HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B GOLDEN PEAK BASE 1986 LEGALProject Application lr Proiect Name: li t ' l"i ' i ' J"r il ( \Projecl Description: ' ' Contacl Person and Phone ',: Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: i,' i) t(.. tt'*-J Stalf Approval a N co(\aO IuFoo 'a zo Fo- uJY u.lo oF F (r uJ(L LLo ooo I IJJFoz !trtr z o9 =Qc)o =z=fdP EEI A;H -:<-UEJU t =fi o- t!oEU E<clf€8B9Eir EF => =uJ-E h=o dil: >o-i 8s9 \urE XO-t x>t q- €; H F If - uJF o r\@ Or sf E =E UJo-zIFo E,Fazo(J oz t =t IJJo- I I 3lt{,l- l- ;16-ltr| 14. (n l<t#r? L,J ;ft= I l_ .Ft<ro I I I, IFt< rFl2z l=to i*E!cvSE;sioiE orE :gFiEJ fEig5 EgEEg ;9E3dc o'-.: -E;O(/ttr e€Er€ E ei=? sEiEg lt llJo =tr lr F Y =Zz!-o ooF-tazI5 =eF9 OE trOC,66 8(Jzx lr<oc1Il?:r.t(J= =R 2 .-r st O dHUa.atnF{.d IF "{34L4 lrl>F Hs I L.lt-{ o-otcl-qo cd '-{ F)4vaJlc)qoqJ '1 "qL!u{=u4'-l =F >E -:.n3tu& =(oN zl .. >lo uJ uJluzo tr uJ o.) z 9 tr (9z =TL II I d F 9Icl ElrlY CJo >a u,lA - EI d(5 IJJ =z d)oI t(r,l }J ao 6l tnltnl "l-lEl-l ulE 4 U1 llrco t xo (o rf) Iao i rg ts = G at1 lu = o- F()=c ctz d uJ J a t!oz 3 F trJ I1r)r+r ,.i z u, t!oz =I (f, sf IOrsro) u u F =c IL =&tr oz c, lrJE It z3oF e.tr =.1o IJJ 1 ?l>l t! z 31 9l ltrJulF' & uJz =o FOultr-oE t -rO<Fc() IJJ <zE|rJF o() JE<oOF F3siF-,2tl t 2? 33fFd6() <x ::F F3 Eg t t-EirgX+EF!-o2<c)qg ^clrl OJ'l-@P<(6(Jc HG'J'-o-oo-x<0, u- tnr< ct).--z c r=c(t'!DLOF(o @o+)E(uC'-8g F E lrjG C5 = J IJ- ol! .olaloL!lllz. (J h th.tJ (l,tn c\,1 U)r-{ EoC5L =\- =Loc,J+,J+,oo,IJ- J lrJ tsg) d)oazo Fo-ulY uJ [o oFt IE uJ__a l!o o- ttt-..F .i (\l z o9ze coo =z>= o-g ntD J,.i5z&zl'tF+ :I;(Jat3 nfin r.r.r td=<s g1 o-*5 EsqE^< €-= d BH 9-F E ,:br;5ff g E= H =9d *i c :o > o-: .o LEi o o9E \ trtElr- X O- Euq r €tr=dg ie** ts =Elrl+zoF(J :)EF(nzoo 6 a rE I i G,ulz3od |!t!6z;:EvfuJFI<F7a9zo< F $l{l .\ l.: l'r o ootr^-.nzH; =F.r, It (E6! nr!<oq tH6 r.-8 Zdn|O .-rl<l:-l zl zl .. >loul Itll!z att E IJJ o- J z E (9 =J lt- J 6 FoJ - &. !){\)a-.J I\,\ *r r\ \5 ii =z d)I f- > r[ Iqlt4llt oq{J = ,lil il $ Ns t J ) E a qJ ) = o- Fo *\ 2l I =trl o ol url 5l <l>lttl zl 3lolFl IFl't\ ( -li I il \ .! {\,_t_ {s Eqit rtl nt-] ol =.1ol uJl 5 <l>l ttlol zl 3lolFI "f\ \' I \$s UJ UJF =q lr.J lol =.1ol uJl 5l <l>lttlq zl;lolFI >l u-l I I I "l=,|ol alJl.rl JI <l>l u-lol fll =tr o otul :l sl HI zl 3lolFI ui uJ F G Lljz =o F() Lr,Jtr (-) E -.r O<Fc(JuJ<ZE,UJF(42oo J(f<oc)F F3 3Eda (tz m =:) ? J a)) ax9tr 33iFY,z =g oEXgX l-o2<oq8 ><x ><,xXx.x,x 4Z--tL ) PERMIT NUMBFR OF PROJECT ''l-\.1 | -' fDATE I '' 4I IN CTION REQUEST VAIL P- r z.{\r5tFt t SPE TOWN OF,/-t tQl(JOB NAME MON CALL TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:w39 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ly'neenoveoA/ CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED / / ' ):) )::'?DATE c-',/ 'J L " INSpECTOR oz F =E IIJo- rr)r\ .-t ff fo -{ U' UJullr E =G IJJo. u/orff eoeoh * Y) I sI Iac{ # I I I I 3 H* dF Flb az uJF EoF EF 2 = z o uJFoz z d l(D .1, oz Eulz3o ltJul <t, =I l! ,l vfan o EoE .go(! .9ao.o c 3oF o o aoooa-s Eo. c) ott (! oEoo o,c E o E =l j o o o,oqt ; .9 q) aE€ I =.e n€ *EE8-.= 6 -E=.s6e 6P:0c-o> c 3 sE = s!;c96FIoSor iEiF Et;E E!teo. o o.- SE; e €E;g E6:F iEEg - o,,.Y o -- c P(!0'-.;-c; o g'J-E,^ 6r (D # ,Yi3E: -I3 =P5 (t >'= 9 cEi if;s;gE.o - EEgg - o 6 .:! oIstst oo stsr ts =E,t!c0zo f, ao !ouJ (,z Jc I E,F C) UTJ uJ oz @:lJo. J Iz C' uJ = UJult!zI F uJEo uJ oE o @ 3u,l ulcz 6 llJ F aa uJ z Lu x F ul!, at UJull! E =G UJo-J FoF ozoJfo J Ic C' UJJtlJ (,z ao- J4 9z Iaq,t J NO|lVn'lvA IJtf = ll>E19=;;lEruel= =o*ld E"{Yrle aE€tr ^ 6 z-'1i p =Eq.t O e,Z6a tl9a)zxF3i isiH EA z. t/l t! ../1 tuFz, = z9t- u- UJc F E o-IJ z E z tr E uJFJ t 3gJz lltltltl =zl 29!4<oo< =g9trUct<z tr<F 9= d6;dOT ullJJ E o at)utzY i F 2 F 5oz l F il;-| zl 2 .. >lo uto UJulz U)F (r uJc zI =o /) _I/^,4 L.'.' 7 o2 uJ tsooo1zo Fo- UJY uJ @ oF F =ENulo(Lo1 r! '1ol"iEo1OH,qrggurbkzo E =E,lrl o-zIF C) :) E,Fozoo o fl I I I Iol =.1ol Lul 5l <l>l t!lol Pl e ol z:l ol uJltrl JI al>l trlq zl 3lo{FI I ITIsfl(v) |-l .;l =.1olurl :l al>l ttlol zl pl Lr.lL) d. UJ(n z, = LdJ o tr I lFl Itol|r)ll l@ IIIlo- I -l IxI t4rU r-cl'r qE J<trE() ) a i u1 =z ('z =tr (-).J' SZ l/1 v. lrlo- =IJctd(t rlII!E€t=a! 'li=z o f. tr =+Er-Frrv 4() 2? =E=Fd6 J E F uJ E -rO<FGC)uJ<zG,UJF(42o F() IJJ tr- E z o9zeoo =z dP :f* --r x c) B;E !tD tr trct! 59E3€8E9!irt9E5 E H;! 6tE ooE FTE ;-6.q€= uJtooF -f -!trD t.' ..'.t'.r oo PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT\\ ".: '+.. DATE \\ . .-_ ' JOB NAME oo INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUES WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR INAL tr FINAL I ;F APPROVED , CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,<:'DATE ,l INSPECTOR J $ $ T ciz ts =G, LlJo- IJJF @dlo-zo F TLulY uJ @ oFF r'- =3EFIul o-lr5o4isoil9dtzl'lgL!bkzo z rn )i ZE =z=:)JO.Ll.l- EEi_1 -: ttl66= t llJ lt-o UJoz f, oF E JFtu!h=-iGd r.u>oOtr9o \ l.lJx(L:> ulJ lr uJ F co Eooo B .E t E Eo|J AO -i,a!! o -FEEE9-*.=i E =E UJo.zIF(Jf E,Fazo() tr!n E "1 i_ =i: rE;rrll1l, r* | ! lE | 9IF I E tE | 3zt i ra I Itel2 trglulu h?h +t)d:g: -i5(|)ii 6.:, tuJ giE€-JF ;clEi\g EEEi€,$EF [;E:€dlseSEiei fEis! :(','.oo :E E H;, i6F5E:9:9d .c:o.atr $nEe€ *a1=3o (6= x (D isHeE6H Eo &FEsgi i;pei utl) E al -l z zl .. >lo lLro UJ llJz U)F cr L]J(L --J zo Loo z tr Jlaz U)JJ =F uJ H.!-oH tI I,; lHl:;:lJl =:l11 | EEJ5 5515|tr ^ 6 z lFl H ; = FC=l 2 e" FHPIo 2 X LrI rrlr! < - ra)*l F i EJ=li: EESI ao F ) (,z =t! F e D Ftt,L.l& v. 141o- z.lrJ6Jo(5 ui =z rl u z lx ID uJ o (orf, I c ct E = tr uJE -)a F Dg(-) dtur,t) oz,I lrJJco=I E oz ti uJ = t! z3oF =tr z .; H J lto z3 = G o om 3 t!o z3oF E z IJJ I IL z3 F =tr oulE J tl-oz BoF ul J uJF g, uJz = FollJ tr f() E --r O<Fc(JuJ<ZE!!F o JE<oOF i*<AE, ;F-zoo (r 2P;o;s]Fd3 (J i5YF7<) =#Y,Z =g O E.Fz uJ-F )<c)si3=l a!E! I NAME CALLER T INSPECTION:MON TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: oo INSPECTIONTOWN OF VA|L REQUEST THUR B o tr tr Ll tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL LECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL:EI tr tr o u I TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL O FINAL ,F eeenoveo CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR (n Iut!u- ==t lr.J.L o uJF z =Jl |D q6 z F F z =o zz (o.\ +s I I I (r )l 'l 44tz 4E#>99! ts- 4\<it<Cf.-rqEvro t!J uJo i IL oFo z luli l:l!J l<Flz.,lYzlo<,) 4,4o;4" /'./' A 17^ - /\/;?^.4 1t'l/Q'55t2.i'w i .. L/)(i4o ',/.t , a-> c; d) g..' q)Ei)-r._.Y\ &r.t (E 5-tF q) :\{ ;\p. E b :, o4c0(o'/g, (7.4 ?7r' o ,.1. =./,iq-- (/-,e4uc,tr)lt Zo'Yt- o-4(!4 > .', aa>aYC. , oti o.Y''=O(,;idipn9Uha =9R€*8I8..= (! -E:fc= € 6P:0c-o> ef :E:gPd.i;-: cY'"(! 35t=-- *>d*Eg;-9ociEoS € eePEifg o-(! o--sEagoiE-or e €:5E6:F :E€ H E6Fg -o.:o*:Cf5ac: st; E gBlE O (0=; *;F.96q U-efeE9E or -eEg: tn uJ UJII L =E UJoJ F F == IJJ zoJ @ I Ia-. FZw IIJF E F I l.tJ -Lr1yD e.dE.30 u-lJ- #il.rJf,J wUFot;t-^Itl, ..# L ___- r-. E .>),.<-tlig'-t =9 zz io- 4Xfe9 066 =rQ2r!< v= o.Y>x ;(\j r+q(, c:loEo o ooo F\ t!G -t J z tr z9F uJF =UJz oF lrJ(L) z Eoo iq F 5(Dz aLz, 9= do =6 A v a 4u oz E =G uJc -|ror-.c{c)O =zP.,n9 - == ; ==> =d m EEi =l!i,,1dd= = uJ o.lro, lllE9E<clloy)EwrE9!t; c6:f:F'L* =uJ-E h=!t 'iEr =FE 66 9 \tttE XO-E X>6=Fcl"toirrtr- UJ II - uJF o ulF U' d!ofz F lltY lrJ c0 oF = CEul(L tt (o oco>i(LG!r]--t]O I uJ t-oz ts =E,ul o-zIF(JfEFazo() u!tr CJ q- -c (,z U- Jct p iJJ e,F SZ u.rb- 6JI u; =z (D , LIJ z tn trJ k U) @ ll.iEo a Ln I(o =(J =e IL gJE Lo c (( (J lz =7 (u U) tr p I p t oul 1 ll-oz3 9rF] \o@ol (f, I c\lor d llJ F g oz ri r! J t! z3 F E oz .; ul J a t|-oz =oF = tr oz ri uJ ) lt z3 F = tr z ti ul J ll-oz3 F LIJ llJ F 3 UJz =o F I.IJ E <F IJJ <ZEIIJ F<tZ-81 JE<o(JF FS \2,^5orro OOzr- =<ze )z(lO <x :=F7<)e<-: aY;FY,z =g uJ \JZ ,o <(Ja2iiJ<-- l>.$Ll L_l Paa.r. fteeurc*rror.r 6n 6oru- ?e*u.a ?,+tLste - rolazfw 3ugnoul,z ( Ax:c-. Lsc. -+. tpt_ BSrPu*d+nop oF'tJoRK .. I o AD*79-e Tft+tt erzg tD PLe vtotss Loc-*rtcI o A.D*79-e TA+tvsrzs tD PLe vtotss LOC-+T1op keC/),.l-r12u.- CO/,.J 'Ui- tt)Lc moDOLE l)StPt- e}<ty.t1pe - Lou popensrs La=*r.-n-L a</6Trpb D€LK7,ffiy,s , Dclo/o:-, qz,- lrqwe llesrv 6 A Ose bu P-tDt sKl 4€1t<op, oo oo r \ '\!'^,: \\.*.',** lo PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: fo INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUEST VAIL .q\ CALLER INSPECTION:MoN <iq.r-e_s_*> weo rHUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL - tr o tr tr O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECT 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 December 17, l986 Mr. Joe Macy Mountain PlannerVail Associates P.0. Box 7 Vai I , Co] orado 8.|658 Re: Town Council approval Dear Joe: for modular buildings at Golden peak The vail Town council-approved the extension of the conditional use permit forthe 1987-88 winter ski season for-ttre-moaular bujldings at Golden peak at theirmeeting of December 16, r996. The approvar is condiiion"J rpon the rimiting ofthe square footage of modulars to the'existing amount of 5404 square feet. Theapproval is also conditional upon the nine coiditi"ri i.i ,i.o on page 4 of thestaff memorandum to the.P'l anning and Environmental commiiiion dated November24, .|986 (copy attached). As I djscussed wjth you today, we both agreed that the council sent a clearmessage to vail Associates that this wouid ue ttre rinir-ipprovar for themodular buildings at Golden Peak. In their aisiussion'th5! stressed the needfor a permanent solution for ttre nuriery and day care faciljtjes consistentwith vajl's high quality developr"nt itinaaras.'rtre council also indjcated adesire to meet with you and other appropriate vair nssoii"t"r r"pr"rentativesresalding your proposal .for a permanent'solution for these-taci'l itjes. Such ameetins can be schedurqd at vour convenience;;;r;;;r; i-iourd suggest it takeplace no later than september r, r987. rnis'wouii'si.';"-r;; adequate read timeto plan for construction in the spring of l9gg. Finaily, note that new-condition #8 requires wind screens on both the north andeast sides of the modurar_buildings. This wai iitu"iiv"i,.qrirement ofapprova'l from the Design Review Biard rast year and, t[ui, shourd beimplemented for the current ski season. t ippreci;i"-v;; compriance (if youh"y9f ' t a1 ready) . Al :g,. yo! - yi I I be happy to know ttrai ifre' Got den peaksubdivision plat should b; filed .in the'bierk ""a nJ."raJris otfice with allnecessary signatures by the end of this week. Thank you for your patience anddiligence jn that process. Di rector Patten, Jr. Community Developmenr cc: Larry Litchliter Encl osure IV.STAFF RECOMMENDATION The community Developrnent Department recommends denia'l of the requestfor a conditional use permit to extend indefinitely ihe-existence of themodular buildings during the winter months at the 6olden peak site- As-.:ited above , .i iind it unf:r.t'.1:rate that a facil ity that istremendously in demand such as this one, cannot be iccommodated in afashion consistent with the Town of vaii,s high quality itandards forall. development. certainly the conditions of-approval-help to mitigateboth the aesthetic and functionar problems whicir'the lolition of themodulars present. Moreover, the tremendous need and use of ihese- - facilities is obvious for a World C'l ass resort. i.^tt th" request is approved, we would recommend the following condjt.ions: l- --Mo night time use of the modular buildings are al'l owed. The 6:30 PM closing time wjll be enforced. 2- There shall be a minimum of 103 public parking spaces on the site. 3. Sufficjent staff shall be provided by Vail Associates toadequately enforce the parent drop-off area on the eastern end ofthe parking 1ot. 4. vai1 Metropo'l itan Recreation Distri ct shall be ful 1y reimbursedfor a'll damages incurred on the tennis courts due to the modular annF^. : buildinss ^ilc'!ud1.gs ?t1lsi._Xo. t"qgjl T and t^akinQ .!hem.out of th{:' area. -- -\ L" - L:-C a.'? 4 !r1r. - -..3 ...,i5. Town staff and vail Associates shall work together to insure thatthe subdivision plat and protective covenants are filed before January l, 1987. 6. 7. 8. 9. Remove the modular bu'i ldings from the parking 'l ots within two weeks after coming off the tennis courts. vaiI Associates wi'l I -submit a comprehensive landscape plan for the-site to the Design lieview Board. The approved plan'sna| Ue imp'l emented by July 15, .|987. The wind screens on the north and east side of the modular b-:i i ji r;i --t: lI be instal led befer : ll: . i-5er 15 of each year. Vail Associates shall comply with the Fire Department's requirements for an adequate size water tap to accommodate theirsprinkler system. -4- \ T0: Town Council FROM: Community Development DATE: December 16, .|986 SUBJECT: Appeal of Planning Commission denial for a conditional use permit to allow modular buildings to continue on site indefinitely at Golden Peak. Appl i cant: Vai I Associ ates At the Planning and Environmental Commjssion meeting of November 24, 1986, Vail Associates requested a conditional use permit to allow modular buildings at Golden Peak to continue on site indefinitely with an annual review to address any problems or concerns regard'i ng the operations related to the structures. The staff recommended denial , stating that they felt that modular build'i ngs are unacceptable as a permanent so1 ution due to the negative effect upon the character of the area in which they are located. This recommendation was consistent with staff opinion on sjmjlar requests by VA in the recent past. In July .|985 Vajl Assocjates received approval from the Town Council to contjnue the seasonal modular building use as well as to add another modular building to accommodate additional day care facilities. The approval was for two years and included the conditions on the attached memo to the PEC dated November 24, .|986. The concerns of the PEC at this most recent recent review jncluded the feelingthat the proposal origina1 1y was an interim proposai, that the app'licant must be treated just like any other applicant who wanted a permanent modu'l ar bui1ding, that it was not good to give a permanent approva'l to a temporarysituation, and that there was no reason VA could not come back every one or twoyears to renew the approval to use the the modulars on a temporary basis. Diana Donovan moved to approve the request for the 1987-88 skj season on)y and Jim Vie'l e seconded this motion. The vote was 2-2-1 . The tie vote was a negative vote. 3_A request for a qonditiona'l use rmit inngs at Golde! Peak in thE Base PEc MTNUTOF 11/24/86 order to al 'l ow modul ar ecreati on zon e strict.Appl icant: Vail AssociiEEll-Inf (Diana Donovan arrjved. )Peter Patten explained that VA wished to be permitted to have modular bu.i 1d.i ngsto continue on site indefinitely with an annual review. In l9g5 the pEC aeni;oa request from VA to continue the seasonal modular building use as well as toadd another modular building to accommodate additionit J"y"."r" faciljt.i es.This decision was appealed to the Town Counc'i I who approula tn" request for twoyears with 10 conditions which Peter listed in the memo. The staff recommendeddenial of the present request, but listed conditions jf th; pEc did decide toapprove the request. Joe Macy of Vail Associates discussed the program offered to children in themodular buildings as.did.Nancy Nottingham.' sFe stressed the targe numuer-oichildren being served-and the antic'ipited increase. -miiv-.t"t"d that this wasa,very important service to the community. He added thai not until VA reachedPhase 4 or Phase 5 of the Expansion plan, would they be "ut" to do someth.i ngwith.a new-bui1ding. He pointed out that vA had lootea at other options anicould not find any that worked as well. He added that VA was wifting io icieptthe conditions. Peggy 0sterfoss felt vA-was doing a good job with the fac.i 1.i ty. She wasconcerned that the facility was not on the same level as the servjce and feltthat it was hard to justify granting approval of modu'l ars io on" appl .i cant, andnot to others. schultz was opposed to extending the approval for tii. i..ii:iv-at Golden Peak. Discussion followed concerning number of children served.schultz felt the proposai must be treated'l ike-any other applicant who isproviding a service. He stressed that the proposai originaiiy r,ru. an interimproposal . Macy pointed out that there had been other modulars given building perm.i ts,such as ValIi Hi and Hobbit Hil]s. He felt that everyone today must toot itcreative solutions. Diana Donovan was not willing to g.i ve permanent approvalto a temporary solution. she also felt the notici to lne plutic did notcl early state that the request was for permanent approval ior the modulars.Patten said the Town-has the right to revoke the conditional use p"rritl -i".ry'Ljtchliter of VA explained that the modulars were in ptaie-in October of tgAE.'He added that if everyone felt the Town was be'i ng piaced in an unfair position,the Town could grant a "rolling approval ." Peter Patten read section .l9.60.050 which states: ,'The commission may approvethe application as submitted or may approve the application subject t6 sirirrmodifications or conditions .... A conditional use permit may 6e revocable,may be granted for a. limited time period ,' Diana Donovan wondered why VAcould not just come back on a yeariy basis. J.im viel" igr."o with oonovi-n,--and felt that the wrong message wouid be sent to the comminity that',modularsare 0K-" He felt that more could be done to the tanascaping to hide thebuilding- He stated that vA-should get praise for the ob.rition, but he wasuncomfortable giving.approval on a p-rmanent basis. v.i eie iointed out thatmuch could be done with modulars, as the Arrowhead sales ofiice was a modularbuilding for an example, but he felt that this.i ndefin.i te approval would be agrant of speci al pri v.i I ege. PECtr/24/86-2- Di ana Donovan moved and Jim Viele seconded totional use permit for t e modular buildinstaff recommendations w e submitted to the arti cul ar 5 'ts torehensive I andscape rmanent. and wit un e rstan that the Patten wanted to clarify Joe Macy's statement regarding other modulars in Vai'l .He stated that prefabs are not necessarily modulars, and that some prefabs havebeen.approved by the DRB. viele suggested setting i time limit.in theapplication. Osterfoss felt that it would be helpful if the board knew whatcommitment VA had to constructing a permanent facitity. Ljtchl.i ter stated thatVA could not make a commitment as to when they would ionstruct the permanentfacility. Jack..Rush,_manager of-Manor vai1, asked the board why they could not just sayuNo?u He felt it would be njce to see a nursery structuri. He wondeied whaithe board would say jf he had asked for a trailLr in his parking roi z veirs ina row- He felt that VA should be abl e to come up with some alt6rnativel s.incevail was not known for its modular units. Rush was also concerned aboui anearlier agreement with Bob Parker, formerly with vA, about a guarantee not toconstruct any other permanent structures other than the one ai the base ofGolden Peak. He said that this had not been recorded and wondered if theagreement would still be in force. Patten stated that the only bindingagreements between neighborhood and vA were in the covenants and the zining.Since VA had chosen not to build (after they respresented that ttrey wouldj] theagreement to get rid of the trailers was not binding. Rush was concerned that perhaps a large building would later be built, such asa conference center. Patten stated that with the fil.i ng of the subdivisionp1at, which is part of this application, uses would be lpelled out. Macystated that vA had done all it needed to do to get the piat recorded, aniPatten did not quite agree. the uest for the -88 includin cl E on solution as soon as Doss vote is a negative vote. Viele reminded Macy that he could appeal to the Town Council 4.Ar uest to revious Town of Va'i I zon i n the fol I owi nre-annexe areas:Matterhorn aqe. F 1 | I n a ViIIaqe stFilinq No. nooml n I ums ract and an atte n Bookaqe 657 e uou tv Cler s recor canE: en coura n had been officia11y re-annexed ana Donovan moved and P n ooK mor e rman en t tie in August of 0sterfoss Kri stan'1986 and seconded Pritz stated showed the ar ea map. to zone t that areas the r thi s ona ro approve e vote was 2-2-s abstai n'i n map.e vote was 5-0 in est PECLL/?4/85-3- on e atta rt/x-7 ,4ri1au',7 7> ' O 'o' (/o' )o " 1' l't'Jo"'' Mr. & Mrs . Harley G. Higbi.e ' Jr. R ,- . , t:2100 colorado state gan[. guilding, l6 o o Dro6-eu'r-c') Denver, Colorado 80202 Starford Properties N.V. 2655 Le ;reune Road, Suite 1010 Coral Gables, Florida 33f34 Ms. Barbara M. osborne 2014 Sea Cove Court Houston, Texas 77058 Mrs. Frances E. Gunn 355 East Hanson Ranch RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Mrs. Virginia L. Olson Cherry Hills III, *47 2800 South University Boulevard Denver, Colorado 802f0 Mr. & Mrs. ton Slaughter 2301 Douglas Drive San Angelo, Texas 76901 Mr. w. Grant Williams #2 Ladue LaneSt. Louis, Missourj- 53L24 I{r. George P. Caulkins, Jr. Colorado state Bank - 76o,t Aut\'-^Suite 2100 | Denver, Colorado 80202 Mr. Richard D. Bass 4224 Thanksgiving Toriter Dallas, Texas 7520L Mr. Jay A. Precourt , .- ,r). / 0., - 'iii 1600 BroadwaY ''i!-- Suite 2600 Denver, Colorado 80202 Denver Leadership Foundation' Inc. 1780 South Bellaire *30s Denver, Colorado 80222 ';z'/ty' Mr. Jerry Kube Pinos De1 Norte Condo Assn. 600 Vail Valley DriveVail' Colorado 81657 Mr. Brinkman Northwoods Condo Assn. 600 Vail Valley DriveVaiI, Colorado 81657 Mr. John Everly Garden of the Gods Club 356 East Hanson Ranch RoadVai1, Colorado 81657 Mr. William A. Bours, IIIPark Plaza #1076 1160 Lovering AvenueWilmington, Delaware 19806 Mr. Chuck Reichert 6516 SouthpointDallas, Texas 75248 Mr. Peyton Perry 650 South Cherry Street *1000 Denver, Colorado 80222 Mr. & Mrs. Jurgen Hintz 2747 Walsh RoadCincinnati, ohio 45209 Mr. & Mrs. S.E. Murphree, Jr.P.O. Box 36I23 Houston, Texas 77235 GPO Associates 14755 Preston RoadSuite 424Dallas, Texas 75240 Mrs. Alexandar MacCormickI60 East 72nd Street New York, New York 10021 Mr. & Mrs. Keith Bro\'rn 377 Race Court Denver, Colorado 80206 Mr. P. Anthony Ridder I Herald Plaza Miami, Florida 33132 Mr. WM. Summer 1360 Kenilwood Lane Riverwoods, Illinois 60015 Mr. Thomas orDv"yer Box 852075Dallas, Texas 75085 Mrs. Barbara Glaser 955 Eudora Street' Apt. #1803 Denver, Colorado 80220 I,tr. Rike wooten 3600 E. Alameda Denver, Colorado 80209 Vail International' Inc. 625 N. Frontage Road #24Vail, Colorado 81557 Mr. & Ivlrs. John Donovan Box 60I Vail, Colorado 81658 Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Forbes 707 Summer Street Stamford, CT.06904 Mr. Dave SchnerelbergerAll Seasons condo Association 434 Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 / ' - "t3+;t-Mr. Tim Garton at'' Ramshorn Condo Assn. 416 Vail Valley Drive Vai1, Colorado 8I657 IvIr. Jack Rush Manor VaiI Lodge 595 East Vail ValleyVail, Col-orado 8165? Mr. Bob Lazier Tivoli Lodge 386 Hanson Ranch Road Vailr Colorado t|1557 Drive 4{r- 13o> ./, Er/h^ ft./-- zEl Rr,'1-)f Lt-1 Ur. & Mrs. Hovrard P. Berkowitz L5 Do1na Scarsdale, New York 10583 Mrs. Linda Craddock 25 Pourtales Colorado Springsl Colorado 80905 Mrs. Helen H. Chatfield 540 S. Franklin Street Denver, Colorado 80209 lvtr. Paul D. Balstad - 229 South Birch Denver, Colorado 80222 Mr. & MrB. Charles A. Meyer 1320 North Sheridan Road Lake Forest' Illinois 60045 Vourl'S.rvre< " B&- lto fl1 , ' 4.*'* Ota/rns a,.b^ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPL I CANT : Planning and Environmental Commission Communi ty Devel opment Department November 24.- 1986 A request for condjtjonal use permit contj nuance of modul ar buj 1di ngs for operatjons at Golden Peak. Vajl Associates, Inc. with an annual review for the chi I dren's ski school I.DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE Attached please find a letter from Joe Macy describing the request andthe proposed use. Also, we have attached a more detajled list of thespecific uses proposed for the modular bui1dings. Basical ly, Vail Associates is requesting a conditional use permjt which would allow the modular buildings to continue on site indefinitely with an annual reviewto address any problems or concerns regarding the operations containedwithin the modular structures. In July 1985 Vai'l Associates received approval from the Town Council.to continue the seasonal modular building use as well as to add another modular building to accommodate additional day care fac.i lities. The approval contained the fo'l lowing ten conditions: l. Approval lasts two years from the date of Council approval withthe stipulation that after one year, Vail Associates gives a status report to Counc'il on their plans for redeveloping Golden Peak and how they intend to handle nursery/day care facil ities. 2. No night time use of the modular buildings are allowed. A 6:30 PM closing time wiII be enforced. 3. There shall be a minimum of 103 public parking spaces on the site. 4. A revocable right-of-way agreement with the Town shall be obtainedfor landscapjng and parking. 5. Sufficient staff must be provided by Vail Associates to adequately enforce the parent drop-off area on the eastern end of the parking I ot. 6. Vail Metropol itan Recreation Distrjct be fully reimbursed for all damages incurred on the tennjs courts due to the modular bu il di ngs. Paint the modular build'i nqs to become more aesthetic. The Design Review Board should address this issue. The protective covenants, subdivision plat, etc. are all fjled and approved. 1 8. 9. Pave the walkway between the parking lot and upper walkway. 10. Remove the modular buildings fron the parking lots within two weeks after com'ing off the tennis courts. Al 1 of the conditions with the exception of No.8 have been complledwith. The subdivjsion plat and protective covenants have not been filed due to the lack of a maintenance agreement regarding the bus turn-aroundarea. There has been confusion regarding the language on the plat as it appl ies to the bus turn-around and drop-off area. Clarjfication of thjs language and filing of the covenants and subdivis.i on plat will be completed as soon as oossible. It should be noted that vail Associates has completed an extenslve renovation project to the Golden Peak base faci]ity. This remodel hasprovided improved facilitjes for both VA emp'l oyees and the skiingpublic. As represented to the council this summer in an update on thestatus of the Golden Peak redevelopment project, Vajl Associates has nointention in the near future to do a major nedevelopment of the site. They fee'l that there are h'igher priorlties forimprovements on the ski mountain itself. II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS ( Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recommends denjal of the conditional use permit based upon the followingfactors: Consideration of Factors 1. bl alionship and impact of the use on development objectives ofthe Town. As stated jn last year's memorandum, we feel that children,s ski school and day care facilities are important to the community. These faciI ities provide an invaluable service to our guests w.i thchildren and allow for a we'l I rounded family resort. It is important that day care and children's ski school facjljties contjnue to be provided for the skiing public. As stated above, the use proposed provides a needed publicfacility. The modular buildings are in close proximity to the Town of Vail bus stop at Golden Peak. No negative impacts are foreseen on the other criteria. Effect lrpon traffi.c wi!h par!icular reference to congestion. automotjve and pedestri an safety and convenjence. tiiTTic flow and ?. control , access, maneuverabi I ity and removal of snow Trom ttte The gffect of the use o! liqht.gnd air. distrjbutjon ofpopulaLiq4, tla4spqgqtiqn faciI jties, utiIities, schools and recreation facilj!jes, and other public facjljties needs. .t street and parki ng areas. -2- Last ski season, VaiI Assocjates converted the park.i ng lot to apublic parking 'l ot. This change has proved to be very successfulfor not only the general parking problem in the Vi1'l age area, butalso as a convenience to the ski school and day care faci'l ities provided within the modular bui'l dings. Familjes may now park at Golden Peak for their entjre ski day and take care of all theirskiing needs at the site. The displaced Vail Assoc.i ates employees have found other parking arrangements including a formal lease agreement for some 30 spaces at Manor Vail. Moreover, the prrovision of an additional drop-off area on the eastern side of the main parking lot has proved successful as wel1 . Theserevisions have improved the accessibi1ity and efficiency of theoverall Golden Peak facility. Condjtjon No. 5 of last year,s approval regarding sufficient staff to enforce the parent drop-off area has proved to be effectjve and we would wish that. jf approved, the staffing would continue. 4. Fffgct.upon lhe gharacter of the area in which the proposed use is !o be_logated. includinq the scale and bulk oi the proposed usein relation to surrounding uses. It js in this crjteri a that the Communjty Development Departmentfinds fau'l t with the proposal . As stated in the June |985 memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission, modular buildings are not up the quality standards of the Town of Vail,s development regulations. We feel that the modular buildings werejnitial 1y innocuous as a temporary (one to two years) solution to a problem jn the late 1970's when they fjrst appeared. We do notfl9 t"agr"" bllldi the negatrve effect upon the dhtreefer of the ar-aTn whTch theyare to c. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems licable e p r0pose use. III The.environmgnlal impact report concerning the proposed use. jf an environmental impact report is required by Chapter 18.56. No EIR required. FI NDI NGS The Planning Commission must make the following findings when grantingthe condi ti onal use: That the proposed location of the use is jn accord wi th the purposes of this ordinance and the purposes of the district jn which the site is located. ( That the proposed location of which it would be operated orto the public health, safety propert ies or improvements in the use and the conditions under maintained would not be detrimental or wel fare or material'ly injurious to the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicableprovisions of this ordinanc€. -3- IV.STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Communjty Development Department recormends denial of the requestfor a conditional use permit to extend indefinitely the existence of the modular buildings during the winter months at the Golden Peak site. As stated above, we find it faci I that is fashion consistent with the Town of Vail's hi the 'l ocation o modulars present. Moreover, the tremendous need and use of thesefacilities is obvious for a lrJorld Class resort. If the request is approved, we would recommend the following cond.i tions l. No night time use of the modular bui'l dings are allowed. The 6:30 PM closing time will be enforced. There shall be a minimum of 103 public parking spaces on the site Sufficient staff shall be provided by Vail Assoc.i ates to adequately enforce the parent drop-off area on the eastern end ofthe parking 1ot. 4. Vail Metropolitan Recreation Djstrict shall be ful1y reimbursedfor al1 damages incurred on the tenn'i s courts due to the modular buildings including bringing them in and taking them out of the area. 5. Town staff and Vail Associates shall work together to insure thatthe subdivision plat and protective covenants are filed before January l, .l987. 6. Remove the modular buildjngs from the parking lots within two weeks after coming off the tennis courts. r,.,..\ A Vai1 Associates will submjt a comprehensive landscape pian for the NeW \/ site to the Design Review Board. The approved plan shall be implemented by July 15, .|987. . .-F> /8) The wind screens on the north and east side of the modular'T)lc'Y ' | \J buildings shal l be installed before November 15 of each year. 'iutt"'2^.'\-ror 41L., (gll Vajl Associates shal 1 comply with the Fire Department,s*)-=-'-- \--l requirements for an adequate size water tap to accommodate their --'4, ,,1 cnninrzlan crrcram 1]lc!evSl_gggg!-. Ce-t-in1y the conditions of a both the aesthetic and functional problems wh'i c 'ilpft-'/ sPrinkler sYstem' /-'" ,'sfi -&ilazrzo{S - /-4 tz-s -bre6 LErr{E- 2. 5. ;,,,# Z-Z-/ ( Vail Associates, Inc. Creators and Operators of Vai.l and Beaver Crek October 23, 1985 !lr. Peter Patten Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Peter, The purpose of this letter is to formally apply fora new conditional use permit for the modular buildingswhich are used for the children's ski school operationat Golden Peak. Our application is to request a revised permit whichwould have no time limit but would require annual reviewof the operations on June lst. The purpose of the annualreview would be to afford the neighborhood, the Town ofVaiI and VaiI Associates the oppoitunity to review andassess the previous winterrs operatj.ons, and to identi.fyand implement solutions to any problems uncovered duringthe review. Vail Associates would work with the tor,irn staffto further define the specific elements of the annuaL reviewprocess. Attached j-s a check for the conditional use permitapplication fee and a completed conditional use perrnitapplication. I look forward to working with the staff on thisapplication. Sincerely, ,4furre-r,/ Joe l(acy./ Manager Mountain Planning JMIKI Attachments:checkapplication cc! Larry Lichliter Larry MuIlin Nancy Nottingham Pct Office Box ? . Vail, Colorado 81658, (n 4265&l l:, ME}'ORANDT] }'' TO:Joe Macy', Manater of Planning Manager of Childrents Skiing CentersFROIi: Nancy Nottinghan, DATE: November 21, 1986 RE:Modular Children's Ski Center at Golden Peak Iteurs to be covered in your report to the Vail Tor^'n Council should include: The concept, and usage, of the courbined ChiLdrents Centers in the Golden Peak nodular was excellen!. I canrt stress enough how wonderful it was for children, parents and staff to have the Snall World Play School (nursery), 3 I/2 - 6 year olds Ski Center, and the 6 t/Z - 12 year olds Ski Cenrer in the sane building. The response to a nursery facility in Vail was overwhelning!(1.) Ue had a capacity of l0 infants (age 2 nonrhs - 1g nonths) and 25 toddlers (age 18 Donths - 6 years) (2.) 0f the 145 days during the skl season' ue rrere over 802 fil1ed on 85 daysfor the infants and 66 days for the toddlers. (3.) I{e did sss6rrmc'd6gs 1,100 infants and 2,589 toddlers (total 3,699)during the 1985-85 season. (4,) These wele "new" children/ fanilies to the Vail Va1ley as the Beaver Creek Nursery increased 1l-Z over ics 1984-85 enrollnent. (5.) l{e had 539 infants and 464 toddlers (total 1,003) on our waiting lists throughout the season. Sone of these children were able to enrol1 in the nur- sery because of cancellations, but you can see that we do desper-ately need additional nursery space. l,le also had 1.9,566 3Il2 - 12 year olds in our two ski pro- grans at Golden Peak. This was a 6.57 increase over the pre- vj.ous season. The LionsHead Center decreased .87. (20,175 children) during the sane period, so sorne of the increase was fron fanilies noving to the Golden Peak facilities becauseof the nursery. But I feel most of the increase was frorn nenfanilies coning to Vail when they called the VRA and were toldthat "yes" tre no$ had nursery facilities. The number of children enrolled at the Golden Peak Center rein- forces the educational usage of the nodular. In addition to the childrenr s prograns the nodular was also extensj.vely used forVail Associatesr training classes, aerobic uorkout programs and instructor cert ificat ion clinics. I ad attaching copies of a Vail Trai.l article and lerters about the Golden Peak Nursery. lne are and 3l through 12. Thls service has been requested for several years and should be a posl-tive additLon to the Chlldrenrs Center. Young Local-s ski program will also expand at Golden Peak this season. l,le adding mid-week, all day lessons to accomodate the new kindergarten program, 3i - 0 year-o1ds to our Saturday Locals. The addition of the paid parking lot at Golden Peak for the 1985-86 season didbenefit our program greatly. Many families conmented on the convenience of being able to drive to the facility and park for the day without having to then ride a bus. The fanilies with children in the Play School were especially appreciative as they were carrying their children, toys, diaper bags, etc., etc.! I do feel that the Golden Peak modular building has been an extremely satisfactory incerim solution to the need for childrenrs facilltj.es and definitely support lts continued use. The Sna11 World nursery has been a critical component of the guestsl satisfaction with the Golden Peak Childrenr s Center and it is essential thaE we continue to provide that service. Vail nust have a nursery facility if it ls going to contlnue to attract family business away from other resorts such as Keystone and Copper Mountain. Now is the Eime for Vail Associates and the Tom of Vall to work together to provide childrenrs skiing and nursery facilitiesat Golden Peak. This can be done by extending the permj.t for the modular, or by coning up with a creative solution to what we can do with the over 23,000children that will need co use such a facility. Vail Associatesr chlldrent s programs have been growing approxirnately 32 eachyear. I feel the growth at Golden Peak this season will be even higher. The early season reservation for the Play School (nursery) are far ahead of this cime last year, with a higher percentage of "nerr" fanllies. I an attaching copies of a Vail Trail arcicle and letters about the Golden Peak Play School frorn last season. t ors :.:td;i-ri, totc,lEao r 'Thcy vc bcc^ .ski.[. lfh]al.t hat/.n l You had lhla loonae' - - Slnc? Stl School 'onl9i. i .cc.pG childEn thrcc Fari -! old or oldcr. untll thla yc.r. ; Dercn'J sliina h v.il h.d t.w; 3n"r,l: ijj'ff.il.xiil*iJi: Hl Erc too '!un8 to sll they ..< k I could !"t. b.bysltlcr. '1iI ;T,iT.;j',f"i"3i.ll-: EI i|m5 rkiln3. whlla onc spouse', eklcd, thc orhcr babysalithcyl. cosld driva !o Baavrr Gc.k I : iffif$e I fii,il#;ii.iitl-;-;"'d; :i+Hgfd;3.1gl:f#3';1lli:;g"il3".9mlrno.oPr'&r'6t hcrrurcnrd''u'h. L- to put r nrodular unit.rt + :i F::ff H|if 'fi ro;*.*;i;;.{i#ri;1#ti.*,iftciiH,T1:]';l'ffiilffil''' i.f#.j1'{,:,}r!;jff, f&Eni.i*z:,r,.# t::.,''{,:::ffi';H'il "di,?i:t*#;ri: F:#igf*F,r}I . f 96s6 ik s..son. .; - oa'!. --' -:"('---'---- "'wc show thch.andcrpl.ln :|rall'blc f9 n"'' p.Ent5 on thr <.ltbrc of rhoi ' ii; ;;-;i;tldEn ro . 01||63 s.id th. roddlers' sll boots .nd skls .rd. th.n -j -osncrs-setd'thc nuncry t, ixttiry. - "- -*'- :' -* It AutGaii" f ina ii. n"ti" d"y t! Ccarrd tor,.d. pre- .h.r br.h w! Iooutfor.n tull ro (.D.Etrv cr,.r" ai"[. ;^"".;;;; "ii'iiiilii $9 -prrog.m *hcc'th. hout.nd tr] thc11^1'_t5:; r,alrn€ rrsr o' r* ,ltii ' :rtbrnrrr *cd ro.,p.nd [ ffi i; ro;rh;i; iiffilif,irltdr.n prnlclpatc.ln .lt ..d t ld":Th.n c'!ryoic toca fo.' <hiur;q' :. -' '.- '- '- 1..i [fiti#-t*:il*_ rf----E,ik*--zr==--Qpilrriil-.;.+rri:i t*?ft ;- .r? ;l Pholot by Mlk. Flwllng3 E RESOMASSOqASM ( 241 E. Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 July 21, 1986 Vail Town Council 75 S. Frontage Roadvail, co 81657 Dear Town Council: The need for a drop-in child care facitity in Vail is an essentialservice to our winter guests. When the child care program for agestwo months to six years opened at Gold Peak for the 1985/85 skiseason, the demand for it excelLed the space available. In the past, when this service was not available, people changedtheir destination ski vacation to other ski areas who happily pro-vided child care programs for these ages. We promote Vail as a family ski area and encourage peopJ-e to comehere without their cars. How can we Sincerely, not provide convenient child care for our guests? b*,?fl Wendy !t. Gustafson Vail Information Booth WG/lc t CENTRAL RESERVATIONS o (303\ 476.5677 MARKETING/CHAMBER SERVICES . (303) 476-1000. Denver Line 595-9488 Son{on x z ( or+.-zr a-/z/r,zr") V._rt-rl-^z-9 L^-J--t/ca- PCca-a-u*e- i n-lcoul, 7 'a-o-nfi- o-L.r '/ ^ 11d- cCa--gZ-L.+-, eZo..t_o, L )o,ur-t-,'a ":,^-V ot-ua-.5R;- r't-r-"2-;-,,- . 437 1cdnr,Otkc Koai . u4lirrtttnpolis, ,llinrcsotrt . 554o5 li' l-l-. ty'"'*r--1 Ju4/, a.-'t \- Ca-<-t- 14. .^;J4 ..<z-c,-,^t.- /o-^- a- *Jth-q -^;- q^_-L'A-.r r' -y'ooZ-{"^-,,""-^-1. ,b" n/a-r-/<;n0 eur_tL Vfu-s,L ( -F.e-i" t- pto-1o-Le-- fia_.-,-. / T- a-a-li-&--a'z^- f, LXL-,sroz--a- e-/._aia u)aa aJorV ry .*.*,:"+"fl.ot/*j -/r_:;L77o':t^ffi 3ry **fZ*3"*A,{*- i,*'^4,, -4.ft":A.LL-" q"^dr-r.* | (-/ lz-t7 - 8s o '-t- t/r/ruP*r- /l'rcWw"- Plo/t\-e-../u"'------:. ./ /'-w o \i \,,,'t \' ,..(, /,] *( 4764/,14 I..1 I!L/l/ I I /..''Ll ' ,Jl'i,i "', " ,[ :. f ., , L;,.^. [ _:_ -t"' ' , J-,., l " jrl ,''''nt ''f 01"",fi'w'/t -'t 715 Lionshced Clrclc, Veil, Cotoredo E1657 r (303) ( I ur\r L . . 1..1.1u-.r..t-, !l c'l"k-['.-r "-' {l '' ;' - .t._ r r,- u -rL r L' t J'"'- 0 t, I )_ an .,_. tlL ,f,\oriott3" IVIark Resort /Ltli -f ,.Ll.;--i- c't ';( \ L >- /iIttt| , \ .,- . rt 'd-'\ I i'l +- L\Pcr^-. QV'o'"-x-4-,1' -1 L'^* It -t'a -..f tLw'-' -;l i..',' i'.'-'-c'-'!\ ( )f,orriotB. IVIarft Resort ru llorlcd Odc,lbl, C4666o 61tttr l!031 r7&tttr '2_ -tt[, I l( (,,-!. 1/*t t )'-,tr'-v-t*'ur- rut'i 'at"'' !( c.i Li.L'-i J"''f'' " / -' ilA"' u '-" '/t'-' 'l | .L:- hL.,/':'l (!, il-+'an'1'u'':-'t :1">'-"-4 l-'L 't- \ ( t/-:''l', l-.,. 1tr'/f 't-tx-)- w4e oo't' ;:l-<''lt'--1"';'-''' I | -'/ ,',jv ,l ,/.J.1 .r--C_/-.--c \ .ieL MN li>' L/ t /\''t: )lttti''-^' 'a-.,t1 '., i.,/ J / J J .,4NN2 Vai[ Assq rci: r (cs, Inc. (lrcitcr. rrrr,l()1'r'r 'r .1..,.f \lr'1 ,,",|[l,.rrlr ( rr.tk l'larch .|3, l986 Dear Mrs. Fox, Thank you for taking the tinre to tvrjte about the need for additional nul'sery space understand your frustratjon in being unable the Gol den Peak Center. We are currently tryjng to lease space in the LionsHead area for next season, and hope to have our own new center for the '87-'88 season. Because of the Colorado child care laws i i s di ffi cul t to fi nd commerci al space that woul d meet thei r requi rements. |.le are bui I di ng a new center at Beaver Creek for next season. The ski school secretary e'i ther center, f or next season number is l-303-476-3239. lJeat Gol den Peak after Thanksqi v 1-303-476-1088). NN/fh to Vail Associates. I can certai nlyto get space at r dt The phone reservati mber i s can make rese during the s wi ll al so bejng. (Golden rvations umme r . tak'ing Peak nu ons Sincerely, \**". \u""^(h.,*- l,lancy Nottingham Adnli ni s trati ve Manager Children's Skiing Centers li'-1 I \l lr \ ..1 .,,t\l Rrc'oDEc - 2 t986 Vail Associates, Inc. Creators and Operators of Vail and Beaver Creek December 2, L986 Mr. Ron Phillips Manager Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVaiI, Colorado 81657 Dear Ron, Please be advised that Vail Associates j-s appealing the decision by the Planning Commission of November 24th, 1986 to deny VaiI Associates request for continued use of the modular buildings at Golden Peak for the children's ski school. The vote of the Planning Conmission on our request was 2-2 wj.th one abstention. We feel very strongly that the children's ski center is a very important aspect of our product and that the modular buildings are an acceptable and practical method of accommodating the children's ski school at Golden Peak. Please let me know when the Town Council will review our appeal. Sincerely, lz/rr' hflilr^f# Jl,tt/kI ,&r*,Joe l'tLacy /Manager Irlountain Planning Pct Office Box 7. Vail, C-olorado 81658. (303\47O5@l i -a'7 /" *r oo dovid m. peel kothy worren orchitects 2588 oroso dr. p.o. box 3370 voil, co, 81658 3c.3'476'45c,6 December 16, 1986 Vail Town Council Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Council Members ; I am writing on behalf of the Vail Design Review Board regarding the request by Vail Associates for a conditional use permit with an annual review for the continuance of modular buildings for the children's ski school operations at Golden Peak. The Board is in agreement with the Town Stafffs reconunendation for denial and their statenent that ttrnodular buildings are no! up to the quality standards of the Town of Vailts development regulations.t' Please consider that these rnodular buildings are perceived as a permanent structure by our guests who see them in place each ski season. Therefore, this facility should fo1low the same requirements for design quality and appeal as other structures in Vail Village. Granting of this request will condone the future use of the existing rnodular buildings rather than encourage Vail Associates to provide a children's ski school facility consistent with the Design Guidelines. Should the Council request further input from the Design Revj-ew Board on this natter, we will be pleased to meet with you. Yours truly, Kathf Waflren Chairperson Design Review Board PEc MTNUTEU 11/24/86 3. [+sqgest f9r a conditjonal use pgfmit in order to a]low modular . - (Diana Donovan arrived. )Peter Patten explained that VA wished to be permitted to have modular buildingsto continue on site indefinitely with an annual review. In .l985 the PEC denieda request from VA to contjnue the seasonal modular building use as well as to add another modular bui'l ding to accommodate additional day care facilities.This decisjon was appealed to the Town Council who approved the request for twoyears with 10 conditions which Peter ljsted in the memo. The staff recommendeddenial of the present request, but listed conditions if the PEC did decide to approve the request. Joe Macy of Vail Associates djscussed the program offered to children in the modular buildings as did Nancy Nottingham. she stressed the large number ofchildren being served and the anticipated increase. Macy stated that this wasa very important service to the community. He added that not until VA reached Phase 4 or Phase 5 of the Expansion P1 an, would they be able to do somethingwith a new building. He pointed out that vA had looked at other options and could not find any that worked as well. He added that VA was willing to acceptthe conditions. Peggy 0sterfoss felt VA was doing a good job with the fac.i lity. She was concerned that the facility was not on the same leve'l as the service and feltthat it was hard to justify granting approval of modulars to one applicant, andnot to others. Schultz was opposed to extending the approval for the facilityat Golden Peak. Discussion followed concerning number of children served. Schultz felt the proposal must be treated like any other applicant who isproviding a service. He stressed that the proposal origina] 1y was an interim proposal . Macy pointed out that there had been other modulars given bu.i 1d.i ng permits, such as valli Hi and Hobbit Hills. He felt that everyone today must look atcreative solutions. Diana Donovan was not willing to give permanent approvalto a temporary so'l ution. She also felt the notice to the publ.i c did notclearly state that the request was for permanent approval for the modulars. Patten said the Town has the right to revoke the conditional use permit. Larry'Litchliter of VA explained that the modulars were in place in 0ctober of .l985. He added that if everyone felt the Town was being placed in an unfair position, the Town could grant a "rolling approval ." Peter Patten read Section .l8.60.050 which states: "The cormission may approvethe appljcation as submitted or may approve the application subject to suchmodifications or conditions .... A conditional use permit may be revocable, may be granted for a limited time period " Diana Donovan wondered why vAcould not just come back on a yearly basis. Jim viele agreed with Donovan, and felt that the wrong message would be sent to the community that "modularsare 0K." He felt that more could be done to the landscaping to hide thebui1ding. He stated that vA should get praise for the operation, but he was uncomfortable giving approval on a permanent basjs. viele pointed out that much could be done with modulars, as the Arrowhead sales office was a modularbuilding for an example, but he felt that thjs indefinite approval would be agrant of special privilege. PECLr/?4/86-?- Patten wanted to clarify Joe Macy's statement regarding other modulars in Vail. He stated that prefabs are not necessarily modulars, and that some prefabs have been approved by the DRB. Viele suggested settjng a t.ime limit in theapplication. 0sterfoss felt that it would be helpful if the board knew what commitment VA had to constructing a permanent facility. Litchliter stated that VA could not make a conmitment as to when they wou'l d construct the permanent faci 1 i ty. Jack Rush, manager of Manor Vai1, asked the board why they cou'l d not just say "No?" He felt it would be nice to see a nursery structure. He wondered whatthe board would say if he had asked for a trailer in his park'i ng lot 7 years in a row. He felt that VA should be able to come up with some alternative, sincevail was not known for its modular un'i ts. Rush was also concerned about anearlier agreement wjth Bob Parker, formerly with VA, about a guarantee not to construct any other permanent structures other than the one at the base of Golden Peak. He said that this had not been recorded and wondered if the agreement would stjll be jn force. Patten stated that the only binding agreements between neighborhood and VA were in the covenants and the zoning. Since VA had chosen not to bujld (after they respresented that they would), the agreement to get rid of the trailers was not binding. Rush was concerned that perhaps a large building would later be built, such as a conference center. Patten stated that with the filing of the subdivjsionp1at, which is part of this application, uses would be spelled out. Macy stated that VA had done all jt needed to do to get the plat recorded, and Patten did not qujte agree. comprehensive lan to the to make ooK more ermanenE. and w s encoura rman en t sol ution as soon oss l e vote -2-tie vote is a negat VE VO Viele remjnded Macy that he could appea'l to the Town Councjl Ar uest to aopl revl ous I own of Vail zonin to the fol I owi n re-annexed areas:tterhorn V e a age esE nq No. I and Spruce Cree Town Condomi n i ums Tract and an un att ste n Book Paqe e Count s recor at 4. App cant:own o Kri stan.|986 and Pritz stated showed the re-annexed in August of 0sterfoss thi s ona had been officially Diana Donovan moved Dianq Donovan moved and Jim Viele seconded to approve the request for theggnditiglal use pelnit for the modular buildinss for the year 1987-88 including thestaffrecommendat.ionsw.ithpartjcularernphas map.e vore was est PECTL/24/86-3- that areas the re area map. to and P seconded to apDrove e propertv as shown on the attac at Golden Peak in 5-forac ndi ti ona rmit in to allow modular Recrea stri ct.Vail Asso Inc. (Diana Donovan arrived. )Peter Patten explained that VA wished to be permitted to have modular buildingsto continue on site indefinitely with an annual review. In 1985 the PEC denied a request from VA to contjnue the seasonal modular building use as well as to add another modular building to accommodate additional day care facilities. This decis'i on was appealed to the Town Council who approved the request for twoyears with 10 conditions which Peter listed in the memo. The staff recommended denial of the present request, but listed conditions jf the PEC did decide to approve the request. Joe Macy of Vail Associates discussed the program offered to children in the modular bui'l dings as did Nancy Nottingham. She stressed the large number of children be'ing served and the anticipated increase. Macy stated that this was a very important service to the community. He added that not until VA reached Phase 4 or Phase 5 of the Expansion P1an, would they be able to do something with a new building, He pointed out that VA had looked at other options and could not find any that worked as well. He added that VA was willing to accept the cond'i ti ons. Peggy 0sterfoss felt VA was doing a good job with the facility. She was concerned that the faci1ity was not on the same level as the service and feltthat it was hard to justify granting approval of modulars to one applicant, andnot to others. Schultz was opposed to extending the approval for the facilityat Go1den Peak. Discussion followed concerning number of children served. Schu'l tz fel t the proposal must be treated like any other applicant who is provid'i ng a servjce- He stressed that the proposal ori gina11y was an interim proposal . Macy pointed out that there had been other modulars given building permits, such as Valli Hi and Hobbit Hills. He fe1t that evenyone today must look at creative solutions. Diana Donovan was not willing to give pernanent approvalto a temporary solution. She also fe1 t the notice to the public did not clearly state that the request was for permanent approval for the modulars. Patten said the Town has the right to revoke the conditional use permit. LarryLitchliter of VA explained that the modulars were in place in 0ctober of l985. He added that if everyone fe1 t the Town was being placed in an unfair position, the Town could grant a "rolling approval ." Peter Patten read Sectjon 'l 8.60.050 whjch states: "The commission may approve the application as submitted or may approve the applicatjon subject to such modifications or conditions .... A conditional use permit may be revocable, may be granted for a limited time period " Diana Donovan wondered why VA could not just come back on a yearly basis. Jim Viele agreed with Donovan, and felt that the wrong message would be sent to the community that "modu'larsare 0K." He felt that more could be done to the landscaping to hide thebuilding. He stated that VA should get praise for the operation, but he was uncomfortable giving approval on a permanent basis. Viele pointed out that much could be done with modulars, as the Arrowhead sa] es office was a modularbuilding for an example, but he felt that this indefinite approval would be agrant of special privilege. PECtl/24/86-2- Patten wanted to c1 arify Joe Macy's statement regarding other modulars in Vai'l . He stated that prefabs are not necessari'ly modulars, and that some prefabs have been approved by the DRB. Viele suggested setting a time limit in lheapplication. 0sterfoss felt that it would be he1 pful jf the board knew whatcormitment VA had to constructing a permanent facility. Litchliter stated that VA cou'l d not make a conmitment as to when they would construct the permanent faci 1 i ty. Jack..Rush,_manager of_Manor vail, asked the board why they could not just say"No?" He felt it would be nice to see a nursery structure. He wondeied whaithe board would say if he had asked for a trailer in his parking 1ot 7 years ina row. He felt that VA shou'l d be able to come up with some altirnative, sincevail was not known for its modular units. Rush was also concerned aboui anearlier agreement with Bob Parker, formerly with vA, about a guarantee not toconstruct any other permanent structures other than the one at the base ofGolden Peak. He said that this had not been recorded and wondered if the agreement would sti'l 'l be in force. Patten stated that the only b.inding agreements between neighborhood and vA were in the covenants and the zoning.Since VA had chosen not to build (after they respresented that they would)l the agreement to get rid of the trailers was not binding. Rush was concerned that perhaps a large build'ing would later be bui1t, such asa conference center. Patten stated that with the filing of the subdivisionp1at, which is part of this application, uses would be ipelled out. Macystated that vA had done all it needed to do to get the pl at recorded, andPatten did not quite agree. iana Donovan and Jim Viele ded to the nc udiart icul a t a ooK more nt e e foll had been officia'l 1y re-annexed in August of Di ana van moved 0sterfo uest to recommendat w comp re n en s ve I anqscape esu rman en so'l uti on as s as ygte is a negat ve vote. Vjele reminded Macy that he could appeal to the Town Council 4.A request I revious T Vai I re -an n ex areas:tterhorn Fi'l i Condomi n Kri stan.|986 and seconded Pritz stated showed the t this area on a map. that areas the rto approve PECLT/24/85-3- rtv as own on tac etu &rJ ,-) v+ U/,4,4"^- C"e, fu /// qflh /;r/r> U TO:Planning and Environmental Commission ( FROM: Community Development Department DATE: November 24, 7986 SUBJECT: A request for conditional use permit wjth an annual review for the continuance of modular bujldings for children's ski school operations at Golden Peak. APPLICANT: Vai l Associates. Inc. I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE Attached p'l ease find a letter from Joe Macy describing the request andthe proposed use. Also, we have attached a more detailed list of thespecific uses proposed for the modular bui1dings. Basical1y, Vail Associates is requesting a conditional use permit which would alIow the modular buildings to continue on site indefinitely with an annual reviewto address any problems or concerns regarding the operatioirs containedwithin the modular structures. In July .l985 Vail Associates received approval from the Town Council to contjnue the seasonal modular building use as well as to add another modular building to accommodate additional day care faciljt.i es. The approval contained the following ten condjtions: l. Approval lasts two years from the date of Councjl approval withthe stipulation that after one year, Vail Associates gives a status report to Council on their plans for redeveloping Golden Peak and how they intend to handle nursery,/day care facilities. 2. No night time use of the modular bui'ldings are allowed. A 6:30 PMclosing time will be enforced. 3. There shall be a minjmum of 103 publjc parking spaces on the site. 4. A revocable right-of-way agreement wjth the Town shall be obtainedfor 'l andscaping and parking. 5. Sufficient staff must be provided by VaiI Associates to adequately enforce the parent drop-off area on the eastern end of the parking I ot. 6. Vail Metropolitan Recreatjon District be fu1 1y reimbursed for all damages incurred on the tennis courts due to the modu'l ar buildings. 7. Pajnt the modular buildings to become more aesthetic. The Design Review Board should address this issue. 8. The protective covenants, subdivision plat, etc. are all fjled and approveo. II 9. Pave the walkway between the parking lot and upper wa1 kway. 10. Remove the modular buildings from the parking lots wjthin two weeks after coming off the tennis courts. Al 1 of the condjtions with the exception of No- 8 have been comp'l iedwith, The subdivision plat and protective covenants have not been filed due to the lack of a maintenance agreement regarding the bus turn-aroundarea. There has been confusion regarding the language on the plat as it applies to the bus turn-around and drop-off area. Clarificatjon of this language and filing of the covenants and subdivision plat will be qoJnnleted as soon as possible. it sfLould be noted ttrit V"il Associates has completed an extensive renovation project to the Golden Peak base facility. This remodel hasprovided improved facilities for both VA employees and the skiing pub'l ic. As represented to the Council this summer in an update on the Stdtus ctf the Goldert Peak redevelopment project, Vajl Associates has nointentjon in the near future to do a major redevelopment of the site. They feel that there are higher priorities for improvements on the ski mountain jtself. ' :: . :' CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recommends denial of the conditional use permit based upon the follow'i ng factors: Consideration of Factors 1. Rglationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. As stated in'l ast year's memorandum, we feel that children's ski school and day care facilities are important to the community. These facilities provide an jnvaluable servjce to our guests with children and allow for a we1 I rounded family resort. It is important that day care and children's ski school facilities continue to be provided for the skiing public. 2.The effect of the use on |iqht and air distribution of oDu ation. trans ortat on faciI ities utilities. schoo S. DAT an recreation fac t es, and other pu acilities needs. A. As stated above, the use proposed provides a needed publicfacility. The modular buildings are in close proximity to the Town of Vail bus stop at Golden Peak. No negative impacts are foreseen on the other criteria. Effect u on traffic with articu] ar reference to co automot ve and pedestrian safetv and c0nven l ence contro access. maneuvera 3. street ano oar areas. -2- ty and remova I o tra ti on ow and , l-ast ski,s€ason, Vail Assocjates converted the parking'l of to apublic parking 1ot. This change has proved to be very successfu'lfor not only the general parking problem in the Village area, but also as a convenience to the ski school and day care facilities provided within the modular bui1dings. FamiIies may now park at Golden Peak for their entjre ski day and take care of all their skiing needs at the site. The displaced Vail Associates employees have found other parking arrangements including a formal lease agreement for some 30 spaces at Manor Vail. Moreover, the provision of an addit.iona,l drop:off area on the eastern side of.c,', , the.main parking lot h,as proved: successful as well. These revisions have improved the accessibility and efficiency of the overall Golden Peak facility. Condition No. 5 of last year's , - r' . approval'regarding. sufficient staff to enforce the parent drop-off area has proved to be effective and we would wish that, if approved, the staffing would continue. . .: l-a4, Effect upon the character of the area jn which the proposed use is. to be located. includin.g,the scale and bulk of the proposed usein relation to surrounding uses. It is jn this crjteri a that the Community Development Department finds fault with the proposal. As stated in the June .|985 memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission, modular buildings are not up the quality standards of the Town of Vai'l 's development regulations. We feel that the modular buildings h,ereinitial 1y innocuous as a temporary (one to two years) solut'ion to a problem in the late 1970's when they first appeared. hle do notfind modu'l ar buildings acceptable as a permanent solution due to the negative effect upon the character of the area jn which they are located. III. c. B.Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems licable to e propose use, The enviro!4gnta1 impact report concerning the proposed use. if an No EIR required. FI NDI NGS The Planning Commission must make thg -fqllowing findings when granting the conditional use: That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of this ordinance and the purposes of the distrjct in which the site is located. That the pl-op.ogqd, _l9qat-194 of which it would be operated orto the public health, safety properties or improvements in the use and the conditions under maintained wou'l d not be detrimenta'l or welfare or material 1y injuri ous to the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicableprovisions of this ordinance. -3- IV.STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Developm"nt Oep"rii.;;;"'.-"*;na, a"ni"f of the requestfor a conditional use permit to extend indefinitely the existence of the modular buildjngs duri ng the wjnter months at the Golden Peak site. As stated above, we find it unfortunate that a facility that is tremendously in demand such as this one, cannot be accommodated in a fashion consistent with the Town of Vajl's hjgh quality standards forall development. Certainly the conditions of approval help to mitigate both the aesthetic and functional prob'l ems which the location of the modular,s pr.esent. Moreover, the tremendous need and use of these faciI ities ,is obvious,for. a 'llonld: C'lass resort. If the request js approved, we would recommend the following conditions: ir'.l. No night time use of the modular buildings are allowed. The 6:30 PM closing time will be enforced. 2. _Therg _shql-L-bg.S_lni-n-tnqp_of 103 public parking space.s on the s'ite. 3. Sgfficient staffubll_bej1o_v_i-ded by Vail Associates to ;aequafGTt enTorce tttrrent arop-oif area on the eastern end of the parking 1ot. 4. Vail Metropolitan Recreation District shall be ful1y reimbursedfor alI damages incurred on the tennis courts due to the modular buildings including bringing them in and taking them out of the area. Town staff and Vai'l Associates shall work together to'i nsure that the subdivision plat and protective covenants are filed before January I, .|987. Remove the modu'l ar buildings from the parking lots within two weeks after coming off the tennis courts. Vajl Associates will submit a comprehensive 'l andscape plan for the site _to the Design Revjew Board. The approved plan shall be implemented by July 15, .l987. 8. The wind screens on the north and east side of the modular buildings shall be installed before November 15 of each year. 9. Vail Associates shall comply with the Fire Department's requ'i rements for an adequate size water tap to accommodate their sprinkler system. 5. 6. 7. -4- C ' 1.t Mr. Peter Patten Town ,6f Vd'i.:I.- ,S v,,r .. 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Dear .Pete*; Vail Associates, Inc. :r:. Creators and Operators of Vail and Beaver Creek October 23, 1986 The purpose of this letter is to formally apply fora nelri conditional'use permit for the -modular buiLdingswhich are used for the childrents ski school ooerationat Golden -Peak. . - Our application is to request a revised permit which wouLd have no time limit but would require annual reviewof the operations ori'June-1st. The purpose of the annualreview would be to afford the neighborhood. the Town ofVail and Vail Associates the oppoitunity to review and assess the previous winter's operations, and to identify and implement solutions to any problems uncovered duringthe review. Vail Associates would work with the town staffto further define the specific elements of the annual reviewprocess. Attached is a check for the conditional use permitapplication fee and a completed conditional use permitapplication. I look forward to working with the staff on thisapplication. Sincerely, ,4@.re-y/ Joe Macy / Manager Mountain Planning JMIKI Attachments:check application cc: Larry Lichliter Larry Mullin Nancy Nottingham Pct Office Box 7. Vail, C-olorado 81658. (n3Y?G56f1 !, TO: FRol.i DATE RE: lrEll 0RAND[r].1 Joe Macl', Manager of Planning Nancy liottingharn, Manager of Childrenrs Skiing Centers November 21, 1986 Modular Children's Ski Center at Golden Peak lEems to be covered in your report to the Vail Tor^'n Council should include: * The concept, and usage, of the courbined Childrenrs Centers in the Golden Peak nodular was excellent, I canrt stress .. ' enou'!h- hor^; wbirderf ul it was f or children, parents and staf f to have the Snall World Play School (nursery), 3 Il2 - 6 year ol.ds Ski Center, and the 6 LIZ'-- 12-yeaY-o1ds Ski Center in the sane building.* The response to a nursery facility in Vail was overwhelming!(1.) !,le had a capacity of 10 infants (age 2 Eonths - 18 nonrhs) and 25 toddlers (age 18 monchs - 6 years) (2.) Of the 145 days during the skl season, we were over 802 fi11ed on 85 days for the i.nfancs and 66 days for the toddlers. (3.) We did acconmodare 1,100 infants and 2,589 toddters (tota1 3,699) during the 1985-86 season. (4.) These wL!e rrnewrr children/ families to the Vail Va1ley as the Beaver Creek liursery increased 112 over its 1984-85 enrollnent. (5.) We had 539 infants and 464 toddlers (total 1,003) on our waiting lists throughout the season. Sone of these children \Jere able to enroll in the nur- sery because of cancellations, but you can see that we do desper- ately need additlonal nursery space.* We also had 19,566 3 I/2 - 72 year olds in our two ski pro- graEs at Golden Peak. This was a 6.52 increase over the pre- vious season, The LionsHead Center decreased .82 (20,775 children) during the sane periodr so sotD€ of the increase was fron fanilies. moving to the Golden Peak facilities because of the nursery. But I feel nost of the increase was fron newfanilies coming to Vail when they called the VRA and were told that "yes" Ire now had nursery facilities.* The number of children enrolled at the Golden Peak Center rein- forces the educational usage of the modular. In addi.tion to the children's prograns the uodular was also extensively used forVail Associatesr training classes, aerobic workout prograns and instructor cert ificat ion clinics.* I aui attaching copies of a Vail Trail article and letters about the Golden Peak Nursery. L 3! through 12. Thls service has been requested for several years and should be a positive addition to the Childrenrs Center. The Young Locals ski progran will also expand at Golden Peak this season. We are adding mid-week, all day lessons to accomodate the new kindergarten program, and 3l - 6 year-olds to our Saturday Locals. The addition of the paid parking lot at Golden Peak for the 1985-86 season did benefit our program greatly. Many families cotranented on the convenience of being able to drive to the facility and park for the day virhout having to then ride a bus. The faurilies with children in the Play School were especially appreciative as they were carrying their children, toys, diaper bags, etc., etc.! I do feel that the Golden Peak r.rodular building has been an extremel-y satisfactoryinterim solut j.on to the need for chlldrenrs facilities and definitely support its continued use. The Snall }lorld nursery has been a critical component of the guestst satisfaction with the Golden Peak Childrenrs Center and it is essential that we continue to provide that service. Vail uust have a nursery facility if it is going to contiqge tg attract ,fanily business away from ocher resorts such as Keystone and Copper -Mountain. Now is the time for Vail Associates and the Town of Vail to work together to provlde childrenfs skiing and nursery facllitiesat Golden Peak. This can be done by extending the pernit for the modular, or by coning up with a creative solution to what we can do with the over 23,000children that will need to use such a facility. Vail Associatesr childrent s programs have been growing approxirnaceJ.y 3Z eachyear. I feel the growth at Golden Peak this season will be even higher. Theearly season reservation for the Play School (nursery) are far ahead of this time lasc year, with a hlgher percentage of "nen" fanilles. I am attaching copies of a Vail Trail article and letters about the Golden Peak Play School from last season. i..- i+.:Fr,rPI.i.. i').:,r,t+_i .r', rs j:t_r,l'i.{i., r "Thcy ve b€en ask r{. Why.*'I h.v€n t vou had thls soonc.?'!.- Slnc€ Sll School -only-i. I .cccpts childr€n thrcc ycarr .t old oi older- unlll thls Lar- ; p.rcnle sliln3 In v.il h.d'f.u,I cholccs tor thck chlldrcn *ho?- chorccs ror lic|r chllorcn wno -:.i u,!.c too youn8 to sll. Ihcy ,<-< t could Bct a babyst[cr. '"j J romctifte6 h.ro to do in a -! t-nra to.mr tir.y could tai. EI Urns tliing, whllc one spouse: ' lklcd, thc othcr babysar: th.yI. cguld driY. to 8..\tr OeckLffi*+ 'i:.hn:urnrncr d.ctdedto.sk: -:---..--- - :- .lF.r "-t 'rt-rL- \-n- [[':#lul,r,uryl::,"Hs.ra,q?.{"ra-?.,{r*"$il:.rs'Hi*t{#$tsry*el'':rt*s'f ff*.;-' | :. cd&n trcrk rh.t rou ldtDu3.U ;il;;;;-iir;-3i!'1-6ll rJong wlth 2t roddlcE !p lo music xrldric.. hthc momrn3 r'rtcith.id..-. . "1 lno* th.'t b . r..l n .d t,3l;ffilr#,kiqj :E*#i*a*r,u: t"i*{'1tffi';H,il :^}q,?#',1*";:Jr',}: i:*}##lxF#; l. l9E5-E6 lld s.ason. j. ., oey --'1."1'?---'-'-- " wc sho* thch and cr!'lrtn lv'll'blc 19 n'rtt parenrs on lhe (.lib|l ol $a i ' ' n. .rt.-"iih drcn to . orl|css eid thc toddlc6' sll boots and skls .ttd t lcn .i osnc$-satd'thc nuEery ti l.dliry. F rarirs rjii. riJit.-,1"t-"1 O.y B g.atcd tow'.rd . pre- rh.r bxh w! to out br.n tull to c.p,.<tiy .vcry day wiiha .k. ..i *."-rJ.ti''i0-i;i;;6 +t*l progr.m whcG thc hout .nd trv thcm on," osncts ' *"itine lts! ol tirc to to 't rhtnl w" t iccd tocrpdrd [ :* r,- "rotri,ri; ii ''o.ti'i 111t0."1 9."op"qtl;1,:t ..|d.'Thcn .€.von. ro.i lot .hltdr;r':. . - ncn yc.r.'rh.!.rd .ir.-.*- - -flrem;.* Er---ffi'milfl,#{iss[*r-$ il 'r.!2 "li,,t Photot by Mlko Bawllngt 3 241 E. Meadow Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 July 21, 1986 VaiI Town Council 75 S.- Frontage RoadVail, CO 81657 Deer Town Cguncil: The need for a drop-in child care facility in Vail is an essentialservice to our winter guests. When the child care program for agesthto-honths to six years opened at GoId Peak for the 1985/86 skiseason, the demand for it excelled the space available. In the past, when this service was not available, people changedtheir destination ski vacation to other ski areas who happily pro-videi:L,child eare programs for these ages. - We promote Vail as a family ski area and encourage people to comeJ here without their cars.\ How can we not provide convenient child care for our guests? Sincerely,#*?f, Wendy lvl. Gustafson Vail Information Booth WG/lc CENTRAL RESERVATIONS r (303) 476.5677 MARKETING/CHAMBER SERVICES o (303) 476.1000 r Denver Line 595.9488 l;= t-l^ tt/",n,",^y Jrq/, W A-Lo-^t-A-a-L L"A ou,\ 7 --a--nA a-(J- Ca-.<-t- 1z^-n a-u-+_ O,t'L./ Ct*;-^- 'l><-czt,lh-L u.,/aJ4 cL.'t_?L-d-z-.\-/u-L . t *- I @.7 ()J.a-t ,t-a-,4.J/r t--.4 t4/- .^;/4 az-c,-,,,t--,,-, /c^- a- sl>e-q -^:*- q*-L'_,L..r 1 -y'ook-{o--.r-'.-^-L. ,Jr" n/6r:Zr-*a0 c,-.r-.tl- Vlo4-a- [f Le;^=t p--r*tn- aAa_;,_. I //,..- a-d-'U-h-;-' il /^At---sr""r_a- c-/_ait, u)aa alorV/4 4r -,-*2:*+*" o y'J -L*::;; ;*y'A: 5-^-,/c-c-c-4- rtL{;,AL (JVJ,; v*- n'/e-,-t ^/,-"-^-,r-t-L/ ; ,[2*TtrA/fu- lz-t? - 8s - -- -.(orr -, */a /r/, lro,l -.t/.-e- pLca-a*u,,2- i 5k.- r'"--"2*;-r"- . 437 €tdttrlnkc Koad ."llinrcnpolis, )liurcsolrt .554o5 o ,] /'I Qzn,e;'"1/ .t t.:t c'_\l'Ii lt- ^11.-r. .-li I \ t l, ! { .. '-' ''r \- I L-l )\ j., ) \J--;.t'lt"llt t-''' t # ott3, Mark)f,orri Resort 715 Lfonsh.rd Clrcl, Vdl, Coloredo 81657 . (*tl 47644tt4 ); -t | ,. l(tlitlt tl (. ,t:f .,-t ,( ( ,u.-"-lj] + tl-t":"' ? / | ':\:86ri,ri j ( \ili(\,' I I l .. ,. rcy'--..-\' ;ct- l. Lj- ^*;\\ -,-'i- -- ifIl\ At ^ ..' --l=-:'-]-.j.---"- , \a ,.i, | -l r,.t('h '/ |'--'i[-)ct'',rt-{ \L -=/' L"l -"-LLL-;- -al .f.-.^ r\ ?,.;LJ-i'"=-I r l; fr, t)- JL4-a> -r (,4- YLN-r,-r- Ll!/v' \ \:1 \I i ''' \'r-.( .,J / -L-. ' lt r.\Lr-L Li''r (' t' -- ,t f /' "..,1 \r--/t --) ( (. ,-!. * /'-." Il.i..L.i Jt'''P-''l ( C I b- ,\-.L <,t.i' (-4'--! -\ -l- "'^r-z'''-;{' -tt r | {t.!,\1 |-.*-i-..t; - i t.]\ - f,. - , i t t'"iJ1'e-'\/{'l--u- ' IItj" ) //"/- /9-\.l -{\ .IecA l^nA ll>' lVUrt )-----'Lt" .4h.'q2 Vai[ Assq rc i; r 1es, Inc. (lrcat,'t.;rrr,l()gv ", .1..,'1 \ir'l '"',1 11,, ,,, r 1'r,.aL l'larch .l3, .|986 Dear Mrs. Fox, Thank you for taking t.he t'i nre to tvrite about the need for additional nul'sery space understand your frustratjon in being unable the Gol den Peak Center. l,le are currently tryjng to lease space in the LionsHead area for next season, and hope to have our own new center for the'87-'88 season. Because of the Colorado child care Iavts it i s di ffi cul t to fi nd commerci a1 space that woul d meet thei r requi rements. We are bui 1di ng a new center at Eeaver Creek for next season. The ski school secretary can make reservations ' at ei ther center, for next season duri ng the summer. The phone number is 1-303-476-3239. lle rvi Il also be taking reservationsat Golden Peak after Thanksgiving. (Golden Peak number is l-303-476-1088). Sincerely, to Vai I Associates. I can certainlyto get space at NN/ fh \\o* ". \ +1""-'(t .4',-- Nancy f,lottingham Adnri n j s tra t i ve Man age r Chi ldren's Skijng Centers Jl.,t ( rlli , ll \.1 L _,/.t 1l TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPL I CANT: Planning and Environmental Commissjon Commun ity Deve'l opment Department November 24, 1986 A request for conditional use permjt continuance of modular buildings for operations at Golden Peak. Vajl Associates, Inc. I.DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE Attached please find a letter from Joe Macy describing the request andthe proposed use. A1 so, we have attached a more detajled list of thespecific uses proposed for the modular buildings. Basical 1y, Vai1 Assoc nditional use permit which would allow the m0 an annua I r address any pro5Terlrs or concerns regar ope ra ons c0nwithin the modular structures. In July 1985 Vail Associates recejved approval from the Town Councjl to continue the seasonal modular building use as well as to add another modular building to accommodate additional day care facil ities. The approval contained the following ten conditions: l. Approval lasts two years from the date of Council approval withthe stipulatjon that after one year, Vail Associates gives a status report to Council on their p'l ans for redeveloping Golden Peak and how they intend to handle nursery/day care facjlities. 2. No night time use of the modular buildings are allowed. A 6:30 PM c1 osing time will be enforced. 3. There shall be a minjmum of 103 public parking spaces on the site. 4. A revocable right-of-way agreement with the Town shall be obtainedfor landscaping and parking. 5. Suffjcient staff must be provided by Vail Associates to adequately enforce the parent drop-off area on the eastern end of the parking I ot. 6. Vail Metropolitan Recreatjon District be ful 1y reimbursed for all damages incurred on the tennis courts due to the modular bui ldings. Paint the modular buildings to become more aesthetic. The Design Review Board should address this issue. The protective covenants, subdivision p1at, etc. are alI filed and approved. 7. ?Z,n/e with an annual review for the children's ski school X 9. Pave the wal kway between the parking 1ot and upper 10. Remove the modular buildings from the parking lots weeks after coming off the tennjs courts. wal kway. within two - All.of lhe conditiols wi!h.the.exceptiof of No. 8 have been complie4_wlEn. Ine suDolvts'ton ptaE ano prof,ecttve covenants have not been filed-dueTo the lack of a maintenance agreement regarding the bus turn-aroundarea. There has been confusion regarding the language on the plat as itapplies to the bus turn-around and drop-off area. clarification of this Ianguage and fi1ing of the covenants and subdivis.i on plat w.i II be completed as soon as possible. It should be noted that leted an extensiv re s remooeprovi ded 'improved faci I ities for both VA-effiT6'-yees and the ski i ng publ ic. status of i ntent ion They feel mounta i n has the as n0 te. ski As represented to the CounciI this sunmer jn an update onthe Golden Peak redevelopment project, Vajl Assoc.i ates h 'i n the near future to do a major redevelopment of the sithat there are higher priori ties folimprovements on the i tsel f. II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Cornmunity Development Department recommends denial of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors 1. Bgl alionship and impact of the use on development object.ives of the Town. As stated in last year's memorandum, we feel that children's ski school and day care facilitjes are important to the commun.i ty. These facilities provide an invalua@itn children and allow for a well rounded family resort. It .i s important that day care and children's ski school facilities continue to be provided for the skiing public. The effecL of lbe @ibution of popul ation. . tralspgf!a!ion faci I i ties. uti I i ti es. school s. parks and recreat i on fac i I i ti es. and other publ i c faiili tl es needs . As stated above, the use proposed provides a needed publicfacility. The modular buildings are in close proximity-E6-the Town of Vail bus stop at Golden Peak. No negative impacts are foreseen on the other criteria. A. 2. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to esti on automotive and pedestrian safetv and conven 1 en ce tra control . access. maneuverabi I i tv and J. street an parKl ng areas . -2- remova I 0 snow f fic I ow and ll;1, :n;"ff?;:";"1:",1i:":;:ff: ;ffilk+aifor not on'ly the general parking prob'l em in the Village area, butalso as a convenience to the ski school and day care facilities provided within the modular buildings. Families may now park at Golden Peak for their entire ski day and take care of all thejr skiing needs at the site. The displaced Vail Associates employees have found other parking arrangements includjng a formal Iease agreement for some 30 spaces at Manor Vail. Moreover, theprovision of an additional drop-off area on the eastern sjde of the main parking lot has proved successful as well. These-revisions have inproved the accessibility and efficienily o . --Cond i ti on l\lo .--5--6-F-Ta-SFTEar' s appr0va rega ent staff to enforce the parent drop-off area has approveo, proved to be the staffing effective and we would wjsh that, if would continue. 4. buildings are not up the-414l!-ta-g!9rylards of the Town of Vail's glsllelopment regulatjons. }rle fe e elopment Deparfinds fault with the proposal . As stated in-the- memorandum to the PlEnnffi-and Environmental Commission, modular That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of this ordjnance and the purposes of the djstrict jn which the site is |ocated. III li6us as a temporary (one to two years) solutjon to a problem in the late 1970's when they first appeared. l,'le do norfind modular buildings acceptable as a permanent solution due to the negative effect upon the character of the area in which theyare located. c. B.Such other factors and criteri a as the Commission deems a licable the propose The"environmgnlal impact report concerning the proposed use. if an environmental impact report is required by Chapter 18.56. No EIR required. FI NDI NGS The P'l anning Commission must make the following findings when granting the condi ti ona'l use: That the proposed locatjon of which it would be onerated orto the public health, safety properties or improvements in the use and the conditions under maintained would not be detrimental or welfare or materjal ly injurious to the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the appljcab'l eprovisions of this ordinance. Fffgct=upor:r the ghalaqter of the area in which the proposed use isto be |ocated, including the scale and bulk of the piopoiEl use n relation to surroundinq uses. -3- IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends denial of the requestfor a conditjonal use permit to extend indefinitely the existence of the modular buildjngs duri ng the winter months at the Golden peak site. As stated above, we find it unfortunate that a facjlity that is tremendously in demand such as thjs one, cannot be accommodated in a fashion cons'i stent with the Town of VaiI's high quality standards forall development. Certainly the condjtjons of approval help to mit.i gate both the aesthetic and functional probiems which the 'l ocation of the modulars present. Moreover, the tremendous need and use of thesefacilities is obvious for a lJorld Class resort. If the request is approved, we would recommend the fol'l owj ng conditions: l. No night time use of the modu'l ar buildings.are al|owed. The 6:30 PM closing time will be enforced. 2. There shall be a minimum of 103 public parking spaces on the site. 3. Suffjcient staff shal'l be provided by Vail Associates to adequately enforce the parent drop-off area on the eastern end ofthe parki ng 'l ot. 4. Va'i I Metropo'l itan Recreation Djstrict shalI be fully re.imbursedfor al1 damages incurred on the tennis courts due to the modularbuildings including bri nging them in and taking them out of the area, 5. Town staff and Vail Associates shall work together to insure thatthe subdivision plat and protective covenants are filed before January l, .l987. 6. Remove the modular buildings from the parking lots with.i n two weeks after coming off the tennis courts. 7. Vail Associates will submit a comprehensive landscape plan for thesite to the Design Review Board. The approved plan sha'l I be implemented by July 15, '1987. 8. The wind screens on the north and east side of the modular buildings shall be instal'l ed before November 1.5 of each year. 9. Vail Associates shal'l comply with the Fire Departmentrs requirements for an adequate size water tap to accommodate theirsprinkler system. -4- Vail Associates, Inc. Creators and Operators of Vail and Beaver Creek October 23, L985 Mr. Peter Patten Town of VaiI 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Peter, The purpose of this letter is to formally apply for a nelv conditional use permit for the modular buildings which are used for the children's ski school operation at Golden Peak. our application is to request a revised permit which would have no time limit but would require annual review of the operations on June 1st. The purpose of the annual review would be to afford the neighborhood, the Town of Vail and Vail Associates the opportunity to review and assess the previous winter's operations, and to identify and impJ-ement solutions to any problems uncovered duringthe review. VaiI Associates would work with the town staff to further define the specific elements of the annual review process. Attached is a check for the conditional use permit application fee and a completed conditional use permit application. I lookapplication. JM/KL Attachments: cc: Larry Lichliter Larry Mullin Nancy Nottinghan forward to working with the staff on this Sincerely, ,4,/ ,/@.re-y./ Joe tlacy / Manager Mountai-n Planning checkapplication Pct Office Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 81658 . (303E76lffi1 r l'. 11 Eli0nANDUll TO: Joe Macy', Manager of Planning FROli: Nancy Nottingharn, Manager of Childrenrs Skiing Centers DATE: Novenber 2l, 1986 RE: Modular Children's Ski Center at Golden Peak Items to be covered in your report to the Vail Tor^'n Council shoul.d include: * The concept, and usage, of the courbined Childrenrs Centers in the Golden Peak nodular was excellent. I canrt stress enough how wonderful it was for chi.ldren, parencs and staff to have the Sna11 World PIay School (nursery),3 t/Z - 6 year olds Ski Center, and the 6 712 - 12 year olds Ski Cenrer in the sane building.* The response to a nursery facility in Vail was overwhelning!(1.) We had a capacity of 10 infants (age 2 months - 1g nonrhs) and 25 toddlers (age 18 Donths - 6 years) (2.) Ot the 145 days during the skl season, ue uere over 802 f lll.ed on 85 daysfor the infanrs and 66 days for the toddlers. (3.) We did accommodate 1,100 lnfants and 2,589 toddlers (total 3,6g9)during the 1985-86 season. (4.) These lrete "new" children/ fanilies to the vail valley as the Beaver creek Nursery increasedllZ over its 1984-85 enrolluent. (5.) We had 539 infants and 464 toddlers (total 1,003) on our saiting lists throughout theseason. Sone of these children rrere able to enroll in the nur- sery because of cancellations, but you can see that we do desper-ately need additlonal nursery space.* Ue also had 19,566 3 Ll2 - 12 year olds in our tl'o ski pro- gratrs at Golden Peak. This uas a 5.52 increase over the pre- vious season. The LionsHead Center decreased .87. (20,7j5 children) during the sane period, so sone of the increase wasfron fanilies noving to the Golden Peak facilities becauseof the nursery. But I feel nost of the increase was fron newfanilies coni.ng to Vail when they called the VRA and uere toldthat "yes" we no$ had nursery facilities.* The nunber of children enrolled at the Golden peak Center rein-forces the educational usage of the modular. In addition to thechildrenls prograrns the nodul.ar was also extensivell' used forVail Associatest training classes, aerobic workout programs and instructor certification clini.cs- \* I aui attaching copies of a Vail Trail article and letters about the Golden Peak Nursery. 3l through 12. Thls service has been requesEed for several years and should be a positive addition to the Childrenr s Center. The Young Locals ski program will also expand aE Golden Peak this season. We are adding nid-week, all day lessons Eo accomodaEe the new kindergarEen program, and 3l - 6 year-o1ds to our Saturday Locals. The addition of the paid parking lot at Golden Peak for the 1985-86 season did benefit our program greatly. Many faurilies conmenEed on the convenience of being able to drive to the facility and park for the day without having to then ride a bus. The fanilies vith children in the Play School were especially appreciative as they were carrying their children, toys, diaper bags, etc., etc.! 1 do feel that the Golden Peak nodular buildlng h"" b""r, an extremely satisfactory lnterim solution to the need for chlldren's facilities and definitely support its continued use, The Snal1 World nursery has been a critical component of the guestsl satisfaction wlth Ehe Golden Peak Childrenrs Cencer and it is essential that lre continue to provide that service. Vail must have a nursery facllity tf it is going to continue to attrac! fanily business away from other resorts such as Keystone and Copper Mountain. Now is the time for Vail Associates and the Tovn of Vail to nork together to provlde childrenr s skiing and nursery facilitiesat Golden Peak. This can be done by extending the pernit for the rnodular, or by coming up with a creative solution to rrhat we can do with the over 23,000 children rhat will need to use such a facility. Vail Associatesr childrent s prograns have been growing approximately 32 eachyear. I feel the gro!"th at Golden Peak this season will be even higher. Theearly season reservation for the Play School (nursery) are far ahead of this tlme last year, with a higher percentage of "new" farnilles. I am attaching copies of a Vail Trail article and letters about the Golden Peak Play School from last season. .:' .r'3--:'.- .\.- . - :! l.- TJ laidttto8ry lOl6, te6O. itn, r ,.:iJ,'l{.fi,:..aqr isrn.ll world. Plrys<hooq' Nu.scry In lcold.n' Pcakl r "Thc*'c bccn asbng. Why.it hrvc. rou had rhlE s.on.'?" _ - Sl. -: Sll School "onlY:, I rccc.-: chrldrcn lhrcc Fars'-l' old , order, untll this ytar. i prrcns sirin€ ln v.il had tewt cholcrs lor th?lr <hildfan {,ho i' wc.. too 'gun8 to iki. Th.y .i I could ret. b.bvslttct. '-I giT,T-J:",f.,:"fiog'.: II blms sliing. whll. onc sporse : 3licd, th. oth.r babygrith.yi could dri\! lo 8.avcr Oeck [ffii*# i. tni:*Ugt'Ti'*':"Jl ;yft{:.r!lfii*lf!".-';Ks"i13"1[tl'1tr{f.;}iur!.fr-":ml'r1;?**:rr-:i}iil1T.;,-': I 1 - cold"n fb.k rh.t *ouldbou3af+-;;;;;.; -;;;l;;n;ii elont wirh 2, roddlc.r. up ro multciErldricr.Inrh.rnorht4..riteirhrtdc.-- .' .'t tnor rhc,! k. rlrtnced p *m-r*, fr'ffi '*Fh"fflr'?"a8'-t Tii'*Tffj J}; #i,S3;lrrr,F fllfi*ffifrffii ' '-il;;i"-;ibttdEn to - OsrEss r.id th. toddlcE sU boots .td tkl! .nd- li.n ,. Osnct5-l.ld'thc nurstry t: ixlity. l: .ariii rjiii r inaiii.-""t. alv b 3crrcd rotrdrd . pre .hcr br.h $. to out_br.n lrlll ro c.pociry .vcry dry wiih. - [_. cen *commodle l0 tnfent! Th99l progritfl whcrl tE Do.uj"lld rty ul|non. osnc3t - cFlllns llst ol fi\€ ro l0 't thrnt w!{ i.rd ro erp.nd [. torir two rronurs ro | 7 nrcnths illdrcn 8'rtttp",t t::|.:T trrq-.. rncn cu'rvone l*'- a1ottt., ncxt ycar. th. r.ld. :...->-.r ,,rcS#t5a*fui!ts:-,.: {,i','Jii*fr t i-t?; ::'\: .,f: Pholor by Mlk. Flrvllngt 241 E. Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 JuIy 21, 1986 Vail Town Council 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, CO 81657 Dear Town Council . " The need for a drop-in child care facitity in vail is an essentialservice to our winter guests. when the chitd care program for agestwo months to six. years opened at Gold peak for the- 1995/96 ski - season, the demand for it excelled the space available. In the past, when this service was not available,their destination ski vacation to other ski areasvided child care programs for these ages. We promote Vail as a family ski area and encouragehere without their cars. people changed who happily pro- people to come How can v/e not provide convenient child care for our guests? Sincerely, . / _U*?/fu';@^' Wendy M.' GustafsonVail Information Booth wG/ lc CENTRAL RESERVATIONS e (303) 476.5677 MARKETING/CHAMBER SERVICES r (303) 476.1000 . Denver Line 595-9488 O Sor{on r z (ant -r^/a/a/.lra) ]4/. u-;t4 az-C,-'-a-,,.-, y'a-.- a- slt'-a-q '-L J-i-_-y' o o.k- yb.^-.,-,^*/-. au -^r*. -V t:; L*ffftpr-e-;^-t- pzo-7o-Ln- a_Aa_L-,. . / a-dr/Ltu;-.,t/t-<- a-d-DQn--n- f, LrnL__Sro"-* e-/.-aia cua-tY- *rf -:*2:*+^fr ,4 y'^i-- -t-:;'- .7a -9-n-r'c-uJl- ztz-X.u-,/z-/- UVJj-, .. ^^ // t -i f, A^Xl--Sro",-a- e/-r;a-.{'-"J " l/"-;/ .-./La_r,_."-^_tra_/z-/- uVruLo )q 4,,\/c,-4,!,,_^_/ ;" L{Z*TVJ /#^% ^JL"-.i-\Lt-.Ln /;L Vlr"t_t-uo.-1t/ A.m,rc ccltL 4u . ntir V'-- Ja-r'-l AliS.:.'l a-.rn Az- 55-;"-"-L l/,*^-t Aq"-",-"-ro .4a W<- c-e-a-c'Lr't-t/- Zi'11". t\/"^^r-ty Juq/, lz-t? - 8s 437 1ct{nr,Cnkc Kood .,|liurcnpolk, jtimtsoht .554o5 t I f. 1ft,^'Lt'1I . I t::. -'*I t (.4' -\rli lP . , ^i\.1 r., t i-. '-..'t I r t: 476-UU I I 715 Lionshed Cirdc,Vell, Colondo E1652 e (303) \.-itt \ lr.'L \,' I \ rLL,, lrvt_{-,'-'L- I I ..{. , ,..'- ( u/ . -t'" ------'- /.- \i-ll -!- J-,.r,- )f,crriott3, Mark Resort /.TIIi '-T.. Lt -.-,i- C t.-i \L >- //(I (. " )-.tL--i* - d t ''' " [ ', .,' i' -1-I . /, .1 L'!- \ \\--'-L , l\' .1 ti. \ 'e--" ( I r1 i.1' ;- -a, ti _{. 84ri,r l o e t' I w ')t-\ . - \.,(, | -- (( ,' .j'l .- l-."..c.-.-t-cr-r.rt{'i .o.-"''\(( L :-,1. \ ,-*f,i t ..9 ,, --) /.r / .- 'JA= "'3 il'I't--' .L.. *)tt''f't"L I 'l i L.:- L L'-/': /| - .1'-> --t -l l.+ ''' ' L'-' ,'1.-i.a,t,C-r.-4'-\-r , , )| ^J + c/-'-'"* t*-/' -/-- l-^ /!Z-{'-t'''1' / I -,.-"-1.( txll-t*-'(tl,-*ffo t't-'t- j lf,crriottS. Marft Resort Zl5 Llorfr.rd CH.,VdL C.oloredo 816!7 r l!03) 176"t*tf r ,l -,/-18 44-.L. I, ,1 , I l-.-. L1'-'P1 L-"-L tlj't \ .I,LA l"nA ld>' lV U" l-----L/' o# i[ Assq rcirrtcs, f tlc.Va Otlatot.;rrr,l ()1',.r '' .1,. r,f \]'l ,"',1 llllrlr ( rr.ck l'larclr 13, .|986 Dear Mrs . Fox, Thank you for taking the time to rvrite to Vail Associates about the need for additional nursery space. I can certainly understand your frustration in being unable to get space atthe Golden Peak Center. We are currently trying to lease space in the LionsHead area for next season, and hope to have our own new center forthe'87-'88 season. Because of the Colorado child care laws itis difficult to find comrnercial space that would meet theirrequirements. t,{e are building a new center at Beaver Creekfor next season. Sincerely, \**". \+r."^C\c1,,--- l'lancy Nottingham Adni n'is trati ve Manager Chi I dren's Ski i ng Centers NN/fh The ski school secretary can make reservations, at ei ther center, for next season during the summer. The phone number is 1-303-476-3239. lle rvill also be taking reservationsat Golden Peak after Thanksgiving. (Golden Peak number is I - 3 0 3 - 4 7 6 - I 0 8 8 ) . PUBLIC NOTICE N0TICE iS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commissjon of the Torvn of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section .l8.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on November ?4, 1986 at 3:00 PM in the Torvn Counci I chambers i n the Vai I l'lun ic'i pal Bui I d ing. Consideration of: Irl\1. A request for a minor subdivision of Lot 2, Pitkin Creek Meadows.\ Nl\ Applicant: Tom and Nick KiahtipesI' 2. A request for a conditional use permit in order to allow modular buildings at Golden Peak in the Ski Base/Recreation zone distri ct. Appl icant: Vail Associates, Inc. 3. A request to apply previous Torrrn of Vai'l zoning to the follorving re-annexed areas: l4atterhorn Vi11age, F'i Iing No. 1, Vail Village l',lest Filing No. 1, Vai1 Village l,lest Filing No. 2, Spruce Creek Tot'rnhornes, Casa Del Sol Condominiums, Humble 0iI Tract and an unplatted parcel listed in Book 287, Page 657 of the Eagle County Clerk's records Appl i cant: Tor^rn of Vai I 4. A request to amend the Vail l4unicipal Code, adding Section .l8.08.060, titled, "Property Without a Zone Designation," to read: "Any 1and, 1ot, or site rrrithin the Town of Vail municipal boundary which, according to the official zoning map, does not have a designated zone district, shall be desiEnated Green Belt and Natural Open Space zone district. Appl i cant: Toi.rn of Vai l The applications and infonnation about the proposals are available in the zoning cCninis'unator's office during regular offjce hours for public irrs;.'..ction. TO|]N OF VAIL CO]i:.']UII I TY DEVELOPI.iiNT DEPARTI.iENT THOI'1AS A. BRAUN Zorri rrg Administrator Prrbl is.lred in the Vai l Trail orr l.!o'ri rlbr.r 7, l':iP6. INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEETI NG November 17, 1986 AM (. A- 7',rL7?' k tr 10:00 fuzttt: 2. 3. 4. // Vantage Point Sumrners Lodge path -J^- J( tf;''/"t^^ J. SY tk'vRon Phi I 'l 'ips Stan Berryman Bi I I Andnews Pete Burnett Pat Dodson Ken Hughey Brian Terrett Dick Duran Mi ke McGee Pam Brandmeyer Peter Patten Gary Murrain Tom Braun Kristan Pritz Rick Pylman Susan Scanlan Betsy Rosolack / h?'^- /'"t 4;rlrq*yt s.J-' ,*"f ct'lr- ) ) ft. ff?{-t*-K / &^ s.*r't*-h t;&-- L* syrl+*" >- L4' Lanl4Y'-L SL,l,l t^ /n "t^-b,.! f zv-o ,l ^ /* // u{a 4' s lxb+-- - 7 "'t1-',<0' f ""(-'aA- /^hffr* T'"& {-- F L- {u. railers at Golden Popcorn wason - /^+# - *u,^Q; h.* r r.f-,i.^. J\.- /r.t*'tt dt S^'' Io t I. APPLICATION This procedure is required use permit. The application will not be 0ate of Date of FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERI4IT for any project required to obtain a conditional accepted unti'l al'l information is submitted. A. NME OF ADDRESS P.O. Box 7 APPLICANT Vail Assocj.ates, Inc. Vail, Colorado 81658 PH0NE 476-560L B. NAME 0F APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIV.E .lo" r"rac,, ADDRESS same PHONE c.NAME 0F OI^INER(S) (print ot,lNER(s) : STGNATURE(s)_ ADDRESS Vai1, Co. 8I65pHgNE 476-560I D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL- LCT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS TT ct B, Vail Villaqe Seventh Filing E. FEE $100 THE FEE MUST ACCEPT YOUR /o.a,,/ yb BE PAID PROPOSAL. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT l,llLL . F. A list of the names. INCLUDING PROPERTY THE. APPLICANT WILL II. PRE-APPLICATION CLAUSE _of owners of all property gqHrND AND ACROSS Srnrrrsl BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECi ad3'acent to the subject property and their mail ing addresses. OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE I,IITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0 DETERMINE IF ANY-A0DITIONAL INF0RMATI0N rS llEroEo.'-ilii npplrCnTi0N t,trLLBE AccEPTED uNLEss-Ir^I:..lgIfLErq tMusr ir,rciuoE-n[i-irri'i! neQurneo By THE zoNrNGADI'IINISTMTOR). IT-IS THEAPPLICANi'I-3q;lOr,rirlrrii iO-PrNrE AN APPOINTMENTr,,irH THE srAFF r0 FrND oui Aboui riooirionni'iue'iiini"n'Eij0rnrurnrs. PLEASE NOTE THAT A C9TT!lTE APPLICATION |,lILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESSFOR YOUR PROJECr aY-DEemAslNG iii nlNrjen 0F coNDriioriS oF nppnovAL THAT THE r [ffr$iil.tllft,ift|s ,flhorl*otiioNs 0F nppnoirei-i'iuii'aEtdmpirED r,rrrH BEFSRE A OVER A. A description of the precife nature of the proposed use and, ll" op"riting cnarac€ii"iiJsl-"-ii=rli"*u" proposed ro rnake. t* ::" cornparibte wirh other ei"p.r!]"= irr trr" viciniry. . B. A site plan showing proposed development gf !!: site, inclrrdiag, n toposraphy, buildins to:ilr9"i;-il;ffi;; Eaffic circutationl"' : " useabre open space, land,scaped "i"i;-"rii utili.tiei-irra-Erain"9e; features. .t..;c' PreLirninaS-lu-trling plans and erevarions sufficient to indica-.e. , , ,i, :li $ililii;::, se"6'ir, "pp""i""--;-;;;i", and, interiJi pran or D' 'eny-additionar-materiar necessaTr.fg, the review of the applicationt!. "" determined by ttre z""i"g-Adniii"ir"t"..--'. III . TS.me requirernents The plannirs +a Environme"::-1, commission meets on the 2nd, and 4thMondays of each rnonth. an--a_pp1ic"ii""-iitil-+" necessary accompanyingmaterial must be submitted r"ii"--r"&; ;;il, to the date of themeeting. rr' Four (4) copieb of the forrowing i.nformation: I, .,j nr.q€F-.E- L-'' /ry"fut**Hi ll U , D,/I/Lt, -,/4d)/fu, /*/d[ //]*-CAhE'L 7L-- */-sp*T /.t s"="t4r-*H/ ///,* -az4-o */ a /,^z-,1 4* -/-o,rT3 /"l'/ o' U O^-o sr*Jr^" *L:1A h U ad-,,*,/ h* a a,-^4 Srffi /,l/ a1 n ,t 'U,/ >rr*" d2 Lh tu:Ll L^Z nJ ,4^U ?b* --^'-# c" 4 /U - /r/^^/,4- / , fu; #-^Z- f ^7 /^'-/ V/a Zt"*"-^S .r*JL ,t3p 9- '-{,o,n r(ln? nr&:.' 6 a' 'ta,- JloLu , Pffir'& l' Upper Eagle ValleY l{ater'& SaniEatlon ttlstrlct 846 Forest Road Vall, Colorado 81657 Chrtbttaola Paul & Sa1lY Johnston 356 ltanson Ranch Road Vall, Colorado 81657 lr-*rr*a+sn*-- Uulted'States Foreet Service Jl'*t:rasnnse€fCort- /ltlnturn, Colorado gl,6s4 ( i, a F. !| T r .t ! afJ*,.;A* , U';Q'T'iI' to't a;* ,, Ft .Lfi* i roulh trontrge road 1ll, colorado 81657 /l lli / 17 5 routft fronlaga road ell, colorado 81657 5 aoutft l.ontage road ell, cale3546 91557 Dr. Frederlck Karl .Fltck 366 Hanson Ranch Road Vall, Colorado g165l | \ lY \rt" I {/, " /r{ I \; l.'" I J ,' -r' \r^Ll '-i "y''/'< ,!tt o 5 .oulh ftonlage road rll. colo]ldo 81657 6 oulh fronLgr road rll, color.do 81657 15 aoulh fronlage ioad dl, colorado 81657 ,5 ronth lrontage road rlli color.do 81657 Mrs. Margaret Hlll Garden of the Gode Club 3320 Meea Road Golorido SPrlnger Colorddo 80904 ^h"[f*?W* --.€ffirumte- Onaer/!{anager Eanehorn Lodge 416 Yall ValleY VaLlr Colorado Cecll & Ltlllan leh{l Managere Pinoe del Norte 8ox 69Vall, Colorado 9165S llr. Don Augustlng Augustlne & Delafleldl Eleven Eln Sao Dlego, Callfornla 92101 Drlve 8L657 ./:-r/- J F',1 i |;' Jv aorttt fron|lge ?o.d f,, color.do 81657 Jane Ca rpctt Ier Northwootls Condonlnluns i:Itlt3*t"'ado 81558 i routh Itonlage road il|, colorado 81657 5 aoulh tronlage road r& color.do 81657 5 loulh fronlage road ill colorrdo 81657 t louth lronttge road lllr colorudo 81657 VEl1 lralle Eaet A11 Seaeons Club Robert McCartan Manacerqit East Gore Creek Drlve Vollr Colorado 81657 303 t,"y'1* o,ld&' V i3ff.-tl-d.torado €@a- (!to5 llalor Vall l'otlge Dtck Eltae Vlce Presldent & Manager 5gi u""t vatl- ValleY Drlve Vall, Colorado 81657 A11 Seagone Club Frank llynan President 375 .Park Avenud New Yorkl Nev York 10152 il D 5 soulh trontage road rll, colorado 81657 VaiL Tralls Chalet John Curry President 12343 East Arlcansas Place Aurora, CoLorado 80012 Mr. Bob LazLer Tivoll Lodge iii'l;ur:':at"b't3?'i 3outh frontage road til. Golorado 81657 o 5 routh lronlage road .ll. colotado 81657 5 roulh tronl.g€ road ril, colondo 81657 \n 4Jv 3 roulh.lrontage road rll, Golorudo 81657 5 toulh fronlrge ro.d rll, colorado 81657 {tll,/ t loulh frontage road tll, ssl9766s 61657 Ms. Barbara Matheson Texas Toltnhouses Unlt 5-B Box lll4 Vall, Golorado 81658 ?eyton F. PerrY' 650 Squth CherrY Street Sulte #1000 Denver, Coloredo 80222 Randy & Sugai llllhoan Box 1114 Vall, Celorado 81651 Mr. John.bonovan Box 601 Vall, Colorado 81.651 llelen Chattfleld 540 South FrankLl.n Denverr Colorado 80209 oI 5 |oulh fronlaga ro.d rll, colortdo 81657 5 aoulh trontrgG ro.d !ll, cllorado 81057 Mr. Marvln Lubeck iges ct"rtY clrcle Drlve Denver' Colorado 80209 Mlke tlootten: Box 117 Deuverr Colorado 80201 lon Coghlll 1600 BroadwaYsu{te 1430o*"itl Colorado 80202 Urs. C.T. parker 166 Glynn tlay Houston, Texae 77056 \ )''\ l:i /v 5 aoulh fronlage ro.d rll, colorado 81657 \1./ |Ela , t i.r f | 'l/ '5 roulh frontage rord .ll, colorado 81657 oo 5 aoulh tronlage rord rll, colorado 81657 lhouras 0r Dwyer 4521 Edrnondson DaLlas, Texas 75205 Santlago Deleon c/o .trll Seagons 434 Gore Creek DrlveVall, Colorado 81657 Mre. Earbara Glaeer 955 Eudora #1803 Deuver, Colorado 80220 Paul Baletead 229 South Blrch Denver, Colorado >\lnlv t |outh fronttge totd ill colondo 81657 )nfi/ty 5 roulh lronlage road il|, colorado 81657 v1 'rA; )v i roulh fronlage road tll, colorudo 81657 Harold waterDan 1412 North Cheyenne Rlchardson, Texae 75080 fil 15 aoulh f;onfage rord !ll, colorsdo 81657 /5 roulh lrolrtage rosd o[, colorado 81657 -\" -t. \ -(.. l - I r:- ,,tll 5 loulh tron il, color.do \)1v 5 toulh fronl,age road rll, colotado 81657 \1v '5 south lronlaga road !ll, colorado 81657 l{r. Fred Lazarue, LII 444 Tottence Clnclnnatl , olr.1o 45202' Mr. Charlee RoBenqulet Box 686 Vailr Colorado 8165g Me. flelen 1beedy 88 Cove Road Oyster Bay, New York 11771 Jerorne & Uaftha LewlE 1600 BroadwaY Sulte 1400 Denver. colotado 80202 o o '.... : l-4, tlt' o 'l{r. llarleY C. HigbLe' Jr' & Lorralne Htgble zioo cor"tudo state Bank Bulldtng Det.t"", Colorado 80202t loulh ftonlagc road il|, colo.stlo 81657 i roulh frontage ioad |[, color8do 81657 v aoulh frontage road il, colorado 81657 5 roulh lronlage road tll. colorado 81657 Mr. Kelth Brovn 1600 Broadway Sulte 2100 Deover, Golorado 80202 Charlee & Suzanne lGyer 1320 North Sherldan Road Lake Foreet, Illtnote 50045 Icslte Flnger Box 1418 Klngvllle, Texas 7g363 :\ f{r I LY rS loultt tronlage ioad oil, coloiado 81657 :o o tlarlan l). llouee Edson, Kansas 57733 l{r. RObert D. errlrrr c/o Gnan Otl Conpoy Ulchlta Fa1le, Texaa 76307 lbonae 6 Doloree Laughltn 12953 ltarlborough Brqrtwood Ioe Angeleir Gallfornla 90025 Barbara lt. Oeborne 2014 Sea Cove Cgurt lloueton' .Teraa 77058 Starford Propertleer N.V. 2655 Le Jeuoe Road Sutte 1010 Coral Gablee, Florlda 33134 6 rcs||| f.onlrge ro.d dl; cploredo 81657 )1v 5 roulh trontlge road rll, colorado 81657 v I t 1_ . i 5 routh tronlrgG rord tll, Colorado 81657 . rE 'aoulh tronlage road |.ll. color.do 81657 I t5 soulh lronlago road ,ril. colondo 81657 5 routh lronlage road rll, coldado 81657 5 aoulh tronlage road all, cotonrdo 81652 5 aoulh lronlage road rll, colorado 01657 v '5 south frontage rord all, cotorado 81657 5 eoulh fronlage road rll. colorado 81657 vl Mr. Jay A. I'rcr:ourt 1600 Broadway Suite 2600 Denver, Colorado 80202 Mr. Rlchard Bass frust Est. 1150 Mercantlle Bulldlng Dallae, Texas 75201 Mr; George P. Caulkiue, Jr. Colorado State BankSuite 2100 Denver, Golorado 80202 W. Grant l.Iilllarns #2 Ladue Lane St. LouLe, l,tlssourL 63124 L6n & Nancy Slaughter 2301 Douglas Drtvb San Angelo, Texas 7690I !tr. RJchtrrd ll. Oleon Clrerry ttlllq III 2800 Srruth Univerulty #47Dcnvcr, colorado 802i0 l / 75 south lrontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 June 19, 1986 Mr. Paul Golden Managing Director Va'il Food Servi ces Vai'l Associates, Inc. P.0. Box 7 Vail, Co'lorado 8'1658 Re: Hi Ho Hot Dog Dear Paul: A. Pe Dire or Community Development APP: bpr cc: Lou Meskimen Pat Dodson olllce ol communlty developmenl tio I am writing to correct my previous letter dated June 17th regarding the Hi Ho Hot Dog Company operation at Golden Peak. A mix up in communications has occurred regarding this application for operation of the vending carts for the summer as allowed under existing zoning. I cal'l ed a meeting this monning withall relavent Town of Vail personnel , and we have decided that the Ski Base/Recreation zone district allows the vending carts to be located on the existing pat'i o on the south side of the building. This decision is based upon Section 18.39.030 D 1l of the zoning code which allows food and beverage service outside the ma'in bui'lding. The amendment to the zone district allowing cart vending on other portions of the site w'i 1l proceed with Lou Meskimen as the applicant. If thjs amendment is approved, then cart vending will be allowed on other portions of the Golden Peak s'i te as specifical 1y approved by the Town. I apologize for the mix up and hope that this clarifies the situation for alI those involved. Si ncerely, ffi,, Gol den Project AppllC-Iion -on 6lslx^ proiecrName: Q{*,e lI l-,sn{.^r.r=- €xp,artr.J ,l r I Project Descriotion: Otd fuhs"\ { ,/.o '"rr.--'€. t,.\r\ contacr person and p6on" 1"".c- vtt".a-V I Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: t${(r. rS APPROVAL 3-o alDate 6llrlfi_ DISAPPROVAL Prdect ApFI|GeU6fr---- tlI I t.rl <'l|,^|aW tl ?ioject Name:C{,q,,r t) LFr-,Lrr,,;- €xr?rg.osroJ ', ,\. I Project Description: I lr Contact Person and Phone I Owner. Address and Phone: Architoct, Addr6s and Phone: L6gal D$cription: Lot Commenls: \ Design ReYlew Board nt, Motion bv: Y=r. f+ t- second€d uy' ll:0l '. r S DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL ? -rrJ (-/ Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Addr€ss and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Motion by: [- I I ! Seconded by: 1...ll.trl, . l ) APPROVAL Design Review Board Date (i I i'"; l( '.- DISAPPBOVAL Summary: 75 3outh lrontage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 June 17, 1986 offlce ol communlty developmenl Mr. Paul Golden Managing Director Vail Food Services Vail Associates, Inc. P.0. Box 7 Vai 1 , Col orado 81658 Re: Hj Ho Hot Dog at Go1den Peak Patio Dear Paul: I have received your letter dated June 13th regarding the use of the Golden Peak patio area for Hi Ho Hot Dog Company. This issue has been discussed withthe Recreation Department, VMRD, Lou Meskimen and myself for a couple ofmonths. It has been the understanding of al I of us that the vending carts are not allowed in the zone distrjct currently in place for the Golden Peakproperty. It was my fee'l ing that this had been clearly communicated to allparti es. Basically, the zone district requires businesses to be operated within the mainbuilding. This means that the vending carts as separate businesses cannot operate independently in the patio area. Use of the VaiI Associates kitchen and existing outdoor dining area is, of course, no problem. Thus, the operation of Hi Ho Hot Dog Company at Golden Peak is fine as long as the vending carts are not a part of the program. If I can be of any further assistance, please let me know. Sincerely, Di rector,Community Development APP: bpr cc: Lou Meskimen Pat Dodson *t**t.qtrc. Creators and Operators of Vail and Bearrcr Creek June J.3, 1986 Peter Patton Town of Vall 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Peter: AAt the requeet of lou MesKimen we sre wrlting you to e-f{- i}'"r / Jwe have agreed to 1et Hi IIo llotdog Co. useq@agatio area arowld-J \ Golden Peak to se11 to people fr@l their carte.@ \ wlth thls Blnce lt provldes a servLce to people durlng the su'nrner se:raon. Sincerely, "F,frWW Paul Golden Managlng Dlrector Val1 Food Servlcee la cc: Lou MesKtmen Rxt Office Box 7 . Vail. Colorado 81658 . {l0l)476-5601 \AilAst"qLrc" Creators and Ooerators of Vail and Beaver Geek llay 28, 19tt6 l4s. Kristan Pritz Pla^nner, lbrvn of Vail 75 Soutb trbontage bad Vail, 0O 8165? Dear l(ristan: Erclosed is mterial nelated to the expansion of the Vail- Chairlift #72 Lift building for the Desip Revlew Board heaxing on Jrme 18. I{e wll1 utilize the sate decor and raterials in the expansion portion of the bu:ilding a^s are o::rently used in the existing building. You already have photos, elevations, and floor plans on file. Please call if yor need any further inJomtion. 44€7 Planner euclosrrqs cc: 41 Oolby vro/86/040 cp Post Office Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 81658 . (303)476-5601 Prolecr Appilcailon 9.," [,lay 28, 1986 Proiect Name: Chairlift #12 Lift Brilding Emansion Project Descripl;en Addition rcre locker office and lift operator space. contact person and prrone Joe [[acv. Vail Associates. Box ?. Vail 81658 476-56O1 B<. 4012 Owner,AddressandPhone: Vail Associates, Inc.. Box 7. Vail 81658 476-5601 Architecl. Address and Phone: Jeff Saunders. Vail Associates Legal Descri Com menls: ption: Lot Tlnaat tr' Block Golden Peak Sri Base Firins @jxg, zone@-Dlgll.ict Design Review Board Date Molion by: Seconded bv: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Date: Town Plan ner E Statt Approval INSTALLEF JOB WORK DATE OROER DATE b /BUS, ACCOUNT NO-: INSTALLATION CHARGE $ MONTHLY SERVICE CHAFGE $ , DATE INSTALLEF I cor.,rplereo ! onr I euc I Neeos sunv onop ! ror xove-ooon Hulrc ! ror oore-nensoru ! ornea-exeurru eelow HAD D T T T tr E ADD T ntr tr! ln n ! coruvenrenless r.v. CUSTOMER'S ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK AND TERMS trtrn M.O. c. K. CASH $- DATE- BY - I$ Dre 3888 tt{a) \. MOUNTAIN CABLE LOCATION EXCHANGE LOG NO. '*O- BELL AGREEMETIT LOCATORS NAME COMMITMENT TIME TIME DISPATCHED * ._|4: : TIMECOMPLETED . 'l :'r''- ADDRESS -, LOCATING FOR: Heue or coMPANY ADDRESS PHONE NO. Locatlon to be sketched or descrlbed in spac€ belou,. Indicat€ paint or stakes and number thereol..A[7 INDICATE NORTH .. .4, I t/,, ,i' ,," IMPORIANT 18" ellhol side of lho stak€, palnl mark orllag ls consldered a conect locallon, Dig to your yertical depth 18" eithor slde ot the stak€, palnl mark or llag and expose lhe cablo by hand before crosslng the cablo or dlgglng beslde lt. Party Requestlng Locate Refuses To Sign tr t' lt,l} ,\' \ i.. t Party Requesting Locate Not Available I agr€e that thesketch or descrlption above reflects the location of underground facilities as requested. tr PERSON REOUESTING LOCATION SIGNATURE I O. LIST OF MATERIALS o. r\rlrrF .1F nr,^ls.T. Chairlift #42 Lj-ft Rrilding E<lransionllAl'lc' Ur rl\vvLv ' : LEGAL DES::IPTIC}I:VaiI Villaee Sth FiIing STREET AOORESS: DESCRIPTiON OF The fol I orvi ng Board before A. BUILDING information is required for submittal by the applicant a final aPproval can be fiven: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Shakes to the Design Review COLOR naturalRoof Si di n9 Other t,lall Materia'ls Fasci a . Soffits lli ndows }Jindow Trim Doors Door Trim 'Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ash'i ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED rough saw Douglas Fir dark brown R.S. Douglas Fir dark brown aluminum clad dark brdrr R.'S. Douglas Fir dark brown }{ahogany R.S. Douglas Fir Calvanized steel silver none none N-ame of Designer: " Phone: Botanical Name N/A Common Name Ouani ty none for deciducious trees. Indicate height S'i ze* for coni fers. (over) none *I nd'i ca te ca I i per PLANT I'IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REI'IOVED GROUND COVERS (ll . Botanical Name Cornmon Name Quan'ity TJpe loqr Square Footage altitude Vail seed mix 4OO so ft s0D SEED 1ow altitude Vail mix 400 sq ft TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL reveget at ion and straw C. OTHER' LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal'ls,swimming pools, etc.) Please specify.fences , ? UTILIfi LOCMION VERIFICTTION. SUBDIVISION JOB NA}IE LOT Tlact ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they lines, must be approved and verified by acconpanying sit_e. Plan. FILING Vail Villegc stn niring be nain trunk the following lines or ProPosedutilities for the Authorized Siqnatu!^e Da te Mountai n Be]'l I -634-3778 llestern S'lope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service ComPanY Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted HuskyTMichael LavertY Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley t,later and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek &4ge ,r-. >Z-Y.4 J'-L- Yf * For nel con 517-ffilease fill o atiached shee<-r* 5?7-sL NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit from the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public l{orks and to obt3in utility locations before digging in any public right- of-wayoreasementintheTorrnofVail.Abuildingpermit is not a street cut Perrnit. A street cut pernit must be obtained seParatelY. This form is to verify service availablity and location' This should be used in conjunction ttith preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations' Colden Peak $<i Base LIST OF I'IATERIALS N^M-r: nrrnrFcT! Ctrairlift #L2 LLft hrilding E<pansionlIAllE ur rllvu Lv | '. LEGAL 0ES:'l.lPTICil: h Fillng STREET ADORESS: DESCRIPTION OF PR The folIoling Board before A. EUILDING information is required for submittal a final aPproval can be fiven: IIATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL $rakes by the applicant to the Design Review coron naturalRoof Si di ng 0ther l.lall Materials rough saw Douglas Fir dark brcwn none R.S. Douglas Fir dark brcprn none alwninum clad R.'S. Dcuglas Fir dark brourr [4ahogany R.S. Douglas Fir Fasci a . Soffits hli ndows }lindow Trim Doors Door Trim ' Hand or Deck Rai'ls Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther none @lvanized stelel silver none none B. LANDSCAPING:of Designer: . phone: Botanical Name N.ame N/A PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REI4OVED *lndjcate caliper for deciducious trees. Common Name Qua ni ty Si ze* for coni fers. (over) Indicate hejght . PLANT IIATERIALS: (con't) SHRUES EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REI'IOVED Botanical Name Common Name Si ze T/pe GRoUND CoVERS lovr altitude Vail seed mix Souare Footaqe 400 sq ft noneSOD SEED Iow altitude Vail mix 400 sq ft TYPE OF IRRI GATION TYPE OR METHOD EROSION CONTROL 0F revegetation and straw FEATURESOTHER'LANDSCAPE (retaining wa11s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify. tr' ? UTILIfi LOC,\TION VERIFICATIOU SUBDIVISION Golden Feak Sri Base Chairlift #12 Lift Bli1 f' JOB tr91 Tract F ST OCK ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they lines, nust be approved and verified by accompanying site Plan. FILING Vail V] t t rg. 5+h Fl 1 j$g be nain trunk the following lines or ProPosedutilities for the Authorized Siqnatu!"e Da te Mountain Eell l -634-3778 llestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service ComPanY Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted HuskyTMichael LavertY Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagl e Val 'ley }la ter and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek &Vge .<-- r?-t1 J'-22-Yt I For ncl co lease fill at,',.ached she SzTt 6 27-sL NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut perrnit frorn the TownofVailrDepartnentofPublicltlorksandtoobtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-wayoreasementintheTorvnofVail.Abuildingperinit is not a street cut Pernit. A street cut Permit nust be obtained separatelY. This form is to verify service availablity and location' This should be used in conjunction t'lith preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations' 3' ,1 PLANNING AND ENVI RONMENTAL May 12, 1986 COMMISSION C PRESENT dTlffionovan Pam Hopkins Peggy 0sterfoss Duane Piper Sid Schultz Jim Vieie STAFF PRESENT Tom Eraun Kristan Pritz Rick Pylman Betsy Rosolack moved and Viele seconded to approve the minutes and the vote was 6-0 jn Bryan Hobbs The meeting was cal'l ed to order by the chairman, Duane Piper, at 3:00 use aftersite visits. l. Approval of mjnutes of April 28. 1986. Donovan favor. z-Are uest for a co ditional use I n or nd the lift ope ra e Dase 0 t?e uo I qen Recreat oc i ates Rick Pylman presented the staff memo wjth the staff recommei 6'f approval He showed elevations of the building and explained that the total size of thebuilding after expansion would be 768 square feet and that the approval wouldexpire in June of |987. He stated that a cond'i tional use permjt to allow aprevious expansion of this buildjng was granted'i n September of'l 984 and sincethat time vA had received approval for a new development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base area. That redevelopment plan had since been put on hold and a two year interim development plan had been approved whjch would expire in Juneof .l987. The interim development plan did not address this facility or the needs of the lift operations personnel . A1 though the expansion of the lift operator's building at Chair 12 did not further the redeve'l opment of the Golden Peak area, the Town strongly supported efficient mountain operat'ions, and dueto the location of the building, felt that there would be no negative impacts. Joe Macy, representing Va'i 1 Associates, explained how the building would be used and stated the existing building was severely inadequate for vA's needs. Peggy Osterfoss asked if the expansion would be large enough when consideringthat the mountain expansion plans would inc1 ude China Bowl . Macy replied thatit would not only be large enough for the China Bowl expansion, but also forthe expansion of lifts 6 and 10 as well. Piper asked if the building would remain after the new facility was bui1t, and Macy said that it would remain andit would probably be used for storage and part would be used for the operationof Chair 12. Diana Donovan felt that it could be more aesthetical'ly pleasing, and Macy said that he would pass on the concern to DRB. Donovan stated that the redevelopment of the Golden Peak facilities seemed to have been placed on the back burner. She felt that the more the Town allowed VA to construct "add-ons" the more remote the construction of new facilities at Golden Peak seemed. She did not like the indefinite time period. Macy replied ,1 that it was frustrating to all that Golden Peak was not yet constructed, but added that if the present request were not approved, he did not know if it would change Go1 den Peak's priorities. Donovan asked if jt would do any goodfor the board to express their feeling to Gillett jn a letter, and Macy feltthat if the board chose to write him, that would be fine. He added thatGillette was aware of many aging lifts, etc., whereas, Go'l den Peak cou] d sti'l Ifunction as it was. Because of the many other priorities, Macy felt that Golden Peak would not be #l in priority for a number of years. Viele mov chu l rove the reouest for a di ti ona'l useto enlarqe Chair at the at wou to onalto Tor as on nterim ve lopment an reconsidered at su as tT r]m deve lo ntme e as n 3. 4. rev I eweown. The vote was n Tavor. uest for a front setback vari ance in order build a re nce 0n Lot er and v{l/man This was tabled until the May 28th meeting. Are uest for an amendment tot roved dev nt olan re-ocate rev 0u V aqe e con Tom Braun explained that one element of the Medical Center's approved development plan involved the lease of 30 off-site parking spaces to meet theparking demands of the proposed expansion. At the PEC's'l ast review of theproject, they approved off-site spaces to be'l ocated at the Sun Vail condominjums. Any changes to the location of these spaces were to be reviewed and approved by the PEC. The Medical center was now requesting to locate the spaces at Manor vail rather than at sun vail. Through a parking utilization study which Manor Vail conducted, the staff determined that Manor Vail cou'l d lease 67 spaces to others. Braun stated that the staff reconmended approval of the Manor vail sjte, with the condjtion that a letter of approval from the Manor Vail condo association be submitted to the staff indicating that the condo association agree to the lease arrangement. Ray McMahon, represent'ing the Medical center, stated that he had ta] ked with Bob Lazier, oryner of the spaces at Sun Vail, and Lazier indicated no opposi ti on . Donovan said that she would like to have a way to find out just exact'ly where the people who work in the Medical Center are actually parking. She was- opposed to the fact that they may be using the parking structure because the hospital may never actually add on and in the process of adding on, construct aparking structure. McMahon jndicated that the Medical Center did know who wasparking on their lot. Donovan felt that since a parking pass did not real'lycost that much, there would be employees who felt that their time was more valuab1e, and in fact she had spoken to employees who had said they would buy aparking pass. ?o ?r PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION May 12, ]986 2:30 pm Site Visit 3:00 pm Public Heaning l. Approval of minutes of April 28, 1986 2. A request for a conditional use permit in order to expand thelift operator building at the base of Chajr 12 in the Golden Peak Ski Base zone district. Appl icant: Vai I Associates 3. A request for a front setback variance jn order to bujld a resj dence on Lot 7, Vai l Vi l l age 10th Fi l i ng. Appl i cants: John Muel I er and Frank hlyman (To be tabled) 4. A request for an amendment to the approved development p'l an in order to re-locate previously approved off-site parking on Lots E and F of VaiI Vi11age Second Fif ing. Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center PRESENT PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION May 12, 1986 Diana Donovan Pam Hopkins Peggy 0sterfoss Duane Piper Sid Schultz Jim Viele ABSENT Bryan Hobbs The meeting was called to order by the chairman, Duane Piper, at 3:00 use aftersite visits. 'l . Approval of mjnutes of April 28. 1986. Donovan moved and Viele seconded to approve the minutes and the vote was 6-0 infavor. 1.A reouest for a conditional use rmit in order operator Recreat on zone d tr ct.i cant: Rick Pylman presented the staff memo with the staff recommendatjon of approval . He showed elevations of the building and explained that the total size of thebuilding after expansion would be 768 square feet and that the approval wouldexpire in June of 1987. He stated that a conditional use permit to al'l ow aprevious expansion of this building was granted'i n September of .l984 and sincethat time vA had received approval for a new development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Ease area. That redevelopment plan had since been put on hold and a two year interim development plan had been approved which would expire in Juneof .|987. The interim development plan did not address this facility or the needs of the'l jft operations personnel. Although the expansion of the ljft operator's building at Chair 12 did not further the redevelopment of the Golden Peak area, the Town strongiy supported efficjent mountain operations, and dueto the location of the bui1ding, felt that there would be no negative impacts. Joe Macy, representing Vail Associates, explained how the building would be used and stated the existing building was severely inadequate for vA's needs. Peggy 0sterfoss asked if the expansion would be large enough when consideri ngthat the mountain expansion plans would include China Bowl . Macy replied thatit would not only be large enough for the china Bowl expansion, but also for the expansion of lifts 6 and L0 as wel'l . Piper asked if the building would remain after the new facility was built, and Macy said that it would remain and 'i t would probably be used for storage and part would be used for the operationof Chair 12. Diana Donovan felt that it could be more aesthetically pleasing, and Macy said that he would pass on the concern to DRB. Donovan stated that the redevelopment of the Golden Peak facilities seemed to have been placed on the back burner. She felt that the more the Town allowed VA to construct "add-ons" the more remote the construction of new facilities at Golden Peak seemed. She did not like the indefinite time period. Macy replied STAFF PRESENT Tffi-EFaun -Kri stan Pritz Rick Pylman Betsy Rosolack expand the lift e ho toen PeaK 5K] Easens at the base o J. that it was frustrating to all that Golden Peak was not yet constructed, but added that if the present request were not approved, he did not know if jt wou] d change Golden Peak's priorities. Donovan asked if it would do any goodfor the board to express their feeling to Gillett in a letter, and l{acy feltthat jf the board chose to write hjm, that would be fine. He added that Gil'l ette was aware of many aging fifts, etc., whereas, Go] den peak could stjllfunction as it was. Because of the many other priorities, Macy felt that Golden Peak would not be #1 in priority for a number of years. Viele moved and Schul rove the uest for a conditional useto en 0neva re con er at su time as own.evo was -u ]n tavor. front setback varian in order build a idence on aqe 10th cants: wyman Thjs was tabled until the May 28th meeting. 4.A request for an amendment roved devel lan in order tore-l ocate orev i ous rov n ot va aqe 5econ nEer Tom Braun explained that one element of the Medical Center's approved development plan involved the lease of 30 off-site parking spaces to meet theparking demands of the proposed expansion. At the pEC's last review of theproject, they approved off-site spaces to be located at the Sun Vail condominiums. Any changes to the location of these spaces were to be revjewed and approved by the PEC. The Medical center was now requesting to locate the spaces at Manor vail rather than at Sun vail. Through a parking utilization study which Manor Vajl conducted, the staff determined that Manor Vail could lease 67 spaces to others. Braun stated that the staff recommended approval of the Manor vail site, withthe condition that a letter of approval from the Manor Vail condo assoc'i ation be submitted to the staff indicating that the condo association agree to thelease arrangement. Ray McMahon, representing the Medical center, stated that he had ta] ked with Bob Lazier, owner of the spaces at Sun Vajl, and Lazier indicated no oppos i ti on . Donovan sajd that she would ljke to have a way to fjnd out just exactly wherethe peop'l e who work in the Medical Center are actually parking. She was- opposed to the fact that they may be using the parking structure because thehospital may never actually add on and in the process of adding on, construct aparking structure. McMahon indicated that the Medjcal Center did know who wasparking on their lot. Donovan felt that since a parking pass did not real 1ycost that much, there would be employees who felt that their time was morevaluable, and in fact she had spoken to employees who had said they would buy aparking pass. of, Braun said that there would be no way to prevent anyone from using the parking structure. He added that in the case of the hospital people parkjng at ManorVail, that Jack Rush, manager, would be able to monitor this. Osterfoss asked McMahon if he would have any way of knowing if emp'loyees were parking at the Medica'l Center, and McMahon assured her they could by use of valet parking. Donovan suggested addjng another column to the patient sign-in sheets asking exactly where they parked and whether or not they had a problem finding a parking space in order to find out exactly what the sjtuation was. Braun pointed out that one condjtion placed upon the Medical Center was that they monitor the parking situation. Piper felt that having the hospital do their own monitoring was a little like a fox in a chicken house. Oiana felt that the Town should do the survey. Hopkins stated that she would like to see whattraffic is generated by the hospital , by broken 1egs, doctors'offices, new babies, etc. She added that in most citjes, the doctors' offjces were not on the same site as the hospital . Braun stated that one conditjon of the original approval was that there be an annual revjew of the parking situation starting the first spring after thefjrst winter of operation. Donovan asked what could be done if it the parking situation was found to be inadequate, and Braun answered that the number of required parking spaces to be leased off-site could be increased. Hopkins stated that in a year she would want to re-evaluate to see exactly the numberof spaces being used by the Sports Medicjne Facility, the doctors and the hospital . Hopkins moved and Schultz seconded to approve to amend the prevjously approved devqlopment plan for the expansion to the Vail Valley Medjcal Center per thestaff memo dated May 12. .l986. The votiwas 5-l with Donovan votjng ,qalnst because she felt that this was poor p'l anning. 5. Appointment of a member to the Land Use Plan Committee Rick Py'lman stated that it would be good committee. Donovan nominated Jim Viele,to serve on this committee. The meeting adjourned at 3:50 pm. to have one member from the PEC on the and Jim said that he would be willing rlh |rontagc toad olorado 81657 ' ol community develoPment THOMAS R & DELORES LAUGHLIN.|2953 MARLB0R0UGH: BRENTII00D LOS ANGELES CA 90025 h fronlag€ toid tiill",Stll *r dev er op me nt LESIE C I'IARTIN Box 563 FINGER CLEI4ENT ET AL +AVoN C0 81620 b,il il.to,^ 5a= .fo,^'(o . ulh lrontagG road plorado 81657 E of communlly development h trontrge road or.dg 81657 >f communlty devetopmenl CHARTES A & SUZANNE I4EYER I32O NORTH SHERIDAI{ ROAD LAKE FOREST IL 60045 KEITH L BROI.'N 1600 BRoADWAY #2100 DtNyER eo 80202 o lr)nr t/---n, L I 0nl1'v'. &{ luo- : -l f. I I 1.," f' I I 6*- +- ) I n;;i; / t )pper Eagle Valley Water & " Sanltatlon District 846 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 .lfr-EtfiIE-nuffir U. S. Forest Servl-ce ,Box I9O Minturn Station Minturn, Colorado 81620 Chrlstlania Fau! &-Sally Johnston 356 Eaeqn Ranch Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dr. Frederiet"farl Flick 366-I{anson Ranch Road Vai1, Cbtq3do 81557 Mrs. llargaret llrJ.+ Garden of thd'Gods Club 3320 Mesa'hodd- .--r Colorado Springs, dbLorado 80904 -ryThrte 4 i,- r;t., !t.'. Gtn€efi{ana€e r (>-" Zo! Ranshorn Lodge 416 Vail Va1ley Drive Vai1, CoJ.orado 81657 , Itai{or'Va11:.Loilge - t7 Dl4k-EJLs .)t 't< r( " ' I v{ ea PreeldcrtF-fr r ge=- 595 East Vall Val-ley Drlve Val1, Colorado 8l-557 -411 Seasons ClubZ Frank Wvnan Pres ldent 375 Park Avenue New York, New York L0152 AlL Seasons Club Robert McCartan " uanager 434 East Gore Creek Drive. Vai1, Colorado 8l-657 VaiL Trai,ls Chalet {ohn Curry Plesldent 123h\fast Arkansas P1ace .' Aurora, Colorado 80012 Mr. Bob Lazier t Tivoli Lodge 386 Hanson Ranch Road Vail, CoJ-orado 81657 \?r','i (c.'c Mr. Don Augustlne Augustlne & DelafieLd 1 Eleven Eln San Diego, Caltfornia 92101 Cecil & LiLl-lan Ishil Managers Plnos del Norte Box 69 Vail, Colorado 8l-658 .:are-€aree*ter . Northwoods Gondornlniums L/ Box L23L Vai1, GoJ.orado 81658 Ta1l Trail-s East chaiaes- Il.' C6wp er thwal t e 24th Flo=d:s.-- 1600 Broadway Denver, Color-ado 80202 No*t " u' /vo, +1,--=$ t' (3ort.3, VUJ ;i a- ta PUBLIC NOTICE N0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Sectjon .|8.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vajl on May 12, 1986 at 3:00 pm in the council chambers in the VaiI municipal bui1ding. Consideration of: 1. A request for a conditional use in order to expand the lift operator bu'i 'l ding at the base of Chair l2 in the Golden Peak Ski Base Area. Appl icant: Vail Associates 2. A request for side setbacks and a front setback variance in order to build a residence on Lot 7, Vail Village l0th Fi Iing. Applicants: John Muel ler and Frank Wyman 3. A request for an amendment to the approved development p'lan in order to re-locate previously approved off-site parking on Lots E and F of Vail Vi'l 'l age Second Filing. App'l icant: VaiI Va1 1ey Medical Center The applications and inforrnation about the proposals are avai1 able in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for publ ic i nspecti on. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THOMAS A. BRAUN Senior Pl anner Published in the Vail Trail April 25, 1986. Vail Associates, Inc. Creators and Operators of Vail and Beaver Creek April 23, I986 Mr. Rick Pylman Town of VaiI Community Development Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Rick, Attached are photos of the chair #12 lift building taken during our recent site tour. Al Colby is standing at the approximate expansion point in the outdoor photos. Al will generate a revised set of plans and elevations for you as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely' ,4 /'K"#2Manager Planning JMIR1 Encl-osule: -photos cc: AI Colby w,/o photos pct Office Box 7 . Vail, C-olorado 91658. (303\47O5601 "t y' !' .-rf '' :'Tl I t) :liI ;liI Vail Associates, Inc. Creators and Operators of Vail and Beaver Creck April 16, 1986 I"1r. Rick Pylman Planner Department of Community Development Town of VaiI 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8I657 Dear Tom, Vait Associates is applying for a Conditional Use Permit for the expansion of the chair #12 lift operations building at Golden Peak. o The current facility is presently inadequate to handle the needs of the lift department staff. The expansion will provide more room for benches and changing areas and will permit an increase in the number of lockers so that employees will no l-onger have to double-up in the same locker. o Office space for the section supervisor and staff will also be provided which will enable interviews and personal conversations to be conducted, and permit valuable equipment to be secured. o Adequate storage space for employee skis and boots will . also be provided. Square footages per employee will increase fron 7.5 to 13.' Attached are plans for the expansion. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, ,/ dff ,/Vrf{c?/t- ? ''//Joe Macy / Manager Mountain Planning JM/KI Enclosures: Plans Pct Office Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 81658 . (3034765ffi1 Date of Date of o Application l*rir a, rg86 PEC Meeting APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT I' This procedure is required for any project required to obtain a condjtionaluse permit. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NME 0F APPLICANT Vail Associates. Inc. ADDRESS Vail . @ 81658 PHONE 476-5601 B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Jee Mae.' ADDRESS Box 7. Vait. OC 816b8 PHoNE_4%:Oqgl_ ol.lNER(S) : :STGNATURE(S )_ ADDRESS p p--Boxl,-Ya-il-,-!919racto . 81Q58 PHoNE 476_5601 D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LOT BLOCK FILINGLEGAL- ADDRESS, E. FEE $100 THE FEE MUST ACCEPT YOUR pno_4J83k cK#e4Tfr,rWd BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT l,lILLPROPOSAL. F' A'list of the names of owners ol^llt prgpgrlv adjacent to the subject properry' INCLUDING PR0PERTY BEHIND AND AcROss Stnrrii, ini-inuir rairing-iii".r!"r.THE APPLICANT WILL BE BE5PONSIBLE FOR CORRE'f OWTITNS AND CORRECT ADDRES5ES./1tr.'r'/ 'l/zllft II. PRE-APPLICATION CLAUSE A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A^PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0 DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITI0NAL INF0RMATIoN is-nilbeo. N0 AppLrcATroN t.trLLBE ACCEPTED uNLEss-Ir^Ig qowlrir (Nusr-irlci[oElii-irEi'ls REQUTRED By rHE z'NrNGADMINISTRAToR). --IT-IS THEAPPaicnni't_nqsi;oniieLiii io'iqnrE AN AppgTNTMENTt'lirH rHE STAFF T0 FIND our ABoui Aooirioniri"SusMiiini"nLQurnENEnrs. PLEASE NoTE THAT S,I9IIISS.APPLICATr0N wrLL STREAMLTNE THE AppRovAL pRocEssFoR YouR PR0rEcr ev-DEcRmstNG iHi {qMgqR oF coruo'iiioi,ii or nppnovAl THAT THE tffr#fil.tllfiHiftfS rALL coNDiiloNi oF nFi;noirni-i,iuii'si"collpLrED r,rrr-H'iirorii'n OVER II . Four (4) copieb of the following information: A. A description of the. precife nature of the proposed use and' *:. operiting charactlristicsl-Jii-^Ii"rli"" proposed to make:. t* dse comparible wirh othe='piop"iti", r, iu"'"i"Liiv. . B. A site plan -showing proposed development of !!9 site, incltrding,' n. toposraphv, building- J.olations, p;;iil; traffic ;ii6or.Lior,,.' r.. useable open space, land.scaped, "i"u,--uria utilities-irra-ar.irrugefeatures':c' Freliminarv bu.i.lding plans and, elevations sufficient to indiqa-.ethe dirnension", generit.appearance, scale, and ilterior plan of,i., all buildings. - :' D. 'eny adiitional- rnateriar necessary for the review of the application\.u as derermined by ttre zoning aariiiiii"Ioi.--" III . Time reguirements Ttre -p1ann1ng +d Environmental Commission meetsMondays of each month. An applic"ii""-witil-tf,.material rnust be submitted roii, w"ei" pii"" t"meeting. on the 2nd and 4thnecessary accornpanyingthe date of the- : Fx:r%D.h L it*- --......'- MINUTES VAIL TOI..IN COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 1, 1986 7:30 p.m. A regular meeting of the Vail Town 7:30 p.m. jn the Council Chambers. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: TOt,lN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Council was held on Tuesday, April 1, 1986, at Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem Eric Affeldt Dan Corcoran Gordon P'i erce Hermann Staufer Paul Johnston, Mayor Gai I Wahrl ich-Lowenthal Ron Ph i 'l I i ps , Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk The first ,\It- R L. D. F. fu. item on the agenda was a consent agenda for the fo1 |owing items: Approval of minutes of March 4 and 18, 1986 meetings. Ordinance No. 5 Series of 1986 second reading, concerning the Doubletree Special Development District. Ordinance N0.6, Series of 1986, second reading, on tjtle certificates. 0rdinance N0.7, Series of 1986, second reading, concerning horse drawn yg.h !!les. =-- Ordinance No. 8, Serjes of 1986, second reading, regarding the Annexat i on of -S-o.le.t-!rcst_,.-Ordinance No. 9, SeUSsd-1986, second -rea+ifttEl-rt{ationing the smal I p o r t i o n o f-- e -lgh-a_lff ojd__c ul -d-$e ef- Ggl_dj]t- P e a k . -. Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1986, second reailTfr'll zoning the reannexed portion of West Vail. Mayor Pro Tem Rose read alI the titles in full. Dan Corcoran abstained from voting on item E,0rdinance No.8, due to hjs involvement in the issue. Erjc Affeldt asked that item B,Ordinance No. 5, be removed because he would not be able to vote affirmative on it. Jay Peterson also asked that 0rdinance No. 5 be removed from consent agenda because he had questions requ'i ring further discussion. Mayor Pro Tem Rose removed items B and E from the consent agenda. Hermann Staufer then made a motion to approve items A, C, D, F, and G, which Gordon Pierce seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. The next item was Ordinance No, 5, Series of L986, second reading, concerning the Doubletree SDD. Mayor Pro Tem Rose read the full title. Jay Peterson had guestions-cohEeffing Section 9 B to which Peter Patten responded. After a short discussion, an addit'i onal sentence was included: "Any proposal to condominiumize the accommodation units would require approval as per the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Vajj." Dan Corcoran made a motion to approve the ordinance with the amendment, and Hermann Staufer seconded. A vote was taken and the motjon passed 4-1, with Eric Affeldt opposing. The third item was Ordinance No. 8, Serjes of 1986, second reading, regarding the annexation of Solar Crest. Mayor Pro Tem Rose read the tjtle in full. There was no discussion by-TrifnET-o-r the puOlic. Gordon Pierce made a motion to approve the ordinance, and Eric Affeldt seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-0, wjth Dan Corcoran abstaining due to his work on the project. The next item on the agenda was Resolutjon No. 9, Series of 1986, concerning authorization to deal with Merri ll Lynch. Charl'i e Wick gave a brief expianation of the resolutjon noting changes requested by Council at the afternoon work sessjon had been made. There was no djscussjon by Counci1 or the public. A motjon to approve the resolutjon was made by Hermann Staufer and seconded by Eric Affeldt. A vote was taken and the motjon passed unanimousiy 5-0. o a!() aa N I 14 a, .Eo lll(t u- o olt Eooe cg Lrl -c)o N E (t .oi -J6-,1- -=irol ,.it- o j r i,---\ .! \ i4r\!t. |JA]t'-1 ol :l tLo :> OF le TTJ \ 6dP0 r+'dDi.r{ rJL&q o .!(,tn c-N f4 o a VI r$ .r!-U' Un bt :B (E o {{ o o a,|! UJ 9?u-!-o ot E()(f Ed 1rl (, ct N E o z> 7-\ ur IF. o |!(, an o <t l4l lrl =c aa I o 't;l -o (Jrll U' (t =E TO: FROM: DATE SUBJECT: Ron Phi]|ips, Larry Eskwith and Stan Berryman Peter Patten March 4, 1986 Golden Peak Subdivision Plat Matters I recently received the final Go1 den Peak minor subdivision plats for appropriate Town of VaiI signatures. 0n June 25, 1985 the CounciI addressed a number of issues relating to the Golden Peak subdivision plat and directed the staff to proceed as follows on these matters: 1. Vacate the remaining portion of an originally platted cul de sac on the north side of the Golden Peak parcel by an ordinance to be drawn up by the Town Attorney. 2. Accept a quit claim deed from Vail Associates for Tract F2 (the existing lower tennjs court site) with language restricting the use of the parcel to the same as the existing covenants only. 3. Have the language on the plat reflect the lack of ownership and overal 1 maintenance responsibjlities for Parcel 2 (bus turn-around area) on the part of TOV until such time as the proposed improvements are constructed and in place. 4. Finalize an agreement for specific maintenance responsibjlit'i es on the bus turn-around area until such time as jt is improved. Item I has been taken care of with the recording of the quit claim deed in November, '1985. Item 2 needs to be addressed by Larry drawing up an ordinance for the Council's adoption. Item 3 has been taken care of by rewording of the plat language, and this js confjrmed with Larry. Item 4 should be addressed by Stan if jt has not already been taken care of. I think the best way to handle these matters would be for us to get together and finalize these documents with the Council at a work session. l.|e should meet beforehand. Please get back to me regarding your time periods for completing the ordinance and maintenance agreement. N0. I of 1986 AN ORDINANCE VACATING ALL RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST OF THE TOWN OF VAIL IN AND TO THE ROADWAY MORE PARTICULARLY SET FORTH IN THE QUITCLAIM DEED ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT A AND MAOE A PART HEREOF; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARO THERETO. WHEREAS, 43-2-303 C.R.S., as amended, provides that a municipality may vacate a1 1 right, title or interest in a roadway by the adoption of an ordinance vacating any roadway or part thereof within the corporate limits of the Town; and WHEREAS,43-2-3OZ C.R.S. prov'ides that in the event that less than the entire width of a roadway is vacated, title to the vacated portion shall vest jn the owners of the land abutting such vacated portion; and IIHEREAS, the landowner abutting such vacated portion of the roadway set forth herein is Vail Associates, Inc., a Colorado corporation. NO14, THEREF0RE, be it ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Vai'I, Colorado as fol lows: Section 1. The portjon of the roadway set forth in the quitc'l aim deed attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part hereof by reference is hereby vacated. Section 2. The Town Manager is hereby djrected to execute a quitcla'im deed in the same form as Exhjbjt A to Vail Associates, Inc. transferring title to the vacated portion of the roadway to Vajl Associates, Inc. Section 3. If any part, sect'i on, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance 'i s for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the nemaining portions of this ord'inance; and the Town Council hereby declanes it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts' sectjons, Subsectjons, Sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 4. ORDINANCE Seri es 6u: II The Town Council necessary and proper inhabitants thereof. hereby finds, determ'ines and declares that this ord'inance is for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the D\ Section 5. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Vai1 l,lunicipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any vio1 ation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution comnenced, nor any other action or proceedings as conmenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless express]y stated here'in. INTR0DUCED, READ AND APPR0VED 0N FIRST READING THIS - day of 1986, and a pub'lic hearing shall be held on this ordinance on the - day of , 1986, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Bui 1di ng, Vai 'l , Col orado. 0rdered published in full this day of ATTEST: Parnela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk INTROOUCED, REAO AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDEREO PUBLISHED this _ day of ,1986. Paul R. Johnston, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk -?- ,I irecoroeo .. l--o cro'L-- Receptio Tuls Dne u. Made this between TOWN OF VAIL day of , le 84, and state of ofthe County of Eagle and state of Colorado, of the first part, and VAIL ASS0CIATES, INC., a Colorado corporation whose legal address is P.0. BOx 7 Vai1, Colorado 81658 of the County of Eagle Colorado, of the second part, WITNESSETH, That the said part y ofthe firsi part, for and in consideration ofthe sum of Ten Dollars and 0ther Good and Valuable Conslderation (910.00) 4lUVlfi$, tothe sard party ofthe firstpart in hand paid bythe said part y of the second part. the rcceipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, hag remised, released, sold, conveyed and QUIT CLAIMED, and by these presents dogg remise,release,sell,conveyandQUtTCLAlMuntothesaidpart y ofthe second part, lts heirs, successors and assigns, forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the said part y of the first part h"S in and to the following described lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being in tlre County Eagle and state of colorado, to wit: see Exhibit A attached hereto and forming part hereof . A'l'ltrllJl lJ JtllJAAl A/'l,l,ll TO HAYE AND TO HOLD the same, together u'ith all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in any*'ise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim wlratsoever, of the saidpart ] ofthe first part,either in lar,r'orequity, tothe only proper use,benefit and behoofofthe said partY of the second part, its heirs and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The sairl part y of the first part ha S hereunto set its 6an6 and seal tlre day and year first above written. JOI,ALOF-VAII". -tsEALISigned, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of I i ! of a By: I SEALI SEA LI STATE OF'COLORADO, I I "".Count!,of Eagle J The foregoing instrument was acknowledged 19 , by' be fo re My commission e xpi res ne this day of ,t9 . Witness my h and and official seal. Notary PublicAddress: No.933. qt'rr Ciirv oieO.- AoAfo.O pubtishinS. I tt65 W.st 44th Avcnuc. Coldcn. Colo'..Jo 8010 t- t]OJ) 278.064r - g-ro r" CuI-De-Sac to be vacated-Golden Peak my direct supervision andcorrect representation ofbest of rny knowledge and 'tua LE t'. GORE CREEI<ROAD Uq'zE'o'.w 06. cz'tTt.4o, 53.9, a' llg.2g'og"' R' 5O.OO'{: tO4.25'cB' Ng4"ag'oz"w C = 86JZ' f : 95.69' this plat is asurvey to the t oo' I NE coRNER sEr/4 Nwt/4 SECTTON I That part of Gore Creek Road as platted and being a portion.of Tract F, Amended Vail Village Fifth Filing as recorded inthe office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder Novemberl5' 1965' fire No. r02538 and being more particutarly describedas follows: Commencing at a point on the south right-of-wayline of said Gore Creek Road whence the northeast corner ofthe sElNwt of said Section 8 bears north 55o24'12,, east a dis-tance of 167.35 feet; thence a distance of 104.26 feet onthe arc of a curve to the right having a delta of ll9o28'09',,a radius of 50.00 feet and a chord which bears north g4o2g'02" west a distance of 86.37 feet; thence south 84029r07', east, adistance of 86.37 feet to the point of beginning and containing0.035 acre more or less. I, B. JaneE Burk, being a duly registered landsurveyor in the State of Colorado, do herebycertify that a survey of the GOLDEN PEAK Sj(l BASEon il-2-84 was made by me or under 0 scA Notlcel AccordLng to colorado law, you must colnmence any legal actionbaaed upon any defect ln this eurvey wlthln aix (6) yeala .it-" youdlscover such defect. rn no event rn"y any abtlon uasia upon any ierect1! this.aurvey be comrnenced more than ten (10) yeara frorn the bateof certificatlon ehown hereon. thatthatbelle Ag RrA.C!cg. Tr ,U -8 F Ct il I AtR.Ar Qrc8. Tr RAC 90.38'O3" 83. t8' t31. 58' I t8,28' s39.O9'O5 "8 84. I t' 27'32'48" r73.oo' 84. t5' 83.33' s 07.36'26"E 42.90' mqrth oc -.Flrn-.1,--.q.,.-ar-