HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B GOLDEN PEAK BASE 1994 LEGALoz tr =G UJo- o q lu IJJ tJ- ts =E LUo- % rto-'-' //z)D I I I I I #lo c{ r "t I I I I t_,,\l< rdoz,c flb.Ao ,2. d,6 fl= u,JF e F FIz o zz o UJ z z Jf, @ € o =z E E] H & (A H z l-{F A a.t)z i.rIt- frl z Fl E E uJz3 uJi F z \ s s ss lr-Jqlo =1- ou- o UJz =o tto I Eo E o -o(6 .e CLo.(! \-,4oliF.<o)5>- b p-l E4 E\lga 6tr E\ !qi 3qS-)tP+F^\ = ^-\l;tS eJr € -.1 : <nL dEl iEk o.= h6ll a3il>. rlo-F -:- o coti 6.Y, '= €) (, ;'iiiptE6Est €fr eE F'=E= € 6P:0 .= : o.= ET 'E:TP:E >=:c96F -*td)3t;.; E EARilEo :-€85.e;99 Eigeo.o o.-sE; soiE-ors*:€ E6 ! i :E€ H E6EE - o..y o (Eo'-!c;o.,)€ -.c _- 9,f;;'E +g=-+o 6=; E; E: a6eE96-o - eEgg - o (E .:! s N tr ttr 2oJ ao Io z o- I Fo IJJJ uJ z co =J (J z () !u = UJ uJl!z EqJEot!e. E oo 'tlJ uJ z(,6ujo u,oc z l.llJ x F ul at) Fi F-1 Fl F-lHB (tt u.l UIl! E = UJLJ FoF (,zoJ cFo llJJ uJ (,z aot J =o uJ NOrM'lVA J OU;tr|!rrOTzCo< o.F EF o>t!t JN<= z>ul ii =>(r -l(nftn.$ =locl zzootr^6q5 F90aaoz>.oi)<)zt!<oq E!2-x joi z9 g r+ UJo- Eao- r.lJe. z Eo6 z tr X B IJJz lltltl trzlz9!l<oo< =FHr!Uo<2 o tr2. 9= J63tr i tlllJ) |r oa uJzY i uJat 2 F 5oz J =t r! u- o o ' o o -.rl<l :l zl .. >l uJo uJ IJJzo ts Iuc J z E =F(t) JFai I 3h) o(o(o UJ troooazo Fo LLlY ut(o oF F trxo.9b.t>-lt8logltElguJbkzo z-r U) :E f;d)O (J =z <f f tdP E !TE ifi('o= ==3=xo6il= tr H ll-o:ttEZ.E<c!lo9)Ee9EAie5EF :JF = IJJ :-E h=oo.'E E =o-E E5E iut x>t=FCL-o-ittE HoF ts =E lrJ o-zoF C)3 E,Fazoo =.1ol t|il>l bl FI zl E] JI <l>l :1oFI :lol uJlcrl il>l tr-lol zl fl I I I Iolzl dl uJt(El 3l al- Fi z H E ui =z co Ln F-1H -o o l-lFi ll- tro I 3sl HI Eel Hel HqH6l Hfl oz6 = -J EoF(J E Fz () l-E ir Fo2 E -lO<FGOuJ<zg LIJ F., Z,o() .J o I,tJ F uJ ts-Dnn /&a't< PERr,lrr tt 1 ",TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION ""*SilifPlrcArrofitcEoffl e a t ^ APPLICATION MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED I****************************** pEI11IIT INFORMATION *****************************n [ ]-Building [ ]-Plunrbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-other Amevt4D s/1t t/a/S< Job Name: W Job Addre ss, rst t/L/ //e.//e, D'2..- - Legat Description: Lot Block- ritins sutprvl,^,Goil?u eA-a- t/ 4 ll'/ohrners Narne: Vrttt ,/./59oc. Address: /9oX I Va---/ pn.(71-sL o / Architect:Address:Ph. ceneral Description:ftrn. 13,/.,ec r/rae ********************************* nD orHER: I i)a6'2'- TOTAL: rSasz__ oN *************************** Town of Vail Reg. No. t66- \ Phone Number: 3C33l"lS, oL. Town of vail Reg. No._ Phone Number: Town of vail Reg. No. Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Reg. No. Phone Number: Gas Logs Wood/Pe11et -l@- - Mechanical Contractor: Address: ***************************.***** FOR Plunbing Address: Contractor: BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLT'}IBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: oFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDfNG PLAN CHECK FEE: {or - PLI'MBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: bs- MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: rOTAL PERMTT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: d' .,/' Work Cl-ass: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional- [ ]-Repair ]q--ottrer Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: ^ tqrmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Ir * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS BUILDING: I LonI ELECTRICAT,: $- MECHANTCAL: $ Address: l6?S Electrical Contractor: Address: ***CONTRACTOR L VALUATION CLEAN IIP DEP.OSIT REFI'ND 75 soulh trontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2139 otflce of communlty developmsltt BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI1E !f thi.s permi.t regu'ires a Town of Vail F.ire Department Approval ,Engineer''s. (Pyblic Wot"ks) review and approval , a planning'Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the euilbing Department, the estirnated time for a totai review mav take as l6nqas three weells. All conrmercial (1arge or smal'l) and all multi-fami'ly permits wi1'l have tQ follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentialand.small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments wr'th regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispennit as sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. \--r ./ /,// ,/ ,/?,4a-,( /eL/'"/< Agreed to byi. ld //"^, Au 7*r ^ i*zrul'rhrn lcan taa1""',\ - froJect Name ---"' t Communj ty Devel opment Department. 75 soulh tronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (3031 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce ol communlty deYelopment ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH l_6, l_988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunnary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawful for anvperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor material , incruding trash durnpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public !1?9" or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way on all Town ofVail streets and.roads is approximately 5 ft. iff pavement.This ordinance will be strillry enforc6d by the Town of vailPy!}i" works Department. persons found vi6tating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said material .rn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the puific WorksDepartrnent will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ord.j_nance sniff not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofvail Building Department to obtain i copy. rnani you for yourcooperation on this natter. o |:27p2 to Project (i.e. contractor, owner) rt-?to (00e) xEJ (g9g) euoq6 t !oo8 opejoloc 'Elolnv v uun '6nue^v qlt '3 99291 ]Vilouo**r sutHlvlll 9qb .E>r EEs.jr\ Ct@r b3((t tf,,tso En RF fle EFo a/),€ (\rE- ! _lrIr .EJJ C) U) ECI g F c}-a {:"-}g oc9.o ..j i),..4:ii . -:r'i.'; i-: ll ::: E--:x." '; (!\ a>a)'r5 i.: .s 'S L::i ,r il'"6(). .-E €E;ti; a J8; ^9P c Frd +i'i]l-l:a='> r- l: >'ooc 6c - til l: -.i :?!y (, r{"1 n i:l qrlErl EG F$EF e:, $F; ro9-J E' E E e&2 c.J ,! tr = .-t- T(! -cL <tF <Dar- o X €EsES-oE'oFF 5 5EE6 E€'i5 ia (tt (ox(\l fr €;E -t:e€ $e=cE EE FE 3EEE8-,€ (\t -c! ll LJ r'l tl ll tl r1 ll ll LJ x Gl -e. (to- att FK tl LJ -t- ECL (ttq, ex LA-€g# [Jt_ r-x--. -ffi€3;iEp :.I D 3F.'EEr F o 6= EEEg EreE EE e - leeE 4 Le:5Sfrq qrotFBlS.c r1 r1 I ll 'I l' - -l- | - suollenoll Oulteos lVilouv*r*r suulfi[ 9069-t9e (e001 auoqd ! !008 oparoloc 'Piornv v uun 'enuc^v qD '3 9929 t E CL d =I o d CL F F2 9E dd b2bEl PfcDFtE 24t9gt .L E ur 1 a E I F a Fts =Ea U Ea 'Fxd 'Pz bEl 2 g dI E$ FF FF HHEF RR5: ==EE$Hnr =PEf Hf;EH Ioip€ F HEHR9 -. F: E gEq F uF.*s sFs R agF=f 9pE # ttRHH ==T E E-4 Fdr 9.. If;;Ei E$TEfr (./, eo ia ?a Bg- *HE paH frH; ru* FEd+9e8{ Lia 0 d== fra'=* 1- t-tLFL; oLoL :8:8.o.o#eHe frrFaoa cn ooec EL'#E "5=5tar-a/ egep LaPv> dFdH Fs$s $$$$ !lll HHHH 4q saq f,, d# $a I AH FbRA N/vlCIJS SV 'dAl- SAVE TM SEI'i'i.BY: -.?, ?rcu rrs z ,t t99N -"-'VAIL GOLD PEAK STADIUMT 4<0 -o Need 56O olevatcd seats\ o Need i5o lixetl bleacher soats (softball style) o Setup March 13 o Teal down March 2l *Setup datcs could be rnoved forward by one or two days if that helps. IT VA|LVAIIET FOUNDANON A ft,rinr:t of the Vlil Vulltry Fovndarion Post Office Box J09 Voil, (fr[rt,rdo 81658 loj-476.9500 L;t ,!.2.r^xJoJ.4?6.i]20 l$| qh;tl }-uu ; s:26AM ;vArL vALLEy FNDAT 00s0t3411410 i# 2/ z AMERICAN $KICLASSIL Vail, Beaver Creek Colorado March 9-20, 1994 BEAVER CREEKSETUP: 350 -o Need-400-elevated seats o Set up on March 9 o Tear down on March 15- afternootr VAIL INTERNAI'IONAL STADIUM: o Nccd 600 elevated seats o Setup on March E or 9 o Tear down on March 2l Cnntltulatttlor tlte 1999 lttbrhl Alpitttt Ski Champittuhipi Blu** cFEeK I IO Ko'^J Ecf,rJnr€.,.\ 3go {rnrr 3Oo ';'[At] VAru lO'r-t-rnbrrr1 : 6go 6ao '.- 7&t u o.k SEAl''r Qfar,c -:;gA"rs N61 15 Ko.J EuertAff'L\. Ii I j ., 4i E \!. l ,f\ t - .35/ o.A ! -t {0_frr! Rqr- €rqfbr u,r.t G.- 6 3 to,rl tS Ror,J |.-ur rlnf r-\ f {so NET sE^xg 515 qfto$6 3EATs ]-cv? i{* i: \,1/:'" il- DATE: February 7, 1?94 COIITRACT 0i-94 LBS SOR : RII!!f,IIIJQUI PMENT CONTRACT AGREEMENT BL,NA(.'IIEF. S I]ITERI{ATTONAL , INC . I-62\5 Fl . 4l-h Avenue, Unit A AUFOtl.A, tlolorado 80011 .f:_-16;n11r11,3: (l0l) 364-5906 Fa:r:(303) 344-r4L0 LESSEE:AI'IF|P.TCAII SKI CLASSIC A't"t'l.l: Ccli. lia Fol z Va i I Va 1. t :y Fr.rrttrda t-r.ort P.(). Bo:r Jt)9 VAIL, {--,rlct adr: B'1.658 The equiplnent li.stcrl belotn' ?ii11 be rented to: AI'IERICAII SKf CLASlJIC.(rn th€) f ol. l.owi tro r.1at os: IIarcl.r 9, :t994 through l{areh 20,1994. Set-up of the equi[.)nrelrt is sctreduled to begin: Anytimc afte,: llarch 4, 1"994. Tal<e-down c'f tlii: eqrti-i'nrr.nt sha1l occur immediaterly af t.er th': event on r l'tarch 20, 1.994 . E9UrPl.rEill ?lJAr|r'.T:1._f PRI CE P ER UJI-M=Q!}L=!'9911 1. Beaver Creel-; 350 r-. levated S7.50 $ 2,625,0O t). t,,'ail I1t,1 Staclirln tj00 elevated $ 7.50 $ 4,5100.00 3. Vail Golcl Peah SLa'1 i rrnr 450 elevated S 7.50 9----l-.-.3.?5,0q TOTAL: s I0,50r-r .r-10 ( Ta:< ou 10% P.ental Portion ) : S --3-9.9-q s l-0,53'-.1 . gr0 optional 250 Pre assr:m,b1ed 5 row @ 6.50,/seat FOR P.IIIllt';\I, OIILY _ IIOT FOR SALE AI,L E-OLIIFIIIIIII' REIIAI}iS THE PROPERTY OF BLEACIlERIS II I'.f E]iIIATIOITAI-, , IIIC .( t,ES SOR ) COIiDITIOII:J IJI.IDEII, I.IHICH EQUIPI'TENT IS REIITED 1,. BAYt.LEt.ll: 'I'lle Lf ssliri aqrees to pay the Lessor the f o11or^ring amounts. ft is unclerstood that no use of the bleaehers r^ril1 be allowed utrtil Paynrr:rrt {l 2 i.s rEceived by Bleachers Internat j-ritral, Inc. NO EQUIpltEltT CAlt i\Il RESERVED NOR IS THrS CO]ITRACT BIIIDTIJG 16255 E.4th Avenue, Unil A . Aurora, Colorado 800i1 ' Phone: (303)364-5906 ' Fax: (303) 344-1410 TIIITIL PAYIIEII'I' F::rrmonl- *1 . Paynent #2: P a yrneu t {f .}: ll E(' ta l.\tED rl (_) (l . {,') f) ilI .l-:l B'1 BLBACHERS I}ITERIIATI'JIIAL ' lIIC Paym.ent due upon siqninq cf contract Due ipne#P i-s-ce+np:.c'Cc-on: l'tarch 1 , 1991 4 Conpletion of set-uP $ 4, -1i,9. ft5 $ 4,:l5st."'i 2 . Lr:s:::e assunes a.L L t ,,'sL,onsibility f or equiprnel'lt I^thile or,tt of r'nssessi ot'r of Ir.s:i()r al),.1 promises to retUrn sUch eqUilrmetrt t'..t Lessor itr as 11611r11 r)f '::'rylitiou as it was at the r''f f ective dal::: of l:ite lease, natural. rraar- f rom !lse excepted. Lessee shall tre 1iable f or ani. 1css,:s .Irrr t:c thef t, darnage or destruct.ion r:rf leased prr:perty, j-f srrcl, damaqe was due to the negli.getlce of Lo!:sB€ 1 Lrr;:sst)e's l:tltpJ 'r1' ''15, custoners, vendors and ot:her I'ls{)l-si of L,lssee's prope rr_y. Af t rr: its return, equipment rvil1 be r:h':r:ilr:cl f or shortages arL,:1. r-rr11rl i. 1- j.611 . Pi.ck-tlp of equipment does llot- constitute a rel,e.r5r; l4r [,.]ssee f or any damages due to I-rGSSotj ' Lessot: aqrees f '-r i.rt'1''lrtr'l fy 'lud hold Lessee harmless f ron alry loss or claim t:esuliii.llo f r('ltt LessorS neglig€nce or f rotn any def e:ct: in the desiqlr or c,:ollst-r-uct i,rll of the bl-eachers . 3 . AII equipnteltL los !: or danraqecl beyond repair will be paid f or 1,1, 15u 1,"55g6r ilt f c,ttr artl one-ha1f (Ae.I/2 ) times rental antcrlttlt ' All- darnaqed eqtti-plrt,';trt ',^]h j-ch can be repaired by the Lessor on return thereof shal.t 1,. r'aid l:y the Lessee in an amorrnt not to e:{ceed f our (4 ) tiitres tl,r rental rate. Accruecl rental cantlol be applied aqains i, th'.: lrrr t '-rtase or repair price of the tlquiprte tr t ' AII transportation sha1l be borne by the Lessor' 4. Apy lectal f e e5 .:,r. r'cl.aterl cost incurred f rom collecti.lll of cleposits. rents or rcpai.r and replacement costs, sha11 be horne by the L,essee . .lrrl,-er.rr:t charqecl o1 any unpai-d balance sha1l !'e the mai:imum amotttrt al. l.ouable by law- 5. 'Ihis contracl- inr:-lt.t.1es all transportation of equitr-'pBng, I abor involved in set-up an.l f ahe-dc'wn. and sL,000,000.00 i-n f.ialril i.ty insurance I a (;L\pI: of vrh'i-ch LJi11 be provided to Lesisee upoll request. Lessee i.s responsible f or all taxes and f .:es charr;erl by Iocal or state go,,,crrrrnerrLs, including building perni ts and sales t axes . All equ j-pnent rnr.n'ains the property of Bleaclrrr:s -tnternational , lnc ,. , atrrl cannot be ttsed f or col.1a te r-ir1 0f at'ry sort. Lessee r^ril_1 al. 1o.n Bleachers International staf f or: relrresentatives f ree ar.:,:ess to inspect L'leachers at al1 tirnes, this sha11 incl ud,: all .rate admissions and any parlij.ng f ees r''nder the control of L{:fis{,.t, alonq with proper credentials f or th": areas f or the hl.eactters. 6 , Bleachers Int er:natic.,na1. Inc. , is a non-union company and this contract is lrased on non-union wages. If union c-) r cth':l' -( hiqher labr:r .i.s r:,trr.i r ',1 , I.,e ssee will be bi11c<1 the dif f ererrce lr':f.r^reerr (6. f) r\.:' lr }'rt -tri the hiOher e7A.rFs.rrqv.,r. 7. Blear:hers .irrl-tr-r"'l i nql. Ine., must be notif ir:ri irt r^rritinq ofany accident .-rl: pr;ssil,l r;lais within 24 hours of accident-. Thenotif ieatic'n rqi [.[ r: t ,rt r.' I h€ exact location of the irtr:ideni: , conrp.l-el-e detail.s ';li f !r.. tlap'peni.ng, the person i-nvolved (nam,r, adcf ress n1cl p''lrq;11 .,1 rrl,rrl-rrlr'! n-pd :ril1 state whetIer thaL per:;,)t't .,tr' persons shol^tcd an-i' ,:1-f : , + s crf l'laving taken alcoholic bevt--ragcs ,.:r clr- trrts and his nlrs'.rer i, 'hc question: "Have you taken analcoholic i1sr761111s 1lr1 ,. l clr:ugls wi-thin the last three hotrrs?" Ar-'tairnant mltst a.l.q,r [; t, o; i r'1.': a list of any medicat: j-o11s l)eing tal-:en aL time of acci.rl':nt. B. Bl-eaclrers .Irtl;'''1''r1li,,'1141, Inc., rvi11 place [1each.:rs at tlt.-'r sFecif ic locat i.,rrrs /l-e i,rltal:ed and marked by Lessee r+ith thr,-- approval of I!-l.c,ac'ltl t s -l,r,rr:.r:qational. fnc. . anrl behind bat ri-'.:a11i;s artcl f encinct del-er:'nr.irq41l ;r,1:-.eudte by local authorities, if lle cressary, to p:t'ottr. l- 1r;r I rr.rns f rom in jury and blerachiirs f r:orrrrlamase. If no ar+a is r,arl<ed, Bleachers InLernati.'rnal- rqil-.1, c'hoose at its rliircr.r:t-ir''rr 1-ht: hest possible location, bu(: rtill notbe responsible f r-,r t. lrj,: .location. Any chang:es from tltis locat: j.on r,ri-11 be at tlle r-:,.irrcns.i r'f l:he Lessee. 9 . The onJ,y f e nc j rru Lrrovi decl by Bleachers International , Jnc . is for saf ':ty f ,.:rrc i-rrg 'rn the grrard rails of thc-r bleachers. I-lnf ess noted in thi s cc'rrtract, no numbering will be provid,:rl on tire i'lleaclrers. :;.)le r'l: all of the bleachers miqht have ser,1,-- tttrmbering on tilen, br.rL jn no particular order. Unless troted, Bleaehers Internal-iorra.l . 1nc. does not remove ohjects or a1.te!' landscaping in orr-1+:r tc install its bleachers. 10. There a1:+ no r-'lF\rrri::n r: ations or obliqatiorrs e>:ceDl: as c>:prr:ssed j-n tl-ris f .:'nl-r ac!. I.]hich sets forth the entire acJr:i:cr:rr.nt of tlte pa1'ti.es. 'llh i.s r:,rnt ! 3ct cannot be rnodif icd e:<ce pL b1, r^rr:it-ing of both pal't-:i,:s. Any changes, 20 days or less bef orr: aneverrt, r"ri11 rFisul-t in arr arl.litional charge. 11. It is understood tha.r- f or accounting purposes, the bil. l.inqs sttall be clivi<le ,l irr t-lre f-ollowing manner: l-09 equilrnr.=,nt re11tal, 65% labor and 25ce f re i,lhL. l,essQ€ hereiry acllrro.rl,edqr:s and agrees to the terns ancl colr(iitions cf tl-r i s contract. BY: AI.IERIC DATED: DATED: i-094 19!) 4 I'lalsh III'I'fiP,ll,1,T.[()] lAl,, IllrlBLEACI{ERS e /p &nl[on] ulrolrror r.D. oos.4tLnt6 tf iucrun^L Et€|lrEEn lesm-exlcAYENuE' n{rgiunox.PA 15221 alz'271'E aa Chhd. BY , /9 c Oa1e BLBICTIBBS E[t ^v a thcol No. sl /r sy rc J' s6a 4'/'f,2 cnlcttr,rTlOts-lor 3O Rors 8124 Inglgrn Crlterla & Aaqurlrblonat D.L. * L.L.= 120G (h"tlz' proJectlon) tflnd= 30 PSF (verb. 'ProJectlon) L.L.= 10 PIrF/ eeaL I !t,L. = 24 PLF/ eeab ll Guardralle= 50 PLF horlz' (NFPA) anil 100 PLf vert. € top rall ilaterlalr 6061-T6 Alurn' FY= 35 Frames to be all velded fabrlca Note t .: These standards ref,lect max'' ioiatng condltlons and aPPIY io all-aluin. bleacherg leBB than 30- rora' ,Anthony Crrdlllo, P.E. co alrltlto atit,cn ia|. grcfi€ci ' laerrumcAvENuE PITTAEUROH. PA I522I at2-271.3E11 v ? .ffi 5/D t A^'c tt 't' r"''' ' t'--'-- - ' a ^lShcct No. By /1 Dots 'S- l-A? chhd, By Dc , Dfilla 4''' t? € I z.t !6. (|sa'-o - 30-!9lll9 Anuroul urlulltul r ' rzr OotlaLr|.rllo ff ilrCTUiAL EI.|oINEER ioe en4tcncAYENUE PaTTsButioH.PA 15221 i rlz'27l'39a4 JW e ^,'. L1.--- r --" - -v , thcct No. d // -'. sy rc ' l|ll15 4 -/;t? '' ' 'a cnw.s't/rJ0:A', ' orla I (rox") * (zc x 3o x6'b> = /7s-t.lttf le/gattv6 = lfex6) r \/5 ^ - (cxz4)=/44 'tlbx6,c /2O] tll..? t< l?€ = /75.9 1v'28 lil :? xt+4 ' /276 . rP'J6 4eclS r-z- 3-4 :tecF /ieu'(4) t s z:O- aa/.ee' Fn aos, p-t+Pl€27= 2752 r4t . ,6gazo/a7t 3.18 fo- z /?, E7 rs-z Ity's*z zTtzy'za?o"atl t?.81 > 11792 rs-t . -* // L'I u. ert* 7ri u- t'/+ rtl+ x /rs .{fo RotttS - z-t'+ CTIECB Zee (s) t'2^28iY/3 1"" ur. ir t?5 t t7€S thclllF? ' t2'6 nr t,lJa 6os/ tY 46' It/r'l?/.t|t = 1?'25 fa'c tl'7'{ Psz it = .72o/.7t€, looT' fo'sost /'/? a /eor 7 lq/F*ttu/ru e-arEh'8t6 3'12< /'83 4 C,t 2t.g:E./eu fr 8o' l.t/t . zls/stt'7225 F?'//'d ut8 fo-l 20t4 ' tufYo' J8L il,o3 > t,o4 ,str OrtE,46 ' o'tk r/+ x /rc Rt/, 'Fztx lt6 tse, t.g3 rt31rg.7 ttl/,2+l a r?5/e+i'tsl4' 'rs.r ?!-lgr4.32?'52 < 3'& I.{ (iq/,i'lll;3 .f,\ . i :l tti , inthony Cudlllo, P.E. cgfllr|.fir€ sfiucrun^L E {oltlECi . '.f.OOATLANnCAYENUE . PITTSBURGH.PA I522I al2-27l-39aa stsr z-tlzxt/z x /4 lt. .927 .,s.,la| Job Dt-ill. lza PZF P.cl ,"p ' TzoG ft -t1c.^G r(lfxsoxc) /ttt 2?xc z11t4c '-re-*WlS.tz7 .ttol ztt66? /.et7f . /8241 .. l?rco 2lzat 6lP€, ty' iltoe, . t?€G Psz 9E 'ur' 8-tO I t- r* ei 7ra z- zxizx /rc r.zerQ1l t2o Xe : 6ZOf 1, - (erox z+y'2)y'tt - ?317 ' 9ec7 < t?eoo BZ .et- Cc*et, At/@ ,*a/e Z-zx(zx /tc f5: i667 ^ ,y'a 3/+6do /AW <Odao Psz .QA 9 ,ftrrl-aezg &rs s?ete .'Z/a,aO ?:r.E .?tvc/e z,Jtlxr+x,tt7 stuQc-&2f...da?*.2f = .l?6/G /428* t+28 > Qr/)= +tc PL r6t, tn,\ /A,<.qrr€. a(r&r) Bhccr lro. t I .n , // :'g;y -1 - 9a6 A'/ - 8? Chkd. By / 8,1_ .!f 720 Drto -?o Atrtl|otry Llrgluor l".rr' cq{iuLr|'€ stitJcTui^|- :rs|l{€EF laoAn.AfficAvENuE - prrrbannoH.PA tg22l ar2-271-EEaa 3h.ot1o. -r I! tt ,-UEy rC hb -&9- Job' Chkd. By J /9c' -D.tf a-z-29 jr. t. es .5x t?s;'' ?Zg'l Jffi' . st.il (p/zd' r/,l,l' . FG i$/cetc = liat (rtzt'tz) /r.,nsxe7,(y'z?s ' ttz F&. 1,O7 rst fe" l@/,527 3 ??ao z1e < 1a7a '.tt 2& ne7 z'1fr2</ftar7tt (ns il' atfi) 4r', gr 96 4a/taa' t9 9,c( tsa. Eotl ata b 3.t+. r,t t f-- 6eo/tle4'3gl1 <.t.5?1 'tta @ 'FCk ?aa-3s te&e: // Fz gxtlC/E o 2P 21ox2..+6oG/8e L'llLrt/zx7t6: l.Nte.scf 3.et 3 76,77 /Et/. - l€oy'627'7ll ?tt < t?oee /esE 26-'t/t. ,7cfrx 73.7r/,2r3 = t?6 ;t-t fo. r flf Fsr tA- Fa-c r.f +i> fltt .Aathony Crdlllo, P.E. co|t|lxt rfit ftilrclunAt l}€rt{ECF 46aAfl.erncAvENuE nrtegunox. PA r!221 ar2-271-3t11 clEc2 1:45-xrlzx/tz qr ,(sr/."ts)(,s) =na Fa.' Z.aE Rs, o 'Jdb -r/2, .t/a??r. 8/r.t/YE/ Slrcol lfo.A. t/ 'By 7c Q'll6 tl't'a? Cfrkd. By I /9C ^-.- t.z-Plutll -, - '' e r 8D. fo. '(zx noxeio)/.e22?2z.32 Psz. ?7J 2 >.ztlo gg /r.irtlz x tta 4a;(aa,rr2fi1szz' tt4,/ f* s 2-e2 rs-r ?.aA > 2.7a2 r.tt rA !. v.se zxtar<7r2 ptt G-:7-€- i Aou'lo Prtt 93 eY /tusrer.o^' -7- SaZu /@r ED. Zt 4s /r+8sX1fzt3=/24,7 Fa- " tzCO 2.s-t > 2732 pt u.rE z-tk x///zxtzC ,Fau-s 6 -7'- 8'? I AaA ss2t/7 BEra'/EE^/ a / Z Qoo loatz. .crcur) on us€' zr.t* 7tZ Anihony Cudtllo, P.E. co lrrEnl{t SrilrcluF^L EMllllEER . ..66ATI.ANNCAVENUE . PFTABURCIH. PA I522I 112-271.3?a1 Iv ?o r+hot twrl nlsy'czz . .3.s?? "g ,2 < t1'O rsz 'EaF Zft.q ?sz. ,gE I - //a r //c x /z @..l aer'F) 6.(exe);(,t.sx6.x !o) t t?s E= /?!.xr = ?7€t P. Z.e x /zoXC t /r4O fa " 2.1 ,a6 e 144/At/ 4r' (qa. 6y',2?a) (.ts)' ts-r tL.= ftooe/ts|;2 '2'go xsz Fo?de at Oatca*a/ | = 125/s.le'/87s' r -*'t b.2" ' ' fa' .€27 6/ea* //tte/ea/ az Puaapa"ttz .r[o- < f'o, 3 {71? < zood '/sz ... t-t/zril/zx/ta ,il 0t *r4 '563 < Job thoot No 7 , ol -JJ*-- gy /.^ g1g +'' r- e ? chkd.sv{/9.t -Da'n *:l&J- r+{o (t.(o/z?t t,/{,., fe- a 2t75 / 1c-t 3 ,( = z'737X.527 = y'|t .'. F'5'x Tgt. ttv 4xtz .tP3/E l?oao atA Cr'aasg otse) =16/.az* ^z,.az{'t el4y',st7. ,563 l3-E Ps.r .'. e&- +l'Tr115- .| 4. u-t'/l.*tla*7(rvr) ' r.t, ai 4-sA.<l c-o. d-o ,, -fllillutVd. gfilszz?/.963'Fsz< /?ooo es'r "$- Anthony Cudllio' P.E.t cgnanurrrg rtnucruilL ll{otNEER . 'res rrLeNnc AVENUE PTTT66URCH. PA t 3221 412.27 l.E31a o thot No.d -//- 8t qC 96111 g- z7'?? Chkd. By nc - Drlr s-2t-82 o ,€rY? O z @o a7,.t f w xfA/as' 78? eoaxfs"' - /3eO L-3X2X76 sx =.66( fv.nea/,664 . /7-f 78 fo-- ay'r? : ssis (r-*e,.s/,26= 46 Fa. = /4'' (O 'L /v.38 7st a.2l.sr 4t'.sze F-=/i)5/I fa-. zz73f8o? = z,Ez 2,82< /3.64 fts-t Eb. ,lrln = 3e x4z .lz6oo ,.rJa8, 5n3.664 l/FP/9 c Elfr, o 6eOxE,€ f wx U,,y's '/o8? 7S?/.* zo so rr) zjLi'2x =22.t/ti H.€.AF RAIL r'Og T SIDE RAT L ?O3T /-s t- zxzxs/r6 = tzcooy'lc,f '/8?79 tS?Z€ < /7aeo P-tr RZ. €-rt' .eoaxs?,/t7 =/o(/ t6, *ceQ8-uo^|y'r7'71/ td fnlbony Crdlllo, P.E. ccN|| rrio atirjctt iAL cM||r{EEn ' aaaATLANTtcAvENuE. PITTBBURCH.PA T5227 al2-27t-at,,l ghcct No. By . rz DaIn -A'27'A2- o Job Chkd. By lec OatcJ-:zf.r?- trt Z, @o/f/a.\/ fr4. ao x 4?x zlz/,n7 = fjp -14 c 6orz77a. clsg Rt aBTf x@x 27 ^ 6dA f,il z,68t 46 21271<2-- 2oz9 #/ l-zfzxzx/26 st<tt . ,2?3 ips fv.e#ar/,2?3 = r84z rs-r /t6z <. /7@a Psz .95 looo I !,oo I .{>.. fn* l.* z /rc 73y */?xt&xilt RL/, .,4sxzy':4 € ?4 F*e 9.77 tsZ fa, o zezs/ts4 - 441 Ps.T pa Qon za/J) -ttEc fl2tilal/r6 (/122 sol"'1 ,a P-if'./FP2 t. eV., v; eo/a /2 F ' s@xy'z.r7g.- 7,td c fs z tax a, e rsV, izs, 4.i8 * tlet@x13,59/pse f 'WS@E E tzoS zrtxq<Vt1 t<//t = ax4t S/,#8 = ?1, 7 7 Ft-.. 6.cri .tt' fo' t lza/t, j7 = 822 Fbstto€Of53t /7772 fu/* * tYor' .t 76 + t o+ < /' a3 .e4' '/tcE t-/ sQoy'os 2g.37o ' a*Sl rty' tasxzS/.2+1'67 FRo rrT wrruX ulrrl (r4AJa wtDTH) 'l r, ,til o F _{ u, N F*= 6.t4 $a."tA$= 1Cl < c74o 9e a . :Anthohy Crrdlllo, P.E. CO'{AU|.TI|(| a'AUC"URAI Ef,lOll{ElF dogATuNncAvENuE HTTSBURO!{. PA, | 322 t 412.27.1-s3i|a .t&,<r?t ?,.2D //r/15, Jglrlzt A./1.i44s Sh.rt No. -19- sl -II - ChfO.gv Ac $ls "'28'87 HltuuD&til IPF tileu4t,7aluS 'r//Pr,@ naqe af -sn,uD PTPE.- RATLIN€ ,i'u,il t/c) ..sn rc f u. (zoat tz)/+ x ,zql ! lz37/ < z/aee 99 BATLTNO ,r,JM- ._i pz/7t gurrr) sx ',/eJ ut *(cu4ar6) 5q = (;ax eVo ilts)(r2) , c, 162y'O <. 2/@o Ps-t ptL .erD sc.Y, 4.o (t/.f @rra Sx= .21'L n'tt g". (rtz xlzi ty'tox.z?D " = l6t27 Ps, < 2tooe .t// a 96 e (zoc x Ze),/ix. ,/rg =.a7da6. >.zreae Pct tnl.|$E3mErllAL3'rotlrr' aatATltmEAVEt{uE hrnadBox.re tlert a l2'r7l'!!.. -v a :bK fo' ttYl,'t ltd' ?/'vtr tegso'l peftl, 122t/v6. art JCE *l tlo Oot'l- /j fullt E.tqGra. oe 7r ''2jooo ?s8 ' g, 1, OIS l' s2at 'Qzz xer x +7/st) t ,l.2Ool S a *D,,t r,tz/,711' 70 7O?( < ltaae ?s-f nt/to'a,\tsr,troil t,lrt116.t1 / t o.ttlt < /a sg. , t .(t?t 1lzxi i t,o} t..37f11 lz2},5 l 138' , tna r-tr?& &&rtot ; lt36 ltt < lgae ?st .gE ' ,tfg/rrofir '''7tl ll 1233 ' ' t/t77 f, - ?aa tC{ 7rt, ib etl&:k 8''rr.10' A*tl tgt'Cc ar roo'f2 xlllE r(t tr' loroorcv,o*.f44 -AaDC Ar .f,,7/a . ae d.?d J,L t7Z -l t^r. ,tt -T-T--I-IJ C-o=_..-e'- o tlfL,) tlislt 1. tr,.a.rt/l @.<.r ^P UI nnD =rrl (fnOaa ulnDO Z G) ;IHHHHft Hf,# :Ffl f'_$u *Hfl EE Afic, D4rtFc]m I NNU)t =Exx *NXq;^g X-X S}S ;E;clc ==zH zFhFFt rrl q x q x ar, 02 DrcF :Dz.G'rrrl o t ol-ap DzooHNFIo Pc7 -{c(I, rtl o ut G)cDc, FI C) $zr 7 n 2orrl q,f,)PTvr'P{cor3 HPZ53t2 PFIa Dm FI TOWN Otr VAIL Typical Cross Bracing lsometric Drawing luAcnns NrERNAIlollA[ 16255 E. 4th Avsnue, Unil A Aurora, Colorado 8o0l 1 Phone (303) 364-5906 Fax (303) 3|4-1410 o) O -rlnD3 rrl On(faa ulnD C)HZ G) ;flfifrHHfift #f,H n:PH s- 5a ;FffiH rg - FE 0 r'lI lllAcxns NTERilAnoilAl 16255 E. 4th Avonue, Unit Ak Aurora. Colorado 8001 1 Phone (303) 364-5906 Fax (3031 344-1410il /:\ u,tr x N x .A q Dt-cF 26)rFI 1a ^lx ^tX (, q Drc =l)z6)t-rq r,g x ft X (I, 2 Pc3 26)rFI q X tr x (r) q DrcF Dzc)Frrl A + 0p Dzoo Nrrl Cf Pc] {c TDrrl (o 6)cD6)FI c,rf)Hz 7Hz.7\ Trnzc)FI BPO'F .r I)t-{c(r! 3l-lPE53*2 c) f,a Dmr"l Typical Cross Bracing lsometric Drawing qo UOX -TlnD =rrl C) ruOaa ul ru :D C) Z(D ]lfi ;HH H *ne !F*A-.56 8HH tu Fan 9 *P' Fl -r f-o fr8 FIz-I ooo1l q x q x (, q DTcF 26)rrtl t 0l-{D ;z_oo ,--aNFIo llFc ={c TDFI o (o G,C.DoFI o:fD z.rl.-lz7\ .T rrlzc,rfl 8P9i- rD r1Ccn=HPE5=<:Dzc, 6a Dnrtl t{{ r4 = F UlonH-It -loz .g^tH xx t-NXE = r..l.X XtrX S}Scr-<n=D3PEPe=e3='D'262FhFmrn Typical Cross Bracing lsometric Drawing lllAauns mnnnAnOl'lAl 16255 E. 4lh Av€nue, Unil A Aurora. Colorado 8001 1 Phone (303) 364-5906 Fax (303) 344-'1410 ) I- rt uz' E.Dsr r8 -E 3F +; =.FeaFg "1*= * 3ei + P st a ; 5 @ tl ss :+=i HH -{5 i'Iol: a AT a.33li €e sl Fd* E oS=a;a g€ EgEP:st 9t" E,qt = U)O t-rn -l5 I,J t-o [[IAC}|uns NTEnilAroilA[ 16255 E. 4th Avsnue. Unit A Aurora, Colorado 8001 1 Phone (303) 364-5906 Fax (303) 344-1410 8Po)F rDr{co3 HDZTCE3lJ-<Dzc)rFI U' Dmrrl oooooo ;EFilil ilg;H;a (ts {. -{ E(O eg ot 5S qx *^: o) @.At o €-* : q,X**e ) |mro) o;r icn lcDl-n lcuI* l< Iln lcD l- Dlat-- to_ l(D Il(Jr ICDEl+A lsgk1 ln lcu ot<s stx*+ $1 $i - +{- s*a6 '19. 9t .Dct \ $l Fl - -{.'l--+.1 I I t_ (D A) oe"3A'?e. 8Itg.; -ea R*e. I Al F rlE ll a<n8Fo .o, .l c>t3ro' =I c, llt CN CJ t-m t Io F) = A)a (I, l*il lrrg-f atcta.6 o- F"< g DETAILS IJIACXTNS NfiERilANOilA[ 16255 E. 4th Avsnue, Unii A Aurora, Colorado 8001 t Phone (303) 364-590G Fax (303) 344-1410 o q x N x ul art ; E 7 l4m o Y x Y x u, 6l ;t- F Fm o ni x q x (, .fi ;g I lrlm o q x + x a, efi ;t-t ; Pm o I o F 7 el Ng Ft fr o € F E € a T fr I o)Daf(')FF'(o,P 9rs ts;-z firc53 H'2 =Srb7 AHm t 9_o- 8$ lfla2;eo-8ge9 =T 9) (, 4 x ! qt 2 x ('Iq u) q x UT E 5at0t-JaDx9d Eelt5 C)gEgsgsdx 3 *i, .rEer<a(;a6= A !t !"r-3ft. e5Fa* rE 5Hs$" E=eH'xEqE- *€=. 6d9gF{sI.IE d gE 5.Ft= sAtr 3:ft\) E 3 = HH$ *l gEE FF g;€EA =5ssir 8o &" a, D eo -{oltlo. sc) ]z 4ss Eaa;dg sgg16q tr{e -'<oo ;g, U)(? rm II IJ I sffi =',esiE+:a l[fAcnns nnnMnoilAL 16255 E. 4rh Avenue, Unit A Aurora, Colorado 8001 1 Phone (303) 36,4-5905 Fax (303) 3/14-141 0 (')Dordl-t- IDT{ca3 PE 53-<Dz6,Trrla Dmrrl *E r:::: EE;iiii aHE;E;E Fm H oooooo '\Jt_-ct AFH 5c EEg: 6?qrl-\=6g {g o- as-tr825oEr-8Ee9 3n6'L, qqq 01 01 q xxx ul (Jl *i!qq ooo 5c)g ,E gB sgES HF$ 5_de s4il-68 $lc o? o 0) t') l.t r'6 i=Fg6 5$s$E=E9xq-4E- I €=.HaceFlel ' -or oj se ia61 sJF a = *c- 3 q$$s5d E**'aEF* r 3EEEEH E =E;€EA e.63a -Eo=88€;'<2- U'<) t-m .-l T -tt-(f BLEACHEN5 MNilANO}rIAL 16255 E. 4th Avenue, Unil A Aurora. Colorado 8001 1 Phone (303) 364-5906 Fax (303) 344-141 0 oooooo H{rrl3 cfFI(,l c)nHt{F{oz;E**ii; aDcrrO'F rDr{cor3,{DZTC 53-<Dzc)rFI('| DnFI { !!-o-r 8$-or 2z EE E? 3T 9) ooo (, o, (, qogq xxx (n Ul \t Fffi::: e-*1s stq; s *s* A t" f.,''38, 5=F€ag 5$s$" {=Q**Ee5 I =- 'Fiag t .IR d se 3Fqs q' o' tr 36? 5Pa, ;f grFd *€'a'* EEgF ;€Ea eSseir 8oU'E- qr 4eld ?II d g (n <D A) co{ootcl FJo g $$g $19g e' esl*'s Ess a)o ==oo <-F o- = Uo c-t- 0). U)c)r TN C^) tl Io (n(? rR I-+ I J(D =; =B lllAcHns NrERilAnol$ 1 6255 E. 4th Avenue, Unil A Aurora. Colorado 8001 1 Phone (303) 364-5906 Fax (303) 344-1410 |\) 5 o <D0t g.t Pzt U' -o0t !t AI* .f l' 5fiq$ H-ao*-g&e Hil' I tl tl LJ r1 ll tl LJ r1 ll tttl LJ r1 ll ll tl ]zrv F'v, <> o3* EF €x*a .f l' P cl -.4,o---e) Ed* t\.,xo, 9' e e.P4 **'S* 5 d*-dtq dg6(H -'t..-r - | ..1- B IIACH NS ffTE RIIATIO }tIA[ 16255 E. 4th Avenue, Unit A Aurora. Colorado 8001 1 Phono (303) 364-5906 Fax (303) 344-1410 A'.rB r- *ui$ =EE 8a*< =otal9d sl5HFGo' al=?F 65 '3-oi6qf Cf.69l.at lo 5 g !, F (no t- FF !I tr-) a g t\) l-,a, c, s3 sH €s5EJ It -{.'8 g E !t sc< C'Io,6c o)ct\t!t5 ee Qa6al | 30 SEATS c 2{. L'l tnLL BAYS TYP. AS stlowu I <<9 "==+Pssa.pBd 5T; ?Hq $eE eH1-FB sz E: "g(n (,o efi PF'E F4 F E Ff;fiF tllr $$dssFs$ 3d$fr EnEEura@a FeFE 6@ =o5:o6 2gze_sffi6# ooco '.,c <t, cqHTtr sEs# o' o':i:iilJr.r EyEy -Tf (n-tm *-ffc-{ frH Eiss:s=HFt_rq Fg a$fi f; =ffi; pup;=Qff.. Bl 2*,a. ; ;qHF F*b J*ai$ ;E fi:E F s**:*IHI E* eE E=n E :UffiH lH+ S -{F =g ; Rs;_: EEi * ;: H t*== SsE { uE g lsse==il T b z EEPP u- dEFad E T tro€mct ilil 5 dd 5 F E E a EIE6q PxD-r--{ . 9s Bt m U' R =?5 g s -{I'm E H ?3 6lE6q FP dffi e--{ ? T' ElevationsSeatingBJIACHENS ilITERilAN(}ilA[ 16255 E. 4th Avenus, Unit A Aurofa, Colorado 80011 Phone (303) 364-5906 Fax (303) 344-1410 iutilratl ,(/oot , ^,!4,.tt,_ jllaNSpE CTION REQUEST/ t::l r,( /t''[) / PERMIT NUMBER OF.:PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 THUR FRI ?t 1n / OuD^rE ./ /'-l I 7 / JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING r.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAT: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR E FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE 1- '' ,"o INSPECTOR j::81i. INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . .. 479-2138 ,.i ... i'' -J, .' ,'--i (DATE READY FOR IN LOCATION: CALLER ON TUES -'-t +' .WED--1 T"HUR /,'7a 1:/ AM (Fil') .tr]APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED PERMIT NUM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL Pb$ildtNg: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,-. ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOoD NAILING T] GAS PIPING B INSULATION POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E FINAL]N FINAL DATE INSPECTOR