HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B GOLDEN PEAK CHILDRENS CENTER 1988 TESTS AND PRINTS LEGALIRA}ISI.IITTAL LETTER VAIL ASSOCI o ATE s, Il{C. / P.0. BoX 7 / VAIL, t C0u 0RAD0 8r658 PR0JECI: 6osxS-Pe-*K- C+, \Ac€ ^\s Crr-*-arz- -TEI-A o€ UA i.- ?S- 3o u++f Fe-or-:*n5€'P-o*r> \,*iLr Qoloe+'>o Blo€+ ATTI{: Ua Q*+*-\1uceA',^\ lrE TRANSiTIT: (w) herewith ( )( ) in accordance with your FOR YOUR:( ) approval( )_ review & comnent(l use THE FOLLOI{II{G:( ) Drawings( ) Specifications( ) Change Order under separate cover via request parti es ('.,f nformat j on Shop Drawing Prints ( ) Samples Shop Draring Reproductions ( ) Product Literature-(e-r '?<g'ot-T'- CoNTRACT tto.: N.ls REFEREIiCE ll0: ill* DATEz Dcrob€P- lO )\qbA If enclosures are not as noted, please inform us irmediately. If checked below, please: ( ) Acknowledge receipt of encl osu res.( ) Return enclosures to us. ( Ldistribution to (.2) record() TO: () () (,n COP IE5 DATE REV. 1t0.DESCRIPTIOl{ACIION CODE 2 ro- t8-gE 5 oxrtr.r*-,lr a€ Or,.oc-Ze(e Tas-r Pzsocfs J*rec, al'b le s ACIIOII REI,IARKS D. For asE. See A. B. c. Action indicated on item l{o action required For signature and return t ransmi tted to this office signature and fomarding as noted belor under RE}IARKS REMRKS be]ow COPIES TO:(with encl osu res )() () () () () ,)1r\ / !, lr' / \t BY z !-Zer i',\;-Ot v* /,_ Koechlein Consulting Consulting Geotechnica 1019 8th Street r Suite 101 o Golden, Colorado 80401 SI]MMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Golden Peak Childrenrs Center o Engineers lEngineers ($127&2232 Vail Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 Attention: Jack Hunn Project: Loca t ion of Pour: S1ab, Lines 1 to 2, A to D Supplier: Mountain Mobile Mix Ticket No.P19987 Mix Design No.: 10 Cubic Yards: 100 Slurnp:3.0 in. Air Content: 4.87"Wet Unit Weight:I43.2 pcf. Concrete Temperature: 80'F Date Cylinders Cast: 9/16/88 Design Strength: 30@ psi @28 days Renarks: None. Ase ( Days ) 7 28 28 No.88-24 (l) 'snbbdoh ahd Hopkins {l) Hyder Construction(l) Jve :' (1) Mountain Mobile Air Temperature: 65oF Time of Test: 11:05 AM Cvlinder Compressive Strength (psi) 2970 (/)vrt\)e4 cr o\ g(fl rn o V, ,1sf') ti oCD EBF'n =oElo6.?; oo AI9;zfi*Hi, Y mtI trlln=r9Pi ll{\o@oi 'N€ oo'D t! 5rnHDItf o o g)l F FTttt = rtDo o oF ts oltt ono F.o F.rg Ft al al FI ttmm z200zz 3@omm oo'Tt 'n o>a =-{a3APzzcoZ?.d=a tsgit;3 | !: iie.F tdti: :5;ra.::E=i:?4:i I i;: ir_i:q:=:i:-? iie;- i;;;:i ig i;i-Flqd --=a f -- :;; '. 1=E:.fta:- ==ii;; a:" -::E;'F)i-+:: -_Z t 5i: ol8ltnrol I IU', oa a o F o <io. loiBioi o.rln, o F .r fD. 0t.r FOtsO ts. ts9.fi t!>ts oooo oxoE'PO.. O \roiFDDc.OrtFOOoor @!l'.l{ 5uoF@ c) = t1 Fh Ct cr oFtr { t!olrn @ E'€c Gt.n3 >o, o.6; o fi { tn' A ol Fnl ol Ftl<loi tr ,rlcri . rFld rot €r Flr OlFr t! .t!tr ttt co r@t4,Fl t'Flc uci rtl5 0,1 Fnl i c)t rlo E iotr t1ttr,u<ao.9,r I I I I fiEl36Hotoo'i'n >'Do>oU)ZAua 9<vlbex!'omo zo a-trsj odoxB;UA o'n<rl! -jil .o \< ai >! 0Jalo I P i9 e?-Eo o ro I<t j = Ox :FEZ 53 ^o{g e=i68s ar9'l:rae r5<ot!i! !DOCtr JP.FOOf $r[ € -E b Er3= q 3 €R*k'r E @t.'33 o : ?"Ee.+F F' XF Aao Ei'9Jd 3eP-{6s:AEEgt lr: N)og @ @ AE=E .r_{ai L.:r.l JJ 11 m9@2@-oa ma1) ot J 3vt ogqa? ft OA) o : I V1p E F l.t F i I I I oort r?OrtOJrtOoAOorttrOrt 0,<o,cft...q {{ l\J \o c|\ ll-oll l"oot 3=9 iz='-{f, i @ \ottl \o c,o- =rxT3 =2,.o- =u,o,o oB E oHP+<e.oaolONcsCt .^tsFOvo U' Fu n o tsr+<@,00olONfsdz, O\Jo vto A n 0) oPF+<g.qc)lONd5cr' a HFr! \- @ g T 93FEi "t Eg; ,n*Bq e2dE ssIn Hn<:D 61g3 aa E f;Ho g.i # H3E g6 *g96 2o a 'o T =3m o TD U'm! -{6z Ii'tl mt-o 'o om rm { F !E F o { \o ! \o \l \o o Koechlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 1019 8th Street o Suite 101 r Golden, Colorado 80401 (so3l278-A,32 Vail Associates. fnc. P.O. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 Attention: Jack Hunn STJ}O,IARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: Locat ion Golden Peak Childrenrs Center of Pour: Stairway, Lines B and D, Slab Lines 1 to 2 and C to D; 2nd Floor Pads Supplier: Mountain Mobile l'lix Ticket No. P19985 Mix Design No.: l0 Cubic Yards: 100 Slump:5.0 in. Air Content: 3,27"_ lr/et Unit Weight:143.9 pcf Concrete Temoerature:74"F Air Temperature: Time of Test:Date Cylinders Cast: 9/16/88 Design Strength: 3000 psi @28 davs 9: 35 lilil Remarks: None. Aee (Days)Cvlinder Compressive Strength (psi) 2690 28 28 No.88-24 (1) Snovdon and Hopkins(1) Hyder Construction(1) JvA(1) Mountain Mobile 550F Koechlein Consulting Consulting Geotechnica 1019 8th Street o Suite 101 o Golden, Colorado 80401 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Golden Peak Children's Center o Engineers I Engineers (30i3}27v2232 Vail Associates. Inc. P.O. Box 7 Vail , Colorado 81658 Attention: Jack Hunn Project: Location Supplier: Mountain Mobile Mix Ticket No. Pl9980 Mix Design No.:l0 Cubic Yards: 100 Slump:5.0 in. Air Content: 5.52 Wet Unit Weight:140.6 pcf Concrete Tenperature:560F of Pour: S1ab. Lines 2 to 6 AtoBandBtoC Air Temperature: Time of Test: 45 "F Date Cylinders Cast: 9/16/88 Design Strength: 3000 psi @28 days Remarks: None. Aee (Davs)CyLinder Cornpressive Strength (psi) 2650 8:35 AM 7 28 28 Job No. 88-24 cc: (l) Snowdon and Hopkins (1) Hyder Construction(l) JVA(l) Mountain Mobite Koechlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 1019 8th Street . Suite 101 o Golden, Colorado 80401 STJMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS lden Peak Childrenrs Center of Pour:S1ab. Lines 2 to 6 Mountain Mobile Mix Tj.cket No. P19980 Mix Design No-:10 Cubic Yards:100 Slump:5. O in. Air Contentl. 5,52 Wet Unit Weight:140.6 pcf Concrete Ternperature :56"F 45"F l3o3) 278-2232 Vail Associates, Inc. P.0. Box 7 Vai-l , Colorado 81658 Attention: Jack Hunn Project: Location Supplier: Date Cylinders Cast: 9/L6/88 Desi.gn Strength: 3000 psi @28 davs Renarks: None. Aee (Davs) 28 28 Job No. 88-24 cc: (1) Snowdon and Hopkins (1) Hyder Construction (1) JVA (1) Mountain Mobile Air Temperature: Time of Test:8:35 AM 2650 3590 3680 Cvlinder ComDressive Strength oo Koechlein Consulting E ngrneers (3031278-?2'32 Vail Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 7 Vai1, Colorado 81658 Attenti-on: Jack Hunn Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 1019 8th Street o Suite 101 o Golden, Colorado 80401 SI]MMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Golden Peak Childrenrs CenterProject: Locat ion of Pour: Stairr.,ay, Lines B and D SLab Lines I 2nd Floor Pads Suppli.er: Mountain Mobile Mix Ticket No. P19985 Mix Design No.: Cubic Yards:100 Slump:5.0 in. Air Content: 3.22 Wet Unit Weieht:143.9 pcf Concrete Tenperature:74"F Air Temperature: Tine of Test: 55'F 9:35 AM Remarks: None. Ase (Davs)Cvlinder Compressive Strength (psi) 10 Date Cylinders Cast: 9/16/88 Design Strength: 3000 psi @28 davs I 28 28 Job No. 88-24 cc: (l) Snorldon and Hopkins(1) Hyder Construction(l) JvA (1) Mountain Mobile 2690 3750 3730 (3031278-2232 Vail Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 Attention: Jack Hunn o Koechlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 1019 8th Street r Suite 101 I Golden, Colorado 80401 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Golden Peak Children's Center Slab. Lines I Project: Locat ion Supplier: of Pour : Mountain Mobile Mix Ticket No. P19987 Mix Design No.: 10 100 Slump:3.0 in.Cubic Yards: Air Content: Concrete Temperature: Date Cylinders Cast: Design Strength: 3000 psi @28 daYs Remarks: None. 4.82 Wet Unit Weight:u3.2-tst- 80'F Air Temperature: 65"F Aee (Davs) 28 28 Job No. 88-24 cc: (1) Snowdon and HoPkins (1) Hyder Construction (1) JVA (1) Mountain Mobile Time of Test: 11:05 AM Cylinder CornpresslYe E!!e4g!h-(-pei) 2970 4I70 42rO (3031278-2,'32 Vail Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 7 Vail , Colorado 81658 Attention: Jack Hunn Koechlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 1019 8th Street o Suite 101 o Golden, Colorado 80401 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Golden Peak Children's CenterProject: Location of Pour: Ramp Along Line D from 6 to 8, Curb SW Side of Parking Lot Supplierl Mountain Mobile Mix Ticket No. P20026 Mix Design Cubic Yards: 8 Slump:3.0 in. Air Content: 4.92 Llet Unit Weieht:742,I pcf. Concrete Temperature:64"F Air Temperature: Time of Test: 60'F Date Cylinders Cast: 9/ry/gg 1:25 PM Design Strength: 3000 psi @28 days Remarks: None. Aee (Davs)Cylj-nder Compressive Strength (psi) No.: 7I2 T 28 28 Job No. 88-24 cc: (1) Snowdon and Hopkins(1) Hyder Construction(1) JVA (1) Mountain Mobile 3770 4770 4880 TRA'{'}TTTAL O OLEITER VAIL ASSoCIATES, It{C. | ?.0. BoX 7 / VAIL, C0L0RAD0 81658 pR0JECT: Aolde^:'Pa+- O*l'WeaSs &,"$" e- Sttrr:$, p 3 T0: -Iou,l N Cr6 J*, U -1s- :> ' feo.s+A-S ed ' Un,L r Q,ol oLkDa 9rto€? ATT': MA q*"{ ,U\up+dN lrE TRAilST{l.t:(rz)'hererlth ( ) under separate cover vjl( ) fn accordance with your request THE FOLLOII u-c>L-e COIITRACT ll0.: x,\J.A- REFEREIICE l0: >rlft DATEz Octeft, {- 7 i r\4;12* lf enclosures are not ts noted, please Inform us lnnedlrtely. lf checked belor, please: ( ) Acknorledge rec€lpt of encl osures.( ) Return enclosures to us. ,/istributlon to partles (y' lnformatlon ecordnr) FOR YOUR:( ) approval (( ) review t coment ((-Iuse ( II{G:Drawings ()ShopDrarjngPrints ()SamplesSpeciflcations ( ) Shop Draring Reproductlons ( ) Product Llterature Change Order ( ) COPIE5 DATE REV. ll0.DESCRIPTIOI{ACI IOII CODE t lo - 2\- 83 'Ler".e- pt ppp!-tx\ 6ji/Luc:ld pa {y7.12 rcf ,rfw ?,5 lo - zr -j3 Aloe Qz,rr -Te<r QE.,LT3 ,!*tA qh - ql,J ACTI0ll A. Action lndlcated on ltem transmltted D. For slgnature and fomardlng asB. llo actlon required as noted belor under REI,IARKSC. For slgnature and return to this offlce E. See REIIARKS belon REI{ARKS . (with enclosures) () () () () () COPIES TO: BY: TRAilSI{ITTAL LETIER YAtL ASSoCI o ATES , lflc. I P.0. B0r 7 / VAIL, o COLORADO 81658 PRNECT: $o,a1.*S?6Ar- 3+ rLbP€o'S (E rvre €- T0: 'T-Or^:x\ oF tj*n t, '?:u, LDrA-\-f>ep-l-. -'l5: S Fp-or*r+*lre ?-on"s {+iL -, Ool oL+>o'8los? ATTn: M* Q*t-J !-\uae+rs I T: herewlthln accordance with approval review t conment use tl{G: Drawi ngs Speci ficatlons Change 0rder ( ) under separate cover vla C0tlTRACl ll0.: lr)/A REFEREIICI ll0: n:14 DAIEz Ocrore(Z, lq) tq38 If enclosures lre not rs noted, please Inform us lmredlately. lf checked belor, please: ( ) Acknorledge recelpt of encl osu res .( ) Return enclosuras to us. your request TRA]ISIII (v1 () YOUR: () () (,) FOLLOII () () () parti es ( 4/lnformation( ), distributlon to(') record() Shop Draring Shop Drawing Pri nts Reproducti ons Sampl es Product Llterature () () () () (J) COPIES DATE REV. Il0.DESCRIPTIOl{Agt lull CODE \to-tq-tE \ Ftar D ob.{e.oftTroJ 2eeop4 J*rnoa-:r -z ACTIOII REI.IARKS A. B. c. Actlon indlcated on ltem llo actlon requfred For slgnature and return transmitted to thls offlce slgnature and foruardlng as noted belor under REIIARKS REMRKS belou D. For asE. See COPIES TO:(rith encl osu res )() () () () () INDEPENDENT TESTING AI nsnecnPp?rtfgtEs tNc. O coNtFER. COrOR^OO 80433 13031 674-7560 ___^ This report addresses the reinspections of stairray intallation whereITIS had previously noted loose bolts and also inspections of the newly addedfour step sta'i r. llith regard to the bolts that were found untensioned, the Erector hasprovided welds in lieu of.bolting. This method was used due to a misalignmentat the bolted connection holes. The weld lengths and weld sizes used weiegf-rllI l.ength and size. The weld quality wai found acceptable to current AllS Standards. - .. At the newly placed four-step stair, the south side stringer rras weldedto the exapnsion anchored steel plate modification for the colu-mn at the samelocation. The weld lengths and weld sizes used were full and the weta quaiiiy was found acceptable to current AIJS Standards. l{ith these inspections, the field inspections of the steel frame are now completed with no outstanding conditiods remaining. DISTRIBUTI0NS: Vall t Associates - Attn: ltr. Jack Hunn Snowdon & Hopkins Architect - Attn: Hr. Gibg Snowdon Hyder Construction Inc. - Attn: l'lr. Tom ilclagan Koechlein consulting Engineers - Attn: ltr. l,lilliam Koech'tein Johnson-Voiland-Archuleta - Attn: l,lr. Tom Soell FIETD O8SERYATIOII CLIEIIT: Vall & Associates PRNEGT: Golden Peak Children's Center LOCATI([l: Vail, Colorado TYPE OF REPORT: IIDT SHOP IIISPECTIOI REPORT MTE: 9-28-88 JoB ilo. 092188 PA6E I 0F I PREPARED BY: David L. Sturgeon FIELD IIISPECTI$ X 0THER Vlsual TRANSMITTAL LETTER vArL Ass'tES, rNc. / p.o. B'x t / uo,r,llro*ooo 81658 PR0JECT: Golden Peak Chi'ldren's Center TO:Town of Vai I 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Mr. Gary I'lurrai nATTN: I{E TRANSI.IIT: (X) herewith( ) jn accordance FOR YOUR: C0NTRACT N0.: N/A REFERENCE N0.: 159 DATE: September 23, 1988 If enclosures are not as noted, please inform us irmediately. If checked below, please: ( ) Acknowledge receipt of encl osu res.( ) Return enclosures to us. ( ) under separate cover vja with your request ( ) approval( )review&conment(X) use THE FOLLOWII{G: () (x) () () () ( x) distrjbution to parties record (X) information Drawi ngs Speci fi cati ons Change 0rder Shop Shop Drawi ng Drawi ng Pri nts Reproducti ons s ) Sampl es )Product Literature Ins tion R ACTION REMARKS D. E. A. B. c. Action indicated on item No action required For signature and return t ransm'itted to this office For signature and forwarding as as noted below under REMARKS See REI.IARKS bel ow (with encl osures) (/) ()D.( () (\)nn, Di rectorD E k Ia t, COP I ES 1 Ko lein Consulting Engineers o ech (3g,r 27&2232 Vail Associates, Inc. P.0. Box 7 Vai1, Col-orado 81658 Attention: Jack Hunn 1019 8th Street o Suite 101 o Golden, Colorado 80401 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESIJLTS Golden Peak Children's Center Supplier:Mountain Mobile Mix Ticket No. PL9522 Cubic Yards:Slump: Air Content: 6.2%Wet Unit Weight:140.8 pcf Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 69F Time of Test:4:18 PM 8/12/88 Design Strength: 3000 psi 028 davs Cvlinder Compressive Strenpth (psi) 1980 3180 3340 Project: Location of Pour: Footings, Grid Line I from Line 3 to Line B, Corid Line A, 6 ft. NW of Line 7 to Line I 4.0 1n Concrete Temperature: Date Cylinders Cast: Remarks: None. Aee (Davs) I 28 28 Job No. 88-24 (1) Snowdon and Hopkins(1) Hyder Construction(1) JVA (1) Mountain Mobile w{.1ztt) Koechlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 1019 8th Street e Suite 101 o Golden, Golorado 80401 l3,[,l27v?2,32 Vail Associates, P.O. Box 7 Vail , Colorado Attention: Jack Inc. 81658 Hunn STJMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Golden Peak Children's CenterProject: Location of Pour: Foundation Ualls - Grid Lines 8 and D f om Line 8 Lines 6, Footinss - Grid Line romCtoA Supplier:Mountain Mobile Mix Ticket No.P19562 Cubic Yards:l6 Slunp: 3 l/4 Ln. Air Content: 4.lX_ I'tet Unit tJeight:143.7 pcf Concrete Temperature: 67 F Time of Test:2:44 PYI Date Cylinders Cast: e/L6/88 Design Strength: 3000 psi 028 davs Renarks: None. Job Ase (Davs) 7 28 28 No. 88-24 (1) Snowdon and Hopkins(1) Hyder Construction(1) JvA (1) Mountain Moblle Cvlinder Cornpressive Strength (psi) 3410 cc:: I o ec ST]MMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Gol-den Peak Childrenrs Center Ko hlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 1019 8th Street o Suite 101 o Golden, Colorado 90401 (3|fi3r278.A,32 Vail Associates, Inc. P.0. Box 7 Vail , Colorado 81658 Attentioni Jack Hunn Project: Location of Pour: Foundation Walls - Grid Lines 8 and D from Line Lines 6, Footings - Grid Line Lffe!!toA Supplier:Mountain Mobile Mix Ticket No.P19562 Cubic Yards:16 Slump: 3 I/4 in. Air Content: 4.LZ Wet Unit Weight:143,7 pcf Concrete Temperature: Date Cylinders Cast: Remarks: None. Aee (Days) '7 28 28 67 0F Time of Test:2:44 Pti Design Strength: 3000 psi 028 davs Cvlinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3s20 4900 5290 Job No. 88-24 cc: (l) Snowdon and Hopkins(1) Hyder Const.ruction(i) JVA (1) Mounrain Mobile Koechlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 1019 8th Street o Suite 101 o Golden, Colorado 00401 (3/'3l27va2s2 Vail Associates, Inc. P.0. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 Attention: Jack Hunn SI'MMARY OF CONCRETE TBST RESULTS Golden Peak Childrenrs CenterProject: Location of Pour: Wal1s Grid Lines A and Corid Line One between Li4e9 A and C, Interior Footings Supplier: Mountain Mobile Mj.x Ticket No.P196r8 Cubic Yards:Slump: 3 L/2 j-n. Air Content: 4.97 Wet Unit Weight:I42.O pcf. Concrete Temperature:63F Time of Test:8:17 AM Date Cylinders Cast: 8/L9/88 Design Strengrh: 300O psi 028 davs Remarksl None. Ase (Davs)Cvlinder Compressive Strensth (psi) 7 28 28 No. 88-24 (l) Snowdon and Hopkins(1) Hyder Constructi-on (1) JVA (1) Mountain Mobile 3020 4690 4770 Job cc: IilF'?ett: l3OSl278-n32 Vail Associates, Inc. P.0. Box 7 Vai1, Colorado 81658 Attention: Jack Hunn Koechlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 1019 8th Street o Suite 101 o Golden, Colorado 80401 ST]MMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Golden Peak Childrenrs CenterProject: Loca t i on of Pour: Walls Grid Lines A and Corid Line One betveen Lines A and C. Interior Foot inss Supplier:Mountain Mobile Mix Ticket No.Pi9618 Cubic Yards: Air Content: Concrete Temperature: Date Cylinders Cast: Renarks: None. Ace (Davs) Slump: 3I/2 in. 4.92 Wet Unit Weight:L42.O pcf. Time of Test:8: 17 AM 8ll9/88 Design Strength: 3000 psi @28 davs Cvlinder Compressive Strensth (psi) 3020 J:b cc: 7 28 28 No.88-24 (1) Snowdon and Hopkins(l) Hyder Construction(l) JvA(1) Mountain Mobile oo echlein Consulting Engineers nsulting Geotechnical Engineers 1019 8th Street o Suite 101 e Golden, Coforado S(l401 (3iF't 27&z232 Vail Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 7 Vail , Colorado 81658 Attention: Jack Hunn STJMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Golden Peak Childrents Center Ko Co Project: Location Supplier: of Pour: Wall Grid Line 2 Ticket No. P19698 Cubic Yards: 8 Slump: 3 l/4 i-n. Air Contentt 4.8% Wet Unit Weicht:144.2 pcf. Concrete Tenperature: 78oF Time of Test:3:30 PM Date Cylinders Cast: 8/25/88 Design Strength: 3000 psi 028 davs Renarks: None. Aee (Davs)Cvlinder Compressive Strength (psi) Mountain Mobile Mix 28 28 No.88-24 (1) Snowdon and Hopkins (1) Hyder Construction (1) JVA (1) Mountain Mobile 3590 48I0 4810 Job Koechlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 1019 8th Street o Suite 101 o Golden, Colorado 80401 l3rJ€l27vu232 Vail Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 7 Vail , Colorado 81658 Attention: Jack Hunn SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Golden Peak Children's CenterProject: location of Pour: Deck 2nd Floor Supplier: Mountain Mobile Mix Ticket No, Pl98l9 Mix Design No.:4l Cubic Yards: 48 Slunp:5.0 in. Air Contentz 3.82 I.Jet Unit Weight:143.7 pcf. Concrete Temperature: Date Cylinders Cast: Remarks: None. Aee (Davs) 7 28 28 Job cc: 88-24 Snondon and Hopkins Hyder Construction JVA Mountain Mobile , 64'F Tioe of Test:9:03 AM 9/09/88 Design Strength: 3000 psi @28 davs Cvlinder Compressive Strensth (psi) 3250 No. (r) (1) (1) (1) o Koechlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 1019 8th Street o Suite 101 . Golden, Colorado 80401 (3,'3}278-2232 Vail Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 Attention: Jack Hunn SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Golden Peak Childrenfs CenterProject: Locat ion Supplier: Mountain Mobile Mix Ticket No. P19881 Mix Design No.:41 Cubic Yards: 48 Slump: 5 I/2 tn. Air Content t 2.27 Wet Unit Weight:144,2 pcf 70'F of Pour: 2nd Floor Deck and SE Colunns Tine of Test:10:25 AM 9l09l88 Design Strength: 30@ psi 028 davs Concrete Tenperature: Date Cylinders Cast: Remarks: None, Age (Days) -, 28 28 No. 88-24 (1) Snoudon and Hopkins(1) Hyder Construction(1) .rua(l) Mountain Mobile Cvlinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3110 Job zo G UJ(t, @o r.lJ =F F cE A El z:9iFI<l>iGruJiolcolol lrJ i>ltrl JIJI)'lL, bItl o o UJF oo =at ozI oii o uro.o F lrJ uJ Foz outoo o uJFo uJF JJ II ozIF o 5o UJo-o oF uJ UJ o uJFC' uJF JJ lt rl|l>lEl uJl oloi olJI u.r I r.l- i t €0l q I .'q -ld-l 1 ! I c ll tl;t Eq U' Itot 3oL oA r{ ! o\ .a (o ooz oIJooH ll.lo 6ol'.6 c, ,|'tr(u.rl Oq,ri t-{60.F{ Olr l.lq, tr!(!trE6 l6lt{toI aelF{ t r{lF{ Olr{ (, Clr{ o oIJ E '.'l .trl(J ar aJHlqtl{otD o cI co.to F>Iu! O t{I codItr6 aI5 HO100! qt oto66(,t, o o 6,I 3''{ clo a,lqtO-{3,lE t € oI rr€ ollr 6lJlotr rui{.l ''{ tt !lc, O'qt oE o| 9,1 FZi!F{Otc(!EtotE.l(, o(n| troiO O O .It r( E olFr u ztqtlF E . !l(r c 000 It,E€ei E Ft r.L{l,r-g!"l(r, +, -o 6 ic* o r fll(, E ! 6rat 5 r,lE o oi- LtH-Cl- 6 o r.lL E d u,!lt.f€E|o .l' Fl6l r.llgl@>o<r*ts(9 z rt) tHFlH ^U)N. \t FlNiltFl€>o<hca(J ciz v, Hfl-a ^ Ct:lN '€FlNFIItrlD>o<*E (J E (r: ct!l FfFIEIaAC) .C FlFl rltDl@>o<*E(9 a 4(,|t El-arA (rla\a . .t FlFl FllFlo>o<rhE Ei evt ).F{FfH .C rlNFItFl!o>€<,*E A2 u, E FfH .t Fl.! hlItsl@>co<*E Fz rA ._6 FE to \o(.il o\to o CA Fo\oo J llt- =z E5s =() o ?\@ (rt @ t\ \o \o .ir F o F =Eeo rn oN rn F. ( Ft o ('t(\ N N (\,1 @ a') o\ F :lli C'l; .'f l Or <i. C O\. .i o\ cri; F o\ F. r\ 6|6 rir.. r€i'irl: .i r' .ri)i[F!r $"6 € -: .;' ! S i'l l'. ,' :l -a L.9t-rtiI r I;fi6 r go oo - d-dr .g:5., E ti* z I EEcX=F.F. * :,tb2 I ^E =f EE E ; i$;a ()F{r{.l 8gEig E9'a|r|fil EE =IE9 6ocFldEg: TEl(, 'r{iiui :r. l: tr:ioiic!lOrl(rlllll.irlt)lI'Olt>, 1 ll lo | .r{xo'o iclC,€llr!oiItrll'ltl lg ItE Ilo i liilE P=eit ;i r Eii !;lr i:ctE i:5iii EEg rE! E:! !iFi i;El :ii:;:;t iEi: iffi!i!l I IhiF.t IAicLl5l@i .{i 6lAI.dlol 'rl Iclrl EIolLllr{l rl 3l lr|Itrlfl o c E EoL${ tuoo UJ TE Fo6 (tzoo l!oooIFlll l.,l+{ t-tt J l!oooul2Yg IF oo tr oulo U) o- t!o cE uJ ao z llr '!.o l..a ot)([ o>Olr50lrJo(!dhaa!.r{ Fl lr.t! Fl 'O 't'ltroo6IJooIJ oo IbetrrnOo\ =4PG'r UJcoEO\ :,.?€ez^o>tr:ao3dgq,2 ict oi Z6 trc*E:< ,+{5xOEulEo' <lt oIol. 00 2U' 3orio o * co o e Frl r.{ |oi bliutl I {Jiqr \o, i @irtlooi tr | ltl "'!lzHl .t+ri!otH 3l,nZ' ,. u.Eta< (.) mq,.|-.Fr il+'lo@l l&rot2;t . Fll{J lr+rq{l o:\o rrl | . U) 11 .r!u,=q.r .nto '.1.l !ois li ,i l,tlr+{lsr lu. O.o ;o I@l @l @,r.1lrt: itrl tZatz ol2 qlcl cl ci.i{l . r{: . ',|ia,lFl lt, Fl j {., Fl lt+{i${ ir+r Ir+{ i !{i r}.,.i' O ,.t O '\O O l-. 1r1 , -q1 I .q1' ^U) .1 <lt "1 U) A:r{ r{ F{.(!.l!.(drr3aJ3+r3l|-]q-!. .f ,O co O-t O |tl .'-{ .r( .r lJ - aJ - !Jor60,$o.(drlct .rl I I I I l* lo h.t i= l9 l* loi.i oB iol'r{lrJ l,* irrl coi2io!.trz lt, ..{ I lt+. tl ,1 !|f) t+{ 15 '|NO ,.3d7l Ft,!.3aJl+l iJ' ot-2?zof,ZZae =irFg* bR-€-b 3b tE Jcr ul d u.l@;(D =ri=flz uz e E2<fr.< H-H FF .oOtrOr'1CC\oJF{E € 'J4anoOOt!UEF)o(!.'{ lrOr\ Oodcoxo oO Oq) 'Fl<F u.c F4 .F{ O.r{ O .r{ aJ('.6 lr>A> oF .o EOacO.|.{ qto utrc),dO 'r{ 60,$o.(do E orE olE o)e'acatrO .rtiO ..{ I O r{ (!A €oacO '.{ (, F Es GI (t'l .{'rn \0 F t EE:'i (r FHPO E.3t,.6 G F cEoG UJ .E oo uJGoo CEo- zI sGut(t |Do UJfi=v:XE;f;utGt( EooE=ooYsutF "895H<H 9FE aEsaEi ?Ei ut H o oU'F 662 2o a IsiLz() .eH?(t EE 8=s5ozj- at,u, nl E8-oo4HH.oo HHa Jig -t( eo l,(,)l.r,6co() to! E oF.rl J1c o ' u) antl| (J() islgi; EEi Eii : i! i:gi;i EETE:t 3g: Ei! !EIE EiiIz94e : Fi; iiii ii!t Ei!l I I i I I I I I F{oo vt Fl 6oq, .ra c E aot{fr ooo !E IIJ CElt-o 6: oz6o lto ooIFul lr|| '/.: Fg J ttooo IJJzYI =F oo lr6 Ut uJU' U' 4 ll-o Gut @ =lz t:-sI rnN tU IJdFI o>Ol. xt,o(!61.rQ! Fa '-l.r{ oo rut, o I tro (o Iq,( \o IA H(tt 6iFr{()o<cIa) =€81zn9oF!i 65rrx Ssca o ot{ 60! vt Bo F{ora +, oa.I I : i rl Frl =.i lrli!{ i-i oi oltrl,r{ I o o !?_zc, l =za9 ESE=<rouJ#() Idl!oqo cE-cEtlJ '?r t! 9,5 9ftrzlzo5oZ 11 Z<r.< H- H FF JstrluF € @ oe Ff ll ao I FI F{ B ur!! aqt Fl 3 I a^ E8=Fo3= .l-lidt di i i I l,+rrOicoIBIs: oic = l.u FlI !'-r.. f, l-s oxl = !t J'rltA,Fl Gali3'+r'troOFr ':;.,.,,rt:, i.iai: ,t.oa, , I ,r' ,,i!ill -'--€ --"d---'-' ;- .r F - "i-i I i; i .,:i i6.,-., ,ii.N i\. 'Glr.' F HeArrE i E=66 E s: - e-E.e5(n o ul{.rt a GtN O'Ed* 2 6 EEcF-=kFE i! ..l4l'. o .. . 6 OI G H -dt; e €- je'5 o 6!€.i! Htt.t 'a () > !CUDCE6rr ,El sE5.C =t!o b,? cFE5.c:oa 8El(J .coC<r|'rtrtr\oaH!E @-)?oooo(!lr 'lt F)d(n..{ !(,) F' OOFttroxo oo OC) r.t<ra u.tr ri . r.l O.F{ O ..a rJt!.6 lJ>F.> F a o EaoaX i F! ' uJ EArr !:LXp6 Eq .Ed t! : rio..{ o!3OE6CFa qt tF t,;?o =dxo Hg oLt niccrO H.sF.{E6 t o H"6 Fg3 s?H' sFEi gE; ?6i,x- ao IJ €g.oor+.tr O'rt8.1 at\Dao€Eor, +, lU r+{ F{OAEaOl.ootOL60t (', zI !Eul(o @o ut8=Y;TGTfHx Eo bwF o otu o6z .tt (t,zIF cuig20 9Hao9E = u.l 83b0 I- CDut l! E8oout ruFFoo IJJ ulFFa. JJ-dd9 t{- co lr(, atrIJoIo() to! !i @ E x itrrto!tE Illlloltcil. Ilr ItE Il" I it:! :Et: IE {5.E i$ t.li Eigi tr !{ 99 ii! ti I;;i 3:iI rl IEI EE: !:l3t!itl it i!xl E EI:5iE./ri I -rl5 8|* Ti;gitttE Eltrs l= slEot!lEliIt HI: FI 'ot8 ei!oi!zl! 8ri<lE bli nli>tF to!,)oPA .o 1rort dt,o I +,IH rfl II J t!ooU' UJzYIrF 6o lrqt o IIJa(t o. a.|-o trur @ =z tUr'l G '-{ oi>oL. yr,U6€f.cf9 F. OF{EoZF zo|t =z()E =i)rS i=t-a1,ti !x E1'Eo Iocrjccul ulorJo 3'5 3z uzo trozoz<rI<ut l!O--rG FF oo Q,'.lJ o Itroo. >€@tnFO\a .co<scrluloF =5€< 6;FI' O) r.<oo-tr 63O;1 6.5 ks!lE =xEg o E il EHA(rl .tt FlNFIItrI@>co<+E(J c ut F{FfHAUt s{NFIItrl@>o<,*g Az th }{ 5l{AUI6l . .t rJNFIltlo>o<*g ri =vt x 5t{ .t FlNFIIEo>(o< 'EE(, e u) =bo-FEI (Jtf,H=U o(oo \oo\Oro\ cl 9g E= E=8 =(J o\@ \o hl \o - EEE (') 6l(! \t rn c-{ oN N t- =gE=6ioooo=(J (1 o\ ('] o\Or (v) I CA ii I ir ri !(q i=Ec $N c) (\ (n; 6l ji I il - 6- ES3 Eo3= z,e tJ o i,ll trls)A .4,!,1 6 Flo o I BAV) (!.3uq.r o6r (!0tc(u O.dfrr Fl F U)lrlF fi ln o Irlcooc rt|J l}{q{('to r3u, "-{ou3qr ocr) (!i EO2QO'.4lr FJ ;.+rioiAI (.,)o, EI +, FII|}.|Iqrl!n O; IIBI U'' Id at rr'3q: C(\lO .-. 'r{t, .l G '-.;!itr ol O 'r{ Ifr Fll !n E= o (\l cl *-. ll- P' u' E E =;.t, I :;.' 'E:6 > aJ lrB 6€2 t E!" F E f ;T: a..*tE H iri3 t;t Ei *o> a|r| ,El gE st €Ec, s3l() @6 (1 cO aoo .il(\l Ioo ctz €a .OtrOr'lttr\olHE €O 'J'o3)ooo+.t!h .r< t()F OO.{Coxo oO OC) 'rl<tq !r.tr F{ .d O.r{ O .r{ r)('.(! u>a> o Ct Hal(rl ol9l>xl@ .lo +.lalJ-t> EIR10,_'1<Fqr{tBl i I I I 'G luE> D II,lu(D:(D EO dg tl! I I .oOa,2 .., F{ 1.. .rl Or|{roo&r1 ,E.t>' l.J F. F{ €ooa 6votrE!r{OO()(l)IFoo!rr>'."{ pl. lUUF{€o4 C,o6rJ€cttr.)tt) O+{6t€ttE€r{os)ol!0!6lqtFlolr (|ootr|.rr OO 'rltrqtrJOlrdo9()! tr 'i{O r+{O O r'l6(JEOq' CAH O oz o +,oo +.t ttl o qt otqt r{6.f{t tu+r E o H F(EoLutG (tt U' IJJ CE(9o(E (L I I IZto9iIIJ F]csi:cj<Hlc@loolh urlY=lEFIF,rZ=l(, -t,L' t.l. t(- Ett ; F;;i: 5 iE :=8 e i:EAE -9 l;-.=t E 6!ilc 1;i: E5€ i5:i=! EIE to>l;i :E i : il;r? 4!4?:l E:=Ei. iE: EEP3Ei9l:gs! !EE t,q ..; Ft! =l!on.;i€;CJY:9;IFOaoz o*Hlrl6F>o6 =A trr3zao<o(L< |Il!oo CEO H9 =trll!z= 6 u,l o oulF C)o =o oz9dtg9Eeb I FT E HF g h99u,- uJt- (h cgH H oo q lr, ut =t,6 g H *'66iii? H= 6Eeoo =() oo (, +r o I o €F I @( \o Ia F{ut o o ;tr E E x ''' I '.",- .'r' ' r. r li' i 'lr b.H .r:g 6' trof;_oE5F€Eio EoO ()€qF Jlrr- 60 :i OF{I F{A O.g .i (,.cl .r{ E:d i€.iO'{.|{(!08FC)> drlVi:'.'r,r'- :(;' E 6 - ..i'.N ce .- d zo G uJo(oo uJ =F cE o- |( Iti-IJ.l ao .tjz @l<e.o2: EE t :gEtr ,El gE ss €g€t 3Etc) oJ EgE ct - F-o =cr CE =(n CE = = = = = cc E or.l.! F{ ohOtrEOx!UO(!lr€! l-oIJoot O. Et - E.^ *6SFo:= lr(,,lrl,oa q) 1..o o '!. v)2?zof =za9 =(.;):o- 'r?{r.Ou.l oJ o r,!',636(rFI(Eu,t uJ(DErD =.5=f-)zuZ 2F2<rI< ut llJo.-.O- FF o t+a o }e a J trutF .! zIFo I =oozIF c5ou, o, U' !, Ff l+r ta +t rn l|{ o 3@ at) I = E t 6 Ea! +,t+r ro I r< F{c3 tr IJ (g tr o zo J .aOtr(rrncC\o7HT:@-J.OQqJo(! IJEF) .rl tUN OO.<Aoxo oo Ot '.{<€ .J-trl.{ .Ft (,.dOr. .JO .13 {J>A> o c!ollrlli; EIql(/ll I I I od€Edr{aJ {'to.E: e{tr{ or{ O60!! ooo.Oo xo !,qt €.c oF{ttt{ l.AOu€o .E600 cI tr'{r.l tE EH1' B Odri X'rl ci lrF{5OOpr| IEq,tfl!! ,c €9u c o!|. taql \. Oll O lra Fl ;; t, t, .,{;io o B =o6; ! oo5f,f,'-.tEr.r. .ooooF trZ .'t'({ I CO co d2t1 tror{ +toa,.t,6 troq) Lo "o>r!l o tr x o ao!,B o;tr,vt iIIto Ilur It8 |l" I E;!g9; isi ETi5 :;3 !!5 iig EEX rsi E;i iilE:iEtI.3"c= ?5l;;,i:'r: E i! !!E=i iE;i Eta, !rsE9!: $ [?'?! !B!! 0r.l, |-,6 t+' F{ -p.1tu h t-.Ot{EOFll r.l l.l.3g:..rfb o gn': e EErz! 9 f FE =6 E = F sH E" E T;urc, () >FAE* ='vO " U)aE-: cE uI Yt! uJ U)=€€ dl ao3fi3 tr? ZtZ bbzP.z lro;E; E3i-'E =9 b H ooH6E:2Hatogs H 3H H F EF I F 9E o "zs *88tso G>= UH H?H EH-iFH 5:ig s : a CI .gl sl il EI6lr{lHIF{l-l FC'"claoolr oF{YEtl l+aootl a0rlCar-aOOH t'.lr6rt ruI -oo o!o 6r, --! ao i''/ : ,.I'l, . A o6 (, l, o Ito - 6(J att-o G2 u,6 = == =.L = == = o!ql lror-lo() Flr{c iirr.f 0bl.!El'L- --;n.6:::1 iifll,trl. .. tU,l.n _.:p tsb ; E iiE s6rO E fid 2 I EEE E T*e ii -3i t *q6 A i3oda Gto- F(9 :tBr|.Er PI =EEE a C' EE!o i.Lloruio ll:Al.il.,6 ,tr,id!tr lo l+rto N€tnFo\l(oJ€n<(r EE kB =E;.!<z-9xFN9Ta-d =CJ6€Ohz! trE<a()E ;: .fl =xL'6 HE at, rni6li i ol oi'l'i (rl€l6lkl o0iFI =l.hl Bo qj !,A 0r'A;*' Ff, r+{ o T,I o oI lll o trrut cO frlz oFot E-l o tr |l r+l o 3z l+a o F.'{ Fl ${o trra q .c Fi 63 tr +t(tE F oh I Ioitri Ffj t+{ oi 3z ...;' l+{ tU F l+{ o tsrv rJ r|.{ .c F-l '+(tB ao !6tt EaoF. ,xi oi Irliz' @ oc tl lta o Fz }Jl+{ o.il (,) olrF' c)l ioitrl di t{i o Eliz'. o oa tl tr.a o Bz tl t+.1 orn (J ot Er =IF (-'o .(oA(, Itt CC\oaH:E (o 'J'()(J Qroo!J!F,(t i!r.t l.oF oOF,ICoxo o6 O() F{<lo u-cFt.Fl O.r{ o -.r rt6.aE t,>Fr > o o u E c,(,!l gc F{ ${JU.qt ,\a{€EOotttro€lr (Ul, +J(,o6ciorrE '-r oo!oTt!cqr6 ut zI Gl! ah .Do ut =FG tr I zIF G UJ(t, too UJ =l:lJIll*l -l I olrj C" o GoFo G,Fzoo x b H 5o||ltt =?oz9ct =g9EeE I EB E Hi r T2EF ''' CEgH Hoo q|l|ur =640Httad iig?-x- F2 6(J 62 ct H =Ftn = == =Fq- ; = = = 5 f;I5 I i ; io tl lrrr @ o & tU Eh!E EII ! F; EE i EE5r:!r !-; SE :;E2z:;:! 9Ei rsi E:! !Ef!z!pE ?ii; i ii,-2 == - ?iiE EEdr i!:*Ig;! !EEl UJGl hao =..n o3=CDrl<oo-< r! t|.oo GO H9 =F>ur2= oI F{ ooOU&(t&to! O 'Fiaq Loa,oolr.A tok6qt€oE! o@ Itta Coo o ('): E,- E=Eg zIF 6 Fg J lto (t,oulzYIEF (t, FzfzIF() o- =oo u-o(r uj =z oz ulo- F Jt|.rElSS et=*qiuro zk>=H X:< rCi F'< 6 rL€H€ ?J6 > Ho6€ 3SE: ;=e BE i: crlntl6lHI 0q!lti'ltlqi (u E'u Oio'Ar+l @ o Ff o FTz IJl+{ t\ Ft0, lFr ITH lo l&r 1zt.iu il+{ i. tU .rl l+r z IJ|t{ t\ t'll, f+{o I ItrloI|{ lo' Q o'€3: r(,) llltll.n Itg ItE It!, Il() | trollIo()so6c-oclroF{ }.ttlr F{or{9.C Oo()1,ut€Ja'rI qto OtiFI9r O F{().r{ C|+ltu. J?€F{g r.{ .Fl60{Fa(9> ITaE 6.\E aoit EE€iiiEC:och t!l:?6rrl_qz:r EE -attt ET igGU TEr(, .l 6 .{| (\a I(o @ ctz €1 .cOAor'lec\oaHF.E o'Jzoooo('rr"Obqt(!ra tror- oOF{Aoxo oo O(J .r{<ro r,^cF{ . F.l Clr{ O ..,1 ucl .O !>a> oF F tr Ed U2 t!tg olt{ oE s clo F{o h6'qo! 'E.tu i{o6€AFaqt oe6tocl?.FF{ +{ "{ FfE.ct Elr 6(9gc Ho seP?6'9cr9 IJ IFlelolH aIE :Ir H l.Esl IEEF,;Its., G>4 IUH s?H Igg,EEi i-- ' .,': ' :.' . .. ijTi.'1 iif.tr::Y I.ao---- - - - (o.> .,o' ''€-- @ ci2 E 8. & 'iio .lt13 or ,El EE =EEt6o r9EE TEr (.t .i?N I6 ao IIa Jl', i i .olbt: *E E !.3co.9 E-E S6 E 3i9 5i oE O c)€lltrdii '*3t -gt3F{C)Ut rrCrHO. J€F{O F{ .r{ s8E 'a"EI ct til,lrii o +,I Ftroco C) !othtc 6 x !E o! 'o Ei!e!t Eri Eig :;T E:gES;si l EE€ ig: !:! !iiE EEiI!:;3 zizz.- ;5: ri E== tieEaz,-E tsE::€Fl: iiii !EEI o+ta, lX 6 '-{ OA(\ FIt- Jlroo9,;-.[9€ OEIFOaoz 3H.r{l9F6o>6 =A.\azctt A<oo.< t.|- l!oo EO H9 =tr2E Ol.oos r,lJa6(,, l.CFtrl t{ oE .ttz,FJ2 gllZZa9 =t)F=? rOul oo bEb (!F1 CEUI IJJaoodl =fi=2 u2 2F2<fi< UJ UJ O. -{ O. FF ,; i1 o ofr o I Eo @F I @o\\o Ia Htt) >'l, oaot tr€ Ea E x E ; t.lo{r,lololt'ia I;tt!r.laIEiE!oItrloIl|}.lolxlrnl-IJt< -.lE€tg giE !l.a6tz--'o B'trqo{<q, o_F.>f8t= *rF;<l9ttrtotu,IC|(t l* l* i+.'r l+{ro to to lo:ttrtsIBts' T P aF ^F^lt -l.arl.ol.qrl.olr.| E lr, tr lr, tr !r.| Elr. .r{ F{ Fl l+. .r.l lr. -{I rf l Ffl Ff l rfFr F? }rt F4Nlt{l\tl{{Nq{N$.I ol ol oi oil ll ;l il: Bl 3 r:r ElHg)Hcots'(/:tF1 (/tti rH H F.lqt .id . r! . r! .B r, 13 uB ri3 r,tl,l I l|. r+{ l+{aQ.ct.O|^ O('r OOr O@.r{ -l .rl .r{! .! .1.l .aJ . .cOA(rrncc\oal{ !Eo'Jdooo0(!r|o ho(!.rl lroF- OOF{C(0xo oe O() 'r{<€ !,.tr d .F{ lU... O .r{ u6.o u>p{>t-ilo I tq_ioF E ; v,!l dF ^O{c) {t'rN}lIrlDFI!>r{E(9 o etl) v,E}lFI€ -O-. C) qtrNrllrlD!:D>E<fr(9 e cn , 5 Ngt {t t.NFllFlDtsID>b<x(9 z ttt ,! NUI rtFN}llFlDFID>r<E(, ci2 IA EF HI \o(oo\\o Oi lno\ o EE Ea' o \o .c F o \o \o o\ eEe rttN @AI CA Or cc EI =E: t\ (Yl F F) o\ C') o\ => =EE an lnN an !nc{ *= EsEFo3= o o o o o o o -I E Itao EI.nA 'clrrtr l+a .r{ Fft'! N lt{ o I BAU' o 3za .tU.JtrHra Ffqit r{{ o I 3-1 <n tto LI ZFI .oul|.{ .r{ Ff Nq{o I f:f-t u) 'l{o Boa .ouE +,a -{rf Nl|-oIlrl -1 qt 6@ Ucc,,F O 'r{trl o .rl Ff o r!<,€io:tr orl Ial, F. Ir{ iO r{, IFl;tr Ff ! | -Eg (\| N ('l(\.it(\(\ c it &( a Cx Eq I , ! '. Eq.t I F{ ho o = .r{ b'lqc E.'o e,3:,t -{EPot F5 zI cr IIJ(t,oo LLl =F FG o- zoQr!F(D<tz ?H 5E Qg.EF2t EA +( -- o UJxGo3 lrJ G, !Eoo uJ o =llJ CE UJ(D oJforo oz b H ooul o6z ?ozI 6aE2a) 9Hfu, EF 8= SEut3a- (t ut u, 38oou u.lFFU'6u, llJFFA;ii -ta - 'I:l ql trt.ol llr Itulto IrFllotlo Iltlli IlolI iO Itht ll ol ,:aoo ri'€!iOI,tr|lu, I lo Ilur It8 |t() | :;:!ir :! i Eii :;E i:E iF."=r:3 EEi ! ti il! iEIE a Ir I =it*{:i8i;; ? 7=1?.;! z: -2:tE7i.iI;I:!Es! iii I!itl i 1..;oil,,o,o.' l.r (0 AF{ ,!oi'- Oi6i'o oItr t, i 6.drroro IiFt+tO o N@ u..| t\orl @J(<\o EEkp =i;d<z.o>. F#<9gb (-) >z!o-trE<tOEtrtoe HEo rJr{ "': F 5 u-oo:(t --,urg =,86oioFEoz r0 IIJocE.r{ ltrF6co>6 At4azaa<oo-< rl t!oo aEo H9 =trfu,z> o,r.l F{ OlrooET,.9dOlrdplal .'{ otsch1Fz0fZZ ai caL't"{ r.OuJ 0JOx€x" o" llJ trJd]'E,dl>5= z uzo Eoz y.z<c< IIJ UJ O- '-. C FF I I Iq,lEt 6i f..i o0 .oi,,U'i BoFto Cq +J o *, or v)l I IJ: @ o r|.{ o Bv, IJtl{ F Ol F: qr. Bl(nl .l l.tt*l \Ol oF Ff (+{ 3z +, r+{ € (\,1 2e EJ a o Ci l+J Bta rrl+{ .if oa Ff r+{ o Bz P|| =to- :<:- I E53F | ^o g.t -_ | '-. *tt-' (o. ,;'6 . q\..ItI i; E s; c C- € iE5 €3S Ei o = 8.7l! Ja t{.. I qt oE -#t5 I "aat, rHo.Ji€FlO r.l .r{qt0 6F(J> o\ ctz tIo.E 6o .Tti =lt 'El gE EE3s EgC:iir(, a7= IJI .D .t({ I GO @ oz € .@Furncc\otH!E @ ')iooo06.r€b640..4 tur\ oOtiFoxo oO O(J r{<!o rj.q F{ .F{ O+aO.r{ aJ6.qt u>a> oF o ec (ffi}27VZl32 Vail Associates, Inc. P.0. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 Attention: Jack Hunn Ko hlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 1019 8th Street o Suite 101 o Golden, Colorado 80401 STJMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESIJLTS Golden Peak Childrents CenterProject: Location of Pour: Deck 2nd Floor Cubic Yards: 48 Air Contentz 3.82 Concrete Temperature: Date Cylinders Cast: Renarks: None. Age (Davs) 7 28 28 Supplier: Mountain MobiLe Mix Ticket No. P19879 Mix Design No.:4T Slurnp:5.0 in. Wet Unit Weight:143.7 ocf 64'F Tine of Test:9:03 AM 9/09/88 Design Strength: 3000 psi 028 davs Cvlinder Compressive Strength (psi) 32s0 4050 4070 Job No. 88-24 cc: (1) Snowdon and Hopkins (1) Hyder Construction(1) JvA (1) Mountain Mobile oo Koechlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 1019 8th Street r Suite 101 o Golden, Colorado g04ol (3g3l278-232 Vail Associates, Inc, P.0. Box 7 Vai1, Colorado 81658 Attention: Jack Hunn STJMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESIJLTS Golden Peak Children?s CenterProject: Locat ion Supplier: Mountain Uobi19 Mix Ticket No. Plg.gql_ Mix Design No.:4T Cubic Yards:Slump: 5 l/2 tn. Air Content:. 2.22 I{et Unit Weighr: 144.2 ocf. of Pour: 2nd Floor Deck and SE Colunns 70"F Time of Test:10:25 AM 9/09/88 Design Strength: 300O psi 028 days Cvlinder Comoressive Strength (psi) 3110 4230 4190 Concrete Tenperature: Date Cylinders Cast: Remarks: None. Aee (Davs) 7 28 28 No. 88-24 (1) Snowdon and Hopkins(l) Hyder Construction(1) JVA (1) Mountain Mobile Job cc: oo Koechlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers (30f,.l27v?2,32 Vail Associates, fnc. P.0. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 Attention! Jack Hunn STJMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: Loca tion Golden Peak Childrenrs Center of Pour: Ramps Lines 1, A, D; Slab Lines B to C and C to 5 Supplier: Mountain Mobile Mix Ticket No. P\9945 Mix Design No.: Cubic Yardsz 72 Sluurp:3.0 in. Air Contentl. 2.32 l.let Unit Weight:145.4 pcf 1019 8th Street o Suite 101 o Golden, Colorado 80401 54F Time of Test:9:30 AM 9/14/88 Design Strength: 3000 psi @28 davs Cvlinder Conpressive Strength (psi) 3320 4460 440o 10 Concrete Temperature: Date Cylinders Cast: Remarks: None. Aee (Davs) I 28 28 Job No. 88-24 cc: (1) Snowdon and Hopkins(1) Hyder Construction(1) .lvl(l) Mountain Mobile o ecKo hlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 1019 8th Street r Suite 101 o Golden, Colorado SO4O1 (Ertl27|,-2232 Vail Associates, Inc, P.O. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 Attention: Jack Hunn SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Golden Peak Childrents CenterProject: Locat ion of Pour: S1ab, Lines A to P and 5 to 8 Supplier: l,iounlain Mobile Mix Ticket No. P19950 Mix Design No.: 10 Cubic Yards:72 Slump:3.0 in. Air Content:. 2.67"Wet Unit Weight:I44.4 pct Concrete Temperature: Date Cylinders Cast: Rernarks: None. Age (Days) 7 28 28 Job No. 88-24 cc: (1) Snovdon and Hopkins(l) Hyder Construction(l) JvA(i) Mountain Mobile 60F Time of Test:10:25 AM 9/L4/88 Design Strength: 3000 psi €28 davs Cylinder Conpressive Strength (psi) 2970 4230 4240 Koechlein Consulting Engineers Consulling Geotechnical Engineers 1019 &h Street o Sulb 101 o GoEen, Cofora& B(X0l l3irtl2T&?,rx2 Vail Associates, fnc. P.0. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 p* Attention: Jack Hunn SI'I.O,IARY OF CONCREIE TEST RESI'LTS Golden Peak Childrenrs CenterProject: location Supplier: Mountain Mobile Mix Ticket No. P2@26 Mix Design ilo.: _l4L Cubic Yards: 8 Slunp: 3.0 in Air Contentt 4.97 Uet Unit lfeight: 142.1 wf Concrete Tenperature:640F Air Temperature: 60cF Date Cylinders Cast: 9/19/88 Tine of Test: Design Strength: 3000 osi 028 dave l:25 PM Renarks: None. Ase (Davs)Cvlinder Conpresslve Strength (psl) of Pour: 7 28 28 8€-24 Snondon and Ilopklns Hyder ConstructLon JVA Mountain Mobile 3770 lfo. (l) (l)(l)(l) cc: TRANSMITTAL LETTER vArL Ass.c?TES, rNc. / p.0. B.x 7 / vArL,?L 0RAD0 81658 PR0JECT: Golden Peak Children's Center TO:Town of Vai I 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Mr. Gary l.lurrainATTN: ( ) under separate cover via C0NTRACT N0.: N/A REFERENCE N0.: 156 DATE: September 12, 1988 If enclosures are not as noted, please inforn us imnediately. If checked below, please: ( ) Acknowledge receipt of encl osu res.( ) Return enclosures to us. }JE TRANSMIT: (X) herewith( ) in accordance with FOR YOUR:( ) approval( ) review&comment (X) use THE FOLLOWING: Drawi ngs Speci fi cati ons Change Order your request () (x) () () () ( x) distribution to record pa rti es (X) information Shop Shop Drawi ng Drawi ng onR Pri nt s Reproducti ons ) Sampl es )Product Literature n ACTION RE['IARKS D.A. B. c. Action indicated on item No action required For signature and return t ransmi tted to this office For signature and forwarding as as noted below under REMARKS See REMARKS below COP I ES (with enclosures) Estate Developrnent DilHunn, Director 2Jt <-o Koechlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 1019 8th Streel o Suite 101 o Golden, Colorado 80401 13031278.2232 Vail Associates, Inc. P.0. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 ALtention: Jack Hunn Project: Locat ion SIJ}IMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESTJLTS Golden Peak Children's Center of Pour: FootinR, Corid Lines 8, D and A frorn Line 8 to 6 ft. NW of Line 7 Supplier:l4ountain Mobile Mix Ticket No. P19495 Cubic Yards: Air Content: Concrete Temperature l Date Cylinders Cast: Renarks: None. Aee (Davs) 7 t4 28 28 No. 88-24 (l) Snowdon and Hopkins(l) Hyder Construction(1) JvA(1) Mountain Hobile Slunp: 4 I/2 in- 7.OZ Uet Unit Weight:139.3 pct 76"F Tine of Test:3:28 PM 8/11/88 Design Strength: 3000 psi 028 davs Cvlinder Compressive Strenstt-l (psi) r860 2330 Job I cc: (30tsl278-?'232 Vail Associates, fnc. P.0. Box 7Vail, Colorado 81658 Attention: Jack Hunn Koechlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 1019 8th Street r Suite 101 o Golden, Colorado 80401 ST]MMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESTJLTS Golden Peak Childrenrs CenterProject: Location of Pour: Footincs. Grid Line I frorn Line B. Corid Line A. 6 ft. NW of Line 7 to Supplier:Mountain Mobile Mi,x Cubic Yards: Air Contentt 6.27 Concrete Temperature: Date Cylinders Cast: Remarks: None. Age (Davs) 28 28 Job cc: 88-24 Snondon and Hopkins Hyder Constructlon JVA Mountain l{obile Ticket No.P19522 Slump:4.0 in. Wet Unit Weight:140.8 pcf 69F Tine of Test:4:18 PM 8/12/88 Design Strength: 3000 psi 028 davs Cvlinder Conpressive Strensth (psi) 1980 No. (l) (t) (1) (1) /. t <:- (3{ts) 27&2232 Vail Associates, fnc. P.O. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 8f658 Attention: Jack Hunn Koechlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 1019 8th Street o Suite 101 o Golden, Colorado 80401 STJI.{MARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Golden Peak Children's CenterProject: Location of Pour: Foundation Wal1s - Grid Lines and D from Line nes 6, Footings - Grid Line romCtoA Supplier:Mountain Hobile Mix Ticket No. PL9562 Cubic Yards: Air Content:4.rZ Concrete Temperature: Date Cylinders Cast: Remarks: None. Aee (Davs) 7 28 28 No. 8&-24 (l) Snowdon and Hopkine (1) Hyder Construction(l) .rvl(l) Mountaln ldobile 16 Slunp: 3 l/4 i.n, Wet Unj-t Wei.ght:L43.7 pcf 67'F Tine of Test:2:44 Pl4 8/16/88 Design Strength: 3000 psi 028 davs Cvlinder Conpressive Strength (psi) 3s20 Job cc: :l TO: FROI{: DATE: RE: This Addendum l{o. 3, in its entirety, shall becone a part of the contractDocuments. Receipt of this addendum-must be acknorleiged on the pr;tilifom in the contract Documents rhich shall be returned rith the bid.' The following information is conveyed to all bidders of records: Clad mulllon caps at rindors 4, 5, 6, g, 9, 10, 15, 16, L7,23,24, and 25 as rell as clad head drip caps,-coniinu6us itpossible, shall be provlded and installLO-Uy the Contractor. Allother rjndows shall be as detailed jn the diawings. Additional expansion joints are approved in the stucco finish atthe north ral'l , rhere the concreti-and rood frane intersect, perthe recmnendations of the Stucco Subcontractor. Oelete four (4) of elght (8) downspouts indicdted on thedrawings.- Remaining-doxnspouts arL to be located at the four (4)corners of the bulldlng. Downspouts at Al and Dl llnes are toempty into concrete splash blocks on grade, as provlded by the Landscape Contractor. The downspout at tne southeast cor-nershall run belor the gravel walk;iy to the splash block. Downspouts at the corners of the bullding oir ttre nolth side areto be channeled across the concrete sldeialk rith llc 6 x 12 steel channel. rith palnted nretql top grate set ln concrete xalkway anddrained.lnto asphalt parking lot. Gutter slopes are to be - adJusted-accordlngly. Four-(4), 4, X 6. downipouts canadequately handle anticipated roof runoff. Doimspouts andgutters shal I be heated by the use of heat tape ai noted on the drawi ngs. 1. 2. 3. ;***,rn.. Creaton anl Operators of Vail and Beaver Creek ADDENDU]II ' 3 All Plan Holders of Reco Jack D. Hunn, Direct Real Estate Devel September 1, 1988 ADDEtlDUf,l tl0. 3 vAIL ASSoCIATES, IlS: fiOLOEil PEAK CHILDREi'S CETTER PLAI{ CHECK REVISI0ilS/A0,JUSII,|EilTS TO Gt{p ==== == = == = ==== == ==== = == = = = = = ====== == ====_ ==E= = t===== == === cc: Craig Snordon llike Spallone Kaaren 6ann Gary lfurraln Pcst Offtce Frrv 7 . Vril C.'1..'.,.1., Rl65C . ( 4\2w1A <Anl :l o ecordAll Plan Holders of R Addendum 13 Golden Peak Chlldren.s Center September 1, 1988 Page Two 12,, 6. t. 8. 4. Ietll floor grates_in_the Eltry yestibure Rom flOr, r{urseryReglstratlon Rom ll05 and Reai Louby Roon #146 straft le pliced3/8' above the concrete slab to allol for carpet flnish. 5. 9!!ng" the north/south dinenslon in Roan fl22 fro 8'0r to g,3,.AdjustdirrensjoninRooml119frm1.t|.tl2.t'o4,8-t|2. Contractor Inltlated Infornation Requests llos. l, 2, 4, 6, and g through-17 and related response to each Infornation-nequeit arehercby incorporated into this Addendun for clarificaildn. The.gypsun board, indicated on the drawings as belng required lnconjunction rith the exterlor roof constriction, is-herdby del eted. Suspended acoustical grid-ceiling, Second Look by Armstrong,shall be substituted at all slopia ceilings in lieu or oryritttextured and pai.nted. This suspended ceiiing will be insialledapproximately 4"-belor the undeiside of the TJt franing system inorder to allor clearance to install the tiles. The Toin 6r vaitFire ltlarshal and Building 0fficial have agreed that thi3 cavitydoes not have to be sprinkled, provided that it is completelyfilled rith lnsulation. The attached, Revised_Plan Check Sumary ls hereby Incorporatedinto this Addendum relative to the Torn-of vail pian ctreit forBullding Permit purposes. Tinely door franes in an off-rhite color are hereby substitutedfor the specified door frames. The attached nemorandum, from Bob Egizi of the yail Associates,Inc.-Security and Risk Departnent, -larifying the door hardrarerequirements, is hereby incorporated into-this Addendum. Addendun | 2, dated August 3, 1988, ls hereby clarlfled asfol I ows: io Contractor shall refer to the Revised C2 Drarlng rith regardto cable TV and telephone conduit. exception of the foregolng nodifications, the scope of thein accordance rlth the Contract Documenti remains'unchanged. 9. 10. lI. llith the project, JHRl50GPCC:bb Attachment ,t r'Fo*x^rror rzeuEsr { [; I {r ProJcct: Coatrrct lo.: Drt.: lrm: Ylr: Goldeo Peet Chlldrearl Center 80lF7zrD ?^l t- g-P fo+zt- o&o \hilAssociateglnc. Gtarrn rnl Orcra.n ,J Veil rnt 8ce.sr Ocs{' SITEC THE lgEe uORl$.{l-PtNE Slil CtlAlvlPlt}.lS}ltFS qp"-tr*:t /-.o e. L ,4 /t'.- fZ * t,. 4 s-f;* 4 r'^'Jfr Tv-- s .-?vrtr" T Bespoosc: lNgr[ru4r6rg +l|9 bt** 4tWt{ lb E\,t bln/z.o Lrcdfl6H n - tr|-!vl./a*L- ftte -rvtb ,trTLa@?.oN t\tCI, cd7-F5 Loc/ rr}r< _ I t I t r r f liu o-& \hilAssociates,Inc' Grarrn rnJ Orsaro rJ Vrll rnl Ecnrr Crd\' strE of THE tg&e ss[o.lttt\|E slil cHA}lft)f{stlll3 -,'/fd tl :l IxFoRl{AIlol rr4uast \O I u' lrojcct: Golileo Peat Ghtlilreorr Ceoter CoDtrrct lo.: 8Of0-72fD Drts: ?'' V -Q'f ,or,^z fl o?ty' Yte: eucarloa: yoaw S't* o *L" I1i7* w'tl w4^ ',,ol.rn ^> EL D1f.; tOV Acz pat6i I tL c,7 l7 Bcspoase: q!, dhll [/+h6 nu M,.Mpg t t t t t r tc-16 Gcer.n rnJ Orcre.n rJ Vrll enl Ecrlw s[rE oF THE teEe u'oRlD.{tt\E slil clt^rltt)hs}rPs \hilAssociates, o Inc. C..*r Goldca Peet, Chllitreorr Centcr EOltF 2rD )/-rt-W {oo-r' o #,t rn'oRr{Arror rEQuEsr € n; I lroJcct: Cs|rtarct llo.: Drt33 Fro!: Ytr: QpcsrroB: Cor,.f F,;./ S kt CaS. srtvl< D*r" . ..: F.. L D' *.1 - ^\/ -/ 't-t tz7 O>1 L-{4/ respoase: 0tfll b Auirkd ,hill +pW, Vuai o?Wu+lnrlltrnrat l, rtn t v,ry:"{ith 'nru {nlw c-r6 o \hilAssociateqlnc. O:arn rnt Orrern.l Vrl nl lcrtl (icdl stTE oF THE tg&e s$ln.{fiNE Slg c}nttlttrs|lllsr'*t .-f rnFoRxlrror r.sQuEsr(7; {o Ll x? ?roJcct: Gontrect llo.: Drts! Pro[: Ylr: Goldea PeaL Chlllrcorr Ceoter 80rF7ZrD 7-ft-vr' (t.7tr' Bespouse: nob \o Wnv* Voirf,ol VnflUwnfit,honrquor, 1:f}''5" lnwilbc y"1r1,;' (r*'urrtt ilrlrv'Ignt tu ;k1) 'drary' b"\'?" d{w ' [ 1,1 t0r-, l.bf r' .': ':,*,^ !,Trt9lti.fl,-'1fK icrrti pl*' 4 hUrj** lelL 0(0rid lilil, V lo tC'z'(tt" ill"') Nd \'-t"1i"i';1:4yhl#. \o t> Qoestroa: J o,.f E t/ f,i(l t{ c l,,n w; .1,"DL"rsn *r +'t tt'6"f- r, z L" + C'l l' i'2'yn4 3ro,'1 t'6,, + /,to,,.1 7,,0,,= 7l,Sn .Ott+"+ ,lO'0" t lt'[, - JJ,t, c-16 Dt: o' *(, Vail Associates,Inc. Grrrrn rnt Oporn rl Vri rnJ Bcr.s Cicclsl SIIE Of THE lg&e uORlIl.{LrLlE Sl$ (l{AIlt'tt'S}llPS ./l a'l/6V"*ITFOnXAIIOI nlQlresl ?roJecc: C@trlct tro.3 DrC.! froo: Ytr: Goldo PeaL Chlldreort Celtcr SOI(F?ZTD 7-tr^d f,r-/ Qucstto:orl on sl*,t'A3 "3A..f A tZ Dnov* 37 a Doop 4 37 i 4 ftHR 4. LH ?a Bes1rcase, .,,,,,nld ?W l)l zq indioou 0n 4mntt ^O ftil IIX1W ]#**lY c-l6 &o \hilAssociateglnc. ,(. ) O-,rn rntOp-rarnrJVrd rnt Bcrs (iclr Y { grEoFrxEreoelonlrr.{ltr\EsucrtAult}Gnrsv/l rxFoRn rror *oo"r, ( [ / ?rojceB3 Goliteo peat Cblldreorr Ccotcr C@tarcC f,o.3 gOl(FTZlD _ Dttr: 7-l ?-# !ro!: fto? tt Ylt: Qoesttoa:Dr;^.-"1;-, S r"n,- }* E.* *L'* P lZ7 a4€i'q 22" outrr.l' N,{to so.f7' I Bcsponse: ,ffilr:,* dfnwion { r00m l?1 (Dnteide'l'o Ot$rfu) b' b"5"' //il. Irllo6 oo& Vail Associates,Ine-. Grarrn rnt Orsr*n r{ Vrl nl Ecl.w (irill gIE OF THE DE' IORI.tI.{T^?LNE SI|T CIIAMPII.FHIISrt7 r'FoRrf^rrof, *Quusr ( (/ ?roJcct: CoDtrrcC to.3 D!t.: Pr@: Ylr: Gotdea Peat Ghllitreots Ccntcr 80t(FrzrD vLo^d [1r+]/ Qocstlon: g,^5 p-a,'6c'r,ti,i^, Sr.+,;. t of rL F. r^ ,1- 7,07 A ! a,^'.tlir+r 5 tzo.J I aaaf,o'nJ et: L/;..f.J o-- F,;t/- Lr.r.*t i^ s b t, f ^*t/, g,O, r,:;, pytvtt t,i1 t ort/* c-l6 I t YI $ o larsen's FIRE ExnNculsHER c IRCHITECTURAT SERIES WALL INSTALIATIONS AND T 2. (,P Etv DE t:Y///////l 5/'l6" Flat Trim Fully Rocassod lrv/////t 1-114" o. 1-112" Squarc Trim Scmi-Racarscd 2.112" ot 4-1 Ro cd Edg( Srmi.Raccas DIMENSIONS o ABINETS IOS2ULA Buyllnr 30 RIM PROJECTIONS: 7/ t2" cd l:V/////zZt 3/4" Plsstof Siof) Trimlass Surt!cc Mountrd R rcn Eita. Iltt SttL r'|d lrC.clott llllh lC( On||!|o0l fixWxD Ofiblrhl fi|t|fito|! HxW.. NorCh opcnlA nxWx 0 Nacoanmanat- tJdneull|r C.e.dt | *m, Trtn sryb fi Prqcc{cr Ind{ lq oh|n{o|r HxWxD OIEld. Tfil fr|'|Dllo0t , ll x w... irtrh ,j0!.olr!Ixlvx0 nEtnndad A0tnalta, tr0dY,i.ts||t m5i [si3 n c..5/16 SmlR*.1h S. -n c.2!A 2a\9ht5' ?lx9'/r15' 21r3V,6' ?fthrr3 2lltrtt 2l!4x13 25rl07rr5 % ?5rl0'4rl 25rt0t6rt tlP2Yr. MP5, 0C2 Vr, DC5. H2 7r. H5 3012-n s12. 301?nt or2.Rr' 30r 1.BT sl2.St.r .if., .!!.",1'. i ,l :t . ,:.r il-' I..' n.c..5/ t 6 S!mi.filc.tY. Srr.R.c.ztA Saml.R.c.l!{ Tflmlc$ Suthc. il6 30r'12,6 30x12,6 q,xl?$ 3ft12It 30rl2x8 33Yr115 Yl $l%rl5Vr 37V'x15V. 3ilhrl5/r ililltxl3Vr 33%rt5tt 3ul3r0 '/. 3rnu7!t 3ur316 3'lr'l3I,| -r-$Yrt cor 5nn n{r m8r tFmissr R*.-5l16 Sr$Rrc.2Vr Sn$Rrc.1!t Trhhs! So,tca ltd 2lx9h16 2l$! )d 21t0:r'tft 21)€Yr6 27Yr rl3116 27hx13 2ttha} 2tYfrl3 2lthrlS 25110 !/r 16 !t 25r10 hrl 25rt0hd -r-16Yrl l{PZ Vr ,l{ P5. DC2lr,0C5, H?!4,H5 rF6,MPl0 0c6,oct 0 fig,C05,H13 nlR [2-RX []iL m.rr Pm Itsr tr..t/tG S.r*i.c.1fi sr+Rrc.2ft Sd -n c.lh Trfnh! $rttca [|5 27 xlal zltta8 2lxl?xD 27r12fi 27xl30 Or xl5Vt glhrlSh 30ltrr5h 30'/|rl5h grYrrlSt4 OYrrl5t/t 2trl3rt % ?Exl3r7 trr 2txr36 uur3r4 -r-xt?lt )tP2h,M9f, DC2Vr,0C5, ll2Vr,H5 MP6,trfl0 D06,DCr0 X9,C06,HlN PViZVr, MP20 0c?0,c0t0, }fl3,H17.Hm st2.n , tcra-rot li':l lCr?.i1,; !cr2.i , Ir2-i1..-, tr2.8t; ficc. '5lr 6 Smi.nac. I Y. S.mi.R.c .2Yl Sm! n.c.llt lrlml.tr S{rLca Mts 36rl ell 30rlzrt 3&l At 36rl &t 36rl a! 19l^rl5!{[ tglr'trtSV. 39hr! 5r{ 39hrl5}t 39Vrr'l!}{ 39Vrxl3Vr 3trtOrS'/. tTrl3xt'4 3?rt 3ro 37r'l3x,l -r-18}4t cD$ c0e0 rsr hxr bnbrr IDif IDST n .-tl16 s|*Rc.rt4 SdR.c.2h S|'lea.l}t Trhh$ S|'tc. mn 27120|6 z7'frfi zfwil 2?rzti 2'I2&t lo!r'lx23Vnt SlttdSVr 3r,h{!ri UVz['llt yowf.tw nl6rtTv, 2Ex2'txbv. ?&21r?1{ 2&2rS 2Erel -r-rthi Two c|. d r|x ilrL.t: nvzl/!, [Pt0,0c10 I/m,DC20 H9,H13,Xt 7 fio,c05,c0t0 It2r0.i _ rT1Gfl(, rt21eit mer&Rr ru41&f,r [32rGSr 8.c..5/16 Sanl-Rcc.l ![ S.ml- N.c.2yt Slmlnac.aYr Irlmh|! Sud&r Mtd 3&tort 3Ar6$ 3ai6d 32rl6|(t 3Ar16rt 3!Yrr'19lllrt 35%xl9Vr 35rArt9Vr 35hrt9li "l:':* 35lrrrl9t{ 3hl?rE% 3Ut7r7t4 33rl 16 3!rk4 -r-xlht ru2h, rPilo ocao.ct}t0 c0t5, c0a0. Ht3. Hrt, FA !d (lflr a al4" rhan tupl)|ild with arrrrun dog rtl, trim. Th. Arzaog.lR h$ | r 7... sourrc lrin. B cil i mud ba i||3Ellad brlo,c dttvli badusa ltat ptattar stopc nxst Da b.hin6 tha dry flll. Trifihss arc mt rccomdrndrd tor bbcr wrfi hsb'athn.i }t'fm tuW Dht i3hns td C|u|rts rnn ^|umtolo 0oo. & lrin , fkrrrnt nnfixnNcursHER .or,fir, ARCHITECTURAL SERIES tlnlsh or pflm. corl. Alumlnum trlm! tnd doorr rrcOEXERAL DESCRIPTIOil: L!r!cn'! Archlt€cturrl Srrtes l! rnrconomlcll llna ot ?cco33ad, s6ml.rccolsrd, rnd lurlrc' rmunt€d ,lr€ oxllne ullhar cablncl3. Thc!6 unlts rre dallgnrd tot all Wr of bulldlng! md !rc cqulppod wlth tho conv€n onat dool Etylcr r! picturod bclow. The standard door and trlm matorlsl hrt!.|, rnd optlonrl malorlrl! Includo bolh slumlnum lnd !trlnl69! Etccl. All door! aro 1r2 Inch thlck, hollow.mslel dslign. Al unlls hevr I ratln tlnllh pull handla wlth | !€lt.rdru3tlng roilct catch; rnd r contlnuou! plano hlngo conllructad of matc?lrluf ch matcho! lha door rnd tflm. lOX SPECIFICATIOII: All rccsllod enct lgml.recolsad cabtn6t!md lurfrce.mounlod !to6l csblnot! heyc a hoavy gauge, whlta bak€d onsmol box, gurlrctmountad crblnol! wlth alumlnumrbor and trlm hrya r box conltfuctcd ontlrcly of clorr ot color anodlz€d tlumlnum. Surhcefiountad cablnet! wlth rtsinlc3!llarl door end tflm havc I box conltruct€d on rely of 30.1 3l.lnl3s8 8ls3l wlih . f4 llnlsh. TRIX Al{0 DOOR SPECIFICATION: St€el trlms and doors rro onc ploc6, construcl€d of cold-rollod !t6ol wllh a ltandard tlnlsh of whltc baked ec.yllc cnamol, whlch can be uged ar elthsr a 13 llrndlrd, rnd r ulda lclactlon of op on l color Jrod-flnllhc! l! avallrua. All Alumlnum lrlm md Ooor ornrf 'f mltcr.d. To Epcclfy rlumlnum tilm rnd (bor, u.. thr gfafk "l!,1 b€torc lhc cablnct mod.l numbcr. Sltlnllt! stccl t m! .nd dof of .xtrud€d rlumlnun rlth !|lln .nodlz.d flnlrh. Ocrr aro onr plac6, conltructad ol, f4 flnllh, 3Oa rlnlalr !txl, l! plcturcd bolou, TO SPECIFY THE ARCH]TECTURAL sERIE8: 1. U3€ tho apploprlata prcflx lor thc trlm rnd door mrtarld.!t.ol - no pfofh lr r.qul.rd. ll rlumlnum - ut. "AL".lf rtdnl!lr.l - uso "SS". 2. S€lect thc r€qulr.d nrodcl number tiom tho dlmonslon t|blrpaga 7, 3. S6l€cl th6 door !tyl6 from lho llluslratlon! b.low. a. Other ogtbr|s: sp.drl Ltledng, spodal flrfsh.s (pohl, cdo. rr atumlnum or f8 dainlo do.l), Vlglhnte Alarn, 'RAA fUnO€ lpoclfy 3talnles! ltsl lrlm rnd door, u.r thc p|.fh,,gg', !.{n thc crblnrl mod.l numbcr. A vrrl.ty ot (bor |nd trtm mda.tl 20). ARCHITECTURAL SERIES DOOR STYLES - TRIM AND DOOR MATERIATS Full Gl..tr llorlronlrl Ouo I V.rllc.l Doo I Enrl Ollr Drp &.rt 01r Cantcr Br.!l Glut(a'ra'Ohr. P.n.l) Brcrk Ohrr wlth 8r.rk.A.Wry Acryllc Prn.l WroGlt.| ' crr| be glet.d $0r Ds erals, temprld gr.$. .c'y,rc, pr.te g[r!q wr'e gb!, sotlr bmzc or toal g[!y g[a!a Sflrill iri D oavo \)/ \hilAssociates,Inc Crt*n rnl Or<ra.o rJ Vr! nl &rrr 0cd!1 stTE of THE rgE' roilrl.{tt\|E Slil cilAMPtlrsilr5 417 /,1 rrPonxArror rEquzsr W, I troj.cG: Golileo peet Ghlldrcorr Ccorctr CqDtrret lo.3 80lF7ZfD Drtf: 7-*a-?? irn: f, +t/ Yh: Qrrcstlo: ,a I r--.rt- t4+ htto nu A in a<,/ / e- .y.aa f /t;" 2,"h)/ 4%,I Bespoase: wlwA vvr 7wl lile'tt, fu, Io |tl!nh^ kuhJtulwrl tn"{tu4 wwn hldlv rt ddlbl,.l utotttd zlqo vwn'Mryw ,dl th{w'oh lqcfi s ,ylrfrt' bt-^., fr, \o ril/t D.tG3 Ii':-ltqtlfta " "*Tfim,H,tfrEI' iliii F:f,f is - '. ii:f u; --.-.----- .--. 1:-J thll',q:i tlTlC ;rl:"r:i ilri $il c- 15 ct{ttltEY FLAS}il]{O Plate 52 illustrates a flashing system for a chim- ney penetrating a sloping roof. In Fig A apron flashing is installed after the course of shingles immediately below the chim- ney is in place. The sides of chimney are flashed using pieces of base flashing installed with each course of shingles. The upper edge of each piece of flashing should extend 2 in. above each course of shingles. The lower edge should be Vu in above the butts of the shingles forming the next course, The base llashing must extend up the wall and onto the roof a minimum of 4 in. of each piece flashing. o PLATE 62 Detail l shows a type of base flashing that must be attached to the roof before the shingles are in- stalled. The roof portion of this runner flashing has been formed with a hook edge and is cleated on 12 in. centers. The base flashing is extended up the wall a minimum of 4 in. The counter flashing is installed in a flashing receiver (see Fig A, Plate 4e). Fig B shows a saddle flashing (cricket) in place on the back of a chimney, Saddle flashings help to divert rain and snow away from the chimney. The cricket for Fig B is shown made in two pieces but may be formed in one piece (Detail 2). All joints in saddle flashings must be soldered. Saddle flashing must be flanged 4 in. up the wall of chimney and 4 in. onto roof. It is cleated to the roof deck on 12 in. centers using cleats of the same material as the saddle. Step counter flashing is installed in araggle as shown or may be installed in a flashing receiver. t _l _l _.l _l _l _l _l I __t I I*l I a. _l _.l -l _l :l th will vary { in. l) I the of counter flashin varv with thE be more than 3 128 SMACNA Architectural Manual - 3rd Ed.-r Apron Floshing Apron Floshin DETAIT 2 )FIO B q\lAaNA A--$;r..+t,,rl \.{r^,,r1 _ ?..1 F, DORTER - I{EAD - II LL FLASI{IIIOI FOR FRAME COIiISTRUCTION Fig A shows a flashing system at the junction of :i sloping roof and a dormer, Apron flashing is in- stalled as shown in Detail 1 or Detail 2. Counter flashing in Detail 2 may be sheet metal, plastic, or a combination of metal with paper, fabric or rub- ber. of base flashing are installed as each should extend 2 i course of shingl lower in. above the butts next course. The and onto the a mrnlmum Preces arg to the sheathing gle course. Roofing felt and shin wall serve as counter flashing. Detail 3 shows a type of base flashing that must be attached to the roof before the shingles are in- stalled. PTATE 6I The roof portion of this runner flashing is formed with a hook edge and is cleated on 12 in. centers, The flashing extends up the wall and onto the roof a minimum of 4 in. Joints in the flashing should be lapped 6 in. in the direction of flow. Roofing felt and shingles on the wall serve as counter flashing. _t _l _l _l _-'l _l _l t4 _-^l _.l _l _-r _l.J -I -J .J -J -Ju should be % forming the up the wall Flashing s a method of flashing a doo window head. FIa'5 flwall a minimum of 4 is recommended for this flashi in place. This flqg tic, or qrnbirlSfion of metal with paper.- 1?4 t- 1,... I t. T" t" t_ I. t_ t: r_ f f f_ f- r_ f r- r-r. -l SMACNA Architeclural Manual ' 3rd Ed. fr oszo \hil Assoiiatcs,Inc Greun rnt O1<rrr,n ,l Vrl rnl lrrto (ictr rl| | grEsrHElesevonur.rt^rtrEsNcrlruu0{snlls rNPoRuArror rEQDrsr 6 ,i ,/ lroJcca: CmErrct Do.3 Drt33 ?ril: Yh: Golilco PeaL Gtlldrear: f,coccr 80llF7zrD .T-jq-W fftrt/ Qocsttcm: [e,*f fr;'/ 4 iao,q 7"4 Drt-../ response, ju, Mrtl, 41il o,f "Ufthd rwgd /aNdtl 414 a^f funuilonll'il Wn+ iltvfr)nLdn ltlal d&f 1,fi, lfl,,Inlw YAIL c-I6 tFJhl,1, t. :l sNowDoN nno rO .ns ARCHITECTS 201 Gore Creek Drive VAIL, COLORADO 81657 (303) 476.220r ,414 ,o" /zL.fr,tl AY ./lt,-v/vdq, lE -'.',1 ,"ra, *o. I oF--J- "^r"ut^rro", 46 ,^r, 4/zA/ rl DATE cztt n- ll-2\ #(v \hil Garn &o Associates,Inc" o mJOrcrlr.nrlltri rnl Drr'c (i#!r stlEc IHE teSe EORU'r.{l^]tr\E Slil cHA$t}6}lllli n*oR'Arror Br.uzsr 6 th/ troJceC; Golilco ?cel Cbililrcnrs Gcotctr GoDErrct f,o.3 gofFrzfD / Drr3r ?-?d-f1t/ trc: F'Zi Y18: Q,|restl@,: -_3't t'/,-'?1 M.t-J w.flr D;-^^6 Ben>ouse, qw ?.frerhrut Moil h funn 9nFqtl M:,twWd lUlanr''l ' ''"' uA, Ttnlgfr c-16 WATER DIVERTER I]{STALLATIOII Ptate 24 illustrates two methods of installing water diverters. t L,' The Altemate thtail shows another method of cleating. Information on water diverter design is given on Plate 5. Q,, cleats spaced at 1 ft 6 in. in diverter is loose locked to in. on centers. Where is to be used, an inverted V into the gutter as indicated in The water diverter shown in Fig A is installed between courses of shingles by nailing through the head lap of the lower course into the wood In Fig B the water diverter is formelli fflaced by the #flapron flashing is attached by metal 52 SMACNA Architectural Manual - 3rd Ed q Loose Lock Clcof, l'.6" OC Foslener __t 3u Noil to Shcofhing .- Apron Floshing .71 qMACNA Architr'r1rrr;rl M;rnl;rl - lrrl F,.l ALTER]IATE DETAIL oCzo \hil Associates,Inc Gce.n nl Or<re.n rJ Vrl rnl Dcrrrr Crrdlr s[rE oF THE teSr soruJr.rua\f slil clilNtlJtlsHlE Golitco ?ceL Cbtldrcarc Gcotcr 80r0-7zrD 7.r#ry fifi rr'o*rf^rror rEQussE At il/ DroJccCS Cderrct Eo.: D!C33 lrou Ytr! w hrrtt s e* fofi4 aL | 4 x tx D t"/< -L/out il eJ,4 h- yto,,- 2t I 1"lo J oytrhL st;|..J ft.€n -h- ?..*o( -*r4 + 6 8."1< t,il. /ra"-4 s-furl -,,,t1* lrr*.' f*"1 ufu *,,A ; 'eht;t t'q-I "-'flrtr rB" DtJ< {LVf 4 /^-z(,io velt aA);r'-l wtsl D^'k ffi T,N,^,^?EY,:*,!"a,,1;an$hlq,,f nWt'tn l/li,,ll'lr.[*i##,!,f i,W,5i'#,1,,Y;,^M,ff7,H4!- *l Fl,nidiirrl.twq qillv1unqlr''ot t +*tol) i(Wf!'i:aiii,rt"Lifi qttl,(rnqinl t +*,1') i wu,f winwdw fu uilt f- f ln4 vnwuuqwliry.'( _ Y^'L tr.dr'offe df ln4 vttw *, Tffi,f wri,fi c-t6 &o o ft(\hitAssociates,Inc Ostd\ rnl Otcttt n,{ Vr! rrtl Dcnn Otd!' s[IE OF THE t9l9 [Cru$.{utl}lE slil cH^rrDl{s}llls vt i,l r'PoRt{A?tor r'eutsit' lrt4 ?roj!ct3 Go1lco ?cel Gbltltrcotr frntcr ColtncG Io.3 8Ol0-72fD-, 4i--i-t/DstrS {- t- - . -- rr'! fi nt/ Ytt: Qocatton: S F*-J ^) at n-I rGfrl AY JI ' Ot'vrs,'tu tJ- I $c+r ,1. l)'J-4 a Bespousa:{nlwtt, * q4+'(inbln N?q LffWq tro lrzn flrlt\. 4W rniilb| iilt /raqn ol,btttol. t'nfullutfp. 4 Wao 4w lw ww lucTrin, u'.lin [ottq^. lvrrlallo ,hur{1dbc r .. , I tt - | 1 ---u.'-. -,& t ^N.,,ro\rfiV ,i,,,,Qw7(0 rllflu q*M rqvyttmwt [nng n{fum hu tnrt',n ftilTwlw \n lJ*__ __- c-t6 o & Golitco ?crl, Gbtldrcsrr Ccotct 80rF72lD \ ?-z 9- Y{ R^.-y'f r- Y _ .-- F,'\hil Associates,Inc Oterrn nlOrsn,nrJVr! rnl Dcnc (iclF slrE oF THE r9E sORtIl il-rt\|E Sr$ C!lAn11$lsl{lt5 rf,FoRrArror ,"Qursr v f^; ( lroJocc: GoDtrrcC lo.3 . Drt.s lrn: ' Yt.r: s /n,- , ft r'rk,tr Bespouse, ltr'r ilw W d$tn+d 4 ow blA[U w,lrtftutradl {,uirp *,0. ry{,lmnq wsqto ilrslall fr' !,,' nutnil bslw pll dvttu,,l wltwwr,*, tN m gl : Q,rrestloa: t *- v{ 4, ( S/Z-aJ ?y(-tr- *,/ ,p f i {tr-* c-16 Ft1 ,^\O\yO \AitAssociates,Inc" Cr:rrn mlOprr.rrrJ\t! rnl Drntr Os*' gIE OF TIG t989 CSln ,tl.lt\E Slil CHANlrulGHnS 4,i ^/ rrrorxAuor rr{uEtit' I otA lrojlcC3 G6trrct lo.3 - Drtt3 ?rtn: Ylr: Goldea ?cet Cttltlrcorl Genter 80ilF72rD \7-LC-W r'f, t'lf o:l ut/t' Qpcatlo,: r ' i- ---l-an l(.-f ,+.t| ) ?t-I/1-4 | 4 4^ t7 )d. P/.^4 4AryaL e.,.-C LqL |a .ut- 4,Y.&J E ftf oy+ ,(* ,x I _ c-r6 -.t.. ^. _t.trr<<.ttC!^. r 6rr trCl o,:l,i:$i:i:ii:lw o Plan analyeta bascd onthc 1985 Unlforo Bulldlng Codc ProJcct Id: VA CHILDRINS CENTERAddrcss: GOLDEN PEAK Jccupanct:83,82 Type of Const: V-IHR lOTE:Tlre code ltens.l-isted ln thls roportllstlng -of aII posslble "oae -reeurreurents sclected sectlons of the coae. -'-- _ Datc: August ll, lgggGontractor: VAIL ASSOC.Archltect: SNOttDOil & HOPKINSEnSlneer: ROBERT BUNNESPlanc Exantner: GARY I{URRAIN are not lntended to bcln the 1985 UBC. It ts a conpletea 8u1de to ff;G=dGffifii6i;;:i;;======== ==:========::==::===:=====:====:==:=:==:===== 'rRgcrror BouNDARy ^*r4tfiffilJ8t FrRE pnorgcrroN I-OIIH !"gpgtty ttn" 3s. ij-Feet 3s. 0 Feet!l9I-- Butldlne _ zos.o Feet 60.0 Feet-qgglH lroperty llne 60.0 Feet 60.0 FeetFEST Property^lrl"- eO.O i.eet 60.0 Feetrrea lncreased 100 I for open "i"" o. 3 sides. L NAT,IB OCC AREA ALLOWED A/A OCC LOAD REQ'D EXITS EXIT IIIDTH 2 Locker Room BZ ZgS 28OOO O.Ot 6 t 0.112 t{ech Equlp Rn Bz {34 ?qooo o:ot i r o.o3Z AffLca Bz zLo z8ooo o:oi i r o.o{2 Schoot Class R, E3 4o?O 31400 O:ii ZOi 2 1.OT)rA"r sooo igiii ! : i; iiir zrs I d i. ze< 1.20)1 School Ctass Rn E3 too00 31400 o:ii ;il. 2 10.00ffi1n roq4r i3333 l1jsl S:i? i66r eoer , io.oor rz.rsrr I.'TE: Indlcates that this occupancy ls no{ altJwed on this floor-Table 5-D:_I9P:-I91:::::_:!::_:11:_:::::a::i_::-i:-:i::::::r-::::_-::::-:193:1tl_tr:_ logIRED OCCUPANCY SEPARATTONSl-E3 I hr ''l glazlng in hazardous rocations.(see_sectron Err06.(d)) rs requrred to, of satety glazlng materlal--ll-g.". 5406. SOUTB [{EST B-RG NON-BRC OPNG gRC HON-BNA OPNCr4!r r{Arr pnor rALr nmi- Fi,iirthr thr ttonc thr it; i;;. lhr thr None thr thr Nonc thr thr None lhr lhr Nonc OTI{ER ELEI,IEIITfnterlor Bearlng wallInterlor uonbrg wallStructural FrasreExterlor Struct FraneShaft Enclosure l'loor,/Cel I ing AsserablyRoof/CelIlng Assembly3tairs BUItDING ELEIIENTS Tabte 1?-AMATERIAL FIRE RATING NOTES AND EXCEPTIONSANy t hr.ANY I hr. Sec. 1?OS.(b)1.ANY t hr. See footnote S1t hr.I hr.I hr. NONE IOOTNOTES:1) Mlnlnuu on exterlor slde also based on exterlor brg. nall regulrements. 3ascd on ssctlon 3202. (b)lhc rooflng on this.buildlng ts to be flre retardaat.Jce sectton 3203. (e) and ICgo researcrr "epor;;l;;"requirements.I]XIT NOTES: Ttre raxlnun rlse-of^a-step is ? lnches and the nlnlnru rrrn is 11lnches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) - The nl.ninun nldth of a stairway^is 36 lnches, ,lr! laches lf theoccupant load ls greater than S0. __ $;: -sioe.tul s."-"."ti"i3303.(b) when occupant load is greater tfran igg.Provlde a guard-rarr where drop off ia ;;e;!i-trr"r, 30 inches. Irtlil* height={2 lnches, maxfunum openlng stae=6 fn"n""l-'ll-;;o. ft.- 6 lnches. -- Sec. 3309.(p)inch (t/2 Lnch at_doors with-handlcap-- Sec. 3304. (h) Sec sectto; 5tit4. (rl ror ANY ANY ANY ANY Ttte ulnlmuar headroon ls 6Provlde a landing withln 1access) of the threshold.sl-ze requlrenente. The naxlmum travel 3303. (d) EXTERIOn u erRE nATrNcS AND OpENrNf *recrrot NORTH EAST OCC BRG NON.ERG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNCT{ALL HALL PROT I'ALL TIALL PROTBZ lhr thr Nonc thr thr Noni The cxterlor warlc nav be of CoMBUSTIBLE oaterlar.None -- No fire protectl-on raqulrenents for op"ning".Prot -- openlngs arc to be protectea witrr-gti'ii-itre acsenbltes.50I of the area of Lhe wall ";;fi";: dlc s0{. tb)NOP -- Openlngs are not peroltted ln ihf.1;"fil-* -- ?hese Harrs nay be r_equlred to rr."" i-iarapet warl 30 rnchasabove the rooflng. The_parapet iari tq_ignirtted to have the sanefire rating as the wall. see sectlon izoi] io"-aiiail"-"ii-"*cep'ons. dlstance ln thls butldlng ls lS0 feet. __ Sec. I./ANDICAP REQUIREMENTS : Handlcap acceslr tr^regutrcd to thlc bulldlng. _- Scc. gg01.(c) and Tablc 33-AIt e ranp ls used tor handtcep accoas, thc ilax clopc fg fiii.'-l--seo 830?. (c)It natcr fountalnc arc provid-"d, oo. nust havc e rpout rlthln 33 lnchec of.!!9_!199l_lli^qf-tront controrc. -- Scc- sri. i.i..OIIET FACILITIES: 1. All doonrays leadln3 to a tollet roon for handlcapped are regulred to_ grovtde 32 lnches clear wldth. -- Sec. Sit.iil2. Provide 44 tnchas clgar on each srdJ-of-ioor*r"y". -- sec. 511. (a) 1.3. Provtde a B0 tnch draneter ctear area wtthrn {[;-tolrii-roiiiil.-- Sec.511. (a)2.l. Provlde a clear area {2 lnches wide and {E lnches long la front of atIeast one water closet. If ln a conpartncnt and door fs on itt sldc,provlde a clear acceEs wldth of 34 inctres. -Oolr nay not encroach intoclear area. -- Sec. 511.(a)3.5. A {8 lnch access width ii ieeuired to the handicap conpartment.-- Sec. 511. (a)36. Grab bars are required behind and on one side or on both sides ofhandicap water croset. slde bar ls requtred-io be rz inthes-iong (nin) andextend 24 lnches in front of water closet. Rear bar is to be 24 lncheslong la a room or 36 inches rong in " ."mp"riment. Bars are to be 33inches to 36 lnches above thE ffoor. _:-$;: -6rr. t")1.?' Provlde a cl'ear area under at leasi or," ia""to"y. 30 inches wide X 29- lnches high x 1z inches deep uinlnun. :--s"".-sir.rulil---- "-: 8. The botton of one nlrror, opening of a towei tirt""., and disposal flxturels required to be within 40 tnches of the iroo". -- sec. s11.(b)z.&g. ADDITIoNAT REoUTREMENTs I I oN occupANcy For 82 occupancyfn ell areaa cugtooarlly occupled by_hurnans, provide natural orartlflcat ltght and veniltaifon. _- Sec. -t05. Xor E3 occupancy storaSe and Janltor crosets are regurred to be of one-hourflrc-rcslstive constructioa. _- r€c. S02. (c)In all arealr -custonarlfy occupied by_hunang, provide natural orarttfical ttght and veniliiii"n. __ Sec. BOS.Provtde an approved frre "i.i" svsteu. -- scc. Eog.A fcaced in area_wrthout ""ro"trl-;;c;" "ol'i-t.". a dispersal area.reater than s0 feet fron the-buirEiil: :--;";. 3319.(k)Ktadergarten, frrst and second iiia;-ilprrs-ire riuited on floorsabove the ftrst s_tory. -:-a;;. 6Oi. ioj---Floor-lst -0ccupancy-School Ctass nuExit slgns are required tron-ali areas serving an occupant road of E0or nor€. -- Sec. 3314. (a)Corridors serving an occupant load of 30 or more are requlred tohave thr constructlon and rated.openlngs _--S"". 3305.(g)&(h)Exlts are requlr:9 !o.ue sepirat"T-ii'77e or-irre diagonal of thisarea. -- Sec. 3303. (c) 3:'5:":";r;;:tii"o to-swing in the direction of exit froo this area. The capacity of thrs area is requlred to be posted at s00 occupants.-- Sec. 3302. (c)Exlt doors are required to have panic hardware. __ Sec. 3319. (j)Floor-2nd Occupancy-Slhool Cfass nnExit signs are required fron all areas serving an occupant road of s0or Dore. -- Sec. 3314. (a)Corridors serving an occuPant load of 30 or Dore are regulred tohave thr constructlon and rated.op"ning"-_I-S1". 3305. (g)&(h)Exlts are requlr:g !o u" s.p"i.ted bv r7z "t-ine diagonal of thisarea. -- Sec. 3303. (c) Doors are requlrad io-swing ln the direction of exit fron this area.-- Sec. 9304. (b) The capacltv of this area is required to be posted at 203.soccupants. -- Sec. 3302. (c)Exlt doors are required t,J't""e panic hardware. -- sec. 3319.(J) IEUAESNpUE TOr Jeck Hunn FROMI Bob Egiri DATEr flugu:t ezf lggg REt Golden peak Childrentg Center After reviewing the olans for the Golden peak childrenrs center twould like to point out a few rnlnor cohcerns. I bclieve that wehave discussed most of these tssues. Thc lock schedule looks fine. l'lhen specifying schlage 6 pin lockswe need to algo.specify '16" keyways in order to assure comotetecc,mpatibility with our curnent system. He might want to eonsidergsing schlage "Entrance" locks instead of thi ,,classroom,, lock.The difference is that the Entrance leck has the button on theinside of the door while the classroom lock reouires the use of akey to lock end unlock. It has been my exoer.ience that theEntrance lock is.preferred by those using it on e deily basis. Asboth have inEide knobs that ere alwayr unlocked r hevr nopreference. Tha slmplex looe ir e good lock, t would likc to suggest thet in3om! locrtionr wn congider the simptex looG-? which-1r thc lamerr thc 2ooo cxceot that it ha! e by-pars knob ellowing it to baleft in thr unlocked or locked position. I do not know thcplrnned usage for each of the roorrtg so I cen not makcFecommendationr. Please :tipulatc that the sirnplex tooo hesrlther e Ruscwln/corbin("H" keyway) or schlage removablG eorG. chlldrenrr ski school has historicalty had considdrable propr endeguipment outside of their facilitiei. ilost of thesc liemi arevery labor intenglve to produee. I think that sufficient seeuritylighttng should be pant of the construetion pro.;ect nor whire .few llghting fixtures wllr be easy to instair. I do not see rneed for-li"s"-Epg! lights that rili adversely affect neignuore.L9" profilc lightlng can light up the tmmediate area and be Irtrong deterrent. R seeurity alarn system should be installed in order to atmlnimum provide hold up protectlon. If possible t would like tosee one or two centrallzed rooms have burglary coverage. In thepast childrents ski school has handleo consiierable arrrcunts of:asf. Thls prompted ski school to purchase safes last skt season.Ferhapl you ean plan ahead for locating th; safes so thatcablnetry nill not be tll affected. Vail Associates, Inc. Creators and Opemrors of Varl and Bcavet Creek ADDEilDUT '- 2 TO: FROIT: DATE: RE: All Plan Holders of .lack D. Hunn, D'l Real Estate Dev August 3, 1988 ADDEIIDUI{ 1{0. 2 vAIL ASSoCIATES, OI}IDET PEAT CHILDREi I.TISCELLANEOUS ADJUSTI,IE}ITS TO COIISTRUCTIOII DOCUI,IEIITS Thls Addendum No.2, In lts entlrety, shall become a part of the Contract Documents. Rece'l pt of thls addendum must be acknowledged on the proposal form in the Contract Documents rhich shall be returned rlth the bld. The folloxlng lnformatlon ls conveyed to all bidders of record: D'lvision I - General Requirements: A. REFER to Sectlon 01600, Paragraph 1.07 A. 1. The follorlng paragraph shall be substltuted for the paragraph lndlcated in the Spec'l f'lcatlons booklet: 'where only one product ls Ilsted, substitutes are belng actlvelysollclted. SubstJtut'lons on ltems rhere more than one nanufacturerls Ilsted shall be consldered only lf they arejudged to be equal to those speclfled and represent a substantlal cost savings or rlll have a posltlve lnpact on the project schedule. Any substltution shall be so lndlcated at the time of the bld.' Dlvislon2-Sltelfork: A. REFER to Section 0?2LL, Paragraph 3.02 A. 1. The Contractor shall be responslble for redlstrlbutlon of topsoll under th'ls sectlon. cc: Cralg Snoxdon ill ke Spal I one Kaaren Gann Gary lfurraln PECIF ICATIOII5 Pct Office Box 7 . Vail. Crrlorado 81658. (ioi)4765611 o RecordAll Plan Holders of Addendum | 2 Golden Peak Chlldren's Center August 3, 1988 Page Two B. REFER to Section 0221t, Paragraph 3.02 B. 1. Delete this paragraph in 'lts entlrety. C. REFER to Sectlon 0221L, Paragraph 3.03 B. 1. Delete this sentence in lts entlrety. 0. REFER to Sectlon 02222, Paragraph 3.03 A. l. The 0wner shall provide Independent Testing. The Contractorshall coordinate'the schedulL for all required testing and i nspect I ons . E. REFER to Section 02225, Paragraph 3.03 D. 1. Substitute L U2 cu yd in the flrst sentence. F. REFER to Sectlon 02513, Paragraph 3.07 C. l. Bike Path construction shall be 2 inch asphalt 'lnstallation over 4 inch compacted base in accordance rith the Torn ofVa'll Blke Path Standards. G. REFER to Section 02513, paragraph 3.07 D. l. This Sect'lon is c'larified as follows: 5 lnch asphaltlnstallatlon over 8 inch compacted aggregate base at the bus turnaround shall be requlred only where the existlng bus stop paying ls removed within the confines of the ner bus !tgp. The najorlty of the bus stop area 'ls per Paragraph 3.0? B:; 2 inch asphalt lnstallafibn over existing aiptritt as indicated on the drawlngs. Divlslon 6 - Iood and plastic A. REFER to Sectlon 06196 1. Bldders are instructed to verify that th.ls Sectlon has beenprlnted wlth their Spec'lflcation Book. If not, contact theArchltect to request a copy of thjs section. Dlvislon - 7 Thermal and lrloisture Protectlon A. REFER to Section 07218, paragraph 3.06 A. l. This Section to read: Apply insulatlon to publlc slopeddrywall ceilings as lndlcated on the drawings and as outllned in Exhibit J. All Plan Holders of R Addendum I 2 Golden Peak Chlldrenrs Center August 3, 1988 Page Three o ecord DJvls'lon 8 - Doors and tllndots A. REFER to Sectlon 08210, Paragraph 2.02 C. 1. Delete the rords 'and favaltable" from the end of thls pa ragraph. B. REFER to Section 08800, Paragraph 3.04 D. 1. Disregard existing section. Bidders are lnstructed to refert0 the door schedule, Drawlng Sheet t{o. A-13 for glazing requirements on interior doors. DMSI0ll 9 - Fin'ishes A. REFER to Section 09111, Paragraph 4.01 A. 1. As a point of clarificatlon; lnterior studs shall be 25 gauge unless otherwise indi cated on the Drawings. B. REFER to Section 09260, Paragraph 3.06 A. 1. The standard texture is hereby amended to a slick finlsh, lnlieu of light orange peel . C. REFER to Sectlon 09511, Paragraph 1.05 D. l. Delete all references to wood grid. D. REFER to Section 09650, Paragraph 3.08 A. 1. A-new paragraph is hereby inserted, provldlng for an al.lorance for resilient flooring. Refer to Exhiblt K. E. REFER to Sectlon 09650, Paragraph 3.03 G. 1. Delete thls paragraph in lts entirety. F. REFER to Sectlon 09650, Paragraph 3.03 H. 1. De'lete thls paragraph in its entirety. o RecordAll Plan Holders of Addendum | 2 Golden Peak Chlldren's Center August 3, 1988 Page Four Division 10 - Speclalttes A. REFER to Sectlon 10165, Paragraph 1.01 A. 1. The reference to shower partltlons shall be amended to referto urlnal partltions. B. REFER to Sectlon 10508, paragraph Z.OZ A. l. Reference to expanded metal lockers shall be amended torefer to solld door constructlon with standard louver vents. C. REFER to Section 10508, Paragraph 3.03 A. 1. A ner paragraph is hereby added, instructing bldders torefer to the Alternate related to lockers as prescribed lnExhibit J. Di vi sion 15 - l,lechani cal A. REFER to Section 15010, Paragraph 1.02 C. 1. This Section is in confllct with the information provided per Alternate l{o. 8. Thls Sect'ion rlll supercede Alternate No. 8. B'ldders are 'ln instructed to include the cost offinal connectlons to 0wner supplied kitchen equlpment in the base bid. Alternate tlo. 8 ls hereby amended to be a Deduct Alternate if the Owner provides fina'l connectlons. B. REFER to Section 15010, Paragraph 1.05 A. l. Bidders are instructed that all permlts, lncluding Trade Pennits, shall be paid for by the 0wner. Architectural Drawing l{umber A.l: Two parking lot light standards are provided by 0wner andlnstalled by Contractor. One light standard base .ls existing and reusable; the other js new. The ex'lsting dlsconnect at the northwest corner of the existlng tennis courts may be used during construction for temporarypower, prior to removal . l. All Plan Holders of Addendum I 2 6olden Peak Chlldren's Center August 3, 1988 Page Flve o Record 2. Archltectural Drawlng l{umber A.2: General Note No. 4 shall read: Contractor shall be responslble for miscellaneous site demolitlon lncluding the removal of three tennls courts and volleyball courts and mlscellaneous other ltems as deemed appropriate by the 0wner. Contractor shall be permitted to dispose of demolished asphalt paving on the project site. All Bike Paths/walkways are asphalt. 3. Architectural Drawing Number A.3: Delete four recessed snor grate p'its and snow grates at the upper level entrances on the north and south slde of the build'l ng, including the renoval of floor drains and piping as lndicated on the l.lechanical Drawings. Relocate the standplpe in Sta'l r # 134 from the northwest corner to the northeast corner on the Upper Floor Plan. As a clarification to General l{ote 1{o. 10: The Contractor shallverify with 0wner the deslred slope and dlstance lnvolved wlth regard to each floor drain. All snow grates shall be painted steel ln lieu of sta'lnless steel . Delete N/S wall at Room # 152 below Stalr # 134 Gl{ the Main Floor Pl an. 4. Archltectural Drawing Number A.4: Refer to General Note l{os. 3 and 4: Bldders are instructed that the reflected ce'lling plan per Drawing A.4 shall supercede the Electrlcal and/or l'lechanical Drawlngs rith regard to the celllnggrld layout. 5. Architectural Drawing Number A.5: All fascia details shall be amended as follows: Fron top to bottom of fascia, 1 X 10, 1 X 10, and I X 8 screred rith cadmium plated screns shall be substituted for the I X 10, 1X 8, andI X 8 nailed, as indicated on the drawings. All Plan Holders of Addendum I 2 o Record Golden Peak Chlldren's Center August 3, 1988 Page Slx Add the reference to tl?,, gyp board tn all detalls related to theroof construction. 6. Archltectural Draring l{unber A.6: Downspout details, and speclfically, their'location andtennination below grade shall be clarlf.led at a later date. 7. Archltectural Drawings l{umbers A.8 and A. l0: Reference to 10 inch diameter concrete co'lunns in details on these sheets shall be constnued to be 12 inch concrete columns. 8. Architectural Drawlng Number A.10: Delete concrete topping on the platforn in the center of thebuilding per Sections 3 and 4/A.10. Substitute 2 layers oJ 314. plywood. Bidders are Jnstructed to frame in lnterior rall rith the open wood grille work in wood rather than ln mtal studs from floor to cel I I ng. 9. Architectural Draring t{unber A.1l: Delete Detall 7 A.ll: 10. Archltectural Drawing Number A.l3: Door No. 128 shall receive a frame per Elevat'ion Detail l. Vertical dimension in Elev l and 2 to be 7,1. to centerllne ofdoor header mullion and 8'9' to top of frame. 11. Archltectural Drawing Number A.15: Detail 2/A15 sha'l'l be amended to include 5 /4. oak slll cap, conslstent rith Detall 115. qLY IL -ENGI NEERII{G DRAI,II NGS 1. C'l vl I Engineeri ng Drawi ng C.1: Substltute Revjsed C.l Drawing dated 7/18/gg. Bidders are instructed to review the revised sewer line route and ventlocatlon, the deletion of pVC sleeves for telephone and All Plan Ho'lders of Record Addendum | 2 Golden Peak ChJldrenrs Center August 3, 1988 Page Seven television, clarificatlon as to the removal of an exist'ing manhole, flre hydrant, and electrical box on the south side of the new building, the'location of the gas line rithin the road, the deletion of a curb-cut fron the new parklng lot to the nen pathway, the modlfication of the curb-cut in the bus stop, and the modifications to proposed grading. Crlb llall Detail, typical vertlcal dimension shall be 2r6' per step. l{alkways to build'ings shall be asphalt, typical. See Sheet A.2. Contractor to coordinate the layout of the Bike Path and the magnitude of the Bike Path demolit'ion with the Orner. 2. Civ11 Engineering Drawing C.2 Bidders are instructed to refer to a Revised Sheet C2 dated 7lr8l88. The exit loops for the future bus stop control gates have been de'leted. All conduit to future control gates shall be in accordance wlth the Electrical Drawings. STRUCTURAL. DRAI{ I I{GS 1. Structural Drawing S1: l{here ramps jnterface with upper slab-on-grade provide #4x6'-0 06o. Place dowels at mid-depth and project 3'-0 onto top of ramp.(6 locns) 2. Structural Drawing 52: The 19'-10 long edge beam on Grid 2 between Grids C & D should be a l{12x14 without shear studs, not the Yl4X22 shown. Refer to the plan notes. As a point of clarjfication, theVulcraft Type 1.5VL composite decklng shall have a painted bottonr and phosphatized top. At stee'l beams without headed anchor studs (HAS), attach the composite decking with 5/8" d'lameter puddle welds @ 12'. All Plan Holders of Record Addendum | 2 Golden Peak Chlldren's Center August 3, 1988 Page Elght At the top of each end of the l'-0 wall provide 2-f5x3'-0x7. horizontal hairpin bars 0 3'belor the steel beam pocket. (4 I ocns ) 3. Structural Drawing 53: Refer to Section 2/S3. Block the plywood edges rith Simpson Z2clips and 2x4s between joists as opposed to the full depth blocking shown. The ridge glulam beams on Grid 4 between Grids A&B and CtD can reduce in depth to a 10-3/4 x 30 opposed to the 3l-l/2 shown. Block the beam seat as noted on plan at the columns on Grlds B and C. Refer to Section 4/S3. 0ver the ridge beam provide full depth TJI blocking both sides as opposed to the single line shown. Also add 2x4 blocking w'ith Z clips to support the plywood edge each side of the ridge. 4. Structural Drawing 54: Refer to Section 1/S4. Re'inforce the counterfort footing top and bottom with 15 0 16o each way. I,IECH,INI CAL DRA}I I IIGS l. l,lechanlcal Drawing Nunter l,l-1: Coordinate the'location of the floor drain in the Rental Area wlth 0wner. Refer to Sheet C2 for the alignment of the water service'l nto the but I di ng. Delete l{ote 2 on drg-l and replace with: 2. Short water closets(tlC-2) shall be instal'led in tollet rooms 114, 120, 132, 133, l4l and 142. Al1 other toilet rooms shall have regular water closets ( lrc-r ) . Laundry room 125, dwg ll-1: Add a 6x6 neck, 24' x 24" face, RG-l perforated grille (60cfm) in celllng grid north of the lightfixture. Also provide NAC CFS-85 fire damper and CK-2000 thermal blanket on diffuser. Duct 6x6 over to main exhaust duct. Reslze the main duct to 18" x 6r from new exhaust take-off tovertlcal duct. (Vertical duct dimensJons remain the same). Provide a balanc'ing damper in the duct. ;l1 Plan Holders ", *":o Addendum # 2 Golden Peak Chlldren's Center August 3, 1988 Page l{'lne 2. Mechani cal Drawi ng t{umber }l-2: Flre Protection Systen bldders are advised that the Town of Vall Fire Chief rlll accept a comblned dry stand p'lpe and water entry systen, thereby alloring the deletion of one of the two S'ianese connections. Bldders are instructed to contact the Fire Chleffor addltlonal informatlon. Storage room 210, Dwg [rl-2: Provide a protective cage on the sprinkler head in storage room 210. Exhaust fan EF-2, dwg tl-Z: Increase CFil to 1260 CFl.l. All other performance data remains the same. ETECTRICAL DRAUINGS 1. Electrical Drawing l{umber E-1: Detai'l l{ote No. 3: 0nner shall provide light fixture and lampfor installation by Contractor. Detail Note No.4: Owner shall provide new fjxture and lamp for installatlon by Contractor. The existing light pole'ln the center of the Skier Drop-off Areals currently circuited with other street lights. This light shall remain on that circuit and only the nel exter'lor fixture shall be powered from the building. The 3/4" PVC stub-out for the TV panel in Room 222 shall occur above the retalning wall to the south of the Play Area. Coordinate with Architectural Drawings. ?. Electrical Drawlng lfunber E-2: Substitute a dirmer sritch for a standard toggle switch adjacent to the Diaper Change Area ln the Nursery. llith the exception of the foregoing nodificatlons, the scope of theproject, in accordance wJth the Contract Documents remains unchanged. JHRl l lGPCC:bb TRANSIi'IITTAL LETTER vArL ASSmEs, rNc. / p.o. Box 7 / uorrQo*ooo 81658 PR0JECT: Golden Peak Children's Center T0: Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vai I , Col orado 81657 ATTN:Mr. Gary Murrain C0NTRACT N0.: N/A REFERENCE N0.: 158 DATE: September 15, 1988 If enclosures are not as noted, pl ease inform us innediately. If checked bel ow, please: ( ) Acknowledge receipt of encl osu res.( ) Return enclosures to us. WE TRANSMIT: (X) herewith ( )( ) in accordance with your FOR YOUR:( ) approval()review&coment (X) use THE FOLLOI'IING: Drawi ngs Speci fi cati ons Change 0rder under separate cover via request () (x) () distrjbution to parties record (X) infonnation () () (x) Shop Shop Ins Drawi ng D rawi ng ectioD R Pri nts Reproducti ons orts Sampl es Product Li te ratu re ACTION REl'IARKS A. B. n Action indicated on item No action required For sjgnature and return t ransmi tted to this office D.For sjgnature and forwarding as as noted below under REMARKS See REMARKS bel ow COP I ES (with enclosures) I Est e I oomen .fJ ck D.llll ,Di rector Koechlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 1019 8th Street o Suite 101 r Golden, Golorado gO4O1 (3nr,.}27&2232 Vaj.1 Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 7 Vail , Colorado 81658 Attention: Jack Hunn SI,WARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESI]LTS Golden Peak Childrenrs CenterProject: Location of Pour: Walls Grid Line D between Lines 1 and 5 LinelbetweenLinesD&C Supplier:Mountain Mobile Mix Ticket No. 4.0 in. P19684 Cubic Yards: L6/24 Air Content:. 3.32 Concrete Temperature I Date Cylinders Cast: Remarks: None. Ase (Davs) I 28 28 Slump: Wet Unit Weight: 145.5 pcf 7fF Time of Test: 1l:15 AM 8/24/88 Design Strength: 3000 psi @28 davs Cvlinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3780 Job cc: No. (1) (l) (1) (1) 88-24 Snowdon and Hopkins Hyder Construction JVA Mountain Mobile (3o3l27VU232 Vail Associates, Inc. P.0. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 Attention: Jack Hunn Koechlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 1019 8th Street o suite 101 0 Golden, colorado 90401 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Go1den Peak Children's CenterProject 3 Locat ion Supplier: of Pour: Wal1 Grid Line 2 Mountain Mobile Mix Ticket No.P19698 Cubic Yards:Slump: 3 l/4 in. Air Content: a. t?_ Irlet Unit Weight:744.2 pcf Concrete Temperature: Date Cylinders Cast: Renarks: None. Ase (Davs) 7go F Time of Test:3:30 PM 8/25/98 Design Strength: 3000 psi @28 davs 28 28 Cvlipder Compressive Strength (psi) 3590 Job No. 88-24 cc: (1) Snowdon and Hopkins(1) Hyder Construction(1) lvl(l) Mountain Mobile TRANSMITTAL LETTER vArL Ass'tEs, rNc. / p.0. B*x 7 luo,r,Qro*ooo 8i658 PROJECT: Goldcn Feak Childrenrs Center TO:Town of Vai I 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Mr. Ga ry lilu rrai nATTN: C0NTRACT N0.: N/A REFERENCE N0.: 163 DATE: September 27, 1988 If enclosures are not as noted, please inform us irrnediately. If checked be1ow, please: ( ) Acknowledge receipt of encl osu res .( ) Return enclosures to us. l{E TRANST'IIT: (X) herewith( ) in accordance v{ith FOR YOUR:( ) approval( )review&connent(X) use THE FOLLO}IING:( ) Drawings( ) Specifications( ) Change 0rder ( ) under separate cover vta your request () (x) () distributjon to parties record (X) information () () (x) Shop Drawing Prints Shop Drawing Reproductions Inspection Reportr ( ) Samples( ) Product Literature ACTION REMARKS A. B. c. Action indicated on item No action required For signature and return t ransmi tted to this office signature and forwarding as noted below under REMARKS REMARKS bel ow D.For as See COPIES TO:(wi th te Devel s) ) ) encl osu re ( ( ( ( ( Iril /,"it/,-'',* //(4 .'/ Hunn, DirectorkD. l.Est . TRANSIIITTAL LETTER vArL ASs'tES, rNc. / p.o. B'x 7 / uo,r,lro*ooo 8i658 PR0JECT: Goldon Ferk Ghildren's Center C0NTRACT N0.: N/A REFERENCE N0.: 166 DATE: September 29, 1988 T0: Town of Vail If enclosures are not as noted' 75 South Frontage Road pl ease jnform us irmediately. Vail, Colorado 81657 If checked below, p'lease: ATTN: l,lr. Gary Murrajn ( ) Acknowledge receipt of encl osu res.( ) Return enclosures to us. WE TRANSMIT: (X) herewith ( ) under separate cover vja( ) 'in accordance w'ith your request FOR YOUR: THE FOLLOX ( ) approval ( ) distribution to parties (X) information( ) review & coffinent (X) record (X) use ( ) ING:Drawings ()StropDrawingPrints ()Samples Specifications ( ) Shop Drawing Reproductions ( ) Product Literature COP I ES DATE RE v.NU.DESCR I PTION AC I ION . CODE 1 ea.s129188.Koechlein Consultinq Enqineers. Concr,ete Test Rerults dared 9/14. ACTI0N A. Actjon indjcated on item transmitted D. For signature and forwarding as B. No actjon required as noted below under REMARKS C. For signature and return to this office E. See REI'IARKS below REI,'IARKS COPIES TO:(with enclosures) BY: Jack D. Hunn, Djrector /7,/ / VA*{, > 4la-io-,- ,1/1.I l3,etl27&aB,2 Yail Assoclatee, Inc. P.0. Box 7 Vai1, Colorado 8f658 Attention: Jack Hunn Project: location STJ}IMARY OF CONCRETE TEST REST]IIS Golden Peak Childrents Center of Pour: Rarnps Lines l, A, D; Slab Lines B to C 8nd C to 5 Supplier: Mountain Mobile Mix Ticket No. P19945 Mix Design No.: l0 Cubic Yards: 72 Slump: 3.0 in. Air Contentz 2.37 Uet Unit Weight:145.4 pcf Concrete Tenperature: 54oF Tine of Test: _9!.lQ_4ll_ Ilute Cylinders Cast: 9/14/88 Design Strength: 30q) osi 028 davs Remarks: None. oo Koechlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 1019 tth Sbeet o Sulb 101 o GoHen, Colorado 80401 Cylinder Compressive Strencth (psl) 3320 Ase (Davs) 7 28 28 ilo. 88-24 (l) Snovdon and Hopkins(l) Hyder Constructlon(l) JvA(l) Mountain llobile l&ltuun Vail Associates, Inc. P.0. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 Attention: Jack Hunn oo Koechlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 1019 tth Street o Sulte 101 e Golden, Colorado 80401 ST'I'IMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESIILTS Golden Peak Childrents CenterProject: location of Pour: Slab. Lines A to P and 5 to 8 Supplier: Mountain Mobile Mix Ticket No. U995O Hix Design No.:10 Cubic Yardst 72 Slunp:3.0 in. Air Content; 2.67 Wet Unit Weight:144.4 pf Concrete Tenperature: Date CyLinders Cast: Renarks: None. 600F e/14/88 Tine of Test: 10:25 hll Design Strength: 30O0 psi Q28 davs Job cc: Ase (Davs) 7 28 28 l{o. 88-24 (1) Snowdon and Hopkins (1) Hyder ConetructLon (1) JvA(1) Mountain iloblle Cvlinder Coopreseive Strenrth (psi) 2970 elft t|mnilr c? mtY140.E 6rotrnr HrunE coftEHt5.7 lSilYBHr ILoG I F rooo2I|o Coes MOISTURE COilTEXT T Sorplo Dcrcriprlirn 3/4" Baee courec Lroulo LrxrT 3!t o/o Uo Ye--' PLASNOTY II{GX Locofgt B&BPlt Comeoclicn Tctt Proccduro ASTI{ D-1557-78 l{ethod c ELT A'O CI.IV % Ac :- ti, Joa xo. 6E-2a corrPAcTtol{ TEST REgtf,TS t il E E oo E3\oiul t>\ r-{lFtDOo>*6 'r(J oz oo F{pa ^O'-{ c) $>NriIFl€0,€>*(!tr z oo ep AOic, {t>Nd lF{6e,o>h6 l{(, A = 6o Fa ^Od(jl \thNFtIFl@o6>rh6 lr = l6to latpl,^ OFC) l.t ''t16l Fl I I t''l tc(r ol@>t6tl.IC.' lat2t< I .D|rl h ot5E:3r6 ci EEg F 9EF-23 I i BH E !dr H E=ur (J(J i( F* C) to \o(@o\6 O'l 6o t= tE i I cr-l=z I EHt i=(J .+ €O F al !n t\ \o o\ !n l'i;ei - E*go \0 r\dr t\ !nc{ @ @r.l .$ @(\|fl l i;B iEe :-sEa=x- x Io "o6o FI EEI l-o! o.lr F{ri ot(,lt('ru ttl, =E=- =6=5cE o- oo9.o=o C'\ F or F\ o\ F o\ F. o\ F\ = (vl ln o E=- =E=E=E 1* E5=.8o:= i-a I Fai Fl..Fr i F. I .-r(f) (n ; (Yl Fai riil t, i .nO.O .i . {'I \Oi \O rl aY'! rn .it rG UJ tie !H-;o E;O 8idis. I : €o 'ltee6aodta(Ja,o!tIJOCI6H 6oct.r{ Floo006 06toa !t c-t Fl<t 'raoF crroo€.tO<r.la0tqrtS.r{ tral 6!c6OAF{U6oF{ Ol.dFot .r.l .O .tt{ FI .{ C) t ll.{ C)E €q, o€ El!e tu6. 06 =,+ O -r =-t Ovl!0o!!+B!oHcoI '?.9.9 r i'ii {r r, tr;(l onE I C'|xcolY5-ru*o(un|!r+r"o,4 o€Ft6 l'.i €6 f\OF\a!( +-. Flt t" r E €oE i I ^E6 E iEG -oo E 6-cF. 6 -r !,>trtr* -, F €3.t z 6 E!o@ E = €'€q Jr.2 "- e -J€E E A Es'.s {E;;! 'o.,> ET'aul ,El EE =ti6 sE EgE2 gE x() t r{tr(, a,{IJocoq, t tU€h o trr{ JCAo aort 'o E'v, , Ello - E5rr, I 5o?o o o eEIit j E ia;iiit E i *;€i: :E E i ;giii;+ :: Es;ii i eE i= gt iii i iilr,r,iE:iillffi oro6lr o0I3g) toFI q, E .J oA* r+l o trOtn 6F.dcoAQOr{rr l.r trodl.r{u. Qr<€FO O '"{fr Fl ao( ,!, . 6Fl.ctco,E OilIr. Fl Forn 6.-{EtroacO'r{tt F1 l.(, o't Ig.oc) IEOdtr Vf FI Ez o\(\o(r)(\ r|{ o IHO'{ tsloze 'Ffl,$a u{ooF{ B:2 =<z o.c lJ .r{It Fl @ l+{ NO 'trIaz F{6.BrJq F<z o.aUIqr Fl <)qrnO .FlAZ Fl6.3ul+{ r+lo BAzo.tr +J .r{ t+{ Fl t\ r+a.SO .B.1 cn .n.3 r.r|}{ uloraFiot. clal raFFr I F.l rl{roi-Bts cfl H:6.Bgr+. - 8 .€9(rrncC\oaH-.E @.Jloocro.!lr.oFlc6..{ t{UF OOF.tCoxo oO O(J F{<€ u-cF{ .Fl O.ra C) rl t,ql'Ct u>o.> oF 3 o E( o Cv E Eq -ti o E d q a7r I .tc6|qi I@c@q+q c \' o ('l I,i\-. t.rt €6I CJ I@ocoa*6 E .c o av) l. .tCNU I@ooc*d c .t o dtl.vi.tCNc.; I@ooc+qA .t c ('rL\r!.lt CNC Io0ocib( F .t tblHlble 6IE :Ir Hl.nO l-EgE iFr E E lB;Hseit-.t G, > a IUH u?H it r;fr p: rit?6i 7-=BT (Jl;S E=(-) 01 .t ** co F co .it o\ ct H= E=8 =.' \o r11 c al .t o rn .rt rn *Fe .l. \o(\I fr (\(rt o\ o.\ o NN lo\i 6|l(,|l-l '35E'= 22. i'l lrllt\i r\i Fi.t . rit\ r-l 66e @;g!.ii! f;6 E {:C lr- = € ?6E 8t+ E A +!.3 E ; d:I a €- a,lJiE E e 86".. t3i.E g3E ETaI| ,EE eE =I5s 5gca E3lc)I @@@'€Al€:loooo.S \t .t .it .i' . Fa r-l: r-a, Fa, I' o o o, o, l*t- , [s$[ : = tnz, = = = 3r aDl<l I : Io.rl C))kl t0 lcloic)I.l'l. l!OliBljE I 'ol Elr{J.oo, cl"-'o :i!c, I;t,,.Q I.c: I,.P Ittl ls! | E3l || B:zi ir,I$''i ! i.tll'c,l 1l lloltrl FI .qFIo(v| 3 ts.lvt o, o B2 +,rl.l (D o o FI lL o rdz '|{r{o o BB.Zz : ' ireI ti 'lltir+. I!loe;f,i' = | !.r(t5 :a : = , lool:. tr , 'r{'ri FrFflr't+{ oo'F: lrl Zz .@AorntrE\O,HFl:l 6.-tooooqtu€r.'66+{ }a(rF oOFIAoxo oO O() .l,l<El t,-c F{ . F{ (1,.r{ O .'.1 r,l6.6 rl>A> oF rn ;l: ii!€:E B :i,Z: t't E h 3l:iA . UF{ 3irrr' o c! A:::t. lt o i{ O'Ia3ololr . t )ZaiA''d t € d .tt (,) !r'd i,E; ; E.ggi:ixiil 'l ;.'H;iiisine n:;gi;iirl,h z ?ErE'i5: "|fi: a =IE;ilii , il;i * s"rEi!;ii i 8,3e ; ; r^A,iliiEr:i H{ q PeiEiit,lE; iii ,eEiiilli i .!,l+r Orl}t O;(}r tri F| ..{ lav) .r{ !rrO CO .r{NJ . +-. [-{! rl)r+r O, lrlC, Fr€ .Fli ttl,-. J. d, Fut c);-.ii(n rn \o(rl r\ (.t'l @ ca tblHlrloIt 6IE ;I; H lgo E l*E g F iErrE ifiE HatlF(, e>= IUH u?H i6H qFH i= - gE E5 ,x - x - I o 5c ocl. E eq 3 I I dq +{ Hp do ! trI g O t\tt l|r{FlraEo to{ r, E+{ }. Clt{OO6OO 0O O rt .r{ rar €H aJ li ?lo croclr.c|+1!trrto' o gS., !EFI O O OO6O cl l'..r{.oi F\ l. +-t ! OC C, O O ."{ O'n+rtr> Eo(l0ll,lr+{r, > r{ i.l li E9.c lrtt r{(J OO .€ 6 . r'l5 (u€ c, oE€ d o, orttO .otr.JH li tOEisOEOeO I trqtoo ci.+a o l,O 6 OFIc I h6 toa€p(tcl '{.o O.r{ .o.r{rr qrrr 6 i}{tJd O Ci ra rrqtOOO .t'la rr€ '1, €EOO FO.Clrtrli'O(, r, rDolr. o! oE€4SgtO O.{,.C -r FO- C, t{ @ lUUJ C r{ r'|-. I EEol.rlErr!ao- r oo Yl Fl .i' C tr. Cg '-.1 .r{ O q, !: ..i 'o EE* E bTE CE r. !EXo- 6.\ O .rlF{.c t 6 E I E ; ('l $N I6ot ootao() oo ct 'l.t €N I@ @rh (u olr,o C) oootrl .c {(\l I(o @i o6hto() ooc€ .t ool.,o() oooo .|t (.! ra Fz v) ooF =o() tuocF .it € Az u, .cN IooI el6l.)o() oo6,e .t {.t(\| l€€* q, ol. o() 0,oqt rq .J' 2*ct FE {+N CA .T +oo\.co\ I II I I I Or rno c!J E= E=e \Ct .it 6l < rYl F .c o\ rn >Ia EE :: 9 ct o\ @t\I o \o(\ .{' 6l t\ In o\ r\ 6l F)(ft (\I (Yt aa r-l t\t\Fr r-l rt!: |^; 6 sxI g "56 E E-"c (Jcr ! *E e fi iE*E = *.8 It lr ldo& ii -8!: aQ l-ta! t r+{O.Ct cD JEr{cJ t-i 'r{a (!005 Fe()> :$6rl ,El gE 5s €gEt;i-ct o(o (n or tt .a(\ Ioo 2 €1 r,lo o o,o oi ol.l.i c .li I I IJ $a GI * = = -FF&6S Fo 5-- tr lloal{L'oao(, |{o'rt !E oc xr I ' r+{ iFrItt : : $.alo It3 l(/, I I9Itr Ilo o t,(|'a ln(\ oa Ff r+ao Ba, lrl+{ @ I<l o oF Ff q{ o FTv, ItI.r{ Ff q o Iz c{ o\ al t+a 6l tU .r{ Ff |+{ o Bz f,q{ \o 6l oa Ff $ao Bz l, $a .it ol ola'r{. Fri q.i oi l,tt| \orn oE t-| q-a o 3 lr|+. \0 =e I.@Ao|'rEC\oaHlEo-J'ooo06!r tt F1 6.!r{9c, l\ oOF{et!Xo OO O(J i{<o t,rtrr{ .F{ Or{ O.r{ !qt.qt u>a> o = , i qr. a @: - .: rri3=Id c'd o: i i c; c;iIEEsii:i rrii :!i!gs; ili Et5 :;,I !!5 ;ii rgi :ii iiti iEsi riii iiii otro6qrt\F{ ,C t-lProOEiA€ >r r{ t5 bo'Eu !irU d gCtO |-, i!o.!l -rlJd .'{ - (,J > U-.r{g oE:85 (,, gE b I'i{3 FgzooEl F $u6 !;o6h=;8euJ (t, =g ?85 o-<z bbz Go: H9F =trE ?E o Ez ozto =,IFG UJ lto cc uJ aa =?2 o? ulo. F tUo '.ao C) (,1o(t€ o I !n Io Fut{ hIJ.rt 6ao€ >||{€ E, E xI N f.lA2 E I t({ cx Eq 3 t\!o +, o r,{o Cl Or{6 O Lrart E* n;o,o oo.c.€9rrF+raJ(r|t:a6F{5gg ttrO.OF{ r'l O€r-{AV' Or|..r{ O>r+l ! !, r-.1. r6O€lr.CrJooo(Jolr9aJqtrJtooO 6 ct tu rtlOOlr,OOELo o c c)lo o o cto6 (u (, ()(\|!l O t\ t\€ OE !Fltr 6lr.r{ o6l ot,€c6'o o0(r) (u EtrCot'"{6 ."{ .r{ XCtlqo>'.OF{€ O tg.r{65A'e ) OO. 6.o H .r{ 6 * qr\t- c =tortr'r{E f, o .r{ '/,6€oD t+r o o ouloFtrofr * 3E,569*HA F lr Or,lO*o6(l,doE"o 3 I' I ii, Io 9 tJ,lr TJoao(, ,{o€tr !E oF J.AoE coEtoa aD bIlF o oHAE:TH ,f?gr FHFE 6 E;iH'g)-o.ae.>3 $H€g3H e e;i F;iig?gi -Ja 1(- =E=d iio=a | | liti Er ig; gli :;! iltitf Est iii !ilN !!rl !ii: iiii ricA v, aq (, F E Eolril ooo UJEfF Ut6 azoo l!o ooI h = l, .o(tOt{ 'c9(,.'{Otr> r, ..{ qt €F{.'ftrAr{3EJ&.t!EoBut @u.lzal, Yts9z-fFzIF?oc0, =Ex6\., l|.ou,(E IJJuJu,Co ctt =rzlroo2tr... .oH: 'DFZ oo€L.9at trrodcro t,.r{ Corr o6l.qtc hEl .rt €tt\ '{ULt Jad .r{ Vto€E5€ t,ahE.o zi* DEE offl c z!I Eao I6a EEE 6 <X l!gs 98e g z=9T 2 -<o O9!l 2E38H Hc-C'F i==c i .lo, I E-Eg i : i*lo< I13o,lzE = l.S = lar = It+. t+{9to-to- tNBU' l,ll{ \o oF,r{ (,!6l.(9 I Eo I!oFl U' ; l'd8g I T .g6 Ei-:Ft E iT6 Q!> | r-! z $ *Er E E ,t.q e- E i:36 d t:=3 s8* it6rl ,El gE 5t €g.cl ;E-u CO(o o CA a EI .t? 6{loo 2 €- 6 ffi .@Cior,1AE\oaHP.!E @..!olJoo6r.t€hqt qtr{F(rF oOF{troxo oO O() r{<Cr u-cr{ .H O.t{ O r{ l,l6.qt !>a> oF h!lEoar €o u6o Eoo.dEt<trqtqtt €Eoo |l' r.lFtcot EotdoB r+{ ri alr{O Fl lU142 FtrG3OooolllGO uiuEg6EO r'lcEqto- o0o zIt etuo @o ul =F Ftrf 3 zIF cEuto @o !J = JJftl b H e oul t =?o Fci EH39uf ulFEEo:s2 Eg(t, cE>H se; ipi, g? HaaF ii?6 atzeF gc() tIJo-U'oF|lt uJ o UJF CI' urF JJtt (! .ttN Iooi (\ .tN I@€+ (i urori I I el.t.cl ol tnl I (v) |.l --.1 Ic.il tni 6tl I -1 I It 2 2 (J =o ta = .E l=r= rE>,;(rro-olo sl El='=,i i= Io t,(,aLt,oao() vo<th!E oF 't{&Ao a.o.cttoav, at cg o iB! E9; ;!; iii ii! Ei! !ttrr iiii iEli !E! | toa, (J otrA. €-alrOoo€troa! r, 6(0 I '+{Goo it.rn aoO\F IJco<o\ cr-9 HAgE aftz9*:: r, i9E5o€ozi9€Eari5E36X HE(1, Brn ul+. \o o FIr{ FI lt{ o BF =(u.6a, r{${ Fl Bct) aa E=E#O 5=t -oF J oe Ff l|1o BA2 tU.a lJ .r{|{Fl toE'ooolrlJFrj${ .dArn E tuO!-t rqtl.trDl!'Ft O 6q,E2?EJZI o :t tsa22f,ag E = 3 ,H "E6it[: sgoooi' t E r.lJ Yu,f u, o=.D 0 ut ct3 = f? Z Z bbz z Eo u, rrr gFr'i=g rn $aNO @e6 : ;F.9,. :dlI I F =H6 E E: .r E 6?F. E !gi i g ;=ux t! .11 HE .. I t! OZ : E =dEE E a !,8;.t JE! g? 6||l ,El gE E5 EE €gEE t3l3)mE-T' E \:/ .oc(, u1 trC\oAHFr!E6.J.ooooqtu€i-t6qt.r{ toF oOF{Aoxo oOO() 'r{<tr| t,.tr F{ .Ft O,rf O .r{ r,,cl .lt tr>a> oF Iat €o(,, 6 A c tloal E x.r{ a tuO.F.>, r,lO .r,lUO ooott6pc, FI!-oc6ot,oE'Oqc,o(Jod FloFt +Jdtt.q,trrlOc,rl a!tro..{ EAOoo afl !(ll TJoo oo 6 o6t o0 tr EH A oE +J $ao lrotrtoo +,6ql tu o a, F.Fl o>io{t6'lo Foo0rrl E€oolr, .oo6 6F{a(,)ao<,, . Fa€'{c66t .tt 6ruo C, .Fa6rrHqlA!to5603r+{ Fl .Jr-{ Ot{ 6tr. tU FIJE|.o9c.]. Ha) uru C"I,IJ IJ(EOOE9iF ot)-6 zIF TE nJooo UJ = FG o- '! zo9UJFo< efi 5E EgcEFF1= EE b|r| @ out 6dz at tt,z9ci EHeE I FH E6H I nz* gH fi oo q ut ut660HH66 i#i? E_ => =Ea o oE=E#o5= -I E co IJ(, lrIJo tr () l.to! lolcirai..lio;olEL-Ai€l:!tol6li lHu q o trIz IJ r,t{ rtl otr Ff|| o Bz IJr+{ cl(n Ft F{€? ao.rl l,ql Ia ofr liil lsr; ;ii !iii E; ;Ei Isi Eii fiir ::;ieleE eig; iiii iiii t,t+{ 1 FcJ ltoooutzYIFc 6 -uJ:i !E !6t6 =U) tqaz6a.<-o'o- < ll- ttootro H9 =tr =2 !tgoHu (g t, Ft Eprolr>,4l{ tt L)rlOj,lratF r.l.'a att Fl Eo1FrZ ofZ2 t.Eg>;i) - o{tFfO- = '0 t-rurfio x.?{r.Eo{J tUo6OFlrr.a ot(J '-{!olr lU r{.! oht(!cfe F6 .r{ar!otrhGI'r+r ql ,r{oo..FN€ IUtnFOo\l,co o =o\Fld"i€ T.I O EFrt<E 6>Fr)"?i7 -u:= t\o 5 :.,9<o00G dr{ = a, !ER" o- hozv90t RETgEo lt. ..4 OiixE E s8 ct o o3CZrlFl l, rt{lLO OB(\t ut .clrJ6 r+.1 F{ 'o €6l.(, F. lc36 ?\DrnoFa ?1\. utor - 9.5t r I -7o t : t,3.t, E B" - e-t ocrn E Y{O6 rJ!X E €3* 2 t EEcE=rrGtA ii ,*5e t E jn! I E g -r{c; 6 ti !€.iI H?E.t ,o(9> !CEECE'a0r C'lrt g oEs4 =tEE 3sc93iE2arattl(, .€Otr.(, rn Elci \oaHdE @ 'J'ooo06+lt'1"o6r{tUF OO'{Coxo oO O(J .t{<la !.d F.a . F{ C,t'l O ..f !ct.qt u>a> P .. r.: ^r. {.J $'....}, ..a r.l (3ifiJl27v2232 Vail Associates, Inc. P.0. Box 7Vail, Colorado 81658 Attention: Jack Hunn Koechlein Consulting Engineers 1019 8th Street o Suite 101 o Golden, Colorado 80401 STJMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Golden Peak Childrents Center of Pour: Foundation Walls * Grid Lines 8 and D from Line 8 to Lines 6, Footings - Grid Line 1 frorn C to A Supplier:Mountain Mobile Mix Ticket No.P19562 Gonsulting Geotechnical Engineers 16 Slump: 3 L/4 in. 4.17.Wet Unit Weight:143.7 pcf Project: Locat ion Cubic Yards: Air Content: Concrete Temperature: Date Cylinders Cast: Remarks: None. Aee (Davs) 28 28 Job No. 88-24 cc: (1) Snowdon and Hopkins(1) Hyder Construction (1) JVA(l) Mountain Mobile 67F Time of Test:2244 PIrl 8/L6/88 Design Strength: 3000 psi @28 davs Cvlinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3410 5r30 4530 I TRANSI4ITTAL LETTER vArL ASS'?ATES, rNc. / p.o. B,x 7 / uorr,?ro*ooo 81658 PR0TIEGT: Golden Peak Children's Center TO:Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vai I , Col orado 81657 Mr. Gary MurrainATTN: I{E TRANSMIT: (X) herewith ( )(X) in accordance with your CONTRACT N0.: N/A REFERENCE N0.: August 17, 1988 DATE: August 17, 1988 If enclosures are not as noted, please inform us irmediately. If checked below, please: ( ) Acknowledge receipt of encl osures.( ) Return enclosures to us. under separate cover via request FOR YOUR:( ) approval ()review&comnent()use THE FOLLOWING: di stri buti on to parti es record (X) information() (x) () () () () () (x) ( ( I Drawi ngs Speci fi cati ons Change 0rder Shop Drawing Prints Shop Draw'ing Reproductions Correspondence Sampl es Product Literature CUP IL5 uAIL RtV. NU.DESCRIPTIUN AU I IUN CODE I 8/2/84 VAI -letten 1o Bill. Koech,lein,, Koechlejo Consulting, Engineers, Testing Servjces Proposal - Notice-to - Proceed E ACT I ON REIIARKS : - A. B. c. Action indicated on item transmitted No action required D. Fon signature and forwarding as as noted below under REMARKS For signature and return to this office E. See REMARKS below }le will. copy you,on al 1 testing repor-ts related t-o this project,- , encl osu re "o. D. Hunn, Director Estate Development COP I ES (wi th vailet*,rnc. Crrators anj Ofrrarors o{ Vail anl Bcarr Creel August 2, 1988 llr. Bi I I Koech'lei n Koechlein Consulting Englneersl0l9 8th Street, Suite 101 Golden, Colorado 80401 RE: Golden Peak Children's CenterRef. llo. 120 TESTIlIG SERYICES PROPOSAL . IIOTICE TO PROCEED Dear Bill: !. Jrulg.finally received all of the necessary approvals for the Golden Peak Children's Center and are breaking grou-nd bh lugust 3, l9gg.Koechlein consulting Engineers is hereby-authorized io proieed rithgeotechnical and naterials construction- observation and testing servicesin accordance rith ny-Request.For proposa'l dated June 29, lggg and yourproposal dated July 14, i988 (a copy br rnicn has been aftachec foireference ) . Please contact Torn l{cLagan, or Roger tJashburn rith Hyder construction,Inc. to coordinate the tentative schedule for testin-g servjces. pleaie forward the results of your tests to the folloring iidividuals: l. Jack Hunn Yail, Associates, Inc. Post Office 8ox 7 Vail, Colorado 91658 (one copy) 2. Craig Snordon Snordon and Hopklns Architects 201 Gore Creek DrlveYail, Colorado 81657 (one copy) 3. Tm lklagan Hyder Construction, Inc. 485{l Jackson Street Denver, Colorado 80216 (tro copies) llr. Bill KoechleJn Angust 2, 1988 Page Tro Please dlrect all billings to ry attentlon; Ie assune thatrithin 20 days Ie look fomard free to contact i nformati on. I of Yail Associates, Post 0ffice Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 you rill be billing us nonthlyof receipt of your bill. to a successful association on me if you have any questlons, I nc. and re anticipate paying you this project. Please feel or requlre additionrl \3\' Jack Dl Hunn, Sincerely, YAIL \ASSOCIATE I ilC. rector Real Edtate e'l opnent I osure Craig Snordon Tm lkLagan Kaaren Gann ,,Srorn DENT '"tt no? INSPECTION SERVICES INC. I2084 VASEEN COURT coNrFE& coLoRADO 80433 (303) 671-7560 July 29, 1988 Yail Assoclates Inc. P.0. 8ox 7 Yail, Colorado 81658 Attn: l{r. Jack Hunn SubJect: Structural Steel Testing t Center, Tcwn cf Vai 'l Inspection for the Golden Peak Chlldren's Jack: Pursuant to a request from l4r. Bill Koechleln, ITIS has reviewed the ProJect Specifications and Contract Drawings and has prepared the fo'llowing quotation for structural steel testing servlces on the above referenced project. This proposal contains provisions for shop fabrication inspections as well as field testing during the erection phase. The shop fabrication testlng and inspection is based on the selectlon ofa local Denver fabricator and does not include any out of town expenses. Should an out of tom fabricator be selected and due to the size of theproject and in consideration for cost effectiveness, ITIS could conduct these inspections ln the field and save any extra costs for out of tom shop inspections. STRUCTURAL STEEL TESTII{G I II{SPECTIOI{ OBJECTIVE: To provlde testing and lnspectlon at a level sufflclent to assure co'npllance wlth Contraet Oocrrnents and standard practlces. SC0PE: Verlflcatlon of current nelders' certiflcatlons Yerificatlon of weldlng consumables and procedures Bolt lnspectlons per AISC TOIAL ESTII.IATED COST Thank you for the opportunlty to be of service to you withIf'selected, tre at ITIS look fonrard to working wlth Vail & the successful and tlmely completion of thls project. $ 93s.00 this quotation. Assoclates to Dl S:se Koechlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 1019 8th Street o Sulte 101 r GoHen, Coforado 80401 July 14, 1988 Vail Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 7 Vai1. Colorado 81658 Attention: l,lr. Jack D. Hunn Subject: Proposal for Geotechnical and Materials Construction 0bservation and Testing Services Golden Peak Childrenrs Center Vai1, Colorado Dear Jack: As requested, f an submitting a proposal for geotechnical and materials construction observation and testing services for the subject project. The purpose of this letter i.s to present ny understanding of the project and an estimate of the fee. Based on the project drarings and specifications, I anticipate our services vi11 include: l. Inspection of foundation excavations. 2. Conpaction testing of foundation backfi11, fill below slab-on-grade construction, utility trench backfill, pavement subgrade, and base course. 3. Concrete testing. 4. St.ructural steel. Based on infornation provided from the contractor and a review of the plans and specifications, I have assumed that our inspection services would be performed on a part tine, on-ca11 basis. We will rely on the contractor or ovner to inform us uhen to nake observations and perforE testing. We wouldlike at least a 24 hour notice whenever possible. A nuclear density gaugevill be used for perforrning soil compaction testing. Concrete testing will (crtl27vz2s2 l{r. Jack D. Hunn July 14, 1988 Page 2 include slunp and compressive strength for every 40 cubic yards, or fractionthereof, per day or per request. Air content of the concrete can also beperforned, if desired. Three concrete cylinders will be cast for compressivestrength testing unless additional cylinders are requested. Structural steel inspection rril1 be perforoed by rndependent Testing andrnspection services, rnc. Their scope of services and fee nill be providld ina separate proposal. A field engineer vho can perform severaL types of testing and inspection dur-ing a single site visit will be assigned to the project. concrete testing,testing of fill compaction, and foundation excavation inspections rrould beperforned by the same field engineer, with exception of the first tuo excava-tion inspections for the foundations, r anticipate would be done by a projectengineer. Using one field engineer for almost all phases of the project willbe raore efficient and reduce costs for the ovner. I have a field engineervorking in the Vail/Beaver Creek area lhis sumner and, therefore, I do notanticipate any trip charges for this man. The following table presents our esti.Eate of fee for the proposed constructioninspection services. The fee and possible consultation services would be based on the following rates: Principal Engineer Project Engineer Project Field Engineer Vehicle Mileage Concrete Cylinder Standard Proctor Conpaction Test Gradation Test $75.00 per hour $50.0O per hour $35.0O per hour $ 0.25 per nile $ 9.m per cylinder $60.00 per test $28.m per test l. ESTIMATE OF FTE Foundation Excavation Inspections -- fnspect the bottonof the excavatlon prior to placing concrete for footings. Project Engineer: 2 visits X 6 hours/visit X $50.00/hour Vehicle Mileage: 2 trips X 200 miles/trip X $0.25lmi1e $ 600.00 $ 100.00 llr. Jack D. Hunn July 14, 1988 Page 3 2. Project Field Engineer: I visit X 2 hours/visit X $35.O0/hour Compaction testing of foundation backfill, fill beneath slab-on-grade, utility trenches, pavement subgrade preparation, and base course. The number of site visitsis based on the anticipated construction schedule proposed by the contractor and may vary as the project progresses. Foundation backfill: 5 days X 3 hours/day X $35.00/hour Utility trenches: 3 visits I 2 hours/visit X $35.00/hour Pavement subgrade: 2 visits X 2 hours/visit X $35 .00/hour Base course: 2 visits X Exterior slab subgrade: $35 .00/hour $ 74.00 $ s2s.00 $ 210.00 $ 140.00 $ 140.00 $ 31s.00 $ 120.00 $ 56.00 $ 37s.00 $l,837.50 $ 375.00 $4 , 863. 50 2 hours/visit X $35.@/hour 3 visits X 3 hours/visit X 3. Laboratory testing: Proctor compaction tests, 2 X 960.0O/test Gradations, 2 X 928.0O/test Adninistration (review of reports and typing): 15 reports X 0.5 hour/report X 950.0o/hour Concrete Testing - Based on the contractors construction schedule, about 15 pours nay be nade. This is based on tno pours for foundations, four pours for nalls, three pours for slabs-on-grade, one pour for the upper level deck, and six pours for exterior slabs. Project Engineer: 15 pours X 3.5 hours/pour X $35.OO/hour Adninistration (review of reports and typing): 15 reports X 0.5 hour/report X g50.Oo/hour ESTIMAIED TOTAL llr. Jack D. Hunn July 14, 1988 Page 4 The estinate is based on the project being perforned in a tinely and effi.cientDanner. The total anount of our final fee at conpletion of the project isinfluenced by several factors; including the contractorrs efficiency, sihedut-ing-and rate of progress, necessity of retesting unsatisfactory wo;k, ueatherconditions, the frequency of testing or sampling and site specific require-Dents. r appreciate the opportunity to provide this proposal. rf I can be of furtherservice, please contact ne. Sincerely, KOECHLEIN CONSIJLTING ENGINEERSa)lt*t,Kdb* Uilliam H. Koechlein, P.E. President I'JHK/ek ..r 0e,. qal nw/4''il lffitl2Tva,3z Vail Associates, Inc, P.0. Box 7 Vai1, Colorado 81658 Attention: Jack Hunn Koechlein Consulting E DrF'-..ztq Consulting Geotechnical 1019 8th Street o Suite 101 e Gold STJMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESTJLTS Golden Peak Childrenrs CenterProject: Locat ion of Pour: WalLs Grid Line D between Lines 1 and LinelbetweenLinesD&C Suppl-ier:Mountain Mobile Mix Ticket No. 4.0 in. Pr9684 Cubic Yards:16/24 Air Content: 3.3% Concrete Temperature: Date Cylinders Cast: Remarks: None. Slump: Wet Unit Weight: 7dF 145.5 pcf Job cc: Age (Days) 7 28 28 No.88-24 (1) Snowdon and Hopkins(1) Hyder Construction(1) JVA(1) Mountain Mobile Time of Test:1l: 15 AM Design Strength: 3000 psi @28 days Cvl-inder Compressive Strength (psi) 3780 5150 5080 TRAI{SfrITTAL LETTER vArL ASs.llATEs, rNc. / p.o. Box t t uorr,?oro*ooo 81658 PR0JECT: Go'lden Peak Children's Center T0: Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 ATTN: l'lr. Gary llurraj n I'IE TRAI{SI.IIT: (X) herewith ( )( ) in accordance with your CONTRACT N0.: N/A REFERENCE N0.: 146 DATE: August 29, 1988 If enclosures are not as noted, please inform us irrnediately. If checked below, please: ( ) Acknowledge receipt of enc'l osu res .( ) Return enclosures to us. under separate cover v'l a request :............... FOR YOUR:'( ) approval() review&conment (X) use THE FOLLO}IING: Drawi ngs Speci fi cati ons Change 0rder djstribution to parties record (X) jnformation() (x) () () () (x) Shop Drawing Prints Shop Drawing Reproductions Inspection Reports. - - ) Samp.les ) Product Literature ACTION REMARKS D.A. B. c. Action ind'icated on item No action required For signature and return t ransmi tted to th'i s office For signature and forward'i ng as as noted below under REMARKS See REI.IARKS below es)encl osu r I ( ck D.nn, Di rector COP I ES (wj th l -Esta e .Devel G o oo lz F 3 z9 trJo6o UJ =F F TE tr z = UJ uJ2i- tr FU' uJF co o u.lts o z o o2o?e 2899H igF;rr9f, o 'J> |r,It' n2 ;E*a .l> l'i I u9=x -Y J !-/i;l Ll -t F*.*o g H 9J F ^; tr - r u)v' I--.i xQ=- - >e 5 IJ IJ tro Itr6ot 'Fi Fu lr !t 5a05tro> O 3d qr Oqr O O0xootr 0.) Fl 'r"ltr 6., .o F{o o, E -o F.{u J:..{ o.!C rt|J o!ooc) qrqroJtrot.d.r{O IJ TJi- E t{O 6 Ot, O Or{ Ol !, (d +.1 +.1rJ! ! lrro'o o o o dq, d !'O :,O'Fl .6 A,o&O Olr 6ccr€ E m EH (! l.r . {rrJlF O€tr d o tr r, ortO OF{ .r{ 6 OFl O{ O lrit!r L) €ol!cOtr OC+ro,>o - o pEt!tF{ O o O EO Fr.l-i A(! OxO(! XBoQ. F1 (J> O .Fl O lrtr t'Oooqr trF.t .ri E O O.F{!68(!O(!rr o.o>o0 Eo .o O OFI O, UEXrioF c, trE x.Ft Ja !or{ o o'5 0 t,coFcF6Otro .c (l,.6c '9-c-{.r{ O rr> -{ lrto o >(!Et u-o*Fl U .cl.r5O€!O0O A O.rrp op 3oo tr!q!+{ ttOC !OrFl (!OOlJ(d .o.r{ Oo 'rtd@ q, Fl Atr F.t Ft O EO!'FIEO 'Fl D I o o!o q)lnrJF{roE 0.c).6tr.Cr{tlJlro€O.r{dr,F.lr+rB> aoE oo Ft r'{ C-C.coooor, > r.l.!E Olr lr o oF{O O0 r.{ l.l .r{|+{ ! .r1 O"o60(Dtr tr€ oo(0tr d '{ tColrE O O .rl6C\..r{u>6 rJtt'6 O a.r ct rto o'o cXF{ A Aqrt!0:'0tr Fl O l+.O 5 'r{ r+{ 'cr,O OrJ r! o o!E tU.lt oa,o crt o>stF.El-tr o!oo l{oOE . C, urF {r Tt OO'l{F{ClrotoOO+lO.t{3l >, .r coEoo\ @ cttcEEF.cct, z .E €Fr9\tXry-rd.526E=6- lL.o-eE61>.9.6=aE8 A ta.Oigcc E,ul '!E9?E.C =tE5!a6o EF!r= =5TEooxo .cotr(JlnaC\oAr{ .-r Eco'Jdooqro6rrtbqtd -l lrOF- OOFIFaxo oaO() 'Fl<F +.l.q F{ .'i Or1 Or{ +J6.6 |J>a> oF Fc J L (t tlJzY() IF UJEfFIo =fi2(ao<oo.< bbcoqogI .F ?E o =c2ofZZa9 =o-';= uJ()r,l- t]-oo EEul uJ@@ ==zzclozz u, uJAAFF Js IuF =!6 z tr =o zIF 9c C) UJo'o t:i.- lii: tr'!l;:'l;tF!€:;:5 : E.i:: --i::.: irES i.93igii:lii-elEilsi i:i!i i ! "1: !E:;iE=i !I:!a1-:r!E5t EEI;fritr't; b 1g! ! !$El zIF cc uJ(, o uJo=UJFY, AG;f uJCEtr ot)) -,>= 7- *.e E<AoxFJVv 9E= ^i^cIi-.t ^ > J.o2a=z<ou Fo LlJF 6 oul Io =o ozIF 9oEzoog f,o -gJ9t!O=lrjs0 a-t-OtrJ tiJ >c :rl u]FFoalrl t!FF JJ =tt! t! z tr tLi o uJ =F trtr oo o.rl (,E€ool.tIr o04 oocor{E F{ F{ coe5 coF{gF .=dl€ 6 E 6EO E E 136 0to- c\-6 6C(\ e,Eg.ie€.r O {ud* z g EErF 'i €*E2 : E :*3q I e iE;; ttE,.t h(J> EEcc'6rrr 'nt9E =i=a2C s3 €gE5 EEto t lr F.lu|! 'r{€1.troot, F{{6E €o6Oclo oe .'{ € tratrod rUcoot'olrtoEE.r{ Ari qt E'ir.{ lUH>boo oc tco coFt d 'r{6rJ EOo t{tO0 'Fl lrtr qur{O!, otro t.loo (!q) r+.to0o c,6F u r'{ II UTJ l. !Oo t'r r+rTto9' Cl.tr\ O Ou tll n l,l ls IT t;t* |F q, c,Ftr OJ CIr.l J] rr F{ r-{ Cl Fl F{ t. +r 'E Fl O3rr -l Ct 30.c00 (Joor{ rt tll q EO COt 'r{{J rrlJoo oCto oo63 tHE!.c oaau I o!lr o(B , O 'rl Floc ,c o.Ic,9 IEO trO9 O O r+. € o> C, \O tU t.!, oo(J o €.uorl $r (Ja.l-6o@ , q.r E OOra O .rt I n1 uOr{ Fl 63'{ <o .coC C\o=r-{ :E .t,ocrqJOGaJ 'O F) Or- OO r..r Aoxo oooC) .d<F !-tr F{ . ..{ lUt{ O.'l uql .d !r>a> P i;z ; i;ii; ::: ! i! !:iiti iiir:: Eti !Eii ii;l !i;: lilt ll,E F(t) o =2oa=.t, O<oo.< bE(EO !_u ogt -F?E FE -t lJ-oootty =a:aZ..OJ2-o=FZzag:tJ F=aor!() t! rroou,(ECEUJtrl uJ u,@ouz =3f22*oozzq HH=tF:z Js CEluF =.! zIFo .L =oozIF Ic C)ul s r*ox?oJ[,&rHoPKrNsS 2Ol Gore Creek Drive vArL, coLoRADO 81657 (303) 47&2201 WE ARE SENDING VOU .df Attached E Under separate cover via tr Shop drawings ! Prints tr Copy of letter E Change order LETTC @F T'RANSnfl IT=TAL the following items: TO tr Plang, ! Samples tr Speciticationss {t/"nafwz/ le/a. coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION ///a///14 m Jrk 1w-an THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E For approval .& For yorr ut. ! As requested D Approved as submitted D Approved as noted U Returned for corrections fl Resubmit-copies for approval tr Submit -copies {or distribution E Retu rn -corrected prints E For review and commcnt tr tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: Pmo$12.s? l@ rr., crdr r|!l. ot4ll lr ancloaura. ..a not t3 not d, kindl, notltt u|,t oac.' JOHNSON - VOTLAND - ARCOETA, rNC. C ontah lng S t ructual hginccrt ", h&vV OATE 4.4,tt.bU CHI(D, TY- DATg i-l i l-iirl-J i r--t i-*-1"----l i,-+- i -lltl llI I r-*l' .*.!-.I tl -- -.r, L J- 6ttt lfrt t2,td Arr. Arv&. Cobnb Wt Irbplon l2o-n55 tlSHEETTo ffJ- "J I I I ,,) I I i3'lli,?};,),"?H:"-rncferr rr'rc' ffi *m,-" 'w,r :;-e;-'-:;r'z.q-oa rcat sHEErxo I oe -?- CHKO.AY- DATE PROJECT JoHNsoN - vorLAND - ARcOETA, rNc. r#M,6) )xH.,, ffiI:Etii,*;*,Contult@ Structural Enginters \I-l \J,/ \lllJ tirFhon tu)ett r.bPte*.to'tott ev ho?tw oxz Q,\1'Ob ;6;e* 4at91 8HEErt{o 7 os 2 (40o PRELII.CHTD.EY- O TE Qvt l"t*'tI -T- Il.*, I I-t-',l r'* I I - 1*-' I lji-iil l:1*iY - I i i4q-e, lri+1+r-.-l-il-l _ l-l taj; -i r-l l--l ILti_r -1 i i l-i-l -i -', i:l-lJs= f-il{T:1. -l I i ]--ie*; JOHNSON - VOTLAND - ARCoETA, rNC. Cone.hiry Structural Etgitrtts ar &v+/ o^rE@ $at fu#*tqgt l,!'ld St'' r/|a.d.. Cotor&aryZl.b,''.attgt sHEErxo I or v &,e co t--'/ CHTD.BY- DATC JOHNSON - VOTLAND - ARC{}TA lNC. Couttltfu Structural Whcot '#ffi;'*An*.CffiaNtt*tb. atut 4\ SHEET XO e O?.Lgt -@- g rE-W- tosr CHKD. TY- OATE - PROJECT ltl" I I i / :,"j|;""H,H',H:"'ARcoErA'tNc' ffi '*Hr* W .y @ o;g1e U.C'bb $.( 4Q3 sHEErtto ? or ) CI{KD.3Y- OATE PNOJECT JOHNSON - VOTLANO - ARCOETA, rNC. Contullw Slrucrurol h3lne ut ar @- o^rr ryqc'bv rcst sHEErt{o I *- cHrD, rY- DAIE - 7aglr,s1 6'?' co : "'f f.." I Flx^r ,d L: t9 o + t.|.r..i.*r:$4rt **+a*f lt*:1.+** **+:t+ {.*+rt++f l*l} a*+**$rttf *{t , ','4++++lG0L[i FEAK 33'-.i AEBn 5'0L' {r,t,t{rt{r*+4**+'t'}*r3+*{.ff+fl}*t}*+**+$tr}+{.f+rlf***{t+f*l*fttf'l+{.{. SPHfI 5PAUING 5LBB 0ECr.CBfrC.FY fc' Ntstl 6rrJ 0EPTtr Td t I fll IJT (PCFI CKsI l (K5I I EilEc +'t *,1{.*****:l+* + t} a.|r+'|t'l * '|.t *+tt**{tr3f *'i.,1 {.ta f **rt} *tl'} f $$**f, {r**1} t33.33 5 4 1.5 15d u0J>IftlTlr.i;. oEiD LoflL) fiOliENT= 32 .. :sUPERT.lP[I5ED DEAO LOFg IlOIlENT- 6 LIt,,E LBFTO I1OT1ENT= ?8----r, 1b;i 31.4 SECTICN PR0PEI(TIEs--- +,',*'l 978 fi I SC SHAPE*r* tdES l ':OEPTI.I iLfi}tGE FL$N6E 5X FREN L, I0Trt ThItjKr,tE55 THIt:KtiE55 r3++,f +rr;v+*,i+++*:,1.4,r..t++t +.r.:f + + +,1++ ,}**{.**+rt *at+++*lrt*t+ ** t*A** |}t5.88 5.J3 6.4.id n. 2i5 Ft-*frGf FOR STREIIETH 5 BoI. +:i.+.t *+{.+ },* 4|t+4.+.t.3 **+*.t*t.f +'.. t+i*.r*4**N*1.++* }+t+rt+l}*+$ $**** bE. B 1tr57.3 71.?1891 . 5 I b.i. 2 E.;'5 Dtfi. iIrcH 0ifl. tz.5 It 'TRgil5. rr t5 T0Fl ,i +.f, .$,f,+ *:l+{.+*$'3* * {.+ *.i++*NN*{.{.**tt+* t.:t **t**rt+*}+:t*f f *l*+ra**a 7.;6 6. SE53 I5 OI5TINCTLY PERCEPTISLE-- R= ?.9 5TUO5 5TUO5 375. A 47.?3 9.12 sLHg I]CCIJh:5 BOTH 5IDE5 OF 6EFN SHDRIi{G I5 NBT REI]LIiRED BY RI5C 1.I1-2. BEAI1 I5 IiCIT 5HSREO EF'gCT!IJE Tf,RII5. I TR!]ti5,uh ttf,LF BEF|I. KIPS L];tIU;ITED SLLU|JI.IBLE 5HEBR PER STUD = I1.B iT FOR;LL0'/{BLE 5HEtlR PER 5TUO USED = 11.5 li F0R 8.?5 IiUfiEEH I:'F 5TUD5 REO. PER EJERN FOP STRENGTH= IITIiIBER OF 5TU&5 REIiUIRED FOR NIfl. 32 IN. SPTICIHG= riUnBEft 6F 5TU05 T0 8E u5Et; FER EEFtlt= TRFfts.5 A0I. Tr(Rlr5. N I:5 TOP] 1851 . 5 5T[JD5 PER EENN 23. st.3 1+. il CliSE z f,rlnP : FOR I'EFL. 'r g8:{ I rja. BRE(i. 8.8 USEO 49.8 LOIIDItlE I5 UITIFORN 1457.3 7r.2 54.4 U5:. I b{r. I I ri I T i HL OEAO L0r1t DEFLETIT Igf't= ." 6. 59 SIJFER I I1PO5ED DEIiO LSFIC, OEFLECT I ON= U. 85LM LilFrt, DEFLECTICI.|= B.5? TOf FiL LOJIo OEFLEUT I uN= I . l€t rIBC.If IEO REIHER-flE I9TER--UiERHTIDN IJI55.PI{RflELEE IiEflIt RE5POfi5E RHTIHT] Ll 6PS.3l/ s23a.7 L,' 786.2l/ 331.3 C'e..ii LEr'i0 LIUE LOIO DiINPiHG N,iTURSL IIflPLI TU9EfOR .IISRETION FOE UIBRiTigH RATIg FREOUEI{CY i:P5F-r IFEF ]ccP5l llitl t+.r.1 r.{.*4.:r.+.t( {.+,3**.t ,i+,1..1++*++*{.'t**4**++++++r.+:f *++*++*A++*As,} +6. 11 5.8 r.lil ii ,It]"-'"" I I I i '1I tftS tJt] OEPTH TdIIN] IJTCPCF] I:Ks I] T(5I] Es,..Ee .1..N '!*.f,l|'l+.*+*+:f +*,1+++i.*+$++f *++a*'} +*+a.***rt*+t + + * 't + $ * 't*.t:t*tr l33.33 5 .ii'+*rr. +,1.+t ++{.*e *'ltl3+lr'| {.l ll ***rl ,|*|| +{|t} {. {, d**tt|'*+ + *{.:$*+*$+ **{'++** GtltD PERI( 33' -.i BEiln 5'0C * ++r{.'}+{. + a ++{+ + 1 r 1 t 1* f }'} )| .'f 'r't*,|**{.+l*f, f a.*a{.r+ta**.}* f *a*r*l fc, n 4 1.5 1503635IfilTlliL DElio LDto trohENT= 32 SuFERIflF'l5E.A bEAl) Lrlrrl0 fl0flENT= 6 LIUE Lfi*0 ftOHENT- 78----tr, 1b ,i 26. E 5Er:. I[.]ri pRgpEtiTtES--- +,r41BlE 11 i 5r: gl-iHPE++* IiEPTN FLHIIEE FLIiNI]E UIEE I'I.iJI[.TI.i ThICKTtES5 THICKI'I895 9X F'REft 1,t 1if,a.t +"t 1t1+'li.+{+*+{.+*+*+++*+*+{+**t,f +,f,*+*+f *f t+ *+*..-|,11.+t,1415.65 5. 58 8.345 8. 258 3u1.U 38.37 7. bS SPFN 5FiIC I IIG sLIIB DECK ':0l"lC. FY 5L;18 0CCtrRg BITH 5iDEs r]F EERn SHORITiG I5 ITOI REEUiRED BY [II5C 1.1'I-2. EERN EFFe iT I trE iittit',ts. I TF:flH5.TfTFfls. H [5 TOP] ( I I 15 H$T SHORED Uh HRLF BERT1 RIFSFLflrtGE FOR STRETIGTH 5 BOT. *+,F.t'.r(.t4.*rt s+r++*+ *4+* *+l++$+*,i.'4r,*tt+*t* f **+*,t +++*tat*+a*l+ EB. [t 3t9. B 53. 6 l iE3. b 138.2 I]ILI]UL'IIED flLLOI,/i]8LE SHEER PER STUo = 11. B K FOR Ia.75 oIR. 5TUI.]5 I{LL0LTH8LE ShEtlR FEH 5TUD u5E0 = 11.5 ti FoR g.?i INDI+ gIR. sruDsflUN8ER O; 5TUO5 REO. PER BEI1N FOR STRETIGTH= 13.8 IIUflEER OF STIJDE REiIUIRET} FO,I nIH. 3t III. SPIICITIG= 11.5flUIiAER t]F ETUDs TO 8E U5E& PER EEBII= 22 CriSE '4 cciiF i FOR OEFL. i RBN5.5 BriT. TRi]N5.5TUO5 PER It (5 ToPl EEnflrt.n,t t.rtr++rt.f ++,t +ra.$bt {.++f *+*+t *,r+** t+i r,l *+ {.+*++ +t t4++r f f 4{,t+,|lrlg7: 13rt.8 99?.6 59.6 tib3.5 !...€,F:E$. 5.t. 2u5E& 91.5 873.9 LrlilDIfill I5 UhIFORII 5.r. 6 58.7 13. r, 22. A il\IT;flL DEIiF LOl0 0EFuECTIr.rfr= SUFERINPUSED OEHD LORD DEFLECTIT]il= L I !,E L0lt/ DEFr-ErlT I Oli= TBTBT- r--i*0 9Ef LECTI0II= 8. 73 8. A5 8.55 1.33 L,' 5+5. 2L/ S+4?.3L/ ?23. Elt 399.3 I I i -/ gPrlN sPBC I NG SLHB oEtK C6l.'iC. Fv tc' tttftl (stl AEPTH TdCINI LJT CPCFI tKsI] tKsll Eszgg **4,I,f.,1:f,*:t f +,lti* {.14*+,ta:l+f :}a'f )t'}*t+rtta.{.tI lttl.,J+t{ f *+S*+*+**:r 33.33 5 * 1.5 15€t 3b39Ii{ITIIL 0EflD LUn0 flOrlEflT= 32 sTPEF: IIIPB5ED OEHD LO}1D I1OT1ENT= 6 LIUE L'ri10 ll8fiENf= 78 ----rrJ 1b )i 2b. ti SECTlOd PRoPERTIES--- +*,r 1978 AISC SHtlPE+*{, OEP'I'rt FLFiIiGE FLI]IiGE idEB I X 2t\ trKLH' LiIDTH THICKIIE5S THICKIiES9 ++*.f.rtrrt,f + ttf l******+t4{..t 4{.r}*:l*.|***{.*++tt*+*$**t*r**'f**+{.***rtJt 15. b9 .5. skl 9. 345 E.256 381.S 38.37 7.6'3 9LFiE BI:CUR5 EOTH 5IOE5 5HORIHT 15 TIOT REIiUIRED I]F 8EfiN .8'l fllsc 1. 11-2, 8Efirl EFTEITIUE TRFNs. I TRFN5.TRtifi5. 15 NOT 5HDREO uh liliLF 6Er1fl FLIINGE FOF. STRENGTH 5 BI]T. fi(s TUP] . KiFs +.i. t *.t +,t,8 * + +rf +ri*'l++*++,t*++*+S|l| ||*rt:|.+,1.:3a*+4+++++t *atli'*t|9*$ EV,UJ 499. 6 59. E,1 7b3. 5 13'd. Z ,]i'{-I::ULflTEA RLLI]{dBBLE 5HEBI{ PEF STUO = 11.8 K. FOR B. T5 DII{. 5TUDs HLLBiil;Bl-E SHEtlR PER 5TU0 USEI: = 11.5 K FoR 8.75 ItiCH C.IB. 51u05 TIUflAER CF 5TUD5 F:E6. PER BEEN FOR STRE'1GTH: 13.8 IIIJfIBER OF 5IUD5 RET]UIREO FOR fiIN. 32 ITI. SPFCING= 12.5 fiUNBER OF 5TUO5 TO EE IJsEO PER 8EI]I1; 1+ CPsE ': I FOR TRBfi5. TRNNs. 5TUO5 PER c$rlF OEFL. 5 BDT.It (5 TrlPl BE rlfr a,f 'f zr.f t.t .l*+*{.+*.+*+,t *:r.'+* ** ***t*++ *,i *+*+f +*++{.+ra{. ++**++*$*t+f 1002; 106.4 a, 'tl1LU. J*. t-u5LD 56.3 SJ3. B 5s.6 1743. E 75t3, 6 LtirlDrni; I5 UNiFoRr 5q.g 54. 6 l{. E 13. BI{. U I'lITiEL OEF{O L6RB T)EFLE;TI6II= sUPER I fIPOSEO DEI.IO LOtlD OEFLECT I ON= LIUE LOHO IJEFLEDTION= T6TilL LO}10 DEFLECTIOTI= I1DOIFIED REIHER-I1Ei sTER--UiERIITIO''I tII55-PBRMELEE IiEffTI EE5PON5E Rf,IING E. 13 8.65 8. b+ 1. +3 Ll 5+5.2L/ 7322.8L/ 827.7 L/ 2o'4.5 t,iiiC LiiD LiuE uOi]O UHilPi'T'; TIRTUAFL }lf1FLITI,JDE F'JR UIeFFII0N FOR \, ISRITiON R*I Iu FREUUENCY TFSFJ IF5F]|:i:J LIF'5J I. IH] :$l,ir,| ;f ,l',|+,l.,tr.l*+,f ,i4+,{.+++++*++,1 -+.1.*{.)* + * .x:f *{.,3.{*$$+**rt*+**t*f t:t +4 .i3. B 5.8 +.8 b. EE I5 OI5TINDTL?-- R= 2.3 a.3 tsb PERDEPT itsLE '/ + + t *,t + + + *,| * * * t{. r} *,t * | N { * a * * * * + + * r* + + * 4 ** * + a {. {. +* '|*++** 'r + * +* * GoLB PEAti 33'-4 6Ef,n d-0 e.c., *.f,+**+r+*atl{.f +a+{.ar**)r*'}.| r} + * 4{.{.+*++** * * ** **+f ..++*f *++a$a+** 5PiN 5PFC I I{6 SLAE DECK c0Nc.Fv ie' tt l; Ft )lftJ T}EPTH TdTIII] IJT(PCF] CKsI] I:KsIJ 83/EC**rl.{'*lb*+***++**.lrr++++*ll+|tt *s't+rtl+a++.f **4.{t +f f * {,t,} tf + *,} +** lt * ..J9r J-1 El.br rr 1.5 158 oe J 5IitITIFtL 0Ei{D LrltiD flg|'lEltTs 43 5UPERII"IFI:'5ED DEffD LOFID flOIIEilr= 8LIIJE LUHIj NUNEfiTs B3 ----bJ 1r, )i 3b.E 5ECTlOfi pR,lpERTIE5--- .r.,i.n tElii FISC 5HHFE+++ AEPT H FLFiiiEE FLHTTGE rr,EE I:<5x tREriI,JiT'TH THIEKIIESS THIcKIIE55+,F.tia*..F**+t{* *{.a.r* **,t* *** s**l.*J t **t *,t **+,c1,,,4-*.111arr.3*|+.}.f,*15.86 b.99 6. +39 4.235 ++9. A 5b. i9 16. b8 SLSB rlCCUflS BiITH 5It,ES 0F SEtlfl 5HCIRtil6 I5 H6T REGUIREo By fiI5C 1.11-2. 6€rin t5 troT 5H0REI) : (ET-FECT IUE TRFfi5. I FLFIIGE FI]R STRENGTh 5 8or. TRFtfls. 4+..1.++tj'$4*1+a+.f*$**''+,t*9+a.i{.*f+*+++l+d.+*+rr$+++:}++**)a!++++.*+ 71.3 12$.i.6 gJ.Z :l!+2.5 1BE.B C'iLIULffTE,l HLLOT/I.IBLE sHEHR FER ETUD O 11. J3 K FBR 8.75 OIi{. 5TUO5ilr-Lrlui6-E ::rrERFi pER sru0 usED = r t.5 ti Fo|( B.zs IftcH DIB. 5TUDi-riulIEEF OF 5TUDS REO. PER EERfl FOR STRENGTH= 1u.BIIUfIEER 0F 5TuCIs RE0UiRED FOR tlIN. 32 Itr. SpFtING= 1?. sIIU"IBER 0F 5TU05 Tu BE U5E0 pER B€Bfl= .t.i I FgR T]EFL. +,b+**+'3**;l+a.t |*,|'at+,irf *a+*+**|trt {r:*a*{.l|t,f {,+t 1/r/|.la'+**t* *{. +* * +$+l8glj rEB.B i2{+.6 83.7 , 22+?.5 3.3.:REQ. 31. E ;,t. I 1rr. IU5EO +2.2 985.4 t{.1 r$.i tlllC)IliE l5 UflIFL,F:rt I,tITIFL OEHIi LUIiii DEFLECTIOJ.T: . 5.UPEfrIIlFO5ET, AEHO LOI{O DEFLECTIOII= I. lVL IUHL] gLT LLUTIOT{= TOTitL LOIrO DEFLEI]T IBi'I= !.tEH0 LL'lH9 L i UE LOHD D,iNP I flE I'IIlTURRL FNPL I TUOE iIN] ;,,/FtJR UIBRFTIofT F0R ilIEftiTI0N FTiTIO FRETiUEIIC?IP5F]iF JF]Lri)tqP5i CHSE 7: corlP TF;i]fit.5 Brl i.T Ri{Ns . N I:5 TBP] TF:FH5. n l:5 r0Pl t/h HtILF BEFil KIPS 5TUD5 FER F EFIiI tr.66 tl.8b r,. 6E 1. 38 L,r bEt3.9L/' 6955. 3L/ be1.7L/ 289. E * * + {. t f * + + * I + * 1 * + I t * I * * 1 * 1 a * * I t.+ + r.+ + 1 I * | I + * + t + + t 1+ t ++ * g +* +iB.S S.B +.6 ?.a? O.EilSg flOOIFIEO FEIHER-TIEIsTER-.UIBFIflTION I5 DI5TINCTLT PERCEPIIELEtJISS-PRRIIELEE nEBN RESPTINSE RrtTIftG -- R= 2.9 ,l{' *.+ jl+ #.1 *t+*+:f,*'l+rt{.*{.**+t 4{.*$|t*f 'r,||| al| '|+..*l!,l't*+ 'l a'} +**+tt}*a+ ':8LD PERK 33'-4 BEFI'I 5'-8OC +*i{..}.1{.+r|..++a{.t{rrt+a+{.+f +*+*t'3t:}t4f *f 't f lf l'}f If llllttIl,t *+*$+ 5PilN SFAC ING 5LfrB t)ECK coNc.Ft sc' Nctrl iitl OEPTH Td (II{] t.JT [PCF] t:KsI1 CKsI] EszEc * * 4 I * *,1 t'( | 1 l| + | * * + *.t .. a * | * | |} | t} * rl* rt * t I f a a :|f * i. * * t $t a l af +{.*++*+a 33.33 b. b7 +1.5 153 3b39ITtITIIlL DEi{O LOflD flOflEfiT5 +3 SUPERIi.i?t]:iE9 DEFD LOHD flOfiEltl= 8 LIUE LBRD nBflEfiT= t3 ----i,r 1b )i 38.6 5ECTiOft PRrJFERTIES--- ^4'4 1978 tlI5C 5r.tFIPE{.{.* i'EPTH FLRfli:E FLFtt,:E iriEE I:'i 5x itREBUIUTil THICTi-NE55 ThiCKNE55 * +*rf *+** ++*+*+{.tt*{.+* *'t+++l*a*++it:t f f *** **1*4+|ra*l|.. {*tlt {.:t** 15.8ri b.99 8. {3A €r. zt5 446. g 5tT8 OCCURs BCITH 5IOES OF BEflIl SHORIriE l5 NtlT REGIr.i tRED B'/ !1I5c 1.11-2. 6ERrl EFFE']] TUE TRBfIs. I TRBlrS.TRt1lt5. fr t5 TtlPl Cr?58 \ CENP I FIJR TRHTI5. DEFL. 5 BIJT. TRFtfis. tj (5 Tr.tPl 56. {3 1u. bB I5 NOT SHURED; vh HFLF EEFrn KIPS 5TUO5 PER EEili1 ( I I F'LHIICE F{:IR E.TREilGTH 5 60T.*+.tait**+rtr*+{.{.*.i.t4.+.}++*+?*+**+*ifa*,tr++++*+'*+*tf*+***+{f{.sf*f 7t.e)12.r+. b 83.7 ';2{7.5 196. s fHLCULffTED }iLLOIJHBLE 5HE}1R PER 5TU9 = 11.8 K FOR s.75 gIF. 5TUo5 frLLtUFiELE 5HEBR PER 5Tu0 u5E0 = 11.5 K FoR g.zi INDH !rri. STuDsnUnBER OF 5TUOS RE0. PER BEtln FCF STREHGTH= 1g.B frtJfiEER 0F STUOS REIIUIRED FOR HiN. 32 IN. SPFCIilG= 12.9 lliJflEER EF EIUI/S T0 Be USED PER BEBn= Zz *r+*.t 't f **{. ;|'l'}**,}*f {.t + +r *+ ++*+a t*** + *{r t** * f *r,t'3**f tt***+*,3**r88Z 1Bg.A | 2.i.r. 6 lAtb.6 RE'i.Ja.ou'-;Eg, 6b. 3 '-OFDIdG I5 UNIFO?f1 I{.'lITIiL 0ER0 L0fiD DEFLEDTI0tt= SdPERIIIPI]sED &E'IS LOFID t'EFLECTIDH= LIUE L0tlt/ trEFt-ECTI0n='l0TttL L0HD 9EFLECTI0frg oo. r 4ar.-.J l' .,;, . tl 78. b 8. bb 0. 65 8.59 1.36 l/ b83. I Li 73.i5.9 Li br33.5L/ 36e.2 33.2 lu. ts :?. 'a .J _.4 o ;|a+**i.4.:t *{.ti.t*lt f*+*.|. tr,i*+lf*+f+*|3a+*a}ft T+3fag*atl*|ll|. llf +if I GtlLt/ PERK 2?' EeFng 6'-8 OC + 1l,,ra11+{+*t}**Jr* * ++*** t'}*a****f f* a|}lltta |}$+'l lf* 4||fflr a*|}*** sFtlf't 5Pr1C I NG 5L;B DECK C0ltC.Fy +c' N ifrl t:ftl r,EFTh T.1 CIfl} LITTPCF] LKSI] TKsTl ESIgg t .t + ++ rl +ri + | * ** * + l,f a * a 4 .| a a ai t {. 4 t f * *'}* A rtJ a * * | | f af $ f 'l 't t * + | + + | + 3t 5.67 +1.5 r58 -3633 I il I T I HL OEF{O LSHI' ITI]ilEflT= 28 SjPEF:itlP05E0 tiEeD LCrtD hoprEHr= 5 L I uE Lt:ri0 fl0tlEr.rT= F"E ----u 1u zi 26.5 SEDTITIN pRCpEf{TIE5--- ++'t..1'J78 BISC SHBPET+* DEF.TH F'LfiT1GE FLiiIIiE I'EE Ix 5x iifrEBl,JIOTH THICKHESS THlCKliESS *,f rt * + :|' :1.'1. :+ * + * .| + :i'1. * * * * f + t.,t + /} * t a {r A a * 4 a* t 4 * $ + * + * :} ttt a * * t.a * $ * * al15.69 5.58 €,.3ri5 o. 259 391 .8 38.37 7.68 SLFB NCIJlJR5 BUTH 5IDE5 CIF EEEN SHORIIIG 15 NI]T RECIUIRED Bi' BISC 1. 11..:. BEHN 15 NOT 5HI]RED EFFEDT IUE TRHN:;. I T RRN5. FLFfiGE FOR STRETIGTH 5 AOT. +,tt+.f,:$*+**+++:f*+++*;t(+*+*++,trff*tt'trNt+*f+*'|+**|lt*a*****++++:f b9.5 9i7.8 b8.2 t157.? .i38.? CHL':ULFTEO IILLOI^I;JBLE sHERR FEH sTUD -- 11.8 -i( FOR 8.75 DIR. 5TUD5 IiLLI:Ii'IfiELE 5HEI.IR FER STUO USEO . 11.5 K FNR [,. ?5 INCH DIH. 5TUOS l{UfiBER tlF 5fU05 REO. PER BEllf1 FOR STRENGIh. 3.{ fiUNBER CIF 5TUO5 REOUIRED FOR NIN. 32 It..I. 5PTICIITG- IB.1 fitJIIBER 8F 5TUD5 TO BE UsED PER BEBII= 1 1 I FOR DEFL. +++++,t ,t +*+ *1*li ++***a+* *t +f {.s4{.++*+*+++:a.+***+t+,1.{.{+***r}*l** ,/ I T E}1N5. N T5 TOP] ur. Hnr-r ggnfl KIPs I I-H,:'g Ll0tlP TRFTTS. > DUt. TRiils. n t5 ToPl 5TUD5 PER 8Erlfl 1,JB=I RErl . USAD 9?7. 8 775.6 bg. i lrb. 5 53.1 24.8 3. + 11.6 186. 6t;.9 45.8 I5 ult I F0h:fl 1957. P LOHO I ilc IN I T IHL DEiig LOI1O OEFLECTIUfj= 8. +2 5UFERiNPLTsED DEIIO LOHO O;FLECTIOfi= 6. 83 LIUE LOffD DEFLET:TIBiI= 8.37 TOTI1L LO|IO DEFLECT IOII- 8.63 Lt i69.2 L/ 16375.3 l/ BE.r. bl/ 351. ? It./ I I I I I I I DEIiO LDBO L I UE LI]HD OHIIP I iIG 1111TURflL BNPL I TUDE FOR UIEPBTII]TI F6R UISRATII]N RF{TiO FREOUENCY TPSF 1 [F 5F] tZJ rcP5l ( I Tt],t+:t+,t,fi+.t(i.+'3+**:ar*:3++**)r++*$*3{*,a.+*++*t *t+s+|3*|*tf a.|{.+4**** 48.8 5.8 +.8 9. 4'l B. {6{a9+ flDiI tFIETi FEIHER-ilEISTER.-UIBRRTIOI.I I5 DISTiNCTLY IrI'55-PTIRnELEE nE;fi REsprlftsE RtlTInc -- R= 3.1 PERL.EPT I ELE JoHNsoN - vorLAND - ^^"Oaro, ,*".ffi fuffi,^,Cowulting Structual btginccn av-@-oxe% CHXO, IY- DATE - _+ l= JOA r 6ttt lLd ttu 'r!.-Arv.d4 C&r.do W2t bpho* a2o-to55 SHEEI ilO _-- OF- PBOJECT t4? c<- r_j i._lil1 'l--" I ,}*+**{+++)i.rt{.$*,{.{.+iri!*rrt*rf,arll|i+,r|1a*.|,ialirf+fltf*t,l}+a{r+l++t .*,,.i:;.:l:?:1..:113.:if *******"* .rr.r'*r4***'..*"Q,***+r 5F;th 5Pfti I flc :lLFtE DEiH cnr{D.Fy Jtr, N l: ft :l i{t-J oEPTFT Td'.lHl tJICFtlFl iKjll tKsIl Es/Es ++++,t{+++ ti,+)t{T**+a.:}*f aa *|t {.{.1a:3+***+t* t*t**41**a.:}:t*r}*.*t++** ,. ltt 1t + 1.5-/ iniT IFL [lEfig L0tsrD ilgnEilT= 5? , SuFEli: :hFn5i& 0Eto L0F& noflEttT= r5E 't8 ]8, LItE Lii;g flullEflT- B5----', l8 X ,35.8 5Er:TtrlFt pROpERTIES--- +*')i' I t7g fr I5C SHAPE+r'+ DEPTH FLNfiGE FLSIiGE liEB trc 5X TREfl $ I OTH Th t ChlttESg TH I Ci(NE55 a. +.i.i,t t.t +tt +,6 ts+ +t{.+,t ***r+' :}*f {.,1r}+*+**4t{.rraa*.t{.* jt*+f {rs**|t ||.)|4t*J 17.?g 6.88 9. .rl5 B. 3BB 51b. S 5?. 63 | [r. 3rJ SLFiE ']i:CUR:: SOIH EIOES BF BE*fi iHIJR!IIE I5 NOT RELiUIfTED BY hI5C 1,11-2. 6EFt1 t5 NgT SHSRED Lf rgr-r rl,,E I F.HiIJ. r TRHrt5.Tr.Ffi5. uh i.thLF EEBn f,l t5 TOPJ K lPsFLrinGi f ;ift STFEftciH 5 60T. + ++,f :*++ i' it :f *.i {. * f,h * +{r 'ar + * * )tr * * .T.n.i. + f ++.r.{. t +,t *,r+++a,J+f +,1**+*+*+rt( EB. 3 1379.3 s5. t 217.q.9 185. r t HLr.:uLH'iE0 rrl-Li.rrrliEr-E SHEliR PER 5TUg = 11.6 K FUR ;LLULJiELE ;iTEflR P€R STiJ& USEO = 'I I.4 K FUR A. ?5 IIiJI'IBER OF 5TUD5 RE6. PEP BEBT1 FI]R 5TREI'IiTH: trufltsER 0F sTu[jg RETIUiRED FElt nIN. 2Sr; CBnP0SiTE |r,.rtlEErt CJF SltJirS T6 AE [,5E0 F,Et( BErtn= [J.75 DIr{. I ftCH 0I ii.l;.8.o 8.1 18. 5TUOs PEft EEltf'r 5 Turz5 5TUD5 I i A,i -rr,f n,t ++ + +.tar {. f *++'f +,t S++++4a*t.*+,t**+,}T**+t'4.4+i4.4,r4i.+r({.*+,f ** cgsE ). i OflF i t ut( [reFL. 13P5.3 r 153. I 1i-!g?; ftefl , taa. etj.r. I TRBN5.5 60T. 85. ! 78. 5 f8.b T Rflr.'t5. n t:5 TEPl i178.5 3:. 5 i;'. 3lii.auSEO 55.3 r-UI.IDIfi6 I:i UNIFgRII )Vi<,*:' ','i '*' I TI J T i HL [,EFi[i L[;.i[' OEFLEDI I ON = 8.25 :UFECINPU5ET., (iE11D EOXg DEFLECTIOfI= E.B2 LIUE Lriif: &EFLEiT16rr= A.28TBTfiL LI]H9 !'EFLECTIOiT= B. +8 Ll 3+7. *L/ 111*r.6 L/ 1 l7I. I lr' .5Et3. b irEFii LtJqO Liui Lr:Hi, rrlriFirrG nFTuRnL tltrr_ITUDEi.OR IJ iEIRiITIUIt FOR UI6RHTIOh ,TFTIO FRENUENC? iP'F J tPSFJ l::j illP5i i I 11l+*++,t(++:i.r.tt *,f +t*+*r.|+*{.*{t,t*++rr,h.t}t+)| ** * t *,r }*+:|+ *,t{.+*+*+* 55, 8 iA.€t +.9 1r.E8 A. rrA+4 IiU?iFIET' dEIHET-I'IEI5;Ei;J_-VIBRIiTIBTI I5 DISiI{,,,ICiL't' PEITCEPTIHLEki55-PFFnELEE nEHrt RE5rO0isE Ri.itINl; -- R= 2.ri 4,+i t+'t4)t +44,|1**+1*4t{. at.**||a't t.*l'3'f tll+t+|}:31#f t'f*'|**+++i'f 'j3* tl ri,Lv.rt r.-H,* Lti j. !, f^tZ^ 'L-.l O t. r| *** ++ta a + *att+t13,|. + al4-1111+'r{r,a.+{.++{.+*{.+++f ri:ta+t+|!l4 ++t ++f 5Firfl sFHE i IYG SLBB DE;t(UUflC.tt ic'rt l$tl r:itl OEPTH To t I IlJ ',I TPC'J ii(sI ] I,KsI J E5IEC ;t rf .r. a..f +,lf td,ttl'++l4r|.*1*+'r{.'t**1.+*++*.i.+tl.rt'}* *+*{.**+* *+ +4*l*ra al r/ I I 2B 33 + .|.5 15u 3b3 IttlT ItL 9Eirc' L6iu n0rEHTo 3+ 5u;'ERinP0SCtt l'€FD u0tr0 tl0llElrT= 1? LIUE LUrIi' hOflEIiT= I7&r, rA X '55.8 SECTlnil PRrlPERllE5--- ,f *+ t 37tl tl l5C 5hRPE't. *{. O;PTH FLiITIGE FLHI'IGE dEE I,i Ex FiREH rr, I0 TH T,{ lur..rrE55 TH I IKNE55 +,.i.1.,I+.3,j.j*+*,3,a.,irt+{.+*.r+}+a.r**+rt f l**.t3+|la l**ta+ rf +..,f rf *1l.t*,t11 19. 1 | ;:.53 6. bSra ,i+ n .i+. [t r Btb 8.59u 896. E 9a. 2't 1b. 19 9;'-T lEfr PRoFEHIiES--- Bi5C SHFPET*+ tdEts Ir ix FiREH E. 356 d+3,E 81. b I 13. grl UiiiFr FL;itGf, FLitir,; ,r, I L,i H Td i Cd ttE55 TH I gfir'rE55 +,r.,f + .1 :l .i( + + l ,l .r. r .t {3{3++{.t .f,{. l|. +..*{. S+++{..}l.t.f *t+{. {.+$+,}++*l{.*+*+**** .kt. bb b. 5[t 6. 45i, ----U 1E X 55.8 5E':1I0fr FROPERTIES---.*r,rr :78 rlISu SHipE{.*.r. gEPlr.t Fr-irfir-,E FL;{16E uL6 Ix 5x. H'(EiiriIU.Th InIurc.ilE!.'5 THICKttE5S .r(.4. r,i.i. + ++.f..t +)a.i*i'+.rr.;f ..*++d*++*+t+N*i+**arrtll ,t **t+**t ,,r1*4t"41a 1 Ll . f,3u 8tkr. E 'J'd. ti t b. ir,i6. 1l ?.5:t u . o..t r]| ILhT,. BUi,.JH5 BETh 5Ii,E5 5Hir,{ltlG i5 fiOT ReETJIREi.}1 1-2. BdHfl : 5 ti|] I 5H0REu 0r EEhn 6'/ Fi5C 1 TRAN5.THFfl5. ft iE f uPi Uh HiLF Blitl K IP5 EFFEiTiUC TRBfl!,. iFL;;iijE FoR STllEflGTH 5 J3UT. + + .r. .t,t *,r. + + + rh l$** + +*++t++rtsrt}}* +,t + * * * ++'a. * * * + *++ l. t + * { +'f * * :} t a,r |t 88. I 2b43. 5 . t35. B .4661 . I r51.3 RE6UI'iE0 SECTii.tN t10t,uLU5- 148.5 $+,i.+f ii, :i. :4. * rt + + .l l. .t {r.+*v+ti+f '.|t +t * *1+.&rt|te +rc+'f +*l|{. * * tJHllT iirE YOU TRr'Int, Trl tro, 6REliK 5Oneihlntl? + i;Ii. 5ECTIUTt NODTJLU5 I5 GREiTER THHN gUHILI{BLE. 'i.TIPUT NE',J BEIlfl PRDPERTIES 4 ri.t *.1 'r. .rl.rl * )4.,f .*.t t{..+*.t.{.*(.r.+,fi*+{.+{.*+++**.++{.+a*{.++.t+*{.{.rf, ,r. + ,i. .| ,1 + r + ,l a. ,t ,i..f *+f *d+++,t*f :l'*+|. ttl.f N{.:}l.tf laaa*)| lt{,l|t*+*tt.af f 4{.+ r"0t,i,Eti PEHK CC :S'AIRDER L-I )f.*|t+++*+t *^********af a*I ***.-** * "*.** t**.t t.*.0 t,,++4*. SFirt SPFCING sLr{B OE;|q uuflC. F t' ic' rt iirJ t$tl oEPTri To(Jt'ilr UTr:PgFJ rKSIj (HSII EE,Ec attt r.+4+tt+tt,t+****aa+{..+r*+f **rl.l*{.**$:tt..{. I ttr}t ||t+{. |+ ++**rtrrJ+I , ':6 33 .i "l .5 15U ib 3 t,/ InITIHL DEeg Ldlo flrlriENT= ge 5uilE;tiflP05iD &8r10 L0r10 floflEHT= 17 .-'J !1/5--L-iJi9-!{.UEn-T-=- lrl&- * ----rr, 1E X .6{a. 6 5ECT l0n PRoPERT lE5--- *+*1'378 RI5D SHrlPEr+* DEFTI,I I'LFdGE F'LBNGE L'EE LX 5X IIREHIl,IOTH TXICI(NE55 TIIICKilE55 a4+,]++,ttl''t{t+r+t*sa**{.l.i+{.+a*+l,|*ttt|}tfa|l{.+tr}*t|l*.ara*l$lrffrf.fl 19. :+ 7. 5b u. 635 u. { 15 98{. I 1Bl. 89 r 7. b6 ILFB UCI::Ui(5 EIJTH 5IOE5 OF BEFfI 5HURIfi6 Ig iloT REiUIREt BY iti5C 1. 1 t-2. gE|111 l5 ttOT SHCtiEu Ef i;LI ivi iRrirti. r ixifrS. TF;{4i5. ur, H|{LF BEtlh FLHTII,E FOE sIRENETH 5 6OT. fl I:5 TCPJ K IPE ** +4.*.ir tt +lf,,t 1*t4**.,r4.+1t +***t .t*+|4:t+*+{*{.***'lt*.*++++*.Xf *f .*+.t J|. 6B.u 21e6.8 iil.E 2b93.6 131.3 LgHLjINT: 15 UtlIFUf(n .S:,t Ir'iTlf,L ttEHD Lrl;lo DEFLECTION= 6.2+ Ls 1git.z SUPER I NPOSEO OEHS LBflO. OEFLECT I6n_ B.A2 L/ 1 1312,5. 7LII/[ LBtsiI OEFLET-TIBH= b.21 L/ 1 I;",. i'T0iHL LBHo OEFLECl'lOl.t= [r. +7 l/ 5B:. ? 'j,EHu LUrr0 L I UE LUHTJ E,xnP I fiG rttlTuRiiL gflFL I TUIJE FOR UIEIITiTTO}I FOR UIERFIIiON RfiTIO FREUUENSY(P5Fi CPsFI t'/;1 c;P5l LInr 4,t..l*,i.ti.)F.f:f..;J4+*'|r+4,1**+*+*.**+****i.,|.++****++++***,t+*+g*i.{.*{. 55. rl i rr. kl i. [r 1:.. AA E. st4i+ il,JO i F IEO F.E IhER-.NE ISTE'I.,--UIBRIiTIUTi I 5 5L IGi-ITLY PERCEFTIELE id:5:;-FHRITELEE NEBN RE5POft5E RHTITiG -- R= 1.8 I 1t i tliLtuLFiii0 ir-r-0rr,rl8r-E 5HEHR FgR STuD 3 11.a h r0R E.?5 VItl . 5IiJ0.; HLL0iliELE sftEkft PER llTlJg USED = 11. r K F0R B. ?5 lncrt DIF. 5TUrJs I'IUNEER 8F 5TUD5 RTi;. PgR BEBII FOR sTREItGThg 22,6 I'irJflBER OF STUttS REUUIRED F0R FIn. 252 Crlf1P05lTE - 8. + tilin6;R trF 5TUtt5 TU 8E USED PER EErfl: - 23 CH:-;E :i l Frlii TRtli.'is. Th:Hrrs. 5Tu05 pER r-ui1P !;EFL. 5 EuT. tr r:5 TOF] BEitn+)t,+++,i.+++n,ts*++**$+*+1*+:i+,r*'t4++*++*++*+**t+*+*+ix.++*+***{. r,JE:i r38.u !'l y8.8 li;.; 2b93.5 .iJ.EFrEii'. Bi.3 l.r[r.5 l:.6usEO 88.5 1389. B 148.8 23. E +;t(+,1.+'t 4.a.,t a f +.t ++{. *f ii ++ltt,ll,,r+,,,|+ +:t**+.t {. +t,l+l+++rt*+f ++.i. t 5tt|rt I -"-l;- "llllil****"***|*'****'..r.tf +r+*t.***..*.*J .r* *+4 t SFHTI sFhC I NG sLI{E DEI]K C0i{C. F y ic'ft bE?1H Td t I Nl UT (PCFI lF-S I I tKS I I Es.,'Ec *r,5 4 a + t,t.t + + t+ *.t 4 .trl * |. ** * *{ a* tl + + t l * t + t 1 } l t * l 1t t 1 1 l -3 l u + 1 1 + + + { + *++,r.l.f++*+,t,ft*+{.+'tJJ+**+tf t +* a * 11al***11* *lr1l *lr***f*+* }{. 't1"i, GIRDER |.*,i:,rt )3+*.r+f trf f f f a**'t {ra+11+*t.1|t ++* a t+ ,|:t {.+ f *rt*tl}tf aarf rt++,a.r*+ 5Filrr SFriC I rrG 5LHB oECN C0r1C.Fy I{ri$t1 t;tj LIEPTH. Td{Ifi] !'T(FCF] TKsI] TI{5IJ E5IEC t,,i,$,f+*{.++rl.+,}rt}.(*t:|*'t.*,1.||;a*ara*lfa+$i.*l*+ar$l**,..tt*.t+*il.rf*:}*+**i+ 1.r 'rt .t r 1.5 158 .JE .t 5lrllTIAL DEB0 g0i0 flOnEHT= 4? SUPERInPCSED DEFg L[,r'rlt flOtlEHTo g L It/E Ltlfl0 tl0flErtT.. 83----ut 1g x 35. 6 +.re1378 bEPin r-LH|{GE Fr-i{ir'3Eirrl0fn THtr:i(rle55 TrtI,jKnES's + 1. t..i.,* ''t',1..+',{ +;hn+t+.t(+4+'t1++1+{.r++}*{.*i'f .i+4 **.i.+;t f t,t ++'t**{a+t${. '17.74 E. uu u. +25 O. 3rirg .5 16. E'5?. 63 r 6. .iB i;cj tftl 5uiiE 0tl,lUHS ShtJFi; frit i 5 sETTIOII PROPERTIES--- Fl l5E SHRPE++r. I/88 I X 5X HREB EBTH 5IOE5 OF BE}iI1 0i0T RE6IUIRED B't' frl5C 1. 1l-2. BEHrl t5 hBT s)i0FrEL EFFECTITJE TRFN5. I T Rflrls.TF.Bfrg. ilc5 T0Pl Uh HHLF tsEHfl KiPS 5Tlr05 f.'ER BEHiI :3. 5 5. r,;.8 I I ? I ' FLtft'iE F0F 5lREnriTl-i 5 60T. l.*t,a.*ira.+,artrN+f {.:F,|t+}+{.++:t{.$t13{.:},a.++**{.|3f+*,t.tf +J**f tf ++{.+{.rB*r.i:.6 125r-. 2 83. +1bir4. g 133.9 E. ?5 9IH. INi]H DIB. .5. A 5.9 o 5 T LJDS 5TUD5 Ci:ILCLILHTET, ;ILLt:'T',;t'LE SHEFR FER STUT} : 1 1. 8 N FUR tiLL0rrHELE ''HERR PER slui, USE[, = 11.+ ti Fgil 6.75 ,rufl6ER rir- 5TUD5 REtl . PER 6EFil FBR 5TRENGTh= llL:li8Ei( CIF 5TiJD5 RE'ljrlIRED FCR nlil.':5e ConP85ITE = TTUiJBER t]F 5TUI,5 I8 BE USEO PEI{ EEXfl= i:H5E ',; U BNi: I FuR.,- il TRI-trr5.DEFL.j-*'5 80T. T tiirt5. ft c5 T0Pl i bb+. I r.+ }++'t.t t *4:ft't**:t *{..tt* la}r3:}l|l*t{.+:t *+**t*r}+.t t+{.+t *,t|*:}+.3++,{.*{. lSiJ).t0a.Er{Et. ?1.: U5ED :5.5 -;lg[i I nLi ::i ult I FirRn DEHii LOITIi F0'{ UIERHIiOiI LP5FJ 55. u tlti, IF ifC, REIHER-nEI U i::5-PAENELEE iIERN l/ 1.t91 . + uu 135i1. uLl 1ii1.6 7u;. i r?52.2 895.1 83.4 Et. 5 ?8. 7 I fl I T I HL I/iHO LOFO UEI LETT I UI\= 5ilF'ER IT1FOSED DERD LOHD SEFLEI]T IgN= L I UE LI]HT, &EFLECT i OTi= T;JT!ir. LBiD C.EFLEETIOIT= u. 11 B. E1o. l1 6. Z+ LIvE LBH{/ OinPIiiE ilFti'JRiL HTiFLITUt,LFIR UIEF:HTIOI{ RHl IO FREiTUENLY IF:,F'J ,l..l(.t +.f,+++,1.*+.i|.'f,t* aN + rt v:r*,f *{.*$+a ++rF r. {. *,t. *** t**.. arrt**i(r.*ll.i++,} ii;i IEP:;]iitri 1rr.a .r. Ll lU. 7b B. UBl T 5TEF--\jIBj{HTIgI.t I5 5LiGHTLY PERCEPl IELE RE5POil5E 5(BTIIG -- R= 1.3 'F-/ JoHNsoN - vorLAND - o^",l'rrA ,*".ffifu*Con'I/,lrfu St ructural Englmat av -&-oxz3&.lrlst 4bA CHXO. 'Y- DATE - PROJECT :"r*f i-t 6ttt Jv.ra t2id ar., Arrd.. Cototdo W, T.Lt iot r 12O1O5t SHEETriro 7 oF- I |, ') .t +.$ + + +++.++ +{i++++.t+* +". Q*** a*f *l++a+f *+*+f a:3f +t|rO|r+*+++ HTRIUfi 3.;'EDGE EEFIn +#.a+.f.+:a.**i.+{.+*a.f{.'}'l+**t*+)..a,t'ltl*+,|4t111||.+t*|tr+f*.1*|.*)|+*+** sFH(I sPF|:;ING SLBS iiEEK CgflC.FY fc' tl r:drl tstl gEPIH Td llHl rrlT lPiJFl |:l(sIl thsil EelEc *,f .{.* f. .l + * * f. +4*tt a,l,J 1'lJ *,} r} $:f +**{.* 11r+t{|}'|t* |}+f f f f f **}i+**+*${. Ft.f J { 1.5 Iftil IRL DElio L0Fg llBhENT= 34 5t-TPERIilPOSED C,EIiD r-0Pti llBflEllT= 12 LIvE LrirlfJ notlEllI= E1 156 36it --'-r/ lb ri 31.8 SEuTICrti PRIIPERTIES--- r.}* 1978 Ft I5C SHr?PEr*r C.EPTH FLHIiUE T tFhGE LIEE I X 5X RRiAUiDTTI THICKflE55 THICKHESS + ,t+.i' + *,t f *.+ *1l,+N'ts+4,r+,f +f +l*a,f t{t ++rl*{t} *{.l'|. t +t*13rf +tlf {*++rf r}{3* 15. Ht1 5. 5r ,i. {tr, :lLgg t:rC:uR5 0ii BnE SitrE OF 5HDi-: ITlG i5 t\UI REEUIHE' EY d. !75 375. E +7.?3 9.12 EFFEL]T I{,'E TR'.ift5. I TRtitti.TRBris. uh HiLF 8Elrilh{5 T[,P] KlFiFLT1NGE FOR 5TFefi8Tr-r 5 6AT. .tar,t+.i.#,ni.+***.,{.+*tN++***+}*+r}***ta.rt*rrt..{.,3**{.+ra.****{.+**tl*|.i** 2S. 5 a72.7 67. 1 1141.9 EiHfl Ohr-Y liI5C 1 .11-2. EErlrl I5 NOT SFr0REI) igLI--UL*TEO flLLOLITIELE SHiBR PER 5TUT, 3 1I.8 K FOR IiLLSdIBLE 5'.tE}]R PER 5T'JD USED = 1I.d' K FI]R 4.75 frUilEER uF 5TU95 FrEO. PER EEHfi FrJR 5TRENIITH= IruiitsER OF 5TUD5 REOUIRED F0R nIN.3: lN. 9PRCIftc= i\UI16ER OF 5TUf'5 TI:' ET. USEi:i PER BEI+h- UiSE r.i. I 8.7.5 0Iff. INgH OIli. .' l.b 12.8 l3 5Tutr5 5TUO5 ) I I CuilP I FOR DEFL. Th-FiH 5. :: E,iT. TEHIt5. ft a5 T'iFl 5TUO5 FER EEHN ? +.i +.+ +.t .1+ * + :|. -i. + * X. rf 4 * + 'll.t.I41* ++ ** 4 *.+ 'l 'F*++ *.N 1'84,r trr4;,811t +*+4*+*$ 181t4"'. 1BrJ. €t s;':.7 b7. I 1141.3 REri. Uii tt l_0H0 i rt6 I5 ,.rrr I FoRn 9.9 78.7 1b. 5 1.E 13. 0 ,. 53. 5 81b. e tE 64. 5 :frIT IfiL DEl.li, L0tO D;rLEr_tTI0n= SUPERInPESEtr Dirl0 LoriD t/EFLECTI[rn= LII./E LOED t.,EFr-ECT iOIt= Ti.lTFr! L0HD DEFLECTIOtt= u. 65 rz,. 1 I Ll .5+ 1.:5 r,, F,26.7 i/ 368e.1 L.,' 768. ? L/ 315. 6 I I I I I I I I I JoHNsoN - vorLAND - orcfrrl, ,tc. Conathint Strucrurul bgirccts \I:/ \E/ \)J-U T**.*IetI r.b*Jattott zv -@-oxeb'*'bb $.r 41n94 sHEGrrro + oF- CHTg. EY- DATE a,f oc- ,CMoJ$2 tot lutoe Srrt llr*. Color& Wn o o * + {.** + * | * * | t* + + {. * *.1. + * t f * t a * 1.+* }'t $ * **,i i + a + :} f a* | +* 'l *|l *a | | + {*. 6'lLD PEfiK 2ri0 FL0OR DOUBLE sLflB 20' HEROER * ar{.+*.l.tl+,1+*'||.*+f,+*l|+|}tf * **a* tt+l| * 'l ** {.a||rt *lt aa*f a+atf f*r+l|*tat 5Pflil 5PI]C i ilG sLflB DEC|(cor'ic.FY ic', n Irtl cftl OAPTH Td L I ttl lrlT tPCFI ('Kg t I LKsl I EslEc *+{.+** + i|. '| * * f 'a.*+{+ .s ** '| * '} lif *+*+* '.* +{.*l|f *t}t'}'||t*+***tta.ilf :}* f, + 2g 2b .i 1.5 158 3b 3 I tt I T I FiL OEF{D Ltltlo fioflENTe 36. 4 SUFERIMPOsED gEilo LOHD NOflEilT= 78.3 LIVE LBiD n0fiEttT= u2.5----U 1b H 3E.B SECTlgN PR0PERTIEs--- ++,r 1978 FISC SHliPE+{,'} C.EPTH FLBHGE FLf{Ni'E IrJEB I x 5x hAEAUIOTH TiiICIIIE55 THIC(NE55 +*,f +++l*,t*.ra|*++{.+{.+:t. t*{.*l|+*l+rt++,f f **,tt t*+***f *'}4l*aa,|+*}a 15.86 E.93 8.43r,6.:t9 4{8. E 5b.4S 1E.6rl 'LFIEI OCDURE O}t OHE SIOE OF 8EfiTl CTILY SHCRlftG l5 rr0T RE'IUIREO gY BISC 1.11-2. BEBI1 15 lrgT SHORaD EFFECTIUE TRFTIS. I IRAI{s.TRBh5. Vr' HfrLF BE'{N rr (5 ToPl KIPSFLfiNCE FI]R STRETI']TH 5 8OT. 4*4 t +rr +'* * ++,t$** ++* t ++ * f,+*tta*tf '} $ a +||f*l}f*fr a fffaa* 1***a11* 27.9 s52.7 7? .1 1 142. { EFLEUL'ITED IiLLOIJRSLE 5i{E;{R PER STUD - 11.A K FUR HLLIJ'JHSLE SHEBR PER 5TUD U5E[i = 11.5 K FOX 8.75 TiUNEER OF 5TUD5 ftEt]. PEi AESN FOR sTRANGTH= IIilNAEE OF 5TUO5 REOU I RED FOF N I N. 32 I DI. 5PFC I TIG= l'lUllBER UF 5TU05 TO 8E U5ED PER EEFfl= ;tisE :i I FOR 86.3 .8.75 Di5i, {NUH DIR. b.6 7t 13 5 ru[|5 5TUD5 I I COIIP &EFL. *td.*{.+{.:a.t + |f +,}4t +.8**l|++f a*++**+** +i.a.*+ a++l|t{ af gr}t'}|..*a*+a*{ 1B8Z 188. 0 TRHNs. :, c}ur. T r{i{ti5. ft i5 loPS 1142. + 5TUO5 PER BEfl|| RE0. i6. +u5E0 €6,.9 I/3 PIJTITT LOflOIfi6 It{lTltL DEfrO Lllli0 DEFLECTI0IT= sIJPERiNPOsEO DETD LORO OEFLECT II]II= LiUE LOi.lD 0EFr-ECTlBtt= TiJT}1L LOFID DEFLECTIUTt* t52. ? 918.5 77. 1 b9. 6 75.? 15. 6 6.6 13. I 4.2'l 0. gb 8. ?3 8..i9 L/ 'l 1€,3. IL/ 4t78. ELl 1!452. 6L.. 4Sg. 5 a ( st l l+tl OEPTH TdCIN] IIT CPCi] |:KSI] CK5I] E5lEC +,t **.t.tl.ttl.'|*,lAr|,a.*,4.*'laat+f f l}f i.*+*a r|{.r3+ +a +* +*t* 3+++a* t'a af * f .} l| t i.*:f {.,i..f.*+$i.*+*f {.**,t**t{4'3 tr}'l li,x{tt*+i.t1**ll*l:rt}*+f ++a*+{+f *f a GOLD PER( DOUBLE sLF'b SIDE IRflI{SFER BEI]N * +tt41+,++t4 ***4ttIN'tl| t|t+ta|.e f t t'att | + | * *l}**'rlttta+*:|.$* +f f *tf + SPFI'I SPBCING 5Lfl8 I/ECK CrlNC.F! 5ECTION PROPERTIES-.. FiI5C 5HtiPEr.* dc' lt 81 . gb 14.1'g a 3?. 63 S. g.i .i r.5 1363639 IflIT IRL 9EFIO LCIiD TlI]TlEfIT= 58 SUPEEIMFI:i5ED OEI]D L$FO NSNENT= 16 LiUE Lr:rFl0 nOrlEriT: 12b ----lJ 1b X 54.8 *++ l9ld OEPTH i'tI1N6E FLRTICE IJEB I X 5X BRERl,'IICTH THICKNESS THICKNESS:x,i.,ar,f3f.,lf.i++Nt*+*|.l,a4t*{.*+f f tttf lt**{t|+11+ *tf +f f +*,1+.f **,f *r+*+ 15. t6 7,97 8, b36 6. 388 bg3. ia 5LEB OCCURS BOTH 5IDE5 OF SEFN ShiJRIIIE I5 NOT REOUIRED Bf FIst] 1.11-2.EET]II 15 NOT SHOREO artgglIrJE TRBf15. I TRriN5.I RI{r15 . tt t5 ToPl 2519. g Uh HflLF iiEgfl KIISFLF{NUE FOR SIRETIGTH 5 8OT. +*,f t+:13*il* 11*1r', *1*+ f * +*arll * a.i**++r*tt**f *lt +$+*** | f+* $+ i$+f 78. 1 1bEg. 6 115.3 :5 r9.8 223.4 CIiLTULRTED IILLOI/II8LE SHEFR PER sTUD : 1{.8 K FOR 6.75 OIR, 5TUD5 ALLOIJI1BLE 5IIERR PER STUD USEO = 11.5 K T'OR O.?5 INEH DiB. 5TUO5 HUNEER OF 5TUO5 REB. FER BE]lI1 FOR STREflGTH= 11.5 NUHSER OF STUD5 REIUIRED FI]R T1ItI. 32 IN. SPffCTIIG- 12.3 flUflEER OF 5TU0S TO BE USED PER EEiln= Zz UH5L I FLJF,TRHII5. TXHII5. 5TUD5 PER5 SBT. ' ft |:9 TiPl EEHtl']IJHP OEFL. t*,1.,f +**{.+,t **,t.i.,t ++t{.*.it +a;t +***+*+t+++*t*{.f++{.tt+f+t t4*+1tt1 1$gz REO. 't'it6.g 29.6 33. S 11.5 22.A 16bB.b 't15.5 u5E0 55.6 1r i?. 7 1.'3 F0IllT L0ffDIl'tG 1EB. 8 147. 3 iTiITI*L OEHD LOAO DEFI-ECTICI'I= 5UFERltlPBsEO OEBO LOriD OEFLECTI0N= LIUE L0llD OEFLECTI0It= TgTHL LOI1D DEFLEI]TIIJiI= 8. E8 8. 88 B.E1 1.23 L/ bsi.5Lr 5486.3 L., b45.9 Li 305.b I I :t,t+.f *t{.+* + *** *,t* + * 't t*,}t**++*+*+*t} *r*+tN*+*'}+{.1+f +f *{.a+++*} GOLD FERK DCIUBLE 5Lfi6 siDE BE'i]'t *,!rr.r{*+*!f,1**rt**t't+tr*r}'}'}tfl|*{.***+t{.*lf{3*t++t'} +tl{**f l}*'l f **t lr SPBrt sPfiC I fic 5LFt8 OECK cllNc.FY sc, fi C+t 1 t:ftl DEPTH TC IIN) IdT CPCF] CKSII (K5I] EtTEc t ,t,fr.t,l'.i 3 *.f * ***+*t++a,f+{.*t+**tll*|llttl+aal| f t+*al:|f *||ltt+t++4++ 32.83 5.84 t 1.5 15it 3639 I il I T I nL 0EnD L$rlD llilllEftT- 58 5UPERII1FO5EO DER[' LUF{O NONENT= IU LIUE LOflD NIJMETTT= I2E ----Ll 1b X 59.8 SECT I.ilr FR0PERTIES--- *x,* 1t78 F I5C 5HBPE++r DEPTH FLIiIIGE FLgilI]E L,EE 5x itREFIrrrIDTH TH IllKliESS THIDXI\E55 ++|s:$++*;*:f3+ 1t|*1Jl*-'t+ 'r + f f aa**f t{.*t*f *'F*+f 1*+1+t l*t}t++* *f {*3 16.28 7.Ft7 E. 63r, IX SLSE ocr'uRs B{ITH SIOES OF 5HSRIITG IS }IOT REIIUIREO 6Y 8.38S E5S. B BEFII BIsC 1.11-2. Bf,Fn 81,4b 1.r.78 15 NOT sHOREO EFFECTIUE TRRfls. I T RflIIs.TRF}Is. Uh I{ItrLF EEFN N t5 TSPJ . (IPSFLFTIGE FBR STREhGTH 5 AOT. *.3d'l++*t * *r!*+t + t| *t| i*+jf +*+atJ,a.rtart*aa**,1*f **f*t+a*f *+rt*+**{.l3 78.1 16bts.6 1 i5.9 2313.8 t23.4 8.75 olfi. lfrcH aIfi. 11.5 12.3 3? CIILOULRTED ELL0IIHELE sHEllR PER 5TUO = 1t.B K FC,R *LLOrrliiSLE 5HE!1R PER sTUO USEO = tt.s K rOR 6.75 ttUtlBER 0F STUDS REO. PER Ae*m F'lR SIRE||GTH= IiUIIEER OF sTIJDs RESUIREO FgR NIfl.32 Ifl.5PflCIt1G= IIUNEER OF ETUO5 T6 BE USEO PER BEIlfl= ftuuS 5TUD5 ciisE ): c0rlF I FOR OEFL. TRrlFiS.5 BOI. TRHl.l5. ri 15 ToPl 2519. B 5TU95 PER EEIIN ++4,1.i*:4.***;f + +)3++*'ar*+**A+f *+f ++*+t*f +**{.*ra.f 3*f a+t'+tt'}t*arl* 188? REO. U5ED 1SB. 6 23. b 82.4 38.6 1 1.5 3i. I 1b60.6 115.9 r88.6 1stiB. I 112. 7 'tl'3 PBINT L0f,DIft6 !flITII;iL DESO LOIlO DEFLECTIT]I-I= sUPERIIiPO5ED DEI]O LOFD DEFLECTIOfl= LIUE L0HD OEFLEDTIBfI= T']TRL LOIID OEFLECTIOTI= [r. 66 8.6? 6. 5s I t Ll L./ 65+.5 L/ 3845.4 L,' 71b. 3L/ 322. b I {.**l|.*,i(l t*'l*'|**4*jf+{.*'}*r*{.f*ll**r}*,t{{*afl|l+||'t+a|}f*|l13fl*{.*$|3*t IiOLD PEEK OOUBLE sLflB SIOE BEBI1 .l++**l:l)t,f':t +++l+*+*+:|.+f t+*+++3'llt't+*t*A+ |tll |3*llaaf*laf :|f +a*:|f 5PI1II sF'IC I NG SLRB DECK cortc.Fy )c' Nt$tl tftl DEPTH T.1(INl tTCPCF} (K5Il (KSII Esrgq + *,t'trl't:tr+'1.+ +'t:.t I I t4 + -,1 ?} +$t a N**+r* *t{'{.*t:t+*f +*++++* +r}*'rt,}f * 3f tJ2.83 5,8+ 4 1.5 156 INI T If,L SETID LIJflD HOMEflT= 58 SUPERIIIPTISED DE;IO LO9D nOnENT= 16 LiUE LOFiI} NI]TENT- I?6 3b39 ----u 1g x +;. k] SECTI0t..t pR0pERTtES--- +*,3 1g79 FlSc sHBPErr+ OEPTIT Fi-BilGE FLFTIEI rrEd I x 5X FREBIdIDTiI THICiiIIE55 THICKHESS,la.{.*:i.tl'}{,'f.r,|.*a*+r}+*+**{.*++||,tta*1,t,|,}|*f$.|.*lf'}aa**+*a*'J4*t.1* 18.66 6.85 8.683 0. 3b6 712.O 78.85 13.56 SLRB OCCURS EI]TH 5IOE5 OF BEI]I1 5HORIT1G 15 IIOT REOUIREO EY RISC 1.11-E. EEBN 15 NOT sHI]REO. EFFECT:UE TRFNs. I TRBN5.TRtrtg. ri 15 ToPl Uh hgLi- BEHfl'KirS 5TUD5 FER BEffTI FLI]IIGE FOR STREfiGTH 5 BOT. * tt'4 N*,i1+* 1+*+* * r $*'l ,| {.**'}8tf rt+f +*+**r+*+**f*f *f tf * +1*+++*.r 78. 1 1828. r 114.+27|jA-A ?23..i CFLCULATED flLLOUI{ELE 5HEfl.q PER STUD = I1.8 K Ft]R 9.73 DIH. sTTJD5 ilL.L0tll{BLE SHE}iR PER 5Tu0 u5ED:11.5 K FoR g.?s lNc'{ oIF.5TuDs flullBER 8F STUOS RE8. PER 6EFn FOR gTttENGTH= t3.B ilUN8ER OF 5TUD5 REGIJIRED FOT( IIIN. 32 ITI. SPflCING:: 1?.3 NUI1BER OF 5TUO5 TO tsE usED PER BExII- 22 CF5E )t EDIIP I FOR SEFL. TRilN5. 5 BCT. TRRr't5. n t5 T0Fl+*+*i,*.$ *:| +**.t +*|*+++.+:|**,tf a**+*+**++a a * ?:l+t*+ *tat{ra+ a **t*|'ttt0? 146. g RE&. 35.5 1s:9.: t ti.4 2isd.b U5EO sb. 6 1552.1 180. |a 145. b 3'd. d 13. :j 22.;l 1/3 POIiIT LOH9ING :IIITIT{L t'EBD LONO OATr-ECTION= SUPER I T1POSEO OEFD LOHB OEFLECT I oI{= L I UE LOI{D DEFLECT I Oil= TOTflL LUFD DEFLECTIOI'l= Er.5b a.E7 3. 5b 1. 18 Ll 7,J?.2L/ 5588.: L/ 7n9.5L/' 333.1 J IJ JoHNsoN - vorLAND - o"",f,tto, ,t". ao*ili'lt;; )mffi, -",'i*"!:"JirJ"-;*t,.tlw41-t9tt T.brtorra2o-mt'Couuh irlg S rrucrurol hglacas zv fuiw onaW- toet A.% C}IKO.BY- DATE i 1lSHEETXO OF-K_ A.P cc- JoHNsoN - vorLAND - ^ncrfer^, ,"c.ffi'*.m=wCor''uhing St ructural brglncat av fuose CHTD.3Y- OATE JOt I SHEETNo lA ot PROJECT Ufe l-,, I J.HNS.N - vorLAND - ^*cr|.r^, ,*". st &@_ says tc-?.Ob s611 CHTO.!V- D TE- PNOJICT Atzgc tl9t ft,,or S.r..l.r.t*. Color&to2ttt'fr.a''tt arrSHECTXO Ot--g J.HNS.N - vorLAND - or"Oaro,,*". CHTO.BY- OATE Conn/hing Structurol hginc.rt zv -fu- o^re b'b'ob $g*,414 ffiq D:a,H.* 'H"!,rxHA-i*,t bptorL+l9tl T.t pto'tQgmtt 4-/ SHEET IIO PNOJECT I I I ) I I I I I I I I I I j3^l|,i""[;1?H].?,-o"o"o' '*"' ffi M,,", wi:i#I^ s %u- oxzW- $.r 41t91 sHEErilo -X- ot CHXO.OY- OATE PROJECT U?ce 5TF{USTURE Of,T}1 nENBEfT5 FIXEO sUPP']RT7tt PINNEO SUPPORT5 3 1-r . UEr,, l+,888 (to'? he 2n o 5 oE iKS I:, 1EEA.6B€ NETIAER OE5II:TiTTIiJfts, LEfIGTHS, flI{O flOI1ENT5 OF INERTiI{ i lltir+lET18ER I i L TFT] Jl.EuiJ ! r .8u6 JuItlT .i u:, ftT 1: ,) 'h,Nr,.l.LUF[, IftE C0ttD I T TuTit 56,+ tE .+. i-iil I Fl:lR11a E7 rri ili.'iTJ |j . l-r _, fJ i LrN il0, 1 Rt:,|:tF .r I i.riiIirrT Fr FT Eu{, ;' ::il I Fgi ;iL tFTJnEna ,l I ig.,:uE FJ. i5b 1 cl . :'cld flEfl;EE NEilAER I itE'-i tL T 5 IIENEER I 1 1 1 1 .-l :JiflT I U r ll I .l i I I{T TEfiTFI }iL IF T] B. gr.!B :. rd{, .r. ltJB 6, lilE i' . ;i,:ltJ IrJ.5uA ::. r,E1u ir.iilu 1;.. 8tt8':i. iiti 21.AAg F'gthI5 tlOllEftT t'' b. rj. lE. -:q -59. I 'J i:II5PL;;:;11errT5 iifri) 5UPPBRI REHCTt0rts I,,ERT.Oi5PL. RUTiITIOfl UEPT.F,EBC. iiHJ l:Rit,iAft:l rfiiPSJ A.tjsslt+rJb -:.-j!1E-s.t -f.i5B 8. UASE+g€! -5.sgAE-A+ -:.i.7b7 A. EUEE+gir 1.3b2E-ir3 - l:, 17J Et.li, 5r.iEr-r*5 Etrii i1|jnEfrT:-i LEF T tJ I:I":. I F,J LAF T II TFT'N.I I . :scr tl . Ugi{t ir.2?5 -.13.sbt'-r flgNEfiT RE*C. cFT-iil 6. B;iAg. EBrJ U. UUK' E. NlJ'J i.1;li r?. !uiJ ,:,. 3EB r?. +llr.l id.5'JUI: . E8E i i. i36 1E. E'JE rB. iAE i1.8ErE (FT.if1 66e ,+' 532gi4 '-i3i nIb .r5E, :itE ariS ;,"8i:; 58[, -:.3.5;E --'rl,liD -E. ibll i 5. :-,+5 3J. ri8 +'i. ii+ E Et. ;r;-':' 6l.Ar-i.ir. 5:3ii. itr -[i. sAd 15 1u8. 648 | 'r t BA. gbi, - 84t* FE5TF:H I 'IT5T ./PE REST F:ti I '17P I flTtEO F I fiftLI r'Irifi;O RiGirT UrFilP5l FILHT 11 ii-l'-Kl -tt.r'r2 -5'3..iU€- | i. li'.i -A. rJAa iHE;t((hi.iP5J vERT.DiSPL.|:Ifil l.:5u B. a88E+Brr r . 1.3; 5. i29E-83 1. g+5 1. albE-t! 8.943 ;.++4E-t-t: u.8iu i.€,:.rt;-u:i 8. f 3.j l.5stjE-st i,. ErG 1. liilE-E.3 -t8. 1l/ 5.[t:+E-t]-f -18.:ui -3.599E-rJ3 -:U.3U;' -E.;BiE-E'S - 18. +32 3. E 8L1E+{it ir.ti5 ,'r. llE ;J.A|J;JE+6A 1r. ; Bu.- !. i AAE-rij: 1 I . 1:5 :i. ui iE-D:' i. 55u :r. r-3-iE-81- i. 3i5 1 . u3€,E-u I a. ieu !.:75E-u 1.r.8i5 i.31tE-it 1 -1.+5tr l. IJ.-rf -ir I -5. u:5 b. 536E-Er; - I U. bBA r. E?iE-Bl -1t.1i5 E.BEAE+SB t| 5TP'r|:IURE 0!1TH V inerAens FIXEg gUFpOtiTs pIfiftEO SuppOF(Tsit82 i iI rlEflEER 0t5 iGfiHTI0r'r5, uErtGTlr5, gtto nonEnTS oF:flErlEER L |t-Ij I {Ittl.rl( 1 11. SBE 151EB.8UE, i i1.8A8 151u8.€gA o E rK5il 'l Eurl. 6g8 II\ERTIi{ .,0lrrT R;5TRiIrtT5.ISIIIT IYPE RE5TRBINTI F I.trrEO3 ? i rtrigo .+++L0H0iftc ;L'ttroiTIon N0. I T$ T iL 1s8 RI]UF + u;! i i- rii;:n,riErl!;ER ,r| LH,'F Tl1 rJ. Eiu '. A. tS4 .r;r:iirCEnTRil f Efl* P Lh i i:'sJ :1L t:F Ti 1t. liLl 14. idA ': +. brbEr 1t. rilSu . ;]iflT 0i::F'Lt[8fi;r\t'5 firr0 EUpp0RT.,irldT VERI. DI5pL. R0TflTION i I fr:t rRiia I trrtlI tr.EUSE+06 -t.+b1E-B:: -!..i triErr38 -S. SZgE-g+3 6. ugitE+€,8 1. b34E_E2 lirlEEE |{EHC I Ior,t5 UER T . REBC. Ci( I pSl -13.b4: B. traE -2.i. 958 fi0tlErrT REHi.. (F T-,(r 8.888g. gr6B . A,8E A :IE;1BER I I ; E5ULi5 :EIIEER t :i 1 1 1 I I 2 l. .... ! 2 Er. E6u:. i8ui. :irB E.. JiIU F. +Ea l kJ . SirEr: . i.8u 1+.78d 18.666 16 . tnB 21 . 886 8. 6Eiii+r,a 3. ;73E-g 1r. .ZbSE-E : 1 . EbtE+gg l . :-s jE+BEl 1. 'r7lE+tJA. 1.5fbE+BE i.1tBE+Ed :. i PEiE+gAi. 37+E+Btr 2. i l;E+gE 2. + l bf+BA 2. rr,IE+Br, 2. i32t'-88 ;'. ?u5E+88 !. E: jE+[r-l | . l135L+Eu l . 5il+E +dg '| . 1;4E+rJA g. irSiE-g I r. t 95E-U 1 B. ugBE+Er, V I q^': L//uc Eno sHEHR5 ritti) honEflTsLEFT u iI( IP5] LaF T fl LFT-Ii. j 13. €,rl -U, LrU l I . 6t I :Err. 549 iI I ;IITH PU i flT5 }iL TF TJ NIJTlEfiT iFT-K] kr. ao8 -a.681 *2. rEg 28.S3Z d +. 289 .58. 853 b . 33kl g+. ,J+g a. +riH 1 12. g:5 IE.slJB I+8.rSEl:.bu8 1bI.91Sl.r. l8b iEl. b33lE.Brrts. I5i.1b,JI;. t[r6 19b. 46b .:,' I . ;rEtA r-,JE. 5r_l F: IGHT ULKIP5] t.'atz -2+.558 5riEifttriIPi.l 13. o+:11.5;t t.5. rr Jl 13.3d'7 {: f a.-, 'r 3. 1 17- 'l 3.8 t2 ,7.2VtT:. tul l.'-157 | . d:t j RI'.iHl nir'I-Kl :u6. 5+t -u. 8i,i UERT.TJISFL. iIN] 'ztt2rtE, .5iS'].it?.4F"8 r,?/,:u !.3i9 " ''t5i.sdf, ^.1rii. i79 l' .'l:3. EDJ tE+. 858 I f,3. L{;3 5b. 5;3.i3,5li 6. 689 145 1.891 ,,r,11')- g.3rE -1.:5tr -!. EJ+QU"L -+. iB3 -5. !ur-;..55i - 19. 63+-:1. {EJg, -t2. tBr ,-2.r. i5i Cev'eoO ". 3.,.'11r{.e SIf{UCTURE DFTfl NENAERS F I'AEO SIJPPORTS 38 LOTS5 BF'PLIEU FIT JOIItT5 i0lllT vE'iT. FCIftCE tKiPSi1 :.r. iE E I ensr {rnLLEY suPPor{T BEttnO PIHNED 5UPP6RT5 E IKsI]3 1A68.gSg 1 R=!.r. 'JK IICNEHT CFT.K] . rd. Etrg iiENAER OE5i']TIiiTION5, LENGTHS,HTID NONEdT5 OF INERTiR ilENBEP LIFT] ITIHT+J| 5.8S0 . ??i6.S8B I 18. Ea8 777b. EE83 zut.Adb 77;'b. AEB JOIIiI RE5TRF{ I TtTsJOITiT T /PE RE5TfrIIiNT 2 F I frttaLr3 P I Irl.'lEO 4 r- I fitrEii .r,+* rLrlF! i iti; t:t,frt) I T I Utl HtJ. Tii iir- l ili F5i vgLLE'/ $uiiiFrliill*,rCoftCEftTitdTE0.r NENBER I,J TK.'F'T] P (KIP5] XL i,FT]1 t. BEg 2 :. 8r,Jg i 2.889 JUiI'I; !II5F'r-FI]EhEilT5 FfID 5UPPi]FT REIICTIONSJEII{T UERT.0I5PL. irJ.lkTiOrt UERT.REF;. r: I fii |RH0I Hrtsi rK I P5J'i -i. 5 r iE-8 r b. EiBE-ral 0. [16BI Er. BtjrrE+68 5.2.j;/E-03 -5?. 1t+3 E.88uE+68 -2.d3sE-g3 -36.6114i Ur. AE{,E+86 ,i. 84,?6G03 - 17. 855{t,_ ilEt'1EER EHi, 5HE11R5 flND lltlrlEf{Ts T1EmBER LEF I U I-TI I P5] LEi T n i:FT -KJ1 -:+. aA I sr. 6iJB2 22.32+ -1.3b..i99J :i. 93.i -58. ;i I NOilEilT HE|IC. tF I-F.i B. E8t, 8.Bt18 r.- 8. Butzt s. sb8 RIGHT U IITIPSJ -:9. L?A I -r3.Eib -r7.BbE RIGHT N IFT.h. j - 13o. *t i -5Er.871 -kr. uiJE O EB5T UiLLEY suPtoltl eennj 5TRUCT'jRE DItTil NEflAERS FIKED sIJPPORTs PIhI.IEO sUPPORTs E IKSI]3 6 3 1AEO.86E -dENAER gE5i6ilBTI{1115, LENriTH5, }ir.lD nonEdT5 0F INERTItI flENBER I ,-l L iFT] 5. Esu 1d. buB!8. E|AE I (INi+J Iti6. UBA. 7??6.688 77rb.868 ritur-Tg-. F I-' T Eirt lr* Poi n r S f IEMBER XL CFTl| 6. BB8I 8.588 1 1.8LrgI 1.5kfl 1 ]..848 2,5t18 3. 8AE 3. s{,rd +. AgBr. SuE 5. riBB .2.488 1 . EFsr3i. bgu 3. +ArJ 7.2&g '-r. 83it I rA. 6ug 12.6AFJ f .i. +EB 16. 4'8U 18 . 6AE B. 888 2. 6A6{. 080 6. &48 B. 866 I A. €rrrg 1: . 6kig 1{. 6gB 1E. 8aB 1.1 . AErJ i8. Eug NONENT (FT-K] a. Bgra - 1i. 52+ -25 ,299 -.j,:. .3!t -5 t . 5S'l -85. 123 -iB. HlB - ti.3?J - 1u7. 157 -121.72? - l3b. i979c'bco - 1 3E. 439 -93.555 -bJ. 033 -{5. 1 'l 1'-27. ;ErB - 1o. 585 - 12. tJ+: - 13. 979 -12, 39b-3i'. i9.r -58. b7 I - 58. 6?,t r." - 16.884 4 1 7. e63'.6 42. 939 EA.7B7 ikr. 6b+t:.531 EE. 3t3 5:.:E6 3rJ. 133 -Lr. 8ua sIIEFR TK I P5]-2{. r,A r -25. 381 -2.:.89r-:8. 33 1 -2b. 88 I -27.39r1 -27.AA1 -'zE.3E 1 -:8. i3E' 1 -2t. 3gr 1 VERT.DIsPL. TIltl +.511E-tJ1 3.3S5E-01 3. +g3E-ir 1 2. g?bE-ur 2.+E?E-Al. 2. 8A.iE-tr 1 1. 5+bE-3 | 1.1tiE-tt1 7. 6bbE-g: 3.3+58-92 8.AAAE+6A-29.88t ArrZ.|l 4$' IJ.2Cb 1 "l 2I nj I 1 2 'j I '!'2. 324 18. 7t.i t3I t,. I l,t | 1 .52{ 7.9!.r +. 3:+ 6. ?:4 -2. 137b -5.476 - 18. A7E - |3.b7b 2t. 934 16. 93r 1.i, t3+ 18.93+ b. 93+ 2. 33+ - r.8b? --l . aE7'-3.3b2 - 1J.86t -17.667 8. BaEE+gE -8. ASbE-8! - 1. 3b7e-ri 1 -1.57.3E-u1 -1.535E-ii1 -1.594E-rt1 - 1. .I-r5i-81 -i.1lEE-u1 -8. b9:E-ut-5.16;E-B: E. guAE+ki6 , E.6E€E+EU 7.891E-02 1.6648-B l 2. 4sBE-B 1 3. 84,iE-A r 3. 33iE-A 1 3. tlbE-u 1r.3;';t.-i! |2. I tBE-31 1 . 137E-81 t,. EU€'E+AA ') 3 J .t J ,) 3 3 l JOHNSON - VO]LAND - ARCIGTA, rNC. Coneiting Structu'ai E tgin?r7s a, ttdvt D^fE>e'l'w nzs-M Peolaclr-3@. 6!tt ,Y.tt tzrd Ar..ln&, Cob,& ,,O2t t pte|a2tnt:t - SHEET ]IO oeG2 CHKO.AV- DATE t to.2+ - i- .. I --. F.,' I ,i 1 " 1" -i"-*". JJt:t: :iI*t tA*+o I rl9, tob {.:,- q\o b. WIt U)12<z2e I llgr tbb ;...- q\o b. WI lvJn*e 4- l A.yrZu)3 {1 t:t,"''t'<: -Q*,o, t:,Y*^ \o'\'lf ,i lllll!:i,l :.Ti{U[.IURE DiT}i NEflgERS F TAEO SJFFO,?T5:'8 irJE-i i ur{LLE r' CLf ARSPtifi P I hItEB 5iJPPORTS E iKJIJ l dUB. 3EU II;IEJER }E5IGTTFTIIJh5,LEIII.THS,BNO NgNEfiT5 UF I'lEftTIN 'l;nEER L LFIJ I iilttir I r' 1.884 151:6E.riAPt 2 ];.AAtt 1.5 189.4i66 _, rJ I iIT i.'E5TIi:H I rtTS ..i..: ;IiT Ti.FE RESTiiBINT'i F I it;rEt) -i F ifr(rE0 .r.+.r r.L6i0Ir". LUltDITl6ii il0. Ti; tir- I Eu riif iEEH I .l . .: +ijr,t i r rri?n.i ,.,J,:?i...'F tJ *. E5',J B. iJ8 ,i. r:'if1i: E il i H Fi T EO+ F iir i i': i fi.- LF T.r 18.i'Jli t+.E,BJ r). I atrl lE.biE FIH! SUPF'JR i F:iliH f I 'Jlt ':Rlf/ IiNSl -;i. g136i-;r3 'I . AddE-it3 9. 7r8E-rJs /7 b?+*ro .'Do.+ tl,ifl;rtT aEHri. lF T -hl tJ . irBB 6. EUF, €r. utJ!., ..; r-i I il T ti I :-,F'LgDEfiEr{'i5 ., ij i;tT ijERT . t:i I5FL. i.il'iJ i A. |]tJEE+E,J : -1.lBlg'ii;l I B. udAL,+36 REICT I0rl5(/f i{T. F:Ei{rJ. 1"" I PSJ - 1kJ. E83 A.88tr -iE.bi5 i':i:::,JL i:; FiT iEt'tT fiLilE-R a- r:i: il | ;J. uda i :. tEg i i. ilrgi E, ._{i{1 1 i. r;J,.tI 'i U. S'rt I l:. ':, rJ U | :r. frtg i :A. Eitr,J 1 li . .Jirij 1 -i r.;d8 itEiiFLFj fiii) SFifHRS Ahg i!L,ri;ftT!: t',;:tlEEti LiFT U tn i i-5J Le FT fl iF I-r.; I ; ir. ELif, ir. ,la.r : -ei. :rEr' 1 it. g lE rl Fu I flT5 nonEdT tFT.*lg. ae4 ;.: . .12 t ++, .'3g Er.;i3 ;7. 'j;-1 'i U3. r i-- i 3;J. ;,'}l 'l ir. i58. ; + J ' tr 'i :;n7z 17'o r'1 rt.tt..-rii ! -:. i. ;i ii, B. "-,d0 1 . tlnt l. :ilB r. EEt.t i. .ru'il .i , L18u 3. ;0[ 11.:'rEl:. ga8 |.r. +EB 1b . 8u8 5nEFtR iN I ir5i 1u. ;8f r i'. 5i.'b iE.*ii 1,-n. Jt lj lU.la,< i,,-t. l5A,1u.i53 | -4. 55].r' -u.;s; -it. tb.: -rJ. ;; I Fr I;h I (,t in i F 5.l -it. Ec,,: -li1 .E+; F I GrtT fl ii i-ri..r 135. E t -.^ u. 8ui trEF:T.0,i5FL. ririi rJ. EtltirE+Ug ;. !.t'iE-61 +. .+;lbE-i l E. +g JE-rc 1 ::: . .j;7 iE-'j 1 1. E,:r jEiBE I . tf,'ri+iril l. i j:iE+gLt I . r87i+a,J t. -iu.iE+u8 I l. :..j , a.r,.i.J J. 7u - B. EEb --.6f,+ -;. r';; -r.3irit -5, :.:;:l -a,. 7'J; -i.oi+ - 1-i. 1+: -1E.3l[t - 1iJ. r7'€; - l;i. brU ri rE, +ib ; 'J;i"r': :;J ;'3t: UYE i.l't i8+ {}rr+ I . fg 1i+r.trj i.:.;;E+Lrrr l. l; i;+t'L i.,.t.:rE+irii i. ; i lL-[r I u. r5 tE-il i i. rJ+3E-A 1 5. r3,Jf -,r I --r. ' rltte-tJ Ii, ii-iE-6 t ii. rJBrlE+6,J&F.I6|. J JOHNSON - VOTLAND - ARCoETA, rNC, cHt(D. tY- oaTl C onanlt Ing 8 truc tural Fstgittcrs .Y Qet* D^ft@ $.,4t94 3n9t Yt td 8n .lArr&. Cobt&Wtt&a2cttt f THEETXO Z eaotect -W. r-''- GRrg 7 TUO sPf{I{ NO cHrlTlLEuE t( ov-' .\, . ' PIhNEO sUPSIOR'Ts E gllTii F t tiE0 StrPPOftTs 0 P I tiItED P i IIHEI) i 5PLACINENT5 UERT.OISPL. , (IBJ B. tl€rEE+tS O . dEUE +AB g. EtrSe iau E'{Ks I ] )',".e..- "l:llf. nomEnT5 9t-txERT"Ih.r;\*' "'' - L tFT:r I tlN't4j , ) 33.088'.- - .1 8. 86{l 1{95+. ii8g 1+65{r. E[,9 I;58:iTRH I NTSiirl; TrPE REsTfi'flInT ,:1.'t,l r r rtttLe. ETt T RflT ED I 5l |:L tFTitiE n ,i-rd$kD I rlu colto l; I on il0. ltfttr*l L;Fit Er0 tH iPFns, ar. r,.f f . ,i:.'.i' rU:{: FGFfl.t .i i:Oilr: nbFe iriL|:,'FTr PLii. IF ;?.uil'i ?. at;B $lj,'.i i, ':. t i'i: HTIO SUFF'ORT RERCI iOIIS ROTF T I gN UEF'T. FEBC. rRH0 I tilts'J rK I Psl -8.;bSE-t 3 -2b.i2?3.48EE-63 -?tt.9gs - 1.4?9E-83- ' 1 1. i75 n0nENI FEtiC. lf: T - Fll 8.gas .6.646. A. rj86 RIGHT UiKIf'::i - RIL;NT il[Fi-IiJ -.t3. 5Eb -.: I +. isu 1 1.'i?5 -r . rt- f{L{' -flcn8Ek Efll 5HEliF.5 hlt0 fiotlEttTS ilf i'r6EF LEF T tt r-n li'51 LEFT h tF'I-l(i 1 2b. 492 U. 1168 &,*1. 1'ri5 -?1:'?43 PESULTS HT'+EIITH PuIfiT5 / ilEMEER XL TF I] \* hONENT TFT-I(J I)ERT.OIsPL. tINJ E. 08rtE+gg 3. 77?E -[J 1 7. E I BE-B'Il 353E-$1 1.6i+E lir€,t.851f+96- ' ' !. f,f,5E-kr ' /711 i.:;?E-0 1 Gre'= i. EguE-6 { I I 1 a 1 I 1.., g. iJ'ltJ i. ,iuff E. ;88i .'JerJ 8.688 -;'E.53s ir-1.;19''. 1b*fr5 SHEgR LK I P5] :r..43t 1 9, 892 13. it2 6. E ?':" ' 'a.i,-l32 -E.5gB -, l3. 188 -,19. 7u8 -2b. 364 I':..r75 r1.+7.1 13.28t .. 1;'5. ibA 1E.|BuP lEi.B;'5 " t,'i .:t.:tl | f,?. 5 r;J i: . 18u t';. 3b5 !b. rau :. i+6 --5. 7S8 T'J1;2ES 33.giJO r'-i1.\.iiit.. L-*= lf12'''f.l:rBa -:'1i.:+3 1.;litir -16.:r. Z7r : . rjtje - l55l ?99 3.BUE -1iil ..31+ :.88rJ -lt1+.8+'j 5. Er;A -31. -:i5 rr. LtgU -b I . I'JE ?.8uu -+?. +''-5' ' E.tBPt -2u. :5tl t. BBU - 1?. i75 I r, . ugg g. Udlt -34-.984 - l.tgBE-B1-35.5t:ig r1. }JEUE+BB Vc+tr t ?4,9e fr7o t2t) .i1..r?5 .9..i l5 .-t., r r C.ir.TJ J. 25.475 :1. .i i5-?lrii5 it. +:5 17..ti5 15.+75 "''"*--?. 4{2E-B? 6.6EgE+Aa -3. .i'r iE-E:-:. bbzE-Bz -b, buti:-82 -7 . !A6E-8? -b.55 !E-82 -b. lbiE-E? -+. 'J+EE-Er2 -'l . Tb]E-u2 [i.8uaE+bg ri xrqjll t J o 5TRUCTURE OgiTR , mEfleERs FIXEO sIJPPORTS PINNEO gUPPORTS 2ai iiaMAER DE5II]}IFITIOf't5, LEflGTH5, BND NONEN] 5 gF I1ET1BER L(FI] ITINf4] 1 33. gBB 11854. BBIJ 2 16. [,i]A 1495+. gga ++**LBAgI[iG CotrDlTlt]ll ftg. 0Efl0 6fi 13' rifii {,Ull I Fi,Rn+ iiETlEER U TK/FT] 1 fJ. 3gg d- 2. bEB -luIfiT 0IgPLlCEnEnTs JOINT UERT.DI5FL. i I l{J 1 E. lltirBE+EB 2 8. [,6SE+84 3 E. uklgE+grj i+aBrlFLYgIS 0F CONTIttUOUs 8E5.ln5r*f 6RIO 7 TUO 5FFN N0 C|InTILEVER E CKSI] lAgA.gAA ITTERT IR 6l't I li, cntlf i LEUER ,rCOi\CEtITRFTED* F tKIP5] XL IFTl flflCI SUFPORT EEf,ijTION5 ROTI.ITION UERT. REtlC. dRH!IHN5] IKIPS] -1.3'l 9E-83 -3.8?+-2.1u2E-94 -13.791 1. 153E-84 -t.:85 JJINT JEITtT 1 I 3 2 .'l 2 RE5TRf, I f'tTs T'/PE RESTRT1 I IlT P T NfiED P I ITNED F I hTtED NOITENT RECC. tF T - K.,r 3. g8u [J. 6UE,g. 966 fiEnEER riEflgER 1 'j RE':.ULT5 riEflBER 1, I 1 I { ETID 5HEFR5 HIiO TIOflEI{TE LEFT II IN IP9] LEFT fl TFT-K] 3 . 82+ -rJ - tii'itE 13. i15 -37. 154 At 1/1 FOIhTS XL tFTl N|]i'IEitT LFT-K] RIGHT UtKIP5] -6.8 76 ' -b.285 R IGHT T1 tFT-KJ -.ji?. 15+ -t,.948 {/ERT.DisPL. tlnl 8. [t8tiE+€B l. 11ZE-B I 1 . SbtJE-B 1 . 7. {r31E-A? E. rauEE+ia[t g. 60nE+tlB - i . 14PiE-63 1 . d?iE-63 z, 6 l:E-03 E. BEAE+96 'd. rJaa B.23cJ 18. Skls !.i. 758 33. ia86 4.668 i. 5BA 5. 88A l. Sl.JS 18. 86S -8.6S6i1.339:r. ?r,0:. 762 -3r.154 -37.15i -9. 11E E. +?3 S. ,i;1 - a . qtEttt sHEflR TK IP5] 3.424l. 3i9 -1.128 -3. bE 1 -b. Btb 13.715 6.715 3.,',15 - t.':u5 -b.285 / NENBEII NENEER''i. 2 L CFTI 33. Ss6 16. €88 6.t|bg 2.594 5. BA8 7. 5t,6 18.064 I Ctttt.ir 14854. SB5 14854.098 DE5 I Bl{FrT t 0l{5, LEt{sr t{l : ll9 ]IOIIEIITS OF IIIERTIB NONENT REFC. CFT-K] 0. 886 8.608 ' ' g.ggs RTGHT U CKIP5].RIGHT N TFT-K] -99.394 8. gtB kt r1,,Jo @ *-'tt1.t>) flONEHT REFC. TFT-K1 a. 86S 6.006 8. €16S RIGhT U (KIPS) RIGHT 11 CFI'K} -7.966 -196.886 -6.6S8 -rir.Bor JOIT{T REsTNHIilTsioinr T'rPE REsrRf,Ittr I P I nfiEo 2', PINNED i *+,I+L0t{DItlG CoftOITIt'N nO' 1. TOTffL EOTH 5Pf,I'I5 nEilBER -r^'irtrrl P r:KIPsl KL cFTl 1 2.8g|az 2,196 JBINT DT9PLFCENENTS gND sUPPORT REACTIOITS l;i;ii --ueii.orsPt: - RorllIq!. UERT'RERc' rrnl :- -iinotcnrsl lKll:l 1 u. dobE"eo - 1' 3l?E-oz '2e'9?g ; o:sose.as 1's2g,8's2, -56'632 ; i:sisE*ou 8.4'aeE-63 o'oss NENEER END 5HEBRs gND NONENTs iE;ilii -llrr u(KIPs] LEFT ftlfl-Kl"-"i-- zs.37v -6'663 i zo.g'az -168' 610 **r*LoflgING C0NDlTt0N ll0' 2 igrnu ott c,.rrrTlLEuER otlL *uttlFgRhr {'c0HCENTRnTEq: nEnEER -.l lKlrrl P (K I P5) xL tFT) ' 1 6. 3kia 2 z'-B(tq -36.630/ s.6s? lroyrr* @o#o JOI}IT DTSPLICENETITS I1ND sUPPORT RERCTIBII5 l;ii'ii -'[bRi:i'rseul' ior*rtu!- uERr'REAc' tinl iF*otnnsl tKIPsl t o.dt gEtgo 5'{!3E-6'i - 1'328 ; a.oBBE+Ba -:'sssE-o3 -27'gao ; -5:u:'le-si -5' 3suE-03 o' 6ao }lEhBER EI.ID sHEFRs BNO ilONETITS i'iilAili -Lirr ucKiPsl LEFr niFr-Kl"-"1--- 1.9?6 -8' g6a i za.sgtd -e9' 399 RESULT5 ENEER 1 t 1 1 I a, 2, 2 -99.999 -56.25S-25.606 -6. 251 -9.681 SHERR LKiPS] 1.926 -6.555 -3.636 -5.595 -7.986 ' 26.gsa 15. 696 16.808 5.646' -0.680 BT l/{ POIftTs 14L (F T] il0nEtrT tFT-Kt B.6BE -4.668'a.25s 5. 5?8 16.566 -9.163 74.755 -44.372 33. 96S -196- 866 UERT.DI5PL. TIII} 6.6669+BO -5.15'lE-62 - 1 . 465E-81' -r.?'lEE-Bl 6.6808+A0' g.66gf+El6 1,222.E-91 2,6758-Bl a.23{rE-g 1' , 5.8?eE-Ol JOHNSON - VOTLAND - ARCOETA, lNC. Can&ahlng E fugt'lirel b$tAcft \L/ \L/ \.U.r.J ,1t-P .4:rttt LaNlzvzrts "i--+; -iir. co-t.oo n r 46 srEErrro I o, C CHXD.BY- DATE rao,Fjct 0u*,*tot f*6 St.t l Arad., Cob.r& WtI&.a291t5tt*b.*tgtt JoHNsoN - vorLAND - or",lrr^ ,*".!)-"-btit&. Coto.& Ot42 ,et f&on Str..,,r.r&, C.r.rdot&zftt rtw aztm,t ,l c-iew l^r, ca.l.gU rcat sHErrro 2 o, C (4Or.r-fr-> %+-4-- i' CHXO.BY- DATE- PROJECT I JOHNSON - VOTLAND - ARCIOETA tNC. Coruuhing Struaunl hthcos cv -@-o^rE-W- Joat CH|(D.EY- DATE- PROJI *,xt"*t t *tt aa+lttl t0t f'/lo. 5t...,Ar*.CMW2t*&a*t6t srfEErr{o 7 oe L eaorcct J I I I I I I JOHNSON - VOTLAND - ARCOETA rNC. CHTO. SY- DATE Contulrint Srruc'urol E Bhcqt N fu-otte (e'4'& toer 4<.94 , Cobr&O )*rrtI t&t fuLor Sa|..tAtu Cob.&tMftt *a2o26t sIIEETXO + OG U (4W cu I PR(NECT JoHNsoN - vorLAND - or"Orr^, ,*".@4@ fu* W,yCo,,,'ult W S | ructunl Fngineerc ", a-. ls16 b.+.W ;61sg ,- e- o.O.CHKO. BY- OAI! - PROJECT *b?q sHEErr{o b os Ju JOHNSON - VOTLAND - ARCOETA, lNC.*ffi*tc|t fuaoa 5....,l.r&. Cotu*m2t t b 1T26t a{EETxo (?Corauhint Structuicl &qineas ev ?*.* oArE v-\t-bO $Br A1-5q CHTO.AY- DAIE- PROJECT Cst?c c- A (.Qcn {r ,L\)?,'l Itr a'IQw L VJ L .Y t v p WF ,JC d ?(,..Pvt '12rr,/v t 2 F.\"u J a |..a\2 V-{,.E \2 9 /-K:t{a , r^. U)lo b' "v 4r^O./a &{v2 t-4 b0 l,t-bb + lot ,7>,ow r(7 ?,o * \g oa )*4;QC V \r4 r-\r,-T-otA<'(A V t {fB 4 rc vc ,e Ib' I 4 t-\*rtll!-L,-t |of A n try LA 4ioo ?\,(v W')?,44 l&t M ul Ittra^+t 1>4,.1 JoHNsoN - vorLAND - o*"l-.r^ ,*". Consulrlng Strucrual &Vir|,'&t sy fu' ori:re.W- toet tVcctw.s,a, k Ua.. Colq.do &3U Ltqler al+t'tl ttt,., Y.t tttl A*. A.td.. Cobr& m2t Ltltol'$Ontt rl 8!{EET flO OF -J- CHTD. AV- DATE PROJECT (4e(L J JoHNsoN - vorLAND - otcftrA, rNc. C oaEuh lrrt S, rr.c tur al bqiruu s "i'-Z;o"; o^* t,.+'ag $.r +1En sfiEErrro I o, I G1ITO.3Y- DATE - (4.(. ot-. Jo>onlvL t4si ftao,t&n rN.4CoI,'.dooI2 Ar*.c.bt&Wt:I'/J,,.U+t)tt l**abuj PNOJECT JoHNsoN - vorLAND - enc'ferA, rNc. Contt ltiry S,ructual Ft$n ert en b- J;y;e v.F-bb ;61as sHEErrro I or I CHXD. IY- DATE (aPcc-' t*,,,,JarJ tdor Strtrtlrvd., Cobr&Wtr.b*d atuNtt t "la..,l1+lt"l JoHNsoN - vorLAND - o""O-rr^ ,*". Contuhlng Slructural Engincers ar &rw oxe b'?'W ss., tould.r, Colo,.do OtUt WoE ua.l,tt 6ttt V.[ SttC At'. Awda Colordo W2 T.Wott azLntt t4AHEETXO O} L4GA CHTD, EY- OATE ta(oc,. lr-l JoHNsoN - vorLAND - lncferr rr.rc. C one,ltil'g S t ructua I hgir0cr t et -@- saTs b'l'bb $s1 414q CHTD. AV- DATE (4(au tron ,hL'.tutdo&uttt?|n4a-t'tt tt't h.lo, Sr...tArt,Cobr&mtt tt,lFa]o.zatt SHEET1O 7- oF Z PNEL|I. JoHNsoN - vorLAND - ^r"lrr^,*".Corra. ittt Strucrwal &4trccrt ;v -&- oxe ts'\'bb CHTO.SY- OATE- PBOJECT A?CO too t t6rt flLa 9r..,A.!d4 Cdo.&m,r,*a*l!6t I3HEETIO ' Ot I a )6-q 'r2tavr tF.:a ?2 ,\b1r {n ?R r{t -t-x-c c2l'F A ht t*%(7 a,b a o.L 'l (r 'a)4 ,>) 2t (-tk o,.;.*I L,^E L L^aral 4 s2 c r.,{r,/-ae-cZ 4,AA ^)t l+l4,@ o '7 a) 'L2 rt aL1 lf I L c 4:e<t e .a v),4 # re 4 PL 7",t jt I a-( +1 w a _7 i9 d)??-l rFf $,\| \rl L x-,?2L I.to/c-)g '7C ||l r A va c?-2)rI o.I (a ioa )','Ll bb 2 t-,(.|l L /n '*t, ,l za (L c l I LL rl I ?.tr L /a rt v 'll t{l I U rt l.t€-t rri4 4-.(?L 1=9-I + Dpf nies Compat'reon Ghart .i I q;tn I -,rldtll Yield Strenolh r Seclion Modulus t 4 .-.G Simple Eeam Load = r- y 6llol at0v8 omds lor posls, and simplo Beam Load is bassd on nid-ootnt USS CYCLONE Fenco comprohoostyo b.Fluto. Covers all typ€s ot CYCLONE Fence with descrip- taons and photos ol end us€s. Typical spocs and .' construclion d€taits, too. ADUSS 5$8013{1. , ' . USS CYCLONE ForE Frci Fllo. An ideal guide lor archit€ctrs, has live folders with specili&tion data on gatss, tonnis court, color coaled and socu.ity lencing. ADUSS Sg8O47-Sg. USS CI|CLONE Cdc Corrod Chrin lJnt rndOmrmeitrl Syrlcnr pictures pVC coated chain link and ornamantal tencing. Includes specitlcation and constructton d6taits. ADUSS 5g€011.O2. USS GYCLONE Atumtnum-C.;o.tod Ch.an Uil" Highlights th€ characteristics of aluminum*oated sleel fabric-st.ength. corrosion and heat r€sis-lance-that make it superior to all-aluminum orgalvaniz€d st€€l f€nc€ tabrac. ADUSS 5+39474]. 2.13/Cy Tormansl Port The Cyclone terminal post is designed lor sgcurity. ltelim- inales ea8ily disassembled fittrngs. Each ol the tO gage lock loop8 soaced at 9.3,, has a holcting pow€r ol 12@ lbs. and lh€ labric weaves righl lhrough th€m. l j H-Section Une Post The high-strength H-post m€ets th€ n€€dsot lhe f€nce specilier who rsquir€s addi- honal strength for high securaty and h€avy load situ- ations. lt is designed lik€ a beam and manufaclured from high-strength Et€sl. .tlL! Cyclone'8 top rail like the C-post is d€signed to etti- crently r€sist dir€ctional loading. lt complotes tho square configuralion a9p€arance of our framework and lik€ oth€r components it is unitormly coated on both sides and does not tloavy Standard"C" Unc Pct "C"Uno post Avsilabl€ in two Eize8. th€se lins posts uliliz€ a mor€ etlicient shap€ ot steel to achieve grealer bendtng strsngth wher€ it is need€d - porp€ndicular to thefenc€ line. They're design€d op€n and coaled uniformly on all Surtac€s to prqvont corro- sion and they have a high de.gr€€ of nolch loughness to r€sist low €nergy impact fractuaea when driv€n withpower €quapm€nt. ts17."-lTiF2=i,'u nJn uTH It_tv w Top B.il T.l i I It t'l I tl- . trap moisture. :L- - -- *. - *-u -... _.r--