HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 1 VANTAGE POINT 1972-1974 INSPECTION REPORTS LEGAL(*)rrq |. f\ \ $6 lt'. t{,\, a;, ON E"r 't^( FI Fz FIz t'l FT z 2 'r) z z 2, FI i tr, z d la z z Fi o '.1A F. B] lii \l av o IJJE o()zl uroz s tc Fz u,l E Luq) ul ql E J F F f^-l\ + g o ,1 '\ o F t ul E oJ tt TYl' \s \q UJ F J aF It t .E =ft1-o u-eO =,2 =qt----t:IE I I l- I oz o- F z J Fv, l!4 F E llJ z J u,lI!tt out oz J a t! zo F oo zo F E uJF z E !. ul F =FI(, EI 0,, UJ vz ct UJt tt z F ul lll zo urv, z () cr ut E Eo C) Ftt J E Fll- o ul oFv, oz Y' 2 z f tt oz NOtJ.Vn'lVA -l ; .---il -.; IJJ E z : (. () ,-i r\ ;rfr(t\ IJJ = :l I- r.1 '.: Ir- _ f' F I $st f ,a ;s $ E -l \) a u 1b gl E z !!$t\t u,v,ulE o E s6t- i4 I slllr $ fr F -rfi :o UJ =o o (\< z FalGffEOFlc9ox>:>6f o-o>oFO - a,i "JI \J Ittz N uJ at) d vto3 tt 2 F E o!l J ul (9 =t! x E c.l F J zo F f tt |ltF o a o PLUMEilNGi/MEEHANTCAL PEFTMIT TOWN OF VAIL USE OF BUILDING: cLASS oF woRK: ,E ruew E noorlor'r D neruooel I nerern DEscRlPTloNoFWoRK: Dt, h hr' n 4 ^/ NAME i/n nrl-nue ADDREss Dn tt,/-- PLUMBING: NIIMBER .!bi2P MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALUAnoN$' 9) na-a VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: a- PERMfT FEE f b;a '<'D PERMIT FEE Forr*ouro ! orsappnoveo$ onre ,oroarrr*,@\-Jlz-3nge/> q-/7-73 RLr oEc 3 ts/3 box roo c vail, colorado 81657 o 303.476-5613 Noverirber 30, 1973 Mr. Joseph Levin P.0. Box 580 c/o Vantage Poi-nt Vail,.Colorado 81657 Dear Nfr. Ler..in: RE: Fire InsPection at Phase I 0n Novenber 3c, 1973, a! ..500 hours,-tbg_vail Fire Departncnt made a routine c;*^ .i*-^^+4^^ .# tr-^+.,^-^ Dn.in+ D]raca T-\ fhlrino fhe cotrrsc of this inVeSt-firc inspectl"n qe Yartagb Point lhi19-1) Uurl-r'g the coursc.of. tfil.invest- ieutlo",' the entiYdTifiSfTglittng'ent-fiotection systen in the building was f6rurd to be inoperable. fhe fact that this systenl was not in operation.pre ir.c.-'a;ia"Fi; operation pre- ientt o very reiio,ts threat to the lives of the o:cupants of your building' as well as thcir personal ploperty. The deparfinent also noted that had the system been operaLle, its effbctive use rould be ninimal due to inadequate oiotection of the syster" frorn the weather. The najority of connections sholv b"*"g" frorn freezin! and lr16py v€I€ coqoletely f_rozen shut. l'bst heat tapes on tiie s),stern to"re 6f a substandard quhtity and the lTlanner in which they are wired cannot insure their rrorking at all tjmes. In checking trith the Vail Euilding Departnent, it was.l.earned that you t'ere inforned oi problems reiating to clold weathel protection by that departnent on.August 15; 1973, At this tirire, the systen is cf no use to builriing-occ-u- pants or the fire departrcent, and the building nust be considered utrsafe for 6-."p*..". The fcllbrving areas nust be corrected, repaired or replaced to insure safetl' of the building and contents: 1. Fire system nust be put back into operation inrnediately' ?.. Other measures must be instituted to guarantee the continuous operation of tl're s,vstem. These are outlined belorv: ;. Heat tapes iiithout thelnostats should be insta1led in place of the Present tapes. b. These nere ta.pes should Le r,'ired directly to b)?ass circuit breakers and avoid the chance of tapes beirg tnplugged 1n the cabinets.c. It is recormended that a licensed electricial survey the current electrical service in the building to cleterrnine ifthesYste]niscapableofhandlingtheincreased]oad of hotter tapes.d. Those cornections r,'ithout heat tapes are to have pl.ovlslons . nade to correct the oversight. -2- Other areas of concern r*ere noted and need inrnediate attention. these are: 1. A11 electrical panels and circuit breaker boxes are to be narked to iadicate what they contTol . Z. AL1 caps on 2!1" sianDipe valves are to be secured to the valve with a sna11 length of chain to aroid their loss or theft. The items dealing vrith the fire svstem are not reconmendations, they are require- ments and rust b; corrected ir'.mediatelv. If not, the departrnent nay have no alternative but to declare tFEii-dift- rmsafe f.6r occr-rpancy dnd close it ultil satisfactory repairs are nade. A r,arning notice accompanies this letter and compliance rvith the above sha1l be no later then frecernber 5, 1973 at L0:00 a.n. 4H Mike Carlisle Vail Fire Chief cc: Jerry Aldrich - Vail Building Departnent o box roo r vail. colorado 81657 r 303.476-s613 h'AP.NING }i OTICE Tornn of \Iai1 Firc ljepartment DATE: Nov. 30, 1973 l'lotice is herebl' gi'rren that Mr. Joseph Levin of VanLage Point Phase I 508 Lionshead Circle -(Address) is in violation of Section ntmber(s) 13' 311 and l-3.308-b&c pertaining to Wet Standpipes And fire Hose Cabinets of the (U. B. C. ) (U.11. C. )(U.P.C.) $rait Zoning Ctrdinance)(0ther u. F. c. cornly. t2-I-73ffi Any oiCer or notice issr,red or selrred as provided in this Code sliall be ccnplied rrith bv the or'Trer, operator, occupant or other perscn resDonsible for the concli-tion or vioiation to rihich tlie order or notice nertains. Ever)'order or notice sha11 set forth a tine li::r,it for cor.rpli-ance deoenclent Lrpon the hazard and danger created bi'the violation. In cases of extrerne Ca.nger to Derscns or propert,v im:ediatc corrliance sha11 be l'equireC. If the buildine or other prenises is ot"ned by one pericn anri occtpiecl bv another, turdcr leasc or ctl'ierttise, and the order or notice ieorrires aclditibns or cha:rges in the hrrilding or prenises sttclr as "ucr,lld inncdiately becoine real estate and be the nropert)'of tlre o\,ter of the L''r-rilCing or premises, such orcler or noticc sha1l be corrnlieil riith bv the ot'rier urless the ot'rer ancl occuDant have otheniise agreecl betrreen thenseives, in tihich event the occupant shal1 0N 0R BIFORE Dec. 5 1973 , 10: QQ_A.M.IPxX. TlmeTencd- i..i I t. IF rqt tr1t,T e$ I : li " Jtr'Jt' IE i.ta" :.--.-..:.-;-.= T ,dy'i q?td .t _:ff; asodo s +"' .."' -51I.L ill t i?: lav" a-tr,s d jlE ,t",;.,l\t::ti:; ) 'l F,':l /1, / .i, /( i t.':t') ' "' ' ' tv-'tt-t tv'! '/ //.itl n l.t -.ta f1 n !1 n ,, -=:\ n E 7 'arf\4 17 f\ nVIi I I v s IHlalelrr.gc e1 tF s3 I I -Lfi(D/ %*1**d t. \fs- oo I t 3 T}f\ EJ5s I I -"'.'-"--r tRg'v-' '- '- *-"" ' " ] \l { T-** *--*-*. I I I\ !- l i., ,-.--.,-. I I I ) tr Ij ) IOrl tBUIIDING FOUNDAT lO" draln hole'in floorwith 3 yard drywall benea.th-11', or 3/4', washect agg. L3 I X 13' footer aud slab ;;___;, - - | r-u,' thick-Z conttnuous #410" voLd I, tube , bars at perl.meter ji ! ,-., -.4 I +---*O'X6" and IO"XIO" rei.nforced; | -^^r- :- .cr--- @tl !.. I \, ' I mesh in floor I'I i*\#4 vertical rebarS, 4'centers I Jacuzzt replace- N 1 S Eit" x 8" anchors, 4' center lrn lri.vlki contlnuous #4 horizontal bars-overlap 30 XI dlameternl Iq--VerticaL #4 bars, 4' centers a\ O I 2 continuous #4 bars, overlap v1all i4-Footer and floor 30 X diameter I Drywall drain hole at least l0'r diameter-wilI accommodate sump in event of drywall fallure. At present I have made no prov1slon for grate-- we could cast a recess to acconunodate one. Framed wood stalrs to be done by franingcontractor. )3 ) O ) oJ o-4v-lWWatfir pr ltdnb;E Doorway t \ Cloctout et least ,6r' below mudsell -J-t' f lpJace to be recovered byiftA,kout?fir ,1. i-ot existlng timbersvl-rlfflTest WaIL 3 yard drywatlwlth wasb rock, East ltall South WaII ...,..-.,--'/ A1I /t i I I I I I I It---- - ffit E | -*vent door to code '<l i I:riiiiirl,il rl.tt :- i. --; ' '-'t | - ' i j arocr (Jacazzl pipe)i -t1l:.11:* grade at walk'l between jacuzzl and equlp- _l-fl6or-and_footlng j ment room to remaln same. blockouts at least 6'r below topof mudsell F--Ventilation bl-ockout to allow' for alr fLow from door to easlalde to avold heat buildup in equipment room. l{orth treII i I lectrical IockoutQ l,'pvc I ogas bL2" PVC r RrL Nov301e73 box t o o vail, colorado s16s7 303.476-5613 l5 August 1973 Mr. Joseph Levin Vantage Point Vail, Colorado RE: F i re Protect ion System Dear Mr. Levin, - An investigation of your property, known as ValltaqePoint l, was made this date by the Vait Building i-iElETor, Harvey Travis, and myself. ltem of concern entai led thecold weather protection of the wet f ire system thr_oughoutthe building. Findings are listed as follows: The insu lation of the standp ipe over heat fapeswill af fc rd suf f icient o rotect ion unde r norma I cond it ions. Howe ve r, severa I conditions could conce i vab ly create f reez ing of the sys tem, which,in turn, cou I d rupture the p ipes r €. g. , a. Continuous sub-freezi ng temperaturefor an exfended period of time; Breakage of heat tape w i re; l,4a lf unction of thermostat; Saturation of insulation by moisture. The installation of heat tapes is a satisfactory methodof preventing f reeze-up; howeve r, th is department is in oppos ii ion to the ir use due to the f alse security they create.It is recommen de d th at othe r means be estab I ished to assurethat the systern is cperational full-time. Such means could,and shou ld, inc lude a schedu led insoect ion of each hose con nect ionduring cold weaiher, performed by management personnel. .lz -I rvr r. JoseDn Levr n7 Vantage i'oint I Page 2 lf I may be f ree to contacf of further ass istance, th is of f ice. p lease f ee I J LA/ rj D ,g\l\l Yours tru ly, TOWN OF VA I L Jerry L. Aldrich Chief Building Of f icial A. O-gr -"'--*-* $ruice l, -(i ! : Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT for Job No or l. D. 55bL Oate Tested: IA/V/72 Mix I.0., F,Pk Slunp:Punp 3/b Tovn of Vail Locati on: Ai r:6.M Cunningham Constlucti.on Va,4p.qge-!oint-Vail .., . .w!/Lu.rI.: Yleto: Best Capfes Available d.Y:' _,d"K*.Averase: r6oi hd,;J \og rf, REMARKS: g/, cal. cHloride /# ,n, ,f, {/avrc 6''h/ {' Qd', Matlliab Testins ?531 West 8th Ave.825 -5261 6t, Hater Temp. : A'i r Temp. : Concrete Temp. : Total Yards; 7 yds. Total Water: F A Mojsture: Max, Agg. Size: Max. Size Load C.Y.: Weather: Time Batched: 8235 Time Placed: Time Tested: 9tL5 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: 3O00 Tested By; uns rEsr cYLTNDERS 551-I(I-4) Cylinder Dja. 2@7 Day Cyiinder D'ia. 14 Day Cylinder Dia 26P8 Day 6.011 1600 5.%5 16or \t .,, t 6 Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 510 Ti cket # L4L;7 REPORT TO:Torn of Vail Materials Testing a Service I { I 825 -5261 Locati on: $qlpingham ConstDuctlon VantaEe Point-Vail Wt/CI. Ft.: Yield: Concrete femp.: F A Moisture: l,/eathe r: Time Tested: 9zL5 i ?531 West 8th Ave. Denver Colo. 80204 MATER|ALS REpoRT for Torn of Vail Job No or l. D. 55I-1, Date Tested t to/tz/Tz t,ti x I .9. . 6 .sk Sl umo: A.i r:pump 3/l' 6+' 6.@ Water Temp.:Ai r Temp. : Total Yards: 7 yds. Total Water: Max. Agg. S'i ze:Max. S'i ze Load C. Y. : Time Batched: 8235 Time Placed: Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: 1000 Tested By: MrS rEsr cYLtNDERS 55I-I(f-4) Cylinder Dia. 2@7 Day Cylinder Dia. 14 Day Cylinder Dia ZeE8 Day 6.0lr 1600 5.965 r6ot Average: 1605 REMARKS: *% CaJ-. CHloride Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 510 Ticket # Lt+Ls? REpORT TO: To,m of Vail o-o Materials Testing Seruice MATERTALS REpoRT {or Cunningham Job No or t. D. 5?6-t Date Testedt LVL5/T2 West 8th Ave. r, Cofo. 80204 825-5261 Tested By: Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 5O9Ticket # Yield: ,o.u.,on,6.r,Glllih Wt/Cu. Ft. :Mix I.D.:6 sk pumP Water Terp.: Tota'l Yards: Max. Agg. Size: Tirp Batched: Spec. P.S.I. at resr cylrxbens Cylinder Dia. 5.998 Sl unp: 2*" Ai r: Ai r Temp. : Total Water: Max. Size Load C.Y.: Time Placed: 28 Days: 5?6 (77-79) 1@7 Day Cylinder Dia. 27tL Concrete Temp.: F A Moisture: l,/eather: Time Tested: 3:O0 14 Day Average: REMARKS: Recreation Area SIa6 - Center portion REpORT TO: Cunningham Construstion Cylinder Dia 26128 Day 5.996 rtz86 6.012 t+525 t*l1C6 Materials Testing ,1531 Wesf 8th Ave.825 -5261 o Service Denver, Colo. 80204 oate Tested t to/tz/|2 Mix I.D.: 6 sk Slunp: pumD Water Ternpi: ' Tota'l Yards: Max. Agg. Size: Tire Batched: Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: MATER|ALS REPORT for Cunninghan Construction Job No or t. D. 526-L t.Locati on:\ \4 fl. 2nd a.l.n Ai r:)2 Ai r Ternp. : Total !r|ater: Max. S'i ze Load C. Y. : Time Placed: 11:00 Wt/Cu. Ft. : Time 300o Tes ted By: @ Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck lll Ti cket # south side Yi el d: Concrete Temp.: F A Moisture: l.leather: Tes ted : Richards rEsr CYLINDERS 526-l( Z t+-?6) Cylinder Dia. 1O 7 Day Cy'linder Dia. 5.993 t227 Average: R EMARKS: '14 Day Cyf inder D'ia 6.olz 6.004 29 28 Day 27 5l+ 2328 ntaEe Poislab frori= east REPORT TO: Cunningham Constructi-on RICHARDS ENGINEERS,'IC. P. O, Box 64i! vAlL, COLORADO 81657 LErr#@F rmAN$snoBTT &, the follwing itcms: D Samplar tr Spccifications TO Vall 47G5072 Dcwcr24#1521 CCq!1,i;tgbeq _Qgttst_rugli.gl Cp :_ ___Post Offlce Box 418 Vai I I Col o?ado 81652_.. _ .- --- rYs--J4-Ssr ubJ'sr @ Town of ValI , Vall, Colorado 81557 Dana Chrlstopher Rickli, Architect' Denver GENl LEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU fi1 Attached I [t Shop drawings I Prints fl Copy of letter f] Changc order Under separate cover ll Plans tr THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [.- For a pp roval f,l For your use n As requested fl For review and comment tr FOR BIDS DUE ! Approved ll Approved fi Returned as submitted as noted for corrections t I Resubmit-copies for approval rl Submit -copies for distribution L Retum -corrocd prints tr 19- D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: Kenneth E. Rlchardr It anclorura. ara not ta nl,iad, kindty notily ua at oarca- ru ?40- i.r t d.a lltd ld llcalRDs El$cINEtRs, rtf. Poat Offlce ln 643 Vall, Colorrdo E1657 . 476-5072 coilcRsm, ilAsoNRr AflD RSIXFonCINC Sf,rrL {nmf trorf l/a.*o*, Pom/ - 6trrr*rq/'b"tr Aatft- Coact.te Plrcensot 2a ru lrl ns/Lpipr frck/r'&B/' */qrnqUo^, lctntorclnr Stcrl Drte lls Lcatlon rcrr ih.2 ; Zp+t-/W' t/a/ h/t 4.6,1'*,n &/s 6G A G 9,+sfu Itt 57oln 6tonr Fo/ss / tr .4 zr{tt fuuzl ,lunI ?*v fr-/r- ha/",' t &hn // M.t Lne7 t0:tha vl(o/un n 5. t* 2 fr/r-t'h'r6t/rz y'mi lr H/t/ "o lbr/ra/ B,r- /0,'frt,'o'n/ t'&o/"Eol"/ 4i 14 l1/d 3fttr/,'.luar7 .7 frol'fr"/" g'O I , rlr';J ii'j[ $i ti.,l i ' t;'r15t 1. ffiii.i : Qiir'. r -,'' lir Pt{Y: rc,,,L , -,,.,61i r.llSr iliinI l', I .: (. L tlnrr rr rr rr rr; i's - i:cr.lctrtrr , t.oJor';rdo !lrrnrp .,t, ti^lgi Ir. . .:':.1 5c' ' |r j. - rt r- .r :,1 I \r,t .-.. 1,, Iri;':, t -. i 5 |rcrt glh, , sl l;l lrl) 7 x/ .4 ( l,r,.L f ,t' "" ./ l/ 'u' 'L"- . th- \Ji. 0/ flnl^ U"l td ! l. i,,r Ii'tr r' tr, . ,...: I /,n(.il!/".I ORIES tlols o COMMERCIAT 22 LIPA}.I STREET Cunninghan Construction Co. Box 4l sVail, Colorado 81657 lrrolT or eoH?rlssloN TEST3- OONCIET! ldanr. No,, J-8376Job Vantage Point - Vail., Colorado Sompled by:Cunninglran Construction Co, Locotion : "q" Footing Pad Itiixed Doro: Supp licr' s Tickct No: ?IIYTI€AL ?ROPCT,TIEST Unit Wciqht pcf Air-Content GOM?IESSIVC SYRENGTHS: Cylinder ldenr. I Age, Doys D iomelcr, ln. 9 5.97 Speci{ied Strength: 3000 -psi gi 28 doys CC: p"r." Rickli Janes R. Bornan G Assoc.Respectfully submittcd COilMERCIAL TESTING LABORATOftIES OFIGINAL S'GNED BY C. J. RAY. JR. C. J. Roy, Jr.. P.E. Presideni I Speci{ic,l Strenqth: .1000 CC' ,.lr;iitit l.lf N j I,lirltcs l{. llo r.nrun 10- --Psl ilr--!9. . do's li .,\ssoc. Ruspectlully submiled COMMERCIAL TESTING fA ?^-.b* C. J. Roy, Jr., P.E. President COMMERCIAL TEST 22 LIPAN STREET oENVER, COLORADO t0223 r,iis:izoz ,;,o.-'-f \, evLvr\^..\tt ev'..F OiJ.*(U/ _ ..:.iI;.i. ." .; li,i6 , Reporf Dote: 'luly 6.., -1972. ' "la*r+' ; -I- xr-i $rd, , .. .: tF.;- I . ,lttltirrlritlt,rr' (trlt:; tt'rrctiprr (ii.;rrrlluly }tly Zl't'rilg7Zir.liiji,:.-lrlrir i lrillt'rr' ( (rn:; t t'rrc t. iorr (iilrrrlluny Jtl y Zo ,- l!7 Z ;":ii:i, "ri.tr. ..1 I\ -i,' i..' ','.,.., llEFotT of coMpRESStON TESTS _ COHCTETE CyttXDEtS ,,;1.. - .. , i, ,, ,rl: ": ;l . r_ Itlerr. llo., .l -:- .-., 'r, ' .' ' ';. , "'';' i'l' ' ' i! -l ob ',tultil!,,l'' I'rrilrt, Viril, CoJotru<Io ". , . .: '., t'. ".'..'i l Sarncled by: tlLrurr i 'sllrlrr (i.ns t ruct ion co. Dore: .Iupe zl ,t tgli ,.i. i; .. | " Loe'rrior : Ct'.rtr'l Sl';rcC (North) Foundation WafiJ-' : - ;. Supn ,cr's Ticktr l.lo, Truck Na.: I Yr' n. ,. Tir,..,''t ,,', " i4, l rmo: - tt,. .,:. i",,,1.'1r ..i i.., .i .* ,r,'i lf nrr !v.",0ht 1.,{ Air-Contenr gi Slump S to ,.4, li,, : lTehpcioi.im . rF.' , , . r.' f'r?' F ';":rb'u'g|' f ::' , ri- -,i ; coMPtESSlVE STRTHGTHSI . ' .ti ' " i'".L'tl'nrlo' I so, Diomerqr, Strrngr|, Rehorks. . : ,'.t .ldent, Doys In. Fri ' ' , ,f' .,.. . ,.r, ' t''" '.' : '':':r"' 'f\ fr 5.99 l5?0 For 1 c. I T l^ r_\r ,li ! f\,1 T r' T t\,\l,L|!Jrl!lrr\'lr.)ll LABOTiAT0R tl t NG CONCRF.'Ii TISTS C I ient _ e.t1n.1 ]nrlhann Constructlorr Company _ . *Bcx _4_19 "- v-t I l,_,9o_1.-o-ti.1(tCI_-*q.}0 iZ P r oj ec t *v aruage-_-Eo_11! . ,YO1 l , .C.p_!o-f_a qo F e a t u r e _circ&_t-tk elr -an -A:ll:?3 Dare of pclr,r S I unrp Unlt wgt. (fresl') |.lea t he r Rerna r ks _.Canclc_gq__Q_of gq. JAMES BOBT,IAN & AgSOCTATES CUNNINGIIAM CONgTRUCTION CO. '.!'. Job No, M-817 f rorn Eagt Wall ri .l FooEtng on J-ltne :' 12' from Eaet WalI ,.it l cilL0RA00 TEsT I NG LAEORAT0R I ES , I NC RIGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGITITERS .t ' ':* .-l' ! CO[ORAOO TtS I IHG LABORATOR I[5 CONCR'-Ti TISTS C I I cn t -- -qufr:-t ly,gt1 :r't . ConF !: lrlqt i l-n - c_ompa qy_ _ _-__ _ - Fox -4l3,-v1;111.r,. Colorado _.ar05?_ S upp I i e r Proj ect--Va11r_al1-e _pq1n!,__V.-a!f . -lSlqtCdo _ . T ic ket No: ] Feature eoles t,.rken on-g-Ll -72. _ i " " 'F* 0ate of p()r;r'_- S iump 11 ir content 'lernperatureUn it wgt. {fresh ) - L!-1 :- - H' ',- wca t her Rerna r ks .,'-Cen.; re t ^Corros Age break (days ) llv i 654 5 6 -l !opiesl I I JAMNS BORMAN & A$r;OcIATEs CUNNINGT]AM CONSTRTIETION CO. c3 rUrcOMatefiri, Testins J t 825 -5261 Denver, Co|o.80204 2531 Wesl 8th Avc. t P,O. Box l2l3 ooulder, Colo. 80392 MATERTALS REPORT lo' Cunningham Construct'ion Job trb. or t. D. 526-L Tickrr I Dorc Trsrcd: August 14, !Y72 Locotion: Vantage Point 2nd Leve1 Floor ToPPlng Mix l.D.: Slump: 4*" Air: Wt'Cu.Fr.: Yirld' Wotcr Tcmp.: Air Tcnp.: Concrcic Tcrnp': Totol Yords: Totol Wotcr: F A Moisturc: Wotcr Rcduccr: Air Enrroining: Colcium: lYind: Hum id ily : Wcothcr: Timc Botchad; Timc Ploced: Timc Tcstcd: TEsr cyLtHDERs 526 25, 26, and ?7 3 Doy - fOz b"y 14 DoY l@tr} DoY 1 Hold t. 2355 2. 3. t. Avrrogr REMARKS: 825 -5261 2531 We* 8th Arrr Denvur, Colo.80204 IATERIALS RIPORT for ht{Dl Ccdnctto Job lrb. or l. D. f:16-1 Dotc Tclcd: &fy t, 19p Locolion: Vrnt||l ecfd ntflf YlrlJ: T:cra .llfl. rtrlt l- Mir l.D.: 5l Slwnp: 9fti Woter Trnp.: Toml Yondr: Iolrr Rrducor: ilind: Timr Eorc'hed: T$r cYLtilDett fi 3 Dcv t. 2. 3. 1. Avrrogr REilAIf,I: Air: Air Tanp.: Totol Wotrr: Air Entroining: Hurnidity: Tine Plocrd: 1-3 If 7 Dov Wr,/Cu.Fr.: la 11 Dot 2l+6 Concnlo Tcnp.: F A ltloi rrurr: I Cc lc iun: Woslhrr: Timr Tcrrrdr L86,q 3OOO pet Specifled l.f 28 Oot 2759 P.O. Box l2t3 Boulder, Colo. 80302 Mix r.D.: J/tr 6sitr,tu^r' fVofor Tcmp.: Totol Yordr: Wotcr Rcducor: Wind: Timr Eorchcd: TE3T CYLIXDERS 526 3 DoY l. 2. 3. 4. Avrrogr REITARXS: I{ TERIALS REPORT {or CururLnghan Jcb t{o. or l. D. 526-L Dotr Tcrtcd; 7-2b?2 Air:ttr Wr./Cu.Fr.: YirU: Concrclc Trmp.: F A Moisturc: Co lciurn: Wcother: Timr Tcsbd: 14 Doy 28 IhY 2755 llr, nnat?rials Testing SeruiGs 2531 West 825 -5261 Dcnver, Colo.8020/ Constructl,on Ticlrr r Vantage Polnt Locotion: StalrryaY footgr csnt€r Air Tcmp. : Totol Woler: Air Enlroining: Humidity: Timc Ploccd: - 13r r4, 15 7 b,t 204? P.O. Box I2l3 Boulder, Colo. 80302 MATERIAL5 REPORT lor Qqlllnghan Cmstruction Job tb. or L D. 526-L - Tlclrr I Vantace Polnt Dorr Torrrd: 7-?8-72 Locotion: Stalriay footcr N. End. Mir l.D.$ 6sk Slump:6r Aii: wlzCu.Ft.: Yirld: Wotrr Tcnrp.: Air Tcrnp.: Cmcrctr Tcmp.: Totol Yordrr Totol Woicr: FA Moisrurc: lYoter Rcducor: Air Entroining: Colciurn: lYind: Humidity: Wcoihcr: Timr Bctchrd: Timc Ploccd: Timc Tcttcd: TEST CYLTNDERS 526 - 16, 17, lg 3 Dor 16 ' i ooy I@ 14 DoY 10 2s D"Y r. 1951 2377 2- 3, 4. Avrrogr REMARKS; Slr:^np checked at 6:30 - lr*" 825 -5261 Denver, Golo. 80204 2531 West:8th Ava. P.O. Box l2l3 ruratJ?ia h restins ilrrrice Boulder, Colo. 80302 825 -5261 253r West Wotor Tr;rp. : Torol Yordr: Wotcr Rcduccr: Wind: Timr Botchrd: TEST CYLIXDERS ,26 . 3 DoY t. 2. 3. 1. Avcrogc REMARXS: Slunp A ir Tcmp. : Tolo I Woicr: Air Entroining: Humidity: Tinrc Ploccd: 16, 17, 1810 7 Doy r951 checked at 6:30 _ 4t" Concrrlc Ternp,: F A Moirlura: Colcium: Wcothcr: Tinc Tcrtcd: I@ 14 Doy IO 28 Doy Denver, Co|o.80204 ilATEIIALS REPOTT for Cunninghan Constrrrctlon Job tlo or l.O. 526-L Tlchr I Vantage Polnt Dotr Tcctcd: ?-2*7? Locorion: Stairvay footef N. Erd Mir l.D.lL| 6sk Slurnp: 6n Air: IYt./Cu.Ft.: Yirld: P.Q Box l2l3 Boulder, Colo. 80392 lUaterials Testing o Servim 2531 Wert 8th Ava 825-5261 Denror, Colo. S0204 H TEnIALS REPOnT |or Cunni.nghan Congtruction .bb No or t. D. 526-L Dote Tcrtrd: 7-2U72 r,tix f .D.: )/t, 6sg1u r, tVotcr Tomp. : Tolol Yordr: Uotor Rrduccr: Wind: Tanr Borch cd: TEsT CYLIXDERs 526 3 DoY l. 2. ? 1. Avrrogr RETARXS: )t Air: Air Tcnp.: Tolol Wolrr: Air Entroining: Humidity: Timc Ploccd: - 13, 14, 15 7 DoY 20b2 Vantage Polnt Locotion: StalrrrraY footgr WrlCu.Fr.: Yield: Cmcralo TcmP.: F A fAo isturc: Co lc ium: Wcolhcr: Time T:stcd; 14 Doy ltcla r contgr E Doy Mate o I na ls Testing 2531 West 8th Ave. HATERIALS REPORT for Job r{o. or t. D. 526.1 Dotc Tcstod: &Iy 2Ot Mix l.D.: 5L Slump: 3/4a lVotor Tomp.: Totol Yordr; lYotcr Rcducor: ' Wind: Timc Botchcd: TEST CYLINDERs '243 DoY I. 2. ? 1. Avcrogc REMARKS: 3OOO psi Denver, Co|o.80204 IC E Doy I o Service Ti.rot &2516 Locorion: V$t t poLt lrrdt ttr|,1l Ff WrlCu. Fr.: Y icld: Concrctc Tcnp.: F A Moirturo: Co lc ium: Wcgthar: Timc Tcrtcd: IO l4 Doy '21+6 P.O Box l2l3 Boulder, Colo. 80302 825-s261 C\mLn6[u Coortrlstlon LW Air: Air Tcmp. : Toto I Wotcr: Air € ntro in ing: Humidity: Timc Ploccd: r-3 LO 7 DoY L6? Speclfied Co*rrr Trrq.: Colchnr fro||rre: Thro Trmdl la l. Do}, "*"3|(brttu.tlr D nslty of sandl P.C.F. :r/,lghb of sand ant, pornds ilrlght of gand backr Porndc {:l trns ilr wel.ryht of repressntatlve sample fr@ tget hOler gfana- I (l'isLLu:a Iosso til-I) grams Trercent t{* fOO;-e^t gevisclon lirlght of eend usod, poundsj&g-L-rr.- zt76, V:Lume of teEt hole, cubtc fget (#) G.'oss weight of naterlal fru test holer pornder-.&ll- ..1 denslty of mat'erlal frcrn tess hols P'C.F. (ft)-}!e- ',ir tr.alght of reprecsntetivs raolsturl remple frm teet holet I.i. a.'!ur?,[Vh, percgntaSo , /..i ni ..t l)ry denslty of reatertal frorn f;est ?role P"C"l'. (T! cornpactlorr.. perc€Iit' ifi x IOC) 'r iL :;lC[.] CUrtVli NO l,:..'.tlve r s.ti ed :gJ;: ' ks .1:'; r'' ,1f';' rlenSltv.. l' ,rl , t^;'. nci:.:tilrer .1'.i f :. Il na ... -- ^rl f rrr rOCk.JJ+3J_rsr- \: "E --- COr.recied for focl .i;.,.i J ttlr i irf ghv ;l: a j : . f .l | | ., ,'r lt. -l , T.- E- Tr 1'ttle T"+r-g Eifb. o!r al,r ouetr""dry r,€,'1[,,.rrLu|e Of bagrs t drle" lJ.Oo Centlgr' or -_!416t * mrd.qr srtul --.- i. I n I f I , I I I D.O. Box l2l3 825 -5261 Denver, Co|o.80204 2531 West 8th,Ave. Air Tcmp.: Toto I Worer r Air Entro in ing: Hum idity: Time P loccd: TEsr cYLtNDERs 526 - IJ, 1lr, V 7 Doy 2Jl+2 Mate?ais Testing Stuice Boulder, Colo. 80302 ' Woter Tcmp.: Totol Yord s: Wotar Reduccr: Wi nd: Timc Botchcd: 3 Doy I. 2 4. Avcroge REMARKS: MATERIALS REPoRT {or Cunningham Construction Job No or 1.0. 526-L Dotc Tcsrcd: 7-28-72 Mix l.D.: 3/lt 6sl6tu^p, )* Ai' Ticlrt t Vantage Point Locorion: StainraY footer center Wt.,Cu.Ft.: Yicld: Concrctc Tcmp.: F A Moisrurc: Co lc ium: Wcothcr: Time Tcstcd: l4 Doy 27 55 28 Doy 35?6 i MatJ?ials Testing $ruice 825 -s261 2531 West 8th Ave. Denver, Co|o.80204 P.O. Box l2l3 doulder, Colo. 80302 MATERIALS REPORT fo, Cunningham Construction Job No. or t.o. 526-L Ticlrt I Vantage Point Dorc Tcsred: 7-2U?2 Locotion: Stairrray footer N' End Mix l.D.'$ 6sk Slulnp, 6I Aii: Wt,/Cu.Fr.: Yicld: Wotcr TcmD,: Air Tcmp.: Concrctc Tamp. Torol Yords: Totol Wotcr: F A Moisturc: Wolcr Rcduccr: Air Enlroining; Colcium: Wind: Hum id ity: Wcother: Timc Botchcd: Time Plocrd, Timc Tastcd: TEsr cYLrNDEns 526 - t6r 17, l8 3 Doy I@ ' i Dov I@ 14 DoY IO E Dov r. 1951 2)77 1311 2. 3. A. Avorogc REIIARKS: Sturnp checked at 6:JO - l++" tATEnlALi REPOIT for Job f{o. or I' D. 526']- Dorc Torrrd: 8/L7/72 Mir LD.: 6sk Slump: Wotor Tcmp. : Totol Yords: Wqtor Rcducor: Wind: Timc Botchcd: TEST CYLINDERS 3 D.Y l. 2. 3. 1. Avrrogr REIARXs: 825 -526r Constnrction Locotion: lenteettBo*l] to- Floorllt/Cu.Fr.: Yie ld: Cunnlnghan Ttcla r Ncth Iat Aii:l+" Air Trmp. ; Totol Wotct: Air Eniroining: Humidity: Timc P loccd, Concrctc Temp.: F A Moi3tur.: Colcium: lVcothu: Time Tortcd: 8:45 fil 14 Doy z9n526-tCL'33)1(l 7 DoY 1_630 Mats P.0.8ox l2l3 Bouldor, Golorado 803112 Cunalnghen Cmstnrctlm P. 0. Boc l+I8 Yetl, Colcado 81657 Ittenti@: Bst fateg Rer Sries Hauer Tests Dear Ral" tbe srlgs ha@er tcst rcsults @ readlngs taken July 21t tilerd the concrcte bclng predclncntly below 30@ psl. Locatlm llo. Readings oo rials Testing SerYice Ju].t 25, LT|Z I92 polat PSI Velue 2000Lcrg rell m Scnrttr slde rrrnning LOf€st to Eagt 10 ft. 9 ln. fro tfegt raII 28 ft. frm Ueet rall o South 10 ra11 2 ft. fro East vall on Sotrth 5ralL Inslde East raLl I ft. frq door 5 IngLde Htgh Ceater UaIl 6 ft. fron 5 door 2l+ tt. on East to Uest raII 5 Pad Llne 5 Oenter hlgh tnslde raII East 5 Low raII ltorth Ccnter 5 It should bc ndcd that the snies hanner 2000 L800 2000 2000 1900 3700 2000 r900 ls only an indicatort AGGREGATE PROOT.|CTS OUR SPECIALTY i, a 4't" I -2- hcrvcr th. oa. reerltng of 3700 polnts taard crctc ln qqcatton ehould bc cored for an accurate strength dctcrd'rrtlOr Thls canld bc aceoplished ncxt reck rhen the corlng appsrtu' rlll bc Is Yall. Thus reduclng travel cocte to yorr cmpany' RespectivelY Subdtted )q ft#// John l. Hatfleld PE Servlce Dlrector Jhtt/kp o ls Tssting Service harcr ttst rcsults o raadlngs taken July 21r 1972 polnt oscretc bcrng predalnontly belw 300O psl. Xo. Readings il 10 P.0. Box l2l3 Eoulder, Cohado 80302 G\rlntnghan Csstnreti@ P. 0. Bq tr18 YrlI, Colorado tL657 lttcntl@: Bey latct Bs: M-gs Hensr hcta Dear Rayt The srlas trard tha Locatle Lmg uell o Sqrtb elde nrnnlng UcgE to laat 10 "ft. 9 ln. fro UcEt raII 28 fb. frcn lcst rall a Soutb 10 ra11 2 ft. fro East rall m Sorth 5 ra11 Ingldc East nll I ft. fro doe 5 Inslde HLgb Ccnter fa1l 6 ft. fin@ 5 doon 2l+ ft. on Ertt to fost ra].I 5 Pad Llnc 5 Gcnter hlgh lneldc rall East 5 La ralL lfqth Cent* 5 It ghould bc nctod that the crlre hanner trs only an AGBREGATE Ff,ODI'CTS OUR SPECIALTY 2000 1800 2000 2000 1900 3700 2000 1900 Lndicatort Jr,t]-;I- 25t L7l2 PSI Value 2000 o|rlSa tr {F[t!'l |lf,ld bc aacd fc an accurate strcngth d.tgdlatlt.*l'r cald bc eacqllrbod nrrt rroL rhen the corlng epp1rtnr rtll bci.! htl. t'ha rrdu6tnt trarrl c6tr to ,'Gr ccpaay. Bcspectlvely Subrlttcd )'"t*t fdufit/ John l. Hatfleld PE Scrvtce Dlrsctc Jff/kp : '; li ;-r-l3RrcN{ARDs ENcrNEERslc.j P. o. Box 64it\ vAll.' oo[oRADo 81657 I Irill 47G.il72 Dcrlcl 244-l5lll TO Cunn{nghem Constructlon Co. P.O. Box 418 -- ----l&-. Ed- Torm of Vall P.O. Box 100 Vall, Colorado LETTil@F T'MANSNNNNTAL D^TE IJol .ro. Julv 13- 1972 I - V2-51 A'T€NTI ON RE GEI{TLEMEN: Mr. Dana c. WE ARE SENDING R Shop d rawings I Copy ol letter RlckLl, YOU tE Arcbltect 4045 South Sooadway Sulte 250 Attached D Under separate cover via fl Plans E Samples n Spccifications bglemod, Colorado -the tollof,ing items: [.] Prints [-] Change order trl coPtEs DATE NO.OESCRIPTION I InADectlon ReDoriE 61 '-ntaoe Po{rrt {f,iolrnh Jrrh ?- 1Q72 /I'-a A - r.rlu 7 rOttl THESE ARE TRANSMITTED aS checked below: ,i For approval ljb(For your use [] As requested fl For review and comment [I FOR BIDS DU€ Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections Lf .Resubmit-copios lor approval tl Submit -copies for distribution I Retu rn - corrected prints {., L.l ,_J t I9.- L] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS-,.- COPY TO ll .aaloau.aa. aaa r|ot .! noL4 hlndty ^oti''' g3 tt onca' r-2-o. - rrb. arrlF t F. h.ldr-l b. F -.-Jt a- RTCnARDS El{CItrt8Rs, Ittr. Poct Offlce lor 643 Vall, Colorado bfOSf 475-5072 Caa) I / hlntorcbr Stecl Corcrste Placeaeat Jtnr't "?7lt:l fony'rs ,/'., '"' lltn //e