLDG, Phone: 30342L4O20 Phone z 303421402O ATLANTA GA 30339 Valuation: #0f Gas Logs: 1 3r000.00 fof gmd/Pal, Lct: *t**'r*ffi**i****t*ft|t**|t******i*******************l*t***** FEE SUll[Any ***t****i*tt*t****i***t*********t*****t*ffr]*#*********** fof 6rs Appl.ianccs: 2 60.m Rcatuarant Ptrn RcviclF->15.m DRB Fa.----.m .00 Totat Cltcutatcd Fcca---> 78.m .m 7E.m .00 ldditional, Fe.s------->78.00 Total Pcriit Fcc*-__-> 9iLt CaLt----> 3.m P!yicnts----------> 76.q) BAIINCE OUE----*************t**t****t*********i*i*********t$*******f******trtt**f,*****rbtntnttrt*****Jr****t***t*********t************tt*********** L.2.3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ITEM: -O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DeDt: BUILDING Division:LO/24/L99? CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISIIE$I..O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENT DeDt: FIRE Division:Lo/24/L997 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL !.IEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.col'@usTroN ArR IS REOUTRED pER SEC: 607 OF THE L991 I,MC.INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANDTACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND T9_APPEITDTX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 rrMC.gA9 4,PPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACEORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SUA_LL-TEBMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEE.906 OF THE 1091 UMC.AqqEqE TQ HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND703 0F THE 1991 I'MC;EqI EBS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.gNlEgg IISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSITBT.,E FT.OORiI.TG.PEBltrT, ?!ANS AND CODE AlrAr.,vSrs -l,tiuSf -aE-poSrED- rN-MECHANTcAL BQ.OU PBIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST. DB4\TNAGE OF MECHANTCAT RoOliS- eolrTlrllrNc HEAT]NG OR HOT-WATER .SqPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F THE 1991 nMC. ******************************************************************************** DECIJARATIONS l.ltry,.oryt.dlc th.t I tfuf rr.A thl! Tptlo.tlon, fltt d out ln futl, thc lnfofrtlqr r.qui r.d, co?t trd lr .cour.t. plotpl'll, tld.t.t. d|.t rtl thr tnforrtidr pror/id.d m riqul rcd i. corr.ct. t .gn.c to oopty ritttr thr {n?orrtiqr ild ptot itn,pl'm, rd .t t. d5t rtl thr tnforrtidt prd/id.d m rirqul rcd i. corr.ct. t .gn.c to oopty ritttr tirr {n?orrtiqr {rd ptot itto.corpLy vlth rtt Toun ordlltrrc.r -end rtitr hrr, rnd do bui Ld thic rtructurJaccordlng io'th. tovn,a emlng rnd lSdivlrtbnood.., d..lgn r.t,l.u ?plur.d, lhltorr Eut tdtng cide rnd oth.r ordin nc.3 of thG torn eirli c$tr th.r.to, J"\ I h.r.by Iptm, rd Sre n RE of flilEr 0n cqfinlctq Fon [tisELF A D O9|{ER 0R AT OUn oFFICE FffH E:00 Ai 5:m P[ .-! r******;******************************************************** fOwN OF VAIL' COLOR"ADO statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0295 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: €2908 ?8.00 07/07/97 15:30 INit: LRD M97-0048 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT 2L03-122-00-008 1460 BUFFEHR CREEK RD CROSSV]EW AT VAIL BLDG G Total FeeE! 78.00 Total ALL Pnts: BaLance: ************J.***************************!&*********************** Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Paynent Account Code 01 0000 4L312 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 ?8.00 78.00 .00 Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 60.00 15.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit Ez P97-0029 Job AddTESS: 1460 BUFFEHR CREEK RD StAtUS...: ISSUED Location...: CRoSSVIEW AT VAIL BLDG G App1ied": 92/,\L/,!227Parcel No. . : 2LO3-I22-OO-008 Issued' ' ' : 07 /.O7 /'L997project No.: PRJ97-0031- Expires": oI/o3/L998 ROYAL FI,USH PLUMBING & HEAT POB l-168, EAGLE CO 81631 ROYAL FLUSH PLUMBING & HEAT POB 1168, EAGLE CO 81631 CROSSVIEW PROPERTIES LTD I ULTIM HOLDTNGS, 4OOO CUMBERLAND PARKTNG BLDG, Phone: 970-328-62L3 Phone z 970-328-62L3 ATLANTA GA 30339 Description: PLUMBING FOR NEW SFR **lr********ffM*lrffl***#otffi<'ffifir'r*tf,ffr'Hr**'ffiFEEsultl.lARY Valuation:21, 608 .00 ,H*rff,ffi irffrlr*|Blrln$nbtffrJrt tt*tt/n**f,tf***f,**t*f,rf,*Hr*tffi *** .00 4'.15.50 Totat Calcutated Fees---> 415.50Restuarant PLan Revieu--> TOTAL FEES-----P Lumbi ng-----> Ptan check---> Investigation> l.J i l.I, Ca L t----) 330.00 82.50 .00 3.00 AdditionaL Fees---------) Totat Permit Fce--------> .00 415.50 415.50 .@ Item:05100 04 /r7 /1997It'em:'.05600 o4 /17 /ree7 BUILDING DEPARTMENTDAN ACtiON: APPRFIRE DEPARTMENTDAN ACTiON: APPR Paynents BALAI'ICE DUE---- Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL I hereby acknoUtedge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in futl' the infornation. reqYiledf cgmgl'ct{. an pl,an, and state that al,l, the infornation pro;jded as r:qui rcd is correct. I agrce to compl'y Uith the infornation to compty Hith al,t ToHn ordinances and state taws, and io buitd this structure rccording to the Tol'n's zoning and codes, design reviev approved, uniforr Buil,ding coae aJ-oitrer o.Jin"n""" of the Toun appticabl'e thereto' 'a- DECLARATIONS REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TTIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAilCE BY accurate plot and ptot plan, suMivision Siellrune oF ol'lNER oR c nltron ron HIi4SELF AND ot',NER a ************************************************************* Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 415.50 415. s0 .00 Amount 330 .00 82.50 3 .00 o *** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt *******,.******************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0295 Amountz 415'50 07/07/97 1::99-f"y*""t Method: CHECK Notation: E?}OB Init: LRD Pg7-OOzg Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT 2LO3-L22-00-008 1460 BUFFEHR CREEK RD CROSSVTEW AT VAII, BI,DG G Total Fees: 415.50 Total ALL Pnts: Balance: Description PLUMBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE ** ************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL. co 81657 9'7 0-47 9-2138 OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit €: 897-0050 Job AddTESS: 1460 BUFFEHR CREEK RD STAtUS...3 TSSUED Locarion...: cRossvrEw AT VAIL BLDG G Applied. ': 9!/,\1-/,!227.Parcel No..: 2IO3-122-00-OO8 Issued" ': 07/.O7/.L99'l Project No.: PRJ97-0031 Expires'.: oL/03/L998 APPLICANT VAL'S ELECTRIC 2199 CHAMONTX, €14, VArL CO 8L657 CONTRACTOR VAL'S ELECTRIC Phone: 3034761518 Phone: 3034761518 ATLANTA GA 30339 Valuation: 10r 780.00 .00 132.00 132.00 .@ 2199 CHAMONTX, €14, VArL CO 81657 CROSSVIEW PROPERT]ES LTD T ULTIM HOLD]NGS, 4OOO CT'MBERLAND PARKING BLDG, Description: ELECTRICAL FOR NEw sFR *****************ff*ffff**rrffi**ff**tr*****rrH***ff*ff*J'*** FEE Electrical,---> 129.00 DRB Fee tnvestigation> .00 5. OO 'l32. OO SIJ l,ltil A RY ***tr**f lr***ffi **#r*ffi trffi **tt**ffi ffi ff ftHrlntffi trtr TotaL catcul'ated Fees---> 132.00 AdditionaL fccs---------) TotaI Pernit Fec--------> Payments------- BALANCE OUE----t,i Lt caL l,----> TOTAL FEES---> .r1t***Jd*****t**l(**.i*ffitrtrtffilr***Jr*rl1Hrrt}****ffir*ffi****tJrffi*iritit#rr*lrfr***fffiJrr*frttt*t'ltk'Fhf**rt*ffi***ffr******** Dept: BUILDING Division: DepT: FIRE Division: Item: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT64lItltggz olN Action: APPRIt'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTI.,IENTo4/tt/tssz otN Action: APPR *******ff**ffi**rffir**ffirtlrffiffrtr*#.ffirffiffiffi**ffit*r#r*ffi*ffi***riffiffiirfirr*r*tf,,ttjnttt*ttirbffirffr****JrtHrt*** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-'IANCE. Jr*fflrHrtfHr*#f,f,f,t*ffi*.*#h *r***** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowl,edge that I havc read this appl,ication, f il,l,ed out in fuLL the information required, corpteted en accurate Plot ptan, and state that at,t the infornation provided as requircd is correct. I agree to.compty_Iit! t!: ill:rmation and ptot ptan/ to compl.y r,rith att Town ordinances and stite laws, and io buil,d this structufa according tothe Town's zoning and subdivision codes,'design revieu approved/ Uniform BujLding Code and othcr ordinances of the Tor.rn aPpticabLe thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE oo *************************tt************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ;;;;_;;.;*iii*************************************************** r.32. 0o 07 /o7 /97 15 :08 INit.: LRDStatemnt Number: REC-0295 Amount: Payment Methodl CHECK Notationz 12908 897-0050 TlPe: B-ELEC 2't 03-122-00-008 1460 BUFFEHR CREEK RD CROSSVIEW AT VAIL BLDG G Total Fees: 132.00 Totaf ALL Pmtss Balance: ***************************************************'r,.*********** ELECTRICAL PERMITPermit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This PaYment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 4l-336 132.00 132.00 .00 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 129 .00 3 .00 /o/ s&'fiil7e ,r/ /*;/ TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTIJIEIiTT OF COMMI]NIW DEVELOPMEMT75 S, FROI TAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 NOfE: THIS PERIIIIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #z 898-0L74 ilob Address: 1460 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Stsatus...,|{#ffitdLocation...: 1460 BITFFEHR CRBEK RD Applied..: o8/06/L998 Parcel No-.: 2L03-L22-00-008 Issued...: 08/05/L999Project No.: E>cpires..: o2/02/L999 APPLICANT VAL'S ELEqTRIC PhONE: 3034761518 2199 CHAMONTX, #14, VArL CO 81657 CONIRACTOR VAL'S ELECTRIC Phone: 3034751518 2199 CHAMONIX, #14, VArL CO 81657OWNER CROSSV]EW PROPERTIES LTD * I'LTIM HOIJDINGS, 4000 CITMBERLAND PARKING BLDG, ATLANTA GA 30339 Description: ADD COMMON ELEC METBR FOR SPRTNKL,ERS ANVaIuaEion:400 .00 FEE SUMI.4ARY Elaccrical---> 50. o0 .00 .00 3 .00 TOTAL FEES- - - > 53.00 DRB Foe Inve6Eigation> will call----> Total calculated Fcce-__> 53.00 Additional Pce6----- -- --> .00 Totsal Pefinit Fee- -: - -- - -> 93.00 Pa).mcnt,s------- BAIJANCE DUE.--- 'OO ITCM: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTI,IENT DCPE: BUILDING DiViSiON: O8/O5/L998 JRM ACEION: APPR APPROVED iIRI'T-i-em;'.05600-Finp oepanrlneri Dept: FIRE Division: O8/06/L998 .tRM Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL * a r r * *.aa t t lr + t ** t *r a.r a 'r * *at t t t t DECLARATIONS I hcrcby acknor,lcdgc t'ha! I heve rced tsbiB applicatsion, fill€d out in full tshe infonnatsion required, coupleted ln .ccurate Plots plan, and stsatse tha! all thc inforutsion providcd ae rcquircd i6 correct. I agre€ tso coEply nifh tshc inforEatsion and plot PIan, to coDlrLy sith all Toen ordinancca and 6ta!a 1a!r6, and Co build lhiB st.ruceure according to tshe Tot.n'E| zoning and Eubdiwision cod6B, dc6ign rcvicw approvcd, Itniform Building code and ocher ordinanc€g of tsh€ Tolrn applicablc chclcto. RBQITESTS FOR INSPECTIONS 9HAIJIT BE UADB T1{EIfTr-!,OUR HOI'R€ IN AD\,AIICB BY TEIJEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE SROM g:00 Al.l 5:0O PM SIGNATT'RE OF OWNER OR COIITRACIOR FOR HIIiISELF AND OVINER J TO[{N OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLIEAI{T CONTRACTOR OWNER ElecLrical---> DRB F€e InveotigaCion > will Call- -- -> TOIAI, PEES- - - > DEPARTMENT OF NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRIEAL PERMIT .fOb AddrESS: 1460 BTJFFEHR CREEK LOCAIiON. . .: L46O BI]FFEHR CREEKParcel No. . : 2LO3-L22-00-008Project No.: VAL'S ELECTRIC 21_99 CITAMONTX, #14, VAIL CO 81657 VAL'S ETECTRIC 2L99 CEAIVIONIX, #14, VAIL CO 81657 CROSSVIEW PROPERTIES LTD T T]I.,TIM HOLDINGS, 4OOO CUMBERLAND PARKING BLDG, COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT JOBSITE AT ALL TTMES Permit #: 898-01-74 RD SEaEus...: ISSITEDRD Applied..: 08/05/L998Issued...: 08/06/L998 E:<pires. . : 02/02/L999 Phone: 3034761518 Phone: 3034751518 ATI.,ANIA GA 30339 Description: ADD COMMON ELEC METER FOR SPRINKLERS AlilValuation:400. 00 rrrfrr*+,*rir{* F8E sutlMARY 50 .00 . oo .00 3 .00 53.OO 53.OO . oo 53.O0 53.OO . oo Total calculated Pees- - - > Addilional FeeB- - -- -- - --> Total Psrmic Fee- --- ----> Pal nents6-------- BAI.A.IICE DUE---. ITEM: .O5OOO ELECTRICAIJ DEPARTMENT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON: oB / 06 /1,998 iIRM Action: .A,PDR AppRovED .tRtr'- - - ]TEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMET{I08/06/1-998 JRM Action: APPR N/A Dept.: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DEEI,ARATIONS I heleby acknonledge bhaL I have read this applicabion, filled ouE in full the infornaLion required, conpleted an accuratsc ploE p1an, and otace that aII th€ infornation provided ae tequired i6 correct. I agrcq Eo cooply irith the inforuatsion and plots p1an, Eo conply rrith aLl Tor'n oldinance€ and 6lat.e 1ae6, end lo build t.his slructure according !o the Town,e zoning and Bubdivi€ion cod!6, de6ign revicw approvcd, Uniform B\rilding code and otsher ordinanceo of th€ Town applicable Ch€rego. REQUESTS FOR INSPASIIONS SIIAIIJ BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOI,'RS IN AD'\.I}NCE BY TgLEPHONE AT 479.2I.38 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROT,I S:OO AM 5:OO !* O O **************************************************************** TOlrlN OF VAIL, COLOR,ADO StaEemnt**************************************************************** SEatemltt Number: REC-0433 AmounE, :s3.00 08/06/98 09:48Init: 'JRMPa)ment, Method: CK Not,at.lon: L470 Permit No: 898-0174 T)pe: B-ELECParcel No: 2103-122-00-008Site Address: 1460 BUFFEHR CREEK RDLocaEion: 1450 BUFFEHR CREEK RD ELECTRIEAT PERMIT This PaymenE, **************************************************************** AccounE Code DescripE.ion EP OO1OOOO31].1-4OO ELE TRICAI PERMIT FEESwc 001000031_12800 WILL CAIJL INSPECTTON FEE Total Fees:53.00 ToEal ALL Pmts: Balance: s3 .00 s3.00 .00 Amounf 50. 00 3.00 tt"". Eagte county Assessotoffice (,t*.tJ%:."ili;Bit:;;rp''";TEm$ll,Eiili3$"$iif lv DArE: PERIIIT iI . APPLICATION MUST BE FTLLED OUT CO}TPTEIEIJY oR IT MAY NoT BE ACCEPTED.lIr***************************** PERMIT INFORMATTON * ***** * **********!r**********rl I J-Building J i-rturubing g\fl--rlectricar [ ]-uechanibal I J-other'AJob Name3 (.te sr-u I e d/Job Addre "=, ftf 6 O R e,.ffrca Cre.t Legal Description: Lot Block- Fiting Olimers Name: Architect: Address: Address: Ph. Ph. Gendral Descripti"". Work Class: ffi-rew [ ]-AtteratLon [ ]-Addltional [ ]_Repalr [ ]_other Number of Dsrelling Units:Nunber of Acconnodation Units: Address:Ptrone Number: ELectrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Address: Contractor: Town of VaiI Req. No. 177 -e, phone Number: 4V6^tTvTown of VaiI Reg. NO._Phone Nunber: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ***************** * **** *** * * * t ** * BUTLDTNG PERUIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT TEE: MECHANTCAI, PEMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEEs OTHER TYPE OF FE8: DRB FEE: SQ.FT. _- tr- ot7 Town of Vail Req. NO.Phone Nurnber: FOR oFFrcE usE ** **** * ******* * *********** **!r**. BUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLU!{BTNG PIAN CHECK TEE:MECTI.ANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE!RECREATION FEE: CLAAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: BUII,DTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNAtrIIRE: cLEAlt t P IIEPOSIT tEPIiltD llo: APR-O9-97 12. 29 FROM. TOV-CoM-DEV-DEFT.tD.97@4?924s2 PERMTT APPI, CATION FORM DATE:o4-09-97 , . APPtrcAlroN l{ttsl BE PTLTJED OUT Col,tprrgrEl,y oR rT MAy NOT BE ACCEFTBD X**********rE*************a**** PERI{IT INFORMATJON ********il*** **********rt**1***rl ftxl-Building fiS-elunlri-rrg Exl-Ereatricat FE-Mechanlbar I J-other ,fob Nate: Crossyiew at V4iI c itobeddresst 1460 Buffehr Creek Rd.' VaiI' CO Legal Description: I,ot_ Block_ !.lting 81657 Crossview Properties; Ltd.77 0- Ph €'L!=e_Q_Q_Q.* 970 Ownefg lilame:'pnhcrt M [rl t man Atlanta, GA 30339-4515Address:P.e. Box 1297 pittofu @ eh.Zii_ssur_ FAGE 2/8 PERUIT # Arehitect: R. J. Hodqes ceneral Description: work c1ass3 gxl-New [ ]-Alteratlon I l-Additional I i-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units: .,1 Nuuber of Accorrhodation Units: AddresE: 9,9-59 s reek Rd. Morri_son Phene Nunberi loz-agzA67i Etecrricar conrracto rfrHf ' ?Fr ec rr :. cAddress:z199 Chamonix l': 9s,g s----rc5aT?wn o! Vail nes. No._l? I - Eva++. co .916s7 €{7. w- phone Nuhber: aze _r sr a'._ ryeda. co 80002 * phone Nunber303_4?1_4020 ._ pt,ulrBrNc pERMrr FEE; _ .- pr{rMBiii; prAii A#;il il;;r.IEciIANrcArr pERurr nne: I- lacnAltlcJtr, fr$tffii:.fihELECIIRICAL FEE: ppr.o-riii^* ;;lrjttTl1TJ-i.'-+{! ---- OTHER TYPts OF EEE! .RECREATIoN lEYf, I!: .::'.,z SLEAI{-Up DEpdS}d;;' -*--* BUrtDrNcs Tni, ^.'h,if,, ,t STGNAIIURE: 80435 P-UILDINg: f ^sr ror z,oo-. ELEqIRfCAL: f-10,780.00 O!HERT $ . prrruBrNe: _f21 . 608.00 MEcirANreAr,, $50.6Tdil- roial: s]trz.trfotTD - fE********r******!r********+*,b coNTRAc:rOR fNFORITATION * * * **** * ** **:r***** ******* ** Y:::::1.c^o^1t^"1"tor:. r.r..B-, I?c., ., Town of vatl Reg, No.212_B Fruabins contractoti Rgval Frush pluEbinqpg.T-o@9 ro* of vait eeg. No. /6 S - pAddress:e.8-sox 1t68, phane Hunbtil f2a_oeOO _fffl:3:i"IfH:fl:llT I H::-"s*:i:l-T:s-. :{:-#-u ZONTNG: STGNATIIRET 80465 Flush Plumbin I Town of Vai 1 25 Souhh FronLage Road Vail. Colorado 815 5?(303) 479 -2138 Plan analysis based on the 199L Uniform Buildi-ng Code ProjecL Number: PRJ970031 Name 3 CROSSVIEW VAIL G Acldress: 1450 BUFFEHR CREEK Dabe: April I7' L991 ConLractor: T.I.B, INC Occupancy: R3,M1 Architect:,JoHN HODGES Type of Const: V-N PIans ExamiNET: DAN STANEK NOTE:The code ilems listed in this reporb are not inLended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirement's in the 199L uBc. It is a guide to selected secEions of t.he code. SE PARAT TON DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NoRTH Property line 20.0 Fee! 20.0 Feet EAST Property line 44.0 Feet 44.0 Feet SOUTH Properly line 25.0 FeeL 25.0 Feet WEST Property line 9.0 Feet 9.0 Feet EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WAI,I-, WAI,I, PROT WAIJIJ WAI.'L PROT WAI.II' WAIJIJ PROT WAI,I, VIALL PROT R3 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ml Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exberior walLs may be of COMBUSTIBL,E maberiaL. sec'2201. AREA MTN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESSFI, NAME 2 Master bedroom 296 29.60 14.80 1 Yes 92 0. 00 4.50 L No2 Master bath TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1 Living room l" Bedroom #1 1 Bedroom #2 1 Powder room TOTAL FOR FLOOR B Garage B Employee Unit B Laundry room 2 Halls, closets, ebc. 97 0.00 0.00 1 No L Dining & Kibchen 153 15.30 8.15 1 No 485 1 47L 47 .LO 23.55 1 No 230 23.00 11.50 1 Yes 177 L7 .70 8.85 1 Yes 24 0.00 1' 50 1 No l 1 HaLls, closets, etc. 165 0.00 0.00 1 No t230576 0.00 0.00 1 No 429 42.90 2I .45 1 Yes 40 0.00 2.00 1 No B Halls, cLosets, etc. l-45 0.00 0.00 1 No TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUI IJDING TOTAL 1,r_90 1715 1 Yes 1 FOOTNOTES: 1) EGRESS ' An operable window or door that opens direcLly to the exLerior is required from this room. The minimum clear openable area musL neeE bhe following. -- Sec. 1204. 1) The minirnum clear height is 24 inches 2) The minimum cl-ear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feeb 4) The maximum sill height is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanical ventilation system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for venbilation. -- sec. L205. (c) 4) The requirement for an egress window in the basement is based on sec. 1204. ROOM DIMENSIONS : HabitabL6 space shall have a ceiling heighL of noL less than 7 feet 5 inches. Kitchens, hal-1s, babhrooms and toileL compartmenLs may have a ceiling heiqht of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If bhe ceiling is sloping, then Ehe minimun height is required in onLy 1'/2 of Ehe area' - -Sec. 1207. (a) Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which has noL l-ess bhan 1-20 square feeE of floor area. Obher habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feeb. -- sec. 1207. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall nob be less than 7 feeL in any dirnension. -- sec. L207. (cl GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: All glazing in hazardous locaLions is required to be of safeEy ql-azinq maberial . -- sec, 5405. (d) l-) clazing in ingress and egress doors excepL jalousies' 2) clazing in fixed and slidinq panels of sliding d.oor assemblies and panels in swinging doors oLher than wardrobe doors '3) Glazinq in sEorm doors. 4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors. 5) Gtazing in doors and enclosures for ho! tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and. showers. Glazing in any portion of a building wal1 enclosing these cotnparEments where bhe botton exposed edge of Ehe glazing is less than 50 inches above a sbanding surface and drain inlet. 5) Glazing j-n fixed or operable panels adjacenb to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either verbical edqe of the door in a cLosed position and where the bottom exposed edge of bhe gtazing is Less bhan 50 inches above the wal'king surface. 7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel, other than those locations described in items 5 and 5 above, than meeEs all of the following conditions: A. Exposed area of an inilividual pane qreater than 9 square feet. B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor. C. Exposed lop edge grealer than 35 inches above bhe floor. D. One or more walking surfaces wilhin 35 inches horizonhally of bhe plane of the glazing. 8) clazing in railings regardless of height above a walking surface' Included are structural baluster panel-s anil nonstructural in-fiIl panel s . See exceptions. o SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS I A smoke detector is required on t.he ceiling or wall ab a poinb cenhraLly Located in the corridor or area giving access bo each sleeping area. -- sec. 1.210, (a) 4. A smoke detect.or is reguired on the ceiling or wall in each sleeping ar€a. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke debector is required in the basement. -- Sec. 121-0. (a) 4' A smoke debector is required on all sLories. -' Sec. 1210. (a) 4. rf bhe upper level contains sleepinq room(s), a smoke detector is required in the ceiling of the upper level close Co the stairway. -- sec. 1210. (a) 4 smoke deEecEors are required to be wired to the building's por^ter source and shalL be equipped with a battery backup. -- sec. 1210. (a) 3. Deteclors shal.l sound an alarrn audible in atl sleeping area of the dwelling in which Ehey are locabed. -- sec. 1210. (a) 4. OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between hhe garage and the residence, materials approved for thr fire conscruchion are reguired. on the garage side only and any doors between bhe garage and the residence are ho be a self-closing 1 3/8 inch sol-id core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A sbairway ln a dwelLing must be at leasb 35 inches wide. -- sec. 3305. (b) The maxinurn rise of a step is 8 inches and Lhe minimum run i-s 9 inchee. -- Sec. 3305. (c) exc. #l- Provide a handrail" on one side a sbairway 34 bo 38 inches above bhe nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- sec. 3305. (i) Provide a guard raiL where drop off is greager than 30 inches. Minimum heiqht = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- sec. 17L2. (a, exc. #1 The minimum headroom is 5 f t..- 8 inches. -' sec. 3305. (o) Enclosed usabLe space und.er Che sLairs is required to be proLeched as reguired for ]-hr fire - resist.ive construction. SHAFT ENCLOSURES: sec. 3305. (1) 1) Chutes and dutnbwaiter shafts with a cross-secbional area of not more than 9 square feet. may lined on Lhe inside wibh nob less Ehan 26 gage galvanized sheeL metal wibh aII joints locklapped. The outside musb be t hr construcEion. All- openings inbo any such enclosure shall be proLected by not less than a self -closing solid wood door I 3/8 inches thick or equivalenb. - - sec. 1706. (f) 2) Gas vents and. noncombustibLe pipinq installed in walls passing Chrough 3 floors or less do not need. to be in t hour shafts. - - sec. 1705. (c) 3) Shafbs for gas vents, factory-built chimneys. pipinq, or ducts that do not extend througth not more than 2 floors need not be in t hour shafts. -- Sec. 1706. (c) 4) A11 other shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly. -- Sec. f?06 . (a) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy This project wiLl reguire a site improvement aurvey. Such survey shaLL be submiLted and approved prior to request for frame inspection. AlL crawl- epaces within the Town Of Vail are limited to a earth to structural floor ceiling height of 5', be earbh floor only, be ventil-ated as per UBc 2516(c)5 with mininum access as per uBc 2515(C)2 and rnaximum access of 9 sq. ft. Any building eite with a sl-ope of 30 degrees or more shall- require an englneer design. Such design shall address drainage, soil retainagie and Etructural design. Excavatl.on bel"ow slabs on qrade sha11 noL be permitbed wichout prior approvaL. Addrees numbers shaL1 be poeted plainl-y visibLe and teg'ible from the street. For Ml occupancy Slope garage floor to aLLow for drainage to outside to provide a floor drain wibh sand and oll interceptor Eo dry well or to 6evter. Any garage floor drain connecLed to sewer must be approved by Eagle River water & sanicacion Districh. In garageE with living area above, the waLls of che garage wiich are bearing the area above shall be protected wlth one hour fire resLstLve construcELon. uBc 503 (B) . o Town oE Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657(303) 479 -2138 PIan review based on the 1991 Uniforn Bui).ding Code Project Number: PRJ970031 Address: 1460 BUFFEHR CREEK contractor: T. LB. INC Archi tec t. : iIOHN HODGES Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK # SHEET IDENTTFICATION Name: CROSSVIEW VAIL G Dabe: APriL l7, f997 Occupancy: R3.M1 Type of Const: V-N CORRECTION REQUIRED Exterior surfaces wibh sLucco shall be provided with exEerior metal lath as per UBC 4706 with 2 J-ayers of paper. Windows and doors are required !o be adequaLely flashed(noL with jush screed nelal). A labh inspecLion is required prior stucco applicaEion. A bathroom is required to have an openable window or a mechanical venLilaLion system. -- Sec. 1205. In bathrooms wilh a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical venbilaLion sysbem connecbed directly to the outside shall be provided. Bathrms which contain only a waber closet or lav. may be ventilated with a recirculating fan. UBc 1205(c). Domestic cl-oLhes dryer exhaust ducLs shaLl be installed aa per UMC 1104 and 1903' Flexible duct connecEors may not exceed 5' in length and shall not be concealed wiLhin consbruction. Ducts shall tserminate outside the building and not exceed 14 I length. Heating and cooling equipment located in the garaqe shall be installed with the pitots and burners or heating elements and sr^ritches ac least 18" above the f l-oor level of the garage. ttl{c 508 ' A chimney encl-osure for a wood burninq fireplace fLue shal-I be protected by a one-hour fire resistive construction. UBC 1?05. This involves lining the inside of such chase with 5/8n rype X sheetrock and fire- taping j oints . Approved gas logs may be installed in soLid-fuel burning fireplaces providect the installation i8 according to the liebing instructions. any damper shall be removed or permanentl-y blocked. and a safety shutoff valve is provided. IJMC 803. Suppl-y a mechanical. drawing indicating deslgn of systen, size (BTU and volume) of equipnent, vent Location and ternination, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any insLallation. 9 Gas piping shalt not be installed in or on the ground under any building or structure and exposed gas piping shalL be kept at Least 5" above grade. IJl{c 2213 (b) 10 The garage must be separated from the dwelling by thr fire-resisLive conslrucEion on the garage alde. -- Table 5-B & 503. (d) exc,S3 11 The door becween the garage and the dwelling ls requl-red to be a 1 3/8 inch thick solid core or 20 minuEe eelE cl-osing door. -- sec' 503. (d) exc.#3 12 A 35 inch high guardrail with a naxinum opening of 4 inches is reguied where step is greater rhan 30 inchee to floor or grade below. -- sec. 1712. 13 ' The open side of all decks, porches, slafra, eec. which are more than 30" above grade shal'l be proeected wiEh a guardrail. openings can not exce€d 4". Within R-l occ. and all R-3, height nin. ls 35" -outside R-1 occ. heighb min. is 42'. UBC 1711. 14 Becauae of this project's location, tbe foundation is required to be dampproofed to prevenc damage to areas below finished qrade. UBC 1707(d). 15 Include a copy of bhe soils reporc for Ehe slte to be builE on. -- Sec. 2905. APR-9ts|-97 12,29 FROM r TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT.lD,97A4?92442 PAGE 73 tosth tront gc road hll. colorsdo 81667 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 to: EROM: DATE: . suerEqls ottlo€ of cotnmunlty developmcnt AI.L CONTRACfORS CTIRRENILTI, REGISTERED WITTT EIIETOWN OT VAII, TorrN oF VAIIJ PUBLTC WORKS/COMMI'NTTY DE\IEIOPIIENT r,rARcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUC?ION PARKTNG & MATERIATJ STORAGE (i.e. iontractor, o$rner' rn sunnary, ordJ,nance No. 6 states that lt is unrawfur for anypersoh to litter, track or depos!.t.any ,"if;-="df., sand, dcbrisor naterlar, incrudlnE trash iuupste"i, po*";i;";"iil# ;nd---worloen vehicles. ypon. any srrectl slaEwaii;;1i;y or pub1lc Pr?g" or any porti-on theieof.--rfre right-oi-way 6n arr tro*r ofvail streete and.I3"ge is approxinat"iy s ft;-Lfi pavement.Thlg.ordinance wLrl be "triilrv--lntorced by tha torsn of vairPtrblic l{orks Debart'ent. Feisir"= found vrirating this ordinanceyill.be given a-2a hour miite"-iori;; r;*;;;;;;'="id nareriar-rn the cvent the percon so notified doee-r"i-"irpry with therrouics vrithin rhc- a4 rrour - t{roi-"prriii"a. -'Ef.-iitl ic workaDepartrnchr wirr renove. said uat"iiii-;a-th"-';dlise ot personnoti.fied- the prowieions or-trtir ordinance shatr not beappricabre to c-onetruction, -urai"i"natrce or repeir proJecte ofany sttrret or attey or any uEiiitieJ il il"-;iifri__-*"v. to revl,ew ord,inanee No. 6 in fuIl, please stop by the Town of,I:il^|ylldins Departa€nr to oi,tiin a copy. 1,[.ani< you for yeurcooperatlon on this natter- f qtu APR-OEI-97 12 .3@ FRoM r TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT.t lnwn 75 routh trcnttgc ro.d vttl. cdorrdo tl€87 (3os) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 PAGE 4/A olllce of .omm*ity devolopment ID,EI?@ 4?9l2452 o lrfll BUILDING PERTiIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME Il_!!l:_ry"11!.lgquires a Town of Vait Fire Deparrnent Approvat,Englneer',s (Publfc lgafr) review and approvar,' a plannini-iepartment . revfew' or Heat th Departnenr_ review, anl' a rerierv uv-Iiii"Euiiiing --' Department' the esfinated time for-a total re"ii*-inv"L[i'aJ i6ngas ttirec weetts. llJ._"y:fJ1l'f,larsg or smal!) and ail murri-family permirs willnave EQ roilow the above mentioned rruximum requiremlnls, Residentia'land.small prcJects should take a 'tesser arround'of tiil:' nowevei, itresidenti'al or smaller projects impact the various-auore mlntioneddepartments wl:th regard to-necessai^y review, rh;;; i"oj*.ii *valso take the three-week period. Every.attempt wili be ryle by thts department to expedite thispermi't aS s.qon as possible. - l.',-!!a undersignedr ufid€rstand the plan check procedure and tlmeTrame. _ \\_q Sheet ra'-tuDa'te l.|or Development ned i n-_ FROM' TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT . a MEMoEANpuM APR-€tSl-9? 12 ' 3et TO: FROirl: DATE: RE: ID'97O ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPA,RTMENT MAY g, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED 4?S o 2452 PAGE 5/A 1) 2) ls thie a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requlre$ the use ot the right . of way, easemenls or public propety? ls any utitity work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls dlflerent aocess needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage wort being done afiecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Bight Of Way Pernit" requlred? A. ls the rlght of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, pad<ing or fendng? ts. It no to 8A,ls a parting, staging or fencing plan requlred by Community Development? 3) '4) s) 6) 6 <. t- .{ 7) E).( ,Y llVgu_ algwered yes to any of these questlons, a "Pubtic Way'permit. must be obtained.?ubllc Way_ Permit" applications mey be obtained d the7pubfic Wor*t oflice or at ?.ryqrytty Developmenl lf you have'any questions ptease cail Charlle Davis, the Townof Vail Construction lrrspector, at 47g-215f,.' Jun. 16 1:! / ut : i' rtrl'r rr FFbM : Panesoric FAX SYSTE|'I Pr-rol.lE ND. : T.I.B. INCORPOR'ATED 9959 SOUTH, TURKEY CREEK ROAD MORRISON, CO t0465 (303) 697-1076 FACSIMILE }IEMO YDATE SEM: Junc 17,1997 TO: RobertUllmutn COMPAI'{'!f : Ultima Holdings Robcd: WenecdaehcckfortrcpcrmitforhorseG.Thetota]costforthcpermitis$3349'10'it is broken down: buildtrs 272330 ),r*F 1110.? \ Mr, /n d.o .lPtumbine.oll:9 I " ' (. rnechanical 7t'00 ) PloasornailthechccktothcTownofVaii.T5s.FrorrtageRi,va4coS1SST'ailoon as poadbtc ro wc crn get cteradgrornptly' Ifyou hr*e any quortions Plcaso sall the otfioc 303-69?-10?6 Tib rt : I Invoice az Iaa laavo / z t 1/ Y I rTr. -^ t1- r- ^f yl1s rrcrLs Tnrr aa /)'7 /a'7 :'DescripLion CROSSVIEW iilCEEe*,,,i i ::r ,i iio.i:. :i :::: z>v6 Discount 40 g0.00 Remittance for: Town of Vaif Total 'rr^ Check Amount: $3,349 Amount ,349.40 Discount $0.00 $3, 349 .40Date: 06/27 /97 t : J 93 3 63 * a E g: :TE;E E€€EEI Fl:;39tc;E:i i{ HTEg gBsiig E g€c€E i t-{i Hl q BIt4HItrtaaIA al I € '= : t U F o!n Ir\ O'! z 'p -i =l\ C,llxl 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I &1 B..l'lBII{lzl I E .:; c =7. zH ti I !-! a L. B H u)a&(, Q trJ (1 o F'-urH ::\-<>xQ ,., \J =zz|{s< E=; n-e \J;,^-z"vf,z: E3=L>Qal lrl \J- c< ,- F--Z<ux{J \ -'! <9<=LrJ l- -J€%ca or zru F- i-t--rrt<H9ia\<.-F<)?oltl5zE*>ftep PESUPFTAtrJ Eto>i*-n9-.-Yv[>=* .1 F<- J- t^ c<:sz\J:Ir:rDusxS .,., F- Y -+*g*l;:-\r{:\\i/:- FIFrts A.:-(F,Fl tl{LI'tt O. FR ER F -iPEt<.tsfa?"iF -t.fJaF q-t f\sv !. -fqF?F? 11l3 F\ -aH{-tad *Fl L.Hf\EY frr trt A.tlrtdH fFq-f 1fdtFfkA. € U J6 of 9 z o 7 Ftt a u & & tritr o\o.s oc c OEc)D;8 q E a ooCIc i!:x<;Ioa oc oo o oo co ccra C'o c at cc oo o F ai o 'l BHtl 'N'l aE'ta ,(,:.L EIE3coa I:f, Ea" E 36 E xuIAoA CIl{EIlaD GI o UIr a ATtr H!lSE 6f;8 FH:.8ooo:8 ise b' HEP a IEi!I E HE EI r l.ra[A 2 E E iT cq!EoaBE o E &H EAD F ETc EbItt Fr HIe F ct o; ,-= p FICIoIT&aado!ao-EOtrdcEOiAlrl -:-f-3!4F-'11--t i I ,\ t\ REF.I"l J 1 I'OWNI OF: VAIL? COL0RUDO F.AGE 3A' flREff: CFttiulr/')g OBr 14 REIIUESTS FOR INSFECTItrN NCIRH Sl{EEl$ FBRzL?/ 9/98 Act ivity: 897*O05O lg/ 9/gA Typer B-Bl"jILD Statr-rs: ISSUED Constrr NSFR Address: l46tZt FUFFEHR CREEK RI) Lor-'ationl CRtfS$VIEtd AT VAIL BLDG 6 F,ar.ce I : EltZtS-lEg-lAa*raera Descri pt i on: NEh/ $FR Flplrlicarnt: l. I.B.t lNt: Owrer: CROS$VIEtl F'REFERIIES t-Il) X Oontr'actor: 'f . I. B. . INti Occ: tetotZtT Us.e: V N Frrnne I 3tZt36971tl7f' Lll-TIlYl l-'hrirte: Fhone r 38Jt971{t7€' Inspection f{equest Informatiot-t..... Recl ure st or': TIB Heo Timer tZ16:tjtZ L;omnentsr REINSltrECfIul.l ItelrE requested t0 be Inepected., aanj4a bLIrG-F:inaI U/r) F,hone: 303e'97-1876 f.lct i on []omment s Tirne Exp I nspect i on lJi st oPy, , . . . Item: OBSraO trhJ-Backf i I I Inspect ir.rn Item: gttZtSO t F'tl-Tenp, access/drainage I t em l 6O5Sre trH-Rough grade I bem: tetOFOS Fl"l-Final drivpway gr.ade A3/e9/99 Inspectorr TF Aet Itesr I rArarlf U BLDG-Foot ings/!iteel 6A/ I3i97 I nspect or': LF V Aet Iten: CttAtAgrA BLDG-For-rndation/5teel @g/e6/97 Inspector': I-Fv Item: Utrageil F'LAN-ILC Site Flan o3/ t7 /96 Inspector: LiEtTREH Itemr E0lZt3ff tsLDG-Fr"aming to3/L9/94 Inspector; CD Act ionr flFrF R gee cond i r:rr : At-'F ll AF F ROUEI) i on : AF,[-'R nF,PHOVED Ftctionr AFFR IIF.F,Rt]VED Act i r:n; Al-'F R tjRAMfl IORRE{:TION MADE Aet i on : AF f'R APF ROVED ALtiON: AtrCR AL,PROVED/CORRECTION REOD Notes: f,DD HflNGEn A"f (E)SXlS.' SULTH DTJRMER COM|ILHTE tr6.ICt,.OU1 AI- NORT}1 I.IINUUI^J ABSVE "IBF, T.,LNTE HANGEI{ OR ENG LET IER RFGI' D flT CiI.LI LAM BY FIAIN L.EVEL DECK fil ETYERIOR WALL(LiLULAI'| NO"IIJHED M{JRE I"HRN 5A*) COT4FLH]E iILL F.OINT LOAD F.AtrK TJUTS 'TO FOUNDFITIL]N O3/e3/9A Inspector: tli At:tion: AF'FR CCIf{RECTION MrlDE I b em : tzlgttA5m BLDG-'InsLtlat ionrdl/eA/98 Inspect or": Lill .ltem r filZrtl6Ur BLDG*$heetrock irlai I A1/EAi1A Inspect t,r: JRf'l Ibem; U$ATA BLDG*Misc. Oe/U6/9A Inspeebcir: trD Fict,ion: AIrF'R LATHE INSFECTION NOtEgI COITIF'LHTE "J" Mt:TAL. INSTAL-LRTION AT F'ATIO DtrOR AREA ltem: 0taogB BLDG.-F inal {ir6,/gr*/98 InspecIor-I GRF Fiction! F.rFFf{ 3/?9 ilems (lor}'ected Item: rZrOS3Cr IILDB-Tenp. C/g b3/e9/9A Inspector: GRG Acbion; DN Not r'eady-13*iten list o,6/A?/9A Insper:tor.; GRG Action: AFFR Fending Landscape appt'vI Ibemr 0AFJP F,W-lEl4F. C/O td7/U6/9A Inspector: LF Flction: AFt-'R flFE'ROUED Ite'mr CrrA533 FLAN-TEMF,. C/n O3/e9/9A Inspector.: GEORGE Actionr DN No Lrond will be exeepted REF'T i 3 i Le/ds /18 IOWN OF VAIL.| COLOf{ADU oBr14 REAUESTS FOR IN$FEETION tdORK SHEE.TTi FORtt'E/ 9/98 F'A6E 31 AREAI CF Nates: NO GUEIiTIONST QF,F,ROVED BY FHONH Itenr rztCr:537 FLAN-FINftL CIO Itemr AtA539 Pt^l-FtrNAL C./O I t em : Ugt34gt.. BLDE-F i na I C/n 1g/ft$/94 Inspector: [D Ac:ticrrrr DN Notes: HANDRAIL REG'D ON EXTERIOR STAIRS H,{NDRf;IL. RT ENTRY STAl.}iS F1U5.i BE DENIED i RESECURED a t J! J ,| f REF.T131 TOt N OF VAIL, COLORADO L!/A9/9A E8:14 REGIUESTS FOR INSFECTIUN WORK SHEETS FOR:LE/ 9/98 F,AGE 30 AREA: CF Activity Addre s Locat i o F,arc e I Description: Appl icant: Own er' : Contractor: Ie/ g/iB Ivpe: B-BUILD Status: ISSUED Contt.fr. NEI^I sFR T. r. B. I INC CROSSVIEI.' F.RBF.ERTIES LTD ./. T. I. B. , INC Occ: F,hone: ULTIN Fhone: Fhone I 0EtA7 Use: V N 3ra36971er76 3ra36971S'76 lnspect i on Reqr-rest Infornation, Reqr-1p sl or:llg Items r-eqr-rested to be InspeC Aras Inspection History. . ... Iten: EO=Ogt FL.l-Backf i l1 Inspect ionItem: tZtraSO I FW-Temp. access/dr*ainage It em : gtgt50g F,bJ-Ror-rgh gnade Item: gtta583 trtl-Final driveway gna @3/e9/99 lnspector: TF' Item ; grgtrzrf Sl BLDG-Foct ings,/5t eel AB/L=/97 Inspector: LFIU I t em : SArAgra BLDG*Fonndat i onlSt ee I 6A/e6/97 Inspector: LFV Item: raOSeO FLAN-ILC Site Flan 8t3/ 17 /99 Inspector: GEORt]E Item : OrZttaSUt BLDE-Framing rzr3/ l9/99 Inspect or.: cD It em : rAettztSgt BLDG-Insn] at ion A3/e3/99 Inspectoi*: CD Item: ArAtzt6ra BLDE-Sheetrock Nail Ul3l36/99 Inspector: JRM Fhone: 3Pt3697-1tZI76 omments Time Exp |....e Act i on: AFF R see cond Act i on : AF'F.R AF,F.ROVED ACt i ON I AF,F.R AF'PROVED Aet i on : AF,FR AF F ROVED Actionr AFCR AFFROVED/CORRECTIBN REOD Action: AFFR FRAME CORRECTIUN MADE Aetion: AFFR APFROVED Ie/ 9/94 F,AGE 31 AREff: trF Notes: ADD HANGER AT (E)eX13" SOUTH DOR|YIER COMF.LETE F'RCKOUT F.lT NORTI-{ WINDOW ABOVE TOF' F.LflTE HANEER OR ENG LETTER REOI D AT GLU LAM BY MAIN LEVEL DECK RT ETYERIOR WALLTGLULAM NOTCHED IYIORE THAN sfi%) COMF.LETE ALL F.OINT LOAD F.ACK OUTS TO FOUNDATION tZ'3/93/98 Inspector: ED Act ion: AFF'R CORRECTION MnDE Item :'ADraTE BLDE-Misc. Ee/EA /98 Inspect or: CD Act i r:n : AF'F R LATFIE INSF'ECTION Notes: trtrMFLETE "J" METAL INSTALLFITION AT FATIB DOOR AREA Item: srooga BLDG-Final A6/.Ae/9A Inspector: GRG Act ion: AFFR 5/gg items cor"t"ected Item : glOSSrA BLDG-Temp. C/Aq3/e9/9A Inspector': ERG Action: DN Not ready*lE*item Iist AE/AZ./9A Inspector-: GRG Action: AFFR Fending Landscape apprvl ltem: €'fl'53e Fhr-TEMF. tr/A A7/A6/9A Inspector': LF Action: AFFR AFFROVED Item l ttrzl533 FLAN-TEMF'. C/O A3/e9/9A Inspector: GEORGE Action: DN No bond will be excepted -*-gt./*t+/9&-Inspe-*t.er+ €R/J*!t --Jlct i on ; fltrF'R RF,FRflg€D FER EE€RGE -- REF'T I31 TOWN OF UAIL, COLtrRADtr lel49/98 O8:14 REOUESTS FOR INSFECTION l^JtrRK S}IEETS FOR: NOTES: NO GUESTIONS,AF.F.ROVED BY F.HONE Item: 44537 PLAN-FINAL C/O It em: rZ'rZ'539 Ftl*FINAL C/D Item: raraS4tz' BLD6-Final C/OLe/n\/gB Inspector: CD Action: DN DENIED Notes: HANDRAIL REG|D ON EXTERIOR STAIRS HANDRAIL AT ENTRY STAIRS MUST BE RESECURED