HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 3 VAIL 21 CONDOS COLORADO INSIGHT LEGALl,/ei///''t"z/*/ F,'/ in'/ / lur i,6/oK 't l/a,/ -zt (n"/w ffu.oh f',*f lmn 75 3oulh tronlrge rd. Yail, colo.ado 8161i7 (303) 476-7000 department of community development January 15, 1982 T0: DESIGI{ REVIEW BOARD FROM: Department of Community Development/Peter Jamar RE: Colorado Insiqht Sign Variance Request for Vail 21 Building Description of Variance Requested The applicant, Colorado Insight, requests a vaniance to the Sign Code to allow 3 signs of approximately 3.8 square feet each with the working "Ski Renta'ls" to be erected along three sides of the Vail 21 Building in Lionshead. The Sign Code does not allow s'igns wh'ich advertise the service of a business. The purpose of any exterior s'ignis to identify the bus'iness or organization located within a bui'lding. The Sign Code does allow windor signs for the purpose of identifying products, services or events. In this case it would seem that ski renta'l is a service provided. by Colorado Ins'ight and that the appropriate placement of these signs wou'ld be affixed to or hung inside the window of the store. The applicant has not related any special circumstances or conditions which would prove to be a physical hardsh'ip in this case. Criteria for Approval Before the board acts on a variance application, the appficant must prove physical hardship, and the board must find that: I I A. There are special circumstances or condit'ions applying to the land, buildings, topography, vegetation, sign stt'uctures or other matters on adjacent lots or within the adjacent right-of-way, which would substant'ially restrict the effectiveness of the sign in question; provided' however, that such specia'l circumstances or conditions are unique to the particular business or enterprise to which the app'licant desires to draw attention, and do not apply general ly to all businesses or enterprises;B. That such special circumstances were not created by the applicant or anyone in privy to the applicant;C. That the granting of the variance wj'll be in general harmony with the purposes of this title, and wil'l not be materially detrimental to the persons residinE or workinE in the vicinity, to adjacent property, to the neighborhood, or to the public welfare in general; D. The variance applied for does not depart from the provisions of this title any more than is required to 'identify the applicant's business or use;E. Such other factors and criteria as the design review board deems applicable to the proposed variance. Staff Recommendations The Department of Community Development Staff recommends denia'l of the requested sign variance. There are no circumstances in this case which wou'ld make it diffjcult for the applicant to identify the business and services offered under the provisions of the s'ign code. Project Application Project Name: dE 7a &tsrProject Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zonei Zoning Approved: Deslgn Review Board t/ ,^," /0/7K/ DISAPPROVAL Summary: ,' c. I Projecl Appllcatlon Projecl Name: Project Description:Commerclal Addltlon Contact Person and p69ns fhr.an.' P{ fter 476-1 666 Owner, Address and Phone: Ch,rrl es Rosenqul st 475-32O1 Archiiect, Address and Phone: Legal oescription: Lot 3 , Btock 1 , riting Llonshead lst. , zone CC II Comments: Rcqucstr ehrnge o€ ..lester fercta colOr. Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: Oate APPROVAL 7T qT Summary: Date: ri Town Planner E Statt Approval aCoo? oI A ooov NIoto 0!IL .9 0 0 I.-It oilto x 0! r-I 0 '!Iog 0o aI E 0Lt g tlt L 0 c o N oF a. O C) --CO r^l C)ce i C) C) C) -C7 September 14, 1981 Peter Jamar Town P,Lanner Tocrn of Val1 Re: Vail 21 Bul1dl-ng I coLor Ghange Peter: This offtce respectfully suhnits a request for review by the Design Review Board of the Town of Vail . The owners of Vall- 21 remodeltng of cormerclal space wlsh to alter prevlous approved exterlor color schene. Charles Rosengtrlst Rtchard Brovm Duane Archlte Hand Dellvery a box 100 vail, colorarlo 81657 (3031 476-5613 , \ '/ \:\ ( ", a department of community rlevelopment July 15, l98l Vail 21 Chuck Rosenquist Dick Brown 511 East Lionshead Circle Vail , Colorado 81657 Vail 21 Addition Dea'r Sirs: The Town of Vail is now collecting the parking fee. The parking fee is assessed on the basis of new or additional development in the corunercialcores. This letter outl. j-nes the law concerning the parking fee and presentsa schedule for the payment of the fee. (see vai.lrs zoning code: 18.s2.100, r8. s2. r608. ) The Town Council has set several different parking fee formulas for differenttypes of development. In May 1980 the Town Council lowered the comnercial parkingfee rate for ti{o years to encourage developers to begin work on ttreir Giplnsionor alteration plans. The cornrnercial rate was lowered from $5,000 to $3,000for each 300 square feet of expansi"on. Eating and drinking establishmentsare assessed differently. They are assessed at the rate of $J,000 for every 10 seats of new seating capacity. The Town councj-l did not lower the residential parking fee, and i.t remainsat $5,000 for every parking stall required for new development. (See theordinance for details.) The commercial parking fee may be paid over a five year period, but theresidential fee nnrst be paid in one lunp surn. Paynent of the first fifthof the comnercial fee is due at the time the construction permit is issued. The second fifth is due one year after thc perurit is issuei, the thirdfifth is due two years after the permit is lssuedn and so on until thefifth fifth is paid. A schedule of your parking fee payments appears on the attached page. aVaLl 2l Building Addition Parking Fces Total Parking Fce Due:$ 4"490 AmountDdte Due First Fifth April 20, 1981 $ 898 Second Fifth April 20n 1982 fitird Fifth April 20, 1983 Fourth Fifth April 20, 1984 Fifth Fifth April 20, 1985 898 898 898 898 The total parking fee due at this tine is $898. Receipts fron the parking fee are channelled into a special fund designeil to help solve Vailrs palking problems, We appreciate your contribution to this fund. Sincerely, o@ ,^," f/',/* 6lkt-0trt ,/,l til -+ -6/44//taJL,nA"/ ParI Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL c2-- Chief Building Official '\ ,/,t LIgT OT MATI{IIIAI,S llrt I r' ._[p-g.[.tJ0..lg.00- Kel>e) f(au &){1&, LIIGAL DDSCRIIyI'ION 3 LOT_I_IILOCK Vert r.r,.,,.,"h".d tr,ir"a FILING DESCRIPI'ION OF PIIOJUCI' Retnodel and expa of NAMI! Or PIOJECT Vall 21 Butldl dlEion The follorvlng informatlonto the Design Review Board A. ) BUILDING UATBRIALS: Roof Sld 1n g Other lfall. lrtaterlals Fascla Sofflte 1{1ndols l{indow Trlm Doors Dobr Trlm Iland or Deck Ralls Flues Flashings Chlmueys Tlash Dnclosures Greenhouses Other ls requtrcd for submittal by the Applicantbefore a f iual appr.oval can bc givcn. Tyne of Materlal Gravel' Color Syn. Plaster (STO 0,. )PI,ANT MATERIALS(VegeEative, Lindscaplnsand Ground Cover) Botanlcal Name N/A Materials includlng Trees, Shrubs, Conunon Namc Quancltv Size (I ^ndscape materlal unde_r separate cover by Landscape Arc hltect) Lt. Grav-Brown Med. Bronze Alunlnum Med. Bronze - lo2'. '..,, i d....fz.r I Page 2 I -) t. P1anr Mdterlals Centl-nued Conrnon Name QuantiEy ,, ' c.)OTIIER IANDSCAPE FEATI'RES(Retalnlng l{alls, Fencea, Swiruning pools, eEc.) Size .w nw nstl6t , .Z-r-4 / /4 7/7 d /H/ 13. / i 7f ?o / (st2 / ** AOa /*" f 2r.r ,t 9.t t ---3? .b1 +a44b /6x?f 'ftx ltr /o r(f brtD tfrrl-t--" lO.y b f a6u 3fo/ / '-L t b7 t F lF' I tl, rrr -rug* /3fi lh (/ /P 2"4a g tP6{e 7gfrf a**,r,o ir/37.{ d*'6& &*Etr 1^ :rf,: /fitr #/?4+roaug*X- 7bI&-lauazq(, /3t6 ua2= U A;5r.-<-, (rVtr cl-'-E-r, ^Qo;' fd") l44.JL 36,8 tr+ f; ) . Crn -"r.r"rr. 6"+ O Ex7{= /sso fBx /8 * /o // /-80 * * f/0x fr '2 hx /o = /{t /> toK l{ 2nf /90 / 6{, ? =ffi l7b7DnE!!a z7?4 \. *??a 3E 3 e rFU';fi i i;t:i *ei1tE ; iliiiE*1;€:i*g;iaiiei=e€ *:sIq =ii:? !; *E n 5 ai€ r:st FFi€F ;*iii*Zt; Eg E Fig;iaga;tIiii;E;eEss1;aigdslri* 7?iii3tr; a* box l(Xl vail. colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 lfay LL, L!79 department of community development Vail 21 BcD< 3085 Vai1, @ 81657 Re: Publi-c/hirrate Joint Ventu:re Program Dear Sir: I am smry to inform you that your project has not been approrred. as paxt of the R:lclic/Pririate Joint Ventuce Prograrn fot L979. Tbe Town Ccn.tncil has decided that your project should not be funded dtre to the darage to this area done by Gore Range Properties la.st srnrer and the general feelilg that the change tn the design of tbe planter boxes was inappropriate. I nould like to thank you for applying and hope you have a good sumer. Sincerely, ^ .- -/ ) , ':.)a-nzo 4, tr-al."c,il Jaites A. BrDin Tanine Administrator JAR:c4j Planning and Environr"t Cormission Minutes of Meeting of 4-14-80 Page One a Lr"L 2,t ltlembers Present Ed Drager Jim Morgan John Perkins Sandy Mills Gerry White Town Council Person Present ' Jbhn Donovan Staff Present Dick Ryan Peter Patten ,lim Rubin Chuck Donley Before the Pub'lic Hearing there was a Discussion of the County Proposalof the Westwood Subdivision. Dick (yan gave the background on this item. Basica'l ly they are coming to the Town and going to the County to see what would be acceptable density there. They wouid like to see how nnny units would be allowed there by the Town. The Site is 47.7 acres. John Kidneigh nnde his presentation. They wou'ld Iike to bui'ld 45 units, a combination of Prirnry/Secondary Duplexes and Single Family residences. The Staff fee'ls the density shou1d be about the same as a'llowed on the Selby property. 21 Units were al'lowed on 43 acres. They have applied for RSM zon'ing in the County but the County hasn't said how many units they would a'l low there. Intermountain Engineering has saidthere are 2l buildab'le acres. Dick Ryan asked the Board thejr fee'lings on this, Ed Drager said he feels it should be zoned resource because he doesn'tfeel it is buildab'le land. Jim Morgan sajd he thinks l9-20 units is appropriate. It should be comparableto the Selby land. .?F PEC Minutes--4/14/80 Page Two John Perkins said he doesn't think we can just pull a density figure from the air. He said there are a'l ot of oroblems with this'land. He can't see where they have spent $30,000 on engineering of this road system. John Kidneigh said he has five different plans for the roads. ,lohn Perkins said he would Iiketo see thern. Sandy Mil1s said she thinks the P'lanning Commission shou'ld send a letter to the Forest Service,'BLM, or whomever to 'l et them know how unhappy we are with these trade parce'l s which are not developable. She thinks the road system shou1d not be private roads but shou'ld be bui'lt to Vail standards so they could be plowed and fire trucks can get in there. Gemy White asked if John Kidneigh feels they He said he feels they can build 40 units. John Perkins said he fee'ls they would have to there. Gemy White said he feels maybe they should make a site trip there. Ed Drager made a motion that the P1 anning and Environmental Corrnission recorrnend that the zoning.on this parcel be'left Resource. Sandy Mills seconded the motion. Ed Drager, Sandy Mi11s, and Gerry Wh'ite voted for this motion. John Perk'ins and Jim Morgan voted against. Both John and Jim felt units should be illowed on this parcel but the developer wou'l d have to prove how many units can be built on it. PUBLIC HEARING l.) Approval of Development Plan for Panorann Condominiums (Phase l) ted on Lot I, Block 3, Lionsridge Subdivision Filing No. 3 Peter Patten said that Jay Peterson representing the developer has asked that this item be postponed until May .|2, 1980. John Perkins made a motion to postpone the above until May 12, 1980. Jim Morgan seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. 2.) Pub'lic Hearing and consideration of variances for setbacks, density control , coveraqe, and parking to permit Commercial Expansion of the Vai'l 2l Bu'ildinq that is in conformance with the Vail Lionshead Urban Dick Ryan explained this item and the Staff recommendation. The Staff is recommending approval of these variances with the conditions that the owners pay the required parking fee, be required to part'ic'ipate in mal'l improvements, be required to pay in any ma'l I improvement district that is established and improve the court yard which is on private land as per the Staff memo of 4-11-80. can build 45 units on this ]and. prove to him how 40 units fit *! PEC Minutes --4/14/80 a Page Three Duanewill Duane Piper, the architect, made his presentation. He sajd the expansiongo into the setback but not on Town Right-of-llay. Piper sa'id they wi'l'l pay the parking fee as required. ,Jim Rubin and Dick Ryan explained that if the Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan and Ordinances were a'lready approved, these variances wou'ldnot be necessary but is necessary nob,.. Sandy Mills made a motion to grant these variances for setbacks, density contro'l , coverage, and par.king to penn'it Commercial Expansion of the Vai'l 21 Buildin! that is in conformance with the Vail Lionshead Urban Desing Guide Plan as per the Staff memo of 4-l'l-80. Ed Drager seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. 3.) gonlinued Public Hearinq on Vai'l Vi]laqe Urban Desing Guide Plan and 0rdinances for Commercial Core I and II. The Board continued to discuss this plan with Jeff Winston of Gage Davis and Associates and the Staff. The Board and Staff had walked through theVillage during the work session and had some suggestions for changes they wou'ld'like to see incorporated. Ed Drager made a motion to continue this discussion unti'l April 2.|, 1980 at l:00-P.M. Item 4 ( the approva'l of the minutes) was not discussed. The meeting was adjourned at 5:07 P.M. Q/a;/- 2/ MEMOMNDUM Planning and Environmental Cormission COIV!'IIJN ITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 4-1't-80 PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCES FOR SETBACKS' DENSITY CONTROL, COVERAGE, AND PARKING TO PERMIT COI'$'IERCIAL EXPANSION OF THE VAIL 21 BUILDING THAT IS iN CONFORMNCE IIITH THE VAIL LIONSHEAD URBAN DESIGN PLAN. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: STATISTICS: APPLICANT: Charles Rosenquist and Dick Brovn ZON ING: PROPOSAL: Connercial Core II Three Cormercial Expansion Areas containing 2'443 square'feet The Applicants are proposing three areas of expansion to the Vail 2'l Building that ibquiare several variances at this time. All the proposed expansions are 'in conformance with the Vai] LionsHead Urban Design P'lan that has been approved by the P'lanning and Environmental Commission and Town Council. The proposed. zoning ordinance cflanges for Commercial Core II that was in your packet last week wou'ld permit the coniercial expansion proposed without going through-a variance.procedure. lJnder the Zoning Ordinante changbs the applicant wou'ld be required to go.through a process to sh6w how the propoied expansions neet the Vail Lionshead Urban Deiign Guide Plan and Architectural Guidelines. The app'l icant is going before the P'lanning and Environmental Commission at this time so that construction can start in ttre spring and not be delayed to the suruner or fal'l . The three conrnercia'l expansion areas are a .|,025 square foot expansion to the ski shop, a 658 square foot expansion to Krismar LTD., and a 760 square.foot expansibn in the area of the Place restaurant. All the proposed e.xpansions woll d be 'l ocated on private property and not extend into Town of Vai'l - property. The expansion areas iroposed by the appl jcant were shown on the Vail Lionshead Urban besign P'l an foi severa'l ieasons. The two areas along the eas+' wall of the building were shown to first improve the visual entrance of the Vail Lionshead Ma'l'l and show visitors to this area that it is an active conmercial and pedestrian area. Second, to extend the corrnercial space beyond the dominating buildings and develop a pedestrian sca'l e for this area. There is a greater opportunity for window shopping, added life, and vitality in Vail Lionshead. The court yard by The Place restaurant is currently an uninv'iting place for pedestrians. There js no draw of commercial activity, 'l andscaping' etc. to bring people into this court yard. Proposed is cornmercja'l expansion that will provide more vjs'ibjlity to nbw vacant storage space. In addition,.there will be the opportunity for outdoor eating in the sun pocket in the north east corner of the court yard. The P'lanning and Environmenta'l Conmission shal'l make the fol'l owing findings before granting a variance: w 'PEC Memo Vail 2'l--Page Two l. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of spcial privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district; 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the pub'l ic health, safety, or we'lfare, or materia'l 1y iniurious to properties or improvemtns in the vicinity; 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the fo] 'lowing reasons: a. The strfct or litera] interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physica'l hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title, b. There are exceptiona'l or extraordinary circumstances or conditions app'licable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone, c. The strict or litera'l interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. (Ord. s (1973) paragraph 19.600.) RECOMMENDATION: The Corununity Development Departnent recommends approval of the variances requested. The Staff considers that there is no grant of special privilege since the Vai'l Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan and proposed ordinance changeswill permit this type of commercial expansion. The staff recommends that the app'licant be required to pay the fee established by the Town Council. This parking fee is currently under review by Council. Attached is the memorandum discussing the parking fee. The applicant should also be required to participate in ma11 improvements. The percentage of Town participation and private participation and private participation in ma'l I improvements has not been former'ly estab'l ished. The app'licant would like to see ma11 improvements take place on the east side with the commerc'ial expansions. In the court yeard on the west side is private property and should be'improved by the applicant with the consnercial expans'ion. Another condition shoudl be that the applicant agrees not to remonstrate against the special improvement district if formed for mall improvements in Vail Lionshead, and agree to join the district. \FT Project Application ou. 4-/7- fO Prolect Name: Proiect Description: - Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Doscription: Lot Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL Chiel Building Official Proiect Application ,/- 7- rD Proiecl Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Oescription: Lot ,u^n Va)/ 3/ & laz uZone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board ,^," 4- I L- [/o DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Off icial HtsLIC NOIICE I$}IICE IS HffiEBY GIIIE{ IIiAT llheelerlPiper Architests on behalf of Charles Rosenquist and Dick Brcmn, the cnrners of Vail 2L, have applied for a Parking and Setback Variance to a1lorr renodeliag and additions to the Yail 21, vrttich is located on Lot 3, Bl-ock 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing in the Ccnrrerc,ial Core II Zone District. Ttris application is uade in accordance with Section 18.62 of the Tqn of Vail Muni.cipal Code. A Rrblic Itrearing vril1 be held in accord with Sectio 18.66.06 of the Va11 lftmicipal Code before the llcryn of Vail Planning and Ervi-rcmental Csmission on April 14, 1980 at 3:0O P.M, Said Hearing will be held in the Vail l4unicipal Building. A copy of this applicatior and plan rmy be seen in the offise DE(aLoPme Tof Ccrnulity.betreen the hours of 8:0O A.M. and 5:00 P.M. lfionday through-n Fliday. TOIfi{ OF VAIL DEPARTMEVT oF @ilfttuNrlY DEvE Lo ?rnENr To be published in the Vail Tfail llarch 28, I98O Jaries A. Rubin Oa// Turjng Adninistrator March 24. 19 TOWN OII VAIL APPLICATION TOII VARIANCE Application Date Publication Date March 28, 1980 Public Hearing Date April 14. 19BO Name of Applicant Name of Owner if different from Applicant Dick Brovrn Mailing Address 1973 North Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado Section Telephone Legal Description: Lot 3 , Block , Filing Vail Lionshead - , FirsE Fili -lF = _, . , , ,@nplattedsubmitmteS-ndboundsdescr:iptionaSexhibit) Application is hereby made for a Variance from the provisions of T8.26 of the MuniciPal Code for the Town of Vail j-n order to allow: Remodeling & Additions Eo Vail 21 Hearing Fee - $1OO.0O + $1.40 for EACH addressed envelope. A LIST OF THE OWNERS Of' THE PROPERTIES rvithin 3OO feet in a Single-Family ResidentialI Two- Family Residential; or Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential. Zone District; or adjacent to the subject property in all other Zone Districts. The owners list sha1l include the names of all owners and the 1ega1 description of the property owned by each. Accompanying this list shal1 be pre-addressed enrrelopes along with Certificates and Return Receipts properly fi11ed out to each owner. These forms can be obtained from the U.S. Post Office' Site Plan, floor plan and other documents as required by the Zoning Ad.ministrator. (This is to Lre submitted at the time of publication ) A description of the precise nature of the Variance.(This should include an explanatlon of the specific hardship. ) 1. 2. 3. 4. eeler-PiDer e"/"t, Charles RosenquisE Buildin in a Comn. Core 2 DiS 7a \,.,- -. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACC EPTED ].zrtule 'ot t rNI{rI; ^cyy pplicant ANIED BY THE FOLLOIVING l/n Ua'xfrqzZtfu - Pldz' d-"^t'*) ,!... o 'o e,'. i / CJ) O C) -_C O\ r-) \ C) c_o i O C) C) _c_77 to o? ohrt A o oov No oF o 0!IL .9 0 0 i) o 0lF o x 0! tI 0! !I 0g 0ol 'Fc 0g |F srtg 0 c o N oF j}."t 24 ttlarch, 1980 Dick Ryan C ornrmrnity Development Director Town of Vail, Colorado 8L657 RE: Variance Application for VaiL 2t Building, Lionshead Dick: Wheeler Piper/Architects as architects for Charles Rosenquist and Dick Brown respectfully submits to you Ehe request for variance to sections 18.26.O7O (setbacks)' 18.26.080 (distance between building), 18.26.I4O (landscape) and 78.26.150 (parkitg). A11 sections of this variance request are presently consi-dered for revision through to Master Plan for Lionshead. These revisions, as Presented in the Master Plan and Guidelines, could be effected by May t4, 198O which would al1ow us Eo submit plannlng information to Ehe Planning Conrnission on May 26, 198O (or a special date soon after the 26th, since that date is a holiday). Approvals of Planning Cormnlssion would allow us to proceed with presenta- Lions to Design Review Board on June 5th & 72th, 1980. This speculation to schedule is to explain our hardship. -If approval could be granted for this project by means of a variance to sectioni noted above, the construction could be started 45 days sooner or aPProximately May Lo 1980. We believe this earlier starting date to be critical to finishing prior to the beginning of the 198fI981 ski season. The following is a specific explanation of the sections requesEed for variance. Dick Ryan Corrnunity Development Dlrector 24 l,Iarch 1980 Page 2 Section 18.26.O7O. Section L8.26.080. Request is for zero setback. The DevelopmenL Plan shows a slx foot distance between the new buiLdlng and the existing building at northwest portion of site. The Development Plan shows 5% landscaped area for 3OO square foot areas or larger. Additions in square feet will require 14 addltlonal parking spots plus four places removed for new bullding for a total of 18 parks. Section Section t8.26.t40. 18. 26.150. Enclosures:Applicatton for Variance Site Plan, Revised Site Plan, Existing Archite DP: st ' :. 'i.| ! I HE VAIL LIONSI-IEAD ,L$RtsANrpgsiGilI GUIDF.PLAIN .: . MARCH To, 'n'o 'llltt o THE GUIDE-P LAN This Guide Plan represents the combined efforts of LionsHead residents' merchants' landowners, uusine!si;;;;r,';r;il;;i;i;;;ir-ina.oniultants - all contributed over months or timi-lirorsh'u"."i;t-;;'ilbiic works-hops, through the workshop pnocess of colfecting id"ii, testing,'r"uiiing & refininq the concepts have evolved into an illuitrative plan *nt.|'t.ptti"ntt-u Coliective opinion about improvements that i."-n""0"0,'ana Aesireal'ti-i*ptove the vitality and func- iil;;iiit ;i vuii LionsHead as a core comrnercial area' }lhi]eillustrative.innaLure,theGuidePlanisintendedprimarilytosuggest the general nature oi it"-irirovementi-desirea. tt is not to be interpreted literallv, i.€. oimension, lbcation tta-o"iig" !9i::l:t are onlv approxjmate and suggest.ive. Wnii" O"iign-innovat'ion is 6ncouraged, it is expected that individuat proporJ'il'iili-.;lir,ll'it i;-;;ltii ina coniept with the Guide Plan' ProvisionismadethatminoradjustmentstothePlancanbemadebytheTown Staffthreetimesperyear.majoram"namentswltlbeconsjderedbythe Planning Conrnission- KEY To r?e cupE-plnr.t' GRAPHIC SYMBOLS P.S#' w KI0SK/DIRECT0RIES - information, 'locator maps at key orientation points. Potential sales kiosk locations .a'lso, by special review and permit. SCULPTURE FEATURE - artwork introduced at key, high- visibil ity focal points. BENCHES - facing views and pedestrian ways, conver- sation pockets where possible, recessed for snow storage. I'I0VEABLE PLANTERS - in sunrner used to fi'll in plazas for color and more intimate scale; in winter, removed to edges or storage to'expand plazas for skier crowds and snow r€moval ease. NEl,l/l'I0DIFIED LANDSCAPE - landscape areas reconfigured to improve pedestrian flow, accessibility to stores, and snow storage/removal problems. llew landscape areas' created toscreen buildings, enclose passages, and im- prove space definit'ion. in ajl cases attempt to preserve mature existing vegetation. C0l'iMERCIAL EXPANSI0N - high transparency buildinq exten- sions: to improve pedestrian scale at base of tall buildings, upgrade attraction of store facades (and generati greater pedestrian activity), and turn diffi- cult sites (snow, shade, runoff) into viable conrnercial a reas . \ II o SUB-AREA CONCEPTS EAST MALL .ENTRY Expanded pedestrian waiting plaza (bus she'lter relocated) to better accommodate skier crowds in winter. High visibility entry symbol(such as flags) and sculpture reinforce-main entry io LionsHlad. l.loveable planters restore pedestrian scale and color in surmer. Vehicle access restricted (signage) auto drop-off relocated adjacent to parking. .Access rcuie from parking relocated northward'(by landscape planter barrier) to separate parkino lot route from the crowded bus waiting area, and reduce crossing through the service area. Conmercial expansion (l storey) for sca'l e, reinforce rgute. Pocket entry park (created by reduction of parking structure) to create and enhance an alternative entry to the Ma] 'l , reduce conges-tion at peak periods, increase pedestrian exDosure to back areas, and to screen the parking structure and generally upgrade the approach to LionsHead. Additiona'l study area to explore potential to: further upgrade. second ma11 entry, expand and 'intensify Lion's Pride Court,and .cornplete pedestrian connection to Gondoja Plaza. Servjce/delivery functionsessential to maintain, as well as private parking. :1?\ Conrnercial expansion (1-2 storey) to strengthen secondary mal1\7. entry with activity/pedestrian scale, and better utilize shade- zone service court (minor). @ o o Court opened to free access to LionsHead Court. Plantino ar6a reduced, relocated to abut LiosHead Arcade bldo. to prov'ide screen buffer for restaurant and force traffic flowout of shadows into sunny area of court. Sculpture focal point. LIONSHEAD COURT shops by expanding stair access courtyards. Sun pocket location, attraction competitive with grade- LIONS PRIDE COURT o Improve viability of below-gradeinto broader landinqs and sunken landscaping and paving to createlevel shops. Connercial expansi6n ( l-2 storeys) to better utilize shade-zonecorner and present an additional front facade activity to court. UONSHEAD CENTER MALL CLOCKTOWER SQUARE @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ P1 anting islands relocated to improve store accessibility and to expand dual mall passage for peak skier crowds. . Cormercial expansion (1 storey) to increase pedes-trian eqpflgis' scale of mall, and improve shide-zone facades and accessibility. 0pportunity exists ior expansion of bui'ldings,, arcades,-awnings, . etl. to imlrove scale, shblter, appearance of cormercial facades. Ticket plaza expanded for skier oueui,ngr snow removal ' a-through passage. In sunrner, portable planters iestore color' smal'l scale' Connecting ramp to rnake the ent'i re mall accessib'l e to emergency and utility vdtttctls, as wel 1 as easy barrier-f.ree access for pedestlians. Central planting island with popcorn wagon reconfigured-to give more uniiorm ciiculation and permit free movement on all sides. conrnercial expansion (t storey)'to estab'lish pedestrian scale ue"eittr uuiioing mass. sumrneiieason use of public r.o.w' by permit for dining patio. Furnishings to be removed for winter access, snow removal , and general appearance. Planting to screen non-commercial areas and make visual green link between plazas. Cbnrmercial expansion (t storey) to emphasize pedestrian 'level' Patio area enlarged siighiiv-?o. iaaitionat dining space ( a iun-poii"i i""ii,-ina wiaer, inviting steps also sittinq function. GONDOLA PLAZA /G\\ Conrnercial expansion ( 1 storey),and ground f'l oor offjce repla.ced \y bt;onreiciit', to ir,rpiove pedeitrain icale, accessibi'lity' and' iieite strong act'iv'ity genbrator for south side of plaza - iuirently a inow colliclor. Light tree screeninq either portable Or in grade-level tree grates for snow removal and easy access. @ @ @ Gondola building ramp, bute foot traffic,.and a second access to the Gondola to distri- draw vjsitors' through other areas of mall. Tall scu'lpture feature at either end of the mall. highest-visibility point as viewed from Existinq mature vegetation preserved for grecn, co'lo.r, and scale. Suppierliint with poitable sumrrer-tinre planters for additional coibr ana more intimate scale for plaza. o @ @ A major, memorable jdentity feature ior Vail LionsHead (fountains are if,"-il"ii fnotograpted ieatures throuohout Vail), and a focal point to ii:i" p.opi"-io, uira-into, lne Gondola Plaza. The fountain is intended io-U"ia lu.cade of ruie", over levels.of stonework and native veqeta- tion-tb have a strong sculptural quality even in winter absent water flowing-and to be subtly illuminated. A winding series of short stair runs and overlook plitfoms descend- ing from the north pii:ii"g-i"i'to-[t'" Gondola Plaza through the native wo|aianJ ftanting.'ih; liai"i are to have liqht but solid ra1linss and closely integrated-*ii[ -tn" fountain, passing. over-and around the ;;;c;;i;; i,atei.'ine-stairs form the primiry liirkaqe to the north lot' itti-p.a.it"iin U"iao. over I-ZO, must ierve Lxistina entries' and wil'l iiji"ltiiiiv be the i;"kil; io i'pecrestrian connection north of the Lifthouse Lodge. Commercial expansion (1 storey) to emphasize pedestrian scale and attractivb facaiei-fo.im-proved commercial use, aided by fountain as pedestrian draw. At north end, conrnercjal expan- ii"il-ii-z-i6;;tsi to create a third acitivitv edse.to plaza' wiitr dpportunitiei for 2nd leve'l sun-pocket dining te*aces. Potentia'l commercial (1-2 storeys) underground' A-15 foot.grade aiiieience offers futner cormertial potential to form north edge of p1 aza,as descrjbed above. SOUTHWEST ENTRY LANDMARK MALL @ @ @ @ @ Conrnercia'l expansion (1-2 stofeys) to ti'tl void corner- Decktop ;i;;i"i io "nttose d"i[,-uoJ-.oio"/ste"nery, and draw peds tolthroush' Upgrading of a secondary Ma11 entry-!V reolacinq sinqle steep stair- ili ;iih "-g"ntl", ;;;i'"r"oi'tiiirilrindinqs and landscape framins. Strong landscape plantino to reinforce entry identiiy' with tree planters to soften a't 'l eyrvay and introduce meander to pathway' Reoriented stairs, p'l aza expansion and infill corrnercial in shadow poif.et to strengtheh peOestiian flow and smooth connection to Landmark Mall. Widened steps, expanded upper terrace, with opportunity for arcade or building' exPansion. Arcade or canopy extension to define pedestrian leve'l at base of building, shade windows, indirect I ightinc opportunlEy' :3?l:l'.i:'l:l l'.lii#it: for residential unit' stepPing down frame stairway from Concert Hall terrace to and provide PrivacY screen WEST MALL ENTRY Functional inprovernents include: separation of buses from other .traffic, an auto .rl'p:iri (ild :ii:it: vehicls) zone' and at' qrade traffic lstani! io" peaestrian crossinq and snow st'orage' ihe bus shelter, ui"irt"-noiih end-of'-thi-cirtie as the' road sra- dient eases, also i"'ul' to screen, tne'ioiainq area' 'Landscape plantjns is used .t;=ll;"t;;tiit;-19^9rei-ina focus attent'ion on the entry- ^ *lo"t pilii l"a expanded steps also serve to re- ;;";;; ihe entry way' 'r{a'lks, separated from roadwa{': "I!9nd north to'the pedestrian bridqe, west ro tne parkins l9-!:..11o.louin-tna.gut! !9-!ions square and other matt enti:li - to provide siie''visiule pedestrian routes iii-and from the Mall ' lnwn n l|ffI Diana S Zoning u\ t :I box roo o vail, colorado 816s7 . 3o3.476-5613 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTrcE rs HEREBY GrvEN TF.AT Levis w. pennock has applied for aconditional use Perrnit in accordance with Anticle 1g, section18'l+00 of Or'dinance 8 (Series of 1973) in onder to construct acoin-openated la'.rn9lv_ i" the@ocated on aPart of Site B, Vail_ LionsheiEd First--EiTlng.- A Public tiearing will be held in accordance with section 21.1+00of Ordinance lJo. 8 (series of 1973) on octoben 11. 1973 at 2:00p.ur. in the vail llunicipal Building. said conaitiffiUse permit application will be heand before the Town of Vail planning conmission and findings wirl be transmitted to the Town c6un.:i1fon the Town of Vail . . rousnll-t Adrninfstrator ^ril'.^rroN To APPEAR BEF.RE O THE TOWN COUNC I L AND/OR VA I L PLANN ING COMM ISS ION Applica Hear i ng | (We) (State) (City) do hereby request permiss ion to appear before the Planning Commission to request the following: ) Zon ing Change from ),--Pa rkino Variance14 Conditlonal Use Permit to allow Heari ng Fee to Fo r rtt I tn the fo I low i ng descr ibed p roperty:Lot fr,JEe> ,B lockfiqe 34c-B tion Date Date (Address) (City)Phone 411.3?2,3 Town Council and/or Vall pNe- nq Number nance and Sect ion s beipg Ft t',', r' | ( / t\' '.t?zr ,- 2 ? t '/{-1F 1 z1 Ser ies0rd i of appealed:0rd i nance , Sect ion ( s ) Clearly state purpose and intent of this application l/eD What do you fee I is the bas is for hardsh ip in th.i s case? /lJ'Z 'e3 //c>, I NSTRUCT I ON S :l. Form must be submitted in triplicate, and all copies must be signed. 2. A plaf map drawn in friplicate to a scale of not less than 200 feet to the inch showing fhe land in quesfion, its location, the lengih and direction of each boundary thereof, the location and existing use of all buildings on such land and the principal use of all properties w ith in 300 feet of such land. lf the application is for a parking variance, show parking provided, drawn to scale and numbered to indicate the spaces.J. The names and addresses of the owners of all properties within 300 feet of any part of the land included in the proposed variance.4. All informafion required by fhe Subdivision Regulations for preliminary p lats where applicable.5. The.Town Council and/or the Planning Commission will set a hearing date not more than thirty (50) days from the request for zoning change, applicafion for parking va r iance or con d it iona I use permit. 6. Not less than fifteen ( l5) days prior to the date set for fhe hearing,the hearing authority shall cause a copy of a notice of the time and Place of such hearing to be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in the County of Eagle. All properiy owners in (3) above .J-/47-/44''/ d\ l.llt\l I .tl I I I \l \l.l I I xo 'a -t9 tl () c) a h6l B tt ta I a olci < I I I A, sl 5l\)l}-Iq-l ,Hl I I I IYllvl c\l I I c C! B g o o) 'a F 9;?as*to -c!€cqrx gE9' -.cro*ol -JH;.X r.l3;: o<5 td .g $l Eul s ;}il c ,E:l :018Ul E'g' -LlElJoo:vl € 1EEel -id-g o {lE:nsls FrEl'!r.=l Eg€iN-zp- 3oJEE=III E a vl I I o e Bq) Jd 6 '(! x R o q) a E h it tr= o O1i >, q, Ex e c e.E- e=€ tr$ sjtEttti :r gaE:E:l€ E irEge;i*E:: ;3NIE H E; E; E=oEbxi; EF.9:gigr:i e -g -gfc5!Eb-3; I! laE.E:E;s ': .='dax.=-Ez :55 -*e*3h*c 6." X !'-1.t.-;Li- trI E:aEEE nE€ E ;i;tEgitaiE: cEbEl'asi rr ; '- E!- O:12*.- -!-, b.€:; g FEE E,;l *E3$€;eEr i TI :EEEEE*:* H;l -9€-Eo#;tJn g € e5agElgfE E F :ql .l| F o I I I I I I I I Ivlol2l:(l I I 2l 3l I I I I I I Fi z L/ Fl E< = Y Op. .-r 3EZ<,1 D hO