HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B GOLDEN PEAK BASE 1995-1996 APPROVALS 2 OF 2 LEGALVA^lVJIyFry-tbJR x.A.d,F*[B* \q15 1116 W. Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Proiect Name: Golden Peak Ski Base Project Number: nla' Project Description: Installation of magic carpet ski lift, relocation of mechanical shed, and installation of summer stream crossing at the base of chair 12. Owner, Address, and Phone: Vail Resorts, Inc. PO Box 7, Vail, CO 81658 479-4008 ArchitecVContact, Address, and Phone: Jeff Babb same same as above Project Street Address: 458 Vail Valley Drive Legal Description: Tract F and B, Vail Village 7th and 5th filings Parcel Number: 210f08109004 Comments: Building Name: Golden Peak Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 10126199 Project Name: Golden Peak Ski Base Board/Staff Action Action:StaffApproved DRB Fee Paid: 20.00 Department of Community D evelopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8 FAX 970-479-2452 Ocrober 26, 1999 Jeff Babb Vail Associates PO Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 And Adjacent property owners Re: Minor Amendment to Golden Peak Development Plan to install a magic carpet ski lift, relocate the mechanical shed, and install a seasonal summer stream crossing for vehicular access to the base of Chair l2:Tract B and F. Vail Villaoe 5'n. Dear Jeff: Based on the findings contained in this letter, the above reterenced amendments to the development plan have been approved by staff. I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST AND BACKGHOUND The request is for a minor amendment to the Golden Peak development plan to allow for the installation of a magic carpet ski lift, relocalion of the mechanical shed and the seasonal installation of a stream crossing to access the base of chair 12. II. CRITEFIA AND FINDINGS A. Section 12-8D-OD: Amendments to the approved development plan will be considered in accordance with the provisions ol Section 12-9A-10 of this Tiile. Section 12-9A-l0 is addressed below. B. Section 12-9A-2: Minor Amendment (staff review): Modifications to site plans that do not alter the basic inlent and character of the approved district and are consistent with the design criteria of this Chapter, may include changes to landscape or site plans that do not adversely impact pedestrian {p *uno'o 'n""* or vehicular circulation. The approved Golden Peak development plan includes the Golden Peak buildings, parking and ski runs. The proposed improvements would not affect these elements of the plan. The proposed improvements will not alter the basic intent or character of the ski runs. The proposed improvemenls are in keeping with and would be incidental to the ski runs and adjacent properties. C. Section 12-9A.10: Minor moditications consistent with the design criteria outlined in subsection 12-9A-2 may be approved by the Departmenl ot Community Development. Notification of a proposed minor amendment and a report of stalf action shall be provided to all property owners within or adiacent to the district that may be atfected by the amendment. Notification shatl be postmarked no later than 5 days following staff action on the amendment and shall include a brief statemenl describing the amendmenl and the time and date of when the Planning and Environmental Commission will be informed of lhe stalf decision- As noted above, staff believes the amendment is consistent with the design criteria under subsection 12-9A-2. Notification of the proposal was provided to all adjacent property owners on October 26, 1999. This approval will be reported to the Planning and Environmental Commission on November 8, 1999. You should be aware that this approval could be called up for review by the Planning & Environmental Commission. Please also note that the realignment of Chair 12 and the proposed footprint for the Race City building were approved as part of the original development plan for Golden peak. lf you have any questions, contact me aI 479-2148. Domin F. Mauriello, AICP PlanningChief of FIEVEFYONE\PEC\MEMOS\9g\GOLD.PK2 oo ,l\,r* EXISTING PAD ocT-25-99 t 1 ,49 TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE E Ncw Consrucdon - Sll00 El Addi.ion' $50 trConccptudRcviow- S0 Construction ofa ncw building; Includcs any addirion whcrc squarc footage is addcd to any rcsidcntid or comnrcrcial building Inctudcs minor ctungcs to buildhgs and ritc irnpmvomcnq such aS' rcrooting painting, window additions, landsoaping, fcnces and rt*aining walls, ctc. For any applicatim whcrrc tbc appticrnt wisbe to mcct wittr Dcrign Rwicw eoaraio i;tffnine wbahcr ornc thc pnojoct gencdly complics wi$ the desig gridclincs Thc DRB docs not vots m conccptual rwiora FRol{ ' ToV-CO}l\o -DEV-DEPT.lDtS?84732(|52 PAGE 2/IO Qucstions? Calc ntrnning Staff rt 47g'2l2tl WWNOFVAIL APPLTCATION FOR DESTCN REVIEW APPROYAL CENERAL INEORMATION Thls applcado i. for any projod roquiring Dcsign Rcviw approval- Aly projoct rcqririlg desiln revicn'ntust racci'c OoSgr eerric*' epjroval ptiri o srUminlng for a buiiding pcrmit, Fa sfr,scific infiormation' ecc thc submittal ."quircmartifor thc partiorlar approval rh,at is roqucstc,C. ttrc applisation cmnot bc acccptcd until dl thc roquircd jnfLnration h srbmiicA fft" pid;ect may also ncod b bo rcviwcd by thc Town Grucil and/or the Planning and Environmcnal Commirsion. licsigp neview Boerd rpprovd crpir6 onc ycer lfter fiud eppmvd unlcsf r building pcrmit is trcucd rnd conctrucdon is dartcd. B. c- E" F. G, H. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LOT: BLOCK: FILINGT PHYSICAI. ADDRESS: pApaCEL#t 7b i bY / nqM( (Cortarr Bagle Co. Asscsson O'ffica"at 970'328't6,40 for parccl #) ZQNING: PHONE: owNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT; ^-{iMAILING PHONE: '5 &<- F@inorAttcration- $20 DRB foss ars to be rnid a the time of $bmittal. Latc, whor apPlyisg for a buikling pctmit, plcasc idstdry rho rocqratc va;rration of t1c pojccL Thc Town of Vail wifl adjrst the foc according to thc projccr valu*ioo' PLEASE SUBMIT TT{IS APPLICATION, AIJ, SUBMITTAT REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO TTIE DEPARTMENT OF COMMI NITy DEVEITPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE R'OAD' DESCRTPTION OF THE REQUESTT vAtL,coLoRADO t1657. COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring approval by thc Planning and Environmcntal Commission. For spccific information, scc the submittal requirements for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application can not bc accepted urtil all rcquired information is submittcd. Thc projcct may also necd to bc revicwed by thc Town Council and/or thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board. A: TYPE OF APPLICATION: tr Additional CRFA (250) tr Bcd and Brcaldast tr Conditional Use Permit tr Major or E Minor Subdivisiontr Rezoning tr Sign Variancc tr Variancc tr Zoning Code Amcndment B. DESCRIPTIONOFTHEREQUEST: O Qucsio$ Call thc Planning Staff at 479.21 38 APPLICATION FOR PI,ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL tr Amcndmcnt to an Approved Developmcnt Plan tr Employee Housing Unit (Typc: _)tr Major or tr Minor CCI Extcrior Alteration (VailVillage) El Major or E Minor CCll Extcrior Alteration (Lionshead) tr Special Development Districttr Major orftMinor Amcndmcnt to an SDF,- SV bqe.Oe^ TOWN OF VAIL c. D. MAILING ADD H. c. F.OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): UeC"-NAME OF REPRESENTATTVE: MAILINOADDRESS:ale.n> PHONE:_ FEE - SEE THE STJBMITIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. SUBTVTIT THISAPPLICATION,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TOTHE DEPARTMENT oF COMMIINITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 soUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. ate e0elVp;*o*, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. PEC McctingDut"r l)z),f, f,., SEP 1 5 1999 APPLICATION FOR AN AMM{DMENT TO A PREVIOUSLY A,PPROVEI' DEVELOPMENT PLAN GENERAL INFORMATION Use this applicdion for any modification(s) to a previously approved development plan. In additiur to this application, approval by the Town Council and/or the Desigr Rwion Board may be requircd" I. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-ryplication conference with a planning staffmember is strongly encorraged. No application can be accepted unless it is complcte. It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appoinEn€ot with the staffto determine additional submittal requiremots. II. ST]BMITTAL REOUIREMENTS The following information shall be required with this zubmital: O FEE: $250.00. The fee must be paid at the time of submittal. B Stamped, addressed eirvelopes and a list oftle names ard mailing addresses of all properly owncrs adjacent to the subject property, including properties behind and across streets. The applicant is responsible for correct names and mailing addresses. This information is available from tbc Eagle County Assessor's offi co. tr One (l) set of plans of the approved dwelopment' O Four (4) sets ofplans showing the proposed changes. All changes must be clearly indicated on the plan. O A written explanation ofthe proposed changes. PLEASENOTE THAT ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS CAN BEACCEPTED. ALL OF THE REQUIRED INFORMATION MUSTBE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FORTHIS APPLICATION TO BE DEEMED COMPLETE. ilI. TIMEREOUIREMENTS A. The Planning and Environmelrtal Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A compl€te 4plication form and all accompanying material (as described above) - must be accepted by the Community Development Deparfnent by the appropriate submifial date, which is a minirmrm of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hcaring. Incomplete applications (as detennined by the planning statr) will not be accepted- B. The PEC ryproval shall lapse if construction is not commenced within one year of the date of approval and diligently pursued to completion. or if thc use for which the appmval is granted is not commenced within one year. Page I of2 ry.ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES e. tftnit upptication requires a separate review by any local, Statc orlederal agency other than the Town of Vail, thi applicatibn fee shall be increased by S200'00' Examples of zuch review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Departnrent of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404' ctc. B. The applicant sball be responsibte for paying any publishing fecs which are in exccss of SOZ oitne apptication fee. If. at the applicanfs request, :my matter is poslponed for hearing carsing the matter to be re-publishe4 the,n, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the aPPlicanl C. Applications deemed by the Community Development D€partment to have desigr, land use - otho ioo.r *hich uray harre a significart impact on the comrrunity rmy rcquirc rwiew by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staff that an outside consrltant is needed, the Community Development Departnrcnt may hirc the consultant. The Deparlrnent shall estimate the amount of money necessary to psy th€ consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an 4plicdion. Expenses incured by the Tovm in excess of the amorrrt forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days ofnotification by the Town. Any excess frrnds will be refrmed to the applicant upon rwiew completion. Page2 of2 GOLDEN PEAK NARRATIYE NOTES DATE: September 3,1999 General Statement: The proposed amendments or alterations to the approved development plan do not : change usesl increase gross residential floor areal change the number of dwelling unitsl or modify, enlarge, or expand any SDD. The proposed modifications do not alter the basic intent or character ofthe Ski Base Recreation District and are minor amendments for the purposes of Section l2-9A-10 and Title 12 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. 1. Terminals, other than realignment and new foundation footprints, remain the same as in the approved development plan. 2. T'lte Platter lift on West Golden Peak has been removed per the approved development site plan. 3. New Magic Carpet for children located below tree island will be removed or covered and blended to minimize slrmmer visual impacts. To be installed in the summer of t999. 4. Beginners platform at Northwoods will have new handle tow replacing old children's rope tow. 5. Bridge shown on site plan is summer temporary pending Town of Vail and other approvals. The temporary bridge will be completely outside of the channel bed, not impede stream flow, and will serve to permit closure or significantly reduce use of the Chair #12 service road which allows for its revegetation and restoration. 6. The tent platform without the tent will remain for at least the 99-00 ski season pending Golden Peak building use evaluation for events, team lunches, etc.. 7. The race timing building footprint has been shown larger than currently exists to accommodate a larger race facility. The new facility replacing the existing outdated structures would consolidate timing, storage, team uses and similar functions into one new building designed to be architecturally compatible with the Golden Peak Lodge and the Children's Center. Date Receive sEP r 5 1999 o o Town of Vail .C91mu1 i! Devetopmenr Depr. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Pinos DelNorte PO Box 69 / 600 Vaif, CO 81652 Condominium Association Vail Valley Drive Town of Vail Community Development DePt. 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 ' ,...*'l:""*'t Ram's Hom Lodge Condominium Association 416 VailValley Drive Vail, CO 81657 oo o 820 Management Trust Attention: Lee M. Bass, Trustee 201 Main Street Fort Worth, TX 76102 Barbara M. Osbome c/o Keith S. Jennings Brown Brothers Haniman 1531 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19102 I All Seasons Condominium Associatir 434 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Manor Vail Lodge Condominium Assc 595 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 o oN -aEssE O:= al:t$xo>: fiHS oo oe t-5o oE,E+LO H=R EErERe 'iS.+ I =o o<-J Grand Prix, Inc. 386 Hanson Ranch Road Vaif, CO 81657 Kay H. Chester 395 Mill Creek Circle Vail, CO 81657 ILC Realty Ltd. 7979 Broadway, Suite 101 San Antonio, TX 78209 Elizabeth Ross Johnson Revor c/o J. Epstein and Co., lnc. Villard House 457 Madison Avenue NewYork, NY 10022 lj-t .eo^o)xfv og F;e 'fi -Alr G'6 sEe E6 b<q =588 Vail, CO 81657 Department of Community Deve Lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 october 26. 1999 Jeff Babb Vail Associates PO Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 And Adjacent property owners Re: Minor Amendment to Golden Peak Development Plan to install a magic carpet ski lift, relocate the mechanical shed, and install a seasonal summer stream crossing for vehicular access to the base of Chair 12;Tract B and F, Vail Village 5'". Dear Jeff: Based on the findings contained in this letter, the above referenced amendments to the development plan have been approved by staff. I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST AND BAGKGROUND The request is for a minor amendment to the Golden Peak development plan to allow for the installation of a magic carpet ski lift, relocation of the mechanical shed and the seasonal installation of a stream crossino to access the base of chair 12. II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. Section 12-8D-6D: Amendments to the approved developmenl plan will be considered in accordance wilh lhe provisions of Section 12-gA-10 of this Tiile. Section 12-9A-10 is addressed below. B. Seclion 12-94-2: Minor Amendment (statt review): Modifications to site plans that do not alter lhe basic intent and character of the approved district and are consistent with the design criteria of this Chapter, may include changes to landscape or site plans that do not adversely impact pedestrian {g ror""ro r ""* o oo or vehicular circulation. The approved Golden Peak development plan includes the Golden Peak buildings, parking and ski runs. The proposed improvements would not affect these elements of the plan. The proposed improvements will not alter the basic intent or character of the ski runs. The proposed improvements are in keeping with and would be incidenlal lo the ski runs and adjacent properties. C. Section 12-9A-10: Minor moditications consistent wilh the design criteria outlined in subsection 12-9A-2 may be approved by the Department ot Community Development. Nolification of a proposed minor amendment and a reporl of staft action shall be provided to all property owners within or adiacent to the district that may be atlected by the amendment. Notification shall be postmarked no later than 5 days tollowing stafl action on lhe amendmenl and shall include a brief statement describing the amendment and the time and date of when the Planning and Environmenlal Commission will be inlormed of the stafi decision. As noted above, staff believes the amendment is consistent with the design criteria under subsection '12-94-2. Notification of the proposal was provided to all adjacent property owners on October 26, 1999. This approval will be reported to the Planning and Environmental Commission on November 8, 1999. You should be aware that this approval could be called up lor review by the Planning & Environmental Commission. Pfease also note that the realignment of Chair 12 and the proposed footprint for the Race City building were approved as part of the original development plan for Golden peak. ll you have any questions, contact me at479-2148. F\EVERYONE\PEC\I\,lEMOS\99\GOLD PK2 F. Mauriello. AICP Chief ot Plannino ,[ lr,.* .l ,) i,-' )\ \ l/ I"\ I 4 il Y.-- ,;, ic EXISTiNG oAn ,--\(fl' o D esign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Proiect Name: Golden Peak Ski Base Project Description: Children's Lot Parking Control Gates Owner, Address and Phone. Vail Associates, PO Box 7, Vail, CO 81658, Attn: Kirk Kelly Architect/Contact. Address and Phone: 458 Vail Valley Drive A portion of Tract F, Vail Village 5$ Filing Buildins Name: Project Street Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: August 24, 1998 Board / Staff Action Action: staff approved F :r tIVIlRYONE\DRI ]t\PPROVAI-\9 ll\(iOLDPnAk. W PD DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 I j' ' 'Qr..tio,rr0ll thc Pll;rn ing StatT rl'i 7i'l i 2 i't APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Desigrr Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcviov ntust rcccivc Dcsign Rcviov approval prior to subnritting fora building pcrnrit. For spccific infornration, scc thc subrnittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that i.s rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot bc acccptcd until all thc rcquircd infornration is subnrittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torvn Council and/orthc Planning and Envirorrrncntal Corrrnrission. Dcsign Rcviov Board apploval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final appt'oval unlcss a r building pcrmit is issucd and conslruction is startcd. DES RIPTION OF T E REQUEST: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:- BLOCK:- FILINC: PEYSICAL ADDRESS: '"rr-4f-j161-. revceta:ffi(ContactEaglcCo'Asscssorsofficcat970-328-8640forparccl#)'c. D. E, F. C. ZONINC: NAME oF oWNER(S): Vo-i\ Arso. MAILINC ADDRESS:(65y H. PHoNE: |1.77- \oo't owNER(S) STGNATURE(S) : NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS:PO PHONE: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncrv Construction - 5200 Construction of a nerv building, Includcs anyaddition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or cornrncrcial building. tr Addition -ss0 Odlino. Altcration -$20 Includcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc intprovcntcnts. such as, . 1croofing. painting. rvindorv additions. landscaping. fcnccs and rctaining walls, ctc. DRBfccsarctobepaidatthctinrcofsubntittal. Latcr,rvhcnapplyingforabuildingpcnnit,plcascidcntify thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. Thc Torvn of Vaitrvill adjust the fcc accordrng to the projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THTS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIRET\{ENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPIVIENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. vAIL. COLORADO 816s7. Aery'!s TOlr/N OFVAIL /'b/1.tv Dq .-'<f I BUILDING MATERIALS: LTST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Sol'lits Windows Windorv Trinr Doors Door J'rinr l{nnd or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashirrgs Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Grecnhouscs - Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** o*t*r ?r,^kt C-<} * Please spccify the nranufacfurer's color, number and attach.a small color chip **All cxtcriorlightingmustneettheTown'sLightingOrdinanccl8.54.050(J). Ifexteriorlightingisproposed, plcasc indicate thc nunrbcr offixhrrcs and locations on a separatc lighting plan. Identi$ each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lunrcns output. luminous area. and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixtrues. r\dtJa* Updated 6/97 w "OTlyN OFVAIL a a cl o IvITNOR ALTBRATIONS TO TIIE.EXTEiIIOR OF BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVDIIIINTS CENERAL TNFORMATION This application applies to changcs tnadc to a sile or exterior altcrations of a build.ing. Any altcration inrvhiclr additional building square footagc is addcd rvill rcquire an,.additions.'application. I, SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Photos or skctches rvhich Clgally convcy thc existing conditions. Photos or skctches rvhich clcarly convey thc proposcd build.ing or sit e altcration(s). All rclcvant specifications for the proposal includ-ing colors ancl lratcrials to be uscd. Condonriniurrr Association approval (ifapplicablc). -- Ifthc intcnt ofthc proposal is no! clcarly indicatcd, thc Adnrinishator may dctcnninc that additional lnatcrials arc ncccssary for thc rcvi*v of thc application. V, STAFFAPPROVAL The Adminisbator may revicrv and approve Design Rcview applications, approvc rvith certain modifications. deny the application. or nray ret'er the application to thc Design Rcvierv Board for decision. All staff approvals arc strbjcct to final approval by the DRB. Thc follorving types of Dcsign Rcvicl' applications may be staff approved: A. An1' application for an addition to an existing building that is consistent rvith rhe architc*ural dcsigrr.' Inatcrials and colors of the building. and approval has bccn rcceived by an aurhorized merriber ofa condoniniurn associatiorr. i I appl icablc: B. Anv application to nlodify an existing building that does not significantly changc the existing planes of the building and is generally consistent with the architectural desigr, materials and colors oithe building. inclLrding. btrt not lirnited to exterior build.ing finish materials (e.g. sronervork. siding. roof tttaterials. paint or stain,). cxterior lighting. canopics or annings, fences. antennas. satellite dishes, rvindorvs' skylights. siding. urinor cornnrcrcial facadc improvcrncnts, and othcr similar mod.it]cation s: C. Anv application lbr site inrprovements or modifications iucluding. but not limitcd to. driveway rnodifications. sitc grading. site rvalls. rcnroval or modifications to existing Inrdscaping, instailation ol accessory structue.s or rccreational t'acilities, '-< -:=.=.*:===.--,1-. &-+. JL t O GuU ?"rJ* AD"el-.^" c*,*L ?,,.^-.-q- + 0,tot -otA-3L --oo3 Vhi! v,Jl%D&S3o h^rnV^[ \l,Jtt"0ED\ G* ) oL*^"l"J o ?"^"J- + Atot- o7)' o+'oo/ GM LJ'st R-*U C-*i- \6ri Au"o tacag Do.-k ?oqpod o{ ff.t" S"t"*._> 1...r*rf*r- ?*% o 3 5 ++€Cs &4+5r Jd4+ o{,:, J 1flJ;31 ds 4 d6,a s I 'v-r 3$d llu V;tu.tefi/n1 { 6|tur1;Rtf Gntus Pafticipants: owNER 458 WD LLC 061221200s 4788 W COMMERCIAL BLVD TAMAMC, FL 33319 APPLICANT NEDBOCONSTRUCTION 06122/2005 Phoner970-845-1001 P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL co 81658 License: 251-A Project Address: 458 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL LocaUoN: UNIT #4 L€gal Description: Lot: Block Subdivisaon: GOLDEN PEAK CONDOS Parcel Number: 2101-082-7100-4 Comments: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us DRB Number: DR8050292 TOI4'NM Project Name: Got/e.; ?Uk {1 Project Description: '15) uvD u3' New fireplaces BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval:0612812005 Conditions: Cond: 8 (P|AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this p$ect shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007255 The applicant shall paint all vents, flues, and caps to match the adjacent walls. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 J\JN/20/240540N 04: I 8 PM Jun.20.2005 2:34Pll Descrlp0on ot tfie Requ€sG ,-ffi General hfiDrmatlon! All ptoiects rcquirln! deslgn rari€vv must recelve apprcrral prior F submt$ng a builcling permlt appll€tion. ptease refcr F,Ure submiual requlremenb br the pardq,drr lpproval that b requested. nn aidrcaUon irji O*s" Rsvd;carylft be accepted unul Bll tequlE l lntbrnrauot ls received by tfte @mmunity Developmort Oeparrnenf Tte proJect may also need b be reryiewEd Uy ilte Tom Cound and/or he plannini aM BMmnmenbt Commlsslon-D€elg.r tcvaew apprirvat tapsea unri a boatdrg ps.nn it iEued anrl cd|trn;tcHon oon||nen€ withanom year d the apprcyrl. P.002 I{EDBO CONSTRUCII0I{ No,80i0 p . Z/z lvlinor Exterlor Alterafi ons Application for Daslgn Revlew DaIErtfl ent of Communlty Delelopment 75 Sos$t Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 8167 d: 90.rt79.2128 fax, 9P0,q79.24s2. web: r,ww.vall0c^r.com a]4aL Phyelcd Addrees:(),'7Vr'- Patel lta,; Jlolof-ttt 9(t{(Conect eagh Co. Assessor it 97G3Zs-86.+0 for parcet no.) Zoning: NEme(E) cf Owner(s): 8J/l1O AG ltlalllng Mdress:'4/>4de4e trl uvner(s) Si gnature(c); Nanre of Appllcant: MailingMdressi &t 3//.?- ,/4/L t (o F,/..rr' Y t-mailAddress:@axt-,,t3f-QQ ?.2 - V I',fypa of Revlew and Fee: ^. IrypcofReYlewandFee: ^iO Slgns $50 Pl$f$1.00 persquarefootoftotrl slgn area. L tD c-onceptual R*i€w No Fee V E New furstnctioo f5S0 For onsrucdon ol a ncvrr buildlng or derp/rcbuild,tr Addftion $300 For an additlon where 3qu!e b6ee ir adfu to any resldenual or \ , cormerdal hrilding (lndu.lg 250 lddluons & lflleriot @n/er,ggns). I Minot Aleraton f250 Fsr minor dranges to br.dldlngs 8nd slte lrnpro€menB, sudl at' - (multl-Emlly/mmmerdal) reroofing, paindng, wlndow addltions, landscaping, fiencas and(multl-Famlly/mmm€rdal) reroofing, paintlng, wlndow addltions. hndscapr.ng, fiences .rO-O Minor Alteration $20 FfHllltTS;rEto btrtHinss and dte loprornments, sudr as,lsnete-ramlly/duplcx) .eroottns, pBt-nurg wlnd& iogiuots,'lano.##fr:E& * nchansestoAppro€dpr.ng tzo ff'1ffi:t'.T'ans arready approv€d by p separatlon Request * * *nn R.''leu' Board' 'lanning Sfeff or ne Itr Separatlon Request Ffffi?Y$?ig oea<no,:-49!G- sy, Mzd b a e,-rurL Me6-nsDateT'ZO'OS tL- ,, . JUN, I3.?AA5 9:31Rf4 Att: Town Of Vail GOLD PK HOME OI,.]N 37@4798434 N0.580 P.1 c o LD E N i?* AI:,i ?,nf*o''*, u" This letter is to clari8/ that the Golden peak Condomiriium Association is aware of and approves the pending project involving David schack,s penthouse # 4. Please issue any permits needed to move forward with rhis qroject' Thank you Golden Peak condominium Associarion Manager, Carrie Delain, -1-\"."-^-|1, .dtu r c.t\(- r\ n^'t/r-{-0-py\ 458 V.ilL VALI-IY DRI\/E vAlL, Cc) gt6jz r.o. lc)x 7, r tL. co Erq59 t7o-+7s.Bo:5 F$( g7o_47g.8034 I RSS fit&fr it'('s.WI' /)1'tt, fi{zy'vr lcE: AO it'/-r r <a-t t'v.:'i- /0 Olct€E'2 /OAL<' i*/i6df-{. ,Y#.-,: :;- :c:f *- -, , -;.'*i@:.r":.: , I 6as I 64rcc //*rs-nac 64s /ac''o / ctc4-t ("<'r U)t Si- llt{ugrr" I P I I ir GA5 tsffiU/gIDE tsUFNER 9TOt'tE r r rr rr EXI9TllllGr.lJll\E ELEC- Plr FrN^r TO REMI -t- EXI9 LIVING LINE OF ./BALCONY AEV./ V ITT EX t =xl9Tlt{GRE FLACE Extgt|hlc FIECI-.IAN ICAL HANIFOL ACCE55 PANEL DIRECI \GNT TI]RJ EXT. IIALL EXl9Tll.lc I'1ECI-+ANICAL I,IANIFOLD EXISTING rrA6TEF-EZTg EXI9TINGHadTre cf-og=r I tF 9TING EXlSTlh&3 F.PJ-1ts. + ING EXI9TII{GSTEAI,l CENERAfOR Fo u,. oAFHot tolPRE-FAE ]CA3 FIRE PLACEIU/RAISED Ir-.lEARTl.{ | I RELOCATED T.V. ENT. CAts. EXl9Tll.lc TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO StatemeNrt Statement Nr:mber: R050OOO9O9 Arnount: $250.00 06/22/2OO5O4:17 PM Palment Method: Check Init: aIS Notation: 28113,/NBDBO CONSTRUCTION Permit No: DRB05O292 Tl4)e: DRB-Minor Alt, Comm/Multi Parcel No: 2LOL-OS2-7I00-4 Site AddreEs: 458 VAIL VALLEY DR \IAIL IJocation: GOI,DEN PEAK CONDOS, #4 ToEaI Feea: $250.00This Payment: $250.00 ToUaI AL,L Pmts3 9250.00 Balance3 $0.00*****a+*++**l+t,l***+t*+at******t*+aXat***l**fff*+*ta*****l***********+***********t*t++++**** ACCOI,JNTITEM LIST: Account Code Deacription Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3TL22OO DESIGN REVIEVI FEES 250.00 Remote Controls Standard Features . Digital room remperature reading. Easy installadon. Built-in surge suppressor means Heat-N-Glo remotes aren't affected by line volrage fluctuations. Heat-N-Glo remores are programmable and ideal for mulci-unir applications. Remotes are Non-Directional and can be operated from anpvhere within range. 120 minute "Sleep Timer" allows auromatic shut-offif desired (SMART-STAI n, SMART-BATT II, RCI,MLT II) RC-ELEC The RC-ELEC is uscd with Heat-N-Glo clcctric fi replece models. It can turn the fireplace on and off. RC.SMART II The RC-Smarr nor only turns rhc {ireplacc on and offi it digitally displays the tcmperaturc of the room at all times. SMART.STAT II Hear-N-Glo's Remorc ControL Thcrmostat conrrols dre tcmperarurc of your room by rurning rhc fircplacc on end offwhcn ir reachcs a sct rcrnperuura. Terra Coaa Cap Cool to the Touch DVK.TVCD/SLK.99I DA (Vcrtical tcrorirrarion) Designed ro work wirh our gas dirccr vent and B-veot sysrcms as wcll u thc woodbuming 300 and I 100 serics pipc, the Ttrra Cotta Cap providcs a aarr-rra.l clay tih look to cap off rhe homeowncrb chasc and rcstore cheir homc's oLrtdoor facade to a traditional look that dr.rminum caps dont providc. TCG375 for D\? Pipc, TCT375 ror ntuu )cfles rtPe, I Ll l l /) for SL1l00 Series Pipe. RCI:MXI II Thc RCT-MII allows homeowners to turn the fireplacc on and off, vary rhc blowcr spced and vary rhe flamc hcight on cheir 0rcplace as well as maintain the tcmpcmtrrre In your toom. SMART.BAIT II The SMART-BAfi opentcs completely on bartcrics. lt is a Rcmote Conrrol Thcrmostar rhar controls the remperacure ofyour room by rurning thc Iireplace on and offwheo ir rcaches a sct tcmperaturc. DRC-RADIUS For use with DVK-0lTRD and SLK-0lTRD (Decoradvc rouch for your home) COOL.ADD For use wirh DVK-0ITRD (Cool ro the touch for high trafTic area) CAP^ Finish Your Project in ,{ terminadon cap is required to 6nish rhe installadon of your new fireplace. Diffierent varieties are available ro suir rhc usre ofmosr consurners. IHEAT.N.GIS' No one bullds a better ttrg ,!-1,eg.+ "1['ffinJJt'li"i"#lititTi*to"t \i^^( (.r*L(o;n- 51+ v&,Wlifr" l-t!1 7 Legal Description:. Lol Subdivision: Address: Developer: Project Number: I mprovement Completion Date: DEVELOPER IM PROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGBEEM_ENT, made and entered intoJhis lilA ouv or Mil .zoo4, by and among Vrre he "Developed'), and the Town of Vail (the "Town"). (address, legal description, and project number) wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgement of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth in the attached estimated bid(s) in accordance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including completion of the all improvements referred to in this Agreement, by means of the following: The Developer agrees to establish a cash deposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in t[e amount ot $ 6, 702 , (O (125% of the total costs of the attachedistimatedbid(s))as"on@fal|improvementsreferredto in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to furnish all equipment and materials necessary to perform and complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement. The Developer qgreeg to complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement on or before the _ dav of Ll 3o / manneiZilil-fr:rovGments reteneo to in this Agreement, in accoidance with ;ll approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Community Development Department and Public Works Department of the Town of Vail. CASH DEPOSIT FORMAT F:\cdev\Bilf\Proiects\DlA\OlA Cash draft 121202.doc Paae 1 of 5 ' .'A ... ' \i"' ' ;I i. .._ . - , rlr.!.:^r' . l 2. To secure and guarantee performance of the obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide collateral as follows: A cgsbdgrosit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount of $ 6t7VJ (125% ol the total costs of the attached estimated bid(s)) as collateral for the completion of all improvements refened to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of security or collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein in this Agreement and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative security or collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occuning to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall ihe Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall be and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer my have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply for and the Town may authorize a partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement after the subject improvement is constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition shall the dollar amount of the collateral that is being held by the Town be reduced below the dollar amounl necessary to complete all uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements referred to in this Agreement are not constructed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail or not accepted by the Town as complete on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement, the Town may, but shall not be required to, draw upon the security refened to in this Agreement and complete the uncompleted improvements refened to in this Agreement. Pursuant to Section 12-11-8, Vail Town Code, the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy refened to in this Agreement may be revoked until all improvements referred lo herein are completed by the Developer or the Town in accordance with this Agreement. Flcdev\Bif l\Projecls\DlA\DlA CasF drall_121202.doc Page 2 of 5 lf the costs of completing the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement exceed the dollar amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest al twelve percent (12%) per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the Developer fails or refuses to complete the improvements referred to in this Agreement, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations), of the Vail Town Code, and the Developer shall be subject to penalties pursuant to Section 12-3-10 (Violations: Penalties) and Chapter 1-4 (General Penalty), of the Vail Town Code. 7. The Developer shall warranty the work and materials of all improvements refened to in this Agreement located on Town property or within a Town right-of-way, pursuant to Chapter 8-3, of the Vail Town Code, for a period of two years after the Town's acceptance of said imorovements. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Flcdel^Bif l\Projecls\DlA\DlA Cash drafl_121202.doc Page 3 of 5 Dated the day and year first above written O V^t /Z*t pr*ttuul( Cr|-p-, STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE iW;xl :1 off ' ? Pi''' o'.ou"' " n!ffi [ t jy.i s:f l'[' 7 .'.{ffi '$nilF Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires STATE OF COLOMDO COUNryOFEAGLE ) Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires:,tt I r .7 ud? ss. ) )ss. fr5'+.i# 'f.ggl,.t9*gftaJ4 nowledged bFfore me this Flcdev\Bill\Projects\DlA\0lA Cash dntl_12'l202.doc Page 4 of 5 ATTACHED COPIES OF THE ESTIMATED BID{S) FlcdeflBill\Projects\DlA\DlA Cash draft_121?02.doc Page 5 of 5 AlR. 15 2ilC4,,i1:07AM{ nn VRDc coNSTRUOTICN 970-845_23581x N0, N0.6935 i. 2P, 02,' filEwfzcolrP rtf s65 N,Ton Mile Dtittc, Uttil A'1 PO, Aox 6536 Ffsao, CO 80:la9 e70458.{70o Fa\: 070$88-9400 April 15,2004 Vitil Rcsorts DcveloPmurt QomPan/ Paul Schwaz P.O. Box 959 l3? Bcnclunark Road Avorr, Cotorado 81620 Re: Gol<lcn Pcaks Rikc Pah AsPhalt Pattl I Ierc is rlrc inhrnrarion you hrve rcqustetl for the TTlolt for rhc biko path that is goi'g ro bc rcgoreoU onOiri*-"ffiiintt.tf"a undci the Goldcn Peala Project. 843 s/f C} $ 6.43 = $ 5420,4e lf you havc ally qucstions plcasc contacl me' H,#4 Sr. Supcrintcndertt Tlrc WeitzConrPmY, LLC Cc: Datr Vickers MirttUnclcrwood G$lEn^L ol$fn^Crui ' AES'C f'turlgel ' Cotrstnucflo't urt/J.cp,A E|i{tvat . Colo,ado St'fitrya ' Ctofit*,o<t g4log# O" Mo,|es ' o/tah' ' P' tc,nfi' WaEl loln 'uat GP Bike Path Bond 12.Apr.2004 00471951 6,782.40 Vendor Number Neme Totd Discounts 0000012588 TOWN OF VAIL 0.00 Check Number Drte Handling Code Total Amount Discounts Teken Total Paid Amount 168935 12.Apr.2004 PC 6,782.40 0.00 6,782.40 tlCUlI- The Tour ef tfl .20_6(L RECEIVED FROM 'tp f u* s N9 55120DATE ADDRESS Police Reccipt Numbcn 16266902 IFozrib N:E '-'.. {D'o -2 doF.ooFErHQr,7a (,Q F I EI U F E H 91 o{o E E €{ d| o 'rdlol{ ia4 :t rr !l>ct {,a" FIA AJ (a ..5 4a vr>D l] FoF AF.2Z EO F:I E Ftrzz:oF= p frFA2dDroFIE a2 ooAE A E. o t:lF F zo F. FlcEU 297 EI =FrFr dovr do (J() o po F d FIc z FI FI I ic6E> E=rr.trd o HO I This packet contains all information related to the Town Council approvals of the Golden Peak Ski Base Revdevelopment APPlications. TC worksessions: 11128195 r2l5l95 Evening meetings: l2l5l95 (lst Reading of Ord. 24) l2ll9l95 (2nd Reading of Otd.24) 3119196 (Amendment to operational mgnt.plan) Jrf \ li FILE COPY MINUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING March 19, 1996 7:30 P.M. A.regular meeling of the Vail Town council was held on Tuesday, March 19, 1996, in the CouncilChambers of the Vail Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:30P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT:Robert W Armour, Mayor Sybill Navas, Mayor pro-Tem Kevin Foley Rob Ford Mike Jeweft paul Johnston Ludwig Kuz TOWN OFFIC|ALS pRESENT: Bob McLaurin, Town Manager Tom Moorhead, Town Attorneypamela A. Brandmeyer, Assistant Town Manager Holly L. McCutcheon, Town Clerk The first item on the agenda was Citizen Participation. Town resident and pEC member, GregAmsden, requested Council to consider allowing private developers to propose Town of Vaildevelopments rather than hiring consultants to analyze projects and duplicate steps. Greg alsosuggested opening up the Vail Commons project to iocai tenOers. Item number two on the agenda was the consent Agenda which consisted of the following items: 4 Approval of the Minutes for the meetings of February 6, 1996.B' ordinance No' 4, series of 1996, sJcond readinj oi an oroinance amendingChapter 18.18, Section 18.18.090 Density Control, UIOium-oensity Famity frraouffjDistrict of the Vail Municipal Code.C' Ordinance No. 6, Series of 1996, second reading of First Amendment to the Town ofVail Employees, pension plan. Mayor Armour read the title in full. A motion was made by Paul Johnston to approve the ConsentAgenda with a second from sybill Navas. Mike Jewett requested the transcript of ltem No. Four ofthe.February 6 bvening meeting relating to discussion of Resolution 5, series of 1gg6, be attachedto the minutes as part of the approvar. A vote was taken and passed unanimousry, 7-0. Third on the agenda was ordinance No. 9, Series of 1996, first reading of an ordinance AmendingTitle 16 (Sign Code) and Title 18, Chapter 18.54 (Design Review Guidllines) of the Vail rrrruni"ip"jcode' Mayor Armour read the title in full. Town oi vait ptanner, Randy Siouoer, presented the itemand-gave the following background: A Technical Advisory Commiftee,'("fnC"l, *'"r formed to gria"staff in lhe formulation of amendments to the Sign Code and Design Review Guidelines that willexpedite the development review process foiitems or minimai complexity. The proposedamendments were reviewe_d bY the DRB and the PEC, and include the recommendations of Staff,the TAC, the DRB and the PEC. The PEC unanimously (7-0) recommended that the Town Councilapprove ordinance No.9-attheirmeeting on March 1i, tggo. Staff recommended approval ofOrdinance No' 9, Series oJ 1996 on first reading with changes which were requested by Councilat their work session that day. Paul moved to approve ordinince g, Series or tsso on Rrst 1.""Jingwith changes as discussed and the motion was seconded by Rob Ford. A vote was then taken andpassed unanimously, 7-0. Item number four on the agenda was Ordinance No. 10, Series of 19g6, first reading of anordinance amending Section 2.24.O20, Members-Appointments-Terms of the planning an-dEnvironmental Commission; Section 2.26.020 Arts Board-Appointment; Section 2.26.030 Members-Appointments-Terms of Town of Vail Arts Board; and seaion 1g.s4.o2o(b) Board Organization.Mayor Armour read the title in full. Assistant Town Manager, Pam Brandmeyer, presented the itemand provided the following background: At the time of fhe recent board appoinrments it becameapparent that it was in the best interests of the organization to have a consistent date of terminationfor the Planning and Environmental commissionl f pEc'), the Design Review Board, (,,DRB"), andt[9 nrtg Board, ("A|PP"). lt is believed that the date of May the t si, Ueing between t]re ,eaions,offers the best time for transition of members. Additionally, ine ntpp boari requested an increasein its membership due to the amount of interest in the community to participate and because an Vail Torrn Council Evoning Mo€ting Mlnll.soor 9/96 '{rl increased membership would ease the obligation of members to attend all meetings. Sybill Navassaid she thought many locals would be out of Town.on May 1, and suggesteO cnlangi;g ine daieto April 1, and other members agreed. Sybill also said she felt the last interview procesi didn't allowenough time to spend with applicants. Pam felt the recent ovennhelming number of individualsresponding to the Town's request for board applicants was a rare occurrence, and suggested thatin the future interviews could be staggered and could take place during two or three wo=r* sessions. Mayor Armour suggested that increasing the number of AIPP members might create problems inlilling those positions in future years. Sybill then recommended changing tne epnt 1 date to March31 so date of appointment would not be April Fools Day. Sybill then rioved to approve with thecondition that the date be changed to March 31, and Kevin Foley seconded the moiion. A vote wastaken and passed unanimously, 7-0. Fifth on the agenda was Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1996, second reading of an ordinancerepealing and reenacting Ordinance No. 7, Series of 1994, to all for the construction of a Type lllEmployee Housing Unit in the Cornice Building; to amend the development plans for SfecialDevelopment District No. 32 in accordance with Chapter 18.40 of the Town of Vail tvtunicipat boJe;and setting forth details in regard thereto. Council was requested by the applicant to table this itemto the April 2, 1 996 evening meeting. Paul moved to table OrdinanCe t',to. -g, Series of 1996, io theApril 2' 1996 evening meeting with a second from Sybill, and the motion passed unanimousiy, 7-0. Item number six on the agenda was a request to amend the Golden peak OperationalManagement Plan. Council was asked to approve or deny the amendment to the Golden peak Operational Management Plan. A copy of a letter to Town Planner, Jim Cumutte, from DaveCorbin, Vice President of Development for Vail Associates, outlining the proposed amendment tothe Golden Peak Operational Management Plan was distributed to council members. TownAttomey, Tom Moorhead, presented the item along with Jim Curnutte, and Town tvtanager, nobMcLaurin, and provided the following background: Town Council was being asked to co-nsiAerareguest by Vail Associates, lnc., the applicant, to amend the Golden peak Operationa,Management Plan. The request would allow the 150 parking spaces in the parking struiture to be 9{ered as first tier parking memberships. This would be an increase from the prelenly permitted75 parking memberships provided in Section ll. Managed Parking Structure as apprbved in thedevelopment plan. The request did nal include a modification to buitOing plans, s1e or landscapeplan or any proposal to change uses; increase gross residential floor arJa; change the number'ofdwelling or accommodation units. The reguested amendment involved only thJoperation of themanaged parking structure. Dave Corbin, reviewed the goals of the appiicant, ine prevlouity approved plan, and presented the proposed amendment to the plan. Janet Woodard, who was incharge of selling the project for Vail Associates, updated Council on the issues "tr" *"" t""ing inselling the spaces in the proposed structure. Jim Lamont, representing the East VillJgeHomeowners Association expressed the neighborhood's desire to keep parking under control. Aftirguestions from Council members were addressed, Sybill moved to appiove the amendment to theGolden Peak operational Management Plan with a second from Mike jewett. A vote was taken andpassed unanimously, 7-0. Seventh on the agenda was a discussion regarding Employee Housing Unit 58 at InnsbrookMeadows Subdivision. Prompted by an earlier phone message to Town planner, Andy Knudtsen,from local real estate salesman and PEC member, Greg Amiden, and receipt of a letter from locaireal estate broker, Sue Dugan, Council members received input regarding deed restrictedEmployee Housing Units in the Town of Vail. Mayor Armor stated that because Ordinance No. g had been tabled, the Council was able to include this item on the evening's agenda. Discussionparticularly centered around Employee Housing Unit 58 at Innsbrook UeaO]ows,-ano tfre arlumeniof whether or not a potential buyer for that unit qualified as an Eagle County full time eritoy"".Town Attorney, Tom Moorhead reviewid definitions and qualificitions as ouflined in the TownCode, and referenced his memo to Council dated March 19, 1996. Andy Knudtsen informedCouncil as to how he anived at his decision that the potential buyer did not qualify forthe purchase of the unit. Mr. Bob Borne, developer of the project, suggested revising the restrictive covenantform so that it would clearly state the criteria and to avoid iny confusion in the future. Sue oug;n,buyer's agent, felt the covenant was confusing and needed to be changed. Council concirnsregarding the various projects and varying requirements for different typeJ of Employee HousingUnits were addressed by staff. Town Manager, Bob McLaurin informed Councii r6rU"o tn"iwould have time during the upcoming work session on March 26 to further discuss these issues'. Item eight on the agenda was a report from the Town Manager. Bob McLaurin stated he had nolhing to add, but briefly reviewed his memorandum, asking council members to review a draftof the upcoming Community Survey. Sybill asked about the "expand street capacity" question under the Transportation and Streets section, and asked if it was refening io the West VailInterchange. Additionally, she wondered if Question 14 should be includJd, and suggesteJ Val Totri Councl Ev.nitC lltroting Mirr..O3,t1lD6 tl rephrasing guestion 17 relating to'essential services". Bob McLaurin stated that staff would lookinto Sybill's concerns. There being no further business Rob moved for adjoqrnment and the meeting was adjourned atapproximately 9:25 p.m. Robert W. Armour, Mayor Minutes lakon by Holly Mccutcheon ('Nam.! ol cortdn indlvldullr who gav. publlc Inp{t may ba Inlcqratc.) Vlll lom Councll Evqlho moorino Miltnc|o3rr9A6 I 2 PT]BLIC NOTICE VAIL TOW]\ COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday- March 19. 1996, 7:30 p.m. Vail Municipal Building council chambers, 75 South Frontage Road On Tuesday, March 19, 1996,ator after 7:30 p.m. the Vail Town Council will consider a request by the applicant to amend the Golden Peak Operational Management Plan. This request is to ailow the 150 parking spaces in the pa*ing structure to be offered as first tier parking memberships. This would be an increase from tbe presently Jrermitted 75 parking m.,rnbeniips piovided in S.ction tt. Managed Parking Structure as approved in the developmentplan. This request does not include a modification to building plans, site or landscape plan or any proposalto change uses; increase gross residential floor area; change the number of dweitin! or accommodation units. The request does involve the operation of the managed parking .ttu"to". Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc. !1SnlaryuaSe interpretation avaihbb upon requesl with 24 hour notiftcation. please ca1 47g-z114voice or479-2356 TDD for information. t r. +-<vQa-U,a\* g-.t"".q-- ,Sso f .r :,\} c^ -.1' \ d'5r $iJ-9.-.< I '!-,q,l.] s tl !) Ua .ii, B Pti z -,L>';!,,.-'n{ Vs!"eV- )C</ -$ I' .l'cr 1 ; "' *z . ii:.ll .1-,':^{ g^i=,.+,* t\"r, 'i:i'Eg€h $; ET|\6{:.i: RS tr(! Fi N C.l PUBLIC NOTICE VAIL TOWN COIJNCIL MEETTNG va' Municipa, rffil'?! 3fi" Frontage Road On Tuesday, March 19, 1996, at or after 7:30 p.m. the Vail Town Council will consider a request by the applicant to amend the Golden Peak Operational Management Plan. This request is to ailow the 150 parking spaces in the parking structure to be offered as first tier parking memberships. This would be an increase from the presently permitted 75 parking memberirips provided in Section II. Managed Pariring Structure as approved in the development plan. This request does not include a modification to building plans, site or landscape plan or any proposalto change uses; increase gross residential floor area; change the number of dweiling or accommodation units. The request does involve the operation of the managed parking structure. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc. !1S-n!1Su9Se interpretauon available upon request with 24 hour notification. please cail 47g-z114voice or479-2356 TDD for information. NNoo Iz J.lr F B A Fo Fj tl6(uooqFErtu) rt .dotrpc{ 3U -if, Ni{ +lF{oEl rdFlooln E\t eFiekl Iub(s t\ € a €I€ E\' s Fis r&ct sF ori naerhuT GdJb" fevk*R'ne2f +oi Pb'u le #r*e fiqr J ;tet-TT €rvl4: .lrs *ner-E fS-fietE .-._--*_\-_- ta: ,farce&,+t"' uP b lse Tet Z- ;fvt itl .\ tr€ L - sft-i( oe Ae/e^ede-s - 5'k; gc-lncyt( rv4"t**4"i',Fps - CL itdrcr* c+,-,r6t' fut*t#g {}^ lo ' ,* - , Oy'i* Ld;&, ,** --n ,/sl n/q6-t / o ,"n*Udc[gt f,L/&Yte, Q,c'Ccs, t "-Ce'rV{* R*t jo t:1t <{?x tc, . € ,k{"- :tr € u{,'(,>*{-o rs [-,rt^ cqD elogry, bc wgcl,+ Jo nnvfrfr ,4,2,b{.o7 @*C." t$q ***rg|,fi9a."tn"& qs@ ad;uLA t!,t ;*/i €qf rr*'ln<yV*,wld!@ iu,7*ta'"'er{5 D #q fofurc--b I L illy *"( qlouiiaf6d/w1 /e *suc;ae"< - 4at e F rgrt2 "-i; #;r& &=n /M* .E<utiL-,Py, y"?t ,yitt J:;ff y'-ur'frn y 4 € W-;t{i*}&tf gdev(iC,2tL, ^jit";t;;i h a#rc,1*'" 7-ofi,.iKt Vaor.rc:f VAIL TOWN COUNCIL EVENING MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 19,1996 7:30 P.M. IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA 1. 2. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. Consent Agenda: A. B. c. Approval of the Minutes for the meetings of February 6, 1996. ordinance No.4, series of 1996, second reading of an ordinance amending chapter 18.18, section 18.18.090 Density controt, Medium-Density Famity (MDMF] District of the Vail Municipal Code. ordinance No. 6, series of 1996, second reading of First Amendment to the Town of Vail Employees' Pension Plan 3. 4. ordinance No. 9, series of 1996, first reading of an ordinance Amending Tiile 16 (sign Code) and Title 18, Chapter 18.54 (Design Review Guidelines) of the Vail Municipal iode. Ordinance No. 7, Series of 1996, first reading of an ordinance amending Section 2.24.020, Members-Appointments-Terms of the Planning and Environmental Commission; Section 2.26.020 Arts Board-Appointment; section 2.26.03o Members-Appointments-Terms of Town of Vail Arts Board; and Section 18.il.020(b) Board Organization. Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1996, second reading of an ordinance repealing and reenacting Ordinance No. 7, Series ot 1994, to all for the construction of a Type lll Employee Housin! Unit in the Comice Building; to amend lhe development plans for Special tievelopmeni District No. 32 in accordance with chapter 18.40 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code; and setting forth details in regard thereto. Request to Amend Gclden Peak Operational Management plan. Town Manqgeds Report. Adjoumment. 5. 6. 7. 8. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIi' ES ARE APPROXIXATE AiID SUB.'ECT IO CHANGE'tt||ttl THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSTONwlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 3126196, BEG|NN|NG AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couNctL CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONwlLL BE oN TUESDAY,4t2tg6, BEG]NN|NG AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couNctL GHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETINGwlLL BE oN TUESDAY,4tzlg6, BEG|NN|NG AT 7:30 p.M. tN Tov couNctl GHAMBERS. |||l Sign fanguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. please cail 479-2114 voice or479-2356 TDD for information. C:\AGENDA.TC 7:30 P.M. 1. 7:35 P.M. 2. 7:40 P.M. 3. Randy Stouder 8:25 P.M. 4. Pam Brandmeyer Kathy Langenwalter VAIL TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 19,1996 7:30 P.M.lN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS EXPANDED AGENDA CITIZEN PARTICI PATION. Consent Agenda:A. Approval of the Minutes for the meetings of February 6, 1996.B. Ordinance No. 4, Series of 1996, second reading of an ordinance amending Chapter 18.18, Section 18.18.090 Density Control, Medium-Density Family (MDMF) District of the Vail Municipal Code.C. Ordinance No. 6, Series of 1996, second reading of First Amendment to the Town of Vail Employees' Pension Plan. Ordinance No. 9, Series of 1996, first reading of an Ordinance Amending Title 16 (Sign Code) and Title 18, Chapter 18.54 (Design Review Guidelines) of the Vail Municipal Code. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL:Approve Ordinance No. 9, Series of 1996, on first reading. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: A Technical Advisory Committee was formed to guide staff in the formulation of amendments to the Sign Code and Design Review Guidelines that will expedite the development review process for items of minimal complexity. The proposed amendments have been reviewed by the DRB and the PEC, and embody the recommendations of Staff, the TAC, the DRB and the PEC. The PEC unanimously (7-0) recommended that the Town Council approve Ordinance No. 9 at their meeting on March 11, 1996. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approvalof Ordinance No. 9, Series of 1996 on first reading. Ordinance No. 7, Series of 1996, first reading of an ordinance amending Section 2.24.02O, Members-Appointments-Terms of the Planning and Environmental Commission; Section 2.26.020 Arts Board-Appointment; Section 2.26.030 Members-Appointments-Terms of Town of VailArts Board: and Section 18.54.020(b) Board Organization. ACTION REOUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve, modify, or deny Ordinance No. 7, Series of 1996, on first reading. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: At the time of the recent board appointments it became apparent that it was in the best interests of the organization to have a consistent date of termination for the planning and Environmental Commission, the Design Review Board, and the Arts Board. It is believed that the date of May the 1st, being between the seasons, offers the best time for transition of members. The Arts Board is interested in increasing its membership due to the amount of interest in the communig to participate and an increased membership will ease the obligation of members to attend all meetings. The Arts Board will be meeting on Monday, March 18, 1996 to confirm the suggested number of eleven members. The addition of the Design Review Board member is consistent with what has been occurring in practice. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approvat of Ordinance No. 7, Series of 1996 on first reading. 8:40 P.M. 5. George Ruther Tom Braun 8:55 P.M. 6. Bob McLaurin Tom Moorhead Jim Curnufte Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1996, second reading of an ordinance repealing and reenacting Ordinance No. 7, Series of 1994, to all for the construction of a Type lll Employee Housing Unit in the Comice Building; to amend the development plans for Special Development District No. 32 in accordance with Chapter 18.40 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code; and setting forth details in regard thereto. ACTION REOUESTED OF COUNCI L: Approve/modify/deny Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1996 on second reading, BACKGROUND: On February 12, 1996, Tom Braun, representing the property owner David Smith, appeared before the Planning and Environmental Commission with a request for a Major Amendment to Special Development District (SDD) No. 32, to allow for the construction of an employee housing unit, located at the Cornice Building, 362 Vail Valley Drive/part of Tract B, Vail Village 1st Filing. In addition to the proposal to construct an employee housing unit in the Cornice Building, the applicant also proposed a change to the approved development plan with regard to the outdoor lighting requirements. The applicant was seeking greater flexibility in the outdoor lighting requirement than is currenily allowed by Chapter 18.54, Design Review, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Upon review of the Major SDD Amendment request, in accordance with Section 18.40.100 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Ptanning and Environmental Commission approved a motion to recommend approval of the Major SDD Amendment request to the Town Council. The Planning and Environmental Commission recommended approval with the following conditions: 1. That the proposed employee housing unit, within the Cornice Building, not be eligible for sale separately from the single-family dwelling unit. 2. That any previous approvals for outdoor lighting on the property be voided by this approval. 3. That the internal access door between the existing garage and the proposed employee housing unit be eliminated. The motion to recommend approval of the Major SDD Amendment request passed 3-1-1 (Bowen dissented, Amsden abstained). A copy of the memorandum prepared for the Planning and Environmental Commission, dated February 12, 1996, has been attached for reference. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: In accordance with the memorandum prepared by staff forthe Planning and Environmental Commission (2/12l/96), the Communlty Development Department recommends approval of the proposed Major Amendment to Special Development District No. 32, the Cornice Building. Request to Amend Golden Peak Operational Management plan. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc. ACTION REOUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve or deny amendment to the Golden Peak Operational Management Plan. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: Town Council has been asked to consider a request by VailAssociates, Inc., the applicant, to amend the Golden Peak Operational Management Plan. This request is to allow the 150 parking spaces in the parking structure to be offered as first tier parking memberships. This would be an increase from the presenily permifted 75 parking memberships provided in Section ll. Managed Parking Structure as approved in the development plan. This reguest does not include a modification to building plans, s1e or landscape plan or any proposal to change uses; increase gross residential floor area; change the number of dwelling or accommodation units. The request does involve the operation of the managed parking structure. 9:55 P.M. 7. Town Manager's Report. 10:00 P.M. 8. Adjournment. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (aLL nmElr ARE AppRoiTl=i.i i""*ro CHANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION wlLL BE oN TUESDAY,3126196, BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M. lN Tov couNclL GHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION wlLL BE oN TUESDAY,4/296, BEG|NN|NG AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couNctL CHAMBERS. THE NEXTVAILTOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BE ON TUESDAY,412196, BEG|NN|NG AT 7:30 P.M. tN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS. |||il1 Sign fanguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Cr\AGENDA.TCE Vail Associates Real [state 0roup, Inc.FAft tr € ffitrf00trf,Wr.ffiV'DEPT' March 19, 1996 Mr. Jim Curnutte Senior Planner Town of Vail 1301 Vail Valley Drive Vail, Co 81657 VIA FACSIMILE 479-2452 RE: Proposed Amendment to Golden Peak Operational Management Plan Dear Jim: Vail Associates has continued to market the first and second tier parking memberships for the Golden Peak base facility parking structure since the Council's approval of the project in December. We have successfully marketed all of the 75 first tier memberships, but have only sold 16 of the second tier memberships. As you may recall, the second tier consists of up to 450 memberships, 200 of which were contemplated for the first offering to the public. Clearly the market reception to the two memberships has been strongly weighted in favor of the "guaranteed" parking space of the tier one membership. The objection to the tier two membership is that the member can not always be assured that a space is available for them and lacking that assurance they do not wish to substantially invest in the membership which would pay for the parking structure. Given this market objection to the second tier product Vail Associates proposes amending the Golden Peak Operational Management PIan to provide for up to 600 members, an increase of 75 members from the current 525 permitted. In addition, the applicant proposes that the first tier could consist of up to 150 members who have a right to park in an identified, reserved parking space. In effect what we are proposing is that the operational management plan allow for both types of parking memberships, the tier one and the tier two, but that the marketplace would determine the mix of these memberships types and that theoretically all of the spaces could be sold as tier one memberships. Dcvchpe6ofvail, ,edr"r Crcel'Resort Sa.helo/ G ul. h V i llage" 137 Benchmark Road . PO Box 959 . Avon, Colorado . 81620 . phone 970 845 2535 . fax 970 845 2555 tt Mr. Jim Curnette March 19. 1996 Page2 The applicant understands and presumes that the Town's concem with the potential increase of tier one memberships will be the utilization of the spaces. Vail Associates likewise does not wish to invest a very significant sum of money in this parking structure and have the spaces stand idle. However, we anticipate utilization of the spaces, whether tier one or tier two will be quite high. We have conducted a survey of the existing tier one members and of the 36 members responding, 33, or 91Yo, indicated that they would either be frequent users of the facility themselves or would participate in a rental pool and place their parking spaces into the pool for use in their absence by the public under our operational management. Only 3 of the 36 respondents (9%) saidthey were not interested in participating in a rental pool. Vail Associates further proposes to amend the Golden Peak Operational Management Plan to explicitly provide for the creation of a rental pool program for the first tier parking memberships. We propose adding the following language to paragraph 2,page 7, beginning with the following as the third sentence: The frrst tier members will be incented to place their parking space in a rental pool program available to guests, members of the skiing public, employees, or other persons who must call and reserve available spaces in advance. The first tier members participating in this program would advise or notifr the club manager of those times or occasions when they would not be using their parking space and it would be available for rental by reservation. The proceeds from the first tier rental program would be split so that 50% of the revenues achieved would go directly to the member's account offsetting their dues and 50% would go to the operating expenses of the Golden Peak Passport Clubhouse, indirectly offsetting or reducing the dues requirements of the members. Vail Associates as manager of this facility will directly market these available parking spaces to parents of the Golden Peak Childrens Ski School program, parents of DEVO and other special programs participants, private ski lesson customers and identifiable front range guests. Beginning in the 1996/97 ski season ski school clients will be able to phone in reservations for the ski school and through a computerized reservation system Vail Associates will offer daily parking in the Golden Peak structure from the pool to these customers and guests and will provide a phone number for parking reservations available to the public. t, Mr. Jim Curnette March 19, 1996 Page 3 The combination of frequent use by first tier members, the financial incentives to pool available spaces into a rental progmm, and the direct marketing efforts for these pooled spaces should result in high utilization ofthe first tier spaces. The creation of the underground parking structure has always been a unique and complicated component of the Golden Peak development plan. A number of planning and development goals hinge on the success ofthis unique structure and its management. The neighborhood has sought a controlled access underground structure to reduce traffic volumes, adverse traffic impacts and visual clutter in the neighborhood. Vail Associates has favored the concept of this structure to achieve this traffic control, as well as to increase the site surface areas available for skier drop-off, skier and pedestrian circulation, and green space. The only complicating factor for Vail Associates has been the creation of a mechanism to pay for this extraordinary parking solution. The Town's goals have been to insure that there is no net loss ofphysical parking spaces nor a reduction in utilization ofthese parking spaces that would be equivalent to a net loss ofparking available to the public. It is our belief that the proposed amendments to the Operational Management Plan will continue to meet these multiple goals of controlling traffic, increasing the site surface area for other beneltcial uses, and achieving high utilization of the parking constructed. We therefore request the Council's approval of this proposed revision to the Operational Management Plan. Very truly, VAIL ASSOCIATES,INC. o*,;z L, cl___ David G. Corbin Vice President of Development cc: Jim Lamont, EVHOA DGC:it t, THE l,A:sPoRT cLU BHoUsE COLDEN PEA K Charter Member Utilization Survey 03118/96 I l:59 AM An informal phone survey of73 Charter members' expected utilization of their designated parking space at the Passport Clubhouse at Golden Peak was conducted during the period of March 4 - 15, 1996. The survey produced the following results: I 73 Charter Members o 36 respondinC e 49 7o response rate) o 33 will be fiequent users or would participate in a rental pool concept for the following reasons: o front range residents o second homeowners in Vail Valley r living in Vail Valley o community awareness of parking availability a 3 are not interested in participating in a rental pool Percentage of utilization for the responding sample of members - 33 of 36 : 91,7y" Frequent use was described as utilization of a designated parking space: a multiple use during the week and over the weekends o warm season use for various activities: I Bravo attendance r Village shopping a Restaurant dining in the Village or at Passport Clubhouse throughout the year 278 HANS()N RANCI IIt('At) t(l B()X 7 VAI|. ( () !ll65it ()7O r7e 80OO IAX 97O-479 ll0l(l _.rF t,ASSP()R I CLUtJIJO,,,I '.. -sF (;OLDEN I'EAK CHARTER PASSPORT RENTAL POOL PROGRAM Description: Charter Passport holders will be incented to place their parking space in a rental pool program available to guests of Vail Mountain. Rental Prograrn Market: Children's ski school parents, DEVO parents, private lessons, and Front Range guests: . Starting inthe 1996/97 ski season, ski school clients will be able to phone in their reservations. At the time of confirmation, they can be prompted on whether they would like to have parking space at Golden Peak for the day of their lesson, subject to availability of spaces in the rental pool for that day. Incentives to Join Rental Programi All proceeds from the rental program will be split as follows:c 5OVo goes directly to member's account offsetting their annual dues c 50%o goes to the Passport Clubhouse, indirectly offsetting dues More personalized service/better management of parking spaces Community-minded Operationa l/lVlanagement Tactics Computer reservations system, similar to a golf tee time or hotel reservation system. Users can call in using the phone key pad to type in menu choices. They will receive confirmation of a parking space or they will leave a telephone number for the waitlist. The system will assign parking on a first come, frst serve basis with the ability to prioritize usets based on usage frequency. The system will handle Signature membership reservations as well as Rental Pool reservations. 278 HAN\()N RAN( t1R()n I) I'() ll()X 7 VA . c() I|658 1)7(' 17tJ 8()(t(J I X !)7{) '17() IlOli) Glalq,Q GOLDEN PEAK OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT PLAN INTRODUCTION Vail Associates, Inc. (*VA') has filed an application to amend the Approved Development Plan for the Golden Peak Base Facility. The amendments include revisions to vehicular parking on the site, the design and function of both public skier and Children's Center drop off, as well as alterations to employee parking, lift capacity, and ski base operations. In the course of the submiffal, VA has made certain representations regarding the physical site plan and the operations of the portal. The Town of Vail Department of Community Development has requested elaboration. This plan expands upon and supplements the application and, to the extent it is inconsistent with the application, supplants it, This Golden Peak Management Plan is intended to enhance the experiences of guests to Vail and of the residents of the Golden Peak neighborhood in a manner consistent with the goals and objectives of the agreement between the Town of Vail (*TO\f') and Vail Associates to manage peak periods in this resort community. In effect, the measures proposed in this plan are means of managing or controlling the demands upon the Golden Peak portal and the impacts upon its surrounding infrastructure. The concepts and principles of the Program To Manage Peak Periods Agreement (the "Agreement") between TOV and VA are therefore incorporated by reference into this management plan. A reality that must be recognized in examining the creation of infrastructure and operational systems for Golden Peak or Vail at large is that both the ski company and the greater Vail community are engaged in the winter and summer resort business. For reasons beyond the complete control of the community the demands for and use of resort goods and s€rvices will always be subject to specific or isolated events such as the Christmas holiday or a world class competitive or cultural event. Events such as these will by necessity mean that Vail will experience surg€s or peaks of visitor use that may be mitigated, but will not be entirely overcome or eliminated by investment in hard assets. To the extent that such high demand events tax the capacity of our systems and our collective patience, we must also acknowledge that these events, if well managed, are also what give us life, vitality, excitement and special appeal. It is the effort to "manage well" that leads to the creation of this plan. In its application VA has proposed significant physical improvements to the Golden Peak portal. These include: doubling the skier drop offzone capacities; improving drop offflow and function; giving locational primacy to public transit; structuring and landscaping private auto parking; improving lift access to balance portal use across the Village; and improving base lodge facilities for the guest and local alike. This major investment in hard assets satisfies to the highest degree possible the programmatic requirements of the Golden Peak project's planning professionals. The proposed management techniques which follow are meant to be flexible guidelines and dynamic tools which may be altered, revised, enhanced, or even eliminated over time as needs require to "manage well". And, while these techniques are described in terms of VA or TOV responsibilities, it must be noted that others, the greater Vail community and each and every Golden Peak neighbor, must likewise contribute, act responsibly and treat others equitably in managing or mitigating the impacts of use, growth and congestion during peak periods within our community. For their parts, pursuant to the Agreement, both VA and TOV have immediate responsibilities to undertake growth management measures. Section III (pages 11-16) of the Agreement outlines these immediate responsibilities under Tier I of the Plan. VA's obligations include measures which might mitigate impacts at Golden Peak such as providing bus passes to appropriate employees for use on the Town of Vail system, encouraging carpooling, and pursuing Park and Ride sites for employees. TOV's obligations, set forth in the Agreement, include controlling peak traffic and parking issues, productive management of traffic circulation and parking systems, creative allocation of the bus service, effective utilization of law enforcement personnel, and better distribution of skiers to different base area facilities. For these purposes it is pertinent to note that in the Agreement "Peak Periods" are defined as: Christmas Peak That period which extends between December 26 December 31; and and High Season: That period which includes Presidents'Weekend and each weekend beginning the third weekend in February through the end of March. "Nonpeak Periodstt are defined as: Those periods falling outside of the Christmas Peak and High Season and which normally include the early ski season, Thanksgiving, the pre- Christmas Period, the January to mid-February period, and the late ski season. Another pertinent concept in the Managed Growth Agreement is the benchmark capacity of the mountain which has been defined as 19,900 skiers at one time ("SAOT"). The theorX behind the Managed Growth Agreement is to implement tiers of management techniques to control infrastructure demands and operations at consideration or is below the 19,900 SAOT threshold. An additional factor for the design day standard for Golden Peak planning studies and infrastructure assessment which is 15,000 SAOT, a typical skier day count for the current Christmas Peak The physical infrastructure of Golden Peak is designed to accommodate the portal demands of a 15,000 SAOT event. The Assessment Committee, described in Section VI of the Agreement, is the entity charged with monitoring, evaluating, and refining the operations of the community management plan. For the purposes of this Agreement, the Assessment Committee is likewise charged with this responsibility, but it is understood that for these purposes the Assessment Committee may delegate its review function to the Vail Transportation Task Force or other designee and shall include representatives of the affected Golden Peak neighborhood in the review process. The project components or elements which might be considered for tiered management techniques at Golden Peak include the following: (a) Managed Parking Structure; (b) Public Skier and Children's Center Drop-off Areas; (c) Employee Parking; (d) Mountain Operations; (e) Local and Community Programs, such as DEVO; (f) Ski Club Vail Activities; (g) Adult and Chitdren's Ski School; (h) Loading, Delivery and Trash Removal; (i) Snow Management; (i) Ticketing; and (k) Special Events. T. MANAGED PARKING STRUCTURE The Approved Development Plan of 1984 depicted 130 surface parking spaces, primarily located on the north side of Tract F along Vail Valley Drive for all varieties of users of this particular portal and 6 interior parking spaces for the residential condominiums. The Children's Center plan of 1988 required 12 spaces. Taken together these total 148 spaces for drop off and parking. Presently the surface lot existing at Golden Peak holds approximately 150 automobiles or less depending on the amount of snow storage on the lot and the efliciencies of car storage. Of these 150 spaces roughly 18-20 are used by employees; Spraddle Creek Property Owners reserre and utilize E spaces; 4 spaces are used for Cross Country Ski Van pick-up and drop-off; and approximately 118 spaces are available for use by the skiing public for a fee. Parking requirements for the Ski Base/Recreation District are addressed in Section 18.39.230 of the Vail Ordinances which reads: 'oOff-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 18.52 and/or as specified on the Approved Development Plan."(emphasis supplied) The language of this section permits and contemplates a parking function and design unique to this district and its development plan. In response to this unique environment the parking structure proposed in this plan consists of 148 parking spaces (including 5 handicapped or ADA spaces) located at or below the street elevation and landscaped across the top to provide an aesthetic benefrt to the development and the surrounding neighborhood. The fundamental concept of the organization and management of these parking spaces, the equivalent of a Tier I management technique, is to create a managed or reserved "right to park" mechanism designed to control the availability and use of the spaces and hence cut down on indiscriminate traffic flows while providing for and paying for the aesthetic benefits of the landscaped structure. The mechanism formulated to provide this managed parking product to the public is a non-equity club or association of up to 600 memben who would have the right to park in this structure for a fee. Two tiers of membership in the association are contemplated. The first tier would consist of up to 150 members who would have a right to park in an identified reserved parking space. The second tier of members would be up to 450 people who have a right to park in the structure based upon a monitored and computer controlled reservations system. It is the intent of the applicant to initially offer 75 first tier and 200 second tier memberships to the public, but marketplace acceptance of the tiered parking products would determine the mix of the membership types and theoretically all of the spaces could be sold as first tier memberships. Parking memberships would be sold in the fall of 1995 contingent upon final approval of the Golden Peak Base Facility Project by the Town of Vail and suflicient subscriptions to commence construction ofthe parking structure in the spring of 1996, but no later than spring of 1997. In the event that the necessaqr subscriptions are not forthcoming to commence construction in 1997, VAI will initiate discussions with the Town Council concerning payment in lieu of parking alternatives. The first tier member would secure a right to use a particular parking space on a year-round basis. Hence, the ratio of first tier members to parking spaces reserved for their use would be I to 1. The first tier members witl be incented to place their parking space in a rental pool program available to guests, members of the skiing public, employees, or other p€rsons who must call and reserve available spaces in advance. The first tier members participating in this program would advise or notify the club manager of those times or occasions when they would not be using their parking space and it would be available for rental by reservation. The proceeds from the first tier rental program would be split so that 507o of the revenues achieved would go directly to the member's account offsetting their dues, and 507o would go to the operating expenses of the Golden Peak Passport Clubhouse, indirectly offsetting or reducing the dues requirements of the members. Vail Associates as manager of this facility will directly market these available parking spaces to parents of DEVO and other special programs participants, private ski lesson customers and identifiable front range guests. Beginning in the 1996197 ski season ski school clients will be able to phone in reservations for the ski school, and through a computerized reservation system, Vail Associates will offer daily parking in the Golden Peak structure from the pool to these customers and guests and will provide a phone number for parking reservations available to the public. The second tier members would have a year-round right to use a parking space based upon availability and prior reservation, monitored by a computerized rotation system to insure equitable and optimized use. The initial offering of second tier memberships would constitute a ratio of approximately 2 members to every parking space. These members would call the parking manager more than 24-hours in advance to reserye their use of available spaces. A reservation list from among the members would be compiled daily for the rnanagement of entry access by personnel stationed in the attendant booth at the entry to the structure. Access into the structure would be permitted upon presentation of a photo I.D. identifying the bearer as a member and a confirmation of a reserved parking space on the parking availability list. In the event that all parking spaces are not fully reserved and utilized by the club members, VA, as operator of the facility, resetves the right at any time of the year to utilize unreserved spaces for other guests, members of the skiing public, employees or other persons who likewise must call and reserve a space less than 24- hours in advance. This short-notice use by non-members would be permitted only on a daily basis by reservation. However, this managed operational feature would expand the available user groups and increase the utilization ofthe structure in non- peak periods without adding appreciable, unwanted traffic. Further, if the utility of the structure can be maximized by offering additional memberships for sale, VA will do so after the first year ofoperation establishes typical occupancies. Itr. SKNERDROP OFF Skier drop off occurs presently on the east side of the existing Golden Peak structure and immediately to the north of the Children's Center. Existing conditions provide for 21 head-in spaces adjacent to the Children's Center and 10 parallel, or active parking spaces, in a loop drop-off area for the general public, totaling 3l spaces currently dedicated to all drop-off functions. The proposed plan 10 nearly doubles this capacity by providing for 30 head-in spaces dedicated to Children's Center drop off and 29 spaces for general skier drop off north of the proposed building, totaling 59 spaces for skier drop offat this portat. (A.) Tier I. Management measures to be undertaken in a sequential fashion concurrently with redevelopment include: l. During the Christmas Peak period and Presidents' Weekend VA will staff the General Skier and Children's Center drop off zones with 4 to 6 people, split between the drop offzones as trallic needs demand, during peak arrival and departure hours or approximately from E:30 to l0 a.m. and 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. These traflic managers will direct traffrc, assist and expedite the loading and unloading of passengers and equipment, encourage the timely and swift departure of vehicles, and enforce restrictions against unauthorized parking by calling for the removal or towing of offending vehicles. 2. During the High Season period VA will staff the General Skier and Children's drop offzones with 2 to 4 people, split between the zones as traffic needs demand during peak arrival and departure hours. 3. During non-peak periods and during evening or night hours the drop off zones would be staffed or managed upon the operational discretion of VA as may be needed to prevent congestion or vehicle stacking into Vail Valley I)rive or the bus lane. During these periods and times, except for special 1t events, VA will permit parking by the general public in the drop-off zone surface spaces consistent with the practice and use of other VA parking lots such as North Day lot. 4. Permanent, static, signage at the top of Blue Cow Chute will be installed by TOV indicating that there is no public parking at Golden Peak and that only Children's Center and skier drop off is permitted. 5. In Section V (page 25) ofthe Agreement additional skier drop off zones have been identified as "pressing current transportation and circulation needs". VA will therefore coop€rat€ with the TOV in identifying additional skier drop off zones elsewhere in the town including Ford Park, the Main Parking Structure, Lionshead, and other locations which will be formalized and improved by the Town of Vail. Initially TOV will develop and implement a plan for general skier drop on the upper deck of the Transportation Center utilizing existing physical improvements and facilities. 6. Upon the conclusion of each Peak Period and ski season the Assessment Committee or its designee, will specifically assess access to and egress from the mountain at Golden Peak, together with traflic and drop off impacts associated with the skier movements and will make recommendations for adjustments or improvements to the Tier I management techniques described above. t2 IV. (8.) Tier II. In the event that some or all of the Tier I management techniques above have been implemented and traffic congestion in the drop off zones still results in vehicle stacking into the str€et or bus lanes to a degree detrimental to the ordinary operation of the infrastructure, then the following successive management efforts will be undertaken in the next succeeding ski season: 1. VA and/or TOV will implement additional Tier I techniques which have not yet been employed or will enhance those Tier I techniques already in use according to the recomrnendations of the Assessment Committee. 2. TOV, pursuant to its general obligations in the Agreement to implement pro-active management elforts in coordination with VA to control traflic, will increase utilization of law enforcement personnel during peak periods in the management of trallic at Golden Peak (Section Itr. A. 2. a., page l3). 3. Based upon the impacts oftralfic congestion and as transportation needs demand, TOV will implement an electronic signage program which would display messages on the town arterials regarding traffic conditions within the town parking garages, drop off zone traffic status conditions and lift maze conditions at the base portals. EMPLOYEE PARKING Presently 18 to 20 VA employees park at Golden Peak of the approximately employees who are based there in Peak Periods. Another 25 to 30 spaces are500 l3 seasonally leased by VA from third parties for employee parking. The remaining 90Yo oI Golden Peak based employees park in public lots, use public transit, or use other private parking spots. (A.) Tier I. The following management techniques will be implemented sequentially upon redevelopment to mitigate employee transportation impacts and serrye the needs of the community's employees: 1. VA, together with TOV, will enter into negotiations with the Colorado Department of Transportation to secure, if possible, an employee park and ride intercept lot on Highway 6 in EagleVail. This lot would be used for VA and TOV employees to park their vehicles in Eagle'Vail and utilize established public transportation routes to continue on to their job locations in Vail. In the event the CDOT site is not available or unsuitable, other sites will be located and secured for a park and ride lot. 2. To the extent space availability exists during non-peak periods, V. A. will permit managed employee parking by reserwation in the parking structure at Golden Pealc 3. During Peak Periods VA employees will carpool to the soccer field lot pursuant to the Holiday Traffic and Parking Plan as managed and operated by TOV or alternatively as managed by VA. 4. During the Christmas peak period and, in fact, extending beyond it from December 24 until January I in any given year, VA will implement its t4 Holiday Trallic and Parking Plan. During this period VA will provide free bus tickets for the Avon/Beaver Creek bus system to all Golden Peak based staff. Parking in VA lots such as West Day Lot and North Day Lot, will be available for free to employees who carpool. Employees not carpooling will be charged a fee. 5. VA will add the Holy Cross Lot to its parking inventory for peak-period employee carpooling. 6. As necessary, VA will assign employees carpooling locations in particular lots among the West Day, North Day and Holy Cross properties and manage entrT acc€ss into these properties. 7. VA will lease 20 parking spaces from a third party or, alternatively, purchase 20 "blue" parking passes from the TOV for parking in the town structures, 8. Upon the conclusion of each Peak Period and the ski season, th€ Assessment Committee or its designee will monitor the Tier I techniques described above, assess the operational results, and make recommendations for alterations or enhancements to the plan. (8.) Tier If. In the event that some or all of the Tier I management techniques have been implemented and employee parking and transit is still a concern, additional methods of employee transit and parking will be l5 v. undertaken at the recommendation of the Assessment Committee or its designee. MOUNTAIN OPERATIONS (A.) T!gd. Management measures to be undertaken during peak periods in a sequential fashion concurrently with redevelopment include: 1. VA will extend its periods of mountain operations later into the day (e.g. until 4;00 p.m.) to spread out the departure times of skiers from the mountain. 2. Employee passes will be restricted during the Christmas Peak and Presidentst weekend. 3. Improvements to the food and beverage offering at the base facility restaurant, including apres ski and dinner offerings, will be designed to attract the skiing public and stagger the public's departure from the portal . 4. VA will cooperate and coordinate with TOV and the Colorado Department of Transportation regarding the installation of signage at base facilities, including Golden Peak, advising departing skiers of road conditions and, if conditions are adverse, inviting or advising departing skiers to stay later in the village and draw out their departure times. 5. Upon the conclusion of each Peak Period and the ski season the Assessment Committee or its designee will assess mountain operation impacts t6 and make recommendations for adjustments or improvements to the Tier I management techniques described above. (8.) Tier II. In the event that some or all of the Tier I management techniques have been implemented and congestion still exists in the portal during peak periods, then the following successive management efforts will be undertaken in the next succeeding ski season or Peak Period: 1. VA and/or TOV will implement additional Tier f measures which have not yet been employed or will enhance those Tier I techniques already in use according to the recommendations of the Assessment Committee or its designee. 2. VA will continue to take operational measures to balance the functionality and use of its portals, as well as on-mountain circulation. DEVO/LOCAL AND COMMUNITY PROGRAMS 6'DEVO' is an abbreviation for the Vail Development Team, a Children's Ski School Program consisting of300 children which offers specialized ski school classes to the children of locals and front range skiers. The high concentration of locals participating in the program results in an inordinately high drop off impact on non- peak Saturdays which mimics peak conditions throughout the season. (A.) I!9I-I. Measures to be sequentially undertaken concurrently with redevelopment include: VI. 17 1. The DEVO program does not run during the Christmas Peak or over Presidents' Weekend. The program will continue to be limited in this fashion. 2. Arrivals for the DEVO program will be staggered in advance of the typical ski school or mountain opening times. DEVO arrival will be scheduled for E:30 a.m., one-half hour prior to lift opening. Pick up will likewise be scheduled earlier than regular mountain closure. 3. Drop offfor DEVO will be formalized and managed by DEVO instructors in the Golden Peak skier drop offzones to prevent stacking into the streets. 4. VA will investigate splitting the DEVO program further and basing some portion ofthe program in Lionshead or staging it at other drop offzones. For example, moving the Freestyle Program, approximately 15% of the DEVO skierso to another drop offzone such as the TOV structure will be explored and implemented if alternate drop offs are created. Staging DEVO out of the Lionshead Teen Center will also be explored with TOV, including the creation of short-term, 30 minute, drop-off and pick-up parking spaces in the Lionshead Parking Structure. 5. DEVO race events will be moved in whole or in part to other local courses. 6. Upon the conclusion of each ski season the Assessment Committee or its designee will assess the impacts caused by the DEVO program and make 18 recommendations for adjustment or improvement to the Tier I techniques described above. (8.) Tier tr. In the event that some or all of the Tier I techniques have been implemented and DEVO still adversely impacts portal congestion then the following successive management efforts will be undertaken in the next ski season or Peak Period: l. DEVO will be relocated in part or in whole to other Vail Mountain portals. YII. SKI CLIIB VAIL Ski Club Vail is a private, non-profit ski club which is not owned, operated, or managed by VA. VA, however, provides on-mountain access for training and racing events for Ski Club Vail. Ski Club Vail training accounts for approximately 60,000 gate starts per year and Ski Club Vail racing activities account for an additional 15,000 gate starts per year. Generally racing activity, including Ski Club Vail, runs from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. and frequently occurs seven days per week during the ski season. (A.) Tier I. Management measures to be taken concurrently with redevelopment include: f. Ski Club Vail programs will be coordinated with other special events, as was done during thel994ll995 season, to prevent overcrowding ofgroups in the portal at any one time. l9 2. Start times for Ski Club Vail during peak periods and high season will be coordinated so that Ski Club Vail arrival times will occur before the 9 a.m. peak hour rush and will be terminated later in the afternoon to spread the departure from the ski mountain. 3. VA will allow and encourage Ski Club Vail users to arrive and depart using the General Skier Drop-off Zone. 4. Upon the conclusion of the ski season, the Assessment Committee or its designee will monitor the Tier I techniques described above, assess the impact of Ski Club Vail on the use and efficiencies of the portal and make recommendations for alterations or enhancements to the plan. (B.) Tier tr. In the event that some or all of the Tier I measures have been implemented and Ski Club Yail still poses logistical problems for the optimized use of the portal, the recommendations of the Assessment Committee or its designee will be implemented. 1. Ski Club Vail will be terminated in whole or in part in its use of the Golden Peak race courses and base facility. VIII. ADULT AND CHILDREN'S SKI SCHOOLS The Golden Peak portal is somewhat unique in that it supports a full children's ski school, including nurserJ, as well as the adult ski school. Approximately 37,000 ski school students per season, or an average 264 per day, are serviced at this portal. The size and scope of ski school activities in the portal are 20 naturally constrained by the size of the base area facilities. The Children's Ski School in particular is functionally limited by the building size and the ski yard available for introductorv children's classes. (A.) Tier I. Management measures to be undertaken in a sequential fashion concurrently with redevelopment include: l. Ski school classes will be coordinated with morning arrivals of other special user groups so that ski school classes will sequentially follow the arrival times ofother groups and activities and spread out portal arrivals. 2. VA will emphasize a "one stop shop" of lessons and equipment, including overnight storage, which will reduce the need for arrival by private automobile as well as reduce dwell times of automobiles which do arrive for drop off. 3. VA will promote in its marketing materials the convenience of public transit which senices the area. 4. VA will explore the implementation of telephone or electronic preregistration in ski school, including the Children's Ski School, in an effort to cut down the dwell times of automobiles dropping skiers off for ski school registration. 5. Upon the conclusion of each Peak Period and the ski season, the Assessment Committee or its designee will assess congestion in the portal 2l related to ski school activities and make recommendations for adjustments or improvements to the Tier I management techniques discussed above. (8.) Tier tr. In the event that some or all of the Tier I management techniques have been implemented and congestion associated with the ski schools still results in crowding in the portal then the following additional management steps will be sequentially implemented: 1. The recommendations for improvements or adjustments made by the Assessment Committee or its designee will be instituted in the following season or Peak Period. 2. VA will make improvements to its Lionshead Ski School facilities upon the redevelopment of that portal taking pressur€ offof the Golden Peak portal. LOADING, DELIVtrRY AND TRASH REMOVAL The Golden Peak Base Facility requires the delivery of food and liquor for its restaurant operations and trash and recycling pick-up for all functions located at Golden Pealc Currently, food and liquor delivery takes place daily between 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. and again between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. The majority of food and liquor deliveries are first sorted out at the Gondola Building in Lionshead, then delivered to Golden Peak by VA employees. Currently, there is no formal loading dock at Golden Peak which results in the need for two (2) daily food and liquor delivery trips. In addition, there is a trash compactor at Golden Peak currently which results in the need for daily trash DL 22 collection at 7:00 a.m.. Recycling pick-up is done by VA and occurs as needed concurrently with food and liquor drop-off. It is estimated that curr€nt delivery times will remain the same to avoid interference with skier traffic, though the addition of a formal loading area and storage may reduce the number of daily delivery trips by VA from two (2) to one (1). The addition of a trash compactor at Golden Peak should reduce the frequency ofdaily trips required for trash pick-up. (A.) Tier I. Measures to be undertaken concurr€ntly with redevelopment include: l. Delivery times will be managed so that no delivery or trash pick-up will occur during the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 2. The Assessment Committee will review and assess truck deliveries and service at the conclusion of each ski season and make recomm€ndations for alterations or improvements as necessarJi. (8.) Tier tr. In the event that some or all of the above measures have been implemented and if loading, delivery and/or trash removal results in operational inefliciencies in the portal then the following management techniques will be implemented in the next succeeding ski season: 1. The recommendations of the Assessment Committee will be implemented. 2. VA will endeavor to deliver larger loads directly to Golden Peak and store additional food and beverage on site thus reducing the number of trips or will arrange night delivery to avoid traffic congestion. 23 X. SNOW MANAGEMENT Snow manag€ment at Golden Peak will be conducted in a manner similar to that in other vA portals. Snow storage zones have been depicted upon the revised snow storage map prepared and submitted with the Application. (A.) Tier I. The following management elforts will be undertaken with respect to snow storage and management during the ski season, including peak and high season periods. 1. VA will by contract with third parties or through its own forces plow all areas of vehicular circulation as depicted on the Snow Management Plan by 6 a.m. every morning upon a snowfall of 4 or more inches. 2. VA, through its own forces, will remove snow from sidewalks and plaza areas depicted upon the Snow Management Plan by means of a bobcat, an ATV and/or by hand between the hours of 7 and 8:30 on all mornings following a snowfall of 4 inches or more. 3. VA will store snow in temporary snow storage areas within the drop off zones and within two to seven days oI a 4" snowfall will use loaders and trucls to r€move the snow stored there and transport it from the site. Impacts on traffic congestion will determine the speed and frequency of removal of snow from the temporary snow storage areas. VA will remove snow immediately if snow storage results in congestion in the drop-off zones causing auto stacking into the street. 24 xI. 4. At the end of each Peak Period and the ski season the Assessment Committee or its designee will review snow removal performance during the season and, as necessarJ, make recommendations for adjustments or improvements to the Tier I techniques described above. (B.) Tier tr. In the event that some or all of the Tier I techniques designed to manage snow have not effectively cleared the snow from the drop offzones or other public areas and/or have impacted circulation on the public streets, then VA will implement recommendations made by the Assessment Committee or its designee. SPECIAL EVENTS AND SKI RACING Golden Peak is the site of many ski races and special events during the course of a ski season. Typically the racing season begins in mid-December and runs through early April. Training for ski racing can be broken down as follows: Ski Club Vail generates 60,000 gate starts per year; high school programs add 7,500 gate starts per year; and corporate/club training events add 7,500 more starts per year. Actual racing starts for these three user groups are approximately 151000 gate starts per year for Ski Club Vail, with an additional 2,000 starts per year for local high school programs, and 10,000 starts per year for corporate and club racing. These total roughly 102,000 gate starts per year and average 4.5 ski racing events per weelc Daily activity for ski racing typically commences at 8:30 a.m. and continues until 4:30 p.m. Of these race events two or three major televised events 25 occur each year, not all ofwhich are headquartered out ofthe Gold€n Peak counre. These include the Pro Tour, FIS World Cup and North American Trophy Series races. In 1999 the World Championships will be hetd at Vail and opening ceremonies are scheduled for Golden Peak Race starts and demand for training space have been growing steadily for the past decade. Special Events which occur at Golden Peak, in addition to the routine racing programs, include various snowboarding events which draw typicalty 100 to 250 people, the U.S. Pro Tour which draws about 500 people, and Hot Winter Nights events which draw 500 to 1000 people typically in February and March and up to 3000 people during the Christmas holiday. (A.) Tier I. Management techniques already utilized and in place at Golden Peak or which will be implement with redevelopment include: 1. Snowboarding events typically held in non-peak periods are usually small with minimal impact on portal arrivals or use. Arrivals and staging of event participants will be managed with VA personnel on an ttas needed" basis. 2. Hot Winter Nights events are held during off hours and do not interfere with other portal arrivals or demands on infrastructure. These will be managed with VA personnel on an "as needed" basis. 3. Major events, such as televised FIS racing events, the World Championships, major bicycle race events, and summer fireworks will be managed through the standard special event permitting process of the TOV. 26 4. At the end of each Peak Period and ski season the Assessment Committee or its designee will review and make recommendations concerning Special Events and racing activities at Golden Peak and their impacts on the portal and congestion in the surrounding infrastructure. (8.) Tier tr. In the event some or all of the Tier I techniques have been implemented and congestion has still resulted at the portal which advensely effects traflic or surrounding town infrastructure then VA will implement the recommendations of the Assessment Committee or its designee in the following ski season or Peak Period. In addition the following successive management techniques will be implemented: l. Special events will be moved in part from this portal to down valley locations. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Listen to the update provided by the Vail Associates representatives. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: In December 1995, The VailTown Councilapproved, on 2nd reading, Ordinance No. 24, Series of 1995, repealing and reenacting Chapter 1g.gg (Ski Base/Recreation Zone District) of the Vail Municipal Code and approving the Development Plan for the ski base. During the discussion of the project, Vail Associates representatives expressed concern that if there were not sufficient pre-sales of the spaces in the proposed structure, the entire project may be delayed or canceled. The Town Council members requested that V.A. keep them updated regarding the progress of the parking spaces pre-sales. 2:35 P.M. 3. Overview of Organization, Functions and 1996 Priorities of Town Susan Connelly of Vail Community Development Department. 2:00 P.M. 1. 2:15 P.M. 2. David Corbin Chris Ryman 3:35 P,M. 4. Tom Moorhead 4:35 P.M. 5. 4:45 P.M. 6. 5:55 P.M. 7. VAIL TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1996 2:00 P.M.lN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS EXPANDED AGENDA PEC/DRB Review. Update Discussion of Pre-Sale Commitments for parking Spaces in the Proposed Golden Peak Parking Structure. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: None, for information only. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: Part of orientation for new Council. Revisit Discussion of Alpine Garden Lease. Information Update. Council Reoorts. Other. 6:00 P.M.8. Adjournment. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING STARTTIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE)|||l THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION wlLL BE oN TUESDAY, i/16/!,6, BEGtNNtNG AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couNctl CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VA]L TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONwlLL BE oN TUESDAY,1t2s,. ,6, BEGTNNTNG AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couNctl CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETINGwlLL BE oN TUESDAY, t/I6/96, BEG|NN|NG AT 7:30 p.M. tN Tov couNctL CHAMBERS.ilttttl Sign language interpretalion available upon request with 24 hour notification. please calt 479-2114 voiceor 479-2356 TDD for inlormation. C:\AGENDA.WSE This packet contains all material r2tr9lgs related to the Town Council approval of the Golden Peak Ski Base Redevelopment Application. Application Received : 5l 15 /95 TC worksessions: lll28l95 t2l5lgs Evening Meetings : l2l 5195 tzl19l95 See next page for conditions of approval. Golden Peak Ski Base Redevelopment Gonditions of APProval At the December 1g, 1995 Town Council meeting, the Town Council approved the Golden Peak SkiBaseredevelopmentapplicationwiththefollowingconditions: .,/ 2. ../ 1. ,/ 3. Prior to the Town's issuance of any Building/Grading/Demolition Permits for the ieOeuetopment, the applicant shalibe required to enter into an agreement with the Town. This agreement will specify the obligations ol he Town of Vail and vail G"o.i"t"r as-they relate to ine dotOen PeLk redevelopm_ent, i.e., transfer of easements, detaili on cost sharing, establishment of the Golden Peak Operational Management Plan Assessment Committe' etc' The Town of Vail and vail Associates agree that the 148-space parking structure is an integral component of this project, and that it will be constructed as an element o-t tne eoiOen Peak Ski'Ba'se redevelopment. lt is also acknowledged that the construction of the parking structure may begin in the 1997 construction season. lf any Certificate oiOccu[ancy for the redevelopment is requested, and the parking siructure is not complbted, the Town will request that the applicant provide su-fiicient collatoral to insure its completion at a later date' staff is directed to prepare a memorandum to the Design Review Board identifying the PEC and Town Council's concerns with the project and requesting that the DRB focus theil review on the following issues: * The roof material used on the mechanical covering/architectural element should be the same material as used on the remainder of the building roof area. This covering should be mounted on posts so that it is 6"-'12" above the flat roof surface. - The aisle widths in the children's center parking lot will be reevaluated by the Town of vail staff and the applicant's representatives in an effort to piovide a sidewalk of acceptable width, including landscape screening and reaining wall design. The final design is subject to review and approval by the Design Review Board. -Comprehensivesignprogramthatdetai|sbothonandoff-sitesignage. . Building colors, materials and details * Landscaping, site details and materials * Design of the Mill creek circle plaza will be reviewed with regard to increaled landscaping, screening of the telephone utility box, and final design. The final streetscapeiroadwayibus lane constluction designs must be reviewed and approved by the Public works and community Development Departments prior to the issuance of a Building Permit for the project. .t 4. 'r 6. '/s. n8. v$. The sidewalk proposed on the east side of Vail Valley Drive' tlg sigt11llf]om the Children's Center to the soc;er field, and a pedestrian connection to the Ford Farf parxing lot shall not be considered to be a part of he Golden Peak i"C"Gfopr-"nt ptans and witl not be constructed in coniunction with the.G.olden peat imirovements. Additionally, the final solution for improving the existing Manor Vail sidewalk witt Oe Oetayed until the realignment of Vail Valley Drive is complete. The Environmental lmpact Report must be revised/updated and approved by the Town, including the Mill Creek Geological Hazard Analysis, prior to the issuance of a Building Permit for the project. The applicant will complete construction of the vail Trail extension from its current termirirjs, bcated OeniirO the Children's Center, to the western edge of the Vail Associates property prior to the issuance of a Temporary Cerilficate of Occupancy foi tne Uisd todge ia'citity. The design of this trail must be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board. The design of the seasonal tent, proposed to be located near the ski race course finish arei, must be reviewed ani aiproveO by the Design Review Board prior to its placement on the Property. The Golden Peak operational Managernent Plan shall be amended as follows: A. Section Vl (B) (DEVO/Local and Community Programs): Tier ll. In the event that some or all ol the Tier I techniques have been irnp|ementedandDEVosti||adverse|yimpactsporta|congestionthenthe foliowing successive management effbrts will be undertaken in the next ski season or Peak Period: 7. B.Section ll (Managed Parking Structure): Any reference to the number ol tier I parking spaces shall be changed from 50 to 75. DEVO will be relocated in part or in whole to other Vail Mountain .-' /-r/leL ,, .-( ff/du <t oaolritq*tc( AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND RE.ENACTING CHAPTER 18.39, SKI BASE/RECREATION DISTRICT OF THE VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE. WHEREAS, Chapter 18.39 of the Vail Municipal Code describes the Ski Base/Recreation Zone District and WHEREAS, Vail Associates, Inc. has submitted an application to amend Chapter 18.3g ()f the Vail Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town oi Vail has recommended approval of the amendment to Chapter 18.39 of the Vail Municipal Code; and WHEREAS' the Town Council considers it in the interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to amend said Chapter of the Municipal Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1, Chapter 18.39 of the Vail Municipal Code is hereby repealed and re-enacted to read as follows: 18.39.010 Purpose. The Golden Peak Ski Base/Recreation District is intended to provide for the base facilities necessary to operate the ski mountain and to allow multi{amily residential dwellings as a secondary use il certain criteria are met. ln addition, summer recreational uses and facilities are encouraged to achieve multi-seasonal use of some of the facilities and provide for efficient use of the tacilities. 18.39.030 Permitted uses. A. The following uses shall be permitted within the main base lodge building in the Golden Peak Ski Base/Recreation District: 1. Ski lockers/employee locker rooms. 2. Ski schooland ski patrol facilities. 3. Lift ticket sales. 4. Tennis pro shop. 5. Ski repair, rental, sales and accessories. 6. Restaurant/bar/srrackbar/candysales. ORDINANCE NO.2'I Series of 1995 7. Sumnier seasonal recreational, cultural and educational programs and otfices. 8, Meeting rooms tor owner use and community-oriented organizations. 9. lnjury prevention and rehabilitation facilities for owners, use. 10. Basket rental 'l 1. Special community events. B. Retail and meeting room space limitation. 1. Retail sales space in the first two floors shall be limited to a maximum of fifteen . percent of the non-residential gross square tootage of the main base lodge building. Under Section 18.39.030, retrail shall be delined as tennis pro shop, candy sales, ski repair/rental sales, accessories and clothing, basket rental, ski lockers and storage for the public. 2. Meeting rooms shall be limited to a maximum of ten percent of the non-residential . gross square footage of the main building. C. Multi-family dwelling units within the main base lodge building if the following requirements are met: 1. The dwelling units shall be a secondary use within the main base lodge building if they meet the following criteria: a. No residential use on ground level. b' Visual impacts such as surface parking for the dwelling units shall be minimized by providing at least torty percent of the required parking within the main base lodge building or in an attached parking structure. c' The maximum gross residential floor area (GRFA) devoted to dwelling units shall not exceed thirty percent of the total gross square footage of the main base lodge building. 2. Before acting on multi-family dwelling units, the Planning and Environmental commission shail consider the foilowing factors in regard thereto: a. Relationship and impacts of the use on development objectives of the town. b. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation lacilities, utilities, schools, parks, and recreational facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. c. Etfect upon tratfic, with particular relerence to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traftic llow and control. access maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking area. d. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to urrounding uses. 3. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the findings set forth in Section 18.60.060 B before permitting multi{amily units within the main base lodge buitding. D. Permifted uses within the Children's Ski Schoolbuilding: 1. Year-round child care and children's ski school and appurtenant recreational facilities and programs. 2. Children's ski school services and programs. 3. Community events and programs. 4. Summer recreational, cultural and educational programs. E. The following uses shall be permitted outside the main base lodge and Children,s Ski School buildings as shown on the approved development plan: '1 . Ski trails, slopes and lifts; r : 2. Snowmaking facilities; I 3. Bus and skier dropotf; 4. Surface parking lot; 5. Ski racing facilities; 6. Public parks, tennis and voileybail courts, and praying fierds, praygrounds; 7. Water-treatment and storage lacilities buildings; 8. Mountain storage buildings; 9. Ski school activities; 10. Special community events; 11, Food and beverage service; 12. lndoor and outdoor ski storage. 18.39-050 Conditionaluses. A' The following conditional uses shall be permitted in the Golden peak ski Base/Recreation District, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 19.60: 1. Recreation room/minor arcade. 2. Addition or expansion of storage buirdings for mountain equipment. 3. Sumr;er outdoor storage for mountain equipment. 4. Redevelopment of water storage extraction and treatment facilities. 5. Redevelopment of ski racing facilities. 6. Redevelopment of public parks, playgrounds. 7. Summer seasonal communig otfices and programs. . 8. Additions or expansions of public or private parking structures or spaces. 9' Seasonal structures to accommodate athletic, cultural, or educational activities. 10. Redevelopment ot ski lifts and tows. 11. Food and beverage cart vending. 12. Bed and breakfast as further regulated by Section 1g.5g.310. 13. Type ilt EHU as defined in Section 18.57.060. 14. Type tV EHU as defined in Section 18.57.070. 15. Public, private or quasi-public clubs. 18.39.070 Accessory Uses The following accessory uses shall be permitted in the Golden Peak Ski Base/Recreation District: A. Accessory uses customarily incidental to permitted and conditional uses and . necessary for the operation thereof. B. Home occupations, subject to the issuance of a home occupation pennit in accordance with the provisions ol Sections 1g.5g.1go through 18.s8.190. 18.39.080 Location of business activity. A. All offices and retail sales conducted in the Golden Peak Ski Base/Recreation District shall be operated and conducted entirely within a building except for approved special events and food and beverage vending. 18.39.090 Developmentplanrequired. A. To ensure the unified development, the protection of the naturat environment. the compatibility with the surrounding area and to assure that development in the Golden Peak Ski Base/Recreation District will meet the intent of the district. a development plan shall be required. B. The proposed development plan shall be in accordance with Section 1g.g9.110 and shall be submitted by the developer to the zoning administrator, who shall refer it to the Planning and Environmental Commission, which shall consider the plan at a regurarly schedured meeting. A report of the pranning and Envirc;rmental Commission stating its findings and recommendations shall be transmitted to the town council for approval in accordance with the applicable provisions of Section 19.66.060 of the Municipal Code. C. The approved development plan shall be used as the principal guide for all development within the Gorden peak ski Base/Recreation District. D. Amendments to the approved development plan will be considered in accordance with the provisions of Section 1g.40.100. E. The development plan and any subsequent amendments thereto shall require the approval of the design review board in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 18.54 of the Municipal Code prior to the commencement of site preparation. 1 8.39.1 1 0 Development plan - Contents The following information and materials shall be submitted with an application for a proposed development plan. Certain submittal requirements may be waived or modified by the Director ol the Department of Community Development if it is demonstrated that the material to be waived or modified is not applicable to the review criteria, or that other practical solutions have been reached. A. Application lorm and filing fee. B. A written statement describing the project including information on the nature of the development proposed, proposed uses, and phasing plans. C. A survey stamped by a licensed surveyor indicating existing conditions of the property to be included in the development plan, including the location ol improvements, existing contours, naturar features, existing vegetation, water courses, and perimeter property lines of the parcel. D. A tifle report, including schedules A and B. E. Plans depicting existing conditions of the parcel (site plan, floor plans, elevations. etc.), if appticabte. F. A complete zoning analysis of the existing and proposed development including a square footage analysis of all proposed uses, parking spaces, etc. G. A site plan at a scale not smaller than 1, = 20', showing the location and dimensions of all existing and proposed buildings and structures, all p1ncipal site development features, vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems and proposed contours and drainage plans. H. Building elevations, sections and floor plans at a scale not smaller than 1/8" = 1 ', in sutficient detail to determine floor area, circulation, location of uses and scale and appearance of the proposed development. l. A vicinity plan showing existing and proposed improvements in retation to all adjacent properties at a scale not smaller than 1', = S0,. J. Photo overlays and/or other acceptable visual techniques for demonstrating the visual impact of the proposed development on public and private property in the vicinity ol the proposed development plan. K. An architectural or massing model at a scale sufficient to depict the proposed development in relationship to existing development on the site and on adjacent parcels. L. A landscape plan at a scale not smaller than 1" = 20,, showing existing landscape features to be retained and removed, proposed landscaping and other site development features such as recreation tacilities, paths and trails, plazas, walkways and water features. M' An Environmental lmpact Report in accordance with chapter 19.56, unless waived by Section 18.56.030. N. Any additional information or material as deemed necessary by the Director of the Community Development Department. With the exception of the model, four complete copies of the above information shall be submitted at the time of the application. When a model is required, it shall be submitted a minimum of two weeks prior to the first formal review of the planning and Environmental commission. At the discretion of the Director of community Development, reduced copies in 9.5" x 11,, format of all of the above information and additional copies for distribution to the Planning and Environmental Commission and Town Council may be required. 18.39.120 DevelcpmentStandards/Criteriaforevaluation. The following criteria shall be used as the principal means for evaluating a proposed development plan. lt shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that the proposed development plan complies with all applicable design criteria. 'l . Building design with respect to architecture, character, scale, massing and orientation is compatible with the site, adjacent properties and the surrounding neighborhood. 2. Buildings, improvements, uses and activities are designed and located to produce a functional development plan responsive to the site, the surrounding neighborhood and uses, and the community as a whole. 3. Open space and landscaping are both functional and aesthetic, are designed to preserve and enhance the natural features of the site, maximize opportunities for access and use by the public, provide adequate buffering between the proposed uses and surrounding properties, and when possible, are integrated with existing open space and recreation areas. 4. A pedestrian and vehicular circulation system designed to provide safe, etficient and aesthetically pleasing circulation to the site and throughout the development. 5' Environmental impacts resulting from the proposal have been identified in the project's Environmental lmpact Report, if not waived, and all necessary mitigating measures are implemented as a part of the proposed development plan. 6. Compliance with The Vail Comprehensive Plan and other applicable plans. 18.39.130 Lot area. The minimum lot or site area shall be forg acres of site area, at least one acre of which shall be buildable area. 18.39.150 Setbacks. In the Golden Peak Ski Base/Recreation District, front, side, rear and stream setbacks shall be as indicated on the approved development plan. 18.39.170 Height. Up to sixty percent of the building (building coverage area) may be built to a height of thirty-five feet, or less. No more than forty percent of the building (building coverage area) may be higher than thirty-five feet, but not higher than forty teet. Towers, spires, cupolas, chimneys, llagpoles, and simihr architectural features not useable as gross residential flo;i area may extend above the height limit a distance of not more than twenty-five percent of the height limit nor more than fifteen feet. 18.39.180 DensityControl. Total density shall not exceed one dwelling unit per eight acres of site area. 18.39.190 Sitecoverage site coverage shail be as shown on the approved deveropment pran, 18.39.210 Landscaping and site development. l-andscaping requirements shall be as shown on the approved development plan. All areas within the area(s) of disturbance in the landscape plan not occupied by building, ground level decks or patios, or parking shall be landscaped. 18.39.230 Parking Plan and program Parking Plan and Management Program shall be as shown on and described in the approved development plan. Section 2. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not etfect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance;; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and. each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 3. The Town Council hereby linds, determines and declares that this ordinance rs necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town ol Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section 4. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the etfective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted' The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 5. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, therelofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL, this 5th day of December, 1995. A public hearing on this ordinance shallbe held at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Colorado, on the 19th day of December, 1995, in the Municipal Building of the Town. ATTEST: INTRODUCED. READ. PUBLISHED (IN FULL) ADOPTED AND ENACTED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED (BY TITLE ONLY) THIS ' :rt' DAy OF ,'r. . ., ,,..t. , , 1995. Robert W. Armour, Mayor Holly McOutcheon, Town Clerk L'ft /G("'v"/ Robert W. Armour, Mayor Holly'McCutcheon, Town Clerk o hnpvcr*^,tfu, I'lr*( &/ u,rya-aflltz ftrW ary$^ M?rh/^L Golob",,- ?edrQ be{. ffrq7 Cw +24 MonDIti > V&t t-. Ukvfts 84Dn:D: [trt4LHfra- JAudT uorLi G - o Mnrnqr Vc,^{ Wosv*aJQ - dd r,uitn [\L 4W Wrl WtaLiU r& W [{ru\\r tff\,]A fPL {o (.? +^^ L."- wtr^,,., \I'^tU rudf 'b *oar*keil lx c*nphl-/ - hob lr^Li* - fudsuta'lV al,rovkt fu \tt^l,t *h"t"l +LL4N& srwtl) Ldrdlhrrne * Z '. prwn6 ttwc*r,*=- tnx \ - vP*o<o MoTrN'4YEtt- NP,r,lnB ?.M:, tnv ft?D VolU: b- o r rcol 4v c'lruvry ngvU(ylna Pree( '"o) fr /'/* -' /-nf2XPtt- tu-u*-.<-tt-',v;Nfaaa44, * /haarov' l/o,'C Cpg; arctft-d,<aL *r4 ikqgq_sfrp? fueC -\)k ,-;6ro,qr;j6ra/ & g;y'"ta{k> - rztL ller&,pd ,ue ee- takb e{ rjL b-{ eqv-q4o rwtL{drpcid ,? *oL uAlr *;,/{/P- a&et 0*/ tr t''orp#' Ot ryt*^,!:( * swd dd ^i,kpr-r'okh4euu' r 'ftaL qf9 f*\-lQ fQZ .T taflo$ ?77- *'e!6 b"fifr"r.e%fs t,t/\'/w6/ n++d. et e;,21g,/a(k r F- 7bL (azief- ugdv)Q,r,or(L /*( Vtlr'{nW6y rrten/ o ,ur-(d*C'-d eitt<, rtt-aC K . DrSCogs^ij a{ 4.,'*,A (trtlL- tro.'{= O;t+s*+pq6-@tW eF*k{i u**,i( 4r^&;-r;x&n de.t4 M, ,s wnus>A&A a - P[,(("G{[* l;bt'E-*"w4o /ll rde*&"& €rce( Ecp- 4 2s- Lo-{ /16{ tv4o& Y{L&e€trVr Z =lDaQ.-s,o*L fu - a ko . f: ;,;{d'oo( /4.*M/wda*.*A@ q.e V";,e(l fe.;q L P./'l(,b s;'bdu*'- -,+'Lr+r-/pt4-o{4.f V,4 *ql{i fu ',Zir i lt TrZ q ed -^ m d 6b lvtl fr**sLy' t #.nl- ff.? *dtiri,W Uc't6rtEt tl(?ov S r ft, W-e,-4 C;JunQ 6n/ft; QlWat ^--. @-dtlr9(''/i; 6,*'T - ;E*J an,u kL'(, Li+ffi, - e,u .w+C-, &os47.t? l{,e,a ,4'i,e,w- s ta.^(e b g q g{tv e{,! /r{ #rgl? qQ q C C, - c-( d'---,F4T,a't ( , q, {- (/o svrGr.c frrft=r-4,b{. /4,tA kffic wc6 arrrQatd6v'@c :'f rec (u4 g u@ tt/\ Tlnee --eCgd@ldcc-.@t ../tE Q*** c<- f(it\t, - z - e Cgo(r@*, ( c.- g /S/a4g d fr"A atYt'e,r/: Wg"ukerii @au*e* -c*tqffi[ ottft^ q(a/a"g @ pAC - fu oG + (fiL e{n,n rttta.' ,0 rSc.-€;*p^l g€. s, /'r4n+ ;)gP ry*{O ? C I,'t Q{, e-'vs; c eal-ott9i4,,Luta/.fr , , - ii;i-J,L -Jlbad i*s lq ,<-!,- L.uile- z <9 re, L h oqQ- 4@ & rc,e,5 * btz r-77,bpY. (o= Nad by hrrre4 rtar.r)<- -fis ft = 3 MINUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING December 19, 1g9S 7:30 P.M. A regular meeting of the Vail Town Council was held the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building. 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: on Tuesday, December 19, 1g95, in The meeting was called to order at MEMBERS ABSENT: Robert W. Armour, Mayor Sybill Navas, Mayor pro-Tem Paul Johnston Kevin Foley MichaelJewett Rob Ford Peggy Osterfoss TowN oFFlcrALs pRESENT: Robert w. Mclaurin, Town Managerpamela A. Brandmeyer, Assistant fown Manaoer R. Thomas Moorhead, Town Attorney Anne Wright on behalf of the Town Clerk The first item on the agenda was Citizen Participation. Joel Heath of the Vail ValleyTourism & Convention,pylelu.encouraged the Town Council to nerp find alternative sitesfor volleyball courts, in light of the fact trit tre existing courts at Gotoen peak are proposedto be removed with the redevelopment. Second on the agenda was.secfg reading of ordinance No. 24, series of 1995, an ordinancerepealing and reenacting Chapter 18.39 (Ski dase/Recreation Zone District) of the Vail Muni;ip;lcode and approving t6e,Devetopmenl Plan ior tre Golden peak ski Base,4g5 Vail ValleyDrive/Tract F, Vair Viilage sth Firing, and rract B, Vair Viilage ztn Firing. ' Jim curnutte explained that the ordinance was the same as the council reviewed at their lastmeeting with the exceptiolof one change on page 5, paragraph D. staff recommended passageof this ordinance with this change. Dave corbin on behalf of the applicant stated he had reviewed the change and had no objection tothat revision. Jim Lamont representing the East Village Homeowners Association stated that the change met theirneeds. sybill Navas made a motion to pass ordinance No. 24, series of 199s on second reading with asecond by Mike Jewett. A vote was taken and passed unanimously 6_0. At this tim.e. Fred wyman, a resident of All seasons condominiums approached the podium andexpressed his concern with the parking. Bob Armour informed nim'inat that matter would beaddressed a litfle later in the meeiing. - Jim Curnutte and Lauren Waterton initiated discussions regarding the Developer,s Agreement,including agreements on cost sharing, the transfer of easements, the establishment of aneighborhood assessment committee, dtc. Bob Mclaurin talked about the realignment of Vail Valley Drive before any decision is to be madeon lhe Manor Vail pedestrian crosswalk. Paul Johnston stated he thought the sidewalk along the west side of Vail Vailey Drive should beheated. several neighboring residents and condominiums expressed their concerns about the following:- lighting of VailValley Drive and the pedestrian walkways' heating and definition (color) of sidewalks in the areas' maintenance of the area Vniln'wn Cou||,il Evcnir|I lvkrtitu Mi,utcl t!,/t9r'rt trfitn t ..nu!].t lr.1'tt ,uu,"" O ,,,rrn,O u^,,O ,u,n O 'srr'd 'B euor'oJeu\ 'lu'cildde aql ro ilpqaq uo ruasard sE^ u'roaH uorg 'dn-1Jec slq paluasaJd oUnuJnC urlf pup peaqlooti{ ujol sE/',\ rsenbor ururad osn,reuo*or"';nJ;r"t"'AiJflrn!:Jr#"tTii[T,:?,?i,1iljjifrr:?i,rl: palscor aq or..qnrc c1lqnd-1senb" e rol r'ro||e o1 iluuad asn puoul'uob'r10 ;eao:dde c3d eq dnttecol uoro.u e peno:dde s,oquiaur lrcunog ur'noj "qr d'urr"",iirrrrioJi"* nuu, .g raquocao aql lv e6es1;1 *e^ 'z rcors '? i.rd.:-l"r'",tT[n"##ifi:s? ';ffiiltt?"f:lffJ" g,Tii []pup prt oql uo palecot aq ol lculsto auoz I oroc telcrg.yruog eqr iil.,,q.n1c c;lqno-;senb,, e roj Molleol lrurad esn reuorpuo3 pono:dde c=Jn to dn-11ec 1;cuno5 ur*oi'e sp' epue'e aql uo r{ltlJ .se^eN rrrq,{s,{q puocos e qlyrn ,sa6pnp uorcer3 ," 3,l"tiff#l:""1,i::,::j j!["Tt?,::il"1,1*Y 'aleurolte * *i*r.d_pl:1.!3y,1!t atuuean,e;og.Ieprlog ,rolseC Irpm tsuoy! uerexsr sabpnf to lsrt srlr .se6pnp uolcot3 iercedi 1o guaurlulod-dv i,,ir bb^ epuaFe oql uo quoJ puocos e qlrrtr ourpeer rs.ru uo,urro,3g";Tr1iffi%""'r'""r1;fr$l"j,'r";;;'l yrff':J^:llilf3 e-q1 rq perna4ar eq '!M-sr!un.1.1,1 1-o ",o li,l,:..!l,!?ll#iYi?il,1?j.l13:iffill,lil,jr:il|*ro aurquloc ol lsanba: e leql arnsuo lJgr,r, guarupuer.ue fasodord ,q.iirpoC 0u;uo7 or.ll to 0g,Bt:eldeqg qll' ocu'pro'p ur ,uJad as1 1euo11;puo3 p lo acuenssr ilt oi tr"tqn, ,osn r'uo'lpuo'ro pallurad raqloue rol /v\oile o1 s1cu1si6 auo711 ero3 1"'creuuo3 pue I oJoc rao,au,uoc or* ulroou puocas oql a^oqe pol'urrxrro aq ot slun uollooyurocce.ro ou;re/u6ilurod ol epo3 6u;uo2 aqiro uo*ualur aql s! , sa^arraq 11e13 's1cu1sig auo.4 ll€Joc r'roreruur'oc fu" lerog rprc,oruu,oc or{lfo suorlcas asn rpuo!,puoc pue pourr.uraJaqr lo uo'ualur eqt tno fui-Bf oreq lrrvl pue epoc 6uruo7aqr urrilr/vl rcuelsrsuoc aleaJc [r^ '(gi oso--tzjet uo[3as ot tueurpueure pasodo.rd aql sraar JrEls 'uou;soddo rf !?'on suell[M uolreo pue.u.apsuy 6e.rg srog.ueu uolssru*lloc 6u1uue16'uollepuaurruocor oqr Lo_1.^Br u! 7-f ijel0; u-o1ss1.uuro3 reru"*iorri.lJpup ouluuerd aq|epeurse'v\ llcunoc u/t^ol ol luaurpueuP pasodo.rd iqr lo tenolbo" puiu,'ud,j., ol uo[ou, e ,uorssncsrp ^qlDual p rsllv .luaurpuaup paqrrcsep oloq: ?10 ,ro,r"1rroj-i"G*uortnu3 pue 0uruueJ6aql ol poluasard luaupedeg lueudolenag ryunuuo3 tt"n lo u^irrq, 'suor ,/z roqula^oN uo l?lt?l9l! par'p runpu?ou,,au uors'rurro" ,",r"*ro,in'r!'il3ldi,lrl3li:i1,:lT;"J gs3i,j,feuoz ll aroc lelcrsuru:?9.::.I^?r-"c_pp.rJiu^[rojeq1lo suoilcegiin'Drduproc pu' pa*ursd aL'lo uotluslut aql lno &r"^"j'."j o1 pul-epog orrfrz ."-qr u,r.lril,{"-u"tri"ro",r""r" ol apeu aq plnoqsluorlpuotllP sltll sa^allaq llels 'Jooll puo-ces'aL[.uo^sesn'ro| prnb, ,l qctLtM leql o1 :elrurrs loottpuocos aql e^oqe Joaroql uo;1.rod,{ue ro 1;un uoll:L:_3yo"iri ro'ourrpi,np 6u.1s;xe ,iue saleuJurlaLlcr.t' asn {ue ro1 il*I.rad esn leuougpuo3 e fyrylloe.r r*rr .pnriiii oi (s) o90.rz.gr uorcosol opeur oq prnoLrs luau'rpuaue up leql .en-";'"q ,pls 'acuBulpro !,qi p.1ur..ro raqlnu e'loeg 'slcrrlslo auoz ll aroc lelcror.lruoc lr:. !..-"]oc lplcJarlruo3 ul rooll puocas eq1 enoqeroe.laql uo;yod rue ro lun uo;1epouruoc"e.,o [rn ourllaanp bulrrr" rtri riulleururro rol sarnpeco.rd/yrau quor 6u;11as 'u'n Jo u^^or aql ,o apoc i;9y11ry.;rffi"4;;;;r.Br uorpas ourpuaueacueutpro ue '966t lo saras'92'ory erue{prg;o .urpear lsrg eur;;'"pua6e aql uo prlr{r uarel ss/r^ elo^ v .proJ.gou,tq puooas e qsprir,6upaeu.u,,, o.tloL?$",1r?ilfifrffiff",j#:suolllpuoc aql qll' uey6 lue'rdola^apou"lea6 ueplog:aq'a;orooe-ol pa^our seneg 111q{g.ueIlr' se Iejs ptnoLts 1r geql paarOe ?l^l?]rr_lrrfp euos layp lo^o/v\otl ,lo orec uo)t'lsEM e 'oN uollrpuoc u; u6;sap toi ou*reo'pu" {"^"p,. ra1uai s,ua:ptrq",i,lr 1q6noq1 ulqroc oABc 'paz,lln sq plnoc 6u1u6rs ctuorlcalo yo ed^l "ro.-:.9-:.qi?l teql pue enug ^a11e4 gpl uo-uopse'uocpue cllr'Jl reuorppe lnoq' uJocuociraql pecron sun,u*nopuoi pr, .iripir.r 0upoqq6leu snouen 'auo Joll ot peppy eq saceds_97 geql palsenbet seLl vn .ue1d lueueoeueur leuoueredoreed uapro' aq1 10 uoivod arnlcnrls ourlr"o',iqi puaue or irriibrnoiiv], ,"q, pr's rnou,rv gog eJe/v\ sueil or{ pu' paprnord sern ;enorddy lo suolrrpuoc pepuauuocar "q, , ,ro"5"rTi,""rrg o PaulJohnston asked Mr. Heelan how many members he anticipated to be in this club. Mr.Heelan said approximately 400. Paul Johnson asked how Mi. Heelan anticipated thesemembers would access the club. Mr. Heelan replied by walking from the parking stntcture.Paul expressed his concerns that the club m6mberi would -be dropped off 5n HansonRanch Road, creating more traffic and congeslion in that area. Michael Jewett asked why the ch.ange in plans for the use of this building f rom residentialand office space on the top two floors to the cunent plans, Mr, Heelan ..ia it *m fooLeainto and ihis was a needed seruice for Vail guests and that use seemed to make bettersense. Jim Lamont voiced his concern regarding policy issues. He stated that staff was biasedagainst dwelling units as opposed io acc-ommodation units and commercial uses. Bob Armour asked about the horizontal zoning and Tom Moorhead and Jim Curnutteexplained the same. Paul Johnston made a motion to overturn the PEC approvalol a Conditional Use permit wirh asecond !y SyOitt Navas. A vote was taken and tne m6tion taited 2-4, with Kevin Fotey, Mich;JJewett, Rob Ford and Bob Armour oplosed. Kevin Foley then made a motion to uphold the PEC approval of a Conditional Use permit with the two staff conditions. MichaelJewett seconded the motion. Jim Curnutte informed Councillhere were two additional PEC conditions which were thatthe applicant have only a public liquor license and that the Conditional Use permit runconcurrently wilh the other approvals thal were granted in April. Kevin Foley amended hismotion to also include these two additionalconditions and MichaelJewett seconded theamendment. A vote was taken and passed 4-2, with Paul Johnston and Sybill Navasopposed. Paul Johnston wanted it noted for the record that Hanson Ranch Road is one way going east. Sixth on the agenda was the Town Manager's Report. Bob Mclaurin asked Council ifthey were willing to have an all day relreat on Tuesday, February 27. Council agreeO. eoUalso asked members of Councilto let Anne Wrighttnow if they were interested in attending either the OAST meeting or the cML - Elected otficials' wo'rkshop. There being no further business the meeting was adjourn at approximately 10:02 p.m. t ATTEST: Mlnutss lakon by Anno Wlght on behatf of the Town Clsrk. l'Nama! ol codsh Indlvldulls nho gaw publlc Input mly ba lmcqrete.) Respectf ully submitted, rt W. Armour, Holly McCutcheon, Town Clerk Vnil lirtr[ O'It|!il Uv',,nlrtg ti,t{oth! MlNr$ l2l9tt -)rr / C ', ("r>z+re.i ao rl r-,r-- * J"'a"-- A-/; f4/'- rill||$-||0r[ PHONE (970) 476-s646 416 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE vArL, coLoRADo 81657 FAX (970) 47&0301 December 19, 1995 VaiI Town Counci I 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, CO. 81657 Dear Town Counci I Members Over the course of the last two years we have been involved in discussions with Vai I Assocjates and the East Vi I lage Homeowners Association regarding the Development Plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base,In genenal, those discussions have been productive andinformative. As the project is reaching its final stages ofappnoval, we are pleased with the overal I appearance of thebuilding. lt appears that it will blend both from a mountain andresidential standpo i nt. In oun support of the project, one of the elements that we werepleased to see proposed, was an underground parking structure withsurface landscaping. This we felt would in general enhance the appearance of the development and area. of recent days, however, v/e are advised of discussion that the parking structune may not bebuilt or that fees may be considered payment in lieu of parking. Please undenstand that a portion of our support for this project was the benefit of underground rather than surface parking. Although we can understand the desire to pre sell spaces to off-set construction costs, we do not favor the pay in lieu of parking alternative. Funther, if the structure cannot be built, we wouldrequest that the space be restricted to green space only. This iswhat we anticipated our view conridor would consist of w'i th thelandscaping proposed for the structure area. Vai I Town Counci I Page 2 A second matter of concern is the signage issue. Although studiessuggest that the vehicular traffic impact may not increasesignificantly, there is no question that Vail Valley Dr. willrealize a noticeable increase in traffic. ufe ask that the VailTown council, in its discussions with Vail Associates, provide foradequate electronic signage at the Golden peak ski Base as wel I ason Frontage Road that would minimize unnecessary traffic flow onvail Valley Dr. In particular if no parking is available, carsshould be directed elsewhere prior to coming down the Blue cowChute. we are optimistic that these issues will be addressed in the finalappnovals of the Development Plan for the Golden peak Ski Base. Sincerely '/'1 ,t,\-",/h4r/&ntu.Niels W. Johnsen, President Rams Horn Condominium Association NWJ/d lm 12-18-95 l!:51 Pil iRO}I .R I{41{SE}I-BP iIAI'lSE}{T0 l[3 Jut-t,tx R. llANsEN a rrorrlY Al'LAw 11s245b tn 1 p.o, Fox IIIt.ltARt tcToN, t|.l.u{ots (|0 t I fol.116t.{r.o lrlor,l..-- A'( t' 3 t3-7 1 | 1 VIA FACSIMIIJE NO. 970-479-2T57 frGrbar 18, .1915 Town of Vail Council Ceni-Lernen: F.egarding the Golden Peak Redevelopnrerrt F1 an (1995) t:he utrdersigned, as a long time owner (1965) in the A11 Seasons Condorninium, r€inreet Ehe Council to: L, T*ke whaEever acEian is required (d9ed re€lriction, zoningprohibitiorr) to eneure that Eurfaee Xlarkiag ie eliminated now and prohibitcd in thc futurc on thc propoecd J.andocapcd area6 of Goldea Peak; 2. Nots deLcr,e gcction 18.39.75 (Prohibitcct uces) unlcss otsher cgde Eectisns clearly anit specifically prohibiE Ehe enumerat ed ucesi a$d 3. Proviile a reauonable uinre uoEificaEiotr tre acljuirtiug owtler'ts of any proposed change conEl(lered by the zoning atlmlnlstrator under eec. 18.39.090 D ancl provltle a slnple hearinE proceEg if Ehe ownert fi.le a $rriEEen objecEiofl to une proposed change. The undersigned enthusiastically endorses the Golclen Peak Redevelolment Plan with tbe above chanEeE. cc: ilim Lramont,AI1 $easonF DeparEmenE c : \wl>50\epc\vai1 Condominiumof Conununity Development .Itr OcrrvroDEc 2 o tgg$ December 12, 1995 y-', C ""--'-j $' aa a- aVt'"-,/.'' ).r"l "'"--"-'f ,/' bo6 Members of Town Council The Town of Vail l7 S. Frontage Road, West Vail, CO 81657 Dear Council Members: As a long time owner at Manor Vail Lodge I would like to express my concern and displeasure at the suggested closing of the existing pedestrian crossing from Manor Vail to Golden Peak. This pedestrian crossing has b'een in existence for a number of years and has worked in the past. My concems are: 1. People will not walk to the proposed new north or south crossings, but rather, will climb across the berm and'Jaywalk" to the opposite side of the street. 2. Visibility from the new proposed crossings is no better than the visibility from the existing crossings. 3. The road cannot be widened enough to eliminate the visibility problems. Perhaps all of the concems, i.e., liability, visibility, etc., would be better served if the existing crosswalk were made more visible with increased signage, and a painted crosswalk. I hope that you will consider our opinions on this matter before voting on this project. Sincerely, Arlt , A'ay'Ay Betty Biszantz cc: Vail Associates, Inc. - David Corbin Fax: 970-845-2555 East Villaee Homeowners Association - Jim Lamont Fax: 970-827-5856 )'*-IEIAS IOWNHOT]SE NSOCIATION' Vail, Colondo c/oRibWootca 37(tr Frrt Almcda Avrnnil500 f,larver, Coloado t0209 303-388-s53s q Frx 3fif-32t-3760 DcmDcr 15, 1995 lbrra Couacil Toum of Vail by FAX: ?9fHl?E--2ts7 bdier rnd Gcntlcnrca: At pur mqting in lbocnber 19, l9g5, tt tr our understrrrdiug that p' will give linat consid€ratim b vsil Associatg rodevcloprnert gn rdcoref{- !9 tnve erprerced oui gancrrl ltrypoft ftr ttris ptoces!, espedalty ftrc n€edd llft and bars facitiries Onc of the necdsd bale facilitiae is irnprovcrt parking facilitis, ryfidly pa*ing. Wc rtongly $Dport the conrtrucriolr of rtrs qd€cFotnd hcility u proposcd by VA. We aln rnurgly oppos rhs cmqr of rcplrcing 0ds unaergud ftciuty wih a surfrpe peuie rol. rnil wuto t€Dlace temir cwar with qn - not a good Bnitch. Iltr *routc most seriouslyirrFct thebuildingr and homix trr onr wcst, such rs Ramrhorn, but rrould effect our view as well. - We_will attempt b be at the mcetiog in lnro; but uraoted b e*pr€si our vicws for ttrc ffiod. Ihank you for lour mnridcration. And Hapiy Ilotidays! Prcrident ild IreA2zg S5, SI f,3c $rr^u i RAnDa (},!|c Vta. J.X. SE!fuih, M.D. RJ, Hr*lin4lt["D, WJ, Ste|t ! tttD. Ervlr Jt{. ltouUtr,Il'LD, T.F- S.hLfdr it D. A rtA:rs-V.& iF" llomld, M.D. Ltl. Urnl II.lLD. D.P. Vu Ernannrm, M.D, R.5. Wrrtorln, .Dt D. Sl. Wririr,M.D. CotsroEPHuc|am ,,r r.L... r|.D. +artrrt EIt rlrl€.M.D. ,hJS"rr l8l W Mcrdor Dr. SulN Numh.r 400 Vr il, CO t1657 (970) t76.t t0o FAX (y,o 47e-9JJJ SENT BY:Xerox Te lecopiU20 ; t z-t g-95 ; l 3 5gpil ; fl7ss555+ 3031?S215?;il 2 Ji x Dec@bn 15, 199J Doar Tounr Cormcil Rcprosotrtrtivos: Reocutty, I wao informod oftho intotiol to rcoovete ths brso of Crold Perk uount8itr. Althoug[ thero aro mmy b€o€6te from t]is project, I lm c@ocrtrod lbout thc offost8 or the Gold Perk smd vollcybrll coutts In thin bttc, I woild like to eonv€5/ Eomc of the sdvmtsges ofnovitrg tho ssod coutts to mother looetion in VriL Tho initirl booft ic for tho n rnhcrs of orr om@tnity. As e participant in lhe King ofthe Mormtrin vollcJibdl toumrur@t I cen dheAb relrte to the inportance ofvolleybdl to the Vrilloorls This ryort providos rn inFortfit rccrertiurl outlo forr nnmrou r6sidafits. Locds rnd tieods oflocEls sho\ryctm Bomc ofthc bcst vollcybdl tdeot in the *ate eiqh srrrmc(. illrny of the rtbletes play three or four times per week all summcr lmgl , In eddilion, the Kiag of the Morntrin volleybdl tounarrrcot 1g tls lonEost rurniry two "'"tr volleryballfounnncnt in ths Ntlte of Colomdo, Foltnrcot5t ftte" yparq teams hrve frequently tn eled ftom CaliftEiq Now Moxico, and Utah to coqrsto agrind solce ofthe bcst pleyere in the region. Tbe avaihbihy of rand courts mEkos it posliblo to rttngt this high lwal oftelcnr Withott the open divieion, thc King of the Moontain tournemeirt would not €xis. fUTs mrn vollglbdl dso oftrs sons fuhtre ur*aing potentiel ltir spct is one ofthe most excititrg rnil fa*ing Fowitrg ryorts in thc nation- With the ' cmetnrc{im of a.sw ernd corutr, wo hrvo a gr6it oppoftrtrify to proiloto frtsr€ wqrtr to thc Vril Vrllcy. I-rcly, the ftr"cial iupfiogtions of uen' eesd vollEfrdl courts Dake s lot of s€nre. The direct ud rosirhnl rwcnuo pos$ilitios sro tr@cndous. Oac can riryty loolt towardr Arpear rr r primo exrqrlo ofhow lucrativo r vollqiball tounsmcnt can boSr a gkitonal Withthe rssistNnoe ofl,hc VRD, Vril crn hod snc ofthc prcmicr vollrybdl tounrmmts in tho colmty. Fruthunorg tho cmsuction cosr Bppear to be rehtively inergcnsive, I hope tlat these bene.ftg are conridcrcd druing yoru noa toum racctiug. Thenkr ftn all ofpur eforts. Sinccoty, kiW**o WISirs RECEIVEO OEC lts MailoaVrlr.Qocr December 15, 1995 595 Ensr Vrur- Vlr-LEy DRtvE VNL, CoLoMDo 81657 970-476-50{n F^x 970-47 6-4982 800-950-8245 Mr. Robert McLaurin THE TOWN OF VAIL 17 S. Frontage Road, West Vail, CO 81657 Dear Bob: I have been getting a lot of comments opposed to the closing of the existing access point from Manor Vail Lodge to Golden Peak. While there appear to be no objections to the proposed new crosswalks, our owners are concerned about issues of convenience and safety by physically obstructing the walk that has been in existence for 30 years. It has been pointed out by some owners that the location of the new crosswalks are no less dangerous than the existing walk. Common sense dictates that people will cross the road at the point closest to where they want to go. Even today, many people by-pass the existing walk ways and cross at places they perceive to be more convenient. Ignoring this reality may result in a greater liability potential rather than a lesser liability potential as some of the members of the Town Council think. In fact, there has been some as yet unorganized discussion about directing me to ask the Association's legal counsel to intercede on the owners behalf because the Homeorvner's Association is concerned that the Town of Vail is encumbering Manor Vail Condominium Association with a greater liability risk. I urge you and the Town Council to reconsider your decision relating specifically to the closure of this area. Thank you, MANOR VAIL LODGE Robert S. McCleary, General Manager PRnsaN"rED 8Y VILLAGE REsoRTs N{ NAcIRs oF RNE CoNDo]fll:uM PRoPERTTEs 12/1411995 19:29 3U14875 FROM TI'E UBERGS PAGE 6I nY Docciltbcr 14,1995 Membcrs of Town Council ThcTown of Vail 17 S. Frontagc Road, Wcst Vail. C0 816i7 f)ear (lnncil I\lcmbcrs: As a blr6 time owner of Manm Vail l.odge I would likc to cxDrEss mv shock and disolcasurc !! the suggcsEd closing o{ thc cxisting pcdcsrian cmssing frrim Manin Vsil to Goldin pcak this pcdcstian crossing has been in existcncc for many fcan and has workcd very well. My conccrns are: l. Pcoplo will not wallclg thc proposcd nsw north or south crossiilgs, but rathcg will clirr:li across the bcrm and 'Jaywalk" to thc oilposite side of thc shrct, which wiII iause great ilangcr. Z. Vsi'bitity lrom the ucw proposed crossings is no bener than rhe visibiliry from thc cxisting crcs$ngs. 3. Thc road cannot be widened enough to eliminatc the visibiliry problcms. Pcrhaps all of thc conccns, i.e.,.,liability, visibility, etc,, would bc bcrtcr scrvcd in a simplcmunncr.if thc cxis-ting.crosswalk wcrc-made m<ire visiblc with incrgascd signagc, noting"pedcstrian cmssiog" and a paintcd crosswalk. I fecl vcry srongl;y about this issuc and do nor rhink rhat thc town of Vail morallv cr lesallv has tlrarighttoblockthe..:cessroourprivatewalkroourcondominiums-Ihopcthatyouwifiafr,ccwirh oui utrong obj€ctirvrs to this maner lrforc vodng ort this 1,r.rjecr 'l&il Assciaas, Inc. - David Corbin East Villagc Horncowncrs Association - Jim l-amont Jackhul - Attomey Sydncy J. Roscnberg l2/L4/06 TgU 11:lE FA-X 8042852563 TAEFtror{ECX/288{Xn F Xt00{86+2563 BRYAN EROITERS, Jf]HN FIANDOLFH HUTtrHEsON 55I B FAIJOUTH STREET. $JFE qI2 REHT.r)ND. VIRGINN Ag'O Decembrr 14,'1995 INCo l G ooz ,-r- c P.O. BOX 123. RtcHt/pltD, vA 28r!o9 UeDbers of Tosn Council :fhe Town of Vail 17 S. Frontage Road, west vai]- , CO 8t-657 Dear Counoil ueubers I As a long time owner at ltanor vail fndge I would like to express fr c"ttcerln and displeasure at the suggfg_sled ctos_ing of the existing platstriatr cro"=fng fron ltanor tiiif to Golden Pealc. Tbis iedestrian crossing-has been in existence for a nunber of years and has worked in the past. lly concerns atre: 1- People will not walk to ttre proPosed new north or eouth- cro-tsings, but rather, wiff cfinn acrqss the beltu and rjaytralkn to the opposite eide of the street. 2. visibility from tlre new pfoposed crossings is no better than the visib-ility f,ron the existj"ng crossings. 3. The road cannot be widened enough to elininate ttre visibility problens. Perhaps aII of the concerns, i.e., liability, visibilityp €tc', sould be better served if the existing crosswalk Itefe made Dore visible with increasecl signage' and a painted crosswalk' f hope that you will consiiler our opinions on this hatter before voting on this project. t, rZ John SandolPh Rossie Carterunit 215-15-u Eutcheson Hutcheson JRH/bb cc: Vai.I lseociates, Inc-, East villag:e llo[eosners oavid eorbin essociation, Jib Laugnt sincerel {"'-r- u,rrEc- r s-es FR r ee I "" I Membcrsof Town Council Ttre Town of Vail Dccctnbcr 14, 1995 t? S. Frontagc (esd, Wcsr \ldil. CO E1657 Pcar Council lvlcmbcrg: Ar r lonS dno owner of Manor vail Lodgc I would liko to lxp/rEss- my lhoct art$ dt-splqsqm at thc eurcertcd cbsrng of;hcl-iititte p"d"tnian crossing mdm Manor Vall to Goldcn PeaI. hiipAffifi;;ilil; 1*'n in i*isrcn"" for many fean and hasworlrcd wry wcll. My corrcems arc: l. people wlll nor walk to thc pmpoaed ncw north or south cro-ssin.gs, but rather,-will climb "o*.r ,r,o-L-r-;J;'jeilsli; i"iti. "i,p.-iL sidc of the smet, which will causc gruat danger' 2. Visibility from thc ncw proposed crossings is no better than thc vrsibility from thc cxisting crossings. 3. Ttrc road cannor bc widened enough to eliminate the visibility prOblorns. perhsps rll of the concerfls, i.e., liability, vtslblllty. etc.. would lrc.bettcrscrvcd in a simple .an,rli if the existing crois,r"ik ware-made more visiblc with incrcased signagc' noting ' pedcstrlan ctessing" and a paintcd crosswalk- I fccl very strongly abour rhis issuc and do not think that thc town of Vail morally or legally l*. t: rip.hr to block rh-e icccss to our privatc walk to our condominiums. I hopo thatyou will aF0cwith oir snong objections to tlis mafucr beforo voting on this projoct f/,,; )"li) N^! f*",1 f" 'ae /'*/ *'f/l f 61rLe /ao t -,1/ tfr. cook^t'. r/ .,-td -',t ;^i' //,nr* *o'i) 6, tu/ft- l'l'n 4 r" //' /d'/e' n 61^lk ^ll 0':; /l'.{-rh','l o'hJ a c/ott tu^il L"J"( /efrn, 6\ "r ''l :;;''- 'r/i L' fo' Your h ou' o nol "//eu" f{'onn"l*r f // /ourt /rtdy, , .- 6(t^^ C" '!:'n\-/ // ftu Town of Vail Robert Iferbs MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATEz".r & Vail Associatesr lnc. y'Alpine Engineering, fnc. fe ,!,o clQ I I ( l I I I I I 1 I \ I \ i \ sIdJEcr: Gorden peak ski Base Faciliry Test pit .i'Alpine Engineering, lnc., Koechlein consulting Engineers, and Vaili Associates will be_ conducting a test for existin! gro-*d*rt* conditions at the Golden peaft sti Base Faciliti ilear the proposed parking shlcture location. This test involves the excavation of an area on the south side of the old tennis court. This is only a test pit and not the commencement ofconstrnction' ,,, L*(* Q?c**n -i; The excavation wifl-bdnat 9:00am on Tuesday, December l9th, andwill.be c,ompleted6itn ail equipment offsite by-5;00pm on Wednesday, December 20th. Anyong.with questions or concerns regarding this test pit may contact Tg _"t {pine EneT:?nng, Inc. (g70D}64il[Monday ttuough Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm. 'f,aS o14*7:..-- I-c- 'tr.<2e99 rh Le /\-{tee-gF a5 be r/ lwKe ''r-/ A'"q €e t/' To: Torn Gormcil Torn of VaiI- l{y vife anil r are ovners of one of tbe earlier houses in vall shich ve built i-n 1966- Ife are located at 992 ptarnlgan Road. lJe have beeu caring members of the co,,,,,runity and truly love thLs area having contributed to the bur.rdlng of the var.l varley chapel and. the vaLl hospital aud have been supporters of various skl fund benefits. Our concern in the redevelopment of Golden peak is that ve,and other early builders, may be denied a golf course bus going west into tov': Ire have children, graudchildren and friends shon se reguest and insist the use of the bus system to decrease the congestion at Gord peak by car drop-offs. r recall the drive vhen it sas suggested that we have only east-bound buses vith the tranportation center as the destioation. r spoke before the Tosro council as thls:. imposed an ua.oecessary hardship on tbose of us vho took the chance and invested in property long before Vailrs great growth- To. trackfrom the trnsportation center rrith grandchildren and other s ''lL children sith ski gear to either another local bus or salk Is a bardship. Tbankfully the above plan was never instigated and se frank-you for a cottnnon sence solution. lfos ye are asking for an eqrrally coumou sence decision to retaiu the sest and east bound golf course bus routes. I can realize the mess if nu'erous condo owners Dear the vail Golf club as sell as the NordLc Center group and many home ocner& 4J.ong.tte _routg. statt.u6fug...- their cars for drop-off and pick-up. We and others on the golf couree use the bus and ve eupbasize again, use co@)rr sense, Keep tbe golf course buses runni ng both ways. Respectfully, Ray & l{ary Kelley 476-22s9 (vail) DEC-14-95 THU 12129 pil CoR VArL LoDGE FA)( N0, S4?64e82 P,0l December 13, 1995 Meurbers of Town Council Tbe Town of Vail 17 S. Fronage Road, Wost Vail, CO t1657 Dear Council Membcrs: As a tmg time oqmer at Manor Vail Iodge I would like to express my colrcem ard displeasuro at the suggested closing of the existing podestrian crossing from Manor Vail to C"olden Peak- This pedestsian crosing has been in.oristence for a mulber of years and has worked in the past. My concerns are: l. People will not walk to the proeosod ncw Dorth or south crossings, but rather, will climb across tbc berm ad Jaywalk" to,the qrpositc side of the strect. 2. Visibility from the new proposed crossings is no befier than tbe visibility from tbe existing crossings. 3. The road qmnot be widened enough O climinate tbc visibility Problems. Perbaps all of the con@rns,.i.e., liability, visibility, etc., wo,trld be better served if tbe existing cros$valk were made more visibte with increascd signage, and a painbd crtsswalk. I hopc that you will consider our opinions on this matter bEfore voti'g on this project. Sincercly, \ tlrr".*U t),llW Dondd H. Srillams 595 E. Vail Valley Drive, #103 Vail, CO 81657 cc: Vail Associates, Inc. - David Corbin Fax: 9704452555 East Village Homeownerc Association - Jim Lamont Fax: 97U82J'5856 i c.. )*a-- A:A\g:--t'l : '- I ne cervEo oEc z o t99$ v c-', C av'-^t) S u-t t-- aV4-t.,/.''- g'- / "/,* f atn boB December 12, L993 . Members of Town Council The Town of Vail 17 S. Frontage Road, West Vail, CO 81657 Dear Council Members: As a long time owner at Manor Vail Lodge I would like to express my concem and displeasure at the suggested closing of the existing pedestrian crossing from Manor Vail to Golden Peak. This pedestrian crossing has been in existence for a number ofyears and has worked in the past. My concerns are: l. People will not walk to the proposed new north or south crossings, but rather, will climb across the berm and "jaywalk" to the opposite side of the street. 2. Visibility from the new proposed crossings is no better tlan the visibility from the existing crossings. 3. The road cannot be widened enough to eliminate the visibility problems. Perhaps all of the concems, i.e., liability, visibility, etc., would be better served if the existing crosswalk were made more visible with increased signage, and a painted crosswalk. I hope that you will consider our opinions on this matter before voting on this project. Sincerely, Arl^o &a3auy Betty Biszantz cc: Vail Associates, Inc. - David Corbin Fax: 970-845-2555 East Village Homeowners Association - Jim Lamont Fax: 970-827-5856 - Pdbted by L,arry Grafel From: Todd Oppenhel.merTo: Ilarrfr Graf e1Srrbj ect 3 grtowrne]- C updaCe 1: 18prn CC: ttim CurD,rrt,te Here l.s some updat,ed info onI spoke wict.. Da\r€ yoder wl'o tstr€ hag costss of El-e Che l,roposed enortrme I C syBtsetn.been desLgninE chese cl.l.ngfs for abouts 20lrearg . lFhe operatingt cosgs in ghe ].asE E-mai1 are c].os€ buts Lrere ig gome mored6t'al_1ed l_nfo. 24 bours a day. Mo€ts, of Eh.l.Btstr€ I)avemenC grarm and at. fulf. fo11ow. A comrn6rc1a1 gffscem 6uch a.s cltLs tdou].d runtsime vrou].d be at- about' 509 capacl.t'y to ke€pcapacl.ty on1y duritag and a.f t'€r eacb stsorm- AE capacl.Cy Dawe g'ave me a ru1e of tttutrib tso 90 .1L per X-OO sf p€r Lrour He flg"ures abouc 3O trrs/week for 18 rreekg at' fu]'l. capacl.tsf/. lfha t' leawes 138lrre/week ac 5Ot capacl.cy ($0.O6l1OOaf /ttrl ?he maur for clal.s 5ooo6f sj'Bcem works our tso abour .iiilE,dta.r lzear. Daverl-so polnted. outs che imporganca of J.nsca]-].l.ng and hEa-T5li-torm gewerg 3'olaandle tsh€ me].t' \^raCer. Tl. Ls wL1]. add co tl.r.e owera]"]. cosE of t,he project. + lo^h*48.( -{==.c x s0M "( .d?o,op -g 4Z 3 I^ -lc,rT' = .A+ l'4zp Uo.ts f qo,r* -n \mr Y/2ala>Losr : @ eof z, o-+ st^{ f ffilnf; tt++,uo fa+*o 4,*,A-'zzzr f4\g fumunSut Y a,o,s,ofO Page: 1 - Printed bv Jim Curnut rz/ Lz/ Ya 3: 3Bpm From: Todd Oppenhe j-mer To: I,arry Graf el- sub_i ect: WD snowlnelt :::NOT'E::::E--E:E:-E:E12 / L2 / 9 s-]-2 | 36palr* CC: .tim Curnutte Here is some info on ttre vaia valley Drive snowroelt system proposal . My feeling ttre most logrical place for a boile-r i.s An the mechanical room of the eold peak parking structule. It makes for somewtrat of a l-ong Eun for ttrepipes but there would be gas ser\,.ice available and probably elrough room to place the unit. ottrerwise r^re'd be looking at an outdoor iDstallation somewtrere l)ear Gore Creek. T} e lenqth of tLre sidel.talk (excaudingl vAC and Galatyn Lodqe) is about 5OOr- At a width of 1Or that makes aborrt 5OO0 sf. The mater.iaa would be concrete unit pavers In'llich cost a little more to treat. I tra\./e seen 2 tr)rices lately on srrowmelt systems. These figtlres are for the mectranical systems only and do not inc]'Lrde the pa\,'ement. Breckenridge is l- eating some irrtersections for S15lsf and Rolrinson qfave rus 916/sf on Seibert Circle. Desiq|n fees rurr about 1Ot of installation costs. I'or this project, rrith the lonq :rur| of insulated pipe before qetting to ttre .sidewa1k I would add at least 1Og to the Seibert circle Price. sooo sf @ sa-7.60,/sf - gaa, ooo 10* desiqn fees a,AOO Total mecharrical S96, BOO operatirrg costs .run between 51.60 and 92.25 per sf pe]r year based rudimentary fig|ures I Irut together. I ltotlld.use the trig*r€r fiqure to allow ror llhe. conc unit pa\,'ers and the longpipe runs. 5OOO sf @ 92.25/sf - 911'25O lrer )'ear r }- a\.re not yet treard t)ack fr<tm Dave Yoder on the info t} at tre vras putj-ngl toqether so . I dorr I t ha\/e any f igfures on maintenaltce cost. It should Lre alrlrmore than maintaining the boiler unit on any buildirrq| heat irrql system. D:da. I ./', iG-1 ,DRAFT faurn CoD^d t \Nur[SesSru]r &vlq6 TL OL TOV / VA COST-SHARING OF OFF'SITE IMPROVEMENTS l. Improvements to Vail Valley Drive - west side only The Town and Vail Associates have agreed to a cost-sharing at a ratio of 80:20 to cover all improvements to the west side of Vail Valley Drive, as indicated on the approved Streetscape Improvement PIan. 2. Steetscape improvements in front of ttre Gallitin The Town will pay 100% of the costs associated with improvements necessary at the Gallitin property. 3. Improvements to Vail Valley Drive - east side onb' The of Vail will be responsible for 100% of the costs associated with improvements associated with the east side of Vail Valley Drive. 4. Pedestrian path located behind the Tivoli Lodge The Town of Vail will pay 100% of the costs associated with the construction of a new asphalt path behind the Tivoli Lodge connecting the existing path with the new Vail Valley lhive sidewalk. Vail Assooiates will be responsible for 100% of the costs associated with the redesign of the Manor Vail enty including new sidewalks, driveway and landscaping. 7. Vail Valley Driverealignment The Town and Vail Associates will split the costs associated with the Vail Valley Drive realignment in front of the Manor Vail property at a ratio of 80:20. I t4.h- al^ "r_14 _ - rcL u6tqrP) 5. Improvements on the Golden Peak property Vail Associates will be responsible for 100% of the costs associated with all improvement " t Nt'lO located on the Golden Peak property and the parcel commonly referred to as parcel no. 2, i.e. bus luT , rA stoprelocation, Children's Centerparkinglotredesign, etc. y H 6. Manor Vail enty redesign bo lzo bl-- f:\weryone\jirr\pcodshar.d(X 8. Streetscape improvements to the Soccer Field The Town of Vail will be responsible for 100% of the costs associated with the creation of sfieetscape improvements from the Children's Center to the Soccer Field. However, Vail Associates has agreed in principal to work with the Town of Vail to accomplish the new sidewalk (including financial contributions) from the Children's Center to the Soccer Field. VA expressed concern regarding a commitnent to the Soccer Field parking lot in the future' 9. Ford Park improvements If immediate improvements are necessary, the Town of Vail will be responsible for 100% of the costs associated with those improvements, however, VA commits in principal to work with the Town to accomplish those improvements (including financially), with the exception of sipage that may need to be installed immediately, Vail Associates will pay 100% of the cost of signs. '3,.xq,t2 A"k f :\everyone\jim\gpco$shar. d04 REVTSED 01.02.95 MINUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING December 5, 1995 7:30 P.M. A regular meeting of the Vail rown council was held on Tuesday, December 5, 1g95, in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building. the meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT:Bob Armour, Mayor Sybill Navas, Mayor Pro-Tem Peggy Osterfoss PaulJohnston Kevin Foley MichaelJewett Rob Ford TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Robert W. Mclaurin, Town Manager R. Thomas Moorhead, Town Attorney Holly L. McCutcheon, Town Clerk First item on the agenda was Citizen Participation. Rick Sackbauer of the Vail Valley Consolidated Water Diskict congratulated new council members on their recent appointments and presented a brief update on district projects which included: efforts to consolidate the water district and sanitation district through an election process in May, 1996; progress on employee housing; Eagle Park Reservoir project and completion of the interconnect. Mr. Sackbaur informed Council members he would come in after first of the year with a more detailed update and thanked Council for their participation. The second item on the agenda was the Consent Agenda which consisted of approval of the Minutes forthe meetings of NovemberT and 21, 1995. Mayor Armour read the Consent Agenda in full. Sybill moved to approve the Consent Agenda with a second by Kevin. A vote was taken and passed unanimously, 7-0. Thid on the agenda was ordinance No. 24, series of 1995, first reading of an ordinance repealing and reenacting Chapter 18.39 (SkiBase/Recreation Zone District) of the Vail Municipal Code and approving the Development Plan for the Gotden Peak Ski Base, 485 VailValley Drive/Tract F, VailVillage Sth Filing, and Tract B, VailVillage 7th Filing. Applicant VailAssociates, Inc., was represented by David corbin. Mayor Armour read the title in full. Town of Vail planners Jim Curnutte and Lauren Waterton reviewed the application, plans for the redevelopment of the Golden peak ski Base, and work sessions that had been held with the PEC and the Town Council regarding the application. (For a complete analysis of the proposal, please refer to the November 27 , 1995 staff memorandum to the PEC, distributed to the council on November 29, 1995.) lt was further explained that staff recommended approval of Ordinance No. 24, Series of 1995, and conditional approval of the Development Plan. Jim Curnutte stated the purpose of the ordinance was to amend the text of the Ski Base Recreation Zone District. sybill moved to approve ordinance No. 24, series of 1gg5 on first reading, and the motion was seconded by Rob Ford. A vote was taken and approved unanimously, 7-0. Discussion then centered around the proposed development plan and included: the proposed new base lodge, the building of a 148-space parking structure, lift upgrades and other on-site improvements, including a skier drop-off lot and a new children's center parking lot. Council members reviewed a list of conditions attached to the development plan from Community Development as modified by the PEC. Dave Corbin, V,J I* C*"1U"i? n hrIt,,t- |2/05/q5 \ st'l(;o/u.rmbfwbq t*a -t ra aql uo pesEq sBrv\ le^oJdde c3d aql pue 'gg/01/0 ! uo epeul serv\ cad eql Aq le^oJddE uolleJellB JolJaua uv 'uotstcap leql papacald guc aql qurvl suotssss IJow\ aeJLll leLll pue '6utM leuotleulalul aLll a^oldde ol0-g pelo^ BUO eLll g6llllt uo leql pauteldxa pue lcafoJd eqlburpunolns fuolsti.l aql pel arnal uesplnu) i(puy,reuueld llen lo un/\ol 'a^tJO laarC eloe 'f VLI F palecol 'l!En le e6pol aqg le 6ur11 leuo[euJelul aql anordde ol uotstcap BUO e;o leadde ue se^ epuabe aql uo '/ .oN uall 'sJaquleu ltcunoc |1e Aq penoldde sern pue uoqepuauuocal gels alll apnput ol uotlouJ Jaq papuoule Od '0-Z '{lsnourrueun passed pue ualel sem alol e ,uorlor.u aql papuoces ssneN llrqrg 'e6a;rnud lercads e elEeJc lou plp pue euailJc ecueue^ leeul ptp lsenba: aq1 leql lceJ aql uo paseq uotstsap s,c3d eql ujnua^o ol ssoralso r06a6 {q apeu servr uotlout v 'Jora ueulnq porc puB auJog 'J1/\ Jo ro^el ur a10ds lauJv laeqcly\ ,luoprsol lrBn'uorsrcap 33d eql ulnue^o ol uo[eJaptsuoc s,lrcunoc eq1 palsanbar A|;n;icadsar auJo8 'J[/I 'rcpqles luo4 aql olur lueuqceorcue lool g't e pasnec peq JoJJa eql puE .ro:.la our^aruns E ol anp lceqles aq1 palsanbal peq eql peure;dxa auJog qog ,1uec;1ddy 'apog buruoz aLll r.lllm lualstsuocut a6a;rnud lelcads;o 1uel6 e ul llnsal plno/v\ ecueuenaql;o 6ul1uer0 aq1 leq} 1a1 '[uap o] uorlor,x eq] Jo Jo^e] ur 6uqon sJoqurau eq1 paureldxa a6:oag 'lsanbar ecuelre^ lceqlas luor; pesodo:d eq1 Auap o1 (6urluassro lalJoyr'pue :nou.r.ry) z-g Jo olo^ sJaqulaul uorssltur.iloc ar]l pue burlaau c3d 966l ,/z Jaqtua^oN eql pue leadde aql Jo punoJblceq eq1 pa/v\er^er Jaqlnu a6roe9 rauueld 1ie4;o ur,noj 'apog ledorunyl llen lo u/r^or srll jo '020'zg'g t uo[cas o1 luensrnd ,lsanbe: acueuB^ rcpqlas luo{at{l Jo letuep s,uorsstruruoc lelueuuoJt^u3 pue 6utuue14 aq1 our;eaddB sE/v\ "CUl U61Se[ o)|u Jo pJaurerg r11e5 Aq paluasa:dar 'auJog qog '1uel1addB oLll .peou rcruurrruurxc zegzluorsr^rpqns s/r^opean rcnJqsuur 'g lo-1 uo uo[cnJlsuoc Japun ,{lluerrncacuaplsal eql JoJ pasodo.rd acueue^ reeqlas 1uo.rJ palsanber aq1 ruap ol uorsrcep s,uolsslr.lruoc leluauluoJr^u3 pup 6uruue16 aq110 leedde ue se^^ epuaoe aq uo-qyrg 'g-2 'I;snoulueun passed pue ue1e1 se/v\ alol V .Uyvtaf ally! ulo4 puoces e qlurn ,rfiuoqpy oursuacrl lecol aql uo Icuecen aLll llu ol urdeqSptneg lurodde ol pa^ou 1lrqIg 's1o11eq eql perllel uoaqeuCcy!,ttroH puipernqur.'f[ era/v\ slolleg 'uoslM raneg 'uerurleqc raulro, Jo uo[eufisar ar.{l Aq paleeic iroiiri.ibauo Jol sluecrldde eJa/r^ rallPM r.ua1.pue 'uollesn euag ,urdeqc'e^eo ,aqr"arluoqpy Bursuacrl rBco'r Jo luaulurodde "q1 serrr "puaoi aql uo s^rJ Jeqrunu ulall oro^ v . se^e N | ilq^s,{q p uocas B qr!/v\, uqnh1jfT,"#fi::l lilj,ffi ffi.lifit ;::'2661 'reqruenop errdxe ol ruJal 'ssolalso .y lareoreyl Jo urel pe:rdxaun "w "i"ia,uoiol Jeqruau ltcunoC e 6unca;a 1o esodnd eql JoJ uotpel3 lercadg e JoJ elep eq1 6u;gesuorlnlosau e ,9661Jo sauos ,/e.oN uornlosau sem epueOebql uo uail quno; aql '9661, Jo satJes 'gZ ecueutpJg uo Ourpearpuoces eql Jo au[ eq1 le ;enordde s,1rcuno3 01 lcahns aq plno^/\ ueio fireuoolinapaq1 pea:6e sJaquau lcunoS 'suJecuoc.leq passe.rdxa puE suollsanb p"1.ensapuou Acuel 'lusprsal lrBn 'sJsu/vro rtyado.rd lenpinrpu; aq11o ,{1g1,qrsr.ilre, ",rt;illecueurpio ,{q teq pue slle/v\aprs urElurBr.u lou seop srJoM cllqnd lBrll lrcunoc pourJojurpeaqrool\l uJo|BAJe ALll JOJ le^ouJal &\ous uo paluauruloc ,uorle|cossv unrurr.uopuocuJoqsueu aql 6urluasardar 'ue611;r6 auero .slle/v\aprs Mgu pasodo.rd io ""u"u"iu;",i:o1 e;qrsuodsal eq plno/v\ or.lM Jo uo[ecrluelc Jo] parse ,uor]e!3ossv srauMoauoH abeJlrTl lseil aql Ouuuasardar 'luoruer ulrf .sluouanordr.ur adecs 1i"r1, p"roJorj Jo acueualureu pue ouueqs lsoc 'sluauranojdrur adecs laa4s papnlcur uorssncsrp 1o scJdol leuoflppv 'l! pllng lou salercossv llen plnoqs uaddeq plno/vlleq/v\ pue ernpnrls6ut4red pasodo.td aq1 6ulpleOaJ panulluoc uorssncsrc ';enordde alqrssod.ro; 6urlaeu.r6uru-ana rrcunoc 6L Jaqt,,aoec aqr ol 1qOno.rq aq uorlelado sr uo rrelop alou pa1sa06nspue palecrldrxoc aJoM sanssr 6ur1.red palels ep1 .pouad reart onq E JaAo u1 paseqd aq rlqrssod prno^ ernpn.rls 6u11.red eql l'r.il paure;dxa ,1uecr;dde aq1 burluesalda.r criteria for exterior alterations as well as an agreement which the Town had executed with the Lodge relating to accommodation units and conference area within the Village. Attorney, Jay Peterson represented the applicant, Lodge Properties, Inc., explained he was there to request the 1983 DRB decision be upheld. Mayor Armour requested Mr' Peterson and other lawyers present speak after the presentation by the applicant. Applicant, Lodge Properties, lnc., represented by Greg Christian, distributed the design of the proposed International Wng, and presented the proposed change of 1983, adding 19 rooms. Town Attorney, Tom Moorhead explained that 1983 decisions were still in effect. He further stated that any changes or modification to the original approved application would have to be reviewed by the DRB. Ann Frick, on behalf of Lou Ann Wells, adjacent property owner, that statutory procedures were not adhered to, and that the 1983 agreement was illegal. Architect, Lynn Fritzlen, stated inappropriate procedure was followed and that relying on a 83 planning approval was inappropriate after 12 years, Peggy Osterfoss asked what the time line was for approval. Tom Moorhead informed her that in 1983 there was no time line set forth on exterior alterations, but since that date there has been a two year time limit put into effect. Those opposed to the approval of the lnternational Wing who gave input included: Attorney, Art Abplanalp, representing owners of Unit #527 , Mr. & Mrs. Saltz, as well as three other units. Mr. Abplanalp presented a map which he said depicted the proposed sight barriers of certain private condominium ownerb and stated that Rick Rosen represented the Cabinas, also adjacent property owners. Jim Lamont, representing the East Village Homeowners Association, requestid council members take into consideration a new opportunity, and requested this pr6ject be withdrawn. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, Lodge properties, Inc. addressed concerns and answered questions. Mike Arnett, Design Review Board Chairman, was on hand to answer questions, as was Jack Zehren, architect for the project. Peggy moved to uphold the DRB approval of the project with the stipulation that additional staff-approved modifications be made to the plan to improve sight and sound barriers on the building's west side. Kevin Foley seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed, 6-1, Mike Jewitt voting in opposition. Item No. B. On the agenda was the Town Manager's Report. Bob asked council members to check their calendars in order to meet for a special work session on Tuesday, February 13, and reminded them of the Town of Vail's Christmas party at the Marriott on Friday night. Mayor Armour informed those present of his concern regarding raising the speed limit to 75 mph and asked that staff research the issue and any possible alternatives. Bob Mclaurin said he would discuss it with the new Police Chief. Other topics of discussion included: the shortage of bus drivers and overcrowding; the need for a voice mail system for council members. There being no further business, a motion was made by Paul Johnston to adjourn, with a s.econd from Kevin Foley at approximately 11:10 P.M. (Names of cerlain individuals who gave public lnput may be inaccurate ) v lly submitted, W. Armour, Holly McCutcheon, Town Clerk tl,J I* Co,uuJ t"*an W2 Tli"J$ t2105/q5 " tlfinoi*-- -5yL,'C ,r"*rr,-{LA"f fr*&-ot124ro-t3"C4 ^ '1 f7ute al fel^ecPc e(e^ h - J", C t/aU*/ bn,h o *, il"d'f 1-de6;621 "{4' c | *! r c.,odp v*% t'a*; {; -;Si,.rp-a X&,'c'* *r*J"-$ e-.<,'G -\J aK CyJ^L ,C4r4)d"o-eoK CuJ.L ,(o r -_ te0ist4-o(f?pre€' /PCai"(atdastg:.; (,\ tlt Chapter 18.39 GOLDEN PEAK SKI BASEiRECREATION DISTRICT Sections: 18.39.010 Purpose. 18.39.030 Permitteduses. 18.39.050 Conditional uses. 18.39.070 Accessory uses.ffi 18.39.080 Location of business activity. 18.39.090 Development plan required. 18.39.110 Developmentplan - Contents. 18.39.120 D€ign Development Standards / Griteria for evaluation. 18.39.130 Lot area. 18.39.150 Setbacks. 18.39.170 Height. 18.39.180 Densitycontrol. 18.39.190 Site coverage. 18.39.210 Landscaping and site development. 18.39.230 Parking. 18.39.010 Purpose. The Golden Peak Ski Base/Recreation District is intended to provide for the base lacilities necessary to operate the ski mountain and to allow multi-famiry residential dwellings as a secondary use if certain criteria are met. In addition, summer recreational uses and facilities 'are encouraged to achieve multi-seasonal use of some of the facilities and provide for efficient use of the facilities. (Ord.38 (1983) $ 1.) 18.39.030 Permin€d uses.A. The following uses shall be permitted within the main base lodge building in the Golden Peak Ski Base/Recreation District: '1 . Ski lockers/employee locker rooms.2. Ski school and ski patrolfacilities. 3. Lift ticket sales.4. Tennis pro shop.5. Ski repair, rental, sales and accessories.6. Restaurant/bar/snackbar/candysales.7. Summer seasonal :FownofVaifrecreational, cultural and educational programs and offices.8. Meeting rooms for owner use and community-oriented organizations. 9. Injury prevention and rehabilitation facilities lor owners' use. 10. Basket rental11. Special community events. B. Retailand meeting room space limitation.1. Retail sales space, , in the first two floors shall be limited to a maximum of fifteen percent of the non-residential gross square footage of the main base lodge building. Under Section 18.39.030, retail shall be defined as tennis pro shop, candy sales, ski repair/rental sales, and accessories and clothing, and basket rental, ski lockers and storage for the publlc. 2. Meeting rooms shall be limited to a maximum of five ten percent of the non- residential gross square footage of the main building. C. Multi-family dwelling units within the main base lodge building if the following requirements are met:1. The dwelling units shall be a secondary use within the main base lodge buibing if they meet the following criteria: a. No residential use on ground level. b. Visual impacts such as surlace parking for the dwelling units shall be minimized by providing at least forty percent of the required parking within the main base lodge building or in an attached parking structure. c. The maximum gross residential floor area (GRFA) devoted to dwelling units shall not exceed thirty percent of the total gross square footage of the main stnreture base lodge building.2. Before acting on multi-family dwelling units, the Planning and Environmental Commission shall consider the following factors in regard thereto: a. Relationship and impacts of the use on development objectives of the town. b. Etfect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks, and recreational facilities, and other public facilities and public lacilities needs. c. Etfect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking area. d. Etfect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses.3. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the findings set lorth in Section 18.60.060 B before permitting multi-family units within the main base lodge building. D. Permitted uses within the*eeendary Children's Ski School building: 1. Year-round child care and children's ski school and appurtenant recreational facilities and programs.2. Children's ski school services and programs. 3. Community events and programs. 4. Summer recreational, cultural and educational programs. E. The following uses shall be permitted outside the main buildif,g base lodge and Children's Skl School buildings as shown on the approved development plan: 1. Ski trails, slopes and lifts; 2. Snowmaking facilities;3. Bus and skier dropoff;4. Surface parking lot;5. Ski racing facilities;6. Public parks, tennis and volleyball courts, and playing fields, playgrounds; 7. Water-treatment and storage facilities buildings;8. Mountain storage buildings;9. Skischoolactivities;10. Special community events;11. Food and beverage service;12, Indoor and outdoor ski storage. (Ord.28 (1988) S 1: Ord.6 (1988) S'l: Ord.38 (1988) S 1. 18.39.050 Conditionaluses.A. The following conditional uses shall be permitted in the Golden Peak Ski Base/Recreation District, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.60:1. Recreation room/minor arcade.2. Addition or expansion of storage buildings for mountain equipment' 3. Summer outdoor storage for mountain equipment.4. Redevelopment of water storage extraction and treatment facilities. 5. Redevelopment of ski racing facilities. 6. Redevelopment of public parks, playgrounds. 7. Summer seasonal community offices and programs. 8. Additions or expansions of public or private parking structures or spaces. . 9. Seasonal structures to accommodate athletic, cultural, or educational activities. 10. Redevelooment of ski lifts and tows.11. Food and beverage cart vending.12. Bed and breakfast as further regulated by Section 18.58,310. 13. Type lll EHU as defined in Section 18.57.060;14. Type lV EHU as defined in Section 18.57.070. 15. Public, prlvate or quasi-public clubs. ffiie* io'* proposah 18.39.070 Accessory Uses The following accessory uses shall be permitted in the Golden Peak Ski Base/Recreation District:A. Accessory uses customarily incidental to permitted and conditional uses and necessary for the operation thereof.B. Home occupations, subject to the issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Sections 18.58.130 through 18.58.190. (Ord. 38 (1e83) S 1.) ffi iens ffi 7: Any ether use not epeeifieally permited or eonditional in this zone dbtriet: fefd*efl€8+F+) 18.39.080 Location of business activity.A. All offices and retail sales conducted in the Golden Peak Ski Base/Recreation District shall be operated and conducted entirely within a building except for approved special events and food and beverage vending' (Ord. 21 (1986) S 2: Ord. 38 (1983) S 1.) 18.39.090 Developmentplanrequired.A. To ensure the unified development, the protection of the natural environment, the compatibility with the surrounding area and to assure that development in the Golden Peak Ski Base/Recreation District will meet the intent of the district, a development plan shall be required.B. The proposed development plan shall be in accordance with Section 18.39.1 1 0 and shall be submitted by the developer to the zoning administrator, who shall refer it to the Planning and Environmental Commission, which shall consider the plan at a regularly scheduled meeting. A report of the Planning and Environmental Commission stating its findings and recommendations shall be transmitted to the town council for approval in accordance with the applicable provisions of Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code. C. The approved development plan shall be used as the principal guide for all development within the Golden Peak Ski Base/Recreation District. D. Amendments to the approved development plan which do not+hangeits st htafiee alter the basic intent and character of the approved development plan may be approved by the zoning administrator or by the Planning and Environmental Commission at a regularly scheduled public hearing in accordance with the provisions of Section 18.66.060. E. gaenpnase+tne aeproved The development plan and any subsequent amendments thereto shall require the approval of the design review board in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 18.54 of the Municipal Code prior to the commencement of site preparation. (ord. 38 (1e83) $ 1.) . 1 8.39.1 10 Development Plan - Contents preeose@tie+aelitie* hndsrue€reas: strueture(sF1: A massing model gf flreriage|ine(+otsr€€'fs 1: Existing ard proposed eontours; after grading and site development; €f€€fr fifty feet; showing existing landseape featHres to be retained or removed; loeations of uses within buildings; and the general seale and appearanee @ Bas€i/neereation Bistriet addr$sing sld lift upErading; future potential i@ (efd+at{€8+s+r} The following information and materials shall be submitted with an application for a proposed development plan. Gertain submittal requirements may be waived or modlfied by the Director of the llepartment of Gommunity Development It it is demonstrated that the material to be waived or modified is not applicable to the review crlteria, or that other practical solutions have been reached. A. Application form and filing fee. A written statement describing the proiect including information on the nature of the development proposed, proposed uses, and phasing plans. A survey stamp€d by a licensed surveyor indicating existlng conditions of the property to be included in the development plan, including the location ol improvements, existing contours, natural features, existing vegetation, water courses, and perimeter property lines of the parcel. A title report, including schedules A and B. Plans depicting existing conditions of the parcel (site plan, floor plans, elevations, etc.), it applicable. A complete zoning analysis of the existing and proposed development including a square footage analysis of all proposed uses, parking spaces, etc. A site plan at a scale not smaller than 1" = 20', showing the location and dimensions of all existing and proposed buildings and structures, all principal site development features, vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems and proposed contours and drainage Plans. Building elevations, sections and floor plans at a scale not smaller than 1/8" = 1', in sufficient detail to determine floor area, circulation, location of uses and scale and appearance of the proposed development. A vicinity plan showing existing and proposed improvements in relation to all adjacent properties at a scale not smaller than 1" = 50'. Photo overlays and/or other acceptable visual techniques for demonstrating the visual impact of the proposed development on public and private property in the vicinity of the proposed development plan. An architectural or massing model at a scale suflicient to depict the proposed development in relataonship to existing development on the slte and on adjacent parcels. A landscape plan at a scale not smaller than 1" = 20', showing existing landscape teatures to be retained and removed, proposed landscaping and other site development features such as recreation facilities, paths and trails, plazas, walkways and water features. An Environmental lmpact Report in accordancewith Chapter'18.56' unless waived by Section 18.56.030. Any additional information or material as deemed necessary by the Director of the Community Development Department. With the exception of the model, four complete copies of the above information shall be submitted at the time of the application. When a model is requlred, it shall be submitted a minimum of two weeks prior to the first formal review of the Planning and Environmental Gommission. At the discretion of the Director of Gommunity Development, reduced copies in 8.5" x 11" format of all of the above intormation and additlonal copies for distributaon to the Planning and Environmental Commission and Town Council may be required. 18.39.120 Eedgfr DevelopmentStandards/Criteriaforevaluation. The development plan for tlE8ki Basdneereation Eistriet shall meet ea€h of the tollowing standards *: The develoeer ion B. c. D. E. F. G. H. K. t. J. M. N. ize pufpoeesi fntl€tio'rli F: l-edestrian traffie in terms of : safety separation; eonvenienee; aeeess to Foints of ffi @ €f(t+sfieffitg+) The following criteria shall be used as the principal means lor evaluating a proposed development plan. lt shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that the proposed development plan complies with all applicable design criteria. 1. Building design with respect to architecture, character, scalen massing and orientation is compatible with the site, adjacent properties and the surrounding neighborhood.2. Buildings, improvements, uses and activities are designed and located to produce a functional development plan responsive to the site, the surrounding neighborhood and uses, and the community as a whole. 3. Open spa.ce and landscaping are both functlonal and aesthetic, are designed to preserve and enhance the natural features of the site, maximize opportunaties for access and use by the public, provide adequate buffering between the proposed uses and surrounding properties, and when possible' are integrated with existing open space and recreation areas. 4. A pedestrian and vehicular circulation system designed to provide safe' efflcient and aesthetically pleasing circulation to the site and throughout the development.5. Environmental impacts resulting from the proposal have been identified in the proiect's Environmental lmpact Report, if not waived, and all necessary matigating measures are implemented as a part of the proposed development plan.6. Compliance with The Vail Comprehensive Plan and other applicable plans. 1 8.39.1 30 Lot area. The minimum lot or site area shall be forty acres of site area, at least one acre of which shallbe buildable area. (Ord 83 (1983) $1.) 18.39.150 Setbacks. In the Golden Peak Ski Base/Recreation District, front, side, rear and stream setbacks shall be as indicated on the approved development plan. (Ord. 38 (1983) S 1.) 18.39.170 Height. Up to sixty percent of the building (building coverage area) may be built to a height of ftirty-five feet, or less. No more than forty percent of the building (building coverage area) may be higher than thirty-five feet, but not higher than forty feet. Towers, spires, cupolas, chimneys, flagpoles, and similar architectural features not useable as gross residential floor area may extend above the height limit a distance of not more than twenty-five percent of the height limit nor more than fifteen feet. (ord. 38 (1e83) $ 1 .) 18.39.180 DensityControl. Total density shall not exceed one dwelling unit per eight acres of site area. (Ord. 38 (1e83) S 1.) 18.39.190 Sitecoverage. Site coverage shall be as shown on the approved development plan. (Ord. 38 (1e83) S 1.) 18.39.210 Landscaping and site development. Landscaping requirements shall be as shown on the approved development plan. All areas within fre area(s) of disturbance in the landscape plan not occupied by buibing, ground level decks or patios, or parking shall be landscaped. (ord, 38 (1e83) $ 1.) 18,39.230 Parking Plan and Program Off street parking shell be provided in eeeordanee with Ghapter 18:52 andor as speeified Parklng Plan and llanagement Program shall be as shown on and described In the approved development plan. l:\svsrrone\i mtskibsse.{Ypd .J VAIL TOWN COUNCIL EVENING MEETING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1995 7:30 P.M.lN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS AGENDA 1. CITIZENPARTICIPATION. 2. ConsentAgenda: Approval of the Minutes lor the meetings of November 7 and 21, 1995. 3. Qdinance No.24, Series of 1995, first reading of an ordinance repealing and reenacting Chapter 18.39 (SkiBase/Recreation Zone Disfia) of the Vait Municipat Code and appr*ini th-e Development Plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base, 485 Vail Villey Drive/Trait f, VaiiVillage Sth Filing, and Tract B, Vail Village 7th Filing. Appticant Viit Associates, lnc., represented by David Gorbin. 4' Resolution No.27, Series of 1995, a Resolution setting the date for a Special Election forthepurpose of electing a Council member to complete the unexpired term of Margaret A. Osterfoss, term to expire November, 19g7. 5. Appointment of Local Licensing Authority Member. 6. An appeal of the Planning and Environmental Commission's decision to deny the requested front setback variance proposed for the residence curently under construction on Lot 6, Innsbruck Meadows Subdivision/2832 C Kinnickinnick Road. The appellant, Bob Borne, represented by sally Brainerd of RKD Design Inc., is appealing the planning and Environmential Commission's denial of the front setback variance request, pursuint to Section 18.62.070, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. 7. Appeal of a DRB decision to approve the Intemational Wing at the Lodge at Vail, located at 174 E. Gore Creek Drive. Applicant Town Council and LuAnn Wells- 8. Town Manageis Report. 9. Adjournment. N orE u pc o Mr NG sfi"=JllspJ,*Rrrr M E s B E Low : rHE NExr vArL rowN "l,iriJ,L l!or*" woRK sEssroN wlLL BE oN TUESDAY,lallgs, BEG|NN|NG AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couNctl CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAILTOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BE ON TUESDAY, 1219/95, EEG|NNING AT 2:ilt p.M. lN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAILTOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING wlLL BE oN TUESDAY,12t190s, BEGINN|NG AT 7:30 p.M. tN Tov couNctl GHAMBERS. il|il1 S.lgn language interpretation available upon request wilh 24 hour notification. please call 479-2114 voice or479-2356 TDD for information C:\AGENOA.TC 7:30 P.M. 1. 7:35 P.M. 2. 7:40 P.M. 3. Jim Curnutte Lauren Waterton 8:40 P.M. 4. Holly McCutcheon 8:45 P.M. 5. Holly McOutcheon 8:50 P.M. 6. George Ruther VAIL TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1995 7:30 P.M.lN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS EXPANDED AGENDA CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. Consent Agenda: Approval of the Minutes for the meetings of November 7 and 21, 1995. Ordinane No.24, Sedgs of 1995, first reading of an ordinance repealing and reenacting Chapter 18.39 (Ski Base/Recreation Zone District) of the Vail Municipal Code and approving the Development plan for the Golden peak Ski Base,485 Vail Valley Drive/Tract F, VailVillage Sth Filing, and Tract B, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant VailAssociates, Inc., represented by David Corbin. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Approve/modify/deny Ordinance No. 24, Series of 1995 on first reading and the Proposed Development plan. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: In May, 1995 VaitAssociates submitted an application and plans for the redevelopment of the Golden peak Ski Base. Work sessions have been held with the PEC and the Town Council regarding the application, On November 27, 1995, the pEC approved, by a vote of 7-0, the redevelopment application and the Zoning Code text amendments, with 13 conditions of approval. For a complete analysis of the proposal, please refer to lhe November 27, 1995 stafl memorandum to the PEC, distributed to the Council on November 28, 199S. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Statf recommends approval of Ordinance No. 24, Series of 1995, and conditional approval of the Development plan. Resolution No.27, Series of 1995, a Resolution setting the date for a Special Election for the purpose of electing a Council member to complete the unexpired term of Margaret A. Osterfoss, term to expire November, 1997. Appointment of Local Licensing Authority Member. An appeal of the Planning and Environmental Commission's decision to deny the requested front setback variance proposed for the residence currenfly under construction on Lot 6, Innsbruck Meadows Subdivisionl2ggz C Kinnickinnick Road. The appellant, Bob Borne, represented by Sally Brainerd of RKD Design Inc., is appealing the planning and Environmentral Commission's denial of the front setback variance request, pursuant to Section 18.62.070, of the Town of Vail MunicipalCode. ACTION FEQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Uphold/modify/overtum the ptanning and Environmental Commission's decision to deny the front setbaci variance. AAQKGROUND RATIONALE: At the November 27, lgg| ptanning and Environmental Commission meeting the Commission members voted g-Z (Armour and Motfet Dissenting) to deny the proposed front setback variance request. The members voting in favor of the motion to deny, felt that the granting of the variance may result in a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the Zoning Code. A copy of the memorandum prepared by staff for the Planning and Environmental Commission, and the draft minutes from the November2T, 1995 Planning and Environmental Commission meeting, have been attached for your reference. Also, please find attached a copy of the appeal request letter from the appellant, Bob Bome, detailing the reasons for the appeal. 9:20 P.M. 7. Andy Knudtsen 11:20 P.M. 8. 11:30 P.M. 9. SJAITF RFCOMMENDATION: Section lV, of the memorandum prepared for the Planning and Environmental commission by the staff, indibatbs staffs recommendation for denial of the requested front setback variance. According to section lv of the memorandum, staft believes the request does not meet the Cdteda and Findings, listed in Section ill of the memorandum, in order to grant an approval of the variance request. staff believes that the applicant has met Criteria and Findings A1, A3, 82, B3a, b and c. Staff does not believe, however, the applicant has met Criteria and Findings A2 and 81. statf is specilically concemed that the granting of approval of the requested variance may result in the grant of special privilege inconsistent riritn me limitations on other propeniss classified in the same zone district. Appeal of a DRB decision to approve the Intemational Wing at the Lodge at Vail, focated al174 E. Gore Creek Drive. Applicant Town Counciiand LuAnn Wells. ACTIgN FEOUESTED OF COUNCTL: Uphotd/overrum/modify the DRB decision of approval. @: on 11/1/95the DRBvoted 5-Oto approvethe lnternational wing. Three work sessions with the oRe prei6oeo mis decision. An exterioralteration approval bythe pEC was made on 1o/10/93. The PEC approval was based on the criteria for exterior alterations as well as an agreement which the Town had executed with the Lodge relating to accommodation units and conferenoe area within the village. Given-the preceding actions of the Town Council, Town Manger, and pEC, the purview of the DRB review related to aesthetics, as set forth in chapter 1g.54, Design Review. Town Manage/s Report. Adjoumment. NOTE UPCOMING MEENNG STARTNMES BELOW:(ltL TuES AnE APpROIU IE AltO SITBJEC?TO cl iCE)ililil1 THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNC]L REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BE ON TUESDAY, 12112195, BBGIXNING AT 2:fit p.M. tN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGUI.AR WORK SESSION wlLL BE oN TUESDAY, Izt9195, EBGII{N|NG AT 2:fit p.M. tN Tov couNctL cHAMBERs. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING wlLL BE ON TUESDAY, 1219f95, EEGINNING AT Z:30 p.M. tN TOV COUNCTL CHAUBERS. il||l 9LSI!qqrqg",ihterpretationavailableuponrequestwith24hournotification. Pleasecal 47g-Z114voiceor 479-2356 TDD for information. Cr\AGENOATCE o l. 2. Town Council Worksessron Golden Peak December 5, 1995 AGENDA Verybrief overview Mention text changes These changes are in the ordinance that Council will be discussing this evening Hand out new attachment #l- Staff recommends approval. We have agreement with VA and Jim Lamont on all cbanges, except Prohibited Uses section (18.39.075) Assumptions that were made early in the process *On-site parking was acceptable, provided it was underground, no surface parling,, *No daily fee public parking, however, managed parking is acceptable '16 al\alifu * No employee parking on-site *TDA analysis - increase drop-off areas, primacy to bus users - Davri.( 'zo[n.ls t/cF4 *Size of drop-off zones - Children's Center/General Skier UIYnf 4:OO 0t13, *Vail Valley drive should not be one-way PEC and staff worksessions Staffrecommended approval with 14 conditions PEC approved on November 27, 1995 with 13 conditions Review project with the Criteria (p. 13) Zonehange Criteria Compliance with Comprehensive Plan Development Plan Standards and Criteria Criteria for Approving Multi-family dwellings Issues that remain to be discussed: Approval Criteria have been met with the following excqrtions: Vail Village Master Plan recommends: * Ped. Improvements to Ford Park and the Soccer field (p' 17) Development plan criteria fu.31)* Reduce mass and bulk of the building - step building back on 3rd and 4th floors on the east and north sides. Conclusion was to pull covered deck areas back. Additional GRFA that has been added is causing the boxy building. Too much emphasis on residential function. * PEC recommended that the old tower be used on the south elevation. .4, ,, ! 3. 4. 5. (z I I I I I I ,,i ,_<--'/ Jc Steetscape Mdster Plan recmrmends (p.18): * East side sidewalk - in orout? * ?lazaat Mill Creek Circle is not designed as the lvlaster Plan shoors Z * Chil&en's Center sidewalk 4ft. Vs. 6ft. * Sidewalk to Soccer field* Financial corrmitnents for off-site improvemeds 54/1/+ore Develqler Imlrove,ment fureement needs to be entered into * Outline TOVA/A financial cmmitnents + Transferof easements + Creation of a neighborhood ass$sment conmifiee 7. Conditions of approval staffcditions and how the PEC modified them Wrv( _J i*, L"r"-at_ 7{,aL',L,'4.^ee .ugcg q,/P b*,4 M,r,ed. ft ; (-t^L gafi)n ftql o/&*i +h ert;q ' aeQue/^*vbt /e 4nyrwu( a*'e.d^ft ulirq" eq* 1eCC"e,(,oru e € <Qsi*-.( fryea,,{7 eo4,la/eASc rJ --lrffiE I tf ir,.,f i &dne*e.d ,<Je.qr -b,p ,fu #{ *cg{4^"fuwef. ;OR & 3[& (,L,{ r1;f4u,e',0 r'e , lcebf$ .Q& btr , t a -'h^ gtJ@fsde_- | -t 'A ( L*Terrrc% u4- -llnqr^g*-Jeic+-@ar Q,JA €4 /q y" g6raiT4wcf'o 6s epa$F t+ +by qreQr.LG # -h-,,& ffi4qt qt( -(-q- {u ),-agff1'cr,*n,{ Sb kS e€ {(/* zfqsag V r+ w i C t G,tu s* A+={t +*- "ta: k @ y,{-- 4Y - tu3f,6 rrr cX tw^e p,v/ ,/<'YlA- [f" o*Prw*< *Z+-"Ltp**'f f 4u' ,^>_A t.h L*y;;cc*da ---p=yt^eta{ )b (,ert - &i[, r,c.t)',Lor WI <e +.o hre d"t*,u*,'*,,nL e{ 9p diO.--R.qto.**e,**e{ 4rr< cp=€t^L fl k.4 9:pl=*..5 < (=,..urbrz ./'c\) t'lA +*Le -e U.<L L - C [^p, n ryee. -f€, 'dL //ra".<-tqgQ nrc.n d dr^-;,{_^€. _f_ -?6a- flf*ry , -,.-&- :t;h€+ Lo(,;* 11^+ q^Nig,e:>z q- nvrqC,t,f ,,x'1gD /b ffQ-Mfutd f,.Ocelsq +{"< **e '1 ufi<-* /e g,a- l* u-}ri otl -+4tr (pc=, (t,;i*/" ecJ*r<' Pq{<rtr:f hc€> F*J +o Q+ ctsesso{ -.W>-e- =6,sc& f"Mn*. q,V.l^,+rcd-C q.^ | ,\_o \>eL.6rq ?fufttrlr\ dm?- b4f CuwA4 \ .-r T\. \A,,vV '? ' r.:eB ')'^- P .l/lDEc 6'ss 11:LccHrirff^Ttfon*"ousE AssocloN Vail, Colorado c/o Riks Woofien 3700 East Alarncds A.venue #500 Derver, Colorado 80209 303-3 I 8-55 35 or F ss. 303 -322-37 69 December 5, 1995 Town Council Tovvn of Vail by FN(: 7904n-215'l Idicg urd Oatlemen: It is our undcrsAnding that you will rhortly bc conslduing the ra development of Gold Peak, the rwiew prccess having becn underway sincc last summer. Our asEociation has participaEd in mury of the dissrssions ud meetings directly and also through ttre Esst ViUqge Homeowncrs Association. We are pleased to add our general support b the plan, especially thc nccdcd lift ud base facilitics as well as tre improved apccss frcm the parking structurc, fiterc are two conc€rns that we wish h voice. First is the addition of seven feet to the hcight of thc ncw base/condo building. As you may know, otu building is immediately below the Gold Pcak basc, otr the qek bclow thc lovcr tcnnis courts. Our concerns werc voiced in 1985 and hara been rcpeatcd tbis yesr conceming the diminution of oru vien, of the mounhins. Frankly, I arn not surt how high the proposed building is rclative to tho existing suucire. Io 1985, we were assurpd that the then proposed structurc would be no highu than thc cxisting building. Now wE arc told that the Tontn staffreguircd that sc^r€n ftet be addcd. Tlut sounds like our view will be impaired. The secnnd oonoern is thc continued existence of Chalet Road on the plans. It is our undershnding that Chalet Itoad is o be closed or re-routcd in some fashion. As you know, East Gore Creek Drive was vacatpd some yec$ ego, so there is no through way for Chalet Road b follow. It has been dosed in tlrc wintcr for years, although it is our dcsire to kcep a pedestrian path open. We have offered b assist in thc rc-development and landscaping of the Chalct Road right+f-way, urd stand rcsdy to do so. Pleasc acccpt our sumort urd criticism of the Gold Peak Redcveloprrcnt Plan as congfuctive and cmperativc. Ws worrld normally be attcrding tln Council meeting today, but unfortunatcly none of our mornbcrg is able to be in Vail today. Tlrant you for your considention. RiLeD. Wooten Pr$ident --7oFe- VL,f e{ ,-e>{ €Je /;/r*4 *5/l Yl.t r'' / r'\l t A - /l5 a( SC2'-t(rcndl /co,yna'f ,Yr. +dz t5nua1t re. n' i tr; cL?"a1"€d 44i s,T,^Wf *f Smffi#.r?XW"mt a a-vt i I I I As-Cp.ptc] C ,,,';U dLQit il 'I jI I-t I 1 I ''1 I t.l I I I..t I I nl{. I r// ,+ ef \'- )"+,piffuM,(e b''''d,r,anJ e GOLDEN PEAK PARKING ESTIMATE This parking estimate is very preliminary. None of the assumptions that were made (related to parking requirements for uses not listed in the TOV Municipal Code) have been reviewed or conlirmed by the PEC or planning staff. lJse Net Sq. Ft. Code Requirement Olfices lst floor - Lockerroom 5,220 sq. ft. I space per 250 sq. ft. = 20.9 2nd floor - Restaurant /Ivfgr. Office 2nd floor - Ticket sales / ski school Retail lst floor - Public lockers 16,321 sq. ft. I space per 300 sq. ft. = 54.4 2nd floor - Retail area Private club area Employee locker room Eating & Drinking 2nd floor - Restaurant 5,455 sq. ft. I space per sq. ft'.llil& = 45.5 Meeting Rooms lst floor - Rec room 2,301 sq. ft. I space per sq. ft"115/8 = 19.2 Condos Unit I Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Children's Center Recreation Facilitv Reo uirement. Total = 4,631 sq. ft. 2.5 spaces per DU 3,339 sq. ft. 2.5 5,000 sq. ft. 2.5 3.295 sq. ft. 2.5 3,590 sq. ft. 2.5 3,596 sq. ft. 2.5 l5 spaces 35 sPaces (Perrecommendation from TDA, V.A. TransPortation consultant) 0* 190 sPaces ** * No parking requirement was assessed for the skiing activities of Golden Peak. ** A multi use credit reduction is not applicable f:\everyone\ im\chara\ptparkr30 GOLDEN PEAK PARKING ANALYSTS Existing long-term spaces 150 skierdrop-off l0 children's drop-off 2l TOTALSPACES 18I Proposed 148 29 _30 207 Proposed 0 14.5 -15 29.5 SCENARIO#I Staffbelieves that the short-term drop-off spaces are not equal to long-temt parking spaces, since they cannot be utilized all the time. They will, however, be available for long-term parking during the non-skiing months. Therefore, we recommend they be given half credit for these spaces, Existing long-term spaces 150 skierdrop-off 5 children's drop-off 10.5 TOTAL SPACES 165.5 Difference = 136 SCENARIO #2 The staffand the Plenning Commission have determined that the parking scheme, as curenfly designd results in no net loss of parking, as compared to existing conditions. Therefore, if the parking structure is not built, then there would be a loss of 148 spaces. 148 _0 148 spaces lost SCENARIO #3 If we assume that all parking spaces ile equal, and the parking sbucture is not built, then there would be a total of 5 9 spaces on the property at the end of construction (3 0 Children's drop-offand 29 skier drop-off). l8l Existing =59 Proposed 122 spaces lost SCENARIO #4 Since VA is preparing to start marketing the private club memberships immediately, it may be possible to have an answer to whether or not the structure will be built very soon. If it is determined that not enough sales have been made, should VA go back to the PEC and Council to present a plan ihat shows no parking stucture? We would then have an answer to this question prior to issuing a building permit. SCENARIO #5 It may not be in the best interest of the Town to attempt to assess the impacts of the loss the stucture at this time, without a more detailed professional analysis. If the structure is not built in l97,but the remaining improvements are (with their associated traffic impacts) what are the tue implications of that rather significant change to the previously approved plan? Wouldn't it be more appropriate to make that determination at that time? A cash payment to the Town may not be determined to be the most appropriate solution the the issue at the time. Sheetscape Improvements: 1. West side of Vail Valley Drive streetscape improvements, including: A. Vorlaufer parking lot redesign B. Improvements to the east side of the road, as may be required to establish roadway C. Private landscaping redesign D. All improvements shown on the steetscape plan zubnritted to TOV E. Widen bridge across Gore Creek F. Aesthetic improvements to bridge G. Need ROW in front of Vorlaufer 2. Steetscape improvements in front ofthe Galatyn A. Modifications to improved walkway to widen for ADA access and clearance 3. East side of Vail Valley Drive imprcvements A. Sidewalk infill at Ramshorn B. Sidewalk from Vail Trails to strearnwalk C. AcquireROW 4. Mill Creek Circle / Tivoli Lodge connection to Village Path A. Connection parallel to Mill Creek Circle B. Connection parallel to the Tivoli property line 5. On-siteimprovernents A. Mill Creek Circle Plaza' B. Bike paths/sidewalks/tails C. Skierdrop-offlot D. Bus turnaround and Children's Center drop-offlots and bus shelters 6. ManorVail enty redesign A. Enby realignment B. Sidewalks C. Landscaping D. Close dangerous walkway 'l . Vail Valley Drive Realignment A. Realignment from Mill Creek Circle to Manor Vail south entry 8. Steetscape improvernents to tle soccer field 9. Ford Park improvements A. Signs B. Construction of path C. Maintenanceofpath 10.Sipprogram A. On-site sips B. Off-site sips f )^' 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. VAIL TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, DECEIIBER 5, 1995 12:OO P.M.IN TOv couNcIL CHAMBERS AGENDA Innsbruck Meadows/Bome pEC Appeat - Site Visit. InternationalWing - Site Visit. Susan Boyd Ten Year Anniversary. PEC Review. Local Licensing Authority lnterviews. Committee Appointments. Discttssion of Ordinance !9,2a, Series ol 1 995, first reading of an ordinance repealing andreenacting Chapter 18.39 (Ski Base/Recreation Zone Disfict) of the Vait Municipat6ode 1n.cl lqRroving the Development plan lor the Golden peak ski Base, 485 viit vatteyDrive/Tract F, Vail Village Sth Fiting, and rract B, Vait Viilage 7th Fiting. nppticant VaitAssociates, Inc., represented by David Corbin. Information Update. Council Reports. Other. 11. Adjoumment. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TTMES ARE APPROX|MATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) rHE NEXr vArL rowN "l,iriJ,i-'rlou*" woRK sEssroNwfLL BE oN TuESDAY,l2l't2lgs, BEGINN|NG AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couNctL GHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAILTOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BE ON TUESDAY, 12119/95, EEG|NN|NG AT 2:fit p.M. lN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETINGwlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 12/19/95, BEG|NN|NG AT z:80 p.M. tN Tov couNctl CHAMBERS.il||l lq-Eryugqe,interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please cail 47g-Zjl4voice or479-2356 TDD for information. C:\AGENDAWSE 8. 9. 10. t t' 12:00 P.M. 1. George Ruther 12:2OP.M. 2. Andy Knudtsen 1:05 P.M. 1:10 P.M. 1:25 P.M. 1:40 P.M. 4. 5. 6. VAILTOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1995 12:00 P.M. tN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS EXPANDED AGENDA Site Visit - An appeal ol the Planning and Environmental Commission's decision to deny the requested front setback variance proposed for the residence currently under construction on Lot 6, Innsbruck Meadows Subdivision/2832 C Kinnickinnick Road. The appellant, Bob Borne, represented by Sally Brainerd of RKD Design Inc., is appealing the Planning and Environmental Commission's denial of the front setback variance request, pursuant to Section 18.62.070, of the Town of Vail MunicipalCode. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Visit site. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: At the November 27, 1995 Planning and Environmental Commission meeting the Commission members voted 3-2 (Armour and Motfet Dissenting) to deny the proposed front setback variance request. The members voting in favor of the motion to deny, felt that the granting of the variance may result in a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the Zoning Code. A copy of the memorandum prepared by stafl for the Planning and Environmental Commission, and the draft minutes from the November 27,1995 Planning and Environmental Commission meeting, have been attached for your reference. Also, please find attached a copy of the appeal request letter from the appellant, Bob Borne, detailing the reasons lor the appeal. Site Visit - Appeal of a DRB decision to approve the International Wing at the Lodge at Vail, located al174 E. Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Town Council and LuAnn Wells. ACTION REOUESTED OF COUNCIL: Visit site. On 11/1/95 the DRB voted 5-0 to approve the Intemational Wing. Three work sessions with the DRB preceded this decision. An exterior alteration approval by the PEC was made on 10/10/83. The PEC approval was based on the criteria for exterior alterations as well as an agreement which the Town had executed with the Lodge relating to accommodation units and conference area within the Village. Given the preceding actions of the Town Council, Town Manger, and PEC, the purview of the DRB review related to aesthetics, as set forth in Chapter 18.54, Design Review. Susan Boyd Ten Year Anniversary, PEC Review. Local Licensing Authority Interviews. Gommittee Appointments:a. Northwest Colorado Council of Governments Board. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Tom Steinberg has served as the Board Member on NWCCOG. Sybill Navas has served as the Alternate. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "l move that _ be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town Council on the Northwest Colorado Council of Governments Board of Directors." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. The appointment of the Alternate will be similar. Sybill Navas has volunteered to serve on this board. I*t 9. _ Water Quatity/euantity Committee/NWCCOG Member. ACTION REq,PESTED OF COUNCTL: Tom Steinberg has served as the Council's representative on this committee. SfOitt ttavas has served as the Apprentice. After discussion of thii item, a motion should be made as follows: ,,1 move that _ be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town-Councit on the Appointment Committee to euality/euantity Committee/ NWCCOG.' The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. The appointment of the Apprentice will be similar. Sybill Navas has volunteered to serve on this committee. c. Vail ValleyTourism & Convention Bureau. ACT_ION REOUESTED OF COUNCTL: Jan Strauch has served as the Board Member on the VW&CB Board. Jim Shearer has serued as the Altemate. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "l move that _ be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town Council on the Vail Valley Tourism & Convention Bureau Board of Directors." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Gouncil. The appointment of the Altemate will be similar. A Town Council member is required. Meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month, approximate hours 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. The time commitment is 2 to 3 hours per month. d. Vail Transportation and Parking Task Force. ACJI9N IEOUESTEP OF COUNCTL: Sybilt Navas and peggy Osterfoss have served as Town Council representatives on tn6 Transportation and Parking Task Force. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "l move that be appointed to represent the Vail Town Council on the Vail Transportation and Parking Task Force." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. Kevin Foley has volunteered to serue on this task force. Meetings are generally held once a month. e. Golorado Association of Ski Towns Member and Alternate. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL:Jim Shearer has served on the Executive Board of CAST as the CAST member. Merv Lapin has served as the Altemate. After discussion of this item, a mbtion should be made as follows: "l move that_ be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town Council for the Colorado Association of Ski Towns.' The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. The appointment of ths Altemate will be similar. Meetings are held every other month around the State. There is no set date or time limit. The Mayor should serye on this, with an altemate. f. Vail Recreation DistricUTown Council Subcommittee ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Merv Lapin and paul Johnslon have served as Town Gouncil r€presentatives on this committee. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "l move that _ and _ be appointed to represent the Vail Town Council on the VRD/Town Couhcil Committee.' The motion should be seconded and voted on by the Gouncil. Meetings are held once a quarter and a Council member should sit on this committee. Paul Johnston is not longer interested in sitting on this committee. II ,I t S, Special Events Committee. ACTION REOUESTED OF COUNCTL: Sybiil Navas has served as Town Council representatives on this committee. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "l move that be appointed to represent the Vail Town Council on the Special Events Committee.' The motion should be seconded and voted on by the Council. Meetings are generally held twice a month, but sometimes more. The meetings run about two hours. Sybill would like to continue on this committee. h. Bravo! Colorado Board. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Merv Lapin and Sybiil Navas have served as Town Council representatives on this board. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "l move that _ and _ be appointed to represent the Vail Town Council on the Bravo! Colorado Board." The motion should be seconded and voted on by the Council. This board meets once a month tor 2to 3 hours and a Council member is required. Merv Lapin continues to sit on this board until 1998, so if no Council members are interested. he will fill in. i. Eagle County Recreation Authority. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Merv Lapin has served as the Council's representative on this committee. Jim Shearer has served as the Alternate. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "l move that _ be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town Council on the Eagle County Recreation Authority Gommittee." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council, The appointment of the Alternate will be similar. Meetings are nitd on the first Thursday of each quarter. Paul Johnston would like to continue serving on this board. j. Town of Vail Housing Authority. ACT]ON REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Peggy Osterfoss has served as the Council's representative on the Authority. Jim Shearer has served as the Alternate. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "l move that _ be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town Council on the Vail Housing Authorig." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. The appointment of the Altemate will be similar. Meetings generally are held once a quarter with one hour meetings. There is the potential for more time when there are special projects. k. Channel 5 Vail Valley Community Television Board. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: SybittNavas has served as the Council's representative on this board. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "l move that _ be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town Council on the Channel 5 Vail Valley Community Television Board." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month. Sybill would like to continue serving on this board. tI \I I l. Vail Valley Afts Council. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Jan Strauch has served as the Council's representiative on this committee. After discussion ol this item, a motion should be made as follows: "l move that be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town Council on the Vail Valley Arts Council." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. M€etings are held the first and third Monday of each month with meetings generally from 8:30 a.m. to 1O:fi) a.m. A Council member is required by ordinance. m. Maud Nottingham Environmental Award. ACTION REOUESTED OF COUNCIL: Tom Steinberg has served as the Council's representative on this committee. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "l move that be appointed as the representativ€ of the Vail Town Council on the Mauri Nottingham Environmentral Award Committee." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. Meetings are held twice a year in the spring. A Council member is required. n. Lodge at Vail Land Swap. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Merv Lapin, paulJohnston, Bob McLaurin and Tom Moorhead have served as representiatives on this committee. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows:'l move that , _, be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town Council on the Lodge at Vait Land Swap Committee.' The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. There are no scheduled mebting. Paulwould like to continue to serve on this committee. o. Vail Valley Exchange/Sister Cities. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Merv Lapin served as Town Council representatives on this committes. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "l movs that _ be appointed as the representative ol the Vail Town Council on the Vail Valley Exchange Commiftee." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. Meetings are held once a month for approximately one and one half hour meetings. A Council member is required, p. RegionalTransportationAuthority. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: peggy Ostertoss has served as Town Council representative on this authority with Tom Steinberg as the Altemate. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "l move that_ be appointed as the representrative of the Vail Town Council on the Regional Transportation Authority." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. The appointment of the Altemate will be similar. Kevin Foley has volunteered to serve on this authority. An Alternate is needed. A Town representative must be present at every meeting. I t 2:40 P.M. 7. Jim Curnutte Lauren Waterton 5:40 P.M. L 5:50 P.M. 9. 6:00 P.M. 10. 6:10 P.M. 11. q. Ford Park Management Plan. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Jan Strauch has served as the Council's representative on this committee. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "l move that be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town Council on the Ford Park Management Plan Committee.' The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. Meetings are generally held once a month. A Council member is required. r. The Chamber. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: PaulJohnston has served as the Council's representative on this committee. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "l move that _ be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town Council on the Chamber Committee.' The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. The Chamber meets the third Friday of each month, Paul would like to continue serving on The Chamber. s. Open Space/Charter Gommittee. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL:This wiIIbe a new committee following the November, 95 election. lt will consist of one Council Member, a member of the Planning & Environmental Commission and the Town Manager. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "l move that _ be appointed as the representative ol the Vail Town Council on the Open Space Committee." The motion should be seconded and voted by the council. Discussion of the proposed amendments to Chapter 18.39 of the Vail Municipal Code (Ski Base/Recreation Zone District) and an amendment to the previously approved development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base, 485 VailValley Drive/Tract F, Vail Village Sth Filing, and Tract B, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc., represented by David Corbin. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Hear presentation from statf and the applicant regarding the issues related to the proposed redevelopment. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: In May, 1995 VailAssociates submitted an application and plans lor the redevelopment of the Golden Peak Ski Base. Work sessions have been held with the PEC and the Town Council regarding the application. On November 27,1995, the pEC approved, by a vote of 7-0, the redevelopment application and the Zoning Code text amendments, with 13 conditions of approval. For a complete analysis of the proposal, please refer to the November 27,199S staff memorandum to the PEC, distributed to the Council on November 28. 1995. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: In preparation for the evening meeting, staff recommends that the Council discuss the issues related to the proposed redevelopment application. Inlormation Update. Council Repofts. Other. Adlournment. 't \II NOTE UPCOMING MEENNG STARTTIMES BELOW:(^rnr'Es ^RE^ppRox'TT ii ir"."toCH^NGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION wlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 1212195, BEG|NN|NG AT 2:dr p.M. tN Tov couNctl CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAILTOWN CouNcIL REGUL/NI woRK SEssIoN WILL BE ON TUESDAY, lZ19l95, BBGINtrI!{G AT 2:dl P.M. lN TOV COUNCTL CHAITIBERS. THE NEXT VAILTOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING wlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 1z1gl95, BEG|NN|NG AT 7:30 p.M. tN Tov couNctl CHAMBERS.tttiltl Sign language interpretalion available upon reguest with 24 hour notilication. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD lor informalion. Cr\AGENDAWSE TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: llEtrlORANIruil Town Council Community Development Department tmrrnryC Golden Peak Ski Base Redevelopment Attached to this memo is the staff memorandum on the proposed Golden Peak Ski Base fledevelopment, which was reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission on November 27,1995. This memorandum is provided to the Council members as background information for the discussion of the Golden Peak Redevelopment Application, which is scheduled to occur on the afternoon of November 28, 1995. Although the Golden Peak Ski Base Redevelopment Application is not scheduled lor a first reading review until December 5, 1995, staff requested a brief worksession in order to familiarize the council members with the proposed redevelopment project. r) TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA REOUEST (Request form InUSI be glven to the Secretary to the Town Manager by 8:00 a.m' Thursdays.) MEETINGDATE: November23. 1995 (Prepare a separate Agenda Request for each agenda item. lf the agenda item will be discussed at both a work session and an Evening Meeting, be certaln to check both boxes In thls sectlon end Indlcate tlme naeded durlng each meeting.) TIME NEEDED: thour Site Visit Evening Meeting TIME NEEDED: TIME NEEDED:- WILLTHERE BE A PRESENTANON ON THIS AGENDA trEM BY NON.TOV STAFF? XX r.ro. tr YES. Specifics: WILL THE PRESENTATION OF THIS AGENDA ITEM REOUIRE ANY SPECIAL EOUIPMEI'IT? XX r,ro. tr YES. Specifics: WILLTHERE BE MATERIALTO BE INCLUDED IN COUNCIL PACKET FOR THF |TEM? tr No. XX wo* session tr tr XX ves. lf yes, is the material also forpublitclisUbution? XX Yes. tr No. ITEM/TOPIC: A worksession to discuss the proposed amendments to Chapter 18.39 of the Vail Municipal Code (Ski Base/Recreation Zone Distict), and an amendment to the previously approved development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base, 485 Vail Vatley Drive/iract F, Vail Viilage Sth Filing and Tract B, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: VailAssociates, lnc., represented by David Corbln Planners: Jim Curnutte and Lauren Waterton ACTTON REOUESTED OF COUNCIL: Hear presentation from lhe staff regarding lheproposed redevelopment. The presentation is intended to familiarize the council members with the issues related t6 the project in preparation for formal consideration (first reading) at the December 5, 1995 Town Council Meeting. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: In May of 1995, VA submitted a plan for the redevelopment of the Golden Peak Ski Base. Worksessions have been held with the PEC and the Town Council regarding the application. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: N/A Jim Curnutte Lauren Waterton Community Development