HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 3 VAIL 21 CONDOS 1972 GENERAL LEGALa;a -I the TAG ossociotesI orchitectsta2.6Jh suir,e3lo deTbi$ Ed Struble Municipal offices Town of Vai.l Vai1, Colorado 81657LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: 23 t(av 1972 Re: vail 21 Gentlemen: We ane tnansmitting the following: One copy of resoonse to ICBO Plan Check Thank you, Theodor A. Grossman, Jr. the TAG associates, anchitects THE TAG ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS 82O sixteenth stneet suite 31O denver, colonado eO2O2 (3O3) 534-6905 22 May L972 I.C.B.O. 5360 Soutit I'lorkman Road iJhittier, California 90601 ATTN: Mr. Koyamatsu Dear Mr. Koyamatsu: $le are enclosing our reply to your plan ched< of the vail 21 buildlng,Vail-ilions Head, Colorado, dated aI May 1972. I'le will be looking fonrard to your further renrarks concerning this matter. q i nraral rr ,(\,A "| . / | v"/ N-Y;'vtL''i.'"=--- Theodor A. Grossman, Jr. Enclosures 2 letters Addenda 3 and 4 Dravring SD-l Fireplace informatlon c. c. to: Ed Struble Charles Rosenquist TAG,/cap RESPONSE fO I.C.B.O. PLAN CHECK VAIf, 21 CONDOMINIUM GE}']ERAL CO}OIENTS -g, 1. A11 plan layouts must be approved by public building officiars in theVail area. Z.For the contemplated uses of the lease space, at th;is time it appearsthat this statement is val-id. In a recentr.eetingin Vail , 15 l4ay 1972, with building officials,property lines on south, easL and north have been worked out to thesatisfaction of all. Regarding the property line to the west, the owners have applied for a variance because of adjacent building being 6' -0" tro* property lines. v,te will show a revised site plan show"ing these changes as per suggestlons in meeting. lJe have appli-ed for a variance on this item. In accordance wl th the Town of Vail procedures for varlances ln this question, a variance will be applied for. NONSTRUCTURAL COIIIqENTS 1. .dr U,zT, type class I'A asphal t shingle roofing has been substi tuted forfire retardant shingles. In accordance with Vail standards and building methods, all wood used in the roofing system shal1 be fire retardant treated . b. Duckboard floor is to be fire retardant treated in accordance withlocal building precedent.+ 2. Our specs called for shingles to be fi-re-retardant treated. labeled " l,/ood Shingles" under Section Roofing Systens,'. The specification for applicatlon of wood sbingle cold roof described in this section. However, as mentioned prior, westituted U/L t]pe Class [A't asphalt slr,ingl e roofing in place shingles. n4' S ection is also have sub- .of wood 3. a. Note that shaft enclosure is composed of 6" concrete block, 2 layersof l/ztt type x dryrrall protecting all joists, I layer ot 1./2 type xdryvrall O each side of 1" coreboard O partitions separatj_ng janitor closet from all shafts, arrd that openings from tfre exterlor.shall be ho11ow metal franed irBr' labe1 doors with self closi_ng device.b. door to Machine Roorn 1C7 shal1 be 'tBr' 1abel (t)f hour) labeled ,assembly as called for in door: scheduler Sheet A-2. 4, The trash chute terminates on level 3 in a room separated from the corridor ( exterlor) and the remainder of the building by con@rete block (6"), The door ls a rrBt' l-abel- self closing assembly. dr Public toilets wi]I be provided as lease-hold improvements by tenan tsin lease space, The toilets shall be reviewed for confonnance with code at time of application for lease hold improvemen t pennit. Note,toilets 108, 109 are considered employee toilets, not public facilities.b. The access for the handicapped to the bullding is provided by the grade 1eve1 walks from the east property line to the ,'2rr leveI. This matter has been discussed rrri th and verballv approved by the local buildino vr l. J-\-J-A.L .€ Ihis is not a public toilet. t|,t B. A11 openings within 2Ot of the property lines abut " open space,' (See Vail Zoning Code) and wil-l be subject to vari-ance, ALy/. # ry,9. Our specifications call out a1l. steel colunns, girders and beams to be sprayed with fire proofing spray (I,iono-Kote) as manufac tured by Con- struc tj-on Products Division to provide a 2 hour ratingr An amendmen tshall be made calljng specifically for the following:30 COlUmnS - l%n thick coat of lliono-kote b. bearns - 7,/8" thick coat of rliono-kote The test nunber for this material- is ASTM E-119. Our details wiJ.1 complyto the thicknesses indicated above. 10; I'i'e have specified bathtubs "Fibresheen". These units are manufactured in accordance vlith USA Standard Z 12a-.2-I967. The material is 25% qlass fiber and rfleets FHA standards. 11. The project has no shovrer or bathtub doors, etc. 12, Note! specifications call for 2 layers of 14', type x gypsum board screwed to suspended furring channels O 16t' o.c. Addendum to thisspecificalion rsj-l1 be nade, conforming to item no. 11, table 43-6, U.B.C. if requi-red bj' I.C.B.O. The original spec r.ras in accordance wi- th U.S.G. sp€co7 test i;USG LB9-FT-G1,IH. (S) ULD is 221-2 hr. (f). 13. i.lono-kote spec vrill be amended to read 7 /Btt cover f ;:r bear,rs. 1t ' coverfor columns. (ASTfi"E-119). If I.C.B.O. will indicate specific th j-ckness requirema-rt, we vri1l comply. 74'' This comment is not clear - a1I colurnns are individually fire protgcted, and all electrlcal outlet boxes shall be steel , not exceedinq 16in- in area - tor G/3-3 co.L. see Det. 2,/Af 1 . 15. The owner is requircd to submit final partition layouts and details in lease spaces prior 1:o jnstallation - by ordinance (this wilt be done). 16. l,/e vrill enclose all the available j-nformation on this prefab fireplace. t'Je shou]d add that :his r.rnit is rvidcl.r used in similar installatj.ons in been al)proved by Vail building officials. 77: The windolv area reqrrired for an assumed 24x38 module is approxinrately L00 square feet. We have generously provj-ded for window area with an average of about 300 sq. ft. per 24,x39t module. For ventilation pur- poses, we have indicated approximately 54 sq. ft. of area (openable, see Sht. A-14) plus door openings. 6. 7. o 18. The wa1l which separates the boiler room from the rest.of the buildingis 1 layer of k" tlpe x drywall on both sides of steel studs. Thereare two exits out of the boiler room each with .B' rabel doors and steelframes. There i.s no ductwork piercing this wall-. 19. The riving room, dining room, and kitchen area compose one large openspace which.is approximately 360 sq. ft. I/2O x 360 = 6pps6ximately 18 sq. ft. of reguired ventilation needed. b/indow w-l gives ra sq. rt.of area and the sliding glass door to the balcony is approxJ_mately 16 sguare feet for a total of 30 sq. ft. of ventiLation. rf the dining-kitchen area is considered a separate space ( 1i.2 sq. ft. ) then windowuJ-l is sufficient for ventilation. 20, The mechanical ventilating systern in the baths of condominium providesfive air changes/hour directly to the outsj-de. The fan capacity is 50 c. f .m. ,,pit Ey'its ao As mentioned previously vre have applied for a variance on this iten'in accordance with the Town of Vail procedures for variances. b. Ail exit doo.rs are openabJ.e from the inside without the use of a key;special knowledge or effort. There are no surface mounted flusl: orsurface bolts specified. co Plans have been rev:-sed showing exterior exit barcony conditions.1. North vral I of lease rvall 106 is a blank concrete blk. wa1l. ltrest waIl of lease space L06 fronts directly onto exteri"or public sta.irvrays leading to permanent open space. East rrrall- of lease space 106 faces directly onto space which is, though covered, unheated and openj.ng directly to the exterj-or viapublic staj_r M and stair H.2. South wall of lease space 101 faces directly onto space which,tho:gh covered, is unheated and opening directly to the exterior vi"a stairs L, J l,I and H. Furt rermore, note on south elevation A-B that an open space 3,-O,t high x width of said space, protected by an open rail is provided. 3, South wa1l of lease space 110 faces onto exterior spaces which, though covered, is unheated ancl opens di-rectly to the exteriorvia public stai-rs LrJrt"l and H, which lead directly to pubric outside space. 4, See revised spandrel on Sht. SD-l- which is more than 65% open to {-}ro av}ari a- 5. East wa1l of lease space 102, the 4r-8" area of the southeastcorner of lease space 102 faces di_rectly to space whj-ch though covered is exterior and leads to permanen t open space via stairsLrJrl,l arld H. The glass wall faces directly to space vrhich, thoughcovered, is exterio.r and leads to permanent open space via stairsL,Jrl.I and H. d. The landing dir.rensions. on stairways are alr shown on the stairschedule (sht. A-L2). The minimum landing vridth is 3,-8'r which is thedinension of the stair vrj.dth , /g.il,t. y r- A ' €r At stair At 1evel 2, rrote folding lockabie gate across down stair aS i-ndicated On Sht. A-3. Stair C leadS not to a basement" but topublic exterior space, though covered, and leadilg directly to permanent open space via stair J. f. The Vail code allows handrails Lo be 39 inches in height vthich is the dimension we have shovrn on the drawings. The spacing be trveen intermediate rails or balusters complies with the !,i" ninirum cl"earance standard . gr This lra Lch is not recluired for snokeproof enclosure stairs as mentioned in 3305 1 (stairs Cand D). The other stairs are exterior stairs. Thus, v:e are assuming that the hatch (16 sq. ft. with a minj-mal dinensi-on of 2 feet) is not needed t d"I h. S tainralr enclosures 1. rr v-ised spandrel- detailing sD-l shoufd gualify exit blaconies as exter,j.or. Stairs other than stairs C and D are open exterior ^ r-- .i -^>LCIM,. 2. S.jre as llo. I above. ?- Sinr-c, .sfai rs mentioned above are now "exterior" r this note should no longer apply. 4. A11 enclosed exits exit onto a comidor on the ground floor e:<1_c_ clj,ng to the exterior, A1i construction of the corridors is of 2 hour fire resi-stive construction. 5. see 21 (e) above. This stair has been revised by Ed Strub.l-e, Vail building officiaf and has been construed as opening onto an exter.Lor exit balcony. see note on No, 4 of general colnnen ts re: variance for loft leveIs. 23. Complete exit light system connected ahead of electrical main switch is provided. All exit fixtures have 2 lamps. 24;. IJI sleeping roonis below fourth floor are provided rvi th windows con- forming to section 1304 for elTrergenc)/ exit or rescue. 25. OLrr dravrings show a 7t-4tt x 7r-8r' manually operable steel lor:ver for venting. 26, Ou,r roof drainage system complies vrith this section requilement. the building drainage syster| ties into a storn sewer iocated to the south of building complex. 27. F.i.re_ ex_tiryryishing s)'s_ten ao Our drawings shovr a dry standpipe sysLem. -r{ 'h 1.;6{'sl- been waived State of Coloracio. e from coqe enrent is euclosed c the local buitding official by. subcontractor responsible for that port-ion of the r,.rork . JOHN A. LOVE Govatnor JAMES M. SHAFFER Exsculivs Dltoctot GnnrivENT oF LAE;oR nf evnLoYMENT DtvtsroN oF LAtsoR, stF€IY sEclrcJv 2OO EAST NINTH AVENUE DENVER, COLORAOO OO2O3 t97t Jif#fi,n:;,.di November 3, 1971 llr. Don n. I"larek Ricc-i\tarelc-Ilarral & Associate:, Lnc.Consulting lingineers 2785 i'Iorth speer B1vd., Suite 140Denver, Colorado 80211 Dear llr. Ilarek: IVe are j.n receipt of your lcrtter of November I, 1971 regardinginstallation of standpipe sl'stems in condominiums. lfter a discuss: on of this ilatter with l'{r. Thomas Epson,Supervisor, Safi ty Inspectic,n Branch, it is our:opinion thatthis is acceptai le as out,Iiited in your letter. Iiowever, theFire Department and Building Department in your area must bethe final judge because of considerations of fire fighting ancllife safety. If this office can be of further assistance, please feel freeto contact us. Sincerelv($/r,O t\rr \r \Vt,tYAl"N,,D)-t\ F. I^l . Shepirerd\ Safety Inspector: Fws/dr ,..':'.,," ii,r'. ; . 1,'j. : trcl)berd, i'afcty Iuspcctor : ':i[cl:jr ltrsl:e ction t';ranch Irivisiou oi Labor ra|cty InsPcctiou ilirttrch 200 i:tst gth i;trecl L,cnvel" Coloracio [0203 DEI'I :itw ccl ii'1r.G Aococtatos Novembcr 1' 19?1 llel Stanciplpc i:yetem in Coudomitrlums SinccrelY, Don [. Marelc Lcar' 1.\'cB ! "i,iiis lciter rvill coniirm our tclcplroae coi'versation of Cctober 28, 19?1 , regar(l- lug installatlon oi stanciplpcs ln r'"ulti-otoiy corioonrlnium unlto' Gcircr.ally rvircn ii.C Conclonriulurn ttnits arc scrvcd fronr oulpicje s"alrs and outsitio coiricioro, ihe units n'ray be icgi'.r'i'ie<i ao oinglc family cirvclllugs locatecl onc above tho othc.r a'd, as euch, do uot reclulrc a vci.ticai stantlpipe syotent. If. on the otlrcr baudt llie uoits ar.e apartm(Lts scrvecl *'li,.ir lnier'lor stalri an4 interlol corridors' a etaud- plpc systcm rvould delioltely be rcclu['ed' 1.1:ccificall5r, ihe proScct vo are currctitly woliiing on ie a nrultJ-story condouriniuru builiiag locaied on I:lnst Llonsheacl circlc in veiI, Coloraclo' lhto partLcular proJcct rvill have c>ltcrlor. sts.irs and cxtcrior corriclofg ecrviug each of thc coodornlnium unlts' Aioirg the iinc of rcaconing statcd abovc,- we aie proceocilng wttb ths desiStn of thie proicct wiihout ihc tustallatton of a otanc\:ipc $ystem' ia oui. tclcplroi.rc coitvergatloil of t:r:tobcr 28 you had lnclicatcd tirat you rvould tahc thle item ulcler cousicleration anci aov! ;c usr of your ftndlngs. If yotrr findinge ars other tbaai:ocribcdabovo,pleasocont,'ctussttllcear.lleetposelblotime. Thanli you for your assistauce in 'lrio matter' 24 llarch 1972 Vail 21 Condominium - Commercial Vall , LionrB Head, Colorado 3. 4. ENDUM No. 3 1. Substitute: 2. De1ete! 8. 9r 10. l'I. 12. 13. 74. 15. Deleter @ss: s: Substitute: Substihrte: Substitrrte r Substitutel Delete: DeLete:one year maintenance requirement on elevator installation. Substituts: . otj.s hydraulic passenger elevator #+tpA-2000 for Dover 5. Substitute: elevator specified. Aluminum wire on service gauges in lleu of copper wire specified,. Competlti're 91rade outlets and s$rltches wittr lvory metal covers for that specified. CompeLitive grade light fixtures for that origJ.nallyspecified. New fixtrrrea to conform wlth orlglnal ln "general f,urrction and appearance, Overhead llght fixtures in bedrooms. One (1) switched dupler outlet @ each bedroqn. Round roses for square @ all dor hardware. Resldential grade butt;r (US 10 g) in lieu of that specified. Standard duty locks in lieu qf H. O. where us;d. Round knobs @ all door hardware (uS IO B). Insulation on breechinq. 5. Substituter ?. Substitutes U/T, fype Class I'At' asphal t shingle roof i"ng . . .. Bird, Firescreen" or equal for fire retardant shlngles as specified and detailed. Approxirnate welght of asphalt shingles to be 325 1b. per 6cluare. 1/16" galvanj.zed sleeve on fireplace flues as detailed. S ecure un-reinforced chirneys wi th adequate guy wires to roof. SilI cfocks as per lettei from Bickel Constructlon Co. 14 March 1972. I'Flberglassicstr tub enclosure for that epeclfledr16. Subslituter 17. 9lg!gg: Gate valves to S-13. 18r Delete! Vents on fin hrbe radiatlon and uae posltlve bleedero 19. Delete: Access doorso 20. Delete: Gauges on plnmps. ?7, Su.bstitute: 6,0001000 BTLI boiler'for 810001000 Bn, boller. 22. Substi_tute: Paint grade birch doors @ exterlor and mahogany doora @ interior for that specifJ-ed. ' 23. Substitute: D grade pine J.n lieu of C grade. 24. SubstitutEl gll..6tt x 2 !/2 finger jointed base in lieu of 1x3. . 25. gggg: In storefront nse standard sil1 , International window unit, er:posed door closers and.plain alumlnun franes. 26. @tr: In storefront, raise sill up.from floor 16" with concrete block to allovr for residential filr tube. ...27. !S!it"t"t ResldentiaL grede fin tube @ commercial areas for that specified. 2e, !g!:!:lge: Fire rated (2 hr) 2 x 4 exposed grid ceiling @ corwnerclal, space for that specified. 29. SES!!$1!g: I'tood frarne, wood siding suncreens and balcony raillnge(with extra structuraL steel framing) for pre-cast concrete as shovm on drawings. See drawi.ng SD - Ifor revised de cails. 30. $$li!1$t Steel columns trnd concrete piJ.asters for pre-cast concrete as shown on the drawings. See drawing SD-lfor 6teel colurn location, flreproofing and comection details. 31. Deletei Waterproofing on walk deckg. 32. Deletet Sand ln party wal,ls. 33. Ig!g: Provide colored mortar at all masonry walls. Mortar color to match block hue aa closely as poseible. Vail 21 Building Vail , Lionrs Head, Colorado Page 1 of L 27 April 1972 ADDBiDIJI.I I'lo. 4 l. thanql:: Elevator heiqhts as shown on sheet A-13 from 16r-8'rto t1r-4r' ( above level6). Verlfy Ilr-4I dimensions with elevator manufactu.rer. 2. DelctA Steel beans and 4f floor slabs in upper part of elevator tower. 3. Delet,: 2r-8r' x 2r-8" access door ln north wall of elevator. 4. Deletg: Ladder nlngs on north hral-l of elevator. 5. @S3 6?' blod< walLE on exterLor balconies to 8( block(frachrred) . t DU[-A=G10,MODEL M INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Use froming detoils shown ot right. Moke oll meosurements from top of {inished heorth, os fireploce musl be elevoted to this position. Woll covering moteriol should come only io the inner edge of f romed opening. 9T0R @ coLL^\ -r r-----1. ROOF FLASHINO clt tMt{ EY START€R sEcTr ol{ 2. Posilion fireploce so side flonges ore flush with finished woll (see illustrotion below). Secure to studs by ongle noiling through perforoted spocers eoch side. 3. Instoll fcceplote over finished woll ond noil into ploce. A non-cornbuslib le surround moteriol moy then be opplied. A 6" minirnum widlh by 3/e" thick surround is required. A speciol foceplote ovoiloble. A f roming for full mosonry depth ot 241/2" focing is is required. FRAXTE rorr:ltu behind Log-lighter stub (72" pipe) stud focing. is used, recess fireploce l3lo" {inish woll. is locqted 7" obove finished heorlh ond 7" behind Nole:\"/hen thit foceplote :-' :.(., tJ.t t,t ") .- -.'. '' . ,l v,l . \r, - n., ,,. ' .l', i:' ) -,.-r .1i- :, .j \-) j- .li ., G ct .-:. 'cl"r\ (, The Menlo fireploce hos been tested by independent tesiing loborolories ond is opproved by Internotionol Conference of Building Ofriciols. Report No. 1802.6. oPTt-oN/\L l-___1 22+- oFFsEr i::_-rt Al.t M-2 A'iODEIS USE CNLY DURA.GLO 9" CHIMNEY (DG9) I II to tEvEt of x€aiYli DURA-\'ENT COIIPC IIATIOhE OF CAIIFORNIA O, BOX I28O _ 2525 EL CAMINO REAL REDI.'OOD CITY, CALIFORNIA 94064 PHONE: (415) 3*-29L2 P. Litho in USA EURA-GL@, UENt=e 2-Co n sroR,, L-lCOLLAR\ ,r^rrrorT- SPACER CHIMNEY N smnren z,] |sEc.o*ll tJ llooELs l,il R I M2-0L (coRNER oPENTNG, INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION{i Corner Model MENLO Fireploces ore designoted by the letter "C" of ter lhe model number "M2". The letlers "L" ond "R" indicole left ond right hond unils. Pic- lured on this poge is r,A2-CR (right end open). The fr :ming ond woll surfocing moy b,. com- pleted (right) before the fireploce is inslolled, if desired. l: indi- focing is qvoiloble. Dimension "A" is then 43tA" ond "8" 241h". OPTIONAL zz{ orrser OFFSET A O STRIP THE THICI(NES3 OF FINISHEO WALL iMr . @ coted below by the cut-o,voy drow- ing, there is odequote rcom before instolling foceplote to rerch in obove fireploce cobinet ond gui,le chimney irrlo ploce os it is lowered fro'n obove. Wl-en froming, figure meosuremenls fronr finished heorth ond provide for roising MENLO to heorth level. (Upper illustrolion). A non-combustible surround ol leosl 6" wide is required on this model, The fcrceplote shown below is designed bosicolly for use with tife. slole, gloss. morble, etc. A non-combustible heorlh ot leost 3/a" thick wifh the the minimum dimensions shown obove is required on inside corner instollotions, When corner fireploce is instolled on on oulside corner (L-shoped room), heorlh must extend ot leost | 2" on eoch side of opening ond 20" lo lhe front. A speciol foceplote for full mosonry I( OAS LOE LIGHTER conNEcT loN HEARTH AREA AI{D WALL ADJACENT TO CLOSED ENO OF FIREI'LACG T'UST BE COVERED VIITH A I{ ON - COMBUSTISLE ITATERtAL AT LEAST 3/s,,tHtCK. DURA-VENT CORPORATION OF CALIFORNIA P. O. BOX t2a0 - 2525 EL CAMrr.lO REAL, REOWOOD CITY, C;\LIFORNIA 94064 PHONE: (41s) 368"2912 n= 4t* e. zzt H= 37" ' -: -Rit^ Siles. , .,:r ci\iri:l'::':l-i AtL M.2 MODEIS USE ONI.Y DURA.GIO 9" CHIMNEY (DGe) t'5"titr 37" 1 I I I A-_ ,^:\;II 1lltltltll ti f, I I ilrq'tz |"itt _1 22{ _J Ala\>a/ FIREPLACE TO LEVEL OF Fl-54 Lirho in U.s.A. I i J" Lonterence lt 1j.'. itt,,," \i t'r I ntern atio n -l ,1 of Building Officialsal s360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD ' WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 Itay L8, L972 1213) 699-0541 oFFrcgRs PRESIOENT PERRY C. TYREE REGIONAI. BUILDING OFFICIAL coLoRAoo sPFlINcS, coLoRADo FIRST VICE.PRESIDENT EUGENE B. PESTER SIJ PERI NTENOENT, DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY POMONA, CALIFORN IA SECOND VICE.PRESIDENT NEWELL POCK CHIEF BU I LOING INSPECTOR YAKIMA. WASHINGTON TREASIJRER VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENOENT OF BUILOING VERNON. CALIFORN IA JUNIOR PASI PRESIDENT TED E, DUKE BU ILD ING OFFICIAL BILLINGS. MONTANA EXECU"TIVE DIRECTOR T. H. CARTER 5360 S, WORXMAN MILL RD, WH ITTIER. CAL LFORN IA MANAGING D IRECIOR JAMES E. BI HR 5360 S. WORKMAN MII-L RD. wlllr-llER. cal-l FoRN la DIRECTORS GAYLORD C, DOWD orREcfoR oF tNsPEc.rtoNs KALAMAZOO, M ICH IGAN DONALD A. ERICKSON DIRECTOR OEFARTMENT OF INSPECTIONS MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA BILL P. HORN CHIEF EU ILDING INSPECAOR PIERCE COUNTY TACOMA. WASH INGTON CHARLES R. HINKLEY CHI EF BU ILD ING IN5PECTOF MOIJNIAIN VIEW, CALI FORN IA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BU ILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF ALAMEDA HAYWARD, CALIFORN IA JACK D. vt/H ITE BU ILOING CODE ENGINEER KANs45 CITY, M ISSOU RI VINCENT R. BIJSH SUPERINTENOENT OF BUILDING VERNON, CALIFORNIA DICK T. JORDAN DIRECTOR BUILDING OEPARTMENI AUSTIN,'TEXAS RAY J. NOKES BUILDING OFFICIAL COUN'TY OF SANiA BARBARA SANTA BARBARA. CALI FORNIA OFFICES O' iHE EXECUTIVE DIiECTOR T. H. CARTER MANAG INO DIRECIOR JAMEA E. BIHR '"8:t:iiiig"6l* Pl-an Check No. 8552 TP..-?E"-L:Tffill#rT6%iE-ffi:1 L970 Uniforn Buil<Iing Code STRUCTI'ML REVIEW Ed Struble Building Official City of Vail Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Struble: Structural data has been Uniform Building Code and STRUCTI'RAL COMMENTS: revier,red for compliance with the our cofitrnents follow: 1. Special inspection in conformance with Section 305 is required for the foll.owing work: (a) Structural concrete where the design is based on an ultimate compressive strength in excess of 2000 pounds per square inch. (b) 4L1 welding except where done in the shop of an approved fabricator. Note the extensive field weld- ing including studs and decking. The foundation investLgation report mentioned in p1-ans was not included in data for:nrarded to us. It should be submitted for review. Des ign-vertical Analysis. (a)Reference 8-L/2 by 1-1 design criteria sheet. 1) Tr^7enty-one-pound per square foot weight for 2-U2 inches of concrete fill on floor decking requires 100-pound per cubic foot flraximum density for con- crete. General Note 2A on Sheet 51 of plans should be clarified on this ooint. 2. 3. -2- ElastizeL is not considered a structural concrete in the sense that allowable stresses can be used per Tabl-e No. 26-D. The l-iquid foaming agent must be fully justified as an admixture under ASTM C260-69 if this is to be pursued. Idealite aggregate is per- missible provided there is cornpliance with U.B.C. Standard 26-5. (ASTM C330-60T). This cormnent is made because of General Note No. 2A on Sheet Sl of plans aod the possibility that the fill may act as struc- tural slabs in the lateral design. Floor live loads: - A11 public corridors and public balconies, including Ehose on the upper levels, require a 100-pound per square foor live load. Table No. 23-A. - Lease space on the first leveL shouLd be designed for an approximate 1-00-pound per square foot live load unless the specific use is noted on pLans. See offices and stores in Table No. 23-A and third paragraph of Section 2302 (b). 4) Subsequent calcuLations should refLect any revised loading resulting from the above cormnents. (b) Reference calculation Sheets 2 of 27 and 2 to 5 - Clarifi- cation is needed on where this framing is noted on plans since we cannot locate it on Sheets 55 or 57. (c) Reference calculation Sheet 5 - Continuous beam should be skip loaded in conformance with Section 2302 (c). (d) Reference calculation Sheet L7 and General Note 4 on Sheer sl-. Plans should specifically state lightweight block. Vertical No. 4 at 4 feet 0 inch on center and standard Dur-O-lrlal alone at 8 inches on center do not conp1-y r'rith Section 24L8 (j)-3. There is no assurance of wal-L openings. Details do not always call for special rein- forcement specified in calcul-ations. 3) l,ive l-oad reduction formul-a should be based on the basicrather than reduced l-ive Load in the denominator. 2) 3) 1) 2) -3- (e) Reference calculation Sheet 37 should comply with criteria in note that existing lateral soil should also consider the total tion to the moment. - Constrained base des ign Section 2905 (f)-1. Also pressure calculations horizontat force in addi- (f) Reference calcul-ation Sheets 42 to 47. 1) Use of column formula is predicated on ties and comply- ing reinforcement, incLuding four rebars. Section 24L8 (k)-3. 2) Reducing column capacity by 50 percent for sma11 colrrnns should inc lude re inforcement. ALso note that colrrnn capacity must be reduced by another 50 percent for un- inspected masonry per Table No. 24-H. 4. Lateral Des ign. (a) Reference calculation Sheet 49 - Wind zone of 35 pounds per square foot is required per your instructions. Calculations should be revised accordingly. (b) Reference calculation Street 50 - A more compl-ete lateral analysis is reguired to properly substantiate the structural system in resisting lateral 1oads. The following comtents reflect some of the items in question. Reference to direc- tions are based on the north arrow shown on plans rather than directions used in the cal-culaEions. 1) Using Sections Dl2 and F/3 as typical examples of dia- phragm connections to shear wall-s, there is no positive connection. As now detailed, the steel deck welding to the joist and the joist welding to base plates is the only means of transfer. A continuous angle or similar member paralleL and at the wall to transfer deck shear is necessary. Reference is rnade to Cormnent 3 (a) 2) if the conctete is used for diaphragm purposes. 2) Wheeling TensiLform 50 is not approved for use as a dia- phragm. See the enclosed research recomnendation. An approved deck should be used or the concrete fill should comply. For the Latter, doweling to the wal-1 will be nece s sarv . 3) 4) s) 6) 7) -4- The lateral analysis in the north-south direction vithin reference Lines D1r G, 3 and 5 appears quite critical fron the roof to the second 1eve1. tr0111 on Line 5 should be checked for axiaL compression due to overturning forces plus the dead and live loads supported. AlLowable shear in masonry shear wa11s is limited to 20 pounds per square inch on the net area based on Table No. 24-H, Section 2303 and uninspected mas onry. Higher shear stresses shouLd be based on horizontal- reinforcement acting as stirrups in re- sisting all- shear. Dur-O-Wal and similar wire rein- forcement cannot be used for this purpose. The major change in vertical shear-resisting elements between the first and second 1eve1s require a detailed analysis to determine whether second f 1-oor diaphragm connecEions to walls are adequate for the redistribu- tion of 1ateral forces betlteen waL1s. The redistribu- tion assumes a structural concrete fill in conjunction with the steel deck. If a nonstructuraL fill is used' a tributary diaphragm analysis similar to wood is re- quired which would negate any redistribution of shear at the seoond Level. The actual response of a non- structural fiLl on steel decking would be somewhere betrtTeen the two l imits . Overturning forces should be properly considered on al"1 shear walls. While there might not be uplift' axiaJ. compressive stresses will aLso result and should be cornbined with axial stresses resulting from dead and live 1oads. Wa11s and foundation soil pressures shoul-d be checked. Using DetaiL FlZ as an example, the precast coltrnn cannot be used to resist overturning forces in the wa11 because there is no means of transferring the force across the cold joint with a continuous key. If the logic is used that the connection is u leces- sary since Ehe c oh:rnns contain the wa1l- and prevent it fforn rrcartwhee l ingrt, the columns must then be justi- fied for flexuraL stresses in resisting this force. 6. -)- No corments have been made on the parking structure calcula-tions since they are not a part of this report. Plans . (a) Reference General Note 44 - Stone aggregate concrete should be clarified as to max imr:rn aggregate size, etc. Reference is made to U.B.C. Srandard No. 24-24-70 (ASjl{ C404) where maximum is limited to one-half inch. Sieve analvsisis al-s o required. (b) Details and sections where diaphragm connections requirecLarification per Comnents 4 (b) 1) and 2) are as follows: 1) Details A to D on Sheet 2. 2) Details E and F on Sheet 53. 3) DetaiLs D, E and G on Sheer 54. 4) Derail H,/5. (c) Reference El 2 arrd A/5 - netaining wa11 design should befurnished and should consider hydrostatic pressures unless back wa1L drainage is provided. Al"so see Comtrent 3 (e). (d) Reference C/ 3 and. E/5 - Jusrificarion is required for anchor- age in reference to Section 2313. (e) Reference Details C/ 3, D/3, s/4 and J to Ll 4. Jusrificationis required on how precasE fascias and connections resistwind 1oads, both lnward and outward. Using Section D/3 as one example, unless the panel is capable of spanning 24 feet horizontaLLy between perpendicular walls, it must cantiLever frorn the floor deck. Connection, as a cantilever, wouldthen require justification for moment and shear. (f) Reference DetaiLs D and El 4 - CLarification is needed on how continuity of vertical qra1l reinforcement is maintainedat steel beams. (g) Reference Detail E/5 - Clarification of verrical waLl rein-forcement connection to the steel- beam is needed. -6- (h) Reference Detail C/5 - Connection to concrete requiresjustification by Table No. 26-I. (i) Reference 5th and 6th leveL framing plans - WalL on LineF, 5tb 1eveL; and C, 6th leveL shoul_d be justified forlateral- support at openlngs. Same is true for steel beamseast of these openings for compression fi.ange support. A'L1- data is being hel-d pending further instructions frmr you. Ifinstructions are not received, data wilL be returned in 90 days in conformance with Section 302 (b). In c onf omance with existlng policies, we wil-!. not discuss thisletter with anyone other than fron your department unless permissionis specificaL1-y granted by you. Please feel free to contact us if there are any questions. Yours very truly, IMERNATIONAL C CAIFERENCE TJK:JN:hb Koyamatsu Plan Check Engineer International Conference of Building Officials 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD ' WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 June 12, L972 Ed Struble Building Official City of Vail Box 1.00 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Struble: (213) 699-0541 OFFICEA OF THE EIECUTIVE DIRECTORT. H. CARTER ltaNAGtxo otiEcToi JAMEg E, BIHR "3:t:ti.ig8l"' Pl-an Check No. 8552 Project: Vail 21 Seismic Zone No. I 1970 Uniform Building Code STRU TURAL REVIEW OFFICERS PRESIDENT PERRY C. TYREE REGIONAL BU LLDING OFFICIAL COLORADO SPRIN6S, COLORAOO FIRSI VICE.PRESIDENT EUGENE B. PESTER SUPERIN'TENOENT, DEPARTMENT OF EU ILDING ANO SAFETY POMONA, CALIFORN!A SECONO VICE-PRESIDENT NEWELL POCK CH IEF BUILOING INSPECTOR YAKIMA. \l!'|ASHINGAON .IREASIJ RER VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINIENDENT OF BU ILOING VERNON, CALIFORN IA JUN IOR PAST FRESIDENT TEO E. DUKE BIJ ILO ING OFFICIAL BILLINGS, MONIANA EXECU'TIVE OIFECTOR T. H. CARTER 5360 S. WORKMAN MILL RO u/HITTIER. CALI FORN IA MANAGI NG OIRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR 5360 S. l/\|ORKMAN MILL FID. v\/H ITIIER. CALIFORN IA OIRECTORS GAYLORD C. OO\,VO DIFECTOR OF INSPECTIONS KALAMAZOO, M ICHIGAN DONALD A. ERICKSON OIRECTOR DEPAR'TMENT OF INSPECIIONS MINNEAFOLIS. MINNESOTA BILL P. HORN CHIEF BU ILOING INSPECTOR PIERCE COUNTY.IACOMA. WASHINGION CHARLES R. HINKLEY CHIEF BU ILOING INSPECTOR MOUNIAIN VIEll|, CALIFORNIA VICTOR L. TAUGHER EU ILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF ALAMEOA HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA JACK D. WHITE BU ILOING COOE ENG INEER KANSAS CITY. M ISSOURI VI NCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENOENT OF EUILDING VERNON. CALIFORNIA OICK T, JOROAN DI RECTOR BI] ILOING DEPARTMENT AU6.IIN. TEXAS RAY J. NOKES EU ILOING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF 5AN'TA BAREARA SANTA BAREARA. CALIFOBNIA This Letter supercedes our structural review letter for the subject project, dated May 78, 1972. The structural data has been reviewed for compliance with the Unlform Buildlng Code and our cqnments folLow: STRUCTUML COIIMEMS: 1. Special inspectlon in conformance nrith Section 305 is required for the follovring work: (a) Structural concrete where the design is based on an ultimate cmrpressive strength in excess of 2000 pounds per square inch. (b) A11 wei.ding except where done in the shop of an approved fabricator. Note the extensive field welding inc luding studs and decking. 2. The foundation lnvestigation report mentioned in pLans was not included in data forwarded to us. It should be submiEted for review. 3. Combustibl.e roof construction does noc meet require- ments of Type II construction. Dead Loads for a non- combustible one-hour fire-resistive consE,ruccion with a fire retardant roof covering shoul-d be justified for the 19 pounds per square foot used ln design. 4. Structural changes will be required to corply with exit conditions mentioned in Nonstructural Comment No. 2 (a) of our letter dated May Ll, 7972. -2- 5. Design-vertical Analysis. (a) Roof joists per ca1-culation Sheet 2 requires steel joist 12H5 at 2-foot c€nEers where spans are 24 feet. Framing plan on Sheet 56 shows 5 each, L2I14, between Lines 1-2 and 2-3. Clarification is required, See aLso, 6 1eve1 frarning p1an. Note also that any change resulting fron Conment No. 3 ab ove should be considered. (b) Floor Live Loads: 1) A11 public corridors and pubLic balconies, incLuding those on the upper 1eveLs, require a L00-pound per square foot live load. Table No. 23-A. Roof joists 1-2H6 spanning 24 feet have a live load capacity of 1-55 pounds per foot. With spacing at 2-foot centers, a 200-pound per foot capacity is required at exlt balconies. See, for example, 6 1evel franing plan, Sheet S6. Note that Ln accordance with Sheet 8 of calculations 12H6 spanning 24 feet should be spaced at l8-inch centers. Balcony beams shouLd also be redesigned for 1-00-pound per square foot live 1oad. 2) Lease space on the first 1evel shouLd be designed for an approximate 1-00-pound per square foot live load unless the specific use is noted on plans. See offices and stores in Table No. 23-A and third para- graph of Section 2302 (b), (c) Sheet 5 of calculacions specify I,t16X31 roof beam at Line 5 beEween B and C. Plans show WL6X26. Clarification is re- ques ted. (d) Design for W12X58 on Sheec 13 of calculations accounts for concentrated loads and roof and floor loads imposed from above but disregards dead load of 8-inch concrete block rral-ls extending for four levels above. Clarification is reque s Eed. (e) Reference calculation Sheet 14 and General Note 4 on Sheet sl' 1) PLans should specifically state lightweight bl-ock. -3- 2) Vertical No. 4 at 4 feet 0 inch on center and standard Dur-0-Wa1 aLone at 8 inches on center do not comply with Sections 24L8 (j)-3. There is no assurance of wall openings. Details do not alvays caLl for special reinforcement speci- fied in calculations. (f) Reference Sheec 15 of calculations. Third 1eve1 floor beam is supporting rnasonry walLs frqn four level-s rather than three at the north wing. (g) Design should be provided for concrete beam shown on Sheet 57. (h) Calculation Sheet No. 21 specified a W10X25 roof beam at Line 2 near 81. Plans show W10X21. Clarificatlon is required. (i) Plans shoul-d clarify locarion of W10X33 ridge beam be$reen Lines B and C cmrputed on Sheet 25 of calculations. 6, LateraL Des ign. (a) Reference calcuLation Sheet 48-5L: I'Iind zone of 35 pounds per square foot is required per your instructions. Calculations should be revised accordingly. (b) Reference calculation Sheets 52-57. A more conpLetelateral anaLysis is required to properly substantiate the structural system in resisting lateral loads. The follols- ing corurents reflect some of the ltems in question. 1) Using Sections D/2 and f/3 as typical exaurples of diaphragm connections to shear wa1Ls, there is no posi- tive connection. As now detailed, the steel deck weld- ing to the joist and rhe joist welding to base plates are the onLy means of transfer. A continuous angle or simllar member paraL1-e1 and at the wall to transfer deck shear is necessary. 2) Wheeling Tensilform 50 is not approved for use as a diaphragm. See the encl-osed research recormendation. An approved deck should be used or the concrete fiLl should cornply. For the latter, doweling to the walLwill be necessary. 3) 4) s) 6) 7) -4- The lateral anal-ysis in the north-south direction within reference Lines Dl, G, 3 and 5 appears quite critical from the roof to the second 1evel. Wal1 on T,ine 5 should be checked for axial conpression due to overturning forces plus the dead and live loads supported. Allowable shear in masonry shear walls is limited to 20 pounds per square inch on the net area based on Table No, 24-H, Section 2303 and uninspected masonry. Higher shear stresses should be based on horizontal reinforcement acEing as stirrups in re- sisting all shear. Dur-O-Wal and similar wire reinforcement cannot be used for this purpose. The major change in vertical- shear-resisting ele- ments between the first and second Leve1s require a detailed analysis to determine whether second floor diaphragm connections to walLs are adequate for the redistribution of lateral forces between wa11s. The redistrlbution assumes a structuraL con- crete fill in conjunction with the steel deck. If a nonstructural fill is used, a tributary diaphragm analysis similar to wood is required which would negate any redistribution of shear at the second level-. The actual response of a nons truc tural- fill on steel decking would be somewhere becween the trto 1 irnit s . Overturning forces should be properLy considered on all shear waL1s. while there might not be uplift, axial compressive stresses will also resulE and shoul-d be combined rrith axial stresses resulting from dead and Live Loads including snow Loads. I'lalls and foundation soil pressures should be checked. Using DetaiL F/2 as an example, the precast column cannot be used to resist overturning forces in the wa11 because there is no means of transferring the force across the cold joint rrith a continuous key. If tbe logic is used that the connection is unnecessary since the col-urnns contain the wal- l. and prevent it frornttcartwheel ingtr, the coLurms must then be justified for flexural stresses in resisting this force. 7 . Pl.ans . (a) Reference General Note 4A - Stone aggregate concrete should be clarified as to max imr.m aggregate size, etc. Reference is made to U.B.C. Standard No. 24-24-70 (AS114 C404) where maximum is limited to one-ha1f inch. Sieve analysis is also required. (b) DetaiLs and sections where diaphragm connections re- quire cl-arification per Comnents 4 (b) 1) and 2) ate as follows: 1) Details A to D on Sheet 2. 2) Details E and F on Sheet 53. 3) Details D, E and G on Sheet 54. 4) Detail H/5. (c) Reference E/2 and A/5 - netaining wal1 design should be furnished and shoul-d consider hydrostatic pressures unLess back waLl drainage is provided. Also see Conrnent 3 (e). (d) Reference C/3 ar.d E/5 - Justiflcation is required for anchorage in reference to Section 23L3. (e) Reference Derails Cl3, Dl 3, E/ 4 and J to Ll 4. Jusrifica-tion is required on how precast fasciae and connections resist wind 1oads, both inward and outward. Using Section O/3 as one exampl-e, unLess the panel is capab1e of spanning 24 feet horizontally between perpendicuLar walls, it musE cantilever from Ehe f l-oor deck. Connection, as a canti- lever, vould then require justification for rnoment and shear. (f) Reference Details D and E/4 - Clarification is needed on how continuity of vertical waLl reinforcement is maintained at steel beams. (g) Reference Detail E/5 - CLarification of vertical wall re- inforcement connection to the steel beam is needed. -6- (h) Reference Detail C/5 - Connection to coocrete requires justification by Table No. 26-I. (i) Reference 5th and 6th 1eve1 framing plans - Wa1l on Llne F, 5th 1eveL; and C, 6th level should be justified for lateral support at openl.ngs. Same is true for steel beams east of these openings for cornpression flange sup- port. A1-1 data is being heLd pending further inscructions from you. If instructions are not received, data rriLl be returned in 90 days in confotmance with Section 302 (b). ?l"ease feel free to contact us if there are any questions. Yours very truly, IMERI{AT IONAL CONFERSNCE OF BUILDTNG OFFICIALS TJK:hb . Koyamatsu ef ?1an Check Engineer o ?/Gdil /4 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION ril-, Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbercd spaces only.zl t[se: ertrcn:o sxe:rlI oE3Ci. ZIP PXONE I. CENSE NO.I P* AF CH I TEC'T Oi O E5IGN ER VAIL ADOFESS ' PHONE !ICENSE NO. ENGINEEi MA|L AODR€S5 PHONE MA|L ADDR€ss EiANCH USE OF 6UIIOING 8 classof work: Xtt* EADolTloN DALTERATI0N n REPAIR Type of Fuel: Oir ! Nat. Gas E[r lPC. E PERMIT FEES Type of EquipmentSPECIAL CONOITIONS: Air Cond. Units- H.P. Ea. ion Un its-H,P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-Tonnsoe Ea. Forced Air Systems--B.T.U. M Ea. Gravity Systems-B.T.U. M Ea.PLANS CI]ECK€O AY F loor Furnaces-B.T.U. M Wall Heaters- B.T.U. M Unit Heaters-B.T.U.NOTIC E THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONEO FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCEO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND COR RECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 3I6'F1IUF€ O' CONTRAC.tOI OF AUTHORIZEO AGENT Ventilation Fan Air Handlim Unii- PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SP PERcK. M.O. CASH WHITE _ INSPECTOR CANARY _ AU DIT PIN K _ APPLICANT GOLDE N FIOD _ TEMP. FILE tnternational Conference of Building Officials -REc'% 4, 'O ' t &,r. 5360 MILL ROAD WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 9, t972 Ed SrrubLe Building Officlal City of Vail Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Struble: Plan Check No. 8552 YaiI 2L STRUCTI'RAL RECItrCK I{e have received a Letter from the engineers in ansrter to the questions raised in our letter dated June 12, L972. The following coments are listed in the same nrnnerical sequence to that letter and t.o the engineerrs letter dated JuLy 2L, 1972. The cmnrents of the engineer are weLl taken. Our cournents concerning the calculations are made where we do have reason to believe that there is not con-pliance. Tn order to properly review structural plans there must be calculations prepared except where standard items are involved. Our response to revised data submitted indi- cates why the questions lrere raised. STRUCTI'ML CCMMENTS: 1, (a) and (b) For your information. 2. The soil report indicates that the nature of the soil is such that a quallfied person should inspect the foot- ing excavations prior to pouring the foundation. Tt is highly recommended that this procedure be fo1lowed. 3. Comrent remains. No plans showing this change were sub- nit ted. 4. This cqfiment should have made reference to Nonstructural Cormtrent No. 21 (a) instead of 2 (a) as indicated in our letter of June 12. We understand that the architect has applied to your buil-ding department for a variance on this issue. (2't3l 699-0541 nOFFICERS FRESIDENT PERRY C. TYREE REGIONAL BUILDING OFFICIAL COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO F I FISI VICE-PRESIOENT EUGENE B. PESTER SIJPERINTENOENT, DEPARTMENT OF BU ILD ING AND SAFETY FOMONA, CALI FORN IA SECONO VICE.PRESIOENT NEWELL POCK CHIEF BU ILDING INSPECTOR YAKIMA, WASHINGTON TFIEASURER VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF EU ILDI NG VERNON. CALIFORNIA J UN IOR FAST PRESIOENT TED E. DU KE BU'LDING OFFICIAL BILLINGs, MONTANA EXECUTIVE DI RECTOR T. H. CARTER 5360 S. WORKMAN MILL RD. WH ITTIER CAL IFORN IA MANAG ING O IRECTOR JAMES E. B IHR 5360 S, WORKMAN MILL RO. l,lr'H ITTIER. CALIFORNIA DIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DOl/l|D OIRECTOR OF INSPECTIONS KALAMAZOO, M ICH IGAN OONALO A. ERICKSON OIRECTOR DEPARTM ENT OF INSPECTIONS M INNEAPOLIs, M INNESOTA BILL P. HORN CHIEF BUILDING INSPECIOR PIERCE COUNIY TACOMA, WASHINGTON CHARLES R. HINKLEY CH IEF BUILOING INSPECTOR MOUNTAIN VIE\/l/, CAT.IFORNIA VICTOR L. TAUGHER TUILOING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF ALAMEOA HAYWARO. CALIFORN IA JACK D. v,HITE EUI LD ING CODE ENGINEER XANSAS CITY. M ISSOURI VINCENT R. BUSH sUPERIN rENOENT OF BU ILOING VERNON, CALI FOFINIA DICK T. JORDAN DIRECTOR BUILDING OEPARTMENT a us'r r N, TExas RAY J. NOKES BUILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF SANTA EANBARA SANTA BARBARA, CALI FORNIA OFFICES OF IHE EXECUTIVE OIRECAOR T. H. CARTER MANAGINO DIRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR .rECHNICAL OIRECTOR D. R. }I/ATSON -2- 5. (a) Comment satisfied for 1oft. (b) l-) Cotrment satisfied. 2) Our corrnenE remains. (c) Comnent satisfied. The engineer states that the joists span 14 feet instead of 20 feet indicated in the calcula- tions . (d) Ctrment satisfied. (.)Comnent sat isfied. Comlent remains. The requirement in the Code is not necessari1y a question of stress in the reinforcement. (t) (e) (h) (i( CorrnenEs satisfied. 6. (a) Comnent satisfied. We have been informed by you that your wind load requirement should be for a 3O-pound per square foot wind zone instead of the 35 pounds in your original ins t ruc t ions . (b) 1)Coment satisfied. The problem, however, is how the shear in the concrete or steel deck is transferred to the joist chord at the wa1l, At 254-pound per joist,, the deck weld at the joist appears sufficient. Comnent remains. An application was made r'o the ICBO Research Conmittee for consideration of Tensilform as a diaphragrn in 1967 vith the same data presently sub- mitted for this project. The request ltas not granted due to lack of sufficient data. Subsequently, data nas submitted for Tensilform 125 and 75 decks vrith 2- inch lighEweight concrete fiLl which were approved in May, L969. These decks are covered in the current Research Reconrnendation No. 2259. In viev of the sequence of events we are not in a position to state that our original conunent is satisfied. Diaphragm shears are admittedly 1ow but a1loltance of the Tensil- form 50 decking as a diaphragm without sufficient data wouLd be inequitable to other proponents who are re- required to supply substantiating data. 1) 2) 2) -3- 3) Comnent renains. The cal"culations were based on an uncracked section where tension does not exist due to the overturning moment. Vertical rebars require check on area to resist this tension. 4), 5), 6) and 7) Colrments remain. 7. (a) Cotrment remains. (b) (c) (a) (e) (r) (e) Comrents remain. (h) Corunent remains in reference to a shear friction theory justification for the fol-lowing reasons. Reference is nade to the encl-osed ACI c onmentary on this subject. 1) Calculations show that there are six No. 4 rebars. Detail C./5 indicates four No. 4 rebars, two of which are not normal to the assuned shear force. 2) Anchorage for the assr.rned reinforcernent should be justified. The detail if velding is intended should consider aL1 eccentric conditions. Other means of connecEion also require justification. 3) Coefficient of frictlon should be of .7 in lieu of the 1.4 used. 4> Use of the shear friction theory which is being eon- sidered for incl-usion in the 1973 Uniform Building Code is for your approval under Section 106. A11 data is being held pending furEher instructions from you. If instructions are not received, data wllL be returned in 90 days in conformance with Section 302 (b). ?lease feel free to contact us if there are any questions. Yours very truLy, IMERNAT IOT{AL CONFERENCE Koyarnat su Plan Check Engineer TJK:JN:hb o THE TAG ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS 82O sixteenth stneet suite 31O denven, colonado 8O2O2 (3O3) 534-6905 14 July 1972 i1r. Ed S truble Building Officj-al 'rolrn of var_t 3ox 100 Vail , Col-orado 8L557 Dear Ed: We have receivd the second re-check for the Vail 21 Condominiums and Conmercial Building fron f. C. B. O., dated JuIy 7, L972, In revj-ewing the reniai:rir:g connents, it appears that further correspondence with I. C. B. Oo regarding this matter can now be curtailed. Naturally, it is a more convenien t operation to communicate with you personally... and it appears that the remaining comments on the I. C. B. O. re-check can be settled between the two of us. Thank you for your he1p. Theodor TAG/mg A. Grossman, Jr. K[t\'o) ..,. 'o,lllL t r ez2Y QgrED -t Meeting Called fo 0rder A. The meeting was called to Building. B. The fol lowing members were Young and Strub le ( ex-of f i C. The following guests were Dick Brown, Ted Grossman, John Gavin. order at 9:20 in present: Messrscio). p resent: Messrs. Me I Sorenson, B ud 1,,)o' the Mun ic ipa I . Knox, Viele, Ch uck Rosenqu ist, lnr:nr-o anrl r"t. I I L- BOARD 0F ZoNtNG, APPEALS AND EXAMINERS MINUTES OF IIEETING J une 8, i912 l. tl 0ld Bus iness A. Case Z-5-72 - \antage Poinf request for l0r setback variance on south property line in lieu of l5f . This setback was discussed at the last meeting and a preliminary variance was granted. Mr. J im Vie le mad a motion that the variance begranted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Knox and passed unan imous lv bv the Board. B. LionsHead Centre (Sink Building)Mr. Bud Lorance met informallv w ith the Board to d i scuss all items which must be corrected bef o -e a permanent certif i cate of 0ccupancy can be issued by the Building Department. Mr. Lorance commenced by giving the Board some background on this build- ing which was started in 1969. The building design was started before the property was with in the Town limits and was then annexed. The f irsf plan check was made by Mr. Charlie Bynum in August ol 1969 at the time of annexation. On September 3, 1969 Mr. Bvnum issued the first letter of non- conformities on this project. There ensued a disagreement between the arch i tect (14r. Sink) and Mr. Byn um as to the n o n - co n f o r m i t i e s . The plans were then sent to 1.C.8.0.in November of 1969 which was also returned in November. Mr. Sink sent his reply -fo ihe Town of Vail with a request for a hearing in December of .,969. More information was sent to 1.C.B.0. in December,. and on December ll a second review was received from l.C.B.O. 0n January I, 1910 Mr. Sink met w ith the Board of Appea ls and many var iances we re granted. Construction was terminated on March 3l and Mr. Lorance was retained by legal counsel on April 24, 1970 to review plans in order to solve some of the prob lems. Work was commenced aga in on J une 4, 1970 at wh ich time a new building permit was issued as the original pe rm it had expired. In meet ings with Mr. Bynum, lv1 r. Lorance and he worked out solutions to some of the problems and a letter was jointly written by the two wh ich was dated J une 4, | 970 ( copy attached ) . Nea r the end of the project, Mr. Bynum retired and 1,1r. Struble made the f inal inspect ion so that a ceriif icate of occupa ncy could be issued. At that time he wrcte a letter to Vail Associates dated December 31, 1970 (copy attached), The items on this lette r were d iscussed with the Boa rd so that everyth ing can be reconciled and a certif icate of occupancy issued. By item: (l) The second siair will be insta I led from the exit ba lcony.(2) The windows as installed do comply (Mr. Struble will check). (5) Variance granted on th is item on January 8, ,970. ( 'r' Tiltlilil;l ,|, i' I Page 2 Board of Zoning, Appeals and Examiners Minutes of Meeting - June 8, 1972 (4) This item was accepted by Mr. Bynum in letter of June 4 and Mr. struble aqreed that it canrt be remddied at this Time. (5) Same comment as (4).(6) Mr. Lorance has recommended thai th is vent i I at ion be insta I led. (7) Th is item has been corrected. (B) Var iance granted on January B, 1970. (9) Has been corrected. ( l0) Mr. Lorance pointed out that these bathrooms are quasi-public, but he will recommend the instal- lation of tile. ( ll) Has been corrected except one hole where there was a frozen sprinkler. (lr2) Will be covered by a separate building permit when this area is finished.(ll) Mr. 'Lorance will be recommending th at th is i tem be installed. '(14) llr. Strub le will accept th is item as is because it is not a hea lth or safety hazard. (15) Has been corrected. ( l6) Variance granted on January B, 1970. ( l7) Has been corrected. Mr. Strub le then stafed thaf he would make a f inal inspection when it is requested and if all of the items are satisfactorily completed, he wi ll issue a Conditional certificate of occupancy. He does not feel that he can put his signature of a certificate without some qua I if icat ions. lll. New Business A. Case B-4-72 - Yai | 2l application for va r iance not to con- sider lofts as a story. The architect, Mr. Ted Grossman, presenred drawings to clarify loft a rea. He feels the units should be considered as single family dwel ling since there is f ire separat ion and the occupancy load will be low' Mr. Grossman then went on to explain that he had contacted both the Denver and Aurora building departments concern ing lofts and they both permit larger than l/3 floor area with- 'out requiring the extra exif. lt was the consensus of the Board that the nature of use of a con dom in i um in Vail is much d i fferent than that in a large c ity and fhat occupant loads tend to be much larger in a resort area. lhey also .pointed out that they as a Board, cannot change the Code, but can on ly approve a lte rn ate methods of accomplish ing the same thing. Mr. Grossman and Mr. Struble differed in opinion on the def inition of mezzan ine and what is included in fhe calculation of the mazzan ine area and allowab le area. A ca I I was then made fo 14r. Koyamatsu of | .C.8.0. to clarif y th is point. lt was then determ ined fhat they must inc I ude all f loor space in fhe loft a rea, inc lud ing the closets and bathroom; and that the area to be used for the l/3 calculation can include only rooms that the loft opbns directly onto, those that are 50/ open to that area and not the bathrooms, etc. that Mr. Grossman was us ing for his calculation. The Board then discussed several solutions to the problem of a second exit from the loft area. lt was the opinion of the Boa rd that some safety precautions we re necessa ry in th is case. A motion was made by Mr. Young that the mezzanines be cons i de re d as a nothe r story, but tha t the lofts be allowed as planned provided that: smoke and heat alarm systems are installed in lofts and that either a sprinkler system or a second door to the roof be p rovi ded in addition to the smoke and heat alarm systems. Mr. Grossman is to inform board t-..,. tIt I I J "li r' Page 5 Board of Zoning, Minutes of Meeti Appea ls and ng - June 8, Examiners | 972 ( ( tv. I n wri ti ng wh ich of the two and also mus t s ubm it revised by Mr. Knox and approved by vote . Case Z-6-72 (Prel iminary Hearing) - Bank of Vail request for 7 l/21 setback in front on Main Vail Road in lieu of l5r. Mr. Me I Sorenson presented the draw ings to the Board and explained that the only parts of the bui lding that would project into the requi red setback are the p lanter boxes and a ba lconv and door canoDV. The Board informed Mr. Sor- enson that they will recommend aPproval of the variance since there will be at least 501 between the Bank and any other buildings on that side. Case B-5-72 - (Preliminary Hearing) - Apollo Park request to use habitab le basement space as laundry rooms and recreaf ion room and not have it considered a story when determining the type of constructi on. They have agreed fo use a concrete occupancy separation between basement and remainder of each bui lding and to continue wet standpipes into basement. The Board wi ll recommend approval of the variance as there is no safety hazard involved. Case 7-7-72 - fhree Willow Place (Preliminary Hearing) Request for roof to overhang tract land, Bishop rs land and Edelweiss land, and to allow F.A.R. to exceed l:00 to l:00 by approximately l%. The Board reviewed previous variances for th is project and noted that 4 | setback variances were. granted for stair area but that there were to be no pro-jections closer than 4r of the properfy lines. The other corner of the building in question which has no setback from Fhe tract land has not been gi ven a variance. The Boardrsposition is that we cannot g rant the requested va r i ances as it is not within its power to do so. The Board cannot change the F.A.R. requirement--this must be done by amending the Zoning Ordinance by the Board of Trustees. The Board cannotgive permiss ion for a building to encroach upon otherrs p rope rty . Othe r Busi ness A. Contractorrs licenses approved Submifted by, TO|,{N OF VAIL G, APPEALS AND EXAMINERS 4.cd . a lte rnat i ves he p I ans to use ,olans. The motion was seconded the Boa rd w i th one d i ssent i ng B. c. D. tti' I !..r t. t { dw e tnternational Conference of Building Officials 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 r972 (213) 599-0541 OFFICERS PRE6IDENT PERRY C. TYREE REGIONAL EUILDING OFFICIAL COLORAOO SPiIINGS, COLORADO FIRST VICE.PREEiIOENI EUGENE B. FESTER €UPERINTENOEN'I, DEPARTMENT OF EUILDING ANO SAFEIY POt\aONA. CALIFORNIA SECONO VICE.FRESIDENT NE\IVELL POCK CHIEF EU ILOIN6 INSPECTOR YAKIMA, WASHIN6T0N TREAs;URER VINCENT R, EU6H €UPERINTENDENT OF BUILDI NG VERNON. CALIFORNIA JUNIOR PASA PRESIDEN' TED E. DUKE BUILD ING OFFICTAL BILLIN6S, MONTANA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR T, H. CARTER 535O S. WORKMAN MILL RO. WH IITIER. CALIFORN IA MANAGING OIFIECTOR JAMES E. BIHR 5360 5. WORXMAN MILL RO. WH ITTIEF. CALI FORN IA DIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DOWD DIRECTOR OF INSPECIIONS KALAMAZOO, MICH IGAN DONALD A. ERICKSON OIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTIONS MINNEAPOLI6T MINNEAOAA BILL P. HORN CHIEF BU ILDING INSPECTOR P!ERCE COUNTY TACOMA. WASH ING'ON CHARLES R. HINKLEY CHIEF BU ILDING INSPECTOR MOUNTAIN VIEl.|, CALIFORNIA VICTOR L TAUGHER BUILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF ALAMEDA HAY\vARD, CALIFORN IA JACK D. WHITE BUILDING CODE ENGINEER KANSA5 CITY, M ISSOURI VINCENT R. BUSH SUFERINTENDENT OF BUILDING VERNON, CALTFORNIA DICK T, JORDAN D IRECYOR BUILOING DEPARTMENT AUSTIN, TEXAS RAY J. NOKE6 EUILOING OFFICIAL COUNYY OF SANYA EARIARA gANTA BANBARA, CALIFORNIA Plan Check No. 8552 Vail 21 Condqninfu:m and C orrne rc ia 1 SECOND RECIIECK Ed Strubl-e Building OfficialCity of Val1 Box l-00 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear }lr, Struble: ] Revised data for the above project io tt" form of a letter prepared by the architect has been reviewed with referenceto our Letters of May Ll and June 8, L972, and to thearchitect ts letter dated June 22, L972. The coranents arelisted in the same nurnerical sequence with that of ourpast letters and consider only those which were not pre-viously resolved. Man5r of the items which follow wil"l- read trCornnent remainstr sLnce revised plans were not sub- mi t ted. NONSTRUCTTIRAL COMI,IEMS : 1. Cdment rernains. The use of fire retardant wood sleepers 7and the acceptance thereof are f or your decisi ort. . tt i t '-..r1 July 7, X, a OFFICES OF THE EXECUTIVE OIRECTOR T. H. CARTER ANAqING OIRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR TECHNICAL DIRECTOF D. R. WATSON z.a do. Vl i;7 ,.2. Corrnent satisfied. 3. (a) Conment renains.No revised p1ans. 4. Conrnent remains.No revised plans. 5. Comtrent remains. Note that No. 18 gauge aluninlzed steelconstruction should be justified for equivalence with No.L8 gauge steeL. 6 through 10. Coments remain. w111 verlfy these c@nents. Architect states that vou tft 1 O otz Qot9 o 13 16. 12. -2- Conment renaLns. The system speclfled ln ICBO Research Recm- nendation No. 1497 ustng a single Layer of Ll2-lnch Firecote rrCrl sheetrock ls for a one-hour fire-resLstive assembly. Justiflca- tion for a two-hour assenbly is required. and L4. Cornnents remain. Cmrent saEisfied if fireplaces are speclfied to be in cmrpliance with Research Recosmendacion No. 1802. 18. Contment satlsfied lf the system is specifically ca1led out for courpliance wlth Research Rec orrlenda t lon No. 1497. 21. (a) through (h) Cments remain. 22. Cment remains. No revised plans. 27. Comment remains. No revised pLans. ?lans and other data are being held pending receipt of further Lnseruc- tions fron you. ?lease coDtact this offlce if there are any questions. Yours verY trulYt INTERNATIOML CONFEREIICE OF BIIILDIT.{G OFFICIALS t Jr't T. J. (ghrer Ko5/amatsu Plan Check Engineer TJK:hb ( Hr:"# June 8,L972 -+llat!.-g\""k No. 8552 ECll-?l.l c ondomln lura and' Corncnerc lal RBCTIECK 1970 Unlforo Bulldtng CodaEd Struble Dulldlng Offlclal City of VatlBq 100 ValI, Colorado 81657 Dcar Mr. Struble: Revfued data for the above proJect ln the foro of a letter prepared by the archltect hae been revieved ulch refer€nceto our letter of May 11, 1972. Hany of the lrens whlch fol- 1ow w111 read |tComent renal.ngtr becauae revlaed planr were noe subuitted at thlc tlure. The cments are lleted ln the sano nuoerlcal eequence nlth otrr letter of l{ay 11. 9ENERAL cCstr{E}lTs! '/t, For your declslon. - ,1.4-1,<{.*tz/:.*V^.-- '/ 2. Arlnptlcn rtandr. . ti4,1L V3 and 4. C6r6entr remafn. ti).,* ..-rt-,- t+) t*,,-.*.. NONSINUCTT'RAL CGSE}TTS :nt- "r ,J/ ^,r{/- t. r(a) CccmenE sarlafted lf, rooflng lg a Claer ',A,'bullt- r Ca'J up aeaenbly. - .LL . -*" .f-,^Il7 -(U) CcEoent rernalnl. Plrc retardant rrcated luubcr 1! .-I.,-r',',e t noc constdered noncoobugtlblo. n - t.lr'tr:f, iJ" -2. c@ent renqlns. ,."L ' ..' $ - "1.J't3. (a) comenr renalnc.' / (b) Cono€nr satloflcd. VJ "1**l'"-'"^+'4+''z *.4i-"*'n ct"t- '<tLt +'eL--s-1 .tJ .r, til*l, t*iiz . a J'+"''-iut*'t -2- and 5. Comentt lenslq. (a)(b) Cc,'z:ents reostq. If theae a"e no! publlc tollett' other. . - eorap ly lEg tollets Efi:s: be prf'lded to trl{!€ t che requl'r€Gont. ccr,,lncnt re1a1n3. T!..e tolle: r"ot]:c 103 8nd 109 - not6 that thcse wotrld r,.ot ba coasider3d xi;Ete :ei,1ets. Ccrr:teot re$ala!. cfisrent reoa inr ultll thc Lnfot':catlon sPectlled by ttle archltoct ln hlc let;.:t ls ctc'-rr on rbc Pl4n!. Ccnrrenr relralnc trnlesa U.S.A. Stacderd Z 124'2-t9('7 tr approved by the l,nternatlonEl A.soclatlo of Plrrib{ng and }iachanlcal OfflctaLs. utrcn lnfo:ra:lon 1r provldcd on tho plant. - ! ,t lt-i*:''i "t '. : "*tC /.o /r/ ofi"; fi.lf *;;'vriJnP"', d*3: t*f;' l*,.(p ^6rro. ./pr \,J tr}l /tt, Cqdneni: saclsfied. The lxchleect ttace$ the $hat{err Or btthtubS do not tave doora. .lr,(nr'l-rll2 and 13. Cogmencr reoeln rrntll ltrfolrat,1on {a ahosn on the planl. Y,fl' lloie that beana rrqulic a nLni.Ersl o! l-lneh e-ovef fot tlto'hotlsIU 6I.'. ),protecilon. l.rru/ t+, (a) Thls casgnt concoroa portloas o! the colar:na 6bove tha 6u!r' .ru/:.A pended cetllng level. / (b) llec:tlc bov.aa of i5 sqrrrc lnchea {n arca ore pcnnlttcd ln' e"ch 10C oq'.ure fcnf, of; aucienCed cel!'lng arca' /tS. tror futurc referonca. , rl9 t(t,' 16. Coumeut recaLne. ' . F;" I r0!i"'ffZ. Cccr*ni sarlsfled lf the lnforoatlca rpeclflcC by th€ arehltoct ln-," hlc lc{:te! {s p:c*r!.cerl 18. C(rnent .-enalns. Cnc la'rer of \l?-lrrch $?a I dr-woll o botlr gldeo cf steel 8tu(lr !.s rrot ltrled ln tablc 11e. /:3-B ac a onc'hour ^.-!.{ -t^6 Ccc!'Errt cetlefie,i. Corrent satltf lcd -J-i'.: Ii" !' '' ' t \': 't : ' : i - 1'1r ,4.4L) r!' ,(.:v'Fl','t / rs, r*/ 20.olit .;t"l i}';.\t' 21. TG'Cment rcoalu. C@ent satlrfled shen lnfornatlon ,,r provlded oin theplant. Revleed plans ere oecersary. to revles th15 {ten. , - ,. a,4 .e/ri4'L.azAa< -/..<z rL -<.a.c.< .- :..4a.r.a.<,t' et n7,Vz.--' .'-r- f ."^*3.Lf" L z4v'<" Cment ratllflcd. Intonoatlon ls on cchedula Sheet A-12. ,*"(*. col r,$fi.<'| .vr" O,l*i <"1 S{" tu> f".'\r. r ,".^r' zf .j;.:* Ort '/ 24' / (") Cmnent tatl.af led. /(t, Cq@ent satisfled eccordlng to Vall Ordftrancc No. 6. , rlo S* Ctl Colnent reoalnt. ';,nL" i..,n,441etLf,/4i- */)Ui**<.1-a*!-.&L+,(4, b,cl'-u'*cl 'a h'. /"pY (h) 1), 2), 3) aad 4) C@€nrr rematn. ?.L\v- I 3, Cor'*nent catlrfled. Corooent. remalnl. Com€nt ratlrfled wben laforcatlon fu provlded on the ptanc. tdzz' 25 and 26. Courentr satleflcd. (a) Archltcct stares rhat dt7 rtsndplpe systemr are on ghe planr; Clarlf,tcatlon ia requerted. LJ -l(b) Ccment re"'alos. Any nodlflcatloo to thlg Codoncnt 1r for your conrldcratlon. v (c) For your lnfonoatlon. ghorn r€lulre- STRUCNMAL CO&TE}fTTI: Slnce we have recclved the structural portlonat thl8 tl[s. rcvfued plaot or co$oente concernlngthla proJect, no connentl w111 bc nadc lourr very truly, IITT"RI{ATIONAL COBIRERENCB OE SUILDING OTFICIAIS l. J. Koyauatru Cblef Plan Check Engloccr oo of TJR:bb International Conference of Building Officials 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD June r WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 I, 1972 (213) 699-0541 41/ OFFICERS PRESIDENT PERRY C. TYREE REGIOI{AL BU ILOING OFFICIAL COLOFADO SPRINGS, COI-ORAOO FIRST VICE-PFESIDENT EUGENE A. PESTER SUFERI N'ENOENT. OEPARTMENT OF EU ILOING ANO SAFETY POMONA, CALIFORNIA SECOND VICE.PRESIOENT NEWELL POCK CHIEF EU I LDING INSPECTOR YAXI MA, l/vASHINGTON TREASUREF VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BIJ ILOING VERNON. CALIFOSN IA JUNIOR PASI PRESIOENT TED E. DUKE BU ILDING OFFICIAI. BILLIl{GS, MONTANA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR T. H. CARTER 5360 5. WORKMAN MILL RD, WH IITIER. CALI FORN IA MANAGING DIRECTOR JAMES E. BI HR 5360 S. lvORNMAN MILL RD. v/HITTIER, CALIFORN IA DIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DOWD OIRECTOR OF INSPECTIO S KALAMAZOO, M ICHIGAN DONALD A. ERICKSON D IRECTOR OEPARIMENI OF INSFECTIONS MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOIA BILL P. HORN CHIEF EU ILOIN6 INliPECTOR PIERCE COUNTY TACOMA, u|AgHINGTON CHARLES R. HINKLEY CI'IEF BU ILOING INSPECTOB MOUNTAIN VIEl/l'. CALIFORNIA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BU ILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF ALAMEOA HAYWARO. CALI FORN IA JACK O. WHITE EU II-DING CODE ENGINEEf| KANSAS CITY, M ISSOURI VI NCENT R. BUSH SUPERIN-TENOENT OF BU I LD ING VERNON. CALIFORN IA DICK T. JORDAN OIRECTOR BUILDING DEPARTMENT AOSTIN, TEXAS RAY J. NOKES BU ILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF SANTA BAREARA SANTA BARBARA, CALI FORNIA OFFICEA OF THE EXECUTIVE DIiECTOR T. H. CARYER xaN^ort|o ortEctoiJATE3 E. EII'IR TEC||XIqAL DIRqCTORD. R. WA?3ON Ed Struble Building OfflciaL City of Vail Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 81.657 Pl"an Check No. 8552 Yai-L 2l Condoniniun and Comnerc ial RECHECK 1970 Uniform Building Code Dear Mr. Struble: Revised data for the above project Ln the form of a l-etter prepared by the architect has been reviewed with reference to our l"etter of May Ll, 1972. Many of the items which fo1- 1ow wilL read rrComroent remainsrr because revised plans were not submitted at this time. The comrents are listed in the same nurnerical sequence with our Letter of May 1L. GENERAL CO}IMENTS: 1. For your dec is ion. 2. Assuoption stands. ,i " '! ' i/,\l3 and 4.' Coments rehain. NONSTRU TURAL COI"IMENTS : 1. (a) Cdment satisfied if roofing is a Class tAtrbuilt- up assembly. (b) C@rent remains. Fire retardant treated Lrrnber is not considered noncombustible. 2. Coment remains. 3. (a) corment T- remains. satisfied.(b) Cmrent -2- 4 and 5, Comnents remaln. 6. (a)(f) Corrnents remain. If these are not public toilets, other conpLying toilets must be provided to meet the requirement. 7. C@ment remalns. The tollet rooms 108 and 109 - note that thesewould not be considered private toilets. 8. Conrnent remains. 9. conrnent remains until. the information speclfled by the architectin his Letter is shown on the plans. 10. Corent remains unless U.S.A. Standard Z L24.2-L967 is approvedby the International Association of plumbing and MechanicaLOfficials. 11. comtrent satisfied. The architect states the showers or bathtubsdo not have doors. 12 and 13. comtrents rema in untiL information is shown on the pLans. Note that beams require a min imum of l-inch cover for two-hourprotection. 14. (a) This c qrurent concerns portions of the columns ab ove the sus-pended ceiling leve l-. (b) Electric boxes of L6 square inches in area are permitted ineach 100 square feet of suspended ceiling area. 15. For future reference. 16. Conment remains. L7. cd'rent satisfied if the information specified by the architect inhis Letter is provided. 18. C qrurent reseins. One layer of 1/2-inch \zpe X drywall oo bothsides of steel studs is not listed ln Table No. 43-B as a one-bourpart it ion. 19. Comnent satisfied. 20. connent satlsfied when informatron is provided on the pLans. 2t. (a) (b) (c) (d) Cofiment Cotrment plans . Revl sed Cmnent A.I2, -3- remaina. satisfled when Lnformatlon is provided on the pLans are necesaary to revlew this item. satisfied. Infonnation ls on schedule Sheet (e) Cment satisfied. (f) Comrcnt satisfied according to VaiL Ordinance No. 6. (g) Connrent remqins. (h) 7), 2), 3) and 4) Cments renaln. 5) Contment satisfied. 22. Comrent reualns, 23. Corrrmerrt satisfied when information Ls provided on the plans. 24, 25 and 26. Cmrenrs satisfied. 27. (a) Archltect states that dry standplpe systems are sholrn on the p1ans. Clarlflcation Ls requested. (b) Coment remains. Anv podification to thi_s Code requirg ment is for your consideration. (c) For your lnfornation. STRUGTIIRAL CCDIMEI{TS: Since we have received no revlsed plans or cotrments concerningthe structural portlon of thls project, no coments wiLl be nadeat thls time. Yours very truLy, IMERT ATIOT{AL C ONFEREIICE tsu Plan Check Englneer TJK:bb L A,Ll N(r) \) 22 fi.rte 1972 liro Ao J. Koyanatau I.C.B.O . 5360 South Worknan Road lrhittler, Callfornla 9O6O1 Dear SIr. Koyanrotsu r IhG follgtidng lc a lnrlponse to yqrr plan re.check #8552 datcd 6 JLnc 19?2 coverlng the "Vsll 21 Cqrdomlntun Btrlldlng" r Rsrponse ts nede ln aecordancc wlth dcclglqrs ard recqutendaticrs resul tint frcr a cdference botuncn Hr. Ed Struble, Bulldlng OfflclaL, Vell , Colorado, and me on 21 June 1972r General Cor,u,ent l-. ThLs lctter w111 hre considered ln the aa.ne nanner as an addendwr to thc eontract D ocumenta usuld be conFldered. the 1oca1 br:lfdhg offlclal w111 fleld verlfy staterxcnts made here for conpllancer Rerpqlse to I.c,B.Or check: A vaiiance aUorrlng fLre-retardant trcated wood aleepers Bnd ottrcrnolllng a69sibl,1e9 for "co1d roofr, cqtEtnctXor w111 be applled for through prop€r Vall channelsr Note: tjrls cmont relttrsed to i*l ae per lrs.rr telophcnc cqrversatlqrlrlth Ed Stnlbl,a, 2l June Lg72o. (a) Space bcbfi.n clnrtes and surturrdlng ccrcret. f,loor alab at all. leveLs rdll bc fully granted hrlth eqlcretc ae per yor:r telophore cfirvarsqtl'on wXt}| Stnrblor ?l June f972r A teto hcnrr ratd celllng rdll be lnctaU€d at the ,'3 level" tr&sh srd ltn€ri .Eoo@gr fh15 celllng ntll, lun diractly to each chute, Nt'Nd s6al aaf,u! fr1otl spncc abovc. A tm ltqlr rft d yrl.l ahalL bo birtlt ot each loveL r"rhere traah andllncn chuter occur. lhLs wall thall creat.e a r.ptrate encLoeure for each cttrto ylthln thol,r rcrpectlve t,ro€ag!'r Only the door to th,o chrtGln cach caso ahall trrcnetrate tlr!.g r*s11+ Noter epeclflcatlonr call for ill6 grr rlwrlnlsed rt,el conttJuctlctfor ctnrteeo Intake doors arc to ba hard opcrated, hopper t!'p.r bocrlngIII trrr ?50o f. V&. B lab€I. 1o Jr 4f ( t - te fs"ar .(e',r"' *'l;{ t\1",'r ,''' rrr v .r*' ' 5,lr ?rr 8.r 9rr l0r !l Stt!$ll tdll ttftlt. l?1 Eyltrl 6.lld tgs fo gllr nt +*lflc:tfsre co&for"rs to f.C.a.or , Vq I nnrs mradrttb #l{gtr r$cdng rlnglc lcycr, $.5ro. tri'' , */ *W, lsl'tcl€*,r !$roilr rCo rrr rtr 4rrlry cf$rrnelc ,r t4"crCrv f-ll3rr llr Fd Stnrbh rdll ysrlfyr I0r ?traplt€rr trrrr. l€ef.or r.D.rt f,l00trCr l8r oras trcrrr flrc rertrtrer tr nt lry alr C!o.ln!O rd rpclllcrtlcr cdt.tne for etaOtr llyor UrErOr rf rhrptpc*q {trrcoia *cfl an loftst r{dcr of 3 5.1.8" mtrl rbdrr Hohr c}f iPtglffcrtlsrr dld not crll fc* lrd' ttrsrnoflber lound rttmrtlf,r, Silrtt SLrr rhrll bllmtnllGdr f,of fr€rBrS. trailttilr fioryrtdltlon lrL6??r J/1LL *--'----- / !l. (r' V|'fi|Gr frrl b..l €a|lrt*t lJ| thlr Gr|ilr, nll$ @dltldt| b bf - gttrflr{r Dd Etnrblt rd,ll urrllyr (d nGYfrf rfcrcrrf dotrll (rht SBrfl grtrldil for "rxtGlcr ed,tbdstf dl.tlnr Yrrlrrrcc rdlf b. rgpffd for ttrqrltr F${p.r, Vrll churrlr tof X otr Etrgr Faqu!.rad rAcra rpplkablor (g) Strtr "A* wlll bc rwt5ed to cafsn to "crrlomd ftdrFG$drryltar i lr#cr rd,l,l be Inrtrllrd to tht rsf 'i ftdr 'D" /L ln cmfsarncc rdth vsll Awrdroont ri6r Ed St*ble tdll rrurllyr' r// ,*,.f , J (h) L $trta "A" trlrtr b. rrrl,tad to csrfom to ''errlorqt ltaltsrttrr- ' ' t't' I Sd.Stnrble ytlt vorllyr nrQ' y i,. f - [ 2. A v.rleG ytll, br rgpll*l fcl tfuangh ftsopGr 9rl,l ctrurclrer 'n n f ,l' \ urlng "Gi)ttrsr", toctlolr 330S (rl 1 usBrc. lrf"L a'tV,6 X 3r &rl s?rubla hrtrt yerlry. l, v', alt" tl ur*' .l[uNl {e srrvl,&fs* to t.}rp p}rn ri,trl hp eeArr nd stnrbtri d"l,l ylti*yr ,2 nlltr*,{22. $talt .'D" r*ift rarAr* rperdrrl, 6ftal,l lltlfd nrltd open srtD *Gtrtui* .ilft brlecf ed til|rr t*tlr cmrnt |[Fu,l( nc leqnr rprytyr_, Ed StnrDL rfff ulfyr- Jltza'.-*' J-hJ .]Z /{/4t"1''' 'ti'(/ v +'dfr/.'-l-u { 2tr E{ 5tnltr dll v*l,fy. 27t ($ (b) bt&.|. dry rtxtplpr .lt|tr| d,f,l b. dG*f9flGd ald ln trlldll Utll.A&tOr Drrlla{r dlf b. riln0ftrrf f* rtrdcwr Ed strtrblc rclllycrlfyr 5lrurillt1 ttfalalor ir dsocrnra*r ,ilrr (iBr Ed StnrD&. Ch!|rl.s ftocfiq|r|,rt "rGlfto I ZEILEFI ANrr GIFIAYT lNE.I22 EASI I91H AVENUE oENVE R. COTORADO 80203 c0ilsul.Tlil0 International Conference of Building Official s 5360 South Workman Road Whittier, Cal ifornia 90601 ATTN: Mr. T. J. Koyamatsu Chief Plan Check Engineer t-\RE: lVail 2lland L'ions Square IIIr--J LOnOOm] nl UmS - Va t I , LO tO. Gentl emen: In response to your structural above job, we have enclosed a c1 arify the questions you have JCZldb Encl osurescc: The TAG Assoc. Mp. Ed Struble t il 0lll t t Rs corments contained in the detailed list of each item brought up. PHONE, 303'222 8668 July 2l , 1972 p1 an check on the in hones to We apolog'ize for any problem you may have had in coordinating the calcula- tions with the drawings. However, the plans are correct, and we do feel the need to "justify" each item not specifically appearing in the calcu- lations is somewhat unwarranted and an unnecessary additional cost to every- one involved in the project. It is one thing to question an item which you have found by your own check to be structurally unsafe, but we feelit is unreasonable to ask us to justify the safety of each structural item on the job through calculations. This'is especial'ly true of detajls and connections which we have used repeatedly in the past and know from ex- perience that the item works. There is neither time, money nor necessity to make lengthy calculations justifying their use. I do hope that in the future any calculations that are to be submitted to you wil'l be made more complete;, however, I also hope that future checks witl be more concerned with the plans and specifications and not a crit'ique of the calculations. If you shou'ld have any further questions on any of the items, please let us know. Very truly yours, ZEILER and GRAY, INC. au,h cr "lY 4r/4J /'$.k't!" ' i Dvtt!t:;s-,r- r : .'1 RESPONSE TO ICBO STRUCTUML PLAN CHECK . VAIL 2I lb. 2. 3. The contractor has hired an inspector to satisfy the inspection requirements of Section 305. The foundation investigation report by Kal Zeff and Associates accompanies this response. The combustible roof shingle has been changed by the architect to a C'lass A aspr,iit-ifingt". The wei!ht of the asphal['shingles are approximately.306 ill;as pei iiuu"" wh.ich c6mpares,with the : pounOs per square foot used in desi gn. There is no Nonstructural Comment No. 2 (a) tisted'in your letter of Nii it,1972; however, there is a Corment No. 2l (a)-relating to exits reiuirea tn itre lofts. The architect has successfully applied to lhe . Vait guitaing Department for a variance of this issue. Consequently, there wjll be no. structural changes required. Desi gn-vert'ica'l Analysi s a. The steel joists noted l2H4 on the "6th Level Framin5j P'lan" and the ,,Loft and noot Friming P'lan" (both plans are located-on Sheet 5-6) _ aie iupporl'ing the 6tF and Tttr flooi''lofts respectively and not roof construction. b. Floor Live Loads r) The 12H6,'10H2 and 8H2 steel ioists used in corridor'locations' sitisti 6oth stress and defleition c.iteria for 'live load de- flectiirn of L/240 for loading of 100 pounds per square foot. The allowable live load is 233, not 155 PLF. ?) The use of the lease space on the second level has not been' determined by the ownei' yet. Consequent'ly' a 'letter will be sent to the 6wner, with i copy to Ed Struble, indicat'ing t!..yqg of the space-must'comply to tiUte No. 23-A of the Uniform Building Code with the maximum'ailowable live load equal to 75 psf' 4, 5. c. The calculations indicated the load on the beam was from spanning 20 feet where, in fact, they-were only spanning cir'lculai,ions have been-corrected. This reduction in loacalcu'lations have been corrected.s reduction in load allows the }J16X26 to satisfy the design criteria. joi sts 14 feet. The Grade "Utt , #855 as d. The Wl2X58 steel beam was beam size. l^lhen applying inc'luding the masonry wa'll supplied by the beam. (Mo basically used because it matches an adJ.acent the ]oadi wh'ich are distributed to the beam' , the actua'l plastic moment js less than that = 248 k-ft actual vs. 260 k-ft al'lowable). Reference calcu]ation Sheet l4 and General Note 4 on Sheet S-l I ) The specifications call for the concrete block Type I and equal to ASTM C-90 grade units and to be to be o o ',ii$rcBo j,i$': Vail 2l Pase - t ';ii1i (Cont. ) ,,'":il ' ,;oICBo ,..,; t. ) , ,riil ';rl' liiil 'I;;i1;r:.'1i manufactured by the Denver Brick and Pipe Company. The Denver ':lii: Brick and Pipe'Company did, in fact, get the bubi:ontract for the ,,i:,., b'lock and the weight of the block correspond'ing to #855 with cells ,li.:il 'at 48" fil'led with grout is 47 pounds per square foot of wall heightl I This weight relates directly to the 46 pounds used jn design. ,f,lii 2) The plans call for vertical reinforcing of #4's at 4'-0 on center ', l and horizontal reinforcing of standard Dur-o-l,lal at 8" with 2-#4's '",': ,anq nOr1Z0nf,al relntOrClng Of Slandar0 Uur-O-Wal aE 6" wlf,n Z-f{'s i li,i'r ':, lin continuous bond beams'located at each floor. This reinforcing ,:':: prov'ides a total area of stee'l of 0.164 square inch per square foot ,; ;.llr compared to the code requ'irement of 0.183 square inch per square I l,r,,lllPql EU t\, Lrlg g\,Ut f trqU lI ElllellL Ul \.,.l()J )qugl tr lll9ll ysl JYuCrl s , ',l,i.i',:lfoot. Since we have used high strength reinforcement (yield " rri, strength = 60 ksi), we feel lhe area-of steel provided is equivalent l1i, .to using 40 ksi - #5 bars at 4'-0 on center. This would g'ive a : ;,ri i',r,u uSt g .tu K)t - tt aJ uctr ! dL .t -u ult Ltrr|uEr. rr|r) wvuttr 9tYs Er ,;l :.tota'l of 0.214 square inch per square foot and satisfy minimum area,'..1 ',r rgquirements. This wou1d, however, give no added strength to the ', '':rpqurremenfs. Inls V'loulo, nowever, g1ve no aooeq sf,rengrn Eo fne ,',::,'li' walls and only increase the possibility of confusion on the iob '. '.,r".,,', by having different grade of reinforcing steel at the site. The ,','t,'''iuJ llOY l1l9 Ull ltlCllL gl-due Ul ttllllUtllllv Jl,EEl qu Llls )rvs. lrrs . .,,1'. 'l larger bars vlould also increase placing costs and jncrease the .,1; r":' difficulty in grouting around the bars. Additional reinforcing i;,'l' around opiningi has b6en specified in the General Notes on tn.;1 5-1.''iii.,1 f. The W12X45 steel beam has been checked with four floors of masonry wall. ],i,. ll load; however, the full 'live load reduction was not used which compen- " ,",, sates for the additiona'l wall weight. (Actual Mp = .|87. k-ft vs. ^allow- ij,,'iliuie-mo-: it4 i:iii: The calculaiions riuve-6".n"co".."teo io ritieci: ";liilrthis change. , , i ii,l:;-'''S. The design for the concrete beams shown on Sheet S-7'i s'l ocated on ":l, calcu'lation Sheets 14, 16 and 24. :,,,..''h. The resisting moment for a W10X2'l steel beam is larger than the actual lilii,,,The resisting moment for a W10X2'l steel beam is larger than the actual ,.,ii,lmoment.Theca]culationshavebeenchangedtoreflectthis. r r, i:t i. A l,t'10x29 will satisfy the loading condjtjons for the steel beam at the ', rl ridge line. The W10X33 shown in the calcu'lations was for a preliminary ,li,r,,riage iint. rne m 0-x3g shown in-the calcu'lations was for a prel iminary 'i,;.i'irll,ioiil spin. Thi ca'lculations have been corrected. ',," ''''t'' 1r r':'i:1!ri ., ' :l1t' Lateral Design ',1 rd 'Ia. The structure was des'igned for a wind zone of 30 pounds per square tool ..;;r i'.',$ as indicated jn the Uniform Building Code. The corresponding wind velocity ,r;i , r - -- r ----l |t! ^- F'l ---- "i !! joist span. The ca'l culations have been corrected. ' ',i,r,,r;,, .i:.. t,..1Lateral Design ' ,, , ,,, for a pressure of 30 psf is ll0 miles per hour at sea level. At an E1eva:,, iir tion oi 8000 feet, thb w'ind velocity fbr 30 psf pressure may be increased' ;. j by l0 per cent to l2l miles per hour. In a check with the Rocky Mountain ,' :'l Forest and Range Experiment Station, the maximum wind velocity ever re. ' I corded near Vail was 76 miles per hour. Consequently, we feel the pressure' : i1 used in desion is conservative and there is no iustification for a hiqher;,r,i:.,,l;'used",in design is conservative and there is no justification for a higherr,tir :iil wind 'loading. ,:,;i,lili,ii : 1 i li,:ri ,i ,-, "' 't il :li:\l a o :"''rr:it 'il lrlr .,.{l!'lrICB0 ,,tl';!'{|l'rVail 2l Pase-, ,l,llii#[, (cont. ) ,;li;;ii,:l{i; ,:,r:irii'lil I b. Reference ca1cu'lation Sheets 52 - 57 'i'i:lil!]i .l':1,1, ,i ;l'jiI ) The method of shear transfer is as detai'led in the sections where ,rliili.lii;i the shear load is transferred from the deck to the ends of the i,,,';il'::,lr t fng Snea|- lOaq l5 f|"atn5Teff'eq TI'UIll Lfle ueuK LU LIIE tllu) vl r'llt l'ir l'joists which are welded to bearing plates. The load is perpen- ;ii;,'.,, i',,dicular to the joist and must be transfemed through the ioist , t,;i.r- rL^ ii'chord members. -Calculations have been included which indicate the :'l i rl chord members are not overstressed. .i',,'ii i,,,.;'' '1;i,11ir, ' ;,l,lilr,:d,i.t,,i , ii: 2) Wheeling Tensi'lform 50 qill transfer lateral load providing the :l; tr'' correct-weld pattern is used. If you check the specifications, ';,r I .,^.. ...3't1 -^rJ^- .r.L^ ..,^!.1 -^+.^-- --^^i3i^,{ --+ia€ia.. *ha m:nrr- -': 'ilyou wi'l'l notice the weld pattern specified sat jsf ies the manu- ,i,,,lil'facturer's recommendation, which a.re included with this response. ,'1,,1,i, ',i'lii,ii": 3) The walls on line 5 have been checked for axial compression due ,. i:lr',','ir , to overturning forces and vertical loads, and the total compressive::lr',i JI Itlg Wdll) UII llllt " flqvg Utgll tvllEle^Eu lvl alllqr vvrrrPr s""rvlr \'i'E '- i.'",',to overturning forces and vertical loads, and the total compressive:,1i,, , stress for the fully grouted wall is 117 psi which satisfies 'l:iil sdction 24'18 (J)2, irhich yields an allowable stress of 320 psi. : 'r',''t t! iii 4) All critical shear-wa]ls, 'i.e., short walls in north-south ,, direction have all cells fully grouted. Maximum'allowable shear ,,'i , iolrecElon nave all cel ls Tul ly grouEeo. rlax llllulll dl luwclulc >lredr' ',, i' .,. ,' on the ful'l area on any of these walls is 7.5 psi which is well ',1"1below 20 psi allowed. " '! lf.:,1:,,]l5), It is the jntent of our design to transmjt all lateral loads l ':r:ll, lJ 9llg llll,tllV \,l (,tll r.rgat lvrl 9v 9l lllrlrrrr , .r,ii.' through continuous vertical shear walls to the foundation. ' 'i,l,'ll:i .ii ''1"1"Section F-3l3 indicates how studs on steel beams are used toJt:LL lLlll f _.)/J lllU IVqLE) flUW Jlu\l) l.,ll Jl,tc t |.'sqlllJ qr s u''r-s ev transfer the shear force from one level to the next. l'{e, there- :i'l :: fore, cannot see where there is a major change in shear resisting ';',' ' e'l ements . ' ;;ir ij a. * The .qpec'ifications indicate that the maximum size aggregate to be used ,l':ii, 0. I llg .:t yEr, | | lt.qU lt,alal tll\r l\,(l|,s r,rt[f 9 9lls rllrr/\ t,i i,n.bdira ueams.and^masonry unit c.ells.shall^be 3/8", which comp'lies with ill 1,. ir " "'i",jj j , ,. 6) 0verturning compressive forces have been cons'idered on all walls iii'ii' used as sh6ar wills in conjunction with the applied vertical loads :i, i'-,._ _rr I i! 't rr, ' and al1 of the result'ing pressures satisfy code requirements' The 'll, ' ill maximum condition occuri it ttre wal]s on line 5 which were dis- ,,.,i;r. llr ,r t^i and al1 of the result'ing pressures satisfy code re , i,,;ll;:l,l cussed in ltem 6. (b)3). '::,i:,. lllr t 7l The precast co'lumns, or in some cases steel co'lumns, may be used .,''Ito rlsist overturning forces for two reasons: 'l). Besides the i,l,: bond force between the masonry and structural column, there 319 r,,, . ii;';, metal anchors from the column-to the masonry as spelled out tn an. ,,;,1,, specifications. 2). The columns are supporting structural beams ,i i which are directly attached to the wal1 preventing up'lift. -The ;' load in the beam tan then be transferred directly to the column. tle have also changed note on section F-l/2 to read: Provide ; ', I 2" x 6" x 6" keys at 12" on center - full he'ight of wa1 l. .l 'i, 7. Plans lll Uniform Build'ing Code Standard No. 24-24-70. o l) thru 4) The partlcular sections where the load must bejoist. An analysls has are we]l below allowab'le values. noted in your plan check relate to Item transferred through the chord member of been made which indicates the combined Page - 4 were included in the for hydrostatic pressure at the site provides The calculations for original submittal. necessary because the adequate drainage. the retaining wall design There were no provi,sions porous .material present The reinforcing required 'in the masonry walls, as stated is to be continuoui through the floor slab to secure the slab. Ed Struble will be-notified to specifically fie'ld forci ng. The pr€cast concrete fascia panels, shown in have,been designed to span horizontally the in the original calculations. details onfull 24 feet Sheets 53 and as indicated The wal'l reinforcing will be 'lapped of the steel beam. Ed Struble will check the dowel reinforcing. we to specifical'ly field Ito the flangeswith dowels be notified I ded See Item 7. (f). formu'las as showi in section 2702 of the Uniform Building Code. The The masonryun:l.l,Sat the opening to the lofL at the location. in questionr are considi:red reinforced'non-bearing walls whjch satisfy the maximum ratio of unsupported he'ight to thickness ratio, as stated in Table N0.24-I. Usiirg 18 feet-of unsupported height, we get an L/t ratio of 27 vs. 36 a]iowed. The steel beams to the east of the openings were , itt.it"a-to" corpiiince tor latera'l support with the beam griphs.[rinted 'in the AISC Design Manua], which were'derived wjth identically the.same , actual moment js 65.8 kip feet with the unsupported length 9quq1 !9 The allowable load for a'lrll6X26 at this unsupported length 'is 69 kip CHKO, lre 6 - 6,@l). Frrro t\T\rx. LoAo T(zANStAtfTc-o AilLl €tJo oF JotST lfiAf . oc-oud-s otJ (. I I Ft^to t"ot | ) Jorrl ePgs fuANsf€E Laao To Vntt Laeo /Jsr.. t,/O "o.rt7 r/lr = NA= J,s(o.a-t-+): o'a7q x'" fr/ooo = a, e ? \"./z :. o, ts lc' lV1 Prt Epo E€AcTtau Q J!T. Q: e(o,ora' c.c.,{)/ra)* J.alo Laae oa Ea. OtAGc,t,/Et, g,ro , ij.j- (l JarsT: f aH5, /zo,t73 IN LOFT A' ' 7,q Q - aaz3e) 4) b. ! 4 (rorac rP t4' wrac tAufED To €AcH ^LL 3 6,l/t-- 9,osx Loae Otgft Et'lO lrJ '{T . t? 1 I I Av€ ' b Fa +y trb a: c,4b? - l'9L/o.tlt +;10,31)':3!.-1ft,):t' = 3 6it, :, ?' ) .4 t4 4t6 A rJ.?So + o. 78 :':-l lrern - r.(b) '3). h'lauu oN Lrr'r€ g Oveetunut*tG fllan. t ft,7n'' rMA L.L LeeTU :- 1LO e FFecrrv€. N€T wta rH tF waLL = 1tb-1{ A€r'ats* t.o3 0.K AL.L CEL+,' 5. fn: 1,62s (S+rr/6 {s = 1t' 7(DYfi6 7 = F2L1 L3. =. tbe Ptr C o.fiP, tt1 ?ra < l1f ?t1 ;rdset ' ?/A r P' a7'02) ' Ai $3 + on= Ean 22ffi'.."1"1.rr' +e..4..:,tP-:)-L '-.i,i'l '"i .' -l r-- lrern 1(h). Aeen I sxeer no......3..,..... rca xo...2.1,f4.:.1- .. .{4.!.h.....?.!..... ,o !9nC,CHEcr( , Cotuuicrtaat oF . tr66L 6mp Aceoa?lN| . ta 5ta4e' - Fretc.fttat feeo'ey I l CoNTE t6oT/ NG : To Q*nt.: 14(a\t ?= o,ot (a*r\, ta.rfu 6t, J i =a.f3*- M(6) ra( E): ,F 7'7,r1 Q eecnou t o,t.ts[.?0a\(o,l 5z) t + &i ( o'r/a)tru )/u, Qr t9. rK RFrps, i An, , ,Vu" 0\? t3.r(t,rt)" o,&r. 4 P'r s' t14 at. )W; ReruF. i L L To lo, t'tt . /3,5 6,729 c(o, a) :l. ? ,-L (o.t€L\(1.12i,364 e, N / t.a(o. er)(t,\( t.e), i?k i ;;i il Matdliah Testing gervice MATERIALS REPORT {or Job No. or L D. 520-1 Dorc Tcsred: 7lL4l72 Mix l.D.: 5t saclSlu'p' Wotcr Tamp.: Toto I Yords : Wotcr Raducer: Win d: Tima Botchcd: TESr CYLTNDERS 52O 3 DoY l. 2. 4. Averogc REMARKS: lYPe MountaLn Constructor I e Air Tcmp.: Toto I Wotcr: Air Entro in in g: Humidiry: Timc P loccd: (13-18) 7 DoY 285) 3OO8 293r II Cemnt 'P.O. Box l2l3 Boulder, Colo. 80302 825-5261 2531 West 8th Ave. VallLocolion:2Li Denver, Colo. 80204 Tickct tr Lcvel 2 floor A ir:4tt Wt/Cv.Ft.: Y ie ld: Concreie Temp. : F A Moisfurc: Co lc ium: Weothcr: . Time Tcsted: 14 Doy 28 Doy eEcE?e\ d JUt a4 E7z Q,"r{q |VIOUNTAIN CONSTRUCTORS, lNC. P. O. BOX 1788 ' PHONE 476332',t ' VAIL, COLORADO 81657 EF0moQe4w{xtpErFDiuotExF5)soaxram()uo([E{6t$9(p00(}0{)4(w JuLy 20, L972 To!./n of Vai I Munic ipal nui lding vail, Colorado 81657 Attention: Mr. Ed Struble Gentlemen: On July L9, L972, T, as representative and empJ-oyee of Mountain Constructors, Inc. did perform a general inspection of the structure known as Vail '21r in the company of Dick Snodgrass, Superintendent of saiil corporation. The following descrepancies were found in the existing structure (constnrction now proceeding on the third level of said structure. ) In general. weld.ing of stnrctural membe rs (steel to steel, steel to concrete, and concrete to concrete, are inadequate and not performed per drawing and specification. Failure to grout under precast c olumns prior to erection of structural- membe r of third level. 3. Fai.lure to natch bolt hole at beam and column connection (Column line F bethreen Column line 4 and 5. ) Failure of adequate penetration of plug welds, "Tensilform"to joists, prior to pouring of concrete decks. t. 2. 4. SIJMMARY : Sincere 1y , Failure to clear work area of ileleterious material prior to pouring decks. It is intended that the above mentioned deficiencies will be corrected prior to subjectj-ng the nain lower supporting membe r to additional loading. A closer inspection of all structural work per plan and specification will be initiated inmediatd ly. MOI'NTAIN CONSTRUCTORS, L. Sheley, DT-S / rr cc: File ::"%4t! , to d. 'ei a;a1 Yp. !y INC. //2,'5. Jurisdiction of PLUMBING PERA,IIT APPLICATION numbered spaces only. cK. M.O. (LlsEE ATTACHaO gHCEr) ZIP PHOI.IE FHO|{ a ttcENsE xo. rtEct oi DE9tcNEi I rcEN3E rO, E|{GIiTEER ! | cENSE li O. USE OF 6UILOIN6 8 CIASS Of WOrK: tr NEW C] ADDITIOT{ tr ALTERATION tr REPAIR Typr ot Faxtura oa lttn WATER CLOSET (TOILET'SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASIN} KITCHEN SINK & OISP. APPLTCATION ACCEPTEO €Y: WATER HEATER UR I NALNOTICE THIS PERMTT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN B) DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENOED OR ABANDONEO FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCE D. ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR--SINK OR ORAIN GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERC€PTOR LAWN SPRINKLER SYST€M SEPTIC TANK & PIT WHEN PFOPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE THIS IS YOUR PERMIT cAsH PE RM lT VALIDATIONPLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE _ INSPECTOR CANARY - AUOIT PIN K - APPLICANT GOLDENROD - TEMP. F ILE International Conference of Building Officials 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD . WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 , May Lt' L972 (t'' J ,i't !. \ Ed Struble Building Official City of Vail Box 100 Vail, CoLorado 81657 Dear Mr. S Erub 1e: Data for the above projecE has with the Uniform Building Code lows: GENEML COMMENTS: Assumption has been made that the uses and materials in the lease areas wilL be compatible with an F-2 Occupangy. This should be conf irmed to your satisfaction. 1if,-"t-''< | 4r::,{ / ( . c'- t- Occupant Load: 302 Valuation: $968,000.00 (Suggested) 1970 Uniform Building Code Seismic Zone No. I been reviewed for conformance and our comtrents are as fol- OFPICES OF THE EXECUTTVE qtSECTOi T. H. CA,RTER MANAGING OIFECTOF JAMES E. EIHR TECHNICAL DIRECTOR D. R. WATSON and F-2 Cormnent 4) Ft. ,t'i r,' (213) 699-Os41 Plan Check No. 8552 Project: Vail 21 Condominiurn and Corrnercial Type of Construction: IT Occupancy Classif ication: H Fire Zone No. 3 Stories: Seven (See General Total Floor Area: 44,000 Sq. OFFICERS PRESIDENT PERRY C. TYREE REGIONAL BU ILDI NG OFFICIAL COLORADO SPRINGS. COI-ORAOO FIRSI VICE-PRESIDENT EUGENE B. PESTER SUPERINTENDENT, OEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND 5AFETY POMONA. CALIFORNIA SECOND VICE.PRESIDENT NEWELL POCK CHIEF BU 'LDING INSPECTOR YAKIMA, WASHINGTON TREASURER VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BU ILOING VERNON. CALIFORN IA J UN IOR PAST PRESIDENT TED E. DU KE BU ILD ING OFFlCIAL BILLINGS, MONTANA EXECUIIVE D IRECTOR T. H. CARTER 5360 5. WORKMAN MILL RD. WH ITTIER. CALIFORN IA MANAGING DIRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR 5360 S. WORXMAN MILL RO. WHI'TIEF, CALIFORNIA OIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DOWO D IRECTOR OF INSFECTIONS KALAMAZOO. M ICHIGAN DONALD A, ERICKSON DIRECTOR OEPARfMENI OF I NSPECTIONS M INNEAPOLIS. M INNESOTA BILL P. HORN CHIEF SUILDING INSPECTOF FIERCE COUNTY TACOMA, WASHINGION CHARLES R. HINKLEY CH IEF BUII-OING INSPECTOR MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA VICTOR L. TAUGHER EU II-DING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF ALAMEOA HAYWARD, CALI FORN IA JACK D. WHITE BU I LD ING CODE ENG INEER XANSAS CITY, MISSOURI VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENOENT OF BUILOING VERNON, CALI FOFIN IA DICK T. JOROAN DIRECTOR BUILD!NG DEPARTMENT AUSTIN, TEXAS RAY J. NOKES BUILOING OFFICIAI- COUNTY OF SANTA EARBARA SANTA BARBARA, CALIFOFNIA ll' {:, 1. t ,t, ,,, ), 2. In the absence of uses specified on f loor pLans for lease t ..-../r.,,areas, the occupant load has been based on one per 100 -Lr'r r' /r// 4 square feet for these areas. The validity of this should be confirmed to vour satisfaction. 3. Cl-arif ication regarding propercy lines is required on the site plans before exterior wal-1 and opening requirements may be reviewed. Note, for example, that sEairs G, H, K and L appear co extend to property lines. Public ways should be clearlv indicated on the site plan. 4, In accordance with your Ordinance No. 6, this buiLding is considered seven sEories. Note Ehat the loft area does not ccnply as a mezzanine per Section 414 artd is considered a storv. 2. 3. 4. 5, -2- NONSTRUCTI]ML CO},II"TEMS : 1. Type II buildings should be of noncombustible construction. (a) CombustibLe material such as shown in Detail 2/A-LO and the details on Sheet A-9 do not conply. (b) Duckboard floor shosm on Sheet A-LL does not comply --':, Roof coverings should be fire retardant. Sectlon 1704. De- tails or specifications complying vith Section 3203 (e) are required. Notq, that specifications call for wood shingle. .rr. ,-t rroof. f "h -rt,.; ('t(, Enclosures for floor openings should courp ly rrrith Table No. 17-A and Section 1706. (a) Details shown in UA-4 does not comply. (b) Opening Lo eLevator shaft shoul-d be protected lrith one- and- one-ha l-f-hour labeled assemblies. Rooms in which rubbish chutes terminate should be separated frqn the remainder of the building with a one-hour occupancy separation. Section 1706 (c). Note special" treatment of chute for shaft protection as it enters the rubbish room. Openings into rubbish and linen chutes should not be located in required exit corridors or stairways. Section L706 (c). In accordance with the 1971 suppl-ement to the Uniforrn Building Code, provisions should be made at the lease area 1evels of t\,ie building for the physically handicapped.n , il ,,''(a) Public toilets should be provided with conpartments not Less than 3 feet by 5 feet and equipped with grab bars on each side. Compartment doors should open outwardly. Section 17L1 (a). (b) BuiLding access for the handicapped shoul-d be provided. Section 3301 (l-). 7. Nonabsorbent finish and backing for toilet room floors, vaL1s of toilet cornpartments, and wa1ls around urinal-s should con- forrn with Section 771"7 (a). Reference toilet rooms on level 1. Concrete block does not conply. 8. 9. -3- Openings in exterior walls within 20 feet of property lines should be protected with three-fourths-hour fire assemblies. Section L903 (b). Fire-resistive constructLon for structural el-ements in the exterior wa1ls should conply rdith Footnote No. 1 of TabLe No. 17-A and Section 1903. See Section L7O2 for clarification. Beam Detail 10/A-L2 should be justified for a minimum of two-hour fire-resistive construction. 10. Fiberglass tub enclosures should comply with a specific ICBO research reconmendation or be otherwise justified. 11. Doors and panels of shower and bathtub encLosure should comply with Section 1711 (c to e). Floor-ceiling assemblies for Type II buildings are required to be of two-hour fire-resistive assemblies. Unless the system shown is in accordance with a specific item in Table No. 43-C it shoul-d comply with a specific ICBO re- search recomrendatinn or be otherwlse justified. The struclural- frame of Type 1I butLdings should have two- hour fire-resistive construction. The thicknesses of Monokote indicated in the specifications should be speci- fied to comply with ICBO Research Recmrnendatlon No. L578 for the two-hour protection of the various structuraL ele- ments. Indicating the flre rating only wouLd not be con- sidered suff icient informatLon. 74. Enve 1" ope ceilings should satisfy the foLlowing condl-tions. Sectlon 4303 (b)-6. L2. 13. l"*tt' (a) Columns should be individually exampLe, see G/3-3. (b) El-ectrical outl-et boxes should greater than 16 square inches fire protected. For be of steel and not in area. 15. Final- partition layouts and details ln lease spaces should be submitted prlor to installation to justify compliance with occupancy, f ire- res is tl.ve, structural, and exit require- ments. 16. L7. 18. -4- Justifying test data in conformance rtith Section 106 or an ICB0 research recormendation is required for the Pre- fabricated fireplaces. Light and ventilation for lease spaces should comply with Section 1105. A one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation is required between a boiler room or central heating plant and the rest of the buiLding. Section 1L08. Duct work piercing waL1-s should be fire damoered. 19. The openabl-e portion of window W-L is questioned. Note that it should be a minimum ot L|ZO of the room floor area. Section 1305 (a). 20.Mechanical ventilating system in baths of condomlniun units should provide five air changes per hour direcEly Eo the outside. Section 1305 (a). Fan capacity should be specified. Exlts. (a) Two conforming exits are required from the lofts-a! 6 JLeve1 plan and 7 1evel plan, Sheet A-6, Sectlon 3302. Unless revlsed to conply as rnezzanines defined in Sec- Eiofl 4L4 they are considered stories. ?1ans as shown provide no cornplying exits fronr these levels. (b) Exit doors shoul-d be openable from the inside vithout the use of a key, special knowledge, or effort. Section 3303 (c), Note also that surface mounted flush or sur- face boLts are prohibtted. Autonatic flush bolts are allolred on pairs of doors provided the door with the flush bolt has no knobs or surface mounted hardware and the unlatching of any Leaf requires only a single opera- tion. (c) Interior openings into corridors should be protected as set forth in Section 3304 (h). thenty-minute rating for door assemblies requires cmpliance rdith a specific re- search recormrendation or a labeled fire assembl-y. The latter would result in a 45-minute rating since it is the minimurn presently label-ed. Note that concrete span- dreLs shown on riTest and north elevations create interior 2L. .it l (pr-' *.lt '' , cd-' -Y,.-"r;t"t' -r- corridor conditions for what are intended as exit balconies. Note that openings other than doors are limlted to 25 percent and this condition should be corrected at: L) North east and west wal1s of lease space 106. 2) South wa11 (Line Dr) of lease spaces 101 and 102. 3) South wall (Line D) of Lease space l-10. 4) vJest r,ta11 (Line 4) of lease spaces 204 and 205. 5) East wa1l (f,tne 3) of Lease spaces tOZ and 202. (d) Landings on stainrays should have a dimension in the direction of travel equal to the width of the stairway but need not exceed 4 feet. Section 3305 (f). Plans should clarify. (e) Basement portion of staintays shq.rld have an approved barrier where continuous to upper floors in an exit enclosure. Section 3305 (g). GuardralLs for stairs, balconies, and landings should conform with Sectiot L7 14. Note that max imurn cLearance between intermediate rails is 9 inches and.rai1 height should be 42 inches. '41i ,, !.1 ' f. , |, 4 . (g) A11 required interior stairhtays which extend to the top floor in any building four or more stories in height shal1 have provided at the highest point of the stair shaft an approved hatch openabLe to the exterior not less than 16 square feet in area-witl1 4 min inuru dimension of 2 feet. Section 3305 (1) . /^/.,k, ( , K. (h) Stairways should be enclosed as specified in Section 3308. Reference stairways rtAtr and riBrr. Two-hour fire- resistive wa11s are required. This includes the side where stairs open to the exit balcony. Enclosure protection should be provided for stairwaytBt' from where it interconnects to other stairways at Level 4. (f) 1) 2) 22. -6- 3) Doors should be labeled one-and- one-half-hour fLre assemblies with additional requirement of maximum 450%., temperature rl"se above ambient after 30 minutes of fire test. 4\ Exit enclosures should incLude a corridor on the ground floor extending to the exterior. Fire- res Is tive c ons truc ti on and opening protec tion should be as requlred for the exlt encLosure. Only exit doors are pernitted to open into the corridor. Extension of enclosure is necessary. 5) An approved barrier is required at the ground floor to prevent people frorn accidently continu- ing to the l-over level. Stair tDtr sbould be a snokeproof enclosure complying with Section 3309 as amended in Vail 0rdl.nance No. 6. A conply- ing vestlbule shoul-d be provided at each level-. This scair should aLso be accessible to the loft level shown on Sbeet 46. Exit signs should be provided in c onformance with Sectlon 3312 (b)(c). Every sleeping rocrn below the fourth floor should have one openable wlndow or exterior door conforming to Sectlon 1304 for emergency exit or rescue. Venting is required for elevator shafts extending more than two stories. Section 1706 (d). The larger ot 3-Il2 percent of the shaft area or 3 square feet per elevator should be provided . 23, 24. 25. 26. Roof drainage sh ou1-d be conducted under the public sidewalk. Section 32A7 G). 27. Fire Extinguishing System. (a) Dry sEandpipes are required in buildings four or more stories in height. (b) Wet standpipes are required as specified in Section 3804. (c) Fire-extinguishing system plans should be submitted to you to deternine compl-lance with applicable building, plumbing and fire codes. -7- Structural comlents wiLL be forwarded to you as soon as they are cmpLeted. May we suggest a vaLuation of $9681000 since there cified. Please inform us of your declsion so that can be lssued to cover our services. In c onf ormance with existing poLlcies, we will not letter with anyone other than from your department sion is speciflcaLly granted by you. was none spe- an invoice discuss this unless permis- Please feel free to contact us if there are any questtons. Yours very truly, IMERNATIONAL CONFEREINCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS Tfi:hb Koyanatsu Plan Check Engineer "li i;" ":'""-^.o . (q.sesa=D THE TAG ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS 82O sixteenth stneet suite 31O denven, colonado 8O2O2 (3O3) 534-6905 5 September 1972 re: Vai-l 21 Condominiums Diane Weygandt Building Departnent Town of Vail Vail , Colorado 81657 Dear Diane: C.sr1 oe cr.C. Cajagl 5ea.'..l or tt67;:q-J6s . t r, Lr- Ma,u 13 fr+., 4r"p Lreg H&. C" r.orsA aJ D€YT. I or,J* We are submitting the following specification for fire-retardant treabnent for the wood sunscreens and balconv fascias as cal-Ied for by Ed Strubleo 1. apply one (1) coat ollmpic seni-transparent stai-n to all \ exposed wood surfaces. I n^r-2. apply one (1) coat of 'tFlame-Crete" (clear, flat) at the rate |,, "'-= of 175 5.p./9a1. over stained surfaces. ) , r3. apply one (1) coat !'F1ame-Cretett overcoat (clear, flat) at the /-ttt rfi.- rate of 600 s.F./gal. over stained r and I'r1ame{retet' treated Isurfaces. ' ) ItFlarne-Crete i-s manufactured by the I'Flame-Crete Co." , Niagara Fal1 ; , N.Y., and has a Canadd-U oL. Iistfug #3381{. "FLame-Crete" is an j-ntumescent coating (wontt flame, and does not produce smoke), and the I'Flane-Crete'r overcoat is an iner{enanel (does not promote comtnrstion). The product is handled by the distributor of rta15i-painUr ( approved by Ed S truble for use on I'The Antlerst'). This product has also been approved by the City of Denver for use on exterj"or wood waII facings in the dobmtown area. Dj.ane, we will hold issuing ttris specification to the Contractor for a reasonable time pending comment from tJle Building Dept. in Vail. we appreciate your assistance jr this matter. Thank you. TGlMg coc o Chdsr Rosenquist Bob Wi-lson eodor A. Grossman Jr. REct> d=tz br? 9r vxV crtof|offraoleA]l StAtlcoqolADo Ofilo of nilfrtOftLl REQUEST FOR INSPECTION&W,a 7' aa W llllllla EGAV Trfl -E!G||rrnE --EnAxrlI ----o irrrtl|N nrE ---Jlurx ----€snrnt ---E f,run rdE| .----€€ fllrr|. --..*-.8 tElYEtt --tr 3rl ------o turglqn .. trErr-..-.€tB. --_Jlirl. -----Jlcdntrrc --.El llowr ---E Iqr|| U fl'|ts|| I 'UIUTESrqfn. -y't-4,.--41e,U Orldr - nrtt - ce$oo' -{l . F -rllor tt2aQrrox -- - -A*f,,-AIr. rra t- (tu' ) D {;/-fuc\--l^.r. /4//41J.11< tlaDacdoo / P-O. Box l2l3 Bouldcr, Cob. 80392 825 -5261 2531 West 8th Ave. MATERIALS tEPOnT for HrLn Job l{o. oc t. O. ,4.1 Dotc Tcrtcd: W t, :l9rZ Mix l.D.: 5f ttn II Wotrr Tcnp.: Toto I Yordrr lVotcr Rcduccr: Wind: Tirno Bcrchod: TEST CYUXDERS Sli.rmp: Locotion: YdL 2f . Ylr/Cv.Ft.: Denver, Co|o.80204 Ticlrr r Y ic ld: Dov zrt$ z1t5 ML Corltnstirr w Air: Air Tonp.: Totol Worcr: Air Eniroining: Hurnidity: Tino Plocrd'l lJ 3O7 Dov N7 ?973 2325 zffi todstlo lal].l. Concrclc Tcmp.: F A I'loisturc: Co lcium: lVcothcr: Timc Tcstcd: 14 Doy l. 2. 3. 1- Avrrogr REIIARXS: 3 Doy Fnnl tl di6 ;s,,',r .i?'€.".9 t-O Box l2l3 Boulder, Colo. 80302 ilATERIALS REPOiI for Job No or t. O. 53&nl Dotc Trrrrd: Js 29r L/12 Mix r.D.: 5jl rlyp. Xt lYotrr Tcmp.: Tolql Yardr: Wotor Raduccr: Uind: Tinr Borched: Slump: lr A ir: Air Tomp.: Totol Wotcr: Air Entro ining: Humid ity: l Tirnc Ploccd: 7-t2 3Q7 Doy 1911t Ln6 Ly36 J$n (Loor & E$rt statl llrutrla Ccdnston 825-5261 Locotion: VS!.l a Ylt/Cu.Ft.: Concrctc Tcmp.: F A Moisturc: Co lc ium: lYco thrr: Timo Tcctcd: 14 Doy '! Denver, Colo. 80204 Tlctrt I Yicld: ,aa Day 36c6 3545 )bL6 3522 2531 West 8th Ave. TEST CYLINDEPS !& 3 DoY l. 2. 3. 4. Avcrogc REIIARKS: lcLL6 lpa rall. ,!s7z . . ..*-*..T1* 253r West 8th Boulder, Colo. 803O2 825 -5261 Mounteln Conatnrctor I sMATERIALS REPORT lor Job t{o or l. D. 520-1 Dotr Tcstcd: 7lL$l72 Mix l.D.: 5t rcclStmp' llotcr Tcmp.: Toro I Yordr: lVotcr Rrdueor: lYind: Timc Eotcfird: rEsr CYL|NDERS 52O 3 DoY l. 2. 3. 1. Avaogr REIIARKS:lyp. II Locotion: Va[1 21 Ylr/Cu.Ft.: Concrclc Temp.: F A Mois turc: Colcium: Wcothcr: Timc Testcd: 14 Doy )Ut+8 3567 3508 Denver, Colo. 8A204 Ticlor n I3lrlcl 2 f1oOt Yicld: 28 Doy b237 40I0 ,+f'2? 4t' Air: Air Tcmp.: Totol Wotcr: Air Entroining: Humidity: Timc Ploccd: (13-18) 7 Dov 2853 3008 293t Ccmnt ftilatellals Testing S0rvice t2l3 Boulder, Colo. 80302 825 -5261 MATERIAL3 REPoRT for lbuntal'n Congtnrctort g Job l{o. or t. O. 520-1 Ticlor I DotaTcstcd: 7lL7 l,TZ Locorion; Vall 2l--baeemnt floOr Mix l.D.g| gggl3 Slump: 4tr Air: lVt,/Cu.Fr.: Yicld: lYotcr Tcmp.: Toto I Yords: lVolcr Rcduccr: Wind: Timc Botchcd: TEST CYLTXDERS 52O 3 Doy l. 2. 3. 4. Avcrogc REIIARKS: Iyp. II Air Tcmp. : Totol Woler: Air Entro ining: Humidity: Timc P loccd: (Le-24) 7 DoY 450 2*r z)95 Ccmnt Concrcle Tcmp.: F A Mois turc: Cclcium: Wcother: Timc Tcstcd: l4 Doy 3?r3 2954 '! w3 'iir 2531 Wesf 8th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80204 E Doy )590 36t+9 36].9 *:t f BEAFTDSLEY. DAVIS ASSOCIATES. INC. May 19, 1972 Mr. Ed Struble Building Inspector Town of Vail Post Office Box .|00 Vail, Colorado 8'|657 Re: Vai'l 2'l, Rosenquist Project at Vail/LionsHead Dear Mr. Struble: This 'letter is in response to your request at our neet'i ng on Monday, Map 15th, to c'larify the intent of the Vai'l/LionsHead Master P'lan with respect to the subject s'ite. In October of 1970, we prepared for Vail Associates a preliminary site analysis for the First Filing, Lot 3, commonly referred to as Sites A, B and C. The purpose of this design guideline was to identify for prospec- tive developers the design criteria and master plan intentions. Thjs information is often a part of the contractual agreement between the developer and Vail Associates. Because Mr. Grossman, the architect for Mr. Rosenquist, has generally followed these gu'idelines, contributing to some extent to the present setback dilemma, the follovling information may be of help to you in reaching an equitable decision jn interpr"etation of setback requi rements. The attached site analysis discussed above, indicates a recormended setbackfor Site B on the east of 15', the south of l0', the west l0', and none to the north. Our rationale with respect to the south was that a 10' s{back would be adequate for Tract C as it provides a substantial amount of open space and will be utilized only by pedestrians and emergency vehicles. The west setback of l0'was suggested for similar reasons for Parcel I is also dedicated as open space and Parcel 2 was intended for service and entrance use. Because the adjacent structures wer€ on the sarn site as the parking structure which services all three sites, we believed the northerly setback require- ment would be adjusted with the understanding the necessary fire separation I23O ACOMA STREET DENVER. COLORADO 80204 303 892.5566 , Mr. Ed Struble Town of Vai l May 19, 1972 Page Two requivements be met based on Fire Zone 3 as defined in the Uniform Bui'lding Code. This consideration, I believe, was further reviewed with the Town of Vail by Hawes and Associates in preparing their feasib'i'l'ity report on the parking structure in November of .|970. Although I clearly recognize the site analysis recommendations do not take precedence over the Tovn of Vail Zoning Ordinance, they do respectI believe, the master plan intentions for LionsHead and will perhaps c1 arify the rat'ionale behind our sideyard recommendations. If we can be of further help in the fjnal resolution of this problem, by provi di n addi ti 1 information, p'lease let rB know. y you En cl os ure w/o encl . Mr. Char'les Rosenquist Mr. Theodore A. Grossman, Jr. Mr. Robert Nott Z -./-7 > APPL ICAT iON TO APPEAR BEFORE TH; BOARD OF ZON ING, APPEALS AND EXAN4 INERS Date Aoplication Fiied May 15, 1972 t Chuck Rosencrrristtt - -:-:- '--- -1 -':'an+in^ Vail2l' .'': - , respectf ully req uest a variance f rom ihe requiremenfs of Secf ion l- Ord. I ( !97Q) of f he Vail Zoning 0rC i nance in order to use l0r setback onwest s ide of proposed building in lieu of l5r as required. and/or Sect ion of the Un i form Bu i I d ing Code as amended and adop;ed by the Town of Vail in order to In rnaking a determination hrrdchin. naai.l (r.,v, vr,,,r, ,Jr Tne Pro p roposed variance w ith the ment of the area andi heal tants of the Town. ln h"i lniaa rai,a,-,,.r ---- varlances of a lte rnate materials and on zoning, the Boa rd cons i de rs only unCue posed variancel compatibility of the surround ing areai e f fect on future. deve lop- th, safety, and the we I fare of the inhab i- , the Board may cons ider on ly su iiab i I lty methods o.f construct ion and; reasonab ie interpretafions of the provisions of fhe code! The administrative of f ici'al may challenge any variance g ranted which goes beyor,d the scope of the powers of the Board. It is understood that a fee of $25.00 payable in advance and that a fen ( l0) day posting period is required prior to a public hearing on the above req uests . L. z,o, VA S igned: Va,ut ,7 . /r , ut May 16, 1972 Mr. Robrrt T. LtzlorVall, Colorado SubJect: Vcr I cncc Dear Bob: Thls ls to Inform been scheduled for Off I ce. lcatlon - Vall 2lApp I you that a rpcelcl varlenceFrlday, May 26 at 9:00 a.m. meei I ng has in the T,own oppl led for red l5 r on !4r. Chuck Rocenqulst on behalf of Vall 2l h6sa trtback verlancc of l0r In llcq of the rcqul thc _rcgt rl de of the ner bul ldlng. lf you nl:h to protcsf this vartanco, plcase be prescnt atthe mceilng or: fl lo your protest by ccrtlfled nial I bcfore Dl ana l{yge ntfor RobErt Clark, Chalrman dr CERTIFIED I,IAIL Mty 25. Yourg truly, BoARD OF ZoNtNc, APPEALS ANo EXAMTNERS of the Board o rI,n 4rl ra J , o cr I ct h 0 m 2 $ D 6 R I 6 Ro OG J I 3 co ra ln ch tb ho 0tt mc 25 $ D 6 Ro IF !,1r.P.'0 Yol I SubJ Dec r Thls bcen 0f f I I nfa msct Mr. .a lrcoft lf v the May Your BOAR 0l anfor . dr CERT in Cu Box 'Colo I 6 6 t: lm: r nce Appllcatlon - Vall 3l rm you fhai o spcclal varl€neo mortlng hrs for Frlday, May 26 at 9:00 a.m. In tho Torn d appreclat-o lt lf you rould notlfy othor lcs In the Vantagc Polnt ProJect of thls qu lrt on beh'c I f bf Va I I 21 hos app I lod f or nce of l0r f n lleu of l5! on'tho rcat.cldc protca+ ihlg varlance, pleaso be prcsent et fI le your prot.st by certl fled nal I beforc , APPEALS AND EXAMINERS k, Chalrman of the Board st chs st6 9. uck acl( .bu wl rtl c 0 d'o 3 o d I n sh t o r I I I I tru I 0Fz ilygo bert IED moct I ng. Mr. . Ch uck .Rorcnq u I rta gctback'varlanqe ofof tht bulldlngr on beholf bf Uall0f In lleu of o | 2l has app I lrd for l!! on':thc rcst sldc - \t ' Mr. Jfhr Cunnlngham , P.'0. Box ll6 Ya I t, Colorado SubJectr' Varl once App I I catlon - Vel | 2 | Oear J I m: Thlg ls to Inlorm you fhaf a spcclol vlrlanco mcctlng har bccn schgdulcd for Frlday, May 26 af 9:00 c.m. In fho"Torn 0f f lcs. l, rould cpproclat-. lt I f you worlld notl f y ofhcr Intercctod' parflcs In the Vantagc Polnt ProJcct of fhls lf you'vlgh to protqgt thlg varlance, pleaee be prtrent at.fhe mcrtlng or flle your protest by certlfled mall bsforc May 25. YourE tru ly, BOARD OF ZOI{ ING, APPEALS AND EXAM I NERS 0lana llygonf for.Robert Clark,ChaIrnon of thr Eoard dr CERTTFIED MAIL May,l6, 1972 Mr. Robert Nott Val I Aseoclatcr, Inc.P. O. Box 7 Val l, Colorado SubJcct: Varlanco App I lcatlon Dcor Bob: Thls ls to Inforn you that a speclaf becn gchcdulcd for Frlday, Mey 26 at Of f I co. Mr. Chuck Rosenqulst on behalf of Val a scfback varl ancc of l0 r In l l eu of., the rsgt slde of thc neu bul ldlng. Ydurs truly, BOARD OF ZONING, APPEATS ANO EXAMINERS - Val I 2l varlance 9:00 a.m. l2l hot the requ I nreetl ng 'ln the appllod red 'l 5 r has Torn f or. OR D I ona l{ygant f or dw Robcrt Clork, Chalrrman of the Board ROSENQ,UIST & ASSOCIATES VrMg*@"il d dfufd"zad d"** P. O. E|OX 686 VAIL, COLORADO 8I657 May 18 , 1972 Mr. Ed Struble Building Official, Town of VaiI VaiI , Colorado 81657 Dear Ed: Thistetter is to memo our meeting of 5-15-72 about side I ire restrictions and F.A.R. ratios for the VaiI 21 Building. It is my understanding that the Town Manager Terry Minger has been consulted with and the side yards are acceptable as shown including stairways with the following exceptions: a. North line which will be changed to include the parking section on the north of the building. b. A portion on the westerly line abutting Bob Lazier. We have filed for a variance and will appear before the committee on May 26 at 9:00 am to solve this problem. The F.A.R. which you arrive at requires a net square footage with the 1.25 applied of 38,743 square feet. Our square footage lot allocation is as follows: Site B. Parcel 1. 2,800@ 48.85% Parcel 2. 2,09I @ 26.59"/" Area 2. Area 3.3,323.32@50% Area 4 Total 32,068.22 t|mes 1.25 + = We hereby agree to use (as shown above) only the percentage interest of the parcels that have been deeded to usfor computing the FAR on VaiI 21. Your trulyffi/ 15, 532 . l1 I, 358.00 1,367.80 I ,770.00 1, 661 . 60 10,378.65 32 ,068 .22 40, 085 . 28 Chuck Rosenqui -r'--*-----...,/ \. t\,r4J I 'tp, \ i/J t.l {.i July 26,1912 f,lr. 8ob fllron Mountoln ContfructorsP. 0, 8ox 1562 Vol l, Colorado Ed $trub lr Bul ldlag Of llclal dr cc! Ghuck Rostnqulst Dear Bob: As of thlt drt., thr bsl I dlng ptr*lt rntf plan chlck focot f 1,iltt.79 pl ur f400.00 clrraup deporlt havo not b.rnpald for thc Voll 2l proJrcf. Pf.r!€ ser thrt thccr fert lrr peld noi lr?or thrn July 51.lf no?, a doublc frc yl ll be rcqulrcd rr al lored In Srctlon!05 (cl of thr 1970 Unlforn Bull'dlng Codl. Your Inlrdlrte tttratlon to thlr naftrr rlll br rpproclatrd. Slncrrcly, TOn}| 0F VA|L O t ,zbz'/4/ .//__ 4 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION ril , Jurisdiction of spaces only. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATEO (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION Applicant to complete PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.O. CASH 'a;/ J {!se e errecxeo sx::r )I DE3C i, PXON E LICE|IsE NO. Aictat TEcT ot oEttcNEi LlcEfrsE NO. l! AD Dt €5S PHONE USE OF BUILOINO 8 CIASSOf WOrK: ENEW fI ADDITION EALTERATION N REPAIR I Describe work: Type ot Fuetr o'tt E6' Nar. Gas D t-pc. E PERMIT FEES SPECIAL CONOITIONS: Air Cond. U nits-H.P, Ea. U nits-H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Uniis-Tonnsoe Ea. Forced Air Svslems-B.T.U. M Ea. Gravity Sysrems-B.T.U. M Ea. Floor F urnaces-B.T.U. Wall Heaters- B.T.U. M Unit Heaters-B.T.U.NOrlcE ( | THrs pERMrr BEcoMEs NULL ANo voro rr wb a*. oR coNsrRuc- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITI+'{ @ DAYS. OF IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDEO OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCEO.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE Air Handlim Unit- C.F.M. WHITE _ INSPECTOR CANARY _ AU DIT PIN K _ APPLICANT GOLOEN ROD _ TEMP, FI LE Octobcr 19, 1972 Vel I Assoclates, lnc.P. 0. 8ox 7 Val |, Colorado SubJcct: Enclosure Bul ldlng and 0fflce for Chalrllft f8 Gentl.mon! I have chscked the plans for the ebove proJecf In conformance slth tho 1970 Unlforn Bulldlng Code and flnd the follorlng ltems rhlch must be correctcd by revlsed plang or addendum: lcclosure Bul ldlng: Suggcstcd valuatlon $1,978.00I, Slll plotc to bc trectcd wood or foundatlon redrood - soctlon 2516 (c)3. 2. Anchor bolts to bE ll?" x l0rr mlnlmum, embedded Ttrlnto concrete - Sectlon 2518 (a) t. Studs sholl be l6n on center - Secflon 2518 (f). 4. Raf targ: 2rrxl 2tt , 24tt on center I I | | not support requ I red 65 pound llve load plus l0 pound dead load wlth l8f sPan - Tsblo 25.5, Shor header detal I obovs a | | open I ngs.6. Shor rafety guordrrrl lg oround movlng equlpment. 7. Shor cantl levcr detal l. 0fflco: Suggcstcd valuailon $2,553.00l. Slll pliie to be trested vood or foundotlon redrood - Sectlon 2516 (c)f. 2. Anchor boltg to bc l/21'x l0'r mlnlmum, embedded Ttrlnto concrole - Scctlon 2518 (a). 3. Studs shall'bc l6r'on csntsr - Sectlon 2918 (f). 4. Provlds reather rcclrtlve barrlers over gtuds - Scctlon 1707 ( a) .5. Raf tcrs z 2n X 8r', 24r' on ccnter wl t I not support re qul red 65 pound llvs load plus l0 pound dead load ct l0r spon - Tab le 25.6. Show headcr deial I abovs a I I open Ings. 7 , Shor Intcrlor bearlng wa I I dctal | .I, Show are chan l ca l p l an.9. Provldc letter o? bcfhroon facl I ltleg authorlratlon of usage. Yours tru l y, TOI{N OF VA I L Jcrry L. Aldrlch J une 12, 1972 I'Jr. Th€oclor A. Grossman, J r.TAG Agsoc lates 15 l VIIlags Road, Route IParker, Colorado g0 lj4 Subject: Vall Zl proJect 0ear Mr. Grosernan: The followlng revlE, of subJecf building performed by thlsofflce concsrne onry rocar irdrnances-such as parking, setbacks,etc' Ar I comrnunrcations regardrng this rstter gha t bo to thrsofflco. Any corimunrcatlons-""Julolng your archrtecturor andenglneering plan check shoulO 6c-Clrected to l.C.B.O. rlthcoples to thlg of f lce. Your pormrt has becn rssuod to Mountarn consfructors subJect toPert.l,.choptor 3 0f the unliorr-oui rdrng codc, r970 Edlfronas odoptsd ond anendsd by the Tovn of volt. In reviowrng yourplans and documentg wrth regiro-io rocar ordrnances, I have thefo I lor I ng comments: t.Pleaso submlt vour Condomlnfun Declaraflon as requlred bycororar,o Revts6d statuie iie:il-i to the Torn of vat .Erell ag to the sfate so that re may defermrne owner$htp ofcommon areas, r€spoftc l b l l l ty for ma l ntenance, "t..ln accoreiance w lth Sect lon 9mploy a speclal Inspector <lur I ng construcf lon on th€ : . Concrsfe, I nc I ud i ng reb. Mason ry, I nc I ud I ng re Ic. Structura I stee Id. Procast conc rs te 505 (a) and tb), the ounEr shal Iwho shall be prosent at al I tlnresfo l loy lng types of work: I n forcement nforcemenl Thls Inspector shail, n?1 g" snyono ernproyod by the "ont"o.to.dolng the work and shat t. b" ;;;;;ved by thts offico prtorto cornmencement of work l;;ri;;;: He gho' report to thoBuildlns; 0ffictat.in wrtttnt ;;;;"g any Code vlotartone andother roq u i red inforrnotlon. Page 2Vail 2l plan Check J une lZ, l972 r. J?;i,iJ-?:Jl?:"1:"::ro*ed to soclon 305 (c) resardrng 4. Subr;rlt ne*, slte plan showlng.entlre property Inctudtngparktns area rhar rs one ".litsroui ;;;;;i: As dtscussedrith Mr' Rosenqurst, 1,i.-*r r r-iuii"iv'irn.*. and setbackrequ I renronts. There are 5g, porring-r;":;; requ I red; th I sofrrce has.bean rnro.*"J iiri ue. rici;;;;-tn the parkfnostrucrrire fhat ls beion-oui rt.ir..ri viii-in'"on;unctron ir*,the Llft House and Lazici-iro.yects, s' Pfease be Informod thof the burrdrng srte rhere work rs rnprogross 0r..msferrar rs bein6 etoroi ,u"i u" foncsd and nrorkes:i;irilHard Hat Areo'-'irii".izea-peiE;"""r"5"ry,, rype of 6' *:fli"",;"llJ;J:frtiij:i:ron or Land Aroca?ron rerre*fns 7 ' Tortet fact rflss on frrst fl?of. are of lnsuffrcrent srzero sGrv€ tho qccupangv road of.tir. iriit'"iJ second froorlesee spac€. applni i;, c-;; un I form p I umb I ng Code.8' Suffrclent vcntirotron and llyrrbfng- rough-fns shourd beingtar ted rn, rease iJir."l'a[rrng tnftrai construefron to3;:::"1"'ii:l::;.'n ;";;in;'cooi ai'n'i"tJl"iare vhen rhc 9' crorrficsflon-cf bolrer srze to be ugcd rs requrred such;;';':;i;l;il':ff,;lilg;"ii. ;-.;; r iil"r' i,'i", ns p.o,ii"a ro. ?f;llfrJ;fllli.rlji:"*, €re ailored on 5,r verircar siock. rr' I:":li:r"1,1il"t":(l':drarn and venr prprns on o sf nsre Please submlt fhe above requrreci InlgrT"llon as soon as possrb rotn order ro avord rurrhe;-;;;;;;. I r r;rs-orii"J'"un be or any;;:i;l;1";,":.;i:"ti"'i"g";;;;; thrs prore*, ji"."" don,t Yours tru I y, TOWN oF VA lL Ed Strub te8ul tding 0fflclal cct Mountoln Constructorg 7 "BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction tt ftUl"t Ol U*;l Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. /b-o/I u;/, 1[set rrrrcx:o sx: er I I o Es cr. MAI L AOOR E3S ZIP 2 V")/ z MAIL AOOiESS FHONE LICENSE NO. /v aacHrrEcr oi 0 eytcNE R MAIL ADORES S FXON E LtcEl{3E NO. MAI L AODRISs PXONE L IC EXSE NO. I L ADOiESS EIANCH6 N/4 USE OF BUILOING 8 Class of work: Xlgw XnoorrroH tr ALTERATION O REPAIR f] MOVE E] REMOVE 9 Describe work: /- -1, -+ : J- l0 Change of use from pERMrr FEE ./ r'1l Valuationof work:$ 5bO.@ SPECIAL CONOITIONS: Slze of Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. Flre SDrlnkl€13 Reoulred flyss !16PLANS CHECKED 8Y APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE AY: OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOT ICE SEPARATE PERMITS ANEIREOUIRED FOR EiIEC'TRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILA\ING OR AIR CONDITIQ'OING. THIS PERMIT SECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTBUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCEO. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCETYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A I PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAICONSTBIJEI ION j)R THE PERFORMANCE /.< FI RE OEPT, SOIL REPORT OTHER (Spoclty) PLAN CHECK VALIDATIOI\ WHITE - I NSPECTOF WHEN PBOPERLY VALIDATEO (IN THIS SPACE THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIOATION PI NK - APPLICANT l?,, ,,..CANABY - AUDIT GOLDENROD - a a Nor" 6o n t\' U66*{ \Ut^,yo,.rr tlItt oF .t a r tl- I ; rL. a r-l O @O @ @ z August 17, cc Robert Nott Terry Minger Larry Robinson f0 filSURAtlCt C0VERAGI PR0Vl0t0- ,sco othor ide) NoT foR tNItRIAIloNlt Att ro,o: ,.70._t.,..r. Very truly yours, Kent R. Rose, P.E. Town Engineer Ii..'i;T, ttoo rrlrl tuu . rcrr, tvrlr.gtrv aroo, . ,ituo.c76-5613 L972 l{r. Chuck RosenguistVail, Colorado 81557 SUBJECT:parking structure for nLionshead Arcadern and "Lift House."- Dear Mr. Rosenquist: Reference ls made to the meeting on april 27, L972 with Robe:t Lazier, Chuck Rosenquist, tarry Robinson, Ed Struble and Robert . N-ott in attendance. 'The subject of the discussion was the tine llable reguired for construction to eommence on the joint-use r ilarking structure for the three above mentioned buildings Robert !!ott'represented the position of Vail Associates tlrat in accordance with those understandings set forth in the contracts nade with the building owners, construction of the structure ras to commence during the surnmer of L972. Further, Nott stated that Vail Associates would not support any variance application on the part of Lazier and Rosenquist to defer construction of thls structure untj.l a later bui'lding season. To this date, the Torvn of Vail has not received an applicationfor a building permit or a complete set of structual plans and calculations for approval. in regard to this structure. Structured parklng must be provided for these buildings in order to comPlywlth the zoning and parking regulations set forth by the Town of lail. Time is of the essence in the commencement and completion of the construction of the joint-use parking structure as absolutely no permit of occupancy will be issued for "Lionshead Arcader" "Vail 2Ir" or "Lift House" until parking is supplied. Please submit the required plans, specifications and calculati.ons as soon as possible to avoid further delays. If this office can be of further assistance at any tirne regarding this natter, please contact us. t RECEIPT FOK CERTIFI MAIL-30c (plus postage) ex?rc lcc rcquir nETUnH \ l. Siows to thom and d.t! d€liv.r8d . lldli:ttli )' .'"Jli$;:li"'"'"l'.'iilJ'li'*;". 3llSERVICES Z Wrtl ,r€t lery to addressee onrv ........ 85i qr7 rAr PROJ ECT The signatures below certify that the following excerpts from the 1970 Uniform Building Code, as amended and adopted by the Town of Val l, Colorado, have been read, understood and wi ll be adhered to: Sect i on 302 (a) Approved p lans shal I not be changed, modif ied, or altered wifhouf written authorizstion from the Building Officlal TOI.JN OF BU I LD I NG PERM IT Sect ion 304 (b) The Inspection VAIL S UPP LEME NT permit does not glve code, or any other 0f f icial from ihere- card shall be read, filled out y in the waterproof holder furnlshed not cover up any work not signed LDING SHALL BE USED OR OCCUPIED EITHER UNTIL THE BUILDING OFFICIAL HAS ISSUED AS PROV IDED FOR HERE IN. any s i gn ( tempo ra ry o r pe rmanent ) shall be approved by the Town of Vai I Gontracfor and ALL subconfracfors Town of Vail Drior to the starf of Section 502 (c) The lssuance of a building authority to violate any provlsions of this Ord inance and sha I I not prevent the Bu i I d i ng affer requirlng fhe correction of same. Section 506 (a) (d) N0 BUIffiRARtLY A CERT I F ICATE OF OCCUPANCY Ord inance l5 ( 1967) Before in full andby the Bull of f by Buil may be used Sign Review Ord i nance 2 posted consp icuous I d ing Department. Doding Inspector. or posfed, lt Comm i ttee ( 197 | ) Genera I licensed wlth theshall be any work. wner UA,.L STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing affi swo rn to before rne davit and declaratl , a Notary Public, on tracto r l) ss 1 on was by t9fhis 'My Comm i ss i on Exp i res ( sEAL ) 71 - . /l\y Co;irrriss cn e;.:,:irus r,rie:.,2d, I 9zJ +a, /in -^ --t .t-r, irr.c. r-il. J-^;- Octoben 20, 1972 Mn. .Tenny Aldnich Building Official'rown or v at_-r P.0. Box 100Vai1, Color.ado Dean Mn. Aldnich: This is to authonize the use of Vail Associates, Inc. nestroorn facil-ities on the ground floor of the LionsHead Centne for use by occupants of the lift housing buildings to be constructed at the base of Chairlift #8. These nestroom facilities arle within 200 feet of the proposed structures. Youns veny truly t VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. J. F. Meadows Ra6l- Estate Engineering AREA CODE 303 476-560r BOX 7. VAtL. COLORADO 81657 box too r vail, colorado gt65z 303.476.5613 Decemben 12, 1972 Mn. Robent T. Lizien Mn. Chanles Rosenouist Vail, Colonado 81657 Re: Conditiornt Occupancy - Lift House "*@ Gentlemen: ln accondance with oun agneement concenning the subject buildings, the follouring conditions must be met in onden to allow occupancy of centain commencial aneas of the Lift House ard Vait 21: 1. Tenants who ane neady to open befone the Chnistmas season witl be ailowed to occupy the commencial space -g!bl. No othen occupancy wilt be allowed until the parking stnuctune is complete and a final inspection has been rrnde and centificates of occupancy issued. It is undenstood that the fotlowing tenants will be neady to open unden the condi- tional occupancy: Hanvest Table, Puncellrs, Gonsuch Ltd., Gone Valley Titte, LionsHead Ski Rentals, the Genenal Stone, The Place, Knisrnan, and Sassy Set. 2. Each tenant who wi.shes to move in beFone this deadline sflatt be nequined to ncti.fy the Building Depantment and it will, at that time, be detenmrned if adequate parking is available. In each case, the Buitding Depantment will take into considenation the public safety, numben oF spaces nequi.ned and available, adequate access to those spaces, as well as considening if atl Buitding Code nbquinements have been met and a final inspection made of each shop. 3. No occupancy wilt be allowed fon any condominium anea in eithen building until the panking stnuctune is complete and a final inspection of the stnuctune has been made. ,i.. \.'./L. n.so ncmind you that all ta.p iccs i,i-ri. r)e pard beFone a conditional occupancy penmit will be issued and the tenant allowed to ooen fon business. Paga 2 Mn. Robent T. Lazien Mn. Chantes Rosenquist Decemben 12, 1972 5. Constnuction debnts and piles of dint and snow must be nemoved befone we will considen the panking useable. Tl'te anea on the nontheast side of the Vait 21 building which is being used fon constnuction debnis m.rst be fenced ofF fon pubtic safety and to deten use of the nonth entnance to the Vait 21 building. Doons exiting into constnuction aneas must be rnanked rrFon Ernengency Exit Onty.tr Inspections will be rnade on a negulan basis and summons will be issued to the pnopenty ownens fon each violation of the above condittons. Town Managen TJM:th cc: Hanvest Table Puncellrs Gonsuch Ltd. Gor.e Valley Title LionsHead Ski Rentals The Genenal Stone The Ptace Knisman Sassy Set ao zz mo Sincenely, Fob ruary 8, 1972 Mr. T. J. Koyanatsu lntornational Conference of liul ldlng Cff lcials I 16O South ltorkman I'l | | | Fload i{hlttler, Cal llornla 90601 5ubJect: Prellmlnory Plon Checks - Vall 21 , Itol lday llous6,' and Antlers Jear Tak: ln reference to val I 2l General coroments, liern l, pleasc note In our 0rdinance 6 that any floor rhether lt ls underground or not ls classlflerj E5 a story lf lt ls uced for hobitatlon of irfiy forn. ltem 4, Frel inrlnary commsnts, agaln rlth rcference to our 0rdlnanco 6, it ls a llttle more rostrlctlve regardlng etandplpos. This rhould be polnted ouf on al I prellmlnory checks, esP€clal ly rhere our slmendfiont uculd apply and yours wou ldn rt i n regard to storl es . \.,1 | th ref ercnce to t'lo I I {ay Houg€, I tem 5, l{on-Structura I Comments, wood dccklng an<l bcoms, Holldoy House Plans t9 upply for a varlance on fhlr polit. Although I agree wlth you on ths requl remont' Vall has a uniqu€ problen In as nuch as thoy are trylng desporofely to keep tha archlfecture alplne In chlracter. The varlance bo'rd has had nony moetlngs on thls and are of the oplnlon at thls polnt that if lt ls heavy tlmbor and flre rotordant freated at roof level only, fhat this rould be reasonably safo' I wlll l6t you knorv fhe cutconro of this varlonca. There wl ll be anOthor prollrnlnary coorlng to you call€d I'Lodge at vallll thaf ha5 a slrnllar condltlon that the varloncs board rll I hear tonorrow. For your infor6atlon, we wlll heve another a6rendrnent to the COde shortly which wlll lnvolve tho followlng: l. All vonti latlon and exhoust equipnrent shall be enclogcd in a shoft onclosurs anc vented through the roof. The shaft enclosure shall bo In accordanc. rlth Sectlon 1706 (-s) and (b). shlps ladders l{ill no l.onger be allowed as pormitted ln our Ord i nance 6 . 2. Page 2 | . c .6.0. Feb ruary E, l91Z Ed 5frub letiul ldlng Of f lcial dw 3' Ouard rarrs shalr be not ress ?han 5g'hrgh In ,eu of 42'rhlgh as provlded In Sectlon 1714. rl€ are also arJoptrng the rgTr supprement. rf you nave any gu€s-tlons or cornrnenf s regardrng the se rovrslons, we wourd apprecf atehearlng f rom you. He are srso In fhe proceSs of revrslng our zoning ordfnonce whrchI undersfand you have nothrng to oo wittr as fo. J, pran checks'rre concerned; how6ver, thore ls one thrng r"gurJing zoning thftl^lll:l_r"",11 !:lp tf you *"rr,r-remtnd peopte of and rhailssetbecks. An ex6mpre wourd be-rf rhere ls more rh;;;;;'u,1irolne,;:r;::"oll::_:l^o:?l:ily,:f- r"o bu | | dr nse-w r ir,-a'property | | no ?:t::;1, ::::--' n e I ther' case ;-'';; i ;,;;";; lo i"oltfi;i";;Y' I i li" J,n.gt9slfs, glvo.John nry thanks for the copy of the artrcro onva | | I n the Los flnsg rgs'r lmeil- He rn l ght bo r ntereste<J to knowthat slncE th-lr arf'E6 *r-;tnled, varf lras ayordod the t976olymplcs (orprne evsnfs) whrch wril tro herd about s€ven milesfrom hsro at [Jeaver creek. N;"liess to soy fhtg ut t quadrupreour bu I ld i ng ln th ls area Also, lt rs of interest to note that rasf year *,€ drd a totar of$6'c00,0oo in constructrGn whlch Incruded iig riitng rnrts prugco'nmercial end rernoder work. Thfs yeor we have had archffeefgfn fhls offrce wLin tr"ti*inory"prnn" ror appro"i'i.t. ry 75e unrts, ;:1."?:ll'If;,:":f;rci a | , etc. 's!, you can took roryord ro a busy' Yours tru ly, To}iii OF VA I L l:*ll\":'iTT-v .Iob .f t e"so- /.) a. i^ /i.,n ,r./ -ft: " f 'l{r*e-e are dc-,te*a,.{ .f a{p,",.,4;' "ltrf ,'!n ,a{ fi4"1 drzA '?at//:.-t"* lrEo. A l//*F*ttt(t o.-,// i- a,r, k'-e,:?:e- &pV ,Fac,rtt_tc f f oLlF,t:d ,9R I 0 E_ -i-o v/lR_t/|t/( 4:- Fe'7eR/r?//:-,fl*f/^N ApF pd,ue A:,' \./dV k or..t)tJ EtS* & /p?.+i/ ({tl.ue T? F /.' Ffu(.47et. :- ..1 ,Above ite-ms Soatt 3s shall be co P4 t*3(€ -2- PRELIMINARY CO{MEMS: 1. Reference Sheet A/L. In conpliance with Section 1903 (b), all openings in exterior wal1s within 20 feet of property lines should be protected with 20-minute labeled assemblies. It appears that only the north portion of the east side fronts on a yard or street having the necessary width. A11 other eleva- tions will be affected bv Ehis c otrEnent. This includes balconies. 2. Exits:. (.) An exterior exit balcony should be 50 percent open to the outside in order to quaLify for this classification. Sec- tion 3301 (c). Based on the 9-foot 8-inch fLoor to floor height, the concrete spandrel, and the wood raiL in Detail 7lA-7, the minimum opening has not been furnished. A1- though not related to exit requirements, we should also mention that the opening to the exterior should be 65 per- cent if windows along the balcony are intended for required light and ventilation. See Exception 3 under Sectlon 1305(a). As srmrption wiLl be made that plans submitted for final re- view will properly indicate these minimrrms. (b) Corridors should comply with Section 3304 (h). Attention is directed to the glazed openings along corridors formed by retaining walls at Ehe firsc level-. The conment is valid as long as the retaining walls and other obstructions reduce the openings to the outside Eo less than 50 percent. The same situation holds true at corridors on other 1evels where doors should be 2O-rninute assemblies and windows glazed with wire glass fixed in steel sash. (c) Stair "At' is considered an enclosed stair and therefore subject to the requirements of Section 3308. Two-hour wal1s and one-and- one-hal-f-hour 1abeled door assemblies are required as cuc-offs fro'm the balcooy area. (d) Stair rBtt should also be enclosed as required in Section 3308 since it serves more than one adjacent floor as a re- quired exit to avoid a dead end condition in excess of 20 feet. Additionally, the corridor at the fourth 1eve1 from the foot of the stairs Eo the exterior exit balcony at the north should conply as a Ewo-hour exiE enclosure. This in- volves a corridor serving other f l-oors which is noE exempt under Exception L of Section 3308 (a). 3. -3- (.) Based on the north elevation, occupants for stair I'Arr must proceed along the second 1eve1 trbalconyt' behind the re- taining wal-1 to have access to stairs leading to grade' Reference is made to our exterior exit balcony discussion in Corrnent No. 2 (a). If ccnpliance is not possible, windows and doors to the Lease area must be one-and-one- half-hour Labeled fire assemblies to comply with Section 3308 (d). (f) Sleeping roqns below the fourth story should have windows conplying with Section 1304. (g) Openings beEween intermediate rails are limited to 9 inches. Section 1714. See Detail 4l A'12. The building shoul-d c omp 1-y as a Type II structure. (a) A11- floor openings should be enclosed with two-hour shaft wal1s. 1) Reference Section ll A-4. In order to provide the proper cut-off between the shaft above the third LeveL and the trash and linen roons at Ehe third level, No' 18 gauge co!.lars or mineral wool packing, or equivalent protection should be provided as a cut-off between the duct face and the perimeter of che opening at the fourth leve1. 2) A1-1 openings into duct shafts should be protected with one-and-one-haLf-hour label-ed assemblies. (b) The trash room at the third leveL should be separated from the rest of the building arith a one-hour separation' Door A-2 should be a labeled one-hour assembly. Section 1706 (c) ' (c) A11 fLoors should be troo-hour fire-resistLve construction and roof one-hour fire-reslstive construcEion. Use of fire- resistive ceilings to achieve this is permissible provided all requirements for the ceiling are complied with. This includes limitations on areas of ceiling openings such as recessed Lighcing and air registers in addition to being p rotec te d. - IL- (d) We note that specifications are geared to U. S. Gypsun products of which we have many fire-resistive ceilings covered under research recorrnendations . Eowever, use of Type C L/2-inch gypsum board in certain areas for two- hour fire-resistive construction may be in question. Substitution of any type in the approved tested system are subject to challenge. (e) A fire-retardant roof is required. Wood shing1e roof on 2 x 2 sl-eepers does not corply. Fire-retardant roofs using wood shingles or shakes require specific installa- Eion procedures under Research Rec onnnendat ions 2453 or 2638 for Koppers or Baxter roofs. (f) Speciflcations for sprayed fireproofing on structural members are possibLe under several research recorrmendations. However, we guestion the use of this type of fireproofing under conditions indicated in details such as 4 & 8/A-9 and 7/A-10. Attactments for architectural treatments appear to interrupt the continuity of the fire protection. Wet and dry standpipes are required as set forth in Chapter 38. 5. Reference Details 5 and 9 on Sheet A-9. Duct board deck requires compliance with Section 1904 (a). Attention is also dLrected to prohibited locations under Section 3309 (f). 6. Reference Detail 4/ A-9. Use of multiple layers of wood blocking exceeds that intended under Section 1705 (d). 7. Dwelling units shoul-d have windows, including openable portions, complying with SecEion l-305 (a). If this is not furnished mechani- cal ventilation as seE forth in the same section should be conplied with. 8. o Reference General Note No. 1 on pound per square foot l-ive l-oad balconies as seE forch in Tabl-e Sheet S-1 of pi-ans. One-hundred- is required for exterior exit No. 23-A. Smoke-proof encLosure should extend to the roof. Section 3309 (a). A11 data ls bel.ng PLease feel free held pending to contact ua -5- further lf there instructlons from you. are any questlons. Yours very tru1y, INTERNATIOML CoIFERENCE OF BUII"DNTG OFFICIALS T.IK:JN:bb cc: Theodor A.Grossman, Jr. (TAG Assoclates) Koyaoatsu Plan Check Eog Laeer //20 I Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. WHEN PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - I NSPECTOR BUILDING Y VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE THIS IS YOUR PERMITcK. I oE5 C r.fi[ste rrucx:o sr:erl MAI L ADOiESS "'iYg- s^'o MAIL AooiEss /14 t_ [olo . CHITECT OR O E3I CN Ei 9fl"a u;ie3/o LlcEt{5E lto. 4-! La- tr ENGINEER LtcENSE l{O. t1-1t. /94 MAIL DOiESS EiANCH IJSE OF BIJILDING 7 (.o Arro 0 8 CIASSOfWOTK: ETEW trAODITIOil trALTERATIOil trREPAIR trMOVE DREMOVE l0 Change ol use from Change ol use to 11 Valuation of work: $PERMIT FEE Occupancy ^Group R € F2 Slz€ ot Bldg. (Tolal, Sq, Ft. ::""" ec L Flre Sgrlnkl€rt Requlrod E\.os ENo OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AtR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN @ DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFV THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF U/ORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATTNGCONSTRUCTION OR THE/PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. '&----t '/-3,/-1'L-3IGNAYUiE OF CONTFACTOi OF AUTqOiIZED AGENT IOATE HEALTH DEPT. / f, 7s-. z" CANARY - AUOIT PIN K - APPLICANT ALIDATIO P/t BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. WHEN PROPERLY VALIOATED cK. M.O. CASH CANARY - AUDIT q '/ttzl// | 0EscR. (LlsEE arracx Eo sx€Er, 2tC PHOXE PHON E LICENSE NO. AFCHITECT OR OESI'CN€F L ADDREs S FHON E I I C EitSE NO. MAI L AODiES5 PHONE LtcENSE lt O. MAI L AODRE5 S BRANCH U5E OF EU I!OI'{ G 8 CIas oI worK: d,,* ! AODITION tr ALTERATION I] REPAIR f] MOVE D REMOVE l0 Change of use {rom 1l Vafuation olwork: $ J OO0 . "o PLAN cHEcK ree /1. SPECIAL CONDITIONST Slze ol Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. Flre Sprinklcrs Requlred lyss lNq OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES:No. of Dwelling Unlts NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS AEE REOUIRED FOR ELqCTRICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING. VENTILA{'ING OR AIR CONDITI THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORIIDB CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENOEO OF ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCE D. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORFALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNINGTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOESPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCELpRovlsroNs oF AN\/ orHER STATE oR LocAL LAw REGULdcoNsTRUcTIoN oR THE PERFoRMANCE oF coNsTRUc'] M.4.. d. a oPLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTO R PIN K - APPLICANT NROD - TEMP. FI LE ZEILEFI AN GiFIAY lNc.o El I22 EAST I9TH AVENUE D€NVER. COTORADO 80203 PHONE: 303 -222 - 8668 November 10, 1972 Mr. Jerry Aldrich Building Inspector Town of Vail Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Jemy: Thank you for the time you spent with me Thursday, November 2, 1972, dlscuss'ing the llail 2l and Lions Square III projects. As per our agreement, I haveJfrET-uded a response to the "comment remain" questions submitted to us by ICBO. In our meet'ing, we reviewed these questions and lt was felt that through our submlttal to you, the ICB0 p'lan checkwill be satisfied. If you have any questions about any of The submittal is attached along with a asked by ICB0. Thanks again for helping us. It was a was one of the few experiences I have from a building official. the items, please ca'll us. copy of the original questions pleasure meeting with you and had in getting positive answers Sincerely, ZEILER and GMY, INC. PRP/db Encl s: cc3 The TAG Assoc. Paul R. Pennock, Pri nc'lpal VAIL 2I CONDOI',IINIUMS RESPONSE TO ICBO PLAN CIIECK The item number corresponds to the question number on the original ICB0 p'lan check. Item 3. The combustib'le roof shingles have been changed by the architect to a Class A asphalt shlngle which has been approved by your office. The we'lght of the asphalt sh'lngles are approximately 306 pounds per square whlch compares with the 3 pounds per square foot used in the oriEinal design. Item 5(b)2). The owner is aware that the maximum llve load in the un'leased area is 75 pounds per square foot. Thls wi'll a1low the space to be used for such occupancies as offlces, retail stores or hotel accomnoda-tions. ln thd space leased to the restarant, the ioists in the kltchen have been checked for concentrated loads and will be satis- factory for the given arrangement. Item 5(c)2). The plans cal'l for vertical high strength reinforcing of #4's at 4r-0'on center and horizontal reinforcing of standard Dur-o-wa'l at 8" with 2-#4's ln continuous bond beams located at each f'loor. Thls reinforclng provides a total area of steel of 0.164 square inch per square foot compared to the code requirement of 0.'183 square inch per square foot. Since we have used high strength relnforcement (yie'ld strength - 60 ksl), the area of steel provided is equivalent to using 40 ksi - #5 bars at 4'-0 on center which satiifies code requir6ments (0.2'14 square inches per square foot). t,Je use the same grade of reinforcing bars throughout a proiect to eliminate the possibility of confusion by having different grades of reinforcing steel on the site. The larger bars also increase placing costs and increase the difficulty in grouting around the bars. Additional reinforcing around openings has been specified in the General l,lotes on Sheet S-1. Item 6(b)2). ICBO has not given approval for the use of "Wheeling Tensilform 50" as a shear diiphragm because thejr laboratories have not specifically tested this product. However, the laboratories at l'lest Virginia Universities'have conducted tests on "Tensilfonn 50" and have determined that the steel deck will provide an ultimate shear load for ioist spacing up to 3 feet on center of 2ll pounds per linear foot. [hen'a faitoi of safety of 2.4 is applied' the allowable load becomes 88 pounds per linear foot. The maxjmum shear force in the build'lng occirrs in the stair wall on line (Br) at the roof level and'is 65 pounds per linear foot. t{e have-included a copy of the tlheeling catalog sheet which shows the same values for d'laphragm loading as the l,lest Vlrginia tests indicated. "Whee'ling Tensilform 50" is a popular steel deck in the Denver area and has 6een used on a number of previous buildings 'in Vai'| . Page Vai 1 -2 2l Condominiums ttem 6(b)3). Item 6(b)4). Item 6(b)5). Item 6(b)6). Item 6.(b)7). Item 7(a). Item 7(b). lle have included in the submittal a calculation sheet show'ing that the stresses in the unll on line (5) do not exceed the code allornble. UsinE a cracked moment of inertia to calculate the overturning stresses and adding the total vertical load on the wall, the maximum stresses are 230 psi which'is less than the allow- able 249 psi. Therefore, the wall is satlsfactory. All critical shear walls, i.e., short walls ln north-south direction, have all cells fully grouted. Maximum allowab'le shear on the full area on any of these walls is 7.5 psi which is well below the 20 psi a'l I owed . It is the intent of our design to transmit a'll lateral 'loads through continuous vertical shear wa'l'ls to the foundation. Section F-3/3 indicates how studs on the top and bottom of the steel beams are used to transfer the shear force from one ]eve] to the next. Consequently, there ls no maJor change in shear reslstlng elements. Overturnlng compress'ive forces have been consldered on a'l 'l walls used as shear walls ln conJunction with the app'lied vertical 'loads and all of the resulting pressures satisfy code requirements. The maximum condJtion occurs at the walls on llne (5) which were dis- cussed in ltem 6(b)3). The precast columns, or 'ln some cases steel columns, may be used to reslst overturning forces for tro reasons: l). Besides the bond force between the masonry and structural column, there are metal anchors from the column to the masonry as spelled out in the specifications. 2). The co'l umns are supporting structural beams wh'lch are direct'ly attached to the wa11 preventing uplift. The load in the beam can then be transferred directly to the column. l,le have also changed a note on section F-l /2 to read: Provide 2" x 6" x 5" keys at 12" on center - fu'l 'l height of wall. The contractor was aware of this change and has buj'lt the structure accordingly. The Unit Masonry section of the spec'ifications indicate that the maximum size aggregate to be used in bond beams and masonry unit cells shall be 3/8", which complies wjth Uniform Building Code Standard No. 24-24-70. This item refers to sections on the draw'ings which relate to the question in ltem 6(b)l). The sections were originally quest'ioned by ICBO as to how the shear load was transferred from the concrete siab to the masonry walls. In our response to 6(b)l), we explained how the force was transferred through the end of the stee'l ioists without exceeding the allowable stresses. lle sent calculations to them to verify the loads and they agreed with us, since Item 6(b)l ) was satisfied. Consequently, the sections are satisfied as well. Page - 3 Vai'l 2l Condominiums Item 7(c). Item 7(d). Item 7(e). Item 7(f&g). Item 7(b). The calcu'lations for the deslgn of the retainlng wa1ls are shown on $heet 44 of our orlElnal calcu'latlons. Because of the porous rntenlal retained by the wal1, very lltt'le hydrostatic pressure wil I occur. Hov',ever, lf the wa] I should retain water, the stresses wll'l not be exceeded. Mlnimum relnforcing is satlsfled for a'l'l loading conditions. The anchorage of the masonry wa'l'ls shown ln sectlons C/3 and E/5, as required by Section 23'13 of the Unlform Bullding Code, is provlded by the wal'l reinforclng whlch is continuous through the concrete slab. The bearing force on the #4 reinforclng bars prcvldes-'l/2)',(2Ut'1.(750 psl) /4' = 240 PLF which satlsfies the 200 PLF minlmum requlrement of the code. The calcu1ations for the concrete precast balcony railings are shown on Sheet 45 of the original calculatlons. They lnd'icate the panels are not overstressed when spannlng the full 24 feet. As you ane aware, the concrete panels were swltched to non-'load camylng (except for the wind) wood panels whlch are also capable of spannlng 24 feet. Where the contractor could not pass the relnforcing bars past the steel beam, he wi'l'l provide dowe'ls welded to each flange that wi]l lap wlth the unl'l reinforcinE. The stee] beam to concrete beam connection shown in section C-3/5 does not uti'lize embedded anchor bolts, and therefore, does not fa]'l under the jurisdiction of Table No. 26-I. The connection was designed by the Shear-Friction Theory and Ultinnte Strength Analysis and provides an allowab'le u'ltimate load of 20.7 kips. The actua'l ultimate load is 2'1.2 kips. l.le have inc'luded a copy of the calcu'lation which indicates the connection will satisfy the loading requirements. n t,'i: ,;,iill' :il, , rilt,l '"1 'r l, I'iii ,'tj, ir|l ',,'i','1:. ri , firt ' :l 11,; ,,i! i,ir;li :l,rrliil ,,',.i , ,iil'i' , ;,,'li" 'iiitl''t ',"0],;,, ,l,.ll: :;rrii {r.ii:il ;;i!;lr . ,,il '.,r1,,r 1;,;1ii ':,';1, r!r'll June 12, 1972 Ed Strubla Bulldlog Offlelal Ctty of VotI Bot 100 ValI, Colorado 81657 D66? Mr. Strublo! Plan Check No. 8552 Project: Val.1 21 Solosrlc Zone No. 1 1970 Unlform Bulldlng Codc STRUCTUTAL RBVIEI,' lbla letter eupcrcodeo our otructural revlew lottar for the oublect proJect, dated l{ay 18, 1972. Thc structural dsta hae boon revler'red for cmpllanco wlth the Unlforo Dutldlng Code end our c@enta foll$,r; sl&usFst,Q0li4Ntsi 1. Spoclal tncpeatloi'ln eonforrnance ntth Sectlon 305 ts requl.red frr tbe fol.lorlng work: (o) Strrrctural concr€t€ nhere the dealgn ls baged on' an ultloate conpreaaive Strength ln exeeee of 2000 pouodo par oguero lneh. (b) A11 reld{og eacopt shere dsne tn the shop of an approved fabrlcator. Not6 the axtenslve fleld ueldlng Includl,ng aluds and decklng. 2. Ttre f,oundaclon Lnvee r,l.gacion repof,t montl.oned ln plane waa not lnoluded ln daca fonoarded to uo. It should be ssblaltted for revlew. ' Coobugttble roof conotructlon doea not rneet, requLre- ments of, Typo II conotruccton. .Dead loads for a non- cmbuEtlble gro-hour f tre-rea lgtlve eone truc t lon trlth a ftrE retardsnt roof covurlng phould be Juotlfled for the 19 pounda per squaro foot ueed ln doolgn. 4. Structural changes wtll be regutred to coopLy wtth oxtt, co'ndltlonc rnenttored ln Nonatnrctural Cannent No. 2 (a) of, our latt€a datcd l,lay 11, 1972. ,'.!l .r,liil 'dr. .1!,t .,:.1 .s 't: i .2- Dra tgn-6tglcal Ana lyr 1r. (r) Roo! ,otrti por aalonlallon thtst 2 requlreo atecl Jolrt l2H6 at 2-toot oentatl wtrere lpam are 24 feet. Freolng plen oa thect 86 shotra 5 each, 1284, betsaeu Ltnes 1-2 and 2-3. Clarlflcatloa le requtrrod. See aloo, 6 lavel frerolng plan. Nogc alao that any chaage resultlng fro C@€nt Io. 3 above ehould bo concldered. (b) Floor Ltvs Loadrr 1) A11 publte qorrldore and publlc bal.corrlee, lncludlng thote oa the upper levele, requlre a L00-pound pcr square foot llve lood. Table No. 23-A. Roof Jolotr 12fi6 rpanntng 24 foet have a l1ve load capaelty of 155 )pornda per foot. lJLth epactng at 2-foot ceatert, balconlee. 8oo, for oxaorplo, 6 lovel framlng plan, ,,''r Shget 86. Noto that, tn accordance lrlth theet B of calculatl,ons l2lt6 opamrln;j 24 feat ehould be epacodat X8-loch ceat@re. Balcony beame ehould aloo be redeatgned 1o1' 1Q$-pormd per equare foot ll.vE 1oad. 2) laaee opace on- tho f,trst level shotrld be deslgned' for an eppronrlnate 100-pound per equare foot llve load unloss the epectf,te ueo le noted on plane. 8e€ offlcee and atores ln table No'. ?3-A and thlrd para- gtaph of Sectl.oa 2302 (b). ' (e) thr6t 5 of, caleulatlone apeclf,y w16lt31 roof bean at bewego B aud C. Plano eho'r wt6X26. Clarlflcatlon quoetod. (d) llerlga lor lll2X98 on thoet 13 of calculatlooa acaounts for conceutrated loads and roof and floor loaila lmpoaed frm abwe but dleregar4a dead l,oad of 8-1nch concrete block taalle srtendlng for four levelo above. Clarlflcatlon le roqueetsd. (o) Refereoes cglc$latl.oo Shset 14 snd General Noce 4 qr Sbeot sl. 1) Ptano ohquld epeclfloally ctate llghtwolght block. (^. Ltne 5 1r rt- '* ,. :,.- ?;F:, ' J: .t. , 'li : ' | 4'. "''4irl,i.;,. Jlr'Iitr :':'r' I .r;,\ i:, ,{i;r..1iiir ':iilJr'; ' '!. . ,i;lJi . ', iilf: i:'luL Il" liit,rr ir! t, i ' t,, ' 'i1 ';;''' ' 'rfirir..,,;"ili, , r;f,,1 ,i,, , lrrj11lrr ,i.ti..r. .. , ,,,,,,i, .'Iii'ri't. ,,i I I' Ii lii:1. ' ',ii;,:; 'i ;r,;' ' ,,ii iril 'ii:, 1F 'f ,ii ,ir!,, ,,,it. ' i jtl' r,l1,rq '.i '{lir +. .:">. I i li.rr lt{lt .' i. t'li ,t l, , i ,i'i, ,. i, I .,, rtlf" !,ilr,n; i rl^,t r! -t- (t) Vcrtlcal llo. 4 at 4 fcst 0 lneh on contsr and gtandard Dur-O-l{at alona at I lnchea oo ecotsr do not Gosply ttlth gcctloos 2418 (J)-3. Therc 1o no aecurance of yall openlngs. Dstallt do not alwayg oall for specLal rslnf,orceueat ep€sl- fl.ed ls calculatlou. (l) Relcreoeo $bcot 15 of calculsttonr. Thtrd levet floc bee ls erppoftlng cqcenry walls fr@ four levele raehar tban thrGo at tb6 nortb ulng. (g) Ile0lgn ohold bo provlded for ooncrete bean ehqln on th€6t 87. (b) Calculactorr Shcat No. 8l rpectfted a ItlOX?5 roof boan &t Llnq 2 noer 81. Plana rhow H10te1. Clarlflcatlo 1o requfred. (f) Pbna ebqrld olarlfy locatlon of Itl0:O3 rldge beam betweca Llnoa I and C cmputed on ShsGc 25 of salculatlme. 6. tatoral Dealgn. (a) Bofsronce oolculision the€t 48-511 Wtnd zone of, 35 poqrds per aquare foot le raqul.rcd per your Lnetfuctloa!. Celculattonr thould be revlacd accordlngly (b) Refcrcncc calculetlon theste 5?-57. A morE coopletelateral enatryal,e te requlred to prop€rly aubitenrlatc thcctnletural gyatco ln roeletlng lateral loade. fhe follor- lng csllraat8 rsf,lect s@o of, the ltema ln questl,on. 1) Ualng Seceloos D/2 aad F/3 as typlcal exarnplea of dlephrepr conneoGl,ooo to ah6ar natlo, there 16 no pool. tlve connectton. Ac ncnr dotalled, thE steel deck reld. Log to tho Jolot and rho Jo{st valdlng to baee platea ate the only rneanc of tranafer. A coatlnuoua englc or e &nl,lar aonbcr parallol and at the raa11 to Eranafar deck ehear ts neceesory. i2) Wbeellng Tensllfolrn 50 1o nor approved for uee al a" dfaphragm. Boe thr oncloaed reeearch recornsndo cloo. An approved dEck ahould be uaed or the concrete f111 should coply. Fof th€ lott€r, dorellng to the uEllutll be neeersary, rfl t.'il, ll:,i !l'r o .4- { !) lb latotal rnalyck h thE Rorth-oouth dlroctl,on\-/' ulthh rrforince Llnea D1r G, I aod 5 appeare qulte crlttcal frco tbe roof to ths tecond lavel. nell on Ltne I should b6 chackad for axlal cmpreeolon dus to oFotturnlBg fotccq plus the dead and llve loado oupported. Allswsblc 6bsar ln Eeaonry ebsar ualls ts ltnlted to 20 pounilc por oqunrs lnch su the ne! area baaed oa lablo l,Io. 24-f,, Scectsn 2303 and unlnspeeeed a88oary. BXgttgr abaat otresaeo sbould be basod on bcrleootal |:otofotceDont acttBg as rtlrrups in re- clating cll chear. tlur.(FWBl and Efunllar slre , ,,,,.1.'teloforeo@nt earsot ba uoed for thte purpooe. l'hc oaJor cluago ln verclcal oboar-rosisttng ele- uents bstmea tho f,lrst and iecond levela regulro a detallsd nualyclc to de8orql,ae whotbsr soeondfloor dlaphuagn €o$nsatLonc io $allg ere adeqrratefot thg redf.sBrlbutlon of lateral forcee betrveeosalls. Tb,s redlecrlbstlon osgurBes a Brructural coo- sroto flll tn cooJunctLon v{th the rteel deck. lf a nonstrsqtrrral tlll la uood, a trlbutar? dlaphtaggl aaalyole olnllar to wood le requlred whlch would oe8aee any redleerlbutlqn of ohear st the secondle'uel. tho ac:ual ranponoo of a nonscructural ftll oa stssl decklng sould be ocmewbore botwsen the tlro 'J) rsii Itslta. .61 Ovcrturnlng foroel obould bc properly conaldered on all rhsar walle. Whlto thera nlght oot be upllft' artal ompreual,vc atroogoc tl1ll eloo result End lhould be cmblncd ulth aniat ctreoa€a rcaultlng froo dead ead llve loede lncluding snc'!, loade. I.toltt and foundotl,oo goXl prcEouros rhould bs ebscked. , 7); Oelag DsBgu. F/2 ac an eraoplo, the pr€cart eolrur eonnot bs uncd to realEt worturnlng forces !.n thesall becauco there tl no neeao of tranaferr!.ng the torce acrose Ebs cold Jolnt ylth a cortluuoua key, lf thr loglc le uEod that tho. eoanectlon lc rmncccosary sfuc,s thc colrgro gontaln tho sall and prevent lt frourrcartuheetlngrrp tho colrono $urt then be J.letif {ed for f,lo*ural atresost tu rce!.etlng thlo force. o ) .5. 7. Plans. (a); Relcnenec Gsatral Note {A - Sto,ne cggragate concrote" shorld ba clerlflcd or to morlus aggrogata r$o, 6to. Bofersloe lo osdc !o U.B.C. Srsnderd No. 24-24-7O (AS[!l C404) robsro aa:rtroun is linlrea ro one-half lncb. Slevo analysfu ta alao roqtl.red. ,.(b), DsBslla and scetlons whore dl.aphnlgn eonuacriona re-' qulre olarlflcarlou Der Csss€Err 4 (b) f) and Z) are ao follws: 1) Dstaur A to D or ghG6r A. 2, tbtsllr E ond t on Sbser 33. i 3) Detalls D1 E and G en gheet SA. 4) t atatl n/t. (O gsfarenae'E/i and VS - Betalnlag wall deqlgn ahould bafuraltbsd asd rho{rld oostder hydroatattc pioosurer-untcrl back sall dralnago lc provldad. Also aee Colmont(l (a)...\ i '(9) Rofetooso e/3 and ii 3 - .furtfflcarl.on ls regu{red for' , -----i''aaelrraga ln roferenc€ to geetlfir 2313. ..<' r(e) Rslcrcnes Dototls cl3, Dl3, E/4 ond J Eo H4. Jusrlflcr.clou & requtrad m hoy praedat faaclas srrd cmnectlqarr€ofut rftd loadc, boCh lnraaed and outwErd. Uclng gecrloo D/3 ac ono onanpler unlese the panel le capatrle oi epannlng 24 fcst horbontally betlroon porpeodlculer walla, lB Errttcaqtllsv€r froor the floor dcck, Connoctiern, es a cautl- lerver, sould thoa rcqulro JurttftcstLoo for mcarEnt a,ud ehaar. (l)r Retoranoc Datelle D and E/4 . Clarlfloation k ncedsd orho oontinutty of rrortloal rall relnf,orceseat te Datntalngdat otool bomr. Befefencs Dt6tl 8/t - Clarttloatlon of vcrttcal woll rc-tnforoeosnt agrmoctlqr to tho 6te€l bean le neaded. ri ^" 1i i"i'if..l :r' ,i.ri,,., , .'i : I lfl' 'ltl, - -' ,,i.).,., .fl , -r' j-<-6. Bgfcrense Detall C/5 - Coonsatlon 3o concreto requlrs' Juattfleatlon by TEble No. 26'I. Belcrsocs 9tb end 6th levEl frantug plane - Wall qr Llac 91 5th lawll and Cr 6eh leval ehould be Juettfl,cil, for laieral auPport at openlngt. Saso lg true for seeol bssnt €aet of tbege openlnga for copreeoton flangc enp- PoaG. All date la belng held pending further trnstrustlonc froro you. If lnatnrottoa8 aro not tocelved, deta wlll bs retumod ln 9O riaya ln csaforaaoce sl.tb gecclon 3OZ (b). tlcase f,esl lreo !o Gootact ur i.f therc are eny guesgloot. Youfe v8ry truLyt I}TTERIATTONAL COI|trERENCE OF BUII,DINO OF'FICIAI"9 T.lK:hb t. J. Koyaroateu Cbtef, Plan Check Englnoar ((,i) (r) :i! . i. I .tl ; 'lh lll ",t .- '.,:,rl. '1 " j ll:1 t i , :{,, Ilri , Hr;; I o ^r E...6-.:. ) e i-{r.r, !rern 7,( h). C llce4! caNNccr?o^/ c,F freet 6€a7,i f1 ccanplNc Ta st€aa. . FateTt'a, rd€cr,/ AoeA CIN-,EtfroTlyc, To Qtu, = /4(1eb n(t) Q: t3, f4 (1 € trtr,ttAn, " Yv' 0{7/* ,tVw= r3,r(t.f?)s t.1,;tt(P'o'Er f^+ 3 : 4 o F t' y''^- = o.7 A._ . at,).I ---- = /,o,b tL $, ?rha\(o,l)/ A crvA L t?.er^.,F. :s(t+ o, za-z)(o,e\.l,r? 3 *' ao Ccta, Q eacno^t .d, 7?t f ? Ct a\ (0, / 5 Z) f + ( L', (,'/st)( u i/1, Atc.o,r. llu =!'"=? (at,t>= 2c.,7< t^, 1%overz=:S':'' - 2,4'A e0,1 WHEELING }","ORM / ROOF SLABS WIILDII.IG PATTITITNS sFlNs UP lo 4'-6' O.C Welding paftern No, l.- tor spans up to 4'6' wEl.o tN torToM otftult r ctfrftt oF sHE6t wE(o tN BottoM oFttult Al 5r0t t PS Welding pattern No. 2 - lor spans over 4'6" ipexsovtr r,.c. r,,X€,lJirt""iJr"$rt*, ryELp PATTERNS, LOCATTONS AND SpACTNGTensilfornr requircs /s round or etluivaicnl weltls, spaced 15" on center on all supports to providc <liaphragm designfor base sheet. 1,'or standard wt:lding pattcrni wjthout diaphragm base see specifications. IJor data and all ultimatc shear stretrgth values covering I'ensilforrn, plus lightweight fill, refer to Wheeling Corrr.rgating Co. sales rcpreientative. DIAPHRAGM DESIGI$*'I.* K,/7::{---/,-/ __-.-lr. .;p/ cacurci-\ '/' TartERN No. I ArPtox.30' o.c. ArProx.30, o,c. wEro tN ooTToM ofttuta aT StoE t Ps SHttIS Al tHO l^PS ,i/ ERtGflOH PATTIRN NO. 2 I E 3',0' 3'6" 1.0' 4'6' 5'0' 5'6' 6'0. 6'6' 7'O' 7'6. 8'f"l. span teet I r -l:1ln':n".r.,0."r.:rlues ar; fequired, contact Wheeting Co.rogating Company. "'.lhe.shear strenglh vajues sho$n !re lor bare sheels. Strenflth ol form ard h ara,varl.bl?upro I/rJU tDs. port00t trrdelarled Intotmal.on torta(t yoLa lvf€?trngSrles RCpresentaliv, olnearest lvheeling olfi ce fo delermine tho Ulhmate Shear Str€ngth, locate lhe slan in leet at tho bottom ot thc ch ,t. It9l€cr a lne.upward trom thc span lo-lne desired gage Then draw a l,nc lroft tho gage to rrre|l margrn w-nere lne Uttrrnale Shear StrenBth is Indicaled. (See page ?, ',oiephrae-m-O6sit , lor melhod of calculalrng salely lacto,.) FIRE RESISTIVE RATINGS FOR FLOOITAND ROOI'SLAB FORMS \ i I Wire Vent CIip lor TF.I25 #3?22 Z " vcrmiculite plaster %' vermiculate plaste ,/s " acouslical lile ,;" accustical lile None i'{ " peflite plaster aggregate 7!'perlite plaster aggregate l'acoustical lay-in panels .#3E40 tor 4" 1i3845 lat 4Y1 ' #3850 tor i" wrro ulducr r.u sHtflS AT tND IAPS "he foliowing patterns are recommended for Wheeling' 'ensilform when used with Reinforced Concrete Slabs.Placement--Place'lensilform sheets end-to-end begin- r ing at corner trf buildir-rg, rnaintaining alignment. When c ne row is placecl cnd-to-erd, bcgin another, nrakfirg align-r.tcnt adjustments if neccssary. Place sheets with eJges upand end lappe<l to a minimurn of 2 inches for weklei < onstruction or top clrord width for clin a112a1r-"rl1. Oenter end laps ovcr suplrrts and make side lap one-half < omrgation. Welding -- Weld sheets to supJrorting steel immediatelyafter alignrnent, Gusts of wind mav displace sheets and endanger workmen lrclow. All sheets must be welded beforeend of working day. tsroken bundles must be tied or r reighted down to prevent wind blowing sheets- D.esign Basis - Using welding patterns 1 and 2, the oesigners may design on a continuing slab basis. Under these conditions ACI and lhe Urriform Buildins Codeallow liL2 ncgative momcnts (spans 10,0,, or ldss) forthree or more sl)ans uniforrnly loaded. For other desiernconditions tlrr: designer should determine the applicalile code coefficient and refer to Note I (c) (d) 1ei bf SUfTable 3 for conversirrn of load values to comDensate forvariation in nro rr rcr rts. Sqf -tnpp.ing Screu,s Wireeling Tensilform may also beerected uslng scll-tal,ping s{.r{rws. COMPLETF] LINII OF ACCES,SORIES /*J w #3825 tat zri" #3830 for 3" i3835lo( 3/2" High Chair Washers U.L. Design #11 u.L. Design #53 U.L. Design fl22? U.L. Design lltl ZYz' sand, grauel, concrele - l:2.8:4 mix 2%' sand, grauel, concrete - 1 :2% :3% mix 3" sand, lmestone, concrete - I :2ii :3i4 mix 2" sand, gravel, coocrete - I:3.1 mix U.L. Design #RC.t U.L. Design #RC.ll U.L. Design #RC.2 U.L. Desien #RC-6 3euir', Vermiculite c0ncrcle 2% " Class A, B or C built-up roof covering 3%'Class A, B or C built-up roof covering 2'Class A, B or C built-up rool overing Rool 0nly lasl tv/o drSits indicale depth ol slab. EramDle 25 -2.5" lr International of Building Off icialsLOn terence 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD . WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 l2't 3) 699-0541 November L0, L972 OFFICERS PRES ID E N' EUGENE B, PESTER DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY O€VELOPMENT POMONA. (]ALIFORNIA FIRST VICE.PRESIOEN T NEWELL POCK CH IEF BIJI LOING INSPEC-TOR YA KIMA. WASII I NGTON sECOND V]C€-PRESIDEN I JACK O. WH ITE BUILOING COOE ENGINE€R KANSAS C ITY, M ISSOU R I .fREASURER VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BU ILOI NGVERNON CALIFORN IA JUNIOR PAST PRESIOEN TPERRY C TYREE REGIONAL BU ILO N6 OFFICIAL COLORADO SPRINGS. COLORAOO EXECUTIVE DIRECTORT. H, CARTER 5360 S WORI(MAN M]!L RO WH ITTI ER. CALIFORNIA MANAG ING OIRECTOR JAMES E. B IHR 5360 S. WORKMAN M ILL RD. WH ITTI ER. CALIFORNIA OIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DOWD D IRECIOR OF INSPECIIONS XALAMAZOO. M ICH ICAN OONALD A. ERICKSON DIRECTOF' OEPARTMENi OF INSPECIIONS M IN NEAPOLIS. MI NNESOTA BILL P. HORN CHIEF BU II-O' NG INSPECTOR PIERCE COUNTY TACOMA. WASH INGTON ROBERT B. FELONER SIPERINTENDENT OF CENTRAL INSP€CTION W ICH ITA. KAN5AS CHARLES R. HINKLEY CHIEF BU ILD ING INSFECTOR MOUNTAIN Vt EW. CALIFORN IA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BU ILD ING OFF ICIAL COIJNIY OF ALAMEDA HAYWARO, CALIFORNIA VI NCENT R, BUSH Si]Pf RINTENOENT OF BI,ILDING VERNON, CAI.I FORNI A OICK T. JORDAN O IRECTOR BUILDING OEPARTMENT AUSTIN.'fEXAS FLOYO G. MCLELLAN, JR. OIRECTOR OF BU ILO NG ANO SAFETY COUNTY OF OFANGE SANTA ANA CAL]FORNIA OFFICES OF THE EXECUAIVE DIFECTgR T. H. CANTER MANA6I NG OIRECTOR JAMES E. EIHR IECHNICAL DIFECTOFI O. R. WAYSON Plan Check No. 8552 Project: Vail 21 Jerry Aldrich Building Official City of Vail Box I-00 Vai1, CoLorado 81657 Dear Mr. Aldrich: We ate returning all data to you under separate cover on Ehe above project ln accordance with our letter of August 9, 1972. Please feel free to contact this office if we can be of further ass istance. Yours very truly, INTERNATIONAL C OI.IFERENCE TJK: hb tsu Plan Check Engineer o t-.. 6hr-^-**--, i'rc. -.,-n,r,i" -,ri*.-*- tJ ", May 22, 7972 Ms. Diana WygantBuilding Departnent Town of VailVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Diana: This letter is for cussed at a neeting on Chuck Rosenquist, Larryin attendance. the purpose of reviewing natters dis-ApriI 27, L972 in which Robert Laziet, Robinson, Ed Struble and nyself were The subject of the discussion was the time table requiredfor constructi.on to commence on the joint-use parking structure which is intended to accommodate the parking denands of build-ings completed, under construc'; ion or scheduled to conmencethis sunner on portions of Block 1, Lot 3, Vail/LionsHead FirstFiling. These buildings are known as "LionsHead Arcade Build-ing", under the ownership of Bob Lazier; nVail 21" building, under the ownership of Charles Rosenquist; and "The Lift House"building, under the ownership of Bob Lazier. Robert H. Nott represented the position of Vail Associatesthat in accordance with those understandings set forth in the contracts nade with the building owners, construction of thejoint-use parking structure was to be cornmenced during the summer of 1972. Furthermore, Robert H. Nott stated that Vail Associates would not support any variance application on thepart of Lazier and Rosenquist to defer construction of thisstructure until a later building season. Yours very truly, vArL ASSoCTATES, INC. Robert H. Nott Vice President - Real Estate F" l' F Tt * I i i /jn AREA CODE 303 476-5601 BOX 7. VAtL. COLORADO 41657 telephone 303 - 922-8238 eraocI Q,eou$iesrine.1390 west evans ave. -denver. colorado 80223 November 6, 1972 F.ce: VAru 2' Mr. Jerry Aldrich Box .l00 Vail, Co]orado 81657 Reference: Ce'if ing Grid at Vail '21' Project Dear Mr. Aldrich: Thank you for your call last Thursday regarding the UL c'lassification on Donn Products DU-424 cross tees. As I indicated at that time' we received improperly labeled packages from the manufacturer. I have ta'lked again with Donn Products and confirm that the DU-424 cross tee is identical in every respect to their DVL-424 cross tee which bears the identica'l UL label as the DVL-24 main tee. The attached brochure, pages 6 and 9, indicates equal dimensions, load strengths, etc. Both tees are made of .0.| 5" cold rolled, electro-zinc coated, steel . As you are aware, the only functiona'l difference between fire-rated and standard grid involves the main runners having fire expansion cuts. There is no difference in the cross runners. I hope this letter will clarify the matter. Again, I apologize for the confusion caused by th'is labeling error. Vice President and General Manager JRB:mf Attachment ames R. Blair ecoustical ceilings - integrated ceiling systenxs - dryuall partitions / 'fi6rvru fir-Varu l N t PEc ft oxr i; r<E'auEtT F t''* /o= Na.rwe \/r u i r[2aar Ti-= (66s-rrzea lrr 45 745,a py1 C.a.uue.ra- 6u,rr,rru D FoolNc- n Fourua+1ton D FFAMINa D FlNn u E P.ot<n^u Locnltor.t: C orere Req. €a1,nrc--- tr 1v+ey<o.x D Veneer< D Koor En Zr.1'^. Loc,<1roxr: {?-LJv1g,ir".tG lJ t<ou6{+ U ?TarNvPt?€ vae- I_J FTNAL E Tarzyrt>u LOcaltonl:. MEct lantrcAL flr/eu1,.,qront ! L{eo.1r*rc- D Hooa+ I E7o,r<1iat- Localrorrt'. ! oluere @I=:)Tue El Aa1'a"- Localonr Vs rzv For+ 3-r,t1?E<\-\oN- VEV THU€ Frcr ../ / '^,,. Au T7m Covrvenl+. D A"?Rove?{n+a?vr?ovE? ,\ la W< e li.'l+t 'E{T '.\| Co""a.loNt €,+-e Ft'* or- lN tPEcrloN r<rouErT Paar T*= (66Errz=e-AM pF.C.a.sue.re- t\/dog NA)v1E \:,/.t. : 4' 6u,ro,nra D Frolntc- tr Fouuaaltor.r tr FtravrHc- M ftr.ln r-[ P,, r\\ .'/ E Atcpou Locnltotrt: Co*r== Req l?a:1,nrc-- n fneey<orx tI VeHeEn tr Koor El Z^=1'o. Loc,+1ron r: ?ruMglNc- U 2la.nverer tvac p Frr-.ra.r (p,,_r\ l] E ?ar<1ta,- LOcaltor=t:. MEcuaxrc^ L I Ve*r1.a1ronr D Hea.1rr..r c- f Hoor+ n BVo,,r<1ian- Localrost: v TUE ! o'per< 5'r' Mont Covrrre*1-. THUK Fr<r El /^r<1,,o,r. Locaaront Vea.rz v Fot<- 3- xt +?E aTl-eN- ./=1fEjF-.. \-----" a ?t+A?t'r?ov e ? xu* r;4 F"s{,T/\ 7a-= THE TAG ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS 820 sixteenth street suite 31O denver, colonado 8O2O2 (3O3) 534-6905 1 December 1972 llrs. Diane Toughill Vail Building Department Towr of Vail Vail , Col-orado 81657 RE: VAIL 21 CONDOI{lNfUl.l Dear Diane: This letter is to verify our telephone conversation of this morning re: Vail Varj-ance Board provisions for lofts pertaining to the subject job. It is our understanding that: 1. a smoke-heat detector and alarm system is required for each 1oft. 2. a second exit to the roof or sprinkler system is to be provided for each loft, 3. that the exit system (doors to roof-balconies de- signed j.nto each loft are acceptable) ... that this system would be used in lieu of a sprink fer system. Thank you Diane, Si.ncerelv. L .',r- ^ Du^ )'.' 0 '*n^\v -/ t"\Y'nr ,'"'C lr'v\ TAGlkw cc: Mr. Charles Rosenquist rf'A t1WIw*,- Theodor A. Grossman, Jr. tt"7 \ BUILDING PE T APP ON Ju risdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOR WHEN PEOPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT VALIDATION PINK _ APPLICANT ?*n.e-Qat-o*Rslrr t Br.le.L i o NSHEgD tT-.l!EE ArracH ED gHEEr) $r. Jnr -+Vni.- Al ZIP FXONE VA ILI ADDiESS PHON E LICENSE NO. AiCHJTECT OR OESIGNER .?FFr!c- 'Kt-tcttclrl DcSr@rlgQ,- M^,LaroREss b* MAIL AOORESS BRANCH AUILDING Ctas of work: Xruew D ADDITTON D ALTERATION D REPAIR tr MOVE N REMOVE 10 Change ol use from Change of use to PERMIT FEE11 Valuarion ol work: $ /- a lt A o o SPECIAL CONDITIONS Slze ot 8ldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. APPROvEO fOF ISSUANCE BYI OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES:No. of Owelling Unltr OTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE FEOUIRED FOR ELEC'RICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATtNG, VENTILAT.}Nh oF AIR cONDITIOXING, THIS PEBMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCE D. RUcrloN "rl .y "FYgi HEALTH OEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Spoclfy) CANARY - AUDIT LDENAOD _ TEMP. F ILE /6/7 I BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. 1[sre errec r:o sxeet). LECAL I oE3Ci. ztP PxOt{E MAIL ADDRESS PI{ON E LICENSE NO. AiCH ]TEC'T OR OE5I6NEF MAIL ADORESS FHON E LICEI{5E NO. ENGITIEER MAIL AODRESS PHON E LICENSE NO. MAIL AODRES S EiANCH U5E OF BUILDING 8 Class o{ worK: dNCW tr ADDITION ! ALTERATION D REPAIR tr MOVE tr REMOVE 10 Change ol use trom PERMTT FEE JZ .a al1 Valuation of work: #t2 o) PLAN CHECK FEE '.J' SPECIAL CONDITIONST Slze of Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. Fire Sprlnklers Required !ye5 !l1q OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: OTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE\EEOUI RED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OH AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT EECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOBK IS COM. MENCED,I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SICNAIURE OF CONTRAC TO F I RE OEPT. Y VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - I NSPECTOR M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION cK.q3f ud CANARY - AUDIT PIN K _ APPLICANT GOLDEN ROD - TEMP. FI LE Best copy Available t507|,--I BUILDING PERIVIIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction o Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. Trie- QeueEtJL €7crF-E- - VrytL- Zl fuDq Lror.JSNtZ.A> q[stt ttrtcxto sxeerl I oEsci, ,"*""Lar(5 i{oak_. "^'E'H?zs /A, -''" PHONE 41/.^=zztt 3 < a.ve- LrcEx3E t{o. AiCHITEC' OR OESIONER MAI L ADDiES 5 PXONE !ICEN9E NO. MAt L AODi EsS ''XONE MAI L ADOiESS 'RANCH USE OF 6UILOIN6 8 Ctassof work: D NEW E{OOtrtOl trntrennrtoH tr REPAIR D MOVE D REliloVE 9 oescribe work, ,4T)D1 l tflJ eE -{ ={+e-ut.tlto<" Z<r L{I.ALLS l0 Change of use lrom Change of use to 1 1 Vaf ustion o{ work: $ A <- oOt-> - SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Slze of Bldg, (Total) Sq. Ft. aPPLICATION ACC€PT€D 8Yl APPROVED 'OF ISSUANCE BY; OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE TE PERMITS ANq REOUIBEO FOR ELECYRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILAqNG OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WOBK ISSUSPENOED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. SOIL REPORT AIUiE OF WHEN PROPEBLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATIOh WHITE - INSPECTOF PERMIT VALIDATION CANARY - AUDIT PIN K - APPLICANT GOLOENROD - TEMP. FI LE o Drct$or l l, l97t ,:!:.'.{for tir 3r.ry grt Gol ffuru""'.:'Ing lr irrrrby rpFfgvrd forloerfrt.ln faF.by rpFlrv.d for tir 3r?br.'Yrll !l'but tdtng ta Va Vrlrll , Golorldo. Illl^rAot lr tocrtrd In Comcrctrl, il roar i::::"L:tl?!:__ tf you-havr fuilirr er.frtont. ,,e,su t, ...eu.: ry .yeu naya ?ui?Dar efaftlontr llrrta. con_ ,. t'i'' Yourr tittyr, '. zon I ag-irriiiii dt PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Juridiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. /e at $,a-s: 1[lel rrrecrto sxe:r; I DE3C i. MAI L ADOhfSS PIION!LICENSE NO.e?, AiCHIYECY OF DESI6NER MAI I ADOiESS PHONE LICENSE NO.L, ENGINEER LICENSE NO. MAIL AOOIE!;S JRANCI{ USE OF BUILDING I Ctas of work: D NEW n AoDlTloN AALTERATIoN n REPAIR Typ. ot Fixtur. o. ltrrl WATER CLOSET ITOILET'SPECIAL CONOITIONS: LAVATORV (WASH BASIN} KITCHEN SINK & OISP. OISHWASHER LAUNORY TRAYAPPLICATION ACCEPTEO BY:o foF rssuANcE aY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER U R INALOT ICE THIS PEBMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK DR CONSTRUC. T|ON AUTHORTZED rS NO\ 9OMMENCEO WTTHTN\oo OAYS, OR rF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK\.8 SUSPENDE D OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEB WOBK IS COM- MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. atuRE oa con-taactoi oi auTHoRf:ED GEN ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR .SINK OR ORAIN SLOP SINK WATER PIPING & WASTE INTER VACUUM B SEPTIC TANK E PIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION / WHITE - INSPECTO R CANARY - AUOIT PIN K - APPLICANT qtqa' GOLOENBOD - TEMP. FILE t50G I BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ot \/Ar,=Juridiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. Ve,'t- ? t {I ISEE AIIACHED TXEET} | 0Esci. zrc FHOta MAIL ADDiESS PIiOXE LICEN3E NO. AFCHI'EqT Oi DESICNER MAI L ADDIESS IICENIE NO. MAI L ADDE E55 PflON'LICENsE IO, MAt L AOotEsS al^l{cH U5E OF BU ILOII{G 8 Cras of work: D NElt/ tr AoDlTloN ! llftnerton tr REPAIR tr MoVE fl REMoVE I0 Change of use from PERMIT FEEI I Valuotion of work: 0 l. 5oo\ SPECIAL CONOITIONS: Slze ol 8ldt. (Total) Sq. Ft. Flrq Sprlnklort Roqulred E\/esAPPLICA'ION ACCEPTEO 8Y: OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: OTICE SEPARATE PERMITS AFETEOUIRED FOR E ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTSUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OB ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. I HEREAY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINEO APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BETRUEANOCORALL PROVISIONS OF LAN'S ANO OROINANCES GOVERNINGTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOESPRESUME TO GIVE AUIHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEI PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULICONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUC sr6NATuhgOt CONTiAC PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOR WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS THIS IS YOUR PEBMIT cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION CANARY - AUDIT PIN K - APPLICANT GOLDENROD - TEMP. F ILE t t a 'L'..-2'' tli{- 10"." .:,: s '.r..., .j[', t J I I.t Ina-l ,.. ;.;|'l /l I I I I t I I I I,tl --, fi I I I.. 1 i Tlll ll -{ ' t I lF:;ri: ' -l; 1 ,- iili:",,#li.ril3 ";. , i Lt I ,l 1r".r)-. i \$ .f . 0* EgE i *t!i ,,. I I i I i Ii I T I I I LI lt: r-j -!I P { <r\t.\ \) tl. i\ .> Y J* I J .a I *. t. d .-b -r.o-\\ t { a.'6 .D'2 f +-.-.--- --l- _.r -.---r.-.j{ .lI I{ aqI J !{ ly2 ,f:, 1s J a Fod - -.- C\- .-,- a---.-.--70 +-s tl \ll-ts i <---S-_i>, t".*,.e -{ .l\ .i- ) \.- C, d i/6 7-t I I0 tili]l. r:l's It I i +--lD h=1- 3E I I I.l.l I____J\ *?; ,4t tlenue/ tldoua lu/e t/. I I i oo I I, !t fl >-<1.- :) -:tirlA.iJ ^l .Ut---\ s atu l{Jr fr :)! d v \A on n ) :} -F- v a! IJ { I o \A I I t4af" 1*.trtJq ,u.IJI ...J r:.r- es ts r-{.U aci'irl4r I I I I '1. I(\tlr r)1 \gJ I Ii I __+ t,n -:'], -J, -: I-.: t tu..... ) -,< i,: ..iJ ^.Lt"- -; \J J a4 '+JtL, NerJ .0t +- V \r IJJ r}) i^$ \!6rT $ c)lisohs \v\{' ! -5t-* \ )\ \ h-os \: I .l\'., : I j aA"ir : q\ r*t'lSil l;:,i "i e €tt ('i€-t ! \ J stt Ur( \ tt ) \ oqo \ ,c[ \ \ \s AGENDA DESIGN REVIEl,l BOARD MAY 6, 1976 f crossroads_Sign variance - Request to use words "shopping center,'' Jeff Nichols l- Kaleid.oscopq sigl variance - Request to move existing sign from Gold' Peak House to Slifer Bui'lding 3. Malmuth Residence - Lot l, Block 2, Vail Valley First Filing Ben Strahan 4. Voliter Residence Remodel Bob Vol iter Y. Shapiro/Pettee Duplex - Design revisions Abe Shapiro ,(. Children's Corner - New sign' Carousel I i . Slevin [,esidence Addition Jim Slevin 8. Frank Rogers Residence - Lot 7, Block 2, Bighorn Sth Addition 9. Vail 2l - Trash Enclosure 10. Christy Sports - Exterior modifications Gore R vgrli REAL ESTATE P. O. Box 1528 -Vail, Colorado 81657 303/476-2482 Denver Line 623-7110 PBOPERTY MANAGEMENT P. O. Box 3639 Vail, Colorado 81657 303/476-1350 Denver Line 623-7110 t 64, {g c'l ttu q. .5 .t) 'j: +e ff ; L1 rl\ -+ t. ?< o) { -+- s I\ C 4 \s I ,'=l c=\_+r' \.4 € '^s'f r <xt a -+\A ,;'(! .J .\ ,6 \ '- !,-+ n.<;qre rJ -i\\Js II litirll rii;{ i lilfii r, o I s\ '\i \+j v] | L f 'h4u'/ffi ffi, ffi-ffi'ffi, o4:?24 p--f er-z "/ aJ '"'nl* d- tL*-<*-z.-L:' 2t ,' 21'7 +t/a.-i.Zt* '/;r j;- , fII b"t y' rbocarlr- q"N q I tu ,a(0 .$r ,,? _9s9a-gg6 7qa Jae^ -,,t z (va? - z/tJ vza ---(. /e-2 Orratzt/ 4i'Ir.iii4q 3'itrEd dnH;E;T?-3:6e=Fl H il E J FJ ; ; " g tr i;€EE F 5 i?5-xE5u $sgg-*4 :zf <<Y(l H B $ g H si H tss Y1 tr 6 ffius H ts Y H 6l L] E 'n -o< lLt : o-rzt 52f - joo d. d iErlr F<F u-cz E3.:* d. g< n 39 r! != o*o! g .F t- J TL L"J d, a1 + t)r7rH.: ii^d i*:.il;lOg8"53t;i iEi.= !,1i i,:.:= r:s . FFIE an Ell P-"tL' l,;*l(s S) $*rFlt&-.r (J L-- !rs F= nddtr E{Cltr EltE *o-;ot;uqJ vr 1 g' .*.t.'' i )'.' - .r-i'{' .'i' . :"-",1- ----J ; ar .'l I EXHIBIT ''A'I TO R.ECEIPT AND OPTION AGREEMENT BETWEEN VAIL 21 AND PURCHASER LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: SITE B A parcel of land lylng in Block 1, Lot 3, Vail/LionsHead, Flrst Fillng, a subdivision ln tl're Town of Vail, County of Eagle, CoLo- rado, described as: Commencing at a point at the East end of the most Southerly line of said Lot 3, thence N 4035'58" W 77.00 feetto che true polnt of beginning; thence continuing N 4035t58fr W 56.00 feerl rhence s 8s!24'o2n'w 50.00 feet; rhence N 4035r58'r t{ 67.27 feerl thence N 85024t02t1 E 59.00 feer; thence N 4035'58" w 30.00 feet; rhence N 85024toz',t E 70.18 feet to a point on the Eastline of said Lot 31 Ehence along sald East line, S 10o34t18" E 83.52 feet to a point of curvel thence 23,96 feet along the arc of a curve to the left whose radius is 59.82 feet and whose central angle is 22o56t57rtto tlre most Easterly corner of said Lot 3; thJnce s 85024r02rt w 22.50 feetl then"L s 4o:sr58rr E 47.5o feet; thence S 85024rO2r' w 72.50 feer to the true point of beginning, containing L51532. 11 square feet or 0.3566 acres more or less. Parcel 1 A parcel of land lying in Block 1, Lot 3, Vail/LionsHead, First Filing, a subdivision in the Town of VaiL, County of Eagle, Colo- rado, described as: Commencing at a point at^the East end of the most Southerly line of said Lot 3, thence N 4'35'58" W 77.O0 feet to the true point of beginningl thence continuing N 4035t58" I^I 56.00 feet; thence S 85024'02rr W 50.00 feetl chence s 4035r58'r E 56.00 feet; thence N 85o24tj2t' E 50.00 feet to the rrue point of beginning, containing 2,800.00 square feet or 0.0643 acres, moreor less. ParceL 2 A parcel of l-and lying in Bl-ock 1, Lot 3, VaiL/LionsHead, First Filing, a subdivision in the Town of Vail, County of Eagle, Colo- rado, described as: Commencing at a point at fhe EasL end of the most SoutheJly line of said Lot 3, thence N 4035'58" W 133.00 feet; thence s 85o24t02'r W 50.00 feec; ihence N 4035158r' W 33.27 feet ro the true point of_beginning; thence continuing N 4o35r58tr W 34.00 feet; thence S 85024'02t' w 61.50 feet; thence s 4035'58" E 34.00feet; thence N 85o24'02rr E 6f.50 feec to the true point of begin- nl-ng, containing 21091.00 square feet or 0.0480 acres more or 1ess. TOGETHER WITH a non-exclusive easement for the right of ingress and egress over Tract C as more specifically referred to in Para- graph 2.2.3 of the Protective Covenants of Vail/LionsHead, First Filing recorded on May 18, 1970, in Book 2L7 atPage 675 in the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. The Seller reserves the right to grant other non-exclusive easements over and across the said Tract C or to dedicate the said Tract Cor any part thereof to the public without the consent of the se- cond party or his successors in interest or assigns, all in Eagle County, Colorado. .,1 CtFcve *t4!4 --..-..- --'"--/ L rotsH eao .-..\.-----_-- '-t-. ';--r-*1_t---**- -t I s i\h,>{t Nfhrrl,\ ^\^\ )i t N: \..\t \) \, Q .] ssr i$t-0 $ \,' i{ t'. d\J {N 5 ()r ="3.: E6 'trl:aZ A *z aiuJ - o> <. ()g t6 a iNr( ((\!T\ Q\ i'i i, ' iiF|.-|- F o6c|(] \ il ;. \ \'4\' \ <\ ',';:;i;\booo ;;t:frooooo z \\ ; l\\tl('\ It r{ b\ ^'\( Fltr\tr ii\ 6z @ c)\ u or-J i . roqrJrlo:.D rJi!n L .!ofaolrt!F ri< - c -{e! e o.rN r{J:c!o x cr. :l, oraonctaolaJidicf sO!oz{{oll-. d>lLl 4 fq6r^a vp: ..dCi646u.or. 10 rrrio tit6. . a .tt ! '|q!.d68 q d o t6 s a lvr:at<1. o tr a t €.Jao o I t r a t.4, I C aJ u-dstao !oot,l a q rQE o/ a$q-ti I' I " it'? '.1.d s-aa|l o >ae l-l g - j'.." Ii 3:ta1..|.'|I ! o>oar. i 4uiotii(J a* C o O oYa! q t q.c ct, o baoEid.-r6 oo tad,.an I dAtI( xorJ::!Ll .6!-r!. !q o trt-dHvrN I H 6 ' ! FA -it&od't LO ! u C d.{o !J!l i3o!! rr o d: ! o,:<o(J o.{ oq e- o - !N a - l-r .l; ll g(oN o-l . !.31*;Sz"i*zt9{ \ \t\ rl\t s1\l S,r la $ (J t^ 1.. t-(j --?-{ \.) !'l !\ a \ it.\l fl l..tl !-\t 9e ^ "ll ii s:1.5 i ,,\:!€ t i \t .--il'il\.i16 !"\)Ji: r\itt ?' cr, gta loa i.lar,a |-a 3-lhoa!atc- os'a li. t- .g t cr o La. rD i, o 9E a oe E9 . zt ( ! on ot : 6 !o Pl e.!. ,{ <t \!!Ol q a, E|. HI +-o.a o Fl 6 t, F o Drla ot F!! \ \i \ 1...{NI\ "l ;\\ t\ ir$ \\ \\\,-\ iri f. ..' \ t\ .il\-\l \ n$l$t<l r\ ^l \\ ill N\|\l ln l\\l t'l 'n\l \'$ -' ''- oo'"' \ -(\) -'.J -F,te... ,.-----Y=- (\ \___)i1 \\ \\8\ ii\\ \\\\$ \\r\ \| \* |t \t\----- - r- tN\ I (,.e. aa a !o a 6a 4..3 a t).. A c*t:.o: o a o H dr ;z toi F < !.r ar 3N:Er.. /..J F(.) .i.d!,a \E (', ! c] \- o ! <o'.Aroco 6 s .4 cr z o E :J:. i: O ;'ii- E C tZ:.. r. do l. o .. c t g i .u o c-{E i c l!dgr6ze.a c t.i o . O !24 O.-.c.' c -€€q!N- er d o; 6of- c.o t io t 9\'. olc iro, . 6 .i> 5{ol* ozl.oaq ea(tt,J (, o - (rd.Jo7 a .. E C - .cl t-l eNo -l I adr/| o tr c : - o cl .J o: a!1 O ldra d a 6 o-ort 0 z eo 6I-rro. o 6o!., ia !o6 u!! J . ae r< o .4 c o c z ico o u..N d t c - E Cdul .]\ r{ o J': c, ! .ooFl 0- eu c|.'!i{ ru Fo.tt."c > (). ! ? rt O e.tz rN r o oz loee Fo doo ioo.6.ro\uoqore zoe . -!3- ooo >rr. o i -:6c- or.6Nc ! € 4{ j-l o |J Orrd t r, J o o N ..6d4-e.!!o@!>.rr :!,.- !rtt ,c r-6o n c ea)d . o o . c c -L.c6 0 ca,ez:ao d:t ! oco cr a, E> 6ig: o.i u .:or r: ! I.o@oiEx4 I 06 to.!, co ct 'J>'-..oa > }- o. .., c , ua: .)i o.ci .9 u e 6eJ eJ .N a raarte !q6- \oo .tO..1 orlHoo ,-r olzolN,<r6l o o . ozl; o aoh -l- o .: 4 rol c c-c k ar cJ .- o .c€rtoHl or!o r.=o6 c.l d d!|.! 6 (!s vt oHJ 4o6o aJ-Fd a,: a,,lil 3_ul < c e .c cr l5 <oL id!Jll.on c6 uar4l >i d dlar..av nt-o c ! !F6 r -ti cr'\ c c <l :: E ! u .. ! i te c ! {cl .i dijrc{-rc !l>e{uo, Jl !l dr@a47 ta ,:l'o..Jq uq. s\\ I 1 #it rlnl