HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 3 VAIL 21 CONDOS UNIT 100 SERIES REMODELS LEGAL/ai lllrins/a/ fi t,ir I Lat';, B/o'K ! rr 2^'l t glail 2t ( l/"';{K'wod'/s //C Sb*A TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 O$INER I,OZIER, I-,EJAH K, 909 15TH AVE E SE,JATTI-,8 wA 981_L2-3909 APPI,ICAI\M ROD HAIJIJ COMPA}IY DBA COIJORADO COMFORT 255 WYAIIDOT STREET DENVER . co 80223 Licenge: 150-M CONTRACTOR ROD HAT,I., COMPA}TY DBA COI-,ORADO COMFORT 255 ViIYA}TDOT STR,EET DENVBR co 40223 License: 150-M DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPME]''-'ll 'J.^-^-\ \^l\ \:l +1 tq NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PErMit #: MO6-0303 Job Address: 508 E LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: VANTAGE POINT 109 Applied . . : 1012312006 Parcel No...: 21010631m09 Issued . . : 1110212006 lrgal Description: [)L Expires . .: OSlOllz00T Proiect No i '-' Plan Check-- > Investigation- > Vr' l CdL**> $10. oo TOTAL FEES----------> s0.00 $3.00 Lo/23/2006 LO/23/2006 Phone: 303-777-77OO LO/23/2006 Phone: 303-777-77O0 Total Permit Fee-----> Payments------------> BALANCE DUE.-----_--> Ss3.00 Additional Fees--...-----> ($53.00) \)--*-\-i*Q'' n\ s0.00 $0.00 $0.00 rTCM: O51.OO BUIIJDING DEPARTTqENT 10/26/2006 cgunion Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI{ENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BI-,DG.): COMBUST]ONAIR rS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOhIN OF VAII, Cond: 23 (BL,DG.): BOIILER INSTAITIJATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTTTRER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BL,DG.): GAS APPIJIAI'ICES SHAL,L BE VENIED ACCORDfNG TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Desciption: VANTAGE POINT UNIT f109 INSTALL NAPOLEAN GD34NT GAS FIREPLACE INSERT Valuation: $2.000.00 FireDlace Inform4tion: Resficted:# of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 f of Wood Pellet: 0 Me.hanical---> 540.00 Resoarant Plan Review-->So. oo Total Calculated Fees-->$s3.00 Cond: 29 (BLDG. ) : ACCESS TO MECIIANICAIJ EQUIPMEIfI MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF IMC Al{D CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOII-,ERS SHALL BE MOTNTED ON FI-,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI-,E CONST. LISTED FOR MOIJI\ITING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BIjDG.): PERMIT,PIJANS AIID CODE AI.IAIYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO AI{ INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): BOIL,ER ROOMS SHAIJIJ BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FI-,OOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DTSPOSTNG OF rrfQUrD WASTE pER SECTTON l-004.5. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full ttre information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and ptot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. THE 2OO3 I'NLESS REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI.JR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM .4 OF OWNER OR CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF rr .t- l'*'l?froou ln"p""$:,T F"dyF",t n:Po'ting t"n" " Requestgd Insp.€c{ Date: [gnOay, December 11, 2006 InsoeGtion Aroa: CG Slte Address: 508 E LIONSHEAD CR VAIL VANTAGE POINT 109 Tvoe: B-MECH SubTvoe: AMFOccupair'ry: U'se: Status: ISSUED Insp Area: CG ITED TO,+0'- Reouested Inspectlon(s) lnspec{lon Hlstoru Item: 200 310 315 320 330 340 390 Reouested Time: 09:00 Alt' Phone: 303-777-7700 Entered By: DGOLDEN K Requested Time: 08:00 AM' Phone: 303-777-7700 Entered By: DGOLDEN K ** Approved * lD Action: CR CORRECTION REQUIRED 1'CLR BOTTOM AND SIDE.t'MAX lS 40. Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Run Id: 6084 . _ -{.!iAa.*. REPTl31 ,'1 lfilX#06 In"p""$:ll,F"dyF",! BpPo*ing e"g" zs Requested Inspect Date: llednesday November 15,2006 lnsoeclion Area: CG Site Address: 508 E LIONSHEAD CR VAIL VANTAGE POINT 109 Tvoe: B-MECH Occupahby: SubTgpe: AMF Status: ISSUED Inso Area: CG INSERT IT IS LIMITED TO 40'.#109 INSTALL ; VENT HEIGHT Requostod lnspection(s) Item: 200 MEGH-Rouoh Requestor: ROD HALL COMPANY . Commeq.ts: Wilf eafl 205J99-8840 for access, Vantage Point 109 Assiqned To: GDENCKLA- Action: Time Exo: Comment: TVENTRECIS-fl CLR BOTTOM ANIISIDE.- Roouested Time: 11:30 AM' Phone: 30+.777-7700 -or- 206-499- 8840 Entered By: DGOLDEN K lnspection Historv Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: 200 MECH-Rouoh 11/09/06- lnsoector: cCD Action: CR CORRECTION REQUIRED Comment: 1.VENT REQS 1' CLR BOTTOM AND SIDE. 2.VENT lS 41'8" MAX lS 40. 1'll'14106 Insoector: shahn Action: NO NOTIFIEDComment NOANSWERATUNITBUTHEARDBARKING DOG. PLEASE RESCHEDULE. 310 14 q 320 330 340 390 C o[ ( e-{7u- k6'/'t'-"J F eu" fuN| Tooe /uu+ i ;t ' Po^'' Lcc'r+-rrt--"t J- NrJ 0 L''7/'/ F"'/-'*' Action: NO NOTIFIED Action: AP APPROVED --- r rl( I \ ,, t>W 1V-<- r/o eir f r Comment: itotrlbl26,26l D.go.nd 410 |}TSERTS lNgTAuAt|Otrt WTOI A to l|hoo lt tlry Concagn: [trJg'tr Itlsndoh D.30 qnd D.{0 Finphce insrt| rily !. Ertr|ltDaflc Re|tlb Fbb lFrt numhi lU D|uttbob|rhaqrltb7, odrtrtt tld 6rnbtE00r norry5ft nrsimum il cc Drrrr &uoq llildob 8m,16 ntd Wertang Tlnhtruril BJte RerEirorPrirfrrtl dr*nm u d ldtetd g$ar out ol0p frbq ad, enrquctty, 7'd xHl r3ru3su-1 bhd ml I v.iltcC rrstt Sbm taEh qt t0 lbot lf ibrdob{2551Jr hlhilrd ril.4rbd b pru,uc e modrrum rsd forart*,lorE [il blEurtbG&6lhe Urvclrpad !ryd rprd of omlurbn * inb0tc llrrbor S|qdnit hr FT. IrlRTlC,At l/El{T SWTEM rnd cnhrlrar vlruC Orm diltdrllbr, Eitrl frlllT\ra'r.r rEtlurtl l| lr ilTIVIIITIL'\'IJ I =F lr**erh!.,tbre nnp&{,lf dH l.tuls:oI 900e oI ^oN APPI.ICATTO]I WILI. IIOT BE ACCEFTED IF IiICOMPI.ETE OR UNSTGNED Project #: dbu-ffiu3 Bulldlng Permlt #: lulodt.nkal Pernrit #: I 7 O - 47 9 -2138 (I nsPectbn s) 75 3. Frontegc Rd. Vall, Cdondo 8165t Permit wlll not be accepted without the following: Provldc Medranlcel Room Layout dnwn to rcale to lncludc:o Mechanlcel Room Dlmenslonss €omburdon Ah Ductslza and Locationa Combuetlon Ah Duct Slze and Locatlona Fluc, Vent lnd Cas Llnc Slzc and Locatlon o Heet lorc Calcs.o Equlpmant Cut/Spec Sheets a @fu,hrto1 'oog5? e,Ltonshud d& Legal Descdptlon I t-otr I gbcr: I rlltng:Subdlvlslon: dtrlrglW't -; rr.w thJFbr"" *3.-,6> Englneer:Address:Phonel n*"TP3yy :c/.so $irrts @&y^6c-L 144q,'4,4- fr'N5t zll'€Y + cSJt a,?Z 4o'ua{f--- -- WorkOassr New( ) Addltlon( ) Alteratlon( ) Repalr( ) OthE(X) Boller Loca6on: tnterc@fooes an EHU exlst tt ttrl..lo"otlont Y"t ( ) No ( f, Typeof Bldg: slnglehmlly( ) Duplex( ) uutu+amiiii-l-Cotm"rcr"( ) Restaunnt( ) ot! Q'--- =I No. of Accommodatlon Unlts in thls butldlnglNo. of Exlstlng Dwelllng Unlts In thls bulHlng: t.. r.rorrvee or rrreolaces Edstm: aas A.ppllances (. ,) cas boqs ( ! lf:d/:Eellegl I lf,@d: !uml? !l[= :: : ::::=: Nofftpe.of Flreplaces p Wood Burnlng (NoT ALtowED) COHpIETE VALUATION FOR IIIECHANIOAI PERMIT (labor I l'iaerUtsl CONTRACTOR I 1I FORITI ATIOI{ 3o3- 777-7?o **+* rl*r*r ar{**.rrrrr*r.*r*r il*r. I r.*r*FOR OFFICE USE glllY*r***+****ltr**tt***}l}*t*}*ll+*t**rt ?g'd b/ xuJ lSruSsH-'t dH HB6e:6 900e 6I ?cO O$ NTPLTE }CNEF3 OUALITY FIREPLACES GAS . DIRECT VENT MILLIVOLT SYSTEM -' : irnstolorl 'il AllD oPEBATI gN- lllsrRucrl ot{s FoR VEIIIED GA8 FIBEPLAGE NATUML GAs MoDEL GD3q[! BGDSSNR EbS+HT BGDS4NT PFoPANE GAs MooEL GD33PR BGD3SPR GD34PT BGDSAPT ctf,trFE! fi caluo^ $D ulfttD slrlEt tFl$ |rE / cll llEftlooi lollowed exactlY' afire or ffiRNlhtc-f the intormation Inthese instn explosion t.r.l"i! poline orffiurs and liquids in the vicinity of this or anY other aPPliance' wHAr ro Do lF You SMELL 9ASi--, .-. Do nottrv to light any apofan99, call your gas supplier . Do nottouch any afa'Ciicatswitch. i'tot a neig-hbgg/l phone' Follow . Do not uss any phone in your build lhe gas :tlqPli:l:J^"tctions'rns '''''vr -- - ' Hil'i#l:ifi:X):iT'?"X""" Installation and service must bo nerforme{,l15quallf,ed installer' seMce agency ,6;, ffi USTCD xuj l3ru3su-l dH l.lu6g:6 sooz 61 lco ni, 5 FIGIJRX, tr EICCIRICILINIEI tEFt Sr0E ELECTRICTI.It{.ET IEFTgDE "h FIGI'REIb Uce only Wolf Stol or Srt|plon Dura'Vent Modcl DV'GS vontin0 componcntr. Mlnimum and mlxlmum vent l€ngths' ior bo0r horEontsl and wrllcgl insElb0onr, and alr tenill- nrl locallonS ior lhaee lnslalladonr, are let oul ln tlrla manual and must be adhered to. For SlrnPeon Dun'Vent' follow the Installatbn proc€duro ptovld€d urlth the v€ntlng @rnponsnts. When uslng Wolf Sleel rrendng componenB. u8e only ep' pmrnd Wolf Stcel Lld. rlgld /.ffeldble \,€nt olflpononb wlth the fof lowing tcmlnatlon klts: WALLTERIIIII.|AL KIT GDaUL, or 1112TO7112 PITCH ROOF TERMINALKTT GD'll0' 8/12 TO 1ZI2 ROOF TERMINALKIT GDIII, FIAT ROOFTERP MIML KIT GDll2or PERIS@PE l(T GD201 (foruall pm' ebatlon bdow grade). wlth fle$ble venung. In conJunctlon wlth tra varlous t€mlnetonE, ule 6hh€I tho 5 footvont klt GD220 olthe 10 footvEnt kli GD330. Thcec rsnt klb allow hr clther horhontEl or vr.tcal venllng of the fin9lace. nhc mulmum allowtblc wt'y'al venl langah L 10 J..L Foropdmum fiamo sppearanoe and ft€phco pefomanco, k€ep thc v6nt lengfr and nsmber ol elbowg lo e mlnlmum' Th6 alt tormlnal mugl rsmaln unob8tructad at all tlmes. Eronrlne the elr lcrmlnal Et lsast once a yoar to verlfy that lt k unobsbuctcd and undamag€d. Horttonttl runt mty haw a 0 lnch rl* pcr hat ln all ceoco ualng l/lloll {lbcl or SlmPaon Dw*Vant dgld or flertbb vcnung oomponents whcn venfing. Fu optlnum pctfumcnce, lt lo re coattttottdod tttot huEontal ntnt h.vo e mlnlmum 74 lnch rlse pcr foot when utlng gtmpron Dun-Vmt or l*hlf Stp,cl rlqld wnl oomponantc and c mlnhnum I lrnh rlcc pcr bot tfitnn ualng l,tblf Ste'arl flotlblc wnt cot rPotPtlts. YUflg4ar /El0l.$.04 p'd xHl l3ruSsu'] dH Hg6e:6 900u 6I tco .6 Tunooetgtltbntbngthathatpacsthrat$hunlrabd ffi6l geh.ict' cnwt spacat) "qry y Yf-iina wiu mt iisutattm wrtwed ln. Pr?g.t otlYt tla'w to mHmlze condettatlon, Bevldc o ncem fq vbuelly chocklm tlE wttt aottll,co' Uott to the nrcpnco aftcr the frrcpleca It lntltlLd' ^ .bi ;rrlt.ttu tic tnttdc llncr to burph up on lnrbrtul * irtlcat runs end clbowa. Kccp lt pullcd tlght' A |'lE" alr gip batwscn tho I rr,r end ouhr llncr oll aroutd ls n' aulnd lts e @ertfion'ii"ini"tq, wnt pipo shlctd or eillo lnsudbn thlcld ggsErg4,g FIGI RE4.+ MINIMUM VENT LENGTH MUST BE IO' INCHES -T-- I 33' I I* FIGI REST-b whcn pe net,zrdttg lntobrEls49o? or dfroo TI-DE oF fiF UNI!c e t c aTCF oF rHElrila--t r c c ioTlol, oF ttlE Utl|r t t o t ToP o-; THE uNti t a (r a TOF of DrEvE!q!!!E_?f 1' rroei or nc v:xr PPe EdTTOI OF I}IE VENT FIPITilareooEEn.'-It 1t 12 17 \ claaranca lo combusllblee d 2" at thc wn'! Npe top GD83 & EGD93: Whan ventlng crlh.l ? GO88.or t Cgns, tac noruaatrun muttb k.Pl toa naxlmum i Zl tiro*t A OO]S mnt be lcPl b t mlnlmum of | 2 inct es aA e &GDltl nuct be kcpt to t nlnlmum of I in*cc. yyh.n bmtnttag wdctlty, tlrr wrtlott rlse lc i intnun se hclrc li o muhhvm 10 hctfrcm tlp Tiin ir tn anplacc f,w wilcl the mulnwt hotL tonul ,r"t, wlpn tatmlndlrg vailcaty' ls 7 bol warltdalrE ol$!a must be nptntalned for tfie tlrst 12" of venung' lhc ftnstop srric*lr ttl0l0-0012 supptled wlth the un? musl be usc'ct to Flantetn ?hls cleeraiie. Thareafler a 1" clearcnca to wnbusl)Hec may be mahtahed udng thc llredq sp€,cpr tfit0{..io{Ei6 for tb wih flax//!,le ventng q f,/tr,@ s,€,cpir WgOOOl36 for uee vlth ,tdd @nttng' For ctf. and proQr opotztlon of tltc flrwlaot Hbt' thc wnttng t tttnrc$on er.cu), iirtitoninnrtha mtnlmum or tlrc mtxlmum vcraott ii frva, "a" atr.tc dtfl?ct',lp ln bumcr tttrt+u nil or carbonlng.i t r.tii rTntt not tarmttpta dlnatly ebovc t tklogelh oi ogwd dAwway whlah b located botwcccn tuo tln' i6 f"mty **angc tnd tcwris both dttcllltya Led -cdas oF ngulctlmc mty tac,tlrE dlfr€nn'dttt''E t' tn ordcr to avetd tltc pocclbilit! of atPstd t'Bueao" or vtoour barrlzr comlng ln cott&,ot wlth t"cft?taac ooitv, tt f nconmnaad that thc weilt of thc lltqbcc-ci-tbure oc frntclnd' (te: dowallhlf'hock)' " tan wniannPnt,Vothcrqttttdc rwilof ttp"n 'lilt vll irglnrp tt* atiennoc b combwilbn h nu'nblnd wtthlntheo.YlU yyotl S/r'al .nd Slmpton ourt'yanl w"Ang qp'enu mwt not ba cotnblncd. iuraa dt oac ttnet tvlth tha glaas door of tha frnpleao qin, Asiun thata conllmtoua gat llow lt tI tht n'mtr bofon alodng tln dae id"; exhrr- tt rt @nfuatEaotg, ethn' ,,cu?rC nh| utae (&1 fl for ttto lbme b alabM dw ie"luan' JnTiZ- ionn b th. n lnln um bend rtdltn tfiowod for thc 7- diamobr flcxlHc lln* 7or wtlmum Parformencs, lt is tcc-ommcnN th't-- noaioibt ninc lpw t mlntmum 14 lnch rtaa par tul'iiiii iaibt pton Dun'wnt or tttbtf gbct rfiN vmt ;;;;-r";n ";d a mtntmum I Inch rlcs por foot vnn iiie Wdf Steat ltoxlb!. Ycnt com4t"ntt-Fili i-p-Eciiic vENrlNG PARAITETERS' REFER To PAGE8 9.14. I_t :) urr l{l@oLr l iJt{ g'd xur l3cdSsu-'l dH hlu6e :6 9002 6I lco