HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 1 VANTAGE POINT PHASE 2 CONSTRUCTION LEGALI./AIITAGE POTI,IT / VAIL @NDOI.ITNIUM VAIL / ]JOIIS HSAD, COLONADO SPECIFICATTO[T.5 for GJII,J IIAL CONSTRI'CTIOI{ Dana C. Rickli, Architect 4045 south Broadway Enqler,rood, Colorado e0110 789-4525 April 3, 1972 I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IiIDEX N]STRUCTIO}iS TO 3IDDEI{s PROPOSAL !.'OFJ.I FOR STIB-CONTRACTOIIC SUPPLEI IEI,ITAPJ GIIITIEIIAL COi\tDf TIONS DMSIOItr I GENE PJ\L REOiJI PJJI.IENTS DIVISIOII 2 SITE PREPFTIiATION AIID AAf{$tionii ASPHALT PAifING PARI(TiIG BUi,PERS D]VISION 3 CAST ]I] PLA@ @NCI TE PIS]CAST Coi'lCRErE DIVISIOAI 5 STRUCTURAL STEEL I.iISCELI,AiiIEOUS I-IETAIS DIVISION 6 ROUGH CARPE}ITRY FTIiIISI] CARPENTFY & IViII&I{ORK DRYI.JAIJL CO\ISTRUCTIOI{ CARPIINTRY DTVISION ? SIT]ET TIETAL lrooF]r,tc SYSTEM SEAI.1}ITS & I..IEATIIENSEAI,S DAITPPROOFING & I'ATERPROOTING DIVISIOI{ 8 TrtooD DOORS HOLI.,,CITI :GSAI, DOORS [: SRAI,IES GL:\SS & GLAZIi{G DT\rISIOI{ 9 P,TIIN?ING 1A.-1 .^ l_A-3 zA-L - 2A-7 2B-L - 2B-3 3c-r 3A-1 - 3A-6 3B-1 - 3B-3 5A-1 - 5A-3 5i-1 - 5B-2 6A-1 - 6A-6 6B-t .. 68-5 6C*t - 6C-4 5D'-1 7A-1 - 7A-3 TB-L - 7C-2 7c-L - ?c-4 ?D-L ..7D-2 8A-I - BA-3 8B-l - 88"5 8c-l - Bc--3 9r,'.1 - 9A-6 I r INDEX (cond.nued) I r DIVISION 10 I i.irscElr,Arr'ous BurrJDrNG spEcr.iri,Tr's roA-l - roA-3 r KITCIIEN 1qBINEIS LOB-I - lOB-'2 I srilrl,lr4rNc PooL roc-1 I DMSION IL, 12, 13, 14, L5, and 16 I NoT IN.TJIJDED 2. 3. t I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I t T T I T INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS I. SUBI.4ITTAL OF BID5 The oliner silalL take sealed contract bids until P.M. MST at the offiee of W. J. Cunningham, Lions Square, Vail , Colorado. Each subcontract biil shall identify the project by name and acknowledge alJ. addenda received. Each subcontract bid shall state the totat contract price, clearly define the portion of the work to be accomplished, and state the time required to eornplete the defined work. IDENTIFICATION OT' ?HE CONTRACT NiID @NERAI CONDITIONS It is the intention of the or,uner through W, J. Cunningham to enter into contracts rrith the various subcontractors based upon AIA docunent AIOT "standard Form of Agreenent Bettreen Ovmer and Contractor" (short form aqree- nent). In each such agreement the word "contractor" shall read to mean 'eubcontractor' or 'material supplier. I This contract has included within it general conditions which shall govern the project. SUPPL.SMEI,ITARY GENERAL @NDITIONS 8.3. Delete in its entirety, replace with "work shall be defined as described in Article I of the contract. r' 9.1. Delete in its entirety, replace with "The arclritect will provide general administration of the contract. " L2.2. Delete in its entirety. Article 12 - Replace the word "work" r,iti th "other work on the project.l' f7.5. The contractor shall pay for all materials, equipment and labor used in' or in connection with, the performance of this contract through the period covered by previous palments received from the o$rner ' and shall furniSh satisfactory evidence, when requested by the owner, to verif,r compliance uith the above requirements. Such evidence may tal<e the forn of lien waivers. 18.1. In carrying out the work this @ntractor shal1 take necessary Pre- caulions co protect properly the finish work of other trades from damage caused by his operations. I8.2. The owner shall coordinate the maintainingr of proper safety precautions betr,reen the various contractorg . 4. EXAUINATION OF SITE DRAWINGS SPECIFICATIONS AI{D ADDENDA Each bidder shall visit the site of the proposed r,prk and shall so fully examine the plans and specifications and acquaint hirnself with their require- ments and with the conditions surrounding the construction of the site that he shall be fully famillar with and informed of, all facilities, difficulties. and problems atteneant upon prosecution of the work. t I rNsrRuqrroN ro BTDDER'PAGE 2 t I t I In case of disagreement betrreen drawinqs and specifications or within either documents itself, the better quality or greater quantity of work shall be figrured in ii:e bid. rf the bidder notices any seenJ.ng inconsistency, aribiguous reguire pnt, omission, or other matter which nay regui re explanation orinterpretation, it shall be his responsibility to call suctr matter to the attention of the architect and the owner in writing at least six (5) calendar days before tiie date fixed for the opening of the bids. Ttre subnission of a bicl shal1 be taken as prima f,acia evidence of compl iance with this require- nent and as e,cknowledgement that the bidder has received a!1 the required documents and has visited the site. INTERPRETATTONS No oral interpretatior:s wi"I1 be made by anyone to any bidder as to the meaningor requirements of the drauings and specifications or other contract documents. Every request for such interpretation shall be made in writing and addressed and forwarded to the architect not later than six (6) calendar days before the date fixed for opening of bids. Every interpretation made to a bidderwill. be in the form of an addendum to the c€ntract docunents, which, if issued,will be sent as prornptly a6 is practicable to all persons to whom ttre drawings and specifications have been issued. AI1 such addenda shall become a part of the contract documents and their receipt shalL be acknowledgedl in the proposal. EVTDENCE OF COMPETENCY Bidders shaLl subrnit within three (3) days, if requested by the owner, such evidence of the bidders competency to do the rirork covered by his proposal andof the bidderrs financial responsibility, experlence, org€mization, and equipment, as the owner may request. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the rejection of consideration of such bid. The right is reservedto reject an:, bid where an investigation of the evidence or in formation sub-nitted by sub-bidiler does not derpnatrate ful1y to the satisfaction of the owner, in its sole discretion, ttrat the bidder is qualified to carry out properly the terms of the contract. PERMITS AIiID FEES AII permits and fees required from beginning to completilon of the work shaLl be furnished by the contractor at his gole cost and expense, for which reason he should include the cost thereof in his bid trrtoposal price. ls. I I I 16. I I 7. I t I I 8. APPLICABLE LAVi ANp REGUT,ATTONS T I t I T Each bidder shali faniliarize hinself rcith all state and local lards, oodes, ordinances, and regrulations which might ia any manner affect the work to be done, the materials to be supplied, the taxes, permits, and fees to be paid,or the labor to be employed in and Ebout the work. A plea of misunders tandingor ignorance on the part of any succesgful bidder will not in any way excuse such bidder from necessity of fult conrpliance uith every such law, code, ordinance, or regulation. I I I I I I T I I I t I I I I I I I I T I I INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 10. COMPLETION OF CONTRACT EIORK PAGE 3 No change in the rate of performance of the roork whi ch rnay affect courpletsion date shall be made unless the owner and contractor shall nutualLy agree thereon. The contractor shall have an extension of titrte for all delays directly and necessarily resulting fron causes beyond his control , which are the nature of floods or other acts of Cod, strikes, failure of transportation systems, duly declared national emergenciea, or other yreather rnaking prosecution of work unreasonable, as wel.l as delays resulting from changes in the plans and specJ.-fications directed by the ouner. The contractor to rrhom the contract is awarded hereblt agrees and at the tine of signing ttre contract shall further agree to prosecute the work covered thereby with diligence and dispatch in order to conply vrith the rate of perfornanqe specified herein, as well as the standards and quality required thereby until the contract has been conpleted. The contractors shall begin uork on their portions of the job with full crewswithin seven days of notification to cornnence has been given by the owner. II. ST'BSTITIITION A}lD APPROVAL PROCEDURE A. AII subnissions for substitutions and/or apprclvals for material.s, methods and alternate designs sha1l be submitted seven (?) calendar days prior to bid openings to proper authority as listed in itern "C', below. No such submissions shall be approved if subtrdtted less than seven (?) days before bid openings. B. Parties having made such submissions for approval shal1 be responsible for contacting proper authority no sooner than forty-eight (48) hours after submission to obtain the ruling of his submission. C. Requests concernlng items on electrical plans and specifications, requests concerning items on meclranical plans and speclfications and requests concerning items on architectural and structural drawings and specifi- cations shall be subDitted to the archi tect for approval. D. No substitution may be nrade except with the written approval of the engineeror architect. In nraking application to the archi test for any changes in materials r the request must be accompanied by actual samples and technical date on the materials or eguiprnent for which contractor desires subs ti tutlon approval, L2, Sets of contract docurnents including drawing and spec.i-fications together with separate bid fonns may be obtained at the office of: !{. J. Cunningham Lions Square vail, slorado 534-5987 or Dana C. Rickli 4045 South Broad$ray Engl"et{ood, Col"orado EOltO 789-4525 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I t INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS PAGE 4 After April L, 19"12, upon paynent of g5O.O0 for each set of contract documentsthis deposit will be refunded to actual bidders uho return documents within 5 days after the opening of bids, and other interest parties who return the documents within 5 dlays after checking then out. sets of documents will be available at the following locations: Rocky lbuntain Constructlon Daily Journal plan Room 2201 S tout Street I3gO South Santa Fe Drive Denver, Colorado Denver. Colorado The owner reserves the right to reject any or all bials. The bidders shall guarantee to hold his price for forty- five (45) days afterthe bid clate. 13. GENERAIJ CONDITIONS The "@neral Conditions of ttre Contract for Specification,'r AfA Document A2O1,Eleventh Edition, Septenber 196? shall govern the construction of this project. They are available at the architectrs office. I I t PROPOSAL FORM TOR SUBCONTRACTORS Joseph L. Levin I c/o !{. \Tames Cunninghanr Lions Head Square I vail, colorado I Gentlemen: I The undersigned, having examined the drawings ancl speci ficaitons with related docunents and the site of th,e proposed work, and being familiar with all of the I conditions surroun<iing the construction of the pnoposed project, he reby proposes I to furnish all labor and material.s and supplles and to construct the project in accordance with the Contrac'r Docunents, wlthin the tirn€ set forth at the line of I sigrning the Contract and at the prlcee stated below. These prices are to cover I all expenses incuffed in perforrning the work required under the Contract Documents, of which this nroposal is a part. I I (or we) acknowledge receipt of the following addenda: I BASE BID I we ProPose to do all work required by and in accordance with the plans, specifi- cations and Contract Eocunents for the I construction of the bullding for the lumEr I dollars ($ Sub Congractorr s Altexnate proposals I If any of the following listed items are accepted in lieu of the comparable specirfied iteure, the base bial will be increased or decreased by the aspunts indicated. ITEM DESCRIPIION $ INCREASE S DECRE.LSEI I T I I t T I I I T If the undersigned be ndtified of the acceptance of this proposal within forty-five I (45) days of the tlme set for opening bj.ds, he agrees to enter into an agireement I to furnish a performance and palnnent bond for the above work for the above stated compensation. I Upon receipt of notice of the acceptance of this biil, I (or we) will execute the formal contract attached within seven (?) days. I Tirne of Cornpletion I * ""*"* this work I (or we) agree to begin work within five (5) days from the I date of the award and further agree to fully complete the work by nespectfully submittedt TITLE I T t II Secretary ( seal )f Secretary (seal) Business Address I *If the bidder is an individual, he must sign in individual capacity; if a corporation, the full name must be insert,ed, the Fresident must sign and the I sec;etary must attest by signature and corporate sealr if a partneiship, all f partners rnust sign individually as lrell as in the firm's name. I I I T I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I T I I I t I I t SUPPI,,EMENTARY GENERAL CONDITTONS Page I 9uppler-nentary General @nditiong: The General Conditions AIA Document A2OI, datedSeptetnber 1967 shall be aupplemented by the following: Article 1. Contract Doctrnents Section I.I nefinitions Paragraph 1.1.1 the Contract Docunents Addl to 'tThe Contract Documents:.'a. Invitation to Bldders Paragraph 1.3.1 shall be ctranged to read as follows: unress otheruise provided in the contract Docrnents, the contractor wirl befurnished free of charge: a. Contract Drawings: 25 Setsb. Specifications: 25 setsc. Details: 3 copies of each drawing Additlonar requested copies of Dralrings, specifications will be furnished atreproduction cost. ?.2] Change lst sentence to read: The architect will be the ovmer's representativeduring oonstruction and until expiration of warranty period. Section 4.4 Labor and Materials 4'4.3 Provide, naintain on premises r,vhere directed, water-tight storage shed orsheds. toor houses for storage of naterials which may be danaged by weather.Provide such sheds with rrood floors, raised above gnound. Arlor., space tosubcontractors for storage of their materials, for erection of their sheds, toolhouses. Confine storage of materials to site. 4'5'3 rn case of $ork performed by subcontractors or sub-subcontractotrs and wherespecial written gualantees and warranties are required, secure same from said sub-aontrastors addressed to and in favor of owner; deliver originar and one (r) copyof sane to Architect upon completion of work. Delivery of said guarantees andwarranties shall not relieve contractor from any obligation assu$ed under anyothe! provj.sions of Conlract. 4.5.4 In addition to warranties r gtarantees, operating instructions, etc., el.se-where specified, the Contractor, at the conclusion of ttre $rork and before finalpaltment is nade, shall furnlsh a listing, giving nanes, addresses and telephonenudbers of all subcontractors and material suppliers who furnished labor ormaterials on the job irrith identification of the services rendered.. Ttrere shall beprovided one copy for the Architect and three copies for the oryner. I t I I I I T I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAT OONDITIONS Page 2 Section 4.9 Superintsrdent 4.9-2 The Contractorr s superintendent t s primary responsibilities shall be thesupervision of all the work on the job. tte shall give his entire time andattention on the job to this responsibility. He shall not be involved in actuallydoing trademen's work on any particular pafr of the construction project whichhtill not alLow hinr to give his full tine and attentj-on to the correct progress of,aII the $ork of all trades. Section 4.13 Shop Drawings and Samples Shop drawings shall be submitted on all shop fabricated items. The contractorshall_submit ONE SEPIA TRjquspARENCy COpy, CHECKEp Ar{p STAupEp AppROvEp By HrMrof al-r shop or setting drawings and schedules required for the work of thevarious trades. 4.13.9 All material finishes and samples will be approved at one tirne.&ntractor shalL submtt all itens requiring approval of finishes, color, material ,etc., uith sufficient lead tine to al}ow simultaneous consideration and pre-paration of conplete Finish Color schedule. No approvals of single iteurs willbe considered. Section 4.15 C\rtting, patchinq Eactr Trade shall include sutting, patching, dligging, for that trade section as regui.red for proper acoonrcdations of vrork of hls trade. Execute work with conpetent workmen skilled in trade required. Section 4. 16 Cleaninq Up 4-16.3 Besides general broom cleaning, do forlowing special creaning for al.rtrades at completion of work. a. Renove putty stains from glass; wash, polish same, inside, outside. Exercise care not to scratch qlass.b. Renove marks, stains, fingerprints, other soil, dirt from painted. decorated or natural finish vork.c. Clean, pollsh hardware for a1l trades, this shall incl.ude removal ofstains, dust, dirt, paint, and the like.d. Remove sPots r soil' Paint, from all floor and wall covering; rcash same. 5.2-1 ?he contractor, before awarding any subcontracts, shatl subnit to theArchitect and the or.rner the standard forror of "Request for Approvar of subcon-tractors" for approval. lhis list of subcontractors shall be tlre sane as naned and as required by the " rnstnrction to Bidders" and any addlitionar nanes ofsubcontractors requested by the Odner after atrard of the Contract. I I I t I I I T I I I I I I I I I I t I I t ST'PPIJEMENTARY GENEFAL CONDITIOHS Page 3 gegtr.o4 7:5 Performance Bond and Labor and Material p t Bond 7.5.2 The oldner shall, prior to the signing of the Contract, require the contractorto furnish bond in the full amount of the contract and the price, co\rering thefaithful perfornance of the Contract and the payment for all obligations arisingthereunder, in such forlr a9 the owner may prescribe and lrith such sureties as he may approve - The preniw shall be paiit by the Contractor and included in the bidprice in the Proposal. The owner will accept and approne bonds written bysureties Legally authorized to r rite such bonds in the State of Colorado, provided such surety cgmpanies are rated in Best's fnsurance Guide, Latest Editions, notlower ttran A+: AAAA. The Perfort0ance Bond shall gnrarantee that the contractor shall remedy any omissions,correct any and all def,ects, adJust and naintain adjustment, and make operable aII comPonent parts of the r.rork fa11in9 under the requirementg of his Contract which nay be called to his attention within a period of twelve months following i"seuanceof a Certificate of Completion on his contract. This warranty shal.l apply only tothe replacenent or corection of faulty work that may appear within the above nentioned, period, and is not intended to appry to ordinary maintenance, repair,recleaning, or usual wear or de fect brought about by causes beyond the control ofthe Contractor of h[z other than inferior materials or wortgnanship. Section 7.9 De!.ete in its entirety. 7.11.1 Temporary or tlial usage by the Gvner of any mechanical device, machinery, aPparatus, equipnent or any work or nateriaL supplied under @ntract before finalcomPletion and written acceptance by Architect shall not be oonstrued as evidenceof Architect's acceptance of same. 7 -IL-2 owner has privilege of such tempo rary or trial usage, for such reasonabletime as Architect deems proper. Make no clainr for damage or injury to be orbreaking of any parts of such work which nay be caused by weakness or inaccuracyof structural parts or by defective naterials or workmanship. 7-1r.3 rf contractor so elects. he may, wi thout cost to ovrner, prace approvedpersons to make such trLal usage. Make such trial only with Architect I s approval and tltder his observation. 7.LL.4 when heating, air conditj.oning, ventilating, exhaust or other items oferectrical or other equipment are installed, it shall be the responsibi].ity ofthe Contractor instal.ling such equipment to operate it for a satis factory periodof tine as reguired by the Architect for proper testing of ttre equipment andinstructing the ownerr s operating personnel. Al1 iterns of equipnent, t€sti.ngmetels, testing instruments andl incidentals required for proper testing and forinstructing the ovmer's operating personnel, shall be provided by ttre contractorreegonsible for provicling and installing the equipment. I T I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUPPLEMENTARY GENSRAL CONDITIONS Page 4 Section 7.13 Job Conferenc€ 7.13.1 The Contractor shall arrange for the Foreman of each subcontractor (mech-anical, electrical, masonryr plastering r painting, etc. ) on the job to meet rrithttre Architect at the job prior to any work being started by this particular subcontractor so that all phases of the subcontractor's work can be thoroughly discussed and the guality of materials and workmanship expected can be completely understood and agreed upon. Section 7. 14 Substitutions 7.14.1 The listing of the products of one manufacture! in the various sectionsof the speciflcations is intended to aet a standard of quality onry- and is notintended to preclude competltive bidding. Approved equal produEEFE-offi- manufacturers will be accepted. 7.14.2 Conditions. governing sr.rbstitutions are as follohrs: 1' No substitution of any description will be allowed wi thout the approval- ofthe Architect in writing. 2- The Contractor shall refer to and comply with any additional substitution requirements of the various technical sections of the specifications. 3. Architect approval of any substitution does not relieve the contractor ofthe responstbility of providing the specified iten. For exanrple, if thesubstituted item, in the opinion of the Architect, proves to be inferior tothe specified. iterr, in any manner, during the construction period or ttreguarantee period. the Conlractor sha1l provide, at no extra oost, thespecified item completely installed including repairs or damages to othermaterials necessitated by the change. 4- l{?tere an "or approved equal" or approved substitution requires any change inother work, it ls the responsibility of the Contractor to furnish the additionallabor and rnaterlals required for this nork. No additional compensation willbe allowed the Contractor for hi.s work. 5. fhe phrases " approved, as approved, in an approved manner, satisfactory, approved equal, sinrilar, equal', and like r{rords and phrases refer to items which, in the opinion of the Architect, are similar and equal in all respeclsto the items indicated in tlre plans or speci fications. under no circumstanceswill the Architect be required to prove that the Contractor subrrit to theArclritect, in writing, all evidence required to support his contention thatthe ttem proposed for substL tution is eguaL to the item indicated i1 the plans and specifications. 7.16 Project Sign Provid.e and inscalr, at a locat.ion serected by the Architect, a sign 48,, x g6,, x 5/8" marine pllmood with 3/4" x L-s/gn edge strips. Mount slgn on tr,r,o I I I SI'PPLEMENTARY GENEhAL CONDIfIONS Page 5 I 4" x 4'l posts. sign to be lettered as follows:I r Project Name I Archicectr General Contractor Mechani cal Contractor I Eleetrical Contractor I Architect will provide sketch of sign showing information and colors requlred. I 8.35 Time I I I I I r Article 9. Payrpnts and &ryletion r Section 9.4 Certificates for__@. I "- in full for the value of the work performed andr naterials stored, Iess lO percent of such value lrtrich shall be retained untiL - completioo and acceptanee of all work and less the aggregate of previous Paltments. I sect-ion 9.7. Substantial Co@ t "-tice to the Architect from the contractor ofr completion of the project the Architect and Owner in conpany with the General r @ntractor, his Superintendent and any interested subcontractors will make a I final inspection of the project. Following ttre final inspection, the Architectr wlII issue to the Contractor c-opies of a punch list of itens on the project in r need of correct.ion. It !'rill be the General Contractorr s responsibility to see that I AIJL of ttre items are properly corrected imnediately. when ALL corrections arer completed the Contractor will notify the Architect in writing and requeat a final r punch list inspection. Itre Architect will nake ONE final punch list inspection. I Should the tine for cpmpletion of the contract be er<tended, the Olener reserves the right to occupy any part of the structure upon written ootice to the contractor by the nrchitect, only after the Architect has made a thorough inspection accomganied by the contractors superintendent, noting any defects which are the responsibility of the contraetor. 9.2 Schedule of values Subnit the schedule of values for use as a reference on future applications for paynent r also the contracto! shall submit a schedule for estimated uonthly application arpunts for the course of the job uhich ttill be to assist the owner's lendinq Institution in evaluating the progress and Palrments requj.red. T I T I I ST'PPIJEMENTANY GENERAL OONDITIONS Page 6 I At any time during this year, ttre Architect, at the Onnerr s lrritten reguest, I may order the Contractor to repair or coEect defective rrork under the Contract, I If such work is not compl.etecl withLn a reasonable tlme, then, after three days,nritten notice to the Contractor, the Architect nay order this work accomplished I by $hatever m€ans neceEsary and have the O$ner pay for suctr r,vork and back I charge the Contractor for all oosts inourred. I Article 11. Insurance ggctiqn U.I Contractor I s Liability Insurance I 11.1.4 Certificates of Insurance shall be subtrdtted in quadruplicate or as directed (include Etatement that holds harurless as required under Section 4.18 I is ineured under ttre policy) and be written in following alpunts. I 1. Vlbrlcnenr s Compensation anil Enployer. s Liabi lity I a. Statut-or?: Anounts and co\rerage as required by law of the place of building. I b. Employerre Liability: Not less than 925,000.0O. I 2. Comprehensive General tiability: I a. Public Liability: Includling premises, elevator, ploducts, courpleted operations (rnaintain for trc years after final acceptance of contract) I and contractural. I 1. Bodily Injury tiabiliry $100r000.0O eactr person I $3001000.00 each occurrence t 2. Property Danage Liabillty: Includes XCII (explosion, collapee, and underground danrage) (such property danage to be on a 'rbtroad I form basis,. ) t $100,0OO.0O each occurrence 9100,000.00 aggregate I 3. Oonprehensive Autombile Ltability: fncluding owned, non-owned I andt hired vehicles: a. Bodlly hjury Liability I $100,000.00 per person I $3001000.00 each occurrenceb. Property DfirFge Liabiltty $100r000.00 each occurrence I "Poll.cy shall speci-fically penrit beneficial or partial occup.rncy prlor to gon- I pletlon and acceptance of the project.r. I 11.5 Builderr s Risk Insurance I 11.5.1 The Contractor shall cffect and naintai.n a policy on a standard Builder t s Risk form with fire and extended coverage upon the entire structure on whictr the I I I I I T ST'PPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDTTIONS Page 7 I work of the contract is to be done to one hundred percent of the insurable valueI thereof. vandalism coverage rnay be maintained at t}re contractorrs option. The owner wil1 be n.uned as an additional insured under said policy, with the I total cost of the policv included in the Contractorrs biil.I Article ll_Unco\rering and Correction of Work --:-- t Section 13.2 Correction of ltork I 13.2.8 T'he Contractor will be required to remove and replace or repair any itemI which in the opinion of the Architect, will not meet the requirements of theContract Documents in its present gEndition prior to being built-in or covered by a I subsequent operation. For exanple, if the Arctritect has rejected a door frame dueI to nris al ignment, dents or such reasons, ttris iten trms t not b€ built into nasonryrcrk and an attempt made to straighten or correct the defects after it is built in. I rf contractor proceeds to build in or cover the iten which has been rejected, heI shall be totally responsible for the cost of renoval and replaeement of said iternin order to produce a first class job. I I I I I t t I T I I I t B. c. D. E. F. 3. 4. I I t I I I t I T I I t t I I I I I I I t I GENERAL REQUI REr-{EI{TS 1A-1 1. FACILITTES AT{D SERVICES PROVTDED BY RHE ffiNERtrL CONTRASTOR The General Contractor will provlde t}le following itens for the use of sub- contractor. A. Field office enclosed with heat, lights, electrical power and telephone. Toilet facilities nalntained in accordance with all applicable health latits. feq)orary heat sufficient to neet environnental condition reguirenentsof the technicai sections. Temporary utilitiee in the forn of hrater and eLectrical gervice as nray be requi red by the sub oontractors wllt be brought into the building. Bench nark shall be established for the use of subeontractors. Scaffolding for interior and exterior work shall be provided for the sub- contractorr s use. Scheduleing the r:se of scaffolding shall be dete$dned by the ovrner. 2. sHoP DRAWINGS Shop drawings shall be subrnitted to the Architect for alL items so specifledin ttre technical sections. A11 shop drawings shall be sepia transparenciesin,siggle copy. The owner in the capacity as general contractoi shaff- cfreEc shop drawings be fore they are subnritted tothe Arcbitect. ACgIPIAT'ICE OF SUBStRATES pRO\rIDEp By OnrER.S Subcontractors whose work is applied over or onto substrates and surfacesprovided by others shall inspect such substrated and surfaces before comencingthelr work. If the substrates cannot be put into satisfactory condition to receive their work by procedures speclfied or understood to be coumon practice as a part of thelr mrk, the subcontractor shall notify the architect and owner j.n writing of such cronditions. ttre architect will wltlrin reasonabletime, detertine who shall be responsibl e for uraking the substrate and surface satis factory. Counenc€nent of work over any substrate or surface 6haII constitute acceptance of sald surface by the subcontractor. !,IAINIENANCE MATiIUAI. Tlhe subcontlactor upon completion of the job shall provide the owner with trro bound copies of a maintenance manual including all such infor:nation requiredin the mechanical and electrical specifications and taaintenance and cleaning information for all exposed finishes specified in the architectural specifi- cations. t I I GENERAL RE9UIREMENTS 1A-2 PRSIECTION AI{D TEMPORARY FENCING I Furnish and install and maintain all fences. plankingl bracing, shoring, lights, barricades, warning signs, and guards necessary for the pnoteetion of the bullding I the adjoinittg prope"ty, ttre workmen and the public. I Provide protectlon for all shrubs, trees, lawns, walks, roads, drives, adjacent builclings and equiprrent, both on and of,f ttris property and in the street adjacent. I Rercve all protections rphen the uork is conplete and wheo authorized to dlo so by I the Architect. I rc@PTANcE oF pREcEDTNG woRKI Before sta*ing any operatlon, the Contractor and,/or subcontractor shall ercamine I work performedt bryr others to wtrich his work adJoins or is appliea and shall report I to the Architect any conditions that will prevent satisfactory accourplishnent of his contract. faiture to notify the Architect in uriting of deficiencies or faults I in preceding work will constitute acceptance thereof and waiver of any claim of I its unsuitability. I crssrNc rN woRKI t'lo piping, wiring, ducts, etc., shall be covered up until properly inspected and I approved and until certificates, if reguired, shall have been issued for sane. I PNOGNESS CT|AR:I t wLthin flfteen (15) days of award of oontract, the @ntractor shall sublrit to the Architect a complete progress schedule for approval. Each rmnth thereafter he I shall indlicate on a print of the schedul.e the actual status of the projeets. I 5. CLEAN UP Each Subcontractor shall be responsible for ttre clean up of all rtork instaLled bV thenr includi"ng renpval from the site of all trash, rubble, eguiPment and excess materials. If ttre subcontractor does not clean up as described above within a reasonable tine fron completion of hLs work ttre owner shall have tlre option of hiring the clean up nork to be done andl baclc eharging ttre sub- contractor for the co6t of sane. - 6. EXTRA MATERIALS rOR USE By TftE OIINER I Provide one box of each floor covering used. all full units of tile, one - gallon of all paint and stain types and colors, al1 Large scraps of vinyl I fabric and carpeting, not used for use ry the owner in perforudng futureI maintenance. I T I I 7- I CIOSING IN WORK No piping, wiring, ducts, etc., shall be covered up until properly inspected and approved and unti] certi ficates, if required. shall have been issued for same. I I I I GSIERTI, REOUIREMENTS 1A.3I I 8. arpplluc rNFoRrtrArroN For General Queatlons Dana C. Rickli I #::.il;* Bloa&dav I For Structural Queetions Jack Haneyt Bonnan & Associat6s 222-0855I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t T I T t I I t I t I I I t t I I I I I I I SIIE PREPARATION AND EARTIIWORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 scoPs 2A-1 Purnish all laborr naterials, and equttnent necessary to accornplish all thesite preparation work and earthvbrk as specified in ttris section. L.2 REI,ATED WORK SPEC]TIED ELSEWITERE A. Trenching and back-fi111n9 for underground utilities.B. trenching ancl back-filling for sanitary seuer, storm serrrer, and plunbing outside ttre builitlng. C. Gravel base for paved areas.D. Planting beds for landscaping.E. Trenching and back-filling for irrigation systems. I.3 PRCYIECTION A. General ! All work shall be carried out in a 6afe manner in accordancewith all local building. codes and the safety requirenents of the Colorado State Divisi.on of Labor. Provide adequate measures for ttre protection and saf,ety of workmen, adjacent public and private ptioperty, and passers-by to the site. Provide shoring, sheeting and bracing to prevent caving, ercsion, andgullying of sides of excavation.B. surface Draining: Provide for surface drainage during the csnstructl.onperiod ln a manner to avoid creating a nulsance to adjacent properties. Keep all excavations free of water during the entire progress of thenork, regardless of tbe cause, source or natule of tlre rrater.C- Linits of the site for contractor I s use: Be fore the contractor takes possession and use of ttre site, the architect shall deterani-ne ttre limitsof the site available for the contractor I s use. The resrainder of the slteshall be kept free frorn all vehlcles, materials, eguipment and personnel. 1.4 SOILS INVESTIGAUON The owner has had soil investigations made at the site. A copy of ttre soil engineer's report is avail.abre at the architectr s office and a log of thetest holes is shown on the drawings. The contractor may. at his ovrn expenge,dig test pits, the location of whlch must be approved by the arc[itect. The oltner and architect will not assune any responstbility for varlations ofsub-soil qual.ity of condition at locations other than places shor*n on tfie drawings and at no tine other than when investlgation was made. I.5 LAYOUT OF TTIE IEORK fhe contractor shall employ and pay for the services of a surveyor licensedin this state in whictr the pnoject is located. fhe surveyor shall lay outthe building to the lines and levels shown on the drawings, establish theelevations of ttre finished floors and establish and check all elevation forfinish grading as called out in this sectlon and shorrn on the drawings. c. D. F I I t I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I t STTE PRSPARATTON AI,ID EARI'HWOFJ(2A-6 3.6 PLACEMENT OF COMPACTED STRUCTURBL FILL continued Before compacting, the fill naterial shall be spread in approxinatelyhorizontal layers, not greater than 8 in. thick. Moisture Control: The rnaterlal luhil.e being conpacteil shatl contain optimxr noisutre +1-2 percent distrihrted unl formly ttrnoughout the layers. The contractor shall be reguired to add moisture to the material at theborrow source if, in tlre opinlon of ttre soirs enginee!, it is not possibleto obtain proper and r.uriform moisture by adding rlrater on the fill surface. Compaction: when the moj.sture content and conclieion of each spreadlayer are satisfactory, it shall be compacted to the follor,uing densities: Backfill around structures - 90 percent of naximum Beneath floor sLabs - 95 percent of maximr.un Beneath fourrdations - J.00 percent of naximr:n Beneath paved areas - 95 percent of maximum 4 to I passes of a sheepsfoot roller are suggested for the first trial. The feet of the roller shall extend approximately I in. in clear pro- Jection fron the roll-er's cyllndrical surface a$d shalL be so spaced asto prcvide approximately one tanper foot per 100 sq. in. of roller area. The roller shall be provided with cleaner bars so designed and attached as to prevent the accumulation of material between the taq)er feet. EheroLler shall be the type which cai. have lts weight increased by theaddition to the dn:ns of nater or sand, or both. The reight of the roller, when fully loaded shall not be less than 4,000 Lbs. per lineal foot ofthe tlrum. Compaction Tests: Conpaction tests r,eill be perfor:nred on typical fillmaterials and density tests of the fill-in-place wi1l be taken. The cgmpaction standard to be utilized to dete:mine the sBxinun denslty of Standard Proctor Density Test, ASTM C-699-64T. Compacti.on tests shall be paid for by the oune! and performeal by asoils englneer seleqted bV the ovrner. 3.7 FINISH GRJADING ltre entire site to the lfunits indicated on the drawings shall be fine gradedto the elevation indicated on the drawings and as rnodified below. Gradingehall be accomplished to create snooth transitions between elevation points andl lines indicated on the drawings and shall be free from iregruLar surface changes. Fj.ne grading shall be accomplished to drain surface water away from thebuilding. Grading sha1l be accurate to +/-L/2 in. of the indicated grading plane at any point fnom subgrade to receive paving, sidewalks or otherextelior concrete slabs. Finish grading shall be accomplished wlth topsoil for arr alear to receiveplanting and landscapi.ng. AlL areas to receive paving for vehicular traffic areas shall be graded toI ln. below elevations indicated. ALt other asphalt paved areas shall be graded to 6 in. below elevations indicated. I I T I T t T I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I SIIE PREPARATIOII ATID EARn{WORK 1.6 INSPECTIO{ OF THE WORK 2A-2 A soils enqineer shall be the ownetrrs representative to deternine the sult-ability of any bearing soil and to control the fill and back fill cornpaction. The soils engineer shaI1 appmve the material, the method of placlng and conpaction, and shaLl girrc a nrj.tten apprrcval, of the conpleted fl,ll and for other soils inspection. L.7 EXTRA WORK NOT I}ICLTJDED IN THE @NTRACI A. nock Excavation: Rock is tlefined as any stone, conctete, boulder or cenenti tious material greater than I cubic yard in volume wtrich cannot be relDved by pone:' equipnent without the r.rs e of continuous clrilling and explosives. If rock is encountered within the linits of the exca\ratlon the contractor shall innediately stop work ancl noti fy the architect. Work shall not again cotnnence irntil agreement has been reached on the additional cost of reuoving tlre rock. (See proposal Forn)B. Bearing Soil Excavation: Due to r:nknor'nr 9oi1 conditions, excavation rnay be required to be carrLed to greater depths than shown on the plans in order to prowide soils adequate for intended bearing pressures. A unitpriee shall be agreed utlon for euch additional work before any such workshall be done. E(cavation erroneously carried belovl specified ilepths shall require the contractor to extend f,oundations to undisturbed soils at the contraetor I s expetrse. the architect or the soil engineer shall have full authority to deterzrine accePtable bearing soiIs. 1.8 ETiIVIRONMETiITAL CONDITTONS No fill materials shall contain any frozen material nor shall any fill materials be put in place upon surfaces that contain ftozen naterials. Nofill materials shall be placed during excessively net, or rainy neather when such conditions would prevent ploper compaclion of the material , endanger the structures or retaining walls or cause possible ilisplacenent of the fill naterials. Spraying of soil steril.ant shall be limltedt to windleEs days to avoidt driftto adj acent plant naterials and property. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.L GENERjAL REQUIREI4EITTS FOR FILL !,IATERIALS Fill naterials shall be graded soils having 100 percent finer than 6 in. and shall be free of vegetable matter, trash, and other deleterLous eub- stances. ttighly pJ.astie or expbnsive soils are not acceptable. I T I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SITE PREPAR,ATION ATID EARTHWORK 2A-3 2.2 EXCAVAIED MATERTALS Excavated naterials nay be used for back-fitling and site grading provided that it conforzrs to ttre requirenents of 2.1 above. 2.3 ]MPERVIOUS, NON-SWELLING FILIJ MATERTAI.'S Soils rneeting tlre following critelia will be considered impervious and non- swelllng. PERCENT !.IINUS NO. 2OO SIZELIQUID LII{IT - PERTCENO (ASTS DESI@SATIOI-I D-423-64T) GREATER TIIA}I 50 30-50 I,ESS THAN 30 2.4 NON.SI'IELLING FILL UATERTAI,S LI9UID IJIMIT PERCEMr (AST!'I DESIGI\IATIOII D-423-64-T) GREATER TIIN{ 50 30-50 r.,Ess $taN 30 2.5 GRiANtJtAR FILL MATERIAL 15-30 20-40 30 - 100 PERCENI MINUS NO. 2OO SIZE (ASFM DESIGNATIOI D-I140-54) 15-30 10-40s-50 Soils neeting ttre following criteria wtll be consLdered non-suelling: Soils which retain 50 percent of their naterial on a No. 2O0 sieve shall be considered granular. 2.6 @IIESIONLESS FREE DRAINING FILI, I,IATERIALS Cohesionless free draining rnaterials shall be sand or nonporous gravel, graded, and nith less than 5 percent passing a No. 200 sieve. The naterial when conpacted ln place shall have a relative clry clensity of not less than 75 percent as determined by the standard bureau of reclamation relative density tests for cohesionlees free-draining soils. 2.7 EXISTING TOP SOTL Sop soil shall consist of not rore than the top 4 inches of existing naterial capable of supporting plant growth. I I SITB PREPARATION ATID EARfH!{ORK 2A-4 I I I t I I I I I I t T I I I I I I I I 2,8 IMPOR:TED TOP SOIL ToP soil tnaterial brought in from off the site shall conform to that materialgenerally found in the area as to cohsistency, tecture and color analysis.4" required in all planter ancl sodded a.reas. 2.9 APPNO\AI., OF TOP SOIL I,IA?ERIAI,S fhe contractor shall provide the soil engineer with a representative sarnpleof the top soil materiaLs to be used. Ttre sample, upon eertlfication by ttre soi-ls engineer that it conforms tothe speclfied requirernents, shall be the standard for all topsoil used uponthis site. 2.LO SOIL STERILA\IT soil sterilant shall be Bandvel. D diluted as per manufacturer, s directions. 2.II TREE PROTECTION MATERIALS Tree protection naterials shall @n6ist of scrap lurrber of sizes shorrn on thedrawings. Protect al1 tlees on Tract oE. to ttre east of the project site. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.I. SIIE CT.EAPJNG A. General - Remove all trees (as shoorn) , logs, shrubs, brush, other vege-tation, debris, trash, existing foundations, pavements. structureg, fences and other tj.erns that trou1d interfere with construction operationsexcept as specifically indicated othenrise on the drawings. A1t ltenrscleared shalL be reltbved from the site. 2.2 TOP SOIL STRTPPING rn areas to be occupied by the buitding, drives, parking lot, and walhs. striptopsoil to not trrore than 4 in. in depth and pile it in a rocation ao as notto interfere with the construction or utilities. Topsoil will be usedexclusivel.y for final grading. 3.3 EXCAVATION E:<cavation shall be done as required for the accurate ptacenent of atl footings.foundations, foundation drainage systems and all subgrade building spaceE as shown on ttre drawings. Excavation shall extenil a sufficient distance fromt"alls, footings and grade bearns to al.low easy placement and reroval of foring and fo:nn accessories. I T I I I I I I I I I I I T T I T t I I I I SISE PREPARATION AI{D EARTH9gORK 3.3 EXCAVATfON continued 2A-5 bccavation carried to lovre! levels or greater depths tl1an shown on tlre drawj"ngs shal1 be replaced wittr conrpacted fiLl or concrete equal in strengthto the rEmebr which it supports at the direction of the architect or engineer. 3.4 PLACIIG OF BACKTTTJL Backfilling shall not comnence until all tests and inspections have been madeon uork to be covered and approval has been given b1r the Arcfiitect.AIl areas to receine backflll shall be cleared of alL trash and debris.Backflll shalL be placed in a rnanner to protect foundations and danpproofingfrom damage. Concrete walls to receive backfill. on one side onl.y shall have been cured for at least 7 days before backfilling work is cormencd. Backflllplaced on both sides of a walL shall be kept at approximately the same leveLas it is placed. walls designed to talce advantage of top rettrainl.ng rnembers, shall have suctrrestraining medbers permanently in place before backfilling coruBences againstthese walls. Shoring of such walls may replace top restraining menbers if approved by thearchitect. Non-structural backfilt shall be placed in approxinately 8 in. thlck layers and compacted with pneunatic tarRpers after a light sprinkling of water. pud- dling will not be pemitted. Cotpaction shall be 9O percent of rnaximum density. 3.5 PIACING OP COHESIONI,ESS FREE DRAINAGB MATERIAIS !{hen compacting cohesionless free-draining materLals such as sand and qravels, the materiars ehaLr be deposited ln layers and compacted by treads of acra\tler type tractor, surface or lnternal viJrrators, srnooth or pneumaticrollers, hand or power tanpers, or by any other means approved by the soilsengineer. The ttrickness of the horizontal layers after cormpaction shall notbe more than 6 in., if conpaction is performed by internal vibrators. Thernaterial may be ponded or flooded to aid in the compaction, if specifically appr.oved by the soils engineer. 3.6 PI,ACEMEIST OF COMPACTED STRSCTTJRAL FILL A. PreParation of natural grround: Vegetation and topsoil shall be renrovedbefore beglnning preparation of the natural gorund. The excavated surface under the area to be filIed shall be scarified, rnois tened i.f necessary, and compacted in the manner specified below for subsequent layers of fill.B. Placing of fill: No brush, sod, frozen material or other periohableor unsuitable materials shall be placed in the fill. Distributions of thematerial shall be such as to avoid lenses differing substantially frorn the surroundj'ng material. ftre material shall be dellvered to the fill in sucha manner as to result in a tvell and rmL fornly corpactedl fi1l. unnecessaryconcentration of travel tending to cause ruts and uneven corupaction shallbe avoided. I I srrE 'RE'ARATT'N Ar,rD EARTH'.RK 2A-7 I 3.5 PLACEMENT OF COMPACTED STRUCTURAL FILI conrinuedr Areas to receive sod shall be graded to 2 in. below elevations indicated. Aneas defined as plantlng beds shall be graded to 12 in. belor,r elevations indicated. APgLICA?ION OF sorl, STERILANT Inurediately aftef staking out all areas to receive paving and at least one week prior to excavation for same I soil sterllant shall be applied to aLl existing vegetatlon to a dlmension not to exceed ore foot larger than the areaof paving. Application shall be at the rate of 5 lbs. per acre. Spraying should be Limixg6 to windless days to avoid drlft to adJacent plant naterial. I | 3'g I I T I I I I I I T I I I I T I I I T T I t I I I I I I I I I t t T I t t I I ASPTIALT PAWNG PART 1 - GENERAL 28-1 I.1 S@PE Fufrtish all labor, naterlals and €guipment necessary to aeconrpllsh all theasphalt paving as specified in this Eection. L.2 REIJATED WORK SPECIFTED EIJSSVIIIERE A. Plaeenent of compaction of sub-base.B, Ooncrete curbs and gdtters.Cr Lnn€ Marking. D. Soll sterltLzation. 1.3 GUAR.NITEE Al1 areas receiving asphalt paving ehall be g,uaranteed for a period of oneyear against disintegration of the uearing surface and the formation of sinkholes. 1.4 SNVTRO{MENTAI CONDITIONS No asphalt paving sharl be placed on frozen material , nor shall be placedduring freezing weather. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.L AASE COURSE Base course shall consist of rrell graded crushed rock (gravel) withsufficient "fines" and "bLnder" materials and shall conforn to all requirementsof lten 7O3-O7, grading "C" of the Standard Specifications For noad and Bridlgeconstruction, Department of Highways, state of colorado. (Januarr r, 196?)"The supplier of this naterial shaLl provide to the Architect written certifi-cation of con formance to this specification. 2.2 PRIME COAT Prime coat shall oonsist of MC-70 grade bituninous naterial. 2.3 BITUHINOUS !{EARING SURTACE Biturainous wearing surface shall oonsist of crushed nineral aggregate andasphaltic cement conforming to rtem 7O3.O7, "Classification Table For HotPlant Mix Bitumlnous Pavement" of the Standard Speciflcations for Road andBridge Construction, Department of Highways, State of Oolorado (January I, 196?)The nix sha1l contain between 5.5 ard 6.5 percentage of asphaltic cement byweight. t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I ASPHALT PAVING 28-2 2.4 PROPRIEtrARY SEAL COATS A. For vehicular traffic areas seal coat shall be one sand slurry coat andI coat of JennLte J-16 as manufactured by !,taintenances, Inc., Wooster, Ohio. Br For all other asphalt areas seal ooat shall be "Rubberized" Jennite ag nahufactured by !4aintenances, fnc. Wooster. Ohio. PARI ! - E)tgCUrlON 3.1 SUB.EASE PTACEMENT Sub-base placement shalt Ue done under sedtion 2A and should be compaEted to 95 percent Proctor density and unifornly Eraded to +/-L/2 in. of elevatlons 5 in. or B in. below final surface gradert according to use. clean sub-base surface of any acctmrulated trash and ilebrls and uake any necessary mi.nor surface repairs. t'linimum slope for drainage shalt be I percent. 3.2 BjasE couRsE Base course naterial sha1l be placed upon the sub-base sulface, spread, watered, and unifonrly compactetl to 95 percent or rDre of the density deternined by nodifiect AASIIO Method T-99-39 over the entire surface. Areasof irregularity or depreseion shall be rer@ved and recompacted. The compacted thickness shall be 6 in. for vehicular traffic areas. 3.3 PRIME COAT Prine coat shall be applied uni formly over the entire paving surfaee by meansof a self powered pressure distributor at tlre rate of .25 Xo .35 gallons per sq. ydl. Let set for 24 hours and blot excessive anpunt renainlng on surface lrLth sand or clean granular material. 3.4 BITUMINOUS !'EARING SURFACE Clean any areas of prirne coat whi ch have become sufficiently cooled to prevent a bond betlreen prime coat and wearing surface. The material shall plant rnixed ancl delivereil to the site at a tenperature of 225 degrees F or greater. lfhe materials shall be uni formly spread and compacted to 95 percent of maxirnr:nr density while stlll \,rarmer than air temPerature. Cornpaction shal1 be acconr5rl.lshed by power lrollers except for areas inaccessible to the pouer rolLers wtriclr sha1l then be compacted by handl tasrpers. The nearing surface shall be graded to within +/- I/2 in. of elevations indicated and shall create positive drainage for all surfaces. No depressionwithin the asphalt surfaces that would accumulate water will be allovired. ASPHAIJT PAVING 28-3 3.6 PROPhIETARY SEAI, COAfS I Apply "JenbLte" J-16 in accrordance wittr nanufacturer.s speclflcations JA-sl,or apply "Jennite Rrrbberized seal @attr in accordance wlth nanufacturer I sf specifications JRAS-I.I I I PARKING BUMBER' I 2e-L I t PAR:[ 1 - GENERAI 1.1 scoPE Furnish all rabor, naterials and equipm.ent necessary to provide and installthe iterns described in thLs section. I I.2 RELATED WORK SPECTFTED EI^SEWIIEnAI I I a. Asphalt paving. b. Stripping of parking area.c. Rerpval of topsoil and shrubs. - PART2-PRoDugTs I 2.I PntscAsT BUMPERSI a. Pfecast burrpers shall be 6'-O,' Iong concrete with L/2', round, 36" long anchor dowels. As manufactured by Rocky !{ountain prestressed, Inc. I PAryr3-rNsrAlrJrrroN I 3-l Install uhere shosn on drawings in accordance rith standards required by city. I I I I T I T I I I I I I I T I I I T I t T I T t T t I I I I I CAST- IN-PI,AqE -CONCRETE 3A-1 PARS I - GEMRAL 1.r scoPE ftrrnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary to provide and installthe cast-in-place concrete work in conforrnance wlth the reguirenents of thissection. I.2 RAI,ATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSS$TIERE a. Waterprooflng b. Staining 1.3 SIAI\IDARDS This section shall conform to ttre Agrerican Concrete Institute Standard 301-66, "specifications for Structural @ncrete for Buildings', unless in conflict withthe written text of this section wtrictr shal.L then govern. Reference to section or paragraph nun rer (I.p...?Ol.A) shaLl refer tospecific parts of ACf 301-66 which shall become a part of this specification. Sections not specifically nentioned shall not apply. The contractot ehall have a copy of AcI 30L-66 in good condition available in the field office atall times. 1.4 SHOP DSAWINGS As per 103A. Add: suhttit shop drawings of bar schedules, bending diagrams and placing drawings. Denote grade of steel for all bars. Shop drawings for prestressed concrete shall meet the folloring specialprovisions in addition to applicable provisions of section lO3.l. Shop drawlngs shall indicate the location of tendons throughout their length. 2. Size, details, location, materials, and stress grades (where aptrLicable), and instaltation of all tendone and accessories shall be indi.cated. Jack clearances, procedures, stressing sequence, initial tensioning forces, gage pressures, and tendon elongati-on shal1 be noted.3. Infornntion required in section 1502 (c) 2 and 3 shall be subloitted with sbop drawings. 1.5 DEFINITIONS As per 104. 1.6 sToRAcE OF T,|ATERIALS As per 2O5. I r cAsr rN prAcE coNcRETB t 3A-2 I r L.7 DESTGN Or FORT.fiVORJ( As per 402 I 1.8 SNVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS- I As per 706, 8O4. and 1202 I I.9 DESIGN MIXES I ttt"t .*"" "ha1l be proportioned and tested by an independent testlngr laboratory for each class of concrete to meet these speci.fications. Resultsr are to be subnitteil to the engineer. See plans for concrete design strengttr. I I.lo cENEBer., REggIREsENrs See table one for a suualy of all concrete requirements. I PAR32-PRODUCTSI I 2.L CE!{ENT I a. Portland cement shall cron fom to ASTM C-150 r b. All cenFnt shall be fype I. T 2.2 ADMI)TTURES I a. Air entraining admixtures shall be Protex Air Entraining Solution by Protex Industries, Inc. or other products confonning to A.SnI-C-26O. I b. Pozzolanic materials - ASTM C-4O2. I c. Calciurn chloride - ASTI\! D-98d. Otemical admixtures shall be "PDA", water reducing, set controlling I adrnixture by Protex Industries, fnc. or approved plioduct con forning to I ASTM c-494. I 2-3 WATERrAs per 2O3 I 2.4 AE'GREC.ATESI I As per 2O4 'A' and {C" T 2.5 REINFORCING STE5L I I I I As per and "C". Add: Steel reiDforcement shall be defornred bi1let stee, meeting ASTM A515-68. crade ,r. &o FutL #+ tsk{Ls I tnzt*lt- , +o Fon # =tsA?-s ) 6Ttwup5l ?eeA{is tp elas -rD Bz WEt;,eD I I I I 2'6 I t I I t I I I I 2.rr I CAST IN PI,ACE CONCRETE 3A-3 IiELDED I{IRE FABRIC vlelded wire fabric shall conform to ASTM A-185 antl shall be electrically welded or cold drawn wire. Gage and mesh size shall be as shoun on drawings. I 2.7 roRM MATERJATSI Form materials shall be of wood, plywood or steeL as per 402. see elevations for finish. 2.8 EXPAI{SION JOINT I4ATERTAL Expansion joint naterial sha1l be of L/2 in. thickness unless othenrise noted. Exterior sidewalks and slabs - AST!,I D-994 A11 interior lrork - A.Sn4 D-1751 2.9 I,IETAL ACCESSORIES Metal accessories shal1 conform to the CRSI " Manual of Standard Practice for Re.l-nforced @ncrete construction" Accessories exposed In finish concrete surface shall be plastic coated. 2.IO CONCRETE SPLASH BI.oCKS Concrete splash blocks shall be 3 in. x 12 in. x 36 in. precast concrete nith smooth exposed surfaces and indented top surfaces, by Copeland Concrete Products, Inc., Denver, Colorado. Concrete shall have 4000 PSI compres i.ve strength in 28 days and rej.nforcing sha1l be 2 No. 4 gage wires. NON.STIRINK GrcUT Non-shrink grout shall be prenixed and shal.L be "Protalico" by Protex Industries, Inc., or "Enbeco " by Master Builders Cornpany, or "5 Star Groutrl by U. S. Grout Corporation. I z.Lz PRoPoRrroNrNc T I I I I I T a. General - as per 3OI. b. lype - ae per 302. Add: c. Strength - as per 3O3. Add: Al1 stone concrete shall develop 3OOO PSI strength unless other*rise specified. d. Durability: rrThe Entrained Air Content of all Concrete shall be controlled aE 4-L/2 percent +/- L pereent for 3/4 Ln. aggregate concrete and, 3 l/2 +/- I percent for 1 l,/3 in. aggregate concrete. {l|.{l.te5 s- 1/a rn. anC * 'z'a ln' rgt-e5et^ tencrcte reetce!&rcl'l rrhcn Sc eenc-cte ffi-ifreo.ui-tJ I r cAsr rN pLAcE coNcRETE 3A-4 I I e. Slump - as per 305 I f, Size of coarse aggregate - as per 3O6 S. Admixtures - as per 307 A-1 and 2, B, C, and D. I Add - Calcium chlorlcte shall not be used wl t}out the expressed approval I 9f rhe arclritect and engineer.h. proportions - as per 3Og A, B (!{e thod 2l or b. t 2.13 I MIXING As per 701 thru 705 Except 704 - Lightweight concrete. I 2.L4 T.ABRICATION OF RETNSf,RCTNG STEEL As per 504. r PARr3-ExEcurroN I 3.1 FORr.nfoRr(I r As per 4O1 thru 407. T 3.2 PI,ACING RETNNCRCING STEEL 3.3 3.4 3-5 I I I I I I As per 504 and 5O5. Add: Reinforcing steel shaLl be crean and free of loose rust, scale, andforn oil or .rny other coating or attactrment which would prevent proper bonding. JOINTS A}ID EMBEDDED IIE!{S As per 601 and 603 thru 605. PLACING CONCRETE As per 801, 8O2, 803, 805, and 806.Add: tton-shrink grout slrall be installed in strict accordance with thenanufacturer's reco[uendations for mixing, placing, curing, and protecti.onof surfaces. REPAIR OF SURFACE DEFECTS A6 per 901 thru 904. Add: Proprietary materials shall be those nanufactured by Master Builders Conpany or Protex fndustries, Inc.I t I I I T I T T T I T I t t T I T t I I I I I I I t CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE 3A-5 3.6 FlNrslrING oF FORM SURFACES As per 1O01 thru lOO4 ancl lO06Add: Selection of, finishes. Rough or board. form fihish for all concrete surfacesinclufing concrete in utility spaces. Thoroseal finish for all other exterior surfaces.Pllrrood flnish for al1 other intelior surfaces. 3.7 ARO{ITESTURAL FINiSHES A. ceheral - ?s per 1301 A & BB. ProportionJ.hg - ds per l:OtC. Porms - as per I3b3D. Placing - as per 1304E. As cast finishes I. textured as per 1305 A2. Aggregate finish as per l3O5 BF. Patching - as per 1306c. Curing - as per 1302. 3.8 FIATWORK not exposd to view a. General - as per ll0l.b. Jointing - as per ll.oz. unless otherwise specified, contror joints inslabs on grade shall form bays not exceeding 4oo square feet in area andalong column lines when practical. Control joints in sidevralkg shall beat 5 ft.-o in. o.c., shall be I in. deepwithboth edges tooled.Expansion joints in sidewalks, curbs, and driveways shall b€ at 20 ft.-O ino. c. @nsolidation - as per 1103. Finishes l. Broon finish - as per II04 ,'D,'. l|dd: Broom shall be drawn perpendi c'l ar to the line of travel or asdirected by the architest.e. selection of finishes. l. Broom or belt finlsh - f,or sideualks and ramps and other ercteriorflatwork. f. Tolerances - as per 1106. 3.9 CURING As per L201 and 1203. Addra- A1l eqrosed interior slabs and slabs receiving carpeting shal.l be curedwith "Triple seal" by Protex rnduetrLes. Inc. accoiding to rnanufacturer I srecomnendations. d. t - cAsr rN PracE cor{cRETE I 3A-6 I 3.10 I I t 3.r3 As per lTOl thru 1704. ACCEPTANCE OT' STRUETURE As per 1801 thru 18O5. PRESTRESSED CONCRETE a. General - as per 1501. b. Fonrorork - as per 1503. c. Place work and protection of tendons and accessories - as per 1504. d. Application of prestlessing force - as per 15o5. I I I r e. Grouting - as Per 1506. t 3.rl TEsrrNG r is onitteil. I 3.L2 EVALUATION OF CONCRETE STRENGTH a. General - as per 160I. Add: A11 tests shall be rrade by an approved lndependent testing laboratory designated and paid for by the owner, b. Testing services - a6 per 1602 t'A". 1. Change "48" to read - ,!bld 6 specinens from each sanpl.e. " 2. Change "4C{ to read - "Test 2 specimens at 7 days, test 1 specinen at 14 days, test 2 specinens at 28 days." c. Authority and dutj.es of testing agency - as per 1603. d. Responsibilities and duties of contractor - as per 1604 - except 8-6 I I I T t I I I I I I I PRECAST CO{CRSTE 3B-I I 1. scoPE I a. The $rork required by this sectlon of the speclfications shall include I ttre furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment and,/or services for and reasonably incidental to complete the fabrication and erection of the pre- r cast alchitectural' concrete work as shor n on the drawings ' T b. fhose applicable requirements as specified in tlre CONTRACT DOCI'IMENTS, I GE$IEFAL and SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL COIIDITIONS, and GENERAL REQUIREI'IENTS I sections of the specifications shall be considered and constitute a part of ttris sectlon of the Specifications. I 2. GENaRAL f a. see dravrings for location size, shape and finish of precast architectural I units. I b. See drawings and specification for related and adjacent items of work I suctr as insulation, structural steel., caulking, roofing and deck etc. I 3. ITIATEFJALS I a, All precast architectural concrete units as shown on the drawings shall I be as manufactured by Prestress @ncrete of Colorado or aPproved equal. I b. Units shall be designed, fabricated and erected in accordance rtlth nanu- I factureres reconuendations and as specified herein. I c. Finish shall be exposed aggregate for waII panels at ends as indicated I on drawings based on samples in Architects office. Also see drawings for I locatlons of units relative to finish. Standard finish for all other units. I d. The manufacturer shall subnit shop drawings for approval prior to under- I taking any work. These drawings shall show all dirnensions. reinforcing steel, oontr""tion", handling inserts and related details, including ttrose details I necessary for installation of the precast elements. I e. At the start of production a fulL sized panel of exposed aggregate finish I shal1 be approved by the Architect as a basis for mininum quality for further I production of the rurits. I f. Cemen! shall be Portland Cenent, conforming to the current A.S.T.M. stan- I dard specification for Portland Cernent, Designation C-150 or C-175. I g. Fine and coarse aggregates shall conform to surrent A.S.T.M. standard I specification, Designation C-33 except for the gradation requirement. I h. Lightweight aggregates ehall confor:rn to current A.S.Y.M. standard speci- t fication, Oesignation C-33O. A1l lightweight aggregate Prior to their in- corporation into the mix shall be pre-soaked to obtaLn oPtitrllxl saturation. I T I T I I t I I I I T I I I I T I I I I I I I I PRECAST CONCRETE 3B-2 i. Reinforcing shall be as specified as in section 38. j. AII concrete shall have a 28 dlay nrinimr.un compressive strength of 5O0Op.s.i. when tests are made on 6" x 12" cylinders in accoldance with A.S.T.M. Designation C-39. k. Ihe precast units shall be case in nolds of rigidl construction vrith main- tenance of dinensions within a tolerance of plus o, minus 1./8" in any length of ten (10) feet. Molds nu6t be accalrate in detail and dinension, built true, square, arrd rigidl and designed to withstand all stresses resulting from casing, handling and curj.ng. 4. DESIGN Ar{D FABRICATION a. Precast units shall be desigmed for all ilesign loads as shorm on the structural drawings. oesign calculations 6hall be subnr:ittedl with the fabrica- tion shop drauings to the Architect for approval prior to the fabrication of the units. Precast units shall be designed and fabricateat to withstandl all loads to which they are subjected during handling, liftlng, stripping and erection operations . b. Units shall be fabricated conplete with all inserts, lifting and handling devices, setting and anchoring devices, inserts, conduits, sleeves, etc., for other trades as shown on the drawings, and such itemg as required to provide a complete unit relative to bottr erection and final installation. c. All required setting and anchorage devices shall be accurately located as shor.rn on drawings and as requi red for proper and adequate attachnent to sup- porting structure. All anchorages should be so desigmed as to preclude ttre necessity for force of any kind durlng instalLation, and shoukl be so designed as to allow requisite adjustment to line, level and position. d. Curing of all precast elements shal1 be undertaken with the utfios t case so as to prevent shrinkage. warpage, or loss of ultimate strength. 5. INSTALI,ATION a. This contractor shall inspect all related work and report to the Architect any uns atis factory condition whictr wouldl prevent the proper installation of these units. b. The site and buildj.ng areas shall be maintained to provide a safe and reasonable accesg for all storage and erection of precast concrete units. c. Units shall be erected by competent tradesmen under the continuous super- vision of ttre manufacturer. and acculately set in the positions assigned to them on the approved shop drawings, and securely anehored in final positions, AII Joints shall be treated in strict conformity with detail dravtings. d. AII chipped, cracked, blernished, danraged, or other ise defective precast elernents, not feasible to repair, shall be rejected and replacect to the 6atis- faction of the architect without cost to the Owner. t t pREcAsr coNcRErE I I I t I I T I I I t I I I I I 38-3 e, A.Ll precagt elements shall be properly marked to correspond with their desigrnatlon on the shop and erectlon drawings. f. All elements shall be properly suFported clurinq storage, handllng anilhauling, a.nd in such a nanner as to prevent r^rarpage, cracking or stalning. I 6. PREcAsr srAr&s a'seedravingsfordetai1sofprecaststairunitsffi from balcony to terrace. b. Precast stairs shall be fabricated conplete as shordn on drawings wJ.th anchorage inserts for weLded attaghment to prefabricated steel as required. Steel beatns shaLl be furnished as specified in gection 5A. Treads shall be completed with Lnserts to recei\re railings. I 7. GROUTING I a. All units are to be lnstalled and grouted by the precast manufacturer. I Deck over garage is to be -riltrc* by general contractor I s. srEEL 14yt-logD a. All 8tee1 reguired in erectLng precast units shall be furnished and in- stalled by precast supplier. 1.5 I I t I T I T I I I t I I I I I I I I T I I STRUCTURAL STEEIJ PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1. scoPE L.2. A. B. c. D. 1.3 FURNISH AL,t LABOR, IIIATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT NECESSARY TO PROVIDE AND INSTAL,L TIIE STRUSIURAL STEEL IN CONFORMAT{CE ?tlTrr $rE REQUTREMENTS OF THIS SECBION. FEI,ATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSET{IIERE MISCETI,ANEOUS METALS REINFORCING SIEEL FOR CANCRETts NOUGH HARDWAFD TOR CANPENTRY INSTAIJI'ATION OF STEEL LINTELS EI4BEDDED IN OITIER WORK STAI$DARDS 5A-1 b1 SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A-35-€9, lafra,|-F #-!€.*.hffir STRUCTURAL STtsEL SHAI.,L BE DESIGNED, FABRICATED A}ID EREETED IN CONFORII.IANCE WTTH 'SPECIFICATTON FOR THE DESTGN, FABRTCATTON AND ERECETON OF' STRUSTURAT STEEL FOR BUIIJDINGSI BY THE AMERICEN TNSTTTUTE F1OR STE:EL CI]NSTRUSTION(Arsc) - iB{.. ?fH EDttlg,r''\- 1.4 MEASUREMENTS ALTHOUGH rHE DRA"'IINGS MAY SHOW GENERAL DIMENSIONS FOR THE STRUCPURAL SIEEL MEMBERS, THE FABRICATOR SHALL VERTFY DIMENSTONS IN TI{E I'IET,D BEFORE PNE- PARING SHOP DRAWINGS AND SITAL,L BE RESPONSTBT,E F13R, AT HIS OWN E)EENSE, ALL RSPIJACEMENTS AITD AJUST}IENTS DUE TO FIELD ERRORS. SUBSTITUTIONS SUBSTITUTIONS WILL NCT BE ALI.OWED EXCEP? WI?H THE V'RITTEN APPROVAI, OF TTTE ENGINEER AND ONLY WHEN SUCH SI]BSTIfiIrION 'dILL AVOID DEI,AY IN THE PROGRESS OF THE WORK. SUBSTITUTIONS SHALL MEET TIIE FUNDAMENTAL DESIGN AND DEVEI.,OP ltlE FUL,L STRENGTH AIID STIFFNESS OF fllE MEMBER REPLACED. NEw AtilD ttNSpLICED !{ATERIAI,S SHALL B8 USED THROUGHOI'T. T.6 SHOP DR.AWTNGS PART 2.t TIIE CONTRAqTOR SIIALL PREPARE ALt SI{OP DRAi{TNGS NECESSARY TO SHOI{ fHE FABRTCATION AND ERECTIOI.I DETAILS T'OR STRUCTURAL STSEI,, BAR JOISTS AI.ID METAL DECKING. CONTRACfl]R SHALL CIMCK SHOP DRAWINGS BEFORE SUBMTTT]NG TO TTIE ARCHITECT. ANY TABRICATION DONE PIuTOR TO FINAL APPNOVEL OT SHOP DRAWINGS BY ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER SHATJIJ BS DONE AT $TE CONTRACTORIS RTSK. 2 - PRODUCTS ROIJ,ED SECTIONS ROLI,ED SECTIONS 2.4 I I I t I I I T I I I I I T t T I I I I I I STRUCTUR.AL STEEL 5A-2 2.2 BARS A}ID PI,ATES BARs ArirD pr,ATEs sHALL coNFoRM To AsrM ap'+. A 3 l,t? 2.t BOLTS 2.5 BOIJTS S}IALL CONTORM TO ASTM A'307.68. HIG]H STRENSIH BOLTS IIlbtI STiTENGTH BoLTs SHALL coNFf,RM To ASTM A-325. RIVET STEEL 2.6 RIVET STELL SHALL CONfORM TO ASTM A-14I. FABRTCATION OF STRUqTURAL STEEL FABRICATIO1N OF STRUCTURJAL SIEEL SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE $IITTI THE REQUIRE- MEbITS OF AISC ISPECIFICATIONS FOR SIG-N, FABruCATION A}ID ERECTION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL BUII,DINGS',EDTTION OF THE T'NIFORI4 2.7 BUILDING CODE. PIJNCH N{D DRILL STEEL AS INDICATED ON THE DRANINGS OR SPECII'IED FOR ATTACHMENT OF OTHER MATERIAI..S THERETO. SHOP CONNECTTONS MAY BS RIVETED OR WELDED. SHOP PAINTING 2.8 EXCEPT IOR GALVANIZED OR ASPTIALT-PRTMED ST'RFACES AND ITEMS TO BE ENCASED IN CONCNETE, CI,EAN FERROUS IIETAL SURFACES PROPERLY AT.ID APPLY OITE COAT OT' RED I"EAD OR ZITiC CTIROMATE PRIMER. APPTY AN ADDITIONAL COAT TO SURFACDS TI1AT WILL BE CONCE]AI,ED OR INACCESSIBLE FOR FINISH PAINTING. VIELDING AtI., I/'EIJDING STIALL BE DoNE BY THE SHIEI,DED ARC PROCESS USING E-70 EI,ECTRODES AIID SHAI,L COMPLY WITH THE LATESE EDITION OF THE AI4SRICAN WELDING SOCIETY CODE FOR ARC AND GAS WELDTNG IN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. THE WELDING PRO- CESS AIID ARC I{ELDING OPERATORS E$PLOYED IN PERFORMING TIIE YIORK SHATL BE QUALITTED TN ACCORDA}ICE T{IfTT THE AUERICAN ''ELDING DOCIETY STANDARD QUALI. PICArION PROCEDURB PART 3 - E)(ECI,XTION 3.1 ERECTION OF S?RUCTURAI STEEL STEEL SITALL BE ERECTED PLU"d, I,EVEL AIiID TRUE TO LINES AI.ID LEVELS SHOTJN ON THE DNAWINGS AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH ATSC .SPECITTCATIONS F1OR TTTE DESIGN, FABRICATION AI\ID ERECTIoN OF STRUqnRAL STEEL BUILDINGS', Jr€8.?tl, 6'OlTleF1r.,. T T I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I T I STRUCfURAL STEBL 5A-3 3.1 ERECTION OF STRUCTURJAL STEEL ALr., FrELD CONNE6''pXONS SHALI_, BE BOLTED UNLESS CfTHER METTTODS ARE HERETN sPEcrFrED, sgolrN oN fl$ onewrHcs, oR spgcrrrcelrry AppRovED By rrrg Ancrlr.trcr N.ID STRUCIURAL ENGINEER. FIELD CUT HOI,ES SHALL BE ACCOMPIJISHED BY DRTI'LING. USE OF CTITTING TORCXIES WILIJ NC':T BE PERMITTED UNI,ESS SPECITICAIjI,Y APPRC}VED BY TTIE ARCITITBeT A\ID STRUCTUNAJ, ENGINEER. PROVIDE TEMPORART BRACING AND SHORING TO SAFEIJY SECURE STRUCTURAL STEEL IN POSTTTON I,]NTIL FERMANANTT,Y SECURED. COLTJMN B}.sE PLATES AND BEARING PI,ATES SITAI,L BE I,EVSI,ED WTTH STEEL SHI!.{S A}ID GROUTED SOLIDI,Y IN POSIUON USING NON-SHRTNK GPUT SPECIFIED IN sEcTIOt{ 3A. 3.2 INSPECTION AND TESTS MATERIAL FUMIISHED T'NDER THIS SPECIFICATION SHATTJ BE SUBJECT TO INSPEETTON AI{D ?ESTS IN TTIE MII,L, SIIOP AI.ID FIELD BY TTIE ARCHTTECT OR HIS RAPRESENTA- TIVE, TTIE ARCHTIECT RESER\TES TTTE RTG}If TO RE.'EET ANY MATERIAL OR T{ORK- MANSHIP AT ANY TIME BET'ORE FINAL ACCSPTAI,ICE OF TIIE STRU TURE T{IIEN, IN HIS OPINION, TTIEY DO NOD CONFORM TO REQUIREMENTS OF lHE DRJAWINGS AND SPECIFI- CATIONS. REPORTS Or HILL TESTS MAy BE REQUIRED By fHE ARCHITECT. TrrE CONIRAETOR AIONE SITATL BE BSSPONSIBI,E T1f,R AI,L ERROR.S OF FABRICATTON AND rOR THE CORRECT T'ITTING OF TIIE STRTJCTURAL }IEMBERS. t T t I t I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I MISCEIJ,ANEOUS ME"f ALS PAFf I. - GENERAL I.1 scoPE L.2 A. B. c. D. F 1.3 58-t E'URNISH ALL IABOR, I{ATERIALS AI'ID EQUIPMENT NECESSARY TO PROYIDE AIID INSTAI,L TIIE I{ISCEI,LA}gEOUS MgrAL PRODUCTS HEREIN SPECIFIED AAID AIiIY OTITSR SHO$N ON TSIE DRAWINGS AND NOT SPECTFIED IN OTTTER SECTTONS OF IHE SPECTFTCATTONS. REI.ATED !{ORK SPECIFIED ELSEWI{ERE STRUCTUR,,AL STEEL AI{CI{OR BOLTS suPPo8fs AND HANGERS r.oR PLU!{BING, MECHNAICAL AND ELECTRICAT SgUTPMENT REINS1CRCING S1rSEL E13R CONCRETE HARDI{ARE FOR ROUGH CARPENTRY SHOP DB,.AI{INGS SttBi'lIT SIIOP DRAWINGS TO THE ARCHITECT FOR THE FOLLiOWING ITEIus. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL CHECK AIJL SHOP DRAWINGS BETORE SI'BMITTING IHEM TO TI{E ARCHITECT. A. STEDL TI'BE BALUSTERS A}TD RAILTNGS B. PREFABRICATED CIRCT'I,AR STESL SfAIRS PART 2 . PRODUCTS 2.L ACCESS DOORS 2.2 ACCESS DOOR SHALL BE MII,COR 36 IN. X 36 IN. STYLE '!II ACCESS DOOR AS MANUFACTURED BY INLAI.ID STEEIJ PRODUCTS. PROVIDE WITH CAM LOCK AIID MASONRY At{cltoRs. PREFABRICATED SPIRAI STEEL STAIRS (OPTIONAL TTEM) STAIRS SHAI,L BE SERTES 8OO CAI..ITII,EVERED SPIR.AL STAIR, 5I-O IN. IN DIAME:TER AS T.INNUFACTURED BY I'IIE IOGAN COMPAIiIY. PROVIDE WITH PI,AIN STEI.I, TREAD TO RECEI\/E WOOD FTNISH TREAD BY OTHERS. PMVIDE STSEL SUB-LANDTNG PI,ATT'ORIITS EOR TOP AI\ID HAI{DRATL TO RETURN TO WALI,S. ALL STEEL COMPONENIS SHALL RS- C3I\IE A SHOP PRTME @AT. BOLTS2.3 2.4 FURNISII A}ID INSTALIJ AIJL BOLTS F1CR WAI'LPLATES, PARTTTIONS, D@R BUCKS, NAIIERS, AND EI,SEI{HERE AS SHO!{H ON THE DRAWINGS. CURB BARS} AT SXTERIOR DOORS, STAIRS AND ELSEWHERE AS SHOWN ON THE DNAWINGS PROVIDE ctRB BAR NOSTNG, Bl,r,n'r #4245. NosrNGS SHALL BE ONE ptECE WrTB NO JOINTS PERMITTED EXCEP? AT TTIE RAMPS. I I Mrsc'rJ,Ar.rEous METAL' I I 2's t 58-2 HENDR,AIL BRACKETS Fabricate handrail brackets as detailed. provide necessary anchors, etc.,for installation. r PAnr3-EXECLTTTON Ingtall all sork under ttris section plhmb, level and true a€ indicated for each I coq)onent on the drawings. Secure to rrood strrrcture by lreans of lag screrts or I bolts to develop the full strength of the rher bers. Handrails and staits should be rigidly attactred to the structure. I t I I T I T t I T I I I T I T I I I I I I I t I I T t I I T I I I t t t T{OUGH CARPENTRY 6A-I PART I - GEITERAL I.1 scsPE Furnish all Labor, rnaterials, and equipruent necessary to complete tlre work specifiecl in ttris section. 1.2 REI,ATED WOFI( SPECIFIBD ELSEV'HERE A. Finish Carpentry and Mj" Ilwork B. Drywall @nstruction C. Insulation DJ f'otms for Concrete. I,.3 STANDARDS A. Lunber shall be grade marked on each piece by dn Agsociation or inspection agency certified by the Ar€rican tumber Standardts Cormlttee to grade the speci"es involved. B. Plywood sha1l be marked on each Bheet by the Dt'pA Grade-Tfadenark of the American Plybrood Assoclation, and such mark shall identify the plywood in conrpliance with the U. S. Department of Comnerce Product Standard for plywood. C. Sizes shall conform to u.S. Department of comnerce Sirnplified Practice recorunendation R16 for dressed sizes of yard and structural Lurnber. Surface all luniber 4 sides except as noted herein. D. Presernative treatment when required shall be penmnently indicated on each piece of pltmcod or board so treat€d by means of a A9IPI Quallty ttark. 1.4 DELIVERY A}ID STORAGE Deliver naterials to site in undamaged condition, Btore tnaterials to insure proper ventilation, drainage and plotection against danpness before and after delivery. 1.5 ENVINONMENTAL CONDITIONS No cotrlponents shall be assembled under extrenes of teurperature or precipitation which would become loose or be put into conditions of abno:$El stress at norrnal temperature and hurnidity. Avoid rapid changes in temperature and hunidity when providing temporary heat. I.6 MOISTURE C1oI{TENT Maxirnum rnoisture content for Lurnber shall be as foLlows at the tire of delivery to the job site. I I I I I I I I t T{OUGH CARPENTRY A. Franring lunber 2 inches and less in thickness - 19 percent B. Franinq lurnber over 2 inches thick - 25 percent C. Board lurnber - 15 percent. PARI 2 . PRODUCTS 6A-2 r 2.L STFESS GRADE LUMDER I I I I 2.2 FRMING LUMBER I Frarnlng hmber shall be Douglas Fir or western Hemlock con forming to the Standard Grading Rules of the Idestern Wood Products Association, grade I standard or better, with not nore than 25 percent standard alloned (uni fornOy I dispersed). Lrrnlcer shall be stanped dry according to WWPA Rules. All Iunber not specified as stress grade shall be considered framing lunber. I 2.3 BOARD IT'MBSR I Board Lunber shall be Pine, Dougrlas Fj.r or western tlemlock conforming to the I standard grading ruLes of the l,les tern t{ood Products Association, crade No. 3 @nmon. t 2.4 PLYW@D Pllwrood shall conform to the requirements of U. s. Product standard PS1-65. A. Wall sheatlr:leg - sha[ be standard grade of l,/2" thickness. (One panel each side, at each plw&ing wall face as indl.cated for lateral bracing of precast. ) PARTICLE BOARD TJNDERLAYMENT2.5 I I I Stress graCe lunber shall be Douglas I'ir conforming to the standard grading rules of the Western wood Products Association as follows: use A. Beams, and columns 5 in. or more thi ck crade Select structural S. Built up beama and colurnns nembers 4 in. ttrick or less @nstruction Particle board r:nderlalment sha1l be type 1, crade B, Class I conforming to CS 236. Boards shall be 3/8" thick by 4 ft. wide by mlnj.mun 4 ft. long. Provide 5/8" ttrickness to acconodate variation in finished surface thickness. I I t I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t ROUGH CARPSNTRV l'." 2.6 gYPSUl't r{ALLBOAxb SHEATHTNp eypsdn wallbdard sheathing shall conforn to ASTM CZ9 and shall be: L/2 Ln. x 4 ft. x I ft. square edged, type "x,t for L hour fire rated cbnstruction. 2.7 V{Oop bECKTNG (lofts) (optional) Decking shall be tdaho White Pine cus tom grade sizes as shorrn on drarring-' oeckirtg shaU be f,actory furnished with olympic semi transparent stain */16. 2.e wdOD 6dAt{s (lofts) (optionat} BrJiIt-trP bearns are to be as cletailedl on drawirlgs and are to be rough sawn. 2.9 Butl-,DING PAbER Bulldidg paper snait conform to !,ederat spec. UU-B.?90 rype I, Grade D,sttle l. z.LO FASTENING DEVICES Fasteninq devices shall conform to the requirements of the speclfic federalspecification in which each type of fastener is speclfied. 2.11 PRESERVATIVE TREATMSNT Preservative treatment shall be applied to all ltems speclfied below in accordance l,tith the Anerican wood Preservers Institute (AWPI ) standards L,P-21 LP-3, or LP-4 except that items specified to receivg paint or naturaifinish shall not be treated in accordance with Lp-3. Items to receive pireservative treatment sha1l include:A. doocl frarning anil plywood up to subflooring within L2" of the earth.B. nlood sills, plates, sleepers and nailers in oontact with masonry or concrete. C. Nai.l.ers for concrete or gypsltn roof decks.D. Ertterior wood steps and platforms. PART 3 . EXECUTION 3.I GENERAL Set all framing accurately to line and 1evel indicated. Fasten franingclosely and rigidry in place for passage of ducts and plpes. provide bloctring and nailer plates as required for support and attachment of work by others. , tA-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I ROUGH CARPENTRY 6A-4 Do not cut, notch or bore rrnre than I/4 {te clepth of framing nembers. setjoists and rafters with crown edge up. Keep structural framing E€rll)ers clear from chimneys, flues, and fireplaces by 2 in. level joists and beans bearing on concrete or masonry with slate or steel shims. Do not use shims for wood bearlng on vrtrod or steel. sill plates shall be set leve1 and square. Grout necessary to naintain solid bearing. Attach sill plates to @ncrete or masonty r'italLs htith 1/2" dianeter anchor bolts \.rith nut and plate washers on top. Space anchor bolts not more than 6 ft. on centetr, not less than 12 in. fronr the ends of each piece a-. n, with not less than two p€r piece. Anchor bolts shall be attached to masonrry walls by setting into fully grouted cells with 2 in. washer attached at botton ends. Anctrors in concrete walls shall be J-bolts 6et at the tile of pouring. Preservative-treated lternbers cut in the fieldl shall have exposed edges treated with a heariy brush coat of preservative. 3.2 rcUGH CARPENTRY r,li\TERfALS AtitD FASTENER.S Rough carpentry materials and fasteners shall be installed in accordance with the requirenents of Chapter 25 of Uniform Buildlng Code' 1967 Eclition. 3.3 I{ALLS N{D PARTI?IONS tlalls and partitions shall be constructed of 2x4 studs seLected for straightncss gpaced L6 in. on center unless otherwise noted. Provide single botton plate and double top plates on nalls anit bearing partitions. Double studs at all openings and triple studs at corners and wa1l intersections. All headers shaLl consist of tr{o members set on edge, sized as scheduled on drawings. Anchor end studs top and botton to abutting concrete or rnasonry. Anchor rough and wood franes to abutting csncrete and masonry with 3,/L5" x I I/4" netal straps securely attached, located top and botton and not more tban 3 ft. on center. Pllwrood facing on walls to be used as braclng for precast - see structural drawings. 3.4 COIUI,II{S AND BEAMS Col,unns and beams shall be set level or pluhb and in aligmment. Provide full and unifotn bearing uith rninirnun 3 I/2" end bearings for beams. Eolt or spike joints and splices of beans. Joints sha1l occur only over supltorts. Ooh.rnns shall be continuous without splice from bearing to bean. 3.5 WAL,IJ SHEATHING (@ Shear Walls) Plywood sheathing shall be installed with 6 penny niils at 6 in. o.c. around the perineter and 12 in. o.c- at intermediate supPorts. Provide solid supltort around perirneter. Abut edges and ends over suPports and stagger joints if applied horizontally. Iocate fasteners 3,/8" from edges of sheets. t I I t I I I I I I I t T I I I I I I t I I ROUGH CARPENTRY 6A-5 Diagonal ret-in wall bracing shall consist of a 1x4 installed near or at al-l corners of exterior warrs at 45 degrees to level and flush with exterior face of studs. Extend over silL and top plate and attach at all bearingswith 2-8 penny nails . tltpe "X" gypsun wallboard sheathing shall be installed I'ith all joints butted tightJ.y. Provide solid 2X4 support at. perimeter. Attach with 1 3/4" LL gage 3,/8" head, iinc coated nalls spaced 4 in. o.c. around perimeter andI in. o.c. at intermediate supports. Space fasteners 3/B', frorr edges. 3..6 FLOoR JoISTS (lofts) Floor Joists shall have a minirnum bearing of 3 L/2,, except as noted. Supporb ends of joists and other franing members framing into supports at the samelevei on uretal joist hangers attached and sized to develop the strength ofthe upmbers. Lap and spike joists over supports. Toe nail each joist to support ltith 3-lO permy colmon nails. Double header joists and doublejolsts under partitions paralleling joists. Provide LX3 wood cross bridging spaced not roore than I ft. on center nailedat each end with 2-8 penny nails. Ilo not fasten lower ends of bridging untilall sheathing and pernanent partitlons resting on joists have been installed. 3.7 SUBFIOoR (lofts) Subf,loor sha1l have all edges supported with a minimun 2X4 support unless T&G Pll tood subflooring is used. Al1ow at least l,/2" clearance from concrete and masonry walls for subfloor and uneerlalrnent. A. Plyuood subfloor and combination subfl.oor-underlayment sha1l be fastenedwith 6 penny deformeil shank or g penny comnnn nails at 6 in. o.c. around the perimeter of the sheets and l0 in. O.C. at intermediate supports. Place long dirnension of sheets at right angles to supports and stagger end joints. Place subfloor on wood stripping when required to bringfinishes of different thicknesseg to the same plane or vary thicknessof underlayment. B. Pllnrood underlayment shall be installed with face grain at right anglesto joists. Stagger end joints and Btagger all joints relative to subfloorjoints. Provide L/32 Ln. Joints between abutting sheets. Fasten with 3 penny corEnon ring shank nails at 6 in. O.C. along supported edges and 8 in. O.C. for intermediate supports. C. Particle board. underla!rynent shall be applied with long side perpendicular to joists and with paneJ. edges butted snugly. Stagger joints relativeto subfloor panel joints. Fasten wittr ring-gnooved nails, drive-screw underlay nails or cement-coated sihker aails which penetrate the subfloorat least 3/4 i'n. and are spaced 6 in. O.C. at supported edges and 10 in. I I I I I I I T I I I I I t I t I I T T I I ROUGTI CARPEN"hY 6A-6 c. at intermediate supports. power-drlven wire staples rnay be usedin accordance with the nanufacturer I s recormendations. Conditionfor npisture before application stric!1y in accordance with nanu-facturer's reconrendations. 3.8 MISCETI,ANEOUS A. Wood furring shall be 1x3 rnenbers at 16 in. o.C..' ramset or attachedwith expansion bolts to concrete or masonry walls. Fasteners should be within 12 in. of top and bottm and spaced at not rpre than 18 in. o.C. set furring ph:urb, level and true to receive finishes in-dicated. B. Provide wood grounds for plaster and stucco, and crickets and cantstrips as shown on the drawings. C. provide temPorary wood doors and 4 mil polyethylene window enclosuresin order to close in the building to acconlrllsh interior drlniraUinq. t I I T I FINISTI CARPSNTRY AND MILLWORK 6B-1 I PARTI-GENERAL I 1..1. scoPE I I r-urnish all labor, material.s and, eguipment to complete the vork in thissection. work shall indlude all exterior and interior wood work exposedto view in finished building except as excluded in list below. L.2 REI,ATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWI{ERE I A. Rough Carpentry B. 9food Decking I C. Exposed Wood Structure I D. Finished Hardware E. Painting and Finishes I F. Pre-finished Kitchen and Vanity cabinets T 1.3 STAI{DARDS lrhere applicable, all work under this section sha1l be in accordance with the quality standards of the architectural woodwork industry (AWI) except as herein noted. These standards include by reference the following. I A. CS 35-61 hardwood plynood B. CS 236-56 Mat-formed wood particle board I c. CS 157-56 pine plyr^rood I D. PS l-66 softwood plywood AII,O9IABLE DEVIATIONS Allovrable devlations fron the quality grade, species and finish selected beloqt under 'exterior woodrryorkr, 'interior woodr,uork for transparent finish r and I interior woodwork for pain finish' will be allowed for lndividual itemsor components only if so specified under the separate headings co\rering such iterns. I.5 OUAI.IFICATIONS I The architect shall have the right to approve the manufacturer of all shop fotmed or asseurbled pieces or cornponents of nood uork, nillwork and trim. I Manufacturers must show evidence of having successfully conrpleted vrork of I similar quality and magnitude. Manufacturers must show evidence of com-pleting previous work on time. I 1.6 SHOP DRAWINGS Shp drawings shall be furnished for all prefab framing and woodnork, except uhen shown full size on the architectural drawings, or for plywood or lutriber I 1'4 t I I I I I I I FrNrsH cARpEslBRy AND MrLLt{ohK I r.6 sHoP DRA'TNG' 69-2 I I | 1'8 I t r'e I I siding, or for stock items referred to by manufacturer's catalogue nuniber. I Shop cliawings shal-l be drawn in related and/or dlmensionaL position with sectiong shown either fuIl size or 3 in. scale. t L.7 EIEIID DIMENSIONS The hroodwork manufacturer is responsible for details and dimens ions not con- trolled by Job conditions, and shall show on his shop drar,cings all required field measurements beyond his control. The general, contractor and the wood- vork manufacturer shall cooperate to establish and rnaintain these field dim- ensions. JOB ASSEMBI,AD WORK The general contractor, vrhen installing iterns not shop assenibled, shall distribute to best over-all advantage the defects allowed in the quaLity grade specified. DELIVERY AND STORAGS Ttre woodwork manufacturer and the general contractor shall jointLy be res- ponsibl.e to make certain that itens of woo&rork are not delivered untll the building and/ox storage area is sufficientLy alry so that the noodwork will not be danaged by excesslve changes in noisture content. Other materials not furnished through the noodr,rork uanufacturerg shall be delivered to the job site undalraged and stored ln a covered, dry. well- ventilated space not ercposed to extreme changes of t€rnperature. I.IO MOISTURE CONTENT Molsture content for all woodwork including siding nraterial specified in thls section shall be 12 per cent or less at the time of del.ivery of naterial to the job site. I.11 SAI.{PI,ES ! ,*tntJ of the followlng naterials and uses shall be provided. I A. Exterior plyroood siding - 1 full sheett B. Exterior fascia and trin - 2 lineal feet I I T I T I I t I I I I'INISH CARPENTRY A}ID MILLI|oRI(68-3 PARtr 2 - PRODUCTS I 2.1 EXTERIOR WOODi{OFJ( I A. Quality grade of material and workrnanship shall conforn to AwI qualityI standard, custorn grade requS.rements except as noted below. I s. wod speciesI (Fascia and ntlscellaneods trin shall be ponderosa pine) f,ir or cedar, I rough sawn. T r (Ra11tn9 caps and balusters) arld hand ral.Is I C. Plyro6d I sidlng shall be 5/a Ln, baw-textured l-11 E*t. DFeA with grooves at 4 in.I O.C. and in lengrths to mininize the number of Joints. Species shall be I western Red Cedar orI Douglas Fir. Red$ood I D. cement Asbestoa Board I Glasweld by U.S. Pt1ryood Co. or Plasti-Clad by t'lational Gypsun Co, L/4 Ln.I thick with standard finl.sh colors as selested, cenent aabestos pan€Is in locations as shown on drawings. t Panels shall be back coated wi"th a sealin having a vapor pernneance com- I parable to the exterior finish coating. I 2.2 $rERroR wooD woRK r1f,R srArN FrNrsH I A. All interior work shall be nade for stain finish.I B. Quality grade of naterials and roorkmanship shall conform to AwI quality r standards, cus tom grade requirements. I C. Wood species shall be pine or fir.r D. All door frames nay be wood pre-hung, pre-assernbled type comple with hard- ware for doors not called out as raised or carved paneled. I 2.3 I Laninate counter tops and paneIs...the cores of high pressure laminater @unter tops shall be of the thickness sholrrn on the details, but not less I than 3/4 in. thick. The face laminate shal.l conform to the appropri ate t nena standards and shall be...soIiil color, suede finish, post forrned. I I I I t I t I I I I I I I T I I I I T I t I I I TINISH CARPENTRV AND MILLT{OFJ(68-4 2.3 Holes for sinks and other accessories. . . the $roodnbrk nanufacttrrer shall cutall hdles in counter tops dor sinks and other accebsories. The gr.lb-contractor supplying the sinks and other accessories shall furnish salrple rins and tesr-plates for such cutting. 2.4 WALL PN{ELING shall be the same material used on exterior and sharl be stained. caremust be taken to align joints. 2.5 CISSE? AI\ID STORAGE SHELVING croset and storage shelving includes all shelving in non-public rooms.All cloeet and storage shelving shall be as defined in AWI quality standards,section 60c, economy grade. particle board, or metal such as x-panda shelfuni-ts. 2.6 STATRWORK Stairuork shall be as defined herein under interior rrork and A$tI quality stanclards, section 9OO. The fo].losing stairs shall conform to AwI quality standard, custom grade atl stairs to loft units. PARf 3 . E:(ECUTION 3.1 EXIIERTOR TRIM Exterior trirn shall be fastened sith finish nails suitable for setting.Frovide blind nailing as far as practicable. set face nalls for puttystopping. Assedble with all necessary blocking to maintain trim true,plunb or leve1. Hiter all exterior corners and. cope all interior angles. 3.2 EXTERTOR SIDING l}rterior siding shall be Lnstalled with a1r sides and edges solid,ly sr:p-ported. Easten with galvanized casing nails, 6 penny for direct to stud appl i ca t'ion andl r0 penny for application over sheathing. space nails 6 In.O.C. along ship-lap edges and horizontal joints and 12 in. O.C. overinterrnediate supports, 3/g j:n. spacing frrorn ship-1ap edges and horizontaLJoints. when necessary to butt cut paner without ship-rap edges, caulh Jolnt tightly. 3.3 TNTERIOR TFII{ AND DOOR CASING Interior trim and door casing shall be installed as detailed true, plunrban{/or level. Mitered corners shall be installed flush and in continuous I t I I t t I I I I T I T I I T I I I T I t FINISH CARPENTRY AND IqIITWORK 68-5 3.3 INTtsRlOR TRII.{ N\rD DooR CASING contact throughout thelr length. Fasten nith finish nalls, using blind nailing where practicable. Set face nails for putty stopping. Provide solicl bl-ocking at j arnbs at 16 in. O.C. and at butts and lock strikes. 3-4 APPI,ICATION OT' FINISH IIARDIdASE A. Receive, store and be responsible for all finished hardware. Properly tag, index and file all keys in key cabinet or as directed. Apply hard- ware in accordance with manufacturer I s instructions, fit acsurately, apply securely and adjust careful.ly. Use care not to injure work when applying hardware. B. The location of hardrrsare in connection with all doors shall be as follows unless otherwise shoryn on drawings. Center door knobs 38 in. above finished floor. Center door pulls 40 in. and push plates 45 in. above finished floor. center cylinder deadlocks 52 in. above finished floor. Centee single push bars 48 in. above finished fLoor. Iocate edge of bottotrr hinge lO in. above finished floor. Space center hinges equal distance between top and bottom hinges. C. Cover door knobs and pulls with hearry cloth until painting is completed. Prior to completion of building, examine all doors, sash and other movableparts. Adjust as required and leave hardnare in good working order. 3.5 INTERTOR PAI\IELING Interior paneling shall be irstalled in accordance with AWf guality stan- dards for the grades specifj.ed, and manufacturers' recoruuendations. (similar to exterior material) . 3.5 CIOSET A}ID STORAGE SHELVING Closet and storage shelving sha1l be installed in accordance with AlfI quality standards for the grades specified. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DITSWAI,L CONSTRUCTION P4RT 1 - GB'ERAL 1.1 SCOPE 6C-1 1.4 Furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary to provide and installthe drywall construction specified in thls section. L.2 RELATED WORK SPECTFIED ELSEW}IERE A. Wood frasdng, furrlng, blocking and glounds to receive itrywall.B. Painting C. Glrtrlsum sheathing D. Vinyl wall covering I.3 STAI{DARDS rhw work and materials specified under ttris section shall confor:n to AsA(ANSI) A97-1-1965 except where altered by the irrritten text ln tlris section. A- A1l naterials shall be delivered in the originar packages, containers orbundleE bearing the brand name and the manufacturerr s narne. B. AII naterials shall be stored indoors in a clry place and shall be stackedand handled in accordance wlth the I reconmendation for the proper storageand handling procedures of sypsun wallboard' by the gypsum assocLatl.on(GrfB-8-65) . 1.5 ENVIRONI4ENTAT, Cot{DITIONS In additlon to ASA (ANSI) A9?.1-1965 requirements, in cold weather ttrebuilding shall be heated to maintain a uni form tenperatule ln the range of55 to ?0 degrees P. and ventilatLon shalL be provided to elininate excessivercisture. PARr 2 - PRODI]CTS 2.L GYPSUM Ii'ALLBOARD Gypsun uallboard shall confonn to AsrM c-36-69. Lengths shall be as longaa practi cal to rninirnize nunber of joints. Edges shall be tapered for allface layers. Thlcknesses shall be L/z Ln. Board type shaLl be regurar 2.2 ACCESSORTAS Accessories shall be galvanized steer of not lighter than 26 gage. sizesand shapes shall be as listed in AsA (ANSI) A9?.1-1965. I I T T T DRY!{AIJL CONSTRUCTION 6c-2 I zs AccEssoRrEs I I Approved accessories are,... Corner bead...USG rl00 Perf-a-beadt Casing bead...USG'3O0 perf-a-trin I 2.4 FASTENERs T A. Nails shaD Le L L/A in. and L L/2 1:n. annular rlng nails G1{B-54 conforming I to ASTM c 380-63 for exterior use and optj.onal interior use.I tlails for ihterior use thall. be L 3/8 in. and L 5/8 Ln. acLd etched 14 gage I steel, dished headl long dianond point 'dri-titet, patent No. 2864-276,I Shorter lengths are for L/2 in, wallboard and longer fct 5/A in. rpallboard. I Provide appropriate lengths of each type if 3/8 !n, wXhboard ls lrsed. I B. Screvre shall be 7/8 Ln. or I in. type S-bugle head, hi-low.I C. Staples shall be nrrrrber 16 UsS gauge flattened galvanj.zed wire staples, 7/L6 Ln- wide crown, divergent pointl I 1,/8 in. and I 1,/4 in. long. 2.5 JOTNT REINTI)rcING TAPE AND EDHESI\TE MAIERTALS Joint reinforcing tape and adhesive naterials shal1 conforar to ASTM C-474-64. I 2.6 cArrLKrNGI Shall be resj.lient non-hardening type. I PAIII3-EXECUTIOI,I I 3,1 cENEBATJT _ Application shall conform to AsA (ASNI) A9?.1-J.965 requirenents for rnethods I of cutting and installation, order of installation r driving of na5.ls, screws,r and staples, edge distances and staggerj.ng of end joints. I 3.2 srNcLE IJAYER wArn AppLrcATroNI r Single layer wall application shall be 5/A in. wallboard appliedl elther I H*ffir:l ;; H:T:l:auv on wood franins spaced 16 in. o.c. or merar I Nails ehall be spaeed I 1n. O.C. around board perireter and at intennediater supports. I I I I I I t I I I I I t I t T I I I t I I I I I DRYIIIALL CONSTRUCTI ON 6C-3 3.3 FI,JRRED APPLICATION Furred applicatton shall be the same as for wall application except that fraoing menbers rnay be lx3 wood or retal furring channels spaced at 24 in. o.C. either vertically or horiEontally. 3.4 APPLICAT]ON OF JOINT TREATMEITT AT\ID ACCESSORTES A. Apply netal accessorieg at all external @rners and elseuhere as shown on drawings in strict accordance witlr nanufacturetr | s reconurendation. B. Appty joint treatment at al1 jolnts in glpeurn board and at interior and exterior corners. Joint treatment shall be mixed a$d used in accordance with manuf,acturerrs recorgnendations as shom on container. Interior angles shall be reinforced with tape reinforcement folcledl to con- forn to the adjoining surfaces and to forrn a straight true angle. Using a suitable tool or machine, apply a thin uni forrn layer of joint oropound approximately three inctres wide, under and over the tape in the angle joint to be reinforced. In anqles and over all other jointsl center and seat joint tape i.nto the compound, Ieaving sufficient conpound under the tape to provide proper bond. A ekim coat of corrpound shall be applietl furnediately after embedding tape. Excess corrpound shalL be cleaned from the surface of the boardl. After dryingr enbedding compound shall be @vered with a fill coat of topping compound. Spread final coat of compowrd evenly over and slightly beyond the edge of the preceding coat and feathered uith a smoottr uni foflr finish. All dinples at fastener heads shall receive three coats of compound in succession as used on the joints. All coats shall be allowed to dry thoroughly (rnininrtm of 24 hours) between each application of compound. All coats shal1 be Eanded after each applica- tion has dried. flre final coats and subsequent sanding shall leave all ttyp€usr boards and treated areas unifomly snooth and ready to receive de- ooration. 3.5 EXTERIOR APPI,ICATION Exterior appl.ication sha1l be in accordance with these specifications ac- carding to use and shall be 5/8 in. t'ttick for rdalls. Wallboard shall be protected from extrnsure to noisture bV suitable drips and nroulding andl Soffits shall be separated from adJacent surfaces by L/4 Ln. DRI}IAI.I, CONSTRUeTION I 3,6 ..cstn"Krsc I Catrlklng shall be apiftea for all souhd rated walls atound outlet boxes I and in the L/4 ln. sirace between wal,lboard and adjacent clissinilar 6ur- I faces anor:rtd tlre peri.$Eter. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t t t I I rNsurarroN I t. Mineral WooI Bdtt Insulation I spaces as noted on i:he drawings full- CARPENTRY 6D-1 wall (R-13) rrineral ttool batt insulation. ALl insulatl,on; ell insuLationshall have a vapor-proof jacket. InstalL tightly accofding to mantrfacture! | suritten directions: fnbulation shall be as manufactured by Johns-lhnville,U,s. Gypsuxn, Otrens-Cbrning Flberg}ass, 6r appdoved eqtral, and ghall $Eet theflre fe$istive glandarits of the Orlforn BuildLno Cocte. 2. ftiqld Insulatlorl tgheriever ft$lst insulati,orr Ie calted for or detaileit on the drawings, fur- ttlsh Arld lnCtall rigia t in. ttrick for exterior furred precast walls, and 3 in. thick for roofs insulation board as nanufactured bry Fiberglas, Dowor approved equal. Inetall where detailed as reconurended by ttre nanufacturer. I T I 3a. Spray-on Insulation I Purnish and install spray-on insulatlon, a minimum of 1 in. ttrj. ck on precast I nenbers at gorge ceiling where occupied spaces are above only.I 3b. Spray-on Fireproofing I Frunish and install spray-on fireproofing to achieve a 2 hour ratlng on exposed structural b€ams, clip angles, plateg and other cronnections at I precast whi ch are not qrouted or otherroise fire protected. spray insula- I tion and fireproof,ing may be 'rPyro-Spray" as manufactured by Keene Corp.or Phillip Carey - ',Spray-Craf,t." I t T I T I T I I I I I I SHEET I{ETAL 7A-l I PARTI-@NERAL I 1.1 scoPE I Furnish all. Labor, materials and equipment to provide and lnstal,l the sheet netal work as herein specified. solder shall confo&r to ASTM 832, alloy grade 50A. I 2.3 NAILS, RIV:ETS A$ID SCREI,{S I Steel shall be used with galvanized iron I Alundnun shall be used with aluminum I 2.4 pr,esrrc Brru!,trNous @lrnrsfI Plastic bituminous cenent shall conforn to federal spec. SS-C-153, gype 1. I PAEP 3. EXECUTION I I t I I I Provide all sheet netal. necessary to rnake the roo-fs complete and tdater- tight. Provide fJ.ashing and counter flaehing rdtrErever roof aurfaces abut vertical surfaces. I t.2 SLebtp Conr specrrrso gr,setrdshn I A. t{ood blocking and nailers for fastening sheet metal I B. Built-up roofing I 1.3 BUrLT-rN MArtsRrALs I Deliver materLalg included under ttris section and buil.t-in by other trades I to site in tirne to avoid delays in the construction progress. I PARf 2 - PRODUETS I 2.1 GALVA!{IZED IRON Galvanized iron shall be zinc-ooated conforming to federal spec. QQ-S-775,tlrpe I, class D. Gages shall be ae indicated on ttre drawings (200R22cA) I 2.2 soLpER I I 3,1 GENERALI T I I I I I I I I t I T I I I t I I I I I I SHEET UETAL 7a-2 3.2 WORK!4ANSHIP Work$anship and installation urettroda emPloyed for forming, anchoring, cleating, pnovisionS for thenral expansion and c.ontraceion of all Sheet netal rdork shall conform to @rElercial practice. 3.3 SUBSTRATES AI..ID DISSIMII,AR I{AIERTAI',S Surfaces to which nheet metal is to be applied shall be even, smooth, sound, ttroroughly clean and dry, and free frour atry de fecta that night affect the application. protect aluminr.rm surfaces in contact !,tith preBsure treated wood, nprtar, masonry, concrete or other absorbative rnterial with one coat of zinc chromate and a coat of aluminun paint. where sheet metal abuts or menbers tie into dissimllar nateriala, protect, contact surfaces with a heaw coat of bit- uninous palnt. Dissirnilar rraterlals shalt not be placed in contact, nor in a positlon where drainage acrosa thes! will occur. 3.4 EXPANSION ATID CONTRACIION JOINTS Provide expansion jolnts at not tore than 32 foot intervals €xcept that vhere the distance between the last expansion joint and the end of the continuous nrn is npre than half ttre requ.ired lntenral spacingr an ad- <litional joint shall be provided. Expansion and @ntractlon joints shall be slip type. loose-locked, and fabricated in accordance rtith metal Pro- ducer's reconmended practice. 3.5 SOLDERING AND SEAMS Except for aluminunr, pre-tin surfaces of metal to be soldered, before soldering. Solder slog'ly, thoroughly heat seams and sweat solder com- pleteLy ttrnough full sidth of searR. Use anple solder. Seam shall show at least one full inch of evenly florred solder. Solder immediately after applying flux. Make Joints in alusrinun rnechanically, rivet and seaL nake flat seams in direction of flow. Flat-lock se;uns. Minimunr finished width, 3/4 i.n. 3.6 ISSTENINGS Except for sheet metal less than 12 in. wide, nall sheet rnetal through clips. Nail sheet metal 1e5s than L2 in. on one edgre only. Nails not specified otherwise shall be spaced approxilntely 4 in- aPart. 3.7 CAP FLASHING provide metal cap flashing overlapping top edge of base f1ashing. f'orm flashlng in not tmre ttran I foot lengths. Lap end joints 3 in' Do not I I I I I I I T I I I t I I I t I I t T t I SHEET METAL 7A-3 3.7 CAP FLASHING soldbE Joints. Make flashing continuous at angles. overlap base flashingat least 3 in. cap flashing shall provide a spring action against base flashing. 3.8 VETLEY FI,ASHING Open portion of valleys shall be 5 in. wide at top, increase rdidth at rate of L/8 i.n. per foort, continuing to eaves. Extend flashing 5 j.n. under . shlngles on each side. Folcl sidle edges for cleating and to raise shingles, preventing direct contact with the netal. Maximum and minl.mum lengths of valley fLashing sheets shall be 10 feet and I feet, respectirrely, Iap endgof sheets 6 in. in direction of flow. Fasten sheets by means of cleats hooked over folded side edges. NaiI cleats to roof sheathing. Nail topsof sheets only. 3.9 GRAVEL STOPS Provide metal gravel stops at exposed edges of bullt-up roo fs and where indicated. Gravel stops and fascias ehall be formed type. Form gravel stops and fascia to sizes and details indicated. Extend flanges of gravel stops out 2-I/2 in. on top of built-up roofing felts. rail roof flangres at 3 in. centers to roof sheathing or nood nailing strip. @ver flanges with txto strips of biturninous-saturated felt, nopped on. Form gravel stops and fasciaE in maximr.rm practicable lengths, but nrinimum lengith of section sha1l be 8 feet. Lap end joints 4 in. and set in pl.astic cemen€. fasten bottorl edge and hold it in place by hooking it over previousJ.y placed edge strip of sane metal as fascia. Fasten ed96 strip to lrcod fascia nails spaced 4 in. . apgrti. 3.1O SLEET ME!!!L FOR CRTCKETS AlrD 9LAT SSTFACES Except as specified or indicated othesise, cover and fLash all minor flat, sloped or curved surfaces such as crickets, bulkheads, dormers and snall decks with netal sheets of the material used for flashing, maximum size of sheets, 16 in. by l8 in. Fasten sheets to sheathing with metal cleats. Iock seams, except aluminum, and soLder. rock alusrinlmt seams and fill with sealer as recornmended by aluminum manufaeturer. I I I I I I I R@FING SYSTEMS 7B-L I I pARst-cENERAL I 1.1 scoPE I A. Precast decking I B. Sheet netal flashingC. l{ood nailers and cant strips I D. Waterproofing and dampproofing I I.3 ENVIRONUENTAL CONDITIONS Provide arr labor rnaterials and equlprnent necessary to finish and instarlthe roo fing systens as specified herein. I L.2 REIATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEI/SHERE I I I I I I I PARr 2 - PRopucTS (cAF-23orNs systen)I 2.L BASE SHEET I Base sheet shall be GAr. (Ruberoia) no. 40 universal base sheet. I 2.2 FELrs I Felts shall be GAF ( Ruberoid) No. 35 coated asbestos felts r 2.3 ASPHALT Application of bullt-up roo fing materlals will not be permitted r*hen theteEperature is berolr 40 degrees F. or when there is ice, frost, surfacerpisture or dampness visible on the roo f deck. I.4 PACKAGING OF MATERIALS l'l,anufactured roo fi.ng materiaLs shalt be delivered to the Job site in theoriginal sealed containers or packages bearing the nanufacturer I g nalre and brand desigmation. 1.5 usE oF FOOF. DECKS Storing or transpof,ting of materials r,eLll not be peeuitted ttirectly on roo fdecks. Snooth, clean boards spanning supports shall be provided for ttrispurpose. Storage of uaterials shaLl be United to uniformly distributed loads of 50 pounds per square foot Asphalt shall be C,AF' (Ruberroid) steep roof asphalt and shall conform to ASTM D3t2-64. 2.5 AGGREGATts GRAVEL TOPPING A. B. t I I T I t I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I ROOFING SYSTEMS 2.4 NAILS 79-2 Nails for built-up roofing application shall be annular ring shank type wittt 1-3,/8 in. ring caps. Gravel topping on built-up roofs shall be "KfE-LITE"by Trrin Mountal.n Rock Co., P. O. Bor. 37, Des Moines, PAAI 3 . E:GCUTION 3.2 . RED' as distributed New ltexico. 3.I CONDITTON OT' THE SIJBSTR,AIE The surface of all roof decks shall be dr?, flrrr, srnooth and free of, aLldirt and loose naterial. The deck surfases shall be laid out to llnes, lertels and slopes indicatect on the drawings for:ning @ntinuou.s planes as the work under other sections. They shall have a ninimrmr slope of L/4 Ln.per foot with prcper drainS.ng to outl.ets or eane edges so that the roofdrains free of water within 48 hours following a rain. Wood decks shall. not be acceptable if ttre decking bends perceptibly under an average nanrs weight. Cracks wider than L/4 in. and knot holes largrer than I in. in diarnete must be cbvered wlth tin securely nailed in place. GENERAL lhe laying up of buitt-up roofing menbranes shall coffirence at the low pointsof the roof. Application uill not be accepted if at any point the flow of nater i.s against the laps. I r SEALANTE e_wmmWEAlE I I PAnSI-C,ENERAL - l.r scoPg 7C-1 I I'urnish all labor, materlals and equipment necessary to provide and install the items as speclfied in this section. I L.2 RELATED WORK SPECTFIED ELSEWHENE I A. Sealant within tlre perirneter of windows and store front I B. lfeatherstripping for windows I 1.3 STANDARDS I Polysulfide-base sealants stralt conform to the requirements of Anerican I National Standards (At{sI) AU6.1-196O and the tshiokol Chenrical Corporation I s I building trade perfornance speciflcations. I 1.3 PACKAGING oF MATERIALS I All sealant materlals shall be delivered to the Job site in original. sealed I containers bearing the nane of ttre product and manufacturer, shelf life, date of manufacture and color. Polysulfide-base products shall bear the Thiokol Chemical Corporation i a 'tested and approved' seal. I 1.4 gsvrRoNMENtAL Col{prrroNg I sealants shall be installed when the ambient air teurperature is within the linits of 4O to lO0 degrees F. I PARI 2- PnOpUqrS I 2.L POTYSULFIDE BASE SEALANTS I A. General...A1l sealant products shall be appror/ed by and bear the I tested and approved I seal of the rhiokol Chernical Corporation. I B. 2 component polysulfide-base sealant...shall conforn to Thiokol's builcting trade performance specification r class tA' or rB' and type I or IIr accord- t ing to use. I C. Single con5)onent polyeulfide base sealant...shall con fornt to Thiokolis I building performance specification as a non-sag compound for vertical and I horizontal joints in non-traffic surfaces I D. Colors shall match adjacent materiaLs. I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEAI..ANTS & WEATHERSEALS 7c-2 2.2 NCRYLIC LASEX SEAI,ANTS Acryl.ic latex sealants shall be single component gun grade. The folloving products are approved. . . . Betaseal 8OO Pecora AC-JO Pair acryLic latex Colorado stell sash acrylic 2.3 JOINT BACK T'P MATERIAIJS A. Backer rods shall be cLosed ceJ.l polyurethane foam. Approved products are... Foan-pack by Taylor products Pecora No. 88 B. Tape shall be any vinyl faced tape which will not bond to the sealant used. 2.4 PRIMER.S Primers for concrete, masonry and rretaL products iJr contact vtith sealaot shall be ttrose approved ry fhiokol for ttre specific sealant products used. tillcod surfaces to be in contact wittr sealants sha1l be treated with sealer to prevent bleeding of the sealant into the vlood. 2.5 I{EATTIERSTRSPPING lteatherstripping shall be Pemko No. 305R with neoprene strip. Finish shaLl natch hardr'rare finish 2.6 sOtND SEALS Sound seals shaLl be Pemko No. 410 retractable sea1s. PART 3 . EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALIATION OF SEAIJAUT A. General. . . Joints and spaces to be caulked shall be c1ean. dry and free from dust and other subs tances preventing a good bond. Prine or seal all surfaces that are uo be in contact wittr sealant. All joints expos ed to weather shall have backer rods as bond breakers and they shall be placed to control the depth of the sealant. Joints too shallont to provide proper depth of sealant and the backer rod shau be backed with vinyl tape. B. Application shall be according to designated 'class' and 'type' approprlate for intended use, as follows..... Class A (self-leveling) for jolnts in horizontal surfaces - class B (nqn-sag) for joint€ in vertical surfaces. I I t SEALAI{TS & i.IEATI{ERSEALS 7c-3 fype f (hardness 20-36 shore A) for caulking, gtazing and sealingI vertical surfaces, and non-traffic bearlng horlzontal surfaces. ryp€ II (hatdness 35-45 shore A) for cauling and sealing horizontal surfaces subJect to foot and llght vehicular traffic, or abrasion.I C. Depth of sealatrt Beada I a. r^tith metal, glass, other non-porous s rfaces if joint widttr is: seaLant deptlr strould be:t t4in. inax. 1,/4 inch L/4 Ln. L/4 i;r.I over 1,/4 inch L/Z lr.. of rddth equal to wiitth b. I'tith concrete, masonry, stoneI if joint wirittr is: sealant depth should be: ftLn. max.I I/4 in. L/4 in. L/4 j';n. over L/4 in. to I/2 Ln. L/4 in. egual to widttrI over !/2 in. to I in. I/2 Ln. egual to width over I i-n. to 2 in. L/2 Ln. L/2 irr. of widlttr I D. All sealants shall be installed in accordance r"ith the manufacturer's reconmendation. Sealant shall be applied with sufficient force to prcvid,e solid joints of full depttr required, free of voids and in firrLrI contact wittr the joint surfaces. fhe exposed face of the sealant sha}l be tooled to a snroottr, r,vrinkle-free surface. I E- single coelponent polysulfide shaLl be uaed to caulk the joints betrueen precast bearing and non-bearing wa1ls. I F- Use of 2 conrponent polysulficle base sealant. 2 Ccr.rponent poJ.ysulfide shall be usecl for a1l jolnts exposed to the weather. I G. Use of acrylic latex sealant. Acrylic latex sealant sha11 be used to caulk al1 interior joints of door and window fraines to create ar ;:*1"::I""H:l;r:Hil"1.""1"*u*3luli":.i:"":::,l:":':f#";ff;ril:::::: I 3.2 rNsrALrJ\TroN oF r,rEATtrERSErrrsI r A. I'Ieatherseals shall be provided for all exterior doors, except aluminum doors which shaU be furnished including rreatherstripping under anotherr section. Provide at bottqn of cloor to rrress acralnst threshold. provide I I T t I t I SEAI.AI{TS & I].'EATI{ERSEAI,S 7c-4 at the hinqe jamb on the face of the door to gress against the t()p andat tlle h6ad and locrk j an$ on tbe stop to press against the face of ttre door. I 3.3 rNstALLArroN Or solsrp sEAr€ I T I I I t I T T t t I I t I I T Doors to receive sound seals shall have rreattrerseals installed as indicated abo\re at the heads & janbs. At the sills, install the pEMK/t,to. 410 1n accordance with the manufacturer ts reconnendatiotrs. Sound seals shall be i.ngtalled on the fol3.owing doors: at doors whichdivide rmit into separate retrtal areas (i.e., bedr@ns, hallrlays.) . I I Dn{IPPROOFIIIG Ei.]D,IAXIERP:IOOFII,TG 7D-1 I ;*; cENE*hL I pARs3-E)iEcurroii I t.r scopE_ I Frrnlsh all labor. Eaterials an,-l equipnent necessary to provide and install I tlre rrork specified herein.I L.2 REIJAIED i'ORK SPECIFIED EI,SEIJI|ERE I A. Preparation of substrates to receive ',raterproofing.B. Preparation of substrates to receive dampproofing. I 1.3 PICKjAGI}IG oF I,IATERTAIJS I ;tr"". -"*rr"a;;itdin'y site in manufacturer's original rrnopened I contaj.ner with nanufacturer's nane and product designation ::arked clearly ttrereon. I 1.4 E}IVIRONI,IEI{TAL @NDITIOTS I No danpproofing or rraterproofing sirall be ap1,lied to frogen surfaces orI substrat€s containincr excessive lipisture. I PARf2.PRODUCTS I 2.L AppRo\rEp l{Ar{nF}cruREF,,9I Products speci fied herein are lrritten in the proprietary nanre of the I KoPp€rs Company, Inc. other approved malufacturers are Barrett and c.A.f'.t (nrberoid). I 2.2 .q4ur$$LqI Caulking shall be plastic cement. I 2.3 DA!{PPROOIIIIIG Danpproofing shail be Koppers Foundation coati.ng. 2.4 CobICFtsTE P.IIIII}IG OIL Concrete prining oil shall conform Eo ^ISTI;1 )-43-4i. t I I 3,1 co{prrroN oF_g!9srl}r1i A. surfaces to receive Jarnpproofirrg shaU irave all cracks, holes and voi.ds I I T I I I T I I I T T I I I I I I T T I I t I I DA!4P,PNOOFING AI{D ;,JAMRPROOFING 7D-2 and open areas in a concrete surface caused bl, segregation of coarse aggregate repaired with portland cenent mortar as a part of the r.rorkunder the section of Cast..In*place-Concrete. B. AII surfaces to res€i\te work rrnder tirissection shal1 be free of clirt,grease, excess nortar or otlrer foreig'n rnatter '..:hich might interferewith the adhesion or penetration of the coating. c. A11 piping and other Fenetration ttrrough rralls shal1 be tightly sealedIrith plastic cement. 3.2 ApplrcArroN oF -psi,Fp3qgEIiig A. Daropproofing shall be applied to all foundation rralls around occupieC spaces belonr grarle frorn ttre top of the footinq within 4 in. of finishedgrade. (eppJ.y to north r.raLL of garage area to within 4gI of deck maximwr.) E. Foundations aro.nd crawr spaces sharl also be danpproofecl. B- Cover completely ghs e,r(terior surfaces and footings of foundation lvalls "retai-ning wal.ls with 2 coats of Koppers fou.ndation coating apptiedeither by brush or by spray. The application rate is B0-l5o sqw,"efeet per gallon clelrncling upon the porosity of the concrete surfacecoated. c. Apply tire coating evenry from the footings to the soil or grade reverso tlrat a1l surfaces present a uniform black appearance. Brush or spraythe second coat at right angles to the first coat to assure ttroroughcoverage of the entire sr:rface wj.iJr a continuoug iinpervious fifun. D. Drying tirne betr.reen ttre first and second 4oats is 24 hours. Back-fiUing shall not Lp dqre before I day after the final coat is appliedand shall be conpleted r"rittrin 6 ctays. I I rooD DooRs 8A*1 I PART I . GEiNERAI,- I ^ahr- I.I. sIJ{JPE I Furnish all labor, naterials, and equipment necessary to provide and install! wood doors and rniscellaneous accessories as shor'tn on the drarvieqs dnd herein specified. Ir L.2 FELATED IIORK SPECIFIED EISE.IHUFE I A. I,lood door frames (optional if pre-hung units are bid)t B. Fainting and finishes r C. Finishe<l hardrrare I D, ,Teatherstri_Dping. I 1.3 GUARANIEES r A. All doors specified under this section shall be guaranteed by the manufacturer as set forth in the standard door guarantee of the National I lloodrrork nanufacturerrs Association. I B. cuarantee perlod for solid core doors slrall be entended to Life of the I installation and quarantee slrall coverall reasonable costs of relnnding and refinishing. I L.4 sroRp.c' AND Pno4rocsrolrI I A. Doors shall not be stored in buiJ.clings until concrete, tnasonry and I plaster work have been cured dry. r B. Doors shall be s tored in a wa!n, dry, r.'e11 ventilated. rodr ancl protect6.:1 I fron danage arrd extr:eiies ln ternperature and hurnidity. Store doors flat,I a ririnianln of L L/2 in. off of floor and protect top and botton of each stack Uith cardboard. ' 1.5 FASW-rIr.Fsg (q)i:ionat) t **rU finish shall be provicled for all interior doors. Finisir shall ber wittr penetrating sealer, iiller, stain and 2 coats of conversion tlpe high I polyroer finish, faces onli'. Seal all e,.lges. Indiviclually r.rrap. Finish I must be job rei:airable. stain color shaLl be: ae selected fron Olyatpic Senl-transparant coLors . I 1.6 SHOP DRAIJITiIGSI I Shop drawings shall be provicled for all doors shorring size, thickness, tyln I of faces. size-type avrcl location of all cutouts, ancl <letai Is of alL miscellaneous accesr,;ories. I I I T I rirooD DooRS BA-2 'I PARr 2 . PRODUCTS I 2.1 INTERIOR & E)TIERIOR CARI'ED PAIIEL D@NS I ;. ":""" "*;r" . .r-''-,r. tlT**rior) trrick solid wood carvedf panel doors, Style il49Y as uanufactured by shuttercraft of Littleton, Coloraclo. I F!-ush hollor'r core doors sirall be L 3/B' thict< and neet requirenents of f CS 171 and I.5. 1*56 fotr "iiesh, " "CeLlular" or "Inrplanteci blank" cores I tvitlr top .ud botto,r rails 2 L/2 in. anii side e<lges 1 1/3" after factorytri$. Locli blocks sha1l be 4 in. x 20 in. II 3- :Tili:" shall l:e :nineral core confor,,ring to ttrdenrriters Laboratory I C- sliding pocket .1oors shaLl be solicl. core construction. Units shall beI furnished r'rith nanufacturer ts s tandard harcdr.'are including top tracl<,guides, or gli.,Ier, edge r:uJ.ls arid 2 face pulls. I 2.2 sIFOLD CtOSE.r D@RS Bifold closet doons shall be L I,/8,' ttrl.cl.. of hardboard or sol,tnood faceveneetrs ard provicled wi',ih riranufacturer rs stanr.lard hardrsare :ncluding top and bottom tracks, door puuls an<1 hinges. A. Doors sirall be flush hollow core, Type Il. t t I PART3-ExEcI}TIoN I 3.I ffiiiigRAtJ II\ISTALIATICI.II I I 3-z I t I Generar installation shall be under clean, drlz conditions. Fit each d,oorin acsordanee sriur cs-1?1 tol-erances. co:rform to requirements of N[{?.tAstandard door guarantee . PRC}IIESfIOI.I OTI GUAR;\\IEES contractor shall be thororrghS.y farail.iar r.rith tire requirements of Ule MJifA stand.ard Door cuarantee ancl. as sure cornpliance with all of its provisions.Particular attention is called to ttre seaLing of alr ed.ges after fitting. rf the Archl,tect details or specifies any condition in voil.rtions ofthe MtitA stanclard Dcor Guarantee he shalL be notified in writing of suchcondition by the Door : ianufac turer before doors are gabricated. I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I T I I I T I tfooD D@RS 8.A-3 3.3 PnEritNG rl,lIE&TOB. DOOris Prehturg lnterior doors may be Sxovidecl lry Lrre contractor, at hls option lnrieu of doof f,ra::res s.oeclfied in sectl.on 6ts anit job hrmg doors. riehgngdoors and f,rane coIlLbinatio4s shal1 cortforr,r to 'the requiremente of Cournercialstandartl T5-5613 except that finished hardnare shall be as specj. fied underDivision 10. 3.4 $,IST?I,UITIOI{I OF FIIII DOORS rnstallation of fire doors shall. be i-n accor€ance rrittr 3.1 above and thefollor'ing: :1' llet'al labe rs must rerrraln permanentJ.y af,fixecl to d.oors. rf removal isnecessary foi: lranging, irrurediately re-affix labe Is after trjguning edge. B, Trirr not over r/4 in. fr<ro either edge and not ouer 3/4 i;r., in heightfrcrn bottom cnly . c. For appl-ication of butt hinges, pre-drill every screlr hore raith l/B in.drill. rJse L L/4 1n. x tio. 12 se].f-tanping sheet metaL or fulr tlueadedscreEs. Turn, do not dri.ve. into position. I r HorJott i,lETItt DooRs Ar\D ijtAilis Bts-l r pABrl-@IIIIRAL, I 1.1 999€9 I A. The rvorlr- required under this section shall consist of the fol lor,.rilg I iteins of custon hollor'r rretal as siror.rn on tfie architect's drar'lings and herein specified. I 1. lloLlo.r netal doors, srlinging arrJ/oc sl.iding, flusir, glazeci, paneled, etc. I 2. Undentriter.q Labeled doors and frar,res " for dcors on1y, for doors I rlith transorns and,,/or sidelites, for nrultiple or combination openings, etc. 3. Field rvelding of all splice joints and finish qrind.ing. I I.2 :]ORK ]ICN INCIJUDTI) I ;1. fhe folLolrring !'torl{ is soecified else}rhere aiid is not included in the wo::l< in biris section. I I. Installation of fra..res anct /or cloors .2. f'u::risSing ayr<i installation of door h.trdrjrare or rough hardware of any liind. I 3. Glass and glazinE. 4. Burnishing arril installation of r.reatfrerstripping or gasketing. I 5. Structural- steel f::arring or bracing. t 6. Instatlalion in-uo doors or frarnes of i tems f'.rrnished by others as shoqrn on shop drawings . I 7. Field painting. I B. Bolts, expanslon an<ihors, anchor bolts, or any fasteners for fastening anchors to other rraterials. I 9. Iterns such as access iloors. panels, and frar,res not llsted above. I 10. FieLd assenibly of spliceC frames.11. Furnishing of lead lining of doors and/or frames. I L2. Inatallation of lead lining in holl<rq retal frames. I 13. Unloading ' distribution and protection of doors arr:l frames. I 1.3 glrlE_-pRAlJIIgg I All necesaary shop dravings shall be subrnitted i:r sepia form to the architect I for his approval. fnese dr.rwlngs shall fu1ly descriire and locate alt itsrs I being furnished and shall includle large scale details of principal con-struction features. Approved shop drar.rings shalt cons titu1:e fin.rl cottract I requirements ancl no lrok shall be fabri catecl until silop dravinge for that t work have been ap"proved l:y the architect. I I I I T I I I I I T I I T T I I I I I I I I I I I IiOLIO,I ]IE!'AL D@t€ AI{ll }'iU[.IES BB-2 1.4 sAtiPlfis A sarnple door, shot.ring vertical and horizontal edge construction, insulalion, hinges and locl< reinforcement and face stiffeners shall" be subroitted to the architect for apgroval. A t14rica1 frane corner sanq>Ie shorving fully rrelded cornei joint, rrelded-in hinge reiniotrcernents, nortar guards an,i floor anchorg shall also be sr:bnri tted to tle architect for his a.pproval. Sanple to be subr.dtteii are to be of the procluction type and shall represent ttre minimu':i guality standards of ti:e resiqective nanufacturer. PART 2 - PTODUCTS 2.L ltOLLOriJ 'ETAL mO?S A. !'Jaterials: Steel doors shall be :"ranufactured from prine cocrnrercialquality, colcl rolled steel free of scale, pltting or oUrer surfaceclefects. IJace sheets shal-l not be Less tl,an 16 ltua(ie . B. Design and construction: 1. All doors shall be cus ton made " of tire types and sizes shcr.,'rr on approveil drar.rings and shall be continuous Iy edlge welded, dressed and grouffl snroottr vith no visi.ble seanEi oll door faces or rrertical edges. Al.L dooys slrall be I 3/4 in. tirich.2. Surface sheets shall be supportect by continuousl.y int-erloeking steel 'rZ" metnbers not less tlun 20 grt4g@ r spacerl not more ttran 6 in. on center and internally spotr,relded to l:oth surface sheets nct more than 4 in. oir center. voids bet"een vertl.caL sti.ffening nenberg shall be filLed with 3.5 lb. density fiirerglass insulation and sounel deadening naterial. 3. Top ancl bottolr edges of all doors shall be closed flush witir continuous 16 gauge chareDel memhrs extending fu1l wiclth of the door. Tops shall be sealed in such a nay as to permanently retard collection of moistlrre trithin the door.4. Door edges of single ac tting doors shall be beve led I,/B in. in 2 in, door edge on double actj-ng doors shall be rounded ort 2 l/8 in. radius. C. Cleara.nces; l1:rxi-.ru,r edge clearances shall" be as follcr,rs: Betx.reen doorg and frarnes at iread anJ jarrri:s 1,/8 h. at sill r.rhere no threshokt is used l/2 j-n. ll1ere threshold is used 1,/8 in. be tveen door and threshold. 3e tr"reen rleeging edge of doors in pairs 1/B in. A11 hard+rare fu::rrisired by tire hardr.rare supplier for single acting door shall be designed for beveled edges as sirecified above. t I I I t I I I T I I I I t I I I I t I I I HOLIffi IE1AL DOORS i${D rilAlgs 8ts--3 5 . Hardr.rare reinforcebrents: A. Doors shall be rrprtised reinforcreci, drilled ard tapped at ttte factory for nror tLsed template hard..vare only. In accordance '.rith the approved hardryare schedule, tenrplates sirall oe proviiled by ttre hardware contJaac-'. tor, where surface :nounterJ irard,.rare is to be applied, doors shall have reinfoncing plates on1y. Dni lling and tapping for su.r face applial hard' vrare shall be done by otJrers. 3. I'actory rein force al-l doors and surface applieil closers hold"open devices, as an integral part of tlre door structure. Rei-nforcexnents shalL lre not less t?ran 12 gauge internally sufficient i:r size to accor.modate sur face a-aptied. door closers anil hoLl-open devices. c . Hinge re jjlforcer.lcnts : Reinforcements fG hingres shall i:e fabricateil from not less tiran 7 gauge steel plate 9 in. long, securely tlelded to continuous 16.' gauoe interior edge ctrannels. Use on coinecl or extruded holes wiII not be acceptable. D. Seinf orcerirents fon locks , latehes, push ancl pulls and 1:anic devices sha1l be fabric ai:ed frcrn 12 gauge steeJ, spotttelded to L6 gauge j:rter ior edge channels ancl rlesigned to provide adequate support and reinforcenent for required har&lare. 2.3 lIoLIfir r..frTAL FRAi.{Er' A. rLaterials: 1. Franes for all exterior openings and all interior door openings orter 3'-'0" rride shall be fabricated from conunercial grade 14 gauge zinc coated steel. Erames for remaining interior openings uP to and incluiling 3'-0" l.'ide and all interior borroved llte frames shall be fab:icated fron corrrnercial grade 16 gauge zinc coated steel . (See door types for frame locations) R. Design and construction l. A11 f rai:res shall be custom rnade rve lded units of ttre sizes and shapes as ghor'rn on approved shop drarrings. 2. Corner joints shall have all. contact edges closed tight with faces and ctops continuously gror:nd snboth. All lntersecting members shalt be fillecl rrith a slmthetic sealing eorqrcund where csrtinuous face welding andt finishlng isn't feasible. so that no cracks shall be perceptible at frane joints. 3. 4. 5. A 7. 8. t T I t I I T I I I I I I T T I I I T I I I HOl,I/o;' ;"itrTAl, DOOIIS _1I\D Fi{,Ai'{E.S 88-4 llini:arur stop depth shall be 5,/B inch. Cut*off or terrnlnated stops where schedured shaLl be capped at 45 clegrrees 4 inches above finishfloor. All joints belov terminated stop sha1l be filled and gror:nd smoottr. I]hen shipping liuritations dictate that fra$es for large openings be shi.pped i.n sections, franes shall be fabricated rzith spricing n€r.rbers.itelding anii gninitinq of field spl;i.ces sharr be t$e responstbility oftlte franre nanufacturer. EYarrre s shall be factory reinforced, drirred and tagped for mortiserltenprated hardr.rare in accordance vri th ap;rroved hardrrare schedules.Ilardrrare supplier sharl be responsibre for furnishing cr:rrent hard.-rvare tenplates to door and frane rcanufacturer gittrout delay. : Ihere suc face i punted har<fware is to 5e applied, franes shall beprovided uittr r...relded in reinforcement plates only. Dri l1ing andtapping for all surface applied haralnare shall be clone iry otirers. Reinforcement ttrickness and size shall be as follotrs: a. Butt hinges .. 7 gauge I2,' long full vj.dth of the frame profileless the rrridth of none backband. b. Closer rei-nfccernents - lO gauge full width of frarne trin 12,'lcrg. c. Reinforcenrents for strikes, fluslr bolts and all other surface ttounted hardvare - 12 gauge, Provide 3 holes rrith nortar guards for each strike janib and bdoholes wittr mortar guarcls for header of dor:ble frames for applicationof rloor silencers. silencers shalr be providecl by finlsh hardwaresupplier ard at all hollor,l metat openinls, Iihere required, all frames shaLr be provided with fLoor cripe secure-ly we lded to e"rcJr janrb nember. Floor clips shall have a rninimum thickness of 14 gauge and shall be provided rri tlr ttro holes for proper arrchorage to ttre floor . Provide two 16 gauge steel strEeaders for doui:re rabbeted ttames (onefor single rabbeted frames) tack welded to i:ottom of bottr jarrbs toserve as bracing during shipping and handling. Spreaders shall be removed before frame is set, pLwnb and true. Anchors: a. I'tasqrry ancihors: provide frames anchored into masonrv wi ttr tlrreestirrup and strap tlpe adjustable anchors per jamb for each an 9. I I I I I I I T I T I T I I I I I T I I I t IIOIJO'I nIETilb DOORS rLi:lD Il:rAi[lS BD-5 additional tvc feet. Straps siralL be a minip$nl of 2" x 10" x 16perforated. Stirrups shaLl be 1,6 gauge securedly spot welded to frar,e and ilesigneci to proviile at least B" of vertical adjusfuents for stllap. b. 'l]ood stud anclrof,s: Provide frames anchored to r.roocl studs witlr three 16 gauge U-shapeci anchors per Ja$b for doors to 7!-0" and one additional anchor per j anb for each adlditional two feet. Andlor,e shall be securel.y spot .rre lded to frarne and provided trith 2 holes each side for nai lincr to ..rood stuil. c. Bolt Frchors: provide ftrales anchorcd into e:risting conditions :;i ttr 4 bolt ty;:e anchors per j anp \,rith dre addi tionaL anchc per janb for each a<ldi tional tr''t) feet. Anchon spacer angle shall be 'tbe full depth of frme and face and stop dirnens ion Iong by 2" lrigh !:y 12 gauge securely weLded to frarre and pro- viiled lrith a countersunk hole to receive a 3/8 ln. flat headbo1t. Bolts, e*pansion shields and anchor bolts to be provi.ded by others . d. Painting: Finish after fabrication, all tool nurks and surface imperfectlons shall be dressed, fille<l and sanded as required to make all faces and vertical edges smooth, ]evel and free of aLtirregularities. Doors shal1 trren be chenrically treated to iJrsure maxirnun paint adheslon and shall be coated, on al1 exposed Eurfaces, witlr a rust inhibitive priner whiclr is fully curecl before shiprnent. 2.4 I/ABELED DOORS AI{D .FNAJIES where shol'm, labeled doors a.ird fraiies shall be provicted for those openj,ngsreguiring fire protection. Itourly rating for labeleil doors shall pe asindicatecl. Labeleal doors and frarnes shall be manufactured as tested and approved by Unden€iter's Laboratories, Inc. ff an1, cioor or frarne specifiedto be fj.ne rated cannot qua lify for appropriate labeling because of its clesign, hardtzare or *ry other reason, the architect shall be so advised by tlre prospective biditer concurrent wi. th or prior to submission of bids. geRr_j___aPPRovas- HolLorr metal doors and franes may be furnished by the follor.rlng manufacturers, proviill.ng they are constructed in accordance r.rith specificatlons as outlinedabove. R. C. HoLlor,r I.Ie,caI Co., Trus6biLt, and Tex-Steel Cocporation, riequest for approval. by otirer manufacturers must be submitted, ln rrriting atleast 7 clays grior to the biil date. Ixritten request for approval shall indicate intention to furnish material as specifLed. Approval of other nnanufacturere wiLl be published by r.rritten addendurn prior to bid date. I r cr.,Ass a ctAzrlt(j I I H._f-:_euttqJe_L- r l.l scopri 8c-1 I tr\rrnish all latior, nraterials and equipnen t necessary to provide and installr tite gtazing proclucts as specif,j.ecl herein . I L.2 RELATED IJoFfi( SPECIFIED EI;3D.IT{En8I f A. Factory glazed ',rindorrts. I B. Factory glazed sliding glass doors. C. r.lirrors fc r,redicine cabinets. I D. itood frasring for fixed glass. ]..3 PRODUCT IDEIITII'ICATIOI{ I "*.t ..* ";;;ss to shov manufacturers' identity, crass ttrye,r thicP,ness anci quality. Glazing donponents ancl accessories shall have I nnnufacturer's l-airel on each container. Do not remo\re labels from glass I until architect has inspected the worl<. I I.4 pRrltEcTIoN Aftei glass is set in place rrxrr mark it as may be required in such a I lnanner to call attentj.on to iL j-n order to prevent !:reahage. Protect t glass froo etching due to welrling sparks. PARF 2 . PRODUSTS I 2.L PRODUCT STAITDAIIDS All glass products spe ci fiecl herei.n shall conform to the perforrnanc.e I requirements of Pedera.l Specificatiion DD..G*451C, ,Jariuary 15, 1968, I 2.2 APPROT/ED ;.ANiIUFACTI'RERS I P.P.G. Induslries Libby-Or.rens-Ford I l.lississippi Glass Conpany I Anrerican-Saint Gobain I 2.3 POIJSHED PLATB OR gtOAT GTASS (Fixed Units) T A. Polished 1:Late or Iloat glass shall be Class 1, clear, or bronze glass shall be type 1, glazing qualitl' thiclmess shall be L/4 in. (all fixed doubLo glazing to have clear glass insirie, bronze outslde) .B. Provi<le tenqrered glass for slot \rindovrs. I I I I I I t I I GI..ASS & GI,AZI:{Ci 8c-2 2.4 oBscunq-gr,e6s Obscue-e gia€s shall be class 1, kinci A, form 3, quallty QII, finish F"1. I ,cee drar.rings for location)II 2.5 ffiS_slAgg_ _ (See Drauing for location and tl#)e) I wire glass sball be kind A. forar I.I 2.6 ltrRRoR.S r Glass for nirrors shall be q/pe 1, guali Qr Q2, L/4 in. thick of sizes shor.m r on the draiui.ngs. They shall gilver sui'face protec ted by a flln I of electrolytically cleposited @p:)er. r i&irrors shal] be rurfr ained l.ri tir all edges clean cut and swJ.perJ. I 2.7 PUTry FOR IJOOD FRAi.IES I ;*-"tr*-;;. r 2.8 ELASTIC GLAZII,IG @I4POI]ND r :.Ietal fraRes rrith gtaziig beads '. Federal Spec. TT-p*731, fype 1. t'fietal frames, back bedding anri face glazing .- Federal spec. TT-G-41O. I- 2.9 GT,AZING TAPE Glazing tape shall be 1,/8 in. thick neoprene. T PART3.E:IECI'[IOI..TI r 3.1 PREPARmIODI - €lean the sealing sr.rrfaces at perimeter of glass and the sealing surfaoes I of rabbets and stop beads before applyino any puity or glazing compound. I Use only the approved solvents anci cleaning a$ents re comnended by the ccnr- pound r.'anufac turer . I 3.2 POSITIOi'III{G GLASSI Center glass in glazing rabbet, to main tain speci fied clearances at peri$eter on all four s.ides. r.laintain centered pos ii:io'rr of glass in rabbet and provide the required sealer thicliness ( 1,/B inch miniurun) on both sjdes of glass. Idhen ever glass disrensions are larger tiran 50 ruri ted inches, pr'ovicle setting blocks one quarter way in fron each end of glass. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I T I GIJASS E GI,AZING 8c-3 3.3 FACE GLAZTNG Face glazing lnto vrood or rnetal stops e<terior lroocl frames shall be face glazeC. r:itir ptrtty. i4etal frames sha1l be face glazecr. rrith elastic glazing cmpound. lpply as follows: A. Apply aq)le back putty or glaElng compound to rabbet so that it will ooze out rrhen ;rresslng glass into position.B. secure glass in pl.ece wi'St glazlng points for uood frames. Add su-itable metal clips for netal frames. space points and clips not toexcegl LB inches on c€nters around perinreter of f,rarne.C. Apply face putty or cocrporurC in frame rabbet around perimeter of glassto form a smootb neat level V16 inch short of sight li.ne. Slopefacing beveL a'..ray fronr glase . iiiter bevel at corners. StJip all e:(ces6 compound array fron glass. 3.4 GI{AZr}]C nctlrisT U@D OR IETAL STOPS Glazing shall consist of putty for bedding glass in exterior ruood frar.res.Elastic glazlng curpound for bedciing gJ.ass in netal franes. Apply asfollol'rs: A. Prlor to placing glass in rabbet, apply a sufficient quantity of l:ack If,rt'q/ o! compowrcl in ra1rbet so 'rfrat e-\cess is expe lle<l r.rhen glass is pressecl into position to ensure that the glass in rabbet is conpletely covered b:.i putty or cornpound. place setting blocks and spacer shims as required press glass into position. B. secure glaes in place ruith stops. Bed s tops aEainst glass and bottor,rof compound or putty' as requirod. Leave proper thickness betvreen glass ariC stops, Secure stops in place ruith suitable fastenings. Strip sur-plus compound or putty froo both sic'les of glass anci tooL at a sllght angle to shed r.rater and provide clean sight lincs. 3.5 GrM_rNG FOR Ir{TERrgR rrooD !,R}\irEs Glass shall be set wit?r a continuous strip of glazing tape bebreen glass and rabbets or stops. 3.6 rNsrALLArroN .g.Jl3&ojg- i.Iirrors sirall be nrountad to the irall b1r means of chrone-plateil clips I mi"nimrnof 4 to a mirror and othenuisc spaced not over 2r..0" ot! oenter. 3.7 SEPI.ACEi-IEI{T AND CI,E;ii,IING Upo,n coopletion of the trork, all glass surfaces shall. be thorouglrLy cleaned on both sides, and all labe1s, palnt sl:'ots r putty, cor,rpounds, and other defacements sharl be renpved. cracked, broken and imperfeet glass shall be reno\red and replaced at no ailditional cost to ttre owner. I I I I T I I I I I I I I t I T I I I I I t PAIITI'ING 9A-1 PAnS L - c,EL.mnaL 1.1 scoPE A. Prcvide a1l labor, materials and equiprnen t- nec€ssary to furnish andlnstall the painting as specifieil in tiris sectim.B. Painting shall include tire furnishing and application of all fillers.primers, stains, varnishes, oiL, aUryd, Iatex, epoxy, and euamel t yoepaints for aLl surfaces unless specifically catled for to be factoryor shop finlsired Ln other sections.C. The painting contractor shall faniliari ze lrirasel.f r.rith the othersections of ttre speclfications and ta},e into accowrt materials r,ritlrfactory .pr lr.re coats incLuded. Fac tory prime coa ts shari replace anysuclr prirae coats here specifieii. Fiell .painting l.rill not be requiredon items specified to be coropJ.e tely finishal at the factory or any othernon"ferrous metaL unles:; specifically designrated in this section. 1.2 REtr,gup i:oRK spscrFlEp E_r.,,sEirHElrq_ A. Pre..fbrished kltclren anLi vani tl, cabinets.B. Pre-fLnished r.rood d.oors.C. sealants D. Factory finisired rnaterials an.J equi.Snent.E. pre*finished siding ( cenrent asbestos i3D and pllmood) 1.3 STOITAGE Oir I,iT^TERTAI.,S All r,raterials used on the job sball be stored in a single pl ace designatedby the ovrner or architect. Such s torage place shall be kept neat ancl cleanand aLl damage thereto or to its suroundings shall be r,.rade good by thepainting contractor. All soileci or useci rags, r,ras te arrc- traslr must beremoved fron the bui Lding at the enil of aach r*orking day and every pre-caution taken to avoid ttre danger of flre. 1.4 E1{!VIRSII.!E}IT;\L COITDITIONS E*terior painting shall not be clone trhile ilre surface is danp during rainyr,reather or r.rhen flre tenlleratrrre is belory SO degrees F. Interior spaces to 3:e 5,,ainted shall be r.rell ventilated anC nraintaineC. ata constant tenpe:latr:re above 65 degrees F,. 1.5 PRoTECTM_-gg_qgL,!lotu( The work specified under ti:is section shal1 be protec ted at all Li.nes.Adjacent surfaces shal1 be maske<l, or covererl raith drop cloths or beprotecterl by any otfier necessary netirods in order to klep thern clean froqtproducts speci fiecl rurder ttris section. t I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PAI}ITIiiIG 9A-2 f .6 COLOR SCXIEDUI,E Requcst fron the architect the color schedule 3 r"e6ks prior to the time rrhel ttte rrork oi this section shall cosuence. Submission a:J aporoval <;fsubstitute products rnust have been oomple ted before t!.rc coLor sehedule is reguested. L.7 SAI.IPLES Provide a::rLnimu.;r 4 in. x 4 in. sa:rple of all stain prqlucts applied to allacbral t1rye and species of .irood on ..rhich the stai! is specified as a finish. Provide a sample of each accent co for applisd to actual r,raterial for whichit ie intendect. Accent color samples shall be lijnited to 6.lhe fornrulation. type or applicatiorr rnetlrcd of alJ- products for uhich sarnpl.es are require<i shall lre crranged if requ.ired by tlre architect toprovide a satisfactory finish in his judgirent. PA:U 2 - PRODUC'IS 2.L @I{ERAL A. AII pai.nt products specifieJ in this sectlon shall be pure and of tfie hi.ghest quality consistent rrittr these specifications and as approved by ttre architect. AI1 painting materj,als shall be delivered to the je site irr original cqrtainers vittr un]:::oken seals and labe ls intact.lJ. -1,11 the paint products in this section nre rrritten in ttre ploprietary nale of one nranufachrrer. Products by thr: nanufacturers listeil belov nray be substltuted if approved by the architcct. A list of sr:bstituteproducts nust be submittecl to the arcttitect listing the proituct tlpe and brand nane -:nd the specifled i:ro:luc t lrtr ich it sha].J, replace. the prod.ucts of one ui.:u:ufactr.rrer shall be used throughout unless oijlenrisespecified or approved by t*re Architect. Pittsburcrh Ptatt & Lanbert Profes.s lonal paints 2.2 E](IERIOR PAINT SGI9DUU] Senjauin l{tore Koh1er-Lister ricliurtry Cook Devoe The fiuislres specifled beloru sjrall only be for those surfaces rrhen soinclicated to be painted or stainecl on tire clra'.rirrgs. A. CasL.In .Place-Concrete (exte ri-or exposed to vie...r)2 coats Ol..zmpic Seni-transparent stains. i.l. Galvanized -ietaLs - L coat clidden ltus Erlaster galvani zed primer no. 5229. t t I I I I I T I I t PAINTTNG 9A-3 2.3 Ii.]IERTOR IIO[: SCTIEDI'I,E r 'Jhe finishes speci-fied belorr shall only be forthose srrrfaces vrhen soirdicated to be palnted or stained on the 4rauings. A. concre te ( satin finlsir) - I ooat Glidden spr6d clide*on i,tasonry paJ.nt,1 coa'c Glidrlen Drush-Day-Lite Ultra Hide Alhld Eggshell. B. Dryryall (flat finisir) (over texture)I coat Glidden Spred SatLn. C. P11nroai Paneling (urless pre-finislrerj, is used)2 coats Olynpic Se$t!-Transparent stain. D. ConvectoL ljncLosures I coat Glidclen Glid*Guarcl 4570 Spee.l Siranel primer 1 coat CLidden SpreC i,ustre (sernl-gloss ) E. Ferrous iletal I coat Glid*GuarJ 4570 Si-recJ Enamel primer 2 coats Gliilclen Brusir-Day-Lite Eggshell (satin) c. rerrous l..ietals - I coat Glidden rustnas ter iletal priner !!o. 585,1 coat Glidden S,ored Late:: Housepaint (fIat). D. Ilood Siding and Trirx (stain finish) (unless pre.,finished siding is us€d )2 coats Olys,p1" Seni-transparent stajn. u. Aluninun ilr contact w:ith concrete or steel, 1 coat cLidden tio poncote Chrente 5251.. F. Striping on Paveroent (as$ralt or concrete)1 ccat Gli<1ilen Rccnark Traffic paint. G. Cenent Asbestos (f1at finish) (unless pre=finishert is used)2 coats Gliilden Sprect Glide-on. H . Precast Concl:ete ( al.l exposed walls and be anrs t:rl- lhout exlrosecl agr.tregatefinisir) 2 coats Olympic Seini*transtrrarent stain.(No finish in interior of garage orea except around stair and e levator tor,rer. ) f. Hood fascias and trin (back prlme before installation)I coat of i{ood Life b.r proteclion products l.ifg. Co. I I I I t I I I I I t t pArNrr,rc I 9A.'4 I l'. Galvanized tietal (garage ceilS.ng) I 1 coat cliclden spred Satin (flat) 1 coat Clldden clid-cuarat 5229 Galvanized iron prirner. I G. Insulated pipes (@ gara.ge ceiling) 1 coat Glidclen insulcap 1 coat Glldtlen Spred Enanel ( above flntsh coat for color coding pipeg) I H. rrood (patnted) I I coat Glitlden Enanel lurder coat y-555 I 2 coats Gliclclen Ultra-Hide-Brush-Day-Lite Eggshetl (satin). I r . I,Iood (staine,l) rleams ' purlins , valances , pllnuoocl , clecking I 2 coats Olyrnpic seni-transparent stain. I J. Sizing fc walls to receirre vinyl r.rall covering. (battrs) I I coat Glidcten ilo. 5019 pVA priner. I P4g__1 -_srcg!trroN. I 3.L PltBpARAtroiir gg-_AryT:BA1Eg- T A- General; surfaces shall be clean" dry and ad.equately protected from danoness. I surface shall be free of any foretgm nra'irerLal wirich will adversely aifect adhesion or appearance of applied coating. I i.li ldev shaLl be reno\red and ttre su.rface neutralized. I Efflorescence ql any area r'rill l:e corrected before painting. If suffaces cannot be put J.nto proper condition to rece ive finish I by custornary rrrethodls or as specified herein, imnedJ.atelv notify the I the General Contractor and the Arctritect, or assume responsibl.lityfon, and rectify €uly unsatisfactory finishes resulting. I B. ttrood to be painted: Sandpatr)er to smootlr anal even surface, ttren dus t off.After prirning coat has dried, apply shellac, four (4) pounds cut, t.o I all knots, pitch anil resinous saSxuood. I Af,ter priming coat has dried. putuy aI1 naLl holeE, cracksr open joints and otirer defects. putty shall be colored to paint. I C. Dry'ttaLl .. Fill all minor irregularities witlr approved patching materiaL and s arrd to a snooth level surface. Exercise care to avoidraising nap of paper. I D. Csrcrete, Masonry and Stucco - patch large openi-ngs and holes and finish I flush with adjacent surface. After priming, fill any renraining surall t holes r.rith srrlredish puttY rnade by rnixing spaet<le r.ritlr stain or prime coat of paint. t I I E! E. I t I I t I I I I I I t T I I I t I t I I I DAINTITIG 9A-5 Ilenove form oil, frorn poured..in-place concrete by washing concrete ruith Xy1oI, or as required for conrplete renpval. These surfaces shal.l be dry. ilo painting shalL be dqre untiL surfaces are tested by noisture rneter and shorrn to be vrithi"n the acceptableliraits of Ure speci.fied nanufac turer and safe to pa.int, or below 1,5 pefcent. Ferrous :.ietal Surfaces '. Rernove ilLrt and grease urith rnineral spirits and rdpe ilry vittr clean cloths. Remove rust,, mill sclae d,cr,rn to sound surfaces or bare metal, as necessary.. 'Iouch up aII bare netal and dlainaged shop coats with specl.fied rustinhjJ:itive primer. Galvani.ze<1. Hetal surfaces .. neno'ee dl.rt ancl grease rrri th rnileral spLrits and t:ipe dry vri'th c1effr clotJrs. 3.2 ]9PIJCATTON OF PI1ODUCTS Areas in process of being painted shal.l be clean and free of dust. dirt anil rubble. AII naterials shall be used only ag specJ.fiecl b1' the manufacturer's direetions on tJre container. All work shall be done lry sl<illed mechanics an,l in the best worknanLjJ<e rnanner vrittrout clogging of line or decoratl.\re fea,cure.All materials sha1l be applied uncler adeqrrate ilLrurination, evenly spread and snoothly flor+ed on wi-Jrout nms or sags. A11 undercoats of paint strall be tinted to ttre sarle or approximate shadeof the finaL coat. AlI coats shall be tJroroughly c1ry before applying suceeding coats. Enamel or varnish flnishes applied to sood or metal shall be sandecl bebreen coats rrri th final sandpaper to provicle an even, smoothflnish. All edges, tops, and bottours of doors shall be fLlisired in accordance wittr ttr'lt{A Cloor guaf,antee requirenents. Surfaces to be stained shall be covered rvith a uniforn coat of stain and rviped off, if required. Al1 closeis anii the interior of atl cahinets sha]l be finlshed the same as adJolning roons, unless othenrLse specified. AL1 ottrer surfaces shalL befinishetl the sane as nearest or atl j oining surfaces unless othernLse specifiedor directeti by the Arclritect. Parts to be painted, inaccesslble after installation, to be painted beforeinstaLlation. Bacli prime alL exterior irood faecias. 3.3 INS?Eerro{ Sach coat applied must be inspectec,t. and approved by ttre architect before succeedl-ng coats may lre appliec1, inc lurling nasonry bloclc filler coat. PAINIING 9A-6 After ftnal inspection by Archl.tect, comect al1 work as indlcat€d by hin includj.ng any touch up or re-application required. c[.EAN-t P Upon cornpletion of flte r.rork, retno\re all spots andl spatter frorn adjaoentsUrfaces. kno\re fgar tlre fuu:e'ntses all nrbblEh. equipraent anil unwed EaterLals and leave tlre roork ,Ln ctean, ofudlerly and aeceptabLe conditier. I r MrscELLANEous Burr,DrNG spEcrALTrEs T I PARTI-GENERJAL I 1.1 sCoPE I 2.3 METAL CLOSET RODS AllD SHELVESI I 2.6 ROOF SCUTTIJE AT SMOKE SHAFT STAIRI I 2.7 BAR-B-QUE uNlrs Electric plug-in outdoor rurits with grate and cover. I I I I 10A-1 I Purnish all labor materials and equipnrent necessary to provlde and install the miscellan@us building specialties as herein specif,ied. I PARTE-PNODUETSI r 2.L FIREBoX F1)R FIREPLACES Firebox ehall be ldodel No. L,36 as nunufactured by the MaJestic Conrtrtany, Inc. I 2.2 FLTJES FOR FIBEPI,ACESI ALl- flues for fireplaces shall be I in. I.D. insulated metaL flues, lbdel SS-Metal sestos flue. Provide with rain cap and roof Jack aa shown on the drawings.I I t tbtal rods and shelves shall be adjustable length uith No. 26O5 and No. 2607 supports as manufactured by lJeigrh Products Inc. Provide with center support for lengths greater than 5r. Color shall be standard white baked enamel. X-Panda shelf units as manufactured by B,/C Products are also acceptable. I 2.4 HARDVIARE A sum of $11,500 shall be used as an allowance for naterial including I both accessories (install.ation shall be included by General ) I 2.5 DOOR NUMBER PLATES An allowance of $5O0.OO shal-l be included in the base bid for door identification plates.T I Provide and install 30" x 36' Bilco 11rpe "5" nith lock and self-flashing curb. r I !{IscELI.ANEoUs BUTLDTNG SPECIALTIES toA-2 I I 2.e BUTLDTNG SIGN An allowance of $3,OOO.OO shall be included in the base bid for a building I sign. ! 2.9 Er.EvAToR I "r""*. *r" install ZOOO#, 150, nin, (7 stopsl electric lraction elevator2 speed KC selective-collective with etandard door and finishes. Provide I illuninateil hall push buttons, car position indicator, hall position I indicators alanr, bell andl emergency car lighting, r 2.lo KITCHEN APPLTAI{CES A. STO\|E,/oVEN I il;n:i"'l;":l'"i1il'nii':;;'.ffi13 il:L:ffi with 4 burners on rop plare, I B. REFRIGERATORI I I I I t t 33" Oouibination freezer-refrigerators (TFF-21RL, GE) with ice-maker, wheels, no defrost type. (gIA 14AL, Hotpoint.) C. DISPOSER V3 H.P. units, continuous feed with manual reset overload. (cGF CSOOL,GE) (MA 3O0, ttotpoint) D. DISIIIdASHER (GE, @SD 27OL) with interchangeable front panels. (G{ DA 31OA, Hot-point) E. H@D 27" (w 31 , cE) Hood with light. (150 cFM)30' (R1, 230 Hotpoint, 15O CFM) I 2.11 ADdfUftTeBLB SHELF HARDI{ARE I Kv ES 180 standards, 49" (3 each unit) I KV EB lgo brackets, lO', (12 each unit) I 2.12 SATNAS I I I t saunas sharr be "solo" and "Duo-sauna", 1?oo !'', 120 v Ac units, as nanufacgured by Viking Sauna, Inc. units under stai.rs shall be supplied with door only, completeLy equipped with tight. heater, window, control.s, handles and arerequired hardware. Dllo-sauna shall be cofill)lete with r,ralls, accessories, etc. I I I }{ISCELI,ANEOUS BUILDTNG SPECIALTIES l0A-3 I 2.13 BATE, ACcEsSoRrEs Provide and install 2 - 24" tolrel bars, l-recessed paper holder, I Miani I Cotey #322 rnedicine cabJ.net, with erained wood frane. PABT 3 - E:(ECINION I 3.1 tnstall all nisceltraneous bullaing specl-alties ln accordance ulth eacll manuf,acturer's resomendations and as detailecl on the drawings. I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I KTTCHEN CABINETS I I provide all labor, material.s and eguiguent necessary to furnish the kitchencablnets and accessories as herein specified. I L.2 nELAIED llorc( SPECIFTED crJsErrIEStsI I A. Plastic Lar:inate counter tops. I B. Finish mil1r,rortr. C. Installation of nrbber base in cabinet toe space.r D. InstaLLation of cabinets (optional witir supplier). I 1.3 SHOP DRA.:IINGS t PrePare shop drar'rings shotring arrangenent ancl tlpe of manufacturer I s standardl conu)onents for ea<!h <lifferent lcitcllen layout. PARI 2 - PRODUCI1S I 2.1 GENERAL COTTSTRUCTIONI 108-t Cablnets shall be rrcdular factory assembled units. Units shall be assembledr.rith stiles, rails and other basic frame coriponents jointed by the fullrnortise and tenon construction me 8tod. Basic frarae rnenrbers and dratrerfronts sharr be a minifiunr 3/4 In. thicl< wood. cabinets sharl conforn to At"'tI, Section 4O0 f,or custorn grade, except that seni-eleosed shelving may be econcrny grade. I I 2.2 E:@OsBp SURI'AGS Er4>osed surfaces including sall and base cabinet exlrosed. ends shall besolid hardrvoocl, v€neer pl1n'rood r:'it! a factory finish. or plastic laninated surfaces . t 2.3 HARD0TARE I I I t I I I I Hardware shall be manufacturer ts s tandard and shal-l Lncl.ud.e any pulJ.s or handles required, cqrcealed or s esd -concealed self closing hinges and nylonroller catvtres and drawer glides of such construction to provide snrooth,guiet, easy operation uncler noorrnal loading. 2.4 APPROVED PRODUSXS A. !.{odelnetUe in light walnut, finish b1' !.!aster Craft. Inc. I - Krrc[rEt{ cnerNETs I l0B-2 B. Nttique Sirch csrt€rlpd,ary by llel llar^ienget.C. Bel Atr ln waltiut finlsh by Ecl lving ril@d product€, Inc.D. Plastl,c lanrinatedl rrnits by ltessler Mfg., Denver.E. Red rJing r:nits, Coltradd Sprlngs. PART 3 - EIGCT'TION All kitchen cabinets Ehal1 l:e instailed rrnder tire roork of secti.on 6I], "FLnl,sh ca4)entrlf and l{Lllnork,, as descri-bed under 3.4, rrCasework. " t - sttt}.{Mnlc POOL I t0c-L PART I. - GENERAL 1.1 scoPE I Provlde al,L labor, naterials and equipnent neoessary to furnish ther sralnrning lrooL and accessories as herein specified. I I.2 RELATE5 LOAK SPECIFTED EIJsS.rlrEtEI I t. Concrete decl<. I B. cas and Electric service.r C. Equiguent enclosure. I 1.3 .gHoP_-pRAr.rINcs I Prepare slrop dratrings shor,ring arrangenent and type of manufacturer I s I standarat cclpdrents for each different srimring pool layout. PANS 2 - PRODUCTS I 2.L GENERAL Pool shall be 16' x 34' premoulded fiberglass vlth a clepth range of 2 V2lto 9'r'rith a standard, l0r-0!'diving boarcl, light slide, cover, S5O,OOO BfUheater, autdnatic surface skimmer as required, and permanent sand filter as manufactured by San Juan Pools, Inc., Lakerrood, CoLorado. plastic pool enclosure is to be an optional iten, i/taxi done wittr automatic bLower. I I I I r PARr3-EXECUTION 3.1 GENER,A], I I hstaU. as per nanufactufers recmendatiqrs. I I I T I I 'l box 'iflO vail, r:r'i.,t;'rlo 81f,57 (1103) /,7 6-5013 (icpnr'{,ii(:tit of conrr'tlrn ity dct'clopirrctrt Septr,'nl>er 12, t9B0 JCnn i.i. (.'a-tv.LD 20 Ilal four D:: ii,e l'les-L lliir:;;fo:d, Ccnrrer:i-icut 05117 Dea r ].i:: - Galvin : I an in l:ccc:lirL of I'our: let-ter date<1 Septend>er: 3rd n L r-!: - +:-^ "^ ha-t'e rece.ived no reguest from 1'1r -,.u Lri.L> L'ru, f.(: :;:;;;-.;.,,,;;;;to builit any.l]1-ing on tlie parking :g.!grv Po-irrt ):ui1oing. Sevc:::a1 nionths ago, tltere harl been sonle discLlssion of .,\ir. Lazler consic-re::ing a relativcly sinall- building over t--he par)',i:r.g garirqe. rhis building, as it 1'tas drscussed. \-oulijusl- ha.rre coiittrr:rcial si:ace and. \rould lle no Incre than I or ? cJ-r'r-i nc lri r'ir Ther:e -i.s a nevr procec'lrrre for rerricr..'jng exp.rusious in the Vail I'jorrslteacl ai:ea. 7rn e>:pansio:r of t-his type would :-eq'j:re an .I.::nendrnent'to the Vaj-I L-ionsbead Urban Design Guide PLai-. Part of the Aiirendne:rt process r.rould J-:e to involve the neiq.:- bor.ing propcrL)' owners- I rvi11 mal"e sure tlrat you are perscll- al11r jvrforned of these meeL.ings u l_DceIe.Ly | - f\ .^ ,,r r : '1 - A 1,., ., t'--\-' .4;:v"\/ /.J /^1, - t' v'e'/ /l v-l^].j]ls n. RUB:tll JlrR: ):pr ,19s0. La::-i, er 1- 1-r a \'=rr4:rrrnr q,l L.>9 _ John M. Galvln 20 Ba|lotE D.lve,West Harfiold, Connecucut O€lt? September 3, l-980 l4r . Janes Rubin Land. Planning Department Town of Vai]. Vailo Colorado 8]-]657 Dear Mr. Rubin: I am writing to you as Presi"d.ent of the Conclominium Association of Vantage Point in LionsHead.. Recently our General Manager advisecl me that a Mr. Robert Lazier had approached. the Town of VaiI relative to changing zoning on a parking garage imed.iately south of the Vantage Point building. It is ny understanding he is seeking perni.ssion to build a multiple story structure for conclonini.um and cormrercial use on this site. Hopefully, this is misinfonnation at this stage, but in the event it is not ve vanted to aclvise you that the owners of Vantage Point woul-d. have strong objections to any facility that had the effect of blocking their present vievs and. negatively altering the values of their property. If a proposal is being mad.e to the town refative to a change in use for the property site, we wou-Lcl appreci.ate being notified in advanc e in ord.er that we nay retain counsel for representation at any hearings on the subJect ancl to pursue any add.ltional actions that are d.eemed. necessary. Your assistance and cooperation are greatly appreciated. Sinc er ely , , \ \1.\- I'l A + rr1"-"- { t', '\- d -'-({ }<a'- John M. Galvin Pres id.ent Vantage Point,/Vail Cond.oninium As soc iation JMG:pIfi I"1r. Blair Arunons General Manager oor, F - l'/- 7? JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: CALLER TUES INS*TION REOUEST THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FC'UNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB o D FINAL ft aca c, Ll, EL tr o tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPHOVED CORRECTIONS: E] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED ,S /yarp t'lL-k-//"8 -(Pfr, oarc L...-. z j '-/f*spEcro* =.1 i' 4^n--* rNseecrlru FTEouEST TOWN z-OF v At,A *'ll. f]orHen JOB NAME PM CALLEB E pnnrrll LOCATION COMMENTS: {WapPRovED florsareRovED-K " Ll uPoN THE FoLLowrNGroRREcflps: €OR+E€+IOD,IS ,-.!--,./ r-' -./ ,-t r.- ,.'tU ! nerNsPEcr (i ,-t? Project Application Date Project Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zone:. Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL I Summary: Zoning Administrator Date: Chief Building Off icial \h ) SIGN LIGHTING PROPOSALVANTAGE POINT/VAIL Paqe Two The Vantage Point,/Vail Condominium Association would like to constructa light identical in appearance to the lightsthat illumi-nate the Lions- head entrance sign about 30 yards to the east. The liqht will have an underground feed fromthe house lightingcircuit in the basementof Vantage Point/Vail.It will have a weather-proof lampholder with apar 38 weatherproof 150 watt flood 1i9ht. The light will stand threefeet high and wil-I oper-ate off of an electric The light will be situated on the north section of Lhe Vantage Point lawn, such that no light will shine directlY into the windows of units 110 and 210 or directly off of the buildinq to the east. No alterations would be made to the present sign. o. .,t 24 I Jb ^ll - )',, 4 7'3bt',tllr*il1; c.u l IY.'/Y lt' uN tr 2lo 41" TB" = l' uN rT ilo merrick and company p. o. box 22026 10855 east bethany drive denver. colorad o 80222 (303) 7s1 -0741 meeker, colorado (303) 878-50s8 crested b utte, colorado (303) 349-5489 encineers and ardhitects August 14, 1978 Refz 33b2242 Mr. Mark Marehus Chief Building Inspeetor Building Department Town of Vail P.O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mark: Merriek and Company has been selected as the Architeet and Construction Manager on the renovation of the Vantage Point Condominums in Lionshead. After investigation, our reeommendations to the Board were foeused upon the following problem areas: A. Repair, renovation, fireproofing and proteetion of the steel structural system in the garage area separating Phases I and tr and the repair of the struetural precast twin tee flanges as necessary. B. Renovation and waterproofing of the main deek area eonsisting of removal and patehing of unsound concrete topping, addition of eontrol joints. Removal of nortlrsouth treneh drain. Addition of expansion joints. Installation of new area drains, installation of new conerete topping to slope positively to drains and the addition of a waterproof membrane and color wear eoal. C. Pateh, replaee and repair existing roof and flashing system as required. D. Redesign and replacement of entire roof drainage system with direet rerouting to garage area storm drains. E. Repair and restoration of precast exterior wall panels and arehiteetural trim as required. F. Caulking, repainting and refinishing of entire complex. Board approval has been given and we are presently in the process of preparing drawings and speeifieations on the above mentioned work and will forward a set to your offiee for review upon eompletion. ,/t,o Mr. Mark Marehus August L4,1978 Page Two Merrick and Companyrs approaeh will be on a nfast-trackn basis and as sueh, after the general seope of the projeet is defined some details and sequenees of the work will be forwarded to the Construction Manager and specific subeontractors as they are required. Because of this and the short time available to accomplish the required work before Winter. I would eertainly appreciate any suggestions or other help you might be eble to offer which would expediate the work flow. Sincerely, MERRICK AND COMPANY John F. Gordon Projeet Arehitect JFG/dp \h IANTAGE POINT.IAIL 47G - <:4-"* VANTAGE POrNT/VArL SIGN LIGHTING PROPOSAL At present, a sign exists on the north wa1l of units 110 and 210 Vantage Point. It consists of the Vantage Pointlogo, with the words Vantage Point,/Vail under it. The logo is 7'X7 I with its base about 9'6" above the Vantage Point lawn and about 5" above the South Frontage Road (see Drawing). The raised lettering' under the logo is 8rxll r. The base- line is about 8'2" above the Vantage Point lawn and about 10" below the South Frontage Road (see Drawing). The sign is without illumination at night and is virtually unreadable when approaching and passing the building. P.O. Box 580 Voil,Colo. 8'1657 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT epartment of community development TYPE OF PERMIT_'T_',L4 BUILDING LIT PLUMBING EferecrRrcRt E rouNonloN oNLY T MECHANICAL I DATE PROJECT NO. PERMIT NO,N9 097 r.TYPEoFcoNsrRucroN @' ttt rv v 2.occuPANcYGRouP n e e H @tr DrvrsroN Qr r" t o GENERAL DES€RTPTION OLWORK : BUILDING PLUMBING PERMIT FEES FILING TYPE GROUP SO. FT. VALUATIONLEGAL DESC.BUILDING PERMIT B NAME:PLAN CHECK PLUMBING NEW() ALTERATIONO AODITIONAL O REPAIRO ARCHITECT DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UN G.R.F.A. -BEDROOMS COMMERCIAL SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. - EATHTUB,/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVEREO PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING OESICN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT GENERAL CONTRACTOR MAIL AODRESS TOTAL PERMIT FEES NING NOTES: ELECTRICALc$ncro MAIL ADDRESS INSULATION TH ICKN ESS R-VAtUE MAIL ADDRESS PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS MECHANICA CONTRACTOR I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDCE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPI,ICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE REGARDING AUI I,DINE CONSTR UCTIoN,MAIL ADDRESS OTHER CONTRACT VAIL WATER & SAN. D IST. TAP FEE ; fv*e{*+lfref* Drr..{ Gonstruction DeveloPrnent Really Gonponalion 531oEAST31ST r SUrTE220 r TULSA,OKLAHOMAT4I35 r 918/663-2922 December L9, L977 Mr. Tom Davies Chairman of the Board Vail Vantage Polnt Condom'iniums Alexander & Alexander 777 East Speer Blvd. Denver, Colorado 80203 Re: Vantage Polnt Repairs Dear Tom: I have rece'lved a reglstered letter from the Town of Vall concerning the bui]ding structure of Vantage Point Condominiums' and I am sure you as well as the other board members have received this also. As I understand the first point tn their letter concerning the water leakage through the concrete slab is the item that the board has been concerned wlth for several months, and presently working to find a solution to thls problem. The second ltem 'in the 'letter about the minor cracks in the short concrete bearing wa'lls located ln the garage certalnly should be watched and remedial action taken innediately if these cracks continue to occur. The third ltem I th'ink is the maln reason for the'letter and I cou'ld not agree wlth the city more. If you wi'll recall our meetjng in.Vail ln which thls same beam and column system was discussed, and I thlnkIt was the consensus that the columns certainly should be protected from damage by a car by laying concrete b'locks around the colurnn. If eight lnch blocks were-laid aiound the columns and the cores filled wlih grout this would give the necessary protection !q the column as we1l as fireproofing. The stee'l beam that was installed does need to be f'lreproofed and I thlnk that the simplest way to handle that would be the spraying of a two hour fire rated material on the beam. There are other ways to protect this beam, for instance enclosing it with two hour gypLoard wall but with the moisture coming through that area I would not recommend using this type of treatment. n!Er.reEF Ar.rERrCAr\ r\STtTIITEOF AFCFTTECIS r rlt!flrBER riAIrOniAL ASSOCIAtI(lAl OF FEA:TOFS L!€1,18EF Al\rERlCAl\ UANACEtlEfri ASSOCIAIIOT\ ' ME\4BEF A|'IEFTCAN r''AFrK€rrNG ASSOCIAIICTr [lEliaEB AsSOCTATEO 8|JTLOERS AND cOiITFACtORS Mr. Tom Davies BDH/cwcc: llilllam Plerce Randy Brandmeyer Page 2 I wou'ld suggest that Randy have the columns concreted inmediately with a contractor that ls ln the area. The cost of this should not be much. Thls would seem to satisfy the January 15, 1978 date that the clty has mentloned in thelr letter. I would also suggest that the prlces for flreprooflng the steel beam be obtalned and the selection of the contractor to do thls work be made by .lanuary 15, 1978 and submit lt to the Town of Vail. There could be a weather problem ln applylng this fireprooflng because of below freezing temperatures. This needs to be lnvestlgated while obtaining prices so that all work can be scheduled at its earllest posslble convenience. Agaln I would like to state that I do not think that the Tovrn of Vaills out of line ln making these requirements as I agree wlth themtotally. If there is any advice that I can offer please do not hesltate to contact me. truly, o D October 6, 1977 +i*]*troff o DATE OT ?rh ri<rfr a?4r . !IlitrarJfrrlv ESIGN NTVIIiW BOAND lil[DTI]lC: Lou Parker Bill Bishop ,*€n-+€dd Abe Shapiro AEIION TAKEN 8Y BOARD: uoTIoN t.,{?:,/r:3*hr: sEcoNDED BY: Q/Jz AGAINST: ABSTENTION: DATE -il\rsPEcTDr\l TOWN OF ' ,' :" FIEBIJEST VAIL JOB NAME T]ME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE f] pnnrrll LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PM p nenRovED D orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr E upolu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE rNsPEcfc'N TOWN OF FIEBIJEsiT VAIL JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE f] pnnrrnl. LocAroN READY FOR INSPECTION FRIWEDTHUB AM PM 'APPROVED ! orsnppRovED fl n r rNsPEcr I unoru THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE .,,:. :.i .. INSPECTOR .:i . Towl{ 0F l'AtL E|UILEIINGi PEFIMIT EXITS REO. ELECTRICAL DATE OF APPLICATION NEW( } ALTERATION (WAODITION REPAIR ( I USE OF AUILDING SO. FT. OF BLDG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING NO. OF STORIES OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL AIR I ) ELECI }UNIT( I LOf ../, SLK f FILING BUILDING PERMIT1. TypE OF CONSTRUCTTON | || ||r rV@rHtr 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H DrvrsroN 12 3 4 PLAN CHECK FEESSPECIFIED FI RE SPRINKLERS DRY STANDPIPE ERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR ABEA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED -R3/b i,, , "orr/,7 READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITI| ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE /rt box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 department of communaty dwelopment December 14. \977 Board of Directors Vantage Point CondomlnlumVai1, Colorado 81657 Sirs: Following a request by a unit owner in your building, theBuilding Department of the Town of ValI conducted an informalobservation of the parking 1eve1s of the Vantage Polnt buildingsThe following observations were made: 1. IYater leakage through joints in concrete slabswhich form walklng surfaces on the first livinglevel has caused some deterioration of the pre- stressed concrete slab. At this time there is nostructural deterioration of the prestressed system,however, continued leakage will result in damage which may cause replacement of the prestress systemat a Later date- 2. Minor cracks were observed in the short concretebearlng wa11s located in the gara"ge. These cracksare not of great significance at this point butthey should be reviewed regularly to monitor any movement or enlargement. 3. The south end of the pedestrian walk between the Phase f Building and Phase II Building is supported,on its east side by a steel beam and column systemthat has been improvised below. On the southernmost extent of this steel beam a column exists tosupport the end of the beam. This column is quitesusceptible to collision and subsequent displacement and collapse of the structur:e above. Furthermore,this beam is without fire-resisti.ve protection. A mininum of 2 hour fire resistive protection isrequired for the structural frame in this buildingby the Building Codes of the Town of Vail. Page 2 The severlty of ltem 3 (above) is signtficant enoughto warrant lmmediate action. The Bulldlng Offlclal_ thereforerequlres that significant nteans be lnstaLled prlor toJanuary J-5, L978, to prevent Lmpact of the cotirnn(noted above)and subsequent structural colJ-apse. Furtherrcre, the BuildingOfflcial requires that the Condomlnium Association addressthe problem of fire reslstive protection of the steel beam andcolumns,(mentioned above) prioi to January IE, L}ZB. A lettershould be received by the Buil-ding Official prior to January15, 1978, stating that the solutlon to the problem will becompleted by July 15, 1978. The method of solution should bestated. If you have any questions on this matter, please contactnyself or James Abbie at (303) 476-56L3, Box 1OO, Va11-,Colorado 81657. wP/dicc: Ben B1-yton llliam Pierce Chlef Building ficial mz - rn o : 2 'n € 7 N: 6<o'o z^;z!-lotEE: z o tn_ n< VALUATION -{e == o -l< l- t[ s t-I z o E mr 3 E { g -t -na m -{ i r-- -t 'nt- , t|n I .€ > io>=wFJ€+c>.r- < tr 5>'=_ hi"'a!l-erf;:AYJtr;iii<:z6A>v O>Ot,o E.l x =z>47rY,zZi vi>=! RH;=FJ2 r'1 1'lc,)>a;:-!z.i':> d"ol- =:3tr-{ !i}i;!Hfi cz m o!of,m,_ -{Yt1I -, z T z mt- m z t €z z t o F] o a box 100 vail. colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 office of the town manager January 15, 1976 Ms. Joan Seifert 2420 West 26th Avenue Denver, Colorado 802fI RE: VANTAGE POINT I] Dear Ms. Seifert: Upon the request of Mr, Harv Nesbitt, Majestlc Savings, FortCollins, Colorado, I have reviewed the files related to, and ta.Iked to individuals involved with the inspection of the Vantage Point II project The stipulations set forth in the soils report were not ex-cessive and there was a firm, Materials Testing, Inc., over- seeing the project. Richards Engineers, Inc. acted throughoutthe project as a speci.al inspector. Soi. ls, footings and concrete placement were all monitored on a regular basis. Mr; Jerry Aldrich, Vail Buj-Iding Official at that time, informes me that to his recollection there were no apparent problems remaining unanswered when his employment terminated with theTown. The building was completed and a Certificate of Occupancylssued by the Town's present Building Official , Mr. Bennett Strahan. In summation the project underwent plan check, inspections, and issuance of occupancy permit j,n accordance with the Inter- national Conference of Building Officj-a1s and the UniformBuilding Code. We cannot guarantee the building, but we canstate that it has been subjected to the same standards of-'construction as every other recently constructed building inVail. Ms. Joan Seifert January 15, L976 Page Tno. $hould you have any further questions regarding the matter,a project file exists and our staff would be wilting toperuse 1t with you. Very truly yours, DEPABTMENT OF KRR/jk cc: [Ir. Harv NesbittMajestlc Savings 3OO East tr'oothills ParkwayFort Collins, Colorado 8O52I I I /< Kent B.Director ITS REO, ELECTRICAL DATE OF APPLICATION NEW o--fLTERATtoNttaDDrrroN t ) REparRt) USE OF SUILDING SO. FT. OF BLDG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST, PARKING OFF ST, LOADING NO, OF LIVING UNITS WATER I ) FORCEDAIR ELEC()UNIT( I BLK ' FI LING EXT. WALLS 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTI ON I II III IV V ABcD(j)e"-2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABCDtrF)GHIJ Df vrsf oN 1rz)3 4 BUILDING PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FE ES FIRE SPRINKLERS MECHANICAL NERAL DESCNIPTION OF WORK OCCUPANCY SEPARATION Zfut.zqT0lvil 0t EIIJILElIIUG! t,A IL PEFIMIT TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED APPLICA r# 1 AVE STA THAT THE AGREE TO COMPLY t box 100 vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 office of the town manager January 5, 1975 Majestic Savings & Loan 2420 lYest 26th Avenue Denver, Coforado 80211 RE: VANTAGE POINT II Gentlemen: After a complete review, I have found that all the necessaryinspections have been made in relation to Vantage Point II. Since they were completed by the previous Buitding Official ,Jerry Aldrich, I assume that the building was built accord.ingto the Uniform Building Code. In tight of the above-mentionedmatters, I did not hesitate to issue Vantage Point II aCertificate of Occupancy. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate tocontact me. Sincerely, DEPARTMENT OF BBS/jk nnett B. Strahan Chief Building Official box lfll vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476s613 VANTAGE POI}ru PHASE II T.O WflOM IT MAY CONCERN: Thls is to certlfy that the structure commonly known as Vantage Point Phase II, located on Lot 2, Block 1, VailLtonshead First Fillng, was issued a Certiflcate of Oc- oupancy on April 4, l-975 by the Chief Building Officialof the Town of VaiL. If any further information is needed, please feel free tooontact the Department of Comrnunity Development of the Town of Vail- ti 'Sincerel-y, i' .DEPARTMENT oF COMMUNITY DEVELOPUENT office of the town manager December 30, L975 POST IN A COI\iSPICUOUS PLACE E AlirA cr- Furt,roF- = * 'ta=,,,A,TLCTifITE!CT 4o4t g. ErLo.A.E\,\zA?. €tItrTE a,o a$IGlLE\ ZOOE . OOTJOSUAEIO- 7€re<*E E'!5 Novenber 4th, Ls74O Un *Ot O €i4 Mr. Jerry Aldrlch chlef Bldg. Offlclal Val1, Colorado Re: Back flor volrfe - Ventage Potnt rnd Lendnark Dear Jerry: Aa dlgcuaaed in our convertttLon on Thurcdeyt October 31at, 1974 Te are proceeding ea follocrs: ?he orrrer rilL inatall drrine on etch verticrl stendpl.pe unlt, (6 on Vtntagc Polnt rnd 2 on Landnerk end ello lnatall a flo ssltch on each systen to tlcrt the flre departcnt ehould th€ systeo ulfunctlon. Youra truly, Den C. Rickll DCR:nc -ra.!!.A, crrR rE 'oF--* 't.='.,4A.R,C-.:fITECT 404E E. E!LO-6,E \ rr.ay . gItrTE ?,o,4E!iIeIJE\ ZOOE! . COLOFLA,DO. 7€r€}.ilEEt5 July 17, 1974 fit[ JuL191e7f Ae per our neetlng slth lllke Carligle concerning the revlalon of the flre protectton ayatens, we are proceedtog as follosa: 1. 5 etory stendpipe w111 be converted to a houee uae only by removal, capping and encloelng of flre valvee. Valvee wtl1 be ueed to replace danaged valvee oD three other lloea. 3. Tvo 5# ABC Chenlcal extingulshers w111 be provlded - one ln 601 &" one ln 401, occond floor of phate 2 ln lleu of BtaDdplpe extcorion on phaae I nest rtelratell llne. 4. Eoae nozzles vill be reglaced wlth approved type (plaetlc) apray. Yours truly, ARCIIITECT Dana C. Rtckll ocR/pd o S. 5ep^,*1* 1/auv6 fibr t/P:L 2. Mr. Jerry Aldrtch Ghlef Buildlng Offlcial Vail, Colog Dear JcrrT: aa /"-/(''7Y T, ,/ */u /,/€rri, ^z,z-<e fl lt-rzt Va ntq t/. o4 S , + 1€4- J-<t fe-<4<<7-z' a'4 't' A-4< t"t lrza--,-r- 4 p4<- S<.7. / 04 a k Z--e-=€arq /una lr((7f. 7:f is Ia,ht+ao4 J/4- 4-4 fuo''t1 4 Aa'<-P -rr- tSSociS <. <'O' 01 V ^WE [set{*sx fo'-^' sovJ*t'/'/' J'\A A ba *a' ftQ f - t k4 +^'a,"'/J ' fn*l * t;j'f ' rNsPEetoN JOB NAME TOWN OF j FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER I oruen MON COMMENTS: TUE I pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM n nppRovED ! orsappRovED fl uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS tr nerNSPEcr DATE INSPECTOR RU tov I o4€74 13 uov 74 Mr. Dana Rickli 4045 S. Broaiway Denver, Colorad_o Eear Mr. Rickli; F.R. Orr construction companla.*[as requested. a certificate ofoccupancy fo,rJgl:,l-3gg.r-9i;r ir--\ ei i"Ji"ut"a in rhe enclosedletter frorn Mr.-Tiillraifr*pfereeT- leveral items concerning theexterior of the structure and grounds were required by thestaff of the Town of vai1. siice tt. a"i" of the letter, 20Aug 74, nothing has been done to meet these requi-rements. rn accordance rr,-ith the zoning ordinance adopted by the Townof vail, the certificate of o"""pi".y-rt"ir not be issueduntil all requirements of the a,ri:_alig d;;;", related. codesand zoning ordinance has bee* comprie& with. Therefor, r amholding ,p i=sr-ru.r'"" "i-ttt. certificate oi occupancy untilthese itens have been corrected to the satifaction of theZoning Adminisl-rator . A Pre-final inspection was made of the structure some timeago and all but a few items were unccrrected. at that time.f have since been assured that these items are co*ecced andready tor ?_f_il.i inspection. If this be the case, the onlyitems remaini-ng are those airecied-[v-trr" ioning Administrarorre; exteri-or . rl you have_ further questi.ons concerning this matter contacteither: m1'self or: Mrs. Drana Toughill at the Town office. il ,{ye.a-"^f I Jerry L. Aldrich \ | Chief Building official\t\I \l cc: F.-R. Orr Construction Company\, 4414 Vine StreetDenver, Colorado o A.rliust ?0, M:, lir, Darta t{lckll 40.15 5. Droati'r;aY Dcnver, Coloralo Dear Hr. fl,lckli: As ve discussed lan.lscaping Plan on condition. If you harle please feel SlncerelY' DEPARTi'iEiIT rccarding Your ProPoscd ril'iile-piu-n is icccptable I t I It ! In short, approval depanCs-on subst\tu'r'ion of for areas rJef,itrcd "t-iilvtt ' paintirg-of pcol lli.iiriiipi;; ;i tne iie'is no'r'u' an'r south or b;h;-;;;i;ui' lrut otlrerriise unseflned,ltens' ;f"il.;;;'v,ii'rr cxitiiil ionditions' etc' r'rill of the landscaPe Ptan' in our recent convcrsation ior VirntaEe Rc{nt.' Phase any questlons or rcquire clarlflcatlon frcc to coiitict mc. 0F c0l.'j'illilTv dEvrlopi'isHr sod or seeded grass areas uouipn'"nt flue-PiPes' and Fii.ib t of Vantase Point' sJch as sirooih blending ijto Jut.-irle occepiablli tY of any ite'ms above' tll I I tant tlFP/nnn F. Plerce, Jr. o a Argurt 20, Ln4 tts. Ihn Rlckll 4045 S. Broadwry 0anvGrr Colorado Derr l|r. Rlckli: As Hc dlscursed ln qir recent convGr3rtlon reg*dlng ywr p'oposed lrndgcaplng plan for Yanttgs Rolnt, Phuc II, the plan ls aceeptable en condltion. Ir slprt, approval dependr on sbstltutlon of fon aros deflned ar gravel, Frlntlng of pool relandccaplng of the amar north otd touth of 0ther obvlars, hrt othcmlso undaflmd ltcm3' of gradcs wlth sxlstlng condltlons, ete. rlll of the landscrpe plan. sod or secded grr33 Ercag equlfent flue plpar' and Phase I of Yantrge Polnt. srch as snooth bteidlng - al ro deternlna accePtabll I tJ If yor have any Srg*tlons or regulrt clanlffeatlon of rty ltEns abovc' plrasc feel free to contrct mc. Slnccrely, DEPARilENT OF CO$OIUI{ITV DEYELOPIiEST Hllltm F. Plerce, .lr. IIFP/TFil rNsPEcloN TOWN OF HEEUEST VAIL DATE l - J.,:,"'.itt TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER D orssn MON COMMENTS: ! pnRnnu LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR 1'"*7i FRI ,' AM PMi*. -.-_- FI-eee RovE D ! otseppRovED fl nErNsPEcr ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE rNs"=cto*FIEEUEST VAILTOWN OF DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE E pnnrrnr LocAroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM fl appRovED f] otsnppRovED El nerNSPEcr xJ uPq} THE FOLLOWTNG CORRECTTONS: CORRECTIONS -ta DATE INSPECTOR / DA.!.A crrR.rsTopt--=V*".=ot Jvly Z, 1974 o -_AR,C-:fITEI!CT 404tt E. EELOAD\,V.AY . gItIrE eo4ElircllrE\,lrooD . coIJoR AE O.TAA46EIS l,lr. Gene Smith, Attorney Town of Vai I Box #100Vail, Colorado Re: Recreational Fee Credit ltems Vantage Point and Landmark Projects Dear Mr. Smi th: The following lists items and values for your information on the above projects: VANTAGE POINT CONDOMINI UM Swirming Pool with board, slide and heater (4?' x 20r concrete) $181000.00 Therapy pool (8' x 12' fiberglas) with heater and 6 jets and 15' x volleyball court (grasg)(30t x 60') 1,000.00 l7r enclosed deck Paddle tennis courts (wood) (3ot x loo') Picnic Area 13r x l3r pad with pergola and 2 charcoal units Shuffleboard court (6t x 52t) ( conc re te ) 7,500.00 7,8oo. oo I,5o0.oo 500.00 I a 60 Sauna tfnlts 0 $500 each LAIIDI{ARK: Pool (20' x 40r epncrete) with tOr surrounding deck, sllde, board and hcater Recreatlon decks 58 Sauna unlts g Yours truly, x 60r south x 4o' north eech s30,000.00 20,000.00 9,O00.oo 29,000.00 1201 t40r $5oo ARCHITECT Daoa- C.. Rl.ckj i DCR/pd I o lAl\tTAGE POINT{AIL Januany 7, I97+ M:r. Terry Minge:r M.an a oar Town of Vail Box 100Vai1, Color-ado 816 5 7 Dean Mn. Mingen: On.lanuany 23, 1974 the:re is due from me to the Town of Vail an assessment of $22r360.66 for the rec:reation fee on Vantage Point/Phase If. Since the financing fon this pnoject was ar.nanged pnior" to the Torrnrs decision to assess this fee and construetion delays have now moved completion of this building to later this yean, please considen this tetter a lrequest for an extension of 9 months fon payment of this amount. On March 28, 1974 the recneation fee of appr"oximately $50,000 will be due on anothen of my pnojects, Landmank. Although this p:roject is also behind schedule, due to the fact that I was aware of the asaessment prion to financing I anticipate that this payment can be made on the due date. U trLl DW P.O. Box 580Voil,Colo. 81657 Mr. Gene A. Snith Torrn Attorney Tolrn of Vail P.O. Box 100 Vail, Col-orado 81657 Dear Mr. Snith: Box 332 Vai1, Colorado 81657 April 9, 1974 RE: Town of Vail Recreational Anenities Tar In as much as the above tax superseded the ttrecreation feet' which was previously assessed on uy house, and the current tax ordLnance provides for a tax credit which can be applled retroactively, I hereby request that the gross tax, the tax credit, and the net tax refund be redeter- mined under the current ordinance for my house lrhich has been constructed on Lot 15, block 2, Vail- Village 13 ffling. Please notlfy me of the above calculatlons a8 promptLy as practicable. Enclosed please find a copy of the t'Town of Vall Recreation Fund Fee calculatlonst' that vae paid in full- during Januaryr 1974. In the event that you require additional informatlon to redetermlne the proper tax and credit, please do not hesitate to contact me. Michael S. Loken MSL/1n S inc erely t t I D TOI.IN OF VA I L RECREAT ION FUND FEE CALCULAT IONS ^/u". ,l4tt c-tiz. t t.4,-L--/. Project _ 0wne r . Address _ -rlLc tot{ | €S.t j,f.efa A?,,1"- 'u'-/Pe c /"-ve^l j t.;"- x * ?'2 rn = /o3/.44 to3/,a6 ,/.o62.t2* A?. r!: X TOTa I Sq. ir Zone TOTAL .4H t* Fee per Sq. ft. i rtf. {3 Final Due 0ate by TO , 'i RTcHARDS ENGTNEERONc. P. O. Box 643 vAlL, coLoRADO 81657 Vail 476-5072 Denver 2&1521 Cunnlnghan Construction Co. P.O. Box 418, Vail, Colorado 81657 Town of Vatl Buildlng Inspect,or +est-Of+iee-3ex-f00r Vall, Color.do 8L657 Mr. Dana C. Rlck1l, ARchLtect 4045 South Broadway, sulte 250, Eoglenood' C61o GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU xE D Shop drawings D ! Copy ol letter n Lffi# @FTRANSNflITTAL the following items: E Samples C Specifications Attached E Under separate cover Prints E Plans Change order tr _gBglne,_q 707 Shenoan Streec r Denvert THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked D For approval I For your use El As requested I For review and comment tr D FOR BIDS DUE below: ! Approved tr Approved E Returned as submitted as noted tor corr€ctions tr tr tl Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution Retu rn -corfected prints 19- O PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: Kenneth E. Rlcharde ll anclo.tr.a ar. noa .r noa.d, ,iadly notitt ur ,a oac.' , ,'?,O *r.* ETGTNEER', r*c. O @NCRETE. HASONRY AIID REINFONCTNC STEIX. IEDORT / /.--_-*- P f-Eot:. L/'(2-"-/<;_z( / / ( Post Va11, offlce Eor 643 Colorado 81657 476-5072 Coocrete Plgceoen t Locatlon I Sltrnp ',wt rta1 .L.i"< 7'V-et /, ,PS'i- T1-677a. 1. llrroorv Inroectl.oo DIIC Tin lleathcr Locatlon Bsrtr lrtoforcl.as Steel Drte TtD.Locatlon Bcuarke ,r/t z (/: d,1 Qg< t--h^ (i. .,.,. t #.^1 a.ft tt/rn 7-.t(\hkl.tn-.*-: .-'ar<4 C-g4t.o.- ,& r:,--a-, t ,1o L t t*-'-// Qtt 4,/r'.Jr 1<1// ^,.///a 4 t,, Slgnature RICIiARDS ElrGrt{EERS, INC. Poet OffLcc tox 643 Vall , Colorado 81657 476-5072 CoD€rete Placeoeor llaronry Inspectlon Drtc Tt!.llcsther Locatlon Bs!.rks Bqtolorclne Steel gONCRETE, }IASONBY A}TD REINFORCING.STBEL REPORT Date Ttre lleather Locetlon Sluop Cyl{dcrr /2/,/ttts /,P /"1 /./ f/ {-. .' 4 l,^ /7-,.'n,) e 1 o-k /a/tr /tt; fr -/f E,.f ./u , ..,' tt),-Ly' ,/<f /or'r{,4k- DatC T'.oG Locatlon nelrrk. t /J, / /*-.tZ /a/rz //: drt /,f f/ 5;^;w ,F,- /.o,ry,,or C-alaffedd r-s- 4t icc*, H,r,t.,/o, tH //cV.a'il ,L/r t /.:q\7e4< 1t / * t.ot/' /e4 ort,//t l,,t tt.tT ,-r,ola /z-/r 1/. al fagt' />-) ,tn ,,-,a c /r'r /n.r-,rfe.,/'Laa //. /f // rchs /a:y'.s- tnr q/'/o.r*/ 9. E t.'^/-|gr's tut'c Q t.ec rn-'t la 2,.,r zre//e.! q-s !r, ?/ t/+/, ;Jt) ,5", rl r- .)lp t/ I /-tr. '_v--v.4.'A lrn P / trt cttta P?/ '?*rt/t '4. .-- I ovN ar lN tPECI-row I RFauEsT Paar Jo= Ti*= (gsgrrzez Z "- .o.rr ii"n i l:>UlLplt l6-C orze ra 12"u*ralt.: e-MEcul,l'-{;1.r- I D T Foolnrc- Fouruzaltor.r FFaivl Ha Req. F,a7'nr€-- L-J THEEJ1-zroct< D \irxeEr< D Koor fr ?^u1,o. Loc.alrontr: n ?ovet+ u TIA.NTFIP' V?c .-X Fr*a.. (a^le ) E lZ.r.1rr'- LOc.aTror-.J: I Ve*1t.,a1to*t I l-{eat1x c- [l Hooa< n f,7o,e.1,xu Logalros: X ftNo'- (/rr.._) D F^.<n^u Locnltorr : fJ oluer< ;, iill: Mont ';:i E (a<1,at. Localro.x ?Earz v FeE- =-r,t +?E a\t oN Ti.lE 'J,,,,\ At'a COr.rrr.nerul-, li n A"PRov€V Yv,+a??r?ovE?Xt?stlJ.iF"scT Co"*t ltoNg tJ ! )li '";' t'ti ; ' /\ t-./-' \ .-)lJtt.':, 7t.', ,)-tL- / t ) ('7l,loo; f /,:nt, '7,,.'- ,t' | /"' ' (-r-r L_._r , . , - t / / /1<- f,-<-7 J iVate il lr X y' /,tiz "e INSPEC T FIEBUEST VAIL aTto OWN N OF DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER f]oruen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! pnnrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM ! eppRovED D orsappRovED ! upolt rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: fl nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR IC, N7,4L C-nglneeLt Ltnc. CIVIL T.NGINETRING . PIJNNING . sORVEYS SUBD|V|S|ON5 . WATER & SEWER 5Y5TEi\5 o o?*fr. Kcnneth E. Richords Box 643 Vo il, Colorodo 81657 Phonq 47 6-5072 Dsnvq 211-1521 Jaouary 18, 1973 Registcred Professionol Engineers Registered Lond Surveyors I'lr. Jerry T. Aldrich Bulldtng Inapector Town of Vail P. 0. Box 100 Vall, Colorado 81657 Re: _j.ietrd-.Iaepect{on . Vantage Po-iqt...'Cuniringha; Construction Co. Dear Mr. Al-drich: F.r.t r ?J" ,ri. Thls letter 1s to certify that we have conpleted the concrete, reinforcing steel and masoary lnspectlon on Vantage Point Bulldlng ln Val1/Llonsllead. In general, the Plans aod Speclflcations rrere foLLowed. The only exceptlon ls that 1ow 28 day breaks were obtained on some of the concrete test cyllnders. I am oot sure rrhether the atructural engLneer on the project has been satlsfled that all areas tested later were satlsfactory for hls calculated loads. Most of the core tests taken on August tL, 1972, turned out satiafactorlly except on Footlng A-5. ltost concrete tests taken after Auguet 1st have turned out to be acceptable. I am not sure of aLl- the reaeons for the l-o!r test results, but believe it was the aggregate being used by the concrete company. Thls was also the concluelon nade by Wrlght and Mclaughlin Engineers on oDe of thelr prolects west of Vail last sunner. As dlscussed wlth you previousLy, lt haa been the flrst t ime we have had any Low coocrete teats on our projects 6lnce our f1r6t work ln Vail in 1963. I believe you have copies of all our dal.ly lnspection reporte and the concrete tests. Slncerely yours , RICIIARDS ENGINEERS, INC. Kenaeth E. Registered and Land KER/pr cc: Cunningham Constructlon Co. Dana C. Rickll, Arch. lnter:.nationula onference of u?',0 ing Officials RESENNIH TGIIIMIITEE REIDNi-JIENDSTION endation Report No. 1883 Nooenbet, 1971 ALBI FIRE.RET.{RD.{ST P.{I\T \O. IO?..{ ALBI }I.{.\L-F.{CTTN I\C C() R POR.{TION A SUBSIDT.{RT CO.\IP.{\I OF CITIES SERi'ICE P. O. BOL 6I{S SAN }IATEO, C.ILIFOR\I.{ 9{{OI ALBI }IA}iTJF.{CTL:RINC CORPORATION 9E E. }IAI.\- STREET n(rcxv[LE, co].-r.-Ecrrc uT 06066 L Introd,r-ction; .\t the rerirrest ot .\lbi \l-tnuf.rcturine Corpor-ation, Cities Sen rce Conroanr.. :.rn \l.rteo. C"i,i*.* ifr" ni.""*nCommittee of the Internarronui C,rnr.:"nce",ii'a,,,i,ilis'iji",.,1., nas-made A IC-e\J:Itrn.lnnn Ot tne le\t it.Itl .iubntitter-i in connecf;Unwith the use of Fire-Ret.rrdant Paint So. fO;-.{.---- "'--""- . lI. .Description: Ceneral: .\lhi \o. Ioi-A Fire-retardant paint |'. destSn€{.tor lntenor appliclrnon over Douai:rs 6r rrnci ceiluioseDber acousticJl tile. I hc rn(rmrents oa .\lbi \o. lOi-A are of aproprietary- nature. Containers .lre lrrheied bv Un(ienvrite;;: Lrrb-oratories, lnc... shorvinq the rerlrired total srrrrace "oi"iieu "n.lUenre-spr?acl (hnracteriltlLs for !.3nous llpphcltrons. Applicstion: The standard cnrntrnq proceciures for srntheticpaints are follosecl *.hen irppivrne .rli,r \o. f O;-.r in'*dnJ ,ur-taoes or,nte.,Surfaces n $t ne cieln and iree iront ,iirt. grelse. OU, Sert dust., loose patnt.- 11 nite wasn. CaiCitninc.. etc. jrrn;rces mustDe relgouabtl' (1ry .rnd lree ol nlorstllre. .\lhr \o. l0?_.\ rnly berpplied over r.l\r wocd t)r.J\er J thrnnerl nrrnrer. The palnt rs irn-ptred hy spfxj"t bru(h. -or rotler rn J one.c(,ar .rppiic tron to provrdelotal coterirge as set Iorth:n T.Lhle \o. L Field Test: l\'hen it is riesireci to test the co.rrrns ro rleterrnrneits eftectireness.. the follo*ine r,,roce(irrr;,i *.:.i,inii".i".il ,i'rrn.rttatoonot, gas or-hutanc torch !\ irppiied tiirecriy- to the -\lbi oro-tecteo surtace tor a_peno(i ot l0 seconcis to l! seconris orir rr-square-lncn area. lhe in(|rmescent ntat or hodt i.rrricr rhorrldtorm inrm€cliltelt to a thrckness of r: inch to rr rnch ior a Class I[{,me-spread claJsihcation. IIl._ Evidence .Submitted: .\pplication instnlctions and fame-s_pread tesb conducrecl in .rccoiriance .",th f'.a.d.-Jr;a".J so.{2-l are submitted. -l- -ll'. Recommendation: Thqt Albi Fire.retardrnt Paint So. l0T-.{wlen applied as set forth in T:blc Io. I to Douclas iir or acou5ticsl tlc_ is a sa.ti{actor.,,. method to obtain a flame.spread classificationof I prolided: l. Painted Douelas ffr or acoustical tile shall be installed onlvin interior loiations. 2. Field tests as described in Part U of this rcport shall bemcde when requircd b1. the Building Official. ' This recommendation is subiect to anrual re.cramination. I Stt flo. | - ttrME-SpREAD CHTRACTERISIICS rTh. acoustic.l tile htu thc tcbul.rted flame-+pread ch:rrtcrF?r{tr(\ \{i?nrttached dir€ctl!,/ t,r solid r,)n<\,' hIstrirle rrrri.rc"s. The Ai;:i ,\,r lrr:,rpaint is aFplied to cellrld{e tihcr trle oger rhc rt.t!ch-i\'i., t..Ltr,r! ni..1Th. tik lhell hir. the foll,,s'na ori\p.nres: nnrl'nn,;! .:-rn(.ir,.: k.avcta(. $eieht ot 73J po"ndr per l0rX) (q er. re:C. rr.er.rrte r..,n.r..r,rIt.cnsth of fotrr pounds t6-inch by l:-rnch santpl"r br.kr,n on lu-,n(h c?nter5 ,. €nq overcoat o{ Albi No. l.t.{ is :rppli.d oucr thc.{lbi \-,'. lO;.A ar.titc Ol {5O lquare taet DCt Etllon. U. ,( t\o t ooueut fn lc0us.flc.{t IILE' Total srrrface coverase ( in rqrrare feet per gallon )150 150:l00rl 150 FIame-spread 20 l5 l5 IJ ?0 Smoke density 0-5 .l D J.IU IPPLICAIION Rate per coat (in square feet per gallon )lro 150 150 200 l)u l(nmber of caats I I Total minimum thickness i in mils )7A 8 r!-9 8,U-9 Il-12 8r:-9 Prgc I of I 'a \. PROJ ECT NAI'18 OAT E thisIt has been broughf concrete tes t taken to the aftenf i on of ^tt has: l---lrnonn F*4raired [l*nu'^ low results in prelir':iinar-y test 3222-; 2s 9396 @ 4F do.13ooo I of test is: Fnp Fi-o.,* 4^..f* f o',Y" -.-'The locat ion You a re location methods he reby not i f ied that f uture construct ion upon sa i d is ai' your risk until one of the following correction is achieved Reca I cu I at i on of i mposed des i gn load show i ng concrete strength as tested is adequate., upon I etter f rom structu ra I engi neer. t. ?. Core test that shows required strength' 3. Adequate ."intorcing of low unit. 4. Remova I of low un it and rep lacement vt ith accePtab I e conc re te. Fl.nal inspection and issuance of certificate of occuPancy wllt .be withheld unti I this matter is corrected' L. ALDRICH BUILDING OFFICI E [TRY ALDRICH CHIEF .7 , . - -..] -t -i-ii.rRqa)rL-r &dirli:+ rbr$fit'rrt*.fi&d1 Denver, Colo. 80204 - MATERIALS REpORT,,:,. Dana JobNoorLD !r jl_i Date Tesred: 9ii7/73 i.lix i.f.: 52 sk r '/ pi l,later Tenrp,: Locationl 3rd Floor South Bavs Wt/Cu. Ft. : Concrete Temp. : F A l"loi s ture : Max. Size Load C.Y.: 7* yds. Weather: Tirne PIaced: 10:50 Time Tested: rEsr cYLINDERS gl)-t. ( Set tO ) Cylinder Dia. 2@ 7 Day C-ylinder Dia. L0}14 Day 5.9% tS53 ,.999 I781 Average: R EMARKS: 1817 Mountain Mobile Materials Testing Service ?531 West 8th Ave.825 -5261 Rick Ai r: Air ienrp. : Total Yards: 10 at tes*u Total Water: i4ax. Agg. Si ze: 3/lr" Tinre Batched: 9z)5 Spec. P.S.I. a+, 28 Days: ?OOO Tested By: .lohn A l{arfi et d 6.008 zj28 , 1@ Hold 6.oo2 3396 Cylinder Dia 261 28 Day 5.999 2879 6.000 2702 Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock lruck .L4 Ticket i 10670 flu Nov 1 31973 'i iel d: Vantage Point REPORT TO: Dana Rickli; Supervisor;Clty of Vail -{i Also: Di!lon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 12lt c[eL " RLt Nov t 31s73 ']-tJ I lJ Air ier;rp., 52o Total l,,iater: l'1ax. Size Load C.Y.: I Tirre Placed; 8235 2ii Days: 3OOO Tested By: .rnhn A*-ifaifi-eJ.ri- 1@ Hold 911-1 ( Set 1l ) 2@ 7 Day Cylinder Dia. 10 14 Day Cylinder Dia Vq28 Day It+92 6.016 ?gl7 6.011+ )243 L627 6.019 )286 'r q50 It{ountain Mobile )26LAverage: R EMARKS: Materials Testing Seruice l53l West 8th Ave.825 -5261 :'lix I.ii.: S$ l.ia te r Te;,rp . l Total Yards: i'lax. Agg. Si ze : Time Batched: Spec. P.5.1. at TEST CYLINDERS Cylinder IJia. 6.0r8 5.99L Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALs REPORT Job No or i. D Date Tes teJ: 9,/lrli7) ck cr,rrrrr' ?:rl.,4 I :[ lest 7 / t.,t Location: 5th Floor Leve1 Coarse Air: ).L* |,lt/CLr.Ft.:11,7.96 Yielo: Ccncrete TenrP.: L7o F A l"1oi sture : Weatherl clear & col d Ti nre Tes'ued; 8: j0 antase Point II 913-1 REPORT TO:Dana Rickli;Supervisor; City of Vail ls Testing "531 West 8th Ave.825 -5261 Denver, Colo. 80204 -.tZ- !r l! - | MAtena MATERIALS REPO Job No or l. D. zo56 Mountarn l4obile Cylinde. Dia. 16 14 DaY 6.o16 2877 {, I/a:rtage Foint II - e Service Date Testerlt 9/2C/1) Location: Loft Level - 5th Fl-oor ilix i.D.r :i "k Jlii; r!': li" iir"r 2.6y'" Wt/Cu.Ft.: 14?.04 Y'i eld: r,later Tenp,: ,.i r Terrp., 5Oo Concrete Temp.: L6o Total Yards: I at tesi lotal t'later: F A Moisture: i,1ax. Agg. Slze: 3/lnu l/ax. Size Load C.Y.: 8 Weather: clear & cool Tinre Batched: 7 zli Tine Placed: 8:OO Tirne Tested: 8:15 . Spec. P. S. L a t 2E Uays : -.,- ,?ooo Tes ted By; Hor.'rly Sloan 1@ Hol,d 9l l-1 ( set tzn) i )ay 6.00l| '2.1c7 (:.OO? 2)16 Dana Rickfi Cylinder Dia 2@8 DaY 6.004 ]l.}t+ 6.019 729L )2y7 Ur^.{ Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 17 Ticket 4 IO752 fiLL NOV 21 1a"", ' TEST CYLINDERS Cylinder Dia, 2@ Average: R EMARK S' REPORT TO: Dana Rickli; Supervisor; City of Vail t I It has been b rought to the at'l'ent ion of concrete ies t taken ( date ) l! I 2 nll Nov 26 p73 of f ice that has: Gl.\t^J DATE th is i--lrno"n FF.4ruiruo [---ltner in preliminarY test J..1 3.r*e t +r ani, low results ?41.5- - 2A3ooo The location of test You a re local'ion methods t. Fi.na I inspection wlll be withheld 2. 3. 4, hereby notified that future construction upon said is ai your risk until one of the following correction is ach ieved Recalcula'l-ion of imposed design load showing concreTe srrength as tested is adequate' upon let't'er f ronr structura I engi neer' Core test that shows required strength' Adequate reinforcing of low unit' Remova I of low un it and rep lacement wi th acceptab le concrete. and issuance of certif icate of occuPancy until this matter is corrected' ERRY L. ALDRICH BU I LD ING OFF IC IALCH IEF E-E &p.uLU*i 7 "531 West Materials Testing Service 8 th Ave.825 -5261 Date Tested: Mix I.D.:5* sk l,Jdter Temp. : Total Yards: Max. Agg. Size: Time Batched: Spec. P.S.I. at TEST CYLINDERS Cylinder Dia. 5.997 6.008 r415 'l 552 Ll+83 Mountaln Mobile 9ne/zt Sl unrp: 4 -,7t2 I / t.rt 'Y2I)T j rne Tes ted: 1l : I5 28 Days: jOOO Tested BY: Ri'l I BuFdick Truck Ti cket # Rt"r nov 81 lgB Upper Decks, 4th Flooi' L,ltl Cu. Ft. : 147 . 69 Y i el d : Concrete TemP.: F A Moisture: ?+ Weather: fair & cool l-@ Hold 3Ol+2 2q 28 Day 2t+o8 2l+8I Average: REMARKS: 2l+l+5 Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT for Dana Rickl Job No or t. D. 913-1 913-1 ( Set rr) 2@ 7 Day Cylinder Dia. Locati on: 3/t" Atr: j.lfi Ai r Temp.: Total Water: [4ax. Size Load C.Y.: Time Placed: 11:00 5.993 l€t 14 Day L9y2 6.oto Cylinder Dia 5.991+ 5,996 Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock REPORT TO:Dana Rickli;JUpervrsor;Clty of Vall I a.,',! i, .t Mat e a en als Testing 1531 West 8th Ave.825-5261 2+aot W^;le A. UETUIGE ) Denver, Co|o.80204 MATERIALS REPORT for Job No or l, D. 913-1 Date Testedz 9'L4-73 Mix I.D.:5t sk Slurp: Water Ternp. : Total Yards: 24 Rick antage Point II Locati on: 2+" A1r:3.8fi .6Air Terlp.: 64- Tota'l lJater: 30 Max. Size Load C.Y.: Tine Placeds 8:30 Dia. 1@ 14 2L50 days Also: Dilloq longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 17 Ti cket # LO62l+ gpi;og1. !,9 €73r* Max. Agg. Si ze: )/ l+" Tim Batchedz 7 z)7 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: TEsr cYLIHDERS 913-t (Set 9) Cylinder Dia. 2@ 7 Day Cylinder 5999 2688 6.OtO 6.001 2448 re 45 +$.d. Topping mix 2nd floor t,Jt/Cu. Ft. : 148.60 Yiel d: Concrete Temp.: 56o F A Moisture; 6 yeather:clear & cold Time Tested. g:b5 Tested By: Ho'rdy Cy'f inder Dia 2@28 Day 6,OL2 3l+81 6.016 Jioz 3LgL Day Average: REMARKS: 2568 Mountain Mobtl REPORT TO: Bob Engelke, Clty of Vailr Supervisor -J Denver, Colo. 80204 Materials Testing Service :531 West 8th Ave.825 -5261 MATERTALs REpoRT ffi 0rr constmction lruck 16 V Ticketrr.rqlA rob No or r.0. 9Il=1 _--r-r* Rll ocT 1 g 973 Location: 1st Floor Tooing ltix on West Parking Area Wt/Cu.Ft,: Ll+9. 2l+ Yield: Concrete TemP.: l+8o F A Moisture: Max. Size Load C.Y.: I Tinn Batched; 7zl+2 Time Placed: 8:00 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: 10OO Tested Weather: clear & cold Time Tested: 8:30 By: Howdv Sloan 1@ Hold Cylinder Dia 2@ 28 DaY 6.ou 3?35 6.oL2 bL56 Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock J Date Tested | 9/L3/73 Mix I.D. : 5* sk Sl ump: I'later Temp. : Total Yards z 2l+ Max. Agg. Si ze: )/lr" TEST CYLTNDERS 913 -1 Cylinder Dia. 2@ 7 Day 6.013 z7t+5 6.01S 2832 L 3/l+" Ai r: Air Temp.: 42o Total Water: (set 8) Cylinder Dia. Le 14 Day 6.o2L 4386 Average: REMARXS: REFORT TO: 2788 Adding water after llountain lvloblle testor drove off. 3945 test. as Clty of VailF.R. Orr;Supervlsor; '(o flu uE,rl1'.Iufs ;1 t PROJECT NAME qe thetntionet+ ?^r! thls offi h is:- [-lrno"n plruir"o fptn". low resulfs prellminary tes!ln ?1b 3aao 2t 2733 e 15 The I ocaf ion of test i s: I l'X lt Paa I' You a re location mefhods hereby notifiedis at your riskis achieved. that fufure unt i I one construcfionof the fo I !ow i upon sa i d ng correction Fina | | nspection and ivlll be wlfhheld until 2. 5. 4. Reca lcu I at i on of i mpos,ed des i gn load show i ng concrete strength as tested is adequate, uponletter from structural engineer. Core test that show: r-e-qu i 1e_d- sf reqglll . Adequate rei nforci qS- qt lqw unit.-: Remova I of low un i t_ a_qd- r-e-p I a_c^eqe-q! w i t_11 acceptab le concrete. ' : -: ss ua_nce qf- c-q1t_i t i gqtg qf- gc-9up-a_qc-y th is matter =i s correCted ERRY-1.qtl EF_ B-u I c lo to the(date) ALDR ICH - LQ ING OF-F-IQIAL h',f e ..'"-'r. .*. UY,/I Service & 825-5261 Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock 0rr Truck L7 Ti cket # 9637 Rtr sEP 11 €73 Locatjon:llrXllr Pavd. ald Road fron 3rd East Air:4. 66 fron North Wt/Cu. Ft. : 142, 2 Yiel d: Air Temp.: 680 Total Water: +6 gal. Max. Size Load C.Y.: 9 yards !'leather: partly cloudy Time Placedr jz b5 Time Testedt 3t55 Tested gy: p. Maffi 5) Cylinder Dia. tO 14 Day 6. o1o 1952 Concrete Temp.: 680 F A Mo'i sture: Cylinder Dia 2qp.8 Day 1@ HoId 6.003 ?b59 PsL 27)) 6.009 24or ,-a' Average: REMARKS: REPORT TO: ]-563 Mountain Mobile Materials Testing '1531 West 8th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT {or F. R. Job No or l. D. 9L3 Date Testedt 7/L6/73 Mix I.D.: 5| sk Slump: 4*" Water Temp.: Total Yards ' 63 Max. Agg. Size: 3/b TirE Batched: l:03 $pec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: TEsT CYLINDERS 913 (Set Cylinder Dia. Z@ 7 Day 6. or.r- r-480 6.014 ].:647 City of YaiI Hr AU62?1973 707 SHERMATI ST . SUITE A 0Et\rvtR. c0L0RA00 . 80203 TttEPH0l{E . (303} 222.0855 Dana C. Rickli 4O45 South Bnoadway E.qglewood, Colonado gOl IO Ar4gust 16, 1973 "@to*r1ru #Tzoszl s*Fength of 2 Dean Dan; :rl :11,,"".y." ,"f":rned rhat he oors.ere srrengrh in dre ead fgglBElootln9=5 was somewhat below ttrat specified. t.$on-Estt-tootlng in questlon we tound the 29 day compness'lon ,430 psi to be srjllcient to carry the loads. ll you have any further questions negandlng thrs matten, please feelfnee to contact me. Strcerely, James R. Bonman E+ Associates, lnc. 5F Steven T. Jinsa STJ:ces 9!! At t At/#tJ\ ULl Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck L7 Ti cket # 953a Date Testedt ?/L6/73 Mix I.D.: 5* sk Slump: 3n Water Temp.: Total Yards r g at test Max. Agg. Size: 3//r Time Batched: Lz53 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: TEsr cyLtf{DERs 913 ( Set Cylinder Dia. 29 7 Day 0tr Locati on: Airt 3.6g Air Temp.: d6o Total Water: *6 Max. Size Load C.Y.: 9 Time Placed: Zt30 5') Cylinder Dia. 6. ood l-@ HoId 3t+)B6.ooz 6.001 77211 17L5 t/ Average: l73b REMARKS: llountain l'{oblle 2892 Materials Testing Service ?531 West 8th Ave.825 -5261Denver, Co|o.80204 MATERIALS REPORT {or F. t. Job No or l. D. 913-1 Rt[ sEP 1r l$g High Wells l{ortn, 5t fron West End,ifitr*,?fg: rL4.r yjerd: Concrete Temp.: 680 F A Moisture: Weather: PartlY cloudY Time Tested: 3:00 Tes ted By: D. Johnson; P. Malone 19 14 Day A7l+ Cylinder Dia 6,010 6.012 29 28 Day 3639 Psi 27 t+7 REPORT TO: Tonn of Vail o Materia I ls Testing Service Footers--North l{t/Cu,Ft, 146.J6 Yield: Concrete TemP.:560 F A Moisture: Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock l53l West 8th Ave.825-5261Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT {or F' Job No or l.D. 913 Date Tested | 6/i-.t*/7j Mjx I.0.: 5* SlumP: ? Water TemP.: Total Yards: 65 Max. Agg. Si ze: j/l- Time Batched; 9z19 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 DaYs: Locati on: 3/1. A'ir: 4.0# Ai r Temp.: 51o Total Water: Max. Size Load C.Y.: d Time placed: I0:O5 Tes ted Weather: some raiq 6 Time Tested, n6 !$L t Truck 16Tjcket #gZt7 $13 BY: p. trts I o're 1 Hold TEsT CYLINDERS 913 (Set Cy'linder Dia. zo 7 DaY 5,992 2777 5.989 26)L fwo) Cylinder Dia. 6 .014 1@ 14 DaY CYlinder Dia 2@ 28 DaY j6z6 6.ozt+ I+o35 6.072 4227 Average: REMARKS: t lv>4r) L REPORT TO: Citv of Vail 'i531 West 8th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERTALS REPORT {o' F. R. Job No or l.D. 9I3 Date Testedt6/Ib/73 MixI.D.: 5E 51umP:3+ l,,later Temp. : Tota'l Yards:65 Max. Agg. Size: )/t+ Max. Sjze Load C.Y.: q Weather: prtly. sunny' Tjme Batche6.IO:3L T'ime Placed;10:45 Time Tested:1I:00 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: ?ooo Tested By: p. t{' l c"'o 1 Hold Cylinder Dia zo 28 DaY 6.002 1068 6.oL5 i)78 Average: REMARKS: r q6q 322) Matefitft Testing S?vice Location:Footers North East 825 -5261 Orr Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock I rucK -. " Ticket #gztg Ai r: b.6 Air Temp.:57o Total Water: of Vail t^ttlcu. Ft.: y47 .6a Y j el d: ^ 6\9€ Concrete TemP.:4ro ftlV n F A Mo isture : ' ''$\t ' TEsr cyLtNDERs 913 (set :.) Cylinder Dia. za? Day Cylinder Dia. to14 Day 6.00) \gL5 6.005 2577 6.970 ?OrL REPORT TO:glst ' RT'HARD' ENGrNrr*ta.LffiT# @F TRANSnflrrrAL P. O. Box 643 vAlL, coLoRADO 81657 Vail 47&.5O72 Denver 2441521 To Mr. Jerry ALdrich Torm of VaiL Building Departmeat Pnqt Of f { Ce Ror 'l00 Vai1, Colorado 81657 F. R. Orr Constructlon Co. Mr. Dana R1ckli , 4414 Vioe Street Denver, CoLorado GENTLEMEN: 4045 Broadray Englewood, Co WE ARE SENDING YOU xba Attached n Under separate cover via tr Shop drawings - Prints the following items: E Plans tr Samples ! Specifications tr Copy of letter E Change order tr t oArE IJOB NO. December 7. L973 | V3-82 ATTENTION Rrr tlEc 10 rg73 KCI]AEECE o 801-10 coPrEs DATE NO.OESCRIPTION Jr%II,,-1 Inspectlon Reports october 18 - Novenber L, !.973 fVantage Potnt Th--.rd THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: D For approval :{B For your use I As requested n Approved as submitted n Resubmit_copies for approval D Approved as noted tl Submit - cooies for distribution [] Returned for corrections ! Return _corrected prints 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US I For review and comment n N FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: Kenncth n- Rl..hr-rlo lf cnclosurcs rae not 19 notad, klndly notity us at oncc. f(n 2a0D - id A[Ld BBrrs s.d o SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWN OF VA IL Project Name <--Inspector__=21-!- CONCRETE: .P' ! / tt"1 '7, "' ' /cr-/ 1-t, lt -t],r, '/r'/' ,// B <' //: N t/' r'( t l' z'' t7 DATE ! t-oCAT I ON ieppno f1:L t't. L 1e1'- -.tt-;';tt 5.7 14./.2:' <a.-- eZ-==-.1- t-/ /+'u-r ^. .- <:- a/ ,. {/. 7'stt'+..{-'y.t lc /? z ,{2 7/'. /4. z/-,lj .! /ccr-/L/ (_1J6.;,t! .!i!-?,;-'' ,, ,F_(- ,x /c;'-,yes i STEEL: ADD IT I ONAL REI.IARKS IIiI SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWN OF VA I L Project Nane .lt\ I nspector t-...--.-\'s-<-) ' --, T ff,8" //"e! OATE ! LOCAT l0l\l lnppRove c- t6' ,t,-) 'eir/,t R!MARKS ) SPECTAL INSPECTION REPORT Project Name TOWN OF VA IL t,1Lr (L..---L-/jd (2__ //-'''. L- ' )^"- (: r''Inspector-[-L.- NCRETE I l/t\(_:--- iri. d i t-'ti ^ - r!/(/-(tL DATE LOCAT ION APPROV€!CORRECTIONS REQUIREO 14170 /?ae n,n;J X,.'11: rit.i' {/r".*". *' 4'"Chr.i ///7 /!i.*::'"-:Fz', SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOI',N OF VA I L Proj ect Narne A -7-f T- 'r'I nspectors-}$ /LXt l'7 t zt,f/ d ,/ L/ u DATE i LOCATI lappRove ?.t. "*7'Fh,, e* ,t ="=.t.,NTOWN OF FIEEUEST VAIL :rl JOB NAMEDATE TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER E orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE I panrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM D nppRovED E uporv rne CORRECTIONS ! orsneeRovED FOLLOWI NG COR RECTIONS: n netNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR Mat 1531 West 8th Ave.825 -5261 - erials Testing o Se rurce MATERIALS REPORT {or p. R. Orr Job No or l. D. 9I3 Air Temp., 66o Total Water: Max. Sjze Load C.Y.: 9 yards Heather: cloudy Time Placed: 5: OO 3ooo Tested Time Testedt 5tZO By:D, Johnson; P. Malone Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 16 Ti cket # 961+I RU AUo 151973 East side lst lift Yi el d: Denver, Colo. 80204 Date Testedt 7/t6/ll Mi x I . D. : 5*sk S'l ump: 4 i,later Temp.: Total Yards: lO0+ l{ax. Agg. Si ze: Ti ne Batched: 3z t+8 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: TEsr cYLtNDERs 9f3 ( Set Cyl i nder Di a. 2O 7 Day 6.009 t96o 6.010 2030 Location: Norih Walls 3/ln" Airz 4.66 tJt/Cu.Ft.:Il+Z.2 Concrete Temp.: 680 F A l4oi s ture : 7) Cylinder Dia. 6. oo8 Cyiinder Dia 6.010 5.999 ZO 28 Day tO Hotd 3355 3042 3L98 ter 14 Day 2l+l+7 r./ Average: REMARKS: 1995 Mountain Mobile V antage REPORT TO:City of Vailr' . RT.HARD' ENcrN..*inr. P. O. Box 64il vAlL, coLoRADO 81657 Yail 4765O72 Denver 2114.1521 To !1r. Jerry Aldrich Tom of Val1 Buildtng Department Post Office Boy 100 Va11, Colorado 8l-657 F. R. 0rr Constructlon Co. Mr. DAna 44L4 Vlne Street Denver, Col-orado GENTLEMEN: 4045 South Englerf,ood , Ltrrr# @F TRANSaflrrrAL the following items: I Plans ! Samples n Specifications tr Copy of letter n Change order tr WE ARE SENDING YOU xdd Attached E Under separate cover via D Shop drawings E Prints t DATE I JOA NO. Arrsrrst 2- '1971 | V3-82 ATTENTION cKIl- , Arcn].f ecE. Colorado 8011-0 COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPTION rnsDecrion ReDorts Julv 13 - Julv st. sffit *. ,oft\adltion ntr lm ?ra THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: I For approval ftFor your use D As req uested n Approved as submitted n Resubmit-copies for approval n Approved as noted fl Submit-copies for d istribution E Returned for corrections n Retu rn - corrected prints 19- N PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US ! For review and comment n ! FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: Kenneth E- Richards turn :.r04 - ih F'trrt B6le s6t ,t enclosqaes ,ra not as noted, kindly notiry us at oncc. SPECIAL INSPECTTON REPORT TOWN OF VAIL Project Namo lnspector C0NCRETE r LOCAT ION lRppnov EOATE i/co1 t7 RtT AUO ? 873i.,r\[^ f^'1, , /i' lcz<l i 5t'a tl t=Xi 6'//Ptt/-. 7'e [.').L'v PRECAST ?/,:/i: { ad la € et€- ( i 7 r"'2 Z /b au--a'a{1 zlzt /2s i t-/./.2 t-'c>,:t e,".,-'/ f tle'Z S,-/.{ P',-2 r e 4E".sl, J^; 4< o SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWN OF VA IL Project Name I nspector f;c. ONCRETE: TJ,yte 4: 70 >//rlu Fnt AUo ? Bn LOCAT ION lnppRov e ?;a';y&Y^;,*i s_. Y.e l.'ttt- 7i-'4f{ f;,'n PRECAST: 0D rT roNAL REM{RXI .<l RICHARDS ENGINEERINC.t P. O. Box 643 vAtL, ooLoRADO 81657 llail 476-5O72 Denwr 24&1521 To Mr. Jerrv Aldrleh Town of ValL Building Departnent Pnaf Offi r.rr Ra:< lOO Vail, Colorado 81657 F. R. Orr Construction Co. Mr. Dana R1 4414 Vlne Street Denver, Col-orado GENTLEMEN: 4045 South Br Englewood, Co LETTT @F TRANsnfl[TTAL the following items: ! Plans E Samples ! Specifications D Copy of letter ! Change order {: WE ARE SENDING YOU xE Attached E Under separate cover via D Shop drawings n Prints Br DAIE I JOB NO, Julv 13. 1973 | v3-82 ATTENTION lftcPrc f. r Il. gn.L Le(: L aArtav nl t orado 90110 evL I o IYIrJ COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPTION I -'**{.- InsDectlon ReDorts Julv 10 and l-l-. 1973 ".'" -Vantage Potnt Additlon THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: I For approval n Approved as submitted tr Resubmit-copies for approval ;fi For your use ! Approved as noted ! Submit-copies for distribution n As requested ! Returned for corrections n Return -corrected prints ! For review and comment n N FOR BIDS DUE 19- f] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: Kenneth E. Rlchards rc. rc.. Tmxic rd. ,f eaclosures are not as noled, kindly nolity u3 tt once. ) "aI' SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TO'',N OF VA IL Project Narne Inspector CONCRETE: DATE i LOCATION lnppno 6*t EL: ry ST Iico /L\ ',3 o f.c4., t /-' ,-'r,rL f 'p 'ri.'/\ l, t.,t - f,(, 7,t c*,/,,- f : ADD lT IONAL REl448Kl , ,.' RrcHARDS ENG|NEER*C. P. O. Box 6z13 vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 Yail 4765072 Denver 24f.1521 To Mr. Jerrv Al-drich Town of Vall Buildlng Department Post Offi.ce Box 100 ValI, Colorado 81657 F. R. 0rr Construction Co. Mr. Dana Rtckli 4414 Vine Street Denver, Colorado GENTLEMEN: 4045 Broadway Englewood, Colo ffirril @F nRANSnflrrrAL the following items: E Plans fl Samoles I Soecilications n Copy of letter I Change order tr WE ARE SENDING YOU Ei:rAttached n Under separate cover via_ n Shop drawings ! Prints JOB NO, Ausu.st 17, L973 I V3-82 ATiENTION mr ru822t9I1 AI (.:ITI LCgL :ado 80110 coPtEs DATE NO,DESCRIPTION I Inspection Reports Augus t 6 and 13, 1973 tEtt"g" fofnt\ \, THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ! For approval lE$ For your use I As requested n Approved as submitted n Resubmit_copies for approval [ ] Approved as noted - Submit-copies for distribution u/ ! Returned for corrections ! Retu rn -corrected prints 19- N PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US tl For review and comment n N FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: Kenne th E. Richards tm 2r0D- ri.r t irid aulB sdv ,t encrosures ara not as noaed, kindly notify u3 tt once. SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TO'ilN 0F VA I L Project Name Inspector--=- oATE ! LocAT-lg!lnp pnov r '77b cr- ;T-,/rj 1 ist fl <:lift^ ( t/t'ci Ir-/" (l_r+- 7,1*l.4:JI r.+i.<. PRECAST: ,i {: ad /.ft.d0 :'--,-+. tl, A, i 11.<5r J rJ16//J \ ADD lr lcitAl- 8€I4ARKS \ RIGHARDS ENG|NEECINC.ffirrfr @F TRANSnnrrrAL TO P. O. Box 643 vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 Vail 476"5O72 Denver 2tl&1521 Mr. Jerry Aldrich Tovm of Va{1 Building Department Post Offlce Box l-00 Vai1, Colorado 81657 F. R. Orr Construction Co. 4414 Vine Street Denver, Colorado GENTLEMEN: Mr. Dana 4045 B Englewood separate cover via ! Plans WE ARE SENDING YOU IxAttached E Under fl Shop drawings L-l Prints tr Copy of letter I Change order the following items: n Samples fl Specifications t 24. L973 Colorado 8011-0 COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPIION 1 Inspection Reports August 17 - 22, Lg73 (* vantage PoLnt Phase I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: I For approval :El For your use n As requested n For review and comment ! FOR BIDS DUE as submitted as noted for coffections ! Approved n Approved n Returned ! Resubmit-copies for approva I tr Submit _ copies for distribution ! Return -corrected prints tJ 19- N PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: lf enclosures aae not as notc<t, kindly notity Kenneth E. Richards fm 2.r$D- r*r a|tlrn36i6 &nn hd, Td!.4 r.e u6 at oircc. \ SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWN OF VA I L Project Nama <_: " r-Inspector CONCR ETE CT IONOATE i LOCAT ION IAPPROVE STEEL: t. /,)L" t 1- Lt )r PRECAST: /t:3 u ,!-;3L /__ 1//.- , - tr-/' .'/> ry /a,'wr..c' /'{r'o E.a5f e lla--I "r!*'L -. tr.L',a1 7 *'f "'r ?a'-*1j * *+.]" 7.+'. ,i"--r*-.t..-l -'l- L: -.j --t t-< - OTHER: DD IT IONAL RE},IARKs ,. -t\ ' .'I *r.r *os BNormERs, rNG. t Pogt Offtcc lor Vall, Coloredo 476-5072 clCNCtErE. I{ASONBI AND REItFotCil{c gllltr. llPort 543 81657 coocr€tg Placeoeot Drt3 Tlrg 9erthcr Locrtloo 8lury Gyllndcrr l|eroory lorDcccloo Drte llr tle,atbcr Ipcatlot frrhr btnlorclst Stccl sl.g!Bturo . ' RICHARDS ENGINEERING.LETTT @F TrRANsnflrrrALP. O. Box 64i! vAlL, coLoRADO 81657 Vail 476-5O72 Denver 2t[4.1521 T0 Mr. Jerry Aldrlch Town of Vail Butlding Department Pest Offlce Bex 100 Vail, Colorado 8l-657 F. R. Orr Construction Co. Mt. Dana Ri 4414 Vlne Street Denver, Col-orado GENTLEMEN: 4045 Broadway EngJ-ewood , Co WE ARE SENDING YOU 11la Attached ! Under separate cover via n Shop drawings ! Prints the following items: E Plans E Samples D Specifications tr Copy of letter I Change order t] Co1 oaiE lJoB NO. rr.r61tFr lq- 1q71 I vC-Rz AITEN'ION , Arcnl-EecE rado 801-10 coPt Es DATE NO.DESCRIPTION !}/d4iv+.G-' 1 Jnspectlon Reports October 8 - 17, l-973 t Vantage Point IIU RU 0CT22te73 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: n For approval &<For your use ! As req uested ! Approved as submitted n Resubmit_copies for approval ! Approved as noted r-l Submit -copies lor distribution E Returned for corrections D Retu rn -corrected prints 19-_ N PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US n For review and comment n ! FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS COPY TO SFEC IAL I$SPECT ION RIPORT TO'I{N 0F V,q I L Pr,: j e ct I'i ana l ns pactcr L0c,1T | 0ri iii'pn,:v e CCRRECT IOITS RE )-,-1,,._.r rr i:L: ,,,/r" /'>,,1t y'u..,/- r',2 .;ty i".i..,.te,,.,'(1a> Lp.'/d s PRECAST: {P'-..-.-;-'-'4/----F:- i i :J,:' t, . DDITiONAL SSEC I AL Ii\5PECT TOl.til 0r IOII REPORT VAIL Pro j ect i'larna Inspector r _. a, ,-a\\,a\.1t-':r\Jij,rrJaltr I i LOCAT i ON PPRCV:IONS R€OU I .qE {? J' :r.r.-,--'1 .-,'...-./. !: /7 /)?+-.-"=-=+^-:j" _.t l't-1 I /.^ l-:.f f j-. G't*'tY' .)'r-i ,-..-:- .. -) ''t / t '"*:-s-*,",i \. / ,_,, .. +- ,. -.12 ,/> >] *b: /{'t - t/w'tla& r{a *7Vt;ea( :).',.'-;t- :-44/' P l-z'd F-alf..-t,-;'ct/-t/- '# ; e t;'t:z<b ct I t:<t'0c:'z+G a-flt4 :;u. y'-" -; */aerJ / r:irrtStl *1 lr;; I t 5',i$tJ; -$ " l,1i-L.\ 7.a,/'/,/ ' t -a '- ..:'rr/'a 4'. i . rt:; ,, r/r tL! r ."v ' D, j!l!.' lIlz '/'r, b,3i{ I PRECAST I At) lT lcNAr- SFTC IAL Ii'ISPECT ION REFORT TO!.IN OF VA I L Pi-c j e:t I'l ana COIICRET E . i -'" Inspector I. N.lTtr i I'I-ATtNII IAPPR{IVEDv:-r jL : r-r' - -_u_:' ' .''coRREcT I Ol'ls REQU=lB€D .-.-i l r, /. /t \i-i/.),1)i i 'lr'/irtll i tj,t r ,,f ) // >,7 {.t.-11." t \ / ..,/../ .-- / a +:/.--t-t ,a -= 7'V,;'''tlc.r't ^ ':-' t--*-\ .*)'.' \ PRECAST: iiDD !T IONAL R!MARKS rNsrFErfio* WN OF F|EEUEST VAIL JOB NAME ,*t DATE TIME RECE]VED cetteR t E olren MON COMMENTS: E panrrau. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE n{,ro THUR S nrr RovE D rF/ I#IUPON THE FOLLOWING COFRECTIONS:,/\ CORRECTIONS QJ 9g149€ t'e'/Et-wrr.,-rl ,p. ^(,Ar' .- t/ Cr->€7 F,e^/p\ 1--( fLeatr D orsappRovED ! netNsPEcr oA.l INSPECTOR o SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT TOWN OF VA I L Project Name CONCRETE: il ocT 24 €73 r nspecrorjhbl61F1p CTIONS RDATELOCAT ION PRECAST: ADD rT r0NAL RgM4.RII5 o SPECIAL INSPECTION R€PORT TOWN OF VA IL Project Name Inspector DATE i L0CAT lqfl ieppnov E [l1"ri;';;/liil-nt, L,-..-li: a-.r d.ta:t,(. '1/il /') :',-.'"4 { /. F,J OI.ICRETE: 1 1'vt(.,'- >: 5L' 7,'sn Y"' ja .i" t, (t TIONS RE sL A o y. a-C' (, /.)i /</ I t<-&de ,,,'A /^ <' ./r, --,/,, <-1..'l<.4)>"4- t? ?-'t'J.-,,r.*/ r- 2t ('al,1tq { ? u.r-a'- <11 { :t2 i>. '1 I / /-:tt t-/ ; 4 ,:i ,J. * 'Jtj ;7+- .t-,-.'-r^J r.-c';! /z t/ ., , ;' /'/ f rer.fn,tc t ADD lT I0NAL REI'lAllK:i SPECIAL INSPECTTON REPORT TOWN OF VA IL Projoct Narne CONCRETE: OATE ! LOCATIO lnppRove ,,_r,' \- / u!:f b"f | \la/L'r'\-J vc<-ry i \ ,,,^/l\f4:" ,/ l=i:(- rI :-l-'- '/5 (r,, /i j r L-!L-_ 'l -'z:z RtcT iol.ls RE ./ .: izr,i 'j:ot 7: t'l 5&< ict I,/( STEEL: I I /a-E),- ,9i-t- r/:-e PRECAST:Qo V/.z-{!V,.,.1' - taQl4-!-^/H- 3;d J*'{ d / ,, .,ri v./-F /,{ €tJ ? /oE- - ADD IT IONA REMA RKS R|GHARDS ENGTNEER$C.LtrTTT @F TRANSRflITTALP. O. Box 643 vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 Yail 476.5O72 Denver 244.1821 TO Mr. Jerry Aldrich Town of ValI Bu@ P:g!_q{19C_!9* 100 F. R. Orr Constructioo Co. Mr. Daoa Rl 4414 Vine Street DeDver, Colorado GENTLEMEN: 4045 Broadway Engler,vood , Co WE ARE SENDING YOU fk Attached C Under seoarate cover via ! Shop drawings [J Prints the following items: D Plans E Samples tr Specifications n Copy of letter D Change order n Co DATE IJOB NO.Septenber 25, 1973 | V3-82 ATTENTION pa ^ A {O7'lltltt DEr 'r - >rado 8011-0 coPtEs DATE NO,DESCRIPTION LttInspection Reports September 12 - Lg, fg7{ Vantage Point Phase I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: fl For a pprova I EF For your use ! As requested ! Approved as submitted tr Resubmit-copies for approval n Approved as noted ! Submit - copies for distribution n Returned lor corrections n Retu rn _corrected prints 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US f For review and comment I N FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: Kenneth E. Rl"chards Fdm ?&D- il.' f.d.'n t6l6 S.tlci lE, lo.dd l|* ,f enclosuroa ara not aa noted, kindly noti,y us at once. SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT TOWN OF VA I L Rrt sEP l.t $n Project DATE CONCRETE: LOCAT ION OTHER: CT ION U IRED ,P'l€aut '/2 ,/tu, ?ut i,.7s , lri+.-r!.1 't3f,furl I nspector 8/oqr fsVpt T llhl ,1 rtn:-o >,X F1-12',"' PRECAST: IU RTGHARDS ENG|NEERilLC. P. O. Box 643 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 Vail 476.5O72 ll^enver 244-15!ll Mr. Jerry Altlrich Town of VaiL Building DepartnentPost Off,leE lo:{ 100 Vai1, Colorado 81657 ffirrdt @F rRANSnnrrrAL the following items: - Samples E Specifications F" R. 0rr Construction Co. 4414 Vine Street Denver, Colorado GENTLEMEN: Mr. Dana 4045 Broa Englewood WE ARE SENDING YOU ;ft Attached I Under tr Shop drawings E Prints D Copy of letter ! Change order separate cover I Plans vta tr Rick dtray ,co DA'rE lJoB No. Sent - 1O- 197i I v1-Rt ATTEnfl ION n|.r ShP 12 1sl3 11, AI(Cnr-EeCE lorado 801-l-0 coPtEs OATE NO.DESCRIPTION I Inspection ReDorts Seotember 6. L973 \ Vantaee Point Phase II : THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ! For a pprova I p. For your use Ll As requested E For review and comment ! FOR BIDS DUE as submitted as noted for corrections ! il n n tr ! rl Approved Approved Retu rned Resubmit-copies lor approval Submit-copies for d istribution Retu rn - corrected orints 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: ff encrosu/es r.e not ,3 notcd, kiadly notiry Kenneth E. Rl chards us Et onca, fm l|o0- lld F al.d 36i6 sate, rfr., 1re4 t s. SPECIAL INSPECTTON REPORT TOWN OF VA IL Project Name (1- I nspbctor =-): c CONCRETE: ,"1", /"lS * DATE ! L0CAT lgl_{leppnov r '.rli ''^ d j-/ECAST:,r t+-t 5 " J,t 4 € a--r ^ 7J /'e- DDITIONAL REI4ARKS RICHARDS ENGINEER.{C.Lgrrt @F TRANSmflITTAL TO P. O. Box 6zlil vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 Vail 476.5072 llenver 2'14.1521 Mr. Jqrry Aldrich Town of Vail Butlding Department Post Offl ne Rox 100 Vail , Colorado 81657 F. R. Orr Construction Co. 44L4 ttlne Street Denver, Colorado GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU rR tr Shop drawings tl tr Copy ol letter n Mr. Dana Rickli, 4045 Broadway Englewood, Golor Attached n Under Prints Change order separate cover fl Plans the following items: tr Samples ! Specifications n COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 1 Jqspection Reports September 20 - October 3, L973 Vantage Point - Phase II THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: I For approval !fi1 For your use I As requested I For review and comment N FOR BIDS DUE as submitted as noted for corrections n Approved I Approved n Returned u fl Resu brnit-copies for approval n Submit -copies for distribution n Retu rn -corrected prints 19- N PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO --- ....-- -.-..-....-------- lf enc'osutes arc SIGNED: Kenneth E. Rj-chards not as ooted, kindly notiry us at ooce. SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWN OF VA IL Project Nama f---.-.-,"-lnspector ,,'-- ( ,' CONCRETE: LOCAT ION lnppRcv e ,"':) CORRECT ON5 REOiJ I RE OAT E "':z .s *r :, 7 /lJ +/z ;r F .,r,i .. ,:',' .1.'.=.1.' --1 ,'.- / ,: -; lt)-f /"'{ / /.:t-U p / <t+- :. PRECAST: OTHER:ec I f I a-e J ,- i.rt .-, tt -:f{"i Fh4r..7-*-'*. d2-t .--a/, f /(1 ; --'-t -<-s .t'1'l- -.., ..: |-1-a) - {:{1._::_-Fn" -Li*;;i-J*t=J-. ".,/u ,.t' ii at "tY , j .., .'>4-,/ ?- : -t.!Z t ;"1" 7V )-7fu.u' t':Ge4+L R!I.,IARKS o SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TO}IN OF VAIL Project Nama CCi.ICRETE: '7->- (.<.--- InsPecTor-J_ OATE LOCAT ION lnppRov E TIONS RE Lti, {.7/, -^ PRECAST: (+-.."*v-(' -LJelA,sC- .-'tt-V Ct ^tl./4/./,t t + = Ez.7 l::*/ Fl*:*t:, r. /! l'y'1**4 l/."",tP 4li:r rt /i--,t *7t z!- 4 e,.y'-"e/er^,x, *,Jt, // -:t rt< oDlTtoNAL Ril,fA869 o SPECIAL INSPECTION TOWN OF VA I i' *,-- -. ,i_ ,,,..: ; REPORT IL Project Name CONCRETE: Inspactor DATE LOCAT lON CORRT -g t . - clc lrut-,--PA | *':_t ,-!-.ia-_-_ A5T: l-/, jv fp r / /?;;:. y /.4/.;..-i l-4- <t,'i"' (i..?. 'f.r,. '"r' i..7.'1 : r:! "L,' AY. -, i- \f-A,.,t tt,'>/ c|,<"-ir/.tg/);rqa':;:-t ' il<'_rrit*,:t.( Y,.- {,,'/.'i .>. I 4'&&,..,-t/'n't/ds '4 9--"-( t:7o.O"k,z'-w..u-,e/.G a 4 4-->--..-770 '11-:-,t {',:t..t,1r Jtt a .iF{F"-'''-'-< tlet*:) y-f. c- IONAL R'I'4ARK5 August 3, 1973 Mr. Jerry Al<lrich Chief Building Official 'I OWn Or ValIP. 0. Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Job No.452. 09 TILI AU6 7En STATEMENT Plan Check * Vantage Point 2 Fixed Fee: $619.15 TOTAL DUE THIS STATEMENT g 6l3,es R1 T*,5 Atro.:,+1 F a'r,t .- . l\ \*^! , t- -i*.-"qir\_J t+\ .l\r- I fNTEREST at the rate ot lEo pet month of the unpaid balance. U,d \ I {ccounts not paid within 30 days fromI date ol statement will be charged G*',^.NMENTAL "ro.t" O Box 8ll - Eagle County Courtlrouse Eagle, Colorado 81631 Yail 476-5613 r,tr.r\,n r) A atr\r !r r.r!r:v.w1t\1.,t.l DaLe: July 10, 1973 To:b1r. R..' Snades, P. i. From: Erik I.I. Edeen, R.?.S. Rel Sunburst P. U.D. Th e }ler rk Lo cge Vantage Point IT Vail lncerna riona 1. Enzian Condoninium Vailglo Lodge Sha r cho 1d er s' .,flelemarkTownhouses The following letter lras ' rrRecently it has coi-ie to our attencion you are establishing a. s'imlingpool at tlre above referencec pro?erty. pians and specifications onthe pool, filter and chlorin"iio., ry"r*s should be- suunitiJJ-." iiltr-.;--;r-.E'o--='office prior to consurucLion. Enclosed is a copy of the Swintring pool ileguiations andInspection Survey Form. Eagle 328-7716 Basalt 927-3322 F. R. Orr ConsrrucEion Co. It sp en Construccioa Co.F. R,. Orr Cons t,ruc tion Co. Benes Coastruction Co Hanse:l anci Jordon ConsEruction Co. San Jaun Pool s Co. Shareho lder s Bill Willians Consrruccion Co.- mailed to each of the above: '._-'." the CounEy rf you have any questions please do not hesitaLe to contact thj.s off j.ce.,,. eaD EI.IE./bru ccs State IIcaI th EagIe Councy Town of Vail Depar tmenc Co;i.-aissioners tsuilding Deparrnenc I'A}|[A- OIiIILI ST:OFtil EEI. SUICTLIA.R,CTTTTECT 4()atE g. EruoAE'r,rz.A.g. gttITE s'oi*E$IGlIrE\rrOOD . corrosa.A,Do, 7ge+6a5 JuIy 20, 1973 Mr. Jerry Aldrlch Tonn of Vail Bulldtng DepartBent P.O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Vantage Potut llll,ionshead Plan Check Review Dear JerrT: Item 1A, B, C; 2A, 28 We are lnstalllng a 4 hour separation wall beftreen the two garage portioas trlth eelf-closlng fire doors at thetraffic ways. Iten 48 A smoke detector is to be installed 1n elevator equlpoent roou. IEen 58 Openlng lll1minated and trafflc openingwill be reduced to mlnlnum on north end. Iten 9 Flreproof stalrs and approved by bullding Item 13 wall constructi.onofflctal. Shorn on Ilana C. Rtcklt eheet A-10 cc/Darrell Johns RECEIPT' 'Th" Town of vail ,-: lltt N9 4601 3,11. c o 5 o a -'16?-j:r\'L?M-e. By _o,fu. i;:,,, .. . . ' j' '- nr' ",.t* 107 ShrfiMAN ST SUtTt A BrNVtR, C0108A00 . 80203 TELEPH0I{t (3031222.0855 Alexanden,/Rickli, Anchitects 4O45 Scuth B;-oacharay Suite 2O4 Englewood, Colonado gO1 1O FtL2 lZ fu, ?l Decemben 4, 1973 Rickli Vantage Point II O;r job #72c€2) Dean Dan; Our ofFice has rcccived nesults of concnete tests taken at the thind fLoonand uppen decks on for:nth floon. The za day design stnength was notreached, but the concnete has neached design stnength in 4b days. since this concnete has reached design strength pnion to application of fulllive loads, it should be adequate. Ii yo, have any questions or if we canbe of any furthen senvice, please feel fnee to c.ntact this ofFice. Sincerely, James R. Borrnan & Associates, Inc. Steve Jinsa 5 I J:ces lmf:S;:';Irc, . ..ti' ir4ai ,. . "-. '.*!*!rEltBr.- v- Fraicr & Ethgery, lnc. C O AI S U LTI N G EIV G I IV E E R g 2840 SOUTH UALLEJO STREET Rtt JUL 10 tgB ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO 801 TO TELEPHOtvE J03 761-4860 July 6, L973 Mr. Jerry Alilrlch Chief Buildlng Offlclal Town of Val l- P. O. Box 100 VaiJ-, Colorado 8l-657 -*-*.'-*-.Re: / Vantaee Point II J ffiprrance wrrn -uner-orm Buri<irng uodeOur Job No. 452.09 Dear Mr. Aldrich: By letter of June 12, L973, the archlteet has responded toour Prelinlnary Review dated June 4, t973. Partially revised drawings have been received. Comnents to his reapouse(attached hereto) are as follows; Items l-A. 18. lC. 2A and 28 Garage is of precast concrete Type II constructLon. Type Iconstruction requi.res 3 llour flre resistance of structuralmernbers. Prestressed concrete tendons must be protected inaccordance with See. 4303-C-3 and Tabl_e 43-A, Iten 34. No submisslon has been made showlng the type of constructionof the eris tlng garage. In our oplnion, the area separation waLl should be provi.ded.This matter is left for adjudication by rhe BuiJ.ding Official_. Iltecq 2C, 2D. 3A. 3B and 3C Acknow 1-e d ge d Iten 4A Approved Iten 4B Location of elevator equipment room uuder stair subject to accePtance by Bullding 0fficla1. Iten 5A Approved / TAND SURVEYING / STORA,T DRAINAGE / STNUCTUT* / TRANSPORTATION / WAIER & SANITATION , page 2 Iten 58 Subject to acceptance by t,he Bull-ding Official. Item 5C Approved. However, 1f variance ls granted fof Item 58,these openings nay fall into same cat.egory. Items 6 and 7 With openings as now permitted under Iten 5A, neither thespri.nkler system nor the ventilation system shoul-d be requiredfor the garage. Iten 3Deletion acknowledged. Item 9 Subject to acceptance by the BuiJ.ding Official. In our opinionthe non-combustible conatruction of the stair does not alte"the situation where a requlred egreas of open consttuctionprotrudes into an area where fire on ailj acent property mayrender the egress useless. Iten 10 Deletion acknowledged. Iten 11 Apfroveil . Note that under Tab].e 17A one-hour ratlng ls required for all permanent partltions. Iten 12 Approved. Iten 13A Not shown on revised drawings. Iteu 138Approved. Reductlon to L Ll2 hour rating ,by- deletion of 3Ilour occupancy separation by elimination of H .occupancy onparking level-. Itens l-4A thru 14F, incl.usive Approved. I ten l-5A App roved Iten 15B Deletion acknowledged Item 16 Approved. Page 3 Part B - Items 1. 2A and 28 No advlsements re ceLved. PartB-Items3and4 Approved. AsLde fron the items above referred: to you for approvalr the implementatlon of area aeparatlon on the parking Level from the exletlng structule Ls the naln obstacle withholdtng final approval. Pl-eaee advise of your dispoeitlon of the above questions so that lre nay final-lze our oork for this project. Very truly yours, FRASIER & CINGERY, INC. Knud O. Ragousgen, Pt E. ProJ ect Manager KORt ge Eacloeure ec: D. C. Rickli _lt ': r" E A.litA crlirtlrg?optrEsr. FLrcttJt.AR,CTifITEiClr .{rcr46 E- Eta,oADvtzA?. gltaTt ao1E$IGLE\^IOOD . C;OTTOR A.E O. 7gg'4rEi=t6 Frasier and.: ' 2840 South j..,:,. Bnglesood, G'-ngery Ccnsulting Engineers ValleJo Colorado 80110 ccoti'€narr tiefv.the ' .t'1', .,1r l,t.':l: ' '^.: r,':', -:- -"1,, i.'.:: ":' :1,,'ffil.+rui$l ffiffiffi, .., ir'.,.1.'i-'. i. i:i'."r,1ii-.. . .r.,,.::.1..ff.-:_ a1. . rr' -a{?r y_; ,:..iJ\,1ri!-.*trr, : : r.:l\1:+tl*it Ji.'j : 1:'ra r'.il,i,:. 'nlr . : i: .+. ;! rr il..- '.i!.{ li fi.qiiiri: :'- ': ..:. t.'. . : "-. ,i,.r ., .: , '. ;. .:.t. ...... . . .; , ;i.., - : ; : r :. Itcra #7 Set. tten #L .'. ' ..,i.,,,:;i-i,:,:,"',1;j.,:,:i$;. -d-.t- :',figi.,L,.+ . : 1 i i''iiru: Occuf., at rd;. nA.:,,: ,: .,.1-s ,:': :.1i June 12, 1973 Page 3 : rres fr5 A Fan is ro be A.R{S l{tFS @Ssi,l) .:,.. ,l , ..' ttio *16 See'shecB A-2 garage plan for r ' ,-:..,t: ., .'.:,' i',,,' :i.'ii-:i".:: .' . garage.lighttnB , '::" ' '.'',1; '- 'r. ,lt-r.il-",, thrce'ildcs of garage are opea so exLt . ,: .:: . - 'j:.: .'.'i .l:;:t." n{onc hhorrld not br reatr{ rrd fAl lo arpa of, '::" ' '.'',1; '- 'r. ,lt-r.il-",, thrce'ildcs of garage are opea so exLt .:;, - .:;;. ...,. , " .r:,--i,i,,,1' elgns ahould not be reqalred (A1so area of ,' '..'': 'i.i..-i i,i:',':]" 31,00o sq. ft;: f l2oo - leee thrn 3oo - ,i,:ii:-.,::..r:..,':i:ji5;'.;';;!*]l:..9eye1ns).":;.;': .: '.: . .::i-:; . : 'r:::: l. JIIUUU. 3t[.. rE;: ] [ zUU - Ieaa EIE-n 5UU ,,,f1.:,, j?':1 '::;;l:.5::'.:.""1;.,..'. pereons) '':.,;;.' .'u.: , :':'.' l;'.,. , : :: Ited #3",,Rlibirds Engiaecrtng hag becn.t:.,,' ,: ., , r.ats.{ nir, . }'^ 6-r,.f,a'.ii ,. t hi a .,:. i,l:- i *-::l;,r : -,.:+,?*:.i,iirlF.r$:L', ,,: :.T ir..i,;.:, '1 .ie;,r;;iifr+r,:." . .':,1,i;;, :,: .:'"', - '.tiiln "i'ir :j\j:.'r',,. :riri+f ',,iii l,,l+#i,l ,1ffii.ii ;ii!i,' ;, ;tl'i' lr'''i:'!"'