HomeMy WebLinkAboutCROSSVIEW AT VAIL BUILDING At, Category Number #tL Defn Review Action Fora TOWN OF VAIL oxe -7f TJql Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: ArchitecvOontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot f Bbck - Subdivision t Zone District :-'Dlf-). 26 Projectstreet aaarer;s: l1t{\ 8.-rcfe.L LpccV Comments: Motion by: --- eox6'lstaff Actio;) \r..-.- * -_Vote: Seconded by: D Approval D Disapproval X Staff Approval Conditions: F-i /-t l-1 .:,-- K,. +h-t I Town Planner l6t-.t 1h (N IDate: // Ef(lt DRB Fee ne-patd U. - - i.-.J a t rL.d lllt lra DEsrcN RE\,lrEre BID ApprJrcarro' - To,rN or ut, corroRADo DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:rla**t**t** INCOr.PLE?E APP'!.TCAq,TONS T(AY NOT BE SCMNULD FOR NEy7,ttri-.aal*ataaa|l PROiIBCI TNFORIiATIOI{ : lan. Plantin native grasses, dflowers where uc eposition con erous ees Io I. A. B.TYPS OF REVTE'III: New Const:;uction ($200.00)Addition (.i50.00)X Minor ALreration (S.20.00) _*.eonceptual Review (90) c. D. N)DRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot - BlockSubdivision rhe vallev, fr?E-Fa piit- offia:TEf7trfoT-f Ridge Subdivision, Sff property i6 described by a meete and bounds J.egaLdescription, please provide on a separate sheet a;d attachto this appLication. E. F. ZONING: SDD No. 28 , APPIJICAI{T3Crossvieo Properties, Ltd. Addrese t c/ffiTo'3=3FETil NAt,lE OF APPIJICATiITT S REPRE9EMATfVE:Mailing Add.ress: 7752 oakview Place Castle Rock. CO 80L04 I. J. orltFRf$t fTcxUafitRsrllail.ing Address :1752 oakview Placeeastle-nock. CO APPI'rc^TroNs vrrJrJ Nor BE PRocBssED wrrilow owMHn'g grclvt:ruR8 Condominiun Approval if applicable. IIAUE OF OVTNER(8) : Crossvieul.@rties RoEe r t E"lma;---s tdvffi - is paid. FEE SCHEDTILE: VAI,UATION$ o-$ 10,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 s50,001 -$ 150,000 f150,001 - $ SOO,O0O s500,001 - 91,000,000S Over $1,000,000 DESIGN RE\lltBlf BOARD APPRO\lAtr EXPIRES APPROVAI. UNIJBSS A BI'IIJDXNG PENUII! ISX8 START@. NN,TE OF MaiLing _ PhoDe G. H. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 fi100.00 $200.00 t400.00 ss00.00 ONB YBAR AFIIER FMAIJ I8sT'ET' llID COTISTRUCTION PLAI|II MATERIALS :_ Botanical- Name PROPOSED rREES o- AI{D SHRI'BS ouantitv Size* *Indicate caliper for decid,uous trees. Minimurn caliperfor.deeiduous rrees ie 2 inches. rndicaEE-EEIfiEforconiferous trees. Miniimrm heioht for coniieroustrees ie 6 feet-**Indicate size of proposed ehrubs.5 crallon. GROT'ND Co\/ERS ll\nre Native Grasses Minimr:m size of shrube is Square Footacre Wild Flowers Boulders and Rocks soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSTON COT{TROIJ Sprinkler System None Positive Drainage Excavation Vegetation and Rock Placement c.rJAI{DSCAPE r.rrGllrrNG: rf exterior light,ing is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and Locat,ions on a leparatelighting p1an. Identify each fixture from the Liahting plan ll _the space below and provide the height above giade, -thle oflight.proposed, lumen output, luninous-area and i cue sheec oethe light fixture. (Secrion 18.54.050 J) D.orllER rJAI{DSCAPE FEATIIRES (retaining wa1J.s, fences, ewimringpoo1a, etc.) Please-Epecify. Indicate heights of retaininiwalls. Maximun height of walls within the front setback ii3!. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6,. FRO'I :Panascn i c F$< S'TETEN Jun. 26 1996 1g:57Pfi P1 Facsimlle Cover Sheet To: Company: Phone: Fax: From: Company: Phone: Fax: Date: Total pages lncluding cover sbect: E Grace-Smith Ismasn (313) 66?:Ltga (313) 662-11e8 Comments: FRCIt'l : Panasonic F$( SY€TEI'!PFfStE FA. I t9789/;93544 Jun. 26 1996 10!5:/Pl'l P2 smash lnterior design 7m berk$ire r ann artor, michigut rt81@ r (319) 662.1198 June 27, 1996 Mr- GeorgeRuther Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorailo 81657 Re: hojectrtPR.I9S-0095 1460 ABufrehr Cree& Road ata Kinnic,kinaick Roail Dearlvfr. Ruther: As owner of the above stat€d llropetty, I am reque$ing a e"hangp iu the alrproved landscape plan which, I beliwa, will e"hance the property anil surroundi'g alea as well as come eloser to retuning the property to itg original etate. This site was chosen because of its light and view conidors. The open, light' filleit site witb its view of Bald IUountaia and vist€s to the wes0 was tbe. leason for choosing this partiorlar site in the Aepeo grove over the other wooded sites iD Ivfy underst2ading of the originat plan was to reoove the A.spens necessary for consilruction and replace then after complotion. the ctrrrent apDroved laudscaping plan calls for plantins of conifers onfy. Tlris plan nalres what rcan oDoe a stately grorre of Aspens into juet another ordina4y Iandscape that can be rendered in any area of the counby. Vail is unique, with its mixture of lovdy homes and naturd settings and tbat is what I thousht we had purchased. lbis plan will also obliterate the view coridor to Bdd Mountaia antl will make a major irnpact on the amount of lisht entering the home, especialy in winter when it is most desired. the first floor is pa*ially below ground and couifers placeil in &ont of these windows will ort offrnost of the light as well as ohstnrct tbe view. I would like to reposition end e-hange, not reduce, "o-" of the trees tJrat are to be platted. FROT'I : PAT,BSONIC FAX SYSTEI''I PFUNE NO. : 19?4949554C1 Jun. 26 1996 1g:58P1{ I am requesting, for your consideratioo, an alternative plan which would oonvert some of the coaifers toAspe"c as wdl as the ability to clugtor aone of these treeE whidh would:a. keep the vi,ew corridor openb. allow adequate ligbt to the homec. returo thepropertycloser to its originalvegetation while pmviding adequate street and property separation. In lieu of sod, I would. prefer a landscape reflecting a ruore natural state by plantins perennial flowers, wildflowers snd uriliqing rocL boulders which erist on site now. Since we are in a nafirral suryature for water run-of rhuing tle spring, it woulil appear the boulrters might afso aid ia directing this water flow. I have diecussed this request witb Stoyeu Ginsler and he is willing to make tbe substitution if the Towa of Vail planners will permit this change. L€e Rimel and Sterren Gensler }aow where I woulil prefer the positioning of the tees to be ptan64 In sumnary, I arn requestingfor your eonsideration: a. repositioning of trees - not reducing the nuaber, b. coverting some of the planned rbnifers to Aspens, ald c- replacing the prescribed sod with natural bouldere, small bushes andflowers to establish a more natural vegetation. I would be happy to confer with you at yorrr couvenience. I will not be back in Vail until JuIy 8.t, but an available at the phone numbers listed. below. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Grace R. Smith 700 Berkshire Ann Arbor, Itdichigan 48104 Phone: 818-994-4801(daytime) 313-662-rrgE (wening) copy faxed to: Steven Genaler Tom Morehead LeeRimel o RECEIPT - lte Town of l't Ng * 'ti58 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IItI I I t -DgB Fn DoLL"aRs Dcrmit t'lumben rwP D-ci-ccr+Mlt Polie ReceiPt Numbcq----