HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B GOLDEN PEAK CHILDRENS CENTER 1988 LEGALa FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belol items need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. ilo FINAL PLUMBING FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MPORARY C of DATE: r\"N*-*q*-\$=q\ x uytr"ct O Oru asnt-r /6 b^4ler \ (at1^. vtlncc,Xd, - olt, W<^.!- W6uj * rk * cwa wt vra,*t* "tl{ im Eairrrnr,v$ -aatrvu+( I@Vt'dt" t- Proiect Appllcation Proiect Name: ProfectDescription: .S( 4 lt ?, o ,ln o 'l Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: cl,({*,,', A- Architect, Address and Phone: L6gal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Commenls: Design Review Board Date Molion by:lv, -{ Seconded by: APPROVAL Z--o DISAPPROVAL Summary: El statf Approval sNowDoNaNDcHrilNS 201 Gore Creek Drive vAtL. coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476.2201 CHECKEO BY oAlE taff*r@E,Er-, b. crrr sNowDoN AND GKtNs ARCHITECTS 201 Gore Creek Drive vAtL. coLoRADO 81657 (3031 476.220t CALCULATEO BY A4 cHECr(€O gY tmn ?oat /ffi)h- o- rr ttart sNowDoN ANDOPK|NS ARCHITECTS 201 Gore Creek Drive vArL. coLoRADO 81657 (303) 47S2201 JOB 8HEET NO.tA/ cttcutrteosv UllY o, lf. ,^,. llf lbf gI CHECXEO 8Y rlmrra.r @t*. c,6i. h or.rl sNowDoN ANDOPKTNS ARCHITECTS 2Ol Gore Creek Drive vArL, coLoRADO 8t657 (303) 476.220r CHECKEO 8Y q.^, F \u '- lt 'ot' |rd.{r to.t 1-'@ ||t . Cd.. rs Olt'l sNowDoN nno lprrrus ARCHITECTS 20l Gore Creek Drive vArL. coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476-2201 ,." (nold\n 4 nltldral,'q rilfiar sxeer Ho.L o, 15 c^LcuL t.o ey-W-----------:-'^r. lV lv| 6o0 CH€CXED 8Y oAtE | -0r. .@(l2rat /@E cdlr rr. ol.ll sNowDoN AND ]61x5 ARCHITECTS 2Ol Gore Creek Drive vArL, coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476.2201 "^""u,,^rro ", -fu9---L "^r, Il/lto / 0L CHECKED 8Y tr64l n+t@h.. oa r" olart sNowDoN nno |}nrus ARCHITECTS 201 Gore Creek Drive vArL, coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476.220r JO8 aHeEt No.o, 15 "^r.ut r.o t 419 ,^r. lV lnf hg CHECK€D BY jtt * llnP* nort t!.t f@t.t. c,ri. r- or.l sNowDoN ANDaPK|NS ARCHITECTS 201 Gore Creek Drive vArL, coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476.220r CALCULAIEO BY //11 CXECXEO 8Y JOA J ,r..r"o. T o, 15 ^* lt/wlat DA?E |ml|r.t/m7|r. o,-,r-. a||rr sNowDoN nno ]xrns ARCHITECTS 201 Gore Creek Drive vArL. coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476.2201 JOB .^r"ur^rro., -&L- r^r. lt/lb / 0g CHECXEO gY oAtE rmtr &.1f=@ft. cdq rd 0tatl sNowDoN ANDoPK|NS ARC}IITEETS 2Ol Gore Creek Drive vArL, coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476.220r "^tart rro "r-M-- o, .15 ^* llfvlSt CHECKED EY 9CALE |'oarrm+t/ffit|G c*. rr orrl sNowDoN ANDOPK|NS ARCHITECTS 2Ol Gore Creek Drive vArL, coLoRADO 81657 (303) 475.220r CXECKED 8Y tl(.lrr toat 1ffi, ||i- c,i.r ra atan sNowDoN nruo ]xrns ARCHITECTS 201 Gore Creek Drive vArL, coLoRADO 81657 (3031476220L "rrrr*o. '-l')/ o, lC c^LcuLArEo ", nt "^* llf lhlfioo CH€C|(EO BY DATE ar0f,t a+t @t h. c,fi", r- 0latt sNowDoN AND GKTNS ARCHITECTS 2Ol Gore Creek Drive vArL. coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476220r CHECKEO BY nqrtloa-r @k. crrl rr or'l sNowDoN ANDOPK|NS ARCHITECTS 201 Gore Creek Drive vArL, coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476.2201 c^rcul^r€o ", 0tl9 "^',' ll/lblg\ CXECKEO gY DAYE l.: g tt raIr r.rl@|t. c,-r h. orrl sNowDoN nno ]xrns ARCHITECTS 2Ol Gore Creek Drive vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476.220r "^t"ur^rro", /[15 ,^rt [flVfgg CHECKEO 8Y- V'tt z lt,1u OATE SCALE r'@n et lEEl E cn!.. r-, ol.tl bt-evl1 w4 /' t)ft)?? 421+1wV'a .16 oofio?vTv :'.]AVk+J.rY 4, ?Vh+b NW ;1,'" \ %A.t+?.b?? 14v\ta1 1,4.v. -uii |tt174.Fe ?V4$7f ' 4 Vp / t v l ld a'fl r .?L-ll -v. ry v^ - - -4 -lffivZc*'ii'rcP119' ry ?Y;t ' '4. =- ._. .,. TGT kt p4,,?i1q' k /4 v ?veqlv +tz,e:-^t?ta,{, --?VWilE W6#'ryj.t- */_:!-"'" " g4414-tt tp,' : --=------= - Ii/-nl-vjY1)r%,,z- --{K-/-;*-..--+ -, / *T q 1?.v. Er"' 1!Pv llvt4 ,=.,ff-r - ?i\??y1t/)b)A'ffi,ifuz a1X17A7e ( l1 l1I v r vY l1 h?b,tW,^) t+ AW tzA2p1,9ft3iV *i,x Y'e I {\a\ rq W7zh?W:ea d1+ +?-? -,Pra1v3\,ufl 1-ttt r \.. ?tw2vlfr?)x dl-,,Ht 4U/ .s/.E,,,( ,)'..=';-)x- lnu.L1L te .a---tqh 0"W 22 *#,:-''- +1o4< 'a An I''\€^x\'.. i4v ? '| .l1 I s Now DoN & [;rt.:t J"? .rffi.uEcrs vArL, C0L0RAD0 81657 WE ARE SENDING YOU F Attached E Under separate cover via ! erints LtrTTEO O F TRANSnfl oT'lrAL ,K ptans Samples the following items: E Specifications TO tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter tr Change oder D (303) 476.2201 coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIP'ION 4,tl/ ttalgl / 1/Ilrdl{e [6 ilii -dM6l t It I I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked B For approval { For your u." C As request€d I For review and commcnt tr FOR BIDS DUE b€low: E Approved as submitted E Approved as noted E Returned for corrections Resubmit-copies for approval Submit-copies for distribution Return -correct€d prints tr tr tr 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER IOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SlGNED: PRotrxiI2aG2 l@rE, edi, |! otr'l.t, atrcto.trraa tat tot .. ,rotad. kindtt ^otnt ua ,t onca' Tot FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental Conmission Connunity Developnent Department Noveruber 28, 1988 A request to arnend Chapter 18.71 of the VaiIMunicipal Zoning Code regarding additional 250 sguarefeet of GRFA.AppJ.icant: Town of Vail % I. BACKGROUND Due to a recent appeal of a staff decision relating to theadditional 250 square foot ordinance, the planning- Connission and Town Council have directed the staif toprepare revisions to this chapter of the zoning code. Therecent controversy related to whether or not completedernolition and the subsequent building of a new housegualified for an additional Z5O square feet of GRFA. Thestaff decision to deny the application was upheld by boththe Planning and Environrnental Conmission and the T6wncouncir, but there was sentinent expressed. toward revisingthe ordinance to allow such proposals to qualify for anadditional 25O sguare feet" On October 2 , X9gg, a joint meeting of the pEClTC washeld to discuss this ordinance change. The majority of PEC/TC mernbers agreed that revisions to the ordinance' should be made to allow dernolition/rebuitd .projects togualify for an additional 250 square feet undel Chapter. 18.71. That.change (as found in revised 1g.Z1.O1OPurpose) is proposed as welL as several other rninorchanges suggested by the'Town Attorney and.other rnembers' of the'PEC/TC. Ldrry Eskwith felt that changes to the' wording regarding infiv-rdual dwelling units were necessaryto be consistent with the definition section of the zoninicode and has proposed rewording to refer to. single farnirv-dwellings and dwelling units. Larry also felt ttrat usinithe word, trbuildingrr rather than rrstructurer was more' accurate in relation'to the definition of ilbuildingr asfound in the zoning code. The ordinance also wourd allowMr. Chester to receive an additional 250 square feet dueto proposed Section 18.71.05O allowing such proposals tonow be approved under the revised ordinance. Finally, it was suggested that a rnulti-fanily projectshould be subject_to additional landscaping lna sitereviews after a five year tirne period, ind-language tothat effect has been proposed for 19.7l.O3O f'.-(p.+). ln rr.EVALUATTON OF FOR AMENDMENT THE ZONTNG A. Suitabilitv of Existinq ordinance. The 250 square foot ordinance has worked well forboth the Town of Vail and the developers who haveutilized it. The ordinance has certlinly succeededin addressing the very difficult issue o? srnall GRFAadditions which have no adverse inpacts and providesignificant building and site inpr6vements ii return.However, the issue of dernolition/rebuild was neveraddressed in the ordinance and rire feel that theissue now has received adequate discussion. we feelcomfortable that dernorition/rebuild should be arlowedunder the ordinance if, in return, tlre Town of Vailreceives elinination of existing nonconfornitiesrelating to uses and/or developroent standards asproposed in t9.71.020 c. The staff does not feel that it is a necessity tooffer the 250 square feet of additional GRFA -in orderto obtain the dernolition/ rebuilds. We feel thatthis trend is only beginning in Vail and willcontinue in the higher-end neighborhoods without theoffering of an extra 250 square feet. However, inour opinion, the 250 sguare feet is a reasonabietrade-off to receive conformities in other important. zoning standards such.as setbacks, height, sitecoverage, parking, landscaping, etc. - . fs !he_anenlnent proposal prese4tinq a convenient.workable relationship among lur@ Indeed, the original .250 square foot ordinance r{a5conceived to accornplish the objective of allowingsmall additions to existing houses. I{hile allowingan additional 250 square fiet for a deno/rebuildproject-rnay confuse ohrners of vacant, un'builtproperties as to why they donrt beneiit, the fownwill achieve the benefits of conformance to otherdeveloprnent standards in the single family and duplexzqne districts. The proposed anendnents are consistent with Land UsePlan Policy I.3 which states, nThe qualit{ "-f developrnent should be maintainedand upgraded whenever possible.rl Alsor_Policy 5.1 appears to support allowing denoTrebuilds: B. c. rrAdditional residential growth should continueto occur prinarily in existing, platted areas 3nd as appropriate in new areas where highhazards do not exist.rl Pges the- anendnelt. proposal provide for the qrowth ofan orderly and viable conrnunitv? We feel that there is no conftict between therevisions proposed and the growth of an orderly andviable community. III. STAEF RECOI,IMENDATTON The staff recommends approval of the proposed. amendmentsto the 25o square foot ordinance (chapte; 18.21) of thezonirlg code. We feel courfortable'with allowing demor/rebuilds to qualify for additionar 250 square ieet ai lonqas the Town receives the trade-off of the elimination ofany nonconfonning uses and/or development standards in theprocess. The staff also feels that the other ninorclranges. to tbe ordi.nance ser:ve to cl.arify and strengthenthe ordinance in general . . One area .for. discussion. is to require a linited tirne' ::'period'.after :denolition--to cnnstrucL the* new: structure or: ,.. J-ose. the. privilege. of- the. additional.. sguare footage. In'..-,.:-other words,-is i.t reasonable to .requiie the. new 5uila.ing .- .. to be constructed within a year of hrhen the building' ' :; permit: is. issued or .forfeit the additiqnal 25o .sguaie feet'(and the lot would revert back to regular zoningl-? . .. The Planning connission decision lritl be a recornmendation:. I .tro the Torrn Council on this zoning arnendruent. r.t -o 1. Planning and Environmental ConnissionOctober 24, Lggg PRESENTAll present STAFF PRESENTKristan Pritz susan ScanlanRick Pylnan Betsy RosoLack The neeting lras called to order by the chairman, Jin Viele. est oras setback v ce and avartanceorderto construct a f on voliLodqe. to the S Recreation Zo e Districtorder to include previousl allowed outdoor uses.Fpplicant: Town gf VaII Rick'_Pylman explained that in March the planning connissionanended the Ski Base Recreation District to allow thechildren's center. During the process, the Town inadvertentryIeft out section B which included the outdoor uses. Joe Macylrepresenting Vait Associates, stated that he approved of theanendment. Diana Donovan asked if Manor Vailrs concerns hadbeen taken care of. And peter stated they had been and thatwhen_they realized there were no changes being nade to theoriginal ordinance, they were content. Diana recommendedapproval to the Town Council to anend the Ski Base RecreationZone District as presented in the staff memo. Bryan Hobbs seconded the rnotion and the vote was 7 to o. o Applicant: Robert Lazier Betsy Rosolack explained the staff rnemo and said that the staffreconmended approval . Jay peterson, representing theapplicant, stated that the applicant needed to biild thestairway for.safety purposes.- when Bob Lazier buiLt the sixunits to the west, the Building Department requested that hebuild a fire stairway on the eist 3iae of the -building. GarenAasland of John Perkins Architects showed a model of ttrestairway which included balconies. Jin Viele asked if thelarge evergreen to the north of the stairway could be saved,and Ga1en answered that if the balconies are part of theconstruction, they would have to move the tree. Diana Donovanstated that she would rather see the tree remain and elirninatethe balconies' Diana rnoved to approve the request for setbackand common area variances, stating the condition of strict orl"iterar interpretation of the law but with the condition thatthe tree be left intact and the balconies be renoved. Sidschurtz seconded the notion and the vote was z to o in favor ofthe request. 2" l},--"-/A--) *"rsroO Vartr- 1-{) ro: planning and Environmental Commission AppfZr,le-. FROM: Department of Cornrnunity Developrnent DArE: October 24, 1988 SU&t: Ski Baser/Recreation Zone District AmendmentApplicant: Town of VaiI I. BACKGROUND ON REQUEST In ltarch of 1988, the Town of Vail approved Ordinance 6 of 1988 which amended the Ski Base/Recreation Zone District to allowthe construction of the Children's Ski Center. The children'sSki Center use was inserted as Section B - rrPermitted Useswithin the Secondary Buildingx of the Ski Base/Recreation ZoneDistrict. This reguired a recodification of the folLowing sections of the ordinance. As the result of a word processingerror, several sections of the previously existing ordinance were deleted from the revised ordinance No. 6. The Town ofVait, in recognizing this error, is requesting to replace these uses which were unintentionally deleted. These sections' which were deleted, read as follows in the Ski Base/RecreationDistrict previous to March of 1988: Section 18.39.O3O C. 2. Before acting on multi-farnily dwelling units, the Planning Commission shall consider the following factors in regard thereto: a. Relationship and impacts of the use on developrnent objectives of the Town. b. Effect of the use on light and air, distributionof population, transportation facilities,utilities, schools, parks and recreationfacilities, and other public facilities andpublic facilities needs. c. Effect upon traffic, with particuJ.ar referenceto congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control ,access, maneuverabitity, and rernoval of snow frorn the streets and parking area. d. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bul.k of the proposed use in relationto surround uses. 3. The Planning Cornnission shatt make the findings setforth in L8.60.060 B. before permitting rnulti-fanilyunits within the main building. The following uses shall be permitted outsidethe main building as slrown on ttre approved development plan: 1. Ski trails, slopes and lifts 2. Snownaking facilities 3. Bus and skier drop-off 4. Surface parking lots 5. Ski racing facil.ities 6. Public park, tennis and volleyball courts and playing fields 7. Water treatment and storage facilities 8. Mountain storage buildings 9. Ski school activities 10. Special conmunity events 11. Food and beverage service fn Ordinance No. 6 of 1988, these sections should have beenincluded and should have been recodified to read Sectionl-8.39.030 D.2 a.b.c.d., 3, and then followed by 8., whichdescribes the uses pernitted outside the main building. Thereguest is to amend Ordinance No. 6 of 1988 to reflect theseinclusions. II. STAFF RECOMI.{ENDATION Staff reconmendation is for approval of the request. Thesesections of the ordinance were ornitted by mistake. Theiromission was not discussed or approved by the Planning Commission or the Town council, nor was it the intention of thestaff or the Planning Conmission or the Torirn Council to onitthese sections. This request is a correction to that error andour reconmendation is for approva^. D. o+ (( (f\ /5(r V€/ zsc Pt f'r,.^r5 Tr> 6>eDd G of 88 ZONINC 18.38.060 Parking and loading. Not rpplicable in the GNOS district. (Ord. 19fl976) g l?(pan): Ord. 8( 1973) $ 16.600.) ( Chapter 13.39 q$j_B_A- qp l_B E*C:RIAI Lo._ix D I s f R r cT. Sections: Purpose. 13.39.030 Permitteduses. 13.39.050 Contiitionatuses. !E.39.070 Accessoryuses. 13.39.075 Prohibiteduses. 13.39.0E0 Locgtion of business acrir.irv. 18.39.090 Deveiopmenrphnrequireri. 13.39.110 Development pian--onrenrs. 1E.39.120 Design stanciaicis/ criteria for evaiualion.1E.39.t30 Lor area. t3.39.150 Setbacks. 13.39.170 Heisht. 18.39.f80 Densityconuol. 18.39.190 Sitecoveraqe. 1E.39.2f 0 Landscaping and site development. 18.39.230 Parking. 18.J9.010 I'urpose. ['hc ski base recreation district is irrrr..nded to providc tirr rhe basc fa-cilitics necess rv to opc'rlr'the ski mountain and to allorvrnultr-fanrilv residcntiar drvellings as a second.rv usc it'ccrtain . critcria arc met. In addition. \ummer recrcltional uscs andIacilitie,s arc sncour.gcd to achic'c murti-seasonul usc ur s.mc .lthc tacilirics and provirlc tirrcllicicnt usc ol'thc laciliti.s. ttf .,t. -i.iil981) $ r.) | 3.-1r.030 l)errrrined uscs,n' l'he tirrr.rving uscs srr.I bc pcrnrrrrcrl rrirhi. rrrc r':rribuiiding rn thu ski basc rccrcurion tlistricr: t V:Il t l. | 5.h.1|_ltil o t. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. Ski lockers/ employee locker rooms. Ski school and ski patrol facilities. Lift ticket sales. Tennis pro shoo. Ski repair. rental. sales and accessorres. Resrauranti barr snack bar/ cancv sales. Winrer seasonai ski school relatid child care anri child-ren.'s ski school anci appunenanr recreationai raciiiries Surnnier se asonal Town of Vail recreation ori-ices. Meeting rooms lbr owner use anci communrrv-onenred organizations. S I(I SASE ; RECRE.\TION DISTITICT .rlJp ur rE;u.rur rcsreauonal laclllnes-. an6-tr'ciE-fanis_ -_: :: -- -' -- 8. 9. rI 10. Injury prevenrion and rehabilitarion racilities ibr owner suse. I l. Basket rsntal. 12. Special communirv evenr. Retail and meering roo. sp"." limiration.l. Retajl sales space, rvhether it be a permirred or contiirional use, in the first trvo floors shall bi limired ro amaximumof fifieen- percent of the. nonresidenrial gross squarefootage of the main building. Under SecriJn-iS.:S.O:0.retail shall be defined as tennis pro shop, candy sales. ski - re-pair/ rental/sales and accessoiies, and baskei rental.2. Meeting rooms shall be limited to a maiimum ot nuepercent of the nonresidential gross square lbotage of themain buildins. Lllli:,:lllr <l.wiiling units rvithin the main building ii theroltowtng req uirements are met:l. The tlwelting units shall be a sccon<tarv usc rvirhin rhemain.build.ing if they mecr thc tbltorving crircria:a, No residential use on ground level.b. Visu l impacrs such as surlace parking for thctlrvellinq rrnirs shall.be minimized-by prJvirling atlcast torrl'percenr ol'rhc rcquircd poriing wirhin themuin huildine.c. -l-hc rnaximum qross rcsidcntill lloor lru.a (CRFr\)dcvotcd to rlrvcllinu units shall not cxcced rhirtvpcrccnt ol' the totill gross squurc Iootaqe ol main\lfucturc. B. c. ffi) .1:i2- t t v.rrl ll.l5.tJl ZONING 2. Before ac.tingon multi-family dwelling units, the planning commission shall consider the following factors in re-eard thereto:a. Relationship and impacrs of the use on development o bjectives of rhe rorvn.b. Effect of the use on iight and air, distriburion of population, transporration laciliries, uriliries, schools. :: :-.: -::: faciiiriesand'pubjic'taciliries ne-ecis .-. . .- .- :-. c. Effect upon traffic, ,,r.irh panicular referencc ro coneestlon. automouve and peoestrian saielv and convenience, traffic l'low and control. access. maneu_ verabilitv. and removal of snow from the streets and parkins area.d. Effect upon rhe characrer of the area in rvhich the proposed use is to be locareci, inciudine the scale andbulk of the proposed use in relarion 16 surroundins uses. 3. The planning commission shall make the t.indings serforth in Section I8.60.060 B. before permitting irulti_ family unirs within rhe main buildinqD. The follorving uses shall be permitred oursirje the mainbuilding as sho$n on the lpDroved <ievelopment plan.l. Ski rrails. slt'rpes and lilis.2. Snowmaking iircilities. .1. Bus and skicr drop-oll.4. Surface parking iots. 5. Ski racing tacilir ics. 6. Ptrblic park. lcnnis and r'()llc\.ball c()urts i.t1d plur.inr liulds. 7. Water trcltmcnt and storaqc l'acilitics.ll. Nlounrairr stor:lrrc buildinr:s.9. Skischool acrivir ics. l(1. Spccial communitl, cvcnrs. I l . F ood and bcr.cnrrc rcrr.icc. (Ord. -1li (1981) $ l.) I lt.J9.05ll (bnrlilioltll rncr. .,\. I hc lo!los rnu crrrttlrtionlrl tr:r:s sh:rll hc Dcrnrr crl tn tltc ..ki hirrc rccr...l,ttrt)n (li\tt.rct. suhicct to thc rrsu:rrrcr: (ll il c()n(lt_ ( lSl-l,'. .r|a l l .l i.' ll (D dLD,^l,r*>clf errt*- ORDINANCE NO. 6 Series of 1988 Sanor.:) lcsr-cft$' ANoRDINANCEREPEALINGANDRE-ENACTINGSECTIoN-18'39.030' PERMITTEDUSEsoFCHAPTER18.jg,_crla4lqlnEcREATI0NDIsTRIcT OF THE VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE' WHEREAS,Sect.ionlS.39.030ofChapterlS.3goftheVailMunjcjpalCode describes the perm.i tted uses of the Ski Base/Recreation zone district; and ,HEREAS, vail Associates, Inc. has submitted an applicatjon to amend section 18.39.030 of the Vail Municipal Code; and hlHEREAS, the Planning and Environmenta.l Commission of the Town has recommended approval of the amendment to section 18.39.030 of the vai'l Municipal code; and WHEREAS'theTownCouncilconsidersjt.inthepublicinteresttoamendsaid section of the MuniciPal Code' Nol'l,THEREFoRE,EEIToRDAINEDBYTHEToi.lNcoUNcILoFTHEToWN0FVAIL' COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Section18.39.o30oftheVai.|Mun.icipa.|Codeisherebyrepealedandre.enactedto read as fol 'lows : 18.39.030 Permitted Uses A. The fol'lowing uses shall be permitted within the main building in the Ski Base/Recreation District: 1. Ski Lockers/Emp'loyee Locker Rooms 2. Ski School and Ski Patrol Facilities 3. Lift Ticket Sales 4. Tennis Pro ShoP 5. Ski Repair, Rental , Sales and Accessories 6. Restaurant/Bar/Snack Bar/Candy Sa] es 7. Summer Seasonal Town of Vail Recreation Offices g. Meeting Rooms for gwner Use and Community-Oriented 0rganizations g.InjuryPreventjonandRehabi.|itatjonFaci]itjesfor0wners'Use 10. Basket Rental 11. SPecjal CommunitY Events B. Permitted Uses Within the Secondary Building l.Year-roundchi]dcareandchildren'sskischoolandappurtenant recreati onal fac i l i t ies and programs 2. Children's ski school services and programs 3. CommunitY events and Programs 4. Summer recreational Programs .LJ l' /" C. Retail and Meeting Room Space Limitation 1. Retail sales space, whether jt be a permitted or conditional use, in the first two floors shal'l be limited to a max'imum of 15% of the non- residential gross square footage of the main building. under Section 1g.3g.030, retail shall be defined as tennjs pro shop, candy sales' ski repair/rental,/sa'l es and accessori es, and basket rental ' 2. Meeting rooms shalI be limited to a maximun of 5% of the non-residential gross square footage of the main building' ' D. Multi-family dwel'ling units within the majn building if the following requirements are met: 1. The dwelling unjts shall be a secondary use within the main buildjng if they meet the following criteria: a. No residential use on ground level ' b. visual impacts such as surface parking for the dwelling units shall beminimjzedbyprovidingat.|east40%oftherequiredparking within the majn building. c. The maxjmum gross residential f'l oor area (GRFA) devoted to dweiling unitsshallnotexceedthirtypercentofthetota.lgrossSquare footage of the ma'i n structure. Section 2. In accordance with Section 18.39.110 of the Ski Base,/Recreation zone district' the development plan submitted by the developer, Vail Associates, Inc., is hereby amended by the Town Councjl and incorporated into thjs ordinance' The approved deve'l opment plan shall be amended by the inc] usion of Snowdon & Hopkins, Sheets L,2,4,5, dated 2/L/88 and Sheet 3 dated 2/4/88 as welI as vajl Associates revised Master plan dated 12/L4/87. With regard to the recreational path relocation south of tennjs courts 3-6, Sheet 3 shall be amended by Matthews Associates Sheet L-l dated February 8, 1988. The approved and amended development plan sha'l 1 incorporate by reference in this ordinance the fol'lowing conditions: Vai'l Associates sha'l 'l contribute 50 percent of the cost of a walkway to be constructed between the Ramshorn and Manor Vail at commencement of construction of the majn bujlding as described in the Golden Peak Development Pl an. vail Assocjates shall contribute $10,000 for a traffic control gate installation at the bus stop upon commencement of constructjon of the main building as described in the Golden Peak Deve'l opment Plan' -2- ORDINANCE NO. 35 Series of 1988 ii*+fliiif illii' iisliiihlliliihiliffi n?nffi I' ilhl-" INSURANCE FUND OF THE 1988 BUDGET AND FINANCIAL PLAN FOR THE TOltJN 0F VAIL, C0L0RAD0; AND AUTH0RIZING THE EXPENDITURES OF SAID APPROPRIATIONS AS SET FORTH HEREIN. WHEREAS, contingencies have ari sen duni ng the fiscal year 1988 which could not have been reasonably foreseen or anticipated by the Town Council at the tjme jt enacted 0rdjnance No.35, Series of 1987, adopting the 1988 Budget and Financial Plan for the Town of Vail, Colorado; and, WHEREAS, the Town has received certain revenues not budgeted for previously; and, WHEREAS, The Town Manager has certified to the Town Council that suff.i cient funds are avajlable to discharge the appropri ations referred to henein, not otherwise reflected in the Budget, in accordance with Section 9.10(a) of the Charter of the Town of Vail; and' WHEREAS, 'i n order to accomplish the foregoing, the Town Councj'l finds ' that it should make certain supplemental appropriations as set forth herein. Nol,l, THEREFoRE, be jt ordained by the Town Councjl of the Town of Vai1, Col orado, that: pursuant to Section 9.10(a) of the Charter of the Town of Vail, Colorado, the Town Council hereby makes the fo'l lowing supplemental appropriations for the 1988 Budget and Financial Plan for the Town of Vai1,.Co1orado, and authorizes the expenditure of said appropriations as follows: FUND AMOUNT Li onshead Mal I Improvement Fund $ 106,000 West Vail Street Improvement Fund 503'000 Health Insurance Fund 550.000 TOTAL $1,159,000 INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED 0N FIRST READING THIS - dav of , 1988, and a public hearing shall be held on thjs ordinance on the day of ' , 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail Colorado' -1- Ordered published in full this day of ,1988. ATTEST: FamdET. -Brandmeyer, Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED OI'I SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUELISHED thi s day of 1988. Kent R. Rose, Mayor ATTEST: PCmela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk -2- ORDINANCE NO. 28 Seri es of 1968- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 18.39.030 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF VAiL BY THE ADDITiON OF A NEW PARAGRAPH D SETTING FORTH USES WHICH SHATL BE PERMITTED OUTSIDE THE MAIN BUILDING IN THE SKI-BASE RECREATION ZONE DISTRICT AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, in a previous amendment to the skj-base recreation zone distri ct certain uses were jnadvertently excluded from the zone district and I.IHEREAS, the Town Council now wishes to add said permitted uses to the ski-base recreation district. NOt,l THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Colorado: Section 18.39.030 Permitted Uses is hereby amended by the addition of Paragraph E to read as fo l Iows: E. The following uses shall be permitted outsjde the main building as shown on the approved development p1an. 1 . Ski Trai ls. S lopes and Li fts 2. Snowmaking FacjIities 3. Bus and Skier Dropoff 4. Surface Parking Lot 5. Ski Racing Facilitjes 6. Park, Tennis and Volleyball Courts and Playing Fields 7 . Water Treatment and Storage Faci I i ti es 8. Mountain Storage Buildings 9. Ski School Activities i0. Special Community Events 1i. Food and Beverage Service INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED 0N FIRST READING this - day of 1988, and a public heari ng shalI be held on this ordinance on the - day of , 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the CounciI Chambers of the Vail Municipal Euilding, Vai1, Colorado. Ordered published in full this _ day of . 1988. ATTESI: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk Kent R. Rose, Mayor vailt*,rnc. Creators and Operators of Vail and Beaver Crc'ek September 1, 1988 l{s. Susan Scanlan Town of Vail Health Inspector 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Golden Peak Children's Center Ref . t{o. 152 FIIIAL KITCHEI{ PLAIIS Dear Susan: Enclosed, please find the final kitchen plans for the Golden Peak Children's Center. As you will notice, the plan includes a comtercial grade refrigerator, freezer, 3 compartment sink with grease trap, combination steamer and convection oven, two burner cooktop' nicrowave oven, and prep sink. The plan also includes a residential quality trash cmpactor and various millrork cabinets and countertops. The ceiling tilewill be a nylar faced lay-in tile by Annstrong. As we have discussed previously, the hand sink requirement rill be satisfied in the laundry room. Please review these plans at your earliest convenience and contact me with any questlons that you may have. t,le rould appreciate your approval of our plans by September 16, 1988, as we are hop'ing to order kitchen equipment by that date. Si ncerel y, VAIL IA It{c. i rector l opnent cc: Craig Snowdon Tom l{cLagan.\-\ Jack D.unn, Real E te .lDH: b Enc'l osures Pct Office Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 81658 . (303p765ffi1 t LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCR]PTION: STREET ADDRESS: OESCRIPTION OF P Roof Sl di ng Other lia'l'l Materi al s The following information ls required for submitta'l Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING I,IATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL by the applicant to the Design Revian COLOR Fasci a Soffi ts l'li ndotrs Nindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Fl ues Fl a s h'lngs Chlmneys Ralls B. Trash Enc'losures Greenhouses 0ther LANDSCAPING: Name of Des'igner: Phone: PLANT I'IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED +t..JJ -. I Botan ical Name Common Name Quani ty Si ze* t..Jj--..- L-J-L! t-.. --,rr*,., P .F aoc) ,r,4 dYc.l$I IUF o /lt') lA utF CD c0oazo Fo- uJY IIJo oFt =(r lrJ(L l!o o-oo I UJ Foz "Fe EE H dP E "dq =F3;Hg E .E u,l o- u- }, LIJE()2zE<o. l60Ee,B9Eir EE => =r!:-E FEx >o-IOtr-E 90I EtuE X'Lt x>t q-o-i!i llJo F --- ts =E, lrJ o-zIF()f &, 6zo() EEB a I + o .J 0, OJtr.Fl 0,) tr ea rc r,o o) ]J inulFoz oz oJ- l.o .6 I I'e IF.rl< Al(/) flE.s'* .9 tE4,2 -tHtrE Rl '\lcol I I I I 'F{1,d,- F16 5tE>;o ri= <i rl II uJo = lr F Fz Gul (t) al, o)o g; o)I'oo .9 .9':lto o Ec{.a .gcoN -oc Fr o o o) E (to6 E o a, ,o = .o o E (! g;;(o (D (o ooco at,q)oc(s .EI' o toF (! '= a oo o g o. o o- Ec(! co (! E .E Q) = =>o. Eoo o q,o o)6 oE6'5E H5troc.9o_ =c):r-F'5 ^o;ocL o(!€o =€E>c9'- o. d0 1J r!(Dc 'FO CCo':.FY =-o(o .i16 OPEg-(6E6O'ELC Ooia-cg -o.60 or9:,Eof;8O(! tE6E>96(DI -o- OEr-o -c, o c) o€ -g-o(E .9o. Io-l(!l cl3r ,or-iet E-ErekPt.? o o, o,o\c\6 o o .\oul ot {)cqlEt) =t)6L {-ox|-y')i4 6 L/'->' )o,/a/ o 'o E \oo N t, UJ UJ tJ- b =Eulo- J FoF L =E uJc (5zoJ oz.6 = 6I) .r{ .r{ IHtd t,r I'o .': o =o6B =.{E3<uYO Ertio ;'1i rJ6o C*, H5-oZ lBl c:9 A=6V=.o6l zz tr^69i5'.8 6 .nOlr Q2_rr. <t93Ha- !?r}i Srtr..i drtrl + LUE J z E z.9 Ecl UJ 2 F J (r)z ol ol tl izlzPg<oo< =ft>E x lr-6o<z tl Ol \ol lNl .DLz. 9= do30 H U7 F.r z I $ I ItEol<uJt= u.Jl(, "' Fo-|!<>og I I "llooQ5l; z (\ z F.{H F.t Frl J J 3 F ul a! oz F =G, UJo- tlHIFl Ifil I-Jl olall zl -$l slit :lr!l <ltrt >l =l |!l dd I H iN xl d{ €l 0Jl b0l '.{ |olol(ul =l J tLl |lNI tNl $t Iol I Et 9l tl ql dt altrt >l Pl ttl tvllzl Efl I I I 9l dl 5>lttl 3e o b0.rl oo =E N C.l I |.\.* Ft (d = o .r{ ,v o ..! cd o F =e. |.r) \T I Oto\ cr) I zl cil Hl JI 3l tLlol zl 3l PI H 'FiIJo l.{+,a Ho h tc tt +r o Q F(, H .r{ '}aoo o F{ uJ =zo rnF Io\.tro\ .'{(! E F\ Xo A UJ ) = H oo r-l.r{ uJ z tt''g+EFt-o2 oo uJ E2? =<>(t:fF-o-a F GFz C) F ui F T O &, E -rO<FE() IIJ <zEUJFtrtrtr lr, i)F-l .iH(O +J =<.Ecr c, clJ r< .OAJ- -r5& I'z.<. d) JL(,F. r-.. 9)lr- s, C tE .3 ;O c l|J iE v) l- I v)Elo(druJ @lO O+, tJ.J ! c) I lrl EFlz o o-I tJ EItJ, ol|-. E (Jlolct L rtsl:Z $ o-l I =L.rlO(U+)l_1 +r <UlJ +t vl Io(l, ILr- J c\l f I ffi x eI 8 x I $F (n lIJ UJ lJ- F =lrJ ilJ aliitl r ,i=l$l I I l, o $N M B so 't N E 8b I o '8tl I I d sl \'l l0td u\- + \J;l D S\\l I,,. ,Slt rl s \si \l f 'ffi1$ f€ t: ,q V F qJ o-oz You, Iz J o UJJ u,t z6 =J J z ()u, = u, uJ zIF uJ ll, o o ;rlJ UJ zo UJ F o r! ; UJ o x F u,ol U' tJ., UJ l.|- F.t H\ J l-l vlt-l >. /: +lo( fl pli/iil o : J o E FotrtJ UJ z to E 2 C)u, J FoFr.d F {(v NOrIvnlvA t = -dl ?roefi F#g$ ll=ili IJt<l> I l.l lBl 'al -t t\ siN\J s'.l Sl uJ t^ t-IJt<lz tol<Il^ ; ; rl,F 'lI3luJlzl il FI =l zl o uJ utrUz vt ts: !JG J zI o tlol oltl F2)z9oFUI<oo<OJ =FR '.-oo<z l.lq{ v,F 2.. 2= ddEF oE o 0 =x oz Fv, J tuJtfIJtil>l'I loIu,tuJtz l5 t: F ..1zol FI<lJI @lzl iEiF5 * oEEoPlrsf€ *l :--E 5co.!o-:-€;osrtr g,f;;f€ -E iEo= E FaEa $ifig:EFEE lu F x s.)t N $i\\\ zo F(L u,V oz J lJ- II I I I J J cD Fo I I HI il J 3 = isl+ Iflt ae{i =() uJl 5l .; ;t n zl;l u PI F $, cil Hl 3ol =lg I I I ;l 3 il il g ol uJFIF Gu,z =o Fc)uJ =(, E-:o<FE()uJ<ZEUJF6Zo() 59 =,o=<sEdQ sF gE a'6o 6F F3 E6 H5I; J<()A.nt! uJJO .- \-.-x,xx><<\1 ? sfi egH Ji6 ;= qH il\= !N -) za 35 = u.l \',nsN z dJ \co N o<= uluaLvb EE UE^3 954:LJ O -F tE .= r! =:E g _, E;F EI:5i tli-r8 blPI\ rul E;F:Ig<f,- *i Eiu,itoie** G= --t oF F Eul\--t|. ;$6toNts HvoiZc F E E,lrlo-zo F() DEFU'zo() l, u,o Jq o Eozo(J z 1r,o ;€iiii?: E : 9:; c ! in! :Ei eI i:;i !':.i=.: g;i:i5E;:;: . 3.- a.= , g i;r.:Ii!; Ei:E;: E:: 3 s iE i;-; tr.r{ qt 1..t{, ht{qt() H&A FIrl Ff H coIn.(t oo zts u) F H ott) at) FfH 3oo1E.Z€ bEA 6!v =E60 .; ! F .l\ol.tt I-l (v) I f't & Hzrlr E >t 'l U &]trtsz at z H v Irl Fr z ETc Z lrl l&l (1 xtr-uiu9\-<>xe'..ru Bie Ed{ ;vi^Fz"YDZ: lr.l l\r32L=QoB; FrzEsd <F<=qJF-J(qco SI-F*llJ<tPiF<Yo;(l=zixx<-P5r{.-EE*U:_'\ I- - <:..F8 il*o>5: nOn39= HFiX l{rrdiFzlr:ffi<;osxH -FYl ESSE rFt F -O.its -t.Ft+fta a{.f. FR EN F -.f-rAH.lFIt -F Et flJ EF trf\€v Fa*: -i?q l9 fF\aaf'lFar E *:PL.Hf\EY t-l 11 a.trldf-l IFrF. .F){t |.e.g PERMIT NUMBER ONNOFtNs (7 FECTI JOW/ \ -l REQUEST VAIL Go\awuDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI PM OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ D FBAMING - ROOF & SHEERu PLYwooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVEO CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED B REINSPECTION REQUIRED Best Copje; Available INSPECTO tt\.l O PERMIT NUMBEH-OF PRoJEcT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON .\ _.-r fWED THUR rrus?cnoN, TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL l CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr D tr tr tr o n UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERE FRAMING - HOOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING D INSULATION POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL F1 ..., tr FINAL rilffiffi MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR n KFlt\tr FINAL oieo;fl tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DAIE /)* 2/-ff rNSpECroR -l/t,r, O PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor= Ut Q/f/JOB NAME INSPECTION: MONREADY FOR LOCATION: CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING .- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TE[4P.. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED connedtroNs: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR r#o*r ,,;ild&ihtc rNc. - *"t'J:1':'1J"1"",',it&ffi:',1$ ro: Fn v{ '";1l*.o$"i$'13'- (303) 761-8r81 Date: /)////8r From: B, // /4'+ res,lB //Wrt- BL&, DAn fouPapt Pe*r c.l, /dr.,*rs@ i, 4 Su/lFBcE fttv_ulfs: ril otrt"z #t 22t-.,A;t7 { 6) OvEll Corp,q<vtoM /M, krei/A1 .rr_t 6) OVEll Corp,q<vtoM /M, krel/A1 ; ) {u, L/&u7s tfitraryTpuE rM fcctonrehnfiOi S i) /tp-qfo*es qMpFre ftptLs) Je- Ft-/e, s*y4c,vTfu?E* fr 7) (T l Fum Eoy, FI tnL - (4 rpEK LEI/EL h/r) GFT FEL urTHrtr 6' or Srvt s - /4 €, ehaTzt-s $- t) Gz Bl iP KP.erTnc-Lqs - rt /,*J?"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAILERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor. B [t7 JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON .ALLER Vy,,l ro.-4 F, [<c1 r''c , ruES @^- ,*u* FRr - AM @ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W,V, I1 ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL Xffieve E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIO INSPECTOR Sro|^ PERMIT NUMBER OF PR JECT DATE 30 INSPECTION:MON TUES 'l*.p**o$,REOUEST VAIL 'il 'o" *o*CP C(,CJ:: CALLER e// READY FOR LOCATION: FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMB!NG: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEFI" PLYWOOD NAILING dcns PTPTNG 15 P+c tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr t-l n ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR .\\!f\t\o SPE CTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT oor. \\ -'':\t\S,S JoB NAME r-'-\ CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON f=\s-ruEs wr3. rHUR FRI o" @, AUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ,-'' ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NA|LING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR N*paoveo tr OISAPPROVED tr FEINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,o* l/-23 -f) rNspEcroR ,*.IE"toN REeuEsr PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor."\ '-)\'J-iL ,o, INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI \lMREADY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r.1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION T] SHEETROCK tr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER ROUGH CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PROVED Nu tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEOUIRED CORRECTIONS: a rNSPEcroh",. re.r '., i.r. ) tr 'r'1. :r . ,*#"'oN / .TOWN OF 1 | ,{ (i.t- i r1.- '1.. -tri:rr- 1 (,i REQUEST VAIL..\:-./ ' --4. {,r,1 . r .l PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION:MON NAME (lt CALLER TUES WED THUR -aPMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr o tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: .tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING Q BOUGH tr o tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr tr CONDU IT SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR /:l .r ,'' ',/ t' 'J rnsfLcnoN.TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL ,t.-_.,"'l PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE NAME INSPECTION: CALLER \ MON ,iTUEgi THUR FRI AMREADY FOR LOCATION: lt ;-, li r rca BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr D tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB FSHEETROCK NArL tr tr FINAL D tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL O FINAL --.---_ ETFPPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER ITUES ) ln#icnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-.r ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION g POOL / H. TUB . SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL 6faeeaoveo CORBEGTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ,r#="toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER N FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 3-lts:> PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME .-r 1,, L-- rnsfrcrloN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL -o5G- READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER . ]z-TMON rTUES ) WED THUR FRI AM €D BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. BOUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr D ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL \PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED RRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ,*#"toN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL /,", I ;:: i ,.., \ i'. .(-. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ,, .' . JOB NAME \ READY FOR INSPECTION: MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: aurLolNG:PLUMBING: C] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOOTINGS O FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL - tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PROJECT ,"r3"'oNTOWN OF / -'ri REQUEST VAIL I I t INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED nv /r-" pnr ;\_-__--READY FOR LOCATION: 'a NUMBER OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr CONDUIT ''1 ! ?t "'t'l' t tr supply ArR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr,APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*#="toNTOWN OF REOUEST VAIL I DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: EI FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL E tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: N TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING p.nouor tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT n O SUPPLY AIR n vii tF3 O FINAL tr FINAL APPROV"ED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED ,*#="toN REeuEsr VAIL WED THUR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor.'l' - l''l JoB NAME TOWN OF a INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES FRI I .f AM .. PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI a FnAH,tttrtc / STEEL ON / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V tr ROUGH i WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB r-r _ r_l tr FTNAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - t-] tr ROUGH i WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB o tr EI FINAL tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT FI !.r '.-.. I1..APPFOVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED r CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT\. '-\r:- DArE'\::-l)---::..'- JoB rlrstcnoN REQUEsr,. | ..,., a a READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER \MON TUES WED THUR FRI ..AM ) PM TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING Ft\ D tr D tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR r] f,INAL tr FINAL id RppRoveo ) ' CORRECTIONS: EI DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED \ INSPECTOR ,*rG"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAILPROJECT lr'-rI \.'7^ JoB NAME INSPECTION:MONREADY FOR LOCATION: NUMBER OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL r.1 ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB NAIL o Dtr tr FINAL N FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP.O HEATING V. - ,,.\ v w'1.€ EXHAUST HooDS fV tr+ "t \{,1'' 1tr, tr tr tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL (a"neenoveo -.- ;2 N DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR ? I aCALLER TUES WED THURREADY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUI{BING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING - ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*r?="'oN REQUEST t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT \ti. \\\. i'li*-f .-g41g r',. '.. ].. -., ", JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED 'f READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON fliilH- FRI ,C.,.PM, TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND \*oro* / D.w.v. ff..,*oro* / wArER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOoD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr O POOL / H. TUB NAIL F n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH ^- #\ D CONDUIT n UPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL AFPROVED tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT r*rft"toNTOWN OF REOUEST VAIL nnf ,tP;-' \, 'ri oorr\-\-i!r JoB NAME CALLER MON TUES 1 WED.] THURREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:FRI BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED C] REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PERMIT NU DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME (o, INSCCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,\ G,--.,\ii'',>,,\K a\^-\\i,,J, c,e,^\o\- t CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI -a BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FBAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL 11 ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL - tr\ r \r I tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL:,...}. tr HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr EI o EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL 166^,,r*tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOi- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT e ,*rl="toN REeuEsr OF VAIL JOB NAME T9WN :!DATE { rii--l) READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION i STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ft)i-l-'r / (, i\ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL F\APPROVED CoRRECTIONS: J1$;, --#tlt , \ !: I '-- qi b/snppRovED,/;/ r]/REINSPECTION REQUIRED,i ,L-. INSPECTOR 3vLo PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 6 ,rJf,"rtoN REeuEsr - ''.rt, ,' l, , '','o*r\ [,(ollt' , ,^ { ', (lt' ,., r *.^- .CALLER '6,;'F-- -AM 6',INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON TUES WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr n tr tr tr tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ..i . ' EFRAMING .',.-rirW UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHAN!CAL: tr HEATING D tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL PPROVED ORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECT PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED LOCATION: ') 1. .l ' .-\ t':/ i ' , rr.rs?ecnoN REQUEsT 1' tL./-t.i. TOWN o VAIL '1 '/ c. t:' t. f l at*1, AM 69 a , ., i - /t ,f ,o, *or.DATE t\l:', lt F t,tl I t' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER r] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING -.' ROOF & SHEEH " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRI MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr D tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL -rr.E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED ..../ -' (- tr REINSPECTION REQPIRED o^rE i j * ,r'' i'{ rNSpEcroR :' .-i I r^rJLctoN REouEsr l PEBMIT NUMBER OF DATE /,t .- /t; 1' JOB NAME PROJECT I r. I a READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES wED {y,AM :PM7FRI TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUtTIBlT.IG: T] UNDERGROUND E FOUNDATION / STEEL UGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING 'Et tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHAN!CALT tr HEATING tr E] tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL WE**, tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ,a {6 ),r#r"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF oor, ,l:,r,,i, r / JoB NAME PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:wED (19 FRI t I' a MON CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr coNDUtr'tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION BEOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE i - --l READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES t,i WED THUR FRI AM PM I I' Jr BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR /--).1 l/'/ --/ |rt PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: ITILOCATION: JOB NAME ,/i'' .i r, CALLER l-,,])IUtrD rru#ecnoN REeuEsr TOWN ,OF VAIL i" //, i'' ,/' .,' WED THUR FRI I I t AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL f'l tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING N EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR t,, ,-t LJ ,'n (I s f DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED tr DISAPPROVEDAPPBOVED CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL M tr tr tr tr ECHANICAL: HEATING EXHAUST HOODS .- ., t/.)-,r-. , / t ! ',.).-/SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: E] TEMR POWER DATE INSPECTOR ,*rft"toN REeuEsr PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT VAIL AMFRI TOWN OF READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES Giin BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER r-1 ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION B POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL l\. T] FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR ,*rft"rroNTOWN OF :REQUEST" VAIL INSPECTION: CALLER TUES .+I $. a READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: \/ ry UNDERGROUND .tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr tr FINAL ELE BT trF uc tr_ GTRICAL:M tr tr tr tr E GHANICAL: TEMP. POWER HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY, AIR qf rrrunr tr FINAL \PPROVEO RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR REQUEST VAIL rw{i $ a, READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr o tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W,V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAM]NG n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING TION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH ,.)o'coNDUtr/\il '-,( [ \t lL( t O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR trZa-------:g FINAL tr FINAL .,,,tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ,'L-: : ^'tlr l; ] PERMIT NUMBER oF PRoJEcT II.r*CTION REQUESTr! ttl/ /v l . -. \TOWN OF VAIL( ',.i lrl t(,t'.\ i LrDATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: L'/ +-t JOB NAME UR FRI /'i a-) - BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDFOOTINGS / STEEL tr D tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr q\s PTPTNG INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: / /)r:? t- "rr'"'INSPECTOR -,zt' i:l'> I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT tt I N Slrc&t*o |l, $AELO u E Sr DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON J t,i CALLER TUES L ,b, t** URTH I WED ,/PMAMFRI BUILDING: D ,FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooo NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL F tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr F'{AL tr FINAL d ,PROVED RECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED i----r*,...--i..,,< r ,r\\.- -F-, \,,i.-o i ( L-,;-o -i.. ? <. L h^-e < INSPECTOR rNsp+JJ*o$, ( t' J REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUEb BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: EI UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE, tr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL w tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E tr tr BOUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORBECTIONS: INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON ;i.i n. . , rru*p;1;*o5, $ELouEsr Qovw,# (r nv= Ct+*tee^\s CtK, y oALLER €t:he{L, Lf='iL' - t 3V * b' j-'or@ruES wED (4EF) rnr BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDTINGS / STEEL FouNDATToN / srEEL d. tr RouGH / D.w.v, tr tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING D Rouctt -O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED JA c:l /\ lIq ilr,z: ,t: '3:, INSPECTOR NUMBER OF PBOJECTPERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSCCTION REQUEST uaa ^Ihtr" (3J-INSPECTION: CALLER "ot (6,q WED THUR FRI TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: ij+QOrrr.rcs / srEEL PL o tr tr tr tr o o UMBING: FTburuonrroN / srEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr-,: tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORHECTIONS: INSPECTOR , ,,,r/,,1 la o INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr u tr o FRAMING N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB -trF AL tr FINAL p"APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .) ! INSPECTOR- l DATE INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ,, I li D-t,$-" INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CATLER TUES WED THUR FRI AMREADY FOR LOCATION: PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER O GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr tr tr tr o EL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STE tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING O INSULATION -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER -tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr_ tr -FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE Project Id: VA CIIILDRINS CENTER Address: GOLDEN PEAK Occupancy:. E3,Bz Type of Const: V-1HR Town of Vall 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Plan analysis based onthe 1985 Uniform Building Code Date: August 17, 1988 Contractor: VAIL ASSOC.ArChitECt: SNOWDON & HOPKINSEngineer: ROBERT HUNNES Plans Examlner: GARY MURRAIN NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a complete Iisting of aII possible code requirements in the 1985 UBC. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I V-ITTR SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property line 35.0 Feet 35.0 FeetEAST Building 205.0 Feet 60.0 Feet SOUTH Property line 60.0 Feet 60.0 Feet WEST Property line 60.0 Feet 60.0 Feet Area lncreased 100 % for open area on 3 sides. FL NAME OCC AREA ALLOWED A/A OCC LOAD REQ'D EXITS EXIT WIDTH 2 Locker Room 82 285 28000 0.01 6 1 0.11 2 Mech Eeuip Rm BZ 435 28000 0.02 1 1 0.03 2 Office 82 zt] 28000 0.01 2 I 0.04 2 School Class Rm E3 4O7O 31400 0.13 2O4 2 4.O7TOTAT 5000 30706 0.16 2L3( 2t3) 2 4.26( 4.26) 1 Schoo1 Class Rm E3 10000 31400 0.32 500 2 10.00TOTAL 10000 31400 0.32 500( 606) 2 10.00( L2.L3' BUILDING TOTAL 15OOO 6233L O.24 7t3x NOTE: Indicates that this occupancy is not allowed on this floor-Table 5-D S NOTE: Indicates that this occupancy is an accessory area-Sec. 3302. (a) exc. REQUIRED OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS82-83 t hr AII glazing in hazardous locations (see section 5406.(d)) is required to be of safety glazing material . -- Sec. 5406. EXTERToR wf rrnn RATTNGS AND opENruQnotnctrou NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WAIL PROT WALI VIALT PROTBZ lhr lhr None thr thr None thr thr None lhr thr None E3 thr thr None thr thr None thr thr None thr thr None The exterior walls rnay be of COMBUSTIBLE material . None -- No fire protection requirements for openings-Prot -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50% of the area of the wall maximum. Sec 504. (b) NOP -- Openings are not pernitted in this waIl.* -- These wal1s may be required to have a parapet wall 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wall is required to have the sanefire rating as the waLl. See section 1709. for details and exceptions. OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS Table 17-AELEMENT },IATERIAt FIRE RATING NOTES AND EXCEPTIONSInterior Bearing waII ANY t hr.Interior nonbrg waLl ANY t hr. Sec. 1705.(b)1.Structural Frame ANY I hr.Exterior Struct Frame See footnote S1 Shaft Enclosure ANY t hr.Floor,/Ceiling Assembly ANY 1 trr. Roof,/Celling Asserably ANY t hr.Stairs ANY NONE FOOTNOTES: 1) Minimum on exterior si-de also based on exterior brg. wall requirements. Based on section 3202. (b) The roofing on this building is to be fire retardant. See section 3203. (e) and ICBO research reports for requirements. EXIT NOTES: The maximum rise of a step is 7 inches and the minimum run is 11inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) The mlnimum width of a stairway is 36 inches, 44 inches if the occupant load is greater than 50. -- Sec. 3306.(b) See section 3303. (b) when occupant load is greater than 183. Provlde a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Miminun height=4Z lnches, maximum opening size=6 inches. -- Sec. 1711. The ninimum headroom is 6 ft.- 6 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(p) Provlde a landing withln 1 inch (L/2 inc}: at doors with handicap access) of the threshold. -- See. 3304.(h) Sec section 3304.(i) for size requlrements. The maximum travel distance in this building is 150 feet. -- Sec. 3303. (d) HANDICAP REQUIRE}IENTS : Handicap accgss is required to this bullding. -- Sec. 3301.(e) and Table 33-AIf a ramp is used for handlcap access, the max slope is 1:12. -- Sec 3307,(c) '- If water fountains are provided, one must have a spout within 33 lnches of the floor and up-front controls. -- Sec. 511.(c) TOILET FACILITIES: 1. All doorways leading to a toilet room for handicapped are required toprovlde 32 inches clear width. -- Sec. 511.(a)2. Provide 44 inches clear on each side of doorways. -- Sec. 511.(a) 1.3. Provlde a 60 lnch diameter clear area within the toilet room(s). -- Sec.511. (a)2. 4. Provide a clear area 42 inches wide and 48 inches long in front of at least one water closet. If in a compartment and door is on the side,provide a clear access width of 34 inches. Door may not encroach into clear area. -- Sec. 511.(a)3.5. A 48 inch access width is required to the handicap compartment. -- Sec. 511.(a)3.6. Grab bars are required behind and on one side or on both sides of handicap water closet. Side bar is required to be 42 inches long (min) and extend 24 inches in front of water closet. Rear bar is to be 24 ineheslong in a room or 36 inches long in a compartment. Bars are to be 33 inches to 36 inches above the floor. -- Sec. 511.(a)4.7. Provide a clear area under at least one lavatory. 30 inches wide X 29 inches hieh X 17 inehes deep minimum. -- Sec. 511.(b)1.8. The botton of one mirror, opening of a towel fixture, and disposal fixtureis required to be within 40 inches of the floor. -- Sec. 511.(b)2.&3. df,ortrolral REouTREMENTs sCp oN occupANcy For 82 occupancy In all areas customariLy occupied by humans, provide natural orartifical light and venti.lation. -- Sec. 705. For E3 occupancy Storage and janitor closets are required to be of one-hourfire-resistive construction. -- s€c. 802. (c) In all areas customarily occupied by humans, provide natural orartifical lieht and ventllation. -- Sec. 805. Provlde an approved fire alarm system. -- Sec. 809.A fenced in area without unlocked gates must have a dispersal areagreater than 50 feet from the building. -- Sec. 3319. (k) Kindergarten, flrst and second grade pupils are limited on floors above the first story. -- Sec. 802. (c) Floor-1st Occupancy-School Class RmExit signs are required fron all areas servi.ng an occupant load of 50or more. -- Sec. 3314.(a) Corridors serving an occupant load of 30 or more are required to have thr constructlon and rated openings -- Sec. 3305.(g)&(h)Exits are required to be separated by 1/2 of the diagonal of thisarea. -- Sec. 3303. (c) Doors are required to swing in the direction of exit from this area.-- Sec. 3304. (b) The capacity of this area is required to be posted at 500 occupants. -- Sec. 3302. (c) Exit doors are required to have panic hardware. -- Sec. 3319.(j)Floor-2nd Occupancy-School CIass Rrn Exit signs are reguired from alL areas serving an occupant Load of 50or more. -- Sec. 3314.(a) Corridors serving an occupant load of 30 or more are regulred to have thr construction and rated openings -- Sec. 3305. (g)&(h) Exlts are requlred to be separated by L/2 of the diagonal. of thlsarea. -- Sec. 3303. (c) Doors are required to swing in the direction of exit from this area.-- Sec. 3304. (b) The capacity of this area is required to be posted at 203.5 occupants. -- Sec. 3302.(c)Exit doors are required to have panic hardware. -- Sec. 3319. (j) o cc: Cralg Snowdon Irli ke Spal l one Kaaren Gann Gary llurrai n h"z. : CA"--A,- "'- "k* *ta-/aarl-r This Addendum No. l, in its entirety, shall become a part of the Contract Documents. Receipt of this addendum must be acknowledged on the proposal form in the Contfact Documents and shal l be returned with the bid. The following information is conveyed to all bidders of record: 1. Excavator to remove and dispose of existing rheel stops from theexisting bus stop area. Existing wheel stops will not be reusedto delineate the temporary bus stop as indicated on the drarings. 2. Bidders shall assume the removal of all asphalt rhlch is demolished from the project site. No asphalt rill be buried on si te. 3. The source for water, as necessary during compactlon operatlons,shall be obtalned from the fire hydrant across the road from theproject site, with the permlsslon of the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated l{ater and Sanltatlon District. Contractor shall arrange for any special metering as may be required by the Di stri ct. 4. Cable television and telephone service witl be tenninated at theperimeter of the project site by others prior to initiatingconstruction. Therefore, there will be no need for the Contractor to attempt to protect and salvage such servlces. Vailortes, Inc. Creators anJ t)1 .-rators of Varl and Bt'aver Cretk ADDENDUI,I # 1 . REVISIOII'1 T0: All Plan Holders of Record FROI{: Jack D. Hunn, Director Real Estate Development DATE: June 27, 1988 RE: ADDEI{DUI,I N0. 1 - REVISION #1 VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. GOLDEI{ PEAK CHILDREII'S CENTER PRE-BID I.IEETIIIG/EXCAVATIOI{ BIDDERS ===============================: Pcnt Office Box 7. Vail. Crrlor.r.lo 81658. (l0lX?656O1 AlI Plan Holders of RecordlAddendum # 1 - Revision # 1 Golden Peak Children's Center June 27, 1988 Page Two 5.Primary electrical power which crosses the project site will becut by Holy Cross Electric Association, prior to the cofimencementof construction. Therefore, the Contractor will not need toprotect this service'l ine where it comes in conflict wjth the excavati on. Sleeves for the fence posts around the perimeter of the tenniscourt fence rnust be removed. Contractor to assume an approxinate depth of two feet (2') for each concrete foot.i ng. Contractor shal'l stockpile sand from existing volleyball courtsfor reuse by others. Contractor shall respect the lin'its of constructjon as per the drawi ngs. Contractor shall remove existing signs from the bus stop area. Sleeves which support the existing signs wil'l be demolished. Contractor to stockpile all signs removed from the bus stop nearthe control booth on the north side of the Go'l den Peak BaseFacility for reinstallation by others. Contractor shall be permitted to work six (6) days a week on site from 7:00 A.lil. until 7:00 P.l{. In the event that the Contractor rishes to work Sundays or holidays, permission must be obtained frorn the ne'i ghborhood prior to working those hours. Excavator shall install a s'ix inch (6") perforated foundation drain system, continuous from the northwest corner of thebuilding around each side of the building and daylighting beyondthe southeast corner in the rip rap swali as indica{ed on tnl Drawing Sheet Cl. Excavator shall reference the typical walldrain detail, page I-14 in the Specifications Book. Excavator nay substitute.niradrain as manufactured by llirafi, Inc. (or approved equal) against the building wal1 in lieu of the majorityof the gravel as shown in the wall drain detail. Bidders are instructed to disregard the requirement for twenty-four inches(24') of compacted clay on the surface. Bjdders are to assume that 1001 of the excavation overburden, including boulders, may be spoiled on the project site, withinthe project linits or in close proximity as discussed on site. Excavators bidding subgrade insulation, shall isolate the cost ofthe insulation in their bids. The Town of Vail specifications for the bicycle path constructionis eight feet (8') wide, tro inches (2") of asphilt over four inches (4") of gravel base. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. t2. 13. 14. 15. a All Plan Holders of RecordtAddendum # I - Revision # 1 Golden Peak Children's Center June 27, 1988 Page Three 17. 19. Uith the project, 15.Sleeves be'low paved areas for the irrigation system are four inch(4") PVC where indicated on the drarings. Three (3) additlonal sleeves are required across the eight foot (8') bicycle path. Excavator shall allow for these in this bid, locations to be coord'inated with the Owner. Five (5), four inch (4") PVC sleeves for cable TY, telephone and miscellaneous future use are required across the bicycle path. Excavator shall allow for these in his bid. Locations to be coordinated with the 0wner. The project start date is hereby amended from June 27, 1988 to,luly 5, 1988. The bid deadline is hereby extended from 12:00 noon on June 23, 1988 to 12:00 noon on June 28, 1988. exception of the foregoing modifications, the scope of thein accordance with the Contract Documents remains unchanged. 18. JHRTTGPCC: bb Vail Associates, Inc. Creators and Op,t'rators oi Vail an.l B,r'avcr []reck June 20, 1.988 l.lr. Gary l,lurrain Chief Building 0fficial Town of Vai I 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Golden Peak Children's Center Ref. l{o.72 REQUEST FOR PLAN CHECK Dear Gary: Vail Associates, Inc. is optim'istic that we will receive 75% of the neighborhood property owner's approval for the construction of our new Children's Center within the next two weeks. Snowdon and Hopkins, Architects have completed working drawings for the subject project and have submitted two (2) complete sets to your office for Plan Check purposes. I have attached the Building Permit Application sheet with the information as requested. Provided that the neighborhood's approva'l is obtained by July 1, 1988, we would like to begin site demol it'i on and excavation on July 5' 1988. It may therefore be necessary to request that a Partial Perrnit for Excavation Foundation be issued ahead of the full Building Permit, depending on your schedule for a conplete Plan Check for full Permit. Vail Associates, Inc.will be paying for the Plan Check and Building Pernit Fees directly and for this reason any clean-up deposit should be refunded to Vail Associates, Inc. at the conclusion of the project. The attached form indicates that there is a poss'ibiljty that a Blasting Permit may be requested. Subsurface soils investigations indicate boulders of an unknown size. In the event that vre encounter boulders of a size too large to haul off, the Contractor will app'ly for a Blasting Permit at that time. Pct Office Box 7 . Vail, C-olorado 81658 . (303\476560l llr. Gary l,lurrain "June 20, 1988 Page Two Ue understand that a Recreation Fee is typ'i cally applied to all new buildings built within the Town of Vail on the basis of $1.00 per gross square foot of the developed area. We respectfully request that the Town of Vail and Vail [etropolitan Recreation District consider the fact that a 5,120 square foot modular facility is being replaced with our new facility and, for that reason, it may be appropriate to pay th'i s Recreation Fee on the basis of the incremental increase in developed area. Please feel free to contact me if you require additional information or have any questions. Si ncerel y , VAI ASSOCIA s, INC.cc: Larry Lichliter Craig Snowdon Jack D Real E Hunn ate Di rector ve'lopment ttachment -r ,rAr{ot}};r TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM MVCA OWNERS GOLDEN PEAK CHILDREN.S CENTER By now you have received a packet of information from VaiI Assocj.ates. This packet includes information on the proposed Childrenrs Center at Golden Peak, along with a ballot for your personal vote. The purpose of this memorandum is to encourage you to vote in favor of this proposal, and to explain why. For the last nine years Vail- Associates has placed "modular unitsn (trailers) across the street from our Manor Houses during the winter seasons to house their Children's Ski School program. The trailers would be brought in just before the beginning of the season, and then removed once the snovr had melted (they sit on Town of Vail tennis courts, which are used in the sunmer months). In December, 1983, Bob Parker' then Senior Vice-President of Vail Associates, came to the lodges and condominium associations in the area (a group which later became known as the "Golden Peak Neighborhood Association" ) and requested our approval to allow VaiI Associates to re-develop its facilities at the base of Golden Peak. Their (VA's) original plan was to tear down the present strucLures on Golden Peak and replace them with a single building. This facility, known as the "Main Building", would have been approximately 65,000 square feet, and would have housed all of the present activities that take place in the two existing buildings (p1us six condominiums). Additionally, it included approximately 6,000 square feet for a children's center, thus eliminating a need for the trailers. In exchange for this re-development, Vail Associates signed a declaration of protective covenant with the neighborhood, which woufd take precedence even over zoning changes to maintain open land at Golden Peak. Any additions or modifications to this covenant would take a vote of approval from owners of 75t of the land in the "benefitedland" (the Golden Peak Neighborhood Association). Unfortunately, Vail Associates never went ahead with the development of their "Main Building". What they are now requesting is an approval, as required in the covenant from the surrounding land owners, for a separate Childrenr s Center' n$0MAY25rYou 595 E\?ai[ ,%fqp DrF VhIL,G[sa6 6165] lrrc. *76. serit(' Tebx iso26i Golden Peak Children's Center Page 2. Since this proposed building will be a permanentstructure, there will be certain drawbacks for Manor Vail(increased congestion, due to increased use and disruption of some owners views of Golden Peak). Approval of the stand alone Children's Center does notpreclude VaiI Assoicates from building their already approvednMain Building". Your Board, in l"larch, took a mail vote on the proposal,with inconclusive results. At the April meeting the Boardheard in person a presentation from Vail Associates on itsunderstandable need for the Childrents Center. Concerns inthe Board. still remained, however, on the precedent. itsconstruction would set; possibly jeopardizing the open spaceat the base of Golden Peak, and permitting the futureconstruction of a hotel on the site of the present VaiIAssociates building. The Board agreed that if we were certainthese and other future encroachments could be prevented, itwould recommend to our olrrners that the Children's Center be approved. The present covenant prohibits building of a separateChildrenrs Center; unless an affirmative vote of owners isobtaj-ned to amend the covenant. A major concern of not onlymine, but a number of Board Members as well, was would we notbe opening ourselves up to endless expansion of development of Golden Peak if we did not contest this structure? Negotiations between our attorney, Vail Associates, andmyself have resulted in a re-affirmation of the validity ofthe 1983 protective covenant which applies even if VailAssociates should sell any of the land for the next 60 years. NO CHANGE IN THE PROTECTIVE COVENANT IN THE FUTURE CAN TAKE PLACE WITHOUT A 75T (PERCENT) VOTE OF APPROVAL FROM THE NEIGHBORHOOD OWNERS. Now it is u to vou. Vail Associates needs your vote ofapproval for the Childrenrs Center. They need approval of 75tof the owners of the land in the "benefited land". This doesnot mean approval of 758 of those who take the time to vote.In this particular sase, not voting at all is the same as arnorr vote. Neither l, nor your Board of llanagers, can votefor you. THIS MUST BE DONE INDMDUALLY. Acting in your behalf, I have fought long and hard withVail Associates to eliminate the trailers on Golden Peak.Last year we finally won. The Vail Town Council has gone onrecord that the trailers will no longer be permitted. It wasuP to Vail Associates to come up with a permanent solution tothis problem. They have. Should we turn down Vail Associatesrequest for this Center, I can assure you that they will goright back to the Town Council and request another extensionfor their use of trailers on Golden Peak. Not only will theyask for an extension (probably for a two or three year period) __7 Golden Peak Children's CenterPage 3. to use the existing trailers, they will probably ask to doubre(or triple) the number of trailers to accommodate the childrenthey would have been abre to handLe had the center beenapproved. Having shown good faith by coming up with asolution, and then having it rejected -by trre -neitjhborhood, Vail Associates would probabry - get an approval for thetrailers without much difiiculty. - Again, speaking as both the Managing Agent of yourAssociation, and the ceneral Manager of y6ur- ttotil operation,r strongly encourage you to vote Lo approve the chanle in theProtective covenant to enabLe vail A;sociates to construct achildrenrs center for this coming ski season. with theirrecent announcement of opening china Bowl for the gg/gg skiseason' a first class childrenrs facility at Golden peak isnot only needed, it is long overdue. cc: Golden Peak Neighborhood Association 75 south fronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 May 4, L988 ottlco ol communlty development Mr. Jack HunnVail Associates, Inc.P.O. Box 7Vail, Colorado g165g ,Rei Gorden Peak chi]dren's center construction schedulingrestrictions Dear Jack: r have passed along your proposed construction schedulinginformation to the appriclurE rown of vail departrnents. ThePublic works_ oepartment feels there will be n'o prour.n withyour proposar. r do have several comments from-the porice and.Recreation Departnents that r wourd pass along. The police Departrnent is concerned about the noise revel in the early l?,tl+"S and. early evening hours and feel that unless good-pubric relations.work is done by vA, there will be cofrplaintsIodged.by the adjacent property-owners. In your lettei, yourequested rne to advise you if the Town of vail and/or the-neighborhood would have any concerns. r agree with the policeDepartrnent that.good public relations wilr-be necessary tominimize conplaints due to construction noise. we feel that itrs the reponsibility of vail Associates to determine whetherthere will be neighborhood objection to this proposal and topropose nethods to alLeviate neighborhood concerns to yourconstruction. The Recreation Department has a tist of concerns regardingimpacts to their summer events. The peak hours at the GoldenPeak tennis courts is from 6:00 pu to 8:oo pM. The RecreationDepartrnent has also expresssed concern over the status of theexisting sand volleynalt courts and the ability io ,r". the openfield area for lacrosse and womenrs softbalr piaciice as hasbeen scheduled in past years. r wourd sugges-t that you meetpersonalry with Barb Masoner of the Town oi vair RecieationDepartment to work out any probrens regarding their activiiyscheduling and the construclion process. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact rue. Sincerely, I I(.r- l{r",J Rick Pylnan Town Planner RP:br I ) ao t Ke^) ltu,llo( t cfteF F@th.. (ruf o,ttoz*.,a, se(beA-ilf 2me,. kl,AL Lb , (qst t)Aee{: GOLCI Perc Co,<tfflzvLlroi T7l<- (oL@D/ilb t5 rt L15r 0F ru/ apfl1etu)S ft{*{ /PloLde 'fh?. Coabrztctroil Sc/ret'oe ftaposea S/ u.4. I r) V1 o(Druutce, nlel et(c /oaT u""6x-eta,u!6 +€_. LN"t A1 5rn*gp6 Cor:stfulc{loi @t 6200 I pE-Dlt0lNL 7k4,1 Do ^bf eo oOeA. rV(<- Dect Bec LeOeC. llauSeuez, ry S/.@ou PrzD9k6tul Do t Dt lL aooD P,(.. t"soLK u/ft R"s/^ei7s u) 77+e pXtf , €Sllpctqr(q lqft/be On/L, ,'tsorzrddoj 4, ----- psstAty ALL se,+ioNs. 7ou'cn4 Bef Houu"lrT-//+7- '))oeTTprsdoOt I ,q+lop U,ert Drtt' Be co,VLe/^)/,1)c paaar 77k /uolse /F /.v //4^u/a y'zofeq{r/ 4 lth /ufr 5uze lF /+ Drt( 4447- rlep coz574oryoor se//ot)st. orL rcor, 6uf /?+C( f4ooq Knep u) m too rft( cooes 6/E<- pAce- , k rcrtA aoc.F Taut^t+4eilj { ru/ dTvcl< "6/6 " t oArqel_ h4e € de,,-t; 7htr cou.a leVsa f,e//a Coatlrprtcno,nJ /ahc t e /4olelqearT \3) 7//z 6oL0 ful Lor h)fta fi Be Useo ftrz /*zaatb, p/. Thb1e rt/4e'/ut//J6 fuvy*/"//e,ffie ft/tJcf/urt. b/7/ a7*{ Lt/' ccoseO (z) 777g' 7aa)d d/L( ,+Aae 7D pzturoe f/eu*t ts?5se| ftopt fle fr, //) ,zaez 70 ..t4oue_ Peo//e, o *v{ /rzoTecr- ,) nkze 5*. rz-c ca,usr-ur*rou .*oz, lruad ma/ ?/rf /4,1 Da./ u,+rc lfrile/ Dq ,k 6u5 la*arut hPe aA ru/ oru rryaqUrcca 4<rn ;f fDoD 4 ca,tV/e oF rzkse &^kreus AhdU Be/rzssau- Do lul-*te,4 lJkht- nlqe df /e4{1. Ata rlztE c^ozrsftucaza<.t- F rutr 77rbd(/tr- // /,r45 frn ryrtrK #e/? 7a zt/(pt?o/ fi,? &ilr/r{cyazJ-/r 7v .I \ n.\ flc. c\F 36 tYr'e,\ l''(.,-1n,*> lor1qc',znJ 7L"-.-, L5 P*-n,^J t. : i a. {trv.o- {-- Cto\€r ara l\\i!\',.r\iz.-. G-03r . Qa< r tr{s5 . on <. ev.-fa &- '.\oo-"*r1s. t-r.rhot t hc.pe4/n\ \rrl *\l.!o^A .\rolkntrdl In e^r'ei$*a\LL'6:"ot. -'. 1*la4 .lo {f^r:o- cou.ctr. d&a \€ Sc*eral i-.:<4r! ,-to*i*E {c.-t\. b.1 Lor-vat'3e- On t'^ad-.1 ?-"t i i -.*;,c S,() c-ecr or. \Hed'. ?..."S . c",r^-t'jl A"{- t-.rs..r AsA p uS.-d trrsaF t( rnou\ \\ta.J..r{J \^ t- S'€F..- 't{.-\$ 5o<<--c $r ev* \rs.a rlatr\ - -f\: f1,,reSF ,,^a oF /.J Nr^-1 'r"-'n1 P to-s*- \*- F " ,,,^r-- ,4-: .A.P- Hq^, u,r., \\ c \t-.-+ Ja-niS I 3tg i =*+ tr.r'. t\ co,r* ruJ o-'- :p soh<yr,t t,r-X.€Jcr.{ !q' a\S., ht}.. .'.. O Ce.$e-e,^ cr- t* "{t3 - I'r<rcl. "-t1 "* ' '"-r'f' solz"l <'Q - ?o*-\ , p61, Cf- Jo //.;- r Clrqrt()rs anJ Ot^-rattxs of Vail anJ llt'aver ()rcr April 19, 1988 l.lr. Peter Patten Director of Cormunity Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Golden Peak Children's Center Ref. No.3l CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULING RESTRICTIONS Dear Peter: The purpose of this letter is to solicit information regarding any restrictions which would apply to our construction schedule for the proposed construction of the Children's Center at Golden Peak. Because of the de1 ays experienced in obtaining the Approval of the Neighborhood, we are prevented from initiating construction until July 5' 1988, approximately four weeks behind schedule. As a result, we will be unab'le ib complete the facility for the opening of the 1988-89 ski season and will be targeting comp'l etion in mid-December. In order to expedite the construction process we cons'i dering running the crews from 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m., and possibly working on Saturdays and Sundays until such point as the building is closed in. Please advise if the Town of Vail and/or Neighborhood would have any concerns regarding the hours of construction activity and/or our proposal to work Saturdays and Sundays for the maiority of the summer. Thank you Si ncerely, for your cooperation. VAIL IATE cc: Joe l.lacy Vail Associates, In -t Jack D.nn, Real Est rector I opment JDH : bb e Pct Office Box 7 . Vail, C-olorado 81658 . (3O3Y7C5@\ Vail Associates, Inc" Creatrrrs anrl Onc'rators of Vail and Bcavcr (lreek April 7, 1988 Mr. Peter Patten Director of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 RE: Golden Peak Children's Center Ref. No.29 PROPOSED TEI{PORARY BUS STOP Dear Peter: As requested, Craig Snowdon has prepared the attached sketch indicating the proposed temporary use of the existjng Golden Peak parking 1ot during the sunmer of 1988, should the construction of the proposed Chjldren's Center proceed, specifically: 1. A temporary bus turnaround is proposed as indjcated on the attached plan, as the existing bus stop area will be reconstructed over the course of the sufimer and wou'ld also be used for lay down area for the Children's Center constructjon. 2. Portable planter boxes and rope would delineate the tennis operations area and the west end of the parking lot would contjnue to be avajlable for tennjs parking. 3. The balance of the parking lot would be allocated to construction parking and a separate entrance for this function would be p rovi ded . Please review our proposed temporary bus stop configuration w'ith the Publjc l{orks Department at your earliest convenience. Feel free to contact ne with any questions that you may have. Si ncerely, VAI ASSOCIA s, INC.cc: Craig Snowdon Joe Macy Jack 8Y, lDr-,.\ o{ 5k'? + c,|n5r,-.4 q S** ^ ?-u elol -!.t- dr^^, v^6$' G *4 llelse Real E Hunn tate Di rector vel opment JDH: bb Pct Office Box 7 . Varl. C,olorado 81658. (T3Y7G5&| i$ $s -i. tl{\F p v\ $ _c - t\I T ;9', er/\ /=\ _\sH)N $-\I2r o -a.(*N $s _{l ,\Js_Ng\ :S \J fta $ , \ )\ '\tv 0\ --S5\$il ll .\i _vtlff $ iAr.rI ttr" \)l-:' I $r. -t,i-N s i ft$ r-oi' .S ---# I I I It _( \ .' \\(\ N N -$\{\ \$5o si\l Ni FI q 8s--J cct6>(\\J-'s ."t{ +:t p N-$t ,------'-- t/YItt'txRr$[ FC\NitStS;$p .^ \nit.\_ss .'.,'z.z ] s 5-s+(\- \)\-- 1N\') fr \ i + ----.-1---'f --"f "- II 6*t-q- \ ffil*o. / !,, ^, /A.t \,-' --d -.-----./.'-- '2- )\ F)! l,$s ]-$-' 3$$s- +A=-S^-}N $t1 \ xrN Inwn 75 south |rontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce of the mayor April 4, 1988 Mr. Joe MacyVail Associates Box 7Vail, Colorado 91658 Re: Ski Base/Recreation, Golden Peak Children's Center Dear Joe: As you reguested, the following is a sunrnary of Town of Vailactions on the proposed Golden peak Childrenrs Center: on February 8, 1988, the pranning and Environmental cornrnissionvoted 5-0 with 2 abstentions to approve the Golden peakChildren,s Center with three conditions: 1. That Vail Associates contribute 50t of the cost of theconstruction of a colored concrete walkway frorn the Rarnshorn property to the existing Manor VaiI walkway. The Town of Vail wiII also be a 50* partner. 2. That the Design Review Board review the concerns of thestaff that are outlined in the staff recomnendation #z inthe memo of 2/8/88. 3. That the Town of vail and Vair Associates study the totaltraffic situation from the Ramshorn to ski CIuL vait priorto construction of the building. On.March.L, 1988, the Town Council approved by a unaninous 7-0vote Ordinance No. 6, of i-988 includLng two c6nditions: 1. That VaiI Associates shall contribute 5Ot of the cost of awalkway to be constructed between Rarnshorn and Manor VaiIupon conmencement of construction of the main building asdescribed in the Golden peak development plan. \Z\IL1989 2. Vail Associates shalt contribute gl-o,ooo for a trafficcontrol gate j.nstaltation at the bus stop upon cornmencement of construction of the nain building asdescribed in the Golden Peak developnent plan. On March 16, 1988, the Design Review Board approved assubnitted and amended the colden peak Chl-ldrenrs Centerproposal by a vote of 3-0 with 2 abstentions. - ff you have any further questions, the Connunity Development Department will be availabte to assist you. Sincerely,WKent R. Rose Mayor KRR:bpr tn'TTA'+'39S*"\l 201 Gore Creek Drive vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476.220r WE ARE SENDING YOU d Attached tr Under separate cover via LETTI' @F irRANSnfl IT'TAL Ef Plans tr Samples E Specifications TO tr Shop drawings D Copy of letter [r Prints - Change order coPt E:i DATE NO.DESCRIFfION '//eina/fi6 I ffil,,r,llloflm_lla_I I I I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: D For approval S For your use ( As requested tr Appmved as submitted tr Approved as noted tr Returned for corrsctions E Resubmit-copies for approval ! Submit -copies for distribution tr Retu rn -corrected prints { For rwiew and commcnt tr tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER IOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: nmff?|o.z l@ hE. c.rr x-. ol||.tt anctoau..a aa nd .. adad, ktodlt ndttyt u. al onca. 7 -*- -i i \ \ {+---..-.--"-'-" -l ) \) N.r \$ r$('$ s) \NIt>cF *d -\-- $ rs,sx-lrt\ c\)I=\ -tt /" NV\5TN' ..e$ N $ \, 3 \_ \ I I I f :"-* 'Fy5 u {i-$- r1.\$\ l\. -1.1 7 | ,--/ ' , ..- -4-+- $st{: .so i-- \L,Wil vAyv t\/N il ( *- I i/s$s \ T'*fii iL$ ,j $jsi J $* rsffK\'" I r$ll i\ il Nr/ i iJ, llT: r{ $ll oo boylz engineering, inc, prof essionol structurol engin€ers llarch 15, 1988 llr. Oon Voisinet IIATTHEIIS S ASSOCIATES P.0, Box 3567 Vail, Colorado 81658 $ub ject ' Structural Revi.er.r of Propoaed Tinber Retaining t^la I Is 6oIden Pe6k Chlidnens' Cent er Vai I, Co I orado Dear Oon, At youn request I hava revisutod the proposod new iinber retalning r.ralls to be located both on the north and eouih sldea of the tuo neul tennis courta at 6oldcnPeak. Both srtuations ane retainlng a loial diflerential of approxir'rately turelve feot. Thrs r.ri 11 bo reialnesJ by tr.ro six foot crib r^ral ls r,rlth a six footterrace betuleen the tuo. I do not see any engineenlng pr.oblens in approachingthe grading in this mannen and in fact urc have a nunoben of slmilar deglgns in p lace in Eagle County. Pleaso Blve ne a calI if you have any quostions negarding thia lratter. o 143 e. meodor,v dr. suite n-10 . crossroads shopping cenle( . roil. colorodo 81657 o 303/4762170 o o 325 south moin street . the purpl? building . breck€nridge @lorodo 8OA24 . 3ffi/453-6633 o ffi*#..]hh5;*""'";q:.1r; *l--f #,ti=Sb Tilrothy Pre s I den Boyl al .,,,') , ) -5-2" r-a=2.- ORDINANCE #45(Series of 1983) AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING THE SKI BASE/ RECREATION ZONE DISTRICT ON AN AREA NEITLY ANNEXED INTO THE TOWN OF VAIL AND REZONING AN AREA LOCATED IfITHIN TUE TOWN OF VAIL KNOWN AS THE GOLDEN PEAK SKI BASE AREA FROM AGRICULTURAL /er, // t /z/7/ ls AND OPEN SPACE TO THE SKI BASE RECREATION DISTRICT. WHEREAS, Ordinance #30, Series of 1983, annexed into the Town of Vail a parcel of property located in Eagle County and more particularly described in Exhibit A a.ttached hereto; and . WHEREAS, in accordance with Chapter 18.68 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail as amended and 31-12-115 CRS, as amended, upon receipt of a report from the Planning Commission the Town Council must determine the zoning district to be imposed on the annexed area within ninety (90) days of annexation; and YIHEBEAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town has recommended that the zoning to be imposed on the newly annexed area should be ski base/recreation zone district; and WHEREAS, the Town Council is further of the opinion that - the real property located within the Town of Vail and known as the Golden Peak ski base area more particularly described in Exhibit B attached hereto is not appropriately zoned at the present time; and WHEREAS, the Planni,ng and Environmental Commission after numerous hearings has recommended to the Town Council that the - Golden Peak ski- base area should be rezoned from the agricultural and open space zone district to the ski base recreation zone district. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOTYN COUNCTL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, TIIAT: Section 1. In accordance with Section 31-12-115 CRS as amended and Chapter 18.68 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail as amended, the ski base/recreation zone district is hereby imposed on the recently annexed unplatted parcel adjacent and south of Tract F of Vail Village Fifth Filing and of Tract B of Vail Village Seventh Filing, more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto. -2- Section 2. In accordance with the recommendation of the planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Va.il the area located within the Town known as the Golden Peak ski base and described as Vail Vitlage Fifth Filing amended rract F and vaiL village seventh Filing Tract B, Eagle county, colorado, is hereby rezoned from the agrlcultura.l and. open space zone distrj,ct to ski base recreation district. Section 3.In accordance with Chapter 1g,Og the zoning adminis_ trator is hereby a"uthorj-zed to amend the official zoning map of the Town of vail to reflect the zoning changes adopted in this ordinance. section 4. rn accordance with section 19.39.110 of the ski base/ recreation zone district, the development plan submitted by the developer vail Associates for the recently annexed parcel of property and for the Golden Peak ski base area is hereby approved by the Town councll and incorporated in this ordinance by reference. Section 5. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision sha11 not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town councir hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 6 The Town Counci. I hereby this ordinance is necessarv welfare of the Town of VaiI finds, determines and declares tha.t and proper for the health, safety and and the inhabitants thereof. Section 7 The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Vail Municipal code a.s provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right whlch has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the proVision repealed or repealed or reenacted. The repear of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressry stated herein. \( --o \ "ARCEL TO BE ANNEXED n tracL of land located tn Section g, Township 5 Souch, Range g0 Wesu 6thP.M. Eagre couutyr accordlng to che Map of vail village sevench Frllngreception No. 102780, and thc Map of vail village Tench filing recepElonNo. 12lr43 and accor<ling co the llap of vail Village FirsE filtng receprion ,.No. 963E2 as filod in the Offjce of the EuCt. County CLerk andRecorder, more particularly describecl as'fottowsi' .BEGINNING ac a poitlt on che Souiherly boundary line of vaii vtttace Seveutlrfiling crac! g r.rhence che Norcheasr corner Southeast l/4 Norchwest l/4of said sccEion 8 beari Norch 42o 20'01" East, g93.42 fcet; Tl$iNCE alongsai<l'souEherly boundary line che folrowinF, courses; South 79o zot 05,'Ea;E,13?9.28 feeE; North 89o 42t 37', Eas!, 515.00 fect; Sourh g0,,32r 33,, Fi.sE,355.00; Norrir 82o 58'oo" EasE, 105.00 feeE co a poinr on Ehe wescerlyboundary line of Vail Vjllage Tenth filin,c; TrtENcii souch 07" 02' 00" iiast354-78 feeE along, said bounclary co a point on Lhe EasE-I.Jesr cunrerljnc ofsaid section 8; TIIENCE sourh 89" 42' J7" wesE 1030.35 feec ro a Doinc orr -the Easc boundary rine a .parcel described at Reception No. ll5l.lg iu tlreEagle counly clerk & Recorders office; TuElicE along sai.d borrndary thefollowing chree courses; Norch 02o 5ot 00" I.resr, zL4.z7; souch g7o l0' 00,'lr'esc, 200.00'; Souch 02" 50t 00" Easc, 205.39 !o che Easc-Wesr ccnEerljneof Sajd secEion 8, TllENcE along said cenrerline sourh ggo qz' 37., wcsr, 1g55.69feec to a poinr; TllENcE Norch 00" 0g'00" Uest, g76.50 feec to a point. on Ehe sotrt.lrerry bourrdary line of vail village I;jrsc ftling; TllENcE alorrg saldboundary line che following courses; Souch 62o 2gt 00" iast, 611.50; souch80" 00' 00" East, L2O.44 feer; North 32o 2gr 00" East, llo.19 feer to P. O. B. concaining 35.802 acres g ) tuD 7 ,t e -/ rNTRoDucED, READ oN FrRsT nEADrNc, APPRoVED AND oRDEBro n*rrrr"o oNcE rN FIILL THrs 6th day of December, 19g8, and a public hearing on this ordinance shal1 be held at its regular meeting of the Town Councll of the Town of vail, colorado, on the zOttr day of December, 19g8, at 7:30 p.m. in the Municlpal Bulldlng of the town. Rodney E. S11fer, trlayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk BEAD oN sEcoND READTNG, aPPRovED AND ADoprED TIIrs 2oth.day of December, 1983. This ordinance ordered publlshed on second reading. o MI NUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 1, 1988 7:30 P.M. A regular meeting of the Vajl Town CounciI was held on Tuesday, March 1, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the counc.il chambers of the vajl Municipal Building. L MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: The next item was an aPPointment to Mayor Rose noted there was onlY one discussion by Council or the public. was made by Merv Lapin and seconded motion passed unanimously 7-0. Kent Rose, Mayor John Slevin, Mayor Pro Tem Eri c Affel dt Merv Lapin Gail l.lahr'l ich-Lowenthal Gordon Pierce Tom Steinberg None Ron Phillips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town AttorneY Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk The fjrst order of busjness was approval of the mjnutes from the February 2 and 16, 1988 meetings. There was no discussjon by Councjl or the public. Tom Steinberg made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, which John Slevin seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0' the Local Liquor L'i censing Authori ty 8oard. applicant, Bill Bishop- There was no other A motion to appoint Bill Bishop to the Board by Tom Steinberg. A vote was taken and the e .;.ia /'-oL)The third order of busjness was Ordinance No. 6, Series of 1988, second reading, amending the Vaii Municipal Code ri ct' Mayor R6se read the tjtl; in full. Rick Pylmari notecl-Ehanges made to the ordjnance from the first reading - Section 1, B 2, "Chjldren's" skj school services and programs and Section 2, paragraph 1, ljne 6, adding "With regard to the recreational bath relocation south of tennis courts 3-6, Sheet 3 shall be amended by Matthews hssociates Sheet L-1 dated February 8, 1988.u. Larry Lichl iter, Executive Vice President of Mountain Operations, Vail Associates, stated he was there to support the application; Vai'l Associates had agreed to the requirements specified by_the Councii; and wai requesting approval. Bill Bours, an owner in the Manor Vail Condominium Association, also President of the Condo. Association and was representing a1 I the owners, and representing Northwoods and Howard Torgove, President, stated they were ip favor of the Children's Ski School , but had a problem wjth the jocation. He requested Council postpone action on the ordinance for 30 days so the Association could work with Vajl Associates on other possible sjtes. He thln read a letter to Council from Kit Cowperthwaite against approva'l of the ordinance. Dave Schnegelberger, Manager of All Seasons Condominium Association, stated all its owners were in agreement with Bours' statement. Bob Buckley, a resident of Vail and employee of Vail Associates, gave reasons why he felt strongly in favor of approval . Larry Lichliter gave concluding comments and urged Council to pass the ordinance. Ejll Eours argued they wanted the Skj School , but not at that iocation- Bob Buckley again supported his position jn favor of the project. Nancy Nottingham explained the criteria used when Vajl Associates was planning the location of the building and remarked the opposition was a surprise to her.. Chris Ryman, Director of Vail/Beaver Creek Ski Schoo'l , supported Nancy, and noted they had spent a lot of time and energy to resolve the situation, and if it could not be done now, the schedule would fall behind. Elaine Kelton was for the Ski School , but that green space was ultimateiy important. Paul Johnston made remarks about children 6eing safe in Vail and urged Counci'l to move ahead. Dan Corcoran felt there were good points on both sides, but the problems should be resolved by the property owners, not Council. He felt Council should approve it on the merit of the center and let the other issues be resolved in a different arena. Larry Lichliter stated .i f the ordjnance was approved, Vail Associates would work with the nejghborhood to work out the problems. He then answered questions from Council. Jack Hunn, Project Manager, Vail Associates, explained why he was not jn favor of waiting 30 days and urged Council to take action. Bill Bours gave additjonal comments. Peter Patten and Larry Lichliter answered questions from Councjl. Jack Hunn responded to a proposal by Bill Bours. At this tjme, Eric Affeldt made a motjon to approve the ordinance including the changes noted by Rick Pylman, and John Slevin seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. - tJ 1 .ite'The next item was Ordinance No. 7, Series of 1988, fjrst reading, rezoning Tract E-1 '' lL fro* Agricultural/Open Space to Ski Base Recreation, and establishjng Special l,('- Develoiment District No.20 on Tract E-l and Lots A and B, Elock 2, VaiI Village ,' .,,/ First Filing. Mayor Rose read the full title. Tom Eraun stated the ordinance ;)1"- required three separate actions - 1) a minor subdiv'i sion, 2) exterior a'l teration' review and 3) rezoning wjth the SDD No. 20. Ron Riley, heading the efforts of the project, gave background information on the project. Peter Jamar and John Perkins gave a slide presentation on existing conditions, proposed plans and discussion of iract E - the Golden Peak House redevelopment and the Village skj base facility. Peter Jamar then reviewed the twelve condjtjons - the six already in the ordinance and the six additional recommended by the Planning and Env'i ronmental Commission. He then reviewed these recommended condit'i ons and explained their intentions. Tom Braun presented the staff's position and explained why staff recommended approval . Peter Patten spoke about rezoning and changed circumstances, consistency with the land use plan, and this project would be the last step in the remodeling of Vajl Village. Jack Tweedy made a statement on the initial jntent of the founding fathers and noted he agreed with all the plans except not to build on the green belt or build underground. Howard Head stated he felt the older property owners in the area did not want the project and gave his reasons why. El'l ie Caukins and Howard Berkowitz explained why they were against the proiect. Greta Parks read a letter she had written to the Council in opposition to the project. Frank'i e Tang agreed with the olans for the Golden Peak House, but on a smaller scale. Joe Staufer questioned the zoning and SDO. John Trtani, who has a business in the Golden Peak fiouse, the Sportsstalker, stated he does well and will ccntinue to do we1 l, and did not understand why people were blocking this project. He felt that everyone had to look at the community and not be selfish, and gave his reasons why he supported the project. Teak Simonett, manager of Vail Ski Rentals, presented photographs of delivery trucks in the area to Council and stated why she was opposed to the project. Gordon Brittan stated he was against the use of open space. Bill ltilto explained he supported the redevelopment of the Golden Peak House, that condjtions have changed; agreed to the need to use open space for skier space, and the deck area would be for the publ'i c, so al'l jn all, he endorsed the project. Harry Frampton explained that zoning and planning were not an exact science and that he supported the project because the benefits outweighed the problems. Ray Ke11ey read a letter he wrote to the Council opposing the project. Fred Greene stated the Councjl had to deal with the concept of change, and that Council should not let the issue of open space be the deciding point. Andy Norris explained he was concerned about the capability to handle visiting skiers, that the Vista Eahn area would have to be able to accommodate them, and that the compromises were acceptable. Hadley Cox, an owner in the Golden Peak House, stated he did not ljke the encroachment, thai it would hinder family life; he was in favor of the upgrade of the Golden Peak House, noted his concern of the ski area, and requested the rezoning not be done. Dick Georgie, an owner in the Golden Peak House, was not in favor of the deck or underground buildings, but did like the remodeling plans for the Golden Peak House. paul Johnston addressed some problems brought up, noted he strongly supported the plans, and read a letter from Linda and Eerry Craddock in support of the project. ban Corcoran stated he felt this was an opportunity to get the base facilities needed and to remodel the Golden Peak House; it was a good proposai jn the best spot, and he hoped it would be approved. Jack Curtin, represent'i ng Mrs. Hill, spoke about open space and zoning and why they were against the project. Pepi Gramshammer gave hjs reasons why he was against the project. Tom Ragonetti, an attorney representing several residents in the area, felt the majori ty of comments stated the facility was needed, but was not jn the right place; there would be a prob'l em with the increase jn traffic, parkjng and more noise; and it would be an incompatible use wjth what was around it. Sarah Rockwell, an associate of Mr. Ragonetti's, noted two procedural irregularitjes which seemed important. Peter Jamar and Tom Braun responded. Paul Johnston noted that 85% of the Golden Peak House residents had approved the remodeling. Dan Minzer stated that 100% of the first mortgage'lenders aiso had to approve the p1ans. Jerry Parmjn, owner of Vai'l Village Sports, supported the project. After much more djscussion by Council, Eric Affe'l dt made a motion to deny the ordinance, which was seconded by Merv Lapin. A vote was taken and the motion fajled 2-5, with John Slevin, Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal , Tom Steinberg, Mayor Rose and Gordon Pierce opposing. Another motion was made by Tom Steinberg to -2- approve the ordinance with alI the additional conditions requested by the Planning and Environmental Commission, except item No. 2, as stated in the memorandum from itrJ Community Development Department to Town CounciI dated March 1, 1988. John Slevin seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion-passed 5-2, with Merv irpin "na irii nft"fii opposing. It was decjded that Council would take a site visit to the Golden Peak House and the Los Amigos deck area to review the areas' The fifth order of business was Resolution No. 5, Series of_1988, adopting.the Town oi v"ll Transit Development Plan Update 1988-1992. Ron Phi'llips gave 1.!r1ef - explanation as to what'the plan update would do. Stan Berryman gave additional. iniormation. Eric Affeldt made a motion to approve the resolution as submitted, nfri.fr e"il Wahrlich-Lowenthal seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unaninously 7-0. There was no Citizen Participation' There was no Town Manager's Report. There bejng no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:05 a.m. ResPectful 1Y submi tted, ATTEST: Minutes taken by Brenda Chesman -3- ao Oo VAIL TRAILS EAST CONDOT'INIUIII ASSOCIATION c,/o Charles H. Cowperthwaite 303 E. Seventeenth AvenueSuite 1000 Denver, Colorado 80203 March 1, 1988 VIA TELECOPY AND REGULAR MAIL Honorable Kent R. Rose, Mayor Town of Vail 75 So. Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Proposed Ordinance No. 6 Amendment to Golden Peak Redevelopment PIan Dear Mayor Rose: Several years ago Vail Trails East Condominium Association("VTE") was one of a group of condominium associations, townhomes, lodges and private residences comprising the so-called Golden Peak Neighborhood Association. This organization was instru- mental in working with representatives of Vail Associates and The Town of Vail in reaching a series of compromises enabling VaiI Associates to redevelop its Golden Peak base facility. The undersigned, together with various members of our constituent groups, met on numerous occasions to hammer out an ordinance and amendments to the then existing protective covenants which seemed to satisfy most concerns. Inasmuch as I had ongoing communications with members of this groupr the Community Development Department for several years forwarded me j-nformation and agenda listings concerning matters which might be of concern to us. Upon learning about two days ago of proposed Ordinance6 and 1ts implications for the Golden Peak area, I was disturbed as to why this communication had suddenly stopped. While the Community Development Department is under no strict obliga- tion to furnish me with this kind of i-nformation and I do have fairly regular access to The Vail !qe!L, what this does tell me is thai the proponents-of this amendment simply donot want any further neighborhood input. oo Oo Page 2 March 1, 1988 It has been suggested that Manor Vail Condominium Association may be the only organization opposing the construction of a L2,000 foot children's center which in itself constitutes a major revision to the redevelopment plan. Nothing could be further from the truth. Without further explanation and refinements, our organization also opposes any such changes and had we had sufficient time to alert other neighbors. I feel certain that many of them would also object. As with the Go1den Peak House Lodge proposal, the sanctity of our greenbelts are of paramount importance. To a1low construction of a secondary structure that also doubles the size of the originally contemplated children's facility' is to j-gnore many of the problems we had with the original proposal made several years ago. To conclude, some years ago we negotiated in good faith wi-th the Town and Vail Associates. why are we' the neighboring landowners, being denied the opportunity to help with a soLu- tion instead of being forced to rely on recourse to our protec- tive covenants. At the very least, we urge the Town Council to table your consideration until all concerned have had an opportunity to analyze Vail Associates' most recent proposal. Very truly yours ' VAIL TRAILS EAST CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION By: CHC: do cc: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Dr. MS. Eric L. Affeldt Merv Lapin Gordon R. Pierce John C. Slevin Thomas I. Steinberg cail B. Wahrlich-Lowenthal Charles H.waite, Secretary,/Treasur ORDINANCE NO. 6 Series of 1988 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND RE.ENACTING SECTION 18.39.030, PERMITTED USES OF CHAPTER 18.39, SKI BASE/RECREATION DISTRICT OF THE VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE. WHEREAS, Section 18.39.030 of Chapter 18.39 of the Vail Municipal Code describes the permitted uses of the Ski Base/Recreation zone district; and WHEREAS, Vail Associates, Inc. has submitted an application to amend Section 18.39.030 of the Vai l Municipal Code; and hlHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town has recommended approval of the amendment to Section 18.39.030 of the Vai'l Municjpal Code; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers it in the public interest to amend said section of the Municinal Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Section l. Section 18.39.030 of the Vail Municipal Code is hereby repealed and re-enacted to read as follows: 18.39.030 Permitted Uses A. The following uses shall be permitted withjn the majn bujlding jn the Ski Base,/Recreation Distri ct: l. Ski Lockers/Employee Locker Rooms 2. Ski School and Ski Patrol Facilities 3. Lift Ticket Sales 4. Tennis Pro Shoo 5. Ski Repair, Rental , Sales and Accessories 6. Restaurant,/Bar/Snack Bar/Candy Sales 7. Summer Seasonal Town of Vail Recreation Offices 8. Meeting Rooms for 0wner Use and Community-0riented 0rganizations 9. Injury Prevention and Rehabilitatjon Faci'l jties for Owners' Use 10. Basket Rental 11. Special Community Events B. Permitted Uses t,lithin the Secondary Bui1ding 1. Year-round child care and children's ski schoo'l and appurtenant recreatj onal faci l i t ies and programs 2. Ski school services and programs 3. Community events and programs 4. Summer recreational programs ' c. - Reta'il and Meetinglt s0"." Limitation 1. Retail sales space, whether it be a permitted or conditional use, in the first two f'l oors shall be |imited to a maximun of 15% of the non- residential gross square footage of the main building. Under Section 18.39.030, retaiI shall be defjned as tennis pro shop, candy sales, ski repair/rental/sales and accessories, and basket rental . 2. frleeting rooms shall be limited to a maximum of 5% of the non-residential gross square footage of the main building. D. Multi-famjly dwell ing units withjn the main bui lding if the fol'lowing requirements are met: 1. The dwel'ling units shall be a secondary use within the main building if they meet the following crjteria: a. No residential use on ground level' b. Visual impacts such as surface parking for the dwelling units shall within the main buiIding. c. The maxjmum gross residentjal floor area (GRFA) devoted to dwelling units shall not exceed thirty percent of the total gross square footage of the majn structure. Section 2. In accordance with Sect'ion 18.39.110 of the Ski Base/Recreation zone district' the development plan submitted by the developer, Vail Associates, Inc., is hereby amended by the Town Council and jncorporated in this ordinance. The approved deve'lopment plan sha'll beamended by the inclusion of Snowdon & Hopkins Sheets 1,2,4,5 dated 2/1/88 and Sheet 3 dated 2/4/88 as well as Vail Associates revised Master Plan dated l2/L4/87. Section 3. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts' sections, subsections' sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared invalid. Section 4, The Town Counci'l hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and its inhabitants thereof. Section 5. The repeal or the repeal and re-enactment of any provisions of the Vai'l Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any ri ght which has accrued, any duty imposed, any vio'lation that occurred pri or to the effectjve date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED ON FIRST READING THIS day of 1988, and a public heari ng shall be held on this ordinance on the _ day of , 1988 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the VaiI Munjcipal BuiIding, Vai1, Colorado. 0rdered published jn ful'l this day of , 1988. Kent R. Rose, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED th is day of , 1988. Kent R. Rose, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town C'lerk Fd. z, =Eu- 3td .{|3 If Ft/'> trJ =Ftoz. =o U- =tu \:lrl:---. !fll, I ' I'Ir t I I I I I I'+.j' I 'fI ,\ \ H ,tf.' i .l \r'll t':!fl t .!'I|':.,ilit \t I tl t: f.;. ti,i2; Lrl-5loUI =oE lJ- = = I I 't I 1 I It. t I I I <l I' I Il" i 4.t't I it ,luvl1d APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB MEETI|{G: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION I.IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE.APPLICATION MEETIIIG: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additjonal information is needed. No app'l ication will be accepted unless it is complete (must include al1 items required by the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion will streamline the approva'l process for your project by decreasing the numberof conditions of approval that the DRB may stipu'l ate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Qna, B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Addres s Legal Descript'ion Lot Bl ock Filing r7,Ct I F. DRB FEE r. The-,iee wi I I VALUATION $ 0-$ 10,000$10,00i-$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ 0ver $1,000,000 ?,r^^6?^^t? lr/\ rr^F ^F^r-^lit^ - r ar'!,.i! -.,. -,\r...r. .v,1L- ,.*e,r-\..,,I|\U rilL Jult,iIJJItJt\J tV be $ 10.00 $ 2s.oo $ 50.00 $1oo.oo $200.00 $300.00 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that wjll should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB site. stake the site be removed vi si ts the ?. The review process for NEl.l BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approvai. 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Roard at their scheduled meet'i ng and:':ho have rrr.rt asked for; postponement wili be requ'i red to be republ i shed. Zonins 5h hn lahlltq c. NAME 0F AppLrcANT: vatl Afierl.tW lW. Address W. f " 1 ,V;,1 , hloralr \Wt te'rephone D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Address 4Al bm, lnnk7fvo ,Vtl ,hlora|o lW61' -terephone ru-'r?01 I. NAME OF OI.JNERS:? Siqnature/- /- Address/ 7.tel ephone paid at the time a building permit is requested. FEE ... . ..: .':o LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The following information is required for submitta'l Board before a final approva'l can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Si di ng Other liall Materials by the applicant to the Design Reviev COLOR I ,Mi;ol 1lelbb Fascia Soffi ts l.|i ndows t.|indow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Flashings . Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther (,,rh) \b?4 il?4 B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED of Designer: phone: Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty Si ze* -- t.!-^ -r-J.a ^-r^ L^: -L! t^.^ ^^-: a^q- :EFd z, =o l! =ITJ 9fgr- .|l 'OtrF€-lr; ..tttiir: ' .i .', I Ft1 lrl-F. o v7 = Lr- =|JJ I <I ,l L I II ! I f:' .f dr'l t ! a-v,EI =-Fno = =o tt- =trt ..{i-,f I I r{IIr tI' I I I t ,ra APPLTCATT0N DATET ,wfi6 DATE 0F DRB MEETIi'lc , h/4 tob DRB APPLICATION *****THJS APPLICATION hlILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI4ITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-app1 ication meet'ing with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional jnformation is needed. No application will. be_accepted unless it is coirplete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the appliclnt's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to fjnd out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be reso'l ved before a building permit js issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: CYIa, B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Addres s Legal Description Lot Bl ock Fi'l i ng Zonins 5h Vqo fzal:,h,t c. NAME oF AppLrcANT: vail Aqo^plv, lw. Address ?-/.- h " "l ,Vv,l , hlnalr. Woql telephone 41b'Eb0l D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: tet ephone +lb'Mol E. NAME OF OWNERS: S'i gnatur Addres tel ephone DRB FEE:The 6e will be paid at the time a buildjng permit is requested. VALUATION FEE r7Lt F. $ o-$ lo,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ so.oo $100 .00 $200.00 $3oo . oo SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be markbd. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. 2. The review process for NEt,l BUILDINGS will normal 1y involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for the'i r approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. o 4. The following items no longer have to be presented to the Design_Review Board. They, howevei, have to be presented to the Zoning Admlnlstrator for approval: a. blindows, skylights and slmllar exterior changes that do not alter the existing p'lane of the bul]ding; and b. Building addjtlons that are not vlewed {Iory qny other lot or public space, which hive had letters submitted from adJoining property owners approvlng the addjtion; and/or approval frcrn the agent for, or manager of a condominlum assoclation. 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. t J'. l' a LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PR The fol lowing information is required for submittal Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING IVIATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Si di ng Other liall Materials by the applicant to the Design Review COLOR Fasci a Soffi ts l.Ji ndows t,lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Name of Des'igner: Phone: Botanical Name Common Name Quan'i ty S'ize* for coni fers . (over) *Indicate caiiper for deciducious trees.Indicate height ^osNowDoN & HoPKrNlt ARCHITECTS 201 Gore Creek Drive vArL, coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476.2201 wE ARE SENDING YOU E Attachod tr Under separate cover via { Prints ( Plans El Samples E Change order D TO LETTfrF T'RANSNNITTAL tr Specificationstr Shop drawings ! Copy ot letter COPI E:;DATE t{o.DESCRIPTION /,tttt lsb *bl?1^.t 2{ta Lhhal1l(w{ o 4414lfru h w' t ti W I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: For approval For your use As requested ! h X tr ! tr Approved as submitted tr Approved as noted ! Returned for corrections tr Resubmit-copies for approval tr Submit -copies for distribution E Return -cort€sH prints For reviow and commcnt tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: noflrct2ts2 /m tr- &6i, 13 ox,t.t, t^cto.u.aa t.t not .! h&.d, klndlt noltttt u. .t ohc.. TO! Ron phillips FROM! Conrnunity Development DATE: February 16, 19BB su&rEcr: Request for an anendnent to the ski Base/Recreationzone district for the Golden peak Childrenrs CenterApplicant: Vail Associates, fnc. YPil .Associates' rnc. has subrnitted an apprication to arnendChapter L8.39 of-the VaiI Municipal Codel-the Ski Base,/Recreation zone district. The purpose oi this reguestedamendment is to allow Vair AssoLiates to replac" €n" existingmodular units with a permanent facirity that, wirl serve as achildren's center. The anendment to tire zoning is required toallow construction of a secondary buirding on fhe cola"n peaksite. staff reconmendation is for approval with two conditions. ThePlanning and Environmental coirinission voted 5 - o with twoabstentions to approve the request with three conditions: t. That Vail Associates contribute 509 of the cost ofconstruction of a colored concrete walkway frorn theRarnshorn property to the existing Manor Viil walkway.Town of VaiI wiII also be a 50t partner. 2. That the Design Review Board review the concerns of thestaff that are outrined in the staff recornmendation #2 inthe rneno of 2/8/88. 3. That the Town of VaiI and VaiI Associates study thetraffic situation fron the Rarnshorn to Ski CluL Vailto construction of the buitding. totalprior ,[\ Planning and Environmental Commissio" I.,|f February 8, 1988 " Cl IPRESENT STAFF PRESENT \ Dl-ana Donovan Tom Braun Bryan Hobbs Rick Pylnan Pam Hopkins Betsy Rosolack Peggy Osterfoss Grant Rivasid schultzJin Viele r JU!'\,,V .\)/tl"', / ,\ \'Kf\' (.)u The meeting was called to order by the chairman, Jin Viele. Diana, Pam, Peggy, Jim and Grant lrere sworn in for new two yearterms. Grant is a new member of the PEC. Diana moved and Bryan seconded to have Jirn Viele continue as chairman. Thevote was 5-O-L in favor. A work session was held on the Vail cateway (Anoco) project,Ied by Rick Pylman. I. A reguest for an exterior alteration, a minor subdivision, and a rezoninq to Special Development District for the Golden Peak House. ffiombs, Ltd..; colden peak HouseAssociationi VaiI Associates, Inc. Tom Braun reviewed the last meeting, when the project was firstdiscussed. He stated that the staff position had remained unchanged (in favor of the project). Tom reviewed nine pointsthat the Conmission rnenbers had raised at the last meeting: l. Concern about the size of the dining deck. The applicants have reduced the deck slightly and relocated the bike path to nearly its original alignment. 2. Concern for the need to restrict permitted uses within theski base recreational facility. The applicants have not proposed any changes. 3. Concern about constructing five stories. Given theexisting building mass with the mansard rooft the factthat building is condoniniurnized and a reality ofredeveloping the building is the unlikelihood of alteringthe space within the 4th floor condosi the introduction ofthe desirable gabled roof and the improved sun/shadeconditions, the staff supports the fifth floor element. 4. Concern with potential difficulties providing delivery ndloading service, especially to the ski base/recreationfacility. The staff feels existing loading zones on Hanson Ranch Road and Bridge Street could service theproject, or loading could be accmnodated through thecolden Peak House. 5. 6. 7. Concern over the seasonal enclosure for a portion of thedining deck. The applicants have not changed this elernentof the proposal , staff saw littLe concern given theenclosure's ability to retract both the roof and wall systems. Desire to see both aspects of the project developedsimultaneously. Staff suggested the pEC rnake this acondition of approval if they desire. The dedication to the Town of the reuraining portions ofTract E. 8. Questions were raised concerning the ski race finish areaand the proposed gateway improvements to Vail Mountain.The revised site and landscape plan show improvements tothis area including a ramp as opposed to a staircase. 9. Concern about the relationship of the building to ttrepossible relocation of Seibert Circle. Staff feels thatthe design of the building can stand on its own meritsregardless of whether or not the circle is relocated orstays in its present location. Peter Jamar, planner for the applicants, stated that he feltthere would not be additional need for service and delivery,that the size of the deck was comparable to those in otherski towns, that the design of the temporary enclosure aLlowedthe windows and roof to be retracted, that both parts of theproject coul.d be developed simuttaneously, but that Tract Emust remain in VArs control . He discussed uses, and statedthat a certain amount of flexibility was needed to nake theproject work. He added that the agiiculture and Open Spacezone was different from the Green Belt and Natural Open Spacezone district in that a certain amount of developrnent wasallowed. John Perkins, architect for the applicants, showed a nodel ofthe deck enclosure and described the changes. Dave Yoder, a mechanical engineer, explained where theventilation exhaust system wourd be placed and stated that thevent would not be larger than 6 sqluare feet in size. Jirn Viele acknowledged the receipt of many letters, some infavor of the project, and many opposed. He then asked forinput from the public. Dick Georgie, representing a llroup of owners in the Golden peak House, stated that they did not agree with parts of theproposal, though they were in favor of remodeling the buildingwithout any financial gain to thenselves. He reierred to aletter from Keith Brown and stated that his group agreedwholeheartedly with Keithrs letter. They weie not in favor of 2- the cornmercial area between themselves and the ski slopes. Hementioned that there were restrictive covenants pertaining toTract E. He added that, they were not against the undergrounddevelopment, but were against the deck enclosure, and the deckitself. Mr. Georgie stated that they also wanted to make surethe building was inproved sinultaneously with the commercialexpansion. EIli Caulkins, a resident of Mill Creek Circle, protested thedeck and the underground expansion. Laurel ?, manager of the Sport Stalker, spoke in favor of theexpansion. Steve Berkowitz, a resident of Mill Creek Circle, spoke againstthe project, stating that the original covenants establishedTract E as open space, and he felt the action would beprecedent setting. Arnold Bessinger, an owner in the colden peak House, did notwant to see conmercial space in common green space. Teke Sirnrnonett, manager of Vail Ski Rentals, spoke against theunderground uses . Jack Curtin, representing Mrs. Hill, stated that he wasfor the first tirne that Tract E was a developable pieceproperty. Pepi Gramsharnmer felt the building would crowd the area,irnpact parking, it was too high, ind the open space mustrenain. Bob Lazier frorn the Tivoli spoke agrainst any development ofTract F which is next to the Tivoli. Ron Riley, one of the applicants, explained his viewpoints onthe project. Mark Donaldson spoke in favor of the proposal. The Conmmission then gave their comments: Peggy Osterfoss stated that she would like to see somesignificant landscaping on the front (Seibert Circle) side ofthe building. She felt the gateway trdd been improved. Shefelt the deck was positive in that it did give people a placeto watch skiers. peggy asked what percentage oi tne deck wouldbe enclosed and Perkins told her it would be about l/3. Shestated that she would be happier if the deck were pulled back aLittle and made smaller. she fert the base tacirities werepositive. Bryan Hobbs abstained from conment. hearingof would Jim Viele stated that at Land Use Plan meetings he hadattended, there was strong support against upzoning. He feltthe uses should be lirnited to those truly public, i.e.,restroorns, tj.cket sales, etc. He fett the remainder of Tract Eshould be dedicated to the Town rras had been represented foryears.r' Jim felt that Tract E should be restricted to thecurrent underlying zone district and felt that this was theessence of the issue. Diana Donovan felt the problern to focus on was changing theunderlying zone district. She added that if 47* of the Golden Peak owners were against the proposal and could prevent it frornhappening, perhaps the PEC was wasting their tiroe. Diana was concerned that the deliveries would increase with the increasedensity. She felt the two phases should either be donesimultaneously or that the additions to the Golden Peak Houseshould be done first. Diana was extremely concerned about theuse of Tract E. Sid Schultz said his two rnain concerns were how to deal withthe rest of the Golden Peak owners and the covenants on TractE. He agreed there must be a naster plan. Sid felt that this was the No. 1 portal to Vail Mountain. He felt some type oflandscaping of the front of the building was needed. He stillhad a problem with the 5 foot increase in height of thebuilding and felt it was inconsistent with the two and threestory buildings around it. He pointed out that the Golden Peak House had always been taller than the buildings around it--it was in need of a face lift, but Sid felt the face lift could beaccomplished without an increase in height. Parn Hopkins agreed that planning is compromise, and wasdisappointed that there could not have been more compromise. She felt 5 stories was too high. She felt the uses of theunderground space should be pure public uses. She wondered ifthe Golden Peak House could add fewer units and maintain fourstories. Grant Riva agreed that the Golden Peak House was in need ofupgrading. He read the purpose of the Special DevelopmentDistrict fron the Town zoning code. He was in favor of thesuggested improvements to the building and pointed out that theincrease in overall height was only 5 feet. Grant felt thegateway was a definite improvement for access to the nountain. He felt that if the deck were entirely enclosed, he would beagainst the enclosure, but felt that having the open deckoutweighed having part of it enclosed. Tom Braun read the conditional uses for ttre Agricultural and Open Space zone district and Peter Jamar pointed out thatprivate clubs were allowed. Peggy asked Ron Riley if he wereinterested in reducing the size of the deck, and Riley reptiedthat it would not be larqe enough as it was proposed. peggy felt the issue must relate to the available space for the deck,not whether it was adequate to serve Vail Mountain. peter Janar pointed out other places where the applicants hadcompromised, such as restricting the use of the units, the usesunderground, improving the land beyond their property. The following is the rnotion and conditions of approval asrecorded by the staff of the Comnunity Development Departnent.The precise language of these conditions is subject to formalreview and approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission. Jirn Viele moved to recommend approval of the rezoning of Lots Aand B, Block 2, VaiI Village First Filing and proposed Tract E-L to.Special Developnent District No. 20. with the followingconditions: 1. The size of the proposed dining deck and the seasonalenclosure of the deck be reduced by I/2. 2. The uses permitted on Tract E will be lirnited to thoseallowed in the Agricultural and open Space zone district. 3. Delivery and loading to Tract E will be provided throughthe Golden Peak House Building internally. 4. The construction of the Golden Peak Building and theski base facility shaLl be done sinultaneously, or theconstruction of the Golden Peak House Building shal1precede the ski base facility. 5. Vail- Associates shall dedicate the remainder of Tract E tothe Town of Vail. 6. A comprehensive drainage plan shall be subrnitted (and approved by the Town Engineer) and approvals for therelocation of utilities and easements sha1l be provided byaffected utility cornpanies prior to final DRB approval . 7. The developer is responsible for relocating the bike path(as generally shown on the site plan), and the two maturepine trees on the south side of the project shall berelocated in the area of pirate Ship park. In the eventthese trees die within 12 months of relocation, theapplicant is responsible for placement of spruce trees of20 feet high or more. 8. The Town of Vail presently maintains the lawn behind theGolden Peak House Building. The pubtic Works Departnentwill require indemnification from the owners against any damages to the underground structure prior to resumingmaintenance in this area. This area must remain useableto the general public - no roping or fencing off witl beaIlowed. 9. Owners, use restriction as outlined in Section L7.26.060of the Municipal Code shall apply to these 6 neer unitsproposed in the Golden Peak House (or an eguivalent numberof units). L0. The inclusion of street trees on the Bridge Street side ofthe Golden Peak House may be incorporated into theapproved developnent plan. Final determination as to theappropriateness of these trees shall be made subject tothe outcome of the Vail Village Streetscape ConceptualDesign study (to be conpleted in the sunmer of 1988). 11. The applicants, participation in public improvernents shallbe accomplished by participation in a rtnini-specialtr improvernent district to redesign and relocate SeibertCircle toward an overall improvenent district to redesignand relocate Seibert Circle if and when one is formed. Aneguitable manner of crediting the applicants, contributionfor Seibert Circle toward an overall improvement districtfor VaiI Village will be established, if and vrhen aVilJ.age-wide district is formed. L2. A construction schedule shall be subrnitted and approved bythe Town of Vail prior to the issuance of a buildingpermit. The intent of this schedule is to minirnize-impacts on the Village during construction. Diana Donovan seconded the motion. The vote was 6 in favor,none against, with Hobbs abstaining. Pan Hopkins moved and Grantsubdivision. This approvalapproval of the SDD request. Riva seconded to approve the ninor was conditional upon Council The vote was 6-0-L. Parn rnoved and Grant seconded to approve the exterioralteration. This approval was conditional upon Councilapproval of the SDD request. The vote was G-O-l . r/r' z. Appeal of ltaff decision concerninqOhone occupationpermit for Bowlinq AIIev Pizza at 2754 South Frontaqe Road.Appellants: Darlene and Steve Schweinsberq Tom Braun stated that the applicant asked to table this iteuruntil the next meeting. Diana rnoved and Bryan seconded totable this appeal , and the vote lras 7-O to table. 3.Ar est for an amendment to a development lan in the sk Base,/Recreation zone distr ct in order to construct aldren's center the area of the children'scenter at Golden Peak ski base.Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc. Pan Hopkins and Bryan Hobbs abstained from commenting on thisproject or on voting on it. Rick Pylnan explained the request and said the staff recommended approval with two conditions and a note regardingDesign Review Board approval. Jack Hunn, representing the applicant, discussed the proposal . He extrllained that the VMRD required that Vail Associatesrelocate two tennis courts and the volteyball courts. lhere was a possibility of locating the volleyball courts east of thesoccer field. He showed site plans, floor plans, elevationsand perspectives.Hunn stated that VA would provide $L0,000for control gates or will rough-in the electrical elernents forthe control gates to be constructed at a later date by theToltn. VA wiII also landscape from the corner to the bus stop.As far as contributing the the sidewalk on the north side ofVail Valley Drive, this could be dealt with in the same hray asthe control gates (with a cash contribution). Hunn pointed outthat the contributions and improvernents constituted 178 of thebudget for the childrenrs center. Regarding using colored concrete for the sidewalk, Hunn statedthat this was difficult to get the color to rnatch when patchingthe concrete, so VA was not in favor of colored concrete. Sid stated that another alternative would be pavers. Jack feltthat pavers $rere too expensive, and pointed out that there lrasno precedent for pavers in the area. Sid replied that thepavers could be extended with Phase II. Diana asked holr vA would keep skiers from skiing into the newlyrelocated tennis courts. Jack stated that a rope maze would beused and also perhaps use race fencing. Rick grLnan stated that the staff supported having the tenniscourt construction delayed for one year and putting money forthe relocation into an escrohr account. Bob Lazier, owner of the Tivoli, was in favor of this approach, also. Diana askedabout trees that were affected. Hunn replied that the najortrees by the new building would be protected. He added that ifthe tennis courts were relocated, some trees would have to bemoved. Diana wanted to see VA control the parking on Chalet Road. Shewondered what woul-d happen to the space in phase II that wasoriginally to be the childrenrs cenler. Hunn said it had notbeen decided, but that there were many possibilities. Thischange would be looked at when approval for phase II wasbrought in. Diana felt the berm between the two phases needed.to-be landscaped. She suggested that the bus stop at l{anorVaiI needed to be moved as well as Manor VaiI ,s entrance andexpressed the desire that the traffic in the area from the Ramshorn to the vail ski ctub building be looked at morecarefully and addressed before approval of phase I by theDesign Review Board. She wished to see sidewalks and lights inthe area. Jirn Viele had the same concerns the staff expressed in theirmemo. He reconmended sornething other than cribbing if thetennis courts were constructed south of the existing courtswest of the existing base building. Viele felt interlockingpavers of.trigh strength could be used at the pedestrian drop-off area in Phase I and this concern should be passed to thlDesign Review Board. Peggy was not in favor of the proposed relocation of the tenniscourts. She felt the sidewalk on the north side of Vail VatleyDrive should be done now, rather than wait to construct it. Sh;felt VA should consider Jirnrs suggestion of interlockingpavers. Hunn replied that he wanted to have the pavers as anoption. Peggy felt the bus stop was unacceptable as proposed, and VA must rnake it aesthetically acceptable. Hunn repliedthat he understood. Grant Riva agreed with the cornments. He wondered about theview impact and Hunn felt the view would be inproved byremoving the modulars and building an attractive building.Grant also seconded Peggyrs feelings about the tennis courts. Jirn Vie1e discussed the parking situation. He said that 48spaces would be required for parking and that the Town wasfalling behind in reguirea paiking spaces. Viele asked. fordirection from the Tosrn council regarding the ski basefacilities and the need for parking. Hunn replied that the facility was somewhat unigue in that itwas a drop-off on1y. The building would hold 500 children,averaging perhaps 250 chitdren, 4og of whorn wourd coroe by bus,leaving L50 cars, with 19 spaces be provided. VA felt thatthis was an adequate number. Viele stated that the total Gotden Peak area was deficient inparking and pointed out that the children,s center would beusing 45 employees. Diana asked if the childrenrs center would be used in a similar way in the sunmer, and Hunn repliedthat it would. Diana moved and Peggy seconded to recomrnend approval to arnendthe Ski Base/Recreation district with the followingconditions: 1. That VA contribute 50* of the cost of construction of acolored concrete walkway from the Rarnshorn property to theexisting Manor Vail walkway. Town of Vail will also be a 5Ot partner. 2. That the Design Review Board review the concerns of thestaff regarding the pedestrian circulation and walkwayareas of the bus stop regarding colored concrete orpavers. 3. That the Town of Vail and Vail Associates study the totaltraffic situation between the Raroshorn and ski club vailprior to construction of the childrenrs center. The vote was 5 in favor, none against, with 2 abstaining,(Hopkins and Hobbs). 4. Presentatio Rick Pylnan explained that this application, Special Development District #18, received final approval frour the TownCouncil in August of 1987. Grant asked about the overheadwires possibly being buried in the near future. Rick repliedthat they had talked about getting together with other property owners concerninq burying the lines, but could not acconplishthis and this was not a iequirenent for final approval . He added that the electric lines on this property wereunderground. John Nilsson, applicant, added that they tried tobury the power J-ines, but couldn,t get HoIy Cross toparticipate. Rick added that they had hoped to have the lineburied all the vray to Pitkin Creek Park Condos. Diana wondered if it would be appropriate for the Town Councilto write a letter to HoIy Cross. Rick said that it would be,and that this was not the only area that was of concern to theTown. Peggy asked about the bike path and Rick said they werenot required to build one. Bryan moved and Diana seconded to approve the final plat. Thevote was 7-O in favor. -l ./ FROM: DATE: SU&]ECT: r.BACKGROUND Planning and Environmental Commission Conmunity Developnent Department February 8, l-988 A request for an amendment to Ski Base/Recreationzone district for Golden peak Nursery.Applicant: Vail Associates Vail _Associates, fnc. has subnritted an application toarnend Chapter 1S.39 of the Vail Municipal-Code, the SkiBase/Recreatj-on zone district. Vait Associates hassubrnitted a revised_development and master plan asrequired by the zoning code of the Golden p6ak Ski Base/Recreation district. The pur?ose of this reguestedamendment is to allow Vail Associates to repiace theeTisting rnodular units with a pemanent facility thatwill serve as the Childrents Cinter. The Town of vaifapproval for use of the modular structures as a childrenrsCenter is expiring and Vail Associates would like to moveforward toward a pernanent solution for the ChildrenrsCenter. The proposal consists of a partially earth shelteredbuilding of approximately ti,OOo sguare feet located atEne srte of the existing modular buildings. The Children'sCenter would have its own access and par-nt drop-offparking area off of Vait Valley Drive-just east'oi tt"existing bus stop. constructi6n of th; chirdret il centerand-parent drop-off area will aLso entail a redeveropmentof the bus stop and skier drop-off area. The land on which the building is sited is currentlyc_o_ntrolled by the Vail litetropolitan Recreatl_on Oistiict(VMRD) through a 99 year leale from Vail Associates. ThestEe contains three tennis courts that are managed by the\4lRD in the summer season. The proposed deverofurent wirrelininate these three tennis couits. The WIRD ias agreedto relinquish their lease on this property on conditionthat vail Associates reprace two tlnnis c6urts within theGolden Peak Ski Base/Recreation district. VaiIAssociatesr proposal is to relocate the two tennis courtsto the south of the four existing courts that are west oftlre existing Golden peak base facitity. Chapter L8.39 of.the Vail yunicipal Code, the Ski Base/Recreation zone district, is a zone district that wastailored to the proposed and approved Golden peak ski Baseredevelopnent plan. This plan, of course, has not been carried out to date. Vail Associates' proposal to anendthis district represents the first phase of the total development of the Golden Peak Ski Base district as it iswritten. This application does not propose any changes tothe approved Golden Peak Base facility. It is a requestto separate one of the allowable uses in the main buildingas an allowable use in a secondary building on site.Existing zoning of the Ski Base/Recreation district aLlowsthe following uses to be pernitted within the nainbuilding of the Ski Base/Recreation district as Section A,permitted uses. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Ski lockers/enployee locker roomsSki school and ski patrol facilitiesLift ticket sales Tennis pro shopSki repair, rental , sales and accessories Restaurant /bar/ snack barlcandy salesWinter seasonal ski school related child care andchildrenrs ski school and appurtenant recreationalfacilities and programs Summer seasonal Town of Vail recreation officesMeeting rooms for owner use and connunity orientedorganizations10. Injury prevention and rehabilitation facilit,ies forolrtner I s uselL. Basket rental 1-2. Special community events. Section B and C of the pennitted uses discuss retail anddwelling unit allowances. Section D of the permitted usesaddresses uses which shall be pennitted outside of the t?ll building as shown on the approved development plan.Without listing those uses speciiically, they consiit ofcirculation, recreation, and other basic ski areaserivices. The Vail Associatesr proposal is to take perrnitted use #7in category A -- winter seasonal ski school related cfriiacare -- and create a new category under perrnitted uses.This would be titled, "permitted Uses wilhin the SecondaryBuilding.I'ose uses would list as follows: Year-round child care and childrenrs ski school andappurtenant recreational faciLities and prograns.Ski school services and programs Corununity events and prograns recreational prograrns 8. 9. 1. 2, 3. 4. This amendment is the.only proposed change to the existingSki Base/Recreation District. The permitted uses underheadings A, B, C, and D do not change. The conditionaluses do not change. The accessory uses, prohibited usesand all the other categories will rernain -s they arecurrently approved. Al exanple of the amended Chapter 18.39 Ski Base/Recrea-tion District with the proposed anendrnent is included withthis menorandum for your review. rI. ISSUES AND IMPACTS OF THE PROPOSAL The staff agrees with Vail Associates in the concept ofseparating the Children's Center use. We feel that theL,- sLze, functional requirements and inportance of the \._ a{ f- ,- Childrenrs Center promote a free stairding facility for(\:z ^y-o\ n,.1aK-this use. We are concerned with the inpicts of tire ,,no"r.}e/'-- 5?-\" development of an additional building on this site, but we \{='X".^,r-r\. ' do feer that they can be adequately iddressed. The staff\ a\{r 'r is positive aboui the developlnent of a childrenrs Center. .,r^.-/ .ob5 we feel .that ptrasing ttre project is a first step towardgP\t r lt*K* conpletion of the entire Golden peak package. VrttYSV '*6t rncluded in the original approval of the colden peak ski' 1v- dY Base/Recreation district hrere several site improvements co8' that were shown on the deveropment pran. stalr feelsstrongly that if construction of this development plan isto be phased, construction of the site irnprolernents shouldalso be phased, and that some of those irnprovernents shouldbe included within this phase I construction. The construction of the proposed Chitdrenrs Center andrelated parent drop-off area wilr require reconfigurationand reconstruction of the existing bus stop area. VailAssociates has subrnitted a design proposal for the busst-op/skier- drop-off area that has been approved by thePublic works Department. In the originaL-Golden 'peak development plan, Vail Associates wat reguired toreconstruct the bus stop/skier drop-off area includingreconfigured vehicular lanes and pLdestrian walkways. Theproposal also included a contribution of g10,000 forinstallation of control gates at either end of the busstop. For the Phase I const,ruction being proposed, VailAssociates has agreed to amend and Lonltruct the skierdrop-off and bus.stop area. They will provide roughed.-inconduit for tbe instillation of Lontrol- gates at each endof the bus stop. If the Town of Vail wishes to installcontrol gates at this point in time, vail Associates wirlreirnburse the Town up to the gl_0,00d agreed upon at theconmencement of phase If construction. Otherwise, VaiIAssociates will provide the gJ.O,OOO for the bus controlgates at cornmencenent of phase II construction. The proposed design for phase I construction of the busstop area shows an all-asphalt surface. The skier drop_off, the bus lane, parent drop-off parking, as welt as al1pedestrian circulation and sidewalcareas-are. arl proposed. rJ\d as asphalt paving. Staff feels that for aesthetic andsafety reasons, the pedestrian circulation and walkwayareas should be a different naterial--either a coloredconcrete or a paver tlpe of treatment. As a part of the original development plan, VaiJ.Associates was comrnitted to participate in a one-thirdshare in the construction of a walkway frorn Hanson RanchRoad to Manor VaiI. Subsequent redevelopment of the Ramshorn has taken place, and the Ramshorn has assumedr-esponsibility for the construction of the wal]<way alongtheir property. This leaves a stretch fron the Raurshornproperty to Manor Vail . Staff feels that as part of phaseI requirements, Vail Associates should participate withthe Town of VaiI as an equat partner in developing therest of that walkway. The separation of the Childrenrs Center into a separatesecondary building has obvious impacts upon the site.There are additionat view considerations from theneighborhood to the north, additional traffic irnpactsbecause of a new access and drop-off point, as wlll as therecreational impacts upon the tennis lnd volleyballfacilities. VaiI Associates has responded to view concerns throughbuilding design. The proposal is for a partially eaitn-sheltered building. Through photo analy-is and iidge linedemonstrations, Vail Associates has indicated that ihevi91r inelcts upon the neighbors appear to be sufficientlynitigated. The additional road cut has been reviewed and approved bythe Public Works Department. The existing zone-&istrict-parking.standards are to be deterrnined by the planning Commission. Vail Associates is providing fe parent diop-off spaces. This parking.lot will be controlled manuali.yto assure that these parking spaces function as they areproposed, and not as long tenn skier parking. stafi hasno criteria on which to base reguired-parking for thisdrop-off, pick-up type of use. We teel that 18 spacesshourd be adequate and the parking represents an increasefrorn the original development plan. The location of the Childrenrs Center forces therelocation of two tennis courts and three volleyballcourts on site with a net Loss of one tennis court. Thevolleyball courts will be relocated from just east of theproposed building to the existing tennis court locationjust west of the proposed building. The tennis courts arebeing relocated south of the four existing courts located.west of the existing base facility. There is asignificant grade difference in the location of theexisting courts and the location of the proposed courts. r"{( \F.f {."tt'' 1\1Lctv s, -ffi'ltt "pt' \ There is also an existing bicycle path that nust berelocated. Construction of the tennis courts andrelocation of the bike path will reguire fairly extensiveretaining wal-r construction. The applicant ha's subnitteda development plan for this and staii feels that therelocation of the tennis courts and bike path are anacceptable solution. rIT. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recornmendation for this proposal is approval. Wesupport the concept of the Childrenrs Centei-as a freestanding structure. I{e believe that repracement of theexisting modurars with a permanent strulture is a positive love loyqd cotrpletion of the Golden peak redevelopment.The staff believes that the proposal meets the statedpurpose of the zone district; to provide the basefacilities necessary to operate tie ski nountain, toencourage multi-seasonal use, and to provide for efficientuse of the facilities. The staff believes Vail Associates has adeguatelymitigated the identified inpacts and. is t";t-fi;iy to seethe beginning of redeveloprnent of the Golden peii-Uasearea. We do, however, feet that there are certain sitetmprovements which should be included in phase Iconstruction and would include those as requestedconditions of approval. Those conditions jre: 1. That Vail Associates contribute 50? of the cost ofconstruction of a colored concrete walkway from theRamshorn property to the existing Manor viil walkway.Town of vail will also be a 50* partner. 2- That the pedestrian circuration and warkway areas ofthe bus stop be constructed of a colored c6ncrete orpaver material that creates an aesthetic and safetyimprovernent corupared to an all-asphalt ,uii""". The staff would also 1ike to add as a note on thisrecommendation, that pEC approval of the proposeddevelopnent plan and zone district change shbuld inno way restrtct the ability of the Design ReviewBoard to review this project. ( \AilAssociates,Ltc. Creators and Operators ofVail and Beaver Creek @ SITE OF THE I9t]9 WORLD ALPINE SKI CHAMPIONSHIPS December 13, 1987 l{r. Rick Pylnan Planner Town of Va1l 75 South Frontage Rd.ValI, CO 81657 Dear Rlck: val1 Assoclates' rnc. subnits a revised developnent plan as required by thezoning code of the Golden peak Skl Base/Recreation DLstrict. In additlon to the development plan and other infornatlon provided previously we have provlded certain docuuents and lnformatlon descrlbld below:- - A Golden Peak Chlldrenfs Center parking Surimary - A revlsed Skl Base/Recreatlon District Zooing Code - A pro-forde area surnmary - A detalled vlew analysls - An environnental_ Ilazard Report Our Lntent at this time is to make only those changes to the development plan,zoning code and assorted lnfornation which are necessary to allow the conitructLonof the proposed Golden Peak Childrenrs Center. l{e are leaving the concept, Lnfor-lnatloo zonlng code etc. generally lntact which tere provided resultlng in theapproval of the Main Bulldlog. Thus, Lt would be our inlent to treat the construc-tlon of the Main Bulldlng as Phase II and the constructlon of other facilities aselther Part of Phase II or as separate phases in the developnent of Gol-den peak. This appllcatlon requests approval of Phase I of the Golden Peak developmentPlan - the Childrenrs Center only. Vail Assoclates, Inc. looks forward to worklng wlth the Town of Vail on thls neededproJect. Sincerely, vArL ASSoCTATES, rNC. ,//8.4,'4// Joe Macv / Vail Mountaln Planner Post Office Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 81658 . USA - (303\ 476-5601 . Telex: 910-920.3183 o GOLDEN PEAK CHILDRENIS CENTERPARKW Town of vail regulatlons do not specify a parking requirenent for a childrensCenter. The regulatlons state that the requlremeot will be deternined by thePlanning Con'-nrission. currently, there are 105 pald public parking spacea available at colden peak. The exlsting drop-off area north of the bus-stlp can acconmodate 10-12 carsfor plck up and drop-off. - Additlonalry, there are 20 short-tern drop-offspaces and 17 employee parking spaces in the maln Golden peak lot. chalet Rd.contalns an additional 25 spaces which are utillzed by ernproyees. The proposed Chlldrent s Ski Center will provide for additional I0 short-termdrop-off spaces for parents. There ls sufficient parklng at Golden peak to accomodate the needs of thechildrenrs center. Additlonal public parki.ng for employees and the publlcexlsts at the soccer field east of Northwoods. Revieed: L2lL4l87 CEAPIER 18.39 SKI BASE/RECRBATION DISTRICT 18.39.01O Purpose The Ski Base/Recreation lristrict i8 intended to provide for the bage facilities necesaary to operate the ski mountain and to allow mrlti-family reeidential dwellings as a secondary use if certain criteria are uet. In addition, surmer recreational uses and facilities are encouraged to achieve multi-seasonal use of some of the facilities and provide for efficient use of the facilities. 18.39.030 Permitted Uses A. The following usea shall be pernitted within the maiD building in the Ski Base/Recreation District: Ski Lockers/Bnployee Locker Rooms Ski School and Ski Patrol Facilities Lift Ticket Sales Tennis Pro Shop Ski Repair, Reatal, Sales & Accessories Restaurant/Bar/Snack Bar/Candy Sales Sumer Seasonal Tosn of Vail Recreation Offices lleeting Rooms for (hmer Use & Gomunity-Oriented OrganizatioDs Injury Preventiou & Rehabilitation Pacilitiee for (hrners I Use Basket Rental Speciat Comunity Events B. Permitted Uses l{ithin the Secondary Building 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ta 1 '1 I c. S"o- o".,co sl'vtrv 2. Ueeting roome ehall be non-residential gross ltulti-fanily dwelling units requirementa are met: 1. The dwelling units shall be a secondary use sithin the oain building if they oeet the following criteria: a. No residential use on ground level. b. Visual lmpacts auch as Burfact parking for the.dwelling unite shall be oinimized by providing at least 40% of the required parklag sithin the nain building. --t-.I hrb be"..," Retail and lleeting Room Space Liritation 1. Retail sales space, nhether it be a pernitted or conditional use,in the first tro floors sha1l be liuited to a maximum of 15% of the non-residential gross aquare footage of the main building. Under Section 18.39.030, retail shall be defined as tentris pro shop, caody sales, eki repair/rental/sales and accessories, and basket rental. a o(t4^a- ?tt<-- vv'o*vro. oordr'1 ha.> Or,tn<rr.Cl-e d . linited to a maximum of 57" of the square footage of the nain building. sithin the main building if the follorringD. c G e-fi,4- qo-\b<j*fqk.,'^.. Revised: L2lI4l87 GOLDEN PEAK SKI BASE/RECREATION DISIRICT I'IASTER PI.AN REPLACEUENT OF EXISTING RESTAT'RANT & SKI SCf,OOL FACILITIES These facilities are plantred for replacement at aome future date. plans call for fioishing operating space in one construction seasou. The condoninia aad landscapiag vill be conpleted during the following winter and spring. FIN'URE I'EVELOPI{ENT IN 1tr8 PROPOSBD SKI BASE/RECRBATIOII DISTRICT The Vail Village master plan recomended the Golden peak area as apotential site for a hotel. f,owever, Vail Associates has no plans toconstruct a hot.el at Golden Peak at this time. OItrBR I}EVELOPUENT PLANS Lifts Replaceuent and modification of the existing lifts, particularly chairlift#6, vill be necessary. Replacenent will be done with state-of-the-art equipment having sufficient capacities to meet mountain operating needs.A surface lift at Golden Peak ie under consideration. No other new liftsare planned at this time. SKI RACING FACILITIES While replacement concurrently vith Ghildrenr s Center, existi.Dg facility Gup racing in the PARKING FACILITIES of the existing ski racing facilities is not planned the restaurant and ski school building, or the Vail Associates, Inc. anticipatea replacing the uith a larger, nore modern facility to acco@odate l{orld near future. vail Associates, roc. aod the Toun of vail recogoize the desirability ofadditional parking in the Goldeu Peak Zone. Accordingly, ve haveidentified tuo locations in the zone for additonal parking development. underground parking atructures could be built beneath the east tenniscourts, soccer field, and volleyball area, or beneath the sest tenniscourts and eurface parking. uuderground parking structures rould requirea conditional use Permit under the proposed zoning code. [owever, neitherthe To\rD of Vail nor Vail Associates, Iuc. has any plaus to conatructadditional parking facilities in the zone at this time. I.|ASTER PLAN contiuued PI]BLIC PARKS, PLAYGROT'IIDS, & RECRBATIONAL FACILITIES One tennis court west of the existing buildings sould be lost when the rnain building is built. Vail Associates, Inc. vill replace the lost courtat a mutually determined location. Up to three tennis courts east of Chair *6, rrould be lost due to the construction of the Ghildrenrs Center. Vail Associates and the VI{RD are currentLy working on court relocation. It is possible that tbe Recreation District would eant to expand the teonis courts, playing fields, or other sumrer recreation amenities in thezooe. Such expansion rrould require a Conditional Use Pemit aad Vail Associates, Inc. rs consent. Seasooal atructures for educational, cultural, or athletic activities will be erected on ao occasional basis. Fireuorks vill continue on special occasions, such as July 4th, l{ew yearrs Bvea, etc. UOI'NTAIN FACILITIES Building facilities such as lift shacks and other buildings vill requirenodification, [aintenance, construction, and replacement on an on-goingbasis, Torn of Vail buitdiug, demolition, atreet cut, aod other standardperoits would be required. PI'BLIC FACILITIES lfater storage and treatment facilities, and existing Upper Eagle Water and SaDitation District improvements are withiD the proposed district androutine maintenance will occur. Bxpansion of these facilities is alsopossible. CEIIDREN'S CEN1ER A 121000 S.F. ( approximately) Childrenr s CeDter is planned for constructiou in 1988. The Center will be designed to permit further expansion if needed. 11i ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS REPORT Geoloqic Conditions: A mud slide occured in 1982 on the southeastern part of the site caused by overflo$, of the a water storage facility. An overflow line was installed i"-ih; fatt of 1987 which witl direct any tank overflow to MilI Credk--away from the previous slide area. No problems have occured since Lg82. The new buildiirq would not be endangered by any further slide activity at thg above si-te. Preliminary geol-ogic studies on the soils at the'site indicate that a spread foundation will be recommended. Avalanche: Some moderate avalanche hazard occurs infrequently on the southeastern portion of the site. The building could not be endangered by any lvalanche activity from the southeastern area. L2/1,0/87 cs Improveo 1n drvers].0n no adverse Hvdroloqy: The Mi1l Creek dj_version channel was relocated, culverted, 1985. The Childrenrs Center is outside the flood plain of channel. Summarv: With the exception of some environmental impacts will and the fugitive dust from construction,result from the Project. SAM L. OLSON. JR.P. O. BOX 10425 468-3206 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77224 January 20, 1988 Ron Fhlllips, lom Manaqer Tonn of Vail 75 So. I'rontaqe F,oadtlail, Colorado 81657 Pe: Golden Peak/VaiL Associates Dear Pon: I an enclosing the inforrnation whi.ch f discussed with you by tel,ephone on the aftertoon of January f8, 1988. f want to make it Absolutely Cle ar that I am speaklng for rnyself and ln ny tnterest to protect proffiEtfrfsual riews and property values at Manor Vail Conplex. For the past trcenty-five (25) years VaiI Associates, Inc.r The Tom of Vail, Ihe lietropolitan Recreational Districts, Town Ptanni-ngr Various Condoninitrn Boards and fndividuals have tried grotecting these open sFace areas along the base of the mountain. Little by Little thls Open Area Beauty is dlsappearinq from our Valley. Golden Peak ls the last and Largest Open Area l-eft ln the Valley. Stcp Vatl Asscciates, fnc. Now or President l"li[e Shannon will Bury M:anor VaiI Cwner Sam 01son under sorp proposEti-buitdins On Golden Feak Ski Ease RecreationaL District Property. Vail Asscciat"" crn have what is needed at Oolden Peak and J am For Property Develop- rnent as long as the Develoonent protects existing Conmunlty arrd Cwners '/isual Views and Ownership rlghts along the Open Space of the llountain. A llodge Fodge of buildings is not ln the Valleys and SoICen Peakrs best tnterest. f eko went to i.rr closine nake i-t agein S2!g!9!y,Clear in no wey am I assinst! SKI CIID VAIL IIIE CHII,DFE:'I CSI:TER vArl ASSCCTATES, rllc. I have just been lnfcrmed of cther contenplated encroachlng plers or dreans at tbe Solden Sak House area, top of Brtdge Street. I trave no details at thls tlme' The entlre Conur.rurity needs'tc stay lntotmea. As the property values Lncrease fron dollars per acre tc- dollars """ sqo."" foot so do Developers Dreans ' I Know I An A Developer. cc: Peter Fatten, Heed ValI Ftanning DeFt. I <lk-_ \@mkd_+l|af* -DKb sNowDoN & HoPKTNS (D ARCHITECTS LETTE|@F TRANSnnnTTAL 201 Gore Creek Drive vAtL. coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476-220r WE ARE SENDING YOU fnttached ! Under separate cover via TO ! Shop drawings - Copy of lefter \'erints D Change order f Ptans D Samples I Specifications tr coPrEs DATE NO.OESCRIPTION /. "14/9t I I WI*l //,1/.-t THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked E For approval $ For your use { As requested E For review and commcnt ! tr FOR BIDS DUE below: E Approved as submifted E Approved as noted D Returned for corrections Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution R€turn -corrected prints ! E tr 19- D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER IOAN TO US REMARKS ?I@.r'2!o? IEAJ E erG!, r-. ol.l ll ancloauaaa rra not ta rrdad, llndty aotity ua at o.lca. M -\ l,/'c' Co-rRT5 ,Ml 6o # A(A.4 e-+Jf eF ;josccA F/<f?*,> Sf4Ff- S.'P?oLn'tg- * re5p^-,6 oF- <J-,j). -.Pf oF t VA Lo.>fLl-- t*-.' afl , C$<-€ca12 /.1, /.a,,^^hrfle- l*.*,-' Wlllb .,+ lt^r- q- Prl 3,4u2.{K-,( 4,o.V tr,lda '1f,-1 no..-r - aCC€Qj) -ef r;<.sft<>.r,^.4, tos , F- A^-.o,r' y" tL Coacrel'^ ft.^r l-r,V\^. 1.,"*"( t-;^ffic { c,,zc,:/o.1..r.--r oF rhe.- !.r="Y 9fe-q Wps*[ s,d*.-,{t-t3 t,<f.{A.'n{-- ,-e/l y -.\ rv^- F-vr,r -f \r6q . o\* t-ur{ar a"{f -{ eec-rbc) fqrro A,- t y/. ,lero*n^L \..iof f,""p.r- /=+4,.',,-1 .,*r.[/S - l. - .' - r^^, f\--rL L- n^--t|^l--- +- l/u+''^- sn'f e{- q5 lja'n-/- .S lr"^Asr".g,1 ,: *y .^^fnr!.*+ - 1t ">Ut[=L DPB { |\*{-- cdraqc-./A - tv-.t^.^.5 ?.tt"t *l-rJ C.of t- rt lr)*__ ?"^" H^/t'1 . rS c' +arr*592 / "+Conceff: ,9,* u,'-- -. .'.,1,/e4- ...>rtq, oveJ'."L( r\ |t/b,-) 1.5 VtV,r-S evt+\dA A.b < Cs uzttt,,t-tt.t.[y , r--.,.-- rlArtd.-[ t^> , iFt- flr; k'---'q - ll- l/ l55u.e- \ !-\. fAr5 G>r',,.,.$''^ 'ry't -\.^ I),4o-\--.-+ f- b5 ^-^.d r$ q- v'r,/\ [\pT,oJ' *E h- ofpd,*d, qlo'1 L.J\F( , I ^ l.' -.^^J':^r"t-t ty DP:\)./. 1 T-) t -.F* fro 1 T-) /nuas/U €fi- szA<i(",-- A6 , t{*n l-., WL..nofPr,^s l-., W(rrr .of ^, ( - ^)atttn,'*xd,S P"uy 5---2 evara. - [- *?qro.r"d f*.f 6fraF l/1/1c.u,716 r ^cl.:6[ ,.-1 Co,^d1 f,oq_* I I taC^ 0 co.' d,. h.-,-,^ Sec,*->D . I*" /",.r^d cL',[{ .q /t. q,,^c\ t choo\ ., "- d oif c-lf Le- -'.'.", ".t1* ch, (dr<n S skt /-o c r,rre "- h Ct^f I G-., \r f te 5 -,.,,^ d fl,1"r11.,^rS . Jc-t.,o ( >< r'JtLe-1 o,-J pn,1f-"' -1r\l qL+-. 5 q Co ^*.'-".'., \ $ --,r wt.w-t e-,,r "q.,^e--^- F5 n "^ C( [.2 L r'-c.-f-..*.\ Pr.> i /c*,.-^ ] I ra, 1 ,zc. va,^r! j I I !: I C-.? Y-u r"'ey_ O i-J. ,+cek: lqo r lr I rb'.)\td,rv^\ t'r t-€& -J 3. Gurt5 Sodfl- /<--l."co"f,,o'^. o ,nr,+c.f blJl q.c.5e5 F^4-- q/<a.. r. qbt""- ,ftsf as f<.5n-- h" Vtt"\LD 3 "."sF-l/ f.{,r,r.J co..-rzf5 [.,o,-..- 5--# l.-.{. b,e-5.-*4]^ oF qlrgf.r\ (-.4/t5- ? L,L--- Fpl SL, PT b.-rs t h"P - ,1 1,. tr*,-\ Af a.-l hatra/ co,.^.c,c.n..5 r->,FL.- \4"*( ft,.{- tLy c\.r. ed[r"s; r, {\e-41-- f.^-D t-..-'.e-g-L\ - |rr.^r b .$r,'-.1 l^*^r,,,.'5 Qb. $orffi: D..^" _. c llo.r 6 rJt"..L^ / d*,{ off 4 "+ -0 I rfi9u€-lrll4- R"X1<rr-D,c.r.z- $fn G old*.,^ E"U ul.-v5'er"y T c>,l re, rrr{+-h -*- - i-o^ efasn-. fk ^. f_ r,t<-d( n-t o g^r.t o{ t\"- tr*-*t F (crru*^*^t' l' qrc tr,*A t<> y'<colra,rzz<---. . ,*x{g- c'^ p.rt-.-,1 d,;"J = - .J a.y'\?-- ...cr1c'tW<br-A tts .;.lA =-gL--(\n oo &J i-:s!ants, co',JY - &h.-*A-=.--- r &,^^ _i". i: ,l .. . .1. rl rj rl 'llr''' * ti oo VA. fl^^ o,t( rL,^ oy4^ oa< b,nJ 4.4V tr') ? 5.cFt.'.,^ tf,' jJ . oa d clefc!* a\^,kJr*r,- t/vc't,,,t btdf' qiloJ te-r .-[.^t 0,5 J o /^rf.+{.\ _ /o- a d,'.-L"t .^,-{--- 't,1 t4/J,,1 ofl r^(4 ,/ {<-.^.^..b b-rJ+- /eG.t A.rv-- Ut-<-rJ 5 C TO: FROM: DATE: Planning and Environrnental Commission Cornmunity Developnent January 11-, 1-988 { SU&TECT: Work session on Golden Peak Nursery, Ski Base/Recreation District BACKGROUND OF REQUEST Several years ago, Vail Associates received approval for amaster plan and development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base/Recreation District. The concept of that development plan wasto retain all the uses in one nain building. The existingbuilding waq to be removed and a net/ building was to beconstructed'in the same general location as the existing Iruirains. -- - d;--*Jira.".n f{r/r^/4"1 o1' 1y..r le/5The proposed amendrnents to that developrnent plan involve - I breaking out the use of the child care and children ski schoolprogram and placing those uses in a separate building. Themaster plan construction would then proceed in two phases. Phase I is the new child care center and childrents ski schoolarea. Phase II would essentially rernain the same as theoriginal developrnent plan. The building footprint would not cbange, the building bulk and mass would not change, thechildrents ski school use would simply be deleted from thebuiJ-ding. The official zone district, Chapter 18.39, would be amended bydeleting the childrenrs use from the main building, andallowing a separate building with that use. All other aspectsof the zone district would remain the same. IMPACTS OF THE PROPOSAL Inpacts of this proposal include parki considerat rov to the bus sto s c era andlocatedn the southeast po on of e Golden Peak site. Parking reguirements for the Ski Base/Recreation District asdescribed in Chapter l-8.39 are to be determined by the planning and Environmental Coruoission. For this proposed phase fdevelopment, Vail Associates is proposing to provide Ll_ spacesthat would be used exclusively for chitd drop-off at theChildrents Center. The existing parking and proposed parkingplan for the Phase II area are not proposed to be amendedthrough this process. A part of the original Golden Peak developnent plan entailssubstantial improvements to the bus stop skier drop-off area.A good portion of these irnprovements are beinq proposed during this Phase I construction. Vail Associates will amend andconstruct the skier drop-off and bus stop area. They willprovide rough-in conduit for installation of control gates ateach end of the bus stop. They have also agreed to piovide $l-0,000 for the instarlation oi those contror gates lt the tineof construction of Phase II. If the Town of Vail wishes toinstall the gates prior to construction of phase ff, VailAssociates will reimburse the Town of Vail up to gL6,oo0 uponconnencement of Phase If construction. The view inpacts have been demonstrated through photographicdisplays and also through an on-site ridge line denonstrltion.The proposed building style, being partially earth sheltered,somewhat mitigates the view irnpacts to the neighborhood. Tl9 recreation plan and the inpacts upon the tennis courts andbike path are by far the Uiggelt issues the staff sees withthis proposal . The vail Metropolitan Recreation District has75 years remaining on their ground lease for the tennis courtsat the colden Peak site. The proposed Childrenrs Centerphysical-ly impacts one of the three southeastern courts andcreates negative impacts on the two renaining southeasterncourts. The Vail Metropolitan Recreation District hasrequested at this time that vail Associates replace at leasttwo of the three courts on site. Vail Associales does have aconceptual plan to relocate these tennis courts to thesouthwest of the four courts that are west of the Golden peakbuilding- This site planning, although functional , is somewhatforced on the site. Neither the tennis nor the biie path wirlbe of the same quality that currently exists on the site. At this time, Vail Associates is working with the VaitMetroporitan Recreation District to try to corne up with otheralternati-ves to the tennis situation. one alternative thatvail Associates is proposing that the staff feels has somemerit, is to provide the vMRD with a letter of cred.it to coverthe cost of the on-site tennis court rerocation, but not toconmence construction on that for a period of one year. Thisrnay allow other planning work to continue with the possibilityof.a comprehensive tennis and swimrning facility eventuallybeing located in Ford park. STAFF POSTTION staff is supportive of the general concept of the two-phased.development at colden peak. we feel that it nakes sense toseparate the childrenrs center from the main build.ing and feelthat it is a positive step toward the developrnent of GoldenPeak in a quality manner. Vail Associates witl provide anirnproved bus stop ?rea. They have also agreed tb participateas a 50? partner with the Town of Vail in construclion of asidewalk on the north side of vail Valley Drive from lfanor vailto the Ramshorn. concerns of the staff iegarding this project relate to the issue of the tennis court relocation. We support vlilRDrs position of naintaining tennis as an irnportant sunmerrecreation, yet have concerns with the current proposal- torelocate those courts on site. We feel that relocation createsproblems with the bike path as well as some ninor impacts tothe beginner skier area at the base of Chair L2. I oz E =t UJo- il os\ \ o(\l |r) an uJ UJ l! F =G !Uc rcffit, erh?t rr)I I Jq 5 -{tr I IrI,l {r JI q g- !rS =oEtrltt>oLrod,tz(5t6 lJ u, Eo eE Lz =o =z Itt oz z 6 =l .D .at o =za! lr r!o = lr Eo o o o -oo .9 CLJ O_l(! c 'F 3 q, (Do (ulo E o c) ooc(! oooo 6 Co =l oo o o.6] .9 o ;-oc gbE: €figge.l 6 a-4.=og BP.Ec-o> ef sE ;€_f;c96iIoSor 3 5;.5 E E-st*.€ 8E 3'c eP Eitco- (E cL- SE; eoiEor = *:€P6,!6 :EE H E6FS -o.go c= o d' n' ol E.9 g5E: E 3AE IfiE;9rE-o -sEg! - () 6 .:! or o \ tr =Eu,o- (Jzol co -()lu C)z J .J F UJJ UJ oz @ =J J 9z u,l = uJ uJIIz tr qJ nJ oE oo =g llJ z 6ur aoo- uJ z u, o x |- ulo at, UJ UJII E =E UJo- |-o z 5o J F gJ uJ 2 E J () z Io uJ- NO[Vn']V 1,,ld IElf I Flz't-(o:ytoix }F b.r72 3E =^ 8v.H* J 5t-t 9=uJcod, =>E __ar) =uJ(\i =l0N zz99hc'2i3 - ano =>62.l!<oA FOE8.ini =, Jooz, lJ.J-F I!o TF=O01 Fz,lrJF.J' u.l F oF 2 tr J l! uJc F zIEo f, z tr UJF ; uJz FzlzOa koo< =FYt!Uci<z a =2,. Az do3trOI llt = .f !) uJz iF 2 F 5 z q, JJ 3 F lu oo3 Jl<l zl 2l .. >loul IJJ uJzotr tr llJ o- zo Eoo z tr ) @ ,Y) a\i-- rY)c)O u.lF @ooazo Fo- uJY lu @ oF F =G. uJ o- t!lo9liSO .-rlo )'ltl Uutbkzo z oPze c0o>z =:)dP ifi =E=A;H t u.l rlo uloz anL F E 0- JFtu-h='iEdrJ =o-Ot!oo\ u,r6O-:>LTFluJJ tr ul @oF ts =E,lrlo.zo F() :) E, 6zo() Ern ! l-lt!l J3ld.d Irl 6[oq, 'F- T-lotz i-r J J IJ- (5z, U1 Fl Fz,lrlF UJ =z d) -) o IJ,ott =oJ- o, ao .d lJ,l =z lrJ J = o- =tr ulg, = o- 6 (5z, == oU P=lJ.lF z.JO(-)z, J : tr oz dlu tE J l'|-oz 3o F o(\J N F{ Irotosf c\l sl u iiF = II oz o u,lE J lt z 3 F .E' ! o .d .t' =tr o- I@ ,.iz ci uJcJ ttoz3 t\ N N Io)stor ui uJF =g tt oz ciut J l!o z3ots =e l! z .; u,l J ILoz3 F uJ uJF, E uJz Bo Fo UJF- c E -J O<FGO IJJ <zEulFtqZ Je<o(JF 5E\2tro C) -E(')oz, t- =<>.8 d6 i5:/F F3 E6 F:+o =+Eo2edftfr:o nnD I I I Uv, E ? o o EIzio u, F z xX re i.9l,nr a? r,r' ( oc -Gd.!.iE>c5cr :luro oFCO, 3vcrlooLf9(, .'a! :t.ol rbl yO 'lC :.Eic,!oo ED E @ o. :gl 5 s.l,-: )E')oo ? olrBi,c L :C: ;=; :o>icE3: ;o r!; .=93.: -:.5o- ,v Eo o i, S"i 5.,: -o!9-1qol( -cl:=. - o( ;3C: cJT : == :€e_.: 3).rlt ..c IoOo =cJt-! ca 0,i5crO G' !q, o >=Or: 63 9= :.9 OO cv D-/ -c -- s.!A. )- t.-1 :O( t-' =!>'i Eoo-o- c)-a) ah:3 D. :.J'= c, Xoio .YD =a) L= o: a, G =€r= >: f ='!co: f, 6.:)E(::-f ; Cr- -j:lcJ c o- ?tcaot!= €: lD'tc,t':fgTC' lsItrt o. l= : b' ,o Itrt,-,I al , -i =1 -(-( f,|:o.so? -gE o- =C,t'5(r- o, Gto-r!E !o ;.a OrJ aJC -E. =Ecr Crl :'(!: >u: 3.l)nP i >r -: . : Fi -(JG c) 3 .Eo Gt' o f* t<ro .l I I I U'tut{,t{ UJ ) g, u,Foz oz. Jfo€ ozzo r< tazl=lct loTZ,2l9 o lltlt.ltltlv, z z9-<U.o9i ==61oo<z et, z. oz 3o sl zl € "{ z a 6 ->g =u, ze -c:Obg !3(J1>voL'=bEtr., to-u>oFOj .,i o o 3 L', f, rtql o o' Idl? Jl Orrrl.. -.. >lclglou, UJz aa =tE!, J zo oo -F tut l-rtl l-l si :t .J1 | =I sffi ffi tut\ ttao th 3joo I = |rJ J FoF o z(' llJl ()z (,(J tl.l E (J z (, o <l : t_,;t< Iottvnrva n. N:+.s{ . ^r1CF,t \\slaft\\\i: J l. l"J] HI _J ,l< =11= (Jl, q/ r/l z (, qJ : <l>l\lI 3l bl zI 5l ;l 3l zl FI 4dl lrrl ,J 3t u-lot zl =l9l :FF() =s;J= C' FFil -rO<FE(Jur< t.tJ Fo3 () lr-lo' ru,g t;s Igo le I ou, o EF il EF I I I E z tao- <(J0 u',lr, u,JO F lI !) tlll a U tl b 0o H3e36 cr P,- R =*.j EtsI J-t a,9 d;-F IiJ RJ uJ r.dXI. lU F-.--, El z,^o ;5zz JO\Slr -,{n! =f-lJ;t J<it ,-5().,tYY= .ql :=3 >l = ': uJFI OE= UULJ =Erl|!aa =b:< |r, E= I!^S 5=Eiu, o;= F-r- Ei. .9 =- q ==> == 3c =' u,s-r:,E5: =+dg.-F :-o:,., o3i; ut3<= -tu-oIo I X vl NN fYl Goo I ut oz zo F(Jf CN7oO t- E lrlo- UJ F x HEA rrtlDl l&f,rg ilJ. i TING,INC. Itli . .\, TO: FROM! DATE! SUBJECT: Read and acknowledged qcr' 75 south frontage road vail. colorado 81657 (303, 479-2L.38 or 479-2L39 F# Fst ''wfq< (i. e. contractor, ohrner) ottlce ol communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOI{N OF VAIL TOr^rN OF VAIL PUBLIC I{ORKS/COI,IMUNITY DEVELOPI4ENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn surnmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor material, including trash dumpster-, portable toilets and,workmen vehicles. |pon any street, sidervaik, alley or public F-1?9" or any portion theieof. tne right-oi-ray 6n a]l Town ofVail streets and.lgags is approximateiy 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordinance will be striltry enforcld by the iovrrr of vaitlyfii," works Department. persons found viLratint this ordi'anceI'rlrr l)e grven a 24 hour written notice to remove said material .rn the event the person so notified does not coinpry with th;--notice within the 24 hour time speciiiea, it"-p"[ric worksDepartment wilr remove said. nateiiat at !h" "xpettse of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shitl not beappricabre to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in furl, please stop by the Town ofVail Buir-ding Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this natter. -!, 7 on/ tN\\ * PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oorE \.-'\ S$. JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES wED @ FRI BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING * tr_ GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL dtr-NPRovED \)\tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECT D^rE If 2\fg% JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER P'AI MON,.'- TUES / WED..*-- a INSPECTIONTOWN OF r rt I -- \L-. r^) il { u\'\ L^-t -r 1-)--.., | !, -, PERMIT NUMBfR oF PRoJEoT - t REQUEST' VAIL { '{ 1,.. , THUR o'(3 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL D FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL -O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR I tNSPECTION REOUEST |r : 'I , a -lPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ' TOWN OF VAIL ! .i-)a \AM( JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING E]rGAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr NAL NINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr FINAL tr trNAL ,,'-v' tr SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR