HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B GOLDEN PEAK CHILDRENS CENTER 1986 TO 1987 LEGAL/*or"s ro FrLE:"o"o il* rENNrs couRrs - vArL oil"rot", 4. 5. It was decided at a special rneeting at Menrrs house on Decembet 2, 1987, 9:00 AM that the foll6wing position would be taken concerning courts 7, 8 and 9 at GoId Peak: 1. \/}IRD tdould allos 7, 8 and 9 to be relocated. 2. Relocation must take place in Gold Peak preferably 1 court west of court 6 and 2 courts south of courts 4 and 5. 3. Deed restriction on the area that nould be given up to prevent VA from building a snall world house and then sonetime in the future using that IJnd for something other than what was presented. VA lrould be responsible for all landscaping around the new courts. VA responsible for moving the recreational path to the south of new courts. 6. Any legal fees would be Vail Associates responsibility' other iterns that would be considered or cleaned up prior to signing any agreernent: 1. Land lease for the 5 Lionshead tennis courts for a long tern contract. 2. Rent for the Gold peak tennis shop. We are currently being charged $1OO per month. 3. payment of 9301 as a least palanent for Gold Peak for 7 courts. 9300 for courts 3-6 and $1 for courts 7-9. 4. Option B the District would allow then to naintain a lease on the current property under courts 7, I, and 9 and allow VaiI Associates to build on that area and there would be no need for a deed 5. restriction. 2-\ Jin ColLins was to give us a legal opinion o{weafi9/ or -not the parking lot during tfre winter rnonths at Gold Pbak--rlrrag really under ihe coitrol of rntdo or ltas vA allowed to use it. Larry Lichliter vras on December 2, 1987 and apprised the board mernbers deci3ion and $ras told he could pick up a site plan show-ing the replacenent of those 3 courts in the areal indicated. He felt it was a go'oa start and he would review our proposal .and get b-ack to .us. Joe fr"r"y called on Monday, December 7, rsei inEuiring on 1rh-a-t..decision we naa 'nraae. I informea -frin about my conversation with Lichliter and let him know the plan had still not b6en picked up. He was going to pick it up that daY. INTEP.-OEPARTHENTAL REVi EI{ PROJECT: DATE SUBI'IITTED:DATE OF PUELIC HEARING C0!"g'4ENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Rev'ierved..b{: Eus 5j7oF , /tZ€fl. G enn/,Joc€ Ptuu /a" /?u-r !/aP '*e" G), Sro* S-ouo r" Pa&cezns -/ @ LrcH7s -,/' rf,7^'e tor FIRE DEPA.RTMENT Reviewed by: Date_ Conments: ,.a2-J\(, r'br 7/&Qou?t /o6'n 2\r 'koe *4*n"Vtu1 ./ ty'eu /" Reviewed by: Comments: Date RECi:EATiON DEPARTI4ENT 'rl'i. Reviawed by: Co;;-uents: 9c*o- Kutn t e7c POLICE DEPARTI4ENT Date aa &kt 6r(*d Pu/- fdd\ rh - IO,eo aF €'o*n- 6tdr- cour6,r6fq- .-t- P/ b,,s s$, plf,.,pA' \'-r ?'^ot^"-^ -'/o'^u l/n'( t)"LL' -- TO '\hi[* : LARRY LICHLITER PETER PATTAN RICK PYLMANy' : JOE MACYFPAM DATE : NOVEMBER 18' 1987 The attached letter with enclosures was mailed to Go1den Peak area neighbors today. Any questions, please give me a call' JM/KI Attachments CHARLES A. REICHERT SENIOF VICE PR€SIDENT. OEVELOPMENT Club Corpratkrn of Amerlca January 19, 1988 Mr. Thomas A. Brown Zonlng Adn1nistrator Town of Val1 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Brown: I regret I was unable to attend the publlc hearlng on the Chlldren's Center at GoLden Peak. I an orner of Coado 370 at Manor Vall, across the street from the proposed site. I feel thls Chlldrenra Center w111 be a much-needed facillty ln Vall and I approve of the plans for the Center. Sincerely,fur*dfu* Gharles A. Reichert P. O- BOX 819012 . DALLAS, TEXAS 75381 . 214-243€191 TELEX NO. 79.1987 CCA-DAL \hitAssociateqLrc. Creators and Operators ofVail and Beaver Creek o SITE OF THE 1989 \?ORLD ALPINE SKI CHAMPIONSHIPS VaiI Associates has scheduled a meeting with Golden Peak area residents, on November 27th at 4:00 p.m. at ManorVail to discuss our plans to build a children's centerat Golden Peak in the summer of 1988. The center would be a stand alone facility to accommodate the children'sski school operation which is currently housed in the modular buildings on the tennis courts to the east of chair #6. The new building would be situated in the area south of the bus stop at Golden Peak. The building would have approximately 10,000 s.f. of floor area. The building would house the nursery, toddlers, andthe older children's ski school operations. The existing Golden Peak restaurant and ski school buildings would remain as is for the time being. Town of Vail approvals for theproject have not been obtained, although the prelininaryplans have been reviewed by the Town of Vail planning staff.VaiI Associates intends to begln the TOV approval process in the near future. At this time, Vail Associates plans to diligentlypursue obtaining the necessary approvals, etc. to allowthe children's center to be built. we look forward to meeting with you and receiving your input on this project. I have enclosed a proposed site plan and artist's rendering of the proposed children's center for your information. Sincerely, 7ffi2,1a,Joe Macy Manager Mountain Planning JMlk1 Enclosures Post Office Box ? . Vail, Colorado 81658 . USA - (303) 476-5601 . Telex: 910-920-3183 +=-J9t v- ,,^i ,z',/ ./' ,/ 'r/ '" 't I t. I I I I J d >-itY$fi rqlft$ p t-- t I J6J5o _p g $z s t----. I Jr---+ "ilf;6x$ \ lrl .,r'-t.* -5g(r,rog i; 3e G \Iz i J,-{ I\ s_ z\$o,J(l; \, P G { $ RroJ ={iz- o t ta P l pFil trg ._\r\.. ,,'r. ltl'' '\, 1/ ,lt '\'.-.. I, IA ,,,,il i/l ! I I t 3 "n.,-'n" :.r, oolr,'55ri". If. Four (4) copies of the follorving infornation: A' The petition shall include a sunmary of.the progosed revisionof the regulatior",-oi'a_cornplete dlscription oi the piopos"a' chanses iri alriii"i fJr:naariei-""a-"-*lp':-nai".iirr'n-afrl' exrstingand proposed district bound.ti".- Aipiil.r,. must subnit written aad/orgraphic rnaterials ,t"tirrg thu ."uron, for reouest. fff. Time Requirements The pranning and Environmer.rtl+ co;ruraission meets bn the 2nd and 4thIlondays of each *""trt' -"i*petit.ion ritir-t-rr. necessary accoinpanvingmaterial must be s,rrntr.tt.a'_fo1" . r.J!" niJJ, to the date of the neer_ing' Follorvins-d;-;i;;iir,9 "r,a nnviroirli..r co*.,ission meci.i:_!.,. ii1.";:"ll"t;: ;:,*'E"ffiil;r:Fl#:l:.:il1,,.,r". boundary'Ei;lB: petiti.olnate PETITION FORM FOR AI{ENDMENT TO THE ZONTNG OR,DINANCE r. OR A .HANGE fftHi8;-i8fi Tlf: procedure is required foror for a requesr f".';-ai;.iii. A. NAlirE Op PETITIONER B. F. BOIJNDARIES any amendment to the zoning ordinancebounCary change Sa c V-t- c.NAI'IE 0F 0I{NER (print or type) SIGNATURE D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAI. ADDRESS 2,acl 4,2 Z:B/zt 4A, /cLEGAI DESCRIPTION lot block $1o0.oo pa]'D_l. lil4lY7 c* 41Bt tj. A list of the names of owners ofsubject properry, -JlnJir' ,*ri*::1.:,::::rtv adjacenr to the (ovER ) SAilI L. OLSON. JR.P. O. BOX r9a?5 November 23t ]987 Jack Rush, l,lsnaging Agcnt l.lenor Vrtl Iodgc 595 E. vall valley Dr. Vetl, Col.orado 81657 Rc: Gold Fcek Chlldrcne Ccntcr Stend Alonc Butldlng Dcar Jaek: Rcferuncs to your lcttcr of Novenbcr 18th to r11 WCA Board of I'lrnafcrc rnd our tclcphols convrrEttton of today, ttv snsl,er to Vail lssoclatcs, Inc' end Tltc Torm of Vetl tr Butld thc Gotd pcei<'gsie A8 Apprw.q end et tocltlon Arprovcd' No othcr Locrtl.on or E tcrlor Altcratlonelc lrroruo' (L) (9) (a) Vell Aceoclates is never setlsflcd wlth tbc axlsting tonlng b"t. AII area at the Gold hak Mountaln Besc rss zoncd fc lgrlculturc, not for bulldtng any typc of structurG' (b) Because of vail Associatea, Inc. prcssurc, ltls Tonn of -vetlssr flt to create and changc tfrfu egrlcuLtural arcr to tbc Nqr rcvLacd Ski Besc hcrcational Dtstrict rlth Onc E'99 PW' Nor thcrc ere thc foDsttlng pcrmanent or t'cnporar7 urltdlngsll V./ ^. Oold Fcak tLckct end Skl Sehool Buildtng' Y,'/ l. GoId Peak Rssteurrnt Bulldtng. {gitcrfor tablps gtaclGd durtng the eumtr) Sk! Club Val.l Bu1ldlng. iwus to bc et ground ievcl of surrourdlng-erca) (narnoaclca end eLcvetcd to pr^eeent clevrtlon) (}lo perktrg onlY droP off Polnt) Oold'Fcek Racs CourcFlntsh Llnc Bulldlng' (CouM br noved ln ard out) ir,rifitr burtr rll nlqhtr no nccd) dolJ peak Chlldraaa Ski School Trellarc' (Tcnrporary for I Yeers whY?) Ae en &ri:er and HVC| Boerd of l4snegeru nrnbcr I rent to nakc tt clcrr thrt ooldcn Pcrk Basc lEcds to bc up gradcdrthc chlldrong skt school Trellcre havc bccn e dlsgrace ror va"rsl-d; ;;$ti'v:7i' ;t;e bulldtneorr€ tnedcqutt'' Llfts to thf ner Chtna Boul lr.ce ,'Thc Fir Ecs! A1.ps n""J-up 'recllng, thc.uD cmrlng Netlonll and Tnt6rnetldre.I cventg w111 rcquirc ror. or-"r"iyitti"e iiqr tb'Goldcrn Pcek Baac' All of thc abovc "r" ilL Fects. ttrc propoaia"n* dUffOrtna skl gchool (rt'rnd-rlonc bulldlne) ts a Stop oipr-r"tpo""ty rr"ir"l Type up greding for 0oldan Pcak Bser' (r) (2) \i, HOUSTOI{, TEXAA Once rgaln V./ A. ts trying to gct tbelr foot ln thc door or bctter still saylng, Cut thi Dogs Ta11 Off A t1{tlc At A Tirtte. V./ A.. hes an Approved Locatlon and Plans for thclr Sold Fcek Baac Operatlon lncludinr the ehtldrens Skl Sehool. Thc Torn of Vall has thc rcaponslbll.lty ard to thc lnrnediata surrourdlng nolghP:- hood to lrotk together to STQP Vail Assoclatce, fnc. fron cxpardtng by cncrorchlng ulth structures on Oold Peak or rny lancl ln tbls S:B.R. Dlstrist othcr than gkl }lft gtnrctures. Even tbcsc ahouli requlrc nore thsn nrbbcr stanp approval, be rlngla atory and construction of nfualnrl helght. Vatl ls ln its 25th yler of otrcratlonr the prc8ent S.B.R. Dlgtrlct has had nany changca of V.R.A. orril""nip", 8nd sottp flefits to protcct thosc nrlghbort xtto pgught Ln Rcsidenttsl or C orrune rrc Lo 1 Zoned Arcas. Nc,w or any tlnre in chc futun should Tha Town of Vall tllor lnyonc to oncroach lnto thls S.B.h. Dlstrlct or alter sny vl6n by eonstnrcttffi ffiffi.s.n. Dlstrlct t" Egl!. @t construct thc cqutvalcnt of a thrce story bu1ldlng or lr0 foot hlgb wa1l along the liorth cdgc of the S.B.R. Dtstrlct fron Northroods CondmLnlun to adne rrotnt Wect of Llona Hard btocklng thc vtcs-of vall Hormtaln srd watch va1l DIE. Thc bacc of the mountaln wlll sttll be on thc other alde of thc wall - it tg stllL Bcauttful You Just Canrt Sce ft TOhlil 0r vArt }OTTO STAI OUT OF SXI BASE RECNDATIOI{AL DISTRIEI utth BIIIIDIIIGS I Jack after you have lnpr.rt from other M.V.C.A. Bostd l'lcnbcra tt tttlght be nacessary to contsci sll lirnor- Yail. 0irners p!.us surroundlng netghbore ln thls Befora It Heppnr Ftght. f am epcalctng for nysclf ss sn LndLvldual c*rner et Hrnor Vall. Ag a llenber of thc Boar{ of ilenelcre lt has yet to speak collectlvety as o Board for ltsclf or thc owncrahlp. I wilf do all f ian to Protcct Manor Va1l Lodge, our Assoclatlon and rny o$n property. I will be contaqting lJou aftcr thc my dcslrc to rork vlth V. / A. 1n every S.B.R. District with bulld1ngs. November 27th way posslblc as Report. Erpress they staY out of thc S5n MTCA L. 0lsonr Jr. Osrrr Board of Managcrs l'lenber SIO/ar cc: Tctrn of Vall - Ron PhlLltps, l'lanager VatI Aseoclatcs, Inc. - Icrry l-lchltter Exe.Vtce Pres. a December - A detalled vlew analysls - Atr envlronmental Hazard \hilAssociates,Inc. Creators and Operators ofVail and Beavcr Creck @ SITE OF THE 1989 WORLD Al-PINlr SKI CHAMPIONSHIPS Report '/ 13, 1987 Mr. Rlck Pylnan Planner Town of Vall 75 Sourh Frontage Rd. Vall, CO 81657 Dear Rick: Vall Associates, Inc. submlts a revLsed development plan as requlred by the zcilng code of the Golden Peak Skl Base/Recreatlon Distrlct. In addition to the developnent plan and other information provlded prevlously we have provlded certain documents and infornaEion described below: - A Golden Peak Chlldrents Center Parklng Sunmary C2.tC. - A revleed Skl Base/Recreatlon Dlstrlct Zoning Code O (. - A pro -f orn:i area sunmary ----- Our lntent at this tine is to make only Ehose changes to the developnent plan, zonlng code and assorced infornation whlch are necessary to alLow the constructLonof the propoeed Golden Peak Chlldrenrs Center. We are leavlng the concepr, infor- natlon zonLng code etc. generally lntact whlch rere provided resultlng ln the approval of the ltrain BulJ.dlng. Thus, it would be our lntent to treat the construc- tlon of the Main Bullding as Phase 1I and the constructlon of other faclllties aselther part of Phaee II or as separate phases in the developuent of GoLden Peak. Thls appJ-lcation requests approval of Phase I of the Golden Peak development PIan - the ChlLdrenr s Center on1y. Vall Assoclates' Inc. looks forward to worklng with the Tosn of Val1 on thls needed proJ ect . Slncerely; VAIL ASSoCIAIES, INC. ry P{annerVall Mountaln Post Office Box ? . Vail, Colorado 81658 . USA " (103) 416-56J1 . Tclex: 910-920-l I 33 GOLDEN PEAI( CUILDRENI S CENTERffi Town of Vail tegulatlons do uot speclfy a parklng requLrement for a Childrens Center. The regulatLoos atate tha! the requlrement wtl1 be deternlned by the Plannlog Comlgelon. Gurrently, there are 105 pald publlc parklng Bpaces avallable at Golden Peak. The exletlng drop-off area north of the bus etop can accotmodate 10-12 care for plck up and drop-off. Addltlonally, there ate 20 short-tern drop-off spacea and 17 enployee parklng spaces ln the maln Golden Peak lot. Chalet Rd. contalns an addltl,ooal 25 epacee nhich are utlllzed by enployees. TheproposedChlldrenreskL Center wlll provlde for additlonal l0 short-term drop-off apacea for parente. There ls eufflclent parklng at Colden Peak to acconnodate .the neede of the Chlldrenrs Center. Addltlonal publlc parktng for enployees and the publlc exlgta at the soccer fleld eaet of Northwooda. : , RevLged: LZlL4l87 cuAPrER 18.39 SKI BASE/RBCREATIOII DISTRICIT 18.39.010 Purpoee The SkL Base/RecreatLon ltLstrlct LB intended to provLde for the baae facilities necesaary to operate the skl mountain and to ellos mrltl-fanily regLdentlal drelllnge ae a aecondary uae If certal-n criteria are [et. In additlon, Burner recreational. ueee and facillties are encouraged to achieve uulti-geaeonal use of eone of the faclllties and provide for efflcient uae of the facllltle8" 18.39.030 Pernl-tted Useg A. The folloring usee ehall be permitted slthin the rnaln building ln the Skl Baee/Recreation DLs trLct: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Ski Lockere/fnployee Locker Rooms Skl School and Skl Patrol tracllltieg Lift Ticket Sales Tennie Pro Shop Ski Repair, Rental, Salee & Accegsories Restaurant/Bar/Snack Bar/Gandy Sales Sutn'er Seasonal Torn of Yall Recreatlon Offlcee lleeting Roons for Ogner Use & Gomunlty-Oriented Organlzations Injury Prevention & Rehabllitatlon Facllitles for Osners I Uee Basket Rental Speclal Gmrnlty Eventa B. PerDltted Uses Il the Secondary Building -_.=F Scl-."o[ ?t-j 1 c. 1. 2. 3. 4. ski Iear-round child carc i (Gomtrnity eventa and pr6granj =..- g,/a-r er'ma* ?--r--+.'^n 6l --^----- \Sunmer recreational programa Retall and lleeting Room Space Limitation 1. Retall Bales space, whether lt be a pernitted or condltlonal uaet in the fLret tso floors ghall be ltntted to a raximur of 15tr of the non-resldential gross aquare footage of the nain bullding. Under SectLon 18.39.030, retal,l ehall be defined as tennla pro shop, candy salee, ekl repalr/rental/salea and acceaeories, and baeket rental. 2. l{eetiag roms shall be Linited to a maxl-mum of 5? of the non-residentl.al groaa square footage of the nain buildlng. D. Uultl-fenl-ly dnelllng unite wlthln the msln bulldtng l-f the follorlng requLreuentg ate net: 1. The drelllng unltg ghall be a geconde.y use vlthln the nain building tf they neet the following criteria: a. No reeidential uee on ground level.b. Vl-sual Lupects euch ag eurfact parklng for the dwelllng units sha1l be mlnirnized by providing at leaet 40% of the required parklng nlthln the meln bulldtng.e- GOI,I}EI{ PBAtr SRI BASB/RECRBATIOR I}ISTRICT I.TASIER PI,AN NEPI.ACEI{BTIT OP ETISTIilG BBSTAI'RAI{T & SKI S(Nfi)L TACILITIBS Revieed: L2lL4l87 of the existlng eki raclng facilltieg l'8 not planned the reetaurant and ski school buildingr or the Vail Assoclatear Inc. anticlpates replacing tlre wlth a larger, more nodern facllity to accomodate lforld near future. Theee faclllties are planned for replacement at aome future date. Plans cal.l for finlshlng, operating apace in one conatructlon eeagon. The Gondorninla and laniscaptng rill be corpleted during the followlng Yinter and aprlng. rUN'NE DEVBLOPUENT IN tTB PROPOSBII SKI BASE/NBCRBATION DISTRICT Ihe Vall Vlllage naater plan recmended the Golden Peak area ag a potential slte for a hotel.. HoreYer, Vall Agsoclatee has no plane to conatruct a hotel at Golden Peak at this tlne. OTIIER DEVELOPIIENT PLANS - Lifts Replacernent and nodification of the eristlng lifts, partlcularly Chatrllft #6, sill be neceeeary. Replacement stll be done slth state-of-the-art equlpuent havlng eufficient capacLtiee to Eeet nountain operatlng needg. A surface 1lft at Golden Peak is uader consideratlon. lfo other new llfta are planned st Ehle tlme. SKI RACING FACILITIBS I{hlle replaceoent concurrently vith Ghlldren's Centert exl"etlng faclllty Cup rac lng ln the PARKITIG FAGILIIIES Vall Associatea, Inc. and the Town of VaLl recognize the desirability of addltlonal parklng ln the Goldeo Peek Zone. Accordingly, re have ldentified two locations iu the zote fot addltonal parklng development. Underground parklng attucturea could be buLlt beneath the eaat tennl-s courta, soccer field, and volleyball area, or beneath the sest tennis courta aud surface parklng. Underground parklng atructurea rould require a Conditional Uee PerDlt under the propoeed zoning code. Eocever, nelther the Toe[ of Vall nor VaLl AaaocLates, Inc. has any plane to construct addltlonal parklng faclltttes ln the zone at thls tlne. UASIER PLAN contLnued PUBLIC PAXKS, PLAYGROTINDS, & RECREATIOML FACILITIES Oae tennie court reat of the exlatlng buildlnge yould be loet when the naln buildlng la built. Vail Aasociates, Inc. yi1l replace the lost court' at a nutually deternl.ued locatioo. Up to three tenoie courts eaat of Chair #6, nould be logt due to the constructioD of the Childrenta Center. Vall Aegociates and the VIIRI) are currently rorking oD court relocatlon. It is possibLe that the Recreatlon Dlstrict would nanL. to expand the tennia courta, playing ftelda, or other sutner recreation amenitiee ln thezone. Such erpane lon would requlre a Conditional Use Pernit and Vail Aeaociatee, Inc. rg conaent. Seasonal atructures for educatlonal, cultural, or athletic activitiee will be erected on an occaaional basis. Firesorks sill continue on special occael-ona, such as July 4th, lfey Yearrs Bven, etc. IiOI'I|IAIN FACILITIBS BulldLng faclllties euch as llft ahacks and other bulldinge wlll require - nodificatLon, aaintenance, conatruction, and replacement on an on-goingbaeie. Toyn of Vail buildiag, deuolit.lon, atreet cut, and other standardpernita nould be required. . PUBLIC TACILITIES llater ,atorage and treatmeot facilttiee, and e:istlng Upper Bagle lfater and SanitatLon llistrtct Lrprovenente are vlthl.tr the proposed diatricB androutine nrintenance rrill occur. Bxpanelon of theee facllitiea ie also possible. CIIILDRBN'S CEilTER A 12,000 S.F. (approxtnately) Ghlldrenrs Center is planned forcoactruction tn 1988. The Center wlll be deeigned to permlt further expans ion lf needed. L2/L0/87 cs ENVIR.ONMENTAL HAZARDS REPORT Geoloqic Conditions: A mud slide occured in 1982 on the southeastern Part of the site caused by overflow of the a water storage facility. An- overflow line was installed in the fal1 of r6ai-thi"tt wiii di;;;a aiv tank overflow to Mill creek--away from the previous slide areal No problems have occured since Lggz. The new buirding would not-ue-enaing"r.b by any further slide activity at the above site' Preliminary geologic studies on the soils at the site indicate that a ;;;;;d rouiaition will be recommended' Avalanche: Somemoderateavalanchehazardoccursinfrequentlyonthe.southeasternnortion of the "il"l---in"-uuifaing coula not be endangered by any ivalanche activity from the southeastern area' Hvdrologry: The MiIl Creek diversion channel 1985. The Children's Center is channel. was reloeated, culverted, and improved in ""t"ia"-ihe fl6od plain of the diversj'on SumnarY: With the excePtion of some environmental imPacts will fugitive dust from construction, no adverse relult from the Project' o YAII, ASSOCIATES PruSIDENT I'TIKE SHAN!'ION fiIGIIT UE YOU CANIT WIN I WTLI BUF"Y YC\I T0 yANoR VArL Cen{ER SIl.! outoDl I Deer l{lkel Where do you plan to Bury Me, under whlch Bulldlng on Golden Feak. The pro- posed &staurant - Skl Shop - funtal - tttls- located Chlldrene Center, The Dead Approved 0olden Feak Bage Butldtng or the un-naned or unthought of or drsaned about Bulldlng? Cenfhaveacholce? San L. Olsonr Jr. oo Mlke Shannon V.A. Prssldent tells Manor Vail Owner Sam olson - You dontt know how thinga arc done up trere - every nolttictan kid is a nernher of Skl CIub VatI. Olcon says So t t'lllae Sbannon V.A. President telts l,lanor Val} 0wner Sam Olson to hls face ln front of Iorry Lichllter'ln V.A. Con''orate ciflce Manor ValI Orners Donrt Vote. Mike Shannon V.A. Presldent informs Manor ValI Ormer ln V.A. Corprrate Llons Hesd offlce ln front of Laryy LichUter - I have Northnoods Condo my pocketr !41ke Shannon ne ntloned trvo nanes of el-ther infLuent'ra 1 ol^tners or nsnagement persons who would or couLd deliver the entire conplex to hfun. O1son couidnrt renenbe r elther of the two people named. Lichllter heard hfun. Mountaln Engineering & Land Surveying Company LO6 So. Hyland Square Suite a-l Glenwood Sprlngs, Colorado 8160I. Sheet 8 of 20. The above Nors sheet ghors followlng: (f) CheLet Road as platted is proposed to be closed and Oore Creek Road for Tcnnls Court. (2) Proposed lennle Corrrt where Chalet Boad ls now Texas Tswnhouses this wtll be Ereat. I (3) Proposcd Alplnc Slide Terrnlnal tc be located Just South of LiJt lbnnlnal Wo. 6 (See aontng S.B.B. Dlst). (b) tuce Flnish Bulldings - Now (:) to be possibly rnoved and lnproved at futune date. Started wlih one buildlng. Now three' Hm many more ln future ? Shacks. (5) Check lnto leese locatton area B )e gal as to where Tcnnis Corrltl (:) of than above llsnor Vail and East of Chalr 1fr6' Courts not on leased property. Lcok at sheet 8 of 20. (6) Oolden Peek Bese Buildlns as deslgnod - Cornmunlty and Town of VelI approved ts IEAD ss far as vall Assoctates is concerned p,€r Larry Llchlltcr L/Lt/88 ln v.A. Corporate offices. (?) Litctrtider seys V.A. w111 in future U.ke to do sometbing on foot prlnt of arproved site. (B) OLgon asked Ltchliter what type of structure *oul"d you llke to see ther€? Llchlltsr replled lf we cculd qet tt aFFroved e (5 or e story) (f tUfnr he said) Hotel. It was deftnltely a hotel he rentloned. (9) 6lson asked Lteblltcr how far un the 6ol:jen Peek Mountaln can V.A. brril'd. Olson - l,tctrttter looking at sheet No' 8 of 2O' Llchlttor rep)-led wiV uFr even on Forest Land if we csn show need' (10) Olson asked ilctrlLtcr who owns the bo called oreen Belt or Skl Bese Recreatlonal Dl-strlct land fron the rear of houses elong MllI Creek Cir:cle Dr. (VaiI Villaee first fillng) and South of Gors creek and vail veile y Drives to the wbst property line of North- wood Condos? f.1chuiar replied V'A' Olson asked does V'A' pay taxes on thls property? Ltchllter'yes on land.basls' Olson asked can you iluria li approved restaurants, skl- shops, rent€ls, and etc. in free standins bulldinqs all across the lend fron Norttrwood to MiII Creek houses? Ies was hls ansoer' (11 ) Olson to Llchllter lt could be the Vail WaIl ltke the Perlln tfall with a .''ew oren srots elonfr it. Olson sal'ing to Llchllter put up a lrOt Htch WalI or Curtain fron Northwoods conplex to lllll Creek housee the surroundlng coununlty ls on the tmn slde the nountain with aII of lts beauty is still there, we (the corrmunit)' ) just canrt see 1ts beauty. (12) olson to Llch]JLter if you V.A. had approved snd the proposed 12r0OO Sq.Ft.Oolden Peak Children Center was builtr can it be expanded? Tes. (fl) Olson at a previous neetinq on 1-IL-88 with Jack Hun Vail Assoclates Golden Peak ProJectls }tanaser was asked the sate questlon on expansion, his answer was les werre already' planning on lt. OLscn to Hun would you extend each end or both in length? lde couLd but probably toward lift No. 6 flrst. (See Site Flen Sheet by followinq firnr) Snowdon & Hopkins - Architects 20L Oore Creek Dr. Vall Colorado 81657. (1lr) Olson asked Hun about Tennis Courts but notleed Site Plen sa','lng the foLlowlng: Exlstlng Tennts Courts (3) and Volleyball Courts to be renoved and lease abandoned. Hun ncinted out (2) new proposed Tennis Ccurts lccated South of the exlsting (L) courts near M'ill Creek hones. -4t thls OlsonA'm rneetlng, Olson only saw the one Site FIan that Hun brought and gave to Olson. (I5) 0tgon to Mil-]. Creek hone ovrners especially onners af 385 and -"95MiIl Creek Circle Drive, you will enjoy looking thru the Tennls Court wire and plastic windshlelds on the new proposed Tennls Ccurts to be locat,ed adJacent to your back yard. 0f course IIEII Creek home ownc r and all season o$rTrers Tennls Courts today, a l?estaurant or Skt .Shop bullding or,rned by V. A. tomorrcw. They can change and move lt at w111. The new proposed Tennis Courtewlll not be as low as the exlstlng ([) Tennls Courts whlch w11]. be (:) or less ln the future. (t5) Otson to LlchLlter in hls offlce on the (2) proposed new Golden Feak Tennis Courts near MiLI Creek homes, are you V.A. eoing to bulld them? No we V.A. would prefer to pay cash to PecreetLonalDistrlct and they have thern butLt. Olson replied 0h I V.A. turns out to be Fair Haired Boys the Recreatlon Dtstrlct bullt them. l,laybe the same ldea for (1) new court on elosed Chalet Road North of Texas Tomhouses, your view of mountain is being decreased Texas Tornhouse ownerso ' (Il) Otsonltlctrlttor neeting on exlsti.ng Drop Off Parklng Lot as noted on Sheet I of 20 North of present OoLden Feak Festaurant. V.A. ls not uslng lt for Drop Off. Pay $5.00 for Day Parking. Questlonto Ltchllter if new Drop Off Parklng at Chlldrenrs Center is tnstaLled llhat Do We Have? He replted only a r)rop Cff for parents. Olson inforred Lichllter All Day fn and out Parking for 1$ to JO rnlnutes wtth different colored cars ls stlll enother Parking Lot at Golden Peak. (fe) skl Club Vait was deslfined for vans or trucks park ai.1 night. as many as (8) varlous vehlcles behtnd the wheel. Even V.A. lssite to Skl CLub Vall says Jack Drop Off Only - BuIl- - Now cars or During the day and Iate afternoon can be counted without a drl-ver sorry they donated the present Hun ProJect llanager. Why? (19) Connnrnity Association and Owners Open Your Eyes, flnd out what and where the 99 year V.A. to District Leases are. How easy can they be changed? How easy can roads be eLimlneted? l,{hat you see when you purchased may not be seen tomorrow. Iet Vail Associatesbulld the proposed l2rOOO Sq.Ft. Childrenrs Center vhe::e it is presently planned and 1t r,,:ill be expanded. Before long there will be other four, six, elght and ten thousand square foot buildlngsbuilt on Oolden Peak Skl Base Recreational Dlstrict the Last 0pen Area in the Core of Vail Village. The Vail (Berlin) wall ts underway. (20) Vstl Assocletes at 0olden Peak bullt the present two buildlngs with Ski School/Childr.en Center in these facilltles. Now To Srne11. Eteht years ago one then two temporary trallers on Tennis Courts. Wc atl- aereed to walt for nee design - The Golden Peak 70 to 75'OOO So. Ft. base with Condo on the top to pay for some of it. This plan had 6500 Sq. Ft. Childrenrs Center designec into it. Lichllter tnforned Olson everythlng includine Childrenrs Center to srrrall . llow l,leu Chlldren Center Fr^ee Standlng Frrildi.nq for Chil"dren Only or ls it - already planntng to expand this structure says Jack Hun. (21) 0lson to Cornnunlty Neighbors and Owners. IlIE CRC'T,'NINO BIO.I 0lson asked Iarry llchllter' lf after the proposed Childrenrs Center is built and expanded Can It Be Sold? Yes. Does lt have to remain a Children Center? No. Can I Buy it for a Honky Tonk? Litchlider thought lt could not be a Honky Tonk but picked up a printed copy of what 1t could be and could nct be. Olson has been promised a cop)t of this Va11 Metropolitan Recr.eatlone1 Dlstrlct or Skl Base Recreational Distrlct Rules Covenants and Etc. from V.A.rs Jack Hun. The list ls long of Can Dors and Do Nots. (ZZ1 Llchltter to Olson reading off various 1tens, as I remember and asking others in our Community Alplne Slide not allowed. (Note sheet 8 of 2o). Fotential Alpine Sllde & Terrnlnal shown Just East of pt'esent Chair *5 on this drawing rhich ls titled as foltons: Golden Peak Recreational E. Op'en Space Plan. Olson says: Orren Space is Going l'ast. (23) flfts llo. 6 and No. 12 on Sheet B of 20 are noted as follors: To Be Inproved at Future Date hle aI1 know with the openinq of China BowI and Far East and other areas No. 6 ttft will be a Vista Baun or Mountaln Quad. ltJo definlte up date on Chair 12. AII Quads require new and rnuc h larger roofed type structures to cover and nrotect the equipment. (2L) Vail Associates - Town of Vail - Planning - Surroundlng Comrnunity, various Recreational. District of VaiI have for I\renty- five (25) years protected the Golden Peak Base Open Arnea as previously described. Now Vall Associstes wants to take and change thls Last Open Area. Exlsting Homes, Tormhouses, Studlo Units, l,lanor Houses and or Condos will be affected. Starting on the western end of Golden Peak the proJects and cl'meus ar.e as follows: MilI Creek Circle Drive 2 to L Homes ?1vo11 Lodse AII Seasons iiray & White Town Hornes Texas Town Howes Manor Va1l Complex \orthwoods Conplex TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Ron Phillips Comnunity Development February L6, 1989 Reguest for an arnendrnent to the Ski Base/Recreationzone district for the Golden peak Childrenrs CenterApplicant: Vail Associates, Inc. Y3if Associates, Inc. has suburitted an application to amendChapter 18.39 of the Vail Municipal coae,-the Ski Base/Recreation zone district. The purpose oi this requestedanrendment is to arlow vail Associales to replace tlhe existingmodular units with a pernanent facility thal will serve as achildren's center. The amendment to the zoning is required toalrow construction of a secondary buirding on ftre eotaen peaksite. staff recommendation is for approval- with two conditions. ThePlanning and Environmental Commission voted 5 - O with twoabstentions to approve the request with three cond.itions: 1. That VaiI Associates contribute 50* of the cost ofconstruction of a colored concrete walkway from theRamshorn property to the existing Manor viil walkway.Town of Vail will also be a 50* partner. 2- That the Design Review Board review the concerns of thestaff that are outlined in the staff reconmendation #2 inthe memo of 2/e/e9. 3. That the Town of vair and Vail Associates study the totaltraffic situation fron the Ramshorn to ski ctu6 vait priorto construction of the building. O , Ail/O rr/t/rz o =,a*/ *r;rZ,--* ul {"#eyaGZ,-/"4 7 ,;- f ' /,-,4 ry4 /r,arD'"1 Gznfr,.- *".f, Za,{A //) ,/^, / /U*-,{*/2/ ,C..6)/tu't-.t-V r:1-'/-' .--/t/'rrc\ ,/ /' )( zz t"':/ Iiri lri1 ltiJ l t., ' (-).to :t1 ;' rr) l {J. rBt;oO 'e:!- .'.'. r'. ). l':'ii ii' ;o :l -/ -2 '1 ffi {.r.8 ?:2I Best copy Availabte f,t . ;-ri..r 41 trL ;?.$ " 75 3oulh frontlge road Yail. colo?edo 81657 (303) 476-7000 ottlce of communlly devclopment September l-, L987 Mr. ;Ioe Macy Mountain PlannerVail Associates P.O. Box 7Vail, Colorado 81659 Re: Approval process Dear Joe: for proposed Golden Peak nursery center f would envision the approval process flor the proposed nurserycenter at Golden Peak to look somewhat lthe following outline. Ihave assumed that the process would begin the week of September7 to 11 with another meeting with the planning staff to discussthe drawings. If this is an incorrect assumption, the chartcan be adjusted accordingly. e/LL 9/t4 e/28 LO/7 LO/t2 - Meeting with planning staff to go overpreliminary proposal - Town of Vail interdepartmental review - Planning Conmission work session with Council members invited to attend - Meeting with the Golden Peak NeighborhoodAssociation (sometime during this week) - Application filed for an amendment to the SkiBase/Recreation District and revisions to thedevelopment plan LO/L9-23 Interdepartmental and neighborhood meetings as necessary - PEC public hearingLL/e o -F irst reading of ordinanc a eatLL/L7 L2/L L2/2 Town Council Town CounciLSecond reading of ordinance at L2/L6 DRB first meeting (contingent upon Councilapproval and neeting appropriate DRB applicationdeadline) DRB rneeting No. 2 As you can see, I would estimate a streamlined process takingapproximately three months. However, as we both know, thesethings can drag out longer depending upon the level ofagreement/opposition. Today in our planning staff meeting, wewill be discussing the matter of youi contact person with-usand will be in touch with you on that inforrnation. p).ease give me a call if you have questions or comments about thisschedule. Yours in ning, Director Patten, Jr. Corununity Development Larsoncc: Mike APP:bpr o d .^/ -zt*"--'' r'*4f|-r- \oo hrc/f- o,^ feu,+'^.f."trt* - n,J-Sre"l-- I q{Q* . er6 e{fra,'ri5 * U*J tAr".A,-*- G,[ lq u",*/-f bdk, c J1u<s{ed 1t tL.+f "oL+f==-- 4 rtCodlhr'an$ - *-utk*r1 *f Ro'.^oL-^ b tvlon",r : D V 4' co',rtr. bt-<- #to cost oF |r.c *.>"..tk->7 o.{_ fl-c- h,"^: oE I c..onE[ruq-l-,cr--.* o F /'z.e''l^ \t.q I o .r C . t-t l.^^. Jq-1- G.:t.! /**C J A yt.br il4_ lupo> & 3^(L\r' L q,*-,^- n^(- cpvy^v-,ett**t fku- T G'.+ ?r.* J.*e,e/ ler.rc l{lrh) Ctt+ttr St tc'..'tt &LJ (ff ng*y'tl c tro t-r Cgvl,t tvl.4!^,l L rr-tl.q tltrs |,--'"' Ulc ilSr- <rftr*,^t r.{- fhs la.-f___ =",^.t^ \ Co./15 w I{f O\t^1 ,){-4t ^^,4 .r^<^b\h,b"J Lvnfnt-et'-x-'/e yra<,,a lqr.^,. <.,'^..-rpf a€ s,,..1,1.v (t^W Uf) a"^*t'yt* rq{erA*f^tt'.*-Ll o tn'{.d.1o,,1'^-..- o kl arIrz - --^\re- a r[r c"o.uut I35_-- b.r= SLe\l€^/ ii_----_-li I - z a i/a ri#4 L r-^. /,/a-, K;./2,, 6A n-#'* ; /z/ z-rz-".<fua*q/^sh / o 4-.La ,,Lf Vail Associates, Inc" Creators and Operators of Vail anl Beaver Creek @LDEN PEAK CEILDREN'S CENTER PRELIIIIT{ART PROGMI{ tEvEr t I-Gry Reslotratloo Infaots (f5 e 45 SF) Toddlers (20 e 30 Sr)2U2-3112(2sG30sF) Re8rroof,8 (Staff Incl.) Clrculatton Central Regletratlon SOBTOTAL Grosth Factor 200 sF 575 600 750 100 L75 500 3r000 500 SUBToTAL-tnrElrl LEVEL , 2 --T:6 Group (60 @ 30 sF) 6 - LZ Group (75 G 30 SF) Bathroone Kltcheo Cl.rculatloo Rental Sbop Skt Storage SI'BTOTAL Gronth Factor SUBTOTAL-LEVEL,2 LEI'EL ' 3 Eoployee Louoge Eaployee Lockerr 0fflcee l{ecb/Elec Clrculatlon 1,800 21250 200 200 700 600 200 5r950 1 ,050 31500 sF 71000 sF 1,5_go sr !!1000_ rI sr 250 SF 250 250 500 250 I suBtotAL Growtb Factor SUBTOTAL-LEVEL'3 TOTAL . BUILDING PBOCBA}I 1r500 0 . I IJDEz9lL5l87 JHR2GPCC:bb Pcrst Offfce Box 7 . Vail. Cnlor:do Rl658 . (iOi)47656O1 I luwn 75 3outh frontage road yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 September 1, t987 otflce of communlty devclopment Mr. Joe Macy Mountain PlannerVail AssociatesP.O. Box 7Vail, Colorado g1658 Re: Approval process for proposed Golden peak nursery center Dear Joe: r would envision the- approval process for the proposed nurserycenter at Gorden peak to look somewhat like ttr6 t-ortowingoutline. r have assurned that the process would begin the weekof september 7 to 11 with another meeting with th5 planningstaff to discuss the drawings. rf this is an incorrectassumption, the chart can be adjusted accordingly. 9/Lt e/L4 e/28 - Meeting with planning staff to go overprelininary proposal_ - Town of Vail interdepartmental review - Planning Commission work session with Councilmembers invited to attend LO/1 - Meeting with the Golden peak Neighborhood.Association (sometine during thii week) LO/12 - Application filed for an amendment to the SkiBase/Recreation District and revisions to thedeveloprnent plan Lo/L9-23 rnterdepartmentar and neighborhood meetings asnecessary LL/9 - PEC public hearing Lt/L7 L2/t L2/2 1,2/L6 Director cc: Mike Larson APP:bpr Patten, Jr. Cornmunity Development - t"a reading of ordinar,.. lrown Council - Second reading of ordinance at Town Council - DRB first meeting (contingent upon Councilapproval and meeting appropriate DRB applicationdeadline) - DRB neeting No. 2 *-I::_l1l^ii.:_I_y":1d-:stirn_ate a streamlined process takinsapproximately three months- Howeverf as we botir know, thesethings can drag out longer depending upon tfre-ilvh oring upon the level of schedule. Yours in ning, agreement/opposition-. Today in our-plinning staff meeting, wewill be discussing the ruattlr of your contact person with usand will be in touch with you on Lhat infonnation. please giverne. a.call if you have queslions or conments about this ZONINC 18.38.060 Parking and loading. Not rpplicable in the GNOS disrrict. (Ord. 19fl976) g lz(part): Ord. 8(1973) $ 16.600.) Chapter 13.39 i5I*8.4-9_EJ&qq&E"a-ug.tr..DrsJar-cJ 13.39.010 13.39.030 13.39.050 1E.39.070 13.39.07s 13.39.0E0 13.39.090 13.39.t l0 18.39.120 1t.39.130 t8.39.150 I8.39.170 18.39.130 t 3.39.190 tE.39.2r0 18.39.230 Purpose. Perrnined uses. Conditionai uses. Accessory uses. Prohibited uses. Locgtion of business actir itv, Development plan requireti. Development pian-Contenrs. Design stanriards/ criteria for evaiuation. Lot area. Selbacks, Heisht. Density control. Site coverage. Landscaping and site developmcnt. Parking. ( I 18,J9.010 I'urpose. ['he ski base recreation district is intcndcd to providc tbr rhe basc faciliries neccssilrv t() oper tc the ski mo'ntain and to allorvrnultr-fanrily residcnrial drvellings as:l secondarv usc. it cerraincriteria arc met. In adriition. summcr recrcttional uscs irndIacilities arc cncour.ged to achicvc muhi-seasonul usc,t s.mc .l thc laciliries and provide tirr r:fticicnt usc of thc llcilirics. ( Ord. _tS( rgsl) g l.) t 8.19.030 I'ernrificrl uscs.A. l-he i.ll'wing uscs slr'll bc pcrntrrtcti *.ithin rlrc ^rurrihuilding ln lhc ski basc rccrcrrtion tjistricr: -r6l{ v it t t- t5-h.rl l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Si(I BASEi RECREATION DISTRICT Ski lockers/ employee locker rooms. Ski schooi and ski parrol facilities. LrIt tlcKet sales. Tennis pro shoo. Ski repair. rental. sales and accessorres. Restauranti barr snack barl canciy saies. Winrer seasonai ski school reiatid child care anci chilci_ 19-L.: :I.t-19!9oi ano appurtenanr recreationar raciinicsh5i ;l4la.-jt-i*!3t:==-:g q Srihhier seasonal Town of Vail recrearion oir-ices.9. Meeting rooms for owner use ano communrlv_onBnleo organizations. 10. lnjury prevention and rehabilitation racilities ibr owner suse,ll. Basket renral. 12. Special communirv evenrs. Retail and meering roorn ,p".. limitarion.l. Retail sales-space, whether ir be a permitted or condirional use, in the first trvo floors shail be timited to a maximumof fifteen - percent of the. nonresidential g.or, ,quo..footage of the main building. Under SectiJn-iS.:S.O:0. retail shall be delined as tennis pro shop, candy sales. ski ^ repair/rentali sales and accessories, and'baskii ,enrol.2. Meeting rooms shall be limited to a maximum oi fivepercent ol the nonresidenrial gross squarc footage oI rhemain building. 11,11i1.,:lllr dweiling units rvirhin the main building ii rherollowlnq req ulrements are met:l. The drvelling units shall be a secondary usc rvirhin rirernain.building if they meet rhe tbllorving critcria:a. No residential use on ground.teve[.b. Visual impacts such as suriace parking for thedrvelling units shall. be minimized 'by pro'viding arIcirsr torry percent ol rhe rcquircd parling wirhin rhemain buildinq.c. -fhc nra.ximum gross rcsidcnrial tloor nrca (CRFA)rlu\'orcd to rlwcllinu units shall not crccetl thirrvpsrccn! ol- the [()tlll rross squ:.lrc footaqe of main\IrUCtUre. I B. c. t .rii2- t 1V:rrl ll-15-tJ) C ZONING 2. Before acting on muiti-family dwelling units, the planning commission shall consider the following factors in regard thereto: a. Relationship and impacts of the use on development objectives of rhe torvn.b. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution ofpopularion. rransponation tacilities, urilities, schools, =".-".,^.."'.......'^-'.'.-,4r]rq..-apd.-..|e*cJEa[ian.'.[aqiiirie.,and',o faciliries. and-pu biic facilities neecis. C c. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion. automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience. traflic llow and control. access. maneu_ verability. and removal of snow lrom the streers andparking area.d. Effect upon the character of the area in rvhich the proposed use is ro be locared, including the scale andbulk of the proposed use in relation ro surrouncling uses. 3. The pianning commission shall make the findings setforth in Secrion 18.60.060 B. before permitting i-rulti_family units rvirhin the main buildins.D. Th.e follorving uses shall be permirtej outsidc the nrainbuilding as shorvn on rhe approveri development plan.I. Ski rrails. sltrpes and lifrs.2. Snowmaking tircilities.3. Bus and skier drop-ofl.4. Surface parking lots.5. Ski racing facilit ics.6. Public park. tcnnis lnd \,()llcvhall courts lrrrj plar in{ f ic lds. 7. Water trcatmcnt i.tnd storilgc tucilities. !,1. Il ounrain srorlsc buildings.9. Ski school acrivirics. 10. Spccial ctlmmunitv cvcnts. I l. Footl und btvcrauc scrvicc. (Ortl. .lti (l9N-11 ts 1.1 1lt.19.050 (lunrlitirrrrrl rrscs..,\. lhc lollrrsrnr.: conrlitional uscs sh:rll hc pcrrrrr crl in rlrc..kihit\c rcc:.Jiltl()rr (li\tnct. subicct lo thc tssrtitncrJ of ;1 (.,,r,1,11- I , \ .'ri ll.li-.1!rsl-l '::-.{::-Bl$fiqprr:euprrkirac*inadcrf rrc(-- -* *. *.,*,= " SI(I BASEi RECREATION DISTRICT tional use- permit in accordance wirh the provisions ofChapter 18.60: I Recrearion rooml minor arcade.2. Addition or exoansion of ,,orog. buildings ror mountainequioment.3. Summer outdoor s.rorage tbr mountain eouipment.4. Redevelopment ol rvater storage exlraction ano tr€at_ment taciliries. 8. pubtic or privar. our*inliiiu.il;.y;i';il'"oprou.o development pian.9. Seasonal strusrures to accommodate athletic. cultural. oreducationai acdvities. ^ lO. Reder.elopmenr of ski lifis anc torvs.D' l ne zonlng administrator- srrail require an environmcnralimpacr reoon as Dan oi ;f;- fi;;i;r"cess ror thefollou'ing ioncjirionar uses: l. Public or privare parking srructures..!,. tsuture recrearional facilities. The repon shall fuily assess the followine items:a. Adverse cffects rvhich ..nno, "U.- ouoided if rhe. proposal is implemented.b. lvlirigarion measures proposalto minimizc the inrpact.c. possible alrernarir.esio it. p.opor.J *,ion.d. Relationshios betrveen, frori t.., nnl"long.,.rnl ura,of the environmenr.c. lrreversible cnvironmcnral changcs t.csulting trominrplemcntation ot- thc proposal. -- f. Grorvrh indur(()rd. lu figll-1) r\ 1.; clng lmpocts of the projcct' 111..19.070 ...\ccessory uses. I ltc tolt()wtns accussorv trscs shall be ncrmrttc.d rn tlrc ski!r:rsc; rccri:ll io n districl:\. .\cccssorv rrscs crrst()tnllrilv irtctdcntal to trc1n1iqgg11 1n,icr)n(litir)n.ll rrsus antl ,,.c.rr,r11. r.,,r r iia',, p.lr,,tir,r,r rtr.rc.rt. ( .l3l -.1 ' Vxrl ll.l\ it) (- ZONIIVG B. Home occupations, subject to tlte issuance of a homeoccuparion permit in accordance rvith the pror.isions ol.Sections 18.58.130 through lg.5g. 190.(ord. 38 (t983) g l.) 13.39.075 Prohibireduses. All other commercial uses or lacilities othcr rhan :r:,permirted in Sections 18.39.0j0. 1iJ.j9.050. 1u.19.070.Drvelling units outsicie ol rhe main srructure. Animal and/ or livestock corrais or barns.Specialtv fooci esrablishmenrs. Surface parking bcyond aoproved developmenr oran..{n1" other usc nor spcciiiciiii permirrcd ,,i.,,nJiiiunut ,n I nls zone d rst nct. (Ord. 38 (1983) $ l.) 1E.39.0E0 Location of business acriyitv.{. All offices and retail sales conducicd in rhc ski basL, rccrea_tron district shall be opcrated and conducted cntirel\. *,ithin a . ^ !u1l^ding, e.\cepr lbr approved special *.cnrs.(Ord.38 (1983) g t.) l.$.J9.090 Dcvelopmcntplanrequired...\. I'o ensurc the unifieti developrnenr, tltc prorcctloll ol rllcnltural cnvironment, thc compatibilitv rvirir thc surroundin{itrca tn(l to assure that dcvclopmcllt in tltL. ski h:rsc-ic--crcation district rvill rncer rhc inrcnr ol rhu tlistricr. udcvclopnrcnt plan shall be ret;uirctJ.I]. 1'hc proposcd tlcvcloplncnt plurr rlrall b( rn uccordilncc * rthScction I8._19.Il0 and shall bcruhnrirr.,rl hr tl,rctlcrcloPc.rtothc zoning ad'inisr*rtor. rvh, shnI rcrcr rt t() tl.rc r)ri.'l.rl!rarrtl cnvironnruntalcornnrissiorr. ,u ir rch rirrllcorr:.rtlci thc plln at a.rcqrrlarlv schctlulcrl rncctin!.:. ,\ rcprlrt rll tllc nlitnnrnt;uld.cnvlr()rlnlcnlitl ctrmmission \lirting it\ lirtrlitrus :lno l.ocr)ln_ 2. J. 1+- 5. 6. 7. r\;rrl ll l5.i i1 .ls2-J mendations shall be transmitted to the town council forapproval in accordance.with the ;;pil;iJ;."vrsions oft_ *"-,i"" r8.66-060 or rne vunicifltJa.. ".'\,. r ne approved develooment pianihaU be used as the principai iilO.,e.j"r aI devetopment wirhin ,t. rt illr"Irecrearion Amendmenrs to the approved. develooment plan which donot change its substance'r?-nd=nlimr6EhrarE'6ii-g1X=b.e3PP-{"9Y99b-v'!hcpi4npl* e,8i?ii;*ryil:?:;ilT::f ,t,tJ,[ititrl1ii!..,.:,,;i D. SI(I BASE, RECREATION : DISTRICT ( E. Each phase of rhe a the appro'al or,rr. llllu-t-d--dgveloPment plan shall require $.""'Jri::?f ,i'.":;':i!l'ry.!il;1##ff:'fi:ffi 'il fota. :a-(i9'8J) I i;" 'u*ttncement of site preparation' IE.39.l l0 - Development ptan_Contents. .. .r ng rorowrng deveropment plan shal incrude, bur is notttmtrecl to the follorvins:A. Addressing effects i,pon rhe environmenr: r . ?n opel space and,recreation plan sutficicnt ro meer t hedemands generated U_v ttre aei,eiopmeni'ivittrout unoueburdcn on avaitable g; p."p*.J priij.i"l,riri"r.2. Idenrilication of environmintl frizarOs on the site such- as lloodplain and lan{sli{e,r.u..-*'-'"'l. A detailed vierv analvsis fr.r, iil!'nor,f,, etsr and rvest o[. the proposed st rucrurc( s ).4. r\ rnassing model of proposed structure(s) .lnd n on-site(rcmonsrrurlon ot.the riduelinetsl ot roofs.lJ. Orhcr intormation rr,quirrd fn, ,r,. .l.rl.iui*.n, 0,"n,, 1,Ii::,"* "n,l ?ru!::.,u conrours. aticr gr:rtiine and sirtdcvclopmcnr. having contour intcrvals .ii: nnt rn,rr" rhanlivc l'cet.?' "\ proposcrJ sitc pian. t :l s.carc n\)t srnilllcr th:rn onc inchr'quuls l i l'r r t c.er. shou,r n u, t.,a,,ppr.,*, iii.;,r-.1 1.r."r,,,,,1; "n,Jrl inrcnsions ol all a n d a | | p,i n. i p u, nlll'"u' ll li ;i lil,il,:ili, lilil; llll- l,iil.,* ml rV.ul lt t5-i{l} ZONINC landscaped areas. recreal ional facilities. pedestrian p lazasand walkways. sen'ice entncs. dnvewa\.s and oft-_srreerparking and load ins areas.3. A preliminary landscaoe ptan. ar a scale not smaller rhanone inch equais iifiv t'eer. showins extsrinc iandscape features to be retaincd trr rcmoved. and showiig pr;;;;;Jlandscuping and lundscaoe<i sire deveioprn.ii l."rrr.,, s uch as o u I d oo r rccrq{r o n a I --t_g.qtljl.r,S!._.b_l$:SlC=+=}tg1,..-._,_..;=-.+rY-_r*_,:!!*=+/_r*- . _:.... r ra E.."psd, -c_apFlg{Lfriazrys-?fid- lvalkr*.ar.s. ware r _tciitufes. and other elements. ( 4. Preliminary buildirrr: elevurions. sections. an<i lloor pians.at a scale not snraller thun ong_gjsilrh inch aquris, .,,,afoot. in sufficienr detail ro .lcrcrniine rtoo, ar.u. lrorsresidential lloor area. interior circulatrt>n. locarlons ot. uses wirhin buiidings. unrl the:lencrai :calc. and appe;rr_ ance of the proposed dclelopmenr.5. .,\ concise rcport on thc lons_iiLnse developnrenr plan5 lorthe ski base rccreurion tiisrrici utldrcssing ski liri un_grading, future porenrial rc,crearional t'aciliries and parir_ing tacilities to lccommodatL. futurc improvemenrs shall be required. (ord.38 (1e83) g l.) 1E.39.120 Design standardr / s1i11,1i, for cvalu:rtion. The developmcnt plan tirr rhe ski basc , rccrcation districr s hullmect cach or'thc ro owinr slirndurdr ()r (ic'lonsrratr. thxt dithcr one or more of thenr is not u p plicuhle. or th l a pnrctrcals()luri(rn consistent rvith the public irrtcr.cst irrrs hccn achicvctl:..\. 'fhedcveloperrvill proi.itlea huticr zrrne in arcus w.hcrc rhcskibesei rccrcntiorr district h.rrrrtr.r' is lrtrilccnr to ir rr:sirrcnt*rr rusc district bound;rrr.. lllc hir jr /(.rnc ntrr\t hc. kcpt lrcr. rr1llrrildinus ()r slrltelur(.s :rrrtl rrrrrrl bc i:tndscitDctl. :,crccnc(l i()pr()tcct it hv nittufal lclrturc\ .() thilt irdvctsu cttccls ()ll thcsu.rrrrndint irrclls rrrc rrrirrrrrr,, ctl. Ihir rnlrr.rr'qrrirc:r hrracrztlne tll sullicicttt silc t,r.r(li'(lu:rtci\ \cp:triltr: I llc pr.p()\1.(l [tscI'rrrrn thc \urr()u (lint l)f()pcrllcs l lcrlTts ,,,t risrrlri pr,.,,,aratttltse.:rdctltratc li,.llll. ;rrr,,rU. prrllrrtt{)n. slg ituc :ul(l {)tlt!,r crr nr pir rir h lc potc rr t illl\ irrco111D;s1ih;c llrc t o rs. r\.rrl ll-l{-rit ( SKI BASEI REcREATION DISTRICT ffff",'i,,:""i::::.:^*:isTJ f"r rhe type of traffic generated. :i:*-,*:::"T,^1.".:,t:l-,,*i!,-.#;."itT,lJ#if ,.i""?,#:convenience. access. noit _ _., r v_l-5. s..\,u rt vur uvtng areas. lnternar *r.-,. _^.. .- ,, ,a.. and. exhaust control. Frivan :HlLi j::l'::*i:::i:':i,::qirilffi ;illllh':J"1i.T Li',,ix$:llll'"::::1:,:'-':;iF*],ffi :::JLi.".'i; ::1Ti*:l:,i:1-",yi99q"";;;;;;;il;#1il:ff;il':Jt::::j"l:j_,:: ig.t iar pu rp oses : ____;:j_-*.*-_! rl11xr1glJl.qE'E'5FrAeJ4.latm5€$+€P$ltrl.n:pp$p$t10T,bT- *___* .::._. _ _... _ _..:i...:--=_:flafidtesrutlsrffiEfu?inc tft.ii;i:;,i::::::"::::T.lion via..,o ^^-..^_:^_ - tr€es and drainage areas). recrea-. tl!\ vie.ws. convenience. ;"0 i"""ii"*-r!"rse.trc;asr. recrea- D' I?l::t'n ,..tt ot: t oui.n! type. ciensities. racitities and open E. Privacy in terms ot' the needs oti in<iividuals. families andncighbors:F. Pedestrian tratfic in re^rms ot: sal.ety., separation. convenience.access to noinrs of dc. r 1, r! 9l'i j i,;; ;"" i.",H:' l,1l' ?l;? I I,i ll!X.','J',1. I'i ",,,, .,,*relationship. and bulr:tl' ;Xl*:Tj:j.:j,lli,l9'"' sire in terms or': purposes. rypes. (ord. 3g (1983) $ l.) lrtv' and eftect on rhe niighborhoo,r'. -- 1E.39.130 Lor area. Thc minimum lot or site.urea.shalt bc torr1. acrcs ot.sltc area. at,l:i., "n. acrc ot' rvhich shull be u"iiJ.rrl. iia- ib'ro. tg ( teU3) b\ 1E.39.t50 Setbacks. ln thc ski base.,recrearion rlistricr. tiont. sirle. rr.lr. und slrcam\ctbilcks shall hc as on thr ( |9tl.t) g I.) ;'xpProvr'd dcvelopnrent ltlan. (t)r.. -itl 1f1.39.170 llcishr. l:trr;t tlat tlr nli,lttsl.trd r()r)l- llt.h,.rutrr,,r r!... r-..., r.t'\cccd rlrr*\._ti'c li,cr. ril],:a]t. ltcrght trr r!rr.. hrrrilinsshull rrur r r,u i r.r i's i.,, i:c;;, _; ;."i, ,"1,' ;"'';)ji, lli'lil'J,* :i:hll l:llilccr. or lcss. \o nrorc r hun l (,rrv pcrccnt .rr if,"-r.,ii,f .'f ing ( hu rlttinq B. ( ( \e ;r\rbi,!..- { .lsl- l !t'.ril l!.ti xll ZONINC coverage area) may be higher rhan thirty_five l'eet. bur nor hisherthan forty feer. Towers. spires. cupolas. chimnevs. llacnoles.ind srmuar arcnttcctural Iea!ures nor useable as gross rcsidenrial floor area may exrend above the heiehr limir a disrance or nor nlorethan tw'enty-five percent oi the height iimit nor more rhan iitieen feet. (Ord.38 (1983) g l.) ( ( lE.39.lB0 Density.conrrot - 'l'\)ral densltv shall nor exceed of sile area. (Ord. j8 ( 1983) g l.) one drveiiins unir pcr ciulrt lcre:, 1E.39.190 Site coverage. Site coverase shall be as sho$ n on rhe aDpro\.cd di.\.eloDrncnt plan. rOrd. 38 ( 1983) g L) 18,39.210 Landscaping and site rieveiopment. . Landscapin_q requiremenrs shall be as shou n on thc uppro\.cd development pian. i\ll areas within the area(s) oi'dlsr.urbance ln the landscupe plan nor occupied bv builciing. grour.ii lcvcltlccks or parios, or parking shall be landscapr,'d. (Ord. jS ( l9S3) \r I.) 1E.39.230 Parking. Off-strce t parkint sh:rll he provitjctl in uccortllncc s ilhChuptel lti.-51 und.'or as spccif icd on rhc pFr(.)\-cd (l!.\.c lo p lllcnrplan. (Ord. lii (19S.'l) g l.r Chrptr'r ltl.J0 SPECI.\L DI:VtLOl'ttI:N I DISTRIC.[S Sec(iorrs: l,i..l{).0 l0 l)rt rp r rsc. tll.l0.0:0 Sctrpc. 1S.40.0.11),\pplicarion. IS.+0.01() I)treloptrrurrI pl:rrr_..\grprov;rl proccrlures. t \'.til I l- l<-,\1)rSl._ri \rl( I \l - _\l lr\Rk\\tl I ltl\ lrl I l). ' Il.r)\t.t' ;. lt|(',, .r C'olUI ..:u, ,00 Lionj,h_,Jil l'.rI r, 1.'Jr l, d3lor.l.lo irlr,, E rylu' itll \l-\{.lll. Ihr {r ti.'r.rrl n.-.1|x..{,'tr|.Ijr'{ "r'Ttrorsanf tbur llutr:rc'.1 E i9l rtl' I oI t. r r':; rtr.r.rlr r.l $larrr.l,l rl..l|rlrr{ltt rltriL'l J l'rS hrt{. ill ...,..) ,J r.. drr' r*' r\'tr.'|..q i t S a -t. !.... 1'..a ..1 |\ .!t - r|l &r rah..l - I lL- | ir :; 5ql &?j.li,. J, j.', r.rr.hr,-,' r', l\ rrll\l \\rlll|.lr'l rl.,,r!.r& .!; Best CoptEl Available \! | .rr lr,hl! ,rrxr\t) tl!: A prrcel of larrd tl|at irElul(.).r .rll o: l(Jt l, !I(Ek l 'ut'l pirrts of -Tr 'rct C ard iri& o of viuL^Iar$rEAD rl3sr I'l l.i:r:, .r sul,'livision 4ggssrlcd ur*+r ruqjt'tlon nintcr 111260, tn ltok 2l? .rL Pir, rc u7r ol l.lr'' L.xJ [c cowrLy (bloralo C'lcry' an(l lLr@rJcr! tbctrds, :;Ji<r parccl oi' I ,rul l^rin'J noK' t^rrt icularly dcEcr lDc' I as follq"tg: IL{irlnirrt at tta tDrtlEalt corri"r o: l^,t l. lrl<rk I, ''?'II4/LION$G}O-flld'l FILING' uJrs trlc follorrng tlue oul "'i ''rlr'rtt1 r t" t:'rst Lnuntta r'r' of said tol-{:^ (l) E a dlct4lrEr Of 59.1r, fer t; (.!) 1j t,5"2{'02' li a dl st'1rlc$ ol lj'uo f,.jot, (31 s 01.35158. E a di i;t.l|.lc-c ol l90,ru il|oL to tli!. southaas! cornor of aaid fot i, ti*tr" dltlnrtng S Ol'-''.rr,ri" t: for .r 4ist-rrr: of 102'81 fe'-'t, rcrosa Trat C, afil lnto Trat D ViJ L,'l.t(I:.,r ii -rO l l l:.:l' t'tt'IM;t I l.l')nct S 85"2{r02" H tor .r ,llstamc of 18?.?I fcct tllrot!tli r;ui l 'l'r-rr-' D:rrr'l acl.or-'r sJi(l Tract C to-a frint cl q-\ rA:,a! bo'dary of Trict ,'; tt, ,,'' :t l.l 'llrlJ" h' 'r long tt* Y:t. Lo'n<lar7 of tracl C, for I disr irs: of lol'tit 1-., r 1e llu :touttt\'Jc';L oorncr of lI)L 'l' therEe t}I! folldtr€ tcvlrn @ur!L's al()rrrj tl'i r.t rrl 'rtr'l rp|th i'oul '5r)' of k)t 'li tii H-i:;lf il" W a ,lior.rr*^ or ir,.;, !uL.r; (-,) l: .il'i0'09" !'J a \llstanc! ot 52,02 f,-.ct; (3) N {o35r58" W a ,lisrirrcc (]l lrJ:,'l I le.r i ({} ll l7"0ttf'8' l'l a distanor of ll.3i tcet; (51 N {"lt't8' W r 'lif;t.,:.c ol lil ' l? fc--t; (6) N ?8'11'10" n a .CEl|rrrrtrEa'llst^rnc!ot:1,.),t''t;(?)N8!li'o:"!:adlctanG'of 2{8.96 f.ft to th8 tEint of 1,. litutit,;. lar;l.lllll r.[ .rl tl {tel, ar' ['(.ldi' ' " r 'i, 1 r${. ..F rn,jrtr $l |(rd.rtr' llrrl|$q. , r|' r,l rrd.*l(r.,I-r 'il.-..{lerrr ,'l d's"lr"ll. Jl"" 'r''' t.t ll $ 1. l{, lll lti lr rrr ...J l.!ri. rr" ' .rn,!,.r.t,!. llrtr.r'&.'lr'r it.tf .ll!.1 ll., it r.,rt r.t.'tt lrll r\l l\l r l | ,Il \ | |l I rl | | \l t !r t Lr lr. vJr rra i\trrttr r.lr' ..lr''1,, t,!lt O[24 b ( l:'r.) Ltr, | 4 3ti 00 '/:tl -I01- n,. q 3 ls ?l{'8f' .!'(l Nin l'/-Nirn &'ntr ($2,56[.{80.99), 'r.!rr Iir r"^J -ndr'rl..rr.\.1 d^tl'tn^-li, rrn'J"CS ltrn r;u(1:\i($Pl,.i'" ,,n'r,{.,(r .,llrrn,t.l rr,trrrr t",'rr^r 'nl !hlr'^rnrr,r' I d/r2-- Powrttr' \., r- r.r. rL,l,r r,rl.,,r.,i.r..l!xr, rrJ.lr".i'J rl'rrq{r'trol !r .r li!rr.0rr'r\ slEcteE3rt ",.r 'rt* rr.r,L.S. lt! BrJ ." ...-{. .L'lcrt,,^rn.rn n.l.dlr.lh.l '' Ii"'t{'rrr|l r"tr| nJlr'r' Jlrlr^\'r'!r'nll*trxl|'(r r, ,ir,, r, { rr'\ | ,rL 'r'.Lr il l'r rlr,{.1"{ !t.t.r tl'. fr'rn"rl' 'lr ,rn. -r l,{rr' r. .. itkin, lr 111lit t :,'ff:ii l/r;r v,.r I I$er I Yfu'ru( ,il\1"" dLrl/t PuJuv tu) w fuMlx,llL UPW u kT*t nfi n4 n In /tvt A uj. W t^ret--L ^A - dMr- wfr,ot- Jfi -/Yu {nWD Als- t-l,u frll Stnwn,iLrt -vrwLd .IK- THE TOI{N OF vAlL' a Colorado MunlciPal corporation ("Grantor") ' whoge address is P'o Box l0O' vail' Colorado 81557' for Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideratlotl' in hand paid' hereby sclls and conveya to vAlL AsgocIATEs' lNC" a Colorado corPoration' (,,Grantee") and lts successors and asslgns' whose address is P'o' Box 7, Vall' colorado 91657' all right' tirle' interest' c1a!m and denand whlch Grantol has in and to the Real Property described ln Exhlbtt A artached hereEo and nade a Part hereof Eogether with tlt' i"ttt"tt of the lessee under that cerLain lesse betneen Grantee as lessor and Grantor as lessee Cated August 30' i97l and lil' tecorded "t tnt t""ota" of Eagle county' colorado on Deq-e rber 8' l97l' ln Book ?4- ^8";'; tou"ting the Real Property des:ribed in J ,orT rrq fplol )u ,,Jr .i{j|}ttlllll tlt oEyu?;74 t /44./!*' ' Exhibir A. j i 19i(. signed chls ,-,!- ' daY "f - -z:::j!-=- "\"ll"lilt'':;:l:!?:: ATTEST: (SiAL) sTArE cF cc!-opJ.Do I "" COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregolng ins ! rlunenc 96g ackno"rie<igeti Lreforc tn" -^ -. ' \ | 1976' bY 'lidr-. Ii_ 'rhls '. ^ 1 daY of -' .' ' J n"ro' and I 'lcrroll J 'linycr -- '- -- J, L.- l 't ,'aYc''Vatl, a I'luniciPal corPoration' on as Town Manager of lhe Towtl or 'Iract LlONS Valll Dof Nor t the lint (4 ) ih€ Co 2 5 r I behalf of t4{"CorPorat ion ' "ii"i' rnY hand and of irctal seal ' ires: \" r'i';' ' ;t$-conrratsslon ExP ,ir,r.,. - -- ;iii;E; - - ---;"f,'ffi.r-uu rie /.// ,/ EXBIBIT A or") , ara rlls I een d llll, *z- =-- t, on rtg1- I r. !^rL/LToNSHEAI*ffiN'HEAD, sEcoND rILlNG'rt'd AII of Trect B, varr'|"--"-' , -r, 6f rract B, vAlL/ rrac, B, VA'L/LT.N'HEAD ;:::::':::T:';':,',1"u "" , LIoNsHEAD ' FrRsr FILTNG ":; ." the Northerlv llne of rracr B' Beginnlng at a PotnL * "': '-,- e^rrrhsaat co$or of rtact ve' / r,ronanea.r, Flt ! t "tJ"1"1 " lt"."r: .:T rt,.'rl r;,."' along eeid D of sald subdlvislon ' ;';;"rr,56,, E 43.66 fee! to a Polnt on Northerly llne; Ehence _*'"r".a B; th€nce along aald so"lherly :::""":':::iffi: ;.:' ;J". - ::1,: ::::' :: ; ;:.:: ::'.'' (2) s 78.13'30" E t58'00 :"".: il.-:_:.::':l:",:::":'"',T;, (4) N rl.'02' 30" E r53 )v;"r'rrrg rr,czr. zs " the PolnE of beginnint ::'J:';""" "'..r" u'r'e in the rown .':"'^:'"]''il 'J'les more colorado end contalning 838'450'23 square feel ; rownshlP A parcel of land ln lhe North n"lt;;"", Tow. of va1l ' 5 south, Renge B0 llest of the 5th Prlnclpal tr, u.rrrrron"$€ad' Third "j,','.T::",,":::":JJ:l:"'""'"":i"-:"::ll*-""'..'l,."::::' vrl,"gc, slxth Fllins and vail vlllsge' *tt"rt, rlne of lract B' Besrnnrns *.. " por"t * :n" :t^:t:" Ehe Northeast co!'1er Vaii / Ll onsl.earr , Thlrd Fil1.g' utti"tt niiii .1"*,".n."". ai,o:1i sa!'l of Lot I' ilc'c'r l' vail i'illaFt'' Sixth Fili sourhcrlv rtne rn.'": :'.":""t;r:,5:,::.: ,, ;L*t$; :, Srcond Fnins * *: ::i:::" *, o, feerr (3) N I 69.38 fceEi (?) N Er2'7'3uoa"r"". (5) 63.24,00,' E 245.00 feet; reet; (4) N 4'35'58"" t^'r:.;-i, N s4.34,00" E12.oo reet; (8) .u, " ,r.ro'00" E 148 00r€,;; ;;..rr,." -r- i: ::;" ,;rltl, rl.tt' N rr'34'oo" E 2s2'00 t'rr; ;;r.r.,oo,,E r::.0^o^ reet; (14) s 86" o5'oo" E r25 oo feet; :l;; ,;;.;; 's" 6 235.00 oo,oo.,E 15o.oo feec; t::,|;r;-,,r.52.38,,s 181.57 feet more or 48, 42,' E 179 . 90 f eec ; Trr;rr" rine of valr vrtlase , ^ttlrd f llrns ' ress ro a polnt * t"".lt.* ;";o", or r,or 6, Block 3 rf said whl-ch Point is the Nortnea"' ".-.'--'*--1" llne on two 'oulsea: ""o-u'r*"r"", .n.""" it oT r"".'.1 ::'.'l;;': ::I".r,, \,, G73. 40 reet (r) N 72"14'00" " "t -".rr, ,r". ", vatr villate, gix.h Ftling' Eo a pornr on the Norsher" :^-: - ;^*,er of LoE l, Block 2 of which pornt !s the soat Northerly corner of -rrrr" o. che follording eatd subdivisioni thence along said Noruh€tly seven couraea: t" " '-u'"'u'i' $ 25e'20 t*t ::"t':t1"""t"':i "t'"' no" o" a I25 root'i:T ffi::'.'iJ;,'""";il:,,':'".",:""" A of sard subdlvislon; ""-r'*no"" central angle of said curve te the rett *:-'., ;. aj feer ro a point of tangenc; rong chord bears N '9'13'07 '" u 53'43 t""t tr an" Northltest corner (3) s g5.00'oo" w 2oo'00 feet more or less tto, ,or."a Roadi (4) of eaid rracr A, trhlch is also the """t t-::" r"oa ladius curve lrhich N 5"00,00,, !l 5o.oo feet to a poinc t" -:. t:,t^r.n-resrerrv l2g.5g feet rs on che North llne of foreet Road; (5) to"" ""rrat", angle is arong rhe arc of eaid curve to tn" tttnt^-]l'0,00" r'r 128 39 feer: to r' 27 "00, 00., an<r wliose long chortl n"*" :^tt^^t ,ee. more or ress alonfl' poinr of tangenE; (6) N 6s'00'oO" N 270'00 sald North lin' 2, Block 2' va feet along rh€ containing 58( 3. TRACTS I ' A Part of Tre countY ' \'u '"' Co' Filing ' sa id line of tJ S ' quarter of I Princ!Pa1 U line or ro' Right-of-l'lr feet to ih' th"nce N 5 radius cur irail Yi11; courses: curve'-o cl.,ord be. (2) S trl N 7q'04' less t'-t I .IlI- I 53 t. 8' Batd North 2, Block 2, feet along contalnfi.g -: , i lt?; llnc of For€lt Ro.d to th! southerst cornor tq#iE S' vail vl-ll.tc, stxth Fllln8; and (7) N 22'00'fi'f,p/r$:O0 rhe Eaeterly ltne of slld Lot 2 to thc pofnt 'i$eglhttang ' 580,520.83 squfe fect or 13'3269 acres' lorc or leas' lng ract' c 'ho9e rcr I ri ch f€et ro .1 on8 3. TRACTS I. A AND 8 VATL VILIAGE, FIRST FIL1IIG excePl1ng: A part of Tracc B, ValI Vlllage' First FlIlnS' Tot,n of Vail' Eagle county, Coloredo deecrtbed as: cotrmenclng eE the Northeaac Corner of Vatl Vlllagr:' Flrst Filing, said Corner being uhe lntersection of the South Ritht-of-uay line of U.S. Hlghvay No 6 and the East ltne of the Northuest one- quarter of Sectton E, TotnshiP 5 South' Range 80 tlest of the 6th PrinclPal Meridian; thence N 79"46' u 983'16 feel along the Northerly line of vail village, Flrst Fllln8' sald llne beinS the Southerly Right-of-way llne of U'S' Hlghway No' 6; thence S 6"26'52" t.J 348'83 feet co the true point of beglnning; thence S 79"04'08" E 200 00 feec; thence N 6?"52' E 55'78 feet nore or less co a Polnt on a 130 foot radlus curve on the iJe6cerly llne of Gore Creek Road as Platted ln vail vill'age, i'lflh Filingi thence along satd lJesterly llne on t\^to couraea: (l) Southeasterly 34 12 feet along lhe arc of sald curvecotheleft\dhoaecentralanglei515.o2.25..andh'hoselong chord bears S 34"44'49'5" E 34 03 feec to a Polnt of cangent; and Q) S 42'i5'02" E 5O'Oo feet; thence S 62"19'3E" l{ 139'65 feet' chence N 79'04'08" Ll 2OO'00 feet; thence N 6"25'52" E 100 00 feet rnore or lesstothetrucpolntofbeginning'containl'ng28,32l.07square ?"v.xttudva____- . t cr i. 6501 acrcs l--t',ixD t/tt?Ixl tr rE of cllotlDo 1..counq o, EAou t*I ||..at cittr trt tt'r rf ttrrtl rt: ,lbd ld rar, rr ir '' ' , , rl.at)jQ?a 2.--.......-r, 6''oOf i PLEASE RcTURtf TO vAtL Assm|llE$ llla P.Oh, vail, Cdord t1657 Attn: chrls LrfimP tt li' L, -.4.- rrL ..,,i '. ( z9i _)a a ill r -( t: .r rn rlJ r' ir 6 !..t .r.rl .q . {1Lv/'1 - ii('/L' . , ,, I ,r-l !'ilLg|ar t. ( ('r.lrirt !'i t fLc !ta+ l+t"f€,tt :. r !i r rrrr L45!r- -.r,.rnnrfit'6l.ldo,. Clerk aod /t , n . r( ( .rr,l I tl* t(, the lr|ap , l, , rrrrt r , l,o i.rr3do. ('llrk ,'r,'t l,ss. ,, "rr!..1 r(, t.l',t irl . ,; .rl|,1 'i' { ord(a, I l. h.,.. I. \ r , rt., r liljr... ,',..'t,Iirrri t" (h€ .nil) : 1, i r( ,,rc, _: : r ,r, L. ,.\, rr.. t,,l,ra.jJ,r, r:lcrk r|| l i, rr.r'1 . ! ..rt r!0rnr r '. r, r'r . r. r. t lt:... i'!r,,,, .r.,,:: , r.,iil 1,.. .rt , rr,t r,.l|cti(.,i iir.r lrlLrrr',.r.t'r(l i:ig t(t ,i'i, r. 't tl'r' llr,:l, l;rr|l,t,, ,l,rlorado' ltry*F '!r-'-"':- ! ,L,l.lq ,,..t.t; ri) : ,'. l.',1 ' t :. n) tr, t: t.) S 19)jqrr"r" ^ ;.,' !,,t: tr.(n(|! Lr,:;rr'rtrr ,,r,i nrrrhrrlr' 1in., S ()l'r15rf8" ;1.'r8 i'!1, t.r llr' ,.il,ii. ir:t, ,l 'iri f:.r' t ll: t\,ncr tLr( l,,il.!ln'r . ... ,.,!l::( rj,;ri i.,l ., rtr,..i rir,.r i1 .; ',6,()-'"'1q" f. ltl,,,, r,!l; i.r'.:i t . "r.,r. t, \ -\ ir'l{;" i i,i.\,(.| . ..r: , .: 1. .,.\," r1..r),, ,t ,ll"',r,j " t.! i.;ar ,,t: , : l , (. \r'l)lrt itrr' 'r1' r'r'rtlr(rl lir'('' : , L rrll ',r r', lllnnir.,: . 'rrt.llntn: i, r I r. ,,. r,jint I, tlrr nitir tir('reof recorded r,,i :. r . , l rl .rn,l li,.(,rrdlr, EICEPT ' '. ri t llr '-, ,.n((-, d|partlnS !, , i . t(' lht ,()uthrrlv line of ,.t, rrlni', .rijd southorl\ llne. rr ' .n(, ,0r.'L'r8t'l,l llJ.-i r,, ri, {ir' loinl ,,f t'r.*lnnlnS' .\tr I i,' I'r,r; ) !. ir:' r. (l', r'.rl :h..rr"f 'i , .,,rrrt . ,l.rr'.rdr,, I l(.rk ,lnd r, ( r\r, lta rnd , l 1 I rr 'ir '! tld( d nlil) ,,ri't., ( 1,,..r.1(,, hrccl 13 (r.tl vulrtc strco Tr.ct,r a rrrct ot land cerltad cI r ptrt of tract D,ot lot b. lloct t-1. l.ll Vlllrjc ttr.t fll!,n3.r.cor&d ut&r LcrDtlon Lo. 961t2 ln thc offic p.rt of l!.ct C, rnd prr! .ccordln3 to th. r9 tb.rrofr.cora.d u&r Lcrptlon llo.la tha offlc. ol the Erjh CouDttr Colorrdo,Cltrl rld Lcordcr (Clrrl'e l.cords), d.lcrtb.d rs follorr: Dctlnnlog rt tl'. nor .rt cornar ol arld Lt b, thence alotg tha raatarlylln. ol ..1d lrr b, E.cr{lr@.,l| 21.0o trrt; thcocc rlanl rh. nortb.rl, ll.o.rol . prrc.l dcrcrlbcd lD loot l9t .t tra? lCl of th. ClGrlta Lcoraa l6t.trr00iJt6.5t lccr, th.Dc. coDtlnuln8 36l.l9r00',E 25.O0 tr3t to thc a..t.rt, rtlht-of-r.\ lth. of tridte Srrc.r; thcDct riong r.td ltnc N26.llr00it 1t.02 irctr(. th. norrhee6t cornlr ol r prrccl dalcrlbcd !n Dook 3O4 at patc ,a6 ott\. Cl"rl'r le(ord6, thenc. tba follaloi tyo courrc rlont th. bouadrryot ..1d p.rc.]: (l) 563'19'@"[ 59.m tret; (2) 8f1.33'3a.8 t6.44 f.ct !o tb..r.t.rl) lln. of lrr ., DIoc\ 5, Vrfl Vtllr;c tlr.t ftltnt; th.!c..lort.|ld llne Sll' j5'm'8.. l!.5E fGat to th. ror.rthrtat coro.r of aata Lt a; thcnce 513'15'00"[ ?3,3t t."t to tha .qrth.rrr corncr of Lt b. flocl t.vrll vrI1.t. Flrsr Frllnt; thence St2.2jroO,.E tt.t, f.?ti th.DG. foa.3trt5t75.72 tGcr ro rhr .outh..rr corncr ot Lor G, Dlocl i. V.ll ytlh3. tlrrtlrllDB, ehlch 15 on th. northctly rlaht-ol -r.y llnc of Gore Craal, Dalw ar 6l,oen .'n rhr t,lar lor Vrll Vitlrl. Fltrh F lD3 r3cord.d tcfur Lcagtlo!|l. tol5lE ol rht .jlcrk'e lccordc; thcncc the follorlng tug cousaaa alont.'.,1d lloc: (1., 6.21 lcet rlonS the rrc of. curvc to tbc rlaht bavttt arsorur, ot .]2t.89 feet, n c.nrr.l .n3le ol 01.05r3O''r aod r chord ltlch b..rrSltu'19'lE"t 6.:'i I"Gt; (2) 26.3? ,elt rloog the .rc of r curvc to tha rtthtbavtnt r radluu t'l 65,E0 l.Gt; s centrel .nlle ol 22.55'01', rnd I etord rrh.i(h b,...rr 568'39'22"E 26.14 terr, to thr touthnr! corn.r of A Laubdtvlat i! ot llo(l 5.nd. p6rt of Gore Crcck Drtve.ccordlnt to thc Dlrt ttaraof racotd-ed undr r l{:ceptlon No. 96927 ln the Clerl,s lccordc; thancc thc lollcb3tour coutscs aloog the e.bterly. north.rlt, tnd crttcrly bo0nd.ry Ot xtdprrttl; ,. l I N09'45'Oo"E 102.O0 fect; (Z) S70.59,00.E 96.5O tcc:; (3) sao'15'00"8 ?'.;.O0 lect; (4) s09"{5'm'! llO.Bl fcct (SOt.l7,t€ H ltO.69l(€r crlcul.red) (o rhe norrhcrly rllht-of-y.t of C-rt Cr..k Drlve; tb.DG.rhr tollour.og 3 coura.6 rloot rrld !lD.: (l) iEa.06r 51r.E 64.36 t..ti (Z) )ltd'37'0O"! 4(,7 t.ct; (3) 8.84 leet .loog tba .tc of I Gury! to the rlahtlrrvrn6 r r.dlt6 or 17{.98 t.cr, a c.ntr.l raglc of 02.53'lt" rnd. cbord ehrch brar6 588'2l r(3"8 8.84 rcer (c.lcul.t.d curva drtr)i to tba touthaaa tc.rncr oi Lor ti, Bloct 5, varl vlll.te Flrtt lllln3; tbcocc tO!.@rl61tlot,.ll lrct lo rtr. norrhe?at corn.r o[ j.rd Lot 14l th.nca rlola tba DostLsl,llne ol Lor; 11,15,16,17,18 Elocl 5, lril Vlllrgc Flr.t Flliog rr drrcrlbrrton rht pl.t lr,r !.t) Vtllrge Ilfth Fllj.n8 164.42't4,,E 136.53 lrot to thdo('rtlE.st corn€r ol 6.id l,o1 18. uhlch 16 on thc wrtarty rltht-ot-vry llnrof Gore Crcel losd aG shonn on the pl|t tor yrll Vllhlc. llfth !ll1a3;rhcncr rhr toll.'ern6 four coursec rlcnl r.1d rtiht-of-usy ltnc: (l) 2.15leet rlong t'h€ erc of I cutve r! thc lett hrvlnB r rrdlur of !!6.19 trct;s (cntr.I .n8l( .,1 0O'09'50", snd s chord rttch bcarr ltll.2?'20,|ll 2.{5 fmt.I(:)i l/.51 a]onl th(. sr( (j i] (urv( to rh( lelt hrvlnt e radtur of tir,Oo f.at.r rentral ar.8lr (,t lr0'i1'41.', end a chord rhrch bcere N26.54'O!,i .tt.Og L3.t;,J) N(:"f f,'Ol"L :t-3J !eet, (4) :.t4.t2 l?€! rlonS thc arc ol . curvc to thcrrShr lr.vrrf 6 ri,dius oI i:t('.oc, te.t, . ce..tr.l rntl. of 15.02r25'., rnd rch-rd vi.rtl, brrrr )iir("4('49"ta l1 .03 tcct t( rhe southeast cornar ol tb. vattA(l,lrtrl (1ut ;,arrrt; rh!ncc rlrt follorlng thre€ cour6es rlonS thG routbarly,tr,( ()l srrc pr,:(!l: (i, Sr':'\:'O0"li 65.78 teet; (2) N79.0(.06,\1 2OO.00 lrrtdc .l(,ni r( !.,,!tll{ riv lrre ct a irarcrl rr:cordcd !n Bcok l9l rt p.t.| l3g.ir, t tr. (lert r I.:t ( ord6; {3) ti/.i 13'53"1t Jti.70 t!, thc 5outhc.Et coract of!lrr I'l,,ertalr lidu: pirrcel r,r deserlhcd l!r Boo\ 219 at t.,t:e 363 tn thr Clath,ff. a,rC: rht:rr r thr follo!.rnf J(,\tt courre: alont the e.urhcrly tnd urrtcrlyr!',':,da:\ (.r rrrd l,.ir(rl, ( t :,f ; q.''00"r :0(,.00 f eet; (2) S0l.lEr00,1l t5.0Otr|r, lJ) \fi ,.l'O(r"lj r",r.(r' j..r.t; (1' liot't8,00"f ll5.0O tcer ro rhe 6osrh-crll lrrrr I l-i,\t l{..ador t.rrrr.. tirtnir rhr fr,!lowln3 rhre. coultes rlontb3rd rlur. Sba'.'i'14"|j 2o.3j re"r; (;,) ll0,fr feer .long rh. .rc of . curverh rrtht iri',r$t € rrdlus (,t 24:t.01 lcct,.a centrrl engle ol 26'03'll',s rhorc atrr, i, bcair ti,r.5-,4(r,,ri 109.57 t.eri (3) 9.99 fo.r tlong thct( the lelr havln8 n rrdrur c,f E5.0O fcet, I c.ntrrl aollc,ad. chord vhrrlr beere N65'12'55'tS 9.98 telt to the northetrt Sortrroalp parr rl rE dercrlb€d tn toot. ?9; rt Pate 565 1n tha ar r o, ,r ( urvr,)l 06 /.-'O0', cor ne | ()_ t i,. Clerr'r ktr rrror; !htnc( thr- fullorlng ltvl" courr.r. elorr5 the ..5t.!ly rnd ;lll':::, Y*'Il.:1 "?:ll.?::c'r t (r ) r r{' t2'o!\t |r. ri r..r r (r) sri'!c' r{"1ll;!i'f::t f?l *.:11:r1\,'ra.oo ii.i'iri'rii.i:idiL rrr.o r.tr oj ::."1 : g::,, I :. lg^1.::..:^, r,. ii.iitii ii;'; :b.;;rlil.il,lX.p.lih ;:, i:::::*_it i::ili?.:, ;i.:I;i.il lil.i:,i[ r:::!:,TH.':illll'::llt,l:,,:oTt':: :r "is rli :iii:li';;fi;; ;r::ifii'ilil'Llll.,llt,:9r:rt:?ll: lo:us..r::.:. (:) sti.ii;6o;i-ilii,rL,'li'.;:.;il#:;.:i'.,ot l,or k, tlocr 5-E, vrrl vrll{. rrr.t-iririii-ctli.. .roq rhr ...rrrl,lln' or rr!'t r. vrrl vrllrrc, irrrt ruril d'li.i6;ii;r r!.a6 r..r (rll.to,trnl94.36 lret crtculrtcd) ro thc north ft". ,i r..i ., ii*r 5_1, Vrll flll.|rlrrrrt Flltnt; thcnc. thr t.llallg tr" "our..i-.iinJ rerd n.irh lrnor til-N66'tE'00"[ l09.o0 f.rr; t2) s77.|1r90,,, rs.li il.;',i rhr potnt ot b.tlmtll,.ont.lnrng 3.61 arrrs. oorc ot llrs. f 'fi"wn"''l r (, ,a1 ll I /"t- . \\ Y "j t l-5) '^J , llrr Drro. t-.rb r ltlh ..r., frfrrh--.- .atb c.unrr., ttgle C.bre&. .1 j 1* 6r.a -, ,. .,."Yall A.loclrt€B, Ilc. .rrtaJuly Lr'..r Ton of Vrtl, r Colorrto fulclprlcotporrtloo. )iirF- rnd.r.r.6r Colorr& | 2 sllsfftrfll* TEN IDLL RS (tlo.oo) eid othcr tood rad tain.bi;;;;iO"nta14g :5i:.::y_11.11:1li.',_:I.:.ldrrih,r.r.F?ty ..u.._rF,r.rbc;lrd. L.rrr ..nr....d ri{ -ln rL.r... h- ,,.r..d. .rhu...'Fr, ...rr,." J Wn fiill;G,n-nr. -!r F-r'. rrb.r.,I..ir.r.id et,llcL^tl rrb th...t F., j,f _l-J ftjE.r...'.-.r..4 r.rr_ t nr.r,.t ||..drr. t[lr.|.t.'r td..- rna ar-r.a,tt lt|'r..pry fff lf-ilr.a ri .na r. a[. bLrr|l d*nba |r .. ,.rc"l .,l..a ,.t..r.. l'|f aaa Lirl ta t_ Oa.a EfI I a ..a tr.|. ,O-.ra.. to , :I port lon of ?rrct 8, Yrl I /Ltoarh..d, llrst ?llt.3, D.llrairl rt apo1!t o! thG Dortberlt llao ol rttd Trecf B, ..ld-pot.a dD- 99103 tb. lorthGt.t cora.r ot T!.ct D, ..td Vrtl/Llor.!.d, ttasfllhj; tb.lco tbc lol.loilDl tour cour... rlool tl. Frt!.;ltlloc ol .rld trrct 8: (1) 3 2!olr,!O,t lzt.eo t..t; (l) ! aa6ot.Oa! rot.?g lcct; (3) 6 (Xo35.6s. t7.5o rcat-; (11 r UF:biOo" t Zr at..t ; Eic. , d.ptrt log .rld loFiLrly t l!.. ! O{o!! i !!" I ?9. -ttoct, to iri idtiiiii ii; ;i-ili-i'iiii;-troc. th. torrrrrr.lr courra. tlgca rrld routbcrlt lln€: (1) r l€o22.3{r' t zll.c?tc€t; (2) i r3s35'm,, E 59.!O tc.t; (3) 8 ?!ol3'30. ! lo!.oo tr;t;({) I 54934'm" E te.OO re€t; (5) X rloo2'to" f t!3.!O t..t;(6) lt 1?olO'3O" E lOO.fO teet; thcace, dop.rttDf .tld ruti;tltllD€, X ?Oo45'17" f 3{.95 t6€t. t4-the oolat ol-berhaturr- col ..;ii 11 4)j: r1!.*i-.-., ta. !O ll^f E ,rIlt t0 II.,LD th. .rir.. toalr hr*ilh .' rrd .,trautri rlr .r*?r.nr..r. ..d Frrabtr. tht Laar{.r.. rntrrt. thr.trnio .trrrrrr.rna. rn4 rI th. -.r.r.. .,.tr, rralr, Inr.rr.i .na.trt.rrlh.a._rr. Jt-at r9 {ah.n. Fri,.|ah.rr.t.r.r.qurty.t(ih.oatt,.op.ru-,Lrrfrl.ndLtt d.ftbd,.'f atL-.na t 'r. I t a t.r r. . ia rsri, to,. r.,u rm gre iirtmr. n ..r 1...y ot r.* r,,,t ;,n xa,z6,Qt. ..J.l t -a -[ tLa.t.r{rr.rtr...t,rrnrkn ,/ - ./nI Q'<-''JZ, f:- rtattorcot t^txr l-6srr, ErglA JlL r...tr.rr rrtrr-na ra.etL.lrE{.rr. Bodrey E. Erlre'ftr!8i: ?lt'iulrib,o "?f.rlTrt It..-ifr.,cn f rF.'r 12/231 .lr8Z l',ri.., n, h.nt.nddk{t,.] a: b Pi,vl rtA5F fi rrr Lr.. rtdr.r.'. p. O. Box Z. Vrll Colondo ET65E ( o,'hry ot Ertle Col....lo. of r h. E.ond D., L _Ll1ll._*itr]L?!11h:1F.r y .{ t h.,i.r. ,..r. r.,.nd |'.o6.id,.-r.. o,rr. r.... 4.. t-ri .. .t rat r..t . r r, fx r lar.a. t .La..a rr"hr"d In rh. p'.'r. oa | - --l ii 1[ 't D.' TE i:-'}3i.,,,:iiii etc(,(;, nl'';7Trr, F-equested the Council do that. Fred Hibberd requested the Council to take more time on the purchase. Diana Donovan stated her concerns again. At this time, a motion to table the ordinance until a Special Meeting on December 23. 1986 was made by Kent Rose, and Hermann Staufer seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. The next jtem was 0rdinarlqe-No,--32,---Series of 1986, first reading, concerning amendment of the rblj,ttii_-nsp ter*a-pqtkirs-df9!lig!-. The full title was read bv Mayor Johnston. GeorgJ Rosenberg, representing Breakaway West Condominiums, reiuested the ordjnanie be tabled until a later date, and Jay Peterson, representing Bi I I Fl ei scher, agreed. The ninth item on the agenda was Vail Assoc--iate,s-1-appeq.!-p!-tt'e-Pt-eq!-ln9---C-orn!ission decjsjondenying9xt_en{9d!ge-oJ.t.!.Lmodul4rbui1dings.aL.W|.PeterPatten gave backgrori'a-information-on TnJUuildings and staf f 'sEtonrm-enTation for denial . joe Macy of Vail Associates introduced Nancy Nottingham, Manager of the children's p.ogrami for VA. She explained the programs they have, which were discussed by bouncil. Joe Macy. Larry Lichliter, Nancy Nottingham and Larry Eskwith. Jack Rush, General Manager of ttt" Manor Vail Lodge, stated his misgivings on the buildings. Joe Macy agreed with the statements made. but there had been no complaints from anyone ttrai tt. was aware of. and the reasons why they needed to request the exiension again. Jack Rush responded to these statements. After some discussion by Nancy Nottingham and Larry Lichliter, Kent Rose stated the Council and Vail Assoliates needed to have meetings to work on priorities. He then made a motion to approve the reguest with the stipulations that 1) the facility be two modular buiIdings in a sjmilar configuration as now, 2) the ten conditions of staff as shown in memoiandum to the Planning Commission dated November 24, 1986' and 3) the permit be granted for two years with an annual review. Mayor Johnston commented the prolrams were good lnd needed, but that two more years would be the end of appioval . He itated that at the first year review or before, Vail Associates must present to Councjl a permanent solution. Hermann Staufer seconded the motion, but amended the third stipulation to be granted for only one year. Kent Rose then amended the motion. Michael Cacioppo asked questions of Council, to which Mayor Johnston responded. Peter Patten asked for clarificat'i on that at the annual review next summer, Vail Associates will have to bring a permanent solution to the Council. Eli c Affeldt stated it was a suggestion only. Jack Rush and Michael Cacioppo made remarks. to which Joe Macy responded. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-1. with Eric Affeldt opposing. The next item, the Ambrosia Restaurant sign variance request, was tabled until a I ater date. There was no Citizen Participation. The Town Manager's Report was next. Ron Phillips stated the lrlutcracker Suite was going to be shown at the lce Arena. Monday, December 29, there would be a benefit show with an orchestra and wine tasting for $25 per person. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at L1:52 p.m. Respectful ly submi tted, ATTEST: Pamela A, Brandmeyer, Town Clerk I Minutes taken by Brenda Chesman -3- oz E =&,uto- oo rf,(\l FI o?orf)c! o ooro !-{ a UJ IIJll- E =t UJc 7ryfuD I $ * I ti N\ W r aal IJJF o E, Iz = z in uJFoz(,z J 6 .a oz u,z = uJ7 F t!Jul U) =f ou- G Fo E. z - q]!q.. Inir: F\\.< t=-= t?,s\ \-\-\ E.'t\ \l->: ASSSEAH\i --,-|65-:F\\itt < .= \.J =- 5n a\lJ+ir* Fs$o€EdPF E! o,,!6E EH36n,c E 5E €:;ootriU'ocEE'ior e:EEopor xog o-oc6itrggs E'.g E ci o) (rc 6.9)-rE E!c-og,,^o ;io-o(Ea .=o E:Eo,> -O =€,o -o F oE6'3E E8 c.l2o_'EX :r-E'.xu;ocL o(!5X =€,g'tc9'- o.Ecoo EE5O CC 3etq!.=- ct(E rr (6-- -c Eg-c,€6ooLE Oo (!c3g 60 d! O,oE of;6O(5 .Y= (oE >E-oo9E.q)Er-o -o c Lrrf tr)F\ slc! Oo (o (f) LC)F (') <tt tr =Eut z = 6 Y r.lJI C)z E J 9 FoU.J uJ 2 (D =J J 2 otu = UJ uJl!z tr llJ o UJ o @ =llJ5ul z 6uro F6 uto o. z utJ x F uJo (t, uJullt E fro\ Fo 0z 6 J otFo uJ UJ oz t6- E z -()ult J FoF NOtJ.VntVA { (u9 oIqJdJqqo 9.t- bl .=l =l; o =l!oz F E C.'att uJo J z IJJ0 ?.i t zz ;a= e9r!<oqHd-t .ioi s (U +, (l)cji nl o,L! =L) Lo s x (U zo lt TE o gJ i o ootf) dq e gJ E z E o ouo o- u,l E oz aF 2,. 9z iF o3tr v,tzlz tr oo (J z F J az i o (, I F 9lFIal Jl<li-l 2_l zl .. >lol! IJJ UJz = UJ o- J z E (5z tra J @ z Y(! (L m ll ql; il;.; (Y) I Lr.J z9 E&u,F a 3qlz L {O ft OJOt) IrJ trooo1zo Fo- uJV ulo oF F =6. UJ o-bl>(olo@l (1 ::l - (Nltil HuJbkzo z oPzzoo =z o- rr =E*;Hg F l,uo- lt IJJoz l at,2 F I o- Jt-U.l i-!:='i(rduJ>o-Ot!9o\ ll,xo-:> l!JJ tr uldl ts =E lrJ o-zoF(J -rE 6zoo f,!D (,z)tr J Jto F J Iott!5z .Ya!oo- 'ii=z dto-) C +J a! 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N \J o d \0 t'\ \AN t^ \ = z x () z J 9(rF C)uJJ UJ oz6 ? 2 lr, = ul u-z F UJ L1J 3llJ tuEz 6 UJ F o- uJo o- z UJ C) x F llJ aJ)rrjf UJ\:l = UJ : s1 F1 () Fc)gJ z = = oIJ = J( F- P NO[Vn]VA il ?u t{l :<!c{l9izztt-ooo-. E s gat cP oi qoE Z!()!39 fr*t!< F 3 *\r E ;E -(\t(J dlll bl fl $ 1If, dl z tr l IL UJ F no, \f,b\n\ - o- UJE J z tr 6o Yz F- uJ 3 uJz \ Jtt uJ(E oz =z. 9= do3E t-zlzo tr o (j 2 tr lu)z - \rs \ J \ J 3 F ar, o3o Flo Fa <l|..l zl zl .. >lo u, ul tuzoF tu z E [[II FII tcrtotltltdl''' Ilx.!l:o9 T tN a:- R O)F-H-o =.5 v1 t! .- C OO-- o- (F +)C5 O-.F .d = '!v C(o Jq- (,- |-< .F U) O-tl_ v g X oa.= ll- G.1 S- .l-) (4'(, oJo< o op Et! -o c) oL! CF L,z,oo,-(JEou) o=r< = (J+, (5 l- (F -z, r+- o tn =t-y)cO @P'rJp oJ =J+) tJo aOoo, !-tr-Jc\l= tll-^^F- .-r c! 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Children's Center Nursery Mr. Gary Murran Chjef Build'ing Official Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Go'lden Peak Modular Pronosed Remodel of Ref. No. 32 REVISED CONSTRUCTION PLANS Dear Gary: Thank you for taking the time to discuss the Nursery Remodel Project with me over the telephone on Friday. I'm glad that we were able to c'tarify the scope of the project and, specifically, the requirements as regards exiting. I have enclosed a copy of the revised plan for this project indicating the following: 1. Install a rated exit door with panic hardware between the Nursery Day Room and the 6 - LZ Registration Area, left-hand swing in the direction of egress. 2. Existing doors from Nursery Crib Room do not require modi- fication as originally proposed. 3. The existing door between the Nursery and 6 - 12 space does not require modification as originally proposed. Our Mountain Services Department will be performing the work and will be contacting your department to pay for and pick up the Building Permit. As we agreed, the work will be performed after hours in order to avojd conflicts with normal operations at the Ch'i ldren's Center. Please contact me if you have any questions or require addjtional i nformati on . cc: Nancy Nottingham Enc I osure Post Office Box 7 '\/ail, Grlorado 81658'l10l)476-it'r'l \ailAstt"qLrc. Creators and Oncrators of \hil and Beaver Creek February 13, 1986 Mr. Gary Mumain Chief Building 0fficial Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Golden Peak Children's Center Ref. No. 26 PROPOSED REMODELING - NURSERY OPERATION Dear Gary: The Golden Peak Children's Center is a tremendous success. The new nursery is such a success that it is already too small for the current demand. }Je are proposing to remodel the facjlity in accordance w'ith the attached drawing in order to accomp'l ish the fo'l lowing: 1. The 6 - 12 space and nursery space would be reversed with each other. The 6 - 12 space js 328 SF larger than the present nursery space. The 6 - 12 group js out of the facility, skiing most of the day, and could be accommodated comfortably in the present nursery space. The relocation of the nursery to the larger 6 - L2 space would dramat'ically 'improve condj- tions in the nursery operation. 2. The entrances for the nursery and 6 - J.2 spaces would not be affected. Mjnor modifications are proposed to each entrance area in order to reverse the spaces. 3. Several exit doors will be modified in order to maintain adequate egress from the relocated nursery function. 4. No modifications are required to the existing fire protection, fire alarm, electrical, emergency lighting or exjt lighting systems as a result of our proposed remodel . One thermostat and a baseboard heater will be relocated. Post Office Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 81658' (ltll)476-i6[r1 Mr. Gary Murra'in February 13, 1986 Page two l.le are proposing to perform this remodel work during the non-peak hours of operation and during the evenings. The required work is.so minimal that the project could be completed in approximately three (3) days. l,le are assuming that a Building Permit is required for this work, and are requesting that you perform plan checking services as expedit'ious'ly as possible so that we may complete the remodeling as soon as poss'i ble. Your prompt assistance and cooperation in this matter will be appre- ciated. Please contact me with any questions or concerns that you may have. Si ncerel y, VAIL A5 OCIATES eD. Jack D. Project nn nager JDH:ss cc: Mike McGee, Town of Vail Fire Department Greg Peterman, VAI Security Nancy Nottingham, VAI Children's Center Manager Larry Mullin, VAI Ski School Djrector \ailAsts,Inc. Creators and Opcrators of Vril and Beaver Creek February 25, 1986 Mr. Gary Murran Chief Bu'ilding 0fficial Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, Co'lorado 81657 RE: Golden Peak Modular Children's Center Remodel of Nursery and 6 - 12 SPaces Ref. No. 36 CLARIFICATION OF PLAN CHECK ISSUES Dear Gary: It has been brought to my attention that the Fire Department has several concerns regard'ing our remodel plans. The purpose of this-letter is to provide additional information regarding these plan check issues, specifical ly: 1. We are not proposing any modjfications which would require the relocatjon of any existing smoke detectors or sprinkler heads. Please review a copy of the approved drawings which are on file with your office so that you may verify that the coverages related- to each of these systems remains appropriate as a result of our remodel . 2. Sim'ilar'ly, the approved plan indicates the exit l'ight layout- which wiii remajir'unchanged with the exception of the new exjt s'ign which will be installed on the relocated door at the east end of the nursery space. 3. I have enclosed a plan ind'icating the proposed use of each room. The occupancy loads in the Nursery and 6 - 12 spaces are unchanged fron the p'lans which were approved this fall. 4. The water service supply to the fire protection system was installed this past fall, was inspected and approved by the Town of Vail Buildjng and Fire Departments and a Certificate of Occupancy was granted accordingly. l^le would be happy to discuss any concerns that you or Mr. McGee may have, however' we do not believe that this issue has any bearing on this remodel project. Post Office Box 7 'Vail, Colorado 81658' (l0l){76-56trl Mr. Gary Murran February 25, 1986 Page tuo Please contact me direct'ly if you have any additional questions or Proj ectl llanager JDH: s ili ke McGee Ted Ryzcek concerns, Sincgrl ey, 7(, \,1\l &1 \/_:! /1 I\-t r -.t --j -1 .f' :1+ -.rJ.d-; \l\ *t t_ -J v arl It'I i|/..tdg IT ,L 0:I I .* .l fl I t -t ,l .l*- r'I -I| .J ,-^', tt, -rFil ) "t' - l rr Tt-'fA7'".. ,,;i .$ fi ^.1r $<l r'\-r .f -15ji p 'r- 0/ r;.4 :irf i,ltsn \.,-l;, .J ri\ !r:l -t n' ,J7 :"', .'- '/1\L) i_ttdil li -., (+- li |tl- =t "i ,':'-{ -\lf -i t{J ,'^i - :'T";t i; 1- 'i t/ ' ,:!. t i); 5i'--:' . .- t \- l- ' !,:- ilt.r !)1 Qti, I\:*i P*, Pir \, l; l\' f:l'.g ["_i\- '1.\- r,iPi ;( i5; t r-r rO or :-,I,I Pi'$rli iii, :V 'ir -V ^, (J.- )*\" \/' ' ir l) .u' .) l '7'1 crJ:1 . g"J ro; .-" {s # ),/, -' ] .i, I I.,IODUL\R LNILDRV LI '5 CVLITVR fJul.+,rr g r /b' 12 flooLlLaiq. nlrri , Ff bAulSY Zlt ll6tt L = o- 5 fFo5 u o/$ To -.f2$I do -ITd '$, $r ! \ PEAK l'loDt?leArl4tts" f0 lCLrE, !A" ' l"O" I I I I I -L QcvDztl d -9 INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL REOUEST PERMIT NUMBER PROJECT DATE t,. -. INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEE- PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING - tr POOL/H.TUB -r-l r-l - tr FINAL - MECHANICAL: - tr HEATING - - tr EXHAUST HOODS - tr SUPPLY AIR r-t - trF|NAL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr E FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR