HomeMy WebLinkAboutTOWN OF VAIL MAINTENANCE PROJECTS MISCELLANEOUS 1984-1986Yf/auZla.xz.t+/z<t /nnd fu,l // ,, -" ./ lQtuofr"**'z /fu/ua I q{?'l?{a Fl?',t ciz E =G, uJo- .=66s1 gb E::.en€ EE E: .E FE:Ec-o> e:5E :EP: cPcE --=ct33;=_E >.X E E6XE!Eo :€ 8; €eeP ElsecL (u o-sE; s oiE-qr:*e€ 96(!6E: s E E; E: - o.!l o tec)(! 0'- .:E;OU' ar o i.9 SE€5or P 3o i HAE lfiE; !u o-o -c5g: - o 6t: Juto = Fo EFzo(,) z 6 qt o) ot)o G 6 6 o 'F >G -I z ho- F9661>9(JrJz!!<oq i-o;oFO r<\i tl IU tflIr!lq:ll *tH- idI'l6 b=964o tsq Edvt,.1UJHo r-qt9ed Hfo r-1 oJ 3t u, U) tr uJ o-) z E l a z tra Jo z Y E- qJ J z E z t IJ,JF 3Iuz z J t! ) trl Fo = Ld U7 == Y,(n ti:i =z --) (o o =o uJ z atl u./ o J = I(L tr =E d o uJ o = - t: 6 Fc) d.Fv1z, c) F Jo- =Etr po I |fFl z (9 ulE J >1 u- ol z) 3iolFI LT a Io o uI = tr ci l! 5 al >J rLlq zl BlolFI = ll. o2 o uJtr J t!oz =oF E tr z '; IJJ = t!oz39 = tr oz i uJ =lr z3 F lriJl!F (!. uJz =o F C)[!tT E -rO<F uJ<zEUJF(42o <o()F iE Ii'1 F-,2doJO 2? =<ze)Fd6 ix ::Fz2 i,z =g Eh =b2<Offlfr=a ulFooo-zo Fo. UJY uJdl oF F E uJ o-rr (cl = .alrJ{ >clo-N8l tl HurbEzo z.n9Zt =z-rO(L IL 26=2 -;r ! =HE F uJ o. uJoz foI F I (L .JFl!-h='iddur>aL Ol!9o - lljxo-:>LJ I-ulJJ IL UJ @ ot- to EILo o oa, .E t E E 8 ,:. oar f=6>9[=Er! =f:t E =E,t!o-zo F(J E,Fazo C) nrn o E!! lltldtvrt: o FO Fzoo l_ l<ro I OJl-- &308 !J'- c oIE*!v !r.F ltt = rgv c -r q- rni ='- c, o-*vcx c: .'l o o<€og- oa !- -!o€-'3!{^9r+r! -() c., olJJ =F (Jzoo_-: E IH E (J {Jo P,* -Z9- O o . Ct.:< B bs.=:+1i qr 3 =J* (, lEQ (u L tr-EJcv! c |JJ- --\^F_rC! I I I l_ li E o 2 q t!lt =r!ii F z oz -J .6 oz z.o U' IJ.J !! UJ z J(J o 3 =|rJ z a UJo UJ UJ z F rl, llJ o ouJ = UJ J F xz = Yc) UJ z F z 5 J F tl,l lJ"l I8Ef;Fti = E 5.3fI ^-= o;.: o'- o o: =9-FOEi s g b Q.(gO-=9=-oo f;iFEiE;;s :Eg s!, (! c F i= - a.l? o :, -- c:(Dfiio6El eF;:5i Ela;sf, igs:il \I t\l I r\\] LtF )< oFF u.lo. b- o- 8- I ulFoz z ! @J TJ UJ at',)< =: >< =F UJ UJ F o -J l! u,l r./) 14,J a, o c, J oqr o zo9 =<coO>z de -Ji.1o= j'.< oi tr= !!! z J o = q, -,zo =oo u, F Iu,lf uJzY9 F la IF t- l^r:i<lzlol trJ ol :il F LU z tr tr- (Jl E(& t], csr\./ o 0z Y o tro (,z J l! lltl IJ Jc) I I I IF l--o= cil =.1ol u,rl _rl sl|!lol 3 FIEo () zo(J z = .Jc <F uJ<zE (,1 z () lr lil\ stl ;i .l sl TU zJ<oou)t! uJ ctlzt.l El -Jl at *l zl3l PI?o o zo() E E Iz () lU = trD FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belor items need to be complete before giving a perm'it a final C of 0. Please check off'ln the box provided. FINAL PLUMSING DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL r FINAL BUILDING TEMPORARY C of 0 CERTI FICATE OF OCCUPANCY I Project Appllcation I 7 /1///i',q .S"'".tz,^J ';/ // L- ? Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board on" ,!7r I i' ,/'ii{3 Molion by: pti&c14!' ; seconded uv' Alu Qr-l DISAPPROVAL6-o Best Copfe5 Available |n. dni.itlv.il D Statt Approval A*/Ory P /d"y -/a l'--&z:'uoo *, - -R- I lr-'r1rri1s{ for' :;',rlr,it-t:rl by thc apltl it:;rirt c:rrr bc givcn: to thc Dc:; i 1;ir ltr;\,iclvI'h e. fol lor:in1', inf<lri:r:rL itlr i:; Board l:t:lrrrr,' a fj-nal :rpproval A. BUILI)ti'i(; !tA,'l'[tllLl,S Roof Siding 0ther lial1 Materials Fasc ia Soffits Windovrs lllindow Trin Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashl.ngs Chirnneys Trash Errcl osures Grecnhous es Other B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botani ca'l Name Common Name Quantj ty Si ze I'1rr tcr'.iaI Color SHRUBS o Project Application Project Name: y' q Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: --'f .- c:_1_e_"1 .?.'r'' pti o n: Lot Architect, Address and Phone: Comments: Design Review Board *q2 DISAPPROVAL-.-=:-_.,/APPBOVAD\_:;?Il summary: ,(\ 'S-*ru rf tfl E statt Approval I oo Prolect Appllcatlon Project Name: Wtvt-- dtj f lsAAw Owner, Address and Phone: Archit€ct, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Commenls: Design Review Board Date Motion by:a-LOc'rT PA,a Ffrz-*Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL L-/._ t summary: y't-S SUAfl,fTFO - SloUt- utlF,-t-S E stattApproval MEMORAN DUM T0: Planning and Environmental Conrnission FROM: Community Dpvelopment Department DATE: August 17, 19Bz SUBJECT: Application for a conditional use permit to conduct automobileemissions testing in Commercial Coi^e III DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE The proposed activ'ity is to conduct an auto emissions test for a period of threedays ea.ch year next t9 th9 Safeway-store in Conmercial Core III. 'This uit;uityis-conducted jointly by the town of Vail Environmental Heaitn oeparimenl-;;; ifi"Colorado Department of Health. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section.lS'600, the Department of Community Development recommendsapproval of the conditional use permit based upon the foliowing factors: Consideration of Factors: Rel ationshi and impact of the on devel o nt ob ectives of the Town. The effect the use on t and air distribution of ul ati on tra ns rtati onacil i ties util ities, sc recreat i on aci i ties, andacr lities an c tac'i I i ties n The auto emissions testing is designed to make theemitted by automobiles and to deteriline the amountsvehicle in an effort to reduce air pollutjon within public aware of the poilutants of po1 lutants enritted oy eachthe val I ey. Effect upon traffic wjth part.icular reference to con estion, automotive andtrian sately q access, ma ne u vera b iuno .urouur of rno* f"or th"@ The ac-tivity will take place in the Safeway parking iot during the surnmer monthsand will not have any negative .impact upon the above. Effgc! upon the characte!: of the area in which the ro sed use is to be I ocatedncIuctlng the scale and bu No impact. No impact. e proposeo use re ation to s urroun nq uses. OAuto Emissions -2- 8/16/82 /t Suchotherfactorsandcriteriaasthecommissionde@ proposeo use. The environmental i No EIR required. F IND I NGS The Community Development Department: recommends that the conditional use perm'it be approved based on the following findings: That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of this ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it wou'l d be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the pub'l 'ic hea'l th, safety, or-welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable prov'isions of this ordi nance. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS : The staff recommends approval of the auto emissions test'ing. The testing is conducted by the Town of Vail Environmental Hea'l th Department and the Colorado Department of Health, and therefore no advertis'ing or sales of products will be i nvol ved. o ..,..^,. PEC -5- 8/23/82 A po'll of the menbers revealed: Morgan did not feel the setbacks were any problem. piper wanted further study, because as it stood now he felt he cou1d not approve it. Donovan approved of the airlock, was opposed to the front setback and the bedroom setback. Vjele wanted to look at the project Trout agreed with Viele. tota'l with some meaningful nurbers. t i.' tl .**"a After additional discussion concern'ing the total GRFA on the site if it were treated is a nornal "town-housed" project (the total GRFA was not known)' the qpplicant wis astieO if he wished to iabie thd item for more study on his part. Patten admitted that he had no idea what the GRFA would be if treated as a "town-house" proiect because of lack of records. The feasibility of a study of any kind was d'iscussed. Corcoran wanted to look at the entire proiect Piper asked how they could look at the tota'l own indjvidual lot. He felt that they shou'ld Manning asked the members how they wou'ld feel tlre project as a whole.. Morgan said he would feel the same way un'less over in GRFA. Donovan stated that she didn't fee'l that she Viele felt that he might be will'ing to change of the study. Trout was concerned with the tota'l GRFA. in MDMF and also the building separations GRFA when each bui1ding was on its deal with the situation as it exists. if there could not be a studY of it were found that the units were could approve the setback encroachments his mind depending on the results Manning requested to table his request until September 13. Piper moved-and Viele Second6d to taUle as per the applicant's request. The vote was 6-0 in favor- 7.uest for a conditional use permit in Commercja'l Core III zone djstrict to conduct outside auto emission testing next to the Safqyqy5lg1g-t would be a study of the subdivision Patten reviewed the memo. Ruth Cogan, enviromental health officer, explained that the test would be directly in froni oi ttre store, and that it would not impede traffic, and that cars co-uld go thru the test in l-l/2 minutes. Donovan moved and Morgan seconded to approv6 the request per the staff memo dated 8/17/82. The vote was 6-0 in favor. Patten announced that on Septerber'16, there regul ations . The meet'ing was adjourned at 4:25. !" oz F =e UJo- *l *l@l 6o6l-l -l .lt .: 1,, -t F.r c o.lH' 152162 , '-) | '-) ' IrlrM't(J Iz,<ll4l Fl 'a<' o,94t:4teE;iYElo 19ri> z ;-oc l+ a;;:e l; EiSI tE E$ENF = Ei€E i=uH: ;E E:€ ig;;FB--{ $; ge\,-aE a= i'SErei €i-'gF-E EP996665 iiEEg(do-!-c= o (,} tr g,fi; r t : Fi;i iEiii =>E = ,,' =dl z tr^ rEoo1>5>rr-<(o* i-(J;o .i r\i lo. lc; lfllF lpl ltl(/Jll< lpls ltd lt4(r, lE lHs l'lE' ldl,- .iz I ;HlEolH =.t lulZ t!--l-I gfltE = FSIH = l.!tFx l? EX IgoFr loI'l lQ Eil 1."Ez lo(9F{ lH -tl<ltrl =_l z .. >lo uJ uJ UJ2otr E uJ r}- J z Eo (J.n ',i:J ul Eodlo-t zo Fo- UJY uJ d) ot-t ii'i co lL .-r Iol>dl(L -'{ lo __loEl ' l-: IHurbEzo z,n9z2coo =zl= dP6rr J.^i6zizoi- -1 -': t!6il= tr CE UJct! :!{EZE<o.fo9)EB91ra Etl> =L!:-E h=E :gE :FE E69 \urE X0-t x>F=Fa ".toilt; uJo F t-D - ts =E,lrl o-zot-o :)EFazo() YJ co Fo-J z =u- trlHF |rFl tr|HIt v, H ui =z co -) UJ z ttl o = A F = tr aul c Ic F6 = tr oz d uJ = t!oz39F =c tr oz IJJE l,t-oz =I zH E tlt F-l H H fi F) =trtr I.ir oz rri llt J ltoz3oF c.)F IF-N @ ctr z ul J IL z3q F =g z oule J l! z; F 1!JulF E,ulz = FouJ EI e. G -.r O<Fcour<zs.UJF.aZ Jg<o(JF H#;F =2.-uJ O -o t2? ;f JZr.t-o i5YF =?+E Y,Z =g tt' l-Eir uJ+(ro2 o <()fifi=l i F c Dn! | -,-l- rH J-l: illl \; 8to. 5h,u;E g;s r. ls6=!nE l=968";6 lr .:;cE; ls frih*:IF;N9i 5; E N'15 tE:.eEN$ l!3i': >< =*e€! x EE; g5 o6*-Piff;;_- c r(D es;:f E ia:gTEFgg iE;; g espei .96 F P i -.= 9,*?: t.! o +i5: g i:,J$l F;;ffi qF Gur o 3 F UJ u, J ruzx i tJ.l F-r 11J ul tr(t, tDoazo Fo. UJY ul trt o.F IUF x Foz I I I IY J z J ]l. F J IA tdlIlt tfiI tU.., flj olrYl t-1 ;l ll I l*lE I I I ,A ru GIol cx :J =o tltlll-,ttrtltitualu,tdtq =t J> Et g; ;l Hl it EI =lolFI I ?l EI :l flI3lolFI vsI 0! \flJI ft\l\-l\l >l [$ -l $p ;t n -tl r.,-l *t<l r! bl r fil] I l.ll tqll:l I df,ilil I I I I olzl.lol UJI 5l <l ?l 5l Zl ,,iBt fol d FI F =Etr uJz =o c) uJtr-F o <FEC) u,J <zt trt zo() <o()F t< C (Jo1ts =t:z () x6:IF F3 Y? =8 * UJfFt-oz J<c)qg rr-r Ed><(Eu,r,? o- =6E=o H z F^S oY€-54 =E;tJg >eNFE ?I ! fi I ',ErrE=H;Iodul;l . -.)i=5 tl ..*6i+8 xl ii.= EF: HI EE$F-e il #dE€qi trlt =u,+oIo 1tF** F IbE I:E lrlrl r- o-zo Fc) :)EFazo() /s.AI )-.h=| \- / Ulcs - . F ccw,{,O-!-J:, tLi/ |O'r I>)lo- --1 |a,', I() il < \ -:36y O INSPECTION REQUEST VAILPERMTT NUMPER Or PRpJECT. / l,,t/,o* b/3o/[l rcs NAM;\ )WN t€( ,T o J- (] READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR PMAMFRI lt . BUILDING: r] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL ,Bnner-(\/ ' ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL {trfeaoveo I ]OHRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ECTIONS: INSPECT il| : .'.il CTION TOWN OF 8u f i',,., REOUEST VAIL I lr BUILD!NG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATERt] FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr (rrr'rnr-M*o,- ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING T] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr q II,DIAL T] FINAL \rRovED NRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTdR, lr €a t y-*t,trn for any project reguired to obtain a accepted until alL information is PHONE APPLICATION FOR!'I FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT I.lhis procedure is reguired Conditional Use Permit. The application will not be Eubmitted. A. NAIIIE OF APPLICANT ADDRESS B. NAI.{E OI'APPLICAI{T I S REPRESB..ITATIVE ADDRESS AUTHORTZATI SIGNATT'RE ADDRESS D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAJ. 9^-, c. PEONE 3q6 E. F. v\v* u1'\r' ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot Block Filin FEE $50.00 plus an anount equal to the then current first-class Postage rate for each property owner to be notified herewrder. A'list of the name of owners of all proPerty adjacent to the subject property and their addresses. i^ )e5{ !o*/ n)<,-0e' <' rr zo(e0 " fl:s .J('lD\ - P. O '-tlu x ,f J6 \o_cr , ro . ElJi s- t (3c't ) ut46, as) d ISer .-. $.alsV.rne..-\ conc:.tj.onaJ- (fse Permrt page z ) copies orQr. following infornatiorrrOfl. Four (4) copies orQr. following infornatiorrrO / r Al' A description of the precise nature of the proposed uqe and \-/ its operating characteristics, and measures proposed to make the use conpatible with other properties in the vicirrity. / S.) A site plan showing proposed development of the site, including \ / topography, building locations, parking' traffic circulation, useable open space, Iandscaped area, and utilities and drainage features. C. Preliminary buil-ding plans and elevations sufficient to indicatelil/the dirnensions, general appearance, scale, and interior plan of;[lsall buildings. \'\ D. Any additional material necessary for the review of the appl5-cation as determined by the Zoning Administratox. il\k IfI . Time requirements The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th llondays of each month. An application with the necessary accompanying material must be subnitted four weeks prior to the date of the meeting. The proposed use of this area is for an automobile emissions testing lane. The activity is a voluntary test program sponsored by the Co'lorado Dept of Hea'l th to gather data concerning the condition of vehicles operated in the state. The idle 'lane tests the hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emitted by the vehicle. In .|980, .|47 automobiles were tested at this s'ite in Vail; in l98l' 250 cars participated. The activity involves one van which is parked directly in front of the entrance/exit of Safeway. Normal traffic f] ow is not impeded. The activity has operated for two years with no negative comments received from adjacent property owners or the general public. LOT SIJMMARY SHEET Atl. ?.'' {ryt':'' -LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot:3 Block Filing: /nrt ,4rratTSubdivision: Orner: ) Address:_ Phone: Ormerrs l,lailing Address: Size of Parcel: Area Square Feet: 0486 SCHEDULE: 013435TYRRELL, DAVID J. BOX 3100 VAIL STATE: CO ZIp CODE: A1637VAIL HEIGHTS FIL. 1UT{IT 5 BLK OOOO LOT CCOO3 BK oa75 Pe oB55TAX ITEHS: tZtT tZtT Area in Acres: -1,"- <. -,-.\ r D - 7,L->co\!Lc.. ' -' i , re<(tol,: , €/q Nuuber of Units Allowable .-,\ Building Pernit. Info::nation: .i Permit Nunber: Date Pernit Issued: Number of units allowed: Nunber of Parking Spaces: Indoor Ortdoor Certificate Final C.O. Teup. C.O. of Occupancy Variarrr:es Issued, _*, ) Does Lot Conforn? T,OT ST'IMMARY SHEET - P(+l''tC ( LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: Lot:4 Block Subdivision:[/n,t /r,a/rf Orurgr: Filing: O35O SCHEDULE: AIzAzENOVICK, PETER B.3540 scuTH ALSICtt ENGLEIJOOD STATE: CO ZIp CODE: BOtlOVAIL HEIGHTS FIL. 1UNIT E1 ELK OOOO LOT Ornerr s t{ailing Address: Size of Parcel: Address: Phone: k"" sg*"t TAx Area in Acres: 4PTOF BK Oe47 PC OOOSBK O3B3 PG 0492ITEtlS: l?t7 t?t7 . :) \Aa-,t Nunber of Units Allowable Building Pernit Information: Permit Nrnber: Date Pernit Issued: Nr.nber of rnits allowed: Nuuber of Parking Spaces: Indoor Otrtdoor Certificate of Occupancy Final C.O. Teup. C.O. Existing Land Use:Zone District: Variances Issued Does Lot Gonform? O4e4 SCHEOULE: At3t27 SCHURENSTEDT, CARL R. BOX 1EB5 VAIL STATE: CO ZIP CODE: 41657 GORE RAI.ICE CONO. T I UNIT I-E BK 0244 PC O5?5 TAX ITEIIS:. t2l7 l2l7 ol79 SCHEDULE: O13129 OORE RAI{OE CT]ND. I I Z RAU, EEI]RCE BIIA EAST BURKE -_--siere' vr ZIP coDE: o383e CORE RAI]GE CONO. I I UNIT A-E TAX ITEIIS: l2I7 l2L7 0434 SCHEDULE: O13132 iiEdan, -iosenr c' & MARcARET F' BOX 33a6 HONTEREYHierE' cA ZrP CoDE: ?3e4o ooRE RAt'lGE CCllO' I I UIIIT 3-E DK ozaB PO O7e4 BK O?49 PG OA?5 TAX ITEI'IS: L?'17 L2l7 0237 SCH€DULE: O131e6IUTZI, HARDFIICI{ S. BOi( 3010 VAIL STATE: CO ZIP CODE: et6i7 GORE RAIIGE COND. I tut{lT 1-1., BK 0244 PG O5?3 oo53 SCHEDULE: Ot313l BROl.,tl, RONALD E. , .J. CLARK & EVELYI{ N. BOX 1064 VAIL 0321 SCHEDULET O131tA STATE: CO ZIP CODE: A1657 I"IILLER, THC:"IAS P. & EEVERLY R. CORE RAIJCE CGNO. IT BOX tB17 uNlT 3-t'J VAIL BK Oe$6 PO 0400 STATE: CO ZIP CODE: A1637 TAX ITEI'IS: l?17 121,7 OORE RAI'IOE COND. I I ur'tlT a-u BK O2?O PO 0196 TAX ITEt'lS: 1317 1a17 6 / t\ otqrT S'CHEDULE: o13072 HAI_L, JOIII'I RE:!ALD, JR. BOr aO50 VAIL STATE: CO ZIP CODE: 81657 PII{E RIDGE TEI{T{HT]USE Ui,IIT 3 PH.ASE III PK Oe49 Pc O?77 TAX lTEtlS: l2l7 L2l7 Ot67 SCH€DULE: O13606 EARDNER, .JEAI{ H. BOX 219 VAIL STATE: CO ZIP CODE: At6iz PINE RIDGE TOIrt{HOUSE UNIT 9 PHASE tII PK Oe61 Pc 0456 TAX ITEtlS: t2L7 LZLT O19e SCH€DULE: Ot3677 FEFRE, FRED C. JR. & LIT{DA R. BO:( a354 VAIL STATE: CO ZIP C0DE: Bt637 . PINE. RIDCE TCI{HHGUSE UNIT 7 PHASE III BK Oe70 Fc o9s9 BK Oe70 Pc otge TAX ITEl,iS: 1.ZLZ L?I7 OtlT SCHEDULE: O13178 DEr|ARTIT.I, JAI,ISS .L. & DEI.IISE E. BO.( B?1 VATL STATE: CO ZIP CODE: A1637 PII{E RIDCE TOI.JHHOUSE UNIT TO PHASE I I I BK O?34 PC 0689 TAX ITEI'IS: t2l7 l?17 o1f .i D=ACI:J, AI]OREIJ TFiII,iJ.]_ F.OiiLER, DEBORA L. BO:{ 3303 VAIL STATE: CO ZIP CODE: 41637 PINE RIDCE TGIJNHBUSE UIIIT 4 PH,4SS III BK O2?5 PC Ole6 TAX ITEr'!S: L2l7 l?17 OOTO SCHEDULE: O1367t CARTER, CHARLES I.I. , JR. & NORHA HOCSETT, ROBERT F, & JUDITH W. 8AS SOUTH JtrSEPHII,IE STREET DEI'IVER STAT€: CO ZIP CODE: SO?OP PIT.IE RIDCE TtrI.'NHCUSE UNIT 1 PHASE III BK O2B8 PQ OA74 TAX ITEt'lS:. l2l7 l?17 \' I,EGAL DESCRIPTIOI.I: LOt:A Subdivision: Ornrer:flrro Address: Phone: Onrerrs l,{ailing Address: Size of Parcel: :. r*aa Qarrqr.a l.-.|^vcvttgg.vr! Area in Acres: LOTI SUMMARY SHEET A \ ,a,' | ./ *-f-r", ''' Block F /t46 ,4,/no"n"'u /'l oeo3 SCHEDULE: ol3a36 HARPER, DAr'll,lY h. Bg1€39- VAILIToit' co ZIP G'DE: 8t657 Fii'iE nrocE rol+{HousE':';.;; ; PHASE III"'"' -"K oe5o Pc 0969 TAX ITEI4S: t2I7 r2l7 ilins: / I t I ! I l, --r--- ,{aP Nunber of tlnits Allowable Buifding Pernit Inforaation:Peroit Nuuber: Date Pernit Issued: Number of units allowed: Nunber of Parking Spaces: Indoor (hrtdoor Certificate Final C.O. Teup. C.0. of Occupancy Existing Land Use:Zone District: Variances Issued Does Lot Conforn? ;,J /iir r,1 rft f ,la/tl.t t.5t- (r11r'r ll (r,,rrrnrr. rrr/,r /Al,!ir, r r 1 i ..lv^tll't -(lr\r r.'. \ii A/r, .l I l tl l, r '. tD atNtI at)llrll 'r t /,, o rESr v^lL ^ssuclatEs rva a LARRY SPE RS A CARTTOLL ROG€Rg 'OG II5 RIOGEVIEI IAV LArlON. Ox. aJ5o5 O I E a aSsOCtarES tt/a I c. HuDsoN ttPtH.rr^lNL.rEBEn so rEst NoNio€r .orx FLooR cHlc^Go. lLL. 6060!a Ftlsl 6at{x oF EAGLe Flt P.O- aor 56th €aGL€r co. al5Jl r€sl YllL lssocllrEg tYA arv s^ncE|rr s n Po 8ol a2aE LAXIANA. FLA 33.62 . J' t'ioras cussE.. ous l;ftri"l"i3ii"o sr6rt- o o a |lOllPO Gr StlOraLtEP '. Sr.O 2AJ5l LOR^IN ROAO i{oRl}l oLisr€oo oh. aao ro a : a 'a o a o o O o ,^ut- v€ sreRs rE I t{ SUnl HlrpoL vES J622 CLADS'O|€ S lR€E r ouLUrH. x{. 55AOa sc^r{olxlvla|| s{l s}roPs - sca l6al laureclt{ noao GL€ivl€lr I LL. 600 25 r. elcxano x€Lxs .' --------- --5ol cao JExr{En c aLocK orE I ata PLA ZA cxtcaoo. lL 6061| A32 FELL STRE€I SAt{ FRANCISCO. Cl. 9alt? J^r€3 P. ^VEGAPIg .. --,-^ve 29 EASI FtRSt StReer TtINSDALET lLL. 50521 |.oraPo 6. sHoraLlEF. ,- - -- s!lo.. 26504 LORAIi{ ROAO ' X0tlh OLI|SI€OI Oxr aaOTO rESt vall. ^ssocllrEs ,,----tY^ 6rrne y^!LEY EdrEnPnts€s - - 6ttll P.o. 8(!r..30 ' XOrleO G. SHOIaLIER Y^tL. COLOAAOO gl65t . o .----.-''. rC I ASSOCIIIES - rla I C- HUOSON .lntH.P^lN€.reaet' 30 r€Sr rONROe. aOfH FLOOI CfllCAGO. ILL. 6060l a slro 2a36a LoRA I N IOAO .. -.i xoRrH oLrsr€o. ofi. aaoTo O o ,at,lfc ,f tata2 if, I VAA|"E-OTNERS or060 valL DAs scxor.E coNoo assN F.SL COr{'POL CUSTOr.€e N^[E,TAOORESS LlSr A/Ca Ol I OO -OOO :i"i" ": ,. t{lrE Irtr looREss l/e aooPess 3 . |'^e(E P/|F Ta.ERSrt I P rlcFA€L Eunxs. 6ua aal' €Lr rv€xu€ ColUraUSr Ox. {3209 - Jos€pn o€lTnfcrr , O€l 99Jl L.rlo€ ^YexuESUlt€ '1O CaaL rQlcrat , aCt 6.a9 A|.vftrEo^\€ rlLL v^(LEv' Cr' 9a9a l - trt,.lcr AeUGL fru p.O. BOr lsol vllL. CO|"(FIOO Ol65? caP c.ro s. |-outs BATHJE 2OJ s. L t 6€RrY - Ste I LLOYO l^OC nH€AtON. lL 6016? SxOx l€. lLL. 6OO7t a o .o a o a t t t , , a a sfc|"lro .lret.€RsLtP li€|le|' autYIral|-t tEsoarf p,r(l.,F9rlf s J2t5 Soulx lf€tLf CO.€ v.!L€Y €t tEeptts€S ctr| 9.O. tor .lo vltL. c(l_(x"o(t al65t Fle.grI€ PO(x. lr.r€str€tfs ta€ ta3tt r.la.t.v t tltl at l'$at torr ^ ' r^l ',"' t' J fil cto l*<tctle xSlL' lt'<' tOl gullo'{ PLact 'rt l'(t' 8€s I J'O' '^cr\rrlslx9ca snulx J(l1t Ftl | {l O|Cr{vce. CoLnerOO aO2O r t t rl lCxl la. <t 61202 Of r{yt 1r. COl,r),r^OO 50222 tEit yal! rSIOCl^lC-COrrC{Ct.L ry^ t'$ . \'ii' t ) ' !'-.Lc. \\ \\. -z-t- \\,*, ,,{ { % "r!;i" (\ $0- ^$,f* t"' 'rs'9- D- -_r\ CJ tu ^lt,anF,Au,5Y \ot4'r a- T. , /"lr(!4 t,.a < ^a.tbt'+#' ,|u 09f"'f' 7r t' +t'7,/-*! p$,i' \ I tt6 ,i.,:#nf''fvi,t ) ,"!' lv' I (n tu IJJu-F = uJo- ;; ulF z z ) 6 .6 I I I I I .Ft<td I I I I l. IFt<(eIFl.nzl=to lotz uJz3 uJIF o o o @ .o @ .9E (! =oF o o o(Do o .go. o oE o E o oooo o) I o E o =cl ao o (! 3 .9 E ;;; g :.P :t €*tEs..= (! -Flc= F 8E:E .s : o.= itFi c96F.lo5oB5;'; E EE: EE gF EideAEAEd=-oo: o-o!E-ol : *:€E61n :E€HieEel-s=: - o..!J o --cf(! 0'- !-c; o r,, '-E--s€;E ; s:; lfiE;9E o - €Egg -o(!.: .n UJ UJlt == uJo- J Fto F =uJ z .. >l uJ uJ uJz aF uJ ) z E >tr _Io) =l!di =.Dol :< o =Zz!-o ootr ^ 6zq 5 =9FO6iFar=vroE6b E(JzX |I<(oq iH6 E-R 2 dNO LL CE - UJ z E z tr UJFJ BuJz oz cE ul ts U)ooazo Fo- UJY lrJdl oF tr =trlljc ll.o o- ol =.1ol uJl 5t al>l 5l zl 3lIFI ol uJl crl JI 3lIlol fl I I ol =.1 fll 1l <l>l II-lol 3l sOl urFI F I =.1ol uJl 1t <l>l tl-lol zl]tolFI I I frf Iolr-{ |F-l I I I .il =,|ol uJl 5l al>lr!lol zl 3lolFI ! +J Uo tlt =z = tr Lit'!o o+, !(u llt!+, ii =z o-) (o = tltltltllorllstl ED NI I .d Ll+l ojlcl =i>.6 Id rlqolxllJ.l IdfrldoA clocl d,JC a<4Z E ir =.! tY o2 >Y ;# )z(!O z - uJ -.r O<Ftto IJJ <zEUJF.nZo() uJ EE trnn z,"9zecoo =z o-- P ifi 2"F= dd= !trn =lr uJc lI- ;l!EZE<ofoq)EB9tirae'= lcEL E --t t- =uJ:-E h=E f c-o.uJE =o-E Ub9 \urE Xo.t x>6=Ftl 'io-!i ru F I -- E =E, lrJo-zoF(J -E 6zoo i 4t i H-q3 |\i"sl Eggi; € gEta :$ElE i€Fi€ fli:i € IiEEg60-!-f,490s ggE:s E !a;p iegEg :< o;ZZU-oootr--cnz3i >9g H of, ttgA6b 8r= 3 ,., :]f,oG- ar uJF.q 3i^lO u,l JJ -,r I<l 3l !) J i Ft gJo. tl?.o zl .. >lo uJoul UJzo E B' .J z 9 = z ,r9ze @o =z=l :) d8 J EEi A;E nfro L auo, rLoti uI59E<cf€8sE.9.EE => = uJ-! nax f E.: G IIJ5 >o-E ubP iurtr xo-r :>e q*o-i!tr uJ @oF Dtt frB\z/J=rI ri.i =z (D I N \ eJ EI 4 !l fl I Id1 g q aolH I I eJ st f, a G -rO<FG(JuJ<ze,UJF<56 () oF C) GF at oz lo = o- ^{-*l ld& ) 4-nr) -z I,&ai, al ) ."-"F zln.- a )Z-A,="//l /.'-- 7 L// ' n t7 . Je--' :,Y' -,lJ Fq7q/-e/l-- a*-:Jz )) ,l Lodnrp 'lunl /zt,r /-tt ffilfu n'/ /ufl@arffi ht, ( nr eeR t €//5/.dG rW r Ug.) frmfror's cl // %A AkUr*" * rr-/a,;,t {/sc iH,<- ?lq'- /6f r ,"#"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL ./'DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr tr FRAMING BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr B tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr FINALFINAL ELEGTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr tr FINAL tr u FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR \\4t I N I N I I I 'e) u)_s u) Y o -'---) $ { N tr!D z o9ze(oo =zJO(L t! ifizli dd=r(r F E uJct!o 59EAcLl€EB9tt irie'EE =>FJI- =ulr-E b=(,o-trE =*E 66I 5trE Xo-t x>E :.I Fa ..1o-i!E uJ @ F --E e t I luJIF I I I I I I I tcl IE lv ot: o.Y,.=-6;Slci gsE; E EE g:I : ::: le :ll5:r.Y' ?rF! 6;;e !EEFE E; EE: g";Egc sF;si rEigrg;,u65 EEEH? -Eo3ZZU-o 90F^tlrzq 5 >eF 9 6E66 az>-ooo(2.ezXtr <(cto-Jr.r?S}U Ei9 tdN(J trzfz9.a<oo< > iii>Exrr6o<z ; Eli|!tl;l **'ll ; ;l ul ;l ' z =lJ- Ir){{- vrl ii =z @ t! o = )i\lt N R.\\J $'t 14E z I I I I I .lol z.l olurl cEl JI al>lLIol zl elFI ol =.1oll!l EEI JI al>l tr.lq zl3l 9tFI rltltlttttlolllltolI rJJltCEl| --rlt<ll>lI u-llollzl Bil I I I I el dlujltrlJI at>l tI.lol flp UJL ()c <FEOuJ<zEt!F(rzoo OOz.F =#JZu-oo oF E,Fzo() 2 '.c)ul = l-() =+8.o2 DATE rnstcrtoN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: C] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: - tr UNDERGROUND . _ o ROUGH/D.W.V. ,- - tr ROUGH/WATER tr GAS PIPING - tr POOL / H. TUB _o _tr - tr FINAL MECHANICAL: - tr HEATING - tr EXHAUST HOODS - tr SUPPLY AIR - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL u tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIFED OATE INSPECTOR c)V, € Ocf oz F ur=l- uJao-loo-zo F(L uJY _ur Ig.l oFt CEul.L b*l EEI?;lrlgur 2E z (J9 =4..DO =zd9 =E= - i\ J- =u1 u6E= tr ul tI-o LrJoz l o oF tr(L JFuJ;h= =Eo- LlJ>o-OrLoo xIx>EFJJ tr llJdloF co E CI -9o oE .E : E EoIJ o -] - ts =E lrJ a-zoF C) E,F(nzoo n!tr \l0: I ll- !H t3il rll1lrt, I It E:g I 15ox 6.Y, ||Jt r;€;E I; €; sE: l[ EgEEg$ iiiii $l i$;:E igEgg EtlEE E l;E; gBiEg NOrlVntVA zl .. >l IJJ uJ IJJzoF UJ(L J zI tr o >E itu z tr^ gtsato1>9()9ZrI-<o* i-(J;oFO 'j(\i l>llrjt=l.clu*lETl'Nl€or lltt. t+J- .\.n fil BE r!l 5l al>l tLlol zl 3l PI =.1olr!l 5l <l>l t!lol zl3lolH I I I 3| lrJl 1l al>l lLlol il r PI H =l el olrul .El Jl <l>l tl-lol zl =lolFI u LP (U lrl =z =(I tr F ol uJl cEl JI alilol zl FI iJ3 "r OF\ I (, =J lJ- !o, .6!.FI (t' =q) 'f N I ui =z dt "-) tltltlql EIqlfl!l+llt4 lqlqlqldltd-1 UltEltcrtolul <lad4a E2? ;f =Fd6o z IO uJ = t-Eirg+EOz <oOF;OtrsOFv2 F uJ c) -.r O<Fcc)uJ<ZEL!F(rzo C) !trD