HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 3 VAIL 21 CONDOS UPTOWN GRILL LEGALozt =e, uJo- oO o o (:) t-{ o oo O oo 1r) o La) F- (t r.lJujl! =E UJL . ->t . /) nso" L, glt I h_7)7 LIIJIF J I ('zo = LUF F FI = zz oulFoz z J o 6 =z UJ U' i ot! tc futFT<F 6z.h< .r- (O!- to(5 (7) cx =oO cCl r-+)oO,o =o->4 O =z. UJ (J j-ocE*8.9 i H;:E F.e C?€! EeE;t e [g:55 :$# E *Erd iE:F$ =€ E;€ g* eFg EEEEg ci: o (,, c gl:;; ieiil oO <xi 5>< H F Ea t E OO rr)s oO c\.1 Fl -t orn ex6 FI Et6x t\ IJF c! ea, 6 n F =ul z J Y C)IIJ oz J 9 F() tll u.l 2 =J J = tu = ul uJ z tr uJ o UJ E. B _tu llJ zo lto F I uJo o- z UJJo x F llJatf a/,lu uJlt tr =E ITJ FoF zo = lo J a o uJ UJ z to d J Iz ut- J NOrlVntVA J 3 l! z tro-a tl IJJ J IJJz TIJ =>G:;6 'i uJ ,ee6: zz9oF^O :fE? 6 t, a9 =r6Zt! <(oqu,t t(CUFO .i qri x zo F f) LL o- o UJo- E o-utg, J z Eo zo F UJFJ 3 uJz tzlzO(,EUJ<o6< =tr:TE Hr!6o<z trz.. 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(r ol(rl(Jl Y o =lr-o z.IF o o J alJzu,(J )c {E >c;r$e€ : o oo ]t gl oz !F l^ t< l$ :l :I<lzlol <( tl H i!l ,El o Lu =F\JZ oF C) Fz o Iz T UJ = gF ;(J =E.6q ;Fel NC l^ 5l TJ ?IlJ >l lnxlt" -ll;lolFI:re<o(JF;c) =<s <F(rC) LIJ < t!F(iZ oo 4:l EI ; lll =to -9 :c .l)l ^li1 a>tlFtl oll J._i $ z 6F.la.l5l .. I HIzl o url .EI cl sl |rIol gl 9l o z.l ol sJl -rl<lil :l:l FI J<c)oo)UJ UJ--r O R os\Ji . 0,, &308 !u '- c o O- r+- p = .ttv q J b- tzr -l 4\, c xe ,'3 ooc6erLr- l^ L r-Jo€=3f{^g?+ r!! 0J clu-J =- (J ,(-)Eolrl_O3H E (J +J ct Lq- ^Z(F o r, .q).l< =L(4cLO 0J +r .r ..r -t +r O.t 3 i-J+J(rroQ A, Ls-rr- _J C\l -O C lr- u, an = olt at E;€F agf:s F-e R€5 FEH9fi: e: e! EE53& :i#FE.;-PF .c 9)-;-$ z 6 aJ) IJ ll_ ]J F x U'J UJ F z IJJ z o BllJ z lr.t Iraa Itst< |lt l=lo t:,zt9 I lkro I I I I I I I (n UJIL FI) U lo ,2. UJ zI r! o O = z J o IJJ tll r z o- F ut F J It,siz = NO|l'vn'lv^Fj F. (\J bt+, \a F ox oF F uJ ll.o oo I ulFoz =lul <i It \ I I ll-t-t> IU t!o t! F >< ld F L!"l rr., F O -J -Iu- lr.|lt', UJJo- q) o q, c,'0 f (, o (D q,-q= z <rS =<coO>z]Dd8 Fpci ."id>==.Eg ;;E KET .J' 5ae. = /(f}\)tt{*!/* ,l hff nTlliilly' community Deveropmenr Depanment ul/r/"^rtul ,fr % rutnl- Vt'uold"aleu vq,pD v/a,uC 'eftf% _v,w'l ,,.en"{ - /r*A W P& u/ I UY^.0 torw al IN(o cvc)o uJ Eoooazo |-L uJY IJJdl oF E cut tI-o(o >@o --- a'\ c!,-\ a.\l lor g u.t 2E D(r. 2 uJ D "1 t4t' .4 t4I'lotz ;= d) F J JJ d. == di =z dl -tI f, '-iUI ol z Lt.l =4 (o rf) (f) 5:<ii X co (n uJ o : LT I i =o =E aa UJroc = o E() L! =R z.ood.I c tr oz o UJE J IL z =t- o(GIsrtr) I(O lt Gr tr oz oul CE J ILoz39 (! d oz oul E. J a IL z 3 F tr oz citu = l! z3oF =E .] z. oulI <l>l ,.1 ol zl =lolF uJJ uJF E UJz =o Fo IJJ t- Io E, <F(lOuJ<z.tUJF(42o <oC)F FSfiF-zi] i-r IO E,2?;C) =#=Fd.6o ixYF7(Jz<+(rAFiz =g E. Ei\I,IJ E+tOz O <oqfr-7 z o9 =eDE2' =,2*dY7 J (5()ZF 3b53ql uJ F (E ulLt!o UJoz ahL E JF h= (L LlJ>(l-O|!9o\ LlJx(Lx>fiF -J tr uJ tooF co Ettoo Ett .E t E E 8 ;\o f-6>F =Er! =F.=rE E =E.lrl o-zIF() :)EFozoo !n 6 a oz t =t IJJ o- 16'l,e tllh De |luIF i I I I I I t_, tc) IE,o I IruJ .Ft<to I I I lo. IFt<e.l6z t=toZlo 3rE EiEmlE € E ='€'i EfEEg- o+ 9;6o-.:-t;ooE s€!e€ i e;;i tFEsE lei;E g; E"e csE;eioiE orc NOrrvntv^ I Itl- >Elt! =I!l==.D.lli J.r,E. 9q2^ =*= ;E =E=Bi H=ig E*dNO -rl<l zl zl .. >l rJl uJ uJzoL E UJ o- z E !D at UJ z z J o € oz zoN E z = zz IN "-Nl9J I'{l t{ N\\\ \\l'I $ $i3 U'l! UJt! L UJ F F l/.1 z qJ =UJ5u, z lu UJl!z tu llJ z : z tr r+ tf f (! - o =l! z tr Eo uJo frlz llJ = El" zo ^= (, oz cJ(J(Jo a\i E) z F- z lr. (!I .. z tr .Dz o z \tzf z = (L LIJ z E z tr =qlz Jtt gY F;o F C) E z C) z.rollJ = <oC)F*- c)Ff G <F 0a c)UJ< IJJ F(nZo C) uJ z I I I I I ,rl LA|rl CI 3 E "l q =l a!l - sci \)l -l>l >IFIol $ l,1 I.ll cl olujl :l>l u-l EI B 3 RU >I !l -d ;l $fflPl "lzl ctl UJI 5l :l :|o|FI I f, f,, UJ23 UJ.r F z tt tu U) lt Fo o u,z3 tl- tJ,, F z 6 E z. F = z (n UJ u- = ul(L \ N |8;€Fi =Or(/)::Oi ggE:E F.e x? €:;Es3gC.=C'FGIt-Jc:(J :EX33 Ifrr: i:'i=EF -9.!:!P'-EcS- E : E;'a1 EEFIg "-€ s!g €'e s 8.t et "=: *(g: O-E €*FgI EgTfi5;F;E-afEg€r- j::= -o;g;oo.-:-.c; 0) s, ts g*is€ 6i;o: E saEa *5FsE lE 3: .eEti"-= .,P F s.s 3 -6H'SE NOrlvn'tvA 0'lFF E.o t^g(Joc t!'- g OC-- O- (+- +JC5 A-.F .O = rrt v C ao l<.- g) O_l,r- v C X.- o,E.=OC.ECJLr (4 S-f ^ jaE qr LJ O.t o-O O+r EtlE (U Clr.rJ C - (J L)EOsa_O3H ts (J {J C5 Lq- .Z(F O r/t .(t) -:< =LrncLO g,J +-t '- OJp0J==.Jur'|foo 0J i- (!u- _J c\t -(f c lEaaF -r (\, UJ F x oF ts =(c ul 0- tl. I u, Foz 740 bgE66* FFA !DEI *fi8 EF$ trtrD F = LU t!o u, F :. lrl tt',:Z = x |JJ.' F LrJ lrj =F o -ri-rl ItJ.J Ivr! u., _J ct oo =, ot o |D G' q, lI \ I I \- v9 VACATION RESORTS Town of Vail Gary Murraine 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colo 81657 9 /23 /86 Dear Garyt Thia letter is to authorize JoeI Fritz, the owner of the UPTOWN GRILL, to make remodeling alterations to the interior of unit C-201 and C-202 of the vail-21 building' as long as the changes do not effect the structural integrity of the building. Sincerely, S. Wright Manager 610 West Lionshead Circle . Vail, Colorado 81657-5293 . (303) 476-1350 COt t_t FAE'7 F-@? *ttin athe/*?4-/,' 7HtP. T_-_---l_ ,o c, /ot 9EC7.O+ ,1-A &197 €tEVl.tON --I- ,l !at Cc, a7 turtr-r .to 406 ec Qe 1____L T------ r_t.i r F-;,,-]E UE/ic 501 r' *r 9,r'n s-CeP . .:ra :t. .,. -;t 6:0 ::::,6CEtd a -'!. u. , It -2 .:.' g t€: ---it---t -- =-C2?_--_l-- i-i,a-i - _ .-! , '. 1 Cini-Little International Consultants in Foodservice and l,odging 1880 S. Pierce St., Suite 16A, takewoo4 CO 80226-2143 USA Telephone: 303 /936-7 159 Facsimile: 303 /937 4733 Tetex: 89-8492 CLI USA TRANSMITTAL The lollowing: tr SEPIAS ;&PRINTS tr TRACINGS tr EQUIPMENT BROCHURES l[xsPEqFrcAfloNs tr SHOP OHAWINGS D being senl: TO:GARY }4URRA IN DATE:9/18/86 VA IL BU ILD ING DEPT. PROJECT:UPTOWN GR ILLE gr ur trs D- ENCLOSED FROM PRINTERS SEPARATELY by: D MAIL O COURIER tr EXPRESS XC( BY HAND D status/use: D APPROVED tr APPROVED AS NOTED tr REVISE & RESUBMIT tr INFO/RECORDS tr YOUR USE D COMMENT XqAPPROVAL tr DISTRIBUTION TO: PROJECT No.:DE5l33 DRAWING No.DESCRIPTION A-1 PLAN AND ELEVAT IONS REMARKS: PLEASE ADV ISE ME IF THERE IS AND FURTHER I NFORMAT ION THAT I MAY PROV ID F COPIES TO: 1. F ILE 3. 6/86.01-28 ERIC ROSENQUIST, PROJECT MANAGER rNs#crroN REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER O oor= \--\- i !i Joe Nnve READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER MON iTUES l WED THUR FRI AM LOCATION: ROJECT BU DI trl rl T.l Itri trl hr d FINAL LDI oo OU ilL FC FC FF RC ILDIN :ooT :OUN :RAM looF )LYWI NSUL G: IN DI IN PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB E FOOT FOUN FRAM ROOF PLYW INSUI. SHEE OTINGS UNDATI AMING OF&SF YWOOD ;ULATIC EETROC /J ON SHEE )D NA noN ocK TEEL / STE NG NAIL ER AILI FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT n F|NAL MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr -l PPBOVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: REOUEST VAIL t, SPECTIONTOWN OF : tl I NI (,1 CALLER ft ttre 'i t,lrtrn THUq FRI BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL D tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr B tr frNAL tr FINAL J'4PPROVED 3ORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED D BEINSPECTION REQUIHED INSPECTOR > YODER ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. P. O. Box 574O cALcuLArED"" L)-1 -,^*--flfu]@-AVON, COLORADO B 1620 cHEcKED a, -- - DATE -, , (303) 949-1191 H*J fretr,rt1 \l'Gk t a*q ll.5',r 2,ffi( = <Z.€AStr X (DDFFIr44F I c 3z684FFn rt\ tlYtzztUreuVEtr+ c )@ cp[rr +oobcfvvl nr Vy.t+rtxLre L7'4 Dor-r trE@orB.es 4@c*+n.{- tA-{prn fnrraitxr:r,rn, D,**l^e- D.6 t^.?F tc€pj-oss. 0,6 V- = Zz{fh,Er-. s 0,26 ,6 l,26'tvs? T-EoUE ZDBI6{D z- r{P DnUru 4wclyr Y-,n Y)6"F& = Z3l,w FrLlpz .llDr ,04-Db , t5 zrPj(,.{"ht ,15 E- .426U@Y4DE'+6 -;tr:: *Tea- dAVTEP{wrlLCHUcU"l = Z4or;yt$l txlttrlALl \.Jr:r'rr |]'dm {ts 0la7i I PERMIT N DATE READY FOR LOCATION: ROJECTE I MB II U I ROF INSP CTION: JOB NAME MON AM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOoD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ! neenoveo ;l CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR p OF PROJECT REQUEST VAIL oare t t/ ?:f { , JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMEING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEERu pLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr:-"tr '---- ^ ldFrli,d i4,^(2 | l-/ L) tr FTNAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIB Et tr q rfnL tr FINAL (ipnoveo RRECTIONS: tr OISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ^,.,>_- <. PERMIT NUMBER PROJECT DATE F INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL :\\ INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING -FTAAS PIPING - :-D POOL / H. TUBINSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING n tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR n/n FtNAt r'r FrNAr i I--- l ; l tr APPROVED CORBECTIONS: ' ,6 AdAPPRovED "--,--J- / I.,/ | ( -/ftiNSPEc.oN REeuTRED INSPECTOR INS CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER b-"n^*<) t t PE rues,,-weo)t rxun FRI\'---. DATE READY FOR LOCATION: PROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON fi,r-f PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER E FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING >l€AS PtPttlc -'l- tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL . l.f hppnovEo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ; CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR PERMIT UMBER OF PROJECT DATE rNsttoN REeuEsr ,., TOWI g\ OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES THUR ,'' FRIWED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooo NATLING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr trtr ij'Flr.rnr-, " '!.I" o,rFtNAL,- ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING o D D o ROUGH o o tr F EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIB FrNAL EINAL i--fI DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDPROVED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belo,v itens need to be complete before giving a permlt a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING ) CERTI FICATE OF OCC1JPANCY TEMP0RARY C of 0 Cini-Little International Consultants , in Foodservice and Lodging tf fiQ* f xryc$(x ft*tr 19& *a{qqsaf, ,xgqqrymin*X!{*ry x x xseFFbxdlmxg0[jflopFxdftfld( t0$(9sr$rc3xD6ftt( x*&s! EXD(X9AX x x x x TRANSMITTAL v"#z 535 r 6th STREET DENVER, C0 80202 893-5599 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DATE:9/18/86The following: O SEPIAS FXPRINTS O TRACINGS tr EQUIPMENT BROCHUBES p€PECTFTCAflONS O SHOP DRAWINGS D TO: SUSAN SCANLON TOI.JN OF VA I L PROJECT:UPTOWN GRILLE are being sent: RENCLOSEO O FROM PRINTERS D SEPAMTELY tr by: tr MAIL tr COURIER O EXPRESS peY HANo status/use: tr APPROVED tr APPROVED AS NOTEO O REVISE & BESUBMIT tr tNFO/RECOROS P(OUR USE D COMMENT p6PPROVAL O OISTRIBUTION TO: PROJECT No.:DE6l33 DRAWING No.DESCRIPTION Plan with elevations and no SPEC BOOK WITH NOTES. DETAILS AND E I NFORMAT I ON. REMARKS: PLEASE ADV ISE IF YOU NEED HoRE INFORMAT ION ON THIS PROJECT AND I I.IILL PROV IDE IT I/ITH ALL DELIBERATE A-1 From: SPEED.COPIES TO: 1.JOEL FRITZ 2. F I LE ROSENQU IST, PROJECT MANAGER I o TABLE OF CONTENTS SECT l0N I : EqU IPMENT L IST NEW EQU IPHENTS SPECS, SECT l0N 2: REFERENCE N0TES CONSTRUCTION DETAILS THE UPTOWN GR ILLEvAlL, c0L0RAD0 PREPARED BY: C I NI -LITTLE INTERNATIONAL 535 r 6th STREET SU trE 5ro DENVER, COLORADO 80202.(303) 893-s599 o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'l I I I I I I I I t I o IPT,IENT L IST vAlL, c0 F000sERVrcE Equ UPTOWN GR I LLE, EX IST I NG ITEMS TO REMA IN: Dishtables and Overshelves .r-'------4Mixer and (Stand )% Cooks tab I e I I I Pizza ovens Exhaust hood Stainless wall l'/ork tables (2) lce mach ine pane I ing l./alk- in Cooler 2 Compartment s ink S I i ce r l.l6crowave Bread wa Hand I av Underbar ..Up r i gh t NEW EqU IPMENT TO BE INSTALLED: Exhaust hood f ire p rotect i on system 0pen bu rne r range w/oven base G rooved 9r i ddle w/ stand Fryers (2) D ishnach i ne Reach- i n re f r i ge rato r rme r atory equipm en .? ,o i(of r eeze t I I I I t 1 8b. 8c. 8d. ll. 26. PRorEcT U fic. 7 I I rTErl i TEr't:EXHAUST HOOD F IRE PROTECT ION SYSTE},1 t QUAT'TITY:(l ) oNE I.IODEL t I,iFGR.:R-102, ANSUL GAS CUT-OFF VALVE, S/S P IP ING WHERE EXPOSED II iiitrifii;li; I I I I gliiilI!:, ;;'ff' DIRECT }IASTE INDIRECT }IASTE H.P. HOT WATER GPH CFII EXHAUST VOLTAGE 120 GAS PHASE I 8TU KILOI.IATT slllfl SUPPLY SITAI4 REruRil BOILER H.P. DUCT SIZE STAIIC PRESS I I CFI.I SUPPLY DUCT SIZE STATIC PRESS I SPECIAL CONDITIONS/ POWER FOR CONTROL CIRCUT ONLY l. I I I T I I I I I t I I I t I I t I ANS!.fL" Tolal Syslem The reslaurant fire suppression syslem shall be the pre-engineered, liquicl agent, cartridge.operat€d lype with a lix€d noz- zle agent dislribulion network. lt shall be lisled wilh Underwriters Laboratoriss. Inc. (UL). The systom shall be capable ot aulomatic deteclion and actualion with local or remote manual actuation. Ac- cessories shall be available fot mechanical or electrical gas line shut.otf apglications. The system shall have fire suppression capabilities for the following r€staurant hazard areas: ventilating structures In. cluding hoods, ducts, plenums, and filters; deep.Jat fryors; griddles and rangs tops; uprlght, natural charcoal, or chain- type broilers; 6leclric, lava rock, or gas. radiant char-broilers- A syslem owner's manual shall be available containing basic inlormation psrlaining to sygt€m operalion. A d€tail. €d tachnical manual shall b6 supplied in. cluding syslem descriplion, design, In. stallation, rechargs, and maintsnance procedures, plus accessory installation and r€set Inslructlons. The manutacturer shall provlde services through a network of authorized dislributors. Syslem Equipment Agont - The extinguishing agent shalt be a potassium carbonate, potassium acetale-based formulation d6signed for flame knockdown and securemgnl of greas+related fir6s. lt shall be available in plastic containers with instructions lor liquid agent handling and usaga. Tank and B.scket - The liquid agent storage tank shall be slainless sleel with a three gallon (11.4 L) capacity. The shell assembly shall meet the f ollowing pressurE test requirements: 100 psi (690 kPa) working prsssure, 300 psi (2069 kPa) lest pressuro, 600 psi (4137 kPa) minimum burst DressurO. The lank shall include an adaplor/tube assembly. The adaptor shall be chromium.plated steel with a 1/4.18 NPT f emaf e inlet and a 112-14 NPT male outlel. The pick.up tube shall be 304L stainless steel - 1/2 in. O.D. by .028 wall. A welded steel bracket shall b6 providod lor mounting lhe tank in a minlmum amount of spaco. Thg ag€nt tank shall b6 sscursd with hlngod brack€l bands, RESTAURANT FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS DATA SHEET Dbcharge Nozzleg - Each discharge nozzle shall be lesled and listed with the restaurant syslem for specilic applica- tions. Nozzle placement shall be det€r- mined by the sizo of the orifice in the nozzle tip. Tho nozzle tip shall be brass or chromium-plated brass, and stamped with the part number and f low raling. The nozzle tip retainer and body shall be chromium-olated brass. The nozzle strainer shall be brass wilh stainless 50 mesh screen. Each nozzle tip shall b€ covered by a prot€ctivs blow-ofl cap. Rogulalod Felelse Mechsnlsm - Th€ regulated reloase mechanism shall b6 the sprin g-load€d, mechanical/pneumatic type capable ot providing the expellant gas supply to ono or two ag€nl tanks, depending on the capacity of the nitrogen cartrldg€ usad. lt shall contain a tactory-installed r€gulator deadset at 100 psi (690 kPa) with an internal relief of ap- proximat€ly 130-150 psl (89S1034 kPa). In the "arm€d" posilion, tho main spring torce to lhe puncture pln piston shall be 150 lb. (68 k9). Th€ m€chanism shall hav€ a visual indicator ol the cocked or fired condition without having to open the enclosure. The regulated rolease mochanism shall have the following acluation capabililies: automaiic actualion by a fusible link detection system; remole manual actua- tion by a mechanical pull station; local manual actualion by a push butlon located at the front of the rolease mechanism enclosure. The regulat€d releas€ mechanism shall be housed in a chromium-plated 16 ga. sheet slesl enclosuro with cover. The enclosuro shall contain knock-ouls for 1/2 in. conduit. The cover shall contain openings for th6 push bulton and visual indicator. The regulated release mechanism shall be compalibl€ wlth mechanical gas line shut-off devices; or, when equipped wilh a f i€ld or lactory-installod solenoid and switch, it shall be compalible with elec- tric aas line or appliance shul-ofl devices. Fusible Unk Tempgrature Bating 280 'F (130'C) 360 'F (182 'C) 450'F(232'C) 500 'F (260 'q GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS MODEL R.102 Dolection System - The regulated r€lease mechanism shall be compalible with a fusible link dstection system. The fusible link shall be s€lected and in. stalled according to the operating temperature in tho venlilating system. The fusible links shall be rated as tollorvs: Use Where Operating Temperature Does Not Exceed 225'F (107 'C) 290 'F (143 "C) 360 "F (182 'C) 400'F (204 .C) Th€ fusibls link shall be supporled by a dotector brackeulinkage assembly. Ths detsctor brackel shall be 16 ga. colcl- rolled stainless stesl. The detector linkagp shall b€ 20 ga cold-rolled stainless sto€I. Th€ deteclor brack€Ulinkage assembly shall have provisions tor connecting l/2 in. rigid or EMT thin-wall condult, and 1/16 in. {1.6 mm} diameter ll€xible stainless sleel rops. Changes in the direction of the conduit and sleel roo€ shall b€ rccomplished wlth dle cast aluminum alloy, 90' pullsy elbows. Acccssory Equlpmcnl The folloring accessory €quipment shall be available, and shall be compaliblo wilh the liquid agent roslauranl fire sup- pression system: Remole llrnurl Pull Slellon - lf the release mechanism is nol accessible lor manual actuation, a remote manual pull station shall b€ provided as lhe primary means ol manual actuation. The Dull sta- tion shall be the glass break.rod type, and shdl be connected to the release mechanism trip lever by means of a U16 in. (1.6 mm) diam6tsr stainless sleel rope and 112 in. conduil. The pull station shall be located at a distance of not more than 125 ft. {38 m) trom the relsaso mochanisrn. The mounllng height ot the oull staiion shall b€ in accordance with th€ authority having jurisdiclion. Mech.nb.l Gas Lln. Shul.Ofl Valyo - A UL listed, mechanical gas valve shall be provided when automallc gas line shut- oft is required lor indoor applications. lt shall b€ adapted lo the releaee m€chanism cartridga receiver by means of a pn€n matic piston-typs air cylinder. The valve shall hay6 rosili€nt s6ating with an aluminum body and stainless steel inlernal parts. ll shall be a lwoway, normally-open valve requiring 4.15 lb. (1.8"6,8 kg) ot pull force to trlp. The valv€ (3/4 to 2 in.) shall have an extornal visual indicalor ot the closed or op6n position. Eloctric Gas Llns Shutotl Vllye - A UL listed, electric gas valve shall be provid- ed when an electrical m€ans of gas line shui-oft is requir€d lor indoor applica. tions. The gas valve shall Incorporate an electric anaD-action swllch and a manual reset relay with its €lectric circuit tor 110 VAC. 50/60 Hz or 24 VAC. 50/60 Hz. In 24 VAC applications, a transformsr with the appropriale vollage rating shall be pro- vided. The gas valve shall be constructed ot aluminum with an op€ratlng l€mperature range ol 32'F to 120 'F (0 'C to 49 'C). Eloctrlc Swltch - A UL llsted, electric snap-aclion swilch shall be orovided to shul ofl electrical pow6r lo applianc€s, or to aclivate glectrically-op€tatod devices. D€p€nding on th6 application, the switch shall bo eith€r singlepole, double-throw; doublepole, doubllthrow; or tour.pole, doubl+throw. Tho switch shall have a ratlng of 15 amps, 1/3 hp, .125 or 250 VAC wlth 1/2 amp al 125 VAC, or 1/4 amp at 250 VAC. A r€lay shall be supplied if the equipmenl load exceeds the rated capacity ot lhe switch. Pralsure Swllch - A UL llsled, pneumatically-operated switch shall ba provided to shul ofl eloclrical power lo appliances, or to activate eleclrically. oo6.aled devices. Th€ swiich shall be connected to lhe release mechanism car. tridge receiver utlllzing lE in. coppsr tubing and tittings. D€pendlng on the atr plication, ths sri,itch shell be singlepols, doublethrow or doublepole, ctouble throw. Ths switch shall hav€ a ratlng ol 20 amps - 125,250, or 480 VAC wlth 10 amp at 125 VAC "L", t hp.115 VAC, 2 hp.230 VAC; 1/2 amp at 125 VAC; or 1/4 amp at 250 VAC. A r6lay shall bo sup- pliod it tho equipment load €xceeds the rated capacily of the swltoh. ANSUL l! 9 r.Cllterod t6dsmad(. ANSUL FF€ PFOTEC'TION. MARINETTE, W 54143 Form No. F.8283 @ 1982 Wormald U,S.. Inc.Lltho in U.S.A. ) PR0JECT No OPEN BURNER RANGE w,/OVEN BASE ITEM N0. R h ITEI'1: QUAI'ITITY: MODEL & MFGR.: ACCESSORIES: (REMARKS OR ATTACHMENTS ) srANnaRn srltR RAcK, STANDARD 0VEN. INSTALLED ALTITUDE 8,200 fee t ms I . , cASTERS, NATURAL GAS. I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I UTI LITI ES/ SERVICES: COLD UATER HOT }'ATER DIRECT }IASTE INDIRECT TIASTE H()T UATER GPI{ CFI,I EXHAUST CFII.I SUPPLY 6AS 8IU S1EAII SUPPLY I +tt t 60M VOLTAGE PHASE KILOI.IATT H. P. AI4PS DUCT SIZE DUCT SIZE SIEA}I REIURI{ B()IUR H.P. STATIC PRESS STATIC PRESS SPECIAL CONDITIONS/ REQUIREMENTS: I SECTIONAL RANGE LINE lncreased make the range 19600 S ALAMmA SI. o P.0. $I 7lE0 . C0ilPr0fl, CA 90224 er3r 637-3737 o Frcm LA. (213) T14-7565 66" 117.6a c|n I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I 36' "COMMANl)ER'' STCTI()NAL RANGE APPNOT. xElGHr srP. wt. uiltvtRsAt MANlf0l0- l%' l.D. GAs PlPt EURtIER RAIIIIGS 0pen.Tot Eurncf 20.000 B.T.U. (each) Iry-ToI lurntr 30.000 8.I.U. ieach) llollop Burn!r 35,000 B.T.U. (each) 0ven Burner 40,000 8.T.U. (oach) All W0ll ranges arr conPletely essembled- ready for installation. 1. Range body is 30" high (36" high with sanitary ad. justable legs),36" wide and 38Ya" deep. 2. Oven is.2712" wide,2812" deep and 14tl2" high with a heavy.duly oven burner rated at 40,000 B.T.U. 3. Oven has a porcelain interior and removable oven rack guides with heavy'duty chrome-plated oven racks. Con' tinuou s-clean ing oven interior available. 4. Counter.ba lanced oven door of extra heavy construc. lion. Heavy duty. 5. Gas manifold is semi.floating type,7y4" 1.D., pre-drilled tor all top arrangements and combinatrons. Rear gas connectron available. 6. Oven thermostat, oven valve and safety valve installed in cool recessed panel in corner post-fully protected and easily accessible. 7. Stub back is slandard. Also available: Single or double- deck hi-shelf (with lift-ofl shelves) or back riser. Special open "tlo-thru " shelves available. 8. Range ol all.welded heavy-gauge steel frame con' struction. 9. Open top burners produce 20,000 B.T.U. per burner; two open top burners per 12" section. Fry-top burners produce 30,000 B.T.U. per burner; hot.top burners produce 35.000 B.T.U. per burner, one burner per 12" section. -_-..--..r 36" i 91.44 c|n -r- |%" ,i RISER tx"3!h' 15.6 c|t 20t/." 52.70 c|r i--27" - | .r5r. EACK ll S4j/.'. , ' 139.05 Crn ' 36" 24Va" 10. All air necessary for complete combustton enters from tront of unit. Flush-to.wall installation. 11. Top cover plates and front cover panels provide posi- tive seal between ranges in battery. Meets rigid sani. tation req u arements. 12. Unit eguipped with leveling bolts tor curb installation. Casters or conical steel legs also available. 13. Fry.tops of heavy-duty mirror steel, 3/4 " or I " thick, available in 12" to 72" widths. Leveling bolts in rear under plates. Thermostaiic controls available. 14. Hot.top is unitorm heat type, heavy cast iron alloy with cast.in tingers on the underide to provide rapid ab- sorotion and even distribution of heat. 15. Fry-top ranges have large-capacity, non-spilling, easy- to.remove grease cans mounted oulside in cool zon€. 16. Model F Commander Series linished in black baked enamel with SilverWolf baked enamel finish available on request at no extra charge. Model FS indicates stainless steel front and siub back. Single or double- deck hi-shelves or back riser, ends and back available in sta in less steel. f 7. A.G.A. certiiied; C.G.A. and National Sanitation Foun. dation a ooroved. NoTE: tN LINE wlTH lTs PoLlcY TO CONTINUALLY IMPROVE ITS PRoDUCT, woLF RANGE COMPANY RESERVSS THE RIGHT TO CHANGE MATERIALS AND SFECIFICATIONS I{ITHOUT I'IOT'CE. 3t. 00e0u otct cHAn.liolt Et 0lEr Here ls ar conven- ienl schemollc lay- oul for ose in lhe designing ol your Commander bal- I ery. fhe scole is t/n" = One Foot, l+ 3ry.. DEIP -i| .---'FlI J.;,f- | l r--,--:-1 Jrl i=lI I I r ^ T,5 PRESSURE REG ULATOR S UITAB LE F OR SATTERY OR SINGLE UNIT APPLTCATION MUST BE FURNISHED BY THE INSTALLER. 36" Range ?t,38%"30"650 lbs. 0ve n 21V2"2EV2"| 4Vz" I I %" MANIFOLDT$ 1--33r/e"i Lts c. i !a!0., t EvEuNG 801.T5tol <ura r{tl.uanol 6" ADJ. LEGS 6a/," ; COMMANDER SERIES ililIiffililffifiilil .Yl).'' q.( I L.,3lr" lrlrhrnt 0nc! irtbll.tio[ PR0JECT U GR00VED GR IDDLE w/STAND :iEr'l N0. 8c i -iEil: QUAI.ITITY: I'iODEL & 14FGR. : (1 ) oNE GG-36, W0LF RANGE C0. ACC5SSORiES: ( F.EMARKS OR ATTACHMENTS ) ITUDE 00 F E ET M S L STAND ON CASTERS P ROV IDE WI TH i.JOLF PROV IDE W ITH SCRAPER AND STEEL BRUSH. I I I I t I T I I I I I I I UT ILITIES/ SERVICES: COLD IIATER HOT }IATER DIRECT I.IASTE INDIRECT XASTE HOT I{ATER GPH CF}I EXHAUST CFT SUPPLY VOLTAGE PHASE KILOXATT H. P. AMPS DUCT SIZE DUCT SIZE 6A5 8TU 3/\" 9oM SIEII SUPPLY SIEIII RETURII 8OII.^ER H.P. STATIC PRESS STATIC PRESS SPECIAL CONDITIONs/ REQUIREMENTS: I I t_ I I REG. U.S. PATET{T ilo.3,842,726 I I I I I I t THERMOSTAT(h, E,'Ya-/ I \ \- GAI CONrROLLED ,,4- fn,I ri ld: tz\ S OPERATED C- WOLF Groovy Griddle . . . the newest, most versa- tile, easy-to-use, easy.to.clean griddle designed to: ceramic rocks for lat to drip'on,- WOLF Groovy Griddle greatly ,redu smoke at the source-and well within Thbim6ilaticaliy 19600 S AUMEDA SI. . P.0. dtr 760 o G0iln0il, CA 9@21 i':::r: I I I (2131637-3737 . FnntLl"n$7fi!5 I I WOLF THERMOSTATICALLY CONTROLLED GROOVED GRIDDLE l" thick plate Registered U. S, Patent No. 3 ,A42,7 26 F-- t7 -------------l . + TEMPERATURE GUIDE FOR HI.MED.LOW THERMOSTAT DIAL +---- OVERALL wtOTH (SEE CHART) Rlnnr F wrDTH rsEE CHART) - !1!t, I I I 2v'z" I ) I t I I t I t t I I i fooD Hamburgers Fra n kfurters Minute Steak-medium Glub Steak-inch thick, med. Ham Steaks Beel Tenderloin Liver F000 Fish Lobster Boiled Ham Corned Beef Patties Canadian Bacon Sausage Unks Sausage Patties STAND CATION tco 'FMARKINGS ON DIAL INDICATE HIGH .. ,.......450" MEDTUM . .... .... 400. LOW .._ .........350" MAXIMUM THERMOSTAT SETTING TO H|-STOP , . . . . .490. To Set Temperature, rotate dial countE .cloclwEe, GROOVED GRIDDLE AND COMBINATIONS TEMPERATURE GUIDE c0xln0L sETllIs 400.-450" 325" 400"-450. 400'.450. 375" 4@.-450" 375" cot{IR0tsEtllIc 375. 4q)" 375" 350" 350. 350. 350' SPECIFI 1. Llnit shall be 13" high. . . with 4" adjustable legs. , . overalf degth 3lr/2" . .. cooking depth 24" ; . . available in 24" .36' .48' and 60' widths. 2. Grcovy Griddles are available in combinations with 2.oi, 4 ooer ioD burners. : :--"'-'-' ir '.; ,. . 3. Groovy Griddle shall be equipped with heavy.duty."H" type burners. One burner per .12" section. Each bumer . shall be rated at 30,0O0 B.T.U."-'l'?. ;,:..: : ..--:.,: .j.!.1>: , aa4. The heavy.duty open top burners shall be rated at: s" W.C. - Xilirrat CadTitF ,. rur lll ur. Gls Coltr i I':,+::- itAq r.er,r 8AS C0l r. 3 { 7, MODET ]t0. 0vtRAt-L wt 0Tlr OVERALL D€ PITI c00Ktx6 DTPIH MAX. B.T.U. APPNOT. SHIPPITIG WE IGIIT aPtn0x. sxIPPtIc WEIG}IT 31"60,oo0 280 lbs.65 lbs. GG-Zr[-2-OB ; 36"?l "24"100,000 335 lbs.85 lbs. 31"24"90,o00 415 lbs.85 lbs. GG.3G2-OB 48"31"24"130,000 530 lbs.105 lbs. GG.48 48"3t"2{',120.o00 550 lbs.125 lbs. GG-€-2-OB 31"24"160,000 630 lbs.125 lbs. GG.60 31"24"150,OOO 700 lbs.125 lbs. GG-50-2-OB 72"31"l90,oo0 770 rbs.145 lbs. Stoai, -.r .t .?aS When OrderinO. I I o PRoJEcr U FRYERS ITE|.I N0. 8d iTEt't: QUAI'ITITY: IIIDIL & HFGR.: I F-VTF-lt2-SI BATTERY HOUNTED. NATURAL GAS ALTITUDE 8,200 FEET HSLta.asqqnDIFc. (P.EMARKS OR AiTACHMENTS )cASTERS, REAR GAS C0NNECT t0N. I I t I I I I I I I t UT ILITIES/ SERVICES: COLD I,,IATER HOT }IATER DIRECT ].'AS1E INDIRECT I.JASTE HOT I'IATER GPH CF',I EXHAUST .CFI4 SUPPLY VOLTAGE PHASE KILOI.IATT H. P. AMPS DUCT SIZE DUCT SIZE 6AS 8TU S1EIII SUPPLY I +" 24OH (tota t ) STEAII RETIJRII BOILER H.P. STATTC PRESS STATIC PRESS SPECIAL CONDITIONS/ REQUIREMENTS: I I I SECTIONAL RANGE LINE ALL NEW... HIGH PERFORMANCE... HIGH PROU.JSNON 18" WIDE. ..42-48 tb. CAPACITY 120,OOO B.T.U.8d A M E R f cA's M osr EFFI cr E NT FRvER? r r, lllr,,?eh tlary \) t I I t I I t t I I I I I I I I t F (ot) ts.tttl Fry filato ;'.,8'i: ! .--: '- sDEC rF'3r -.CNS ON OTHER StDE 19600 & AIAMEOA ST. . P.0.8017$0 . COilPIOti. Cl90224 'l",m (2131 637-373;1 . Fmm fJl. (2131TlS7565 i:*oEp-rm----1ir.ttrrrr r_r r- 5-,^{ "----__-_J ,i+I-r-:ir-----r " 20gt-5 PAN ,:- -=--'------'-"11 l,':-=='..'------1 3d Atl aJe 6. 4. J. I I I I I I I I I T I t I I I I I ?I F (ot) FS.FM try.llalc 2a- stElEtollt?tEtotl F (or) FS-WTF-4Z {or} 424 o,,.- ____-___)r,r."*C0ttlMAN1ltR MNGE MATCI{ lli.Per f ryer ilodel No. F.WTF42 {or) 42.S (or) ihdel ilo. fSWTt42 (or) 42.5 42.S indical!s Stainhss Steel lank Cooking Height ... .. . . .30"' 36" with sanitary edjustatts legs 0vcrallwirlth ..........18" overafforpth ........38Y4" Fat Capacity .. . . . .42.48 lbs. Nlnber 0t Eurn s ...............4 Total 8.T.U.-4.8-4. Ccrtif ied r20,000 B.T.u. Approl. Ship. Wt. .......... 200lbs. 1. The Commander Hi.Per Fryer unit is 18" wide, 381a" deep and has a working height of30". (36" height with sanitary adiustable legs.) 2. Burners are noiselesstype. Four burners at 30,000 B.T.U. produce 120,000 B,T.U. Positive main burner ignition with new lighter burner. F (or) FS-WTF-42-S with stainless steel backrisers and legs. Tank has a 42-48lb. lat capacity and is made entirely of stainless steel with continuous welded construclion. lt carries a full five year guarantee. F (or) FS-WTF-42 tank has a 42-48 lb. fat capacity and is constructed ol cold-rolled steel. It carrieg-a one year guarantee. Tanks have an extra large slope surge shelf in front. . . prevents lat overflow. Easily accessible lever handle drainvalve is located at the front of tank. Gas manifold ly4' l.D. Rear gas connection available at slight add itional cost. --r I *--t-----"-:l 35%- dimensions of the W0lF tM or filSS Fryrmtc th! same as the llf0lF Hi-Per Fryar rlom alsva. Fryer equipped with hi-limit control . . . Wolf -O. Matic 1000/ salety. . . and heavy-duty A.G.A.. approved thermostat. 7 . Heavy - gauge chrome- plated wire mesh baskets.Lift-off basket hanger backsplash for easy c lea n ing. 8. Fryer is of all.welded heavy-gauge steel frame con- struction. 9. Model F Commander Series linished in black enamel with SilverWolf baked enamel finish avail- able on request at no extra charge. Model FS indicales stainless steel frontand stub back. Back riser., ends and back available in Stainless Sleel. (Optional extra.) 10. Unit is A.G.A. (American Gas Association) cer- tified; C.G.A. (Canadian Gas Association) and N.S.F. (National Sa n itation Foundation) approved. 2a\:.' I 30. cllaR.tt0tLtl i ),, il47h' I 74tn" stu! tact( Ii *ffi[ '9,?i:[i:tf l+ 3!%'!El? -l ryglqr !ry. qryE wlTH lTs PoLtCy TO coNttNuALLy tMpRovs tls pRooUCT, woLF RANG€coMpANy RESERVES rHE RTGHT To cxaNGE MAtERtALS AHo spetrncnloxS wrrxoui r:ciiibE Here ls o Gonven. lcn| schemollc loy- o,t] Jot use ln lfro deslgalag ol yovt Commander ba]- tery. lhe scole lt l/t" = one Foo]. {.,lotau D:cl0tII ) A GAS P8E$SURE REGULATOR IS INCOFPORATEO IN THIS UIITI.. .I . llalural Gas - 6" W.C. PfoDane Ga3 - 10" W.C, snecit" l.n- .r rtF- i"r r- .--a.ina. COMMANDER SERIES ffi.YIF .-lU+ Drinted in U,S I PROJECT N ITEM N0.'I 1 H IGH TEHP, D ISHMACH INEITEI.I: QUANTITY: IIODEL & MFGR.: (l ) oNE JAC KSON c0RNER H0DEL, EX IST tNG D lSHl'1ACH INE T0 BE REI'I0VED,ACCESSORIES: ( REMARKS OR ATTACHMENTS )NEW MACH INE TO BE INSTALLED IN EX IST ING D ISHTABLES CONDENSATE HOOD TO BE INSTALLED I I I I I I I I I I I I t UTILITIES/ SERVICES: COLD bIATER HOT I.IATER DIRECT I.'ASTE INDIRECT I,'ASTE HOT XATER GPH CFI.I EXHAUST .CFM SUPPLY 3/4" lltt voLTAcE 2 0 8 PHASE KILO}IATT H. P. AMPS DUCT SIZE DUCT SIZE 3 (VERtFY) cAs 8TU 1\ .5 I STEAII SUPPLY STEAI.I RFruRil 100 BOILER H.P. STATIC PRESS STATIC PRESS INSTALLER TO VERIFY POWER AVAILIBILITY PRIOR TO 40 SPECIAL CONDITIONS/ REQUIREMENTS: ORDER I NG/ I NSTALLAT I ON OF I4AC H I NE . I I I I- I t I I I I I I I I The new Jackson 150 features an improved can-tilever arm assembly and a new burit.m trr-element rlnse water heater for added reliabilrty and ease ofservlce. Pius, Jackson's exclusve counrer-rotatrngr heacis for a powerful spray let wash and rrnse pailern, The 6O-second wash,/rrnse/sanrtEe cycle ls totally automatlc. That's 1,425 dshes per hour!For added use! convenlence, the Jackson lS0 feaiures a topmounted control panel with remotepower unlt, low profile lndlcator hghts, water-reststant rocker type swltches and a cietergent equipment con- nectron. The Jackson 150 ts everythrngr you would ex-pect from a company thai has been manufacfurrng gualrty warewashing systems for over 55 years. The Jackson 150 rs hsted by NSF, UL and is backed rvlth a full l2-month warranty, parts and iabor, and anatronwrde servlce network. 150 ct 1425 1425 9J 60 t2 3 t88 I l' Sarecifications Series 150 M cri€l Ore:atrn: Cacacrtv Racks per hour (NSF Rated) Dichoc nar hnrrr Giasses per hour Oce::i:n: Cyc,e Wash TrmeSec. Rrnse Trme-Sec. Totai Cycle-Sec. Wash Tank Capacrty Galions Rrnse Tank Capaoty Gallons Wa::. Pu;:p 3aca:.'. Ce. pe: mr:: The:::;omerers Wash-oF Rrnse-oF Waler Retrulre::'te::: (NSF Rateb) Inlet Temperature-oF Gal. per hour Flow Pressure PSI Flow GPM Inlet IPS urarn-tlJ5 Drn=ns::is Length Wrdth Herght Standard Table Helghl Maxrmum Clearance for Dshes :.rcks Dtsh: 20' x 20' G.iass & Silver. 20' x 20' - :.:::::'i:l \\:e:g:: basrc models-lbs. f.,:::;:ai ia:l:'l: Wash Pump Motor Horsepower Rr:rse Punp Motor Horsepower Eiefinc Wash KW Electrrc Heat Rrnse KW t I I T I I ('l t , a | /^ | ?A a.rr.t:. | .-\ -t /Fl^ ,i i c L.*t-9,1 F-l -. I Aiii"^UJ A Drvrsrcn oi ALCO Foodservrce Equlpment Company Jm9 [. Boug:rim'ilka.\lt. Tampr. H. JJ6l-/ (8t])9-1.6262 i40-t60 18G195 140 997 20 96 I Vz' 57', 34' l5' I I 400 I N/A 1.5 13l-, I t1l(rl'1t SIDE VIEW I TOP VIEW I I I I I I I orr the Joclsson'B5OB. ThC2 snlsrute c3errse Meet the new Jaclaon 1508, the rvarewasherwith all the features of a born leader. n Energy efficient rinse waler heater reduces enerry costs by 15%. 2 Llnique counter- rotating wash arms provide a powerful spray pattern to insure clean dishes. 3 Fa$ rycles handle 1,425 dishes per hour. You'll handle turns fa$er and save money with less dish inventory. 4 Srmphfied top-mounted controls improve employee efficiency. 5 Listed by NSF, UL. And like everyJaclson qvstem, the Model 1508 offers the reliability that has madeJackon the number one choice of thousands of foodservice operators nationwide. For more information, contactJackon Products Co. at P.0. Box 927 5, Tampa, FIa. 33574; or call (813) 971-6262, I I t I I I ]' I Jad$odlltm A Division of ALCO Foodservice Equipment Company. I PRoJEcr ru5: GLASS DOOR REACH I N REFR IGERATOR (t ) oNE 5025 HG, DELFIELDGR. : I QUAT,ITITY: HODEL & MF II iiitrifiiiii; I I I I !liil;I!:' :::';fi- VOLTAGE 120 6A5 PHASE 1 8IU DIRECT I.IASTE STEAI{ SUPPLY Il'tDIREcr ltAsTE ,_ H.p. 1 / 4 sTEAl RFruRil HoT I{ATER 6pH _ At'tps 6.5 B0ItfR H.p. CFI.,I EXHAUST . CFI4 SUPPLY STATIC PRESS STATIC PRESS I I DUCT SIZE DUCT SIZE I spEcrAL coNDrTroNs/ REQUIREMENTS: I t t I I I T 'NYALUE eldDelfi I t I I I T t I I 32t/t" DEEP 0ilLY Self-Contained Glass Door Reach-ln Refrigerator 6025 HG,6051 HG,6076 HG Self<ontained reach-in refrigerstot to have hinged glass front door(s). Doors to be constructed of 5/8-in. rempered thirm-opane gtrss, fratitid with exrud€d aluminum. Doors to be pmvided with magnetic Askets,self*losing hinges and heater wires. Unil interior liner to be constructed of one-piece ABS material with molded shelf suppora!. Unit to be completely inadeted with e minimum of 2 irL highdensity foened-in plece polyurethene" Lighted int€rior with on/off switch. Unit to bc provided with (3) phstirol€rtcd rhelves per door section. Unit to msintrin 38o - 42o P. l, I I I I I I t I I Unit er(terior to be conrtrucled of 2+guge gdvanired metrl. Unit extcrior sides rnd brck to be constrncfed of 2Grnure rluminum. Top houcing, fiont snd sides to be errcloced in 21-giuge stainles rteel. Fronl to be vented. Evapontor coil in imuhted housing to be top mounte4 es well as condensing uDit Nnd hot ga6 condensrte 6,rporator. Refrigerrnt to be contmlbd by c4iurry tube. Ulrlt to be ret on &ln-high stlinlear ccd hgr, and to be compl.tely whed with cord .nd plu!.I PROJECT ITEM NO. DATE r-ro'-l[-lttil lt-tl il. tlu\ tltl\\ |J|J -2s"4 I I I I t 6051 HG r-51,'_---J DIMENSIONAL DATA 6076 HG 76" 32.1t 4" -'-)-2s"- l-25"--+-25"-fzs"--.] PLAN and ELEVATION 114" - 1' Moldod rholt $pportr prolrudr 1" aach DOOR OPENING OI MENSIONS ' 32'114 - lt2 GLASS DOOR REFRIGERATOR MODEL DESCRIPTION STORAGE cu. FT. SHELVES so.FT. NO. SHELVES SH IP wT. 6025 HG 6051 HG 6076 HG One S€ction, h inged door Two Sections, hinged doors Three Sections, hinged doors 23.6 5r.4 75.O 15.1 33.2 48.3 J 6 9 332 520 710 I I T I I I T I I I I I I I MECHANICAL DATA MoDEL I H.p. I AMps I vor-rs | ruer'm eluc I ona. "e" 002s HG I rl4 | 8.5 | 115v-60elph | 5-15P | 11' 60sl HG | 112 | 14.5 | 115v-60c-1ph | $20P | 19" 6076 HG | 311 | 12.O | 208-230/115v Systor|}'6oc-1ph | 2(' Nots: 3 door unii must ba hsrd wi.ad.F-- 3-OOOR UNrr - I t<__ 2_DOOF UN|T ____-_-rl | | |<-'-Doo8.-}1 |r---r-- L---- I I J IJL--- EI DUE TO A C'TTII{UOUS PROGRAM OF Pf,OOUC' IMPAOVEMEI{T. DELFIELD N€SERV€S THE FIGHT TO MAX€ CH Condenring unat wrred to junction bor 76"rbovr tioor. Junclion box lo ha1| on/ofi iwirch rnd 96" loot .o.d.od plug rnlchad. 8a.l ot co||lganm|nt 00en t0 arr! c0r0, ANGES IN DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS UIITHOUT PRIOR I\IOTtC€. Be value conscious.. . Buy Delt ield ! IDelfieldlru^m A Division of ALCO Foodservice Equipment Company P.O, 8ox 470 .Mr. Pl..$nt, Michigan 48858. 15171 773.7981 Eorr 6000 HG DISTRIBUTED BY: @1983, Th€ O€ l,erd Coftoo.Y sEcTt0N 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1,REPLACE EXISTING CEILING PANELS, USE VINYL CLAD PANELS IN KITCHEN. I 2, REIVIOVE I,IAINSC0TING AND CORK, SALVAGE WAINSC0TING T0 BE REL0CATED, - 3, RELOCATE EXISTING EXIT STAIR TO LOCATION SHOt,lN. I 4, FAT*?Hil op!ftilrtfiBd{go*rr, figfXiffn wAItlscoTINc T0 BE usED HERE, I 5. ADD NEl.l CANVAS 'VESTIBULE" 6. ADD CAFE DOORS AS SHOl,lN, I 7, INsTALL NEt,t H00D FIRE pRoTEcTIoN sysTEm As REouIRED, I 8, EOUIPf'IENT LINE AS F0LL0WS:I A. EXISTING PIZZA OVENB. OPEN BURNER RANGE w/OVEN BASEt c, GR00VED CRIDDLEI D, Tl,lO FRYERS I 9, INSTALL NE}{ IvIAKE-UP AIR SYSTET'I AS REOUIRED.t 10. INSTALL NEl{ coNDENSATE H00D ovER DISHMAcHINE As REouIRED, I 11, NEl,l HIGH TEtvlp. DISHI'IAcHINE, 12. PATCH/REPAIR FLOOR AND BASE IN KITCHEN AS REOUIRED. I 13. PAICH/REPAIR WALL AS REOUIRED, INSTALL FULL HEIGHT ,GLASBORD, AS SHO}'IN. I 14. REf'rovE EXISTING BAcK BAR, INSTALL NEt.t BAcK BAR As pER DETAILS, I 15. REPAIR BAR DYE AS REoUIRED, I 16. IN$IAL=L. FLOOR IIOUNTED GREASE TRAP AS REQUIRED, SEE MECHANICAL DRAI{I NGS . I 17, NEU. PaRTITIoN, 2 x FRAIITNG llrTH 5/8' Gypsum BoARD BoTH srDES, PA I NTED. I 18, NEt,t eLANTERS By otlNER 19, NEU DRY ST0RAGE AND ENTRYz 3'-0" X 6'-8" FLUSH SOLID CORE D00R l,lITH CLOSURE, CYLINDER LOCK AND KEY. PAINT DOOR.I I I I 20, STAND-UP DRYBAR PER DETAIL, I I o I I I . 2I. TRACK LIGHTS AS SHO|/iN, I 22, NEr{ sERVIcE sTATr'N pER DETATL. I 23, NEl.| PENDANT LI6HT FIXTURE,I 24, NEH I{ALL SCONCES. I 25, NEl.l PARTITION PER DETAILI 26, SINGLE DOOR REACH-IN REFRIGTRATOR, GLASS FRONT. I I I t I I I I I I I o g+asdad tq-i,rc\.t vr-1| d,r,p-it e\1. o 5h'4,,U anrool '/ r,et-'lasb,J,'{oll h+. reloale exishl ovrrl,el( Itry- e/._ 7 Ha,).-lrr.ul eill , veUeJ onslnA:ta It\x& + E3 as.. otr $-=*s- I e/e s";le'l A;t/- olurn se{n>tr I I oo e4slay qlw.l nutlta,s' ' ,-?d,* insiJe "[ {*t Jri+;"t bl*L -.',--.-\<l.r.,,\ o' *;ol lw Lihkt, /h^il ' )oo, q.Ln-I it A"l-u @I o F-i[--!s t I I I I J \\'\ -fie ES $s t I I r)t' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I oa lftJo-lalrex-r))I ltl*| -l> J' n lli^t /+'7\'*J '7l*t )rinL ral 0,tb) * wi,A* of b,,. 7 /o" = l'- o" f70 bntL* * ecnlzr wlltor+ es rag'ol t I l- I T I I I I Jr T I t I I I I +LL rLM-Ltuy. fuE-ut'l Rr-r-F 'qeD FEIL u106, sEqer, A4.KvN/rruRAL za't{l ffi N10 ?,Encrltgt' nIa ?tAE Company, Inc. Denver Cnlorado 80203 30 3/8 3 r-4 r6 7 I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I er LNN x s.o 'F G LT\N F\t-Itl $Z $a\ G E+x1 o = ts =g ulc e{ oo (n $N tn llJ uJ lJ- ==E u.J \ \\\\N\ @ o\ F\ F{ ct)H p. z .? !! () l!!r- oz J uJ o otoF. EPaaz =o zz v)lu|- z z = to .6 2_zr1 rLJ IJJ.h = rz 9-' o |,, Otr EUJ6z.-B Evf l,uFI<F2 r't9.2o< Ff F1H& \oz.iB(.| ti'<HFrO<5Et> F z Fl -a- o c o - (o .Y', E H€:E EEHEE EfES;€€€a \/ffi E#F" a!g:€ f EigE igEgs(o0'-:--c= o (D tr gEi;; gEiEI rn N @ tn .d"(.l rn(\fi s rn\o "l e.l r$EI 14xE E$ g F = uJ z ! x() UJ z Jc -() E ut tr z =J J Iz IJJ = X cn CN t!ulu-zo u,g.ouJ oc oo =ul uJEz 6uj Fo llJ o- z tllJ x F uJo zHg apr (n utIul! tr = IIJo- J FoF ozo! o J 9e.F ul ut oz ao = Jo () z llJ = Fl H H NO[Vn'lVA fr:t (J cn z HtsH z t! 6 x 3t! z tr c() uJ J UJ2 uJ =>oa --(Y'3u.$ =.o6l zzo9Is ?EP O t/, o 6s|r<o*x-o-8 .i<ri z E f l! r'i (L :l UJ(L F. .if o.l E u4x)t J 2 E z tr IJ,JFJ =UJz trzlzOa;r!<oo< =u2|rRtrUci<z aLz .. 9z 'iF do3trOI u,l fJJ aa UJzY i zI J laz oo 3 a JI<l-l al zl .. >lo uJo uJtuzot E u.J J z E o aa CN z tra Jct o) B F UJ IL .ft- rc) coc)o /)/"1 ,6 t) * .{,/t' AIt //1 ,7ay llJF s)oo-zo r0. uJY uJo o|- F P6 ltlodl > -rlrLl 8Hl tHlgurbkzo ts =E lrJo-zIF()f E, 6zoo ; eg t ol z.l OIullEl JI al>l l!lol zl 3lolFI I I I I I ctlzl stlS =lur*1.{- Jt I<lot>l\rqlo ol 2l;lolFI zH FqEt r-] F4t{EI zH Hz -llmt I3l I.,l I>t Irrrl Iit Isl ?l El $l F{l -Jl(l)l <lrql >lBl |!llol EI fl E uJ =z E -) t-\N F-<\ I c FrH Fo \olr](n N a = NHH h z a a 4 FJ F: u,J z U) E]zH& =tr oNj !n I\o F.+ l_lzl'i Iol N I il: IE]I fil sl EI HI El 3l 1il f,Fl oFo Fz.oo Eooz, t- =f1ZrJ- o z T ul = Eh+: b2 E <FGO IJJ <zG,urF..1 Zo z.-oze coo =zJO O- lJ- ifi(,o= =ridd= tr!tr t LU l!o:l!E>E<ctf606eE9t,L :d =>E::{FE E=o dtrE x*E 65!! i r.uE XO_t x>I q- o-itttr ul (D oF II -|Elftn.X'tJ U) rUu- =5 IU -t F F o 3 UJ UJ z ll' IU E -o o- f t tlj ! =rlj o- I = zz Mi!gl ti1 tYI r4 d-e; o u,lFoz zo* oz t\q, E ot{, o F UJz = u, F z F o .9 Rct 90, ?i o, oo F.\|o.9 .EE>q f t/ YC' =51O tC:rl' ;o-Et)oiolol =f E6/a' Q tctlql tcl ET ft rlr0I.;\ E\ atl c)(Jc c c 3 -o it-r -v :(ll to !i.=( '"1'otl I!l alr' a;':(!! (!I o tr rc ra ,c 3 E ':. .E: >.: o.()- o,c)e:; Gl .: c) l(9 r|l'-c :0,..- (! i6rt,'c ; (!, = =,c( o( (! (l o Err;t .x:o'clT>.! J() (E o) f .t!l L! (J o =: _ryouvn'lv .. >lL! o uJtuz (t, F =ul J zoF o o uJ tr, F 3 F t- F Jltnz () I 4 n F I (t- s\ o.z\ol E(: Hr ai zFlUJ\ E >E -rinfw;3 r< lo. l* l o :l z E f : z :< z owg Er \lV/r-.t l-s Ilotzt-- ^,JJ IJ- J ,l q.< ()lz 3 fil xJ ol5 d]dJMJ F() u, tsTo G -tO<F uJ<zEUJF.n Z. o n -IFF- -9e I s6ll 6;0 il ;5 ti - 5 =s I e< ilP5E-l- *E ll * =E'< I hi z ll o z-8il=8ll 8 z,.o =zf,fJOrl u- f-l -] -rI.-J LJ L-J J .^x-5YY; ^;S ouE t.l tss><E!J !DG =bES tt2'>c^<S*BE-e: tJ o ;= F-F rc :- L:=> ;=l EIEdi.'lEjp bl! - I utl:*F *l3Hq *l Q<= "1 tr -uJl-oIq *Fr F E lrt o-zo l-()f, Fazo CJ Err - r' J.'t ,1,'.r) ,, 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 department ol publlc works/transportafl on TO: FROM: DATE: RE: rn sumurary, ordinance No. 6 states that lt is unlawful for any person tolltEer, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or material, includingtrash dumpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any stree!,sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion. thereof. The right-of-wayon all Town of Vail streets and roads 1s approxinaEely 5 fc. off pavemenE.This ordinance wlll- be strlctly enforced by the Town of vail public worksDepartment. Persons found violating thls ordinance will be given 24-hourItritten noLice to renove said material. rn the event the person so notifieddoes not comply \^rith the noEice wlthin Ehe 24-hour tlme sp-ci.fled, thePublic works Department will remove said maEerial at the "*p"tr"" of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be apllicable toconstructlon, malntenance or repai.r projects of any street or al1ey or anyutillties in the rlght-of-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in fu1L, please stop by the Town of vail Building Departurenc to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperaEion in this matter. Read and Acknowledged by: DaEe :ili VAIL1989 MEMOMNDI]M ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH THE TOI{N OF VAIL TOI,IN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT MARCH 16, 1988 ORDINANCE NO. 5 AD To bq/'le er€ne?dEr iE. 143 c. rr\efur d. surtc Dio c'csloocb Shcppir€ ccntct \oil. cobocb 81657 3o3/4762170 Town of Vail Building Department 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 LETTER Dare August 29, i 988 suolect UPtown GriII ExPansion Structural Review T Please reply No reply necessary This is to confirm that I have reviewed the drawing issued on 3-8-88 for the Uptown Grill Expansion. I have found all- of the structural notes in order. The 6t 12* 3,/8 steel tube being used for the new header can be reduced to a 6*6*1,/4 steel tube and still meet the 1ocal code requirements. Please give me a call i-f you have any questions regarding this matter. Wg. ffi},'.'}'. e; Ttt/othy t't\._B)yle, e ! \ September 28, 1988 To llhom It I'lay Concern: This letter is to verify that the Vai'l 2'l Condominium Association has approved the expansion of the Uptown Gril'l as presented to the Town of Vai I . Sincerely, f,*-4r^.t n. O Richard N. Brown Pres i dent Vail 2l Condominium Association PROPERTY VAiI 2]. BUiIdiNg, LII PROJECT Uptown Grill expans $ 8250 w,/o interest Tota1 Parking Fee In installnents after date, for pay to the order of the To!'m ofthe Finance Director, Municipal vail, cororado, &+'14 ] , Less value received, I promise toVail at the office of Building at Vail, Colorado, Eiqht Thousand, Two Hundred Fiftv-------------------Dollars Total Parking Fee ,t Down Palment I rsso.oo lJ- tDltlss I ten percent per installments as unpaid balance, of $ 2082.11 due and payabre on M.-]-I1 S 2082.11- due and payabJ.e on0l-f '!t0 g 2082.1-1 due and payable on0<j331 with interest ofpayable in yearly First installment incl By: annum on the follows: Second installment of Third installnent of Fourth installment of $ 2q92,11 due and payable on It is agreed that if this note is not paid when due or declared due hereunder, the principal and accrued interest thereon shall draw interest at the rate of l-8 percent per annum, and that failure to make any payment of principal or interest when due or any default under any encumbrance or agreement securing this note shall cause the whole note to become due at once, or the interest to be counted as principal, at the option of the holder of the note. The makers and endorsers hereof severally waive presentment for payment, protest, notice on nonpayment and of protest, and agree to any extension of time of payment ts before, at, or after naturity, and ifthis note or erest thereon is not paid when due, or suit is b r a9E all reasonable costs of collection, attorneyts fees. JoeI tZ,Gr ll, VaiI 2J" Building By: Date I U{tom Grill Anortization Schedule of Loan Palments on Parking Fee PAI}IEIIT DTD PAYUENT I PRINCIPAL IT{TEREST TOTAI., PRINCIPAL PAYUENT OUTSTANDITfG L0/03/88 t0/03/89 L0/03/90 L0/03/9t L0/03/92 1550.00 1422.tt 1554.32 1720,75 1892.82 650.00 5L'l ,79 361. 35 189,28 1550.00 2082.11 2082.11 2082.Lr 2082.10 8250.00 6600.00 517?.89 3613.5? 1892.82 0.00 1 2 3 4 8250.00 1728.43 99?8.43 Property:PROJECT 330r4 Gi\l$ T}sDTota1 Parkincr FeeX.E wLQt',I In installments after date,order of the Town of VaiI atBuilding at Vail, Colorado, with interest of ten percent peryearly installrnents as followl: The first instal_lnent of $ the second installrnent of S the third installrnent of $ the fourth installnent of g vail ,Colorado,,19 I annum on the unpaid balance, payable .t-n due and payable on due and payable on due and payable on due and payable on for value received, f prornise to pay to thethe office of the Finance oirectbrl Municipal DolIars, Down Payment rt is aqreed that if this note is not paid when due or declared duehereunder, the principal and accruea iiterest thereon shall- d.raw interestat the rate of t?_p:::"lt per annum, and. that failure to make any-paynentof principal or interest when due or any default under any incumbrance oragreement securing' this note shall cause the whole note to becone due atonce' or the interest to be counted as principal , at the option of theholder of the note. The makers and end6rsers-hereof .".r"rilly waivepresentment for payment, protest, notice on nonpayment and of protest, andagree to any extension of time of. payment and p--.Li"r p"yr..i"^-l.ior., .t,or after rnaturity, and if this note or intere=-t th"r"o; i" ;;i p"ii ,ir"r,due, or suit is b5gusht, agtree to pay arr reasonable costs of colrer:1-ionincluding reasonabLe attorieyrs fees. bv: :L Date ,\\61s$\ O PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oere\- \ j-x\- JoB NAME rNstcnoNTOWN OF REOUEST VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER tNSPECToN: ail'6N-ll rues.\ .-i. :- - \,,- :'i' 'r ''' , \ .: . :, L.-) ' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER4FRA{ tps MING ROOF & SHEER GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION *;Heernocx POOL i H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELE trT trF trC tr CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR N FINAL tr FINAL a'a #rnoueo O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED RECTIONS: INSPECTOR 3 s-',t Y rNsIlcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL --+--,tlii.t/t:,/', / / WED THUR ( FRI )\\--'-l' PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr n Fr,*o,- ( Va tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: N HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT n O SUPPLY AIR tr a tffinr tr FINAL fippnoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ,.rtsA,Oo-!-W, O MEMORANDt'l/I Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development DepartmentAugust L0, 1987 Work Session on the Proposal to Enclose the UptownGrillrs Deck,VaiL 2L Building, LionsheadApplicants: Susan and Joel Fritz The applicants are requesting a work session to discuss aproposal to encLose a dining deck at the Uptown crillRestaurant that was previously approved in April of 1980 by thePlanning conmission (please see the attached. L98o pEc memo andninutes). The applicants are requesting that they not berequired to return to the planning Cornmission for review ofthis request as it is substantiarly the same as the originalapproved expansion. The work session has been organized to laddress the guestion of whether or not the applicint should be lrequired to return the pranning comrnission for a formal review lof the reguest through the Urban design Guide plan reviewlDrocess - TO: FROM: DATE: RE: rn L98O the Planni square feet for the Co The proposal wasPlan Process as approved by theexpansions lrereVariances were ewed a r smar Ltd:' and 760 square feet fo o2 658 ref e also voted ih',*' 9flurqnt nog the Uptowq sionvolved the enclosure of the deck and a new outdoor dininr-nvorvec|' tne enclosure of the deck and a new outdoor diningspace located on a retail expansion berow the restaurant in tnestairwell going down to Colorado Insight. (please see theattached l-980 South Elevation. ) not reviewed through the Urban Design Guidethe Urban Design Guide plan was not official-ly Town Council. For this reason, the threereviewed under the variance criteria.reguired for setbacks, density control , -sE,att reconmended approval u-nanimously to approve the 5ions. Theof the request. request. The owners of the uptown crirt would rike to "r,"ro=q-ihquarefeet of the deck in order to create enclosed dining sW.'agreen- house type structure is proposed for the encrosure.operable windows will also be used on the south elevation ofthe facade. The proposar does not include the retail "*pun-ionor the patio area on top of the retail addition. w The applicants would also maintain an outdoor dining space inthe plaza to the south of the deck enclosure. VaiI 21 ownsthis plaza area. The applicants will be presenting aConditional Use Permit to the planning Cornrnission on August24th for the outdoor dining space. STAFF COMMENTS The staff opinion is that the request should not be reguired. togo back to the Planning Conrmission. Originally, the proposat was reviewed through the variance process. Once an approvalhas been given for a variance there is no tine limit on thatapproval . In addition, the staff agrees with the rnemo that waswritten in April of l-980 that states that the courtyard to the and cre a better scale. Even though thening deck above the retail space is not part of thisproposal , an outdoor dining area witl still_ be maintained inthe plaza area. In general, the staff believes that theproposal meets the intent of our existing Urban Design Reviewprocess and also rnaintains outdoor dining space in the plazawhich is important to creating an inviting pedestrian ambiancein Lionshead. VIe feel that the proposal should not bethe Planning Commission for review butthe Desiqn Review Board to ensure thataaoreffir is contingent required to return to should be reviewed by alJ- design details are upon the following 0?g 0&iit'kro'=' ,.The outdoor dining area in the plaza should becontinued each year. This reguirernent nay be amended if the building ohrners decide toproceed with the other two areas of thecomrnercial expansion in the original approvalof April L98O. This approval allowed for a newoutdoor dining deck on top of the retail spaceproposed in front of the southeast corner ofthe Uptown Gril1. The applicants will be required to pay into the Town of Vail Parking Fund. The restaurantaddition will reguire three parking spaces at $3,000.00 per space. This parking fee may bepaid over a 5 year time frarne. z-'\\gil The,applicant presents the proposal to Design Review Board for their approval. qo;/..2/ MEMOMNDUM Planning and Environmental Commission COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 4-l I -80 PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCES FOR SETBACKS, DENSITY CONTROL, COVERAGE, AND PARKING TO PERMIT COI'O4ERCIAL EXPANSION OF THE VAIL 2I BUILDING THAT iS IN CONFORMANCE i^IITH THE VAIL LIONSHEAD URBAN DESIGN PLAN. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: STATISTICS: APPLICANT: Char'les Rosenouist and Dick Brown ZON ING:Cormercial Core II PROP0SAL: Three Commercial Expansion Areas containing 2,443 square'feet The Applicants are proposing three areas of expansion to the Vai'l 2'l Building that requ'iare several variances at th'is time. All the proposed expansions are in conformance with the Vail LionsHead Urban Desjgn Plan that has been approved by the Planning and Environmenta'l Commission and Town Council. The proposed zoning ordinance changes for Commercial Core Ii that was in your packet'l ast week would permit the connercial expansion proposed without going through a variance procedure. Under the Zoning Ordinance changes the applicant would be required to go through a process to show how the proposed expansions meet the Vail L'ionshead Urban Design Guide Plan and Architectural Guidelines. The applicant is going before the Planning and Environmental Commiss'ion at this time so that construction can start in the spring and not be delayed to the summer or fall. The three cormercia'l expansion areas are a .|,025 square foot expansion to the ski shop, a 658 square foot expansion to Krismar LTD., and a 760 square foot expansion'in the area of the Place restaurant. Al 1 the proposed expansions woul d be'l ocated on private property and not extend into Town of Vail property. The expansion areas proposed by the applicant were shown on the Vail Lionshead Urban Design Plan for severa'l reasons. The two areas along the eas+. wall of the building were shown to first improve the visual entrance of the Vail Lionshead Mall and show v'isitors to this area that it is an active commercjal and pedestrian area. Second, to extend the conrnercial space beyond the dominating buiidings and develop a pedestrian scale for this area. There is a greater opportunityfor window shopping, added life, and v'itality in Vail Lionshead. The court yard by The Place restaurant is currently an uninvit'ing place forpedestrians. There is no draw of commercial activ'i ty, landscaping, etc. to bring people into this court yard. Proposed is commercial expansion that wi'l 'l provide more visibility to now vacant storage space. In addition, there w'i1l be the opportunity for outdoor eatjng in the sun pocket in the north east corner of the court yard. The Planning and Environmenta'l Commission shal'l make the fo1lowing findings before granting a variance: w .--oer'"PEC Msno Vail 21--Page Two That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of spcial privilege inconsistent with the 'limitations on other properties classjfied 'in the same district; 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimenta1to the public health, safety, or welfare, or material 1y injurious to propert'ies or improvemtns in the vicinity; 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the fo'l lowing rea son s : a. The strict or literal interpretation. and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficultyor unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title, b. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions appf icable to the sjte of the variance that do not app'ly generally to other properties in the same zone, c. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement ofthe specif ied regulat'ion r^rould deprive the appl icant ofprivileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. (oro. g ('1973) paragraph 19.600.) RECOMMENDATION: The.Communjty Development Departnent recommends approval of the variances requested. The Staff considers that there is no grant of spec'ia1 priviiege since the Vail Lionshead Urban Design Gu'ide Plan and proposed ordinance changeswill permit this type of commercial expansion. The staff recommends that theapplicant be required to pay the fee established by the Town Counci'|. Thisparking fee is currently under review by Council. Attached is the memorandum discussing the parking fee. The applicant should also be required to participate in.mall improvements. The percentage of Town partic'ipation and private partiiipation and private participation in mall improvements has not been formerly establishei. The applicant would like to see ma11 improvements take place on the east sidewith the commercial expansions. In the court yeard on ihe ivest side is private property and should be inproved by the applicant with the conrnercial expansion. Another condition shoudl be that the applicant agrees not to remonstrate againstthe special improvement district if formed for mal'l improvements in Vail Lionshead, and agree to join the district. \ \ -\ ftPlanning and Environmental Conrnission Minutes of Meeting of 4-.|4-80 Page One e L'a;/-al Menbers Present Ed Drager Jim l.4organ .lohn Perkin s Sandy Mil1s Gerry l,lhite Town Counci'l Person present ' Jbhn Donovan Staff Present Dick Ryan Peter Patten Jim Rubin Chuck Donley Before the Public Hearing there was a Discussion of the county proposal of the Westwood Subdivision. Dick Ryan gave the bacl<ground on this item. 8as_ica'l ]y they are com'ing to the Tourn and going to the county to see whatwould be acceptab'le density there. They wou'ld-like to see how nnny unitswould be allowed there by the Town. The S'ite is 47.7 acres. John Kidneigh made his presentation. They would like to build 45 units,a combination of Primary/secondary Duplexes and single Fami]y residencei. The staff feels the density shoulcl be about the same as al'lowed on theSelby property. 2'l Units were allowed on 43 acres. They have app'lied for RSM zoning in the county but the county hasn,t said how many un_its tlrey would al'low there. Internrountain Enginelring has saidthere are 21 buildable acres. Dick hyan askect the Board their feeiings on this. Ed Drager said he feels it should be zoned resource because he doesn,tfee] it is bui'ldable I and. Jim Morgan said he thinks 19-20 units is appropriate. It should be comparableto the Selby land. '.FlFlq tPEC Minutes--4/14/80 Page Two Gerry lJhite asked if John Kidneigh feels they He said he fee'ls they can bui1d 40 units. John Perkins said he fee'ts they would have to there. John Perkins said he doesn't think we can just pu'| 1 a density figure from the air. He said there are a lot of problems with this1and. He can't see where they have spent $30,000 on engineering of this road system. John Kidneigh said he his five iifferent plans foi the roads. John Perkins said he would like to see them. Sandy Mi'l1s said she thinks the Planning Commission shou'ld send a letter to the Forest Service,'BLM, or whomever to let them know how unhappy we are with these trade parcels which are not developab'le. She thinks the road system should not be private roads but should be bui'lt to Vail standards so they could be plowed and fire trucks can get in there. can build 45 units on this land. prove to him how 40 units fit l.)roval of Develo nt Plan for Panorama Condcminiums Phase'l vlslon rl and c once tua aDDrova I o De'le TY an Tor ocatedthe on ot lJu 0nsrl uDor v s'l on r I nq No.tr Peter Patten said that Jay Peterson representing the developer has asked that th'is item be postponed until May 12, .l980. John Perkjns made a motion to postpone the above until May 12' 1980. Jim Morgan seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. 2,) lUfliq__Llggrinj_and cons'ideration cf variances for setbacksr dens=ity' conT-r lalT2l-Bullninq fhat fs 'in conformaffi Dick Ryan explained thjs 'item and the Staff recommendation. The Staff is recominending approval of these variances with the conditions that the owners pay the required parking fee, be required to participate in ruall improvemenls, be required to pay in any ma11 improvement district that is established and improve the court yard rvhich is on private land as per the Staff memo of 4-ll-80. Gerry White said he feels maybe they should make a site trip there. Ed Drager made a motion that the Pianning and Environmental Conmission recommend that tie zoning.on this parcel be left R6source. S9!ay Mills seconded the mot'ion. Ed Drager, SanOy Nitls, and Gerry White voted for this motion. John Perkins and Jim Moigan voted aga'inst. Both John and Jjm felt units should be illowed on this parcel 5ut the dev61 oper would have to prove how many units can be built on'it- PUBLIC HEARING .!FT PEC Minutes--4fi4/ft Page Three e Duane P'iper, the architect, made his presentation. He said the expansion wi'|1 go into the setback but not on Town Right-of-Way. Duane Piper said they will pay the parking fee as required. Jim Rubin and Dick Ryan explained that if the Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan and 0rdinances were already approved, these variances would not be necessary but is necessary now.- Sandy Mills made a motion to grant these variances for setbacks, density contro'l , coverage, and parking to permit Commercjal Expansion of the Vai'l 2t Building that is in conformance with the Vail Lionshead Urban Desing Guide P'lan as per the Staff memo of 4-l'l-80. Ed Drager seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. 3.) 9ollinued Pub'lic Hearinq on Vai'l Vi'llaqe Urban Desing Guide Plan and 0rdinances for Commerc'ial Core I and II. The Board continued to discuss this plan w'ith Jeff Winston of Gage Dav'is and Associates and the Staff. The Board and Staff had wa1ked through theVillage during the work session and had some suggestions for changes they wou'l d like to see incorporated. Ed Draqer made a motion to continue this discussion until April 2.|, .|980 at l:00*P.M. Item 4 ( the approval of the minutes) was not discussed. The meeting was adjourned at 5:07 P.M. -tF.l 1! tc a( Project Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Project Application Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board / :,0 /o DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Off icial t r'at-l -.s(-sx NN LIOI]SIIEAO CENIER BUILOING m \ !t :*, vt s\ *.s.x\ i { s\} P \- X\) \\ \ls\ i IL__--- I I I tiril L -\___rr:s---7rs/r\/ \u ,.x,il. |.,.\ \\S |* N .*N )P N IF I It I,I.--L '- | l' IE \ \\ s\ s Nt\\\ b d IttE l;,litill\l .jl il 't il II l , It I.l'I I. ..1 I h,t 'I,. il ll ri ll 4 # \i uti.{:ql si $lul .ql-l\ai\lui i \tll\ | s.l\;\lr\l\l ,i, Iv ^l'l.r i\l ,rl ..\t -l<i\l\l Frl $l-)I\1\l\i *ii'- I\l>1\l \l,i e \J .,\r!\t| ; i. -* \\1$ .r(\. N I tRlg o r.l -g-'1- TN|qilI rEu No/-t-gAa1a -y=1lr,l ,i2//9 v/p/ :..\rrLaaJ, V 6-4q-qtxa .z-zt44,tfet 3l €c d $s t; t; li t; t; li rl It.-q. ll ll ll rl li - 11 It' rl rl 1l ;l li il iii li. o 'ao,i+''"*.n,tr 2 r>rlt\./ \, 0qr.. - . o I I I I'-- 1.l \l'.ti. \' +- ru tl rlrl --4I t=7ll-0l! FI il Nlrl NI IHol -\\l =l : ! .il1tr I Iyt qd $Er* s\;l- I -, .,t. .. _ 6 -, f p-I)v 5. r-I- ,-)P-ftlLOT4?^(E fi--l- i* itt i !L"t t)r$r1-sj \r \j:JI o@(f ? Eg \ilrD EG ^, \l : I L__ N )_ *$ -t-dJi !-}' '.-'\f ,\i-- -- -J 4 )\t -]$ -= U .o\t {. Fl-{ -J \il .3 J a(.) € o Date of Oate of L3 e7Appl ication PEC Meetin APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT I' This procedure is required for any project required to obtain a conditionaluse. permit. The application wi'll not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT tTgTITTdiJ €4LL ADDRESS EOY =5IA NAME OF ADDRESS APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE PHONE NAME 0F OWNER(s) (print or type) ol.lNER(S) : :STGNATURE(S) ADDRESS PHONE D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: ADDRESS LOT Z BL0cL_l__FrLrNGLEGAL-1S> E. .FEE $'t 00 THE FEE MU5T ACCEPT YOUR s F. A list of the names. INCLUDING PROPERTY THE APPLICANT l,lILL II. PRE-APPLICATION CLAUSE _BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT PROPOSAL. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILL ^glJl,ng... of at't property EEHIND-AND ACROSS SrNErrS, BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECi adjacent to the subject proDerty and their mailing addresies. OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. A PRE-APPLICATION COII$5T95.1,IITI1_4 PLANNING-STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0 DETERMINE IF ANY.ADDITI0NAI ir'rronrlniioru ls rlrrorii.'-uii ebpurclrr0N tlrLLBE AccEprED uNLEss rI^r:..agryifEiE ir',iij'si'nciuoE-nli-irEi'is iilqurnm By THE zoNrNG fl?T,i'+ifi]!Fl.rotl,o13 [ll^lllilllili,$erq*'rBLriv io-i{,cri nN_App0rNTMENT . .fiu uu.r ,iuuut Auuiii0iiAL SLjBMiTIAL REQUIR!.MENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A C9TI\TIE APPLICATION |,,ILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESSFoR YouR PRoJEcr evTEeRmsllte iHi'nuprtiER oF coNDiiioi,ii oF nppRovAL THAr rHE [,tf1-#fil.ulfi,Yift|S ,nr cor'roiiroiiS ciF'iFi;noirni"iruii'iit,i'irolrED r^rrTH BEF6RE A OVER o I ,.J -l I rI. \:.'i;i:#iH.uii-'u#;";*;;il:"";:$;:3u"i3**"] .. al:,y" compitible with ottrer properties in the vicinity.B. A site plan.showing proposed development of the site, ilclqdingn toPography, buildiig-foiaiions,_p.=k+r.,.*_ traffic circulationpE::i*:":pen space, - I andsc-fl a' "i.u ; :-drft "ti i i rie s -and -e;.-i;; s = _ t ' .. :C. -Irelimj.nary building plans and elevations sufficient to indicate' the dimensLons' generlr.appeirance, scarei and i'terior pran of,r.,j.r all buildings. .,.:. D' 'eny additional-material necessary.for the review of the application , r,.., u' determrned by trr--t;il;;-il;friiiiuElT.'"', ffl . Time requirements The Pranninq and Envirgnmentar commission meetsMondays of 6ach .?llh:..^1";i"riJation with thematerial must be srrbrnitted fo-ur--r".ks prior torneeting. on the 2nd and 4thnecessary accompanyingthe date of the- - It. Exibit'A W-l5rrF'a #T Ctrrllzmo 6lbl6l+T E; GocE 9*re0 5a€P5. SJJr+l o Ltotstl&o Af-g>s (a._* !--.,F1 t' u F.Od19tIn$Dt 3?" ilrqrl ?$'r,c/ gHArr.{ B(T\^JEAN b' SttPS DJVJF' TO \}.o lt'|5tq'rf o\AT D;IB DCA(O$T E)r IICE I I oz E F lJtr llrAseL- uErr -?"**t llP EAL lWDr11 ' Thi: pati': *rea is uEed i.c- rlu tdoar ,Jinning, It will he used rean rc'und L,,reather. per.mittinrtr. Theoper.at i ng hour.e are I I : !t] am tc, Dar.k 7 dare per. r,.reek , The c'uersize flDwer F,BtE ,1ar.g* link rhain .:.nd umbrellat.rtIBs giue a new Ii{e to an arFR that hEs been ianc,r.ed and r.{-lB i n need a4 al ten t ic'n ADJACENT PBOPEBTY Bobert and Diane Lazier Box 627 Vall, Co 81658 1. Lifthouse 2. Lionshead Arcade 3. Lions Pride ADDENDUM TO LEASE AGREEUENT Between ValI 21 PartnershlP veil olSis corP Thls Addendum is hereby incorporated and made- part-of the Lease Agreement, aaiea Deceirber L,- L982, bet-ween Vail 21 F""io""!nip and'l,arry Martl.nez ani Oougias MacRae and assigned on s;pa;;b;; is, rsa6 i6 varr oasls corp. In the event of a conflict between in"-t""r" of this Aidendurn, and the terns of the ;a[;; lorttons ot itre Lease Agreement, thls Addendun sbarl control. Tbe Followlng Provlston ls added: In addltlon to Paragraph I.rs descrlbed premises an area equal-io approxtmaieri gio Square feet extending fron the existing leased fi;;h" area trito tbe court yard -approximately 25 i;;i iBiiuit l) inarr be included to tbe leased premlses. Slgned tbls a aay otQ! , Ls87. PartnersblP t To Whom It May Concern: lle have reviewed the changes to the original remodel plans for the Vail 21 building. The tenants proposal would be an assett to the Vail 21 buildlng and to Lionshead.ZU*,"rL Vail 21 Partnership August II, L987 ICP P.0. Box 1325 Vail, Co 8L657 Itre Uptown Gr1ll has our permission to use the courtyard bordered by Lions ltread Arcade & Vail 2L building. the conditions for this use are that the l$town Gril1 w"ill not erect a pennanent structure on the site & releives Bob & Diane Iazier of any liability in connection with the outdoor dinning area. ltre Uptom Grill mtst also meet all town codes & relative to ttlis area. Manager, Lazj.:er Com. Prop for R.T. I-azLer & Diane J. Lazj;er -1 ao 6( )[ t]( r1,5- [ L" 'r- 3d rX JY . I?d J6Dd 1+9N 3 w&4\ TNTERDEPARTI,IENTAL MEETING JroLy 27, L987 11:00 A.M. Okl snug Mountain Bike Race )( Golf course Easement I fffiffi6\^Nm*;.'1 y_ g;tl ilro.r, s,ff htr,* non ehillips Stan Berr)ntranBilL Andrews Pete Burnett Todd Scholl Ken llugheyBrian TerrettDick Duran Mi-ke McGeePat Dodson Pam BrandmeyerPeter Patten Gary Murrain Susan Scanlan Tom BraunKristan PritzRick Pylnan Betsy Rosolack Project Name: Project Application Proiect Descriplion: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot cc{ Comments: Design Review Board APPROVAL DISAPPHOVAL Summary: NAME OF PROJECT: UPIC\^]N GOILL G{LT*"-//+,LISE ADD/TOi-J , LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LIST OF MATERIALS PEcc-rlS.l ,-r&.s '7cx 7o W,rJt--) +o2€57 -ftlt'-rr€D PtpE ??> nArod PXp -llN &:.^lr.'l STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF The foilowing information'i s required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng 0ther Wal I Materi a'ls Fas ci a Soffi ts l'li ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl as hi ngs Ch i mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING:Name '| \BtRsS F ALr,'.or. r}-ZOvlN of Designer: Phone: Botani'cal NamePLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Common Name Quani ty Si ze* Indicate height for conifers. (over) Dtt.K t . "PLANT ITIATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Quanity Size(con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Tvpe Square Footage GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal1s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. The advantages ol tents have been known for thousands of years With the use of poles and fabric, shelters have been easily and practically constructed and iust as easily and praclically reconstrucled. Tents combine the romantic and the practical. They are versalile, portable, economical and yet slill are associated with f reedom and excilement. However, traditional design concepls and conslruclaon materials have limiled tent shelter in shape and permanence. With new technology and an awareness of the structural possibilites of curves and lension, Moss creates spaces that bring art rnto lhe service of architecture. These new labric structures incorporale nalural light and natural forms inlo living spaces. These unique shapes would be impossible with traditional construction practice and allitudes. Moss combines the advanlages of tents with new design possi- bililies lo create spaces that can be individually designed to many varied needs. As we see it. fabric structures are lunctional aesthetic alternatives to conventional shelter. Moss' new patented stluctural forms utilize a lensioned fabric membrane interacting with a curved framework lo realize the optimal strength of the entire structure. The surface becomes an integral structural support, distributing any stress throughout the system These beautiful shapes are also highly efficient n shedding wind and rain. With no flat surfaces, sharp edges or corners, a curved tensioned structure oJfers a smooth surface lo spill lhe wind. Non- lunctional elements are eliminated, producing a structure ol spaclous simplicity. The result of this organic interaction between lhe surface and lhe lrame is similar lo manv forms found in nature. The qualities of strength, economy, mobility and durabilily make Moss Fabric Structures excellent sheller. The qualilies of curvilinear space and translucency of the fabric combine to give one an exhilarating experience and make [./oss Fabrrc Structures works ot arl MATERIALS Cotton is our first choice for practicality and durability in the Optimum series where weight is not a critical factor. With synthetic libers, resistance to waler penetration is usually obtained at lhe expense of breathability, or the addition of a rainfly. This is not the case wilh 100% cotton. Cotlon, wet with rain, swells to close up the tiny pores in lhe fabric helping to keep the rain out. Yet even wilh a tight cotton pore slructure, morsture vapor can still diffuse through the cotton libre for breathabilily. This is important because when moisture in the air and moisture generated by your body are lrapped under your shelter, it can get hot and sticky. l\,4oisture can condense in tiny droplets rnside a synthetic Ient. OPTII\4U[/ SEBIES k&fr 'rLl toe,l ,, I Cotton is atsof ratty better adapted to sun and weather exposure than synthetics. New light. dry finishes applied to cotton lentage provide f lame, weather, water and mildew resislance without sacrilicing brealhability or adding signilicant weight to lhe tent The Optimum series is constructed of water and mildew resistant cotton duck with a sturdy, urethane coated, water repellenl nylon floor. THE OPTIMUM SERIES The Optimum series is a comfortable, portable shelter system that is suited to a wide variety ol needs. The structures in thrs series all share a symmetrical orientation of arched alcoves around a vaulted central soace and oole. The environmenl of curves and light is a delight to experience as well as practical, durable shelter. The Optimum series is extremely stable in high winds and has been chosen for ils perlormance as a base camp for expeditions. In the Himalayas, where the Optimum 200 served as a central meeling and dining place, il held a large expedition party seated for dinner. At the end ol the expedition, the Sherpas, who outfit expeditions for a living, even wanted one for themselves. The Optimum series can offer a comforlable, portable alternative to conventional vacation homes or serve as an extension ol existing living space. Among other possible uses are: campground rental units; guesthouses; field laboratones; immediately available housing and olfices for construction work, research work and expeditions, workshops, showrooms: lrade fairs; festivals and seasona businesses. There is an Optimum in a size to lit your needs, beautifully. The Optimum 600 and 1500 shown below, but not pictured, are also available. The Optimum 600 is available with all the options and features of the Optimum 350, the 1500 is available as an outer tent canopy only. oP 200 'I 92 SQ. FT, oP 350 359 SO. FT. oP 1500 1462 SQ. FT. I I i5'--i l--"- f.u" A number ol Op 350s can be connecled lo lorm endless posslb/lres ol geometric space. The four alcoves of the OPTI[,4UM 350 converge n a vaulted central space, creating a versatile area of 359 square feel. The OPT IMUNI 350 can be decorated lo suil yoLr ^eeds .rd slyle The basic OPTII,4UM 350 is a1 oLter terl she I IJ^ar is open at the ends ol each of ils four arches. Th s outer tent because it has no f oor, can be used without ki Ing grass, for outdoor luncl ons such as arge outdoor parl es, weddings, lestivals fairs, thealre or any large public gather ng Nylon webbing on the edges adds strenglh and a unique look to the open arches. To increase lhe versatility ol the OP-rMUM 350. we olter lhe lollowrng leatures as oplions : Feature t. Solid fabric wa ls with or without doors, that allach lo one or more ol the open arches to fu(her enclose the space. Feature 2. Windows (ol fabric, netling or clear vanyl) that altach 10 one or more of lhe open arches to g ve protect on w lh a view 'Pallerned custom material possible with a | options. Feature 3. Entrance canopres lhal extend out irom and protect one or more open archways. Feature 4. Vestib!les that can connect lwo or more OPT MUN,4 350's logelher. c'ealing eve- mo e conlil -oJS modu ar space Feature 5. A comple'e cotton inner lent that uses the same cenlral pole. This olfers an enclosed space wath sewn in floor, wrndows and door, lor a complele enc osed shelrer or livrrg unir The layer of air thus created belween the inner and ouler tent is an added nsulat ve factor imporlant in hous ng app icat ons Op 350 Specifications Tenl ..........-..89 02. I 000,,b cotlon duck Floor ......-.....,i oz urelhane (fealure 5) coated ny on Door ............Collon wlh no see urn ne rng Windows ........ . No-see-!m nelting Frarnework . ..... .6061 T6 a rcralt alloy a umanum Zippers ..........fi10 YKK nyon [4ax Width ...... .24ll. Height @ Cenler . .12 tt Heighl @ Door ...7 tt F oor Area . . . . . . , 351 sq. fl Tolal Werghl .... .85 lbs Rolled Size .......6 11. 8 in.x20 in .)nli^n. q 16,r, ''a< i<lo.l I !-,--|- ,. Custom Slage Design - Boston Hynes Auditorium for Sheraton Holel World Conference. -Moss soiace articulators transform laroe sDace to dramalic cenler of attention Suspended tensioned fabric pane s as"feei nign, also perform as a oroiection screen and backdroD lor laser lioht show. Plastic Dome - A semi-rioid olastic structure that is folding, insulated and ine;xpensive. Air Drop Emergency Shelter System - Patenled syslem could be dropped by airplane like a parachute. lo open and land ready lor use as a she ler Restaurant Awning - Cuslom des gned to sheller diners on Maine walerfronl Altaches lo bui ding and is e"louablelor seasonal use Eave - Backpack ng lenl chosen for an expedit on n lhe Hima ayas. S eeps 2-3, we ghs 6 lbs. Cement Tent - l\lodular labric structure spraved on the exterior with low cost, lire resislant sodium silicate foam to provide strong, insulated housing. Desrgned for deserl lving. DESIGN GROUP Moss Design Group specializes in custom design work of tensioned fabric struclures. Fabric struclures have many advantages over conventional construclion: high mobility, ease and speed of construction, and less expense in cost and maintenance. Moss labric structures also offer a dra- matic counlerpoint to the rectangular planes of tradilional architecture. We are specialists in the architeclural aesthetics o1 fabric, combrning technically sophisticated materials with the experience and the critical eye of lhe artist / designer. Moss otfers the rare combination of a professional design group teamed with production and manufacturing capability. This unique in-shop siluation enables Moss Design lo maintain a high level ol creativity and quality throughout a project, f rom prototype through production. A constantly updaled U.S. Patent register library allows us to be informed on all recent exoerimental contributions to the fiber industry. We are constantly testing new products and materials and working with industry to determine proper applications for experimental tabrics. The use of plastic- laminates, insulating foam, coated paper and fluted poly- propylene have all been explored and incorporated by Moss Design (some ol which are rllustrated here), in the effort to consider fibers, fabrics and synthetics as slructural elements in the same way traditional construction materials are viewed. Other custom work includesr emergency shelters that can be dropped from aircralt; low cost housing; survival campang tents, swimming pool covers; displays and exhibits. l\4oss Design Group works on individual custom work as well as large projects. l\ross also offers unique patented designs in a complete line of camping tents, from lightweight backpacking to family camping. Wrate or call for more information. Moes Deoign Group, Camden, Maine 04843 Tel. 2O7 -236.a368 M Model of Museum Piece - A proposal lo. a ive-in, 'unclional labrrc sculplure To be 1500 Sq. ll n area and 16 fl. n heiaht. .,t S&,' ii Mini Truck Topper - A versati e lruck camper lop lrts 6 or 7 foot truck bed with no holes needed. Large Parawing - Designed as rental unit for large parlies and fairs. Covers 1500 sq. tl A communily ol Op "cottages" on platlorms can utilize unlevel ground while prolecling the environmenl afi, The OPT MUNI 200, leatured in the New York Times and olher per odrcals rs a sophislicated, comfortable portable alternative to conventiona vacalion and ouldoor slructures lt funclions as a completely separate vacalion home or an exlension of existing lving space. Erecled on lhe ground or a p attorm', lhe OP 200 may be decorated lo suil your needs and style for use as a study stud o. gueslhouse or eftertainmenl place. Th s vacation home is not only portab e. but low in maintenance costs and tree ol properly taxes! The OPTIMUM's three alcoves contain almost 200 square feet of floor space yet pack to fit into most car trunks Two large wrndows and a door covered n llne Dacron mesh plus the light-colored fabric wa I combine to make the interior brighl, a ry, and insect prool. A canopy over each opening protects the inlerior irom lhe rain. 'Permanenl wood platform construction plans are available. COVER ]NTEB OR OF OPTII/UM 2OO The struclure is very Simply and quickly assembled in about twenty n'rinutes. Three pre bent alumlnum arches and a cenler pole provide ample standing room and except onal stabi ity. Tested in the N4rddle East for durability the OPTI[,4U[/ 200 can withsland high winds, f properly anchored. A protect ve, removatrle cover ot matching cotlon rs available for the OPTI[,1UM 200 (see diagram) This cover fits snug y over the pole and arches doesn't change the appearance ol the lent, bul serves aS extra weather proteclion aod insulalion Op 200 Specifications Tenl Floor Door W ndows ...... -. ... Framework ......... Zrppers ..... ....... Max Width ......... Heighl @ Cenler .... Height @ Door ..... F oor Area ......... Total Weight ....... Rolled Srze ... ...... Oplions............ 8.9 oz 1 000/0 cotlon duck 4 oz utelhane coaled nylon Cotlon w lh no-see-um nenrng No-see-um netlrng 6061 'T6 aircrail aloy alum'nLrm ,10 YKK nylon 20 n. Bfl 6ft 5 in. 192 sq tt 65 lbs 5 ft x1B in Collon cover Entrance canopy Vinyl windows DOOR WINDOW CANOPY CANOPY I The ARCADIA Naw Family Camping fanl. Bill l\,4oss is proud to inlroduce a gracefu, lunct onal alternative to fam ly camping tents of the pasl. We now ofler the same exce lence of design in a family camp ng tent that we offer n our backpacking lents The new Moss ARCADIA tent, with rainfly, is constructed of lightweight and strong ny on. A specral lealure of the roomy 8 tt. x 1 0 ft. shelter. s an integral screened porch that extends 5'9 from the front door. This porch wi I add lmmensely to your enjoyment of lhe camping experience by protecting you from bugs, prov ding a dry p ace lo cook, eal, hang wel clothes, store gear, for children lo play and lor just relaxing. An unusually large screened rear window is another unique fealure of this striking tent. The generous curves of the ARCADIA provide plenly of headroom all the way to the back wlh room for cots or even bunks The lramework of the 'ARC" consisls of 2 pre- bent, shock cord loaded aluminum poles, with 2 slraight shock-cord loaded aluminum poles fo'the po'cts. No guyi'1g s necessary. T.ris means sel up lime is faster, and lhere w,ll be no lines to stumble over n lhe night (or day). It's aboul lime the beautilul, funclional principles of curved tension struclures are flrade available for the famiy camper The increased space, strength (no more flapping), ease ol set up, and beauly is something you must experience to really apprecrate. A rcad ia S pec ilications rFs,t 1I |.-8'-------] Arcaclia rvrertns I I r I r J, SCREEN IPoFcH I FLooF PLAN46 | 80 SQ. FT. 5LJ.rt, T 8', LCeilng ....,.......,. Floor .-.............. Fly .................. Framework Wrndow ..,,......... Door ..,....,,......, Zippers .......,...... N4ax.Length......... Max. Width Max. He ghl Sleep ng Cap ........ Floor Area ........... Tolal We ghl ......... Ro led Size 2.2 az. nor- coated lalfeta 4 02. urethane coated nylon 1 I oz coaled flpsrop nyron 6061-T6 shock loaded aluminurn No-see-um nelt ng Nylon wrlh no-see-um ne ng H5 YKK nylon J5 tl. 9 in Bir 7ft 6in 2-8 B0 sq. fl 126 wrlh porch 27 lbs 3Jt.9in.x11 n. MT. BATTIE RD. CAMDEN, MAINE 04843 TEL.207.216.A36a F-- s's l- 1 0 ---- -.1 MOSS DESIGN GROUP o l98l Moss Tent Works. lrrc. {1., J\t t,-\t ,-r, ( PRESENTJ.J. Collins Diana Donovan Peggy Osterfosssid schultzJin Viele The neeting !'ras called to Planning and Environmental August 24, L9A7 Commission STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Tom BraunKristan PritzRick Pylnan Betsy Rosolack order by the chairman, Jin Viele. L. Approval of rninutes of July 22. J.if. Collins moved and Peggy Osterfoss second.ed to approve theminutes. The vote was 5-o in favor. This iten was discussed after iten 3. est for a cond use t to establish anoutdooroem Gr II located in theVail 2l- Bu 2. 3. Appl The Gr tJ k'J\ )- \ Kristan Pritz explained the request and reviewed the criteriaand findings for a conditional use perrnit. The staffrecommendation was for approval with three conditions. iloelF-ritz, the applicant, st-ted that with respect to snow renoval ,the area would probably be used in spring, rather than inwinter, but the barriei is noveable. He-fe1t that he wouldrather deal wi-th the snow removal hirnself. Kristan felt thereshould be an agreement in writing concerning snow rernoval . Diana felt Condition #1 was important concerning pulling thepatio back to allow for a 15 foot access way. ,foel nen{.ioned.that the southwest corner was often moved for speciar events inthe area. He would try to put it back to allow for a 15 footspace. J.J. collins moved and Diana Donovan seconded to approve therequest for the conditionar use pennit per the staii memo datedAugust 24, L987 including the three conditions of approval . 1. The southwest corner of the dining patio wilt be pulledback to allow for a 15 foot access way from the edge ofthe patio to the curb of the Lionshead Arcade. 2- The applicants wilr make the necessary changes to the snowrenoval agreement with the Town of Vail to illow for thepatio in the winter time. Any changes to the snow removaLagreement rnust be approved by the Lionshead Arcadeproperty owner as well as the VaiI 212 owner. 3. rn the event that utility work is required in the area of vthe patio, the applicants agree to allow for theconstruction. At this time, however, staff is unaware ofany utility easements in the plaza area (according to' Lionshead 1st Filing subdivision and. Lionshead Matl BaseMap check). The vote t/as 5-O in favor. 2.A rgcruest_for an.anendnent to S_Dp No. L6, a final platreview and a variance t ns,Section L7.2a.330 A.9, ,'Street WId for Elk MeadowsSubdivision Kristan Pritz explained the.request and risted changes on themerno for the finar plat review. The five conditions ofapproval were discussed. The staff recomrnendation was forapproval of the major subdivision. Kristan then listed changesin the reguested amendment. she showed site prans regarding-the variance request and reviewed the varianci criteria. s€arrrecomrnended approval and felt that special circurnstanceswarranted approval of the request. The width of the road and the road right-of-way were d.iscussed..Peter explained that in this snalr site, ttre w-iatn needed wasactuarry ress than that provided because it was a private road.J-J. hrondered about the issue of the road being extended tosubsequent phases. peter replied that if this were to become apublic road, the issue could be dealt with at that tirne. Diana Donovan rnoved and sid seconded to approve the reguest fora variance to the road with the staf f rnern-o- with the tdaing -i- special circurnstances. The vote was 5-O in favor. Diana moved and sid seconded to reconmend to Town councilapprovar of the requested anendment with the change of wordingshall rrnot exceedrr in the height section ,f.J. stated that he still had nany of the same concerns hehad before concerning rnitigation,-conflicting retters in theErR' Town riability, etc. peter said that tie letters mostrecently received made the staff feel much more comfortablewith the mitigation solution. He added that two rnain pointswere that nitigation measures are for buildings, not 1ind, andthat Nick Lanpiris stated that it was highty inusual to havenitigation on L00? of a subdivision. Larry Eskwith stated that at first it vras his desire to havethe whole subdivision mitigated, but that it was rea1ly abalancing question. He added that in rearity the geol-ogic hazard ".r ^t less than shown or, tn" Jl Morewith J.J. on this issue followed. Kristan read aLanpiris which stated that in his opinion this wasseverity rock fall area. J.J. stated that now each discussionletter fromnot a high person couldfind an engineer who would require tess nitigation. Larry stated that to te]I a developer he could not build on hisland could result in a law suit. He felt the Town had lookedat both sides and had come to a solution they felt comfortablewith. J.J. still felt ttit/Ag on the uncomfortable side.rl The vote was 4-1 in favor, with J.J. voting against because ofhis concern about the safety issue with respect to rock fall. Diana moved and Peggy seconded to approve the final review ofthe major subdivision. The vote was 4-1 with J.J. votingagainst for the same reason above. 4. A reguest to anend SDD #6 (Vail Villaqe fnn) to add morergtail space to Phase IV and to modify the approvedcirculation plan.ffistaufer Tom Braun explained the reguest and showed site plans andelevations. There were three reguests, to delete a portion ofthe sidewalk, to add retail space and to expand a patio areawhich would result in a decrease of green space. The staff recornmendation was for denial except for the patio area withthe condition that there be assurance of adequate space leftfor pedestrians. Discussion about the patio followed. Diana felt it would notbe inviting to walk through tables. peter agreed and suggestedthat there be some type of physical separation to denote public walkway. Saundra Snith, architect for the applicant, discussed thesidewalk situation and stated that the plan was to bury thegravel ditch and put the sidewalk in later. As for the dining patio, Saundra stated that it was not knownwho the tenants would be, but the owner would like to see adining patio allowed, and a pedestrian path would stillrernain. Saundra pointed out that the entry to the plaza was four feetwider than originally proposed, and thus iL would only bereduced three feet in width from the original plan. Diana felt the arcade added to the architectural element by itsshadows and was inportant to the appearance of the building. She felt the sidewalk needed to be done now. With respect tothe patio, Diana stated that she was specifically told that the.trees would stay, but now she had seen some trees removed. Shecould not see taking any more landscaping from the corner for adining patio. sid agreed that the sidewark was inportant and was needed. now.With regard to the arcade, he felt it was important to keep thearcade to get people back to other phases of the WI , plus itoffered shelter at the bus stop. Concerning the patio,-he hadno probrem with it if there would remain a real -eparation forthe pedestrians. Peggy felt somewhat favorable to enclosing the arcade, as shefelt people did not see retail windows that were 7 feet backfrom a pedestrian way. She felt the sidewalk shoutd not bepostponed. She felt the corner where the patio would be was areally irnportant corner and it should remain a very publicarea so anyone could sit at the tables. Peter agreed with Diana and peggy regarding the use of thepatio. He felt it would be difficult to regulate the use onprivate property. Diana fett this could be a restriction ofthe SDD. Tom suggested a pedestrian access through the patio.Diana felt people would not use a 5' width through a priiratepatio. Sandra stated that she would like people to wilk nextto the building. Peggy felt that 1Or - 12r in width wasnecessary for the pedestrian way. J.J. felt the arcade should renain, that there should beintense landscaping at the corner and a traffic pattern shourdbe worked out to draw people in, rather than turn them away. Saundra asked to table the arcade issue. Ton added the fact that the request included a loft addition of315 square feet that the staff had no problen with. J.J. moved and Diana seconded to deny the request to delete the 65 | of sidewalk. The vote for denial was 4-O-L with Vieleabstaining. Diana moved and Peggy seconded to approve the addition of theIoft area. The vote was 4-0-L for approval with Vieleabstaining. Diana moved and Peggy seconded to table the arcade and patioissues. Peter stated that direction was needed from the pnc resize and location of the sidewalk. J.J. felt the applicantmust come back with a specific design. peggy felt iL wasirnportant that there be an adeguate benn and that the cornerlook well landscaped. The vote was 4-o-r. in favor of tabling with viele abstaining. 5.A requeqt for an exterior alteration and a conditional useperTit to artow tApplicants: Plaza Lodge Associates, Mr. and Mrs. OscarTang. Tom Braun explained the ehanges requested and reviewed thecriteria for exterior alterations ind for conditional uses andstated that the staff recommended approval of both. Theconditional use was for rernovar or ln acconmod.ation unit on thesecond floor. Tom added that the applicant would restrict 7units to the existing use restrictions outlined in sectionL7.26.O-15 (condo conversion regulations) . These units arespecified on plans filed with the Depari,nent of CornmunityDeveloprnent. Craig Snowdon, representing the applicant, showed elevationsand a rnoder and pointed out the exterior changes. Jay petersonstated that the building could have been totallycondominiumized, but the owner wished to renovate, but stilloperate as a Iodge. Bill Anderson of Beck and Associates explained the constructiongchedule. Peggy felt the changes were positive, but hadconcerns about the gas meters not being screened and thedownspout needing to be moved further back. craig respondedthat they would screen the meters and move the downspout. More discussion fotlowed. Diana fert that it was a good ideato clean the windows even during the construction. giff agreed. J.J. moved and Diana seconded to approve the exterioralteration and the conditional use-iequest re the staff memosdated Aug"ust 24 with the stipulation that the windows becleaned by Novernber 21 and the gas meters be screened and thedownspout be moved. The vote wis 5-O in favor. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environnental Cornmission Cornmunity Development Departrnent August 24, )-987 A request for a conditional use permit outdoor dining deck at the Uptown GrillVail 2l- Building.Applicants: Joel and Susan Fritz '; :rl to establish anlocated in the Communj-ty Developmentthe conditional use perrnit I.DESCRTPTION OF PROPOSED USE The owners of the Uptown Grill are requesting to locate anoutdoor dining deck in the private plaza area to the south ofthe Uptown Grill. The dimensions of the outdoor dining areaare approximately 24t x 26.. The owners would like to usethe patio year round weather permitting. The operating hoursare 11:30 A.M. to dark, seven days per week. Their opinionis that the patio area is a positive improvernent to theplaza, as rrthe oversized flower pots, large link chain andumbrella tables give a new life to an area that has beenignored and is in need of attention.rl The proposal is located in the Cornmercial Core II zonedi-strict which requires that all outside dining patios arereviewed by the Ptanning Comrnission. rI. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section l_8.60, theDepartment recommends approval ofbased upon the following factor: Consideration of Factors. A.Relationshi and act of the use on devel obi ectives e Town. The staff agtrees with the applicant that the proposaladds life to the plaza area. There are no specific Urban Design Guide plan conceptsthat relate to the plaza. However, the proposal doessupport the Urban Design Considerations for decks andpatios that state: E.L. Functional decks or.patios, prinarily for diningare strong street life elements in Lionshead andare highly encouraged, on either the ground orsecond floor level . c. 8.2. Decks and patios should be sited and designed with due consideration to: sun, wind, views, pedestrian activity, and accessibility. B.The effect of the use on li ht and air distribution oflationfacrtation1i_t es utilities ools and recrea on facil t es neeos. These factors are not affected by the proposal. rnaneuverabil and rernoval of snow from the street and areas. Staff would ask that the applicants pull back the southwest corner of the patio area to create more space between the edge of the curb adjacent to the Lazier Arcade and the patio area. The existing dirnensionallows for only 9 feet between the curb and the cornerof the dining space. The corner should be pulled backto allow for approxinately 15 feet of open sidewalk between the patio and curb. By pulling back the southwest corner by approxirnately 6 feet, it also becornes rnore evident that pedestrians can pass throughthe plaza around the west side of the patio. In respect to rernoval of snow, the Town has an agreementwith the property owners to remove snow from the plaza area. The owners of the Uptown Grill will need to get approval fron the Vail 2L and Lionshead Arcade building owners to amend the snow removal agreement to allow forthe dining patio. D. Effect upon the character of the area in which the anabulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. As stated previously, the staff believesproposal will have a very positive impactcharacter of the area. that this on the III. APPLICABLE RELATED POLTCIES OF ELEMENTS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE The effect upon traffic with particular reference to conqestion, autonotive and Dedestrian safetv and convenience, traffic flow and control access See comments relating to IIA. IV. Such other factors and criteria as the comrnission deernsapplicable to the proposed use. V. FINDINGS The Cornmunity Developnent Departrnent recommends that theconditj.onal use permit be approved based on the followingfindings: That the proposed location of the use is in accord withthe purposes of this ordinance and the purposes of thedistrict in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditionsunder which it would be operated or rnaintained would notbe detrirnental to the public health, safety, or welfareor materially injurious to properties or irnprovements inthe vicinity. That the proposed use would cornply with each of theapplicable provisions of this ordinance. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recornmends approvaL of the request with the followingconditions: L. The southwest corner of the dining patio will be pu1led back to allow for a L5 foot access way from the edge ofthe patio to the curb of the Lionshead Arcade. 2. The applicants will make the necessary changes to the snow removal agreernent with the Town of Vail to allowfor the patio in the ririnter time. Any changes to the snow removal agreement must be approved by the Lionshead Arcade property owner as well as the Vail 2L owner. 3. fn the event that utility work is required in the areaof the patio, the applicants agree to allow for theconstruction. At this time, however, staff is unawareof any utility easernents in the plaza area (according toLionshead lst Filing Subdivision and Lionshead Mal1 Base Map check). -irr ':.I .i.:.s +s':rlE l* I ::l; i ::ti i :'-- i''i.i ''':i '-sl o l(. I a Bobert and Dlane Box 62? Vall, Co 81658 (o") o-',ru 4^ ^^ tt"/ ,r- / n ya-'t'z ' Bou )i6{ .tVrJ / ffi -3--trisrrffde- \l \ \ V ti"1 rA L, ++t^ 5Lt''r/' t"^df l"l^" ?\ s Lr o LU uLkon', //t 1z a s--sf € LL+ C' r [ fu.*-LL, o1Yluo'1 I / ^ C^'^o"'IL&Lttt' f . O' l3o* '=''/ L o "h o )'<- "-'-'l I /* ,or, ?'' 'L ^ I,J'-"1* * ) >{ ! ry/t"-) q""4,/<g' . Y--:'-"(''l ; - / /' " t" 'L 'zt' kCL<) f*y6 y'et Ir %H-{ (+), ,- +Ll u-u f , rfu- LJ14 re, lgu'" /JJ{ /aet h.^ ,h -!'/1- L 4 z.--' ,O- p--42- oSrrr-'- ,n l-'-- I l-"6'un-c'^I G./r u ADDEI{DUM TO I,EASE AGREEIIENT Betwe€n Vell 21 PartnersblP vall o;:is corp Tbls Addendum ls hereby lncorporated and made part-of the Lease Agreement, a.i"a Deceilber L,- L982, bet-ween Vall 21 p"i:io""Enlp and'f.arry llartlnez and Oougias MacRae and assigned on-s;;i;G; is, rsso t6 varr oasls corp.- rn the event or a confllct between iU"-t""t" of tbls A-<ldendum, and the terms of the otn"" portlons of the Lease Agreenent, thls Addendum shall control. The Followlng Provlslon ls added: In addltlon to Paragrapb I. rs described premlses an area equar-io- afproxfmaiefv oiO -.square feet extending from the exlstlng leased fi;;[" area rrito the court yard -approxlmately 25 i;;; irliuii l) inarr be lncluded to the leased prentses. Slgned thls 3 cay ofii.,l= , Ls87. Vall OaslslCorP.'. ,r, o5+'*#-E PartnershlP / TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental Conmission Corununity Development Departnent August 24, L987 A request for a conditionaloutdoor dining deck at the $Nt fo-'ils0'tt^\' use permit to establish an Uptown Grill located in theVail 2t- Building.Applicants: Joel and Susan Fritz I. DESCRIPTTON OF PROPOSED USE The owners of the Uptown crilt are requesting to locate anoutdoor dining deck in the private plaza arei to the south of /1,t). the Uptown Grill. The dirnensions of the outdoor dining area5*'lP are approxinately;|!-' x;!1!'. The owners would like to-usethe patio year round weather permitting. The operating hoursare 11330 A.M. to dark, seven days per week. Their opinionis that the patio area is a positive i.mprovement to theplaza, as itthe oversized flower pots, large link chain andurnbrella tables give a new life to an area that has beenignored and is in need of attention.rr edistrict which ]'res that all outside ewed bv trre ann on. IT. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section l_8.GO, theDepartment recommends approval of based upon the following factor: Consideration of Factors. E.l-. Functional decks o tiosstrons street I Community Developmentthe conditional use pernit A. Rglatignship_api irnpact of the use on developmentobjectives of the Town. The staff aetrees with the applicant that the proposaladds life to the plaza area. There are no specific Urban Design Guide plan conceptsthat relate to the plaza. However, the proposal doessupport the Urban Des-ign Considerations for decks andpatios that state: /)[6. €econd floor level . fee ead and B. c. The effect of the use on liqht and air, distribution ofpopulation, transporiation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities' and otherpublic facilities needs. These factors are not affected by the proposal . 8.2 Decks and patios should be sited and designed wi ; "ard--aeeessihili-Lfr- The effect on traffic with icular reference to conqestion automotive and an safety and convenience, traffic flow and con access maneuverabi I ity, and removal o snow rorn the street and areas. staff would ask that the applicants pull back the southwest corner of the patio area to create more space between the edge of the curb adjacent to the Lazier Arcade and the patio area. The existing dinension all-ows for o beEween Ene curb anct Ene corneredThe corner should be ck 15 feet o s D.Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surroundinq uses. III. APPLICABI,E REI,ATED POLICIES OF ELEMENTS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE T/I4\N See comments relating to IfA. $qcL other factors and criteria as the comrnission deemsIV. v. applicable to the proposed use. FTNDTNGS Staff recommends approval of the request with the followingconditions: The southwest corner of the dining patio wil1 be pulled back to allow for a L5 foot access way from the edge ofthe patio to the c-u?5--?tfEl-tturshead Arcade. The applicants will nake the necessary changes to the snow removal agreement with the Town of Vail to allowfor the patio in the winter time. Any changes to the snow removal agreement must be approved by the LionsheadArcade property owner as well as the vail 2i- owner. In the event that utility work is required in the areaof the patio, the applicants agree to allow for theconstruction. At this time, however, staff is unawareo! any utility easernents in the plaza area (according toLionshead lst Filing Subdivision and Lionshead Mall Base Map check). The Community Development Department recommends that theconditional use permit be approved based on the followingfindings: That the proposed location of the use j_s in accord withthe purposes bf this ordinance and the purposes of thedistrict in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditionsunder which it would be operated or maintained would notbe detrimental to the pubtic health, safety, or welfareor materially injurious to properties or improvements inthe vicinity. That the proposed use would conply with each of theapplicable provisions of this ordinance. rV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION o @ o Project Name: Vail 2l Project Description. remove wooden facades Owner, Address, and Phone: Vail 21 Condominium Assoc. Inc. 610 West Lionshead Cr Vail, CO 81657 970-476-1350 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Geoffry Wright same as above Project Street Address: 511 East Lionshead Cr. Legal Description: Lot 3, Block 1, Lionshead lst Parcel Number: 210106403001 Comments: Design Review Action Form TOWN OF'VAIL ProjectNumber: prj00-0037 Buildine Name: Vail 2l Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Date: 3l2l/00 Project Name: Document2 Board/Staff Action Action:staff approved Allison Ochs Vail21 DRB Fee Paid: $20 Questlrns|}ll the Planning Stafi at 479-2188 FoR DEsrGr{ REvrEw App ftrfu -o s 7 ; GENER TL IMORI.|ATI9[{' : Thb apptcathn b frt airy prsject reguiring Design Revie{Y approral. Any pmif requiring desiln rs/ew mL6t rccbive Design Revien, appro'ral prbrb submitting tur a building permiU For sp6df irdnnatb& .ee U,e suUnluat teguirEnErtts for the partiorlar apdn@l thar b requested- The appli?irn €nnot be accepted untit att fie requi'€d ' . hfonnation is subriffil. The pdect nEy abo ned b be rerrierrtred by the Town CourEil and/or the Planning and ElvirOnrneilal Cottltnil$Ol: D€seJn Revicw Bord epprorr:l Gxpfucs one 1er dter final appro16t unlere. :a buatdhg p€rtdt k bsrred and constnrctbn b sbrtd. (Grtactegb Ao. Assesots Offie d 9D328-8540tor pard #) ptffcr{E CorEtructbn d a nerv buildlrg. Indudes any a(Hition wherc squarc frobge b added to any resiJeridal or aornErchl boiEiu. Indudes minor changes b buildingF and $E L4provunents, sudr as, lrrpofing, paifing, $ndofl adlitbr$ landsjing, ftne and tD.9704?92452 PAGE I/? APPLICATIOiI LOCAMI{ OF PROPOSAL: LOT: A TYPE OF REVFJI/AND FEE:IU tldryGonrbuctftrn - f200tl AddiEon - .+SO lrlinot Aluration - +2O{ rebining waG, e. DRE ftes are U be paid t tnc fii of srtinfttol. tater, wtren apptying tur a buitding pernft, plem klentfr tie acqrraE yduafun d tle p|ojecL The Tom of \tail wil dtust $e fte amrdfp to the proiect rafrafnn. . : H€ASE SUETTIIT.THISAPPUGATIqTII, AII- SUBHITIAI REQUIREMET{TS ' ' 78 SOUnr rnOrrmet RoAD, vArL oot-oRADo g1652 t .o..rLi*$ - - MAR-t4-Ag lr IB. 3I FROM. TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT.tD ' 9704742492 PAGE 2/? qresths? trre pbnning Sratrar 47S,2138 HINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BI,IILDIIIGS AilD SITE IIPROVEMENTS GENEML INFORMATION Th6 apCxztion apphs b dEnges rnade to a $rE or s<trrior alErablorrs of a h:ilding. ary albratim in whld|adrlitionalbullding squarefroEgEisadded willrequircan.adddns' - applkation. I. SUBIT,TITT,ALREOUIRET,IENTS tr Ph&s or sketdres whidr dearlv @il,ey fte edstijrp conditions. O Phobs or dctcfre whidr dearry onvey Ure propoeed buildir|g or siE alEratirn(s). tr All relevdnt specifrations for Bre proposal indtrding olors and mat€rials b be used. &ndominium Associatbn apForat (f apptrcab{e). If tte i$q! of the pnpml is not clefi indiftd, tre Artministr-abr may deBmine that additional rnaterbls are rreessary forthe re\riew dthe adpfcaUon. tr tr MAR- l4-OO 1Ci. 3l FROU. TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT.ID'S 92462?o4? o PAGE 3/7 EIILDINC MATFRIAI.S:TYPE OF MATEBIAT.:@LoR:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia SofFrts Windovrs WindorvTrim .,.Doorc DobrTrim- Hand rir Dcck Rails Flucs Grecnhouscs Raaining Walls Exterior Lightingr* Other " Please spcciff thc manufacttrrrfs color, number and attach a small color chip ++AlIs'(tcriorligltirgmrdmcctorcTorn'sLigbtingordinancclS.s4.0i0(J). Ifcxtcridrlighringisproposcd,plcase indicate thc numbcr'of fixtircs and locations on a sqrantc ligrrting ila; Idcodry *"i-n'-l#.lii, Ifriria.thc height above gnadc. lumens ortput, tuminous arca" and attach a -cut si'ca of dre righting fixhrrcs. .r- * s !: .+- I lrvlarart rvq" ltAR- l4 -OO 1Ei.3t FROIII . TOV-COl,!- DEV-DEPT .o lD=9704?92452 4/? PRoPOSED LANDSCAPTNII PROPOSEDTREES 'eNb sHnuss: Boanipel NamC ComrnolrNamC Ouantity Sizlt EXISTINGTREESTO BEREMOVED: . .ltt**:::l,b for randscaotnc: Tync dociduous trccs - 2 hch calipcr coniftrors trccs - 6 fccr iri hcjghtshrubc - 5 gatlons Squbrc Footagc SEED IRRIGATION TYPE ORMETHODOF EROSIONCONTROL orHER LANDSCAPE FBATUR-ES (tEtaining waiis. fenccsls\yr.Tl-nng poots,'arc-) plcasc sp€ciff. Indicato top andbottom cle'ations of rctaining wats. Maxinr*ir hugirt oivans witrr;n tic rront sct[".t i" a a"6. Maxrmum hcigLt ofwalls elscrvhcrc on thc propeny is 0 l'Cct t;i Y + uat taepz IrtAR - t4-OO lCi = 3l FROM. US. Wcst Communications t-800-922-t987 {68-6860 or 949-4530 Itblic Scrvicc Coniiany 949-5781 Gatr Hatl Holy Cross Elcctric Assoc. 949-s892 Tcd Htr.slqp/John Boyd T-c.r. 9{9.5530 Floyd Salazar Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanit*tion Distrid * 47(r-748O Frcil Ftastcc TOV-COlta -DEV-DEPT.ID'9 ^A,uthorizcd Simaturc ?',4?9 o 2452 PAGE E/? UTTT-'TY L.Q$ATION VERTFI.qATION .This form is to vcrifr scrvicc awrilability' and location for nelv construction and should bc uscd in conjunctionrvith prqraring your utility plan anrt sclrcdulilg instdletions. Thc location ard availability orotiriud*rr"tiothcy be main trunk lincs or proposcd lincs. mrst bo approvcd and vcrificd byihc foltovn4g utititics for thcaeompnying *itc plan. Detc *_ Plcisc bring a .sitc plan, floor plan, and clcvations whcn obtaining Uppcr Fggte Vallry Watcr & Saniationsig4anrcs. Firc florv nccdr must bc addrcsscd. .NOTES: | ' If thc trtility vcrificati-on form has signatu$ironr cach of the utility companics, and no c{)qlmcnts arc rmdc dhcctly on thc fonu. thc Torvn witl prcsumc that therc arc no poblcms andthe dcvclopnrsrt can procc.cd. 2- If a utilitJr company has cooccrns with thc propgscd constructiorl. thc utility reprEcntativc shaltnotc dir€ctly on the utility vcrification fo(m that thcrc is a problcan which n""a, to U" rootu.aThc issuc shoulci then bc dctaircd in an atrached rcdcr to tho Town of Vair. Howcuc^-, ;! c:se kc-cp in mind that it is thc rcsponsibility of rhc utility company and thc applicant to rrsolvci.1*:tiiic.r 1r. -L!:i:,;. Thesc vcrifications do not rcricvc :T Tlractor oJthc responsibirity to obhin 8 hrbric wayPcrmit froru the Dcpartmcot off'rrbric worrrs at rhc ro*" orvxl iriiiJr"oC.qs;;qt beabtrircdldarEiiggiqg in any pr$Iic right-of-*ay or cascntcnt *ifiil'IffiiiGi. e.own $ I' Uiiaarca crg,z MAR-14-OO 1Ei.32 FROM. I. TOV-Co OIII-DEV-DEPT.ID.9 2452?64?9 o PAGE 6/? IL tII. rv. PRF-APqLtCA JION,fpN FE REtyJJi A prc-application confcrcnce with Torvn of Vail saff is rcquirc<!. No application can bc acccptcd uolsss rhcnEttdatory pre-application m-ccting has bcar conrploca. Iiis the applicant's rcsponsibiliry to.schcdulc thismecting by calling 97G479-2|ZE- TIME REOUIRFMENTS Ttrc f,hsign Rcvicv Board mccts.on thc tst and 3rd Wcdncsdays of cach rnonth. A complctc qrtication fornr and all acconrpanying matcrial must bc acccptcd by the Cgmnrunity Devcloprnatt Dapafir;cil aminim'm of thrcc and a half (3 r/2) wccks prior ti tnc aatc of thc DRB luHic hcaring RqrlEwcRrleRtA I9q p-ropolat *itl bc rcvie$,cd for conpliarrcc with rhc Dcsign cuidclincs as sct forth in Scc{ion l g-54 of thcMunicipal Coda NOTETOA[T APPIIEANTS: A. .- If a popcrty is locatcd in a mappcd haeard arca (i.c snor avalanclrg rocldil. floodptain dcbris "' flour' rvctland. c*c), a hazard snrdy mr:st bc wbmittcd and thc olvncr must sigl ar,'"frta"vit rccognizing thc hzard iq,ort prior to thc issuarcc ofa building pcrnrit, App-ticants arc cncour:agcd , to-c'hcck with thc pltnning staff prior to subrpinal of a DRB aSrplication to dacrminc thcrclatioishipi of thc prqlcrty ro atl nrryrpcd hazard$ . , . . B. Ba.sic Plan Shcct Fornut. For all survcys. sitc plans, landscapc plans and othcr sitc improvcmcnts plans, all of thc fOllowing ntust bc shown,l. Plan shcct sizc rnu.st bc 24.x 36'.. For largc gojccts. largcr plan sizc rnay bcaltowcd_ , . 2. scalc- Thc minimum scarc h r "=20'. Ail plrrns mrst bcit tirc samcscarc3. Graphic bar rcalc. 4. North arrorn 5. Titlc blocL. projcct namo. projcct addrcss and lqgal dcscripdon.(7. lndication ofirlan Sxqrarcr. address and phonc nirmbcr, - i. ' , Datcs of original 6q." p*pr.tl-* aJail rcvision datcs. l. Vicinity map or tocation map at a scalc of | .=t.000' or larger.9. Shect labcl,$ and numbci\ I 0 . A bordcr wirh a minimum lcft si<lc nurgin of ! .5,.. I l. Namcs of all adjaccnt roadwap.12. Plan lcgcnd_ c' For new consEtrction and additions, the appticant muststake and tapc thc project sitc to indicate lincs, proposcd buitdings and building comers. AII rrccs to be rcmovsd musr bo Epcd. Thc applicant nnrst en$rc that staking donc during thc winter is not buicd by snow. Au sire tepingsand strking must be completcd prior to thc day of the DRB mceting, . D' Applicalts who fail to aplcar bcfore the tresigrr Rcaisw Board on thcir schcdulcd rncetbg datc andwho have not asked in advancc that discussion on their item be poseoned, wrll haw thcir itcms removcd from the DRB qgcda urrtit o'ch timc as thc item has bccn'rcprrblishcd. E' If thc DRB aPFovcs thc applicatim with mnditions qmodifrcatioqs, all conditicrs of approval nrust be rEolvcd @to the issuancc of a building pa.miC ',r !. : Updateaeis; MAR-r4-oo rEi. 32 FRO!|.5-coM-DEv-DEpT.?44oI D.9 7g,2452 PAGE ?/? v,$.rAqFSnPROVAL Thc Adninisator rnay rcvicw and approve Dcsign Rwiar applications. appmvc wirh cqrtain modificationr dcny the application. or may rcfcr the application to thc Dcsigr Rcviqrv Boerd for dccision- All naF apglrovals arc subjcct to final a5rprowl by.thc DRB. Thc follOwing tlpes of Dcsigrr Rcview applicaiqr n::ry bc sralI approved A. Aury apptication for an addition to an cxisting btrilding that is consistenr witb the archfuocaral dcsigr. ntatcrials and colors of thc buitding and approval has bcm received by an authorizcrl membcr ofa condominium associatior. if applicablc; B- ' Aay applicatior to nrodiff an existing building rbat does nor significanrly changc tbe existing planes. of the builtling and is gcnsrally consistcnt with thc arthitccilral desigrL mat€riats ana cotors-oittrc' building iwluding but uu limitod to extctior buitding finish matcriats (eg sonavorlq siding rgof . .materials. paint or stain"). cxtcrior lighting. canopics or awninp. fanccs. antcnrus, sdellite Cigrcs. windorvs-.skylighar siding mino commerciat facadc improvcnrcot& and othc( sinilar modifications: C- Anv application lbr site imprwcmcnts br modifications urcluding. bUt nor limitctt to, driva ay . ntodi {ications, site Srading sito r€lls" rcmoval or mtilifications to cxistirg tandscaping. instaitaOon of accessry structures orrqcational frcilitias. A DprTr oNAL REVTEW ANp.FEES A. Ifthis application rcquircs a separatc rarierr by any local. state or Fedc€l agcncy othcr rlan the Town of Vail. tlc aptication fcc sball bc irrcreased by S200.00. Exanplcs of nrch rcviorr, may includc. bat are not linitcd to: Colorado Dcpanmcnt of Highway Access Pcrmis,.nrmy Corps of Engincos 4O{, ctc. B. Thcapplicant shall beresponsiblcforpayinganypublishicgfecsrvbich arcin orcesofjo% ofthe application fee. If, ar thc applicaat's rcquest any rrdtcr is poetponcd for hwing causing the Eatrcr.. to bc rc-publislrcd. then thc cntirc fce for $ch r+publication shall be paid by thc apDticant C' . Applicadons dccmcd by the Community Dwclopmcnt Depaflment to harrc design land usc or othcr'issucs which ray have a significant impact 0n thecommmity msy r€quire 6vtJw uy consutans in additioa to Torvn staff. Shorrkl a dctcrmination bc made by tne f-own-*affrhat er ou6idc cot\qdtant iinecdcd-the Cornnrurity Darclopme,nt Oclrartrqcnt rny hirc thc consultmt. The Deparbrcnt shaltcstimate the amount of rhons/ nccessaqr to phy thc consrlurrt and this amount shalt bc forq,ardcC to thc Town by thc applicant at fte time of filing an application. Expcnses incurrod by thc Town in ixccss ofthe amount fonardcd by the application shalt uc pid to tle Town by thc aoplicant within 30 days ofnotification by thc Torvn. Anyexcccs frmds widbe rctunca to ttrc -appticant upon rgvisw complerion ..: Updatcd6DT -J al .l {.l at a J a? { * { ! { ?4 r> { + { ? { I' { i- { + rt, : : q r-= E lffllll0'l *3tn""tk' t --,.Existinq Facade - Exrsltnq lacaoe(*"U.i.*',fG;UI- Facade without Sunscreens ry October 5,1995 foel Fritz Richard Brown c/o Uptown Grill 472 East Lionshead Circle Vail, Co. 81557 Dear |oel Fritz and Richard Brown, This letter is in regards to the Conditional Use Permit approved for the Uptown Grill's outdoor dining deck, located adjacent to the east entrance of the Uptown Grill in the Vail 21 building. The Town has recently found that this deck is in non-compliance with the Ptanning and Environmental Commission's (PEC) approved Conditional Use Permit. We have researched the files in order to resolve this issue and provide you with a dear understanding of the Town's position on this matter. OnFebruary 22,1993 the PEC approved a Conditional Use Permit to allow for an outdoor dining deck for the Uptown Grill Restaurant. This deck was to be located adjacent to the east entrance of the Uptown Grill. The dining deck was approved to have 10-12 tables with seating for 40-,18 persons. Also, the dining deck was approved to have an espresso cart located on it. The Conditional Use Permit was aPProved with certain PEC conditions which are listed below. It appears that the both the dining deck and the dining cart are in non-compliance with the approval due to the fact that most, if not all, of the conditions are not presently met. The staff believes that if the following conditions are fulfilled, the Conditional Use Permit will conform with our zoning codes. However, if these measures are not takery the Town has the right to revoke that permit through a hearing process with the PEC. The following conditions for approval are as follows: 1) The boundaries of the dining deck be clearly define4 such as the boundaries of the dining deck located on the south side of the restaurant. 2) That a railing, bollards, or a combination of suruner plants and winter plants be used to delineate the boundaries of the deck, except where the boundary is defined by the northwall of the Vail21 building. 3) The eastern boundary of the deck should extend no further than the southeast corner of the Base Mountain Sports Building. 4) The espresso cart should function as a food service area and not a vending cart. 5) That a l5-foot space be maintained between the corner of the dining deck and the eastern-most wall of Base Mountain Sports. 6) The deck is available for year-round use. 7) Customers must come on to the deck to purchase coffee and food items; products shall not be served over the railings to patrons that are outside the deck area. 8) The Uptown Grill Restaurant shall be open while the deck is being operated to allow customers to use facilities iruide the restaurant. The Town staff believe that if these issues are resolved, the Uptown Grill can continue its operation of the espresso cart in Lionshead. We also fuel that these conditions are feasible and required due to the approval of your Conditional Use Permit. We would like to resolve this matter prior to the start of the ski season, and would request that the above conditions be resolved by Friday, October 20,1995. If unresolve4 the Town has the right to call-up the permit for questioning by the PEC. We are looking forward to your corporation in this matter. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact me at479-2138 regarding this issue. Sincerely, Chris Sauro Town Planner TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department February 8, 1993 (Revlsed memo for February 22, 1993) All revlslons are lndlcated In bold ltallc type A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for an outdoor dining deck for the Uptown Grill Restaurant, located at 521 East Lionshead Circle/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead, First Filing. Applicant: Joel Fritz and Richard N. Brown Planner: Tim Devlin I. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED USE The applicant is proposing lo create an outdoor dining deck adjacent to the east entry of the Uptown Grill Restaurant, in the area which presently surrounds the "Bird of Paradise' sculpture. The Uptown Grill is part ol the Vail 21 Building, and the property is zoned Gommercial Core 2 (CC2) District. Outdoor patios (dining decks) are allowed in CC2 as a conditional use per section 18.26.030 of the Municipal Code. Please note that presently an outdoor dining deck exists on the south side of the restaurant. lf approved, the outdoor dining deck seating will be available for year-round use and is proposed to haye an espresso cart located on it from which coffee products and food items would be sold. 'The staff considers service carts of the type proposed by the applicant to be a part of rgstaurant operations, thereby allowing them to be placed on approved outdoor dining decks. Atl sucn carts are subject to Design Review Board approval.'/The dining deck is proposed to have approximately 10-12 tables with seating lor 40-48 persons. Three slte plans are attached showlng the locatlon of: l.) the exlstlng condltlons; 2.) Alternate Dec* @ntlguratlon #l; dnd 3.) Alternate Deck @ntlguration #2. The alternate conflguratlons for the deck will depend on the reloatton of the Blrd of Parudlse Sculpture, and are explalned tn detall ln Sectlon II of thls memo. It should be noted that the Art in Public Places (AIPP) committee has allocat'ed funds to move the "Bird of Paradise' approximately 36-40 inches to the east of its present location. The boundary of the deck is proposed to be of the same type used to define the dining deck on the south side of the restaurant, which is a lattice-type fence with planter boxes located on top. Plase note that the appllant has agred to have the Uptown Grlll oryn at all o II. BACKGROUND Aa tUnfinryy 8, l3 nhtfl prodlD t dtfie|''fltfr.rn bf uf frcd ffiert'ffio. lt was declded that once a locatlon could be agred upon by the Llonshead Merchant's Assoclatlon, Communlty Development staff was to Pre*nt thls propos€,l to the AIPP for flnal approval. On February 16, |993, fte.f!{i4lt{fhlfl,,ffiI*fF+,ffi,4.3, y /r./ thnes durrngrtrbh'tr &* /trnogen to cu'.trelf,.'tqtt 6b Ftrorc.&ffiFctrunrffitb$wmrt / t tmrr, p{*.tj[ rtnbFtbr|lrFf*ffit+ |*rddeled ttnt thffin t#cr rgt# tb rirot0 fr raFr flffiJo e*ffit,l*m tadnn. Mr. Walker's letter also slates tft'd, .ilrwf :-dlbr,If,'ttm,'//r b.tfirp{aanroetween the bus stop and the pedestrlan walkway ln front of the Vall 21 Bulldlng. A copy of Mr. Walker's letter Is attached for revlew. Durlng the summer of 1992, Communlty Development and Pubilc Works statt looked at the above descrlbed planter locatlon, and#u*.dnlrefudfr.rffil, wlexld h,tbwb 'n'twrffitc fti$Strttfl' even lt several aspen tre€,s located In the planter were removed. The sculpture ffinrcctn,c feet, and lt was determlned that the sculpture could not be plaed In the planter wlthout lncreaslng the slze of the planter, for whlch lunds are not avallable. Therefore, at thls tlme, tfie'prltpD'cd firFr nb - rld fr&h As a result,lml|F|FfP # 'fta?,'r. Jt ,[otc tw*t 'ttanil-rco'fffito accommodate the merchant's deslre to keep the ple@ ln thls general loatlon as well as the conccrn to allow for pedestrlan access through the area. me staft has agreed to prr;*ntrd.frDDffiffintrt{hiltftre lo tte AIPP as soon as posslble. ll any or all ot these alternate locatlons are aceptable to the AIPP, they wlll be presented to tholre*'fi& at the next assoclatlon meetlng, whlch has been scheduled for 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, March 3, 1993. At that tlme, the merchants can declde (or vote) on the new lo@tlon of the sculpture. These rrtE lrr.tt;lrt locatl ons I nclude the foll owlng : 1.) In the area of the southwest corner ol the Frontage Boad and East Uonshead Clrcle; please see the attached Cont,auratlon # l. 2.) 8-9 fe€t east ol lts present locatlon, to llne up wlth the east faade of Colorado lnslght and to not tmpede Wdestrlan trattlc through thls area; A bilef slte vlslt Is scheduled for the February 22, 1993 PEC meetlng to show the* posslble locatlons tor the sculpture. If other ioatlons (ln addltlon to the two above) 'ane recommended by the A|PP, these wtll be taken to the L,onshead Merchant's Assoclatlon meetlng on March 3rd as well. Assumlng thls rcquest for a Condltional Use Permlt Is granted by the PEC, and the g/.iptura ls removed lrom ttp general art ln whlch It ls presently Iocated (t.e. Altemate Locatlon #l), the staff could support an outdoor dlnlng decr for the Uptown Grlll whlch extends up to the sutheast corner ol the Colondo lnslght bulldlng. The deck should not extend Wt thle polnt ln order to malntaln pedestrlan a@ess through tl?G erea. Please see the attached Slte PIan - Alternate Deck Conflauratlon #1. However, It the new lo@tron for the scutpture ls to E &9 teet east ot lts present locatton (t.e. Alternale Locg/t&|n #), then the statt would recommend that the @stem tuundary ot llp d*R E located 5 to 6 feet away lrom the sculpture toallow c<implete publlc awss to It. Please refer to the Slte Ptan - Altemate Deck Contlouratlon t2. Subsequent conversattons between the Communlty Development staft and the appllcant have taken place, and the appilcant ls agreeable to the process and re co m m en dations discuss ed ab ov e. A copy of the February 8, 1993 meetlng mlnutes for thls ltem ls also attached for revlew. III. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The Town of Vail zoning code does not stipulate the need for any additional parking spaces tor outdoor dining decks. None of the other zoning or development standards would be affected with this proposal. IV. RELATED POLICIES OF THE VAIL LIONSHEAD URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PI.AN The proposed deck is consistent with the following Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan Guidefines. The site is zoned Commercial Core 2 and these guidelines should be used in reviewing the proposal: Decks and Patbs: E.1. "Functionaldecks or patios primarily for dining are strong street life elements in Lionshead and are highly encouraged, on either the ground or second floor level". E.2. "Decks and patios should be sited and designed with due consideration to: sun, wind, views, pedestrian activity, accessibility." Accent Elements: F.1. "Judicious use of colorful accent elements, consistent with existing character of Lionshead are encouraged, such as: ... annual color flowers and beds or planters, in balcony or window boxes." Staff did not find any applicable elements in the Streebcape Plan. V. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS llpon rcvlew of Sectton 18.60 - Condltlona, U* Permlts of the aonlng nde, the communtty Development Departmenffif the @ndltlonal u* permlt for an outdoor dlnlng deck ba*d on the tollowlng tactors: A. Consideration of Factors: Before acting on a conditional use application, the Planning and Environmental Commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the proposed use: t Relatlonshlp and lmpact of the use on development oblectlves of the Town. ftre statt feels that an outdoor dining deck in this area could be a positive addition to |ris area of Lionshead. However, the staff feels fiat the deck should be located )ntirely to the west of the 'Bird of Paradise' sculpture (lt the sculpture remalns ln the l;ame general area) so as to not impede a@ess to the sculpture. If the sculpture ls lnoved to a location out of thls general arca as descrlbed In Sectton II of thls lnemo, the statt would support the east boundary of the dtntng deck extendtng ,tp to the southeast aorner ot Colorado lnslght. It ls felt that thls @nfiguntton lrould not lmpede pedestrian tlow through the area. rt The effect ot the use on llght and alr, dlstrlbutlon of populatlon, transportatlon facllltles, utllltles, schools, parks and recreatlon tacllltles, and other publlc needs. The staff feels that the "Bird of Paradise' sculpture should remain fully accessible to the general public and should not be located within the confines of the proposed outdoor dining deck. Further, the staff feels that the boundary of the deck should be no closer tnan s to 6 feet from the sculpture to allow for unimpeded access to itf The staff does not feel that this proposal negatively effects the other above listed criteria. t. The effect upon trafflc wlth partlcular reference to congestlon, automotlve ' and pedestrlan satety and convenlence, trafflc flow and control, access, maneuverablllty, and removal of snow from stl€et and parklng areas. Wron the tlnal outcome ot tre, the staff f*ls that the *ulpture (lt It remalns ln the s€'me ared shou&LQg4 ertendlast of the @lorado tnitgnt east facade. ffiThestaff feelsthat 4 tl'€ nqdtlvc atfects on podestrlan traftlc Jtow. PIea* note that the P.tbrtc Works Departnent has also exprcs*d conem that sr'ow ttomge for the area needs to be addressed by the appllcant. Presently, the Valt 2l Bultdlng ls responslble for snow removal In the area, and snow ls "glof8,d" on the ba'F oI the sculpture. 4- Effect upon character of the area ln whlch the proposeO use ls to Ue located, Includlng the scale and bulk of the proposed use In relatlon to the surroundlng uses. The statf believes an outdoor dining deck in this area would have a positive effect upon the characler of tho immediate area. However, the staff feels that if the deck is affowed to extend east of the "Bird of Paradise" (it the sculpture remalns In the same genercl area), the sculpture would be less accessible to the public and that pedestrian traffic flow through the area would be negatively impaired. lt the sculpture ls relocated away from the general area ln which it ls presently located, the staff fe€ls that the dlnlng deck boundary could extend to the east up to the southeast corner of the Colorado Inslght bulldlng wlthout negatlvely Impactlng pedestrlan trattlc. B. Findinos: The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos before orantino a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location ol the use is in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code fid the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each ol the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The stafl recommends approval of the request for a conditional use permlt for an outdoor dlnlng deck to be located ln the general area of where the Blrd of Paradlse sculpture Is presently located. Slnce the tlnal ,ocatlon of the sculpture ls yet to be determlned by the Llonshead Merchant's Assoctatlon and the AIPP, the staft reummends that the tollowlng condltlons be placed on the outdoor dlnlng deck If It Is approved by the PEc: 1.) If the Btrd of Paradlse ls moved away trom the general loQatlon In whlch It 5 2.) 3.) ts presently located, the statt re@mmends that the eastern boundary of the deck shodd ertend no further then the sutheast corner ot the @lorado tnslght bulldlng. Pte5,s€ see tte attached SIte PIan - Afternate DecR Conflountlon #1. ff the Blfi of Paradlse ls moved &9 feet to the east ot lts prcs€'nt locailon, the statf recommends that the eastern boundary of the dlnlng deck shall aome no clo*r than ffi teet frcm the western edge ot the pedestal on whlch the sculpture ls mounted. me statt teels that thls wlll allow for publlc access to the sculpturc and pedestrlan tratflc through the area. Plea* see fte attached slte Plan - Altemate DecR conflaufatlon #2, Untll the sculpture ls moved, the staff recommends thet the eastem boundary ot the deck shall remaln at least 5 feet away frcm the BInl ot Paradlse to allow complete acaess to the sculpture. Staff also reammends that a railhg, bollards, or a comblnatlon of planters and nlllngs should be used to define the boundarles of the deck, as dlscussed In *ctlon IV of thls memo, except In the area where the boundary ls deftned by the north wall (taade) ot the Krlsmar Buildlng. The statf belleves that the dellneatlon to be used should be pre*nted to the DBB tor flnal determlnatlon on lts deslgn. Customers must come on to the deck to purchase coffee and food ltems; products shall not be served over the alllng to patrons that are outslde ol the deck area. The Uptown Grlil Restaurant shall be open while the deck ls belng operated to allow customers to use facllltles Inslde the restaurunt. The appilcant (or Vail 2l) shall provlde snow removal and storage for the deck area that ls acceptable to the Pubilc Works Department. ln no tnstance should the base of the Blrd of Pandlse *ulpture be used lor snow storage. * e.t * s.) $eJ # ,.t Please note that under Section 18.60.080 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the approval of a conditional use permit shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtrained and construcilion not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion, or thb use for which the aporoval has been oranted has not commenced within two vears lrom when lhe aooroval becomes final. t '1 EXHIBIT A J_ l4glsmA(e ._. kegnAe. ,.<) :. , . .. .: .n f1 ?..'19tIE, |LAN - bX Bnr$ ['6lrPrftdNs 1 I I u-UEat"t N-€SJ-LL- - -EBT- -'xF,P._- - \Ieustza*b 5.rSrG++ t- Saur4ensr laeuep aF (Co.aFADd ltrql/T Eanpzty /' A-Po* /r"sqilT ,: Eurqf .-Y\ EtsT ' allaertl f,'r.--r^- o i EXHIBIT A LUerfiolClJ-GeJ.L'= - -E€st-iD0pA--- - i__ ,l I I uor4r,lAr:o _E_S' €l1 -L_ _---_- Erca.atrtvorp 6e Drca , BY rHE 1rlrF /F THF /stutftU4E /'> FErtlvED Frzo^ ft€ Arzen, l+'. l49.lS m*tq - keE,$AR . Saarlelsr 'fuzo'@{ao /optfu /rvSrEilT AF Fazailq 0-p* /nsqrtT S,rr FtnN - Afienunrt Deck tonrquBhrlaN 4'1 4Mcilt I r=\EX}IIBIT A LderiolClJ -&tuu- - -€gf--xrr,tu--. o t : n3 QQlls<za.b f?.rSr€.+ i- KEct,u,',4:ttDEP fae CEc k BY rl? 'TAF,r / i r''a 3C//LP.U,?€ /9 tttuv€D 8-1 FeeT €Asr ar ffs PersenT /ac.qT0N, fuqrllEr4sF /Lz,vx aF Ca"oAoa. /uzr///T 1luzatluf fu-pt* /r"eqfiT Et'/f4y. .EqsT frctoE 1 I I l+'. l4gls mA(q 5g,urPTuFE 19 StlotilN 8-q ftEf fAsf oF PseseuTLdCATI,N $rrza.oF 7A,?1lrs6 , 9,rq frnr - AneBunrr ?ec k QrrUaruN t X q,faertl nic'trrEs i a Bgi LIONSHEAD MERCHANT ASSOCIATION February 10' 1993 Joel-Fritz Uptown Grill By Hand Dear Joel: The Lionsbead Merchants Association never agreed to allor--_-the Bird of Paradise to be moved forty inches to the tlrtFnst t{e did ag:ree io allow it to be moved ilrectly r+i#ff,I 11spresent location to the planter betreen the Bus Stop and, thepedestrlan walkway in lront of the Vail 21 Building. Thc Arts in Public places people and the town staff were toldthis at a regular Lionshead Merchant Associatlon ueetlng. Wfrl llClker Pres i dent rll I c0P y TOWNOFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 i03 -479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 May 3, 1993 De partment of Comnunity Developtnent Mr. Richard N. Brown 1780 S. Bellaire Street, #106 Denver, CO 80222 ri. RE: A request lor a conditional use permit to allow for an outdoor dining deck for the Uptown Grill Restaurant, located at 521 East Lionshead Circle/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead, First Filing. Dear Mr. Brown: Enclosed is a copy of the minutes of the February 8, 1993 Planning and Environmental (PEC) meeting at which your conditional use permit request was approved. The attached copy of the meeting minutes will serve as your record of this approval. Please note that the approval of this conditional use permit shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction is not commenced and diligently pursued ioward completion, or il the use for which the permit is granted has not commenced within two years lrom approval the approval date (February 8, 1993). lf approval of this conditional use permit lapses, an application must be resubmitted for reconsideration by the Community Development Department staff and the PEC. lf you have any questions or comments regarding this inlormation, please do not hesitate to contact me at 303/479-2138. Town Planner Enclosure xc: Joel Fritz FILE COPY 2.A request for a Bed and Breakfast to be located at 1850 South Frontage Road WesULot 3, Alpine Creek Townhouse Subdivision. 3. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Shelly Mello stated that staff supports this request. Greg Amsden inquired whether there were 6 parking spaces offered by the Homeowner's Association and noted that the bed and breakfast was a considerable distance from the Town of Vail bus stoo. Shelly Mello responded that the applicant would use the 2 garage space and one on- site parking space to meet the parking requirements. Chuck Crist motioned to approve this request per staff menitr with Gena Whitten seconding the motion, with a unanimous vote 6-0 to approve this item. A request for a conditional use to allow for an outdoor dining deck for the Uptown Grill Restaurant, located at 521 East Lionshead Circle/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail/Lionshead First Filing. Dr. Richard Engle and Gertrude Olson Shelly Mello Joel Fritz and Hichard N. Brown Tim Devlin Tim Devlin made a presentaiion per the staff memo. He stated that this request is consistent with Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guidelines and Guide Plan but that the staff lelt that the public should have complete access to the Bird of Paradise sculpture. He stated that at the present time staff was recommending denial of the applicant's request for a conditional use permit, but that the staff could support a modified version of the deck as described in the memo. Joel Fritz (the applicant) stated that he does not like the Bird of Paradise sculpture's current location. He believes that a dining deck would make the area more active and that he does not want to modify his plans. He stated that public access to the sculpiure would improve and that pedestrian problems in the area would improve and not be hindered if his request were approved and the base ol the Bird of Paradise was moved towards the northeast corner of the deck. He also stated that if the boundary of the deck was located 6 ft. from the elevator shaft he would be able to have a larger deck without a fence, which would give the cart the needed visibility for a viable business. Diana Donovan inquired whether alcohol would be served from the deck and whether a fence was needed. Joel Fritz stated that alcohol would not be served. Planning and Envlronmental Commisslon February 8, 1993 3 Kristan Pritz stated that staff feels fencing is important to delineate deck boundaries per the Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan and Guidelines. Diana Donovan then inquired whether the espresso cart would just be a morning operation. ' Joel Fritz stated that the espresso cart would be primarily for morning business and that the cart is self-contained and 79" wide. His idea is to serve breakfast foods such as rolls and pastries from the cart. The customer would have to physically come on to the deck to purchase coffee and food items. Greg Amsden inquired what the status was with the Art in Public Places Committee (AIPP) concerning the relocation of the Bird of Paradise. Kristan Pritz responded that the relocation would be acceptable as long as the AIPP and the Lionshead Merchant's Association supports tne ded'sion. She also stated that Lionshead has a lot of private property ownership so it is more ditficult to place pieces on public land. For this reason, some pieces can be on private land with lease agreements. Kathy Langenwalter, the PEC representative to the AIPP board, stated that the Merchant's Association is adamant about keeping the Bird of Paradise in this general area. She said that the AIPP feels that the sculpture must be accessible to the public on all sides. She also stated that she likes the idea of the deck and cart, but that this project needs to be kept away from the piece. Joel Fritz then asked if it would be feasible to move the Bird of Paradise 8 or 9 ft. to the east. Kathy Langenwalter said that this would place the piece in the flow of pedestrian traffic. She also stated that there needs to be enough space around the piece to allow public access. Jeff Bowen stated that the location ol the Bird of Paradise is a problem for this proposal. He believes that the Bird of Paradise is difficult to see presently because there is no sunlight after the morning hours, and there is a lot of wind at that location. He feels that this accounts for the large amount of trash located at the site. Chuck Crist stated that he would agree with the proposal if the Bird ol Paradise was moved. Greg Amsden stated that if the sculpture was moved, the boundaries of the deck would be provided by the existing building walls and sculpture. lf the sculpture remains in its present location, the cart should be placed to the west of the Bird of Paradise. He further stated that the entry of lhe Krismar must be preserved and that the sculpture could possibly be an entrance feature. Planning and Environmental Commission February 8, 1993 Kathy Langenwalter voiced her concern about how the cart will fit in the space. Steve Siockman, owner of Krismar, stated his feeling thal the deck and cart would be an amenity to the Lionshead area. Gena Whitten said that she does not see this proposal as an outdoor-dining deck. She believes that an ordinance is needed addressing carts. She stated that a conditional use for an outdoor dining deck is the wrong vehicle for approving an espresso cart. With regard to the Bird of Paradise, she inquired whether the AIPP would pay for its relocation. Kathy Langenwalter stated that the AIPP has been working on placing the piece permanently for quite some time, and that money is available to move it. Diana Donovan stated that the cart should not be the central attraction and that the deck needs to be 6 ft. away from the Bird of Paradise. 4) Steve Stockman inquired about the feasibility of locating lhe cart under the portico. Kristan Pritz stated that statf also has concerns with the cart location under the portico and how the deck was delineated. Steve Stockman stated that the cart and tables would have the same umbrellas so that they are tied together visually. Kristan Pritz stated that staff feels that the deck must be delineated so that the association with the restaurant is clear. Gena Whitten said that it was her feeling that the deck being considered was not primarily for dining but for the cart, and that they already had a deck. Diana Donovan suggested that this item be tabled to give the applicants some time lo modify their request. Greg Amsden stated that the Bird of Paradise issue needs to be resolved with the Lionshead Merchant's Association and AIPP so that a solution concerning its location can be found. Diana Donovan stated that the sculpture, if moved, needs to be even with the entryways to Krismar and Colorado Insight, not out in front of the shops in the way of pedestrian tralfic. Joel Fritz inquired about if the Bird of Paradise was gone, how far out can the deck come. A general discussion then took place regarding the size of the deck, and it was a consensus that the deck and cart should nol inlerfere with pedestrian traffic through Planning and Environmental Commisslon February 8,1993 s lhe area. Greg Amsden stated that if the sculpture was removed then fencing would need to be included in this project. Diana reiterated her feeling that the carl needs to look incorporated into the deck. She then inquired whether the applicant would consider tabling this item lor two weeks in order to look into getting the Bird of Paradise sculpture relocated. Jeff Bowen stated that he was not completely against this proposal but he would like lo see modifications and dialogue with the Lionshead Merchant's Association and AIPP concerning moving the sculpture. A motion was made by Kathy Langenwalter and seconded by Chuck Crist to table the request. A unanimous vote of 6-0 tabled this request until F.ebruary 22,1993. e' 4. A request for a major amendment to SDD #4, Cascade Village Area A, Millrace lll, to amend the approved development plan to allow for one single family residence and one duplex located at 1335 Westhaven Drive, more specifically described as follows: A pan ot lhs SW y., NE vr, Sscrlon t2, Township 5 Soutr. flang€ 81 West ot he 6rh P.M., d€scribed as lbllows: B€ginning al a point ot th€ Ngnh.Soulh c€nlerlins of sgld Soclion 12 wh€nc€ an iron dn with a plaslic cap marking lh€ canlor ot Eaid Seclion 12 bgE s S0e38'56"W 455.06 le€t; lh€nc6 along said c€nrcrline N00"38'56"E 122.81 t€€l lo '|e south€rly BOW lins gf l-70: lh€nca dgparlin0 said ROW line N66"53?5'E 39.15 ts€l: thenco departing s6id ROW lino S81"23'19"E 165.42 le€l lo 8 poinl ol curve; lhence 122.83 feel along th€ arc ot a 143.20 lool radius curvs to the letl, having a central angls ot4f0E5t'and a chord lhal b€ars S15"57?5"E 119. t 0 ls€t; lhonce S4o32'10re 3.0O l€€l; thenco 66.30 lo€t along thg arc ot a 77.21 lool |adius curve b lhe right, having a canlral angl€ ot 49"12'10'and a chord rhal bears 515"56'05"8 O4.28 l€€t; fienc€ S8'40'm't / 90,27 leel; lhenca N38"42'24"W 224.55 tost; thenca 578"10'32fW 101.44 fe€t lo lh€ Point ol Beginning. Applicant: Planner: Michael Lauterbach Jim Curnutte Jim Curnutte made a brief presentation per the staff memo and stated that Mr. Lauterbach has made changes to his proposal in response to the PEC's comments from lhe January 25, 1993 PEC meeting. He lhen reiterated statf's concerns with regard to this project. The first staff concern discussed was the circulation system (Westhaven Drive). Jim stated that Westhaven Drive would probably become a public road maintained by the public and that Greg Hall was currently working on developing his recommendations for improvements necessary lo bring it up to Town standards. He further staled that Mr. Lauterbach has agreed lo contribute to the cost of bringing Westhaven Drive up to Town's standards. The second concern with rbgard to this project pertains to the functional and aesthetic landscaping of this project. Jim said that this new proposal moves the buibings lurther Planning and Environmental Commlssion February 8, 1993 FIL E COPY Mike Arnetl, a DRB representative, stated that the design of the building needs to 'stand lor itself without landscaping". Jetf Sheppard, the project architect, stated that the cosmetics of the building can certainly be changed and further inquired whether the overall scale was in the right direction. The PEC agreed that the overall building's scale was now acceptable. Kalhy Langenwalter stated that the eastern-most rool should be gabled in order to shed snow in the opposite direction and not shed snow on the garage entrance. 2. A request for a Bed and Breakfast to be located at 1850 South Frontage Road WesULot 3, Alpine Creek Townhouse Subdivision. 3. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Shelly Mello stated that staff supports this request. Greg Amsden inquired whether there were 6 parking spaces offered by the Homeowner's Association and noted that the bed and breakfast was a considerable distance from the Town of Vail bus stop. Shelly Mello responded that the applicant would use the 2 garage space and one on- site parking space to meet the parking requirements. Chuck Crist motioned to approve this request per staff memo with Gena Whitten seconding the motion, with a unanimous vote 6-0 to approve this item. A request for a conditional use to allow for an outdoor dining deck for the Uptown Grill Restiaurant, located at 521 East Lionshead Circle/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail/Lionshead First Filing. Dr. Richard Engle and Gertrude Olson Shelly Mello Joel Fritz and Richard N. Brown Tim Devlin Tim Devlin made a presentation per the staff memo. He stated that this request is consistent with Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guidelines and Guide Plan but that the staff felt that the public should have complete access to the Bird of Paradise sculpture. He stated that at the present time staff was recommending denial of the applicant's request for a conditional use permit, but that the staff could support a modified version of the deck as described in the memo. Joel Fritz (the applicant) stated that he does not like the Bird of Paradise sculpture's current location. He believes that a dining deck would make the area more aclive and that he does not want to modify his plans. He stated that public access to the sculpture would improve and that pedestrian problems in the area would improve and not be hindered if his request were approved and the base of the Bird of Paradise was Plannlng and Envlronmental Commlsslon February 8, 1993 moved towards the northeast corner of the deck. He also stated that if the boundary of the deck was located 6 ft. from the elevator shaft he would be able to have a larger deck without a fence, which would give the cart the needed visibility for a viable business. Diana Donovan inquired whether alcohol would be served from the deck and whether a fence was needed. Joel Fritr stated that alcohol would not be served. Kristan Pritz stated that staff feels fencing is important to delineate deck boundaries per the Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan and Guidelines. Diana Donovan then inquired whether the espresso cart would just be a morning operation. Joel Fritz stated that the espresso cart would be primarily for morning business and that the cart is self-contained and 79" wide. His idea is to serve breakfast foods such as rolls and pastries from the cart. The customer would have to physically come on to the deck to purchase coffee and food items. Greg Amsden inquired what the slatus was with the Art in Public Places Committee (AIPP) concerning lhe relocation of the Bird of Paradise. Kristan Pritz responded that the relocation would be acceptable as long as the AIPP and the Lionshead Merchant's Association supports the decision. She also stated that Lionshead has a lot of private property ownership so it is more difficult to place pieces on public land. For this reason, some pieces can be on private land with lease agreements. Kathy Langenwalter, the PEC representative to the AIPP board, stated that the Merchant's Association is adamant about keeping the Bird of Paradis6 in this'general area. She said thal the AIPP feels that the sculpture must be accessible to the public on g[ sides. She also stated that she likes the idea of the deck and cart, but that this project needs to be kept away from the piece. Joet Fritz then asked il it would be feasible to move the Bird of Paradise 8 or 9 ft. to the east. Kathy Langenwalter said that this would place the piece in the llow of pedestrian tratfic. She also stated that there needs to be enough space around the piece to allow public access. Jeff Bowen stated that the location ot the Bird of Paradise is a problem for this proposal. He believes that the Bird of Paradise is difficult to see presently because there is no sunlight after the morning hours, and there is a lot of wind at that location. He feels that this accounts for the large amount of trash located at the site. Plannlng and Envlronmental Commlsslon February 8, 1993 Chuck Crist stated that he would agree with the proposal if the Bird of Paradise was moved. Greg Amsden stated that if the sculplure was moved, lhe boundaries ol lhe deck would be provided by the existing building walls and sculpture. lf the sculpture remains in its present location, the cart should be placed to the west of the Bird of Paradise. He further stated that the entry of the Krismar must be preserved and that the sculpture could possibly be an entrance feature. Kathy Langenwalter voiced her concern about how the cart will fit in the space. Steve Stockman, owner of Krismar, stated his feeling that the deck aild cart would be an amenity to the Lionshead area. Gena Whitten said that she does not see this proposal as an outdoor-dining deck. She believes that an ordinance is needed addressing carts. She stated that a conditional use for an outdoor dining deck is the wrong vehicle for approving an espresso carl. Wilh regard to the Bird of Paradise, she inquired whether the AIPP would pay for its relocation. Kathy Langenwalter stated thai the AIPP has been working on placing the piece permanently for quite some time, and that money is available to move it. Diana Donovan stated that the cart should not be the cenlral atlraction and that the deck needs to be 6 ft. away from the Bird of Paradise. Steve Stockman inquired about the leasibility of locating the cart under the portico. Kristan Pritz stated that staff also has concerns with the cart location under the portico and how the deck was delineated. Steve Stockman stated that the cart and tables would have the same.umbrellas so that they are tied together visually. Kristran Pritz stated that staff feels that the deck must be delineated so that the association with the restaurant is clear. Gena Whitten said that it was her feeling that the deck being considered was not primarily for dining but for the cart, and that they already had a deck. Diana Donovan suggested that this item be tabled to give the applicants some time to modify their request. Greg Amsden stated that the Bird of Paradise issue needs to be resolved with the Lionshead Merchant's Association and AIPP so that a solution concerning its location can be found. Plannlng and Envlronmental Commlsslon February 8, 1993 Diana Donovan stated that the sculpture, if moved, needs to be even with lhe entryways to Krismar and Colorado lnsight, not out in front of the shops in the way of pedestrian tratfic. Joel Fritz inquired about if the Bird of Paradise was gone, how far out can the deck come. A general discussion then took place regarding the size of the deck, and it was a consensus that the deck and cart should not interfere with pedestrian tratfic through the area. Greg Amsden stated that if the sculpture was removed then fencing would need to be included in this project. Diana reiterated her leeling that the cart needs to look incorporateO into the deck. She then inquired whether the applicant would consider tabling this item for two weeks in order to look into getting the Bird of Paradise sculpture relocated. Jeff Bowen stated that he was not completely against this proposal but he would like to see modificalions and dialogue with the Lionshead Merchant's Association and AIPP concerning moving the sculpture. A motion was made by Kathy Langenwalter and seconded by Chuck Crist to table the request. A unanimous vote of 6-0 tabled this request until February 22, 1993. 4. A request for a major amendment to SDD #4, Cascade Village Area A, Millrace lll, to amend the approved development plan to allow for one single family residence and one duplex located at 1335 Westhaven Drive, more specifically described as lollows: A pan ol he SW y., NE /r, Section 12, Toyi,nshlp 5 Sor.,fi, Rsnoe 81 Wst ot fie 6fi F.!t, desdib€d as bllows: Bseinning al a poinl ol hs Nonh-Soulh centedln€ ol sald S€ctlm 12 whencs an ilon pln wih a plastc cap narklng $a oonbr ol rald S€cfon 1 2 bear! So0'^38561V .455.06 bct thcnc. along rald conbrllno Nm%a56t 122,81 teet to fie Eouthedy ROW llnc of 1.70i lh€nco depaning said ROW llne N6053'25'E 39,15 f€el; thonc. d€panlng sald ROW nne Sa1o23'1fE 165.,12 leet to a polnt ot curv€; lhsnce t22.8it bel aloog lhe arc ol a '14,at.20 l@t radlus curw lo tig l€t! havlng a central arDle ot 49"0851' and r chord flli b€atE 515"57'rl5'E 119.10 leet thonce 54032'10€ 3.00 fsct; honc€ 66.30 lbet along tho arc ol a 71.21 toot radlu3 cuye b the dghl, harrlng a c€nml arulo of 49"12'10' 8nd a chord that beerr S15"56!5'E 6,1.28 teeq rhence S8"4OtO1V 90.27 testi lhence N38.42'24'W 224.55 fe€t; th€nca S78"103?W 101.{4 t€€l to he Point of B€ginnino. Applicant: Planner: Michael Lauterbach Jim Curnutte Jim Curnutte made a brief presentation per the staft memo and stated that Mr. Lauterbach has made changes to his proposal in response to the PEG's comments from the January 25, 1993 PEC meeting. He then reiterated staff's concerns with regard to this project. Plannlng and Envlronmental Commlsslon February 8, 1993 [)rr n nu orulhTnv Ekv,/^ To*t' n- 7' w'/t MEMORANDUM 7. utl t a..rtt "- | 1/ 3'l 9.pllzil 4 a-. 1ft 1' Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department February 8, 1993 A request lor a Conditional Use Permit to allow for an outdoor dining deck for the Uptown Grill Restaurant, located at 521 East Lionshead Circle/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead, First Filing. Applicant: Joel Fritz and Richard N. Brown Planner: Tim Devlin Ith " TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: r. pEscRrPTroN oF THE PROPOSED USE The applicant is proposing to create an outdoor dining deck adjacent to the east entry of the Uptown Grill Restaurant, in the area surounding the "Bird of Paradise" sculpture. The Uptown Grill is part of the Vail 21 Building, and the property is zoned Commercial Core 2 (CC2) District. Outdoor patios (dining decks) are allowed in CC2 as a conditional use per section 18.26.030 of the Municipal Code. Please note that presently an outdoor dining deck exists on the south side of lhe restaurant. lf approved, the outdoor dining deck seating will be available for year-round use and is proposed to have an espresso cart located on it from which coffee products would be sold. The staff considers service carts of the type proposed by the applicant to be a part of the restaurant operation, thereby allowing it to be placed on an approved outdoor dining deck. Once the dining deck is approved, the espresso cart will be subject to Design Review Board approval. The dining deck is proposed to have approximately 10-12 tables with seating lor 4048 persons. A site plan is attached showing the location of the proposed deck. It should be noted that the Art in Public Places committee has allocated funds to move the "Bird of Paradise" approximately 36-40 inches to the east of its present location. The boundary of the deck is proposed to be of the same type used to define the dining deck on the south side of the restaurant, which is a lattice-type fence with planter boxes located on top. Please refer to the attached site plan and photograph of the proposed fence. II. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The Town of Vail zoning code does not stipulate the need for any additional parking spaces for outdoor dining decks. None of the other zoning or development standards would be affected with this proposal. III. HELATED POLICIES OF THE VAIL LIONSHEAD URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN AND URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The proposed deck is consistent with the following Lionshead Design Considerations. There are no Urban Design Sub-Area Concepts related to this area. The site is zoned Commercial Core 2 and the following guidelines should be used in reviewing the proposal: Decks and Patlos: Guidelines: E.1. "Functional decks or patios primarily for dining are strong street life elements in Lionshead and are highly encouraged, on either the ground or second floor level.' Discussion: ' "Dining decks and patios, when properly designed and sited, bring people to the streets, opportunities to look and be looked at, and generally contribute to the liveliness of a busy street - making a richer pedestrian experience than if those streets were emPty." Guidelines: E.2. "Decks and patios should be sited and designed with due consideration to: sun, wind, views, pedestrian activity, accessibility." Discussion:* 'A review of successful decks/patios in Lionshead reveals several common characteristics: direct sunlight from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and protection from wind increases use by many days per year; elevated 2 to 3 feet to give views into the pedestrian walk (and not the reverse); physical separation from pedestrian walk of 2 to 6 feet (a planter is more elfective than a wall); overhang gives pedestrian scale/shelter." Accent Elements: F.1. "Judicious use of colorful accent elements, consistent with the existing character of Lionshead are encouraged, such as: ...Awnings and canopies - canvas, bright color or stripes of two colors; Umbrellas - over tables on ouldoor patios; Annual color flowers - in beds or planters, in balcony or window boxes; Judicious use of bright colors to accent trim (pinstripe, scrollwork, etc.) will be acceptable." IV. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Although the proposed dining deck is consistent with lhe Lionshead Design Considerations discussed above, the statf feels that the deck should be located completely to the west of the "Bird of Paradise" sculpture for the reasons discussed below. Therefore, upon review of Section 18.60 - Conditional Use Permits of the zoning code, the Community Development Department recommends denlal of the conditional use permit for the dining deck as proposed 2. based on the lollowing factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Relationship and lmpact of the use on development objectives of the Town. The staff feels that an ouldoor dining deck in this area would be a positive addition to this area of Lionshead. The outdoor dining deck will add street activity and color to this corridor if designed properly. However, the staff feels that the deck should be located entirely to the west of the "Bird of Paradise" sculpture so as to not impede pedestrian access to the sculpture or access through the space between Krismar and Colorado Insight. The applicant maintains that the deck, and especially the espresso cart, needs to extend to the east of the sculpture to give the business exposure and visibility to pedestrians in the area. The staff feels that the dining deck should be in close proximity to the Uptown Grill so that it is associated with the restaurant. The staff feels that this association will occur most effectively if the deck is contained in the area west of the "Bird of Paradise." The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportatlon facilitles, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other publlc needs. The staff feels that the "Bird of Paradise" sculplure should remain fullv accessible io the general public and should not be located within the confines of the proposed outdoor dining deck. Further, the staff feels that the boundary ol the deck should be no closer than six feet from the sculpture to allow for unimpeded pedestrian access. Aside from this concern, the staff does not feel that this proposal negatively etfects the other above listed criteria. The effect upon tratflc with particular reference to congestlon, automotlve and pedestrian safety and convenience, traftic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from street and parking areas. The statf believes that the deck as proposed will hinder access to the sculpture (as discussed above) and will impede pedestrian traffic moving through the area between the Lionshead Parking Structure and Lionshead. The Public Works Department has also recommended that the deck be located entirely to the west of the sculpture to , I t minimize any negative effects on pedestrian traffic flow. Public Works has also V= expressed cbncern that snow removal and snow storage lor the area needs to be 71( adbressed by the appficant. - / | Effect upon character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, Including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to the surroundlng uses. The staff believes an outdoor dining deck in this area would have a positive effect upon the character of the immediate area. However, the statf feels that if the deck is allowed to extend east of the "Bird of Paradise" sculpture, the sculpture would be less 3. 4. accessible to the public and that pedestrian traffic flow through the area would be negatively impacted. The staff feels that the proposed lattice fence and planter boxes are attractive and recommends that the planter boxes be utilized in both the summer (annual color flowers) and winter (i.e. evergreen boughs and lighting). V. FINDINGS The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinqs before orantinq a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes . of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The staff recommends denlal of the request for a conditional use permit for the outdoor dining deck as proposed, as we believe the request does not meet the findings in Section V as described in this memo. The staff could support of a modified version of the proposed dining deck if it were located entirely to the west of the "Bird of Paradise" sculpture for reasons discussed in Section lV of this memo, and if the applicant is able to successfully address Public Work's @ncerns regarding snow removal and snow storage. The staff feels that the proposed lattice fence and planter boxes are attractive and recommends that the planter boxes be utilized in both the summer (annual color llowers) and winter (i.e. evergreen boughs and lights). Iv '::\ ; EXTIIBIT A o ,1 I I I :' Lv9 Lue1:o.UlfJ*$gtqu_ - Eref lbgrz- to, :,zor': fi.rSrGia,- -tte.EIIA(4--- kegrrAn. ( EY fie UFfoQN Qtrtu-. flle APrua+rtt 19 f4o?enq ra ucArr IO.IZ TAELEg AND AN ESFEE'# CAKT IDITIIN THIS AE€A, '17'.q" 0-Bo* /urqilT TRoPeseo Pailect CAPT LOCAT'ONS 7 /. t. EsPR€sso Sltusr --)Norr* o /eofooo AtftcE Feuce urtl /urnm EaY aP foP f. 6a 4<ee fo OEJrEarrF fN€ funatFr€s aF ffl€ p€64 . o o EXIIIBIT A LUff o!! f -'r -&t.t-u- - -iersJl-- ^W&- - . \ t+' l4Plsm*rc keB,ttAa Eprpy ' r ' ''.. SITE PIAU V-"1 lxoKttes AeeA KecaillreNDeD BY ItE lfAtF Fdrz fIE oqrwe DNNE DEck' .tlt' S|AFF g€Lt€v€s fiiAT ftltT €dN FqqPAfldN luut SesT Auaw 'FaF _r"EO€sTPrAN Access Jtleaqfl# rHE aE& AND fa feF 'Breo aP PnEADlg" guLrfuaE. fll€ TABLES - ANP E€?EE4eO ClEr 6o4LD gF n cceO wnilN Tlts AFEA Ar f{F.htlttt,. DI*,FETION, fu-,ur* /ust4ilT tlt'.d I I \l . -l-.} 5lArg5- -> NoerH TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMOBANDUM Planning Staff Tim Devlin January 25, 1993 Staff Policy on Outdoor Display ot Goods, Outdoor Dining Decks and Vending Carts, and Outdoor Public Seating This memo serves to clarify the staff's position on the above mentioned subjects. 1.) Outdoor Dlsplay of Goods: Section 18.24.190 "Locatlon of buslness actlvlty" (Commercial Core I zone district) reads as follows:A. All offices, business and services permitted by Sections 18.24.020 through 18.24.050 shall be operated and conducted entirely within a building, except forpermittedunenc|osedparkingorloadingareaS,@ ooods (emphasis added by staff). B. The area to be used for outdoor display must be directly in front of the establishment displaying the goods and be entirely upon the establishment's own property. Sidewalks, building entrances and exits, driveways and streets shall not be obstructed by outdoor display. (The same wording is also found in the Commercial Core ll, Commercial Core lll, and Commercial Service Center zone districts.) It is the interpretation of the planning staff that outdoor vending carts do not meet the criteria necessary to be considered an "outdoor display of goods" as discussed in Section 18.24.190 (A,B) of the Municipal Code. Currently, the Town considers the outdoor display of goods to include the display of merchandise such as books, clothing, artwork, etc. Merchants that display goods outside are required to have the customer actually come inside the store to pay lor the item. This requirement is based specifically on section 18.24.190 (referenced above) which states that "allbusiness... shall be conducted entirely within a building..." The staff believes that this section of the code is not intended to include food and beverage items, and sees potential enforcement difficulties of requiring businesses and customers to conduct all monetary transactions associated with these carts inside the subject establishment. 2.1 Outdoor Dlnlng Decks and Vendlng Carts: Outdoor dining decks associated with restaurants are allowed in certain zoning districts with a conditional Use permit that has been granted by the PEC. lt is the staff's position that once an outdoor dining deck has been approved for a specific location associated with a restaurant, the restaurant operation may place a service cart on that deck (i.e. an espresso cart), subject to DRB approval of the cart. lt is also the staff's a 3.) position that all approved decks must have defined perimeters (i.e. planters, railing, chains etc.) to demarcate the space. Please see the "Design Considerations' for the Village and Lionshead, as well as the "Deck and Patio Guidelines' that have been approved by the Town of Vail Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Outdoor Publlc Seatlng: It is the staff's position that outdoor oublic seating is allowed as an accessory use on public and private property in certain zone districts, and that a conditional use permit is not necessary. DRB review and approval is necessary for the seating plan as well as the design of the tables and chairs that are to be placed outside. The seating is to be designated for the public, with "brown baggers" and the like welcome to use the area. o [^4^ -1,4- 0;l[^- @ /n-:l tnz ,wr44 /,,o . ;1,4{ 4" KP - tl_thlb:ry" ..io tat7,< , '"4211 a.fu r/ /P- ^{,/*'.- rt4 florrl* -a ror*,r/- fr .a41 NP- w w.l L /*/. ,/ rl-yv, 0o --@:- eu*{;d=e/ - &4 a'xB' _6tU,uoa h-s". tzzt/ L^_ t,r_ _&y'-n*,f rc/.7 *f, ; * fEc- u1L crftrlq+a /u'' - /tf- ,/ra"/ n z.waraS/ ,./,r"L."'*+-a/. ' /5 /' 42vk1 **r,// *,fl t/. t2/r" - az /..4 / P#/ / ,/ //a'hl t^/' -;k ou/-*-'< / tua'*' /L*< - /,*z ck L&. :4'^ &u o1X!/u^"fu f rl-Vt ir"# r/^h tL ) Jt1- /r, */ fu *za/r, .,h,, /-t<,.?'< ?7 ,tur^, - 4"4-* *z*/ f^ ,&a ftt'-- u*/ - a ,0,-,5./. / p'W fA/s - ea,/ /a/ l'r/" s'-n t ) z,-14r. . @ 4L'"47) ?14 16 Rfc'uFF8 | 6Dg| LIONSHEAD MERCHANT ASSOCIAT ION February 10, 1993 Joel Fritz Uptown Grill By Hand Dear Joel: The Lionshead Merchants Association never agreed to allov-^_the Bird of Panadise to be moved fortv inches to the f-tFst t{e did ag:ree io allow it to be moved iirectty r8f,6f itspresent location to the planter between the Bus Stop and thepedestrian welkway in front of the VaiI 2l Building. TheArts in Public places people and the town staff were toldthis at a regular Lionshead Merchant Association meetinE. PSeIxV ll{lker Pr es i dent LIONSHEAD MERCHANT ASSOCIATION February 10, 1993 Joel"Fritz Uptown GrilI By Hand Dear Joel: The Lionshead Merchants Association never agreed to allowthe Bind of Paradise to be moved f orty inches to the liert.€#it We did agree to allow it to be noved directtv W#f6f itspresent location to the planter between the Bus Stop and thepedestrian walkway in front of the Vail 21 Building. TheArts in Public places people and the town staff were toldthis at a regular Lionshead Merchant Association meeting. gc*g tldlker President a -v o € i I /'^ '. ,^c-. i - \Z\x)xiY :.-- t t*--. "'' | , ll-O:--3 1..-=) i\f Y\Z I Ii!l: "\.I .li1 f: i i *+1Ll J LcF€utJSr LIONSHEAD ITERCHANT ASSOCIATION February 10, 1993 Joel Fritz Uptown Grill By Hand Dear Joel: The Lionshead Merchants Association never agreed to allow -the Bird of Paradise to be moved forty inches tc^tLe 51 .6-7 We did agree to allow it to be noved directly l€3PJof itspresent location to the planter betreen the Bus Stop and thepedestrian walkway in front of the Vail 21 Building. TheArts in Public places people and the town staff rere told thls at a regular Lionshead ltlerchant Association ueeting. Si.ncerely, Packy Walker President 4r,/r= "-/,,/oz fKe X-^t, qru {re6$;Sd "\ t\or,*' (lo^- /,,lat 4't\.3 LIONSHEAD MERCHANT ASSOCIATION Februany 10, 1993 Joel Fritz Uptown GrilI By Hand Dear .Ioel:. The Lionshead Merchants Association never agreed to allowthe Bird of Panadise to be moved forty inchis tq.the lhrt.6A3t We diit ag:ree to allow it to be moved directly W#t'/;t itspresent location to the planter between the Bus Stop and thepedestrian walkway in front of the Vail 21 Building. TheArts in Public places people and the town staff were toldthis at a regular Lionshead Merchant Association meeting. tl/2/z;-./-t.l/{t 1/\ /MrL K->^Nn7 at s 7o/r,6 L,on1st164, LteuoK Sr"R,%>-O*U*= {' Kinq=qil-:RA4- /') tu,#Ufe4'444leu " tr'-"v EEU'/'S b-et|- DtAtttclpa 5 r<- s_;Js,<' A;-L- Pres i dent ()o/,,,-*6za,h /81r".-a-,-ce- u o/^A -d^-zx -gzzd-/, Hr^*l /' LIONSHEAD MERCHANT ASSOCIATION February 10, 1993 Joel Fri tz Uptown Grill By Hand Dean Joel: The Lionshead Mercbants A,ssociation never agreed to allowthe Bird of Paradise to be moved forty inches to the lVlrt.EAst We did ag:ree to allow it to be moved iirectly w#f6f ltspresent location to the planter between the Bus Stop and thepedestrian walkway in front of the Vail 21 Building. TheArts in Public places people and the town staff were toldthis at a regular Lionshead Merchant Association meeting. -€ ) Aettr,l /tJ /*wz,ZU1 WV+it;sJ 9*c*l lldlker President LIONSHEAD MERCHANT ASSOCIATION February 10, 1993 Joel -Fri tz Uptown GriIl By Hand Dear Joel: The Lionshead Merchants Association never agreed to allow--__the Bird of Paradise to be moved forty inches to the ags{EAsr' we did ag:ree to allow it to be moved iirectfv u3E6t itspresent location to the planter between the Bus Stop and thepedestrian walkway in front of the Vail 21 Building. TheArts in Public places people and the town staff were toldthis at a regular Lionshead Merchant Association meeting. ifud^c*(*^*n fr{ufu+-fiM, /.* os,to/d*--14;r-*L- frers-n4 (1t" PS<*v lirflker Pres ident [*oi stA,F5 EXHIBIT A I u-11Efa!dN_" g4'- -- ENf,-. ^W_ " 'l I I Pglsr4*g * kegrae Et'w\,r ,( \'".ti ,ri:;'l----\> -!gsr$'-llu.ge*r-*- h-po* /r"sqtlT O PPP'n r:n' ' t ' 4NTLQ '# SA T \NIL MEMORANDUM Date: February 12, 1993 Fro: Rob LeVine To: Tonrr of VaiI Plarmirg Department Subject: Bird of ParadiseAlptonn Grill dinirg deck I fully sr4port the idea of mvirg the Bird of Paradise sculpture directly east frm its present location, in order to make rocm for an outdoor dinirg deck. Personal ly, I also don't think we should be overly concerned about the pedestrian access around the sculpture in a new location. A little tighter quarters ma5r provide soe hrman scale and "coziness" which would be a welcue charge frm the balance ol the Lionshead pedestnian area. WL Robert LeVine Genenal Manager 680 West Lionshead Place Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-2471 Fnx (303) 476-4146 flr,"ryt& rf/lr ,lrlrt tl.t{. asa -6k h*tt;td zp9 €ftl /--/ /,d.{Ur/q4 fu ltl J ar./ d.ar**r.s "t , ) t (f"t "- /,-/. & *,r/ **r/ofr'< n4{a--4. B. /^ ,A/f at? 4, 4/ t 6",0#, /'.1-,//,/-l ,> /. /frt//v Qrtc fte fbr,uq ,// h ilrh /"/ *,1./ /, t7 4 ,/'^c a-f -a rt; J* 6n*h re*L 4-.4 '/ ,3 .b .++.1L 1*6'/et'/ /" {f, "En/." o'-JJ; ,*,/ or*til* ,lu # a'h{-. *, :r--Y' ,A a.-r/. fr14 # a'r./ r/ra es,t a" k# d'U::!._&*_ \ir 464 .2 /r2tr a( 4ltat J / j / 12.f # *.t6,** rt/.; oA? 7 tk / A. dil* .(* Z,-,1 . it'# L 6at o{i tl .+"Z2rn ?d - r/,urL '... I ./1't\/ Ltotn, llJrvtwINTER-DEPARTMENTAL RDVIDW /qTodae lrrrg 0eal 7; flr Elef aF flE- /tsft+'zn,rz-'E=ft,',4ltuV-. //'5t;l*rv'v TllEl/E &5f qtDL a/j //,'fflwP fR/Lt //tD ')Er,?D aF frruar,lPtse! FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: ,DaLe: Comment,s: POLICE DBPARTMENT Reviewed by: CommenCs: RECREATION DBPARTMDNT Reviewed by: CommenLs: Date: DALe: 4 ,'/ o I. .l This.procedure is reguired for any projectconditional use pernit. The application will not be,accepted untifsubmitted. A. NAI'{E oF ApplrcAur Gp7or,rzrv C'etcc_ PERIIIT reguired to obt,ain aLl infornation is PHONtr V7a-}1r-] B. ADDRESS NAME OF ADDRESS APpLTCANT, s REpRESENTATTvE foEL FR tr> Dat,e of application Date of PEC Meetinq (lP7o.,rzrv C'\tcc- oX ?S "v. b tlx.- OWNER(S) (print or type) -hSIGNAnTRE (S PHONE3fi-4 ry--9L7 O LOCATION 0F PROPOSAL: LEGAT :LOT_BLOCK_FILING ADDRESS FEE 92OO. OO PAID i, THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEEORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $IILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners of allproperty adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING pROpERTy. BEHIND Af.ID ACROSS STREETS, and a list. of names and nailingAddTesses. THE APPLICANT !{ILL BE RESPoNSIBLE FoR coRREcT OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. PRE-APPTICATION CONFERENCE : A pre-application conference with a planning staff member isstrongly suggested to determine if any add.itional information isneeded. No apprication will be accepted unress it complete (mustinclude all itens required by the zoning administratorj. ft isthe applicant, s responsibility t,o make in appointment wit.h thestaff to find out about additional submj_ttal requirements. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPI.ETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVA], PROCESS TOFEG:-NOJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL ,COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAI MUSTBE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. Four (4) copies of the following information nust besubmitted: lr':! L. , A"descript,ion of ,the precise nature of the proposed use\ and its operating characteristics and measures proposedI .. to make the use compatible with other properties in thevicinity. The description must, also address: a. Relationship and inpact of the use on developmentobjectives of the Town, NAI'{E OF o$rDrER (s) ADDRESS Elv D. E. F. cK# EXTIIBIT A $Or${zaDo =.rslc#.r $w 1E \il.E \(dt \ 'i'i: *..t January 14, 1993 Dear Neighbor: As you knou, we have all discussed ways to increase ourvisibility. We believe the addition of an Espresso Cartin the area between Colorado Insight and Krismar and theresultant pedestrian activit,y will enhance the entireneighborhood. The Town has placed the additional reguirement that we applyfor a Conditional Use permit for the area. t{e must obtain - your agreement to the proposed Conditional Use of the areaas an Uptown Grill dining deck. We appreciate your support in this matter. Sincerel y, Susan and Joel Fritz I have read the above and I am fully in favor of the proposed Use. n Dat e s!F.\c.-. Date Date / /lY / f3 /(8, stnAe, c rrt 472 E. LIONSHEAD CIRCLE vAlL. coLoRADO 8r657 303-476-2727 January 14, 1993 Dear Neighbor: As you know, we have all discussed ways to increase ourvisibility. We believe the addition of an Espresso Cartin the area between Colorado Insight and Krismar and theresultant pedestrian activity will enhance Lhe entireneighborhood. lfe believe that any improvement made in the area betweenColorado Insight and Krismar will benefit the area. Thesp?ce is presently little more than a slightly used pedestrian walkway in which, unfortunately, trash regularly accumulates. The Town has placed the additional requirement that we applyfor a Conditional Use Permit for the area. ile must obtain - your agreement to the proposed Conditional Use of the areaas an Uptown Grill dining deck. lfe appreciate your support in this matter. Sincerel y, Susan and Joel Fritz I Co have read the above and di ti onal Use. am fully inT ttl favor of the proposed o^t. //trf93 Date Dat e 472 E. LIONSHEAD CIRCLE vAlL, coLoRADO 81657 303-476-2727 !I {i.' :r:.f,S N::r.. :..;''l'il Z'l;1',, 1,..r ;:,a':-l[::, , i ii".'ill- -:.1i1 ril q) ;'E-! ,g P''e-v > 'i.i.,; ,.;; {:,1 i.r ::.:;:Ll:, ;i il 4,itsirlb 471 ?7]+' 5g'/7 piFt|t, ;ir1;. l,,i.i:"i Z"'ll !..1 I , , i, ,','l ll-I .-.r,.:,'- Lf.':t,.ri'' ' -: 1 .'';. ..1. ,. t-T.j. 1i,:. -,.,'-Yo' I lt\l,.,n-:,,ri.'' fl.".-i.,;;li ::l ri![fI-T]TIi;:;:i, :r ." "ii: I l=fl;",.j,il,ii :l ",''' , ',-i'lt'g;5; , j / l\\\ r,.r. lt .';iilJl,*:i:,rt{r:. iirfj:i ,il'i*i*$tffiffiffi t,'.t"','$iffi .r ,, .i ,,, .ti,,-ltit..''fJ Tfl'rfih*$,f ff't=uiitF**t' t'',' l'ffii"tir.,t' .'i,;' l*j ':'l l":,i ;',:.'' r; i 11:,i- j'{r;li+trEi | "',,,, ;' t,ir,i, , ll l,l, t i, i ''lr'., ::.- ', i1,'i-'i'l.F-r'fl'1 ," |4,;;1iJ':l: " EXHIBIT A L-tJffQ.Yl rJ--.€g'"tEL- .- *€nBI-*DQp-*:-- . \:f o 1 I r- !, I --gq-!1r:*-,s*---. | ,//(6wtat 5l'Arel I 1 I I I .--Y/ TOWN OF VAIL- DEPA RTi\f ENT OF COMIVII.JNITY DEVELOP}IENT S,\LES ACTION FORM N,lllE f' "^*L-&3 zci\'r,\.*o .d\lD A DDRESS [{Ats0l 000041540 LTNTTO L\{ B I.JILDh'G COD E0l ctoo 424:5 UMFOR.\{ PLUMB[\C CODE0l 000042415 0l 00'10 42.il 5 UM FOR\.I IfECHANICAL CODE UNIFOR,V FIRE CODE0t 00co{2415 o l 0ooo 42415 | x,rlopet TLEcTRIcAL coDE 0l 0000424r5 | oilER coDEBooKs B LUE PR[^{TS O'IYLAI{S0l 0000 .il 543 XEROX COPIES / S'TUDIE50l 00co42412 0r 00c0 {2371 PENAI-TY FLE5 / RE.[\ISPECNONS 0l 00c0.t t 332 | PL,LY REvlEw RE-CHECK FEE [S..0 PER l-iR. 0l 0000 42323 OFF HOURS L\iSPECTION FEES CONTL\CTORS LICE\S ES FEES0t 0010{1112 0l m00{r330 SICN APPLICATION FEE0l 0000414r3 ADDMONAI- SIGNAOE FEE tSI.OO PER SO.IT.0l00004t4r3 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION0l c000 424d0 PRE PA]D DESIGN REVIE1V BOARD FEE0t 0cr00 4t331 RIOR AL THAN IOO SO.FT.0l 0000.11330 0r 00004r330 OI ONOO4I:}30 ISPECI,AL DEVELOPiUENTDI r 1330 ;VARI 41330 IZOMNC CODE A"VE\DI'iE\ITS 0l 0000 41330 * * * * * * * * * /p -TDIJF{ OF L.|trI I L- t'liscel laneous Cagh rJ l-UE-']f, 16: ?6: 56 Ftr',:*ipt * 112118 il,:'-aLrri t # ffiiilxl " ai i i-t- Etlrnrssn"trE5l 6tl RElrIEtl BnRR i,-ilr,i,-',-,r,1 t.,:n'lefe'l :' 28' 68 Itern Psid Hftount Paid U1.t-1"J!illr+1.f,f,1t:1fiF ?E' gB Lli.:inrl.:: f ;i t l-rrfl€d :' tl' EIFJ THFIH}< VOL' Lr'*Lrr '::35rrt e r 5TEFHFIIIIE o EITURESOrnoxer-p ItilliilD0ro. BOYDS . Since 19)0.The Real Coffee Experts@ r-80G223-821I p.o. Eox 20547, PORTIAND, OREGON 97220 {s031 666-4545 FAx: {503) 669'2223 I 18" Fold-out SheJf r Grinder Shelf I Service Shelf r Acrylic ltolio D'Oro Front Trim Ponel I Cosh Drower l'(\SBl I ;^rl O lJql FJYDCOFFEE aOIIf.\NY BYRENEKA. SEMI-AUTOMATIC EASEAND EFFICIENCY. '. ,"$ + \, .i .. t' t ONLocArroN, ANYWHEREYOU LIKE, PERFECT ESPRESSO. Boyds also offers a wide variety of espresso accessories including omamental domes, a full range of carts, steaming pitchers, knocr boxes, cups and saucers and more. As a soecial service for our customers, Boyds offers training, point-of-sale materials, recipes and espresso technical support. 9PEGIFrcATTONS noDtl FrOwlR tttctltcilf DlnEilgloil3lHrWrDf sHtPPiltC ltGort:llDtDwEtcHt wltEt 3oulcE Reneka Single (9888)200c w 120 v 20.5"x 15.4"x 19.7"105 lbs.3/8" line Reneka Basic I (9895)2000 w 208/240 V 20.5'x 18.8"x 19.7"139 lh,s.l/8" line Reneka Basic II (9896)3800 w 208/240 V 20.5'x25.5" x19.7"177 lhs.l/8" line Reneka Basic III (9897)5500 \)v 2A8lZ40V 20.5" xi4.2" x19.7"216 lb6.3/8" line Reneka Plus I (9889)2000 w 2081240 V 20.5"x21.6"x20"I ]C lhs.l/8' line Reneka Plus II (9890)3800 \v 208/240 V 20.5"x28.3"x2tr"16? ltu.l/8" line Reneka Plus III (9891)t500 w 2A 240V 20.5"x3?'x20"194 lhs.l/8" line Reneka Expen (9893)4500 \)v 208/240 V 35" x25.i'xl9 .7"192 lb6.3/8" line Espresso Coffee Grinder (996?)180 w 120 v 24.6"x8.5"x1I'26 lhs. Espresso Steaming Pitcher 2O oz. (9983) 32 oz. (99??l Espresso Knock Box (9755)6"x5"x9".5 lbs. Special Event Beverage Cart (9925)l20v ll"x54"xl0" Custom Colors Available For Espresso Brewers and Grinders c,"y I nu,rundv I Bl"" I wl lttNo lftRtot tts E!PRE330 toutpilENt We're proud to be one of the largest distributors of espreso equipment in Nonh America. Since 1900, Boyds has grown to be a major player in ttre food and ber.erage industry as well as experts in the coffee and espresso business, importing 40 ft. containers of espreso equipment into the U.S. All replacement parts are stocked domestically and have a l2-month wamanty. Ovemight delivery is available vr that vour esDresso s€rvice won't mis a beat. ffi IOYD GO'FII GONPATY P.O. lor 205/|7 ?odlcnd, Orogcn 97220 llO3l 666-a5a5 or llOOl 543.aO77 tAIr l3o3l 659-2223 Tgc-hni-Br€$ commercid espr€sso mactines have been teslod and examrned bv the ETI Testino Laboratories. and aro ETL cedilbd to be in comoliance sith th€ Epglbabl6 r€quirementa ol th€ Standard lor Electric Co.nmorcial Cookino Abliancs€ IUL l9A. and lhe Nalional Sanilalion Forndalion Standafr l(toooklng 4 Hol Food Slo.ag€ Equipmer (NSF4).@ EJ? @ 1992 t O 34'"( g4 rrvircd LOl5l92 1,1ult'nlil 1e ft^t' .9'14 l"- D. @ Date of Applicauion Date of PEC Meeting Jolql' t7x'17/*{ q76'Va< I. TPPLTCIIION DOR COITDIITONAIJ gSI PERMIT This procedure is reguired for any project conditional use permit. The application will not be accepted until subnitted, reguired to obtain aII information is A. NAI''E OF APPLICA}.IT (IP7OT,TZ,V GeI CC ADDRESS qTZ €- t)Slr- .c-<.r PHoNE {.74-11).-l c. .b e,q{ -' NA!,18 OF olrlrBR(s) ADDRESS B.NA},IE OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE T(JEL FP T>eoonrss Rkn 3se Ffr6frE q-'[:- ,B OWNER(S) (print or type) srGNrrnRE ( PHoNES,,3:2Sjt-S',zv O LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAI:LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS FEE $2OO. OO PAID cK# THE FEE MT'ST BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F.Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners of allproperty adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY. BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETST dDd a list of names and mailing addTesses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT O$INERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A pre-application conference with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additionaL information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it complete (must include all itens reguired by the zoning adrninistrator). ft is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find ouL about additional submittal requirements. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COUPT,ETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAI, PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. A&& CONDITIONS OF APPROVAT MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. Four (4) copies of the following information must be submitted: 1. A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and it.s operating characteristics and neasures proposed to make t.he use compatible with other properties in thevicinity. The description must al"so address: a. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. 7r"./ Q* /a /<1,r/, COMMUNITY /;r,,1 /s<o< , "|". or sne use on J.r.glnE...r]r.r, qr.sE,rrouE,ron oflpopulat ion, transport at ionrfaci lit ies,utilities, schools, parks and recreationfacilities, and other public facilities and publicfacilities needs. Effect, upon traffic, with particular reference tocongestion, autornotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic fLow and control, access,maneuverability, and renoval of snow from thest,reets and parking area. d. Effect upon the character of the area in which theproposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. A site plan at a scale of at least Ln = 20' showingproposed development of the site, including topography,building locations, parking, t.raffic circulation, useable open space, landscaped areas and utilities anddrainage features. Prelininary building elevations and floor plans. A title report to verify ownership and easements. If the building is condominiumized, a letter from the condominiun association in support of the proposal nustbe submitted to staff. Any additional mat.eriaL necessary for the review of theapplication as determined by the zoning administrator. **For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan nay be waived by the zoningadninistrator. REQUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each nonth. A complete application form and all accompanying material (as described above) must be submitted a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to t.he date ofthe PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoning administrator) will be accepted bythe planning staff before or after the designated submittal date. A1I PEC approved conditional use permits shall lapse ifconstruction is not commenced wit.hin one year of the date ofapproval and diligently pursued to completion, or if the usefor which the approval is granted is not commenced within one year. If this application requires a separate review by any local,State or Federal agency otfter than the Town of Vail, theapplication fee shall be increased by S200.00. Examples of such review, may i-nc1ude, but are not limited to: CoLorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50t of the application fee. ff,at the applicant's reques*-r rny matter is postponed forhearing, causing the natter to be re-published, then, theentire fee for such re-publication shal1 be paid by theapplicant. b. c. 2. 3. 5. IV. TIME A. R A, B. c.appricatil deemed by the communityQv.roo .nt Departmentto have significant deeign, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants cther tbaL toldn staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Community Development may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay hin or her andthis amount shall. be forwarded to the Town by the applicantat the tine he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review ofthe application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant, which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returnedto the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excessof the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to t.he Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification bythe Town. DRB APP&rCtrTroN - TonN otr vl,tl, DATE APPTICATION RECEI\TED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: O rcvLrcd sl4lsL COIORADO REFE J$tI 8-leto ttttttttt* ISrS tppt lcstloN rrI.L tfclt BE lcctptEDuttTIL ALIr RTQUIRED rllroru|ATlotf rs suEMrtaEDa**lttt***r. 7. PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: tc^,' PHoto B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction Addition (S50.00) ADDRESS:c. D. ($200.00)Minor Alteration ($20.00) ConceptuaL Review ($0) Lot BlockLEGAI DESCRIPTION: Subdivision ff property is described bydescription, please provideattach to this application. a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and zoNrNG: \nto zt Ll o ri\E. F. ,e. LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing applicant must provide a currentlot area. NAME OFMailing APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE :Address:S-lr)e€ w):i r. NAr,,rE oF *SIGIIATIIRE (S) :Mailing Address: J. Condominlum Approval if applicable. ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: DRB FEES DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlne of submittal of DRB application. Llter, whenapplylng for a building permit, please identify tireaccurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vailwill adjust the fee according to the table below, to K. C^r/- -"\<A Vsfq,VALUATION0 - $ 10,000$ 10,001 - $ 50,000$50,001 -$ 150,000 9150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000I Over $1r 0001 000 FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 9100.00 9200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 r DESIGN RE\EE}I BOARD EPPRO\IAIJ EXPIRES ONE TEAR .NFTER FTNAI.lPPRolIAl I'NLESS A BSILDING PER!{II Is IssuED tND coNsTRuctIoN ISSTIRTED. r*NO .EPPLICITION NILL BE PROCESSED tfrEEout NAI{E OF APPLICANT: ua.rlinS, Address: Phone ONNER' S SIGNATT'RE 1I PRE-APPLICATION MEETING : III A pre-application meeting with a member of the planningstaff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication infornation is needed. It is the applicantrsresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff todetermine if there are additional submittal requirements.Pl.ease note that a coMPLETa application wlll streaml-ine theapproval process for your project. In addition to meeting subrnittal reguirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building lines and buitdingcorners. All trees to be rernoved must be taped. AIIsj.te tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicantsshould plan on presenting their development proposal ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining finalapproval . Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled neeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepubl i shed. The following items may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the CommunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB nay not be required): A. EI c. D. a. Windows, skylights which do not alterbuilding; and and similar exterior changesthe existing plane of the E. b. Building addition proposals not visible from anyother 1ot or public space. At the time such aproposal is submitted, applicants nust includelett,ers from adjacent property owners and/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the associationapproves of the addition. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. enow avalanche, rockfalI, flood plain, debris f1ow,wetland, etc) r a hazard study must be submitted and theowner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prlor to the issuance of a building permit.AppLicants are encouragted to check with a Tohrn plannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. For all resldentlal construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insidefaee of the exterior structural. walls of thebuilding; andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of t,hebuilding walls or supporting columns. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. F, G. rv.NEw coNsrRUcG Three copies of a recenta licensed survevor, at a scale of 1" = 20' or larger, on which the following information is provided: 1. Lot area. 2. Two foot contour intervals unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, i.n which case, 5t contour intervals may be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks wiLh dianeters of 4n or more, as measured from apoint one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (Iarge boulders, intermittent streams, etc. ) . 5. Ilazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.),centerline of stream or creek, required creek or stream setback, 100-year flood plain and slopes of 40t or more, if applicable. 6. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmarkor sevrer invert. This information shouLd beclearly stated on the survey so that all measurements are based on the same starting point. This is particularly inportant for height measurements. See Policy On Survey Information,for more information regarding surveys. 7. Locations of the following:a. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales,etc. must be shown. b. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their sourceto the structure. Utilities to include: Cable TV Telephone A. Sewer Water GasElectric B, c. Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals to be located on site or in theright-of-way adjacent to the site. Revocablepernits from the Town of VaiI are requiredfor improvements in the right-of-way. d. Property lines - distances and bearings and abasis of bearing must be shown. e. All easenents (Title report must also include exist.ing easement locations) 8. Existing and finished grades. 9. Provide spot elevations of the street, and a minimum of one spot elevation on either side ofthe lot, 25 feet out from the side property lines. Site Plan I.ocatlons of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. b. Proposed driveways. Percent slope and spotelevations nust be shown. AIl existing improvements including structures, Iandscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining walle (with top and bottom ofwall spot elevations), and other existing site improvements. 1. 2. 3.erqO.ons gr top or roof ridqelwith existinqand prgposed qrades shown underneath). ffreseelevations and grades must be pioviOeO in orderfor the staff to determine building height. Atlridge lines should be indicated on the tite plan.Elevations for roof ridges shall also be indicatedon the site plan with corresponding finished andexisting grade elevations. 4. Driveway grades.may not exceed 8* unless approvedby the Town Engineer. Landscape Plan (1" = 20, or larger) - 3 copies required 1. The following informat j.on must be provided on t.helandscape p1an. The location of existing 4,,diameter or larger trees, the location, 6ize,spacing and type (conmon and latin name) of allexisting and proposed plant material . AlL treesto be saved and to be removed nust also beindicated. The plan must also differentiatebetween existing and proposed vegetation. 2. Conplete the attached landscape materials Lisc. 3. The location and type of existing and proposedwatering systems to be employed in caring forplant materiaL following its installation. 4. Existing and proposed contour lines. In order to clarify the inter-relation of the variousdevelopment proposal components, please incorporate asmuch of the above infornation as possible onto the siteplan. -Siqn gff from each utilitv comoanv verifying thelocation of utility service and availabilitt (seeattached) . A preliminary title report must accompany a1Isubmittals, to insure property ownership and 1ocationof .4L easements on property. Architectural Plans (I/8,, = Lt or larger, L/4,. lspreferred scale for revj-ew) 3 copies reguired. 1. Scaled floor plans and a1l elevations of theproposed deveLopnent. Elevations must show bothexisting and finished grades. 2. One set of floor plans rnust be ',red-Linedfl to showhow the gross residential floor area (GRFA) wascaIculat,ed. Reductions of all elevations and the site plan (g-L/2n x LL"l for inclusion in pEC and/or foirnCouncil memos may be requested. 4. Exterior surfacing materials and materiat colorsshaLl be specified on the attached materials tist.This materials list must be completed andBubmitted as a part of DRB application. Colorchlps, siding sanples etc., shoul.d be presented tothe Design Review Board meeting. ?ong check list (attached) must be completed if projectis located within the Single-Fami1y, eiimary/Seclndiryor Duplex zone districts. Photos of the existing site and wtrere applicable, ofadjacent structures. NOTE: D. F H. I. The Zon! Adninistrator and/ot pPfly requ.ire the submission of additionaL plans, drawings,specifications, samples and other materiaLs (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether aproject will conply with Design Guidelines. V. IIIINOR AI,TERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS. Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopnentproposal and the location (site plan) of the redevelopmentproposal may be submitted ln lieu of the more formalrequirement.s set forth above, provided all irnportantspecifications for the proposal including colors andmaterials to be used are submitted. VI. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAT A. Original floor plans wit,h all specifications shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans t/8" = lt or largerlL/4.. = Lt is preferred) C. Three copies of a site plan showing existing andproposed construction. Indicate roof ridge elevationswith existing and proposed grades shonn underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Photos of the existing structure. F. Speclfications for all materiaLs and color samples onmateriaLs list (attached). At, the request of the Zoning Administrator you may also berequired to submit: G. A statement from each utility verifying location ofservice and availability. See attached utilityIocation verification form. H. A site improvement survey, stamped by registeredprofessional surveyor. f. A preliminary title report, to verify ownership ofproperty, which lists all easements. VII. FINAL SITE PLAN Once a building pernit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Department will schedule aframing inspection, two copies of an Improvement LocationCertificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registeredprofessional engineer must be subnitted. The followinginformation must be provided on the ILC: Building location(s) with ties to property corners,i.e. distances and angles. Building dinensions to the nearest Uenth of a foot. A. B. c. D. All utllity service linematerLal used, and size Dralnage as-builts. Basis of bearing to tie as-builts, showing type of and exact. location of lines. to section corner. F. AII property pins are to be either found or set andstated on improvement survey. A1l easements. Building floor elevations and all roof ridge elevationswith exlstlng and proposed grades shown under the ridgelines. G. H. VIII.CONCEPTUAI DE.h REVIEW A. Submittal requirenents: The owner or authorized agentof any proJect reguiring design approval as prescribed by this chapter may submit plans for conceptual reviewby the Design Review Board to the Department of Conmunity Developnent. The conceptual review lsintended to give the applicant a basic understanding ofthe compatibility of their proposal with the Town, s Design Guidelines. This procedure is recommendedprimarily for applications nore complex than single-family and two-fanily residences. However, deveJ.opersof singJ.e-fanily and two-fanily project,s shall not be excluded from the opportunity to reguest a conceptual design review. Conplete applications must be submitted 10 days prior to a scheduled DRB meeting. The following information shall be submitted for aconceptual review: 1. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimum scale of one inch equals twenty feet,. 2. Concept,ual elevations showing exterior materials and a description of the character of tbe proposed structure or structures; 3. Sufficient information to show the proposal conplies with the development st.andards of the zone district in which tbe project is to belocated (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculations, number of parking spaces, etc.), 4. Completed DRB application form. B. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application for conceptual design review, tbe Department of Corununity Development shall review the submitted naterials forgeneral compliance with the appropriate requirements ofthe zoning code. If the proposal is in basic compliance with the zoning code requirements, theproject shall- be forwarded to the DRB for conceptualreview. If the application is not generally in compliance with zoning code requirements, theapplication and submittal materials shall be returnedto the applicant with a written explanation as to whythe Community Development Department staff has foundthe project not to be in compliance with zoning codereguirenents. Once a complete application has beenreceived, the DRB shall review the subnitted conceptual review application and supporting material in order to determine whether or not the project generally complieswith the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews. The property onner or hisrepresentative shall be present at the DRB hearing. tIST OF MATERIAIS NAt'tE OF PROJECT: STREET ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BLOCK SUBDIVISION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The foll-owing information is Review Board before a final reguired for subnittal to the Design approval can be given: A.BUILDING }TATERIATS: Roof Siding Other WalI Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash EncLosures Greenhouses Otber TYPE OF I4ATERIAL COLOR LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Nane Common Name OuantiLv Size* PROPOSED TREES B. EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *rndicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 5 feet. PLANT MATERTAO Botanlcal Name common g. Ouantitv Sizer PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size5 qallon.of proposed shrubs. Type Minimum size of shrubs is Square Footaqe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METBOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the nurnber of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting p1an. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the srattage, height abovegrade and type of light proposed. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1ls, fences, swimmingpoo1s, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. D. Or"rr, "o.orro" **rrr.orl ,' SUBDMSION JOB NAIIE LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location and availability of utilities, whether they be naintrunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified bythe following utilities for the accompanying site p1an. Authorized Sionature Date U. S. trlesL Communications L-800-922-L981 468-5850 or 949-4530 Public Service Conpany 94 9-5781 Gary Hall Hol.y Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michae1 Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 94 9-5s30 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle valley Water & Sani.ta|lon District * 47 6-1480 Fred Haslee NOTE: 1. This form is to verify service availability andlocation. This should be used in conjunction withpreparing your utility plan and schedulinginstallations. 2. For any new constructj-on proposal, the applicant must provide a completed utility verification form. 3. If a utility conpany has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative should not directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be.resolved. The issue should then be spelled out indetail in an attached letter to the Town of vail. However, please keep in mind that it is theresponsibility of the utility company to resolveidentified problems. 4. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Townwill presume that there are no problems and thattbe development can proceed. 5. lhese verifications do not relieve the contractorof his responsibility to obtain a street cutpermit from the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utilitv locations before diqqinq in any public right-of-Itay or easement inthe Town of VaiI. A buildinq permit is not astreet cut pernit. A street cut permit must be obtained separately. * Pl-ease bring a site plan, floor pIan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley water & Sanltation signatures. Fireflow needs must be addressed. ZONE CHECK FOR R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: LEGAI DESCRIPTION: Lot Block - Fillng ADDRESS: U SPR, o OWNER PHONE PHONEARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE Allowed Existinq Proposed Total Height Total GRFA Prinary GRFA (30) (33) +425= Secondary GRFA + 425 =- Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping 20, 15t 15' (30) (s0) Retaining Wall Heights 3' /6' Parking Garage Credit Drive: Reqrd (300) (600) (e00) (1200)_ Permitted Slope _Q! Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: View Corridor Encroachment: Yes No 222 Environmental/Hazards: 1) Flood Pfain 2) Percent Slope 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris Flow4) Wetlands Prevlous conditions of approval (check property file)j Does thls request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? **Note: Under Sections t8.I2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code, Iots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less than 151000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Community Development Department may grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections !8.t2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for full- time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. 10 YAIL OASIS CONP. DAA UPT\OTII GRILL PtCD;lN I r9F Jenuery 8, 1003 Torn of Vril Tir llev I in By Eend Ileer ?ir: Aa you tnor re heve had tlulerous reetings rith tbe TomStelf regerding the placerent end operetion ol en Erpresso Cart. f,e rere inloned by Sue Scanlon thet such a Cert could beplaced end operated on property orned or leesed by a licensed restaurant rhich property is contiguous to the licensed reeteurent. Further she inforred us thet ell loneJr erchenges rust tate plece on thel property. fe have leasedproperty rhich ia tully degcribed in our leese es Exhibit A.Ie rre providing you rith a copy of that lease. te believedthat re hrd fully corplied rith the requirrents of Torn. Xhen re reported to Sue Scanlon thet re had ret ell ol herrequirerents, she stated thet ehe could not approve the Cartritbout talking to Planning Staf?. I spoke rith you yeeterday end you infoned re tbot re need Dl,B approvel . Ie have spoken rith several rerbers of the Dl,B rbo heve inloned us thrt they do not thinl that theplecelent ol plece ol restaurant gerving equ i lrrent onerterior leesed sprce ol tbet restaurant requires DnB epprovel . Il there is a specifie rule or regulation that rpplieg' I rould lite r copy of it. le heve been delayed by thlg process in starting operationof the Cert rhich hrs cost us a substentiel erount of gross e ready to proceed end are desirous of speedyreYenue. itroel Fritz [- January 14, 1993 Dear Neighbor: As you know, we have all discussed ways to increase ourvisibility. We believe the addition of an Espresso Cartin the area between Colorado Insight and Krisrnar and theresultant pedestrian activity will enhance the entireneighborhood. The Town has placed the additional requirement that we applyfor a Conditional Use Permit for the area. 9le must obtain - your agreement to the proposed Conditional Use of the areaas an Uptown Grill dining deck. We appreciate your support in this matter. Sincerel y, Susan and JoeI Fritz I have read the above and I am fully in favor of the proposedtional Use. l(Et s/^Ae\ ( ra ,^r" ,h/13 Dare / //Y 1f3 472 E, LIONSHEAD CIRCLE vArL, coLoRADO 81657 303-476-2727 January 14, 1993 Dear Neighbor: As you know, we have all discussed ways to increase ourvisibility. We believe the addition of an Espresso Cartin the area between Colorado Insight and Krismar and theresultant pedestrian activity will enhance the entireneighborhood. lfe believe that any improvement rnade in the area betweenColorado Insight and Krismar will benefit the area. Thespace is presently little more than a slightiy used pedestrianwalkway in which, unfortunately, trash regularly accurnulates. The Town has placed the additional requirement that we applyfor a Conditional Use permit for the irea. We must obtain - your agreement to the proposed Conditional Use of the areaas an Uptown Grill dining deck. I{e appreciate your support in this matter. Sincere I y, Susan and Joel Fritz I have read the above and Co itional Use. I am fully in favor of the proposed o^t" //trf93 Date Date 472 E. LIONSHEAD CIRCLE vAlL, coLoRADO 81657 303-476-2727 i I i c) EFE -9; .! ii:,i :: 1'|i. ; :.i i'r:. i'.:. i' 1',t \ \ January L4, 1993 Dear Neighbor: As you know, we have all discussed ways to increase ourvisibility. We believe the addition of an Espresso Cartin the area between Colorado Insight and Krismar and theresultant pedestrian activity wiII enhance the entireneighborhood. The Town has placed the additional reguirement that we applyfor a Conditional Use permit for the irea. I{e must obtain - your agreement to the proposed Conditional Use of the areaas an Uptown Grill dining deck. we appreciate your support in this matter. Sincere I y , Susan and Joel Fritz I have read the above and I am fully in favor of the proposed Co ti ona I Use. "^,. rhftq Date ///Y/f3 vAlL, coLoRADO 81657 303-476-2727 (EtsaAe,( ra 472 E. LIONSHEAD CIRCLE ll January 14, 1993 Dear Neighbor: As you know, we have all discussed ways to increase ourvisibility. We believe the addition of an Espresso Cartin the area between Colorado Insight and Krismar and theresultant pedestrian activity will enhance the entireneighborhood. We believe that any improvement made in the area betweenColorado Insight and Krismar will benefit the area. Thesplce is presentty little more than a slightly used pedestrianwalkway in which, unfortunately, trash requlaily accumulates. The Town has placed the additional reguirement that we applyfor a Conditional Use permit for the irea. We must obtain - your agreement to the proposed Conditional Use of the areaas an Uptown Grill dining deck. We appreciate your support in this matter. Sincere I y, Susan and Joel Fritz I Co have read the above and I am ful ly in favor of the proposedditional Use. o^t. r/trf93 Date Date 472 E. LIONSHEAD CIRCLE vAfL, coLoRADO 81657 303-476-2727 "Y:T: 'r .l I ; "'1 I {,,'i'1*1;g#r;*{, 1,',,i;r**ffi;fuX#* ' 1 .,',, : o-. r.'i Y-:. !i qtc,lg{|-.'-!P-: .eh, ae*|th| pi; r*i,- - ,, .+,t,r 4>:.r,.' 1 . 1 I i'.-'-* -li-r _.1 ._: .-' f -"*, I jt'.:;r9r1ffier: *i]'t..,Li';- ir"i;ti ,,f i- $d; ?,f:": ;.1 a -.4:-+, r' ?.'4,. 'D**tt ot :n*8* gftd t I czol I CZIE t ii$ 3l -,2aFW alfiffitd *tt*vt clbat*4n/ g l,v: I ffil'tr, | --j t-l}':sY t\llietr :'/t?J' -;:Ir: ii 8t ..*a,oW{*,c?o€il'eHt C.2O7 I |x 7a j d, ,, TEC?ND FI@E t_t I t r'rAt@, ;:*"1' - L-'l',..:l --- ---, 4i:nirr atbq/&*{*i baoa* {n/ ' v2 jJCT*D stooQ 406 -l-____Lr -----,o Q5 i_?dr: ; -*,-: ll--- r e -$ 1ctO3, apt ?P F-';;-1 ,e o''No. 999. D.nvcr n!!l Erhto Drchqrc For <- -Eotliu;rl Publishins. J825 w. 6ih Av€.. Lau.*oo,t, co ror''lutZ 0ol) t]3.6e0rj - 2.{t? thori Fordr for, during and until twelve o'clock noon the at and for a rental, for the full term afore. payable in said plemises during the and will cause to be paid continuance of this leuse D.nvcr bt,.incrr (orm of l.at6S0brknilrllr r. ndopt.d ItTh! Dcnr€r lt.trl Ertc16 r:rchnngo rndTh. Dtrya! DuUdlns Orrrcn rcd llanagcn A.rochtloo BUSINESS T^trASE TIIS L-EASE,_Made-and enlered into this.-.---_.......--.._.....dev of .......{g.l_qg_Iy .......-.- .........-........, A. D. 19....91..., berweenY ai-L 2L Building Condominium Associacibri ;;,li;i;...:'{Gl.i.i9.-}l;--I'..i.$-:---..:-::-:-_.___... _._... __ _.__,".;,-*;;;;i.}1Tjii::'"1,;"""u 'n" - Whcrever the words "Landlonl" and "'Icnant" ;i; "r..1 i" ihiii iii"iiiii","ili.v lrutr inclucle Lanriioi,is and renants l]td:L:t] lqp]{ !9 lglsons, both men and womcn, co;p;"i;;;;;-;;;i;;;;iip;',i"j "o,poiaitoni-ani l" i""aing ,;iidrnoenrure,tnc necessary grammaticnl changes req.uired to make thc provisions hereof mcan anrl appl! as aforesaid, siiall lremade rn the same manner as if writ[cn into said indenture. -^.-^Ygy^!SS.ETIt Tflt' in consideraiion of the payment of the rent hereinaftcr provided and the keeping andpeEormaDce or each of the covenan-ts an-d agreements of the said Tcnsnt hcrcinafter set forth, said Landlord has'and doesherebv Iease unto the said renant the followlng de scribed ptu-ises "ituoi"l; ih;biiy;a c"uritv ;? b;;;;;l; tie-state ot Colorado,to.wit:....4...P.Q!.!.1-9..It....o-f....q.h.e...s..e.4.eIe-l...9..arII.9n...9.-1.9.4.e.n. ...s.g.u.q.I.-e....f..e.9-!.'....g.{l-d-..I19-I.9....P.er-!--i.9y-l.9.I.1y....{.e.:.e.r..i.q.e. ..-.......... g.nd...-n-a_d_g---e... p.el.q h e r e o fro HAirE Ai'iD ro iiot.n' ;h;;il;;16;liii;;;;;C;;;;.;;l; ;fi;';;ld't.,";.t-'i;;; ;;;i;;';ti;ri ;;;;';;'fi; day ........----..9.1.-s..!..-......a" y esid e and no/100 (S1.00 twelve o'clock on tbe-.....----------.-..-,-,--.....day oI each calenclar month during eaid term, at the office of ...8._e.S.!.f.[e.t i.,oll__-_B.-e-.q-o_f q9, 610 W. Lionshead Circle. Vail ytr(r{.v.r.' ..^,^_^.r^...Q.e.s.!:..t i.-o-1t---.8-e-9-.o-r-!.q-r-...6.1.9...W.'....!.i.o-1i.9.h9.e.{...q.ir9.1g.,....y.gi.1....-..., D6irf}, eoloracro, wirhour norice. This leg.se is subject to the condition, however, tbat the.------.-....-..-.prompuy alt assessmenls for water rents that may be levied upon i , FoR,ANt in C'oNSibiritdCiitit-;i' i'r;;'i;;;i";-;i ;fi ;;;iil;as aforcsaid. thc said Tenant docs covenant and - -To pay the- rcnt for said prcmiscs as hereinab.ovq nroridcd promptly whcn due and payable; to pay &ny and all charges !9I hpftinq and ligbLing said-premises; to kecp ull the. improvcnrents upon said premiscs] inclurJing dtl'.,i*cr-"6no""r,o*, 9i1T?tl9' nesung applranc,cs, rvlrlnF &nd gloss,.in good order and rcpair at the expcnse of said Tcnant, to orrlcr no reparrBol lne expcnse ol thc Landlord, Lo kecp said glass.irrsured at thc cxpcnsc of saitl Tenant; and, at thc cxpirrtion of-thisl€ase, to surrender and delivcr up,said prerniics, including all heating oppiion."., i,ir*tji"i:,-'""*"i """"'..ii""*, *iringand glass, in as g'ood order and condition as when'thc sime'iuere cntcrai ;i6n, r.o.s by ii.e, iriititablc "..ia.nt. oi o.aina{rvear excepted; to sublct no pa$ of.said prcnriscs, nor assigu this leaJe o. ony- intotdsl il;;i;, *iihott i]ie writtenconsent of the Landlord first being ol-rtrrincd; to usc suid prc,iises for no purpoid protiiUitca trv tiie ta"rsJt it1 U"iiedStates, the State of Colorado, or th'e ordinanccs of the City antt Coun[v oJ f"ni"i, n6lu in force or hercafter enactod,-anJ 4gree es follows, to-wib: for no improper or questionable purpose whatsoevcr; to occupy thc same as a...-e-o-f.f-9g...s-I.a[d...._... s..4-q-s--g...spp.]}...f-r-{.t-e.e-n ..-(.15-)....d.e.y.s.-..w.r.1-e .!.e-n...p.a.r-Lce ffi;:;il;;il;tu-;',"ii;;;il;;;t;;; i; i;il xii?rrtl?,"j',:,'':1'5xil, l:";'ifilljl:l:T'i: itx'"::rT::ii,""""'"'flT"':".ill ll-u_lllitllv :S.tldition rcquircd by the oldiunces antl the he"lih, saniia.v rno fot i""' ins-utuii""i "i in! Ciii a1d County ot l,^:1,"-"_l'_t9, i"]!h:l p"Tlit nor su-ffcr any disordcrly conduct. noisc. or nuisanie, whatever. about said prernises having a IllqenJy to annoy or drsturb any. persons o_ccupying adjacent premisesi to neither hold nor attcmpt to-hold the Lendl6rd !8019 l9r any lnJury or damage either proximatc or remote occurring [hrough or caused by any r.epairs, alterntions, injuryor accldent to aboYe demised prem!qss., to- adjaccnt prcntises or other parts of the aborie piemiies not her.cin dcmiscd,or by reason of the ncgJigcnce br default of the ou.nerls or occu1'ant^s theicof or any othei p1i*", "". tlutrtd ioi any injurjor damage occasioncd by delective elcctric wiring, or Lhe brcnkirrg or stoppage of the plumbing or sc\vcragc ufon iaiipremlses or u-pon adJ-ocent ])rcmises, whcthcr said breaking or stopp&gc rcsults frorn frccz,ing or other-wise; to neilhergermil nor suffer said.prcmises, or the wall.s or floors thercoi to be eirda-ngcrcd by overloading, ri6r said prcmiscs to be usedlor any purpose which would render the insurance thcreon void or the insurancc risk mdic hazardous, nor make anyalLeration^or change in, u.pon or about said prcmises without first obtaining writtcn conscnt thercfor; to piace no signs o'noxterior of demised premises without first securing rrritten consent therefdi; to pcrmit the Land.lord to placc a 'rFor'Rent"card upon- raid premises at o,ny time thirty deys-bcforc thc cnd of tlris lease;'that, in cace said prcmises ehall becomeuntenantsblo by- reason of fire or othcr c&sualty, thc rent shall ccrsc whilc the same are being rcpaired, but, that nothing herein contained shall be construed so as to corirpel the Landlord to rebuild or repair said prcmises in case of destruction unless--....--....--.. -----.--.-......-so -dcs ire.-. --...... ; that no assent, expressed or inrplied, to any breach of any oneor more of the covenants and agrcemcnts hercof, shall be deemed or takci to be a waivcr of any -succeeding or -other breach; to. p€rmit the said Landlord, at any reasonable hour of the d.ay, Lo cntcr into or upon and-go through'and viewsaid pr-emises; to surrendcr and deliver up the posscssion of said premiies promptly at tlrc cxpiration oI this-iease, or, incase of thc terminatioD of this lease on account of a brcacb in the kcepiug of any one or more of thc coycnantg or ag"eemeDts hereof , lrlroft<tlxga<dand)Gafdr-....t.bj.s....lea.se...nay...b.e...t erminated..hy...any-.{.art_y...w.i.tho.ut..-_..... And the said Tenant furtier covenanls and agrecs that if the rent nbove rcserved, or sny part thcreof, shall be indefault, or in case- of a,breach of any of the covs;ants or agrecments herein, the said Landl,ird may declaio this leaseterminaled,.and after.the cxpiration of three days from thd datc of the sorrice of n written notice to that. effcct, beenlitled to the possession of said premises withoul ony furthar no[ice or dcmand; and further, that in casc the Landiordghall become-entiiled to the possession of snid premisci eithcl by the expiration of this lease or'by nny termination of said te-rm as herein. provided for, and thc ssid Tenant slrall rcfuse to surlcnder and tlclivcr up thc poisesslon of said premiscs,after the service of said nolice as oioresaid, then and in that event the said Lundlord rnay, without furthcr irotice oi d_errand,-enter into and upon said premises, or any part thereof, and take possession thereof iid repossess the eame as of the Landlord's former estate, and expel, temove and put, out of possession ihe Terrant, using such hclp, assistance and force in so doing a-s mgY be needful and proper, without being liable {or prosecuLion r.rr dauragej-thercfor, -and without prejudice to any remedy allowed by law, availnble in such crses. The Tenant hereby declarcs that in cntering into this lcase he or she relicd solely upon the statements contained inthis lease and fully understands that- no-agent or represcntatiye of thc Landlord has authority to in any manner change, add to or detract from the terms of this lcase.lT IS MUTUALLY AGRDIID, that iJ after the expiration of this lease thc Tcnant shall rcnrain in possession of saidpremises and coltinue to pay rent, without &ny express agreement as to such holding, then euch holding over shall be deemed gnd taken to be a holding upon a tenancy from month to montb, and the party holding be regardcd al a tenant from mon-th to month, at a monthly.rental equivalent to the monthly instsllments heieinaLove prd'vided ior, payable ir sdvance on the ssme day of each calendar month,IT IS I'URTIIER MUTUALLY A_GREED, that in case said premises are left vacant and any part ol tho rent herein r-egerved be due and unpaid, then the Landlord msy, without in an1'wise being obliged so to do, -arid without terminatingthis lease, retake possession ol said premiscs and rcnt the same for such ren! and upon such conditions as the Landlord 4gy think best, making such changes and repairs,as may be required, giving crcdit for the amount o! rent eo rccqived lcseall oxpenses ol such changee and repalrs, and eald Tcnsnt ehall bc liqble for the bolancc of the rcnt herein reserccd untilihe expiration of this lease. FURTHIR, that all the covens-nts a_nd agreenrents in this lease contained shall be binding upon and apply to the heira,essigls and.legal represcntatives of said Landlord and eaid Tensn[ or any person claiming by, througb oi-undcr either ofthem or thclr agenta or attomeys- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties bcreto hsve hereunto set their hancls and seals the day and year firat aboverrltten- VAIL 2L BUILDING CONDOMINIIIM ASSOCIA f#A,, .-s.y.:( SEAL) Richard N. Brown ..................--. (sEAL) LEASE BETWEEN VAIL 2I BUILDING CONDOMINIUI ASSOCIATION AND RICHARD N. BROWN Addi t ional terms 3 1. Tenants shall not interfere with access through or upon the leasedpremisesr of Landlorde its members, tenants, guests or invitees. 2. All rules and regulations of the building shall be observed by Tenant, his assig'ns, agentse employees. SUBLEASE Richard N. Brownr does assign aIl his right, title and intenest in this lease to Krismar, Ltd. and Uptown Grillr Inc., ("Assignees") jointly andseverallyr for and in consideration of the payment of the rent required under the primary leaser subject to the following conditions: 1. Assignees agree to obtain all necessary insurance and name Landlord and Tenant as additional named insureds. 2. The pnenises shall be maintained in a clean and orderly manner andin conpliance with all applicable Ordinances of the Town of Vail. 3. Assignees acknowledge and agree that this Lease and Sublease may be terminated without cause by any party on fifteen (15) days writtennotice. 4. Assignees ag:ree to indemnify and hold Landlord and Tenant harmless fnom any liability arisinE from the operation of the coffee stand. Richard N. Brown Krismarr LTD. ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS KRISMAR, LTD., does assign all its right, title and intenest in this sublease to the Uptown Grill, Inc., ("Assignee'), for and inconsideration of the payment of the rent required under the primary lease and sublease, subject to the following conditions: 1. Krismar Ltd. retains its right to terminate the lease upon fifteendays (15) notice. ri.l i Krisnar, LTD. /D... /F-/ // . I p?agPe'{T EXHIBIT A 4 I k4Ptsrr*G. _ \lO|.Daa.n.J lfr.rgra+r 1 'il'.i' \) $tug- \ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department January 11, 1993 Review oJ Town or Vail policy on outrtoor vgnding carts (ie. espresso carts) as they relate to 18.24.190 (A,B) of the Municipat code. Planner: Tim Devlin r. tssuE The Community Development Department has received several inquiries recently regarding the desire of several merchants to allow for outdoor vending carts in Vail Villagaand'in Lionshead. They would like to have the Town consider the carts as being an -outdoor display of goods as defined below. This memo is intended to brief the PEC on de cunent policy regarding these carts and to discuss if it shoutd be changed to allow for the carts under ihe outdoor display of goods section of the code. II. BACKGROUND Section 18.24.190 "Locatlon of buslness actlvlty" (Commercial Core I zone district) reads as follows: A. All offices, business and services permitted by Sections 18.24.020 through 18.24.050 shallbe operated and conducted entirely within a buitding, exdept for permitted unenclosed parking or loading areas, and the outdoor disolav of ooods (emphasis added by staff). B. The area to be used for outdoor display must be directly in front of the establishment displaying the gooG and be entirely upon the establishment's own property. Sidewalks, building entrances and exits, driveways and streets shall not be obstructed by outdoor display. The same wording is also found in the Commercial Core ll, Commercial Core lll, and Commercial Service Genter zone districts. It is the interpretation of the planning stafl that outdoor vending carts do not meet the criteria necessary to be considered an 'outdoor display of goods' as discussed in Section 18.24.190 (A'B) of the Municipal Code. Currently, the Town considers the outdoor display of goods to include the display of merchandlse such as books, clothing, artwork, etc. Merchants that display goods outside are required to have the customer actually come inside the store to pay 7 for the item. This requirement is based specifically on section 18.24.190 (referenced above)which states that "all business... shall be conducted entirely within a builctiirg.... The staff believes that this section of the code is not intended to indude bod and beierage items, and sees potential enlorcement difficulties of requiring businesses and customers to conduct allmonetary transactions associated wilh thsse carts inside the subject establishment. The staffbelieves that such an arrangement would be cumbersome for the customer, and that it is unrealistic to think that the operation will function in a way that pafnent will oocur insids. The stafl also recently spoke with the restaurant association to see it they would be interested in considering this option. Their response was that they felt fiat this worjU Ue unfair business competition because the owners of the vending carts would be paying little (if any) rent andwould be taking business away from the legitimate food service operitors. tne iiatt recognizes that the restaurant representalives have a vested inteiest in this issue; however,we believe that their oonoems are important to consider. It is also important to note that sev€ral years ago, stafl investigated the possibility of addingsome mor€ vending cart locations in the Village and Lionshead. The idea was not pursueJ asthere.was strong opposition from some community m€mbers. The concerns were primarily lhat the carts would create unfair business competition with existing restaurants and that theappearance of many carts would crsate a camival atmosphere. There are ouEoor vending carts located in Lionshead, Golden peak, and Vail Village (ie.popcorn wagons) lhat are "grandfathered" uses that have been in place since Oefoie tieinception of this particular section of the Municipal Code. ln addition, a vending cart isallowed at the Vail Village Inn and at the Lionshead Ski Base area. With regard to allowing outdoor carts on private outdoor restiaurant dining decks, the staffbelieves that these carts are appropriate since they presumably serve reitaurant patrons using the dining deck and are generally part ot the restaurant operations. For this type of carton.outdoor decks, the products are not to be served/sold to people not using fre reiiaurant-This typg of vending cart is reviewed on a case-by-case Oasis, anO is atso sublect to Design RevieYv Board (DRB) approvat. |il. coNcLustoN Although vending carts have the potential to add to Vall's street-life and provide customerservice, the staff believes hat to interpret vending carb as an outdoor display of goods 9ep?rts from a tortrn policy which has been in etfect for quite some time airo app&rs tofunction reasonably welt. lf the PEC believes that the town should allow for vdrioing carts, wewould suggest that furthel research be done to determine how the cartls should be handlect. o f€C-. ?rrt gy & '-att (ar1r-za -O-qrtae Jeu 'h^ - ngvrw rz-&wtr-izq. -furp ltpr'llntt //sc 'qtp- gg t -Dt n!! q -Oep, - n--fu uL ?o 0wmzz tk_ + aa^ //tn,ar' ?E a?aps fut-Z4fu/" - al:!Zd-"- -z*4 * ,z^/'rq/, n7,,th4 a* "4&@ + j"&-e#a', ,',-/ n'/r,*r '/ ,/ sh'.# /< o4 ..'i' o 6urt Dt, ,4n- ,/"* /A ,tr,."/- 11r og4t*n- :;,{!v , DD 6/* "ltn-f( ,i* d)i i- */rL". o/o*,,n7 ./o.4t . 6r. (/rp*, Qrr, - **4 a*r*,./ &/,/,","J *- Pl',o,/- & /'*;+ '*rk \ 75 Soutb Frontage Roail Vail, Colorado 81657 t0t -479-2r 3 I / 47 9-2r 19 D ep art me nt of Commun ity D ct e I o pm ent StAFF lo/r'- , IvT- r4qCI wt3'[ ot: 6tFD geqTtl ?-L IllLL ' , hlr: /,uftt "'' /v:';:/| Itor ezr Pte* , lfitv( t9rrr,, +d,$ /rnr 0F ///f7 aot, /onJanuary 29, 1993 Susan and Joel Fritz c/o The Uptown Grill 472 East Lionshead Circle Vail, CO 81657 Re: Condltional Use Permit for Outdoor Dining Deck Dear Susan and Joel: I hope this letter will clear up any confusion and frustration that you may be feeling regarding the town process in obtaining a Conditional Use Permit for your proposed dining deck on the easl side of the Uptown Grill in lhe general area of the "Bird of Paradise" sculpture. As you know, the town's zoning code requires that outdoor dining decks receive a Conditional Use Permit, which is granted by the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC); once the permit is granted, the deck is then reviewed by the Design Review Board (DRB) for final approval. After obtaining these approvals, an espresso cart can be placed on an approved deck as part of the restaurant operation. The staff considers the espresso cart to be an accessory use to the dining deck operation. The Office of Community Development has received numerous inquiries recently regarding the possibility ol placing espresso carts at various locations in the Village and in Lionshead. Our response to these inquiries has been that outdoor vending carts of any kind (that are not located on approved restaurant dining decks) are not allowed by the zoning code, which specifically states that "all offices, business and services permitted... shall be operated and conducted entirely within a building, except for permitted unenclosed parking or loading areas, and the outdoor display of goods" (please see section 18.24.190 of the Vail Municipal Code). There are outdoor vending carts located in Lionshead and Vail Village (i.e. popcorn wagons) that are "grandfathered" uses and have been in place since belore the inception of this parlicular section of the Municipal Code. In addition, a vending cart is allowed at the Vail Village Inn and at the Lionshead Ski Base area. It is the interpretation of the planning staff that outdoor vending carts do not meet the criteria necessary to be considered an "outdoor display of goods" as discussed in Section 18.24.190 of the Municipal Code. Currently, the Town considers the outdoor display of goods to include the display of merchandise such as books, clothing, artwork, etc. Merchants that display goods outside are required to have the customer actually come inside the store to pay for the item. This requirement is based specifically on section 18.24.190 (referenced above). The staff believes that this section of the code is not intended to include food and beverage items, and sees potential enforcement difficulties of requiring businesses and customers to conduct the monetary transactions associated with these carts inside the subiect establishment. The staff believes that such an arrangement would be cumbersome for the customer, and that it is unrealistic to think that the operation will function in a way that payment will occur inside. The PEC reviewed the statf policy on outdoor vending carts at its January 11, 1993 meeting, and supported the staff's interpretation and application of the code in this matter. Again, I apologize for any confusion and want you to know that we appreciate your patience in this matter. I look fonvard to seeing you both on February 8, 1993, when the PEC will be hearing your request for a Conditional Use Permit for your proposed outdoor dining deck. In the meantime, please let me know if I can answer any questions that you may have at 479- 2138. Best Regards, , @1rfr,(., Timothy N. Devlin Town Planner cc: Town Council Ron Phillips Pam Brandmeyer Kristan Pritz TOWNOFVAIL The attac.hcd gsnrnents sqre rece[tly recefued ]y the Towa of Vait. Fe eucourage vall resldents and guests to gtve t's sucl tagut aad, se strlve fortJmely rerpoDse. Pr,EAsE aDDREss rEEsE coNcERI{s wITEn{ TTEFOREI{G DAf'S AI{D RETT'RN THIS COMPLETED FORM TO CAROLIITE EISEERORPAM BRANDMIXER. DEPARTYENT TO TIAIIDLE IilgIIIRE INDTVIDUAL TO IIA.,\IDLE INguIRy LETIER (lsrach coPy) DATE OF RECETy$rc rripuT/Il{grrrRyaT To14 r.rd.13 TFE OP L\"UT/INQUIRY: PrroNE C^tL (h<ricate dateJ r llJt dltl,Cqa,L €W Dut fuLdty',W *ffi)4-Wr LErrERlrrtached)- -*r,Wffifftrffiry nrspoilsecARD(ettacbcd)- I t'ult'tvfu. W)nw'*l fy' #',k@Lb'dL'l PEONE CAIL (lqdlsle date)_ BRIEF SI'MMARY OF RESPONSE oR ANSWER TO INQUIRY: DATE RESPONSE FORIII RETURITED BYDEPARTMEITT . TO CAROTDTE OR PAM A copy o( thlr iaqulry :-rl fonr rcorla ou llc et thc TOV Cosnuntty Rcletloa3 O,f[cc. As scton ar thlr fora ls returqcd to'CaroUtc or Pra, rhf. lnq!&t Edn bc cosldcrcd ctoc€d. TITAIIK YOU FOR YouRaIMELYItdtDuNc oFTtttrr IssIIE tFyouEAvE AN"gnEsIroNs, PLEA-eE FEEL FREE To colEACT CARoLIITE FISHER 4792115 OR PAIyt BnelrOlOXSR er ,"^lP**-r-/n-/) ua lD JaL t c\\ ,*+utanld-bL*str 'tc.ff,i?r-a.. f :D dl I u+la:riut=- tln/ts,,W^fr -h{ J; T Applicant: Planner: l),*- TFutt PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Gommission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on February 8, 1993, at 3:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a joint work session with the Planning and Environmental Commission and the Design Review Board for a conditional use permit for an addition to the Municipal Building to house the Vail Police Department, located at 75 South Frontage Road West (at the east end of the existing Municipal Building), and as legally described below: A part ot the Soulheasl 1/4 of S€ctlon 5, Township 5 South, Ran96 80 Wesl ol lh€ Sixlh Principal Meridian, Counly of Eagle, Slat€ of Colo.ado, mor€ pEnicularly doscrib€d Es i'llows: Commgncing al lhs Souh€ast come. of said Sscljon 6, lh€nc€ Nodh 0O dsgrggs 28 minutss 16 soconds Wsst and along be East lin€ ol sald Souhea$ 1r'4 ol sald S€qlion 6 72.75 tho Easl lin€ ol sajd Soulh€ast tA ol sald Secrion 6 72.75 f€€t to a polnt, sald point b€lng 110.m toot nonh€astedy l.om lh€ south€fly dghl-ol-way llne of U.S. Highway No. 6 as mgasur€d at dght anglos lhoretoi thence Nonh 7€ dggrees 46 minutes l l ssconds West and al'ong a ling parallol lo said south€rly right-otway lino t45.50 to€t Io The Trug Poinl of B€ginning; th€nc€ Nonh 16 dogrg€s 0a minul66 47 seconds Eaat 78.00 leet thenc€ North 68 deg.ogs 08 minutE€ 35 s€conds Wsst 428.70 fe€t; $ence Nodh 66 dsgro€s 01 mlnu|gs 29 s€conds W6t 152.57 fg€t: th€nc€ South 27 degrg€s 42 minutos ,10 sgcondg Wgst 1 92.68 fost; lh€nc€ Soulh 52 dsgross 48 minut€s 50 s€conds East 36.32 te€t lo a potnt, said pdnt b€ing 110.m le€t nonh€ast kom said South dght-of-way line of U.S. Hbhway No. 6 as m€asursd at righl angl€6 th€|gto; thencg Soulh 79 dsgroos 46 minutG 11 seconds East and along a lino pa.allgl lo said Souttl .ight of way line 5a5.56 f6€l lo The True Poinl of Boginnlno. Except fiat portion corweyod lo tho Eoard ol Counly Commisslon€.s ot Eaglo County. and lhe D,spanmgnl ol |fighways, Stat€ ol Colo.ado by rule and order rscofded January 5. 1971 In Book 2t9 at Pao€ 441. 2.A request for a major exterior alteration, site coverage variance, and landscape variance to allow exterior modifications to the Hill Building localed at 254 Bridge StreeVa part of Lot L, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Planner: Town of Vail Mike Mollica Blanche Hill Shelly Mello 3.A request for a minor suMivision and a zone district change from Primary/Secondary Residential to Low Density Multiple Family, for the Schmetzko property, generally located at2239 Chamonix Lane, more particularly described as: Parcsl A: A tracl ol land contalnlng one acta, mor€ or loss, located In lho South 1/2 of the Soulh East 1/4 ofSsction tl, Township 5 Soulh, Rangs 81 West ol the Sixlh Prlncipal Meridlar, mor€ partlcularly d€scdb€d as lollows: Beglnnlng at lh€ NE cornor ol the SW r A of $e SE 1/4 ol sald Sgctlon l1; th€n6 weslerly along hs no.herly lln€ ot sald SW 1/4 ot lhe SE 1r'4 b€arlnC soulh 86 20'W a disranc€ ol 167.80 ft to a polnl: Th€nc€ sourhorly along a llns 167.80 tt. dlstant irom and parallel to the sast llno of sald SW l/4 ol tho SE l/4, a dlstalos ol2O0.m tt to a polnt: Thenco oast€rly a distanco ot 167.80 tt. qlong a ln€ 200.00 f! dlstant lrom and parallel b $e nonh line ot Eaid SW 1,/4 of h€ SE 1,/4 lo a polnl oo lE sast llns: Thence easl€rly on a ling parall€l to lh€ nonh llne ot th€ SW 1/4 ol rhE SE 1/4 of Secrion 11, a dislanc€ ot 50.95 ft. b a poinl: t Thence nonhsrly and parall€l whh hs w€6t line ol th€ sasl 1/2 of lho SE l/4 ol 6aH Section 1'1, a distanoe ol 200.0 lt. lo ho polnl ol lnte.sectlon wlth tho 9rlorclon ot the mrth llno 0l lhe sw 1 /4 0f lhe sE I /.+ ot 66ld sgctlon 1 1 : Thsnce v/€6lerly on a dsfl€cliv€ angl€ letl ol 95 2l !0' alono lh€ €xlsnslon of lhe nodh lin€ ot fi€ SW 1/4 ol th€ SE 1/,1 ot sald Section 11. a dlstanca of fO.95 fL to th€ NE corner ol [h€ SW l/4 ol rh€ SE l/4 ot Socrion 'l1, bolno lho polnl of b€glnnlng. ParcalB: Tract A VailHeights Fillng tlo, l accordlng lo he r€cord€d dat hor€ol Applicant: Erich SchmeEkoPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 4. A request for setback variances, a stream setback variance and a parking variance to allow an addition to the residence located at 4592 Streamside Circle/Lot 1, Distelhorst Subdivision. Applicant: Drs. Fred and Ines Distelhorst Planner: Jim Curnutte 5. A request for a Bed and Breakfast to be located at 1850 South Frontage Road WesULot 3, Alpine Creek Townhouse Subdivision. Applicant: Dr. Richard Engle and Gertrude OlsonPlanner: Shelly Mello 6. A request for a setback variance and site @verage variance to allow an addition and garage for the residence located at 1886 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 50, VailVillage West, Filing #2. Applicant: Christopher and Donna Mumma Bartlett Planner: Andy Knudtsen 7. A request for a conditional use to allow for an outdoor dining deck for the Uptown Grill Restaurant, located at 521 East Lionshead Circle/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail/Lionshead First Filing. Applicant: Joel Fritz and Richard N. BrownPlanner: Tim Devlin 8. A request to amend Chapter 18.24 Commercial Core l, and Chapter 18.26 Commercial Core ll of the Town of Vail Zoning Code (relating to exterior alteration). Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Shelly Mello 1. 2. 5. 6. 7. 8. TOWN OF VAIL IOCAL LIQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY Approved June 24, 1981 DECX ltID PAIIO GUfDEIJINE8 Licensee must have deed, lease, or assignment of lease granting full and conplete rights and control for the area proposed for ser:vice. Area of service nust be totally contiguous to licensed premises. 3. No pedestrian traffic shall be allowed through any portion of the service area. The service area should be bounded on all sides by a wall, planter, or fence, 3 L/2 feet high, neasured frorn floor level. Ideal,J-y, only one opening for street or outside access should be allowed. - If noie than one is allowed, the guideline #6 which follows, should be applied. Street or outside access to the service area should be controlled in such a nanner that the licensee has control of the prernises at the opening or access to the prenises by a nethod approved by the Local Authority, which may include a gate or the presence of an employee during service hours. Prinary prernises must open directly onto the serrrice area in a nethod-which conforms to building and health codes (i.e, a door or service window). Premises which include pools, recreation areas, or grounds should be fenced and gated at the property line. other methods of demarcation such as shrubs, trees, planters, creeks, watervays, etc., DdY be considered on an individual basis in certain areas as J.ong as these plans are aPProved by both the Licensing Authority and the Department of Connunity Development. Prior to consideration by the Authority of any reguest for approval of a new change or a change of any existing outside service area, the licensee shall submit plans and drawings of the proposed controls to the Toldn of Vail Departnent of Corununity Developnent for deternination of conpliance with design criteria. All applications filed for hearing before the Authority shall include this written clearance. 9. DECK AIiID PATIO GUIDELINES Eage 2 10. Theee guldelines' where approprl.ete' ahall apply to th. appllcatl.on for nen locatl.one, tranefera, ertenElone or uodlflcatl.oos of the prenl.ees. Exlstlng ltcenaee eenrlng oa decke end patlos are hereby eneouraged to brtag thelr prenleeE lato volunt ry co'uplLaace wlth theee guldellnea.